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les histoires de chrislebo

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hier die fortsetzung:

Am n?chsten Tag ging Kenan zu seiner Hauptschule, dies war eigentlich die Ausnahme den h?ufig schw?nzte er den Unterricht. Aber er wollte seinen Klassenkameraden unbedingt die Bilder von Nicola und Monika zeigen, vor dem Unterricht begann er damit zu prallen.

„Wir haben zwei deutsche Muschis gefickt."

Doch die Anderen antworteten, er solle nicht so einen Unsinn erz?hlen.

„Doch ehrlich, ich schw?re. Wir haben Fotos mit Handy gemacht."

Jetzt wurden die anderen in der Klasse hellh?rig und er holte stolz sein Fotohandy hervor. Seine Mitsch?ler rissen sich nun um die Bilder, sie kamen aus dem Stauten nicht mehr heraus.

„Die eine Kleine kenne ich doch, die geht doch gegen?ber zum Gymnasium. Auf die war ich auch schon scharf, aber die l?sst doch einen wie uns an sich nicht ran." sagte einer

Kenan grinste nur als er dies h?rte. W?hrend die Anderen neidisch auf die Bilder blickten.

„Wollt ihr auch Bilder haben?"

Es war kurz vor der gro?en Pause als Monika eine SMS erhielt.

„Komm in der Pause vor die Schule. Hakan"

Als Monika dann in der Pause hin ging, stand dort der BMW von Hakan und eine Traube von Sch?lern um ihn herum. Sie sah die Hauptsch?ler, welche sie mit ihren Augen auszogen, fr?her hatte sie diese Kerle einfach nur f?r primitive gehalten, doch jetzt machte sie ihre M?nnlichkeit immer mehr an. Es war etwas anderes als die Gymnasiasten mit ihren ewigen Erkl?rungen und Gerde. Hier konnte sie etwas Erleben und sie wollte etwas erleben.

„Hi S??e." wurde sie von Hakan begr??t

„Was iss'" fragte sie zur?ck.

„Lust auf eine kleine Spritztour? – Wir wollen in der Pause etwas Spa? haben, bist du mit dabei?"

„Ich muss gleich wieder beim Unterricht sein."

„Keine Angst zur n?chsten Stunde bist du wieder im Unterricht, wir wollen ja nicht, dass du deine Reifepr?fung nicht bestehst."

Sie ?ffnete die T?re und nahm auf dem Beifahrersitz platz.

„Hi Monika" begr??te sie Mohamet der im Fond sa?.

Nach dem auch der j?ngste Bruder Kenan im Wagen war, fuhr Hakan mit quietschenden Reifen los. Sein Ziel war ein naher Waldparkplatz.

Die Fahrt dauerte nur wenige Minuten, doch Monikas Slip war schon pitschnass in der Erwartung was nun kommen w?rde. Sie war so geil darauf von den Br?dern gefickt zu werden. Schon w?hrend der Fahrt begann Hakan, wenn er nicht schalten musste, sie zu befummeln und spielte mit der rechten Hand an ihrer Muschi.

Wegen des Werktages wurde der Parkplatz von nur wenigen Fahrzeugen benutzt. Hakan parkte den BMW und seine beiden Br?der stiegen aus dem Fond aus. Mohamet hielt sofort seine Videokamera in der Hand und begann die Szenerie aufzunehmen. Hakan hatte inzwischen Monika ihre Bluse ausgezogen und nur noch der blaue BH verdeckte ihre Br?ste. W?hrend dessen lie? Kenan die Vordersitze nach hinten, um es den beiden bequemer zu machen.

„Komm spiel mit meinem Schwanz F?tzchen", forderte Hakan sie auf und sie ?ffnete seinen Rei?verschluss um sein prachtvolles Organ heraus zu hohlen. Wieder war sie von seiner gewaltigen Gr??e erschlagen. Mit ihrer sanften Hand streichelten sie ihn und gab ihm auf die Spitze einen kleinen Kuss, wie einem alten Freund. Dann umschlossen die sanften Lippen des jungen M?dchens die Eichel von Hakans bestem St?ck. So m?chtig so kraftvoll, ihr ganzer K?rper war erregt, dann sp?rte sie wie jemand ihre Hose ?ffnete, sie vermutete Kenan. Sie genoss es und half ihm ihre Hose hinunter zu streifen in dem sie sich kurz von dem Autositz hoch dr?ckte. Kurz danach sp?rte sie etwas kaltes Metallisches auf ihrer Haut, das in die Richtung ihres Slips wanderte. Ein kurzer schneller Schnitt und er war zerschnitten. Dann sp?rte sie Finger mit ihrem Kitzler spielen und in ihr Loch eindringen. W?hrend dessen h?rte sie Mohamet etwas auf t?rkisch zu seinem Bruder Kenan sagen, wo rauf hin dieser von ihr ablie?, damit sie besser gefilmt werden konnte. Beim ficken gefilmt zu werden, erregte sie noch mehr, der Gedanke so etwas Verbotenes zu tun. Es dauerte nicht lange und schon hatte sie Hakan zum H?hepunkt gebracht, noch m?chtiger und gewaltiger wurde sein Schwanz. In m?chtigen St??en spritze sein Sperma in ihren Rachen. Es schmeckte ihr so gut. Noch w?hrend sie den Mund voll hatte, zog Kenan sie zu sich her?ber. Er hatte inzwischen seine Hose ausgezogen und sein m?chtiger Pr?gel ragte in freudiger Erwartung hervor. Kenan hatte nur darauf gewartet, das Monika seinen Schwanz wieder in die Hand nahm, diese sanften H?nde der 18j?hrigen. „Komm Spiel mit meinen Eiern", forderte er sie auf und was war dies f?r eine Wohltat. Lange konnte er sich nicht halten und spritze seine hei?e Landung auf ihr s??es Gesicht.

Nach dem sie den auch Mohamet befriedigt hatte, gab Hakan ihr ein Tuch, damit sie sich ihr Gesicht abwaschen konnte. Dann machte sich die fidele Gruppe wieder auf den Weg zur?ck in die Schule.

Den zerrissenen Slip warf Mohamet aus den Wagen.

„Deinen BH behalten wir, wenn du willst k?nnen wir heute Nachmittag in unserer Wohnung weitermachen." sagte Hakan

„und bring deine geile Freundin Antje mit, wir wollen sie als n?chste."

Der Unterricht hatte schon wieder begonnen, als Monika zur?ck ins Schulgeb?ude kam. Eilig kn?pfte sie noch ihre offene Bluse zu, bevor sie an die Klassent?r klopfte.

„Ich musste in der Pause noch etwas besorgen."

Entschuldigte sie sich Monika, bevor sie sich neben ihre Freundin Antje setzte.

„He, was ist mit dir los."

„Ich war mit den Isils unterwegs", fl?stere sie ihre Freundin zu.

„Wieder mit diesen T?rken."

„Rede nicht so abf?llig."

„Was habt ihr den in der Pause so getrieben?"

„Wir haben gefickt..."

Antje viel vor Schreck der Stift aus der Hand und der Lehrer sah sich gezwungen, den Beiden einen r?ffelnden Blick zu zuwerfen. So kannte sie ihre Freundin gar nicht, solche Worte waren ihr bislang nicht in den Mund gekommen.


„Alle drei."

Das war nun wirklich zuviel f?r Antje.


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#2,822 · Edited by: chrislebo
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„Du hast es wirklich mit allen drei gemacht?", fragte sie und dabei merkte sie nicht, dass inzwischen der Lehrer vor ihrem Platz stand.

Der griff ihrer Frage auf und wiederholte sie f?r alle im Klassenraum h?rbar. „Was hat Monika mit allen drei gemacht?"

„Nichts", sagte Antje leise.

Nach der Schule gingen die beiden Freundinnen noch nach Hause, bevor sie sich mit der Stra?enbahn in das Viertel aufmachten, in welchem die Br?der wohnten. Es galt nicht gerade als das beste Viertel, misterdern war eine der typischen Rei?brettsiedlungen aus den siebziger Jahren des vorherigen Jahrhunderts. W?hrend der Fahrt stiegen immer mehr Migranten zu, darunter auch viele verschleierte Frauen.

Am Haus der Isils Br?der konnte den die zwei Sch?lerinnen keinen deutschen Familiennamen lesen und im Treppenhaus kam ihnen eine Frau in der Burka entgegen. Hakan begr??te die Beiden in der Wohnungst?r zur Wohnung seiner Eltern.

„Kommt nur rein, wir haben schon auf euch gewartet. Zieht euch bitte die Schuhe hier in der Diele aus."

Die Wohnung, welche die beiden M?dchen betraten, war in einem biedern Still eingerichtet. An den W?nden hingen viele Bilder aus der Anatolischen Heimat und von den Br?dern in jungen Jahren. Auf Anrichten und Regalen war viel Nippes zu sehen. An den W?nden war eine Strukturtapete, wie man sie aus Deutschen Wohnung der achtziger Jahre kennt.

„Wollt ihr einen Drink?"

„Gerne." antworten die beiden

„Dann geht nur schon ins Wohnzimmer, dort warten auch schon meine Br?der."

W?hrend die beiden vorgingen, verschwand Hakan in der K?che und sch?ttete in die Drinks, wieder jenes wei?e Pulver welches schon einmal eine gute Wirkung getan hatte.

Die beiden hatten zwischen die Br?der begr??t und sich auf die Couch gesetzt. Mohamet hatte eine Videokamera auf den denn Wohnzimmerschrank gestellt, dort wo sie nicht direkt auffiel.

Hakan schlug vor sich Gemeinsam einen Porno anzusehen, Antje war ganz aufgeregt, denn einen solchen Film hatte sie noch nie gesehen.

Als der Film startete traute Monika ihren Augen nicht, denn sie war die Hauptdarstellerin in diesem Film, der zeigte wie sie es heute morgen mit den Isils-Br?dern auf dem Waldparkplatz getrieben hatte. W?hrend der Film noch lief legte sie einen Arm um die Schulter von Antje und begann ihren Nacken zu k?ssen. Angeturnt von der Situation und dem getrunkenen Alkohol lie? Antje sich darauf ein und erwiderte ihre Z?rtlichkeiten. Schnell reichten die Br?der den M?dchen noch einen weitern Drink, mit dem teuflischen Pulver, welches die beiden immer geiler und hemmungsloser werden lies. So hei? begann Antje die beige gestreifte Bluse ihre Freundin aufzukn?pfen. W?hrend die Br?der dies gen?sslich betrachteten. Bald wurde schon der Blick auf den wei?en BH der jungen Deutschen frei. Dann l?ste Antje den G?rtel der blauen Jeans von Monika und ?ffnete den Rei?verschluss. Antje stand auf und zog Monika die Hose aus.

Sie konnten es selber nicht glauben, aber was sie gerade taten machte sie an, in einer neuen Art und Weise die sie bisher noch nicht gekannt hatten Jetzt war ihre Freundin Monika an der Reihe, sie zog Antje das rote T-Shirt ?ber den Kopf, auch sie trug darunter einen wei?en BH, dann folgte auch ihre Hose sowie ihre wei?en Str?mpfe.

Immer wieder k?ssten sich die beiden M?dels, dann schlie?lich ?ffnete Antje Monikas B?stenhalter. Kenan hatte diesen Augenblick kaum erwarten k?nnen, Monikas Titten wieder nackt vor ihm. Antje beugte sich vor und begann die Br?ste ihrer Freundin zu liebkosen. Ihre Lippen schienen mit ihnen spielen zu wollen. W?hrend sie dies tat zog Monika ihren Slip runter und sa? nun nackt auf dem Sofa. Antje wollte nun den K?rper ihrer Freundin hinunter wandern, doch Mohamet forderte sie auf, sich zuerst nackt zu machen. Antje stelle sich hin und zog sich ihren BH aus, gab sie so den Blick auf ihre festen gro?en Br?ste frei.

Die drei Br?der hatten inzwischen die bis zum bersten gespannten Hosen ge?ffnet und wichsten, voller Vorfreude ihre Schw?nze. Derweil hatte Antje auch ihren Slip abgestreift und wollte weiter mit Monika spielen, doch Hakan forderte sie auf, stehen zu bleiben.

„Las dich ansehen, du bist eine sch?ne Frau."

Antje war etwa ein Meter siebzig gro? und hatte wie Monika eine athletische Figur, allerdings war sie ein wenig schwerer und hatte sch?nen mittelgro?en Busen. Auf ihrer rechten Seite hatte sie von Taille zur H?fte eine gro?e T?towierung. Wie Monika hatte sie ihre blonden Schamhaare zu einem d?nnen Streifen getrimmt.

„Danke" antwortete Antje verlegen.

„Eine echte Blonde", sagte er Kenan an erkennenden mit Blick auf ihre blonden Schamhaare. Auch diese Muschi w?rde bald seinen Schwanz kosten, sehr bald.

Monika dauerte dies nun doch alles etwas lange und sie zog Antje wieder zu sich, diese kniete sich nun zwischen ihre Beine und begann sie zu lecken. Wobei sie den Jungs einen sch?nen Blick auf ihre R?ckseite gab. Wie ein Massagestab arbeitete ihre Zunge im Fotzenloch ihrer besten Freundin. Monika hatte l?ngst die Augen geschlossen und begann in eine ferne Welt zu entschweben. Die Beine wurden immer lockerer und breiter gespreizt, um ihrer Freundin einen noch tiefern Zugang zu erm?glichen. Zu einer deutlichen Aussprache war sie schon l?ngst nicht in der Lage, sie konnte nur noch st?hnen.

Derweil hatte Hakan einen Joint gebaut, denn die drei gen?sslich rauchten, w?hrend sie den M?dchen zusahen. Als sie ihn zu Ende hatten und so noch geiler waren, gab Hakan das Signal mitzumachen. Kenan und er setzten sich auf das Sofa neben die beiden. Sie f?hrten die H?nde von Monika zu ihren Schw?nzen, w?hrend sie gleichzeitig mit ihren Titten spielten.

Diese Szene macht auch Mohamet wild, er konnte seinen Blick nicht mehr von Antjes Knackarsch wenden und wollte nur noch mit seinem Schwanz da rein. Ohne jede Z?rtlichkeit ?berrumpelt er Antje und drang mit einem kr?ftigen Rutsch in sie sein. Antje wollte zuerst ausweichen, doch dann ergab sie sich dieser Urgewalt und lies sich nur noch treiben. Noch intensiver versucht sie ihre Freundin zum H?hepunkt zu bringen. Jetzt wollte Hakan Monika ficken, er zog sie von Antje weg und legte sie auf's Sofa. Seine Finger ertasteten einen Ozean von Feuchtigkeit zwischen ihren Schenkeln, der Weg f?r seinen Schwanz war bereitet. Kenan hatte dadurch von Monika abgelassen und beobachtete Mohamet und Antje im willenden treiben. Das sind unsere Muschis und keiner wird sie uns wegnehmen, sie geh?ren uns. Bald werden sie unsere S?hne in ihren B?uchen tragen, dieser Gedanke machte ihn so unglaublich geil. Dann stellte er sich vor Antje und hielt der Blonden seinen Schwanz vor die Lippen, die dieses Geschenk gerne annahm. Er spielte mit den blonden Haaren, als er ihren Kopf in den richtigen Rhythmus brachte. Welch ein Gef?hl nun nuckelt auch die Freundin von Monika an meinem Schwanz, ja mein Schwanz regiert. Die M?dchen sollten es vor der Kamera sagen, das die Isilis die geilsten Stecher waren. Schon begann sein Saft in den sch?nen Mund von Antje zu spritzen.

Die beiden Monika und Antje sa?en nach dem Ficken m?de auf dem Sofa, noch waren sie beide unbekleidet.

„Ich sehe es hat euch beiden gefallen?"

„Ja, es war der beste Fick meines Lebens.", antworte Monika.

„Und wollt ihr weiterhin, zu einer solchen Extasse gefickt werden?"

„Ja, bitte Hakan, daf?r w?rden wir alles tun."

„Auch schw?ren?"

Inzwischen hatten die beiden Br?der links und rechts von einem der Sessel zwei K?chenst?hle aufgestellt.

„Wenn ihr dazu bereit seid, dann sagt es allen in die Kamera. Du zuerst Monika setzt dich auf den Sessel, linken und rechten Fu? auf die beiden St?hle, damit deine Pussy deutlich zu sehen ist."

Monika tat wie aufgetan, danach richtete Mohamet die Kamera auf sie und Kenan kam aus der K?che mit einer Tafel.

„So Monika, bist du bereit dich den Isilis-Br?der vollst?ndig und bedingungslos zu unterwerfen?"

„Ja, ich will"

„Dann lies, laut und deutlich von der Tafel hier ab!"

Monika holte tief Luft und begann den Text ihrer Unterwerfung abzulesen.

„Ich, Monika. Erkl?re hiermit aus freien St?cken jeder Anweisung von Hakan, Kenan und Mohmet unverz?glich und ohne jeden Widerspruch zufolgen. Die folgenden Anweisungen gelten f?r mich, bis sie von den Br?dern ge?ndert oder widerrufen werden:

Ich habe so viel Zeit wie m?glich mit den Br?dern zu verbringen und sie auf alle Arten und Weisen, die sie w?nschen zu befriedigen. Der sexuelle Kontakt mit anderen Permisteren ins bemisterders M?nner ist mir nur mit Erlaubnis der Br?der erlaubt

Ich erlaube den Br?dern von mir gemachte Bilder zu verkaufen oder zu verschenken. Sie d?rfen auch bestimmen welche Kleidung ich tragen darf und welche nicht, so sind Slip und BH ab heute f?r mich Tabu. Morgen werde ich meine alten zur Schule mitbringen und den Br?dern ?bergeben."

Beim n?chsten Satz, den Kenan mit einem dicken Ausrufezeichen verbunden hatte, musste Monika kr?ftig schlucken bevor sie ihn vorlas, doch sie blieb tapfer:

„Ich werde auf s?mtliche Methoden der Geburtenkontrolle verzichten und die Pille sofort absetzen."

Dies wollte Kenan h?ren, er sah das kleine deutsche F?tzchen schon mit seinem Kind im Bauch auf dem Schulhof stehen.

„Bist du bereit f?r den letzten Teil." fragte Hakan und sie schloss ihre Unterwerfung endg?ltig ab.

„Zusammen mit den Br?dern werden ich zu einen T?towierstudio fahren wo mir ?ber meinem Schamh?gel mein neuer Name eint?towiert wird. „F?tzchen - Eigentum der Isilis Br?der"


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Was machen wir in der Freistunde? Gehen wir in die Stadt?" fragt Antje ihre beste Freundin Monika. Die sch?ttelt verneinend den Kopf. "Ich hab? schon was anderes vor!" antwortet sie unbestimmt. Antje sieht Monika erstaunt von der Seite an. Seit dem Wochenende kommt ihr ihre misterst so fr?hliche und temperamentvolle Freundin beinahe wie ausgewechselt vor, irgendwie ganz still und in sich gekehrt, als ob sie irgendwelche Sorgen mit sich herumtr?gt.

Ob das vielleicht etwas mit diesem Hakan zu tun hat, der sie gestern in ihrem Auto von der Schule nach Hause gebracht hat? Monika hat auf ihre neugierigen Fragen bez?glich dieses jungen Mannes heute morgen leider die ganze Zeit so hartn?ckig geschwiegen, so dass Antje letztendlich beschlossen hat, vorerst nicht weiter in sie zu dringen. "Ist auch wirklich alles in Ordnung mit dir?" fragt sie blo? noch einmal besorgt.

Monika nickt schweigend, wobei sie sich erstmals an diesem Morgen ein krampfhaftes L?cheln abzuringen versucht. Dann steht sie auf, nimmt ihre Schultasche vom Boden und h?lt sie verlegen nach den richtigen Worten suchend vor ihren Bauch. "Ich mu? jetzt leider gehen! Wir sehen uns nachher in der f?nften Stunde!" sagt sie und wendet sich ohne jegliche weitere Erkl?rung einfach zum Gehen. Antje sieht ihrer besten Freundin kopfsch?ttelnd nach ...


Monika geht mit h?ngenden Schultern quer ?ber den fast menschenleeren Schulhof langsam zu dem kleinen Br?ckchen hin, durch das ihr Gymnasium mit der angrenzenden Hauptschule verbunden ist. Vor dem schmalen Br?ckchen bleibt sie noch einmal stehen, sieht sich noch einmal um, nimmt dann ihren gesamten Mut zusammen und betritt schlie?lich das Br?ckchen. Es ist ?berhaupt das erste Mal in ihrer gesamten Schulzeit, dass Monika diesen Weg geht.

Bei den Sch?lern des Gymnasiums hat die benachbarte Hauptschule einen sehr schlechten Ruf. Der schlechte Ruf r?hrt von zahlreichen Vorf?llen her, die sich an der Hauptschule ereignet haben soll. Bandenrivalit?ten, Schl?gereien und Drogenhandel sollen an der Tagesordnung sein, ja sogar von mehreren Vergewaltigungen war ger?chteweise die Rede. Die vergewaltigten M?dchen sollen angeblich als Bandenschlampen geendet haben.

Als Monika das Gel?nde der Hauptschule betritt, schl?gt ihr das Herz beinahe bis zum Hals. Sie dr?ckt ihre Schultasche noch fester gegen ihren Bauch und sieht sich ?ngstlich um. Dort dr?ben steht die heruntergekommene, mit Graffiti beschmierte Turnhalle der Hauptschule. Der j?ngste Isli-Bruder Kenan hat ihr heute morgen eine SMS auf ihr Handy geschickt und sie aufgefordert, sich in ihrer Freistunde mit ihm in dieser Turnhalle zu treffen.

Monika geht zu der Turnhalle hin und betritt das Geb?ude durch eine Glast?re. "Da bist du ja, du Schlampe!" Kenan hat sie bereits erwartet. Er packt Monika grob am Arm und zieht sie mit sich eine Treppe hinunter in das Untergescho? der Turnhalle, wo sich die Umkleider?ume befinden. "Hakan wird dich heute Nachmittag sicher wieder zum Anschaffen schicken! Heute Vormittag geh?rst du daf?r mir und meinen Freunden!"

Kenan f?hrt sie in einen der Umkleider?ume. Monika bleibt vor Schreck wie angewurzelt stehen. Auf der Bank des Umkleideraums sitzen etwa ein gutes Dutzend ?berwiegend dunkelh?utiger Jungens. Monika kennt einige von ihnen vom Sehen, es sind alles Sch?ler der benachbarten Hauptschule, die meisten sind ihr aber sehr unangenehm aufgefallen. "Heilige Schei?e, sie ist ja tats?chlich gekommen!" keucht ein ziemlich muskul?ser Junge.

Die Jungens umkreisen Monika neugierig. "Meine Freunde wollen dich kennenlernen!" sagt Kenan und grinst dabei h?misch. "Ich habe ihnen versprochen, dass du alles machst, was sie von dir verlangen!" Monika sieht Kenan flehend an. Der bleibt jedoch unger?hrt. "Sie soll sich nackt ausziehen!" verlangt einer der Jungens nachdr?cklich. Monika l?sst den Kopf h?ngen und starrt verzweifelt zu Boden. Sie wei?, dass es keinen Ausweg f?r sie gibt.

Zur freudigen ?berraschung der versammelten Mannschaft zieht Monika sich das schwarz-wei?e T-Shirt folgsam ?ber den Kopf aus. Darunter tr?gt sie keinen B?stenhalter. Ihre vollen, jugendlichen Titten wippen befreit auf und ab. Dann ?ffnet sie den Rei?verschlu? ihres schwarzen Minirocks und l?sst ihn zu Boden fallen. Jetzt ist sie nur noch mit wei?en Tennisschuhen und einem winzigen schwarzen String-H?schen bekleidet.

Ein freudig-erregtes Raunen geht durch den Raum. Monika steht stramm in der Mitte des Raumes, die H?nde seitlich an ihre H?ften gepresst. "Kenan hat uns erz?hlt, dass du ein wahres Naturtalent im Schwanzlutschen bist!" ruft einer der Jungen laut gefolgt von schallendem Gel?chter der anderen. Wie um seine Behauptung zu beweisen, kn?pft Kenan seine Jeans auf und bringt seinen enorm steifen Schwanz zum Vorschein.

Kenan legt seine Hand auf ihre Schulter. Monika knickt zusammen und sinkt vor ihm auf ihre Knie. Gespannt sehen die Jungens zu, wie die h?bsche Gymnasiastin den dicken Schwanz ihres Freundes in ihre Hand nimmt und ihn erst sanft reibt, bevor sie ihn schlie?lich mit einem tiefen Seufzer in den Mund nimmt. Kenan legt seine Hand nun auf Monika?s Hinterkopf und beginnt das M?dchen l?stern grinsend in ihren Mund zu ficken.

Gleich mehrere von Kenan?s Freunden holen rasch ihre Handys hervor und beginnen wie verr?ckt zu fotografieren und zu filmen. Monika, die das bereits gewohnt ist, l?sst sich davon nicht mehr st?ren. Sie h?ngt an Kenan?s Schwanz und saugt und leckt inzwischen eifrig daran wie eine hungrige Katze an ihrer Milch. Schon sehr bald sp?rt Kenan, dass es ihm gleich kommen wird, und schiebt seinen Schwanz so tief es geht in Monika?s Rachen hinein.

Monika ringt nach Atem, aber Kenan h?lt sie an ihren Haaren fest, als er seinen potenten Samen sto?weise in ihren Hals hinein spritzt. Gurgelnd und w?rgend mu? Monika seinen dickfl?ssigen Saft ganz herunterschlucken, wenn sie nicht daran ersticken will. Nur ganz wenige Tropfen laufen ihr am Ende aus den beiden Mundwinkeln heraus und tropfen auf ihre nackten, bei jeder Bewegung sanft wippenden Br?ste herunter.

F?r Kenan gibt es nichts besseres, als eine dieser h?bschen, hochn?sigen Gymnasiastinnen von der Nachbarschule vor sich auf den Knien zu haben und sie in den Mund zu ficken. Vor Monika hat schon eine ganze Reihe ihrer Mitsch?lerinnen das Gleiche erdulden m?ssen. Die Allermeisten von ihnen sind nach schier endlosen Fickorgien zu willigen Bandenschlampen geworden und nachher auch zum Anschaffen auf den Stra?enstrich geschickt worden.

Nur ganz selten ist es tats?chlich notwendig gewesen, ein M?dchen zur Strafe wochenweise an eine andere Zuh?lterbande oder an einen Puff in einer anderen Stadt zu vermieten. Monika hingegen scheint jedoch eine von denen zu sein, die wirklich alles mit sich machen lassen, wenn ihr eigener Wille erst einmal gebrochen ist. Stolz ?ber seine Leistung streichelt Kenan ihr ?ber die Haare und zieht seinen spermatropfenden Schwanz aus ihrem Mund heraus.

"Der N?chste ist an der Reihe!" fordert Kenan seine Mitsch?ler breit l?chelnd auf. Ein gro?er, st?mmiger Junge dr?ngt sich sogleich nach vorne durch, stellt sich breitbeinig direkt vor die ihn verwirrt anglotzende Monika hin, holt seinen steifen Schwanz hervor und schiebt ihn ihr kurzerhand in ihr s??es M?ulchen. "Du bist wirklich eine geile Hure!" grunzt er kurz darauf begeistert, als er sie mit aller Macht in den Mund fickt.

Als er sich gen?sslich ausgespritzt hat, kommen nach ihm auch alle anderen Jungs an die Reihe. Die meisten von ihnen spritzen ihr klebriges Zeug in Monika?s Mundfotze hinein, einige ergie?en sich aber auch in ihren Haaren, in ihr Gesicht oder ?ber ihre nackten Titten, so dass Monika?s herrlicher K?rper sehr bald mit widerlich pappigen Spermatropfen ?bers?t ist. Eine gute halbe Stunde dauert es, bis Monika alle Jungs mit ihrem Mund befriedigt hat.

"Darf ich jetzt gehen?" fragt Monika mit ganz leiser Stimme hoffnungsvoll. Doch Kenan geht auf sie zu, packt sie am Arm, zieht sie auf die Beine und nimmt sie mit zur Holzbank an der Wand. Ein harter Ruck, und er h?lt die ?berreste ihres schwarzen Tanga-Slips triumphierend in seiner Hand. "Den brauchst du nicht mehr!" brummt er. "Jetzt wirst du n?mlich erst einmal richtig geil von allen durchgefickt!"

Er setzt sich auf die Holzbank, zieht die nackte Monika rittlings ?ber seine Beine, so dass ihre Knie links und rechts von seinen Schenkeln zum Liegen kommen und st?lpt sich ihr rosiges, klaffendes F?tzchen ?ber seinen wiedererstarkten Fickschwanz. "Ooooah!" keucht Monika auf, als sie das riesige Organ des Jungen unaufhaltsam in sich eindringen sp?rt. Die Typen werden mich bald vollkommen versaut haben, denkt sie verzweifelt.

Kenan packt ihre vor Erregung zitternden Pobacken mit beiden H?nden und beginnt seinen Schwanz zun?chst eine Weile ganz langsam und vorsichtig, dann aber immer schneller und h?rter bis zum Anschlag in ihren fruchtbaren Scho? hineinzusto?en. Schlie?lich reitet Monika in einem h?llischen Tempo auf ihm, und er rammelt sie im Gegenzug so heftig, dass sie fast den Verstand zu verlieren meint.

Der Junge st?hnt auf, seine H?nde krallen sich ganz fest in ihren Po, sein Atem geht schwer und sto?weise, und Monika sp?rt es pl?tzlich in sich hei? werden, sie f?hlt den Orgasmus, der sie hinwegtragen wird, herannahen. Kenan b?umt sich auf, sein hei?es Sperma schie?t direkt in sie hinein, und genau im gleichen Sekundenbruchteil st??t sie einen spitzen Schrei aus, als sie von einem ?berw?ltigenden H?hepunkt ergriffen wird.

Kenan spritzt sich hemmungslos in ihr aus. Die arme, gefickte Monika kommt gar nicht dazu, sich irgendwelche Sorgen dar?ber zu machen, dass sie erneut v?llig ungesch?tzten Sex mit den Jungen hat. Dar?ber wird sie sich irgendwann sp?ter ihre Gedanken machen, vielleicht morgen oder ?bermorgen. Jetzt h?lt sie dem Typen einfach nur bereitwillig ihr ganz hei?es F?tzchen hin, damit er sich l?stern bis zum letzten Tropfen in ihr entleeren kann.

"Oh, Mann, du bist ein geiler Fick!" lobt Kenan sie atemlos. Monika l?chelt ihn versch?mt an. Doch sie bekommt keine Gelegenheit, sich auszuruhen, denn der n?chste Ficker wartet bereits ungeduldig direkt neben ihnen. Mit einem traurigen Seufzer klettert Monika von Kenan?s spermatropfendem Schwanz herunter und steigt daf?r sogleich auf den steif emporragenden Schwanz des n?chsten Jungen drauf.

In der n?chsten Dreiviertelstunde reitet Monika der Reihe nach auf s?mtlichen Schw?nzen der anwesenden Jungen und bringt sie alle nacheinander noch einmal zum kr?nenden Abschu?. F?r die vielgefickte Monika gibt es inzwischen fast kein sch?neres Gef?hl als einen hemmungslos abspritzenden Schwanz tief in ihrem Bauch zu f?hlen. Sie k?sst sie sogar noch alle auf den Mund und reibt ihre nackten Br?ste dankbar an ihnen ...


Als Monika m?glichst unauff?llig auf ihren Sitzplatz neben Antje schl?pft, ist die f?nfte Stunde schon fast vorbei. Die Geschichtslehrerin malt gl?cklicherweise gerade etwas an die Tafel und scheint ihre erhebliche Versp?tung ?berhaupt nicht bemerkt zu haben. Antje jedoch sieht ihre Freundin mit einem missbilligenden Blick an. "Wie siehst du denn aus?" zischt sie Monika leise ins Ohr. "Und wo bist du blo? so lange gewesen?"

Monika bringt rasch noch einmal ihr T-Shirt und ihren Minirock in Ordnung und betet insgeheim, dass Antje die auff?lligen Samenflecken auf ihrer Kleidung nicht bemerken m?ge. "Ich erz?hl?s dir nachher!" fl?stert Monika zur?ck und tut so, als ob sie sich jetzt unbedingt auf den Geschichtsunterricht konzentrieren m?sste. Nachher wird ihr schon noch irgendeine passende Ausrede einfallen, die sie ihrer besten Freundin erz?hlen kann.

Tats?chlich macht sie sich viel mehr Gedanken dar?ber, ob Hakan sie am Nachmittag wie angek?ndigt wieder zum Anschaffen auf den Stra?enstrich schicken wird. Sie f?rchtet, dass, wenn die drei Isli-Br?der weiterhin fortfahren, sie so richtig zu versauen, sie ihre bis vor kurzem noch so vielversprechend scheinende Zukunft als spermageiles N?ttchen auf dem Stra?enstrich oder in einem Puff verbringen wird ...


Ich hoffe, dass Euch die Fortsetzung der Geschichte gefallen hat. Leider glaube ich nicht, dass ich in absehbarer Zeit die Gelegenheit finden werde, noch eine weitere Fortsetzung der Geschichte zu schreiben. Vielleicht mag sich ja jemand anderes eine Fortsetzung ausdenken, wie es weitergehen soll mit Monika, ihrer Freundin Antje, ihrer Schwester Nikola und den drei Isli-Br?dern. Ich pers?nlich w?rde mich sehr dar?ber freuen, genauso wie ich mich auch ?ber alle Eure positiven Emails gefreut habe! Vielen Dank!


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"She-She, come here," my wife Terri said with cold anger. "Look at this mess."

I scurried from the livingroom, where I had been dusting, to the bedroom. Terri was standing by the bed, wearing a filmy nighty top, minus the matching panties, hands on hips, glowering. I couldn't keep from looking at her super-sexy figure, those oversized breasts, wide hips, long full legs. But I also had to look at her normally cute face, normally girlish in contrast to that oh-so-womanly shape, now made over by a nasty scowl. I saw why she was angry. On the bedside table there were beer bottles, a full ashtray, and several used tissues. It was my job to clean up after she had been with her boyfriend Chase overnight, but I wasn't allowed into the room until they were both out of bed. I had pussyfooted by several times, peeking in through the slightly opened door, but her lover had still been arelax, the covers thrown off, his impressively large Black cock on display, larger than one of my erections even though he was soft.

"Well?" my bride said angrily. "Why wasn't this cleaned up?"

I couldn't say anything -- literally. When Terri had gotten up an hour ago she had jammed the fat handle of one of my feather dusters into my mouth, creating a very effective gag, and then buckled it in place with the attached straps. She had also checked to see that I was wearing my maid's uniform correctly. I had on high heels that squeezed my feet tightly, elastic-topped stockings that showed off my hairless legs, a tiny skirt so short that it revealled my chastity-enclosed penis in front and my bare smooth bottom in back. There was also a snug, sleeveless top with an attached, heart-shaped apron, as well as a pink satin fetishr, and a lacy cap that was perched atop my longish, styled hair. Along with the cosmetics she had taught me to apply daily, a simple base, lipstick, eyeliner and shadow, and a touch of blush on my cheeks, the image was complete. I was the picture of a feminized male maid, an object of derision and disrespect.

Terri shook her head in disgust. "You never learn. All right, girly, over my lap." She sat on the chair kept there for spanking sessions and pointed to her wide attractive thighs.

I sniffled as I laid myself across her warm upper legs. It had been a month since my last ejaculation and I was desperately horny. Seeing her or having any type of physical contact got me hard, or at least as hard as my tight chastity tube allowed, which wasn't very. As I lay there looking helpless, Chase entered the room with a glass of orange juice in his hand. He had slipped out to the kitchen and I had missed him. It would have been so easy for me to clean up the usual mess they left whenever they had sex but now, because I had missed it, I was in for a world of trouble. The tall Black man strode over and stood at my head. He was naked and his long cock dangled in front of my eyes. He leaned down and gave my wife a passionate kiss.

"So," he said, amused. "the stupid bitch earned herself an early morning red bottom."

"Again," my wife told him. "It's always something with this lazy piece of fluff. If it's not hanging the towels wrong, it's missing dirt under the refrigerator."

He chuckled. "Then you'd better really put a hurting on her ass. Maybe she'll finally learn."

"I doubt it... but it's fun trying to teach her."

They both laughed. Then Terri raised her hand. I tensed sorry. No matter how often I got my rump swatted it was always as painful and demeaning as the first time. When we got married just two years ago I saw myself as the man of the house. I owned a thriving business and was proud of my accomplishment. Then Terri sold the business out from under me, which she was able to do because I foolishly signed some papers without showing them to a lawyer. The chain that bought my distributing company paid a huge sum, leaving us set for life. Or rather, leaving HER set. Again, I should have read the small type. That was three months into our marriage. We had been having sex regularly until then and I was completely addicted to my bride's stunning body. She had let me have my fun and get hooked on her so that, once she cut me off, I would be so anxious to regain my bedroom privledges that I wouldn't think straight. Just to be allowed in bed with her I had to agree that her needs came first, which meant I had to use my mouth on her pussy whenever she wanted, which was all the time. It also meant that I couldn't pester her with what she called my 'selfishness', by which she meant my need for penetrative sex. Soon I was only allowed inside once a week, and then only if I would go down on her afterwards, being powerd to lick up and swallow my own cum.

