Posts: 3581
Lisa: Thanks for posting and for keeping an eye on Mikey's health. GH: Rest up and listen to your superior! Your good health is more inportant than a story. We can all wait for the rest of this to be told. Enjoy your time off. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 492
GH, listen to your wife. I only have one word of advice for you............GOLF. Lots of it. Enjoy this nice fall weather, or hot fall weather if you live in a warmer climate. Anyway, relax my friend. We'll all be here for you when you've recharged your batteries. Your health is #1 always.
Take care, wish I could join you on that golf course, we'd have fun. Unfortunately I still need to work for a living.
Posts: 1914
GH, Looks like you might be about to get some inspiration for a BDSM story this weekend. Naughty Boy. Seriously, although I love your story, I like you around even more. Get back when you are feeling better ..
Posts: 1459
Bump! Can't let it drop to pg. 2.
Posts: 4050
#65 · Edited by: goodhusband
Everyone, thank you for the kind comments. I really do appreciate them.
Lisa was right, I started this story too early. Writing has been difficult for me. The words are not coming easily. Sometimes I find myself spending a half hour on a single paragraph and I still can't seem to get it right.
Things were also compicated by a change in the story. I actually wrote a detailed sex scene between Frankie and Dana and when I finished I decided that it didn't fit the characters I was trying to create. When I showed it to Lisa and talked to her about where this story is going, she agreed.
Anyway, I had to go back to the drawing board.
Lisa is also monitoring my writing right now, so my posts are going to continue to be sporadic. I apologize for that. I do not like to keep people waiting, but I know that Lisa is right. I sometimes become obsessive about writing, so this is the best I can do right now.
Posts: 4050
#66 · Edited by: goodhusband
Dana walked back over to the couch and stood in front of me. "What do you say big guy, wanna do me while my husband is doing your wife?"
Shrugging, I said; "We do have some justification, don't we."
"Yes we do." But then Dana sighed and added; "I guess." A definite note of uncertainty had crept into her voice.
We stared at each other. After a moment I said, "But maybe it's not enough justification."
Slowly nodding, Dana said; "It sort of brings us down to their level, doesn't it."
"Yes, I think it does. I'm also not sure that revenge is a very good reamister for two people to have sex."
Dana smiled at me. "You're a pretty old fashioned guy, aren't you Frankie."
"You never cheated on Pete." It was a statement, not a question.
Chuckling, Dana said; "Yeah, that's true. I guess I'm pretty old fashioned girl."
I patted the spot next to me in the couch. "Wanna sit down by me."
"Yes, I'd like that very much."
Dana sat down. I put my arm around her. She laid her head on my shoulder.
We were both quiet for a moment and then Dana said; "I really do like sex."
"So do I. Maybe after we're divorced we could try again."
"I'd like that."
There was a brief pause and then I said; "Right now, I just can't bring myself to cheat on Katie."
"She's cheating on you."
"I know. It doesn't make sense, I guess it's just the..."
"You don't have to explain it, I understand." Dana laughed. "Hell, even after everything he's done to me; the neglect, the disdain, the lies; I still don't feel comfortable about cheating on Pete."
"He's your husband."
"Yes, he is." Dana was quiet for a second and then she laughed and added; "But not for very much longer. When the divorce becomes final I'll be free of him and I intend to have some serious fun."
"You sound like a woman with a mission."
"I think I am. Does that make me a bad permister?"
"No, it makes you a permister who has finally decided to start worrying about her own needs."
Dana pressed her cheek against my chest. I responded by holding her tightly to me.
After a few seconds she whispered, "Thank you for understanding and being patient with me."
"It's okay. Right now, I think both of us are in the exact same place."
We sat on the couch and cuddled together for few minutes. Neither of us said anything. We didn't have to. Finally, I gently kissed Dana's forehead and sat up. "I'd better get going. I'm sure you have work to do."
That broke the spell. Dana awkwardly answered; "Yes, I have a busy afternoon. You must have things you need to do too."
"Yes, I do." I stood and gave Dana a hand up.
Once she was standing Dana began self consciously straightening her blouse. "Frankie, thank you for coming over here. I'll call you in the morning." Her voice was now stiff and formal. She was back to being a business woman.
I nodded and then I turned, opened the door to Dana's office and left.
Posts: 4050
#67 · Edited by: goodhusband
As soon as I reached the shelter of my car I sat back, closed my eyes and let out a long slow sigh. The meeting with Dana had been emotionally draining.
