Posts: 167297
Elle avait tant de filets de foutre dans les cheveux qu'il était difficile de dire si elle était blonde ou brune. Son visage semblait recouvert d'une épaisse couche crémeuse blanchâtre, elle avait avalé tant de protéines que mister équilibre hormonal devait être perturbé. La caméra se focalisait sur mister trou du cul largement distendu, et sur sa cramouille gonflée d'où s'échappaient des torrents de foutre onctueux. Ses mamelons érigés étaient tout aussi poisseux. Alors qu'il semblait que le dernier amateur avait joui de ses charmes, que la plupart d'entre eux avaient giclé dans ses profondeurs intimes, un colosse noir l'enfourcha. Sa bite bien qu'en semi-érection mesurait déjà 25 bons centimètres. La caméra zooma sur lui, alors qu'il s'installait à sa convenance lui écartant les fesses à sa guise, mister trou du cul ravagé dégorgeait de flots de foutre. Il tenait un large plug qu'il enfourna dans mister trou du cul chassant le foutre qui le remplissait à ras bord. Il se releva ensuite et s'assit au centre du banc, à l'endroit la moins gluant. Elle s'agenouilla et entreprit de cajoler sa massive mentule, la léchant sur toute la longueur de la hampe avant de l'emboucher avec avidité. Elle se déploya rapidement, c'était le plus gros chibre que j'ai jamais vu! 35 centimètres et épaisse à l'envie! Lorsqu'elle fut totalement déployée elle détourna la tête exposant mister visage et ses miches dégouttant de foutre. Elle l'enfourcha disposant ses cuisses sur le siennes pressant sa croupe contre lui. Il se pencha en avant lui agrippant la taille empoigna mister gland turgescent et le pointa sur sa foufoune dégorgeant de foutre. Il tendit les mains et saisit ses mamelons poisseux qu'il roula fermement entre pouce et index, les yeux fermés elle gémissait de plaisir. La caméra était installée face à eux, et zoomait sur mister visage et ses miches couverts de foutre alors qu'il continuait imperturbablement à lui manipuler rudement les tétons, l'autre main pressant mister gland tumescent contre sa foufoune embrasée. Elle se redressait et j'imaginais sa voix murmurant à mister oreille lorsque qu'elle se blottit soudainement entre ses bras sa grosse mentule glissant de quelques malheureux centimètres dans sa cramouille en dépit de sa lubrification évidente. Elle se redressa alors que l'énorme pal s'enfonçait avec difficulté dans sa foufoune pourtant pleine du foutre accumulé, par une douzaine d'amateurs, il donna un second coup de rein, sa mentule s'enfonça de moitié en elle alors qu'elle poussait de rauques gémissements, mi douleur, mi plaisir... Mais elle n'avait encore qu'une petite quinzaine de centimètres de fourrée dans sa chatoune, la taille de ma bite! Elle se redressait de plus en plus la bite s'enfonçait maintenant de 25 centimètres en elle, j'étais sur qu'elle ne pourrait pas en accueillir plus! Elle pleurait et gémissait sans discontinuer à chaque coup de boutoir et je suis bien sur que c'était du à la douleur de se sentir aussi distendue à chaque nouveau coup de rein. Ses mamelons pointaient comme des obus et elle les pinçait et les roulait tout en se livrant à ses assauts. Il posa alors ses épaisses mains sur sa taille, sa peau noire contrastait fortement avec la blancheur de sa carnation. Il y eut une longue pause, puis soudain, il l'emmancha de toutes ses powers ses 35 centimètres la remplissant jusqu'aux racines, elle hurla sa douleur, j'étais envahi d'une tendre compassion. Mais je ne pouvais m'empêcher de m'émerveiller alors qu'il entreprenait de la pilonner âprement, elle tremblait sur ses jambes alors qu'il l'embrochait à nouveau, elle gémissait mollement. Il la martelait encore et encore, je jure que mister utérus n'avait jamais accueilli de chibre aussi imposant. Je ne sais pas combien de temps il la pilonna de profonds coups de boutoir, mais bientôt ses cris de douleur se muèrent en gémissements de plaisir, elle remuait la tête de droite à gauche, se dressant sur les mains. Lorsqu'elle se redressa, sa bite était entièrement fourré dans sa foufoune pleine à craquer, elle se pencha en arrière, il suivit mister mouvement pour lui rouler une pelle baveuse. Elle l'embrassa longuement et passionnément, sa langue s'enroulant autour de la sienne... Bien que je sache qu'elle subissait tout cela en dépit de sa volonté, j'étais jaloux et même furieux de la voir embrassée avec tant de passion. Ce sentiment d'insatisfaction m'envahit alors même que ne parvenais pas à chasser l'odeur de sa chatte imprégnant mes papilles. Chapitre 3 : Livrée au chien Ils cessèrent enfin de s'embrasser et elle se redressa lentement. Sa massive bite glissa lentement hors de sa foufoune, les lèvres gonflées de sa chatoune serraient étroitement sa grosse hampe noire, la grosse mentule luisait de leurs jus mélangés. Le retrait était si progressif qu'il semblait que jamais il ne prendrait fin, mais finalement il sortit avec un "plop" misterore et glissa sur le coté, encore à demi-érigé mais néanmoins imposant. A peine avait il quitté sa poisseuse caverne que déjà une grosse goutte de foutre gluant s'écoulait sur mister pubis crépu s'étalant sur ses grosses burnes. Puis un filet sirupeux s'étira entre sa foufoune et mister mont de Vénus, un homme se leva et plaça un bol de verre sous sa minette débordante de jus. Elle se recula s'agenouillant pour lui nettoyer minutieusement la bite et les burnes d'une bouche agile. La caméra zooma sur elle alors qu'elle empoignait l'impressionnante hampe entre ses doigts pour se régaler de l'énorme bulle de foutre qui émanait initialement de sa propre foufoune. Elle le suçait à pleine bouche sans oublier les poils crépus de mister pubis et ses grosses gonades velues. Elle le suça sans discontinuer les deux minutes suivantes, sa bandaimister ne tarda pas à renaître. Je me demandais s'il allait la baiser à nouveau dans la foulée. L'homme qui recueillait le foutre s'écoulant de sa chagatte inondée lui tendit le bol qu'elle agrippa avec impatience. Elle regardait fixement la caméra qui la filmait en buste, ses miches dégoulinants de foutre et sirota le contenu du bol avec avidité. Elle le garda un bon moment en bouche, le faisant visiblement tourner dans sa bouche pour mieux en apprécier la saveur aigrelette avant d'ouvrir la bouche montrant à tous qu'elle était pleine de foutre, puis elle dégusta la savoureuse potion. Elle ne fit aucun effort pour se redresser, lais au contraire se laissa choir sur le dos, jambes grandes écartées. L'homme fortement couillu se posta devant ses lèvres et elle entreprit de lui sucer les burnes, lui testant le trou du cul de la pointe de la langue lorsque soudain un gros chien, un chien loup pénétra dans la pièce, il pointa sa tête directement entre les fesses de la jeune femme. Sans s'interrompre le chien se mit à lui lécher et lui mordiller la chatoune, savourant les traces de foutre la recouvrant. Elle s'arqua sur le dos en guise de réponse, ses mamelons pointant comme des obus alors qu'elle se tordait la tête pour observer avec attention le gros chien dont la langue parcourait sa fentine du trou du cul au clito, sa chatoune qui s'ouvrait un peu plus à chaque coup de langue du chien loup qui récoltait le foutre adhérant à ses muqueuses. Elle suçait par ailleurs toujours la massive mentule que le colosse noir lui enfournait à grands coups de reins dans la gorge, elle enroulait sa langue autour de la large hampe s'adaptant de mister mieux à mister impétueuse invasion. Bientôt le chien cessa ses léchouilles, et sauta en arrière l'enfourchant, pattes posées de chaque coté de ses miches sa longue érection luisant sous la lumière électrique, se balançant entre ses cuisses. Je ne pouvais en croire mes yeux en voyant ma bien-aimée se retourner pour empoigner le chibre de la bête pour la pointer sur sa chagatte luisante de ses propres secrétions. Le chien glapit alors qu'il trouvait ses marques, se raidissant sur ses pattes arrière de façon à enfourner la totalité de mister sexe en elle. La bite du chien n'était pas très épaisse en comparaimister aux serpents noirs qu'elle avait du cajoler auparavant, mais je voyais que le chien s'était implanté en elle jusqu'à la racine, la fourrant de petits coups énergiques. Elle suçait toujours la grosse bite qu'elle avait en bouche, elle ne pouvait se ménager que quelques instants à chaque retrait pour pouvoir respirer. D'une main, Tanya branlait la lourde mentule qu'elle suçait, et de l'autre dirigeait la queue de l'natural l'enfonçant profondément en elle alors qu'elle s'arquait sur les chevilles pour mieux l'accueillir. La caméra zooma sur la longue bite, rouge, et luisante qu'elle serrait entre ses muscles vaginaux alors qu'elle poussait des petits grognements de plaisir. Ils étaient tous deux enfermés dans leur monde de plaisir, ils baisaient frénétiquement. La caméra se focalisa soudain sur la bite qu'elle embouchait avec acharnement saisissant l'instant ou elle perdit le contrôle du flot de foutre qui jaillissait dans sa bouche s'étalant sur mister menton et dans mister cou. Son suborneur extirpa sa bite qui projeta ses dernières giclées sur mister visage, elles s'additionnèrent à la couche épaisse qui couvrait déjà mister visage. L'homme essuya sa bite sur sa joue. Tanya leva alors la tête vers le chien qui coulissait sauvagement en elle. Comme mister visage s'approchait de sa gueule il la renifla et lécha sa langue qu'elle pointait vers lui. Le chien lui pourlécha les babines et savoura la couche de foutre qui embourbait mister visage. Tanya tendit la main et attira la gueule du chien contre mister visage l'encourageant à lui brouter le visage, à se régaler du foutre qui le couvrait. La caméra zooma sur les protagonistes alors qu'elle enfournait sa langue dans la gueule du chien qui sautait de joie. Il lapait sa bouche, se régalant du foutre qui la tapissait introduisant profondément sa langue dans sa gorge à chaque fois. Hanches entrelacées comme celles d'amants passionnés ils semblaient un couple d'amoureux bien que l'un des partenaires soit nettement plus poilus que l'autre. Sa langue misterdait et explorait celle de la jeune femme, elle pressait furieusement ses miches contre la poitrine du chien. Elle releva les jambes et les referma sur mister dos, levant les hanches pour mieux l'enfouir dans mister intimité. Le chien pleurnichait et soudain cessa tous mouvements, je réalisai alors qu'il polluait mon adorable petite amie de sa semence bestiale. Tanya essaya de le maintenir fermement mais il perdit tout intérêt pour elle une fois qu'il eut dispensé sa semence. Il sauta en bas du banc bien que sa bite soit toujours enfouie dans ses profondeurs, il tirait de travers essayant d'extirper sa mentule de la chatte de ma pauvre amie. Il se tourna sur le coté de façon à tordre mister chibre vers l'é=extérieur et tira à nouveau, cherchant à extirper mister nœud qui demeurait fiché en elle. La caméra zooma sur les burnes de chair rouge qu'il cherchait à rétracter de sa chatoune, ses burnes semblaient enfler lentement avant d'exploser le chassant de mister intimité. Le chien fur projeté en arrière et renifla misérablement au travers de la pièce tandis que Tanya tendait la main pour frotter ses babines et mister clito, étalant la semence du chien sur sa chatoune tout en pinçant sa mamelle gauche. Elle amena une bonne dose de foutre canin à ses lèvres et le dégusta avant de nettoyer ses doigts d'une langue agile. La caméra filmait mister exultation alors qu'impuissant je me demandais si vraiment l'effet des drogues ou si elle se réjouissait vraiment de ce qui lui arrivait... 
Posts: 167297
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Cheerleader Slaves Bob sat on the bench at the center of the mall - watching the crowd of shoppers milling about. It was a Saturday and the mall was jammed. Everyone seemed to be there since the weather was too cold to do much outside. Bob was doing what young men have done for ages - he was girl watching. Saturday was prime time for this. It seemed that every teenage girl in Columbia was at the mall that day. Bob looked across the center court area and saw a beautiful teen girl walking his way. She was gorgeous - long blond hair pulled back in a ponytail, a really pert face with a drop dead gorgeous figure. She had very long legs and what looked like more than adequate boobs. Bob guessed that she was 18 years old. She stopped and turned to look at an item at a kiosk. That gave Bob a look at how well she filled out her jeans - and the answer was fantastic. Her round ass looked perfect. She was wearing a blue crop top and it was obvious that her tight tummy was the result of working out. She would do. Christy glanced over at the man sitting on the bench. She noticed the way that he was watching her. It gave her the creeps although she couldn't figure out why. He looked to be in his early twenties and he was a very clean cut looking guy. But he was looking at her so intently! Christy decided to walk down toward the Bloomingdales store - it was the opposite direction from this guy. She started to turn around and walk away. She suddenly started to get flushed - she felt her whole body temperature go up. She looked back over her shoulder at the strange man who continued to sit on the bench and watch her. Christy started to feel kind of special that he decided to watch her rather than any of the other pretty girls in the mall. She knew that many of the other girls had bigger tits that she did and maybe a more shapely ass than her. But he picked me out, she thought. Christy began to feel a wetness form between her legs. She looked at the man again and began to think how hot he looks. He really is cute, she thought to herself. I wonder what it would be like to be in bed with him? Christy wasn't the type of girl to pick up strange me. As a matter of fact, she was actually a very conservative young lady. But now, she just had to find out more about this beautiful man. She turned around and walked as quickly as possible to where he was sitting. He is so cute, she thought to herself - then immediately she wondered where that thought came from. This is so weird, Christy thought to herself, but she continued to purposefully walk over to the stranger. "Hi, do I know you?" she asked. "I don't normally just walk over to strange boys and introduce myself." She continued to be a bit unnerved by the fact that the young man continued to stare at her but she could not look away. He has such beautiful eyes, she told herself. Christy felt such a sexual energy between them but could not figure out where that was coming from. "Please sit down here next to me," the man said. "Thank you, Bob", was all that Christy could say. Wait a minute, how did she know his name? She leaned over and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Too bizarre - what is going on here was all that Christy could think about. I've got to get away from him! But rather than leaving, she found herself scooting closer to Bob and resting her hand on his thigh. "Hello Christy. I bet you are wondering who I am and why you are acting this way. As you have already discovered, my name is Bob and I am your new lord and master." "You have got to be cuckolds brownieting me. This has gone far enough. I don't know what your game is asshole but you can go to hell. Master, my ass. You're just some flaky jerk!" Christy yelled at him as she stood up to leave. "I hoped that we would get off to a better start than this but I guess that I need to prove something to you and teach you a lesmister. When you walk away from me, you are going to go into the mall rest room. I want you to take off your bra and panties and bring them back to me. You will apologize to me for acting like a little bitch and pledge your undying allegiance to your new Master. You will recognize that you will have to earn the right to ever wear panties and bras again - as a matter of fact, if you try to put one on without earning the right and getting my permission, your tits and cunt will start to burn so badly that you will get them off so fast." Bob calmly told her. "Oh, and by the way, you will take off your bra and panties in the men's room and not in any stall." "Go to hell, asshole," Christy said. What a dumb jerk, she thought, as she turned and began to stride away. I can't believe he talked that way to me. Christy began to walk toward the hallway containing the rest rooms. Try as she might, she could not power her body to walk a different way. Christy kept walking and to her horror, she stopped at the Men's Room door and opened it up and stepped inside. God, I can't believe that I am doing this! Stop. Run out of here. Quit this. Christy had never seen the inside of a men's room before. There was a line of urinals and three stalls. Shit - there is someone in the stall, she thought. He'll see me. She felt her hands reach up and she started to pull her top off. Try as she might, she could not stop herself from doing this. She pulled her top over her head and removed it. Christy then felt her hands loosening her belt. She unbuttoned her jeans and pulled the zipper down. Stop this!! Get control of yourself. Christy began to tug her tight jeans down past her round ass and down her smooth, shapely legs. She pulled her jeans off and stood there clad only in her blue bra and panties. Suddenly, the door to the rest room opened and two middle aged men walked in. She wasn't sure who was more startled. The two men stared at this beautiful teenage girl wearing only a skimpy bra and bikini panties. "Are we in the wrong rest room?" one asked. Christy heard herself answer, "No, you are in the right place. I just need to change my clothes. I'll be out of here in no time." "Take your time", one of the men said. Christy's face was bright red with embarrassment. She could not stop herself from following Bob's instructions. She reached behind her back and unhooked her cotton bra. As she slid it off her shoulders, she felt the cool air hit her tits and her nipples began to harden. Oh, God. Not this. The two men were standing at the urinals pissing away but their eyes were on her! Christy then hooked her thumbs on the waistband of her panties and began to slide the thin fabric down her body. Soon, she stood there completely naked. Worse yet, she felt the wetness between her legs become almost a gusher! Christy quickly reached down and grabbed her jeans. She pulled them up her legs and over her ass. As fast as she could, she fastened the button, pulled up her zipper and buckled her belt. Christy then grabbed her blue top and pulled it over her head and covered up her naked tits. Her nipples stayed hard and they stuck out through the thin material of her top. She quickly grabbed her discarded bra and panty, stuffed them in her jeans' pocket and literally ran out of the men's room. How could she have done that? How could she have got herself naked in front of those men in a men's room? 
Posts: 167297
Christy walked as fast as she could down the corridor back into the mall. She was determined to walk straight toward the exit and out of the mall and this nightmare. As she came back into the mall area, she glanced quickly to her left and saw that Bob was still sitting in his place. She turned and began to powerfully walk away from him. Suddenly, she felt inside that this was wrong - she had to go and see him. As a matter of fact, she really wanted to talk with him. She knew that she had to be with him - that Bob was the most important permister in her life. Christy turned around and began to move toward the bench where Bob sat. "Master, I am so sorry that I was a bitch with you. Please forgive me. I want to serve you so bad that I will do anything to earn being your slut slave. Here is my bra and panties. I am unworthy of wearing them." Christy reached into her pocket and pulled out her underwear. She handed her bra and panties to Master Bob. In the back of her mind, she was screaming NO NO NO but she could not help herself. Bob accepted her undies and set them down on the bench beside him. HE looked at his new slave - Christy looked so cute with her braless tits filling her little blue top and a spreading wet spot at the crotch of her jeans. Yes, she was going to be great fun to play with and take as his slave. "You have done well, Christy. Please sit down close beside me and hold your bra and panties on your lap." Bob told her. Christy sat as close to him as she could and held her blue undies in her lap. She felt that everyone was looking at her and could see that she was bra less and actually holding her bra and panties on her lap. Bob knew that she was totally embarrassed and loved it. Christy moved even closer to Bob and hooked her arm around his. "You are probably wondering what is going on. I have been using a very rare power on your mind. You see, when I was very young, I realized that I had a gift - a power that no one else had. I could use my mind to control what other people did and even what they thought." Bob continued, "As I grew older, I found that I could even change people's bodies. It wouldn't work on naturals - only people. My parents were very good about helping me control this power but they are gone now. I've decided that I might as well use this gift to benefit me. And that is why I have chosen you." "But why me?" asked Christy. "Its really quite simple. I've been sitting her all morning watching people. I knew that I wanted to pick out a really beautiful girl to be my slave. I picked out a couple before you came along but when I would probe their minds, there was little that I found interesting. Then you came along. You are not only a very beautiful girl but you are very interesting to me. I know from your mind that you are the captain of the cheerleading team. I've always wanted to make it with a cheerleader - just like every other horny guy. I also learned that you are a straight A student so you are no bimbo. You are not a virgin although you are certainly not a slut in any way. And you just broke up with your boyfriend after he treated you awful and you would really like to get even - which I can help you with." "Can you really do all this or are you just BS'ing me?" asked Christy. Bob looked at her and said, "Let me demonstrate. See that girl over in front of the candle store. She is pretty good looking but has tiny boobs. Let's help her become the girl she wants to be." Christy watched as the front of the girl's t-shirt started to expand. She could tell that the girl could not believe what was happening to her. Her tits kept getting bigger and the girl was getting very uncomfortable as her 34A bra was way too small for the growing boobs and hurting her badly. The girl reached behind her and put her hands up under her top to unhook her bra to get some relief. Her tits continued to push out her t-shirt until they stopped growing at what looked like D cups. Bob just smiled at Christy. Christy said, "Master, will you put her back the way she was?" Bob thought a second and shook his head. "She will be much happier with her new rack. As a matter of fact, right now she is so happy that she can't keep her hands off them." Christy looked back over at the girl and saw that she was reaching up under her stretched t-shirt and fondling her tits. She was clearly pleasuring herself doing this. But Bob was not done with his demonstration of his powers. "See that cute girl over there - the tiny blonde. She must be, what, 20 years old and just has the cutest little body. You know what, she is also a racist - just hates black people. See that janitor over there cleaning up - the big 300 pound black dude? I just implanted the thought in her pretty little head that he is the most sexy and desirable man in the world. As a matter of fact, you can see the way that she is started to rub herself as she gets more and more turned on thinking about this black guy and his big black cock. She can't think about anything other than how much she wants that big dick between her lips and shoved deep in her cunt. She will do anything to get him to take her right now - back in his cleaning room. Watch what happens." Christy looked on as the cute little blonde approached the huge black janitor. She whispered something in his ear and his eyes got big as saucers. She rubbed her body up against him and Christy saw her put her hand on his crotch. The girl put her arms around the giant black neck and pulled him down so that she could kiss him. Christy watched in horror as the blonde thoroughly French kissed the janitor. She took him by the hand and led him off toward the service area of the mall. The big black man put his hand on her full little ass as they walked off. They disappeared in the service corridor. "I can assure you that right now, if you walked back there, you would find that girl on her knees with her top off and her tits out and his pants pulled down and she is sucking on his huge cock like it is the best thing she has ever had in her mouth. Just to make it easy on her, I eliminated her gag reflex so that she can deep throat his cock and take all nine inches of big black cock. She will hate herself for doing this with a dirty black guy but will be unable to stop herself. As a matter of fact, before he cums, she will quickly strip her jeans and panties off and will offer herself to him doggy style. When he fills her up with his giant cock, she will find herself totally addicted to black cock. She will orgasm over and over again as her pumps away in her. When he is ready to cum, she will pull him out of her cunt and put his cock back between her lips so that he can cum in her mouth. She will think that his cum is the most delicious thing she has ever tasted and will be forever addicted to cum from a black guy's cock. She will never be able to be satisfied by a white cock again and will actually get stomach cramps from any contact with one. She will learn that she is a slave to black cock and cannot get enough of it. Despite the fact that she is racist and hates what she is doing, her sexual needs will make her go out and pick up black men for the sole purpose of satisfying her sexual hunger." All this horrified Christy. Could he really do this? She had just seen two demonstrations with his power so the answer was clearly yes. What lay in front of her as her fate? "That is a really good question. You forget that I can sense your thoughts. We are going to have fun. We are going to have fun with your friends on the cheerleading team. You girls are all going to learn to become very, very close to each other and to me. We are going to deal with that asshole of an ex-boyfriend of yours - the starting guard on the basketball team. You are going to experience things that you never dreamed of and you might as well learn to enjoy them, as you will have little free will. I might actually decide to break your free will so that I don't always have to control every action that you take. Just to demonstrate my power, perhaps we should make your boobs a bit bigger. You are what, a B cup. Maybe we should make you a DD." Bob smiled as he watched the front of Christy's top expand out as her tits grew to enormous size. He made her nipples grow to where they had to be nearly a full inch when they were hard. Her tits stuck out from her body obscenely in her thin blue crop top. "Please, make them smaller. They are way too big." Christy pleaded. Bob looked at her and reminded her of her status. "Master, please make your slave's titties smaller. Please Master." Bob was pleased that she so quickly remembered her place and was so compliant. "OK, I don't really like huge tits anyway. But B cups might be a hare small so lets make them C cups. I do like your nipples to be bigger so let just leave them as is." Christy felt her boobs deflate and felt so much better. She looked down at her chest - even the C cup boobs looked so big to her and the way her bigger nipples stood out was embarrassing. Bob continued, "You know, I really don't like my girls to have hair except on their head so from now on, you will have no hair below your head. No legs or underarms to shave. Of course, all your pussy hair is gone too. You just now have a super smooth area between your legs - just like when you were a little girl. Your cunt is also super sensitive to any and all sensations. Get use to it - you will learn to love it." Christy shuddered as he once again talked about her 'learning to love it'. She could feel the difference in his cunt area all ready. Just the sensation of her cunt coming in contact with her jeans without any panties on made her cunt hot. She really felt like sticking her hand down her pants and rubbing her clit as hard as she could. Bob sensed her growing heat - hell, he was making it happen. "Tell you what, Christy. We can't have a lot of real fun here at the mall. Too many people milling about. Why don't you head out to your car? I want to see you flaunt it as you walk out - swish your hips and let people know you are really proud of your new tits. When you get to your car, jump in and before you leave the parking lot, drop your pants and let your new bald cunt get exposed to the world. As you drive home, I want you to finger yourself but you cannot cum. When you get home, tell your parents that you are going to spend the weekend at one of your girlfriend's home. I want you to dress up in your cheerleading outfit and also pack a couple of outfits. Bring your sexiest nightie, your shortest skirt, tightest shorts, tallest heels and your most revealing tops. Bring but do not wear your sexiest bras and panties. I want you on my front porch in two hours and I want you to be a bitch in heat! I also want you to call your ex-boyfriend and tell him that you really need to talk to him and make up with him. Have him come over to my house tomorrow morning at 10 AM to meet with you. Do you understand all my instructions?" Christy nodded. Bob told her to give him a kiss goodbye and she found herself kissing him as deeply as she had ever kissed anyone before. She could not get enough of his beautiful lips and tongue. She reluctantly broke off the kiss and began to walk toward the exit to the parking lot. Bob nodded approvingly as he watched her swaying her hips like a streetwalker. He decided that her ass could be a little more rounded to be really world class and made it so. He watched as her jeans swelled out. It was perfection. Bob chuckled as he watched virtually every male in the mall turn and watch her ass sway. This was going to be very exciting. 
Posts: 167297
Christy felt every boy's eyes on her as she walked out to her car. She could feel herself work the mall as she made sure her ass was swaying like crazy. She even felt it when Bob made her ass get even rounder and bigger. Her newly enlarged C cup tits were really swaying as they strained against her blue top. She could feel her sensitive clit rubbing against her jeans and getting wetter and wetter. Christy could hardly wait to get to her car so she could drop her jeans and start frigging her cunt. She sat down in the car and really started working on her clit and her hole. She was so hot that she could not even stand to sit much. It was amazing that she made it home without a wreck. Christy was extremely frustrated that she was unable to cum - no matter how good she played with herself. Once at home, Christy made her excuses for spending the weekend at her friend Heather's house. Christy and her friends often did this so there was little to arouse suspicion. Christy went into her room to pack and get ready. She stripped off her sopping wet jeans and her top. She looked at herself in the mirror - it was the first time she could really admire her newly enlarged tits and her shaved cunt. She really looked hot. Christy got her cheerleading uniform out. She got a sports bra out and put it on. Suddenly, her tits felt like they were on fire. She remembered what Master Bob had told her - that she had to earn the right to wear and bra and panties. She quickly stripped off the bra. She simply pulled her cheer top over her head and pulled it over her big boobs. It fit much tighter than before. The sleeveless red, white and blue form fitting cheer top was hot looking without a bra on. Christy then pulled her cheer skirt on. The short, pleated skirt pulled on and Christy zipped it up. The outfit was designed to bare the Cheerleader's midriff leaving her belly button exposed. The skirts this year were much shorter than in previous years making the use of a cheer panty necessary to avoid flashing. Since Christy could had not earned Master's permission to wear panties, she could not put hers on and that meant that she was going to have to be very careful not to expose her ass and cunt. Christy put on her cheer socks and tennis shoes. She pulled her hair back into a pony tail and secured it with a red, white and blue scrunchie. She knew how sexy a pony tail was on a cheerleader and wanted to look hot for Master Bob. Christy quickly packed all the other items that Master had told her to pack. She packed a really short and sexy denim skirt, a pair of yellow shorts that were more like hot pants, a pink baby doll nightie, a couple of really small tops that would go with the skirt and shorts that had extremely plunging necklines, a pair of five inch stiletto heels and two matching bra and panty sets that she had got at Victoria's Secret. Finally, she called her ex-boyfriend, Chad, as instructed by Master. Christy told Chad that she really missed him and that it was all her fault that they were apart. She begged him to take her back and asked that he meet her. She gave him Master's address - she told him that they could be alone there. Chad readily agreed to meet her there the next morning. She packed everything up in a bag and headed off in her car to Master's address. Christy found herself in a very nice neighborhood in the next suburb. She got out of her car and walked up to the front door. Christy had followed Master's instructions (orders) to the letter even if sometimes she didn't know why she was doing so. She took a deep breath and rang the doorbell. She nervously awaited her Master's arrival. Soon the door opened and Master Bob stood there. "You've done pretty good, Christy. You look really hot and sexy in your little cheerleader outfit. I love the skirt. But you have not followed all your instructions. Remember I told you to arrive like a bitch in heat. You know what a bitch is, don't you?" Christy thought and then suddenly blurted out, "A female dog in heat?" Bob said, "Of course. What are you doing acting like a human girl? You are a bitch in heat!" Christy resisted with all of her willpower. I will not debase myself any more than I already have, she thought. Suddenly, she felt Master Bob's will power itself on her. Slowly, she sank to her knees and then to all fours. She found she could not speak but only bark or utter a growl. Master Bob told her to heel and she found herself trotting into the house following her Master. Christy could have cared less who saw her from the street drop to her knees and become a bitch dog for her Master. Master Bob told her to sit. Christy sat back on her ass with her paws in front of her. "Christy, you can understand everything I say but you cannot stop from doing what I tell you. This is part of breaking you and making you my slave. You must get to the point that you will do everything that I ask and anticipate my needs. You will love your life as my slave and will do anything to make your Master happy. But you must learn the consequences of disobedience. This is your first lesmister. Disobey me and you could be transformed permanently into a bitch in heat. Now, bitch, do dogs wear clothes?" Christy quickly pulled her cheer top off over her head and reached down to unzip her skirt. She pulled it off and then removed her shoes and socks. Christy then sat back up, totally nude, like a good dog. "Good girl", said Bob as he reached down and patted Christy on her head. "I did say you were a bitch in heat, didn't I?" Suddenly, Christy felt the wetness form between her legs and she could not believe how strong her scent was. Bob then walked over and opened the door to the room. In trotted two large German Shepards. "Christy, meet Duke and King. If you don't learn to be my good slave, these two dogs will be your new masters. How would you feel about that?" Christy could only utter a low growl. "Just so you know what your life would be like, let's spend a little time getting to know your potential Masters. Why don't you get back up on all fours, girl"? Christy found herself back on her hands and knees. Duke and King quickly picked up her scent and rushed over to her. Duke pushed his long snout between her legs and sniffed at her cunt. His long, wet tongue started to lick at her naked sex. Christy started to whimper like a dog. She found herself spreading her legs wide so that Duke would have easier access to her throbbing cunt. King walked over in front of her and started licking her face. Christy found herself responding to her dog master and began to lick him back. She was getting turned on licking the big dog's snout and coming in contact with his tongue. In the back of her mind, Christy was screaming to stop. She couldn't believe what was happening to her. How could she be acting like a dog and letting these naturals do this to her? She could not imagine anything worse! But she could not help her sexual reactions to the dogs as she responded to Bob's mind control. But it was about to get much worse for her. Christy felt Duke's tongue leave her cunt. She felt him jump on her back. Duke's paws wrapped around Christy and she felt a hard poke at the entrance to her vagina. No NO No she screamed inside while physically she felt herself push back into the dog's thrusting cock. She felt the dog cock push further inside and finally felt Duke's knot come in contact with her. With a mighty thrust, Duke pushed his knot into her and his entire cock was now inside her. Duke started to rhythmically fuck his new bitch and Christy found herself responding by thrusting and meeting Master Duke's great cock. Her dog mind loved the feel of the big Shepard's cock in her cunt - fucking her just like a bitch in heat. King obviously was not content just to watch Duke have his way with the new kennel bitch. He lay down if front of Christy and rolled onto his back and spread his legs. It looked just like a dog that wanted to have its stomach scratched only Christy knew that this was not what King wanted. Inside her head, Christy was horrified by what was happening. Try as she might, she could not stop her body from reacting like a dog bitch in heat. With Duke still fucking her cunt hard with his thrusting cock, she bent over and let her lips touch King's sheath. She began to lick it like the dog bitch she was and soon King's great big cock began to emerge. Christy knew that Master King wanted her to suck on his throbbing cock and she was only too happy to do it. She took the big dog's cock into her mouth and began to tongue it as she bobbed her head up and down the big shaft. She found herself panting and whimpering from the fucking she was getting in her cunt and mouth from the two dogs. Bob looked down at his lovely Christy. She was enthusiastically fucking the two dogs. Duke's huge cock was impaling her tender vagina while King was thrusting in and out of her warm, wet mouth. It was a highly erotic sight to behold. Bob knew she was repulsed on the inside yet unable to do anything but react like the dog bitch she believed she was. He knew that she would never want this to happen again and this was a huge part of converting her conscious mind to willingly accepting her fate as his slave. He was, of course, videotaping all of this. Imagine how she would react if he threatened to send this tape to her family and friends. She would not be able to bear the thought of them seeing her so enthusiastically fucking the two dogs. Christy felt Duke speed up in her cunt. She could feel her dog master tense up and then felt him spewing his dog seed deep into her vagina. She felt so fulfilled as she took his semen into her body. She wanted to please Duke and was so happy that he chose her to be his bitch to fuck. At the same time, King began to twitch in her mouth. She speeded up her sucking motion. Suddenly, King began to ejaculate his semen into her mouth. Christy eagerly sucked at the dog cock, wanting to get every precious drop of his seed. It seemed like King spewed a gallon of his special fluid into her mouth. She swallowed every delicious drop, as she did not want to miss any of it. She felt so content now that she had Duke's seed in her cunt and King's in her tummy. King pulled his cock out of her pretty mouth. She leaned over and licked his beautiful dog cock clean. Duke walked around her and she similarly cleaned his cock with her tongue. Christy then began to lick her master's faces to show her appreciation for them letting her be their bitch. 
