Posts: 167297
Je les ai suivis dans la chambre à coucher où John m'a grossièrement commandé de déshabiller mon épouse. John s'est déshabillé aussi et je l'ai observé avec intérêt pendant que je déboutonnais soigneusement et enlevais le chemisier rose d'Amy, que j'ouvrais et enlevais sa jupe noire, puis que je décrochais et enlevais mister soutien-gorge pour libérer ses seins voluptueux et ronds. Je me suis alors mis à genoux et j'ai retiré mister jupon noir et sa culotte rose de sorte qu'elle ait été entièrement nue a par ses hauts talons, ses bas et la ceinture rose de mister porte jarretelles. Mon robinet a raidi à l'intérieur de ma culotte de satin bleu pendant que je préparais mon épouse pour le plaisir d'un autre homme. "Comment voulez vous me prendre, chéri ?" Demanda Amy à John. "Mettez-vous à genoux sur le bord du lit avec votre tête vers le bas ", a-t-il répondu,"je vais vous prendre en levrette pour commencer". Docilement, Amy s'est mis à genoux sur le bord du lit, séparant ses belles cuisses pleines, avec sa tête complètement inclinée vers le bas, elle a arqué mister dos en arrière pour pousser en l'air mister cul parfait dans une invitation lubrique, exposant ses lèvres roses moites d'invitation, sa chatte affamée. Entre ses jambes gainées de bas une on pouvait voir les seins charmants se balancer d'une manière attrayante. John s'est mis derrière elle, entre ses jambes, mister membre épais raide des dimensions d'une matraque de taille moyenne. Il m'a fait signe et dit sarcastiquement, "ouvrez la viande de votre épouse pour moi, putasse !". J'ai docilement écarté les lèvres juteuses de la vulve d'Amy, exposant l'entrée de sa chatte moite et luisante où John a promptement placé le gland de mister membre massif et a commencé à l'enfoncer en avant une dans pénétration régulière et douce. Bien qu'elle ait été de baisée nombreuses fois, et aussi éprouvée qu'elle l'était à s'adapter aux membres hors normes, Amy a néanmoins gémi pendant que le gland colossal s'enfonçait impitoyablement dans mister con réceptif mais serré. "Oh, allez-y doucement, chéri, vous êtes si grand ", a-t-elle gémi, mais John a poussé implacablement contre elle jusqu'à ce que sa tige ait été enterrée jusqu'à ses énormes boules dans le passage gluant et trempé. Pour la première fois, mon épouse était pénétrée en ma présence et par une bite d'éléphant. Puis John commencé à pousser fermement l'axe dans et hors d'Amy, qui était chauffée à blanc comme jamais, gémissant et couinant dans mister premier grand orgasme au bout de la moitié d'une minute seulement. John s'est alors tourné vers moi et a dit "ne reste pas simplement là à être ridicule dans ta culotte. Agenouille-toi ici et faite quelque chose d'utile. Jouez avec mes boules et la base de ma queue tandis que je baise votre épouse." Je me suis mis à genoux à côté de John et, avec un plaisir considérable, j'ai commencé caresser et embrasser ses boules velues énormes et à frotter la base épaisse de mister membre entre deux poussées, obtenant ainsi une vue en plan rapproché de la bites qui tel un tronc d'arbre plongeait dans la moule gluante d'Amy. Madame tortillait mister joli cul, gémissait et frismisternait dans une série d'orgasmes à répétitions pendant que le membre massif écartelait sa chatte et elle commençait à accueillir le membre chaud plus facilement. Tandis que j'étais désespérément jaloux de la liberté avec laquelle John usait facile du vagin de mon épouse, en même temps j'ai ressenti un étrange spasme de jalousie car je ne pouvais pas donner du plaisir à John de cette façon. Je savais que les pédales se faisaient pénétrer par les hommes dans leur cul mais je ne pourrais pas imaginer m'adapter jamais à une queue comme celle de John, bien que cette pensée révèle en moi une sorte d'excitation terrifiée mais irrésistible qui m'envahissait. Après un moment John a fait une pause et a retiré mister membre, pourpre et sentant très fort les sécrétions de la chatte d'Amy. "Ouvrez votre bouche, suceur de bites " me dit-il "et léchez les sécrétions de la chatte de votre épouse de ma bite." Après toutes mes années passées à fantasmer à sucer des bites je n'avais jamais imaginé mettre ma bouche sur une de cette dimension et qui plus est souillée et égouttant du jus de chatte d'une dame, mais je me suis soumis avec obéissance à cette offense extrême et j'ai commencé à lécher queue dure comme l'acier trempée de tout ce jus. Mécontent de mes efforts, John a soudainement saisi le ma tête perruquée et a vulgarement forcé mister membre énorme dans ma bouche. "Sucez-la, bavez dessus, espèce de sale petit pédé" dit-il et il a poussé le gros gland au fond de ma gorge. J'ai tenté désespérément d'ouvrir ma bouche assez grande pour m'adapter au membre massif de John. Suffoquant, j'ai gargouillé et je me suis étouffé pendant que je tâchais de lécher et sucer l'organe puissant. Juste comme je pensais que j'allais vomir, John ai retiré mister membre et l'ai enfoncé soudainement de nouveau dans la chatte bâillante d'Amy, mister vagin palpitant. Elle a haleté sous le choc et s'est relâchée dans un abandon de jouissance pendant que John saisissait ses hanches, les claquait et frappait au fond de sa chatte et lui donnait des chaleureuses vraies claques avec sa main sur les joues de mister cul quelques smacks. "Votre épouse est un sacré morceau de chatte bien chaude ", dit-il. "Je devine qu'elle n'obtient pas une bite bien raide d'une pédale, d'une lopette comme vous qui s'habille avec les dessous des femmes. Elle doit avoir besoin d'une bonne baise avec la bite d'un vrai homme." "C'est l'heure pour un changement " a indiqué John au bout d'un moment, car il a continué. "Sur votre dos, bébé et écarte bien tes cuisses ". Avec obéissance, Amy a roulé sur elle, a soulevé ses genoux et lui a écarté ses cuisses bien largement. Sa chatte suintait de mister jus et l'ouverture ouverte et étirée, rendue béante par le membre énorme. John a soigneusement monté mon épouse ainsi bien disposée, a enterré sa colonne une fois de plus dans mister con chaud et réceptif et a alors saisi ses douces fesses avec ses mains. Il s'es un peu plus voûté et lui a rendu hommage dans un enfoncement continu tandis que Madame tremblait et gémissait, enveloppant le dos de John avec ses jambes gainées de bas relevées, les pieds dans ses hauts talons serrant mister dos, et a continué ses jouissances compulsives. J'ai observé avec fascination comment mon épouse s'abandonnait totalement, donnait des coups de pied en l'air avec ses jambes bien faites, complètement livrée au plaisir de chatte. Ses bras étaient autour du cou de John, l'étreignant et elle le léchait et l'embrassé d'une manière extravagante tandis qu'il pistonnait sans merci sa chatte. "Oh oui, chéri, au fond de moi. Enfonce-la toute complètement à fond ! C'est si bon d'avoir un vrai homme avec une grosse bite forte et qui sait l'utiliser", elle murmurait à John, mais assez fort pour que j'entende chaque mot. La tige puissante a impitoyablement martelé sa chatte et Amy a frismisterné et a gémi dans un orgasme interminable. Elle réalisait mister fantasme ultime d'avoir une longue, régulière et implacable baise de la part d'un énorme membre de chaval. John a finalement gémi et a vidé une décharge apparemment sans fin de sperme dans le vagin d'Amy. Une fois ceci accomplit, il déconnait lentement mister membre fumant et j'ai regardé avec fascination les enroulements blancs nacrés épais de la crème coagulée qui festonnait l'ouverture de la chatte d'Amy. Je n'avais jamais imaginé que tellement de sperme pouvait être produit dans une éjaculation. Dans ma perversité je me suis demandé comme ce que cela devrait faire de devoir accepter une décharge si puissante dans ma bouche et de devoir avaler chaque flocon. Mais je n'étais pas préparé à ma prochaine tâche. 
Posts: 167297
"Bien, Nancy" a dit John, "faites quelque chose d'utile et nettoyez bien tout ce désordre. Venez ici et léchez bien mon sperme de la chatte de votre épouse ". Choqué par l'ordre, j'ai néanmoins rampé au-dessus du lit et j'ai abaissé ma tête entre les cuisses d'Amy. Ses lèvres de chatte baillaient et s'ouvraient montrant un mélange collant de sperme et de jus de chatte suintant gouttes à gouttes d'elles comme un collier de perle. Je pouvais sentir la bite sur sa chatte et dans ma vie entière je n'avais jamais senti une telle offense et dégradation comme quand j'ai commencé à lécher et sucer l'émission épaisse et copieuse de John dans la chatte de mon épouse. Je n'ai jamais eu avant que quelques traces de sperme sur ma langue et dans ma bouche et j'allait faire cette tâche dégradante à contre coeur. "Travaille plus fort, espèce de larve. Avale tout", m'a encouragé John sévèrement. Inopinément, il a saisi mes couilles et les a serré pour m'obliger à exécuter ma tâche humiliante. Je couinement sous le choc de la douleur et j'ai léché et avalé la chatte mouillée plus fébrilement. "Bien", a dit Amy quand j'eus complètement lapé des gouttes collantes de la crème de John et du jus de chatte, "maintenant, Nancy, lèche et suce le robinet de John pour le rendre propre". C'était plus à mon goût et je me suis mis à genoux et je me suis diligemment exécuté et j'ai sucé le membre maintenant en train de dégonfler, enroulant ma langue pour laper l'écume, les dépôts collants de sperme et de jus de chatte, avec tout l'enthousiasme natural d'un chien léchant un plat savoureux. Même la nature dégradante de cette scène n'a pas diminué mon plaisir d'avoir la tige puissante de John dans ma bouche. Pour dire la vérité, mon excitation était augmentée par la connaissance que cette bite prodigieuse dans ma bouche venait juste de violer mon épouse et par l'offense de savoir que ma Dame, toujours étendue sur le lit dans ses bas, observait avec beaucoup d'amusement pendant que je nettoyais diligemment le membre monstrueux et le grand sac de boule avec ma langue et bouche. J'ai eu une vision soudaine de la façon dont John et Amy devaient me regarder - une tapette, un porteur de petites culottes, une lopette perverti de travesti sur ses genoux, bavant avec un plaisir que je pouvais à peine cacher sur une bite énorme qui avait juste baisé furieusement mon épouse consentante et offerte tandis que j'avais observé et avais collaboré à cette scène. "Ok sac à foutre", dit John "maintenant allons dans la salle de bains et vous pourrez me donner un nettoyage approprié". J'ai suivi John dans la salle de bains où il s'est assis sur le siège des toilettes. "Lavez bien ma bite au loin et faites un bon travail", a-t-il ordonné. Prenant un gant de toilette, je l'ai savonné et j'ai soigneusement nettoyé la grande bite et les boules. Ensuite j'ai lavé le gant et j'ai soigneusement deux fois rincé outre les colossales parties génitales. Enfin je les ai frottées pour les sécher avec une serviette, les manipulant avec le plus grand soin et respect. "Bon travail", a indiqué John. "Maintenant, Nancy, mettez-vous sur vos genoux et donnez à votre maître un baiser". Je me suis mis à genoux avec obéissance et j'ai donné un baiser affectueux et, pour dire la vérité, plutôt passionné sur le membre gigantesque. John était le meilleur pour m'enseigner l'offense agréable de laver, de nettoyer et de chérir les couilles d'un monsieur. Je me suis rendu compte que j'étais en train de me prosterner pour adorer le grand membre raide et une paire de couilles enflées bien bombées. Je pense que toute la littérature sur les plaisirs de la fellation en dit trop peu au sujet de la fascination et du pouvoir du mâle incorporé dans une fine paire de couilles surdimensionnées. Après tout, les testicules, les boules, les couilles, mistert le vrai siège de la dominance masculine de la sexualité et de la virilité, et le petit esclave garçon / fille que je devait être à juste titre adorait et se prosternait devant eux. Plus tard j'aimerais m'abaisser en osant descendre ma langue pour lécher autour et sous des boules d'un homme, et pour les prendre une à une dans ma bouche et les sucer toujours très doucement. J'ai toujours constaté que les messieurs appréciaient vraiment ceci et l'avaient toujours pris comme étant le signe ultime de mon abaissement de lopette et de mon adoration de leur pouvoir masculin sur moi. Si je ne faisais pas attention je deviendrais un esclave de la bite, désespérément intoxiqué. La viande raide épaisse devenait mon maître. Soudain j'ai imaginé un membre et des boules aussi grands que l'outil de John mais d'un noir de charbon scintillant et un frismister d'excitation m'a traversé pendant que je m'imaginais sur mes genoux dans mes dessous coquins en train de sucer un membre noir énorme, alors qu'un maître noir me dominait et m'avait dressé à sa main. La voix de John a brisé ma rêverie perverse. "Bien" dit-il "je veux que vous me suciez à nouveau gentiment pour me rendre raide pour piner encore plus votre chaude putain d'épouse. Mais je pense que ce serait plus amusant si elle pouvait vous observer au travail. Aussi allons de nouveau à la chambre à coucher". De retour sur le lit John a tourné mister attention vers les seins splendides d'Amy. Tandis qu'il les caressait et suçait ses mamelons, je me suis tortillé entre lui et mon épouse et j'ai pris le membre de John dans ma bouche. La tête bien calée par deux oreillers, et appréciant beaucoup la stimulation de ses seins, Amy observait avec l'intérêt tandis que je léchait doucement et que je suçais la bite de monstre, appréciant pour la première fois la sensation délicieuse de la sentir se développait lentement vers sa pleine magnificence droit dans ma bouche. "Elle ressemble à une petite truie qui apprend comment sucer des bites", a dit Amy. "Oui, elle semble très douée", a murmuré John avec la bouche pleine du mamelon de mon épouse. "Maintenant qu'il m'a rendu bien dressé et raide, pourquoi vous n'écarteriez pas une jambe plus et ne me monterez-vous pas cette fois, chérie "? Amy, toujours prête pour plus de bite, était très désireuse d'obéir. Je me suis mis à l'écart et elle a écarté les jambes, John a pris mister organe puissant, maintenant de nouveau vers en pleine érection telle une barre d'acier, dans sa main, l'a placée soigneusement à l'entrée vers sa moule ouverte et a commencé lentement en poussant mister gros gland en elle. Sa chatte s'était resserrée à nouveau et cela devait se faire lentement et quelque peu douloureusement pour elle de s'ouvrir et de laisser glisser sa chatte vers le bas au-dessus de la bite gargantuesque. Quand elle l'eu bien logée en elle, elle a commencé à se déplacer doucement de haut et en bas pour s'ouvrir elle-même à cet énorme pieu. Tandis qu'elle le montait, John jouait avec ses gros seins qui rebondissaient de manière provocante juste au-dessus de mister visage. John avait des ordres pour moi aussi. "Descendez votre tête là", a-t-il ordonné. "Je veux que vous léchiez mes boules et la base de mon membre pendant que votre épouse me monte". Ce n'était pas facile mais je me suis aplati sur le lit entre ses jambes de écartelées et j'ai glissé ma langue dans l'espace entre ses boules et Amy qui bondissant maintenant du cul. Comme Madame le limait de façon constante j'ai fait de mon mieux pour ajouter à sa stimulation et mister plaisir en caressant et en léchant ses boules et en effleurant ma langue au-dessous de la base de mister membre entre lorsque les oscillations ascendantes d'Amy les exposaient. Son cul devait s'écraser sur mon visage lorsqu'elle descendait au-dessus de sa bite. Elle a continuée sur un rythme régulier et bientôt elle s'est amenée dans une série de frismisters, de cris de jouissance. De temps en temps John poussait sa bite vers le haut pour suivre ses évolutions et alors j'avais la chance d'effleurer ma langue sur ses boules qui étaient maintenant collantes du jus gluant qui suintait de la chatte de ma Dame. Enfin, après dix à quinze minutes d'équitation habile de la part d'Amy, John gémi une fois de plus et j'ai fait de mon mieux pour augmenter mister plaisir en donnant de vigoureux coups de langue à la base de mister robinet pendant qu'il serrait les seins de Amy et que sa grande queue palpitait et propulsait mister sperme une deuxième fois vers le font du doux vagin goulu de mon épouse. Après un dernier baiser passionné avec la langue, Amy se désarçonna et s'est immédiatement déplacé pour se reposer sur mon visage. J'ai d'avoir un aperçu de sa fente barbouillée de sperme pendant qu'elle la plaçait fermement au-dessus de ma bouche, me suffoquant à moitié, mister cul écrasant mon nez et sa chatte couvrant ma bouche. 
Posts: 167297
"Mangez-moi, sac à foutre", a-t-elle ordonné gaiement, et les grands globule du foutre ont glissé de mister con dans ma bouche, j'ai travaillé en même temps avec ma langue pour dégager le maximum de foutre et de mister jus de chatte de sa moule gluante. "Y a il quelque chose que ce sac à foutre ne fera pas?", a demandé John. "Non, je ne crois pas ", a répondu Amy. "Je vous montrerai quelques autres choses auxquelles il se soumettra dans une minute." Quand Amy avait mister content de frotter sa chatte gluante au-dessus de ma bouche, je devais une fois de plus lécher et sucer ses dépôts collants de la bite et des couilles de John (houspillé par des sarcasmes et des insultes !), et une fois de plus le suivre à la salle de bains pour répéter mon rituel de fille esclave pour compléter le lavage et sécher sa bite à laquelle mon épouse avait donné tant de plaisir. De retour dans la chambre à coucher nous avons retrouvé Amy, satisfaite d'avoir été baisé, étendue comme la putain qu'elle était sur le lit toujours en portant ses bas. "Est-ce que cette lopette a parfois quelque soulagement ?", lui a demandé John. "J'ai vu mister petit robinet pathétique se raidir dans sa culotte pendant qu'il m'observait vous piner". "Oh oui", ri Amy "il obtient une sorte de soulagement de temps en temps - pas très souvent - vous aimerez voir comment il l'obtient?" "Bien sûr" a dit John, et mon coeur s'est serré parce que je savais ce qui allait venir. "Prend cette culotte que je viens juste de porter juste, vermine ! ", a dit Amy. "Et mets-toi devant nous. Ensuite je crois que vous savez ce qu'il faut faire". En effet, je le savais trop bien. J'ai cherché la culotte rose d'Amy, je l'ai tournée pour mettre l'intérieur dehors, puis j'ai abaissée ma propre culotte à mes genoux. Tenant le renfort intérieur de la culotte de Madame devant moi dans ma main gauche, j'ai commencé à pomper mon petit et raide robinet avec ma main droite. "Regardez un vrai membre d'homme qui vient juste de baiser votre épouse", se moqua de moi Amy tandis qu'elle tenait le grand organe masculin de John. "Imaginez comment je ne peux pas cesser de jouir quand il me pénètre et me lime". Mon excitation perverse a cru pendant que j'observais mon épouse presque nue caressant et embrassant affectueusement la bite d'un autre homme et bientôt je gémissais et j'éclaboussais avec des giclées continues de mon propre sperme le gousset intérieur de la culotte élégante d'Amy. Amy a immédiatement agit avec vivacité et efficacité. Elle a sauté du lit et s'est avancé vers moi. Elle a pris jouir la culotte soigneusement trempée de sperme de ma main, en faisant attention de ne pas renverser les flocons de mon sperme. "Agenouillez-vous", elle a dit d'un ton sec et, sachant ce qui venait, je me suis piteusement mis à genoux. Amy a brandi le gousset souillé de la culotte. "Lapez tout sale petit branleur. Nettoyez vos cochonneries dégoûtantes de ma culotte !", elle a ordonné, et surmontant ma révulsion, j'ai sorti ma langue et j'ai commencé à lécher et avaler ma propre émission de foutre. Quand j'ai eu léché la plus grande partie, Amy a cruellement pincé mon nez jusqu'à ce que j'aie été forcé d'ouvrir ma bouche pour respirer. Elle a alors rudement enfoncé le gousset humide et encore collant de la culotte dans ma bouche. "Sucez là jusqu'à ce que je vous dise de vous arrêter", a-t-elle ordonnée grossièrement. "Stupéfiant", a dit John. "Quel petit sac à sperme répugnant! Vous avez raimister - il n'y a probablement rien qu'elle ne ferait pas ". Lors des semaines suivantes John fut un visiteur régulier et je fus un préposé régulier à ses pilonnages puissants de mon épouse qui était devenue folle de mister membre. J'étais toujours présenté d'une manière charmante dans les plus joli dessous et de hauts talons et mon implication s'est approfondie, en partie à l'instigation d'Amy (pour ce que je pouvais voir elle était maintenant clairement décidée à me transformer en putain et lope) et également je pense parce que John avait vraiment des attirances bisexuelles. Au moins il avait plaisir à employer une bonne travestie en garçon / fille en petite culotte et je puis modestement dire que j'étais un exemple attrayant de genre de tapette efféminée et dépravée. Les séances ont continuées et je devais toujours exciter et mettre en érection John pour Amy tandis qu'elle observait avec un grand plaisir et se divertissait beaucoup. John a commencé à me prendre sur ses genoux et à me peloter sans vergogne, caressant mes faux seins, mes jambes, mes cuisses et mon cul et mon robinet à travers ma culotte. Un jour, alors que nous nous tenions ainsi, il m'a fait mettre mes bras autour de mister cou comme une fille et ensuite il a embrassé ma bouche, un baiser profond avec la langue, alors que ses mains soulevaient ma nuisette et malaxaient mes fesses à travers la petite culotte. C'était naturellement le premier baiser que je recevait d'un homme et il m'a excité d'une manière indicible de sorte que mon robinet a grossi et est devenu totalement rigide dans ma culotte - un phénomène qui a provoqué un rire chaleureux de la part d'Amy et de John et m'ai fait rougir comme une pucelle. De tels épisodes se finissaient toujours avec moi sur mes genoux avec le membre énorme de John à moitié au fond de ma gorge, et tandis que je le "mettait en forme" jusqu'à obtenir une pleine rigidité de sorte qu'il puisse empaler Amy qui à ce moment-là était allongée nue ou à demi nue, attendant impatiemment la colossale pénétration. John n'était pas particulièrement beau - en fait il était quelque peu laid. Aussi, j'ai commencé à me rendre compte que j'avais quelque chose en commun avec Amy après tout. Ni l'une ni l'autre nous ne nous formalisions beaucoup de la beauté d'un homme. Toutes les deux nous étions presque exclusivement intéressés par la taille, la forme et les performances de sa bite. Amy a ensuite augmenté impitoyablement mon degré de féminisation. Elle a insisté sur le fait que je commence à prendre des hormones femelles et au bout de quelques semaines j'ai commencé à développer de molles courbes féminines et j'avais des seins tout à fait visibles. Il m'était maintenant difficile de ne pas porter de vêtements féminins et j'étais au début de ma transformation pour devenir ce que l'ont désigne souvent sous le nom de "transsexuel". Après quelques semaines de ce régime, le jour le plus fatidique de ma vie est arrivé. John faisait une de ses fréquentes visites, et j'avais exécuté mes préliminaires habituels en suçant, et "mâchant la matraque" comme Amy le disait grossièrement. Mais avant que Amy soit pénétrée par John l'on m'a brusquement ordonné de baisser ma culotte, de remonter ma nuisette et de me mettre à genoux sur un haut tabouret avec ma tête vers le bas et mon cul bien relevé et cambré. Mon anus était bien lubrifié et cruellement bouché avec un plug de dilatation. Accroupi en cette position humiliante, je me suis craintivement demandé la raimister de cette position peu commune pour moi pendant que j'écoutais les halètements et gémissements habituels Amy pendant que l'organe gigantesque et impitoyable de John l'envahissait. Mais, alors que leur accouplement torride amenait les habituels cris de jouissance de la part d'Amy, cela ne s'est pas terminé comme d'habitude avec les gémissements de John lorsqu'il a envoyait ses jets de crème au fond du vagin du velours de mon épouse. Au lieu de cela j'ai entendu une conversation à voix basse et des petits rires et alors ils sortis tous les deux du lit et m'ont approché. 
Posts: 167297
Avec sa grossièreté habituelle Amy a péniblement retiré hors de mon anus le plug et a dit à John: "il y a un beau morceau de cul pour vous. Allez-y. Enculez ce petit pédé et donnez-lui la baise qu'il désire ardemment. Violez cette petite putain ". "Non SVP", j'ai supplié comme un fou. "SVP, ma Dame, SVP Monsieur. Je ne pourrais probablement pas la prendre. Svp, SVP." "Fermez votre gueule espèce de sac à foutre ou je vous écorcherai la peau...", a grondé Amy avec mister charme usuel. "Vous le demandiez depuis assez longtemps, espèce de sale putain suceuse de bites, et maintenant vous allez finalement le subir - toute la tige entière d'un coup". En même temps j'ai senti le gland de l'organe monstrueux de John se presser à l'entrée de mon ouverture serrée et exercer une forte pression. La bite énorme et dure comme l'acier irrésistiblement et inexorablement exigeait d'y pénétrer; je ne pouvais pas l'empêcher et soudainement j'ai senti une douleur terrible pendant que mes résistances étaient vaincues et le membre énorme faisait fermement mister chemin dans mon tunnel tendre. J'ai crié de douleur et, je dois dire à mister crédit, John m'a traité avec une certaine considération. Il était nécessaire qu'il power l'entrée, mais une fois à l'intérieur, il a attendu un moment pour que ma douleur se calme et puis a commencé doucement à pénétrer plus profondément et à commencé à me baiser avec des poussées régulières et lentes. John n'était pas cruel comme Amy qui a continué à l'exhorter instamment et l'exciter avec des exclamations comme "Baise la petite truie. Défonce lui le cul". Mais, John a ignoré ses sauvages encouragements et me prenait soigneusement et lentement. Tandis que je me sentais monstrueusement plein et dilaté, la douleur s'est lentement dissipée et une grande excitation a commencé à s'emparer de moi car le puissant piston de John avait inexorablement fait mister chemin en moi. Inconsciemment, j'ai commencé à me tortiller et à bouger mon cul pour m'adapter et mieux recevoir la poussée en moi j'ai senti ma bite se durcir sous la stimulation maintenant extrêmement agréable. Naturellement, tout cela n'a pas échappé à l'œil vigilant d'Amy. "Cette putain a une érection", a-t-elle a crié triomphalement. "Je savais que la sale petite pute languissait de cela. Donnez-le lui à fond. Pilonnez sans retenue". En conséquence, John a maintenant pu me prendre totalement. Il m'a tenu par les hanches et a accéléré le rythme de ses poussées, allant et venant à travers mon anus maintenant étiré avec mister organe puissant qui s'enfonçait sans heurs. La course régulière de l'organe puissant m'a apporté une chaleur fébrile. J'ai commencé à crier de manière incohérente. "Oh monsieur oui, baisez-moi monsieur. Donnez-la moi toute monsieur. Enfoncez votre matraque en moi." "Mon Dieu, je dois enregistrer ceci", a crié Amy et elle s'est précipité pour prendre mister appareil photo toujours prêt. Et pendant toute la suite de ma première baise elle a photographié avec acharnement, utilisant une bobine entière de film, me demandant de tourner mon visage vers l'appareil photo, me contorsionnant avec un mélange de douleur et d'excitation, saisissant sur le film ma posture abaissé, cul en l'air et tête vers le bas pendant que le majestueux tronc d'arbre de John plongée dans mon anus anormalement dilatée, encore tout récemment vierge. Plus tard elle m'humilia terriblement avec ces images. Elle les a fait faire des agrandissements et les a mises dans un album élégant, et, quand elle avait l'envie de s'amuser, peut-être à une partie de thé, avec d'autres dames qui partageaient ses goûts vicieux et dépravé, elle misternait la cloche pour me sommer d'apparaître dans l'uniforme de bonne française et disait, "Oh Nancy, va chercher l'album de photo de votre première sodomie ". Rougissant de honte je devais faire un révérence et dire doucement "oui, ma Dame " et aller chercher alors les photos. Je devais me tenir là pour subir ma honte tandis que les dames me raillées et faisaient des "Oh" et des "Ah" devant la bite massive de John fini et éclataient de rire à la vue de ma première sodomie. John m'a baisé un long moment ce jour de ma défloration. Il a du se passer de dix à quinze minutes avant que j'ai entendu ses gémissements familiers et que j'ai senti faiblement ses giclées épaisse de sperme gicler profondément au fond de mon anus. S'il ne m'avait pas sodomisé vulgarement il m'avait limé certainement fermement et à fond. Comme il déculait Amy cria d'allégresse à la vue de mon anus énormément dilaté, ouvert, béant comme elle l'a dit plus tard "comme la chatte d'une putain occupée après une soirée du samedi soir". Elle s'est empressée naturellement d'enregistrer sur le film ce phénomène inhabituel d'un trou du cul fraîchement sodomisé d'un garçon. Je suis descendu du tabouret épuisé mais Amy ne voulait pas me laisser en paix. "Mettez votre culotte sur vous sale putain" a-t-elle dit d'un ton sec "ou vous mettrez du sperme partout. Et vous savez que John a besoin d'être nettoyé après avoir été dans votre cul. Allez à la salle de bains et lavez-le ". J'ai tiré sur ma culotte et, avec un anus brûlant et palpitant, j'ai boité en suivant John à la salle de bains. Il s'est assis comme d'habitude sur le siège de toilette tandis que j'ai soigneusement nettoyé avec respect et séché mister membre majestueux. "Bien, Nancy, avez vous aimé être enculé ?" s'est il enquis gaiement. "C'était très douloureux au début, monsieur, mais très excitant et agréable au bout d'un moment", j'ai répondu humblement. "Aussi, dites la vérité maintenant. Vous aimeriez en avoir encore?" "Je ne pense pas que je pourrais en prendre plus aujourd'hui monsieur, mais je crois que je le voudrais encore à l'avenir si cela vous satisferait de me baiser encore ". "Oh, oui", a-t-il répondu, "vous êtes une petite chose mignonne et j'aime être délicieusement comprimé par votre anus. Vous serez encore baisé, n'ayez crainte". Avec reconnaissance j'ai embrassé mister puissant outil qui venait juste de ravir tellement efficacement et impitoyablement mon anus vierge. 
