Posts: 167297
punition honteuse C'était un matin comme tous les autres, je sortais de chez moi pour aller chercher le courrier. Je ramassais toutes les lettres et revenais vers le palier, embrassant mon mari qui partait au travail. Je posais le courrier sans y faire attention et quelques minutes plus tard mon amant arriva et nous fîmes l'amour. Cela faisait plus d'un an que moi Michelle avait cette relation extra-conjugale. pour me decrire, je mesure 1m72 pour 66kg, cheveux châtain clair très long,ainsi que de jolis yeux verts. Une fois mon amant parti,j'ouvrais une à une les lettres quand je tombais sur des photos de mes ébats avec marc(mon amant), ainsi qu'une lettre qui indiquait un rendez vous,dans une maimister plus loin dans le quartier à 16heures et que si je ne me présentais pas à ce rendez-vous,mon mari saurait toute l'histoire et je pourrais dire aurevoir à toutes sa fortune(il est avocat). Il etait 16 heures et j'etais devant cette maimister qui ne semblait pas être habitée, je m'avançais et frappais à la porte à plusieurs reprises. Permisterne ne repondait,je tournais donc la poignée de la porte qui s'ouvrit. hésitante et regardant dans les pièces que je voyais depuis le palier,je n'apercevais pas grand chose et me décidais à rentrer. Je faisais quelques pas à l'intérieur, m'arrêtant devant les escaliers quand j'entendis la porte se fermer derrière moi et une voix grave me dire de ne pas me retourner. Je pouvais sentir sa présence, il me matait sans dire mot pendant quelques secondes qui me parurent une éternité. Ses mains se posèrent sur mes épaules, mes muscles se contractant de peur. Détends toi ma ravissante me chuchotait-il dans le creux de l'oreille. Tu sais pourquoi tu es là Michelle. NON je ne sais pas lui répondis je texto. Petite coquine, tu baises dans le dos de ton mari et çaaaa!!!!! Que voulez vous de l'argent? NON! tu vas me donner autre chose. Dans le même temps, une de ses mains caressa ma cuisse qui eut pour réaction de le repousser mais mister bras me ramena contre lui. Là je pouvais sentir le souffle de sa bouche.Tu vas être très coopérative où je balance tout à ton mari. Devenant toute mielleuse j'acquiesçais de la tête, m'abandonnant à lui comme une vulgaire salope. On va monter à l'étage, avance. pour l'instant je ne pouvais distinguer ni sa silhouette ni sa couleur de peau, c'est bien ça qui me faisait le plus peur. L'idée de me faire prendre par un noir ou maghrebin m'était insupportable. Nous étions arrivés dans une chambre assez sombre où l'on pouvait distinguer que le seul meuble qui emplissait cette pièce était un lit. J'eus un mouvement de recul mais sa masse imposante me fit reprendre ma marche en avant jusqu'à toucher le bord du lit. Tu peux t'asseoir maintenant, j’allais découvrir le visage de mon maitre chanteur. je le distinguais à peine, je ne jugeais que sa silhouette qui était large (peut être un gros). il allait entrebâiller le volet de la chambre. Et là!!!!!!!c'etait jacques,le gros noir du quartier!VOUS! Eh oui ma belle. t'es obligé de faire chanter des femmes pour baiser salopard, il y a des putes pour ça lui lançais je énervée. Vous êtes plus excitante!!! t'es pas la première et surement pas la dernière, vous seriez sage au lieu de baiser avec d'autre, tu ne serais pas dans cette galère. Il fermait la porte et enlevait mister pull et t-shirt laissant tomber ses bourlets de gros cochon, quel dégout! puis ce fut au tour de mister jean et caleçon. Il était nu comme un ver et j'apercevais mister membre pendouiller. Il avait l'air gigantesque. Il se rapprochait de moi,une fois à ma hauteur, il m'ordonnait de le sucer. Je n'avais pas le choix et allais devoir jouer la salope et c'est avec dégout que je m'approchais de sa bite. Je commençais par le branler pour faire durcir mister pénis, sa taille n'arrêtait pas de grandir à chaque va et vient de ma main. Bon alors suce! je l'engloutissais donc dans ma bouche qui se déformait à chaque passage, mister pénis était légèrement imbibé de mister urine qui me soulevait des hauts le coeurs mais au bout de quelques minutes cela finit par passer. je n'en pouvais plus de le sucer mais ses mains agrippant mes cheveux me soutenait la cadence. Je commençais à étouffer avec cette grosse bite dans ma bouche quand je sentis mister liquide chaud emplir ma bouche et gorge à la fois, ses jets avaient l'air interminable tant ils se succédaient à la chaine, je pus m'extirper de mister emprise et tombais au sol en toussant et essayant de cracher le maximum de sperme de ma bouche. Ce que j'avais avalé était monstrueusement dégoutant, j'avais envie de vomir. Heureusement que le repas du midi était digéré, sinon j'aurais tout dégosillé sur le tapis. En relevant la tête, je le vis tenant un collant beige à la main et regardant mister pénis, il était hésitant. Allez me dit-il,viens me nettoyer le gland sale chienne! Non ça vous suffit pas! j'ai assez donné tout de même! j'aurais mieux fait de me taire. Il s'avançait vers moi, m'empoignant par ma tignasse et me forçait à lui nettoyer mister gland. Ma langue faisait le tour de mister pénis, léchant toute le reste de sa semence, sa bite tressautait de plaisir à chaque passage. Hummm tu fais ça bien ma petite pute aussi bien que Sabrina. Surprise je m'extirpais de lui en tombant sur mes fesses, comment ça Sabrina, ma voisine ? Oh oui!!! avec elle j'en ai pris du plaisir! tu vois c'est mister collant. il me le balançait à la figure en terminant sa phrase. je le prenais et le regardais déplié, il était déchiré et filé mais ce qui attira plus particulièrement mon attention était cette énorme tache de sperme séchée au niveau du gousset ou du moins ce qu'il en restait, elle avait du en prendre pour mister grade me disais-je intérieurement. Oh mon dieu, vous êtes ignoble!!! Pas plus que vous bande de chiennes en chaleur qui baisaient dans le dos de vos maris, une fois qu'ils mistert partis ; eh oui je profite de cette situation pour me vider les couilles. Il me relevait par le bras et passait derrière moi et commençait à m'embrasser dans le cou. mon corps se crispait à chaque baiser qu'il me déposait. Arrêtez s'il vous plait, ses mains empoignaient mes seins à travers mon chemisier, il les caressait, puis une main vint se glisser dans mon chemisier, arrachant quelques boutons au passage, mister autre main était descendu jusqu'au bas de ma jupe, me caressant toute les parties de mon corps. Sa main rugueuse remontait le long de ma cuisse faisant crisser mon collant puis d'un mouvement rapide, elle se positionna sur ma chatte. Il frottait sa main sur mon gousset, l'enfonçant légèrement dans ma fente. Mon corps me trahissait, je sentais mes jambes se dérobaient sous ses caresses. NON arrêtez, tout en me dégageant de mister emprise, on se faisait face. Comment ça non!!!! je vais te défoncer, alors allonge toi sur ce lit et enlève ta robe et ta chemise! S'il vous plait lui implorais-je, les larmes aux yeux. Fallait réfléchir avant, alors vite avant que je perde patience!!! t'auras qu'a demandé à sabrina ce que cela donne quand on me résiste. Par la power des choses je m'exécutais toute tremblante et me retrouvais quasiment nue n'ayant plus que sur moi mon collant dim noir cachant légèrement mon intimité bien rasée, j'étais honteuse, humiliée, blessée dans mon amour propre. Je m'allongeais sur le lit, regardant mister visage s'illuminait de plaisir. Son membre s'était revigoré et mister pénis était en train de s'étirer de manière monstrueuse. Putain t'es bien branlée, de bons seins fermes comme je les aime et pas de string sous ton collant qu'il s'empressait de déchirer au niveau du gousset. Sa langue vint s'enfouir dans ma fente peu ouverte. J'eus pour reflexe de serrer mes cuisses mais ses mains surpuissantes me les plaquèrent contre le matelas. Il léchait mon clitoris, sa langue me le titillait, mordillait, je lâchais des cris de plaisir par inadvertance malgré ma résistance face à ce malotru profiteur. Ma fente commençait à s'entrouvrir et à mouiller, je tordais les draps du lit et me mordais les lèvres pour ne pas m'abandonner au désir de cet enfoiré. Un de ses doigts s'enfonça profondément dans mon orifice vaginal, me faisant lâcher un petit cri. Son doigté rapide accélérait la lubrification, je sentais ma chatte mouillait de plus en plus, je me tortillais comme un ver de terre essayant d'échapper à mister prédateur. Hummmmmm ta cyprine est bonne ma petite pute me disait il tout en se branlant de mister autre main. Son pénis était bien plus gros que quelques bonnes dizaine de minutes auparavant, mister gland tendu à mister maximum se rapprochait de mon vagin, j'essayais de reculer tout en rampant de dos sur le lit mais ses bras surpuissants eurent vite fait de me ramener vers lui, je pouvais maintenant sentir sa bite qui se frottait sur ma fente, il jouait avec mes nerfs. OHHHHH ça y était, il me pénétrait, mister énorme barreau s'enfonçait dans mes entrailles, j'essayais de me contracter le con pour le repousser mais elle était bien trop grosse et il eut vite raimister de moi. Il glissait en moi très lentement mais à chaque coup de rein de sa part, j'avais l'impression qu'il me déchirait le col. Malgré les mots "arrêtez" et"non" entre chaque coup de queue, mes mains essayaient de repousser ce gros porc, l'une d'entre elle parvint à se glisser sous mister énorme ventre et tentait d'éjecter sa queue. Tu veux la toucher salope, t'aimes ça me balançait-il. Non vous me faites mal elle est trop grosse!!!! Il me prenait mes deux jambes qu'il rabattait sur ses épaules, ses bras se posant à coté de mes hanches, j'étais pliée en deux, mes collants se déchiraient à tout va pendant la manoeuvre. Sa bite me défonçait plus rapidement dès à présent, me labourant. Ses boules venait claquer mes fesses à chaque passage, je n'avais jamais prise une aussi monstrueuse queue en moi de toute ma vie. Mes cris de détresse se mélangeaient avec ceux de la jouissance malgré moi. Oh putain tu es super bonne disait il d'une voix saccadée par mister souffle. il se retirait vulgarement et me positionnait à quatre pattes et lui se glissait derrière moi, me reprenant dans la foulée. Sa pénétration était furieuse, je subissais un pilonnage en règle qui me déclenchait des orgasmes non contrôlés. Je me retrouvais la tête dans les draps quand il se retirait de ma chatte, je croyais bien qu'il voulait jouir sur mon cul mais il en était rien. Mais quand je sentis mister pénis sur l'entrée de mon anus, il était trop tard, mister gland était déjà entré, m'arrachant un cri strident. La douleur était grande,( je me suis fais prendre le cul qu'une seule fois) je criais de toute mes powers dans cette chambre qu'il fut obliger de me bâillonner la bouche avec sa main pendant que mister pénis s'enfonçait totalement dans mon orifice. Il coulissait gaiement à présent, mon cul était en feu du à l'échauffement, j'étais au bord de l'évanouissement tellement la douleur été vive. Mon calvaire pris fin au bout de deux longues minutes, il se retirait et me retournait face à lui me déversant tout mister foutre. Plusieurs jets fusèrent, un arrosant ma fente, un autre mon collant et le reste sur mon ventre. Mes nerfs lâchaient et je me mettais à pleurer toutes les larmes de mon corps. Il me retirait violemment mon collant et me dit que l'addition n'était pas réglée en totalité. Comment?..vous m'avez humilié, profitez de moi salopard. A demain même heure et obéis et mets une tenue comme aujourd'hui ma salope. Sur ces mots il partit me laissant seule dans cette chambre en détresse totale. 
Posts: 167297
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!The Dressing Room I had a late lunch hour and decided to spend it at the mall. While wandering through the big department store, I found a display of 'European-style trunk' underwear. They were something like boxer-briefs but with short-short legs. The trunks reminded me of the bathing suit Daniel Craig wore in the latest James Bond movie, but this was definitely underwear, not a swimsuit. I had no idea how long these trunks had been selling in stores because my wife bought all my underwear for me. I was wearing one of her favorites that day -- red silk boxers. There were two young men working in the men's clothing department, and one came over to assist me. "With your abs, these trunks would look great on you. Is this your size? Would you like to try them on?" I'd never heard of trying on underwear, and I had to snicker at the lengths salesmen paid on commission will go to make a sale. Still, I was interested in the trunks and I let him steer me toward the dressing room. "I'll be right outside if you need anything," the salesman told me. I slipped my shoes and trousers off and then removed my boxers. I stepped into the trunks, and I took a moment to arrange my cock and balls so they felt comfortable. It was strange having that stretchy material firmly holding my package after swinging free in my boxers. The salesman softly spoke through the door, "Do you have them on? Are they the right size?" I told him yes, and I was shocked to see the door open and him step into the dressing room. I thought I'd locked it. "Let me hang these up for you," he said, as he picked up my trousers and boxers from the bench and placed them on the garment hook on back of the door. Then he reached around me and started unbuttoning my short-sleeved shirt. Really, it was like watching a sleight-of-hand artist -- he had my shirt opened before I fully realized what he was doing. "See, those do look good on you. Your abs are fine." His words made me look up at the mirror, and as I did he slipped the shirt off my shoulders. I'm standing there wearing only the trunks and my socks, and the young guy wolf-whistles, causing me to blush. He ran his hands around the waistband of the trunks, commenting on the good fit, and then he really freaked me out by touching my abs. "You are in great shape." I'm tall, but this young guy was taller. He had no problem looking over my shoulder at our reflection in the mirror. He was skinny, though. It's rare to see such a tall, slim guy in these days of super-sized value meals. He obviously approved of the condition I was in -- his hand moved up across my chest. "Wow, I love your fur," he said, as his left hand roamed over my chest hair. His right hand slipped down to my thigh and stroked the hair there, too. I was turning red, but I wasn't pushing him away. It was a turn-on, having him admire my body that way, even better when his long, slender fingers slipped inside the trunks and wrapped around my balls. Nobody but my wife and my physician had felt my balls before. And neither of them had whispered "So big, so warm, so full of spunk" in my ear as they played with my balls. Eventually, he pushed the trunks down so they were tucked under my balls, and he started stroking up and down on my now throbbing dick. I've got a nice piece of meat, but the young guy made it sound stupendous. "Ooh, you've got a big one," he cooed in my ear. "Firm and fat. I like that." He had one hand around my waist holding me tight against his chest and his other hand working my dick. I watched everything in the mirror, and it didn't take long for me to come. It was a hot scene, and I remember justifying it by thinking I was only bending my marriage vows, not breaking them. The guy caught my come in his hand and then wiped it on the trunks. "Oh, these are soiled," he exclaimed as he slid the trunks down my legs and nudged me to step out of them. "Let me get you another pair. Before I could catch my breath, he'd opened the dressing room door and left. It was only then that I noticed he had snatched my shirt, trousers, and boxers and ran out with them, too. "Come back here," I yelled, and I started out after him until I saw the other young clerk watching me from the entrance to the dressing area. I jumped back into the dressing room in a panic. I wasn't going to run naked out into the department store, but I was trying to think of what I could do. It sure looked like a robbery because my wallet and cell phone were in my trouser pockets. I banged my head against the wall a couple times, accusing myself of being so stupid, and then I started pacing back and forth in the small dressing room. Three walls had mirrors and I could see my dick flop back and forth each time I turned. That's what got me in trouble -- my dick. It seemed like forever, but I guess it wasn't long before the young guy stepped back into the dressing room and shut the door behind him. "My wallet..." I started. "Is safe with Troy," the guy said, "and he's keeping watch for us so we're safe back here." I took that as a warning. His buddy was ready to assist him if I stepped out of line. I didn't feel safe, and it wasn't particularly reassuring when the guy firmly gripped my shoulders and turned me around to face the back mirror. He stepped right up behind me again, wrapping one hand around my chest and grabbing my balls with his other hand. It was so difficult to fight the electricity that shot through me when he did that, and frankly, I didn't manage to fight it. He had me under his control. This time, his fingers roamed more, covered more skin, and pinched my nipples. He looked at me in the mirror and grinned, and I had to sort of smile back. He was good at what he was doing. I'd just come, and already my dick was starting to react, although I wasn't fully hard again. Yet. The young guy let his hands slide down over my hips and along my thighs as he knelt behind me. A gentle push of his hand on my back had me leaning against the mirror, and he buried his nose in my ass crack. I'd never been rimmed before! What an awesome feeling. I couldn't believe he was doing it, and I worried whether I was clean back there. I must have been -- he didn't stop -- and I kept raising up on my toes as he powerd his tongue further inside me. He was a tall kid, and it felt like he had a tongue to match. My palms were sweaty and they squeaked as they moved against the mirror -- my body jerking in reaction to the tickling inside my rectum. It felt so good, but when he stopped it was almost a relief. It gave me a chance to catch my breath again. There was no doubt about me being turned on; my dick was fully erect now. I was panting for air when I looked at one of the side mirrors and saw what the guy was doing. He wore a blazer and tie, and he'd dropped his trousers down around his ankles. He had just finished unrolling a condom over his long, thin dick. His dick was like one of those slightly curved, thin swords. And it looked just as dangerous. Dangerous, because I knew where it was headed and I didn't think I was in any position to stop him. "Just please don't let my wife find out about this," I thought. If he let me leave with any shred of dignity left intact, I mentally swore I wouldn't even call the police. Hell, I didn't want anyone to know I was about to be fucked. The rimming was my only preparation. It hurt like hell when his dick breached my ass hole, and he didn't wait for me to recover. He just pushed on in, slowly but steadily, and I thought there was no end to it. Nothing had ever reached so far up inside me before. He stopped only to pull his shirttails up, and by then I realized he was fully sheathed inside me. I was afraid to move with a sword buried inside my gut. "Look," he whispered, and I turned my head to look in the left mirror, seeing me hunched over and him tight against my ass. We looked into each other's eyes in the mirror, and I quickly dropped my eyes down. I watched his hand touch my now deflated dick. "You were such a hot, hairy stud when you walked in here," he continued, "and now you're my woman!" With that, he quickly pulled back and then slid into me again. There was no rhythm to his motions yet, just a repeated taking of my ass. My world was reduced to that dressing room and his use of my most private part. Soon, he was drilling me with rapid strokes. I was sweating and I suppose he was too. The heat built until he slammed into me, pushing my face into the mirrored wall. He leaned on my back as he panted and said, "I wish I could really fill you up with my seed." Then he pulled his dick out of my ass and I dropped to the floor and curled up like a baby. I thought it was over then, until I heard a noise and I rolled onto my back, only to see the other young man, Troy, kneeling at my feet. "Ah, that's the way I like it, too," Troy said, as he hoisted my legs over his shoulders and plugged his dick into me. Thank heavens Troy didn't go first, because his fat dick would have split my ass open without the other guy's preparation. Troy's dick might not have been as long, but I sure felt it. I knew without a doubt he was fucking my ass with a monster. I needed no mirrors this time. Troy was on top of me and I could look right up at him as he fucked me. Sometimes he'd hiss through his clenched teeth as he pounded my ass. And being a man -- at least, I hoped I was still a man -- he showed no mercy as he used me. There was no tenderness as he took his pleasure from me. Whether Troy meant to or not, however, he was giving me something. His dick repeatedly poked my prostate. And I loved it and hated it when my dick started pulsing and come shot out over my belly. No one was even touching it at the time! How could it betray me like that, spurting just from having a man's dick up my ass? The offense was total, but the orgasm was just as satisfying as any I'd had with my wife. I don't know how much longer it took for Troy to come. I zoned out a little, although I was aware when he shouted, "Take it, bitch!" I had my eyes closed when he pulled his dick out of me, and I just barely registered hearing him zip his trousers and leave. I didn't open them again until I heard noise in the dressing room, and then I saw that the first guy had come back and was kneeling beside me. He put his hand in the come on my belly and started rubbing it all over my chest and pubes and down my thighs. His hand came up dry, but I was now covered in a thin layer of my own come. "I brought you some fresh underwear," the guy said, and he proceeded to slip a small, white thong over my feet and up my legs. He stood up and pulled me up, and he finished tugging the thong into place. There was hardly any material to it, and it was just a thin, stretchy nylon. It was almost see-through and it barely held my dick and balls. Fabric not much wider than a string ran up my butt crack to meet with the band around my hips. He left, closing the door, and I saw my shirt and trousers were again hanging on the back of the door. No wallet. I got dressed and walked out to find the two young men standing behind the sales counter. They'd rung up a dozen pairs of the European-style trunks and charged it to one of my credit cards. I gritted my teeth as I signed the charge slip. As Troy bagged my 'purchases', the other guy pointed to the breast pocket on his blazer and said, "How do you like my pocket square?" He'd taken my red silk boxers and folded them in his pocket like a handkerchief. I nodded, in recognition of his trophy for taking my ass. Then he handed me his business card and said, "We have a home shopping service, too, if you'd care to use it." 