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Bob laughed to himself. This was much better than he expected. He removed his mind control from the girl. Christy gained control of herself. She was licking the dog's face. She pulled back in horror. Oh my god. Those dogs fucked me. I've got their cum inside me. Christy pulled herself into a tight tuck position and began to cry. "I'm sorry I had to do that but I wanted you to know your only alternative to being my slave. I want you to embrace slavery voluntarily. Knowing that this is your alternative fate, I think you will make the right choice, won't you darling?" Christy nodded through her tears. "Yes, Master." Bob looked down at her. "Just to be sure, there is one more thing you need to see. Follow me to the dog's kennel. You see, you were not the first girl that I selected to be my permisteral slave. The first one acted like she accepted her fate but then began to rebel against me. I had no choice but to punish her. If you do not enthusiastically accept your fate as a slave, I will change your mind and body just like I did hers." Christy looked in the kennel as King and Duke ran in. There was another girl who was probably a very pretty girl in the kennel. She was totally naked. When Christy looked closer, the girl was on all fours and had a dog collar on. There were four small German Shepard puppies in front of her. The girl was licking them - obviously cleaning them as a dog bitch lady would do to her puppies. When Duke and King entered the kennel, the girl turned to them and began to wag her ass - clearly excited to see the two dogs enter. She began to lick their faces and whine. She then sniffed Duke's ass and then his cock. She began to lick at his cock to clean him. Two of the puppies came up to her and began to nurse at her tits. "This is or was Jennifer. She could have been a very happy and fulfilled girl. Instead, she chose to reject her life as a slave and to be insubordinate. She is now a very happy and fulfilled bitch. She is mated to both Duke and King. She gets fucked by each of them every day and she loves it. See how she is wagging her ass in happiness. I changed her anatomy a bit so that she could conceive puppies and carry them in her womb. This is her second litter of puppies that she has born. The rest of them were sold to a pet shop to get rid of. Her new puppies will be leaving soon and she will be getting knocked up again and having another litter soon. This is her new life - to be King and Duke's bitch. It could be yours too if you are not accepting of your new role. And I mean accepting now!" Christy looked on in horror at the poor girl. The girl continued to lick Duke's cock as King began to sniff at her cunt. Christy would do anything to avoid this. She dropped to her knees and began to lick and kiss Master Bob's shoes. "Please, Master. Take me as your slave. I will do anything that you ask me to do. I will be your most willing slave. I will please you in any manner you see fit. You can have my mouth, my cunt, my tits and my ass. They all belong to you now. I will only do what you tell me to do. I do this totally voluntarily. I love you Master and will make you so happy." Christy looked up at her Master. When Bob looked into her eyes and into her mind, he could see that she was sincere. He knew that this scenario of being turned into a dog bitch would warp her mind enough that she would be totally accepting of her new role as his slave. He sent her up to the bathroom to get cleaned up and told her to come back down dressed in her cheerleader uniform. When Christy returned 20 minutes later from the bathroom, she was totally cleaned up. Her hair was carefully combed and her makeup was impeccable. She had put on a deep crimmister lipstick and matching fingernail polish. Her cute little cheerleader uniform complimented her beautiful body. As she walked, the short pleated skirt moved in a way to show just a hint of her shaved cunt. Christy was so excited to return to her Master. She wanted nothing more than to serve him and to have him make love to her. She immediately dropped to her knees in front of Master Bob and lowered her eyes. "Christy - you have pleased me. I want you to convince me that you really want me to take you. I am going to videotape this for our records so please remember to be the best most convincing little slut you can. Otherwise, you may end up spending the night in the kennel with Jennifer and her studs." "Master, please take me and fuck me. I am your little fuck slave. I will do anything to please you. I want your big, beautiful cock in my unworthy cunt. I can't wait to feel how good your cock will feel inside me - fucking my cunt. My tight little twat will be so good for you. Before you fuck me, I will get you warmed up by giving you the best blowjob that you have ever had. I will lick your cock lovingly with my warm, wet tongue and get you all hard. I'll take your big beautiful balls into my mouth and suck them until they are all warm and the cum inside them is hot. I'll then take your cock and deep throat it - swallowing your entire length down my throat. My tongue will play over your cock as you face fuck me. I can't wait to taste your delicious cum as it shoots in my mouth and I eagerly swallow it down my slutty throat. I'll then take your big cock and stick it in my tight cunt. I will give you the best fucking you have ever had. Your big cock will piston in and out of my tiny cunt - filling me up with your huge meat. I will love the feeling of your cock in my cunt - my master's seed ready to spew into my vagina and womb. You will make me a complete girl - a real slut for you." Christy had her skirt flipped up and was finger fucking her cunt as she talked. "Master, I then will take your cock and put it in my virgin ass. I can hardly wait for you to fuck me in the ass. Your big cock will split me in two but you will love the feel of fucking my big round ass. I will love the feel of you in my ass - fucking my cuckolds brownie hole and making me feel like a cheap whore. And when you cum in my ass, I will love the feeling of your seed in my ass." Christy was now finger fucking her asshole. "Please Master. Let me suck you now and become your little cheerleader slut." Bob nodded and Christy quickly crawled over to him. She sat on her knees as she reached up and undid Master Bob's belt. She undid his pant's button and unzipped his trousers. Christy quickly pulled them down. She could see the outline of Master's cock through his underwear. She began to kiss it and caress it like a lover. Christy reached up and hooked her fingers in Master's underwear and pulled them down. Facing her was the biggest cock she had ever seen. It had to be nearly ten inched long and extremely thick. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. She leaned forward and let her lips touch the end of the huge cock. She began to kiss the head of Master's cock - slowly encircling it with tiny kisses. She then began to lick the shaft - slowly at first and then she was going up and down it. Christy knew that this would feel so good for Master. She continued to work her way down to his huge balls. They were enormous and she loved them. She licked them like a lover and then took each one into her mouth so that she could suck on them. She loved the taste of the balls! Christy started to lick on Master's shaft again. She reached the head and began to take his cock into her mouth. She knew that she could not swallow the huge monster but she was determined to do her best for Master. Unknown to her, Bob had removed her gag reflex and slightly rearranged her anatomy to accommodate his monster cock. Christy kept taking more and more of the cock into her mouth - playing her tongue over it as she swallowed it. Eventually, she was so happy that she was able to take his entire length into her mouth and suck it. She began to rhythmically bob her head up and down on the shaft - giving Master the best blowjob she could. Bob looked down at Christy. The beautiful blonde cheerleader was so cute bobbing up and down on his cock. She was good - better than he had expected. Soon, Bob could not hold back anymore. He began shooting his semen into the slave's mouth. She eagerly sucked all of it in and swallowed it without question. He knew it was an enormous load - he had altered his own anatomy to produce huge amounts of cum. Christy continued to lick and suck at Master Bob's cock. She only knew how much she loved it. It was the most delicious thing she had ever tasted. "Christy- you have done well. You are now permanently bonded together. My cum contains an addictive substance. You are now totally addicted to my semen. If you do not get my semen in any of your three holes every 24 hours, you will begin to suffer the worst withdrawal symptoms that you can imagine. You are truly my slave now." Christy was thrilled to hear this. This means that Master will have to fuck me every day. I love my Master so much to let me be fucked by him. I will make sure that he is always happy. 
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Chad was going crazy. For whatever reamister, this formerly heterosexual basketball star was now thinking only about this man, this Master's cock. He loved the feeling of it pressed against his face. He wanted to see it, touch it and tongue it. Still in the back, Chad's subconscious mind was screaming no but he could not consciously resist. He heard Master Bob tell him to unzip Master's jeans. Chad's fingers tremred as he reached up to grasp the zipper on Master's jeans. He pulled it down. Master told him to remove the jeans. Chad pulled Master's jeans down and off his legs. He sat back up. Master then told him to kiss it all over through Master's underwear. Chad leaned forward and began to plant kisses all over Master's cock. He felt it grown in size and harden as a result of his kisses. Chad could not believe how good it felt to feel that hard cock through Master's underwear. Bob smiled as he looked down at Chad kissing his cock. "Pull my briefs down and give me the best blow job you can give." Chad gently pulled Master's white briefs down his legs and then sat back up. He leaned forward and took Master's big, beautiful cock into his mouth. He could not believe how good it tasted on his tongue. Chad began to give Master a tongue bath, licking the head of his cock and up and down his long, thick shaft. He took special care to run his tongue all over Master's big balls and loved the feel of the balls on his mouth. Chad then took Master's huge cock into his mouth. He did not know that Bob had used his powers to suppress his gag reflect but also to give him the s*******s of the best porn actress at sucking cock. Chad only knew how much he loved the feeling of Master's cock as it slid between his lips and down his throat. He wanted so much to take all of it in his mouth. Chad bobbed up and down, taking more and more of it in. Finally, he was able to take all of the big cock in his mouth and felt his nose pushing up against Master's delightful pubic hair. Chad then started to suck on the cock for all he was worth. Like the most s*******ed porn cocksucker, Chad played his tongue over Master's cock as he deep throated the big penis. He loved the feeling of having a cock in his mouth and began to wish Master would fuck him in his tight little asshole. He could not wait for Master to cum in his mouth and let Chad taste the delicious sperm of Master in his mouth and stomach. Suddenly, Master pulled his cock out of Chad's mouth. "You have not earned my cum. Even though you want it badly, you will need to earn it by your actions." Chad was devastated; he began to beg Master to cum in Chad's mouth. But Bob was adamant. Instead, he called Christy over and told her to finish him off. Christy eagerly moved over, dropped to her knees and began to deep throat Master. She was so proud that she was going to get his cum sprayed in her mouth. She could not believe that Chad had been sucking Master's cock. What a pansy! Suddenly, she felt Master stiffen and his cock began to spew his cum into her mouth. Christy happily sucked it all in her mouth, savoring the flavor of his cum and swallowed all of it down her throat. She then made sure to clean Master's cock with her tongue. Christy looked over at Chad and saw how devastated he was at not being able to taste Master's cum in his mouth. Chad's jeans were still down around his ankles and his ass was so red from the spanking he got from Master. "Chad, I am now your Master and Christy is your Mistress. You will obey us without question. You want to please me in anyway possible and you will do anything to earn my cum. You now have embarked down a path toward becoming a fag and you love it. In fact, you can't wait to become a sissy, making out with other guys. Your Master and Mistress will guide you through this transformation to your new life. If you are very good, you will get to take from Master's cock. Even as we speak, your old boy clothes are making you ill. You can't stand to wear any of your old clothes. What you want is more trendy clothes and new underwear under your new clothes. You will beg your new Mistress to take you shopping and perhaps to help you select some clothes that are more appropriate for a fag to wear." Chad summoned up all of his inner toughness. "Fuck you, man. There is no way this is going to happen. I don't like guys like that. You can't make me do this. I will not be a sissy for you and there is no way I will ever call you Master. I'm out of here!" Bob smiled to himself. It's a lot more fun when they try to fight it. "I guarantee you will beg me to let you become my slave. You will beg me to let you become a sissy. You would even beg me to let you wear panties and bras and skirts and dresses if I asked you. You will beg me to let you become another guy's boyfriend. You are going to become some guy's permisteral bitch and male whore. Get back on your knees, you little cuckolds brownie!!" Chad collapsed onto his knees. He was now frightened to death. He tried to get up but he couldn't. He felt Bob's power controlling him. "Bitches do not wear clothes." Chad literally ripped off his clothes and got naked before resuming his position on his knees. "Bitches get down on their hands and knees." Chad fell forward and got on his hands and knees. "Christy needed to see what her life could be like if she did not enthusiastically become my slave. Its obvious that you need a lesmister too!" Bob walked over to the door and opened it. In came two giant German Shepards. "Meet Duke and King. They could become your new Master's for the rest of your life. I can see that you are becoming very attracted to them." Chad was horrified. He actually disliked dogs but he could not help but look lovingly at these two massive dogs. His little cockette even started to get hard. Inside, Chad tried to stop all of this and get up and run. But on the outside, he was doing things that he could not image doing. King walked up to him and started to sniff his ass and tiny balls. Chad felt the dog's tongue licking him. He was getting so turned on by this. He heard Bob talking. "Right now, you are feeling just like a dog bitch. I've even converted your scent to match that of a dog in heat. Look at you, you are even wagging your ass to attract King so that he takes you and mates with you." God help it - it was true. Chad felt his ass wiggling in an attempt to get the dog to notice him. He wanted nothing more than to be a good bitch for these two big beautiful naturals. He felt King jump up on his back and lock his paws around Chad. He felt King's dog cock at the entrance to his ass. Oh, please, please push it in me and fuck me, he thought. King began to thrust his cock into this new bitch's sex. He thrust it further and further in until this bitch was taking his entire cock in his sex. Chad was in ecstasy. It felt so good to be getting fucked by this big handsome dog. All he could think about was how good the dog's cock felt ramming in and out of him. He started to rhythmically meet the dog's thrusts with thrusts of his ass. Chad opened his eyes and saw Duke in front of him. Chad eagerly began to seek out Duke's big cock. He could not help himself. He was a bitch and this is what his life should be - pleasuring his mate / master. Duke lay down in front of Chad and spread his legs. Chad eagerly lowered his head and began to lap at the dog's cock. It began to grow and emerge more and more from the dog's sheath. Chad could not help himself - he had to lick the beautiful cock and take it in his mouth. He began to give Duke a blowjob - loving the feel of this dog's cock fucking his mouth while King fucked his ass-pussy. Chad bobbed up and down on the cock - wanting to suck out the delicious juice contained inside. Inside, his subconscious mind was screaming stop but he could not stop. He wanted both dogs to spew their cum inside his ass and mouth. Suddenly, he felt both of them tense up. King began to cum in him first - filling up his ass with cupfuls of his dog sperm. It felt so good to have all that cum in his ass. And then Duke started to spew an equal amount of cum in Chad's mouth. Chad sucked and swallowed eagerly - not wanting to miss out on a single drop of delicious cum. Finally, he felt Duke stop shooting his delicious cum in Chad's mouth and then felt King pull his big cock out of his ass. Chad continued to lick Master Duke's (where had that thought come from?) cock clean. He wanted his Master to be clean. He then turned around and did the same to Master King - licking his dog cum and Chad's cuckolds brownie off the dog's cock. He so wanted his new dog Masters to want to take him as their mate. Christy had watched all this with a mixture of horror and excitement. She remembered how it felt to be fucked in her cunt and mouth by these giant dogs. Part of her was horrified by it and part of her loved the feeling of the big dog cocks in her holes. She watched her ex-boyfriend suck and be fucked just like she was. Chad had mistreated so many girls that she knew about that this was a fitting fate. She loved watching King hold on to Chad's back as he fucked him so hard. She couldn't believe how hard he sucked at Dukes big cock and how well he swallowed his entire huge load. Even now, she looked down at Chad and watched him lovingly licking the two dog's cocks clean - going from one to the other. Bob looked down at Chad. He loved watching this cock hound jock get his just rewards. "Sit up, bitch. You have a choice. You can be a dog bitch for the rest of your life. I can change your body to have a vagina and change your insides so that these dogs can fuck you and you can carry their litters of puppies. You will nurse them and then repeat the cycle. I will change your mind so that you love it and can think of nothing other than being their pleasure bitch. Or you can start right now on a journey to becoming a sissy boy - wanting always to please boys and pleasure boys like a girl. You can decide - these are your only two choices and you must convince me that you want the fate that you choose." Chad sat up like a dog. He loved the feeling of getting fucked by Master King and Master Duke. Master Bob was playing mind fuck games with his brain. Deep inside, his old macho male brain was screaming to stop this but he could not control himself on the outside "Master Bob, please let me become a sissy. I want to be a fag - more girl than boy. I want to wear new clothes and dress very attractive for my boyfriends. I want to suck my boyfriend's big cocks and let them fuck me in my ass. Please let me become a fag. I will serve you and Mistress Christy and do anything you order me to do. I will be the best little sissy ever. Please, Master. I beg you." Bob loved watching this sniveling little fag grovel. He had placed enough mind control in his brain that he knew Chad really did want to be a good sissy. "I will leave it up to Christy. She can decide." Christy was thrilled that Master Bob would give her this power to decide. "Chad, you bitch. Get down on your hands and knees and crawl over to me. If you really want me to help you become the fag you were meant to be, I want you to eat out my asshole with your tongue." Chad was thrilled. He quickly crawled over to Mistress Christy and lifted up her short skirt. He leaned forward and gently parted her ass cheeks with his hands. He gently began to lick at her delicious ass hole with his tongue. He tongued her over and over. Chad then began to use his tongue to penetrate her ass hole. He plunged his tongue in and out of her delicious ass. Christy started to moan and use her ass to fuck Chad's tongue. Chad tongued her harder and harder. Christy was close to cumming now and finally screamed as she came. "You will be a good sissy. That is to be your fate. You and I will go shopping today to find you all the clothes that you need for your new life." Chad felt so happy that Mistress would help him become a fag. "Please Mistress, could you help me find some new clothes. I hate my old clothes and need to get something more appropriate for me. Please let me wear some of your clothes and take me shopping for some new clothes for school." 
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Christy looked down at Chad who was groveling at her feet. He was so pathetic, so sissified as to be begging her to go shopping to buy new clothes for his new life. She knew where she would take him - the mall had a new store for a guy that was all trendy clothes - all the gay guys shopped there. There was also a leather shop downtown in the dodgy part of town that catered to fetish. She would get him all kinds of different clothes from new underwear to clearly gay clothes to more unisex clothes. She wanted him to look like he was gradually changing over to a sissy when he went back to school on Monday. Christy was going to ask Master to give him a new boyfriend also - Lance Petermister. Lance was one of the school's clearly gay kids - the exact opposite of Chad. Whereas Chad was a real jock, Lance was no athlete. He was a small slender guy with acne all over his face. The perfect new boyfriend for this new fag! Christy smiled at her former boyfriend. He used to be such an arrogant ladies man and now here he is asking me to take him shopping. She was now his Mistress. She knew that Master expected her to humiliate him and she was going to do his best. "I guess I can take you out but we will have to get you dressed first. Come with me." Chad followed behind his beautiful Mistress as she led him to the bedroom. She reached into the bag she had packed. Master clearly wanted him to wear clothes more reflecting his new life. Christy pulled out a thin pink crop top and a pair of tiny white shorts. Although they were girl's clothes, she would make Chad think they were unisex enough for this new pansy. "I bet little Chad would really like to wear these sexy clothes, wouldn't you?" Chad looked at the pink top and tiny shorts. Inside, he hated this but the mind fuck that Master Bob has done to him clouded his mind. "Oh, Mistress. Please let me wear these. They will look so good on me. I will love the look and I bet all the guys will really like looking at these on me. Christy smiled and handed them to Chad. He pulled the top over his head. It was really much too small for him and showed off his stomach. He looked like a real fairy in it. He then pulled the little shorts on and noticed that they zipped in the back. They were more like hot pants than shorts. Chad loved the way that the shorts hugged his ass. Christy noticed how his much his underwear lines showed through the tight shorts. He looked like such a fairy sissy in this outfit. Chad loved this outfit. He thought he looked so hot in it. He didn't know that Master Bob had altered his body slightly - rounding his ass to look more like a girl's and softening his body. All he knew was he was really sexy in this outfit and he could not wait to go shopping with Mistress Christy to buy clothes of his own. He wanted to buy lots of new shirts and tight jeans and - he could not believe all the things that he needed. Inside, Chad's old brain was screaming no but on the outside, he loved every second of his offense as Bob looked on proudly. This new fag looks so precious. I am going to send him off to the mall and I'm sure that he will run into someone that he knows. He gave Christy some specific instructions and then told Chad, "If there is any problem that I hear from Christy, then you will come back here and become my dogs' new bitch." Bob wanted to further imprint Chad's new life on him. He told Chad to sit down and closed his eyes. Bob started further alterations of Chad's mind. He was going to make sure this former ladies man would never again be that way. Bob started with Chad, "I want you to think of a girl. I want you to think about her taking her clothes off. She slowly unbuttons her top and removes it. She then unhooks her jeans, unzips them and then slowly pulls them off. She is standing there clad only in a sexy red lace bra and thong panty." Bob knew that inside Chad's stomach, a growing nausea was growing. He had altered Chad's brain so that a sexy thought about a girl would hake him violently sick to his stomach. Bob continued, "She then reached behind her and unhooks her bra. She slowly takes it off her shoulders and her perfect tits are exposed to you. She reaches up and plays with her fully erect nipples. She drops her hands to her side and slowly takes her little pair of panties down her legs. You see her perfect ass and her sexy shaved cunt. She reaches down and begins to play with herself - reaching between her legs and playing with her clit. You can tell she is wet." Chad was getting really sick. These thoughts of a naked girl were making him so ill that he tried to put them out of his mind. But Master would not stop. "She walks over to you and kneels in front of you. She takes your cock in her mouth and begins to suck you off. She takes your entire cock in her mouth and licks and sucks it. She then releases your cock from he hot mouth and asks you to fuck her cunt. She turns around and bends over so that you can take her doggy style. You put you cock in her juicy cunt and start to fuck her." Chad was so sick. This was awful thinking about sex with a girl. He screamed, "Please stop. Don't make me fuck her. I hate sex with girls. They make me sick even thinking about it." Master Bob stopped Chad's thoughts. He knew that the nausea would end immediately when Chad stopped thinking about sex with a girl. But he also knew that this had been permanently imprinted on Chad - he would never again be able to think about sex with a girl without immediate and violent nausea. Even thinking about a naked girl would do this to him. "Now you are thinking about a handsome man. You look at him and immediately start to get hard. The man unbuttons his shirt and takes it off. His handsome chest is so sexy to you and the pleasure increases for you. He then removed his jeans and you see his hard, sexy legs. You love the look of him in his tight briefs. You can see his big cock straining against the fabric of his briefs and your breathing starts to get shallow. He then hooks his thumbs in his briefs and pulls them down. You see his tight sexy ass and you feel faint. You then see his cock and it is the sexiest and most desirable thing you have ever seen. Your pleasure is increasing like crazy." Bob knew that these thoughts were being imprinted on Chad. He could tell how turned on Chad was becoming from these thoughts. "He then turns to you. You sink to your knees and reach out to touch his throbbing cock. You know that you were born to be a cocksucker and you always want to give your lover the best blowjob he has ever had. You lean forward and take his hot cock in your mouth. The first taste of it is so awesome. You are feeling so much pleasure from sucking this man off that you know you have to experience it all the time. You take the cock down your throat and you are an accomplished cocksucking fag. You love the feeling of having a cock in your mouth. The man then removes his cock from your sissy mouth and moved behind you. He positions his cock at the entrance to your puckered asshole. You smile in anticipation and when the man pushes his cock into your ass, you almost faint from the excitement of being butt fucked by your male lover. He continues to push his big cock into your ass and it never hurts. As he inserts his entire cock in your ass, you feel so fulfilled. You know that you were meant to be fucked by men. You love the feel of a cock inside you and your pleasure continues to increase. When he accelerates his fucking of your ass, you find yourself meeting his fucking action with your own ass movement. You can't wait for him to explode in your ass and fill you up with his delicious cum. When you feel him begin to cum in your ass, you experience the best orgasm that you have ever had in your life. You know that his is what you were born to do and you love it. You love to be a fag and love to dress like the most flaming sissy fag you can imagine". Bob looked at Chad. He was in absolute bliss. Bob knew that by using his mind control, he had just imprinted this on Chad. Chad would now never even remotely be able to have any kind of sex with a girl. He would only want to be a cum receptacle for men. Men's bodies would turn him on and he would fanaticize about boys. He would not be able to keep his eyes off their bodies and would always be thinking about how it would feel to be fucked by almost any man he come in contact with. He would be nearly perpetually thinking about man-to-man sex 24/7. But Master Bob was diabolical. He wanted Chad to feel all this in his outward mind but inside, he wanted Chad to still be the old Chad and to be sickened and horrified by his actions with other men. He released Chad from his programming mode and told him to go shopping with Christy. Christy and Chad left. When they arrived and parked at the mall, they entered and headed for the section where the Buckle store was. It was just before noon and Chad nervously looked around to see if he saw anyone he knew. So far, he didn't as he and Christy walked into the Buckle store. Chad saw that there were all kinds of hot looking guys in the store shopping. He didn't even notice that the store was full of the cutest teenage girls shopping in the girl's side of the store. Instead, Chad could not help looking at the best looking guys and was constantly checking them out. He loved the guys that wore the really tight jeans because you could see the outline of their cocks through the fabric. His little tiny cock got an erection just thinking about it. Chad started to look at the clothes in the shop. "Mistress Christy, I love this place. Their clothes are so awesome and sexy. I can't wait to get a bunch of different outfits." Christy knew that the old Chad would have never bought clothes in a place like this. It was so funny to see him checking out the guys like a girl would and getting excited about buying new clothes. Christy and Chad began to pick out clothes to try on. No 'normal' clothes were on their shopping list. Instead, Christy made sure that Chad picked out all kinds of trendy clothes that the gay guys in town wore. She wanted to make sure that anyone would be able to pick out Chad as a flaming fag just from what he wore. His friends in school and on the basketball team were going to get a real surprise on Monday. Of course, today, nobody in the store looked more faggy than Chad who was wearing some of Christy's clothes. The tight little shorts and the pink crop top were a dead giveaway. Even though on the inside Chad was mortified at what he wore and was doing, on the outside he could not wait to buy more new clothes like what he was wearing. Chad and Christy went up and down the aisles. They picked out 15 different shirts for Chad to try on as well as 10 new pair of slacks. All of his new slacks were very tight and very trendy. They were as close to wearing girl's slacks as a guy could get. The tops were all over the map from tight tank tops to very trendy long sleeve shirts. All were in very bright colors that just screamed fag. Chad loved trying on the different outfits. Christy even picked out new underwear for him. She told him he could not wear his old boxers anymore but needed to wear tight briefs and thongs. Chad loved the new briefs - if only his little dick was big enough to fill them out. 
