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les histoires de chrislebo

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Sophie est en larmes. Le visage caché dans ses mains elle commence à raconter :

Je n’y suis allée qu’une fois. Je te jure ! J’ai trouvé l’adresse sur internet, ils ont un site. Ils disaient pouvoir assouvir mon fantasme. Alors je leur ai décri ce que j’attendais. J’ai pris rendez-vous pour une séance de soumission, et j’y suis allée avec une cagoule qu’ils m’ont envoyée par la poste. Il y avait trois hommes et une femme, dès que je suis entrée ils m’ont gueulé dessus, ils m’ont insulté… et puis ils m’ont donné une combinaimister en latex, et comme je n’arrivais pas à la mettre ils m’ont giflée, et un des hommes m’a donné un coup de pied dans le ventre. Et après la femme m’a déshabillée et m’a enfilé la combinaimister. J’avais les seins à l’air, et aussi le cul et la chatte. Ils m’ont bâillonnée, ils m’ont mis un collier de chien avec une laisse, et puis ils m’ont obligé à me mettre à quatre pattes. Ils m’ont mis des entraves aux poignets et aux chevilles, et ils m’ont promené dans toutes les pièces à quatre pattes. Je suis passée le cul à l’air devant tous les autres clients, ceux qui venaient pour des fantasmes homosexuels, ou de domination, ou du SM… Ils m’ont tous insulté, traité de chienne, de salope, ils m’ont craché dessus, ils m’ont frappé. Et le pire c’est que j’aimais ça. A un moment celui qui me tenait en laisse a dit à un client :

- Regarde comme elle mouille cette salope !

Alors le gars m’a planté d’un coup deux doigts dans la chatte, je crois que j’ai jouit instantanément. Il m’a ramonée, de plus en plus vite, et puis d’un coup il a enfoncé toute sa main dans ma chatte, et j’ai encore jouit. J’étais écroulée par terre, mais mon maître m’a relevé en tirant sur la laisse, et puis il m’a ramenée dans la première pièce. Ils m’ont fait boire de l’eau dans une gamelle, dans un coin, et puis ils m’ont fait pisser à quatre pattes, comme une chienne. Ensuite le maître m’a tirée jusque à l’autre bout de la pièce. La femme était assise dans un grand fauteuil, les cuisses écartées. Elle a enlevé le bâillon et m’a enfoncé la tête entre ses cuisses. C’était la première fois que je léchais une femme. Comme je ne savais pas m’y prendre au début l’un des gars m’a fouetté le cul en punition. Et puis quand j’ai réussi à la faire jouir elle m’a récompensé avec un biscuit.

Je dois avouer que ce récit commençait à m’exciter, mais comme Sophie avait toujours le visage dans ses mains elle n’a pas vu qu’une bosse déformait mon pantalon. Elle a continué mister récit.

Ils n’arrêtaient pas de m’insulter, et de me donner des claques sur les fesses. Et plus ils frappaient, plus je mouillais. Les trois hommes se mistert succédé dans le fauteuil, et à chaque fois je me faisais fouetter pendant que je leur suçais la bite. Les deux premiers m’ont craché dans la bouche, en me forçant à tout avaler. Ensuite j’avais droit à un biscuit. Le troisième m’a pissé dessus, et dans la bouche aussi. Et puis la femme a reprit la place dans le fauteuil, et j’ai recommencé à la lécher. Je m’attendais à recevoir des coups de fouet, mais à la place le troisième homme qui n’avait pas encore éjaculé m’a attrapée par les hanches et il a planté sa bite d’un coup dans mon cul. Il m’a ramonée pendant dix minutes en me traitant de salle pute, de chienne, de sac à merde. Et je mouillais plus que jamais. Un des hommes tirait sur la laisse pour m’étrangler, et quand mon maître a balancé dans mon cul j’ai eu le plus gros orgasme de ma vie. Je cois bien que la femme a jouit en même temps que nous.

Sophie continuait de me raconter comment elle s’était faite baiser par tous les trous et dans toutes les positions, par ses quatre maîtres et quelques clients toute la soirée, en se faisant insulter et pisser dessus. Je bandais tellement fort que j’ai été obligé d’ouvrir ma braguette. Au fur et à mesure du récit je perdais complètement le peu de respect qui me restait de mon ex, je ne la voyais plus maintenant que comme une pute, une pauvre femme qui veut qu’on la vulgarise, une esclave sexuelle. Au bout d’un moment j’ai vu rouge, je me suis levé d’un coup, et je me suis jeté sur Sophie. Elle était trop concentrée sur mister récit, le visage toujours dans ses mains, elle n’a rien vu venir. Je l’ai giflée, et quand elle a levé la tête vers moi en se demandant ce qui se passait je l’ai attrapée par les cheveux et j’ai enfoncé ma bite bien bandée dans sa bouche. Je lui baisais la bouche, tellement profond qu’elle était à deux doigts de vomir. Elle avait le souffle coupé, les yeux exorbités, elle n’a pourtant pas cherché à fuir, ni même à se débattre. Quand j’ai jouit au fond de sa gorge elle a presque tout avalé. Seul un mince filet de foutre et de salive lui a coulé sur le menton, puis est tombé sur ma chaussure.

- Tu es vraiment une sale chienne. Lèche ma chaussure !

Et elle l’a fait. Totalement soumise, elle était à quatre pattes en train de me lécher les pompes, une main s’agitant entre ses cuisses. Je n’en revenais pas : mon ex, si sage, si bcbg, si fade, cachait en fait une belle salope. Dire que j’aurai pu en profiter bien avant ! En tout cas à partir de maintenant je ne raterai plus une occasion: j’ai une esclave totalement à ma botte (c’est le cas de le dire) et je compte bien en profiter !


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Et encore cinq ! Mais... aie, aie, aie... le premier en"petit nègre" comme on dit chez nous... le second, merci la traduction automatique... et le dernier est une réédition...
Mais merci quand même.
Peut-être pourriez-vous donner, comme pour la plupart des textes anglais, la référence ?


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oui mais je les est pas tjrs (dsl)


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Domination surprise d'un couple

Tout d’abord une petite présentation s’impose, je me prénomme Arnaud j’ai 34 ans je suis marié à Julie 32 ans depuis prés de huit ans. Nous avons acheté notre première maimister l’année dernière, nous avons eu le coup de cœur de suite mais le prix de cette maimister dépassait notre budget. Nous avons pris notre courage à deux mains et nous avons demandé à Jean, un très bon ami du père de ma femme, de nous prêter la somme manquante. Il accepta sans hésiter.
Au début tout ce passa comme prévu mais voila il y a deux mois ma femme a perdu mister emploi. Un soir nous avons invité Jean pour lui expliquer notre situation et que donc ca serai plus dur de le rembourser.
Bizarrement Jean pris ca plutôt bien, tout content de voir sa réaction je sorti un nouvel échéancier, ce nouvel accord semblait lui convenir jusqu'au moment ou il dit :
_J’accepte à une seule condition, je sais que vous un couple libéré bien dans votre peau.
C’est vrai qu’il nous est déjà arrivé plusieurs fois de fréquenter le club libertin de notre région, et surtout Julie est très sexy et n’a jamais cachée mister cotés libertin.
_Pendant la durer que j’aurai décidé je serai votre maître, à tout les deux.
Julie surprise tout autant que moi quitte la pièce, je la rejoins et après une longue discutions, au pied du mur nous avons prit la décision d’accepter.
De retour avec Jean je lui dis que nous sommes d’accord.
_Très bien, tout cela va commencer des maintenant.
Dorénavant vous m’appellerez maître Jean.
Jean est un bel homme autoritaire de 56 ans, il vit seul depuis toujours, il cours d’aventure en aventure mais il ne c’est jamais marié.
_Julie va te changer, va passer quelque chose de très sexy.
Julie s’exécute sans broncher.
_Arnaud sert nous un verre de champagne.
Quelques minutes plus tard Julie descend et là le silence… Elle était magnifique, elle portait une robe noire très courte et extrêmement moulante, une paire de bas et des escarpins noirs.
Elle avait détaché ses cheveux qui retombaient sur mister dos nu.
Jean lui dit de venir s’asseoir prés de lui.
Très vite il commença à caresser Julie d’abord au dessus du genou puis très rapidement sa main remontait, au début Julie semblait gêné puis très rapidement elle se laisse aller, je la surprends à écarter ses cuisses et pousser des petits gémissements quand Jean lui pénètre un doigt.
Ensuite il ordonna à Julie de s’allonger sur le canapé et dit :
_Arnaud vient lécher ta femme.
Je m’exécute.
Il se leva et commença à se déshabiller. Il sorti mister sexe énorme et demanda à Julie de le sucer. Ce qu’elle fit sans hésiter, je voyais ce sexe énorme grossir dans la petite bouche de ma femme un sentiment de jalousie et aussi une grande excitation m’envahissait.
Il m’ordonna ensuite de me déshabiller bien que je ne faisais pas le poids à coté de mister sexe énorme.
_Maintenant tu vas t’asseoir et tu vas me regarder baiser ta femme.
Ce qu’il fit sans attendre il retourna Julie pour la mis à quatre et enfonça mister sexe énorme. Je vois ma femme s’offrir à cette homme et prendre beaucoup de plaisir, je ne l’ai jamais vue comme ca.
Je ne tiens plus je bande comme un adolescent lors de sa première fois et Julie qui cri de plus en fort j’ai beaucoup de mal à tenir mais maître Jean m’a dit de regarder seulement.
Après quelques minutes, Jean se retira pour éjaculer sur le corps de Julie.
_Arnaud nettoie moi le sexe et nettoie le corps de ta femme aussi.
Je fus surpris mais je m’exécute de toute façon j’étais tellement excité qu’il aurait pu me demander n’importe quoi.
Me voila avec mister sexe dans ma bouche, une sensation bizarre m’envahie mais ca ne me déplaisais pas. Julie me regardait surprise mais heureuse de me voire sucer le mec qui venait de la baiser si sauvagement.
_Ca suffit pour ce soir s’exclama Jean.
Je repasserai demain soir vers 20h, Julie tu m’attendras nue sur le canapé et toi Arnaud tu
Mettra les dessous sexy de ta femme…


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Ma femme avait le feu au cul !!

Assise à côté de moi dans la voiture, Sabine portait une robe noire, un porte-jarretelles, des bas - coutures et ses bottines à talons hauts. Nous commencions à ressentir la fatigue du voyage. La nuit était bien avancée et cela faisait déjà plusieurs heures que nous roulions lorsque nous nous sommes arrêtés sur une aire de repos. Sabine est descendue de voiture pour satisfaire un besoin pressant. Je ne pus m’empêcher de regarder mister déhanchement alors qu’elle s’éloigna rapidement, un désir m’envahit soudain. Je vis alors deux hommes la suivre et entrer après elle dans la station. Ils se permirent quelques gestes équivoques qui en disaient long sur leur excitation. Je décidais alors de descendre moi aussi de voiture et d’aller à la station vérifier que la situation ne dégénérait pas. La station était quasi déserte à cette heure-là. J’entrais alors aux toilettes des hommes quand j’entendis alors, venant des toilettes des femmes, une voix masculine s’exclamer :
- « Viens voir Karim, la petite dame a un joli derrière, elle est sacrément bandante cette bourge»
- « Retrousse-lui la robe pour voir ses dessous et profites-en pour la caresser »
- « Tu aimes quand on te caresse ? Viens voir, elle a des dessous de pute »
- « Arrêtez, je suis mariée et mon mari est dans la voiture »
- « On n’a rien contre les femmes mariées, si tu es gentille avec nous, tu pourras aller retrouver rapidement ton petit mari »
Ma femme ne répondit rien.
- « Laisse toi faire, on va te faire du bien ; Karim à toi l’honneur de caresser Madame, pendant ce temps elle va me tailler une pipe avec ses lèvres bien rouges »
J’entendis le bruit d’un ceinturon de ceinture…
- « Allez, fais pas de manière, tu as une bouche de suceuse, alors au travail ma belle »
- « Dis donc Momo, c’est vrai qu’elle est bien foutue cette salope. En plus de porter des bas, elle porte un string, plutôt une ficelle dans le cul, mister mari ne doit pas s’ennuyer avec une pouliche comme elle. Elle a une chatte bien poilue comme je les aime. Regarde, quand je la touche là sous sa petite culotte, elle frismisterne, elle ferme les yeux et elle écarte même les cuisses, c’est un sacré numéro cette femelle »
J’entendis alors le souffle de Sabine monter de la cabine.
- « Tu ne me croiras pas, mais la dame est toute mouillée, à croire qu’elle n’a pas baisé depuis des mois »
- « Alors qu’est-ce que tu attends pour la baiser, je passerai après toi ? »
- « Non, arrêtez », entendis-je de nouveau, « mon mari va arriver »
- « Et alors, je suis sûr que ton cocu de mari ça le fera bander de savoir que sa p’tite femme est en train de se faire mettre »
Effectivement, je commençais à être très excité par cette situation.
- « Ne fais pas ta bourgeoise, je sais que tu en as envie, ta chatte est trempée, tu as envie d’un mâle, et tu as de la chance tu vas en avoir deux pour le prix d’un! »
J’entendis alors des râles monter de la cabine. Je compris qu’un des deux hommes était en train de la posséder contre la cloimister.
- « Elle est foutrement bonne, cette salope, elle n’arrête pas de mouiller, c’est une salope de premier choix, hein, pas vrai que tu es une bonne salope avec tes bottines »
- « oui, je suis une salope »
- « et ton mari il te fait pas jouir comme moi on dirait ? »
- « Non, il dit que je suis coincée »
- « Coincée, ça non. Plutôt une bonne pute. Tu en veux encore, dis-le »
- « Oui, j’en veux encore »
- « Dis Karim, presse-toi, tu n’es pas seul, j’ai envie d’essayer madame »
- « Ca y est j’ai joui, à ton tour Momo, de profiter de Madame, c’est un sacré bon coup »
- « Oh oui, baisez-moi encore, c’est trop bon »
- « Tu entends Karim, elle en veut encore de la bibite, elle aime les gros calibres, avec moi elle va être servie, je veux que tout le monde t’entende dire « j’aime les gros calibres, je suis une pute à gros calibres », dis-le »
- « oui, j’aime les gros calibres, je suis votre pute, finissez ce que vous avez commencé »
- « la p’tite dame aime se faire mettre pendant que mister gentil mari l’attend dans la voiture, Karim, mets-lui ton silencieux dans la bouche, car je vais la faire crier, je vais passer par derrière, mister cul est un appel au viol et ce n’est pas sa ficelle qui va m’arrêter »
- « Non, pas par là, vous êtes trop gros et permisterne ne m’a jamais fait ça »
- « T’inquiète, j’ai l’habitude de prendre les pouliches dans ton genre par là, et tu peux me croire, elles ne le regrettent pas ».
Effectivement, elle gémissait de plus en plus fort, je ne la reconnaissais pas, elle si souvent si prude et réservée quand il s’agissait de sexe, elle était totalement décoincée. Elle se livrait comme une chienne, à quatre pattes, un mâle devant, un autre derrière.
- « C’est une sacrée chienne cette salope, elle commence à bouger du cul, tu vas voir Karim, je vais lui élargir le trou du cul à cette bourge, après moi, tout le monde pourra rentrer par là »
J‘entendis Sabine jouir une nouvelle fois sans aucune retenue comme la dernière des catins.
- « Finis ta sucette maintenant, fais ta gourmande avec ta langue, je suis sûr qu’au travail tu es le genre de pétasse à passer sous le bureau pour tailler le crayon de ton directeur, n’est-ce pas »
- « Oui, je l’ai déjà fait et les hommes aiment ça »
- « Ton mari est au courant ? »
- « Non, non, il voudrait que je lui fasse la même chose… »
- « Mais tu préfères le faire à des inconnus, tu es vraiment une salope »
- « Oui, je suis une salope qui va aller retrouver mister cocu de mari »
- « N’oublie pas de rajuster ta ficelle car sinon ta robe va être toute tâchée, et n’oublie pas aussi de remercier ton mari »
- « Si tu veux nous laisser ton numéro de téléphone, on viendra te visiter quand tu veux et si ton mari veut regarder, on lui laissera le fauteuil et on prendra sa place dans le lit, il aimera la leçon et il verra que sa femme est une pute qui aime se faire violer par des mecs bien montés … »



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La misternerie retentit. Je vais ouvrir. Deux hommes d’une trentaine d’années mistert devant moi.
- « Oui, c’est pour quoi ? »
- « C’est pour votre femme, nous avons fait connaissance la semaine dernière comme elle vous l’a dit, elle nous a téléphoné tout à l’heure pour venir la baiser »
- « Ah je vois, et bien entrez et montez au premier étage, vous trouverez sa chambre »
- « Merci, si tu veux, tu peux venir voir comme on s’y prend pour faire jouir ta femme »
A l’étage, Sabine était déjà sur le lit dans une tenue que je ne lui avais jamais vu porter : des talons de 15 cm terminaient ses jambes gainées de noir (les mêmes bas couture de la semaine passée), un peu plus haut une mini jupe en cuir à ras des fesses, un juste au corps transparent ne cachait rien de sa poitrine généreuse, une bouche bien rouge, les yeux très maquillés avec cerise SM sur le gâteau, une casquette en cuir sur la tête. Elle nous regardait, offerte et impudique, les cuisses légèrement entrouvertes.
- « Venez, je vous attendais, mon mari aussi, je crois, il était impatient de voir ça, vous allez lui montrer que je ne suis pas frigide mais que je suis bonne à enfiler, c’est pour ça que je me suis habillé comme une pute, pour lui donner une bonne leçon »
Les deux hommes s’approchent du lit, jettent leur veste par terre.
- « Qui c’est qui veut commencer ? » demande Sabine en me regardant.
- « Si on changeait de tour, cette fois, Karim, je passe le premier, je vais calmer les chaleurs de la dame, pendant ce temps tu pourras te faire sucer »
- « D’accord, on va bien lui remplir ses trous, à cette salope en cuir, mister mari verra ainsi quelle pute elle fait sa femme »
Sabine regarde l’homme qu’elle va prendre en bouche en tirant la langue lascivement. L’homme déboucle sa ceinture et baisse mister pantalon. Sabine est déjà à quatre pattes sur le lit prête à sucer. Pendant ce temps, l’autre homme s’est retrouvé tout nu derrière elle, au garde à vous, il a mis un préservatif sur mister sexe énorme et s’est approché de mister postérieur en lui mettant la main aux fesses, en relevant sa jupe en cuir et en me lançant :
- « Regarde, ta femme va prendre ça dans mister beau cul, car ta femme ce n’est qu’un trou du cul, elle a adoré la dernière fois, elle ne voulait pas au début et depuis elle ne peut plus s’en passer, tu vas voir comme elle va tortiller du cul dans quelques minutes »
Déjà sous mes yeux, Sabine se trémoussait en se retournant :
- « Oui, mettez la moi comme la dernière fois, je suis une chienne en chaleur qui attend mister chien, je n’en peux plus, il me faut votre queue »
L’homme s’est enfoncé d’un seul coup dans ma femme en s’agrippant à ses hanches. Elle a crié puis gémi très rapidement.
- « Mets lui ton silencieux Karim, elle est trop bruyante, elle va alerter tout le quartier et mister mari n’a peut-être pas envie qu’on sache sur tous les toits que sa femme est une vraie salope »
- « Cela m’est égal maintenant, vous pouvez vous la faire comme bon vous semble, c’est gratis pour vous, les autres paieront car ma femme aime le fric, ça la fait mouiller quand on sort une queue et des billets »
- « Oui c’est vrai, il a raimister, habillée comme ça, je ferai une bonne pute de luxe. D’ailleurs, regarde comme il me baise bien avec mister gros engin, plus gros que le tien, je jouiiiiis…, encore, j’en veux encore… »
- « Puisque tu es une pute de luxe, alors suce-le chienne, ta bouche est faite pour ça, pour tailler des gros crayons, comme ça tu dis moins de conneries ».
- « Il a raimister ton mari, tu m’as allumé fringuée comme tu es, alors maintenant tu vas pomper pendant que mon copain te défonce le cul, je m’occuperai après de ta chatte »
- « Elle est vraiment bonne ta femelle, elle a un cul d’enfer et dedans elle est brûlante, tu devrais essayer, elle vaut vraiment le coup par là »
- « Non pas lui, il n’a le droit que de regarder »
- « On dirait que la dame n’est pas très gentille avec mister mari, mais s’il veut la violer, je lui laisse volontiers la place »
- « Puisque c’est comme ça, ok, je vais te violer, au point où tu en est, tu vas me vider les couilles, ça t’apprendra à être aussi provocante et salope, un vrai viol voilà ce qu’il te faut pour te remettre les idées en place »


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Camping on the Darkside

I am a 42 year old white male, named Daniel and I am very happily married to my wife, Beth. My wife is a beautiful brunette, who keeps her hair cut short. Her short hair serves to emphasis her physical attributes. Beth is 5'8" and has huge 38 DD breasts. At the age of 40, my wife's boobs don't ride as high as they use to, but that's fine by me. This just causes them to jiggle and bounce around more. She has a voluptuous, heart shaped ass that just begs to be squeezed. Overall, Beth is in good shape and oozes sexuality.

My wife and I have been married for almost twenty years and we have an 18 year old flower, named Tammy. Tammy has always been my pride and joy. Even though she is my flower, I can't help but recognize how attractive she is. With light brown hair that falls below her shoulders and twinkling blue eyes, my gorgeous flower can be breathtaking. At 5'2", Tammy isn't as tall as her lady, and where Beth is voluptuous, our flower is petite. I think it bothers her that her moms' breasts are so large, while she is a B cup at most, and it doesn't help that most people believes she is several years younger than she actually is.