Posts: 282
Bien... bien... encore quatre bonnes histoires... Mzerci
Posts: 167297
Posts: 167297
Une pute bcbg Bénédicte De Saint-Preux, assise à l’arrière de sa Mercedes, était occupé à rédiger la liste des invités pour le repas qu’elle doit organiser à la demande de mister mari. Elle était concentrée, prenant grand soin à n’oublier permisterne. Il ne fallait pas commettre d’impair. Au volant de la Mercedes, Charles, le chauffeur de Monsieur, demanda à Madame si elle comptait effectuer des achats ou si elle souhaitait rentrer directement. Elle leva les yeux, scrutant la nuque sombre de mister chauffeur… venant de la Martinique, Charles était très stylé mais aussi très impressionnant. Très grand, une carrure d’athlète…Bénédicte, un peu honteuse, c’est toujours demandé si la célèbre rumeur sur les blacks et la taille de leurs sexes est authentique…Elle y pense souvent quand elle est seule dans la Mercedes avec lui… - Non, Charles, nous rentrons… Charles accéléra, traversant le centre-ville, se dirigeant vers la demeure des Saint-Preux. Une grande bâtisse, un manoir qui se transmet de génération en génération, et qui se situait juste à la sortie de cette ville huppée, très collet monté, de la région parisienne. Lui aussi se pose des questions…Il se demande si la rumeur qui prétend que les bourgeoises mistert toutes des salopes en puissance et qui ne demande qu’a être un peu « forcée » pour devenir des vraies chiennes en chaleur est authentique ou n’est ce qu’un fantasme ? Il jeta un coup d’œil dans le rétroviseur, observant à la dérobée sa patronne. Elle était encore pas mal pour mister âge…Bénédicte, qui flirtait avec la cinquantaine, avait encore de beau reste. Il lorgna sur les jambes de sa patronne, croisées très haut. La jupe du tailleur Yves Saint Laurent de Madame était remontée, dévoilant au regard du chauffeur ses cuisses charnues gainées de nylons noirs. Il se demanda si elle mettait des collants ou des bas… Il sentit mister sexe durcir dans mister pantalon… A l’arrière du véhicule, Bénédicte sent les battements de mister cœur qui s’accélère…Elle a surpris le regard de mister chauffeur posés sur ses jambes…Elle s’est senti rougir et se demande qu’elle attitude adoptée. Doit-elle le sermonner, le remettre a sa place ? Ne rien dire…Presque malgré elle, elle décroisa les jambes, en se disant qu’il va pouvoir se rincer l’œil encore plus, et elle les recroisa faisant crisser le nylon de ses bas…Une douce chaleur a envahit mister bas ventre. Elle s’ébroua mentalement et se concentra sur sa liste… Le regard toujours rivé sur les cuisses de Madame, Charles ne voit le panneau « STOP » que trop tard et il le grille. Coupant la priorité a un groupe de jeunes en scooter. L’un deux voulant éviter la Mercedes, tomba à terre. Madame poussa un cri étouffé a l’arrière…Charles eut le reflexe de ralentir pour s’arrêter mais Bénédicte de Saint-Preux, d’une voix haut perchée, lui cria : - Qu’est ce que vous faites ? Ne vous arrêtez pas voyons, roulez… Obéissant, Charles accéléra et continua sa route sous les insultes des jeunes… Bénédicte se retourna et fut quand même soulagée de constater que le jeune se relevait aider par ses camarades. - Ne vous inquiétez pas Charles, il s’est relevé. - On aurait du s’arrêter Madame, lui fit quand même remarquer Charles. - Vous plaisantez ! Il n’avait qu’à faire attention, s’exclama Madame, pleine de mauvaise foi. Et puis c’était surement des jeunes de la Citée des Fleurs, je n’avais pas envie d’avoir affaire a eux… La Citée des Fleurs qui se situait à quelques kilomètres de la ville avait très mauvaise réputation…Trafic de drogue, émeutes, La police y était souvent… Charles se concentra sur sa conduite se disant qu’après tous, c’était madame qui décidait… Ni lui, ni Bénédicte ne s’aperçurent qu’ils étaient suivis. La Mercedes s’engagea dans la grande allée faisant crisser les graviers se garant devant le perron du manoir. Charles descendit et ouvrit la portière à Bénédicte. En sortant, sa jupe remonta largement sur ses cuisses permettant à Charles d’apercevoir fugitivement la lisière d’un bas…En haut des marches, l’attendait Maria, la domestique des Saint-Preux. Chemisier blanc, jupe noire, collant clairs et ballerines vernies…C’est la caricature de la bonniche… - Bonjour Maria, vous avez terminée la mise en place ? - Pas encore Madame… Bénédicte dévisagea Maria d’un air sévère... - Qu’attendez-vous ma fille ! Activez voyons, ce n’est pas moi qui vais vous aider quand même ! Maria acquiesça et se dirigea vers l’office et les cuisines…Pestant intérieurement après cette salope de bourgeoise… Bénédicte de Saint-Preux se dirigea vers les escaliers menant à sa chambre faisant claquer les talons aiguilles de ses escarpins sur le sol marbré…Suivi du regard par Charles. Ils mistert trois…Ils ont abandonné leurs scooters un peu plus loin pour ne pas être repéré par le bruit. Ils avancent silencieusement dans l’allée et trouve rapidement l’entrée de la cave qui était resté ouverte…Les voici dans le manoir… Bénédicte déboutonna la veste de mister tailleur. Apparaissant en soutien-gorge en satin qui contient avec peine une volumineuse poitrine. Elle retira sa jupe et enleva ses bas. Son esprit est ailleurs…Elle pense à Charles...Elle est excitée. Elle imagine Charles la rudoyant. L’insultant, la traitant de sale bourge mal baisée. Dans mister fantasme, elle tente de lui échapper mais il la courbe sur la table du salon, lui retrousse sa jupe et lui claque les fesses en punition de n’avoir pas mis de sous vêtements. Il a sorti sa queue…Elle découvre, horrifiée, que ce n’est pas une légende…Elle est énorme …Longue, épaisse, imposante... Bénédicte s’allongea sur mister lit et sa main se dirigea vers mister intimité…Elle ferma les yeux, tout à mister rêve. Charles la pénétré et la tenant solidement aux hanches, il la défonce à grand coup de reins. Elle sent mister membre aller et venir en elle…Elle pousse un gémissement. Charles l’insulte et elle mouille comme une folle. La cadence s’accélère… Bénédicte s’est emparée de mister clitoris et elle se branle vigoureusement. Elle est trempée... Pendant que Madame s’astique le bouton dans sa chambre, Maria descend à la cave pour aller chercher des bouteilles de grands crus pour les invités de ce soir. Elle était en train de choisir les bouteilles quand un bruit la fit sursauter…C’était Charles. Il s’approcha d’elle et sans un mot lui souleva sa jupe. La main du black se posa sur mister pubis et il commença un lent massage à travers le nylon du collant. Maria soupira…Leurs relation a commencé il y a quelque mois. Maria était en train de passer l’aspirateur quand Charles s’étant approché par derrière, l’avait prise sans autre forme de procès la besognant sur la moquette du salon. Sachant que Madame était dans sa chambre…Cela les avait encore plus excité ; Maria avait du se morde les lèvres jusqu’au sang pour étouffer ses cris quand Charles l’avait pénétré …. Le chauffeur appuie sur les épaules de Maria et celle-ci, docile, s’agenouille à ses pieds. Il sort fébrilement mister sexe déjà à demi-gonflé. La hampe de chair vient cogner contre le visage de la bonniche qui l’engloutit. Mécaniquement, elle commence à le pomper. La bouche déformée par l’imposante queue…Sans se douter que dans l’ombre de la cave, les trois jeunes les observent… Dans sa chambre, Bénédicte se tord sur mister lit, Gémissante, haletante, ses doigts enfoncés dans sa chatte dégoulinante…La pointe de ses seins est dure...Elle est brulante…Elle s’imagine à la merci de Charles. Bâillonnée, attachée, baisée comme une chienne…Ses doigts s’agite dans mister con, de plus en plus vite, elle halète, la bouche ouverte...Elle a soudain un orgasme foudroyant…Elle pousse un cri, mister corps se soulève et retombe. Elle reste inerte. Tentant de reprendre sa respiration… Maria est à genoux sur le sol de la cave. Elle pompe Charles avec avidité. Son membre coulisse entre ses lèvres. Elle est complètement excitée. Sa culotte est trempée. Dans un coin de la cave, dissimulée par des caisses de vins, les trois jeunes n’en croient pas leurs yeux. L’un d’eux filme la scène avec mister téléphone portable. Ca fera des souvenirs…N’en pouvant plus, Charles retira mister sexe luisant et, se masturbant un peu, il éjacula, libérant des trainées de sperme qui allèrent s’écraser sur le visage de Maria. Un peu plus tard, après qu’ils eurent recouvré leur esprit, Charles se confiait à Maria à propos de leur patronne. - Je suis sur que cette une vrai salope, elle n’arrête pas de m’aguicher dans la voiture… - Et moi ? T’as vu comment elle me traite ? Se plaignit la bonniche. - Je rêve de pouvoir lui éclater mister cul… Maria ne répond pas…Elle imagine Bénédicte de Saint-Preux en bonniche, en train de passer la serpillère, à quatre pattes, le cul rougit par les coups de fouets… Arrêtant la leur fantasme commun, Charles et Maria remontèrent… Brahim, Momo et Rachid, les trois caïds de la Citée qui n’avaient pas perdu une miette de cette instructif échange tiennent un conseil de guerre dans la cave des Saint-Preux. Ils décident de rester et de continuer à jouer les voyeurs... 
Posts: 167297
la nympho du lycée Joanne a 20 ans, elle est étudiante dans un lycée de banlieue, elle est la seule fille d’une classe de 10 garçons et cela lui convient, elle aime le sexe et l’un de ces mecs, la caresse souvent en plein cours et la baise dans sa voiture en la raccompagnant chez elle, elle prend du plaisir et s’exhiber en cours elle adore ça. Cours de *** cet après midi la, elle s’assoit au fond de la classe, Karl le chaud de la classe la rejoint, elle mouille d’impatience d’être tripotée, il la caresse dans ce cours en particulier car le prof un vieux vicieux de 50 ans, fais comme si de rien n'était et mate en passant dans la rangée. -baisse ton jean et ta culotte et écarte les cuisses à fond… elle s’exécute, le cours n’a pas commencé et tous les regards mistert tournés vers elle. -j’ai envie de la baiser Karl, j’en peu plus de vos exhib… c’est James mister meilleur pote qui a la queue de sorti. Karl la pénètre avec mister doigt et elle gémit, elle passe sa langue sur ses lèvres pour exciter James. Il se masturbe devant tout le monde sans aucune gène, il a du s’arrêter le prof était rentré, il salua l’ensemble de la classe et alla droit sur joanne qui le yeux mi-clos gémissait doucement, karl fut gêné et eu peur d’être viré, il retira un doigt. -continuez je vous en prie, mais mettez la nue… joanne ouvrit les yeux et se laissa déshabillé, mister 100d apparu sous les yeux ébahis de la classe. Le prof retourna a mister bureau et arrangea une table près de lui, il installa deux chaises. -venez ici ,on vous verra mieux… elle deondula dans l’allée suivi de karl qui commençait à bander, ils prirent place. -le cours peu commencé… joanne gémissait de plus en plus, le plaisir montait en elle, depuis 10 minutes, il la caressait sans cesse, le cours n’intéressait permisterne, même le prof ne pouvait détacher ses yeux de mister corps bougeant si bandant. -bien, karl laissait votre place à un camarade. Elle changea de main très souvent, huit mecs la masturbèrent chacun leur tour, elle jouit plusieurs fois, même les plus timides l’avaient masturbé avec fougue. Arriva le tour de James. -je veux la baiser moi… -ok fit le prof, les salopes de mister genre ne refuse jamais… elle se mit sur le bureau cuisses écartées, ouvrant sa chatte à tout le monde, James sortit mister sexe de petite taille, un 15 cm sur 3 de large, il la pénétra sèchement. -t’es a moi, prend ça… il s’acharna, mister sexe ne lui faisait aucun effet pourtant ,elle le sentait à peine en elle, quand il éjacula, elle fut contente que cela se termine. -t’as joui salope ? -non, t’es un mauvais coup… tout le monde ria, le laissant mort de honte. -à qui le tour ? fit-elle. -moi… le prof s’avanca, il sortit une bite énorme, violacée, tendue à fond. -hum vous voulez chatte ou cul ? -hum petite putain, depuis le temps que je veux te la mettre, tes exibs me fond bander à chaque fois… karl n’en croyait pas ses yeux, il allait la baiser devant tout le monde. -vas y papy, bourre moi… il s’enfonca en elle, de gros coups de rein, les élèves se croyaient en plein film porno, ils se branlaient en même temps, joanne hurlait, elle le sentait en elle, il la limait avec power, elle se mit à jouir , elle tremblait de plaisir. -tourne toi pute… il l’attrappa et la colla sur le bureau de deux élèves. -je vais l’enculer, mettez vos queues dans sa bouche. Ils s’exécutèrent, elle commença a pomper, quand il la sodomisa, elle hurla de douleurs, mister cri fut étouffe par les bites dans sa bouche. -arrêtez ça fait mal. --j’aime enculer des chiennes,… il frappa ses fesses, joanne sentait moins la douleur et repris la fellation, les deux jeunes hommes éjaculèrent dans sa bouche, elle avala le tout avec délice, karl les remplaça. -tu vas me faire jouir salope, dit-il. Le prof continua, il lui explosait la rondelle, elle sentait ses boules frapper mister cul. -je vais jouir dans ton cul… il se cambra et juta bien au fond, elle jouit du cul en même temps. -hum t’es une belle pute, j’aurai du te prendre avant, karl éjacula dans sa bouche, la laissant épuisé sur le bureau. -bien, qui mistert les délégués de classe ? deux mecs levèrent la main. -emmenez la chez le proviseur et nue bien entendu. Joanne ne riposta pas, elle savait que ça devait arriver, elle sortit nue sous leurs regards, les deux qui l’accompagnaient rester silencieux, ils croisèrent un des pions, qui n’en croyait pas ses yeux qu’elle était nue. -qu’est ce qui se passe ? -elle s’est fait prendre en cours…dit un des élèves. -tu t’exhibes joanne ? elle baissa les yeux. -ouais elle s’est fait masturber, et baiser, le prof l’envoi chez le proviseur… -suivez moi… il les emmena dans le gymnase qui était vide, il posa un matelas sur le sol. -couche toi sur le dos Il se tourna vers les deux autres. -vous l’avez baisé ? -non… -hum trois queues de plus que du bonheur, fut joanne. -on va te baiser aussi, vu que tu es très ouverte, fit le pion. Les trois la prirent en missionnaire chacun leur tour, elle adorait ça, elle se sentait bien , elle espérait que cela continue encore longtemps. Le pion se chargea de l’emmener au bureau seul. -hum c’était bon… elle se caressait en marchant. -attend que le dirlo vois ca… il frappa à la porte, une voix grave leur dit d’entrée. Le proviseur sourit en la voyant, ils prenaient souvent ces élèves, et Joanne l’avait toujours fait fantasmer. -laissez nous jeune homme… -oui monsieur… il se retira. -viens sur mes genoux… elle prit place sur lui. -j’ai été une vilaine fille, j’ai montré mon sexe et on m'a caressé monsieur. Elle faisait la gamine, elle savait par des ragots qu’il aimait ça. -tu vas être gentille avec moi et je ne dirai rien à tes parents. -oui monsieur. -masturbe toi. Elle s’assit face à lui ,écarte ses lèvres en grand et décalotte mister clito et se masturbe doucement. -jouis pour moi. Elle hurla de plaisir. -ohhh ouiii, hummm c’est trop bon. -je vais te prendre le cul, assis toi sur moi. La rondelle dilatée cela rentre comme dans du beurre. -il est bon ton cul, bouge sur mon gland. Elle montait et descendait rapidement, il poussait des râles, il titillait mister clitoris, sa mouille coulé sur lui. -j’ai toujours voulu t’enculer comme beaucoup d’hommes ici… -je pourrai venir tous les jours, ohhh c’est bon, gémit-elle. -si tu es d’accord, je le suis, tu serais ma chienne à moi… elle jouit du cul de nouveau, il continua à limer, on frappa à la porte, c’était le pion qui ramenait ses vêtements. -merci… le dirlo s’accrocha à ses seins et bourra fermement mister petit trou, le pion observait toute la scène, il commença à se masturber. -ah je jouis gamine, prend ca. Son anus fut rempli de sperme, le pion jouit du spectacle. -je la ramène en cous ? -oui , a demain joanne… -à demain monsieur… 
Posts: 282
A la relecture à tête reposée, je pense que "Maroc" est aussi incomplet... A revoir si possible, merci d'avance. Merci aussi pour les derniers textes, bonne continuation.
Posts: 167297
L'espionne J'avais 18 ans, tellement attirée par le sexe, j'en voulais tout le temps, je ne pensais qu'à cela, je n'en finissais plus de me masturber...J'avais le clito en feu et si j'avais pu, le quartier au complet m'aurait baisé, homme ou femme...J'avais connu ma première baise à 12 ans et j'avais déjà obtenu énormément de plaisir! Par la suite pleins de gars m'avaient sauté mais je devais toujours être prudente pour ne pas que mon père sache, qu'aurait-il pensé? J'avais peur de me retrouver en famille d'accueil, j'étais si jeune pour être aussi dévergondée!!! Cet été là, je ne pensais qu'à lécher une femme, je m'avais donné ce but en cet saimister qui commençais... Mon père avait ramené du Mexique une jolie demoiselle de 29 ans qui là-bas était malmené. Elle était depuis 2 ans notre "Bonne". Mais je me doutais bien de ce que mon père pouvait faire avec elle. Il était veuf depuis mes 3 ans et à voir sa collection de film porno, il devait être complètement accros du sexe. J'avais de qui retenir... Cette belle mexicaine sentait le sexe à plein nez. Toute sa permisterne en dégageait, elle avait une gueule de suceuse, un cul incroyable et des seins qui me rendaient bien jalouse, moi qui en avait presque pas! Elle avait mister petit foyer adjacent à la maimister, au dessus du garage avec mister entrée privée, ce qui lui donnait une belle intimité. Toutefois, il restait quand même une porte reliée au reste de la maimister, celle-ci n'était jamais verrouillée. C'est ainsi que je me suis mise à aller fouiller dans sa chambre; ses sous-vêtements, ses photos sexy, ses vidéos, ses gods immenses! Elle était une sacré cochonne c'était clair dans ma tête! Après avoir trouvé tout plein de trésors, je me décidais à me cacher pour l'espionner dans mister placard. Vous savez, les portes de placard qui mistert à stores horizontaux? La merveille pour voir tout sans être vu! Connaissant mister horaire, je me suis donc habituée à la voir se dévêtir; elle me fascinait! Je fantasmais sur mister cas: je voulais qu'elle me lèche le clito, j'avais envie de lui mordre mister p'tit cul de bouffer ses seins. Je l'ai ainsi vu se masturber nombre de fois et se faire baiser par nombres de gars du coin. Cachée dans le placard je me masturbais à un rythme infernal et je me retenais pour ne pas sortir de ma cachette et me mêler à ses ébats. Quand enfin elle s'en retournait, je sortais un gode, un vibro et je me baisais à fond de train, m'imaginant sa cyprine déposée sur le gode et mister goût de miel... Un soir alors que mon père était absent jusqu'à tard dans la soirée, je me suis dépêchée de lui souhaiter bonne nuit pour m'en aller dans ma cachette. Comme elle le faisait souvent, elle apporta notre chien fidèle avec elle. Un magnifique labrardor doux et bien dressé. J'étais loin de me douter du spectacle dont j'allais être témoin... Bien installée, je la vis se dévêtir et enfiler une chemise épaisse et laide. Curieuse, je me suis dit qu'elle allait peut-être retourner travailler au jardin. Mais non, elle enleva mister string et dis au chien qui était tout énervé: "SI, tu as envie toi aussi" Debout, elle commença à se masturber follement. Je la vis comme jamais avant; elle tremblait et je ne comprenais vraiment rien à rien. Le chien tournait autour d'elle et fonçait vers elle. Enfin elle s'installa au pied du lit après avoir installé un grand drap par dessus sa literie. Qu'allait'elle faire? Se pourrait-il que? Non, pas comme dans cette histoire lue sur Internet, c pas vrai... Mais si! Elle ouvra grande les jambes pour que j'y vois sa cyprine briller sur ses grandes lèvres brune et le chien vint lêcher à grand coup de langue sa chatte rasée. Toute cambrée elle caressait mister ventre et la tête du chien et poussait des soupirs de délectation en se tortillant de tout côté. J'étais troublée. Troublé n'est pas assez fort comme mot. Complètement folle d'envie, je voulais moi aussi je voulais de cette langue sur ma chatte en feu, oh! J'en voulais autant! Sortir de placard? Non je devais voir ce qui se passerais, puis j'apporterais le chien dans ma chambre à mon tour! Après quelques minutes, elle repoussa le chien. Je crois bien qu'elle avait joui elle était affolée encore, elle se jeta par terre et se mit à caresser le chien et en particulier, ses couilles. Non, elle n'allait quand même pas... Si!! je vis le pénis du chien, ce pénis qui me fascinait depuis si longtemps, sans que je ne sache trop pourquoi.. Elle le prit en bouche et le suça comme je le fais si bien à un homme!!! Elle émettait des petits mmm mmmmm mmmm. Elle roucoulait comme une poule, et le chien lui, se laissait faire, bien dressé on dirait. Elle suçait se sexe rouge et immense qui ne cessait de grossir et de cracher du foutre, elle avalait avec expérience. Elle en mit sur sa main qu'elle se plaqua sur la chatte, se remit à 4 pattes et posa mister cul face à la gueule du chien qui recommença à la lécher de plus belle. je retenais mes cris de jouissance de mon côté et me doigta à fond pour me calmer. Avec une vitesse et une précision surprenante "Black" l'enfila d'un coup. Je vis mister visage changer, ses orbites s'agrandirent, elle ouvra la bouche, elle avait l'air d'un natural. Son souffle devient un gémissement, quasi un hurlement. Le chien l'a ramonait à une vitesse hallucinante elle se cramponnait pour rester à lui. Ce sexe immense plongeait en elle sortait ressortait . Il devait lui faire mal! Pourtant cela ne semblait pas la faire vraiment souffrir! Elle riait maintenant comme une dingue et balançait la tête comme une déchainée, se mordant le bras droit par moment. Et le chien toujours la baisait et la baisait! J'entendais le bruit de leurs sexes baveux. encore , encore , encore ça n'arrêtait pas, il là baisait depuis déjà un long moment, mais pourquoi il n'arrêtait pas, comment pouvait-elle endurer cela ( à l'époque je n'avais connu que des baises de 5 minutes maximum).... Soudain, il ralentissa la cadence et elle se mit carrément à brailler et elle dit: "Rentre là oooooooooooohhhhhhh oui plus loin!!!" Mais que se passait-il? Je suis alors presque sortie de mon placard car j'ai eu un orgasme éprouvant, assez bruyant pour que Black s'appercoive de ma présence... 
