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les histoires de chrislebo

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Je n'avais plus de nouvelles de mon maître depuis la semaine dernière. Il m'avait congédié comme on balaie un parasite en
me disant qu'il avait des choses importantes à faire, et qu'il me contacterait quand il aurait besoin d'un trou. Je me sentais
seule et délaissée, dans tous les sens du terme...Il m'avait en plus de cela, interdit toute caresse per***nelle, je brulais de
désir sexuel, mais je n'avais pour autant pas le droit de le faire. Je suis obéissante. Je remplis les ordres de mon maitre.
Une enveloppe glisse sous la porte. Je me lève d'un bond mais les pas s'éloignent déjà dans l'escalier. J'ouvre le courrier,
le cœur battant. Une clé tombe dans ma main. Je déplie la lettre qui l'accompagnait.

Bonjour petite chienne,
j'espère que ton initiation au dressage t'a plu. Non, en fait pour être honnête je m'en fous, ton plaisir ne compte pas. Tu as
la clé de chez moi, je te veux sur place ce soir à 21h. A genoux devant la porte, ton collier autour du cou, les mains derrière
le dos. Tu ne porteras rien mis à part tes accessoires habituels.
Au plaisir de te bourrer ce soir,

ton Maître.

PS : j'espère pour toi que tu as suivi mes instructions à la lettre cette semaine.

Je souris en tâtant le plug qui dépassait de mon cul. Comme mon maître me l'avait ordonné, il avait établi résidence tout au
long des journées et des nuits. 21h, il était 15h. Quel supplice de devoir attendre encore ! Je décidait de passer le temps
qu'il me restait à me faire belle et désirable pour mon maître. Je pris une douche, pris soin de raser tout mon sexe et me
massait le corps pour le rendre bien lisse. J'enfilai un tanga très échancré blanc, une robe par-dessus et partis faire un tour
en ville en attendant l'heure du rendez-vous.

Au cours de ma promenade, je passai devant un sex shop. Une idée subite me vint. Peut-être mon maître apprécierait-il
que je prenne une initiative? Je rentrai dans le magasin et détaillait les vitrines sous l'œil moqueur des vendeurs. Je jetai
mon dévolu sur un martinet, dont la poignée était formée d'un sextoy en latex. Mon maître aimerait surement ça, pouvoir
me punir, et le ranger dans un lieu bien choisi lorsqu'il en aurait fini. Arrivée à la caisse, je fus intriguée par un pot sur
lequel était marqué Spécial fist.
-Alors on a des projets pour la soirée ma p'tite dame?
-Je vous demande si vous êtes prête à vous faire éclater ce soir.
Rouge de honte, je déposais le pot de lubrifiant à côté du martinet.
-Elle a perdu sa langue la p'tite dame? Pas bien grave on ne voit pas la différence avec une bîte dans la bouche!
Il m'agrippa par les cheveux et me fit faire le tour du comptoir.
-Aïe! Vous me faites mal, arrêtez!
-Ta gueule.
Il me mis à genoux de ***** devant lui et déboutonna *** jean.
-Suce salope!
-Non, je ne suis pas celle que vous croyez! Laissez-moi tranquille!
Il ricana et saisit ma tête par les cheveux.
-Ne mords pas sinon je testerai ton nouvel achat en direct
Il dirigea ma bouche vers *** sexe et força l'entrée. Résignée je l'avalais, et je le mordis légèrement. Il m'asséna une
claque violente sur la joue, et s'enfonça profondément en moi. Je suffoquais, je voulais me retirer mais il me tenait la tête. Il
relâcha sa pression et commença à faire des allers-retours dans ma bouche. Il jouit au fond de ma gorge en poussant un
long râle, lâchant un sperme épais et abondant.
J'avalais sans même réfléchir, comme mon maître me l'avait inculqué.
-Hé bien, il va y avoir un heureux ce soir, ricana le vendeur.
Je me redressais, mortifiée de ce que je venais de faire, et sortis de quoi le payer.
-Non ça ira ma belle, on va dire que tu as payé tes achats. N'hésite pas à revenir si tu veux autre chose!
Je bredouillai un remerciement et sorti précipitamment. Je venais de remercier un homme de m'avoir prise pour une
chienne et de m'avoir joui dans la bouche. J'arrivai à me surprendre encore. J'avais hâte de montrer à mon maître ce que
j'avais pris pour lui, et surtout lui dire comment je l'avais obtenu.