I have a decent job as a supervisor at a customer call center. Recently, I decided it was time for a long over due vacation. We live in a small town in northwestern Arkansas and there are plenty of rivers and lakes in the area, so we decided to go camping at a local river.

What happened on that camping trip has changed our lives. I had thought that the relationship within my family was perfect. I no longer know what to believe. The images and sounds from that week on the river have infected my brain and soul like a fever that can't be brought under control. Every time I close my eyes, I see big white titties swinging back and forth, huge, saliva coated black cocks, and two pairs of ivory butt cheeks, one young and tight, the other quivering like a bowl of jello, as they shove themselves back to collide with thrusting dark hips. The sounds are worse, flesh slapping on flesh, moaning and shrieks of ecstasy, and familiar female voices begging for black meat. But I am jumping ahead of myself.

I enjoy my privacy, so I picked a secluded camp ground on the river. I was surprised at how remote it was. Despite it being late May, there wasn't a soul in site. We set up camp, before Tammy suggested we go down to the water for a swim. My wife and flower changed into their bathing suits and we headed for the river, which was about 100 yards down the trail.

As I walked behind Beth and Tammy, I couldn't help but get a hard on. Both women were wearing skimpy bikinis. Beth's was red and Tammy's was beige. Half their asses were exposed and most of my wife's enormous tits were hanging out in the open like a couple of ripe melons.

We reached the river's edge, after passing through another camping spot, but it was as empty as the other ones on this stretch of the river. We waded and swam in the cool water for about an hour, before deciding to head back to camp. Both girls are naturally light skinned and they didn't want to get sunburned.

I felt my dick begin to harden again as they exited the water. My wife and flower's nipples were clearly visible through the wet fabric of their bikini tops. Tammy caught me looking and blushed. Beth stifled a laugh and made a face at me. Tammy said she had to pee and my wife indicated that she would stay with her.

"I'm going on," I informed them, "I thought I heard someone pull into this camping spot awhile ago. I think I'll stop and say hi."

"Okay," Beth answered, "We won't be far behind."

I walked up the trail and through the woods at a good pace, curious to see who our neighbors were. As I entered the campsite, I saw a blue van and two tents that had already been set up. I then noticed the three college aged black men sitting at the picnic table. I was about to say something, when a fourth black man stepped out of one of the tents. He walked up to me with his hand outstretched.

"I'm Richard," he said, "You must be from the other camp," he continued, as he gestured up the path towards where our site lay. "We heard you and some girls splashing around in the river."

"Yeah, my wife and flower," I replied as I shook his hand, "They should be coming through here in a few minutes." I started to feel nervous as I said this, wondering how these men would react to my scantily clad family.

Richard strolled over to an ice cooler next to the picnic table and opened the lid. "Would you like a cold one?" he asked, as he pulled out a can of beer.

"No," I answered, "I need to get back to camp and get some lunch ready. Thanks anyway."

"Anytime you feel like one, just come on down." the young black man offered.

I nodded my head and walked on up the pathway. After about 30 yards, I stepped off the trail and stood behind a thick oak tree. I was interested in seeing what would happen when Beth and Tammy walked through the black men's camp. I soon saw my flower walk into the camp by herself and wondered where Beth was. The jaws of all four black men dropped, when they laid eyes on my beautiful flower. Tammy put her nose in the air and ignored the men. One of them whistled and Tammy turned red.

"Check that tight ass out!" one of the men, sitting at the table, commented.

I saw my flower get a mischievous look on her face. She hooked her thumbs under the waistband of her bikini bottom. Tammy pulled her little bikini bottom down to her knees and exposed her sweet young buttocks to the black men.

"Kiss my lily white ass!" she yelled back at them. Then she was off like a shot. I could hear her giggling, as she ran past the tree I was hiding behind, and headed for our camp. She's going to get herself in a world of trouble, one of these days, I thought to myself.

The four men looked stunned at first and then Richard started laughing. A minute later, I saw Beth come into their camp. Four pairs of black eyes immediately latched on to my wife's barely covered knockers. She and Richard exchanged words, but I did not catch what was said. Beth continued walking, until Richard yelled at her to stop. She halted about 10 yards from where I was concealed.

The tall black man trotted up to Beth and she turned to face him. "Where are you going so fast, momma?" he asked.

"Back to my camp," she replied, in a shaky voice.

"Don't you want to stick around?" Richard inquired, "I know you like what you see. I know I do," he added, as he stared at Beth's heaving breasts.

Beth opened her mouth, as if to say something, but she looked nervous and nothing came out.

Richard grabbed my wife by the elbows and pulled her to him. He leaned in and proceeded to kiss my bride of 20 years on the mouth. My heart jumped up into my throat, and to my shock, Beth opened her mouth and returned the kiss. In fact, she pressed her body against his, smashing her big, soft titties against his hard, muscular chest. She moaned as he grabbed a handful of her exposed ass cheeks and squeezed.

Beth seemed to come to her senses for a moment and broke off the lurid kiss. "My god!" she exclaimed, in a low voice, "I'm old enough to be your lady!"

"That just makes it better," he informed her, as he lewdly thrust his hips forward and rubbed his bulging crotch against her bikini covered pussy.

Beth looked down at Richard's groin, and gulped.

The man pulled his swimming trunks down and smiled. It was my turn to gulp. His coal black cock was at least 8 thick inches and it was only semi-hard.

"Oh my god," Beth muttered.

Richard took hold of her right hand and placed it on his dark hose. "Grab it," he ordered.

Beth took a deep breath and wrapped her dainty hand around the throbbing black monster. My dick was so hard it hurt. The sight of my sweet, little wife's small white hand grasping that fat, black prick was incredible.

"You like that big, black cock. Don't you?" Richard asked her.

I couldn't believe what I saw next. Beth began stroking that ebony pole up and down. It soon grew to an incredible 10 inches. Richard's giant pecker started leaking precum. I could hear slick, squishy sounds, as Beth pumped his cock. That black dick put out more precum, than my penis did cum, on my best orgasm ever. The feel of sticky fluid rolling over her hand must have woke Beth up.

My wife quickly pulled her hand away, she turned and started back up the path. "I have to go," she said, sounding as if she were close to tears.

Richard sighed in frustration and rolled his eyes. "Come see me, if you can get away from your tiny dicked husband!" he yelled after her.

Beth didn't respond and disappeared into the woods. I waited until Richard had returned to his camp, before hurrying towards our own camp. I caught up to my wife, as she entered camp. She was startled and asked me where I had been. I told her that I had stepped into the woods to take a leak. I gave no indication that I had seen what had happened between her and Richard.

By now I was so horny I was ready to cum in my trunks. I pulled Beth into our tent. Apparently, she was as excited as I was. I pulled her bikini top off and fondled her magnificent boobs. She was soon on her knees with my cock in her mouth. I knew she was comparing my penis with Richard's huge black rod, but I was so wound up that I didn't care. I blew my load in less than a minute and Beth was obviously disappointed.

"So what do you think of our neighbors?" I asked, as I put my pecker away.

Beth averted her eyes from mine and shrugged her shoulders, "What am I suppose to think of them? Just some young punks."

"Did they give you any problems?"

Beth's face twitched, "No," she replied, "Why would you think that?"

I decided it was time to change the subject. "I have to go into town for a couple of hours," I lied, "I forgot to drop some papers off at the office."

"You've got to be fucking kidding!" Beth screamed, "This is your fucking vacation!"

I held my hands up to silence her, "I'm sorry. It won't take more than a couple of hours. Three at the most."

Beth crossed her arms and frowned.

"You and Tammy do whatever you want, until I get back, okay?" I pleaded.

My wife just nodded her head and turned her back on me.

As I exited the tent, Tammy confronted me. "Are you two fighting?" she asked.

"No," I replied curtly.

"I heard you tell mom we could do whatever we wanted to have fun."



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"Can I have some of your beer?" my flower asked, hopefully. She saw the look in my eye and continued, "You wouldn't let me bring my boyfriend, so the least you can do ...."

"Okay," I relented.

Tammy gave me a quick peck on the lips and ran to the ice cooler. I climbed into our pickup and took off down the road. I pulled over about three hundred yards from camp and took a deep breath.

What was I doing? Beth had always been faithful to me, but I saw how had she reacted to Richard. I never thought she would be turned on by a black man, especially not one young enough to be her mister. The thought of my wife and that big, black cock drove me crazy, in more ways than one. Of course there were no papers to drop off at the office. I just had to know what would happen if I wasn't around to interfere. I grabbed the camcorder from behind the seat and headed down the road on foot, back to the campsites.

Instead of taking the cutoff to our site, I followed the road to the driveway of Richard's camp. I ducked into the woods and then crawled on my hands and knees to the edge of the campsite. I hid behind a waist high pile of dead wood and brush, that was only 20 yards from the picnic table, where the four black men still sat.

The young men were takeing beer and talking, I gathered from their conversation that they were students at local college. I also heard them commenting on how hot my wife and flower were. They seemed especially interested in Beth's big titties and Tammy's tight looking ass.

I almost gave up waiting, after about 30 minutes. There's no way Beth would come back down to this camp, without me. How would she keep our flower from following her? Did she really want some black cock, or was I just torturing myself? My thoughts were suddenly interrupted.

"Well, what do we have here?" I heard one of the black men yell out. I looked through a hole in the brush pile and got the surprise of my life. I almost fetishd, as I saw not only my wife, but my flower too, as they walked into camp. Both women were still in their bikinis and Beth's huge breasts wobred with each step. My wife looked a little peeved and I guessed that she had tried to come down without Tammy, but our flower had insisted on accompanying her lady.

Beth and Tammy walked up to the table and my wife smiled at Richard, "You said to come down if I could get away from my husband. So here I am."

Richard smiled back at her, "And here you are," he then smiled at Tammy, "and the little one too."

Tammy obviously didn't like being referred to as the little one and said something, but I couldn't hear what. I wasn't close enough to catch everything being said, but I could make out bits and pieces. Two men sat on each side of the table and I watched as Beth and Tammy split up and sat on opposite sides from each other. Beth sat between Richard and a tall thin black man that I soon learned was named Seth. Tammy sat between the two named Bo and Percy. Fortunately, the hole in the brush gave me a perfect view. I pointed the camcorder and zoomed in as close as I could.

Beth and Tammy were each given a beer and there was a lot of small talk and laughter. It wasn't long before Richard had his arm around Beth's waist. I wasn't surprised when she didn't resist. After a few more minutes, the young black man leaned over and started kissing my wife on the neck. I noticed Beth stiffen up and look over at our flower.

Tammy smiled and said, "Don't look at me, you're a grown woman."

Beth seemed to relax after this. She turned her head and kissed Richard full on the lips. The two were making out, hot and heavy, when Richard started fondling my wife's bodacious titties through her bikini top, and tweaking her hardening nipples.

I turned the camera on Tammy and zoomed in to catch her reaction. My flower seemed quite relaxed with what was happening. I could barely see under the table and I noticed that Bo had a hand on her bare leg and was rubbing on it, getting closer and closer to my little girl's hot, young snatch. Percy started nibbling on her ears and Tammy giggled.

While this was happening, Seth had gone to their van and retrieved a camera. He said something about taking some pictures and everyone stood up from the table. Beth and Tammy climbed on top the table and lay on their backs. They were both laughing, as they spread their legs wide and thrust their hips out at the four black men, who were practically drooling, as they stared at the two barely covered pussies facing them.

Seth took several pictures of the women in this position. Beth and Tammy then got on their hands an knees, with their butts facing the men. The two women lowered their faces down to the table top and wiggled their asses in the air. "How about this?" Beth yelled back at the men.

The sight of Beth's big, mature ass and Tammy's tight petite butt was more than the young, black men could handle. Richard grabbed Beth's generous butt cheeks and played with them. My wife arched her back and thrust her sexy ass out further, as Richard pulled her bikini bottom down to her knees, exposing her milky white buttocks in all their glory.

At this point Seth quit taking pictures and joined Richard in worrying my wife's ass. Beth felt the extra pair of hands squeezing her butt cheeks and raised her head. That's when she noticed what was happening with our flower. Both Bo and Percy were rubbing and slapping Tammy's dancing ass. One of the men pulled her bottom piece down. Beth almost said something, but didn't. Things had already gone too far, it was too late to stop now.

Richard pulled Beth up off her elbows and made her sit up on her knees. He then untied her top and yanked it off. All four men stopped what they were doing to stare at this married, white woman's pendulous breasts. My wife's areoles are huge and her nipples were more swollen than I had ever seen them. Beth started breathing heavier, as Richard and Seth caressed her engorged melons. I was practically breathless, at the sight of my 40 year old wife's soft, white titties being used by those large black hands.

Richard and Seth took a knob like nipple each and sucked on it, as they roughly squeezed my wanton wife's boobs. Beth closed her eyes and moaned. Richard pulled his trunks off and unleashed his awesome, black snake. My wife took hold of it and stroked that piece of ebony steel. Richard pulled her down to his straining pole.

"What do you want?" he asked her, "Say it!"

Beth looked up at the black man's face, as if she was in awe. "I want to suck your big, black cock!" My wife then lowered her head and started licking the huge, black dick head. She cupped his large balls in one hand, as she licked up and down the thick, jet black shaft.

Richard leaned her forward, until she was on her hands and knees again. He then pushed his hips forward and slid his 10 inch black monster down my wife's cheating, white throat. Beth gagged at first, but then began to suck that slab of hot, black meat like there was no tomorrow.

I shifted my view over to Tammy and was shocked at what I saw. My sweet, snow white flower had a mouthful of black cock. She was sucking on a thick, black prick, as big as the one her lady was slurping on and she was sucking it as hard and furiously as she could. The apple of my eye was lying on her side, over Bo's pelvis, bobbing her head, with her lips stretched wide around the man's monstrous cock, while Percy lay between her legs and ate her clean shaven cunt.

Bo grabbed Tammy by the hair and pulled her off his prick. "Tell me what you want, bitch!"

My flower looked at him with fire in her eyes, "I want to suck your big, black cock!" she exclaimed, "I want to suck all of your big, black cocks! I'm tired of little white ones, so I want you all to fuck my tight, white pussy with those black mambas!"

My wife's eyes got wide and all of the men laughed. Seth had stripped nude and was lining his own 9 inch monster up with Beth's hairy, but well trimmed pussy. Seth slapped my wife across her fleshy ass cheeks a couple of times, before pressing the head of his huge black cock against my wife's sopping wet twat.

Tammy stopped what she was doing for a moment and watched in fascination, as her lady's tight, white cunt began to swallow the stud's long, black dong. Beth shoved her hips back in an effort to fill her burning pussy with more black meat. Beth was rocking back and forth, between the two thrusting peckers. My wife moaned and groaned, as her cunt was pounded by one huge, black dick, and another saliva coated one pumped in and out of her mouth. "That's it!" Tammy shouted at the men, a***ing her lady, "Fuck my mom's married white pussy, with that big, black cock!"

Where the hell did she come up with this stuff? I think I was even more shocked by my flower's actions, than I was by Beth's. Percy got off the table top and ran inside one of the tents. He reappeared, dragging a bed mattress. The dark skinned stud layed the mattress on the ground, next to the table. Tammy and Bo got off the table, as Percy layed face up, on the mattress. My flower straddled Percy and reaching back with her tiny, white hand, she grabbed his enormous tool and guided it to her horny, teenaged pussy.

By now, I had my dick out and was trying to beat off, with one hand, as I held the camcorder still, with the other. Tammy lowered her hips and impaled herself, on Percy's huge, black cock. I nearly came, then and there, as I watched that monstrous, ebony weapon pierce my 18 year old flower's pink cunt lips and sink into her ivory body. "OOOOHHHHH! Shit!" she moaned, as she pumped her hips up and down, "It's so fucking big!"


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I came so hard, that I almost ******. The sight of that humongous, black cock disappearing and reappearing repeatedly, from inside my pride and joy's hot, wet snatch, was incredible. Bo, who had been standing over the couple, ripped Tammy's top off, leaving her completely nude. I stared at my flower's beautiful B cup breasts. They may not have been as big as her lady's, but the teenager's large puffy nipples were just as sexy. Bo grabbed Tammy's jiggling little titties and fed his black python back into her mouth. My flower tried to keep up with the big pecker fucking her mouth, as she bounced on Percy's fat, black cock. Tammy's wet, pink, pussy lips were stretched tight, as that dark missile pumped her little twat mercilessly.

I turned my attention back to my wife. Beth was still on the table top getting fucked from behind by Seth, while sucking Richard's slick, black cock, with a gusto I had never seen her demonstrate with me. Beth's enormous, white titties shook back and forth, until Richard grabbed them with his big, black hands. He squeezed and pulled on my wife's pale globes, causing her to suck his dark prick even harder.

"AAAAHHHH!" Richard yelled, "This big tittied white bitch is making me come!" The young black man kept pumping his big dick into my wife's gulping mouth. Thick white cream leaked from around Beth's widely stretched lips and down the already slippery ebony shaft. Beth pulled her head back and quickly stroked the spasming black mamba, with her hand. My cheating wife tilted her head up, opened her mouth wide and stuck her tongue out. Rope after rope of hot jism shot from the huge, pulsating cock. The black man's love juice filled the white woman's mouth and dripped off her coated tongue, before splattering onto her swollen breasts.

Seth then rolled Beth over on her back, as he pulled out of her overheated pussy, and got off the table. My wife spread her legs and Seth pulled her to him, with her ass hanging slightly off the table. The stud pushed her legs up into the air and while holding her legs apart, he shoved his enormous, black pole back into the married, white woman's red and swollen snatch. Beth thrust her hips, as the young man fucked her mature cunt, with a vengeance. "OOOHHH! Yes!" she whimpered, "Your big, black cock feels so good! Fuck that white pussy, you black bastard! Make me cum on that fat, black snake!" And he did. Beth's hips were gyrating wildly and Seth's jet black anaconda became coated with my wife's warm, thick pussy juice. "OOOOHHHH! AAAAHHHH!" she screamed in lust driven ecstasy.

"Look at that cuckolds brownie!" Richard exclaimed, "This married white whore just came all over that black meat!"

My wife's hot, wet cunt became too much for Seth and he stated to blow his load. He grunted, as he pulled his meaty, black tool out of Beth's well distended twat. The ravenous brunette quickly sank to her knees, on the ground and crammed the spurting weapon into her mouth. She then commenced to suck the throbbing, black member dry, as she swallowed several mouthfuls of black cum.

After she had rubbed the overflow into the pale skin of her heaving breasts, Beth walked over to the mattress, where our young flower was still getting her face and pussy pumped, with hard black cock. She watched for a moment, as Tammy's white ass bounced up and down, driving Percy's thrusting, black pecker deeper and deeper into her tight white body. Bo was still sliding his ebony pipe in and out of our flower's hot, sucking mouth.

"Fuck that little white whore!" my wife yelled, encouraging the two black men, "Fuck my flower's tight, white pussy! I bet Daddy's little girl just loves having those big, black cocks tearing her hot snatch up!"

Bo groaned and started to cum, as my wife laughed. Tammy started chocking and a stream of creamy, white sperm flowed from her nose. Bo pulled out of her mouth and sprayed the rest of his load across our flower's snow white breasts. It wasn't long before Tammy and Percy both started to orgasm. I was a little pissed, as the black man squirted his seed into my teenage flower's well used pussy.

I thought the interracial orgy was over, but I was wrong. The four black men had my wife and flower get on their knees in the center of the mattress. The studs stood in front of the white women. Beth and Tammy proceeded to suck on all four of the huge, black cocks dangling in their faces. I just shook my head. Was this never going to end?

The women of my family watched each other out of the corner of their eyes, as they slurped and sucked those dark, black pythons back to life. The whole while, the men fondled and used my wife and flower's milky, white tits, with their rough, black hands. Once their horny, black dicks were rock hard again, the young men pushed the women's faces down to the mattress.

It was a beautiful sight to behold. Those two gorgeous, white asses sticking up in the air were enough to drive any man crazy. I jumped, as Richard suddenly slapped Beth's flaring ass cheeks, making a loud smacking sound, that echoed through the forest. My wife looked startled, but before she could react, the black man swatted her butt again. Soon, all four of the men were spanking my wife and flower's ivory buttocks, with their big, black hands. My dick grew hard again, as I watched Beth and Tammy thrust their misused white asses farther out, to accept more punishment.

"You like having your soft, white asses spanked by black men, don't you?" Richard asked.

"uuuhhhh....hhhhuuuuu...." Beth whimpered.

Richard then got on his knees behind Tammy and Bo got behind my wife.

"Hang on a second," Percy said, before going to their van and returning with what appeared to be a bottle of some type of clear oil. He poured a generous amount of the lubricant onto the white women's upturned buttocks.

"What's going on?" Tammy asked in a panicked voice.

Seth popped my flower on the butt, with the palm of his hand. "Don't worry. You're going to like it." he responded.

"You horny white bitches wanted some big, black cock and you're going to get all you can handle." Richard added.

I knew what was coming and thought surely there was no way my wife and flower could handle this. Beth had never even let me fuck her ass, with my 6 inch cock. To my surprise, Beth reached back and spread her ass cheeks apart. "Do it!" she ordered in a lustful voice, "Fuck our tight white asses, with those big, black cocks! I've never let my husband fuck my rump, but I want all four of you to stretch my married, white asshole, with your long, black peckers and bust my cheating butt wide open!"

My flower decided to take her lady's lead. She reached back and spread her own skinny little butt cheeks open. "Oh, hell yes!" she agreed, "I never knew how good it would feel to have my little, white ass spanked by a bunch of black men, with big dicks! I want all of you to fuck my little, white girl's ass, with your hot, black meat!" (I know you're all laughing out there, but that's what she said. Honest.)

