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Illicit Desires

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Posts: 14692
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GH, glad to see you back but you better follow Lisa's orders and take it nice and slow. We can wait.

A great couple of segments and I'm looking forward to Frankie's adventures at the girl's place.


Posts: 515
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What did you mean with the reference to Lithium? isn't that in Batteries.


lithium is also used for the treatment of bipolar disorder!


Posts: 4050
#333 · Edited by: goodhusband
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Zinc, lick buddy, Ajax and Timmy27



I don't suffer from bipolar disorder, but I'm an old guy with dwindling batteries. Maybe I should try a little lithium


I promised more today and here it is.


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Lake Germaine is located about ten miles west of the city limits. A large lake, it stretches for almost twenty miles from east to west. At its broadest point it's nearly five miles wide.

During the early years of the twentieth century, the lake became a summer retreat for many of our cities most affluent residents. In the 1950's, when automobiles became more reliable and the country roads leading to the lake grew into modern highways, many of those wealthy summer residents permanently abandoned their city dwellings in favor of year around lakeside mansions.

Economic development followed. Over the next two decades small villages made up of gas stations, grocery stores, coffee shops, exclusive restaurants, antique stores and designer clothing boutiques quickly joined the mansions and country clubs that lined the lakes perimeter.

In 1904, Arthur Kendall's grandman, George Kendall saw the rapid expansion of the railroad system in the United States and recognized that there was a growing need for prefabricated railroad trestle parts. A blacksmith by trade, the enterprising young man knew how to make those parts. Borrowing as much money as he could, he turned his blacksmith shop into a metal foundry and began production. By 1920, he was a millionaire. Still blessed with foresight, George used part of his fortune to purchase thirty-five hundred feet of prime lake shore on Lake Germaine where he built a summer home.

In 1956 Arthur's man, Norris Kendall decided to turn the summer cottage into a permanent home and built the Kendall mansion. Nine years later, he took two hundred and fifty feet of lakeshore on the northwest end of the family estate and built a house for his only young, Arthur.

Norris Kendall died in 1981. His wife, Julia died three years later. On her death Arthur Kendall inherited all of the Kendall holdings, including the family mansion. He immediately moved his wife and two youngren into the big house.

In 1987, Arthur's mister, George graduated from college. As a graduation present Arthur gave George the house his man had built for him in 1965. Two years later Arthur's flower, Dana graduated from college. Wanting to treat his youngren equitably, Arthur took two hundred and fifty feet of lakeshore on the southeast end of the family estate and built a house for her.

I followed state highway 41 west out of the city. When I reached county road 16 I turned right and drove to Lilac Lane. Lilac Lane is the narrow road that winds behind the homes that line the south shore of Lake Germaine. The Kendall family estate was about two miles west on Lilac Lane.

I'd never been to Dana's house, but I'd passed it several times while I was on my way to dinner parties at the Kendall Mansion. After rounding a bend in the road I saw her mailbox ahead on the right. The name D. Kendall was painted on the side in neat block letters. As I slowed to turn into Dana’s driveway I remembered that the last time I'd driven by this driveway the mailbox had said, Munmister. I suspected that Arthur Kendall had made the change immediately after the night we caught Katie and Munmister in my house. Arthur hated his mister in law.

Dana's driveway wound for about two blocks through a thick oak forest. When I finally emerged from the trees I was amazed at what I found. While it would never be described as a mansion, Dana's house was certainly opulent. Made of red brick; the two story, vine covered home stood on a high ridge overlooking Lake Germaine. A wooden fence at least ten feet tall extended from the right side of the house. I assumed that this fence surrounded the pool and patio area and was constructed to insure that Dana and her guests would have complete privacy while they were relaxing.

I parked my SUV next to Katie's Honda Accord. Dana's BMW and a late model Toyota Corolla that I assumed belonged to Andrea were also parked there. As I walked up the side walk the front door flew open and Katie burst out. Running to me with her arms open she cried, "Frankie, you're here."

I grinned at her. “Yes I am.”


Posts: 4050
#335 · Edited by: goodhusband
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As soon as she reached me Katie threw her arms around my neck and kissed me hard on the lips. I kissed her back. After a moment we broke apart. Stepping back, Katie took my hand and said; "Irv must have been nice to you. You're here earlier than we expected."

"Is that okay?"