La clé tournait, mon maître ne s'était pas moqué de moi. Je fermai la porte derrière moi, et déposais mes achats dans un
coin. 20h30, j'étais en avance...Je me déshabillai, ne gardant que mon tanga, mon plug et mes bottes. Je pris mon collier
que mon maître avait laissé dans la corbeille près de l'entrée. Je le fixai soigneusement autour de mon cou, le sentir me
serrer la gorge me mis aussitôt dans un état d'excitation total. Je me mis à genoux et attendis que mon maître rentre. Il me
verrait ainsi dès qu'il poussera la porte. Ce n'est qu'à ce moment là que j'avisais une gamelle d'eau près de la porte,
marquée du nom Slut. Je tournai la tête, et je vis la caméra qui me regardait. Je souris. Mon maître m'observait à distance,
pour voir si je lui obéissait. Je jouais le jeu. Je me mies à quatre pattes, et allais laper l'eau dans ma gamelle. Je me
sentais chienne, humiliée, mais tellement excitée...

J'entendis une clé. Je repris aussitôt ma position, en mettant mes mains derrière le dos. Mon maître apparut dans
l'encadrement de la porte. Il ne m'adressa pas un regard, passant devant moi comme si j'étais un meuble. Il vaqua
quelques minutes à ses occupations, puis s'approcha de moi. Toujours sans un mot, il déboutonna *** pantalon et me
tendit sa queue. Je penchai la tête et allai laper ses couilles.
-C'est bien tu as retenu la leçon, me dit-il en me flattant la tête comme à un ******.
Pour toute réponse, j'engloutis *** sexe au plus profond de ma bouche et me mis à le masser avec ma gorge. Quand je le
sentis venir, je voulus le sentir jouir sur mon visage. Il m'arrêta d'un geste. Obéissante, je reculai et attendis.