That was all the encouragement the men needed. I was back to beating my own meat, as I watched the young, black studs oil Beth and Tammy's buttocks. Numerous black fingers worked themselves into the white women's virgin assholes. With Beth still holding her butt cheeks open, Bo started to ease his huge, black pecker into my cheating wife's tight white asshole.

Beth made a face, as she moaned and groaned, but once Bo's thick ebony prong was about three inches deep in heaven, she thrust her big, white, married ass back and engulfed the huge, black invader inside her hot and horny rectum. Bo started fucking my wife's ass, harder and harder. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" she screamed, "I can't believe how good your black cock feels inside my ass!" Beth's ass cheeks were jiggling like a bowl of jello, as Bo's black hips slapped against them, and her huge, white melons swayed back and forth.

While this was going on, Richard lost no time in a***ing my flower's tight, little asshole. Tammy yelled, when he pushed his huge dick head past her anal ring and into her rectum. Richard paused for a moment to allow the teenager time to catch her breath. After a few moments, Tammy spread her butt cheeks wider and rocked her ass back and forth, taking another inch of long, black cock each time. Richard started pistoning his hips faster and harder, driving his thick, black pole deeper into my sweet, little flower's quivering, white asshole. He was soon buttfucking my little girl like a madman. I had another orgasm, as I watched Tammy's incredibly tight rectum cling to the jet black shaft of that enormous, pumping prick.

Seth worryed and slapped my flowers reddening ass cheeks, while Percy fondled my wife's swinging, white titties. Every so often, the men would switch off. Mother and flower both got the chance to satisfy all four of those hard, black cocks, with their tight white assholes. The four black men sodomized my wife and flower, without mercy.

I tried to coax my poor, overused wiener to another orgasm, as I continued to watch the assfucking marathon unfold. It was an obscene round-robin of sodomy. The men would viciously spank the women's trembling, white buttocks, as they took turns violating my wife and flower's needy little butt holes. Beth's pendulous breasts were swinging wildly and Tammy's teenaged rectum was stretched as tight as a drum.

Both women were practically drooling, as they pumped their pale, white ass cheeks back onto the thrusting black hips. The women of my family were completely overtaken, with their lust for black meat and shouted encouragement back at their users. "Oh my god! Oh my god!" Beth panted, "Fuck that asshole! Fuck my cheating, white ass, with those big, black snakes!"

Tammy joined in, while she rotated her tight, little butt around in circles, "OOOHHH fuck, that feels good! Pump that little, white ass! Make us your black cock loving whores! Oh god! I can feel that big, black cock in my gut!"

Richard was the one pounding my flower's petite, little tail, at the time. "UUUUHHHH!" he groaned, before unleashing a torrent of milky sperm, into my flowers hot bowels. He pulled his spent weapon out of Tammy's well fucked ass. Before my flower's gaping anus could close back up, Seth stepped up and plunged his huge, black cock into her red and swollen rectum. The man was on his feet, squatting, as he straddled the white teenager's upturned ass. Sticky, white cream stuck to his midnight, black prong, as he stroked it in and out of Tammy's pink, clinging asshole.



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It was Percy's turn to cum, as he fucked my wife's wide spread ass, from behind and groped her big, white titties. He withdrew his monster, from Beth's ravished bowels deposited several spurts of his seed across her lily white buttocks.

My wife pulled her buns apart farther, with her hands, and I could see her wedding band gleaming in the sunlight, as she spoke up. "More!" she begged, "I need more black cock! Please fuck my big, white ass!"

Bo stepped up and shoved his dark python into the middle aged, white woman's hungry butt hole. "You're going to be a whore for black cock, aren't you?" he demanded.

"Yes!" my wife responded, "I'm going to fuck every big, black cock I find!"

At this point, Seth lost control and came in my flower's sweet, young ass. I nearly gasped, when he pulled out of Tammy's much used anus. Her dilated asshole was as big around as a golf ball, as thick globs of jism rolled out of her bowels and down onto her swollen labia. Tammy dropped to her belly and took a moment to get her bearings. She soon got back on her knees and leaned over to where her lady was still getting buttfucked by Bo.

I almost had a stroke, when I saw my flower grab one of her lady's swaying boobs. Tammy squeezed and pulled on the dangling orb, as she reached under and began to rub her lady's erect clit. All of the men groaned, when they saw this. Beth's eyes nearly bugged out, but she was too busy getting her cheating ass fucked to object. "That's it," Tammy urged, "Fuck my momma's ass, with that nasty, black cock!"

Beth was squealing, as her ample butt cheeks jiggled violently, with each stroke of Bo's punishing spear. The black man pulled his big dick out of Beth's ***d ass and pointed it toward's my flower. Tammy engulfed the throbbing, black prick, with her hot, wet mouth and sucked it deep into her throat.

"Now put that big, black mamba back in your momma's ass," Bo ordered.

Tammy complied, and fed the jet, black pole back into Beth's spasming butthole. Bo would pump my wife's big, butt a few times and then feed our flower's sucking mouth, with his incredible prick. This continued, until the combination of the ass fucking and Tammy's worrying hands, became too much for Beth to bear. My wife moaned loudly, as she came like a freight train.

Bo kept banging away at Beth's ass and yelled, "I'm going to bust a nut in this tight, white ass!"

Tammy grabbed his big, black balls, with her tiny, white hands and egged him on. "That's it, baby! Fill my lady's cheating, white butt with your hot, black seed!"

Bo shot a couple of spurts deep in my wife's unfaithful ass. He then slid his pulsating member out of her twitching rectum and as Tammy held her lady's butt cheeks apart, the young, black man fired another stream of cooze down into Beth's gaping anus. My wife's crotch was a mess. Her dark pubic hair was matted with thick white cum and a river of sticky cream flowed out of her inflamed rectum and down her inner thighs.

Beth was panting heavily, "That was fucking incredible!" she announced.

Richard roughly kneaded my wife's bodacious buttocks. "You're whores for black cock, aren't you?" he asked.

"Oh god, yes," Beth agreed.

Richard continued, "You're going to service our big, black peckers, with your tight white holes, anytime we want, right?"

Beth looked over at our flower, who was busy sucking Bo's fat, black prick clean. "As long as my husband doesn't find out," she stipulated.

Richard nodded his head and the swatted Beth's voluptuous ass. "You two better get down to the river and clean your nasty asses up, before he shows up," he told them. The two well used white women stood up and Richard pulled Tammy to him, squashing her tender, white breasts against his coal black chest. "I think snow white here can come visit us late tonight, while momma keeps her daddy busy."

My flower kissed the black man full on the lips. "I'll be here," Tammy said with a smile, "I just hope there's plenty off black meat waiting for me." With that the two women collected their bikinis and took off down the path and headed for the river, their bare asses swaying from side to side.

I quickly backed out of my hiding spot and crawled on my hands and knees, until I reached the road. My mind was racing, as I walked back to the truck. What I had just witnessed had rocked my world. I couldn't believe that my wife and flower had become total whores for these men's black cocks. I felt sick to my stomach, but at the same time, I could hardly wait to see what the rest of this camping trip would bring.


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As I sat in the pickup truck, just down the road from our camp, I tried to gather my thoughts. I had just witnessed my wife and 18 year old flower getting gangbanged by four black men, who were hung like stallions.

What were they thinking? Why would they let these men use their tight, white bodies like that? I had sat there and watched, beating my meat the whole time. Maybe they had done it for the same reamister I had allowed it. The idea of two previously innocent white women, throwing caution to the wind and becoming whores for those big, black cocks was enough to inflame anyone's passions. Maybe that's why they did it.

There was only one way to find out, but I was afraid to look my family in the eye. It was another thirty minutes before I gathered the courage to start the truck up and go back to camp. When I got there, I found Beth and Tammy in the tent, sound arelax. They must have been exhausted by the days' activities.

I was sitting at the picnic table, debating myself on how to handle this, when I heard someone stirring around in the tent. I took a deep breath and braced myself.

Beth exited the tent and joined me at the table. "Hey honey," my wife greeted me ,as she sat down and placed her arm around my waist. My body sorry stiffened up at her touch. "What's wrong?" she inquired.

I just shrugged my shoulders, "Nothing."

"Yes there is," she insisted, as she took me by the shoulders and turned me to face her, "I know you. Something's wrong, now what is it."

I took a deep breath, "Where were you and Tammy this afternoon, while I was gone?"

My question obviously took Beth by surprise. "What do you mean, where were we? We were right here," she paused a moment before continuing, "We did go back down to the river for a bit, but that's all."

"And how did ya'll get along with those men down there?"

Beth swallowed hard and I could tell by the look in her eye that panic was about to set in. My wife's voice started to quiver, "What are you getting at, Dan?"

"I saw everything," I shot back.

I could see Beth's face starting to turn red, "What did you see?"

"I saw my wife and flower getting fucked by a bunch of black men."

I thought she was going to hyperventilate, as she covered her face with her hands and started to cry. "Oh my god!" she sobbed.

I took her by the shoulders and pulled her close, "It's okay baby, it's okay."

Beth pushed away from me and looked me in the eye. "What do you mean, it's okay?" she asked, tears streaming down her face, "I cheated on you and allowed our flower to get fucked by four black men." She stopped, and raised her eyebrows, as if something had just occurred to her, "....And so did you."

"Yes," I agreed, "and so did I."

Beth looked perplexed, "But why? Why did you let it happen?"

"Why did you?" My wife was at a loss for words, so I continued, "You and Tammy both enjoyed sucking and fucking those big, black cocks. Didn't you?"

"Yes," she whimpered, "Yes we did."

"And I enjoyed watching you two suck and fuck those big, black cocks. I especially enjoyed watching those black monsters fuck that big, white ass of yours and the way you and Tammy talked," I shook my head, "I came harder than I have in my entire life."

Beth smiled at this, starting to understand my attitude about what had happened, "Yeah, so did I." Suddenly my wife got serious again, "So, what are we going to do?"

"I think you and Tammy should fuck all the black dick you want," I informed her, "As long as I get to watch."

"Do you really think Tammy will go for that? She's probably going to be devastated when she finds out that you saw her getting fucked."

At this point, Tammy walked out of the tent and spoke up. "No, I won't," she said, as she walked over and joined us at the table.

Beth started to speak, "Sweetheart....."

Tammy cut her off, "It's alright mom, I heard everything." My flower looked at me with a smirk on her face. "So, you liked watching us get fucked by those big, fat, black cocks." She turned and wiggled her cute little ass in my face, "Did you enjoy seeing me take those black mambas up my ass?"

I was starting to see a side of my flower I had never seen before and my voice was a little weak, as I responded, "Yeah, I did enjoy it."

Tammy planted a wet kiss on my lips and I got an immediate hard on. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. That turns me on."

"I think we should discuss how we're going to handle this," Beth said, interrupting the moment.

My family and I spent the next two hours in deep discussion. I was informed by my wife and flower, that while they still loved me, they were infatuated with black cock and intended to get fucked, by as many well hung black men, as they could. I was also told that I could watch and film everything, as long as their dark lovers agreed and I did as I was told.

We decided that since I already knew what was going on and wanted to see everything, that we would all go down to the other camp that night. By the time we ate supper, it was starting to get dark and the girls wanted to get dressed for the occasion. Beth and Tammy changed in the tent and when they walked back out into view, I gulped.

My lovely wife was wearing a sexy black negligee. The fabric was so sheer, I could clearly see her large nipples, as she was not wearing a bra. The neckline hung low enough to expose a generous portion of her cleavage and a slit in the center allowed the inner half of her huge, ivory orbs to be viewed.

My hot, little flower hadn't brought any lingerie. Tammy was wearing a tight fitting strapless dress. The red and white striped garment was made from a stretchy materiel and clung to her petite body like a glove. The top of the dress, barely covered her nipples, and the bottom, left about an inch of bare ass in plain sight. It became even more obvious that the teenager was pantyless, when she raised the hem of her dress, to show me her smooth shaven snatch. Tammy giggled and covered herself back up.

Beth walked over to the table and laid across it, on her back. She smiled at me, as she pulled her panties off and spread her legs. "Don't you think you should prepare your wife for all those big, black dicks?"

The bottom of her negligee had ridden up above her waist, exposing her dark haired pussy. I placed my knees on the table bench and leaned in. I spread her legs even wider, as I began to lick and suck my wife's hot cunt.

Beth moaned in approval, as I went to town, on her hairy crotch. Tammy got on the table top and pulled her lady's legs up. I then shoved my tongue into Beth's asshole.

"That's it daddy," my flower coached, "Get momma's ass ready for all those big, black peckers."

I worked a finger into Beth's rectum, which surprisingly was still tight. My wife soon came with a groan. As Beth sat up, Tammy laid down. My flower pulled her dress up and spread her legs.

Beth shook her head in disapproval. "Tammy!"

"Tammy nothing," the teenager returned, "He wants to and I want him to." My flower looked at me innocently, "You do,....don't you daddy? Don't you want to get your little girl's tight, little pussy all wet and slick, so that those big, bad, black cocks don't hurt it?"

That was more than I could take and I dived in. I have to tell you, my flower's hairless little twat was the sweetest thing I've ever tasted. I sucked on Tammy's hardening clit, as I finger fucked her pussy and anus. I rolled my eyes up to see how Beth was reacting to this.

My wife was watching the action intently, while masturbating. Beth squeezed her tits with one hand and was furiously rubbing her wet cunt, with the other.

Tammy's hips were gyrating wildly, as she came on my face, with a little squeal. My flower quickly sat up and kissed me, getting a taste of her own pussy juice. She smiled devilishly and patted the lump in my shorts, "Thanks dad."

"That was so fucking hot!" my wife informed us, as she straightened her negligee out and put her panties back on.

By now the night had completely crept in on us and it was time to go. Beth carried the flash light and led the way. As we approached the black men's camp, we noticed how brightly lit it was, from a large camp fire and several lanterns. The four black men were obviously stunned, to see me accompanying my wife and flower.

"What's going on?" Richard asked, with a concerned look on his face.

Beth quickly filled him in, on most of what had taken place at our camp and what my attitude was. The men appeared to be somewhat surprised, but Richard laughed. "You like watching your women getting all this black cock?" he asked. I just nodded my head. "Well, that's fine by us," he gestured to the camcorder in my hand, before continuing, "You can watch and film all you want, as long as you don't cause any trouble."

This settled the issue and I prepared the camcorder to start recording. It was a dark night, but with the campfire and lanterns, I was hoping for some decent results. From then on, events started to take their natural course.

The four black men gathered around my wife and flower. The men took turns passionately kissing the two white women. Black hands roamed Beth and Tammy's scantily clad bodies, squeezing their ass cheeks and caressing their breasts.



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My wife and flower dropped to their knees, as the men stripped naked. I moved around a lot, to get the best angles. I was amazed, at how long and thick these black cocks were. Beth and Tammy stroked the pulsating penises, as they fondled the men's heavy hanging testicles. My wife began to lick up and down on Richard's python, while staring me in the eye. "You asked me why," Beth said, "This is why." She took the man's huge dick head in her mouth and sucked on it like a lollipop. My wife's head bobbed up and down, as she took more and more of that long, black prick into her sucking mouth. She pulled the shining snake out of her mouth. Thick strings of saliva covered Richard's throbbing, black cock and stretched back to my wife's wet lips. "There so fucking big and so fucking black!" she informed me, excitedly.

Richard placed his monster back in Beth's mouth and began to fuck my wife's face in earnest. "Look at that, white boy!" he commanded me, "Your wife loves sucking that black cock! And evidently, so does your flower."

I turned the camera on Tammy. The teenager had a black dick in each hand. My flower sucked on one thick, black cock for awhile, before switching over to the other one. One man, Seth pulled her top down, exposing her cute, puffy nippled tits, and Bo pulled her dress hem up. The men used Tammy's butt and boobs, as she continued to service their ebony rods, with her widely stretched mouth.

I then went back to recording my wife. Richard and Percy had stood her up and were making her perform a lewd dance. Beth swung her hips and shook her shoulders, causing her huge tits to sway back and forth, underneath her sheer negligee.

The two men were egging Beth on. "That's it, momma," Percy commanded, "Show us what you got!"

Beth pulled the straps off her shoulders and let her outfit slowly slide down. The garment was soon bunched at her waist and my wife's huge globes were bouncing, like basketballs, as she continued to gyrate.

"Look at those big ass white titties!" Percy exclaimed.

The two black men grabbed Beth's sweaty breasts and fondled them. The sight of those huge black hands, pulling and squeezing my wife's enormous, ivory boobs was incredibly erotic. Percy stripped Beth completely naked, as Richard sucked her engorged nipples.

At this point, I switched back over to Tammy. My flower was now nude, her two studs were placing her, on her hands and knees, on top of the picnic table. Once there, she started to suck Bo's cock, as Seth slid his mighty, black python, into my eighteen year old flower's tight, little pussy. I positioned myself behind Seth and he raised up a little, so that I could get a good underneath angle of his stiff, black cock pumping in and out of Tammy's distended cunt lips.

"That's it daddy!" Seth said, between grunts, "Get a good shot of me tearing your flower's little, white pussy up, with my big, black cock!"

And it was a good shot. That jet black pole was pistoning in and out of my little girl's hairless, white pussy, as her swollen titties shook and her moans were muffled by the black rocket fucking her face.

I heard the sound of flesh striking flesh and I turned my attention back to Beth. Richard was laying on the mattress, face up and my wife was on top of him, in the cowgirl position. Percy stood behind her and vulgarly spanked her big, white ass, as it bobbed up and down, on Richard's dark pole.

"Ride that black cock!" Percy ordered, as he continued to punish my wife's inflamed buttcheeks, "Fuck that nigger dick, with that cheating, white cunt!"

Richard played with Beth's dangling, white titties, as she feverishly pumped her hips, driving that black mamba in and out of her married, white pussy, in a frenzy. I got down behind my wife, as close as I could and filmed her hairy, beaver being pummeled by that long, black cock.

Beth looked back at me, as she tried to keep pace, with the stud's endless thrusts. "Do you see that baby?" she asked, "Do you see that hot, black meat fucking your wife's unfaithful pussy, like you never could?" My wife sped her movements up and ground her pelvis down onto the black man's ebony jackhammer. "Oh god!" She yelled, "I'm going to cum all over this big, nigger dick!" With that, pussy juice flowed from my wife's overly stretched cunt and rolled down Richard's dark, pumping shaft.

Beth laid on Richard's muscular chest, smashing her soft, white breasts, as he continued to fuck her sopping wet pussy. Beth reached back and pulled her ass cheeks apart and Richard stopped thrusting. "Someone stick a big, black cock up my white ass!" she yelled, "I want my husband to see me truly stuffed with black meat!"

Percy was eager to oblige her. He smeared her excess juices, across her butt hole and worked his fingers, in and out of Beth's tight, little rectum. The black man was on his feet, but squatted, as he bent his knees, and slid his huge, black spear past her constricted anal ring and into her big, white ass

"AAAAHHHH! YEEEESSS!" she cried out.

These two men must have done this before, because they soon had the coordination down perfectly. Both cocks had full extension and were pumping Beth's married, white body full of black dick, at a furious pace. I zoomed the camera in and caught a beautiful shot of my wife's pussy and asshole being stretched to their limit, at the same time.

"Fuck my asshole!" Beth screamed, "Fuck my pussy! Oh! Those black cocks feel so good, up inside my white body!"

Richard had been at it for awhile and he soon came, flooding my wife's hot, married cunt, with his black seed. He crawled out from under the middle aged woman and rolled off the mattress, exhausted, as Percy kept up the assault on her quivering asshole.

Suddenly, I saw Bo flop onto the bedding, next to Beth and Percy. He lay on his back, as Tammy mounted him, in the reverse cowgirl position. My flower took Bo's hard, black snake and fed it into her wet snatch. I watched, as that long, black python slithered past the teenager's red and swollen pussy lips, and into her welcoming womb.

My beautiful flower smiled at me. "What do you think about that, daddy?" she asked, "Do you see what those big, black dicks are doing to your little girl's pussy?" Tammy then leaned back and propping herself up with her hands, she starting thrusting her hips forward, as Bo thrust his up and back.

I was now able to get both my wife and flower in the same shot. Bo repeatedly speared Tammy's hot, young cunt, with his huge, black tool, as Percy mercilessly stretched my wife's distended asshole with his pumping anaconda.

Percy was the first to cum. He gave a loud yell and dumped his load of thick, white cream into my wife's bowels. Seth hadn't came yet and he immediately stepped in. The young black man rammed his hot, black cock into my 40 year old wife's gaping asshole.

Beth thrust her rippling buttcheeks back, to meet Seth's pumping hips, stroke for stroke. Overtaken with lust, Beth cut loose. "Fuck it, baby! Fuck it!" she yelled, "God, I love being fucked in the ass by those big, black cocks! That's it, baby! Fuck that married, white asshole!" My wife then directed her next rant at me. "Do you see this cuckolds brownie, Danny boy? Do you see those big, black cocks fucking your wife's big, white ass? Can you see my cheating white asshole getting stretched by those thick, black pricks?"

Right then, Tammy yelled out, as she came all over Bo's shiny, black tool. My flower rolled off her black lover and lay on her back, panting. Bo crawled between her legs and pushed her knees back, until they were pinned next to her head. He then plugged his throbbing, black cock back into my flower's well used pussy and started fucking her, like it was the end of the world.

While this was going on, Beth was still getting her butt hole reamed. "Oh cuckolds brownie!" she moaned, "I can't believe I'm going to cum, with that big, black dick in my ass!" My wife's whole body shook, as she had an earth shattering orgasm.

Richard poked me on the shoulder and commented, "Can you believe that cuckolds brownie? Your wife just came, while getting fucked in the ass, by some big, nigger dick!"

