Posts: 4050
#31 · Edited by: goodhusband
Katie fluffed up another pillow and lay down next to me. We both relaxed for a moment and then she leaned over and kissed my cheek. "Care to return the favor?" Grinning, I said; "I would love to."
Oddly enough, at that moment I wasn't pretending. I've mentioned before that there has always been a very subtle dominant submissive relationship between Katie and me, especially in our sexual life. Of course Katie has always been the one taking the dominant role and I've always taken the submissive role.
I'd just had an orgasm and normally that dulls my sexual ardor for a few minutes. For some reamister that I really couldn't understand, that wasn't the case at that moment. My entire body was tingling with excitement about the prospect of going down on my wife. I couldn't explain it, but I also couldn't deny it.
I slipped down so that I was lying on my stomach between Katie's legs. She pulled her feet back and spread her knees as far apart as she could. I looked at her pussy, it was freshly shaved. I assumed that she'd done it yesterday in anticipation of her evening with Pete.
I was confused. That thought should have triggered a response of anger and jealousy. Oddly it didn't. Actually it excited me. I couldn't make any sense out of that strange reaction, so I just stopped thinking about it. Instead I closed my eyes and gave in to my sexual desires. I leaned forward and gently kissed my wife's cunt. She was already wet. Katie was just as excited as I was.
I took a moment to kiss the lips of her moist sex. I savored the feeling of her dampness on my own lips. Katie was lying perfectly still. She wasn't responding at all. That didn't concern me. I knew her well. Her lack of response wasn't due to disinterest. She was lying still because she was relishing the delicate sensations created by my gentle kisses.
Katie's breath caught as she felt me extend my tongue and turn my kisses into French kisses. When I tasted her sex, a pulse of electric tension rippled through the pit of my stomach . I immediately started licking my wife. I'd plan to wait. I'd wanted to tease her for a few minutes before I started pleasuring her in earnest, but I couldn't help myself. I enjoyed licking Katie even more than she enjoyed being licked.
The very first time Katie had allowed me to pleasure her with my tongue, I knew that it was my destiny. I realized that my sole purpose for existing on this planet was to satisfy this woman.
For the next few minutes I completely forgot about all of the problems that were plaguing our lives and concentrated my attention on giving Katie the pleasure that was her divine right. As I was licking Katie, my excitement grew. I felt the desire to demonstrate my total devotion to her. Suddenly her affair with another man seemed irrelevant. It had no bearing on my love for her. Katie was my goddess and that was all that mattered. Pushing my hands underneath her, I gently raised her hips. When she realized what I was doing Katie pulled her feet back in an effort to give me even freer access. Now her cunt was above me and her asshole was directly in front of my face.
In the back of my mind a tiny voice was screaming at me, Stop! This woman has dishonored you; but I couldn't help myself. I wanted, no I needed to do this. Eagerly placing my lips against the entrance to my goddesses dark tunnel, I willingly abased myself for her pleasure and entertainment.
Katie screamed, "Oh god yes!" And then she pulled her knees up to her chest, giving me even freer access to that most sacred place. She gasped when she felt me push my tongue into her. With my hands still under her hips I tried to hold her to me while I licked and probed the depths of her asshole with my tongue. At the same time Katie reached down with both of her hands and started madly massaging her clit.
Suddenly I felt all the muscles in Katie's body flex and then she arched her back. For a moment time seemed to stand still and then she emitted a shrill cry and her entire body started to shake.
I pulled my tongue out of my wife's ass and sat up. Her entire body convulsed as the waves of pleasure rippled through her. I waited patiently. Gradually the convulsions began to diminish in intensity. As they slowly subsided Katie melted into the sheets. Once she was totally relaxed she looked up at me with a smile and said; "Frankie that was magnificent. It's been a while since you made love to me like that."
I smiled back at her. "It's been a while since you were interested."
Katie stared at me for a moment and then she sat up and said, "That's not true."
I didn't say anything.
She looked into my eyes, but then she quickly glanced away. I could see that she was thinking. Suddenly she said, "Oh god!"
We were both quiet. A thick tension hung in the air. Finally Katie took a deep breath and whispered, "Frankie please forgive me."
I continued staring at her.
"It's my job." Her voice was still barely above a whisper. “When I was going to college I had so many hopes. I dreamed of changing the world. I was so excited when I moved to the city. I just knew I was on the verge of doing great things. Then I met you and you were so wonderful and you did do great things. You built bridges and magnificent buildings. When we got married I felt like it was a union of giants. Together I was certain we could conquer the world."
She closed her eyes and sighed. "But then I couldn't find a job. No one was able to recognize my talents and I had to take a position as a secretary. Frankie you build wonderful structures. I spend my day typing insurance contracts. If I died tomorrow no one would even know that I existed."
"I'd know. Together we created something more magnificent than any building or bridge that I could ever build by myself. We built our love and that love will last longer than any structure that any human being has ever created."
Katie stared at me for a moment and then she shook her head and cried, "Oh god what have I done!"
I looked at her and wondered if she was about to confess to everything, but she quickly pulled herself together and said, "Frankie, I'm so sorry that I've been neglecting you."
