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EVENTS FROM OUR ENGAGEMENT: I Learn A Family Secret I was constantly concerned about Judy while she was out dating her old senior high flames. Judd, Jeffrey, and Joe were all much more handsome, well built, had good incomes and were the playboy types. I on the other hand was definitely on the nerdy side. I also knew that Judy's lady was rather fond of all three of them too when they were steadies with Judy. She'd mentioned that to me several times, but she always added that she didn't think they were the marrying family man type either. "A lady thinks about certain features she'd like for her grandkids to have, when she meets her flower's possible mates. However, a flower's happiness is the most important thing. James I believe you are the right permister for our flower. You're mild mannered and respectful, not macho and a roamer. I can appreciate that in a permister. I believe when you give your word you'll keep it. You know, like in wedding vows. I can't say that I believe her old boyfriends are that trusting to be faithful." She said to me one time. "Yes ma'am, I-I do keep my word." I stammered around Judy's gorgeous mom, even though 16 years older than her flower. I also wondered was she testing me. After our engagement was official, I was treated almost as one of the family in regard to house accessibility. Her family became quite liberal, that is in letting me not only visit Judy in her bedroom, but actually encourage it, that is soon after it was pretty sure I'd be joining the family as her husband. Judy and her mom were stunning beauties. Judy and her lady both walked around the house somewhat loosely dressed. Their revealing clothing often were sheer opaque robes, which made it rather clear they didn't have a thing on under them. For a long time, I didn't know how her man and two brothers endured such a situation. Judy and her mom are both Venus beautiful. Her mom was just older than Judy. But to my total surprise, that is after becoming officially engaged to her, I was let in on the family secret and discovered the answer as to how her brothers handle being around so much arousing beauty. The truth of the matter was that she was fucking her brothers when they needed some, as well as other male family members, including her Dad, grandman, uncles and other male relatives that might be passing through town and needed a piece of ass. Her lady serviced family members also. Several times when I'd gone over to their house, and before discovering what was really going on, I often had to wait until Judy was through talking with her brothers or her man or one of several uncles, both paternal and maternal, who seemed to drop in all the time and anytime of day or night. They would always be talking with her in her bedroom. The first time it was revealed to me that ****** was occurring with Judy's immediate family was on a Saturday afternoon. I went by to pick up Judy for dinner at my Aunt's place. She and I had plans for a movie afterwards. I rang the doorbell. Judy's lady answered the door in her most revealing outfit to date. It was simply a sky blue baby doll lingerie set. The outfit was sheer and skimpy, nothing more. It might as well have been transparent. The shape of her neatly trimmed muff was very apparent. I had to work on hiding the rising, but slight bulge my prick made after seeing her that way. "Afternoon, Mrs. Smith." "Please, Mother Smith to you James. After all, you're practically in the family." "Thank you Misses, er, Mother Smith. I just came by to see Judy. She asked me to drop by a little early before our date today. She wanted to talk about something." "Oh yes, I think she did. Well she's back in her room and her Dad is in there talking with her. Go right on back, I believe they're expecting you, Just walk on in. Don't bother to knock." 'Is everything okay?" I inquired, sensing that there must be something important if they wanted to talk with me. "They just wanted to discuss some family issue with you that you may need to know about. It's to help you feel more a part of the family." Her mom said with an odd, but pleasant expression on her face. I slowly walked back to Judy's bedroom. Mother Smith stayed out front and continued watching a TV program. As I approached Judy's bedroom door, I could tell she and someone were in there. There were voices. Instead of walking in, I knocked, contrary to Mother Smith's directions. Her man opens the door and is holding his shorts in his other hand. "Uh, Mr. Smith?" I said in a surprised tone of voice, equally surprised at the sight before me. He was only wearing a tee shirt and socks. His rather large penis was very visible. The muggy frumpy odor that permeated the air apparently was the unmistakable indication of sexual activity having had been performed recently. "C'mon in Jamie. Judy and I were doing a little family bonding. "Hi darling." Judy spoke out cheerfully in her perky voice. "You missed all the fun me and Daddy had bonding." Judy was lying back in her bed with a sheet covering her from waist down, but was totally exposed the other way up. Her 38 breasts were magnificent and firmly shaped in their uncovered and unconstrained state. But as the situation dawned on me, I quickly assessed what was going on, or I should say, had gone on. "F-Fun! W-Why Mr. Smith, y-you a-and Judy w-w- were..." "Bonding, mister, just plain old bonding. A man and flower just spending some quality time together. Sure some folks might call it fucking or something else, but we Smiths see it as a way of keeping our family close together."
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EVENTS FROM OUR ENGAGEMENT: I Learn More About A Smith Family Secret Her man went on explaining the benefits of bonding. However, my mind seemed to shut down as I stood there trying to assess what had apparently happened before I'd arrived. Out of the fog of confusion in my mind, I heard Judy's voice coming through to me. "James, I know this may not be the best way to show you one of our most guarded family secrets, but since you're committed to become a part of the family, you had to be told." She said with a relatively bright smile. "That's right Jamie, the direct way is the best way sometimes. Anyway, my little girl here is quite a good piece of ass. I may be a bit biased, but the proof is in her pussy. Her brothers, her uncles, and both her granddaddies say she's an excellent fuck too. She's got a milking cunt that really knows how to draw all the cream out of a stiff dick." Upon hearing her man's crude, but complimentary, remarks, I felt weak in the knees and had to sit. I flopped down in a nearby chair. I could feel my face becoming flushed. "Daddy you're so sweet to praise my pussy the way you do." "I'm just telling the truth, baby doll." He replied as he leaned over toward her face and they both gave each other a deep juicy French kiss. I hoped this was all a bad dream, from which I hoped I soon would awake. That was not to be. "James, I guess there is something else I have to tell you... well, actually, I want to show you." "W-What?" I said slowly. "Come over here." She spoke. I slowly got to my feet as I move the short distance to the bed where she lay. "This is what I want to show you. Remember all the good eating you've had from here? Daddy and the guys made it all possible." As she spoke she whipped the sheet away covering her lower body. Her legs were spread wide and my eyes instantly focused on her wet messy and obviously jism-smeared snatch. It took a moment to for me to realize what she meant. It then dawned on me that the love juices that I thought were naturally hers, were the result of her coital sessions with other men. "J-Judy, h-how could y-you do this to me." I stammered, as I had to sit again. This time, it was on the bed besides her. "I just wanted to test to see if you were indeed a virgin, if you weren't you would've know what a fucked cunt looked like. You didn't, and after you willing placed your mouth on my oozing muff and ate my cream pie so good, I knew I wanted you James." "Go on mister, you can go ahead and root around in her bush and slurp up all that fresh dick cream. Don't mind me. Besides, didn't you agree in the pre- nuptial contract to make sure that whenever you were with my flower, before the wedding, you would make sure there was no jism in her snatch? Well, it's before the wedding, and you're with her now and I'd say it's time you do what needs to be done, namely getting all that dick juice out of her muff." Her man snidely injected as he pulled his underwear up. The impact of that statement in the pre-nuptial agreement came crashing down on me mentally as I absorbed his words. "Would you James darling? Show Daddy how much you like eating my creamy choohie." "J-Judy! A-Are you crazy?" "Now mister, don't speak to my flower in that tone!" The boom of her man's voice made me refocus my attention away from Judy over to her man, who'd quickly moved right beside me, where I was sitting on the bed. "Didn't you say he liked the taste of your gash before baby?" "He sure did Daddy, every time I gave him a chance to eat me. He's eaten your cream out of me several times." Judy replied with a slight pout on her face. She also added that over the months we were dating, I'd also tasted the jism of both her brothers, all male relatives who'd fucked her during that time, as well as the cum of Judd, Jeffery and Joe. I couldn't believe her revelation. Me a sperm eater? I thought to myself. "What's the matter Jamie, you think your mouth is too good to put on my baby's cunt after she showed you how your pussy cream pies were made? Are you trying to say Smith jism in Smith pussy ain't good enough for you to eat any more?" He grabbed me by the collar and lifted me off the bed with one hand and raised his other hand, which was now a giant fist. The biggest I'd ever seen. Judy's man was a big man. Six foot three and rippling with muscles. "Maybe I ought to rearrange your teeth and see if..." He snarled looking me in my scared horrified eyes. Luckily Judy interceded on my behalf. "Daddy! Please don't hurt him! He's just over loaded from us revealing so much to him at once. Aren't you James sweetheart?" I nodded yes quickly, still watching to see if Mr. Smith's big knuckles were going to come crashing into my face. "You still like my pussy don't you dear, very well in fact?" Again, I nodded affirmatively. I was just too nervous to speak. I was still watching her man's fist. "I can't hear you James darling." Judy spoke louder than the first time. I knew what she wanted of me. "Y-Y-Yes! I do." I said in a distress tone of voice. "Then apologize to Daddy. Tell him you're sorry." "I-I'm sorry Mr. Smith." "You sure are. And I thought you were going to make a good mister-in-law. I've still got a good mind to whip your ass and sue you too. Remember that agreement you signed." He bellowed back at me. "No! Daddy don't! I still love James. I want to marry him. You do love me James, don't you, or does Daddy have his way?" Judy asked in a sensuous cooing voice. I looked over at her. She had this strange half smile, half smirk on her face. "Y-Y-Yes I-I do love you Judy." I quickly replied, hoping this was good enough to get her man to back off with his threatening fist. "Then you don't mind showing Daddy that you do love me, do you?" Judy said. "B-B-But Judy, c-can't we t-talk first..." I stumred and stammered trying to negotiate with Judy, since I feared where she was going with her statements. It was then that I saw her man begin to raise his fist again. I paused, then capitulated and said what I knew what she wanted to hear. "I-I don't m-mind." I said meekly, knowing I didn't have much choice. "That's better. That's the kind of attitude I like to see in a future mister-in-law that wants to marry my little girl." Her man said. I was amazed at how easily his mood changed when I became agreeable to doing what Judy wanted. He moved back over and pulled up the same chair I'd been sitting in earlier. "Okay honey, scoot that cute butt of yours to the edge of the bed and let your future hubby prove his love to you and that he's worthy of becoming a Smith mister-in-law." Judy did as her dad ordered. Nothing had to be said, I knew what was expected of me. Judy spread her legs wide. The white expanse of her inner thighs did look so inviting, even if her upper inner thighs were wet with trails of leaking fuck slime. "C'mon James darling, do me like you've done me so many times before. Nothing has changed, it's just as good as before." She crooked her finger beckoning me to kneel and then moved her hand right to her jism- smeared pussy. It was obvious what she wanted and what I had to do. The funny thing was that I knew I had to lick and suck her cunt because her dad wanted to see me eat his cum out of his flower, but the other thing was that I had indeed become hooked on her slick, juicy, tangy muff, even though I was not aware of it's true ingredients. Doing what had to be done, I guided my head to her well-fucked crotch and began my tongue work to affirm my love. Judy soon held my head as she ground her juicy snatch in my face. There was a lot of gunk in her cunt, more than I ever remembered. I had to assume that all the other times, I didn't get the full treatment as I was here. After a lot of tongue work, I soon had her moaning in her customary manner and finally she achieved a loud rousing orgasm. After letting go of my head, she leaned back with the dreamiest smile I'd ever seen on her face. "Clap! Clap! Clap! You can sure handle her hot twat. I didn't think you had it in you. Welcome to the family." Her man said as he further applauded me for my "tongue and suckmanship" - his words. He left Judy and I alone, but before he did, he warned me against "breaking his little girl's heart" and made me promise that I would prove my love, as I had before him, anytime she desired of me.
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EVENTS FROM OUR ENGAGEMENT: Judy And I Talk "Judy, this is so overwhelming. T-To find out you've been having intercourse is bad enough a- and t-that y-you've had me licking you afterwards is devastating, b-but to find out that one of your regular lovers is y-your dad... w-well it's so much to have to handle." I told my obviously promiscuous fiancee. "I know it is James sweetheart, but Daddy and Mama and I came to the conclusion, the direct way is the best. You see us doing it, and bingo, it's out in the open. No long explanations." Judy replied in a rather cavalier fashion. "But Judy, w-why, after all this time, didn't you let me make love to you." "James, we've gone over all this before. You're a virgin and that's the way I want to marry you. It's a quality for which I'm proud of for you. By the way, so are your aunt and your lady too. "Y-You've talked to my aunt a-about that?" I replied nervously. "Sure. She knows you've never had none - maybe except your fist." She giggled a bit. "That's not funny Judy. I-I don't know why you went behind my back and talked to Aunt Jasmine without telling me." I said with an edgy tone. "Well James, maybe you should talk to her about talking to me about your sex life and use that same tone with her. Do you think she'd take you to the basement and teach you some manners?" "B-Basement, s-she told..." "Lets just say that she let me know that your attitude seem to change quite a bit after she takes you down there and have a talk with you. She said after we were married, she'd tell me more about how to keep little mannish boys from forgetting their place. Would you like to tell me what goes on in the basement or should I guess about what your strong willed Aunt Jasmine meant?" On my first attempt to speak I got fetishd. I couldn't believe my Aunt had revealed our family secret, so to speak. I would be devastated if Judy knew Aunt Jasmine had taken an extension cord to my backside not less than three weeks ago for breaking a plate, while I was doing the dishes. "Uh... A-Aunt Jasmine just l-likes to stretch things a bit. T-That's all." "Maybe I'll ask her about it later this evening when we have dinner over there." Judy replied. "I was thinking about that, a-and m-maybe that's not a g-good idea after all that's happen Judy. I-I just know that I wouldn't be in the mood and..." "We're going James darling and that's that. You know how much effort she's put into this dinner. It'll be all right honey. Speaking of food, would you like another little low calorie appetizer? I feel some more of Daddy's jism running way down from the back of my pussy. C'mon, lay back so I can sit on your face." "What! J-Judy, you can't be serious." "Yes I am darling. Or do you want me to call Daddy and tell him you're not keeping your promise." I know I must've turned pale, because the mention of his name sent a mild shiver through me as my mind conjured up an image of his giant fist. "C'mon, layback right here." Judy said patting the bed. She went on to tell me how to position my upward facing head. I could tell she knew I didn't want any part of confronting her man. I meekly followed her instructions. I truly felt browbeat. "Perfect! She said as she swung her shapely gorgeous torso over my skyward facing face. She positioned her curvaceous bottom and delectable cunt over my head. A cunt that it seems was only available to my tongue, but open to many other's hard cocks. "Oh yeeees!" Judy shrieked in a slightly loud voice. As she made contact with my face and began to scrub my face and seek out my open mouth and flitting tongue. After about fifthteen minutes, she dismounted my face which she'd used like a saddle. My face was a sloppy mess, as she was right, there was quite a bit of her man's jism still hiding in the farthest recesses of her apparently deep and stretchable gash. Even though I hated being treated as a clean up man for her semen soggy pussy, I couldn't deny that it wasn't un-pleasurable eating her out. It was the principle of the matter that bothered me. I hadn't really noticed it before, since so much had been dumped on me in such a short period of time, but I had a throbbing hard on. I needed relief, even though I was depressed and very upset about finding out the real story about my lovely fiancee. As I said, my face was a slimy mess, so the first thing I thought I should do was wash up. I did so in a nearby bathroom around the corner from Judy's bedroom. Upon leaving the bathroom, I heard noises from a nearby bedroom in the other direction down the short hallway. The door was slightly ajar. From where I was standing it was easy to see Judy's mom sexually couple with Judy's two younger brothers. One had his sizeable prick in her eagerly sucking mouth, and the other, also exhibiting a large cock, had it buried deep in his mom's cunt as she kneeled on all fours. I was again shocked beyond belief at what I was seeing. I briefly stood there in a dumfounded state before returning to Judy's room. I sat down in a daze as I discussed what I'd seen with Judy. "Oh Mom is just bonding with them too." Speaking of her brothers in regard to the scene I'd just seen and was asking her about. "I-I see. Judy forgive me, b-but this all so much of a surprise for me. Y-You know the ****** thing..." Judy gave me some background on when the ****** started. She told me that she and her man didn't really get it on until he discovered here doing her brothers. She was 19 at the time. She'd been sexing both her brothers for a while before that. "Daddy called it bonding when he and I started fucking. Simple bonding, he would say. And you know what darling? He was right, the whole family came closer together. Mom joined in also and that really bonded us all together. Later other relatives joined in. I've always use the pill so there won't be any unwanted pregnancies." "I-I see." I s all I said in reply. "This is all so new to me Judy. But Judy, where do we go from here, especially now that I know you're also having sex with your old boyfriends. Surely, you don't expect us to still consider ourselves engaged." "Why not James sweetheart? I still need them to give me what you can't, especially since you're going to have to remain a virgin until we're married." "Married! Judy, you can't be serious about that... after all this... and me finding out what you and Judd, Jeffrey, and Joe have been up to behind my back, not to mention the men in your family." "James, you must realize I love you, no matter everything you've mentioned is true. I want to make you my husband. The guys are still just friends, just like I said when I first introduced them to you. As friends, we just fucked on a friendly basis. Friends helping friends out. Their dicks get hard and my pussy gets hot. We come together and satisfy each other's need. Hardly no emotions, just lust. You and I on the other hand, have a true emotional love. You and I are connected beyond our physical beings. Of course, what you do to my pussy is sensational. Also, you and I can talk about anything and have touched each other's innermost intellectual souls. That has never happened with any other men I've dated. You're the one for me James. I truly love you, no matter that you're not physically matched to my sexual needs. I need your emotional and intellectual connectivity. I believe you need and love me the same way." I just marveled as Judy talked. I did appreciate much of what she said, but I also had my pride. "Uh, Judy, I-I understand, b-but what happens after we get married? I-I know and I-I suspect you do too, t-that, well I-I'm not as, well, as well as endowed as your dad or your brothers, or your old boyfriends either." "You're not. I'm sure I'll hardly feel your prick in me. But what is your point?" She said with a puzzling tone of voice. "Well, uh, if you know that I-I won't be able to fulfill your needs then there is no need for us..." "When people love each other they find a way darling." "But if I can't do what you need, then who ..." "Who will do it for me? The same men who've done it for me before sweetheart. Daddy and my brothers, and my other male relatives, and of course Judd, Jeffrey and Joe too." "Y-You mean t-that e-even if w-we get married y- you'd still..." "Of course darling, why not. I'll have more than enough pussy for you and them too. Nothing will change much except I'll be wearing your name and of course you'll finally get to put it in. You'll lose your virginity to me, all proper of course, under the auspices of marriage that is." I-I, Judy I'm having a hard time b-believing I'm hearing you say this. I-I..." For the umpteenth time, I was cut off one more time as her mom walked into Judy's bedroom. "Hi James, I wondered if you and Judy were still here." "Yeah, we were just talking."