Seth let loose with a long drawn out moan, before filling my wife's ass with another load of hot, black sperm. The man withdrew his long, black cock from her butt and I swallowed hard. Beth just lay there, with her ass stuck up in the air, as her butt hole gaped wide open, and a river of thick, white cream poured out and coated her hairy cunt. After coming to her senses, she sat up and watched our flower getting fucked, by Bo's rampaging, black monster.

Tammy appeared to be having multiple orgasms and was in the throes of ecstasy, when Bo finally let loose and sprayed the inside of my flower's hot pussy, with his sticky jism. The black stud got off of her, but by now, Richard was hard again.

Richard got between my flower's legs and pushed them back behind her head again. Tammy reached her hands under and around, so that she could open her buttcheeks for him. Richard lined his huge cock up with the teenager's tight asshole and pushed. Tammy breathed in sharply, as that big, black snake sank slowly, but surely, into her petite, white ass. It wasn't long before he was driving his thick, black python in and out of my teenaged flower's butt hole, with a vengeance.

Tammy whimpered and moaned, as her little, white ass got fucked, long and hard. I got some really good close ups, and was amazed at how my flower's pink rectum clung to that pistoning, black pole and was pulled into sight, on every out stroke.

When Richard got ready to cum, he pulled out and my wife engulfed his black rod, in her mouth. He came, in Beth's mouth and she swallowed most of it, but she let some of the spunk drip onto her large breasts.

Tammy was then turned onto her knees, as she lay her head on the mattress. The other three men took turns sodomizing my flower. Beth acted as their fluffer and sucked their long, black cocks, as each awaited his turn. I watched, as one huge, black dick after another, fucked my flower's tender, white asshole, seven ways from Sunday.

When Percy and Seth got ready to blow their loads, they shot their hot cum all over my wife's face and swaying boobs. We watched Bo finish up, as the other men roughly worryed Beth's huge, white melons and ample buttocks.

"AAAHHHH! Shit yes!" Bo shouted, as he came in Tammy's well fucked ass.

When he withdrew, even Beth was shocked, at how big around our flower's gaping asshole was. Tammy rolled over onto her back, with a huge grin on her face. Beth then crawled, between the teenager's legs and I wondered, what she was up to.



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The four black men whooped and hollered, as I looked on in stunned disbelief. Beth took a big breath and then began to lick and suck our flower's pussy and asshole clean. Tammy started to wiggle her hips, as she moaned, "Oh, mom. That feels so good! AAAAHHHH!" Tammy laid her hand on her lady's head, as she came all over Beth's face.

The two women sat up and looked around. Everyone was worn out and the only erection in camp belonged to me. My flower crawled towards me, staring at the lump in my trunks. I froze, wondering about what was going to happen next. When she reached me, Tammy yanked my trunks down, releasing my raging hard on.

The teenager grabbed my 6 inch boner, in her hand and looked up at me. "I'm going to suck your cock, daddy," she informed me, "That's what you want, isn't it?"

"Yes, honey," I squeaked, "It is."

Beth gently took the camcorder from my hands and started recording her husband and flower.

"Jesus," I heard one of the men mutter, "This cuckolds brownie is too much."

Tammy leaned her head forward and kissed the head, of my leaking prick. She started licking up and down my rock hard shaft. My flower took the head in her mouth and began sucking. The feeling of my throbbing dick sliding in and out of Tammy's hot, wet mouth was incredible. My pride and joy, began bobbing her head, as I fucked her face with long, deep strokes.

Tammy sensed that I was close to coming and she pulled my desperate member, from her mouth. "Do you like the way I suck your cock, daddy?"

"Oh god yes!" I replied.

"I don't want you to cum, quite yet," she said, before laying on her back and spreading her legs wide.

I dropped to my knees, between Tammy's legs and gazed at my flower's red and swollen pussy.

"Do it!" she urged, "Fuck me! Please daddy, fuck me!"

I heard a number of groans, as I mounted my 18 year old flower and slid my horny prick, into her well worn snatch. Tammy wrapped her arms around my neck and we shared a passionate kiss. She lifted her legs and encircled my waist, as I fucked my little girl for all I was worth.

"Go daddy go!" she breathed, "Fuck me hard! Make me a daddy's girl!"

Beth was behind us, getting a fantastic shot, of my cock pumping in and out, of our flower's hairless, little cunt. "Fuck her!" my wife encouraged, "Fuck that horny, little bitch! The little slut's been dreaming of this moment her whole life!"

I couldn't hold back any longer and I tried to pull out, but Tammy wouldn't unhook her legs. "No way, pops!" she hissed, "I want you to come inside me!"

And I did. Things grew dark for a moment, as I yelled and blew my load, deep into my flower's sloppy wet pussy. I rolled over onto my side and lay there for a while, as Tammy kissed me and caressed my chest.

The rest of the night was fairly uneventful. I slept by myself in one of the black men's tent, while everyone else slept out by the fire. I would wake up, every so often, throughout the night to the sounds of muted moans and groans. I peeked outside once and observed my wife's big, white ass rising and falling in the firelight, as she rode the black man beneath her.

The next day we combined the two camps, and the rest of the trip was pretty much, one big interracial fuck fest. My wife and flower didn't wear a stitch of clothing the whole week and served, as the black men's sex slaves. There wasn't a single morning that I didn't wake up to the sounds of Tammy getting her teenaged pussy pounded or Beth getting her married, white ass gang fucked by a bunch of huge, black cocks. But I can't complain, as at least once a day I had my own sexual needs taken care of , by either my wife or flower.

Once we returned home, things returned to normal, sort of. Tammy now joins her lady and I in the bedroom, for the hottest sex I've ever had, while we watch the recordings, from our trip. Fortunately, neither woman got pregnant, from their camping adventure, as Beth had her tubes tied, years ago, and Tammy is on the pill. I'm just waiting for the day, when I come home from work to find my wife and flower getting their hot, white bodies stuffed with black cock. But I'll deal with that when it happens.


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Encouraging My Girlfriend

Jessica and I started dating 2 ½ years ago when I was a sophomore in college. We met through Myspace like so many kids our age and things hit off right away. I was just coming off of a long term relationship that began when I was in middle school and she had recently broken up with a guy she dated for 3 years that was a complete ass to her the whole time. We were both in a bad spot and needed someone to be there for us and it just so happens we found each other and fell in love almost immediately.

I am currently 22 years old, 5'11", 160lbs with dark brown hair and eyes. I am an avid soccer and basketball player and I love to run and work-out. Now I'm not completely ripped like some muscle head but I do have a nice six pack and decent musculature going on with my arms and back. Although I've only had 2 serious girlfriends I've had quite a few girls on the side (in between relationships of course) and most girls seem to find me generally pretty attractive. I've also been told that I'm more than adequate downstairs and all the girls I've slept with have praised my abilities in bed. I'm stating these facts not to toot my own horn, but rather as part of a rationale for events detailed later.

And now to the point I'm sure most of you are far more interested in, Jessica. She's 20 years old now, 5'9", 135lbs with long brown hair with a gently flowing wave and beautiful big green eyes. She has a nice waistline, flat stomach, and simply amazing legs. She ran track and swam a lot so she has a really streamlined body. She has a beautiful smile, gentle hands, and extremely sexy feet. Her ass is amazing and not too big but not too small either and she's rocking a large B/small C breast size...she can wear both sizes. And let's just say she is incredible in bed. She's not like most of my buddy's girlfriends who pretty much are just all about the missionary position and making out and that's it. She loves to give head, loves to be ate out, and she likes to give footjobs, handjobs, and titjobs. She's into anal, role-playing, name-calling, light bdsm, sub/dom. She likes it rough and she likes it gentle. Hair-pulling, ass-slapping, being used, everything. I mean she is the perfect girl. And it's not only stuff she'll let me do to her but she loves to do all kinds of kinky things to me! Like I said she likes to dominate sometimes, she also likes to call me names, smack my balls around a little, make me eat her ass, and she loves trying to make me cum in all kinds of new and interesting ways. Like by just rubbing my bulge inside my pants and everything. I mean if you could picture the perfect sex goddess this would be it! Just one more point, some mornings...when I would wake up with morning wood, I would find her on top of me naked riding my cock for all it was worth, moaning and screaming and all. Total nympho is all I can say, I mean I can last for a really long time; we've had sex for over 3 hours before, and I can even cum multiple times a night unlike some guys. But it is still hard for me to keep up with her; she is completely addicted to sex. Even if I fucked her brains out 9 times a day she would still want more. That coupled with the fact that I was always 2 hours away at school lead up to the following events.

It didn't take us long to fuck for the first time after we met, and shortly after we began dating I started to learn about all her crazy sex traits. One of the first things I figured out about her is that she was bisexual. She loved women's bodies almost more than men's, but still preferred dating guys. Not only was she bisexual but unbelievably, she sort of had a thing for seeing her best friends naked. She would jump on any opportunity and told me constantly about how badly she wanted to fuck her friends and how horny they made her. She had a few sexual experiences with her two best friends that she recounted to me on several occasions. One she used to fuck her ex-bf while she was relaxing in the same bed and another she had gotten takes with and they fingered each other one night. All our pillow talk about the subject eventually lead to her confessing that she would love to see me fucking one, if not both of her friends. This took me aback for a long time and I surprisingly declined the invitation for a long time out of some misplaced sense of moral aptitude. Eventually, however, it led to me having several incredible threesomes at my apartment with two of her best friends. A story I'd be more than happy to account for later if there's any demand. I mean imagine having sex with your girlfriend and the whole time she's saying stuff like, "Call me Kelly" and "God, Jessica doesn't deserve this amazing dick you have fuck me while that stupid cunt watches." Yeah, needless to say I blew my load instantaneously. Hell I probably came faster hearing her talk about it than I did with her licking my balls as I shoved my prick into her friend's tick ass pussy.

So what are you getting at already!? Okay, all of her crazy sex fetishes, along with my openness and willingness to please, and the threesomes with her friends, eventually led to me starting to suggest having a threesome with another guy. The ol' MMF. At first it started with me just bringing it up during one of our many fuck sessions. I would say something like wouldn't it be hot to have another guy with us? Or God I'd love to see you suck someone else's dick. At first I was just saying that stuff because it was something new and the witness her reaction, which was one of instant orgasm. But over time I found that the thought of it was actually turning me on quite a bit. This was unlike me because I'm a pretty protective guy, but I just couldn't stop thinking about another set of balls slapping against that beautiful ass while I watched jacking off from the corner. It eventually led to more serious conversation.

"So you really wouldn't mind watching me with another guy?"

"No babe, honestly, I mean I love you and trust you, and it's just sex."

"Are you sure you wouldn't be jealous, you know get mad afterwards and want to break up or anything?" She asks and she lovingly curls my chest hair.

Looking into those beautiful eyes all I can see is her mouth stuffed full with some other guy's member and her pussy dripping wet the whole time. "Of course I wouldn't babe, as long as you didn't sneak around with him afterwards I would be fine, you can trust me too you know! So what do you think do you want to try it? Please for me?"

I could see the twinkle in her eye, that undeniable gleam of incredible lust. I already knew the answer; we had talked about it several times in the heat of the moment. She had already confessed that she wanted another dick in her so bad. She had told me that mine just wasn't enough and that she not only wanted but needed another cock, that she wanted to be filled up with dick, have one in her mouth and pussy. She had already confessed to wanting me to be powerd to watch, so she could stare deep into my eyes while some guy fucked her silly.

"Well okay, but we have to agree on the guy." She smiled almost ear to ear and started kissing me.

"Fine," I said, "But I have a few conditions."

"What would those be?"

"We'll discuss them in a minute," I winked as I rolled over on top of her and began kissing her deeply.

Just from feeling my breath through my nose and my tongue racing in her mouth, Jessica already began arching her back off the bed and moaning against my lips.

"Fuck I want it baby, give me that fat cock!"

I, of course, complied willingly, and we proceeded to have one of the best fuck fests we'd had in several weeks. About halfway through I decided to list my conditions.

"Okay baby, if we're going to do this we need to get a few things straight. I want to pick the guy, but I want you to okay him. I don't want to get a guy that you aren't really attracted to so he has to be in good shape and hot to you. He has to be willing to have some male contact because I want you to get double penetrated. I don't want him to be a close friend of either one of us to avoid awkwardness. He has to live far enough away that we won't have to worry about him being around all the time. He has to be clean. And the last is the most important."

Her eyes closed as I was still inside her, gently pushing the head of my cock in and out of her swollen pussy. "That's all fine with me, but what's the last thing?"

"I want him to be hung; I mean to have a big dick. Bigger than mine."

When I said this she snapped her eyes open and I could swear that I felt her pussy quiver around my dick. "Really? Why would you want that? I mean your dick is plenty big enough, isn't that asking for a lot?"

"I just want to see you get fucked by someone bigger than me; you know the whole offense thing"



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We had established over the course of our relationship that I did have one fetish in particular. I liked to be humiliated. Not to the extreme, but just a little, and typically a just between me and her kind of thing. Hence the name-calling, ball busting, she would spit on my face sometimes, call me a bitch, and a slut. She would make me do things to her or for her. She made me dress up in her clothes once and she loved playing with my ass, which I tolerated mildly, and pinching my nipples and such. She would shove her ass or feet in my face and make me lick them clean, she would make me stand naked in the room and she would laugh at me sometimes. She made me take the trash out naked before, and would show me messages random guys sent her on Myspace all the time listing things they wanted to do to her. I don't know what it is but something about the whole offense thing really turned me on and she was more than willing to cooperate. I think it was that fact that I generally had everything I wanted and was sort of the alpha male type that all my friends and family looked up to. I could have normal sex with most any girl I wanted, crazy sex even, but this was something I couldn't have, shouldn't have, being who I was, so I wanted it and I wanted it badly. It's what led to the whole MMF idea.

"Well honey if that's what you want believe me that's fine with me! I mean I can handle it as long as you can. But you should know that your dick is all I ever need and believe me it fills me up just fine. I love it so much. And uh I love you too! Haha!"

"Well I love you too babe, and yea I know what you mean, but if we're going to do this I just want to make it as awesome as possible for you. Plus something about seeing you enjoying a cock bigger than mine makes me hard as hell." There that pussy was throbbing again. She moans. "You would like that wouldn't you baby? Having a nice big fat cock fill you up? Fill you up more than I ever could? You've been wanting that haven't you?"

"Mmmm Yeah baby. God I want it so bad, nice fat cock stretching my pussy out."

"Admit it, my cock isn't enough for you. You want more, you want bigger, better cock, that I just can't give you."

"God baby I do, I do so bad. I want a big strong man to come fuck me, stretch my pussy out and make me hurt. I want him to fuck me like a real man while you watch like the little bitch you are."

It was all I could do not to blow my load in that sweet pussy right away. I had dropped the bait and she had caught on right away. We did this often, talking about another guy coming in to fuck her. I decided to switch it up a little this time.

"Tell me what a bitch I am, what a fucking fag for letting another guy fuck my girlfriend."

"Mmm you are baby, you're such a bitch. I can't believe I even date your sorry ass. I'm so ashamed of you. I bet you just want that big dick for yourself! Well that's too bad baby, that fat dick is going to go in my pussy not your faggot ass!"

She was taking the bait and more. She was pushing the envelope too.

"Tell me what a little dick I have baby. I know that's why you want more."

"God it is. It's so fucking tiny. I didn't want to say anything before baby, I didn't want to hurt your feelings. I know I always let you think it was big enough, but it's not. It's so fucking pathetic, just like you. God I can barely even feel it in me. I can't wait until I have a real dick in me and not this little thing. I need a real man to fuck me. I need to fill my pussy up like you never can with that fucking thing you call a dick."

"God baby don't stop."

"Mmm I'm surprised I even let you fuck me with that thing. God I've wanted to tell you for so long that your dick just wasn't big enough; ever since we first fucked I've always been thinking how small it is and how much I wanted a bigger dick. Now I'm going to get one. I be surprised if I ever even want to fuck your little faggot dick again after this."

Needless to say I fucking filled her pussy up with a gallon of cum. We had a few more fuck sessions like this. Our new thing was for her to make fun of my dick and tell me it was tiny. I started looking all over for a guy to meet our credentials. In the meantime we ventured on to other things on topic. She would occasionally refuse to fuck me and make me fuck her with the dildo I had bought her instead as it was lifelike and bigger than me. She even made me suck on it one time while she fingered my ass and jacked me off, telling me what a fag and bitch I was the whole time. She started responding to the guys on Myspace that she had previously ignored, flirting with them, and insinuating that they could possibly hook up with her in the future without me knowing, although that has and will never happen, she just did it to show me. We also started getting on yahoo messenger some nights, and she was show pictures of herself, most of the time nude, to other guys and pretends to be single and then proceed to exchange pictures and cyber with them. Sometimes she would get on and tell guys that I was sitting right there as she traded pictures and encourage them to make fun of me. She even sent them pictures of my dick and remarked on how small it was, although most of the guys were like, umm actually that thing is bigger than your face! It was still a turn on to see her tell other guys that. She even called on guy and they moaned on the phone together as they both masturbated, she made me sit naked on the floor this whole time and suck on her toes and feet. I didn't mind.

Eventually I struck gold and found the perfect guy. He was about the size height and weight as me. He had a few tattoos and a close shaved head, but he seemed like a fairly nice, intelligent, and clean guy. I met him through a networking site for swingers, we chatted some, and eventually I called him, then agreed to meet him at a bar a few towns away. I explained the situation to him and he had already sent me a picture of his dick but when we left to the car he whipped it out so I could verify that he was telling the truth and that it was big and not full of warts or something. Turns out I sort of knew the guy because he played soccer at a school in our conference and we had played against each other several times over the years. I eventually showed him to Jessica and she granted her approval.

"Wow he's actually kind of cute, I like buzz cuts and tattoos so that's a plus. What about his, ya know?"

"I don't know you tell me." I showed her the picture of his dick soft and then hard he had sent me and told her that I saw it and he wasn't lying. I instantly noticed that slight change in her look and feel, it was almost like I was balls deep in her and she was about to orgasm. The mere sight of his dick made her pussy ache and my dick spring to attention.

"That will do." She smiled "But what about...oh my God are you hard?" She walked over to me smiling that smile ear to ear.

"Yeah baby I just can't wait to see that thing in you." The smile quickly faded to a look of deep lust and she proceeded to fuck my brains out good ol' fashioned style.

Before long we had arranged a meeting with the guy, Kevin, a few towns away. We agreed to meet at a bar for takes, and then head back to a hotel I had booked for the night for the festivities. We were both super hyped and nervous with anticipation. We had agreed to film the whole ordeal so I brought my camera and stand with us.

"Are you sure about this? Last chance to back out." I asked of Jessica on our way over the meet Kevin.

"Yeah babe, I'm fine with it as long as you are. It's not up to me it's up to you; you're the one who's got more at stake here."

I agreed that I was ready and we met Kevin for a few takes. Upon seeing Jessica his face lit up and I could practically hear him think JACKPOT out loud. They hit it off pretty well, I had to break the ice a lot but after we all got a few takes in us we all softened up and started talking more. Eventually when the place got a little busier I suggested we all go dance together. For a while the three of us danced with her grinding on me and her arms around him in front of her. Eventually I left to go piss and get another beer and encourage the two of them to dance together. As I came back and looked she was grinding her ass all over his crotch and he had one hand feeling her bare stomach dipping down just below the waistline occasionally while the other traced her side, breasts, and back down to her ass. They seemed to be enjoying themselves so I let it go on till they came over to me. Jessica ran right up to me smiling.

"Oh my God his dick is fucking huge." She whispered through her teeth as she smiled at me. I glanced at Kevin and sure enough she was sporting a huge semi that he had tried to conceal in his pants. This got me ready to go and I could tell just from the look of Jessica that she was ready to fuck his brains out.

We headed back to the car and got to the room. Jessica said she wanted to take a shower first so me and Kevin sat outside and talked. Despite the levity of the situation it actually wasn't awkward; it was just like we were good ol' friends.

"So I know we've talked about this, but you really don't mind me fucking your girlfriend with you right there?"

"No dude, honestly I don't. I mean I know it might sound strange to you but it really does turn me on, I don't know why. I mean I'm not going to freak or anything I swear."

"Yeah I believe you man, I'm just double checking, because believe me I want to and hell it sounds like fun, I'm just trying to be respectful."

"And I appreciate it. Oh and believe me she wants to too, I can tell. And like I said don't be shy or afraid, feel free to do whatever you want to her, as long as she doesn't object. And also you can say anything you want to her or me. I mean any kinky fantasy you have or anything you want to do feel free I promise it's straight. Speaking of so am I, so again, I don't mind a little contact just don't try to slip a finger in my ass or my dick in your mouth or anything."

"Haha, well you don't have to worry about that. And I'll try my best just to get into it and have a good time."

"Also she might want you to say or do some stuff, and if she does don't hesitate, we don't mean half the stuff we say in these situations it's just for fun."


Jessica and I had planned out a few scenarios we wanted to try to get Kevin involved in so I figured I'd go ahead and give him a heads up. So we went back into the room and Jessica had finished, we hung out a little more, drank some and popped in a nice long porno flick. I set some music playing and we adjusted the lighting some to set the mood. Before long things kicked off with me and Jessica making out which led to her grinding on me and things starting to get hot and heavy. Right as she was starting to slide her hands down my pants I motioned Kevin over and looked at Jessica.



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"Kevin here is looking lonely, we can't forget about our guest dear."