After taking a moment to pull myself together, I put my keys in the ignition and started my car. As I was pulling out of the parking lot I realized that I didn't know where I was going to go. It was Sunday. I really didn't have any reamister to go back to work. The problem with the bridge in Kansas City was a ruse to fool Katie. The three projects I was currently involved with were all actually ahead of schedule.
I thought about going to a bar or maybe taking a walk in a park. I quickly rejected those ideas. They would just be attempts to ******* time. There was only one place I wanted to be and that was at home. The only reamister I was considering going anywhere else was because I'd told Katie that I was going to be out all afternoon.
Grinning, I shook my head. I was being foolish. Katie was at a motel fucking her new boyfriend. Why should I give a cuckolds brownie about what I'd told her.
I decided to go back to the house. If Katie came home early I'd tell her that we ran into some problems that couldn't be resolved until every one was back at work in the morning. It would be a lie, but so what. It wasn't going to be any worse than Katie's bullcuckolds brownie story about meeting her friends at the mall for lunch and a little shopping. At least I wasn't cheating on her.
Suddenly I was very happy that Dana and I had resisted the temptation to have sex. It felt good to know that I still had a valid claim to the moral high ground.
I turned towards home. I'd gone about two blocks when I realized that I did have one little side trip that I needed to make before I called it a day. At the next corner I took a left and headed to the King's Motor Inn. I wanted to see if Katie's car was in the parking lot.
Realizing that she and Pete may not actually have had enough time to get there, I stopped at a Starbucks. After I bought a cup of coffee and a copy of the Sunday New York Times, I sat down in a booth and powerd myself to read the entire first section.
When I was finished I checked the time on my cell phone. It had now been over an hour and a half since my telephone call from Katie and Dana's call to Pete. They'd had plenty of time to get to the motel.
Leaving my copy of The Times on the table I got up, hurried out of the restaurant and got into my car. I was excited and very nervous. This was going to be my first concrete evidence that my wife was actually involved in an illicit affair.
Yes I know, I had plenty of circumstantial evidence; Katie's recent attitude, her disheveled appearance when she came home at 3:00 AM after her Friday night outing with the girls and Pete's blowhard comments in the bar. These were all certainly damning.
Still, they each had an alternative explanation. Maybe Katie really was just depressed about her job. Yes, she was disheveled when she got home Friday night, but it was 3:00 AM. She'd been working all day and takeing all evening. Anyone would have been a little disheveled. And then of course there was Pete. He was a notorious braggart. He could have easily been blowing steam to impress his buddy.
I know, I was grasping at straws; especially when you add in the eyewitness testimony of my friends Mike and Rhonda at Brady's. Still I was trying to hang on to a last desperate hope that Katie might not really be cheating on me.
Also, I'm an old fashioned pragmatist. I need to see rock solid evidence before I reach a final conclusion. To me the best evidence is always what I see with my own eyes.
Ahead of me on the right I saw the sign for King's Motor Inn. Filled with nervous apprehension, I slowed and turned into the parking lot. I remembered Pete telling his buddy Mitch that he and Katie always parked behind the building. While I was mildly relieved when I didn't see Katie's car in the front parking lot, I knew that I had to drive around to the back before I would know for sure.
I slowly followed the driveway around the building. At the back corner I stopped. After taking a deep breath I crept forward and turned to the right. My heart sank, There were only two cars in the back lot. Both of them were parked right next to the rear entrance to the motel. One or them was a black Lexus sedan with the license plate, "Law Dog". The other was Katie's red Honda Accord.
Near tears, I drove across the back lot, parked under a tree. and called Dana.
She picked up immediately. "Hi Frankie, what's going on?"
"I'm at King's Motor Inn."
There was a pause and then Dana said; "Frankie, don't do anything stupid. Let the lawyers take care of this." It was apparent that she had heard the desperate gloom in my voice.
That made me smile. "Don't worry Dana, I'm not going to burst into the room and shoot them."
"If you do decide to do that, call me first so that I can get over there. I'd like to help and I call dibs on the first shot at Pete."
That broke the tension, we both laughed. After a moment Dana quietly said; "Now you know for sure, don't you."
"Are you sad?"
"Oh yeah."
"Do you want to come back over to the office. We could hang out together for the rest of the afternoon."
"Thanks Dana. but you have work to do. I'll be okay. Deep inside, I've known the truth since I saw Katie when she came home Friday night. That's given me a little time to get used to the idea."
"Time does make it easier. I suppose that's why this isn't as difficult for me. I've assumed for several years now that Pete was cheating on me."
"Dana, does Pete drive a black Lexus?"
"Does the license plate say, Law Dog?
"That's my no good husband".
"I guess that pretty much settles it."
"Frankie, follow the plan. Don't confront Katie tonight. We need hard evidence."
