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Illicit Desires

Rating: 84
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Posts: 27 Pictures: 6 
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GH. This is an awesome story. Thank you for writing it.



Posts: 25
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please keep it going


Posts: 125
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those were some great chapters..........just wondering about that hard on as he is listening to his there a hook in there.......with your writing one never it

thanks again



Posts: 111
#124 · Edited by: jjthom99
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I thank you for the pleasure your writing provides


Posts: 111
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Sorry, I posted to the wrong story! Can you ever forgive me.
I am a great fan of your and stormy. These are both outstanding stories.
I greatly apologize! I should not do 2 things at once let alone 3.
May I be flamed for every


Posts: 1459
#126 · Edited by: stormydog
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That was very hot GH, but also very painful. I can't imagine having to know about something like that, and then having to hear it. Tough to have your heart stomped on and be aroused at the same time, but that would do it! I love the way you're bringing this story along, very s*******ful. Thanks for writing it!


Posts: 158
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Not sure what else I can say about your talents and abilities . Thanks from all of us out in cuck land.


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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GREAT segment!!!

It sounds like his hard cock is giving away his hidden cuck side?

I'm really looking forward to when the cuckolds brownie hits the fan and the trap is sprung!

Thanks for sharing your tallent with us.
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 33
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Hi good hubby.

This is becoming a fantastic story. Truly one of the best so far, and you set a high bar.

lick buddy


Posts: 277
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Posts: 4050
#131 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Thank you for the kind comments. I appreciate them.




Don't worry, I'm not offended. You can write kind comments about storm's stories on my threads anytime you want.


Posts: 4050
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Realizing that I was leaving for California in the morning, I pulled myself together. I had work to do. I didn't have time to wallow in permisteral misery.

After taking a few minutes to make a list of what I needed to accomplish before I left, I walked to the electronics store two blocks down the street and bought an mp3 player with a small attached speaker.

As soon as I returned to my office I loaded the recording of Pete and Katie's tryst in the motel room on to the mp3 player and stopped it at a key point. Once that was done I went to work cleaning up the loose ends on the three projects I'd been working on for Jupiter.

It was 2:15, I'd just finished my work on all three projects and was busy cleaning off my desk when Myra walked into my office. "Frankie, Irv would like to see you for a few minutes."

I smiled. "Tell him I'll be right there Myra."

Five minutes later I was knocking on Irv's door frame.

"Hey Frankie, come on in."

"What's up Irv?"

"Have a seat."

"Okay." I sat in one of the leather chairs in front of his desk.

As soon as I was settled, he said; "I didn't think you were coming in today."

"I still had a few details that I needed to take care of before I leave."

"How are things going with Katie?"

"Not good, she met her lover in a motel last night. A detective made a recording of their meeting. It was bad, really bad."

"I'm sorry to hear that Frankie. Are you going to proceed with the divorce?"

"Irv, I don't think I have a choice."

He nodded. After a moment he asked, "So I assume that you still want me to tell Myra to make the changes to your 401k and how your paychecks are deposited.”

"Yes Irv, I do."

"I'll tell her in the morning. Will that be all right?"

"Yeah that will be fine."

"Wrightman Construction has arranged for you to stay at the Claymount Inn. It's a small hotel on the edge of downtown. All their rooms are luxury suites."

"It sounds nice."

"Believe me, it is. They also agreed to let me borrow you for a day or two every few weeks, so you can plan on coming back for an occasional visit."

"Good, it will be nice to be able to come home once in a while."

"Myra has your plane ticket and rental car information. She got you a small SUV, I hope that's all right."

"It will be just fine. You know me Irv, I'm not into fancy vehicles."

Irv stood up and walked around his desk. Knowing that was his way to signal the end of a meeting I stood up too.

Extending his hand, Irv said; "Frankie, we'll miss you and I"m sorry about you and Katie. Maybe this change of scenery will help you get through it."

I hope so Irv.

After we shook hands I returned to my office and quickly finished cleaning off my desk. Once that was done I picked up my brief case and my laptop computer and left.

On my way out I stopped at Myra's desk. "Irv said you have my plane ticket and rental car information."

She handed me an envelope. "It's all in here Frankie."

As I took it from her, Myra said; "Frankie, I'm going to miss you."

"I'll be back."

"I know, but I'm still going to miss you."

I smiled at her. "I'm going to miss you too Myra." And then I turned and left the building."

I still had two remaining tasks to take care of before I met Dana at Murphy's bar and grill. I needed a safe place to store my Escape while I was in San Francisco and I had to find a place to stay that night. I knew that after the impending confrontation with Katie and Munmister was over there wasn't any way I was going to spend the night at the house..

I drove to a secure parking garage near the airport and leased a space for the next year. Once that was done I checked into a nearby hotel.