At the same time, Terri began to dress differently around the house, favoring outfits that showed lots of flesh, wearing heels that would look appropriate on a hooker, highlighting her light brown hair with bright blond streaks, and doubling the amount of makeup she used. Though her new image was trashy it was an extreme turn-on for me which, accompanied by how little sexual relief I was permitted, had me droolingly horny all that time. She said seeing 'that little bitty dick' hard all the time offended her. I was shocked to learn that she considered me undersized down there. I mean, I'm a short and slender guy, so I'd always figured it had the right dimensions for my body type. But Terri revealed that she had slept with many guys before me and that my penis was the tiniest she had ever seen. So that she wouldn't have it getting hard all the time, she bought one of those male chastity devices on-line, and made me wear it. That was bad enough, but then she claimed that she had misplaced the key, assuring me that it would turn up before long.

I was thinking all that while stretched over her lap, my poor dick straining against its confines, Chase smirking down at my girlishness. Then Terri brought her open hand down with punishing power, slapping my backside hard, over and over, making sure to strike both cheeks. I couldn't prevent myself from yelping, whimpering, and then crying. My reaction was so unmasculine. She continued spanking, urged on by Chase, until my sitter was blazing and I was begging for mercy. At last she stopped, stood without warning me, and dumped me onto the floor.

"Get up, you good-for-nothing. Clean that mess on the table. In fact, here, let me help you."

She unfastened the straps behind my head and pulled free the duster's handle. I took a deep breath but, just that quickly, she scooped up the tissues and pushed them between my bright red lips. Then the handle went back in and the strap was re-buckled. I knew the tissues had been used to wipe off Chase's dirty cock right after sex. His cum and her juices were dried all over them. I could taste it all as soon as they touched my tongue. Then, the handle was back in place, holding them there so I would have to keep tasting the results of their lovemaking until Terri decided I'd had enough.

With my bottom sore and my mouth defiled, I gathered up the beer bottles and hurried off to the recycle bin with them. Then I rushed back, as fast as I could on those towering heels, and fetched the ashtray. I had learned to clean those thoroughly. After I had to lick one of them clean for doing a hasty incomplete job, I never failed at that chore again. As soon as the bedroom work was done I returned to my dusting without taking a break. I never took breaks unless I was told too. There were always lists of jobs for me to complete. Sometimes they were old lists and other times new ones. That made it easier for me to accidentally perform a chore that wasn't listed or neglect one that was, which would earn me additional punishments.

Chase finally announced that he had to leave. He had bought a gym with my money and catered to upscale Blacks. At the front door my wife threw her arms around him and they shared a deep wet kiss. It still ***d me to see the woman I loved giving herself to someone else, and doing it with such abandon. During the first year of our marriage, after she took my money and cut me off sexually, after she put me in a chastity and declared that the key was missing, she met Chase. I still looked like a man then and she liked to have me take her to bars, where she could take and ogle all the men, to give her something to fantasize about and talk about while I was eating her pussy at home. She would even act flirtatious and, with her figure and with that trampish image she had adopted, there were plenty of interested guys. Terri made no secret that I was her husband, but explained that I didn't mind her being with other men. Once they heard that, guys always treated me with no respect, especially not after she made me pay for their takes. She was also very free with her hands, touching them on the knees as they sat next to her at the bar, putting her fingers on theirs, even unbuttoning the top button of their shirt after telling them she liked their hairy chest, and always making sure to mention that my chest was bare.

When Chase appeared one night she sent him every signal in the book: crossing her legs until her skirt rode all the way up, bending forward to reveal the maximum of cleavage, and licking her lips suggestively. I had to sit alongside her with my dick crushed against the inside of that hated chastity tube, my testicles aching. The broad-chested Black man didn't miss what she was broadcasting. He went straight to her and sat on the next stool. When he offered to buy her a take she made a counter-offer. How about if her husband -- she referred to me that night as The Wallet, I remember -- bought them both takes. When he accepted with a knowing smile, she went on to tell him that was all I was good for, and that she wished she could meet someone who could take care of her 'other needs'. Chase boldly put his big hand high up on her thigh and told her that was her lucky night, because he was going to take care of ALL her 'other needs', as often and for as long as she liked. Terri was thrilled.

It turned out that his apartment was nearby. She made me buy a bottle at the bar's package goods section and the three of us went to his place. As soon as we were inside she grabbed him and they enjoyed their first kiss. I stood there like a fence post while he explored her body with his hands. Then he turned to glare at me.

"There's glasses in the kitchen, boy, and ice in the fridge. Make us two 7 and 7s. You're not too stupid to do that, are you, boy?"

"Uh, umm, no Sir," I said, automatically deferring to him.

My wife snickered at how weakly I reacted. She told him he could do anything he pleased to me, and added that him acting so rough was turning her on. He said that was good because she needed to be plenty wet to take everything he had. As I went to make their takes I heard Terri telling him she had cut me off because my dick was so puny.

When I returned they were in his bedroom. I followed and handed them their takes she said, "I was telling Chase about that dingus I bought, that little cage for your mini-dick. Your dingus." She laughed. "I put your dingus into a dingus." She took a swallow of her take. "He wants to see it."

I froze. How could I show myself that way to another man? I was still trying to come up with a response to the way my wife had seduced him and what was obviously going to happen soon. He stood beside her and put his arm across her back so his hand could cup the side of one of her large breasts.

Chase told me, in a no-nonsense tone, "Yeah, little man, let's see what she makes you wear on your itty bitty."

My hands shook as I undid my belt and pants, then unzipped my fly. With my lower lips trembling I dropped my trousers and then, quivering all over, tugged down my shorts and stood there, my shamefully contained penis on display. The intimidating man laughed loudly at my inadequate member and how Terri had powerd me to wear a chastity. He sipped his take.

He asked Terri, "How often do you let him out of that?"

"It used to be once a week or every ten days. But right now I can't find the key. That's no big loss because he's worthless between the sheets. In fact, I might just never bother to find that key." She put her hand on the back of his and pressed his long fingers into the softness of her breast. "You said I had to be really wet. Well, I am."

They set their takes on the nightstand and he began to unbutton her blouse. She lowered her hand to rub his crotch.

"Oh my..." she blurted. "They really grow them big where you come from, lover."

"Yeah, baby," he told her. "That's Grade-A African meat."

My wife sank to her knees, got his pants opened, and let his cock spring free. It was a monster, over seven inches and alarmingly thick. She gave it a few pumps, her delicate pale hands against that dark shaft, and it grew another two inches, the head swelling to enormous fullness. I stood there, wringing my hands, shorts still hugging my thighs, as she fitted her lips around the massive knob and sucked happily at it. He let her experiment but she could only swallow another two inches before she reached her limit. Then he bent forward, put his hands under her arms, and effortlessly raised her to her feet. All at once they were undressing each other. Terri had worn her sluttiest lingerie, with cut-outs that left her nipples and shaved pussy uncovered. Chase was delighted. He took her hand and led her to the bed. She glanced back and sneered.

Terri told me, "I want you to see me get thumped by a real man, with a real cock. Or should I say, a real cock-and-a-half."

He pushed her onto her back and knelt between her thighs, his oversized cock aimed at her glisteningly moist slit. Tears were forming in my eyes. She was going to have sex with that macho Black man and there was nothing I could do to prevent it.

My wife's eyes locked with his. "Stick it in me, please, lover. Jam all that meat up my pussy and make me feel like a woman again. Screw me so hard I won't be able to walk straight. Make me holler."

Chase returned her fervid gaze. "Baby, I'm going to make you my bitch. I'm going to do you so hard and so long that you won't never want your husband's shrimpy dick anywhere near your hot pussy." He pushed the swollen head of his battering ram against her wanting nether lips. "Say it, slutty girl. Say you'll be my ho, do anything I want, and never -- and I mean NEVER -- let your worth-nothing husband put that pinky finger of a dick inside you."

"Pleeease, you big bastard. Make me your bitch. Your slut. I want to be your ho. I'll give you anything if you'll just slam me with that *******er cock. And I will never -- NEVER EVER -- let my idiot wimp husband put his baby-sized dick into me."

"That's what I wanted to hear." He immediately shoved his entire length all the way into her, provoking a wild cry of passion from my wife.

She moaned as he pistoned in and out tirelessly, burying himself to his heavy balls with every stroke. Soon she was meeting his downthrusts with her own upthrusts. They had primitive sex for over a half hour while I could only watch, knees shaking, until they raced each other into twin orgasms that left them both panting.

When they had separated and were lying side by side he asked her, "How much better is that than is ever was with him?"

"About a million times better." She sighed deeply. "The best. It's funny but, when I used to let him have his fun, he always shot off so soon that I had to make him go down on me if I wanted any satisfaction. Not only is his dick too small but it has a hair trigger."

"So you made him go down on you and eat up all his cum?"

"What little bit there was of it, yeah."

"Then how about I make him do it now, so he can taste the real thing and have a full three-course meal?"

Terri gasped in delight. "You would? That would be incredible. And after that the little cuckolds brownie wouldn't even be able to look me in the eyes. He wouldn't even be able to THINK about having any sexual privileges. Do it, Chase. Make my lick-up boy clean all your thick salty cum out of my used pussy. Make him get his tongue into my stretched out box, that he's never going to have his dick in again. Do it, Chase. Make him swallow all of your paste."

"You heard the lady," he said jovially. "Get your sissy mouth down there and do the one job you're good at. Damn, you're such a pantywaist she ought to just put you in panties. You're like one of those male lesbians you hear about, one of those guys stuck on eating the box lunch."

With my pants still at half mast I knelt between my wife's desirable thighs and put my face directly in front of her oozing snatch. After watching him ravish her and seeing how spiritedly she responded, after hearing everything they said to each other, I knew my sex life had ended. There was no hope. This final offense would complete the picture. My will was broken. The strong scent of sex filled my nostrils. I lowered my head and lapped a thick dollop of his cum from between her slightly swollen lips. My stomach turned over. I was licking up and swallowing another man's spend from my own wife's body and she wanted me to do it. I was doomed.

Terri kept me down there longer than necessary, reveling in my misery. While I tended to her pussy she turned her face toward Chase so he could kiss her. They locked lips and his dark hand squeezed her ripe breast. I felt her pussy muscles twitch.

"What you have to do now," he told her decisively, "is turn him into a complete pansy. Make him such a sis that he'll never, not ever, even think of questioning you about anything. You've got to make him live in panties, relax in sweet frilly babydolls, get his hair done up all faggy, and wear lots of lipstick and eye make-up. You have to make him forget what it's like look like a man. I'd say you have to make him forget what it feels like to BE a man, but you've already done that, baby."

"I'll do all of it, Chase, and lots more. I want to turn him into a total queerboy. It's going to be fun. And he and I have enough money -- I mean I have it -- to keep him home and do the job right."

"Great. We work real good together. I'm going to have you in bed, under me, all the time from now on. And girly-girly there is always going to be around to do whatever either one of us tells her."

"Yes she is. Our own little she-thing. Isn't that right, She-She?"

I took my mouth off her pussy only long enough to say, "Yes, dear."

With deepening dread I knew that they would fulfill every threat they had made. My new life had begun.


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Let me tell you how my life is changing and I only have myself to blame. A bit of background first (so bear with me please). I've been with my girlfriend for a couple of years and our sex life is great we've always been very open with each other and from very early on have always used a lot of roll play and fantasy in our love making.

My girlfriend Emma, is an attractive 23 year old with a curvy figure and large breasts, she also has an insatiable appetite for sex, which I being a slightly older 36 sometimes struggle to keep up with. Which leads me onto one of my fantasies which was to let her have sex with other men as long as I could watch.

It wasn't long before we decided that we would actually go through with it and joined swingers site created an advert and arranged for a guy to come round and it was even better than we ever thought it would be, I just couldn't get enough of seeing somebody else’s cock in my girlfriends soaking pussy, whilst she begs for more.

After a few meets with other men we finally came across one who advertising himself as a dominant black bull, after looking at his profile and seeing the size of his cock which was easily 9" and thick we had a chat, well my girlfriend did, then arranged a meet for the following day.

After the chat she just smiled at me and told me that this guy had some interesting ideas and that I was not to be left out in fact I was going to play a much bigger role than before, she would not elaborate on this even though I begged and pleaded she just gave me a sly smile, then made me lick her pussy whilst she imagined what was going to happen the next day. After she came in my mouth she said that was enough tonight she needed to have some rest for the next day.

Time passed as it always does and at about 2.30 the next day after having a bath and shaving her pussy she got dressed and made up in a very sexy outfit that showed off almost all of her gorgeous tits and an above the knee skirt, when she came down and told me that she hadn't put any knickers on as it was what he had ordered her to do and that she hoped I was ready for a fun afternoon. At that moment there was a knock on the door she told me sit down on the chair by the window as she would want the sofa so she could relax with her lover first.

I heard her answer the door and a deep male voice saying "Hello slut, you look great just like I asked you to, you might escape with hardly any punishment this time. Before we go into the lounge though, I want you to take off your top and bra whilst the front door is still open."

"Please no, what about the neighbors they might see me" she begged.

"You promised to do as I said no matter what, now if you don't want to do this then we might as well not bother at all, it's up to you, but make your mind up now."

After a small pause I heard her say "Ok I’ll do whatever you say, please don't go"

My cock was rock hard hearing the submissive tone in her voice and hearing her take her top off.

"Good girl, now slowly walk back to the door and even more slowly shut it" he commanded

After a few seconds I heard the front door finally shut and then he said "Well done my new slut, now lets go into the lounge and you can introduce me to your wimp of a boyfriend, who lets face it, cant be that much of a man if he'd let a stranger man come in and tell his girlfriend to strip half naked, then let her stand in front of the door whilst that horny old bastard across the street was staring at you"

They came through the door and my girlfriend was indeed topless. He was about 6'5" very black and quite stocky, being quite tall myself at a little over 6' I have never been intimidated by one of her men but this guy just kind of radiated power and dominance, I was immediately feeling a little insecure.

"Hi" he said, "You must be Dave, I must say that you have one hell of a sexy slut for a girlfriend, don't you?" Saying this he pointed at the floor and said "Kneel slut" to which Emma submissively went on knees in front of him

I just stammered and mumred something incoherent.

"Come, come" he said "You've got to say a bit more than that. I want you to tell me how much you want me to fuck her and then I might consent to, else I might just invite the dirty old bastard out there to come in and fuck her instead"

I was shocked to say the least, I stood up and said "I'm sorry, but I don‘t think this is going to work out, you can‘t just come in here and talk to me like this. I think you should…"

"Enough" He interrupted "God you go on. I tell you what if your girlfriend say‘s I should go then I will, no fuss, no problem. Are you OK with that?"

I was speechless, so I just nodded and turned towards Emma. The look in her eyes as she stared at me was furious “How dare you try to fuck up my fun you selfish bastard, this was all your idea in the first place and now that I’ve finally found someone I want to use me how I want to be used. You, you pathetic wimp bastard try to fuck it up. Now sit back down, stop acting the big man, which you obviously are not or else I wouldn’t be getting cock from other men.”

Again shocked I slowly sat back down with a hurt look in my eyes “Now say sorry to Steve, do as your told and you may get to like it. Do you understand wimp?” She shouted.

Looking up at Steve, who was smiling condescendingly at me still standing over my kneeling half naked girlfriend. I said “I’m sorry Steve, I think we got off on the wrong foot. Please use Emma as you see fit.”

“That’s ok wimpy boy, I’m glad I never had to slap you about a bit, we’ll all start over again” saying that he reached down and slapped Emma’s tits, making her yelp more with surprise than pain I think, enough to leave a red mark though.

"What you've got to promise me now though, is that you'll do as I say and let me do whatever I want with your girlfriend, is that ok with you? Because your girlfriend has already agreed to this anyway, its only to be polite that I ask, So what do you say?"

What could I say, my cock was growing in my trousers, and I was getting so turned on it was untrue. "You can do whatever you want to" I finally mumred.

"That’s great, now why don't you go and get me a take whilst I get to know your girlfriend a bit more intimately. A cup of tea will do with two sugars, and take your time in there I don't want to see you for at least 10 minutes."

So I went into the kitchen and left them there. Whilst the kettle was boiling I could here them kissing and her moaning as they were obviously getting on well.

I waited in the kitchen for the allotted 10 minutes then went back into the lounge. He was sitting on the sofa and she was on her knees completely naked now with half his cock going down her throat making slurping noises whilst she massaged his balls.

"Quite a little cocksucker isn't she Dave, She can really deep throat my cock its great, I think I'll be coming round to use her more than I planned originally, that’s ok isn't it Dave?"

"Sure" was all I could mutter, the sight of Emma’s mouth working this guys cock was amazing all I could do was stand there and stare.

"Good, good, good, now go and pour that tea down the drain as I hate fucking tea, I just wanted to see if you did I said. And like a proper chump you did that’s a good start."

The offense I felt at this was incredible, after looking down at my girlfriend sucking on his big cock I turned and went back into the kitchen to empty the tea.

"Oh Dave" he called "i noticed a corner shop just down the road when I drove up. Be a good cuckold and get me today’s newspaper will you, whilst I take your cock sucking slut of a girlfriend upstairs and give her a good fucking on your bed"

I walked back in to the lounge and saw that Emma was now standing next to him her hand working up and down his cock, "Will you be ok?" I asked.

"Looking at the size of his cock, what do you think?" she said with a smirk "Now go for a nice long walk down the shop and buy Steve a paper. When you get back we might have another job for you so take your time"

"God she's great isn't she Dave, I'm really going to enjoy fucking her time and time again" he laughed

As I was walking to the front door I heard them laughing and Emma saying "I love him millions, but watching him squirm and being a wimp is fantastic, it makes me wonder what we can make him do"

As I stepped outside I noticed the old bloke was still standing over the other side of the road watching my house, I’d seen him around a few times I think he lived down the road. He seemed totally oblivious to me so I crossed the road to walk down to the shop when I turned round to look back, there was my wife totally naked in the front window watching me walk down the road with her new lover standing behind her squeezing her tits. No wonder the old bloke hadn't moved or noticed me.

Feeling totally humiliated I walked to the shop and brought Steve a newspaper all the time thinking about what they were up to and what I had let myself in for, whilst all the time having a raging hard on which fortunately having not that big a cock passed unnoticed.

On the way back I noticed that the old guy was now in his garden and as I passed he looked up and just smiled at me in mocking sort of way, then went back to do some more gardening whilst shaking his head. It had only taken me about 20 minutes to get the paper as I did as I was told and took my time, So when I opened my door I was shocked to see Steve standing in the hallway already dressed.

"About time" He said "Thanks for the paper, I'm sorry I couldn't stay much longer I’ve a few things to do today so you missed it, she is one hell of a fuck though Dave she kept telling me you only have a small cock and mine was really giving her the stretching she wanted. Now come with me and let me show you your girlfriend who is waiting for you on your bed."

Following meekly, I went up the stairs and into our bedroom, she was lying on her back naked with her legs open and her cunt proudly on display looking quite used and covered with his cum, there were also a couple of love bites on her gorgeous tits. I had never seen her looking so content or so beautiful as she did now.

"The bites by the way are to remind you that your slut of a girlfriend is now mine to use whenever I want. Have you got a problem with that?"

Still staring at her I shook my head and said "No, you can use her when she wants." at this she giggled and said "don't worry darling I’ve already told him he can, in fact he's coming back in a couple of day's time just before you go out to work, I think I'll get you to phone my boss and tell her that I'm sick and can't come in"

Steve said "Right before I go, why don’t you tell me where that dirty old bastard lives as I need a word with him"

Looking back at him I said "He lives at number 23 down the road, I saw him working in the garden when I came back. Why?"

"Never you mind, you'll soon find out. Now I want to see you get onto the bed and start cleaning all my cum off your girlfriends slutty cunt, and you better get used to the taste as i'm sure you'll be tasting it a lot in the near future."

Getting down onto my knees I crawled over to my wife and started to lick the cum from around her stretched pussy which tasted amazing., there I was licking my girlfriends lovers cum off her, whilst she moaned and kept telling me how big his cock was and how much better it was than mine. I heard Steve laughing as he went out the front door.


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That night as we lay in bed holding each other, we recounted what had happened earlier on that day we had both agreed that it was great and I had made love to Emma a couple of times since then, although she always had a secretive smile on her face at the time.

?You know that I love you with all my heart? she started ?You just have to realize that I want a bit more in my life and today has taught me that.?

?What do you mean? You?re not going to leave me or anything are you?? I could still picture the look of complete contentment on her face, when Steve had shown me up to the bedroom after I had got back with his paper.

?Of course I?m not going to leave you, don?t be silly. As I said I love you millions, all I?m saying is that when Steve came round and treated me like a complete slut, it was one of the best feelings in my life. I felt totally wanton and submissive and it was amazing, I would do more or less anything for him and I find myself longing to do whatever he wants, the more degrading the better. Steve was different from any of the other guys that I?ve fucked, the way he just took control of me and the way he treated you gave me some idea?s. Besides you can?t tell me that you didn?t enjoy it can you? After all you quickly shut up and did as you were told. Didn?t you??

?I was very turned on I must admit, I have never done anything like that before, it just made me feel totally inadequate, it was almost as if I was eager to please him. I don?t know I felt I just had to obey and whilst I did it felt right, I felt totally humiliated and I loved it.?

I slowly lifted my eyes up to Emma?s as if embarrassed by what I had just said to see a look almost like victory crossing her face. ?I?m glad you said that.? she smiled ?Because humiliating you almost turned me on almost as much as being fucked by Steve?s big cock, almost mind?

Reaching down she started to stroke my cock ?You do realize that his cock is at least twice the size of your little cock don?t you? she laughed

?My, my I do believe I made you all aroused again by saying that didn?t I? Your cock never normally gets hard this many times in a day. Does the thought of Steve?s big, gorgeous and immeasurably more satisfying and superior cock going into me turn you on so much??

I couldn?t help it I shot my load all over her hand whilst thinking about it. She just smiled and brought her hand up to my face ?Quite obviously it does, and now you?ve made my hand all messy and we can?t have that. Open your mouth and suck your own cum off my fingers then you can lick the rest of my hand clean as well.?

I opened my mouth and she started to finger fuck it with her coated fingers and all I did was slurp noisily and lick all my own cum from her hand. I couldn?t believe I had cum again after doing so a previous couple of times already that day.

?Now there we go, I have a cum eating slut of my own now,? she giggled as I was making sure her hand was clean ?Right then before I go to relax I want you to promise that you?ll do exactly what me or my new lover commands from now on, is that ok??

?What do you mean??

?I mean that if you still want me to enjoy myself and to fulfill your fantasies then you?ll do whatever you are told. Now do you understand? Because I can always fuck Steve behind your back and not let you know what I get up to. OK??

?Ok? I said it in almost a whisper

?Ok, what?

?OK, I promise to do whatever you and your new lover want me to do now matter how humiliating, all right?

?That?s my little cumslut, you?ll be our slave from now on. Starting tomorrow you?ll need to come with me and buy me some sexy clothes for Monday morning when Steve comes back. Now get some relax I?m tired? so saying she rolled over onto her side and closed her eyes.

Sleep was hard to come by that night even after just cumming which usually makes me tired, all I kept thinking about was what had gone on today and how my life seemed changed completely.

I must have eventually dropped off because I woke up to an empty bed, needing the toilet I headed across the landing to meet my girlfriend walking up the stairs naked, carry a couple of cups of coffee. I looked at her tits and saw the love bites that Steve had left the day before. My cock immediately started to get hard.

?My little tiger? she said ?I thought you were going to relax all day, I was just coming to wake you up with a take, I?ll leave it by the bed for you, because you?ve got to get ready?

?I?ll be back in a bit? I said my cock quite hard now ?Can?t we both get back into bed??

?No, no sex for you today, I?m saving myself for tomorrow I think Steve?s got something special planned and I?ll want to be rested, you?ll just have to have a wank. I think I?ll take mine downstairs by the lounge window as that dirty old bastard from down the road keeps walking past and it wouldn?t be fair if he did all that walking and not get a look at some of my body? so saying she turned and walked back downstairs wiggling her naked ass from side to side.

Having a piss with a raging hard on is almost impossible so I went back to the bedroom and started to wank thinking about my girlfriend standing by the lounge window, showing her body off to the old perv who lived down the road. It didn?t take long about two minutes maximum before again I shot my load, my bullocks must have been working overtime.

I then drank my coffee, showered and got dressed before I went downstairs to find Emma putting on her make up but still naked sitting right in front of the lounge window. Sure enough there he was, standing on this side of the road now staring at Emma almost without blinking.

?Right? she said putting her eyeliner down ?I think he?s seen enough, I?ll just pop upstairs and get dressed then we can go to the shops, I?ll be about ten minutes ok hunny??

?No probs? I said as she left the room. Looking out the window again I saw the old man start to turn away but then he turned back pointed at me, shook his head and started laughing before he began to walk away.

About fifteen minutes later Emma came back downstairs wearing one of her skimpiest outfits, which showed off some leg and quite a nice bit of cleavage ?I would have shown more tit she said but the love bites would be visible, and the only permister I want to see them is you.? reaching down she squeezed my cock with a laugh ?Now lets go shopping?

The drive to the shopping center was pretty uneventful, although I did notice that Emma kept staring at any nice looking bloke that we passed on the way.

?Thank god for Sunday shopping? she said when we got there ?England the only place where you cant buy a bible on a Sunday, but you can buy a lot of kinky underwear and dildo?s. What a place to live? giggling she grabbed my arm and dragged me in.

It wasn?t long before she found the Ann Summers shop and pulled me inside behind her. Normally I wait outside when she goes shopping for clothes but this time she wasn?t having any of it. Calling across an assistant she whispered ?Time for some fun I think?

A tall lady came over and said ?Hi, how can I help you??

?Hi? Emma said ?My boyfriend, Dave here is going to buy me some sexy underwear and a dildo for my rather well undowered lover. Aren?t you sweety??

The assistant laughed and smiled at me as I mumred and tried to hide my embarrassment. Still smiling she said ?I think I know just what you are after, please follow me?

She led the way with Emma pulling me along, completely shocked and humiliated behind her, until she came to the special underwear section. There was lots of choice from crotch less knickers to peephole bra?s to nurses uniforms. Everything passed in a bit of a blur, I just couldn?t believe Emma had said that, and I here I was still standing next to her whilst she kept telling the shop assistant all about yesterday. I just stood there like an idiot only half listening and wanting to get out of there. The odd comment did come through though, such as:

?Just think Steve will be able to get complete access to me without me taking anything off?

?I?m sure Steve would love to see me in this?

?My this dildo is as big as Steve?s cock and they even have a little pocket size one that?s about the same size as yours my darling?

All the while the assistant and Emma were laughing and joking as Emma told her all about her new life, the assistant said ?I wish it would happen to me like that but my boyfriends gets very jealous and he?d ******* me before he?d allow it?



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Emma eventually led me to the till where she said ?I hope you have got your credit card as this is going to be expensive my darling, and just think whilst your paying, that its all for another man to enjoy.? which got them both giggling again.

The assistant scanned everything through the till and smiled at me as the total came up it was over ?400.00 ?I cant wait until I?ve told my work mates about this they?ll have a right laugh? she said to me

?Well everyone should have a laugh sometimes. Pay the lady and say thank you darling? Emma said

I mumred something trying not to look up

?No,? Emma said ?Now say, Thank you. And say it properly don?t just mumble with your head down, you should always look at the permister you?re talking to?

So saying she reached down and grabbed my balls and squeezed them hard. ?Thank you for helping my girlfriend? I winced

The assistant laughed and Emma said ?That?s better, there?s a good boy you can have another wank when you get home? turning to the assistant she laughed and said ?Thanks for everything I?m sure my lover will enjoy it all, and I?m sure I?ll be back to get some more things in the future?

?I look forward to it, you can tell me all that happens? the assistant smiled then walked over to one of her colleagues, as we were walking out I could hear them laughing.

It was a long walk back to the car with me carrying the bags of stuff she had brought, getting lots of looks from passers-by with Emma checking out all the men, whilst a lot of them were checking her out as well, I just walked along very quietly.

?Come on then misery. What?s up?? Emma said eventually when we sat in the car

?Why did you have to tell that shop assistant? You made me look stupid.?

?Ahhh my poor baby? she said reaching down and gently caressing my cock and balls. ?Ooops, somebody?s waking up. Is little Davey excited?

I couldn?t help it she just turned me on so much. But I had to try to take back the initiative ?I felt such an idiot in the shop, you made me feel like a fool.?

Emma had by now undone my zip and had pulled my small cock out and started to toss me off ?But my little?? as she said that she giggled ??boy, I told you I love seeing you being humiliated. God it felt fantastic just coming out and saying it to the girl, and you just stood there taking it like the wimp you are. I almost came right there and then.?

Although I tried to stop myself, my cock was throbbing in her hand now ?You know you love it really my darling, and I haven?t even started yet. Now put out your hand so you can catch your cum, because I don?t want it soiling my hand?

I got my hand there just in time and managed to catch it all in my cupped hand as I came. ?Now my little cumslave lick your hand clean as you don?t want it all over the car do you??

By now I was getting used to eating my own cum, so I just did what I was told. ?There?s a good little boy, Lets go home now I want to phone Steve and tell him about all the nice things you?ve brought me.

When we got home Emma immediately went upstairs but told me to stay downstairs and cook lunch whilst she tried everything on and phoned Steve in preparation for tomorrow.

I cooked the lunch while she tried on all the outfits upstairs, not letting me see or even go upstairs for that matter, When lunch was ready she came down wearing just a dressing gown. We ate lunch whilst she kept telling me how she was looking forward to tomorrow and how the Steve had told her he had a big surprise for her tomorrow and that she had better perform well, or else!

?Steve then made me play with myself until I came so he could listen over the phone, all the while he was telling me that I am his slut now, to do with as he pleased? she said

Just seeing the smile on her face and how excited she looked had made my cock hard again ?Can we go to bed early tonight?? I asked

?Well I am, you can come as well if you like but all you can do is cuddle. I need to save all my energy for tomorrow, it sounds like I?ve got a very tiring day ahead?

And that was that, the rest of the day passed and every time I looked at Emma she seemed to have a far away look in her eye. We went to bed and I rolled over to cuddle her. I tried to start to get her aroused but as soon as I my hand moved towards her pussy she moved my hand away, gave me a quick kiss then rolled over. Not long afterwards she was arelax and I was left awake thinking about how my life had changed over the past couple of days, eventually dropping off to relax with images of Emma?s face after Steve had just fucked her going through my mind.

Now here I was getting ready for work whilst Emma was in the bath shaving her pussy and generally tidying herself up for when Steve came round.

At about 8.30 there was a knock at the door, looking out the window I saw Steve waiting and he was not alone as the old man from down the road was standing next to him.

?He?s here!? I shouted up the stairs

?Well let him in then while I finish getting ready. Make him a take or something, I won?t be long?

?But he?s not alone though that old man is with him?

?I know, I just didn?t want to spoil your surprise. You?ll have to make two takes now then won?t you. Now let them in you wimp, I?ll be down soon?

Already feeling slightly humiliated I went to the front door and opened it. Steve and the old man from down the road were standing there. Steve was not looking too happy.

?Took your time didn?t you? Next time I knock on the door I don?t want to have to wait standing outside like some Jehovah?s witness is that understood, now move out my way and let us in wimp.? he snarled.

Stepping aside so they could come in I mumred ?I?m sorry Steve?

?It?s not Steve to you it?s Sir from now on, OK??

?Yes Sir? I replied. To which the old man started laughing

?What a fucking wanker? he said ?I always thought he was a prissy twat when I used to see him from down the road, I always wondered what his missus was doing with him, she?s a stunner and well there?s not really much to him is there??

Steve smiled and said ?This is Alf from down the road, he doesn?t think much of you I?m afraid, but he came along today so he can get his cock sucked by your girlfriend and then he?s going to give her a good fucking. Is that alright with you Davey boy??

I was shocked, I couldn?t think of this dirty old man standing in front of me was going to fuck my girlfriend, he was looking at me with loathing and all the while my cock was rock hard, I was so turned on and so humiliated at the same time I just stood there my head down.

Alf suddenly grabbed my cock and bullocks in his dirty hand ?Answer the man you faggot. I can feel you?ve got a hard on even though its only a little one, no wonder your girlfriend wants extra cock, anyone?s has got to be better than this? so saying he twisted my bullocks savagely.

I collapsed to my knees in front of them, the pain was really bad but my cock I could still feel was rock solid. ?Yes sir? I gasped

?Yes sir, what?? Steve asked

Still on my knees I looked up into Steve?s eyes and said ?I want Alf to fuck my girlfriend Sir?

They both looked down at me and laughed. It was at this moment that Emma walked in and WOW was all that went through my mind, the pain in my bullocks temporarily forgotten for the moment. There she was wearing lots of make up with very red lips, her outfit was one of those I?d brought yesterday a very sexy and very transparent black baby doll with fluff around the bottom, she wasn?t wearing a bra and her large breasts were showing, her nipples were standing out proudly, She also had on a small lacy thong, suspenders and to finish it off some high heels which made the most of her shapely legs.

The stares off the two men were completely different, all Steve did was smile knowingly and say ?You look perfect Emma?, whereas Alf looked at her like a dog would a piece of steak and said ?Fuck me, I can?t wait?, again I was speechless.

Emma just smiled and said ?Thank you, gentlemen? then looking down at me still on my knees smiled again ?Well I see he is in his proper place at the feet of my lover or is it lovers now? I hope he?s been a good host and made you a take or something?

Steve walked over to her, pulled her closed and kissed her deeply for a moment. Breaking away he said ?No he hasn?t we were just sorting out his place in the scheme of things.? Alf laughed as Steve continued ?May I introduce you to Alf, I told you about him yesterday whilst you were playing with yourself on the phone?

Emma walked over to Alf and put her arms around him ?Hi Alf I?ve been told that I?ve got to be very nice to you, do you like what you see??

Alf just grabbed her ass squeezing it very roughly through the fabric of her baby doll making her gasp, he then kissed her deeply pushing his tongue into her more than willing mouth. Watching this old man fondle and kiss my girlfriend almost made me cum, I couldn?t take my eyes off the sight until I felt Steve pulling hard on my hair to get me onto my feet. ?Get up, Davey boy and go and make us all a cup of coffee then come back in to the lounge before you go to work so you can see what your girlfriend is going to be doing all day.

As I turned to the kitchen Alf came up for air, Emma?s face was flushed as she said ?I think I?m going to enjoy you Alf?. Smiling at me Alf said ?Three sugars in my coffee you useless twat, your girlfriends mouth tastes great, I hope her cunt tastes as good? laughing he grabbed one of her tits and squeezed the erect nipple quite hard making her moan ?Come on slut let me get comfortable on the settee then you can start sucking on my cock?

I practically ran to the kitchen unzipped myself and pulled my cock out just as I started to cum, my bullocks were still painful but the pain was eased as I shot loads of cum over the tile on the floor. Hearing laughing behind me I turned and saw Steve standing in the doorway.

?Clean that up with your tongue you wimp, and hurry up with the coffee? he said

Getting to my knees I proceeded to lick up my cum off the floor, my offense was complete. He turned and went back towards the lounge.

I then quickly made the coffee and went to see what my Emma was getting up to, my cock already beginning to get hard again amazingly. As I walked through the door I could see Steve looking on as Alf was sitting back on the armchair with Emma?s head between his legs sucking hungrily on his cock which I noticed was again almost twice the size of mine.

Pulling her mouth off the end a long string of saliva still attached to his monster of a cock she turned to me ?Aren?t I the lucky one, have you seen the size of his cock, mmmm it tastes great, I can?t wait till he?s fucking me with it. Don?t you worry either darling because Steve?s brought a video camera with him so you can watch all the fun I get up to whilst you?re at work, but before you go I need to tell you that Steve, Alf and I have came to an agreement. I can fuck Alf anytime I want and all I have to do is send you down to his house to beg him to come back with you so he can give me a good seeing to. We all thought about two or three times a week will do, or though I may want it a bit more. OK??

I looked at the smile on her face and saw how much she was enjoying it ?Whatever you want, you know I?ll do anything you ask of me.?

?Yes I know you will darling, I can?t wait to see you do it as well.? she laughed ?Now you don?t want to be late for work, do you? So it?s time for you to go and don?t forget to phone up my boss and tell him that I won?t be in today.? grabbing hold of Alf?s throbbing cock she added ?and don?t worry about me I?ll have my hands full all day hopefully? to which they all started laughing.

Alf grabbed a hand full of her hair and said ?Enough talking you slut and start sucking again I want all my cock down your throat this time I?ve never been deep throated before? powering her mouth on his cock he kept up the pressure until her mouth reached the base of his cock. Turning to me he said ?God she can?t half suck cock Davey boy. Now fuck off to work you twat your missus is going to be well used by the time you get home? so saying he slapped her ass which left a red hand print.