"Don't worry Dana, I will."
"Frankie, do you have a camera with you?"
"Yes, I have the digital camera that I use on the construction sites."
"Take a couple pictures of their cars parked together. After we catch them in your house on Wednesday, the pictures will help us establish that it wasn't a one time fling."
"That's a good idea Dana. I'll do that."
"Frankie, are you sure you're going to be okay?"
"Don't worry Dana, I'm a big boy. I can handle this."
"If you start to feel bad, give me a call on my cell phone."
"You can do the same with me."
"I will."
"I'll call you in the morning Dana."
"All right, bye Frankie."
We both ended the call.
Talking to Dana made me feel better. A permisteral crisis is always easier when you have some support.
I quickly took several pictures of the two cars parked outside the rear door of the motel and then I started home.
As I drove home I thought about Pete and Katie. I imagined Pete on top of my wife. Katie was screaming in ecstasy as he pumped his big cock in and out of her sopping wet cunt.
The image hurt; but strangely, I realized that it also excited me. I immediately squashed those feelings.
Posts: 1459
Thanks GH, and welcome back. That was worth the wait, and (for whatever it's worth) I think you made the right decision on not taking Frankie and Dana too far, too fast. This works better, and has real human emotions involved. Great writing! As an aside, I once stayed at a Kings Motor Inn - I believe it was in Seattle, or maybe Edmonds. It was a total dump - like I said, I stayed there once. It did seem like a no-tell motel kind of place. Icky!
lick buddy
Posts: 277
 more more more , I just spent my afternoon reading this . I couldn't pull myself away . Crap , I have things to get done befor someone comes home and thinks Tha t im cheating 
Posts: 111
GH Good to have you back. You are one of the great writers! Looking forward to the continuation of your story as you feel up to it. Take Care JJ.
Posts: 492
Welcome back GH, you were missed. I'm loving this story so far. As usual, your characters really grow on us. Please continue to take good care of yourself, we can wait for each new segment.
Posts: 125
welcome back gh,
just when we thought it was going to go one way it goes the other..........nice to have you back and listen to
that goodwife you have.
Posts: 3581
goodhusband: The image hurt; but strangely, I realized that it also excited me. I immediately squashed those feelings. Now GH....... where are you taking us with this? I feel a clasical GH twist in the road ahead.  Welcome back!!! Take things slow and stay healthy. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 158
Great, love your story but it does make me feel a little uncomfortable since I was once the husband discovering my wifes bring it all back in
Keep up the good work but take time to celebrate your wife. watcherdoit4fun
Posts: 4050
Once again. thank you for all your kind comments. I'm sorry that I'm being so slow with these posts, but right now in my life this is as fast as I can produce them.
Posts: 4050
By the time I finally got home it was after 3:00. I sat down in our den, turned on the television and tried to watch the golf tournament. That didn't work. Shit, how was I supposed to focus on a group of guys playing golf when I knew my wife was in a motel room with some asshole lawyer and he was fucking her? To make matters worse, I couldn't even do anything about it. I just had to bide my time until Wednesday evening. I found the crossword puzzle in the local Sunday newspaper and tried doing that while I watched golf. That didn't work either. My concentration was so poor that after going through the entire list of across clues I'd only been able to fill in two words. I just couldn't keep the images of Pete and Katie out of my head.
Desperate, I set the crossword puzzle aside, turned off the television, went out to the garage and started up the power lawn mower. At least I could be proactive about cutting the grass. I worked hard and fast. I mowed that lady fucking lawn with a vengeance.
It kind of worked. The images were still there, but at least I had a target for my frustration and anger.
Once I was done mowing the lawn I raked up the grass clippings and swept the sidewalks and patio. After that was finished I went back into the house and took a hot shower. The work had been a good outlet for the emotional cauldron boiling inside me and the shower actually relaxed me.
It was after 5:30 when I was finally done showering and getting dressed. Calmer, I went back into the den and turned on the television again. The golf tournament was still on. I picked up the newspaper and took another crack at the crossword. This time I was actually able to fill in some words.
At 6:10 I heard the back door open. A moment later Katie walked into the den. She appeared to be a little agitated. I assumed that she was disconcerted by my presence.
"You're home?"
"Yes, I live here."
"You mowed the lawn. I thought you had to work this afternoon."
"It turned out that I didn't. We ran into a problem. We need Rick Carlisle to help us solve it. He's at a resort with his family. He won't be back until late tonight."
"You should have called me. I would have come home earlier."
"I didn't want to interrupt your afternoon with the girls from work."