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Judy replied to her mom, who walked into the room wearing only an open, and very sheer robe. She was obviously nude underneath, and to my utter amazement was holding her pussy lips together. "Now that you've been properly welcomed to the family, I want to welcome you in my own way too. Judy tells me you're a real good pussy eater. You mind if I try him out dear?" Directing her question at her flower, with an air that she didn't have to ask me, only her flower. "Sure mom, you don't mind sucking mom's pussy do you James honey? She's wanted to have someone eat her cream pie for so long. You're the first for me. Please make her happy and be the first for her too." "Yes James it would definitely make a good impression on me. After all, I will be your lady- in-law." "Sure he's going to eat your creamy box lunch honey, ain't you Jamie? Or do me and the boys have to take you downstairs and have a talk about being disrespectful to my wife?" Mr. Smith walked in the door just as his wife finished her request Cowed, and plain scared to death, for the second time, I assumed the position of a cream pie eater and buried my face again in a wet, hairy, slimy, gloppy, and well fucked, Smith pussy. This time Judy's dad and two brothers watched me as I gave slurpy heavy suction to Mrs. Smith creamy pussy pie. The men all cheered me on and their mom was in seventh heaven as she gyrated and rotated her shapely, but sloppy, bush against my tightly held face. She was very vocal. After about 10 minutes or so, she finally came with an obviously super orgasm as a result of my continuous tongue action. "Oh James, that was something. Judy you have good taste in pussy eaters. He really knows how to suck." I could only blush and cringe at such a dubious and unflattering remark, even though I seriously believed Mrs. Smith thought she was praising me. "Jamie, you did a right mighty fine job. I like you mister. From now on, you get the honor of being the family pussy eater for both my wife as well as our flower, your bride to be." "Oh thanks honey, I really like that. You always do good things for me. Plus it'll give me and James more time to know each other better." His wife added. "That's right mom, you really get to know a lot about a permister when they suck your cum filled pussy out." Judy added. "Hey Mom, I think it's really cool to have my scum sucked and eaten out of you and sis." Judy's youngest brother injected his thoughts into the conversation. "Well I guess I better take a quick shower unless somebody wants some more of me. James and I are supposed to be at his Aunt's house in less than two hours. I better hurry." Judy said, as she left to shower after her man and brothers didn't acknowledge that they wanted to sex her anymore. Judy's action and the family's response to it, was done so casually and so naturally, that I was in total awe and amazement. This indeed was a different family lifestyle than I'd ever imagined for the Smiths. Her mom now wore the same dreamy expression I'd seen earlier, as I glanced over at her lying back on Judy's bed. Still not believing what had taken place, I reached for the towel I'd had earlier to wipe her lady and brothers' fuck juices from my face. Her lady's cunt, had tasted as good as her flower. Of course, I could never admit to that. As I was wiping my face, I heard Judy's youngest brother asking his mom for some more pussy. She rebuffed him. "Aren't you satisfied dear?" His lady replied to his request. "Seeing him do you like that got my dick up again." He commented. "Well I'm tired and my pussy needs some rest." His lady commented wearily. "Why didn't you ask your sister for some?" "She was in a rush." "Then You'll have to wait for a while or go jerk off. Now leave me alone so I can finish enjoying the afterglow of having both of you boy's fuck slime sucked out of me so wonderfully, thanks to my delightful, soon to be new mister-in-law." She commented as she threw me a kiss. I blushed even a deeper red than before. My face was hot. "Hell! Jamie! Since you were partially responsible, that is for eating his lady's creamy box so good, I think you ought help out here. I think it'd be a good idea to for you to take care of his dick." "W-W-What?" I stammered in complete confusion and utter surprise as to what Judy's man said and implied. "You heard me! Suck his dick! You're responsible he got hard and you're responsible his mama's pussy is worn out! So it's only natural you fill in for her. Now get on your knees and open you mouth!" I was stunned beyond belief once more. I couldn't believe Judy's dad was going to make me a cocksucker too, after all else had been done to me in such a short period of time. I eyed the door, but knew I couldn't make it. I saw Judy's brother, the one with the hard dick, and a sizeable one I might add, advancing toward me. Mr. Smith seemed ready to pounce on me for the slightest sign I wasn't going to submit to his mister. My heart was in my mouth as I concluded my only chance to get out of this with teeth was to let another Smith shoot cream on them. The younger mister's prick was at least 8 inches long, thick in diameter and quite swollen, irrespective of the fact he'd screwed his lady very well not less than an hour ago. "On your knees Jamie." Mr. Smith bellowed. Like a robot, I knelt. Really my knees just seem to give way at his command. Now I was right in front of his mister's jutting, red gored dick head. The penis glans were so shiny and distended. I'm not a penis lover, but I couldn't help but thinking what a magnificent tool the younger mister had. There was pre-cum in the eye of his ready prick. I didn't know anything about sucking cock. It dawned on me I should say so. "M-Mr. Smith, I-I've never s-sucked a..." I stammered, but was quickly cut off. "No problem, just start licking his cockhead, let him push it in your yap and keep your teeth out of the way. Then you just suck and slurp like a baby. Don't worry, my boy will tell you ain't sucking him right. And Jamie, if you bite him, you gonna lose some teeth. Got that!" I was too scared to answer. I just nodded my head I understood. When I turned my head back to his mister's looming cock, he pushed it right to my lips. I licked my first taste of hot pre-cum. It was slippery, and a bit slimy, but not bad tasting. A few licks and I could tell by his moans, and the pressure of his dickhead against my lips, that he wanted to make my mouth his pussy. "Oooooh, that feels good and wet." I heard him moan as I parted my lips and he easily slipped the head in, as well as about three inches of his rigid shaft too. I truly had a mouthful now. He pulled back a bit and pushed even deeper now. My mouth was truly stuffed. "That's it Jamie, you got the hang of it. You're a natural. Just slurp and suck, that's all you got to do to get your reward." I still hated Judy's dad calling me Jamie and even more for what he was doing to me. The idea of a load of his mister's cum a reward was disgusting, but I knew I was helpless not to do other than I was doing. I was surprised at how quickly I got accustomed to the feel of his big stiff member between my lips. I also got my breathing technique under control. I was really concerned about Judy's brother's ejaculation catching me off guard and me obligation on my "reward", as his dad put it. I didn't have long to wait for the cock in my mouth to spurt and spewed its load of fresh hot semen. To my surprise, I was able to swallow all of the hot white slimy fuck fluids. The taste was similar to the taste of when I first tried a glass of milk with a raw egg blended in it. The biggest difference, his jism was rather creamy and very warm as it gushed over my tongue and gums. I knew he or his man wouldn't tolerate me not swallowing it all, so I did. Mr. Smith's mister obviously enjoyed helping me do my first blowjob, because he held my head to his cock for at least 5 minutes after he came. His man encouraged him to do so and for me to suckle and "milk" his 19 year-old mister. I had no choice but to do as I was told. "Plop!" His mister pulled his dick from my mouth and the sound emitted was like that of a popgun. I was glad that scene of embarrassment was over. I started to get off my knees as I wiped my mouth. "Stay there Jamie, I think you got another customer." In disbelief I looked to my left and now the other mister, the 21 year-old one, held his sizeable fuck tool and it was jutting obscenely out just like his younger brother had previously. I was speechless and looked at Mr. Smith with pleading eyes not to make me degrade myself again. He seemed to read my mind as well as my eyes. "You've done one, what's another one, especially since you already on your knees and hot and ready to lick and suck. He said. I knew it was hopeless. Once again, I licked, lapped and open up for another Smith prick. Besides having to suck his mister's well-proportioned cocks, the sad thing was that each of them was at least three times bigger than mine. As I sucked and slurped on this next mister's hard man meat, I thought of the fact that Judy was accustomed to such big meat. Yet if she loved me as she said she did, it was obvious that wasn't a priority for the type of husband she wanted. She knew I was significantly less endowed. It was slowly dawning on me that she needed or wanted, a weaker man than the type she'd grown up around. One that was more sensitive, but who she could control and wouldn't interfere with her apparent need for multiple big cocks.
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Macho men such as her man or brothers or her old boyfriends would be jealous and territorial. However, a more modest, actually less endowed and meeker permisterality like me, even though intelligent, who she could control through her beauty and other means might be more to her liking, since she's somewhat strong willed too. I wondered how I could be thinking of such a thing as I was on my knees being subjugated and scandald in the worse manner as I was. It about this time I sensed that the next Smith prick was about to erupt and shower my gums with his hot thick cum. "Ooooooh Yessss! Here it coooomes! Hold my balls! Hold them Jamie!" I quickly did as he directed me. As he yelled as he started spurting his heavy semen in my sucking mouth, I could feel a slight tremor in his rather large balls. Afraid of letting them go to soon, I held them for the time I had to milk the dregs of his jism as he soaked his softening penis between my lips. I was so glad when his completely soft dick slipped from my lips, even though it left a long ropy strand of goo between my lips and his dick that stretched at least a foot until it broke as he walked away. I thought, finally this part of my nightmare was over. Again I started to rise. I desperately wanted to wash out my mouth, for my mouth was feeling gluey and slimy from all I'd been powerd to do. "Don't move, just one more to go. I snapped my head to see Mr. Smith coming from the other direction with his much larger and more massive member. He had it exposed and at the ready. It stood out like a small club. "P-Please Mr. Smith, I-I simply c-can't do another one. P-Please let..." "Dry up Jamie! You won't have to do hardly any work this time at all. I'm gonna help you out." He said loudly. "Here hold my balls." I was still kneeling and mortified even more by his much larger tool and bigger balls. He was before me before me in an instant and had pushed his much larger, but just as swollen penis head toward my slime coated lips. He just pushed. My lips parted and my mouth filled with his huge erection. I held his huge balls. They were overflowing my smaller pale white hands. I managed to keep my wits about me, trying to gather solace in the fact that at least he was the last cock I had to worry about. Just as he said he would, he did help me. He started slowly fucking my face as he grasped the back of my head. I literally was being faced fucked. I worked hard to keep my teeth out of the way and to accommodate his actions as he treated my head as a fucking device. "Oh Yeah! You got some good mouth pussy here Jamie!" He shouted as he jacked off his big boner with my head. This went on for somewhere between 5 and 10 minutes before he shot off what was surely the largest load of the evening I had to eat from the smith men. To make matters worse, unknown to me until it was too late, Judy's Mom, who was lying back on the bed watching the powerd oralism of me, had pulled Judy's handy cam video camera off a nearby shelf. She'd recorded virtually every suck and swallow I was powerd to perform on her misters' and now her husband's stiff erections as they made my pursed lips and mouth their private fuck receptacle. I had been thoroughly used and vanquished, I was beyond resisting them, it was a simple matter of trying not getting beat up and surviving the ordeal. By the time I realized I was being videotaped, Judy's dad had just begun his ejaculatory spurting. As usual, it was to be a sizeable load of semen from his large dick. Shocked at what Judy's Mom was doing I pulled my mouth free of her Dad's spurting dick. What would've been just a normal regular run-of-the-mil blowjob in which the man being sucked, jism was dutifully consumed, my action caused the making of a XXX quality cum scene blowjob with her Dad's sticky gooey cum stretched all over my face and ropy strand drooling from my lips as well as splattered on my startled face. Seeing her with the camera, I made a futile attempt to get up and put my hand in front of the camera lenses some six feet away. I never got more than a foot, as her irate husband grabbed me and almost held me up with one hand. I was thoroughly berated for not letting my mouth stay wrapped around his gushing cock." "You owe me another blowjob! Actually as many as I want! Got that!" Again, I was cowed even more than before. I was afraid I was going to get clobbered by his powerful fist, even after all I'd done to prevent from being beaten. His fist was clench and ready for action. I just knew I was a gonner. In the midst of that I'd almost forgotten about his wife and the camcorder. "Stop Honey! Now take it easy honey. I startled him when he saw I was taping him. He didn't mean no harm. It was just an accident. Right Jamie dear?" "Y-Yes ma'am" I meekly said. Thankful for her intervention even though I noticed she too was now calling me Jamie. I hated it when people called me Jamie. But this was not the time to exert myself or complain about such a small thing. "You see he said so dear. Now Jamie, tell my husband, that you're really sorry for pulling your lips off his dick as he was shooting off, but will be more than happy to make it up to him as many times as he and the boys need you to fill in for Judy and I." Not knowing what else to do, I capitulated and basically committed my mouth as a surrogate pussy for the Smith family men. To make matters worse, her husband threw in the further condition, that other family men could also count on me for head too, if they needed or wanted me to do them. I just knew this couldn't be really happening, for I was on the verge of tears after he let me go. I fought hard not to cry. It was awful.
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EVENTS FROM OUR ENGAGEMENT: The Drive To Dinner "James, you really are going to have to do something about your attitude. You know I love you and so does Mom and Dad, And you know my brothers like you a lot. Probably more so now that you've sucked their dicks. And don't worry about Dad, it'll be okay with him. He'll get over you pulling off his dick just as he was coming. I'm sure you can understand they way he felt. He's willing to forgive and forget, why can't you? After all, he agreed to let you suck him some more to make up for one little silly disagreement." "I-I-I don't believe I-I hear what you're saying." I-I've got to pull over so we can talk about this." I said as I pulled just inside the entrance of a nearby park. "By the way Judy, thanks for letting me use your toothbrush. My mouth was so gummy and gluey f-from doing you a-and your mom as well from swallowing your brothers' and Dad's thick cum. I-I just had to brush before I left there." I said in an embarrassed manner. "Of course darling, we are a partnership, bonded by love. We will share so much on this journey of commitment to each other." Judy replied in a sweet cooing voice, as she placed a kiss on my forehead. She sounded and looked so delectable. However, she used that "B" word again - bonded. I was beginning to see it as a four-letter word even if it wasn't. "But seriously Judy, you really think I-I'm the right guy for..." "The right guy for me? Of course you are, James darling. I really love you. Surely you aren't going to let a few little, well, er, not so little, cocks, and some other men's hot sperm interfere with the obviously deep love and affection we have for each other, are you? I know I love you and I'm sure you love me too, don't you?" Judy spoke in a warm wooing manner. I hated it when she talked that way. It had a way of soothing me down whenever things were going wrong. "J-Judy, I-I'm having a hard time dealing with t- this. Y-You're so cool and clam. Y-Y-You were h- having sex with..." "Bonding darling, bonding with my brothers and Dad. It's us doing such things for each other that build up the warm, nurturing, and close relationship we have as a family. "Judy, it r-really hurt to know about you having in-intercourse b-behind my back, but with your family members and old boyfriends is-is a lot to deal with. A-And that doesn't even touch on all the other things I was powerd to do... and now that y-your mom has that video, I-I just don't know what to do." "That's easy, you're going to accept me, love me, and become my husband." "Judy, w-why are you doing this to me? Yes I do love you. You're the girl I could only dream of dating, much less planed to be married to." "Remember we talked about this some time ago James. Looks and prick size are not everything sweetie. You have other things I need besides those things. You're caring, you're understanding, gentle, and most of all, we can talk about the books we've read as we take long walks and share tender moments." "B-but when we're not doing that and you have the urge to be with your o-other men a-and family members, w-what about me?" "You can find something else to do while I get help for your inadequacies in that area. However, you're not to get involved with another woman! That is O! U! T! OUT! You are to remain faithful! Understand?" "Y-Y-Yes. Q-Quite clear." I replied meekly as I stuttered and stammered. I was caught off guard by her sudden, point blank assertiveness. Judy and I talked for a while more. It became rather apparent, she had no inclination of releasing me from my commitment for marriage and that the videotape her mom made was also now a part of the persuasion tools she held over my head. I gave up trying and decided to resume driving over to my aunt's house for dinner. Besides, I was hungry. "You mean you're still hungry after all the creamy appetizers you've eaten?" Judy replied at my remark of being famished.