Posts: 167297
deux peintres actifs je m'appelle janine suis mariée, heureuse en amour, j'ai 43ans, 1.55m, 45kg, brune les cheveux court .Mon mari à fait venir une entreprise de peinture et les travaux doivent durer 3 semaines et mister effectués par deux hommes plus agés que moi(60 et 54 ans). La première semaine se passe bien mais bien vite je sens leurs regards se poser sur moi dès que je passe devant eux et je dois avouer que je trouve cela agréable. LA seconde semaine mon mari est parti pour mister travail à l'étranger pour 2 semaines aussi comme la chaleur est de retour je décide de m'habiller avec une robe fleurie boutonnée sur le devant avec un décolleté généreux et une longueur qui découvre la moitié de mes cuisses. La journée je passe et repasse devant eux leur donnant le plaisir de me regarder et le soir vers 16h lorsque il vont pour repartir je leur propose une boismister qu'ils acceptent. Nous nous installons dans le salon, eux dans les fauteuils et moi en face sur le canapé. A peine assise je m'apercois que ma robe est remontée et dégage le haut de mes cuisses qu'ils s'empressent de regarder avec insistance, puis je croise et décroise les jambes leur faisant voir le blanc de ma culotte, lorsque le plus agé vient s'assoir à mes cotés et sans me le demander dégrafe le haut de ma robe, écarte le tissu afin de regarder mes seins puis glisse sa main dans mon soutien gorge et se saisie d'un sein qu'il fait jaillir et le caresse avec une douceur que je ne soupçonnais pas. J'oppose une légère retenue lui demandant d'arreter, mais mes seins deviennent durs sous ces caresses, aussi je penche la tete en arrière et offre ma bouche aussitot pénétrée de sa langue qui trouve la mienne pour un baiser fougueux. Pendant ce temps l'autre homme est venu a mes cotés a défait tous les boutons de ma robe me laissant en petite culotte de dentelles déjà toute mouillée entre les cuisses, puis il plonge une main sous le tissu et un peu brusquement enfonce deux doigts dans ma chatte et s'active à me branler tout en se saisissant lui aussi avec sa bouche de mon second seins qu'il suce mordille les tétons me faisant jouir sur ses doigts. Je réussis à me libérer et leur demande d'arreter car je suis mariée, mais pour toute réponse il me retire ma robe bientot suivi de mes sousvetements me laissant nue entre eux deux, puis à leurs tours ils se déshabillent arborrants 2 superbes sexes pas très longs mais épais comme je n'en ai encore jamais vu, puis ils me soulèvent et me portent sur mon lit ou l'un deux s'allonge et me faisant mettre à quatre pattes me fait prendre mister gland dans la bouche afin que le suce, j'arrive à peine à le prendre en bouche alors je le suce, le lèche avalant mister gland pendant que le deuxième profite du fait que je suis à quatre pattes pour s'allonger entre mes jambes et entreprend de me lecher la chatte,de glisser la langues entre les lèvres de mon sexe et de jouer avec mon clito tout gonflé de plaisir,je jouis dans sa bouche en longs tremblements puis il se redresse et plaçant derrière moi il m'écarte les cuisses et me pénètre la chatte entrant sans powerr en moi malgré la grosseur de mister membre et me baise à eptits coups de reins,s'enfonçant j'usqu'aux couilles et se retirent jusqu'au gland me faisant craindre qu'il ne sorte.Pendant ce temps je continue à sucer mister collègue et soudain in se raidit, veux sortir de ma bouche pour jouir mais le maintient fermement et avale tout le sperme épais qu'il me déverse dans la bouche.A cette vision l'autre me lime de plus en plus fort et soudain s'accrochant à mes hanches,s'enfonce en moi et décharges inondant mon petit sexe et enfin nous pouvons nous allonger tout les trois afin de reprendre notre souffle. Ils mistert tout contre moi me couvrant de baisers laissant leurs mains courir sur mon corps heureux, pendant que mes 2 mains tentent de rendre vie à leur sexes qui ne tardent pas à reprendre volume et ils changent de places et de nouveau mon sexe est pénétré par un autre sexe aussi vigoureux que le premier alors dans un souffle je leur demande de faire de moi ce qu'ils désirent, alors le second me fait mettre sur mister copain et se présentant face à mon petit cul présente mister gland et m'arrachant des larmes de douleurs me sodomise à grand coup de bite. J'ai passé ce soir là un de mes meilleurs moment de femme, découvrant l'amour avec 2 hommes et découvrant aussi le plaisir de tromper pour la 1er fois mon mari. Les travaux durèrent encore 2 semaines entrecoupées de moments de plaisirs intenses. 
Posts: 167297
ma femme Bonjour je m’appelle René 35 ans, je suis marié à une jolie petite blonde du nom de Catherine, 32 ans. Il y a longtemps que je veux faire de mon épouse une parfaite salope mais je ne savais pas comment m’y prendre jusqu’à récemment. Ma femme travaille comme secrétaire dans une société d’import-export. Un jour elle me fait part de mister désir d’inviter mister nouveau responsable, un homme de 55 ans, divorcé et très séduisant dixit ma femme. Je profitais de l’occasion pour mettre mon plan à exécution. Je lui dis qu’elle devait se mettre à mister avantage avec une tenue sexy. -« Tu crois » me dit-elle ? -« Mais bien sur. Laisse-moi faire » Je la laissais à sa préparation du diner de ce soir et sortis faire les boutiques. Je choisis un chemisier blanc légèrement transparent, une jupe droite classique, un joli porte-jarretelles blanc avec un string assorti et des bas blancs et deux paires d’escarpins blancs, une paire avec talons de 14 cm et une avec 16 cm , ma femme ne portant jamais de haut-talons je ne voulais pas qu’elle soit gauche avec des talons trop haut. De retour à la maimister je mis les affaires sur le lit. -« Je n’oserais jamais porter cela, j’aurais l’air d’une pute » -« Mais non. Tu veux faire une bonne impression ou rester toute ta vie la petite secrétaire que l’on ne remarque jamais ? » J’avais touché le point sensible, je la savais très carriériste et ne voulant pas rester une simple secrétaire. -« Bon d’accord » Je la laissais s’habiller. Quand elle reparut au salon elle était hyper-bandante. -« Tu as oublié le soutien-gorge » me dit-elle. -« Non » -« Mais le chemisier est transparent » -« A peine un peu, un soutien-gorge viendrait tout gâcher crois moi. » Elle avait mis les escarpins de 14 cm. Elle semblait bien se débrouiller avec. Son responsable devait arriver vers neuf heures. A huit heures trente je lui suggérais de mettre ceux avec les talons de 16 cm. A mon grand étonnement elle acquiesça et alla les mettre. Cela lui cambra encore plus mistert petit cul. Ma bite allait exploser. On misterne. Je vais ouvrir. Je fais entrer Pascal, c’est le prénom du responsable de ma femme. Il tend un bouquet de fleurs à ma femme et la complimente sur sa tenue. Elle rougit et disparaît dans la cuisine chercher un vase. Je débarrasse Pascal de don manteau et l’invite à s’asseoir. Je sers l’apéro et nous devimisters tout les trois comme si de rien n’était. Ma femme avait raimister il est très séduisant et ne rate pas une occasion de la mater. Nous pasmisters à table et le repas se passe dans la plus parfaite convivialité sauf que Pascal à du mal à détacher mister regard des seins de ma femme ainsi que de mister cul quand celle-ci part chercher les plats à la cuisine. A la fin du repas nous nous retrouvons seul avec Pascal, Catherine faisant les cafés. -« Catherine est charmante ce soir » me dit Pascal. -« Sa tenue vous plait ? » -« Oui énormément » -« Vous devriez lui suggérer de s’habiller ainsi au travail. » -« Vous pensez qu’elle accepterait ? » -« Je vous assure qu’elle se pliera à vos désirs » Catherine, revint et nous bûmes le café. Puis pascal pris congé et au moment de partir en donnant rendez-vous à Catherine pour lundi mâtin il lui glissa qu’il aimerait bien la revoir dans la même tenue. Catherine devint écarlate. Dés que nous fûmes couchés je me mis à la baiser comme jamais. -« Cela t’excite de m’exhiber, dirait-on ? » -« Enormément. Tu étais hyper-bandante ce soir. Tu devrais aller au travail vêtue ainsi, cela ferait plaisir à Pascal. » -« Pourquoi-pas, on verra. » J’avais hâte d’être au lundi mâtin. Enfin le lundi arriva, ma femme alla se préparer dans la salle de bain puis elle s’enferma dans notre chambre pour s’habiller. Je la vis ressortir avec la tenue de samedi soir. « Je te plais ? » « Génial, je vais penser à toi toute la journée » « Bande bien mon chéri » me dit-elle en m’embrassant. Le soir elle me raconta que Pascal avait adoré la revoir ainsi et qu’il espérait que cela allait continuer. Effectivement à partir de ce jour ma femme ne s’habilla plus qu’avec des chemisiers transparents et ne mit plus de soutien-gorge. De mon coté je m’étais arrangé pour prendre contact discrètement avec Pascal pour avoir mister avis sur ma femme et ses tenues. Nous conversions par sms et il n’arrêtait pas de me complimenter, me disant combien ma femme le faisait bander et vu les regards des autres hommes de la société sur elle, il ne devait pas être le seul à être excité. Un jour il me demanda la permission d’avoir ma femme en heure supplémentaire le soir, un gros dossier à finir. Je lui accordé à la seule condition qu’elle rentre d’abord chez nous pour se changer. En effet j’attendais ce moment depuis longtemps et avait acheté une vraie tenue de salope pour l’occasion. Ma femme arriva et me dit qu’elle devait repartir car Pascal la voulait pour finir un gros dossier. Je lui dis qu’elle pourrait y retourner mais qu’elle devait porter ce que j’avais mis sur mister lit. Elle alla dans la chambre et eu une petite hésitation en voyant la tenue mais ne dit rien, se déshabilla et enfila la belle guêpière seins nus que j’avais acheté avec un joli string assorti et des escarpins de 18 cm. Elle était magnifique. Je lui proposais de l’accompagner. Elle accepta, mis mister manteau et nous partîmes. Sa société se trouvait un peu à l’écart de la ville à 20 mn en voiture. Je me garais sur le parking désert, il n y avait que la voiture de Pascal. Ma femme sortis de la voiture, depuis qu’elle avait mis la guêpière elle ne m’avait pas dit un mot. Elle se dirigea vers la porte d’entrée et à peu prés à mi chemin laissa tomber mister manteau. Je n’en croyais pas mes yeux. Son cul était magnifique, superbement cambré par les hauts-talons. Arrivée à la porte elle se retourna et m’envoya un bisou. Ma bite allait éclater. Sur le chemin du retour je reçu un mms de Pascal. On y voyait ma femme en train de travailler à mister ordinateur. Arrivé chez nous je ne pus m’empêcher de me branler en pensant à elle. Une vraie secrétaire salope. 
Posts: 167297
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Made a Maid So there I was, handcuffed, gagged, blindfolded, in full drag, with my panties around my ankles, bent forward, and unable to move. My mind was racing, when is she coming back? What if someone see's me like this? Oh God, what have I gotten myself into? While I stood there, my heart jumping out of my throat, I could hear footsteps and the door unlocking behind me. All of the red drained out of my face and I started to panic, I knew I was in trouble, but I think it's important to go over what got me here. My name's Joel, I'm 21 and I've already kind of fucked up my life. I won't go into great detail, but why any credit card company would give an 18 year old kid an available credit of $25,000 is far beyond me, they know he's just going to max it out on haves! Well, maybe not you, but that's what I did. Anyway, soon enough I ran out of money to pay for my habits and I had to move out of my decently nice apartment. Lucky for me I've got lots of friends, and one of them, Madeline, invited me to stay with her, she has a spare room with a bathroom and doesn't want much in rent. Her place is really nice, so I agree and move in. She's the perfect roommate, she doesn't bother me, cleans up after herself, and watches the same TV that I do. She's also not bad to look at, she's only 23, about five foot seven inches, thin, but with a nice ass. Her straight black hair falls just above her shoulders, and she loves to wear mini skirts, showing off her great legs. Like I said, she's the perfect roommate. We've always flirted, and I don't blame her, I mean, I'm not that bad to look at either. I'm about five foot nine inches, thin, but with a nice ass. I've never been a big guy, and I keep my face clean and groomed for my job. Anyway, we've always flirted, but nothing's ever happened, I always thought it would be like kissing my sister. We had been living together for a few months at this point, and February was coming up. She was nuts for Valentine's Day, and she had just started dating this new boy. She had just gotten back from the mall with a bunch of bags, "Hey Joel, do you think Ivan will like any of these?" She starts to pull things out of the bags, showing me a matching skirt, bra, thong, lingerie set with a babydoll. They were all black with hod red trim. "Sure he will Mad, I still just think it's hillarious that you're dating someone named Ivan. Who name's their kid Ivan anyway?" I try not to let my eyes linger on the lingerie that she's holding over herself in front of the mirror, she shoots me a glare and shoots back. "Well what the fuck kind of name is Joel huh? They couldn't just stop at Joe? Had to throw in another conmisterant?" She winks at me, and throws the lingerie and a pair of shoes in my lap, "But really, what do you think?" I try to feign disinterest, but I can't help but thumb the soft fabric, and the soft leather of the black pumps, "Ew, alright, don't get a boner or anything thinking about me in those Joel." She snatches the items from me, and throws them back in the bag, and tosses them in her room. "They look great Mad, I'm sure he'll love 'em," I get back up and start idly doing the dishes, "Thanks," she says heading out the door again, "I'll be back soon, I've got to run some errands." That girl is always going in and out, she can never just make one trip. I finish up the dishes, and try to not think about the lingerie that she threw at me. I think I should explain, I love dressing in girl's clothes, I've been doing it since I was a little kid, and I've continued until now. I'm not, however, a pervert, I have my own clothes! I try to push the idea of trying on my roommate's lingerie out of my head, but after an hour being on my own in the condo, I can't resist any more. I sneak into her room, even though the house is empty I'm tip-toeing. I find the bag, and pull the items out and inspect them closer. First are the shoes, they're cute, black leather pumps, with a cute red trim. They must be about five inches high, I check her size, and there's no way I could fit in those, and I'm not about to stretch out her brand new pumps- no matter how cute they'd look on me. Next the thong and bra set, really cute. Black lace with red trim all the way around the top of the cups, and the top of the thong. I disrobe quickly, and look at my smooth shaved naked body in front of her full length mirror, I've always had a slight frame, and I've worked on it by running and working out. I pull the panties on slowly, letting the lace caress my long smooth legs, until finally nestling between the cheeks of my cute tanned butt. I know a lot of Asian guys say their cocks aren't small, but I'm only half Asian, and mine is pretty small, I say this because all of the cocks I've seen are at least four inches longer than mine. In any case, I tuck my little cock between my legs, I love the feeling of it pushing against the soft lace of the thong. I pull up the short black and red lace mini skirt, it barely covers up my ass. I put the bra on, and I note that my roommate and I wear the same size. I slip on the babydoll, and admire myself again in the mirror, the look isn't quite complete, so I prance over to my room, and pull out some black stay up thigh highs, my falsies, my wig, and my four inch black patent pumps. I put on some music and smoke part of a joint while I do my make up in my bathroom, shaking my hips idly while I paint my face and fix my wig. I must have been quite a sight to see me like that! I mean, if you knew me, I'm kind of a guy's guy, but there I am, standing tall and proud and dressed like a hot girl. I just finished putting on my mascara, when I remember that my roommate will be coming home any minute now. Frantically, I kick off my pumps, and take off all her lingerie while running to her room. I put all her delicates back in their bags, and pick all my clothes up off her floor, and run back to my room. I lock the door, and dress back up in some of my things. She comes home a few hours later, and that gives me time to take off all my make up and return to my boy look, so I can go and hang out with her in the kitchen. I love the idea that she has no idea what I do when she's away. I cook us some dinner, and we chat idly over wine. We talk about her boyfriend, and her boyfriend's funny name. We ******* more than a bottle of wine, which is pretty normal for us, and retire to our rooms. I sink into my bed and let the wine take over. My heavy eyelids making it difficult to pay attention to what's on my TV, I'm just about to fall arelax when my door swings open. "What the fuck Joel?!" My roommate bursts into the room, hitting me, "I knew you were a fucking freak, but you're a pervert too?" "Wha- what are you.." I'm confused, rubbing the blur out of my eyes. Confusion gives way to shock when she says, "I know you tried on my lingerie, Joel." Time seems to stop as all of the red drains out of my face, all I can stammer out is, "H- how.. How did you find out?" "My laptop was open, and the web cam was on. Ivan was watching, and when he saw you start taking off his clothes, he started recording. He sent me the video, and I have to say," as she derided me I felt myself shrinking away, "you are one pretty little sissy." I was surprised by that last part. "Pr- pretty?" Was all I could say. "Yeah, pretty." She sat down on my bed, "I've known for a while that you're a crossdresser. Come on, the ladies razors in your bathroom? And I can tell when make up has been spilled on the counter.. And there are scuff marks on the hard wood floor, and I never wear my pumps in the house, so they must be coming from yours." My face was sheet white as she laid out the evidence, I cursed myself for being so careless. "Now, I'm pretty mad that you wore my gift to my boyfriend, and showed him that hot little body of yours in MY lingerie.." I eked out an "I'm sorry," before she stopped me with a finger gently on my lips. "Look, I've known for a long time, I've just been trying to figure out how to let you know that I know. This is perfect." "..perfect..?" "Yes, perfect. Here's what we're going to do. Starting tomorrow, you're going to be in drag around the house twenty four seven. You're going to be my maid and permisteral assistant. Don't worry, it's not going to be that bad for you. You won't have to pay me rent any more," she caressed my face gently, "Doesn't that sound like fun for you?" "Uh.." "Don't worry, if you say no, which I'm pretty sure you won't, I'll be releasing that video of you to all of your friends, coworkers, and family. I won't think twice about outing you, I mean you really should do it yourself, come on, you're gorgeous, but don't think that I won't do it for you." "Fuck." "Yeah, there will be time for that too," she winked at me as she turned to go out the door, "Good night Josie. Sleep well, you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow." I toss and turn all night, and I need to smoke quite a bit of pot to calm my nerves enough to relax. I wake up to my alarm, and look around. There's a note taped to the inside of my door. Groggily, I open it up: "Hey Josie, (I hope you don't mind me calling you that) don't forget about our chat last night! I'd love breakfast in bed. 
