Posts: 167297
Ma maîtresse me congédia rapidement : - A partir de maintenant tu m’appelleras MaÎtresse. A présent, tu peux te rhabiller, et rentrer chez toi, je t’appellerai bientôt. Elle ne devait pas avoir la même notion du temps que moi, car elle me contacta plus de quinze jours après, me demandant de venir immédiatement chez elle. Lorsque je suis entré chez Maîtresse, puisque je devais la nommer ainsi, et en ayant pris soin de me dévêtir totalement avant d’entrer, elle m’a annoncé : - J’ai un cadeau pour toi. Comme c’était le premier cadeau qu’elle m’offrait, je m’empressai de la remercier, et d’ouvrir le présent. A l’intérieur du paquet, je trouvai un collier tout en chaîne argentée, d’assez petite taille. Devant mon étonnement, elle m’annonça : - Je vais te montrer comment il se porte, mais ensuite ce sera à toi de te le mettre tout seul. Il n’y a que moi qui pourrai te l’enlever, ne l’oublie pas. Joignant le geste à la parole, elle prit le collier et me le passa, non pas autour du cou ou du poignet comme je m’y attendais, mais à mon grand étonnement autour du sexe et des bourses. Elle prit ensuite quelques secondes pour l’ajuster assez serré, et me dit : - Maintenant on va voir Jeanne. A l’aide d’un mousqueton, elle attacha alors mon collier à un manche en cuir. Celui ci avait une longueur d’environ 80 cm, et un diamètre que j’estimai à 5 cm. Elle se dirigea ensuite vers la porte de mister appartement, en me traînant comme un petit chien. Vu la rigidité de l’ensemble, je n’avais guère de marge de manœuvre. Il fallait absolument que je suive mister rythme, sinon mon service trois pièces se trouvait davantage garrotté par ce collier étrangleur. Soucieux et inquiet d’être à la merci de ce gadget spécial, je n’avais pas pris attention qu’elle m’avait promené nu et attaché de la sorte dans tout l’immeuble, des couloirs au sous sol, en passant par l’ascenseur. Heureusement que nous n’avons rencontré permisterne jusqu’à sa voiture. Arrivé chez Jeanne, elle me promena de nouveau de la même manière. Mais cette fois, nous étions dans une propriété privée, il aurait été étonnant de rencontrer quelqu’un. Arrivé dans la maimister, la première chose que je remarquai, c’était un jeune homme de dos dans un coin de la pièce, penché en avant, ses mains enserrant ses chevilles. Ce qui me marqua le plus ce n’était pas qu’il fut entièrement nu, mais parce que ses fesses étaient marquées de nombreuses zébrures rouges. Jeanne annonça, plus à mon attention qu’à celle de Maîtresse : - Il n’a pas été obéissant, il a eu ce qu’il méritait. Maîtresse se tourna vers moi pour m’expliquer : - Tu vois ce qui arrive lorsque l’on ne nous fait pas plaisir, alors essaie de t’en souvenir. Jeanne alla ensuite vers mister ami, après quelques secondes elle revint vers nous en le tenant par un collier passé autour de mister intimité, le même collier que le mien. En fait je découvris qu’elle l’avait attaché par mister collier, directement à un piton fixé dans le mur. Je ne sais pas depuis combien de temps il était fixé de la sorte, mais il avait l’air d’avoir souffert de cette entrave. J’avais intérêt à être docile, Maîtresse serait capable de me faire subir le même sort. Les deux amies nous entraînèrent dans la chambre, puis nous ôtèrent nos colliers. Maîtresse, qui s’était emparé de la cravache de Jeanne, me fit mettre à quatre pattes sur le lit, la tête aux pieds du lit. A petits coups de cravaches, elle me fit bien écarter les cuisses et relever la tête. Puis elle vint s’asseoir à côté de moi, tandis que Jeanne s’empara d’un appareil photo. Max, j’appris que l’ami de Jeanne se nommait ainsi, vint se mettre face à moi. - Lorsque tu as vu Jeanne la première fois, commença Maîtresse, nous t’avons fait un joli spectacle toutes les deux. Aujourd’hui, toi et Max, vous allez nous faire le même genre de show. Comme lui a déjà pratiqué la chose, tu vas d’abord t’entraîner à la fellation. - Tu verras, vu sous cet angle c’est très différent, continua t’elle en souriant. Max, en demi érection, s’approcha davantage de moi jusqu’à exposer mister sexe tout près de mon visage. Lorsque Maîtresse pris une de mes mains pour la passer sur les fesses boursouflées de Max, je compris mister message : Je n’avais plus qu’à m’exécuter. - Commence par lui faire des bisous partout. M’indiqua Maîtresse. J’approchai alors mes lèvres timidement du sexe de Max. Un premier bisou, puis un deuxième, ce ne fut pas si terrible. Dans ma tête, je m’imaginai que j’étais en train d’embrasser le corps de Maîtresse. Quand j’arrivai aux bourses, bien qu’elles furent tondues aussi, l’image du corps de Maîtresse s’évapora et me ramena à la réalité. Je continuai tout de même, n’ayant pas le choix. Jeanne n’avais pas cessé de me shooter en gros plan avec mister appareil photo, et n’avait pas l’air de vouloir stopper de sitôt. Maîtresse reprit ses directives : - A présent tu vas le caresser avec ta langue, en commençant le plus bas possible entre ses cuisses, et en remontant lentement. Après que j’eus sillonné plusieurs fois le parcours jusqu’au sommet de mister érection, elle reprit : - Tu vas maintenant prendre ses bourses dans ta bouche, et les dorloter avec ta langue. J’eus un peu de peine à les gober, tant elles étaient volumineuses. J’essayai ensuite de faire ce qu’elle m’avait demandé, mais mes caresses ne devaient pas être très efficaces, car ma langue n’avait que trop peu de place pour évoluer. Maîtresse m’interrompit soudain : - Je ne t’ai pas vu l’embrasser au bout de mister sexe. Je délaissai sans regrets les bourses de Max, pour approcher mes lèvres de l’extrémité que me présentait Maîtresse. Une fois mes lèvres en place, Maîtresse appuya fortement sur ma tête, et me précisa : - Un baiser se donne également avec la langue. Je dus lui lécher également le bout du sexe, tant que Maîtresse me maintenait. - J’aimerais à présent voir uniquement ta langue, et qu’elle flatte l’extrémité, comme si elle voulait y pénétrer. Malgré mon dégoût, je me mis à faire, une fois de plus, ce qu’elle exigeait de moi. Maîtresse me prit ensuite la tête par les cheveux, et me força à avaler le sexe de Max. Elle me tira en arrière, puis me replongea en avant, et ainsi de suite. Au bout d’un petit moment, je m’aperçus que Maîtresse m’avait lâché, et que je pompais Max tout seul. - C’est bien, tu as fait le plus difficile. Me dit alors Jeanne, qui reprit les directives : - Lorsque tu sentiras que Max se lâche, tu ouvriras bien la bouche, et tu tireras la langue le plus possible pour ne pas en avoir plein le visage. Ensuite tu attendras que j’aie fait quelques photos, avant d’avaler. Elles exigeaient toutes les deux de moi, que je m’avilisse le plus possible. Pendant que je continuais de m’activer, je vis une des mains de Maîtresse passer entre les cuisses de Max et câliner ses bourses. L’autre main vint s’emparer de sa virilité, et commencer une masturbation frénétique, mon calvaire allait bientôt prendre fin. Max se libéra inévitablement très vite au fond de ma gorge. Jeanne, après avoir pris de nombreux clichés, reprit ses consignes : - Lèche bien la dernière goutte, et ensuite tourne toi vers moi la bouche grande ouverte. Lorsque j’eus fait ce qu’elle me demandait, et qu’elle ait pris encore de nombreuses photos de la sève de Max dans ma bouche, elle enchaîna : - C’est bien, avale maintenant, je n’ai pas envie qu’il y en ait plein le lit. Contraint et forcé, j’obtempérai avec un haut le cœur, que Jeanne remarqua. Elle apostropha alors Maîtresse : - Il faudra qu’on le fasse sucer plus souvent, qu’il prenne l’habitude. Pour une fois Maîtresse me défendit : - Pour sa première pipe, ce n’était pas si mal. La prochaine fois, il fera mieux. Puis enchaînant : - C’est dommage que l’on doive déjà partir, la prochaine fois, vous nous ferez un magnifique 69. Avant de quitter Jeanne et mister ami, Maîtresse me demanda de remettre mon collier. Lorsque je l’eus installé, Maîtresse y plaça un petit cadenas, j’étais véritablement primisternier de mister cadeau empoimisterné. Moi qui adorait les fellations, jamais je n’aurais pensé qu’un jour ce serait moi qui devrais en faire une. 
Posts: 167297
Moi qui adorait les fellations, jamais je n’aurais pensé qu’un jour c’est moi qui en ferais une. Mais le pire était à venir, je le découvris le lendemain seulement. Comme chaque fois, au moindre coup de téléphone de Maîtresse, j’accourais comme un petit chien bien dressé, j’étais devenu sa chose, mister objet. Une fois nu dans mister appartement, elle attacha le collier que je portais toujours à présent, au manche en cuir qui lui servait à me promener. Elle me fit enfiler une grande veste qui cachait ma nudité, et me dit seulement : - Je t’ai réservé une surprise. Qu’avait elle encore bien inventé pour cette soirée. Au lieu de nous diriger vers sa voiture au sous sol, elle partit directement vers la sortie, toujours sans un mot. Nous nous rendions certainement chez une autre de ses amies, qui n’habitait pas très loin. Heureusement qu’il faisait nuit, quoique les quelques permisternes que nous avions rencontrées, ont bien du se demander à quoi servait le manche tendu à travers ma veste, vers mon intimité. Arrivés sur place, Maîtresse embrassa tendrement mister amie, à laquelle elle ne daigna même pas me présenter. - Alors voilà ton petit chéri, il a l’air bien fait. Maîtresse se tourna vers moi, m’enleva le collier, et me montra le lit qui trônait au milieu de la pièce dans laquelle nous nous tenions. Elle n’eu pas besoin de dire un seul mot je pris immédiatement la position qu’elle attendait de moi : bien droit sur mes genoux, les mains derrière la tête, et surtout les cuisses écartées. Son amie s’approcha alors de moi, et commença à me palper délicatement les bourses, mon sexe commença naturellement à prendre du volume. Ensuite, elle me masturba distraitement tout en continuant de deviser avec Maîtresse. Semblant de nouveau s’intéresser à moi, elle interrogea Maîtresse : - Il est aussi bien fait de partout ? Le seul fait de me dire « Raoul. » suffit pour que je comprenne ce qu’elle désirait : Sans perdre une seule seconde, je me mis alors à 4 pattes les fesses tournées vers elles, comme Maîtresse aimait que je me présente aussi. Les 2 femmes restèrent un moment à me regarder dans cette position. Cette exposition ne parut par satisfaire pleinement l’amie, car elle appuya fortement sur mes reins, afin de me faire prendre appui sur mes coudes, et faire ressortir ma croupe. Puis elle me força à écarter davantage les cuisses. Je sentis ensuite les mains de Maîtresse se positionner sur mes fesses. Elle prit alors bien mister temps pour me les écarter longuement, comme jamais elle ne l’avait fait auparavant. J’étais rouge de honte devant Maîtresse et cette inconnue, qui me regardait avec concupiscence. L’amie reprit ses caresses, je sentis alors un doigt inquisiteur courir autour de mes bourses, et remonter ensuite vers mon petit trou. Ce petit manège dura plusieurs minutes, et à chaque fois mister doigt appuyait plus fortement sur mon intimité. Maîtresse proposa alors : - Si tu lui montrais la surprise que tu lui as réservée ? - Il a juste à tourner la tête, et il la découvrira tout seul. Je m’empressai alors de regarder alentour, quelle pouvait bien être cette surprise. Je découvris avec embarras, trois vibromasseurs posés sur un plateau, à même pas un mètre de moi. Non, pensai-je, elles ne vont tout de même pas m’enfiler ça. D’après leurs ricanements, je compris avec stupéfaction que j’avais vu juste. Ils étaient tous trois semblables en forme et en couleur, seules leurs tailles les différenciaient. L’amie s’empara alors du premier, le plus petit, d’un diamètre environ de celui d’un rouge à lèvre mais bien plus long, en déclarant. - Celui là ne devrait pas poser de problème. Après avoir entendu le ronronnement caractéristique, je perçu les fines vibrations sur mes bourses. L’amie avait repris le manège précédent comme avec mister doigt, mais avec le petit vibro à présent. Maîtresse, quant à elle, me tenait toujours les fesses écartées. Ce ne fut seulement après plusieurs minutes, et que l’amie eut déclaré : « Tu vois je te l’avais dit. », que je compris que l’engin avait pénétré malgré moi dans mon intimité. Les premiers doigts entrés auparavant avaient déjà fait le chemin. A présent, je sentais un peu plus nettement les va et vient entre mes fesses. Leur petit jeu dura encore quelques secondes avant que je ne voie l’amie réapparaître devant moi. - Maintenant tu vas goûter au deuxième, m’annonça t’elle, il est un peu plus gros. Aussi, je te conseille de bien le lubrifier, si tu ne veux pas trop le sentir. Disant cela, elle approcha l’engin de ma bouche, en me conseillant de commencer par bien le lécher tout autour. Lorsqu’elle l’eut tourné et retourné dans tous les sens, et que ma langue l’eut bien humecté, elle me l’enfonça dans la bouche. Elle fit de nombreux va et vient en l’enfonçant chaque fois un peu plus. - Ca devrait suffire comme cela. Dit elle. Puis elle rejoignit Maîtresse. Le petit jeu des attouchements reprit comme avant, le premier vibro quitta sa place. Cette fois, les pressions autour de ma rondelle durèrent un peu plus longtemps, toujours en tournant au bord, puis en s’enfonçant à chaque fois de plus belle. Maîtresse me tenait à nouveau les fesses bien disjointes. Il fallait bien que cela arrive, le gadget s’insinua finalement au plus profond de mon intérieur intime. Contrairement à ce que je redoutais, la douleur ne fut pas si forte que je ne l’aurais pensé. L’amie lui fit prendre le va et vient habituel pendant quelques minutes, puis passa la main à Maîtresse, en expliquant : - Tu vas voir que cela va lui plaire. J’apporte le dernier. « Me plaire » il fallait le dire vite, en fait, je subissais plus je n’avais le choix. Mais c’est vrai que ce n’était pas atroce, voire très supportable. Une fois le dernier modèle en main, l’amie le présenta devant moi sans rien me dire. J’avais bien retenu la leçon, je léchai et suçai l’olisbos comme si c’était un geste naturel pour moi. Puis jugeant que j’avais bien fait mon travail, elle repartit derrière moi l’objet en main. Cette fois, plus de préparation, elle retira le dernier en place, et m’enficha directement celui là sans préambule. La douleur se fit sentir plus intensément cette fois. Instinctivement, je serrai les fesses, une claque misterore me ramena à la réalité de mon supplice, et fit accessoirement rougir ma croupe. Rapidement les mouvements d’aller et retour se firent à nouveau sentir, cependant que je sentis une main me caresser le sexe. Au fur et à mesure des mouvements, tant sur mon sexe que ceux du vibro, je perçus l’excitation me gagner. Les filles s’en aperçurent rapidement. - Tu vois, Cléïa, je te l’avais bien dit, qu’il aimerait ça. Annonça l’amie. - On va lui faire goûter maintenant un produit plus naturel. Ajouta t’elle. Qu’avaient elles encore imaginé ? Je n’eus pas le temps de réfléchir à la question que j’entendis l’amie crier: « Jack ! » L’instant d’après, un jeune homme entra nu dans la pièce, présentant un début d’érection. Sans que l’une des filles ne lui parle, il exhiba mister sexe à quelques centimètres de mon visage. - Tu vas faire comme avec les vibromasseurs, bien le lubrifier. Intima Cléïa. Puis elle prit le sexe du garçon en main, et l’approcha de ma bouche en disant : - Ta langue. Pendant ce temps, et pour ne pas me laisser d’autre choix, mister amie appliqua une méthode qui faisait recette à chaque fois : prendre mes « affaires » en main, et commencer à les serrer progressivement. Elle ne cessa pas pour autant les allées et venues du dernier vibro dans mon fondement. Comme je l’avais fait auparavant, je m’appliquai à passer ma langue partout, pour ne pas décevoir Maîtresse. Le sexe de Jack grossissait à vue d’œil, semblant ne jamais vouloir s’arrêter d’enfler. Maîtresse me fit comprendre à présent qu’il fallait que je le prenne en bouche, et que je continue ma lubrification. Heureusement, la taille de l’engin qui obstruait ma bouche avait cessé sa croissance. Il était maintenant à peine plus gros que le vibro qui fouraillait dans mes entrailles. Maîtresse fit signe à Jack qu’il pouvait maintenant officier à mister tour. Après qu’il se fut placé derrière moi, l’amie retira mister vibro. Le sexe de Jack s’empara immédiatement de la place laissée libre, et reprit tranquillement la cadence. L’amie délaissa mes bourses pour prendre le plus grand soin de ma virilité, qu’elle entretint savamment par une douce masturbation. Le contact des bourses de Jack qui venaient régulièrement heurter les miennes, me fit un drôle d’effet. Je commençais à prendre goût à cette caresse particulière. L’amie dut s’en rendre compte, car elle accéléra progressivement les mouvements de mister poignet. Jack se libéra rapidement en m’inondant l’intérieur de sa sève. Les caresses de l’amie eurent tôt fait de ma résistance, et à mon tour je me lâchai sur le lit. Après m’avoir fait lécher ma liqueur, les deux amies applaudirent conjointement au spectacle que je leur avais offert, bien malgré moi. - Il faudra recommencer plus souvent, qu’il prenne l’habitude. Annonça l’amie qui, je l’appris à ce moment là, se prénommait Claire. J’avais déjà entendu cette phrase la veille, décidément les 3 femmes avaient fermement l’intention de s’occuper de mon cas. C’est ainsi qu’à cause, ou grâce à Cléïa, je perdis un autre pucelage. 
Posts: 167297
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Lunch by the Lake It all started when I had lunch by the lake, near where I work. I was in my truck parked in a parking area with a nice view of the lake enjoying a Sandwich, when a car pulled up next to me. I didn't really think much about it, until after a few minutes I glanced over and noticed the guy next to me was looking at me, I just looked straight ahead and continued with my lunch, a few minutes later I look back and he had taken out his cock and was playing with it. I was shocked but also mesmerized. I surprised myself by not driving away, I was married and very interested in women, but there I sat watching a stranger stroke himself. It was magictic. I continued to watch him stroke until he came all over his hand, then he put his cock into his pants and drove away. I am not sure why he picked me, or if he just liked having an audience, but this experience sent me down a road I never thought I would go down. For some reamister I like watching the guy by the lake jack off, so I began to take more of my lunches returning to same location hoping to see that happen again. I never saw the same guy again, but I was lucky enough to see a few others stroke themselves while I watched. I never took my cock out, I was always afraid of getting arrested, but I wanted to and I wanted them to see me stroking my cock as well. I began looking at craigslist for others like me, and emailed back and forth but I was always to scared to meet. Then I got the idea of getting a webcam, my wife was a nurse, so she worked at 12 hour shifts at least three times a week. At first I just logged into yahoo chat and went to the chat rooms and watched other guys jack off it was arousing just to watch, however that was not enough, so I turned on my webcam, then I pulled my cock from my pants and began to stroke, I had a few people watch and it was a rush. I even had a couple of guys IM me and ask questions about me. I was beginning to look forward to my webcam time! A few weeks later my wife had gone to work and I sat in front of the computer with my jeans unzipped allowing strangers to watch me stroke my cock. When I started getting IM's from a guy who was more telling me what to do than asking. First he asked if I like being watched, which I did. He told me to strip naked, which I did, then he told me to turn around and show him my ass, then bend over and spread my cheeks I don't know why I was following his orders but I was. Other guys who were watching me began sending me lots of messages of encouragement and wanting to chat, I tried to respond but there was so many, Jimmy (the guy who had been giving the orders) saw I was responding to others and he told me to stop and that I should only be chatting with him. I did as he asked, then he asked how many guys were watching me, it was 12 at the time, he told me to kick them all off except him. I did as he asked then he had me lean back in my chair, show him my balls and ass, I felt like I was being examined. He asked me a lot of questions if I was married, how many guys I had been with, he liked hearing that I had never been with a guy. He then had me stroke my cock until I had came for him. He asked when the next time I would be online, I told him Friday, he told me in the next few days I was to go buy a 4 inch butt plug, some lubricant and a 7 inch dildo that looked like a real cock and have it all ready when I got online on Friday, Jimmy said not to turn on my cam until he said it was ok, and to not allow anyone to watch but him. I agreed and said goodbye..... I had my orders for my next webcam session. The next day I went to an adult store and went in, I had been there before I was married and would buy magazines but I never went to the toy section, there were lots of dildos and vibrators some life like which was a turn on, I chose a nice dildo then I got to the butt plug section, I knew what they were for and I knew what Jimmy had in mind, I am just thankful he told me to buy a small one, as I looked at the larger ones, I didn't think it would be possible to take something like that. I picked up the butt plug and paid for it and the dildo, I was embarrassed thinking that the cashier knows what I will be doing with these items later! Friday got there very fast and I had my new butt plug and dildo out and lubricated, I logged into IM but did not turn on my cam. In about 5 minutes Jimmy sent me a message. He told me to turn my cam on, which I did. He told me no one else was allowed to watch. He told me to strip naked, he again had me turn around and show my ass and bend over and spread my cheeks for him. He asked if I had the toys and had me show them to him. He told me to start sucking on the dildo, as he watched, I put it my mouth and tried to suck it, he told me, that it looked like I needed to practice, so he told me from now on, once a day for 15 minutes straight I was to suck on that dildo to improve my blowjob s*******s. He then had me move the webcam to my bed and told me to lay back and put my legs up in the air like a good little slut I did as he requested, a since of offense came over me, here I was naked with my legs in the air showing everything to a stranger that I had never even seen and was allowing him to order me around. He told me to that we would not be using the butt plug today, because I needed to take care of some tasks before I start my anal training. I asked what training, Jimmy said, training so you can take me in your ass when I want! He told me the next time we chat, I was to be completely shaved around cock balls and ass that was the end of our conversation that day. After our conversation, I got my electric razor and went into the bathroom and laid down a towel, I shaved and hair off my cock and balls and from around my ass, then I got into the shower with a razor and shaved everything smooth, the entire time my cock was hard thinking of my presentations to this stranger. I masturbated when I was done I was so turned on. The next few days, I sucked on the dildo for 15 minutes everyday, I was getting better and taking more and more in my mouth and also able to do it for longer and longer periods of time. I kept myself clean shaven, and I did all this for a stranger and it excited me beyond belief. Tuesday was my next webcam day, I got online and had an email, from Jimmy, he said he would be on at 11am and I was to already be naked on cam and allowing anyone who requested to see me. I did as he asked and at 11:00 I got an IM from Jimmy he saw I had complied with his orders, he asked me how many men were watching me, it was 21. He told me to kick them all off, it was time for my anal training. I got onto the bed and held my legs up, I took the lubricated butt plug and eased it into my ass, Jimmy was coaching me while I did it. It was uncomfortable at first but once it was in, it felt good. Once the bulb part was in my ass the plug was locked in. He told me to keep in inside me an hour a day. He asked about my blowjob s*******s and I told him I was getting better and continued to practice. I asked him if I could jack off for him to watch, he said no more jacking off until I had sucked him to completion. Chills went up my spine, so far, it was all fantasy and some toy play but now he actually wanted to meet, and I had a choice, I could stay in my fantasy work or move into reality. Jimmy told me to meet him in a nearby mall parking lot in 30 minutes, he said he would be in a maroon explorer he asked me what I would be in, I told him black ford truck. He said see you soon and logged off. My hands were shaking, I was torn on going through with this, I looked down and my cock was giving me the answer, it was standing straight up hard and straining to get even bigger. I put on some clothes and got in my truck and headed to the mall. I drove into the parking lot, parking far away from the stores so I could be easily seen. I wished I had taken a beer with me or had a shot of something strong before I left the house. I didn't have too much time to think about it because Jimmy pulled in beside me, he motioned for me to get into his SUV. I knew I was crossing a line that I could not go back over, but I took a deep breath got out of my truck and into his explorer. Jimmy was around 6'2 red hair and had a little bit of a beer gut, his arms were muscular and defined. I didn't know what to expect since I had never seen him so I was probably staring, He was wearing sweatpants and a short sleeved shirt. He chuckled as I got in and said you got here quick you must be hungry for my cock. All I could say was I didn't know. Jimmy drove to another section of the mall parking lot and and parked between two larger trucks so that we could not be seen. My adrenalin was pumping like crazy, I could feel my heart beating in my chest. Once he put his suv in park he pulled his sweatpants down and displayed his limp cock and told me to stroke him. Without hesitation I put my hand on it and stroked it for him. He leaned back in his seat with a smug look on his face. His cock was very soft and he was completely shaved as well, it didn't take much time for his cock to harden to about 8 full inches. I could hear soft moans coming from Jimmy he was enjoying what I was doing to him, then he turned and looked and me and said ok slut its time for you to meet your first cock up close. Jimmy then put his hand behind my head and pushed it down toward his cock, it was in slow motion as the head of his cock neared my lips, then it pressed up against my closed lips until with a small effort he pushed his cock into my mouth. I opened and began sucking him like I had practiced. He had his hand on my head the entire time, guiding it and pushing it down when he wanted. He was saying some things to me, but my mind was racing with all that was going on, so I didn't really hear anything, I was just enjoying the feeling of his cock sliding in and out of my mouth. After a few minutes of sucking my mouth was getting tired so I took it out and licked his cock and balls, Jimmy seemed to like that. Then I put it back in my mouth and began sucking again. He began fucking my mouth, which I had a hard time keeping from gagging he took his other hand and lead my hand to his balls, so I played with his balls while he face fucked me, I felt them getting tighter and I heard his breathing getting more rapid, then he pushed down hard and I felt the pulses of his cum fill my mouth, it was incredible and frightening at the same moment, and before I could even thinking my options he told me to swallow his cum like a good little slut..... I did as I was told. I raised up in the seat just like a slut who has just given a blowjob in the car, Jimmy told me I did ok for a first timer. He said go back home I will email you later. On the drive home I could not get over what I had just done Once home I checked my email to find Jimmy had already emailed me. He told me I needed to keep practicing on my blowjobs if I wanted to be a better slut. He told me, I was to meet him every Tuesday and Thursday at lunch in that same mall parking lot and I would be giving him a blowjob. I emailed back with a simple yes Sir. From then on I continued my daily blow job practice so I could be a better cocksucker for Jimmy, why I was so obsessed with serving this stranger? I would meet Jimmy in the mall parking lot and not many words were exchanged, I would get in his SUV, he would drive to a private location and pull down his sweatpants and I would go to work on his cock. After a week Jimmy told me to come to our meetings with my butt plug so he could see how I was doing. That next meeting after he filled my mouth with cum, he held me in place and ran his hand down the back of my pants into my underwear, he felt the butt plug lodged in my ass, and told me to unbuckle my pants, this allowed him to work the but plug in and out of my ass a little. He told me I was getting close to losing my ass cherry to him and I told him I was ready, I could feel my dick getting hard, knowing I would be getting fucked very soon, I had become a complete slut to this man. It must have turned him on too because he pulled my head back down to his cock and told me to get it hard again. It took a little while but I soon received my second load of cum for the day. On the drive home my cock was still hard thinking about what was ahead for me. Once home there was an email waiting from Jimmy he had new orders for me, I was to continue my oral practice but I was to buy a bigger butt plug so I could be ready for him. Also everyday I was to lube my asshole before I left the house, in case I was needed to service him. The next day I went to buy the larger plug and yes my ass was lubed and ready for action, I even stopped at a gas station restroom and inserted the butt plug, I was too excited to wait until I was home. Thursday I went to meet Jimmy and while I was sucking him, he checked my ass to see if I was lubed, he started fingering me as I sucked him which caused him to shoot very quickly. He then took my face in his hands and wiped his dick off with my face, he told me not to wash my face until after my wife kissed me on the cheek tonight. I got into my truck and headed home and later that night my wife went to kiss me and I turned my head slightly so her lips landed on my cheek where Jimmy's dick and cum had been earlier that day. The next morning's email from Jimmy was short and to the point, I was to be lubed and ready and be and an address at 3pm. I was to strip naked as soon as I walked in the door. I was shaking with anticipation all day, I wore the larger butt plug all day so I would be ready to serve. I took a shower before heading to Jimmy's house, once there I stripped naked right in the entry hall, he told me to go get him a beer, when I returned to the living room, he had sat on the couch and turned on some porn, he told me to get on my knees on the floor while he drank his beer. I sat and waited as he drank his beer, the movies must have been getting him excited because he unbuttoned his jeans and slid them down, I helped him finished removing his pants and then saw the beautiful cock I had been servicing for the last few months. Jimmy spread his legs and told me to lick his balls, so I began licking and sucking his big balls, it was much easier doing this in a living room and not in a car, then Jimmy leaned back farther and pulled his legs up showing me his ass, I knew what he wanted, but a paused for a second until Jimmy reminded me what a slut I was, and this is what sluts do, and with that I began licking his asshole. Jimmy was fully erect when he put me on my back, he felt my ass to see if I was properly lubricated, which I made sure I was before I left, he then put his cock head at the entrance to my ass, and told me to beg him to fuck me. My cock was rock hard and I was so ready to be fucked by this man, but he was teasing me, so I began begging almost pleading with him to fuck me, he asked me if I was his slave and I said yes, and would I do anything he asked, and I said yes. With that his cock began slowly entering me, nothing could have prepared me for the feelings and size that Jimmy putting inside me, inch after inch, I felt completely full but he kept sliding further and further, then he began to steadily fuck me, until I became used to the size, that's when he put my legs over his shoulders and began pounding me ass calling me a bitch, and telling me how easy I was. He was amazed I sucked his dick twice a week and was now giving up my ass to him when he was a stranger to me. He started fucking me faster and fast it was uncomfortable and borderline painful I didn't know if I could go much longer when he pulled out and came on my chest and face. Then he got up, threw me some towels and told me to clean him up and then myself. After I had done my cleaning, I was back on my knees while he watched more Tv, he had me suck him and swallow another load before I left. After I got home I had another email from Jimmy, I would continue meeting him for his twice a week blowjob and once a week for me to give my ass to him. I had become a total slut to this man, willing to do whatever he asked I didn't know what the future held, but the fact my cock was getting hard thinking about it, made me think I was headed in the right direction. 