-Je vois que tu as fais des achats?
-Oui maître, j'ai pensé que cela vous ferai plaisir...
-Regardons ça...Hum, bonne initiative, tu apprends vite...Tu as payé en liquide?
-Non maître, c'est plutôt moi qu'on a payé en liquide.
-Je vois, tu ne recules devant rien petite chienne!
-Non maître, je veux que vous soyez fiers de moi...
-Alors commence par me dire ce que tu mérites pour avoir sucé un homme sans ma permission?
-Le fouet, maître...
-Combien de coups?
-10 me semble suffisant maître.
-Partons pour 20 alors. Redresse toi, face au mur en appui sur tes mains. Cambre ton cul.
J'obéis, bombant mes fesses en arrière.
-Tu vas compter avec moi.
Le martinet s'abattit sur mes fesses, je gémis.
Le deuxième coup me mordit la deuxième fesse.
Le troisième fouetta mon entrejambe, je criai.
Lorsque mon maître eut fini, j'avais les fesses rouges et marquées des lanières. Je sanglotai mais il ne semblait pas s'en
émouvoir. Il me remis à genoux et me passa la laisse. Me guidant à quatre pattes, il m'emmena dans le salon, ou il me fit
mettre en levrette. Il écarta mon tanga et me flatta la croupe en constatant le plug bien enfoncé dans mon cul.
-Nous allons tester ton deuxième achat petite salope. Ecarte tes fesses avec tes mains.
J'obéis. Mon maître était parti dans la chambre. J'attendais, docile.
Il revint avec le pot que j'avais acheté, si l'on peut dire, et un gant noir en latex qu'il enfila sur sa main. Il plongea ses doigts
dans le pot et commença à me doigter la chatte. Je sentais ses doigts qui heurtaient le plug à travers ma paroi. Je le sentis
mettre plus de doigts, et les tourner à l'intérieur. Soudain, il enfonça sa main toute entière en moi. Je hurlais. C'était à la
limite du supportable. J'essayais de me dégager, mais il m'asséna une grande claque sur les fesses pour m'en dissuader. Il
commença à me démolir le sexe à coups de poings, le retirant puis l'enfonçant complètement, d'un seul coup. Une chaleur
nouvelle commença à envahir mon bas-ventre. Je n'allais pas tarder à jouir. Il le sentis car il s'arrêta aussitôt. Il retira mon
plug d'un coup sec et caressa mon trou ouvert avec ses doigts. Je compris ce qu'il voulait faire et je me débattis.
-Qu'est ce que j'ai entendu?
-Pardon maître, pardon, mais j'ai peur d'avoir mal...
-Ta douleur m'importe peu, seul compte mon plaisir. Tu mérites une correction.
Il se redressa et quelques secondes après je sentis de nouveau le fouet mordre ma chair.
-Alors, que disais-tu?
-Rien maître, dilatez-moi, faites ce que vous voulez, je suis à vous, je susi votre chose...
-Je préfère ça.
Il se remit à genoux derrière moi et m'enfonça trois doigts dans l'anus. Il s'amusa à les tourner, à les retirer, puis à les
remettre. Quand il jugea que j'étais suffisamment dilatée, il commença à plonger sa main à l'intérieur de mon petit trou. Je
me mordais les lèvres pour ne pas crier. Je dirigeai une main vers mon sexe pour me masturber afin de rendre la douleur
moins présente. Il me laissa faire et continua de s'enfoncer en moi. Je sentis mon cul se resserrer autour de *** poignet.
Mon dieu, il avait rentré sa main dans mon cul...Il me masturba pendant quelques minutes et retira ensuite ça main d'un
coup sec, laissant mon trou dilaté, impudique. Il me traita de trainée et pris une photo de mon cul ouvert, puis il enfonça le
manche du martinet à l'intérieur.
-Ma petite chienne a une petite envie?
-Oui maître, j'aimerai aller aux toilettes, s'il vous plait maître...
-Des toilettes pour chien? Soit sérieuse...Allez viens on pars promener!
Il tira sur ma laisse et morte de honte, je le vis ouvrir la porte qui donnait sur le parc. Il me fit sortir et me fit marcher à côté
de lui, avant de s'arrêter devant un arbre.
-Allez pisse salope.
Je m'accroupis et essayai de me vider la tête.
-Non, pisse comme une chienne, me dit-il en me lançant un regard mauvais.
Je compris. Je me mis à quatre pattes, et levai la jambe contre l'arbre...Comme une chienne. J'étais mortifiée. Mais je
prenais un plaisir nouveau à me faire complètement humilier de la sorte. Quand j'eu finis, il me donna une tape affectueuse
sur les fesses, et me fis rentre à la mai***.
Il m'entraina dans sa chambre, ou il me fit entrer dans une cage montée sur roulettes. J'entrai en baissant la tête, résignée
et soumise à ma condition. Il referma la cage avec un petit rire, et la recouvrit d'un grand draps qui me plongea dans
l'obscurité totale.
-Je reviens te chercher ne t'inquiète pas, me souffla t-il en faisant mine de me rassurer.

Je sens que la cage remue. Une porte s'ouvre, mon maitre tire la cage dans une autre pièce. J'essaie de lui parler mais il
ne me répond pas. Puis le silence, total. J'attends patiemment, de toute façon, je suis pri***nière...
-Tu es à l'aise petite chienne?
-Oui maître, mais votre queue me manque, j'aimerai la voir, la toucher...
-En manque de queue petite salope?
-Oui maître...
Le drap tombe, et là suis dans une salle que je ne connaissais pas, et une vingtaine d'hommes nus me regardent avec
envie. Que va t-il faire de moi?! Mon maître me regarde avec un petit sourire en coin. Il ouvre la cage et accroche ma
laisse à mon collier. Je remarque qu'il a posé ma gamelle à coté de la cage. Il me traine derrière lui comme *** ****** et
m'arrête devant un des hommes, qui caresse un sexe épais et long.