Giggling, Katie said; "It's not just okay, it's wonderful."

Behind Katie a voice said; "Frankie, welcome to my house."

I looked up. It was Dana. In the excitement of katie's exuberant greeting I hadn't noticed her. Smiling, I said; "Thank you Dana, this really is a beautiful spot."

"Thank you Frankie, I feel very fortunate to be able to live here."

"We love it too." A blond was standing behind Dana. She was a striking woman, almost as tall and about the same age as Dana. While she didn't have Dana's classical beauty she was very attractive. As she stepped forward with her hand extended I realized that she was not only attractive, she also radiated a raw sexuality that made my heart flutter with excitement. This was a woman who knew how to stir a man's soul.

"I'm Andrea Riley. Katie and Dana have told me so much about you that I feel like we’re already acquainted."

"I've heard a lot about you too Andrea."

Andrea laughed. "I'm sure you have. Please get to know me before you make any final judgments about me."

Smiling, I said; “Don’t worry Andrea, I will."

Next to me, Katie giggled. "How about if he judges you by the clothes you're wearing."

Grinning, Andrea said; "Oh I think I'd like that."

I know this might be hard to believe, but I'd been so focused on greeting Katie, Dana and Andrea that I hadn't noticed their outfits and makeup. Once my attention had been drawn to them, I became acutely aware of them. They were indeed notable.

Actually, I believe I gawked.

All three women were wearing skin tight sheath dresses. Cut to the navel, the dresses left very little to the imagination in the front. This was especially true for Dana and Andrea, who were large breasted women. Katie, while not as well-endowed as her two friends, still had nice breasts and had managed to adroitly position her dress to showcase them perfectly.

Their hemlines were short, very short. If they'd been any shorter, they would have been indecent. The short dresses joined with the five inch spike heels that the women wore to highlight their gorgeous legs.

And then there was the makeup. All three women wore dark eye shadow and heavy mascara. It was Cleopatra eye makeup and combined with the dark red lip gloss they wore it conveyed a message that these were three women who enjoy the pleasures of the flesh.

Katie, Dana and Andrea all saw me staring. Dana put her arm around my shoulder and said, "It appears that you like our new outfits. We bought them to wear to a party we're going to Sunday night, but we wanted to wear them for you first."

Looking at Katie, I said; "A party, Sunday night? And this is what you're going to wear?"

"Is that all right Frankie? I mean we talked about this last night."

Dana and Andrea were watching.

A little unsettled, I said; "Yeah, I guess so. I gather that at this party you're planning to." I hesitated for a second and then I said; "Hook up with a guy."

Katie nodded. "Yes, that is the plan."

Katie and I stared at each other. After a moment she said; "If you don't want me to go, I won't."

Still staring at Katie, I said; "No, I guess it's okay. It is what we talked about. Only I thought that last night we decided that it was going to be a secret just between us, at least for a while."

Shaking her head, Katie said; "I'm sorry Frankie, I tried. It's just that not telling Dana and Andrea is difficult. They're my best friends and when I'm partying with other men I'll be doing it with them. If they know we're back together, and then they see me playing with another guy, well I..."

I felt Andrea's hand on the small of my back. At first it was just a gentle touch, but then she started to massage me. It felt good. As her fingers worked she said; "Frankie, Katie tried to keep your secret, she really did. Do you remember that when we talked to you on the telephone last night Katie suggested we call a couple guys and invite them over for a little party?"


"We did and we had a really nice time with them. I partied with a guy name Bill Molmister and Dana's guy was Rick Garmen. Anyway just before they left, Rick told us that he was having a little get together at his place Sunday night. He said that it was going to be a small group, five or six guys and five or six women and everyone was going to be relaxed and extremely open minded." Andrea smiled. "In other words, he was inviting us to an orgy."

That made me smile. Andrea's honesty was refreshing.

"Dana and I both told him that we were up for it."

I glanced at Dana, she nodded.

"And then he asked us to invite Katie too. We knew that Katie was trying to work things out with you and so we didn't really know if she'd be interested, but Dana and I didn't think that was information we wanted to share with Bill or Rick."

Dana said; "That's right, Bill and Rick are fun guys, but they're just fucks. We don't know them very well and we certainly wouldn't want to share any confidences with them, so we told Rick that we'd pass the invitation on to Katie and let him know as soon as we had her answer."