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EVENTS FROM OUR ENGAGEMENT: Dinner With My Aunt Jasmine As Judy and I walked to my Aunt's door, the delightful aroma of food could easily be detected. I was sure that at least I could count on my Aunt's good cooking to ease the depression, hurt, as well as the shame and scandal I felt at that moment from the earlier events I'd been subjected to. I thought surely that the day couldn't get any worse than it had already. However, as things go for me, I was wrong again. I used my key to open the door and let Judy and I in. "Hello James baby!" "M-Mother! I-I didn't know you were coming." I replied in total surprise. "Yes dear, I wanted it to be a surprise. And this must be my beautiful new flower-in-law to be. I must say Judy, the photo he sent me doesn't even begin to do you justice." "Hello Mrs. Jackmister, happy to..." Mother cut Judy off. "Mother Jackmister, dear. We're practically family. Come give me a hug." Mom said to Judy. I had mixed emotions about my lady being there at this particular time. I knew eventually, she had to meet Judy. I guess I was hoping later than sooner, even if the wedding, if one was to take place, was only 6 months away. You see, my mom is rather strong willed, like my aunt, and often they can embarrass me with their over protectiveness. They both still see me as a juvenile and often treat me as such, instead of the adult I am. Some may even think they treat me as if I'm a mama's boy. I was hoping mom didn't revert to such a protective mode tonight, especially after all I'd been through earlier in the evening. My aunt is a great cook. She cooked all my favorite items, including macaroni with plenty of cheese. As I ate ravenously, Mom and Judy were exchanging small talk. I closely monitored their exchanges for any hint of talk that could be embarrassing to me. However, as soon as word of the pre-nuptial contract surfaced, I knew it was time to be vigilant and be ready to intervene and not have the conversation focusing heavily into me and Judy's permisteral relationship. Again, this turned out to be a disaster for me. "You are too beautiful dear, I'm sure the guys hound you for pussy a lot, don't they?" "Mother!" I blurted out, not believing my own ears. "Shush! Baby. I'm talking to your lovely fiancee." My lady directed her comment at me without even looking in my direction. "I do get propositioned a lot Mother Jackmister. Men are always after my body. That's why I fell in love with James, he looked beyond that. He and I communicate and have a loving and deep emotional relationship above the skin deep level." I was even amazed at Judy's very diplomatic reply. "I'm so glad to hear that you and James are so emotionally connected. Also, Judy dear, from talking to my sister, I want you to know that as his lady, I'm pleased you also understand the significance of James's virginity and that it is a treasured asset for him to bring into your marriage." "Mother! Please! This is not the time or..." "James! Please! It's okay for your mom to talk about what's important to her, and also to me, for that matter." Judy abruptly replied as she gave me a stern look this time. Again, I felt belittled in the worse way as she continued with her reply to my mom. As I looked around, I could tell that both my Mom and Aunt seemed pleased at her action. I felt even worse upon discerning that. "Oh yes Mother Jackmister, I agree with you wholeheartedly. In fact I think of it as a sort of dowry he's bringing with him. My parents, and my family for that matter, are pleased that I'm marrying a chaste groom." "James, you have a sensible girl with high moral character. She's right to have you come to the altar as a virgin and dismiss your efforts to give in and do otherwise. If playing with you little thing is necessary to maintain it, then that's the way it should be nephew." I cringed in total and absolute embarrassment. "Yes, I totally agree. I've told James that I will not be a party to him throwing away something so precious. I definitely want him to be my virginal bridegroom. I'm just so lucky to be marrying him." Judy replied with a big smile. "Judy, you've got yourself quite a catch there. Now that y'all are virtually married, that is because of the contract, I presume in order to keep yourself comfortable, sexually that is, you have trained James in the proper art of oral sexual satisfaction until you're wed? Him putting his mouth on your cunt does not constitute any *** of or compromises his virginity, but keeps you relieved while you wait for the wedding day." "M-Mother please!" "James! Shush! I'm tired of repeating myself. You'll get your turn to speak. Until then, please be quiet!" Mother's words caused my face to turn even redder, as all the other eyes in the room seem to look right through me. "Oh yes. James has excelled in that department. He's quite a natural when it comes to pleasing me with his mouth. I guess it's alright to say this now that we're all practically family." "Yes we are dear, be as candid as you wish." My Aunt replied eagerly. "He's just loves to suck my pussy. Don't you James?" I was more than blushed at the explicit nature of the discussion and of Judy's candor. "P-Please, c-can we c-change the subject and..." "Nonsense! You've been so eager to talk, well now talk and tell us something you need to talk about!" My Aunt interjected loudly. "This is a critical and important topic for newlyweds. Now answer the question!" I looked at my Aunt. Her eyes were focused hard on me. I knew the best thing to do was answer Judy. "Y-Yes Judy, I-I do." I replied with my head hung low as I ate another forkful of macaroni. "Dear, be powerful, speak up. Tell her so like you mean it. Do it again for me." My Aunt said. "D-Do I-I have to?"
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"Yes! Tell your fiancee you love sucking her pussy! Say every word! Now!" I could tell my Aunt was on the verge of getting upset with me. "J-Judy, I-I love sucking your pussy very much." I said. "Thank you darling." Judy replied smiling with a slight smirk. "Very good James, that's the positive way you should speak when telling the woman you love, that you love doing things for her." "Judy, you can be very candid when you answer this next question. I'm a modern women, who only wants what's best for my mister, and you as his future wife, as well as what's best for the stability of your future marriage. Judy, in regard to having adequate sexual relations, I presume a smart girl like you already knows that my mister is not, well, er, not well equipped to handle your total bedroom needs. I assume you've made plans to get my mister some assistance in that department?" I was more than devastated by the question and was too speechless to speak except to gasp at my lady's question. Judy was a bit surprised, but her answer was quicker than I thought it should be. "First of all, Mother Jackmister, I truly love James. However, you're correct, his penis size will require me to seek some adjustment in our planned sexual relations because of his shortcomings. Yes I have tentatively considered the help of three former boyfriends to aid my future husband in his bedroom duties." Judy's firmness and confidence as she replied so quickly, left me little comfort as I wanted to crawl into a one-inch hole. Not only was I speechless, I felt even more belittled. "Since we all know you're the experienced partner in this relationship, can I also presume these three men are also rendering assistance to you now during your engagement?" "Yes ma'am you can." She said without blinking an eye. I was still stunned by what was going on around me. I was flabbergasted. Was I dreaming? This couldn't be happening at the dinner table with my lady and aunt, could it? "Good! Smart girl! James, your future wife is not only beautiful, but sharp and is preparing well to make your marriage a stable, and solid long-term loving affair. You must be sure and do your fair share. Have you been giving her oral caresses after she's had physically satisfying sex with her studs?" I almost fell out of my chair at that question. As best I could, I tried desperately to change the subject. I was severely reprimanded and made to respond. Having to admit that I'd sucked other men's semen from my fiancee's cunt, especially in front of my own lady and aunt was so debilitating. Worse were the smirking smiles by all three of the women. Their eyes seem to burn me as they looked upon my embarrassment. "James is so lucky to be marrying an experienced and beautiful girl like you. He's been a bookworm most all his life. Now Judy dear, after you're married, we know it's going to be necessary for you to keep your lovers because you not going get all the satisfaction you need from my nephew's tongue and his rather small thing. However, being as intelligent as he is, I'm sure he'll understand that he has to take a backseat, frequently, to better equipped men. James you do understand what I mean, don't you?" Mother words and her direct style of giving her message to Judy, not only made me blush even deeper, but almost made me fetish on the food I'd just put in my mouth. All I could do was nod affirmatively for her. Everyone at the table smiled. To my chagrin, the three continued to talk as if I didn't matter. Realizing that it was useless to deter the three from emasculating me more, I continued to try and get some enjoyment out of the only thing I could at this dinner, the food. Hurting inside, I could only listen as my vivacious fianc?e responded to question after question from my aunt and lady about her three real men - Joe, Jeffrey and Judd. I was sure that Judy wasn't going to reveal her family secret, but she didn't. Judy's face was bright and warm as she described the penises of each of her studs in response to one of the questions asked her. To my utter amazement, she warmly held my hand as she went into graphic details, about not only the sizes, both erect and relaxed, but also what oral attentions each man liked done to his cock. My face went blank as I listened to what was being said. My shock was complete. I was totally speechless, especially when she added "They all like me to lick and suck their balls too. I like doing that for them anyway. It really makes me feel close to the man I'm fucking when I do that for him." Mother and Aunt Jasmine had the brightest smiles on their faces as they seemed to hang onto every word Judy spoke. "I think Joe shoots the biggest load of cum, however, Jeffrey and Judd aren't far behind." Was her reply to which one gave her the most cum when she performed blowjobs to completion. "Yes, I have a few times, but of course he wasn't aware of it." Judy said with a smirking smile and winking at me, as she replied to Mother's question about if she'd ever kissed me right after sucking one of her real men's dicks. I was totally humiliated and emotionally drained after such lewd talk and belittlement, the likes of which I'd never even dreamed of, not in my worst nightmare. After more similar talk related to how well the sex was with her three studs, the talk suddenly tuned to a topic near and dear to both my Aunt and Mother - corporal punishment of unruly males. I know it was all over for me now. I knew that my family secret was about to be put on the table. I didn't have to wait long. I was doomed. "Jasmine has already indirectly implied to you, that we are strong proponents of behavior modification via corporal punishments for James. It is because of it that he has turned out to be so well mannered and trustworthy. Now, since he is soon to become your husband, Jasmine and I see it as important that we properly pass the baton to..." "Don't you mean the paddle?" My Aunt injected, to which the room filled with laughter from the three. I didn't see anything funny at all about this discussion. Mother and Aunt Jasmine went on and on about the benefits and merits of properly applied punishment to keep a new husband on the straight and narrow.
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I knew it was useless to say anything, so I just sat and finished my dinner. The others had eaten only about half of their meal and now seemed to have much more interest in the current topic of conversation, which they were deeply engrossed in. "James, we're going downstairs, finish eating your veggies and no dessert until you finish." Mom said as she stared at me hard before leading Judy and Aunt Jasmine with her, as they went to the basement. Again, I was being treated as a juvenile, but I know I dare not say a thing to the contrary. I almost knew it was too late to try and salvage any semblance of me being the soon to be husband and master of my domain. Judy's family had pretty much taken care of me ever having any hope of doing that. Now with what my own Mom and Aunt were doing, it was pretty certain that their actions would forever seal me against even thinking about dreaming of being assertive with Judy in anyway. It was obvious my future was doomed. It appeared my fate was to be one of forever being subjugated and humiliated at the hands of beautiful, but dominant women. I was very concerned about what my Mom would be telling Judy about the basement corporal punishment equipment and both of their philosophies about disciplining me. Here I was hoping to get away from all that and here it was surrounding me all over again. After finishing my dinner, I cleared the table. I was fairly certain that the others did not desire to return to their cold plates. I also didn't want lady or Aunt Jasmine to order me do so in front of my fiancee. Especially, since they were sure to make me wear an old fashioned, long white, lace trimmed pinafore. They got it for me to wear when doing kitchen duty. "JAMES! COME DOWN HERE!" The loud cry of Mother summoning me broke me from my depressing reverie as I sipped on after dinner coffee. I took another sip and headed toward the basement door. "This won't take but a moment of your time James dear. We wanted to show your future wife how this whipping table would look with you properly mounted to it. You know what they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. Be a dear and come over here so Jasmine and I can secure you to it. We wanted Judy to see how to properly secure you down should you ever need some refresher discipline. This is going to be one of your wedding presents." "Isn't that nice of your Mother and Aunt to give such a wonderful antique?" Judy said. "An antique, James, that can be pressed into service should you determine that it need be, by your negative or unruly behavior, that is." Aunt Jasmine added. The three women continued to talk about the craftsmanship and surface finish of the old wooden device. But then their conversation quickly turned to the real functionality of the table. For the countless time that day, I was speechless. I stood there stunned as it was proposed that I demonstrate how a permister is secured to the device for punishment. Slowly I was able to speak. "W-What! P-Pleases Mother... I-I just..." "James sweetie, please don't whine and waffle in front of your fianc?e. It's time to be a man and show her you're not squeamish over giving a little demonstration. Now if you're going to be obstinate, and non-cooperative, this could easily turn into more than a demonstration. You get my drift?" The harsh look on her smiling face signaled to me once again that my will or say so was not important. "Y-Yes m-ma'am." I hung my head as I replied demurely. I was choice-less in the matter and all three women knew it. The whipping table lady referred to was an antique that had at one time been used in a turn-of- the-century state reform school for wayward teens. The heavy oak table had a series of large iron rings for securing an individual as he was bent over forward, at the waist, across the flat, slightly inclined surface. The arms would stretch forward and be secured to a one set of heavy iron rings. The mid thighs would also be secured as well as the ankles. With these strategic parts of the body anchored, about the only movable part was one's protruding ass cheeks. And to be honest, the allowable motion was really more of a wiggle than any serious movement. I was no stranger to the table as a teen. Mother had it shipped to my aunt's place the first time my aunt and I had a disagreement about me staying out past midnight. Upon hearing the news of lady shipping it out, I quickly gave up trying to convince Aunt Jasmine of my need to stay out beyond midnight. It didn't matter, my aunt wrestled me on the table the same day it arrived and I paid dearly for my attempt at setting my own curfew, or lack thereof. Even though I was an adult, Aunt Jasmine has weight and height on her side. She easily subdued me. She had me across the whipping table in no time at all. The two other times, I was too scared to not voluntarily come down and willingly - even though pleading, begging, and crying for mercy and forgiveness - let myself be bound and punished. When I moved to my aunt's place, I thought sure that I would have more freedom than I had at home. However, the day after I arrived, it was apparent that my aunt had other ideas. Additionally, lady was not only encouraging my aunt in her dominance of me, but orchestrating a lot of it. I meekly positioned myself at the table and my aunt and lady did the rest. As they secured me to the table with the super strong Velcro type fasteners, they lectured to Judy. About the only thing I was thankful for was that they hadn't made me drop my pants. That would be a sure sign that this was going to be more than a simple tie-down demo. However, as in other instances in my life, I was soon to be proven wrong once more. "There now, see how easy that is Judy dear.?" "Yes, Mother Jackmister, the fasteners make quick work of getting him tied down.' Judy commented. I hated the gleeful tone in her voice. The three women soon turned to the variety of whipping instruments hanging on the wall. I was left tied to the table and totally ignored as they discussed several of the homemade extension cord whips made by lady and Aunt Jasmine. For some reamister both had an affinity for electrical cables, from thick to thin ones. I really hated the folded thin gauge electrical extension cord. It really stings for a long period of time. "Judy, of all the these I still think this simple folded extension cord is my overall favorite." I heard lady say as the three walked back toward me. I of course was still bent precariously across that infernal table. "Proper wrist action and downward power is necessary to impart your message to the subject. It's too bad, James has been so good lately, otherwise it would be great if I could give you a first hand demonstration." I heard lady sigh after making her statement. I didn't like the tone of her voice or the nature of the conversation.
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"Mother Jackmister, you're correct, James has been very mannerly and always the proper gentleman with me lately. However, as you mentioned earlier, if he isn't reminded occasionally of what will happened if he doesn't continue to be well behaved, he may slip back into doing things that are unacceptable." "Yes, I did say that. But what is your point dear girl?" "Well, I was thinking that since it's been almost a month since his last time on the table for corrective discipline, maybe a brief demo could count as a deterrent, even though he hasn't done any bad deeds. Additionally, demonstration strokes could also count as credits against future misdeeds on his part." "I love your idea! James, you definitely have good taste in selecting your new bride." My lady chimed. "Excellent idea Judy! He's bound to get into trouble in the future, probably before the wedding. Didn't you mention earlier that he mentioned something about trying to lose his virginity and that he even brought up the subject of possibly having another woman aid him if you didn't?" Aunt Jasmine interjected. "In all fairness to James, he didn't say any of that, I merely advised him I would not tolerate him with other women even though I would be seeing other men, as I am now and after we're married." "P-Please M-Mother, I-I don't think that an actual w-whipping d-demonstration will serve no..." I finally managed to get my wits about me to speak when I was literally shut up. "This is another accessory that will come in quite handy. We call it a vocal cord protector." My lady said of the short strip of duct tape she placed over my mouth. I didn't even see her put it on me, as my back was to the three of them. "There now, we can continue our conversation without being rudely interrupted. Judy, you're after my own heart. I like your forward thinking. Yes, I quite agree with you. A little preventive treatment does go a long way. Plus James dear, you'll get credit for the few licks we're going to give you against future trouble you're bound to get into. I don't know why you should have any objections to this little demonstration, and especially so since it's for your new bride to be." Mother spoke as she began pulling at the belt on my trousers. I tried to prevent her as best by pressing the buckle against the tabletop. I could only cry out in a mumble with the tape over my lips. "WHAP!" I heard the sound of the wooden paddle hitting something. A slit second later, I felt the impact on my tooting ass cheeks. The hurt from the paddle was minimal since the jeans I wore softened the blow, but the shock was greater. However, Mother really got my attention. "Stop fighting me James! If you don't let me unbuckle these pants easily, I'll get a bullwhip and whip them off you in shreds!" Her threat quickly calmed me down. I knew now that it was totally hopeless for me. I was going to be whipped, not only in front of my new bride to be, but probably by her also. "Yes, the welts from last month are all nicely healed." Aunt Jasmine commented as soon as I felt air on my rear end. "Yes his bottom is in an excellent condition for this demo we are about to perform." Spoke lady. I felt several hands running over my upturned bottom, which I know was slightly trembling from anticipatory fright on my part of what was to come. "Now Judy, with the folded extension cord, you want to apply your strokes with the proper swing and strength to be assured that the proper message is received by your husband. Too little power in your swing and he thinks you're playing with him, which leads him to believe you're not serious about punishing him. Remember each instrument must be applied with varying degrees of power to get the best performance." As lady went on with the technical aspects of corporal punishment, I was mentally cringing and saying my prayers that they weren't going to do an extensive demonstration on me with every whipping instrument. "SWISH!" "CRACK!" "UMMMMMMPPPP!" My scream came out as a loud muffled noise. The surprised lash by lady caused me to strain against the constraints as the biting sting seemed etched on my bottom. I wiggled uncontrollably as if trying to shake off the burning pain left after the impacting thin cords. Mother had truly caught me off guard.