Posts: 4050
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I was sitting at the bar at Murphy's having a pint of Harp when Dana walked in. It was 5:30, she was right on time.

I stood up. "Hey Dana."

Smiling when she saw me, she walked over, kissed my cheek and said; "Lets grab a booth."

I picked up my beer and followed her. We sat opposite each other rather than on the same side. In the future it was possible that we might become lovers, but both of us understood that this was not the appropriate evening for that to occur.

As soon as we were settled Dana said, "Frankie I'm so nervous."

"I know, so am I."

"Pete's been a rotten husband, but I once loved him and we've spent a lot of years together. Knowing that it's all about to come to an end is difficult."

"Yeah, it is. Katie and I have only been together for about a year, but I thought she was the love of my life." Shrugging, I added; "I think she might always be the love of my life."

"Did you listen to the recording?"

"Most of it. I had to stop before I got to the end. I learned a lot about my wife. I guess I really didn't know her."

The waitress arrived. Dana ordered a beer. I still had most of mine. We both ordered cheeseburgers and we added a large order of french fries to share.

After the waitress was gone, I said; "I'm not a prude, I really don't care about the things she was doing in college, even the lesbian sex shows for her boyfriends. Nobody was getting hurt, it was just kinky sex games. None of it is really that big a deal to me. Katie loves sex and she's a free spirit, so what? What bothers me is that she didn't try to include me in it. Hell, she not only didn't include me, she deliberately hid it from me. She deliberately excluded me."

"Are you saying that you wouldn't have minded Katie having an affair with Pete if she'd told you about it?"

I laughed, "No I don't think I'm that open minded."

"How about if she just did a guy in the back seat of his car outside Brady's every Friday night. You know, a stranger, a guy she'd never see again. Would that have been okay?"

"I guess that would have been better, but why did she have to do other guys at all? Why couldn't she just be kinky with me?"

"From the things she said to Pete, I kind of got the impression that she likes a little variety."

"Yeah okay, I got that idea too; but why did she have to hide it from me? She should have been up front about it and told me before we got serious about each other. At least then I could have had a choice about whether or not I wanted to be in a relationship like that. Why did she have to pretend? When she was around me she always maintained the facade of a prim and proper lady, a prude. Why did she have to do that?"

"I don't know Frankie, maybe you should ask her."

"Maybe I will sometime, but not for awhile. It's going to take me some time before I can stop being mad at her. I'm glad I'm going to San Francisco tomorrow."

The waitress brought our food. The cheeseburgers and french fries were good. We made small talk while we ate. I told her more about the job in San Francisco and then we talked about places that we'd like to visit. Pete didn't like to travel, so Dana had never really been anywhere. I was so busy going to school that I never had either. Dana told me that she wanted to see London and Paris. I agreed, both of those cities were at the top of my list too."

After we finished eating we had a short disagreement about who was going to get to pay the check. We decided to split it.

By the time we were walking out of the restaurant it was 6:30. We stopped on the sidewalk by our cars so that Dana could call Jeff Wheeler.

"Hi, it's Dana Munmister. Is anything happening?"

Dana listened for a moment and then she said, "Okay, we should be there in about fifteen minutes."

She switched off her cell phone and looked at me. "Pete and Katie are at your house. They arrived together about thirty minutes ago. Pete parked his car in your garage stall."

"Katie's trying to be discreet. She doesn't want the neighbors to see his car."

"Jeff Wheeler has his van parked around the corner on Benmister Avenue. He said that the cameras and microphones are all working perfectly. He's recording everything. Let's go, I'll follow you. I'll call my dad and the lawyers while were driving over there. Jeff wants us to meet him at his van before we go into the house."


I got into my car and Dana got into hers. Filled with nervous apprehension, I pulled away from the curb. As I accelerated down the street I checked the rear view mirror. Dana was right behind me.


Posts: 4050
#134 · Edited by: goodhusband
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With Dana still right behind me, I drove by my house. The living room curtains were closed. There wasn't any indication that anyone was at home. Of course it was a midsummer evening. At ten minutes to seven there was still full daylight. There wasn't any need to have the lights turned on.

At the corner we turned on to Benmister Avenue. A van with the logo "Wheeler Cable Repair" painted on the side was parked two houses down facing us. I made a u turn and parked behind the van. Dana parked behind me.

We got out of our cars. Dana knocked on the back door of the van. A second later it opened and Jeff wheeler stepped out. Inside I could see a technician monitoring an array of electronic equipment including several flat screen television monitors, four radio receivers and three lap top computers. A large, well muscled black man was sitting in the front seat of the van.

Nodding to us, Wheeler said; "Ms. Munmister, Mr. Reese, good evening. They're in there, but for a while I thought they were going to leave."

