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Second time she's cuckolded me, in progress

Rating: 15


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Hello everyone.

I figures I'd start a new thread for this one.

I just landed in Paris today for work and fell arelax at the hotel for awhile.

When I woke up, I had two texts from my wife...

Kim: So there just happens to b a cute briziliqn guy that I may take hm I hope ur ok with that

(2 1/2 hrs later)
Kim: So this braZilian is very hot andd wants me to come hm with him

I read them both about 45 min after she sent the second one.

I sent back two text and tried calling 3 times. There's been no response for the past hour, although it feels like three.

I'm having to send this on my iPhone and I have to conserve battery life for when she call. Suffice it to say though that my hands are shaking and I've got this huge pit in my stomach.

She knows I have a real hard time with the idea of being cuckolded when I can't even be with her afterwards like this. I'm going crazy though, and it's hot the way I don't get a say in this at all. Hopefully there will at least be repeat performances with him that I can be around for.

Just the other day she said she would never go home with someone she met at a bar. No one except hot brazilians I guess... This is hot, but it sucks at the same time...


Posts: 2117
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Any updates? Just enjoy and let your wife enjoy herself with big cock


Posts: 32
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Holy cuckolds brownie. I don't even know where to begin. Again, this is from my iPhone, so bear with me on the typos...

She finally texted me about 4 hours after her last text. She was just leaving his place. When she got home here's The story.

She said the met at a very exlusive bar where everyone there appeared to be a model. He also works part time as a model as it turns out. She said he was extremely good looking, well built and chiseled.

She ended up ditching her friends (who all know me) to go to another bar with him and his friends. After about an hour at that place she went home with him.

When they got there, she said he went down on her briefly before entering her. She said he may have been slightly longer than me, but not by much. What she did say was that he just kept going and going like nothing she had ever seen before. She said she came fairly quickly the first time, and then numerous times thereafter.

After about 45 minutes he got close to coming, then pulled out to compose himself. She said she was delirious and in disbelief that he hadn't come yet. After about 5 minutes of cuddling and talking, he re-entered her. She said she came several more times until she couldn't take it anymore and begged him to stop. He had gotten close but stopped himself again.

After some more cuddling, he suggested they take a shower together. After the shower, he was all over her again. She was sore, but couldn't say no, so he proceeded to "fuck my brains out" (her words) for another 30 minutes and a couple more orgasms till she was again begging for a break.

After he continued to make out and go down on her and beg for more, he convinced he that another shower would make her feel better. They showered again, and proceeded to fuck like crazy again after that. She was completely in awe of this guy, because even after a total of 4 hours of nearly non-stop fucking, he still had not let himself come. She said he'd start to come, and stop himself every time.

She said she had no idea how many orgasms she had, but that they were all through intercourse. She admitted that there is no way I could ever hope to hold a candle to this guy in bed. She also said that he also blew John's performance away(our first cuckolding experience, from my previous post).

This was incredibly hot, but also painful, because I knew she was being completely honest.

I asked her if she had orgasms like that when we had sex, and she said she probably has sometimes, but not very often. Not to mention that on the rare occasion that I get her off during sex, it's only once, at which point I lose it as well. I know for a fact i've never given her consecutive orgasms during sex, let alone 10-15 as she estimates she did with him.

The hardest part is being thousands of miles away. I desperately need to be there with her, and see just how "wide open" she is now, as she put it.

With John, I stepped my game up after she had him, and felt I did a pretty good job of matching his performance, at least according to Kim. With this new guy, she's told me and I already know that there is no way in he'll I could match his stamina or his energy level for even half as long.

I was Kim's first, and probably her best lover up till now. We can't even kid ourselves that that's true now.

I asked her if she would have had anything left for me if I was there with her. At first she said no way. After that much sex there was nothing left for anyone. This guy (since I'll use a fake name for him anyway, I guess I'll call him Royce) was begging for more and she finally said no more. She said she couldn't imagine anyone touching her pussy after all that, not John, not royce, not mr, no one.

Then, after chatting with her about other stuff for a little while, she changed her mind and said that actually, she probably would give me a turn. She was so wide open and loose, she felt like she had "had the whole world in her in her vagina already". She knew I wouldn't. last more than a minute or two and so why not.