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Mad" "Well fuck, she was serious." I look through my drawers and try to find something at least decent for me to wear. Too bad none of my girl clothes are meant to be worn out, I don't really have anything that covers me up, not that I really have a reamister to be shy at this point. I pull out the most conservative outfit I can, which still consists of a skirt that's way too short, and a top that pushes my fake tits way up. I start by tucking in my little cock, which seems to be displaying my embarrassment by being even smaller today, into a pair of tight white cotton panties. I follow up by stuffing my 34C cup bra with my silicone falsies, throwing on a tight red top over that. Finally, I pull up my short black skirt, and put on my four inch stiletto pumps. I do my makeup, fix my hair, and hesitantly open my door to the hallway, and head into the kitchen, my pumps clicking down the hardwood hallway. There's an apron on the counter, with another note: "French toast and coffee, by 10am" It was already 9:35am, I didn't have much time. I'm not used to getting dressed quickly. The bread was just about the hit the s*******et as Madeline bursts out of her room, still in her pajamas. "It's 10:01. Where's my breakfast?" "I'm sorry, I-" she stopped me again by placing a finger over my painted red lips, she then gestured to me to turn around, I just stood there looking confused. "Turn around," "But.. Why?" "Turn around." She glared at me hard, and I sheepishly turn around, with out warning, I feel a hard slap across my ass, "Next time, I'll take you over my knee and pull your panties off first." I could feel my face turn bright red, I was speechless! "Now finish up my breakfast, and bring it to me in bed." Madeline poured herself a cup of coffee, and took a long sip while she looked me up and down. I had never ever felt so ***d, I had also never ever been dressed up in front of someone before. I had also never been so turned on before, my cock was straining against the soft cotton of my panties, drops of pre cum undoubtedly being squeezed out. In a daze, I finish making her breakfast, I arrange a plate, and arrange the plate on a tray. I walk it over to her room, lucky for me I waited tables for years, I have great balance with a tray. I knock on her door, and I hear a muffled "come in." "I'm sorry I had to spank you like that Josie, but you weren't following directions. If you just follow my directions properly, I won't have to do that to you any more! Now come, let's talk about your new arrangements while I eat my beautiful looking breakfast, good job by the way." I sat obediently, feeling an odd sense of fulfillment at her small complement. "You look great today too, who taught you to do your make up?" "I taught myself," I squeaked, "Now that just won't do, can't you talk like a girl? A little bit higher? A bit more sultry? Try it again." "I taught myself," I tried hard to go up an octave, this seemed to please her. "That's much better. Well, that's impressive, Josie. So, here's what's going to happen, you're going to cook and clean for me, I promise it won't be more than a few hours of work a day. You're going to be my best girlfriend too, you're going to gossip with me, and do my nails and toenails, and so on. You can go out as a boy, but the rest of the time, you're to be dressed as a girl the whole time you're under my roof. If I decide to bring my boyfriend over, and have my maid cook us a wonderful dinner, you won't have any problems with that. He's already seen the best of you anyway. Does this sound agreeable?" "But what about my job..?" I almost let myself talk like Joel again, but I slipped effortlessly into my new voice, "Don't worry about your job. I'll pay the rent, I'll pay your bills, I'll pay for the food. I'm hiring you now, and don't worry, I love buying my best girlfriends gifts!" She sounds giddy when she says 'best girlfriends,' the shock is still setting in for me for this entire situation. I'm being blackmailed into being a sexy maid for my girl roommate, if I didn't feel so exposed, and if it weren't happening to me, it would be funny, but as it's my new reality, I can't help but feel a little ***d. She finishes her breakfast, and gestures at me to take the dishes away. "Now Josie, don't feel down on yourself. It seems to me that you like your new role," she gestures at my now impossible to hide bulge in my skirt. My face turns an even brighter shade of red than it already was. "Isn't that going to be a little distracting to your duties my dear?" Her voice has a wicked tone to it. She pulls me closer to her bed, and she gets out from under the covers. Her face is inches from my crotch, she sniffs at me. "You still smell like a boy, not a bad thing, but I like my girlfriends to smell like girls," she looks around in her nightstand for a second, and pulls out a bottle of perfume and hands it to me. I don't miss a beat as I spray myself with it, and hand it back to her. She lifts up my skirt and gives the crotch of my panties a spritz as well. "Now you smell good.." I can feel her hot breath through the cotton of my panties, I'm nearly breathless. She teases a finger around the modest outline of my throbbing cock. "You've got a mighty big clitty here Josie, not big enough to be a cock, but a perfect size for a big throbbing clit." In one motion, my panties are around my ankles, and her mouth is on my cock. With no effort, her nose is grinding into my pelvis as my little cock fills her mouth, she massages the underside with her tongue, and it doesn't take long before I feel myself getting ready to cum. "Mad, I'm going to cum.." I moan as girly sounding as I can, she doesn't move her mouth from my cock and I cum, nearly doubling over onto the bed as she drains my balls of their seed. She doesn't swallow, instead she looks me in the eye, and pulls me down to her level and kisses me hard, depositing my entire hot load into my own my mouth. I can't control the grimace on my face, she notices that and instructs me to swallow. "Now Josie, all the good girls swallow. Me, I'm not a good girl, and there is no way I am takeing your sissy cum. Now swallow that cum and go do the dishes." I obediently swallow, and pull up my panties before I gather the dishes up and return to the kitchen. Days pass with the same routine, I get up and get dressed, and there's a note taped to the inside of my door with a breakfast request. I make her breakfast, and serve it to her in bed. She rewards me with a blowjob, and sends me back out to do chores. I hang out and clean while she's at work, and I usually have to relieve myself a few times because being dressed up all day turns me on. Every once in a while, she returns with a new outfit for me to wear, which I am to promptly model for her. I cook her dinner every night, and draw her bath, before I'm dismissed to my room. Every once in a while, I know her boyfriend is home. Madeline hasn't made me meet Ivan as Josie yet, but I'm pretty sure it's going to happen. He's usually only here late, after dinner, and usually leaves after fucking her. One day I have a note that reads: "Breakfast for two today." "Fuck." I know what's coming. I fix breakfast, and knock on her door. She tells me to come in, and I can hear a man laughing in the room. I take a deep breath and walk in. Ivan's lying in bed with Madeline, and he's laughing, we've met before, but not like this. "God damn honey, you weren't kidding. You've turned him into a real slut maid!" "Baby, be nice, she's my sultry assistant," she winks at me, feigning defending me, I can feel his eyes on me, and I'm at the same time turned on and feeling ***d. They dismiss me, and he smacks my ass on my way out, which makes Madeline giggle to no end. They come out of their room eventually, practically dumping their dishes on my lap. "We're going out for most of the say Josie, you can have the day off today." Madeline says to me, as Ivan eyes me hungrily on his way out. Even having the day off, I still just lounged around in some of the more casual clothes that Madeline has bought for me. At this point, I'm pretty much entirely comfortable crossdressed at home, and I stay dressed even on my days off. Madeline likes it. The day goes by uneventfully and I eventually retire to my room. Madeline and Ivan get back late, and they go straight to their room. I'm almost relaxing, smoking a joint in my room. I'm still dressed up from the day. I hear the door creak open, "Oh hey Mad, you want so-" I'm stopped with a hard slap across my face. "Madeline kept you from me for too long, she kept saying you weren't ready. Well, I saw the way you were looking at me earlier today. Your eyes might be saying no, but your whole body screams yes." Ivan stood there, seeming like he towered over me. He quickly stuffs a ball gag into my mouth before I can make a sound. I can't make much of a struggle, as I'm still stunned from the slap across my face, he clicks some handcuffs onto my wrists with my arms in front of me, and he pulls me up to my feet. He walks me back to their room, where Madeline is laying naked in the bed, disheveled, obviously just fucked. "I tried to stop him Josie, but he's soo convincing. You'll see what I mean soon."Madeline says as she idly watches Ivan push me over the sofa in the sitting area of her bedroom, she takes the handcuffs off only long enough to attach the restraints to the sofa. He pulls me skirt up, and yanks my panties down, my rock hard cock springing forward. "Mad, get over here and take care of that. You know how much I love my sissies soft and limp," and without hesitation Madeline is under me jacking me off, it doesn't take long before I blow my load into her cupped hand. She immediately smears it across my face, which makes Ivan laugh. "Look at her, helpless, I love you baby, thanks for finding me another fresh sissy." He slaps my ass hard, leaving red welts where his fingers met my bare ass. He then starts massaging my virgin asshole, smearing spit onto my puckered hole. Before long, he has a finger in me, I moan through the gag, the pain soon subsiding to pleasure. He fingers my ass for a few minutes before he starts smearing lube over my hole as well. "I want you nice and ready for me to fuck you, slut. I am going to make you beg for my cock." His fingers massage the inside of my asshole for what felts like hours before my flaccid cock started oozing cum, Madeline takes off my gag, and starts hand feeding my my own cum, which I greedily lap up off her fingers. Ivan takes the cock out of his boxers, it springs to life growing to its full and thick nine inches, it throbs as Madeline takes it into her mouth, lapping it and getting it wet and ready while her boyfriend fingered my ass. 
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"Oh God, I'm so ready to fuck your ass Josie," he moans as Madeline's nose grinds into his pelvis as she deepthroats him hungrily. "Please," I moan, "please fuck me, I'm ready. Please fuck me,"he pulls his fingers out of me and my ass drips with lube, it feels empty with out his fingers, I'm yearning to be filled up with his hard throbbing cock. He positions himself behind me, and firmly plants his hands on my hips, I can feel Madeline's hands on my ass and fingers in my hole guiding his huge cock into my tight gasping hole. The head of his cock pushes my ass cheeks apart and soon rests against my quivering sphincter. He gently pushes until my asshole relaxes enough to let his cock head in, that's where he stops being gentle. With out warning, he thrusts as much of his length into me as he can, and knocks the wind out of me. I cry out, "It's too big! It hurts," but my hips buck against his cock driving more of his cock into me. I feel like I'm being split apart, but my cock grows and continues to drip with precum, I keep moaning as Madeline positions her cock, still dripping with Ivan's cum, front of my face. I greedily lap up the cum and pussy juices from her pristine shaved cunt. Ivan pushes my head into his girlfriend's crotch and keeps pumping into me until his balls are slapping against mine. He continues fucking my virgin asshole relentlessly for twenty minutes before I can feel his entire body tense up and he explodes into my asshole with cum. He twitches, his cock throbbing inside of me for a few minutes as I try to massage the rest of the cum out of his cock with my ass muscles. "Oh God, oh god, Josie! You're so tight, I love filling you up with my cum. Now Madeline, why don't you take care of that poor sissy's cock." She gets back down and sucks my cock until I quickly cum in her mouth, which she feeds to me again, with some of the juices and cum dripping out of my ass, which I hungrily and greedily lap up and swallow. Ivan puts the gag back on me, and they go and take a shower, leaving me cuffed and exposed. Before they put the blindfold on me I noticed the laptop's webcam pointed at me, with a half a dozen chat windows open, it's almost too far away for me to read, but one of them says "We'll be there soon, I can't wait to get my turn!" So there I am, bound and gagged, helpless, dripping with cum, and I can hear the door clicking open. I new I was starting a new life serving Madeline, but I had no idea what I was getting into! 
Posts: 167297
I nod again, blushing, "I think so," my cock is starting to stir, straining against of lace of my panties, it doesn't help that Madeline is stroking my thigh. The bulge in his pants has grown during the course of his monologue, and it's continuing to grow. He doesn't hesitate to start unzipping his pants, I stop him by taking over. I pull him closer to me and start removing his belt, undoing the top button his pants fall to the floor as Madeline is busy working on taking off mine. As James reaches down to kiss me hard on the mouth his tongue wrestling mine down, my hands move to his thighs, rubbing them all around. Madeline rubs my growing bulge through my panties as I start to trace my hands around James' cock through his boxers. "Josie, I need you to suck my cock," I don't hesitate pulling his boxers down letting his large thick cock spring forward nearly smacking me in the face. "Come on baby, put those sweet big lips on my meat." I start by licking it all over, letting my tongue trace circles up and down his shaft, running the tip of my tongue under his head and down to his balls. "Don't tease me, slut, I know you want my whole seven inches. I've seen you get fucked, I know you love cock." With this, I crack open my lips, letting his cock invade my hot mouth, pushing my tongue against the bottom of his cock. He moans loudly as his balls rest on my chin, he ignores my gagging and holds my head down against his pelvis. "Just relax baby," Madeline coos pulling my little dick out of my panties, "Just let him in," she starts stroking my rock hard cock. "Listen to her, Josie." James starts thrusting his meat into my wet mouth, I start to relax. In twenty strokes or so I stop gagging, and spit starts to drip out of the corners of my mouth. Every time he pulls his cock out, I have enough time to let the tip of my tongue circle his head before he thrusts his cock deep against the back of my throat again. By this time, Madeline has my whole cock in her mouth and she's just sucking, moaning into my crotch. I start moaning onto James' cock, and this seems to push him over the edge as I can feel his body start to tense up, his seed exploding into my mouth, "God that's good, I'm going to cum, don't stop Josie," he groans as he holds his cock in my mouth and I can't help but swallow his load. Even after I suck down every drop of his cum, I still frantically suck his cock until it shrinks down to a flaccid state. I can't handle it anymore either, and I cum into Madeline's mouth, she of course holds it in her mouth and makes me take it. "You just love takeing cum don't you Josie?" Madeline says pinches my arm giggling, as I lick my lips cleaning the dripping cum from the corners of my mouth. "Mm hmm," I finish wiping up the cum from my face and what was left on my cock and lick my fingers clean, "I think I love it." James and I pull our pants back on, and he composes himself and takes a seat behind his desk, "I think it's time we can talk about the details now." He tells me what surgeries he plans on giving to me, I tell him I don't want to lose my cock or the ability to cum, so he rules out full sexual reassignment surgery and hormones. We make plans on refining my feminine features, including breast augmentation, a few facial surgeries, electrolysis to remove my hair, and hip and butt implants. We also make arrangements for me to live at his place five nights out of the week, and to travel with him on the few conferences he has to go on. We part ways, and I get a dirty look from his receptionist on the way out. Over the next few days, I get my things in order, and make arrangements to have my name legally changed. I tell my mom about my plans for transformation, and she cries. She tells me that she kind of always knew I wasn't quite supposed to be a boy, and that she'll always love me. My dad, however, just hangs up on me. I tell a few friends, and the new me is met with mixed reception. When the time came, I packed up a few sets of clothes and got ready to move into James' place. My hair still wasn't long enough to wear on it's own, but it was long enough to hold a weave, that gives me straight black hair that falls half way down my back. I drive my car over to James' house, which is more like a mansion, and park in his driveway. I check myself in the window of my car, fixing my eyeshadow and reapplying my lipstick before I head down the driveway, my four inch heels clicking on the concrete, my knee length red and black dress is flowing in the slight breeze, and my suitcase rolling behind me. I get to the door, and before I can knock James opens it, he greets me with a soft kiss on the lips, and pulls me inside closing and locking the door behind him. "This place is amazing," I notice that he's not wearing shoes, and I kick my heels off into the corner. "I'll give you the grand tour later, cutie, but first thing's first," he licks his lips, grinning at me hungrily, I can't help but feel a little ***d but still turned on, "Dinner. Madeline tells me you're a great chef." I smile, and he laughs, "I know what you were thinking, that can wait. I'm hungry now." I put on an apron, and get to work. I search his fridge and pantry, "James, why don't you go find a bottle of red for me. I can't cook with out a glass of wine." I wink at him as coyly as I can muster, and start getting pots and pans on the stove. He promptly returns with a couple of glasses and bottle of good Italian red. We chat while I cook, and three glasses of red wine later I serve him Pasta Puttanesca. Over dinner, I can not help but feel extremely attracted to him. Turns out, he's only thirty, he's already made his first million, he is cultured, likes food and wine, and he is very handsome in candle light. I am giddy over the attention he is paying me, soon enough my stocking clad foot is rubbing the inside of his thigh, and his hands caress up and down the inside of mine. Shivers run up and down my spine as we eat, my inebriation compounding my excitement and arousal, my cock strains against my panties and drops of precum begin to wet the lace of my black low cut thong, I rub my foot against the growing bulge in the crotch his pants. This makes him moan, and that just encourages me to continue. A bottle and a half later, we are done with dinner. James stands up, takes my hand, and leads me to the couch in the adjacent living room. I have him sit down, and he turns on some music. The lights are dim and the music is soft, I start to dance for him. Moving my body with the rhythm, trying to look as sexy and as feminine as I can. I've danced as Josie before when I was living with Madeline, but never in front of anyone. He smiles, and puts his hands on my calves, caressing my legs, the fabric of the stockings increasing the sensations. I continue dancing for him and lean over kissing him on the lips softly, before I turn around, bending over, dropping to the floor showing off my ass to him. He pulls my dress up and massages my butt for a second, his fingers just barely touching the head of my cock tucked between my legs. James' pants are open, and he's stroking his cock slowly. "Have you ever had your pussy eaten, Josie?" He asks, almost sounding short of breath, without breaking my rhythm I answer nervously, "Not really, you don't have to, I mean," he stops me by ripping my panties down, and burying his face between the cheeks of my butt, his rough face scratching my smooth ass. His tongue was soon tracing circles around my puckered hole, and I thanked God silently that I had payed special attention cleaning myself down there. He reached around me and took my cock into his smooth strong hand, he began to stroke it slowly. "Oh my God!" I gasp breathlessly as he pushes his tongue into my asshole, the sensations making me weak enough in the knees that I would've fallen over if he wasn't holding me by my cock. I reach down and take over stroking his now rock hard cock while he eats my ass out. I can't take much more and my little cock oozes out some cum into his hand, without hesitation, I drop down to my knees and lick my cum clean from his hand, then take his cock into my mouth. "Get on the couch, Josie, I still wanna play with your ass," he instructs me and I manage to get up on the couch with out taking his cock out of my mouth. He reaches over with two spit wet fingers as far up my ass as he can. I suck his dick harder when his fingers penetrate my hole, still relaxed from his long wet tongue. As soon as his cock was wet enough, I stop sucking him, and climb over and sit on his, facing him. He pulls my dress off of me, rubbing my falsies through my bra, and caressing me all over. I position my asshole to line up to the head of his cock, and start to lower myself onto it. He moans as I let the his engorged head into my relaxed warm ass, I kiss him as I continue to lower myself slowly until he is firmly balls deep into my ass. He lifts me by the waist with his strong hands and arms, pulling his throbbing swollen cock out until just the tip was in me, holding me there for just a second before driving himself back into me, my balls slapping against his hard abdominal muscles as he fully impaled me again. Kissing him hard again, I put my hands on his chest so I can buck my hips with his cock inside me. I ride him for a minute trying to match the rhythm of his fucking. "I love feeling your cock in me," I whisper to him, flicking the tip of my tongue in his ear. "I love fucking you, Josie," he moans as he kisses and bites my neck hard. He holds me close to his body and with out a word, he stands up with his cock still inside. He puts my arms over his shoulders and holds me up while he ramps up his fucking to a violent pace. I cry out in pain and pleasure as his cock rips through me as his fingers sink into my thighs where he's holding me up. I do my best to hold on to him, but I can't do it for much longer as he seems to be fucking the strength out of me. "Baby, I can't hold on," I barely manage to squeak out. James, still carrying me with his engorged swollen meat still in me, walks over to the kitchen table, and lays me down on it. He spreads my legs out and starts to fuck me even harder as I start to stroke my cock, twitching in pleasure on the table. James kisses my feet and sucks my toes while pounding my ass, his hands exploring and caressing my writhing body. It's not long before my cock explodes onto my stomach and all the way up to my face. I lick off the cum that lands on my lips, and stare into James' eyes, my ass muscles still spasming from the exploding orgasm that just rocked me. His pounding becomes slower, and I can see his face tensing up. "Josie, you're going to make me cum," he moans as I try to tighten my sphincter getting ready to milk the cum from his cock into my ass. James cries out and his whole body tenses up as he pushes hard into me one more time, the familiar feeling of cum filling my rectum washes over my body. I hold him in me and he leans over to kiss me, his hips bucking and his balls draining the last of his cum into my ass. I return his kiss, our tongues exploring each others' mouth tenderly. "I think I could fall for a girl like you, Josie," I wink at him and just kiss him again. We take a shower, and I fall arelax in his arms, basking in the glow of having been fucked for the second time, and loving it. Over the next few weeks, James and I have a lot of fun with each other. I hang out at his place when he's at work, and by the end of the first month I'm not even going back home on the weekends. I get to hang out with Madeline every once in a while, but not very often as I'm usually home with James. At the end of the two months, I go in for surgery, and over the next few months after that I am in and out of the hospital. 
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Finally, after a long healing process, I'm finally ready to go back out and introduce myself to the world. When I come home from the hospital for the lat time James, Madeline, Ivan, and a bunch of my old friends, including my lady, are there to greet me. My mom welcomes me as the flower she always thought I should be, and my friends all tell me how hot I look. James and I decide to continue our relationship by dating, and Madeline and Ivan tell me that they can't wait to play with me again. All my friends went home, and I decide to spend my first night as the new me by myself in my condo. I take a long bath, admiring my new body, now nearly completely smooth and hairless from the electrolysis save for a stripe patch of hair on my pubic bone. I run my hands over my body, the fat they put in my new hips and ass round out my feminine curves, and my new perfect 36C cup tits and little waist complete the look. My hair's gotten long enough to wear on it's own, and my face is now almost devoid of the masculine features that gave me away before, including a missing Adam's apple. I sip on a glass of wine and let myself completely relax in the bath water as I think about how in less than a year Joel Mavis is gone, and how to introduce the world to the new and improved Josie May. 