I looked at him with a puzzled expression. "What do you mean?"

He shook his head. "It was the funniest thing. As soon as they got into the house they started making out hot and heavy. The way they were going at it, I thought they were going to do it right there on the living room couch; but then Munmister suggested that they move into the bedroom. When they entered hall leading to the den and the bedrooms, Munmister tried to pull your wife into the master bedroom. She wouldn't go. She told him that they had to use the guest room. At first Munmister tried to persuade her that they'd be more comfortable in the master bedroom, but your wife wouldn't budge, She was adamant that they were not going to go in there."

Dana smiled. "That's my husband. He has to play his games. He wanted to fuck Katie in your marital bed."

I grinned at Dana. "And Katie wasn't going to let him do it."

Grinning back, Dana said; "Frankie, no matter what she's done, it's obvious that your wife still cares about you."

"I know that you heard some pretty shocking things on that recording we made at the motel last night, but I have to agree with Ms. Munmister. I think your wife does still care about you."

"I know, but it's going to be hard for me to get by the lying and the deceit and I can't understand why she's willing to do things for him that she won't do for me."

Wheeler looked at me with a puzzled expression.

Dana said, "She won't let Frankie have anal sex with her."

"Oh" Wheeler slowly nodded his head. It was obvious that he'd listened to the recording made at the motel last night.

Realizing what Wheeler had just learned, I was suddenly overwhelmed with embarrassment.

Noticing my discomfort, Wheeler said; "Don't worry Mr. Reese. This is my business, I hear this kind of stuff all the time. I never gossip and I don't judge people." He smiled. "If it makes you feel any better, my wife won't let me do it either."

All three of us laughed.

"But I'll bet your wife isn't letting some other guy do it to her." I was smiling at him.

Wheeler grinned at me. "I hope not, I'd hate to have Ricky looking at videos of Janice and some well hung hunk." He nodded towards the technician monitoring the equipment in the van.

We laughed some more. The laughter was good. It helped relieve the tension that Dana and I were feeling.

I was just about to ask Wheeler what was happening now when a black Mercedes Benz turned the corner followed by a silver Toyota Avalon. Both cars parked across the street from us. Arthur Kendall got out of the Silver Toyota and his lawyer, Herm Bennett and a younger man got out of the Black Mercedes.

Mr. Kendall walked over to Jeff Wheeler and asked; "Are they in there? Do we have enough incriminating video? Can we go inside?"

Wheeler looked into the van. "Hey Ricky, do we have enough?"

"Yeah, we got plenty. Ms. Jordan just finished performing fellatio on Mr. Munmister and now they're having intercourse."

"Keep recording."

"Don't worry, I am."

"We've got enough. Let's go." He turned back to the van. "Jerome, were ready for you."

The large black man got out of the van. As he walked over to us Wheeler said, "This is Jerome, his job is to make sure that no one gets hurt." He looked at me. "Mr. Reese, that includes Munmister and your wife."

He paused for a moment and then he said; "Mr. Reese, Ms. Munmister, please forgive me, but I need to be certain that you're not armed."

I smiled at him. "It's okay, I understand. You don't want us to end up on the ten o'clock news."

"That's right."

Jerome reached into the van and took out a plastic basket and an electronic metal scanning wand. After he handed the wand to Wheeler he held out the basket and said, "Please put everything that you have in your pockets into this basket."

I took my cell phone, my wallet, my money clip, the loose change I had and the mp3 player with the attached minispeaker out of my pockets; then I removed my wedding ring and wrist watch and set everything in the basket.

Wheeler quickly ran the wand over me. As soon as he was done he said; Thank you Mr. Reese, you can put everything back now"

As I put my belongings back in my pockets, Wheeler turned to Dana. "Ms. Munmister, do you have anything in your pockets?"

"No, nothing metal. I am wearing a wrist watch, a necklace and two rings."

"Would you please remove them and set them in the basket."

"Of course."

Behind me I heard Arthur Kendall growl, "Is this really necessary?"

Next to him, Herm Bennett said; "Yes Arthur, it is. Mr. Wheeler doesn't know Mr. Reese and your flower. This is a precaution he has to take. He's very thorough. That's why you hired him."

Arthur Kendall reluctantly said, "Okay."

Dana had put her watch and jewelry in the basket and handed her purse to Jerome. As soon as Wheeler was done wanding her, he asked; "May I look in your purse?"

Dana smiled. "Of course."

Jerome handed Dana's purse to Wheeler. He took a quick look inside and then held it for Dana while she put her jewelry and watch back on.