Throwing her arms around my neck, Katie kissed me. It quickly turned into a long passionate kiss. As we kissed she reached down and wrapped her fingers around my stiffening penis.
"I want you to fuck me Frankie. I want you to fuck me right now."
My wife got up on her hands and knees. "Take me Frankie. I want you. Take me doggie style. It'll feel so good."
This was another change. Katie had never let me fuck her like this. Usually we either did it missionary style or she wanted to be on top. The few times we'd done it during the past few months she'd always wanted to be on top.
I was excited. I eagerly got behind her. Katie giggled with delight when she felt me push my stiff cock into her very wet cunt.
I started fucking her.
Her response shocked me. "Yes Frankie, that feels so good. That's right! Do me! Fuck me! Fuck me hard. Push that beautiful cock of yours in and out of my hot cunt."
I was amazed. When we're having sex and Katie is very excited, she might say, “Fuck me Frankie,” Once in a while she might also use the words penis of pussy, but she never said, cock or cunt. Talking dirty was something that she didn't do.
Katie's smutty language and adventurous attitude excited me. As I fucked her from behind I became increasingly daring. Looking down at her puckered little anus, I remembered Pete boasting to his friend that my wife let him fuck her ass.
The thought, If she let's him do it, then she should also let me do it, flashed through my brain.
I pulled my cock out of Katie's cunt, bent over and pushed my tongue back into her asshole. I was trying to get it nice and wet.
Katie tried to look over her shoulder. "Frankie, what are you doing. I want you to fuck me right now. We can do that again later."
I ignored her. I was like a man possessed by demons. I had just abased myself completely for my wife. I'd made her my goddess and worshiped her just to demonstrate how much I loved her. Now I wanted an affirmation of her love for me. I needed to know that she cared about me just as much as she cared about her lover. I desperately wanted to be assured that she would give me anything that she gave to him.
I straightened up. The tip of my penis brushed across the lips of Katie's cunt.
"Yes Frankie, that's right fuck me. I'll let you lick my asshole again later, but right now I want you to fuck me."
I wrapped my arm around Katie's waist and pulled her up slightly. This lowered her ass and now the tip of my erect cock was tickling her tiny anus.
"Frankie what are you doing?"
I started pushing my cock into my wife's asshole.
"No Frankie, not there! I want you to fuck my pussy."
I remembered how aggressive Pete seemed to be. I assumed that Katie had made similar protests when he first took her ass, so I ignored her and kept pushing.
"Frankie I said no! Now please put your cock back in my pussy."
I pictured Pete pushing his big cock in and out of my wife's ass. Why was she willing to give him this pleasure, but deny it to me?"
I pushed harder.
Suddenly Katie screamed "Frankie I said no! She pulled herself away from me and turned around. "Frankie what's gotten into you? I told you no."
I stared at my wife. "I just gave myself to you totally. I abased myself and licked your asshole to show you how much I love you. I did it to show you that I'll do anything in the world for you. Now I'm just asking you to give yourself to me. To show me how much you love me."
Katie sighed. "Please Frankie, don't ask me to do that. It will make me feel so cheap and dirty. Baby our love is so pure. I don't want to tarnish it. I sucked your cock and swallowed your cum. Isn't that enough for you? Frankie please believe me, I do love you; I just can't let you do that to me."
Katie lay down on her back, spread her legs and pulled me on top of her. "Now come on baby, fuck my cunt. You know how much I love that and you know how good it makes you feel.
I half hardheartedly pushed my cock back into Katie's cunt and continued fucking her, but the magic was gone. Now it was mechanical on both of our parts. We were just going through the motions. I came as quickly as I could and then I rolled off of Katie and lay on my side with my back to her. I felt totally rejected. I was now utterly convinced that my wife loved Pete Munmister more than she loved me.
Katie put her arm around me. "Baby please don't be angry with me. I just can't let you do that to me. It would make me feel like such a whore"
I wanted to scream at her, Then why will you let him do it to you! But I didn't. I couldn't. I wasn't yet prepared for a confrontation. That said, as I lay there I knew there would be a time when I would ask Katie that very question.
Posts: 4050
I was up early the next morning. It's difficult to relax during an emotional crisis. I made a pot of coffee and retrieved the morning paper from the front steps. I was just opening the sports page when my wife walked into the kitchen. All she was wearing was one of my tee shirts. She looked absolutely beautiful. Sadly, as I gazed at her I couldn't help wondering if she walked around like that in front of him. We stared at each other. There was a coolness between us. It was obvious that both of us sensed it.
My wife walked over to me, put her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. "Frankie, I know I hurt your feelings last night, but please understand that I just can't bear to let you do that to me. It would make me feel too cheap. I promise you that I'll try to make it up to you in other ways."
Stepping back, she looked at me and asked; "What made you think about doing that anyway?"
I was prepared for that question. I'd suspected that she was going to ask.
"Two of the younger guys at work were talking about it last week. They both claimed their wives loved it."
Katie shook her head. "Women talk about sex all the time, but I didn't think guys did that."
"Sometimes, but the problem with guys is that they don't always tell the truth."