As I headed out the door I wondered how the hell I was going to concentrate at work knowing what Emma was doing at home. Pulling out my mobile phone I called up her boss and explained that she wouldn?t be in today as she wasn?t feeling well.

As I pulled out of the driveway I turned back and saw Steve watching me out of the window camcorder in hand and with a big smile on his face.


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On Monday, things were fairly quiet between Earl and I at work, though he did keep giving me insolent "I have fucked your wife" grins throughout the morning. Early in the afternoon, the office door opened, and I turned to see Jenny standing there. She was wearing a tiny top with no bra, and her nipples were poking obscenely through the material. There was a gap between that and the very short skirt she was wearing, exposing her smooth white stomach. Her legs were bare, and she wore open-toed sandals that showed off her painted toenails. I had never seen her looking so sexy.

Completely ignoring me, she ran over to Earl and gave him a big French kiss, which he returned with great enthusiasm.

"You bastard!" she laughed, when they finally broke away. "After the fucking you gave me on Friday, I have spent the whole weekend just thinking about you and your monster black cock. I need it again badly, so I want you to come round tonight". She emphasised her need by lewdly running her hand up and down his crotch.

"I'll be there baby", he assured her. "I've been thinking a lot about that tight white pussy of yours too!"

"Good", Jenny responded. "Come back with him after work". Then she kissed him again warmly and left, without a single word to me.

The whole afternoon was spent with Earl taunting me, telling me exactly what he was going to do to my wife in my bed. He even followed me when I went for a piss, taking out his huge cock to gleefully show me what my wife would be getting that night. The moment I saw it, I knew I would never be able to persuade my wife to dump him and make do with what I had to offer.

When we arrived home, Jenny was barefoot, in a short, transparent black nightie she had obviously bought especially for the occasion. With eyes only for her black lover, she threw her arms round him and kissed him hard. When they broke off I went to kiss her myself, but her cold stare prevented that. She announced that dinner was ready, and invited Earl to sit and told me to get him a beer.

"Thanks boss", he said, as I handed him the beer, managing to make "boss" sound like an insult.

"You don't need to call him boss here" my wife chided him. "Hell, you are going to be fucking his wife later on, in his bed! He may be your boss at work, but when you are in this house you are master of it, and I am your woman exclusively. You know that when we get in that bedroom, I will do anything for you provided I end up with that black monster between my legs!" They both laughed uproariously at this, while I squirmed in my chair.

Dinner was spent with me being ignored once again, as they touched, kissed and laughed together. They even did the washing up together, so they could carry on kissing and cuddling and whispering sweet nothings to one another. When they had finished, they returned to the lounge where I was sitting.

"What do you think baby", Earl enquired. "Shall we make him watch?"

"Better than that", responded Jenny. "We will have him help out. Come on wimp, it's fuck time."

We all went straight up to the bedroom, and Earl and my wife began to undress one another. I too was told to strip and await instructions. Once we were all naked, Earl and my wife sat next to each other on the bed and began kissing. Jenny motioned me between her legs, so I could start getting her pussy nice and wet for her lover. It seemed a bit unnecessary to me, because she was already soaking wet from the anticipation of what she was going to get. After a few minutes, Jenny stopped me, and then shocked me with her next instruction.

"Now take Earl's cock in your hand and suck him nice and hard for me. I want him stiff and wet so he can slide easily into my pussy."

"You can't be serious", I pleaded. "You know I am not gay, I could never suck another man's cock."

"Listen sissy boy", she hissed. "He is your superior, and is giving your wife the sex that you cannot. You will show him gratitude and respect in the appropriate way, or the two of us will beat the cuckolds brownie out of you! Now take his cock and kiss the head a few times before taking it in your mouth."

Feeling disgusted and sick, I did as Jenny ordered. I kissed his cock at least a dozen times telling him on Jenny's orders that he had a magnificent stiff dick, and that I was glad my wife was to get the fucking she properly deserved.

"It really stretches your lips doesn't it?" my wife taunted, as I struggled to suck on the thick black meat. "Imagine what that does to my pussy, it's no wonder he has me screaming with delight is it?"

I continued to suck Earl for several minutes, having been told by my wife not to forget to pay attention to his big, hairy cum-filled balls. Eventually, both were satisfied, and Jenny lay on the bed with her legs spread wide.

"Put him into me", she whispered, and I was powerd to take his cock and slide it into the open pussy that had been denied to me for weeks.

"Oh God," she gasped, looking into Earl's eyes. "It feels so fucking good having you filling me so full and stretching me so wide. I'm all yours baby, show him how a black stud fucks his married white slut, show him how he has lost his wife to a superior black lover!"

All the familiar feelings of sickness and jealously rose up in me, as Earl started to move powerfully in and out of my wife's pussy. Soon she was gasping and pleading for more, as he brought out the sexual natural in her, As the pleasure increased, she wrapped her gorgeous legs around his strong back, pushing against his thrusts and crying out.

"Tell him Earl", she gasped. "Tell him how you have made a real woman of me with your manly black cock. Tell him you have made me your woman, and that he can't have me any more!"

"That's right little dick", he confirmed, turning to me without breaking his stroke. "The best you can hope for is to jerk yourself off, imagining me in your bed up to my balls in your slut wife's black-loving pussy!"

"Yeah, get used to it", my wife added breathlessly. "You are going to be a celibate cuckold, to a cock crazy black man's whore!" The two of them laughed at my shocked expression, as the enormity of their words hit me. I am sure that added to the power of the orgasm they both had shortly afterwards.

It will come as no surprise to you that, after they had come down from their high, I was made to suck Earl's cum out of my well-fucked wife, and then lick her juices and his cum off his now flaccid cock while the two of them called me all the white, cum lapping cocksuckers under the sun. That done, I was sent to "my" room. As I was closing the door, I heard my wife ask Earl if he would fuck her in the ass, yet another thing that had been denied to me despite my regular pleading.

Having got into bed, I was made to endure the sound of my wife squealing for a long time, as Earl rammed her virgin asshole. Shortly after it all went quiet, my door opened and Jenny entered. Without a word, she climbed on the bed, squatted over my face and pulled her ass cheeks apart.

"Somewhere new for you to lick cum out of", she laughed, as I pushed my tongue into her slime-filled asshole.

When she was satisfied that I had cleaned all of Earl's cum out of her, Jenny jumped off the bed and looked down at me.

"Not bad", she grinned. "In one night we have turned you into a cocksucker and an asslicker! I wonder how much more offense you have to come."

In the weeks to come, Earl was a regular visitor to our home. He had sole rights to my wife's pussy, and either I was made to watch and clean up after them, or listen from next door as they fucked the night away. When Earl was not around, Jenny cruelly continued her cock teasing of me, flaunting her body and telling me I could look to see what I was missing, but not touch. We continued to relax naked together, and she would drive me to a frenzy every night, getting me stiff but unsatisfied.

"Am I getting you too excited?" she would taunt. "Well you had better go and dribble your weedy cum into the toilet, while you imagine your wife on her knees sucking on her black master's cock!" To my shame, I would do exactly that, with my wife's laughter ringing in my ears.

A short while later, Jenny told me to book a two-week holiday at a secluded villa in Italy. Naively, I told her I could not get the time off.

"Don't be silly", she scoffed. "It's for Earl and me, and you are paying. We have decided we want a whole two weeks together, just the two of us 24 hours a day."

I dutifully booked the holiday, not believing how low I had let myself sink. On the day, the two of them were all packed and ready to go, when my wife gave me another surprise. Producing a cock cage, she told me I would have to wear it while she was away as she did not want me straying.

"Besides", she added. "I like the idea of you sitting here at home totally frustrated with full balls, while I am out there doing everything I can to empty Earl's into my mouth, pussy and ass."

So there I was, spending a very frustrating fortnight while my lovely wife was getting all the sex she could handle. It was a very long two weeks, I can tell you.

Jenny finally got back very late on a Sunday night; in fact I was in bed. I heard her coming up the stairs, and it was obvious she was alone. She came into the bedroom sporting a deep tan, and a new short hairstyle.

"Do you like it?" she asked, without any preamble. "Earl likes it better like this, and he's the boss isn't he? Look, I have a couple of other things to show you."

As she removed her clothing the first thing I noticed was that her tan was all over. She had probably spent the whole two weeks naked lapping up the sun with her lover. She came closer, and I could see that her pussy was shaved bare, and she had what appeared to be writing above it. She reached the bed, grabbed my hair and pulled my face up close. The words read "Black cock only".

"That's not all", she laughed, as she showed me her upper left arm.

It was a tattoo of a heart, with the name "Earl" in fancy writing underneath.

"Now I really feel that I belong to him", she explained. Especially now he has made me throw my wedding ring away." I looked at her left hand, and saw that she had indeed removed the evidence of our marriage.

She slid into bed next to me, and put her hand on the cage.

"How was it, wearing that for two weeks?" she asked. "Was it really frustrating, knowing your wife was getting banged several times a day, while you couldn't even come?"

"It has been awful, and painful", I replied. "Would you please take it off?"

"Of course", she replied, with an evil grin. "You must be dying to jerk yourself off!"

I think it might be fun to leave it on for another couple of weeks. It will be much more frustrating for you now I am here to flaunt my sexy body in front of you."

As she removed the cage, I begged my wife to let me have sex with her just this once, as my frustration was unbearable. She grabbed my head, and powerd it down between her legs.

"Read my pussy little dick", she laughed. "Black cock only. While you are down there, you can start lapping my pussy and give me a nice cum. I have missed your tongue for the last couple of weeks."

As I lapped away with my frustrated cock rigid, Jenny made an announcement.

"Earl and I have achieved your ultimate offense", she told me. "He has put a black baby in your wife's belly. Very soon everyone will know that I have been bred by a black man, and that you are my cuckold."

I continued lapping at my wife's pussy, unsuccessfully trying to stop myself sobbing.

"Oh let it out Michael", Jenny laughed. "You know how much pleasure I get out of seeing you cry!"

I couldn't believe how the woman I loved so desperately could change so much, and in such a short time turn me into a snivelling, cuckolded wimp.


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Teacher Sherri learns her lesmister

My life has turned upside down this past week and I am afraid it will never return to normal, and the truth be known I am not sure I want it too. It all started Monday, you see I am a schoolteacher and I had a student, Michael that was failing my class. I had tried to contact the student’s parents but had no luck for the past several days. Finally, Tuesday I got of hold of the boys man and explained the situation, then ask him if he could come my office today. The man said no he was working late and was extremely busy. I even offered to come by his house, but he said no to that as well. Well after talking with him for several minutes, I discovered he worked at steel fabrication business that was not more than a mile or two from our house. How about you dropping by my house after you get of work I ask the man and after explaining where I lived he said sure he went right by their on his way home. We talked a little more and Jim said that he should be by around 8 o’clock or so. I told him I looked forward to meeting him and hung up the phone. The rest of the day was uneventful and at the end of the day, I gathered my things to head home. I fixed myself something to eat, then took a nice long hot bath and had a couple of glasses of wine and was soaking in the tub when the phone rang. It was my husband he was going to be working late and did not know what time he would be home. The wine was having the normal effect on me and that was making me horny. I shaved my long legs and pussy while sitting in the tub, which just made me even hornier. At 5-10, I have quite long legs as you might imagine and my 36 c tits make me stand out in a crowd. By the time, I got out of the tub my pussy was almost dripping with my juices, as I was horny as hell. I had to do something about this so I got the big black dildo my husband had bought me as joke last year rubbed some warming lubricant on it, laid across our bed and began rubbing over my wet slit.

God in no time the warming lubricant was making my pussy burn and I slid in the first few inches of the dildo. Ohhhhhhhhhh Godddddd it felt so good, it hurt a little but the pleasure more than made up for it. The dildo was nearly 10 inches long and very thick and since I had never had anything bigger than my husband’s 6-inch dick in me it was a tight squeeze to say the least. I had never done anything like this before and know I was wondering why, my god this big dildo felt fantastic. I had managed to get nearly six inches of this dildo in me, and was about have my first orgasm when the doorbell rang. I looked over at the clock 8:00 oh cuckolds brownie I forgot all about Jim my students parent meeting. With out even thinking I quickly threw on my robe and ran to the door, not realizing my robe was quite short and I had no panties on. I opened the door and their stood this mountain of a man, he must have been 6-7, 260 pounds of solid muscle. His body was glistening in sweat and his white tank top was dirty. Jim I presume I stammered as I starred at his huge muscled body. “Yes mam, sorry I running a little late we had a load of steel to unload tonight” You are fine come in can I fix you something to take I ask Jim “sure a glass of iced tea would be fine.” I told Jim to have a seat but he said he was awful dirty and that he would just stand. I went to the kitchen and tried to pour Jim a glass of tea but hands were shaking so bad I couldn’t and I spilled some of the tea. I bent over to grab some paper towels and noticed Jim standing in the kitchen doorway starring at me. That’s when I realized I had no panties on and that my shaved soaking wet pussy was exposed for him to see. Just then, I felt Jim walk up behind me, put his hand on my bare ass, and begin rubbing it. I froze not knowing what to do. I felt Jim’s big black hands exploring my ass and legs. “Nice legs and ass baby” Jim commented as his hand made its way between my legs and rubbing my swollen clit. Ohhhhhhh yessss I moaned as his string fingers worked my aching clit. Good what was I doing letting this complete stranger finger my pussy but it felt so good and I was so horny. Jim reached around and undid my robe a slid it of my shoulders as it fell to my ankles. Jim then began squeezing my tits and fingering my pussy as he had me bent over the kitchen counter.

I was humping his finger now as he finger fucked me slowly; ohhhhhhh yessssss feels so good I moaned softly to him. Just then, I heard Jim undue his belt and then heard a zipper, next I heard his pants hit the floor. Oh god what am I doing this stranger is about to fuck me right here in my kitchen have to stop this before it is too late. Then just as I was about to say stop I felt this huge cock sliding up and down my wet slit sending a wave of pleasure thru me. I quickly looked down to see the biggest blackest cock I had ever seen. My god the head of his cock was at least 2-1/2 inches across and it looked like he was a foot long or longer and very thick, my god he made my toy look small. Jim rubbed the head of his cock up and down my slit several more times before finally stopping at the entrance to my pussy. The head of his cock covered the entire area of my pussy. Jim then began pushing forward with his mighty cock as I felt my pussy lips stretching wide open and my pussy opening up more and more. Ohhhhhhhhhh god I screamed as my pussy was opened up more than it had ever been. My pussy was stretched so tight that it was burning as the skin and muscles stretched wider and wider for his huge cock. The head of Jim’s cock popped into my pussy and as it did several inches of his cock followed, and I thought I had been spilt into. The pain was intense but my god the pleasure was overwhelming. The nerves in my pussy were on fire as thousands of tiny shockwaves of pleasure shot thru my tightly stretched pussy. Jim was working maybe five or 6 inches of his cock in and out of me and I was whimpering and moaning like a little virgin getting her first fuck. My god my pussy had never felt so full and so hot in my life. Jim just kept thrusting his black muscular as working his black cock deeper and deeper into me sending me over the edge over and over again. I had never felt such pleasure in my life. My juices were literally running down my thighs as Jim continued to fuck me slow and steady. Just as I was about to cum again Jim put his powerful hands on my shoulders and drove his ass forward burying all of his cock balls deep in me with one powerful stroke. I nearly ****** as the pleasure and pain exploded inside me. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I screamed Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh goddddddddddddddddd ohhhhhhhhhh yessssssssssss, hurts so good I whimpered as Jim worked his entire cock in and out of me now. Every nerve in my pussy was alive with pleasure. I could feel Jim so deep inside me in was unreal, never had I ever imagined sex could be this good. Soon Jim had a hold of my shoulders and was pounding me from behind tearing my pussy up like it was his to do with as he pleased. “Teach likes this big ole black cock don’t you” Jim grunted at me as he thrust into me. God yes, I moaned never new it could be so good I whimpered back. He fucked me hard for 15 minutes or more and I had so many orgasms I lost count then he told me he was about to cum and asks me where I wanted it. I should have told him to pull out but I couldn’t his cock felt so good I didn’t want him to stop. Oh God Jim I moaned fill my pussy with your cum, I want to feel you cum in me I whimpered. He began to pound me even harder and faster as I felt his cock swelling inside me then he let out this deep moan and I felt a flood of hot cum filling my insides as squirt after squirt were pumped into me. I came harder than I ever had as I felt his hot cum blasting my insides. Jim held his cock deep inside me as I squeezed my pussy milking every drop from his magnificent black cock. Jim picked me up, carried me to the bedroom, and laid me on the bed, then he finished undressing. I noticed that as he climbed in between my legs his cock was already hard again and he soon had it buried in my hot pussy fucking me again. I had my legs wrapped around Jim muscular body as he sent me into orgasm after orgasm as he fucked me hard. We had been fucking for almost twenty minutes solid and I was moaning and whimpering with each mighty thrust of Jim huge cock. Both of our bodies were covered in sweat, as I held on tight to Jim’s muscular black ass, as it pumped up and down working his huge in and out of my tight pussy. Just then, I looked up to see my husband Aaron standing in the door way his mouth wide open starring at me as I got the fucking of my life. Ohhhhhhh Godddddd yessss I screamed as another orgasm shook my body. Oh god Jim I love your cock, I love it feels so fucking good I whimpered. Jim looked up at saw my husband standing in the doorway watching “hope you don’t mind guy, your lady here needed some of this big ole black cock tonight” Jim said with a smile. “Sit down and watch the show, let me show you how to fuck slut wife,” he said as he rammed forward with all his might. Ooohhhh goddddddddd yessssssssssss so deepppppppppppppp god so Godddddd I whimpered. “Tell your husband how much you love this black cock baby” Jim commanded me. Oh, baby I love never felt something so good, I love his black cock, I moaned at him.

“This is my pussy now ain’t it baby” Jim said as he rolled me on my stomach and place me on all fours then buried his foot long cock in me in one stroke. Oh yessssssssssss, I moaned yours all yours Jim I love fucking your black cock. As Jim fucked me doggie style I could feel his big heavy balls slapping my ass with each stroke. God Jim’s cock felt so good so intense and so filling. Jim began rubbing the crème from my pussy onto my assholes as was some finger fucking my ass as he fucked me doggie style. I now had two of Jim’s big fingers sliding In and out of my ass along with his cock sliding in and out as well. That’s when I felt Jim pull his cock out and place it at the entrance to my ass, no don’t I yelled at Jim I have never done this stop please. I then felt Jim push forward Ohhhhhhhhhh cuckolds brownietttttttt I screamed as my virgin ass was stretched beyond believe. I only had a few inches of gyms cock in my ass but it felt like a telephone pole. I tried to pull away but it was no use. Jim had my hips held tight in his hands and was working his cock deeper and deeper in me. I was whimpering and yelling as he began to fuck my ass with authority, using all but a few inches of his cock. It felt as though my ass was on fire as I felt Jim slide in and out of me, “Sorry bud” Jim laughed “ Looks like I took your wife’s cherry ass hope you don’t mind” he said to my husband who was setting in a chair at the end of the bed stroking his cock. The pain slowly went away and I began to enjoy Jim’s cock as it slid in and out of my ass. As Jim continued to fuck my ass a reached over grabbed my dildo that was lying on the bed a shoved it all the way in my pussy and began working I back and forth. “Damn what a freak you got here,” Jim said, “I see me and some of the guys from the plant will have to come by and pay her a visit sometime.” I felt Jim’s cock begin to swell again and then felt a rush of hot cum filling my ass as Jim smacked it with his big hands. Jim pulled out his cock with a loud pop and then told my husband to go fix us a take. While my husband was gone, Jim and I jumped in the shower and I washed him and sucked his cock back to life. While I washed Jim, I could feel huge amounts of cum running out of my pussy and ass. When finished cleaning up and crawled back in bed. My husband had fixed us a couple of takes and was sitting back in the chair with a wet spot on his pants. Jim and I kissed for a while, he sucked my tits, and I sucked his cock while Aaron watched. Jim spent the night and we fucked all night long while Aaron slept on the couch listening to his wife moan and scream in ecstasy all night long. When Jim looked in the room, the next day Jim was gone and I was arelax on my stomach with Jim’s cum oozing out of my well-fucked ass and pussy all over the bed sheets. I could hardly walk that next day and called in sick to work, my pussy and ass were red and swollen and all my muscles ached in my whole body from cumming so much. Jim took of the next day as well and took care of me I soaked in a hot bath and slept most of day. Jim called that night and said him and a couple of his friends would be over Friday night for some more private lesmisters. My husband Aaron just smiled and told me that he loved watching me and if I wanted to do it, again I could. I told him thank you and sucked his dick until he exploded in my mouth.



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The Attorney and the Motorcycle Gangster

Carolyn could not believe how quickly her case had fallen apart. A few weeks before, she was certain that she would send Abu, the leader of a black motorcycle gang, up for many, many years. Now, as she stood before the judge, she had to listen to him dismiss the case for lack of evidence. This was the case that would have secured her promotion to a full City attorney.

She was only 27 but a rising star in the system. Thinking that she would celebrate the win, she purchased a new courtroom suit and had her auburn hair cut short to give her a more professional look. She knew she wasn’t hard on the eyes and that men in the court admired her slim figure and would have loved to get her into their beds. She was banking on this case against Mr. Abu and relished the opportunity to incarcerate this huge black man who she knew was evil.

She looked defiantly across the courtroom at the defense attorney and his client, Abu. This black giant leered at her slyly knowing that her case was lost. But Abu also admired Carolyn’s trim, professional suit as it accentuated her lovely body and long white legs. His thoughts were more about how he would love to fuck this smart ass white bitch lawyer until she begged for mercy. He could imagine stripping her naked before squeezing and sucking her firm white tits with their hardened pink nipples. He also imagined what her wonderful dark triangle held with its tight wet slit. He would be free soon and his mind began considering how he would trap then punish her for putting him through this.

“Your honor,” she pleaded. “Mr. Abu is the worst type of criminal. We all know he is involved in prostitution and haves.”

“Ms. Murphy,” the judge responded. “You know those are allegations and, short of evidence, the court is called upon to release Mr. Abu.”

Dejectedly, that afternoon, Carolyn returned to her office to additional bad news. Her boss asked her to take a leave of absence because he felt she needed the break. It seemed to her that she had made the case a permisteral vendetta and while she did a reamisterable job, it was time to move on. If the case developed further, it would be assigned to another attorney if more evidence could be found. She agreed and decided that she would take a month's leave of absence and a much needed vacation.

Leaving the offices, she made her way to the parking lot and climbed into her new Mercedes. She drove across town to the respectable suburbs where she had purchased a new condominium. Carolyn entered the condo foyer and picked up her mail before taking the elevator to her place overlooking the water. She made herself some coffee and then began perusing her letters. There was an odd one with no return address. Opening it, she found a simple, anonymously written note addressed to her:

"Dear Ms. Murphy – I have been watching the court proceedings and know I can help you with the case against Mr. Abu. I have some direct evidence that will help put him in primister for a long time. You need to come to…"

The letter continued briefly with some convoluted directions. She was to drive out tonight to a remote place where the writer and she could talk secretly without discovery by Abu’s men. The writer explained that if Abu found out, his life would be endangered.

Carolyn thought about the note for a while. She put it down and then went into her bedroom where she removed her clothes. She looked at her slim, naked figure in the full-length mirror. She wasn’t much different than when she was in college a few years ago…roughly 114 pounds with 35 inch breasts, a 23 inch waist and 36 inch hips. She didn’t have time for men then but she could have had anyone she wanted. She was fast-tracking to law school and her ambitions and career were most important. Still, she wondered what it would be like to marry like all her friends and have youngren. There was still time, she convinced herself as she headed for the bathroom for a leisurely bath.

While she lay there, Carolyn washed the day’s work and thoughts away…except for the letter. She hadn’t decided whether to go and meet the anonymous stranger. Still, if she wanted to nail that black bastard, Abu, she might have to consider it. This might be her last chance. If she had some evidence, then her boss might reinstate her. She decided to go.

Later that evening, she put on a new change of black panties and bra. Then, she slipped into a comfortable casual skirt and blouse. She climbed into her Mercedes and pulled out of the condo garage. Following the directions, she soon found herself outside the city, winding through the hilly, forested countryside away from the comfort of city lights. She did her best to pay attention to the road during the four hour drive. She was to meet the stranger at a tavern that she’d never heard of. Probably, some out of the way dive, for security reamisters. “By the directions, it shouldn’t be too far”, she thought to herself.

Suddenly, her car swerved to the right. She braked quickly and pulled over. Getting out of the car, she walked around it and saw that she had a major flat tire. “Damn, it!”, she muttered to herself. She didn’t need this and if she stopped to change it, she would be late and the stranger might leave out of fear or belief that she wasn’t coming. Carolyn decided the best thing to do was to hike down the road to the tavern as it shouldn’t be more than half-a-mile. It didn’t’ take her long before she spotted the lights of the place. Actually, her walk only took some 20 minutes and she wasn’t too tired. She’d always stayed fit by playing racquetball, tennis and working out regularly. For this she was thankful.

She entered the place and found that other than the pool tables and the man behind the bar, it was empty. She wasn’t late though, she noticed.

“Can I use your phone?”, she asked the bartender. “I had a flat down the road. My cell doesn’t work out here and I’d like to call the nearest service station to fix it.”

“Phone's for customers only”, replied the bartender gruffly. He was a stout, small black man. “Only for paying customers. Want anything?”

“Maybe a coke.” she answered back not wanting to offend him.

“Have a seat. I’ll bring it over.”

“How about the phone call?” she asked.

“Once I know you’re a real customer and you’ve paid.”

She sat down at a small table across the room while he grabbed a glass and filled it with ice. Then, as she watched, he went to the coke machine and poured coke into the glass. She didn’t take her eyes off of him while he came over to serve her, placing the glass down on the table. She sipped at the coke until she had nearly finished it. Then she said to him,“How about that call now?”.

“Sure, go ahead.”

Carolyn stood up and headed for the phone. She pulled the receiver from the wall and tried to dial. The numbers were unclear and she tried to say something to him. She felt dizzy and wobbly and her eyes glazed over. She tried to say something to him and staggered toward her table before falling. The last thing she thought she heard was the rumble of motorcycles approaching.

When she began to awake, she was still weak and in a stupor. She laid across a large table and she could hear loud voices talking.

“She should be coming out of it soon. How did you get her to take the have?”

“It was in the ice. She watched me while I poured her a coke but she never suspected that it was loaded.”

“Hey, man. Look, her eyes are beginning to open.”

Her beautiful, deep brown eyes opening slowly, Carolyn looked around at the tavern. She vaguely recalled the flat tire; walking to the tavern; then ordering a coke…nothing more before she ******. How long had she been like this? She looked around and then almost screamed. Abu entered the room and stood over her.

“Well, well, Ms. Murphy…or should I call you Carolyn since we’re old friends. So glad that you could join us.” He pointed to a group of ten, huge black men dressed in tight, black motorcycle leather gear. They had removed their jackets and she could see they were extremely muscular. Each was well over 6’3" and wore dark tattoos that she recognized as the “Black Devils”, Abu’s group that she’d tried to unsuccessfully arrest. Abu was himself a huge man, about 6’6” with an incredible girth.



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“I told my men that you were an exceptionally beautiful white woman. And, by their reaction, I can see that you more than met their expectations. So, welcome. I have plans for you but first I promised my men a look at things to come.”

Abu reached over and grasp her hair, pulling her to him. “Stand up, bitch. I want them to get a peek at your lovelies.”

Carolyn tremred as she stood as he directed. He grasped her by the back of her elegant neck. And, with a sly laugh, grabbed the front of her blouse and tore it open. “Now, let’s see those lovelies that I dreamt about”, he taunted, as he ripped her black bra open, exposing her full ivory tits with their firm, delicate pink nipples. His men gasped and gave out signs of awe. “Lovely. Just wonderful. We will have fun sucking them.”

She was still faint and weak and could not resist. “Now, let’s see a bit more before we leave.” He positioned her back on the table; rolled up her skirt exposing the little black panties. With his rough, large hands, he ripped them from her quivering body so that all could admire her dark auburn triangle and tiny slit.

“Imagination, men. Imagine. I’ll take her now and you will come in a week to the house and be rewarded.” With that, Abu dragged the weak, half naked Carolyn out of the tavern and placed her in a truck. He told her she didn’t have to worry about her car, his men had taken it and would strip it for parts to be shipped out of the country. No one would ever find it…or her for that matter.

He drove for a few more hours into the deep woods. Carolyn was still affected by the have and unable to resist. She had no idea where he was taking her. Finally, after a rough ride through a long stand of trees, they came to a large house. Abu pulled her from the truck and into the house where he threw her on the carpet.

She sprawled there in front of him, unable to think about what to do. “Don’t worry, bitch. There isn’t any escape. No need to think about it. You will learn to serve me. I am now your Master”, he thundered. Abu reached over and ripped the remaining clothes from her shaking body. Then, he stood back and looked at the shapely Ms. Murphy as she cowered before him, attempting to cover her shame. Reaching down, he grabbed her arms and hoisted her up and led her to a room where there was a large bed. He flung her on it and she laid there in fear. He began kissing her neck and she attempted to resist. Then, his mouth traveled down the length of her alabaster body until he reached her slit. Abu’s tongue snaked in and out and around Carolyn’s slit, tormenting her. She tried to resist but each probing of her wet clit and cunt resulted in her moaning in pleasure and begging. No one had ever treated her body this way, she thought, as she spread her long white legs even further.

“Ohhhhh….stop… stop… Please…please. I can’t. I can’t. You’ll give me a black baby. I don’t’ want to be pregnant. Stop…ohhh. Ohhh! Mummmm…". She continued thrashing back and forth under his power.

“You don’t want me to stop? Do you Carolyn? You want to be a slut slave to me. Don’t you. You want me to cum in you? Don’t you.”

“Noooo. Stop. Stop. Can’t. Can’t.”

Abu shoved his meaty fingers into Carolyn’s wet clit, knowing that she would not resist much longer. He could see that with each probing and with the friction, her hips would rise and her slit open ready to accommodate his giant cock. He quickly slipped off all his clothes and pulling up the now pleading woman, showed her his 13 inch, thick black manhood. He smiled as he saw her draw away.

“I can’t. You’re too big. You’ll hurt me.”

Indeed, Abu planned on hurting her because he knew that this elegant, sophisticated bitch needed a lesmister. And, he knew that he would administer those lesmisters and she would break down in offense, surrendering her soul and allowing him to impregnate her and turn her into a slut. He could make money off this bitch but he was going to satisfy himself with her fine, soft white body. Then, he’d let the others have some fun with her as well.

With that, Abu rose over her and spread her long legs apart. Carolyn futilely tried to resist, but her sexual urges were extremely aroused and her body betrayed her. Abu knew she was tormented and he knew she was breaking down and needed to have his cock in her. But he was patient. He would raise her to her maximum need, where she begged repeatedly to have his thick black cock thrust into her slippery, wet pussy. Her internal fire would be so hot that Carolyn would nearly explode when he drove into her with his massive pole. She was near that now. He would bring her to a climax that would drive her out of her white, legal mind.

“Please. Please. Abu…fuck me. Fuck me. I need it.” She started to turn. She kissed him repeatedly and her long legs locked around his huge black girth.

Abu recognized that this slim, sweating white professional woman was ripe for the taking. He reared back and thrust fully into her wet, slippery vagina. Carolyn screamed a scream of desire and pain. He continued pulling in and out, over and over while her white hips rose to draw him deeper into her. Abu penetrated her with his full, thick 13 inches. “You want it don’t you, Carolyn. You want my thick meat in you. You like being fucked by a black man. Say it.”

“Yes. Yes. Abu. I’m yours. Fuck me. Fuck me deep. Put your thick Black meat in me.” She continued to beg. “Ride me. Ride me hard.”

Abu fucked Carolyn in a merciless marathon through the night. He rolled her over and fucked her beautiful white ass. Smacking her sweet white ass to make her obey his will. He smiled and laughed as this prominent attorney caved to his every demand. She was on her knees when he directed her to suck his seed from him. He shot his cum into her mouth, making her swallow. She came multiple times during the night and he was relentless and ceaseless in his sexual demands of her. She climaxed almost spontaneously from the sexual fire he kindled in her belly. And, better, he thought, she continued to beg for more. He would plant his black seed in her fertile little womb and who knew: in nine months this upstanding bitch would produce a little black baby.

He thust into her once more before positioning her on her stomach, white ass raised so that he could enter her from behind. She had never been ass-fucked and his rock hard 13 inches would break this beauty down. She would see herself as a slut for him and for anyone he decided to give her to. Plans for her were going through his evil mind. But, still she needed training and that would begin tomorrow. She had ****** from the ordeal and lay supine and naked before him. He kissed her sweet cunt lips and smiled. She didn’t know but this was only the beginning.

Late the following morning, Carolyn awakened, finding herself naked and aching on a bed. She recalled how she had given herself to Abu and how he fucked her into presentation. She remembered the incredible orgasms she experienced and how tired she was from his ability to dominate her. She stretched her long frame and looked around the mirrored room that reflected her beautiful, long-white body with soft, subtle breasts and her dark, auburn triangle. She had been cleaned and bathed but she didn’t recall when that occurred. All she remembered was the massive black Abu and his thick cock pleasuring her for hours. Then, he entered the room.

“Well rested, Carolyn?” he asked. “We have a long day ahead and I want to get started with your training. Crawl over here. I want to put this on you.”

On all fours and naked, Carolyn crawled to him as he commanded. She knelt in front of him while he fitted her with a collar.

“Now, come with me.” She followed, crawling as he led her down a passageway to the basement of the house. As she entered, she noted that the room was fitted with all types of bondage equipment. She had heard of these things but had never really thought they were real. They were abstract from her perfect professional world and culture. Abu led her to the middle of the room where he placed shackles on her wrists and ankles. Then, he secured them to the floor powering her into a doggie position.

“You need to be disciplined, Carolyn. You have had pleasure but you also need to experience pain.” He stood behind her with a riding crop. “You will receive punishment training each day until I decide that you have successfully repented and are sorry for persecuting black men. Then, you will be ready to receive pleasure from them and perhaps some pain. That time is not too far off. So, let’s begin.”

He whipped her bare, soft white ass over and over again to her screams. Carolyn begged him to stop but she also was turned on by his domination and fire rose in her pussy as she wanted to please him. When he finished, he released her bonds and on the floor of the room, fucked her senseless. Through the week, he would position her on other pieces of equipment and punish her white body until she pleaded and apologized for ever having attempted to disrespect black men.

Two weeks passed. Abu powerd her to write a letter of resignation which he dictated. He said it would be sent from South America where she would explain that while on vacation she decided that practicing law was not for her and she was sorry about incarcerating black men.

“Tonight, my dear Carolyn,” he began. “Something special for you.”

As the evening drew near, she wondered what it could be. She wore the collar and sucked his massive cock as directed. He fucked her into presentation any time he wished. Her sweet, long body no longer resisted but actually looked forward to being disciplined and made love to. He had her lay naked on the bed in the cellar room where she was continually disciplined. Then his men entered. There were 15 of them and she recognized several from the tavern a few weeks back.

“Ms. Carolyn wishes to make restitution for the wrongs she perpetrated on us as a prosecuting attorney. She agrees to let you use her in any way that you wish tonight. You may punish her. Fuck her. Do whatever you like to her. Just one thing, tomorrow, she will resume as my fuck slave and I want her body for my pleasure. The men surrounded her and removed the collar. She was totally naked and helpless to prevent whatever they wanted to do with her. They began by finger-fucking her and lubricating her holes with their huge black hands. Each of them had thick, 11" and 12” cocks which they used to fuck Carolyn’s mouth and tits. They violently stroked her throbbing clit, preparing her for the roughest black gang breeding experience.

They took turns ripping her holes and shooting load after load black baby-making sperm deep into her fertile pussy. Carolyn knew they were turning her into a total "breeding slave". They fucked her silly and split her cunt apart, flooding her pussy with black sperm.

Their gargantuan cocks pried open her cunt lips nearly tearing her apart and power-fucking her into presentation Carolyn was completely overwhelmed by the massive size and shapes of all their cocks that wrenched and tore her asshole and pussy until she screamed in pain. They gang-bred her throughout the night with massive cocks, fucking her repeatedly so hard and fast that she finally collapsed. When they finished, they left her alone, naked, humiliated and devastated. But, she was totally a slut for black men at that point.

She awakened the next day not knowing what time it was. She had been bathed again and dressed in an elegant, but simple, spaghetti strap black dress that showed her long white legs and ample breasts. Her collar had been returned to her neck. Abu led her into a room with candles and an elegant table. Soft romantic soul music played in the background. She sat next to him on the couch.

Handing her a glass of wine, Abu said, “Are you satisfied with your life now Carolyn or do you want to return to your professional career?

She thought for a moment about how far she had come in such little time. Taking a sip of wine, she responded. “I’m here to please you, Master. My worthless white body is yours to do with as you wish. I am your slave and servant who loves and honors you. I was wrong to persecute you and your men. Let me show you.” She got down on her knees and took his throbbing Black erection in her hands. First she stroked it and then spontaneously kissed and licked it before taking it fully into her mouth.” Carolyn realized her purpose in life was to be bred by Abu and his men.