Katie looked away. At the same time she bit her lower lip. It was just a flash, a momentary chink in her mask of deception; but it spoke volumes to me. It told me that she felt guilty about what she had been doing and maybe, just maybe it told me that she still cared for me.
Recovering immediately, she smiled and said; "Thank you, that was nice of you. I had a good time this afternoon."
I looked at her. "Did you? That's good. Who was there?"
Realizing that she was going to have to elaborate on her deception, Katie shrugged and said; "The usual Friday night group. Like I said, it was a fun afternoon." Then turning she said, "I'm going to go into the bedroom and freshen up."
As she walked out of the den, Katie glanced back at me and asked; "Got any thoughts about dinner?"
"Not really, why don't we order a pizza."
Still walking, Katie said; "That would be nice. We can sit in front of the television and eat. Why don't you call and order it while I'm cleaning up."
"I'll do that."
I not only ordered a pizza, I also opened a bottle of wine. We sat together on the couch in the den and watched a movie while we ate and drank our wine. It turned out to be a surprisingly pleasant evening. For a little while I almost forgot about our problems.
The movie ended at 9:30. We sat together for a few more minutes and then Katie stretched and stood up. Yawning, she said; "Frankie, I'm tired. If you don't mind I think I'll go to bed."
Smiling at her, I said; "Why don't I join you. I'm remembering a certain promise you made to me this morning."
I really wasn't in the mood for sex, but I wanted to see how Katie would react. She'd spent the entire afternoon fucking Pete Munmister. She had to be worn out.
Her smile disappeared. It was obvious that she'd forgotten the promise. For a moment she looked at me with alarm, but then she once again quickly recovered. Her smile returned and in an apologetic voice said; "Frankie, I'm sorry. That shopping trip this afternoon took a lot of me. I really am absolutely exhausted. Would you mind taking a rain check? I promise that you can redeem it tomorrow night."
I wanted to say, I've got a bucket of rain checks that have never been redeemed; but I didn't. At that moment, the last thing I wanted to do was initiate a confrontation. Instead, I just shrugged and said; "That's okay, I'm kind of tired too." Leaning over, Katie kissed my forehead. "Tomorrow night then, it's a date. I'm sure we'll both feel more energetic and we'll have a lot more fun."
"I'm sure we will."
Smiling, Katie asked; "Are you coming to bed?"
"No, I think I'll stay up and watch the news."
"Don't stay up too late. I want you to have lots of energy tomorrow night." And then Katie leaned over and kissed me again. "Goodnight Frankie, I love you."
"I love you too Katie."
Despite everything; at that moment, I believed that both of us were telling the truth.
Posts: 4050
#77 · Edited by: goodhusband
Note: All of my stories are fantasies. All of the people, organizations and businesses described in my stories are creations of my imagination. Any similarities to real people, organizations and businesses are unintended coincidences.
At 8:15 the next morning, I walked into the office of Jupiter Construction. Myra Grant, the office receptionist was seated behind her desk takeing a cup of coffee. As I passed her she said; "Mr. Robbins would like to see you as soon as possible."
Irv Robbins was the owner and chief executive officer of Jupiter Construction. Irv was a nice guy, a very good friend and an extremely considerate boss. He was particularly considerate about my time schedule. Because of that, whenever I got a message from Irv that contained the phrase, as soon as possible; I knew that he meant just that.
"Is he in his office?"
Myra nodded.
After quickly stopping by my office so that I could drop my brief case on my desk, I went directly to Irv's office.
His door was open, he was seated at his desk. After giving the door frame a quick rap I walked in. "Myra told me that you wanted to see me asap."
Irv looked up from the document he'd been reading. "Morning Frankie, have a seat." He gestured towards the chair in front of his desk.
I sat down.
As soon as I was settled, he said; "That bridge reinpowerment project we did last year in western Pennsylvania has garnered quite a bit of attention. It appears that you've established a national reputation for being adept at quickly evaluating the condition of a bridge and then creating and implementing an efficient repair plan that will make it structurally sound again."
I shrugged. "It's one of my jobs."
"Yes, and you happen to do it very well."
"Irv, I don't believe that you called me into your office this morning just so that you could compliment me. What's up?"
He laughed. "Yeah, you're right about that. Saturday afternoon I got a call from Wrightman Construction, they work out of San Francisco."
I nodded. "I know who they are."
"They just accepted a contract to evaluate and repair most of the freeway bridges in the bay area."
"That's a big job."
"Yes it is and they're looking for some assistance."
"They want me?"
"Yes, for a year. They're offering to pay both Jupiter and you a considerable sum for your services."
"Irv, I..."
