Posts: 4050
I sat up and rubbed my eyes. The television was still turned on. A older man and an attractive young blond were hawking an anthology of classic disco music. I realized that I must have fallen arelax in my chair. Glancing at the clock, I stood up. It was just after 2:00 AM. I wondered why Katie had left me relaxing in my chair when she got home. I turned off the television and walked down the hall to our bedroom. The door was open and the lights were off. I quietly peeked inside. I was trying to avoid disturbing my wife. Lately she'd been a little short tempered and I didn't want to upset her.
I was surprised to see that she wasn't there. The bed was still made. The bathroom was dark. I looked at the clock on the night table on Katie's side of the bed. It read 2:10. I hadn't been mistaken about the time.
I quickly walked across the house to the kitchen and opened the door to the garage. Katie's car wasn't there. She wasn't home yet.
I went into the living room and looked out the front window. The street was vacant. All the houses on our block were dark. I sat down on the couch and started to worry. The bars in our state closed at 1:00 AM.
I quickly convinced myself that my wife had been in an accident. I called her cell phone. It went right to her voice mail. Her cell phone was turned off. I thought about calling the police, but I knew they wouldn't do anything. She was only two hours late.
It was Friday night. Katie had gone out with her girlfriends from work. She was part of the secretarial pool at Madimister and Brooks. Madimister and Brooks was a large insurance agency. Katie had started working there a little over a year ago.
I'd met Katie Jordan about eighteen months ago. That was six months before she'd started working for Madimister and Brooks. Katie had just graduated from a small liberal arts college in central Wisconsin with a degree in English literature. She'd moved to our city hoping to find a job writing advertising copy. It didn't take long for her to learn that a degree in English Literature wasn't particularly marketable.
Katie and I met at a local gym. We both liked to work out in the early morning. I was eight years older than her. Two years earlier, I'd completed my masters degree in structural engineering at the University. As soon as I finished my degree I went to work for a local construction company. They paid me a handsome salary. I'd spent the two years since my graduation living the free and easy life of a wealthy young bachelor.
Katie was a five foot four inch brunette spark plug with a trim figure, a cute face and a quick wit. I was a shy five foot eight inch academic with an aptitude for science and mathematics. I wasn't very worldly, but I was honest and I worked hard to be nice so I had quite a few friends.
It took me three weeks and an enormous amount of encouragement from my friends to muster enough nerve to ask Katie for a date. To my utter amazement, she accepted. We hit it off and became immediate friends. Our first date ended in my apartment. We became lovers and Katie spent the night. The next day she moved in with me. After that we were inseperable. Four weeks later we got engaged and six weeks after that we were married. I was the happiest man in the world.
After she moved into my apartment Katie became increasingly distressed about her inability to find a job. I tried to reassure her and urged her to be patient. I offered to support her and kept telling her that she would eventually find someone who was able to recognize her talents. Katie refused to be consoled. She was a very independent woman and the idea of not being able to support herself was intolerable for her.
Desperate to find any kind of work, Katie answered an add for a position as a secretary at a local insurance agency. The permisternel staff at Madimister and Brooks immediately recognized her talents. They also understood that she was over qualified for the job she was applying for, but they wisely reamistered that if they could get her into the company they might eventually be able to find a more appropriate position for her. They hired her.
My new wife was twenty-three when she went to work for Madimister and Brooks There were a number of girls in her office who were about the same age. Some of them were single and some of them, like Katie, were married.
On the Friday afternoon that ended her first week of work at the agency, Katie called me and explained that the girls in the secretarial pool had a regular Friday night ritual. They all went to Brady's Saloon to celebrate the beginning of the weekend.
Before I married Katie, my friends and I used to hang out at Brady's. I knew it well and while I knew that it was a singles bar, I wasn't particularly concerned. Brady's also had great hamburgers, a large selection of tap beers and jumbo margaritas. I assumed that the margaritas were the attraction for the girls in the secretarial pool.
Brady's had four large flat screen televisions strategically mounted around the bar and dining room. In the early evening the televisions were tuned to sporting events, but at nine o'clock the sporting events were turned off and the televisions and a high quality sound system started playing music videos. The tables in the dining room were rearranged to create a dance floor, and the sports bar became a night club.
My wife asked me if I'd mind if she joined the girls. I suppose that I could have been concerned that my wife was going to spend Friday night in a singles bar, but I trusted Katie. I also thought that it would be good if she got to know the women in her office. I gave her my blessing and told her to have a good time.
That night Katie got home just after nine o'clock. She was bubbling with excitement and more than a little tipsy. The girls at her office were all very nice, and she'd had so much fun at Brady's. She thanked me profusely for not objecting to her going out on a Friday night and asked if it would be all right if she went again on the next Friday.
Katie had obviously had so much fun and was so happy that I really didn't know how I could ask her not to go. I told her that I was pleased that she liked the women at her office. I said that while I would miss her on Friday evenings, I understood why she might want to celebrate the beginning of the weekend with the girls from work. I added that I thought it was healthy for married couples to have a little bit of freedom.
Katie was so happy that she showered me with kisses and then pulled me into the bedroom Where we spent the next two hours making passionate love.
When we got up the next morning my wife suggested that since Friday night was now going to be our freedom night, Saturday night should be our date night. It seemed like a magnificent idea to me. That night Katie and I had a wonderful steak dinner. After dinner we cleaned the kitchen together and then we cuddled on the couch and watched a romantic comedy on television. After the movie we retired to the bedroom and spent the rest of the evening making love.
