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Jennifer Allen


Posts: 106
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This site used to have some really good stories. I don't mean to offend anyone, but now the stories all seem to be short. It's like the writers who developed detailed stories all went away.

If you aren't having fun, you aren't doing it right!


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800 million user cant be wrong!

But I know what you're saying. Grammer trolls like "goodhusband" ruined this site for everyone by running them off.
KIK voxstephen


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I think with summer being here, the gang is busy with yard work and playing.?
Lets hope that after the frost hits the pumpkin, we'll see more of their fine work.

Then there are guys like mani24 who throw insults to those who create fine stories and attempt to run them off.
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 3098
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I think with summer being here, the gang is busy with yard work and playing.?
Lets hope that after the frost hits the pumpkin, we'll see more of their fine work.

I will have to agree. Lets hope that summer cuckold activity is soooo good, that they don't have time to report it...yet.
Jennifer Allen


Posts: 106
#5 · Edited by: Jennifer Allen
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Several people told me to ignore you and a I probably should. I'm not going to.

A few years ago I posted a story here. I got frustrated trying to write it and pm'd goodhusband. I enjoyed his stories and they were one of the reamisters I wanted to try writing. He read what I had written, gave me some ideas and helped me edit my final copies. I don't think that there is anyone at this site who has supported other writers more than goodhusband.

I can't begin to figure out where you're coming from. You must hold some sort of permisteral grudge against him. Maybe you're the reamister he's not posting here anymore.

On second thought, there has to be some other reamister. I'm certain that he would just ignore your negative comments.

If you aren't having fun, you aren't doing it right!


Posts: 245
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I sooooo miss goodhusband's writing!


Posts: 2117
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I have had similar thoughts recently about the lack of good stories on here now


Posts: 409
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Many people who used to write here have switched to other sites where their erotica could be displayed without having to be critiqued for every little thing. If you would like some of the other sites shoot me a PM.
Nothing makes a man feel better than pleasing or being pleased by a woman. Try might like it.


Posts: 196
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I like good husband too. Great stories, a lot of good stories from a lot of good people. I did not realize this site had grammar check or grammar police until I saw the comments on this page.


Posts: 1914
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I share your concern with your initial question and I'm at a loss to understand the overall position. In a way it is strange that the site had such a concentration of good writers in the first place. maybe we are now in the 'normal' position (although I really hope not). If you look at the posting statistics, stories have one of the lower response rates. Perhaps more readers than posters than some other sections but Captions is 4 times bigger, as is Inter Racial Cuckolds and for some reamister (on a largely English writing site) the French section is 6 times as big as stories.

I think perhaps that explains the large number of pretty rubbish short 'stories' that appear. People from the other sections, not really interested in stories and certainly not capable of writing them, posting a stream of thoughts as they pass through. I bet they don't even wash their hands afterwards. It may also explain the trolls who appear a little like those school bullies who were educationally challenged and picked on the smart but vulnerable kids and were backed up by equally dim 'friends'. In general society, such behavoir is regulated by laws and rules. Here, less so. We all defend the freedom to post, but sometimes pay a high price for it.


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Of the story sites I have visited...( is my favorite.


Posts: 51
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goodhusband has been posting his stories on, its a great site for all types of stories.


Posts: 438
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I love GoodHusbands work, I have also corresponded with him and find him to be a true gentleman, I miss him from here...

Mel xx


Posts: 265 Pictures: 3 
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Jennifer Allen
I love your stories Jenn


Posts: 1513
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Where are you Jennifer ?


Posts: 1748
#16 · Edited by: popeye1
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Well I can tell you that I used to write for this site and post pics etc. however the response rate was abysmal.

Writing these stories/accounts is a huge amount of work, and as a writer what I seek is interaction, comment and response, but after literally thousands of views all you would get is a few single line replies. That does not work for me as a writer.

Also what this site is now, is just a venue for caps. Thousands of caps all looking very much the same. They just pander to the lurker types who want a cheap visual thrill without having to read a story or invest any time in the communication.

What you get now, day after day, is someone like sexupme, who posts, or should I say floods the board, with visual link caps by the thousand. He or she is obviously one of the administrators, who does this to make it look like there is activity on the site and add "new" content, as many of the real people have now left this site due to all the above.

So while I still am on this site I will not be posting our stories again, its just not worth the time and investment.

Its very sad as this used to be a great site with real, "in the lifestyle" folks, interacting with each other and a real community feeling to the whole thing.

just my two cents...for what its worth



Posts: 1513
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I completly agree with you popeye1, what a pity!
Do you know a better place to be?


Posts: 943
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Hey Pops,

I understand your frustration. It would be sad to post without any responses. However, keep in mind there are a few that do. My personal thought on "sexupme" posts flooding this board are the following...It is a different link and he/she gets "rewards" for that and using this site for the poster own reward. This has been discussed before and I have to agree.

Thoughts, comments and ideas are always appreciated...Pops....

Please continue to post...

As always you and your wife be well.
Don Jetman


Posts: 3227
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I gave up because of the censorship - rows of *** replacing many common words. It's just too much work to try to avoid them.



Posts: 279
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I can only agree with Popeye & Don.....both of whose work I love.

Goodhusband was the one who first inspired me to try my hand at writing but as was said, it is the feedback and interaction that a writer needs to know they are on the right track...or even if it is worth continuing.

I totally agree was a complete nightmare having to edit a chapter with all the ******. going back and putting commas in or numbers.

That said I still drop by from time to time to see if some classic threads have been updated


Posts: 303
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I used to post here all the time, and this site was one of the first ones I'd click on when surfing for porn.

Now, I barely come here, and hardly ever post stories. One reason has been stated: no responses. Also, this is literally the only site I've ever seen that edits words so that you get ridiculous **** like "permister" and "had a take of water."

There are far too many other websites where I can read stories without having to wade through that idiocy. I suspect the mods here drove others away with that crap, too.

Now, I'll pop into this site once or twice a month for old times' sake. I'm usually disappointed.
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