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Je n'ai pas besoin d'en savoir plus, je me mets à la tâche.
- Mieux que ça petite chienne, fais-moi honneur!
Je le gobe, le lèche, ma salive vient s'écraser sur mes seins et sur le sol. Il me fait changer d'homme. Je n'ai plus la notion
du temps, j'engloutis des bites à la chaine, les hommes me traitent comme le trou que je suis, en se servant de ma bouche
comme d'un objet. J'ai mal à la mâchoire mais je ne m'arrête pas, je veux que mon maître soit fier de moi. Je n'ai pas le
droit de faire jouir les hommes, je m'arrête avant qu'ils me giclent dans la gorge. Mon maître tire sur ma laisse et me
ramène au centre de la pièce, à genoux. Il me tend ma gamelle que je prend dans mes mains, je ne comprends pas. Il
monte mes mains au niveau de mon menton, et m'ordonne d'ouvrir la bouche. J'obéis. Les hommes font cercle autour de
moi. Le premier jet de foutre s'écrase sur ma joue et coule sur mes lèvres. Je décide de jouer la vraie salope. Je sors la
langue et j'attrape le sperme qui passe à portée avec un sourire gourmand. Les hommes jouissent rapidement, parfois à
plusieurs en même temps. Des vagues de foutre s'écrasent sur mon visage, dans mes cheveux, sur mes lèvres. Je
dégouline de sperme, et ce qui ne finit pas dans ma bouche coule sur mon menton pour finir dans la gamelle. Ma gamelle.
-Bravo ma chienne, tu as vidé 22 hommes.
Vingt-deux, mon dieu...Je suis folle...Mais j'aime ça, ça me rend dingue. Mon maître congédie le groupe et s'approche de
moi. Il tire une petite cuillère de sa poche, et entreprend de ramasser le foutre resté sur mes joues et sur mon front. Il me
tend la cuillère pour que j'avale *** contenu. Puis il prend ma gamelle de mes mains, et la pose à terre. Il me donne un
léger coup de pied sur les fesses et je me mets aussitôt à quatre pattes.
J'obéis. J'avale tout ce cocktail de foutre qui me coule dans la gorge. Je sens mon maître qui passe derrière moi et qui
arrache le martiner de mon cul. Mon trou est aussitôt comblé par sa queue. Il me bourre comme une chienne tandis que
mes doigts ramassent les dernières gouttes de sperme. Mon maître pousse un râle, sors de mon cul et m'enfonce sa bîte
dans la gorge. Il reste un moment sans bouger, puis m'ordonne de tirer la langue. J'obéis. Il se masturbe devant moi, et
jouit sur ma langue.
-Garde tout en bouche.

Je n'avale pas, j'attends qu'il ait fini.
Je lui montre ma bouche rempli de sa jouissance.
-C'est bien, brave chienne. Avale maintenant.
Je déglutis et je lui montre ma langue propre.
-Tu as été bien sage, tu as gagné le droit de te reposer, on sors ce soir...
Je tremble en entendant la façon dont il a prononcé les derniers mots...