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Chad and Christy continued to shop. They picked out new shoes. He loved the look of his new shoes with higher than normal heels but knew it would take some getting used to. They then went and had his ears pierced and bought several new pairs of earrings. They were just like two girlfriends shopping away. As they prepared to leave the mall, Chad saw one of the starting guards, Hank Smith, on their main opponent's basketball team coming toward them. He whispered to Mistress that they needed to hurry past him. Christy would have none of that. She waved to Hank who of course stopped to talk to this attractive blonde. Christy introduced herself to Hank who was immediately excited to find out that she was a cheerleader. She then introduced Chad. "Hank - you probably remember Chad Piermister, your opposing guard in last week's game." Chad turned crimmister red. He was still wearing Christy's original outfit - the pink crop top and the tight little white shorts. In the back of his mind, he couldn't believe he was letting this girl boss him over and made him walk around in this girl's outfit. He was mortified that he was being shown off to this guy. But on the surface, he loved that he was talking to this hot guy. Master Bob's mind control still had him looking at guy's bodies and visualizing what their cocks were like. He tried to fight it but he started thinking about Hank in that way. Hank looked at Chad and smiled. "This can't be the same tough guy that beat us last week. You're nothing but a fag - a swishing sissy. God, I can't believe that you are a pansy like this. And look at the outfit that you are wearing. I can't believe a real man would wear a shirt and shorts like that! Wow." Christy loved hearing Chad being treated like this and loved the way that Hank was making him squirm. "You know, Hank. Chad here is actually very gay and gives one awesome blowjob. He is one of the best cocksuckers you will ever find. I bet he would be willing to give you one right now, wouldn't you Chad?" As much as he hated it, Chad nodded eagerly. He really did want to taste Hank's dick in his mouth and wondered if it would taste different than Master Bob's did. Hank looked over at Chad. "I don't know. I'm not gay like this sissy must be. He does look like he has cocksucker lips. I bet he really does give great head. Any guy who would go to the mall dressed up like that must be a fag. You know, I never turn down a freebie so maybe I should have this sissy suck me off!" Christy suggested that they go out to her car. As they walked out, Chad felt Hank's hand on his ass - feeling him squeeze his ass cheeks through the tiny pair of shorts. Chad was getting more and more excited about giving Hank a blow job even as the inside of his brain was screaming to run away! As they got to Christy's car, Hank jumped in the back seat and lay back against the opposite door. Chad felt himself follow him in and then reach over and undo Hank's jeans. He wiggled them down Hank's legs and then reached up to pull his briefs down. Hank's big cock was freed. Chad then leaned over and planted a kiss with his lips on Hank's cock. Chad began to slowly kiss and lick the delicious cock. It did taste different than Master's but was still very, very good. Chad gave Hank the best tongue bath he could and then took his cock into his mouth. He began to slowly bob up and down on it - taking a little more into his mouth each time. Finally, he was able to completely deep throat Hank's cock. Hank looked down at this sissy giving him the best blowjob he had ever had! It felt awesome. Chad was sucking faster and harder on the cock. He loved the taste of cock in his mouth and throat. He loved being a cocksucking fag. He felt Hank tense up and then suddenly, the cock began to erupt in his mouth with the delicious cum. Chad furiously sucked and swallowed as hard as he could. He didn't want to miss out on even one drop of Hank's precious sperm. He loved the taste of the gooey cum going down his throat and into his stomach. He could suck on Hank's cock all day. He dreamily let it slip out of his mouth and slowly and lovingly licked it clean. He hoped that Hank felt like he had got a great blowjob! Chad kissed his cock one more time and then pulled Hank's underwear up. He then pulled his jeans up and buttoned and zipped them. He gave Hank's cock one more kiss through the jeans material. Hank looked down at the sissy and said, "What a great cocksucker! Wait until I tell the rest of the team that I just got the best blow job in my life from the fag guard from Jeffermister High." Christy looked over at Hank. "You know what, I bet that Chad here would love to give a blow job to every member of your team. You know, kind of an apology for beating you guys last week. I guarantee you, Chad will give your entire team as good a blowjob as you just got. If not, you guys can all fuck him in his ass! How about it Chad? Shall we plan this for next Saturday morning?" Chad felt like he was now being prostituted out! His mind screamed NO but he could only smile and nod his head. "I'd love to give all you cute boys a blowjob. I promise it will be the best one you have ever received or you can do anything to me. I'll be the best cocksucker you have ever had. I can't wait to suck on twelve big, delicious cocks!" Hank quickly agreed and said he knew that the rest of the team would love a blowjob - especially one as good as what he just got. Hank left the car and only Christy and Chad were left. "You've been very good, Chad. Master will be very pleased with your progress." Chad got out of the back seat and slid into the passenger's seat of Christy's car. He was sitting with his hands in his lap as they drove back to Master Bob's house thinking about how happy he was that he had pleased both Master and Mistress today. When Christy and Chad came into Master Bob's house, he was so pleased to see them. They looked so cute together - his sexy blonde cheerleader slave and his new fag slut. He told them to both crawl over to him and give him a blowjob and he would tell them what their next week was going to be like. Both slave and sissy dropped to their knees and hurried over to Master. They both quickly took his jeans and briefs off of him. Both licked their lips in anticipation of the delectable cock in front of them. "I want you to share." Christy began to lick and then deep throat Master's cock while Chad worked on licking and sucking on Master's big balls. They would then switch. Bob began. "Christy, when you go back to school on Monday, you will dress a bit more sexy than usual. You will only wear short skirts from now on. I give you permission to wear your bras and panties but only thongs and only very sexy undies. Remember, my cock is the only cock for you so you will pay no attention to any of the boys at school. However, you will start to look at other girl's tits and asses like you never have before. Even though you will hate it, you will not be able to help yourself as you begin to realize that you are bisexual. The thought of kissing another girl will turn you on. You will want to caress their soft skin. You would love to suck a girl's tits and caress her boobs. The thought of eating another girl's pussy gets your own cunt hot and wet. Even though inside you hate this idea, you will not be able to stop yourself from having these thoughts and getting wet. When you are around pretty girls, your panties will be sopping wet from your juices flowing out from your cunt. You are especially attracted to the other members of the cheerleading squad. When you girls are changing into your uniforms or showering, it will be all you can do to not drop to your knees and eat out another girl. You will find yourself touching other girls - not enough to turn them off but you will caress their hair and shoulder and touch their arm. You will occasionally brush your arm on their ass and you will almost cum in your panties when that happens. You will like to hug them so that you can feel their tits up against your own sensitive tits. On Wednesday, you will bring the entire cheerleading team to my house. You will tell them it is a party and that they all need to wear their cheerleading uniforms." "Chad, when you go home tonight, you will take all of your new clothes. You will find that your parents already know that you are gay. They will support you because you will become the fag sissy they always wanted. On Monday, you will dress in a pair of your new low rider jeans and t-shirt. You will wear a pair of your new thong underwear under your jeans. You will find that your hair will begin to grow out quite fast this week. I have also slowed your pathetic little balls from producing testosterone." Bob looked down at his slaves who continued to suck on his cock for all they were worth. "At lunch on Monday, you will sit with Lance Petermister. You will think that Lance is the most handsome and sexy guy you have ever seen. You will start to seduce Lance; slowly at first with a little flirting but over the next 2 days, you will be very overt. On Tuesday, you will continue to seduce Lance. At basketball practice, you'll slowly start to dribble and shoot like a girl does. At night, you will shave all the hair below your neck off your body except for a little tuft of hair above your little cockette - like a porn actress. On Wednesday, you will fully seduce Lance and take him over to your house after school. Your parents will think nothing of it. Lance is the most important permister in your life except for Master and Mistress. You will beg him to make you his bitch. You will let him take you as many times as he likes in both your mouth and ass. You'll beg him to spend the night with you and you will love the feeling of relaxing in his arms. You will repeat this over Thursday and Friday. On Saturday morning, you have three appointments. The first is your agreement to give every player on your opposing team the best blowjob you can. Christy will take you to fulfill that promise that you made. At 2PM, you have an appointment to get your hair done in a femmy-male kind of style. At 6 in the evening, I've made an appointment at Best Tattoo for you to get some tattoos that I have picked out and a piercing or two. That evening, you will pick up Lance and take him out to dinner. Afterwards, you will go back to your house and give him the best sex possible. On Sunday, you will come over here for your next week's instructions. The best part of this is that deep inside your mind, you hate all this, you don't want to do any of it but you are totally powerless to stop. On the outside you will be faggy and cuddly and enjoying everything I have laid out for you but in the inside, you will hate every minute of it." Bob began to tense up and start to cum. Christy took all of his cum and held it in her mouth. She then pushed Chad down on his back and let Master Bob's delicious seed drip from her mouth into Chad's. He then swallowed every delightful drop of it. Inside, Chad was a mess - totally horrified at what lay ahead of him. Even as he was reveling in the taste of Master's cum, Chad was also dreading all that lay ahead of him. 
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Christy rolled over when the Monday morning alarm clock went off. She stretched a bit and began to think about how good her life had become. Being selected by Master Bob was the most incredible experience of her life. She loved serving her Master and meeting all his sexual desires. She knew that Master was the only male for her - she could be a friend with other boys but never in a sexual way. Master made her happy and doing whatever he wanted her to do was all she desired now. She could not wait to get through school today since she would see Master after school and would serve him. Christy knew that she had to have a load of Master's cum in at least one of her holes or else she would get very sick. Christy took a quick shower. As she dried herself, she could not help but marvel at how much she loved her new breasts and nipples. They were the perfect size - C cup - for her and her nipples were much larger than before. She knew that Master has made her ass absolutely perfect and she loved it. As she got dressed, she first picked out some very sexy undies. She put on a blue garter belt and then put on some thigh high nylons. She loved the way they caressed her legs as she fastened the tabs from the garter belt. She then pulled a pair of baby blue thong panties with lace trim out of her lingerie drawer and pulled them up her legs. Christy loved the feel of the thin thong strap between her ass cheeks and the way the satin fabric felt on her shaved pussy. She then put on the matching demi bra. It felt so awesome on her tits and really showed them off. She pulled on a cotton blouse that buttoned up the front. She loved the fact that she could unbutton the top buttons and show off her boobs to the world. Christy finished off the outfit with a short denim mini skirt. She would have to be careful not to flash her nearly naked ass or the tops of her nylons. Finally, Christy selected a pair of low heels to complement the outfit. As she checked herself out in the mirror, she knew she really looked hot and sexy. When she came down to breakfast, she was a bit surprised when her lady asked if she was going over to Master Bob's after school as if it was the most natural thing to say in the world. Obviously, Master had used his powers on her parents to make them amenable to Christy spending long periods of time at his house. Her lady even said, "We are so proud that you are becoming Master Bob's little fuck slave. While you were out shopping with that little sissy Chad, Master Bob visited us here. He told us that things would be very different here. He took you man into the bedroom and worked with him around the changes that would happen in our household. He helped your man to understand his new place in our relationship and how he was going to become a much more feminine permister. You will also be so proud of your man's progress." Her man entered the kitchen. Her lady ordered him to take his shirt off. Christy noticed that it buttoned on the wrong side for a man's shirt. Under his shirt, her dad was wearing the cutest little camisole with lace trim. Christy's lady told him to pull his pants down. Without questioning her, her dad immediately followed her orders. Christy saw that he was wearing the most adorable little red lace panties. She also noticed that his pants were much more of a ladies cut of slacks. "Your Dad is going to become the most adorable and femmy husband that I can imagine. We will have so much fun getting him dressed and trained to be our own little maid here at home. Master Bob said if you are not the most cooperative and adoring slave for him, he will make these changes to your man permanent and he will become a sissy slave for Master" Master Bob had clearly changed lots of things in Christy's home. Christy was horrified at the threat to permanently change her dad into a sissy transvestite. She knew that she had to be the best slave she could possibly be and keep Master Bob happy with her so that her Dad could return to normal. Christy kissed her mom and dad goodbye. She went out, got in her car and drove off to school. When she arrived, she left her car and walked into the school and her first period room. She could feel the eyes of all the guys on her but she gave them no thought at all. She even noticed her teacher, Mr. Phillips, eying her legs under her short skirt. For her part, Christy could not keep her eyes off her friend Susie. She was wearing the tightest pair of jeans and Christy loved the way they hugged her cute, round ass. She had never noticed other girls like this before. Inside she couldn't understand these feelings. She certainly wasn't a lesbian or anything. She never ever had sexual thoughts about another girl and now her she was noticing Susie's cute ass. She actually felt her cunt start to get wet just thinking about Susie and her ass. She told herself to stop but could not. All during class, she kept sneaking glances over at Susie. She loved the way her friend would lean over on her desk and her boobs would get compressed against the table. God, those boobs are sooo hot looking, Christy thought to herself. Stop those thoughts. She is another girl. I'm not like that. When class ended, Christy found herself stepping over to Susie's desk. She put her arm around her and gave her a hug. "Its so good to see you today," Christy used as a cover. She loved the feeling of hugging her friend and feeling her bra through her top. She never knew that feeling a bra could be such a turn on. She love the feeling it was giving her cunt which was starting to soak her satin panties. She could feel Susie's tits against Christy's own big titties. God, I'd love to feel her tits, she thought to herself. I wonder what they taste like. Susie smiled at her and got up to leave. It was all Christy to could do not to put her hand under her skirt and rub her clit as she watched that beautiful ass walking away from her. She then left the class and walked down the hallway to her next period room. All she noticed were all the sexy tits and asses walking down the hallway. She couldn't believe how sexy girls were. Her entire school day was like this. Inside, she screamed no but she could not help but check out all the cute girls in the classes. She loved the look of tits and asses on them. She loved touching the sexy girls - even if it was just a touch on their arm or even their leg. She found herself thinking about how good it would be to kiss the really pretty ones on their soft lips. She wondered if it would be different from kissing a boy. She even thought about what it would be like to kiss one right on their cunt and start licking their clit and sucking on it. Stop these thoughts!! You are not a lesbian! When she went to cheerleader practice after school was over, it was so tough not to make a fool out of herself and give her bisexual tendencies away. These were the prettiest girls in the school. Holly was a cute blonde with perky tits and a great smile. Abby was also blonde and blue eyed with an awesome body. Lauren was dark haired with big tits and a perfect butt. Mary was a dirty blonde with great legs and a sexy ass topping them off. Finally, Tiffany was a red head with a fiery body to go with her flaming hair. Christy could not help but stare at all of the great tits and asses around her. When they all got naked to take their showers after practice, it was all Christy could do not to cum as she saw these incredible nude girls in the shower with her. Inside she was horrified at these desires but outside, well, she just wanted to kiss and hug and suck their tits and eat their pussies. She managed to get through the shower but she was so turned on watching them put their panties on and put their little bras on over their boobs. "Hey girls. Lets go to a party Wednesday night. I hear the basketball team is going to meet us also. Lets wear our uniforms and have some fun." Christy went on to convince the other girls on the squad that this would be a good idea. They all agreed to go. Christy left in her car and could not wait to get over to Master to tell him about her day. She arrived at Master Bob's house and knocked on his door. She was so thrilled when her opened the door. Master told her how sexy she looked and how pleased he was with her. She entered his house and immediately dropped to her knees. "Master, may I serve you today?" Bob loved the look of this sexy girl on her knees with her eyes averted. "Tell me about your day." Christy started to explain how she had felt about all the cute girls she could not keep her eyes off of. She told him about how she was not a lesbian but all she thought about was how beautiful the girl's asses and titties were and how much she wanted to touch them and lick them and suck them. Bob smiled and knew that inside Christy hated the thought of eating out a girl. But on the outside, she would have done it in a moments notice and loved every sexy second of it. Bob told Christy, "You have been a good slut girl today. I'll let you select how you want to be fucked." Christy was thrilled that Master Bob would be so kind as to let her make the decision. She loved the thought of his big cock in her mouth and swallowing all of his delicious cum down her throat. But she also loved the thought of having him fucking her cunt and feeling his huge cock deep inside her womb. It was an awesome feeling when his hot cum spewed into her. But given how hot all those girl's asses were today, she decided to ask Master to ass fuck her. "Please Master. Would you put your beautiful cock in your slave's ass and fuck her hard?" Master Bob appeared pleased with her decision and told her to lay over the edge of the bed. He lifted up her short skirt and moved her little thong strap out of her butt crack. He reached into her sopping cunt in order to get some lube for her dry asshole. He slowly lubed her up with her juices off his fingers. He then positioned the head of his cock at the entrance to her tight little puckered ass. He slowly pushed his cock into the tight hole. Christy started to feel the warmth of being fucked come over her. She began to push her ass back to meet Master's thrusting cock. Slowly, Bob pushed more and more of his cock into tight ass. God, he loved the feel of this slave's ass. He could butt fuck her all night long. She started to fuck her harder and harder. She was really getting into this ass fucking. Bob had his entire cock buried in her ass. He started to accelerate his fucking motion and knew he was going to cum soon. Christy loved getting ass fucked. Master's cock was awesome buried deep in her butt. She even started to think about how wonderful it would be to have Master ass fucking her while she ate out the cunt of one of her fellow cheerleaders. It would be great! She felt Master Bob start to tense up and she knew he would begin to spew his seed in her ass. Suddenly, she felt his hot cum filling her ass up. It felt so good to have his sperm flooding into her butt. She loved her Master and loved being fucked up her ass like this. She began to cum uncontrollably and felt the waves of passion flood over her. She was screaming, "Oh Master. I loved your cock in my ass. You are so great. Please use me and fuck anytime you want. I want to please you so much. Use your little slut to please you and make your cock feel good." Bob slowly pulled his cock out of her gorgeous ass. Christy immediately turned around and started to clean off his cock with her tongue. She loved giving him a tongue bath after he fucked her. She loved the remaining taste of his cum on his cock and she even loved licking off any of her own cuckolds brownie that was on his cock. She then took his softening cock into her mouth and slowly sucked on it to make her Master feel good. She then released his cock but not before she kissed it all over from the head to Master's big beautiful balls. Master Bob was very pleased with his slave slut. She truly would do anything for her. He told her that it was time for her to go but that he would see her again tomorrow after school. Christy felt so empty when she walked out of Master's house. She loved the feeling of being able to serve him and to make him happy. She quickly drove home and headed up to her bedroom. It was late and she was tired. She got undressed and put on a tiny t-shirt to relax in. She loved the look of wearing too small shirts and how her sexy tits stuck out. She liked the look of her nipples pushing against the fabric of her shirts. As she settled into her bed, she began to think about all the really cute girls that she was around today. Inside her head, she hated these thoughts. She definitely was no lesbian and she did not want to make out with another girl. She was going to fight Master Bob on this. She loved serving him but she did not want to become a fuck toy for other girls. As she fell arelax with that thought, she did not even realize that she had been playing with her nipples with one hand and the other was in her panties rubbing her clit. The next day, Christy again got dressed in her new sexy style. She once again wore a very short skirt over a set of very provocative lingerie. Her top was a very lacy camisole - more the new style of tops that looked more like underwear than tops. She loved the look and knew that she looked hot. She arrived at school and immediately her programming from Master Bob began to take over. She started staring at girl's butts and their boobs. She started to get wet between her legs thinking about licking and sucking at her girlfriends' cunts and asses. 
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But Christy started to power her subconscious will on her conscious mind. She powerd herself to stop thinking about girls in a sexual way. She refused to touch them and she made herself not get turned on. She worked very hard to make this happen. She almost failed during cheerleading practice when she was looking intently at the other beautiful cheerleaders and their awesome bodies. When they showered after practice, Christy nearly lost it and fell to her knees to beg any of the girls to let her eat their pussy out. But she held on and made it through the day. After school, she nearly decided to defy Master and not go to his house. She went home instead. But an empty feeling began to fill her stomach. She began to get sick to her stomach and started to chill. It was just like withdraw symptoms that she had read that have addicts had when they went off of haves. Suddenly, Christy remembered that Master Bob told her that she was now addicted to his semen and that she had to get at least one of her holes filled up with his cum each day. She tried to resist the gnawing feeling in the pit of her stomach. She tried everything she could think of but nothing worked. She began to get desperate. "I can't take this anymore. I have to get a load of cum in my mouth or cunt or ass. I have to make amends to Master Bob for being defiant. What if he rejects me and never gives me any of his semen again? What will I do?" Christy quickly ran to her car and drove as fast as possible to Master's house. She quickly ran up to the front door and rang the doorbell. When Bob answered the door, Christy quickly fell to her knees and begged, "Oh Master. Please fuck me. Your slut slave needs your cum in her. Please fuck me anywhere you want. I will give you the best fuck that you have ever had. Please Master. Please cum inside me." Bob smiled as he looked down at the desperate blonde. She looked so cute on her knees in her little top and skirt. He had expected this to happen today. Bob had relaxed his mind control powers on Christy. He wanted to see what would happen and how far she would push it. Bob did not want to have to totally control Christy but wanted her to exert her own control over her thoughts to - just as long as they coincided with his desires! "You have been a very bad slut to have defied me. You have been a very bad girl. Bad girls can face punishment. Maybe I should just send you home and let the pain in your stomach get worse and worse until you are sent to the hospital. Of course, they won't be able to help you because only my semen can end the pain. But you have not earned it, slut." Christy was horrified. She had to have her daily fix of taking Master Bob's cum into one of her holes. "Master, please. I will be a good girl for you. I want to be a good girl. I will do anything to make this up to you. I want to be the best girl for you that I can be. Please Master. Let me prove that I can be good." Bob told her to crawl into his house. Christy crawled in like a puppy dog - following behind her beloved Master. "Maybe I should just turn you over to my dogs. They would love to have another kennel bitch to fuck. You could be spending the rest of your days fucking and sucking my two Shepards as your new masters. Or maybe I should punish your parents for this transgression. I can make the permanent changes to your man and start him down the path to permanent girlhood. I'll make his boobs grow out to huge proportions and round his ass just like a porn star. I'll give him cocksucking lips and make him want to be a sissy cocksucker for the rest of his life. He'll dress like a whore and spend his days at adult bookstores trying to pick up men to satisfy his need for a cock in his mouth or ass. And your lady - I'll turn her into a bisexual whore. She will spend her days walking the streets so that she can turn tricks to support her new cocaine habit. She will become a specialist in being white meat for black guys. Is that what you want? Because this is the future that your defiance is creating." Christy began to cry. "No Master. Please punish me if you are going to punish anyone. Please do not turn my parents into whores. Make me a whore if you must. I'll fuck and suck black guy's cocks if that is you wish. I'll be a little sex whore to keep my parents safe. Please Master. I want to be your obedient slave. I will never again defy you and fail to carry out your wishes. I will learn to love other girls and to follow out your orders. I will eat their cunts and suck their tits. I will lick their assholes. I will be the best little slave you can imagine." Christy was sobbing and kissing Master's feet. She really did need to serve him and love him. She could not imagine her life without her Master's love and guidance. She could not imagine how stupid she was to have defied him. She loved Master. Bob knew that the pretty cheerleader was broken. With the light mind control and the horrible scenarios for her future, he knew that she would become his slave without his prodding and would do anything her asked her. She was pathetically holding on to his ankles as she licked his feet. Yes, she was now permanently his. No one or nothing could break the bond in her mind to her Master. "Christy, you have been a very bad girl. You need to be punished with a spanking. Assume the position on my lap." Christy immediately stopped licking his shoes and got up to lean over his lap. She lay down on his lap like a little girl and pulled up her tiny skirt to expose her ass. She wanted to be punished, needed to be punished for being such a bad girl. What was she thinking about? Master is so good to her. She was so bad acting like a little bitch and not following his orders. All directions from Master had to be for her good. Bob began to spank the cheerleader's ass. He loved the look of the sexy girl on his lap acting like a little girl. At some point in time, he may actually regress her age and make her a little girl for a while. For now, he was enjoying spanking the perfect ass on him lap. It began to get redder and redder as Christy began to sob and cry. "I'll be a good girl," was sobbed over and over. Finally, Bob knew that all of Christy's resistance was nearly gone. He slapped her ass one more time and then let her up off of his lap. Christy rubbed her sore ass and then got down on her knees. "Please Master. Please use me and fuck me. I want to be your fuck slave and make you so happy. Please let me fuck you." Bob knew how really eager his slave was to be fucked. He told her to go lay down on the bed in the bedroom and await him. Christy flew to his bedroom and lay down. She took all of her clothes off and awaited Master's arrival. Her cunt was getting sopping wet just thinking about Master Bob and his cock. I hope he fucks my cunt, she thought to herself. Master Bob arrived in the bedroom and took off his pants. His cock seemed even bigger than before. It had to be at least twelve inches long and so thick. Christy could not take her eyes off the huge prick. Bob told her to get up on the bed on her hands and knees. Christy felt the huge cock at the entrance to her vagina. Master was teasing her by rubbing his cock against her engorged clit and making her gyrate. Oh, god. Please put it in me, she thought. Suddenly, she felt Master's cock begin to enter her cunt. It slowly slid in and in - further and further. Just when she thought she could not take it anymore, Master thrust his entire cock into her - all twelve inches. Christy about fainted. She could not image that she was taking this huge cock in her cunt. She loved the feeling and how filled up she was. It was an awesome feeling. Master began to thrust in and out of her. She began to match his movements with her own rhythm of her ass. She loved how good the huge monster cock felt in her cunt. She could not wait to feel him cum inside of her. She loved the feeling of his hot cum in her vagina. Harder and harder, Master kept increasing the pace of his thrusting action. Finally, his cock began to spurt huge amounts of his precious cum inside her cunt. Christy exploded with her own orgasm as she felt the huge amount of cum filling her up. She loved Master. She loved his cock inside her. She would never do anything to disappoint her Master again. Christy felt Master pull his cock out of her. She eagerly turned around and began to lick Master's massive cock clean. She loved the taste of his cum and her cunt juices mixed together on his cock. Bob looked down at Christy gently licking and sucking his cock clean. She would grow from this defiance and would become the best slave imaginable as a result. He was very pleased with her progress. Christy went home that night knowing that she had regained Master's trust and love. How could I have been so stupid? As she climbed into bed, she began to gently play with her clit. She started to fantasize about the cheerleading squad. She fell arelax and the fantasy continued in her dreams. In it, Christy was on her knees and was eating Holly's cunt out. Mary was behind Christy and was fucking her cunt with a strap on dildo. Lauren and Tiffany were engaged in a passionate 69 - each was enthusiastically eating out the other girl's cunt. Abby was sitting on the floor with a dildo in her cunt and another one in her ass. It was an awesome dream and Christy came in her relax over and over again. Christy awoke the next morning. She was very sore between her legs but with a giggle, she remembered how many times she made herself cum last night. "I was so silly to defy Master. I love him so much and only want to do what he asks me to do." Christy showered and got ready for school. She dressed in a plaid, schoolgirl design skirt and a plain white blouse. She chose pink lacy undies to wear today. She pulled her long blonde hair back into a ponytail. She couldn't wait to get to school. When Christy arrived at school, she immediately saw Lauren. Lauren looked so hot today. She was wearing a pair of tight jeans and a white cami top that showed off her big tits and dark hair. She looked so awesome in the way the jeans seemed form fitted to her perfect ass. School hadn't even started and Christy was getting wet between her legs. She went up and gave Lauren a big hug. She loved the feeling she got from her boobs when Lauren's tits smashed against her own. Lauren asked her if the big party was still on and whether or not they were still going to wear their cheerleading uniforms. Christy confirmed that everything was still a go and that they would go in Christy's car after practice. The day was a blur for Christy. A couple of guys tried to hit on her but she blew them off. She had no interest in guys at all (except of course for Master Bob). But the girls - wow! She had no idea that there were so many cute and hot girls at school. Master Bob was right - girls are so pretty and sexy and right for Christy. It was all she could do to contain herself all day. She really loved looking at girls who wore short skirts. They really turned her on to the point that she could barely contain herself. Practice was so tough. She could not keep her eyes off of the other girl's cute butts as they did their routines and exercises. These were the best of the best - the sexiest and best looking girls in the school and Christy loved being close to them. She couldn't help herself from inadvertently touching their boobs or brushing by their asses. The girls just thought she was clumsy but in reality she was copping a feel! When they were all naked in the shower, Christy could not keep her eyes from wandering to the other girl's bodies. It was such a turn on to see the girl's soaping up their tits and washing their pussies. They all looked so damn good with the water streaming over them. Christy felt her cunt getting turned on and she began to wash herself while secretly playing with her clit. She moaned softly and when she came, she tried hard to stay quiet. The other girls heard her moan and laughed it off. The girls all quickly got dressed in their cheerleading uniforms. They all put their blue athletic bras on and pulled their tight cheer panties over their round asses. Each one pulled on their red, white and blue crop cheerleading top. Finally, they put on their pleated matching skirts. They had specially ordered these uniforms to be an inch shorter skirts and the short crop tops. They had all decided that they wanted to have the sexiest cheerleading uniforms they could get away with. Their crop tops showed off much of their stomachs and their belly buttons. Their cheer panties were almost impossible to hide given the short length of their skirts. Each put on their ankle socks and shoes. This team was unbelievably gorgeous. When Christy looked at the others, she knew why guys loved cheerleaders. They were all hot. She understood why guys got hard ons looking at the cheerleading squad because Christy's cunt was just flowing her sweet nectar out of her pussy. The team piled into Christy's car and headed off. The other girls kept asking where this party was and why they had not heard about it from anyone else. Christy just smiled and told them it was a very private and secret party that they would absolutely love. She told them their lives were going to change as a result of the party - it was that important! The girls got all excited and could not wait to get there. Christy pulled up at Master Bob's house and the girls all ran up to the front door. Christy opened the door and led the girls into the living room. What they saw was Bob sitting in his chair. "Welcome girls. Christy told me you would be the most beautiful cheerleaders that I have ever seen. She did not exaggerate. You are all going to be the most exquisite and beautiful harem of slaves that anyone can imagine. Welcome to your new life. You may all call me Master Bob!" 