Suddenly a thought crossed my mind. I might have been reading this all wrong. It was possible that Pete was lying when he bragged to his friend that he was fucking my wife in her ass. He might have been making the whole thing up to make himself look good. He certainly did appear to be the kind of guy who was capable of doing something like that. I reminded myself that this was a situation where jumping to conclusions could be very dangerous.
I smiled at Katie, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have turned it into such a big issue."
Katie smiled back at me. "It's okay baby. It never hurts to ask. Maybe tonight we can try to find some other things that might be just as much fun."
I shook my head. "That's a very attractive offer, but I have to go into the office and I might end up having a long day. The problem in Kansas City has the potential to be fairly serious. It could end up costing the company a considerable sum of money."
"Will you be home for supper?"
"I'm not sure. I can't be certain about how serious the problem is until I see the tech reports. They're going to fax those to me this morning. If it's as bad as I suspect it might be, I'm afraid I'll be spending some long hours over the next several days trying to work out a solution."
Katie nodded. "As long as you're not going to be around, I think I'll go shopping this afternoon. Would you call me on my cell phone when you know more about your schedule?"
I smiled. "I'll call you a couple of times today and let you know what's happening."
"Thanks baby, I'd appreciate that."
I made cinnamon toast for both of us and then we sat together at the kitchen table takeing coffee, eating our toast and reading the Sunday paper. It was nice. As we sat there I wondered if Katie and I would still be together on the following Sunday. I was guessing that it was highly unlikely.
Posts: 1916
Just found your new story! As usual it's excellent, amd I can't wait for the next installment. By way of a slight coincidence, last week I watched my wife of 30 years take it up the ass from her lover for the first time.
Welcome back
Posts: 1459
Excellent GH, the conflicting emotions and confusion are all too real, as is the barely submerged anger and sense of betrayal. It seems like a very different story for you in some respects, but it's tremendous - just shows to go you what an extremely talented writer can do!
One thing that isn't different - great characters! I feel like I know and empathize with them already. Thanks again.
Posts: 176
I gotta say, that's a great story. I'm really enjoying the read. 
Posts: 438
Really enjoying the build up GH....I know it's coming but I'm unsure what *it* is  You always write so well and keep the suspense rolling along, I agree with stormydog too, the characters seem familiar already..... Take care and take your time... Mel xx
Posts: 4050
#37 · Edited by: goodhusband
It's nice to hear from you. I hope your wife and her lover enjoyed it and I hope you got to eat a nice cream pie aftewards.
Storm and Mel
Thanks, I think the story has a couple of nice twists. I hope it works.
I'm glad you're enjoying the story. I appreciate your taking a moment to tell me.
Everyone, thank you again
Posts: 4050
#38 · Edited by: goodhusband
Jupiter Construction is a very successful company and it's central office is normally a hot bed of activity. In the construction business time is money, so six days a week the work day generally begins before 7:00 AM and often continues until 10:00 or 11:00 at night. Sunday is the exception. On Sundays the office is usually deserted. This was a typical Sunday morning.
As I sat at my desk the soothing silence surrounding me provided a welcome respite from the tension created by the growing crisis in my permisteral life. I took a few minutes to enjoy the comforting environment and then I took out my pocket recorder, turned it on, set it in front of me on my desk and listened. I had captured Pete Munmister's conversation with his friend Mitch perfectly.
As the recorder replayed Munmister's gloating description of his recent activities with my wife, my anger escalated, intensifying my determination to extract a pound of flesh from the sleazy bastard's slimy hide.
As soon as the recording ended I picked up my cell phone, found the number for Dana Munmister's cell phone and called her.
Dana Munmister and I really were close business associates. I talked to her about the specifications for parts that Jupiter Construction was ordering at least three of four times a week.
She answered on the third ring. "Frankie Reese, Jupiter must be facing a pretty tough deadline if you're working on Sunday morning." Her caller id had apparently identified me."
"Dana, I'm sorry to bother you on Sunday morning."
"It's okay Frankie, actually I'm in the office right now. This is the height of the road repair seamister. We have the plant working on three shifts. We can't even keep up with the demand for steel expansion plates."
Laughing, she added; "Besides, Jupiter is our best customer. You can call me in the middle of the night if you need to."
There was a pause. I was trying to think of a tactful way to begin an extremely unpleasant discussion.
After a moment Dana said, "So Frankie, what can I do for you?"
Taking a deep breath, I said; "Actually Dana, I'm not calling you about a business issue. This is permisteral."
"Frankie, I don't understand."
"Dana, yesterday afternoon I found out that your husband is having an affair with my wife."
"Pete and Katie?"
Dana was acquainted with my wife. Katie and I had attended two dinner parties put on by Kendall Metal Fabricating.
There was another pause, only this one was much longer. Finally Dana said, "How is that possible? They've never met. Katie has been to a couple of our social functions, but it's been several years since Pete's attended one of them."
"They met at Brady's Saloon. I don't think that either of them are even aware that you and I have a connection."
"Pete does frequent Brady's and I know that he doesn't talk much about the family business. He generally tries to pass himself off as a big time attorney. It's very likely that he's never even mentioned Kendall Metal Fabricating to your wife."
Suddenly Dana asked, "Frankie, why is your wife hanging out at a place like Brady's?"