Nodding, Andrea said; "He does need to know. For this kind of party it's kind of important to make sure you have an equal number of men and women."

Laughing, I said; "Yes, being the odd man out would be very frustrating."

Andrea looked at me for a moment and then she said; "Unless the guy who’s being left out happens to find that particular situation exciting."

I flushed. Andrea's comment had hit a little too close to home.

Noting my obvious embarrassment, Dana quickly added; "Of course after the party was over, both Andrea and I would do everything we could to make a guy like that very happy."

Leaning in to me, Andrea brushed her lips across my cheek and whispered; "I've heard that some of the guys who enjoy that particular fantasy love licking a well fucked pussy. After a hot sex party, I can't think of anything I'd enjoy more than having my pussy licked; especially if the guy had a reputation for being an artist with his tongue."

Taking a step over to me, Dana kissed my other cheek and whispered; "And while he was licking Andrea's pussy, I would love to suck his cock."

"I'll bet having his cock sucked while he licked my pussy would get the guy really hard and I happen to adore getting fucked by a really hard cock." Andrea shook her head in a pretend show of regret. "But my little pussy would be sore and stretched out by all the naughty boys who fucked me during the sex party, so the guy would have to be content with fucking my asshole. Do you think he'd like that Frankie? Do you think the guy would enjoy fucking my ass?"

I was now not only embarrassed, I was also totally disconcerted, incredibly aroused and completely disarmed.

Katie came to my rescue. "Andrea, stop! You're embarrassing him."

"Katie, I may be embarrassing him, but I'm also desensitizing him." Turning to me, Andrea explained; "Frankie, Katie really did try to keep your cuckold fantasy a secret from us. She wasn't able to do it. When she told us that she wanted to go to the party at Rick Garmen's we knew that something had to be up. Right now Katie isn't going to do anything that might jeopardize her chances of reconciling with you. I think that if you demanded it, she'd probably even try to be faithful to you again. I doubt that she'd be successful, but I'm certain that she'd be willing to try. I've never seen a girl as madly in love with a man as Katie is with you."

I glanced at Katie. She nodded and said, "If you really want me to do it, I will try."

I smiled at her and said, "Thank you, but I think we're all right."

Katie smiled back at me. I noticed that both Dana and Andrea were smiling too

Andrea continued. "Once we knew something was up, we started trying to wheedle it out of Katie. She tried to keep your secret, but we gradually broke her down. Frankie, I'm glad we did it."


"First of all, keeping that secret would have been much too difficult for Katie. When she plays around Dana and I are almost always with her. If she's playing around as much as I believe she wants to, Dana and I were sure to start questioning her about what she was telling you. She was going to be in a position where she either had to betray your secret or lie to us. That was going to create a lot of very unpleasant tension for Katie."

I nodded. "Yes, I see your point."

"But for me there's an even bigger reamister."

"What is it?"

"Katie and Dana are my best friends" Andrea laughed. "Fuck, what am I talking about? Katie and Dana are my only friends. Frankie, I'm a slut. I've been a slut since I discovered sex when I was eighteen. When I lost my virginity there were about three seconds of minor pain followed by a cascade of pleasure that completely overwhelmed me. It was like my first taste of an addictive have. After that I couldn't get enough cock. I absolutely adored fucking. There were four hundred kids in my high school graduation class and by the first of March everyone knew me as the school slut. My old girlfriends wouldn't talk to me and the boys, well the boys did talk to me, but only as a way to get into my panties."

Andrea closed her eyes and took a long slow breath. Katie, Dana and I all watched her in respectful silence. Andrea was baring her soul; comments from us were neither necessary nor appropriate.

After a moment she continued. "I've been married twice. Both marriages ended in divorce. Frankie, the second time I got married my new husband's best friend fucked me in the church's janitor closet just before the ceremony. When I walked down the aisle, his cum was leaking out of my pussy."

Andrea stared at me. "Frankie, you appear to be a very special man, a man who's capable of loving without conditions. I know that you love Katie and I know that she loves you. While I understand that will never change, I harbor a secret hope that someday you'll get to know me and when you get to know me you'll discover that I'm not an awful permister. When that happens I hope that maybe you might learn to love me just a little bit too.

Deeply moved, I smiled at Andrea and said; "Okay, no secrets between the three of us. You show me yours and I'll show you mine."