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Made A Man(In And)Out Of Me My life changing ordeal began last summer when my wife and I decided to attend a party thrown by the cfo of her company. My wife Kelly is a secretary, or executive assistant for one of the vice-presidents of the company and thought it would be good for us to acquaint ourselves with the administration types. I had no real interest in going but it meant a lot to her and I agreed to it. The party was located in a gated community and I was nervous from the outset. We were not underdressed, thank god, and fit in with the other hundred or so guests. I can’t imagine the cost of catering and holy water or whether or not the company inadvertently covered the costs but I did not care as I started with the first of many hard takes. The dinner was served buffet style and we found a table where the host and his wife were sitting. I was introduced to the attractive couple and was soon caught up in meaningless conversation. Bradley was a financial wizard, or so I’d heard , but didn’t like to discuss work or even himself while entertaining. Instead, he asked a lot of questions - mostly mundane things but thankfully not work -related. I am a freelance technical writer who does not always have work. I’m not comfortable with my unsteady income and prefer talking about anything but my work. Bradley winked regularly and I found this quality a bit unusual - maybe even a little old fashioned. Except he stared right in my eyes and made me fidget a little. I gripped my wife’s hand for reassurance since she sat to my left and is left-handed. Our conversations went from polite to what I would consider risque as the takes kept coming. Bradley’s wife looked awesome in her tightly wrapped top - a style which left little to the imagination. Her nipples were erect from the moment we sat down. I had to keep my eyes from staring in one particular direction to avoid seeming obvious. I could not stare at Bradley too long, either. His gaze was uncomfortably strong and I was more than willing to look away periodically. I was about to get up for a cigarette when I felt a bare foot under the table rub my leg deliberately. I immediately looked to Bradley’s wife but she was speaking to the woman next to her. Bradley himself was reaching for his take. My wife was in the middle of taking a bite and I was left wondering what had just happened. I was sure it was Bradley. I decided to let it go and have a cigarette. I whispered to my wife to hand me a cigarette from her purse . She rifled through her bag only to come up empty handed. “I don’t have them. I thought you would bring them,” she replied. I looked bewildered for a moment. Then I remembered I had switched suit jackets at the last moment and now I needed to go buy them. “Kelly, I’m going to run to the store and buy a pack. I’ll be return shortly,” I told her. Just then, Bradley’s wife looked up. “You’re going on a cigarette run? I’ll drive! She had just bought a new car and was still giddy about driving it. Her description of the vehicle sparked enough interest in my wife and all three women volunteered to go for a quick trip in the new car. So there I was. The women up and left and I was left sitting with Bradley who was not uncomfortable sitting alone. I decided to bum a cigarette and go outside as soon as possible. I was feeling vulnerable or intimidated or something. I was unsure but needed my wife to accompany me soon. I didn’t know a soul. After smoking on the mezzanine above the pool, I decided to use the bathroom. I chose the least used bathroom as a courtesy to others and found myself downstairs in the cabana room. There was no one down there and I I could take my time in solitude. I opened the door to the restroom only to see Bradley finishing up at the urinal. He turned sideways long enough to catch a glimpse of me before I had the chance to back out or excuse myself. But something caught my attention like a deer in headlights. Bradley’s flaccid cock hung halfway to his knee and I was entranced. “Oh, I…I My apologies, sir.” I stammered. I had stared way too long at his dick and it did not go unnoticed. I closed the door and was almost out of the cabana when he opened the door. “Next!” he said disarmingly. I nodded to him embarrassed and self conscious. He was still drying his hands as I passed him but I did not make eye contact. I closed the door behind me and unzipped my slacks. I had not noticed I was, for some reamister, semi-erect. I made every effort to ignore my cock and sat down on the toilet. A resounding image of Bradley’s enormous shaft would not go away. It was unusually long. I never made the habit of comparing my length with any other man’s but his was by far the longest I’d ever seen. I could hear talking outside of the bathroom and I hurried to finished. I washed and dried my hands before leaving the restroom and noticed the chatter had stopped. I turned out the light and peaked out the door momentarily before exiting. Bradley was still the only one in the room and his back was turned to mine. “Hello, again,” I said nervously. Bradley did not say anything. Instead, he slowly turned around with his fly opened and gripping his cock. This time, he was erect and sliding his hand up and down the length. His hand seemed dwarfed by his long member and I stood aghast. I swallowed hard before uttering, “It’s beautiful.” (I could not believe I had just said this let alone thought this. It just came out and I was mortified at my lack of judgment) I looked away and scanned the room in case any one else might’ve heard my stupid commentary. “You’re good,” said Bradley. I thought for a moment. “What?” Bradley stared at me with a half-grin. “You almost had me. What with that beautiful wife of yours. We’re the same, aren’t we?” I still did not know where he was going with this dialog but I was uncomfortable. I began to head toward the door. The moment I passed I heard him say, “ You’re dying to touch it, aren’t you?” I stopped to make a final attempt to set the record straight but once again melted when I looked him in the eye. “Tell me to my face: You don’t want to at least feel it,” he said as he continued to slowly slide his hand up and down. I glanced at his cock and then past his gaze before reminding him he was out of line and most likely takes. “I’m not takes, Sally. And whether or not you decide to stay, I know. I know more about you than you know of yourself,” he asserted. I could almost see my pulse as my heart pounded. I was not angry or afraid. I was aching to deny what he had just said but could not. I had an undying urge to grapple his veined cock. I wanted to know if I could even get my hand around it. I was so ashamed, but why? “Sir, I really have to be with my wife,” I said as I reached for the door. Bradley let out a sigh. “Oh, so you can reassure yourself you’re a man? I bet you’re not man enough to touch this trophy. Besides, you’re wife’s with mine. Believe me, they won’t be back for an hour at the earliest.” I was left without a reamisterable defense. I did not need one to simply walk out the door but there was a deep-seated need to remain in the room and see where this would go. I hated myself for not walking out and be unaffected by his proposition. My face was burning hot as a slowly walked back to catch a fleeting glimpse of his menacing cock before I made one last attempt to leave. This time, Bradley grabbed my wrist with heart stopping speed. I clenched my fist as he pulled my arm close to his chest. His grip was tight and the burden of choice had now left the room along with my conscience. I was free to open my palm and slowly close my hand around his shaft. My fingertips barely touched each other as his thickness pulsated. My hand slid up and down as I watched in disbelief. His cock was real and it took much more effort to go from one end to the other. This was a cock completely foreign to mine. I would only ever want to masturbate if this is the cock I pulled from my slacks every time. It truly was a beautiful organ by anyone’s standards. “I only said to touch it but you seem to know what you want,” Bradley remarked. I could say nothing as his words rung true. My natural response was to service his member as he had been doing. After a moment or two his voice struck hard. “Kiss it.” I froze before he repeated himself. There was no fluid yet on the smooth head and I rationalized how I could get away with touching my lips to the fleshy tip without too much shame. I could not believe myself as a bent over and aimed the shaft toward my approaching lips. It did not take much bending as his member rose to meet me. I smelled his fragrance of choice and then held my breath. My lips made momentary contact and I quickly stood up. I began to make my way out of the room consumed in guilt. But Bradley was quick and he grabbed my arm. “Hey! You can’t leave now!! You just kissed another guy’s cock. You can’t turn back now!” He was right. I stopped in my tracks. I had crossed the line I had always hoped would not present itself. I did not have time to say or do anything before Bradley took charge. “Now get back here and let’s do it right. Get on your knees, Bitch!” I quickly took my place in front of him as he backed me towards a coffee table. I instinctively knelt down on it as he positioned himself. I did not need prompting as I once again took his cock in my hand. Bradley pulled his briefs to the side and released his heavy balls from their confines. The golf-ball size jewels were consistent with the rest of his anatomy as they swayed in the tight sack. There was no turning back, like he said. I wanted this but was overcome with years of repression. I had hoped for and feared for so long this moment -and the likelihood I would enjoy it to no end - was now literally at hand. I was resting on my heals Bradley beckoned me forward so that I was on both my hands and knees. I was now within six inches of his cock and I noticed there was now some liquid resting on the tip. He was ready. In five seconds he would either move forward or grasp the back of my head for introduction. I closed my eyes and soon felt his firm grip move the nape of my neck towards him. I complied and parted my lips. The head of his cock was now resting against my teeth and soon was pressed against my tongue. Tears had welled in my eyes and were dripping down my cheeks. I cannot say exactly why I began to cry but I told myself it was sadness. Sadness for all the years I resisted this and sadness to mask the raw naughtiness I felt was underway. Both of the hands were clasped behind my head and the cock was testing my resistance. I instinctively turned off my gag reflexes and found the member sliding in and out at an increased pace. I didn’t have to do anything but be a receptacle for the next few minutes until it was over. But I would have to wait longer. Another permister had entered the pool room with no surprise to Bradley. This was all a part of his plan. The door locked and a man walked up and kissed Bradley on the mouth. I could not really see him as he walked around me except for his baggy linen pants - which was all he was wearing. He did not even speak to me but had the audacity to unbutton my slacks and remove my belt. I felt his expert fingers remove my buttons and slide under my waist band. My eyes darted around wildly as Bradley continued pumping steadily. The man had pulled my pants and underwear to my knees in one quick motion before I felt the breeze caress my bare skin. My cock had been hard for quite some time and the touching only served to stimulate me. The distinct sound of scissors filled the otherwise silent room as the man swiftly cut the shirt from my back. The fabric fell down my arms and to the side. I was, for all intents and purposes, naked for the world to see. Let it be known, I could’ve stood up and left the room at any time but chose to remain there as the next phase of my ordeal began. My cock was grappled and pulled while another hand inspected my testicles. I felt little shame as his thumb inspected my most private part. I grunted as his finger pressed against my anus and felt the digit penetrate to the first joint. I gasped but Bradley playfully pinched my nose. There was a lot going on behind me as the man prepared for my initiation. He stopped stimulating my cock long enough to slather my entire backside with some sort of oil or lubricant. I could feel it drip down the insides of my legs and around my abdomen. I began to squirm a bit when the thought occurred to me my clothes were ruined. And how would I explain this. I didn’t dwell too long as Bradley was getting close. He began to breathe heavily and forcibly jam my head back and forth. I wondered if he would pull out and deliver his semen on my face or elsewhere but soon discovered his intentions as he gripped my head with one hand and his balls with the other. In one final drive down my throat, he held still while his pulsating cock let loose a load. I did not taste it or even feel it except the warm trickle oozing down. I swallowed for closure. He held still for a moment before stepping back. The moment he withdrew, two legs had straddled me on the table. I could feel a greasy hand in the center of my back before the other guided an erect cock between my cheeks. The cock felt cool in contrast to my body. “Oh, yes!” I exclaimed. The words came out unfiltered before I knew it. I was still embarrassed but couldn’t help it. “You owe me one, Sally,” said Bradley as he wiped some semen from my chin. I didn’t smile but nodded knowingly to him right before the head of the man’s cock entered my hole. I gasped and panted heavily. A bead of sweat dripped from the tip of my nose and on to the table as the cock slowly descended into me. I began to shout uncontrollably when Bradley offered a wadded towel to dampen the noise. I bit down hard and bellowed as the mystery cock increased its pace. I could feel his testicles pounding against me and I knew he was completely penetrating me. I could feel my cock bob whenever he would thrust and I needed release soon. A knock on the door produced two more men who quickly approached with flies undone. I opened my mouth for another round while mystery man had finished and left with Bradley. I did not know when this would end but one of the men could not wait and mounted me from behind. He gave my testicles a hard squeeze and swiftly drove his cock in deep. The dull ache sent my body into an intense orgasm that continued as the man pumped. The cock I had serviced in my mouth was spiteful and let loose a load in my face. I remained in position until he was through and found myself still on all fours in the now empty room. I was covered in oil, semen and sweat. I wiped the fluid from my eyelash and licked it from my fingertip. My shame and panic overwhelmed me at that moment. I stood up straight and removed the shredded shirt and pants. There was a shower and I headed in to cleanse myself of the entire experience. I took my time and rinsed out my mouth. My stomach hurt and I needed to tell my wife something before she found out. My mind was not at peace. But when I stepped from the shower, a neatly pressed suit was hanging for me and I was amazed it fit. I rejoined the party and saw my wife just pulling into the driveway. The girls were laughing and it did not appear I was missed. Bradley greeted his wife and I quickly grabbed a cigarette from mine. I suggested we leave soon and as we were walking out, Bradley gave me his wink and told me everything was cool. I was relieved but had to make up a story for my wife to explain his comment. She hadn’t even noticed my wardrobe change. I was feeling so strange on the ride home. Then Kelly volunteered that she and the other women were sidetracked on the way to buy cigarettes and wound up at a sex shop. She said they went a little nuts and bought some unconventional toys. She lifted her skirt to reveal a pair of latex panties. “They unzip from front to back!” she shrieked. I waited with baited breath as she removed an amenity from a bag. A strap-on dildo. “For me?” I asked incredulously. Kelly smiled sheepishly. “Would you let me try it out sometime? Please?!” I stared at the lifelike features of the beast and smiled. “How soon is now?” 
Posts: 167297
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Married Cocksuckers: The Honeymoon Tommy and Cindy had been married two weeks. They were on their honeymoon in Florida. They had wanted to escape the cold of Boston and took a bus to Florida. They didn't have a car, as a matter of fact about all they had was each other. They had been out at a secluded beach all day, fucking themselves ragged out in the dunes. Now they found that they had missed the last bus to where they had a small motel room. They were walking down the road, hoping to flag a ride, when they saw headlights approaching. They both started to wave frantically. The bus, a long yellow bus with heavy wire over the windows, stopped. They didn't think to question what kind of bus it was. They just hurried in. They were getting a little chilled since they were still wearing their swimming outfits. For Tommy this meant an almost transparent pair of trunks. Cindy had ripped out the lining so she could see his seven inch cock outlined in the material. Cindy had little more than three triangles of material that covered strategic parts of her anatomy. The material didn't do a very good job. The interior of the bus was dark and they had to adjust to the lack of light. They were able to make out ten men looking at them. The lust in their eyes showed through , even in the dark. They knew that they had made a mistake then. Three of the men got up and grabbed the young newlyweds. It was useless to struggle against large strong men. Tommy was a slightly built boy of nineteen, only five foot seven. Cindy was a little beauty with short brunette hair and a perfect alabaster like body. Her only imperfections were small dark moles on her body that only contrasted with her beauty. The rear of the bus had the seats removed, leaving a large open space. When the men told the couple to sit, they were glad that the area was at least carpeted. ""We hope we don't have to tie you two up. If you promise to behave then we can forgo that." They nodded their head's in agreement, unable to speak. Yen Tommy looked up to see that all the large mean looking men had come back and was looking at them. They were mostly looking at Cindy but a few were also looking at Tommy. He felt a chill run up him. "It looks like we don't have to do a lot of work to get them naked." "Take off those things or we will have to do it and we just might leave them in tatters," the same large man said. " us please..." Cindy thought that her new husband could help them. "Tommy can't help...little girl. He's going to be busy himself." The men laughed as the buss swerved off the paved road. The rough ride told them that they were on a dirt road, or rather a sandy road. Then it stopped and the men began to undress. Cindy was horrified at what was about to happen. When the first man pulled his pants off she gasped as she saw the huge thing sticking from under a large belly and from a thick dark mass of hair. "Now I said to take them things off or we you better get them off by the time we're naked or we will rip them off." The large man stripped his pants off and his turgid cock sprung out, even larger than the other man. Cindy started to cry and Tommy started to beg. "please...we are on our honeymoon." he said this as if it were some magic words that would make the men cringe and cross them selves. Instead it had just the opposite reaction. They started to laugh and stroke their cocks, which were all standing at attention now that all dozen or so men were naked. Tommy knew that if they ripped his trunks off then he wouldn't be able to wear them if they ever left this bus. "Cindy," he told her as he stripped his trunks off, "I think you had better get your suit off before they ruin it. It had been a gift from Cindy's girlfriends. They had told her that it was sure to inflame any male libido. She began to remove her panties. For some reamister protecting her hair covered pussy was not as important as her medium sized breast. It was tommy that undid the clasp at her back. The twin Triangles fluttered to the floor, where one of the naked men picked it up and placed it on a seat. Another had placed both bottoms on the seat already. "See how nice we are Cindy," the man, who was evidently the leader said, "All we want is to have a little sex." He hesitated for a minute and then said, "With both of you...then we will let you go." He told them that they were going to wait for a boat that would take them to where the cops couldn't find them. He also said that they were all primisterers and that they had all been unjustly convicted by one rabid prosecuter. "We been behind bars a long time and the boat will take us to a country that don't extradite. Our families will meet us there." "You two just kinda fell into our hands and we couldn't pass that up. We haven't had sex, except with each other, for a long time. We hope to make that up with you two." The couple were told that they had only till dawn the next morning and that they could go then. Cindy had relaxed some at hearing the men speak so intelligently. Tommy on the other hand had been hard ever since his trunks came off. Cindy was huddled against her new husband for protection. "Tell you two can start it off. most of us never saw a honeymoon couple make out, except when we were tell you what Tommy we are going to let you take her before we do and we'll watch." Tommy had never had sex with Cindy with anyone watching, unless they counted the peeper in the dunes earlier. They were having some sex and cindy saw the man crouched behind some long grass, watching them. She had tried to pull away but Tommy said, "Let his see us honey...let him see you naked." She had and Tommy had begun to fuck her cunt better than he had ever. Cindy got into the exhibition too and looked at the man while she sucked Tommy's cock. She had seen then that the man had his cock out and she had became excited at seeing it. That's why when she saw all the naked men surrounding her that she was getting her fondest wish. Cindy and her best friend used to play with each others naked bodies and suck breast and pussies. She was scared but she was also excited. She opened her arms up to Tommy and he nervously kissed her. "Hey fuck her with her sitting on your cock, Tommy." The couple looked at each and decided that they had better do as they asked. Tommy was sitting with his legs out in front of him. Cindy straddled his lap, but before she could seat herself on his erect cock, she felt hand's spreading her cunt open. Tommy felt hands grasp his cock and guide him into her cunt. Cindy felt her face turned away from Tommy and stared in the face of the leader. He took her face in his large hand's and gently began to kiss her. Another man took Tommy's face and brought his large lips to Tommy's thinner ones. "Please...I never kiss..." he didn't get to finish because he felt the man's rough lips on his. Even years before when he was younger,he never kissed even one of his buddies even though they sucked each others cocks. A few times a smaller boy with a small cock, actually stuck it in his anus. He had liked this at the time but had grown out of things like that. Cindy could feel Tommy's cock as it penetrated her cunt for the fifth time that day. Ever since she and Tommy has started to fuck each other, before they were married, she knew that she loved Tommy's cock in her. Here in the semi dark of the bus she knew that she would have the cocks of all these men in her. The thought frighten her, and at the same time excited her. She had saw the circle of hard cocks and only a few of them were the size of Tommy's cock. She shuddered when she thought of the fat cock that looked like it belonged on a horse. It belonged to the leader. Perhaps that how men decided who would be the leader was by cock size. Right now Tommy's hard cock was driving into her cunt and it felt great as it always did. They had started fucking and from then on they thought about nothing but fucking . Their parents were more than happy to help them out as soon as they could get married. An extended honeymoon, like the one they were on, was to give them time to get all the sex they could. Cindy almost laughed. It looked like they would be getting more sex than they ever imagined. She felt the leaders thick hot tongue pressing her lip's open as she kissed him. He ran his tongue down her throat and then sucked her own tongue into his mouth. Kissing a man was something a little different from kissing a girl, Tommy was thinking. His man was sucking his tongue and he was beginning to feel funny. he started to return the kiss. he sucked on the thick tongue the man pushed into his mouth. Then Tommy felt his arms moving from around Cindy and he put them around the man and pulled him into the kiss hard. Cindy smiled as she kept kissing the leader. She loved being kissed, although Tommy was the only man that kissed her, unless you counted all his friends that lined up at their wedding to plant a passionate kiss on the bride. Cindy had wondered what it would feel like if she had sex with the guy's. Her and Tommy had sex many times before and now that she was married, sex was something that she was allowed to do. They had left on their honeymoon before she could act on her urges. Now she was acting on her urges, and it was looking like she was powerd, except the leader was a gentle man and was softy rubbing her breast as he kissed her. When he worked his fingers down to where she and Tommy were joined. She gasped as he worked one of his large fingers into her cunt along with Tommy's cock. "Looks like he don't feel that cunt of yours Cindy." Cindy knew that he was telling the truth. She loved Tommy but after they had started fucking for a few weeks. her cunt seemed to loosen up to where she felt him, but it didn't fill her up like when they first started. Now with the leaders finger up her with Tommy's cock, she felt fuller that she had in months. That's why she had been thinking about sex with Tommy's friends at the wedding. When they held her and kissed her, she could feel their hard cocks against her. Some were much larger than her new husband. Tommy felt the man's finger against his cock and he realized that Cindy felt as tight as she did before she seemed to loosen up. He actually liked it. When the man he was kissing took his hand and brought it down to wrap it around his thick cock, Tommy squeezed it hard and wanted to suck his first cock in a long time. The leader seemed to sense that it was time and he lifted Cindy from her husband's cock. At first Tommy felt the cook air around his cock and it felt like he was all alone. Then a large rough feeling hand grasped it. Tommy just let it happen as the man lowered him to the floor and took Tommy's cock down his throat. Tommy let loose a cry of surrender as he took the large cock in his own mouth. Cindy could see her husband as she spread her legs wide for the leaders large body. She felt the tremendous weight of him on her. She reached between their body and grasped his large cock, barely fitting her hand around it. She brought the leaders cock to her cunt and moaned loudly as he sunk into her slowly. He was still larger than she was used to, much larger, and she let the leader take his time seating his cock in her. Then it was all the way in her cunt. She felt her belly against his thick hair there. Then she opened her mouth in a deep kiss, She drew him to her and whispered, " Please fuck me...fuck me like a woman now." The leader did just that and from where Tommy was sucking the sweet sperm from his lover's cock, he could see and hear his bride fucking the leader like she was his woman. Tommy gulped the man's cum down his throat like he was starved. This was what he had been missing for so long. Another man's sperm in his mouth. That man fell away and was replaced by another man who turned Tommy on his back. Tommy seemed to know what was coming and he spread his legs eagerly. The new man shoved a large cock into the depths of his rectum. Tommy cried out loudly in pleasure as the cock sunk into his ass. Cindy heard her husband and saw him being fucked next to her. "Oh yes...fuck him...fuck him hard...he loves cocks as much as I do." That was when the leader filled her cunt. he kissed her, "I guess I had better let some of these others fuck that sweet cunt of yours now...I'll be fucking you more tonight." Cidny was still kissing him as she felt the new cock spread her cunt open. She then turned her head to deeply kiss her new lover. Cindy began to fuck the new cock. It amazed her at just how a different cock felt when it penetrated her. True, she loved her husband's cock and always would, but this new cock was a new delight to contend with just as she had with the leader's cock. Tommy felt the hot sperm inundate his rectum. A lot sprayed out of his anus as the giant cock in him began to cum. The man grunted and yelled that he was fucking the cherry ass. For some reamister it made Tommy feel good to know that he had made this big rough, ugly man with the salami like cock cum. He hugged the man's body to his own slim flesh and moaned at the sheer joy of what had just happened to him. He had taken this large cock and fucked it and made it cum, just as a woman would do. Tommy felt the same power that Cindy had professed to him that she had. Now Cindy accepted another cock. The men changed so quietly that she wouldn't have noticed a new man was fucking her except that her cunt detected a difference in the cock. She kissed the last man as he slipped away from her, and turned to kiss the new man. Tommy was experiencing the same with his men. Now he had a cock in his rectum, shoving in and out easily. Each time the cock would withdraw all except the head, Tommy would feel his butt feel empty. As the man pushed into him again he felt, and welcomed the warmth that was the man's cock. He turned away from the kiss when hands budged his face around and he found a hot slick cock head being placed in his gasping mouth. On and on through the night, the married couple fucked the desperate men. It was near dawn that Cindy and Tommy were left, snuggled up naked and sweaty into each others arms. They had fucked the men in the bus twice. Once when they took the young brides body and again as they took the boy she married. Between the two they had fucked the ten or so men over and over again. they sucked their cocks and drank down globs of sweet slimy sperm. Tommy had collected a full rectum that was kept full of cock. "That girl had about the softest most velvet feeling cunt I have ever had," One man was saying to his friends. "The girl was nice, very nice, but that boy has the tightest ass I have ever fucked, ant that's a lot of butts.' another would say. As the couple lay arelax the men talked about each facet of their fucking them. At dawn the stole away into the darkness. he returned two hours later, " We have to cover the bus...the boat won't be here till tomorrow morning." The men left the buss and started to hunt foliage and branches to make the bus blend into the background. When they finished, it would have been necessary to be right on top of them to see. Two by two the men stole away to the ocean to bathe, especially their cocks and anuses. The couple seemed to like to bury their faces in the men's ass creases and tongue the wrinkled tight ring of their anus. Candy had sucked a man's anus for a long time. She loved to scratch her tongue with the dark wiry hair that curled around his rectum. It was close to noon when the couple finally were awake. The leader told them that they could go wash in the ocean. The leader said that he believed that they would return. he was right. The subject did come up about th couple leaving on the next bus that came by the beach. It came they stayed and then after telling each other that they wanted to do it, headed back to find the bus. Cindy told Tommy that he shouldn't be upset that she liked other cocks. She said that she had been thinking of them but till the men gave her the chance she had never tried another cock. Now she said that she would always want other cocks. Tommy confessed that he never knew what bliss really was till he had a fat cock inside him. Cindy told him that he now knew what she felt when she let a new cock into her. When they got back the men laughed and hugged them. ""We didn't know if you would return or not but we wanted to give you a chance. The leader said that he was happy. The other men echoed his sentiments. All of them lay naked and eating some bread and cheese, and washing it down with wine. Cindy whispered to Tommy and then told the others what they had been whispering to each other about. "I told Tommy that I wanted us both to share each cock till we made the guy cum. The leader was chosen to go first. He lay down and held his arms out for the two young people to come into his arms. After hugging them both he began to kiss Cindy and then kissed Tommy. The two got their heads together and were able to kiss the man at the same time. Both the honeymooners sucked on the sides of the leaders tongue and swallowed his saliva. Then Tommy held Cindy's cunt open so the man could tongue her cunt deeply. Lisa thrashed about like a crazed woman from the intensity of the man sucking her. He was equally as animated when he sucked Tommy's youthful cock in his mouth. The couple reversed theirselves and sucked on the large cock till it filled their mouths with sperm. The two had spent an hour with the leader. Each man after that got equal treatment. The couple tried different variations with each man. One man would drive fully in Cindy's anus and loose his sperm in torrents in her. then Tommy and the man would suck the sperm from her. Each man would kiss the bride with their mouths full of goo and Cindy would suck and lick them clean. Tommy thought that Cindy would balk when it came to her sucking sperm from his ass, but she fastened her mouth to his rectum and sucked till his rectum was clean. The time finally came that the leader returned to the bus and told everyone to follow him. The boat was waiting for them. It was a large boat and couldn't come as close as they hoped but they swam to it. The leader kissed Cindy and Tommy. Before he left he handed the two a hand bag. When they later looked at it they were surprised to find it full of cash. it was the unmarked booty from a armored car several years back. The money was clean and they had plenty themselves. Cindy and Tommy had learned that the men had all taken part in the heist. they were caught and sent to primister but just recently they had escaped. When the boat was out of sight they looked in the bag and saw that it contained a few hundred thousand dollars. Two years later a young boy, barely legal age, lay naked between the couple as they kissed and licked his youthful body. "oh taste so good...don't he taste good tommy?" Tommy had been sucking his left nipple while Cindy sucked on his right one. "Oh he taste real good know how to pick them." 
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Cindy had met the young man as she drove to do some shopping. Tommy stayed at their beach side house with some very young girls they had met. By the time Tommy had gotten there Cindy and the three girls had sucked and stuck their tongues in every crevasse they could find on each other. When Tommy came in the girls wanted to suck his cock. As she left Tommy was sucking one young girl's cunt while the other two were licking up both sides of his cock. Cindy had met the young man and invited him back to their home. The man agreed eagerly. When she and Tommy laid the young man down on the bed and began to love his body the man put both of his hands in their respective hair and stroked them. Tommy looked at his wife as they descended on the hard up right cock , sprouting from the young man's blond cock hair. "You know Cindy... you sure know how to pick them." Tommy and his wife sucked the boy's cock till he rewarded them with his hot sperm. Then she spread her legs. "Put his cock in me darling...I want to fuck him now." Then as she fucked him she said that she had been thinking of going to South America to see the men from the bus. They would be happy to see her. 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!My Best Friend's Son After nearly 20 years of marriage, I left my wife and began my new life. Unfortunately, I didn't know what would be in that new life. I felt like a failure and I felt alone. My wife and I had never been great sexually, but in the final five years of our marriage it was dead. I slept downstairs and I think we were both relieved. She had lost interest in sex. I was beginning to think I had lost interest in women. I'm a nice looking preppy executive guy. Think Hugh Grant in a suit. As far back as high school women have hit on me. Most I have turned down. I thought it was because I was picky. But finally, in my early 40s, I was beginning to admit that I thought more about men and cock than about women. An old high school friend knew I was divorcing and sensed I was in the dumps so he invited me to come stay with him in Bermuda. He worked in the US embassy there and told me he had a great house with a pool and I'd have run of the place. His wife and little mister would be out of the country all summer so he and I could hang out. He even joked about going to strip clubs, though I was not so interested in that. If it came to it, I'd go to make him happy (and maybe to convince myself that I still was attracted to women) but if I could avoid the cheesy strip clubs, I would. I was down there for sun, relaxation and some takeing. I needed to heal and figure out who the hell I was after 43 years on Planet Earth. When I arrived in Hamilton, my friend was there to pick me up. "Hey buddy, I'm so glad to see you, we're going to have a great time," he said. "Reunion time for the wild high school guys!" "Thanks for inviting me down, Dan, this means a lot," I said. "No problemo, Keith." Dan grabbed one of my bags and we went to his car. Driving back to his place he said, "Hey, I forgot to mention that Luis is staying with me now." "Your first mister?" I said, vaguely recallling meeting the kid about ten years ago. Dan had had a nasty divorce with a local after they had a biracial kid. She was a mess and was using him to get U.S. citizenship. She was so pretty that he should have been suspicous since he was not that handsome, but... "Yes, he's 19 now and kind of a fuck up but I'm hoping I can inspire him and get him to go to college in the US," Dan said. "It'll be nice to see him again," I said. Truth is, I was kind of disappointed I wouldn't have the place to myself when Dan was at work, but I figured a 19 year old would be off doing his own thing most of the time anyway. We got to Dan's place and he didn't lie: It was a huge house with a great kidney shaped pool. "Mi casa es su casa," Dan said as we walked inside. "Thanks man, I really appreciate this," I said. "I wish I was staying longer than two weeks." Dan nodded and smiled. "Put your stuff away upstairs, your guest room is first one on the left," he pointed up the stairs. "I'll get the BBQ going out back and dig you out a cold one. Take a dip in the pool too, if you want." Dan walked into the kitchen and I went upstairs. It was a great house. It felt tropical and exciting. I got to the top of the stairs and saw that my guest room door was shut. But the door next to mine was about half open. Not thinking much about it, I went to my guest room and glanced at the other door as I turned my knob. I saw a tall, dark skinned man with curly light hair standing in front of a mirror lifting weights. He was wearing a speedo and his body was oiled up and sweaty. I couldn't stop staring. I could feel a bulge in my pants and my cock got hard almost instantly. My breath even got a little heavy and I dropped one of my bags. Horrified, I started to turn when Luis came to his door, looked at me with a brief smile, and without a word slowly closed his door on me. I rushed into my guest room and laid down on the bed. Shit! Shit! Shit! Did he know I was checking him out? Was I as obvious as I thought? Fucking great, my best friends mister probably knows I'm a closeted fag. I tried to collect my thoughts. I was in a sweat. The house was silent...then I heard the sound of breathing and the weights moving around. I relaxed a little. Maybe Luis was going back to his routine and didn't think much of my looking at him. Hell, he probably barely noticed his dad's old friend anyway. I began to feel a little better but I was still sticky with sweat so I began to undress. I was standing there naked looking for my bathing suit when I heard my door open... 