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"Now see that was a well placed stroke and applied with proper power. Now you'll notice that was applied such that it's placed at a diagonal across his ass. The idea is do a diagonal series from bottom left to top right and then the next series from bottom right to top left. After you do that, then you can apply a few level strokes across the middle of his bottom. The purpose is when he sit down, he'll really feel that he has had a proper punishment as the welts heal. Now you try it dear. Remember, with this thin extension cord, to get your point across, the best technique is to swing with all your strength and then back down from there rather than to go lightly at first." "SWISH!" "CRACK!" I reacted violently to my fiancee's first blow. For she did indeed seem to take lady's advice about using all her strength. "Good stroke. Now apply several rapidly to get your first diagonal done." "SWISH!" "CRACK!" "SWISH!" "CRACK!" "SWISH!" "CRACK!" "Very good! Now the other side." I heard lady's voice as I moaned loudly and jerked and tugged violently against the iron rings. My ass cheeks were ablaze with stinging burns. My poor ass cheeks were quivering and my muted sobbing taking second place to the technical instructions going on behind me. After Judy finished using the doured thin extension cord, I just knew that the three would let me up. Again I was wrong. There was to be no mercy for me. My fiancee was then instructed in the use of the whippy cane and allowed to place 5 very well placed strokes over the mass of welts I'm sure were already swollen quite well without the bruising blistering effect of the cane. Only after a few minutes of technical discussion on welt formation was I freed from the table. My sobbing was uncontrollable as I immediately reached to rub my stinging burning ass. "Just look at our big baby with all those tears. You come right over to mommie so I can show your future bride how to apply ointment to those welts." "T-That's... SOB!... O-Okay, I-I'll... SOB!... D- Do it... SOB!... my..." "You'll do no such thing, now stop being stubborn and come across mommie's lap like a good little boy." Again, knowing the possible consequences of further resistance, I hung my head and walked toward where lady was sitting. My face was a mess as I continued to sob and cry. I tried not to look my fiancee in the face, but out of the corner of my eye, even through my profuse tears, I could see the most pleasant countenance on her face. It was more than obvious she was enjoying my misery, degradation, and subjugation. I winced and jumped as the rubbing ointment was massaged into the welts, a few of which had broken the skin. All the while, my aunt and mom praised my fiancee at what a wonderful first job she'd accomplished. All I could do was sob as softly as I could, as I was frequently reminded by Mother and Aunt Jasmine, that if I were more of a man I wouldn't be such a crybaby. Intermixed with the talk about Judy's performance were frequent references to `my weenie' and how it was indeed imperative for my fiancee to seek outside help for her sexual needs. My shame was great. All I could do was take the continuing verbal use and be thankful it wasn't physical. Later upstairs, I was not allowed to wear my pants or underwear, only my shirt and the lacy white pinafore, so that air could speed up the healing of the welts I also wore. Dressed in this manner, I was required to serve after dinner coffee to Judy, lady and Aunt Jasmine. As I expected, there were numerous comments about the designs on my rear as I walked around serving the three of them. As I was in no condition to drive Judy home, she called Joe, one of her three full time lovers, to pick her up. I was in the kitchen when he arrived and I overheard her introducing him to my aunt and mom when he arrived at the front door. I easily heard Aunt Jasmine and lady praising the two how well they looked together. You see. Joe is black. I also heard that he was taking Judy back to his place and that she'd probably relax over. My guts burned upon hearing that, but what could I do. I knew I didn't have the slightest say so in the matter. I was more thankful that neither Judy, or my aunt or lady, make me come out to see the couple off. Based on this small act of mercy, I thought to myself, maybe the three of them did harbor some concern or respect for my feelings as a man and the obvious emasculation I was being subjected to. However, what was to happen just six weeks later, back in this very same house, let me know just how much respect the three had for me. I've always thought of the incident as the `Rod Incident'. But first, I must tell about the events that occurred between now and then.
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EVENTS FROM OUR ENGAGEMENT: Before The Rod Incident Judy called to see how I was doing the next morning. Soon after inquiring about my still aching ass, she soon let me know how wonderful Joe and his dick treated her. "James, the only thing missing was your tongue darling, getting a good tongue lashing and slurp-up from you on my wet drippy pussy really caps off an evening well for me. I missed you my love, but I knew you were a bit too emotional to be fun after our basement adventure." "A-Adventure! Judy, t-that's truly an understatement. Why couldn't you have just refused lady's invitation to whip me? After all, it's not like things are going to be that way when we're married." There was a moment of silence from Judy. "Only if you need it James darling. Besides, your lady has reared you to be respectable and mannerly. If a few strokes now and then are needed to keep you that way, you can't blame me for continuing to do what is necessary to keep you on the right path. Anyway, not to worry, you can expect me to only punish you when you absolutely need it or when I feel you need to be reminded of your commitment to me." Her tone was firm and confident. I sensed it was better to continue this conversation at a later time, as I knew where it was heading. The problem was I didn't really have any idea of how I'd change her mind anyway. After all, she had all the cards and my own family helped stack the deck against me. I changed the subject and we chatted a few more minutes before she informed me she was on her way over. Her reamister for coming had me pleading with her not to come. "P-Please Judy, please don't a-add to my embarrassment. It-It was bad enough you saw mom rubbing ointment on me. I-I just couldn't have y-you take me across your..." "Why I'd love to have you come across my knees and rub ointment into your bare bottom. Why darling, what kind of fianc?e would I be if I didn't tend to you? After all, I helped blister your cute little bottom didn't I?" Judy literally hung up on me as I continued in my attempts to deter her from coming over to administer rubbing ointment to my still bruised bottom. I sighed as I hung up. True to her word, my fianc?e arrived and did as she had indicated she would. Mother and Aunt Jasmine, also overruled any and all objections I had. My face was redder than a fresh beet as I lowered my pants and laid across her lap for the ointment massage. Not only did she take longer than necessary, her kneading of my ravished backside flesh hurt. As I winced in pain, all three women urged me to be more courageous and to show more `backbone'. My shame was complete and total, as I arose and had to thank her, per lady's request. The rest of Judy's visit was devoted to further discussion with lady and Aunt Jasmine about her date with Joe. The three women wouldn't hear of me leaving the room during the explicit and detailed account. Since I could more easily sit on my beaten bottom, Judy and I did date that evening, even though it was overshadowed by me having had to be treated like a baby earlier by her, as well as be present as she recounted her bed date with Joe. On my date with her that night, I was treated to something I hadn't had lately, the taste of her cunt without another man's sperm running from it. She also jerked me off, which was rather pleasant. Within a few days, Judy and I were back on our regular dating arrangement, which included several visits to her home. Even though fearful of what to expect, I nevertheless had to go, since it appeared that I could do nothing to stop the marriage train I was on. Her man had me on my knees the very next time I was over at her house. He quickly had me making up for the botched blowjob I gave him before. He collected within an hour of my arrival. The surprising thing was that no one at the dinner table thought it unusual for her man to have me follow him to the front room, after the meal. "C'mon Jamie, I'm gonna watch TV and feeling your mouth wrapped around my dick would feel good about now. My hot dick cream will be your dessert." Judy's man said loudly as he got up from the table and proceeded to walk toward the family room. No one at the table reacted in the least to his loud, bold announcement. In fact both Judy and her mom were carrying on a side conversation and her two brothers another. "Damn it Jamie! Didn't you hear me! I want your lips on my dick before my show starts!" Judy's man roared. The sound of his deep voice sent a chill down my back. "James darling, run along. You don't want daddy mad at you again, do you? Go show him you're going to be cooperative." Judy said, interrupting her conversation to speak to me. "He'll be right there Daddy!" Judy shouted toward her man. She then turned back to me. "Remember, we have a basement here too." She said as she leaned over and whispered to me, so that the others wouldn't hear her. She had a snide smile as she spoke. I immediately picked up on her implication and jumped up out of my seat and headed after her man who was unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants as he was walking toward the next room. I followed with a flushed red face. The other family members looked at me as if I'd done something wrong for hesitating to do as Mr. Smith had commanded of me. Mr. Smith dropped his pants and positioned me on my knees such that I could focus all my attention on his cock and balls. He had me lick his huge, but soft hairy scrotum before starting on his large shaft and enormous cockhead respectively. As I knelt there with his very stiff dick nestled firmly in my mouth, he held his big hand on the top of my head as he slowly palmed it and used my mouth to slowly jack off his big erection. All I could do was to hold onto his muscular thighs and keep my lips pursed as he told me. I was his passive mouth pussy and there was little I could do about it. Besides the sound of the TV show he was watching, all I could see before me was his long shaft as my lips slid back and forth, as well as his thick patch of pubic crotch hairs. I soon got accustomed to the feel of his large dick in my mouth and I was vigilant to any signs of his pending ejaculation. Other than that, I just mentally sighed and knelt helplessly letting myself be used by my dominant lusty future man-in- law. After about twenty minutes of being mouth fucked, I felt his already bloated dickhead flare in size. I knew then he was about to blow his hot jism in my mouth. I fortified myself to receive his spermy outpouring. As expected, he flooded my mouth with a sizeable load of his thick spunk. I had to swallow fast due to the power and volume of his hot, spurting, viscous ejaculate. I congratulated myself on accomplishing my powerd duty without gagging or obligation. However, he wasn't going to let me off that easy, he held me there so that his still semi-hard penis could `linger and soak' - his words - in my mouth. I was in no position to argue. His hot sperm was not my only creamy dessert that night, for Judy's lady also had me eat her creampie, and so did Judy too. Judy's mom had been fucked by some male relatives that'd dropped by while I was sucking her husband off - which incidentally took over an hour - he continued to soak his huge dick between my lips as he watched two of his favorite TV programs. Later, after he let me go, Judy's mom called me to eat her creamy hairpie. While I was doing Judy's mom, I believe Judy was sexually entertaining Judd. I thought I heard his voice, but with Judy's mom's thighs and legs clamped tightly around my head, I couldn't be sure. Finally, Judy, my fianc?e, ordered me to mouth her slimy oozing snatch. It was then that she confirmed that Judd had come by and fucked her earlier, but in addition to him, an uncle and her youngest brother, also had a go at her. The sad thing was that everyone had expected me to do all the things I did without hesitation. When I showed the slightest bit of surprise or hesitancy at performing their requests, I not only was looked at as if I was stupid, but was casually reminded of the videotape and the pre-nuptial marriage agreement. Judy even whispered `Basement' to me a couple more times. Helpless and hapless, I meekly hung my head and did everyone's sexual bidding. It seemed that every time I visited my future in- laws for some event, such as dinner, a cook-out, or a swim party, the lusty acts that occurred were some variation of the previously described events. Additionally, as more and more of the Smith's relative got to know about me, they also joined in and contributed to my sexual subjugation and debasement.
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EVENTS FROM OUR ENGAGEMENT: The Rod's Rod Incident It was now approximately six weeks after the weekend where lady met Judy for the first time. If you remember, it was also the time where Mother and Aunt Jasmine did their infamous demonstration, that led to my ass being blistered by my fiancee as a demonstration whipping project. Well this particular Friday night, Aunt Jasmine and lady - who incidentally was back in town this weekend - both were pissed off at me this particular weekend because they thought I was too sassy with them when they questioned me about coming in about 10 minutes after my curfew, twice during the week. So to show me they were still in control, even though I was an adult, lady decreed I was to be grounded for the weekend. She ordered me to stay in the house the entire weekend, that is, from Friday night until Monday morning. She even called Judy and told her about my punishment. I was utterly embarrassed, humiliated and devastated to have my mom call my fiancee and tell her such a thing. However, even though fuming, I knew what to expect if I didn't do as she decreed. I didn't want to use any of the whipping credits I'd gotten six week ago. Either way, I knew I'd end up the worse for it all if I made any more of a fuss. I thought things couldn't get any worse that weekend, but they did. To my utter shock and surprise, Judy and her date for the evening, an old high school flame named Rod, dropped in unexpectedly that Saturday night. Rod was in town visiting family. His wife hadn't come with him. As I was doing the dinner dishes and tidying up the kitchen when they arrived, lady and Aunt Jasmine made sure I came out wearing a new pink pinafore lady had brought me as a gift, to help quell my `aggressive manishness' - her words. As I stood by looking totally foolish and feeling like a wussy mama's boy, they sat on the love seat, arms intimately around each other. Judy introduced me to him as her fiance, as she preened over her dazzling three-carat diamond engagement ring. Neither one of them seemed to be concerned about the affections they were exhibiting toward each other in front of me or in my family's presence. My family seemed quite pleased at what was going on before us. I was surprised at what was occurring before me, even if lady and Aunt Jasmine knew of my fiancee's need for cocks bigger than mine. I know they supported her in her promiscuous endeavors, but to allow her to come into our house and flaunt her promiscuity, with me present, was brazen on Judy's part and showed no respect for me, as a man, on the part of Mother and Aunt Jasmine. Getting back to Judy and Rod, I became even more speechless at the way his hands cupped and massaged her shapely rear end as well as stroked the white expanse of her inviting white bare thighs. All was revealed in the tight, thigh high mini skirt she wore. To make matters worse, Rod applauded me on the open relationship that Judy and I had. "You're some man to let your lovely fiancee party and relax around while you stay in and do kitchen chores. My hat goes off to you." To add to my total offense was lady's added comments. "James is rather proficient at doing domestic household duties and believes in dressing efficiently for the work at hand. He really is looking forward to doing the same in his own kitchen after he becomes Judy's spouse". Speechless, I almost fell down at her obvious implications from her phraseology- `My own kitchen' and me being Judy's spouse versus her husband'. I was emasculated by my own mom in front of my future bride and her lover for the evening. I wanted to shrink through the floor. I was too flabbergasted to respond. My face was bright red the whole time they were there as I stood by like a maid in waiting, wearing a long, bright pink, scalloped lace trimmed apron, while this much more handsome well built man was in possession of my fiancee. Judy was very amorous with Rod as her free hand seem to constantly stay hear the vicinity of his crotch as she rubbed his leg and thighs as they talked with my family. I tried to leave the room, but no one would hear of it. To my total embarrassment, lady revealed why she'd grounded me and made it very clear that I was a mama's boy. Both Judy and Rod beamed smug smiles at my additional emasculation by no less than my own mom. Mom then went on to let him know that she worked hard to instill in me essential domestic s*******s she thought would make me a good catch as a husband. "Rod, Tim is so sweet to me. He's so good at domestic stuff, especially cleaning up wet sloppy things." She winked at me as she spoke. My heart seemed to skip a beat at Judy's obvious hidden reference to my frequent mouth douching of her's and other fucked pussies. "He is such a darling and he looks good in an apron too, doesn't he?" I wanted to crawl in a hole when she said that. However, lady quickly added that she'd put several on order as her wedding gifts to me. "They'll be an assortment of pink, lavender and sunflower yellow pastels. I also ordered pansy floral designs for them also." Mother added with a gleeful tone in her voice. Again, I wanted to sink right through the floor.
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"Don't be ashamed Tim, some men make excellent cooks and are better at domestic duties. Pride yourself on your talents." Rod added. I guess his comment was well meaning, however I wished he'd kept it to himself. I thought the worse was over after that little episode and hoped the two would leave. However, it was not to be. Rod had been a jock at another senior high in a near by town when he was dating Judy. Judy kept encouraging her old flame to recall his feats of sportsmanship. I squirmed and moved as I might get up and leave, but lady gave me a quick cold stare that told me that if I did, I'd be sorry and probably that my bottom would end up being blistered. Cowed, I sat and endured the jock talk. "My James was not muscular enough for such rough sports, but he was vice president of the science club." My lady interjected. Again, another well-meaning comment that could've been easily interpreted as a left handed comment and would better have been left unspoken. Rod and Judy seem to get more intimate, more cozy and even more brazen in their touchy feely actions. I wanted to cry out but was again speechless. She was most brazen as she leaned over on him as they talked of how a cop almost caught them screwing in the back seat of a car back in their high school days. My face turned even redder than before. "Tim, you've got yourself quite a catch here. She's gonna make you a great wife, especially in bed. She can really take care of business between the sheets. I wish my wife was half as good." I almost fell out of my chair at his brazen brash comment. However, it seemed others in the room took it as a compliment for Judy's sexual talent and experience. I couldn't believe what was happening. "We are proud to have Judy committing to become a member of the family and take my James as her spouse." My lady interjected. I looked at lady and couldn't believe her continued overt put down of me. Again, she'd called me a `spouse', not a `husband', but a `spouse'! I was seething with silent shame and anger. "Oh! Look at you Rod sweetie, all this talk has given you a woody. I thought you were trying to hide something with your hand." Judy's raised voice caught everybody's attention as she again brought the news of Rod's hard-on to everyone's attention. "We'd better get you over to your motel and take care of it." She giggled as she pecked him on the lips and grasped the rising bulge in his crotch. I would've sunk through the floor if it were possible. Thoroughly humiliated and scandald, I was glad for them to be finally leaving. However, little did I know that all that had occurred was just the beginning, rather than the end of my degrading ordeal. "Judy! Shame on you. Being almost family, why don't you take the young man up to James' room and help him relieve his erection. My, he does have a nice boner there. Much, much nicer than my James." I couldn't believe lady's statements. I was blushing the deepest of red as I saw my own lady, standing and observing the imprint of Rod's large swollen cock through his trouser fabric. "James, go turn back the covers on your bed and spruce up your room for your fiancee and her guest." Mother shouted to me. This was a night of un-beliefs and strangeness. I was more than dumfounded that my fiancee was going to be relaxing with an old boyfriend in my bed. I almost couldn't move, but my Aunt Jasmine helped me up and tugged my arm as she helped me toward my room, and what I had to do. "James, hurry up with the room and come back here and tell us when it's ready." Mother shouted in a loud voice as I ascended the stairs to my bedroom. "I'll come tell them." My aunt replied. "No! James will do it. After all, Judy is his fiancee!" As I climbed the stairs, tears began to swell up in my eyes in response to lady's words. It didn't take but two minute to prepare my room for my beautiful fiancee's tryst. I tried to present a calm exterior and image as I walked back down the stairs to inform the couple that my room was ready for their sexual liaimister. I still found it hard to believe Judy and my own lady had placed me in a difficult degrading situation like this. "T-The room is ready." I softly said as I stood facing Mother, Aunt Jasmine, and Judy and Rod. Judy quickly led Rod up to my room as I stood there. "Judy is really lucky to have such a great sport for a future husband. Thanks for letting us screw in your bed." He said as he passed me. I said nothing. I looked down to avoid his eyes as well as for him not to see my watery ones.