"Yes.” And then staring at Andrea, I added; “I'm a willing cuckold wimp. Now you know. Please don't use that admission to kick me in the teeth."

Shaking her head, Andrea answered, "Franklin Reese, in my eyes you will never be a wimp and I promise that I will never deliberately do anything to hurt you."

"Well then Andrea Riley, I think it's time for the courtship to begin."

Next to me, Dana said; "Hey I want in on this too. I've spent the past sixteen years married to a cuckolds browniehead. I'm ready for a little real love too."

Laughing, Katie herded Dana, Andrea and I together with her arms. As she pushed us towards the front door, she said; “I assure you that my sweet baby's got enough love inside of him for all three of us. Now unless one of you has a better idea, I think it's time for us to go inside, get naked and start takeing margaritas."

As we walked up the front steps Andrea said, "And that Frankie is why both Dana and I are in love with your wife."

Chuckling, I said; "You won't get an argument out of me."


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Posts: 182
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That was absolutely Superb GH, you are a master! the way you described the run up to the way that Dana's family gained their wealth and the aquisition of the property really set the scene.

By the way your apprentice, Charles Dickens was born 200 years ago today the 7/02/1812 in Hampshire England
he was a regular visitor to my home city of Newcastle upon Tyne and had a sister who lived in Sunderland 8 miles away and when he had finished whatever he was doing in Newcastle he would walk the 8 miles to his sisters house in Sunderland to stay the night.



Posts: 1914
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Good to see you back, tender as ever. You really do have gift for this. A gift that is no doubt honed by a lot of hard work that we never see and that never shows harshly in your writing. Thanks for coming back and thanks for giving us what you do.


Posts: 14692
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Banner day - another coup0le of truly great segments. Thank you GH. Just remember to take it nice and slow.
You don't want to get Ms Lisa angry.


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As always..... I'm enjoying your story and manner of delivery.
Take your time and don't push yourself too fast with this hobby. We would love to see you around here for a very long time.

Thanks again!
Cuck who loves a creampie.
lick buddy


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Posts: 515
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loving the story! my comment about the lithium wasn't directed @ you! there was a bit of banter between peakmb & ajax who didn't know what lithium was for (medically)!

anyway, sorry!


Posts: 111
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Love the characters and love the story. Frankie is going to have a couple of great days, but the third day may be a challenge. Thanks for writing.


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Thanks for the note and I'm envious. It would be fun to walk a road traveled by Charles Dickens.


I think that's the nicest compliment you could give me. I believe that all relationships between men and women, even sub dom, SandM, cuckold relationships should be tender. If love isn't present all of that is just relaxing around and use.


Thanks , I apologize for not yet finding the time to read your new story. Lisa and I have been doing a lot of entertaining. Life has been very busy. I will try to get to it tonight. I also want to read the rest of zinc03's story.


As always, thank you and you are correct, I do have to take time off.




I know the lithium comment wasn't directed at me and no apology is necessary. I enjoy the comments and banter. I was just making a feeble attempt at humor. And thank you for your kind comment.


Thanks, and yes I think he is in for a great couple of days. The third day might be tough but I think it's possible that we he gets back to San Francisco he will discover that he has a new support group

All of you

Thank you for taking the time to comment



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As soon as we were inside the house, Dana said; "Katie, why don't you get Frankie settled in your room while Andrea and I make the takes and put together a plate of appetizers." And then, looking at me, she added; "Katie said that from now on when you’re at home you're going to stay here. I hope that's true."

"That’s extremely kind of you. This is a beautiful home and if you'll have me, I'd very much enjoy staying here."

"Have you? Frankie I can't begin to describe how happy it will make me if you stay in this house. I'm trying to get Andrea to move in here too."

Katie, Dana and I all turned to Andrea.

She shrugged. "I'm pretty close. I stayed here last night and I'm going to stay again tonight. It's just that I've been on my own since I graduated from high school. Independence has become a way of life for me. Giving it up isn't easy."

Katie shook her head. "Andy, nobody is asking you to give up your independence. We just want to be with you."

"I know and I'm beginning to understand that I want that too. It's just going to take me a little while to make the complete transition."

Smiling at her, Dana said; "No matter what you finally decide to do, you know that you have a bedroom in this house that you can use as often as you like."

"I know Dana, thank you." And then Andrea turned to me. "And that Mr. Reese is another reamister that I am so very happy."