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Talons aiguilles et pluie dorée

Une soirée de fantasmes et de moments brûlants avec R.
Nous avons fait déjà beaucoup de choses, beaucoup de plaisir. Nous avons bu beaucoup de champagne. Nous parlons. Je sens que cette première partie de soirée nous a surtout permis de prendre possession l'un de l'autre, spontanément, violemment. La suite de la soirée va être beaucoup plus travaillée.
J'ai apporté des accessoires dont nous avons beaucoup parlé avant de nous voir. Nous avons élaboré ce qui va se passer. Je l'ai pensé, fantasmé, désiré. C'est très nouveau pour moi mais je pénètre avidement dans ce jeu, comme aspirée par des rémisternances dans mon imaginaire et par sa façon à lui de vivre les choses.

J'ai envie d'aller prendre une douche et de me préparer, de me mettre dans mon permisternage. Nous continuons un peu à parler. Et il me dit : "Va vite te changer".
Je vais à la salle de bains, je prends une douche, je me détends. J'entends des bruits dans la pièce à côté. Je suis curieuse et excitée, autant physiquement qu'intellectuellement. Il y a des choses dont j'ai envie et j'y pense, seule. Je m'habille. J'enfile mon bustier tout en chaînes reliées par des bandes de vinyle. Je chausse mes souliers, talons aiguilles, lanières, boucles, cuir vernis brillant comme le vinyle. Je me regarde dans le miroir. Cela m'amuse et m'excite en même temps. Plus de bruit dans la pièce à côté.
Je sors.
Il est allongé sur une couverture, sur un petit matelas. Il a tout prévu. Il m'attend et me regarde venir.
Il bande déjà.
Je m'avance. Je suis à côté de ses hanches. Je passe lentement mon pied par dessus mister ventre en frôlant mister sexe avec le cuir de mon soulier. J'écarte mes jambes. J'emprimisterne chacun de ses poignets dans l'espace étroit entre le talon et la sole.
Je suis au dessus de lui. Je regarde ses yeux sur mon sexe recouvert de vinyle et sur les chaînes qui entourent mon buste et effleurent ma poitrine, la pointe de mes seins.
Je fais glisser doucement mon string, ne relâchant qu'un court instant l'emprise autour de ses poignets, durant lequel il voit mes cuisses s'écarter et mes lèvres humides et rouges apparaître. Il bande de plus en plus.
Je saisis la cravache. Elle a deux extrémités parfaites pour ce jeu. Une dure que je tiens dans ma main, avec un embout métallique, qui sera mon côté. Une souple prolongée d'une petite lanière de cuir, qui sera mister côté.
Bien au dessus de lui, je caresse mister corps avec la cravache, je descends de mister torse vers mister sexe. Je fais cingler le cuir sur ses hanches. Il bouge à peine.
Je plie légèrement les genoux, pour qu'il me voit bien, qu'il voit bien ce qui lui est défendu. Je tiens toujours fermement la cravache. Je passe le bout en cuir sur ses lèvres, légèrement. Puis je lui enlève ce plaisir. Et je commence à me masturber avec mon côté de la cravache, passant l'extrémité métallique, douce, tiédie par mes mains sur la pointe de mon clitoris, écartant mes lèvres pour prendre plus de plaisir et pour qu'il voit mieux ce qu'il n'a pas encore le droit de toucher. Il voudrait y mettre la bouche. Je me masturbe longuement avec cet accessoire en cuir et en métal, au dessus de lui. Je me cambre. Il me regarde. Je prends beaucoup de plaisir.
J'enlève l'emprise des talons. Je saisis ses poignets dans mes mains et m'agenouille au dessus de lui. Je remonte ses bras et attache ses poignets bien en haut au dessus de sa tête. Pendant que je mets ses mains totalement hors de portée de mon corps et du sien, je me penche un peu au dessus de lui et il pourrait presque me lécher. Ses bras mistert bloqués. Je descends pour attacher ses jambes, écartées l'une de l'autre. Il ne voit pas bien ce que je fais. En remontant, j'approche ma bouche de mister sexe, je respire doucement, un souffle brûlant, mes lèvres mistert à un millimètre. Pas encore. Je me relève.
Il ne peut plus bouger du tout .
Je soulève un pied et le dirige vers mister ventre. Je le caresse comme ça. Le soulier descend, la pointe se pose sur mister sexe qui bouge sous l'excitation. Je reste dans cette position. J'abaisse le talon, qui frôle puis appuie de plus en plus sur ses boules et descend vers mister anus. Je m'assieds doucement, sans que mon pied bouge. J'écarte ses fesses et je continue à exciter mister anus avec le talon du soulier. Je cingle ses hanches en même temps avec la cravache. Je retourne la cravache et enlève mon pied. Je le pénètre doucement avec mon côté de la cravache. S'il bouge, par surprise ou par plaisir, je le fouette à nouveau. Tout en faisant cela, je place mon autre main sur mister sexe, je l'emprimisterne, sans le masturber. Ce qui le rend fou d'excitation. Alors j'arrête.
Je sais ce qu'il attend. Il l'a mérité.
Je m'agenouille au dessus de mister ventre, caressant mister visage avec la cravache. Je frôle mister sexe avec ma chatte très humide et ça le fait bander encore plus fort. Il se soulève. Je ferme les yeux. Je pense à tout ce champagne que nous avons bu. Je pense à mon excitation et je ressens ce désir accumulé.
Je me laisse aller au dessus de mister sexe et un filet chaud coule sur lui, doucement. Je savoure cette sensation et je pense à celle qu'il doit ressentir aussi. J'ai toujours les yeux fermés. Je m'avance vers sa bouche, très lentement. Je l'autorise à me lécher. Il me dévore. J'adore ça. Je me laisse encore aller un peu. Je sens ces gouttes qui viennent à la rencontre de ses lèvres, de sa langue et qu'il boit avidement.


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the boss

I had known Jenny ever since we were both four years old. We both came from wealthy families who were very close, and I watched her grow up into a beautiful young woman. She has short, brown hair, brown eyes, a little turned-up nose and full lips. Her figure is slender, but with very full breasts, a great ass and long legs. I had always been besotted with her, and was delighted when she agreed to marry me when we were both 23.

Our respective parents were so keen to see the marriage work that they set up trusts for our inheritances in such a way that if either us divorced the other we would lose all our money to the other. This suited me because I was sure we would be together for life.

We had a great wedding and settled down to married life. However, it was only about three months in that I felt there was something not quite right. After the honeymoon Jenny did not seem too keen to have sex very often. I know I am not well endowed, but thought as we loved each other so much it would not matter.

It was a little after that time that my world started to fall apart. Jenny came home from her work one Friday evening looking very serious. She told me to sit down as she had something to say, and I started to worry.

"My Boss at work has been fucking me for the last month," she announced, and my red ran cold.

"What?" I said incredulously,not quite taking it in. "But why?".

"Well, apart from the fact that he is a gorgeous muscular black man, his dominant nature just excited me, and he has a massive cock. To be honest, Michael, he is everything you are not. The first time he laid me over his desk and fucked me hard, I could not believe the feeling he was giving me, it was the best thing I had ever experienced."

"Do you intend to continue letting him fuck you?" I asked, knowing what her answer would be.

"Definitely," she confirmed. "I am not giving up that big black cock now, your tiny dick is useless. In fact, my boss is coming over tonight to tell you how it is going to be in future. Make sure you are respectful to him. Call him sir."

"You expect me to call this bastard who is fucking my wife ‘sir’?" I protested.

"If you know what is good for you, wimp!" she replied cruelly.

When her boss arrived, who she told me was 38 and called Ben, Jenny told me to go and let him in. I opened the door to be confronted by this mountain of a man, who pushed past me, and went into our lounge. When I got in, the two of them were engaged in a long, passionate kiss.

"So, you are the pathetic wimp who needs me to fuck your wife. Is that right?", he added with a lot of menace.

"Yes Sir," I replied meekly, proving just what a wimp I am while Jenny giggled at my subservience. "Well, pour the takes, sissy, while we get comfortable," he ordered. "Then I will tell you the way it is."

When I brought the takes back, he was sitting on the sofa with Jenny on his lap. They were continuing their kissing and cuddling. Ben broke off to take a swig before turning to me.

"Kneel down in front of us, wimp," he told me. I obeyed immediately as Jenny laughed again.

"Now you already know I am fucking your wife," he continued. "Well, I intend to continue fucking her exclusively. That means you don't get any more pussy from your wife because you are a tiny dicked loser. Do you understand?"

"But she is my wife!", I protested.

"Do you understand?", he said again with more menace.

"Yes, sir," I answered humbly.

"Good," he laughed. "Because you are a useless piece of cuckolds brownie. What are you?"

"A useless piece of cuckolds brownie, sir," I agreed, and this time Jenny laughed long and loud.

After takes Ben said we were going upstairs, as he wanted to fuck my wife in our bed in front of me. We went straight up to the bedroom, where the two of them stripped off and told me to do the same. Ben laughed at my little cock before sitting on the bed with Jenny kneeling between his legs.

I had to stand and watch my beloved wife sucking greedily on the huge dick which stretched her lips. She had never done this for me, and I felt even more jealous. When he was hard he laid her on the bed and began licking her pussy, making her groan with pleasure. When she was ready he positioned himself between her legs.

"OK, wimp," he laughed. “Now you can watch your wife being well fucked, knowing you will never get to do it again yourself!"

"That's right Ben," Jenny agreed. "I promise I will never let his useless dick near me again. Fuck me, baby, show the wimp how it is done properly!"

Ben shoved his dick right up her, making her cry out with pleasure like I never could. As Ben began to fuck her, she made me look into her eyes, as she grinned at me with contempt.

"He likes you fucking me, Ben," she said at one point. "His little dick is hard!" They both laughed at me.

Soon though, I was ignored by my wife, as Ben began to take her to the heights of passion I had not believed her capable of. She sobbed and groaned loudly, as he took her to a fantastic orgasm. When he finally came deep inside her, his groans of pleasure were drowned out by her cry of ecstasy. They then lay kissing and caressing for a few minutes.

"See that white stuff seeping out of your wife's cunt?", Ben said when Jenny lay on her back. "Well it is the cuckold wimp's job to clean it up every time. So get your sissy face in there and lap it all up."

"Yes, come on, wimp," said Jenny contemptuously, as I got between her smooth thighs. "Get all of Ben's lovely cum out of me, this is the nearest you will get to sex from now on!"

When I was done, Ben pulled me by the hair on to my knees, and powerd his cock into my mouth so I could get all of my wife's juices off.

"Get my lover's dick spotlessly clean, cocksucker”, sneered Jenny, as I sucked the first of what would turn out to be many cocks.

Ben had to leave soon after, but not before spelling out my fate.

"You will be seeing an awful lot of me now," he informed me. Jenny won't be your wife, but your Mistress, and I will be your Master. I know about your financial arrangements, that you can't leave without losing all your money. So you will have to do whatever we tell you, no matter how unpleasant it is for you."

"Welcome to your new celibate life, cuckold," Jenny laughed. Now I have lost all respect for you, cocksucker, we are going to have a lot of fun with you!"

Jenny kissed Ben goodnight, leaving me to ponder my fate.


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The Breeding of Brenda

The wedding ceremony had gone beautifully without a hitch, and we were now all in the hotel enjoying the reception. Everyone was there, our families and our friends all having a great time. My beautiful new bride Brenda looked stunning, her long jet- black hair contrasting with the short, low cut white dress she had chosen. She had chosen the dress because it accentuated her best features, her large breasts and long shapely legs.

I was glad that John had agreed to be my best man, because he had been engaged to Brenda himself, until I wooed her away from him about eight months before. It was confirmation for me that he had forgiven and forgotten. He had certainly done a wonderful job, including booking our honeymoon hotel in the Caribbean, as well as the room in the hotel we were staying in that night prior to our departure.

One permister who had not forgiven me, however, was John's sister Teresa. She had never liked me, but positively despised me when I took Brenda away from her brother. Teresa is a real amazon of a woman, over six feet tall and big all over. Not fat, you understand, but big, with huge strong arms and legs. Being just 5'4" and slight, I looked like a dwarf next to her. All evening, she had been shooting me some very dirty looks, which disturbed me, because I had always been a little frightened of her.

Anyway, the party eventually began to break up, and as Teresa was also staying at the hotel, she offered to see Brenda upstairs while John and I had a final take. We followed on up very soon after, because I was eager to get into bed with my hot new wife. As I opened my door, I felt John push me in the back, and I got a huge shock as I stumred into the room.

By the bed, I saw Brenda with her dress up around her waist. Behind her was a huge, naked black man who had one arm around her chest, and was squeezing hard on her right breast. His other hand was pushed down the front of Brenda's white lace panties, and he was playing with her pussy. Teresa was standing next to them watching it all. I moved forward instinctively to try and stop him, but John and Teresa grabbed an arm each, and powerd me to my knees close to the bed.

"What is going on?" I asked, shocked by the sight before me.

"You took my brother's woman," explained Teresa. "And now it is revenge time. My big black friend Tony here is a very virile young stud, and he is here to breed your new wife. He is going to give her a black baby, so that everyone, your family, friends and neighbours will know that your wife has been taking black cock, and making a cuckold of you. You will have trouble explaining that, won't you? You won't be able to hold your head up, or look people in the eyes."

"You can't be serious!" I exclaimed.

"No, you can't do this to me!" added Brenda. "This is my wedding night, I should be enjoying it in bed with my new husband." She struggled to get away from Tony, but he was far too strong for her.

"You gave up any rights when you cheated on my brother," spat Teresa. "You are going to take Tony's cock tonight, whether you like it or not, and believe me, he is going to impregnate you. Don't worry if it doesn't happen tonight, because he is coming on honeymoon with you. We have booked a large suite with two bedrooms, and he is going to be fucking you day and night for the whole two weeks you are away. Your husband will not be allowed access to you slut body until you return home."

Tony released Brenda, and turned her to face him. Her eyes sorry feel to his semi- hard cock, and she gasped.

"Please don't do this to me," she whimpered. "I can't have a black baby, and besides your cock is far too big."

Ignoring her pleas, Tony ordered Brenda to take his cock in her hand. Tentatively she did so, and her white hand looked tiny as she tried to encircle the fat weapon. She was instructed to stroke it gently, and she did so until it reached it's fully erect ten inches.

"Have you ever sucked a black cock?" Tony asked her.

"No," she replied. "I have never sucked any cock, I think that is disgusting."

"Well bitch, you are going to suck on this one," insisted Tony, as he pushed her to her knees.

"How can you do this in front of my husband?" she began, but was stopped when Tony powerd his cock into her mouth, and ordered her to start sucking.

"Look at those red lips stretched around that fat cock," laughed Teresa. "Doesn't your new wife look a slut, sucking a man she has only just met?" I felt sick with jealousy at the sight of my wife with five inches of black cock filling her mouth.

When Tony was satisfied, he pulled Brenda to her feet, and threw her on the bed. Telling her to spread her legs wide, he moved in closer to her black bush.

"No" cried Brenda and she tried to turn away.

"The more you struggle, the worse it will be for your husband," Tony grunted. "Show her Teresa."

Teresa obliged by pulling back her powerful arm and smashing her fist into my stomach. I cried out with the pain as all the wind left my body. Brenda stopped struggling at this point, and Tony placed his cock at the entrance of her cunt.

"Push it in slowly Tony," Teresa said. Let Michael see you stretching his wife's pussy as a stranger cuckolds him on his wedding night!"

Tony began to push, and I watched miserably as, inch by inch he entered my wife until he was inside her right up to his balls. His entry was accompanied by a cry from Brenda, which sounded a mixture of pain and pleasure. Slowly, Tony began to slide his big black cock in and out of her, and despite her pleas and protestations, her breathing became heavy as he started to give her body pleasure.

After a little while, Teresa urged him to fuck Brenda faster, and this was when she became very vocal.

"Oh God," she gasped. "You bastard, you are going to make me come in front of my poor husband. How could you? I am sorry Michael, but he is doing things to me I have never felt before. I can't help myself."

Tony began thrusting faster and faster, with my bride's cries becoming louder and louder. Finally, he announced he was about to come.

"No, no please," Brenda implored. "Don't come inside me, I must not get pregnant!"

"Give her it all," shouted Teresa. "Impregnate the bitch!"

With a loud groan, Tony tensed and released his seed into my wife's unprotected womb. This sent her over the edge, and she screamed out her orgasm. This was followed by sobbing at the realisation that her belly was flooded with black cum.

Tony pulled out, and Teresa grabbed me by the hair, pulling me towards Brenda's sopping pussy.

"If you don't want her pregnant, you had better suck all that cum out of her unfaithful slut cunt," she advised me.

"Yes," cried my wife urgently. "Suck it all out, don't let me have his baby!"

I looked at the sticky white mess, which was beginning to ooze from her, and told her I could not do it, it was too disgusting.

"Just do it, you little prick!" Brenda yelled, and pulled my head into her groin.

Reluctantly, I began to lick and suck until I had removed all the cum that had flowed back down to her pussy. I was then pulled away by Tony, who then ordered Brenda to remove all her clothing.

"We are going to have a kiss and cuddle for a while," he told her.

"And you had better be enthusiastic," warned Teresa. "Or I while start kicking you wimp husband's balls until they burst!"

Brenda realised that the big woman was not joking, so she responded by putting her arms around Tony's neck, and opening her mouth ready to receive his tongue. The kissing session lasted for some time, and I could hear low moans coming from my wife as her body became aroused again. Tony took her hand and placed it back on his semi erect cock. She stroked it automatically, and it began to stir.

"You are going to fuck me again, aren't you?" she whispered to him.

"You had better believe it," he responded, as he turned to mount her once more.

"Are you going to come inside me again?" she asked. Tony nodded with a smile.

"Get ready to suck me clean Michael," she instructed me. "I am relying on you."

I was powerd again to witness my wife being given further powerful orgasms by her black violator, and then perform the humiliating task of removing his cum from her.

Tony advised Brenda that he would not fuck her again that night, as they had another two weeks of wild sex in front of them. He said they would spend the rest of the night relaxing in each other'' arms. Brenda responded by putting her arms around him without protest, and putting her right leg across his body.


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Teresa announced that, as I had had no sex on my wedding night, I could stay the night in her room, and spend a couple of hours with my head between her legs. I took one last look at the entwined black and white bodies on the bed, and meekly followed Teresa to her room.

Once inside, we both got naked and she then lay on the bed with her legs wide apart. I crawled between them, and put my head between her massive thighs and began lapping at her gaping pussy. She kept me there for two hours, while she had three orgasms. I was then powerd to lie next to her naked body, stiff and frustrated at all the events I had witnessed that evening.

When I got back to our room next morning, Tony had left and Brenda was dressed and finishing the packing for our trip. The atmosphere was strange, as we did not know what to say to one another. Finally Brenda told me that Tony had informed her that she should be prepared to be fucked by him day and night for the next two weeks.

"We shall just have to make the best of it," I said feebly.

"You really are a wimp, aren't you?" was all she would say.

John and Teresa drove us to the airport. Tony and I were at the back, with Brenda in between us. All through the journey, Tony stroked his left hand up and down her right thigh, and occasionally turned her head round to kiss her. I was rather upset by the fact that, far from showing resistance, she actually seemed to be enjoying the experience.

Finally we were on the plane. Tony took the window seat with Brenda on his left. I sat next to her. When the journey was well under way, Tony whispered to Brenda. She responded by pulling her short dress up to her waist, revealing that she was not wearing panties. This had been under Tony's instructions. He then produced a blanket, and put it over both their laps. Even though they were covered, it was obvious that he was playing with her naked pussy as she fondled his cock. This went on for some time, accompanied by more and more passionate kisses, which Brenda appeared to be enjoying immensely.

A little later, Tony whispered to Brenda again, and she turned to me.

"Tony is taking me to the toilet to fuck me," she announced. "You had better wait outside, so that you can suck me when he has done with me." I followed meekly behind them.

After twenty minutes of listening to my wife's muffled cries of ecstasy, Tony emerged, zipping up his trousers.

"Your turn," he smirked.

I entered the toilet to see my wife with her legs spread lewdly, cum dripping from her pussy. I knelt before her, and cleaned her up as best I could before we returned to our seats.

It was late when we arrived at our hotel, we just had time for dinner and a quick tour of the complex before bed. Brenda showed no resistance as Tony took her hand and led her to his room. I lay on our bed, listening again to the sound of my wife being royally fucked by her new lover. When they had finished, she dashed back into our room in her night-dress, and straddled my head so that I could perform my usual duty.

She settled down beside me when I had finished. I told her that I wanted her so badly, as I had not had the chance to be with her since the wedding.

"I know you do darling," she replied. "But Tony won't allow it. He has made me promise that his is the only cock I will take until we get home. Oh, and by the way he wants me to spend the whole day with him tomorrow, just the two of us. He says it will give us the chance to get to know each other better. He has been so kind to me, I have agreed." I did not like it, but from the way she spoke I knew it was useless to protest.

The two of them left early next morning, to check out the nearest town. I spent the day pottering around, or sitting by the pool. They had not returned by midnight, so I went to bed but was unable to relax. About 1 a.m., I heard the door open and the two of them laughing as they came in. I heard Brenda say that she would be in shortly, then she came in to our bedroom.

It was obvious she had been takeing as she swayed over to the bed and stood in front of me. With a grin on her face, she sensuously removed all her clothing and stood before me with her hands on her hips. I could see that her breasts and inner thighs were covered in love bites.

"He certainly leaves his mark when he fucks a woman, doesn't he?" she smirked. I told her that I could not stand this, the thought of another man fucking her was driving me crazy.

"Oh stop whining," she snapped. "There are a few things that you have got to accept. One is that my pussy belongs solely to Tony for the next fortnight, and he will fuck me where and when he wants. I know it will hurt you, but you must also accept that I am loving every minute of it. He has a magnificent cock and he knows how to use it, so I am having a wonderful time. Also, with the amount of cum Tony has already given me, it is likely that I am pregnant now. If not, I will be by the end of the holiday, so you had better get used to the idea of bringing up a black baby.

"Does this mean you will not want me to suck you clean?" I asked, panicking that she was accepting everything so calmly.

"That's right," she confirmed. "In future I will spend the whole night in Tony's bed. Now, if you will excuse me, there is a big stiff cock in the next room that needs sucking." With a laugh, she turned and went back to her lover.

Next morning, I was sitting having breakfast when Tony came out. He explained that he had left Brenda relaxing, as he had given her a hard night. My wife emerged twenty minutes later, wearing a sexy short silk robe. Ignoring me, she went straight to Tony and gave him a long deep kiss.

"Did you hear what this stud did to me last night?" she said, turning to me. "I hope we didn't keep you awake!" My mouth was too dry with jealousy to respond.

While she continued to kiss and stroke her black boyfriend, I suggested that she and I could spend the morning by the pool. Without looking at me she replied:

"OK. Tony has to go out this morning. You go ahead and grab a couple of sun loungers and I will follow on."

It was nearly an hour later when Brenda swaggered over in her tiny white bikini, which showed acres of her perfect, milk white flesh. As she got closer, I noticed a damp patch at the crotch.

"He has fucked you again, hasn't he?" I demanded, my cock getting stiff and my stomach in knots.

"Well, he is a very insistent man with a cock that never goes soft, how could I resist?" she grinned. "Besides he has got me addicted to that donkey cock, I want it in my mouth or my pussy all the time!" She knew this was upsetting me, and was thoroughly enjoying it.

For the rest of the holiday, Brenda dropped any pretence of resisting Tony, and in fact lost all her inhibitions. We would go to secluded beaches, and she would feel no guilt in taking out his cock and sucking him to erection in front of me. She would then straddle him, and bounce up and down on his prick until they achieved simultaneous climaxes.

It was the same story in the hotel suite. She would wander round in little or nothing, taking every opportunity to engage in sex play with Tony, whether I was there or not.

Finally, the holiday was over, and John and Teresa met us at the airport. We dropped Tony off first, and Brenda spent a long time kissing him goodbye. He explained to her that he would be away for three weeks with his job, and Brenda agreed to call him as soon as he returned.

Arriving back at our place, Brenda invited John and Teresa inside.

"I know we have had our differences," she said to them. "But I am so grateful to you for introducing me to Tony. He is a wonderful man, and a terrific lover."

"So you will carry on seeing him will you? Teresa asked, smirking at me.

"Definitely," smiled Brenda. "Now John, as a thank you would you like to take me upstairs and fuck me again for old time's sake? Michael can stay down here and pleasure Teresa like he did on our wedding night." I began to protest on both counts.

"Doesn't look as though you have any choice," Teresa grinned, as she stood up and removed her panties. My wife and John disappeared upstairs.

After dinner that evening, when we were both alone, I told Brenda that I wanted her more than ever before.

"I will never refuse you Michael," she said. "But I should tell you I will not touch or suck your cock, and you must always wear a condom."

This agreed, we went upstairs as I looked forward to my first fuck with my new wife since our marriage.

We undressed, and Brenda lay on the bed legs apart, motioning me to lick her and get her ready. This done, I put on the condom and at last entered my wife's pussy. Admittedly it did not last long because of my enpowerd abstinence, but all through she remained motionless and silent. When I had finished, I complained at her lack of enthusiasm.

"If you had a cock like Tony's and could fuck like him, I would have some enthusiasm," she spat spitefully. Although deep down I knew the truth, her words cut me like a knife.

Over the next three weeks, remembering her words, I did not try to have sex with her too often. If I did, it was the same story as that first night. She spent a lot of the time tearful, missing her lover. Finally, the three weeks was up, and she happily spoke to him on the phone, inviting him over.

When he arrived that evening, she came down in just her tiny black night-dress, kissed him and hugged him tightly. "I have had it confirmed," she exclaimed. "You have given me a baby, you virile big bastard!" They both screamed with delight, and I felt sick to my stomach.

"Tonight, you are going to take me upstairs for a celebration fuck," she told him. "And I want it to last all night! Michael, you had better relax in the spare room."

With that, they disappeared upstairs to begin their marathon sex session. Once more, I spent the night listening to cries from my wife that I was unable to bring out of her. If anything, they were stronger than those I heard during the honeymoon.

I came downstairs next morning to be greeted by the sight of my naked wife kissing her lover goodbye at the front door. After he had gone, she came into the lounge to speak to me.

"Tony and I have realised after our separation that we can't do without each other," she announced. "We will fuck whenever we want, and you will just have to accept being a cuckold." I think I already knew this, but I still felt incredibly humiliated and jealous.

All this happened two years ago. Little Tony junior is now fifteen months old, and Brenda's belly is now swelled with Tony's second young. My job is to look after the baby while the have all the fun they want. If anything, the sex between them gets wilder and wilder.

Brenda never refuses me sex, but it is as unexciting and passionless as ever. In fact she will not even allow me to kiss her now, preferring to keep her lips solely for Tony' mouth and cock.

I cannot say I am truly happy, but I have to accept the way things are to keep my wife from leaving me.



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Alan Cook had agreed to the arrangement under duress. Alan?s a crooked cop who had borrowed huge sums of money not only to lose at playing the ponies but also to fuel his burgeoning have habit. Slick Willie was his have dealer. Alan had agreed to ?loan? his lovely blonde wife, Jennifer, to Slick Willie to help pay off some of his debts.

Jennifer packed an overnight bag with some intimate essentials. She really didn?t want to do this but she felt there was no other way to get themselves out of debt of over one hundred thousand dollars. Her own husband, Alan, had opened a bottle of her favorite white wine for her to calm her nerves. She was supposed to spend the weekend with a wealthy man and his wife. She knew sex was part of the deal but she had no clue as to what really was going to take place.

Jennifer finished packing and looked into the full length mirror behind the bedroom door. Alan whistled at his beautiful wife. His own dick got hard thinking that his wife was going to be used by another man this weekend. He really felt guilty about getting Jennifer mixed up in something like this but he, too, felt like it was the only way out for them financially. While his wife had not been with many men before, it couldn?t hurt to have her a little bit more experienced in the ways of lovemaking. Maybe she might learn a thing or two for her to use in their own bedroom.

The stretch black limo arrived at the door of their home. The big black driver took her bag and helped Jennifer into the car. He said, ?Mrs. Cook, the champagne is open and chilled for your enjoyment. Have a glass, sit back and enjoy the ride. We?ll be there in about thirty minutes. ?

Jennifer sipped on the expensive French champagne and looked out the window as the countryside whisked by rapidly. She didn?t know much about where she was going but she understood that the people ahe was visiting had money. After about thirty minutes, the limo turned into a driveway with a gated entrance. The mansion came into view after driving down the winding driveway. It was a huge house that looked like an Antebellum Plantation with tall, white columns on either side of the door.

Marcus, the limo driver hurried around to open the limo door for Jennifer. He couldn?t help but stare at the lovely blonde wife?s legs as she exited the car. Jennifer was wearing a black Christian Dior-designer cocktail dress that nicely hugged her trim body and came about mid-thigh showing off her creamy, firm thighs. The short dress sported a sweetheart bodice that displayed the tops of her creamy white breasts.

Marcus thought to himself, ?Mr. Throckmorton sure knows how to pick them. This beauty even had a striking resemblance of Mrs. Throckmorton when she was younger.?

In deed, Jennifer thought the same thing as she met her host and hostess for the weekend as the tall, black butler, Sammy, led her into the den.

A distinguished older man in his fifties was wearing tuxedo pants and shirt with a bowtie along with a red velour smoking jacket. His wife was wearing a black ball gown with expensive-looking jewelry adorning her neck, wrist and ears.

Mr. Throckmorton introduced himself and his wife.

?Mrs. Cook, this is my lovely wife, Tina, and I?m Thomas Throckmorton. My lady friends call me ?Tommy? or ?Tommy Gun? because I go off so fast. Isn?t that right, Honey??

Mrs. Throckmorton laughed at her husband?s little joke and said, ?Yes, Dear. You sure quick.?

Although Tina was in her mid-forties, she looked about ten years younger. It was nice when one had money to take care of yourself.

Are your ready for dinner, Mrs. Cook?? asked Mr. Throckmorton.

Jennifer said, ?Please just call me Jennifer. Mrs. Cook is my lady-in-law.?

Tommy and Tina both laughed at Jennifer?s joke.

Dinner was delicious. It was the first seven course meal that Jennifer had ever had. Her own husband had never taken her to a place with food as fancy as it was here tonight.

Mr. Throckmorton sat at the end of the table with a commanding view of both the lovely blonde women. The butler, Sammy, served the different courses. Tommy looked on approvingly as the negro butler stole forbidden glances at the tops of Jennifer?s firm breasts. All eyes were on the lovely blonde wife. Both the ladies ate only a small portion of the food as they were, of course, watching their girlish figure. The final course was a chocolate mousse to die for. It was the only thing that Jennifer completely finished. That was good because the mousse was laced with a mild aphrodisiac specially imported from Africa.

After dinner, the trio retired back to the den. Mr. Throckmorton had the room decorated in African tribal artifacts. There were several rare African masks hanging on the walls as well as several shrunken heads. The heads were of white people. One of the mahogany wood carvings on the bookcase was of a Zulu warrior. Jennifer blushed when she saw the size of the giant penis jutting out form the statue?s loins.

The black butler, Sammy, came in with a small humidor of illegal Cuban cigars. He also had some prime Columbian Gold which he expertly rolled into cigarettes for Mrs. Throckmorton and Mrs. Cook.

Mr. Throckmorton took a cigar which Sammy lit for him with an expensive gold lighter. He then spoke, ?Jennifer, enjoy the marijuana. It will help you to enjoy the rest of the evenings activities.? Jennifer accepted the rolled joint from the black butler. Even in college, she had never smoked any grass. This was her first time. She had started to feel a little tipsy from the champagne during her ride here and from the French wine during dinner.

Jennifer followed Tina?s lead and inhaled the acrid smoke. All of her muscles seemed to relax and all of her cares just floated away. The mild burning sensation between her legs seemed to get even stronger as the marijuana and the aphrodisiac took its effect.

?Okay, Dear,? Mr. Throckmorton said to Jennifer. ?I think its time we got this party started.?

Tina led the blonde housewife out of the den and down a long corridor. She pushed a button and the elevator door opened instantly. Mr. Throckmorton stepped into the elevator behind Jennifer and his wife as the door closed. He then pushed ?B? for which Jennifer correctly thought was ?Basement.?

Jennifer felt the elevator jerk to life and could feel them moving downward towards the basement. The door opened onto an adult playground wonderland. There were sexual devices and contraptions of every sort and imagination that Jennifer had never seen before. There were several low king-sized beds on the floor as well as several raised altars. A wooden throne was posed above and to the side of one of the beds to give the king a bird?s eye view of the fuckings on the bed. There was a wooden ?X? against one wall and a swing-looking like thing in the corner. There were numerous mirrors everywhere to include even on the ceiling. Jennifer also noticed the many closed circuit cameras that where hung from the ceiling and strategically placed throughout the basement.

Mr. Throckmorton led Jennifer over to the center of the playroom.

?Of all things that I have here,? explained Mr. Throckmorton, ?this is my favorite. I bought it on eBay a couple of years ago for thirteen thousand dollars. Another collector wanted it also but I wanted it even more.?

Jennifer stared at the padded leather contraption. It looked like some sort of a bench. It had legs and arms with padding everywhere. There were also leather strips and bindings in order to keep its occupant firmly in place.

?Have you ever seen anything like this before, Mrs. Cook?? Mr. Throckmorton continued.

?Do you remember the Playboy Playmate from the eighties called Dorothy Stratton? Her husband handmade this just for his lovely wife. As a matter of fact, Jennifer, you look a lot like Dorothy Stratton herself.? Both his wife and Jennifer looked a lot like Dorothy Stratton. That was why they had been selected as wife and playtoy.

?Are you wearing a bra, my Dear?? asked Tommy Gun.

?No, your instructions where to not wear a brassiere,? replied Jennifer.

?Then how about panties?? he continued. ?Yes, I?m wearing panties,? replied the haveged housewife.

Mr. Throckmorton turned to his wife and said, ?Tina, we must really do something about her panties.?

Tina responded by going over to Jennifer and getting down on her knees in front of her. Tina?s hands ran up under Jennifer?s short dress pushing the hem up over Jennifer?s bare thighs.

Tina slowly pulled down the black bikini panties and said, ?These panties are nice and damp. I think she? just about ready.? Tina buried her nose into Jennifer?s curly blonde bush. The tongue licking Jennifer?s aroused clitoris caught her off guard. Jennifer just about swooned and fell backwards as she had her first orally-achieved orgasm. Jennifer?s finely manicured red-tipped fingers went to her cunnilinguist?s head holding her tight against her own vagina. To keep her from falling over. She never had another woman go down on her before. Jennifer would never let her husband do this to her but it felt so good now. Her own husband wanted her to ?69? on several occasions, especially after he had been takeing but she had always refused him. The art of love linguist who was before her now really knew what turned on a woman.

Tommy Gun led the na?ve housewife over to contraption lovingly called the ?Cherry Buster.?

?Kneel into the bench,? commanded Mr. Throckmorton.

Tina slipped the thin shoulder straps off of Jennifer?s dress. The contraption put her into a kneeling position with her arms extended up and to her side. Tina bent down and quickly fastened the shackles around Jennifer?s wrists and ankles. The haveged wife struggled in vain when she realized what was about to happen to her. Tina pushed the hem of the dress up to expose Jennifer?s bare buttocks. Tina went down again on the struggling woman. Jennifer had another orgasm.

After Jennifer calmed down some, Tommy Gun called out, ?Marcus, come on out. The little beauty is ready for you now.?

The restrained housewife looked up when the door opened. The negro limo driver strode in just wearing a white loin cloth. He slipped it off revealing a massive black cock standing at attention between his legs. Marcus really enjoyed his work with Mr. and Mrs. Throckmorton. They brought him many a na?ve wife to be broken in.

Jennifer couldn?t believe her eyes as the negro with the huge cock came around behind her. He must have been a foot long. Actually, Marcus had been measured at thirteen and one-half inches long and six inches in circumference. Her husband was only six inches in length so this negro was about to explore uncharted territory. The negro limo driver was about to fuck this new blonde trophy doggie-style.

The lovely blonde wife?s body jerked against her restraints as Marcus eased the first six inches of his massive black manhood into her quivering blonde pussy. Jennifer squealed as another couple of thick black inches rammed into her defenseless blonde maidenhood.

Marcus hovered over the beautiful blonde housewife and pulled the front of her dress down exposing her bare breasts. His strong black fingers circled around one of her taut nipples as he twirled it around between his thumb and forefinger.

Jennifer had another orgasm.

Tina had stripped off her own clothing to reveal her trim body obtained from many hard hours working out in their in-home gym. Tina moved underneath Jennifer into a position where she could get a first-hand look at the black ravishment of the na?ve blonde housewife. Even though the big black balls bounced onto her forehead, Tina could even lick Jennifer?s aroused clitoris while the black limo driver pounded into Jennifer?s stretched pussy from above.