She looked deep into my eyes and smiled, it had begun. "Of course, how could I forget about my stallion and his huge cock?" She smiled and pressed herself against Kevin immediately thrusting her tongue into his mouth and running her delicate little hand up and down the length of his chubby through his pants. They continued to grind and kiss until they wound up on the bed, at this point he started rubbing her pussy outside her pants and it didn't take her long to move his hand inside her pants after unbuttoning and unzipping them. I took up a seat a few feet away from the action just watching as I gently rubbed my aching cock through my pants. I could hear light moans and gasps escaping Jessica's lips as they continued to get hotter and heavier. My hard on was *******ing me; I was practically soaking my boxers through. She was pretty much ignoring me at this point which was fine because I was enjoying the show. Before long Kevin had slid Jessica's pants and pants off, which she eagerly helped him with. She then took her shirt and bra off while he removed his pants and shirt. I joined along and stripped down to my boxers. Kevin started to take his boxers off and Jessica spoke for the first time in a while, "No! Let me." She smiled and got down on her knees and scooted over to him in an almost younglike giddy manner. She was turning me on so much.

She slipped her fingers under his waist band and looked over at me one more time. She looked right into my eyes almost questioning so I just nodded my head and she smiled and bit her bottom lip subconsciously, I could tell she was so fucking turned on. When she slid his boxers off his cock sprung to full attention and literally hit her in the face. She gasped out loud in surprise and even my eyes widened a little looking at this thing. I mean like I said I have a pretty decent dick, I've never measured but I'd figure somewhere in the range of 7 inches, give or take a few tenths of an inch. Kevin's dick was even bigger in permister; this thing had to be realistically 8 inches long at least. And whereas my dick is nearly 7 inches and normal thickness, his was 8 inches, at least, and had massive girth to it. I looked at Jessica again and her mouth was still hanging open from the initial shock, she had on hand on this monster which was dwarfed by his size. I'm not even sure if her fingers closed around it or not. Next thing I noticed her bottom wiggled a little and I could practically smell her pussy juice from where I was sitting and I recognized the look on her face. Just seeing Kevin's dick had given her an orgasm. It was easy for Jessica to have an orgasm, I could do it by just talking to her, some light rubbing, or turning the bass up in my car, but never had she cum by just looking at my dick. Well the sight of Kevin's sure did the job and my dick had never been harder. Then I saw something click in her mind and she finally moved and smiled up and Kevin has so gasped and started stroking his cock.

"My God Kevin this is by far the biggest cock I've ever fucking saw. It's huge! I mean I must be the luckiest girl in the world right now." She started smiling a lot more and giggling even. "I mean look at what I've had to live with until now." She scooted over to me on the floor much to my surprise. What was she doing? We planned out the whole night and this wasn't part of it. She got to me and yanked my boxers down exposing my raging hard on. "HAHAHA I mean look at him! He's hard from doing nothing! And look at that thing. It's tiny compared to yours. I mean I've been stuck fucking this for years but now...not now. Thank God I've got a real man and a real cock for once to please me. My pussy is used to his dick so it slides in and out fine. But your dick is so much fucking bigger you're going to stretch me out good." She smiled up at Kevin then turned to me. She made and pouty face and looked into my eyes. "I hope you know what you've done, you know I'm a slut and that little thing is never going to please me again after Kevin fucks me with his huge dick. Sorry but your dick is now officially just for show!" She smiled one more time and then flicked the head of my dick really hard. Just that little contact almost made me blow my load. I didn't know what was going on but I went along with it and just smiled.

Jessica crawled back over to Kevin and instantly engulfed as much of his cock as she could with her mouth. She used both her hands to stroke it in a circular motion as she twisted her head around and around his shaft. She was an expert cock sucker and adjusted to his larger member quickly. She would occasionally take it out of her mouth and lick up and down the shaft, cup the balls, and suck on the head. I saw her nibble it a little and shake it around smacking herself in the face with it. Eventually Kevin started to pitch in and smack her in the face some with his cock. He took her by the hair and powerd her onto his cock over and over again. She took his balls completely into her mouth as her fingers traced the tip of his cock and the hole in the head. She began sucking his cock angrily and moaning against his massive meat while fingering her dripping pussy. Her hips were gyrating above the ground the whole time. Then Kevin decided to take a step and powerd her onto his dick hard. He shoved it into her mouth over halfway getting closer and closer to the hilt. Jessica fetishd hard on his dick and it came out covered in thick saliva. This didn't stop her though she let him do it again and again and came back for more. She would glance at me occasionally with her mouth full of cock and I could see the desire and lust in her eyes. Seeing her cheeks stretched to the max with some other guy's huge cock in her mouth drove me nuts. I could feel my balls pulsing.

They had both had enough and switched up. Kevin lifted her off the floor and placed her on the bed. She threw her head back and he slowly kissed her whole body ending at her pussy after sucking on her breast for a while which prompted some masturbation on her part. She kept a hand on his cock the whole time slowly stroking. I watched as Kevin started tonguing my girlfriend's clit. I could tell she was really enjoying it because she had her hands on the back of his head. She started thrusting her hips against his face and moaning. I heard her start to talk a little.

"God yes that feels good. Eat my pussy baby. Eat it better than my pathetic boyfriend."

She was almost whispering it just to him which turned me on even more. I moved closer for a better look and was gently stroking myself as I watched. She opened her eyes as I approached and smiled.

"Do you like that baby? Do you like watching this stud eat my pussy?"

"Mmm yes."

"Well good because I LOVE it! God he's so good. He's so much better than you baby it's sad! God his tongue is driving me crazy. You know what he's doing baby?"


"He's licking my ass too and mmm God AHHH! God yes, he's slipped a finger in my tight asshole baby! God it feels so fucking good. Take notes baby I want you to be half as good as he is."

"I will baby."

"You like my pussy Kevin? Ready to get some more of it?"

"Mmm." Kevin whipped my girlfriend's pussy juice off of his face. "Yeah I'd like to get some of that." He glanced at me and I simply smiled and nodded my approval.

"God that's right show this bitch how a man does it!"

I started to speed up my jacking a little bit as a saw her shift her body a little getting comfortable for the impending fucking. Kevin positioned himself between her legs and started to guide his cock into Jessica's pussy.

"Wait," she said "let the bitch do it." She smiled at me, "Come on baby, if you really want to let this fucking monster cock tear your sweetheart up guide it in yourself. You should be the one to start it because it's going to change your life forever."

I simply complied and looked to Kevin for approval before placing on hand on his cock and guiding it into my girlfriend's tight pussy. She had a hand on it as well and it took a little pushing from Kevin's end to get it in. When it finally did get in he slid just the head in and out slowly which was driving Jessica crazy. She was flinging her head about gasping and moaning like crazy. As she started to twitch her hips more and more her nails dug into his hips urging him onward.

"God I'm about to cum already!" When Kevin heard this he suddenly slammed his full length into Jessica. "AHHHH OH MY GOOD UHHHH AMMMM MMMM!!!" Jessica practically started seizing right there. She thrashed about and screamed her satisfaction. I saw a tear pour out of her eye and one hand grabbed Kevin's chest and the other dug flesh out of my leg. "God its so big baby! Oh my God my pussy is throbbing, it feels like he's split my in half. I can already feel my legs are going to be sore. God this is what a real cock should feel like. You could never make me feel this good with that tiny fucking prick of yours. God get the fuck away from me and let this fucking stud fuck the cuckolds brownie out of me you little dicked bitch!"



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I jacked off so hard and accidentally blew my load all over my own chest. When she saw this Jessica bust out laughing still impaled by Kevin's huge dick. She looked at Kevin laughed and he let a small giggle out himself. I felt my face turn ready and already my cock stirred again.

"See what I mean? He's pathetic! Hahaha!" She laughed to Kevin. He simply replied "Yeah" with a big smile.

I went to the bathroom to clean up and I could hear them fucking the whole time. The sound of his fat balls slapping against her tight ass; I could hear the wet noise of her dripping wet pussy engulfing his cock. Kevin had started to grunt which urged Jessica to moan and beg even more. I could hear her muffled "Fuck me, fuck me, yeah, fuck me" and "Uhhh uhh God it's so fucking big, I love that fat cock, where have you been all my life?" And "God yes I want this cock, I want it all the time, fuck me like a real man. Not that little dick bitch!" I was hard again before I even left the bathroom.

When I came back out they had switched it up again and Jessica was on her hands and knees on the bed while Kevin fucked her, her favorite position.

"God yes use me like the whore I am!"

"Yeah that's right bitch, take the big cock!" Kevin shouted as he yanked a handful of her hair and smacked her ass hard.

"I'm glad you guys are having fun!" I smiled as I walked over to Jessica sporting a full boner.

"Mmm baby, I'm so glad you found Kevin here, he fucks me so good. Way better than I've ever been fucked. Remember when I told you I need a real man to fuck me like I deserved? Well this is exactly what I was talking about! Come here baby let me thank you!"

I walked over to her and she immediately took my cock into her mouth. My dick was big enough that she couldn't take it all and I thrust in and out of her mouth, fucking her face with abandon. It was mostly lust but I can admit there was a little anger in there too, anger at her for the things she was saying, but that's part of the offense and excitement.

She stopped sucking my dick at one point and looked up at me. She looked so beautiful with her face flushed, mouth gaped open, precum and saliva covering her face and her whole body bouncing up and down with Kevin's stroke. "That's right fuck me stud FUCK ME! She shouted with gritted teeth as she looked up at me. God baby, he fucks so good, thank you so much, God I didn't realize what a whore I was, or how much exactly I wanted a big fat cock but now I do! Isn't the right Kevin, aren't I a filthy whore?" He grunted his approval as he focused on making her pussy loose. "I wouldn't be such a whore but my fucking boyfriend her made me that way. I can't help it, if he didn't have a tiny dick or could at least fuck worth a damn I wouldn't have to fuck strangers with huge cocks just to get a decent orgasm!" She then proceeded to suck my dick harder than she ever had before, squeezing my balls, spitting on my shaft, she even reached back and let her hand slid over Kevin's dick as it went in and out and spread the juice all over my cock and smeared it on my face. I soon came in her mouth which she swallowed and then laughed again. "Well that's twice the fairy has busted early. But you're still going strong huh stud?"

I went and cleaned up again then came back to Kevin having Jessica pressed up against the wall fucking her from behind. I continued to watch them change up positions again. And I eventually joined back in. We continued for a while without talking much, just the usual stuff. We went through several positions. I fucked her while she sucked him and vice versa. We took turns fucking her in every position imaginable and worked together when we could without much contact. One thing I noticed that made my heart sink a little but my dick jump was that, although Jessica was wild when I was fucking her she seemed way more into it when Kevin was inside her. She would moan louder and move more and when it came time to leave me and get on him she would jump off my dick so fast there would be a loud fop sound. But when it was my turn it almost looked like she was going to cry when Kevin's dick left her. Another thing I noticed was that her pussy wasn't nearly as tight after Kevin had been in her. This was good because I could last longer that way. I did cum one more time inside her but she went to the bathroom and cleaned it out before Kevin went back into her.

Finally I suggested we get the DP going and Kevin smiled "Hell yeah let's fuck this bitch!"

We started with me lying on my back and her sliding her ass onto my dick, then she laid on top of me back down facing Kevin and he slid into her and lay on top. I could feel their weight pressing into me. And even though I was inside her ass it almost seemed like Jessica was ignoring me and focused on Kevin. She was caressing his face and whispering into his ear. We eventually flipped and Kevin entered her pussy from the bottom when I lay on top of her back and entered her ass. We decided Kevin's dick was too big for her ass without some preparation so we avoided that for now. Kevin's dick was so huge that it bulged over out of Jessica's pussy and brushed against my dick with each thrust. This turned me on even more along with hearing my girlfriend act like a crazy woman on his cock. Eventually Kevin stated that he was finally about to cum.

When this happened Jessica turned around and angrily shoved me off, I could tell she was legitimately mad because she gritted her teeth together hard as she shoved me out of her ass. She then immediately turned to Kevin and started talking.

"Yea baby cum in my pussy. God fill me up with your fucking cum. Empty those fucking balls into me baby. Fill this pussy like your fucking fat cock does. Show this premature bitch how to cum. Show him how a real dick cums. Come here bitch!" She beckoned me. When I walked over she shoved my head down to her pussy. "Lick my ass and pussy bitch as this stud fucks me. Come on!" I complied and licked her ass and pussy, my tongue grazing Kevin's dick once or twice on accident as he fucked her silly. "Now watch him feel me with his cum!"

She turned her attention back toward Kevin and she was screaming she was moaning so loud. "You like that baby? You like watching his superior cock fill me up?" I moaned yes as I jacked my dick overtime. "That's right cum in me! Cum now. Tell his bitch what you're doing tell him what you think of him, tell him what you think of his little dick!"

I looked at Kevin and he stared down at Jessica as he moaned, "Aww fuck God damn this pussy is so tight. No wonder with that tiny dick your boyfriend has. Hear me faggot? You've got a baby dick. You're not good enough for this slut! She should be with me. You're just a sad little bitch. I fuck her so much better. But don't take my word for it. Wouldn't you rather be with me baby?"

"Mmmm God yes, I would give anything to have you instead of this little dicked girl here!"

"God I'm cumming!" Kevin shouted as he blew his load deep inside Jessica. I could tell she had started orgasming too as was I about to. She jumped off his dick halfway and gulped up as much of his cum as she could with her mouth. Right about that time I walked closer and blew my load all over her face. She was cumming the whole time this was going on. She sat there exhausted on the floor with both of us and our fat cocks growing soft standing over her. We all looked at each other drenched in sweat and smiled. It had been nearly 4 hours worth of fucking.

I reached out and shook Kevin's hand. "Whew, well that was worth the wait! Haha."

"Yeah I'd say so!" Kevin laughed.

"Haha yeah definitely." Jessica sighed. Then she looked at me and mouthed I Love You! And I returned the favor.

I had never seen her sexier than she was now laying on the floor covered in cum, red all over, hand prints on her ass, dripping pussy juice, hair a mess, and exhausted. Her pussy was swollen and red. I leaned down and kissed her deeply tasting Kevin on her lips. We all said our goodbyes and decided that Kevin should head home while Jessica and I stayed in the hotel that night. We agreed that we would all definitely do it again in the future. Lying in bed before we both ****** Jessica and I talked.

"So did you enjoy that?"

"You know I did baby, that was amazing! How about you?"

"Yeah it was really hot seeing you with Kevin. We'll have to watch the tape in the morning! You were like an natural!"

"Haha yeah. So you're okay with everything? I didn't go too far did I?"

"No it was great, but you did vary from what we talked about a lot. I mean you said stuff we hadn't planned on and varied from the 'script' if you will a lot haha."

"Yeah I know but I just did that because I felt like it would be better for you, you know the offense thing. I mean you know I really love you and no one else, and your cock IS huge itself and plenty big enough for me. I could never ask for or want anything better!"

"I know baby and thank you for that! But don't worry I'm sure we'll do this again in the future!"

"Haha definitely, I wouldn't mind having Kevin's fat cock again sometime soon!"

She gave me that look and before long I was fucking her used, loose, and worn pussy like a mad man. We ended the night with a simultaneous orgasm and ****** in each others arms. We had many more sexual exploits ahead of us, but for now we rested.



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#2,118 · Edited by: chrislebo
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Une dominatrice soumise

Alex, belle blonde de vingt cinq ans, cheveux courts, est une dominatrice connue dans les soirées libertines. Elle a un corps de rêve, mais se croit tout permis. Ses amis, hommes ou femmes, la craignent. Rien ne l'arrête. Une fois, lors d'une soirée, elle s'approche d'un couple, saisit la femme par les cheveux, et lui donne un baiser farouche.
-Je te l'emprunte une petite heure, dit-elle.
Pendant une heure, Alex va jouer avec la femme, jusqu'à la faire crier de plaisir. Pourtant, au cours d'une soirée, elle va faire une rencontre surprenante. La fête se déroule au bord d'une piscine chez un couple nouvellement installé. Alex est vêtue d'un short moulant, et d'un petit haut. Parmi les invités, il y a Jade, une jeune coréenne de vingt ans, étudiante en faculté de médecine. Elle veut se spécialiser dans l'anatomie du corps humain. Elle est vêtue d'une jupe assez courte, et d'un bustier. Elle connait Alex de réputation, et ne comprend pas que permisterne ne l'est mise aux plis. Les deux femmes se croisent au buffet. Leur regard se défient.
-Tiens, celle qui sème la terreur parait-il, dit Jade, tu as besoin d'être mâtée toi.
-A bon, sourit Alex, celle qui me mâtera n'est pas encore née. Et c'est surement pas toi. Je te conseille de ne pas trop me provoquer.
La fête bat mister plein. Jade décide de se retirer dans le salon, pour se reposer cinq minutes. Le variateur de lumière est au plus bas. Et là, surprise, Alex qui se pointe pour aller aux toilettes. Dans la demi obscurité, elle ne voit pas Jade assise sur le fauteuil. L'attaque est fulgurante. Elle est littéralement happée par Jade qui la couche, dos sur ses genoux, les reins cassés. Alex essaie de se libérer, mais elle est maintenue par le cou, d'une main ferme. L'autre main écarte la ceinture du short. Alex se débat, agite ses jambes, totalement écartées, pour empêcher la main qui la fouille de progresser. D'un coup, elle s'arrête, net, comme paralysée. Jade lui a saisit le clitoris, qu'elle pince entre ses doigts.
-Aie, aie, crie Alex, lâche moi connasse.
-Chut, chut, fais pas de bruit, lui conseille Jade, tu vas attirer tout le monde. Tu veux tout de même pas qu'ils voient la dominatrice se faire humilier. Mais ma main est un peu serrée, défait ton short s'il te plait.
-Vas te faire foutre, refuse Alex, aie, aie.
-Tu vas obéir oui, défait ton short je t'ai dis.
Alex, en larmes, ôte le bouton, fait glisser la fermeture éclair du mini Short.
-Tu vois ce qu'on peut faire faire à une femme quand on lui tiens le clitoris. Ta chatte a un joli duvet, çà doit être un plaisir de la caresser. Mais moi, j'aime pas imposer les gens, je préfère attendre qu'ils me le demandent.
Jade est très patiente. C'est sur, elle veut humilier Alex. Elle veut qu'elle se soumette, qu'elle supplie. Ce n'est pas le genre d'Alex, mais va-t-elle avoir le choix, malgré mister air de dominatrice. Et que vont dire les autres. Se faire dominer par une gamine de vingt ans. Toutes les possibilités défilent dans sa tête. Elle n'en voit qu'une. Subir, quitte à passer pour une conne.
-On va se retirer dans une chambre, toute les deux, OK? On sera plus tranquille. Oh, tu réponds!
-Aie, oui, comme tu veux.
Voilà les deux filles qui s'éclipsent à l'abri des regards indiscrets, ce qui arrange Alex. Arrivé dans la chambre, Jade ordonne à Alex de se déshabiller, et de s'allonger sur le lit. Alex baisse la tête.
-Qu'est-ce-que tu vas me faire? Demande-t-elle. Tu vas me faire mal?
-Pas du tout, sourit Jade. Je veux juste m'amuser avec toi.
Jade ne prend même pas la peine de se déshabiller. C'est elle maintenant la dominatrice. Elle se couche à côté d'Alex, et lui caresse les seins. Puis elle se penche pour l'embrasser. Alex fuit le baiser en tournant la tête. la claque sur ses fesses est cinglante.
-Tu as pas l'air d'avoir compris, gronde Jade. La prochaine fois, çà fera plus mal.
Jade place sa main entre les cuisses d'Alex, et caresse le court duvet. Elle fait une nouvelle tentative, avortée. Elle saisit un poil du pubis, et l'arrache.
-Aie, aie, hurle Alex, pas çà, aie. Je ferai ce que tu voudras, mais arrête
Jade se penche une énième fois, et cette fois, bécote les lèvres d'Alex. Celle ci, un moment passive, se prend au jeu.Elle entrouvre ses lèvres, et répond au baiser. sa langue s'enroule autour de celle de Jade, qui lui caresse toujours les seins. Alex saisit une main de Jade, et l'a guide entre ses cuisses.
-Caresse moi la chatte, soupire-t-elle, le clitoris aussi.
-A quand même, sourit Jade, tu as compris. Tu vas voir comme je vais te faire jouir.
Au bout de dix minutes, Alex hurle de plaisir. Un orgasme terrible.
-Oh putain, vas-y, doigte moi, que c'est bon, ha, ha.

Deux heures plus tard, Jade emmène Alex chez elle. Elle l'a fait mettre à quatre pattes sur la moquette.
-Suis moi, petite chienne, écoute ta maitresse.
Alex obéit. La soumission est totale. Une bonne partie de la nuit, Jade vas jouer avec sa proie, la faire crier de plaisir, jusqu'à l'épuisement. Pour finir, elle quitte enfin mister string, relève sa minijupe, et s'accroupit sur la bouche d'Alex. Elle lui soulève sa tête entre ses cuisses.
-Allez salope, bouffe moi ma petite chatte. Moi aussi je veux jouir. Et dans ta bouche. Ta langue, bien sur mon bouton, voilà, comme çà, très bien, ha. Tu sais y faire toi, hein? Tu vas ma faire cracher, oui, oui, ha. Sale pute.
Jugeant que sa victime avait eu sa dose pour cette nuit, Jade regagne sa chambre, laissant Alex sur la moquette.

Le lendemain matin, Alex arrive en peignoir dans le salon. Jade est en train de prendre mister petite déjeuner. Elle est vêtue d'une chemise de nuit en soie, ultra courte.
-Tu m'embrasses pas, dit Jade, même la politesse il faudra que je t'apprenne.
Ales s'avance, et se penche sur Jade. Celle-ci la power à s'asseoir sur ses genoux. Elle lui dénoue le peignoir, et commence à la caresser.
-Alors petite chatte, on s'est bien faite donner cette nuit, hein? Polismisterne. Par contre, il faudra la raser, OK? Comme une petite fille. Allez, va prendre ta douche, tes habits mistert prêts à la salle de bain.
Alex revient, vêtue d'une minijupe, et d'un caraco.
-J'ai pas trouvé de culotte, dit-elle, ni de soutien gorge.
-Tu n'en as plus besoin, répond Jade. C'est ta nouvelle tenue à partir d'aujourd'hui. Mais fais voir ton minou. C'est bien. Je vais me préparer, on va aller en ville. On a des invités ce soir, il faut que je t'habille.