"Andrea, I understand. I understand very well."

"I hate to interrupt this is a touching scene, but it's keeping us from getting to the important part of the evening."

We all looked at Katie.

Andrea raised her eyebrows and asked, "And pray tell Ms. Kathleen, what might that be?"

Frowning in a feigned display of exasperation, Katie said; "Drinks, food and sex." And then she smiled at Andrea and asked, "Did I leave anything out?"

Laughing, Andrea said; "No Katie, that pretty much covers the necessities of life."

"Does it have to be in that order? I mean could we do takes, sex, food, takes and more sex?" Dana was grinning.

Turning to Katie, Andrea said; "And that, Ms. Kathleen is why Dana runs a large corporation and we work in a secretarial pool."

Katie thought about Andrea's comment. After a second she said; "While she does have a knack for identifying the most reamisterable course of action, I point out that we have neither food nor takes and all of us are still dressed. It seems clear that in order for our executive to actually get something done she requires the assistance of an efficient secretary."

We all burst out laughing.

Dana said, "Well stated Kathleen." And then turning to Andrea, she said; "Come on efficient secretary, let's get the takes and appetizers while our other efficient secretary gets her gorgeously handsome husband settled in their bedroom."

As she and Andrea walked into the back of the house Dana called back to us, "Katie we'll meet you on the patio in ten minutes."

Andrea quickly added, "Tell that hunk husband of yours that appropriate attire is expected."

Grabbing my wrist, Katie said; "Come on Frankie, I'll show you our room."

As we started up the stairs, I asked, "What is appropriate attire?"

Katie giggled.

Puzzled by her response I guardedly asked, "Why are you giggling?"

"We generally sit on the patio naked."

"And that's what Andrea called appropriate attire?"


"Are you going to be naked?"


"Dana and Andrea too?"


"What about me?"

"You too."

I thought about this, after a second I said; "I've never done anything like this before."

"It seems like this is as good a time as any to get started."

"What if I get an erection?"

"I'll be a lot more concerned if you don't get one."

"But Dana and Andrea will see it."

"Frankie honey, they'll not only see it, they'll play with it and believe me your first erection isn't going to last very long."

"The three of you weren't joking about sex. They really are..."

"Yes Frankie, they really are."



Posts: 1418
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Excellent GH! I love how you wove their relationship together.
lick buddy


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Posts: 402
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This is excellent. I check every day for another chapter. Have a feeling that these three will put Frankie through his paces around the pool but I am wondering what adventures await him when he returns to Frisco and the two women who own the place where he is going to live. Have a feeling his submissive side will be exposed and perhaps nurtured. I can't wait.



Posts: 14692
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like always, this is going to be good.


Posts: 1459
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Thanks GH, those were excellent additions with your usual flawless craftsmanship and seamless additions to setting, cast, and story perfectly woven in. I have not been doing much reading lately, but your story draws me back like a moth to a flame. Sorry, poor analogy; I meant more like a bee to honey.

Regarding our last exchange of comments, I meant to point out that Norma Dickens, like us, was known to occasionally pen a bit of erotica herself. You may recall her classic novel, "A Sale of Two Titties".
Sorry. I'll stop now.

Thanks again for this classic and classy tale!


Posts: 1914
#351 · Edited by: peakmb
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Norma didn't stop there. After that classic, she followed it up with Knickerless Nickelby, everyone then had great expectations of her next book, an biography of a little known illusionist, one David Copperfield. Unfortunately almost all copies of the book vanished along with three elephants and the Statue of Liberty one dark and stormy night. It created bleak times for her sister Carol, who not many know was born on 25 December, hence her nickname. Stangely one copy did turn up in the papers of one Mr Pickwick, a mystery only solved by Edwin Drood when he also found the receipt from the old curiosity shop he had bought it from. It one final twist, he sent his brother Oliver round. He discovered the shop was run by the equally curious Dorrit brothers. One was six feet four inches tall, and known as Big Dorrit but it was his five foot two inch brother who served him. The old shopkeeper asked him what he wanted whereupon Oliver uttered the immortal line, "Please Sir, could I have some more."

I blame the dog.


Posts: 1914
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Sorry about that, I was driven to say how much I enjoyed that last post. Bit of everything and a sprinkling of Oofle Dust. Magic in fact. Then Stormy distracted me ...