Once she was ready he handed her purse back to her and then, he said; "Okay, we're ready. Mr. Reese, Ms. Munmister and Jerome will ride over to the house together in Mr. Reese's SUV. “

He looked at me. “Mr. Reese, park in front of the house and try to be quiet. Unlock the front door. Leave it open so that we can follow you. Once your inside the house quietly lead Ms. Munmister to the guest bedroom. Jerome will trail behind you. He is only there to stop trouble if it starts. Ms. Munmister should go into the bedroom first and quietly greet her husband."

Turning to the others, he said; "As soon as Mr. Reese's car turns the corner, you'll wait for one minute and then get into your own cars and follow them. Park in the street. Do not park in the driveway. Go into the house quickly. Mr. Bennett do you have the divorce papers?"

Mr. Bennett nodded towards the young man who was with him. "Yes, Dave has them."

"Is Dave going to serve them?"


"Dave, give Mr. Reese and Ms. Munmister an opportunity to have their say, then step forward."

Wheeler turned to us. "The two of you should step back at that point and let Dave do his job."

Dana and I both nodded.

"All right, let's get started. Ms. Munmister, leave your keys with. I'll bring your car."

Dana opened her purse and took out her car keys. After she handed them to Mr. Wheeler she turned to me and said; "Are you ready?"


"Let's go."

As we walked to the car, Jerome said, "I'll ride in the back."

Dana smiled. "Jerome, you're a big guy. Let me ride in the back."

Jerome shook his head. "No ma'am, thank you; but when we do this I try to be as unobtrusive as possible. It's better if I ride in the back.

Dana nodded.

We got into the car. As I pulled away from the curb, Dana said; "Frankie, I'm so nervous."

"I know Dana, so am I."


Posts: 438
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Fantastic GH, I'm sure one or two twists are just round the corner

Thank you

Mel xx


Posts: 4050
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Thanks Mel

I'm a little worried. This is a very big story. I may have to take a few breaks. I've been writing pretty hard to get this last section done.



Posts: 438
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Take the breaks GH...we'll all wait, anything worth having is worth waiting for

Thank you so much for all your effort

Mel xx


Posts: 54
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Posts: 111
#139 · Edited by: jjthom99
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Unreal, the emotions that you brought to this story so far are enormous. The character build is fantastic. I truly hope Frankie and Katie eventually get back together based on the emotions you built into their characters. My anticipation is that this story will continue as only you can write. I enjoy your writing and appreciate your talent. It must be time to hit the little round ball!
Thank You,


Posts: 1916
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Awesome segments GH, thanks for all the great stories you keep providing.


Posts: 492
#141 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
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Brilliant, just fucking brilliant. Two thumbs, no make it four thumbs up.

Now take a break, go play some golf and for God's sake, hide your computer. If your wife sees all the work you just did, she'll kick your ass for sure. I thought you were going to take it easy????

Thank you so much GH. I was hoping for one more segment, you brought us what, six? You writing natural you. I'm so glad to see Pete get kicked to the curb, . I'm rooting for Dana and Frankie. We all know that Dana can show good old Frankie a thing or two, at least give her a shot.

Why should Dana wait for Frankie to come home? She's single now, she's got money, she should just fly out to CA to visit and bring her anal lube with her. Set that boy straight and put a big smile on his face.

I'm sorry, but once that bond of trust is broken, there's no going back. It's like a house with a crumbling foundation, you just know it's not going to last.

Excellent, excellent, excellent GH. Thanks.


Posts: 27 Pictures: 6 
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Truly your most outstanding piece of work. The emotions are strong and I can identify with them. You have a talent here that is well beyond a message board. I thank you for all your hard work.



Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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WOW!!! That was fantastic!

You did one hell of a job with this story and really made the cuckolds brownie hit the fan when the gang showed up to bust them. I kinda liked the way Pete got kicked to the curb and ran out of town with the shirt on his back.

Hope you talk a long break and take some time for you and your wife. I'll keep an eye open for your return.

Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 4050
#144 · Edited by: goodhusband
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For some reamister four posts to this story got dropped. I will try to repost them this afternoon or tonight. I do not know what happened. They were there Thursday afternoon. Fortunately I do keep copies of my posts. If you read this story recently and it seemed to make an umeplainable jump, that's why. It did.


I have restored the posts. The first of the missing segments is the one just preceding this post. For some reamister my final post survived. In order to maintain continuity I replaced that post with the first missing post and then posted everything in proper order.


Posts: 4050
#145 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I pulled up to the curb in front of my house and stopped. The curtains were still drawn tightly shut. As I shifted my SUV into park, Jerome said; "Quiet now, we don't want to do anything to alert them."

Dana and I both nodded. We silently opened the doors, slipped out of my Escape and gently closed them again. We looked at Jerome. He gestured towards the front door.