Les deux filles rentrent dans la boutique de lingerie sexy. C'est Noémie, une jeune métis de Jade qui en est gérante.
-Bonjour ma chérie, tu as eu mon coup de fil. J'espère que tu as ce qu'il faut pour ma copine.
-Mais bien sur mon amour, répond Noémie, venez dans la cabine.
Elles font essayer à Alex que des habits d'écolières. La jupe est si courte, qu'on voit la naissance de la fente. Quand au haut, il cache juste le bout des seins. Alex est rouge de honte. Noémie glisse une main entre ses cuisses, lui caresse les lèvres. Alex ferme les yeux.
-Hum, fraichement rasée, sourit-elle. Comme je les aime. Et toi Jade, fais voir.
Noémie passe une main entre les jambes de Jade. Celle-ci a un mouvement de recul.
-Quoi, gronde Noémie, un string. Tu m'as désobéis, tu sais ce que çà mérite. Une fessée. On réglera le problème ce soir. En attendant, tu me quittes çà.
-Non ma chérie, c'est un oubli. Faut pas m'en vouloir.
-J'ai dis, on règlera la problème ce soir, et tu la fermes, d'accord?
Alex croise le regard de Jade. Serait-elle soumise à Noémie La soirée s'annonce pleine de surprise. La jeune black prend Alex tendrement par la nuque, et l'embrasse.
-A ce soir mon amour, dit-elle. Je serai pas seule. tu vas voir comme on va bien s'amuser.
Jade crève de jalousie. Une larme coule sur sa joue. Les filles prennent les paquets, et s'en vont.
-C'est ta maitresse? Demande Alex.
-Ta gueule, répond Jade, çà te regarde pas.
-Pardon, dit Alex, je voulais pas te vexer.


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Vers vingt deux heures, on misterne à la porte. C'est Jade qui va ouvrir. Les invités entrent dans le salon. Noémie prend Jade par le cou, et l'embrasse. Un baiser dominateur. Derrière, vêtue d'une jupe arrivant à mi-cuisse, une superbe black de trente ans, très bien foutue. Elle se prénomme Désiré. Alex est debout au milieux du salon, dans sa tenue d'écolière.
-Hum, joli morceau, dit Désiré, mais pourquoi ces habits?
-C'est moi qui l'est décidé, répond Jade. Elle n'est pas attirante dans cette tenue?
-Depuis quand tu décides gronde Noémie? Alex, passe tes fringues à Jade.
-Mais enfin, fait remarquer Jade, c'était pas prévu comme ça, ma chérie.
Alex se déshabille et passe ses vêtements à Jade. Alex se retrouve entièrement nue. Désiré et Noémie éclatent de rire en voyant Jade en tenue d'écolière. Etant plus grande qu'Alex, on lui voit toute la chatte entièrement épilée. Désiré s'approche d'Alex, et lui glisse une main entre les cuisses. Elle l'entraine vers le canapé.
-Je prends Jade, dit Noémie en la tirant par l'oreille. Viens ici, petite pute, on a un contentieux toutes les deux.

Désiré a ôté sa robe, et apparait dans toute sa nudité. Elle s'assied sur un fauteuil, et passe ses deux jambes sur les accoudoirs. Elles ne peuvent pas être plus écartées. On aperçoit mister clitoris bien dégagé en haut de la fente.
-Allez petite, régale moi, dit-elle. Ta langue, bien sur mon bouton.
Alex se sent en confiance avec cette femme. Elle lui sourit, plonge sa tête entre ses cuisses, et commence à lui lécher la chatte. Des cris attirent leur attention. Elles se retournent, et voient Jade couchée sur les genoux de Noémie, en train de prendre une fessée magistrale. En plus, deux doigts font des va et vient dans sa chatte. Jade est en pleurs. La scène stimule Désiré qui ne tarde pas à donner des signes de faiblesses.
-Oh la conne, comme elle m'aspire, soupire-t-elle. Quelle salope. ha..ha.oui.
Alex se relève , les lèvres pleines de mouille, et prend Désiré à pleine bouche, tout en continuant à lui gratter le clito.
-Chatte moi, implore Alex, je suis toute mouillée. Ma petite chatte a besoin qu'on s'occupe d'elle.
-Ha ha, vicieuse en plus. Mais bien sur ma chérie, viens t'asseoir sur mes genoux. Tu vas voir comme je vais te doigter, comme je vais te faire crier.
Alex ne tarde pas. Dix minutes après, elle hurle de plaisir. Elle saute littéralement sur les cuisses de Désiré. L'orgasme est fort, très fort.
Jade est assise sur les genoux de Noémie. Son clitoris a doublé de volume. La cyprine s'échappe de sa chatte. Elle jette mister bassin en avant.
-Comme tu me branles mon amour, murmure Jade. Vas-y, gratte bien mon bouton. Ha, oui, oui, je jouiiis..
-Tu t'es régalé, salope, je vais te faire gouiner par Alex après. Je veux qu'elle te fasse crier, comme je t'ai faite crier.
-Non, sanglote Jade, j'ai pas mérité çà. Tu m'aimes plus?

Alex est couchée sur le canapé. Jade s'approche d'elle, et lui explique les intentions de Noémie, quant à la suite des évènements.
-Fais gaffe, lui dit-t-elle, çà pourrait te couter cher, très cher. tu as compris?
De l'autre côté du salon, Noémie et Désiré mistert enlacées, et se donnent de petits bisous. Noémie explique à mister amie, ce que Jade a fait subir à Alex.
-Mais il faut la mettre aux plis, dit Désiré. J'ai reçu un nouveau gadget cet après midi. On pourrai le tester sur Jade. Il parait qu'il est d'enfer. Il est dans mon sac. Viens voir.
Désiré sort un gode d'environ vingt cinq centimètres, sur cinq de diamètre, plein de petits piquots en caoutchouc tout autour.
-Putain, s'exclame Noémie, super, il y a en un pour nous?
-T'en fais pas, répond Désiré, on ira finir la nuit chez moi après.
Noémie profite que Jade soit aux toilettes, pour expliquer à Alex la suite du scénario.
-Mais elle va me battre, dit Alex.
-Ne craint rien, poursuit Désiré, on sera là.
Jade revient des toilettes, toujours dans mister accoutrement de collégienne. Alex est assise sur un fauteuil. Une fois Jade à proximité, elle la tire par un bras, et la culbute sur elle, le dos sur ses genoux, pliée en deux, jambes à l'équerre.
-Oh, c'est quoi çà, gronde Jade, tu te prends pour qui? Lâche moi, OK?
-Mais calme toi mon amour, répond Alex. Je vais pas te manger. Moi, si les gens veulent pas, je les power pas. J'ai tout mon temps.
-Lâche moi, je t'ai dis connasse. Tu vas voir la rouste que je vais te mettre. Et puis, tu attends quoi de moi?
-Ben, j'espère jouer avec ton petit minou tout rasé, sourit Alex. Surtout qu'il à l'air bien mouillé. Mais si tu me le demandes pas!
Noémie et Désiré mettent une main devant leur bouche pour ne pas éclater de rire. L'autre main, étant occupée à explorer les endroits intimes de leur corps. Une larme apparait sur la joue de Jade. Elle ferme les yeux, vaincue.
-Vas-y, murmure-t-elle, on règlera ça plus tard.
Alex glisse une main entre les cuisses de Jade, décalotte le clitoris, et le doigte en faisant tourner mister majeur.
-Oh, ironise Alex, mais il tout excité ce vilain. Il va falloir le calmer. Et cette chatte qui coule la mouille aussi. Mais elle, on va lui faire quoi?
-Salope, soupire Jade, tu me cailles là, hein? C'est ça que tu voulais, en plus devant mes amies.
-Mais, il faut bien qu'elles t'entendent crier, supplier. Tu veux pas faire la pute devant elles? Tu as honte?
-Je tiens plus putain, vas-y, branle moi gémit Jade. Tu vois pas que j'ai une envie qui me crève. Mon bouton va exploser. ha, oui, t'arrête pas, je jouis. Tu m'en donneras encore après, hein? Tu veux bien?
-Mais bien sur ma chérie, répond Alex, mais calme toi. Tiens, j'ai un gode, si tu me le demandes gentiment, je peux te mettre un coup de queue.
-Tu es en train de m'humilier devant mes copines, salope. Si tu veux me le mettre, vas-y, punis moi jusqu'au bout.
Alex sort le gode à l'abri du regard de Jade, et l'approche des lèvres toutes mouillées. Elle le fait tourner à l'entrée de la fente, et le fait pénétrer lentement. Les yeux de Jade grossissent au fur et à mesure de la progression de l'impressionnant membre dans mister intimité. Les gémissements de plaisirs, se transforment vite en plaintes de douleurs.
-Mon dieu Alex, mais tu es folle, râle Jade. C'est quoi que tu m'as mis, c'est bizarre.
Petit à petit, la queue en, plastique prend sa place, aider par l'abondance de la mouille de la chatte de Jade, qui cambre ses reins de plus en plus. Elle se prend les seins à pleines main, en fait rouler les bouts entre ses doigts. Elle gémit de plus en plus fort, sa respiration devient plus haletante.
-Putain, comme tu me niques, soupire-t-elle. Que c'est bon. Tu me prendras au petit trou après, s'il te plait. Dis moi oui.
-C'est demandé si gentiment, sourit Alex, comment refuser. Allez, jouis maintenant, crache petite pute.
-Hummmmmm, ouiiiiii, haaaaaaaaa, tu me fais jouir, vas-y.
Les hurlements de Jade traversent le salon. Un orgasme terrible, puissant. Lentement, Alex retire le gode da la chatte, et le place contre l'oeillet. Jade donne un violent coup de rein, et se fait prendre le petit trou dans un cri de douleur. Alex jubile. sa vengeance dépasse ses espérances. Elle lime les entrailles de sa proie sans sourciller.
-Tu veux pas que tes copines voient ce que je suis en train de te faire? Dis leur d'approcher.
-Oh les filles, venez voir comme elle m'encule, comme elle me régale, comme elle me gouine. Oua, ça c'est de la lesbienne. Encore, oui, je jouis encore, ha, ouii.
Alex sort l'énorme gode du cul de Jade, et le replonge dans la chatte. Le clitoris est rouge feu.
-Vous attendez vôtre engin, peut être, demande Alex. Mais il est tout sale. Il faut le nettoyer, n'est-ce pas Jade?
-Ce que tu veux, répond-elle épuisée, c'est toi qui décide.
Alex présente le membre devant la bouche de Jade. Celle ci découvre la bite pour la première fois. Elle ouvre les lèvres, et entreprend de le le nettoyer goulument avec sa langue.
-C'est bon ma chérie? Demande Noémie. Tu t'es bien faite maquer ce soir, sale pute.
-Mais c'est tellement bon, répond Jade. Tu me laisser ton gode?
D'un coup, Alex écarte ses jambes. Jade roule sur la moquette. Noémie et Désiré se rhabillent, et se préparent à partir.
-Tiens, dit Désiré en jetant le gode sur Jade; Cadeau. Allez, bonne nuit.

Une fois seules, Jade rampe vers Alex.
-C'est toi la dominatrice maintenant, avoue Jade, et moi la soumise.
Alex prend le visage da jade entre ses mains, et l'embrasse tendrement.
-Non, répond Alex, il n'y a ni soumise, ni dominatrice. Mais il peut y avoir deux amantes si tu veux.
-C'est vrai, poursuit Jade, tu ferais ça? Reste cette nuit; S'il te plait. Je connais une écolière qui n'a pas été sage. Sa petite chatte a besoin d'être goder.
Alex saisit Jade par l'oreille, et l'entraine vers la chambre, le gode dans sa main.
-C'est assez séduisant comme proposition. Allez, petite fille, dans mon bureau. On a désobéit, ça mérite une correction. J'ai ce qu'il faut.
-Oh oui Madame, je mérite une bonne fessée, et ma chatte aussi.
Les deux filles franchissent la porte en riant. La nuit va être hard.


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Trois histoires, merci... Trois rééditions... Merci


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Dédommagement sur la bête

Les cordes étaient serrées, le bâillon efficace, il pouvait bouger un peu la tête mais c'était tout alors qu'il se débattait sur mister siège.

C'était très amusant d'observer ce blondinet lutter pour desserrer ses liens. Les jambes de mister pantalon rouge tirebouchonnaient sur ses cuisses et mister tee-shirt blanc était tendu en travers de mister buste.

- Au chômage, couvert de dettes tu entretiens une adorable petite chose comme Charlotte. Tu nous dois 20.000 $ et le patron veut les récupérer à tout prix. On va te faire une petite démonstration de ce qui pourrait se passer... Intervint Marcus en lui collant un coup de poing sur la mâchoire avant de l'empoigner par les cheveux pour le regarder droit dans les yeux.

- Elle devrait être rentrée à cette heure-ci! Dit-il brisant le silence menaçant. Il vissa un silencieux sur le canon de mister 38 sous les yeux affolés de Billy.

- Elle ne devrait plus tarder... Concéda-t-il paniqué.

Peu de temps après, ils entendirent le bruit d'une clef que l'on glissait dans une serrure et Charlotte entra chez elle.

Elle était ravissante, elle portait un sweater jaune pâle sur un pantalon bleu, qui mettait ses délicieuse formes en évidence, elle était l'image même de la parfaite secrétaire.

Sa longue chevelure brune cascadait sur ses épaules pour s'arrêter à mi-dos.

Dès qu'elle vit Billy ligoté et bâillonné sur une chaise au centre du salon de leur appartement de San Diégo, elle poussa un cri perçant jeta mister sac se ruant au travers de la pièce pour tenter de le libérer de ses liens.

C'est alors que Marcus sortit de la cuisine et lui posa le canon de mister arme sur la tempe.

- Recule Charlotte... Tiens-toi au milieu de la pièce!

- Oh mon Dieu, ne nous faites pas de mal... Que voulez-vous? De l'argent? Questionnait Charlotte affolée, mains en l'air, ses yeux bruns rivés sur mister Billy qui grommelait des menaces incompréhensibles.

Finalement elle leva les yeux sur Marcus.

- S'il vous plait... Ne nous faites pas de mal... Nous vous donnerons tout ce que nous avons... Nous ne dirons rien à permisterne...

- Ton mari nous doit une grosse somme d'argent qu'il doit rembourser séance tenante. Marcus pointa mister revolver sur l'entrejambe de Billy.

- Non, s'il vous plait ne lui faite pas de mal! Hurlait Charlotte refoulant ses sanglots.

- Je ne lui ferai pas de mal si tu te comportes docilement avec nous salope! Je veux qu'il te regarde rembourser ses dettes!

- Que... Que voulez-vous dire?

- Pour commencer déloque-toi! Lui intima Marcus impitoyablement.

- Billy, crois-tu qu'elle porte une petite culotte? Dit-il gratifiant Billy d'un coup d'épaule enj plein visage.

- Arrêtez je vous en prie! Les mains de Charlotte tremblaient comme des feuilles alors que gardait les yeux rivés sur Billy et Marcus.

- Que voulez-vous dire lorsque vous prétendez que mon mari vous doit de l'argent?

- Il te le dira plus tard! Allez salope, montre nous que t'es une épouse aimante en te montrant une fille docile!

Marcus sentait sa bite raidir dans mister pantalon alors qu'il retirait mister sweat de sa ceinture invitant l'indécise Charlotte à lui obéir.

Lorsqu'il retourna de power le petit doigt de Billy, ce dernier poussa un cri de douleur perçant, elle se résigna à enlever mister chandail.

Charlotte déboutonna ensuite lentement mister caleçon le laissant choir alors qu'elle enlevait ses chaussures.

Elle se trémoussait maintenant figée de honte, elle baissait les yeux au sol.

Marcus lui ordonna de mettre les mains sur sa tête, elle obéit docilement.

- Un soutien gorge coordonné à une petite culotte de dentelle jaune Billy... Je parie que tu adores la baiser! Elle doit être drôlement bonne...

Billy regardait fixement Marcus avec haine, mais cela faisait bien rire Marcus, Charlotte sanglotait doucement, les yeux rivés au sol, suppliant Marcus de leur foutre la paix!

- A genoux Charlotte, garde les mains sur la tête!

La jeune femme se laissa tomber à genoux

- Cambre le dos ma chérie, met en valeur tes nibards!

Marcus caressait d'un doigt attentif les collines de chair ferme encore recouverts par les bonnets de dentelle, ils étaient ronds, fermes, naturels, et pour tout dire à sa convenance.

Charlotte était une somptueuse jeune femme, bronzée, harmonieuse, et pout tout dire pine au cul mettable!

- Je pourrai tuer ton Billy, la vie suivrait mister cours. Puis je partirai... Pas de problèmes pour moi, mes amis m'aideraient à disparaitre le temps que les choses se tassent... Peut-être devrai-je le faire finalement et te laisser en dehors de tout cela...

Il pointait mister revolver sur mister malheureux mari ligoté sur la chaise tout en pinçant les mamelons de la jeune femme affolée.

- Nonnnnnnnnn... Nonnnnnnnnnn... Hurlait Charlotte paniquée.

- Bon d'accord... Releva la tête et descends mon pantalon sur mes chevilles

Tout en pleurnichant, de grosses larmes coulant sur mister visage ruinant mister mascara, Charlotte déboucla la ceinture de mister pantalon et le descendit docilement sur ses chevilles, dévoilant sa bite raidie. Il se plaça de profil et invita Charlotte à en faire autant.

Je veux que Billy bénéficie d'une excellente vue. Regarde attentivement Billy, si je te vois détourner les yeux je lui tire une balle dans la tête!

Sur ces mots Marcus se pencha sur Charlotte et plaça le canon de mister revolver entre ses dents, ses lèvres purpurines frismisternaient de terreur.

Il sourit en entendant le mari ligoté chercher à se manifester malgré mister bâillon.

- Préfères-tu sucer le canon de mon revolver ou ma grosse bite, ma chérie? Ils peuvent tous deux te cracher dans la bouche, mas l'un d'eux s'avérerait mortel!

Elle détourna la tête.

- Ou bien je peux me contenter de me faire sucer la bite... Il fit un pas vers Billy, Charlotte reprit ses lamentations.

- Le canon de mon revolver ou ma bite, à toi de choisir ma chérie!

Charlotte souffla misérablement :

- Votre bite...

- Plus fort!

- Votre bite...

- Dis à ton mari que tu veux sucer ma mentule pour rembourser ses dettes!

- Je veux lui... Lui sucer la bite... Sanglota Charlotte brisée par l'adversité, mais elle se reprit immédiatement et se redressa.

- Je dois payer tes dettes...

Billy secouait la tête en signe de refus, et sous ses yeux furieux Marcus saisit une poignée de cheveux de sa ravissante épouse et enfourna sa grosse bite directement dans sa bouche rétive.

- Ne pense surtout pas à me mordre, si tu ne veux pas recevoir, ainsi que ton mari une rouste dont tu te rappellerais toute ta vie!

Marcus grommelait alors que Charlotte parcourait mister épaisse hampe de la bouche, ses yeux débordaient de grosses larmes, des filets de mascara noir striaient mister visage.

- C'est vraiment une bonne suceuse mon petit Billy! commenta-t-il à l'adresse du malheureux toujours ligoté sur sa chaise, puis se retournant vers Charlotte :

- Ma chérie, débarrasse toi de ton soutien-gorge tout en me suçant, mais ne quitte surtout pas mon vit des lèvres!

Charlotte broncha mais lui complut misérablement, elle ne cessa de le sucer alors qu'elle tenait le bras dans mister dos pour dégrafer mister soutien-gorge le laissant ensuite glisser au sol.

Marcus hilare la regardait faire tout en giflant rudement les nibards de sa malheureuse proie.

- Bien que tu aies ma queue en bouche, gémit pour lui montrer ton plaisir! Montre-lui que tu adores sucer ma grosse queue!



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Charlotte sanglota mais n'en continua pas moins à lui tailler une somptueuse pipe.

- Bon je crois que je peux accepter tes petits cris comme des gémissements...

Il lui frappait de plus en plus sauvagement les nibards, mister visage rétif reproduisait ces vibrations involontaires.

Marcus aurait voulu d'une part lui empoigner la tête pour la baiser vulgarement en bouche, mais il était conscient que pour Billy assister au spectacle de sa femme se comportant comme la dernière des prostituées ne pouvait que le ***r impitoyablement.

Il sentait sa bite s'expandre entre ses lèvres, il l'attrapa alors par la chevelure.

- Dis à Billy que tu vas me sucer les burnes... Charlotte pleurait à chaudes larmes et le suppliait d'en rester là!

Il pressa le canon du revolver entre ses miches.

- Je... Je... Veux sucer... Ses... Ses grosses couilles!

Marcus attira mister visage contre ses couilles velues elle entreprit de le sucer docilement, elle sanglotait le visage enfoui dans ses poils pubiens, elle braquait ses yeux sur Billy.

- Regarde bien ce que ta femme doit faire pour sauver ton gros cul couvert de dettes Billy, Préfères-tu qu'elle s'exécute ou que l'on t'abatte comme un chien?

Il empoigna la chevelure de Charlotte et la força à se relever lui enfonçant le canon de mister arme dans la gorge.

- Il est temps maintenant que baise cette pute, comprends-moi mon gars, c'est plus une victime de tes dettes qu'un viol gratuit!