Posts: 167297 Pictures: 3 
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Mon maître me réservait une surprise mais j'ignorais ce qu'il mijotait. Il m'ordonna d'aller me laver et de m'habiller avec ce qu'il avait laissé dans sa chambre. Je pris une longue douche bien chaude, puis pris soin de remettre mes accessoires fétiches en place. Mes boules et mon plug rentraient sans aucune préparation à présent. Je me dirigeai vers al chambre, et jeta un œil aux « habits » que mon maître m'avait laissé. J'enfilai le string ficelle noir, et la robe par-dessus. La robe était noire également, dos nu, et seulement lacée des reins jusqu'en-dessous mes fesses. On voyait très distinctement mes fesses et la ficelle de mon string à travers les lacets. Devant, elle était très décolletée tout en collant à la peau, et un ajournement laissait apparaitre une bonne partie de mon ventre. Je ma trouvai à la fois sexy et terriblement provocante. Je rejoignis mon maitre qui me regarda avec un petit sourire en coin.
-Allez viens ma jolie salope.
Je le suivis dehors, il décida de prendre la moto. Je m'assis derrière lui, le tenant par la taille. Les vibrations de la moto combinées aux boules étaient un vrai délice, je me sentais déjà trempée. Mon maitre roula pendant un bon quart d'heure, avant de s'arrêter devant un bâtiment. Sur l'enseigne, je pu lire : L'extase. Un établissement qui portait bien *** nom...
Je suivis mon maître à l'intérieur. Une musique nous parvenait alors que nous attendions à l'accueil. Une hôtesse plus déshabillée qu'habillée nous tendit une clé, et nous souhaita une bonne soirée. Mon maitre me précéda et je pu découvrir la pièce principale. Une ambiance feutrée éclairait un bar où des serveuses proposaient des cocktails ou autres activités aux clients. Sur la piste de danse, des hommes sifflaient les filles qui dansaient entièrement nues sur les barres de lapdance. J'étais clouée par une telle ambiance.
-Suis-moi, je vais te faire visiter.
Docilement, je suivis. Il me montra le coin billard et salon. Chaque coin possédait un lit sur lesquels des couples s'ébattaient.
-Ici c'est la zone balnéo.
Effectivement, on voyait de grands jacuzzis, des douches italiennes avec de grandes baies vitrées, un sauna...Et plus haut les chambres qui semblaient être bien occupées à en juger par les bruits.
Mon maître m'entraina au billard, ou il rencontra un de ses amis à qui il proposa une partie. *** ami était accompagné d'une jolie brune, très dévêtue, tout comme moi. Lorsque ce fut à mon maitre de jouer, *** ami s'approcha de moi et commença à me caresser les fesses. Mon maitre remarqua *** manège mais ne dit rien. Il joua *** coup comme si de rien n'était.
-Je te préviens c'est une vraie affamée, lui dit-il après avoir joué.
-Tant que ça ?
-Oh oui je suis sur qu'elle est déjà trempée, hein petite salope ?
-Oui maitre, m'entendis-je répondre.
-On va vérifier ça, répondit-il avec un sourire moqueur.
Il s'approcha de moi et me fit me pencher sur le billard. Il écarta mon string et retira les boules d'un coup sec. Je gémis. Puis je sentis une chose froide me pénétrer. Il m'enfonçait sa queue de billard dans la chatte ! Une fois poussée au fond il me regarda en souriant.
-Voilà j'ai mis la queue au chaud ! A toi de jouer.
*** ami ordonna à sa propre chienne d'aller danser sur la barre juste à côté de nous. Elle avait de très jolies formes. Bien que n'étant pas lesbienne, je ne pouvais pas m'empêcher de me sentir attirer par elle. Mon maitre repris sa queue et me dit d'aller rejoindre l'autre fille. Le temps qu'ils finissent leur partie, la fille me caressa longuement, m'embrassa avec volupté. Je me sentais chauffer.
Ils décidèrent de nous emmener en balnéo. Une fois déshabillés, ils nous emmenèrent sous la douche, ou nous fumes rapidement à genoux devant eux.
-Tiens on va faire un petit concours, proposa mon maitre. Celle qui fait jouir le plus vite. Le perdante se fait enculer, qu'en dis-tu ?
-Excellent, on échange nos salopes alors !
J'échangeai aussitôt ma place avec mon amie de fellation, et entamai une pipe acharnée. Il était long et j'avais du mal à le prendre très loin mais je fis de mon mieux. Il prit ma tête et força ma bouche, me faisant suffoquer. Mon maître faisait de même à côté de lui. Mon maitre sorti brusquement sa queue de la bouche de *** objet sexuel, et lui éjacula sur le visage.
-Perdu, me dit-il en souriant. Nettoie-la.
Je me penchai vers elle et allait lécher le sperme qui coulait sur *** visage. *** ami passa derrière moi et m'arracha mon plug. Puis il prit mon cul sans aucune préparation. J'avais envie de crier mais mon maître me fusilla du regard. Je ne voulais pas le décevoir et je subis en silence. Peu à peu, la chaleur envahi mon bas-ventre. La fille commença à me caresser la chatte et je partis dans l'orgasme.
-Allez il est temps de passer aux choses sérieuses ! s'exclama mon maitre.
Il alla chercher ma laisse qu'il me fixa autour du cou, *** ami fit de même avec sa chienne. Ils nous firent monter les escaliers à quatre pattes. Nous arrivâmes devant la plus grande des chambres, elle était juste séparée du couloir par de longs barreaux.
-Laquelle on honore cher ami ? demanda mon maitre.