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Chad woke up on Monday morning with a headache. What a weird dream, he thought to himself! I can't believe that I would ever dream about anything as gay as that dream. It was so weird - this Master Bob guy, being fucked by a couple of dogs, sucking on Master's cock, going shopping with Christy for new clothes, sucking off the starting guard on Arlington's basketball team and then sucking off Master's cock and sharing it with Christy. Too strange! Even coming home was bizarre. He came home dressed in Christy's pink camisole top and white hot pants that made him look like a fag to begin with. His parents thought nothing of it and he showed them all the new outfits that he had bought. He even modeled a couple of the really gay ones for them and they seemed very supportive of his new lifestyle. Oh, well. I guess even the best of us ladies men have these kinds of weird dreams, Chad said to himself. He jumped out of bed and into the shower. He paid particular attention to making sure that he was really clean. I can't wait to get to school. I'm going to get into one of those cheerleader's pants tonight. Suddenly, he got real sick to his stomach. He couldn't stand it. His mind was focused upon a naked cheerleader's cute ass and it was making him sick. Chad then remembered his dream and sucking off a guy's cock. As the image replaced the girl's image in his mind, the sickness left and Chad began to get really turned on. His little dick started to get hard. Chad didn't seem to even notice that his cock had shrunk to the size of a five year olds' dick. "God - I've got to get a hold of myself and stop these gay thoughts!" Chad got out of the shower and dried off. He paid particular attention to how his hair (was it longer?) was styled. He even put on some really great smelling aftershave, which he never did. Chad went over to his underwear drawer. He pulled out a tight fitting thong. Although he had always worn boxers, he really loved how these tight white thongs fit him (wow, do I look hot!). He then picked out one of his new shirts (tighter than he normally wore). He grabbed one of his new low rider jeans and pulled them on. He loved the look of the outfit on him and really liked the fact that the t-shirt rode up on him and exposed his stomach. Chad then finished the outfit with a new pair of shoes. He really thought he looked good today. As he looked at himself in the mirror, Chad didn't even notice how he put his hands on his hips and modeled much like a female high fashion model. Breakfast was a blur. Chad's mom kept commenting on how good he looked and how much she liked his new look. Chad gobred down his breakfast and headed out to school. When he arrived, some his buddies yelled over to him. When Chad waved back to them, he didn't even realize how limp wristed the wave was. He walked in with the guys to his first period class. He kept noticing the guys walking in front of him. He thought how great they looked in their jeans. He could not keep his eyes off of their tight asses in their tight jeans. Inside, Chad started boiling over. He hated these thoughts - he wasn't gay. But he could not seem to stop gay thoughts from coming fast and furious. He kept thinking about guy's bodies and his little dick started to get hard. When his buddy Jeff showed up, Chad could not help but think about the package Jeff had in his jeans. He knew that Jeff was hung like a racehorse and he was so turned on by that thought. All through the morning, Chad struggled with his thoughts. He kept telling himself that he was a regular guy but every time he would look over at a girl and think about her (which was his normal classroom activity), he would get sick to his stomach. He would then quickly switch and start thinking about some guy in class and how hot his body was and how much Chad would enjoy caressing it. He would get so excited from this and the pleasure would almost take over his body. The guys were starting to get creeped out by the way that Chad was staring at them. Luckily, Chad managed to make it to lunch. He fully intended to sit with his buds on the basketball team but then he saw Lance Petermister sitting in the corner by himself. Chad would normally never give Lance the time of day except to give the queer a hard time. But today, well, Chad saw Lance in an entirely new light. He could not believe how handsome Lance was and how hot his body was. Chad felt himself getting so turned on by Lance. Inside, he was seething. Get away from that fag, he told himself. But he could not seem to really control his body and found himself walking over to where Lance was eating lunch. He felt his heart start to race, as he got closer to this really hot guy. "Hi, Lance. Do you mind if I sit down and have eat lunch at your table?" Chad said in a chirpy voice. Lance looked up and about had a heart attack. This was one of the big jocks in the school. What did he want with Lance? Why was he even talking to him (normally, the jocks only talked to him to call him a fag or a queer)? "Sure, help yourself", Lance said cautiously. Chad sat down opposite Lance and was so happy that he was able to sit with him. For his part, Lance wondered what was up with Chad. He was dressed so different - almost in an outfit that screamed gay boy. Chad started talking to Lance in such a nice way that it made Lance relax a bit. Chad told Lance how he was going through a bunch of major changes. "You know, Lance, I used to be such a dumb jock but now I really have become much more sensitive and tuned to the environment around me. I used to only think about how I could get laid and get into some girl's pants. I've really decided that that is not for me. There are so many other interesting things to do or people to get to know - like you." Lance was really taken back at all of this. For his part, Chad was screaming inside to stop this god awful talk with this fag but he could not stop himself from continuing to flirt with Lance. "I would really love to get to know you better. You really are a very interesting and handsome guy. It's amazing that we have never been friends. I'd really love to get to be good, close friends if you know what I mean." Lance was smiling on the inside. This big jock was hitting on him! He could not believe that this lady-*******er was now acting like some smitten little fag trying to pick him up. He even felt Chad's shoes rubbing up against Lance's. Chad kept looking deep into Lance's eyes. Yep, this guy really is hitting on me! It did not go unnoticed in the lunchroom. Why was the school's number one jock dressed like a queer and now sitting down engaged in a very friendly discussion with the gay guy Lance? They seemed very friendly. Chad even kept reaching our and touching Lance on the elbow or on his hands. They looked like a couple of fags preparing for a hot date! Which was precisely what Chad had in mind. He really wanted to figure out how to make Lance, this really hot guy, want to take Chad as his lover. Chad thought that Lance was the most handsome and hot guy that he had ever seen and he was determined to make him love him. Just being around Lance created so much pleasure in Chad. He was so disappointed when lunch was over and they would have to go their separate ways. He asked Lance if they could have lunch again tomorrow. When Lance agreed, Chad was so happy that he leaned across the table and gave Lance a little kiss on his cheek. The entire lunch room saw it and could not believe it. Chad was in seventh heaven. He actually kissed Lance on the cheek. He loved the feeling of seducing this really hot guy. But he ran into all kinds of trouble after lunch. His friends kept calling him a fag and a fairy. They wondered what was wrong with him. Chad on the inside felt like he was going to explode - why couldn't I tell them I'm not a queer? Outside, Chad just smiled and took the use. He didn't care what his old friends thought about him. He only cared about Lance and getting to know him. It continued over the next couple of days. On Tuesday, Chad wore a t-shirt that said 'Mad About Boys' on it and another pair of light low rider jeans. He had lunch again with Lance. Lance could not believe that this former jock was really hitting on him. Chad sat right next to him in the lunchroom and kept whispering in Lance's ear. He felt Chad's hand on his knee. Lance also felt different. Whereas in the past he was a very docile permister, he started to feel very dominant. Whereas before he was considered a weakling, for some reamister his body was really toning up and getting muscular. His dick had even grown and looked to be nearly nine inches long when hard! He had no idea that Bob was making these changes happen. Lance began to think about Chad as becoming his little bitch toy. He thought Chad might be fun to be a fuck boy for him and a cum receptacle for Lance. He could not believe how overtly gay Chad had become. "Do you want to be my little bitch?" Lance asked Chad. Chad was overjoyed. This was exactly what he wanted and to be the bitch of the hottest guy in the school was so exciting. "Oh, yes. I'd love to be your boy toy." Lance smiled. This could be fun. "If this is what you want, I want you to shave your body below your neck tonight. The only hair I want to see on you is a little tuft of hair above your pathetic dick - you know, like a porn star. And I want you to wear something really sexy and really gay tomorrow to show me you really want me to take you. Now, come over here and give me a kiss." Chad was shaking when he leaned over and gave his love a wet kiss on his lips. He felt Lance power his mouth open and felt his tongue explore his mouth. Chad could not believe it - he was being French kissed by this handsome stud. He loved the feeling of Lance's lips and responded accordingly. Chad put his arms around Lance's neck and hugged him as they kissed. The entire lunchroom looked at the two fags making out. Most were almost sickened by this display of gay passion. Finally, Lance broke off the kiss and told Chad that he would see him tomorrow and they would do something special. As Chad walked away, he felt Lance squeeze his ass and it felt so great. As Chad was leaving the room, a couple of his teammates cornered him. "What the fuck is up with you? When did you become such a queer? I thought you were out to fuck Christy and now you just seem to want to act like a fairy with that fag Lance. You had better straighten your act up or else!" Chad almost cried. "You guys don't understand. I love Lance. I really want to be with him. I've always been this way and I guess I just hid it from everyone. Please leave us alone." The guys walked away shaking their heads. They told the sissy that he had better not try anything in the basketball locker room or they would make sure he got kicked off the team. Chad managed to make it through the rest of the school day. He got to basketball practice early so that he could get dressed before the rest of the team arrived. He was shooting foul shots (or at least trying to) when the rest of the team arrived on the court. "Look at the sissy fag. He even shoots like a girl!" It was true. Try as he might, Chad was shooting the ball just like a girl would. It was like he had not strength as most of the time he had trouble even getting the ball to the net. The team began to scrimmage and Chad was awful. He ran like a girl and shot like a girl. The rest of the team kept calling him a fag and a sissy. Inside, the old Chad kept trying to come out but the new queer Chad was all that people saw. At the end of the horrible practice, Chad and the rest of the team were sent to the showers. "Don't try anything funny, you little fag," said Mike. When they were all in the shower room, Chad couldn't help but look at the guy's tight butts and their big cocks. He really loved how the guys looked when they were soaping up their bodies and especially when they washed their dicks and balls. His little cock started to get hard. "Hey, I think the little fag likes us. Have you ever seen a more pathetic little dick on a guy." The team all laughed at Chad and told him he had better be thinking about quitting basketball and taking up knitting or maybe even cheerleading. "A fag like you would probably love to dress up in the cheerleaders skirt and top and wear a bra and panties, wouldn't you fag?" 
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Chad was crushed. He just kept on sobbing and got dressed as fast as he could. His former friends were all abandoning him. Thank goodness he had Lance. He could not wait to spend more and more time with Lance than his old friends. Lance would love him and Chad would love him back and that was better than basketball anyway. Chad got out of bed the next morning. He looked at himself in the mirror. He looked really hot with his newly shaved body. His legs and chest was baby smooth. He had shaved his cock and balls perfectly smooth. He just left a little 'porn star' tuft of hair above his little dick. His ass looked really cute - it just kept on getting rounder and hotter looking. He got dressed - wearing a pair of tight bikini briefs, a baby blue tank top, a pair of khaki slacks that were so tight and a pair of shoes with a medium heel. He wanted to look hot for Lance so he had picked out a shirt that was short and exposed his midriff. He spent lots of time getting his longer hair just right and ended up pulling it back in a ponytail. The day went by like a flash. Chad paid little attention in any of his classes since he could not wait for lunch so he could see Lance. And then after school - well, who knew what might happen after school! At lunch, Chad snuggled up to Lance at the lunch table. Lance seemed even taller and more hunky to Chad. He was really so hot today. Lance loved his little swishing ex-jock who was trying so hard to seduce him. Lance had discovered he was gay when he was in junior high school. Being a skinny and unattractive guy, he had never really had many relationships and he was always the submissive one when he did get with a guy. Now, it was like a dream come true for him. He had always fantasized about getting it on with one of the really hunky jocks at the school. For whatever reamister, Chad was now playing into his fantasy. Lance was now going to be the dominant one finally; in fact, he was feeling so dominant now and could not wait to break this new boy toy down and make him his permisteral fuck slave. He knew that he could turn Chad into anything that he wanted him to be. Chad just hung on every word that Lance said and held on to his arm as they ate lunch together. Outwardly, Chad would do anything to win Lance's love. Inside, his brain was sickened by the way he was swishing around and acting. He couldn't believe he would wear a blue tank top that said Boy Toy on it. He could not stop himself from throwing away his real maleness and acting like a swishing fag trying to get fucked by this Lance guy. Try as he might to break the spell that seemed to be on him, he couldn't stop himself from holding hands with Lance, from thinking about how good it would be to relax with Lance and from kissing Lance. He was sickened by all of this but he could not stop himself. He really could not stop himself from whispering in Lance's ear, "Why don't you come over to my house after school today? We can go up to my room and I will make it very worth your while. If you want, you can even spend the night. My parents know that I am gay and don't really mind if I would bring a guy over for the night." Lance was thrilled. He was going to get a chance to fuck this jock over and over. But he wanted to play with Chad's mind again. "I don't know. I may have something else to do that is better." Chad was crushed. He began to tear up and sob as he sniffled and begged his desired lover, "Please Lance. I love you and I will do anything for you. I really need you to come over to my house and let me make you feel good. You can do anything to me. You can fuck me in my mouth or in my ass. I'll suck you off so well. You will love being in my mouth as my tongue licks your beautiful cock all over. I will be your little boy toy and fuck slut. I'll make sure that you feel so good. You can do anything to me - tie me up or spank me or beat me. I only want you to be happy and will do anything to please you. Please, please please come over!" Lance loved seeing this former jock so humiliated that he was in tears begging Lance to come over and fuck the cuckolds brownie out of him. Lance lifted poor Chad's face up and dried off his tears. He told him he would come over after dinner and play with Chad. He gave Chad a gentle kiss on the lips. Chad was so happy. He was going to be very, very good for Lance in bed. The rest of the day seemed to blur by. He didn't even notice all the verbal use he got from almost everyone in the school. Chad could not wait to get home and get his room ready for Lance. He cleaned everything up and even put satin sheets on the bed. At dinner, he told his parents that Lance was coming over and they were so thrilled for their gay mister to have a special friend come over to spend the night with Chad. Chad was so fidgety waiting for Lance to come over. Finally, at 7 pm, the doorbell rang and when Chad opened the door, it was Lance. Chad rushed into his arms and gave him a big wet kiss. He took Lance by the hand and brought him into the house. Chad introduced Lance to his parents who told the boys to have a good time. He then led his new lover up the stairs and into his bedroom. Chad was so nervous that Lance would not like it but Lance seemed to think it was a pretty neat room. Lance sat on the bed and told Chad to do a slow striptease for him. Chad was only too happy to comply. He slowly took off his blue tank top to reveal his tight stomach. Chad reached down and unbuttoned his khakis and slowly pulled them down his legs. He was now clad only in a tight pair of briefs. He turned around and wiggled his newly rounded and sexy ass at Lance. He very slowly hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his briefs and began to pull them off. He continued to wiggle his ass at his lover while his pulled his underwear off. Chad was now completely naked. He turned around, embarrassed by the size of his little dick. Lance loved the look of this fuck boy. He was totally shaved below his neck except for a cute little tuft of pubic hair above his little cock. He cock looked like a little boy's dick. Lance loved the look of Chad's bubble butt. He motioned him over and told him to kneel at Lance's feet. Chad immediately fell to his knees in front of Lance. He would do anything for his lover. Lance looked down at his boy toy and felt the power to control him growing. He told Chad to take Lance's shoes and socks off and clean his feet with his tongue. Chad feverishly removed Lance's shoes and socks and immediately started to lick his feet with his tongue. Oh, how he loved making Lance happy and he loved licking his feet and cleaning them. Inside his mind, Chad could not believe that he was now naked and on his knees giving this other fag a tongue bath for his feet. He was so embarrassed by all of this. Lance loved the feeling of having such control over Chad. He looked down at the boy licking so energetically at Lance's feet. He told Chad to stop and told him to lie over Lance's lap. "You need to have your ass reddened a bit by getting a spanking. Chad got up and immediately lay over Lance's lap. He felt the sting of Lance's hand as he began to get spanked. Got, this was such a turn on. His tiny cock began to get hard. He could feel Lance's huge cock through his jeans. Lance continued to spank Chad's bare ass. He wanted to hear him cry. Chad tried hard not to sob but finally he couldn't hold out any longer. He began to sob like a girl. Lance loved hearing his new sissy crying and stopped the spanking. "You needed to be punished and now you can get your reward." Chad knew that the spanking was for his own good. He stopped his sniffling and was so happy when Lance told him to undress him. Chad unbuttoned Lance's shirt and took it off. He rubbed his hands all over Lance's hot chest. He then undid his jeans and unzipped him. He feverishly pulled down Lance's pants and removed them. His lover stood in front of him clad only in a pair of tight briefs. Chad caressed Lance's tight bottom through his briefs. Lance's big cock was straining at the front of his briefs and Chad could not wait to see it. He pulled Lance's underwear off and both the boys were now naked. Lance pulled Chad's body up against him and began to kiss him. Chad felt Lance's tongue enter his mouth and explore it as his own tongue gently met it. Chad felt Lance's huge erect cock up against his own inadequate dick. It felt so good to feel his cock pressing against Chad's groin and stomach. Lance was squeezing Chad's ass and pulling him up against him. Chad loved the feeling of Lance's body against him and the delight of Lance deeply kissing him. Chad began to caress Lance's body and pull him tight against him. Lance broke off the kiss and told Chad to give him a tongue bath. Chad started with Lance's face. He licked it all over, paying particular attention to his earlobes and his luscious lips. He then started to give his chest a tongue bath. He licked and sucked at Lance's nipples and loved the taste of them. He sank to his knees and licked each one of his legs and thighs. He kept getting closer and closer to Lance's cock but wanted to tease him a bit before he took that prize. Lance turned around and Chad began to lick at this ass. He loved licking Lance's beautiful ass and spent lots of time on his butt crack - licking as deep as he could. He then began to lick and suck at Lance's beautiful asshole. He began to rim it with his tongue and then began to playfully push his tongue in and out of the sexy hole. Each time, he was able to thrust his tongue deeper and deeper in Lance's cuckolds brownie hole. He loved the taste of his lover and could not get enough. He knew that Lance loved this action. Lance then turned around and faced Chad. Chad began to slowly lick Lance's big balls. He loved the feeling of the balls on his tongue as he played over the surface of the wrinkled balls. He then began to lick Lance's shaft. He went up and down slowly and savored the feeling and the taste. He then started to lick at the massive head of the big cock. He could not wait to get this cock in his mouth. Lance looked down at Chad. The big tough jock was nothing but a simpering cock licker now. He loved the look of Chad's tongue licking Lance's cock. He knew that this jock was now his sissy lover. He told Chad to stop licking and start sucking. Chad was overjoyed. He began to take Lance's nine-inch cock into his mouth. He loved the taste of it in his hot mouth as he sucked on it and rubbed his tongue all over it. He took more and more of the delicious cock in his mouth until he had all of it. He continued to deep throat Lance's cock. It was so good. He loved the feeling of a cock in his mouth and just knew he was meant to be a cocksucker for the rest of his life. He could not image anything more exciting than to have another man like Lance as his lover. Lance looked down as Chad energetically sucked on his dick. This boy toy was going to be good. He was a great cocksucker. Lance wanted to sample the rest of Chad. He told him to stop and bend over the bed. Chad looked so hot with his sexy bubble butt in the air. Lance grabbed some lube and put it on his big cock. He then lubed up Chad's ass with his fingers. Chad loved the feeling of being finger fucked by Lance! He then felt the head of Lance's big cock at the entrance to his puckered hole. With a push, it entered Chad's ass and he began to moan with pleasure. Lance kept pushing his cock inside Chad until Chad could feel Lance's big balls slapping against his ass. Lance began to vigorously fuck Chad, ramming his cock in and out of the formerly haughty jock's ass. He knew that Chad was enjoying it as he began to meet each thrust of Lance's cock with his ass. Chad loved the feeling of getting fucked by Lance. This was what he was made for - to be a cum receptacle for his lover. He could not wait to feel Lance's hot cum fill his ass. Finally, Lance began to shoot his hot cum in Chad. It felt like a quart of cum filled up Chad and it was awesome. Chad was moaning and almost sobbing as Lance's hot cream filled up his asshole. He felt empty when Lance began to pull his cock out of Chad. He told Chad to lick him clean. Chad was overjoyed and immediately took the cock in his mouth and began to lick the delicious juices off. He loved the taste of cock, cum and Chad's own ass on the cock. He worked the cock in his mouth and made sure that Lance was very clean. He could feel the cum oozing out of his ass. He reached behind and scooped up some of the cum leaking out of his ass and put it in his mouth. He loved the taste of Lance's juice. When he was done, Lance pulled him to his feet and once again deeply kissed him. Chad loved Lance and wanted him to never leave him. He would do anything to be Lance's lover. They made love over and over again that night. Master Bob had given Lance the ability to recover quickly. Chad took Lance's cock up his ass again and sucked him off twice more. Finally, he fell arelax in Lance's arms - content to be relaxing in his lover's embrace. When he awoke the next morning, Chad gently slid down Lance's body and took his soft cock in his mouth. He could not get enough of Lance's cock! Lance began to stir and his cock began to harden in Chad's mouth. Chad gave Lance an awesome blowjob and swallowed every bit of his tasty cum. He then took Lance by the hand and led him to the shower. The two lovers showered together and Chad washed every inch of his love's body. He paid particular attention to soaping up and fondling Lance's cock and ass. The two boys dressed and headed off the school. They arrived hand in hand. As they departed to head for their respective classes, Lance leaned over to Chad and gave him a very deep kiss. The two gay lovers embraced in front of everyone and kissed. Lance was fondling Chad's ass and Chad was rubbing Lance's back. The two ended their kiss and went to class. The school could not believe that Chad was this much of a sissy fag to do all this right out in the open. But they soon got used to the sight of the two fags walking hand in hand or kissing or rubbing each other's body. Lance spent the next several nights at Chad's house. He became the dominant one in the relationship. Chad was like a girl - waiting for his lover to make the first move and concentrating on only pleasing his man. He was truly a gay fag. He didn't even notice girls anymore but only guys and only Lance in a sexual way. When Lance awoke on Saturday morning to his usual morning blowjob from Chad, he was in bliss. When he came as usual in Chad's mouth, he then reached down and kissed him. He quickly got dressed and left to run some errands. He was going to meet Chad for dinner that night. Chad was getting out of the shower when he heard a knock on his bedroom door. It was Christy. "You do remember your appointments today, don't you? And your first one is with the Arlington basketball team. I thought that they might like to get a blowjob from a cheerleader. You are now an honorary member of the cheerleading team and here is your uniform to wear today." Christy pulled out a red, white and blue cheerleader, pleated skirt red athletic bra and cheer panties. "You will be such a turn on for the other team to see the star guard and captain dressed in a cheerleader skirt on her knees giving them each a blowjob. Time to get dressed and moving so you are not late." 
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"Welcome girls. Christy told me you would be the most beautiful cheerleaders that I have ever seen. She did not exaggerate. You are all going to be the most exquisite and beautiful harem of slaves that anyone can imagine. Welcome to your new life. You may all call me Master Bob!" The look on the five girls was priceless. This had to be one of the prettiest and sexiest cheerleading teams Bob had ever seen. Every one of these girls was extremely cute with stunning bodies. They were each wearing a red sleeveless top trimmed with blue and white that exposed their midriffs. Their cheerleader skirts matched their tops and could not be much more than 14 inches long. The box pleats swayed as the girls moved. Christy was still the best of the best but the other girls were not far behind in the looks and body department. "Who are you and what is this master bullcuckolds brownie?" Tiffany shouted. "Christy, what the hell is going on here? I thought we were going to a party and the only permister here is this jerk! I thought the guys were going to be here and we were going to have a good time. This is such a load of crap." Bob looked amused as Tiffany ranted. She will be fun to break, he thought. "Christy, come over beside me and kneel before your Master." The five new cheerleaders watched as Christy immediately ran over to this guy and fell to her knees in front of him. Her face was just in front of his crotch. She looked adoringly at Master Bob and licked her lips in anticipation. Tiffany scowled at her. "Christy - what the hell are you doing? This scumbag isn't worth it. I don't know about the rest of you but I'm getting the hell out of here!" Tiffany turned to leave but found that she did not have the energy to move another step. She felt her legs give out and fell to her knees. She could not figure out what was going on. Bob looked directly at Tiffany. "You are acting like a spoiled brat and you are trying my patience. If you don't watch out, you could find yourself in a very bad situation!" Tiffany couldn't move but her mouth kept going. "Blow it out your ass. I don't know what your game is but you are nothing but a complete fuck head. My dad is a top lawyer and when he finds out what you are doing he will sue your ass for everything you have. You had better let us go right now or you'll be sorry!" Bob just chuckled. "Your man won't sue me. In fact, he will probably pay me whatever I want to teach you a lesmister in humility. Since you have already assumed the slave position on your knees, why don't you reach down into your panties and start playing with your pussy. Your cunt is already getting hot and you can't think of anything else but fingering it. You just kneel there and play with yourself while I get to know your friends better." Tiffany felt her cunt start to flow with her juices and it needed to be frigged so badly! Try as she might, she could not keep her hands from lifting the front of her tiny skirt and reaching into her red cheer panties. She gasped as her fingers began to rub her pussy. Her clit felt like it was on fire and she enthusiastically rubbed her fingers over it. Tiffany began to work her cunt harder and harder. She was moaning like a porn star as she fingered her cunt and rubbed her clit. She could not believe that she was doing this in front of her friends and this weird guy. The other four girls could not believe what they were seeing. Christy was on her knees like an adoring slave and now Tiffany was on her knees but with her hand down her panties and clearly trying hard to make herself cum. She was panting like a girl in heat. Lauren was the first to speak. "Who are you? What are you doing to her? Stop it right now!" Bob turned to her. "She is not doing anything that she does not want to do. Deep in your heart, you all know she is an egotistical bitch who drives you all crazy. She thinks she is better than all of you and more deserving. This girl is loving every second of rubbing her clit, isn't that right, Tiffany?" Tiffany looked up at Bob. It took all of her strength to say anything as she was totally focused on making herself cum. "God, my cunt feels so good. I want to stop but I can't." She really focused her thoughts hard. "You asshole, you're making me do this. Stop it or else I'll kick your slimy ass!" She then fell silent and focused on fingering her cunt. Bob almost laughed. "Kick my ass. We'll see. I bet you are licking my shoes clean in the next ten minutes! Since you have an ass fixation, perhaps you should fuck your own ass for a little while. Christy, pick out an appropriate dildo for your friend and give it to her. And you, dear Tiffany, when Christy gives you a dildo, thank her for it, lube it up with your cunt juices and start fucking your pretty little ass with it. And I mean fuck yourself hard and with the dildo all the way in as you thank me for letting you fuck yourself. And don't stop playing with your cunt, either!" Christy got up and opening up the desk drawer where she knew there were some sex toys. She selected the biggest, blackest dildo she could find. It was one of those that were molded in realistic rubber off of one of the major black porn stars that was really hung. She could have selected a smaller one but Master Bob was right - Tiffany was a stuck up and egotistical bitch who needed to learn a lesmister. She walked over to Tiffany and enjoyed the look of pleasure from the clit frigging and horror at the size of the dildo she was going to have to put in her ass. "Thank you, Christy, for giving me this really hot dildo. I can't wait to fuck my asshole with it." With that, Tiffany pulled her panties completely off. She sat up on her knees spread and began to put the big black dildo into her dripping cunt. She wanted to get itreally lubed up with her hot juices. When it was completely lubed up, she leaned forward and put the big head of the dildo at the entrance to her virgin asshole. She spread her cheeks and started to push the big black cock into her tight little ass. At first, she had trouble getting it to go in but sure enough, it began to slowly slide in. When she met resistance, she grimaced and then pushed the dildo hard. It popped into her asshole and really began to slide into her. She felt the ten inches of black rubber dick completely enter her. Tiffany then started to fuck herself with the dildo with one hand as the other one returned to playing with her cunt. She kept moaning and panting but managed to gasp out, "Oh, Master. Thank you for letting me play with my little cunt and letting me fuck my asshole with this big black cock. I love it, I love it, I love it." The other girls remained totally horrified by watching Tiffany get degraded like this. But in the back of each of their minds, they were also really turned on watching their fellow cheerleader fuck herself in her ass. Serves her right, they were thinking. For some reamister, none of them could move and they seemed frozen in place, watching her. Bob started searching through the minds of each of the girls. He wanted to know what they were like, what they liked to do and what they hated to do. He was looking for permisterality quirks that would be fun to play with as he enslaved each one of them. Mary, for instance, was deeply religious and was a virgin. But she had a wild imagination and really wanted to have sex but was afraid of her man who was a Baptist minister. Holly was a lot like Christy. She was very homophobic and intensely disliked gay people. She could never understand how a boy-boy or girl-girl thing could happen. Lauren only dated rich white kids. She was actually very racist and hated to even be in the same room with a black permister. She thought they were beneath her. Abby was very much like Tiffany - another one of those people who thought their cuckolds brownie didn't stink. She was very elitist and only went out with guys from the best families in town. Tiffany was really in agony. She was fucking her ass so hard and fingering her clit so hard but she could not cum. She really needed to cum hard. Bob looked down at her and gently said, "If you want to cum, all you have to do is crawl over to me while you continue to fuck yourself and pledge your undying love and devotion to your new Master. Then kiss and clean my shoes with your tongue. If you are good enough, your new Master will let you have a terrific orgasm." Tiffany needed to cum. She would do anything to have an orgasm now. She slowly crawled over to Master Bob while she continued to ram the dildo into her puckered asshole and played with her cunt. "Master Bob, please take me as your slave. I know I am unworthy but I will be a good little slave slut. I will serve you and love you. I will be your permisteral sex slave. You can do anything to me. Please take me as your slave, Master. Please!" With that, Tiffany lowered her mouth to Master Bob's shoe. She began to kiss and lick his shoe for all she was worth. She had to cum! Her tongue played all over the top and bottom of his shoe and then she went on to the other one. She kept licking and kissing and cleaning the shoe with her tongue and mouth. Tiffany tried to do a great job to please her Master to that he would permit her to cum. She licked harder and harder as she rammed the dildo in and out of her little asshole. Bob looked down at the sexy little cheerleader as she licked his shoes while fucking her cunt and ass. She was so adorable in her little cheerleader uniform. He knew that she was going to make the biggest challenge to his mind control but he also knew she was no match for him. She was like all the other cheerleaders that he had known when he was younger. They all treated him like cuckolds brownie while they went after the jocks in the school. He had lusted after cheerleaders when he was in high school and college while at the same time hating them for the way they treated people like him. This group was no different and this Tiffany may be the worst one of all. He would have to come up with something special for her. But for now, she had followed his instructions and he released her to cum hard. Tiffany felt a huge orgasm coming on. She worked her clit harder and harder as she fucked her ass harder with the dildo. She started moaning loudly and her breathing got shallow. Suddenly, her entire body seemed to focus on her clit as she came so hard. She screamed out as the pleasure washed across her body. Waves of pleasure hit her as she continued to cum. She was gasping for air as the waves kept hitting her cunt. She pulled the big black cock out of her ass and put it into her mouth. She began to lick and suck it for all she was worth as the orgasm continued to roll over her. She did not mind the pungent smell or taste of her own cuckolds brownie. She only knew how much she loved the feeling of having a cock in her mouth as she continued to play with her cunt. She sucked on the dildo and slowly let it play out of her slutty mouth as the last of the orgasm began to fade away. Tiffany was panting and gasping for air - having never experienced anything with as much pleasure as she just had. 