The following Friday Katie did go out with the girls again. I thought about trying to hook up with my old buddies, but Brady's had been my hangout and if I went there I felt like I'd be intruding on my wife's night out. Instead I opted for a quiet evening at home. I rented an action movie and ordered a pizza.
My wife got home around 9:30. As soon as she walked in the door we retired to the bedroom and spent the rest of the night fucking like rabbits. Once again Saturday night was date night and Katie and I turned it into another memorable evening.
We fell into a rather nice routine and followed it for the next seven months. Life was good.
About five months ago things started to change. Katie started to get home from freedom night just a little bit later. At first it wasn't much later, 10:00 and 10:30 rather than 9:00 and 9:30. I wasn't very concerned about it. I just assumed that she was having a good time with her friends. When she did get home we still went right into the bedroom for some very hot sex.
She also started to talk about a woman named Andrea. Andrea was one of the women in the secretarial pool. She was thirty-seven and divorced. I gathered that she was the ring leader of the Friday night outings.
One Friday night about two months ago Katie didn't get home until almost 11:30. When she finally did get home she apologized profusely and told me that she was having so much fun that she'd lost track of the time. The next morning while we were having breakfast she asked me if I was upset with her because she'd come home so late. I told her that I wasn't. I understood that it's easy to lose track of the time when you're having fun.
Katie explained to me that she was torn. She wanted to come home to me, but a number of the single women stayed at the bar and partied until 11:00 or 12:00. She said that she uderstood our obligations to each other as husband and wife, but was still envious of their freedom.
I really couldn't see why it was an issue. Eleven or twelve on a Friday night still wasn't all that late. I smiled at my wife and told her that if she wanted to stay and party with these women it was alright with me. I still believed it was good for her to have a little freedom. She also seemed to enjoy the opportunity to let her hair down and blow off a little steam once a week. Katie thanked me, but then she was very quiet. There was obviously something else on her mind.
I asked her what was bothering her. She looked at me for a moment and then she cautiously said that after nine o'clock people started dancing at Brady's.
I told her that I knew that. She said that lots of men asked her to dance, but she always turned them down because she was married to me. She didn't think I would like it if she was dancing with other men. For a moment she was quiet and then she very tentatively reminded me that she used to love to dance. She also pointed out that she knew I didn't enjoy it very much so she never pressured me to take her dancing.
She was of course right. I didn't enjoy dancing. I had two left feet. I was a terrible dancer and I deliberately avoided situations where I might have to dance. I also knew that my wife did enjoy dancing. Still my gut was stabbed with pangs of jealousy when I pictured Katie on the dance floor at Brady's in the arms of another man.
I took a moment to think. I was torn between my petty feelings of jealousy and my desire to make Katie happy. I did what I always did when I was confronted with a dilemma. I relied on my training as an engineer. I analyzed the situation and selected the most reamisterable solution. I quickly decided that my wife actually wasn't asking for very much. We weren't religious fundamentalists. Neither of us believed that dancing was inherently evil. I also felt that a successful marriage was based on mutual trust. In my heart I recognized that this was one of those situation where I was going to have to trust my wife.
I smiled at Katie and told her that I trusted her and if she wanted to dance with a man while she was at Brady's it would be fine with me.
When she heard me say that Katie smiled, but then stared at me for a moment. Finally she asked if I was really sure it would be okay.
I told her that I was sure.
The following Friday Katie didn't get home until 1:15. When she finally did get home we were both too tired to make love, so we went right to bed. It was okay. The next night was date night, and my wife did a very good job of making it up to me.
The next Friday Katie again didn't get home until 1:15. We didn't talk about it. I didn't think we needed to. I just assumed that she was staying at Brady's until it closed. I understood. It was something I did when I used to hang out at Brady's before we were married. After that we both just sort of assumed that on Friday nights my wife would get home around 1:15.
About three weeks ago I started to notice some dramatic changes in my wife's behavior. She was moodier and more withdrawn. At times she avoided eye contact with me.
on Friday nights I was often arelax by the time Katie got home. In the past, even though she was generally too tired to make love, she always woke me up and cuddled with me before she went to take her shower. Several weeks ago she stopped doing that. Instead I would wake up in the middle of the night and find her arelax next to me already showered.
She also started going out to dinner with Andrea on Tuesday nights. She always got home by nine o'clock, but it was still another evening each week that she was gone. Last Wednesday just as we were finishing dinner I asked her if she now had two freedom nights each week. Katie stared at me for a minute and then she frowned and told me in a very indignant tone of voice that she worked hard and she occasionally enjoyed relaxing with her friends. She shook her head in disgust and added that just because I was an old stick in the mud who never wanted to go out, there wasn't any reamister that she had to also become a pathetic recluse.
I looked at Katie for a moment and then I sighed and stood up. I silently gathered up the dirty dishes and carried them into the kitchen. While I was rinsing the dishes and putting them in the dishwasher, my wife came into the kitchen. She watched me for a moment and then she told me that she was sorry that she snapped at me and apologized for the awful thing she'd just said.
I told her that lately she seemed to be aloof and withdrawn. She often appeared to be preoccupied. I had the impression that something was bothering her. I also admitted that I was starting to feel a little neglected.