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EVENTS FROM OUR ENGAGEMENT: In My Own Bedroom "James! Come back here! Aren't you coming up to watch Rod fuck me?" Judy shouted at me as I turned to walk away. She was half way up the flight of stairs, with Rod in tow, as they headed to my bedroom. I froze in my tracks. I couldn't believe my ears. I turned and looked at her as if she was crazy. "J-Judy... Y-You can't mean..." I stammered. "Yes she does! And don't stand there like a knot on a log! What kind of man are you! Go standby your woman!" I heard my aunt shout as her words cut me off. I looked around. I not only saw my aunt standing nearby with hands on her hips and with a pissed expression on her face, but I also saw lady in the distance coming toward me also. In a flash, I knew my offense was to increase exponentially and that the sooner I got with the program the better. The last thing I needed was more verbal encouragement from the combination of both my aunt and lady. "I-I'm coming Judy." I said as I began to mount the stairs quickly. My eyes were still watery as I reached the top of the stairs following the pair, who apparently were in heat. I was so browbeat, but with all I'd been through, I just wanted this bout of offense to be over as soon as possible. As we three entered my bedroom, Judy, my vivacious fiancee, was quickly undressing as she walked. Rod, her old high school flame, did the same. The large obscene bulge in his trousers was even more pronounced as he began to remove his pants. Judy and Rod undressed without the least bit of shame, while I just stood by dumbfounded at what was occurring before my eyes. The next moment they were passionately kissing by the time they were close to being totally nude. Judy had her hands wrapped around - well actually not all the way around - Rod's jutting enormous tool. Her hands couldn't fit around it. The head was easily larger than a golf ball, pink-ish red and very bloated. It was obvious it was ready to spit seed. By the way Judy kept fondling the long shaft of Rod's penis, which had to be at least 9 inches long, she was apparently anxious to receive his seed also. They were tumbling across my double bed in a foreplay ritual. I was still spellbound as their kissing and nibbling on each other progressed to where Judy had engulfed the swollen head of Rod's jutting pole of stiff meat. The mere sight of the event before me caused me to get an involuntary erection, even though my feelings were hurt severely. However, the sight of her pink colored lips, stretched around his giant cock, and moving wetly up and down his stout shaft was so lascivious. I nevertheless was aroused greatly and wished I was in his place. It was then, I decided it was best for me to leave the two, as it was rather obvious what going to happen next. I made about two steps before I heard my name called. "James! Where are you going? Get back here! Sit down! I bet you were going to run off and leave me all alone while Rod has his way with me. Even if you can't do what he's about to do, the least you could do is have the courage to watch to make sure he does a good job. C'mon over here, I want you closer." Judy's voice was loud and had a sense of urgency. I meekly did as she requested. I felt so silly and mortified. "R-Really Judy, there is l-little I-I can do by being..." I tried to speak, but was cut off. "James, I want you here while we fuck! You'll stay and that's final! Understood?" Her outspoken dictatorial tone surprised me. I was too shocked to speak. I passively nodded my head to indicate I understood. "Good! That's better. Now then, take off your pretty pink apron and undress. You're going to join us. Since you seem to be keen on trying to desert me when I need you to stay, I think I know a way to have you be a part of this and still see to my sexual well being. Now do as I say or do you want to call in your lady and tell her you're not showing respect for me, the woman you soon plan to marry?" I was reluctant to do as she ordered, but her words and stern face let me know she meant business. I knew I had to submit, besides I definitely didn't want lady in on this act. Even though I was quite cowed by her powerfulness, in the back of my mind I was hopeful that because she wanted me to participate, that maybe she might finally want to have mercy and provide me a bit of sexual pleasure, even if it had to be in the presence of her old flame. Even though mentally sad, the thought of some direct sexual pleasure with her kept my spirits high. The idea of a possible blowjob really excited me. After taking my pants and shorts off, I tried to shield my much smaller prick. I was no comparimister to the very much longer and thicker one Judy was still fondling and licking as she monitored my undressing progress out of the corner of her eye. "Move your hands, James darling. We should have no secrets here, especially from the man who's going to be helping your fiancee cool her pussy down." I saw a smirking chuckle from Rod. I blushed a deeper red than I already was. Next, Judy had me come closer to the bed. In the process I could no longer hide my little, but erect prick. I was so ashamed because I didn't know which was the more embarrassing, having a smaller member or the fact I was erect seeing the woman I loved making out with another man. "Now that's better, at least you're in the spirit of things." Judy commented upon seeing I was stiff. "Now James darling, I've decided that I want this to be educational for you, since you're a virgin. Therefore, I want to make sure you have a front row seat to see how to properly sex your wife-to-be. Also, you'll be participating too." The `front row seat' Judy wanted for me caused me to jerk upright and almost bolt from the room. But a reminder from her of what lied on the other side of the closed bedroom door, caused me to pause.
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Rod's intervention also played a part, especially when he became very candid about what he'd do. "Listen wimp! If you don't respect your fiancee and do what she tells you, I'm gonna whip your ass and still make you do it. Now take your choice, you can do what she wants with or without my fists upside your head!" Already scared before he spoke, I broke out in a nervous sweat. I didn't have to think anymore. He was the big brawny type. I didn't stand a chance against him. "W-where do y-you want m-me Judy?" I asked softly as I hung my head swallowing what pride I had. "I knew you'd do the right thing by me. I think you really love me after all." Judy said with a familiar smirk on her face as she held my hand and guided me in position on the bed. As I looked straight up at the ceiling, I awaited for the inevitable. I soon heard she and Rod moving around and positioning themselves. In a moment I had the sight and felt the heat of Judy's lush juicy cunt hovering right above my upturned face. As I rolled my eyes upwards, I could see Rod's jutting batting ram of a dick approaching from the opposite direction as he climbed in position to make contact with my fiancee's awaiting snatch. And there my upward facing head, right in the middle where all the action was soon to be taking place. Judy had positioned herself over me in a head to toe position as I laid on my back. Rod was going to couple with her doggy style. I had assumed before now that my offense at the hands of Judy couldn't reach new depths before the wedding, but as before, I was wrong once again. "James it's so nice to know you're so close by watching over me, or maybe I should say under me. Hee Hee". Rod chuckled too. "Mom and Dad would be proud of you. Now be a dear and guide it in for Rod. We both are more than ready for this to start." Disgraced and browbeaten under the ludicrous guise of seeing to her sexual well being, I grasped and passively guided Rod's heated, and enormously stiff cock shaft, with its very swollen dick head, to Judy's obviously wet and well-lubricated twat. He urgently pushed a bit into her juicy sex then withdrew a bit, then pushed again. After doing this a second time, over two thirds of his huge dick was quickly buried deep in Judy's delectable pussy. A pussy I had yet to explore, except with my tongue. My still erect prick pulsed at the sight before me as well as the thought of the denial that's continued to be perpetrated on me for the purpose of insuring I remained a virgin until our wedding day. Another unexpected circumstance I was not counting on, being in the position I was in, was the constant beating my face was going to take from the movement of Rod's big, loosely hanging, hairy, cum laden balls. They bounced and slid and skidded all over my face. When they weren't flopping over my nose and lips and eyes, drops of pussy juice freely rained and dripped on my face and lips and nose, as he pushed and pulled in his fucking motion. I tried to turn my face sideways to protect my eyes, nose, and lips from the lusty rain. However, the confining space between both of their legs and thighs prohibited me from doing so. Also, there was no escaping the heat emanating from the two bodies fucking so hardy, or the pervasive, but erotic musk scented funky smell of the heated odor coming from their joined genitals. Also inescapable was the noisy juicy slurping and sucking sounds created by the piston action of their coupling. I was a primisterer of their fervent lovemaking. This combination of sights, sounds and smells was maddening. It was having an erotic and very arousing effect on my aching straining throbbing prick, which I couldn't reach or touch. I just wanted to touch it so bad. It dawned on me then to ask my fiancee to at least hold it for me, since she could. Her touch would mean so much to me, and my cock too, at that moment. "Judy, please hold it for me. M-My cock is aching so bad." I blurted out pathetically, as I was indeed in need. "Not now darling, I'll beat it off for you later. Right now, just keep your eyes on the education Rod is giving you on how to fuck me." Her words really hurt me as I resigned myself to being in misery, both sexually, physically and emotionally as I suffered the ordeal they were about to put me through. To make matters worse, occasionally, Judy would lower her bottom such that their joined sexes directly scrubbed against my face. That meant Rod's balls stayed in contact with my face more and his wet dick also made direct contact with my lips and nose. It slid across my face as it slid in and out of Judy's very wet and drippy gash. My face was a mess as each contact of his big wet cock left trials of wet pussy juice across my nose, lips and nose. "OOOOOOOHHH! You're soooooooo gooood Rod! Give me all your gooooood dick!" Judy cried out frequently, as she began to moan louder than before. I could only lay where I was and suffer in silence waiting for this abject degrading situation to end.
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Little did I know that my turn in this position would last almost two hours. In addition, after rod shot his first load of semen, only a few drops dripped on my face before I was told to engage my lips and tongue in a clean up action. His heated jism was very gooey and I retrieved most of it with a few moments of gulping it straight from Judy's messy looking, but still tasty cunt. "OOOOOHHHH JAMES! That's soooooo gooooood! Yes! Suck my pussy! Yeeesssss! Show him you know how to get his good man stuff out of me! You're Sooooo gooooood!" Judy cried in an extended wailing moan. I knew she'd had another orgasm due to my eating efforts. At least I felt good that I'd given her a come, even if not in the same manner as her ex-high school flame. Since I was being powerd to do this in such a humiliating manner, I hated I enjoyed the taste of her and especially that I was eating Rod's jism. By the time my lips left her well-sucked and gaping cunt, Rod's dick was fully erect and ready for re-entry. Besides being amazed at his being at the ready so quickly, I just stared in amazement as it lingered over my head. I also wondered what he was waiting for. "Well! What are you waiting for? He said looking down at me from his overhead position. He had a most cruel smirk on his face. After a moment of confusion, it dawned on me what he wanted. I meekly reached up and guided his wet dick to where he hadn't too long ago removed it. The second bout of fucking really caused the juices to fly as Judy's cunt got a bit looser from all the action of Rod's massive fuck ram. Hence, more of her copious pussy juice was seeking out all around it as it plunged and pulled in and out her repeatedly. My face was a mess now. Little did I know it was going to get worse. Soon the dripping juices seem to get more syrupy. It then dawned on me that there probably was some residual cum deep up in her gash that was being whipped up and now being powerd out in a frothy fluid. This froth was leaking freely in my mouth and over my face. I had to swallow since I had to breath more and more with my mouth, since I had to hold my nose, as best I could, to keep it from getting clogged. When Rod came the second time, he kept working his dick in and out her and his main load was now getting more frothy and slimier. It was easily leaking out around his stiff meat and dripping off his shaft, right onto my face and into my mouth. I was in a miserable position. But the real sliming was yet to come when he withdrew from Judy's well stretched fuck slot. There was a slight popping noise, and a few moments later a thick stream of well whipped up, frothy, bubbly, cream colored, melded pussy juice and jism just poured out all over my entire face. A good deal went right into my mouth. It was a miracle I didn't fetish on the thick hot fuck slime. Rod did feel sympathy and threw me my undershirt to wipe my face, but I was not allowed to get up. You see Judy was ready for me to retrieve the rest of Rod's fuck juices from her cunt. Again, I was able to provide her with another orgasm with my tongue lashing and sucking actions. To make matter even worse for me, at this point in their sexing, Judy had Rod direct me to lick his balls and cock clean just as I had been required to do for her fuck filled snatch. The above scenario was repeated two more times as Rod came a total of four times. He gave my fiancee a very respectable load of his hot creamy jism, each time he busted his nuts deep in her very receptive pussy. The residual outpourings of fuck fluids were even slimier and more viscous than the one before. When Judy sat on my face after Rod's final fuck, I was not only swallowing, but basically eating pussy goo that had the consistency of clam chowder.
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Little did I know that my turn in this position would last almost two hours. In addition, after rod shot his first load of semen, only a few drops dripped on my face before I was told to engage my lips and tongue in a clean up action. His heated jism was very gooey and I retrieved most of it with a few moments of gulping it straight from Judy's messy looking, but still tasty cunt. "OOOOOHHHH JAMES! That's soooooo gooooood! Yes! Suck my pussy! Yeeesssss! Show him you know how to get his good man stuff out of me! You're Sooooo gooooood!" Judy cried in an extended wailing moan. I knew she'd had another orgasm due to my eating efforts. At least I felt good that I'd given her a come, even if not in the same manner as her ex-high school flame. Since I was being powerd to do this in such a humiliating manner, I hated I enjoyed the taste of her and especially that I was eating Rod's jism. By the time my lips left her well-sucked and gaping cunt, Rod's dick was fully erect and ready for re-entry. Besides being amazed at his being at the ready so quickly, I just stared in amazement as it lingered over my head. I also wondered what he was waiting for. "Well! What are you waiting for? He said looking down at me from his overhead position. He had a most cruel smirk on his face. After a moment of confusion, it dawned on me what he wanted. I meekly reached up and guided his wet dick to where he hadn't too long ago removed it. The second bout of fucking really caused the juices to fly as Judy's cunt got a bit looser from all the action of Rod's massive fuck ram. Hence, more of her copious pussy juice was seeking out all around it as it plunged and pulled in and out her repeatedly. My face was a mess now. Little did I know it was going to get worse. Soon the dripping juices seem to get more syrupy. It then dawned on me that there probably was some residual cum deep up in her gash that was being whipped up and now being powerd out in a frothy fluid. This froth was leaking freely in my mouth and over my face. I had to swallow since I had to breath more and more with my mouth, since I had to hold my nose, as best I could, to keep it from getting clogged. When Rod came the second time, he kept working his dick in and out her and his main load was now getting more frothy and slimier. It was easily leaking out around his stiff meat and dripping off his shaft, right onto my face and into my mouth. I was in a miserable position. But the real sliming was yet to come when he withdrew from Judy's well stretched fuck slot. There was a slight popping noise, and a few moments later a thick stream of well whipped up, frothy, bubbly, cream colored, melded pussy juice and jism just poured out all over my entire face. A good deal went right into my mouth. It was a miracle I didn't fetish on the thick hot fuck slime. Rod did feel sympathy and threw me my undershirt to wipe my face, but I was not allowed to get up. You see Judy was ready for me to retrieve the rest of Rod's fuck juices from her cunt. Again, I was able to provide her with another orgasm with my tongue lashing and sucking actions. To make matter even worse for me, at this point in their sexing, Judy had Rod direct me to lick his balls and cock clean just as I had been required to do for her fuck filled snatch. The above scenario was repeated two more times as Rod came a total of four times. He gave my fiancee a very respectable load of his hot creamy jism, each time he busted his nuts deep in her very receptive pussy. The residual outpourings of fuck fluids were even slimier and more viscous than the one before. When Judy sat on my face after Rod's final fuck, I was not only swallowing, but basically eating pussy goo that had the consistency of clam chowder.
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EVENTS FROM OUR ENGAGEMENT: AFTER ROD LEFT Judy and I were lying back in bed. Her head on my chest and my arm around her shoulder. We were discussing the event that had taken place earlier in this same room, my bedroom. We were both quiet and deep in thought at the moment. My thoughts were on how I couldn't seem to get through to her how humiliating her actions were to me. Judy's thoughts, on the other hand were totally centered on the thrills she got from Rod's dicking efforts and my tonguing action. Needless to say, I was quite frustrated with her since I perceived that she knew what I was trying to say, but was using every trick to thwart me. Rod had left over an hour ago, and Judy decided to spend some time with me rather than leave with him. I was glad I didn't have to look him in the face when he was leaving. You see, before he left, he pressed the head of his softer, but still sizable dick head to my lips and ordered me to milk him. I sought to protest, but he quickly threatened me if I didn't suckle his wet, pussy slime covered dick. To make matters worse, my fiancee chided me to quiet down and do as I was told. Her exact words were: "James, please cooperate and do as the man tells you. After all, it's the least you can do to thank him for the wonderful way he's done his part to please my pussy. Your fiancee's pussy I might add." Her words really hurt. However, considering what I'd already been through, I went ahead and did whatever it took to get this nightmare over with. I did as `the man' told me to do. I was still on my back when this happened. Judy moved so as to observe us. The smile on her face really tormented me. After pulling his well-milked dickhead from my lips, she remounted my face with her heated, well fucked, oozing snatch. As she sat and settled down on my face, they had a very wet and lingering passionate French kiss. Meanwhile my kisser was covered with her very wet, drippy, and very bruised, warm, soft slimy pussy meat. Right after getting off my face after her last and umpteenth orgasm, Judy slumped back in bed to delight in the afterglow of the extensive sexing she'd experienced between Rod's giant dick and my busy tongue. Judy only expressed delightful comments and joy at both Rod's and my role in pleasing her so well. She was still murmuring praises how good a fucking she'd gotten as I told her I was going to clean up the heavy layer of fuck slime that plastered my face and hair. "James, remember, don't touch your prick, I'll take care of that when you come back." She said in a tired, mellow voice. When I returned, Judy was still half-awake, and invited me to join her in bed. "C'mon, let me have your little man so you can get your reward for being a good fiance." She said as she grasped and began to slowly stroke my throbbing erection. Her soft warm hands felt so good on my hot meat. I was still angry with her, but her actions pushed that temporarily out of my mind as she pulled on my hard peter. She pulled my erupting penis and held my ejaculating penis next to her cunt. I spurted all over her pussy bush, which was in a messy state of disarray. "Don't worry dear, you'll soon have a chance to put it in like all the other guys do." I felt delight from the relief she provided me with her soothing hands, but her words quickly threw cold water over me. I was back into reality. "I'm violating our pre-nup agreement by letting you spurt your jism on my pussy, but since we're so close to being married and since you were so sweet to let Rod and I use your bed to fuck, I thought it would be a nice treat to let you do that. But, you know that you'll have to suck it off my muff... remember the pre-nup agreement?" I was about to protest, but was so frustrated at the whole scene. I capitulated and moved into position between her shapely legs and lapped my own spent semen from around her moist, very warm, gaping gash. It was easy to see that it was no where as rich or as copious as Rod's abundant ejaculations. Judy moaned slightly as my tongue flayed and lapped at her tender pussy meat. However, she was too sensitive now for any prolonged oral activity, so she just allowed me to complete the clean up of my own emission and then pushed my head away. I suspected that she just wanted to use me one more time and let me know my place. I wiped my face on a towel I had with me and moved back up in the bed to my previous position with her. "I hope you're happy now. You know that wasn't necessary for me to lick my cum..." I was cut off by her before I could finish speaking. "Yes it was necessary for you to lick your own cum up. If you remember, you signed up to lick all jism from my pussy, whenever you and I are together. Remember?" "I-I don't know why you hold that over my head Judy? Y-You know it's unfair what's being done to me." "James, fair is sucking up your own sperm just as you sucked out Rod's stuff. And just think, you didn't have to work near as hard since you didn't shoot as much as he did, did you?" "Oh Judy, I-I wish you wouldn't keep comparing me to your o-other men. You know I-I can't compare to them one on one. It hurts when you do that to me. I love you, but I wish you'd just let me off the hook instead of making me your pussy sucking slave. That's all I am to you, and you know it." I fired back in an angry tone. "You're angry aren't you darling? But what you say is not true. I really do love you, despite your perceived claim that I'm conspiring to make you look bad or to hurt you. I just made an observation about the amount of the cum you shot off versus the same amount Rod generally shoots off." "Don't you see how humiliating all this is to me Judy? And I know Rod will think I-I'm the biggest wimp and wussy there ever was." "I don't know about that James sweetie, but there is one thing he knows." "What?" "That he can never love me as much as you do. When he saw you slurping up his leaking jism straight from my twat, licking the goo from my inner thighs, as well as lapping up the wetness from his cock, he knew you were dedicated in your love for me. He'd told me earlier in the day that he'd have to see you do that to convince him that anyone could love me that much. James Darling, you really demonstrated your love in the most courageous way." "You k-know I was afraid n-not to do as y'all wanted. But Judy, w-why did you tell him to invite me to clean up his `mess' and the lap his cock and balls clean? T-That was so... so low of you Judy. H-How c- can you so-so brazenly humiliate me a-at every turn. I-I..." "James darling, you really are getting paranoid about this offense thing aren't you? But to answer your question, what I did was to add a bit of sexual excitement to the moment. Rod's ego was heightened by what you did. Notice how harder he got after each time he did as I asked him - plus you are to be credited also, that is by your dick and pussy licking so well between fucks. But, James, honey, what you did, and did so obediently I might add, even if I had to push a bit here and there, really added to my pleasure." "J-Judy, I-I can't believe this. Y-You just like seeing me scandald in front of your l-lovers. I-I can't believe all this is really happening to me. The more we date now, I-I just don't know where this relationship is going."