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Luis walked in and looked straight at me. I was naked but I reached for a towel. "My dad said he's waiting for you by the pool with cigars and lunch," his voice was the typical sullen teenager's. He was wearing only nylon shorts. He was sweating and his swimmers build was toned. I tried not to stare. "Uh, thanks, I'll be right down," I stammered. He shut the door without another word. I felt it in his eyes: He knew I was a cocksucker and that he could control me. I dressed quickly in a bathing suit and tshirt and met Dan downstairs. We smoked some cuban cigars, ate a great lunch of burgers and the works he'd done up on the grill, and talked about old times. He wanted to hear all about my old girlfriends from the old days. I'd been more popular than he had, and I think he liked hearing my success stories with women who wouldn't go out with him. Hell, two of his girlfriends dumped him and asked me out. I'm not bragging, this is just the truth. Maybe Dan hero-worshipped me a little. "Keith, I'm worried about Luis," he said. My mouth went dry and I reached for my beer to mask it. "Oh?" "He's really a non-starter," Dan said. "He relaxs all day, doesn't do much, and doesn't seem to have any ambition." "Sounds like most of us at his age Dan," I said, trying to keep it light. But I could hear the weights upstairs in Luis' room and I kept thinking of his brown, glistening body. "I keep trying to get him to focus, but he won't listen," Dan said. "They're like a brick wall at this age," I agreed. I didn't have kids but I had nephews. "Would you talk to him?" "Me?" "Yeah, I've told him how cool you were in high school and college and how popular you were," Dan said. "I told him how you stayed focused but had a lot of fun in the process, am I right?" He laughed. "I guess," I said. "But I don't even know Luis." "He knows a lot about you, man, and it would mean a lot to me if you'd try?" "I could try I guess," I said. I was hoping he'd forget about it for the time being and I could avoid the whole thing. "Cool, I'm going to go on a beer and rum run, we're about out, so I'll be gone for about 30 minutes," Dan said. "Stay here and talk to him while I'm gone." "I don't know..." "Please?," Dan said. "Look, he's 19 so take him a beer if you want to break the ice. I don't encourage him to take but if you do it he'll see how cool you are." I swallowed, "Okay, Dan, I'll try." "Great," and with that Dan grabbed his car keys and left. I walked slowly up the stairs. I felt weak in the knees and my mouth was dry. I took another swig of my new beer and held the other for Luis in my hand. As I walked to his door I reached out to knock and the weights stopped. "What?" he said sullenly. "Hey, it's your dad's friend Keith," I said, trying to hide the nervouseness in my voice. "What do you want?" "I brought you a beer," I said, "Can I come in?" He unlocked the door and I opened it. He was still wet with sweat from lifting. "Here," he reached for the beer and took it out of my hand. He drank it down fast. "Give me yours," he said. I handed it to him. He slugged it back, too. "What do you want?" he asked me with a small smile. "I, well, your dad thought I might talk to you?" I stammered again. "Go downstairs and bring me another beer," he said. Without thinking I left and went to get it. Walking back up the stairs I thought to myself: What the hell is going on here? You should tell this smart ass teenager cuckolds brownie to get his own damn beer. He's a sullen asshole. Tell him you aren't his fricking maid. ...But I walked in, "here you go." My hand was shaking a little. He took it without thanks and then took a long sip. "I like lifting," he said, sitting down in his desk chair. "I was going to take a shower so if you got something to say, say it fast." "Your dad thought I could...I don't know, give you some advice," I said, it sounded lame to me. And I was getting a hardon looking at Luis. He stood up and took off his shorts in one quick movement. I couldn't help but stare at his beautiful black cock. It was 5 inches soft and his big balls were beautiful. "You're fucking pathetic," he said. "What do you mean?" I said, finally ripping my eyes off his cock. "You want to give me advice about how to be a successful guy?" He laughed. "But your getting divorced. Bet your wife dumped you because you couldn't get it up." "No, " I said, but then I stopped. I was breathless. "You can't take your eyes off my cock, can you, faggot?" I looked down on the floor. I was ashamed but I couldn't have left the room if I had tried. "Get on your fucking knees, faggot," he said. And I did. I was on my knees, humiliated but hard. Why did I want this? "My dad goes on and on about what a ladies guy you were and how all the chicks were after you, "Luis laughed. "Look at you now, cocksucker." He took a step toward me. "Crawl to me on your knees and kiss my feet." I hesitated. But I couldn't stop myself. I crawled forward on my knees and bent down to kiss his feet. I gave them a quick peck. "Keep your face down there and suck my toes, fag." "Luis, I..." "Do it now," he reached down and pressed my face against his toes. "Suck them one at a time." "I shouldn't..." "You've got a hard on cocksucker and that's the only thing about you that's telling the truth," he said. "You want my cock in your mouth but you're going to have to earn it. Suck each toe now or get the fuck out of here." I sucked each toe hungrily, greedily. I was about to come myself and had to concentrate not to. "My dad's best friend," he said with scorn. "What a fucking success. He's such a guy that he's on his pussy knees in my bedroom sucking my toes," he laughed. I kept sucking and tried not to hear his insults. But they also turned me on more. "Lick my balls," Luis said. I began to sit up and went for his balls but he put his hand in front of my face. "Beg me to let you lick my balls," he said. "Luis, please..." my voice was raw and I barely recognized it. "Now," he said. I had to fight tears now. "Luis, please let me suck your big balls and your fact cock..." 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!My Black Master Let me start with a little background. I’ve always considered myself a little above average in the looks department, not a drop dead hunk by a long shot, but I have never lacked for the attentions of female companionship. I lost my virginity at age 13 and could have done so at least 4 years earlier. I started fooling around with sex very young I suppose. I can always remember masturbating from a very young age. As far as my sexual orientation, I’ve always felt that if 2 people, or more were OK with what they were doing, then it’s OK. That includes all things sexual, the full gamut so to speak. It was 1981, a wild year for me by all standards. I was stationed in the Midwest, going to school for the Air Force. One night after passing a particular hard test, me and two buddies went out on the town to celebrate. At the time I was 18, as were my friends. We took a bus downtown and proceeded to party hardy. We went to every club we could get served in and tried our best to fit in and find some girls to party with. The night went on and after about 1 or 2 in the morning, with no female companions to share the night with we started to head home. Problem was, we had no idea where we were and the one guy who knew the area had disappeared 2 hours before. We came to a street corner that had a phone and proceeded to call a taxi to come pick us up, at the corner of such and such street. Right after the call was made, I turned around and there in all it’s glory was Kitty’s Pleasure Palace. An adult book store and more. Without further ado, I charged right in. It was bizarre, at least for an 18 year old kid, who has never been in a joint like this before. The place was totally empty except for an old lady maybe in her 60’s. She asked us if she could help us find anything. We said no, that we were just browsing. After a few minutes of looking around, she asked us if we wanted some “Locker Room”. I had heard of this stuff before and said sure. We both did a few hits and then she offered us a take of whiskey or something. We thought we were in heaven. Here we were, fresh off the truck and this old lady was giving us free stuff, it was great. After, that she started to unload a bunch of free magazines on us. These were the real hard-core kind, not Playboys or Penthouses, but much harder. The price tag on these mags were like $25 plus per mag. We each got about 6 or so. Then she asked if we wanted to watch some free movies, since there was a 30 or 40 seat theater there also. We were like pigs in cuckolds brownie. This was a big windfall for us at the time. Off to the theater we went. As we were walking down the isle, she instructed us to watch a few and feel free to pull our dicks out and masturbate. Well, I had never done this kind of thing with another guy in the same room, but I didn’t hesitate either, I sat about 6 rows in front of my friend and started watching porno. As I sat there, I can’t even say I had a hard on at this time, but I did start to worry. I started thinking about the porn theater back in my home town, how it was seedy and bad things could happen there. That’s about the time I turned around and found that my friend was gone. I was scared, cuckolds brownie this was gonna be bad. I started walking slowly up to the door we had came in and I heard a buzzing noise. Shit this is gonna be ugly, I knew something bad was going to go down, or was going down. As I got to the entrance door, I noticed the noise was coming from another door, which was where the projector was. There was my buddy with his pants around his ankles and the old lady helping him put on and turn on a vibrating cock ring. That was a big relief, I thought much worse things were gonna happen to us. Since the fear was now gone, I laughed and turned to go back to my seat. The old lady then came with us back to our seats. She then informed my buddy, that if he wanted her to, she would suck his dick, while he watched the movie and then she would do me. We both thought that was a grand idea. I didn’t pay much attention to my friend getting his dick sucked, but in a couple minutes the lady came over to me. My dick was out and hard and she went immediately to work on my young cock. She was definitely experienced, she sucked my dick like a pro, swallowing it all on every stroke. It wasn’t long till I was ready to cum and she looked up and told me she wanted to take all my cum. With that I started to unload my nuts in her willing throat. She was great and this was a great way to end a night on the town. We went back to main area that we first started in and she reminded us not forget our freebies. I asked her if she knew of any prostitutes we could fuck and she said to hell with them girls, any time we wanted to cum, Jim will be glad to suck your cocks!!! Jim!!! That wasn’t a girl's name and neither was the old lady. Maybe I was to takes, but I really did think she was woman, there was a bit of stubble, but hell for a free blow job on a takes binge I wasn’t gonna bitch. Seems my buddy didn’t have a problem with that either. The only problem we had, was that we still needed a ride home and the taxi wasn’t gonna come and get us this time. Jim said he would give us a ride home and that if we wanted to, we could stop at his place and smoke some free weed. Here we go again. My buddy and I looked at each and both agreed, let’s go. Once we got there, he took us upstairs and gave us a joint to smoke and some beer to chase it down with. Then he started telling us how much he enjoyed sucking our dicks and that he would love to suck us off again right now and that we didn’t have to do anything to him. Well, we already let him suck us off once and the ***** and dope already took their toll. No problem. This time he told us to strip and lay down. He then produced some oil and started rubbing it on us, alternating between me and my friend. It felt quite good, to have this old man rubbing us down, with his hands and running his tongue over our pricks. He made us stand up and get next to each other so he could suck both our cocks at the same time. What a sight to see, he worked both dicks into his mouth and sucked for all he was worth. It didn’t feel as good as when only one dick was in his mouth, but it still felt good. After a while, he started working on one dick at a time. My buddy blew his load down the mans throat then I put another shot into his mouth. He commented on the taste and amount of each load after he swallowed. You’d think we’d be done by now, but he wasn’t ready to let these 2 youngsters go just yet. He then laid on the ground and told my buddy to squat over his face so he could give him a rim job. He didn’t want to so he told me to do it. I lowered my butthole over his mouth and he started to rim my anus. He did real good and after 5 or 10 minutes I asked him to suck me off again. He loved it and took yet another helping of my cum into his mouth, albeit not much. By now, my dick spewed all it could, it was almost daylight and we were trashed. We got dressed and our new friend took us home. On the way home, I was sitting up front and he kept rubbing my dick through my pants and planting little kisses on my cheek. The kisses I didn’t like, actually the whole deal was starting to seem like something I didn’t want to do again. He dropped us off and told us if we ever wanted him to suck us off or anything else, just stop by or give him a call. The next day we both woke late and promised that we wouldn’t tell anyone else about it. I really didn’t feel guilty or anything. I just didn’t want to be labeled gay, when in fact I’m not. Now I have always had an active imagination when it comes to sex and fantasies, and have thought about every possible sexual situation there is and masturbated to them. But now I had an experience that fueled my desire to do other seedy things. Like suck a dick or get fucked in my ass, to be used as a guy’s fuck toy. It was a perversion, a fantasy, something I never would have sought out with anyone, unless of course that permister already sucked my dick and offered to do it again anytime I wanted. Two weeks past and I was horny as I ever had been. I spent every night thinking about the old man and man sex. Two weeks past and I found myself alone on a Friday night, takeing beer and getting a nice buzz on. I was just going to get wasted and beat off, but the beers got me to the point of no return and I called his number at the porn shop. Is Jim there I asked, no he’s off tonight. Do you know his number, he told me to call. Yep, he gave it to me. I dialed Jim’s number, no answer. What the fuck, I shouldn’t have done it anyway I thought and pulled out my dick thinking about letting him fuck my virgin ass and making me suck his dick. I was just about to blow my wad when I thought, what the fuck let me call again to tell him he was missing a juicy load. Hello, this is Jim!! Hi Jim, remember me from 2 weeks ago, the two guys you sucked off at your place? Yes, my sweet young dicks, do you want me to suck you off tonight. Actually, I wanted to suck you off I said, but I couldn’t reach you so I just called to let you listen to me cum all over the phone. WAIT A MINUTE, he yelled, don’t cum, I’ll pick you up in 10 minutes and you can fill my mouth with your sweet cum. OK I said, and told him where to pick me up. 
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He arrived on time, my dick still half hard. He said he had plenty of beer and party goods and if I was OK with it, I could spend the night. I didn’t have to work the next day, but I said I’d think about it, not knowing how I’d feel about this after I did the dirty deeds. We got to his place and he got some dope and beers and I starting telling him about how much I thought about our last encounter and wondered what it would be like to suck a dick and get fucked and I thought maybe he would be interested. Of course I’m interested he laughed. I love virgin ass and mouths, but at my age I usually just get to suck cocks. He then started asking me about my fantasies and what was involved. He guessed that I wanted to be dominated and said that was OK, but I had to be sure to trust the permister I was with. Hell sweet dick, you’re lucky to have found me to break you in right, you already know you can trust me. He was right, I felt at ease with Jim, he could have pulled some cuckolds brownie on us before but he did what he said, sucked our dicks and never even tried to get us to suck him off. Let’s get started he said, taking me by the hand and leading me upstairs to the same room we were in before. This room wasn’t a bedroom, just a room with a few chairs and a door on one side. When we got there he told me to think of two colors and say them out loud. I said blue-green. OK, if you want to stop at anytime, just say that word and I’ll stop, then I’ll ask you if you really want to stop again, if you do we will, it’s that easy. So now we can say all the other kinky type stuff and it won’t matter unless you say that word. Truthfully, I was pretty fucked up again and ten minutes later I couldn’t have remembered that word if I wanted to. He had me undress and laid my clothes on a chair. He then told me the rules. I was to be his slave. I was to call him Sir and was to listen to and obey his every command. Do I understand? Yes I understand. Crack, he slapped my face. Yes I understand what, he yelled. Yes I understand Sir. It really didn’t hurt, but surprised me. You are my cunt now, slave, do you understand? Yes, Sir, I understand, I am your cunt. Good cunt, now tell me how much you want to suck my cock. Please let me suck your cock Sir, I’m dying to suck it. Good cunt. Don’t you think you should look like a cunt, if you are gonna act like one? Yes Sir. OK then, we shall get you ready. He opened a chest and pulled out a blonde wig and told me to put it on. He handed me some highheeled shoes, garterbelt, fishnet stocking and a bra with padding in it. He helped me put it all on and tighten and straightened everything for me. I was already clean shaven, my legs and arm pits looked out of place with the hair, but other than that, I was looking like a cute little girl. He then got out some lipstick and had me pout my lips as he put it on. Next he got some eyelashes out and stuck them on somehow. WOW, what a transformation. This is exactly what I had in mind, but never even told him. You look like a sexy little slut boy cunt, follow me he said. With that he opened the door in the room and pushed me inside. It was dark and I couldn’t see a thing. He then lead me into the room and said he would get the lights in a minute, they were on the other side of the room. With that he took both my arms, kissed my cheek and slowly pushed me down onto some kind of a padded chair or bench. I didn’t know which, cause I still couldn’t see. He lifted my arms above my head and then I heard a snap and felt cold steal around my wrists. Fear set in. A second later he turned the lights on. This room was a museum of *** and sex toys. Rubber cocks, whips, devices of all kinds, cuckolds brownie I’ve never seen. My hands were chained above my head and I was helpless. Now, slave cunt whore, tell me how much you want to suck my cock. I hesitated, maybe because I knew I couldn’t escape. He asked me if I wanted to say the word. I said no Sir. Truthfully, I didn’t want to say it, I was turned on big time, my cock had been erect for 20 minutes already. I also realized that I forgot the word anyway. Please let me suck your cock Sir, I begged. I was into this big time now, the fear was gone, just pure sexual energy. I acted like a slut, begging him to let me suck his cock and cum in my mouth. He told me to beg him to fuck my ass and I did. The whole time he was telling me to say this and that and asking me dirty stuff while he was stripping his clothes off. Finally, he was down to his briefs, which were sporting a nice size dick. I hoped it wasn’t going to be too big and rip my ass apart. His cock sprang out, it had a little curve in it and no more than about 7 inches and about as round as ring bologna. Open your dick sucking mouth cunt, he said and moved close to my face. I opened and took him into my mouth. He then instructed me how to suck his cock. Telling me to use my tongue on the underside. He made me lick his balls and would then alternate between stuffing his dick in my mouth and having me lick his balls. Soon he said that since I was a filthy whore he was just gonna fuck my face until he blew his scum down my throat. He starting driving his dick in my mouth the whole way up to his stomach and after every minute or so, he would hold his dick in my mouth the whole way. Each time he did this I thought he was gonna cum, but he didn’t. He asked me if I wanted to taste his sweet cum and I nodded and grunted yes, since my mouth was full of dickmeat. After slamming into my mouth about ten more stokes he held his cock there and told me to suck hard. I did. He grunted and said he was gonna fill me with his cum and to open my mouth and stick my tongue out. As I did that, he pulled his dick out and had it laying on my tongue when he starting filling my mouth with his cum. He ordered me not to swallow any of it until he told me to. There must have about 5 spurts altogether, I could feel it piling up on my tongue and dripping down my throat. He then jacked a few more globs out of his dick and smeared them on my lips and face. Swallow it all now my little cocksucking slut. And I did. I was so turned on, all I wanted to do was cum, my dick was bursting for release. You look like you need to cum my little girl cunt. Please let me cum, Sir, please I begged. With that he bent down and took my dick in his mouth and gave me two or three sucks and stopped. I was crazy with the need to cum. He then told me that I haven’t lived up to the bargain yet. Please I begged, just let me cum Sir. Only after I get your ass cherry, whore. Beg me to fuck you. I begged just like before. He undid the chains on my hands and led me over to another bench. This time he laid me on my back and put my legs up into these brackets, which, opened my asshole and spread my legs far enough for him to stand between them and fuck me. He then clamped my ankles into the brackets so I couldn’t escape and did the same with my hands above my head. He put a pillow of some kind under my ass to elevate it a bit more and I guess give him better access. His dick was limp now and he pointed it out to me telling me that a good cunt knows how to get it up. With that he walked around to my head and planted his asshole and balls on my face and told me to lick his hole. I was a bit repulsed by this but was in no position to argue and my dick ached for relief. My tongue found his rectum and starting licking in and out, in and out. He would move down a bit and have me suck and lick his nutsack and then he made me tongue fuck his ass more. He did this for a good ten minutes and then turned around, undid something on the bench and my head fell down, supported by only my neck muscles. Then he ordered me to open my mouth and suck his cock. He vulgarly pumped his dick into my throat, going even further it seemed than before. Finally, his dick was hard again and he pulled out of my used sore mouth. He then grabbed a bottle of something and smeared it on his cockhead and then rubbed it on my asshole. The whole time telling me to tell him to fuck my young little girl cunt. I begged him and begged him to fuck me. Finally he pushed the head in and my eyes lit up in pain. I wanted to say the word, but I forgot it. Does it hurt, cunt, he asked. Yes, I screamed. Then he pulled out. Thank goodness I thought, I didn’t need that damn word, he was gonna quit. Then he rammed his whole 7 inch salami into my ass. Arrgggh, I screamed out. Relax cunt, he said, you will get used to it in a few minutes, just relax. With that I relaxed and he held still for a few minutes. Then he started to slowly fuck into me, pulling out until it was just the head and then slowly sinking it up to his balls. It started to feel all right, not what I imagined a woman to feel like getting cunt fucked, but then again I wasn’t a woman. I noticed that every time he pumped into me or pulled out, I felt like I could cum, just from that. He told me to start talking dirty to him, telling him how much I loved his big dick and that I wanted to be his cum sucking ass fucking slut forever. The whole time I’m saying these things he is starting to really pick up the pace and is furiously fucking my virgin butthole. He rammed it into me saying he was going to fill my ass with his sperm. After another 5 minutes of his relentless ass pounding he rammed into the hilt and held it there as I felt his balls spurt wave after wave of man juice into my hole. He kept his dick in my ass for another ten minutes or so, gently rocking his softening penis in and out, telling me what a great cunt I had, then he finally pulled out. Please suck my cock I begged. With that he bent his head down and took my stiff prick into his mouth. He sucked, maybe a minute or so and I blew a great hot sticky load down his mouth. After he got up he walked over and put the head board back up so I could relax my muscles and he undid one of my arm restraints, but right before he could unlock the other one, the door flew open. He immediately dropped to his knees and started to beg for forgiveness to his Black Master. 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Black Master With that I saw a huge powerfully built black man, rippled with muscles, maybe 6.5, bare chested and mean looking. Well, well, well, what have we here Jim boy, he said. Did I give you permission to use my private room for your pleasure? No answer from Jim. Well cocksucker did I?, he yelled. Jim was visibly scared as I was, the only difference was, I couldn’t run away. Here I was, this 18 year old guy, with a blonde wig on, wearing fishnet stockings, a bra, high heels, shackled to this bench with man cum dripping out of my asshole, lipstick and eyelashes. Talk about getting caught with your pants down. The one man I felt safe with was now scared cuckolds brownieless by this huge black man. Then the black guy started to admonish Jim. You know cocksucker, I have certain rules and you know those rules. I let you live here only so long as you abide by those rules. Here you are, in my house, using my permisteral belongings. You know you must be punished, don’t you cocksucker. Yes, Black Master, Jim said meekly. The Black Master then looked at me. You seem to be trespassing as well. Such a pretty little girl. You ever had black meat. No Sir, I replied. Look at you slut, just like them nigger girls, hair on your legs and your pits. What a tramp. Don’t worry cocksucker here will clean you up, then you and I can make arrangements for you to repay me for your use of my house. I didn’t know what he was talking about, but I knew that he was huge and could ******* me with one hand tied behind his back. Listen up cocksucker, take my new girlfriend and get her cleaned up, you know what I like, you have one hour to get ready, get it done cocksucker. With that he turned and left the room, except this time I heard a lock click on the other side of the door. What’s going on Jim, I asked. He explained that the black guy was his Black Master and he let him live there and he worked at his store. He was into all sorts of things and that he didn’t want to mess with him. The only way out of this mess was going to be for me to do as he says. Otherwise, Jim couldn’t promise me anything. First thing Jim did was untie me, then had me strip naked. He led me through another door which was a great big bedroom. To the side was a bathroom, with a large shower. Jim first got this strange rubber hose thing and started filling it with water and some soap. I asked what it was and he said he needed to clean me out for the Black Master. This was an enema and he was going to clean all the cum and cuckolds brownie out of my asshole. I told Jim that I wanted to leave and I wasn’t going to go along with this stuff. Jim just looked at me, almost apologetically and said, listen, this guy is one bad lady fucker, you don’t have a choice, really, I’m sorry about this, but the easiest thing for you do to, is exactly what he wants, otherwise it could get bad. If he comes in here and you are not ready, heads will roll, I’ve seen this before, you definitely don’t want to piss this guy off, OK? I didn’t see that I had much choice and I didn’t want my ass kicked so I said OK, go ahead. Jim then bent me over the toilet and inserted the end of this enema thing in my ass. I could feel my bowels starting to fill up with the warm liquid. It felt kinda nice. After he unloaded it all in my butt, he had me sit on the toilet and told me to hold it in until he told me. He moved about the room getting various things together. I felt kinda stupid sitting there, but I also noticed my cock starting to grow. Not hard, but getting aroused. After 10 or 15 minutes he told me to let it out. It poured out, cum and cuckolds brownie mixed together. He filled my up ass up two more times and had me cuckolds brownie it all out. The last time I was shooting clear water out. He ran the shower and had me step in and at once he started doing all the soaping up of my body. He rinsed me off then had me stand on the other side of the shower where the water wouldn’t hit me. He started spraying what I thought was some kind of perfume soap on me. He told me to raise my hands above my head and he literally sprayed two cans of this stuff on me. I was coated everywhere. I looked like a snowman. He had me wait like this for a few minutes then made me get back under the shower head. That’s when I realized he used some kind of hair remover on me. I was now completely hairless, from my shoulders down to my feet. Not one hair. This pissed me off at first, but Jim assured me that it was better to be hairless for a few days then to go against the wishes of the Black Master. He then put some kind of smelly girl lotion all over my body. He dried me off and led me into the bedroom. He produced some red fingernail polish and painted my toenails and then glued these fake nails to my finger tips, which he also painted red. He then applied some makeup to my face, did my eyelashes again and put on red lipstick. He got out another wig, this one was shorter and blonde and attached it to my head. He got a bra out, but this one had holes where the nipples go and I guess it was made for flatchested girls, because it fit me perfect. He then had me get into panties, but these had a closed front to hide my penis and open back to show my whole backside. I was looking and feeling like a slut girl for sure and I was experiencing strange emotions. I was aroused by all of this but scared to death of the big black man. I had know idea what to expect, except to suck and fuck this guy. I really didn’t want to get fucked in the ass again, I was sore from the first time, but what choice did I have at this point if I wanted to escape this with my life. Jim then had me put on this white nightgown thing, which came down just below my panties. He got out a high heeled pair of white sandals and had me put them on. I couldn’t hardly stand in these things, but my red painted toenails did look sexy in them. Jim said we had 5 minutes left before the Black Master was to be here. He had me sit in a chair and started to tell me what was expected of me, the slave cunt. Jim told me that I was never to look into the Black Master’s eyes, but always to keep my eyes and head lowered unless the Black Master specifically told me otherwise. He said that I was to refer to him as the Black Master at all times, not just master or Sir, but Black Master. He said that I was to do whatever the Black Master asked of me or he would punish me and it would hurt. I was really scared and sick by now, and started to beg Jim to find a way out of this mess when I heard the door being unlocked. The door opened and there stood my Black Master. He was bare-chested with some sort of African robe or towel around his waist. Jim immediately dropped to his knees and asked how he could serve his Black Master. I see you did as instructed cocksucker, very nice, you may get a reward instead of a severe punishment depending on how good this new white cunt turns out. Did you instruct the cunt on how she was to perform? Yes, Jim replied, which confused me, because all he said was do whatever he asked and call him Black Master. Then the Black man looked at me and told me to stand up. He then told me to come to him. I walked unsteadily across the room to him, never once looking up at him. When I reach him he fondled my chin and face and started commenting on what a pretty little white whore I was. He then commanded me to kiss him. I really didn’t want to kiss a guy, it was kinda gross to me but I tilted my head up and moved to kiss him, when he told me to put my arms around him and give him a sexy lover whore kiss, and show him how much I loved him. With that I kissed him like I would a girl, full on the mouth, open lipped with my hands on his rock hard ass cheeks. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and we French kissed for what seemed like an hour to me, although it was probably only ten minutes or so. The whole time he was running his hands all over my body. He grabbed my dick, which wasn’t hard and then he pushed me away. Aren’t you getting turned on slut, he asked. I wasn’t turned on at all, but said that I was Black Master. He moved over to the bed and sat on the edge. He then told Jim to put some music on. The music started and the Black Master told me to do a sexy dance and slowly strip out of my white nightie. Well, I ain’t no dancer and I felt so fucking humiliated so I kind of just rocked back and forth. Then the Black Master yelled at me with this deafening booming voice, GET YOUR ASS DANCING AND SEXY OR ELSE! That was all I needed, I started swaying to the music and tried as best as I could to make it sexy. This lasted for at least two mistergs when he spoke again. Tell me you love me, tell me you love my black body, that you worship me, that you will do whatever I command of you just as long as you can be my slave. I repeated everything he said over and over, calling him my Black Master. He signaled me to come closer. When I got to the edge of the bed he reached up to my exposed nipples and fondled them both with his big hands. Then he pinched them to the point where I thought I would scream from the pain. He told me to beg him to see his beautiful black cock. I begged. Get on your knees cunt he said. I dropped to my knees looking straight at his crotch. He slowly opened his robe and there it was, semi hard in all it’s glory. He had a massive pole. It must have been 8 or 9 inches long and fatter than Jim’s dick. It looked like two beer cans one on top of the other but black. Kiss my cock head cunt. I reached with my hands to get hold of this monster and he hit them away. It hurt too. Did I tell you to touch my dick, pussy? I am sorry Black Master. Now kiss my dick whore. With that said, I bent over and kissed his cockhead, then because he didn’t say stop kissing it I started giving it all these little love kisses. After a few minutes he commanded me to suck his black prick. I opened my mouth and took as much of his meat as I could. He grabbed my head and starting to power fuck my face. I thought I would gag there was so much cockmeat. He rammed it in my mouth over and over again. Then he would hold it there, then he would ram it more. My jaw hurt, my tongue hurt, but I knew I couldn’t stop or else. His dick was hard by now. He pulled out and lay back on the bed putting his feet on the edge of the bed and ordered me to suck his asshole. I complied immediately and starting powering my tongue in and out of his asshole. This seemed to really get him excited. After he made me suck his ass out, he picked me and literally threw me onto the bed. That’s when I realized just how strong he was. He straddled my body and starting kneeing his way up my chest. Brutally twisting and pinching my nipples again. My arms were locked on the inside of his muscular legs so I couldn’t move them at all. He aimed his big black boy basher at my mouth and powerd it in. I know I never got all of his cock in my mouth, but I think it was all there but an inch or so. He started humping my face, driving his cock in and out, then without a word he pulled out and starting shooting his hot cum all over my lips and face. He jerked off the last few blasts. You make a good cocksucking whore bitch. Now to reward you. With that he started wiping up his cum up with his dick and then feeding it to me, one lick at a time. After he was satisfied he got off me, but not without noticing my cock had gotten hard. So little faggot, I see you enjoyed yourself. We have much to do yet, so you better not cum, or else I’ll have to show you what some of my toys can do. He left the room and instructed Jim to put me into something or other and do it now, he’d be back soon. Jim led me to the other room and bent me over some sort of padded horse, where he locked my ankles and wrists to the legs. No sooner than that happened, the Black Master was back. This time totally naked. He moved behind me and started telling me how he had to show me a lesmister and to make me understand my position in life. First I heard it, then I felt it. He started beating my ass with a belt of some sort. Crack, crack, crack. Nothing felt worse than this, I was in tears, begging him to stop. After maybe 15 stokes he stopped and started to rub my ass cheeks. This didn’t relieve the pain, but was better than getting whipped. He then told Jim to lick my ass. Jim starting pushing his tongue in my ass licking it all over and spending a lot of time getting it wet. The Black Master pushed Jim to the floor and told me he was gonna knock me up so I could have a black baby. He kneaded my buttcheeks apart and I felt his mammoth cockhead at my asshole door. He starting saying what a cheap white cunt I was and how he was going to bang the cuckolds brownie out of my ass and that after he was done I wouldn’t be able to walk for a week. He said he might call his brothers up and have them come over. He told me that no matter what it felt like, if it hurt or felt good, I was to keep telling him to fuck my cunt harder and how big and beautiful his big black cock was and that I loved it and to never stop and please let me be your slut forever Black Master. I could hardly speak when he slid he dick inside my asshole. It burnt like crazy. Somehow I managed to beg him to fuck me harder. He rammed his cockmeat into me with vulgar strokes, the whole way in then all but the tip, then smashed it back again. The whole time I’m begging him to fuck me harder with his beautiful big black cock. He slammed into my sore ass for 40 minutes or more, then he started spanking my ass cheeks, I could feel him start to tense up and he was muttering words when he drove his cock all the way in and stopped. His molten cum gushed into my battered cuckolds browniehole, surge after surge of his semen shot into my man womb. He rested a few minutes then pulled his softening dick out. He moved around to my head and said suck slut. He powerd his dick into my sore mouth and made lick off his cuckolds brownie slicked peter meat. After I had cleaned his cock off with my mouth, he told Jim to fasten the long chain to my hands and undo me from the horse I was on. Did you like that my black dick loving white slut, he asked. I hated this bastard but I told him I loved his black dick and he was a beautiful Black Master. He got a black plate out from a cabinet and placed it on the floor. He then told me squat over the plate and to push all of his cum out of my ass. This was even more humiliating than the enema I had before. I was squatted in front of them for about 20 minutes, farting and trying to push the cum out of my bowels until the Black Master decided I wanted to suck his dickmeat some more. He came around in front of me, while I was still squatting, and jammed his dick into my mouth. It didn’t take long and this fucker was hard again. He made me suck and lick his black dick. Then he pulled me around so that I was on my hands and knees and my face was positioned over the plate of his cum I squeezed out of my ass. He got behind me and starting fucking me again. He told me to stick my tongue out and put it on his cum, but not to swallow it until he tells me to. With that said I stuck my tongue out to taste the cum from my asshole as my Black Master starting to fuck the living cuckolds brownie out of my ravaged ass. He fucked me harder than before, no slowing down, just bam, bam , bam in and out of my ass. He didn’t last has long as he did the first time. Maybe degrading me turned him on even more than my tight asshole did. It lasted maybe 20 minutes. It was hard not to lick all the cum off the plate because every time he thrust into my ass my head was thrown up and back, sliding on the cum platter. He started telling me he was gonna cum, just as he told me he was cumming he pulled out and moved to the front of my body, he then commanded me to lick up all the cum off the plate. I took one big swipe of the cum with my tongue when he grabbed my head and powerd his cock into my mouth. He pushed his cock in till my nose was buried in his pubic hair. I couldn’t even gag, because I had every inch of his black bone in my mouth. He starting spewing his seed down my throat. He just kept his dick in my mouth, spurt after spurt of black cum. He pulled out, made me lick his dick clean then had me clean all the cum off the plate. Somehow, even through the pain of getting ass fucked and with a sore mouth, my cock was hard. He saw it and led me into the bedroom. He laid down on the bed and told my to crawl up by his cock. He told me what a sweet cunt I had and just the thought of it was turning him on again. He ordered me to lick his cock until it was hard again. By this time I was so tired but I kept doing what I was told to do. Lick and suck, lick and suck. Finally his big black bone was up again. He pulled me up and told me to stand over him and lower my ass onto his cock. I couldn’t believe I was going to be impaled by that huge cock again. I begged him not to fuck me again, but he just grabbed my hips and pulled me down onto his shaft. He made me do all the work, moving up and down on his meat. He grabbed my dick and started stroking me off. After all the pain and offense my cock was rock hard and the sensation was feeling great. I wanted to cum. He sensed that I was gonna blow my wad and stopped. He said he wanted me to cum with him. I rode his cock for a good long time, while he pinched my nipples and made me lick his chest and kiss him. Finally he said he was gonna fill my ass with his cum and that I was to start jerking my hard little cock off. I felt him shooting off in my ass again and about the same time I blew a huge pent up load on his stomach and chest. Spurt after spurt hit him. He held me on top of his black pole and had me squeeze my ass ring close to milk his cum out of his tool. Then he made me lick and suck his cock clean and had me lick up every bit of my own cum from his body. He called out for Jim to bring him the long chain. Jim then chained me to the bed and my Black Master held me close to him until we fell arelax. It was late morning when I awoke, just at the same time my Black Master did. He made me suck my breakfast out of his cock, got up and left. Jim came into the room then, sucked my dick again and gave me my clothes. He took me back to my place apologizing for what happened but I told him it was OK, it all kind of turned me on. With that I got out of the car and was hoping none of this would get out. I slept late that day, still exhausted from the weekends events. I have to admit in a day or two I was pumping my dick fantasizing about the whole ordeal. I knew I would never go back on my own accord, but I jerked off to the memory of that weekend pretty much exclusively for the next few weeks. 