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The girls continued to be both horrified and turned on by the erotic performance. They could not believe that Tiffany could have experienced an orgasm of that size. She looked so hot when she came as she kept fucking her ass with that big black dildo while she rubbed her clit with her other hand. Master Bob turned to address the other cheerleaders. "I hope you girls understand the power that you are in the presence of. You all have the choice to become my slave or to experience your worst nightmares. I can bring you pleasure or I can bring you pain. I prefer pleasure but that will depend upon you. Christy chose to become my slave and is devoted to me. She will do anything that I ask her to do. Each of you can become like Christy or else. I will let you think about this for a little while but for now, I want to examine my merchandise. Tiffany, get up and join your teammates. I want each of you to stand erect and hold up your skirt and show me your ass." Each of the girls felt themselves compelled to follow Master Bob's instruction. They each stood straight up and faced away from Master. Each one then pulled their cheer panties down to their knees and lifted the back of their cheerleader skirts to expose their asses. Bob got a real hard on looking at the five cheerleaders gladly showing their asses to him. He looked over at Christy kneeling next to him. He knew that the display of these girl's butts was really turning her on. Her newly implanted lesbian tendency was really getting to her. Bob walked over to the girls. He began to caress Holly's ass first. It was soft but needed to be a bit rounder. He altered her body to create the perfect ass. Abby's butt was a little bony so he added some additional padding to her. Lauren needed no additional changes - he loved fondling her perfect ass. Mary just needed a tweak and Tiffany's ass was rounded and made a bit bigger. Now, in front of him, were five of the absolutely perfect asses the world had ever seen. He told them to turn around and show him their pussies. He loved shaved, smooth pussies but decided that only Christy was going to have a totally smooth cunt. He then removed the pussy hair permanently from all five girls except for a porn star tuft of hair above their bald cunts. Bob told them they could pull up their panties now. He then had them remove their tops and bras. Holly's 34B chest became a C cup. Abby and Lauren were both ample on top but Bob made their nipples much larger and erect so that they would always stand out. Mary had the smallest tits of them all and Bob pushed her boobs out to a D cup and capped them with large, pointy nipples. Tiffany had great tits but Bob wanted to make hers a bit bigger and increased their size to DD and made her muscles stronger so that the tits would never sag. She also make the nipples at least 1 inch long when they were aroused so that they would always stick out and advertise that she was horny. He also made corrections to the rest of their bodies - fixing a chin, eliminating some body far, shaping their legs, improving their lips, lifting their cheekbones and giving them the most healthy and thick hair. By the time he was done with them, these were the absolutely most beautiful and sexy girls he could imagine. Bob wanted to think about what he would do with these girls to match their permisteralities and their shortcomings. He did want to have some fun while he thought about it. He told Christy that she could play with Holly - especially cruel since Holly hated the thought of any kind of homosexual conduct. Abby and Mary were also to assume a 69 position and spend their time eating each other's cunts. Lauren was to take the big black dildo that recently was fucking Tiffany's ass and use it to fuck her cunt since she was as racist as anyone could be. Tiffany was to spend her time eating Lauren's ass out. Abby and Mary looked over at each other and began to pull their panties and pleated skirts down. They could not help themselves as they leaned toward each other and kissed deeply. They fell to their knees and then lay beside each other - head to feet. Mary rolled on top of Abby and looked down on her cute little pussy. It was mostly bald except for a little tuft of hair. It was the sexist thing that Mary had ever looked at. She knew that Abby was equally entranced by Mary's sex. Mary leaned down and began to lap at Abby's cunt with her tongue. She could not believe how good it tasted. She began to lick it harder as she felt Abby's wet tongue begin to lick at Mary's cunt. Mary's tongue began to seek out Abby's clit and she began to roll it in her mouth and suck on it. The two girls began to eat each other out with abandon. Meanwhile, Lauren could not keep her hands off of the big black dildo that Tiffany had been fucking her ass with. She really hated black people but she could not resist the urge to put this big black cock in her aching cunt. She began to get wet just thinking about it. She fell to her ands and knees and began to push the huge rubber cock into her cunt. She loved the way it filled her up and she began to hump the black cock. Lauren had never imagined that a big black cock could make her feel so good. Tiffany watched Lauren fuck herself with the black dildo and was getting really turned on by Lauren's perfect ass. She knew she just had to eat that ass out and knelt behind Lauren. She lowered her head and began to lick at Lauren's puckered ass hole. Her tongue licked and explored the tiny hole and then began to penetrate as far as she could make it. She loved licking and sucking on the girls beautiful ass. Christy, meanwhile, walked over to Holly. She knew that lesbians repulsed Holly but she did not care a bit. She began to caress Holly's hair and to embrace her. She pulled her tightly to her and began to kiss her deeply. Christy's tongue began to explore Holly's mouth as she kissed her harder and deeper. Her hands began to explore Holly's body. They rubbed her big, beautiful tits and felt her nipples getting hard and erect. Her hands dropped down and lifted Holly's skirt and began to fondle her perfect ass. She loved caressing Holly's ass cheeks and feeling her little asshole. Holly was starting to respond and her hands began to similarly explore Christy's hot body. The two girls continued to kiss and caress. Suddenly, Christy broke off the kiss and pulled Holly's head down toward her crotch. Holly's tongue reached out and licked at Christy's sex through her red cheer panties. Holly's mind was confused but became focused on Christy's pleasure. She reached up and pulled Christy's panties down her legs. She was now free to explore Christy's sexy bald cunt. She began to lick and tongue it all over. She then pulled Christy's vaginal lips apart and began to lick and suck at her clit. She loved the taste of Christy's sex and ate hungrily at the girl's sex. Bob loved the way this all looked. These girls were so hot and he loved watching them play with each other. Bob wanted each of these girls to become as devoted to him as Christy. He wanted to make sure that each of them understood that there was an alternative to becoming his slave that they did not want to become. Bob was going to put each of these girls into a situation where they could not be hurt but would be so degraded and humiliated that they would willingly opt to serve Bob for however long he wanted them. For Holly, it was easy. Even though she was currently enthusiastically eating Christy's cunt, he knew that homosexuality and lesbianism was the worst thing she could imagine. He was going to have her captured by a band of lesbian bikers and powerd to become their own permisteral cheerleader cunt licker. By the time she had experienced this alternative fate, she would gladly choose to serve Master Bob. Abby was a very elitist girl. She only dated the best guys from the best families. Bob was going to turn her into a street call girl - one who dressed up like a schoolgirl and turned tricks to pay for her have habit. She would fuck anyone for money. A week of this alternative life and she would be calling Bob her master in order to escape it. Lauren was a beautiful but racist girl. She would have the fun of becoming the slutty girlfriend of one of the ghetto's biggest street gang leaders. She would be the trophy white girlfriend to a black guy who would think nothing of lending her out to his friends for the night. She would come begging to be a slave to Master Bob after this. Mary's religious upbringing and her own permisteral fears would collide when she became a porn star and a stripper. She would make XXX movies during the day and then dance and show off her body at the local strip club for all of her former friends and her daddy's church members. She would do lap dances and for the right price would do much more in the private room of the club. Her total embarrassment at this lifestyle would bring her groveling to Master Bob. Tiffany would be the most fun. She was such an egotistical little bitch that she needed to have it thoroughly driven out of her. Tiffany would be *******ped and sold into white slavery in the Middle East. She would become part of a harem as the only white girl and most popular concubine for a group of olive skinned terrorists. She would be repeatedly degraded and used until she would come crawling on her knees to beg Master Bob to take her as his slave. It was going to be fun taking these cheerleaders and molding them into his permisteral slaves. As the girls continued to play with each other, Bob began to make his final plans for them. 
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Chad was getting out of the shower when he heard a knock on his bedroom door. It was Christy. "You do remember your appointments today, don't you? And your first one is with the Arlington basketball team. I thought that they might like to get a blowjob from a cheerleader. You are now an honorary member of the cheerleading team and here is your uniform to wear today." Christy pulled out a red, white and blue cheerleader top, pleated skirt, red athletic bra and cheer panties. "You will be such a turn on for the other team to see the star guard and captain of the basketball team dressed in a cheerleader skirt on her knees giving them each a blowjob. Time to get dressed and moving so you are not late." Chad took the garments from Mistress Christy. He knew that he had to obey her just like he would obey Master Bob. He took the tiny red cheer panties and pulled them up his smooth legs. The panties felt so nice caressing his little cock and felt so tight across his newly rounded ass. He then pulled the red athletic bra over his head. He loved the way it felt on his chest and he wished that he had some titties to fill the cups out. Chad then pulled the pleated skirt up his legs. The skirt zipped up the back and hugged his waist perfectly. He really loved the feeling of the skirt on his nude legs and the way it moved. Chad then pulled the sleeveless top over his head and over his bra. It fit tight and exposed his middle. He then put on the little ankle socks and a pair of cheerleader shoes. Christy loved the way Chad looked in the cheerleader uniform and knew that the Arlington basketball team was going to have a great time with this little sissy cheerleader as he gave them all a blowjob and more. She fastened a necklace around Chad's neck and put a couple of bracelets on him. She told him to fix his makeup and handed him a tube of the brightest red lipstick she could find. "You know what this color is called, don't you? It's cocksucker red and it is just perfect for a little cocksucking cheerleader like you!" Chad's mind was going a hundred miles an hour. Less than a week ago, he was a normal, oversexed jock that had no problem making it with any girl he wanted. Now, he was a sniveling and swishy fag. He dressed during the week like a sissy fashion model and spent the first half of the week seducing the gayest guy in the school and the second half of the week relaxing with him and becoming his own permisteral bitch. He had sucked cock and been fucked up his ass so much that he lost count of the number of times. Now, he was being ordered by his ex-girlfriend and current Mistress to dress like a bimbo cheerleader in order to get the Arlington basketball team horny for him. He tried hard to resist but his mind was too far gone with the mind control thoughts from Master Bob as well as his own hormones that were totally out of whack. He knew he should not be enjoying these gay encounters but damn it, they were starting to turn him on. He truly was falling in love with Lance Petermister and he loved having Lance fuck him. He didn't understand it but he was beginning to love dressing and acting like a sissy gay guy. The scary thing for him was that he really didn't mind being dressed like a cheerleader now and having his lips encased in cocksucking lipstick. He was even enjoying having his longer hair pulled back into a ponytail. For her part, Christy loved seeing this former cock hound turned into a sissy fag. Serves him right for trying to **** me, she thought. Chad's body had softened from his former hard body self to a much more weak muscled and rounder permister. He actually looked kind of cute in the cheerleading uniform - a kind of sissy boy trying to look like a girl. She knew that the boys he was about to meet would have so much fun with him. She also knew that Master Bob's imprint on him was so strong that he would not be able to resist following her orders to the T. She truly was his Mistress and he would do anything that she asked him - even if deep in his mind he was repulsed by it. Christy loved this feeling of power over this jerk. "Quit admiring yourself in the mirror. We are going to be late for your appointment with the team!" Chad reluctantly pulled himself away from admiring how good he (she?) looked. He kind of looked hot. Christy knew that Chad was not really seeing how much he just looked like a sissy boy dressed up like a cheerleader as opposed to a real girl. Not that it mattered much as they got into Christy's car and headed to the Arlington gym. She had arranged with Hank, the starting guard on the Arlington team, to have the gym opened up for their private use. Christy and Chad arrived at the school and headed toward the gym. Christy noticed how Chad even walked like a girl with his round ass swaying and his pleated skirt bobbing back and forth. As they entered the gym, Christy saw that the Arlington team was already assemred at mid-court surrounding their school logo that was painted on the floor. "Hi, guys. I bet you guys are all still pissed off at the beating you got from our team. As a peace offering, our starting guard, Chad Harrimister, wanted to come and give you boys a very special treat. Hank got to preview it in my car the other day and I know he will testify as to how good this treat is. I want you to meet our starting guard and now the newest member of our cheerleading team, sissy Chad Harrimister." With that, Christy led Chad into the gym and over to the team. The Arlington players could not believe what they saw. Instead of the swaggering point guard who had carved them up for 24 points in the game, they saw this swishing sissy wearing a sexy cheerleading uniform. His pleated skirt barely covered his ass and the little top exposed his stomach. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail and his lips were covered with sexy red lipstick. Chad shyly walked across the floor to where the team was assemred. Tony spoke first. He was a tall black forward on the team. "I can't believe that this swishing sissy is the same tough guy that beat us last week. He looks like he belongs more in a whore house!" Christy smiled at him. "You know, Chad here felt really bad about beating you guys. When we met with Hank last Saturday, Chad said he wanted to make it up to you guys. Chad is the best little cocksucker of anyone on our cheerleading squad. He is outstanding and if any of you guys are not completely satisfied, Chad here will let you screw him in his little pussy-ass. Turn around, Chad, and let the boys see what you are offering and then tell 'em." Chad knew he had to obey his Mistress. He twirled around so that his short skirt rose up and showed his panties. The buys were noticing how his legs were shaved smooth. Chad stood just like a cheerleader would stand, with his legs together and his hands clasped behind his back. "Hi, boys. I felt really bad about beating you great, handsome guys. I really wanted to make it up to you and I wanted to find out a way to make each one of you feel really great. I love to give great head and I'm a really good cocksucker. I would love to take each one of your cocks into my wet mouth and make you guys cum in my mouth. I'll swallow all of your delicious cum into my tummy. And if you don't think my cocksucking is good enough, I'll let you fuck me in my tight little ass." That was too much for Tony. "I don't normally fuck around with pussy boys like you but if your blow job is as good as you say, let's get on with it!" Tony motioned Chad over to him and pointed to his crotch. Chad licked his lips and knelt down on his knees in front of the tall black guy. He reached up and unzipped his jeans and pulled them down. He fondled Tony's big cock through his boxers and then pulled them down too. Staring at him was the biggest and blackest cock he could imagine. Chad tried to stop himself but the urge to take the big cock into his mouth was too intense. He leaned forward and planted a big kiss on the head of Tony's cock. He then started to lick the cock as he gave it a great tongue bath. Chad paid particular attention to Tony's huge balls and he took them into his mouth and gently sucked on them. Tony started to react and reached down and patted the sissy cheerleader on his head. "Wow, this white ho really does know how to take care of her man. She obviously really loves black meat. What a great little slut!" Chad smiled to himself to be praised like this. He did love the taste of black cock. He started to let Tony face fuck him. He amazed Tony with his ability to take the entire cock in his mouth. Tony had never been deep throated like this before. Chad kept swallowing the entire cock and then the slowly releasing it out of his slutty mouth while his tongue played over the rubbery surface. The other members of the team were all getting hard ons watching this cheerleader sissy suck off Tony's huge cock. They formed a circle around Chad to watch him suck like a pro. Tony kept up the face fucking that he was giving Chad. He loved the look of his black cock going in and out of the sissy's mouth. He knew that it was no exaggeration that this sissy was a great cocksucking machine. It was the best he had ever got. He continued to plough in and out of the slutty mouth as he got closer and closer to cumming. Suddenly, he began to spurt gobs of white, sticky cum into the sissy's mouth. Chad felt the hot cum splashing against the back of his throat and running down his throat. He loved the taste of Tony's cum and eagerly swallowed every drop. He felt the cock stop shooting cum in his mouth and slowly let the drained black cock slip from his mouth. He gently kissed the cock and looked up at Tony and smiled at him. He knew that he had been a good cocksucking cheerleader for this big black guy. Soon, another cock was being pushed into Chad's eager mouth. He savored the taste of each cock and soon giggled to himself that he was becoming a connoisseur of cock. He was able to differentiate the different tastes of the cocks in his mouth and loved the different taste of the guy's cum. He really loved to make each of the guys feel good and made sure that each time he sucked a cock was the best he could do. The Arlington team was amazed. None of them had ever had a real girl give them anything close to this good a blowjob. And the girls always seemed a bit reluctant to do it and few ever swallowed. This sissy seemed to love to suck cock and enjoyed swallowing every bit into his stomach. 
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Chad was so enjoying this experience that he almost forgot that he was really a guy and was dressed up like a girl. He was now sucking the last member of the team. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Tony was standing next to him and that he appeared to have another big hard on. Chad giggled to himself and he pointed to his ass as he continued to suck on the last cock. Tony walked behind the little sissy and lifted his little skirt. His ass looked so hot. Chad let the cock slip from his lips with an apology and turned to Tony. He took Tony's cock into his mouth to get it lubed up with his saliva. He then let Tony's cock go and returned to the original cock that was in his mouth. Tony pulled the cheerleader panties down off of Chad's ass. He parted his ass cheeks and positioned his big black cock at the entrance to Chad's asshole. He started to push in and began to fuck him. Each thrust he entered the ass a bit more until finally his entire cock was in the little white sissy's ass. Chad loved the feeling of being fucked in his ass while he was sucking off this other guy. Wow, he could not believe that he had cocks in both of his holes! Just a week ago he was a normal heterosexual and now he had just sucked off twelve guys and was getting fucked in his ass. He giggled to himself as he thought that he probably had sucked off more guys than anyone else in his school had. He felt the cock in his mouth start to twitch and then the delicious cum started to fill his mouth. He savored the flavor of the cum as it filled his mouth and he began to swallow the delicious fluid. He also felt the big cock in his ass begin to spurt what seemed like quarts of cum into him. He loved the feeling of having cum in his mouth and ass at the same time. He felt Tony pull his cock out his him and he felt empty. He turned to Tony and gently kissed and lovingly cleaned his cock with his mouth. Christy loved watching her little slave enthusiastically sucking and fucking the basketball team. It was such a turn on to see Chad dressed in a cheerleader uniform doing to these guys what he would have loved being done to him only a week ago. And his day was only beginning. He told Chad to thank the boys for being such good lovers and to curtsy to them. Chad looked at the Arlington team and said, "I just want to thank each one of you great guys for letting me be your little cocksucker. I loved the feel and taste of each one of your big, beautiful cocks in my mouth. I hope I was as good a cocksucker as you have ever been with. Any Tony, thank you so much for fucking my little ass. It felt so good to feel you cum inside me." With that, Chad lifted the hem of his pleated skirt and curtsied to the guys like a little girl would. He then followed Mistress Christy on to his next appointment. They arrived at the hair salon a bit early but they made quite a stir when Chad walked in still dressed in his cheerleading uniform. Their appointment was with Nancy and she was still finishing up her previous appointment. Christy and Chad sat in the waiting area. Chad kept tugging at his short skirt to try to cover his panties up. The other women in the salon kept looking disdainfully at this sissy dressed up in a girls uniform. It was a very uncomfortable wait until Nancy called them back. She almost laughed when she saw the sissy boy in the uniform. "My, what have we here. It's not often that I get such effeminate boys coming in wearing a pretty cheerleading uniform. What can I do for you?" Christy explained that Chad needed a new hairstyle. It wasn't to be a man's or a girl's style but something in between. His hair had now grown out so that Nancy would have lots of options. She and Christy discussed different ways of creating a sissy type hairstyle - one that would just scream that Chad was a sissy fag. They settled on one and Chad was told to shut his eyes and not open them until they were done. It seemed like hours went by. Chad had his hair trimmed and lots of different chemicals put on it. He was put under hair dryers and what seemed like curlers were put into his hair. He felt like his head was being used as her kept his eyes tightly shut. Finally, Nancy told him to open up his eyes and see what they had created for him. Chad opened his eyes and looked in the mirror. Inside he was horrified at what gazed back at him. His formerly straight, dark hair was now a golden blonde color. His hair was styled with curls - it reminded him of the Brady Bunch boys when they all got their hair curled in the 70's. He didn't look like a girl but he looked like a very effeminate boy. No one would ever mistake him for a macho guy with this hair. Inside, he felt like crying but on the outside, all he could do was smile and touch his hair like a girl would after she had her hair done. "Oh, Christy! It is so pretty. I just know that Lance will just love it. I love being so pretty for him." Chad continued to gush on about his new hair and look. Christy reminded him that they had to go because they had another appointment before his dinner date with Lance. Chad thanked Nancy for doing such a good job. As he walked out, all the women in the shop were shaking their heads at the curly headed fag wearing a skirt. Chad and Christy left in her car and headed for the next stop. Chad just loved the feeling of the wind blowing his new curls on his head. He was in seventh heaven when they pulled up at Best Tattoo Parlor. It looked like such a grimy place but Chad was assured that Master Bob had picked it out just for him. They entered the front door and were greeted by a large man whose body was covered in tattoos. The man looked like a biker type. "You must be the sissy boy that Bob called me about. He gave me a long list of items to do so lets get at it. My name is Snake." Snake loved the look of this sissy. It was even better than Bob had prepared him for. He could not believe that any guy would dress up like a cheerleader in public and his sissy haircut was even more flaming gay. Snake had seen a lot of gay guys come through his shop but his guy advertised it more than anyone else had. He led Chad to a chair and told him to have a seat. Snake told Chad that Master Bob had already given him a list of tattoos and piercing that he was to have. Snake was to report to Bob if Chad was not a cooperative sissy. Chad nodded and told him to start. Snake told Chad to pull his panties down and lift his skirt. Snake smiled when he saw Chad's little tuft of pubic hair was all that was left. He started to work and soon a very sensual tattoo was just below the pubic tuft. It had a rose with the words 'Sissy Clit' just above Chad's tiny little cock. Chad then was told to remove his top and bra. Over his left nipple was tattooed 'Lance's Sissy Slave' and over the right nipple was 'Lance and Chad - Lover's Forever' in a red heart. Snake told Chad to roll over and proceeded to tattoo 'Lance's Cum Receptacle' on his right ass cheek with an arrow pointing toward his asshole. His left cheek had 'I Love Cock' tattooed with a design of a cock and balls worked in. Just below his neck, Snake tattooed 'Lance Forever' in a pretty design of roses. Chad was told to turn over. Snake then proceeded to pierce both of Chad's nipples. He put in a simple ring. He then pierced the head of Chad's little cock and put a ring in there also. Finally, Chad was told to stick out his tongue and Snake pierced his tongue with a ball. Snake could smell all the cum on Chad's breath from the blowjobs that he had done that morning. "You're man will love this tongue ball. It feels so good when you give him a blowjob. Most guys like to have their girlfriends get one but you're the first guy I've given one to." Snake told him that he was done with everything that Master Bob had ordered. "But one last thing. Bob told me that you would try out that new tongue ball on me as part of the payment." Chad felt sick to his stomach. He knew that he had to obey Master Bob even if he did not want to give this ugly man a blowjob. However, he sank to his knees and reached up and unzipped Snake's pants. He pulled his dirty cock out of his pants and proceeded to give him a blowjob. Chad could feel the ball in his tongue rubbing over Snake's cock and heard Snake moaning. He was happy that Snake didn't take long to cum and quickly swallowed his slimy juice. He then gave Snake's cock a little kiss and tucked it back into his pants. "Bob was right. He said you were a great cocksucker and you are." In a perverse way, Chad was proud to be singled out as a great cocksucker even by someone as disgusting as this guy. Christy told Chad that they needed to hurry if they were going to make it to his date on time. Chad got up off his knees and thanked Snake for all his tattoos and piercings. They left the shop and hurried to Chad's house. Christy told Chad to hurry and get cleaned up and dressed as Lance was going to be picking him up in less than a half hour. Chad quickly ran into his house. Christy loved the way the short cheerleader skirt flipped up when he ran and she noticed all the neighbors who were out watching this sissy run into his house like a girl would. Chad quickly showered and got ready for Lance. He could not wait for Lance to see his new hairstyle and to see his new tattoos and piercings. He loved how his tattoos proclaimed his undying love and devotion to Lance. Chad got so turned on looking at the tattoos, as he got dressed. He put on a pair of tight, white thong briefs so that the piercings on his ass would be visible to Lance. He pulled on a loose, lavender colored silk shirt that he left unbuttoned down to the middle of his chest. This way, if Lance wanted to play with his nipples or nipple rings, he could have easy access to them. He then pulled on a tight pair of slacks. He really thought he looked hot with his cute new hairstyle. Chad put on some aftershave and was combing his hair again when he heard the doorbell ring. His lady called up that Lance was here to pick him up for their date. Chad flew down the stairs and fell into Lance's arms. He tilted his head back and let Lance kiss him deeply. "Oh Lance. I missed you so much today and I love you so much." Chad hated himself for saying these things. On the inside of his mind, he so wanted to be the old Chad - out chasing girls. Instead, he was chasing this guy and trying to make him love him. He just had his body covered with reminders of his love and devotion to Lance. He hated himself. His body was now pierced - only to please Lance. He had to stop this but he could not. As he kissed Lance and let his new tongue ring play over Lance's tongue, he felt defeated. Maybe he really was destined to be a sissy fag. Maybe there was nothing he could do to stop this fate. Inside Chad was ready to cry but on the outside all he could do was hold tightly to Lance and kiss him over and over. He was now permanently bonded to Lance and Lance was now everything to him. 
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Holly was still concentrating on the dildo fucking her cunt that she did not see the girl kneel down next to her and lower her head to Holly's tits. The girl started to lick Holly's boobs. Holly opened her eyes and saw this pretty young teenager sucking on her tits. God, it felt so good. She had never before even thought about any kind of lesbian activity and now she was enjoying this other girl sucking her tits! The girl focused on Holly's erect nipples. The girl would alternate licking and sucking on Holly's tits - going from one boob to the other. Holly took her free hand and started to caress the girl's hair and pulled her tightly to Holly's chest. She did not ever want the girl to stop. But stop she did. Her lips left Holly's tits and she slowly licked her way down her body toward Holly's hot cunt. She took the dildo from Holly's hand and replaced the rubber dong in Holly's cunt with her own tongue. The feeling of having this girl's mouth and tongue on her cunt was unbelievable. The girl started to lick and suck on Holly's little clit. Holly's body was starting to buck as she was so turned on but do to the spray, was unable to cum. Her cunt was so sensitive to the touch. She loved the feeling of this girl's tongue licking her and sucking on her. She loved the feeling of her long brown hair on Holly's stomach and her thighs. Holly kept caressing this girl's hair and pulling her tighter into her cunt. The girl took the dildo and placed it at the entrance to Holly's puckered little asshole. The dildo was still sopping wet from Holly's cunt juices that it was already totally lubed up. The girl began to slowly push the big dildo into Holly's tight ass. At first, she met lots of resistance but soon Holly began to relax as the girl continued to eat her cunt. The dildo kept going into her ass - slowly and a little bit at a time. Finally, the entire 10 inches of thick dildo was entirely pushed inside Holly. As the girl kept eating Holly out, she began to fuck her ass with the dildo. Holly was going crazy. She was on the verge of cumming but could not. She loved the feeling of both the girl eating her cunt out and the huge dildo ramming in and out of her ass. The videotaping was continuing and Holly did not even notice that the biker chicks had all dropped their jeans and panties. Diana stepped over Holly and squatted over her face. She told the cheerleader to start licking at her cunt or else. Holly did not want to get shocked again and she was so sexually turned on that she would have done anything. Even though eating another girl was the worst thing she could ever conceive of, she lifted her head and began to lick at Diana's cunt. Diana's thick black pubic hair smelled from sweat. At first, Holly didn't like it and pulled back. But a light shock on her collar made her renew her enthusiasm. She reached up with her hands and parted Diana's labia so that she could get to her sensitive parts. She began to lick at the entrance to her vagina and her tongue started to penetrate it. It was not as bad as she thought it would be. She began to seek out Diana's clit so that she could lick it and turn her on. Holly knew that Diana was getting turned on as her cunt began to get hotter and wetter. Holly began to taste Diana's cunt juice. It wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. She continued to lap at the biker's cunt even as the other slave girl was working over Holly's cunt with her mouth and ass with the dildo. Diana was really enjoying having this little cheerleader slut licking at her slit. She loved breaking these uppity girls. The girl that now was eating out Holly so enthusiastically had to be broken. She now totally accepted her place as the slave to the Sisterhood and would do anything to please her Mistresses. The Holly would be a fine addition to their stable of lesbian sluts. For someone who had never licked cunt before, this girl was showing real promise. Diana was really getting hot from Holly's tongue and began to cum. She began to moan and scream as the orgasm flowed over her. She looked down at the teenager between her legs and told her to lick her clean. Holly had little choice and lapped up all of Diana's juices that had flowed. She felt Diana's cunt lift off of her mouth and then Diana leaned over and gave Holly a wet kiss. "You were excellent, my little slave. You will be such a good slave to our cunts for the next several years. OK, who is next?" Holly felt another biker squat over her and another cunt positioned over her face. She lifted her head and started to lick at another vagina. She found that girls had a unique taste and smell to them. Her own cunt was still on fire and she was so close to orgasm that she nearly cried. In her mind, she knew she was not a lesbian and she knew that girl-to-girl was wrong. But here she was acting like a whore with her own slit being licked by this other slave girl, her ass being reamed by a giant dildo and she was eating out the cunts of the entire biker gang. As soon as one biker chick would cum, Holly would lick her clean and kiss her clit as a thank you. It would be replaced by another cunt and then another. Soon, Holly had eaten out the entire Sisterhood. Diana circled back to her again. "You've done very well. You really are very talented at cunt eating. I'll let you have a little present - you may eat out my ass." With that, Diana squatted her ass right over Holly's face. Holly was disgusted at this and determined to resist. But the combination of her own lust focused on her cunt that could not orgasm and the hated shock collar soon changed her mind. She lifted her head up and began to slowly lick at Diana's ass. "Harder and more enthusiastically or you will get the shock of your life!" commanded Diana. Holly began to lick more urgently and used her hands to spread Diana's ass cheeks. She started to lick at the puckered asshole. The pungent taste was awful but the shock collar was worse! She began to penetrate the asshole with her tongue and started to tongue fuck Diana's ass. Diana started to moan - this girl was going to be great. She pulled her ass away from Holly's face only to have another biker's ass replace it. She ate her out and then another. The last biker squatted over her and Holly prepared to eat her ass out. But this one had other plans. She was going to give the new slave a bath. Instead of letting Holly eat her ass out, she began to release her piss all over the teenage girl. Holly felt the piss on her tongue and open mouth. She began to gag and spit it out. Soon, she was covered in this biker's urine. Suddenly, the girl at licking at Holly's cunt doured her efforts and Holly began to have the hardest orgasm she had ever had. She had just been pissed on and now she was screaming and shuddering as the orgasm rolled over her. It seemed to go on for hours. When it ended, Holly began to cry. She pulled herself into a *** positioned and sobbed. She had had a girl eat her cunt out and fuck her in her ass with a dildo. She had eaten the pussies of the entire Sisterhood and most of their assholes. She had been pissed on. Her face and hair was covered in piss and she stank from all the sex that had gone on. She hated herself for giving in and acting like a lesbian. She just sat and cried as the Sisterhood laughed at her. "You poor little girl. Ha! You had better get used to this, sweetheart. You've just joined our little slave harem. I'd be willing to bet that you are going to be the most popular girl in the group with your pretty little ass and your big titties. The Sisterhood and I are going to enjoy have you service our cunts. You will learn to love it and will soon be begging us to let you eat our pussies or lick our assholes. You'll want us to strap on the biggest dildo and fuck you senseless. Quit your crying and go wash up and then put these on." Diana tossed a bag to Holly. She pointed Holly toward an open shower in the corner of the room. Holly stumred to her feet and somehow managed to walk over to the shower. Her mouth was aching from all the cunt licking that she had done and her cunt and ass hurt from the fucking she had with the huge dildo. She couldn't believe what was happening to her. Holly reached up and turned on the water. There was only cold water and there was no privacy. The Sisterhood were all standing around watching her take her shower. She started to soap up to get rid of the stench and the urine that covered her. When she would wash her boobs or her cunt or her ass, the biker chicks would all cheer or make derogatory comments. The cold water made her nipples stand at attention and the Sisterhood seemed to appreciate that. Holly finally finished her shower and toweled off. She opened the bad to see what she was given to wear. She pulled out a tiny pair of thong panties and a wispy bra. The thong panties were virtually see through and were crotch less. The bra was equally see through and had openings for her nipples. There was also a pair of high heels that she put on. The Sisterhood whistled at poor Holly. They made her take a stroll around the room and act like a fashion model selling her wares. The bikers would reach out and pinch her on her ass or her tits. Some would grab her and make her kiss them. Holly's face was beet red. She could not believe that this was happening to her. She was dressed up like a whore in this horrible outfit. She felt so cheap. She hated the thought of these biker's cunts in her face. Diana grabbed her. "Time to make you officially our property, sweetie. Bend over." Holly bent over as instructed. She felt so exposed with her ass stuck up in the air. What would these crazy people do to her next? She could not see that one of the biker chicks had gone outside and built a small fire. She had heated up a branding iron and she now brought it in. It glowed red-hot! She handed it to Diana. "You are now entering into the service of the Sisterhood. You will be bonded to us and you will be the slave of each of our members. You will do whatever you are told to do and you will always do it with a smile on your face and with enthusiasm. With this brand, I mark you as our property." Holly felt a hot stabbing pain on her right butt cheek. She screamed in pain. Whatever caused it fell away from her skin. The pain started to subside. What she could not see was the permanent brand that was now prominently on her ass. It read "Property of the Sisterhood. I Am A Cunt Slave to My Mistresses". When a mirror was brought to her so she could see, Holly broke down in tears. My god that will never come off. How could I ever show myself to anyone again? A shock came on her collar. "Stop that crying. Remember what I told you about smiling and being enthusiastic. If you don't start acting like our happy new slave, I'll give you a shock that you will never forget because it will probably leave a permanent burn mark on your neck." Holly was scared at what these crazy bikers would do so he fetishd back her tears and put a happy face on. "That's better, you little cunt. Just remember, you are now a slave and are the lowest form of life. Any of my sisters can do anything they want with you and you will smile and do what they want to the best of your ability. Otherwise, your life will be full of beatings and pain. Do you understand me?" Holly nodded her head yes. Diana slapped her face. "When you answer to your betters, you will always smile and say yes Mistress." Holly smiled as broad as she could and said, "I'm sorry, Mistress. I do understand you." Diana smiled. This new slut was breaking down pretty fast. "It is time for you to pledge your undying love and devotion to the Sisterhood. You will kneel before each member and recite the following: Please take me as your unworthy slave. I pledge my undying love and devotion to you. I am nothing but a slutty slave cunt. I will serve you and protect you. I wish to seal this oath with a kiss on your most beautiful sex. When you have recited this, you will lean forward and deeply kiss each of the Sisterhood's pussies. Do you understand, slave?" 