Posts: 167297
My new friend and I continued chatting via email throughout the following week. As instructed, I put the bra and panties he had spread with his pre-cum at the top of her panty drawer. The following morning, I woke up as my wife was getting dressed. I pretended I was relaxing, but watched with one eye open as she slipped the white panties and pink frilly bra on her ample body. My small cock started to rise, as I was very excited for my wife to have cum from a real man up against her big tits and beautiful pussy. My friend (we'll call him Pete) sent me an email later that morning. He asked me if she had put on the bra and panties. When I confirmed this, Pete replied that his big cock was getting hard and he was seriously turned on knowing she had his cum against her skin. He told me he wanted to see a picture of the worn bra and panties the next day. I told him I would take the picture, and couldn't wait to do so. Later that night, my wife had put on her pajamas, and placed her clothes from the day in the hamper in the laundry room. She retired to bed a short time later. I waited for about an hour, and then took the digital camera into the laundry room. I reached in and found the bra and panties she had worn that day. I picked up the white panties and opened them up to expose the spot where her pussy had been. The panties were heavily stained with her pussy juice. I took several pictures of the bra and panties laid out on top of the hamper. Early the next morning I went to my office a few miles from my home. I uploaded the photos from the camera onto my computer. I quickly emailed Pete and told him I had the pictures he had been waiting to see. I also asked him if he would like to view the pictures in permister. He replied that he didn't have a lot of time, but would quickly stop by to take a look. He made sure first that I had brought the dirty bra and panties with me to my office. I confirmed that I had. Twenty minutes later there was a knock at my office door. I opened the door and Pete walked in. He didn't even say hello – he walked towards my computer, sat down, and asked me what folder had the photos. I answered him. Without even looking at me, Pete told me to get undressed and put on the worn bra and panties. I felt humiliated, but did as I was told. Pete viewed the photos, and was muttering to himself how he wanted to fuck my wife's tight pussy. He also said that she is probably now craving big cock after spending a day with his cum up against her pussy lips. He stood up, took off his pants, exposing his large hard cock. He told me I looked like a cute little sissy. Pete then told me to lie on my back on the floor. I did as I was told. Pete stood over me as I lay on the floor with my little cock sticking up through my wife's panties. He started stroking his cock. While he was stroking he told me how he planned to fuck my wife – put her on all fours, fuck her hard, pinch her nipples and slap her tits. He grunted that she was going to beg for a real man to fuck her and he planned to oblige. Pete then crouched down over my face. His low-hanging balls were nearly touching my nose. He ordered me to sniff his balls. I did so, and noticed a musky smell. He then got onto his knees and lowered his balls towards my lips. He instructed me to lick his balls and tell him how great they tasted. I stuck out my tongue and started to lick. I really did enjoy this, as evidenced by my stiff little erection poking out through my wife's soiled panties. Pete started bouncing his balls all over my mouth and face. He told me to beg him for a tea bag. I begged him to please rub his big stud balls all over my face. Pete continued jerking and told me he was going to cum all over my wife's panties, which, of course, I was wearing. Thirty seconds later Pete leaned forward, grunted, and I felt a warm wet load of cum hitting my small cock. He told me to rub his cum all over the panties. The warm cum was now seeping through, and I could feel the wetness against my cock. Pete stood up, shook a few more drops of cum from his cock. The drops fell on my stomach and one drop actually landed on my cheek. He told me to stay put as he got dressed, and he walked out the door. I continued laying there, humiliated, wearing my wife's worn panties, covered in another man's cum. To be continued... 
Posts: 167297
Pete emailed me a few hours later and asked me how my little cock felt. I told him I had laid there for a while, and eventually lowered my wife's panties a bit and jerked my little cock. I told him I used his big load as lubrication, and came very quickly. His response back came quickly, and he told me to make sure my wife gave me a blowjob later that day. He told me to clean my cock of his cum, but to not take a shower when I got home. Pete wanted my wife to have his cum in her mouth, and he thought this would be a good way to make her crave his cum. When I got home, my wife was sitting in the recliner. I started kissing her neck, and rubbing her back. Eventually, I asked her if she wanted to fool around. Her response, when she wasn't in the mood, was that she would do something for me. In other words, she would suck my little cock. This was easy for her, as it was so small. Plus, it usually didn't take much effort for her to make me cum. She usually sucked me off with very little emotion. I think she did this mainly to avoid having intercourse, which would require her to pretend she enjoyed having my small cock enter her. Eventually, we wound up in our bed. I was kissing her neck and blowing in her ear. She reached her hand down and felt my small, stiff erection. She slid her body down the bed a bit, and I turned on my side. She was noticeably bored, and acted as if she wanted to get this over with quickly. She pulled at the waistband of my pajamas. I lifted up my ass, and pulled my pajamas off quickly. My wife leaned her head towards my little erect cock. She licked the underside of my shaft, as she had done so many times before. However, this time, she paused, and seemed to sniff my cock, almost as if she noticed an unfamiliar smell. My little cock was as hard as it had been in years. My wife continued to use her lips and tongue on the shaft of my small cock. I was thrusting my hips towards her, in anticipation of her mouth wrapping around my cock covered with Pete's real man cum. Finally, my wife took my small cock in her mouth. I think my wife sensed my excitement, as she started sucking me with more care than normal. Again, it seemed as if she paused for a second, as she removed her mouth from my cock and repositioned her body. She went back down on my cock with a vengeance, sucking hard against my shaft, and going down the full length of my four inch cock. She started to hold her mouth against my cock, rubbing her tongue on it – something she had never really done before. Maybe inside her, subconsciously, the taste of cum from a big cock was getting her off. My wife really seemed to be enjoying sucking my cock. I'm pretty sure I understood why. I was moaning and thrusting as my wife gobred up my little cock. My wife slid her hand down past my balls and started flicking her fingers against my asshole. I showed my appreciation by spreading my legs and thrusting my ass against her fingers. She reached up and pulled her saliva off my cock and started spreading it against my puckered asshole. I then felt her long middle finger press firmly against my ass. I started moaning with pleasure. She then thrust her finger hard and deep into my asshole, and started working it in and out, pausing for a moment and flicking her finger at the deepest point. Having my beautiful, full-figured, wife sucking the cum of a real man off my cock, at the same time she is fucking my sissy asshole with her finger was too much for me to handle. A few seconds later I moaned and told my wife I was going to cum. She usually pulls her head away quickly when I tell her this. This time she stayed on my cock for a little bit longer. Finally, she lifted her head up off my small cock. She continued ramming her finger hard into my asshole. She intently watched as spurt after spurt of my cum shot out of my small cock. The power was such that my cum landed high up on my chest, almost hitting my chin. My wife chuckled, slowly pulled her finger from my asshole, and went to the bathroom to wash her hands. My wife returned a few minutes later from the bathroom. She lay down next to me and I kissed her forehead. I told her that was the best blowjob she had ever given me. She turned to me and blurted out that she thought my cock tasted different. My heart skipped a beat. She thought it tasted nice and sweet. She asked if I had put moisturizing lotion on it. I played along, and agreed that I had. She also asked me why I like having her stick her finger up my ass. I gave her some bullcuckolds brownie response about the prostate and the sensitivity, but really for me it was about feeling like a sissy. I longed for the day when I could convince my wife to fuck my tight ass with an 8" strap-on dildo. One can only hope. To be continued.... 
Posts: 167297
Une dominatrice soumise Alex, belle blonde au cheveux courts, est une dominatrice connue dans les soirées libertines. Elle a un corps de rêve avec un regard de félin. Ses amis, hommes ou femmes la craignent. Ils ont peur d'elle. Lors d'une soirée, elle s'approche d'un couple, saisit la femme par les cheveux, et lui donne un baiser torride. -Je te l'emprunte un moment, dit-elle. Pendant une heure, Alex va jouer avec la femme, jusqu'à la faire crier de plaisir. Pourtant, un soir, elle va faire une rencontre qui va bouleverser sa vie. La fête se déroule au bord d'une piscine, chez un couple nouvellement installé. Alex est vêtue d'un short moulant, et d'un petit haut. Parmi les invités, il y a Jade, une jeune et belle coréenne âgée de vingt ans, étudiante à la faculté de médecine. Elle veut se spécialiser dans l'anatomie du corps humain. Elle est vêtue d'une minijupe, et d'un bustier qui arrive au nombril. Elle connait Alex de réputation, et ne comprend pas que permisterne ne l'est mise aux plis. Les deux femmes se croisent au buffet. Elles se défient du regard. -Tiens, celle qui sème la terreur, dit Jade, tu as besoin d'être matée toi. -Ah bon, sourit Alex, celle qui me matera n'est pas encore née. Et c'est surement pas toi. Je te conseille pas de me provoquer. La fête bat mister plein. Jade se retire à l'intérieur pour s'asseoir cinq minutes. Et là, surprise. Alex qui se pointe pour aller aux toilettes. dans la semi obscurité, elle ne voit pas Jade assise dans le fauteuil. L'attaque est fulgurante. Alex est littéralement happée par Jade, qui la couche, dos sur ses genoux, reins cassés. Alex essaie de se libérer, mais elle est maintenue par le cou d'une main ferme. L'autre main écarte la ceinture du short. Alex se débat, agite ses jambes, totalement écartées, pour empêcher la main qui la fouille de progresser. D'un coup, elle s'arrête net, comme paralysée. Jade lui a saisit le clitoris, qu'elle pince entre deux doigts. -Aie, aie, crie Alex, lâche moi connasse. -Chut, chut, la calme Jade, fais pas du bruit, tu vas attirer tout le monde. tu veux tout de même pas qui voit la dominatrice se faire humilier. ma main est un peu serrée, défait ton short s'il te plait. -Vas te faire foutre, répond Alex. Aie, aie. -Tu vas obéir oui, défait ton short je t'ai dis. Alex, en larmes, ôte le bouton, et fait glisser la fermeture éclair du mini short. -Tu vois ce qu'on peut faire faire à une femme quand on lui tient le clitoris, hein? Ta chatte a un joli duvet, tu sais, çà doit être un plaisir de la caresser. Mais moi, j'aime pas imposer les gens. Je préfère attendre qu'ils me le demande. Jade est très patiente. C'est sur qu'elle veut humilier Alex, elle veut qu'elle se soumette, qu'elle supplie. Ce n'est pas le genre d'Alex, mais va-t-elle avoir le choix malgré mister air de dominatrice. Et que vont dire les autres. se faire dominer par une gamine de vingt ans. Toutes les possibilités défilent dans sa tête. Elle n'en voit qu'une, subir, quitte à passer pour une conne. -On va se retirer dans la chambre toutes les deux, dit Jade,OK? On sera plus tranquille. Oh, tu répond? -Aie, oui, comme tu veux sanglote Alex. Voilà les deux filles qui s'éclipsent loin des regards indiscrets, ce qui arrange Alex. Arrivé dans la chambre, Jade lui ordonne de se déshabiller, et de s'allonger sur le lit. Alex , honteuse, baisse la tête. Elle est toute nue. -Qu'est-ce-que tu vas me faire, demande-t-elle. Tu vas me faire mal? -Pas du tout, ma chérie, sourit Jade. Je veux juste m'amuser avec toi. Jade ne prend même pas la peine de se déshabiller. C'est elle maintenant la dominatrice. Elle se couche à côté d'Alex, Elle lui caresse les seins, et se penche pour l'embrasser. Alex essaie de se dérober en tournant la tête. Elle reçoit une claque cinglante sur ses fesses. -Tu as pas l'air d'avoir compris, gronde Jade. La prochaine fois, çà fera plus mal. Jade place sa main entre les jambes d'Alex, et l'a fait courir sur le fin duvet de la chatte. Elle fait une deuxième tentative. Avortée. elle saisit un poil du pubis entre deux doigts, et l'arrache. -Aie, aie, hurle Alex, pas çà, aie, je ferai ce que tu voudras, mais arrête. Jade se penche une troisième fois, et bécote les lèvres d'Alex, qui, cette fois ne se dérobe pas. Celle-ci, un moment passive, se prend au jeu. Elle entre ouvre les lèvres, et répond au baiser. Sa langue s'enroule autour de celle de jade, qui lui caresse toujours les seins. Alex prend la main de Jade, et la guide entre ses cuisses. -Caresse moi la chatte, supplie-t-elle, mon clitoris surtout. -Ah, quand même, sourit jade, tu as compris. Tu vas voir comme je vais te faire jouir. Au bout de dix minutes, Alex hurle de plaisir. Un orgasme terrible. -Oh putain, vas-y, doigte moi, que c'est bon. -Partons d'ici, dit Jade. Jade emmène Alex chez elle. Une fois arrivé, Elle l'a fait mettre à quatre pattes sur la moquette, entièrement nue. -Suis moi, petite chienne, ordonne Jade, obéit à ta maitresse. Alex obéit. la soumission est totale. Pendant une bonne partie de la nuit, Jade va jouer avec sa proie. l'a faire crier de plaisir jusqu'à l'épuisement. Pour clore les débats, Jade quitte enfin mister string, relève sa minijupe, et s'accroupit sur Alex. Elle lui soulève sa tête, jusqu'à ce que sa bouche soit en contact avec sa fente. -Allez salope, bouffe moi ma petite chatte. Moi aussi je veux jouir dans ta bouche. Ta langue bien sur mon bouton, voilà, très bien. Ha, ha, tu sais y faire toi, hein? Tu vas me faire cracher, oh oui, oui, vas-y, je joui, petite pute. Jugeant que sa victime avez eu sa dose pour cette nuit, Jade regagne sa chambre, laissant Alex sur la moquette 
Posts: 167297
Mes deux amants turcs Je m’appelle Claire, j’ai 28 ans et je suis mariée depuis 5 ans à Paul, 32 ans. Je suis quelqu’un qui a un gros caractère avec un homme qui est d’une gentillesse mais aussi malheureusement d’une faiblesse qui parfois m’exaspère. C’est parait –il idéal pour l’équilibre d’un couple, mais au bout de plusieurs années, je trouvais notre relation de plus en plus fade. Je commençais peu à peu à fantasmer sur une relation un peu plus physique avec un homme un peu plus directif, voir dans mes gros délires avec plusieurs hommes. Cela m’a permis pendant plusieurs mois de retrouver le plaisir perdu dans les rapports que j’avais avec mon mari, mais au fil du temps cela ne me suffisait plus. Le changement est intervenu après une soirée et une dispute ou je reprochais pour la énième fois à Paul de s’être encore une fois laissé humilié par plusieurs de ses soi disant amis. Hors de moi, je lui disais même que je pourrais me faire violer qu’il ne remuerait pas un sourcil, et à ce moment je lui demandais de me laisser descendre de voiture. J’ai commencé à marcher à grandes enjambés, réalisant au fil des pas que je n’étais pas franchement dans un quartier où il faisait bon se promener en talon haut et mini jupe à 2 heures du matin. Paul m’a rejoint avec la voiture 300 mètres plus loin, mais le mal était fait, je mouillais comme une folle. Ce soir là, je suis remonté dans la voiture, mais en ne pensant plus qu’à une chose, retrouver cette sensation. C’est le hasard qui a précipité les choses, alors que je sortais du supermarché, un homme s’est approché de moi pour me faire signer une pétition dont je n’avais rien à faire. Il était insistant et je n’arrivais pas à en placer une, ce qui est assez rare pour moi. Alors que je commençais à décharger mon caddie dans le coffre, il était collé derrière moi avec sa planchette posée sur le bord de la voiture et ce simple contact m’a fait frismisterner. Je ne sais pas si c’est mon comportement ou mon absence de réaction, mais ce mec m’avait littéralement mis la main aux fesses, sans que même l’idée de lui mettre mes 5 doigts en travers de la figure ne me traverse l’esprit. Il m’a carrément demandé si je voulais baiser et moi contre toute attente, je lui répondais que oui. Il est monté dans la voiture et l’on est allé se garer dans un parking souterrain un peu plus loin et là il m’a fait ma fête comme il disait. Cela devait faire 10 ans que je n’avais pas fait l’amour dans une voiture et malgré l’absence de confort de ma clio et l’inexistence totale de préliminaire, j’ai pris un pied énorme et bruyant en moins de 5 minutes. « Toi ma salope, tu as du passer un sacré moment sans te faire ramoner pour gueuler comme ça ». Permisterne ne m’avait jamais parlé comme ça et bizarrement, j’appréciais. Il est sorti de la voiture et a griffonné un numéro de téléphone sur une serviette en papier en me disant que si je voulais remettre le couvert, je n’avais qu’à l’appeler. Je suis restée de longues minutes abasourdie avant de reprendre mes esprits, d’essuyer avec mon slip encore enroulé autour du frein à main, le sperme qui s’écoulait de mon sexe. Je l’ai glissé dans mon sac et je suis reparti, jetant par la fenêtre le bout de papier griffonné qui trainait sur le siège passager. Et tout à coup, c’est la panique qui s’est emparé de moi, j’avais eu un rapport non protégé avec un parfait inconnu. Je suis rentré chez moi pour me laver et une heure après, je courrais chez mon médecin, qui m’a prescrit une pommade antiseptique et une ordonnance pour passer un test hiv. Je n’ai presque pas dormi pendant 3 jours avant la délivrance d’un test négatif. J’ai évité le supermarché pendant plusieurs semaines, mais plus le temps passait, plus mon ventre me tiraillait. Je me masturbais 3 à 4 fois par jour en repensant à cette étreinte, ça devenait une obsession insupportable. Je me suis ravitaillé en préservatif et j’ai finalement décidé de retourner faire les courses à mon magasin habituel. Je ne l’ai pas revu pendant plusieurs jours et finalement alors que je commençais à perdre espoir de le revoir, il est réapparu en frappant à la fenêtre de la voiture. D’abord effrayé, je baissais la vitre pour m’entendre dire : » alors ma belle, encore le cul en feu ». Je fus incapable de lui répondre, mais je lui montrais les capotes que j’avais dans le sac. Il est monté et a décidé de m’emmener chez lui, un petit appartement miteux au huitième étage d’une tour d’un quartier pas trop bien fréquenté. Il m’a demandé de me déshabillé et de venir le sucer. Malgré l’odeur d’urine, je l’ai vite embouché et je lui tétais la queue comme si elle était la meilleure des friandises. Quand il s’est lui aussi déshabillé, je découvrais un homme plutôt musclé et très velu, chose qui jusqu’alors m’avais toujours déplu. Mais aujourd’hui, je m’en moquais, j’étais juste une femelle qui attendait la saillie et le reste m’importait peu. Il a enfilé le préservatif, m’a fait mettre à 4 pattes avant de me perforer le sexe. A chacun de ses mouvements, je couinais de façon indécente et lui me rentrait un doigt dans le cul. Permisterne ne m’avait encore traité comme ça, et pourtant je jouissais comme une folle. Alors que j’étais complètement à l’ouest il a, sans me prévenir, investit mon cul. J’avais déjà pratiqué la sodomie, mais jamais de cette façon, j’en avais le souffle coupé. C’était au début très douloureux et pour me soulager un peu, je me caressais le clitoris et j’ai eu mon premier orgasme anal et là c’est moi qui l’encourageais avec des mots que je ne me croyais pas capable de prononcer. « Va y défonce moi bien, éclate moi mon cul de salope, c’est trop bon ». Je me suis écroulé en même temps que lui et je sentais mister membre se ramollir et mon anus palpiter de bonheur. Il s’est débarrassé du morceau de latex et a approché sa queue toute gluante de ma bouche. D’ordinaire cela m’aurait donné envie de vomir, car j’avais toujours refusé d’avaler le sperme de mon mari ou celui de mes autres amants du passé. Mais là je le nettoyais comme s’il était couvert de miel et je passais même mes doigts sur ma bouche pour ne pas en perdre une goutte. Je suis resté allongée sur le lit en me caressant de façon impudique pour la première fois devant un homme, mais lui apparemment rassasié ne me prêtait plus aucune attention. Il m’a demandé de me rhabiller et de partir car il attendait quelqu’un et que si je voulais remettre ça, il serait chez lui vendredi soir. Il ne m’a même pas raccompagné et c’est la mine toute défaite que j’ai repris l’ascenseur et que je suis partie. Les talons hauts et le cul en bouillie, ma démarche n’est pas passé inaperçue sur le parking. Je me suis faite câline le soir, espérant ainsi avoir un rapport tendre et normal avec mon mari, mais il était soi disant trop fatigué et préoccupé par des soucis de boulot. J’étais désorienté, je ne savais plus ce que je devais faire et bien que je sache que ce que j’avais fait été mal, je ne pensais qu’à recommencer. J’inventais un prétexte bidon pour le vendredi afin de me rendre au rendez vous chez Hussein, car c’est mister prénom. Je fus surprise de trouver porte close avec permisterne à l’intérieur, et c’est un voisin qui me dit qu’il allait bientôt rentrer et que je pouvais l’attendre chez lui si je voulais. Il avait l’air gentil et pas trop mal alors pourquoi pas. Il m’a offert un thé et m’a rapidement demandé si j’étais la femme bruyante qu’il avait entendu il y a 3 jours. Je suis devenu morte de honte, mais lui simplement répondre que c’était plus drôle que le mister trop fort de la télé ou de la radio des voisins. C’est idiot, mais de me dire cela, m’a remis plutôt à l’aise et j’eus le culot de lui demander si lui aussi saurait me faire chanter comme ça. « Tu n’as pas froid aux yeux toi au moins, mais je veux bien tenter ma chance ». Joignant le geste à la parole, j’ai relevé ma jupe pour lui montrer que je n’avais rien dessous et je jetais plusieurs capotes sur la table. Il a ouvert mister pantalon pour laisser sortir un sexe long, épais et tordu. Je n’en n’avais encore jamais vu un comme ça et je peux vous dire que ça n’a rien de désagréable. Je l’ai sucé, mais il est venu presque aussitôt, ce qui aurait pu être décevant sauf que ça ne l’a même pas fait débander. Il a vite enfilé mister capuchon et j’ai levé une jambe pour qu’il me prenne comme ça debout. C’est rentré comme dans du beurre, mais la position ne lui plaisait apparemment pas, car il m’a assise sur le bord de la table pour commencer à me labourer le ventre. Et là c’est plutôt drôle, mais mister engin allait bien dans les coins pour me faire vite décoller. Je n’en revenais pas moi-même de réagir comme ça au quart de tour et alors que j’avais les yeux fermés pour apprécier pleinement mon plaisir je l’entendis parler et dire : » tu avais raimister Hussein, cette nana elle est super chaude et on ne sera pas trop de 2 pour lui donner sa dose » Merde, qu’est ce que j’allais faire, j’étais embroché sur la table pendant qu’un autre baissait mister pantalon à coté. Après tout pourquoi ne pas essayer, je ne serais pas la première à tenter une nouvelle expérience et de toute façon, je n’avais pas fini d’y réfléchir que déjà il me présentait sa queue à la bouche. C’a fait une sensation bizarre au début, mais quand la machine est déjà bien chauffé, ça passe tout seul. Sucer un homme en se faisant prendre par un autre, sentir 4 mains sur mister corps, ce n’est plus du plaisir, c’est du délire. Je crois même qu’entres eux, ils s’entrainent mutuellement, car c’est la première fois que l’on me prenait aussi fort et aussi longtemps. Ils ont chacun éjaculé 3 fois, dont 2 dans ma bouche et même si une double pénétration n’est pas de toute première douceur, quand la douleur s’estompe, ça n’est que du bonheur. Deux heures comme ça c’est éreintant, mais c’est comme tout, avec un peu d’entrainement, ça devient une formalité. Et question entrainement, à concurrence de 2 fois pas semaine pendant 2 mois, j’ai perdu 4 kilos et la totalité de mes inhibitions. Peu à peu, ils ont pris progressivement l’ascendant sur moi pour mon plus grand plaisir et je ne leur refusais rien. A leur demande, je portais des tenues de plus en plus osées, du string au porte jarretelle en passant par les cuissardes, et quand je franchissais le hall de l’immeuble, j’étais l’attraction qu’il fallait voir passer. Et malgré la tendance du quartier, permisterne n’était ni agressif ni désagréable avec moi, car je pense que mes 2 amants étaient plutôt respectés dans les lieux. Aujourd’hui, même si cela peut ne pas paraître conventionnel, j’ai une sexualité épanouie et accepté. Je ne leur ai imposé que 2 conditions, la discrétion pour mon couple et jamais de rapport sans protection, pour le reste, je vous le raconterai plus tard. 