"She goes there every Friday night with the other secretaries at that insurance office where she works."
"I see."
Dana thought for a moment and then she said. "Frankie, why do you think that Pete and Katie are having an affair? I mean it doesn't surprise me to hear that my husband is involved with another woman. Our marriage has become a sham. I've suspected that he was cheating on me for several years. But Katie, she seems like such a nice girl and the two of you always appeared to be so happy. Are you sure about this?"
"Yes Dana, I'm very sure."
"Do you have proof?"
I have some, but I'd like to have more and I have a plan."
"What proof do you have?"
I quickly outlined the events of the past few months. When I told her about Katie coming in at 3:15 Saturday morning and described her disheveled appearance Dana sighed and said; "Oh dear, Frankie that must have been very difficult."
I agreed that it was and then I went on to explain that I used to hang out at Brady's before I got married and still knew a number of people who worked there. I told her about yesterday's visit and what I'd learned about my wife's behavior in the bar. Then I finished by telling her about overhearing her husband's conversation with his friend Mitch."
When I was done Dana sighed and said; "I'm sorry Frankie, my husband has turned into a real S.O.B.. I sure would have liked to have heard that conversation."
"You can."
"What do you mean?"
"I recorded it."
"You recorded it?"
"Yes. I just listened to it a few minutes ago."
"Could I listen to it?"
"I think you should."
"Where could I meet you?"
"Why don't I come to your office at Kendall Fabricating."
"Frankie, would you? That would be wonderful."
"Are you busy right now? I could be there in twenty minutes."
"I'm not doing anything that can't wait. I'll be in my office. The front door is unlocked. You know the way, don't you."
"Yes, I know how to get to your office."
"Frankie, my dad is here. Would you mind if I asked him to join us?"
"No Dana, not at all; in fact, I think it would be a very good idea."
I knew that Arthur Kendall had the financial and legal resources necessary to mount a serious attack.
"Dana, I'll be there in twenty minutes."
"Thank you Frankie, my dad and I will be waiting for you."
After ending the call, I put my cell phone and the voice recorder into my briefcase and hurried out of the office. Adrenalin was pumping through my veins. I was about to hang Mr. Peter Munmister.
Posts: 3581
GH: I'm enjoying this story, and you have once again given us a fine one to follow!  Thanks!! Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 319
Goodhusband, I think I know where this is going ... another one of your masterpieces!
Posts: 106
gh, it's good to see you back. I've always enjoyed reading your stories and this one is no exception. Thanks for all of your effort. I'll keep my eyes open as this progresses.
Posts: 438
#42 · Edited by: essentiauk
Posts: 515
i'm loving this! 
Posts: 1459
And the plot thickens! This is excellent GH, a very enjoyable read. Unlike some, I have no idea where you might go with this - there are just too many paths it could take from this point! Guess I'll just have to wait patiently, here at my computer...good thing I brought beer and popcorn. Thanks again for your efforts on our behalf!
Posts: 158
Me too, thanks for your efforts I appreciate your time and efforts. When are you and stormy going to work together on a writing project? I think it would be a slam dunk! watcherdoit4fun
Posts: 492
What Stormy said times 2. As you know, I wasn't happy with the way Courtesan started out. You told me to hang in there and I did. It then ended up being one of my all time favorites of yours. I truly have no idea where you're headed with this one, a little voice in the back of my head keeps telling me that the plot is way too predictable. If you've been working on this thing for a while now, I just know you've cooked up some twists and turns for us.
In all honesty, I secretly hope that it turns out exactly as it looks, for once it would be nice to see the bad guy put in his place and the good guy becoming victorious. I think we all have a soft spot in our hearts for the underdog.
Not a big beer takeer, but I have lots of popcorn, so let's sit back and see how this thing develops.
Thanks GH, love the story.
Posts: 125
as usual another great story. love that it could go so many ways. a master at his craft......missed you
Posts: 4050
#48 · Edited by: goodhusband
There were two missing segments here. I the space from my responses to the comments to fit them in. I hope no one objects.
The door to the main offices of Kendall Metal Fabricating was unlocked. As I crossed the deserted reception area I could hear voices coming from several offices. While the clerical staff all seemed to be off, it was clear that the managers at this firm were all working on Sunday morning. When I arrived at Dana Munmister's office, I found the door open. She was seated at her desk. Her man, Arthur Kendall was sitting next to her desk. As soon as they saw me come in they both stood up.
Arthur Kendall stepped towards me with his hand extended. "Frank, it's nice to see you. Thanks for coming over here this morning."
As I shook his hand, I said; "It's nice to see you too Arthur. I wish the circumstances were better."
Nodding, he said; "Yes, Dana has filled me in on the details of your telephone conversation."
He gestured towards the chair next to the one he'd been occupying. "Please sit down."
As I was sitting down I glanced over at Dana. Pete Munmister was a fool. His wife was a gorgeous woman. She was much older than Katie, maybe mid forties; but as is common with many wealthy women the advantages of beauty spas, health clubs and permisteral trainers had had their effect. Despite her age she was as desirable and attractive as many women ten to twenty years younger than she was.