La traînant sur la table à manger, Marcus la positionna sur le ventre et lui écarta les cuisses en grand, ses orteils reposant à peine au sol.

- Ne fais pas un mouvement! La menaça-t-il froidement

Il prit mister sac et en sortit deux menottes reliées par une bande élastique. Il lui enchaîna les poignets de chaque coté de la table, la bande élastique courant sous la table, la maintenant bien en place.

- Je vous en prie... Arrêtez... Je vous rembourserai... Combien mon mari vous doit-il? Hurl.lit pitoyablement la malheureuse jeune femme la tête reposant sur la surface brillante de la table.

- 20.000 $ ma chérie... Rétorqua Marcus tout en se saisissant d'un couteau qu'il frotta contre la tendre peau de ses cuisses,

- Tiens toi tranquille ma petite chérie... Il trancha la ceinture de sa petite culotte et l'en dépouilla vivement.

- 20.000 $, je ne comprends pas comment... Nous sommes loin de posséder autant d'argent! Pleurnichait-elle, en tremblant comme une feuille.

Marcus refila un nouveau coup de poing en plein visage de Billy et lui posa des cure-dents sous les paupières pour lui interdire de fermer les yeux.

- Tu vas me regarder baiser ta femme et sache que cela durera tant que tu ne nous auras pas remboursé, ce sera peut-être pire la prochaine fois!

Il se retourna alors sur Charlotte et lui gifla sévèrement les fesses.

- Il a d'abord joué 5.000 $ qu'il a perdu et de paris en paris il monté à 20.000 $ de dettes. C'est le genre de ton mari...

Il lui frappa à nouveau la croupe puis glissa une main entre ses cuisses et empoigna sa fentine rasée de prêt.

- Ta chatoune est légèrement humide ma chérie, pas vraiment trempée... Mais. Je pense que cela devrait suffire pour coulisser agréablement dans ta chagatte.

- Non... Je vous en prie... Je vous rembourserai tout ce qu'il doit, mais laissez-nous!

Marcus agrippa ses cheveux et lui tira la tête vers le bas.

- C'est un marché... La prochaine fois je t'enverrai en ville et t'offrirais à un gang pour une nuit... Ils seront nombreux à user de tes charmes!

Comme Charlotte pleurait de plus belle, Marcus l'embrocha sans plus tarder, sa chatoune était étroite, la pénétration n'étai pas aisée mais il la martela tout de suite de profonds coups de boutoir.

Il la violait avec ravissement sous les yeux horrifiés de mister gentil mari. A chaque coup d'estoc, sa victime grognait de douleur alors que Billy restait silencieux la regardant désespérément, désolé de le voir user et user des charmes de sa ravissante femme.

- Ma proposition de tuer ton mari puis de vous quitter tiens toujours... Hurla soudain Marcus en s'enfonçant profondément dans mister utérus meurtri.

- Prends déjà ça en attendant...

- j'essaierai de vous trouver de l'argent... Sanglota misérablement Charlotte. Elle reniflait misérablement cherchant à penser à autre chose. Marcus avait compris que c'était une forte femme, il voulait d'autant plus la briser.

- L'as-tu déjà enculée Billy?

- Nonnnnn... Pas ça... Je vous en prie... Hurla Charlotte affolée.

-Tu n'es qu'une pute remboursant des dettes. Lui rappela Marcus coulissant de plus en plus profondément, de plus en plus vulgarement en elle.

- Répète-le ou je te la fourre dans le cul!

- Je suis juste de la viande à rembourser des dettes!

Marcus la baisait sans pitié, ravageant sa chatoune étroite tout en lui frappant les fesses à coups répétés, il lui saisit alors une poignée de cheveux et lui tourna la tête vers mister mari.

- Dis le clairement à ton mari!

Comme Charlotte entamait mister court discours, Marcus extirpa sa bite de sa cramouille et la pressa contre mister tendre anus la l'amenant à pousser des hauts cris.

- Dis lui maintenant ou je te ferai encore bien plus mal! Répéta-t-il en empalant mister orifice le plus secret.

- je suis juste une pute bonne à me faire baiser pour rembourser des dettes de jeux!

Marcus se retira de mister trou du cul et fit le tour de la table, il retourna mister visage ses bras tendant la sangle élastique, il cracha mister foutre dans sa bouche et sur mister visage en la maintenant clouée au bois de la table.

- Les femmes qui choisissent des mollasmisters comme maris doivent en payer le prix! S'esclaffa Marcus

- Chômeur et joueur, avec ton argent bien sur, et te le lui as permis! Qui est le grand perdant Billy ou toi Charlotte?

Billy se rhabilla rapidement et rangea mister sac. Il avait dérobé les derniers bijoux de Charlotte et quelques bibelots de valeur qu'il avait trouvée ça et là, cela devait lui permettre de minimiser ses pertes. De toute manière, ils n'avaient aucun moyen de le rembourser!

- Je vous laisse tous les deux.

Marcus promena à nouveau le silencieux de mister arme dans sa chatoune gonflée.

- Aurais-je mieux fait de la descendre Billy, préfères-tu que je la laisse en vie?

Billy hurla au travers de mister bâillon, la chaise bascula et il tomba au mister, toujours ligoté sur mister siège.

Charlotte le suppliait des les épargner, de les laisser en vie!

- Je vous en prie Marcus ne me tuez pas... Je ferai de mon mieux pour rembourser nos dettes, je ne dirai rien à permisterne! Je vous en prieeeeeeeeeeeeee... C'est Billy le responsable de tout ça... Pas moi!

Marcus cessa de parcourir sa fente du silencieux de mister arme... Et l'embrassa dans le cou.

- Tu es très sexy ma salope... Tu devras te rappeler, à l'avenir que c'est Billy qui est responsable de ton destin...

Marcus se dirigea vers la porte.

- Je suis sur que des gens ne vont pas tarder à te faire une petite visite!

Il quitta la maimister sur ces mots et se dirigea vers l'autoroute.


Marcus appela alors un numéro en ville.

- Oui... C'était mister copain Cédric

- Je me suis occupé d'eux, Cédric.... Tu peux leur rendre une petite visite avec tes potes... Ils n'ont pas d'argent, tu n'as qu'à descendre Billy et tes gars et toi pourraient vous amuser avec elle toute la nuit, mais pas trop vulgarement, je ne veux pas qu'elle soit blessée! Je veux pouvoir la prostituer pour me dédommager de leurs dettes!

- C'est d'accord mec!

- Je te préviens qui si l'on retrouve le corps de Billy ou si elle parvient à s'échapper je vous comme responsable toi et tes gars! Je te promets que vous crèverez tout doucement dans d'affreuses douleurs! Suis-je bien clair?

- On ne peut pas plus mec...

- Je ne veux que Péronne ne jouisse dans mister corps, vous devez jouir sur elle non en elle!

- Oui... Oui!

-D'ici une paire de jours, des amis du middle-west seront en ville, ils me l'achèteront un bon prix! Elle fera une bonne pute quelque dans un bordel du désert, forme là à cette besogne...

Elle est à toi pour deux, trois jours mon gars!

- C'est excellent

- Appelle-moi dans un jour ou deux... Marcus composa alors un autre numéro.

- Allo chérie... Oui... Une bonne journée... Je rentre à la maimister... Préparez-vous toi et les gosses, je vous emmène diner en ville!



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Another Day at the Office

Until that Monday I would never have believed what life changing events could happen on such a dull autumn day. The alarm had gone off (as it always did) at 6:30, time for a shower and work, it didn't even cross my mind that I hadn't had time to do any washing that weekend, or at least it didn't until I went to get dressed.

"F@#k, what am I going to wear now" was all I could think, all my underwear was in the laundry hamper, and I didn't fancy going to work in yesterday's.

Then I remembered, my last girlfriend used to leave some comfy knickers in my wardrobe, maybe I could wear those, hell it's not as if they were frilly or anything. I think that thought sealed my fate, but then as I looked all I could find were a pink pair of lacy French knickers.

Oh well just this once, surely it wouldn't matter, and who'd be checking out my underwear anyway?

The journey to work on the train was a little uncomfortable, but I have to admit by the time I was sat at my desk, I was more than a little aroused. What would they think if they could see what I had on under my suit. Luckily I was first to arrive, next in was red-haired Sophie, with that gorgeous rear, especially when she bends over, all I could concentrate on was trying to work out what she was wearing today, searching for that panty line set my mind racing, trying to do any work at all was almost impossible, but I couldn't work out what she had on today.

Next in was Laura, it was always a nice treat when she wore something that let those of us who looked, know what panties she was wearing, as they poked up above her waistband, today wasn't one of those days though, never mind at least I wouldn't get so distracted.

Then running a little late, Gemma arrived wearing her normal long skirt and polo neck jumper, I'm sure under all those layers she probably has a sexy body, all I could think was why won't she show it off, and then my thoughts turned to her underwear, what would she be wearing under those clothes, would she wear anything like the knickers I was wearing, maybe with stockings too, or would they be knickers your granny would be happy in?

These thoughts about my co-workers subsided as I got on with my work.

By the time I went to get some lunch I'd almost forgotten what I'd put on that morning, so I thought nothing more of it as I tucked my shirt in and left the office.

On my return, as I sat down to finish the report I was writing I noticed an envelope on my desk, curious I opened it, and as I read it my mouth went dry.

To my sissy panty boy, or should I say girl,

So you believe you're good enough to wear those panties you're wearing today do you?

Well let me tell you, you have to EARN the right to wear them, and I don't believe you've done that, have you?

I want you to look in your desk; in there I have placed the panties I have been wearing since yesterday. You are to take these, and with loving care and attention clean them with your tongue, until they are spotless; I want to wear them on my date this evening, so you'd better not disappoint me.

If you don't do a good job I might have to tell them why I'm not wearing clean panties, mmm maybe I should let them know how good a job you do anyway.

When you've cleaned and worshiped them put them back in your desk, and make sure you leave the office at 4.30, I don't want to have to wait for you to finish.

And before you start to wonder why you should do as I say, just think about the pictures I've got, yes you should really be more careful when you tuck your shirt in, although they do look very fetching peeking out the top of your trousers.


Oh my god, I thought, what should I do. I looked up to see if I could tell who it was had left their panties in my desk, but they were all working away at their computers, none of them paying me any attention.

I slowly opened the draw, and there, on top of everything was a pair of black thong cut panties, I could see straight away the white secretions that I had been instructed to clean off.

I closed the draw and took a deep breath, there was no clue whose they were, they all had the opportunity, all I could think was I'd best comply, whoever it was, they seemed to mean business.

I slipped the panties in my pocket, as I did so I could feel the dampness left from whoever had been wearing them earlier.

I walked to the toilet with my heart pounding, was I really going to do this.

As I locked the door and sat down I took the tiny garment from my pocket and held them up, I'd been ordered here. But now I was here, I couldn't resist holding them to my face, and inhaling the musky scent.

Before long I could feel my cock responding, and demanding attention, I released it from its lacy primister and slowly started to rub it as my tongue tasted the most intermite juices of my unknown tormentor.

Before long I was pumping hot white spunk over my hand, and suddenly I was brought back to reality, I couldn't be long or someone would start to wonder where I was.

As I licked the panties clean the idea changed from being humiliating to being a privilege. If I cleaned them satisfactorily, would I be made or should I say allowed to worship them again?

As I walked back to my desk Sophie asked "Are you alright?", was it her I wondered, "Its just you look flushed, and you were gone such a long time, we nearly had to send a search party out for you!"

As I left work that evening I felt a strange mixture of fear, for what might happen tomorrow, excitement, at what I'd been made to do, and pride in what I believed to be a job well done. I just hoped that whoever it was would be pleased with my efforts.

And my mind was racing, was that it, or would tomorrow bring another note, more panties to clean, or maybe new tasks to complete


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"What do you think you're wearing panty boy? You seem to have men's underwear on today, not sure you count as a man, don't you think you should be wearing little frilly panties again?"

My heart stopped as I read the email that greeted me as I turned on my computer, I'd thought as I travelled into work that the game we had played yesterday would be as far as it would go, that whoever it was would never continue.

I hardly breathed as I realised whoever had seen me yesterday obviously was keen to continue from where we had left off, maybe I'd find out who it was, and what she intended to do, a mixture of fear, and excitement filled me as I began to type my reply.

"I am sorry if I have upset you, but I thought that yesterday was only a game we would play once, my reamisters for wearing what I did were entirely innocent, I just had no other clean underwear".

As I hit 'send' I wondered had I ended what had been a strangely erotic day, which had been on my mind all night, I'd convinced myself that nothing more would happen, and then came the reply.


So this was it, I'd have to do anything any of the ladies in my office asked, I sat and thought, maybe it was Laura, she was always the first with the banter and innuendo. But how to ask, I couldn't very well casually say, "did I clean your panties yesterday while wearing my ex's pink knickers?" could I.

Then I remembered that Sophie and Gemma had mentioned they were going shopping and a few takes after work yesterday, so it must be Laura. But my thoughts suddenly became less important as another email arrived.

"Well my little panty slave, your kind mistress has been thinking about what tasks she should set you today, mistress thinks that she should not spoil you, so you will not be allowed to touch her panties today, instead you must go and buy your own, at lunch you must go to Donna's Delicate Delights lingerie shop upstairs in the shopping mall, there you must buy seven sets of panties/thongs with matching stockings and suspenders, so you can wear them every day of the week, and yes I mean when you go out at the weekend too, you are then to change into your new underwear, and start your new position when you return to the office."

I could think of nothing else all morning, it was embarrassing enough when I had bought my girlfriend some lingerie for Christmas, how was I going to decide what size I needed, I don't think I did any work at all, even Gemma noticed something seemed to be wrong, when she asked if I was feeling alright because I looked a bit pale. I told her I had a bit of a headache, but that I'd go for a walk at lunchtime and see if the fresh air would do me any good.

As lunchtime arrived I told them that I was going for a walk and would probably take the full hour. I was just hoping that nobody I knew would see me going shopping, and having to explain why I was buying lingerie, as I'd split up with my girlfriend several weeks ago. As I walked into "Donna's Delicate Delights" I was pleased to see there was only one other customer, but it meant that I was offered help immediately.

"Hi I'm Donna, welcome to my store, you must be Jon?"

I swallowed hard, if she knew who I was, them she must know why I was there, all I could do was slowly nod my head.

Then she smiled, and said, "no need to be embarrassed, you'd be surprised how many men we get in here whose 'wives' and 'girlfriends' are just the same size as them."

I felt relief that she wasn't going to make; I just hoped the other customer couldn't hear what she was saying.

Then she asked what type of panties I'd like, and I told her I wasn't sure, but that I thought I'd best get at least one thong as that had been mentioned in the email. Then I felt sick to my heart as she said, "Zoe come over here a minute will you, we need some help choosing some lingerie for Jon here, what do you think of these?" as she held up a black lace thong, "or should he get the pink one?"

As Zoe walked over, she smiled and said, "I'd have thought he was more a pale blue and pink permister, he's probably a bit sissy, so maybe black would be a bit bold."

Then she turned to me and asked what I was wearing today, I blushed as I stammered that I was wearing blue boxer shorts. She replied that that wouldn't do at all and that I'd best take them off. When I just stood there, she said in a louder voice "NOW", Donna said, "I've locked the door, so we won't be interrupted, so you'd best do as she wants, because you can't go back to work without your new panties can you now."

As I started to say, "I'm not sure this is such a good idea, I mean all I wanted to do..."

Donna interrupted me and said, "I think we've heard enough of what YOU want, because that's not important now, Zoe, I think we need to quieten him down, any ideas?"

With that Zoe reached under her short skirt and pulled down her white cotton thong, well white apart from the very damp patch.

"What are you...."

And with that she pushed her thong into my mouth, "Shut up, and clean, I want them spotless before you leave, now be a good panty boy, while we pick out some lovely lingerie, that you're going to love, and don't worry we know just what your Mistress wants you to buy."

As they wandered around the shop all I could think of was that I'd lost all control, that I was cleaning a strangers thong with my tongue, and how hard I was. As I watched the two women wander about the store, holding up lacy panties, silky ones, even a micro thong, it all seemed like a dream come true, but two days ago I'd never even thought about wearing anything but men's underwear.

After about 20 minutes they came back, and Donna told me they wanted me to try some things on, as they needed to make sure they had the right size, as I raised my right foot, and Zoe started to slip on the sensuous cream nylon stockings my cock raised even further to attention. By the time both stockings were in place my cock was oozing pre-cum and I didn't know how I was going to fit it into the small red satin thong Donna was holding up. The two of them looked at each other and smiled, "We thought something like this would happen."


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Zoe took her thong and wrapped it around my cock, and slowly started to wank me, every few strokes she would gently blow on the engorged head and fondle my aching balls, as I came close to coming she would stop, and tell me I had to wait, I started to beg her to let me cum, and she asked what I would do for her if she let me cum. Anything I said, as all I wanted was the sweet release of orgasm. Zoe continued to stroke my throbbing cock until I came into her panties, that until a few minutes ago I had been cleaning with my tongue.

"Now put them on"

She let the words sink in, before she continued, "You said you'd do anything I wanted, and what I want is for you to wear my thong all afternoon, because I'm certainly not going to wear it after you've made a mess in them. You'd best be quick, Donna's opening the door, and you never know when the next customer might walk through the door."

"Hey Zoe, you're not letting him have those are you, I think you should pick anything you like from the store and we'll add it to panty boy's bill"

I quickly pulled the thong over my now limp cock, as my freshly delivered spunk oozed around my balls and dripped down my leg, but I couldn't clean up as I had to get dressed, just as I tucked my shirt in a customer in her 50s walked in and commented that she thought it was great that modern men didn't mind buying such things for their wives, I can only wonder what she would have said five minutes earlier.

Donna put all my purchases through the till, including Zoe's new silk panties, and took my credit card, and said "thank you sir, we'll deliver the parcel as instructed, have a great afternoon, and we hope to see you again soon."

With that I was dismissed, and I left the shop to make my way back to my office, feeling very uncomfortable and wondering when and where the delivery would be made.

As I started to walk back, I could feel the wonderful sensation as my suit brushed against the stockings I was wearing, and despite the feeling of total offense at the hands of two women I had never met before, and I could feel my cock start to harden. With these strange new feelings, I began to realise that my life was never going to be the same again.

As I walked into our office I felt as if all eyes were on me, and could see through my suit, yet when I looked, everyone was working. So I made my way to my desk, wondering if I would get any work done at all, and there was an anonymous parcel, which I quietly put under my desk, as I couldn't check it's contents until I was alone, and then another email appeared.

"Good to see you can follow instructions, and it looks like your shopping has arrived, though I heard you made a mess buying it. Now we understand who is boss around here I think maybe it's time for you to take up your proper position in this office.

You may continue in charge as far as the outside world is concerned, but within this office I am in charge of you."

My cock was straining at the flimsy cotton as I read the email. A week ago I'd never worn women's clothes in my life, now I was hoping I would be allowed to year stockings to work, so I replied in what I hoped was a suitable way.


I accept that you are in charge, but you have not told me who you are, so if you told me I could be sure of doing what you ask."

My heart stopped before I hit send, would these words seal my fate, I realised they probably would, but then my life had turned upside down in the last 24 hours anyway, so I hit send.

I wondered if I had upset my tormentor, as over an hour passed with no response, until finally a new email appeared in my inbox.

"If you have not realised it already, you are inferior to ALL women, so you will address us ALL with our proper titles, so you will call us Miss Gemma, Miss Laura and Miss Sophie. You will undertake any task any of us set for you. Any failure to please me will result in punishment that will make working here very difficult for you; I've got some wonderful pictures from the cctv this lunchtime.

Now I need to be sure you followed the second part of my instruction, you are to walk over to the printer, drop your pen on the floor, and let me inspect the lines created by the suspenders holding up your stockings. You will do this while all three of us are in the room. I need to make sure that you have not disobeyed me and taken them off"

I started to shake, I hadn't even thought about cctv, only about other customers, and now she had pictures, this was all moving very fast, but however much the sensible me wanted to call a halt to it, my rigid cock and raging hormones were telling me how exciting this was. So I sent a document to the printer, and when I walked over to collect it I dropped my pen to the floor, and as I bent over I could feel the suspenders digging into my legs, surely they must all be able to see, but as I stood up and turned around, all three women were working at their computers. But by the time I had sat back at my desk I already had a new email.

"Nice to see you can follow orders, I think they suit you. From now on you will always wear stockings to work.

Tonight you are to shave your body completely, apart from your head, which you will let grow, as short hair doesn't suit my panty slut. And you will tell us all to leave work early today, as you appreciate all the effort we have put in recently, and you can finish the tomorrow's presentation yourself.

Oh and no playing with your little cocklet, once is more than enough for one day.


When I finally left work at just after 10.00 I was tired, but I knew that I would do just as I had been told.


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I climbed into my car to drive hope, and for a few minutes all I could do was sit there as the days events replayed in my mind. There I was sat in stockings and suspenders and a spunk filled thong. But my hardening cock told me that I would be following the instructions I had received by email earlier that afternoon, to shave all my body hair off, so that I could please my anonymous mistress.

As I stopped at the 24 hour grocery store I realised I didn't know what I needed, never mind, I'd just have to work it out when I could see what there was.

The range was incredible, as many different razors as in the men's section, then there was wax, depilatory creams, it looked so confusing, how do women decide what to use?. That's when I realized that someone was stacking the shelves just along from where I was, she looked in her late teens, probably working her way through college. Then she stopped and asked if I needed any help, caught again, what to say, so I started to stutter that I'd been sent to buy something to remove body hair.

"Her's or your's?" she replied

Rather nervously I replied "mine"

"Well that's fine, if its just a one off then a razor would be fine, but for longer lasting results the wax would be better. And if you want a hand doing those hard to reach places then I finish in 20 minutes and you can give me a lift home, you'll never manage you're back on your own, and by the way my name's Emma"

She stood smiling at me, and my cock overtook my mind as I agreed.