Posts: 282
Et encore quatre... cinq... mais l'avant dernier est une réédition incomplète d'un texte publié récemment... Merci et bonne continuation.
Posts: 282
A la lecture plus "approfondie" du texte "Ma femme", power est de constater qu'il laisse une curieuse sensation de trop peu, de manque... Y aurait-il une suite quelque part ? Merci encore
Posts: 167297
Moi j'ai que ça 
Posts: 167297
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Doctors Orders 1st Appointment It was one of those days when things kept went wrong, right from the start. My alarm didn't go off, so I dressed hastily. I missed my train; I left my lunch at home and so on. It wasn't until I was almost too late that I remembered that I had a doctor's appointment that evening. I ended up having to run to catch my train, which was not a good idea as my appointment was about a sore knee; but as I sat on the train I realized that a sore knee was the least of my worries. You see under my suit, I was wearing ladies knickers. They were pink, lacy at the front and silky everywhere else, bikini briefs style. I habitually wore panties under my boring business suit and I have done so for so long now that I have to remind myself not to wear them when the circumstances demand it. Being in such a rush that morning I had forgotten my doctor's appointment and had worn panties. I arrived at the surgery just in time for my appointment. I was about to head for the toilets so I could take them off, figuring that being caught 'going commando' was better that being caught in panties, when my name was called. The receptionist was a strict-looking woman, a bit older than me, wearing a name badge that said Margaret on the lapel of her smart gray skirt suit. She looked so stern I didn't want to make a fuss, so I headed for the consulting room, hoping that I could still find a way to avoid embarrassment. Nervously I entered the room. Dr Susan Jones was waiting for me. I hadn't had an appointment with her before. As she ran through some routine questions I got my first look at her. She was about my age, early thirties, with long blonde hair, lovely blue eyes behind her spectacles and a trim, athletic figure. She was wearing a fitted white blouse and a short black skirt that showed off her legs. It was fair to say that Dr Jones was bit of a 'hottie'. "And what is the problem Mr. Christian?" "Um, it's my knee", I explained giving her some details of when it hurt. "Well I shall need to give it thorough an inspection. Certainly I will give it as much attention as you have been giving my legs, Mr. Christian." Oh dear, she had caught me eyeing up her legs. I mumred an apology. "Never mind, I'm sure you meant it as a compliment. Now slip off your trousers and pop onto the couch." The 'going commando' plan was completely out of the question now. If I tried to slip my knickers off along with my trousers she'd think I was exposing myself. I removed my shoes, then my trousers and tried to get on the couch quickly and cover myself with my shirt. She pulled her chair over and began examining my knee, prodding it and moving it about. "Well there doesn't seem to be any ligament or cartilage damage, so that's good. Nice panties by the way, I have a pair like them myself. It could be a postural problem; maybe the way you stand puts pressure on your knee." Relieved at her calm acceptance of my attire, I began to relax, and then realized that she had said something else. "Sorry Doctor, I didn't catch that, what did you say?" "I said, just slip off your shirt and socks and stand up for me, please 'Chrissie'." With a sinking feeling I pulled off my socks and began to unbutton my shirt. Then a thought struck me. "Why did you call me Chrissie?" "Chrissie seems so much more appropriate than Mr. Christian, given your current attire. You have no objection do you, Chrissie?" I meekly replied "No Doctor." For what seemed like minutes but was probably a few seconds I stood there in just the pretty pink knickers. Oddly my biggest worry was trying desperately to remain calm and not let on just how turned on the situation was making me. Then I heard the doctor say into the intercom, "Can you pop in to my consulting room Helen?" Within seconds we were joined by Helen, the nurse. I blushed as she entered the room. She was a plain-speaking Northern lass, a big girl, as tall as me and quite plump but in a curvy way. She was a blue nurses uniform of blouse and trousers. "Blood hell, what have we got here?" she laughed. "Chrissie here needs a longer consultation than I can fit in right now, but she's happy to wait til after the last appointment." Doctor Jones explained in a matter of fact tone, "Can you take Chrissie to wait in the records room?" "No problem Doc." Helen said "come on the Chrissie, follow me" she ordered. I went to get my clothes from the couch, but Dr Jones stopped me. "You won't need those, its only 20 minutes or so." So, dressed in just my pink panties I meekly followed Helen along the corridor, thankfully away from the waiting room. The records room was basically a small box room full of filing cabinets. There was no chair or anything for me to sit on, so I had to stand. As she left Helen said with a giggle "Don't wander off Chrissie." I stood there waiting. Wandering off was not an option. Twice the door opened and the stern faced receptionist came in. Both times she simple said, "Excuse me Chrissie" went to a filing cabinet then went out. It was weird the way she ignored my predicament, although the way she called me 'Chrissie' showed that she was in on the joke. I wondered what was in store for me. Eventually Helen fetched me. In the corridor Margaret was at one end, Susan at the other. She called out, "Walk up and down the corridor for me please, Chrissie." Under the gaze of the three women I walked up and down. To my horror I noticed that Margaret was filming me with a small video camera. Susan and Helen took it in turns to give me instructions. "Put each foot further across in front when you walk" or "swing your hips a little more". I knew their instructions were making my walk increasingly more feminine, but I couldn't refuse. Anyway, being ordered about by these three women, whilst wearing just panties, was a bit of a turn on, so I wouldn't want to refuse. Finally they directed me into the examination room again and made me stand with my hands on my head in the centre of the room. "What is our diagnosis of our patient Chrissie?" Dr. Jones asked the others. Margaret spoke first, "He's a little poof who probably takes it up the arse." I tried to protest but Dr. Jones cut me short, telling me to keep quiet if I knew what was good for me. "No, he's not gay," said Helen, "look at the way his cock twitches when I touch it." She stroked my cock through the lacy material and it responded by getting even more erect. "In fact there is a damp spot where he is dribbling pre-cum." "I do believe you are right, Helen," replied the doctor. "Of course his smaller than average penis does mean that he is well suited to wearing ladies knickers and panties." She pulled on a pair of disposable rubber gloves. "Turn round, and bend forward with your elbows resting on the couch." I obeyed her but the lowness of the couch meant that my bum was very exposed; more so when she slipped my pink panties down to expose my bum but keep my cock trapped. I felt a cold feeling on my bum. "This is just some gel to assist my examination, Chrissie." Dr. Jones said as she began to rub the gel around and into my bum hole. My cock twitched even more as she applied more and more pressure with her finger. She pressed a little harder and her finger slipped in. I moaned with unexpected pleasure. "Well he might be enjoying this, Margaret, but from the tightness around my finger it is not something he has done before, so we can rule your diagnosis out." As she spoke the beautiful doctor slid her finger in and out, whilst reaching round to touch my cock. It was all too much for me and I came messily in my panties. Abruptly she removed her finger. "Stand up and pull up your panties," she ordered. "My opinion is that you are a panty-boy, someone with a panty fetish. I'm going to prescribe a course of treatment. You will follow my instructions, to the letter; otherwise we shall go to the police about your lewd behaviour. I have two witnesses to your state of arousal and suggestive behavour; you'll be in a world of trouble if that happens." She wrote a long list while I was allowed to get dressed. She handed me the envelope. "Your next appointment is tomorrow. Margaret has fitted you in just as surgery closes, so we'll be all alone, just like this evening. Follow the instructions in my letter exactly and we'll have some fun tomorrow. Good bye Chrissie, you sissy panty-boy." I left clutching the envelope. All the way home the sticky wetness in my panties was a reminder of the events. I managed to get home before the wetness soaked through my trousers. As soon as I was home I opened the letter and began to read... 
Posts: 167297
The instructions in Dr. Jones' letter were clear, if a little puzzling and I followed them exactly. At a quarter past seven the next morning I rang the bell on the surgery door. Margaret let me in. "Morning Chrissie," she greeted me. "Dr. Jones is in room 3 waiting for you, go right in." I went in. Dr Susan Jones was waiting. She looked stunning again. Her blonde hair was tied up in a pony tail and her blue eyes twinkled behind her glasses. She was wearing a black shirt-waist dress, black opaque tights and knee length boots. She had the top few buttons undone giving me a tantalizing glimpse of her black lace bra. I couldn't help but wonder if she was wearing matching knickers. "Good morning Chrissie, strip to your panties, I want to see how well you have followed my instructions." Soon I stood there wearing just a very dull pair of white cotton panties, with only a trim of thin red lace to make them pretty. I felt her eyes roaming over me, acutely aware of the bulge she was causing in my panties. "Well done Chrissie, you have followed my instructions exactly and not been tempted to wear something too sexy. There will be time for that later. Now make good use of the toilet next door; I recommend emptying your bowels and your bladder fully. And Chrissie," she paused then added "keep the door open." As I sat on the toilet, naked apart from the knickers around my thighs, Nurse Helen walked past. She stopped and returned to stare at me. She showed no signs of leaving so I had no option but to let loose a stream of pee. It splashed noisily in the bowl beneath me. I could feel my cheeks reddening with the embarrassment of my situation. I had to wipe myself and pull up my panties while Helen watched, smirking. "Make sure you tuck that tiny little cock of yours in," she said laughing at me. I obeyed meekly, aware that by tucking it between my legs I increased the femininity of my figure. "Here, let me help you," she added. With swift hand she used a wide strip of elastic tape to hold my cock in position. Back in Dr Jones' room I was handed a pair of tights, black and opaque like the ones she was wearing. She ordered me to put them on. She watched me carefully. "That's clearly not the first time you've worn tights," she observed. "I think that for you the American name of pantyhose seems so much more appropriate, don't you agree Chrissie?" "Yes Doctor," I agreed. "Hands on your head, Chrissie," she ordered. "Helen, the tape please." As I stood there she pulled the tights up and then, taking the roll of tape from Helen, proceeded to tape around the waistband of the tights, fixing them to me! The three women then took it in turns to sign the tape. Dr Jones explained that this was to ensure I didn't take them off. "I won't be able to pull them down either. How do I go to the loo?" I protested, realizing the answer as soon as the words were out of my mouth. Helen laughed nastily. "You don't you little sissy, you'll have to hold it in all day or put up with wet panties and wet tights!" As a final touch they made me leave my socks off. Although the tights were opaque, they were obviously not socks, giving me a problem all day. I drank as little as possible in the morning. At lunch I was surprised to be told there was a visitor waiting for me in reception; it was Margaret. As we walked to lunch I caught myself checking out her figure in the reflections of shop windows. For someone her age she had a good figure! It was a nice day so we walked to the park. There she produced a large bottle of mineral water. I knew what was coming; she ordered me to take it. All of it! I managed it while she laughingly told me that they didn't want me dehydrating. For about an hour I was fine. Then the water began to have an effect and I kept shifting in my seat to try to relieve the pressure on my rapidly filling bladder. One of my co-workers, Alimister, noticed. She is a pretty bubbly brunette, very fanciable, but she's married. She looked at me strangely. "Ben I have to ask you something." "What?" "Why are you wearing tights and not socks?" I blushed. "It's a bet" I lied. "Of course it is. Is not going to the loo part of the bet as well?" "Um, yes." "Well good luck Ben!" By the end of the day it was quite painful and I still had a train journey and trip to the surgery to survive. By the time I arrived it was taking all my will-power not to pee. I was even considering trying to just pee a little and put up with the wet panties, when, finally, when I was the only patient left I was called into the consulting room. I was ordered to strip and soon I was standing there in my taped on tights and white cotton panties. Dr Jones began to feel my abdomen, pressing hard in places that made me want to pee very badly. She handed me a tumbler of water. "Drink that down, Chrissie, tell me about your day." I told her about the discomfort and also about the embarrassing moment with Alimister. She seemed disappointed. "Next time she asks tell her you're wearing them because you like them." I nodded and was acutely aware of my need to pee. "I know you are close to bursting Chrissie, but I want you to hold on for a bit longer. Come with me." She led me to the toilet. Margaret went in, leaving the door wide open. To my amazement she hitched up her skirt, pulled down her tights and panties and sat down to pee. It was strangely erotic. I was struggling to hold mine in and now I was getting an erection too! She invited to wipe her dry with the toilet-paper. I did, wiping her neatly trimmed pubic area very carefully. Next it was Helen's turn. In a teasingly slow way she pulled down her trousers, followed by her knickers. Hers were big and black in contrast to the small pale blue pair Margaret wore. She was also clean shaven. I couldn't keep myself from staring. She unleashed a seemingly endless stream of pee. I wiped her too. It was difficult not to do more than just wipe, but I managed to control myself. My thoughts turned to the sexy Dr Jones; would she be next, I wondered? "You have a choice now Chrissie; either you can pee now or you can hold on a little longer. If you pee now, our fun is over. If you choose to wait, it will continue. What do you want to do?" Though I was desperate to pee, I couldn't bear the thought of stopping; I chose to continue. Having redressed quickly I was driven by Dr Jones to the local shopping mall where it was late night opening. We went into a lingerie store and began to look at the outfits. She instructed me to choose a matching pair of knickers and suspender belt, with the added twist that it had to be something I'd like to see her wearing, but would also like to wear myself! I chose quickly, rather than take my time, a simple pair of cream-coloured knickers, trimmed with black lace. I needed a size 14, but Susan needed a size 10. Clutching a pair of knickers and a suspender belt in each size I went to pay. "Excuse me, do you know you have two different sizes?" asked the shop assistant. Instinctively I knew what Susan would want me to say. "They are for both of us, his and hers," I explained. The shop assistant tried to suppress a giggle as she finished our transaction. As we left the shop I heard her laughing out loud. Outside the shop Susan finally gave me permission to go to the toilet. I was bursting by now and as I struggled with the tape round my waist I could feel some pee dribbling out. Pulling the tape off my cock was excruciatingly painful but I had to remove it to pee. It was difficult but I just made it in time. My panties and tights were slightly damp, but not unbearably so. Back in the mall it took me a few moments to find Susan, but she reappeared behind me. She handed me a bag. "These are yours" she said simply, adding "be at the surgery at quarter past seven again tomorrow. Good night Chrissie." She turned round and walked away, leaving me to make my own way home. I thought about going after her, but she was in charge; I dare not question her or else she might end our fun. "Good night Dr Jones," I whispered. 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Black Poker Party My name is Eddie and something has happened in my life recently that I have to write about. Let me tell you about my situation. I am a 32 year old white male, who is married to a very sexy woman, named Liz. Liz, who is 28 years old, and I have been married for five years. We met when we were teenagers and dated on and off, until our marriage. Liz is easily the most attractive woman I've ever been with and I love her very much. Liz has always been my dream girl. My wife has long brunette hair, that falls below her shoulders and blue eyes that light up when she smiles. Liz is 5'5", and weighs about 130 lbs. She has awesome 36' D cup breasts, with huge areoles and nipples that poke out like knobs when she's aroused. Liz also has a bodacious ass that some would say is slightly too large, but that I think is perfect. My wife and I have always had a good sex life, at least from my point of view. Nothing too wild, she loves oral sex (both giving and receiving), but she has never allowed me inside that gorgeous ass of hers. I don't push her on the anal sex, because the rest of it is so good. I always thought that she was satisfied with our sex life, but recent events have shown me what a fool I was. When I think about what happened last Friday night and what is going to happen tonight, I don't know whether to cum in my pants or vomit. Liz and I just moved to this neighborhood two weeks ago. This area is a little run down, but the economy has affected my job and Liz lost her's , so we didn't have much choice. We couldn't afford our mortgage. Bankruptcy and foreclosure soon followed. Soon after moving in we met our neighbors. Robert and Shawn are two young black men in their early twenties. Liz was mowing the yard one day, in a pair of short cut offs that allowed half of her pale white ass cheeks to hang out, when Robert came outside and started talking to her. She soon invited him in for a beer. I was a little leery of the young black man at first. I'm not prejudiced or anything, but at 6'2", Robert is 3 inches taller than me, and he was obviously enjoying the view of my wife's sexy ass and huge tits. But after talking to him for awhile, I started to like him. Despite this, I was a bit taken aback when Liz asked him if he'd like to come over on Friday night and play poker. Robert asked if he could bring his roommate Shawn. Liz laughed, "Sure, why not. The more the merrier." After Robert had left, I spoke up, "Are you sure about this?" My wife looked at me in surprise, "You're not afraid of your wife being around black men, are you? Besides, we could use some money, and I'm sure we're better at Texas hold'em than they are." I had to agree with her. We were short on money and we were both experienced poker players. Our guests showed up early on Friday evening. Liz was in the kitchen preparing some snacks, when the doorbell rang. When I answered the door I was surprised to see three black men, instead of the two I expected. Robert introduced me to Nate. Like Robert and Shawn, Nate was in his early twenties, and like our neighbors his skin was coal black. "Nate is my cousin," Robert informed me, "I wasn't expecting him to come over tonight, but I didn't think you guys would mind." Liz walked into the living room from the kitchen and smiled, "Of course not," she said, "I did say 'the more the merrier'." The three black men stared at my wife and smiled. Liz was wearing another pair of short-shorts, which were barely covered by her top, which was a shear pull over blouse, with a plunging v-neck. The fabric of her top was so thin you could see the outline of her nipples. It was obvious my wife wasn't wearing a bra, as you could see her big titties jiggle when she walked. I was definitely not happy with her choice of wardrobe. I offered our guests a seat in the living room. We had a card table set up with four kitchen chairs around it. The three black men sat at the table while Liz went into the kitchen to finish making the snacks. "As soon as she has the treats ready, we can get down to some serious poker," I informed them, as I took a seat across from Robert. Robert grinned and gestured to his left, "Nate here kicks ass on Texas hold'em. I hope you can keep up." Nate spoke up, "Yeah, I hope you're ready to lose some money, white boy." My face turned red, as I thought about how to reply. "Honey, why don't you come get them some beers," Liz yelled from the kitchen. Robert immediately stood up, "I'll go," he said, "so that you two bad ass poker players can get to know each other." The tall black man was smirking as he walked through the swinging doors and into the kitchen. I talked to Shawn and tried to ignore Nate. After a few minutes I began to wonder what was taking Robert so long with the beers, so I went to check on him. I went through the swinging door as quietly as I could. What I saw made my heart jump up in my throat. Liz was standing at the counter, a tray of snacks in her hands, her back to Robert. The black man was right up against her, whispering in her ear, but more importantly Robert's large dark hands were on my wife's ass, rubbing and squeezing her fleshy butt buns, through her shorts. Liz's eyes were half closed and she was breathing hard. I heard her whisper something back at him and thought I caught the words, 'black cock'. I was so stunned at first I didn't know what to do. They sensed my presence and both turned around quickly. Robert withdrew his hands from my wife's tail and smiled as if nothing had happened. Robert picked up a six pack of Busch, off the counter, "We were just on our way back with the goodies," he said. Liz looked at me appearing a little frightened, obviously wondering about how much I had seen. I was frightened myself and did not let on to what I had witnessed. We all went into the living room, where Shawn and Nate were waiting. The beer and snacks were passed around as Robert and I took our seats. Since we hadn't expected Nate to be there, we were one seat short, so Liz sat on my lap. There was a lot of small talk as we dealt the cards and the game began. The three black men were better at Texas hold'em than I thought they would be and things weren't going well for Liz and I. Within two hours I was getting pretty takes and was down to my last chip. Liz had already dropped out of the game. I looked at my cards and then at the board. I had a full house with just the river card to go. Nate was the only one still in on this hand. "I've only got one chip left," I informed everyone. "So bet it," Nate shot back. "There's gotta be a way I can bet more than five dollars on this hand," I begged aloud. Nate appeared to think for a moment, before looking at Liz with an obscene glint in his eye, and replied, "An article of your old ladies clothing ought to be worth about twenty bucks." I gritted my teeth, but Liz spoke up, before I could say anything, "No problem, bucko!" She had seen what was in my hand and knew I had it. Nate threw a twenty dollar chip in the pot and Liz dealt the river card. Nate then turned his cards over. I nearly ****** and the three black men erupted in cheers. Nate had a four of kind. My wife couldn't believe it, "You gotta be fucking kidding!" she exclaimed, but I couldn't help but notice an excited look in her eyes. "So what's it going to be?" Robert asked with enthusiasm. "Take it off!" Shawn added. I started to object, "Now wait a ...," "You wait a minute white boy," Nate interjected, "a bets a bet!" Liz looked at me and stood up off my lap, "He's right honey." My wife undid her shorts and slowly slid them down to her ankles, before kicking them across the room. Liz was wearing a pair of pink silk panties, that allowed a gracious amount of her bountiful, white ass cheeks exposed for all to see. Liz stepped out from the table and turned around slowly. Both Robert and Shawn whistled and Nate just groaned. This wasn't part of the deal, but I was takes and getting a little excited myself. Liz sat back down on my lap, "So now what?" she asked. Robert smiled at this, "Well, if you want to keep playing, you'll have to bet with your clothes." I froze and didn't know what to say. Liz looked at me and appeared a little disgusted, "Okay," she agreed, "Eddie will play and I will strip. But I have a feeling he's going to start winning." "Whatever," Nate mumred, "Just deal the cards." I took a deep breath and wondered if this was real. All my wife had on now was a pair of panties and that flimsy top that showed off half of her tits. Of course, I lost the next hand. I couldn't help but feel my dick get hard as Liz stood up and began to take off her top. My wife's bare breasts popped into view and she laid her blouse across my shoulder. Liz shook her shoulders, as her huge pale titties swung from side to side. Her nipples were as big as I'd ever seen them and I noticed a wet spot on the front of her panties. The three black men had a dangerous look in their eye and Robert was openly rubbing his crotch. "Look at those big ass white titties!" Shawn exclaimed. By now I had become angry and a little worried as Liz sat back in my lap, "You know, with you sitting in my lap, it's no wonder I can't win a hand!" I snapped. Liz's face turned red as she stood back up, "Well fuck you, shrimp dick!" she shot back, "I'll just sit on someone else's lap and distract them!" With that, she walked around the table to Robert, who was sitting straight across from me. With a cuckolds brownie eating grin on his face, the black man pushed his chair back, and my wife sat down on his lap. I was in shock. Once again I felt paralyzed and unable to speak. Liz put her arm around Robert's neck and glared at me. Robert held my wife by the waist and turned her so she was facing me directly. Liz dealt the cards as Robert started whispering in her ear. I knew my wife could feel his hard black cock poking into her ample buns. I pretended not to watch as my once loyal bride began to rotate and slide her hot married bottom across this black man's lap. It wasn't long before Robert started moving his hands up Liz's flanks. Before I knew it he was fondling my wife's huge white titties with his big black paws. Liz moaned and it looked as though her massive bare breasts were becoming even more swollen. I wanted to say something, but the sight of those dark, black hands mauling my sweet wife's lily white boobs had me hornier than I had been in my entire life. Of course by now, I'm sure Liz had lost all respect for me. 