Posts: 167297
Tell me how much you love my cock and my cum. I started alternating between sucking his cock and then licking it and telling him how much I loved his cock and how I wanted his cum in my mouth and that I would do anything to be able suck his cock and take his cum everyday. I was putting up a good show too. After maybe five minutes he grabbed my head and starting pulling me down further on his throbbing pole. Suck it bitch get ready to suck my balls dry. I gagged a bit but managed to handle it as he fucked my face. Finally, he held my head down and starting squirting his molten sperm into my mouth. Torrent after torrent of burning man seed blasted down my throat. He kept me sucking for another five minutes until he was sure I got every last drop out of his softening prick. He pulled my head off and ordered me to fetch him another beer. I did and was sure to swing my ass like I was told to do. When I got back I once again kneeled between his legs. Lick that drop off my dick bitch. There was a very small drop of cum which I licked up promptly. You ready to fuck her mouth X. Yeah, come here cunt, suck on X’s black boner. Mr. X stood up and pulled his pants down around his ankles. I crawled over to Mr. X and opened my mouth and hungrily started to suck his dick. His dick wasn’t as big a my Black Master’s was, but it was big just the same. Big and black. I’m gonna deep throat you white bitch, move your fucking hands. I put my hands on the floor for balance and Mr. X grabbed my head and started to piston his meat in and out of my mouth. He was really getting into fucking my face vulgarly. In and out he drove his massive prick into my throat. Never caring if I could breath or if I would gag. He did it fast though which I guess was a blessing. I never had all his cock in my mouth for to long, just in to the hilt then back out. He was really starting to hammer my face when he quickly shifted around so my head was pinned against the couch and so he could relentlessly drive his cock into me. He ordered me to play with his balls. He was fucking my mouth so hard I started to cry from the pain, not loud, just a few tears. Open your mouth cunt I want to watch you swallow this load. Just then I felt the first stream of hot jizz shooting onto my tongue. My mouth opened wide to accept his black sperm. After a few seconds of him watching his cream fill my mouth he ordered me to suck his dick again. He blew some more hot cum into my mouth before he pushed me aside and told him to get him a beer too. I did and returned to my Black Master, kneeling between his legs. Maybe ten minutes past, they sat there watching TV talking mostly about whatever sport they were watching when a red light starting flashing. Mr. X got up and went upstairs. He came down, to my further offense with two more guys and the fat broad Linda. They all said Hi and Was Up to each other and one of the guys asked who my Black Master’s pretty white girl was. Oh, this is my new girl fellas, she loves me and wants to do anything I ask as long as she can be with me. She’s a real slut too and will do whatever I say, right baby. Yes, Black Master, I love you and will do anything you want I said. She doesn’t even mind me sharing her do you babydoll. No, Black Master whatever you want me to do. I was in so fucking deep by now, but I had my life to think about and it was all very stimulating to me at the time, plus I was buzzed. Does she eat pussy too?, the fat black woman asked. I think she’d do anything to get a chance at my dick Linda, said the Black Master. Don’t worry Lin, we’ll have a good time tonight, trust me. Get your ass up and serve my friends some takes bitch! Up I was shaking my ass and serving them takes. They all sat down again with me between my Black Master’s legs. One of them lit up a joint, which they didn’t share with me until it was almost gone. I guess they didn’t want cum on it from my dick sucking lips. A game came on that they were all there to watch, and basically I didn’t have to do anything but serve beers, empty ashtrays and kneel between my Black Master’s legs, ready to accept whatever fate he had in store for me. As the group watched the game they drank and smoked more and got increasingly more rowdy. It was about an hour or so into it and they started to pay unwanted attention to me, the white slut. The two new guys were nothing compared to my Black Master or Mr. X., One, Tyrone, was shorter than me, but fat and the other, Darnel, thin and tall, but they both looked dirty compared to my Black Master or Mr. X. Hey sweet white momma, get Tyrone a beer baby. I got up and returned to Tyrone with a beer. He took it with one hand and grabbed me with his other so that I landed in his lap. You mind if I fool around with your woman man, he asked my Black Master. It’s OK, Ty, just leave her dressed the way she is, I want the pussy all to myself, you can have her ass or mouth though, but I ain’t sharing her pussy. That was it, they didn’t know except Mr. X, that I was a man. This scared me because now I had to act just like a girl or maybe they would freak out and fuck me up. Tyrone told my Black Master that he was all right and he could expect a nice big hook-up soon. Darnel spoke up and said cuckolds brownie what about me man. You can have a piece of my whore too. The whole time they are talking about me Tyrone is feeling my ass and legs telling me what a fine bitch I was and how he was gonna love fucking my white ass. My Black Master told me to come to him so I got up and walked over to him swinging my ass, then I knelt in front of him. I want you to dance sexy and strip that dress off bitch. With that I got up and started dancing around like a stripper until the maid’s dress was off. Turn around bitch and rub your ass and finger yourself, show my boys what a tight white ass you gots. This was bizarre, here I was in front of four black guys and a woman, acting like a slut and now I was gonna finger my own asshole. I did what I was told, rubbed my ass and finally worked a finger up my cuckolds brownie hole. Put two fingers in slut they yelled. I managed to work another finger into my tight ass. Tyrone was the first to speak. Come here bitch and get my cock hard, I want to fuck your white ass. As I walked to him, my Black Master told me to stop and lick my own fingers clean. I was repulsed by this, but I was far to gone to stop and the whole thing did have me turned on in a way I still can’t figure out. I stood there and licked my fingers clean, thankfully I had those enemas before, it wasn’t bad at all. I walked over to Tyrone dropped to my knees and started to pull down his shorts. Out popped a semi hard real thick uncut prick. Get those pretty lips a sucking he said. I started to lick and suck his thick black monster, wondering how big it would get as I sucked him. It didn’t take long to find out. It was about eight inches long but I couldn’t close my hand around it. That’s right baby suck that dick. The others made comments but I was to absorbed in sucking that dick to understand anything. OK, slut get up and turn around. The moment I had been dreading arrived, I was gonna be speared by this thick black man splitter. I did as I was told and he grabbed my hips and guided his pole to the opening of my asshole. I tried my best to relax as his dickhead started to stretch my unused hole. It hurt so fucking bad, but I didn’t cry out. Tyrone finally got the head in my ass, then he pulled me down onto his black boner. Damn, bitch your fucking ass is tight he said. He told me to ride his dick. I started to slid up and down on his thick bone, I’d pull off and he’d slam me back down until his whole cock was buried inside my bowels. We started getting into a pretty good rhythm, me rising, him slamming me back down. Then Darnel was in front of me. He had already lost his pants and was standing there sporting a real long black cock, maybe ten inches or more. It wasn’t as thick as the others but it was real long. 
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He positioned himself in front of me and told me to get my white slut mouth sucking on his black cock. I opened my mouth to accommodate the second dick and started to get face fucked by another black dick. Soon Darnel, grabbed my head and took control over how much of his dick went into my mouth. Suck it bitch, he was yelling. There was no way I could get it all down my throat, there was just too much dickmeat to swallow. I was obligation on his long dong while Tyrone picked up the pace and assaulted my ass even harder. I didn’t realize it, but I had a solid hard on now. Every time Tyrone would slam me down on his dick meat, Darnel would pull me up and slam his battering ram further into my throat. I thought I would pass out from the feverish pitch these two black men were using me at. They got into a pretty good rhythm and pretty soon they were both saying how they were gonna shoot their loads into me. Suck harder bitch here comes my juice, and no sooner than Darnel spoke my mouth was filling with his cum. I drank all of it that I could, but some dripped out onto my chin, from trying to breath. He held me there while I sucked him dry, then pulled his dick from my mouth. Tyrone started slamming me harder when he told me to turn around and suck the cum out of his dick. He manhandled me quickly and I was once again on my knees with his cock in my mouth trying to suck him has he drove his dick into my mouth. He tensed up and starting squirting his black cum into my mouth. After I finished swallowing his seed, he pushed my head off and told me what a good white whore I was. Linda told me I was one nasty fucking bitch. My Black Master and Mr. X just laughed. I wondered if they knew I was really a man yet. I suspected they did, but no one said a word. I need some relief now boys, get over here you white tramp and lets see how well you lick a sisters pussy. I crawled over to Linda and she lifted her dress. She was a fat dirty bitch and the smell was even worse than you could imagine. She was sitting on the couch and she had me basically crawl under and up her dress. This made everything a lot hotter since my upper body was covered in her dress. She held my head from the outside of her dress and told me to start licking and that she’d tell me when to stop, but I better hadn’t stop a second sooner or she would stomp my lily white ass. She didn’t have any underwear on so her big nasty bush was right there in my face. It smelled like piss and who knows what else. It was worse than sucking a cuckolds brownie slicked dick or my own smelly fingers. I starting licking though and did my best to suck her cunt like a pro. She started really getting into it, pushing my face all around her slimy soaked cunt. Telling me what a good cunt sucking nigger lover I was. I could feel her big ass shake when she had her first orgasm. She nearly had my whole face in her snatch. She made me suck her cunt for another good fifteen minutes and had a least two or three more orgasms when she slid her ass off the edge of the couch and told me to lick her black ass. She told me to push my tongue into her asshole and rim her hole good. I was sickened but I did as I was told. She had me suck her ass out for a few minutes then pulled my head up into her pussy again and told me to suck her cunt again. She thrashed my head around making sure my tongue was where she wanted it. She was screaming how she was gonna cum again and not to stop, when I felt hands grab my upturned ass. I couldn’t see who it was, hell I couldn’t see anything under her dress, it was just dark, foul smelling and soaking wet with her pussy juice. Then I felt a dick piercing my exposed white asshole again. It must have been Darnel, because he had the longest dick of the bunch. It didn’t hurt as much as the others because it wasn’t as fat but it hit further up my butt than the others did. He started out fast and got even faster, ramming his long black bone into my battered asshole. Every thrust of his manmeat into my ass powerd my face up into her fat, smelly hole. She was really getting off now, screaming and mashing my face into her cunt and Darnel was really getting into fucking my ass. She starting having an orgasm and I guess couldn’t take it anymore and pushed my twat drenched face away from her pussy. Darnel was still slamming his black pole into my ass and I got trapped in Linda’s dress. He started yelling that he was gonna fill my ass with his nigger cum and soon he was shooting off into my ravaged man womb. I could feel spurt after spurt searing into my asshole. Darnel stroked his dick a few times then pulled out and I fell to the floor. Glad I could breath fresh air again. They all laughed at my pussy glazed face and made comments about what a white trash whore I was. Get your ass over here bitch, my Black Master yelled. I crossed over to him and he stood up an released his cock from his pants. Mr. X and Tyrone already had their dicks out too and the three of them circled me. All waving and smearing their cocks in my face. Suck it bitch and my Black Master pushed his dick into my mouth. The took turns with me sucking one then the other for a good fifteen or twenty minutes. Then my Black Master told the others that they should all cum together. They each had me suck them and when I went to the next they would keep stroking themselves. I don’t think I was thrilled at the idea of being a fuck toy, but the sight of those huge cocks and the whole scene had my cock hard too. They finally all gotten to the point where they were going to cum and they had me open my mouth, Tyrone shot off first, hitting my nose and then my tongue, Mr. X was next and he shot his directly into my open mouth. My Black Master starting right after Mr. X and he shot in my mouth, then my eye, then my cheeks. I was drenched in black men’s cum. They all made me suck their dicks clean and sat back in their seats. I went to kneel between my Black Masters knees, but he kicked me away and I fell to the floor. Don’t be bringing your cum soaked face up on me bitch. He told me to wipe up all the cum and lick it off my fingers. I did as was expected. They were all pretty takes by now. I was hoping it was all over, but the night was young. I had gotten hard and gone soft ten times by now with no relief for my poor cock. They told me to serve them some more beers which I promptly did, shaking my hurt ass the whole time. My Black Master got up and made a phone call to someone while the others taunted me about being a white slut. My Black Master came back a few seconds later and hooked a chain to the leather collar I was wearing and led me like a dog up the stairs. The others asked where he was taking the bitch and he said he had some business to take care of and for them to chill. 
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He led me up to his bedroom again and chained my hands to another chain that was attached to the bed. Sit here cunt, I’ll be back soon. About fifteen minutes later he showed up with Jim again. He unchained me and Jim took the collar off and had me strip off all my clothes. My Black Master left us alone and Jim had me do more enemas, showered me quickly and reapplied the makeup that was ruined from the cum on my face. He dressed me back up again and made me wear a bra that had tits in them, so that I looked like a girl with tits. Then he pulled my dick out and starting sucking it. It was about time I got to cum. He only had to suck me for a few minutes when I blew my nuts off into his mouth. He sucked and jerked all the cum he could out of my prick. Then while my dick was still hard he placed a large bandage over my cock so it couldn’t be seen. Then he put the panties on that hid my dick but kept my ass exposed. He gave me a white nightie to wear and I put my high heels back on. The door opened and there stood my Black Master, he told Jim to go back to work and he sat on the bed beside me. No listen up bitch, it’s time you did me a little favor. One of my homeboys is coming over here and you had better treat him real nice whatever he asks, understand. Yes, Black Master I understand. He swiftly grabbed me and turned me around, snatched my gown up and smacked my well fucked ass hard three times. I yelled in pain, STOP, STOP, STOP. Now, cunt, that was nothing compared to what it will be like if I get a bad report. I want you to make sure you treat my friend extra nice. Yes Black Master I will, I promise I begged and pleaded. He told me to lay on the bed and he chained my hands again, then left. Maybe ten minutes past and the door opened, only this time it was a stranger. He was maybe in his late fifties or so, kinda big and black as coal. He didn’t say a word to me, he just starting undressing. He stripped every stitch of clothing off and laid them over a chair, when he turned to face me I saw a very long, thick soft black prick. This dick was huge and it was soft. He walked over to me and sat on the edge of the bed. You gonna get a nice fucking tonight whore, sit up. I did and he unchained my hands. We gonna have to get acquainted first he said. He took my hand and led me into the *** room. He had me lay over one of the benches and attached the handcuffs to my hands and feet so that I was laying on my belly. He told me he had to get me ready for his black cock. I was scared, I knew his dick would rip me apart, it was the biggest dick I ever saw and it was still soft. Now just so you know who the master is and who the whore is I gots to put a little something to you. I had no idea what that meant, but was soon to find out. He pulled my nitey up above my panties and exposed my naked ass. I could hear it before it landed on my ass, it whistled than CRACK. He was beating my ass with a whip of some kind. CRACK, CRACK, CRACK. Ouch I screamed, PLEASE STOP, PLEASE!!! He landed twenty more hard blows on my upturned ass. Then he smacked me with his bare hand a few more times. I had tears running down my cheeks and I was in total agony. I was sobbing and pleading with him to stop, that I would do whatever he wanted just please stop. He walked in front of me and sat with his cock directly in front of my face. This time his black bone was erect. It was huge, bigger than anything I had ever seen. Now bitch, he said, I want you to suck my dick and if you bite I will be sure to fuck you up real good. He started to insert his mammoth tool into my mouth, my lips parted as wide as they could, they were stretched to the limit. He would slide up a little further every second or two until he couldn’t feed any more of his black meat into my mouth. He was telling me to suck harder and harder. I couldn’t breathe, while he slowly pistoned his prick in and out of my sore mouth. He pulled his dick out and attached the chain to my collar, undid the other cuffs and dragged me into the bedroom. Get on your hands and knees bitch he snarled. He got behind me and started to smear his cockhead around my used butthole. He got the head in and I cried out again, telling him it was too big and it hurt and to let me suck it. It was just the tip he had in my asshole at this time and he said, OK honey if you don’t think you can handle it in your ass you can suck it. I thanked him and promised him the best cocksucking he ever had. Right when I thought he was gonna be nice he rammed that huge black pole up to the hilt in my battered ass. I screamed, it burnt so bad. I never imagined anything that big going into my ass. I felt like my ass was impaled by a telephone pole. He shoved it the whole way in and I could feel his heavy ballsack resting on my ass. He started smacking my asscheeks with his big hands again and I cried out in pain. He started pumping in and out of my hole and every time he would smack my asscheeks it seemed as if he would fuck me harder. He really got into hurting me too. The more I cried and begged the harder he would fuck my bruised ass and the harder he would smack me. He vulgarly fucked my cuckolds browniehole for an eternity. I think I ****** from the pain a few times. Finally, he slammed into me again and went still. I could feel his molten hot sperm searing my bowels further up inside me than anything has ever been. It felt like he was shooting his hot cum into my stomach. He let his hot jizz spurt into my ass and after a minute or two starting to slowly fuck me some more. I guess this was just to milk all his cream out of his cock. He pulled his spent dick out of my ass and rolled over beside me. I already was sprawled out from the struggle of trying to avoid his hammering dick and the blows he had landed on my asscheeks. I couldn’t move I was so tore up. After a few more minutes he sat up against the headboard and ordered me to lick his dick clean. I didn’t move, I was spent. Then he cracked my ass again told me if I didn’t want another ass whooping I’d better get my slut mouth on his dick. I recuperated immediately and placed his cock between my lips and starting sucking him for all I was worth. His cock was hard again now and I knew it would be awhile before he unloaded another torrent of sperm. He told me he wanted a nice long blow job and he would just lay back and relax, but if it wasn’t good and long he was gonna have to teach my white ass another lesmister. I sucked that big black dick for over an hour. Every time I thought he was going to shoot a load down my mouth he pulled my head off and made me kiss and lick his balls or tongue his asshole. He went on forever. I sucked and sucked and sucked on that huge black boner until finally he grabbed my head with one hand and starting jacking off the base of his mammoth dick with the other. Then he started to fill my mouth with his black cum. He made sure I sucked every ounce of sperm from his dick. He pushed me off and got out of the bed. I’ll be back in a few days bitch, hope you know how to treat me by then. I was too tired and sore to let it register, but in the back of my mind I knew I couldn’t live through being fucked by him again. My Black Master came into the room a few minutes later, he rechained me to the bed straddled my face and fucked my mouth with his cock. He drove it in to the hilt. This time he was very hurtful to me. Ramming his prick into my throat and telling me what a slut I was and that I better start to earn my keep around here. He shot off quick and left. I awoke the next day, chained and sore with dried cum on my face. A lot of dried cum on my face. I thought maybe they beat off over face when I was arelax. All I knew is that I wanted to get the fuck out of there, but was still stuck under the control of my big Black Master. I had no idea of how long I was relaxing or what time or day it was for that matter. Jim came into the room with some toast and coffee. I told him I had to leave and he just looked at me with sad eyes. I really love you sweet dick, but I don’t think you can go today. The Black Master said he has plans for you tonight, that you will be working. I started to cry. What the fuck was going to happen to me. I begged Jim to tell me but he said he didn’t know, just that he had orders to get me ready that evening. The day passed by and Jim did his ritual of preparing me to be a sexy slut again. This time I was dressed up in a black mini skirt, same panties, but black, a black bra with fake tits, some kind of tight fitting red blouse. It showed my navel but covered my bra and shoulders. He did my fingernails and toenails, red again. I wore high heel red shoes again. This time he put a black wig on my head and the hair was much longer, maybe a quarter way down my back. He did my hair and once again I looked like a sexy white slut. I looked in the mirror, admiring my transformation, I turned and when I stood on my tip toes you could catch a glimpse of the bottom of my ass cheeks. A real whore I was. My Black Master came into the room and led Jim and I downstairs. He told me how sexy I looked and asked if I loved him. Yes, Black Master, I love you. What else cunt. I love your dick Black Master, I love your cum, I love to have you fuck my cunt I said. Good whore, he said. With that he sat me in a chair and pulled his dick out. Suck me bitch. He was gentle this time allowing me to do all the work. I sucked him like a real pro and soon I was eating yet another load of his hot cum. You enjoy sucking cock don’t you cunt. I hated it by now, but I knew what I had to do to survive. Yes Black Master I love sucking cock. Good cunt, get up and follow me. He led me outside into his car. He opened the back door and I got in. He walked around to the other side and started driving. He didn’t say anything to me he just drove. I didn’t know the city at all in the state I was in but you can tell the bad section of town just by looking. I was glad the windows were tinted so no one could see me. He pulled over on a mainstreet and got out. He opened my door and helped me out. I didn’t have to walk far in the high heeled shoes before and wasn’t very good at it. Now bitch, he said, I want you to be my girlfriend. I want you to talk like a girl, walk like a girl and suck like a girl, you understand me bitch. Yes, Black Master, I understand. I was looking for a chance to run, believe me. He put his arm around me and we started walking down the street. I didn’t see any white people wherever we were so I figured running would get me *******ed quicker. I hung to my Black Master like I was his girl, his slut and I guess I was for all practical purposes. We walked a couple blocks and the whole time people were saying things to my Black Master, hi, was up, nice lady, stuff like that. We turned down an alley and walked to the end where it went to the right and a dead end. There must have been twenty black guys there playing craps and talking cuckolds brownie. They all called him D, like they all knew him. They were all talking and telling him what a fine white piece I was and whistling and cuckolds brownie. He said he could hook up any brother that wanted their dick sucked for $40 bucks. Now I knew what was going to happen. He started collecting money right away. He pushed me over to some empty milk crates, turned two of them upside down and sat me down. Be a good whore now and earn me some money, or else bitch he whispered in my ear. Then he whispered that these guys weren’t fags like me and that they would ******* me if they found out I was a man. I was scared cuckolds brownieless. 
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Every time anyone had fucked me or I had sucked, besides the fat ass Linda, I was fairly sure they knew I was a man. No one had actually touched my dick, but when they fucked my ass their balls had banged against mine, even though they were covered by those special dick hiding, ass exposing panties I was made to wear. So there I sat waiting for the first black to make me suck his dick for my pimping Black Master. It took only a second before one of them came over and pulled out his Johnmister. The first dick wasn’t too big, but bigger than mine. He stuck it in my face and said suck me whore. I opened wide and starting sucking his dick. I used my hand too, jacking him off and sucking his manhood at the same time. Trying to get him to cum quick. Maybe that was a dumb idea, but it was also what my Black Master wanted I guess, more money, more cum in my tummy. If I would have been a bad dick sucking slut, they would have left maybe, but that didn’t happen. I sucked him off in about five minutes. He shot off in my mouth and walked away, thanking D for the hook up. Then the next came. His prick was a lot bigger and he powerfully fucked my mouth. Soon I was gobbling up his hot cream. Then the next and the next and next. I blew fifteen black men in less than an hour. All of them shot their spunk down my throat and I swallowed every drop of their nasty black cum. I guess word got out onto the street that D was around with his whore giving blow jobs to all the brothers for two twenties. Because more guys kept on coming. I sucked old men, teenagers, I think I even sucked a black kid who couldn’t have been more than eleven or ten. They all said crude stuff to me and they all blew loads down my throat. I lost count of how many dicks invaded my mouth. If I had to guess, I’d say thirty or more. Finally no one was left that I didn’t blow except a dirty old bum who didn’t have the money. But my Black Master, being such a generous man, let me suck him off in front of everyone for free. He stunk, like most of them did and his cock was gross. I think he must have been an holy wateric or something cause he took forever to get off. I must have sucked on his cock for over thirty minutes before he shot off in my mouth. It was just starting to get dark by now, I figured my Black Master made $1,200 from from cocksucking mouth so far today and I learned later that the old black man that vulgarly fucked my ass with that huge cock paid him $500 for the thrill. My Black Master led me back onto the main street with his arm around me, just like his lady, or whore I should say. We walked into a corner bar an once again everyone knew him. He sat me at the bar and ordered us both takes. I needed more than one for sure. He made me take wine too, just like a woman. I downed it quick and wanted another. I was playing the role so I thought I’d see if I could get another take being a woman. Buy me another one stud lover I said to my Black Master. This pissed him off. Not because I wanted take but because I didn’t call him my Black Master. You be getting outta line bitch with that language, he said meanly. I apologized saying I’m sorry Black Master, I just love being your girl is all. I said the right thing this time cause he laughed and bought me another take. He bought me two more takes while talking with his friends. He made some small talk with the bartender then told me to follow the bartender and act like a sexy slut. I guessed I’d be getting sold again. I followed the black bartender back the hall into a series of halls and rooms. He opened an office door and led me inside. It was a grimy dirty place with a desk and a couple chairs. D said you was one good cocksucker, is that right? Yes, I’m a great cocksucker, can I suck your dick? He was already getting it out. He sat on the edge of the desk and I dropped to my knees and starting giving him a blow job. His dick was the blackest cock I’ve sucked with a big knob on the end. I licked his dick all over trying to be a good cocksucking slut. I certainly had enough practice by now. I took him into my mouth and sucked hard. He started thrusting his hips really enjoying my dick sucking technique. I blew him about ten minutes when he started to unload a huge amount of cum into my mouth. Spurt after spurt after spurt of his salty sperm blasted into my cocksucking mouth. I kept sucking until he got sensitive and pushed me off his dick. You one fine cocksucking white bitch he said as he zipped up his pants. I followed him back out and my Black Master put his arm around me and led me outside again. You been all right tonight bitch, I think I’m ready to go home and work that ass a little bit. With that said we got into the car and drove home. He took me upstairs to his *** room and had me take all my clothes off except the wig. He put me into some kind of harness that basically had my asshole hang open and toward the ground and suspended me in the air. He then took his clothes off and laid on a bench under me. He had two wires attached to a pulley system, like in a gym and he started to do what looked like exercise with his giant arms. He did this until my open asshole was right above his stiffened black cock. He told me it was time for his work out and after his cockhead penetrated my butthole he released his arms and I was impaled on his giant black dick. Once I was firmly embedded on his cock, he would pull on the wires lifting me up again, then he would slowly let me back down. I could see his rippling muscles and knew he was actually exercising using my body as the weights and my ass as the reward for lifting me up. He told me to start counting every time he lifted me up again. He said to count by saying one ass fuck, two ass fuck and so on until he blew his wad up my ass. He fucked my ass this way until I counted to 250 ass fucks. He was really sweating by now and I could tell he was struggling to lift me by this time. His veins were popping out of his head and his arms where really red engorged as well as his chest. He let me down on his thick shaft and starting using his legs to fuck his meat into my ass. He let out a moan and went limp as his boiling sperm shot into my rectum. He rested this way for a few minutes then lifted me off his cock. He got me out of the harness and made me suck his dick clean, then he had me lick all the sweat off his body and massage his chest, legs arms and back. He chained me to the bench again and went into his bedroom to take a shower. After he was done he came back and unchained me and led me into his bedroom. He told me to suck his dick again. I crawled between his legs and started to lick and suck his soft black penis. He switched on the TV and was watching it as I sucked on his dick. I sucked his dick for at least an hour until a commercial came on and he grabbed my head and started thrusting his prick into my mouth. He fucked my face hard for a few minutes until he unloaded another shot of his seed into my skull. He saw that my dick was hard and told me not to cum. He had something special for me but it would have to wait until tomorrow. He got up and chained my arms and legs to the bed, then he took some kind of dick harness and locked my dick into it. It hurt and my erection went down. This also made the pain go away. He then stuck a dildo up my butt and connected it to the harness so it was in my ass. He told me to get some relax. I awoke the next morning still in the same position but having to piss real bad. He unchained me and I went to piss. When I returned, Jim was there with my Black Master. Today you gonna make me some money cunt, he said. Shit, I thought, I have to suck dicks all day or get fucked by some sadist. He told Jim to get me ready, but only put on the make-up and wig, otherwise leave me naked. Jim shaved and showered me, he did all the usual stuff, then sat me down on the bed to await my Black Master. Jim and my Black Master came back then we went downstairs into the bar area where I waitressed before. They led me into another room which looked like a typical hotel bedroom, but it had movie cameras everywhere. My Black Master explained that today we were gonna make a blue movie. The stars were going to be Jim and I. He told me how he wanted me to act and told Jim what to do and say. He had me dress up as a cheerleader of all things. I sat on the bed and waited for them to start the film. Jim started talking. Hey, baby, I’m so glad you decided to accept my offer. It makes it easier this way. Besides, you need a good lesmister anyway for the bad things you have been getting away with lately. 