-Je te propose la mienne, elle est encore un peu serrée ça ne lui fera pas de mal de s'élargir un peu !
-Entendu !
Mon maitre me laissa côté couloir, il m'attacha les mains aux barreaux, de telle sorte que seule ma tête passait du côté de la chambre. Puis il parti avec *** ami et sa chienne. La chambre semblait bien équipée. La petite brune fut rapidement attachée à la croix de Saint-André.
-Je te l'offre, dit l'ami de mon maître en lui tendant le fouet.
-Tu es trop aimable.
Le fouet commença à claquer, d'abord lentement, puis de plus en plus vite. La chienne commençait à gémir. *** maitre lui enfonça aussitôt un bâillon boule dans la bouche pour la faire taire. Une fois les fesses très rouge, mon maitre décide d'arrêter, et ils l'installèrent sur un chevalet, la croupe tendue en arrière. Ses mains furent ligotées dans *** dos, *** cul se trouvait à une quinzaine de centimètre de ma bouche. *** maitre prit une sorte de poire, et lui enfonça dans le cul en pressant. Je compris que c'était du lait, en voyant un mince filet couler de *** anus. Je voyais les fesses bouger, le lait devait être chaud. Une fois la poire vidée, il la retira doucement en serrant ses fesses. Puis il lui ordonna de pousser. Un long jet de lait sortit de *** cul pour venir me couler sur le visage. Ils durent trouver ça extrêmement drôle car ils recommencèrent trois fois.
Mon maitre eu l'honneur de commencer. Il l'encula sans ménagement pendant que *** ami possédait la bouche de sa soumise. Des hommes commençaient à s'agglutiner dans le couloir, me regardant avec convoitise. J'étais offerte et incapable de me débattre, je devais être une proie de choix.
Mon maitre sorti du cul de la brune, je voyais *** trou bien ouvert. Il plongea aussitôt sa queue dans ma bouche, et je le pompai avidement.
-Monsieur, je peux la prendre votre chienne ?
C'était un des hommes du couloir qui avait parlé.
-Oui bien sur, mais ne la prenez que par le cul, et assez fort, elle aime ça.
Quel salaud ! Je sentis très vite un gland pointer sur mon petit trou. L'homme s'enfonça d'un coup et commença à me besogner.
-Quand vous aurez fini soyez gentil de jouir sur elle et pas à l'intérieur, j'aimerai qu'elle reste propre.
La brune recommençait à se faire démonter par *** maitre. Mon maitre laissa ma bouche tranquille et partit chercher quelque chose que je ne pouvais voir. Je sentis un liquide tiède me couler dans le dos et sur les fesses. Le premier homme avait déjà joui. Il fut aussi tôt remplacé par un autre. Mon cul allait encore être durement sollicité...
Mon maitre revint avec un plug qui semblait d'une taille très rai***nable. Je ne compris pas pourquoi, mais quand elle le vit, la brune tenta de se dégager aussitôt. Elle fut aussitôt réprimandée par une grande claque sur les fesses de la part de *** maitre. Soumise, elle se tint droit. Mon maitre enfonça le plug dans *** cul. Je compris alors que c'était un plug gonflable. Il appuya longuement sur la poire pour le faire tripler, voire quadrupler de volume. Puis il enduit le cul de ma compagne du liquide qu'il utilise pour me fister. Lentement, il tira le plug vers lui. Apparemment il devait être très gros, car il refusait de sortir. Il donna des petits coups secs, et le plug commença à sortir. Comble du sadisme, il était légèrement plus petit au milieu, il le laissa donc à moitié dehors, moitié à l'intérieur, laissant *** cul complètement ouvert. Un deuxième homme venait de me jouir dessus.
Mon maitre détacha l'une de mes mains et l'enduisit de *** produit. Puis il retira le plug entièrement. *** cul était rouge et béant.
L'ordre était clair. J'enfonçais doucement un doigt, puis deux, puis trois. C'était chaud et agréable. Mon maitre me lança un regard qui me décidé à aller plus vite. Je joignis mes doigts et poussai doucement sur *** cul. Elle m'englouti sans difficulté. Je commençai des petits allers-retours dans *** cul, *** trou faisant comme un gant autour de ma main. Devant ce spectacle, plusieurs hommes se vidèrent en même temps sur moi.
Quand il jugea qu'elle était assez dilatée, mon maitre enleva ma main. *** ami s'allongea sous sa chienne, et la prit par le cul. Mon maitre se glissa derrière elle et enfonça sa queue également dans *** cul. Elle se prenait deux queues en même temps, elle devait vraiment être béante...Je remerciai le ciel de ne pas être à sa place. Mais je me dis rapidement que la soirée n'était pas finie.
Quand ils eurent envie de jouir, ils la détachèrent, et la mirent contre le lit, la tête sur le sol et les jambes relevées contre le lit, bien écartées. On avait une parfaite vue de *** trou ouvert. Ils plongèrent leur queue à tour de rôle pour se vider en elle. Après avoir joui, ils la laissèrent comme ça, et mon maitre vint me chercher. Je le suivis docilement jusqu'à la chambre.
*** ami faisait relever sa chienne.
-Serre les fesses ! lui ordonna t-il.
Mon maitre me fit mettre assise sur le sol, la tête rejetée en arrière. Il amena la brune au-dessus de ma bouche, et lui ordonna de pousser tout leur foutre dans ma bouche. Comme avec le lait juste avant, le foutre me jaillit au visage, m'éclaboussa les joues. Puis un filet coula lentement de *** cul, et je le léchai doucement.
-Lèche-lui le cul elle doit avoir mal, dit mon maitre en riant.