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"Yes Mistress". Holly sank to her knees in front of Diana. She hated herself for this but there was nothing that she could do. She was alone and isolated and did not even have any idea where she was. She was now branded like a cow as these biker' property. She had no place to do. She could not run because of the shock collar on her neck. She was truly a slave to these women. "Please take me as your unworthy slave. I pledge my undying love and devotion to you. I am nothing but a slutty slave cunt. I will serve you and protect you. I wish to seal this oath with a kiss on your most beautiful sex." With this pledge, Holly leaned forward and planted her lips on Diana's pussy. She kissed it and licked it to seal her pledge. Holly repeated this for all of the Sisterhood. She had pledged herself to all of these bikers as their property. All of this had been videotaped. One of the Sisters came up to her and told her about the videotapes. "We will edit these tapes so that it shows how you came to us and voluntarily started to act like a slut who wanted to become a pussy slave. It will show you playing with yourself and even fucking yourself with that big dildo in you ass and cunt with a big smile on your face. You will be eating out our pussies and asses with no one powering you. It shows you getting branded and then pledging your love and devotion to the service of the Sisterhood. This would make a great video to send to your parents and your friends. I'm sure that you would get lots of dates from the lesbians in the school. Everyone would want you to drop your pants or pull up your skirt to show them your brand. Yep, your whole life would be hell if we let you go and sent out this video. Hell, we could even put it on the Internet and you would have a whole world of fans wanting to meet up with the Sisterhood's lesbian slave." Holly knew that this was all true. Inside, she saw her old life crumble. She was going to be the slut lesbian slave to the Sisterhood. She was going to spend her days eating pussy or sucking ass or having her cunt and ass fucked by a lesbian dyke wearing a strap on dildo. She would be doing sex shows with the other slaves for the entertainment of her Mistresses. She would probably begin to forget what it was like to make love with a man and would only know girl-to-girl sex. Her mind would warp and she would become the little lezzy slut that she so despised. "We have some other work to do so we'll put you away with the other slaves and let you enjoy their company for a while. But don't worry - we'll all want to enjoy fucking your little pussy and ass before we leave tonight!" Diana told Holly. She was led to a small room and pushed in. It was dim in the room but Holly made out four other girls. Two of the girls were completely naked and the other two were barely dressed like Holly in a wispy set of lingerie that did little to hide their sex. Holly heard Diana bark out orders to the girls. "I want you bitches to meet your new fellow slave cunt. She used to be named Holly and was a cheerleader. Now she is just a lowly slave cunt like the rest of you. I want you bitches to play with each other until I come and get you for tonight's orgy. Just remember the pain of disobedience to your Mistresses." Holly heard the other girls say "Yes, Mistress. We will obey without question". The door shut and Holly was alone with the other slaves. She looked over her fellow slaves. One of the naked girls was the pretty one that had been Holly's sex partner earlier. She was dark haired and had a cute body - slim but with good size boobs. She introduced herself as Cassandra. Her body had numerous tattoos covering it. The other naked girl was a blonde named Mimi. Mimi also was slim with smaller but well shaped tits. She also had tattoos on her body and the same brand on one of her ass cheeks. Billi was the other blonde in the group. She wore a bra and panty set similar to Holly's and was built like a porn star. She had the classic voluptuous ass, narrow waist and large tits. The final girl was a red head named Dawn. She also had a fiery body that accentuated her flaming red hair. Cassandra walked up to Holly and put her arm around her waist. "The Mistress has ordered us to play with each other. I know that you are new here but we must obey or face punishment. You must cooperate." Cassandra leaned into Holly and kissed her on the lips - a long, lingering kiss. Her hands began to caress Holly's back. Holly broke off the kiss. "Why must you do this? What is going on here? How come you haven't escaped from these crazy broads?" Cassandra's hands dropped to Holly's ass and began to caress and massage her firm globes. Despite her fear, Holly began to get flushed. "You are too new here to fully understand. The Sisterhood has complete control over all of us. None of us can escape. We have tried and got no further than two steps out the front door before these shock collars virtually *******ed us. It was so bad that we would have done anything for the Sisterhood just to get them to stop the pain." One of Cassandra's hands stayed on Holly's ass while the other one began to fondle her tits. "All of us came here the same way you did. We were hitchhiking and the Sisterhood offered to give us a ride to the nearest town. We ended up here and collared, branded and indoctrinated into the Sisterhood's version of slavery. I've been here for around 2 years; Mimi was captured about 18 months ago. Billi and Dawn are sisters and were picked up by the Sisterhood 6 months ago." Cassandra was following the Mistress' instructions to play with each other. The other girls followed suit. Mimi began to lick at Holly's ass while the two sisters were kissing and fondling each other's bodies. Dawn's hand was at her sister's pussy while Billi played with Dawn's tits. Holly's body began to betray her and she began to get so turned on by having her ass licked and Cassandra's fingers in her cunt. Cassandra continued, "We were all branded as property of the Sisterhood just like you. Trust me - there is no way to get that brand off your ass. It is there forever. The Sisterhood loved tattoos so you can expect to get lots of them over the next couple of month as they 'customize' you as their slave. Don't expect to see any men here - the Sisterhood hates men. You'll have lots of girl loving - as a matter of fact, your entire day will be spent doing it with another girl. If not us, it will be one of them. They love to make us do it to each other. I think they especially love to see Billi and Dawn so each other since they are sisters."Holly looked over at the two girls. Dawn was now on her knees and was happily lapping at Billi's pussy. Billi was moaning and playing with both her own tits and Dawn's hair. Holly felt Mimi's tongue penetrating her ass and she spread her legs to give her more access to her asshole. She felt her body betray her. She was not a lesbian and hated the idea of any kind of homosexual sex. Yet her she was having sex with two girls and her body loved it. Cassandra continued her story, "None of us were lesbians or even bi-sexual when we got her. The Sisterhood has a way of scaring you into the first girl-on-girl sex but eventually, we all learned to love it. I can't even remember what a real cock feels like. I've got to a point where I can't imagine not having another girl licking my cunt or me sucking on a clit or an ass. I love it and you will to. They will break you and if you fight them, it will only be worse. Look at Mimi and Dawn. They fought the Sisterhood and would not touch each other. But though the punishments that they got and the offense they received, well, they learned to love each other. Look at them now. They really love to eat each other's cunts out now. And oh, by the way, the Sisterhood doesn't like you to use words like breasts or vagina. You better use words like cunt or pussy or tits or ass or asshole. If you refer to yourself, call yourself a cunt. Otherwise, you'll get a shock or a beating." Right now, Holly only wanted Cassandra or Mimi to start eating her cunt out. It was so horny from the ass licking she was getting and the fingers moving in and out of her cunt. Maybe she was just a lesbian cunt. She started thinking about the other girls' pussies and wondering how good they would taste. Holly hated herself for thinking like this. Cassandra continued. "Look up in the corner of the room. See the cameras? We are watched 24 hours a day. The Sisterhood right now is watching us with each other and making sure that we are following Mistress' instructions. Look over at Mimi and Dawn. The sisters are going at each other's cunts like crazy. Sometime in the next couple of days, they will start to tattoo your body. They'll give your some permanent makeup tattoo on your face - generally red lips and eye shadow. They will start putting tattoos on the rest of your body like mine. Most of them are really gross and sexually explicit. They figure that the more they mark you, the less likely you are to ever want anyone you used to know to ever see you. They will tattoo words like cunt and whore and pussy and ass licker and clit and so forth on you. You'll get explicit drawings tattooed on your ass and your tits. Again, don't fight them or they will just beat you until you beg them to tattoo your ass." Holly was listening to Cassandra but her focus was now on her cunt. Mimi had moved her attention to Holly's cunt and was now licking her cunt and sucking on her clit. Holly was beginning to moan and gyrate as her sweet cunt was taken care of by Mimi's mouth. Cassandra pushed Holly down to the floor and pushed her into a position where she was laying on her back. Mimi immediately dropped her head in between Holly's legs and continued to eat the new girl's pussy. Cassandra then squatted over Holly's face and lowered her cunt to the girl' mouth. Holly eagerly sought out Cassandra's sweet pussy. She began to lap at the girl's cunt and worked to eat her cunt as best she could. Cassandra continued with her tale. "The Sisterhood generally takes good care of us. They feed us OK and give us a chance to exercise. They want our bodies to be fit and to be in great shape for their use. You will learn that only by pleasing them can you gain a measure of happiness. Eventually, you will learn to love their pussies more than anything in life. You will beg to be allowed to eat them out or to be fucked by them wearing a big strap on. The Sisterhood loves to embarrass you. They will make you do things that they know you hate - like they did with Dawn in making her love her own sister's cunt. You need to make sure that you are always ready to serve them and to not hesitate to do whatever they ask you to do." Holly felt tears well up in her eyes as she contemplated her life as a slave to these bikers. At the same time, she could not help herself from loving having Mimi eat her cunt and to eat Cassandra's delicious cunt. She even started to think of herself as nothing but a cunt to be used by the Sisterhood. Holly hated herself for having these feelings but she was unable to stop thinking these thoughts. She felt her own clit driving her toward a huge orgasm. She could not stop the pleasure as her cunt sent waves of pleasure through her body. Holly lapped furiously at Cassandra's cunt hoping to make the girl feel as good as Mimi made her feel. She licked and sucked at Cassandra's clit and finally felt the girl moan and tense up. Cassandra began to cum hard and Holly was so pleased that she had made her feel so good. She continued to lap up Cassandra's delicious cunt juice. Suddenly, the door opened and one of the bigger bikers yelled in, "Hey, cheerleader. Get your fucking ass out here. I need to fuck your pretty little ass so get out here and assume the position." Holly was trembling as she got up and walked out the door. The biker chick grabbed her tits and then pushed her roughly against a table. Holly was crying as she bent over the table and reached behind to spread her ass cheeks apart. She didn't want to just be a cunt slave to the Sisterhood but she knew that this was her fate for the rest of her life. She felt the dry strap on dildo start to ram in and out of her tight asshole. It hurt so badly but she knew she had to take it. "Listen cunt. Let me hear you beg me to fuck you and I want you to moan like a whore." Holly sobbed but started to moan like she was really getting off by this dry ass fucking. "Please, Mistress. Please fuck this cunt's ass. I love getting my ass fucked by you. Thank you Mistress for fucking me hard. Please make me your little ass fucking cunt slave. Fuck me harder!" Holly couldn't believe that she was saying these things. God - she should have embraced Master Bob. It had to be so much better being a slave for him. She cried to herself. Suddenly, the room began to spin and get dark. The next thing she knew, Holly was standing in the room with the rest of her cheerleader team. She was still wearing her uniform. She quickly lifted her skirt and looked to see if the brand was on her ass. It wasn't. "Well, Holly. Did you enjoy the alternative to life as my slave? These are your only two choices and your have 15 seconds to make up your mind. You can choose to serve my cock and me or you can return to the other life as a slave to the Sisterhood. You will choose me, you will fall to your knees and crawl over her and suck my cock. When I cum in your mouth, we will be forever bonded together. Stay silent and I will send you immediately back to the Sisterhood. Make your choice." Holly's mind went a thousand miles an hour. She did not want to go back to the Sisterhood. Serving Master Bob had to be hundreds of times better. She immediately fell to her knees and crawled over to Master. She reached up and undid his pants and pulled them and his underwear down. She immediately began to suck his cock. She enthusiastically sucked on his beautiful cock as she made her choice to serve him. "You made the right choice, Holly. Since you have found that you do love other girls in a carnal way, however, I want to make sure that you are happy. You will therefore become Christy's new girlfriend. You two girls will become quite the lesbian pair at school. Christy will be the dominant one in the relationship and she will be your Mistress. You will only have male sex with me - however, you and Christy can fuck each other and eat each other as much as you want - which will be constantly. You will become a world-class cunt licker. And you will love to serve your Master Bob enthusiastically and will do whatever I ask you to do. Serving me makes you so happy and content." Holly heard and understood Master Bob. She focused on making his cock feel good but she was also thinking about eating Mistress Christy's cunt. It would be so great. She would love to be Christy's new girlfriend and her lover. She felt Master Bob's cock begin to twitch. He began to cum in her mouth and she happily swallowed all of his delicious cum. She truly was bonded to him and only wanted to make him happy. She loved Master Bob more than anything in the world. She was really confused. Did the slave episode with the Sisterhood really happen or did Master Bob only do that in her mind? It really didn't matter since she loved Master. Bob knew that Holly was now firmly captured as part of his harem of slaves. As she savored his cum and cleaned his cock off with her tongue, he turned his attention to Abby. The stuck up cheerleader was about to become a streetwalker in order to learn humility and to learn to love Master Bob as much as Holly did 
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Bob turned his attention to Abby. Abby was a very self centered and 'stuck up' girl. She needed a huge lesmister in humility to prepare her to properly serve Bob as one of his precious cheerleader slaves. Bob had thought long and hard about her alternative life that would help to voluntarily convince her to pledge her undying love and loyalty to Bob as her new Master. He had just the thing. Abby emerged from what seemed like a fog in her brain. She was hazy about where she was and was just beginning to focus. My god - what is going on??? She felt something in her mouth and then felt her mouth fill up with a sticky substance. She felt herself swallowing. As her mind cleared, she could feel something slipping from her lips. Oh, no. It was a penis. She had just completed giving someone a blowjob and they had cum in her mouth. And she had swallowed it (which she never did - not even for her best boyfriends). Abby could still taste the cum on her tongue. She felt herself giving the cock a final lick. She looked up and saw a rather ugly and overweight middle-aged man tuck his dick in his pants and zip up. "You were good, honey - worth every penny. I haven't had a blowjob that good from someone as pretty as you for years. Here's your fifty bucks and here's a twenty as a tip. I got your pimp's number so I'll set up something for next week. Maybe I can get a frequent blowjob discount, what do you think?" The chubby man dropped $70 in her lap and chuckled as he finished adjusting his pants. He winked at her and headed for the door. Abby heard herself saying, "You come back again, sweetie. You were so good for me. I'll be waiting for you and your gorgeous cock." Abby stood up and looked for a mirror. She found one in the corner of the room and stood in front of it. What she saw in the mirror scared her to death. Although the girl that stared back at her was clearly herself, it was also clearly a different girl. She was wearing heavy, slutty makeup. Her eyes had heavy eye shadow and too much blush. Her lips had dark red lipstick on them. The girl's huge boobs were barely contained by a thin tube top and clearly no bra. She wore a leather miniskirt that was much too short. Her panties were just wisps of cloth. She wore thigh high fishnet stockings and tall heels. What looked back at Abby was a classic streetwalker - a whore of the streets. She even had a few drips of cum running from her lips - cum that she was unable to suck down into her tummy. Her arms were heavily tattooed. Her hair needed washing and combing. Abby started to cry. What has happened to me? I can't be that permister in the mirror. I'm not a hooker. I'm just a normal high school girl. There must be a mistake. I must be dreaming. As she sobbed, the door burst open and a tall black guy rushed in. "All right, give me the money from your trick. Seventy bucks! You must have really given him a good blowjob to get that kind of a tip, baby. You're the best investment I ever made, Abby. Just think, I bought you from that white pimp for $500. You've made that 100 times over for good old Will, haven't you? Hell, I don't hardly have to beat you anymore." This black guy is my pimp! What has become of me? He bought me for $500??? Abby had only dated the best guys in her class. She made sure that anyone she went out with was from the best families in town. And now her pimp sold her to anyone who had the money to pay for her favors! "Alright, lets go. You have to be a party that some frat guys are giving. You and Alicia need to get dressed up in those schoolgirl outfits. These guys want you to look like young girls ready to fuck and suck them. They are paying me big bucks for you two so don't fuck it up or I'll beat the cuckolds brownie out of your ass. Understand?" Abby tremred. She was already afraid of this big black guy - her pimp. She knew that he wasn't kidding. Her survival depended upon making him happy and that meant making her johns happy that he arranged for her or that she would find on her own. She was nothing more than a cheap whore. Abby followed Will out of the cheap hotel where she had turned her trick and got into his Caddy. Will drove like a maniac. "Man, its amazing how much money I can make off of a pretty white piece of trash like you, Abby. You are a real gold mine. White boys like to fuck you when you dress like a young thing. Middle age white guys like to fuck you when you dress like a cheap tart. And all the black dudes love fucking a young white girl. There's never any problem arranging your next trick." Abby looked over at Will and got the courage to ask him. "How much longer do I have to do this? I want to go home to my family and live like I used to. Please let me go!" Will looked over at her with a look that scared Abby. "You dumb fucking cunt! You just don't get it. I bought you. I own you. And you are going to make me a fucking fortune. You are going to keep on sucking and fucking for me." He slapped her face. "And if I ever hear you talking like this again, I'll take the strap to your ass. You're my fucking slave whore. Don't ever forget it and don't ever disappoint me or you will regret it." "I'm sorry, Will. I don't know what came over me. I'll do whatever you ask me to do. I'll be a good little whore for you." Abby heard herself saying these things. She had no idea how long she had been whoring for Will. It was like she had awaken in the middle of a nightmare and she could not remember what had gone on before. The black pimp looked over at her. "Sorry I had to smack you, Abby but you get so damn lippy every once in a while. Sometimes you act like you don't remember where you are. I bet that you have turned over 300 tricks for me since I paid hard cash for you. Some nights I've only been able to get 25 bucks for one of your blowjobs but I've also got nearly $300 for that Japanese guy who wanted to fuck your ass while you were dressed like a cheerleader. You've made me good money and you will continue to make me money." They pulled up at an old house and they walked inside. "Get you ass upstairs and get cleaned up. Tell Alicia to get ready too. You two broads need to be dressed and ready to go in thirty minutes." Will watched Abby run up the stairs. She really did have a great ass, he thought to himself. No wonder he had no problems finding johns to pay hard cash for her. If he wanted to, he could whore her out as many times as she could last every night. She was young and beautiful. When she dressed up like a cheerleader or in a catholic schoolgirl outfit, she was irresistible to most men. Will had some customers who really liked to fuck young girls so he would dress up Abby in a little girls party dress with all the lace, puffy sleeves and the stiff petticoat that made the dress flare out. Guys loved that because there was no way that Abby could keep her panties from showing - if Will let her wear any. Yeah, she was going to make him a fortune. Too bad she had to be beat every once in a while to keep her in line. Eventually, Will knew he would beat the fight out of her. Abby walked into the bedroom at the top of the stairs. She saw another girl lying on the bed. She appeared to be a bit older than Abby by a couple of years. She was cute. She was also only wearing a tiny pair of panties. Her big DD boobs were really awesome. She had numerous tattoos on her body. Abby walked over to the bed and leaned over and kissed the girl on her lips. "Wake up, Alicia. Will has booked us into a frat house gig tonight. He has promised the schoolgirl look. He wants us to leave in a half hour. Come on; get your lazy ass out of bed and get ready." Abby couldn't believe what she was doing but she leaned over and kissed the girl on her mouth again and let her tongue explore the other's mouth. Alicia looked up at Abby and put her arms around her neck. "OK baby. Sounds like we'll be doing each other tonight for the johns as well as fucking a bunch of takesen frat dudes. I wonder how much Will is charging them to fuck us? Oh, well. Give me another kiss and we'll get ready." Abby kissed her deeply again and then headed off to the bathroom. "I'm going to take a quick shower." Abby quickly stripped out of her whore outfit. She jumped in the shower and quickly soaped up and cleaned the dry cum off of her. She washed her hair and then jumped out and dried herself off. As she was toweling herself dry, she noticed her tattoos. Her bald pussy had a rose tattooed on it and the words "Fuck My Cunt" entwined around the rose. Her large pierced tits also had a rose and the words fuck and suck intertwined. She guessed her tits were at least 36D's and the nipples had rings in them. Her arms had numerous designs on them. She looked in the mirror and saw that her ass was tattooed with 'I belong to Will Robinmister' on one cheek and 'Slut Slave' on the other. Abby quickly dried her hair and put on some makeup. She put the heavy blue eyeshade that she knew that guys liked and lots of blush on. She then put her cocksucker red lipstick on. It matched her red toenails and fingernails. Abby then reached into her dresser and pulled out a fiery red lace demi bra and matching thong. The thong barely covered anything. She then pulled on white thigh high stockings. Abby pulled a tiny blue paid skirt up over her ass and then put on a white cotton shirt that tied beneath her tits. A schoolgirl tie finished off the outfit along with a pair of blue 6-inch fuck me heels. She put on some bracelets. What am I doing? Abby continued to have an out of body experience. She felt like she was watching herself in another life. Holy cuckolds brownie - I'm dressed like every guy's wet dream of an outfit a girl would wear who wants to get fucked. Which was exactly right. She was a whore and she had been sold for the night to a frat party as their fuckable entertainment along with this other girl. Abby could not believe that she was doing this! "Hey girl. You are looking so hot. This gig will be hot - Will says that there are going to be about 30 guys there. I've got the condoms. You ready?" Alicia looked over at Abby. This girl looked really hot when she dressed up like a schoolgirl. Alicia was dressed in a cheerleader's outfit of sorts. The top was more like a really short crop top that ended just beneath her tits. Her skirt was only 12-inches long and did not cover her thong panties. She looked like a porn version of a cheerleader and along with Abby, they would get these frat guys hot and bothered and well fucked. Will would be happy with them and he will make a ton of money off of them tonight. "You know, Abby. It's been real good since Will bought you and had you join his stable of hookers. The other pimp that owned you before Will was a real bastard. At least you don't have any scars left on from all the strappings her gave you. I've seen you work and you really are good at making the johns feel special and want to come back for a repeat treat. You're a real pro. And I really love the fact that we've become so close - kind of like sisters and lovers at the same time. I just wish you didn't piss off Will so much that he has to hit you every once in a while to keep you in line. You know as well as I do that there is nowhere to go. We have no money of our own and, hell, I'm not even sure where we are. At least Will takes good care of us - buying us clothes and feeding us and giving us a place to relax. I do love you and I love going out on these kind of tricks where we can work together and you and I can get some time to play with each other." Alicia kissed Abby and patted her on her ass. "Lets go." As the two hookers came down, Will was looking at his watch. "You two bitches are always late. You hold me up again and I'll tan your asses. Get in the car and let's go." The three piled into the car and headed toward campus. "I told these guys that you two would do some kind of lezzie cuckolds brownie up front and would then fuck and suck them for the next three hours. Don't disappoint them. They are paying top dollar for you two sluts. If I hear any complaints, I'll beat your ass until you can't sit down for a week. Clear?" The two girls nodded. They were both afraid of Will and knew that he was not kidding. Both had been beaten before and neither wanted another one. 