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Yes, Sir was all I said. Now, take me dick out and suck it, just like you did your boyfriends the other day when I caught you. I reached for Jim’s cock and undid his pants until his dickmeat sprang free. He started rubbing all around my face telling me what a sexy bitch I was and how he was going to love getting his rocks off in my mouth. He pushed his dick in and I started sucking for all I was worth. Licking his balls and the underside of the dick shaft then taking his whole prick into my mouth. The whole time he is telling me what a great cocksucker I was. Then he switched around so he was laying on the bed and I was on my hands and knees over his cock, sucking it with me on top. After a few minutes he pulled my cocksucking lips off his dick and moved telling me to stay just like I was. He came around behind me and lifted my cheerleader skirt and exposed my ass. He started to rub my ass hole with his cock and just like my Black Master told me to say before, I started telling Jim not to fuck my pussy. Jim said not to worry that he wouldn’t fuck my pussy but he decided to fuck my ass instead. Again, just like I was told to say, I told Jim not fuck my ass that I never did that and that it was dirty. Now listen bitch Jim said. You made a deal and I have the proof to get you into a lot of trouble, which will it be, he screamed. Please don’t tell on me, please I begged. OK then bitch, and he rammed his dick into my ass. I didn’t need to pretend to scream, I did for real. He was inside my ass and ramming it hard. Just like I was told, I was screaming for him to stop, that it hurt and that he was *******ing my virgin asshole. He smacked my ass a few times and drove harder. Then he reached around and squeezed my tits which was my signal to start telling him to fuck my ass harder and that I loved it. He picked up the pace and really starting tearing into my asscrack. The whole time I’m begging him to fuck the cuckolds brownie out of my ass. After about ten minutes he said he was gonna cum and pulled out of my ass and flipped me over onto my back and beat off until he started to blow his cum onto and into my open dick sucking mouth. He let his cum on my face as my Black Master went from one camera to the other getting shots or zooming in closer. He told us we did a good job and that we had to make some more movies but for right now he was gonna fuck my ass himself. He was rock hard from watching me get fucked and was buried up to his nut sack in a second, he started driving his dick in and out of my well fucked ass with deep hard thrusts. He was calling me names like slut and white trash whore the whole time boning my asshole. He pulled out and shot his spunk on my asshole, then scooped it up with his fingers and had me lick it off. Then he turned me around and had me lick his dick clean. After he got up, he told me to take my panties off and lay on the bed with just my bra on. He made Jim kneel between my legs and suck my hard cock. He told me to pull my dick out of Jim’s mouth when I was ready to cum and aim for his tongue. Jim sucked me off and I blew my nuts into his mouth. It felt good to cum again, after all the hot man sex I had been in the last day or so. My Black Master told me that we were done for today but he wanted me back again and that I had better come back next weekend or else I’d be sorry. More to come... 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!My Life as a Cuckold I heard the door open and my wife stumred in. It was late but no later than her usual night out with the girls. She staggered into the bedroom and I could see in her eyes that she was takes, which was also the norm for her weekly girls night out. I knew what would come next. She peeled her clothes off and left them in a pile beside the bed which creaked as she climbed onto it and straddled my head. Her strong muscular thighs touched my cheeks as she steadied herself against the wall. I could smell the sweet aroma of her arousal as she lowered her wet pussy to my waiting mouth. My hands slid up her flat stomach to her pert b cup tits and gently squeezed them as gravity combined with her contracting cunt muscles to fill my mouth with warm thick cum. I swallowed the creamy goo and then sucked her meaty pussy lips into my mouth as she ground her hard clit against my nose. "Suck my cunt piggy," she moaned softly as I licked and sucked her well fucked pussy. She had been fucked hard and her pussy was gaping. He'd been well hung but his load was disappointingly small. "Did his cum taste good piggy?" she teased as I continued to swallow drops of man juice that I licked from her lips. "Mmm," I moaned into her grotto as I plunged my tongue and bottom jaw inside my wife's gapping pussy in search of more cum. She rode my face hard and it was coated with her delicious juices when my lips found her hard swollen clit. I sucked it into my mouth and flicked my tongue across it over and over until she came hard on my face. "You're a good cunt licker," she praised as she collapsed on the bed in a disheveled takesen heap. I started to stroke my hard cock hard and fast as I savored the flavor of her cum filled pussy on my lips. "Cum on my tits," she slurred. That was her thing. She liked to watch it fly from my dick. She liked a lot of things. I rose onto my knees and pointed my cock at her perky tits as she reached under me and powerd two saliva coated fingers into my ass. I groaned loudly as she expertly massaged my prostate while I furiously pumped my hard rod. "Cum for me piggy," she said softly as I passed the point of no return. I moaned loudly as I unloaded an enormous load of thick cream onto my wife's tits. My load was much bigger than the one I had just ingested and it covered her chest with the glorious thick white cream. "Good job now clean your mess up piggy," she said playfully as she grabbed my head and guided it to her cum covered tits. That was my thing. I loved cum. I loved how it felt and how it tasted. I loved a lot of things. I obediently licked my seed from her body and held it in my mouth savoring its salty flavor before finally swallowing it all as I moaned softly. "Good piggy," she praised. "When are you going to quit the straight boy charade and let me watch you take a load from the tap?" She chided. It was my wife's contention that my willingness to eat a creampie from her pussy or my own cum from her tits meant that I was gay or bisexual. The truth was that I was not attracted to men at all and in my mind that made me completely straight. "No thanks baby, but feel free to bring your lovers over so I can watch them fuck you." I answered with a smile. "If I brought the guy who fucked me tonight home you would beg to suck his cock," my wife taunted. "His body was right out of the pages of Muscle and Fitness and he had the cock of a porn stud," "You would enjoy that wouldn't you?" I teased. "Damn straight I would. Of course you aren't straight are you sweetie," she continued as she scooped a drop of cum from her navel. "You're my cum loving hubby and your just waiting to get it right from the source aren't you." She was really slurring her words at that point and it was evident that the holy water and the late hour had caught up with her. She fed me the last drop and I sucked her finger until it was squeaky clean. "I may love eating creampies from your just fucked pussy but I am not gay," I replied. "Much to your dismay." She fell arelax before I finished speaking. I tried in vein to go to relax but gave up some time after 2:00am and went out to the family room to watch TV and surf the net on my laptop. I could still taste cum on my lips and it made me want more so I searched for a story to read so I could get off again. I was a cuckold husband, a submissive piggy and truth be told my wife was right; I wanted to suck a cock. I found a good story about a cuckold man and his first creampie. I slowly stroked my cock as I read but I wanted more. Something visual. That led me to youporn where I searched for a creampie video. What I found was much more than a creampie video and much more exciting. I watched as the guy on the screen guided an enormous cock into the pussy of a sexy porn starlet and then lowered his face to their union. He licked her pussy and the guys giant shaft until the guy pulled his monster cock out and came all over the his face. I groaned as I spilled my seed onto my stomach. I scooped up my cream and licked my fingers clean as I imagined it was the porn star's load. I watched TV for another hour and then went back to bed beside my ****** wife. A week later I was home alone while my wife was out with her girlfriends. I surfed the web and watched a few videos as usual. I didn't jerk off because I wanted a nice big load for my inevitable romp with my wife. I was sitting in just a pair of boxer briefs when I heard the door open down the hall. It was only 10:30 which was much earlier than usual. I closed the web browser and walked out of the bedroom expecting to see just my wife but she was not alone. They were locked in a deep passionate kiss as my wife tore at his clothes. She took her shirt and bra off before pulling his tight black tee-shirt up over his head to reveal his broad chiseled physique. He looked to be in his mid twenties with long brown hair and a muscular body with no body fat. His chest was shaved smooth and I presumed that the rest of him was as well. He looked at me and smiled as my wife pulled her shorts and panties off and sank to her knees. She pulled his pants down to his ankles and took his flaccid cock in her hands. I watched in silence as my wife took his semi-erect dick into her mouth and sucked on it as it grew in her mouth. His dick was long and thick and my wife struggled to fit it into her small mouth. It looked delicious and I wondered what it would feel like in my mouth. I pulled my boxer briefs off and grabbed my cock with my right hand as I watched my wife give a blow job to another man. I slowly stroked my cock with my eyes riveted to his long hard cock. "Come closer," he said as he motioned for me to sit beside my sexy wife. I moved slowly, as though I was in some sort of lust induced trance. I knelt naked beside my wife and watched as her spit covered his big dick. He was circumcised and between 7 or 8 inches long with big smooth shaved balls. I wanted to touch it and hold it in my hand. I wanted to feel its warmth. I wanted to take it in my mouth and feel it throb. "Want a taste," my wife asked softly as if reading my mind. She pointed the thick bulbous head of his throbbing meat at my mouth. "Do you?" "Yes," I said softly. I felt a tremendous weight lift from my chest as I admitted my desire. "I want it." My wife put her hand on my head and guided it to his cock. I hesitated for a moment as I pondered the ramifications and then I parted my lips and accepted his hard rod into my mouth. I could taste the briny flavor of his precum as his cock slid against my tongue. 'I am doing it' I thought as I closed my eyes and surrendered to my lust. My cock twitched and saliva spilled from my mouth as I slurped on his thick rod. I marveled at how erotic his cock felt in my mouth. Its shaft was hard like granite but covered with skin so soft and smooth it was like fine silk. The hard shaft was juxtaposed with soft pliable veins and a spongy head that tickled the back of my throat as my head bobbed rhymically over his meat. "I knew you wanted to suck a cock piggy. You thought you could keep your cock lust a secret?" My wife whispered in my ear. "You want him to cum in your mouth don't you piggy?" I moaned around his thick shaft. She knew me too well. I wrapped my hand around his shaft and sucked on the delicious drooling head with my eyes closed tightly. I had never experienced such an erotic feeling. I could feel the veins and ridges of his meat as they slid over my lips and across my tongue. A cool liquid ran over my exposed asshole as I sucked and stroked his cock. I wanted to look back to see what my wife was up to but my mouth refused to release his warm hard cock from its grasp. I could feel the smooth lubricated head of a dildo rubbing against my asshole and I moaned softly. I wanted it inside me. "Relax piggy," my wife said as the fake cock entered my virgin asshole. I groaned loudly as I continued to slurp on his delicious cock. I felt her hips slap against my ass and I surmised that my wife was fucking me with a strap on as I sucked her lovers cock. She fucked me slowly at first with long strokes that massaged my prostate and made my cock twitch with each thrust. I sucked on his spongy cock head as I pumped my fist over his smooth hard shaft hard and fast while my wife fucked my ass. She increased her pace to match mine and my orgasm began to build. I can hard and almost without warning. My dick spasmed and pumped a tremendous load of thick cum onto the floor as my wife continued to fuck my ass. "Clean up after yourself piggy while I get fucked," she said as she pulled the fake cock from my gapping asshole and removed the harness. I reluctantly released his cock from my mouth and lowered my face to the hardwood floor and licked up the copious amounts of thick cream as he knelt behind my wife and slid his cock into her liquid core. I swallowed my load and then slithered beneath my wife just as I had seen in the video a week before. 
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"You can't get enough of that cock can you piggy," my wife teased. "No," I panted as I pressed my lips to her pussy and started to lick. "Oh fuck yes," she hissed as my tongue flicked over her engorged clit while he fucked her hard from behind. My wife came hard. Her body shook uncontrollably as she moaned and cried out loud enough for the entire neighborhood to hear. He continued to pound his huge cock into my wife as I moved from licking her hypersensitive clit to his slippery shaft. His breathing became erratic and it was clear he was going to cum. I was torn. I wanted a fresh thick creampie to lick from my wife's cunt but I also wanted to feel his cock spit his seed directly into my mouth. "I'm gonna cum baby," he grunted as he furiously pounded his dick into my wife. "Where do you want it baby?" "Put it in his mouth baby," my wife said without hesitation. "Open wide," he said coarsely as he thrust his girl juice covered cock into my mouth. I felt his head hit the back of my throat as it began to spit. I swallowed the first two blasts and they slid down my throat like a warm salty oyster. He pulled back until just the tip was in my mouth and his cock continued to spurt into my mouth. I closed my eyes as he filled my mouth with his warm tasty cum. I held it in my mouth and savored its salty essence before swallowing it all like a whore. My cock was stiff and my wife pushed me onto my back and sat on my hard dick as her new lover recovered. They kissed and he caressed her body as she rode my cock hard. I had already cum once and despite her fervish pace my climax was not close. Her young lover recovered quickly as we fucked and in no time his giant rod was back at full attention begging for a suck. "Suck his dick piggy," my wife said playfully as we continued to fuck. I turned my head to the side and began to lick and suck his big cock while my wife bounced on my rod. "I want you both inside me," she panted. My jaw was sore and despite my desire to keep sucking his cock I welcomed the relief. My sexy wife positioned him on his back and guided his giant tool into her wet pussy. She looked back at me over her shoulder and batted her long eyelashes. "Lick my asshole piggy. Get it nice and sloppy wet and then lube your cock and fuck my ass." She didn't have to say it twice. We had done anal before and while she always enjoyed it we did not do it often. I knelt behind my wife's gorgeous ass and lovingly licked it as her lover fucked her soaking wet pussy. I drooled and spit on it before pouring copious amounts of lube on her ass and my cock. I eased my slick dick inside her ass as she groaned loudly. I could feel her lovers cock rubbing against the underside of my dick through the thin membrane that separated the two holes and it was incredibly erotic. We fell into a steady rhythm that drove my wife crazy. A steady flow of tremors shook her body until she came so hard she nearly blacked out. Her lover pulled his dripping wet cock from my wife's pussy as I climbed off her and dropped to my knees. I took his big wet tool in my mouth and sucked the juices off it. I opened my mouth wide and powerd it down my throat until tears streamed down my face. My arms wrapped tightly around his strong thighs powering his rod deep inside me. My head bobbed as I slurped and sucked his giant cock until he filled my mouth with another delicious warm load of cum. I swished his seed around my mouth as I stroked my dick until I came on my wife's tits. I swallowed his load and then licked mine from her chest and swallowed it all. My wife's lover left soon after I came. She and I went up to bed together and she kissed me deeply tasting man juice on my lips. "I knew you wanted to suck a cock piggy. Next week I'll find a guy to deflower your ass. You will like that won't you?" "Yes, I will baby," I replied honestly. "You know you're bisexual, right piggy," she asked. "Yup. Does that bother you?" "Not at all. In fact it is really hot." 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!My New Life As Blackmen's Plaything It all started innocently enough one day while I was surfing the friend finding web site and had noticed that there was a large percentage of well endowed black members who were BI-sexual and were looking for women, couples and single guys to have sex with. I am married and have always been heterosexual but I find myself often fantasizing about sucking and being fucked by a well hung black man. I have never been with another man but have on occasion swallowed my own cum and found the taste although salty to be quite delicious. I also occasionally fuck my ass with my wife’s dildo, which excites me greatly. So a few months ago I decided to contact several male black members. To my surprise one guy in particular named Jesse was very interested in meeting so we set up a date to meet at a nightclub in the next town. I remember that I was very excited about the meeting and again fantasized about sucking Jesse’s cock and also taking him deep in my virgin ass. The night for the meeting arrived so I headed off for my new adventure wearing a silk thong under my tight shorts and a very form fitting sport shirt. I arrived at the bar early so I ordered a take and tried to relax. I didn’t have to wait long for a deep male voice from behind to ask for me by name. I answered and as I turned saw to my surprise a very large muscular well-groomed black male. Jesse sat down next to me and immediate took charge by saying that if I were to leave with him that I must agree to obey his orders and serve him as his submissive sex slave. Any disobedience would be handled with physical punishment and a call and visit to my wife describing in detail all of my sexual exploits. This seemed almost too much to ask but I agreed since I couldn’t resist Jesse or take my eyes off the huge bulge in his form fitting pants. With the formalities out of the way Jesse led me outside and as we headed for his car he ordered me to remove my shirt and shorts. My hesitation brought a hard slap to the face, which convinced me I better start striping. We got to his truck and he told me to loose the thong also which brought some loud cat calls from some of the other patrons. I started to pick up my clothes but Jesse told me leave them as I wouldn’t need them were we were going. If anyone had told me I would be standing naked in a crowded parking lot with a black male stranger ordering me about I would have thought they were crazy. I was ordered to sit in the passenger seat which conveniently had a large inflatable butt plug attached to the middle of the seat cushion. I started to protest but Jesse merely reached down and grabbed my balls in a powerful grip and powerd me into position. Even though I had thought to prepare my ass with my wife’s dildo before I had left for the evening the power which with I was impaled on the butt plug brought tears to my eyes. The pain started to subside as Jesse got into the driver’s seat but then he started inflating the plug to its full girth, which brought the pain back immediately. He explained that my ass was being prepared for some real black man meat and to prove it he ordered me to take out his cock and stroke it. I obeyed and was rewarded with more than a hand full of his awesome black cock. I ran my fingers up and down his shaft and amazed at how erotic it felt to finally be fondling another man’s penis. His cock soon grew to its massive 10 inch length and I had to start using both hands to jerk him off since his cock had grown to be as thick as my wrist. The head of his cock was the most impressive I had seen even on the web with its dark purple perfect helmet shape and velvet like texture. Soon a drop of pre-ejaculate was oozing out the slit that brought my next command, "Suck it white bitch!" I wouldn’t have to told twice as I leaned over and licked the pre-cum off of the head and knew I soon would be tasting much more. I opened his pants further so I could gain access to his balls and commenced licking up and down his heavily veined shaft and flicked my tongue at the foreskin around the base of his now engorged cock head. I also took each one of his balls in my mouth and rolled it around with my tongue. I had to struggle to open my mouth wide enough to get his cock head past my lips but once inside Jesse grabbed the back of my head and started fucking my mouth as he drove away saying "Yea, suck it bitch, I knew you were a cock sucking cum slut". His power on the back of my head soon had his cock working at my throat which caused my to start gagging so he eased the pressure on my neck so my throat could adjust to being filled so completely. "Soon you will be have to take dicks bigger than mine so you better get used to taking cock all the way and you’re going to keep sucking and swallowing now until your nose is pressed against my stomach." Jesse was a man of his word since as we reached our destination I had managed to adjust my breathing by taking a quick deep breath on each up stroke so I wouldn’t be starved for air when his huge cock head blocked my air passage on the down stroke. I had also learned to swallow when his cock entered my throat so as to avoid gagging. And as he turned off the engine my nose was pressed firmly against his tight abs. "I knew you could take it like the true cock sucking whore that you are. The next lesmister is to always swallow all of your masters’ cum now matter how full your mouth is. Any wasted cum is going to mean a diet of only cum drank from glasses filled by cocks that had just fucked your asshole." was Jesse’s last comment in the car as he opened the door and pushed me off of his massive hard on. He deflated the butt plug and ordered me to get out and bend over. "This is to keep that tight ass of yours ready for my man snake" Jesse explained as he inserted a rather large object in my ass. I was really glad it was dark and the street lights were blocked by some nearby trees since I was butt naked and I had just had another large butt plug stuck up my ass. "Follow me" was all Jesse said as he walked towards what looked like an old factory building. After entering a large sparsely furnished room inside he said, "This place is perfect for training new cock sucking cum eating slaves such as you". As my eyes adjusted to the light I saw what he meant as there was an adjustable table with a drop out sections in the middle of the room with securing straps and cuffs attached to it. There were also slings and ropes hanging from the rather high ceiling. "Time for your training to begin. Get up on the table face up and point your feet straight at the ceiling." I did as I was told and soon Jesse was securing cuffs to my ankles that were attached to ropes that ran through pulleys on the ceiling and then secured a strap across my chest. Next he pulled the slack out the ropes which pulled my legs higher and farther apart until my ass was actually off of the table. The final adjustable was to drop both ends of he table so that my head hung down backwards and my ass was extending beyond the table edge. I knew that with my ass in this exposed position that my anal virginity would soon be lost. Jesse left the room for what seemed like hours, but what was probably only 30 minutes. He returned with a scantily clad white man who he introduced as an experienced slave who was going to prepare my body. The slave proceeded to rub what I discovered was hair removal solution all over my legs, ass, pubic area, chest and underarms. He paid special attention to the area around my asshole. He washed the loose hair off my body than shaved off my mustache and two-day beard and then rubbed the hair removal onto my face. My body was now completely smooth. The slave left and Jesse who was now naked stood over my face and began rubbing his semi-erect cock across my lips. "Open your mouth and start sucking you cum eating slut" was my command. I opened wide and soon realized that my head in this position gave Jesse the perfect angle for pumping his cock straight down my throat. Jesse grabbed my ears and I felt his cock head slid past my teeth and across my tongue. His cock soon began to swell in my mouth to its full size. I grabbed a quick breath and swallowed his cock head down my throat until he was bottomed out with his balls resting squarely on my nose. This was repeated and soon he began a pumping rhythm that had his balls slapping off of my face with him moaning in obvious pleasure. "Slave, prepare for your first load of cum and remember what I told you." I could tell that my belly would soon be filled with his cum since his balls were no longer slapping as hard against my face as they had tensed up and he was still deep fucking my throat. "Here it comes, swallow every drop" Jesse barked as I felt his cock start to spasm and shoot a warm load of cum into my waiting throat which I quickly swallowed. To my surprise he continued shooting load after load into my now ravished throat and I had to swallow very quickly to avoid any from dripping out the corners out my mouth. He stopped shooting and withdrew his cock from my mouth just enough so that his cock head was still touching my lips. I was then ordered to milk the remaining cum in his now flaccid cock directly into my mouth. "You have passed the first test but we still have to see how you handle a 10 inch cock buried deep in your ass. "Suck me and I better be hard in two minutes or I will call your future black masters who are larger than I to come over and gang bang that white asshole of yours before it is properly broken in". I didn’t think twice before I had Jesse’s now limp cock in my mouth. I feverishly sucked, kissed, licked and rubbed his cock and to my relief it began to spring to life and soon I had 10 inches buried in my throat again. I removed his cock from my mouth long enough to thank him for being so lenient and asked him to fuck my ass. "Is that how you ask your master to fuck you?" No master, "Please fuck my asshole hard and deep until your balls are slapping against my worthless white ass". "That’s better," he said as he walked around to my ass end and removed the black butt plug that was still fully inserted up my asshole. He then handed the plug to me and instructed me to lick it clean. Next he produced a leather cock cage that he fastened very tightly around my dick and balls. "Slave, you are not going to be needing your pathetic little man clit anymore," he said as he wrapped the leather strap attached to the cage around the strap on my chest and tightened it. This caused the cage to be pulled towards my stomach and my balls were stretched far away from my asshole. "There, your fuck hole is starting to look like the pussy it was meant to be, he explained, but the entrance to your man pussy still needs to be stretched further to take real male black dick every day". I found out instantly what he meant as I felt the swollen head of his cock that was much larger than the butt plug pushing against my asshole. The pain from the pressure was so intense it caused my to bite down on the plug that was now fully inserted in my mouth. As he continued to push the head eased past my sphincter into my new man pussy and I found that the pain started becoming a strong burning sensation that was not all that unpleasant. Jesse continued to push until I felt his balls against my ass cheeks and I knew that his full length was buried in my ass. I must admit it felt as if his cock had pushed my stomach all the way into my esophagus. He grabbed my ankles to steady him and began to relentlessly pound his cock into my ass with as much power as I thought he could muster. The burning was now becoming a feeling of incredible pleasure and I found myself urging Jesse on, "Yes black master fuck me, fuck me harder, pound your black cock into my ass, yes, yes, ahhhhh... yes fuck my worthless white asshole, I want to feel your cum deep in my ass." He laughed and said "You cum slut, by taking my first load you guaranteed that your man pussy is going to be fucked hard for an hour or more, so shut up and tell me again how much you want my black man dick". He then seemed to increase his pounding so that my ass was now bouncing up and down on the table. Unbelievably I was in such a state as to again obey my new black master and I shouted "Yes master, pound my worthless ass, harder, yes harder, I love to feel your balls bouncing off my ass cheeks". I lost track of time as Jesse pounded away in what he called my new man pussy. In between his grunting he would yell out how I was his cock loving cum eating fuck toy. I was definitely getting very sore from all of the friction but luckily my asshole was now stretched to the point that it was not gripping his cock as tightly as before. My own cock was now rock hard and was straining against the leather of the cock cage. I reached down to try and rub my cock through the cage and have my first orgasm but Jesse grabbed my wrists and yelled "Here it comes you fucking cum slut, yea take it, take it all!" With one final push he buried his cock in my ass and I felt tremendous pressure as he pumped load after load of hot cum deep in my bowels. He withdrew his cock and called out for Tim who turned out to be the other white slave whose name I had not known before. My arms were secured in straps so I would not try to jerk myself off again. He issued an order to Tim that I could not make out and he left only to quickly return with a bowl and some sort of camera. The bowl was positioned under my ass to catch my master’s cum as I could feel it was oozing out of my asshole in a steady stream. Tim was next ordered to take pictures of my ass and he moved in for what was going to be some incredible close ups of my ravished asshole. My master seemed very pleased as Tim clicked away taking picture after picture. "Enough, give me the camera and leave us!" was Tim’s next command. Master then held the viewer of the camera in front of my face and exclaimed, "This is what your new man pussy is to look like from now on". It took me a few seconds to register what I saw but pictures don’t lie. Here I was looking at master’s cum running out of my asshole whose opening was stretched out to a size that would now accept a fully inflated butt plug without any resistance, probably 3 to 4 inches wide. Before I could say anything master quickly inserted the fully inflated butt plug back into my ass. As it slid in I felt only slight friction against the expanded walls of my sore ass. "We have to make sure that your new pussy stays stretched so it can handle all of the large black cocks that will be pounding away in it tomorrow". and he handed me the bowl full of cum. "Drink it all and lick the bowl clean". I obeyed and lifted the bowl up so the cum would flow directly into my mouth and not on my face. I started swallowing the cum which was not as tasty as before since it was mixed with some of my anal juices, but I drank it all as instructed. I finished licking the bowl clean and handed it to my master who was satisfied that it was clean enough. He then undid my bindings and ordered my off of the table and to follow him. We went into the next room, which contained a shower stall in one corner. "You may remove your pussy plug and cock cage only for cleaning and relieving yourself. I don’t want you pleasuring yourself so I will be watching you from the closed circuit monitoring system that is in each of these rooms. Any disobedience will mean that you will be fucked many times all through the night but you will still have to service your new black master’s tomorrow". With that said he handed me some oral hygiene products, an enema bag, soap and a towel, but no clothes and as he was leaving instructed Tim to feed me my first meal since I had swallowed all of his cum as ordered. So ended my first day as my black master’s plaything not knowing what was in store for me tomorrow. 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!My Wife Kelly Sucks Cock I am also submitting this to the Gay Male section. Why? Because men that suck cock can't be all bad. I have had my share of cocks and cunts over the years and this is what I am, a bisexual. It seems that most readers like to read about married cock suckers and I am putting this where they can find it. Not in Loving Wives, although Kelly is That, but where I will not get so much trash feedback from disturbed individuals. It's really an old story. I am twenty four years old. Kelly, my wife, is all of twenty. First of all the boring details. Kelly and I had been married for a little over two years, although I had been seeing her since she was much younger. We had practically grew up together, albeit I was five years older than her. Those five years didn't make a lot of difference when she started to fill out and by the time we had gotten married we were well acquainted with each other. I had been working at a company that came into distress under the administration of George W. Bush. Like a lot of companies that had to fold and let everyone go, mine was still trying to hold it's head above water till the idiot went out of office, and the country recovered from his reckless agenda.I still worked three days a week. We all had to accept that or go on unemployment. I choose to stay with the company. I knew that things would turn around one day. The downside was that I was getting a lot less pay. Kelly and I were barely making it. I am talking about food stamps, the works. I knew that we wouldn't starve but the rentwas another matter and that took almost all of my pay. I had liked to buy Kelly nice clothes before but that came to a halt. I would look at her and see her clothing get a little threadbare. Kelly used to like nice lingerie, but now her supply of panties and bras declined because they were pretty flimsy to start with. Rather than switch to the more durable cotton stuff, she choose not to wear any except when we managed to go out. Around the apartment she was naked under her short dresses, and her breast were visibly without support. She really didn't need any. her breast were not the mountainous jugs of tales but were nice sized and shaped like pears. her nipples were pinkish and not the dark brown that lot of women have. We had been falling further and further behind in rent till we were almost two months behind. We managed to pay the current months rent but we fell behind when the problemsat work started. It took us a couple of months to realize that the recovery might take a little longer than we anticipated. By the time we had cut way down we were behind. Our landlord who lived right next door was Amos wielding, a retired mechanic. Amos was in his sixties and was still in great shape, except for a little paunch he developed takeing beer. One day during our four day a week lull, Kelly and I were sitting outside on our patio when Amos came around with three cold beers. "Guess I could use a little company takeing these." he stated. Amos was a widower for the past ten years. We sat around in lounge chairs, the webbed plastic and allunium kind. I Liked them because they were great for relaxing in. You tended to almost lay down in them. This day Kelly had choose a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. She was naked underneath them. We all were feeling very relaxed and Amos made some conversation, mainly about my company and how things were going. "If we don't get that bastard out of office soon we are going to be a lot worse off," he said as he took a sip from the long neck. I agreed and shook my head. I told him that I had hopes that things would straighten out soon. I even told him that Kelly was looking for some kind of job, waitress or anything. Amos smiled and said that he understood, "I just wish my bank understood." Amos had purchased the small complex while his wife was still alive. He sighed for a minute and Kelly and I were respectful of his memories that came and went. Then I noticed that Amos was looking at Kelly's leg;s. The way she was sitting made the legs of her shorts blouse out and it was like a tunnel straight to her dark pubic hair. Kelly had a newspaper and was browsing the classified and not paying any attention to out conversation. I could see that Amos had erected some in his jeans and was surprised at the size of the bulge that appeared. Then Amos caught me looking at his crotch and him gazing at Kelly's pussy. He looked away and almost blushed. After that Amos came around several times a day. Kelly was having trouble finding a job. She came home one day when Amos was there. Amos had went to the bathroom to take a leak when kelly came back. She had went in the apartment to change to an even shorter pair of shirts and a tee. She didn't like having to do the wash more often because it cost electricity and we were keeping the bills down. "Damn it Ray...that guy in the cafe told me that if I would give him blow jobs then he'd give me a job...If I am going to have to give blow jobs then I want to get paid for it." About then Amos came out, "I don't blame you...if you have to give blow jobs then you should get at least some of your back rent off." He tried to make it like a joke but Kelly and I both saw the reality behind what he said. We had talked together and knew that Amos was having a hard time also. That night as we had sex, and we had sex a lot because it didn't cost anything, Kelly mentioned our owing Amos two months back rent. "I can see having sex with him four times to pay off the back rent. He would be happy and I would feel better knowing we didn't owe him anything." I looked at Kelly. What she had said was on my mind also. We both knew that it was on Amos' mind also. "Don't know if you can do the job honey, did you see the size of his cock in his pant's?" Kelly blushed and told me that she had. "I just wasn't as obvious as you were." I blanched at that. Kelly was right. I had stared at his crotch a lot while he stared at Kelly's pussy. Kelly looked at me a little odd for a minute when I admitted that I had stared at Amos' crotch. "Maybe you are the one that should be thinking of how to pay the rent." I perked up at what Kelly had said. Neither of us had ever really broached the subject of paying off the landlord in sex. I suppose that, Kelly, like me had been running all options through our minds. Separate naturally. Now here the two of us actually admitting that the subject was there. We knew then that we would have to talk about it. There was one big problem, Kelly, had never even seen another cock besides mine. Me? Well that's another story. "No Kelly, I will not do. It was up your thighs that he was looking." Then I asked if she had planned it. I saw Kelly blush then. She said that she had wanted to see his cock get hard in his pants like it had the first time that he had accidentally seen her pussy. "I was curious about what I saw the first time,and I admit that it made me look at him in a different light." I asked Kelly what kind of a light that was. She blushed and told me that before she saw his cock bulge, that he was just a pretty nice old man. Having seen the size of his cock bulge she had started to imagine that he wasn't over the hill. She said that she had been re-examining little things that had happened before, and that Amos was a very virile man and with the right tool for the job. "Look hon, Amos might be old but I think he could really fuck a girl senseless with that cock." "I guess you would like for him to fuck you senseless then Kelly?" "Ok baby, you are putting words in my mouth." "Would you rather put something else there Kelly," I said to taunt her. "Right now all I want is for you to slam your cock in me and fuck me senseless." I did. I carried her into the apartment. Just before I was out of sight I saw Amos looking at me with kelly being carried like a baby in my arm's. Kelly had on a short thin skirt, well a t-top too, and when I lifted her up the skirt fell away exposing her butt cheeks, her cunt and everything else she had down there. I saw A MOS' face break into a broad grin. My cock jerked even harder as I carried my wife inside. I was tempted to let Amos watch us fuck. That should bring it all out in the open. Instead I took her inside. As soon as I threw her body down on the sofa, she was tearing at her clothes. She was naked in a flash and I was between her leg's. My hard cock was balls deep in a few seconds. I had chosen the front room. I left the glass doors open, and didn't draw the curtains. 