I led the way. Dana and Jerome followed me. On the front steps I opened the storm door, pushed my key into the lock and turned it. I felt it click. After putting my key away, I turned the doorknob, quietly opened the door and stepped inside. Dana and Jerome were right behind me.

I immediately heard Katie's voice. "Fuck me you mister of a bitch! Fuck me hard! Give it to me! Make me cum!"

Next to me Dana grasped my wrist. I turned. She was smiling at me. She whispered, "Be strong Frankie."

I smiled back at her.

With a background of Katie's steady cries urging Pete on to greater efforts, we silently passed through the kitchen and the dining room. When we entered the living room we saw Pete and Katie's clothing brownietered around the room. It was apparent that their little sex party had started here.

Moving as quietly as we possibly could, we entered the hallway leading to the bedrooms and den.

I stopped just short of the guest bedroom door. Dana was right next to me. I noticed that Jerome was hanging back near the entrance to the living room. He was being discreet. Our spouses were in the bedroom naked and engaged in sexual intercourse. He wasn't going to go any farther unless he was needed.

I gestured towards the open door. Dana nodded and then she took a deep breath and and stepped into the bedroom. I followed her.

Katie was on her back. Munmister was on top of her. They were both naked. Munmister was pumping his cock in and out of my wife's cunt, his butt moving up and down in a rapid, powerful rhythm. Katie's arms were wrapped around his shoulders. Her legs were locked in a vise grip around his hips. She was meeting each of his thrusts with a powerful counter thrust of her own.

I chuckled to myself. They were doing it in the missionary position. It didn't seem to be very imaginative for two sexual adventurers like my wife and her fuck toy.

In front of me Dana said; "Pete, Chicago is an eight hour drive. If you're going to get there in time to have dinner with your client, you'd better hurry." She paused for a moment and then she continued, "Oh that's right, how foolish of me. You weren't telling the truth. How could you have been, you haven't had a client in five years."

Pete's butt stopped moving up and down.

Pausing her counter thrusts, Katie pushed Pete's head to the side. For several seconds she stared at us with a puzzled expression and then realizing that I was standing in the doorway, a look of horror swept across her face. She squeaked, "Frankie? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in Kansas City."

I shrugged. "I lied Katie, but it appears that lately I'm not the only one who's been lying."

Pete rolled off of my wife. With his erect penis sticking obscenely straight up, he said; "Dana honey, don't get the wrong idea. I've never seen this woman before. We met in a bar this afternoon. She got me takes. I think she might have spiked my beer with some of that date **** have."

Shaking her head in disgust, Dana said, "How did I ever fall in love with a pathetic worm like you. Pete, you're not even man enough to admit it when you're caught red handed."

"No Dana, really, this is all a mistake. I can explain it."

"Is that a fact? Will your explanation cover last night and Sunday afternoon at the King's Motor Inn too? The two of you have been very busy lately."

Munmister stared at his wife in shock.

I heard noises behind us. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw that Dana's dad and Herm Bennett and his assistant, Dave were standing in the doorway behind us. I tapped Dana's arm. She looked at me. I nodded my head towards her dad and his lawyer.

Remembering Jeff Wheeler's instructions, we both stepped aside.

Picking up his cue, Dave passed between us and walked over to the bed. Handing an envelope to Munmister, he said; "Peter Munmister, you have been served."

Munmister looked at the envelope and asked; "What the fuck is this?"

Arthur Kendall stepped into the room. "They're divorce papers you slimy mister of a bitch and if you weren't such a pathetic excuse for a lawyer you might have recognized them."

Munmister glared at his man-in-law. "You angry old bastard, this is all your doing. you never liked me and you've finally found a way to set me up. Well you sure as hell aren't going to take me down. I'm going to sue you for entrapment."

I smiled. Now it was my turn. I stepped forward. "Munmister, Mr. Kendall didn't set you up, I did."

Munmister stared at me. He was puzzled.

"You don't know who I am, do you."

He shook his head.

I grinned. "I'm the fag engineer who's married to Katie. I'm the one who took you down."

Now focusing his glare at me, Munmister said; "You haven't taken me down. I'm going to rip your fag ass apart when we get into court."

Shaking his head, Arthur Kendall said, "Sorry Peter, but I don't think that's going to happen."

"Yeah, how are you going to stop me."

"The question you should be asking is, how are you going to mount an attack.”

"What do you mean?"

"Everything you own and I mean everything; that includes your car, your clothes, your credit cards, your checking account and your house are all the property of Kendall Metal Fabricating. You might remember that we set it up that way for tax purposes."

Smiling, Mr. Kendall continued. "I cannot begin to describe how happy I am to inform you that now that my flower is filing for a divorce, we're taking all of that back. Peter, right now your car is being driven to Northside Lexus so that it can be sold. Your credit cards have been canceled and your checking account has been closed. Oh and this afternoon the locks on my flower's house were changed. Your key no longer works."