The enormous black cock was now fully embedded into Jennifer?s tight blonde pussy. Marcus kissed the blonde beauty?s smooth white neck and whispered into Jennifer?s ear, ?What do you think now of Equal Rights??

Jennifer couldn?t think of a response as she felt the huge black cock expand even further and blast a boat-load of his dark seed deep into her ravaged pussy. Marcus pulled out of the lovely blonde?s now gaping pussy. Tommy Gun moved in to help his own wife clean up Jennifer?s used pussy with their tongues. Both Mr. and Mrs. Throckmorton enjoyed a steady diet of thick, juicy nigger cum.

By now, Tommy Gun had gotten out of his tuxedo. Tina sucked on her own husband to raised him to his full five and one quarter inch length. Jennifer was fully restrained on the ?Cherry Buster? so Mr. Throckmorton was ready to go to work on her.

Tina slipped back under Jennifer and continued to eat her well-used pussy. Tommy took some special goo and rubbed it on Jennifer?s exposed bottom. He first inserted his middle finger into her virgin asshole. Jennifer?s fogged mind took a few moments to realize what the deranged man behind her had in mind. Soon his erect dick was bearing down on her tiny opening. Jennifer screamed as his powerful thrust made its way into her rectum.

Tommy Gun lived up to his nickname as he soon spurted his small wad up her tiny bunghole.

Jennifer thought her debasement was ending when Mr. Throckmorton pulled his limp penis out of her tight butt.

Her ears perked up when she heard Mr. Throckmorton call out, ?Hey, Sammy. Come on down. She?s all yours now.?

Jennifer thought she had seen everything until she saw the negro butler?s long black cock. It wasn?t very thick but it sure was long. The grotesque-looking must have been twenty maybe twenty-one inches long. Sammy firmly held onto the struggling blonde housewife?s hips as Tina guided the long black snake into its hole.

Jennifer felt the black cock invade her deepest, darkest recesses as the long nigger cock snaked its way into her near-virgin ass. She felt it worm its way up her entrails and deep into her belly. Jennifer ******.

Jennifer awakened what seemed like hours later. The negro?s long cock was still firmly embedded deep into her unthinkable location. The black butler continued to butt-fuck his lovely blonde captive until he let his spunk loose deep into her bowels. Jennifer ****** again.


At the end of the long sex-filled weekend, Jennifer was transported back to her own home. Alan had to call in for a substitute teacher for his wife because she couldn?t move. He also had to take off from work himself to nurse his wife back to health. He couldn?t imagine what all his lovely blonde wife had endured over the weekend due to his own stupidity of gambling and haves. He found out later when a box of DVD?s arrived later in the week. They were marked just ?Jennifer 1 through Jennifer 13.? Alan watched the over-twenty hours of videos where his wife was the main attraction. He came to find out later that the amateur interracial DVD?s were selling like hotcakes on eBay for thirty bucks apiece.

Alan still owed his black bookie over seventy thousand dollars. His own wife was the collateral.


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My name is Amber Jones and I am a ?shopaholic.? If there were such an organization as an AA for ?Shopaholics,? Amber needed to be there.

Amber teaches third grade at the same school where Jennifer Cook teaches. She is always buying nice clothes and she is one of the best dressed teachers at her school. Along with her friend, Jennifer, they are two of the best looking teachers there. Amber is an attractive married brunette and Jennifer is a lovely married blonde. They have been friends since high school where they both were cheerleaders. Both of their husbands were also the best of friends.

The trouble came because Amber has been spending more money on clothes than her and her husband?s meager salary can withstand. Lately, Amber has been buying really cute outfits on Ebay and had them shipped to the school so that her husband wouldn?t find out. Now her credit card had an outstanding balance of over twenty thousand dollars and the creditors were calling her at home trying to collect. Amber was afraid that her husband, Randy, would find out just how deep in debt she was and come unglued.

They were in the school cafeteria during lunch while Amber was confiding in her best friend, Jennifer, about how much she owed the credit card company.

Jennifer said, ?I have a friend in the loan business and I think he can help you out to repay your debt.?

?Oh, really?? Amber perked up. ?How??

?Well, he?s in the business of lending money but has a unique way for his clients to repay their loans. He knows a lot of powerful and famous people. He barters with them and does them favors while you ?work off? your loan,? stated the attractive blonde teacher.

?Jennifer, what do you mean by ?work off??

?Oh, come on, Amber. Don?t be so naive. Sleep with someone.?

?But I couldn?t possibly be unfaithful to Randy. I love him so,? replied Amber.

?You know, Amber, you?re not the only woman that your precious little Randy has slept with. The joke going on at Randy?s office is that he?s always ?randy? and chases anything that wears a skirt.?

?Jennifer, that might be true but I?ve never been unfaithful before, never in high school or college did I relax with anyone but Randy.?

?Amber, dear. What?s good for the goose is good for the gander. You need to get out and try out someone else. You might find something you really like. Besides, his clients are usually wealthy and famous.?

?I suppose you?re right, Jennifer. Will you check with your friend to see if he can help me out? If Randy finds out about my huge debt, he?ll probably ******* me.?

?I?ll talk to my friend and see what he can do for you. I?ll let you know tomorrow what he says.?


The next day, Jennifer searched out her friend, Amber, to tell her the good news.

?Amber, you won?t believe our luck. There?s a professional football game in town here this weekend.?

?So, am I supposed to bet for the home team or the other team??

?This isn?t about betting, Amber. We?ll both be ?working girls? for one night. Two of the other team?s players want a little action Saturday night with a couple of good-looking married women. They specifically didn?t want single girls as this was only a one night stand with no obligations. I told him we would do it together. We can work as a team, just you and me, Babe. Besides, its better that you have a friend along with you the first time just in case something happens. No, don?t get excited now, nothing is going to happen. My agent, Willie Taylor, will put up the twenty thousand dollars to close out youe credit card debt and will forgive five thousand of it for just one night?s work.?

?Wow, Jennifer, five thousand dollars! That?s more than you and I both make in a month as a teacher. Maybe I will. Randy is going out of town on business this weekend and I can drop the kids off at my mom?s place for the evening. I?ll just tell my mom that we are having a girl?s night out. That way I won?t have to pick the kids back up until Sunday afternoon.?

?Perfect,? enthused Jennifer. ?It?s all set them. Saturday night at eight PM. This should be fun. There are a lot of good-looking hunks who play professional football.?

?Bye, Jennifer. Thanks for all of your help. See you Saturday night.? *******

She kissed her husband good-bye before he left for the weekend on his business trip. He took his golf clubs and would probably play some golf with one of his potential clients. Amber dropped the kids off at her lady?s house before heading out to the mall. Amber wanted to look extra special for her ?girl?s night out.? She went by for both a manicure and pedicure before going by the beauty salon to have her auburn tresses done just right.

When she got home she fixed herself a light salad as she was always watching her girlish figure. She admired her lovely figure in the full-length mirror before she slipped into the warm bubble bath. Amber had opened a bottle of her favorite white wine and sipped on it in her bath while she relaxed.

Amber slipped on a pair of white Wicked Weasel knickers, that?s really Aussie for ?panties,? that she had purchased online from their store in Australia at The hyperlink is visible to registered members only! as she thought to herself that they were very tiny and very, very sexy. The contrast of seeing her dark bush through the sheer white material was very erotic to her. She felt herself get warm between her thighs.

Amber bought a lot of her clothes from Victoria?s Secret. She actually wanted to be one of their models but she thought who would want a twenty-eight year old lady of two as a model? She worked really hard on keeping her figure especially after having kids. She was able to bring most of her shape back to her college days except for her breasts. During her two pregnancies, they had swollen from a 34A to a 38D and there was nothing short of breast reduction surgery to take care of them.

Amber stepped into a body-hugging slinky black ball gown. She laughed to herself when she said ?ball gown? because that was exactly what she was going to do in it, ?ball.? The wine must have gotten to her as she even laughed about the word cocktail dress. Having the word ?cock? and ?tail? together in the same sentence made her giggle. The gown had a sweetheart neckline with thin spaghetti straps. Most of the back was open so she didn?t wear a bra.

Next was a pair of Tommy Choo designer high-heeled sandals. They had cost her a fortune, about half a month?s salary as a teacher but these were one sexy-looking pair of shoes. They were black strappy leather with open toes showing all of her ?toe cleavage? very nicely. She put on all of her diamond jewelry and was debating whether to take off her wedding ring or not. Then she remembered that her ?clients? were looking for married women so she decided to leave her wedding ring on her red-tipped manicured fingers.

Lastly, she applied her red fox lipstick and sprayed on some of her favorite perfume, White Shoulders. She was now ready for the night. Amber looked wickedly delicious!


Amber drove to the hotel where she was to meet Jennifer and her new clients. She had printed a map off of the internet. The hotel was on the other side of town and at one time was probably a Holiday Inn. Now it was old and rundown. She found a place to park and walked a block to the hotel?s entrance. Along the way, several black men propositioned her and said, ?Hey Baby, we got?s some big black cock for that sweet white pussy of yours!?

Amber blushed as she had never been talked to like that before but she wisely kept on going. She walked into the lobby of the hotel and over to the receptionist. There was an old black man behind the counter.

The lovely brunette said, ?Hello, my name is Amber and I?m looking for my friend, Jennifer. Can you help me find her??

?She?s already here. Check out room four sixty-nine on the fourth floor,? said the toothless negro.

Amber didn?t like the look of things here. Now she was having second thoughts and wished she hadn?t agreed to go with Jennifer on this ?date.? She got in the elevator anyway and pushed the button for the fourth floor. The old elevator jerked and bumped its way to the fourth floor. ?Wouldn?t it be just awful if she were to get stuck in this crummy old elevator in this skanky hotel. What would her husband think even if she was going to meet some professional football players? Couldn?t they have afforded a more expensive place than this rathole??

Amber got off of the elevator and was glad to she her friend, Jennifer. They both hugged. Amber noticed that her great-looking blonde friend was wearing a fabulous red dress that zipped up the front and came to mid-thigh showing plenty of her trim thighs. Jennifer teetered on a pair of sexy red stiletto high heels.

?I hope you are not prejudiced,? her blonde friend said.

It took Amber a moment to realize what Jennifer had just said.

?What do you mean, prejudiced?? stammered Amber.

?I mean that they are black. Negro. Darkies. You know, colored guys,? replied Jennifer.

Amber was stunned. Jennifer opened the door to the suite and led her friend to the wolves.

?Amber, this is Marcus and Tyrone. Marcus and Tyrone, this is Amber. Your date for tonight.?

?Pleased to meet you,? replied Tyrone as Marcus went over to lock the door.

Amber swallowed hard as she heard the door?s bolt click tight. She had never been with another man before other than her own husband let alone a Negro. Now here she was the main course for these two black professional football players. She almost had to laugh to herself as her husband probably knew these two players by watching them play football on television every Sunday. Amber was more than just a little nervous, she was downright scared.

They had been smoking marijuana and Jennifer offered her a toke. Jennifer said, ?Go ahead. I won?t let anything bad happen to you. This will help you relax so you can have some fun tonight.? Amber took a long drag of the acrid-smelling smoke and coughed a couple of times. Tyrone and Marcus laughed at the lovely brunette wife?s naivety.

?Let me dance for you boys,? Jennifer started off.

Tyrone said to Amber, ?Missy, won?t you join me on the loveseat for the show??

Amber and Tyrone sat down on the loveseat while Marcus took the easy chair. Tyrone put his thick, muscular arm around Amber?s white shoulders. He could smell her sweet perfume.

Jennifer turned on the CD player that she had brought with her. She began gyrating slowly to the music.

While she danced mainly for Marcus, Jennifer kept looking over at Tyrone and giving him the playful look. Tyrone already had his beefy black hand on Amber?s firm thigh.

Amber sat mesmerized as she watched her blonde friend sway to the slow tune. Jennifer reached down with her left hand and slowly moved the hem of her short dress up her bare thigh. Amber saw the glint from the diamond in Jennifer?s wedding ring. Jennifer?s right hand reached for the zipper at the top of her dress and began to tease Marcus by unzipping it to show a lot of cleavage. It was soon obvious that Jennifer wasn?t wearing a bra as her little nipples came in to view.

Amber looked over to Marcus who was rubbing the huge bulge in his loins. Jennifer moved in closer. The dress was now open to the lovely blonde housewife?s navel. As Jennifer completely unzipped the front of her dress, it became evident that she wasn?t wearing any panties either as the triangle of her blonde bush came in to view.

Jennifer took off the rest of her dress and tossed it playfully at Marcus who easily caught the useless garment. She was now only dressed in her red high heels. Jennifer then got down between the black man?s widespread legs and began to unzip his bulging pants. Amber couldn?t believe her own eyes when the huge black monster was unleashed. This black football player?s cock was more than twice the size of her own husband?s six inch penis! She had never seen anything so large before.

Jennifer buried her blonde head in the lap of Marcus. Her tongue darted out and around the giant black cockhead several times before she deep throated him. Amber couldn?t believe that her blonde friend was taking all of that huge black cock between her red-lips ticked lips.

Amber was abruptly brought back to reality when she realized something foreign was inside her wet pussy. Tyrone was busily working his black fingers underneath her dress and had found her maidenhood. He now had two fingers deep in this sweet brunette wife?s pussy as he was rubbing her erect clitoris. Amber?s head began to swoon. Tyrone?s left hand had slipped the strap of her dress off of her bare shoulder and was now massaging a bare breast and tweaking an erect nipple with his thumb and forefinger. Tyrone soul kissed his new conquest. Amber even kissed the Negro football player back as his long tongue delved deeply into her sweet mouth.

Amber was powerless to resist as Tyrone pushed up the bottom of her dress and removed her skimpy Wicked Weasel panties. Tyrone held the damp panties up to his broad black nose and inhaled her heady womanly fragrance. He stuffed them into the back pocket of his pants before he stood up to remove them.

Amber?s head lulled over to where her friend, Jennifer, was. The other black football player had already undressed and had taken Jennifer to the bed where she was still wearing her red high heels. Her bare legs were widespread accepting his huge black cock. Marcus was already pumping his giant black cock into the beautiful blonde wife. Amber?s glazed eyes watched as Jennifer?s arms and legs came up to embrace her new black lover.

Amber?s marijuana-dulled attention came back to the situation at hand, or should I say, at pussy. Her own black football player was now completely naked. His black cock stood straight out at attention and was pointing directly at Amber?s soon to be ***d pussy. Amber swallowed when she caught the sight of Tyrone?s huge member. She thought that Marcus was big. Tyrone was even bigger!

Tyrone knelt down in front of the brunette beauty. He buried his broad black nose into Amber?s curly, soft pussyhair. Amber had her first of many orgasms as Tyrone?s expert tongue swirled around Amber?s erect clitoris. He really loved introducing pretty white wives to the ways of nigger loving. Tyrone had already fucked many of the other player?s white wives and had even fucked the cuckolds brownie out of the team owner?s blonde trophy wife.

Amber?s pussy was on fire! There was only one way to put it out and that was with Tyrone?s long black hose. ?Oh, please fuck me,? moaned the beautiful brunette wife. Tyrone was more than pleased to oblige the haveged wife.

Tyrone moved the unresisting beauty so she was lying flat on her back on the loveseat. He levered himself between her spread legs. Amber couldn?t believe the pain in her loins when she realized the Negro football player between her legs was trying to shove his massive black cock into her vainly resisting pussy. Amber screamed as the first six inches drove into her inner most being.

Amber must have ****** from the unbearable pain between her legs. Then she realized the huge Negro was still ramming the full length and breath of his monster black cock into her extremely packed pussy. She had been deflowered by this master black cocksman. The pain subsided as even she wrapped her arms and legs around her own new black lover. They fucked like this for some time as both she and the negro came at the same time when his dark seed exploded deeply into her stretched womb.

Amber thought it was all over when Tyrone finally pulled his spent cock from her ruined pussy but she was wrong. Marcus came over and lifted the brunette wife and turned her over the arm of the loveseat with her bare buttocks sticking up into the air. Marcus was taking the lovely brunette wife doggy-style. He pinched her full nipples and bit her smooth bare back. Amber was being fucked like the bitch in heat that she was.

Marcus pulled his hardened black cock out of her stretched pussy. His sights were aimed higher. Amber couldn?t believe that she was about to get butt fucked! For the second time tonight, Amber screamed in pain and ******. Marcus finished dumping his thick load into the passed-out wife distorted rectum.


Amber didn?t know how or when she got home. Thankfully, Jennifer retrieved her discarded dress, sans panties, and got her friend back home and into bed. The next morning Amber could hardly get out of bed. Thick nigger cum was still seeping out of her used pussy.

Her husband called and said he was coming home early because he had just gotten two tickets to today?s football game. Amber wearily said, ?I?ve had about all the football that I want right now. Why don?t you take Alan instead.?

?Great idea, Honey. My best friend, Alan, really loves the other team. Maybe we?ll bet on who wins.?


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The Dwarf

The packages arrived just as her sister Terri had e-mailed a few weeks back from Africa. She and her sister had opened the Galleria Africa in the suburbs after she graduated from college. She would manage the gallery and Terri would go across Africa to buy artifacts and send them to her.

Their interest in African art had been encouraged by their deceased parents who had a small collection that they had acquired while missionaries in the continent. As young women, they learned a great deal about tribal arts and the collection they inherited became the foundation of their initial gallery offerings. But, to sustain the business, one of them had to make trips to the continent to acquire more items to sell.

On her office desk were several carefully, wrapped and numbered boxes. Ashley sat looking at each as she read her sister’s enclosed handwritten note.

Dear Ash… I’m sending you these fabulous figurines that I found in the back country while searching for the unusual. In some ways, they are quite hideous. But, I think they are rare. There are fifteen of them. There is a legend and a warning which lend some mystique to them.

As the legend goes, they were slavers and alchemists…witch doctors from the deepest part of Africa. When they were caught, they were transformed into small statues and chained for protection. They are said to still be alive…suspended but able to hear, learn and adapt to life around them. The legend warns not to remove the chains or they will be released from their suspended state and resume where they left off under the direction of a mystic chief. I’ve boxed them individually and numbered them. They should make an intriguing sale for the gallery.

I’m off now to another part of the continent and will write when I can.

Love, your sis


Just as she completed reading the letter, Ashley heard a customer come through the entry of the gallery. She rose from her desk and went to counter to greet him. He was a tall Black man, very muscular with a shaved head. She placed him in his forties. Somewhat elegant, she thought but with an air of danger or mystery that made her feel uncomfortable. “Good afternoon. I’m Ashley, the gallery owner. How can I help you?” she greeted him.

“Good afternoon.” He responded. “Here is my card. My name is Ngru Inu and I’m with the Congolese embassy as their Director of Arts and Artifacts.”

She took his card and scanned it. It looked official with appropriate title.

“Well, then, Mr. Inu. How may I help you? Are you looking for any particular artpieces?”

“As a matter of fact, Madame, I am. Several historical statuettes disappeared from my country a few months ago. There is a rumor that they were sold and were being sent to this country. We are contacting dealers in African art throughout the area in hopes that we might recover them. Have you any knowledge of these? My country will pay a reward to get them back.”

“No. I have no knowledge of statuettes from Africa. You are welcome to look at my inventory, if you like.” Ashley lied.

“No. No need for that. I trust the word of an American woman. But, if you come across them or hear anything, would you call me.” He responded then added. “By the way, there is some danger if they are improperly handled…or at least that is the legend around them.”

He thanked Ashley for her time and held her hand for a time. Ashley was uncomfortable as she felt his eyes examine her appreciatively. She was, she knew, a very striking blonde. Not as tall as her sister but extremely pretty with the firm breasts of the young, twenty-three year old she was.

Once Mr. Inu left, Ashley returned to examine the packages. She decided that she should bring one or two of them home as it was closing time. She picked up the first two; made her way to her car and drove to her small house in the suburbs.

She had a glass of wine and sat in her living room where she placed the packages on the coffee table. Carefully, she opened the first to find a very small statue of what appeared to be a Black dwarf. A small chain wrapped around him. He was in a tribal costume and had a small bag that hung from his neck. She was amazed at the intricacy of the carving and its lifelikeness.

She took another sip of wine and picked up the statue to examine it more closely. She turned it around and around. Then, accidentally it slipped from her hands and dropped to the carpet. She bent down and found it but realized the fall had broken the chain. Other than the loose chain, there appeared to be no other damage.

Not superstitious, she remarked. “Well, it’s only a chain. I can repair it tomorrow. You seem to be fine.”

As the evening slipped away, she had another wine and decided to turn in. She had worked a full week and a little rest would help. Tired, she showered and washed. She admired her slim body and long gold hair. She readied for bed and dressed in a skimpy, silk night outfit and lay down to quickly fell arelax.

As she dose off, the dwarf emerged from the dark shadows and entered her room. He was no longer a statue but full grown at four feet and dressed in a loincloth. He wore dreadlocks and the tattoos of a warrior or shaman. His face was pockmarked and had large, yellow teeth with gaps. The evil dwarf crept close to Ashley where he determined that she was relaxing.

“Thank you for releasing me, my dear. You are so very young and lovely. I, Ngru Lyu will soon repay you.” He leaned over, reached into his bag and blew a small amount of powder over her face.

Ashley entered a dream state where everything seemed distorted and strange as she breathed in the powerful have that the dwarf had given. She dreamed of a small, strong Black man removing her clothes. She struggled to resist but he overwhelmed her and soon she lay naked before him. Semiconsciously, she heard his voice whisper to her, “Drink this. You are thirsty.” as she consumed a small vial of liquid he handed her.

The dwarf recognized that the young blonde woman now lay helpless before him. His fingers began probing her golden triangle as she undulated sexually before him. Reaching into his bag, he drew out several large dildos and began inserting them in her clitoris. She responded as he anticipated moving her hips and raising them in offering.

Ashley’s dream seemed so vivid and never had she imagined the sexual urges that compelled and drove her. She watched as the evil dwarf tormented her love channel inserting a variety of large dildos. Some were large as cucumbers; while others were shaped with edges or curves. “Please she begged. No. Please stop. Uhh. They hurt…too large.” Her golden triangle became wetter and wetter with her juices but she was unable to resist.

“Should I stop?” she thought she heard the dwarf as she writhed and squirmed in his control. The dream was overpoweringly real and her sexual desires and passions rose.

“No. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. I need it. I need it. I want it.” She whispered almost inaudibly as she saw the dwarf remove his loin cloth to reveal a thick black cock that was at least 12 inches long. His stature was small but he had been blessed with an unusually large cock.

She dreamed that he commanded her to lick and suck it which she did. He grasped her flowing blonde hair and pulled her forward, powering the full length of his hardened cock into her mouth. “Suck it and lick it, my bitch. You have begun your training.”

He lowered himself between her thighs and began licking the juices from her now nearly prepared and very wet pussy. Ashley screamed with desire and pushed her cunt against the dwarfs mouth as his tongue repeatedly probed her. She could not resist and begged for him to thrust into her as he moved up her body. Then, he lunged forward into her channel. His cock filled her tight, rarely used golden triangle. Deeper and deeper the thrust as he listened to her moan and scream with pleasure.

“You are my white bitch now. My slave. This is only the beginning of your training. I am Ngru Lysu, your Master.” He commanded.

“Yes. Yes, master.” He heard her repeat as her eyes closed and her beautiful creamy hips rose to help him enter deeper. Her tits were firm and soft as he grasped them and sucked on the pink tips. Her body erupted and she came multiple times as he rode her.


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Nancy Yang had made life in the office she worked at sheer hell. Sour faced , the young Asian lady was constantly sending work back to be corrected or making the staff stay to fix even the most minor of problems. She kept the books to herself saying she did not want anyone to “ruin” them through their own incompetence.

At five foot ten inches she was a lot taller than most of the men in her office. She wore no make up and kept her hair in a pulled back pony tail. Then one day the staff saw something they had never seen before, she was nervous. An auditor had come down to do the check the books and at first she had been snotty to him, the way she was to everyone else, until she realized who he was.

Eric Stammers set himself up in a vacant corner office and started his audit. Nancy offered to help but he told her he liked to work alone. The whole week she was nervous and snappier than usual. Then just as Nancy was about to go home he said he would need her to come in on Saturday to help him.

That Saturday she knocked on the door of his office. He had her sit down and adjusted his glasses then he said, “Nice books Nancy, very concise and all, small wonder nobody knows that you stole over twenty thousand dollars from the company.”

The awful truth that she had been dreading had come to light. Her façade crumred and she started to cry. He asked her why she did it. She said it was to pay to have her sister brought over to the United States. She had planned to put the money back.

“No that is a bad idea you double the risk of getting caught. It would have been better to just destroy the few bits of evidence that lead back to you and leave it alone. But that is hypothetical. What remains is what to do with you? Now I could alert the company to your theft and maybe they would let you pay back the money and then fire you with no jail time, though these days they are pretty tight on that. Or I could help you, but I would have to know you would not turn around and screw me over later.”

Crying she said she would not tell on him, ever. “Well this is America so you know it is a land of opportunity.” he said getting out from around the desk. “But then again you don’t get something for nothing.”

“What are you doing?” she said as he locked the door. “I can help you but have to help me out .” he said as he unzipped his pants and pulled out his semi-hard cock. “Come on you sour faced bitch. You want to help your sister and not go to jail you gonna suck some of this.” he said.

Nancy debated in her mind what to do. She first thought of calling the police, but what good would that have done? She would have gone to jail also. And she had to get her sister over here, so she had no choice, but the shame she would feel and….she looked at his cock…the size of it. It was bigger than any she had seen. She thought it out and realized her would have to be quiet about it also.

“Well?” he said waving his cock. She slowly got down onto her knees. She steadied herself and then reached out and grabbed his cock and started to rub it as she got up the nerve to do what she had to do next.

As she pulled on his cock it grew both in size and girth beyond anything she had ever seen. Like many woman before and after her she said “It is too big!” He smiled down at her and told her to open her mouth.

“But first kiss it. Yeah give it a nice wet kiss.” she held his cock by her mouth and kissed it, it felt hot to her lips. . Then opened her mouth and took his cock into it. Tears welled up in her eyes, she knew she had done wrong and she must now debase herself doing this, she thought as she tasted his shaft.

“Mmmm! Yeah! Thought you couldn’t do it. Yeah! Watch them teeth girl.” he said telling her to look up at him as she sucked his cock. “If the office could only see you Mrs. Sour-face now. Suck it good. Yeah.” he said undoing her pony tail letting her dark hair fall freely around her face.

“Yeah a little deeper. Much deeper there.” he said pushing his cock further down her throat, she gagged a little and he still pushed it further until she coughed. He pulled out and as soon as she was done coughing he pushed it back into her mouth. He unbuttoned his shirt and took it off showing his muscular chest and stomach. She had never seen anyone with six pack abs in real life. It turned her on more than she thought.

Seeing she was getting into it he decided to push her to do more “Play with my balls! Better yet lick them. Mmmm! That’s good. Now spit on the head of my dick.” she spit on his cock, a dainty amount of spit and he shook his head. “No not like that.” he said “Clear that throat. Yeah! All of it right on the head.” she spat a thick glob onto his cock head which she tasted as he shoved his cock back into her mouth.

He reached down and squeezed her tits. “Oh! Yeah pretty big for an Asian girl. I am going to enjoy sucking on them. He looked down and told her to jerk his shaft off while she sucked him.

“When I pop my load you going to take it all in your mouth! Don’t spill a drop!” he warned her. She could feel his cock twitch. Now she had given her boyfriend a blow job or two but his cock was not this big and she never swallowed but here she knew she had too. His cock twitched and then she felt his load splash into her mouth, she swallowed as quick as she could, she wanted to take his cock out of her mouth but knew she could not.

When she was done milking his cock dry he let it slip out of her mouth. He offered her the rest of his ginger ale to wash down his seed. “You will help me?” she asked meekly.

“It is already done but I need you to help me some more.” he said taking her into his arms. “I want to feel that tight cunt of yours wrapped around my cock.” he said guiding her hand to his shaft as he kissed her deeply. His hands reached up her skirt and rubbed her wet pussy.

Moments later he had her line up his cock and slowly pushed it into her, she had never felt so stretched out in her life, but she was doing it for her sister and somehow that made it more bearable. His huge girth brought her to the first orgasm she had ever had through being fucked.

He had her lean over the desk as he took her from behind, the sweat from her tits leaving an odd stain on the fake wood veneer of the desk. He slowed the pace letting her feel ever inch of cock sliding in and out of her.

“You enjoying this you sour faced bitch. You enjoy having this here big black cock buried in your yellow pussy? Huh! You love it. I know you do.” He played with her, only fucking her with the first inch or so of his cock then burying it all the way into her.

He got onto a chair holding his cock up. She went over to him, knowing there was no way out and sat on his cock facing him. He sucked her tits and kissed her as she rode his cock.

“When I cum it is going to be in you, do you understand?”

“Yes! Oh yes!” she said. He grabbed her hips and came deep inside of her. As she got off and started to get dressed, she could feel his cum run down and out of her.

He showed her how to fix the rest of the books and erase the trail. Then he told her they had someplace to go.

He drove her down to the worst part of town to a tattoo shop ran by an older black man. “I want you to have something that will remind you of what we did today, so you remember not to have a fit of conscious and betray my ass.” “I’m not getting a tattoo.” she said, for in her country it carried a stigma. “No it is something else. Let’s go in back Bruce.”

Bruce took out of his showcase a nipple ring that held a black pearl on it . Within in minutes her blouse was open and Eric held her left tit in his right hand as his left hand pinched her nipple making it hard. Bruce rubbed some powder on her nipple to make it numb, Nancy knew there was no going back at this point, she was owned by him. The needle pierced her nipple and the ring was inserted and locked into place.

A minute later Bruce’s musky cock was jammed down her throat as she “paid” for her piercing.

One year later……

“Crime pays.” thought Eric as he banged Nancy’s sister Kim. Her tiny tits shook with each thrust making the nipple ring with the black pearl flip back and forth. Nancy, now five months pregnant sat on her sister’s face as her pussy was licked by her cat like tongue.

Eric would reach over and squeeze Nancy’s ripe nipples making milk squirt out over Kim’s tight stomach as he thought of the photo of Nancy’s other sister she wanted to bring over. They could not skim any more money off of the books, but there was always video to be made. He knew two pregnant and pierced Asian girls would be a best seller, as he came inside Kim’s former ultra tight hole.


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The Making of a Party Animal

Annie stopped at the light. She did not want to but it was the LAW. She was late. This was usual for her . Very very disconcerting for others, and about to be modified today.

Her license had to many points. So she waited, and fumed at the injustice of her having to wait like a mear permister. She should be allowed better, but she had to wait.

Today she had taken the shortest route, through a section of town that she would usually avoid. Today their was no choice.

she thought.

The drivers side door opened, the seat belt rose and a large man carrying a gym bag said, "MOVE OVER BITCH!"

He punctuated his command by pushing her over onto the passenger seat floor. He got in and placed his bag on the seat between them.

"Get out of my car, or I will scream...." she began indignantly, as she tried to get back up onto the passengers seat.

He reached over and casually slapped her back down to the floor, and drove the car to a deserted industrial parking lot in the next block. There he stopped the car and turned to a silent subdued Annie.

Her head hurt. She was frightened and thought it best now to just RUN!!

She had reached for the door and was about to open it and jump out. Something cold, metallic and sharp touched her temple. She froze. Warily she perceived the raiser sharp knife was so close to her face. She stopped everything including breathing.

"Now we got to come to an understanding here, BITCH." He began, "You are going to do everything that I tell you from now on or I will fix it so that, no man, or woman, will ever look at you again with out getting sick." He had the sharp knife now lowered to her soft white throat. "Is that understood? BITCH!"

She could not speak. With wide eyes, she could only carefully shake her head. This brought another slap from her tormentor.

"I can't hear you rattle you dumb bitch. So I will know that I have your attention and cooperation I want you to answer me. and answer me respectfully, too bitch!" he said.

"Y Y Yes...Sir" she uttered. She was scared, more scared than any time in her life. She had never been hit and it was sure that this man meant business. She would do anything he wanted.

"Now to show you understand me, let's try some obedience. Take off the skirt, slip, and panties. That way I can be sure you understand and will obey me. You will also be less willing to jump out bare ass." he said.

"Please I'll give you money... the car... anything else but not that." she cried.

"Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way, BITCH. I can beat you and tear off your clothes. Then you will have nothing to wear when I'm through with you. Or you do as I say and save the clothes, and a lot on wear and tear on your hide. Your choice." he said.

He grabbed her hair and pulled up her head and raised his fist preparing to smash her in the face.

"No! No! Please I will do it. Please sir.." she cried. Scared as she was she saw no other way...

She reached down to unbutton her skirt, and she strained her neck as he still held her hair. She slipped her skirt and slip down and looked up pleading with him.

"The panties too, BITCH NOW!!" he said and drew back his fist again.

She was crying now but she managed to slipped the panties over her protruding ass and then ,with the rest, off her legs. Reluctantly her hands gave the now useless garments to him. She then lowered them to cover her now bear loins and precious pubic hair.

"I've done what you wanted. Now here take my purse. Take the car, but let me go. Please. I won't tell. Please just let me go.." she cried.

He through the purse and her precious clothes into the back seat and said,

"That mouth is annoying. I think it will stop it up for now." He reached into his bag and took out a large rubber plug, shaped like a big black penis, with a web of leather straps attached to it.

He powerd it into her mouth by grabbing her hair, twisting, and when she opened her mouth to scream, shoving it deep into her mouth.

She reached up to fight it, and stopped when he asked.

"You want to fight about it?? BITCH!"

This cowed her. Choking on the thing in her mouth, she lowered her hands and let him arrange and tightened the straps around her head. This powerd the prod deeper into her mouth and secured it in her oral cavity. The prod kept her mouth wide open and filled. Satisfied with the arrangement, he reached into his bag and took out a padlock. Secured it to the straps so they were locked. A metallic click announced to her that the thing on her head and in her mouth was there till he wanted to removed it with a key.

He reached back into his bag and came up with two sets of shinny handcuffs.

He stretched down and trapped her feet with the first pair, securing her ankles together.

"OK Now, hands behind your back bitch and no stalling of we do it the hard way." he said.

Reluctantly she did as she was told. What choice did she have? Now she was totally helpless and trusted up like a turkey for the pot. (Little did she know how right she was.)

He reached onto her blouse, fished around till he found her right nipple, and squeezed it hard. She tried to scream but only a gurgling sound came out. The gag effectively muted her sound of distress.

"All ways have to test that it's in right. Now I think that those tits would feel much better out in the air." he said. "Don't you?"

With that he held her by the throat and tore off her blouse and bra. In a short time her tits were displayed in all their soft whitness for his inspection, along with all the rest of her body.

"Kneel up and let me see if your tits are good enough to warrant staying on that frame, or should I just cut them off??" he asked. tracing them with the knife.

Cringing from his comment and threat she straightened to his gaze. He fingered her tits, squeezed them and weighed them. Then lowered his hand to her pubic bone. His hand roamed her soft under belly for a time. Then he pulled some pubic hair and compared it to her other.

"I should have gotten a younger one but maybe the boys will like a ladyly whore for a change. Now put your head down to the seat and get all the rest you can. You will need it for the party tonight. If you know what is good for you, you will be the best PARTY ANIMAL that you can be, or it will be really bad."

What the hell did he mean? She was no whore. What the hell was a PARTY ANIMAL?? This can not be happening to me. Where is he taking me?

Through the long ride she hopped that someone would stop them and rescue her. Or did she really want someone to see her like this??


The ride was long and terrifying for Annie. She was naked and in the front seat floor of her own car being driven to who knows where. She was terrified and shaking from the fear...but why was her cunt dripping.

This bastard had treated her like dirt and she had never been more sexually excited in her life. She was his slave till he chose to release her and she was loving every terrifying moment. No one had ever treated her like this and she was scared out of her mind, and more sexually turned on than at any time in her whole life.

The car slowed and he pulled off the road into a large garage. He parked the car got out and casually walked away without a word. She heard voices and some female sobbing but she was afraid to try to raise up to try to see where she was.

She hopped he would come back for her soon. She tried to hide she bent way over and hoped, no one else would find her. Where was he?

The voices got louder and the passenger side door opened. He reached in and pulled her up by her hair. Her worst nightmare was realized.

Her offense was magnified many times over as she saw that their were many men crowded around the car, ogling her modest nudity.

"Don't be shy bitch!! These are my buddies and you better impress them with my catch or you will be the sorriest bitch in this town. You better be the best PARTY ANIMAL in this herd for me."

"Oh no!" she thought. Not this whole group. She could be his slave but not all these naturals. She tried to shrink back to the floor but his hold of her hair prevented this. She was dragged out and pulled over the hood like fresh trophy natural. She tried to bring her hands to cover herself but the cuffs prevented this.

It seemed like a thousand hands were prodding her treasures. She could lurch but their was no escape. Hands squeezed her tits. Hands explored her ass. Hands slipped into her crotch. Nothing was sparred her in the fondling she had to endure.

"Brad take the ankle cuffs off this bitch, so we can try out the pussy." said one of the men.