The whole time we were talking she just kept gushing that she didn't know men were capable of that. She simply couldn't wrap her head around how long and well he was able to fuck her, or that she was even capable of so many orgasms through intercourse. She rarely orgasms from sex with me, so we always figured she just wasn't really that orgasmic during sex. So much for that theory...

She feels bad right now because she didn't tell him she was married. He wants to meet up on wdnesday, but I told her she needs to tell him the truth before things go any further. Who knows how he'll feel about doing a married woman though...

I also begged her to wait till I get home, although I'm not sure if she'll listen.

I'm sure I'll have more to add later, but I had to get this on paper so to speak.


Posts: 2770
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look forward to more...


Posts: 1076
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When are you due back? Let us know how this goes!


Posts: 32
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Wow, 1700 views, and only a couple of responses. I need to make a point on commenting on other people's posts more. There are a whole lot more of us cuck types out there than I had imagined.. .

Well she's been stressing for a couple days about what to tell him. He wanted to hang out on Wednesday, but he seemed to think she was going to be a normal girlfriend. Kim had never told him that she's married, and had even lied about being involved when he asked about it on Sunday night. She was sure that he was going to be pissed and bail on her when she finally came clean.

She was stressing a lot about it, but finally came clean and told him via text message. (Kim was stressing too much about having a face-to-face conversation with him about it, and they kept playing phone tag so she just came clean with a text) We both figured that being told the situation by text message would almost surely rub him the wrong way and make him want to bail.

Surprisingly though, he responded back something to the effect of "Oh, ok. That's cool. I knew you weren't telling me something. I was worried that you were hiding the fact that you had an STD or something. Do you still want to hang out on Wednesday?" It seemed to register with him about as much as if she had just mentioned that she likes Italian food. Viva Brazil!

So apparently Kim has a new boyfriend now. This pretty much makes it official that John is now obsolete, which I'm very happy about. Royce seems to have much more relaxed, go-with-the flow type attitude about all of this, which makes me hope that I'll get a little closer to the action this time around. He's single though, so I guess I might need to be more concerned about him trying to get too serious with Kim. All in all though, I think Kim found a serious stud in this guy. That opens up a whole new set of anxieties for me. I'm going crazy thinking about her experiencing that much pleasure on a regular basis though.

So, in answer to his question, she is going to be going over and watching a movie with him on Wednesday. It's that time of month though, so it will basically be a much less exciting visit for her. I suspect they will talk more about the reality of our situation. It drives me crazy not to be able to be around for any of this though. There is barely any time for us to even talk on the phone, due to the time difference and our work schedules. It looks like I'll be heading back over there on Monday of next week or so, but it's too early to tell for sure.


Posts: 3098
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Hot story so far. You must be filled with that "cuckold angst". You need to make sure she takes some pics for you to see what she has been up to. And hopefully after they are more comfortable with each other, and knowing she has a husband that is ok with them being might be able to see first hand...your second cuckolding.


Posts: 1076
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Thank you very much for the update! Glad to hear he's ok with her being married. Are you hoping he's ok with you watching at some point? Will your wife ever be ok with you watching?


Posts: 385
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Great update! Going to follow this. Can i suggest you start a single thread with all your encounters!


Posts: 241
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When she told him she was married, did she tell him that you also know about her meeting him? This is a very hot story.


Posts: 32
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Wed, April 20, 2011

Well, she decided to take him up on his offer of going over to his place for a movie and a pizza. She's on her period, so she assured me that things wouldn't be very sexual. She mainly wanted to hang out with him and explain our situation a bit better. At least that's what she told me initially. If I haven't mentioned it before, being cuckolded long distance is really more than I bargained for. She seems to love the freedom she has when I'm not around though.

I'm still at work overseas, and she is back in Singapore. Here's some of the text messages from earlier today.

Me: Out of curiosity, what time are you heading over there?

Kim: Now

Me: Paying attention is going to be difficult during this meeting.

Me: Feel free to text and let me know how things are going over there.

Kim: Ok. I'm feeling very un-sexy since I started, so don't worry too much.

Me: Obviously. Still, you all cuddled up on the couch watching a movie with him still freaks me out a little. I'd much rather have you falling arelax in my lap. . .

Me: Not to mention wondering what else you might end up doing while your head is in his lap. Guessing you might feel more sexy once you get there.

Kim: Hope so. I'm definitely planning on having my head in his lap.

Me: This isn't fair.

Kim: It isn't is it? Ha, have a good time thinking of all the wonderful nasty things I'll be doing to him.