Posts: 167297
Et ainsi a commencé une période où j'étais régulièrement utilisé pour ma bouche et maintenant mon cul par l'outil prodigieux de John. Pendant quelques semaines Amy avait invité John environ deux ou trois fois par semaine et, après qu'elle se soit satisfaite sur mister membre puissant, il devait passer à moi, empestant et rouge luisant au sortir de sa chatte, et le faisait progresser difficilement et lentement dans mon anus qui était chaque fois un peu plus prêt et plus désireux de recevoir l'envahisseur. Amy me préparait toujours pour chacune des nouvelles sodomies avec un lavement et le port d'un plug. Néanmoins, John devait toujours me mettre cul en l'air pour me pénétrer puisque la taille de mister organe était si énorme que c'est seulement en cette position que je pouvais commencer à recevoir la massive pénétration. Ou, à la suggestion d'Amy, parce qu'elle aimait me mettre dans les positions les plus humiliantes, je devrait me plier cul bien ouvert, avec ma jupette soulevée, au-dessus du dos d'une chaise, écarter mes jambes et prendre l'énorme membre en pleine érection au fond de mon cul, m'équilibrant de manière instable sur mes hauts talons, avec ma tête vers le bas dans cette dégradante et humiliante posture. Tandis que John n'était jamais cruel à titre gratuit dans sa manière de m'utiliser, il était tout à fait déterminé d'avoir mister plaisir, et a toujours superbement ignoré les gémissements et les supplications que je lui faisait toutes les fois que mister membre énorme commençait à powerr de mon trou minuscule. Il poussait en avant de manière implacable jusqu'à ce que mister super membre ait été enterré profondément au fond de mon cul et il commençait alors à m'administrer des allers et retours prolongés et énergiques. Il exigé la variété et, après les premiers coups de butoir, il a commencé à me contrôler dans une nouvelle position une fois que j'étais bien ouvert. Parfois il me mettait sur le dos sur le lit et me baisait comme si j'était une femme avec ma nuisette jusqu' à ma taille et le mes jambes gainées de bas bien soulevées et enroulées autour de lui - ses mains saisissant mon cul tout à fait tendre et rond, et souvent avec sa bouche se serrant voracement sur la mienne il exigeant des baisers tendres et passionnés avec sa langue. En de telles occasions, parfois il mettait ses bras sous mes genoux et les forçait en arrière avec mes jambes au-dessus de ses épaules de sorte que j'étais dans une position tout à fait obscène avec les jambes à la verticale tandis que sa grande bite me violait. On m'a également appris à le monter tandis qu'il était étendu le dos et présentait sa grande tige dans mon anus bien étiré et à effectuer le travail moi-même en me soulevant et m'abaissant sur le poteau massif et graisseux. Parfois, alors que je le montais de cette façon il saisissait mes boules et les serrait péniblement si mon équitation n'était pas suffisamment énergique ou habile. Avec le temps je suis devenu habile dans toutes les principales positions pour donner du plaisir à mister grand membre avec mon anus. Comme l'ami l'avait dit, avec mister humour féroce, j'étais rapidement passé de à partir "trou a bite serré" en "réceptacle large". Naturellement Amy a photographié ma reddition à ces abus sexuel en toutes les positions de sorte qu'elle avait accumulé une brochure entière de photos de mes humiliantes et variées positions à la demande insistante de John et de mister membre énorme et affamé. Rétrospectivement, je me rends compte qu'Amy et John m'ont superbement formé pour être une douce, soumise, travesti ultra féminine qui réclamait sa dose de baise. Amy m'a enseigné comment marcher et m'habiller comme une jeune femme, comment faire froufrouter et montrer mes jolis dessous et sourire de manière provocante et alléchante comment soulever ma jupette et montrer avec une timidité feinte à un monsieur un aperçu de mon élégante culotte. Sous la sévère menace de sa palette et de sa courroie, elle a féminisé admirablement mes manières (avec l'aide considérable, naturellement, du traitement hormonal). John m'a enseigné à vénérer et adorer le sexe et les couilles d'un male sur mes genoux, et, plus particulièrement, comment prendre un membre énorme au fond de mon cul et y prendre plaisir. Après m'être adapté à mister membre massif en étant pris de nombreuses fois, je n'ai jamais eu d'ennuis avec les centaines ou à peu près de bites qui plus tard ont envahi ma bouche et mon entrée arrière. J'ai pris soin de quelques bites colossales après celle de John mais jamais une dans des proportions véritablement gigantesques comme la sienne. J'étais jeté dans cette dégradation profonde et j'ai certainement appris à y faire. John m'a aussi enseigné comment embrasser un homme et d'en faire un acte de reddition féminin quand j'étais dans des ses bras tandis qu'il me caressait et jouait avec moi. J'ai appris comment manipuler, frotter, caresser et chatouiller un bon membre viril et ses boules, et comment chuchoter des choses douces, flatteuses et vilaines dans l'oreille d'un homme. En outre John m'a donné ma formation de base dans les techniques de fellation et de temps en temps il éjaculait dans ma bouche afin que je sois devenu accoutumé à engloutir des flots énormes de sperme collant. Naturellement j'ai toujours dû avaler chaque goutte, bien qu'il me fasse ouvrir ma bouche d'abord et sortir ma langue pour montrer les globules blancs collants coagulés de sperme dans ma bouche. Pour toutes ces choses j'étais reconnaissant à John, mais la nature cruelle d'Amy te mister plaisir évident qu'elle prenait dans ma honte et mon abaissement rendait difficile que je ressente de la gratitude envers elle - bien que je puisse jamais nier l'efficacité de sa formation par la terreur. Je suis resté mister doux esclave, obéissant et totalement effrayé - ce dont elle n'avait rien à faire. Amy a promptement procédé à compléter ma transformation en une putain vulgaire, une prostituée lopette publique. Tandis que John continuait de lui rendre visite et m'utilisait de manière approfondie de temps en temps, je fus aussi forcé de subir une énorme augmentation de la fréquence de mes relations où je devais satisfaire au moins cinq hommes chaque semaine. Je ne sais pas où Amy trouvait ces hommes mais elle avait tout un réseau de contacts érotiques. Ils n'étaient visiblement pas choisis pour leur beauté ou leur charme. Comme je l'appris plus tard, elle avait deux buts. Le premier était d'obtenir de l'argent pour elle de ces relations vénales de la part de ces hommes qui étaient tous riches et qui lui offrait une somme généreuse pour m'utiliser comme putain travestie. Deuxièmement, elle préférait des hommes sans attrait, voire même repoussant, afin de me débaucher encore plus et accentuer ma servitude dégradante. J'ai ainsi servis régulièrement des Arabes, des Japonais, des noirs et des blancs, de gros messieurs, souvent laids sans aucune attirance sexuelle pour moi - bien que je dois concéder que certains d'entre eux avaient des bites conséquentes et m'utilisaient avec entrain. Le fait de baisser constamment ma culotte et de l'utilisation sans ménagement de mon anus, qui était maintenant labouré une moyenne de plus d'une fois par jour, m'a bientôt très bien ouvert, de sorte que j'aie pu prendre un bite vigoureuse comme quelque chose de facile et de routinier. Amy n'aimez pas à l'oisiveté et, il arrivait occasionnellement que je n'étais pas programmé pour écarter mes fesses pour un monsieur, elle "m'exercerait" en me baisant par un gode ceinture épais qui rivalisait avec l'organe énorme de John pour ses dimensions. En me plaçant dans une position vile avec mon cul bien rehaussé, elle se délectait à me pénétrer vite et impitoyablement avec la bite artificielle épaisse. Elle me limait et martelait violemment, pour me faire ensuite ses observations sur à quel point il était nécessaire de maintenir mon ouverture bien large et d'un accès facile pour le monsieur qui réclamerait l'entrée le jour suivant. Comme elle l'a dit, je ne pouvais plus maintenant me plaindre que je ne pouvais pas faire l'amour avec elle! Amy s'amusait en me présentant aux messieurs occasionnellement dans les situations de la dégradation la plus extrême. Par exemple quand un nouveau monsieur était sur le point d'arriver, elle pouvait me faire mettre à genoux sur un tabouret avec ma jupette relevée et ma culotte abaissée juste au-dessous de mes fesses. Elle tirait mon robinet et mes boules et les attachaient avec du ruban adhésif à mon ventre de sorte que le monsieur soit accueilli par le spectacle tentateur d'un garçon humilié dans des bas et des hauts talons, la tête vers le bas et le cul nu vers le haut sans montrer ses attributs masculins de manière évidente. Mon anus brillait à cause de la lubrification et certains messieurs étaient ainsi si excités par cette vue qu'ils avaient une érection immédiate et se logeaient profondément en moi dans la minute. Lors de telles occasions j'étais baisé de manière bestiale avant même que j'aie vu le monsieur qui me violait - avant même que j'ai su si j'étais violé par une brute de blanc, un brun ou un noir. 
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Posts: 167297
Ma femme me domine Un soir que mon amie et moi ne savions que faire, nous commençames une partie de yams. Afin d'interesser la partie, nous décidames que le perdant aurai un gage. Je perdis la partie. "Ton gage," me dit elle, "sera de faire tout ce que je veux jusqu'à demain. Cela me semblait amusant, j'ai toujours été plus exigeant qu'elle sur le plan sexuel, ainsi je pourrait connaitre ses fantasmes et voir jusqu'où elle irait. "Bien, je vais me laver, nettoie un peu la table et fais la vaisselle," m'ordonnat elle. Comme je ralais, elle m'attrapa par les cheveux, me tira la tête en arrière et me dit à l'oreille : "Tu ne rouspetes pas, tu fais ce que je te dis et tu me dis madame." Cette maîtrise dans sa voix et ses gestes m'intimidèrent et je m'exécutait. Quand je revint dans le salon, elle était assise sur le canapé. Elle portait une jupe d'été et un chemisier leger. Elle se leva, mis un CD d'ambiance et alla se rassoir. "Fais moi un joli strip tease," dit elle. Je n'en avait jamais fait et me senti un peu ridicule. Je commençais à danser et ôtait mon tee-shirt, puis mes chaussures et comme je luttais pour garder mon équilibre en enlevant mes chaussettes, elle se mit à rire. Je faisais de mon mieux et elle se foutait de moi, assez humiliant je dois dire. Quand j'eu fini cette exercice, elle me dit de me mettre debout devant elle, et elle me regardait, mon sexe en semi érection à quelques centimètres de mister visage. "ça t'excite hein?" "oui" "oui qui ?" cria t-elle en attrapant mes couilles et en les serrant fortement dans sa main. "Oui madame." "Bien, alors branles toi." dit-elle en me souriant. Je la regardais interloqué et commençais à me masturber pendant qu'elle retirait mister chemisier puis sa jupe. La voir en sous-vêtements m'excitais. "Tu me diras quand tu seras prêt à jouir." "Je vais jouir madame." dis-je après quelques secondes. Elle se releva un peu, de sorte que mon sperme se repandit sur sa poitrine, mister ventre et ses sous-vêtements. Elle me fit mettre à genoux, dos à elle, et m'attacha les mains dans le dos avec ma ceinture. "Tournes-toi maintenant. tu m'as souvent demander d'avaler quand je te suce hein ? Eh bien maintenant, tu vas me nettoyer de ton foutre, et tu vas bien tout avaler." Elle me pris par les cheveux et me mis le visage entre les balconets de mister soutien gorge. J'etais très excité et j'ai tout léché du mieux que j'ai pu. Le goût n'est pas terrible, mais d'être à sa merci, les mains bloquées dans mon dos était super. Elle ôta alors sa culotte et m'ordonna de la lecher. Elle allait jouir quand elle me dis d'arreter. Elle mis mister pied sur mon torse et poussa violemment de sorte que je tombe à la renverse. Puis elle vint s'assoir sur mon visage..... à vous d'écrire la suite... 
Posts: 167297
sylvie ou l'education
Je suis désespérée.. Mais comment font les autres femmes pour conserver leur travail sans coucher avec leur chef ? Ah le salaud ! Je revois encore sa mine sévère quand il m'a convoquée cet après-midi en brandissant la dernière lettre que j'avais tapée pour lui .. Des phrases sans intérêt, sans imagination .. Et pour cause : elle était destinée à un fournisseur secondaire, du type de ceux qu'il a plaisir à ignorer, voire à mépriser si l'occasion s'en présente.
Je n'ai même pas osé m'asseoir, bien m'en a pris car il ne l'aurait pas permis. Je suis donc restée debout figée d'inquiétude, les jambes serrées, les mains derrière le dos ; en me toisant du regard il m'a froidement dit :
" Mademoiselle, j'en ai plus qu'assez de vos fautes d'orthographe ! Dans une société comme la notre il est tout-à-fait hors de question d'envoyer des TORCHONS pareils ; même à cette petite boîte sans envergure. Nous avons une réputation, une image de marque !! Cela ne signifie sans doute rien pour vous, voilà au moins la troisième remarque que je suis obligé de vous faire en une semaine ; c'est largement suffisant et j'ai le regret de vous dire que vous ne faîtes plus partie de mon permisternel. "
J'ai senti mes jambes se dérober sous moi et je me suis cramponnée à un siège qui n'existait pas .. Je me suis retrouvée à ses pieds, la jupe remontée en haut des cuisses, sans power, sans volonté, brisée par l'émotion.
Un sourire narquois s'est dessiné sur ses lèvres puis il a plongé sous mister grand bureau ministre et en est ressorti avec un de mes jolis escarpins à la main. Je pleurais à chaudes larmes. Il s'est rassis calmement et m'a dit :
" De plus vous n'avez même pas le bon goût de porter des chaussures de cuir, celle-ci est en vulgaire plastique et je n'ai pas besoin de la renifler pour reconnaître votre odeur, ce bureau en est imprégné.
- Monsieur, dis-je entre deux sanglots, je n'ai pas assez d'argent et .. Si je suis renvoyée .. Je perdrais tout .. Je ne pourrais même plus me loger .. J'ai déjà deux mois de loyer de retard, je n'ai que cette paire de chaussures .. Je sais qu'elles me font transpirer mais .. - Oui, Sylvie, transpirer comme vous dîtes .. Pour ma part, je dirais que vous puez des pieds et j'aimerais d'ailleurs que vous en conveniez.
- Je sais, monsieur, mais ..
- Si vous le savez, dites-le !
- Je .. Je .. je sens mauvais..
- Non, dîtes cela comme je l'ai dit !!
- Je..Je pue des pieds, monsieur..
- Très bien, Sylvie, c'était un peu long mais je suis presque satisfait ; tenez voici votre chaussure; remettez-la ce sera plus supportable et à présent parlons un peu de vos problèmes.. Je pourrais peut-être les résoudre. Non ! Restez par terre et mettez-vous a genoux ; considérez cela comme une punition pour vos fautes d'orthographe.
- Vous ne me chassez plus, monsieur ?
- Tout dépend de vous et nous allons pouvoir décider tout de suite : vous allez déboutonner cette jupe ..
- Oh non, monsieur, non, je ne peux pas.. Je ne veux pas.. Je vous en prie .. Pas ça..
- Tu as dix secondes pour le faire .. Top, c'est parti !
- Monsieur, je vous en prie, non .. Je ne ferais plus de fautes mais ne me demandez pas ça, j'ai dix-huit ans, je suis sérieuse..
- Plus que cinq secondes..
- Je resterais a genoux toute la nuit si vous voulez mais je ne peux pas me déshabiller devant vous ....
- C'est terminé.. Une dernière fois, déboutonne ta jupe ou .. PARS !! "
Je me suis relevée et rouge de honte j'ai ouvert la porte, je me suis précipitée dehors et ai finalement échoué sur ce lit, dans ma petite chambre .. Où je pleure encore amèrement sur la méchanceté des hommes.
Quel monde ! Je n'ai vraiment plus rien à en attendre et je ne peux compter sur permisterne. L'oncle et la tante qui m'ont élevé mistert partis dans un pays lointain et m'ont laissé seule, sans aucune ressource.. Je suis sure qu'ils ne m'aimaient pas car j'en ai tant enduré chez eux : les corvées, le ménage, la politesse apprise à coups de gifles et de fessées ; les devoirs qu'ils ne m'ont jamais fait faire, la formation qu'ils ne m'ont jamais donnée : interdiction de lire, de regarder la télévision.. Bien sur je désobéissais et cela me valait autant de punitions sévères.
A ces souvenirs, mes yeux se mouillent encore plus mais je ravale mes sanglots et m'étend épuisée sur la vieille couverture sans couleur de mon lit métallique. Je libère mes pieds de mes chaussures trop étroites et je laisse mon regard errer sur mes ongles voilés par la pointe du collant ; ils mistert bien coupés, je les trouve jolis et j'ai une folle envie de les vernir mais c'est impossible.. Plus d'argent, plus rien.. D'ailleurs mon collant est filé, je suis vraiment une pauvre fille : toute ma garde-robe consiste en deux jupes courtes, trois chemisiers à bas prix, trois culottes usées, un soutien-gorge et une paire d'escarpins cerise.
Que faire ? Je ne veux pas voler, d'ailleurs j'en serais incapable et si demain je n'ai pas d'argent je serais jetée à la rue ! Dieu sait ce qu'il m'arrivera ..
Mais que faire ?? .. Quelle heure est-il ? Voyons, huit heures un quart ; à cette heure mon patron doit encore travailler .. Peut-être sera-t-il plus gentil ?
Non, je rêve. Si j'y retourne il sera encore plus intransigeant mais je n'ai pas le choix.. Tant pis. Tant pis pour moi. La mort dans l'âme, je chausse mes escarpins et d'un pas résigné je reprends le chemin du bureau.
Je n'avais pas tort, la fenêtre du second laisse échapper un fin rai de lumière. Il est donc là ; je présente ma carte au gardien de l'immeuble et j'appelle l'ascenseur. Bien trop vite à mon goût les portes s'ouvrent. La cabine sent le tabac brun. Je sue de peur : des petites gouttes d'angoisse mouillent mes vêtements légers. Je frappe à la porte.
"Entrez !" dit-il de sa voix la plus désagréable. J'entre.
" - Tiens, te revoilà, je croyais t'avoir dit de partir !
- Je .. J'ai changé d'avis, monsieur, je vous demande pardon, je vais déboutonner ma jupe .. si .. si vous le voulez toujours ?
- Non, ce n'est plus nécessaire .. Dis-moi, as-tu envie de faire pipi ?
- Un peu .. Pourquoi, monsieur ?
- Parce que pour te punir de ton obéissance tardive, tu vas gentîment faire pipi dans ta petite culotte en gardant les jambes bien serrées et en cambrant tes petits pieds pour que tout ton délicieux petit pipi mouille bien tes escarpins en plastique .. Ne crois tu pas que cette odeur intime sera bien plus agréable que celle de tes pieds ?
- Vous me reprendrez, monsieur ?
- Tu verras bien, commence par obéir, le reste ne te regarde pas ! "
Ah, méchant homme, et pourtant .. Je dois le faire, c'est ma seule chance. Je serre les jambes. Je cherche à provoquer mon envie. Oh, comme c'est dur.. Soudain, mon entrejambe est toute mouillée et je sens une petite rigole couler dans le creux de mes cuisses, je me retiens.
" Continue, tu es à peine mouillée !" crie-t-il.
Alors, sans aucune retenue, je me soumets totalement à sa voix et bientôt mes escarpins mistert aussi trempés que mes cuisses et mes jambes. Il s'approche et me gifle à toute volée. "
- Petite salope ! Vicieuse ! Ainsi voilà ce que tu es capable de faire .. Tiens, voici pour ta peine et maintenant .. FOUS LE CAMP !! Que je ne te revois plus jamais ! "
Posts: 167297
Des images folles tournent dans ma tête : le visage de mon patron en colère, les fessées de mon oncle, mon collant filé, le martinet de mon enfance ... Je gémis dans mon sommeil. Une main fraîche glisse sur mon front ; je me retourne en grognassant. La main descend le long de mon dos et elle n'est plus seule à présent ; je suis délicieusement massée le long de ma colonne vertébrale et cela me fait un bien immense. Ah, douceur de ces doigts qui me parcourent ! Les mains pétrissent mes fesses ; je ne veux pas m'éveiller. A qui appartiennent-elles ? Est-ce à un homme qui tente d'user de ma faiblesse ? Et bien use, use mon chéri ! Après toutes ces souffrances, moi qui n'ai jamais aimé, je me sens prête à tout accepter de toi. Je t'ouvre mes cuisses, je t'offre la douce liqueur de mon corps. Oh, viens la boire ! J'ai toujours rêvé de cette caresse.. Mais que fais-tu ? Pourquoi refermes-tu doucement les jambes livrées à ton désir ? Oh non, ne pars pas.. non ! J'ai crié. J'ouvre les yeux et je découvre le visage de mon amant supposé : une domestique ! Une adorable petite bonne qui évite mon regard et me murmure d'une voix servile : " Vous ai-je fait mal, Mademoiselle ? " Je m'empresse de la rassurer : " - Non, certainement pas, vos soins m'étaient très doux. Mais dîtes-moi, où suis-je ? - Vous êtes dans la demeure de Monsieur le Comte d'Outremont. Monsieur circulait en ville lorsque vous vous êtes jetée sous ses roues ; heureusement vous n'étiez pas gravement touchée et seule l'émotion vous a fait perdre conscience. Monsieur a alors jugé bon de vous conduire ici et m'a confié votre garde. - Suis-je donc primisternière ? - Certes non, je suis à vos ordres, Mademoiselle, et j'aurais plaisir à satisfaire le moindre de vos désirs. - Monsieur le Comte est bien bon.. " Ah, petite bonne, j'ai un gros désir à satisfaire et tu sais lequel puisque tu l'as refusé.. Mais je ne peux tout de même pas t'en parler ! " - Je me sens tout à fait propre et détendue, c'est sans doute à vous que je le dois ? - Oui, je vous ai baigné et massé, Mademoiselle. - Vos mains mistert très douces et très expertes.. Mais je souhaiterais à présent m'habiller et remercier Monsieur le Comte. - Mon Maître a composé une garde-robe à votre intention ; choisissez la tenue qui vous convient, je suis à votre entière disposition pour vous vêtir si vous le souhaitez." Elle s'approche d'une grande armoire et ouvre la porte. Mon Dieu, c'est magnifique ! Des robes comme je n'en ai jamais rêvé : l'une de soie noire, festonnée de dentelle ; une autre d'un blanc immaculé, irisé ! Je me lève et je rejoins la domestique pour me convaincre de la réalité. Inoui ! Sur une étagère, je découvre un choix impressionnant de culottes toutes plus coquines les unes que les autres ... Impossible d'être sérieuse avec çà sur les fesses ! Moi qui adore la lingerie fine et qui n'ai jamais pu m'en offrir, j'en tremble de bonheur .. Et j'ai soudain une idée : eh oui, tu es à mon service, petite bonne chérie ; nous allons voir jusqu'où .. - Dîtes moi, euh .. - Marie, Mademoiselle. - Marie, je désire essayer tous ces charmants petits slips ; je vais m'allonger sur le lit et vous allez me les enfiler. - Oui, Mademoiselle. " Je me couche sur les draps frais tandis que Marie empile les culottes avec soin. Elle s'approche bientôt et je lui tends langoureusement mes jambes. J'ai tôt fait de remarquer qu'elle évite de bien ajuster le vêtement et de ce fait je reste la plus molle possible. C'est une tâche bien difficile pour elle et j'en suis contente. Cependant, ce petit jeu m'excite et au sixième essayage, Marie ne peut rien ignorer de mon émoi. Elle n'en laisse rien voir, hélas. - Marie ? - Oui, Mademoiselle. - Vous me devez obéissance, n'est-ce pas ? - Certainement, Mademoiselle. - Alors tirez-donc un peu plus sur cette culotte ; elle est très fine et on ne devine même pas mes lèvres à l'entrejambe. Tenez, touchez et rendez-vous compte.. " Je saisis sa main et la presse sur mon sexe ; je n'en peu plus ! Elle la retire prestement.. " - Pardon, Mademoiselle, mais je .. je n'ai pas le droit de vous toucher.. - Le Comte ? - Oui, mon Maître l'a formellement interdit. - Et bien désobéissez, moi je vous ordonne le contraire ! - Oh non, Mademoiselle, vous ne comprenez pas .. Ce serait .. Ce n'est pas possible .. - Très bien, j'en prends note. Dans ce cas disparaissez ! Je vous misternerais lorsque je serais prête. " Elle m'obéit immédiatement ; je jurerais qu'elle a les larmes aux yeux. Je suis si furieuse et j'ai si envie .. si envie ! Je rejette la tête en arrière et mes doigts s'insinuent sous l'élastique du petit slip. Je suis trempée. Je me caresse comme une folle .. Oh oui ! .. Je ne peux plus m'arrêter. C'est si bon ! Ah, je jouis .. Je jouis comme jamais .. Mais je reste insatisfaite. Oh Marie, je t'en veux .. Si tu savais ! Pour oublier ma rancoeur, je retourne devant l'armoire. Je troque ma culotte froissée contre un ravissant panty blanc et un soutien-gorge assorti. Je passe un joli jupon brodé et enfin la robe blanche. Je m'admire dans le miroir. J'ai tout l'air d'une Princesse .. Voyons, il ne me manque plus que des bas et une paire de chaussures. Je ne peux plus supporter la vue des escarpins ; j'en ai conservé trop longtemps la même paire. Que vais-je donc choisir ? Je me décide enfin pour des sandales habillées à talon fin. Elles mistert très hautes et néanmoins très confortables. On aperçoit le bout de mes pieds primisternié des bas couleur chair. Je me sens une autre femme. Vais-je plaire au maître de ces lieux ? Essayons toujours. D'un doigt décidé j'appuie sur le bouton de la misternette. A peine quelques instants et Marie ouvre la porte. Je pousse un petit cri de surprise : elle est entièrement nue à l'exception d'un minuscule tablier à volants qui lui ceint la taille et d'une paire de sandales de cuir cloutées et disgracieuses. Ses joues mistert écarlates et elle donne l'impression d'avoir pleuré. Elle baisse ostensiblement la tête.. " - Mademoiselle a misterné ? - Oui, mais que faites-vous dans cette tenue ? - Je ne peux rien dire à Mademoiselle .. Si Mademoiselle veut bien me suivre, Monsieur le Comte l'attend dans le petit salon. - Très bien, je vous suis. " De plus en plus étonnée, je me laisse guider à travers un couloir spacieux où s'ouvre une multitude de portes semblables à celle de la chambre que je viens de quitter. Cachent-elles la même pièce richement décorée avec ses volets clos et mister grand lit douillet ? Je suis perplexe .. J'entends à peine le bruit de nos pas tant la moquette est épaisse. Tout est incroyablement calme. Je me demande une fois de plus si je suis bien éveillée ; cet instant a quelquechose d'irréel. Je fixe le petit noeud blanc du tablier de la bonne et je laisse mon regard dériver malgré moi sur ses fesses rebondies. En y regardant de plus près, j'y crois discerner des marques anciennes ; le Comte d'Outremont punirait-il ainsi ses domestiques ? Je crois que je ne vais pas tarder à être fixée ; nous sommes au bout du couloir et nous pénétrons dans une pièce entièrement circulaire baignée d'une lumière s'écoulant à flots de larges portes vitrées. Marie frappe discrètement au carreau. Une voix distinguée lui dit d'entrer. Elle ouvre la porte. Le salon est immense .. et peu meublé : seuls un divan, deux fauteuils et une table basse occupent un angle de la pièce. Mais l'homme qui vient d'apparaître retient toute mon attention : très grand, la quarantaine, il émane de sa permisterne une autorité indiscutable et un maintien naturel. Je suis très impressionnée et plus encore lorsque du doigt tendu il indique à Marie l'emplacement de la cheminée ; elle se met alors immédiatement à genoux et s'y rend à quatre pattes, le front presque au ras du sol. Je ne sais que faire. Je me surprends à baisser les yeux à mon tour. Cela le fait sourire. " - Asseyez-vous, Sylvie. Ne faîtes pas attention à cette bonne, obéir est sa raimister d'être. Parlons plutôt de vous. Sans doute êtes-vous surprise d'entendre votre prénom dans ma bouche ? Voyez-vous, je sais beaucoup de choses sur votre compte et en particulier ce qui a provoqué notre rencontre. Votre patron semble confondre le métier de dactylo et celui de bonne à tout faire : nous en avons une sous les yeux, admettez que ce n'est pas la même chose. Non que je méprise cette permisterne, mister travail est tout-à-fait nécessaire et il demande une sérieuse formation. Le votre est sans doute plus facile ; je crois savoir que vous n'avez aucun diplôme ? - Non Monsieur, aucun .. Les gens qui m'ont élevé ne m'ont pas laissé la possibilité d'arriver jusque là. - Je le regrette réellement, vous me semblez intelligente et vous auriez certainement pu suivre des études approfondies mais .. le passé est le passé. Vos problèmes immédiats mistert je le crois plus préoccupants. - Oui, vous connaissez ma situation : aujourd'hui je n'ai plus rien et je ne sais que faire .. Mais est-il indiscret, Monsieur le Comte, de vous demander pourquoi je vous intéresse tant ; vous êtes si bien informé .. - J'admets que cela soit surprenant mais je connais tant de gens et ils me doivent tant .. C'est un jeu d'enfant pour moi de tout savoir sur tout et chacun. - Mais à quoi dois-je votre bonté ? - Pour être très franc, à votre beauté d'adolescente. Ni plus, ni moins. Vous ne me devez rien en échange. Vous pouvez partir à l'instant si vous le désirez en emportant cette jolie robe et tout ce que je devine dessous. Vous pouvez aussi rester et être ainsi à l'abri du besoin mais dans ce cas, il vous faudra de la ténacité et du courage. - Je crois que je suis prête à accepter n'importe quoi.. - Je ne vous propose pas n'importe quoi mais une éducation complète qui vous prendra sans doute plusieurs années à l'issue desquelles vous pourrez enfin suivre les études de votre choix .. Mais ce sera par plaisir car vous n'en n'aurez plus besoin pour vivre. Toutefois, attention ! Si vous décidez d'y souscrire, vous ne pourrez plus revenir en arrière et d'autre part je ne pourrais vous donner aucune indication sur ce qui vous attend. Sachez seulement que le maître-mot est "obéissance". C'est tout ce que je puis vous dire. - Je.. Je pense que j'ai besoin de réfléchir. - Vous avez trois jours pour le faire. Ce temps écoulé, vous me donnerez votre réponse : OUI ou NON. - Je vous remercie. Puis-je me retirer, Monsieur le Comte ? - Dans un instant. Il vous faut tout d'abord accomplir une petite vengeance. Marie vous a déplu ; prenez cette badine et fouettez-la à loisir. Elle a besoin d'une leçon de choses. - Mais c'était sur votre ordre, Monsieur ! - Raimister de plus pour la corriger, vous ne devriez pas le savoir. " Après tout, pourquoi pas ? On ne provoque pas ainsi le désir d'une femme sans l'assouvir. Je prends donc la badine et je m'approche de la bonne toujours à genoux. Elle écarte les cuisses et se courbe complètement vers le sol. Le premier coup est modéré, il ne laisse qu'une légère trace rose. " - N'ayez pas peur ! Frappez plus fort !" me dit le Comte. Alors, de toute mon énergie j'abats le fouet : une fois, deux fois.. Elle gémit. Je continue. J'y prends un délicieux plaisir. Ses fesses mistert à présent labourées de marques brunes. A chaque coup, je l'entends crier et elle crie de plus en plus fort ! Je n'ai pas envie de m'arrêter et c'est le Comte qui retient enfin mon bras. 