Posts: 274
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Great segment, thanks for your input, it is always good and looked forward to!


Loved your message to Stormy.
Absolute classic!!!
How the "Dickens" did you come up with that?


Posts: 4050
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Lick Buddy

As always, thank you


Thankyou, and yes, I believe Frankie's return to San Francisco is goinng to be very broadening for him.



Storm, Peak annd Greenman

Thanks, your Dicken's references made me laugh out loud. I loved them. Peak you are a creative writer. Once again I urge you to try your hand at a story.

Everyone, thank you again



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Katie's bedroom was large, at least as large as our living room at home. A king sized bed stood in the middle of the room, the head pushed up against the wall opposite the door. There was a window on each side of the bed. The windows overlooked the patio and pool area on the east side of the house. The wall to the right of the door was taken up by two maple dressers separated by another door that led into a walk in closet. A maple writing desk and chair sat against the wall to the left. To the right of the desk a third door led to a full bathroom.

A painting, a reproduction of Frederick Carl Frieseke's, "Before Her Appearance" hung above the bed. I was very familiar with this painting. During a visit to Jackmisterville, Florida Katie and I had seen the original in the Cummer Museum. She had been quite taken with it, so as soon as we got home, I had a reproduction made and gave it to her as a present. I'd always thought that the painting depicted a woman sitting at a table in her boudoir applying the final touches to her makeup before getting dressed for a social function. Now, as I looked at it, I saw another much more specific interpretation. This was a beautiful married woman preparing to meet her lover.

Next to me, Katie said; "That will always be my favorite painting."

Smiling at her, I said; "I see it differently now."

"Really? Tell me."

"I used to think that it was just a woman preparing to go out, but now I see a married woman preparing to meet a lover."

"Am I the married woman?"


"Does that excite you?"

"Yes it does."

Taking my hand, Katie stared into my eyes and asked; “Would you like to watch me prepare to meet a lover?"

Now breathless with excitement I answered; "Yes, I think I would."


"No, I know I would."

"Frankie, hearing you say that gets me really excited." And then Katie put her hand behind my head, pulled my face to hers and kissed me on the lips. It was a slow sensual kiss that sent shivers of excitement through my loins.

After a moment Katie stepped back and said; "Whew, that definitely got me in the mood. Frankie, I want you to get undressed and take a quick shower."

"A shower?"

"Yes dear, you're about to attend your first sex party. Being freshly showered is considered proper etiquette."

"This bedroom has its own bathroom. Do all the bedrooms in this house have private baths?"

"Yes, but there are only three bedrooms. Andrea's is across the hall. It's just like this one. And then there's Dana's. It's at the end of the hall. It's beautiful. I'm sure you'll see it later tonight. It has French doors that open to a veranda overlooking the lake."

"It sounds nice."

"It is" And then Katie gave my butt a slap. "Now get your cute tush into the shower so we can join Dana and Andrea downstairs."

I took my clothes off and hurried into the bathroom. I didn't waste any time in the shower. After washing quickly, I dried myself off and returned to the bedroom. Katie was seated on the bed. Except for a pair of platform sandals, she was now naked.

As soon as I stepped back into the bedroom she stood up and walked over to meet me. She was holding a pair of men's leather sandals. "These are for you."

Taking the sandals, I said; "This is my outfit for tonight?"

"Yup, it sure is." But then she quickly added. "Are you okay with all of this?"

I thought for a moment and then I said; "Yeah, I guess so. I mean last night we talked about involving me in this part of your life. This seems like a reamisterable way to begin."

Katie smiled. "I'm glad you feel that way."



"Am I really going to, you know, with both Dana and Andrea?"

"You know? Frankie, you don't have to be shy about what you say to me, or for that matter Dana and Andrea. You know I love to talk dirty and they like it too, especially Andrea. Why don't you rephrase your question."

I looked at Katie for a moment and then I took a deep breath and said; “Am I really going to fuck Dana and Andrea tonight?"

"They're hoping you're going to and they're also both going to want to suck your cock and have you lick their pussys."

"Are you sure you're okay with that?"

Katie smiled at me. "Yes Frankie, of course I am." But then she paused. After a moment she quietly said, "Frankie?"


"You do know that I love you."

"Yes, I don't have any doubts about that."