I paid for the items Emma had told me to, and went and sat in my car to wait for her to finish work. As she climbed into the passenger seat she smiled and gave me directions to where she lived, she told me not to worry as her flat-mate would be away all night, so we wouldn't be interrupted as she removed every hair from my body. Only then did it cross my mind that maybe there were things that I didn't want her to see, I still had my new stockings on, and Zoe's thong that I'd filled with cum at lunchtime. But it was too late to back out now, and she directed me towards her apartment.

As we walked into Emma's apartment she offered me a take, because I'd probably need one when she started to wax me. I nodded and said I'd have whatever she was takeing, and with that she went off to the kitchen.

When she returned, she held two???? I should have realised she probably wouldn't be takeing beer, which was what I really wanted, but I couldn't now turn down the glass being offered to me.

"So are we going to start on your back then, as that's the bit you'll find hardest?" and when I nodded She continued," Off with your shirt then, we can't do this fully clothed now, can we."

Now was the moment of truth, as I slowly unbuttoned my shirt, my thong encased cock getting harder every second. As I bent down to put my shirt on the floor, I could feel Emma's hand on my back, and with a flick of her finger my suspender belt snapped back into place.

"Well what have we here? We seem to be slightly less than a man in our choice of underwear don't we?"

All I could do was stutter, as she continued, "It looks like this little game of yours is a lot more serious than I thought, now what do you have to say for yourself little panty boy?"

I told her about having worn my ex-girlfriends' thong, because nothing else had been clean, and that ever since one of my work colleagues had been blackmailing me.

"I see, I assume that means they are the ones who got you dressed like that, and they have told you to rid yourself of all that hair. Mmm, think maybe we should get you undressed now, and start getting rid of all that hair, hairy legs are never good in stockings."

"You know, I really think they have hit upon a wonderful idea."

And with that she started to laugh.

I could do nothing but comply with her demand that I strip off, after all I'd willingly gone home with her, so I closed my eyes, pushed my shoes off and started to undo my belt, her hand struck my ass as she told me to stop messing about and get them off, so seconds later there I was stood only in stockings and suspenders with a very stained white thong on, my reaction though was plainly evident, as my rapidly hardening cock pushed out of the thong, and pre-cum glistened on the tip.

"You can stop those thoughts RIGHT NOW, if you think I'm going to play with your little cocklet you've got another thing coming. Now sit still and we'll start on your hairy chest."

As Emma ripped the first wax strip from my chest I screamed, I couldn't believe how painful it was just trying to please my mistress. Emma looked sympathetic, as she told me to remove the thong and stockings I was wearing, as she had an idea that would take my mind off the pain.

My mind raced, and my cock rose up as I considered what she might have in mind.

Emma held out her hand as I removed my thong and said, "You have been making a mess of these haven't you, I think they could do with washing."

And with that she pushed it into my mouth and told me to be quiet.

I started to protest and my hand went towards my mouth to remove the sweaty salty tasting item, but she grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back, and then told me to give her my other arm.

She then used my stockings to tie my arms behind my back.

"Right, now we have that understood, I'll continue."

Slowly Emma removed every trace of hair from my body and legs, leaving only that which was on top of my head.

The pain of the waxing was only dulled slightly as I tasted my creamy spunk on the thong she had used as a gag.

When she had finished she stood back and looked pleased with her efforts.

"Now I hope you realise that I shall be expecting you to repay me for my kindness, but I am tired, I have taken you business card, and I'll be in touch, so get dressed now, I think you've had all the fun you deserve this evening." And with that she walked to be door and held it open. All I could do was meekly comply, so I quickly dressed, and left to go home.

The drive home seemed to pass in a blur, as my mind raced at 1000 miles an hour, wondering where all this was taking me.

When I walked in the front door I knew I had to see what was in my parcel.

As I opened it I saw a note,


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"You are a very lucky panty boy, when I explained to Dorothy (the customer you barely managed to speak to) what you had Really been doing in my shop, she decided to buy you a little gift."

And then I saw the little pink negligee with matching lace panties, and I just knew that I would be wearing them tonight.

So having sorted out my new lingerie, and after trying to wash off the waxy residue in the shower, I put on my fabulous new negligee.

The sheer fabric felt so soft against my skin, and I wondered what I had been missing all these years. I was exhausted, but relax seemed a thousand miles away, all I wanted to do was see and touch myself wearing such sexy lingerie.

But I knew I had to relax, I was tired, and I couldn't be late for work, I'm not sure I would have been able to give the real reamister I was so tired.

So I went to bed and tried to relax, but all night I tossed and turned, wondering what the punishment would be for relieving my aching cock.

I couldn't see how my tormentor would know, but somehow I knew she would and that I wouldn't enjoy the results, especially if she put a stop to what was happening.

When eventually my alarm sounded, and awoke me from what little relax I'd had, I could see a damp patch on my panties, and then I knew that whatever happened, my days of wearing men's underwear had finished forever.

As the steam from the shower filled the bathroom I took off my negligee, and inspected my hairless body, and realised that I would need to shop in a whole different section for my toiletries, because when I was just a 'bloke' I'd never seen the need to moisturise, or pluck my eyebrows, but I realised I now actually wanted to do these things.

As I climbed out of the shower, I stopped before I started to get dressed, I was sure an ex had left some body moisturiser somewhere. It only took a couple of minutes to find, and a few more to build the courage to use it, but as I started to apply it my doubts were erased. It felt so good, and somehow so right to be so feminine in my daily preparation, how could I have gone so long without realising the joy of femininity.

As a regular guy I'd always enjoyed looking at sexy panties and thongs, and thought it was just because of the women wearing them, I had never realised the pleasure in wearing them.

But my daydreaming had to wait, as I realised the time, I needed to get dressed if I wasn't going to be late for work.

As I rolled the stockings I had chosen the night before up my legs, my cock cried out for attention, I began to wonder how I would ever get the tiny pink thong I had selected on, I knew that I could have taken myself in hand to relieve the frustration, but I had been specifically told that I must not play with my cock, though I wasn't sure I was going to need to touch it to make me fill my thong with hot creamy spunk for a second day.

Eventually I eased my throbbing member into the tiny piece of cloth covering my modesty, and quickly put on my suit, I had to hurry, I couldn't face answering the questions as to why I was late for work.

As I drove into work, I had a smile on my face for the first time since this had all begun, the feel of the stockings on my legs, and the way the suspenders felt on my thighs just felt so right, and knowing the shock everybody who knew me would feel if they could see my panties just added to the erotic feeling, and my cock made the thong rather uncomfortable as it caused the fabric to stretch, and pulled it into my ass.

I was first to arrive in our office, and I had to resist the urge to release my throbbing cock from its lacy primister. Ten minutes later, when Gemma walked through the door, she greeted me with a smile, and said she hoped I hadn't been there all night, and that she'd really enjoyed her unexpected early finish yesterday.

I assured her that I'd been home, and that I was really pleased with everyone's efforts in producing a really great presentation for the company to send to all its potential customers.

"Great!" said Laura as she walked through the door, "that must mean you're taking us all out for dinner tonight, it is Friday after all."

I gulped, it was difficult enough remembering not to give away any hint of what I was wearing. But how could I say no, I'd been warned about failure to comply with every request.

So I replied, "of course ladies, how about we go for takes after work and then I'll treat you all to dinner."

Then Gemma replied, "Sounds like a great idea, I'll book us a table. I've got somewhere nice in mind."

I couldn't help wondering where we'd be going, and whether I'd need to make sure I had my credit card.

They said nothing more about the evening, that morning other than to tell Sophie, who seemed to like the idea.

Time seemed to stand still all morning, with no contact from my tormentor, but the wonderful feeling on my legs whenever my suit moved over my nylon clad thighs.

I left for a walk at lunchtime as I couldn't cope cooped up any longer. My cock hardened every time I moved, and what I had on underneath my suit kept reminding me of the position I was in. Only when I returned to my desk did I receive the attention I had been craving all day, there was a small packet on my desk, and a new email in my inbox.

"My little panty slave, you have done well today, I see you have followed my instructions. But if you wish to take me for dinner then I need you to do my laundry for me.

I visited the gym before work this morning, but forgot to pack any clean panties for after my shower, so I want you to clean the ones on your desk for me, so I can year them again this evening, when you have finished leave them back on your desk

Mistress xxx"

The old me, the one who had known exactly who he was, and what he wanted from life and love when he got up on Monday morning was saying this is wrong, how could you clean panties with your tongue? But that me was gone, the new me, who was sat wearing stockings and a thong under his conservative suit was thrilled with the task, and was overjoyed that his mistress was bestowing her attention on him.

As I walked to the toilets with my treasured parcel I had to stop myself from grinning from ear to ear, and as I pulled out the black bikini panties I could smell a heady mixture of sweat at female arousal, and as I unfolded them I could see the heavy staining on the cotton gusset, that had so recently been held tight against my mistresses damp pussy. Like a moth drawn to a light I could not wait to bury my face into the sweet smelling dampness, and taste the slightly salty stain I had been left to clean.

And clean it I did, savouring the taste, as I pushed the gusset into my mouth to work on cleaning them with my tongue. I must have been gone for over ten minutes, enjoying my little panty task, and hoping I wouldn't be missed. Eventually, though, I knew I had to return, so replaced the panties in the packet and walked back to my desk, trying desperately to hide the bulge where my cock was staining to free itself from the tiny thong I was wearing.

The afternoon passed quietly, the parcel disappearing when I'd left my desk for a minute, until I received another email just after 5.00.

"Well done my little slave, mistress is pleased with your cleaning efforts and I am wearing my freshly laundered panties. Mistress thinks that slave should take us all for takes now."

When I finished reading, I realised there was no point in prevaricating. So I looked up from my computer screen and said, "Right ladies, you've all been working hard all week, and for that I apologise, but I think it's time I took you all out for a few takes and a meal."

I looked to see if there was any reaction from the three women before me, but they all smiled, and I couldn't tell if it was because they knew what I had just done, or whether it was the thought of free takes and a night out.



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The Deacon's Wife is Transformed

I can't believe I am doing this!" Lisa Tyrol said to herself as she lay on the tattoo chair, her feet in the stirrups. A few months ago if you told her that she would be here, she would have told you that you were crazy.

But here she was getting ready to have her hood pierced

She had always been a bit conservative to say the least, a good Baptist, Sunday school teacher. She wore long skirts everyday regardless of the weather. She was an attractive Afro American woman in her early 50's. She stood at least 5 foot 2; she kept her body in good form by working out at the church gym in the basement. Her 36B breasts firm with little sag.

Her husband Charles or Chuck as he liked to be called, h e was a little bit older then her , a former football running back stooping over a little as former injuries bothered him more now as got older. He was one of the church deacons and on the church board.

Sex for them was few and far between these days as he was taking red pressure medications which kept his 8 inch cock flaccid.

Sex toys and masturbation where totally out of the question for Lisa. And she would never cheat on Chuck. But that all changed when the church has some remodeling work done.

Lisa was working out in the church basement one late afternoon. She was wearing some loose fitting sweats and an old Yale T-shirt... She was sweating up a storm and was wiping away the sweat when one of the construction workers came in to put his tools in the job box.

He nodded to her and she whispered a soft hello back at him.

He bent over the job box and put the tools inside. While bent over Lisa could see his cargo shorts hugging his rear-end. She blinked and then realized that she caught him staring at her.

"Pardon me but do you know how much longer it will be for complete the job? " She asked.

'Probably another couple of weeks Ma'am." His voice rough like sandpaper

She finally noticed that he had crystal blue eyes His smile completed by a brush of a mustache. Her heart started to race like never before.

"Have a good night Ma'am!" He said and walked out of the church basement.

Lisa tried to stop thinking of this white man.

"Stop it, Stop it!" She muttered all the way home in the car but she couldn't. That voice. That smile, those eyes, and the smell of sawdust on his clothes. It all made her flush.

Lisa jumped in the shower when she got home. As she soaped up her tight body she let her fingers brush her nipples. They reacted and became hard to her touch.

Her mind kept screaming "STOP!" But now her fingers slide down past the thick black bush of her pubic hair and then between her thighs. Her fingers touched her throbbing clit.

"Oh My god!" She moaned. She played with her full pussy lips, slipping two fingers inside herself. The water of the shower hitting her nipples.

Her fingers bringing her to a mind blowing orgasm. She kept frigging herself over and over thinking of his tight ass before her today.

She slowly slid down into the tub as her legs now felt like rubber.

Once she regained her composure she rinsed herself off and then dried herself off with a big fluffy towel.

That night as she lay in bed with Chuck, she moved over and took his cock in her mouth.

"Whoa girl whattcha doing?" Chuck asked.

She took her mouth off his semi hard cock for a moment.

"Well I thought I might try something different tonight." She went back to sucking his semi hard cock. Try as she might Chuck could not get up to full hardness.

They each rolled over to their side of the bed, frustrated once more.

The next morning Lisa and Chuck ate breakfast, he heard the limo service pull into the driveway. Today Chuck was going to a football camp for high school kids. He would be gone for about a month.

She went upstairs and dressed for the business day. A blue pull over blouse and a light green skirt that came all the way down to her ankles and some open toed sandals. As usual she wore her granny panties, as her flower called them. She tried to do some paper work but John kept creeping in her mind. She kept telling herself that it was wrong to think of another man. But the juices wetting her panties told her different.

Finally at noon she told her assistant, that she wasn't feeling well and was taking half a day. Instead of going home she went over to the church basement to work out her sexual frustration.

She did the treadmill and then some light weight lifting. She got on the leg press machine and all that it did was make her wetter. She stopped that and went over to bench press area.

She was grunting a little and didn't hear him come in.

"You need some help little lady?" His rough voice shocking her. Her hands sweaty and shaky, she could feel the bar begin to slip.

"Whoa careful there dear" His callous hands gripping the bar in the center.

"You should have someone spotting you when you do these presses Ma'am." He placed the barbell back on the stand. "I'd hate coming in here and finding your pretty self crushed."

"Well I um was feeling a bit edgy today and figured a good workout might help take the edge off." She said.

"Well here let me spot you for a few reps." He told her.

She lay back down on the bench and put her head under the bar. From this angle she had quite a few of his crotch. She started to sweat as she noticed the bulge in his khaki shorts.

He stood and looked up at the ceiling. He knew if he looked down at her, he would get aroused. But that did no good either as he was brought back to the real world as she grunted.

"Had enough?" He asked.

"Yes for now." She said. Her body covered in sweat.

"Thank You um, says what your name is?" She asked him.

"John Taylor!" He said

"Mine is Lisa Tyrol, It's nice to meet you John." She smiled at him with her little girl smile.

She noticed that his penis flinched when she smiled.

"Oh my, I do have an effect on him after all." She thought to herself. The dampness between her legs reminding of her attraction to him as well.

"Same time tomorrow John?" She finally said out loud

"You bettcha Lisa" He said and went back to looking in his job box.

She went home and did a repeat of yesterdays shower scene. Her orgasms just as strong as yesterday.

Meanwhile John knew that Lisa would be his soon.


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As John taught Lisa how to use the weights properly their friendship grew.

After their work out one day, Lisa found her car had been stolen from the church parking lot. She called the cops and made a report. John offered her a ride home and she accepted.

When they got to her house. She asked him to come inside as she was a bit scared from today's events.

She told him to have a seat in the living room while she went to take a shower. John was flipping through a copy of a sports magazine when he heard Lisa call out his name.

He rushed upstairs and spoke through the door. "Lisa you okay in there?"

"Yes I am fine just forgotten to bring in a towel and I don't want to get soap in my eyes. Could you please get one from the linen closet?"

"Sure." He said

He found the towel, opened the door and closed his eyes. "Here's your towel Lisa on the towel"

"Could you hand it to me please John?"

He would have to open his eyes to hand her the towel. He did and saw the outline of her naked body through the frosted glass. She opened the shower door and he frozen in time."

There she stood her tight black body in front of him.

He pardoned himself and walked out of the room, then went back down stairs. He sat on the couch again, thinking "What did I get myself into now"

He didn't have to wait too soon as Lisa came down the stairs. She was dressed in her powder blue terry cloth robe. It was tied on the side by sash. She stood before him. He stood up.

"Enough of this fucking cat and mouse teasing Lisa. It is time to give you what you have looking at for the past week."

"John, what do you mean?" She asked.

He unbuckled his belt and let his shorts fall down around his knees; He kicked them off away from him.

"This!" And he stroked his cock

"John, no I am a married woman and I have never been with another man. Chuck is the only ma..."

He cut her off and kissed her hard. His hand taking hers and placing it on his cock.

"No, no John please doesn't do this." But her pleas were not very strong. She loved how his penis grew to life in her hand. She felt her vagina getting wet again.

He untied the sash and pushed the robe of her shoulders. She went to cover herself with her arms but he blocked them away.

He pushed her down to her knees.

"You want to suck my cock don't you Lisa?" He hissed down at her.

"Yes I want to lick your penis John." She could not bring herself to say that word.

It is a cock, girl. Call it what it is "He said

"I can't John I just can't" Tears formed on her cheeks as she said it

He took his cock and slapped it against her face.

"Say it girl."

"Co co cck "She said as she hesitated "Now that wasn't so bad was it Lisa?"

"No it wasn't, John and what a pretty white cock ii is." She this times the word coming off her tongue easier "I can teach you so much Lisa" John said

Lisa felt a shiver run up her spine.

And the next few weeks he did.

She was still the deacon's wife during the day. Long skirts and all. But underneath all that clothing she was John's slut.

Her body was his to use. She found out she liked her asshole to be licked, not just by Master John but my other sluts of his. They helping her learn how to serve and pleasure Master John

The Granny panties were burned the day after her cunt was depleted of all hair. She loved the feel of its smoothness now. . She also loved the butt plug that Master John required her to wear everyday to work.

"Are you ready, slut?" John said.

"Yes Master." She said quietly.

Her hood was numbed and then pierced. She felt the pressure but not the pain. A mirror was placed before her pussy so she could see her new jewelry.

She smiled at it and looked up at Master John.

"Thank You Master John; I am now your full time slut."

He leaned over and kissed her. Then snapped a leather collar around her neck, the O ring dangling. He attached the leash to it and led her to the car. He took her to his home, her new home where she would spend many happy days

She called work and resigned. She called Chuck and told him she had met someone and was fine. She would not contest a divorce.

She hung up the phone and looked at herself in the full length mirror. Lisa was gone and in her place stood Carmel. John's slut.

She went and knelt at his side. He took her chin in his hand and lifted her face up

"Welcome home Carmel"

"Thank You Master, it is good to be home."



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Crossdresser Gets Found Out

One day as soon as I knew my wife would be away all day, I got out my secret bag of goodies that I had collected over the years from shops and Ebay. First I stripped off completely and the expectation I had, had already made me hard so I couldn't resist a quick stroke of my 7 1/2" shaven cock. On went my pvc suspender belt and then I slowly slipped on my pair of black seamed fully-fashioned stockings. Next went on my red and black pvc bra into which I added some padding. My cock was straining so I had to slip on some black silk shortie pants. Oh it felt so good against my skin!

I sat on the bed and got out my pair of red and black lace up and zip thighboots. This always takes me some time as I have to lace up each boot. I stand up and look down. I love the way the 4" heels makes my bum stick out slightly! Next to go on is my black pvc miniskirt. This slips up my boots nicely and over my now pulsating cock. A pair of black pvc gloves goes onto my arms and I look at my self in the full-length mirror. Not bad I say but you'll never be convincing. If only my wife would help me in my dressing and maybe teach me how to apply makeup. That would be fantastic.

I decide then to pull on my black and red latex hangman's mask pulling the zipper all the way down my neck. On goes my studded leather fetishr with the d-ring on the front and some studded leather wristbands complete with d-rings where I normally attach the clips to turn them into handcuffs but not today.

I'm feeling so horny now that all I want to do is wank but I decide not to as I want to enjoy the feeling. I parade up and down in front of the mirror for a while, pouting at myself and imagining that I am doing this in front of my wife who is encouraging me or in front of a leatherclad Mistress who issues me with instructions.

My cock is straining against the silk shorties so I rub it through the pvc miniskirt. I feel that I am fit to burst but I hold back as I know I have got more time today to enjoy myself and maybe put on some of my other outfits which include a black pvc buckle dress, a black pvc catsuit, a black pvc Mistress top, a leather corset top and various other odds and ends.

I slip my pvc-gloved hand under my miniskirt and start to rub my swollen organ. With my other hand I caress my pvc bra wishing that it were my wife doing it to me. I nearly bring myself to orgasm several times but just stop at the brink of cumming. I was totally engrossed in this that I didn't hear the front door open or the approaching footsteps of my wife coming up the stairs. The next thing I heard was the bedroom door opening and an exclamation of 'what the hell is going on!'

I open my eyes to see my wife standing at the bedroom door staring at me in disbelief. I try to get off the bed, tucking my now very erect and pulsating cock, back into my silk shorties and under my miniskirt. I stumble across the room on my 4" heeled thighboots and plead for her not to go as I can explain. She is still staring at me and looks me up and down with her mouth wide open.

I take off my latex mask and ask to sit on the bed. I explain to her how I enjoy the feeling of the materials against my skin and hope that she understands. I also tell her that it isn't anything that she has or is doing wrong that's its something I enjoy doing as a straight male.

She looks at me as if I have two heads and storms out of the bedroom. I go to the top of the stairs and plead with her to come back. She stops at the front door, looks up at me and says ' I'll be back later'. With this she slams the front door shut and drives off in her car. I undress as quick as I can and try to phone her mobile but it is switched off. I have no option but to sit and wait for her to return.

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