Katie put her arms around me and kissed me. She told me that there was nothing wrong. She reassured me that she still loved me and she promised to try to pay more attention to me in the future. She also asked me if I wanted her to stop having dinner with Andrea on Tuesday evenings.
Starting to feel embarrassed about my display of petulance, I told Katie not to worry. I was probably just feeling a little depressed and then I said that she should feel free to continue having dinner with Andrea on Tuesday evenings.
My wife kissed me and then she helped me finish cleaning the kitchen. As soon as we were done she dragged me into the bedroom so we could make love. As I was eating Katie's pussy I realized that was the first time that we'd made love on a week night in over a month.
Posts: 1459
#2 · Edited by: stormydog
Yessss! Let me be the first to say WELCOME BACK! An enticing start to what will undoubtedly be another great piece of writing! You have been missed.
Posts: 4050
Hi Storm
I'm not sure how fast this one will be posted or finished. I'm still posting Courtesan at Lit. This is a story that I've been working on for the past year. I dusted it off today. I decided that it was time to let it see some light.
Posts: 4050
Suddenly a pair of headlights swept across the living room curtains. It was Katie's car pulling into the driveway. I glanced at my watch. It was 3:15. It had been two hours since Brady's closed. I was sitting in dark. I heard the garage door open and then I heard it close again. After a moment I heard the sound of a car door closing.
I waited.
I heard the back door open. The kitchen lights went on. I heard my wife set her purse and car keys on the counter. I still waited.
The dining room lights went on. Katie walked into the dining room and thumbed through the mail that was lying on the dining room table. I was surprised by her appearance. Her hair was mussed, her makeup was smeared and the top two buttons of her blouse were undone.
Moving into the living room, Katie turned on the lights and yawned. She appeared to be very tired.
Suddenly she noticed me sitting on the couch. She stopped and stared at me. My presence was obviously an unsettling surprise. Nervously fussing with her hair and buttoning her blouse she said; "You're up. I thought you'd be arelax."
"I fell arelax while I was watching television. It was after 2:00 when I finally woke up. I was surprised that you weren't home yet. I started to worry. I was afraid you might have been in an accident."
My wife sighed. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you. I thought you'd be arelax so I didn't call.'
"I tried to call your cell phone, but it was turned off."
This seemed to startle my wife. She nervously said, "Was it? How silly of me. I must have turned it off by accident."
I slowly nodded. There was a moment of silence and then I quietly asked, "Why are you so late?"
Katie stared at the floor. She seemed to be trying to figure out how to answer my question. Suddenly her entire body stiffened and she stared at me. There was an angry expression on her face. "Is this an interrogation? You have no business prying into my permisteral life. You're my husband, not my jailer. If you don't trust me just say it."
Then glaring at me, she said; "If you must know, I was having fun with my friends and I lost track of the time. If you had any friends you might be able to understand how that could happen. Now I'm going to take a shower and then I'm going to bed."
My wife turned and stormed into the bedroom. A moment later I heard the bathroom door slam shut.
I sat down and buried my head in my hands. For the first time I gave voice to a fear that had been lurking in the back of my mind for the past several weeks. Was it possible that Katie cheating on me?
I decided that I wanted to avoid my wife for the rest of the night. Her nasty comment about by lack of friends coupled with my suspicions that she might be cheating on me, left me feeling pretty intolerant of any further outbursts on her part. Even though my suspicions were now very strong, I knew that I didn't have enough information to effectively confront her. I also wasn't quite certain about what I wanted to do. I loved Katie. Before I initiated a confrontation that might result in the end of our marriage I wanted to be absolutely certain that divorce was the appropriate recourse.
After I heard Katie come out of the bathroom I watched for the bedroom lights to go off. I waited for another fifteen minutes and then I tiptoed into the bedroom and grabbed one of my pillows from our bed and one of our extra blankets from the closet. As I was leaving I could hear my wife crying.
I slept on the couch that night. It wasn't very comfortable and I didn't actually get much relax. I got up early and made pot of coffee. As soon as the coffee was ready I poured myself a cup and sat down at the kitchen table. I had some serious thinking to do.
I now had a very strong suspicion that Katie was cheating. All of her behavior pointed towards it. Still, there was some some doubt and before I could act I had to be absolutely certain. There were also several other questions that had to be answered. Was she involved in a full blown affair or was she just having one night stands. If she'd just had a couple of one night stands, then maybe we could get some counseling and save our marriage. If she was having an affair I needed to know if she was in love with this other man. I also wanted to know if she still loved me.
As I thought about all of this I knew that I had to get some more information and quickly realized where to start. As I mentioned earlier, I used to hang out at Brady's. That wasn't that long ago and I assumed that I still had a number of friends there. It wasn't going to be too difficult to get some pretty good information about what my wife was doing on Friday nights.
I was just standing up to get another cup of coffee when I heard a noise in the doorway behind me. I turned. Katie was standing there. She was dressed. Her hair was brushed and she was wearing just a little bit of makeup. She was gorgeous.
She stared at me for a moment and then she said, "You didn't come to bed last night."
I wasn't looking for a fight, but I also wasn't about to start apologizing. Staring back at her, I answered; "I didn't feel very welcome."
Sighing, Katie said; "Frankie I'm sorry about what I said last night. I was wrong to act the way I did. I know you were just worried about me and you are my husband. You have every right to ask me where I've been when I come in at three o'clock in the morning."
She didn't say anything more. We just stared at each other. Finally I said, "Okay, where were you?"