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"Right to the wedding altar, where all true lovers should be." She replied in a snap of an answer. As we talked further, there was not the slightest hint of her being apologetic for having had me trapped under she and her lover's genital as they copulated. Nor was there the least bit of insinuation there was anything shameful about me being powerd to lick and suck both of their organs clean of hot, creamy, sticky, fuck juices between the four bouts of long fucks Rod imposed on Judy's eagerly receptive pussy. We took a break from talking and were just lying back thinking. At least I was. Judy was still enjoying the afterglow of the heavy sexing she'd been given. She dozed lightly as I sat up awake. The two of us were still alone. It felt good to have her all to myself, even if well fucked by another man who was better endowed. However, I was still very angry with Judy. By the way she clung to me, any outsider would surely see a couple happily in love with each other and delighting in a carefree moment. However, my mental state was far from such a state of idyllic bliss. I was still stunned by all that I'd undergone in the last few hours. After I couldn't take the silence any longer, I spoke. "Judy, are you awake?" "Oh yes darling I am. Thanks to you and Rod, I feel so relaxed and so good inside. Thanks for being there for me darling. I love you so." "W-What! H-How can you say that? The more I think about it, I-I still just can't believe you made m-me do what you did." I blurted out to her. "I'm saying that because it's true. For some strange reamister, I don't fully understand, you think that just because I like you sucking me out after a guy gives me a great fuck, implies I don't love you. Nothing is farther from the truth. I love you James. We're soulmates, remember?" I looked at Judy as if she was really insane. She still looked beautiful even if I had a hard time believing what she had done to me. "Judy, I-I'm having a hard time handling this relationship you and I have. You just run all over me and my feelings, especially when we're in the presence of Mother, Aunt Jasmine, your parents, and especially your lovers." "You know it's not my intent to do that sweetie? You have to become a little less sensitive to how I talk to you around others. That's then and this is now. What matters is that we are by ourselves and as much in love any two people can be, actually, much more than the average couple. How many couples can truthfully say that get the kind of pleasure that you and I have in this relationship? I have studs that know how to fuck and put their hot fluids deep in me. I also have you darling, who is the greatest in getting another man's hot sticky virile semen out of my pussy." "P-Please Judy, lets be serious here. Y-You're just a***ing me, pure and s-simple. Y-You claim you love me, but you just run roughshod over me a-and make me do some of the most humiliating of things. I-I just have a hard time seeing where having your w-well fucked pussy spread all across my face and eating out other men's hot jism demonstrates love, especially w- when I-I'm being extorted into doing so." "Were you powerd to suck my jism flavored pussy before you found out that it was fucked flavored snatch steak you were tasting?" "P-Please Judy, that's not fair. I-I didn't know any better. Y-You know I-I wasn't sexually experienced when I did that." I replied in a pathetic tone as she looked at me with a smirk of a smile on my face. "The point, James darling, is that you loved my dick cream flavored hairpie then. The only thing that has changed now is that you know how it's made. Also, you're getting a lot more cream in your creampies, and between your family and mine - and of course a little help from a video and a pre-nuptial agreement - we've all made it easier for you do what you do best to please me, as well as please your taste for sucking creamy pussy. Face it darling, you're a natural born sucker of cocks and creamy cunts." "J-Judy that hurts. I-I was so excited when we started dating. I fell madly in love with you. I just knew things were going to be different. I thought that at last I could strike out and be a man of my own, a-and get away from under Mother's loving and caring, but dominant and dictatorial ways. But it appears now that I'm just going to be in the same situation, as I always have, but under your dictatorial control." "Are you saying I'm a dictator James?" "Judy, y-you know you're going to try and have things your way. Y-You know you have me in a box and you're pulling all the strings. P-Please Judy, please don't enslave me. C-Can't you just let me go? Y-You could convince your family to l-let me off the hook, you know, with the contract and the video. I-I won't ever say anything about what's happened." I pleaded with my beautiful fiancee, as we lay close in each other's arm. "Now, now, James, all this is completely un-necessary. Here suck on my tit while I think about what you just said. Here, c'mon. Suck on it just like you're a baby. That's it. You like that don't you?"
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I quickly suckled her delectable tit. The warmth of being nude with her in such a cuddly way was so delicious. I often didn't such opportunities to be so affectionate with Judy in this manner. "James honey, just suck on my tits, don't try to talk. Just listen." Judy whispered in my ear as she held the back of my head to ensure I kept my mouth on her tit. "I do really and truly love you. You're the one that made me fall head over heels in love with you. It was your innocence, intelligence, easy going permisterality, even your wimpiness, and of course your winning devilish ways with your tongue, that sealed the deal. I had to have you as mine. James, some of the other things you're talking about in regard to your lady... well, you're a mama's boy and you have to accept that. You need a strong woman to over see you. It's too late for you to worry about striking out on your own and being your own man. I want to be the woman that will be your overseer. You need it, I want it, my family wants it, and so does your family." Judy's words were more than I expected as I enjoyed her tasty tit, even if it was hard for me to digest what I was being told. However, she didn't let my head go until she'd finished her assessment of why she couldn't let me have my freedom. Before she stopped talking, she made it very clear that I was hers and that I should give up any resistance to not becoming her mate. She also eloquently let me know that she felt it was fair to subject me to whatever means were at her disposal to ensure that I continued to show my love as she deemed proper. She made it quite clear that me showing my love for her included me being completely tolerant of her having well hung lovers, and my willingness to show my support for her, by being there for her with my tongue ready to taste the results of she and her lovers' actions. "Now James, do we understand each other?" "C-Can't we at least talk about alternatives to..." I was cut off by her in mid sentence. "Do we understand each other James? The answer is yes or no. If you say yes, I know you intend to be a good husband and helpmate for our happiness. If you say no, I'll take it that you intend to be obstinate and don't mean that you love me. It tells me you intend to break my heart. In that case I'll do whatever it takes to destroy you, both emotionally and professionally. Just imagine what it would do to your career of wanting to be a college professor, if I released scenes from all those video tapes of you with Dad and my brothers on the Internet?" "J-Judy, y-you wouldn't?" I stammered nervously. "Oh yes I would, not to mention take you to court and sue you for anything you might ever make in the future. Also, I wonder would you even survive the whippings your mom and aunt would give you too. Have you thought about that?" I swallowed hard, then silently thought of Mother and Aunt Jasmine's probable actions. I came to the conclusion that Judy was probably right about that too. "You see my darling, when a woman is in love as much as I, it's necessary for her to do what needs to be done. Besides, you've already said you love me too, and I believe you. I'm just helping you to express it not only to yourself, but to me and others too." Judy spoke with such an air of self-assurance and confidence. It made what she said sound so correct and hard to argue with, even though I was having hard time digesting her rationale. It was obvious that it was hopeless to persuade Judy. Her mind was made up. I was going to be enslaved into her loving caring ways. "Y-Yes Judy, I-I understand." I finally said in the end, at her persistent badgering to have me submit to her verbally. "Uh, J-Judy?" "Yes James darling?" "Could you p-please, well at least, promise that y-you won't u-use... well, won't whip me any more l-like you did that time in the b-basement?" I finally got my words out. I knew I looked and sounded totally pathetic. "I will only do that again if I think you need it darling." "See! That's just what I thought. You're o-out to use me. P-Please Judy! Promise me you won't do..." "Sorry, no can do James sweetie. I've already promised your mom and aunt that I would give you the same loving care and affection they did, in addition to my wifely love. I feel obligated to keep my word, no matter that their definitions of love and affection includes some aspects of tough love. Which you know means discipline when you stray from doing what's required or expected of you." No matter how I tried, it was hopeless to get a commitment from my fiancee, and soon wife-to-be, that she wouldn't subject me to corporal punishment. CHAPTER 14 EVENTS FROM OUR ENGAGEMENT: More Surprises In the upcoming months before the wedding, it became crystal clear that unless I desired to be totally ruined, I was going to be a submissive cuckold husband, just as I had basically been a cuckold fiance, if there is such a thing. The most pleasant things to have happened was that I finally finished my dissertation and I obtained my credentials to qualify for a college teaching job. Days later I also was accepted for an entry level teaching position at a local college. These were bright spots in an otherwise dismal series of events in the other side of my permisteral life. "James dear, it's less than 3 months before the magic date." Judy said as we sat watching a rented video at my house. Mom and Aunt Jasmine were out of town for the weekend. "Yes I know." I replied without the enthusiasm one would expect of a happily engaged groom-to-be. "Judy, are you sure you still want to marry me?" I replied back. "Of course silly." She gleefully responded as she leaned over and kissed me wetly on the lips. "I just know we're going to be so happy together, despite your imaginary perceptions that you're going to be humiliated at every turn." I just turned and looked at her with a blank unbelieving stare.
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"You're so cute when you look at me like that." Judy said giggling as she moved closer to me and leaned her pretty head on my shoulder. "You just don't know how happy you make me James. Sure, I know you're a bit uneasy because you're sharing me with other men, but at least you understand I'm more woman than you can handle. Does that make it easier for you to accept me being shared?" "Judy, I accept that I can't satisfy you like the others do, but you don't seem to see that I'm suffering at your and their hands because I, well, I'm not as endowed nor as big and muscular or as macho as they are. The other thing is that even though I am in love with you, I was tricked." "Darling, I concede you were tricked. But, I knew if I didn't, I probably wouldn't have gotten you as mine. I knew you were the guy for me after I talked to you the second time at the library. I knew I had to have you. I knew you were the fellow I could bond with and be the happiest with. I think there is a stronger chemistry between us now than it was before you signed the agreement. I believe you know so too, but just don't want to admit it. You see darling, It wouldn't be the same for me with some macho type who could never be true to one woman. But I know you can be." Judy's words boosted my self-esteem somewhat, but I still had yet to get over the fact that no matter how I looked at our current or future relationship, it seemed as if I was always going to be on the short end of the stick. Judy was right. I did love her in spite of all she's done to me. Various philosophers have said, in one way or another, that true love is true, when you can accept the strengths, as well as the faults or frailties of the permister loved. To some extent that may explain our apparent love for each other. She loved me for my weaknesses and I loved her for her beauty and brains. Unfortunately, she also had a dark lusty side that has seduced and dominated me in the process. However, it still was a bit hard to admit to myself I really loved her despite all I'd been through because of her. The most despicable thing is that the more I sucked her sloppy, creamed in, soft, warm lush pussy, the more I enjoyed it. My problem was reconciling my conscience to the fact that it took other men to give me that perverted pleasure. The paradox was how to enjoy the former without the latter, i.e., her other men. But realistically, the latter part of my argument was apparently going to be a moot point. It was now obvious, she was going to always have her other men. The issue was if I was going to be satisfied, and resign myself to that fact, or try to fight against it. The easiest option seemed to be to accept my offense and hoped things got better in the future. The fighting option seemed bleak in regard to winning the battle. As far as fighting, the best it seemed that I could succeed at was getting more battle scars, rather than actually winning battles. "I guess I should be happy that you desired me so. That does make me feel good. But the truth is I don't have much choice Judy. As your husband, I-I, well, I'll have to depend on your benevolence as you lay down the rules." I meekly conceded to my fiancee as I looked down and spoke softly. I was capitulating to the uselessness of fighting Judy, her family, and unfortunately, my family too, in the battle to subjugate and cuckold me. "James, darling, you can count on me doing what's best for us and our marriage." Judy replied elatedly as she planted a very wet and passionate kiss on my lips. If I didn't know it before, it was very clear at that moment. Judy's facial expression and body language told it all. It was apparent she was going to delight in continuing to be the dominant partner in our relationship and marriage, and of course, as well as my loving and caring overseer. The phone rang just as we broke that delightful kiss of victory for her, and basically defeat for me. "Hello!" I said picking up the cordless receiver. "We're a little busy now. Can she call you back later?" I replied to the caller. It was Rod calling for Judy. I was pissed. The nerve of him calling her at my place. I thought to myself. "Okay! Okay! Don't get upset. Here she is." I replied to him as I handed the phone to Judy. Rod got belligerent at my earlier statement to him. He told me `Wimp! Give the phone to my whore and stop fucking around.' "Hello. Hi Rod! I see you got my message to call me here." Judy said as she began her conversation with him. Her giving him my phone number also ticked me off, but again I could only express mental anguish. I could only hear one side of their conversation, but Judy didn't make the least bit of effort to shield me from it. In fact she snuggled up right next to me as they talked. Of course that disturbed me, but I knew there wasn't much that I could do about it. I tried not to pay attention to their conversation, but rather tried to concentrate on the movie we'd started watching earlier. However, there were bits and pieces that seemed to refer to me. I was sure it wasn't complimentary, so I didn't try to figure out what was going on. A few minutes later, Judy hung up the phone. Rather than talk about the conversation with Rod, she too concentrated on the movie and we watched it until it was over. "James, dear, remember you mentioned rules earlier?" She asked as we snuggled closer after a brief discussion on the merits of the movie. "Oh, uh, yes." I said, caught somewhat off guard by her switching subjects. "Well, darling, one rule is that you're to always give me the phone if a man calls and ask for me, no matter where or when they call. Other times, if I'm not available, take a message, no matter what it is, and you are to be sure that I get it. Okay?" She spoke low and in an emotionless monotone. It was obvious that she meant for me to understand the seriousness of her statement. Her facial expression was one of malevolent smugness. I was almost scared by it. "Uh, O-Okay, I'll remember." I stammered as I meekly replied. She'd softly put me in my place. "Good. At least we have that out of the way. Now on to something else I've been meaning to talk to you about." Judy's tone of voice became warmer as she went on to discuss she and Rod's high school romance back in high school. I didn't want to hear anymore about it, but I kept silent and listened. I could only wonder where this was all going. "Rod is going away for a few years on business, to a foreign country. He wants me to abide by a promise I made to him in senior high." "That seems an awfully long time for someone to demand someone to keep and honor a promise made as young teenage lovers. After all, it's been over seven years. What is this silly promise?" Her answer caused me to jump straight up. "WHAT!" I surprised even myself at the involuntary level I raised my voice when Judy revealed the nature of the promise. "Yes James, I promised him that someday I'd have his baby. Even though we thought he and I'd be married to each other when I made that promise, he convinced me that just because we're not, shouldn't stand in our way. "James, you're the love of my life. However, I also have some lesser emotional feelings for Rod too. Since he's going away, he wanted to leave me a treasured momento and he's decided that it should be his baby. Even though not as strong as my deep emotional and intimate feelings for you, I'd still like to express my emotional feelings for him, and to him, by having his young.