Me: Fuck babe... I love you. . . It's still not fair though.

Me: You do drive me crazy though.

Kim: He deserves it after his performance on Sunday.

Kim: I have never ever been fucked like that.

Kim: Or even close to that. Ever.

Me: (whimper) You're right my Queen. He should be thanked properly. Thank him for both of us I guess...

That was around 7:20 pm her time. She promised she wouldn't spend the night with him, and that she would let me know how things went afterwards. Around midnight, I still haven't heard from her, and started texting, wondering where she was.

It was a another hour and a half until she finally texted me to say she was on her way home.

When I got on the phone with her, she told me how the night went. . .

She said as soon as she got there, they started making out and getting naked. They just hung out, made out, and wandered around the house naked (her in her panties) for a while till she started giving him head. She said she went down on him for a while, then they hopped in the shower and made out for a while, then they ended up on the couch. She said she was on her knees between his legs for nearly an hour making love to his cock. He finally started to cum, and caught her completely by surprise. She said he shot all over her face before she was able to pull out of the way. What surprised her even more though was that he continued coming for almost a full minute, and never stopped spurting on her chest.

She said that he was quite surprised by the whole thing, because he can usually only "barely cum a little bit" when a girl goes down on him. He can usually only have a full orgasm during sex.

She thinks there must be something wrong with him, because when he finally did come, he seemed to just keep coming. She said she was completely covered, and that he shot more semen than she had ever seen before. She wants to keep a measuring cup handy next time, because she swears he shot a 1/4 to a 1/2 a cup on her.

You don't know how bad I wish I could have been there for that.

Later, she was telling me more about her first night with him. She said that it was like having sex with a tornado. He had so much energy, and was constantly switching positions while they were going at it. She said that she felt like she was basically mid-orgasm or right on the edge of one the entire time they were going at it. She said she nearly had tears in her eyes she was cumming so much, and she was literally begging him not to stop and to put it back in every time he went to switch positions.

For comparimister, she is normally very non-verbal during sex with me, and I don't think I've ever heard her ask me not to stop, even when she was right on the edge. She's pretty reserved in bed for the most part, so I have a hard time even envisioning her begging someone not to stop.

It looks like I won't be back in Singapore until Tuesday night her time. She doesn't think she'll hang out with him again before then, but she isn't sure.

I'm getting a bit stressed out over here, because I don't know things will be with us now that this guy has completely rocked her world. She knows that there's no way I can satisfy her as well, so my mind is spinning a million different ways on how that knowledge could affect us in and out of the bedroom. What have I gotten myself into?

For Royce's part, he seems much more relaxed about the situation than John was though. It looks like there's much better odds of me getting to be there with them at some point. I'm going to have my work cut out for me though if she puts me on clean up duty though.


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23 April, 2011

I'm still overseas, and she's still there. She ended up going over to his house last night and hanging out with his two model friends. Not much happened. She and Royce made out and got naked in the bathroom briefly, but nothing much happened. Well, nothing much except that Royce asked whether or not I wanted to be there to watch them having sex. Kim was surprised, but confirmed that I would. He apparently seemed pretty un-phased by the idea, so I may get to be there fairly soon.

Another small surprise was that the two friends of Royce's were apparently both also checking her out the night she met Royce. One of the guys is well over 6 feet and has been on the cover of Men's Health at some point. The other one is very attractive as well, according to her. I jokingly asked her if she was thinking about some Zoolander-inspired model-orgy, and she admitted that she was. Royce's two friends were completely respectful all night, and she had a lot of fun hanging out with them. I'm completely in shock that my innocent, virgin-esque wife is getting so adventurous though. I'm also stunned that I'm married to a woman who now seems to have a stable of male models at her disposal. What the hell is she doing with me? I feel like I need to step my game up a bit. . .

The next day, she was sending me text messages that she was the "Master Pimp-tress". She's been on cloud nine ever since Saturday, but desperate to be able to tell someone about it. It's driving her crazy not to be able to brag about how she is such a "Mac-Daddy" (or whatever the female equivalent is.) It's awesome to see her like this, and very intimidating at the same time. How did I manage to land such an incredible woman?


Posts: 581
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awesome man, truly awesome. I really hope she goes for the bunch, imagine the amount of sperm....


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Well, we were debating what we should do with our day off. We both had different ideas of things to do, and then everything got superceded by a call from her boyfriend, Royce.