"Frankie, it was just a huge misunderstanding. I'm so sorry that I worried you. I would have called, but I really did believe that you would be arelax and I didn't want to wake you." She shrugged. "I also didn't know that my cell phone was turned off. I let one of the other girls use it last night and she must have accidentally turned it off when she finished making her call."
She smiled at me.
I looked at her and said, "You still haven't told me where you were."
Katie took a deep breath . "Okay, at 12:30 last night one of the girls suddenly started crying. When Andrea asked her what was wrong she told us that her husband had announced that he was leaving her. Frankie, we couldn't just send her home in tears, so we all went to Ellie's dinner for a late night cup of coffee. We ended up talking for almost two hours."
She looked at me. "Now do you understand why I was so late?"
"Yes, I understand."
"Do you forgive me for coming home so late?"
Nodding, I quietly answered; "Of course I do."
The truth was, I didn't understand and I certainly didn't forgive her. I might have accepted Katie's explanation if I hadn't seen her when she walked in the door last night. Her hair was mussed, her makeup was smeared and her blouse was unbuttoned. She'd looked like she'd gotten dressed in a hurry. She didn't look like a woman coming home after consoling a friend in a coffee shop. She looked like a woman coming home after a session of hot sex. I suspected that after they were done fucking Katie and her lover had fallen arelax. When she woke up and saw what time it was I'm sure my wife panicked and threw her clothes on as quickly as she could. Finding me awake and waiting for her when she walked into the house was an unexpected disaster.
Nonetheless, I didn't challenge her story. I wanted Katie to believe that she'd fooled me. If I was ever going to find out what was really going on I needed her to think that I didn't suspect she was having an affair. She would be much easier to follow if her guard was down.
Katie walked over and kissed me. As angry as I was with her I melted. I loved her so much.
After she kissed me she whispered, "Frankie, can we still have a date night tonight?"
I grinned at her. "Yes, I'd like that very much."
Part of me was telling the truth. I really did want to spend a nice evening with her. That was the part of me that was still madly in love with Katie. The other part of me, the part that was angry with her for cheating, knew that I didn't have any choice. If I didn't want to have our date night I was certain that my wife would start to wonder why.
I made French toast for breakfast. We ate together and chatted about our jobs. It was just small talk, but it was still pleasant. After breakfast, Katie helped me clean up the kitchen. This was a pleasant surprise. Lately she'd been leaving most of the household chores to me.
Once we were done cleaning the kitchen I told Katie that I had to go into my office and finish a report that was due first thing Monday morning. She told me that she understood and said it would give her an opportunity to do some shopping. She also volunteered to pick up tonight's dinner. We agreed that both of us would be home by 6:00.
Posts: 1914
GH, Great to have you back. This is a great start, already I'm starting to care about what happens to Frank and Katie. Take your time on this one. If you've been brewing it for a year, posting it slowly won't harm anyone.
Posts: 175
Good beginning. Hope to see more. A. Smith
Posts: 3581
GH: Welcome back!!  Your s*******s have been missed, and this sounds like it's going to be another block buster of a story. Really looking forward to reading all about it. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 125
gh, welcome back. i missed your stories and I know others feel the same way.  sallyann
Posts: 111
GH, Great to have you back. While few comment your stories are greatly appreciated. In my book you are one of three of the best writers on this site. All are appreciated, but 3 stand heads above the rest. Just a note to say thanks! JJ
Posts: 181
I'm hooked.
Posts: 158
Yes, I have really enjoyed your story. Thank you for all of your efforts. watcherdoit4fun
Posts: 4050
Thanks, it feels good to be writing again. I am going to take my time. This story is going to have to come at a much slower pace than Courtesan. It is also going to be much shorter. I hope you are doing well.
Thanks I appreciate the comment.
Cuck4one, sallyann and jjthom99
Thanks, I missed you too, but sometimes you just gotta take a break.
drfarmer and watcherdit4fun
Thank you, I appreciate the comments. I hope you continue to enjoy the story
All of you, thank you for taking a moment to comment.
Posts: 4050
#13 · Edited by: goodhusband
I did need to take care of a little work at the office, so I made that my first stop. It took me a couple of hours to get everything done. It was after noon by the time I was walking out the door.
I got into my car, drove over to a discount electronics store and bought a small digital voice recorder and a miniature camera. After paying for them I went back to my car, opened the packages and read the directions. The camera needed to be charged, but the digital voice recorder was powered by two AA batteries. They were included in the package. I put them in and played with the recorder until I was I was certain I understood how to use it and then I dropped it into my pocket.
I set the camera aside. It had to be charged and I probably wasn't going to need it until the following Friday. I had plenty of time to figure out how it worked.
I wasn't exactly sure what I was going to do with the voice recorder, but I had an idea. I was hoping that I might run into some old friends at Brady's who could tell me what Katie was doing on Friday nights. If that happened I wanted to be able to record their statements so that I could play them back for my wife when I finally confronted her about her cheating.
I started my car. It was time for me to make my visit to Brady's Saloon. It was 12:30 when I pulled into the parking lot. The spots around the door were already full. Brady's had a dedicated group of baseball fans that came in every Saturday to watch the afternoon games.
I parked my car, went inside and walked over to the bar. As I was sitting down I noticed that Mike Colbert was working. I was in luck, Mike and I were good friends. He was busy washing some glasses. I didn't say anything.