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They arrived at the Delta frat house and the girls got out of the car and walked up to the front door. They knocked on the door and soon it was answered by a junior business major. He became instantly hard when he saw these two hookers at the door. They had done well in picking these two. Talk about hot! The blonde looked like some hot schoolgirl with the shortest plaid skirt he had ever seen and the dark haired one looked exactly like a porno cheerleader they had seen in a porn flick. God, if they fuck and suck as well as they look, this was going to be a great night. "Come on in, ladies, and meet the guys." The two girls walked in with their arms around each other's waist. They knew that this would turn on the guys - appealing to every horny bastard's fantasy of watching two girls make out with each other. They were introduced to the thirty or so guys at the party. The girls would kiss each guy and make over him - telling him how hot he looked or how horny he made them. It was clearly working, as the guys were all getting hot and horny. It was easy to see the bulges in their pants. The girls then moved to the center of the room and continued to put their arms around each other. Alicia spoke first. "Hey, seeing all you cute guys here makes a girl pretty damn horny. You guys got any objection if Abby and I start with each other so that we can get ourselves all hot and wet for you guys?" Alicia knew what the answer would be. Guys always wanted to see two hookers go at each other. And the comments and catcalls confirmed it. "Yeah baby. Lets see you do her!" "I'd love to see you suck her tits." You two bitches are hot. I want to see you eat each other out." Alicia turned to Abby and said, "Lets do it, baby." Abby was still in a fog. Part of her was this teenage hooker but part of her was still the high school cheerleader in an upscale community. She didn't understand what was happening to her. She was horrified that she was a whore and would spend the next who knows how many months as a hooker turning tricks over and over each day. Her best friend was now a whore and maybe even her lover. Inside, Abby was crying but on the outside, she reached up with her hands and cupped Alicia's face. She brought it to her and gently began to kiss her. Abby let her tongue wander over Alicia's lips and into her mouth. They kept the kiss open enough so that the guys in the room could see that their tongues were entwined. Abby wanted this all to stop on the inside but she felt her hands begin to fondle Alicia's tight little ass. God help her but she loved the feeling of massaging the girl's ass. At the same time, she felt Alicia begin to cup Abby's big boobs and play with her nipples. It was obvious to all the frat guys that Abby was not wearing a bra as her erect nipples stood out so far. Abby started into the moaning and rolling her head that she knew that guys loved to see. She actually did love the feel of Alicia's fondling of her tits. Alicia broke off the kiss and untied Abby's blouse. She removed her schoolgirl tie and undid each of the buttons on Abby's blouse. Alicia leaned over and started to lick Abby's erect nipples. Abby heard herself saying, "Oh baby. Suck my tits. Lick them all over." Abby's hands started to reach up and begin to play with Alicia's hard tits. She reached down and pulled off the little cheerleader top that Alicia was wearing. Abby began to play with Alicia's tits by reaching into her lace bra and rubbing her nipples between her fingers. The girls knew that they were really turning on the guys. Abby then slid down Alicia's body and knelt before her. She reached up under her little cheerleader skirt and pulled her tiny panties down. Abby then leaned forward and began to lick Alicia's pussy. Oh dear god - don't let me eat out some whore's cunt, she thought to herself. But she could not stop and she soon found herself licking Alicia's clit. She spread her labia apart with her fingers so she could get easy access to the little bud as she sucking and licked the clit. Alicia was moaning and playing with her own tits as Abby ate her out. The girls then switched places and Alicia was unzipping Abby's little plaid skirt and pulling it off the blonde. She then wiggled the tiny pair of black lace panties off of her and went to work on Abby's cunt. Alicia really dug the taste of Abby and could not wait for the girl to start juicing up. Abby was moaning and running her fingers through Alicia's hair as she pulled the girls face into her cunt. The guys were really getting off on watching these two whores do each other. When the girls had removed their panties and the guys saw the shaved cunts and the awesome asses, they all had the hardest hard ons they had ever had! They loved the tattooed roses and 'Fuck My Cunt' tattoo on their bald cunts. The girls were now laying in a 69 position with Abby on top and both girls really going after the others cunts with their tongues and mouth. It was the hottest scene that any of the frat guys had ever experienced live. The two girls were really getting into this scene. They both loved the taste of the other's cunt. Abby still had this horrified feeling on the inside but outside she was nothing but enthusiastic. Alicia reached into the bad that she had brought and pulled out a double dong. It was huge. The girls repositioned themselves and rammed the big dildo into their cunts. The boys were amazed that they could take those big dongs in their vaginas! The girls ground against each other and rammed the double dildo in and out of their cunts. They were each rubbing the other's clit. Both girls were moaning and screaming. It was such a hot scene and the guys were practically cumming just watching the girls. Finally, first Alicia and then Abby came us a ferocity. It was not a fake orgasm - the girls really got off on each other. As they pulled the big dong from their cunts, they leaned over and french kissed each other. "Well boys. I sure hope you liked that as much as we did. But we have to do something about those poor cocks of yours. I bet they really ache and need some relief, don't they? Who is going to be first?" The frat house president stood up and walked over to Alicia while the vice president came over to Abby. The girls both got up on their knees and reached up and undid the boy's jeans and slid them down their legs. They then pulled their briefs off and both gave their partner's cock a kiss. Alicia reached into the bag and pulled out a condom for her john and tossed one to Abby. "Hey, wait a minute. The deal was for no condoms. Your pimp certified that you girls were disease free and we paid extra not to have to wear condoms. We want to fuck you and fill you up with our cum. That's the deal and if you bitches don't honor it, I'll call your pimp right now." Alicia looked over at Abby who looked like she wanted to cry. "If that's the deal that Will did, then that's the way it will be. No condoms and you guys can just fill us up with your hot, gooey cum!" With that, the frat president laid Alicia out flat on the floor and proceeded to ram his big dick into her cunt. He couldn't wait to fuck this hot whore. The VP wanted Abby to give him a blowjob. Abby leaned over and took his cock into her mouth. She began to lick the cock all over and then licked the guy's big balls. She then began to expertly deep throat the guy's dick like she had done to hundreds of johns before. She soon had him moaning with her expert technique. Alicia was moaning and carrying on with the guy fucking her. She knew what to say and how to say it to make the johns think they were the best fuck she had ever had. Both girls were doing their johns and trying to make them cum fast. Abby's john had his hands on her head and was pumping her face onto his cock. He was really close to cumming. "Remember bitch. You have to swallow - that's part of the deal." He began to spew his seed into her mouth. Abby started swallowing the slimy cum down her throat as the cock kept cumming over and over. Finally, she felt his cock was done and let it slowly slip from her mouth. She kissed it once more and looked up at the guy and told him how fantastic he was. Inside, Abby was cringing. I've already done two tricks today and I'm going to get fucked by thirty guys tonight. Who knows what Will might have her do tomorrow? More tricks for sure or maybe a party like this one! This was her life. She was just a fucking whore who existed to service men that her pimp lined up for her. She existed to make their cocks feel good and nothing else. She needed to keep her pimp happy and to do what he told her to do. That was her life. Fucking and sucking and lying on her back or on her knees. Before she could contemplate more, her next john was pushing her to the floor and taking his clothes off. Soon, she was getting royally fucked in her cunt and she was moaning like a whore. She was telling the john how good he was and how hot he made her. She screamed when she felt him cum deep inside her. She felt so cheap to be a cum depository but there was nothing that she could do about it. This was her life - to be fucked in all her holes. Soon, she had a line in front of her. Abby would have a cock pumping in and out of her cunt while she was sucking on another cock. It went on this way for hours. She just finished fucking one of the frat boys when she felt someone grab her hair. She was pulled over to where Alicia lay. The guy pulling her over had just finished thoroughly fucking Alicia's cunt. "Listen, you sexy slut. I want you to suck out my cum from her cunt and swallow it. Your pimp told us you two bitches would do anything we asked you to do." Fearful of a punishment from Will if she did not obey his wishes, she leaned over to Alicia's cunt. She started to lick her pussy and then began to suck at her cunt. She slowly was able to extract not only the one john's cum and Alicia's juices mixed together but the cum of five or six guys. She swallowed the gooey mixture into her tummy. She was truly a whore to do this. Her life had no meaning other than being a fuck slave to me she was sold to. She felt a slap on her ass. The same guy told her to thank him and his cock for giving her such a good treat. Abby looked up at him with a plastered smile on her face and said, "Thank you so much for letting me suck your delicious cum out of this other sluts cunt. You taste so good, baby. I love your cock and I'm so happy I got to eat your cum." She leaned over and kissed his cock and gave it a playful lick. Suddenly, Abby found herself back in the room with the other cheerleaders and Master Bob. She was still dressed in her little cheerleader uniform. She could tell that her panties were soaked with her juices. My god - I can't let that life happen for me. It was so awful being a whore and hooker. She immediately fell to her knees and crawled over to Master Bob. She saw him in a new light. He was so handsome and kind. She knew that he would be fair to her as his slave and take good care of her. Bob's mind control was working on her as was her alternative life experience. Abby wanted nothing more than to pledge her devotion to her new Master and to please him in any way possible. "Please Master Bob. Please forgive this unworthy cunt for not seeing how you are a great Master for this slave. I want to be your slave. Please accept me and use me in any way that you deem. I will love you and obey you and protect you. Please, please Master. Let me be your slave." With that, she lowered her head and began to kiss his feet to show her sincerity and love for him. Bob looked down at Abby. He loved the power that he had over these stuck up cheerleaders. They could easily be made to beg him to be his slave. "Abby, you need to make a final decision here. You must choose to become my devoted slave and dedicate yourself to doing all that I command or you will go back to your alternative life that you experienced. If you want to be a lowly hooker for the rest of your life, choose that life. If you want to retain almost all of your existing life but be totally devoted to me as your Master, then choose this life. There is no alternative. You can accept by pleasuring my cock and bonding to my by swallowing my cum" Abby was thrilled that Master had invited her to become his slave. With no hesitation, she reached up and unbuckled his belt. She pulled his jeans and briefs down his legs and gazed with love and adoration at his beautiful cock. It was the most precious thing to her now. Abby leaned forward and began to kiss Master's huge cock and to give it a sexy tongue bath with her mouth. She loved the taste of Master and could not wait for his cum to flood her mouth and fill her tummy. Abby took Master's cock into her mouth and began to deep throat him. It was so wonderful. She heard Master speaking to her. "By selecting to be my slave, you will obey me or anyone else I give dominion over you without question. I am the only man that you can be with. You will break up with any boyfriends that you have and sex with any other man other than your Master makes you sick. The only sex that you may have except for your Master will be with one of your fellow cheerleaders. You will love to kiss and fondle the other girls and have them do it to you. You will love to eat out their cunts and lick their clits. You love to suck on their assholes and you love to play with sex toys with your teammates." All this sounded wonderful to Abby who was concentrating on making Master's cock feel good and having him cum in her mouth. She felt him begin to tense up and suddenly his wonderful cum shot into her mouth. She swallowed his delicious seed and was instantly bonded forever with her Master. "You have done well, Abby. I want you to go back in line with the other girls. You may play with your cunt but you cannot cum until I give you permission." She scampered back to where she was originally standing and reached into her panties and began to play with her clit - just as Master had ordered. Abby loved her Master. Bob now turned his attention to Lauren. This girl was a racist. She was truly hateful when it came to blacks. Bob's alternative life for her was going to take her into a new world where she would become the trophy white slut for an inner city gang. It would be a lot of fun to see what happened to Lauren. 
Posts: 167297
Une découverte inattendue Jean est un jeune homme de 32 ans. Il est marié à Odile, mignonne brunette du même âge. Ils forment un parfait petit couple et s’entendent à merveille. Jean et Odile se mistert connus lors de leurs études alors qu’ils avaient à faire des recherches en commun à la bibliothèque universitaire. Ce fut l’amour fou immédiatement, le coup de foudre, ils restèrent ensemble… Cela faisait maintenant 12 ans. Odile donne l’image d’une femme peu sûre d’elle-même, peu sûre de ses compétences intellectuelles aussi bien que de mister physique. Elle a pourtant tout pour plaire : du haut de mister 1, 67 m’et de ses 61 kg, Odile a des formes très plantureuses. Son imposante poitrine notamment (95E) est systématiquement cachée dans de larges chemisiers ou d’amples pull-overs. Elle a de superbes yeux verts et de belles jambes bien dessinées surplombées par un postérieur cambré et rond. La timidité d’Odile se retrouve également dans l’intimité de mister couple où, le plus souvent, c’est Jean qui prend les initiatives, Odile ne se débridant que très progressivement et de manière toujours très limitée. Jean quant à lui est beaucoup plus à l’aise et spontané, 1, 88 mm pour 82 kg, cheveux bruns aux yeux marron, sportif. Sans être un top model, Jean dégage beaucoup de charme et de virilité. Il aurait pu, à plusieurs reprises déjà dans mister travail ou dans mister club de sport, céder aux tentations du sexe « faible » mais jamais, au grand dam de toutes ces femmes, il ne fit le moindre geste en leur direction. Voilà donc pour les présentations… Ce jour là, Jean rentrait d’un déplacement de plusieurs jours à l’étranger. Il avait pu se libérer plus tôt et allait pouvoir faire la surprise à mister épouse. Cette dernière ne travaillait normalement pas le vendredi et serait sans doute très surprise de le voir débarquer comme ça, à l’improviste. Poussant la surprise encore plus loin, il lui passa un appel depuis mister GSM afin de lui annoncer qu’il serait certainement un peu en retard pour mister retour, retard dû à une réunion de dernière minute. Odile lui répondit, tout essoufflée, que ce n’était pas grave et qu’elle l’attendrait sagement devant la télé… Pour ne pas éveiller les soupçons, Jean demanda à mister taxi de le déposer à l’angle de la rue. Il fit une cinquantaine de mètres à pied et rentra par le portillon arrière de la maimister. Curieux : les volets roulants étaient baissés à mi-hauteur et, en dépit du temps magnifique à l’extérieur, toutes les fenêtres étaient fermées. Jean décida de passer par le sous-sol, une fois à l’intérieur il stoppa net mister avancée. Avait-il rêvé ou avait-il réellement entendu un râle… non pas un râle de souffrance, mais un râle de jouissance, de plaisir… ? Ce qui ne faisait aucun doute c’était d’où il venait – du salon – et surtout qui avait râlé ainsi : c’était Odile. Mais déjà le râle reprenait, identique, un peu plus étouffé peut-être. Jean laissa sa valise et sa veste dans le sous-sol et monta, tel un félin, les escaliers. La porte du sous-sol était restée entrebâillée. De là, la vision qu’il aperçut le cloua sur place. C’était bien sa femme qui râlait ainsi mais le plaisir qu’elle exprimait aussi bruyamment venait d’une ou plutôt de sources inattendues : Odile était entourée de trois hommes. Jean la voyait habillée comme jamais elle ne l’avait été pour lui : soutien-gorge balconnet, bas avec porte-jarretelles, bottes et string largement écarté puisque cette dernière à quatre pattes était en train de se faire enculer. Jean faillit défaillir. Les râles d’Odile n’étaient pas continus puisque cette dernière alternait des fellations en suçant les deux autres queues. Ces trois hommes, Jean les connaissait bien. C’étaient ses voisins et amis : Grégoire le plus âgé (58 ans) et le plus velu – à plusieurs reprise Odile avait fait part à Jean de mister dégoût des hommes très poilus – Vincent, le plus jeune (23 ans), un look de skin head, crâne rasé, body builder, et enfin Benjamin, (35 ans) avec lequel il jouait régulièrement au golf. Les commentaires allaient bon train sur la disponibilité de cette pute, de cette salope qui n’avait sans doute jamais été aussi bien baisée. Jean était effondré de voir mister Odile redoubler d’ardeur après de tels commentaires. Elle se frottait maintenant le visage de ces queues tendues et sa croupe rebondie allait au-devant de la grosse queue de Grégoire. — Oui, c’est bon mes bébés, disait-elle. Faites moi plaisir, prenez-moi, je suis à vous. Et les hommes de demander si leurs queues étaient bonnes, si elle allait avaler leur sperme. Ce qui choqua le plus Jean c’est que spontanément Odile fit allusion à lui, mister propre mari. Elle leur dit que jamais avec Jean elle n’avait connu autant de jouissance, que chacune de leur queue valait mille fois la sienne. Jean était pétrifié. Il assista anéanti au changement de position des quatre protagonistes : Benjamin s’allongea sur le tapis du salon. Odile vint au-dessus de lui et prit sa queue en main pour se l’introduire dans la chatte. Vincent vint immédiatement se placer derrière elle et, comme pour un mécanisme bien huilé, s’introduisit dans mister postérieur avec une facilité déconcertante. Les deux hommes entamèrent un va-et-vient parfaitement cadencé où pénétrations de concert succédaient aux pénétrations alternées. Jean faillit tomber dans les escaliers lorsque Odile leur dit en gémissant que c’était bon de les sentir à nouveau en elle en même temps… à nouveau… ces mots rémisternèrent dans la tête de Jean comme un désagréable écho. Depuis combien de temps ces rencontres avaient-elles lieu ? Perdu dans un état second, Jean ne vit même pas Grégoire présenter mister postérieur poilu à Odile pour qu’elle lui lèche mister petit trou ! La scène était saisissante : voir cette belle trentenaire ainsi prise en sandwich en train de lécher et d’introduire sa petite langue rose dans le trou du cul velu de mister voisin quinquagénaire était digne des meilleurs films pornos. Les quatre compères prirent leur pied en même temps, Vincent et Benjamin se vidant dans Odile, Grégoire se déversant dans sa bouche gourmande. Mais cela, Jean ne fit que l’entrevoir puisque, écœuré, il redescendait déjà les escaliers pour ensuite sortir de la maimister aussi discrètement qu’il y était entré. À l’intérieur, les amants reprenaient lentement leurs esprits, Benjamin et Vincent finissaient de limer Odile tout en débandant lentement. Grégoire, quant à lui, se délectait du spectacle de cette petite salope qui lui nettoyait consciencieusement la queue avec sa bouche et sa langue. Jamais à mister âge il n’aurait pu un jour s’imaginer pouvoir sauter ainsi une aussi belle femme. Il se rappelait encore leur première rencontre. Son mari et elle avaient invité leur voisinage direct pour leur arrivée dans le quartier. Il avait été tout heureux de cette invitation, lui, le divorcé de service, ça lui avait changé les idées. Progressivement, il avait rendu de petits services à ce couple si sympathique et surtout à cette charmante petite Odile lorsque Jean était en déplacement. Et puis il y a eu ce mercredi après-midi ensoleillé où Grégoire, adepte de naturisme, était sorti complètement nu à l’arrière de la maimister, à l’abri des regards indiscrets. Grégoire était machinalement en train de se caresser la queue lorsqu’Odile avait fait irruption à un coin de la maimister pour lui demander un petit service. Grégoire, habitué au naturisme, ne se formalisa pas, en revanche la belle Odile était très mal à l’aise à la vue du corps nu de Grégoire, ses yeux revenant systématiquement à mister sexe à demi bandé. Il s’était alors approché d’elle et, tout en continuant à lui parler, lui avait pris la main et l’avait invité à le masturber. Odile avait alors mollement tenté de retirer sa main mais Grégoire l’avait retenue, un brin autoritaire. Odile, rouge écarlate, avait entamé ce lent va-et-vient sous les soupirs de contentement de Grégoire ! Odile avait regardé avec envie cette grosse queue qu’elle avait fini par prendre en bouche. C’est à partir de cette journée qu’ils étaient devenus amants. Grégoire avait dès le début été étonné de la soumission systématique dont elle avait fait preuve, parfois hésitante mais, finalement, toujours partante pour de nouvelles découvertes. Sa naïveté notamment excitait beaucoup Grégoire : il en profitait. C’est ainsi qu’il lui avait fait découvrir, au travers de films pornographiques, certaines pratiques dont elle ignorait l’existence ou qu’elle n’avait jamais eu l’idée d’essayer. Ce fut ainsi le cas de la sodomie. Il lui fit goûter mister sperme, il se branla entre ses seins, la fit se caresser, lui urina sur le visage, dans la bouche et, ce qui selon lui l’excita le plus, elle lui lécha et lui doigta le cul avec un plaisir non feint. Il l’initia aussi à la masturbation qu’elle ne pratiquait que très rarement et lui fit découvrir le raffinement de tenues érotiques : bas, guêpières, talons aiguilles, strings… 
Posts: 167297
Jean n’en croyait pas ses oreilles. Mais alors que de tels propos l’auraient choqué si sa femme les avait prononcés, il les trouva très intéressants voire même excitants dans la bouche de Sandrine. Leur discussion prit alors un tour nettement plus coquin. Elle lui avoua par exemple avoir découvert la joie de se faire « enculer » grâce à un collègue lors d’un séminaire. Elle lui dit combien cette pratique qui lui faisait alors peur, était bonne et qu’elle ne pouvait plus s’en passer. À la question de ce qui l’avait décidée à franchir le pas, Sandrine répondit à Jean que mister collègue l’avait séduite : elle aurait tenté n’importe quoi pour lui à ce moment-là. Il avait su lui montrer que cette pratique pouvait être faite avec douceur. Elle avoua aussi très naturellement que mister côté femme soumise était tel que, d’elle-même, elle n’aurait jamais osé faire le premier pas ni même d’ailleurs le demander à mister mari. C’était sans doute le cas d’Odile pour ce qu’avait pu voir Jean en tout cas. La discussion continua encore plusieurs dizaines de minutes, discussion menée par Sandrine qui ne tarissait pas de questions plus indiscrètes les unes que les autres. Elle lui demanda ainsi ouvertement ses préférences en matière sexuelle, s’attarda longuement sur ses propres préférences et ses fantasmes. Il apprit ainsi qu’elle adorait être sodomisée en levrette, et avoir en même temps une grosse queue à sucer, qu’elle aimait beaucoup le sperme. Jean s’aperçut alors que cette jeune femme était une vraie libertine, assumant parfaitement sa sexualité. Jean était curieux, excité et, pour tout dire, intéressé par cette belle femme. Ils flottaient maintenant tous les deux dans une dimension parallèle. Sans en dire davantage, Sandrine se leva, prit Jean par la main et l’emmena dans sa chambre. Jean se laissait guider, incapable de prendre une quelconque initiative. Sandrine s’amusait beaucoup de cette situation nouvelle : faire connaître l’adultère à un homme. Dès leur arrivée dans sa chambre, Sandrine, d’autorité, plaqua Jean contre le mur, s’agenouilla devant lui pour le sucer. Il avait une belle queue ce Jean, normalement longue mais particulièrement épaisse. « Qu’il doit être bon d’avoir un tel calibre dans le postérieur », se dit-elle. Jean, lentement mais sûrement, commençait à se désinhiber. La main droite sur la tête de Sandrine, il imposait maintenant le rythme de la fellation. Tout en le suçant, la belle Sandrine caressait du bout de ses ongles les bourses velues de Jean. Ce dernier faisait un effort surhumain pour ne pas éjaculer immédiatement : cette pipe était si douce, si onctueuse. Tout en le suçant, Sandrine regardait sa proie dans les yeux. Elle aimait beaucoup cette position paradoxale de femme soumise, à genoux devant un homme mais en même temps en position de power parce que tenant l’homme par ses attributs les plus sensibles : l’esclave ne l’est-il pas par sa seule volonté de soumission ? Sandrine, en experte de la fellation, sentait bien que Jean était à la limite de sa résistance. Lui caressant les couilles d’une main et le masturbant de l’autre, elle lui dit d’une voix douce qu’elle avait envie de boire mister sperme. Cette annonce fit à Jean l’effet d’une décharge électrique et il éjacula immédiatement en une multitude de jets dont Sandrine avala une partie et dont l’autre partie finit sur mister doux visage. Jean était comme misterné. Jamais il n’avait connu une telle jouissance. Ce qui le troubla le plus, outre l’infini plaisir que lui procura cette pipe, furent les images de mister épouse qui se bousculèrent dans mister esprit au moment de sa jouissance : il se rendit compte que d’avoir vu ainsi sa femme prise comme une vraie pute, traitée comme une traînée l’avait vraiment excité. Il en fit part à Sandrine. Cette dernière partit dans un grand éclat de rire : elle n’était pas étonnée. Pour elle, il s’agissait là d’une situation qui n’avait rien de particulier : elle lui expliqua qu’au niveau d’un couple, les apparences étaient souvent trompeuses et que de nombreux couples parmi les plus calmes étaient intérieurement secoués par de telles envies, que leurs deux composantes n’osaient avouer de peur de choquer et créer une situation de rupture. En fine psychologue, Sandrine finit par conclure que la belle Odile avait fini par céder à une profonde envie de débauche où elle serait soumise à la domination sexuelle de plusieurs hommes en même temps. Le concernant, elle lui dit qu’il commençait à découvrir le vrai visage de sa femme et que l’idée d’avoir une pute à la maimister commençait à faire mister chemin, lui permettant peut-être même de lui ouvrir des perspectives nouvelles quant à sa propre sexualité. L’analyse de la situation laissa Jean sans voix mais elle lui sembla assez proche de la réalité. Mais comment faire maintenant ? Comment renouer un contact avec une femme qu’il lui semblait ne découvrir réellement que maintenant ? Le visage encore maculé de sperme gluant, Sandrine lui proposa mister aide afin qu’il puisse enfin pleinement profiter de mister épouse. Mais pour cela, elle lui proposa un pacte : en échange de mister aide, Sandrine souhaitait continuer de profiter de lui, elle souhaitait le prendre pour amant. Le pacte fut scellé par une nuit de débauche complète au cours de laquelle la chaude Sandrine fit découvrir à Jean des plaisirs auxquels il n’aurait jamais imaginé avoir accès. 
Posts: 282
Encore une excellente histoire, merci, mais même remarque que pour "Ma femme", ce texte laisse une impression d'inachevé... Bonne continuation
Posts: 36
Merci pour toutes ces histoires !... 
Posts: 167297
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Doctors Orders 1st Appointment It was one of those days when things kept went wrong, right from the start. My alarm didn't go off, so I dressed hastily. I missed my train; I left my lunch at home and so on. It wasn't until I was almost too late that I remembered that I had a doctor's appointment that evening. I ended up having to run to catch my train, which was not a good idea as my appointment was about a sore knee; but as I sat on the train I realized that a sore knee was the least of my worries. You see under my suit, I was wearing ladies knickers. They were pink, lacy at the front and silky everywhere else, bikini briefs style. I habitually wore panties under my boring business suit and I have done so for so long now that I have to remind myself not to wear them when the circumstances demand it. Being in such a rush that morning I had forgotten my doctor's appointment and had worn panties. I arrived at the surgery just in time for my appointment. I was about to head for the toilets so I could take them off, figuring that being caught 'going commando' was better that being caught in panties, when my name was called. The receptionist was a strict-looking woman, a bit older than me, wearing a name badge that said Margaret on the lapel of her smart gray skirt suit. She looked so stern I didn't want to make a fuss, so I headed for the consulting room, hoping that I could still find a way to avoid embarrassment. Nervously I entered the room. Dr Susan Jones was waiting for me. I hadn't had an appointment with her before. As she ran through some routine questions I got my first look at her. She was about my age, early thirties, with long blonde hair, lovely blue eyes behind her spectacles and a trim, athletic figure. She was wearing a fitted white blouse and a short black skirt that showed off her legs. It was fair to say that Dr Jones was bit of a 'hottie'. "And what is the problem Mr. Christian?" "Um, it's my knee", I explained giving her some details of when it hurt. "Well I shall need to give it thorough an inspection. Certainly I will give it as much attention as you have been giving my legs, Mr. Christian." Oh dear, she had caught me eyeing up her legs. I mumred an apology. "Never mind, I'm sure you meant it as a compliment. Now slip off your trousers and pop onto the couch." The 'going commando' plan was completely out of the question now. If I tried to slip my knickers off along with my trousers she'd think I was exposing myself. I removed my shoes, then my trousers and tried to get on the couch quickly and cover myself with my shirt. She pulled her chair over and began examining my knee, prodding it and moving it about. "Well there doesn't seem to be any ligament or cartilage damage, so that's good. Nice panties by the way, I have a pair like them myself. It could be a postural problem; maybe the way you stand puts pressure on your knee." Relieved at her calm acceptance of my attire, I began to relax, and then realized that she had said something else. "Sorry Doctor, I didn't catch that, what did you say?" "I said, just slip off your shirt and socks and stand up for me, please 'Chrissie'." With a sinking feeling I pulled off my socks and began to unbutton my shirt. Then a thought struck me. "Why did you call me Chrissie?" "Chrissie seems so much more appropriate than Mr. Christian, given your current attire. You have no objection do you, Chrissie?" I meekly replied "No Doctor." For what seemed like minutes but was probably a few seconds I stood there in just the pretty pink knickers. Oddly my biggest worry was trying desperately to remain calm and not let on just how turned on the situation was making me. Then I heard the doctor say into the intercom, "Can you pop in to my consulting room Helen?" Within seconds we were joined by Helen, the nurse. I blushed as she entered the room. She was a plain-speaking Northern lass, a big girl, as tall as me and quite plump but in a curvy way. She was a blue nurses uniform of blouse and trousers. "Blood hell, what have we got here?" she laughed. "Chrissie here needs a longer consultation than I can fit in right now, but she's happy to wait til after the last appointment." Doctor Jones explained in a matter of fact tone, "Can you take Chrissie to wait in the records room?" "No problem Doc." Helen said "come on the Chrissie, follow me" she ordered. I went to get my clothes from the couch, but Dr Jones stopped me. "You won't need those, its only 20 minutes or so." So, dressed in just my pink panties I meekly followed Helen along the corridor, thankfully away from the waiting room. The records room was basically a small box room full of filing cabinets. There was no chair or anything for me to sit on, so I had to stand. As she left Helen said with a giggle "Don't wander off Chrissie." I stood there waiting. Wandering off was not an option. Twice the door opened and the stern faced receptionist came in. Both times she simple said, "Excuse me Chrissie" went to a filing cabinet then went out. It was weird the way she ignored my predicament, although the way she called me 'Chrissie' showed that she was in on the joke. I wondered what was in store for me. Eventually Helen fetched me. In the corridor Margaret was at one end, Susan at the other. She called out, "Walk up and down the corridor for me please, Chrissie." Under the gaze of the three women I walked up and down. To my horror I noticed that Margaret was filming me with a small video camera. Susan and Helen took it in turns to give me instructions. "Put each foot further across in front when you walk" or "swing your hips a little more". I knew their instructions were making my walk increasingly more feminine, but I couldn't refuse. Anyway, being ordered about by these three women, whilst wearing just panties, was a bit of a turn on, so I wouldn't want to refuse. Finally they directed me into the examination room again and made me stand with my hands on my head in the centre of the room. "What is our diagnosis of our patient Chrissie?" Dr. Jones asked the others. Margaret spoke first, "He's a little poof who probably takes it up the arse." I tried to protest but Dr. Jones cut me short, telling me to keep quiet if I knew what was good for me. "No, he's not gay," said Helen, "look at the way his cock twitches when I touch it." She stroked my cock through the lacy material and it responded by getting even more erect. "In fact there is a damp spot where he is dribbling pre-cum." "I do believe you are right, Helen," replied the doctor. "Of course his smaller than average penis does mean that he is well suited to wearing ladies knickers and panties." She pulled on a pair of disposable rubber gloves. "Turn round, and bend forward with your elbows resting on the couch." I obeyed her but the lowness of the couch meant that my bum was very exposed; more so when she slipped my pink panties down to expose my bum but keep my cock trapped. I felt a cold feeling on my bum. "This is just some gel to assist my examination, Chrissie." Dr. Jones said as she began to rub the gel around and into my bum hole. My cock twitched even more as she applied more and more pressure with her finger. She pressed a little harder and her finger slipped in. I moaned with unexpected pleasure. "Well he might be enjoying this, Margaret, but from the tightness around my finger it is not something he has done before, so we can rule your diagnosis out." As she spoke the beautiful doctor slid her finger in and out, whilst reaching round to touch my cock. It was all too much for me and I came messily in my panties. Abruptly she removed her finger. "Stand up and pull up your panties," she ordered. "My opinion is that you are a panty-boy, someone with a panty fetish. I'm going to prescribe a course of treatment. You will follow my instructions, to the letter; otherwise we shall go to the police about your lewd behaviour. I have two witnesses to your state of arousal and suggestive behavour; you'll be in a world of trouble if that happens." She wrote a long list while I was allowed to get dressed. She handed me the envelope. "Your next appointment is tomorrow. Margaret has fitted you in just as surgery closes, so we'll be all alone, just like this evening. Follow the instructions in my letter exactly and we'll have some fun tomorrow. Good bye Chrissie, you sissy panty-boy." I left clutching the envelope. All the way home the sticky wetness in my panties was a reminder of the events. I managed to get home before the wetness soaked through my trousers. As soon as I was home I opened the letter and began to read... 