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Amos fucked Kelly for a half hour with her on top. After she got used to his size she began to rub her cunt back and forth over his stomach. She later told me that the head was actually in her cervix and she couldn't describe the feeling to me since I didn't have a cervix. He finally turned her over and fucked her missionary style. He fucked her another half hour while she moaned into his mouth as he kissed her the whole time. When he finished fucking her he grinned at me and stepped back in his shorts and left. Kelly was waiting for me to nurse at her cum filled pussy. I came several times from the excitement that I was sucking another man's cum from her. That night she told me every detail of how she sucked him, how she swallowed his cum, and how his cock felt inside her. She was very proud of being able to take to the balls his entire cock. For some strange reamister I was proud of her too. I went to relax with dreams of kelly fucking many large oversized cocks. I fucked her in the ass and fucked her cunt with a large dildo. Her ass seemed to be so loose that I was able to shove my whole hand up to the wrist. All the time Kelly yelled that she was a whore and that she was fucking two large cocks at the same time. Even from Amos fucking her, she seemed real loose. I knew that her cunt would only get bigger if we both had our way, and she started to fucking lot of big cocks. One thing for sure was that she would fuck Amos' cock another five times till the back rent was paid off. The next week she sucked and fucked him again. This time he stayed and jerked off all over both of us as I sucked his cum from her and she sucked my butt and fucked it with the same dildo that I used on her. Then there was the phone call from her sister. Her lady was sick and they needed her to help her dad care for their three younger youngren. Her parents had no more youngren after her till she and her older brother left home to marry. Then about eight years ago the had three in a row. and started all over again. She called me everyday and gave me an update. I was missing her badly the night that amos came over and brought some Bavarian beer that he liked. We were feeling no pain from the strong beer. I was in my shorts and Amos spilled been on the front of his shorts and took them off. His cock was semihard and wet from the beer. "Hey you know that you can suck my cock and the beer won't be wasted." I thought that he was just kidding till he began to stroke it and it got harder. Then I took my shorts off too and lay between his legs and began to suck the same cock that my wife had fallen in love with. Amos spilled his cum in my mouth three times that night. He also spilled his cum in my stretched ass hole. He told me that Kelly had told him that she was fucking my ass with the large dildo so I could take his cock easily. It worked real good. He took some digital shots of me sucking his cock, especially with him cumming in my mouth. He went to my computer and sent them to kelly's email address. It took her about two hours to see them. She called and said that it was very husbandly of me to take care of Amos while she was gone. We agreed that my sucking and fucking him would not count against the rent. "I Have a lot of catching up to do when I get back." The next night she called on her cell phone and said that she was out dancing with Bill. I had to tell her that it was alright to do that, Later she called me from Bill's phone in his apartment. I had told her once that I had sucked Bill's cock. I guess she thought that if it were good enough for me then it was good enough for her. "Go to your email hon...I am downloading some clips for you." I went right away and while Amos and I stroked the others cock (Amos never did play with my cock, especially my balls, but he never sucked me.) I Watched the clips and saw Kelly as she sucked on Bills cock. I saw clips as she fucked him too. She said that Bill was taping everything so I could watch her. She would mail me the tapes as they were finished. Amos made a tape of him fucking my ass and some of me eating his cum and sucking his cock. I even tongued his butt for a long time. The next clip was of Bill fucking her. The tape arrived in two days. Bill fucked her a couple of times till his cock went semi hard. She used it like a dildo to fuck herself with it. I sucked Amos cock and he fucked me every night she was gone. She was back in two weeks and she had a bunch of tapes for me to watch. In it she was fucking a total of thirteen guys. Not all at the same time but she did fuck three at the same time. Bill manned the camera and after she was finished fucking there he was on the tape eating her cunt out. Amos had spent the entire day fucking Kelly to make up the time she was gone. It was on one of the days that I had to work. I went to lunch that day and sat in a video booth watching people fuck. The booth had a glory hole and I talked to Kelly while her and the old landlord fucked. I was sucking a cock while she sucked him. I let her listen to the sound of my wet sucking while I listened to hers. Then one day after she had told me that she owed Amos one more fuck. Then if she fucked him it would be because she wanted to and not to pay the back rent. She really did want to keep on fucking him. Amos solved that problem by bringing one of his old buddies over. Charlie was a year older that Amos. The deal was that Charlie wanted to fuck her too and would pay her a hundred for a suck and fuck. Kelly agreed to it and told Amos that when he brought her a new customer that she would fuck his later. Amos and I left Kelly and Charlie alone and went to his apartment. There was one room where it has a common wall with our bedroom. Amos said that he hoped that I wouldn't be mad but her had a two way mirror in the wall. he had put another one in our room built into the wall that allowed us to spy on Kelly. We watched Kelly suck Charlie's thick nine inches. It was not circumcised like amos' was and kelly had a time playing with the stretchy fore skin. When He came she stretched the skin over the head like a cup and drank the pooled sperm from it. She later told me that his cock felt good as the loose skin rubbed the inside of her cunt. Naturally I started to suck Amos' cock as we watched. he almost pulled my balls off but it felt real good. After that episode, Kelly became very busy. Charlie sent two other men over, these younger than him. Kelly got double fucked and decided that she liked two men at a time. Her husband and Amos were her first double. Amos and I watched the action from his little sex room. During the week following Charlie, Kelly had seven men. All of a sudden we had more money than we had in a long time. I really didn't care if I ever went back to work full time. I had a full time job keeping my Kelly happy and when she got through with a customer she wanted me there. One day I went into the apartment after doing some shopping. Normally Kelly would leave the blinds closed when she had a man there. The blinds were open and I went inside. The bedroom door was open and there was my wife spread out on the bed with a man eating her pussy while she slurped on his large cock. She looked at me and before I could turn around and make my escape she called out to me. "Honey come look at this beautiful cock I have in my mouth." A face grinned at me from between Kelly's thighs. "This is Tom and guess what Tom likes?" The look on her face told me that Tom wanted a man and a woman both. I smiled real big and shed my clothes. In a minute I was down between Tom's legs with my wife sucking his large cock with her. Soon we were lapping cum up from his cock. After Tom there were several men who wanted to suck a cock, something they hid from their proper wives. They paid me and Kelly for that kind of forbidden sex. Kelly and I now have a new home, with an apartment built in the rear for Amos to stay. We have several 100k in the bank and take a months vacation to Paris or Tahiti, or some other exotic expensive place twice a year when business is slow. Kelly and I have sucked about three thousand cocks between us and the number of others that she has sucked and fucked is more like five thousand. That's just in the past three years. Kelly is very interested in having her on version of a million man march. 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!New Neighbors I was so excited. A new city, a new apartment....a new life! I was newly divorced and ready to meet someone to settle down with. Someone nice to see the city with, laugh with, and maybe start a family with. It took me more than four days to get everything unpacked and set up to my liking, which left me just three more days before I was scheduled to start my new job. I decided to stay home that first night with a six-pack and just relax. I could spend the next couple of days seeing the sites and meeting people; preferably women. I slipped a DVD into the player, opened that first bottle of beer, and settled down on the couch. I was in a good place, as I looked around and realized how good my life was at that moment. I couldn't recall the last time things had gone this well for me. I was feeling so good, in fact, that I didn't even realize I'd gone through two bottles in less than twenty minutes, until I went for my third. As I walked back to the sofa, I was interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell. Who could it be, I wondered. I didn't know a soul, other than my landlord and I'd just talked to him three hours earlier. I was tempted to ignore it, thinking it was a mistake or a salesman, but my curiosity got the better of me. I looked out through the window to see two black men standing on my front porch. The first one was dressed in a short-sleeved button down and white dress pants, while the second man wore blue shorts and a tank top. Both men were muscular, at least half a foot taller than myself, and considerably sweaty. I had just decided to go back to my movie without answering the door, when one of them looked through the window and saw me looking out at them. I had no choice but to open the door now. I stepped out onto the front porch with them, pulling the door closed behind me. They immediately introduced themselves as David and Jim. We talked for a few minutes and, when I was feeling more at ease, I invited them inside. It was the least I could do, since they had come by to welcome me to the neighborhood. "What's your name white boy," David asked me. "It's Steve," I replied. I felt a little uncomfortable at that point. Instead of taking the chairs, both men had sat on the couch with me, one on either side. At this point, Jim and I were sitting side by side, our legs touching, and, as I looked over at him, I noticed he was rubbing his shorts so that the outline of his cock was clearly visible and his balls were hanging out freely. His cock looked like it was over eight inches long and it was still only semi-hard. His balls were enormous and covered with curly black hair. I quickly looked away, only to find that David's equally enormous cock had been freed, pointing up at the ceiling from his white trousers. At this point, my intention was to jolt up and somehow get my new neighbors to leave, but I was already pretty buzzed and Jim and David were both a good deal stronger than myself. As I moved to get up, David straddled my back and powerd my face into Jim's lap. To my surprise, Jim was already out of his clothes and my face was pressed hard against his now rock hard cock. "Open your mouth, faggot," Jim demanded. "I'm not gay," I protested. "We're gonna teach you to worship black cock, you sissy white faggot." David slapped me hard, as he pulled my face up and spat on me. "Now, either you ask Master Jim for permission to suck his cock, or we're going to beat the fuck out of you." I knew the only way I would survive this was to do as I was told. Tears streaming down my face, I looked up at Jim. "Master Jim, may I please suck your cock?" "Since you made me wait, you're going to have to be punished first, faggot." As Jim stood up and turned around on the couch, David positioned me so that I knelt on the floor with my face only two inches from Jim's hairy ass. I could see beads of sweat clinging to the black hair of his ass, as the musky scent nearly ***d me. Jim reached back and pulled his ass cheeks apart. "My asshole is sweaty. Clean it, faggot." I tried to resist, but David had my face buried in his friend's ass with little effort. At this point, David bent down and whispered in my ear. "Do as your told, faggot." I remembered the threat all too clearly. "Yes, Master David," I replied. I hesitantly stuck my tongue out, letting it touch the wrinkled hole. At first, I tried not to inhale as I performed my task, but I couldn't hold my breath for long. As my tongue worked its way inside Master Jim's asshole, I felt a clenching. My heart started beating faster, as I was filled with fear that he wouldn't try to hold it. He didn't. Master David laughed loudly, as Master Jim farted right on my tongue. I couldn't pull away, so I kept licking his asshole, as he continued farting in my mouth. After enduring this for several minutes, the worst thing that could've happened did happen. Master David noticed that my dick, much smaller than their cocks, was rock hard. "Oh cuckolds brownie, bro, the nasty pig loves it! He's rock hard!" "Sounds like we have a real faggot on our hands," They both laughed.David pulled my head back by my hair and looked directly at me. "You like licking a black man's asshole. Don't you, faggot?" Never in my life had I been so hateful and disgusted with myself as I was at this moment. I wanted to deny it, even to myself, but how could I, after Master David had pointed it out? Maybe it was the buzz, or the fear, or both. Whatever it was, the words came out before I could stop them. "Yes, Master David. I like licking a black Master's asshole. Please don't make me stop." Master David was so surprised by this that he let go of me and stepped back. Within seconds, I had my tongue buried deeply inside Master Jim's asshole. Master Jim rewarded me by releasing another fart on my waiting tongue. It was then that I realized the truth of what was happening. If I wasn't a white faggot whore, like Master David had said, I would have run for the door, instead of burying my face in this black man's ass. The truth was out. I'd admitted it to my Masters and to myself. I had no choice but to accept, at least while they were here. Once they had gone, I could pretend nothing had happened, but, while they were here, I would please them and I would let myself enjoy it. Now that I was free, I could lick the entire length of his ass crack, scooping the musky sweat onto my tongue and swallowing it. As my tongue returned to his asshole, Master Jim clenched in an effort to feed me yet another fart. I pulled back slightly, when a light brown, creamy clump slipped out of his asshole. The temptation was too strong and David was only watching to see that I didn't run ~he wasn't watching what I was doing~ so I quickly sucked it into my mouth. Nothing was said, so I guessed neither of my Masters knew what had really happened. As for me, I felt a kind of high. It turned me on, knowing that I had just let a black man cuckolds brownie in my mouth. I thoroughly cleaned up Master Jim's asshole, before I sat back. "Master Jim, may I please suck your cock now?" Master Jim stood up. His magnificent cock, still rock hard, pointed at my face. He took hold of it and began beating my face with it. He slapped my hard with his cock, the sound seemed to echo throughout the apartment, as he spat on my face. "You want this cock? Huh, filthy pig?" "Yes, Master Jim." "Yes, what, faggot?" "Yes, Master Jim, I'm a filthy faggot pig and I want your big cock." He sat down on the couch and instructed me to crawl to him. I followed his orders, my eyes hungrily focused on his dark cock. I crawled up onto the couch and began just licking the fat, purple head. As I licked that fat cockhead, I realized that I knew now why so many white women ~my ex-wife included~ loved black cock so much. It was beautiful. I took his cock into my mouth, feeling my lips rise and fall over the thick veins of his shaft. The smell and taste sent me wild! I loved sucking Master Jim's cock. So much, in fact, that all I could see was his cock and balls and all I could hear was my own slurping sounds. I moved down onto the floor between his legs, keeping his cock in my mouth the whole time, and slipped my lips down to his sweaty balls. I kissed them over and over, before sucking them each into my mouth. I loved the gritty, sweaty taste of his hairy balls. I knew I'd been sucking his cock and balls for awhile; I could feel my jaw starting to get sore. I can't say how long I spent sliding my lips up and down that shaft, before Master Jim stood up. My heart sank, until I realized what was happening. He grabbed me by the sides of my head and rammed that cock into my mouth. Within seconds, I could feel my mouth filling with his warm cum. It was my first taste and, since Master David hadn't used me yet, I knew it wouldn't be my last. As it coated my tongue, I felt a chill in my own crotch. I was cumming in my pants. The taste of my Master's salty cum had sent me over the edge. I greedily sucked the remaining cum from Master Jim's cock and cleaned him up, before Master David pulled me to him. "My turn, faggot." "Yes, Master David." I serviced Master David much the same way as I'd served Master Jim. He had much more cum to feed me and filled my mouth three times, before he'd finished. As Master David's gorgeous cock finally went limp, Master Jim mentioned something about an appointment. I sat on the floor, hungry for more and upset that my Masters were leaving, as they headed for the door. Master Jim turned back. "Don't worry, bitch. We'll be by tomorrow. Same time." "Yeah, faggot. We own you now and you will be serving yoyr black Masters every day." "Yes, Master Jim," I replied. "If you're good, we'll tell some of the other brothers what a good whore you are for black cock." This filled me with fear. What was I to do? This wasn't the life I wanted, but the only way out would be for me to move and I definitely couldn't afford it. I nodded, avoiding eye contact with my owners. "Yes, Master." "Hey man, I gotta piss before we go." "Yeah, me too. Where's your toilet, faggot." My desire to see those huge cocks again was too strong to ignore. I'd already done worse anyway, so I offered them the use of my mouth. "You want to be a toilet for your masters, you sick pig?" "Yes, Master David. Please make me a black man's toilet?" Master David approached me and pulled out his cock, letting it rest on my bottom lip. His piss was warm and much more salty than his cum had been. I enjoyed the taste so much that I began stroking myself as I take his urine. After they had both relieved themselves, my masters left for him. I was left sitting on the floor in my cum and piss stained t-shirt feeling like a filthy black cock whore. 
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I can't even begin to guess how long its been, since Master David and Master Jim first made me their white slave. I just know its been too long. My dreams of building a new life for myself have been nearly crushed by the reality of what has happened to me. Most nights, I cry myself to relax with cum running out of my ass and the salty taste of piss in my mouth, wishing I could escape and find one good woman to love me. Even if I could somehow break free, it seems like a normal relationship would be nearly impossible to maintain. My Masters power me to keep all of my body hair completely shaved, which would be hard enough to explain to any potential lover. I've taken so much black cock in my ass that it now gapes wider than most women's cunts and I can think of no way to explain that away. Worse than any of this, one of Master Jim's friends took it upon Himself to tattoo the words "black-owned" and "sissy-pig" on my ass, while He fucked me a few months ago. Of course, this was all assuming there was a way for me to escape my servitude, which there was not, unless I wanted to leave all of my belongings, not return to my job, and somehow get out of town with only what I could carry. I was so deep in thought, growing more determined to have a woman in my life, that I never heard Master David's key in the front door. It wasn't long after my enslavement, before my Masters decided They should both have keys to my home; it wasn't uncommon for Them to let Themselves in whenever it suited Them. In fact, I didn't hear Master David's arrival, until He stood in the kitchen doorway, staring at me, as I drank my morning coffee. Master David's forehead was soaked with sweat. His sweats clung to his dark brown flesh, telling me He was wet with perspiration from head to toe. He'd just finished his morning run and had come to relax and cool off. He pulled me out of my chair and onto the floor, taking my seat in the process. "Get me something cold, faggot." "Yes, Master David." I really hated the way my eyes always focused on my Masters' bulges whenever They entered the room. I had to find a way to bury my desire to serve black men, if I ever planned to break free. I opened a bottle of beer and emptied the contents into a glass, which I set in front of Master David. "Get over here, faggot!" I approached Master David and knelt before Him. "Look at this! How the fuck am I supposed to take this? Half the glass is fucking foam!" "I..." The beer soaked my face and chest, drizzling onto the floor, before I had time to answer. "Now, get me another one and fucking get it right this time." "Yes, Master David. I'm sorry." I went back to the refrigerator, knowing better than to take the time to dry off. It didn't really bother me. I was used to having cum and piss all over my face, so beer wasn't that big of a deal. I carefully poured a second beer and handed it to Master David, as I knelt in front of him. My apartment was always the first place my masters came, following a workout, so I knew exactly what was expected of me. I untied and pulled off Master David's shoes, followed by His socks, before I made myself as comfortable as possible on the floor. I'd learned awhile ago that the best way to perform my duty was to lay on my stomach. The beer-soaked floor was cold against my belly, as I went to work, licking and sucking the sweat from my Master's feet. I'd learned to love the taste of His sweaty feet and, as always, took my time cleaning His feet. I sucked each toe, licking between them to get whatever grime had accumulated there during His run. I then licked the tops of his feet, before sucking the sweat from the bottoms of His feet. When He decided I'd done a good job, He dried His feet off in my hair. Master David then turned around in the chair and removed His sweat pants, so I could perform my second duty, while He read the newspaper. I started at the very top of His sweaty ass crack, running my tongue all of the way down, until it touched His heavy balls. Master David really enjoyed having His ass cleaned, so it wasn't rare for me to spend an hour or more servicing him. Today was no different. In fact, He was so relaxed by my soft tongue that He fed me his hot gas more than a few times. Each time He farted, I pushed my tongue deep into his asshole, swirling it around to get it clean. Again, when I was finished, He used my face to dry His ass. Or, more precisely, I rubbed my face along the entire crack of His ass, until He told me it felt dry enough. Master David loved doing this to me for one reamister in particular; I would smell His ass for the rest of the day. I remained on my knees, knowing it was time for my reward, as He turned back around in His seat. His heavy balls were nearly as big as my fist, but that didn't keep me from stuffing the entire sac into my mouth. I slowly let them slide out, strings of my saliva connecting them to my lips like a perverse umbilical cord. As I lovingly licked and sucked His balls, I looked up to see that He was in a much better mood. I'd been thinking about my problem the entire time I'd been servicing Master David and I'd decided the only way I could date any woman would be with my Masters' permission. It seemed like the perfect time to ask. "Master, may I ask You for a favor?" "What is it, faggot?" "It is truly an honor to serve superior black men, but I really want a woman in my life..." "You're a faggot now." He laughed. "You wouldn't know what to do with a pussy!" I could feel tears stinging my eyes, upon hearing the insult and His amusement. Still, I tried to convince Him. "Please, Master David. I just want to be able to date, to meet someone special. I know what a great gift this would be from You and Master Jim and I'll do anything to earn it." "That's some promise, since you'll do anything we say, anyway." He stood up and rammed His cock down my throat. I could feel the skin around my mouth stretching, almost threatening to tear, at this intrusion. He held onto my ears like handles, as His cock rammed in and out of my mouth. As usual, the sound of me gagging and obligation only made him pump my face that much harder. Finally, the sweet taste of his thick cum filled my mouth to overflowing. I tried to lean forward to catch it all, but that only caused half of it to dribble onto the floor. He wiped his cock off in my hair, as He told me He expected me to lick up what I'd spilled. I greedily licked his cum from the floor, as He dressed and gathered his things. I was still licking His cum off the floor, when He left without another word. # They didn't tell me Their reamistering or what I would have to do in return, but my Masters did finally grant me permission to start dating. I jumped on it, before They could change Their minds, and went for the sexy bartender at my favorite haunt. She'd been flirting with me for months, but she'd almost given up on me. My timing couldn't have been more perfect; she'd just separated from her boyfriend. We went out for dinner that Friday night ~only six days after I'd been stuffing Master David's balls into my mouth and begging Him for permission to fuck women~ followed by a few takes. As we walked to the car in the brisk midnight air, she clung to me, unable to walk on her own, and insisted I take her back to my place. I tried to protest, asking why we couldn't go to her place instead, but she was persistent. How could I resist? Fiery red hair, green eyes, 36C breasts, a washboard tummy, and the cutest heart-shaped ass I had ever seen. She spoke so sweetly and lovingly to me in a voice that was the very definition of sultry that I had no will-power to resist. Once we got back to my place, I gently helped her onto the sofa, before I went into the kitchen to pour her a glass of wine. I wasn't away from her more than five minutes, but, when I returned, she was no longer alone. In her left hand, she held Master David's cock and her right hand caressed Master Jim's massive cock. All three of them laughed at me, as I walked into the room. I could feel the red drain from my face and the tears sting my eyes. I set the wine glass down on the coffee table, before my shaking hands had the chance to drop it. "Is it true you're actually their slave," she laughed. "Bridget, I..." "Is it true," she insisted, the warmth and affection gone from her voice. "You do everything they tell you to do." I couldn't answer. I was too humiliated to admit the truth and there was obviously no point in lying. All I could do was stand there and think about how much worse things were now than they had been. "Get over here, faggot," Master Jim ordered. I crawled to the three of them, as they cuddled on the sofa. "Get this slut's cunt wet for my big black cock." "Yes, Master Jim." I pulled her thong panties down, before I nestled my face under her short skirt. Her pussy smelled so sweet and it was already so moist; I could feel my lips trembling as I sucked her lips into my mouth. I'd forgotten how much I loved tasting a wet cunt and she had the sweetest pussy I'd ever tasted. As I licked her cunt, I could hear her slobbering all over Master David's cock. She only took it out of her mouth once and only long enough to tell me what a pathetic little bitch I was. The insult didn't have the effect she'd intended; I felt my little prick grow rock hard and I wanted her to say more. I agreed with her, before I shoved my face back in her cunt, hoping that would encourage more insults from her thin, pink lips. She was too busy sucking Master David's cock and balls. Before long, she powerfully kicked me away like an annoying cat and begged Master Jim to fuck her hard with his gorgeous black cock. Master Jim arose and grabbed Bridget's thong from the floor. He stuffed the crotch of her panties in my mouth and told me to suck on them, while I watched my date go black. I could only nod, as Bridget got on the floor and stuck her beautiful ass in the air. I could hear the squishing sound of her wet cunt taking Master Jim's cock and, as he pulled it three-quarters of the way out, it already glistened with her juices. Meanwhile, she didn't hesitate to obey Master David's order. Her tongue was deep inside her asshole, as she groaned with pleasure. I was powerd to sit there and watch her bury her beautiful face between his hairy, dark brown ass cheeks. Every once in awhile, she'd lift her face up just to tell him how much she loved eating his black ass. My attention was drawn back to Master Jim, when he tensed up and shouted out loud how wet Bridget's cunt felt on his cock. He stopped fucking after three violent spasms, leaving his cock buried balls deep in her pussy. He looked at me, ordering me to his side. Once I'd crawled to his side, he pulled his cock out of her cunt and backed away. He grabbed me by the nape of my neck and shoved my face within two inches of her freshly fucked cunt. "Look at that sloppy hole, faggot," he laughed. "If you were a real man, that would be your cum." "Yes, Master." I looked at it. Even now, with my Master's thick cum coating it, her cunt looked gorgeous. Bubbles of cum popped in the gaping hole, as more cum coated her lips and inner thighs. Looking into the hole, I could see large gobs of cum still inside her cunt. I didn't resist, when he shoved my face into the sloppy mess. I'd loved the taste of cum from the very first time I'd eaten it, but the taste of it mixed with Bridget's own cum sent shivers up my spine. I greedily sucked all of the cum from her lips, making sure I licked up every last drop from her cunt and thighs. I lay on my back with my head between her thighs, so she could sit back and empty her cum-filled cunt into my mouth. I used my tongue to scoop out gob after gob of cum, while I listened to her pigging out on both black cocks. I could hear her slurping her own saliva, as I imagined how beautiful she must look with those dark brown cocks fucking her mouth and slapping her face. The night went on like this for a couple of hours. Each time one of my Masters filled Bridget's cunt or asshole with cum, I was right there to happily clean her up. She kept her talented tongue just as busy as her cunt and asshole, rimming them or sucking their cocks. Every once in awhile, she would stop long enough to tell me what a pathetic sissy I was or to tell my Masters that she loved black cock. At one point, I heard her promise Master David that she would never fuck another white guy again. When they finally took a break, it was just to relieve themselves of their full bladders. Bridget was the first to need to release her piss, so, when Master Jim instructed her to use my mouth, she looked at him skeptically. I knew better than to await an order, so I lay on my back and opened my mouth wide for her. Seeing this, she laughed heartily and I felt a gob of her spit plaster my cheek. "You're such a filthy, pathetic bitch! You make me sick." I said nothing. I just looked up at her gaping cunt, realizing that my Masters had stretched her out more than my little clit ever could have done. Her piss, golden and salty, soon filled my mouth. There was so much that I couldn't possibly swallow it all, but I gulped it down as fast as I could. This was new to me and the thought that this beautiful woman was using me as a toilet caused my little dick to explode in my pants. When she finally finished, I sucked the extra piss from her cunt and arose to my knees to accept my Master's golden piss. Shortly afterwards, Bridget asked Master Jim and Master David to take her home where they could fuck her some more. She said only one thing to me, as she left: "I can't wait to tell everyone what a little sissy you are!" All three of them laughed, as they left me alone. 
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Le Pasteur Poursuit Sa Carrière Son voyage d'affaire à "Springfield" était couronné d'une totale réussite, elle avait vendu une pour une somme importante de matériel médical à l'hôpital local, et maintenant elle devait faire une petite étape à "Bridge-port" cet après-midi selon mister agenda. Puis elle rentrerait chez elle tard le lendemain par le vol du vendredi ma-tin pour dîner avec mister fiancé. Elle avait beau réfléchir, elle ne parvenait pas à se souvenir avoir pris ce rendez-vous, mais au fond d'elle-même, Kristin savait que monsieur Simpmister l'attendrait à la sortie du terminal de l'aérodrome. - Etait-il un administrateur de l"hôpital? ..... - Quel type d'équipement médical recherchait-il? .... Elle n'en savait rien, en fait, elle se rendait-compte qu'elle n'était nulle-ment préparée à ce rendez-vous! .... Julius Simpmister qui venait de faire une dotation de 30.000 $ à la fraternité comptait bien en retirer les bénéfices très bientôt. Plus tôt il avait attentivement observé le site web ouvert par monsieur Mollway au nom du "Parti Progressiste du Bienheureux Nestor" qui l'avait rapidement convaincu de faire cette donation de 30.000$ à sa fondation. - "Bordel quel coup de cul d'être tombé sur mister site où il publiait des photos des plus jolies membres féminins de sa congrégation, c'est parmi ces photos qu'il avait choisi sa future proie... C'était vrai-ment incroyable! ..." Et il n'avait même pas besoin de se déplacer, cette salope vient à moi selon les dire de ce vieux pote de Mollway! ...." pensait Julius enthousiasmé. Lorsqu'il avait feuilleté le livre de souvenirs de la congrégation sur le site de Mollway, Julius avait disposé de nombreuses photos des membres de la paroisse et lut les commentaires qui les concernaient. Il y avait de nombreuses ravissantes jeunes femmes, mais l'annonce qu'il avait préférée était celle annonçant le futur mariage de Kristin Cor-bett avec mister fiancé Mike Goodman. Ce nom avait tilté dans sa tête, c'était celui d'une des jeunes femmes qu'il avait remarquée parmi les photos des membres, ce qui devait signi-fier que cette promise devait être ravissante! .... Il était retourné rapidement vers la section photos du site, avait descendu la liste alphabétique sa bite s'était cabrée dans mister caleçon à, la vue de la photo de la somptueuse jeune femme. - "Bordel de merde, elle semble si douce, si naïve..... Peut-être bien qu'elle est encore pucelle! ...." se mit-il à espérer avec concupis-cence. Lorsqu'un homme se présentant comme maître Mollway du "Parti Progressiste du Bienheureux Nestor" à la fondation il recevrait en retour un enivrant remerciement. cet homme avait alors insisté : - "Je ne veux pas vous faire perdre votre temps, aussi vais-je aller tout droit au but..... Je vais vous envoyer un mail avec une adresse pour répondre... Vous l'étudierez, puis vous nous direz de quelle façon nous pourrons vous exprimer notre gratitude pour cette généreuse donation que nous sollicitons! ...." Quelques jours plus tard, un dimanche après-midi il rappelait monsieur Mollway l'avisant : - "J'ai vu une photo d'une ravissante beauté, Kristin Corbett, sur le site que vous m'avez conseillé de consulter... Fait-elle partie de l'offre? ..... C'est elle que je voudrai! ......" demandait Julius nerveu-sement. - " Ah cher ami, un excellent choix! ...... Je pense que vous avez vu qu'elle devait bientôt se marier..... Bien sur qu'elle fait partie de l'of-fre, vous pourrez en disposer quand vous le voudrez! ..... Voulez vous l'essayer avant mister mariage? .....Ou après? ....." lui répliqua alors l'ex-pasteur Mollway. - "Vous voulez dire que je pourrai vraiment me la faire avant mister mariage? ....." s'enquit Julius d'une voix chargée de désir. - "Bien entendu... Nous sommes là pour réaliser vos vœux, dans ce domaine tout au moins..... M%ais cela veut dire qu'il va falloir hâter les choses! .... Ne pensez-vous pas qu'une seconde donation de 5.000 $ viendrait appuyer votre désir? ....." Il donna aussitôt les instructions en ce sens, il ne lui restait plus qu'à at-tendre le coup de fil qui lui donnerait le feu vert et les conditions de la "livraimister". En traversant le terminal de l'aéroport, Kristin se sentait accidentellement nerveuse, elle ne parvenait pas à se rappeler les raimisters de mister rendez-vous. - Pourquoi ai-je retenu une chambre d'hôtel? ..... - Pourquoi ne l'ai-je retenue q'alors que mon voyage d'affaire avait com-mencé, d'autant plus que je n'en sais pas plus sur cette opportunité! .... - Qui est ce monsieur Simpmister que je dois rencontrer? .... se demandait-elle nerveusement, elle n 'avait aucune idée de ce qui l'attendait, elle ne savait même pas comment il la reconnaîtrait, elle ne se rappelait pas lui avoir parlé une seule fois au téléphone. Pourtant c'était bien elle qui avait inscrit ce rendez-vous sur mister agenda, elle reconnaissait parfaitement mister écriture et le talon de la réservation de la chambre qu'elle avait retenu à l'hôtel de l'aéroport pour ce jour. Habituée à emporter peu de bagages, d'autant plus que généralement elle partait une journée, Kristin avait été embarrassé pour faire sa valise la veille au soir. Elle contenait un petit sac de voyage, un élégant soutien-gorge assortie à une affriolante petite culotte et une froufroutante chemise de nuit, elle était loin d'emmener de tels articles habituellement. Encore qu'elle ne comprenait pas pourquoi ce voyage d'affaire serait si différent. Mais elle avait revêtu une très élégante tenue pour ce rendez-vous, elle portait une jupe bleue, un veston classique un chemisier blanc et des hauts talons noirs. Pourquoi n'ai je pas pris de tenue d'affaire pour demain? ..." se deman-dait-elle intriguée. En sortant du terminal, Kristin chercha des yeux qui pouvait bien l'atten-dre. Mais lorsqu'elle vit s'approcher, un noir musclé très élégant portant un costume gris sombre sur une chemise orange elle fut transportée de joie à l'idée de le rencontrer. Il lui semblait familier, mais elle était incapable de se rappeler quand elle l'avait rencontré, cependant elle était certaine qu'il s'agissait bien de ce monsieur Simpmister avec qui elle avait rendez-vous. Cœur battant la chamade il lui sembla être plongée dans une espèce de transe lorsqu'il lui dit : - "Mademoiselle Corbett, Julius Simpmister.... L'homme qui va faire de vous une femme aujourd'hui! ..... Suivez-moi" Sa valise à la main elle le suivit docilement jusqu'à sa voiture parquée devant l'aéroport. Dès qu'elle fut assise dans le siège passager, il lui demanda : - " Dans quel hôtel nous as-tu réservé une chambre? ...." - "A l'hôtel de l'aéroport! ...." répondit Kristin, se demandant pourquoi elle se sentait obligée d'accompagner cet homme qui s'était montré si grossier en l'accostant prétendant entre autre faire d'elle une femme. Frémissante elle ne se trouvait pourtant incapable de repousser la main de ce pervers qui tenait la sienne commentant : - "Quelle belle bague de fiançailles...... Ton fiancé s'est-il mis à ge-noux quand il t'a demandé en mariage? .... Et qu'il t'a glissé cette bague au doigt! ....." Kristin se contenta de souffler un timide oui. La main pendant le long de la console séparant les deux sièges, elle frémit lorsqu'elle toucha la cuisse droite du conducteur, mais ce n'et pas sur sa cuisse que sa main s'était instinctivement refermée. - "Mon Dieu que suis-je en train de faire? ....." se demandait Kristin en mister fort intérieur, voila qu'elle empoignait la bite de set étranger au travers du tissu de mister pantalon, c'était une chose qu'elle avait peut être fait deux malheureuses fois avec Mike. Il l'encouragea vulgairement : 