"You can't do that!"

"Oh, but I can and you cannot possibly imagine how much pleasure it gives me to do it. Peter, right now all you have are the clothes that you wore here tonight and the loose change and bills that are in your pockets."

"But what am I going to do? Where am I going to stay?" Munmister was frantic.

Mr. Kendall shrugged. "It appears that you're homeless. I've heard that the freeway bridges provide reamisterably good shelter. You might want to try them."

"You wouldn't make me live on the street. You're not that kind of man."

Mr. Kendall smiled. "Actually Peter, I am that kind of man and it would give me great pleasure to see you living on the street; but, in fact I do have an alternative for you."


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"What is it?" There was a wary tone in Munmister's voice. He was a cornered predator, willing to do anything to survive.

Now it was Herm Bennett's turn to step forward. "Mr. Munmister, Mr. Kendall and his flower want you out of their lives immediately."

He reached into his suit jacket and removed an envelope. “I have some papers for you to sign. They basically say that you agree to a divorce settlement in which you get nothing."

"Why would I do that?"

"Mr. Munmister, I suggest that you remember the prenuptial agreement that you signed prior to your marriage. In the event of a divorce resulting from infidelity, you get nothing. Since we have a video recording of everything that's occurred in this house this evening, we have ample evidence of infidelity."

"You can't make a video of me without my permission and I didn't give you permission."

"Mr. Munmister, you're wrong. This is Mr. Reese's house. He can record anything that occurs inside his house and he doesn't need anyone's permission to do it."

Munmister glared at me. "You did it?"

I smiled at him. "Yup, I sure did."

Turning back to Herm Bennett, Munmister asked; "Okay, what do I get if I sign those papers?"

Mr. Bennett removed another envelope from his suit jacket. He opened it and showed Munmister a stack of bills. "This envelope contains five hundred dollars and a bus ticket to Los Angeles. There is also a business card for an attorney we work with in Los Angeles. If you contact him when you arrive , he will give you another five hundred dollars. After that, every month that you stay away from Mr. Kendall's flower and do nothing to contest or impede the divorce proceedings, you will receive another cash payment of five hundred dollars. When the divorce becomes final with a ruling acceptable to Mr. Kendall and his flower, you will receive a final payment of one thousand dollars."

"Five hundred dollars? A thousand dollars? That's chump change, I can't live on that."

"Mr. Munmister, we agree. You might have to get a job."

"And a bus ticket, a lady fucking bus ticket, why not a plane ticket?"

"You always have the option to cash in your bus ticket and use that and the five hundred dollars were giving you for an airplane ticket. Since you won't be getting any more money until you get to Los Angeles, I suggest that you might want to save your cash, but that's your decision. You may also wish to consider this, we will provide you with a ride to the bus depot, but that's the only place we'll take you. If you wish to go to the airport you'll have to take either the city bus or a taxicab."

"Can I stop at the house and pack a suit case?"

Mr. Bennett shook his head. "Absolutely not. If you attempt to go anywhere near the house our offer will be withdrawn."

"But I don't even have a change of clothes."

"Mr. Munmister, our original plan was to give you nothing. That would have left you homeless and destitute. That is still Mr. Kendall's first choice. I convinced him that paying you to leave town might easier and less complicated for us. Yes Mr. Munmister, I know that you're a lawyer and while you're not a very good one, I think that you might have enough s******* to power us to spend some valuable court time fighting you. In the end you would still lose and end up with nothing, but we would have incurred some unnecessary legal expenses. Frankly this option is cheaper for us and that's the only reamister were doing it. The fact that it also benefits you is actually a detriment for us."

"You really believe that I'll end up with nothing if I try to fight you in court?"

"Yes Mr. Munmister, I do."

Munmister stared at the floor. After a moment he sighed and said; "Okay, I'll sign the papers and take the money and the bus ticket."

Mr. Bennett smiled. "That's a wise decision Mr. Munmister. I noticed that your clothes are in the living room. Go there now. After you get dressed, we'll have you sign the papers and then we'll take you to the bus depot. We'll give you the five hundred dollars and the bus ticket when we drop you off."

When Munmister stood up I noticed that his erection was gone. As he walked out of the bedroom he stared at the floor. He didn't look at anyone, not even Katie or Dana. He was a beaten man.


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Suddenly I realized that Katie and I were alone in the bedroom. Everyone else, including Dana had followed Munmister into the living room.

During the interchange with Munmister Katie had pulled the bed covers up over her shoulders so that they formed a protective shroud around her. She sat huddled under them, her arms wrapped protectively around her chest, her eyes downcast. Tears were running down her cheeks.

I stared at her. After a moment I said, "Katie."