Irv held up his hand. "Frankie, don't worry. I explained to them that you have a beautiful young wife and there isn't any way that you'd be willing to leave her for a year. They'll settle for one intense week of evaluation and planning."
"Actually Irv, if you're willing, I'd like to take the year contract."
Irv stared at me for a second and then he said; “Frankie, how can you possibly even consider the idea. You can't leave Katie for a year."
"Irv I'm going to tell you something in the strictest confidence. You have to promise me that you won't say anything to anyone until Thursday."
"Of course."
"Katie and I are going to get a divorce."
"Frankie, you're kidding me."
"I just found out that she's cheating on me."
"Katie? I don't believe it. She worships you. You can see it in her eyes when she looks at you."
"Apparently she worships Pete Munmister even more."
"Pete Munmister? Dana Munmister's husband?"
"That's right?"
"Does she know?"
"Yes, I met with both Dana and her dad yesterday."
"Damn! You're absolutely sure about this?"
"Frankie, I'm so very sorry. You must be devastated."
I nodded. "A year in California looks pretty attractive to me right now."
"Okay, I'll call Wrightman this morning. I'm sure they'll be delighted to find out they can have you. How soon can you be in California."
"The mess with my marriage is going to blow up on Wednesday evening. I'll need all day Wednesday to prepare for that. I'll also need Tuesday afternoon to clean up my financial affairs."
Irv nodded. "What about your three projects here?"
"They're all ahead of schedule and running smoothly. If I stay late tonight and get in early in the morning I should have plenty of time to clean up any loose ends by noon tomorrow. I'll get a flight to San Francisco Thursday afternoon. You can tell Wrightman that I'll report for work on Friday morning. I assume you'll work out all the financial details with them."
"I will. I'll set it up so that they pay us and we continue to pay you. We'll also bill them for all of your expenses, so we'll continue to cover those as well."
"Good, that will make it easier for me." I stood up. "Unless there's something else, I'd better get busy. For the next few days my life is going to be extremely hectic."
Irv stood up and walked around his desk. Extending his hand, he said; "Frankie, I'm very sorry about you and Katie. If there's anything I can do, anything at all, please don't hesitate to ask."
"Actually there is something you could help me with."
"What is it?"
"I'm going to have to make some changes to my 401 K and I'm going to have to open a new bank account so I'll need to change how my pay checks are deposited."
"If I put Myra on those she's going to start asking questions."
"If you wait until Thursday you can tell her everything."
"Okay Frankie, first thing Thursday morning I'll fill Myra in on what's happening and put her to work on your financial issues.
I shook Irv's hand. "Thank you."
He smiled at me. "Frankie, if you need anything else just holler."
Posts: 4050
As soon as my meeting with Irv Robbins was finished I went back to my office and called Dana Munmister. "Hi Frankie, how are you this morning? Did you get slippery seconds last night?"
Even though I recognized it as a joke, the frankness of Dana's question caught me off guard. I paused.
Realizing that her blunt attempt at humor had unsettled me, Dana quickly said; "Frankie, I'm sorry. That was incredibly insensitive of me. I have to remember that I've had a little more time to get used to the infidelity of my spouse."
"It's okay Dana. Actually I think joking about it may help me get through this." And then laughing, I added; "No I didn't get slippery seconds, although I did remind Katie that she'd made me a promise before I left the house yesterday morning."
"What did she say to that?"
"The usual, she was tired from shopping and asked me to take a rain check. How about Pete? Was he Mr. Amorous when he got home?"
"Mr. Amorous? That's a laugh. When I went to bed at 11:00 Pete still wasn't home. I really couldn't even guess what time it was when my sweet husband returned to our lovely abode and to be perfectly honest Frankie, I don't really give a damn."
"I hear ya Dana. Did your dad get a chance to talk to his lawyers yesterday?"
"Yes, and by the way, they love Wheeler Home Security. They said that Jeff Wheeler is the best in the city and all the big law firms use him when they need discreet surveillance." "I guess I did something right on Saturday."
"Frankie, between hiring Jeff Wheeler and making that tape in the bar, you were an ace on Saturday."
"Thanks Dana."
"Hey Frankie, my dad is going to pick up the tab for all of this. That includes the legal fees for your divorce if you're willing to let his attorneys handle it for you."
"Arthur doesn't have to do all of that."
"He wants to do it and besides, he's really not being totally altruistic."
"What do you mean?"
"Frankie, you're a rising star in the construction business in this city. My dad is very concerned that none of this damages the relationship that you have with Kendall Metal Fabricating."
"Dana you know that it won't. I don't blame either you or your dad for any of this. This is entirely the fault of Pete and Katie."