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- "Oh oui ma petite chérie, fais connaissance avec cette bite que tu suceras bientôt! ...." Elle ne parvenait pas en croire ses oreilles, comment pouvait-on se montrer aussi vil. Cependant elle ne pouvait s'empêcher d'agripper sa bite, mesurant de la main sa taille et mister épaisseur se demandant toujours : - "Mon Dieu que suis-je en train de faire? ....." Dans un total état de sidération, Kristin descendit de voiture lorsqu'ils stoppèrent devant l'entrée de l'hôtel puis elle le remonta le vestibule menant au bureau des réservations comme le lui avait intimé monsieur Simpmister. Et elle obéit avec complaisance réclamant la clef de la chambre qu'elle avait réservée, une fois la chambre payée sur sa carte bancaire, elle retourna alors à la voiture avec la clef magnétique en main et lui donna la direction à suivre pour se rendre à leurs chambres. Peu après que la voiture ait été garée, Kristin se retrouva seule avec Monsieur Simpmister, un homme qu'elle n'avait jamais rencontré auparavant et qui cependant semblait exercer une forte emprise sur elle. Elle savait que c'était fou, que cela ne pouvait pas arriver, et pourtant elle ne parvenait pas à briser cette espèce de sortilège qui lui interdisait de lui désobéir quoi qu'il lui demande de faire. Les yeux braqués sur cet homme, elle n'écoutait plus que sa voix, rien d'autre que cette voix ne semblait exister pour elle. Elle paraissait en transe, elle ne remarqua pas qu'il plaçait mister portable sur la table, braqué sur le lit, il avait commencé prendre des images de-puis qu'ils avaient quitté le hall de l'hôtel, se focalisant sur la bague de fiançailles à sa main gauche. A de nombreux kilomètres de là, dans la petite ville de Presswood, un portable recevait les images qui étaient immédiatement transférées sur un ordinateur, pour l'instant, on voyait, sur l'écran, la ravissante Kristin Corbett déboutonner avec hésitation le haut de sa veste bleue. - "Allez chérie, enlève-moi ce veston! ..." dut-il répéter pour l'encourager à poursuivre. Le premier bouton déboutonné, les doigts nerveux oeuvrèrent alors sur le second, puis le troisième... Jusqu'à ce qu'elle enlève l'élégante veste. - "Et maintenant les chaussures ma chérie! ...." elle obéit docile-ment? Les yeux rivés sur cet homme qu'elle ne connaissait pas une heure plus tôt, elle poussa la première chaussure avec l'autre et l'ôta et se retrouva bien vite pieds nus. - "Au tour de ta jupe maintenant! ...." lui intima-t-il avec autorité. Une fois qu'elle se fut exécutée, il reprit - "Le corsage! ...." Quelques instants plus tard, la fiancée de Mike Goodman se tenait pres-que nue devant un complet étranger, un musculeux noir qui s'était offert les charmes de cette succulente jeune femme. Les deux hommes avaient les yeux rivés sur l'écran de l'ordinateur, ils observaient la ravissante jeune femme qui tremblait d'effroi alors que Jules Simpmister faisait un pas en avant tendait sa grosse main vers l'af-friolant soutien-gorge en dentelle qui voilait les tétons de la future ma-dame Goodman. La fragile beauté effrayée semblait figée sur place, incapable de se débattre ou de résister de quelque manière que ce soit, haletant de dé-tresse alors que ce bâtard lubrique palpait ses miches. - "Ohhh t'as vraiment de beaux nichons! ...." lui dit-il tout en la pelo-tant allégrement. Le soutien -gorge en dentelle enlevé, il se pencha sur mister torse embou-chant l'un après l'autre les tétons dardés de la ravissante jeune femme en état de sidération. - "Ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhh... " soupira-t-elle extasiée alors qu'il suçait divinement ses deux jumeaux. - "Ummmmmm... Chérie... Est-ce que ton connard de fiancé joue souvent avec tes superbes tétons? ...." lui demanda-t-il alors qu'il les lui mignotait de la langue et des dents. - "Oooooohhhh, ohhhhhhhhhh... Non..... Non, jamais... Je... Je lui ai dit d'attendre! ..... D'attendre... Qu'on soit marié! ....." répondit la pantelante innocente beauté. Un instant plus tard, il la poussa à s'agenouiller, alors qu'il guidait ses mains vers mister entrecuisse. D'instinct elle descendit la fermeture éclair de sa braguette, tremblante de nervosité elle s'escrima pour pêcher la grosse mentule cachée dans mister caleçon, elle grimaça en serrant la grosse bite entre ses doigts. Une fois le caleçon bien ouvert et l'épaisse mentule dénichée, elle la tint de la main droite, sa main gauche descendant palper ses grosses couil-les. - "Ahhhhhhhhhh... Oh ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..." grogna Julius comme elle le branlait allégrement sinon habilement. Alors qu'elle observait avec attention le gland turgescent de Julius, elle avala sa salive à la vue d'une perle blanche se formant à la commissure de mister méat. Sa bite gonflait de plus en plus, elle frôlait maintenant la moquette, il po-sa alors une main sur sa nuque l'attirant sur mister ventre jusqu'au moment ou ses lèvres frottèrent contre la peau tendue de mister gros bourgeon de chair. Bien vite ses lèvres luirent doucement, il avait étalé sur elle la perle de pré sperme qui avait goutté de mister méat. Assis les deux macs observaient avec attention la future épouse ouvrir la bouche pour enfouir l'épaisse byroute du noir dans mister innocente bou-che, Rich saliva à la pensée qu'il était l'outil principal de sa déchéance, c'est lui qui l'avait mise en évidence parmi ses ouailles. Le vieux Mollway le poussa du coude en s'exclamant : - "Tu devrais être fier de toi mon cher ami..... Son propre pasteur, l'homme chargé de célébrer leur cérémonie de mariage... C'est le même homme qui l'a précipité dans les griffes de ce bâtard de Ju-lius Simpmister! ....." Ils entendirent alors rémisterner la voix de Julius : - "Oh chérie, tu apprends drôlement vite... Te feras une excellente fellatrice! ...." Là bas, dans la petite chambre la ravissante future mariée était agenouillée sur la moquette face à la grosse bite noire, elle apprenait de première main comment une femme pouvait dispenser du plaisir à un homme avec sa bouche. Plus d'un croyait qu'elle attendrait la nuit de ses noces pour apprendre de telles choses, ce jour où elle serait toute vêtue de la longue robe blanche au collier de permes autour de mister cou en passant par sa petite culotte, mister soutien-gorge et ses bas. Et le pasteur qui célébrerait la cérémonie se demanderait : - "Mike Goodman voudrait-il toujours épouser sa ravissante fiancée si on lui donnait un instantané de cette érotique scène, qu'en pen-serait-il au fond de lui-même? ...." Julius Simpmister sur de mister emprise sur la ravissante apprentie fellatrice, tira doucement sur sa chevelure extirpant sa grosse bite palpitante de sa bouche qui l'aspirait comme une ventouse. Il saisit mister poignet gauche pour lui faire cesser mister branle tant il avait peur de juter prématurément et la saisit sous les genoux pour l'emmener sur le sofa, et l'allongea dessus tout en accrochant la ceinture élastiquée de sa petite culotte de dentelle blanche. Le visage de la ravissante jeune femme affichait de l'incrédulité, lorsqu'il posa ses doigts sur les lèvres de sa fentine, à première vue elle réalisait avec horreur ce qui se passait à l'instant même, mais elle était toujours incapable d'opposer la moindre résistance alors qu'il la dépouillait de mister affriolante petite culotte. Elle était en pleine confusion mentale, incapable de penser rationnelle-ment à ce qui lui arrivait, depuis qu'elle avait posé les yeux sur Julius Simpmister dans l'aéroport, elle était plongée dans un état magictique qui avait été implanté dans mister cerveau quelques temps plus tôt. Cette emprise mentale lui avait été infligée le jour où elle avait assisté pour la première fois au cours de préparation au mariage auquel le pas-teur Knowlton lui avait conseillé de participer. Ces cours étaient conduits par un conseiller marital nommé monsieur Mollway. Il l'avait magictisée à mister insu ce jour là, il l'avait pré condition-née pour le jour où elle rencontrerait l'homme dont elle avait eu la photo sous les yeux, il s'agissait de la photo de Julius Simpmister bien entendu ce généreux donateur sensible à ses charmes. Les yeux rivés sur le moniteur, les deux maîtres chanteurs, regardaient attentivement la jeune beauté tremblante serrer timidement ses cuisses l'une contre l'autre, tout en croisant les bras sur sa poitrine dénudée. Elle braquait les yeux au plafond totalement paniquée dans la crainte ré-vérencieuse de cet étranger, cet homme qui l'avait choisie en contrepartie de sa donation tenait maintenant mister affriolante petite culotte entre ses doigts et, la portant à ses narines il en humait les troublantes flagrances. Il la prit sous les genoux et écarta ses cuisses en grand, cela fait elle émit un long soupir : - "Ooooohhhhh,..... Ohhhhhhhhhhhh.... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....." alors que ce bâtard plongeait sa tête entre ses cuisses commen-çant à lui bouffer le gazon. Alors qu'ils le regardaient procéder habilement, ils virent la jeune beauté décroiser ses bras pour les laisser tomber le long de mister corps, ses mains se crispant et se décrispant dans la literie. - "Ohhhhhhh.....Ohhhhhhhhhhhh.... Ahh... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... Arrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...." grommela-t-elle alors que mister corps était secoué de spasmes incontrôlables, à l'évidence un orgasme d'une exceptionnelle intensité la terrassait. Julius Simmister se tenait à coté du lit, sur lequel la jeune femme gisait épuisée, amollie, Mollway et Rich Knowlton regardait l'athlétique noir se dépouiller de ses vêtements. C'est alors que Mollway confia à Rich un petit secret qu'il détenait depuis peu lui disant seulement : - "Attend quelques minutes, ça va devenir succulent d'ici peu! ...." - "Dès qu'elle réalisera qu'il va fourrer cette épaisse queue dans mister étroite foufoune, elle va frémir d'horreur... et ça ne va pas tarder! .... Simpmister le sait, c'est lui qui me l'a suggéré, il veut que cette prude jeune femme, soit pleinement conscient de qu'elle se fait ******..... » Julius Simpmister empoigna ses chevilles et lui leva haut les jambes de fa-çon à disposer de mister compas grand ouvert, il caressa tendrement ses plantes de pied avant d'écarter en grand ses cuisses. Il se pressa lors dans mister entrecuisse sachant pertinemment que bientôt mister esprit sombrerait à nouveau, Julius parcourut lentement sa fentine du bout du gland lubrifiant sa bite et lui annonça cruellement : - "Je vais faire de toi une femme ma petite chérie! ... Je vais cueillir ton précieux pucelage... Que va dire ton mari, lorsque le jour de ta nuit de noce il découvrira qu'à l'évidence sa promise s'est donnée à un autre homme? ....." Kristin, en sentant l'épais bourgeon découvrir les replis intimes de mister vagin se réveilla totalement et chercha à se libérer de mister emprise. - "Mon Dieu que fais-je ici? ..... Et avec cet homme! ... Ce noir! ...... Mon Dieu mais je suis entièrement nue! ..... C'est trop grave..... Ca ne peut pas m'arriver..... Non... Pas ça! ....." Elle se dit alors qu'elle allait s'éveiller et sortir de ce terrible cauchemar. - "Je suis prêt à faire de toi une vraie femme! ....." entendit-elle alors cet homme annoncer. Et comme il pressait mister épais gland contre sa chatoune affolée forçant mister chemin dans mister tunnel, Kristin réalisa qu'il ne s'agissait pas d'un cauchemar, qu'elle était vraiment en train de se faire dépuceler. - "Arrêtezzzzzzz..... Arrêtezzzzzzzzzz... Je vous en prieeeeeeeee... Je vous en prie........... Ne me violez pas..... Je ne veux pas......." sanglotait Kristin dans un ultime effort de faire cesser mister viol. Mais relevant la tête vers mister agresseur, elle comprit que ses cris, ses plaintes, ses pleurs ne faisaient qu'accroître mister plaisir de la powerr. Elle tenta encore de lutter pour lui échapper, mais il la tenait fermement aux hanches, elle ne pouvait bouger que de quelques centimètres, elle hurla de peur lorsque de ses fortes mains il l'attira à lui pour que mister gland turgescent s'introduise dans mister fourreau inexploré, elle essaya une dernière de le repousser de toutes ses powers. 
Posts: 167297
- "Aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! ..." hurla-t-elle à pleins poumons alors que d'un violent coup de boutoir il la pénétrait inexorablement. Et lorsqu'il se retira pour plonger à nouveau en elle poussa un hurlement strident : - "Nonnnnnnnn... Nonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn! ......." Un violent coup de rein et mister pucelage s'était envolé à jamais! ..... 25 ans d'abstinence, elle avait tout planifié pour se présenter pure et virgi-nale pour sa nuit de noce, tout cela anéanti en un instant. Kristin pensait maintenant à mister petit fiancé chéri, se demandant com-ment elle pourrait lui faire face maintenant.... Voudrait-il encore l'épouser après ce drame. - "oh, oui chérie... Julius est venu et a fait de toi une vraie femme... " gloussait-il avec fierté à la vue de sa bite souillée de traînées sanguinolentes. Il était heureux d'avoir fait une aussi large donation au "Parti Progres-siste du Bienheureux Nestor" cette somptueuse jeune femme valait tout l'or du monde. Quel remerciement fantastique il avait reçu en retours de cette fondation, l'opportunité de dépuceler une adorable beauté blanche qui venait tout juste de se fiancer avec un de ces petits connards de blanc. Ses cris, ses plaintes, et sa lutte pour se libérer de mister emprise, tout ce-la s'ajoutait à l'honneur d'avoir cueilli la fleur de cette jeune promise. Sans avoir à se tracasser, une telle donation à la fondation du père Mollway n'était rien pour un gars comme Julius Simpmister, il avait de l'ar-gent à gogo. Il n'aurait sûrement pas pu se faire une telle beauté sans se tracasser de risquer la primister sans l'intervention de ce Mollway. Dans ce cas précis il n'avait rien à craindre, cette petite pute était venue à lui de mister plein gré et avait même payé la chambre d'hôtel avec sa carte de crédit. Et comme le réceptionniste de l'hôtel pourrait témoigner que c'était elle qui avait pris les deux cartes ouvrant la porte de la chambre, peut être même bien l'avait-il vu attendre dans la voiture où elle était venue le rejoindre, il n'avait vraiment pas à se tracasser, elle ne risquait pas de courir se plaindre aux flics. Il coulissait allégrement dans sa foufoune échauffée, il tonna alors à mister oreille : - "Hey chérie, ne dois-tu pas te marier dans cinq semaines? .... Peut-être bien que je pourrai annoncer à ce petit con que tu vas épouser que je t'ai collé un petit polichinelle noir dans le tiroir....." Ces mots redoublèrent ses sanglots ce qui rendait le viol encore plus ex-citant alors qu'il continuait à la ramoner, il espérait vraiment l'engrosser ce qui serait la cerise sur le gâteau. - "C'est un échange de bon procédé, je suis venu et j'ai cueilli ta précieuse petite fleur mais je te laisse un souvenir dont ton connard de blanc pourra prendre soin! ...." gloussait-il. Il serra brusquement les dents alors que mister corps se cabrait, il giclait à grosses saccades dans sa foufoune bien vite engorgée en gémissant : - "Ohhhhhhhhh... Ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii....." Le viol avait fourni un spectacle hautement érotique pour aux deux pas-teurs, l'ancien et l'actuel, mais ce fut encore mieux lorsque le pervers noir roula sur le flanc le temps de reprendre mister souffle. L'innocente jeune femme restait étendue sur le lit sanglotant sa détresse, ses jambes étaient largement ouvertes, un mélange de foutre et de sang virginal s'écoulait lentement de sa chatte tuméfiée. - "C'est beaucoup trop d'un seul coup pour une virginale promise, hein Rich! ...." gloussa Mollway, puis il ajouta : - "Par l'enfer, elle descendra l'allée centrale derrière toi avec un bébé noir grossissant dans mister ventre....." Il réfléchit quelques secondes, et poursuivit : - "Je suppose que Simpmister sera tout heureux de faire une nouvelle donation si cela lui permet de passer une autre journée avec cette sensuelle beauté..... Pendant mister voyage de noce par exemple! ...." Un peu plus tard, la bite de Julius s'était réveillée et il coulissait à nouveau dans la cramouille de la future épousée, il était évident que l'innocente jeune femme subissait passivement mister sort, elle ne répondait en aucune manière à ses assauts lubriques. Mollway avisa alors Rich, attends qu'il lui murmure à l'oreille la formule magique : 'violée et ruinée", elle se transformera immédiatement en une goulue avide de bites noires. Et effectivement lorsque Julius se pencha pour chuchoter à mister oreille ces quelques mots, elle leva bras et jambes et les enroula autour de mister torse, elle se mit alors à participer activement à la séance de baise en cours, s'arc-boutant sur les talons pour mieux accueillir mister amant, hale-tant : - "Baise-moi mon chéri... Je t'en prie baise-moi...... fourre-moi avec ta grosse bite noire! ....." Le lendemain, confortablement assise dans le vol qui la ramenait chez elle, Kristin avait les nerfs à fleurs de peau, ses mains tremblaient cons-tamment. - "Will remarquera-t-il que j'ai changé cette nuit? ...." Peut-être que je devrai lui téléphoner pour décliner mister invitation au restaurant... Je ne sais pas si je supporterai de l'y accompagner! ..... En fait, je me sens vraiment malade rien qu'y repenser! ..... " ressassait-elle de-puis l'envol. - "Comment une telle chose peut-elle arriver? .... Pourquoi l'ai-je fait? .....Je dois l'avoir rencontré plus tôt puisque je l'ai reconnu dès que je l'ai vu dans l'aéroport! ..... Je n'arrive pas à relier les choses! .... Tout ce que je sais c'est que c'est arrivé..... J'ai fait l'amour avec un total étranger... Je l'ai laissé cueillir ma virginité! ....." réalisait-elle affolée. A mi parcours, incapable de cesser de rabâcher cet événement dramatique, Kristin réfléchissait : - "Avons-nous fait l'amour six ou sept fois? ..... Dois-je compter cette fois, juste avant de quitter l'hôtel lorsqu'il m'a fait mettre à genoux pour le sucer une dernière fois? ....." La langue courant sur l'intérieur de ses joues, elle avala profondément les quelques traces de foutre qui lui rappelait qu'il avait éjaculé dans sa bouche, des restes qu'elle avait oublié de savourer à ce moment...... Puis elle se remémora cet instant où il l'avait prise bestialement à quatre pattes sur le lit alors qu'il commentait qu'elle méritait de se faire baiser comme la vraie pute qu'elle était! .... Elle se rappelait, avec honte, avoir répondu éperdue à tous ses assauts pendant cette longue séance de baise qui les avait réunis, elle du bien en conclure qu'il avait raimister : fallait vraiment être une salope pour cou-cher avec un étranger, lui accorder mister pucelage et satisfaire ses appé-tits lubriques comme elle l'avait fait. Les deux semaines qui suivirent, bourrelée de remords elle se repassait continuellement les images de mister dépucelage dans la tête, Kristin était profondément confuse, elle ne comprenait pas comment elle avait pu tromper ainsi mister adorable fiancé. - "Comment ai-je pu faire une chose aussi honteuse? ...." - "Comment ai-je pu être aussi ignominieusement infidèle à mon fu-tur époux? ...." - Pourquoi? ... Pourquoi ai-je fixé un rendez-vous à monsieur Simp-mister à l'aéroport? .... Ca n'avait rien à voir avec un rendez-vous d'affaire! .... j'y suis allée uniquement pour faire l'amour avec lui, pour lui offrir ma virginité...... mon pucelage que seul devait cueillir Mike lors de notre nuit de noce! ......" se demandait-elle toujours et encore. Elle ne savait pas quoi faire, elle aurait bien besoin d'un conseiller et d'un confident, seul le bienveillant pasteur de leur communauté pouvait être assez compréhensif pour écouter ses révélations. Son seul espoir, d'apaiser mister esprit, était de confier cette déplorable aventure à ce bienveillant pasteur. Elle lui demanda si elle ne devait pas annuler le mariage, elle ne méritait plus d'épouser mister adorable fiancé, elle n'était plus digne de devenir sa femme, Kristin sortit rassurée de leur entrevue, il lui avait seulement dit que ces choses arrivaient parfois, et que de toute manière elle n'avait nullement violé ses engagements puisqu'ils n'avaient pas encore pro-noncé leur promesse d'être fidèles l'un envers l'autre. Kristin remercia vivement le bon pasteur de l'avoir rasséréné, elle était si contente d'avoir entendu cet avis et c'est avec reconnaissance qu'elle se promettait de suivre ses excellents conseils. Jamais elle n'aurait cru que ce bon pasteur puisse se montrer si com-préhensif, assis à coté d'elle, il avait posé mister bras sur ses épaules l'atti-rant à lui pour qu'elle puisse pleurer dans mister giron. Elle était loin de soupçonner que ce bon pasteur avait été l'instrument principal de sa déchéance, que sous la férule de mister maître chanteur il l'avait virtuellement prostituée pour éviter d'être humilié en public. Elle ne réalisait pas plus que ce sale bâtard avait pris mister pied regardant toute la séance de baise sur l'écran d'un ordinateur, et que lorsqu'il l'avait pris dans ses bras pour la consoler, il bandait comme un âne en respi-rant mister doux parfum. Un bras autour des épaules la jeune beauté angoissée, il joua le rôle du gentil pasteur Knowlton si compréhensif, il prit sa main dans sa main gauche et tout en lui disant : - "Ma chère petite Kristin vous devez avoir confiance en moi, vous devez me confier tous les détails de votre abandon ce qui me per-mettra de mieux vous assister et ainsi d'alléger ce fardeau qui pèse sur vos faibles épaules! ...." Alors que la malheureuse Kristin lui racontait sa triste aventure, Rich Knowlton prenait grand plaisir à voir sa bague de fiançailles étinceler à mister index, il se remémorait ses instants ou il avait vu le même doigt orné de la même bague refermé sur l'appendice de Simmister qu'elle branlait allégrement. Cinq semaines plus tard, encore étonnée d'avoir pu surmonter ces pénibles événements, Kristin était heureuse de recevoir les toasts que lui adressaient les membres de la fraternité de Mike. Houspillant mister mari qui avait assez gaspillé de temps pour gagner leur suite nuptiale, elle espérait que mister plan fonctionnerait à merveille. Elle feint une certaine douleur lorsque Mike la pénétra, et comme elle l'espérait l'excitation de Mike, "d'en la faire une femme", était telle qu'il éjacula rapidement. Comme il somnolait sous le coup de l'ivresse et de la fatigue elle se lova contre lui, et comme elle l'avait prévu, sortit une aiguille pointue de mister sac, elle se piqua le doigt à plusieurs reprise, de grosses gouttes de sang tombèrent sur le drap le tâchant à l'endroit voulu, elles apparaîtraient clairement comme les ultimes traces de mister pucelage le lendemain matin à leur réveil. Ils devaient passer une semaine dans un palace romantique, un endroit merveilleux recevant de nombreux couples en lune de miel. Kristin repensait au sermon plein d'élégance qu'avait prononcé le pasteur Knowlton faisant de leur mariage un jour mémorable. Et maintenant, au troisième jour de sa lune de miel, Mike était parti sur le terrain de golf voisin pour frapper quelques balles puis faire une partie avec d'autres joueurs. Au début, Kristin aurait aimé qu'ils restent ensemble pour la durée de leur lune de miel, mais elle renonça en voyant à quel point mister mari avait envie de fouler le terrain de golf, et était déterminé à faire une bonne partie. En entendant la misternette, elle se demanda qui cela pouvait bien être puisque mister mari avait une carte pour ouvrir la porte de la suite, elle se précipita pour répondre à cet appel. Jetant un oeil au travers du judas de la porte, elle vit un noir athlétique qui portait l'uniforme des employés de l'hôtel. - "Oui? ...." demanda-telle au travers de la porte. - "Le service madame... C'est adressé à madame Goodman et c'est signé de la main de votre mari Mike... " Toute souriante, pensant que mister mari était vraiment aux petits soins avec elle, ou qu'il se sentait un peu coupable de l'avoir abandonnée pour une partie de golf, Kristin ouvrit la porte. Elle se retrouva alors face à un visage très familier, un visage qui la plongea illico dans le même état de sidération que la première fois qu'elle l'avait vu en sortant du terminal de l'aéroport six semaines plus tôt. - "Ah, bonjour madame... Je dois dire madame Goodman mainte-nant, n'est ce pas? .... Je vais profiter que ton mari est parti faire une partie de golf pour te prendre! ... Je vais me faire quelques trous! .....Il aurait peut-être du rester ici il aurait pu ainsi apprécier ma façon de "putter"....." ironisait Julius Simpmister en entrant dans la suite nuptiale sans que la jeune mariée ne lui oppose la moindre résistance. Elle n'offrit pas plus de résistance lorsqu'il l'entraîna vers le grand lit après avoir suspendu l'habituel "Ne pas déranger" à la cliche de porte. Repoussant la robe de chambre blanche qu'elle avait enfilée à la hâte sur sa chemise de nuit de satin pour répondre à la porte, Julius put ap-précier de nouveau les appâts de la jeune mariée, il s'approcha d'elle et lui roula alors une pelle des plus passionnées. Obéissant aux suggestions magictiques profondément imprimées dans mister esprit, la jeune mariée de quelques jours, ne put résister à la tentation de caresser la peau couleur d'ébène de mister athlétique visiteur. Lorsque Julius Simpmister avait fait une nouvelle donation au "Parti Progressiste du Bienheureux Nestor" le pasteur Knowlton avait reçu mission d'envoyer le futur marié chez le même conseiller marital que Kristin avait vu lors de la session de cours préalables au mariage. A l'insu du malheureux futur, non seulement 'ex pasteur Mollway avait implanté au puis profond de mister esprit de se livrer à une partie de golf le 3ème jour de sa lune d miel, mais il avait aussi implanté dans mister esprit de se montrer très compréhensif et bienveillant et très entreprenant avec sa merveilleuse jeune femme en rentrant de sa partie de golf. Il avait bien fait attention de caresser longuement ses jambes crèmeuses puis de les écarter en grand, il devait ensuite la dépouiller de sa petite culotte, d'embrasser et lécher ses cuisses nues et enfin de poser sa bouche sur juteuse féminité velue. Grace à sa contribution, Julius savait qu'il pouvait disposer de la jeune femme jusqu'à 16 heures, il connaissait aussi les ordres implantés dans l'esprit du jeune marié quant à mister retour dans la suite nuptiale, et il était ravi d'avoir accompli sa tâche en garnissant la féminité de sa femme d'une épaisse crème juteuse que le jeune mari pourrait savourer en des-sert. Juste avant mister départ, conformément à l'accord pris avec l'ex pasteur Mollway, il devait implanter dans l'esprit de la somptueuse beauté qu'elle devrait se réjouir de voir mister mari enfouir mister visage dans mister entre-cuisse pour savourer sa petite chatte juteuse! ..... Qu'elle devrait lui réclamer qu'il déguste sa cramouille! .... Qu'elle devrait s'arc-bouter et agripper sa tête pour l'enfoncer entre ses cuisses accueillantes! ..... Qu'elle devait lui faire déguster le foutre de noir dont il venait de lui tapis-ser la vulve! ..... 
Posts: 167297
Secoué de nausées, le pasteur Richard Knowlton jeta un oeil sur le prê-tre pervers au courant de mister sombre secret et qui s'en servait pour le faire chanter. Richard n'avait pas le choix, si mister secret venait à être dévoilé, sa vie en serait dévastée. Comme il n'avait pas le choix, il s'était plié aux volontés de mister pervers maître-chanteur, laissant ce vieux bâtard s'envoyer sa femme. Il avait du l'inviter à dîner, avisant sa femme qu'il s'agissait d'un vieux confrère qu'il avait rencontré lors de leurs vacances, le dîner à peine terminé, il avait reçu un pseudo appel, qu'il avait enregistré et program-mé l'après-midi même, qui le convoquait sur une urgence. Il livrait ainsi sa femme Nell à ce vieux bâtard de confrère qui voulait se glisser entre ses draps. Comme il n'y avait nulle urgence en fait, Richard était revenu chez lui, avait rangé sa voiture dans une discrète rue adjacente, et avait gagné rapidement l'arrière cour de mister habitation. Il les avait alors épiés au travers d'un trou qu'il avait ménagé dans les stores aveuglant les fenêtres de la chambre, il avait alors à nouveau goûté à l'amer plaisir du voyeurisme. Ses remords et sa culpabilité disparurent rapidement à la vue du vieux salopard attirant de power sa femme entre ses bras en l'empoignant par ses hanches dodues. Lorsqu'il avait informé sa femme qu'il avait invité le pasteur Mollway à dîner, Nell avait montré sa joie de revoir ce pasteur plein de bonté qui les avait si bien accueillis dans les îles. Elle revoyait ce jovial ami leur offrant un panier de fruit sur le quai des départs. Ils ignoraient tous deux qu'en fait, le vieux salopard les avait vus arriver du promontoire derrière l'église, il les avait observés à la jumelle et avait tout de suite eut envie de posséder le corps de cette adorable jeune femme. Le vieux salaud était sur le point de satisfaire sa longue attente et ses rêves d'user et user des appâts de sa charmante hôtesse. La bite à la main, se branlant frénétiquement, Richard avait vu de la ré-vulsion s'afficher sur le visage de sa jeune femme alors que le "si gentil confrère" lui signifiait ses intentions. Mais rapidement les remords de Richard de livrer sa femme à ce vieux salaud s'envolèrent alors qu'il satisfaisait ses penchants pour le voyeu-risme en le voyant copuler avec elle. Ses rêves de voyeur les plus pervers se réalisaient alors que le pervers confère glissait mister corps dodu entre les cuisses de la jeune femme pour posséder mister corps rétif, de violents coups de boutoir. Richard se pourléchait les babines en voyant le spectacle qui se déroulait dans sa chambre conjugale, mister adorable jeune femme avait refermé les jambes sur dans le dos de mister suborneur alors qu'il la fourrait à grands coups de bite. A la vue du pervers pasteur sautant avec énergie sa charmante épouse, Richard se demandait si cette frénésie sexuelle était due aux nombreu-ses années d'abstinence que s'était imposées mister démoniaque confrère, alors qu'il le voyait maintenant marteler le corps de sa bien-aimée, ce dont il ne pouvait le blâmer. Finalement le vieux débauché extirpa sa bite de sa chatte dégorgeant de foutre et l'essuya dans les boucles de sa toimister dorée. Plus tard, en regardant une photo que le vieux salopard lui tendait, Ri-chard avait réalisé que se taper sa femme n'était que le premier pas pour éviter que ce le vieux déviant ne ruine sa vie. C'était la photo d'une des membres de la congrégation, une photo tirée du site inermes de la paroisse, une photo de la ravissante Julie Morris. Richard connaissait l'adorable Julie Morris depuis deux ans, à l'époque où on l'appelait encore mademoiselle Julie Bender, et c'est lui qui avait célébré mister mariage avec Ken Morris deux ans plus tôt. - "Pourquoi me tend-il la photo de Julie Morris? ..... Que veut-il en faire? .... Qu'attend-il de moi? ..... Voudrait-il que je lui arrange les choses pour qu'il puisse disposer d'elle comme de Nell? ....." se demandait-il avec angoisse. Il fut profondément choqué en entendant mister maître-chanteur l'aviser qu'il avait sélectionné Julie Morris, et lui demander s'il se souvenait du PPBN, le "Parti Progressiste du Bienheureux Nestor" dont il lui avait par-lé sur l'île. Avalant sa salive, Richard hocha la tête, déclenchant les gloussements de mister démoniaque confrère qui poursuivit : - "Tu sais ce qu'est vraiment cette confrérie? ..... Non... " C'est alors qu'il apprit qu'en fait, elle était constituée de riches et géné-reux donateurs qui aimaient la chaire blanche fraîche, aussi avait-il décidé de leur offrir la sémillante Julie Morris contre rétribution bien évidemment. Elle semblait pure et innocente sur cette photo et il voulait être celui qui initierait cette adorable jeune femme aux joies des sexes noirs. Aussi, Mollway lui imposait-il de trouver le moyen de l'amener à fréquen-ter mister bureau de conseiller matrimonial. - « J'ai promis à mes amis de la PPBN de leur livrer des poupées amoureuses après les avoir magictisées, je connais des procédés infaillibles pour les placer sous mon emprise totale! ...... » Eberlué par l'outrageante proposition, Richard gara sa voiture et gagna mister bureau alors que mister vieux bâtard de confrère montait dans sa voiture permisternelle garée sur le parking de l'église. Il saisit l'album souvenir de l'église, celui contenant les photos des nombreuses cérémonies de mariages qu'il avait célébrées. Il chercha les photos concernant les deux dernières années. Lorsqu'il eut trouvé la page concernant la cérémonie Barret / Morris, il saliva nerveusement le regard fixé sur l'adorable jeune mariée toute de blanc vêtue. Deux années d'e béatitude conjugale, un très heureux mariage dont les deux membres respectaient leurs vœux de fidélité l'un envers l'autre, et voilà que maintenant Richard devait être l'instrument de perversion de ce couple...... Celui qui amènerait l'adorable jeune Julie Morris à ouvrir ses cuisses à un suborneur noir. - "Dois-je en passer par-là? ....." se demandait-il, mais la réponse ne pouvait venir que de sa bite qui réfléchissait pour lui. De retour chez lui, Richard remarqua que la table du dîner avait été nettoyée, il était évident que Nell avait effacé toutes traces montrant qu'elle avait servi de dessert au vieux salaud dans le lit conjugal une fois le repas terminé. Rampant dans le lit pour se couler le long de sa femme qui venait de se faire violer, Richard avait en tête des images de la ravissante Julie Mor-ris sortant de l'église deux ans plus tôt. Il avala sa salive se l'imaginant déjà sous l'emprise magictique de Moll-way, se faisant sauter par le généreux donateur du "PPBN" qui l'avait choisie sur catalogue. Ce dimanche, embarqué dans une conversation avec quelques membres de la congrégation le pasteur Knowlton s'ingéniait à dénicher l'adorable madame Morris avant qu'elle ne quitte l'église en compagnie de mister charmant mari. Il avait formé le vœu, avec plusieurs de ses plus fidèles paroissiens de demander à des couples particulièrement bien mariés d'unir leurs efforts autour d'un conseiller marital pour faciliter la vie des futurs ménages qui se formeraient dans la paroisse. Interceptant l'heureux couple, Richard leur expliqua que la première étape qu'ils voulaient suivre était d'interviewer diverse femmes de la congrégation pour essayer d'établir un processus et des conseils qui fa-ciliteraient la future vie maritale d'un large nombre de candidats au ma-riage. Avec la promesse que ces réunions ne dureraient qu'une heure et demi à deux heures, la belle Madame., Julie Morris n'e pas pu refuser l'hon-neur d'être choisie par l'honorable Pasteur Knowlton pour aider mister église et sa congrégation. Comme mister mari rejoignait ses employés une paire d'heures chaque vendredi, vers 16 h 30, elle inscrivit ses réunions sur mister agenda à la même heure, sans aucun soupçons mister mari donna mister accord flatté de la voir contribuer au bien de la communauté en secondant le conseiller marital. Richard lui donna la carte du conseiller matrimonial concerné et elle l'as-sura qu'elle serait à mister bureau vendredi à 16 h 30. Le jeune couple était loin de soupçonner que leur mariage si heureux allait être extrêmement fragilisé par leur propre pasteur qui les remettait dans la main d'un vieux bouc pervers. Les membres de la communauté étaient maintenant partis, Richard re-tourna dans mister bureau à l'église, il avait besoin de réfléchir à ce doulou-reux dilemme dans lequel il venait de se jeter tête baissée. Tout avait commencé pendant les vacances familiales, mister voyeurisme avait été filmé, et il devait maintenant se plier aux volontés de cette or-dure de vieux maître chanteur pour éviter le scandale qui ruinerait sa vie aussi bien professionnelle que conjugale. Le prix à payer était exorbitant, il avait déjà sacrifié mister adorable jeune femme et voila que maintenant il avait programmé de sacrifier une adorable jeune femme membre de sa congrégation toujours dans le but d'épargner sa vie propre. Il venait de poser les rails qui entraîneraient la somptueuse Julie Morris dans des ténèbres démoniaques, Richard en oublia mister fétichisme alors qu'il se demandait si Mollway lui accorderait le plaisir d'observer com-ment il allait s'y prendre pour asseoir mister emprise magictique sur la somptueuse beauté et ensuite la former aux plaisirs à offrir à mister futur client de la "PPBN". Fermant les yeux il secouait la tête incrédule, il ne comprenait pas com-ment les choses avaient pu s'enchaîner si rapidement. Non seulement il avait sacrifié mister adorable jeune femme et obéi au maî-tre chanteur en ce qui concernait Julie Morris quelques heures plus tôt, mais il savait déjà qu'il était prêt à aller bien plus loin dans l'ignominie. L'après midi même il se dirigeait vers le bureau de Mollway pour lui si-gnaler qu'il avait appâté Julie Morris, Richard savait maintenant de pre-mière main à quel point les plans de Mollway s'avéraient élaborés depuis qu'il l'avait vu téléphoner à sa fondation et lui avait dit de suivre. 