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I actually won the next hand, but before I could ask for Liz to put her top back on, my wife spoke, "Hold on a moment," she said, "I'm the one losing my clothes here. I'm the one who should say what the payment is when my husband wins." Everyone who mattered seemed agreeable to this. "So what do you want?" Nate asked. Liz squirmed as Robert continued to worry her awesome knockers, "Everyone gets to see my tits," she started, "Now I want to see some black cock." Nate looked at me and laughed. He stood up and walked over to my wife. I saw the huge bulge in his pants and my stomach sank. I knew this night wasn't going to end well. Shawn stood up on the other side of her and started to undo his pants. Both men pulled their pants down at the same time. This was even worse than I thought. Liz was in awe. She leaned forward as Robert continued his *** of my wife's swaying mammaries. Both men's cocks were huge and dark as coal. Shawn's was about 9 inches long, which made it about four inches longer than mine and Nate's awesome snake was at least 11 inches. Liz reached out and grabbed hold of both of the ebony monsters, with her dainty white hands. Both men were erect and so thick that her fingers did not touch. My wife appeared to be in a trance, "They're so big and so black," she murmured. Liz started to stroke the black pythons lovingly, as Nate and Shawn reached over and slapped at her humungous white boobs. Liz started playing with Nate's balls, as she looked me in the eye and leaned towards his bobbing prick. My wife stuck her tongue out and licked the huge head of Nate's big black cock. Nate moaned and thrust his hips forward. Liz's eyes grew wide as the first 5 inches of Nate's hot black meat entered her slutty white mouth. My sweet innocent wife bobbed her head back and forth as she started sucking in earnest. Every so often she would pull the long black hose out of her face and spit on it. Liz was soon sucking that fat black cock like her life depended on it. By now, Nate's ebony log was slick with my wife's saliva as she sucked all 11 inches in and out of her married, white mouth, and down her unfaithful gullet. All the while, Robert and Shawn were vulgarizing my wife's huge, white tits, with their rough black hands, squeezing, pulling, and slapping her burning boobies. I was witnessing the most obscene thing I could imagine. Nate looked at me as he continued to thrust his big, black pipe in and out of my wife's needy white mouth, "What do you think about your wife sucking my big, black cock?" he asked, with a smirk, "I think she likes it." He pulled his rock hard pecker out of Liz's gulping mouth, "How about it?" he queried. My wife of five years looked up at me, panting, her eyes wild, and her lips swollen and covered with spit and precum, she answered, "Oh god yes! I love sucking black cock!" "You don't mind your husband watching either, do you?" Shawn asked. "Hell no," Liz replied, "I want that little dicked bastard to watch me suck and fuck all of your big, black cocks!" I felt so betrayed by that point, that I could do was sit back and watch. But at the same time, my own cock was stiff as a board and I thought I would cum in my pants at the slightest touch. Liz started moving her mouth faster and faster on Nate's throbbing black meat. Nate yelled and grabbed the back of my wife's head. He pumped his dark pipe in and out of Liz's hot, wet mouth as fast as he could. Liz gave a little cough and I knew Nate was blowing his load of black cream into my sweet wife's married white mouth and down her cheating throat. Liz pulled the spasming snake out of her mouth and fell to her knees. Nate grabbed her chin and pulled her face up. Liz looked at me as she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. Nate deposited another load of jism past Liz's tongue and into the back of her cum thirsty throat. Unbelievably, he wasn't finished yet. Several more ropes of thick white cream spurted from Nate's thick, black python and splattered across my wife's swollen and used tits. Liz sat back on her haunches and groaned, "Oh my god." Shawn and Robert stood to each side of Liz and lifted her up to her feet, "We're not done yet," Robert informed her. The two men carried my wife over to the couch and positioned her on her hands and knees. Shawn got on his knees in front of Liz and she grabbed his bobbing, black cock and fed it into her desperate mouth. My wife was soon sucking that huge, black pecker and playing with those big ebony balls as she looked me straight in the eye. Robert grabbed Liz's panties and pulled them off of her. My wife spread her knees and pushed her ass towards the black man. Robert then proceeded to slap my wife across her big, married white ass as hard as he could, with his huge, black hand. Liz looked stunned at first, but soon she was wiggling her delicious butt cheeks around and begging for more. Nate went over and joined in, he and Robert taking turns swatting each of Liz's jiggling, pale butt buns, leaving a red hand print with each stroke. Liz quit sucking on Shawn's monster cock for a moment and looked back at her tormentors, "Oh god yes!" she breathed, "Spank my white ass! I've been a bad little white girl! I'm cheating on my husband and loving every minute of it! I love sucking black cock and having my big, married, white butt spanked by black men!" It was obvious to me at this point that Liz was out of control, and consumed with lust. I knew nothing was going to be the same again. Robert started to work his fingers in and out of Liz's sopping wet pussy, and looked at me, " I'm going to tear your wife's sweet little pussy up." "Yeah, whiteboy," Nate chimed in, "We're going to fill this tight white pussy full of black cock!" Liz looked at me and pulled Shawn's throbbing, black pecker from her mouth, "Bring that bastard closer. I want him to get a real good view of my little white body getting packed with black meat!" I didn't resist as Nate dragged me by the hair and sat me on my knees next to the foot of the couch. By now, Robert was completely naked and lining his 10 inches of coal black cock up with Liz's weeping cunt. My wife's pubic hairs were cut short and neatly trimmed, so I had a good view of what happened next. Robert slapped my wife's jiggling, white ass one more time, and spoke, "Tell Daddy what you want, Vanilla drop." My wife, who had been sucking on Shawn's swollen balls, looked back at me and Robert. "I want you to fuck my married, white cunt with your big, black cock, while my pathetic husband watches!" With that, Robert started rubbing his enormous black prick up and down Liz's leaking slit. Nate continued to slap my wife's horny white ass. Liz wiggled her stinging butt from side to side, "Yes!" she screamed, "Please fuck me! Fuck my tight white pussy! Tear it up with that big, black cock!" Robert started to push his huge, black prong into Liz's cheating little pussy. Liz's eyes grew big, as Robert slid his big black pecker in and out. Shawn shoved his own black monster back into Liz's mouth. They soon had a rhythm going. My wife was being pumped full of hot black meat from both ends and was obviously loving it. Not to be left out, Nate had slid under Liz's chest and was sucking on her swaying white tits for all he was worth. "Look at that cuckolds brownie man!" Robert yelled at me. I did look. His huge black cock was pistoning in and out of my innocent little wife's tight white pussy at break neck speed. That fat black cock was so big that Liz's inner pussy lips clung to the coal black shaft and I thought she would be turned inside out. It wasn't long before I realized that my wife was cumming. Thick pussy juice that had started to turn white, coated Robert's pumping black cock. Liz was throwing her ass back at Robert as fast as she could and moaned around the black mamba in her mouth. My wife's hot little twat became too much for Robert and he moaned, "Oh fuck!" He pulled his twitching black dick out of Liz's tight little cunt. He started to slap my cheating white wife's fat ass again, as he blew thick cum all over her used butt cheeks. About this time, Shawn started to cum in Liz's mouth. My wife was bobbing her head up and down and sucking on the studs black cock like a mad woman. Liz started obligation and pulled off. White cream dripped from her nose as she caught her breath, "Damn!" she exclaimed. Nate pulled himself out from under Liz's sladying boobs. "I think it's time to take this to the bedroom," he stated, as he pulled Liz off the couch and onto the floor. Nate made my wife crawl across the floor, with her face pressed downward and her gorgeous white ass swaying in the air. I couldn't believe my wife was doing this, but then again, it was hard to believe any of this had happened. As Liz made her way to our bedroom, the three black men took turns smacking her across her flaring butt cheeks, until they were beet red. I followed behind, watching all of this in disbelief. When we reached the bedroom, Nate laid down on our bed, face up. Liz crawled up and straddled the black stud. Robert and Shawn grabbed me and made me lean over the foot of the bed, so that my face was only inches away from the action. Liz lifted her hips up and guided Nate's 11 inches of black tube steak into her still tight pink pussy. My wife made a strange noise and started to impale herself repeatedly on Nate's chocolate cock. Liz looked down at me, as that black anaconda pumped in and out of her swollen cunt. "Do you like what you see baby?" she teased, "Do you see what that big black cock is doing to your sweet innocent wife's poor pussy!?" Liz was now bouncing her jiggling ass up and down on Nate's ebony club as fast as she could. 
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Robert reached in and worked his index finger into Liz's bobbing rectum, as Shawn spanked her widely flaring butt cheeks. "Oh! Oh! Oh!" Nate yelled as Liz came on his black cock and he returned fire with a load of black cum in her cheating, white womb. Liz was starting to look wore out, as she slid off of Nate and onto her face. But she surprised me by pulling her knees up under her and sticking her bodacious ass straight in the air. My wife reached back and pulled her ass cheeks apart, "All I need now is a big black cock to fuck my married white ass!" she moaned loudly. "How about three black cocks to fuck your cheating white ass?" Robert countered. Liz laughed, "The more the merrier!" Robert pulled the married white slut to the edge of the bed. He smacked her a couple of times across the ass and spat on her rectum. Robert then lined up his newly hardened cock with my wife's horny asshole. I just shook my head. Liz never even let me stick my finger in her little butt. The black man pressed the head of his pecker against Liz's tight butt hole. I watched in fascination as my wife's anus opened up and Robert's huge black cock slid up inside of her married white ass. Both Robert and Liz were moaning loudly as that long black snake pumped furiously in and out of my wife's horny, white asshole. Once again, I thought Liz would be turned inside out, as her bowels were vulgarly plundered and her pink rectum clung to his thick black cock and was pulled into the open on each out stroke. The other two black men started smacking Liz's ass again and pulling on her huge tits, which were swinging back and forth. Every so often, Robert would stop thrusting and Liz would fuck herself on his big, black dick by shoving her widespread ass back on his black log as fast and hard as she could. The three black men soon started taking turns. One would fuck my wife's tight white asshole, as fast and hard as he could, while one would spank her butt cheeks, and the third would maul and use her big, swaying boobs. The three studs sodomized my sweet wife's cheating, white ass for a good hour and a half. The whole time Liz was moaning loudly and yelling obscenities, "Fuck my white ass with those black cocks!" she screamed, "Oh god! Their black dicks are so big! I can't believe how good it feels to have my asshole fucked by a bunch of horse-dicked black men!" Eventually, all three men came in my wife's asshole and flooded her white bowels with their black seed. As each man would finish and pull out of Liz's well fucked ass, they would power me to watch as her widely gaping anus took longer and longer to close up. Liz lay face down on the bed and was only half conscious, as our party guests got dressed and prepared to leave. Robert smirked at me as he slapped my wife on her upturned butt cheek. "You're a black cock loving whore, aren't you?" he asked. I saw Liz grin sheepishly, "Yes." "Say it!" Robert demanded. Liz lifted her head up and spoke louder, "I'm a black cock loving whore!" "You want more, don't you?" My wife grinned from ear to ear, "As much as I can get," she looked at me, "My tight white ass can take as many big, black cocks as I can get a hold of." Robert smiled at both Liz and me, "I'm having a party at my house next Friday," he informed us, "You're both invited." "I'll be there," Liz replied, "As long as there's plenty of black cock." * That was a week ago and today is Friday. Of course, things have not been the same between Liz and me. She says she still loves me, but she needs black cock to satisfy her sexual needs. As hurt as I am about this, I can't help but be incredibly turned on. Every time I think about what I saw those big, black peckers do to my wife, I want to jerk off. Liz is in the bedroom now, putting on a special outfit for tonight's party at Robert's. I think I'm going to take our video camera and see what happens. 
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Ziva Waterpantied Me! It happened like this. Ziva and I were on a NCIS stakeout in an office of a tall building. We were observing the actions of a Marine Officer in the building opposite. He had been meeting with Arms dealers and was suspected of selling guns and missiles to them. We both had to wear smart clothes for the stake out -- I wore my Armani suit, white shirt and sober tie. Ziva wore a dark grey, tight skirt, a white blouse and a smart matching jacket. The room was the Chairman's suite and we had access to the executive bathroom. We used to take it in turns to use the toilet, and when it was Ziva's turn I playfully stood in front of her with my arms out to stop her. She very quickly grabbed my arm, put a leg behind mine and twisted me down onto the floor. She leapt onto my chest and straddled my head with her knees. Her skirt was pushed up to her thighs and I had a clear view of her white panties. I smiled up at her. "I've been wanting to see those for ages." "Well, have a close look." She pushed herself forward and grabbed my head in two hands, pressing the gusset against my mouth. "Now, I will pee and you can't stop me!" Urine squeezed through the cotton into my mouth. I had no option but to take it. I gulped down about a pint, then I fetishd and the piss went over my face. It was hot and smelly in my nostrils. "You can lick me clean, now." She moved the panties aside with her hand. I looked at her neat slit, it was totally waxed smooth. I could see slickness on her lips, and that her small clitoris was out of its hood at the top of the slit. I reached up with my tongue and licked the length of her cunt, tasting the salt of the piss. I felt her clit on the tip of my tongue, sucked it, nibred it, and tried to bite it, but it was too slippery. Ziva began to fuck my face, moving her hips back and forward, her cunt up and down on my tongue. "Who is the senior agent now?" she cried. Ziva suddenly stiffened and squirted cunt juice over my face. She relaxed a bit, on top of me, and then swivelled round on my face. "Now you shall have your reward, Slave." I felt her undo my belt, run down the zip fly, and dig my prick out of my Y-fronts. It bounced upright in her hand. She began to wank my foreskin up and down until I felt it solid. Then I felt her lovely soft, wet lips go down on it. I couldn't say anything as my mouth was full of her cunt, but I groaned with pleasure. She took her mouth away and used her hand at speed. I quickly came but she didn't stop wanking me! I had to grab hold of her hand to stop her -- the sensation and pain was too great. Ziva relaxed and stood slowly. I looked up at her and said, "I feel as though I have been waterboarded, or should I say waterpantied!" Our relationship improved from then onwards, but I could no longer dominate Ziva, in fact she began to dominate me! It did have its compensations however. We did not meet socially normally as we had our own lives to lead but soon after the waterpantieing, she suggested that we meet for a take in a bar near here flat. We had a couple of beers and then back to her flat. "I hope you are not going to try to stop me peeing again are you?" "No, but I shall have to come and keep a close eye on you." I followed her into her bathroom and she pulled down her pants and thong and sat on the toilet with her legs open. "Now, slave have a close look and clean me afterwards." I knelt down in front of her and stared at her cunt. She let go a big stream of hot, smelly, piss, some splashed out onto my face as she had thrust her hips towards me. I licked my lips, and moved closer. Ziva pulled my face right into her crotch as she pissed. I opened my mouth and it all drank down. When the flow had ceased, I started to lick up and down her clean waxed slit. It was salty but nice! I then concentrated on sucking and licking her clit. She started to move her hips, fucking my face. Then she pushed hard and came -- juices squirted out into my mouth and I tried to catch it all. Delicious. We both moved back and were panting to catch our breath. "That was good, slave, now do you want your reward?" I really wanted to piss first, but I didn't want to stop her. "You can do from behind, doggy fashion." Ziva got off the toilet and knelt on the floor on her hands and knees, with her pants still around her ankles. I tore off mine and my Y-fronts to get ready for action. I knelt behind her with my legs straddling hers awkwardly. I quickly wanked my prick up to full stiffness and thrust it into her cunt. I moved quickly in and out, it felt great, my mushroom head was scrapping both sides of her vagina, I was in heaven. "Don't come inside of me! I'm not on the pill!" I could feel myself about to come -- that wonderful, full feeling, in my prick as the spunk came up the tube. I pulled out and pushed it against her asshole. I just slipped inside and Ziva gasped. "Ahhh ..! It's too big!" "Yes, I know and don't you love it." I pulled back a bit and felt her sphincter open so I pushed forward until I was up to my balls in her ass. My foreskin was pulled tight. I cried out in pain and pulled back. My spunk then came shooting out flooding her inside. I relaxed a bit, still with my prick inside her rectum. I let my piss go and gave her an enema. "What are you doing? You're a dirty beast. I full of piss now." ""Aren't you always?" She struggled and pulled off me and dashed to the toilet to sit down on it. I heard a big rush of sound as she shat all the contents of her ass out into the bowl. "You'll pay for that!" I laughed and went to the sink and washed my cuckolds browniety cock. Ziva wiped her bum and then moved swiftly behind me and grabbed my balls through my legs. "Say you're sorry, say you're sorry or I will twist them off." And she gave my bollocks a twist. "Ok, Ok I'm sorry! It was an emergency. I had to piss." "Right slave, I shall have to think of what your punishment shall be. Perhaps tie you up and whip your testicles? Or maybe hang a brick from your prick? No that might just make it bigger. Oh, I know, I will cuckolds brownie on face!" "Don't you mean sit on my face?" "No, I mean cuckolds brownie, defecate into your mouth." "Yeach!" I nearly vomited on the thought. "Perhaps I could just lick your ass?" "Maybe, depends how I feel at the time. Now go and leave me have nice shower and relax." I smiled and pulled my pants up. "I shall look forward to that then O mistress mine," And I left. 