J'obéis. Je passai ma langue dans *** sillon, et ma langue se glissa dans *** petit trou. *** maitre écarta ses fesses aves ses mains, et ma langue put pénétrer plus loin. C'était doux, et elle avait le gout de sperme. Elle devait apprécier car elle commençait à gémir.
-Bien, dit mon maitre, on vous laisse on va boire un verre. Nettoyez vous mutuellement, et prenez du plaisir avec ça, nous lança t-il en nous jetant un double gode.
Puis ils partirent en se moquant de nous. Ma copine de sexe prit les devants, et m'allongea sur le ventre, sur le lit. Elle se mit à me lécher le dos et les fesses, récupérant le sperme qui y avait coulé, puis elle m'embrassa goulument. C'était doux. Elle me retourna et commença à me lécher la chatte en me doigtant. Je me mis à gémir. Elle enfonça le double god dans mon sexe, et s'assit en face de moi pour mettre la deuxième partie dans le sien. Puis elle commença des mouvements de bassin. C'était bon, nos maitres ne nous ayant même pas pris par la chatte, les sensations envoyaient des vagues de chaleur dans tout mon corps.
Nos maitres revinrent avec deux coupes et une bouteille de champagne. Ils trinquèrent tous les deux, puis nous firent mettre en 69.
-Tu aimes le champagne petite chienne ? me demanda mon maitre.
-Oui, maitre, répondis-je.
-Tu n'as pas besoin de coupe toi !
Il enfonça le goulot de la bouteille dans le cul de la petite brune et l'agita violemment. Lorsqu'il la retira, la pression des bulles m'explosa au visage. Mes joues, ma bouche, mon cou dégoulinaient de champagne, et la chienne de mon amie jouit violemment en expulsant un long jet de mouille sur ma langue.
Mon maitre reprit aussitôt la brune par le cul, et *** ami fit le tour pour me prendre aussi. Régulièrement, ils ressortaient de nos trous pour faire lécher leur queue à l'autre. Dans ma position allongée, mon maitre engouffrait toute sa bite dans ma bouche, je sentais ses couilles sur mon front. Ils appelèrent le reste des hommes qui n'avaient pas joui, et les autorisèrent à se vider sur nous. Il ne fallut pas leur dire deux fois. De longs jets de sperme nous atteignirent sur le dos, le ventre, les seins...Nous dégoulinions, j'ignore combien ils étaient mais ils devaient être nombreux.
Nos maitres semblaient arriver à la jouissance. Ils nous tirèrent par les cheveux pour nous mettre à genoux, à leurs pieds, puis ils se branlèrent sur nos visages en nous ordonnant ne leur lécher les couilles. Bouche ouverte, nous attendions qu'ils jouissent. Ils giclèrent dans nos bouches, prenant soin de ne pas en mettre à côté, puis nous ordonnèrent d'échanger leur foutre. La brune se pencha sur moi et me roula une pelle au sperme. Sa salive se mélangeait au foutre qui dégoulinait sur mon menton et mes seins. Puis j'avalai ce qui me restait en bouche.
Après que nous ayons bien nettoyé nos visages, ils rattachèrent la brune sur le chevalet, mais dans l'autre sens. Mon maitre m'attacha à la croix. Puis il m'enfonça le double god dans le cul. *** ami avança le chevalet, de sorte que la deuxième partie du god pénétra le cul de la chienne de l'ami de mon maitre.
-On revient. Ne bougez pas, dit mon maitre avec un petit rire.