Dana was taller than Katie, maybe five foot seven or eight and larger busted too. While my wife wasn't a small breasted woman, Dana Munmister was definitely well endowed.
They were both brunettes and wore their hair shoulder length. They both also had a twinkle in their eyes and an endearing smile that I found most attractive.
As soon as I was seated Arthur Kendall and Dana both sat down. Once we were all settled Arthur said; "Dana told me that you had some sort of recording."
"Yes, yesterday at Brady's Saloon I was seated at the bar two stools away from Pete. He was bragging to his friend about his affair with my wife."
Opening my briefcase, I took out the miniature recorder and set it on Dana's desk. "I had this hidden underneath a cocktail napkin. I recorded the entire conversation."
"May we listen to it?"
"That's why I'm here."
I turned on the recorder. It took about five minutes to listen to the entire conversation.
When Pete started talking about his wife and the family business I glanced over at Dana. There was a tear rolling down her cheek. Next to me I noticed that her man was steaming.
The last part of the recording was mostly about Pete's efforts to make a chump out of me. As soon as it ended Arthur Kendall said, "Frank I apologize. My mister in law is a real asshole.'
Looking at his flower, he said; "I'm sorry sweetheart, he is. We've both known that for a long time, it's just been hard for you to admit it."
"I know dad. I can't help it, I fell in love with him. I know it was a mistake, a horrible mistake. I've known it for a long time. It's just so hard to finally acknowledge what a colossal fool I've been."
She turned to me. "Frank, my man is absolutely correct. Pete is, as he put it, an asshole. He's mean, vindictive, egotistical and self centered."
She sighed, "But there's something about him that makes him absolutely irresistible. I'm sure you've heard that some women are attracted to bad boys. I'm one of those women and it appears that your wife is too. Pete is the baddest of the bad boys."
Shaking her head, she said; "At least your wife had the good sense to marry a nice guy. She's just playing with the bastard. I stupidly married the mister of a bitch."
She pause for a moment and then in a voice brimming with sadness she added; "But I suppose that your wife's decision to get involved with Pete has pretty much destroyed your marriage."
Nodding, I said; "Yes, I think that it will be hard for me to ever trust her again."
Dana smiled. It wasn't a smile of happiness, it was a smile of resignation. "So what do we do?"
Her man looked at her. "Are you ready to divorce him?"
"Yes, For years I've suspected that he's been cheating on me, but I've never been confronted with proof. That made it easier to ignore it. Now that I know for sure, well when you add infidelity to his other faults there isn't much reamister to try to save the marriage."
Dana took a deep breath and sat up in her chair. Staring into her man's eyes, she said; "Now that I do know the truth, I'm angry. Daddy I want to fry the mister of a bitch." The vindictiveness in her voice sent a chill up my spine.
Slowly shaking his head, Arthur Kendall said; "All right, how should we do it?" He picked up my recorder and looked at me. "This is pretty damning evidence, but you made the recording in a public place without Pete's permission. I'm not sure it's admissible as evidence in a court of law."
Nodding, I answered; "No, I don't think it is either, but I have an idea."
"What's your idea?"
"Your mister-in-law wants to humiliate me by having sex with my wife in our bed. I think I should give him the opportunity."
Mr. Kendall smiled. "You're thinking about setting him up."
"That's exactly what I want to do. I'm reamisterably certain that anything I record inside my own house can be used in court."
"I think you're right, but I'll check with my lawyers to make sure. What's your plan?"
"You know that bridge we're building in Kansas City."
"Yes of course, were supplying most of the expansion plates, joints and trusses for it."
"This morning I told my wife that we're having problems with that bridge. Right now she thinks I'm in my office trying to work out solutions to the problems."
"I assume that everything with the bridge is actually just fine."
"Yes, everything is right on schedule. We aren't having any problems at all. This is just a ploy."
"And a damned good one too." Mr. Kendall smiled for a moment and then he asked; "what's the rest of the plan?"
"Tomorrow, when I get home from work I'm going to tell Katie that I have to make an emergency trip to Kansas City on Wednesday morning and I won't be back until Thursday afternoon."
Slowly nodding, Mr. Kendall grinned and said, "And when your wife tells my sleazeball mister-in-law he'll jump at the chance to get her in your bed."
"That's what I'm hoping will happen."
"What about the video recording? We can't afford any mistakes. How do you plan to handle that? Are you going to set it up?"
"No, I don't feel competent with surveillance equipment, but I think I've hired someone who is."
"Wheeler Home Security."
"How did you find them?"
"On the Internet."
"So you really don't know much about them."
"Not really, but I hope they're good. Yesterday afternoon I gave Jeff Wheeler a thousand dollar deposit. I really didn't know what else to do."
Mr. Kendall nodded. "Yes this is a difficult situation. We're definitely in uncharted waters here. I'll have my attorneys check them out this afternoon. If they're not good, we'll find someone who is. Oh and don't worry, I want to cover all of the expenses. I'll get a check to you tomorrow to reimburse you for the thousand dollars."
"Sir, you don't have to do that."
"I know I don't, but I want to. Frank, I can easily afford it and honestly this is even more important to me than it is to you."