As soon as he was finished he looked up and said, "Hey buddy what can I get..." Suddenly he stopped and grinned at me. "Holy cuckolds brownie, if it aint Frankie Reese.” He held out his hand. "How you doin buddy? It's been a long time since I've seen your sorry ass in here. How's the new bride?"
I shook Mike's hand. "It's nice to see you too Mike. I've missed this place." I deliberately ignored the question about my wife.
"How come you aint been comin in?"
Shrugging, I said; "I don't know, I guess bars just aren't part of my life anymore."
He nodded. "Yeah, I understand. Sometimes I wish they weren't part of my life either."
I laughed. "Be careful what you wish for, you wouldn't want to be out of work."
"Yeah, you sure got that right."
Mike was chuckling. Suddenly he glanced to his right. Turning, I saw that a middle aged blond in a waitress uniform was standing at the bar. I smiled when I recognized her. It was Rhonda Morgan. She was another good friend.
Mike waved to her and then he pointed at me. "Hey Rhonda, look who's here."
Rhonda looked at me for a moment and then her face broke into a huge smile. "Frankie Reese, aren't you a sight for sore eyes."
I nodded. "Rhonda you always were the most beautiful cocktail waitress in the western world, but I have to say that you are even more gorgeous today than you used to be."
She laughed. "Frankie, you haven't changed a bit, you're still a notorious flatterer."
"I'm just tellin the truth doll, nothin but the truth."
She walked over and patted my cheek. "Damn I've missed you. You always knew how to make us laugh."
I smiled at her.
She sat down on the bar stool next to me and said, "Okay, so what finally brings you back to Brady's after all this time."
I sighed. "Rhonda I need your help."
"Sure sweetie, anything; just ask."
"Were you working last night."
"Sure, it was Friday night. That's the biggest night of the week. I'd be a fool to take that night off. Mike was working too."
I glanced at him, he nodded.
I took a picture of Katie out of my shirt pocket and handed it to Rhonda. "Do you recognize this woman?"
She looked at it for a minute and then she said, "Sure, she's one of those secretaries from the insurance company down the street. They come in every Friday night. I think her name is Katie."
She handed the picture to Mike. He looked at it for a moment and then he nodded. "That's right, her name is Katie."
Rhonda shook her head. "Kind of a funny kid.'
"What do you mean."
"When she first started coming in she was real shy, never talked to anyone but the other insurance girls. Don't get me wrong, she was a nice kid, always very polite; but she never socialized with anyone else in the bar and she always went home when the dancing started."
Rhonda looked at me. "About two months ago that all changed. She started to stay later. She's a real cutie, so the guys all began asking her to dance. At first she just blew em off, but then that started to change."
Mike leaned across the bar. "That older woman that comes in with the insurance girls," He looked at Rhonda. "What's her name?"
"Yeah that's it, Andrea. It seemed like she kept urging Katie on. You know, kind of prodding her to dance with the guys."
Rhonda nodded. "That's right, when a guy would ask Katie to dance Andrea would say stuff like; come on Katie, loosen up, give em a little taste, let em have a shot."
Mike looked at me. "Andrea's a real back seat bunny."
Rhonda nodded. "Yeah, big time."
I sighed. A back seat bunny is a slang term the regulars at Brady's use to describe a woman who'll go out to the parking lot with a guy so they can fuck in the back seat of his car.
Rhonda continued. "One Friday night about a month ago this guy walks up to Katie and asks her to dance. Everyone's watching. None of us like the guy and we were all waiting to see him get shot down. Katie shocked the hell out of us. She said yes. After that the guys all started lining up to ask her to dance. I mean she is a real cutie and all of them were hoping to get a piece of her."
Shaking her head, Rhonda said; "Boy did she change fast. That night she let Ricky Thomas take her out to the parking lot. You remember Ricky don't you? He's a tall good looking guy."
I nodded. "Yeah, I remember Ricky."
Rhonda shrugged. "For the next few Friday nights Katie was the queen of the back seat bunnies."
Mike laughed. "The boys were all jostling for position. Every one of them wanted to be the anointed one."
Rhonda smiled. "They sure did, but then it all stopped."
"What happened?"
Rhonda sighed. "She found a boyfriend."
Those words broke my heart. I quietly said, "Tell me about him."
Rhonda looked at me. "His name is Pete Munmister. You don't know him. He started coming in here about a year ago. He's a little older, maybe 40 or 45; but he's very good looking."
Mike nodded. "He's real pusshound and an arrogant asshole." He laughed. "He's a lawyer." He said the word lawyer in a tone of voice that suggested that it was the explanation for why Pete was an arrogant asshole. "He's married and he flaunts the fact that he's cheating on his wife. He always wears his wedding ring while he's in here hitting on women."
Rhonda smiled. "But he's very good looking and very smooth. When I first met him he sure as hell made my heart go flip flop."
"From the way you put that, I gather your opinion has changed."
"Oh yeah, once you get to know him it's easy to see that Pete Munmister is a self centered superficial jerk." Rhonda laughed. "But he sure is handsome."
"I get the feeling that you'd still give him a tumble if he asked for it."
Rhonda shook her head. "I don't think I'd be happy about it afterward, but if he tried to get into my panties, I doubt that I'd be able to mount much of an effort to stop him."
Suddenly Rhonda stopped and stared at me. "Frankie, why are you asking about Katie? Who is she?"
I took a deep breath and said, "Rhonda she's my wife."