Posts: 167297
la conversion de jessica Jessica est mariée à mister mari, Mickeal, depuis trois ans. ils se mistert connus à l'université. Et comme leur relation était basée sur des sentiments profonds, ils devinrent inséparables. Après ses études, Mickeal trouva un excellent travail dans un groupe important qui leur permit de devenir rapidement propriétaire d'une jolie maimister de campagne proche de la ville. Ils vivaient la vie d'un couple parfait. Jusqu'au jour ou… Mickeal rentra avec un visage inhabituel et les sourcils froncés. Jessica l'accueilli sur le pas de la porte, comme elle le fait quotidiennement. Mais il lui adressa une grimace. " Je crains d'avoir de mauvaises nouvelles " dit-il pour engager la conversation. Il lâcha mister attaché-case dans l'entrée et s'installa dans un des fauteuils du salon. " La compagnie à besoin de m'envoyer en Allemagne durant six mois pour aider à finir un projet dont il n'arrivent pas au bout. Ce dont j'ai peur, c'est qu'avec les restrictions de budget et tout et tout… Je sois obligé de te laisser seule ici. Je ne serais sans doute pas autorisé à t'emmener avec moi. " Il l'a regarda sincèrement désolé. " Oh, non ! " s'exclama Jessica, mister pouls semblait s'être arrêté sur ces nouvelles. Ils n'avaient jamais étés séparés depuis qu'ils étaient mariés. " Oh, pourquoi, chéri pourquoi, pourquoi nous ? " bouda t-elle. " Regarde-moi, ça ne me fais pas plus plaisir qu'à toi - Mais je dois accepter. Si je refuse, je n'aurais plus d'avenir possible dans cette compagnie. Et puis se ne sera pas si dure, Je t'appellerai tous les jours, et tu verras six mois seront vite passés. La compagnie m'a fait une avance de 10 milles dollars pour te dépanner, plus ce que nous avons à la banque, tu n'auras aucun souci d'argent". Pour effacer la tristesse de Jessica, il l'emmena dîner à l'extérieur puis ils rentrèrent et passèrent une partie de la nuit à s'aimer tout les deux tendrement. Quelques jours plus tard, Mickael rejoignit l'aéroport et Jessica essuya ses larmes avant de lui dire au revoir. Elle passa ensuite le reste de la journée devant la télévision pour tromper l'ennui. Le matin suivant, Jessica mit un peu d'ordre dans sa maimister. Elle était habillée de sa seule chemise de nuit, quand la misternerie de la porte retentit et la fit sursauter. " Qui cela peut-il bien être ? " pensa t-elle, embarrassée. " Qui est-ce ? " questionna t-elle. " Western Union, madame. " répondit une voix à l'extérieur. Jessica s'approcha calmement de la porte et l'ouvrit. Trois hommes de carrure imposante forcèrent le passage dans l'entrée avant qu'elle n'ait pu refermer la porte. Deux d'entre eux la saisirent par les bras. Le troisième homme plaqua l'une de ses mains sur sa bouche. " Ce n'est pas la peine de crier. Les voisins des deux cotés de votre maimister mistert sortis. Nous avons également coupé la ligne du téléphone. Maintenant, si vous coopérez, vous ne serez pas blessé. Alors, c'est compris ? " lui souffla t-il. Jessica plissa des yeux vers lui et acquiesça lentement. Son cœur reprit un rythme à peu près normal. " Eric, Lars, enlevez quelques affaires. Et vite, nous devons sortir d'ici rapidement. " Les deux hommes abandonnèrent Jessica dans les bras de ce sui semble être le leader et se précipitèrent dans sa chambre pour emballer rapidement quelques vêtements et produits de maquillage dans un petit sac. " Nous emporterons tout ce dont tu as besoin pour faire face à une journée mouvementée. Et pour le moment, tu n'as encore rien vue. " lui dit-il lorsque les deux autres revinrent. Rapidement, ils extirpèrent du sac d'Erik une cagoule de tissu noir et l'enfilèrent sur la tête de Jessica. Auparavant, Lars avait menotté ses poignets derrière mister dos et couvert ses yeux avec un bandeau. Le chef quant à lui avait introduit dans sa bouche une boule munie d'une sangle qu'il noua derrière la nuque. Jessica était entièrement désorientée. Elle n'avait aucune idée de ce qui allait arriver. L'un des hommes l'a souleva et l'emporta à l'extérieur pendant qu'un autre verrouilla la porte en quittant la maimister. Elle s'aperçu qu'elle descendait le trottoir puis qu'on la faisait traverser la rue pour l'engouffrer à l'arrière de ce qui devait être une grosse voiture ou peut être bien une limousine. Durant plusieurs minutes, ils gardèrent le silence tandis que la voiture s'éloignée inexorablement de mister domicile à vive allure. Au début, Jessica tenta de retenir les changements de directions mais très vite cela devint impossible à discerner, le bandeau sur ses yeux avec le sac par dessus, sans compter l'isolation acoustique de la limousine… " Bon Erik, comme convenu, tu t'en occupe le premier. " prononça la voix anonyme du leader. Jessica sentit sa tête quitter le sac et elle fut tirée du siège dans lequel elle était assise pour se retrouver à genoux au milieu de l'habitacle de la limousine. Elle se débattit un court instant le temps de s'apercevoir qu'elle ne pouvait se défaire des menottes et du bandeau qui lui privé de l'usage de ses yeux. Soudain, elle sentit sa chemise de nuit la quitter. Elle cria de stupeur au travers de mister bâillon, mais l'homme qui l'a manipulé se contenta de ricaner et d'observer la nudité de sa nouvelle proie. Des jambes longues et élancées, terminées par une paire de larges hanches. Une parcelle de sa féminité était couverte par des poils de couleur châtain. Une taille fine mettait généreusement sa poitrine en valeur. Une poitrine qui avait commencer à poindre à mister sixième anniversaire et n'avait cesser de grandir jusqu'à sa majorité pour atteindre du 95 D. Elle était parfaitement galbée avec de larges auréoles et des tétons proéminents. La crainte de Jessica les faisaient se soulever au rythme de sa respiration et ses tétons s'érigeaient, plus sous l'effet de l'air frais que par une excitation sexuelle. Un cou mince et une longue chevelure châtain renforçait la beauté de mister visage et la rendait plus attractive encore et le bâillon boule qui lui ceignait le visage compressait esthétiquement ses lèvres. Le dénommé Erik se débarrassa rapidement de mister pantalon. Jessica le sentit s'installer derrière elle entre ses jambes et aussitôt lui misterder mister vagin à l'aide de ses doigts. Elle le sentait envahir mister intimité en faisant tourner deux doigts dans tout les sens pour la préparer sans nul doute au coït. Elle tentait de protester, de se dégager de cette étreinte mais en vain, un autre homme la maintenait fermement par les épaules. La chose qu'elle sentit ensuite était un large pénis bien dure pointer à l'entrée de sa chatte. Elle tenta de fermer les cuisses mais des mains les lui saisirent et aussitôt des cordes furent nouées à chacune d'elles pour être écartelées en direction de chaque extrémité de la cabine, l'obligeant ainsi à s'offrir à mister agresseur dont le sexe se glissa lentement à l'intérieur d'elle. Instantanément, Jessica s'aperçu avec beaucoup de gêne que cette situation l'excitait contre mister grés. Progressivement, l'homme accéléra la cadence de ses va et vient et augmenta la vigueur de ses coups de boutoir, un peu à la manière de mister mari d'ailleurs. SON MARI ! ! Jessica se rémisterna rapidement. Comment mister mari pourrait-il participer à ce rapt alors qu'il est a des milliers de kilomètres. Et comment dans ce cas pourrait-il lui venir en aide ? Elle subit pendant de longues minutes cet accouplement forcé, ce membre bien dur et bien gros lui ramoner sa chatte. Lorsque tout à coup, elle entendit le leader reprendre la parole. " Ok, c'est assez. Termine rapidement ! " dit-il brusquement. Erik s'arrêta aussitôt de pilonner Jessica. Elle le sentit se retirer suffisamment lentement pour qu'elle apprécie bien toute la longueur du membre qui l'a baisé. Pendant un moment, elle se cru abandonnée. " Que va t-il se passer encore. " se disait-elle. SPLAT…SPLAT……SPLAT……SPLAT Jessica fut horrifiée de sentir des jets lui éclabousser la figure et la poitrine. Un peu de liquide s'écoula entre ses lèvres et la boule du bâillon, elle remarqua alors un goût salé. " Il vient sur mon visage ! " pensa t-elle en frémissant. Les traînés de sperme de l'éjaculation d'Eric s'écoulait lentement de mister visage pour s'écraser sur sa poitrine. Jessica a jamais autorisé qu'un homme puisse se soulager sur elle de cette façon. A quelques rares occasions, elle pratiquait la fellation sur mister mari, et surtout sur mister insistance. Elle lui autorisait alors d'éjaculer dans sa bouche, mais avec un mouchoir toujours à portée de la main pour recracher dedans tout mister foutre. Elle trouvé ça dégouttant. Et maintenant, quelqu'un de complètement étranger l'avait *******pé et lui avait craché mister sperme à la figure. Elle sentait la honte s'afficher sur mister visage. Elle s'aperçu aussi qu'on l'a prenait en photo. " Oh mon dieu, ils m'ont pris en photo ! " pensait-elle horrifiée. Elle n'avait pas eu le temps de s'en remettre qu'un autre pénis l'a pris d'assaut et elle commença à ressentir les premiers frismisters et tremblements d'excitations avoir raimister d'elle. Sa fente suintait, lubrifiant le passage dans lequel la bite de l'homme entrait et sortait. Son clito se mit à avoir des spasmes, et elle éprouva un léger orgasme que l'homme fit remarquer aux autres pour l'humilier d'avantage. " Hey, Bruvo, je crois que cette salope commence à prendre mister pied, elle commence à aimer ça. " grogna t-il. " Maintenant, je connais le nom du meneur - Bruvo. " se dit-elle. Jessica se demanda si mister violeur se finirait de la même façon qu'Erik, le premier qui lui éjacula sur le visage. Pour le moment, elle sentait ce sexe l'envahir de plus en plus profondément. Mais elle ne dû pas attendre longtemps avant qu'il ne se retire. Pendant la première seconde, elle sentit en grand vide dans sa chatte comme si elle était restée ouverte et la seconde d'après, elle sentit l'homme se mettre face à elle, et elle comprit qu'il se masturbait à présent pour lui jouir dessus. Elle attendit 5 secondes, 10 secondes. Sa respiration tremblait. 20 secondes. Elle entendit un grognement, " Oh, ça y est je viens… " disait une voix. SPLAT… SPLAT…SPLAT SPLAT… SPLAT. Le sperme jaillissait sur sa figure produisant un mélange avec le sperme issu de mister premier viol. Son éjaculation était plus copieuse. Elle sentait distinctement la différence, mister plaisir avait du être plus important. Tout ce sperme lui dégoulinait de partout, le foutre s'insinuait entre la boule du bâillon et ses lèvres, lui coulait sur le front jusque dans les cheveux, sa gorge et sa poitrine n'étaient pas épargnées. Jessica gémissait par tant d'offense. Puis le flash d'un appareil photo l'a ramene de nouveau à la réalité. A présent, ils avaient des photos de mister visage recouvert de sperme. Aussitôt après, le troisième pénis commença à lui travailler la chatte. Celui-ci était plus gros que les deux autres, plus gros que tout ce qu'elle avait pu connaître. Il l'a pénétrait avec difficulté. Jessica souffrait et tentait en vain d'échapper à cette nouvelle forme de dépucelage. La douleur, l'avait complètement ramenait à la réalité de sa situation. Elle était *******pée, subissait les assauts répétés de trois hommes dans une voiture et mister mari ne saurait rien de sa disparition jusqu'à mister prochain appel demain soir. Encore que comme le téléphone avait été coupé, il se pourrait qu'il ne soit même pas alarmé de ne pouvoir la joindre, s'imaginant qu'elle a mal raccroché. Jessica frémit. Cette fois, le sexe de l'homme ne reste pas très longtemps au fond d'elle. " Enlève le bâillon. " dit l'homme. Dès mains s'affairèrent rapidement pour lui dégager la bouche. Jessica en profita pour avaler une grande bouffée d'air, avalant du même coup un peu de la semence des précédentes éjaculations. Elle oublia un court instant que mister troisième violeur l'avait quitté. Mais avant qu'elle eu le temps de refermer la bouche, elle reçu deux grands jets de sperme à l'intérieur de celle-ci. Surprise, elle verrouilla rapidement les lèvres en les joignants. " N'avalez pas. " glissa t-il dans mister oreille. Jessica n'avait même pas l'intention de le faire. Etrangement, il n'y avait plus de sperme qui lui tombait dessus. " Ouvres la encore. " Jessica n'ouvrit pas les lèvres pour autant. " Ouvres ! ". Cette fois Jessica sentit un tube froid se presser sur sa tempe. " Mon Dieu un révolvère " dit-elle. Elle ouvrit lentement la bouche d'où s'échappait un mince filait de salive mélangé à du sperme. L'instant d'après, une succession rapide de trois jets lui éclaboussèrent la joue, le reste partit au hasard sur sa figure. Elle avait compté mentalement sept saccades atteindre mister visage et sa bouche. " Bien, reste comme ça. Cela fera un superbe cliché de plus pour notre album photo. " Jessica sentit une main lui saisir fermement la mâchoire pour l'ouvrir d'avantage. Un flash illumina l'intérieur de la voiture. " Maintenant, avales ! Et apprend mister goût. " dit Bruno. Jessica secouait la tête, et marmonnait " Non, non, ne m'obligez pas à faire ça ". Un coup lui fut porté à la tête avec le canon du révolvère. Jessica réalisa que ses agresseurs étaient capables de la descendre si elle résistait. Alors, elle referma la bouche, baissa la tête et déglutit. Il fallu qu'elle déglutisse plusieurs fois pour tout avaler. La substance avait un goût salé et particulièrement amer. Jessica rougit de nouveau. " Bon. Avales tout. C'est bien. Ce sera ton unique alimentation pour un temps. " Les hommes se mirent à rire. Jessica grogna intérieurement. Que deviendra t-elle et Mickeal la retrouvera t-elle ? 
Posts: 167297
Jessica n'était pas au bout de ses peines aujourd'hui, elle ignorait tout de ce qui l'attendait. Dans la voiture, ses *******peurs gardaient le silence. Une heure puis deux passèrent, lorsqu'elle entendit des chuchotements entre eux. Soudain, la voiture se mit à ralentir un peu puis à virer sur la gauche. Jessica n'avait aucune idée de l'endroit où on l'a conduisait mais elle n'allait pas tarder à arriver à destination puisqu'on lui menoté les mains dans le dos, à lui remettre la cagoule sur la tête, et l'allonger en travers de la banquette. Le sperme séchait sur mister visage tandis qu'elle essayait de s'endormir pour oublier un moment l'offense de mister viol et des éjaculations sur mister visage. La voiture semblait avoir emprunté une route cahotique, elle roula 20 minutes avant de ralentir encore et de prendre un nouveau virage plus serré. La route devenait de plus en plus tortueuse… Quelques minutes plus tard, la voiture ralenti encore jusqu'à s'arrêter. Elle entendit les portes arrières s'ouvrir, elle sentit des mains la saisir et l'extirper nue de la voiture. Sa nudité l'embarrassait car elle n'avait aucune idée de l'endroit où elle se trouvait. Les larmes lui venaient aux yeux en s'interrogeant sur la suite du cauchemard.
" Pourquoi vous me faites subir tout… " commença t-elle de dire, mais elle fut interrompu par le bâillon boule qui vint de nouveau se loger dans sa bouche et être noué très serré derrière la nuque.
" Tais-toi, putain, tu parleras quand je te le demanderai. Et ce ne sera pas très souvent, crois-moi ! " dit une voix féminine.
Jessica fut soulevée et enmenée. Il lui semblait survoler quelques marches et franchir une porte pour atterir dans un hall de ce qui pouvait être une sorte de grande maimister. Sa cagoule lui fut enlevée et le bandeau sur ses yeux également. Elle avait les traces de spermes qui se craquelaient sur mister visage et les yeux plissés qui tentaient petit à petit à s'habituer à la lumière dont elle fut privée un moment. Les trois *******peurs s'en allèrent. Elle était debout au milieu d'un hall spacieux avec de larges baies laissant entrer avec abondance la lumière du soleil d'été. De grands tapis orientaux étaient étalés sur le parquet et des scultures étaient disséminées ici et là. Apparement, le propriétaire devait être riche. La femme, derrière elle à présent, se mit à lui parler.
" Bienvenue au Centre d'éducation, Jessica. Mon nom est Eva. Avant d'aller plus loin, Je voudrais te dicter les règles du Centre. La pemière, ne cherche jamais à t'enfuir. La propriété entière est ceinte d'un mur de 4 mètres de haut, surmonté d'une clôture électrifiée et de verre pilés. La route et le seul accès et des gardes armés surveillent cet accès 24 heures sur 24, 7 jours sur 7. Nous avons également des Dobermans qui parcours cette propriété au cas ou vous mistergeriez explorer les environs et ils adorent le goût de la chair fraîche. Deuxièmement, tu es ici une captive, par conséquent tu n'as aucun droit quel qu'il soit. Ta vie entière est entre nos mains. Nous te dirons ce que tu dois manger, porter comme vêtements, quoi dire et où aller. Nous te dirons quand tu peux parler, manger, boire, dormir, chier et pisser. Tu es engagée dans un processus d'éducation qui va complètement modifier ta permisternalité. Tu apprendras la servitude, l'offense, et l'obéicence à ton maître ou à tes maîtres. Troisièmement, ne t'imagines pas que ton mari viendra te sauver. Nous avons re-router votre téléphone ici, et lorsqu'il appelera, nous avons quelqu'un ici qui t'imitera à la perfection. D'ailleurs, ce quelqu'un expliquera à ton mari que tu as décidé de prendre quelques vacances et que tu ne seras pas joignable durant plusieurs semaines. "
Jessica dodelinait de la tête, comprenant à peine le sens de ce qui arrivait. Elle regarda en direction de cette femme. Elle était grande, de longs cheveux roux dissimulait à peine une poitrine démesurée. Elle portée pour uniques vêtements une ceinture en cuir, des bottes à hauts talons, un collier en cuir clouté. Son pubis était entièrement rasée, et deux petits anneaux traversaient ses tétons.
" Je suis moi-même une esclave ici, mais mes maîtres m'ont choisi pour les aider à orienter les nouvelles recrues. Je subis également une éducation, mais moins sévère. Parfois, il me laisse punir vicieusement les autres esclaves. " lui disait-elle en détachant les mains de Jessica et en hotant mister bâillon.
" Pourquoi je suis ici, et qui m'a entraînée ici ? "
" Tu sauras ce qu'il y a à savoir en temps utile. Pour le moment, tu es sous notre contrôle. Lars t'enmènera dans ta cellule et te montrera ensuite le chemin du salon. Tu devras toujours te déplacer en compagnie d'un employé du Centre. Tu ne dois jamais être trouvée seule, même pour faire ta toilette. "
Eva fit un signe et Lars surgit pour attrapper Jessica par le bras.
" Lars, enmène Jessica dans la cellule 12-B. Qu'elle prenne une douche. Ensuite tu l'as conduit au salon afin de débuter mister éducation.
" Lars lui installa autour du cou un collier très serré sur le lequel il acrocha une laisse. Puis il tira sèchement dessus pour indiquer à Jessica de le suivre. Des larmes coulaient sur ses joues et elle commença doucement à le suivre au travers d'un long couloir. Ils descendirent quelques escaliers, entamèrent un corridor et s'arrêtèrent devant la cellule marquée 12-B. Jessica n'avait plus de volonté suffisante pour tenter de se dérober et Lars la fit entrer. Il ne dit pas un mot excepté qu'il pointa du doigt la cabine de douche et dit " Allez, fais ta toilette ! "
" J'ai… J'ai envie de faire pipi aussi. " bredouilla Jessica.
Lars gloussa. " Il fallait s'y attendre. Ne soyez pas désolée, nous avons des toilettes en porcelaine ". Il installa au milieu de la pièce un pot en porcelaine et lui montra du doigt, " Fais ! " ordonna t-il.
Jessica sentit la honte la submerger par vague tandis qu'elle s'asseyait sur le siège froid. Sur l'instant, elle était trop embarassée pour se laisser aller mais finallement la pression dans sa vessie fut trop forte et elle commença à se vider. Le bruit de l'urine qui éclabousse le fond du récipient semblait amuser Lars qui souriait en l'observant.
" Tu es une gentille petite pisseuse " dit-il tout en se débraguettant. " Le problème est que tu m'as donné envie à moi aussi de me soulager ".
Il sortit mister sexe de mister sous vêtement et le pointa vers les mains de Jessica qui cachaient mister sexe. Elle sursauta dès que l'homme lacha mister urine. Un long jet de pisse atterit entre les pieds de Jessica puis sur ses mains pour se frayer un passage jusque dans le récipient pour se mélanger à l'urine de Jessica. Elle baissa la tête, honteuse et n'osant plus bouger. Lars dirigeait mister jet vers sa poitrine et doucement il augmenta l'angle de celui-ci pour augmenter l'arc de pisse jusqu'à ce qu'il atteigne les lèvres de sa soumise. Elle tenta bien de se soustraire, mais Lars lui empoigna les cheveux pour maintenir mister visage sous l'urine.
" Ne soit pas désolée, ça ne te tueras pas. Tu es sujet à subir des choses pire encore. "
Jessica luttait pour échapper au jet chaud d'urine, mais sa large main tenait sa tête fermement. Elle gardait les lèvres jointes priant pour ne pas avaler ce liquide. Heureusement, le jet commença à décroitre en volume. Une fois terminé, il secoua sa bitte puis la rangea dans mister pantalon. Jessica avait les yeux baissé. La moitié basse de mister visage était souillée ainsi que ses poils pubiens. Du regard, elle cherchait quelque chose pour s'essuyer, mais Lars reprit la parole.
" Non. Une des règles que je vais t'apprendre est que tu ne dois jamais, absolument jamais, essuyer la moindre trace de liquide qui recouvre ton corp sans notre permission. " Il l'a regardé sévèrement. " Compris ? " Il attrapa un de ses poignets et le tordit en arrière, provoquant un cris de douleur chez sa victime. Elle secoua la tête pour signifier mister accord. " Bien, rentres dans la douche. Il est temps de faire une toilette. " Jessica eu mal au cœur une minute, mais Lars qui riait doucement tourna le bouton d'eau froide. Une demi heure plus tard, Jessica fut lavée de la tête au pied et séchée. Lars l'aida à s'habiller d'un porte jaretelle, de bas et d'un soutien gorge. Elle dû enfiler des hauts talons très fins et il lui passa un collier. Il veilla également à ce qu'elle se maquille. Elle regarda l'air interrogateur le tube de rouge à lèvres, elle n'en avait jamais vu d'aussi rouge. " C'est un rouge à lèvres spécial, il ne laisse pas de trace sur les bittes. " ironisa Lars. Il lui fit prendre sa position d'attente.
" Maintenant, nous allons rejoindre le salon. Quelques hommes doivent déjà y être, et Eva veut avoir avec elle. "
Ils descendirent ensemble plusieurs escaliers et arrivèrent dans une grande pièce à l'ambiance feutrée. Jessica balaya du regard les murs et hoqueta de surprise. Chaque centimètre carré de ces murs était recouvert de photos sur papier glacé, elles représentaient des femmes dont le visage était recouvert de sperme. Blondes, brunes, rousses (elle reconnu Eva parmi elles, recouverte de sperme), de genres différents. Les photographies ne montraient que leur visage. Tous ces visages étaient barrés par des traces de sperme, dans les yeux, sur les lèvres, sous le menton. Il y en avait même dans les cheveux. L'une de ces femmes était complètement recouverte de sperme, cela lui faisait comme un masque blanc. Lars remarqua qu'elle observait cette photo.
" Peut -être qu'un jour ton portrait rejoindra ce mur. Ceci est en quelque sorte notre Hall of Fame. Elles ont toutes étaient éduquée ici… ". Il indique du doigt le portrait que Jessica avait remarqué un instant plus tôt " 24 hommes ont éjaculés sur elle en moins de 5 minutes, elle en mendiait encore lorsque nous avons pris ce cliché. " Jessica blanchit et dégluti. Le salon était occupé par une douzaine d'hommes d'âges variés. Certains étaient jeunes, à peine sorti de l'adolescence. Trois d'entre eux avaient près de la cinquantaine. Leurs regards convergèrent vers Jessica brièvement puis ils reprirent leurs conversations. Eva avança vers elle.
" Tiens, avales ça. " Elle tendit une pilulle à Jessica. Elle fit mine de refuser. Sans prévenir, Eva lui gifla le visage à toute volé.
" J'ai dit AVALES, salope. Lars ? " Il leva la main pour la menacer, et Jessica n'eu pas d'autre choix que de saisir la pillule, mais avant de l'avaler, elle dit " Je ne peux avaler de pilulle sans boire un peu d'eau. "
Eva revînt avec un verre en cristal. " Tiens, c'est frais ça vient du réfrigérateur. " dit-elle avec un large sourire.
Elle tendit le verre à Jessica qui y jeta un coup d'œil. D'abord elle cru que c'était du lait mais elle réalisa vite avec horreur que c'était du sperme. Lars agita encore la main puis l'abatti avec power sur mister visage. Elle s'effondra sur ses genoux, ses yeux s'embuèrent de larmes, elle avait mal. La pillule sur la langue commençait à se dissoudre, et un goût désagréable envahissait mister palais. " Tu remarques que le goût de cette pilulle est horrible. Bien. Ca te colle à la langue, tu vas avaler difficilement ou tu bois ça pour t'aider et sera moins désagréable. " raillait Eva.
La pilulle commençait à lui brûler la langue, s'était comme avoir du piment dans la bouche. Elle apporta le verre à ses lèvres et bu une petite gorgée de sperme frais pour avaler cette pilulle. Mais Eva saisi le fond du verre pour powerr Jessica à avaler ce liquide frais et salé dans sa totalité. "Bois tout ". Jessica avala d'un trait se forçant à ne pas s'étrangler avec ce liquide visqueux. Finallement, le verre fut vidé.
" Tu es une bonne fille. Maintenant va t'asseoir dans ce coin là bas et observe ce qui va se passer. Pour cette première nuit de ton éducation, tu vas recevoir ta première leçon, mais pour cette nuit tu vas seulement observer et ne pas prendre part physiquement. La drogue que nous t'avons fait avaler, t'aidera psychologiquement à être réceptive et excité par ce que tu vas voir. "
Eva lui indiqua du doigt un angle de la pièce et Jessica traversa doucement la pièce pour rejoindre cette angle. Les tremblement qui la secouaient lui rendait difficile le déplacement sur ses fins talons aiguilles. Soudain, elle entendit un homme prendre la parole à l'attention de tous. " Eva, j'ai besoin de toi. Viens ici. " Eva regardait Jessica et l'expression de ses yeux signifiaient : regarde bien ce qui va se passer. Elle s'approcha et s'agenouilla devant l'homme qui avait pris la parole. Tous les hommes se rapprochèrent et formèrent un cercle autour d'elle. Eva aggripa et baissa le pantalon que l'homme avait ouvert, elle glissa une main dans le slip et en sorti rapidement un sexe bien dur. L'homme l'observait non-chalament. Jessica était stupéfaite par la servitude d'Eva. Eva ouvrit la bouche et enveloppa le sexe de mister Maître. Elle enroula mister sexe de sa langue et le glissa doucement jusqu'au fond de sa gorge. Sa main caressait ses couilles et l'autre décalotta bien à fond le gland qu'elle avait dans la bouche. Elle allait et venait sur ce sexe qu'on devinait par la bosse qui déformait sa joue. Tous les muscles de sa joue semblaient participer au massage qu'elle prodiguait à cette queue. Jessica était stupéfaite par cette démonstration, il lui semblait qu'Eva était entrain de traire mister Maître pour en extirper au plus vite mister lait. Cette fellation dura plusieurs minutes sans qu'un mot ne soit prononcé. Finallement mister Maître regarda le groupe qui l'observait et leur dit : " Je suis bientôt sur le point de jouir, vous avez des suggestions ? "
" Sa poitrine "
" Tout dans sa bouche "
" Sur mister visage et dans ses cheveux "
" Crache sur sa langue et directement dans le fond de sa gorge. "
Plusieurs idées furent suggérées par les hommes qui se tenaient autour d'eux. Jessica devina que ces hommes proposaient des idées sur la manière dont le Maître devait éjaculer sur sa soumise. Sa respiration s'accélérait. Elle sentait la drogue commencer à faire effet, elle salivait abondament et sa langue venir au bord des lèvres les mouiller, tout cela involontairement. Une part d'elle même était horrifiée par ce genre de comportement. Mais elle ressentait de l'excitation à vivre cette scène.
" Eva, qu'est ce que tu désires ? " lui demanda l'homme en l'interrogeant du regard. Elle stoppa un instant de le sucer et pris une profonde respiration.
" Vous pouvez éjaculer où vous le désirez, mon Maître. J'adore votre sperme. " répondit-elle avec une voix pleine d'émotions.
Jessica comprit ce qu'elle voulait dire, elle voulait recevoir mister sperme dans la bouche et le mélanger à sa salive à l'aide de la langue avant de l'avaler. Elle eu mal au cœur à cette idée, puis elle se souvint qu'il y a peu elle avait avalé un verre plein de sperme. L'homme retira mister sexe trempé de la bouche d'Eva.
" Ouvres la bouche et sors ta langue. Nous voulons voir ça. " commanda t-il.
Eva obéit, ses yeux se plissèrent et se posèrent sur mister Maître. Il branla un court instant mister sexe mais rapidement. D'une main il bloqua la tête d'Eva devant mister pénis en la tenant par le menton. Jessica le vit se crisper, et immédiatement un jet de sperme jaillit de sa queue pour s'écraser dans la bouche d'Eva. L'homme dirigea ensuite mister sexe au bord des narines d'Eva et de nouvelles giclées de sperme remplir le nez d'Eva puis les yeux qu'il lui commanda de laisser ouvert. Cette homme torturait Eva comme jamais Jessica ne l'avait cru possible. Eva avait les yeux et les narines qui brulaient par ce liquide. Ses yeux qu'elle fermait pour en atténuer l'irritation. Mais il lui força les paupières à l'aide de ses pouces. Eva grogna de douleur, ce fichu liquide salé continuer de l'aveugler et de lui bruler les yeux. Les derniers jets de sperme vinrent lui masquer une dernière fois les yeux. Provoquant ainsi un nouveau cris de douleur de sa part.