"I know that Frankie, but my dad is still worried. Please just humor him. He can afford it. It's also his way of getting a little revenge on Pete."
"All right Dana, tell him that he can take care of everything and I appreciate it."
"Thanks Frankie."
"Actually, right now not having to find my own attorney will make my life quite a bit easier."
"Why is that Frankie?"
"I'm being loaned to Wrightman Construction in San Francisco."
"Frankie that's a big company. This is a real feather in your cap. Why do they want you? I mean you're good and all that, but they're a giant in the construction industry."
"They have a contact to evaluate and repair a number of bridges in the bay area. Apparently they heard about some work I did in western Pennsylvania about a year ago and were impressed by it."
"How long are you going to be out there?"
"About a year."
"A year! Frankie, I'm going to miss you."
"Don't worry Dana, I'm sure I'll be back here with some regularity. Irv is still going to want me to keep abreast of the projects we're working on here."
"Will you promise to call me when you're in town."
"Yes Dana, of course I will."
"Frankie the lawyers need to meet with you and Jeff Wheeler needs a key to your house and a signed letter saying that he has your permission to set up surveillance equipment in the house."
"Can I meet with the lawyers tomorrow right after lunch?"
"I'll check with them, but I'm sure that will be fine."
"Is Jeff wheeler still planning to set up the surveillance gear tomorrow morning?"
"If that's all right with you."
"Yes, of course it is, but if that's the case then he's going to need a house key and the letter today."
"Do you have a spare key with you?"
"I keep one in my car."
"He can stop by your office this afternoon. He'll bring a letter for you to sign."
There was a moment of silence and then I said; "Dana, right now I feel really sad."
"I know Frankie. Even though Pete's been a total cuckolds brownie for most of our marriage, I feel sad too. It's hard to give up on someone you love."
Sighing, I said; "Yes, it really is."
"Are you sure you don't want to try to work this out with Katie. Frankie, I think she still loves you."
"I don't know Dana, maybe but." I hesitated.
Dana pressed me. "But what Frankie?"
I took a deep breath and said; "Dana, I think she's doing things for Pete that she refuses to do for me."
"Like what?"
"This is kind of embarrassing."
"Frankie, after yesterday, I don't think we have to be concerned about being reserved with each other."
“Yeah, I guess you're right." Taking another deep breath, I said; “I think she's letting Pete fuck her rear."
"Knowing Pete, I think that's almost a certainty. That particular pleasure is a favorite of his."
"Does he do that with you?"
"Oh yes, he certainly does. Frankie, I happen to enjoy it. If we ever do decide to, you know, hook up; I would love it if you did it to me."
Suddenly Dana paused. After a moment she asked, "Frankie are you telling me that Katie won't let you fuck her butt?"
"That's right."
"And on that recording you made in the bar Pete bragged to Mitch that he was doing that to her, didn't he."
"Yes, but I'm hoping that he was just blowing smoke."
"For your sake, I hope that's right; but I'd be surprised if it was. Like I said, Pete loves that particular pleasure. I'm sure that he worked very hard on Katie to get her to let him do it. When he wants something, my husband can be very persuasive."
We were both silent again. After a moment I said; "It will be nice when this is over."
"Yes it will. It's all going to happen on Wednesday night, isn't it."
"I think so. Katie doesn't get off work until 5:00. By the time she gets home it's usually a quarter to 6:00. I assume they'll have to eat supper before they start. It's hard to believe that they'll be in bed before 7:30 or even 8:00."
"Walking in on them is going to be really weird."
"Yes it is."
"Waiting is going to be hard too."
"Yes, Wednesday afternoon is going to be tough."
"Frankie, will you have dinner with me? We could go to the Kennsington Grill."
"I'd love to have dinner with you; but if you don't mind, I'd rather go someplace a little less formal. I think I'll be too nervous to enjoy a really fancy restaurant."
Dana laughed. "Good point. Have you ever been to Murphy's Bar and Grill on Lawmister Avenue?"
"It's an Irish place, isn't it?"
"I know where it is, but I've never been there."
"They have wonderful hamburgers and great tap beer. My family has been going there for years. I'm sure that it's the one place in this city where Pete would never take Katie."
"It sounds perfect."
"Shall we meet there at 5:30?"
"That will work very nicely for me."
"Good. Frankie, I'd better get back to work. I'll call you this afternoon to confirm the time for the meeting with the lawyers tomorrow afternoon. I'll also call Jeff Wheeler and tell him he can stop by your office this afternoon and pick up the key and get you to sign the letter giving him permission to set up his surveillance equipment. Do you want him to come at a particular time?"