For a moment Rhonda, Mike and I stared at each other. Finally Rhonda said, "Frankie I'm so sorry."
I sighed. "Thanks, this is *******ing me."
Rhonda reached over and patted my knee. "Poor baby, when did you start to suspect that something was going on?"
"Not until last night. She didn't get home until after three o'clock this morning."
Rhonda looked at Mike. "They left here between 10:00 and 10:30, didn't they?"
Mike nodded. "Pete got here at about 8:30. They hooked up right away. When the music videos started at 9:00 they danced a few times and then they moved to that booth back there." He pointed to a booth in the back corner of the bar.
I knew the booth. It was often used by couples that wanted a little extra privacy.
"They sat down on the same side of the booth. As soon as they were settled, Pete put his arms around your wife and they started making out hot and heavy." Mike's voice was very quiet. He wasn't getting any pleasure from telling me this.
Rhonda shook her head. "Pete's an asshole. He gets a kick out of showing off to the rest of the guys in the bar."
Mike chuckled, "He sure is an asshole. He'll be in here tonight or tomorrow night braggin about what he did with your wife last night." Suddenly he stopped. "Sorry Frankie, that didn't come out right."
I held my hand up. "It's okay, none of this is easy to hear. I just have to get through it."
Rhonda stood up, put her arm around me and gently rubbed my shoulder. "Baby, is there anything we can do to help you?"
I nodded. "Yes there is."
At that moment a good looking man in his early forties walked up to the bar and sat down three stools to my right. Mike walked over to him and said, "Hi Mitch, what can I get you?"
"I'll have an MGD light."
While Mike was getting his beer Rhonda leaned over and whispered; "That's Mitchell Weyland. He's Pete Munmister's best friend. If Mitch is here you can bet that it won't be long before Pete shows up."
Suddenly I was glad that I had the voice recorder in my pocket.
Posts: 4050
#14 · Edited by: goodhusband
After I left Brady's I drove over to a coffee shop that advertised free wireless internet and went inside with my laptop computer. I bought a cup of coffee and found a table. As soon as I was logged on to the internet I searched for home surveillance equipment. I quickly learned about pin hole cameras and wireless transmitters. Once I was satisfied that I understood the available technology I did another search to find local businesses that sold this kind of equipment. Most of the listings I found were for companies that sold surveillance equipment for large businesses like stores and banks. Those were useless. There was however one listing that did catch my eye. It simply said, Wheeler Home Security. We specialize in discreet household surveillance systems.
I took out my cell phone and called the number. I was hoping someone would still be there on Saturday afternoon. The phone rang twice and then it was picked up.
"Wheeler Security, Jeff Wheeler speaking. How may I help you?"
"Mr. Wheeler, I'm interested in setting up a very discreet system that will allow me to monitor the activities in my house. Discreet is the key word here. Do you do that kind of work?"
"Yes, in fact we specialize in that type of work."
"Can I come over and see you this afternoon?"
"I'll be here until five."
I looked at my watch. It was 3:25. "According to the listing on the Internet your address is 128 South 5th Street. Is that still correct?"
"Yes, that's correct. There's a sign over the door. You should be able to park on the street."
"I can be there in ten minutes."
"Very good, I'll be waiting for you."
The 120 block of South Fifth Street was located in an old neighborhood on the outer edge of the cities business district. 128 was a tiny storefront wedged between a computer repair shop and a locksmith. A small sign above the door read, Wheeler Security.
I parked on the street in front, dropped two quarters into the parking meter and went inside. The space looked more like an office than a store. In the middle of the room there was a steel desk with two chairs in front of it. On the wall to my left there was a row of five steel file cabinets. On the opposite wall there were four large two door metal storage cabinets. They were all locked.
A middle aged bald headed man was seated behind the desk. He was reading what appeared to be a technical journal. When he heard me come in he looked up.
I smiled at him and said, "Mr. Wheeler my name is Franklin Reese. I just called you."
He stood up and extended his hand. "Mr. Reese, I'm Jeff Wheeler." He motioned to one of the chairs in front of his desk. "Won't you please sit down."
"Thank you"
As soon as we were both seated he smiled at me and asked, "How can I help you?"
"Mr. Wheeler I'm going to get right to the point."
"I think that would be a good idea."
"My wife is cheating on me."
"Is that just a suspicion, or are you certain about it."
"I'm certain."
He sighed. "Mr. Reese, I'm very sorry to hear that."
I nodded to acknowledge his comment and then I continued. "I'm certain that she's cheating, but I don't have definitive proof."
"I assume you're referring to photographic or video evidence."
"Why do you want it? This is a no fault divorce state. If you're looking for evidence to support a divorce claim, you really don't need it."
"Let's just say that this is a slightly more complicated situation and when the battle starts, I'll feel much more secure if I have some hard evidence to back up my claims."
"Very well, it's your money. Tell me some more about the situation."
"Actually I have a plan."
"Go ahead."
"On Monday evening I'm going to come home from work and tell my wife that I have to go to Kansas City on Wednesday morning on business and I won't be home again until Thursday afternoon. I'm quite certain that she and her lover will take full advantage of my absence and spend Wednesday night together in our house. I would like you to set up a system that can monitor what's happening in our living room and bedroom."
"You just want this for one day?"
"I can do it, but it's going to be expensive."
"I'm an engineer. Tell me what you can do."