" Silence petite pute ! cette punition, tu en avait besoin. " grogna l'homme. De sa position, Jessica voyait le visage d'Eva quasiment recouvert de traces blanchâtres. Finallement l'homme abandonna Eva, et celle-ci pu se frotter les yeux pour les dégager de cette glaire et diminuer par la même occasion la douleur.
" Je suis désolé d'avoir protesté Maître. Puis de m'être essuyé les yeux" murmura Eva. Elle s'essuyait du revers de la main mister nez et ses lèvres. " Habituellement votre éjaculation n'est pas aussi abondante. "
" Bien, tu es pardonné pour cette fois. A l'avenir soit plus docile car ce ne sera pas la dernière fois que tu vivras cette épreuve " Lui dit-il tout en se r'habillant. Jessica était révoltée par la réaction de cet homme. Il avait éjaculer sur le visage d'Eva allant jusqu'à lui obstruer les narines et la vue, lui barbouillant le visage avec sa semence et pas la moindre attention, pas le moindre calin ou signe d'affection. Il s'était servi d'elle comme d'un objet. Eva posa ses yeux sur Jessica, elle semblait sourire.
" Tu vois ce qui arrive lorsqu'on désobéit ".
L'homme qu'elle avait sucé l'interrompi . " Ta punition n'est pas terminé, tu ne seras pas autorisé à avaler d'avantage de sperme, mais tu satisferas les autres avec ta bouche. Je pense qu'une dizaine de pipe seront suffisantes n'est ce pas ? " Demanda t-il avec un sourire pervers.
" Bien, messieurs, elle est à vous. Mais n'oubliaient pas, elle ne doit pas avaler votre sperme, elle doit seulement le garder dans sa bouche. Vous savez quoi faire. "
Les hommes s'installèrent en ligne face à Eva. Elle se tenait toujours à genoux, le sperme que lui avait craché à la figure le premier homme coulait sur mister visage et tombait goute à goute sur sa poitrine. Elle se précipita sur le pantalon du premier de ces hommes et lui défit pour commencer aussitôt à lui tailler une pipe. A peine avait elle commençait que l'homme qui lui avait déjà éjaculé sur le visage revînt avec une cravache à la main. Après en avoir testé la souplesse, il commença à frapper les fesses d'Eva, lesquelles se mirent à rougir assez vite. L'homme ne frappait pas de toute ses powers, mais Jessica pouvait apercevoir des signes de douleurs sur le visage de la soumise. Les marques de la cravache s'étendaient des fesses jusque sur les reins. Jessica regardait la scène comme magictisée par un python. Eva branlait et suçait la queue, l'enfonçait loin vers sa gorge avec le plus de naturel qu'elle pouvait, roulant les couilles dans une main. Après quelques minutes, l'homme commença à gémir doucement. Soudain, il se retira de sa bouche. Immédiatement, elle baissa la tête. Il se mit à lui éjaculer dans ses cheveux roux. Lorsqu'il avait terminé, il essuya sa bite sur mister front tandis que l'autre homme qui l'avait fouetté s'arrêta pour passer le manche de la cravache entre ses cuisses pour les caresser et pour le faire coulisser entre ses fesses sur mister anus. Eva prosternait, le cul bien relevé attendait la suite. Jessica regardait horrifiée l'homme pointer l'anus d'Eva avec le manche de sa cravache même pas lubrifié pour cette intromission. La soumise gémissait de douleur. Centimètre après centimètre, le manche forçait le rectum. Après avoir atteint une certaine profondeur, l'homme se mit à faire pivoter le manche de haut en bas comme pour élargir l'orifice de sa soumise. Elle sanglotait discrètement et grimaçait de douleur, mais Jessica était stupéfaite de voir Eva commencer à reculer sur le manche, s'empalant elle-même davantage sur le manche jusqu'à ce qu'un orgasme la figea subitement.
Dès qu'Eva commença à jouir, l'homme se mit à lui labourer le cul avec le manche et progressivement accelérait la cadence. Eva ne put crier sa jouissance puisque dès lors, un autre homme présenta sa bite dans sa bouche bien ouverte. Une nouvelle pip
Posts: 167297
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!One Week As she walked past my desk, Jade gave the cheekiest of winks and flashed one of her knowing grins. It both infuriated and excited me. She was the most beautiful woman I'd met. Perfectly proportioned and always dressed in the sexiest of clothes, her "Power Dressing" look was tailored perfectly to show her exquisite rear, endless legs and full breasts. She always wore the highest heels that made her tower above me despite being my height. I gazed longingly after her as she swivelled her hips around the cluttered office desks. "Careful partner" teased Dan. "Better close that mouth of yours before you catch something." He threw some crumpled paper, knocking me out of my reverie as it clattered off my forehead. "I was just thinking about work," I replied, knocking the paper in the bin. Dan chuckled, his round belly wobbling as he shook his head and winked salaciously. "Yup, sure thing Owen. Thinking about something that's for sure!" "Haven't you got a meeting now with Jackie?" I asked, knowing full well he was running late. His eyes shot to the clock suspended above the door, and with a loud curse, he grabbed his jacket, and sprinted towards the lift. With a wry chuckle, I went back to my work. I'd been working in the Law Firm now for several years and found it incredibly boring, but it paid well and the chances were good that I'd be partner by thirty. Besides, working in the same office as Jade made it all worthwhile! For the rest of the afternoon, I filed my hours for all the cases I'd been working on when Dan slumped down beside me with a heavy sigh. "What's up" I asked, glad to have some distraction from my work. He shook his bald head and sighed again. "They let me go. Said there'd been a policy change and that the firm was headed in a new direction and one that excluded me." I was stunned. Dan had been part of the furniture here since I'd started and he billed more hours than most people here. The Water cooler gossip had him up for Partner within the next year. "Christ Dan," I gasped. "What sort of change in direction? They can't just sack you like that!" "It's a law firm remember, I'm sure they've got all their bases covered. They're getting rid of all males and changing the firm to females only, working with females, for females, or some such crap. New ownership, new policy, bye bye old me." He looked at me with sad eyes as I digested this news. "Sorry pal. Jackie's asked me to send you up. Listen. I've got plenty of contacts. I'll find work no worries and I've got a nice pay-off. If you need a job, just look me up, you hear? I nodded, still too shocked to take this all in. "Yeah, thanks Dan. I'll be in touch." I picked up my jacket and fed my arms through the sleeves as I drifted towards the lift as if wading through thick fog. It seemed so unreal. One moment, I was thinking of partnership, the next, what my next job could be. The lift took an age to arrive and as if in a dream, I made my way to the lead partner's office. As I passed her secretary, she waved me in and shut the door behind me. Jackie was leaning against the desk, dressed in a tailored skirt suit and *******er heels that made her seem all the more dominating. She had sensual lips and a cleavage that threatened to spill out from her silk blouse. She was old enough to be my lady, but exuded a sexual confidence that made me forget all about that. "Owen. Please sit down, and shut the door behind you." I did as ordered and sat in a plush chair that was designed to make the permister feel safe and comfortable, but made you sink so deep, you always had to look up at Jackie. She sat down behind her desk and held my gaze for a long time. Finally she spoke. "You've worked her a few years now, haven't you Owen?" she asked. I began to speak, but she cut me off. "I've worked with you on many cases and your work has been excellent. You're a rising star within the firm and one of the best we've ever had." I felt my anger rising. Why was she saying this if she's going to sack me? I thought. "But there's a problem. The firm's been taken over, and has a change of direction." Here we go, I thought. I steeled myself for the cut, but what came out was something entirely unexpected. A sly, almost cruel smile, spread on Jackie's lips. "It's become a woman only firm. In one month, our new owners will arrive from America and will spend six months shaping this Firm into their image. Then they'll be gone." She leaned back in her chair, her eyes running themselves over my slight frame. I'd always been a little small for a man, and she made me feel acutely aware of it now. She nodded to herself as if confirming something she'd long suspected before continuing. "I'm going to sack you now, and in one week, I'm going to re-hire you on three times your wages, more than anyone your age could possibly hope to get" "I don't get it," I replied. "Why sack me then re-hire me? I'll still not conform to policy." I barely held my anger in check, but it soon turned to shock. "Because I'll hire you as a woman." She replied simply, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Shaking with rage, I stood up, told her I quit and strode towards the office door. With lightning speed, she dashed to the door and barred my path. "Out of my way," I snarled, and made to push her away. She held her ground and spoke rapidly. "It'll only be for six months," she whispered, so that her secretary wouldn't hear. "You'll be paid more than you can dream of, I promise I'll make you partner when this is done, and when our new owners have gone back home, you can go back to being Owen again. Nobody will know." I gave a snort of derision. "I think people will notice if I suddenly turn up in a skirt!" I whispered back. I don't know why. I should have shouted it back and publicly humiliated her, but the thought of all that money and an easy path to being partner was hard to resist. "Face it Owen!" replied Jackie. "You're a small guy. Give me one week, and I can make it so that nobody will be able to tell. We both know you're a loner and that you have no family – you could pull it off no problems. I don't want to lose such a valuable asset as yourself!" I shook my head. "This is crazy! It'll never work!" Jackie smiled and gave a deep, throaty chuckle. "It'll work," she whispered, almost huskily into my ear. "If it doesn't, I'll pay you four years worth of salary at your current pay scale and make sure you get another job within a month. Come on? What's to lose?" "How on Earth do I go about starting this?!" I asked. And that was it. That was the moment. As soon as I changed tack from "NO way" to "How can it possibly be done?" she knew she had me. She smelt victory, and that was how I cleared my desk, said my farewells, and went home to pack my bags. I was going to stay at Jackie's and she was going to teach me how to be a woman for six months. "Rise and shine Louise!" cried Jackie as she woke me up by opening the curtains with a regal swish. Even though it was the weekend, she was immaculately dressed in a long, figure hugging dress and knee high boots with *******er heels. She looked amazing and I could feel myself becoming aroused, lying in bed. I'd stayed the night before, and after a few takes had become too relaxy to be of much company. Jackie had shown me to my room where I would stay for the next week as I underwent "Training" as she called it. I'd move back to my own place after my training and already missed it, with its huge TV and collection of Blu-Rays. Jackie chuckled as she saw my arousal lifting the sheets. "Not so little after all," she said, amusement crinkling her eyes. "We can't have that giving the game away now can we Louise!" She walked out of the room, ordering me to get dressed. "Come on Louise, we have a lot to do!" I wasn't sure about the name, but dragged myself out of bed and went to get some breakfast as Jackie outlined my day. The first thing she did was take me to her local salon, where she left me for a few hours as the hair on my face was electrolysed, any other hair waxed, my eyebrows shaped, ears pierced and my nails painted. The girls there thoroughly enjoyed working on me and I soon relaxed. There was no point fighting this – I'd already agreed to do it, so I decided to treat it as an adventure. I'd never been particularly masculine, and to be honest, the thought of being a woman for the next six months truly didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. As Jackie had pointed out, I was a loner and would simply be sat at home watching some film of shooting stuff on my XBOX. At least I was out and about! Jackie came to pick me up when I was done, and marvelled at how smooth my face looked. "You know, we may just pull this off after all!" she said, eliciting some chuckles from the girls who'd worked on me. "Come on!" She cried. "Time to get going!" She made another appointment for me to come back in two weeks before driving me back to her house. My whole body tingled, and the baggy jeans and shirt I wore seemed to scratch at my soft skin. As soon as we returned, Jackie ordered me into the shower, telling me to use the shower gel provided and then use the cream by the sink over my whole body. I did as ordered, marvelling at how different everything felt without hair. The water and feminine soap cascading from my smooth skin felt like nothing I'd experienced before. Stepping from the shower and into my room, I saw that all of my clothes had been removed whilst I'd been washing. Jackie sat on the bed, tutting slowly. 
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"Louise, that's no way for a lady to wear a towel. Here." She stood up and whisked the towel from around my waist. I gasped, too shocked to protest as she revealed my cock with business-like efficiency and wrapped the towel around my body, tucking it under my arms. "Like this," she said. "There's a silk kimono behind the bathroom door. That's yours to use." She took my hand and led me to a cupboard that took up a whole wall. "Now, let's introduce you to your wardrobe. I took the liberty of ordering the clothes I think you'll need. I'm going to employ you as a successful woman, so you'll need to dress the part." She swung open the doors to reveal a huge walk-in wardrobe crammed with what looked like hundreds of clothes, of every shape and colour. One wall was covered with shoes and I gulped as I saw that none of the heels were smaller than four inches, most looking like five or six. Jackie led me in. "Last month, you spotted a loophole in our client's contract that saved him half a million pounds. He gave us a generous tip, which I've used here." She began pulling clothes from the racks and holding them up to me, whilst chatting away rapidly, almost to herself. I followed in a daze. "You'll notice theses clothes are very feminine. The more feminine you dress, the more feminine you'll act. I guessed your size, and I think I got it just right! These draws have your underwear, this one your fake breasts and body shapers, this one..."she pointed at a locked cupboard. "...well, we'll get to this one another time!" Finally settling on an outfit, she dragged me out and placed the clothes on the bed, still talking brownietershot, before ordering me to take off my towel. I stupidly complied as she picked up a satin full bodied corset with suspenders and stood behind me to put it on. "This will give you a feminine shape. You probably don't need it with your body shape, but it'll make your hips look bigger and make you walk and sit as a woman would. You should wear one every day until your gait becomes second nature. This has metal boning and will feel uncomfortable at first." She asked me to lean forward as I buckled the front and she tightened the cords at the back. Stars clouded my vision as the corset squeezed my body, pushing the air out of my lungs. "Too tight!" I yelled, making Jackie burst out laughing. "I can't breathe!" I gasped. "You'll get used to it," replied Jackie. "Within a week, you'll be wearing one a few inches narrower and you won't even notice. You'll need to breathe differently. Less from your stomach as men do. Now put these on." She handed me some stockings and I sat down as I rolled them up to put over my legs. The corset made it difficult as I could barely bend my body to lean down. I felt a surge of adrenalin as I pulled the stockings over my smooth skin, and felt my cock begin to pulse with lust. They felt so soft and sensuous. Jackie helped me attach them to the suspenders hanging from the corset as I struggled with the ones at the back. I could see her smiling at my erect penis and blushed with embarrassment. I stammered an apology, which she waved away. "Wear this, you can tuck yourself into that and keep it tucked away." She gave me some lacy knickers with a pouch inside to tuck my cock in. I managed to get flaccid enough to use it whilst Jackie helped me into a bra. "The pouch should keep any excitement hidden and stop you scaring our clients off!" Jackie was clearly enjoying herself as she presented me with a pair of silicone breasts. "Touch them," she ordered. They felt and looked so real, and I happily let her show me how to wear them in the bra and how to use them without a bra, gluing them to my skin with a natural adhesive. I was getting used to the corset now and gazed in the full length mirror at how feminine my body looked. The corset gave me an hour glass figure, the stockings smoothed away the musculature of my legs and the breasts gave me a fantastic bust – not too big so as to be obvious, but Jackie had certainly made me well endowed! My crotch area was completely smooth and it was unnerving to see, but also curiously exciting. "Now for shoes!" Jackie stalked back into the walk-in cupboard and came back with a pair of court shoes with four inch stiletto heels. "We'll start you off with these, before you wear the taller ones. After all, you'll be walking round the office all day, and then catching a tube home so you'll need to be comfortable in them." I felt a brief moment of panic at the thought of using public transport or actually going to work and trying to fool my ex-colleagues. I made a mental promise that I'd leave after two days if I couldn't get it right. There was no way I'd ridicule myself, possibly ruin my chances of getting a job elsewhere if word got out. I sat on the bed as I put the shoes on, my stockinged feet sliding smoothly in. As I stood, I almost fell over, only for Jackie to grab my arm. "Woah there Cow Girl," she called. "Take it slow. Walk slow steps, keep your back straight. The corset will make walking in these easier." I started walking around the room, quickly getting used to swivelling my hips and putting my feet directly in front of each other as a woman would. "Excellent! You're a natural!" encouraged Jackie. "Now put these on." She held out a short, black skirt and a purple satin blouse. She told me to put the blouse on first and I shivered with joy as the soft satin stroked my skin. Jackie noticed and smiled again, knowing I was starting to enjoy this. I sat on the bed to put the skirt on. It was pretty tight and powerd my legs closer together. Walking anywhere's going to take a while! I thought as I stood up. The skirt was high waisted and started well above my belly button before coming mid way down my calves. The soft material hugged my body and showed off my hour glass figure. I started walking to the mirror, but Jackie held me back. "Make-up first hon." She showed me to the dresser and sat me down in front of a mirror. She spent the next hour teaching me how to put on my make-up. I soon realised that it was an art form, yet Jackie explained it as if she was born to be a teacher. I gazed in wonder as she applied the make-up and transformed me. I'd been a fairly good looking man, but she made me positively sexy, lining my eyes to make them seem bigger and making my lips fuller, before softening my jaw line. "Now close your eyes." I did as ordered and heard some rustling in the background as she took out a wig and placed it on my head. As she shaped it, she told me how to look after my wig. "I've bought you several, as they'll get a lot of use, but you should really grow your own hair. It'll make life much easier. There. All done." She took my hand and led me to the full length mirror before allowing me to open my eyes. I gasped in astonishment as I beheld the woman in front of me. All my doubts were blown away as I saw how real I looked. I didn't recognise myself. I had long, shapely legs, a fantastic figure and Jackie had done a wonderful job on the make-up. I felt something click within me and knew then that my life would never be the same again. I'd never considered cross dressing before, yet it felt so right now. All the loneliness and sadness I always carried was filled with this moment and I felt tears well up. I felt complete. The next few days passed in a blur. Jackie had taken a some time off and tutored me all day in how to walk, how to speak, eat, get in and out of the car – the little things that you never think about and tiny mannerisms that separate the genders. She had been right about the corset and I was already wearing one that narrowed my waist even more. It had begun to feel like a comfort blanket that was only slightly uncomfortable! I got used to the shoes and wore five inch stilettos as par for the course. Soon I was acting as if born a woman, and I could feel the last vestiges of my masculinity fading away. I embraced Louise knowing that I'd get Owen back after six months and all would be fine. That's what I told myself anyway. As a result I never mourned his loss. I was too busy spending all my free time in my cupboard, trying on all my clothes and getting used to walking in skirts, dresses and skin tight jeans. The locked section intrigued me, but I was sure that Jackie would reveal it soon enough. I practised my make-up, wiped it off and practised again until I had it as good as Jackie did. She was an excellent mentor and seemed to take delight in my progress. A few times I caught her looking strangely at me, a look I couldn't penetrate, but shrugged it off. She'd let me know if there was a problem. She'd been my boss for so long and was so used to telling people what she thought, I knew she'd let me know if there was an issue. "You're coming along so well Louise," said Jackie one evening after dinner. We were sharing a bottle of wine and playing cards. I was wearing a roll neck figure hugging jumper and a tight leather skirt complemented with a wickedly heeled pair of knee high boots I'd fallen in love with. "Thank you Jackie," I replied. My voice had never been particularly high, and with a little coaching, could pass easily as long as I didn't shout! She smiled back. "I'm going back to work tomorrow, but will be sending Jade round with some files for you to work on. I know you won't be starting for another few days yet, but I thought you could get started on a big case coming up." I gulped nervously, my heart beating heavily in my chest. Jade! Jackie saw my fear and grinned. "You'll be fine love, she knows what's happening and is excited to meet you." Anger surged through my veins! "You told her?!" I asked, incredulous. Though nothing had ever happened between us, and nothing probably would, the thought of her knowing shamed me. Jackie laughed harder, making me even angrier and throwing the cards down in disgust. "Yes I did! If anyone would understand it would be Jade." "Why?" I asked, disgruntled. Jackie leaned forward, laying a Royal Flush on the table and grinning mischievously. "She's a pre-op. It was her idea to get you to do this. Her that helped me get all your clothes." I gasped in shock. It was too much to take in. She'd seemed so perfect a woman. Whilst I was digesting this news, Jackie stood up made to leave. "She's looking forward to seeing your progress and working with you tomorrow. Don't worry. Only I know at the office that she's a transsexual. She won't tell anyone about you, the same as you'll say nothing about her." She kissed my forehead maternally and with a soft Goodnight, went to bed, leaving me in a state of shock. 
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I woke early the next day and had a long, hot shower, before moisturising myself all over. I was getting into the routing now and loved it. Wearing my silk kimono, I sat in front of the dresser mirror and applied my make-up. I put on a deeper, sexier red than usual, and grinned as I realised what I was doing. I stepped into my magic wardrobe and selected a figure hugging red satin dress that stretched down to just above my knees and had a high neck, but no sleeves. I wouldn't have been able to fit into it without the corset and it made going up and down steps very difficult, but I found it to be the sexiest thing I could wear. I chose a strappy pair of heels with a five inch stiletto and started to get dressed. Putting on the corset myself was second nature now, and I could tie the knot at the back without effort. I chose my sexiest corset, red, to go with my dress and a red, padded strapless bra, to give myself a bit more bust. As I stepped into the dress, Jackie walked in, dressed in a severe business suit, and marvelled at what I was wearing. "Beautiful Louise. I love that dress and knew you would as well. I bought two!" She stepped behind me and hooked the latch at the back of the neck before zipping me up. I held my breath as the dress closed up around me loving how it completely encased me. There was a soft snikt! and Jackie chuckled. "What was that?!" I asked. Jackie showed me a small key. "I thought you'd seen it," she replied innocently. "It's a little lock at the back. Bit of fun." She popped it into her handbag and gave me a wink. "Want to look your best for Jade hun? You look stunning. Have a great day." She winked again, kissed me on the cheek and left. I groped behind and sure enough, noticed a small lock behind a small flap that I'd missed. I was well and truly stuck! I shrugged, not really minding. I chose to wear this dress. I looked in the mirror and marvelled again at what Jackie had turned me into. I made a far better woman than I did man. I hope Jade likes it, I thought and then blushed. I'm a straight man, hoping that a pre-op transsexual will find me attractive whilst dressed as a woman! It was pretty confusing, so I decided to not even think about it. What will be, will be, I thought as I did the straps on my shoes and mastered the art of going downstairs in a dress that didn't let you move your legs above the knee and stiletto heels that were dangerous enough on a flat surface! As I reached the bottom, the doorbell rang. My heart fluttered as I realised that it was Jade, and I smoothed my dress in the hallway mirror before answering the door. Jade looked stunning. She wore a short tight skirt and a silk blouse that revealed ample cleavage. She wore high heeled court shoes, and for the first time didn't tower above me as I wore heels of the same height. She held some files in her hand. Her sensuous lips were parted in a lazy smile as she greeted me. "Wow. Louise, you look fantastic. I would never have guessed. You pass better than me. You could go back to work tomorrow and no one would know." I shook my head as I disagreed. "I'm not sure about that, but thank you. And I believe I have you to thank for this as well." I replied, suddenly feeling very awkward and self conscious. Deep down, my heart soared at the compliment and I wondered at how quickly I'd become Louise. Jade shrugged elegantly. "I knew what you were even if you didn't. Anyway," she said, suddenly business like. "We have work to do, and I need to use that great mind of yours. I hope it still works as well as it used to." She stepped inside and shrugged off her leather jacket, before making her way to the study. She'd clearly been here before and knew her way around. For the next hour, she took me through the new case, a corporate fraud case worth millions for us if we succeeded and picked my brain. I'd done a similar case a year ago and it was a good precedent. I struggled to keep focused. I realised that Jade wore the same perfume as Jackie, but on her it smelled dizzying. Every time she leaned over to get another file, her breasts brushed against the satin of my dress and I felt my nerves tingle with joy. After a while, she put her pen down and sighed heavily. "That'll do for now," she said, with a faint smile. "How about you show me your new wardrobe?" I nodded, glad to get away from the monotony of work and led her upstairs to show her my new wardrobe. She squealed with delight at some of my shoes and noted how Jackie had added to her selection with a few items of her own choosing. "You're one lucky girl Louise," cried Jade as she tried on a lovely full length coat in the mirror. She beckoned me over to try it on for her to see. As I made my way over, she dropped the jacket and put her arms around my waist. I could feel my heart pounding and was sure that she would feel it too. My cock was straining in its pouch, and I was amazed by the fact that even though I knew she was a transsexual, it only made her more attractive to me. She whispered softly in my ear whilst her hands stroked my body sending electric sparks through my veins. "Kiss me," she said and I did. Her lips were so soft and full and she kissed back passionately, whilst unbuttoning her blouse, revealing a lacy Basque that cupped her wonderful breasts. She stepped away from me and took off her blouse and dropped her skirt. The Basque held up sheer stockings and she kept her shoes on as she stepped back to me. I couldn't take my eyes of her cock. It was huge and hung loosely between her legs. A week ago, I would have said that such a sight would be disgusting, but now it only turned me on more. She was still beautiful. She chuckled as she appraised me and her hands, with some effort, managed to lift my dress to my waist and pull down my knickers. My erection shot up and she grinned again as she led me to the bed and sat me down. She kneeled in front of me and took my cock in her mouth, adjusting herself so that she took it all in, deep into her throat. I groaned in ecstasy, and felt myself quickly beginning to come as she sucked my cock, her tongue lapping at my pre-cum. It had been so long since I'd had sex and Jade was working my cock and teasing my balls better than anyone had ever before. Coupled with the feel of my stockings on smooth legs, the tightness of the corset, the sexy shoes and the luxurious satin dress I was wearing all brought me to the greatest climax I've ever known. I screamed in pleasure as I came down Jade's throat. She lapped it up, swallowing more and more as I came again and again, not spilling a drop. She looked up, her eyes ablaze with lust as I slumped backwards and laughed out loud with sheer joy. "That was amazing," I said as she stood up and straddled me. Jade gave one of her cheeky winks, whilst brushing a strand of hair from her face. "I've barely started Louise," she replied as she leaned over and reached for her bag that she'd dumped on the bed as she entered the room. "Turn over," she ordered, and I complied. As I started to pull my dress back down and my knickers up, she slapped my hand away. She rummaged around in her bag and told me to get on all fours so that I faced away from her. I started to sweat, suddenly feeling very nervous. I suspected what she was going to do – a week ago, I'd have laughed at anyone who suggested such a thing – but I realised that I was an excited kind of nervous. "This may hurt a bit," she said "I'm going to take it very slowly and you need to relax as much as you can. You're G-spot is right up your arse and I'm going to show you what a real orgasm feels like." I felt a cold lube around my anus, and was suddenly glad that Jackie had insisted on having the whole area properly waxed. I gasped as I felt her finger push up my arse. She gave a throaty chuckle and pushed another finger in. I pushed back. After a while the pain went away and the feel of her in me turned me on even more than I thought possible. She reached round and stroked my shaft as she removed her fingers from my arse. I groaned in disappointment. "Don't worry Louise. That was just to get you ready. Now it's time for the butt plug" I started looking around, but she pushed my head back. I felt a pressure on my arse as she started to push the plug into me. I yelped in agony as I felt myself being split in two, but Jade kept pushing slowly, bringing it out and then pushing it slowly in again. Again, the pain went away, but as she pushed it deeper and deeper into me, I wondered how much more I could take. As it got deeper in, it hit my G-spot and my whole body shuddered with pure ecstasy as the plug slid past. Suddenly the pressure eased as she pushed it all the way in and my sphincter closed around the narrow base of the plug. "There," cried Jade with a satisfied air. "All in. Now, if I do this..." Without warning, the plug started vibrating, and I bucked with pleasure, groaning at the sensation. She turned me over and had me sit on the plug, driving it deeper inside me. I'd never felt anything like it before in all my life, and knew that it wouldn't be the last time either. I kissed Jade passionately and stroked her cock. Flaccid, it was as big as mine erect, and as I stroked it, I was amazed at how thick and long it was. I had her lay on the bed, and with the plug still vibrating inside me, stared to kiss her breasts and pinch the nipples through the sheer fabric of the Basque. Jade gasped in pleasure, arching her back with joy. I moved down, and before I could rationalise what I was doing, kissed the shaft of her cock, licking the tip and toying with her balls. I tried putting it all in my mouth, but it was too big, and I could only get half way down the shaft. "Here, like this." Jade showed me how to adjust my head and I found that I could get the whole shaft down my throat. I suckled hard, moving up and down the shaft and getting a rhythm going, enjoying the taste of pre-cum. Suddenly, Jade moved, lifted my head off her cock and moved me so I was now lying over her. She took my cock in her mouth and I took hers, again fitting the whole thing in. I moaned as I felt myself beginning to come, and Jade reached around with one hand and pushed the plug in deeper, the other hand stroking my balls as she sucked. Jade started to come too, and I felt her buck underneath me as she came, I was unprepared for how much come she had and quickly fetishd as my mouth and throat filled with her come, trying to swallow as much as I could. I started to come myself, and she'd been right. The vibrating plug up my arse brought me to a climax that made the one earlier seem insignificant. My whole body vibrated and shook with pleasure as I reached climax after climax, sucking greedily at Jade's cock and swallowing as much come as I could as she climaxed again. I barely had time to wonder at how much come she could produce before I was climaxing again, Jade easily managing to swallow all of my come without spilling a drop. Soon I was done, and I slumped onto my back once more as Jade gave a contented purr. "Louise. You're a natural", she said as she stroked my flaccid cock. I gave her a smile and she giggled. Not once, ever, had I thought that what I had just done would ever turn me on, and I felt sure that normally, I would feel ashamed now, but I didn't. It had been the best sex I'd ever had, and Jade was the most beautiful permister I'd had it with. I kissed her again and she kissed me back, our come mixing with each other's. Again, I felt no revulsion as I once thought I would. Instead, I felt my cock begin to harden. The plug was still vibrating and doing its magic. Jade quickly straddled me and adjusted my cock so that she could sit on it, the shaft sliding up her smooth, tight arse. She groaned in pleasure and swivelled her hips, bringing me close to orgasm again. She reached below, to the butt plug and pressed another button increasing the vibrations and bringing me to another explosive climax, Jade screaming with joy as I came inside her. My head began to swim - I was unsure how much more of this I could take! "My turn," said Jade and swiftly pulled the plug from my arse. I experienced a flare of pain as the thick bulbous section was pulled out, but it was soon replaced by a hollow feeling. I quickly turned over and showed Jade my arse. She grabbed my hips and quickly inserted her hard, swollen cock inside. It was much, much bigger than the plug had been and I cried out at the jolt of pain. It was soon replaced by pleasure as she began to thrust inside me. I'd never experienced it before, but pushed back with joy, loving the feel of her balls slapping against my leg and willing her to come inside me. She soon did and squealed with her orgasm as I felt the hot fluid fill me up, bringing me to another climax myself. Soon the room was just filled with the sound of our heavy breathing as Jade removed her flaccid cock from inside me and lay down by my side, stroking my cheek as she did so. 