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"You also might be interested to know that he said even though you're wimpy, he's impressed by your love for me and thinks you'd do good helping me to raise his mister or flower. He wants you to be the young's daddy." I sat with a blank stare on my face, not believing a word I heard from Judy's lovely and delectable lips. She went on. "James, for him to give us such a priceless gift is precious to me. I know it'll be such a pretty baby with his and my features. You'll be the daddy of our beautiful flower or our handsome mister." Judy went on and on about the goodness of being the lady of her old flame's young. "James, Rod and I both agreed on one thing. That if you loved me as much as you say you do, you'll give he and I your blessings for him to inseminate me before you and I are married in three months." "J-Judy, p-please tell me this is a joke." "This is no joke darling. He wants to do me and I want him to also." Her eyes had that dead serious look in them. I knew then I was in deeper trouble than I'd ever imagined. I pondered my next move nervously. I was in a cold sweat as I tried to think of all sorts of things to say to turn this potentially devastating incident around. I ended up doing what I was most familiar with doing. I knelt before her pleading for her not to honor her silly high school promise. I soon found my self with hands folded, as if in prayer, groveling before her. I begged my fiance not to consider letting Rod inseminate her, and in the process, cuckold me even more severely than I'd ever imagined. I didn't know what else to do. I was devastated. The next thing I knew I had laid my head in her lap and my eyes were watery at the thought of this latest bout of utter offense about to be imposed on me. "C'mon, James, it won't be that bad. So what if I'll be walking to the altar carrying Rod's baby. When we leave the altar as man and wife, it'll be our baby then. Rod has no intentions of laying claim to the baby. Okay? Does that make you feel better?" Judy said as she hooked her left leg around my back as she pulled me even tighter to her. She then started rubbing my bowed head. Her words, which I took were suppose to be conciliatory, really pained me. My soft sobs were now evident. "That's okay baby, go ahead and weep. It'll do you good to wash your eyes out." Judy said softly, but in a sort of warm ladyly tone. The thing that didn't help was that the implication of me crying was useless to stop her, but that it would do me some good. I only felt worse at the thought of having to be so utterly and blatantly scandald by what she and Rod were planning to do. Judy kept trying to comfort me with words of consolation. She said that I'd soon get over the fact that I wasn't the biological man and that when the baby starts calling me daddy, I'd feel so much better. Her words were truly bittersweet, and mostly bitter in my state of mind. It was then I felt the toes of her other bare foot moving around my crotch. It was when she made contact with my prick. I believe she and I both became aware of its stiffness at the same time. I wasn't even cognizant of my erection, in my distraught state of mind. "Whoa! What have we here! You have a woody! James, did you get all hot and bothered from all that talk about me getting preggy from Rod and making you a daddy?" Judy said in an elevated gleeful tone. Before I could move she was massaging my straining stiff prick through the thin knit fabric of the casual jogging pants I wore. I tried to move, but it only seemed to trap her foot even more tightly in my crotch because of the way I was sitting, and also due to the way she had me clamped with her left leg. Judy also had one arm around my head, and was holding my right hand with her other free hand. As I sought to free myself, she instantly gripped me tighter with her leg and hands. It was then I really discovered how strong she really was. I knew she was into gymnastics and did some Judo occasionally, but she really had a rather tight grip on me. I was held fairly immobile by her. My right hand was not free either, as it was clamped against my body by her left leg. I squirmed as I tried to break free. "Why James, I think your body has given you away. You're saying one thing, but your little weenie is singing another tune. You feel mighty stiff down there." Judy spoke with a big smile as I looked up at her from my position, where she held my head and body in a vise grip. Her leg even seem to draw tighter around my back. "You know what Jamie, I think you'd like Rod to knock me up and have me walking down the aisle all dressed in lacy white to become your new bride. All this talk about offense being dumped on you is a ruse. It feeds your sex drive, doesn't it darling? I didn't put it all together before now. The hard-on you got when Rod was fucking me wasn't just from the sight of he and I, it was because he was doing it and you were powerd to watch it the way you did." "P-Please Judy, don't call me Jamie. You know I hate being called that. A-And y-you're wrong, I-I'm not driven b-by what y-you say." "Oh, are you sure? I feel your little rod trying to break out of your pants. It's so stiff. Maybe I'll have a baby from Judd, or maybe Jeffrey too. What do you think about that?" "P-Please! S-Stop Judy!" I urgently implored my powerful and mischievous wife-to-be. I was fighting the rhythmic and delightful stroking of her foot and toes against my aching cock. I knew I couldn't hold back if she kept up her pace. I was so surprised at how s*******ful her toes functioned as fingers, as they caressed, as well as stroked and massaged my small, but very stiff prick. "Or maybe, a black baby from Joe to call you daddy would suit you better." She moaned most sensuously. It was at that point that I shuddered and made a last ditch effort to hold back. I didn't want to make a mess in my shorts. But before I knew it, I'd reached the point of no return and spurted all my pent up jism like I'd never shot off before. My release was so strong and pleasurable. I also tremred in a way I can't remember doing before. Judy continued to move her toes in a circular manner increasing the likelihood that the sticky jism in my shorts would soak through and result in a very visible damp spot on my jogging pants.
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"Did you come good darling? You're the first guy I ever got off with my toes. That was neat. We must do it again some time. My! My! Look at the size of that damp spot on your pants. Why you must've shot a lot of cum. You did enjoy our little discussion. Maybe I should call Rod and tell him about..." "N-No! No! J-Judy p-please d-don't call him. L- Let's talk please. Let m-me clean u-up first and I- I... I-I'll be right back." I stammered away teary eyed, totally embarrassed, and in a nervous fit, as I rushed off to clean up, change clothes and compose myself. The broad smirking smile on Judy's face added to my misery as I rushed from the room. When I returned, Judy still wore a bright smile that seemed to say "I got you just where I want you now". The smug serenity on her face just added to my misery. "Feel better darling?" Judy said in a sensuous tone. She still had that slight, but wicked beaming smile. "Judy that wouldn't have happened if y-you had stopped when I told you to." "James honey, are you telling me that you didn't like me getting you off?" "It's not that, it's, er, w-well, it's just that it was embarrassing to c-come in my pants like that. A-And with you rub-rubbing me that way afterwards... W-Why didn't you take it out like you've done before? I-I think you meant to embarrass me. W-Why do you do me this way?" My voice cracked and was wavering as I spoke. "C'mon over here my baby. You look so cute when you pout like that." "P-Please Judy, this is no laughing matter. You get a thrill f-from a***ing me don't you? That's mean." "I'm not mean, maybe a little mischievous. However, aren't you're the one who seems to be getting a cheap thrill?" She said with her smug smile still intact. "O-Of course not!" I tried to sound as defiant as I could under the circumstances. "Then why would you get a raging hard-on, when the woman you say you love deeply, tells you she's thinking about getting another man to make you the daddy of his baby? And to add to the irony, he wants to knock me up just in time for our wedding day." "It-It w-wasn't because of t-that. It w-was because I-I was close to you. Y-You know how excited I-I get from being around..." "Liar! Come look me in the face and tell me that. Or was it because you liked the idea of me having a black baby for you to be the daddy of too?" Her slight chuckle after she spoke really got to me. I knew I couldn't let that happen. I had to try and stay in control. "R-Really J-Judy, t-this is not germane to the real issue here. The real issue is that it just doesn't make sense for you to have Rod's baby because of a silly high school promise made when you two were teenagers." "You think it's wrong to keep a promise?" "Please J-Judy, y-you can't be serious about this? A-And I can't believe Rod has that kind of control over you. Y-You just want to do it to use me again in the worse way. Why don't you release me from my commitment to marry you? J-Judy, w-why do you want to bury me in shame?" "I love you James. I have no intentions to bury you in shame or offense. You should think of it as me giving you an opportunity to let everyone know just how deep and un-selfish your love is for me. Who can argue with you about the depth of your love for me, if they, and you know that I'm having another man's baby and you accept it as ours?" "What! J-Judy t-that is all twisted around. You know people are going to call me a fool. A-And worse, they'll call you terrible names, l-like slut or tramp." "James, I won't like it, but I can live with that. Besides, being called a fool is less derogatory than being called a slut or a tramp. Don't you think? Therefore since I'll be labeled with the greater shame, you'll not only be scandald less than me, but will have the sympathy of others, and will be looked upon as proving your love in ways few men do, or have done before willingly. Just think, you'll be looked upon as a hero husband, and me a fallen wife. A fallen wife who you've stooped to help rise back up and make decent again." The extent of Judy's illogic was so profound that I was in awe of its twisted nature, but potential believability. She continued to talk on. I just sat in wonderment and listened. I listened and thought deeply. I was truly in a quandary as to what to do about this situation. Digging into my knowledge of philosophy, gamesmanship, and even military strategy, I came up with an idea. The strategy, while more of a bluff than anything else, might succeed in changing my fiancee's mind.
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A Strategy of Strength I decided to get Judy and I fresh takes before I sprung my strategy of exhibiting strength before her. "Thank you James darling, you make a great highball." "Thanks." I said with an air of confidence. "James, I'd like for you to call Rod and talk to him about this situation too. I think he'll back me up in saying that if you truly love me, you'll agree to me having his baby." "Of course he will, what do you think I am Judy? A fool! Listen, this silly idea of yours and his is dead on arrival with me!" I said raising my voice for emphasis. "You're not going to have his baby! If you're going to have anybody's baby, it'll be mine! Understand?" "James! What on earth is the matter with you? Why are you raising your voice and talking to me in that tone?" Judy said with some alarm in her voice. So far so good, I thought to myself. I assumed that my show of strength was having the desired effect. "Now, Judy my love, I won't be calling Rod, because Rod can go to hell with his crazy idea. I be damn if he's going to dictate to me that he can knock my future wife just because he wants too." I said in a brazen cocky confident tone. I continued to be even cockier. "Just because he's going to be out of the country for a long time is no reamister to leave us his little bastard to remind either of us of him. Sure, he's bigger than me, but that doesn't mean I have to give into him, and neither do you, even if he does have a bigger cock." "I see. James, I need to think about all you've said. Would you please make me another take and excuse me, while I go freshen up." Judy spoke in a much less belligerent, but in more of a softer monotone voice. As I made a new batch of takes, I felt extremely confident that my strategy was working very well and that maybe this whole relationship might be turning around because of my ingenuity. I savored the subdued way Judy was acting before leaving the room. However, as with many things in my life, me patting myself on the back was somewhat premature. When Judy returned, she was indeed a different permister, but not the permistera I was expecting. "Well James, I've thought about all you've said and I've made up my mind as to what needs to be done. That is, if you haven't changed your mind and decided to call Rod as I asked you earlier." "Not by a long shot, Judy my love." I said in a caviler gleeful tone, without even turning around to face her. My back was to Judy as she entered the room. I was still mixing the takes and feeling an air of confidence I'd never experienced outside of my daydreams. "Then, that means I guess I'll have to try and persuade you, love." Judy's voice had a different tone than what I expected. I had just picked up our two takes and had started to turn around when I heard this unexpected noise. "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" I heard this second louder noise at the same time I felt the impact of something hitting my thighs. It seemed to cut right through my knit jogging pants. The pain was immediate. I fell to the floor. The two takes I held went tumbling in the air. "OUCH!" I heard myself cry out almost simultaneously and as unexpectedly. As I hit the floor, It was then that I saw Judy standing over me with one of lady's home made whipping instruments. I'd only been whipped once with the monster Judy held in her hand. I was a teen at the time. The whipping instrument was a homemade device guaranteed to inflict pain. It was a thick, but skinny black automobile fan belt. The handle was a loop of the belt itself, that was taped together to make it so that it wouldn't slip as it was being used. It had weight and flexibility. It was perfect for whipping and inflicting pain. Realizing my plight quickly, I sought to scamper away from my tormentor. "So love, just as your mom said you would, you do need some behavior correction from time to time. Well, I can tell you that those few credits you've got on the books from the demo whipping I gave you earlier, won't help much, because you need quite a bit of persuasion to compensate for your unruly `mannish' behavior." ""J-Judy! P-Please dear... T-This is-is not the way t-to handle our problems. L-Let's sit d-down and talk a-about..." "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" "OUCH!" Judy had swung again at me so fast and made contact with my upper thigh so quickly I was stunned. Her actions were like a blur. I tried to scamper further away, but soon heard the noise of the fan belt cutting through the air again. "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" This time she caught me on my upper butt. The blow stung severely, even through the pants I wore. The impact also caused me to loose my footing. Before I knew it, she was right on top of me. Escape was almost impossible now as she quickly sat down on my back, facing my feet, and proceeded to rain lash after lash on my upturned buttocks. I was pinned down. Her weight was on my back and I couldn't move no matter how I tried to turn and roll. She'd braced her feet to either side of me. It was next to impossible for me to get up.
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Judy had 2 inches of height on me, but apparently was also much stronger than I. "OUCH!" "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" "OUCH!" "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" OUCH! OUCH! P-PLEASE! SOB! OUCH! PLEASSSEEE! Don't... SOB!... PLEASSSSEEE Don't Hit me again. L- Let's talk! SOB! PLEASE!." I was begging and crying. I was crying and begging. Neither seemed to deter her from lashing me with a vengeance. Judy's shouts to me, her increased breathing sounds - that is from exerting herself by lashing me so hard - and the steady rhythmic swinging and impacting of the fanbelt created a terrifying blend of sounds. "So... Gasp!" "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" You don't want to be cooperative with me... Gasp! Then that means you need a little "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" Attitude correction and adjustment to... "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" persuade you of your responsibility... "Gasp!"... to be at one with your wife. "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" "Gasp!" I was in pain in the worse way. I thought things couldn't get any worse, but it was then that she bared my butt by pushing down my jogging pants. The first lash on my naked flesh caused me to buck even higher than before. What a difference that thin layer of knit fabric made. My legs were flaying around in all different directions as I tried to get leverage to get from under her. It was to no avail, as she even struck my legs and thighs with that infernal fanbelt, when they got in her way. The pain was intense. "OUCH!... "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" "PLEASE!... SOB!... JUDY!... SOB!... NO! NO! OUCH!" "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" "OUCH!... PLEASE! STOP!... PLEASE! OUCH!... PLEASE! HAVE... OUCH!... MERCY ON ME! PLEASE!" "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" "OUCH! NO MORE! OUCH! I-I'll... SOB! W-WILL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT!..." "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" "OUCH! I-I'LL... OUCH! DO IT! PLEASSSEE! OUCH! NO MORE!" My arms flayed in all directions as I tried to grab something to try and pull myself away from under Judy. The effort was totally useless. I also beat the floor in front of me with my fists. I was frantic and the pain was great. I had to do something to help me dissipate the pain that was emanating from my rear and seemingly radiating through my whole body. "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" "OUCH!" "Whooosh!" "SMACK!" "OUCH!" I was a crying slobbering mess, but my fiancee went on at least another 30 seconds as I continuously conceded I'd do anything she wanted of me. Finally she stopped. Even though she did, my bottom was so well bruise and stinging, it quivered all by itself as I sought to move it to quell the fiery blaze that seem to emanate from it. I don't think but one whipping I got from either my mom or aunt came close to the one my fiancee had just given me. "Gasp!... Now listen to me James. Did I Gasp!... hear you say you'll... Gasp!... do all I asked of you?" She asked of me as she was trying to catch her breath. "Y-Yes... Sob!" I replied sobbing and slobbering uncontrollably. By the time she let me up, I'd capitulated on everything I was fighting against. I was back to being the wimp I was before, and with the throbbing pain in my rear to boot. I knew I'd been whipped thoroughly. "James, if you won't tell them, I won't tell your mom and aunt about your need for this little scolding. Is that okay, or do you want them to know? I wonder if they may give you another whipping also?" Judy said in a smug tone. "N-NO! Sob! Please d-don't... Sob!... t-tell them." I replied softly sobbing. I suspected she was correct in her assumption. We both now knew she again had the upper hand and her position was even stronger than before in our relationship. We both knew I wouldn't be trying to assert myself for a very, very long time, if at all. I'd been thoroughly beaten and knew it. Judy sat back and rested after her workout of beating my ass black and blue. I laid on the floor whimpering and sobbing, right where she left me. I was thankful for the lashing to have stopped, but it was obvious that not only had my strategy failed, it had failed miserably. "Whew! That took some effort James darling. But it was worth it to give you the treatment you needed for your mannishness. Your mom said it would pop up from time to time. But don't worry, I'll gladly take care of it for you. That is, when you need help in ridding yourself of such fits of macho- ness. Doesn't it feel good to be your old self again?" "O-Oh Judy, w-why... sob!... d-did you have to Sob!... Have to hit so... Sob!... h-hard?" I stammered as I sobbed and whimpered like a baby. It took a long while for me to quiet down and stop sobbing. My rear was still a blaze of pain. Judy demanded I come across her lap so as to rub ointment onto my bruised and swollen bottom. I refused at first but when she insisted, I knew I had little choice as she held up the ointment and pointed to her lap. While I was making takes earlier, she'd apparently snuck down to the basement and brought up the fanbelt whip and ointment. "Ouch! P-Please Judy, don't rub so hard. It hurts." I cried out as I once again lay across my fiancee's lap like a small young. "Keep your hands away and let me do just as your mom showed me how. Remember the ointment must be rubbed in real good to do its job of reducing the swelling, and to heal these welts. By the way, aren't you going to thank me for treating you so quickly to rid you of that attack of mannishness and trying to be a macho asshole?" "P-Please Judy, I-I'm just not in the m-mood to..." "James darling, it doesn't take much to be mannerly and say a simple thank you. You use to be much more polite than that. Maybe you need a bit more treatment from our little friend here to get you back to being your old self." Judy's tone was serious, yet it had a bit of eagerness that scared me. "N-NO! No More! T-Thank you Judy f-for h- helping me g-getting o-over being m-mannish. Thanks so much for helping m-me be my old self a-again." I stammered and stumred over my words until I got out what I knew she wanted to hear. "Now that sounds like your old self, confident and yet mannerly. Now darling, if you ever feel an attack coming on again, just let me know and I'll get our friend here, Mr. Fanbelt, or another of its friends, and try to cure you of the malady, no matter how much it tires me out laying into your rear. Understand?"