"All right. Our wireless transmitter can accommodate up to four cameras. I'll set up two cameras in your living room and two in the bedroom. The cameras are small and very easy to conceal. I'll set up the transmitter in your attic, and I'll set up a relay transmitter in a tree outside your house. That way we should be able to monitor and record the activities inside your house from a distance of at least two city blocks. If you would like, I can provide a van with the words, Wheeler Cable Repair painted on both sides and two technicians. One to drive the van and the other to monitor and record the video feeds."
"How much will that cost me?"
I'll set up and provide that service for a period of twenty-four hours for three thousand dollars. Forty-eight hours will cost you five thousand dollars."
"How long will it take you to set it up?"
"We should be able to do all of the work in less than an hour."
"Can I arrange to have the monitoring go from 6:00 AM Wednesday until 6:00 AM Thursday?"
"If I give you a key can you install the equipment while my wife is at work on Tuesday?"
"Yes, that would be ideal."
Mr. Wheeler filled out a standard contract form. I signed it and gave him a check for one thousand dollars as a down payment with the understanding that the balance would be paid as soon as the job was completed.
Once that was done I stood up, thanked him and arranged to stop by his office Monday afternoon to drop off a key for our house.
When I got to my car I glanced at my watch. It was 4:45. It was time for me to go home.
During the drive to my house I focused my attention on mentally preparing myself for the evening ahead. If my plan was going to work it was essential that for the next few days my wife continued to believe that I was totally oblivious about her affair with Pete. Katie was expecting a romantic date night and I was going to have to keep my anger in check. I had to keep her convinced that I was still a loving eager husband.
Posts: 1459
Great story, GH, very engrossing. Pete and, to a lesser extent Mitch, make very unlikable villians. I hate those suckers already! Great plot twists, anxiously waiting for what happens next. BTW, I like the way you slow down your posting to "only" 4 long segments per day! I know, it was what you had already written, but I had to mention it. 
Posts: 515
loving it...the suspense is *******ing me already! i don't know if the story is already planned out in your head or if you're making it up as you're going along (unlikely!) but i fear for poor katie...don't be too mean with her 
Posts: 1418
You've always been one of my favorite writers. Thanks.
Posts: 125
love the story.....very fast moving like that for a change..
Posts: 176
Great story so far. Can't wait to read the rest!
Posts: 1975
It's great to see you back Goodhusband, you and Stormydog write the best stories on here
Posts: 438
Yayyyyyyyyyy....Tony told me you were back GH  fantastic as usual Mel xx
Posts: 161
Good story. Post more. I want to see what happens.
Posts: 492
Well, well, well, look who's back. How nice to see you again GH. As Stormy already stated, you've been missed. I hope you had a nice summer and got lots of R & R.
Damn, I'm away on vacation last week and I'm already behind. Would you slow down a little bit please and let me get caught up? One segment every so often would suffice even those hardcore GH fans like me who hang on each new episode.
So good to have you back. These Pennsylvania winters are long and cold, at least I'll have some reading material.
Take care,
slut leanne
Posts: 509
excellent uk slut loves big cocks
Posts: 163
GH, great story. I'll just stay home and read yours and Stormy's stories. This is so much better than working! 
Posts: 4050
Thank you everyone. This is a very nice reception
I've never written a story with a villain before. It's kind of fun. I posted all those segments in an effort to get the story started. I am going to have to slow down a little.
Thanks for your comment. The story is planned out, I write from an outline. This one will eventually take us to Canada. How's that for a teaser.
Don't worry, Katie will be all right.
That's high praise, thank you
It's nice to hear from you. Glad you're enjoying the story. I'm having fun writing it.
Thanks for the comment, I appreciate it.
It's nice to be back. Thank you, being placed in a class with Storm is an honor
It's nice to hear from you. I hope you and Tony are well.
Thanks for the comment. I appreciate it.
I hope you had a nice vacation. I've been playing alot of golf. It's nice to get back to a new writing project.
slut leanne
I have to say that you and Mel have wonderful pictures. Thanks for the kind comment.
Thanks for the comment, I appreciate it. Staying home reading porn doesn't seem like a bad way to pass the day to me.
Thank you for your comments. I do appreciate them
Posts: 4050
Saturday night may have been the hardest night of my entire life. I loved Katie and I'd always felt like she was my best friend. I always enjoyed being with her, but not that night. That night I couldn't stop picturing her in bed with Pete Munmister. I think it might have been much easier if he hadn't turned out to be such a complete asshole. Sadly he was a complete asshole and I kept asking myself why Katie was willing to throw our marriage away for that jerk. I couldn't understand why she was attracted to a man like him.
During dinner Katie finally noticed my distraction and asked. "Frankie it seems like you're a million miles away tonight. Is there something wrong?"
I could see she was nervous. I'm certain she was worried that I was still angry with her because she'd come in so late the night before. Fortunately I'd anticipated this situation and I had a prepared excuse that would actually help me make my pretend trip to Kansas City more credible.
I sighed and shook my head. "I'm sorry, when I went into the office this morning I got a report that the latest specs on the bridge we're building in Kansas City were below standard. I'm going to have to go back into the office again tomorrow, and I'm sure that the next week is going to be very hectic for me."
Katie reached across the table and held my hand. "Poor baby, there's nothing you can do about it tonight, so just relax and enjoy the evening. The movie we have is supposed to be very funny and after the movie you and I are going to go into the bedroom and I'm going to make you forget all about that bridge."