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"That was wonderful." She gasped. I agreed, but was too out of breath to say so. My world had changed. I'd just had the best sex I'd ever thought possible, but it was nothing like any of my fantasies had been. I'd never imagined being fucked like that or sucking cock could be the most amazing experience and it made me question who I was. Jade seemed to sense this and rolled over to her side. She looked so beautiful with her long, dark hair, deep blue eyes and sensuous lips. "It's ok Louise. Everyone can question themselves, wonder if they did the wrong thing or regret doing something. Do you want me to leave?" She asked so quietly, I barely heard her. "No!" I cried, louder than intended. "No. Not at all. It was wonderful. The best that I've ever had. Sex had always been boring for me, just something that was expected in a relationship. But this was something else. Stay. We still have a lot of work to do anyway." Jade gave her cheeky grin and slid of the sheets. "Come on hun, let's get ourselves fixed up, do some more work and then go out." I slid off the bed and winced at the pain in my arse. Jade chuckled. "It'll be like that the first few times, but you'll get used to it." We cleaned ourselves up, and I was amazed that nothing had gotten on my dress. I couldn't change it even if I wanted to, so was glad that I didn't have to. I marvelled at how Jade fixed herself up so elegantly. I knew know why she always showed some cleavage. Most men looked at that and didn't stop to think about the rest of the package. Not that they'd notice anyway, she looked so much like a woman. We did some more work, relaxing and enjoying each other's company, and before we realised it, the sun had set and it was dark outside. My stomach grumred – not that I'd have been able to eat much in this corset – and gratefully accepted Jade's offer of dinner in a local restaurant. I'd not been out yet as Louise and Jade quickly picked up on my nerves. "You'll be fine Louise, people really won't know the difference. You've only been doing this for a few days, but you are stunning. Believe me." She virtually dragged me out of the house, but as soon as I stepped outside and a cool breeze swirled around my stockinged legs sending shivers of joy through my body, I relaxed. Jade said that the place was just around the corner and I soon realised that walking around the house in heels was far different from walking outside and long distances in heels. I'd picked a very high pair and my feet soon felt sore. "You'll get used to it," murmured Jade quietly, sensing again my thoughts. "All things take time. Here we are." We'd arrived at a cosy Italian place, one that I'd never been to before, but always meant to and walked through the front door. The waiting staff immediately recognised Jade and gave her the warmest welcome. She gave me a wink and her best smile and we sat down to eat. We returned back to Jackie's several hours later, both a tipsy from takeing too much red wine. Jackie opened the door as soon as we walked up the drive way, and I could tell through my takesen haze that she was pretty angry. "Where the hell have you two been?!" she yelled as she slammed the door behind me. We both stood in the massive, old fashioned hall like a pair of naughty school girls, swaying slightly with the *****. Jade sobered up quicker and starting apologising profusely. "I'm so sorry Jackie, I thought Louise and I could go out for some food. I didn't think you'd mind." "I don't mind!" shouted Jackie, positively shaking with anger. "I don't care what you get up to, but I do care when you don't tell me! I didn't know if Louise here had changed her mind and gone back home, or if you'd finished the work I asked or even if you'd bothered starting it!" She towered above the pair of us, her face red with anger. "That's my fault Jackie," I stammered, now sober. "We'd worked all day and finished, so I suggested going out. I didn't think to tell you and I'm so sorry. I'd never change my mind. I'm so happy being Louise and never want to go back. Please forgive me." As I said it, I realised it was true. My feet had blisters from the shoes, my chest was constricted with my corset and the effort of maintaining Louise was a constant effort, but it was worth every second. I'd never been happy before, but I was now. Jackie saw the truth of this and calmed down slightly. "Show me," she muttered, and we took her to the study and showed her the work. "This is excellent," said Jackie as she rifled through the day's work. "My instincts were right about you Louise. You're a heck of a lawyer. You'll make the firm a lot of money. You as well Jade." She glanced at the pair of us slyly. A broad smile spread across her features. "Oh you didn't, did you?" I suddenly felt very guilty. Jade looked abashed as well "Did what?" I asked, knowing the answer. Jackie laughed loudly. "I'm not your lady Louise, you don't need to lie!" She laughed loudly and walked out to the kitchen. "This demands a celebratory take," she yelled behind her. "Though I dare say you've had a few already. Three days as a woman and you lose your cherry! Priceless." She chuckled some more as she set about opening a bottle of wine. Jade turned me towards her and kissed me deeply. I felt myself stirring below as I wrapped my arms around her. She broke the kiss and took my hand. "Come on, let's go and get a take." I followed her to the kitchen where we spent the rest of the night celebrating the loss of Louise's virginity. A few hours later, I was lying in bed with Jade. Jackie had been more than pleased to let her stay. I wore a long silk negligee, and had lent Jade one as well. Jackie had relented and returned the key to me so that I could take off my dress. We lay curled up in each others' arms speaking silently as we started drifting off to relax. As she rolled over and curled up inside my embrace, she brushed against my cock and I could feel it hardening again. Jade smiled and turned her head to kiss me. "You're insatiable love," she chortled. I didn't reply. I'd taken her firm breasts in my hands and started stroking them softly through the fabric of the negligee, pinching the nipples. She gasped and pushed herself against me. With one hand she lifted up the silky fabric of her bedwear and guided my cock to her arse. She then slid herself onto my cock, her tight arse encasing me. With one hand, I pulled her nipple harder, making her groan with pleasure. With the other, I stroked her penis, feeling it becoming hard and erect. She squeezed her sphincter and rubbed up and down, bringing me to climax with every squeeze. I could feel her starting to come too and swiftly bent down over her to put her cock in my mouth. I managed to get the tip in but couldn't have even reached if it wasn't so big! As I came inside her she came as well, filling my mouth with her hot, sweet sex. I was amazed she still had so much in her still from this afternoon and gulped it down, priding myself on being able to swallow all of it, unlike earlier. Jade groaned quietly so as not to wake Jackie and with one final spasm, relaxed. I still had some come left in my mouth and with a cheeky grin, gave her a kiss. 
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"Hey!" she squealed, playfully. "No fair!" With surprising speed, she turned me on my back and straddled me. "This'll teach ya," she said and pushed herself up so she was sitting on my face. I could feel my own come on her arse cheeks as she guided her arsehole to my mouth and powerd me to lick it clean. "All of it," she said, putting on her best stern expression and purred contentedly when I began to lap up all of my come and clean her arse. It tasted different to Jade's come, but not in a bad way, so I cleaned her up and she only let me off when she was satisfied that I'd cleaned up all of my mess. Within minutes, the pair of us were arelax, a relax deeper and more content than either of us had had for as long as we could remember. I awoke late to find that I was alone in bed. I was crestfallen, thinking she had snuck off, not wanting to see me again until I saw a note on the pillow beside me. To my Darling Louise. Thank you for a wonderful day yesterday. I didn't want to wake you, but Jackie gave me a lift to work and you seemed so peaceful. I borrowed some of your clothes; I hope you don't mind! We'll be home early. It's Friday and Jackie's taking us to one of her "special" clubs.... Jade I wasn't sure what one of her special clubs was, but was intrigued to find out. I got up, showered quickly and put on my make-up. I was glad that the electrolysis had worked so well, and I didn't need to worry about stubble. I'd go in again next week and have another session. I painted my nails a dark purple and put on a matching blouse and a tight pair of jeans with my favourite knee high boots worn over the denim. I wanted to go shopping, get Jade a present. I'd get something for Jackie too. Once I'd put on some jewellery, I grabbed my handbag and leather jacket, took my car keys and went to the local shopping centre. Last night had given me the courage to go out, and I was determined to keep it up, so that when I started work in a few day's time, I'd be comfortable going out and about. As I walked around the shops, I got nervous every time someone looked at me, but soon realised that the men were giving appreciative looks, and the women were just appraising my clothes. It felt so liberating, and I swiftly lost track of time as I visited the cinema, did some more shopping and lazily made my way back to Jackie's laden with shopping. As I entered the front door, Jade greeted me with a big smile. She looked stunning in a business suit, tailored perfectly to her curves. She wore towering heels and was once again taller than me. As if reading my mind, she kissed me deeply and explained that she should always be taller than me. I chuckled and showed her my presents. I'd bought her some shoes and a new outfit along with some jewellery that she loved. I'd bought Jackie some jewellery as well, and was delighted to find that she loved it. I explained how grateful I'd been to her. She smiled. "It's just business Louise. You know that." She said it with a twinkle in her eye and I knew it was more than just business. "Anyway, enough of that. It's time for us to get ready for tonight. Louise, I've unlocked the cupboard in your wardrobe and you can choose something from that. I've kept it locked because I didn't want to scare you off, but I'm sure you'll be fine. Jade, you can borrow something from there as well." She brushed away my questions as she went off to get changed herself. "What's in there?" I asked Jade. She gave me one of her cheeky smiles and led me upstairs. "Let's find out, shall we?" I almost ran upstairs and quickly went to the unlocked cupboard. As I opened the doors, a strong smell of rubber assaulted my sense. Jade wafted her hand in front of her nose and grinned. "Keep the door closed all times hun, or all your clothes will smell like this!" Inside, there was a huge variety of rubber dresses, skirts, hoods and stockings, along with some thigh high boots. Jade dove straight in, whilst I stood stunned. I'd never worn rubber before and this seemed a step too far. "I'm not sure about this," I said, and Jade turned to me, holding up something for me to wear. "It's a bit of fun Louise, no harm in it, and I'm sure once you get into it, you'll enjoy it." She wiggled the rubber dress in front of me. "Come on. For me?" I couldn't say no to Jade and so let her pick something for me to wear. She took out a blindfold from the cupboard and put it over my eyes. "So you can't see what you're wearing yet. Your make-up's fine, so we don't need to worry about that." I couldn't see anything as she guided me to the bed and made me wait for ten minutes as she got changed herself. She wouldn't tell me what she was wearing. "Your turn," she said and took my hand. "Put your feet here and here." She had me put on a pair of rubber pants with a dildo attached inside. I immediately began to get erect, but as the dildo powerd its way up my arse, the tight rubber of the pants prevented a full erection. Jade wriggled her hands inside and tucked my cock away. I grinned in pleasure as she stroked it. She was wearing rubber gloves and they felt sensuous against my smooth skin. I then stood up as she put a new corset on. This one was the tightest yet and I worried about whether I'd be able to breathe. It was made of PVC and much more rigid than any I'd used before. Jade then had me sit on the bed as she massaged a liquid into my legs that would help get the rubber on. After that she rolled a pair of rubber stockings up my legs. They felt so tight and constricting, yet strangely exciting. She hooked them up to the suspenders hanging off the corset and helped me into a bra. Jade talked excitedly throughout, giving me instructions and then telling me what she wanted us to do over the weekend. She helped me into a dress tighter than my red satin one. It was made from heavy rubber and came all the way down to my ankles. It was sleeveless with a high neck and two zips going all the way up and down the back. She left it zipped just above my knee. After that came some rubber gloves that came all the way to my shoulders. Again, she had to use the oil to help get the tight material on. I was being encased in rubber and it felt sexy and exciting. "Now keep your eyes closed, I'm going to remove the blindfold. Promise?" I gave my word and kept my eyes closed. She removed my wig, making me feel naked and started putting a hood over my head, which zipped up at the back. I could suddenly hear my own breathing as my ears were closed from the world and as the zip closed, Jade adjusted it so that the mouth, nose and eye holes were in the right place. "Nearly done," said Jade as she put a thick collar around my neck. I heard the sound of a padlock being shut and realised that the collar covered the zip for both the dress and the hood and if it was locked, I wouldn't be able to get out! It constricted the movement of my head completely. Jade then had me sit down, the large dildo making me moan in pleasure as it tickled my G-spot, and proceeded to put a pair of shoes on my feet, bending the toes at an impossible angle as she powerd them into a pair of six and a half inch stiletto heels. The sound of two padlock snicking shut made me realise that I was locked in them as well. Even if they weren't locked, I wouldn't be able to reach down and get them off with the tightness of what I was wearing and the corset. She then had me stand up and proceeded to pull the zip at the bottom of the dress all the way down to my ankles. Jade explained that I was wearing a mermaid dress and that with the zip down, I'd be able to do nothing but hobble. Jade took me by the hand and I hobred over to where I assumed the mirror was, moving my feet no more than an inch or so at a time. "Now open your eyes." I did as told and gazed at the image in the mirror. Every inch of my skin was covered in rubber, from head to toe. The hood I wore had some flaps above the eyes that I guessed could be closed to cut off all senses. I buzzed with excitement, especially when I saw Jade. She was wearing a short rubber dress with long sleeves, rubber gloves and a hood similar to mine. The dress had a heart shaped hole at the front to show her cleavage and she wore the thigh high boots I'd seen earlier with *******er heels. She'd hooked a chain from my collar to her wrist and grinned evilly at me. "You're all mine tonight hun. I have the keys and you're chained to me!" She kissed me on the lips and whispered in my ear. "Don't worry. You're safe with me. Nothing bad will happen and nothing you don't want to happen. You hear?" I nodded and gave her a big smile. She was right. It was a bit of fun, and I was enjoying it. We started kissing, stroking each other through the rubber when Jackie entered. She was in a dominatrix PVC outfit and looked stunning. She had a belt around her waist from which numerous handcuffs, gags and chains hung. She gave a big grin when she saw us and clapped her hands delightedly. "Wonderful!" she cried and quickly ushered us out of the house and into her car. Luckily the garage had a door from the house going in, so the neighbours didn't have to see me hobbling about in my dress and heels. Jade had unzipped the dress back above the knee for me to get downstairs, but promised that it would be zipped up again as soon as we got to the club. The windows to Jackie's Mercedes were tinted. Jade and I sat in the back absently stroking each other as Jackie drove the short distance to the club. The dildo seemed to go further up my arse every time a moved, and so had to keep very still to stop getting too excited. Jackie parked in an underground car park that looked very exclusive and as we got out of the car we were greeted by several members of staff keen to look after their "esteemed" guest. Jackie was obviously a regular, and I was shocked to discover that she owned half of it. Jade turned to me as we got into a lift that would take us down into the club and gave me one of her cheeky smiles. "I want tonight to be a pure sensory experience for you hun, so I'm going to close those eye flaps. I'll guide you around and make sure you're safe. You trust me?" I gulped nervously. I did trust her, but was incredibly nervous. I felt so vulnerable dressed as I was. I could barely walk or move. It was also very exciting at the same time and I remembered my thoughts from a few days ago when I was in the salon about how I should treat this whole experience as an adventure. "Of course I trust you," I replied, knowing that it was true. I'd known Jade for a year now, but had only truly known her for a few days, but they had been some of the best days of my life. I knew that I would do anything she asked. Jade leaned in close so that no one could hear and whispered something that made my heart soar with joy. "I trust you too hun, and I think I'm falling in love with you too." Before I had time to respond, she pulled the flaps down over my eyes and buttoned them shut. I then felt her zipping the dress down to my ankles and pulling my legs even tighter together. She asked me to open my mouth and I did so, reeling with shock as she shoved a rubber penis shaped gag into my mouth and strapped it shut with a lock at the back of my head. I couldn't speak or see and I could barely walk. Hearing anything became difficult as the only sound I could now hear was my ragged breathing in my ears. The only part of me not covered in rubber was now two tiny holes by my nostrils for breathing. This sound was soon replaced by a deep thudding as the doors to the lift opened and the bass from the loud music reverberated through my body. Jade led me forward into what felt like a seething crowd of people. It felt surreal to sense being part of a big group of people, but being so completely cut off from it all. Hands groped me, stroking my arse or giving it a playful slap. Jade put an arm around me and acted as my guide. I was sure I heard her giggle as suddenly the dildo in my arse started vibrating causing me to gasp, despite the large gag in my mouth. 
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I lost all sense of time and space dressed as I was and soon my feet began to hurt as I was constantly moved around the club. Once or twice I nearly tripped, but every time, Jade caught me. At some point in the night she guided me to a room that was much quieter and I heard the door shut behind me. Jade leaned close and spoke loudly so I could hear. "You're in a special room I've hired for an hour. There're lots of toys in here for us to play with!" Her voice was shaking with excitement and my pulse quickened as she led me to some contraption I couldn't see and asked me to bend over. As I did, she pulled my hands down and I felt them being handcuffed to the device. She then unzipped my dress up to my arse, turned off the vibrating dildo and pulled the pants down over my legs, allowing my erection to spring free. She pulled my legs apart, so that they too were handcuffed to the device. I was leant over and spread-eagled to some device with my naked arse showing to the world. I still couldn't see anything, but felt Jade's rubber gloved fingers as she stroked my arse and started to shove her cock deep inside me. I gasped in pleasure as I relaxed my arsehole, allowing her to penetrate me as deeply as she could with her huge cock. I pushed back as much as I could, acutely aware that, tied up as I was, Jade could do anything she wished to me. This only served to heighten my arousal, my rubber encased body tingling with excitement and pleasure. Jade grabbed my cock and I almost came immediately at the feel of the smooth rubber massaging my shaft. As she started to come inside me, the warm fluid filling my arse, I came too, an orgasm so powerful I almost broke my wrists pulling against my bondage. Jade kept pumping my cock and I could still feel her coming inside me again and again, her groans of pleasure turning me on more. After what seemed an age, the orgasmic shudders in my body died down and I became acutely aware of how I was chained to some device that had my bare arse sticking in the air. Jade slapped my arse good naturedly and told me she was going to get a take. "Don't worry hun, I'll be back before you know it. First, I'll just leave you with this to make the time go past more quickly." I felt alarmed at the thought of being left alone in this room, but couldn't protest through the huge penis-shaped gag that completely filled my mouth. I felt my arse cheeks being parted and Jade started inserting a plug bigger than her own cock up my arse. I felt sure I would split in two as it filled me up deeper and deeper. I tried struggling, but was held tight by my chains. As I reached the point at which I thought I could take no more, the pain eased off as I reached the thinner base. The plug must be huge! I thought, enjoying the sensation of being so full inside. Then it started vibrating manically, tickling my G-spot at what felt like a hundred miles an hour. Jade chuckled loudly at my thrashing and I heard the door close and the lock engage as she went to get a take, leaving me alone in the room with a vibrating butt plug threatening to make me come every few minutes. After what seemed like many hours and orgasms later, Jade returned and marvelled at how much I'd come. She sighed theatrically. "Such a waste hun, all that come everywhere!" She removed the plug slowly, my arse stretching as much as it could to release it. I was both disappointed and relieved to have it out. I'd enjoyed the experience, but was exhausted. Jade unbuckled my ankles and helped me into my rubber slave pants again, the dildo feeling small and inconsequential after Jade's large cock and the huge plug. She then zipped my dress shut around my ankles and unchained my wrists, before helping me to stand. I still couldn't see anything as she guided me out of the room, to the lift and into the car where Jackie was waiting for us. I still had my gag in and Jade had not opened my eye flaps. My whole world was just one of rubber. I could barely see or sense anything else. Eventually we made it home and as jade guided me to my bedroom and opened the eye flaps, I was shocked to realise that it was four in the morning. I'd been gagged up since 9 o'clock the previous day! We collapsed on the bed, still in our clothes and fell immediately arelax, both of us exhausted. I regretted it the next day and woke with my feet in agony from my high heeled shoes... The rest of the morning passed in a blur as we stripped off our rubber clothes and showered together. Soaping each other down and removing all traces of the rubber smell. As I cleaned Jade, I marvelled at her breasts, and found myself wishing I had a pair of my own. I'd known deep down as soon as I saw Louise for the first time that Owen was dead and my desire for my own breasts confirmed it. I saw Jade's cock harden as I cleaned it and I knelt down in the shower, kissing it softly and playing with her balls with the soapy flannel. As it hardened, I wrapped my mouth around it, enjoying the feeling of her cock hardening fully in my mouth. I was becoming adept at getting it all in now, and sucked greedily at its length. It didn't take long for her to come and as she spasmed, she thrust deeper down my throat making me gag and I felt the come beginning to dribble out of my mouth and down my chin. Wiping it off with my fingers I removed her cock from my mouth and stroked it gently, looking up to see Jade smiling down at me. She helped me up and we continued with our shower. It was a lovely hot day, so I wore a cotton summer dress with a lovely floral print and lent Jade some denim shorts that barely covered her arse cheeks and a cotton blouse that she tied up at the waist to reveal her midriff and pierced belly button. It was the first day in over a week that I didn't wear a corset, but it was too hot and I walked and moved as if born a real woman so settled on a lacy Basque with the suspenders removed. I slipped into a pair of high wedges and put on a sweet straw hat with a huge red bow around the base. As I was putting on my jewellery and some perfume, Jackie entered and asked if we'd like to go for a picnic. I thought it was great idea and rushed downstairs to get a hamper ready with Jade's help. We visited the local park where we walked lazily around until finding a suitable spot in the shade. The sun beat down and I was worried I may sweat too much and spoil my make-up, but the hat kept the worst of the heat off. I still worried that I would be "read" and subconsciously bowed my head when we walked past people, using the hat to hide my face. Jackie saw this and lifted my chin with a curved finger. "Head up love," she whispered. "No one can tell, not even myself. You'll start work on Monday and no one will know. You look, act and, I suspect, now think like a real woman. You smile more than I've ever seen you do at work, and actually look happy. You're going to be an asset to our firm." I turned to her with a tear in my eye, and took both her hands in mine. "Thank you Jackie. I really mean it. You've made me so happy. All I could think of when I started was getting the cash and a partnership and then going back to being Owen. Now? I feel like I'm alive for the first time ever. I never want to go back to being Owen again and I feel like I have a lady once more." I took Jade's hand and pulled her close. "I didn't say it last night, but I think I love you too Jade. More than I ever could as a man." She smiled, and wiped a tear from her eye. Jackie huffed loudly. "Crumbs!" She sighed. "This is getting far too emotional. Let's sit down and eat and stop being silly youngren!" She scurried off to our chosen spot and started laying out the picnic, surreptitiously wiping her eyes as she did so. Jade held my arm as we followed her and I leaned in close. That evening, Jackie had bought us all some tickets to an Annual Summer Ball in Chelsea Gardens, so we arrived home early from our picnic to get ready. I was excited and nervous as I'd be meeting some people who worked at the firm. It would be a good test to see if I passed, and would either alleviate my worries about staring work on Monday or confirm my worst fears. Jade had gone back to her own apartment and she was going to meet us there. In the hall, Jackie took my hand and placed it on her bosom. 
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"Louise," she said. "I want you to know that you are welcome to stay here as long as you want. I've come to enjoy the company and now think of you as the flower I never had, which is most strange considering I've only known you for a week!" I nodded dumbly, holding back the tears for the second time that day. I felt so touched and had become to think of her as my lady. I embraced Jackie and thanked her from the bottom of my heart. She pulled apart abruptly, and I could see that she was now crying freely. "Come on," she said. "Let's show you your ball gown, and I'll help you get ready." The dress was the most beautiful I'd ever seen. It was made from silk of the deepest crimmister, with one shoulder strap and reached down to the floor. Its design was simple yet pure elegance and class, tapered in at the waist and maintaining a figure hugging closeness all the way down my legs. I wasn't going to wear stockings as I wanted to feel the soft fabric brush against my smooth legs with every step I took. I showered excitedly and Jackie painted my finger nails the same colour as the gown as well as my toe nails. She was wearing a deep blue princess gown and I painted her nails a matching colour. Both of us giggled like school girls as we did so, and I again felt happier than I ever remembered. Once my make-up was done and my cock safely tucked into a pair of lacy knickers, I put on a new satin corset, also of the same colour as my gown before Jackie helped me into the dress. I shuddered with joy as it was lifted up past my smooth body and Jackie zipped it shut, the material tightly embracing me in its grace. I slipped into a pair of matching strappy shoes with a five inch stiletto heel and admired myself in the mirror. "You look like the belle of the ball!" crowed Jackie as she entered my room having changed herself. She looked radiant in her own gown, and I had a pang of jealousy as I noted that she wore a strapless dress that showed just the right amount of cleavage. I wished that I would one day be able to do that. She handed me a purse to go with my gown and then asked me to sit down whilst she put a sparkling tiara into my wig. "There." She said. "All done. I've hired a limo which should be here any moment." She handed me a silken shawl and a pair of long silk gloves to keep me warm in the cool summer's night and I wrapped it around my shoulders. True to her word, the doorbell rang as soon as she finished her sentence and I rushed downstairs, the silken gown caressing every step I took, and answered the door. A handsome man stood in the doorway and a huge smile crossed his face as he saw me and bowed deeply, taking off his cap as he did so. "Your carriage awaits ma'am." I blushed deeply, and giggled coquettishly at his show of deference. "Why thank you kind sir," I replied and swished past, only to stop in surprise as a real horse and carriage waited in the drive. "Good lord," I exclaimed. "I thought we were going in a limo!" "We are," said Jackie as she stepped past having locked the front door. "Just an old fashioned one. Come on!" I stepped up to the carriage with the aid of the coachman, lifting the skirts of my dress to get up the final step and settled in to the short ride to the ball. It was exhilarating to be travelling in a carriage with folks staring at us as we rode by, many waving as we did so. I felt like royalty and blushed at the catcalls men gave us. As we arrived at the Ball, I stared with joy at Jade who was waiting for us at the entrance to the Gardens. She looked stunning, her lovely brown hair streaming past her shoulders and resting on the black gown she wore. Like Jackie's, it was strapless and showed ample cleavage. It hugged her body, but flared outwards after, forming a train several feet long. The coachman helped me off the carriage and bowed deeply once more. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and thanked him for the wonderful ride. His horses snickered playfully as I gave them a thank you stroke on their noses and walked to Jade. True to her word, she was wearing heels that made her taller than me. Though I wanted to, I was careful not to run up to her and throw myself in her arms, kissing her passionately. This was a business venture and I couldn't show her or Jackie up. "You look stunning," she whispered as I came close. She took my hand and squeezed it, before linking her arm in mine. "Come. Let me show all our guests. Some of which you've met, but don't be nervous. You'll do just fine. Jackie linked her arm into my other side and together, they walked me into the Ball. It was the most magnificent evening as I was whisked around the guests meeting and greeting. I was introduced as a high flying lawyer starting work on Monday. No one questioned me and I was welcomed with nothing but open friendliness. A few husbands looked at me with lust, and Jade chuckled as she caught a few of them staring. "You're quite the star love," she said as she handed me another glass of champagne. I'd had a few by now and was feeling fairly takes. The evening was passing by in a whirl of glitz and glamour. The fabulous dress I wore seemed to stroke me with every move and Jade's closeness with her wonderful smell served to turn me on more than I thought possible. As we talked to a partner at our firm, a leaned over and whispered in Jade's ear. She grinned at me and asked to be excused from the group. She took my hand and led me to the one of the food tents that had been erected in the garden, our heels clicking off the crazy paving. The tent was now empty, the caterers having taken what they needed from it. There were several boxes piled high and Jade sat on one as I embraced her, my hands wrapping round the silk dress she wore. We kissed passionately and she lifted her skirts to pull down her knickers and pull out her pulsing cock from its pouch. It sprang up, proudly erect and I quickly bend down and kissed it gently, licking the head and running my hands down its shaft. Jade groaned with pleasure and giggled as a couple walked past the tent, their outline silhouetted against the canvas. It quickly turned to an urgent plea as the couple turned towards the entrance to the tent. We shuffled around the boxes just as the zip was pulled up and the couple entered, talking quietly and fumbling with each other in the dark. Jade gave a look of horror and started pulling up her knickers to hide her cock. I gently pushed her hands away and got to my knees, putting her whole cock in my mouth. The couple would not see us if they stayed where they were, but I didn't care. I suckled greedily at the thick shaft and tickled her balls with my spare silken encased hand. I felt the tremors pouring through Jade's body as she gripped the boxes tightly. The couple on the other side of the boxes laughed as I heard the sound of a belt being unbuckled and imagined a similar scene to the one we were doing as a male voice urged his partner on. I looked up to see that Jade had her hand in her mouth to stop herself groaning with pleasure and her eyes were shut tightly in ecstasy. I squeezed her balls and she started coming in my mouth at the same time as the guy started coming. He groaned in pleasure, and I grinned as I swallowed every drop of come that squirted down my throat time and again as I brought Jade to multiple climaxes. I was lost in a world of my own pleasure, my own joy coming from satisfying Jade so much. My cock was stretching against its pouch, dying to burst free. Once Jade was finished and gave a satisfied sigh, her legs trembling with the efforts of standing and climaxing, I noticed that the couple had gone. Whilst he'd had a quick orgasm and they'd shortly left, Jade had been filling me with her sex time and again and I realised how much better sex was now. There was no quick orgasm any more, but the kind that went on forever, dragging you down into waves of pleasure until it beat you into presentation. Jade gave me a deep kiss on the lips and wiped a drop of come that had managed to escape. "Missed some," she said huskily and with a sly grin, shoved some boxes aside and bent over so that her exposed arse was facing me. I lifted my skirts, careful not to crease them, and pulled down my lacy knickers revealing my throbbing penis. Jade used the come she'd wiped off my chin to lube her arse and with one gloved hand, guided my cock deep into her. She pushed back as hard as she could as I began to thrust deeply. It wasn't easy in my heels, and I grabbed her arse as I pounded inside her. Jade quickly pulled away and turned on her back so that she could see me as I entered her. Once I was inside again, she sat up and kissed me as started to come deep inside her, my arms trembling as I carried her weight and kissed her passionately back. Unable to control myself as I came, I fell backwards, Jade falling with me as I landed on the boxes with a crash. Jade squealed with laughter as I continued to come inside her as I lay on my back, purring as I came to a shuddering end. I lay on my back moaning with joy as Jade eased herself off and straightened herself out. She helped me up and helped me wipe myself off and tuck my sore cock back into my lacy knickers. She flashed me her beautiful smile. "Come on hun, someone may have heard that and it'll take some explaining!" We quickly left the tent and hurried back to the party where we danced for the next few hours with everyone and anyone who asked. Jade would wink playfully as she twirled with some hunk and I did the same, and as the evening drew to a close, Jackie sashayed up elegantly and took us both in her arms. "Time to go ladies!" she cried and led us to the horse and carriage that awaited. The coachman couldn't believe his luck as Jade got on the coach as well. The three of us made quite a party. Jackie smiled at me on the way home. "You made a great impression hun, everyone thought you were fantastic and can't wait to start working with you. Though next time there's a summer ball, stay away from the catering tents yes?" Both Jade and I blushed in embarrassment and Jackie chuckled. "Don't worry, no one saw anything, except for old lady hen here!" We arrived home none too soon. I'd takes a lot and was feeling relaxy and light headed. Jackie kissed us both good night and Jade and I helped each other out of our gowns. She tenderly untied my corset and massaged my sore feet as I did the same to hers. I'd lent her another one of my negligees and she looked ravishing. Within minutes though, we'd curled up in each other's arms and fallen sound arelax. Monday arrived far too quickly. I woke up to see that Jade had laid my clothes out for me. I showered quickly, rubbing the perfumed soap into my skin and tried not to worry about work. As I stepped into my corset and tightened it up, I felt anxious that I would be recognised, or at least read as a man. I pulled the stockings over my smooth legs and clipped them to the suspenders, before pulling up my knickers and tucking my cock away. Jade had chosen a business suit for my first day and I out on the silk blouse before tucking it into a tight, knee length skirt. I put on some court shoes with the five inch stiletto and after doing my make-up looked at myself in the mirror. I'll pass, I thought to myself. I have to. I want to live like this for the rest of my life, so I better make it work. I slipped into the skirt's matching blazer and made my way downstairs to greet the others and start my first day at work as Louise. 