They talked for a bit, and she decided that that sounded like more fun that what I had in mind. So she put on her makeup, got dressed, and left me here at the house.

I'm almost relieved, because they were supposed to do something Thursday night, so she locked me in my cage on Wednesday afternoon. She did relent and finally show me some lingerie that we had bought a few weeks previously that I had never seen her in. She's never worn anything like it, and I was literally floored when I saw her in it. Fishnet thigh-high stockings, fishnet and leather panties with an iron ring at the waist-band, and a top made out of black elastic bands with black see-through nylon between the strips. I took some pictures, and will post them later if she allows it. After that, she made me give her a full body massage, and then was so turned on that she allowed me to go down on her to orgasm. I stayed locked up the entire time.

Plans fell through on Thursday night, and he suggested they do something on Friday. So I definitely wasn't getting out of my cage then, and her pussy stayed off limits.

Then on Friday we remembered that we were supposed to do something with our friends that evening, so it was rescheduled till Saturday night, and I stayed locked up. She did relax completely naked though, and let me massage her and rub all over her. . .except for her pussy. That was saved for him. I didn't relax much that night, to be sure. . .

She was then exhausted from work on Saturday, and he was tired from being out in the sun all day. So they decided to put it off again. That night after i had just fallen arelax, she woke me up and demanded that I rub her back until she could fall arelax. She moaned about how bad she wanted him, but wouldn't let me touch between her legs. I woke up with painful attempts at erections all night.

So, right now, she is presumably at his house. They are apparently meeting there and then going out to go to the beach with his friends. I'm not sure whether they'll stay at his place long or not.

It sounds like they'll probably return to his place after for more fun. She said she is going to try to record their activities on her phone if and when they happen.

I took one picture of her as she left the house, and will try to post that as well if she'll let me.

It's been really surprising how much more into everything she is with Royce. With John, she'd alternate between turned on and disgusted by the whole thing. . .cuckolding, the chastity cage, my constant curiosity about what was happening with her and John while she was at work.

Now, she has spontaneously been very into the whole chastity cage thing. She started texting me at work on Friday completely without warning. . .

Kim: I'm playing with the keys to your freedom. Where should I leave them here. Hmmm. . .

Me: You're going to leave them at work???!!

Kim: Hmmm. I don't know. I might.

Me: Fuck babe!

(We have a 3 day weekend this weekend, so that would leave me locked up till Tuesday. If anything did happen with Royce this weekend, I wouldn't even be unlocked after that.)

Kim: I'm trying to think of a good story to have someone else hold on to them for me.

She didn't end up giving them to anyone then. On Saturday though, I saw the keychain, and noticed there was only one key on it. Before both copies of the key were on there.

I've asked her twice about what she did with the other one, and she's gotten very annoyed by me asking both times. "It's none of your business." was her only reply both times. I'm guessing she just put it in a safe place in case the one gets lost, but I can't imagine why she wouldn't tell me that. It makes me wonder what in the world she has come up with. Her growing initiative and control in this is also very exciting, and fairly nerve-racking.

She's brought up the idea of giving the key to someone else before, but I always thought that she was just teasing me with the idea for my benefit. It didn't occur to me that the idea turned her on and that she really wanted to do it. I can tell now that the idea of her not having access to my cock either is a big turn-on for her as well.

She also seems to be getting into the power she has over me little by little. On Friday night when we were with our friends at dinner she started playing with her necklace, a long, dangly thing with a medium sized pendant on it. She quietly got my attention with it as we were mid-conversation and showed me that next to the pendant on the chain were the keys to my cage. She continued playing with it and practically holding it out to show everyone as we were sitting there, occasionally giving me evil grins as she did. I was pretty shocked by how blatant she was, and how much she seemed to be enjoying it.

Anyway, I'm stuck here and going stir crazy. She probably won't be home for at least another six or eight hours, so I'm going to have to find something to do with myself. I would probably jerk off about 10 times before she got back, but that isn't possible. All I can think about is reading stories on this site or watching porn of the same variety. I don't want to get too worked up this early in this cage though.

I'll keep everyone posted. . .


Posts: 1076
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This is all very exciting! I'm shocked that no one else has taken the time to respond. Please keep letting us know how this goes. +3!


Posts: 2770
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Love this story...very exciting...please go on...
Rating: 15, 5 votes.
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Second time she's cuckolded me, in progress
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