"No. If you want use it bend her over the fender and go in the back way." Brad said. "It will be too much trouble to get them back on for the processing."

A female scream, at that moment, drew her attention from her plight. She raised up and looked toward the sound. She saw a nude female ass with the legs wide open and stretched up. The unfortunate was secured to a heavy table across the garage. A big man was doing something and then stepped between the spayed legs. Just then a hand from behind powerd her head down on the hot hood and a dick pushed at her closed tight cunt.

"Your turn will come for that but right now concentrate on your whoring. If you do a good job we might just let you go." said the dicks owner. "HA HA"

No fore play, no nothing just a stabbing dick..

Her former aroused state had given way to one of cold terror. She sought to keep the dick out of her now tightly closed dry hole.

she wondered. Her thoughts were interrupted.

"Open up bitch!" the dicks owner ordered and slapped her head from behind. He stabbed again at the tightly closed cunt...

One of the other men came around the hood and grabbed her up by her hair to play with her tits. He took her right nipple in his fingers and twisted it like it was a screw top cap. She lurched and tried to avoid them but she could not.

"Come on girlie... Open up for old Phil.... "

The dick finally achieved its goal and she felt it inside her hole. For self preservation she concentrated on lubricating, but another scream caused her to clamp down and bring the dick in her cunt off.

She heard "AW Shit it is too tight... Need a cork screw..."

It withdrew. Another immediately took its place and sank in easily, aided by the cum lubrication.

She managed to evade the pinching fingers and sank down to the hood, now servicing only one tormentor. He too came quickly, but the next dick sought fresher fields.

"I don't want no sloppy seconds you whore. You better help me get into this ass hole or I'll go get down that splintered old base ball bat to open this here hole." said the familiar voice of Brad.

He could have had her all to himself. She would have been his slave for life, but he was sharing her like an old base ball glove or something. She was furious. She would show him.. Then she did see a splintered bat sitting in the corner. He meant it! He would do it. He would ruin her. She knew he would.

She relaxed her ass. She raised up and concentrated on helping in the deflowering of her own, until now, virgin ass hole.

"This whore is real intelligent. She must have had a whole lot of experience." said Brad as he placed himself in her neither hole. Without further comment he took his pleasure in her ass hole.

She wanted to shout that she had never had a dick in her ass before. But that was not possible. The plug in her mouth saw to that.

Brad's dick hurt her even though she tried to relax. After all she was dry ... and this was the first time.

Brad soon came and was replaced by another large dick.

"This is one tight assed bitch," said the new dicks owner. "I ought to take a crow bar to this hole and make it man sized."

"No you don't. The needle dick fuckers that are coming to the party will have a better time with her, just like she is. Bet that she's bettern any whore you pleaded with to come here for the festivities." Brad remarked.

This new dick came and withdrew form her ass hole.


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"Now you've seen it bitch. Get into it. I am sure that you can get that tongue all the way to my cervix." Beth ordered as she arched her crotch to get Annie's face into her slit and she grabbed the balking head.

Annie wanted to faint or wake up from this bad dream, but it did not happen. She reluctantly unfurled her tongue and started on her odious task. The taste of the sweaty lips was terrible, kind of slimy and salty... but their was no choice. The smell, kind of slimy was everywhere. The soft wet lips felt like dead fish on her cheeks as they rubbed her there. The ring pinched her nose. If their had been pubic hair she probably would have really been sick. But this she was spared.

"Beth is her s******* with cunts like her experience with pricks?" the Master asked. "As you are now bi, thanks to us, you will have to be our resident expert till we get some bull dikes opinion? Now Be be honest..."

"No she is a tyro. Let me have a belt or switch and I'll have her cunt lapping with the best of them. She will gain that spark of enthauism when her back is zebra stripped. Just give me a little belt." Beth pleaded as she humped poor Annie's face.

This venous verbal attack caused her to get in the swing of the thing. She gave the cunt in front of her a tongue lashing and did not slow down even when she heard the Master say,

"No marks now. If this little cunt lapped is really no good we can have you piss in her mouth, and we'll make her a toilet maid for the entire party. If you do not want to be consigned to that fate, you little Bitch, you better give Beth here the orgasm that I want her to have." the Master said poking Annie's ass with his foot.

On Annie's hearing of this she determined to give the best tonguing that anyone could. She forgot the horror of what she was doing. Through her diligent labors, she accomplished her objective. She detected Beth's cunt flow and the shuttering of a girlie orgasm.

Try as she might Beth was not able to hide her orgasm from the crowd of spectators. She lost her hold on Annie's ears...

Annie drew back and sought to wipe her cheeks on Beth's thighs.

"Don't be shy bitch. That was good. Keep on till she has another one. The rest of your whores get in there and do Annie's nipples and finger her cunt. I want to see if you all have the right attitude. Give Annie's cunt a good cleaning so we do not have to find her whore's leavings inside it later." he ordered the assemred nudes.

Mae and Connie reluctantly crawled forward. Going for Annie's tits with open mouths. Like little guppies in search of a meal. There they reluctantly began to suck the already hard nipples and sought approval. Annie was horrified when she found her body beginning to respond to the totality of these acts and the ministrations of her body. She too convulsed and had an very embarrassing cum for all to see while laboring in her odious task..

"That is better, but Beth see if she is really into it. Piss in her mouth now and let me see her toilette girl action!" the Master commanded.

Annie was soo far gone she did not even hear this.

Beth, was delighted. She twisted the captive head into position, and then eager to please as a now faithful slave, she began to pee into Annie's open mouth. No small drops and stopping here. She took a long and fulfilling piss in poor Annie's mouth and down her chin as her oral capacity over flowed.

Annie was swallowed the vial stuff as best she could before she realized what it was. Then she battled to keep her stomach from upchucking the lot. In her inexperience and horror she was soon covered with the leaking over of her capacity to swallow.

"Well that shows me that you all have the necessary outlook to audition for the new life. We will do an audition tape on each and get your charms recorded. Then you will formally signed over to me all of them. Then, for the chosen few, it's on to the party." the Master said. "The rest..... well well see..."

Chapter 6


Annie was set back to her place in line. Cuffed, and left there dripping while the boys then went about the task of set up a studio replica of an office in a corner of the garage.

They collected Mae. Uncuffed her and took her into the back of the set.

A Half an hour later she came out and was put into one of the bottom cages on the horse trailer along side Beth. She was cuffed and gagged and would not look at the other girls. So they had to go to their fate alone with no fore knowledge.

Bart came over with a hose and rinsed Annie down.

Connie was next to go to the office. She too spent a long time in the studio. Then she was brought out and put into the third cage of the trailer again she was gagged so Annie did not know what was to happen to her in the studio now.

They came for Annie, stood her up, and lead her naked back to the studio office. Outside the office door she was uncuffed and given a robe. Her drivers license was put into her robe pocket and she began to feel, a little, like a little her old self again. The cloth covering seemed to radiate confidence for her..

The Master came over, and spread open her robe out of his way. He palmed her smooth cunt. She cringed and was reminded that she was not free to return to her old life. She was still a nude primisterer of these men...

"You are going to make a movie. Your acting debut, If you make a mistake. We will stop the tape. Use a strap on your tits, and when you apologize, then we start over again. We have all the time in the world. So you do what you are told. Follow my lead and you will save a lot of wear and tear on this hide." He squeezed her cunt lips to emphasize his point and control over her.

She was petrified. Everything had been so normal this morning. Now she was going to make an audition tape for a this whore profession. This was not what she should do. She was not a whore. She could not do this, but the fingers squeezing her cunt lips demonstrated to her that she would do this.

"You understand?" the Master said as he manipulated her clit with his index finger,

"Yes. .... Y yy yes Master...I'll do what you say." she managed to get out. "Master" she quickly added as the grip tightened again.

"Good cunt, Now you are going in this "office" and make me and the camera, believe you are really applying for a job as a my "PARTY ANIMAL". No shirking or we kick your ass. OK?? Let's do it." he said. He let go of her labia and went over and sat down behind the office desk. The robe flowed back over her nudity but it's former confidence had fled.

She adjusted the robe to cover her self and opened the door.

Behind a big desk the Master looked like a busy executive waiting on a prospective applicant for a job. Their were a number of the boys with video cameras recording her every action.

"Ah. Another applicant for the Party. I hope you came ready to show your wares." the Master said with a broad smile on his face.

"Yes Sir" she said trying to keep her voice from breaking up.

"OK. Open the robe and let me see the merchandise, we haven't got all day. Their are other applicants, you know."

She did and turned red as the covering was again spread open to exhibit her body for the video cameras. The cameras came in for close ups of her formally hidden treasurers.

"Show me your ID, your Drivers license. Get a close up of that." he directed. "Is this your correct address?" he asked her as he held the laminated plastic up to the lens.

"Yes." she said, turning red as the boys got the close ups that identified her for the cameras.

"Good. Now here, hold it under your chin so we are sure of the identification. Good. Now under the right tit. Just there below the nipple. Someone might want to know whose nipple sometime in the future... OK Now then let's do the left one. Those are nice tits, you grew there bitch...Now lower it down to the top of your cunt slit. Hole it right over your pretty smooth slit. Tell me now, many dicks this cunt has entertained?"

She knew she was going to be sick but she quickly recovered.

"Three, sir." she said holding her license over her cunt. But the sight of the riding crop on the desk, and the knowledge that they would use it brought this information flowing out of her mouth.

"I love a shave whore. It shows that she like her fucking. This one really likes to let it all hang out. You can tell from the way it's worn smooth. Tilt the cunt up so we can see inside. Why she even has the stars placed on her cunt lips like we require. Good whore!!" "Take the robe off! Now turn around, bend over, and spread your pretty legs for us. Good, now put the license below those sexy lips so their is no question as to whose cunt this was." the Master said. "Some times we get the tapes mixed up in editing. Those marks you had placed there are a real turn on. I like them. We'll add to them in future."

Now her offense was complete. The camera recorded her cunt and their would be no question of her identification.

The little stars burned into her nether lips were shown on the tape and her license showed to all that viewed it, whose lips they were. Their could be no question who or what she was, for who but a whore did a tape like this...

"Now rub that buzzed and give us a good show. That's a large sucker your got there. John go get a scale and see how big that thing is now and then let's see how big it can get when the little bitch rubs it a bit."

This was too much. She would balk, she just stood there in a daze. The command "Cut" came. Then an underhand crop stroke cut into her hanging defenseless tits.

"AHAIIIII" she screamed. She fell down and tried to protect the now aching tits, which had exploded in pain from the crop.

"I told you to do what was told you. Now you will do it or do we make those tits stripped like a red zebra.... Good... Now get back into position or we will stretch you out to give the crop a better target."

In terrible pain she hurried to resumed her former position.

She bent over and placed her license between her legs, like before. Then she proceeded to grasp her clit and tease it to it's full extent. The burning strip above her nipples reminded her to keep at it as ordered.

John came back and placed the scale next to her now unfurling clit.

"One inch almost." came the comment.

"After the party tonight I think this bitch will be much happier with a nice big ring in that and a small weight to stretch it out. Why I bet that we can get it to two - three inches in no time at all. It is remarkable the lengths that clits can be stretched to. Especially if they have bigger and bigger weights added to them. Why their was that other bitch... last week.. looked like she had a dick there. Didn't she??" came the comments.

she screamed in her mind.

Chapter #7


"OK Bitch. Now sit on the edge of the desk and pull up your legs to your chest, but keep the knees open to show off the goodies." came the command. "Make sure the robe is out of the way for the tape."

It took a lot of doing but she finally got to the desired position, on the corner of the desk, robe open over her shoulders, Knees up under her chin but spread for her tits to show through. Then she reached around her legs to spread her neither lips.. One of the boys took a instant camera and recorded her total assets then a 35mm camera recorded her assets. with numerous exposures.. Next close ups were then taken of them with the license taped in position.

A big photo album was brought out.

On the cover was placed the total exposed instant view. "Now sign your name and write the date in the pictures border." came the order. She unwound herself from the twisted posture and began to write what was required.

Her most embarrassing photo ever was thus acknowledged by her very own hand on the cover of her 'Whores Book' ..

When this was done, they brought out an official looking form and placed it on the table before her. It had the look of a legal document like say a house deed or such.

"Print your name on the first blank line, Then sign and date it at the bottom." he ordered.

She did it and looked up.

"Good. Now read it into the camera to assure us all that you know what you are agreeing to."


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The form read:


I. Annie Thomas, am a whore.

My cunt is totally out of control, and I am deeding it over to you for my own good.

I further give you complete control to my body. my cunt, ass, mouth, tits, and anything else you want to use.

I am to be trained to be a total sex slave. I will do your will and if I fail to please, PLEASE, punish me any was you wish.

I have some experience in fucking. Both cunt and ass, but I wish to get more and grow in expertise under your firm direction. You are to control access to these assets and not me. They are yours from this day forth, for as long as you are willing to train and own them. In future, if you are displeased with e, or feel I would benefit from some other owner, you may dispose of me.

My mouth has tasted some dicks, but I realize that I am not very experienced, so I agree to need a lot of practice to bring it to your standard. Please assign to me the largest, most gross dicks cunts, and ass holes to further my experiences. This I agreed to in order to prefect my whoring.

I have less experience with women, and even though I am not a lesbian, I agree that I need experience in this also. As with the above I deed the right to assign these task to me. If I fail to please I now agree to accept any punishment you decide.

From now on I agree that it is not my body. It is yours to do with what you want. I deed it to you and from now on it is your female body till you see fit to dispose of it..

As my body may not totally please you. I further agree I want any and all modification you deem necessary. This shall include, but not be limited to, tattooing, piercing, branding, ***s etc. Do this when you and where you wish. I need not be further be consulted.

This is signed by me in lea of the valuable training and control that I need . I will try to please you in all things but when I fail, please punish me anywhere, and anyway that you deem necessary.

To assess that I get the full benefit of the above I want all of the above to be filmed and I here by agree that all sales and viewing revenue of these tapes, films etc shall go to you to help offset the cost of my training. I will, by reviewing these, gain in attitude and deportment. The knowledge that others share my training will help me grow in my whoredom.

I further agree to sign over all my worldly goods. A slave should have nothing, should hide nothing and own nothing."

It was signed by Annie and then two of the boys witnessed it. Then a copy was placed into the first page of the album, after ten other copies were made. The original was taken away to be stored she knew not ware.

On the second page was a close up of her cunt, under which she had to write in longhand "My out of control cunt. Day one of my new Life!" Then the date.

Below this she had to write in detail the names, dates and times of the men who she knew that had been serviced by it. (For the boys she had to write UNKNOWN COCK PICKED AND SERVICED AT RANDOM with the current date and time.

She placed the picture of her lips on the next page and detailed the experience with Beth only a short time before. She added the name of the boy in high school whose cock she kissed.

On page four she wrote, below the close-up of her tits, "My Whore Tits before any adornments." This made her shutter when she considered what might happen to her some time in the future.

She was now totally enslaved. She had sign over all her worldly goods and herself to these cruel men and they did not seem capable of mercy to her.

Her book, the tapes and copies of her contract were locked away into the safe. One copy of her contract was put into a folder and kept along transported with her.

The robe was taken away and hung up. As her taping and auditioning was hot and horny work she had to serviced the horny men with her mouth and cunt. They encouraged her with a couple of slaps to her ass. After the robe was taken, she was again cuffed, gagged and lead nude from the office set to a waiting cage in the truck trailer.

Chapter #8


The sperm taste in her mouth lingered even though she was gagged with a plumb type rubber device. She was powerd to crawl, on her knees, head down into the wire cage.. The door was locked. The trailers doors were closed and locked, leaving her and the others in the pitch dark interior.

The four were all scared, chained, naked, sex slaves going to their first party. If she had come across such people, in her former life she would have been discussed. Now that it was her, and she was afraid .... and more sexually turned on than at any time in her life. She wished they had cuffed her hands in front... Her clit ached for attention..

It seemed like days in the dark, hot, noisy trailer, but after a long series of learching and falling they finally arrived... Somewhere...

When the door was thrown open they were all blinded by the bright light. They were let out and yoked together by neck chains that connected them by their throats. This made them easier to handle.

When vision returned to them, they found themselves in the back yard of a horse ranch. Right out in the open. This added to their discomfort as the three had not been naked outside ever. When they tried to bend over to hide, the neck chain strangled themselves and the next girls. They soon learned to stand up straight and endure their offense.

Tom came out dressed in black leather with a long whip.

Snap.... Snap....

With the snap of his wrist he obligate them to walk, then trot around the big training ring while the other boys again filmed their plight. One man filmed each girl and one camera was used for close ups of their pumping cunts and bouncing tits.

Annie, as she had the largest tits, was powerd to shake and bounce them till she felt like they might fall right off her chest. All the while the cameras recorded more and more footage for her exhibition tapes.

Mae Lee had to endure numerous close ups of her cunt slit and holes from her cameraman as she did not have jigglie tits.

Connie was powerd to try to bounce her tits. But as they were not as big as Annie's, she was constantly getting them slapped to try harder. The boys seemed determined to make the smaller organs flop just like the bigger ones.

After about an hour in the open the new 'fillies' were lead into the barn and chained to a wash rack. There two other denuded slaves waited with hoses and bristle brushes. The hoses had long brass nozzles and only cold water. (Why waste hot water on slaves?)

Each apprentice whore was douched out with the cold water first to "cool" them down. It brought about violent spasms from the girls and they were so cowed by this that the wash down like a horse was endured in silence. They did not want the hoses back in their cunts again and submitting meekly might guarantee this.

The crotch areas came in for thorough scrubbing with the bristle brushes. This brought about a rise of pink pussy meat as their was no hair to protect them now. Again they endured for fear of the cold water douche...

Next the girls pussies were thoroughly inspected by the boys with a camera, magnifying glasses and tweezers. Any remaining hair in this sensitive area was torn out.

Brad, as she was his 'Animal' did Annie's pussy. She endured a lot of pain to denude the folds of her lips. Then too, around her ass hole was particularly painful. Then Brad to make his pussy look better gave it a mild acid rinse, this to lighten dark inner skin.

She now was lead with the rest to a stage in the back of the Barn. Beth gave a demonstration of what was going to be required of them for the displaying of their treasures to the audience due here shortly.

Beth walked to elevated center stage behind the Masters lowered podium and bent forward and down to hang her tits out into his hand. After he fondled them, and released her fleshy orbs. She straightened up and she grabbed the railing behind her. She spread her legs wide and squatted down. She further spread her knees open so that her cunt, clit and all were open to the audience sight. Her little ring, in her fold, hung down and gleamed in the harsh spotlight.

The Master toyed with her dangling little weighed ring and then stuck his finger inside her. She was ordered to squeeze and he seemed satisfied with her. When he withdrew his finger releasing her, she stood up.

She then turned around bent over and spread her legs again so that now her neither hole was displayed for all to see. The Master fingered this too and then withdrew his finger.

She then turned back and, when presented with his finger, sucked it clean of her traces.

"Now this is the routine that each of you will do tonight for my guests. We will practice it now, till we get it right.... OK?"

This was the way that each of them was going to be displayed tonight for the crowd so they had to practice the routine. They went over it many times and every time a balk was detected they were encouraged with a slap to the side of the tit or other offending body part.

Finally they were lead back to the wash rack again where another impermisteral scrubbing was done. This time, the slaves went about making up the new comers. Their hair was cut short and dried and styled. Their nipples and both set of lips were brightened with an iridescent shade of red. Their cheeks were coated to heighten contrast and the inner crotch was coated with iridescent purple.

Glitter was added to around their eyes, chest, and legs to add to their allure. Annie would have been happy for all the attention if clothes were included. As it was she was just another naked sex slave/whore being prepared for her customers.

A four inch high black nylon collar was locked to each girls neck. Their only covering.

"These collars contained microphones and electrodes." he said, "The microphones will keep us informed of your conversations and after your performance if we find any problems we will punish you and make you the sorriest whore in this world. The electrodes will 'remind you' immediately if you are failing your whoredom."

"You will do the required poses and then you will go to the display table for examination, and to await selection."

"As the contracts say all this flesh belongs to me.' he said running his hand over MAe's smooth round boyish ass. "You have no part in any of that. As your contract states, I will rent it to anyone, I want to and you will do, with it what I rented it for. Their will be no sniveling, no slacking. If you do I will have the doctor take a tuck in the cunt and ass and then next time you will have the experience a virgin break in every night. Or else I will send you to a group of sadistic clients for their attentions. Some of them are really creative with... Well let's not even think of that.... NOW!"

"Their is nothing more dick hardening than a group of whores chained together, made up like you. Now get out there and do some good whoring with my female bodies. Make me proud of my little whores."

Chapter # 9


The slaves were joined by six other female whores. The new ones were made up the same and attached along the chain. They were all held in a dark are, back stage, waiting for the party to begin.

A growing noise level told them all that the audience for their first "Party" was arriving and being greeted by the boys. They cowered in their painted nudity hoping this was a bad dream and they would wake up and find they were home safe in their beds.

This did not happen. At precisely eight o'clock the curtain went up and the line of nude female slaves were dragged up to the brightly lit stage for their exhibition. Beth lead the line.

"Ladies and Gentlemen I am again happy to present to you my selection of "Party Animals" for this evening. They have all come here to service you in your every desire. No need to be shy, these fillies, recruited from the ends of the earth will satisfy you, or we will find you one that will."

"Why just look at how they are made up. Everyone has a shaved slit. So they will not hide anything from you, their temporary owners."

"Take my word for it. They will do it all and they will be happy only with your satisfaction, or we will get you one that will make you happy. No desire or perversion is beyond these whores."

"The customer is all ways right here and they know it. I, and they, would not have it any other way."

"You report any and all complaints to me or one of my men and we will make it right for you."

"Now let me present the slits that we have on display here."

Beth did the drill. She put her tit in his hand and he, this time, caught the nipple, and twisted it like he was changing stations on an old radio.

"Beth here is a little masochist. She was a little on the snotty side by nature till we brought that out of her. See how she likes to have her tits pulled. This increases her worth to us. Soon she will be able to show you more pleasure with her bigger softer tities stretched out to here."

He let go of her tit and she assumed the second position, giving the audience a beaver shot, if their had been hair. As it was she was just a naked purple painted cunt shown to all in the audience.

"She insisted that we scallop the edges of her cunt and then the ring was added at her insistence. She also has a snapping pussy if you wish this of her."

When his finger was removed from her cunt she turned and presented her ass hole, for all to see. He stuck in his fingers.

"This again has been stretched to assure that the biggest of you can be accommodated.... Comfortably...."

He removed his fingers and she turned around and accepted his fingers in her mouth and began to slide her lips up and down them suggestively.

"Need I say that she sucks both cocks, and cunts like a dream. Why this little "Animal" will drain your balls, or dry your cunt like you always dreamed. Let's hear it for our first little 'Party Animal'". he said.

The crowd gave a rousing cheer and Beth was lead away to a display table.

The show went on....


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Annie was next. She knew she was going to be sick. She wished she could faint but they had been warned. Disturb the spectacle and their would be dire consequences, so she stepped forward to endured the offense of her exhibition. She stepped forward bent over and put her right tit in the Masters hand as required.

"This soft cushy tit belongs to me now. It's former owner signed it to me this very afternoon. The two of them will give pleasure to you and me for a long time. Why I may, when I'm tired of them, have them cutoff and mounted on my wall. As I said I have the deed to this little bitch and all of it is mine, and of course for rent to you."

Twisting her nipple he smiled at the crowd, but finally let go. In pain, she went to the open cunt position. Now she had shown all of them her painted sex. They saw that she was female. Their could be no doubt. Her bright purple painted inside lips clearly showed her large sensitive clit hanging down to all present.

"When I found this little bitch she was attacking my boys for the sperm in their dicks. She is insatiable. I think this comes from her big clit. Makes for a true nympho. Can you all see this thing?? I think, to slow her down in future, I will have to ring it. Elsewise she might drain the life out of some poor unfortunate. Enjoy this unringed for tonight only."

He finger fucked her cunt hole and worked her clit. The crowd watching, and Annie exhibiting herself, heated up. He withdrew and she stood shakily and turned. She bent over as she had been taught. And facing away from them she was able to pretend that she was doing this for Brad alone and this calmed her slightly. Then her asshole stretched around his fingers and he announced,

"This is still a real tight one. We have had very few dicks in here. It will need many more to stretched it further. Any of you out there want the challenge?? I will make a special half price offer for this task tonight. For one night only! Any of you who have at least 8" and/or are at least 3" in diameter and want to help this little hole relax to it's new life, Why you just see the men and for 1/2 price you will get a number for this little 'Animal's' ass

He withdrew his finger and she stood and turned. She bent and sucked his dirty finger clean despite her sick feelings.

she thought.

"Of course her mouth is inexperience but she does have some lezzie experience for you ladies out there. Any takers to help with her education?? She will be on display till the end of the exhibition so get your reservations in early. I know she will please you... I guarantee it.."

Annie stepped down in a dais. She was taken over to the display table. She was placed on her back. Her neck, and waist were secured to the table with straps. Then her ankles were raised to her neck strap and secured up by her ears. She was then powerd to open her own labia to show her holes to the passing gaze of the customers, with her own fingers..

There she stayed, during the rest of the 'show' while a groups of 'customers' looked in and over her formally hidden treasures. The female 'customers' were particularly catty in their comments.

Suddenly a familiar female voice caused her more embarrassment than she had ever had in her life.

"Look John, it is Annie! Our snooty next door neighbor. Now you can really see if she is a 'tight ass bitch', like you are always saying." Vera Miller cried out smiling down with glee over Annie's prostrated displayed nude form. "Go on test her ass..."

Reluctantly at first, John put his finger in her ass and, when Annie did not object, he exclaimed "It is! It really is tight, she has a tight ass hole. A real tight ass on this bitch." John added embolden when she did not object, and still smiled. "What say, Vera, why don't we rent out old Annie here. She is right here and .... and as I get her ass for half price. You ... you can play your lickie games with her and we don't have to break the piggie bank to do her..."

These were John and Vera Miller! In her former life she would not even speak to these uncouth people, Now, here she was displayed, nude, her total self, with her own hands, as ordered, holding open cunt lips and John's finger in her ass hole. She wished she could die.

"Why did you come here to be a "PARTY ANIMAL", dear?" Vera smiled down fingering Annie's clit. "That nice man made it seem like you are just a little pervert? Looking for dicks and cunts to service..."

Annie hesitated, but a shock to her neck reminded her that they were listening to her. She had better go on with her owners or else....

"As he said, I was out for dicks to suck and fuck. They have accepted my body for this party and if I work out I will get all them I want." Annie answered hopping she had answered correctly.. Inside she felt a part of her dying. Hastily she added, "But I do...cunts...too."

"He did mention cunt lapping, dear. Do you like doing cunts too?? I know John will enjoy stretching your tight little ass, but will you be as good a little cunt lapper to me? I mean after all we do know each other, and I so like to have my cunt tongue fucked by a nice naked bitch." Vera taunted her as she ran her hand over the painted sex.

"I am very inexperienced in that Vera, maybe you would be happier with another more experienced 'Animal'." She replied, but another shock to her neck made her add, hastily "But if you will instruct me, I will try to please you."

"It would be a big turn on for me to have your nose in my ass giving me a nice tongue bath. Yes I think that I will have a go at your mouth while John does your ass. See you in a while." said Vera as the happy couple walked out of Annie's tear filled eyes sight to arrange Annie's price.

This is the worst of all worlds. She had resigned herself to being a sex slave for now but this will guarantee she could never be free and return to her normal life. Her neighbors!! They know! Soon the hole neighborhood will. They will be able to control and use her any time they want. And now she had to ... to...

Chapter # 10

Her time on the display table lasted till all the other girls were exhibited and placed on the display table. Then all the customers came over and had their free feels and pokes. Soon selections were made. Money was exchanged.

The Master came over with the Millers and announced, "You lucky bitch. This man has a large cock, and he has volunteered to help you loosen that tight ass hole of yours, and his wife ... she has graciously agreed to help you with your cunt lapping. Now isn't that nice?? Add to that they are your friends so their is no need for you to feel the least bit shy. Why you just live next door to them, right. What a small world. Now you please these people and show then what one of my whores can do. I want their repeat business. They might even tell your mutual friends what a good whore I have in you. My business will double for this and the other cunts. I count on word of mouth advertising, you know..."

"I will do my best Master," she replied as he released her legs and then her torso. She got up from the table and tried to work out the stiffness from her body.

"Go to the wash rack and have them clean your holes and lub your ass for these nice peoples pleasure. My whores are all ways fresh and lubed, for customers." he said running his hand up her now sweaty back like the proud owner he was.

"Yes Master." she replied. Head down, she hobred over to the wash rack and the waiting slaves. They douched her out with ice water rinsed her and scented her body. Then one of the denuded slaves greased up her finger and lubbed Annie's ass, cunt, and lips.

The Master looked her over and ordered, "Go to them and be a real good whore or you will have a the whole week to reflect on customer servicing. HA HA. He told me he all ways dreamed of having at your tight little ass... and now thanks to me... Go .. Go... Make him happy.. You beautiful little slut bitch."

She went over to John and Vera and reluctantly presented them with 'their whore'. They eagerly lead her to a large reserved room in the side of the barn, locked the door. John began to strip down for the action to follow.

Annie tried to appear unconcerned, standing there nude waiting for her neighbors to use her. But as the time approached she hoped for some reprieve but none came. When they were naked John said, "To prove your good intentions go over and .... kiss Veras feet."

Annie wanted to rebel, but the events of the day and the high collar reminded her that she had better do it now. She hurried over and knelt down and kissed Veras feet. When she looked up, Vera was smiling like the Cheshire cat. Vera reached down and opened her smelly hairy cunt lips.

"Plant those lips here and lickie, lickie." Vera ordered with a smile..."What are you waiting for, service my cunt. Annie. Have you serviced old Mrs. Fitzgerald.... or the Wilmister's..."

As Annie approached Vera's cunt reluctantly, the hair was a barrier. As it was not denuded, it smelled terrible to a close nose. The odor of old piss and other body orifices assailed her, though it had no ringed clit, like Beth's, and the little button was not as hard to get at... But this cunt would be all the harder as she had, before, known and hated the owner. Her audience before then were strangers, but these, these were people she knew!!

She knelt there starring at the hairy mess and thought < These horrible people were her inferiors.... She should not be... But to them.... now.. she was a whore.> Her collar shocked her and this convinced her to continue. She opened her mouth, extended her tongue and went to licking her first hairy neighbors cunt.

The smell and taste were hard, but the hair shedding in her mouth was horrible. She almost gagged a couple of times but the consequences assured her that she had to do it regardless of her physical feelings.

"With some more practice she could get the hang of this. John bring me the chair so that I can get comfortable. That way you can get behind her and have a go at that ass hole, just like you've all ways wanted." Vera ordered.

She sat on the edge of the chair and ordered, "Do my ass hole first, Slut. Lots of tongue. Lick up and down over it till I tell you, then you can really concentrate on my glory hole. You will do a good job... won't you dear.... Or else... We'll ask for a refund."

Annie bent over and started to do the hateful task required. In her exposed position she felt a push at her pussy hole. She was thankful. She was soo grateful that she licked Vera with greater enthuse.

"My that really turned her on John. Annie your such a whore... Now show me your love my pretty ass hole. French kiss it." Vera ordered.

This was disgusting, but she did it. She stabbed it into Vera's hole and Vera tried to trap, her tongue, there by clamping down on the elusive wet organ. She was lost in an approaching sexual frenzy when John withdrew from her cunt. She felt hollow for only a moment and then he drove forward into her ...tight ... little...ass hole. No slow, gradual progress this time. Just a slam home to the balls in her.....

"Her tongue seems to be deeper." Vera observed. "Or is that the end of your cock coming out her mouth John?"

Annie was not sure either. She felt as if she could feel John's cock deep in her belly. Maybe it was coming out of her mouth.

"Ahhhh Ah ahah" Annie managed on John's next full thrust and when he withdrew again her ass hole did not have any further resistance. Her ass grommet clung to his dick to help stabilize its fully stuffed position. Then a slap to her head got her attention.

"You better not forget me, your, mistress." Vera announced. "Lickie whore... you have to please me..."

Annie now corrected, went back to the heinous task with her tongue. Combined with the stuffing of her ass Annie felt the sexual fires rising in her guts.

She came. Now she knew ... she was really just a hot asses whore. To cum from these people, doing this...The Master was right. She was just a stuck up whore. Well she was not stuck up any more, she was stuck in the ass and liking it. Any normal woman did not do this, and like it soo. Or did they?? Her whole being was being destroyed with this. She was learning of the whore deep in her heart.

Shortly her tonguing brought Vera off. This was accompanied by a little piss and a flow of female honey all over her face, most of which she caught in the eyes. All and all, though, she managed to satisfy her first customers and she even managed to come herself.

A knock at the door announced that the Miller's time with her was over and they reluctantly let her go with the man sent to bring her back to the display table. The Millers stayed to put on their clothes before they vacated the room.

Annie was again placed on the display table with her ankles secured to straps near her ears. She held open her ass cheeks for the inspection of the customers. She felt John's sperm dribbling out. It turned her on. It was there for all to see she was an ass fucked whore.

A very fat men looked her over. He fingered her nipples and holes but went away when he withdrew a dirty finger from her ass.

Brad came over and released her from the table and presented her to the Fat Man. " Clean up his finger..Slut... Just a simple ass suck and blow job. Why you should get him off and be back in no time ---------------------------------- at all. Now get to the wash rack..."

The trip to the wash rack was to insure the client of a fresh easily accessible, sweet smelling whore. This time as she had been pissed on, so they hosed her down all over. Why they even had her use mouth wash.

She was taken to another room and presented to her new client. He had disrobed and he looked like the dough boy. Everywhere their was white stinking rolls of fat. It discussed her. She, in her normal life, would not even talk to this tub of lard. But this was not her normal life, if that was every to come back again.

Chapter #11

The fat white skinned tub waddled to her and began to slobber over her breasts. She was discussed, in her former life she would not even cuckolds brownie on this disgusting oaf. She started to pull back from him but the consequences stopped her. She clutched him to her breast and waited for the slobbering to abate.

"What's a matter honey?? Don't you love me?? You want me to get another whore?? The man said that you would give me complete satisfaction or I could get someone else."

Her collar tingled and she remembered that she was not in her former life. She had better forget her disgust and get to this man and get it done to his satisfaction. Nothing less would be tolerated.

"No sweaty. I was just overwhelmed by you. Their is soo much of you for a little girl like me." She reached down and took his small flaccid prick in her hands and began to rub the slimy thing. <"Maybe I can get him off just like this." she hoped>

He smiled and sucked her painted nipples. In spite of herself she began to get aroused. Her nipples hardened, and his pudgy fingers moved up and down her denuded slit. This awakened her clit. In spite of her reservations even this fat pig was getting to her.

He broke away from her, got on his hands and knees facing away from her and presented her with his fat white ass cheeks. "Let's get on with it bitch, before I blow my wad all over you. I know you don't get me off before you get to get a taste my sweet ass hole. HA HA" he said.

Peering into the dank, smelly crack, she tried to prepare herself to .... lick this tub to an orgasm. It was bad enough for her that she was compelled to be in a same room with him. To be naked, but to be his sex toy. To be subservient to this disgusting hulk...

Reluctantly she spread the fat cheeks of his ass with her hands and stuck out her tongue. She held her breath to keep from throwing up and began her onerous task.

"Up and down. Up and down. Bitch." The tub ordered.

As she had surrendered what did it matter? She obeyed. She even lingered over the ultimate target, his ass hole. If she got it teased enough she might just get him off without... She dropped her hand from his ass cheeks and fished for his dick. She found it. Wedging her face in his ass she lowered her other hands to his balls. She fondled the dick and tugged gently on the balls. This had the desired result. The fat cheeks quivered against her face and the balls generated the desired fluid. The dick spat it's load into the sheet below him while the wale bellowed and shook in his pleasure.

He bellowed announced that she had succeeded. She had got him off. Whores do that... and now she was to be spared the humiliating taste of sucking of this disgusting ass as he had wanted of her.

He turned to her with a flaccid greasy dick. and admonished her, "I came too soon. Suck my ass again and get it right this time. I paid for an ass reaming with your tongue and I am going to get just that. All the whore tricks in the world are great but I am going to have what I paid for too. You want to throw in a free hand job.... Fine with me Now do what I want WHORE!"

She was horrified. Her big scam ... her whores trick... went all for naught.

With out another word, he turned around and she had to start again on his ass all over again. She looked at her customers disgusting ass and knew what she had to do it again... and from now on she would do only what was required..

"No teasing this time. French kiss that ass hole and show some enthusiasm. You are a whore aren't you??" he ordered.

She hated it, but he was right. To him she was just a whore and he had paid for her. He wanted his money's worth and she had to give him satisfaction or suffer the consequences. She stabbed her precious tongue into the neither hole and began her task again. She again pried his ass cheeks open further to let her breath, and she again tried to get him off but this time to give satisfaction.

As he had just come, it would take a longer time. She should have done what was ordered the first time. They would neither relieve her nor grant her a rest till she did the task at hand.