"Are you sure you’re okay with me going to the party Sunday night? If you don't want me to go, I won't."

I smiled at Katie. "Now it's your turn to speak plainly. You're not asking if I mind if you go to the party. You're asking me if it’s all right if you let other men fuck you while you're at the party."

She nodded. "Yes, I guess that is what I'm asking you."

"So your real question is, am I ready to become a knowing and willing cuckold?"

"I don't have to go to the party. I can wait." And then Katie's voice dropped. "And Andrea was right. If you want me to, I will try to be faithful to you."

"But Andrea also said that she doubted that you could really do it and after everything you told me last night I have to say that I agree with her."

"That's probably true, but Frankie I'll still try. I love you and I don't want to lose you."

"I love you too Katie and I don't want to lose you either." I paused. After a moment I said, "Katie, I do understand and appreciate the magnitude of the sacrifice you’re offering me. This is a life style you love. If I were to try to power you to give it up, I'm afraid that you would end up resenting it for the rest of our lives together. I'm even more afraid that your resentment might eventually turn into disdain or even hatred for me."

"No Frankie! I could never hate you."

"You say that now, but how about ten years from now?" Shaking my head, I said; "No Katie, this is a sacrifice I can't ask you to make."

And then smiling at Katie, I added; "I also don't think that the sacrifice is necessary. I told you last night that for some reamister that I cannot begin to understand, it excites me when I think about you with another man. Katie, I really do want to try to be a willing cuckold husband. I'm sure that at first it's going to be difficult for me. I suspect that Sunday night will be very rough. I know I’m going to need lots of reassurance from you."

Smiling back at me, Katie said; "I'm going to need lots of reassurance from you too."

"I don't understand."

"I'm constantly going to be afraid that I'm hurting you or driving you away from me."

"If I start to feel hurt, I'll tell you and I think it would be very difficult for you to drive me away."

"I almost did it with my affair with Pete."

"Yes, but that took me by surprise and now we are back as a couple."

"Yes we are." Katie kissed me and then she added; "Thank you Frankie, thank you for giving me another chance."

"I think it might be more accurate to say that together you and I have given both of us another chance."

Katie hugged me. For several seconds we held each other in pleasant silence. Finally Katie kissed me lightly on the lips and asked; "Frankie what can I do to help make Sunday night easier for you?"

"I'm not sure."

"I could call you three or four times during the evening."

"No Katie that will interfere with your night out. I want you to be able to relax and enjoy yourself. Before you leave for the party you could send me a text message and when you're on your way home after the party you could send me another one. That is, unless you end up spending the night with one of the men from the party."

Katie shook her head. "No Frankie, I won't do that. I have to work in the morning and I actually don't like to relax with my playmates. Sleeping with a man is an act of intimacy that I don’t want to be part of the sex games I play. Sometimes Dana, Andrea and I relax together, but we're close friends. That's a different situation. Even though we do play around, when we relax together it's more like a dream party."

"So you're telling me that a guy would have to be a close friend before you'd relax with him."

"If you weren't part of my life, I might consider relaxing with a guy who was also a close friend; but you are part of my life and as long as you remain part of my life, you're the only man I want to relax with."

Smiling at Katie, I said; "That's very reassuring."

"I'm glad. I would have told you earlier, but I guess I just took it for granted."

"That's even more reassuring."

Now grinning, Katie said; "I seem to be on a roll. Can you think of anything else I might do or say that would reassure you?"

"I'm not sure about things you could say, but I can think of a number of things you could do that would be extremely reassuring."

"Really? Do you think my Andrea and could assist me?"

"Do you want them to help you reassure me?"

"Yes, very much."

"Then I’d like them to help too."

Katie kissed me on the lips and whispered, "I love you Franklin Reese. Please don't ever forget that."

"I won't and I love you too Kathleen Jordan."

Smiling, Katie wrapped her fingers around my erect penis and said; "It looks like you're ready for a little reassurance. Shall we go downstairs? There are two gorgeous women waiting there to help me ravage you."

"Ravage me?"

"Yes, I think that's the appropriate term."

"I've never been ravaged."

Katie gave my erection a gentle tug and started pulling me into the hallway. As I followed her, she said; "And that, my sweet man, is just one of many new experiences that you are going to enjoy tonight."


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Once we reached the stairs Katie let go of my cock. As I followed her down with my erection sticking out in front of me, I said; "I'm feeling a little self-conscious."