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"Y-Yes Judy, I-I understand." I mentally moaned and sighed as I replied and winced from her continued ointment rub down of my still aching rear end. I knew with a fair amount of certainty that me ever trying to exhibit any sort of manly control in this relationship was gone forever. I was almost as glad for Judy to stop the ointment rub down as I was her whipping of me. However, the rough massage did seem to help the pain in my bottom. She allowed me to re-dress. She then directed me to clean up the spilled takes. Later, she cuddled me to her, not so much like a lover, but more as a young she was consoling. I found it difficult to look in her radiant, but beautiful smug smiling face. I was her subjugated wimp now, without question, and we both knew it. After a bit of trying to convince me that she did me a favor by whipping me, she finally got back around to what caused her to beat my ass in the first place. I dreaded this moment was coming. "James, now that we've discussed this, I want you to call Rod and discuss it with him. After all, it's him that wants to hold me to my promise and have his baby for us. He's convinced me why I should let him plump me up. I want you and he to have a man to fiance talk, so he can convince you. Maybe you'll persuade him not to do me. Anyway, call him darling. This is a good time, as his wife is out of town visiting her lady." I picked up on the fact that my fiancee didn't afford me the respect of referring to me as a man, when she talked of a `man to fiance talk'. However, I figured it was best if I didn't say anything inflammatory that would cause her to get Mr. Fanbelt talking again. I dialed Rod as she instructed, not having the slightest idea of what I was going to say. It was a most miserable feeling. Below is the narrative of my conversation with him - the best I remember it. PHONE CONVERSATION WITH ROD: Rod: "Hello" Me: "R-Rod?" Rod: "Yeah! It's me. Hey isn't this James?" Me: "Uh, y-yes." Rod: "Well, what does Judy's wimp want at this time of night. You're lucky my wife is out of town or I'd be real pissed at you disturbing me now. You aren't by chance calling for Judy are you?" Me: "Uh, w-well, y-yes." Rod: "Well shrimp, what do you want? You call to tell me you want to suck my dick again, or is it about me filling your new, soon-to-be bride's tummy with my baby? Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!" What he said and how he said it, as well as the sound of his laughter really made me angry. Me: "L-Listen Rod, t-there's no need to be sarcastic a-and to p-put me down. B-But listen, the reamister I-I called is about this b-baby promise." Rod: "Good! I want to knock your bitch up and give y'all a permisteral wedding present from me. Judy was mine first and I thought she should have something of a permisteral momento from me, since she's going to get her name changed soon." Me: "B-But a baby. T-That's so much to ask of a ..." Rod: "Listen wimp! That's what I want! Plus, you know she wants me to plump her up too. A woman wants to get knocked up by a man with a slab of dick meat she can feel putting the juice to her, as he stretches her and probes the bottom of her cunt... not a bird dick like yours, that she can't even feel." Me: Rod, I-I know you've got it o-over me when it c- comes to s-sex... a-and that y-you're the better man in bed... b-but p-please don't do this to us. W-Would you release her from her promise... please?" My voice tremred and I was nervous and sweating. I pleaded desperately with my fiancee's old high school flame. Judy, who was sitting beside me, seemed to be smugly enjoying my miserable plight. Rod: "Sorry shrimp, I told Judy I wanted her to tell you about this. I didn't want it to be a surprise to you that I wanted her off the pill and unprotected. I'm going to be boning her hard and deep over the next few weeks. I'm going to be doing some serious baby farming. I'm gonna plant my seed deep in her fertile juicy twat patch. Anyway, by now, you know she wants my baby. You know I'm not powering her to do anything she doesn't really want to do. Since you claim you love her so much, you'll accept what she wants to do. And you must love her from all the stuff I've seen you submit to. Stuff I'd never do for the love of any bitch. Well anyway, that's another story. But listen wimp, the reamister she and I talked about being open with you... and you should appreciate us being open. Don't you?" Me: "Uh, w-well, I-I guess so." Rod: "Good! The reamister is that if she has my kid and you gonna be the daddy, I want to make sure its treated no differently than if it was your own kid. I expect my kid to have loving and caring parents and a warm loving home environment. Understand where I'm coming from wimp?" Me: "R-Rod p-please don't call me wimp. L-Look, is it m-money you want? I-I don't have much..." Rod: "Fuck you! Money ain't the issue! Now listen to me! You listening!" Me: "Uh, y-yes Rod, I-I am." Rod: "Since it's a foregone conclusion I'm gonna fuck your slut bride-to-be and fill her up for you by your wedding day, do you promise to be a good daddy to my baby and be a good husband to her too? I-I want to hear you say it exactly like that, word for word."
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Me: "Is it-it really necessary for m-me to..." Rod: "Damn right! Do as I say wimp or I'm gonna make it a point to whip your ass good the next time I'm in town, which, by the way, will be in three days." Me: "O-Okay! I-I-I promise to b-be a good d-daddy to your b-baby a-and a g-good husband to Judy t-too." I replied stammering nervously and out of fright at this new threat. To my chagrin, Judy's face lightened up into an even brighter smile as she heard my words. Rod: "That's better. Isn't it wonderful when a loving couple reaches consensus on an issue. I'll see y'all in a few days. Is Judy there?" Me: Y-Yes." Rod: "Give her the phone." I meekly handed Judy the receiver as I slumped back defeated and knowing that I was going to be cuckolded in the worse way, even before my wedding. After Judy hung up, she let me know me that I would have a fighting chance to stop her from getting impregnated with Rod's baby. My eyes opened wide in anticipation of this bit of good news. "Darling, Rod said he'd permit you to be my natural oral birth control. He thought it only fair to give you a fighting chance to thwart his plan for me. He says if you're effective at preventing me from becoming pregnant with your mouth, he'll not bother us again about keeping my commitment to him. I really think that's very fair of him, don't you James darling?" I said nothing but hung my head in utter disappointment at her statement. I'm not the dumbest permister in the world. I knew losing this battle only opened me up to losing it again if she wanted a baby from Jeffrey and/or Judd. At least they were white, and even if cuckolded, at least we, or at least I, could claim they looked like distant relatives. Even though the baby from Rod wouldn't look like me, at least it would be white. Maybe Judy's threat of a black baby was just that. A black baby would be the ultimate symbolism of cuckoldry and represent a great measure of utter offense and scandal to me. Maybe things were going to be bad for me with her having other men's kids, but at least I should be thankful if they were all white. Her threat to me earlier of a black baby had of course caught me off guard. However, I couldn't explain me having such an intense climax at the very mention of being the daddy of a black baby. It worried me later at the implication she'd made of the incident. However, I didn't have time or wanted to even think about that for the moment. I had my hands full worrying about being the committed daddy of another man's white baby. CHAPTER 15 EVENTS FROM OUR ENGAGEMENT: Just In Time For The Wedding. True to this word, Rod inseminated Judy. I really put my best sucking efforts into vacuuming up every bit of his viscous, cream colored spermy fluids from her pussy. I of course knew I didn't have much chance of preventing her insemination. But since Judy had expected me to be a sucker, literally, for them anyway, I thought I'd give it my best. After all, sucking up his abundant loads of rich semen was the only tool I had to fight with in this battle. Each time he and Judy mated, they insisted I be there and in the same up close position I'd been in the first time they had sex in my bedroom. Nothing I said could deter them from wanting me in that abject degrading position, while my bride-to-be was being inseminated. "James darling, I want it to be said that you were very close by when our first born was conceived." Judy said with total sincerity. Rod only smirked and chuckled at her words. As I manned my position, I was again inundated and drenched with flying and drizzling fuck juices. Rod's loads were so copious. I almost knew from the start that with his deep injections into Judy's womb, she couldn't help but get pregnant. Over the 12 or so times they coupled for the express purposes of him impregnating my fiancee, I ate huge quantities of his hot gooey ejaculate, melded with her abundant pussy juices. Within five weeks of her first insemination coupling with Rod, Judy was announced pregnant. I was sad and yet glad. Sad because I would forever be cuckolded by the actions of those two, but glad that I didn't have to any longer be drenched in their fuck juices and be a primisterer of the hot, humid, dripping copulation grotto between their coupled sex organs. I was also sad because, everyone still held me to my commitment to be a virgin on our wedding day. Hence, still only my tongue could invade her delectable snatch, even though she was fully knocked up by another man in time for our wedding. The other sad thing was that Judy didn't hide any of these activities from either her family or mine. Also even sadder was that both of our families fervently supported her fulfilling her commitment to Rod. It really hurt to be chided by my lady and aunt for not wholeheartedly supporting my wife-to-be in keeping her pledge to her old high school flame. Both my family and hers, without the slightest bit of reservation or hesitancy, agreed that Judy and Rod would make a prettier grand baby for them than one by she and I. Both families seemed surprised at my recalcitrance on this whole matter. When our wedding day came, Judy marched down the aisle toward me at the altar, dressed so exquisitely in an expensive, lacy white wedding gown, with a long white satin train. She was so beautiful, even if she was almost two months pregnant with the young of another man, when we said "I do". I also wasn't happy in the least about Judy wanting me to ask Jeffrey, Judd, and Joe to be my best men. Mind you, I didn't say best man, but best men. She wanted all three of them there standing there with us at the altar. I was glad Rod had already left on his trip abroad. I'm sure if he hadn't, Judy would've probably insisted he be there too. I was rather upset at her for demanding I do that, but she reminded me that I'd promised to be cooperative, otherwise, it was apparent that I needed an `anti-mannishness' treatment. That caused me to calm down and be passively cooperative. It also hurt for me to ask her three lovers to participate as best men, as she requested of me. I was not only incensed at doing so, but was beyond embarrassment when I did so. Being almost 2 months pregnant didn't cause Judy to show significantly in her wedding dress, but there was a slight bulge. However, before her walk down the aisle, she'd already eagerly revealed to all her friends that she was expecting. I was around several of her girlfriends when she told them at the wedding rehearsal party. Almost in the same breath she let them know that my virginity was still in tack. This led to her friends snickering as well asking her or speculating as to who the man was. Her answer, "You'll find out when the baby is born." Such talk, with me being present, caused me all sorts of embarrassment and facial contortions. Nothing I said to Judy would deter her from making me more miserable or looking foolish. She only kept reassuring me that I looked like a hero in her friend's eyes. "James darling, just as I told you, all my friends think very highly of you that you haven't deserted me just because I'm pregnant with another man's baby. They look upon you as an honorable man. You're a hero, just like I said you'd be. If anything, they're gossiping about me in a negative manner, not you." The other embarrassing part of the wedding was in the public statements of affection and commitment we made to each other. I didn't want to say anything, since I was basically a obligate partner. However, lady and Aunt Jasmine wouldn't hear of that.
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I complained about the words virgin or virginity being used in the original statement that was written for me. "James, tell you what, if we don't use virgin or virginity, will that make you happy and stop your complaining?" Aunt Jasmine asked. I replied in the affirmative, confident I'd won a minor concession in getting back some of the manly respect due me. After all, a man doesn't go around shouting he's a virgin and hasn't had intercourse before, especially at his wedding. I promised them that I'd stop complaining and memorize the new statement since they removed any reference to the word virgin. I don't know why I can't ever win especially when going up against Mother or Aunt Jasmine, or Judy for that matter. The rewritten statement was per our agreement, but it still embarrassed me. However, they'd already had my promise and they held me to it. Again, I felt so used and used. I just wished I'd read their statement before promising to read it sight unseen. The other thing was that I had to memorize and recite the statement from memory. They made me practice and recite it endless times prior to the wedding. The statement was a scandal coming from a man, but it was what they wanted and, unfortunately, what I'd committed to say. Judy and her family thought the words were delightful. It read: `To my beautiful Judy, the love of my life, I pledge my heart to thee and only thee. I'm very proud to be bonded to you, even though inexperienced in coital matters, I offer myself, and my love, to you, and ask that you accept me as yours forever.' I heard Judy's public statement for the first time at the altar. It read as follows: `James, you are the true love of my life. I accept you as mine in your state of virginal innocence and will ensure in whatever manner I need to, that your love remains mine, and mine alone. I know that as we bond our lives and start upon this journey of marriage together, as well as start our family, we will be so happy.' I went first with my statement, so I didn't hear Judy's statement until after I'd recited mine. After hearing her speak, I turned noticeably redder in the face. Once again, I knew I'd been conspired against by Judy and my folks. Hearing a few noticeable murmurs and giggles from the audience didn't help matters either. I asked myself why did she have to mention the two things that pained me so, that is, my virginity and the matter of starting a family, when she knew she was already pregnant by another man. I was an used spouse even before I left the altar. I felt so put down by what was happening to me, but could do absolutely nothing except suffer in silence. Judy wore a very bright and radiant smile through out the ceremony. It brightened even more when the female minister announced us `woman and husband'. Another verbal slap in the face, I thought to myself as we newlyweds kissed each other. "You're mine now." She whispered as we broke the salute. I didn't know what to think. I did truly love Judy, as I've said numerous times, but I just felt like I was a primisterer in the engagement and I suspected the marriage would be even more of a primister. CHAPTER 16 EVENTS FROM OUR MARRIAGE: The Honeymoon It was wonderful to get away together by ourselves. We went to Bermuda. It was such a paradise of a setting. Judy and I really bonded on this trip. It definitely reminded me why I really fell in love with this incredibly beautiful woman. The utmost thing on my mind was finally being allowed to put it in my new bride. Making love to her was indeed a dream come true. From having been so intimately close to her, as she had been sexed by her man, brothers, other male relatives, and most recently with Rod, I knew I couldn't come close to holding a candle to what they had done, to her pretty pouting juicy pussy. However, I humbly did what I could, and tried to make up the difference with my tongue and lips. I was so happy to just have her all to myself and for us to be by ourselves. Even though the issue of Rod's baby was just beneath the surface of all our `What we're going to do when we get back home' conversations, we found so much to mutually talk about other than that, as well as to enjoy the sights on the beautiful island we were on. After a few conversations directly dealing with her lover's young, I approached the matter impartially and rationally, even though the way the whole situation was thrust on me was anything but that. I assessed that what was done, was done. My new wife was carrying another man's young and it was a foregone conclusion that we were going to raise it. I finally approached the matter as `let bygones be bygones' and that we should look toward the future with a clean slate. I also knew I had to accept the reality that our honeymoon would be over, in more ways than one, when we reached home. I knew that the other men in her life, would be a necessary and continuing part of our lives.
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The Honeymoon Is Over A year after the wedding and the honeymoon, we were in a stable marital pattern. Our baby by Rod was a boy. Judy named him Rodney James Jackmister. I was a bit upset that she named him after Rod, but I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. However, the fact that she gave him my Christian name as his middle name, and, and of course my last name, did do something to my ego. I can't explain why though. Having not been around babies much, the little fellow stole my heart. He had many of Judy's features, but there was no doubt he strongly resemred Rod. Judy's and my families were delighted that I acted like the doting new man, even though both families were praising that Rodney had the handsome features of his lady and real man. I tried to not let such comments get to me emotionally. I had come to accept my lesser status in our marriage and had come to be at peace with myself about it. It's obvious that both families, and my wife, prefer me to be cast in that light, otherwise why would they all have so overtly conspired to subjugate me? My job at the college was going great and I really liked what I did for a living. Judy only worked part time since she wants to spend a lot of time with our ***** mister, Rodney James. I also spent quite a bit of quality time with him too, because I was usually his baby sitter when my wife was out on dates during the week, or away with her lovers on weekends. My life, at this time, even though one of subjugation and presentation, to my wife, her family, and of course my family, was somewhat in balance. I guess a better word would be predictable. I say predictable because I can count on some of the previously mentioned folks making sexual demands on me. I guess demands is a nicer word than outright sexual use. As you know from the earlier part of my story, the Smiths had long been performing mister-in-law sexual use of me. It started soon after I discovered the practice of ****** in their family. Of Judy's folks, it's primarily her Dad and Mom who uses me as a sex toy whenever it's convenient for them to do so. Mother Smith is quite demanding about me sucking her creamy hairpie at least once a week, with twice a week being the norm. Sometimes, she wants me to do so even more frequently than that. Whenever I'm over at Judy's house to do Mother Smith's bidding, it's at these times I never know when I'll be called on to suck a big stiff dick or two or three or more. If Mr. Smith is there, it's almost a certainty, he'll want to soak his big slab of prick meat between my lips just because I'm there. If other relatives are there and they need, or want some head, it's a sure bet I'll be powerd to oblige them. MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL One particular Smith Family ritual I hate is Monday night football. It all started out as Judy's idea for me and her Dad to find some common ground to improve our relationship. From my perspective, the only way that was going to happen was if he stopped powering me to be his powerd cocksucker. I told her so. "Please James, you should try to be positive and flexible here and not dwell on your trivial peeves." My wife said after I expressed myself. She continued to talk as I glared back at her. I was speechless at the her categorization of my complaint being a "trivial peeve". "Look, darling. I know Dad is a bit powerful at times, but I think it would be good if you made the first step in trying to improve the relationship between you two. After all, you're the one always complaining to me about the situation between you two." "The reamister I do Judy is that y-you and your lady don't seem to help me out when I ask y'all to deter him from making me do those things. I-I know his use won't stop unless y'all help me out." "First of all darling, Dad and the other men are not a***ing you. You're just fulfilling a need for them. That's not use. You're use to the taste of jism and they need somewhere to put all the excess jism they have to give. That's all there is to it, no more, no less." Finding it useless to convey my point, I went along with my wife's idea of viewing Monday night football with my Father-in-law. To my surprise, for the first half of the game, he was rather civil and concentrated on the game. He was very verbal about the plays and the players. I was not a sports fan, so I just listened and pretended not to be bored, which I was. Things were going fine with he and I spending some traditional quality time together. The problem started at half time. It was then, he appeared to become a bit yancy. He was on his third beer by now and that's when I noticed that he started rubbing his crotch in a more noticeable fashion. As the third quarter began, it was then that he reached out with his big hand and powerful arm and grabbed me. "C'mon Jamie, I need you to intercept my dick with your lips." He said so after pulling my face to his crotch. The swollen bulge, which was not there a few moments ago, was clearly evident as he powerd my face to his crotch. "Mr. S-Smith! P-Please not tonight. Can't we just w-watch the game and n-not do..." "Damn it Jamie, don't be fucking difficult! Get on your fucking knees and wrap your lips around my dick. It's hard and needs some attention. Now do as I say. I don't want to miss any of the game cause of you. You want me to tell Judy you weren't cooperative with me? Maybe I'll suggest to her she needs to take you to the woodshed and whip your ass." He chuckled after he spoke. I knew that Judy just might take his advice seriously. Again, sensing that capitulation was the only way out of another odd situation I found my self in, I moved to my knees between his legs and helped him slide his trousers down. His exposed crotch and huge, but familiar and very erect penis loomed before my face. Moments later, he guided his swollen dick head to my lips and I did as he wanted. I had successfully intercepted his cock. He warned me he just wanted to suck on him slowly, as he moaned that he just wanted to `wet and soak his dick'. He kept me on my knees with my mouth wrapped firmly around his big tool for the remainder of the game. He only let me up for air once. That was when he went to get another beer, and I believe a potty break. When he returned, his large member was semi-hard as it swung to and fro as he walked. You see, he had taken off his pants and was wearing only a shirt, T- shirt and socks. After he sat down, he pulled me back to his pinkish dick head after opening the fresh beer and taking a swig. "That's it. Just a slow suck is the way I want you to do it." He moaned as he felt the return of my mouth and the resulting wet warm-ness upon his dick meat. Not to belabor my point, but Judy's Dad used me as a cum dump that night and insisted upon my presence at Monday night football there after. When I sought to decline to be present the following Monday night, Judy openly threatened me with a whipping for being uncooperative, anti-social and against her parents. Again, fearing corporal punishment and pain, I quickly surrendered to her desire and her Dad's demands. I've been his Monday night football dick warmer ever since.