She knew somewhere they were watching her...

After what seemed like hours he again quivered, bellowed, and his dick shot a thin fluid again into the sheet. She had done the deed and given the customer more than he paid for. she thought.

Jake came and took her out of the room. They went to an empty room alone. He made her stand with her legs wide apart. He took a riding crop from his belt and using upper cuts up between her spread legs while she screamed told her,

"Do what the customer wants. Nothing extra. We give away the free bees. You just provide what we order up. You got it??"

After five cuts Jake stopped and said,

"Next time I wont be soo gentle."


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They then had her signed an undated set of commitment papers to sent her to a "rest and mental health" sanitarium if they wanted to in the future. This guaranteed a way to dispose of this sex mad creature in the future if necessary.

She was required to rub a depilatory into her newly shaved cunt and it was then slapped it vigorously with a belt for a long time to insure that it was very sensitive to any stimulation, for a while she was to be only fucked from the back but they wanted her fuck pad ready anyway.

This was to allow her clit to accept the ringing, and allow her to get accustom to giving pleasure to anyone like the true 'Animal' she was....

She was on all fours being cunt fucked when the telephone rang.

Jake answered it.

It was a workmate of hers asking for a date.

After instructions she picked up the phone during her fucking.

She answered as instructed, "No! No date! I am nice and naked and being fucked but I want more. I'll will await for you here for another good fucking, provided you can reach an agreement with my owner on the financial terms." Then she gave the phone to Jake who proceeded to rent her body for the $100.

The guy would have probably put that into the date anyway and without getting any pussy. Now their was no deceptions. He would pay and he would get his piece...

During the bargaining session Annie was turned to blow Jake. She got a thrill from knowing that this is how it will be from now on. She was just a naked 'Animal' for the Masters' pleasure. She would just get and give pleasure.

As she tongue swabbed Jake's piss hole, the Phone rang again and again it was another customer. As her mouth was kept busy Jake bargained her ass again for the price that the date would have spent anyway. She perverse pleasure from give his dick a hell of a licking. Jake had to put down the phone and bellowed.

"You better hurry up whore. I got you a couple of bookings for that ass tonight and I want you to do it's best. Now more feelings the molars or your customers, 'll wait while I spend the rest of the afternoon knocking those teeth out to make you a better cock sucker."

She fucked his dick with her oral fuck tool. He took her ears and fed his big dick into her throat saying, "Swallow that dick you fucking whore." as she gagged and tried to make room for the big prick in her throat, till recently, virgin throat.

When he came again, he just let his meat sit there, deep in her throat, cutting off her air. He smiled into her panic stricken face as she turned various colors. She realized that he was in total control. She should and could do nothing. If he wanted to finish her, what better method than his cock? It was a soothing realization that this too was theirs. Only yesterday she would have been horrified at this thought but now it seemed like a hole truth.

"Don't just sit there whore. Slide that throat up and down my prick. Boy you are a dumb whore." said Jake with a slap to the top of her head.

Annie began to slid her distressed throat up and down her owners prick and she brought him off again in a short time. She looked up adoringly hoping for some sign of praise or anything else. She got nothing but Jake's tasty sperm.

The door bell rang and she shuttered as it was probably one of her 'customers'. One of the boys opened it to admit her ... neighbor ... Vera! She came right in, went over to the kneeling Annie and looked down at the 'Animal' appraising the nudity. Suddenly something caught her eye. She stopped, knelt, and began to finger and admire the New Cunt ring dangling from Annie's sensitive pierced clit. She knelt behind Annie and could have been examining a new ear ring or necklace on a normal woman. But here she was with her hand in her neighbors sex examining A CLIT RING...

"You really did it. Now she will have to take on the customers from the back, just like the 'Animal' she is. Too bad John had to go to work. I know he would love this." Vera bubred over with her new discovery.

"We still have to mark her ass and start the hair treatment so you just go on back to your house work, Vera." said Jake.

"Aw let me get a little head from the whore. You said she had little female experience and I am willing to let her practice on my cunt and ass. besides maybe I wasn't done right last night..." Vera offered.

"You know that we charge for her services. You can sit on her face while Tom here does her hair for... let me see...$25." Jake offered.

"But I want another go for last night... You should really honor your guarantees, you know. Beside I don't have any more money right now. Let me take her into the bedroom, I couldn't do it in front of you guys. But let me have a go at her for free." Vera demanded. "She does needs the experience. He said so last night... Besides she did not do very good..."

"Well...I don't know... let me see. We ain't got any video of her in some lezzie action. Your willing to do some 69ing with her we could film. We could charge it off to instructional video." Jake offered consulting his note book.

"What kind of a woman do you think that I am. I couldn't do such a thing. I am a respectable married woman, not a whore. " Vera blustered.

Annie said nothing. She was horrified that Jake would make her do this. She was not queer. She didn't mind the men. She could get off with men but Vera. She hated her. She wouldn't do it. Still... Wait a minute he had film of her with Vera from last night. What was Jake trying to do? Maybe he had something else up his sleeve.

"Take it or leave it." Jake said. "Strip down and start with the lezzie stuff or get out of here so we can do our work on our little 'Animal' here."

"Right here. In front of all of you? I mean I'm not a whore like her" Vera argued, looking longingly at Annie's ringed denuded cunt, but their was a wavering in her voice. She was turned on, Jake could see it. Annie from her kneeling position could smell it.

Annie thought

"You won't tell John that I did this will you? I mean if I want to use the whore without him being." Vera asked. "He might get pissed.."

Chapter #15

As she wavered Jake released Annie's hands gave her a short riding crop. Then he instructed Annie, "I'll bet you she could be made into a nice obedient little lezzie bitch out of you in no time at all."

Annie was bewildered. She was the naked sex slave, or was she? After last night she hated Vera but... well was she up to this?? Then a sense of power from the crop came over her. This bitch made her crawl last night. This was her chance!! She could show this bitch who was a whore. She'd make this bitch wish she was never born.

Vera was shocked at his words and action. She started for the door but the boys blocked her off at every turn. Finally she turned to face the new threat from the naked ringed slave... with a crop.

"Strip bitch or I will beat the panties off you." Annie ordered.

"NO!!! I'm not like that....AHhhhhh..." Vera cried.

Annie struck her in the chest as Vera sought to turn away. The power of the blow and the place caused Vera to fall over and curl up in a ball. Annie rained down blow after blow any place she could till she became tired. Vera screamed, begged, and pleaded the whole time, but Annie did not stop as it felt soo good to be on the giving end for a change. Especially with Vera..All her fear and rage and sex worked out on Vera's shirking hide .

"Now get up bitch or I will have to ask for a bigger whip to get some real sting in that pelt of yours." Annie demanded.

A sniveling Vera arose, shakily... and stood there sobbing warily watching for her chance to escape further cuts from that crop. She tried to rub the hurt areas but their were soo many that she could not get to all of them.

"I said strip bitch or I will have the boys spread you out so I can work on those tiny milk bags of yours." Annie demanded indicating Verb's vulnerable and now sore tits.

Veer began to wail but seeing no alternative. she began to slowly do as ordered. To have her tits whipped further was unthinkable. Surely John would come home and stop this. He would save her from this bitch and these monsters. She had to delay...

Her clothes were torn from the beating but she sought to delay in hopes that someone, anyone, would 'save her'. What did happen was; Annie flexed the crop and her other tit flared in hurt like it's twin. Veer screamed but one of the boys held her hair so she could not fall this time.

"I mean it! Strip bitch and be quick about it. We will have customers coming for me, but I'm sure the boys can arrange for you to service a few after you make your first movie as a lesbian bitch." Annie said as she slashed the crop across Verb's belly, this time. As Veer had sought to cover her sore tits with her arm, but she could not protect everything at once.

"Stop... Please stop...I'm not that kind of woman. I won't tell anyone just let me get out of here and we can for get the whole... Ahhhhhh Stop Please stop... Owwwwww." pleaded the half naked Vera, as she sought to get her shorts off while protecting her vulnerable tits.

When she was finally naked, Jake ordered her to pose for the running cameras and Annie stood by to enpower the required poses, with her ever present whip. Vera was not happy, but assumed the required poses to show the hang of her tits, the pink of her inner pussy, the inside of her slit and her fuck holes, cunt, ass, and mouth. Now the boys tied her hands behind her back. Forced her to kneel before Annie's denuded ringed crotch.

"This is to give you some incentive to lick and suck the practice pussy with no slacking." Jake explained as he powerd her head into the former neighbors crotch. "If you waste any more time trying to bargain, I'm sure Annie will encourage you with her whip. Now get on with the practice session so I can access your true potential."

The totally cowed Vera sunk down under Annies cunt. Looking up into the waiting pussy, she thought The touch of the crop on her naked shoulder brought her to heel. She stretched up into the waiting pussy determined to make someone, anyone pay for this offense. for now she might have to perform like some common slut but soon.....

If it wasn't for the continuing sting in her compressed tits and other parts she would rebel, but the whip was there and the men were to block any escape, and her hands were tied... The filming went on. The degradation was being recorded, she had no choice.

She nosed aside the pussy lips and was met with the metal ring. she thought. She hesitated and the crop cut her back. Quickly she stabbed her tongue into Annie's pussy. Vera had never heard of such a thing. She hoped to lick and suck the clit and get this over with shortly, but what would she do now?

In answer to her hesitation Annie said, "I know you would like to stop and admire it but we haven't the time now bitch. For now just get on with it. Start licking up and down the whole slot, bitch. Then when I tell you, you concentrate on the asshole. I want you to really convince me that you are in love with my ass hole. In the future we will give you enough of then to assure you that you will get all excited just thinking about having an ass hole to lick. I'm sure you are perverted enough.."

Do what they might they would not get her to be that perverted. She was a decent woman. But she stuck out her tongue and tasted some cum leaking down from Annies hole. Vera thought.

she hoped.

Chapter #16

She licked and licked. The used pussy she was eating had not been cleaned today so it became her task to groom it. Vera could imagine no more odious task. The fact that her hands were denied her make it all the more horrible. She had to used her tongue and cheeks and she hated every minute of it....

Sure she had been on the receiving end of such homage, but those were just sluts. She was... well superior to them. She had been raised with all the privilege her rich parents could lavish on her and John had kept up the treatment. To be reduced to this was unthinkable.

She felt hands on her ass. Someone separated her buns and toyed with her neither hole. No! Not there. John had tried to and she had threatened to leave him flat. She stopped licking and started to object, but a slap to the back of her head and a touch of the crop on her naked sholder drove her back into her facial cleaning task.

She felt a dick powering it's way into her hole. It pushed and pushed. She knew she would be split it if gained entrance to her vitals.

Annie sat down on a chair the boys brought her. Forced Vera's face deeper into her smooth cunt and reached back to spread the shrinking ass for it's further penetration by Tom. Aided by this, spreading, the stiff dick gained entrance to this reluctant ass hole.

"Ahaaaa... " Vera reared up in spite of the treats to protest this new invasion of her formally most private hole.

Annie managed a cross cut to Veras chest to bring her to heal. Then powerd Vera's pained face back into her pussy. The dick in her ass powerd muscle after muscle in it's relentless pursuit of a bottom that wasn't there.

When Tom had sunk to the balls he paused to whip the sweat off his brow. This was hard work he thought, but someone had to do it. He slowly withdrew till only the head remained inside her, paused to allow her muscles to relax, then plunged into her with all his weight. Truly a great feeling for him as her ass hole spasmed around his frictioning dick. His motions in her dry ass hole were beyond pain for her.

Despite the smarting chest she again reared and screamed. As if on que Annie got in some shots at the already striped tits. When she again bent over and covered her chest Annie continued on her shoulders and back to encourage her to go on with her tonguing of her own ass hole whileVera's was martyred.

"Stop...Oh Please stop... You are *******ing me, Please I will do anything..." Vera pleaded.

"Tongue my ass hole you slut." Annie accented her order with the crop. "Never mind that slight tickling Toms dick is giving you. You should be happy for the any attention to that skinny ass of yours." Annie demanded. "Now you will have to get use to servicing the dicks of real men in there not the little neadle dick of that winp of a husband."

"Hurry up Tom cream the bitch so we can get on with the preparations of the other bitch for her guests." Jake ordered.

Annie was too lost in the lapping tongue to catch the reference that she was naught but a pawn in this game. She was lost in the power of the whip in her hand and the domination of her former tormentor. She had never had a tongue induced come and it was just too delicious to waste on thinking.

She thought that from now on she would like to have her holes serviced by this bitches tongue. The uses she could put that tongue to... cleaning her after sex, a tongue bath after a night of passionate sex... etc. She would never use toilet paper again if she had the use of Veras tongue. She would make Vera pay and pay...

A slap to her face brought Annie back to reality. Vera was pulled back and told to take from the funnel powerd in her mouth. She started to protest but someone held her nose and she began to take before she drown in the boys piss.

As the level went down her nose was released but the liquid was refilled to keep the taste in her mouth and to fill up her stomach with liquid. This will play a role in her further training.

Annie was covered with the cape and taken to a electrolysis shop in the down town area. She was uncovered, stretched out on a table and a lecherous fat old man went to work with a buzzing sound in her crotch area. It hurt her all ready sensitized cunt tissue but when she objected a ball gag stopped the protest. The machine was electrocuting her crotch hair, follicle by follicle. The new owners were making sure their new cunt was going to remain clean and smooth to excite the customers and show off the new art work planned for the creamy skin.

Annie did not know what they had planned for her private areas but she could not do anything but lie there and cringe in pain and embarrassment at all the attention that her formally private parts were getting. she thought.

The denuding went on for what seemed like hours. The little hair roots around her ass hole were particularly painful. Throughout the session the old fat man got excited a couple of times and made use of her cunt and ass hole. Finally, after using her ass for the second time, the old man pronounced this session over. She was to be return in a couple of days to get any of the stubborn remaining hairs removed. Jake produced her own check book.

"Pay the good doctor for fixing up that slimly cunt of yours to it's sleek look. Make it for double his usual fee." Jake ordered. "He did a good job.."

She wrote the electrolysis specialist a check for $1000. Not only was she being made a slave, but sha was powerd to use her own money to pay for it. (It was in the contract!)

Jake covered her and took her across the street. She was soo scared that she all most pissed on herself. The cape flopped as she walked and if it flew open she would be there, on a city street, in the middle of the day, a denuded sex slave for all too see. She could imagine no worse fate in her life. Why did her cunt drip soo much?? What was becoming of her??

The tattooing shop that they entered catered to the S & M trade and had all sort of chains and whips as decorations. Jake sat her on the table in the back room and laid her out on her back. Chained her neck to the table and raised her knees up to a strap, and fixed then so that they would be out of the way for the rest of the procedure.

Her chit ring was pulled up out of the way and the fraternity's sign was imprinted on the inside of her ass cheek. When this was finished she was turned over and "PARTY ANIMAL" was imprinted across both of her ass cheeks. This was permanent!! For as long as she lived she would be a whore... a sex save to these cruel men. It is horrible, or is it?? She must be going sex mad... She loved IT!!!

Jake again powerd her to write the man a check and this man required a deep throat blow job. She was soo into her new life she did not even think of rebelling. She now had no choice. She could not, and did not want to try to get back to her 'normal' life.


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Chapter #17

Her trip back to her former home, with the timbling cunt and ass, convinced her that she was now and for all the foreseeable future, a sex slave to these men of the Fraternity. Her former wants and plans were forgotten. Her whole life now centered around her sex and the pleasure she was rented to get from and give to others.

No more was she able to flirt and tease to get what she wanted. They rented her former charms to get what they wanted. She just existed to do their bidding. If she needed any proof, just look at her clit ring, and her denuded cunt and the permanent markings on her cunt lips and ass.

Should she attempt to escape?? What could she do? She had been in bondage since her "procurement" yesterday, and the more time went on the more permanent the enslavement became. She had been an independent woman. Sure she used her cunt to get what she wanted before but what woman didn't. Now sitting here with her naked ass on the cold vinyl seat under a cape being finger fucked by Jake, she was not sure what she wanted to do. Her cunt had never dripped soo much. She had never come so many times ...but she had no control ... did she want to change this?

Sure Jake was a hairy natural and he embarrassed her but he gave her multiple orgasms like she had never had before. He powerd her to do nasty things... which she grew to love. The Master, Brad and the rest put her up for display and rent to the all comers. She should be furious, but the comes she had had. Sure her ass hole was sore, but she would never have had the nerve to let any one use it. She would never, in a million years, have licked that fat mans ass hole, her throat was sore, and she had never felt these before but they had made her.... She had hated it.. or did she? She had jerked the bastards cock off and squeezed his balls, like a wanton whore, and she enjoyed her power over him. When she had him in her total control. Sure it was nasty, by her former standards, but now that she had done it, she now knew the feeling of power and sexual release. She was not the same woman as before. What was she becoming?? It was soo difficult with Jakes insistent fingers scratching her clit.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a tug on her clit ring and...

"Out of the car bitch." Jake ordered as they had arrived at her house. "Your first customer is here."

The black compact belonged to Bill Snyder, a coworker who had called for a date and been sold her servicing. This 'first customer' would effectively end her job. When he blabbed, and men all ways blabbed, she would not be able to show her face at there again and be taken for anything but a slut. A slut who sold her favors for money.

When they entered the door Bill was getting a blow job from a half naked Vera. (A chastity belt, that held a catheterizing plug in her captive urethra, and a thick black but plug in her ass insuring her total obedience and, covered her slit.)

To the casual observer who saw her urgently humping her body on Bills leg and swallowing his dick. She appeared like any other sex mad slut out for that her next taste of cum.

Little did you realize that she had been promised a long free piss if she convinced Bill to pay her the $100 for her mouth that he had agreed to for Annie's. The pressure in her bladder robbed her of any thoughts of slaking. She did her task like the her whole existence depended on the taste of Bill's sweet cum.

Annie did not know the duress that Vera was under. She marveled at the enthusiasm shown on Bill's dick. She had all ways thought that Vera was a slut but now she was convinced that she was a cock hungry whore. So much for her cool exterior, Annie now knew the truth about this bitch.

"Looks like you are too late for your first appointment bitch. Go clean up for the next one." Jake ordered.

Bill came with a roar. He had never had such a hungry bitch before. Her tits humping his leg, her fingering of his balls. He shot his total wad. He made a note to ask for this bitches number for future dates. This is what he came for and no bull cuckolds brownie either. No dinner, no games, just a hungry whore to drain his balls and go home and watch the game. The only thing better would be watching the game while this bitch licks his balls and dick till one of her other holes was needed.

Too bad that it was not one of Annie's holes but next time. He was shot for now. He pulled up his pants, tucked his flaccid dick in them, paid Vera to her great relief and left with a smile on his face.

"Call here anytime and we will have one of um do you anytime. Day or night. we have a never ending supply of whores for all occasions, and all specialties." Jake called to him as he left.

Chapter #18

One of the boys took the money and lead Vera to the bathroom. He then unlocked the stop cock on the catheter with a key and let her piss very, very slowly. Every so often he stopped it and she gladly licked his ass hole for another short pea.

He drew it out till she would do just about anything. He even had her take a glass full back to show her graduated.

Vera was very subdued and reentered the room with down cast eyes. All there knew her surrender and the disgusting things she had done to pee. Such a little thing and she would had giver anything to be allowed to do it. She was nude and was to be given to the men who would pay half price to help open up her ass hole toward the conversion of her third hole.

Vera was mortified. She was placed face down on the coffee table, secured and told to act for the customers or her nipples would be altered. Maybe they would be stretched and sewn to her chin. Maybe they would just be enlarged till they covered her whole chest. She was gagged and a hood was secured over her head. A pair of ear phones were screwed to the hood and loud music played to keep, her from hearing anything. Her cunt was filled with an expanding dildo to keep the focus on, the tightening up, of her ass hole.

Annie was photographed for her album to show her new tattoos. The start of a sunset was begun on her denuded crotch and a special design was placed inside her ass cheeks to show who she belonged to. This with her branded cunt lips were recorded for the album.

Vera's husband came over to fuck Annie but was enticed to help open up a 'new' 'natural's' asshole. Vera did not even sence who it was that took the first shot at opening her ass. She grunted and started to balk but a hand tugged on the right nipple she under stood. She began to push back like she had been told. She also squeezed her hole for all she was worth to get the dick off. Jake to get some more action out of her, adjusted the tape playing for her to hear her own husband's comments on her ass hole opening. When she realized, he was there, and he was plugging her, the act took on a whole new dimension. She was poised to rebel. But the tug to her nipple and the knowledge that Jake was in control of the whole situation brought her to heel. She concentrated on her 'whoring' of her ass hole and hoped for release after they were through. She also tried to think of some way out of this.

Annies first customer came back in. He wanted his ass hole sucked as he helped bust open the new whores back door. Then too he had visited the ATM for more money. For another time Annies mouth tasted an ass hole. This time she had the satisfaction of knowing she was degraded but Vear had had the pain. The man came quickly but paid extra to get mouth hardened dick for another shot at Vera's tightly treasured ass hole. The second time,really the third, took a lot longer. Annie was soo happy to be the cause of this hard on.

After the customers left, one of the boys greased up Vera's hole and tried it out himself. He pronounced it "Coming along, why with about a hundred more this will be better than her cunt.' Vera was not happy to hear this. She tried to object throught the session. She already thought she would split open with each stroke. She was being a typical winie slut, it did not happen split... Blead a little but no tearing.

Their was no great stampede for the whores in this residential neighbor hood, so Jake decided that he should bring the whores to a downtown brothel, where their talents would be better utilized.

He loaded them, head to toe in the trunk of Annie's big car, and took the 'natural's' to a new market place.

He knew it would be busy night in the hood. Hoop Jackmister's girls would be hard pressed to do the demanded whoring in the time alotted. Some new pussywould spell um... after all time is money...

Jake brought his "Animals" into the garage and waited for the guard to get Hoop down there.

"How you doing man." Hoop said with a wide smile. "My girls is busy tonight...."

"Got some of my 'Animal's' that I could turn some tricks tonight, to make their quota... but you seem to have all the customers down here. what say I lend them to you for ....say $1000 an hour rental fee." Jake offered.

"Man, I' too busy to talk this kind of cuckolds brownie with you. I ain't even seen the merchandise and I never go for that price for Marlyn Monroe, herself." Hoop retorted.

"This is prime stuff. Fresh!! You'd be getting what you don't have here, two white whore. Both of them fresh from the suberb, educated and scared to death of Big Niggar Cock. Come on back here and see the merchandise you'll be missing, and then if we can't make a deal, I'll take my merchandise to Slim's joint cross the road." Jake said as he went to the back of the car and opened the trunk.

Annie and Vera cringed as the trunk lid rose and hugh black man grinned down at their defensless charms. Then they perceived that their were gathered around many black men all looking down and then feel their naked charms.

Hoop's men were impressed, but the price was too high. A more agreeable number was settled upon, after some discusion. The two 'Animals' were then turned over to the services of the black pimp and his shabby brothel.

Chapter #19

The service of Black Masters

Annie and Vera were removed from the trunk of Annie's car and herded up the stairs to the top floor of the building. At every level their were gawking people eager to see the new whores in Hoop's stable.

Hands everwhere. At every level the feeling, slapping, pinching hands examine the new ivory flesh that had been added to the inventory.

Hoop lead the parade, like a proud man that had brought a new valuable addition to his building. He sensed a boom in business tonight with these new additions. Word would spread. These bitches would go home bowl legged tonight....

The top floor consisted of a number of small 'coops' for each of his whores. Ever the business man, Hoop, would doured up some of his other inventory to isolate these new naturals. Mentally he doured the new stock's price and gave the word to his bottom lady, that collect's the fair for the uses.

He then had to stress his authority over the new additions. To insure this he ordered, "Bring them bitches over here Slick!"

Annie and Veera were dragged in front of their temporary manager for his inspection by a couple of the big black body guards and held up to preserve their helplessness.

"Now I want this understood. I know you's dumb naturals to be owned by them ugly OFAY boys, but you is here now. You is going to get the chance of your life to show your worth with a bunch of nice nigger cocks. I'm going to see to it that your techniques improve. If that is not the case I am going to use this to encourage you to better technique." he said, holding a well used pimp whip (a metal coat hanger twisted in his huge hand.)

"Maybe a one or two love taps across your tits will cure you of a lot bad ideas before they occur to you'll dumb naturals. What do you think??" he went on.

As they were still gagged. They both shook their heads no, EMPHATICALLY NO!!!!!!

Wapp ... Wapp ...

Each girl received a cut across a naked tit. A pair of big black hands held them still so the defenseless tits were still available to the weapon should Hoop decide more was needed.

"Wrong answer!" he explained to the owners of the aching tits.

"When I ask you anything the answer is yes. Boy you is dumb bitches. Then white boys let you sluff off, but I don't allow my stock to forget their place."

"Now let's try again, and we can do this all night till I get the right answer, Does you'll think that we should try a couple of taps to your utters to convince you of your place and proper attitude?"

What was the correct answer?? "YES" brought another hit from the whip to her tit but "NO" did the same thing. Only "YES" might bring an end, while a "NO" would guarantee a continuation of this session.

The new whores nodded "YES" and received the prescribed contact to their naked already stinging chests.

"Now that will happen whenever you're attitude or performance is found lacking. Now I want to see if these whores have enough depth to take so really long, thick niggar cock. Bobbie... you and Sam start these bitches off. See if they deep throat well enough for our exacting customers."

"Wanda... get the video camera out. The white boys want some footage of this for their memories files. Why these fillies can relive their wonderful fulfillment long after their throats are all fucked out."

The gags were removed and the girls were positioned on their knees before some black men.

"Now ask them nice men to fuck your throats, or do we have to teach some more dumb dumb lesions?" Hoop asked.

This can not be happening Annie thought. naked, on her knees in black brothel, who knows where and now powerd to beg for a black buck to sodimise her throat. But what was the alternative??

"Please Sir.. let me fuck you with my throat..." Annie croaked.

"Wanda did you get that??" Hoop inquired.

"I think the audio is too low." Wanda answered.

"Once more bitch, and this time, as they say in Hollywood, with feeling" Hoop ordered. Then he bent down and smacked Vera's tits, adding "Don't you lag back now bitch, you ask real nice and speak right up there."

Vera screamed and started to babble and was taken into the back for some more convincing.

Amid the screams and slapping of the pimp whip on tender breast flesh, Annie recited her piece and captured the long, thick, black dick and started her 'new job'. She took it in to her mouth and attempted to wet it down for the coming descent into her throat.

"Boss, this whore is getting to me. That tongue has me all excited. Can I fuck it down to her ass hole instead??" Bobbie inquired.


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"Nigger you hold your cock out and let the bitch swallow it. I what her to demonstrate her technique. Why this one is a find and I want's to stretch her potential." Hoop demanded. "You'll just reach down there and play with the bitches nipples. I bet we can get her to come herself when the right time comes. This is a real find a whore who likes her work. She done be all spiffied up with that slick pussy and markings. I think's I have my stable done like this one real damn soon."

"Wanda set the camera on the table, and be pulling on that cute clit ring she got. We got us a natural here boys."

Wanda set the camera to record and began to tug on the pierced clit. Her jealousy showed but she dare not pill too hard as Hoop would cut her face if she damaged his new star. She hated this new bitch but she had to bide her time.

Annie struggled with the embarrassment of the blacks, the 'voluntary' inhalation of the black dick, the demanding hands on her sore nipples, and now the tugging of her formally hooded treasure. The pain and embarrassment only added to her confused state. She could not stop the build up of sexual arousal, and it horrified her

She tried to scream, but Bobbie took the lead and powerd the last of his 10 inches into her throat. Her struggles were taken as the fit of passion, and they were a fine sight for her audience of whores, customers, and even the youngren of the building. Her coming out was a community activity that with the video would be talked of for some time. Hoop beamed and, ever the showman he sought to lengthen the time.

"Hold up there Bobbie... Pull that dick out of her mouth." Hoop ordered holding butcher knife over the dick. "Pull it out man... or I cut the dam thing off .....NOW!!! Damn it niggar when I say out you get it out...."

Bobbie, slow at first, hastened to obey with the knofe as stimulus, but complained "Oh Man, What you want to go and spoil my cum for?? I get;s it ready to get a nut and you be doing that cuckolds brownie..."

"I want you to check out her ass now while I explores the top end. You's got to learn how to treat these whores. Make them work it up ... then take it out .... and make up work it again ... and again.... till YOU IS READY... Right now I isn't ready, and she be my whore." Hoop replied as he positioned his dick at her mouth.

Chapter #20

Annie, robbed of her coming cum, grunted at Bobbies invasion of her ass. But her open mouth was quickly filled by Hoops long skinny cuckolds browniety dick. Another pair of hands grabbed her tender nips and her excitement built again. The tug to her ring was hard and she sought to stop it. A slap to the back of her head stopped her.

"You concentrate on the servicing of your customers, bitch. Wanda know she break my toy, I break her soo bad she never gone to forget her sins. Ain't that right Wanda??" Hoop asked.

"I's just doing what you tell me. I don't be doing nothing you not told me." Wanda answered looking up fearfully.

Her eyes wide with fear. Had she gone too far. She still remembered the hot oil douche from the last time she had "DONE WRONG" as Hoop had told her. The gasoline Enema that followed would have permanently cured her if she had not promised to obey and convinced Hoop to stop there. She hurt, really hurt, inside for a month. She eased up. She hoped Hoops dick strangled this bitch, or Bobies tore her up but she eased up and only masturbated the bitch's ring.

Annie came and came but she worked those black dicks like a good whore should. After what seemed like eternity Hoop ordered,

"Now Nigger lets come together, and blow this bitches insides out, Now!!!"

Bobbie needed no further encouragement. He had strained to remain with it this long. He felt like a gallon flowed into her bowels.

Annie collapsed from her cums and works, but Hoop grabbed her hair and dragged her to her feet. He threw her to Wanda and ordered.

"Ice cold shower with the Lysol soap outside, don't be getting it in her eyes and ice douche her so her first paying customer gets a new fresh whore."

Wanda thought "I don't be no ladies maid. I drowned this bitch.. No I give her a ice enema. That wake the bitch up." She dragged Annie to the fix up room and started her tasks. No outer complaints. Hoop would quickly crush any slacking on her part.

Annie was shackled to the wall and doused with the ice cold water. She started to shiver and scream louder than Vera in the front room. The following caustic soap caused a cherry red glow to her skin, that almost took the cold away. She noticed that the black bitch was wearing rubber gloves so as not to burn her own hands.

Wanda went over, got the gallon bag filled it with ice and cold water, put on the douche nozzle and stood on the ladder to attach it to the ceiling hook. Then she powerd it up the slick denuded cunt. She smiled at the screams as she released the clamp.

thought Wanda as she took the douche nozzle from Annie's cunt and rammed it deep into her ass.

Annie went in to spasms. She could not scream. The cold, the burning on her skin, and the further cold attack in her cunt and now her intestines. she slipped from consciousness.

Annie awoke in a tub of warm lavender selling bath water, being gently brought back to the world. Cindy was stroking her head and tits.

Wanda, she later learned, had fallen into disfavor for her mistreatment of Annie. As Annie warmed, Wanda was rapped in bobwire in Hoop's walk in freezer. Hoop would see that periodically have her brought out and when she warmed, back she went. Wanda would make the trips many times over the next few days to insure the lesmister had been learned. "GAL DONT YOU BE A FUCKING WITH MY WHORES"

This would be engraved in wanda's brain... if she survived...

Annie clean and sweet smelling was taken to her crib and began to receive visitors. Her first was a real surprise.

"Hello Miss Annie, I works on your lawn for many years but I never new you was in the business. Old Hoop done told me you be a really experienced whore. Why you didn't tell old Sam? I done jerked off many's a night thinking of you. I aims to get my organ wet from your fine white frame tonight and in future we probably be working out something, sides money for your gardening." Her first customer began. "Now that we be friends, real friends... you going to do old Sam a kindness and make it real good for him."

Annie thought. She smiled and reached into the old mans dirty jeans.

went through her mind suddenly.

"I done spent the rent money and mortgaged my truck for this piece so you does a good job." Sam said smiling like he made a million dollars. "I like you'll smooth pussy... and the other cuckolds brownie... it be a real dick hardner for my old black snake..."

She sank to her knees and nuzzled the evil smelling but fat black dick. She had never in her life thought of fucking for her gardener, Sam. It looked smooth and of good enough length to give her a real ride... but this was old Sam... It was flacid and wrinkled.. To speed things up, she sucked in the wrinkled black organ and she tasted the sweat, dick cheese etc.... she thought.

It remained limp despite her best efforts. She fluttered it with her tongue. Nothing. She powerd it in further and swallowed it before Sams dick began to stir.

Sams hands pinched her nipples and she worked her throat on the dick. She wanted to get this over with. It was humiliating to be the sex toy for the gardener. But she was...

"Now you don't be trying to get old Sam off in that whore mouth organ I want me some of that fine white ass I done been admired for soo long." Sam ordered. "What it say here... Oh yea... You AMIMAL..."

She let him slide from her mouth and got up on the bed on all fours with her business end facing the old pervert.

"Now this be the sight I be done dreaming bout long as I knowed you. Now I know you don't mind, but as I be the first, I paid for the first, I going to see if it taste as good as it look." Sam said peering deep into her but.

He bent way over, over unfurled his big, long tongue and proceeded to lap the leaking pussy hole.

He was good at this and his dick hardened even better than with her ministrations. This was his scene. He concentrated on his self appointed task and he had Annie shivering and flowing in no time. Sam thought.

Yes Sam liked cunts and didn't know his own talent. His rough tongue had Annie totally enthused. Had she known this befor now she would gladly spread her legs for Sam. Yes Sam had a hidden talent, if only he would take a bath and spruce up.

Annie was disappointed when Sam straightened up and drove his now steel hardened dick into her ass hole.

She started to object at the cesation of of the old tongue but this was business...

Sam's disk was long and thick but Annie had been worked out by experts. She grunted and squeezed her muscles to capture his organ. It was too much for Sam. He went off like a rocket.

"Till next time at your house." Sam advised on his way out. She was not disgusted now.

She smiled and remembered.

Her next customer a tough looking black boy with a red bandanna, went to the chair and demanded,

"Whip that skull on me bitch, and make it good."

She went over to him and did as bid. She went through the tasks required of her for the next hours.

As dawn broke in the east, she and Vera, whose breasts were red and swollen were led this time down the stairs through the assemred tenants to the basement guarage. They were exhausted and sore whores.

They saw a horse trailer and The Master was there. While Hoop's men placed the girls into the wire cages, Hoop counted out the rent and gave over two video tapes to the Master.

The inner and outer doors were secured and the 4x4 started them back to the farm

For tonight was PARTY TIME again, and he was bring the naturals for the next party.

Annie was now a PARTY ANIMAL, one who would Whore for him for years to come. She should be horrified at this change in her life but was she ????????????????

Her pussy, although sore flowed at the thought of the night to come... Further she looked over and hopped for another shot with the crop on that nasty assed Vivian...

THE END FOR NOW!!!!!!!!!


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#2,847 · Edited by: chrislebo
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In part one of this series I told you about Roger, a wimpy husband who had fantasies about seeing his pretty wife Kimberly being fucked by another man. I also told you about Kimberly, Roger's prim and proper little wife. They thought they could cocktease and play games and then go back to suburbia and resume their boring little lives. I taught them differently. They now belong to me and they know that unless they do as they are told I will send pictures of Kimberly being fucked and sucking my big cock to everyone they know.

As you may remember, Kimberly is in her late twenties and has big brown eyes and long light brown hair past her shoulders. She is 5'4" tall and weighs around 135lb.s with a nice pair of full C-cup tits, a narrow waist and sexy hips that were just made to support a man's weight while he pounds his cock deep into her tight little housewife cunt. I'll never understand why she married a pussy like Roger, I mean why would she want a man with such a pitiful little dick that he can't even fuck his own wife and he has to have me do it for him? On the other hand I guess he is good for something. He did a very good job of licking my cum out of his wife's ass the last time I saw them!

I waited a few days and decided to call them again. "Hello", said Kimberly in her sweet little voice. "Hello Kimberly Darling", I said, "It's time for another visit." "Please", she pleaded, "I did everything you wanted the last time, what more could you want me to do?" "Don't be silly Kimberly", I answered, "The last time was for your pleasure and you know it. You loved the feel of my cock being shoved up your ass and you know it you little slut. I heard you begging for more cock and cumming your silly head off, remember Kim? Roger heard you begging me to keep fucking your ass too, didn't he Kimberly?" She paused for almost a full minute, as if she didn't know what to say and then she responded, "I hated what you powerd me to do you bastard! I suppose you are also going to power me to suck that big cock of your's again and then fuck me till I cum, aren't you?"

Like so many housewives, Kimberly wanted to believe she was being powerd to act like a slut so she could pretend to her husband that she didn't really want to be unfaithful. The truth was that once my cock was inside her she would beg to be fucked again like the cockteasing whore that she truly is.