I smiled. "Thank you sir."
Mr. Kendall stood up. "If you'll excuse me, I'd like to make some phone calls. Frank, we need to stay in close contact over the next few days. I believe that you have Dana's phone number and she has yours."
As I stood up, I answered; "Yes."
He turned to his flower. "Dana, you're going to be our communication link for this project."
"That's fine dad." There was a look of profound sadness in Dana's eyes.
Turning back to me Mr. Kendall said, "Frank, I'm sure we'll be seeing quite a bit of each other over the next few days."
"Yes sir, I'm sure we will."
"Thank you for coming to see us."
"I'd like to say it was a pleasure, but..." My voice trailed off."
"I understand." After a short pause followed by a sigh Mr. Kendall said; "Thanks for coming anyway", and then he turned and walked out the door.
Posts: 4050
#49 · Edited by: goodhusband
As soon as he was gone I turned to Dana. "I'd better be going too."
Her eyes glistening with fresh tears, Dana looked up at me and smiled. It was powerd smile. In a tentative voice, she said; "Yes, I suppose so."
It was an awkward situation. Both of us were obviously hurting and had so much that we wanted to say to each other; but it was difficult. While we were friends we weren't close friends. We were business associates who had become friends. Baring our hearts to each other didn't seem appropriate. Still...
For a moment I stood in front of Dana, wanting to say something, but not knowing how or what to say. Finally I smiled at her and turned.
As I started to walk out the door she said; "Frankie, wait. Don't go."
I stopped and turned around again.
"Please, I need to talk and I think you might be the only permister who can understand."
Dana stood up and walked around her desk. She was a beautiful woman.
Standing next to the chair where her man had been sitting, she said; "I'd like it if we could sit together for a few minutes."
I nodded.
She sat down. I followed her lead.
After a few seconds of silence Dana quietly said; "Right now I feel angry and hurt." She paused for a moment and then she added, "But mostly I feel said, so very very sad."
"Do you still love him?"
Dana took a second to consider my question and then she shook her head. "No, I don't. I haven't loved Pete for a very long time. Actually I'm not sure that I ever loved him. Pete's not the kind of man that women love."
"If you never loved him, why did you marry him?"
"Because I was in lust with him. Frankie, I mentioned this earlier. My husband has an natural magnetism that is irresistible to some women. I met him at a party. He was in law school and I was working on my masters degree in business administration. I was immediately drawn to him."
Looking at me, Dana said; "Frankie, please excuse me. I don't mean to shock you or offend you; but if you're going to understand, I need to be candid."
I nodded. "Go ahead, we're both adults."
"The moment I met him my pussy started to tingle." Dana watched me to see how I reacted to her rather graphic statement.
I was a little surprised, but I managed to quell my initial disquiet and smiled at her.
She smiled back. "Pete likes it when I talk dirty. He taught me to do it. That's how he is. He likes sex to be dirty and nasty. That's why I can say that I never loved him. With Pete there isn't any love. There isn't any romance. There is only lust; raw, base, natural lust."
Closing her eyes, she whispered; "He made me do things, things that I'd never dreamed of doing for any other man."
Suddenly she stopped. Shaking her head, she said; "No that isn't true. Pete never made me do anything. That isn't the way he works. There was never any power or coercion. He never grabbed me or held me. He never tied me up. He certainly never hit me. No, it's much more accurate to say that Pete enticed me to do things. He made me want to do them, sometimes he even made me beg to do them.
I nodded. I wasn't sure what else to do.
"Frankie, I've always enjoyed sex. I was never a prude. Before I met Pete I'd had a number of lovers, some of them were even casual one night stands; but I was always a little reserved in bed. I tried to be a nice girl who liked sex. Pete changed me."
She smiled. "No he didn't change me, I think I was always a slut. He just drew it out of me. With Pete sex became an adventure. The night we met he took me back to my apartment. Frankie, I danced naked for him and then I sucked his cock. I'd never even imagined dancing naked for a man and while I used to give the guys I dated an occasional blow job, this was different. That night I got down on my knees and worshiped Pete's cock."
I looked at Dana. Her face was flushed, she was short of breath. It was obvious that she was excited. I asked her, "Are you going to stay with him?"
"No, I've stayed with Pete because the sex with him is addicting, it's almost like a have." Dana shook her head. "But it's become increasingly obvious that he no longer cares about me. The callousness, indifference and hostility that I get from him have made me hate him. I also now understand that he's robbed me of something, something very important to me."
"What's that?"
"Love and romance, with Pete there has never been love or romance just lust and debauchery." Grinning at me, Dana said; "Lust and debauchery are fun, but they should be the spice in relationship. Love, romance and friendship need to be the staples. I want to find a man who can play kinky games in the bedroom but will still love me, respect me and enjoy my company."
I smiled. “That doesn't seem like too much to ask for."
"I don't think so either, but Pete was never able or willing to provide it and now even the bedroom part is nearly nonexistent. When we do have sex it feels like he's just doing me a favor and that is so very demeaning."
Dana sighed, "Frankie a moment ago you asked me if I loved Pete. I don't, I don't even lust after him anymore. Now I just want to be rid of him."