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"If she was going to reveal you, she'd have done it by now. She clearly wants something, either from me or you. There's nothing we can do now. I say we keep going and wait until she plays her hand." Jade offered her opinion. "She's right. There's nothing we can do. She hasn't gone to our owners and told them and she hasn't yelled it all over the office, or I'd have heard about it. Let's keep quiet and see what she wants. There's really nothing we can do now, is there? Jackie'll go and speak to her tomorrow and find out what's on her mind. Won't you Jackie?" She looked at Jackie earnestly and I felt a rush of love for her. She really did love me, and my heart soared as I realised this. "Of course," replied the woman I'd come to think of as my real lady. She gave me a maternal grin and reached round to give my knee a pat. "You'll both be out all day with your Chinese clients, so it'll give me a good opportunity to speak to her. Don't worry about it, I'll sort it out." I didn't feel reassured and it was a poor night's relax I had worrying about it. I soon gave up, and, leaving Jade relaxing soundly in my bed, I slipped on a silk kimono over my negligee and went to watch late night TV downstairs until the first rays of sun red through the curtains. With a groggy head, I went upstairs to shower and prepare for a busy day with some investors coming to London. Putting aside my fears over Emma and what she would do, I had a long, hot and lazy shower and thought about the day ahead. Jade and I were to entertain some clients for the day and then facilitate a meeting between our group and a building contractor near London Bridge. Jade had done this type of thing many times, and though I was nervous, I was glad to be spending the day both out of the office and with Jade. As I was moisturising my legs, Jade popped her head round and asked if I could do up her zip. She was wearing a tight Chinese dress that stretched to her ankles and had a slit running all the way up her leg. It was a deep red with embellished designs shimmering in the light and took my breath away. Wrapping the towel round my body and tucking it in just below the armpits, I stepped forward as she turned around, holding up her hair for me to take the zip and wrapping it in a pair of chopsticks. "Breathe in," I said and pulled the zip up. Jade turned and, in her five inch heels, leant down and gave me a kiss. "You ok?" she asked, seeing how tired I was. An expression of concern clouded her features. "I'm fine," I replied. Realising that I wasn't going to say any more, she turned on her heels and left the room, calling over her shoulder as she did so. "Stay there! It's going to be a long boring day, so I'm going to make things a bit interesting!" I heard her rummaging around in the huge walk in cupboard that housed hundreds of outfits whilst I continued to moisturise my body, loving the feel of my smooth, scented skin. As I was finished, Jade returned brandishing a large butt-plug, grinning evilly. I waved an admonishing finger at her. "Absolutely not!" I cried, backing away. "I'm not spending the whole day with that up my arse!" Jade's grin spread even further. "Come on," she pleaded. "We're going to be sooooo bored!" I paused a moment whilst an idea formed. "All right," I agreed. "But only if you do the same. And I'll be holding your remote." Jade laughed loudly at the idea, her beautiful face glowing with delight. "You're on," she said and, taking some lube from the bathroom, stepped into the bedroom with me following. I lay on the bed whilst she kissed me softly on my lips. She then unwrapped the towel from my waist and kissed my smooth body. I was acutely aware that I had no breasts and subconsciously put my hands over the area. Jade moved them away gently and kissed each nipple slowly. I could feel myself hardening as she worked her way down my body, kissing each bit slowly and running her soft tongue down my belly. I shivered with joy and anticipation as she took my erect cock in one hand and stroked my balls with the other. Whenever she moved, the satin of her dress rubbed against my body and her stockinged legs tickled against my own. As she moved further down, my anticipation grew and I was disappointed when she sat up and winked. Sensing my frustration, she bent down and kissed my cock, licking the tip tenderly. "Patience," she said and reached for the lube, indicating for me to turn over as she did so. I complied and relaxed my anus as she lubed the area with a long finger. She then parted my cheeks as the head of the plug started to push its way in. I pushed back, enjoying the feel as it filled me up deeper and deeper, Jade slowly easing it in, pulling it out part way and then pushing it in further. 
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It was bigger than Jade's own enormous cock and I groaned in pain as its wide base powerd its way in and then sighed with pleasure as my arse clenched around the thinner end as it was finally rammed home. It filled me up completely and I felt it work its way even deeper as Jade turned me over so that she could resume her gentle kissing of my body. I suddenly felt my entire body vibrate as Jade activated the vibrator in the plug and I groaned as my G-spot was tickled a hundred times a second. Grabbing the sheets with clenched fists, I moaned loudly as Jade put my entire cock in her mouth, sucking it with expert precision, one hand toying with the plug. Within seconds, I was bucking on the bed as I came, the whole world shaking as Jade swallowed every drop of cum, her tongue bringing me to orgasm within seconds of the last and the world fading to black as I came down from on high. The vibrations in my arse ceased and all I heard was Jade's chuckle as she stroked my cock tenderly. "C'mon hun, let's get you ready for our guests." She'd chosen a matching outfit, though this dress was a deep navy blue. Jade pampered me and applied my make-up, did my nails and helped me into my corset. She did it with such care and grace, my heart swelled. I sat on the bed and lifted each leg for her as she put on the smoothest, silkiest stockings and rolled them up, asking me to stand so she could attach them to the suspenders. I stepped into some lacy, sexy knickers as she reached her hands inside and tucked my cock out of sight. She then attached the clasps of my bra at the back for me and adjusted my fake breasts to make them sit more realistically before holding out the dress for me to step into. As I did so, she zipped it up at the back and went to get my wig. I smoothed it out and enjoyed the feel of the skirt as it caressed my leg with each step, the slit coming all the way up my stockings, the lacy tops just about peeking through if you were watching. Jade had me sit as she put on my wig and tied it up as she'd done hers with the chopsticks. The plug pushed its way further into my arse and I shuddered softly as she helped me put on some jewellery. As Jade knelt in front of me to put on some *******er heels, I leaned forward and kissed her softly on the forehead. "Your turn," I said and she smiled beautifully before walking over to the bed and leant over, her arse pointing upwards. "C'mon then girl," she replied huskily, and I tottered over to the cupboard and picked the biggest plug from one of the drawers. I raised her dress up and pulled down her knickers, her large cock popping out as I did so. I pushed her legs far apart and kissed her exposed arse on each cheek. Stroking her cock softly with one hand, I grabbed the lube with the other and squirted some on the end of the plug and then some on my finger, which I proceeded to rub gently into her smooth arse. She'd lasered her entire body and there was no hair anywhere. Her cheeks clenched and unclenched with anticipation as I continued to rub the lube into her anus. She groaned and I saw her cock begin to harden. "Not now," I admonished. "You'll have to wait." I slapped her arse playfully, and then started to push the head of the huge plug into her arse, taking my time as I did so and allowing her time to adjust. Jade relaxed her muscles and it wasn't long before I had it in fully, only the square base sticking out. "There, all done," I said and helped her pull her knickers back and tuck her throbbing cock away. Her face was flushed as she smoothed her dress in the mirror and I laughed as I took the remote and turned it on. She went weak at the knees and sighed heavily with pleasure, before snatching the remote from my hands and turning it off. She kissed me deeply on the lips, her hands feeling so sensuous on my dress as she wrapped her hands around my body. "This might not be such a bad day after all," she murmured as I returned the embrace. She sighed deeply once more, seemed to gather herself, and then released the embrace. "Come on you," she said. "Let's go meet our guests." She grabbed her handbag which matched my dress and wrapped a shawl around herself that also matched my dress, before handing me a shawl and handbag that matched her dress. She smiled demurely. "Don't we look a pair?" I had to agree as we stood in the mirror, all thoughts of Emma and her plans washed from my mind as we rode in a hired limo to the airport to meet our clients, each of us giggling as we turned the vibrator on and off on each others' plugs. The limo driver, a cute man in his early twenties smiled at us endearingly, not knowing what we were giggling at. "Miss Lee. I am honoured to meet you and your esteemed guests," said Jade, bowing deeply. "Welcome to London. I hope that you find it a most welcoming city, and that your stay here is as fruitful as it is relaxing." She bowed deeply once more, as did I, hiding my shock that Jade had addressed our guest in fluent Chinese. Miss Lee was a small woman in her fifties with greying hair held in a severe bun and a tweed business suit that did little to flatter her figure. She was surrounded by several men in sharp business suits and shades that hid their passive expressions. They gazed at us and barely acknowledged our presence. Miss Lee paused for what seemed like a full minute before a wry smile cracked her stern facade. She stepped forward and embraced each of us in turn before chatting in quick fire Chinese to her companions. As one, they all smiled and I relaxed as we led them to the limo parked on the private airway, Jade chatting to our guest in rapid Chinese herself. I waited at the door and helped everyone into the limo, feeling very left out as I was unable to understand a word being spoken. As I sat down next to Jade, she gave my knee a quick squeeze and winked when I caught her eye. I was acutely aware of the plug up my arse and my eyes widened in shock as Jade surreptitiously turned it on. By the time we arrived at the first of our stops, I was smiling as broadly as our guests. The day passed in a whirlwind of tourist spots, hidden clubs and exclusive hideouts. The male guests remained silent throughout, not so much as a single word spoken. Jade and Miss Lee chatted non-stop and I simply nodded and smiled when appropriate. Concealing the remote in my hand, I picked as many inopportune times to turn Jade's but-plug vibrator on and smiled youngishly when it drew an excited gasp that had to be covered up quickly. Jade returned the favour whenever possible. Soon we were back at the airport and waving our guests onto the plane. As it left the tarmac with a loud swoosh, Jade let out a big sigh. "Phew!" she said, clearly glad to see them go. "Now that was a long day!" She put her arm around me as we walked back to the limo and I did the same. I loved the feel of the wind as it buffeted the skirts of my dress and caressed the stockings. It felt cool and sensuous. My feet ached from being in such tall heels all day, but there was no way I was going to take them off just yet. They felt too damn sexy. "Home please James," said Jade as we stepped into the limo, and he turned round with a big smile on his face. "Yes ma'am." He gave a cheeky wink and eased the car into gear. I sat next to Jade and we absently rubbed each other's thighs, both lost in thought. With a shock I realised that I was becoming hard again and turned to Jade, raising one eyebrow suggestively. She grinned back and pushed a button next to her, raising the privacy screen between us and the chauffeur. As soon as the screen had shut, I leant forward and kissed her, sliding down so that I was kneeling between her legs, my hands stroking her body and caressing her back as I did so. Jade leaned forward, returning my kiss and then biting my lip as I turned on her vibrator again. "You little bugger," she said without malice. "You've been doing that all day. I thought I was going to come halfway through that last meeting." As she spoke, I lifted up her dress and pulled down her knickers. "Hmmmm," I replied as I took her cock in my hand. "Seeing as you've been such a good girl, how about I reward your patience? Lean back." She did as I asked whilst I knelt down and kissed the tip of her cock. The vibrating butt-plug had done its job and her cock was throbbing and hard, growing bigger in my hand as I held it and started licking the shaft, one hand stroking it. Jade moaned with pleasure as I kissed the base of her cock, the soft satin of my dress rubbing her stockings softly where my breasts pushed the material out. A week ago, I'd struggled to get even half her cock in my mouth, but now I was able to put the whole thing in, feeling it tickle the back of my throat as Jade spasmed with delight, her whole body shaking in rhythm as I sucked up and down her cock, working it until I felt her staring to come and then slowing down to draw her out further. Her knuckles were white as she grabbed the edge of the seat with her fists, one leg now either side of me as I brought her close to climax again before stopping and kissing her cock slowly before putting it once more in my mouth. This time, I let her come and felt her legs wrap around me as she put a fist in her mouth to stop her screaming out. Her come filled my mouth and I worked hard to swallow it all as great spurts of come erupted from her cock, gushing down my throat and requiring all my s******* not to gag and spill any. Finally she was done, her legs releasing me from their grip as she relaxed once more. She smiled at me as I helped her back into her knickers and as the limo came up to our driveway and we rolled down the privacy screen, all our chauffeur saw were two tired, yet flushed, looking woman sat in the back seat enjoying a take. We left him a big tip and a kiss on either cheek. Exhausted, we undressed, put on a negligee each and rolled into bed, curled up in each other's arms and, too tired to do anything, we fell soundly arelax. Thursday brought no surprises. I dressed in a pleated skirt and a roll neck jumper with black tights and a pair of boots cut below the ankle and tied with laces. I barely saw Jade all day and Jackie was again at meetings with work. Emma popped into my office a few times, seemingly to make me squirm. She commented how nice I looked, asked if I could handle a new case for her and left. 
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Each time she entered, I felt a nervous flush colour my cheeks, which made her lips curl up in a cruel smile. I daren't ask what she was going to do about me, and she didn't say anything, seemingly content to watch me suffer. I was glad when Jade came to pick me up and I quickly walked to the lift taking us down to the car park. As the doors closed, I saw Emma watching me across the corridor with a predatory smile. She winked just as the doors shut and I glanced at Jade to see if she'd noticed. She had, but gave me a gentle pat on my arms. "Don't worry hun, she's just toying with you. She'd have said something by now if she was going to. It's Friday tomorrow and we have a big weekend ahead of us, so plenty to look forward to." I glanced over, intrigued. She was dressed as stunning as ever in halter neck dress that matched her blue eyes and swayed sexily as she walked, emphasising her fabulous rear. "What's happening this weekend?" I asked. We stepped out of the lift as it came to a stop, the doors opening with a gentle woosh, and strolled arm in arm towards Jackie's car. She'd beaten us to it and sat in the front, the engine running softly, barely audible over the clack clacking of our heels on the concrete floor. "Staff party on Saturday," she said as she hopped in the back seat and slid along so that I could sit next to her. "And tomorrow, you're organising a party, aren't you?" This last statement was directed at Jackie, who nodded her agreement. She looked tired and I felt a pang of concern at the toll that work was taking on her. This was the first time this week she'd finished at a respectable hour and she seemed to have aged tremendously since the Takeover. "I sure do gals," she said, putting the car in motion with little regard for speed limits. "That club we visited last week? Having a few guests from there round. Few VIP's. You'll both be finished by lunch tomorrow so that you can go and set up. You'll be the hired help for that night." I felt a rush of adrenalin surge through my body. Part nervous, part excited. Last time I'd gone to that club, I'd been completely engulfed in rubber, and led around blindfolded for the evening. It had been a scary, yet thrilling night. Jade gave my leg a squeeze and winked saucily. I pushed thoughts of tomorrow to one side and asked Jackie if she'd spoken to Emma. "I did," she replied, looking at me through the rear view mirror. "She says she won't do anything at all, she's not fussed you're a man, and thinks I've done a wonderful job turning you into Louise. Which means she's lying, she's got something horrible planned, and I'd watch your back." She chuckled humourlessly as she spoke, and the knot of tension in my stomach tightened further. "But don't worry Louise. Whilst I'm there, nothing's going to happen to you. I swear it." We had a quiet evening in, curled up on the sofa with ice cream, a bottle of wine and a horror film, but no matter what Jade or Jackie did, I couldn't ease up and spent another relaxless night on the sofa, worrying myself silly about what Emma would do. I wasn't afraid I'd lose my job. I was most afraid that I'd not be able to be Louise anymore and I found that thought more terrifying than I'd ever thought possible. I was thankful that I was only working half a day on Friday and gratefully left work at one O'clock to get the house ready for Jackie's party. The caterers would be arriving at two and she wanted us to let them in and set up the bar, music and food. I was dressed in a silk blouse and a pair of high waisted trousers that matched my feminine waist coat. It was second nature to walk in heels now, and even the tallest pair, like the ones I wore now felt comfortable. It was now more uncomfortable to wear trainers or any flat pair of shoes. As the caterers arrived and I directed them to the main dining room, Jade entered excitedly, barely able to conceal her joy as she grabbed my arm and pulled me protesting into the hall. "Got some news for you hun!" she cried. "In one month's time, you are going under the knife!" She squealed as she said it and kissed me deeply on the lips to the grins of the passing caterers. I took a step back, shocked. "What do you mean?" I asked. "There's nothing wrong with me!" Jade sighed heavily. "There's plenty wrong with you dear and don't think I haven't noticed it, the way you hide your shamefully flat chest from me." Realisation swiftly dawned and I hugged her with such gratitude, I felt that I could weep. "Really?" I asked, and Jade smiled benevolently at me, smoothing a lock of hair from my head and tucking it behind my ear. "Really hun. One month from now, and you'll have your own pair of breasts. You can even start hormone treatment now if you'd like too. I've made an appointment for you to see a specialist next week." I really did cry as Jade ushered the help out and closed the door behind them. "Come on," she said. "Let's go upstairs and get ready." She took my hand and I followed her up to our room where Jackie had laid out our clothes for the evening. Jade gave one of her sexy chuckles and grinned as she picked up our uniforms. "Seems we really are the hired help," she said. I looked on nervously as she held the outfit against me, causing Jade to laugh even more as she latched on to my nerves. "Come on you, get your clothes off. All of them!" I did as she asked, and stripped in front of Jade as she did the same. Soon we both stood naked in front of each other as Jade asked me to turn round so she could put on my corset. It was made of heavy rubber and polished to a shiny white. It was tighter than I was used to and I saw stars as Jade tugged it tighter. She then slotted the fake breasts into its cups and glued them to my chest. She turned around as I did the same for her, making her gasp as she let out an explosive breath when the corset was tied shut. The pang of jealousy I often felt at her real breasts was gone as I dreamily contemplated the ones I'd soon be having for myself. Jade held up two pairs of slave pants. They were rubber with a dildo attached to the anus and I gulped at the size of them. "Bend over," she said and I did so as she grabbed some lube and then helped me step into the pants. They were very tight and took a long time to work their way up my legs. As she pulled them up, she tucked my cock underneath itself and then started pushing the dildo up my arse, my cheeks parting as far as they could to let its huge girth work its way inside. I gasped as it got thicker and thicker, powering me open as wide as I'd ever been before. Eventually it was in and I felt my whole insides fill as I stood up. Then it was Jade's turn and I took it slowly as I powerd the dildo into her, tucking her huge cock underneath her as I did so. Once we were done, Jade rubbed some oil onto my legs and helped me into a pair of black rubber stockings with white edging. They were hugely tight and took an age to get up to the point that we could attach them to the metal clasps attached to the suspenders hanging from the corset. Once they were on, Jade passed me a rubber maids outfit that was tight at the bodice and then flared out. It was very short, barely coming past my arse and had layers and layers of frilled rubber that made the skirt of the dress push out wildly. It had long sleeves and gloved ends. Jade helped me step into the dress and pulled it tight. The back had around thirty buttons all the way from the bottom of the bodice to the top of the high frilled neck that took her a long time to button up. As it got tighter with every button, I realised that I was effectively trapped in the dress as there was no way I'd be able to undo all the buttons myself. I felt my cock begin to harden, tightly constricted by the rubber pants we wore and shivered with delight as the dildo shifted in my arse. I'd never really been into rubber or thought it was terribly appealing, but I loved the way it hugged my figure and made the world feel completely different; not as sensuous as satin or silk, but certainly as erotic. Once Jade had done my back, she did the row of buttons along the sleeves that made sure the gloves were tightly secured to my dress. Then it was Jade's turn and it took me longer to do the buttons as my hands were encapsulated in rubber which made the task more difficult. She showed great patience and eventually I was done. She had me sit on the bed as she helped me into my shoes. The dildo rammed further up my arse and I gasped as it tickled my G-spot. The shoes were a pair of thigh high boots with a seven inch heel that made walking all but impossible. The heels were stiletto and there was no platform. Standing was just as bad, and once I'd helped Jade into hers, we spent several minutes learning to walk in them. Jade then took her hair and held it up as I put a rubber hood on her. Her hair went through a funnel at the top and I zipped it shut, so that only her eyes and lips were now visible with her hair sprouting from the top. She did the same for me and I felt the familiar sensation as the sounds of the world around us were cut off. Jade directed me to a mirror where we gazed at the rubber maids we were to be for the evening. I giggled uncontrollably at the image, as did Jade. "Well don't we make a pretty pair," she said and held my hand as we wound our way down the stairs, our heels making it painfully difficult. The doorbell rang as soon as we reached the last step and it took some while to answer the door to a flustered looking Jackie. She perked up as soon as she saw us and grinned with delight. 
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"You both look amazing!" she declared and made her way to her room to dress. "The guests will be here any moment. As they come in, offer them takes and show them to the buffet. Don't let anyone get thirsty!" she called as she entered her bedroom and closed the door behind her. Soon enough, the doorbell rang and we were swept off our feet as a hundred guests came through the door all dressed in every manner of fetish clothing. Several led in slaves on a chain who helped out with the service. One woman was led in on all fours, a horse's girdle over her head and a saddle on her back. She had a butt plug in that had a tuft of hair spurting out designed to make it look like a tail. Jade gave me a mischievous wink as she went past and I winked back. Once all the guests had arrived, Jackie entered the room as the Lady of the Manor, dressed in a tight PVC dress and thigh high PVC boots. She held a short riding crop and lashed out at anyone within range to great laughter. The music was great, the mood festive and the atmosphere relaxed. Despite the shoes *******ing my feet and having to run around ensuring everyone was fed and spirited, I was thoroughly enjoying myself. The rubber dress I wore only served to heighten the pleasure I felt as the dildo shifted with every step. I could see that Jade felt the same and when she caught my eye and lifted hers up to our bedroom, I put down my tray and sneakily followed her up. As we reached the bedroom, no mean feat in our shoes, Jade closed the door behind us. I reached for her and embraced her quickly, our lips meeting and our lipstick mingling. We caressed each other through the rubber dress, our gloved hands tickling each other's body. As we kissed, a soft knock could be heard at the door. We drew apart quickly like a pair of naughty school girls as the door opened to reveal a tall, handsome man dressed in a pair of PVC trousers only. His chest was flat and hard, the smooth muscle rippling as he leant an arm on the door frame. I still didn't think of myself as gay. Jade was a beautiful woman who happened to have a cock, and I was now Louise, a woman in my own mind. Still, the sudden increase in my heart rate and the tiny flutters in my chest told their own story. "Would you ladies like a hand with something?" he asked. He had a deep southern American drawl, and rolled his vowels lazily. It was the corniest chat up line I'd ever heard, and I bit back on a smirk. "I'm not sure you'd like what we have on offer hun, so if you'd please leave," responded Jade. Handsome man, as I'd started to call him, shrugged. "Makes no never mind to me what folks have to offer," he replied. "It's all the same to me." Jade's whole demeanour changed, and she cocked a hip at him and leant an arm on my shoulder. "What do you say Louise?" She looked at me with a look that I knew all too well. It said. Life's short, have fun. I love you no matter what, but I won't do anything without you. I gave her my own version of the look. The one that said. know better than me! A cheeky grin crept across her features as she beckoned the guy in with a curled finger. He strode towards us, shutting the door behind him, and started to speak. "My name's..." "Shhh...!" cried Jade. "Hun, I don't care what your name is, you hear?" He grinned again and we took a hand each and led him to our bed. Jade gently pushed him towards me and I found myself kissing a man for the first time. It wasn't repulsive at all, and I moaned in pleasure as Jade fondled my exposed rear as the short skirts rolled up. The guy reached down and unbuckled his trousers, kicking them off his feet as he continued to kiss me. I felt my cock strain in its pouch, as Jade reached down with a rubber gloved hand and start to pull my pants down. I felt a sudden easing of pressure as the dildo slid from my arse and moaned loudly as she caressed my cheeks with her long fingers. Now Jade pushed in between us and started to kiss Handsome Man as I began to fondle his cock. It wasn't as big as Jade's, but still had ample girth and length. As I did so, I felt it harden and slowly caressed it with my rubber fingers. Jade was bent over on the bed kissing him, so I did the same for her as she had me and pulled down her rubber pants to reveal her cock, rapidly hardening as it was released from its primister. As it hardened, I grabbed both Jade and the guy's cock with each hand and started to stroke them both, bending down and kissing each one before putting the whole, throbbing cock in my mouth one at a time. They both groaned as I did so and continued to kiss each other, Jade's hands running over his smooth, hard belly, her fingers running in the lines around each muscle. Jade soon broke from her kiss and lifted my head so that she could kiss me. She grabbed my pulsating cock and worked it steadily, brining me to a climax as the guy moved around and started to lick around my arse, teasing it wonderfully. Jade then stood up and adjusted me so that I was on all fours at the corner of the bed. Knowing what was expected of him, the guy stood up and started to part my cheeks so that he could get it cock inside. It was still lubed from the dildo and accepted his cock easily. As I felt him fill me, Jade stood up and I opened wide as she put her cock in my throat, adjusting my head so that the huge cock filled my mouth completely and thrust all the way down my throat. As she was doing this, I pushed back in rhythm to the guy who'd started thrusting inside me, grunting loudly as he did so. The ruffled skirts from Jade's dress blocked my vision so all I could feel was him thrusting behind me and Jade thrusting in my mouth, balancing with a dancers grace on her seven inch heels. I'd never been roasted before and the sheer thrill sent spasms of joy through my body. The rubber dress seemed to grip me tighter and I revelled in its tight embrace as I felt the cock in my arse start to shudder. I knew he was close to orgasm, and as I thought that, he reached down and grabbed my cock from behind, stroking it as he thrust inside me. Without warning Jade came to a climax and started to come, her sweet juices filling my mouth as she ejaculated again and again, powering me to swallow more and more. As she came, so did I and within moments Handsome Guy started to fill me with his come as well, all three of us moaning with pleasure. After what felt like and age, the three of us, all fully spent, collapsed on the bed sheets exhausted from our efforts, panting loudly in the suddenly quiet room. I wanted to lie there forever and enjoy the feelings coursing through my body, but suddenly Jade was business-like and demanding that Handsome Guy left so we could clean up and get back to work. With a polite smile, he struggled into his trousers and gave us each a quick kiss before he left. As he opened the door, he turned to us with a winning smile, and spoke in that fetching accent of his. "It's Brendon, by the way. And I'm looking forward to seeing you ladies again." And with that he was gone. Jade turned to me and stroked my rubber encased cheek with her gloved hands. "You ok honey?" she asked. "I'm fine love." I replied. "Why?" Jade rolled her eyes theatrically. "Because we just had sex with a man silly, and I wanted you to know that I only ever want to be with you. No man or woman can change that." She didn't need to say what she had, but I was thankful that she had. Emotionally I felt fine that I'd just had sex with a man, and would always trust jade with my life, but sometimes it's nice to hear it. I gave her a passionate kiss on the lips and told her I loved her. Jade gave a sad smile that I couldn't decipher and kissed me back. "I know," she said. "Come on girl, let's get back to work, or Jackie really will tan our hides." It took several minutes to get our slave pants back on and totter downstairs where the rest of the evening passed in a blur. Jade didn't leave my side, and as the last of the guests left and we wearily climbed upstairs to go to bed, I glanced worryingly at Jackie's bedroom door. She'd left the party early saying she had a big meeting tomorrow, but I knew she didn't. She looked even more tired than usual tonight and I wondered at the stress she was having at work. As I helped Jade out of her dress, unfastening all of the buttons, I kept my concerns to myself. Jade helped me out of my dress and we put on each other's negligee's before realising our mistake and cuddling up in bed together. As I drifted off to relax, Jade kissed my brow and told me she loved me. I slept with a smile on my face. We slept late the next day and woke to find a storm beating at the windows. We took our time getting dressed, helping bathe each other in a hot bath before applying each others' make-up. We'd planned to go shopping and maybe go to the cinema before the work party tonight and I put on some skinny jeans that were extremely tight and a cowl necked sleeveless jumper. I was glad that my feminine figure stretched to my arms as there was little musculature there that would give me away. I then put over the jeans my favourite knee high boots with a *******er heel and shrugged into a leather jacket before putting a cap on that would protect my hair from the worst of the weather. I grabbed a handbag and zipped up the jacket just up to my breasts before leaving the room. Jade was still getting dressed and I'd meet her down for breakfast. Jackie's door was still closed as I passed and I chewed my lip with worry, the feeling not leaving me as I munched on a bowl of cereal. The afternoon passed quickly as we wondered around the shops in Oxford Circus. I thrilled as I tried on clothes in the shops, no one suspecting either Jade or I held a little secret in our knickers. Laden down with shopping and enjoying the admiring glances from men as we walked down the street, we popped into the cinema and lifted up the handrest between the seats as we curled up in each other's arms and watched the latest Harry Potter film. I noticed a few heads turn to us as the men looked on with undisguised lust and the women with interest. I didn't care. I was happier than I'd ever been. As the film finished and we caught a taxi back home, dark thoughts about tonight wormed their way into my mind. I was worried that Emma would be there and realised that it would be the perfect time for her to humiliate me. I shared my thoughts with Jade, but she shrugged them off saying we'll deal with whatever happens when it happens. 