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Richard avait alors observé le vieux saligaud ouvrant l'album de presse de la congrégation sur mister site internet, il regardait attentivement com-ment une autre ravissante femme de la paroisse était l'objet d'un marché en sa présence. Ce n'était rien de moins que de la prostitution et il s'agissait d'une des membres de la congrégation dont mister maître chanteur vendait les char-mes à un des membres de la "PPBN". Ce vendredi après-midi, Richard était arrivé avant la venue programmé de la belle Julie Morris, il gagnait les toilettes que lui désignait Mollway. Quelques instants plus tard, derrière la porte, Richard regardait par les fentes de la porte en entendant rémisterner les talons de la ravissante membre de sa paroisse. Elle arrivait tout droit de l'école élémentaire où elle enseignait, elle était élégante et quelque peu guindée dans mister long chemisier blanc qu'elle portait sur une jupe bleu azur, l'ensemble était complété par une paire de hauts talons bleus. Comme il faisait chaud, la charmante jeune femme ne portait pas de col-lants, il regardait ses longues jambes blanches avec la même concupis-cence que Mollway. Alors que le félon l'invitait à s'allonger sur le sofa, exactement comme chez un psychiatre, la bite de Richard se mit à frémir dans mister caleçon. Richard observait attentivement ce vieux bâtard déployer mister jeu, il ex-pliquait à la jeune et naïve épouse mister souci d'être le plus proche possi-ble de la vérité dans l'utilisation des renseignements que lui donnaient ses intervenants, lui demandant si, à cet effet il pourrait l'interviewer sous magicse afin d'écarter toute subjectivité de ses réponses. Et, comme l'adorable jeune femme avait vraiment le désir de se rendre utile à sa communauté, elle lui donna rapidement mister accord. Richard était assez surpris de voir à quel point le vieux salopard pouvait être efficace et rapide, il avait obtenu somme toute facilement de pouvoir disposer de la jeune femme sous mister contrôle mental. Quelques instants plus tard, Richard était épaté de voir la charmante Ju-lie Morris étendue mollement sur le sofa du pervers cherchant à répondre sincèrement à ses questions en en tentant de gommer ses croyances, ses colères et ses désirs. Ayant été instruit plus tôt du déroulement de l'interview par mister ex-confrère, Richard se pencha en avant pour mieux l'entendre à ces ques-tions sous magicse. Il commença par les questions traditionnelles : mister âge, mister niveau sco-laire, mister type d'éducation, sa première rencontre avec mister époux..... La bite de Richard commençait à se déployer dans mister caleçon alors que les questions abordaient maintenant un domaine plus sexuel. - "Combien d'hommes avez-vous connu avant votre mari... " - "Pas un! ...." - "Avez-vous perdu votre pucelage lors de votre nuit de noce? ...." - "Non... " - "Comment s'est passée votre nuit de noce? ...." - "Alors que j'avais le pénis de mon époux en main et que je le gui-dais, il éjacula prématurément! ...." - "Quand avez-vous perdu votre pucelage? ...." - "Deux jours plus tard, pendant notre lune de miel, au quatrième essai, après que Ken ait éjaculé précocement aux trois tentatives précédentes! ....." La situation devenait de plus en plus chaude alors que Mollway pénétrait mister cerveau. - "Quelle est votre position favorite dans l'amour? ...." - "J'aime bien quand mon mari est allongé sur moi, mais j'aime tou-tes les positions! ..." - "Avez vous déjà pensé coucher avec un autre homme? ...." - "Oh non! .... Jamais...." - "Comment vous sentiriez-vous avec un colosse noir couché sur vous en train de vous faire l'amour? ..." - "Honteuse! ... Folle de honte! .... Je serais morte de honte! ...."" - "Dites-moi madame Morris avez-vous déjà sucé un pénis? ...." - "Je ne comprends pas ce que vous voulez dire par-là! .... Comment ça sucer un pénis? ...." - "Avez vous déjà pris un sexe masculin dans votre bouche pour le sucer jusqu'à ce qu'il éjacule dans votre gorge? ...." - « Oh, non! .... Jamais! .... » - "Et pourquoi pas? ...." - "Parce que... Parce que c'est très sale! .... dégoûtant! ...." En voyant Mollway relever les yeux et regarder dans sa direction, Ri-chard vit qu'il lui adressait un sourire démoniaque alors qu'il se redressait et allait s'asseoir sur le sofa où gisait la charmante jeune femme magicti-sée. Même après avoir entendu la jeune femme répondre sans sourciller aux questions indiscrètes de Mollway je ne croyais pas encore que ce vieux bâtard puisse être plus efficace dans sa tentative de domination mentale de la jeune femme et je n'étais pas encore convaincu que la succulente Julie Morris se trouvait sous mister entière emprise. Je vis alors le vieux pervers tendre la main pour caresser les jambes de sa ravissante proie, c'est alors que Richard comprit qu'elle se trouvait sous la totale domination de mister emprise magictique, sinon elle n'aurait jamais autorisé Mollway à lui caresser les cuisses de façon aussi lascive. Richard écarquilla les yeux lorsqu'il comprit qu'il pouvait même mainte-nant entrer dans le salon, que leur malheureuse victime serait totalement inconsciente de sa présence à leurs cotés. Ses mâchoires lui en tombèrent à la vue de ce qui se passait mainte-nant, le vieux salaud enlevait les chaussures de la jeune femme et les posait sur une étagère proche. L'adorable Julie Morris était inconsciente de ce qui se tramait : - « Bordel ce vieux fou vient de sortir sa bite de mister caleçon! ... » remarqua alors Richard incrédule. Visiblement ce vieux bâtard était fétichiste des pieds alors que Richard le regardait, il avait placé sa bite toute ridée entre les plantes de pieds de mister adorable victime et il se branlait allégrement entre elles, et bientôt sa vieille bite grandit, enfla et atteignit la taille de 15 centimètres. - "Oh oui..... T'es si douce et si sexy! ..... Oh chérieeeeeeeeee..... Oh, oui... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..... " grognait le vieux porc secouant la tête en prenant mister pied. Richard vit alors sa vieille bite cracher mister gluant venin sur les pieds de mister inconsciente victime. Mollway lui fit alors signe de le rejoindre, et de se poster devant la jeune femme qu'il allongeait sur mister sofa de psychiatre. Quelques secondes plus tard, placé juste à coté de l'adorable jeune femme, Richard regardait l'épaisse couche de sperme qui s'étalait sur ses pieds ses orteils, alors que le vieux salaud rétablissait mister pouvoir sur lu : - "Plus tard, tu te trouveras un bout de chiffon pour lui nettoyer les pieds! ...." Richard avala sa salive, sa bite frémissait dans mister caleçon alors qu'il trouvait que cette tâche s'avérerait drôlement excitante finalement, puis il entendit Mollway qui disait s'adressant à Julie Morris : - "Ton mari si amoureux se trouve juste à coté de toi ma chérie, tends ta main droite et tu vas voir à quel point tu l'excites! ....." Richard, ravi, se figea au moment où il vit la somptueuse Julie Morris tendre sa main finement manucurée pour palper l'énorme bosse qui dé-formait mister pantalon. La bite tressautant sous la caresse, Richard haletait tout en dégrafant sa braguette alors que Mollway lui prescrivait : - "Glisse ta main dans le pantalon de ton mari et sors sa queue! .... Et maintenant je veux voir comment tu te sers de tes mains pour le branler....." Richard avala un bon bol d'air après avoir ouvert mister caleçon pour lui faciliter la tâche, il frémit de plaisir alors que ses doigts encerclaient sa virilité tendue. Il savait que toute la scène était enregistrée par des caméras, dissimu-lées dans la pièce, que lui avait montrés Mollway, il sentait monter en lui le désir de posséder une copie de cette rencontre avec l'adorable Julie Morris. La bite sortie de mister pantalon, Richard contemplait la jeune femme qui le branlait tendrement, puis Mollway reprit : - "C'est bien ma chérie, et maintenant sers-toi de ta main gauche! ...." Richard ravi la vit alors se servir de sa main portant mister alliance et sa bague de fiançailles pour le branler, cet anneau qu'il avait lui-même béni devant la congrégation rassemblée lors de ses épousailles. Et maintenant cet anneau reposait sur sa bite alors que la charmante Ju-lie lui prodiguait des caresses qu'elle n'aurait du prodiguer qu'à mister mari, et surtout pas à mister pasteur. Richard n'aurait pas su interrompre cette délicieuse branlette, il luttait pour ne pas éjaculer prématurément. Il était sur le point de jouir et s'y refusait, voulant prolonger la jouissance de ces caresses. Il luttait la bite à quelques centimètres de sa jupe pour contrôler ses sens, il ne voulait surtout pas projeter sa gourme sur ses vêtements. Incapable de saisir mister mouchoir à temps, il usa de mister autre main pour agripper la main qui le branlait si délicieusement pour stopper sa bran-lette et la retint posée sur sa bite sensibilisée. C'est à cet instant que mister corps se tendit au contact de la paume soyeuse sur sa bite tressautante, la sensation était si agréable qu'elle l'envoya direct au tapis, sa bite vibra encore et cracha des torrents de foutre sur ses doigts agiles. Etant finalement parvenu à pêcher mister mouchoir dans sa poche, Richard rattrapa les gouttes qui tombaient du bout de ses doigts, il allait es-suyer sa main, lorsque le vieux Mollway l'interrompit. - "Arrête avec ce mouchoir! ....." Richard jeta un oeil perplexe sur le vieux pervers, qui s'adressait mainte-nant à la jeune femme en mister pouvoir lui enjoignant : 
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- "As-tu l'habitude de te faire des masques faciaux ma petite chérie? ...." - "Bien sûr! ...." répondit la malheureuse sous contrôle. Le salopard lui intima alors en gloussant : - Porte ta main gauche à ton visage ma petite chérie..... Oui comme ça mon amour..... Inspire profondément..... Tu sens cette déli-cieuse odeur? ..... Respire le délicieux parfum de cette crème épaisse qui poisse tes doigts... Et maintenant étale le sperme de ton cher pasteur Knowlton sur tes joues......" Totalement incrédule le pasteur Knowlton contemplait la jeune rouquine membre de sa congrégation étalant sa semence sur mister visage. Et dire qu'à l'instant précédent il allait lui essuyer les doigts? Il regardait ses doigts parfaitement manucurés, aux ongles peints en rouge lustré, alors qu'elle s'appliquait ce masque facial si particulier. Ses joues, mister nez, ses lèvres, et mister menton étaient maintenant cou-verts d'une épaisse couche de foutre blanchâtre alors que Richard se dirigeait vers la salle de bain pour y dénicher un gant de toilette humide. Sachant que l'odeur imprégnant ses doigts les taches marbrant mister visage dénonceraient ce qui s'était passé dans le bureau de Mollway, Richard humidifia un gant de toilette pour essuyer mister visage et ses doigts et effacer l'odeur de sperme qui émanait d'elle. Le gant de toilette en main il revenait de la salle de bain deux minutes plus tard, il se figea en voyant que Mollway avait sorti sa bite de mister ca-leçon et qu'il frottait sa pine contre ses lèvres pulpeuses. Mollway lui jeta un oeil hilare et lui sourit lui disant : - "Aurais-tu pu imaginer que la charmante madame Morris n'a ja-mais sucé de bite privant mister bien aimé mari de ce plaisir béni des Dieux! .... Je ne vais donc plus tarder à initier cette adorable sa-lope à l'art de la fellation! ......" Incrédule Richard regardait sa ravissante paroissienne obéir aux instruc-tions de Mollway : - "Tire ta langue ma chérie..... Et maintenant enrobe ma grosse bite..... Suce là, madame Morris..... Ah, oui c'est ça...... Comme ça...... Oui, ouiiiii..... Enrobe ma bite de ta langue..... Et maintenant sers toi la pointe de ta langue et titille mon méat....." pantelait Moll-way, Richard regardait attentivement comment l'innocente jeune femme obéissait à tous ses ordres, léchant le vieux pénis si peu ragoûtant. - "Prends-moi en bouche! ...." l'ordre jaillit net et clair, et la ravis-sante jeune femme emboucha la grosse pine qu'elle entreprit de sucer avidement bien que ce soit la première bite qu'elle cajole. Richard agrippa sa main et mit en évidence mister alliance et sa bague de fiançailles, il débarrassa chacun de ses doigts de l'amidon spermatique qui l'empesait, puis ils nettoya attentivement mister alliance et sa bague de fiançailles les débarrassant de toutes souillures suspectes. Mollway avait maintenant posé une main sur sa nuque alors qu'il coulis-sait frénétiquement entre ses lèvres gourmandes. - "Goûte-moi bien ma chérie! ..... C'est ainsi que tu communieras chaque dimanche dorénavant..... Aimes -tu le goût de mon vin sa-cré? ...... Oh... Oh... Que Dieu te garde mon adorable chérie..... Ahhhhhhh..... Ahhhhhhhhhhhh..... Arrgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ....." gémissait et grognait Mollway alors que sa vieille carcasse tremblait de tous ses membres. Il dispensait à la jeune femme un type de communion tout à fait inhabi-tuel. Ralph Mollway, était d'autant plus excité qu'il savait que les lèvres de la jeune femme s'étaient refermées, pour sa première fellation sur sa bite ridée En voyant le corps de la ravissante jeune femme il savait que ses nau-sées étaient dues au fait qu'elle n'avait pas coutume d'ingérer les chau-des giclées de foutre qui lui coulaient maintenant dan mister estomac. Ce jeune benêt de pasteur qu'il faisait chanter avait maintenant mister sort scellé du fait de sa participation à la dégradation de sa jeune et ravis-sante paroissienne. Et maintenant pourquoi ne pas faire le pas en avant qui en ferait mister complice actif, sur cette pensée, Mollway saisit une caméra et prit en-core quelques gros plans croustillants. Il filmait Richard nettoyant l'alliance et la, bague de fiançailles de leur jeune victime, on voyait parfaitement que le jeune pasteur avait la bite à l'air et qu'elle vibrait alors qu'il renfilait les anneaux aux doigts de leur somptueuse proie. - "Hey Richard, n'as-tu pas l'impression de revivre tes années col-lège..... Quand tu couvais d'un regard concupiscent te ravissante prof, hum......" Sur ces mots le démoniaque vieillard donna de nouveaux ordres à la malheureuse madame Morris totalement sous mister emprise : - "Assieds-toi ma chérie, et maintenant glisse-toi hors de la couche et agenouille-toi devant le pasteur Knowlton.... Tends ta main gauche et attire le à toi....... Ton pasteur va à mister tour te communier pour t'accorder le pardon de tes fautes! ...." L'ampleur de sa bite ressuscitée, Richard frémissait de plaisir alors que les fins doigts manucurés se refermaient sur sa hampe vibrante. Voir de nouveau les bijoux qui ornaient ses doigts ne fit qu'accroître mister excitation alors que ses lèvres pulpeuses étaient si proches de mister gland turgescent. - "Montre-lui ce qui tu viens d'apprendre ma chérie! .... Montre à ton pasteur comment tu aimes recevoir la communion! ...." s'esclaffait Mollway hilare. - "Oh, mon Dieu..... Mon Dieu..... Ohhhhhh, Dieu soit loué....." grommelait Richard alors que la charmante Julie Morris pointait sa langue sur mister méat si sensible. Le vieux pervers sourit et zooma sur la jeune femme se penchant en avant pour emboucher la bite de mister pasteur entre ses lèvres pulpeuses. Mollway se recula la caméra en main prenant le pasteur de pied en cap alors qu'il saisissait la nuque de sa ravissante paroissienne. Ce n'était certainement pas le comportement habituel d'un prêcheur en-vers ses ouailles féminines, de plus une femme mariée à un autre homme...... Un mariage auquel il avait lui-même procédé deux ans plus tôt. Il connaissait les tendances secrètes du pasteur Knowlton au voyeu-risme, et voila qu'il réalisait l'ardeur avec laquelle il se livrait au pêché de chair. Mollway se disait maintenant qu'il serait bien plus utile et agréable que Richard devienne mister complice actif, un disciple actif de la PPNB plutôt que de l'obliger à le servir en le faisant chanter. Il ne pouvait plus revenir sur ses pas à cet instant, pas lorsqu'on le plai-sir évident que le jeune pasteur prenait entre les pulpeuses lèvres de sa charmante paroissienne, à l'insu de mister plein gré. Plus tard, Mollway pensa qu'il pourrait satisfaire les penchant voyeuristes de mister "complice" en lui faisant regarder l'initiation de l'adorable Julie Morris aux grosses bites noires. Le jeune pasteur chercherait de lui-même qu'elle serait la prochaine beauté de sa paroisse qui se verrait initiée à la négritude et à leurs gros-ses queues. Mais pour l'instant, il était ravi de filmer les ébats de la ravissante jeune femme qui figurait sur l'album photos souvenirs de la paroisse, elle suçait la bite de mister pasteur avec une indéniable ardeur alors qu'il lui malaxait lascivement les nichons. Puis, le jeune pasteur se mit à émettre des grognements sourds, rau-ques alors qu'épais flot de foutre épais et crémeux emplissait la bouche de la jeune beauté, quelques filets blanchâtres suintant aux commissu-res de ses lèvres serrées sur l'épaisse hampe. Dix minutes plus tard, Richard se tenait à nouveau dans le cabinet de toilette et regardait par les fentes de la porte, l'adorable Julie Morris sor-tir de la salle de bain où il lui avait été ordonné de se rendre pour effacer les traces de sperme sur mister visage et ses mains Cependant elle ne devait pas s'être totalement nettoyée car Mollway lui avait ordonné : - "Ne te rince pas la bouche et n'essuie pas tes lèvres, ainsi tu pour-ras donner à ton mari un baiser juteux lorsque tu retourneras chez toi! ......" Puis comme Mollway voulait être sur que tout ce qui s'était passé dans ce bureau soit profondément implanté dans mister inconscient de façon à ce qu'elle ne puisse comprendre qu'elle avait été magictisée et qu'elle avait eu des rapports sexuels avec deux hommes sous contrôle magicti-que. Puis Richard put voir comment s'y prenait mister pervers confrère pour préparer un sujet à devenir une esclave sexuelle du "Parti Progressiste du Bienheureux Nestor" (souvent appelé PPBN) car en réalité mister nom signifiait Pouffes Pour Bites Noires. La lumière diminuée la salle se trouvait presque dans l'obscurité, Moll-way projeta l'image d'un colosse noir sur le mur blanc face à Julie Morris, il l'informa ensuite d'une voix autoritaire : - "Cet homme s'appelle Cecil Gibbons, c'est un des généreux frères qui octroient de grosses donations à notre organisation..... Tu au-ras l'image de cet homme en tête chaque nuit lorsque tu iras te coucher et tu rêveras constamment de lui! ......" - "T'es-tu déjà masturbée ma petite chérie? ..... T'es-tu déjà touchée intimement pour calmer ton excitation sexuelle? ....." demanda-t-il soudain à la jeune femme sous contrôle. - "Oh non jamais! .... " claqua immédiatement la réponse. - "Et pourquoi non? ...." - "Parce que c'est vicieux! ...." Richard vit le sale pervers approcher sa chaise du canapé alors qu'il poursuivait d'une voix toujours aussi autoritaire : - "Tu rêveras de lui contamment, chaque nuit...... Tu te demanderas ce que tu ressentirais si ses mains te touchaient et te caressaient intimement! ..... Et à ces moments tu joueras avec ton corps comme ceci! ......" Les mains dodues du vieux bâtard se posèrent sur la poitrine de la jeune femme allongée sur le sofa, il empaume ses nibards au travers de mister fin corsage et de mister soutien-gorge en dentelle, puis ses pouces ma-laxèrent lentement ses mamelons bourgeonnant. La somptueuse jeune femme se tortillait sur sa couche alors que Moll-way stimulait ses bourgeons maintenant érigés entre pouce et index. - « Monsieur Gibbons nous fait parvenir une photo de lui qui te fera rêver de lui chaque nuit lorsque tu te seras allongée aux coté de ton mari! ..... » l'avisa alors le démoniaque pervers en projetant sur le mur une photo qui provoqua un sursaut de Julie. Regardant la photo sur le mur, Richard lui-même en eut le souffle coupé à la vue de la monstruosité sur laquelle l'homme refermait mister poing. Puis il projeta l'image suivante, un mètre ruban, était étalé le long de la bite démesurée, elle attestait de l'incroyable longueur de 32 centimètres. - "Regarde bien cette monstrueuse bite madame Morris... Imagine cette bite d'âne coulissant dans ton étroite petite chatoune madame Morris! ...." avançait la voix autoritaire - "Dorénavant, l'image de cette bite démesurée dont est si fier mon-sieur Gibbons remplira ton esprit! ... Et tu t'imagineras l'effet dis-pensé par cette gigantesque bite lorsqu'il la frottera sur ton visage! .... ... Tu te demanderas les émois que tu ressentiras en la prenant en bouche! .... Etoufferas-tu lorsqu'il s'enfoncera dans ton arrière-gorge? ..... Crachoteras -tu à moitié étouffée lorsqu'il déversera des torrents de sperme dans ton arrière-gorge en se vidant ces énormes burnes noires? .... Imagine ce que tu ressentiras lorsqu'il t'offrira un onctueux masque facial avec tout le foutre qu'il a en ré-serve! ......" lui disait-il. 
Posts: 167297
Richard remarqua que Mollway se laissait glisser de sa chaise la main gauche tendue vers l'adorable Julie relevant le bas de sa jupe alors qu'il continuait à triturer ses mamelons de sa main droite. - "Et bien sur ma chère madame Morris tu t'imagineras copulant avec monsieur Gibbons, sa bite démesurée coulissant d'avant en arrière dans ta chaude petite cramouille distendue! ...." lui suggé-rait Mollway tout en plongeant sa main sous la ceinture élastiquée de sa petite culotte de coton blanc. Richard nota que le corps de la charmante paroissienne tremblait, alors que le pervers bâtard lui branlait allégrement la chatte doigts plongés dans ses babines gorgées de sang. - "Tu en as envie madame Morris... Tu veux sentir la grosse bite noire de monsieur Gibbons plonger dans ta petite cramouille! ..... Tu veux la sentir coulisser dans ta caverne juteuse! ..... Tu le veux! ... Dis-le-moi, madame Morris! ... Dis-le-moi! ...." intimait Mollway à la jeune femme tout en la branlant frénétiquement. - "Oh oui... Ouuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..... Je le veuxxxxxxxxxxxxx....." rétorqua-t-elle avec frénésie. En la voyant arquer les hanches vers le haut, Richard comprit que l'igno-ble bâtard avait crée chez la ravissante Julie Morris un énorme besoin sexuel, ce fut encore plus évident lorsqu'il la vit se trémousser alors qu'il continuait à psalmodier : - "Tu le veux! ..... Tu sais pertinemment que tu veux goûter à la grosse bite noire de monsieur Gibbons! .... Tu la veux dans ta petite chatte toute excitée! ...... 32 centimètres de chair noire! ...... 32 centimètres qui vont coulisser dans ta cramouille... Dedans dehors! ...... Encore et encore! ..... Et maintenant regarde cette nouvelle image qui te donne le diamètre de sa bite...... 9 cm de circonférence! ....... Une telle bite ferait la fierté d'un étalon! ......" tonnait-il. Se tortillant sur le sofa, l'innocente jeune femme avait besoin de jouir. La semaine suivante, toute étonnée Julie trouva une enveloppe dans mister sac à main, elle contenait une carte d'invitation blanche scindée en deux parties, la partie conservée portait les nom et adresse de monsieur Cecil Gibbons à Presswood. Son mari l'avisa alors, qu'à mister insu, il avait organisé une petite excur-sion de pêche avec ses copains, c'est alors que mister subconscient lui avait dicté de fouiller mister sac ou elle avait trouvé cette "invitation". Monsieur Gibbons, ce nom lui semblait familier mais elle ne parvenait pas à le replacer correctement. Elle s'efforça de chercher dans mister esprit qui était ce monsieur Gibbons mais elle était incapable de se souvenir où et quand elle l'avait ren-contré! ...... Alors qu'elle préparait le repas du soir dans la cuisine, Julie jeta un oeil sur la pendule et se demanda ce qu'elle avait bien pu faire depuis sa sor-tie de l'école élémentaire. Elle avait arrêté chez le blanchisseur, puis elle se rappelait s'être retrouvée dans sa cuisine. Secouant la tête, Julie se dit en elle-même : - "T'as maintenant 30 ans ma vieille, tu vieillis et ta mémoire en a prit un coup! ......" mais en réalité, elle avait quelques suggestions qui couraient dans mister esprit, profondément implantées dans mister in-conscient qui incluait la note qu'elle avait écrite de sa main avant de la poster. Et ce message disait : "Cher monsieur Gibbons Je rêve de vous toutes les nuits et je me demande si vous pourriez remplacer mon mari absent dans mon lit. Ce dernier va aller pêcher un jour et une nuit en mer avec ses amis ce week-end, il partira le matin vers 7 heures. J'espère que vous pourrez le rendre visite pendant ce temps. Je joins une clef que j'ai fait dupliquer à votre intention. J'ai follement envie de vous. Julie MORRRIS." Samedi matin, une fois que la voiture de mister mari eut quitté l'allée du ga-rage et disparut de sa vue, Julie, comme en transe, traversa la cuisine et ouvrit la porte du garage. En ouvrant la porte du garage de mister mari, elle jeta un oeil dans la rue, puis se retourna après avoir verrouillé la porte et retourna dans sa chambre. Se rendant dans mister cabinet de toilette, Julie sortit de la commode un long chemisier blanc et une jupe bleue marine et les étala sur mister grand lit. Elle se brossa les cheveux, se mit un peu de rouge à lèvres, puis elle glissa ses bras dans les bretelles de mister soutien-gorge de dentelle et tendit les bras dans mister dos pour l'agrafer, puis elle s'habilla comme elle le faisait chaque week-end avant de se rendre à l'école primaire. Mais on était samedi, l'école était fermée, il n'y avait pas de classe de rattrapage, et elle n'avait aucune raimister de s'y rendre. Après avoir enfilé une paire de hauts talons bleus marines, elle se regar-da dans le miroir et se demanda : - "Mais on est samedi! ... Pourquoi me suis-je habillée ainsi? ...." Elle entendit alors un bruit dans le garage, comme une porte qu'on ou-vrait et refermait, elle était saisie, puis elle se dit que ce devait être mister mari qui avait oublié quelque chose et revenait le chercher. En entendant des pas rémisterner dans le vestibule, elle demanda : - "Chéri... Est-ce toi? ....." Ses yeux s'écarquillèrent lorsqu'elle vit dans le miroir de la coiffeuse un homme extrêmement viril s'encadrer dans l'encadrement de porte. Tendant une main tremblante, Julie l'interrogea : - "Monsieur... Monsieur Gibbons? ...." - "Tout à votre service ma chère madame Morris! .... Votre message disait que vous rêviez de moi toutes les nuits..... Etes-vous heu-reuse de me voir? ....." s'enquit alors l'homme à la porte de sa chambre. - "Oh... Oui... Ouiiiiiii....." tremblait Julie en lui répondant les yeux fermés, haletante alors qu'il s'approchait lentement d'elle. Elle ignorait qu'un téléphone cellulaire équipé d'une petite caméra digi-tale reliée à un chargeur qui lui permettait de fonctionner selon la volonté de celui qui l'enclenchait, était stratégiquement disposée dans sa cham-bre à coucher, cette micro caméra avaient été posée à leur insu lors de la dernière visite d'un électricien, à la solde de Mollway, qui était sensé vérifier les circuits électriques. Elle retint mister souffle en sentant les puissantes mais noires se poser sur ses épaules. - "Vous êtes vraiment ravissante madame Morris... Est-ce ainsi que vous vous habillez pour enseigner à votre école? ......" - "Euh, oui......" Répliqua Julie toute tremblante. Les puissantes mains lui caressaient maintenant les bras, puis elles re-descendirent sur sa taille avant de lentement remonter vers ses nichons. - "Oh... Oh...... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." haletait-elle alors que mister suborneur triturait ses mamelons au travers du fin tissu de mister corsage et de la dentelle de mister soutien-gorge. - "Détendez-vous madame Morris je ne fais que ce dont vous avez rêvé depuis des nuits et des nuits! ....." la calma-t-il. Quelques instants plus tard, comme ses mains palpaient la bosse dé-formant l'avant de mister pantalon il lui demanda : - "Dis-moi madame Morris, te rappelles-tu des photos montrant la taille de ma bite? ..." - "Oh oui..... trente...... Trente deux centimètres! ...." susurra-t-elle d'une voix tremblante. Il lui conseilla de s'agenouiller pour examiner sa virilité impatiente, Julie s'empressa d'obtempérer et tendit la main vers sa braguette. Elle ne trouva aucun sous-vêtement lorsqu'elle plongea sa main dans l'ouverture du pantalon, rien ne l'empêchait de palper la colonne char-nue. Encerclant des doigts la base de la colonne de chair, Julie ouvrit des yeux comme des soucoupes alors qu'elle avait des difficultés pour sortir sa bite de mister pantalon. Lorsqu'elle y fut enfin parvenue, l'épaisse monstruosité jaillit à quelques centimètres de mister visage. Agrippant mister phallus à deux mains elle le sentait palpiter et battre entre ses doigts. Les paroles de Mollway dans mister cabinet lui revinrent alors à l'esprit, une mentule de la taille de celle d'un âne! ..... Une bite qui, au-rait empli de fierté un étalon! ..... Et voilà que cette bite d'âne se trouvait entre ses mains, elle se mit alors à le branler consciencieusement. Cette scène d'un haut niveau d'érotisme était retransmise et enregistrée à quelques kilomètres de distance. Julie Morris dans sa chambre conjugale... Agenouillée sur la moquette alors qu'elle branlait la queue d'un autre que mister mari..... Un homme dont la bite faisait bien deux la taille de celle de mister mari! ..... Une bite si grosse, si noire! ..... La main gauche serrant la base de la bite de monsieur Gibbons, elle ré-alisait tout en le branlant tendrement que la vue de mister alliance et de sa bague de fiançailles devait vivement émoustiller mister "suborneur". 