Leaning over, she put her hand on my thigh. "But before I get rid of him I want to hurt him. He stole some very good years from me and I want revenge. Frankie, how would you like to help me get back at him?"
"How can I help you? He's bigger than I am. If we fought I think he might beat me up."
Laughing, Dana said; "Frankie honey, I don't want you to do anything like that. I'm thinking of a much better way to get revenge."
"I don't understand."
"Pete has always prided himself on his ability to get women to do things for him that they wouldn't do for other men. Frankie, I want to be your slut, I want to do some of the nasty things for you that I used to do for Pete and when all of this blows up I intend to tell him about it and describe every seamy little detail to him."
Speechless, I stared at Dana.
She grinned at me. "What do you say big guy? Are you up to the task?"
Posts: 4050
#50 · Edited by: goodhusband
Not waiting for me to answer, Dana stood up and walked over to the door. After locking it, she turned around and slowly walked back over to me. Smiling seductively she reached down, grasped my wrist and pulled me to my feet. "Come on Frankie, let's move over to the couch. My husband and your wife have been having a good time with each other. Don't you think it's time for the two of us to enjoy ourselves too."
I understood exactly what Dana was suggesting and I really couldn't think of any reamister that we shouldn't do it. Still, I was nervous. Even though I used to hang out at Brady's Saloon, when it came to sex and love affairs I wasn't actually very sophisticated. Prior to Katie I'd only had sex with two other women and both of them were college girlfriends. Now a gorgeous married woman fifteen years older than me was leading me over to the couch in her office for an afternoon of hot sex. Damn right I was nervous.
"Frankie, help me move the coffee table. We'll be needing a little space."
Together Dana and I pulled the coffee table away from the couch. As soon as that was done she said, "Now sit down, I'm going to undress for you."
I sat on the couch.
"Frankie, my husband loves having me strip for him. Usually I dance while I'm doing it. Knowing Pete, I'm sure that he has your wife do a strip tease for him almost every time they get together."
I remembered the strip tease Katie had done for me the previous night. At the time I'd suspected that it was something she was doing for Munmister.
"I'd dance for you, but I'm afraid that if I turn the radio on, we might make people curious about what's going on in here."
Suddenly I thought about Arthur Kendall. "Dana what if your man comes back? This could be kind of embarrassing and I really don't want to make him mad at me."
Smiling, Dana said; 'Don't worry, the doors locked and and after you leave I plan to tell him what we did anyway."
"Frankie, my dad's been encouraging me to take a lover. He wants me to be happy. He knows that Pete's been neglecting me and we've both suspected that he's been cheating on me for a long time. Actually my dad's not all that upset about the cheating. He's been having an affair with his secretary for years."
"What about your mom?"
"She knows about it."
"And it doesn't bother her?"
"No, unlike Pete, my dad doesn't neglect my mom. They not only love each other, they like each other and they spend lots of time together. My mom also has an occasional fling."
"And your dad doesn't get upset about that?"
"No, both he and my mom know that their trysts are just sex. There's never any emotional entanglements. They never let their affairs become a threat to their marriage."
"So why haven't you taken a lover?"
Dana thought for a moment and then she sighed and said; "That's complicated. First of all, I've never really known how to go about meeting someone. I mean I can't just go to bed with any guy off the street. Playing around with someone at work is risky. I'm an officer and part owner of the company."
"Your dad plays with his secretary."
"Yes, but he and Darlene worked together for years before they started their affair. They already had an established friendship and they trusted each other. Also, Darlene is married and has two teenaged girls. She's just as concerned about discretion as my dad."
"What about bars and nightclubs?"
"I can't go to a bar by myself, that's just not my style."
"Don't you have friends who would go with you?"
"I have two girlfriends, but they're both married and have families. I wouldn't feel right about trying to drag them out to pick up bars."
She paused for a moment and then she said; "Frankie, your wife works in a secretarial pool. She has a cadre of women that she sees every day. I'm a vice president in a large manufacturing firm owned by my family. I'm not in a position where I can go clubbing with the other women who work here."
I nodded.
"Also, I've never wanted to cheat on Pete."
"I don't understand."
"This is really complicated." She thought for a moment and then she said, "Remember that I told you that Pete can get women to do things that they wouldn't even consider doing for another man? That there's something about him that makes some women want to submit to his will."
"For a long time Pete was callous, arrogant and demanding, but he always paid attention to me. Even at the beginning of our marriage I suspected that he was cheating on me; but he never threw it in my face. He always made it clear that I was his woman. I was the only woman who mattered to him. That made it easier to ignore the evidence of his cheating."
Dana smiled at me. "Frankie, I have a little submissive streak." She laughed. "Who am I kidding, I have a huge submissive streak. As long as Pete made me feel loved and important, I got a thrill out of his rough, demanding treatment. I even got a thrill out of the possibility that he might be seeing other women. Does that make any sense to you?"
I thought back to the night before and how I'd felt while I was licking Katie's asshole. Smiling, I said; "Yes Dana, I think I do understand."
"It's only been during the past few years that he's started neglecting me and treating me with disdain."
"Why didn't you just divorce him when he started acting like that?"