That night we cleaned the kitchen together. After we were finished we cuddled on the couch and watched the movie. It was funny and for a little while I did manage to forget all about our problems.
When the movie ended that temporary feeling of contentment quickly evaporated.
Katie pulled me into the bedroom, pushed me down on the bed and flashed me a lascivious smile. "Frankie, I just want you to relax on the bed while I do little strip tease for you."
She pulled my shoes and socks off, fluffed up a pillow, put it under my head and turned on the clock radio. It was tuned to a golden oldies station. They were playing an old rhythm and blues misterg. As I watched Katie start to dance I realized that this was the first time she'd ever done this for me. I tried to tell myself that she was just trying to take my mind off the bridge in Kansas City, but deep down inside I knew the real reamister. She'd been doing it for Pete Munmister and now she was trying to assuage some of her guilt by doing it for me.
My wife was a beautiful young woman and she was an excellent dancer. I tried to relax and enjoy her strip tease, but I ended up having to pretend. I couldn't stop myself from imagining her doing that same dance for her lover.
Once Katie was completely naked she climbed onto the bed next to me and started massaging my crotch. I didn't have an erection. When she realized it she whispered to me. "Baby, you really are worried about that bridge. Here, let me help you forget about it for a little while."
She unbuckled my belt, opened my trousers and pulled them off. After that she unbuttoned my shirt and slipped it off of my shoulders. She was treating me like a king. She'd never done this before either. In fact, this was an almost complete reversal of our usual roles. Normally Katie would lie back on the bed like a goddess while I gave her pleasure. I gathered from the conversation I'd overheard at Brady's that Pete Munmister was quite dominant. I again wondered if this was the way Katie was used to treating him.
My wife slipped her fingers into the waist band of my boxer shorts. As she started pulling them down she said, "Why don't we let your cute little penis out and see if he'd like to play. I'll bet I can make him stand up straight."
The words cute little penis made me wince. I knew I was being overly sensitive, but when you know your wife is secretly relaxing with another man you tend to be a little more sensitive than usual.
Noticing my reaction, Katie closed her eyes and sighed. "I'm sorry Frankie, that didn't come out right. Baby you know I love your penis. I think it's the perfect size and it always makes me very happy."
I smiled at her and pretended to be happy, but it was difficult. I knew she was lying to me. If my little penis always made her happy, then why was she cheating on me with that asshole?
After Katie slipped my boxers the rest of the way off she picked up my flaccid penis and gently kissed the head. It felt wonderful. When she put it in her mouth and started to suck on it I realized that it had been over two months since she had done this for me. I knew that I was supposed to be playing the role of the loving husband, but I couldn't resist throwing a very subtle dart at her.
I quietly whispered "It's been a long time since you've done this. I've forgotten how nice it feels."
My wife took my stiffening cock out of her mouth and stared at me. After a moment she closed her eyes and whispered, "Oh god you're right."
For a second I thought she might start to cry, but instead she took a deep breath and pulled herself back together. She put my cock back into her mouth and started sucking me with an enthusiasm that I hadn't seen since we first started dating.
I have to admit that I enjoyed her effort. Suddenly she took my cock out of her mouth, bent it back and stroked it while she kissed and licked my balls. This was something she'd never done to me. It was really quite incredible. Needless to say I was now very erect.
Katie giggled. "I told you I could make him stand up."
She put my cock back in her mouth and started sucking me again. I was aroused. I hadn't had sex in a week. It wasn't long before I felt the familiar tingle of excitement building in my loins. I patted Katie's shoulder to warn her that I was about to cum, but she surprised me and ignored my warning. She just kept sucking me. Suddenly a burst of raw pleasure exploded inside me and I started to ejaculate. Again my wife surprised me. She not only didn't take my cock out of her mouth she kept sucking me while I shot several spurts of semen into her throat. This was another pleasure that I'd never experienced and I had to admit that it also felt wonderful.
Katie kept my cock in her mouth until I had completely lost my erection then she sat up and smiled at me. It was apparent that she'd swallowed my semen. That something else that she'd never done before.
I smiled back at her and said, "That was wonderful, but where did you ever learn to do all of that?"
Suddenly Katie's smile changed to an expression if horror.
Of course I already knew the answer. Pete Munmister had taught her. I immediately regretted saying anything. My one goal this evening was to avoid making her worried that I might suspect she was cheating on me.
For a moment there was an awkward silence and then Katie quickly said, "The girls in the secretarial pool at work talk about sex all the time. They told me to do that for you."
Part of me wanted to challenge that statement, but I knew it wouldn't be a good idea so instead I laughed and said, "Please be sure to thank them for me. That was the most wonderful blow job you've ever given me."
Quickly relaxing, Katie giggled and said, "Thank you kind sir."
Posts: 1914
Nicely balanced GH. Now he still doesn't like Pete but somehow he knows he has him to thank for something. As ever, the answer is always, "It's complicated." This has all the makings of another of your classics, but not in the same mould. Excellent, and thanks again for giving it to us.
Posts: 175
You're one of the best GH. Thank You so much for investing your time for us in your writings.
sissy emmy A. Smith
Posts: 4050
Thanks, cuckolding and infidelity are so very complicated. Human beings are a myriad of conflicting emotions. It can make life very difficult, but is sure makes writing stories fun.
Thank you, those are very kind words. I appreciate them.
Both of you,
Thank you