"Because you're naked or because you have an erection?"

"Both, I guess."

"If it makes you feel any better, I'm naked and my pussy is soaking wet."

"Yeah, but that's different."

"What do you mean?"

"You're pussy isn't, you know, out there."

"It's shaved. Everyone can see my lips."

"That's true, but you're used to this."

"The only way you can get used to it is to do it."

"Have you ever walked into a room full of guys naked?"

"Yes I have."



"How many guys were in the room?"

"Which time?"

"Which time? You mean you've done it more than once?"

Katie laughed. "Yes Frankie, actually I've done it several times."

"Were you alone?"

Stopping midway down the stairs, Katie turned and looked at me. "No, my roommate Natalie was always with me."

"And both of you were naked?"

"Only once, usually we were dressed when we walked into the room. That way we could do a strip tease."

"In front of a group of men?"

"Usually it was men and women. Natalie and I started lots of swing parties by doing a strip tease for everyone. We were young and the older couples liked to watch us dance naked."


"We only did it for a group that was just men once."

"A group of men? Who were they?"

"Natalie and I were spending a weekend with her mom and dad in Milwaukee. Saturday night we decided to go downtown and do a little bar hopping. In one of the hotel cocktail lounges we ran into a group of six middle aged businessmen from Ohio. They were attending a weekend workshop. I don't remember exactly, but I think it was about setting goals and objectives or something like that. Anyway, they were fun guys and they started buying takes for us. After a while we decided to go up to one of their hotel rooms for a little private party. Natalie and I started the party by doing a striptease for them."

"All six guys?"

"Of course, it wouldn't have been nice to leave any of them out."

"What happened?"

"Once we were both naked, one of the guys took his cock out. When the rest of them saw that we weren't upset or offended, they all followed his lead."

"So you and Natalie are in a hotel room dancing naked in front of six middle aged businessmen from Ohio and they all have their cocks out."

"That's right."

"What happened next?"

"We started sucking them."

"Two girls can't suck six cocks at the same time."

"Silly, each guy had a turn."

"Hey! Are the two of going to spend the entire night standing on the stairs gabbing or are you going to join Dana and me on the patio so we can have some real fun."

Katie and I both turned. Andrea was standing at the bottom of the stairs looking up at us. Like Katie and me, she was also naked. I gawked. I couldn't help myself. Dressed, Andrea was a very attractive woman; naked she was a sex goddess. Her short blond hair and endearing smile were enchanting, but now her large breasts, flat stomach and shaved pussy made her even more alluring.

Noticing my reaction, Katie grinned and said; "Frankie, reel your tongue back into your mouth so you don't to trip on it while we finish going down the stairs."

All three of us chuckled.

Katie grasped my penis with her fingers, gave it a gentle tug and we started down the rest of the stairs. As soon as she reached the bottom, she pulled me over to Andrea and handed me off to her. I gasped as Andrea wrapped her fingers around my very erect cock.

Andrea smiled. "MY, my, my; Frankie, you are definitely ready for action."

Nodding, Katie said; "Yes he is certainly is, so you'd better be careful with him or he'll cum before we get him out to the patio. When we join Dana I want him to still have an erection."

"I'll be careful." And then, still holding my erection in her right hand, Andrea turned to me, grasped my right wrist and pulled it to her pussy. My fingers slipped into her cleft. She was already wet.

Then, squeezing my penis, she said; "Frankie Reese, I'm Andrea Riley. I'm pleased to meet you."

Grinning at this unorthodox formal introduction, I gently massaged the slippery cleft of Andrea's cunt with my fingertips and said; "I'm pleased to meet you too Andrea Riley."

Andrea gasped at my touch and said; "Oh my! Katie, this lovely man definitely knows how to properly greet a girl."

All three of us started laughing.


Posts: 182
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when I am reading the updates to this story G H I find that I am gasping slightly as you so expertly set the scene for what is to come.

Thanks for the last two updates.



Posts: 14692
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GH, as always you keep maintaining a very high standard. Thank you. You made my weekend with these two segments.
lick buddy


Posts: 277
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Posts: 438
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Not signed in for a while GH so on ly just caught up fantastic writing as always, a wonderful tale building that is as much about the emotion as the sex....perfect, just the way I like it..

Mel xx
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