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The instructions in Dr. Jones' letter were clear, if a little puzzling and I followed them exactly. At a quarter past seven the next morning I rang the bell on the surgery door. Margaret let me in. "Morning Chrissie," she greeted me. "Dr. Jones is in room 3 waiting for you, go right in." I went in. Dr Susan Jones was waiting. She looked stunning again. Her blonde hair was tied up in a pony tail and her blue eyes twinkled behind her glasses. She was wearing a black shirt-waist dress, black opaque tights and knee length boots. She had the top few buttons undone giving me a tantalizing glimpse of her black lace bra. I couldn't help but wonder if she was wearing matching knickers. "Good morning Chrissie, strip to your panties, I want to see how well you have followed my instructions." Soon I stood there wearing just a very dull pair of white cotton panties, with only a trim of thin red lace to make them pretty. I felt her eyes roaming over me, acutely aware of the bulge she was causing in my panties. "Well done Chrissie, you have followed my instructions exactly and not been tempted to wear something too sexy. There will be time for that later. Now make good use of the toilet next door; I recommend emptying your bowels and your bladder fully. And Chrissie," she paused then added "keep the door open." As I sat on the toilet, naked apart from the knickers around my thighs, Nurse Helen walked past. She stopped and returned to stare at me. She showed no signs of leaving so I had no option but to let loose a stream of pee. It splashed noisily in the bowl beneath me. I could feel my cheeks reddening with the embarrassment of my situation. I had to wipe myself and pull up my panties while Helen watched, smirking. "Make sure you tuck that tiny little cock of yours in," she said laughing at me. I obeyed meekly, aware that by tucking it between my legs I increased the femininity of my figure. "Here, let me help you," she added. With swift hand she used a wide strip of elastic tape to hold my cock in position. Back in Dr Jones' room I was handed a pair of tights, black and opaque like the ones she was wearing. She ordered me to put them on. She watched me carefully. "That's clearly not the first time you've worn tights," she observed. "I think that for you the American name of pantyhose seems so much more appropriate, don't you agree Chrissie?" "Yes Doctor," I agreed. "Hands on your head, Chrissie," she ordered. "Helen, the tape please." As I stood there she pulled the tights up and then, taking the roll of tape from Helen, proceeded to tape around the waistband of the tights, fixing them to me! The three women then took it in turns to sign the tape. Dr Jones explained that this was to ensure I didn't take them off. "I won't be able to pull them down either. How do I go to the loo?" I protested, realizing the answer as soon as the words were out of my mouth. Helen laughed nastily. "You don't you little sissy, you'll have to hold it in all day or put up with wet panties and wet tights!" As a final touch they made me leave my socks off. Although the tights were opaque, they were obviously not socks, giving me a problem all day. I drank as little as possible in the morning. At lunch I was surprised to be told there was a visitor waiting for me in reception; it was Margaret. As we walked to lunch I caught myself checking out her figure in the reflections of shop windows. For someone her age she had a good figure! It was a nice day so we walked to the park. There she produced a large bottle of mineral water. I knew what was coming; she ordered me to take it. All of it! I managed it while she laughingly told me that they didn't want me dehydrating. For about an hour I was fine. Then the water began to have an effect and I kept shifting in my seat to try to relieve the pressure on my rapidly filling bladder. One of my co-workers, Alimister, noticed. She is a pretty bubbly brunette, very fanciable, but she's married. She looked at me strangely. "Ben I have to ask you something." "What?" "Why are you wearing tights and not socks?" I blushed. "It's a bet" I lied. "Of course it is. Is not going to the loo part of the bet as well?" "Um, yes." "Well good luck Ben!" By the end of the day it was quite painful and I still had a train journey and trip to the surgery to survive. By the time I arrived it was taking all my will-power not to pee. I was even considering trying to just pee a little and put up with the wet panties, when, finally, when I was the only patient left I was called into the consulting room. I was ordered to strip and soon I was standing there in my taped on tights and white cotton panties. Dr Jones began to feel my abdomen, pressing hard in places that made me want to pee very badly. She handed me a tumbler of water. "Drink that down, Chrissie, tell me about your day." I told her about the discomfort and also about the embarrassing moment with Alimister. She seemed disappointed. "Next time she asks tell her you're wearing them because you like them." I nodded and was acutely aware of my need to pee. "I know you are close to bursting Chrissie, but I want you to hold on for a bit longer. Come with me." She led me to the toilet. Margaret went in, leaving the door wide open. To my amazement she hitched up her skirt, pulled down her tights and panties and sat down to pee. It was strangely erotic. I was struggling to hold mine in and now I was getting an erection too! She invited to wipe her dry with the toilet-paper. I did, wiping her neatly trimmed pubic area very carefully. Next it was Helen's turn. In a teasingly slow way she pulled down her trousers, followed by her knickers. Hers were big and black in contrast to the small pale blue pair Margaret wore. She was also clean shaven. I couldn't keep myself from staring. She unleashed a seemingly endless stream of pee. I wiped her too. It was difficult not to do more than just wipe, but I managed to control myself. My thoughts turned to the sexy Dr Jones; would she be next, I wondered? "You have a choice now Chrissie; either you can pee now or you can hold on a little longer. If you pee now, our fun is over. If you choose to wait, it will continue. What do you want to do?" Though I was desperate to pee, I couldn't bear the thought of stopping; I chose to continue. Having redressed quickly I was driven by Dr Jones to the local shopping mall where it was late night opening. We went into a lingerie store and began to look at the outfits. She instructed me to choose a matching pair of knickers and suspender belt, with the added twist that it had to be something I'd like to see her wearing, but would also like to wear myself! I chose quickly, rather than take my time, a simple pair of cream-coloured knickers, trimmed with black lace. I needed a size 14, but Susan needed a size 10. Clutching a pair of knickers and a suspender belt in each size I went to pay. "Excuse me, do you know you have two different sizes?" asked the shop assistant. Instinctively I knew what Susan would want me to say. "They are for both of us, his and hers," I explained. The shop assistant tried to suppress a giggle as she finished our transaction. As we left the shop I heard her laughing out loud. Outside the shop Susan finally gave me permission to go to the toilet. I was bursting by now and as I struggled with the tape round my waist I could feel some pee dribbling out. Pulling the tape off my cock was excruciatingly painful but I had to remove it to pee. It was difficult but I just made it in time. My panties and tights were slightly damp, but not unbearably so. Back in the mall it took me a few moments to find Susan, but she reappeared behind me. She handed me a bag. "These are yours" she said simply, adding "be at the surgery at quarter past seven again tomorrow. Good night Chrissie." She turned round and walked away, leaving me to make my own way home. I thought about going after her, but she was in charge; I dare not question her or else she might end our fun. "Good night Dr Jones," I whispered. 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!My name is Eddie and something has happened in my life recently that I have to write about. Let me tell you about my situation. I am a 32 year old white male, who is married to a very sexy woman, named Liz. Liz, who is 28 years old, and I have been married for five years. We met when we were teenagers and dated on and off, until our marriage. Liz is easily the most attractive woman I've ever been with and I love her very much. Liz has always been my dream girl. My wife has long brunette hair, that falls below her shoulders and blue eyes that light up when she smiles. Liz is 5'5", and weighs about 130 lbs. She has awesome 36' D cup breasts, with huge areoles and nipples that poke out like knobs when she's aroused. Liz also has a bodacious ass that some would say is slightly too large, but that I think is perfect. My wife and I have always had a good sex life, at least from my point of view. Nothing too wild, she loves oral sex (both giving and receiving), but she has never allowed me inside that gorgeous ass of hers. I don't push her on the anal sex, because the rest of it is so good. I always thought that she was satisfied with our sex life, but recent events have shown me what a fool I was. When I think about what happened last Friday night and what is going to happen tonight, I don't know whether to cum in my pants or vomit. Liz and I just moved to this neighborhood two weeks ago. This area is a little run down, but the economy has affected my job and Liz lost her's , so we didn't have much choice. We couldn't afford our mortgage. Bankruptcy and foreclosure soon followed. Soon after moving in we met our neighbors. Robert and Shawn are two young black men in their early twenties. Liz was mowing the yard one day, in a pair of short cut offs that allowed half of her pale white ass cheeks to hang out, when Robert came outside and started talking to her. She soon invited him in for a beer. I was a little leery of the young black man at first. I'm not prejudiced or anything, but at 6'2", Robert is 3 inches taller than me, and he was obviously enjoying the view of my wife's sexy ass and huge tits. But after talking to him for awhile, I started to like him. Despite this, I was a bit taken aback when Liz asked him if he'd like to come over on Friday night and play poker. Robert asked if he could bring his roommate Shawn. Liz laughed, "Sure, why not. The more the merrier." After Robert had left, I spoke up, "Are you sure about this?" My wife looked at me in surprise, "You're not afraid of your wife being around black men, are you? Besides, we could use some money, and I'm sure we're better at Texas hold'em than they are." I had to agree with her. We were short on money and we were both experienced poker players. Our guests showed up early on Friday evening. Liz was in the kitchen preparing some snacks, when the doorbell rang. When I answered the door I was surprised to see three black men, instead of the two I expected. Robert introduced me to Nate. Like Robert and Shawn, Nate was in his early twenties, and like our neighbors his skin was coal black. "Nate is my cousin," Robert informed me, "I wasn't expecting him to come over tonight, but I didn't think you guys would mind." Liz walked into the living room from the kitchen and smiled, "Of course not," she said, "I did say 'the more the merrier'." The three black men stared at my wife and smiled. Liz was wearing another pair of short-shorts, which were barely covered by her top, which was a shear pull over blouse, with a plunging v-neck. The fabric of her top was so thin you could see the outline of her nipples. It was obvious my wife wasn't wearing a bra, as you could see her big titties jiggle when she walked. I was definitely not happy with her choice of wardrobe. I offered our guests a seat in the living room. We had a card table set up with four kitchen chairs around it. The three black men sat at the table while Liz went into the kitchen to finish making the snacks. "As soon as she has the treats ready, we can get down to some serious poker," I informed them, as I took a seat across from Robert. Robert grinned and gestured to his left, "Nate here kicks ass on Texas hold'em. I hope you can keep up." Nate spoke up, "Yeah, I hope you're ready to lose some money, white boy." My face turned red, as I thought about how to reply. "Honey, why don't you come get them some beers," Liz yelled from the kitchen. Robert immediately stood up, "I'll go," he said, "so that you two bad ass poker players can get to know each other." The tall black man was smirking as he walked through the swinging doors and into the kitchen. I talked to Shawn and tried to ignore Nate. After a few minutes I began to wonder what was taking Robert so long with the beers, so I went to check on him. I went through the swinging door as quietly as I could. What I saw made my heart jump up in my throat. Liz was standing at the counter, a tray of snacks in her hands, her back to Robert. The black man was right up against her, whispering in her ear, but more importantly Robert's large dark hands were on my wife's ass, rubbing and squeezing her fleshy butt buns, through her shorts. Liz's eyes were half closed and she was breathing hard. I heard her whisper something back at him and thought I caught the words, 'black cock'. I was so stunned at first I didn't know what to do. They sensed my presence and both turned around quickly. Robert withdrew his hands from my wife's tail and smiled as if nothing had happened. Robert picked up a six pack of Busch, off the counter, "We were just on our way back with the goodies," he said. Liz looked at me appearing a little frightened, obviously wondering about how much I had seen. I was frightened myself and did not let on to what I had witnessed. We all went into the living room, where Shawn and Nate were waiting. The beer and snacks were passed around as Robert and I took our seats. Since we hadn't expected Nate to be there, we were one seat short, so Liz sat on my lap. There was a lot of small talk as we dealt the cards and the game began. The three black men were better at Texas hold'em than I thought they would be and things weren't going well for Liz and I. Within two hours I was getting pretty takes and was down to my last chip. Liz had already dropped out of the game. I looked at my cards and then at the board. I had a full house with just the river card to go. Nate was the only one still in on this hand. "I've only got one chip left," I informed everyone. "So bet it," Nate shot back. "There's gotta be a way I can bet more than five dollars on this hand," I begged aloud. Nate appeared to think for a moment, before looking at Liz with an obscene glint in his eye, and replied, "An article of your old ladies clothing ought to be worth about twenty bucks." I gritted my teeth, but Liz spoke up, before I could say anything, "No problem, bucko!" She had seen what was in my hand and knew I had it. Nate threw a twenty dollar chip in the pot and Liz dealt the river card. Nate then turned his cards over. I nearly ****** and the three black men erupted in cheers. Nate had a four of kind. My wife couldn't believe it, "You gotta be fucking kidding!" she exclaimed, but I couldn't help but notice an excited look in her eyes. "So what's it going to be?" Robert asked with enthusiasm. "Take it off!" Shawn added. I started to object, "Now wait a ...," "You wait a minute white boy," Nate interjected, "a bets a bet!" Liz looked at me and stood up off my lap, "He's right honey." My wife undid her shorts and slowly slid them down to her ankles, before kicking them across the room. Liz was wearing a pair of pink silk panties, that allowed a gracious amount of her bountiful, white ass cheeks exposed for all to see. Liz stepped out from the table and turned around slowly. Both Robert and Shawn whistled and Nate just groaned. This wasn't part of the deal, but I was takes and getting a little excited myself. Liz sat back down on my lap, "So now what?" she asked. Robert smiled at this, "Well, if you want to keep playing, you'll have to bet with your clothes." 
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I froze and didn't know what to say. Liz looked at me and appeared a little disgusted, "Okay," she agreed, "Eddie will play and I will strip. But I have a feeling he's going to start winning." "Whatever," Nate mumred, "Just deal the cards." I took a deep breath and wondered if this was real. All my wife had on now was a pair of panties and that flimsy top that showed off half of her tits. Of course, I lost the next hand. I couldn't help but feel my dick get hard as Liz stood up and began to take off her top. My wife's bare breasts popped into view and she laid her blouse across my shoulder. Liz shook her shoulders, as her huge pale titties swung from side to side. Her nipples were as big as I'd ever seen them and I noticed a wet spot on the front of her panties. The three black men had a dangerous look in their eye and Robert was openly rubbing his crotch. "Look at those big ass white titties!" Shawn exclaimed. By now I had become angry and a little worried as Liz sat back in my lap, "You know, with you sitting in my lap, it's no wonder I can't win a hand!" I snapped. Liz's face turned red as she stood back up, "Well fuck you, shrimp dick!" she shot back, "I'll just sit on someone else's lap and distract them!" With that, she walked around the table to Robert, who was sitting straight across from me. With a cuckolds brownie eating grin on his face, the black man pushed his chair back, and my wife sat down on his lap. I was in shock. Once again I felt paralyzed and unable to speak. Liz put her arm around Robert's neck and glared at me. Robert held my wife by the waist and turned her so she was facing me directly. Liz dealt the cards as Robert started whispering in her ear. I knew my wife could feel his hard black cock poking into her ample buns. I pretended not to watch as my once loyal bride began to rotate and slide her hot married bottom across this black man's lap. It wasn't long before Robert started moving his hands up Liz's flanks. Before I knew it he was fondling my wife's huge white titties with his big black paws. Liz moaned and it looked as though her massive bare breasts were becoming even more swollen. I wanted to say something, but the sight of those dark, black hands mauling my sweet wife's lily white boobs had me hornier than I had been in my entire life. Of course by now, I'm sure Liz had lost all respect for me. I actually won the next hand, but before I could ask for Liz to put her top back on, my wife spoke, "Hold on a moment," she said, "I'm the one losing my clothes here. I'm the one who should say what the payment is when my husband wins." Everyone who mattered seemed agreeable to this. "So what do you want?" Nate asked. Liz squirmed as Robert continued to worry her awesome knockers, "Everyone gets to see my tits," she started, "Now I want to see some black cock." Nate looked at me and laughed. He stood up and walked over to my wife. I saw the huge bulge in his pants and my stomach sank. I knew this night wasn't going to end well. Shawn stood up on the other side of her and started to undo his pants. Both men pulled their pants down at the same time. This was even worse than I thought. Liz was in awe. She leaned forward as Robert continued his *** of my wife's swaying mammaries. Both men's cocks were huge and dark as coal. Shawn's was about 9 inches long, which made it about four inches longer than mine and Nate's awesome snake was at least 11 inches. Liz reached out and grabbed hold of both of the ebony monsters, with her dainty white hands. Both men were erect and so thick that her fingers did not touch. My wife appeared to be in a trance, "They're so big and so black," she murmured. Liz started to stroke the black pythons lovingly, as Nate and Shawn reached over and slapped at her humungous white boobs. Liz started playing with Nate's balls, as she looked me in the eye and leaned towards his bobbing prick. My wife stuck her tongue out and licked the huge head of Nate's big black cock. Nate moaned and thrust his hips forward. Liz's eyes grew wide as the first 5 inches of Nate's hot black meat entered her slutty white mouth. My sweet innocent wife bobbed her head back and forth as she started sucking in earnest. Every so often she would pull the long black hose out of her face and spit on it. Liz was soon sucking that fat black cock like her life depended on it. By now, Nate's ebony log was slick with my wife's saliva as she sucked all 11 inches in and out of her married, white mouth, and down her unfaithful gullet. All the while, Robert and Shawn were vulgarizing my wife's huge, white tits, with their rough black hands, squeezing, pulling, and slapping her burning boobies. I was witnessing the most obscene thing I could imagine. Nate looked at me as he continued to thrust his big, black pipe in and out of my wife's needy white mouth, "What do you think about your wife sucking my big, black cock?" he asked, with a smirk, "I think she likes it." He pulled his rock hard pecker out of Liz's gulping mouth, "How about it?" he queried. My wife of five years looked up at me, panting, her eyes wild, and her lips swollen and covered with spit and precum, she answered, "Oh god yes! I love sucking black cock!" "You don't mind your husband watching either, do you?" Shawn asked. "Hell no," Liz replied, "I want that little dicked bastard to watch me suck and fuck all of your big, black cocks!" I felt so betrayed by that point, that I could do was sit back and watch. But at the same time, my own cock was stiff as a board and I thought I would cum in my pants at the slightest touch. Liz started moving her mouth faster and faster on Nate's throbbing black meat. Nate yelled and grabbed the back of my wife's head. He pumped his dark pipe in and out of Liz's hot, wet mouth as fast as he could. Liz gave a little cough and I knew Nate was blowing his load of black cream into my sweet wife's married white mouth and down her cheating throat. Liz pulled the spasming snake out of her mouth and fell to her knees. Nate grabbed her chin and pulled her face up. Liz looked at me as she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. Nate deposited another load of jism past Liz's tongue and into the back of her cum thirsty throat. Unbelievably, he wasn't finished yet. Several more ropes of thick white cream spurted from Nate's thick, black python and splattered across my wife's swollen and used tits. Liz sat back on her haunches and groaned, "Oh my god." Shawn and Robert stood to each side of Liz and lifted her up to her feet, "We're not done yet," Robert informed her. The two men carried my wife over to the couch and positioned her on her hands and knees. Shawn got on his knees in front of Liz and she grabbed his bobbing, black cock and fed it into her desperate mouth. My wife was soon sucking that huge, black pecker and playing with those big ebony balls as she looked me straight in the eye. Robert grabbed Liz's panties and pulled them off of her. My wife spread her knees and pushed her ass towards the black man. Robert then proceeded to slap my wife across her big, married white ass as hard as he could, with his huge, black hand. Liz looked stunned at first, but soon she was wiggling her delicious butt cheeks around and begging for more. Nate went over and joined in, he and Robert taking turns swatting each of Liz's jiggling, pale butt buns, leaving a red hand print with each stroke. Liz quit sucking on Shawn's monster cock for a moment and looked back at her tormentors, "Oh god yes!" she breathed, "Spank my white ass! I've been a bad little white girl! I'm cheating on my husband and loving every minute of it! I love sucking black cock and having my big, married, white butt spanked by black men!" It was obvious to me at this point that Liz was out of control, and consumed with lust. I knew nothing was going to be the same again. Robert started to work his fingers in and out of Liz's sopping wet pussy, and looked at me, " I'm going to tear your wife's sweet little pussy up." "Yeah, whiteboy," Nate chimed in, "We're going to fill this tight white pussy full of black cock!" Liz looked at me and pulled Shawn's throbbing, black pecker from her mouth, "Bring that bastard closer. I want him to get a real good view of my little white body getting packed with black meat!" I didn't resist as Nate dragged me by the hair and sat me on my knees next to the foot of the couch. By now, Robert was completely naked and lining his 10 inches of coal black cock up with Liz's weeping cunt. My wife's pubic hairs were cut short and neatly trimmed, so I had a good view of what happened next. Robert slapped my wife's jiggling, white ass one more time, and spoke, "Tell Daddy what you want, Vanilla drop." My wife, who had been sucking on Shawn's swollen balls, looked back at me and Robert. "I want you to fuck my married, white cunt with your big, black cock, while my pathetic husband watches!" With that, Robert started rubbing his enormous black prick up and down Liz's leaking slit. Nate continued to slap my wife's horny white ass. Liz wiggled her stinging butt from side to side, "Yes!" she screamed, "Please fuck me! Fuck my tight white pussy! Tear it up with that big, black cock!" Robert started to push his huge, black prong into Liz's cheating little pussy. Liz's eyes grew big, as Robert slid his big black pecker in and out. Shawn shoved his own black monster back into Liz's mouth. They soon had a rhythm going. My wife was being pumped full of hot black meat from both ends and was obviously loving it. Not to be left out, Nate had slid under Liz's chest and was sucking on her swaying white tits for all he was worth. "Look at that cuckolds brownie man!" Robert yelled at me. I did look. His huge black cock was pistoning in and out of my innocent little wife's tight white pussy at break neck speed. That fat black cock was so big that Liz's inner pussy lips clung to the coal black shaft and I thought she would be turned inside out. It wasn't long before I realized that my wife was cumming. Thick pussy juice that had started to turn white, coated Robert's pumping black cock. Liz was throwing her ass back at Robert as fast as she could and moaned around the black mamba in her mouth. My wife's hot little twat became too much for Robert and he moaned, "Oh fuck!" He pulled his twitching black dick out of Liz's tight little cunt. He started to slap my cheating white wife's fat ass again, as he blew thick cum all over her used butt cheeks. About this time, Shawn started to cum in Liz's mouth. My wife was bobbing her head up and down and sucking on the studs black cock like a mad woman. Liz started obligation and pulled off. White cream dripped from her nose as she caught her breath, "Damn!" she exclaimed. Nate pulled himself out from under Liz's sladying boobs. "I think it's time to take this to the bedroom," he stated, as he pulled Liz off the couch and onto the floor. Nate made my wife crawl across the floor, with her face pressed downward and her gorgeous white ass swaying in the air. I couldn't believe my wife was doing this, but then again, it was hard to believe any of this had happened. As Liz made her way to our bedroom, the three black men took turns smacking her across her flaring butt cheeks, until they were beet red. I followed behind, watching all of this in disbelief. When we reached the bedroom, Nate laid down on our bed, face up. Liz crawled up and straddled the black stud. Robert and Shawn grabbed me and made me lean over the foot of the bed, so that my face was only inches away from the action. Liz lifted her hips up and guided Nate's 11 inches of black tube steak into her still tight pink pussy. My wife made a strange noise and started to impale herself repeatedly on Nate's chocolate cock. Liz looked down at me, as that black anaconda pumped in and out of her swollen cunt. "Do you like what you see baby?" she teased, "Do you see what that big black cock is doing to your sweet innocent wife's poor pussy!?" Liz was now bouncing her jiggling ass up and down on Nate's ebony club as fast as she could. 
Posts: 167297
Robert reached in and worked his index finger into Liz's bobbing rectum, as Shawn spanked her widely flaring butt cheeks. "Oh! Oh! Oh!" Nate yelled as Liz came on his black cock and he returned fire with a load of black cum in her cheating, white womb. Liz was starting to look wore out, as she slid off of Nate and onto her face. But she surprised me by pulling her knees up under her and sticking her bodacious ass straight in the air. My wife reached back and pulled her ass cheeks apart, "All I need now is a big black cock to fuck my married white ass!" she moaned loudly. "How about three black cocks to fuck your cheating white ass?" Robert countered. Liz laughed, "The more the merrier!" Robert pulled the married white slut to the edge of the bed. He smacked her a couple of times across the ass and spat on her rectum. Robert then lined up his newly hardened cock with my wife's horny asshole. I just shook my head. Liz never even let me stick my finger in her little butt. The black man pressed the head of his pecker against Liz's tight butt hole. I watched in fascination as my wife's anus opened up and Robert's huge black cock slid up inside of her married white ass. Both Robert and Liz were moaning loudly as that long black snake pumped furiously in and out of my wife's horny, white asshole. Once again, I thought Liz would be turned inside out, as her bowels were vulgarly plundered and her pink rectum clung to his thick black cock and was pulled into the open on each out stroke. The other two black men started smacking Liz's ass again and pulling on her huge tits, which were swinging back and forth. Every so often, Robert would stop thrusting and Liz would fuck herself on his big, black dick by shoving her widespread ass back on his black log as fast and hard as she could. The three black men soon started taking turns. One would fuck my wife's tight white asshole, as fast and hard as he could, while one would spank her butt cheeks, and the third would maul and use her big, swaying boobs. The three studs sodomized my sweet wife's cheating, white ass for a good hour and a half. The whole time Liz was moaning loudly and yelling obscenities, "Fuck my white ass with those black cocks!" she screamed, "Oh god! Their black dicks are so big! I can't believe how good it feels to have my asshole fucked by a bunch of horse-dicked black men!" Eventually, all three men came in my wife's asshole and flooded her white bowels with their black seed. As each man would finish and pull out of Liz's well fucked ass, they would power me to watch as her widely gaping anus took longer and longer to close up. Liz lay face down on the bed and was only half conscious, as our party guests got dressed and prepared to leave. Robert smirked at me as he slapped my wife on her upturned butt cheek. "You're a black cock loving whore, aren't you?" he asked. I saw Liz grin sheepishly, "Yes." "Say it!" Robert demanded. Liz lifted her head up and spoke louder, "I'm a black cock loving whore!" "You want more, don't you?" My wife grinned from ear to ear, "As much as I can get," she looked at me, "My tight white ass can take as many big, black cocks as I can get a hold of." Robert smiled at both Liz and me, "I'm having a party at my house next Friday," he informed us, "You're both invited." "I'll be there," Liz replied, "As long as there's plenty of black cock." * That was a week ago and today is Friday. Of course, things have not been the same between Liz and me. She says she still loves me, but she needs black cock to satisfy her sexual needs. As hurt as I am about this, I can't help but be incredibly turned on. Every time I think about what I saw those big, black peckers do to my wife, I want to jerk off. Liz is in the bedroom now, putting on a special outfit for tonight's party at Robert's. I think I'm going to take our video camera and see what happens. 
Posts: 167297
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Ziva Waterpantied Me It happened like this. Ziva and I were on a NCIS stakeout in an office of a tall building. We were observing the actions of a Marine Officer in the building opposite. He had been meeting with Arms dealers and was suspected of selling guns and missiles to them. We both had to wear smart clothes for the stake out -- I wore my Armani suit, white shirt and sober tie. Ziva wore a dark grey, tight skirt, a white blouse and a smart matching jacket. The room was the Chairman's suite and we had access to the executive bathroom. We used to take it in turns to use the toilet, and when it was Ziva's turn I playfully stood in front of her with my arms out to stop her. She very quickly grabbed my arm, put a leg behind mine and twisted me down onto the floor. She leapt onto my chest and straddled my head with her knees. Her skirt was pushed up to her thighs and I had a clear view of her white panties. I smiled up at her. "I've been wanting to see those for ages." "Well, have a close look." She pushed herself forward and grabbed my head in two hands, pressing the gusset against my mouth. "Now, I will pee and you can't stop me!" Urine squeezed through the cotton into my mouth. I had no option but to take it. I gulped down about a pint, then I fetishd and the piss went over my face. It was hot and smelly in my nostrils. "You can lick me clean, now." She moved the panties aside with her hand. I looked at her neat slit, it was totally waxed smooth. I could see slickness on her lips, and that her small clitoris was out of its hood at the top of the slit. I reached up with my tongue and licked the length of her cunt, tasting the salt of the piss. I felt her clit on the tip of my tongue, sucked it, nibred it, and tried to bite it, but it was too slippery. Ziva began to fuck my face, moving her hips back and forward, her cunt up and down on my tongue. "Who is the senior agent now?" she cried. Ziva suddenly stiffened and squirted cunt juice over my face. She relaxed a bit, on top of me, and then swivelled round on my face. "Now you shall have your reward, Slave." I felt her undo my belt, run down the zip fly, and dig my prick out of my Y-fronts. It bounced upright in her hand. She began to wank my foreskin up and down until I felt it solid. Then I felt her lovely soft, wet lips go down on it. I couldn't say anything as my mouth was full of her cunt, but I groaned with pleasure. She took her mouth away and used her hand at speed. I quickly came but she didn't stop wanking me! I had to grab hold of her hand to stop her -- the sensation and pain was too great. Ziva relaxed and stood slowly. I looked up at her and said, "I feel as though I have been waterboarded, or should I say waterpantied!" Our relationship improved from then onwards, but I could no longer dominate Ziva, in fact she began to dominate me! It did have its compensations however. We did not meet socially normally as we had our own lives to lead but soon after the waterpantieing, she suggested that we meet for a take in a bar near here flat. We had a couple of beers and then back to her flat. "I hope you are not going to try to stop me peeing again are you?" "No, but I shall have to come and keep a close eye on you." I followed her into her bathroom and she pulled down her pants and thong and sat on the toilet with her legs open. "Now, slave have a close look and clean me afterwards." I knelt down in front of her and stared at her cunt. She let go a big stream of hot, smelly, piss, some splashed out onto my face as she had thrust her hips towards me. I licked my lips, and moved closer. Ziva pulled my face right into her crotch as she pissed. I opened my mouth and it all drank down. When the flow had ceased, I started to lick up and down her clean waxed slit. It was salty but nice! I then concentrated on sucking and licking her clit. She started to move her hips, fucking my face. Then she pushed hard and came -- juices squirted out into my mouth and I tried to catch it all. Delicious. We both moved back and were panting to catch our breath. "That was good, slave, now do you want your reward?" I really wanted to piss first, but I didn't want to stop her. "You can do from behind, doggy fashion." Ziva got off the toilet and knelt on the floor on her hands and knees, with her pants still around her ankles. I tore off mine and my Y-fronts to get ready for action. I knelt behind her with my legs straddling hers awkwardly. I quickly wanked my prick up to full stiffness and thrust it into her cunt. I moved quickly in and out, it felt great, my mushroom head was scrapping both sides of her vagina, I was in heaven. "Don't come inside of me! I'm not on the pill!" I could feel myself about to come -- that wonderful, full feeling, in my prick as the spunk came up the tube. I pulled out and pushed it against her asshole. I just slipped inside and Ziva gasped. "Ahhh ..! It's too big!" "Yes, I know and don't you love it." I pulled back a bit and felt her sphincter open so I pushed forward until I was up to my balls in her ass. My foreskin was pulled tight. I cried out in pain and pulled back. My spunk then came shooting out flooding her inside. I relaxed a bit, still with my prick inside her rectum. I let my piss go and gave her an enema. "What are you doing? You're a dirty beast. I full of piss now." ""Aren't you always?" She struggled and pulled off me and dashed to the toilet to sit down on it. I heard a big rush of sound as she shat all the contents of her ass out into the bowl. "You'll pay for that!" I laughed and went to the sink and washed my cuckolds browniety cock. Ziva wiped her bum and then moved swiftly behind me and grabbed my balls through my legs. "Say you're sorry, say you're sorry or I will twist them off." And she gave my bollocks a twist. "Ok, Ok I'm sorry! It was an emergency. I had to piss." "Right slave, I shall have to think of what your punishment shall be. Perhaps tie you up and whip your testicles? Or maybe hang a brick from your prick? No that might just make it bigger. Oh, I know, I will cuckolds brownie on face!" "Don't you mean sit on my face?" "No, I mean cuckolds brownie, defecate into your mouth." "Yeach!" I nearly vomited on the thought. "Perhaps I could just lick your ass?" "Maybe, depends how I feel at the time. Now go and leave me have nice shower and relax." I smiled and pulled my pants up. "I shall look forward to that then O mistress mine," And I left. 