I instructed her to be bathed and ready for me the next day at one o'clock in the afternoon. She of course whined that she and Roger had to be at their jobs and I told her that if they didn't want to meet me I would just have to send the pictures of her slutty naked body to her in-laws as I was sure that her man-in-law would love to see her being tit fucked. It was amazing how quickly she saw things my way.

The next day when I arrived at their place, Roger, (who I like to call Pee Wee), opened the door to let me in. "Haven't you had enough?", he said, like a little boy who sees someone else eating his candy, "I won't allow you to take Kimberly out of here unless I go with you!" "I wouldn't dream of leaving you behind Pee Wee", I said with an evil leer, "Now where is that beautiful slut you are married to? I need my cock sucked and I'm going to let you watch Roger, aren't I a sport?"

Kim walked into the room wearing a jade green silk robe, obviously fresh from the shower. Her lustrous brown hair was still damp and smelled of herbal shampoo and when I pulled open the robe small beads of water still clung to her ripe C-cup tits and ran down to her brown nipples like dew on the morning grass. My lips went to her nipples and sucked them into my mouth causing her to shudder sorry and then I slipped the robe off of her lovely shoulders and it fell into a gossamer heap on the floor, leaving her standing naked before me and her husband. I pulled my lips from her tits and pushed her shoulders gently down and said, "Suck me Kimberly, show your husband how you love to suck my cock."

She dropped immediately to her knees, offering no resistance at all but for Roger's benefit she murmured, "Only because you are powering me you bastard". Then she took the head of my cock between her full lips and ran her tongue up and down my dick while fondling my balls at the same time. As she sucked and licked I continued to play with her big firm tits, twisting the nipples and squeezing the round globes. "That's good Kimberly", I moaned, "Keep sucking it if you want my cum in your mouth. Oh yes Kim that's my good little cocksucker wife, now open your mouth and stick out your tongue, that's it Kimberly. Then as Roger watched with a mixture of fascination and horror on his face I began to shoot my load of cum onto her soft pink tongue until it was too much and some of it dripped out and down onto her lovely firm tits.

She swallowed it all like a greedy slut and then cleaned my cock with her tongue without being asked to do so. "Your cock is so damn beautiful, it's just so big!" she said as she lovingly stroked it's length. "Now go get cleaned up Kimberly," I ordered her, "There are some clothes in a bag on the couch that I brought just for you Dear. Put them on and do your hair and make-up, that's my good girl." She trotted into the other room with no delay and I knew that she was well and truly coming under my spell.

When Kimberly came back into the room she looked good enough to eat. The outfit I had chosen for Roger's slutty little wife consisted of a skin tight white knit top with a scooped neckline and a tiny black pleated skirt. The skirt was so short that it barely covered her shapely ass and it swayed with every step she took, much the way that a cheerleader's skirt moves when she walks but this was much shorter than any cheerleader would be permitted to wear. Her big C-cup tits almost hung out of the little white top and her braless nipples were threatening to poke through the thin fabric. Under her outfit I had carefully chosen a pair of black thong panties, a pair of little white cotton socks with lace around the ankles and a pair of black high heels. In her little fuck-me outfit with no bra and her long legs in the tiny skirt she looked like a very beautiful slut who couldn't wait to be fucked. Exactly what she is in fact.

"Come here Kimberly", I ordered her as Roger watched his slutty wife in her new outfit. "Bend over this coffee table slut, I want to see your tight ass Kimberly!" She bent over and I pulled her little pleated skirt up over her ass, leaving it naked except for the tiny thong panties. I began to massage her naked butt cheeks and stroke my fingers over her cunt and asshole causing her to moan with pleasure. Next I pulled out my stiff cock and rubbed it across her silky ass and let it rest against her asshole.

"It's time for you to tell your husband the truth Kimberly", I ordered her, "You want me to fuck your slutty asshole again, don't you Kimberly? Admit it slut!" "I'll let you fuck my ass", she whimpered, "But only because I have no choice, you are blackmailing me!" I laughed and rubbed my naked cock across her cunt and then pulled the thong panties to one side exposing her asshole and touched the head of my cock against it. Kim shuddered and I rubbed her pussy with one hand while continuing to rub my cock on her ass.

"O.K. Kimberly", I said, "If you don't like to be fucked by me I'll go away and I'll never fuck you again, is that what you want? Are you sure you don't want this big stiff cock shoved up your tight little asshole?"

"Please", she whispered, "Please fuck my ass, I need to cum. She looked at me with her big brown eyes and then looked at her husband Roger and said, "I'm so sorry Roger but his cock just feels so good in my ass and cunt, I have to be fucked by a real man for a change!"

"Tell me something Kimberly", I sneered, "What kind of woman would stand in front of her husband and beg another man to fuck her in the ass? Answer me!" "Please don't make say it", she whispered. "Say it Kimberly or I'll never assfuck you again!", I ordered her. "Tell me what you are Kimberly!"

"A cheap slut!", Kimberly cried out, "I'm nothing but a cheap, cocksucking slut who loves to be fucked in the ass! I admit it, I love it when you fuck me and treat me like a total slut! Please fuck me now Mark, I'm begging to be fucked!"

"Now tell your husband Kimberly", I said, "Tell him what you are and why you need my cock so bad, tell him!" Kimberly looked up at her husband and said, "I'm his whore Roger! I'm sorry but it's true. I would keep fucking and sucking him even if all the pictures were destroyed. He owns my cunt and mouth and ass! And it's because your cock is so damn little that I can barely feel it when you fuck me! I've never had an orgasm when you fuck me, I've always faked it! Mark makes me cum every time. I'm sorry but it's the truth!"

Roger looked totally beaten and his head hung down. "What do you think of your precious wife now Roger?", I laughed, "How do you like being married to my cum slut?" Then I slapped Kim's tight ass and pulled her skirt down and said, "Get up whore, we're going out".

"I can't go out like this!" Kimberly said as she stood there in her slutty outfit, "What if we see someone that we know?" "They will know what a fucking whore you are Kimberly, just like your husband knows the truth now.", I replied, "But don't worry, no one knows you where we are going. You are going to apply for a new job Kim!"

Roger and Kim both whined that Kim was happy with her present job and I had to explain to them that I really didn't care if Kim actually took the job she was going to interview for but that if she wanted me to continue fucking her she had to do everything in her power to be offered this job. What I didn't tell them was that the strip club we pulled up to was one that I owned and the whole thing was already set up.

"Now listen Kimberly", I said, "I don't care if you take this job or not but I want you to do anything you have to do to make sure that Big Jake, (the manager of my club), offers you the job. If you don't I'll never come to see you again, understand?" She shook her pretty head yes and went into the club and as she walked every man in the place stared at her in her slutty little fuck-me outfit. "Look at all those men who want to fuck your wife Roger", I laughed, "How would you like it if I arranged a gang bang sometime and we'll watch them all line up to fuck your precious Kimberly in every slutty hole she has? I know she would enjoy it!"

Then I led the way and we came to a private room I had put in. It was right next to the manager's office, the same office that the interview would take place in. When we got inside Roger was amazed to see that one whole wall was glass and you could see right into the other office. "It's a one-way mirror Roger", I explained, "We'll be able to see Kimberly's job interview but she won't know we are watching. I also have the room mic'ed so we will hear everything they say."

We sat down and Roger watched in awe as a tall, incredibly gorgeous creature walked into the manager's office and said, "Kimberly is here for her interview Sir, I'll send her right in." Roger's mouth dropped open when he saw the big round tits and long legs on the incredible blonde. Her short skirt and tight blouse did nothing to hide her charms and she looked very hot indeed. "Damn!", Roger said, "What a hot piece of ass that is, I'd love to fuck her!" "That is Bambi", I said, "I'll introduce you later perhaps."

Just then the manager's office chair swiveled around and Roger saw him for the first time. "Big Jake" had worked for me for a couple of years but I still got a kick out of seeing people's initial reaction to him. Roger's mouth dropped open as he saw that Jake was a 6'5" tall black man with a shaved head and one gold tooth in front. He had been a semi-pro football player and had stayed in good shape and probably weighed around 230 pounds, all of it solid muscle.

The door opened and Kimberly walked timidly into the office. Her little white scooped neck T-shirt did almost nothing to hide her big full tits from Jake's stare and her little black pleated skirt swayed with her every step.

"So you want to be a dancer in the club, huh Kimberly?" Jake said as he stared at her voluptuous body. "Well I must say you've definitely got the tits and the ass for it, don't you Kimberly? And there would be plenty of men who like to have you wrap those long legs around them while they fucked your pretty little white cunt, that's for sure!" Kim was shocked that she was standing in a room alone with a big black stranger who was talking about her body that way. Her face showed how nervous she was and her eyes stayed focused on the floor in front of her.

Jake looked at her in amusement and said, "Well Kimberly it's like this. You've got one hell of a fuckable body, there's no denying that. The trouble is I don't think you have it in you to strip down and dance in front of a man. I require the sluts that work her to do private lap dancing as well and I think you would freak out if you had to do that. Also I notice from your wedding ring and diamond that you're married. What will your husband say about his precious wife rubbing her tits and ass in the face of a couple hundred men every night?" "Please sir", Kimberly pleaded, "I have to have this job. Let me prove to you, I'll do anything you ask me to do, I swear!"

"O.K.", Jake laughed, "I'll give you a chance. I'm going to sit here on this chair and you give me a private lap dance. If you can make my cock really hard I will give you the job. Now let's see what you've got slut!" Jake pulled a chair into the middle of the room, punched play on a C.D. player on his desk and proceeded to strip his clothes off.

"Wait a minute!", Kim said, "You mean you are going to be naked?" That's the only way I watch a lap dance Honey", he sneered, "If you can't handle it why don't you run on home to your limp dicked husband!" "No, I'll do it", Kim said softly, "I have to get this job!"

I laughed and said to Roger, "How do you like your slut wife now Pee Wee? She'll do anything I say just so she can keep getting fucked by a real man instead of that limp noodle of your's! Tell me how you like being married to another man's private whore Pee Wee! Say it Roger!" "I love it", Roger said, his face red with shame, "I love watching you fuck her and treat her like a total slut! My wife is your whore now and nothing else, I admit it!"

Big Jake was stripped nude now and when he sat down on the chair and Kimberly saw his cock for the first time she did a double take. It was black as the ace of spades and at least ten inches long and as big around as my own cock.

Kimberly began to dance, her tight round ass swaying in time with the music. Then she reached up and grabbed her big tits in her hands and pinched the nipples through the thin fabric while Jake stared hungrily. "Take the fucking shirt off whore!" Jake ordered her, "Let me see those knockers bitch!" Kimberly grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over her head in one swift motion baring her naked tits in front of Jake. "Now shake those tits slut!", he barked, "Make me want to fuck you bad".


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Kimberly danced and thrust her hips out at Jake and then moved closer till her little pleated skirt was grazing the top of his huge cock. Then she turned around and unzipped the side of the skirt and let it drop to the floor. She kicked it away and then bent over at the waist and slowly pulled the tiny thong panties down over her ass and let them drop and then kicked them away as well. She backed up to Jake and began to rub her naked ass all over his big black rod in a circular motion and then said, "Please Jake, please give me a job in your club, don't you think I'm sexy enough? Your big black cock seems to like my little white married pussy, don't you think so?" Then she reached behind her ass and stroked his cock and rubbed it on her naked cunt.

Jake couldn't take anymore and he suddenly jumped up and pushed Kimberly over to the desk and pushed her face down onto it's surface. "Get that fucking ass in the air you fucking whore!", he grunted, "You're gonna be fucked good and hard right now you slut!" He reached down and grasped his 10" black cock in his hand and began to power it into Kim's tight little white cunt, causing her to moan with pleasure. Kimberly reached back with her left hand and with her diamond and gold wedding set sparkling she began to stroke his big balls while he fucked her almost senseless. "Oh God", Kimberly moaned, "Keep fucking me with that big black cock! Fuck me good! I love it, don't stop, please fuck me and make me cum!" Jake began to pull his cock all the way out and then shove it all the way back in with one stroke, making her shake with pleasure. He reached around in front and mauled her big slutty tits pinching the nipples and squeezing her round globes. "Oh Yes", Kim cried out, "I'm cumming, Oh damn I'm cumming so good! FUCK ME HARD!" Jake took one last stroke and then grunted, "I'm filling your cunt whore, take that cum you fucking slut!" Then he began to spurt his potent black seed into her tiny white pussy until it was so full that some of it began to run out and down her long sexy legs. Jake sat back down in the chair and said, "Now get your white ass over here and lick my cock clean slut, hurry up bitch!" Kimberly crawled on her hands and knees over to where he sat and ran her soft pink tongue up and down the length of his cock, lovingly licking it clean and swallowing every drop of cum she could find. "O.K. slut", Jake said as he looked down at her, "You get the job. And by the way, you will also be expected to fuck any of my regular customers that I tell you to fuck, you hear me slut?" "MMMMMMM Yes", Kim replied as she continued to lick his cock and balls, "I can hardly wait!"

I sat back and looked at Roger. "I can't believe it", he said, "How could she act like such a complete whore?" "Because that's what she is Roger", I replied, "You wife is a common whore and I own her. I've got an idea Roger, How would you like to prove that you really are a man after all? How would you like to fuck Bambi, that would really prove to your wife who is the big stud around the house wouldn't it?" "Wow", he said, "You mean that tall blonde with the big tits we saw earlier? If I fucked her that would really show that I was a real man, wouldn't it?"

I buzzed Bambi and when she came in I thought Roger would cum in his pants just looking at this gorgeous creature. Bambi's big round tits were on display in the tube top she was wearing and her short skirt did nothing to hide her long legs or sexy round ass. "Bambi dear", I said, "I promised Roger here that he could fuck you. Take off everything except your panties and show him what he is going to get. "MMMMMMMM, you bet", Bambi said in a husky low voice, "I love to be fucked by a big strong man." Bambi stripped down to just her panties and then I led her to my desk and bent her over it with that luscious ass in the air. "Roger's wife won't let him fuck her ass Bambi, isn't that a shame? Everyone else fucks Kim's ass except her own husband. Roger, why don't you fuck Bambi in the ass and show everyone what kind of man you really are."

I almost burst out laughing as Pee Wee dropped his pants and pulled out his little 4 inch pecker. At first I thought it was soft but then I realized that this was all the bigger it ever got! No wonder his wife Kimberly is such a slut for big cocks. Bambi looked over her shoulder at him and pulled her tiny bikini panties to one side and said in her husky voice, "Come on big boy, fuck me in the ass. Please fuck my ass hard!" Roger walked up to the desk and Bambi guided his cock into her ass and began to wiggle in delight. I quickly pulled out my instant camera and snapped a picture from the side of him balls deep in Bambi's ass. It only took about three or four strokes and Roger was crying out, "Oh yes, I'm cumming, this is perfect I'm cumming in this tight ass!" Then he collapsed onto the couch and his little dick began to shrivel to almost nothing.

"I got a nice picture of you fucking Bambi and I'll be sure to show it to your wife Roger. I also have one other surprise for you Pee Wee." Turning to Bambi I said, "Bambi dear, I want you to take off your panties and then turn around and show Roger how pretty you are." Bambi did it and when she turned around I saw the shock on Roger's face when he saw a 6" cock hanging between her legs! "The surgeons did an amazing job on Bambi, didn't they Roger? You would barely know that she was born a man would you? The truth is though that you just fucked a man in the ass and I have a picture of you doing it. I made sure to get the photo from the front so that Bambi's cock was visible. And the really funny part is that her cock is bigger than your's Pee Wee!"

"You will give me anything I want Roger and do what I say or the pictures of you and Bambi will be sent to all your friends. I'll be getting back to you and your slut wife one of these days Pee Wee and then I'll let you know what you will do next! And don't forget, your wife's cunt, mouth and ass are my property so take good care of them!"


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In part one of this series I told you about Roger, a wimpy husband who had fantasies about seeing his pretty wife Kimberly being fucked by another man. I also told you about Kimberly, Roger's prim and proper little wife. They thought they could cocktease and play games and then go back to suburbia and resume their boring little lives. I taught them differently. They now belong to me and they know that unless they do as they are told I will send pictures of Kimberly being fucked and sucking my big cock to everyone they know.

As you may remember, Kimberly is in her late twenties and has big brown eyes and long light brown hair past her shoulders. She is 5'4" tall and weighs around 135lb.s with a nice pair of full C-cup tits, a narrow waist and sexy hips that were just made to support a man's weight while he pounds his cock deep into her tight little housewife cunt. I'll never understand why she married a pussy like Roger, I mean why would she want a man with such a pitiful little dick that he can't even properly fuck his own wife and he has to have me do it for him?

I thought about this as I stood at a distance and watched Kimberly as she walked through the Mall. It had been a few weeks since I had contacted her and Roger, (Or Pee Wee as I like to call him), and just in case they thought I had forgotten how sweet her tight married cunt felt when it was wrapped around my cock, I thought I would remind them that they still wear the Mark of the Cuckold.

Kimberly tries to act like such a respectable little housewife as she goes around her home town but I could see that my attentions toward her had changed her in subtle ways, even when she was not with me. For instance today she was doing her shopping and had worn a pair of tight blue jeans that really showed off that fine round ass of her's and a pair of black high heels as well. The top she had chosen was made of a thin cotton fabric similar to what a T-shirt is made out of but it had a deep vee neckline and was open in the front and then tied beneath her big round C-cup tits. It was obvious that the little whore wasn't wearing a bra because with every step she took her big tits swayed and jiggled and her nipples were clearly visible through the thin maroon colored fabric. As Kimberly walked through the Mall, with her ass swaying and her boobs jiggling, every man she passed turned and stared, wishing that they could crawl between her smooth thighs and shove their cocks deep into her wet tight pussy. I already had, on several occasions in fact, and I smiled as I watched her from a distance.

I was very pleased as I noticed what a hot little cockteaser Roger's wife had become. She slipped into a shoe store and I went in behind her and stood a few feet away to see how she acted when she thought no one was watching. Kimberly was looking at some boots that were displayed on a low shelf and she was making quite a show out of it for the young salesman who was watching her as she bent over, displaying her hot little ass to him. He was watching her intently especially when she reached over her head to check out some other boots and her big firm tits jiggled invitingly beneath the thin top.

I could see the bulge in his slacks as he approached her and began his sales pitch. Soon he had her sitting down on a chair with her shapely blue jean covered leg up on the fitting stool and he was pulling her high heels off of her tiny feet. I stood across the room and watched as Kimberly purposely bent over at the waist and leaned forward, pretending to look at the boots, when in reality she was letting her tits jiggle in the young man's face just to tease him. Next the little slut bent forward with one arm on each side of her big tits squeezing them together and displaying her cleavage for him and every other man in the store. In no time at all she had talked her victim into giving her a deep discount on the boots and she walked out of the store with her purchase. I had to laugh at how my efforts with Roger's innocent little wife had turned her into such a shameless little cockteasing slut.

I followed her at a distance until she reached her car and then, just as she was getting in, I said, "Hello Kimberly, Did you have fun cockteasing the shoe salesman?" She jumped slightly and looked up and said, "I, uh, I don't know what you're talking about. What do you want from us now, haven't you humiliated us enough?" "You're becoming quite the little slut aren't you Kim?", I said as I stared deep into her brown eyes, "I saw your performance with the salesman Kimberly and so did every other man in the store you hot little whore!"

I climbed into the front seat beside her and reached out and began to stroke her big slutty tits through her thin blouse, causing her nipples to stiffen and poke through the fabric. She started to protest until I said, "If you prefer not to cooperate Kim I can just send some lovely pictures of you sucking my cock to your nice little "Walton-type" in-laws. I'll bet your man-in-law would love to see you with cum all over your face, don't you think so?" She immediately relaxed and let her hands fall to her sides, all part of the game that Kim likes to play. She prefers to pretend not to be a slut but in reality she loves our little games. I reached over and loosened the knot that held her shirt closed and pulled it open, exposing her nipples to the cool afternoon air. As I massaged her big firm tits she began to moan with pleasure and soon she had her head thrown back against the headrest with her eyes closed.

I unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock and pulled her head toward my lap. "Suck it bitch", I said, "You know you want it in your mouth slut". "I can't suck your cock right here in the parking lot", she whined, "What if someone sees me?" "They will know the truth Kimberly", I sneered, "They will know that Roger has a cheap cocksucker for a wife. Now do your job!" I pushed her head down and she eagerly took it into her mouth and began to lick the head as she massaged my over sized balls with her tiny hands. Soon she had the entire shaft in her throat and my hands were entwined in her long brown hair as her head bobbed up and down in my lap. I was almost ready to cum in her mouth when I noticed a man standing by the next car watching her performance. I motioned to him to come over and get a better look.

As he watched in fascination I shot my cum deep into Kim's mouth and she tried to swallow it all but some of it ran down her chin and onto her naked tits. When she raised her head my load was still on her lips and her tits were naked to his incredulous stare. "Oh my God", he said when he saw her pretty face, "Is that you Kim?" Kimberly's face turned bright red and I realized it was one of Kim's co-workers who had witnessed her enthusiastic endeavors. "It's me Kim, It's Tim! Wow have you got a great pair of tits! I always thought you were pretty but damn are you stacked, and I didn't know you could suck cock like that. Wait till I tell all the guys at work about this!" Kim started the car and threw it into gear, leaving black marks on the asphalt in her haste to get away.

"Drive to your place Kimberly", I told her firmly, "Roger should be getting off work about now and I think we should include him in our fun, don't you?" When we walked into the home, there was Roger with the same dull look on his face that he usually has. "Hello Roger", I said, "How was your day? Kimberly and I have been having a great time, but then I always have a good day when I cum in your wife's mouth."

"I want both of you to get ready to go out", I said firmly, "Kim you can wear that sexy little maroon top you have on but instead of the jeans I want you to wear this for me." I threw her a bag containing a sexy black skirt which I had purchased just for her. It was very short and cut in a loose A-style so that it would sway with every step she took. I took her by the hand and led her into her and Roger's bedroom to dress her. I always like to make sure my sluts wear just the right clothes. I looked in her underwear drawer and chose a pair of teal green Vicky's Secret panties that were cut very high on the legs and told her not to wear anything except those under her new skirt. With her little skirt, her teal panties and her maroon, bare midriff top tied under her big tits, plus her black high heels, she looked very sexy indeed. On the way out of the house I tossed Roger his little red bow tie and said, "Don't forget this Pee Wee, you look so natural in it!"

I didn't tell them where we were going. They would have only whined and what they wanted didn't matter anyway. I pulled over to the curb in front of my old buddy's place and told them to get out and come with me and keep their mouths shut. When we got inside, Roger looked at me with wide eyes and said, "This is a tattoo parlor!" I laughed and said, "What was your first clue Pee Wee, the sample tattoos on the wall or all the equipment? I led the two of them into the back room where my friend was waiting for us.

"Hey Mark", boomed Ace's big voice, "How's it going man?" Roger's eyes got as big as saucers as he looked up at Ace. Ace was a 6'6" tall biker who must weigh about 300 pounds. He was dressed in his usual black leather vest with a T-shirt and his beer gut hung down over his jeans. "I'm doing good Ace", I answered, "Hey this is one of my new slut's, Kimberly, and this is her pussy husband Roger". Roger and kimberly both looked down at their feet as Ace looked Kimberly over from head to foot as if he were inspecting a piece of meat at the supermarket. "You sure can pick em Mark", he said as he stared at Kim's body, "This fucking slut has got some big fucking tits, that's for sure and look at the legs on her. I'll bet she really wraps those things around you when you're fucking her cunt."

"So you want the usual Mark?", Ace said casually. "Yes", I replied, "Treat her like all my other whores". With that Ace grabbed Kimberly and before she could protest lifted her up in the air and into a modified barber chair that was in the room. Each one of her long tanned legs went into an extension in front of the chair and then he quickly strapped her ankles down firmly. When she started to protest I took her wrists in my hands and stretched them up over her head and buckled them behind the back of the chair. "SSHHHH", I said softly, "No one will hurt you Kim, you're going to love this Baby". She struggled just a bit for her husband's benefit and then calmed down and relaxed.

Next Ace reached under the front of the chair and unhooked the two leg extensions and they began to spread apart until he clicked them back in place and Kimberly's long legs were spread as wide as they would go. As Kim looked on helplessly, and Roger stood back and watched, I reached down and untied the front of Kim's slutty maroon top and displayed her naked tits to Ace's admiring stare. "Look at those fucking tits", he said as he wiped his arm across his mouth, "Those fucking nipples are just begging to be sucked." then he reached out and began to roughly twist and pinch her big nipples causing Kim to moan and whimper in a mixture of pleasure and fear. Then Ace lifted her tiny black skirt and folded it back exposing her pretty teal panties. Next he picked up his straight razor from the table beside him and Kim looked terrified as he stuck his dirty fingers in the waistband of her teal panties and cut them off of her, leaving her cunt naked and spread wide open in front of the huge biker. "Don't worry Baby", I said softly, "No one will hurt you, you are much too pretty for me to allow anyone to harm you."

Then Ace began to apply baby oil to Kim's pretty crotch, taking more time than he needed to rub it in until he had her moaning and undulating her hips up toward his probing fingers. "Damn Mark", he laughed, "You got one hot little slut here, this little bitch is about ready to cum already, can you believe that! Now calm down Baby, I don't want to nick that pretty cunt of your's." Then he began to shave the hair off until Kim's pussy was as bald as a cueball.

He ran his hand over her smooth naked mound causing her to moan with pleasure and then picked up his tattoo pen and give her a small mark that she would have for the rest of her life. When he was done he sat back and I saw Roger move in to stare at his wife's cunt and the small capital M that was now permanently above her pussy. "From now on Pee Wee", I told him, "When ever you look at your wife's cunt you are going to know who owns it. That is the Mark of the Cuckold. You can think about me fucking your wife in the ass, the mouth and the cunt every time you look at her for the rest of your life and don't forget it".

"The usual fee?", I said to Ace. "You bet", he grinned, "it's my pleasure!" With that Ace dropped his jeans and walked between Kim's obscenely spread legs and began to massage her naked shaved cunt with his huge cock. She struggled against her bonds but it was no use and before long she gave in to his manipulations and began to lay back and thrust her cunt against his cock.

"You want to be fucked housewife?", Ace said mockingly, "If you want to be fucked I want to hear you beg slut. Tell me what you are slut!" "Please", Kim begged as her husband looked on, "Please fuck me with your big cock! I'm nothing but a whore and I want you to fuck my hot little shaved cunt, PLEASE FUCK ME!"


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In part one of this series I told you about Roger, a wimpy husband who had fantasies about seeing his pretty wife Kimberly being fucked by another man. I also told you about Kimberly, Roger's prim and proper little wife. They thought they could cocktease and play games and then go back to suburbia and resume their boring little lives. I taught them differently. They now belong to me and they know that unless they do as they are told I will send pictures of Kimberly being fucked and sucking my big cock to everyone they know.

As you may remember, Kimberly is in her late twenties and has big brown eyes and long light brown hair past her shoulders. She is 5'4" tall and weighs around 135lb.s with a nice pair of full C-cup tits, a narrow waist and sexy hips that were just made to support a man's weight while he pounds his cock deep into her tight little housewife cunt. I'll never understand why she married a pussy like Roger, I mean why would she want a man with such a pitiful little dick that he can't even properly fuck his own wife and he has to have me do it for him?

I thought about this as I stood at a distance and watched Kimberly as she walked through the Mall. It had been a few weeks since I had contacted her and Roger, (Or Pee Wee as I like to call him), and just in case they thought I had forgotten how sweet her tight married cunt felt when it was wrapped around my cock, I thought I would remind them that they still wear the Mark of the Cuckold.

Kimberly tries to act like such a respectable little housewife as she goes around her home town but I could see that my attentions toward her had changed her in subtle ways, even when she was not with me. For instance today she was doing her shopping and had worn a pair of tight blue jeans that really showed off that fine round ass of her's and a pair of black high heels as well. The top she had chosen was made of a thin cotton fabric similar to what a T-shirt is made out of but it had a deep vee neckline and was open in the front and then tied beneath her big round C-cup tits. It was obvious that the little whore wasn't wearing a bra because with every step she took her big tits swayed and jiggled and her nipples were clearly visible through the thin maroon colored fabric. As Kimberly walked through the Mall, with her ass swaying and her boobs jiggling, every man she passed turned and stared, wishing that they could crawl between her smooth thighs and shove their cocks deep into her wet tight pussy. I already had, on several occasions in fact, and I smiled as I watched her from a distance.

I was very pleased as I noticed what a hot little cockteaser Roger's wife had become. She slipped into a shoe store and I went in behind her and stood a few feet away to see how she acted when she thought no one was watching. Kimberly was looking at some boots that were displayed on a low shelf and she was making quite a show out of it for the young salesman who was watching her as she bent over, displaying her hot little ass to him. He was watching her intently especially when she reached over her head to check out some other boots and her big firm tits jiggled invitingly beneath the thin top.

I could see the bulge in his slacks as he approached her and began his sales pitch. Soon he had her sitting down on a chair with her shapely blue jean covered leg up on the fitting stool and he was pulling her high heels off of her tiny feet. I stood across the room and watched as Kimberly purposely bent over at the waist and leaned forward, pretending to look at the boots, when in reality she was letting her tits jiggle in the young man's face just to tease him. Next the little slut bent forward with one arm on each side of her big tits squeezing them together and displaying her cleavage for him and every other man in the store. In no time at all she had talked her victim into giving her a deep discount on the boots and she walked out of the store with her purchase. I had to laugh at how my efforts with Roger's innocent little wife had turned her into such a shameless little cockteasing slut.

I followed her at a distance until she reached her car and then, just as she was getting in, I said, "Hello Kimberly, Did you have fun cockteasing the shoe salesman?" She jumped slightly and looked up and said, "I, uh, I don't know what you're talking about. What do you want from us now, haven't you humiliated us enough?" "You're becoming quite the little slut aren't you Kim?", I said as I stared deep into her brown eyes, "I saw your performance with the salesman Kimberly and so did every other man in the store you hot little whore!"

I climbed into the front seat beside her and reached out and began to stroke her big slutty tits through her thin blouse, causing her nipples to stiffen and poke through the fabric. She started to protest until I said, "If you prefer not to cooperate Kim I can just send some lovely pictures of you sucking my cock to your nice little "Walton-type" in-laws. I'll bet your man-in-law would love to see you with cum all over your face, don't you think so?" She immediately relaxed and let her hands fall to her sides, all part of the game that Kim likes to play. She prefers to pretend not to be a slut but in reality she loves our little games. I reached over and loosened the knot that held her shirt closed and pulled it open, exposing her nipples to the cool afternoon air. As I massaged her big firm tits she began to moan with pleasure and soon she had her head thrown back against the headrest with her eyes closed.

I unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock and pulled her head toward my lap. "Suck it bitch", I said, "You know you want it in your mouth slut". "I can't suck your cock right here in the parking lot", she whined, "What if someone sees me?" "They will know the truth Kimberly", I sneered, "They will know that Roger has a cheap cocksucker for a wife. Now do your job!" I pushed her head down and she eagerly took it into her mouth and began to lick the head as she massaged my over sized balls with her tiny hands. Soon she had the entire shaft in her throat and my hands were entwined in her long brown hair as her head bobbed up and down in my lap. I was almost ready to cum in her mouth when I noticed a man standing by the next car watching her performance. I motioned to him to come over and get a better look.

As he watched in fascination I shot my cum deep into Kim's mouth and she tried to swallow it all but some of it ran down her chin and onto her naked tits. When she raised her head my load was still on her lips and her tits were naked to his incredulous stare. "Oh my God", he said when he saw her pretty face, "Is that you Kim?" Kimberly's face turned bright red and I realized it was one of Kim's co-workers who had witnessed her enthusiastic endeavors. "It's me Kim, It's Tim! Wow have you got a great pair of tits! I always thought you were pretty but damn are you stacked, and I didn't know you could suck cock like that. Wait till I tell all the guys at work about this!" Kim started the car and threw it into gear, leaving black marks on the asphalt in her haste to get away.

"Drive to your place Kimberly", I told her firmly, "Roger should be getting off work about now and I think we should include him in our fun, don't you?" When we walked into the home, there was Roger with the same dull look on his face that he usually has. "Hello Roger", I said, "How was your day? Kimberly and I have been having a great time, but then I always have a good day when I cum in your wife's mouth."

"I want both of you to get ready to go out", I said firmly, "Kim you can wear that sexy little maroon top you have on but instead of the jeans I want you to wear this for me." I threw her a bag containing a sexy black skirt which I had purchased just for her. It was very short and cut in a loose A-style so that it would sway with every step she took. I took her by the hand and led her into her and Roger's bedroom to dress her. I always like to make sure my sluts wear just the right clothes. I looked in her underwear drawer and chose a pair of teal green Vicky's Secret panties that were cut very high on the legs and told her not to wear anything except those under her new skirt. With her little skirt, her teal panties and her maroon, bare midriff top tied under her big tits, plus her black high heels, she looked very sexy indeed. On the way out of the house I tossed Roger his little red bow tie and said, "Don't forget this Pee Wee, you look so natural in it!"

I didn't tell them where we were going. They would have only whined and what they wanted didn't matter anyway. I pulled over to the curb in front of my old buddy's place and told them to get out and come with me and keep their mouths shut. When we got inside, Roger looked at me with wide eyes and said, "This is a tattoo parlor!" I laughed and said, "What was your first clue Pee Wee, the sample tattoos on the wall or all the equipment? I led the two of them into the back room where my friend was waiting for us.

"Hey Mark", boomed Ace's big voice, "How's it going man?" Roger's eyes got as big as saucers as he looked up at Ace. Ace was a 6'6" tall biker who must weigh about 300 pounds. He was dressed in his usual black leather vest with a T-shirt and his beer gut hung down over his jeans. "I'm doing good Ace", I answered, "Hey this is one of my new slut's, Kimberly, and this is her pussy husband Roger". Roger and kimberly both looked down at their feet as Ace looked Kimberly over from head to foot as if he were inspecting a piece of meat at the supermarket. "You sure can pick em Mark", he said as he stared at Kim's body, "This fucking slut has got some big fucking tits, that's for sure and look at the legs on her. I'll bet she really wraps those things around you when you're fucking her cunt."

"So you want the usual Mark?", Ace said casually. "Yes", I replied, "Treat her like all my other whores". With that Ace grabbed Kimberly and before she could protest lifted her up in the air and into a modified barber chair that was in the room. Each one of her long tanned legs went into an extension in front of the chair and then he quickly strapped her ankles down firmly. When she started to protest I took her wrists in my hands and stretched them up over her head and buckled them behind the back of the chair. "SSHHHH", I said softly, "No one will hurt you Kim, you're going to love this Baby". She struggled just a bit for her husband's benefit and then calmed down and relaxed.

Next Ace reached under the front of the chair and unhooked the two leg extensions and they began to spread apart until he clicked them back in place and Kimberly's long legs were spread as wide as they would go. As Kim looked on helplessly, and Roger stood back and watched, I reached down and untied the front of Kim's slutty maroon top and displayed her naked tits to Ace's admiring stare. "Look at those fucking tits", he said as he wiped his arm across his mouth, "Those fucking nipples are just begging to be sucked." then he reached out and began to roughly twist and pinch her big nipples causing Kim to moan and whimper in a mixture of pleasure and fear. Then Ace lifted her tiny black skirt and folded it back exposing her pretty teal panties. Next he picked up his straight razor from the table beside him and Kim looked terrified as he stuck his dirty fingers in the waistband of her teal panties and cut them off of her, leaving her cunt naked and spread wide open in front of the huge biker. "Don't worry Baby", I said softly, "No one will hurt you, you are much too pretty for me to allow anyone to harm you."

Then Ace began to apply baby oil to Kim's pretty crotch, taking more time than he needed to rub it in until he had her moaning and undulating her hips up toward his probing fingers. "Damn Mark", he laughed, "You got one hot little slut here, this little bitch is about ready to cum already, can you believe that! Now calm down Baby, I don't want to nick that pretty cunt of your's." Then he began to shave the hair off until Kim's pussy was as bald as a cueball.

He ran his hand over her smooth naked mound causing her to moan with pleasure and then picked up his tattoo pen and give her a small mark that she would have for the rest of her life. When he was done he sat back and I saw Roger move in to stare at his wife's cunt and the small capital M that was now permanently above her pussy. "From now on Pee Wee", I told him, "When ever you look at your wife's cunt you are going to know who owns it. That is the Mark of the Cuckold. You can think about me fucking your wife in the ass, the mouth and the cunt every time you look at her for the rest of your life and don't forget it".

"The usual fee?", I said to Ace. "You bet", he grinned, "it's my pleasure!" With that Ace dropped his jeans and walked between Kim's obscenely spread legs and began to massage her naked shaved cunt with his huge cock. She struggled against her bonds but it was no use and before long she gave in to his manipulations and began to lay back and thrust her cunt against his cock.

"You want to be fucked housewife?", Ace said mockingly, "If you want to be fucked I want to hear you beg slut. Tell me what you are slut!" "Please", Kim begged as her husband looked on, "Please fuck me with your big cock! I'm nothing but a whore and I want you to fuck my hot little shaved cunt, PLEASE FUCK ME!"
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