She looked up at me. "Frankie, I'm so ashamed and I'm so sorry. Do I have to go to Los Angeles too?"

"No, but they are going to serve you with divorce papers."

Slowly nodding, she said; "I guess I deserve that."

"I still love you Katie, but I don't see how I can trust you anymore."

"I know." She paused for a second and then she said, "Frankie I love you, I really do. I love so much."

"It doesn't appear that you love me as much as you love Munmister."

Katie's eyes flashed. "No, that's not true! I don't love Pete, I don't even like him. You're the only man I love. Frankie, you have to believe me, you're the love of my life."

"If that's true, then why were you willing to do things for him that you refused to do for me?"

"What do you mean?"

I took the mp3 player out of my pocket and turned it on.

As soon as she heard Pete's voice Katie looked at me in alarm.

I quietly said, "Listen."

"You love it when I fuck your ass, don't you Katie."

"You know I do. Pete."

"Tell me, I want to hear you say it. I want to hear you say it while I'm fucking you."

"You're an even bigger perv than I am."

"Say it!"

"All right, I love it when you fuck my ass. I love feeling your big hard cock buried deep in my asshole. I love to play with my clit while you fuck my ass."

"Damn, that feels so good. Fuck me you nasty mister of a bitch. Fuck my asshole while I rub my clit. Make me cum. Make me cum over and over and over again."

I shut the mp3 player off and put it back in my pocket. "I think that's enough."

Staring at me in shock, Katie said; "Where did you get that?"

"Last night the detectives recorded your date with Pete at the King's Motor Inn."

"You know about that?"


"Hold it, detectives recorded it? What did they record?"

"Everything you said and did in the motel last night?"

She thought for a moment and then her eyes grew wide. "Everything?"

"Yes, everything. I shut it off before the end, but I heard you talking about your love for anal sex, your promiscuity in high school and college, the three ways you participated in, even the lesbian sex shows you put on for your boyfriends."

"Frankie, you must hate me."

"No, Katie, I don't hate you. I could never hate you; but I am disappointed. I don't care about any of that stuff you did. I'm not a prude. Yes, you were sexually adventurous in high school and college and while you may have done some things that might raise some eyebrows, you never hurt anybody or committed any crimes. Even the lesbian sex shows were actually pretty harmless."

"What bothers me is that you hid that part of yourself from me. You made me believe that you were a sexually reserved prude, even when I asked you to do some things that were a little more adventurous."

I shook my head. "How am I supposed to reconcile your love for anal sex with the fact that you denied it to me when I asked for it last Saturday night. The only assumption that makes any sense to me is that you really do believe I'm a lousy sex partner. A stick in the mud engineer, I think that's how you described me yesterday morning."

"Frankie, I said that in anger. I didn't mean it."

"Yes, you were mad because I was trying to get you to stay at home rather than meet your lover in a motel for a bout of anal sex, a little treat that you were denying me."

Katie moaned. "Oh god, this can't be happening."

"It is happening Katie. That's a fact that neither of us can deny."

"Frankie, I love you. You have to believe that."

"Actually, I do believe that and I still love you too. I'll always love you, but right now I'm really angry with you. I feel cheated and deceived and I don't trust you. I need to be away from you for a while."

"You said you were going to divorce me."

"I am."

Katie stared at the wall for several seconds and then she quietly said; "I understand. I don't blame you. If I were you I'd divorce me too."

She looked at me. "I won't fight it Frankie. I don't deserve to have you." And then sighing with resignation, she asked; "Can I have a little time to pack some things before I have to leave?"

"You don't have to leave. You can stay in the house."

"With you?" There was a glint of hope in her eyes.

I shook my head. "No, I need to be away. I've taken a job in California. I'll be gone for about a year."


"Katie, it has to be this way. I hope that some day we might be able to be friends again, but before that can happen I need some time."

"I understand."

"I've made arrangements to insure that you'll be okay. Our checking account has twenty-five hundred dollars in it. On the first of every month I'll add another twenty-five hundred dollars. I also left you with your VISA card. It has a limit of fifteen hundred dollars. Use it. I'm having the bill sent to me. I'll pay off the full balance every month."

"Frankie, you don't have to do that."

"I know I don't. Katie I have a very good income. I can easily afford it. Knowing that you'll always be well cared for is important to me."

"Even after everything I did?"

"Yes, even then."

Katie looked at me. "I really am sorry. I know I keep saying that, but right now I don't know what else to say."

"Maybe it's better if you don't say anything at all."

Nodding, she said; "Maybe for right now; but later, after I've had a chance to think and figure it all out, I'd like an opportunity to try to explain. Could I do that Frankie?"

"Yes, but it will have to be later."

"Okay, thank you Frankie."