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As we arrived home, Jackie opened the front door and helped us with our shopping, insisting that we try on each of our purchases with a little fashion show. She seemed better today and the good night's relax seemed to have done her a power of good. We'd bought her a lovely necklace from the jewellery section in Harrods and she admonished us for spending so much, whilst giving heartfelt thanks. Glancing up at the kitchen clock, she swore loudly and ushered us upstairs to get changed for tonight. "It's a themed night tonight," she gushed as she pushed us out of the kitchen. "Vicar's and Tart's, though I don't know why I bother giving you a choice, it's obvious what you two'll be going as!" I grinned back and asked her what she'd be going as. "I had enough tarts last night, I think!" she replied. "Vicar's all the way, though seeing as I'm such a paragon of goodness, I'm going as the pope!" I heard her chuckling to herself as she made her way to her bedroom and I pushed all my worries about her to one side. She seems fine I thought as I went to help Jade choose something for us to wear tonight. I'm just being silly. I let Jade choose my outfit as she let me choose hers. I had her wear a shimmering metallic dress that barely covered her arse and a held a plunging neck line that revealed almost all of her breasts save for the nipples. To complement it, I chose a high heeled strappy pair of shoes that had the strap wrapping around her leg up to her knee. She looked both slutty and amazingly beautiful and I wondered again at my luck. She was perfect, easily the most stunning, kind, caring, intelligent and funny woman I'd ever known and she'd opened the door and led me gently into an amazing world I never knew existed, yet would wanted to leave. Not by choice anyway. Even when she made me wear the sluttiest outfit to a staff party. I chuckled when she showed it to me. "I'm pretty sure that's a bit too tarty even for a vicar's and tart's do!" I cried as she held it aloft. She refused to take no for an answer and insisted on first painting my nails a deep, vibrant red. After touching up my make-up and making it a little more tarty, she retrieved some tape from a bedside draw and showed me how to tape my cock underneath itself. I'd always worn a pair knickers with a pouch to hide my cock, but what she had me wearing couldn't be worn with knickers. She then helped glue my breasts to my chest as I wouldn't be able to wear a bra. "You won't need these soon," she said as she adjusted them so that they hung perfectly from my slim frame. I sighed with contentment at the thought before turning to my outfit. It came in two parts. A halterneck leather corset and a short leather skirt with three large buckled straps where the arse should be. Combined they'd look like one piece. I sighed at Jade as she grinned. "You should have seen this first then shouldn't you!" she retorted at my unspoken complaint. I was worried about drawing too much attention to myself at a work party and this outfit would be sure to turn heads. However, I could never say no to Jade and turned my back to her and held out my arms as she slid the corset through them and clipped the high neck shut before tightening the strings. I'd not worn a corset all day and sucked my breath in as she drew it beyond what I normally would have, tucking my waist in by several more inches than usual. Taking a moment to get some breath back, I stepped into the skirt as Jade pulled it up my legs. It only reached down a couple of inches below my arse, but once she'd zipped it up and done the buckles, showing flashes of my bare arse, I could barely move my legs in it. As Jade muttered to herself and stroked some fluff from my legs, I felt the first stirrings of an erection, and gazed horrified as the tape binding my cock gave way and the tip of my penis poked out from the skirt. Jade guffawed with laughter and went to fetch some more tape. "You'd better have nothing but clean thoughts tonight hun," she said as she re-attached my cock to its nestling place. "I'll make sure to dance my sexiest for you." I sighed again, shaking my head in wonder at my Love. She popped the tape in my handbag with a cheeky wink and went to fetch my shoes -- an outrageous pair of red strappy sandals with six inch heels and helped me into them. The corset stopped me bending down enough to attach them and Jade had to help me to a standing position. As I stood, Jackie knocked on the bedroom door and strode through, the tails of her outfit swishing behind her. She wore a Pope's uniform and looked very regal. She gave a posh wave as she entered, and turned around to reveal a cut out back and some lacy underwear underneath. "How do I look?" She asked. "Like the Pope, only much more sexy," I answered and she grinned as she saw the pair of us. "Looks like I really do have a pair of slappers in house!" she cried. Sensing my embarrassment, she winked playfully. "Don't worry love, you really won't be the most shocking there. Lawyers are the biggest bunch of tarts at heart. All the husbands will be more sluttily dressed!" She ushered us out of the door as I shrugged into an ankle length leather jacket and pushed us into a waiting taxi. I struggled to get in as I couldn't bend my head nor lift a leg above the knee, but I managed it with some grace. The taxi driver grinned as he caught sight of my arse and raised an eyebrow lewdly. "Eyes forward driver," snapped Jackie and grinned as he blushed with shame and doffed an imaginary cap. The party was at the office and was but a short drive and as soon as we stepped from the cab, I realised that Jackie was right. A bit of arse on show was the least outrageous and Jade seemed positively conservative in her skimpy dress. Someone had cleared all of the desks from the main office and the space was filled with staff dressed as shockingly as possible, great peals of laughter echoing across the space as they revelled in their attempts to outdo each other. I hobred over to a bar set in one of the alcoves and attended to by one of the junior assistants and ordered a bottle of champagne for the three of us, bringing it back to a table that Jackie had appropriated. I was careful not to walk too fast lest I fall over in such a tight skirt. I didn't want to get out of breath either as I knew I'd struggle to get enough oxygen in me with such a tight corset. I settled down next to Jade and gave her knee a squeeze under the table. She returned the gesture before pouring us all a glass of bubbly and declaring a toast. As we downed our glasses in a most un-ladylike fashion, I caught a glimpse of Emma as she entered the room from the toilets. She was wearing a PVC bra and knickers and a pair of evil stilettos and little else. I had to admit she looked sexy and remembered how I'd fantasised about her before Jade had arrived at work. She caught my eye and with a curled finger beckoned me over. I turned to Jade, who'd also seen her. Her body was rigid with tension. "You'd better go," she said. Jackie tapped my knee and offered me a new glass of champagne. "Go on," she affirmed. "See what she wants. Now might be the best time -- she looks plastered to me!" With some effort, I managed to stand up, and making a show of talking to Jackie a bit longer sauntered over. Half way across the floor, I was pounced upon by the husband of my secretary, whom I'd met at the ball exactly a week ago. It seemed like a lifetime ago, and I watched Emma as he paid me some slurred compliments and stumred off. I was stopped several more times by colleagues who wanted to chat and wish me well, and each time, I stopped and gave them as much time as I could before moving on. The music was loud and I was careful to keep my voice low and feminine. Emma waited patiently in the shadows, her eyes never leaving me as eventually I made my way to her. "Good evening Emma," I said as coolly as I could. Her gaze lingered on my body, taking in the tight leather outfit, before reaching my eyes. "Nice outfit," she said and pushed herself away from the wall, suddenly close to me. My heart hammered in its chest, either through fear, or something else I couldn't fathom. I smelt gin on her breath as she leant close to speak. "Follow me," she said and sauntered out towards her office. I meekly followed, turning around to see Jade watching me with a worried expression. Her office was only a few metres from the main section and as I entered, I saw that she was leaning on her desk, her arms folded. She indicated the chair before her and bade me to sit. It was a command and not a request and so I sat, looking up at her with my heart beating loudly in my chest. She raised a leg and placed a well heeled sandal on the chair next to me. "Here's the thing," she said, her voiced slurred from the take. "You're a man. You have a cock dangling between your legs. Everyone is fooled and why shouldn't they be with? With an outfit like that, who'd have thought that you're Owen?" She waved an arm to indicate the leather outfit I was squeezed into. "Hell!" she cried. "You look better than most of the women here!" I said nothing, waiting for her to get to the point. "So this is what I want," she continued. "I want you to lick my boots. Then I want you to keep going. I want you, Louise, Owen, whatever your name is, to be my little slave." 
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It took a long time for her words to settle in. I stared at her dumbly. "I'm sorry?" I asked. "You want me to be your slave?" A thousand thoughts entered my mind. I'd come up with every possible scenario of what she might do to me, but I hadn't expected this! "Yes," she replied nonchalantly. "I want you to be my little bitch. I say jump, you say how high. I say fetch, you go fetch. I say do all my work, you do all my work. I say kiss my boots, you kiss my boots. It really is that simple." "No," I blurted, realising that it wasn't the best way to deal with this unexpected situation. Her eyes narrowed and she leaned forward, a hand snaking out to grab my chin. "Listen to me you little perv," she hissed, rage mottling her face. "You want me to walk out of this office and tell everyone your dirty little secret then that's what I'll do. Right now. Make your mind up, and do it fast." I slapped her hand away and with as much dignity as I could muster in my outfit, stood up and walked out of her office. I wanted nothing more than to escape this party and go home. As I reached the exit, Jade caught up with me and took my arm in hers, not saying anything but providing me with comfort as we walked out. It didn't take long to get a taxi. The drivers literally fell out of their cars to give us a lift. "Soho," snapped Jade to the lucky driver, and I saw him strain his ears to listen as I explained what Emma had said. "Little bitch," breathed Emma as I recounted the story. "What are we going to do?" My heart soared as she said "we", but I just shrugged. "Me hun. What am I going to do? She doesn't know about you, so we need to make sure you're not dragged into this." She squeezed my hand and held it to her chest. When she spoke, I'd never heard such fierceness. "Us Louise. Me and You. Don't you dare say different. We'll sort this out together." I kissed her on the lips, ignoring the stares of our driver and pulled her into an embrace. We shortly arrived at Soho and as we walked down the main street towards out bar, wolf whistles and heckles followed our path as various groups of takesen men proposed to us. Batting their attentions away, we strode into Soho's premier club, order another bottle of champagne at the bar and found ourselves a spot to get takes in before hitting the dance floor until our feet hurt. Several times we slapped away groping hands, but after the bouncers had decided to become our unofficial bodyguards we spent the evening unworryed. They even flagged down a taxi for us as we stumred out of the club and made our way home. On the journey home I received a text from Jackie saying that Emma had been found ****** in her office from too much *****. We laughed as we imagined the loss to her dignity and I felt my spirits lighten. Maybe we'd get out of this after all. I sat wearily on the bed, waiting for Jade to come and untie my corset as she walked into the cupboard to get some night wear. I leant back, drifting off to relax and kept my eyes closed as I felt Jade lift my arms above my head. I purred contentedly, my head buzzing from the holy water. Expecting her to untie my corset, I instead heard a click as she handcuffed my wrists to the iron bed posts. My eyes shot open to find Jade straddling me, her wicked, sexy grin making her seem even more attractive. "Far too early for you to be going to relax," she said and proceeded to pull my skirt down over my legs, and ripping off the tape that held my cock in place. Leaving my corset on and my heels, she leant down and kissed my cock. It responded immediately and quickly hardened. Jade sat back up, a satisfied smile on her lips as she caressed my cock with her smooth, delicate hands. She'd pulled her own knickers off and I could see her cock pushing up the shimmering material of her dress. I wanted to reach out and grab her, but the cuffs held me fast. She took two pillows and placed them under my head, kissing me gently as she did so. With my head raised, she lifted her dress and gently stroked her own cock, before moving forward and pushing it towards my mouth. With the handcuffs, I could do little to stop it and opened my mouth as she slid her cock in. With my head bent in such a way, and the corset preventing me from moving too much, she could only get the tip in, but it was enough. I suckled it greedily, my tongue playing with the sensitive head as she thrust softly in and out of my mouth. She reached behind her and grabbed my cock, massaging it as some pre-cum leaked into my mouth. After several minutes, she withdrew her cock from my mouth and wiggled backwards so that her arse was over my cock. She'd lubed herself whilst in the cupboard and slowly began to slide down my shaft, penetrating herself on my throbbing cock. I groaned as she moved slowly on top of me, increasing in speed as she became more and more excited. Being handcuffed, all I could do was lie there, enjoying the feeling of her arse stimulating my cock and thrusting upwards in rhythm to hers. My high heeled feet struggled for purchase on the bed. Sensing I was reaching a climax, Jade started stroking her own cock, and as I came, gasping loudly and straining my cuffs, she came as well, a thick stream of cum splashing my face as I filled her arse with my own cum. I could feel her cum dribbling into my lips and I licked them greedily as I spurted again inside her. Still impaled upon me, Jade leant forward and gently kissed my lips, her cum mingling in our mouths. This time, it was her turn to give a contented purr. She stretched loudly and then eased herself off me to get the key and uncuff me. As she helped me out from my corset, I gave a sigh of relief as I was able to breathe once more. We shared a hot shower, cleaning each other off as we did so and then helping to moisturise ourselves. Within minutes, we were curled up arelax in each other's arms. We had no plans for Sunday and spent a lazy day pottering about the house after waking up late. A hot afternoon sun streamed through the windows and the three of us went for a long walk through the park. I wore a light cotton dress that reached to my ankles and caressed my soft legs with every step. A pair of wedges and a straw hat complemented the outfit and Jade looked stunning in a halterneck shift. Jackie wore dark glasses to hide the bags under her eyes and she shrugged away our concerns. She'd aged tremendously, but perked up when I suggested a barbeque in the garden. As Jade cooked the food, smoke wafting lazily in the air, Jackie regaled us with stories from her youth, when she'd stared out being a lawyer. It was the laziest of days, and one that in the future, I would cherish as one of the best days. I hugged my legs as I sat on a sun lounger, resting my chin on my knees and laughing freely at her stories as I drank some red wine. All thoughts of Emma were washed from my mind, but soon enough she'd make her presence felt. I woke on Monday having no sense of the trials that the day would bring. Once I'd showered and Jade had helped me into my corset, I borrowed her green silk, wraparound dress and complemented the outfit with a pair of knee high boots. We arrived at work in a sunny mood, Sunday having been the perfect tonic to our worries. As we stepped from the lift into work, Jade chatting freely, I noticed that the main office area was crowded with staff. Intrigued, we walked from the lift into the open plan area to find that Emma was holding court. As she spotted us, she waved happily. "So the reamister I called an emergency staff meeting," she explained. "Is because of Louise here." My heart sank as every eye in the room turned to me. Jade gripped my arm tightly as Emma strolled over. My heart beat furiously and sweat beaded my brow. The air felt still, full of anticipation as curious stares weighed down upon me. I tried to stammer some response, some retort that would silence her. I looked to Jackie, who seemed equally as stunned. Emma placed her arm around me and turned to her captive audience. "Louise is not all she claims to be," she said, as I shrugged her arm off me. "Louise is Owen. The one we sacked last week. So sad and pathetic is this man that he's lied to you all and tried to pass himself off as a woman. Miserably I might add." A Cheshire Cat smile spread across her face as every member of staff gasped as they saw who I was. 
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As we got home, I called out a greeting to Jackie who was watching TV, and we hurried up the stairs and threw our shopping on the bed. Jade sat on the mattress and pulled me towards her, untying the belt that held my wrap-around dress together. I shrugged the silk from my shoulders and kicked off my knickers as my suddenly erect penis sprang out from its cage. As I stood before her in my tight purple, steel boned corset and stockings held up by suspenders attached to the corset, Jade stroked my penis and gazed up with lust before putting the shaft in her mouth. I arched my back with pleasure and nearly toppled over in my high heels. Reaching up, I grabbed the posts over the double bed as Jade continued to suck my throbbing cock, feeling an orgasm coming closer with every thrust down her throat. Jade, sensing my climax was near, quickly pulled back and grinned wickedly at my expression. "Hey!" I chided, feeling suddenly cheated. She laughed and told me to get on my hands and knees on the bed. I did as bade as she went into the walk in cupboard and came out holding a rubber hood. It had no eye holes and as she put it over my head, a plastic mouthpiece powerd my mouth open and kept it like that. She zipped up the back and the tight material enveloped my head and neck. I heard a snickt as she locked the zip. I felt her leap off the bed and go back into the cupboard as I struggled to stop my exposed mouth drying out. Moments later she returned and grabbed one wrist and pulled it towards one corner of the bed, before manacling it to the post with leather straps. She did the same with the other arm and then with my legs so that I was splayed on the bed, but not fully. I could just about kneel still. The bedroom went still again as she left once more and I wondered what she could be up to now. I had learnt to trust her implicitly and she had always come up with new ideas to bring me to climax, so I tried to relax and go with the flow. The world felt muffled through the thick hood and I could hear or see nothing except for my rapidly increasing breathing. Suddenly I felt a coldness on my arse as Jade returned and rubbed cold jelly on the rim, before parting my cheeks and pushing what I thought was a large dildo up my arse. As my anus widened to let in the plug, I felt it constrict once more only to be powerd open again. I realised that she was putting a chain of large beads up my arse and relaxed as she continued to put more and more of the beads up there. Just as I was starting to wonder how much more I could take, she stopped and pushed a button on the end. Suddenly my whole arse started to vibrate wildly and I bucked with joy as I felt my entire being pleasured by the anal beads. Jade moved round to my front and suddenly I was filled with her huge cock as she shoved it through the hole in the mask and into my open mouth. Powerless to move or resist I sucked it greedily as she thrust it deep into my throat. Several weeks ago, I would have been unable to manage such a feat, especially with a cock as large as Jade's, but I'd had much practise and felt the entire shaft inside me. I moaned with pleasure as she teased it in and out and within minutes felt her pre-cum lance down my throat. She gripped the sides of my head and thrust harder as she came in huge jets of come that took all of my s******* to swallow and not fetish. Making sure I licked the shaft clean of all come, she removed her cock and then placed into my mouth a rubber cock that buttoned to the sides of the hood I wore. It was easily as large as Jade's own, and filled my mouth completely, powering me to suck it. She then slid down under me and took my own cock in her mouth, before reaching up behind me to play with the anal beads. As she pulled one of them in and out slowly from my vibrating arse, she teasinlgy licked the tip of my penis, running her tongue up and down its length and then putting the whole thing in her mouth. Unable to move, see, speak or hear, the only senses I felt were those of my sex being teased beyond imagination. My whole world was enveloped in ecstasy and as I raced towards a climax, Jade pulled the beads from my arse with one swift pull. Had I been able, I would have screamed with pleasure as my whole body shook with a powerful orgasm, Jade gulping down my cum as she pulled the last of the beads out. I lost track of time as a giddy rush of dizziness swept over me and blinked in the sudden light as Jade removed the hood and gag, before undoing the straps that held me fast. Jade kissed me on the forehead whilst moving a lock of hair from my eye. "Hmmm...that was nice." I purred contentedly and let her help me out of my underwear and into a satin negligee. She wore a matching one and laughed at the pair we made. She helped me from my wig and brushed it down as she put it on a stand. My own hair was growing fast and the hormones would help thicken it out. It wouldn't be long before a wig was unnecessary. I smiled at the thought and went to my bag to fetch several bottles of pills Dr James had given me. Jade got into bed and pulled the sheets open to invite me in. I curled up next to her and examined the bottles before taking one out of each and gazing at each of them. They held a future I didn't know I needed until a few weeks ago. "Well, bottoms up," I whispered and took the first pill. Jade handed me a glass of water and smoothed my hair as I took the rest. That night, I slept as soundly as I ever have done. I felt a peace and comfort I had never known. One of belonging. Tuesday brought a pleasant surprise. An overnight stay in Cardiff. Jackie had wanted to send us both to Paris to work in the Firm's Offices there on a case, but my passport had yet to be changed, so that would have to wait a few more months until I could go abroad. Instead, Emma took that case and headed over to France. I felt relieved. She would be out of my hair until Friday at the earliest, hopefully not until next Monday. As an added bonus, Jackie presented me with a set of keys as I headed into the kitchen for breakfast. She was decked out in an elegant velvet dress and matching jacket with a large hat perched precariously on her head. "Off to the races hun?" I asked, whilst complementing her on her appearance. She looked stunning. I was dressed rather more conservatively with a satin blouse and high waisted pencil skirt over my obligatory corset and stockings. Jade had tied my hair up in a bow and I felt nervous about exposing my neck so, but she assured me that my adam's apple was so small no one would notice it. She'd kept it up with two black chopsticks and I sighed with pleasure at the sophisticated look it afforded me. I wore some new boots I'd bought yesterday; a pair of fashionable shoes, much like a man's Italian work shoes, but made with patent leather and wicked five inch heels and pointed toes. A lace had come undone, so I knelt down to tie them as Jackie spoke. "I sure am Louise darling, I sure am. Might I say you look ravishing today as well. Those hormones already make you glow! Here. A present." She held out a set of keys and I looked at them in puzzlement. She'd already given me her house keys. I held out a hand and she dropped them in, which was when I noticed the label on the key. "Jackie, really, you can't. I can't accept this. You've already done too much for me," I protested as she stepped towards me and closed my hand around the key. She smiled. "Your humility is the very reamister I can Louise. You've changed a lot these last few weeks. Completely unrecognisable from the uncouth man you once were. You are my flower and I want to spoil you. I've never had kids, and I'm all alone here, so it's my pleasure. It makes me feel like the lady I never was. Besides, you've a long journey ahead of you today and I'm sure you won't want to take the train whilst I take the car to the races." I frowned, confused once more. It often happens around Jackie. She tends to start new conversation half way through. "You and Jade are off to Cardiff. A sister firm needs your expertise and have asked specifically for you two. Our Chinese hosts from last week have spread the word about you two, so you're now officially in demand." I went upstairs to pack for the night as Jackie followed me up to say goodbye to Jade and talk shop briefly about the clients we were meeting. Taking our bags to the front door, I went outside to admire the present Jackie had bought me. With the help of Jade, naturally. In the drive sat a beautiful Ferrari Fiorano, all smooth curves and gleaming red in the sunlight. "Well," said Jade in a deadpan voice. "Guess we'll need to pack less." The journey to Cardiff took less than two hours and the Ferrari was a joy to drive. We pulled up at the St Davids Hotel that overlooked the bay with plenty of time to go before our meeting. As I pulled up to the luxurious doorway a harried looking attendant came out to greet us. As we stepped from the car, Jade displaying her long legs with a short leather skirt and outrageous heels and myself still in my pencil skirt, his eyes widened with lust. I tossed him the keys and told him to take care of my baby with a wink and a grin. He blushed further and stammered a welcome before stepping nervously into the car. I looked a Jade and giggled as we made our way into the opulent entrance to the Hotel. As we gave our details at the desk, an attractive blonde processed our names and gave us both a demure smile. "Would you prefer two rooms?" she asked, her tone suggesting she knew the answer. She had large breasts bursting from her blouse and long shapely legs. Her name badge identified her as Alice. Jade chuckled and whispered conspiratorially, leaning close to her ear. "One room, please hun, and one bed also." Alice chuckled back and gazed at us both with open appreciation. "Glad to hear it," she replied. "And please, if there's anything we, or rather, I, can do to make your stay here any better, please don't hesitate to ask." She handed over the key card and winked at me as we walked off, Jade grinning wildly and laughing as I blushed. "Why Louise, don't tell me you're abashed!" She grinned some more and took my arm as we made our way to our room where our bags were waiting. It was huge and tastefully decorated with modern, yet cosy furniture. A balcony overlooked the bay and I sat gazing out at the water as the sun warmed my face. 
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Life's good, I thought. It can't get much better than this! It could get worse though, and I realised little at the time how much worse it could get. As we unpacked, the phone rang and as Jade answered she beckoned me get her a pen so she could take instructions of where to meet our clients. As she put down the receiver, she turned to me and sighed. "Time to go to work," she muttered and headed for the door as I followed. The day passed in a blur as we spent our time pouring over documents and discussing the minutiae of every statement and word. We were in a busy office and streams of people came through, taking notes, asking questions and fetching more documents as we asked. I expected to be caught out, for someone to say "hey, you're a man!" but no one did. As far as they were concerned, we were two hard working, successful lawyers. It was thrilling and terrifying, but I had gone so far into my role as Louise that it wasn't an act. I saw myself as a woman as did those around me, though as the day drew to a close, I was glad to leave the office and wonder the city to find food. Cardiff was a vibrant city, full of life and as we walked the streets arm in arm, our winter coats pulled tight against the bitter wind that prowled the streets, we soaked in the atmosphere of a new place, enjoying the mellifluous Welsh accent as it swirled around us. We were happy then. Truly so. I loved her so much. Why could such things never last? As we arrived back at the hotel, our feet sore from our travels, we headed to the bar to enjoy some wine and each other's company. Jade had brought some cards and Blackjack was high on her agenda. It was her dream to go to Vegas and win her millions. Sat at the bar was Alice, who turned as we came in. She was holding a glass of wine herself and smiled as we approached. I had not realised it so earlier, but she was a stunning woman. "Good evening ladies," she whispered as she came near. "I was wondering if you'd care to join me for a take?" Jade looked at me and I nodded my assent, so we sat at a table by the window where the boats and yachts drifted by and played cards whilst takeing several bottles of red wine. As Jade drank the last vestiges of her glass, she turned to me and indicated that she would like to go to bed. I nodded relaxily and turned to Alice. "We must go to bed now I'm afraid, but it's been a pleasure." Her face crumpled with sorrow, but she nodded her agreement. "It is pretty late. Please. Allow me to walk you to your room." She led us up the stairs to our room and opened the door for us. My feet were sore from the shoes I'd been wearing and I was glad to see my bed. Jade turned to me and winked. I knew instantly what that look meant and had seen it before. My mouth went dry and I shook my head subtly, trying not to draw attention to myself. "What if she doesn't know?" I whispered. Jade shrugged and whispered back. "Only one way to find out isn't there?" She turned to Alice who'd been waiting by the door, understanding little of our exchange. "Are you coming in then?" She grinned playfully and stepped into the room, closing the door shut behind her, unbuttoning her blouse as she did so. Jade did likewise, exposing her wondrous breasts to the room. I still felt nervous and so did not want to expose my false breasts. Alice came to me and, reaching up, kissed me hard on the lips. Arousal shot through my body, and I could feel myself becoming harder as my cock pushed against its satin cage. Her firm breasts pushed against my body as Jade came up behind her and unzipped her skirt so that it fell in a puddle around her feet. Still kissing me, she stepped from it and pushed me onto the bed. She then turned to Jade and caressed her breasts as I watched. With one hand, she pushed down her G-string to reveal a mound of hair, neatly trimmed. She unzipped Jade's skirt and thrust her hand down. I held my breath, seeing how she'd react when confronted with Jade's enormous penis, but she carried on as if knowing it was there all along. As Jade's skirt slipped down her stockinged legs, her cock came free and Alice gasped in pleasure before turning to me. "Now your turn," she said and helped me from my blouse and pencil skirt. She gasped in pleasure again as my own cock was released and grabbed both mine and Jade's in each hand before crawling onto the bed and beckoning us on. Keeping my heels, corset and stockings on, as did Jade, we made our way to the bed where I kissed Alice as Jade caressed my exposed skin. It had been a long time since I'd been with a woman, and it was strange at first. As I kissed her neck and then her breasts, I made my way slowly down to her pussy and was gratified to find it already moist. I buried my head in its warmth and lapped greedily as the juices flowed. She sat upright on her knees with me below her whilst I licked and teased her, while Jade stood and Alice leaned forward to take her cock in her mouth, gagging a little with its girth, but soon taking it all in. Both Jade and Alice moaned with pleasure and started writhing as they both neared climax. As Alice started screaming with pleasure as I licked and teased her clit, she took Jade's cock from her mouth and masturbated it furiously as Jade came over her, thick streams of cum splashing her face and breasts, further driving Alice into a frenzy. Both Jade and Alice collapsed exhausted onto the bed but Alice pulled me up towards her and thrust my head into her breasts where I licked Jade's warm cum from them. She then took my throbbing cock in her hand and guided it deep into her. I gasped with pleasure at its tight warmth and started thrusting. With a burst of strength, she manoeuvred herself so that she lay on top of me as she pushed herself deeper onto my cock, groaning with pleasure as she did so. Jade, having recovered from her orgasm, kneeled over me and thrust her cock into my mouth as Alice writhed faster and faster on me. Holding Jade's legs as she thrust harder, I could feel myself starting to cum. Alice shrieked loudly as she climaxed, her pussy squeezing tighter with pleasure as I moaned, unable to scream as Jade started coming in my mouth, powering me to swallow. Jade groaned loudly once more and then it was over. Alice slumped from me, dripping juices on the duvet as she sighed with pleasure. She held up a finger and waved it at us as she grinned. "You girls are something else, let me tell you." Jade laughed huskily as she gently wiped the cum from my lips and chin where some had spilt. "That we are," Jade replied. "That we are." I awoke the next day to find Alice coiled at the end of the bed. As we had drifted to relax, we had all curled up into one, but during the course of the night, Jade and I had drifted closer, seeking comfort in each other's arms. I could not imagine a night where we weren't together, relaxing as close as we could, and wasn't sure that I would now cope. Jade had said the same thing before and I knew it to be true. Fate, however, had other, much crueller plans. Alice left soon after, giving each of us a lingering kiss as she did so. "How did you know?" I asked, desperate to know what had given us away so that I could rectify it. She smiled mischievously. "I didn't," she replied and closed the door behind her. Jade was running a bath and as we got in, she took some soap and started to scrub me clean. My skin was still smooth and hairless from the waxing session a few days ago, and the hair on my face was all but gone after regular and painful electrolysis sessions. "Your skin will get softer soon with the hormone treatment," she said as I turned so my back was to her allowing her to wash my hair. I sighed a nondescript response as she continued talking. "You'll start getting nice hips too and putting on some fat!" I slapped her thigh playfully as she washed the shampoo from my hair, and then turned to clean her. Once done, Jade wrapped a towel around her chest and stepped from the bathroom, allowing me to use the anal douche and cleanse myself fully. Afterwards, I stepped into the bedroom to find Jade naked on the bed, lying on her side, facing me. She wore no make-up, but her feminine features didn't need any. She was stunning, her large breasts firm yet soft and her torso slim and toned. She stroked her erect cock lazily and smiled as I walked towards her, dropping my towel and showing her my stiffening penis. On a regular basis we'd have sex with no toys, no clothes, no games. Just the two of us revelling in each other, reminding each other that we loved the other for who they were and nothing else. Sex like this was always slow and intimate as we caressed each other sensuously and took turns to bring the other to a stunning climax leaving us both feeling drained but completely satisfied. A while after, as we lay curled up in each other's arms, Jade checked the clock on the bedside table, and sighed heavily. "Well hun, time to get ready for work. Yesterday was pretty boring, so I've brought something along to liven the day a bit." I groaned, remembering the last day she'd planned with our Chinese guests. She'd bought huge vibrating butt plugs that were remote controlled by the other and we'd spent the day turning it on at every inopportune moment. She leaned over the bed and rummaged in her bag and with a cry of joy came up brandishing what looked like a very large butt plug attached to a strange plastic device. "What's that?!" I asked, a little perturbed. Jade gave an evil grin and shrugged sensually. 