"No, I'll be working in my office all afternoon. Any meetings I'll be involved in will be very casual. I can easily take a quick break to see him."
"Okay, bye Frankie."
"Bye Dana"
lick buddy
Posts: 277
Posts: 111
GW, You must write the seamister cliff hangers for seamister endings of drama TV. What a place to stop! Great story and I am truly enjoying your writing talent. Thank You For Writing! JJ.
Posts: 3581
GH: As always..... some really good stuff and your great style of twist we've come to expect! Thanks!  Now be sure to take plenty of time off and take care of yourself first. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 1459
#82 · Edited by: stormydog
"Katie looked away. At the same time she bit her lower lip. It was just a flash, a momentary chink in her mask of deception; but it spoke volumes to me. It told me that she felt guilty about what she had been doing and maybe, just maybe it told me that she still cared for me."
That's the real, human touch, true emotions - and a large part of what makes the stories so enjoyable.
I've said it before - nobody does the details better, and the details make the tale! As far as the pace of posts, no worries, as it is invariably worth the wait. This was the first thing I checked when I got back from my trip. Lucky me, there were new addditions! Much appreciated! Take care GH.
Posts: 4050
I have a slightly different problem. I actually know what's coming next and I get frustrated when I don't have time to write it.
Thanks for the comment
As always thanks for the support. I'll keep writing as long as you keep reading
Nice to see you're back. I hope this means that we'll soon see what happens next with that naughty Laura and her neighbor and of course those poor people stranded on the boat. If it makes you feel any better, I am currently writing three stories. It's everything I can do to keep from posting them, but if I do that "She who must be obeyed" will ******* me. And yes Peak, I admit it. I did steal that from an old BBC television show.
All of you
thanks again
Posts: 4050
#84 · Edited by: goodhusband
As soon as I was done talking to Dana I went to work. If I wanted to have everything on my desk cleaned up by noon Tuesday I couldn't afford to waste time. Even if I worked very efficiently, I could see that I was still in for an extremely long day. Dana called me just before 11:00.
"Frankie the lawyers can meet with you at 1:00 tomorrow. They said that it should take about an hour."
"Do they want me to come to their office?"
"Can you do that?"
"That shouldn't be a problem. Where are they located?"
"Downtown in the Maddencourt Life Insurance Building."
"I know where it is."
"They said you can park in the ramp next door."
"what's the name of the law firm."
"Bennett, Holloway and Finch. Herman Bennett handles my dads legal affairs. You'll be meeting with him."
"Tell them I'll be there at 1:00."
"All right. Oh and Frankie."
"Jeff Wheeler said he'd stop by your office around 2:00. Will that be all right?"
"That will be just fine."
There was a moment of silence and then Dana said; "Frankie this is really hard."
"I know it is Dana, we just have to hang in there and get through it."
"Being able to talk to you is helping."
"You're helping me too Dana."
There was another moment of silence and then Dana said, "We'd both better get back to work."
"Dana call me if you need to talk."
"Thanks Frankie, you can call me too if you want to."
"I will."
"Bye Frankie."
"Bye Dana."
I went back to work.
At 2:00 Jeff Wheeler arrived. I gave him my spare house key and signed a form letter giving him permission to set up and operate surveillance equipment inside my house.
At 6:00 I realized that I still had several hours of work ahead of me before I could go home. I called Katie's cellphone.
"Hi Frankie."
"Hi Katie. I have some bad news."
There was a pause and then she asked; "What is it?"
"The problems with the bridge in Kansas City are worse than we'd originally thought. I don't think I'll be able to get home until 9:30 or 10:00 tonight."
"Frankie, that's too bad. I was looking forward to a nice evening with you tonight." Katie sounded sincere. That made me happy.
"There's more."
"Okay, tell me."
"I have to go to Kansas City on Wednesday morning. I won't be home again until Thursday evening."
"So you'll be gone all of Wednesday night?"
"That's right."
There was another brief pause and then Katie said, "I'll miss you."
I wanted to say, No you won't. You'll be too busy banging Pete Munmister in our bedroom; but I didn't. Instead I said, "I'll miss you too Katie." And even though I wasn't really leaving town it was still the truth. I already missed Katie.
"Frankie will you have time to get some dinner tonight? I can make something for you. I'll keep it in the refrigerator and we can warm it up in the microwave as soon as you get home."
"Thanks Katie, but don't worry about me. I'll have something delivered to the office."
"You're sure?'
"Okay, but promise me that you will order some food. You need to eat."
"Don't worry I will. And Katie, don't wait up for me. I may be home even later than 10:00. If we don't find a solution for this problem the company is going to fall behind on the schedule and we're going to end up having to pay some stiff penalties for the delay."