"Katie, I have to go. This is hard for me. I can't do it any more."

"I understand. Frankie, I really do love you."

"I know, I love you too Katie."

I turned and walked out of the bedroom. Dana and Dave, Herm Bennett's assistant, were sitting in the living room.

When Dana saw me, she stood up and asked. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

"How's Katie?"

"She'll be all right."

Dave stood up. "Mr. Reese, I still have to serve the divorce papers to your wife."

"Yes, of course you do."

As he started for the bedroom I realized that I couldn't bear the thought of Katie being alone when this happened.

"Dave, wait."

Dave turned. "Yes sir."

"Let me go in first."


Katie was lying on the bed in the *** position. She was crying. I sat down next to her and gently picked up her hand.

She looked up. When she saw me she smiled. "Are you going to stay with me Frankie?"

"No, I'm just going to sit with you for a few more minutes. One of the lawyers is going to serve you with the divorce papers. I thought it might be easier for you if I was sitting with you."

Katie sat up. "Frankie, you don't need to do this. Just tell him to go away. We don't nee..." But then she stopped. After a moment she whispered. "No, I understand. You do have to do this. Tell him to come in."

Dave was standing in the doorway. He was holding an envelope. I waved to him to come into the room. He walked up to the bed. "Ms. Kathleen Jordan?"

Katie nodded. "Yes, that's me."

He handed Katie the envelope. "These papers are a notification of Mr. Franklin Reese's intention to begin divorce proceedings against you. Consider yourself legally served."

Katie nodded.

Dave looked at me. "Mr. Reese, is there anything else I can do for you?"

I shook my head.

"Then I'll excuse myself and leave you alone." He turned and walked out of the room.

As soon as he was gone, Katie said; "Frankie, thank you. Having you here with me while he did that helped."

"Katie, I have to go now."

"I know."

I kissed her gently on the forehead and then I stood up.

Smiling at me, Katie said; "Good bye Frankie. Be careful in California."

I smiled back at her. "Good bye Katie. You be careful here." And then I turned and walked out of the room.

Dana was still waiting in the living room. She'd sat back down on the couch. As soon as she saw me she stood up again.

As I walked over to her, I asked; "Is Munmister gone?"

"He's on his way to the bus depot. Want to go out for a take?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm sorry; I think I'll take a rain check. I don't feel like celebrating right now. I think I'll just go back to my hotel room and go to bed."

Nodding, Dana took my arm. "Come on, you can walk me to my car."

We walked arm in arm out of the house and down the sidewalk. Neither of us said anything. I think we were both emotionally drained.

When we got to our cars Dana said; "Frankie, thank you for everything. Your support made this much easier for me."

"You helped me too Dana."

"Will I see you again?"

"As a matter of fact, this morning Irv told me that he's made arrangements with Wrightman Construction to have me fly back here for a day or two every few weeks. He wants to keep me informed about the projects that Jupiter is working on here. As soon as I find out when I'll be coming back I'll call you. We can make a dinner date."

"I'd like that. Will you take me to the Kensington Grill this time."

"Dana, I'd love to take you to the Kensington Grill."

"I'm already looking forward to it. Good night Frankie." Dana kissed my cheek and got into her car.

After I watched her drive away I took one last look at the house that I'd shared with Katie for the past year and then, overwhelmed with sadness, I got into my car and drove to my hotel.


Posts: 4050
#148 · Edited by: goodhusband
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The vanishing segments have now been restored. I thank Storm for alerting me to the situation. If you read the story this past weekend and it seemed choppy you might want to go back and see if you missed some of the segments.

Even though I keep a copy of each segment, when I post a story to Literotica I usually take it from here because they are my cleanest copies (I know that is hard to believe. If you have never written a story, especially a long story I will tell you that editing is one of the most difficult steps. It is very hard to spot your own errors, especially when you're tired.). When I posted Courtesan at Literotica I noticed that occasionally there was an odd break in the flow in the story. Going back into my own copies I found missing segments. I thnk that when they work on this site posts are occasionally lost. I suspect that is what happened here.

All of the story has now been replaced. If you have not yet read the newest segments you may find that some of the reader comments are a bit confusing. That is because the were relating to segments that were deleted and then readded after their comments were made.

Storm, thank you again and to everyone, thank you for your kind comments and support.



Posts: 187286
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damn good story.... but kind of sad I guess.....


Posts: 4050
#150 · Edited by: goodhusband 
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Yes, it is; but strong bonds are often formed during periods of stress.

Thanks for the comment.

Everyone, thank you again for all the kind comments that have been made. I appreciate them. Because of all the confusion that ocurred with these last posts I'm not going to try to respond to each comment. That does not mean that I don't value them. I do.

Thank you


And now Mel, I think this might be a twist. We'll see.
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