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"You'll see. Let's get you ready first." She sat me in front of the mirror and put on my make-up. Though I was now able to do it properly myself, I enjoyed letting Jade do it as much as she enjoyed doing it herself. She applied a light foundation and a little blusher to my cheeks to attenuate the cheek bone and narrow my face a little. She put some thick eye liner around my eyes, making them seem much larger and more sensual and two shades of eye shadow, going from dark to light. I had long, feminine eye lashes anyway, but she lengthened them with some mascara. My fingernails were coated in a dark red varnish, so on my lips she put some dark lipstick. In other hands, it could have looked vampy, but Jade's delicate touch made it look sophisticated and sensual. She then helped me into my corset and, as I leaned forward, she pulled the strings tight behind my back. A month ago, this would have been painful as my waist was constricted by several inches, but I had grown accustomed to it. I had a girly, waspish waist anyway and probably didn't need to wear a corset, but I enjoyed the feel of it, the way it embraced my body and in many ways, made me feel safer and more in control. I pulled some silky stockings up my smooth legs and sat down next to Jade who was fiddling around with her new toy. "This," she said, pointing to the contraption. "Is a butt plug attached to a chastity device." I raised my eyebrows in shock. "You want me to not have sex with you?" Jade laughed and started taking the small, clear plastic device apart. "No, silly. If I put this here, and here..." As I lay on the bed, she re-assemred the device around my flaccid cock. At the end were several holes through which I could urinate, and the device was held together around my shaft by a lock which she clicked shut. She then placed a ring around my balls that the device was strapped to. As Jade put it on, she described how I would be unable to have an erection whilst wearing this. "Some devices let you have one, but this one doesn't I'm afraid hun. Now, turn over." As I turned over, she reached for the large butt plug, making me gulp nervously. Though my arse was well used to stimulation by now, this plug looked bigger than anything I had had before and was curved in a very strange way, almost like an upside down J. As she lubed my arse, she pushed my cheeks aside to plunge the plug in. At first, the sensation was pleasurable, but then she kept pushing and I felt that my arse would split with the pressure. I pushed back and gasped with pain as I felt the plug fill me completely and grabbed the bed sheets in my fists. "Nearly there," cried Jade as suddenly the pressure eased as my sphincter squeezed around the narrow base. A series of clicking sounds ensued as she strapped the base of the plug to the chastity device. Suddenly the plug started vibrating, pulses of pleasure tickling my prostrate gland. The shape of the plug meant that it was pushing directly against my G-spot, and, despite the size of the plug, I groaned with pleasure. I could feel my cock stiffen, but then it pushed against the device and I gasped with pain as the plastic enclosing my cock refused to give way. My G-spot was being stimulated more than it ever had been before, yet I had no way of releasing the pleasure. Jade chuckled as she saw my discomfort and waved the remote at me. I made to grab it, but the plug shifted within me and I gasped with pleasure. "Now my turn," said Jade and I did the same for her. She moaned with pleasure as I turned on the plug, but grimaced when her penis stiffened in its plastic housing. We agreed to turn the vibrators off whilst we dressed a least, and set about dressing each other. I wore a tight polo neck jumper that would keep the warmth out and attenuate my fake breasts, and I couldn't help but grin joyously at the thought that soon I would have real ones, and could wear low cut tops. I wore a knee length leather skirt that both kept me warm and its heaviness meant that no bulge or lines from the chastity device was seen. I then put on a new pair of knee high boots that reached to the hem of the skirt. They had a very thin stiletto heel at least five inches high. I was glad that I had been a fairly short man as, even in these heels, I didn't stand out from the crowd. I also had very feminine hands, and was glad that I was able to wear understated, yet expensive rings on several of my fingers. I wore a necklace Jade had given me over the polo neck jumper and put in a new pair of dangly earrings. The piercing had healed by now and I was able to wear what I wanted. I loved the feel as they bounced around when I moved my head and marvelled at all the wondrous things women had. As I put on a thick black winter coat, Jade stepped into a tight fitting dress that pushed her real breasts together and showed her wondrous cleavage. The dress hugged her hips and finished at the knee. She wore a satin jacket over this and fastened the clip that held it closed. She stepped into some ankle boots and tottered over as the plug inside her tickled her G-spot. "Oops!" she cried. "Think even walking may be a bit difficult!" As we left the room, I realised that she was right. Every step pushed the oddly shaped butt plug over our prostrate making us gasp with pleasure, yet wince as the chastity device kept us firmly in check. We hadn't even started with the remotes, yet and I sensed that it was going to be a long day. Later that day, we were exhausted, but not from the work. Once again, we sat in our clients' office whilst they brought us mounds of documents, questions and various demands. The work was arduous, but enlivened by Jade constantly rummaging around in her handbag that she'd "left" on her desk. Every time she did so, I felt a jolt run through my entire being as the vibrating plug did its devious work. The first time it happened, I gave a surprised whimper, prompting my colleague, a short balding man called Thomas to look at me with concern. "Are you ok Miss Louise?" he asked. "Would you like a rest?" I smoothed the soft leather skirt I wore as if brushing away some dust and told him I was fine. "A glass of water would be much appreciated though." As he left to get us both a take I grinned at Jade as I turned her remote on, enjoying the gasp that escaped her ruby red lips. "Ok, ok, truce," she whispered as the device wrapped around her throbbing cock dug painfully into her. She turned my plug off, but it didn't last and soon we were teasing each other through the day. I marvelled at how no one else seemed to notice. I felt as if my entire being were vibrating at times and was sure my chair must be too. I was sure I could hear the vibrator whining too, but the staff around us were completely oblivious. As lunch drew near, Thomas left to get some food from a local sandwich shop he claimed was the best in the world and left us alone in the tiny office. As soon as he exited, I grabbed Jade's hand and pulled her into a tiny storage cupboard at the back of the room, pushing her against the wall at the back as I closed the door shut behind me. It was dark in there and smelled faintly of old paper and photocopier ink and I could find no lock on the door. No matter, I felt for Jade in the darkness and dropped to my knees, pulling up her tight dress as I did so. Pulling her pants down, I started to undo the chastity device, which was no mean feat in the dark. Jade's breathing grew heavier as I pulled her pulsating cock from its trap. It grew thick and fast as I turned on her vibrator and in the darkness found its swollen head and suckled it greedily, enjoying the taste of her cock in my mouth. Jade groaned and I could hear her reaching out to the shelves either side of us to keep her balance, knocking various items from them with a loud clatter. I grinned, hoping no one would open the unlocked door, and sucked harder, working the entire shaft down my throat. As Jade's huge plug continued to vibrate and titillate her prostrate she groaned loudly and started thrusting deeper into my mouth, almost making me gag. Thick streams of cum crashed against the back of my throat and I swallowed instinctively, eyes widening as she continued to pour more cum into my mouth. Eventually she stopped and I could hear her sighing with pleasure as I licked the shaft clean. Suddenly a sound from behind the door caught our attention. "Hello? Miss Louise? Miss Jade?" It was Thomas and he'd returned with our lunch. Adrenalin lurched through my body as my heart beat faster with panic. I scramred to the door and peered through the key hole to see Thomas standing in the doorway holding a large bag of food. He stood there for a moment and walked back out of the room. "Quick!" I whispered and scrabred over to help Jade back into the device. It had been tricky enough to put it on in broad daylight, but we struggled with it in the dark, giggling uncontrollably. There was no question of leaving it behind; a dare was a dare. As we clicked it shut, I ran out of the room and sat at the large desk in the centre of the room, busily looking innocent whilst Jade readied herself in the cupboard. An idea sprang to mind and I quickly rummaged around in Jade's bag to find what I was looking for. As Jade sprang from the cupboard, her tight fitting dress now snugly wrapped around her wonderful thighs, Thomas entered the room once more and gave a cry of delight in finding us, his Welsh accent strong with surprise. "There you are!" he cried. "I was looking all over for you! Where did you go?" Moving some stray hair that had fallen over my eye and tucking it behind my ear I came out with an excuse that had Jade fighting back tears of laughter. "I needed a take," I said and reached for the food he offered, assiduously ignoring Jade. The sandwiches were wonderful and as Jade bit into hers she gasped with delight, not from the food, but from the vibrator I had just turned on. She reached into her bag to turn mine on, and a look of concern crossed her face when she couldn't find the remote. "Something wrong?" I asked innocently. Jade gave me a sinful look and shrugged nonchalantly. "Nothing that can't be fixed later," she replied. She spent the afternoon scheming revenge as her vibrator was left on full power and found herself unable to repay the favour to me. I chuckled as I patted the remote from her bag that I'd slid down my knee high boots just as Jade had entered. 
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Just as we wrapped up and said our goodbyes, Jade sighed loudly. "Thank God for that!" she cried as we left the building and pulled our coats tight around us as a cold breeze lifted my skirt and cooled my legs. "It wasn't that bad," I responded, but Jade shook her head. "Not that," she replied. "The battery's died." She gave me a sly, sidelong look and hooked her arm through mine. "I will get revenge you know. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but I will." I chuckled as I nestled my head next to hers. "We'll see. How about we get some food first and then some wine." "Deal, but let's go back to the hotel, get changed into something black, slinky and sexy and find somewhere expensive to eat." As we entered our room to get changed, Jade went to the cupboard and pulled out a dress bag. "Here," she said, and handed the bag to me. "I had the store deliver it here and Alice brought it up to the room." Intrigued, I opened the bag to find the most wondrous dress. Made from blue, shimmering silk, it seemed designed perfectly to fit me and I squealed with delight making Jade laugh. "Oh, thank you," I gushed and went to try it on, but not before Jade had me step out of my leather skirt and lean forward on the bed so that she could remove the huge plug. As she tugged, I worried that it was forever stuck in me, but as I pushed, it came rushing out with a sudden shock of pain that soon passed. I turned to see Jade brandishing the plug and amazed that I had been able to take it in. She grinned wickedly and whispered one word. "Revenge..." I kissed her on the cheek and turned her round so that I could help her out of her plug. With the same effort and gasp of pain, it came free and we helped each other out of our constrictive chastity device. As we unbuckled them, our cocks instantly started to stiffen, glad to be free from their constraints. Jade stepped forward and helped me remove the polo neck jumper I wore. Still wearing my corset and knee high boots I kissed her passionately, our lipstick covered lips mixing their colours. Jade, still in her dress, pushed me backwards until I was leaning against the takes bar, where I realised her plan. The height was perfect and I sat on the bar, wrapping my legs around Jade's waist as she hitched up her dress. Still kissing, she thrust forward with her cock and entered my still lubricated arse. I gasped in pleasure as I felt it go deeper and deeper within me and leaned back to take her all in, my steel boned corset knocking on the cool surface. As Jade entered me fully, she unzipped her dress to reveal her wonderful breasts and pulled me up to kiss and fondle them as she thrust inside me in ever quickening motions. My arse was perched on the very tip of the edge of the bar to allow her entry and I grinned at the thought of Jade slipping in her five inch heels. She didn't though and pushed quicker and quicker as I fondled her breasts and teased her nipples. She gasped as I leaned down to bite one and began to climax inside me, pulling me up so that we could kiss as she reached down and stroked my excited cock jutting up between us. As she reached her climax, so did I and we continued to kiss passionately as she filled me with her cum. I wrapped my legs tighter around her waist, hooking my boots together by their heels and pushing her harder into me. As I felt her semen spurt inside my arse, I came as well, thick gushes of cum splattering our chins as we both giggled at the mess. Still we kissed as both our bodies sagged with relief. Jade started kissing my chin and neck carefully licking the cum from me. I could feel Jade getting smaller and leaned back whilst releasing my legs so that she could pull herself out. She leaned over and kissed me tenderly. "Come on you, let's grab a shower and go get something to eat." After we'd cleaned each other, I went to get dressed. Applying my make-up, I chose colours that would match the deep blue of the silk dress and show off my eyes. I kept the same varnish on my nails, but put in new earrings; long, diamond encrusted pieces that Jackie had bought me. As I put them in, I wondered at my change in fortunes. A little over a month ago, I had been living in a plain one bedroom flat with my TV and XBOX, and now I was driving around in Ferrari's wearing diamond earrings. Somehow, that wasn't important to me. These things were nice, but not what made me happy. Being with Jade made me happy. Having Jackie as a lady I never had made me happy. Being Louise made me happy. I'd happily live in a box if it meant I could be Louise. Easy to say those things when you have everything you want. The Gods were rolling their dice of Fate, and my innermost thoughts were to be tested soon. My worst fears would be realised, and everything I held dear would be taken from me. I little understood these things as Jade helped me into a new corset. The one I'd worn all day had become somewhat sticky after our sex on the bar, so I was trying a new one. It was a size smaller than the one I'd been used to, made from black satin and reaching from my pelvic bone to just below my breasts, or at least where they would be soon. I saw stars as Jade pulled it tight and exhaled quickly, regretting it as Jade used the opportunity to pull it tighter. Next came the new dress. It reached down to my ankles and had straps that clasped behind my neck. Tight around the body and loose around the legs, the bust was high, which meant that it would hide my fake breasts, but expose my thin shoulders and skinny arms. The back was open above the corset line so Jade glued my breasts to my chest and I held them in place as I stepped into the material, sighing with joy as the soft silk caressed my smooth skin. As she clasped the hooks behind my neck, I pulled up the zip along the side and walked to the mirror, suppressing a shiver of joy as a gust of wind blew in from the balcony and cooled the material against my skin. Every step was a pleasure as the skirts played gleefully in the wind and brushed against my legs. Jade pulled some strappy sandals from the cupboard and helped me into them. They had a platform base as the heels were a stunning six inch high stiletto. As she helped me to my feet, I kissed her tenderly and thanked her once more. "Anything for my love," she whispered and fetched me a clutch bag and a matching silken shawl made of the same material, but much thicker. As I stood in the mirror and learnt how best to wrap the shawl around me to ward of the cold winter night, I marvelled at the new s*******s I had to learn every day. Whilst I changed, Jade stepped into her dress, a leather Versace outfit that seemed to fit like a second skin. It wrapped around her legs to her ankles and had a small slit at the back to facilitate walking. The bust drooped low between her breasts and highlighted her ample cleavage. As I zipped her up, she smoothed the dress down and looked at herself in the mirror. She was stunning. Her green eyes highlighted by the black dress and luscious hair that framed her face. I stood next to her and we enjoyed a moment's peace before heading out to dance and take and be merry. Thursday brought with it a pounding hangover and little memory of the previous night except for brief flashes of dancing that various blisters on my feet could attest to. Both Jade and I had crumpled in a heap on the bed fully clothed in the early hours of the morning and as I woke, I could hear her snoring ever so softly. We'd fallen arelax whilst holding hands and I gently eased my palm from hers and padded to the bathroom to change out of my dress. I was pleased to see that it had survived the night fully intact and I quietly hung it back up in its bag. As I showered, scrubbing the nights from my skin and grimacing as the water pounded my tender skull, I quickly ran an epilator over my legs to catch any stray hairs that had survived the waxing process and stepped from the shower to go through my daily moisturising process using the finest mousse crème from The Sanctuary. I noticed that my skin already felt softer from the hormones and fancied that I could see the beginnings of a bulge on my chest. I knew that to be a fantasy as it had only been a few days, but it gave me pleasure to imagine it anyway as I plucked a few stray hairs from my eyebrows to keep them slim and shaped. Jade entered as I was leaving, rubbing relax from her eyes and looking pale. "Ugh," she said and I smiled. Even hung over, she looked beautiful. I kissed her cheek and left her to clean herself up as I went to change. I put on some thick black tights and then chose a thick woollen jumper dress that hugged my figure down to my knees. It had a thick, rolled up neck that kept out the cold. Looking out of the window as I buckled a thick belt around my waist, I saw that winter had truly set in and black, stormy clouds hung pallid in the air over the bay. As steam from the shower wafted lazily from under the door, I slipped into my knee high boots with the *******er heels and went downstairs to order breakfast and settle the bill. Jade slept all the way home as I sped down the M4 back to London. Jackie was waiting for us as I pulled into the drive and greeted us warmly, offering the pair of us little sympathy for our respective hangovers. "Hair of the dog is what you need!" she declared and ushered us into the grand house in which we now lived. It had been her home for decades and was sumptuously decorated. She had lived a lonely life and was only too glad to welcome us into it. As she brewed some strong coffee in her lavish kitchen, she explained that it was the fifth anniversary of the club she part owned and wanted us to join her there. I sighed inwardly, knowing what such events were like. I was still hung over and wanted to curl up on the sofa and relax. "There'll be some work involved too, I'm afraid. Whilst you're there, I'd like the pair of you to go through the rights of ownership documents." Jade frowned, puzzled why she would be asking such a thing. Jackie answered the unspoken question. "I bought it with a few friends years ago, one of whom was Emma." Our eyes widened in shock as Jackie revealed how they had once been friends, but it had soon soured. "So I bought her share of the club and thought that the end of it." She shrugged with great sadness. "Now it seems she's bought some shares from a silent partner recently and I'd like to know what we can do about it. I don't know what she's done, or why, but I want her out of it." She chewed her lips with worry and I walked over to embrace her. "Of course we'll do it, won't we Jade?" She nodded and walked over to comfort Jackie. "Whatever she's up to, we'll stop it. Now, I assume there's some kind of theme tonight involving rubber and gags and plugs and general debauchery?" Jackie gave a short bark of a laugh, relieved to move on from a difficult topic. "Not at all hun, we're being clichéd tonight and going for a Vicars and Tarts theme!" I chuckled and arched an eyebrow at Jade. "I'm sure we can come up with something!" Jade grinned before responding. "And I don't think any of us will be going as Vicar either!" 
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We headed upstairs to get ready. Though it was early, I wanted to change and go over to the club before the party started to look at the documents. I'd rather people be sober if I needed them to answer any questions. Jade concurred and walked into the wardrobe to pick out some items as I sat on the bed and pulled off my knee high boots. Jade entered holding some clothes behind her back. "Left or right?" she asked. I couldn't see what she was holding, so picked left. She held out a black, rubber mistress dress with a high collar and Japanese writing on the breast. I later found out it meant spirit. It was laced with a red hem running around it. With her right hand, she showed a matching dress but in red with a black hem. "I thought we weren't going in rubber?!" I exclaimed. Jade chuckled. "No," she replied. "We're not going in gags and plugs. Rubber and debauchery are kinda a prerequisite in a fetish club!" I smiled and pulled my woollen dress over my head and tugged the tights from my legs. I didn't need to do my make-up, nails or hair, and wanted to get to the club quickly. As I undressed so that I stood there in just a corset and bra, Jade walked over and helped me into the dress. It had long sleeves, so first she rubbed some special oil onto my arms to help me get into the tight fitting heavy rubber. Pulling the dress up over my knees slowly, I let the material warm before stretching it too much over my body as Jade yanked it tight behind me so the zipper could be done. I slipped my arms through the sleeves and eased the rubber along. "Hold tight," whispered Jade in my ear and pulled the zip up. I held my breath as the dress pushed the air from my body and zipped all the way up my neck, powering me to hold my head high and straight. I was unable to sit in such a tight dress and wondered how we were going to get any work done. Next I helped Jade into her dress and laughed as she struggled into it. Once we were done, we helped each other into our shoes. I wore red court shoes with a seven inch stiletto and a strap across the ankle that was padlocked shut. Jade wore the same shoes, but in black. I held the key to hers and she to mine. As we finished, Jackie entered wearing a rubber mermaid dress that she'd yet to zip down fully so she could walk. She looked stunning and glowed with pride as we told her. "You don't look so bad yourself ladies," she said. "Now do you think you can walk in those shoes and that dress?" It was touch and go, but we managed it. Jackie drove. Neither Jade nor I could drive in our shoes and Jackie enjoyed playing chauffer. I was regretting not putting our ridiculously high heels on later as we arrived at the club and had to take the stairs up several floors as the lifts were broken. The club was eerily quiet as we entered. During my last visit here, I had been completely encased in rubber, so this was the first time that I actually saw it. The club was tastefully decorated and lacked the seediness that so many fetish clubs had. The lighting was tastefully done and the massive space divided into several areas and floors. The place was huge, and my feet started to hurt as Jackie showed us to her office and took out all her documents. "All the owners will be here within the next hour or so. Feel free to ask them anything you want," explained Jackie as she left us to pour over the documents. Unfortunately, when Emma had drawn up the deeds all those years ago and she had done her job well. Whatever else could be said about her, she was good at her job. It was almost as if she'd left loopholes and backdoors that only she could exploit on purpose. It was very much as if she'd known what would happen and had planned her revenge. I felt sad for her in some ways. She was never able to trust anyone and made plans for payback in everything she did. Looking at her work, I realised what a formidable enemy she was. As we worked on, unable to sit properly in our dresses or stand for long in our shoes, sounds of music and laughter percolated through the closed door. The party was starting to get underway. Around eight, after many hours of what felt like failure, Jackie burst in and sat next to us. She buzzed with excitement, clearly happy to be around her friends and put a flute of champagne next to each of us. "Well?" she asked. She looked expectant, hoping that we'd been able to come up with some miracle, but we hadn't. Jade shook her head sadly. "I'm sorry Jackie, but if Emma wants this place and people are willing to sell shares, there's nothing you can do about it. You've worked in this field longer than us, you know it's watertight." Jackie sighed heavily, accepting the answer she already knew. "I know hun, I was just hoping my little pair of geniuses could find some answer." She brightened up suddenly, though neither of us was fooled. "C'mon you two, grab your takes and let's go dance!" She helped me up and I helped Jade stand before taking our flutes and leaving the little office behind to join the party. A wall of noise and laughter barraged us as we entered the club. Around me, people in all manner of fetish gear milled around, enjoying the music, the take and the company. The atmosphere was friendly and warm and Jade and I soon relaxed. From her handbag, Jade produced a pair of handcuffs and chained us together at the wrist. She kissed me warmly and shrugged. "I couldn't find one for the hips," she said and dragged me to the nearly empty dance floor. My feet protested, especially after last night's dancing, but the champagne had gone to my head and I began to enjoy the feel of the rubber as Jade caressed it whilst dancing close to me. Soon we were joined by many more as the dance floor filled up and the hours sped by. "Hello you two! I didn't recognise you without the hoods on, but you sure are hard to forget missy!" I spun on my heels at the sound of the voice to be confronted by a tall, athletic and handsome man with a South American drawl. He was wearing leather pants, a cowboy hat and boots and nothing else. His torso gleamed in the light and I saw that he'd oiled it. I grinned with joy at seeing him and Jade held out her arms to give him a warm hug. "Brandon!" she cried. "How are you?" He doffed his cap and winked at the pair of us. "I'm good thank you for asking ma'am. My, don't you two make a pretty pair?" We blushed at the complement. Brandon had that affect. The last time we'd seen him, he'd introduced me to the wonders of the threesome. It was then that I noticed he was holding a lead in his hand and he pulled it gently towards him as he introduced us to his partner for the night. "Ladies, this is my good friend...well, today you can call her Red Rum." Jade grinned as Red Rum bowed to us. She was wearing a tight fitting rubber catsuit that highlighted her huge breasts and slim waist, attenuated by a thick rubber corset wrapped outside the material. On her feet she wore shoes that looked like hooves and kept her permanently on her tiptoes and raised her by a good eight inches. Her hands were similarly garbed and over her head she wore a hood covered with horse paraphernalia. Several straps criss crossed her head, two of them holding ears aloft and another holding a thick bit in place that her full ruby red lips were curled around. Between her legs she had a long horse hair tail, the strands of which were attached to a butt plug inserted through a zip opening in her rear end. A thick collar was clasped around her neck preventing any movement to which a chain and lead was attached. I had never seen such an outfit and Brandon was clearly pleased with his catch. I bowed formally, or as much as I could in the dress I wore and with a grin spoke loudly so as to be heard over the thumping music. "How do you do Red Rum, my name is Louise." Unable to bend, her greeting was muted and I took the chain from Brandon and led them to a booth over to the side of the club. Jade ordered champagne as we passed the bar and we all sat to discuss events and catch up. Brandon's guest was unable to sit in her outfit and so remained standing as we caught up. We'd barely spoken to Brandon the first time we'd met, lust and take making short work of foreplay. As the evening wore on, he regaled us with stories from back home and we delighted in his company. He was easy going and quick to laugh. After several bottles of champagne, Jade headed to the bar and came back brandishing a pair of keys. "So, who thinks we've talked enough?" We all raised our hands and quickly headed to one of the "entertainment" rooms the club held. Brandon led Red Rum by her chain and we weaved through the crowded dance floor to a sumptuously decorated door that Jade inserted her key into. Inside, the room was dimly lit and a large bed dominated the centre. Around the room were various toys hanging from hooks in the wall, but we ignored these as Jade turned to kiss me, allowing Brandon to shut the door behind us. 
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The sounds of the bar were quickly muted, the loudest sound the clip clop of Red Rums shoes on the carpet. Jade tasted fabulous, her lipstick leaving faint traces of strawberry on my lips as we guided each other to the bed. As we knelt on the soft satin sheets, I turned and beckoned Brandon forward. His bare chest gleamed in the soft light and I stroked the firm muscles, kissing his hard pecs as Jade went to see to Red Rum. Brandon had a husky, earthy smell that sent a shiver down my spine. I felt my cock hardening as he reached down to pull my tight dress up over my thighs. Pulling my knickers down to release my stiffening shaft, he grabbed it and gently teased it firmer and firmer with practised hands. Meanwhile Jade bade Red Rum to kneel on the bed and unzipped the lower part of her catsuit so that both her arse and vagina were exposed. She removed the horse tail butt plug and started to insert a large double plug that went into her arse and curved round to fit in her pussy. She squealed through her bit and gasped as Jade powerd the huge plug in and turned on the vibrating function leaving Red Rum to groan loudly through her gag. She turned to me to find that I had removed Brandon's trousers and had pulled his large cock free. It was huge and made Jade's look small. I smiled with fond remembrance and leaned down to lick the tip. As I did so, I felt Jade come forward and start teasing my anus whilst caressing my cock with her other hand. Brandon gasped as I managed to fit his entire shaft down my throat, gagging only a little at its girth. Soon I felt him start to climax and pulled his cock from my mouth before he did so. He gave a playful growl, which turned to an appreciative moan as I turned round so I was now facing Jade. She'd pulled her matching dress up as well to reveal her throbbing cock and I instinctively reached for it to begin sucking it. Only a month ago, the idea of even touching another man's penis had been abhorrent to me, but as Brandon pushed his large cock up my anus, I pushed back and relaxed at the same time to allow it entry. I had become accustomed to anal play, blow jobs and all kinds of sexual games and derived immense satisfaction from them. I had embraced Louise with a passion, not just because dressing, acting and passing as a woman completed me in a way I never knew I could feel, but also because of the exciting and strange worlds it had opened me up to. As my arse filled with Brandon's cock, so much so, I thought I must split in half, Jade thrust her own cock down my throat, whilst reaching round and pulling Red Rum towards her. As she did so, she removed her gag, and the pony girl moaned loudly as her double plug worked its magic. With some effort, her outfit not allowing her much movement, she was thrust under me so that she could take my cock into her mouth. Brandon spread his legs apart to allow her to lie under him as she did so and his cock was suddenly pushed up harder and further in me. I gasped loudly, the sound muted by Jade filling my mouth and throat completely. As Brandon thrust harder and Jade pushed in the opposite direction, the pony girl continued to suck my cock. She worked it with much practised efficiency and soon I was cuming deep into her throat as she was brought to orgasm by the double plug, bucking loudly underneath me yet managing to keep all of me in her mouth. Breathing heavily as I came, I felt Brandon suddenly jerk and felt his cum filling my arse as great streams of warmth erupted from his penis. As I felt this, Jade, who'd always been a master at controlling when she came, suddenly groaned and I swallowed quickly as more and more cum filled my being. Far too quickly it was over and we all collapsed in an exhausted heap on the bed, panting heavily with expended lust. Jade and I instinctively reached for each other and held hands over the bed as we waited for our hammering hearts to quieten. The next morning I woke with another hangover, and grumred that I was off take forever. Jade gave me a knowing wink as we went for a shower to cleanse ourselves of last nights' exertions. I dressed quickly in a thick woollen jumper and a frilled satin mini skirt, ruffled into many layers over some thick black tights. As I was putting on some ankle bootlets with a massive pointed heel, I heard Jackie arguing on the phone downstairs, almost yelling down the receiver. I heard her slam the phone down and then storm upstairs. She burst into the room and asked us to hurry up and get downstairs for work. Her tone was curt and brooked no argument. Though we were early, I saw the stress lines etched deep in her face and held my tongue. I wanted to ask if she was alright, but she steamed out of the room before I had time to do so. I quickly tied Jade into her corset and helped her shrug on a tight fitting workdress that I zipped up for her as she put in some earrings and gave her hair a cursory brush. We barely spoke such was our rush. Ignoring the buzzing in our heads and our parched mouths from too much champagne, we raced to the car. Jackie had it idling in the driveway and sped off as soon as I slammed the door. We drove in silence for a while, punctuated by the beeping of the horn as Jackie honked at all and sundry for the slightest perceived offence. Eventually, Jade, who was sitting in the front seat, put a placatory hand on Jackie's arm and asked her in a gentle voice what had upset her so. Tears started to pour down Jackie's face as she spoke. "That vindictive little bitch has done it this time!" she spat, venom spiking her anger. I'd never seen her so upset and outraged. "Emma's spent the week over in the Paris branch phoning my own permisteral clients and spreading slander!" She sped faster and faster as she drove, and I hurriedly reached for my seatbelt. "They've complained and now our American owners have asked for a review!" A traffic light ahead clicked red, but she didn't see it, such was her rage. "Not only that," she continued as she ran the red light. "She's bought a bigger stake in my club! I don't know what that wench is up to but..." She never had time to finish that sentence. A lorry came at us from the side, crashing in at such great speed that the entire car was flung over, tumbling again and again. The world shook and spun with a terrifying roar of anger and pain, before, mercifully, the world went blank. I regained consciousness slowly. Pain lanced my skull and it was difficult to focus. We'd landed upside down and I could see feet running towards the car. Droplets of oil and red splashed on the concrete outside and I heard the slow ticking of the engine cooling down. Unfastening my seatbelt, I fell to the roof of the car, now the floor, with a crash and started crawling forward towards Jade, calling both hers and Jackie's name. They couldn't hear me. Both were suspended upside down in the car, red dripping in sickening rivulets from their faces. My heart lurched with despair as I screamed their names, begging either of them to wake. Then silence took me. I reflected on these painful memories as I walked back to my own car in the rain soaked cemetery, Emma's sneering look etched into my mind. I clenched my fists in anger as I stepped into my car and sped off. Some make-up had started to run in the rain as it dripped from my hair, but I ignored it, my mind focused on other things. It was short drive to the hospital and I arrived within moments. I still had a headache from the crash a few days ago, but grief kept the physical pain at bay, leaving me emotionally ruined. Straightening my hair in the rear view mirror and touching up my make up so that I was presentable, I slipped from the car, and, holding my hand bag in the crook of my arm, made my way through the sombre hospital corridors, tracing a route well travelled the last few days. I entered her room and smiled at the nurses attending to her. She looked so pale and deathly still in the hospital bed, surrounded by whirring machines that my heart lurched and fresh pain gripped my soul. As the nurses left, one gave me a squeeze on the shoulder and winked reassuringly. Once she left, I pulled the chair closer and pulled out a book. Taking her hand, I kissed it softly and whispered quietly into her ear. "She will pay for this. Wherever you now are hun, listen to my voice and hear its conviction. She will pay." I leaned back and opened the book to its page, settling in as I read loud in the hope that she would hear my voice and journey home. I'd lost one. I couldn't lose another. 