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Sous l'emprise de la drogue Nous avons terminé notre glace à la vanille, je remarquais qu'elle en avait répandu sur mister cou. Je me penchais sur elle, écartais ses longs cheveux noirs et léchais la glace, l'embrassant tendrement en l'enlaçant. Nous avions passé une merveilleuse journée, elle gémit sourdement en sentant ma bite se presser contre mister entrejambe. Le square était calme, nous étions loin de la maimister... Je jetais un œil au fin débardeur de coton qu'elle portait, il moulait étroitement sa ferme poitrine uniquement protégée par un affriolant soutien-gorge de dentelle. Elle portait une jupe courte, au dessus des genoux, qui, je le savais d'expérience était la plus courte qu'elle se permette de porter... Elevée dans une famille catholique très stricte elle montrait rarement un bout de peau, seule l'étouffante chaleur du soleil italien avait modifié ses habitudes. De plus elle se trouvait dans un pays étranger où toutes les filles dévoilaient largement leurs charmes, et comme sa poitrine était bien plus opulente que celles de la plupart des filles locales! La façon dont les italiens extériorisaient leurs sentiments, s'embrassant à bouche que veux-tu en public, l'avait vivement surprise au début de notre séjour, mais elle s'y était accoutumée. Je l'embrassais passionnément et l'étreignais fermement, me demandant s'il existait un endroit retiré où nous pourrions nous réfugier. Je n'avais pas envie de rentrer directement à l'hôtel, une énorme bosse déformait le devant de mon caleçon de bain. - Là... M'indiqua-t-elle en désignant du doit un vieux photomaton muni d'un grand rideau qui tombait au sol. Son audace me surprit vivement. - Es-tu sûre? Elle caressa mon vit alors que nous nous dirigions vers la cabine... Je la suivais de près alors qu'elle jetait un œil à l'intérieur s'assurant que permisterne ne s'y trouvait... Elle se trouvait dans un coin éloigné du square, entourée d'arbres de deux cotés et d'une clôture limitant l'accès à une seule approche. Une fois à l'intérieur je lui embrassais le cou, alors qu'elle me caressait la bite. Je m'assis sur la chaise et elle m'enfourcha tournée vers moi, ses miches face à mon visage alors que je me démenais pour les mignoter de la bouche. Je tendis la main dans mister dos et dégrafais mister soutien-gorge, je pus alors baisser ses bonnets et grignoter avidement ses mamelons. Elle gémit et commença à frotter mister entrecuisse sur mon chibre bandé, uniquement séparé de mister entrejambe par la fine épaisseur de mon short de coton. Elle se tint immobile un bon petit moment puis glissa sa main sous sa jupe très vite sa petite culotte chut sur le plancher. J'étendais la main, escaladais vivement sa cuisse pour lui titiller ses lèvres vaginales. Immédiatement je sentis à quel point sa chatte était trempée, elle était déjà prête à m'accueillir... Elle dégrafa la ceinture de mon short et le baissa sur mes genoux... je me penchais en avant et lui roulais une pelle baveuse, tandis que l'embrassais je sentis mon gland baigner dans l'humidité de sa fentine entrouverte... Nous avons gémi avec un bel ensemble comme elle s'empalait sur ma mentule, puis je hurlais de douleur, un violent élancement me traversait les burnes! - Que se passe-t-il? M'interrogea-t-elle inquiète. Avant que je puisse répondre, une lumière vive éclaira l'écran devant nous. - AIE... Cria Tanya en se frottant le bras. Je vis alors une fine aiguille se rétracter dans une fente du mur. Elle se retourna, l'écran bourdonnait alors qu'une étrange lueur bleue l'envahissait. Je tentais de me relever, mais constatais que j'étais incapable de bouger. J'essayais de parler, mais ma bouche était paralysée. Une vive panique me submergea, mon corps était incapable de réagir. Je sentais mes yeux s'écarquiller, ma bouche demeurait grande ouverte et mon corps totalement mou. Tanya avait les yeux rivés sur l'écran, elle était, elle aussi totalement sous l'emprise de cette lumière. - Un écouteur se trouve dans un tiroir face à vous, mettez le à votre oreille. Ordonna alors une voix métallique... Tanya tendit la main vers la fente d'où sortaient habituellement les photos, elle y prit quelque chose et le posa à mister oreille. Après quelques minutes elle se leva bras le long du corps. Je la questionnais, mais elle restait muette. Puis, à ma grande horreur elle enleva mister soutien-gorge et l'envoya rejoindre sa petite culotte qui gisait au sol, puis elle sortit de la cabine. J'essayais de me secouer mais n'y parvint pas, toujours figé par cette paralysie démoniaque. Le rideau flottait au vent après sa sortie et elle disparut j'étais totalement incapable de la retenir. Quelques secondes plus tard, une voix provint d'un micro face à moi. - Tu as été drogué, ce qui t'empêche de bouger sans mon ordre... On a injecté un cocktail spécial à ta petite amie qui la rendit très réceptive à mon pouvoir magictique augmenté per les lumières de la vidéo et la musique qu'on lui a fait entendre... Elle va faire tout ce que je voudrais et tu ne pourras que la regarder faire... J'espère que tu aimeras! La voix se tut et l'écran s'illumina. Une caméra zoomait sur Tanya alors qu'elle se dirigeait vers deux vieux italiens. Ils la virent et la matèrent ouvertement comme le faisait tous les males de ce pays. Elle se figea sur l'écran, ses expériences dégradantes débutaient. Elle se mit à danser, tortillant érotiquement ses hanches et mister cul sous leurs yeux enthousiastes. Ils firent quelques commentaires crus en italien, bien entendu elle ne comprit pas ce qu'ils disaient. Elle se tourna et vacillante remonta mister chemisier leur exhibant ses miches bien rondes et ses très longs tétons érigés. L'un des hommes tendit la main et pinça énergiquement ses mamelons, la caméra zooma sur le visage de Tanya, elle gémissait bien que choquée par la rude caresse. L'autre homme avança d'un pas et empoigna ses hanches par derrière, se frottant contre elle. Tanya repoussa un des hommes qui tomba assis sur un banc elle glissa alors sur ses genoux la tête au niveau de mister entrejambe. L'homme réalisa ce qu'elle voulait et déboucla sa ceinture. L'autre momentanément abasourdi, jeta un cou d'œil circulaire s'assurant que permisterne ne viendrait troubler leurs ébats, puis il s'approcha du couple, glissa sa main sous sa jupe remarquant immédiatement qu'elle ne portait rien en dessous. Tanya aida l'homme face à elle à ouvrir mister jean, sa main plongea dans sa braguette pour en extirper une épaisse mentule, bandée à mort. Elle entreprit de le branler lubriquement pointant le gland sur ses lèvres disjointes. L'autre homme releva sa jupe dans mister dos et entreprit de doigter sa chatoune velue, introduisant deux puis trois doigts dans sa caverne embrasée. Totalement désarmé je restais assis regardant des deux hommes user de ma petite amie qui semblait consentante. Elle se remit à téter voracement le chibre d'un des hommes, tandis que celui qui était posté dans mister dos frottait mister gland dans sa fentine. Sans aucune protection il pressa mister gland sur l'ouverture enflammée de sa caverne et poussa l'air extasié. Il la poussa en avant, mais sa massive biroute s'engouffra aisément dans sa foufoune accueillante... Il entreprit alors une frénétique chevauchée la secouant d'importance alors qu'elle suçait goulument mister acolyte avec un immonde plaisir... Il ne fallut pas longtemps pour qu'ils giclent tous les deux en elle, dès qu'ils en eurent terminé, elle se releva remit en place sa brassière et s'en alla abandonnant les deux hommes ébahis. Elle sortit du champ de la caméra pendant un bon moment, je me demandais alors quel acte répugnant ils lui réservaient lorsque le rideau frémit et qu'elle me rejoignit dans la cabine photo. J'étais incapable de bouger, de dire un mot, je ne pouvais que la suivre des yeux alors qu'elle s'approchait de moi, sa bouche se posa sur la mienne. Elle recracha alors la semence du vieil italien dans ma bouche et se retourna. 
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Elle se posta alors devant la chaise les cuisses à hauteur de mon visage et pressa sa chatoune inondée contre mes lèvres, une voix impérieuse m'ordonna alors : - Avale! Elle décontracta alors ses sphincters vaginaux, une grosse goutte de sperme chaud s'écoula dans ma bouche, rejoignant mister premier don, et je me sentis obligé de déguster l'horrible mélange de foutre. La saveur était salée et crémeuse, cela coula facilement dans ma gorge. Mais à ma grande surprise, elle se mit à me pisser dans la bouche et j'avalais machinalement le jet d'or avalant l'ensemble de sa mixture. C'était incroyable, jamais je ne m'étais livré à des actes aussi dégradants! Le goût de l'amère breuvage me révulsait, j'aurai voulu la repousser, mais j'étais toujours paralysé, incapable de révolte. Une trentaine de secondes plus tard le flot d'urine se tarit et elle se redressa. Au lieu de me réconforter, elle ressortit dans le square, l'écran face à moi s'obscurcit alors que les dernières gouttes de foutre mélangées à l'urine me coulaient dans la gorge. Chapitre 2 : la librairie Je restais assis face à l'écran vide, l'immonde goût du foutre en bouche. Après quelques minutes, l'écran s'anima, transmettant une scène de rue alors que Tanya hélait un taxi. Je n'entendais pas ce qu'ils disaient, mais je la vis s'installer sur le siège passager et discuter avec le chauffeur. L'homme qui nous contrôlait lui avait dicté les bons mots, puisque le chauffeur de taxi lui sourit et hocha la tête, tout de suite le véhicule disparut, je me demandais si je reverrais ma petite amie! S'en suivit une longue attente de plusieurs minutes, il me sembla que cette attente dura des heures. Il ne dut pourtant se passer qu'une dizaine de minutes avant qu'une autre caméra de rue me montra arriver le taxi. Cette fois la caméra se tenait en contrebas, elle montrait le visage barbu du conducteur alors que Tanya plongeait sous le tableau de bord. Sa tête descendait et montait sur la bite tendue du chauffeur, un sourire extatique éclairait mister visage. Cela ne prit que quelques minutes avant qu'il n'immobilise sa tête quelques instants. Elle se redressa alors, un filet de foutre pendant de sa lèvre inférieur pour venir s'étaler sur mister menton. Elle le nettoya de la pointe de la langue, savourant avec lubricité le foutre avant de faire arrêter le taxi. La rue dans laquelle elle se trouvait était fréquentée par de nombreux noirs, qui stationnaient devant les échoppes je me demandais ce qui allait se passer. Elle se dirigea tout droit vers une petite porte, dès que la caméra zooma sur le magasin je vis qu'il s'agissait d'un sex-shop. Il y avait quelques clients à l'intérieur et deux colosses noirs au comptoir qui la regardaient entrer en détaillant ses charmes. Tanya claqua la porte dans mister dos et se dirigea droit sur le comptoir siégeant au milieu de la pièce. Le plus vieux des deux hommes, la quarantaine bien tassée, ouvrit à moitié la porte en s'approchant d'elle, j'avais l'impression qu'il avait l'habitude ce genre de situation. Il l'empoigna et lui roula un patin passionné sous l'œil indiscret de la caméra, sa langue envahit sa bouche sans qu'elle manifeste de résistance tout en lui écrasant rudement les nibards contre mister torse. Il lui palpa vulgarement la croupe tout en frottant mister entrejambe contre sa bite tendue. Après une bonne minute, il la prit par la main et l'entraîna dans un corridor s'ouvrant dans le dos du comptoir. La caméra les suivit et je la vis se diriger vers une autre pièce meublée d'une table basse. Le mur opposé était constitué d'une vitre, quelques clients étaient assis de l'autre coté de la vitre attendant visiblement mister show. Tanya leur fit face et se mit à danser, promenant langoureusement ses mains sur corps, pressant mister cul, jupe relevée, contre la vitre... Elle avait les yeux fermés et se mignotait farouchement les nibards, se pinçait âprement les mamelons les tendant vers les spectateurs enthousiastes. Je remarquais alors une grosse bite noire jaillissant d'un glory-hole à sa gauche, mister regard se braqua immédiatement dessus. Elle s'agenouilla et la lécha sur toute sa longueur. Quelques hommes de l'autre coté de la vitre avaient sortis leurs mentules de leurs pantalons et se branlaient machinalement. Tanya emboucha le gros chibre et tête montant et descendant sur la hampe elle entreprit de lécher et de sucer la grosse mentule avec avidité. Soudain, elle s'accorda une pause et la vis regarder le sol et se saisir de quelque chose. Elle se releva et tendit l'objet vers les hommes de l'autre coté de la vitre. Il s'agissait d'un vieux préservatif usagé. Elle se frotta les nichons d'une main et disposa la capote au-dessus de sa tête. La caméra zoomait sur elle sous un autre angle et se polarisa sur un filet de foutre s'échappant du préservatif pour s'écraser sur sa langue tendue. Elle ouvrait grand la bouche pour recueillir chaque goutte s'échappant du condom usagé, puis elle savourait le foutre en souriant aux spectateurs ravis de ce spectacle inattendu, certains applaudissaient, d'autres sifflaient au vu de sa performance. Elle enfonça alors sa langue dans la capote léchant les restes de foutre jusqu'à la dernière trace, puis elle la retourna et termina mister petit ménage. Lorsqu'elle en eut terminé avec la capote, elle la balança par dessus mister épaule et se remit à sucer la grosse bite débordant du mur. Elle continua à le sucer pendant quelques minutes avant de se retourner relevant sa croupe pour frotter sa fentine épanouie sur le gland de mister client. Ses mains étaient posées au sol, juste face à la caméra qui zoomait sur le gros chibre cherchant sa voie dans sa foufoune. Soudainement Tanya s'empala sur la bite turgescente et mister cul vint frapper le mur, un sourd grognement s'échappait de ses lèvres. Elle n'avait encore absorbé qu'une quinzaine de centimètres de ses 25 dans ses profondeurs, je savais pertinemment que c'était la plus grosse chose qu'elle ait jamais enfourné dans sa chagatte. Elle gémissait et grognait de plaisir, la foule de spectateurs sentait que c'était authentique. Elle rebondissait d'avant en arrière, ses miches se balançant au rythme de ses empalements, elle luttait âprement pour rester debout. La grosse bite noire coulissait de plus en plus vite s'enfonçant un peu plus en elle à chaque coup de boutoir, elle s'efforçait de l'accueillir au plus profond de mister intimité. Elle se figea soudain et les spectateurs comprirent qu'il se vidait les couilles dans sa féminité. Finalement elle se redressa et se retourna, empoignant fermement sa bite gluante, elle frottait mister visage contre la hampe tout en la léchant avidement. Elle récupérait de la langue tout le sperme étalé sur le mur. Une fois la bite et le trou nettoyés, une e autre caméra révéla les filets de foutre s'échappant de sa moule juteuse pour choir au sol. Elle tendit la main et récupéra le foutre en grattant sa fentine sur toute sa longueur avant de l'étaler sur ses miches, avant d'enrober mister clito du reste de foutre suintant de sa fentine. Elle s'allongea ensuite sur la table, un groupe d'homme pénétra dans la petite pièce. Ils avaient tous sortis leurs épaisse mentules et l'un deux commença à frotter mister gland dans sa fentine sirupeuse. Les autres se postèrent à sa tête et entreprirent de se branler énergiquement. Tanya tendit la main, empoigna une bite et la fourra dans sa grotte embrasée, il se mit immédiatement à coulisser en elle. L'homme s'était mis à la chevaucher avidement, sa poitrine oscillait sensuellement entre ses mains. Elle tourna la tête de coté et emboucha une bite raidie, la suçant avec énergie tout en en empoignant une autre pour la branler résolument. Je vis alors les hommes se tenant derrière la vitre se lever et quitter l'un après l'autre leurs places, la caméra zooma alors sur une queue d'une quinzaine d'individus qui s'était formée à l'entrée de la salle où Tanya se faisait partouser. Elle était secouée d'importance par ses baiseurs mais se débrouillait néanmoins pour les sucer comme une vraie pro, engloutissant les grosses mentules en pleine gorge avant qu'ils ne déchargent dans mister arrière-gorge, sur mister visage ou dans ses cheveux, les filets blanchâtres contrastant fortement avec ses cheveux noirs. Chaque fois qu'un client s'était vidé les couilles dans sa bouche sur mister visage ou dans ses cheveux, un autre le remplaçait immédiatement. L'un des spectateurs qui se branlait énergiquement s'avança d'un pas et l'enfourcha come il l'aurait fait d'une jument. Il plaça sa grosse bite entre ses nibards et s'en servit comme d'une gaine pour se branler entre eux. La mentule qu'elle serrait entre ses doigts soubresauta soudain et gicla spasmodiquement sur mister visage, elle n'eut que le temps de l'emboucher pour profiter ensuite de mister jus sirupeux. Une fois qu'elle se fut régalé de mister foutre crémeux, elle se retourna pour accueillir la seconde broute alors qu'elle saisissait un autre chibre entre ses doigts fébriles. La caméra zooma sur le gars qui s'agitait entre ses cuisses et on le vit promener mister gland baveux sur mister trou du cul, resserré, avant d'y insérer un doigt fouineur. Elle tortilla des hanches en réaction, visiblement impatiente d'affronter la suite. Le foutre dégorgeant de sa chatte lui lubrifiait le trou du cul, mister doigt coulissait aisément dans mister anus accueillant. Il lui évasa quelques minutes le goulot avant d'adjoindre un second doigt à ce premier envahisseur. Je ne voyais pas mister visage à cet instant mais je savais qu'elle devait souffrir mille maux pour parvenir à distendre mister œillet récalcitrant. Bientôt il constata que ses doigts coulissaient aisément dans mister trou du cul dilaté, il pressa alors mister gland contre mister anus s'alignant parfaitement. Il ne cherchait pas à lui plaire, il enfouit quelques centimètres dans mister œillet élargi, elle poussa alors un cri étouffé et la caméra zooma sur sa bouche refermée sur un chibre imposant étouffant ses cris. Son visage était couvert de foutre, je compris alors qu'un nouveau client avait éjaculé sa figure. L'autre continuait à la baiser entre ses nichons, mais la caméra retourna rapidement au clou du spectacle. Le gars coulissait avec énergie dans mister trou du cul rétif, s'enfonçant de plus en plus à chaque coup de boutoir. Il fut bientôt évident qu'il lui fourrait maintenant une bonne vingtaine de centimètres dans mister intestin distendu; j'imaginais facilement la douleur qu'elle devait ressentir alors qu'il la pilonnait de plus belle sans se soucier le moins du monde de mister plaisir. Il semblait avoir fortement apprécié l'étroitesse de mister trou du cul, il extirpa rapidement sa mentule de mister annelet plus du tout secret, projeta des flots de foutre sur ses fesses avant de se retirer. Moins de deux secondes plus tard un des spectateurs le remplaçait, une autre queue plus fine et plus courte plongea dans mister intestin fumant, le foutre qui s'écoulait de mister anus ravagé facilitait d'autant la pénétration. Les trente minutes qui suivirent, les gars se relayèrent sans arrêt se vider les couilles sur mister visage ou dans sa bouche et quelques uns mêmes sur ses nichons. Elle sautait d'u bite à l'autre, les embouchant avec appétit sous l'œil de la caméra. Pas un ne réalisa qu'en fait tout cela se déroulait en dehors de sa volonté. Certains préféraient mister trou du cul, d'autres sa chatoune mais ils jouissaient tous profondément enfoncés en elle, des flots de sperme s'échappaient de mister a nus ravagé et de sa cramouille gonflée, s'étalant sur ses cuisses, le banc lui même était tout poisseux. 