Shrugging, Dana said; "I don't know Frankie. It's hard to give up on someone, especially someone as strong willed as Pete. I guess I just needed a little shove."
She smiled at me. "And this morning, you gave it to me."
At that moment my cell phone rang.
Posts: 4050
#51 · Edited by: goodhusband
"I'd better take this." I Pulled my phone out of my pocket and quickly checked the screen. It was Katie. Looking at Dana, I said; "It's my wife." And then I pushed the answer button.
"Hi Katie."
"Hi Frankie, how is your day going? Will you be coming home very soon?"
"No sweetheart, I'm afraid I'm going to have to be here for most of the afternoon. I probably won't be home until 5:00 or 6:00 o'clock."
"Andrea just called. She and a couple of the other girls from work are planning to meet at the mall for lunch. As long as you're not going to be home this afternoon, I think I'll join them. Is that all right with you?"
"Sure, that's a good idea. It will give you something to do this afternoon."
"After lunch, I'm sure we'll go shopping so I probably won't be home until 5:00 or 6:00 either. I'll pick up some chicken on my way home. That will be an easy dinner for us."
"That sounds good."
"Frankie, if I'm going to get to lunch on time I'd better get going. I'll see you around 5:00 or 6:00."
"Goodbye Katie."
"Goodbye Frankie, I love you."
"I love you too Katie. Have a good time this afternoon."
"Thanks I will."
Katie ended the call.
I put my phone back in my pocket and looked at Dana. "I wonder if she really is going to meet her coworkers at the mall or if that was just a lie so she can get together with your husband?"
Sighing, Dana said; "Sorry Frankie, but I suspect it was a lie."
I nodded and sadly said; "So do I."
Dana sat down next to me on the couch, picked up my hand and held it between both of hers. "Frankie, are you going to be all right?"
"Yes, I just need a moment."
"I think this is harder for you than it is for me."
"What makes you say that?"
"I've had years to get used to the idea that Pete was cheating on me. You just found out about Katie. It also sounds like she still loves you. That makes it even more complicated."
Suddenly Dana's cell phone rang. It was sitting on her desk. She stood up and quickly walked over to it. Picking it up, she took a quick look at the screen and said; "It's Pete."
I nodded.
She pressed answer and said; "Hello Pete, what do you want?" I noticed a coldness in her voice. It was a tone that you wouldn't normally expect to hear from a wife talking to her husband.
"I'll probably be here for most of the afternoon. We have several rush orders that I have to get set up so that the factory can start working on them tomorrow morning."
"No, go ahead, I won't be at home. You might as well meet Mitch at Brady's. That will give you something to do this afternoon."
"What time will the game be over?"
"Around five, that's fine. I doubt very much that I'll be home before that."
"No that's okay, I'll stop at the grocery store and pick up something for dinner."
"I love you too. Have a good time at Brady's."
Dana ended the call, set her phone down on her desk and looked at me. "I guess that answers the question about whether or not your wife is really meeting her coworkers at the mall."
"Yes, it appears that as soon as Katie got off the phone with me she called Pete to tell him that she had the afternoon free."
Nodding in agreement, Dana said; "I'm sure that as we speak, both of them are racing over to the Kings Motor Inn."
"Yup, I do believe you're correct." I said the words with a resigned sigh.
Posts: 492
Dana and Frankie...didn't see that one coming. I like the revenge aspect of it all, very interesting GH. I knew you'd throw some twists and turns at us. What else do you have up your sleeve?
As always, thanks.
Posts: 1916
As always these are great segments. I can't wait for the next one, and yes I did get a great cream pie afterwards; thanks for asking
Posts: 163
Oh crap, GH. Don't let this be a setup. Dana says she wants to make love, next she's getting up to do a strip tease for Frankie. What's her motive? I don't feel good about this!... 
Posts: 438
Dana & Frankie are sounding interesting, very  Mel xx
Posts: 3581
GH: As always, your twist to a story come from all directions. I look forward to watching this new aliance play out. GREAT JOB!! Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 1914
GH, In crime movies, it's always, "Follow the money." In your stories, it's nearly always, follow the love. Lets see ..
Posts: 1459
Like birds of a feather, the subs come together - and the two more dominant ones as well. If opposites attract, how will this work out? Guess I'll just have to wait and see! Thanks GH, you're keeping us all guessing!
Posts: 144
To my husband's readers
Please excuse him. Mikey (the man you know as goodhusband) has been writing nonstop for over five years now. He needs to take a break. I was visiting friends when he started this story. When I returned home and found that he was writing again, I was not pleased. I love my husband and I do not want to lose him. He loves writing, but he tends to become obsessive about it. He stays up late and takes more than he should.
He just finished posting Courtesan at I think that was also difficult for him.
While Mikey is very eager to continue this story, I am making him take some time off. I want him to relax. He will be back. If I'm lucky I might be able to get a week's respite out of him.
Thank you for the wonderful support you've given him.
Posts: 1459
Thanks Lisa - and enjoy some time off GH. It's a beautiful time of year in much of the country - isn't there a golf course somewhere calling your name? One thing for sure, we'll be here whenever you feel like coming back...or whenever Lisa will let you.
As always, you need to listen to her!!