"It's okay Frankie. I understand."
"I'd better get back to work now or I'll be here all night. Goodbye Katie, I love you."
"I love you too Frankie."
As I hung up my telephone I desperately wanted to believe that Katie had meant that, but then I pictured Pete Munmister on top of her pumping his big hard cock in and out of her cunt. Settling back in my chair I closed my eyes and silently cried, "Why Katie? Why?"
Posts: 4050
#85 · Edited by: goodhusband
By the time I finally got home, it was almost 11:00. Katie was arelax. After I took a quick shower I crawled into bed next to her.
As I was falling arelax she whispered, "I'm glad you're home. I missed you tonight."
"I missed you too."
"Did you have some dinner?"
"Yes, we sent out for submarine sandwiches."
Katie rolled over and kissed me on the lips. "I love you Frankie."
"I love you too Katie."
"Hold me Frankie, please hold me."
I wrapped my arms around Katie and pulled her close to me. She sighed with contentment. That made me happy. This wonderful woman had taken my heart when I met her eighteen months ago and she'd owned it ever since. Yes, she was now choosing to rip it into shreds, but that didn't matter. My heart was still hers.
We lay in tranquil silence, our bodies pressed against each other. I could feel each breath that Katie took and I knew that she could feel each of mine as well. Neither of us moved. Neither of us spoke. It seemed that we both understood just how fragile this moment was and neither of us wanted to risk shattering it.
Eventually we both drifted into a contented relax.
When we awoke the next morning the moment had passed. The subtle barriers created by deceit, mistrust and guilt had returned.
Breakfast was reserved, guarded. The little conversation that we did have was distant and perfunctory. We talked about the weather and a few events in the news; but nothing of substance, nothing that mattered.
As I was leaving to go to work I said; "Today things should be easier. I should be able to get home by 6:00 at the latest. Maybe we could have that evening together tonight."
Katie looked at me with a pained expression. "Frankie, don't you remember; this is my night to have dinner with Andrea."
"Can't you switch it to tomorrow night? Tomorrow night I'm going to be in Kansas City. You and Andrea can spend the entire evening together."
I knew that Katie wasn't going to spend either night with Andrea. She was going to spend both of them fucking Pete Munmister. I just wanted to hear what she was going to say. I also have to admit that I was still harboring a faint hope that she might actually cancel the evening with Munmister so that she could spend it with me.
I was disappointed.
"Frankie, Andrea is divorced. She lives alone. Our Tuesday evening dinners are important to her. I can't let her down."
I wanted to scream, "But you don't have any problem letting me down!"
I didn't. I kept my cool. Instead I said, "This week why can't you change your dinner to Wednesday night? That shouldn't matter."
Katie thought for a moment and then she said; "Because Andrea and I have established a nice routine. It works. I don't want to do anything that might disrupt that routine."
"Even if it takes away from the time we have to spend together."
Glaring at me, Katie said; "You were the one who didn't get home until 11:00 last night."
I glared right back at her. "I was working. I wasn't having dinner or shopping with friends."
"Oh I see what this is all about. You're jealous that I have a social life. Yes Frankie, I do have friends and I enjoy spending time with them. If you weren't such a stick in the mud engineer you might have a few friends too."
I shook my head. "I thought I had one friend, a best friend who cared about me. Apparently I was wrong." And then I turned. As I was walking through the door to the garage, I said; "I have to go to work. I'll see you Thursday night."
I pushed the button that opened the garage door and got into my car. As I was backing into the street Katie burst into the garage and ran down the driveway. "Frankie stop! I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. You're not a stick in the mud."
I shifted my car into drive and accelerated down the street. I didn't look back. All of the frustration and hurt of the last few days were now boiling out as anger.
Posts: 438
Welcome back GH  Mel xx
Posts: 125
hi GH
you are writing another of your spine tinglers. every time you end I want more. you are a true master..........take it easy you do not want Lisa mad at you.
Posts: 492
Working on three stories? Oohh, if someone finds out GH, you are going to be in so much trouble. I thought we all told you to take it easy? Get your butt out there and go play some golf.
Take care buddy,
Posts: 1459
#89 · Edited by: stormydog
Wow! Somehow I'd missed that last post, but I really felt the anger and betrayal that Frankie was experiencing. The loss of innocence and the destruction of trust seemed to come through very realistically; just as in life, it ain't always all fun and games! Thanks GH, that part seemed very permisteral. I'm thinking it was not easy to write.
As far as working on 3 different stories, what can I say? You're a maniac!
Posts: 4050
Pain begets growth