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J'aime beaucoup décrire mes expériences sexuelles, mais j'aime encore plus les commentaires que certains et certaines peuvent m'envoyer par mail. Suite à un mail qui ne comportait que deux mots : « Dressez-moi... », je souhaitai écrire ce qui me venait à l'esprit. J'espère que ça vous plaira, même si cette fois, c'est du pur fantasme.

Le contact avait été bref. Dressez-moi...Peu de mots avec un grand effet sur moi. Je la contactai rapidement, afin de voir avec elle jusqu'où elle était prête à aller, et ce qu'elle avait déjà essayé.

-Je suis prête à tout, je veux être votre objet sexuel, votre salope. Je veux être humiliée, souillée, et utilisée...

Une réponse on ne peut plus précise.

-Très bien, demain soir en bas de chez moi. Habille-toi comme tu penses devoir être habillée, j'exige juste un bandeau sur tes yeux.
-Pourquoi un bandeau maitre ?
-Parce qu'une salope dans ton genre doit gagner le droit de voir à qui appartiennent les queues qui la bourrent. Tu devras te montrer extrêmement soumise pour gagner cette faveur, c'est compris ? Si tu essaies de tricher tu seras punies.
-Bien maitre...

Je lui donnai mon adresse et une heure, puis je la congédiai. Cette nouvelle expérience m'excitait et me rendait fébrile, des idées, des images fusaient dans ma tête. Je réfléchis à ce que je voulais lui faire subir. Fixé sur mes envies, je pris mon téléphone et appelait un ami à moi, qui tenait une boite de strip tease. Une fois passées les banalités, j'arrivai au vif du sujet.

-Dis-moi vieux, tu n'aurais pas quelques mecs qui auraient envie de passer une bonne soirée sous la main par hasard ?
-Tu sais, ici c'est plutôt les danseuses dont je m'occupe, pourquoi ?
-J'ai une chienne dans mes filets, j'ai besoin de couilles pour la mater tu vois le genre ?
-Ah ok tu vas à l'Extase ? répondit-il en ricanant.
-Ouais tout à fait, tu peux m'en trouver une bonne dizaine ? Je m'arrangerai avec la boite ils ne paieront pas l'entrée, par contre ils paieront les prestations de la pute.
-Ok j'essaie de te trouver ça pour demain soir.
-Si tu as des filles aussi n'hésites pas.
-Ah, ça c'est moins dur à trouver ! Allez, à demain j'ai hâte de voir ce que ça donne !

Le lendemain, j'attendais la soirée avec impatience. J'avais prévenu Anaïs qu'elle devait se trouver à l'Extase ce soir mais qu'elle n'en serait pas la reine cette fois. J'avais refusé de lui en dire plus, mais je lui avais promis une surprise. Je préparai mes accessoires que j'entassai sur la banquette arrière, puis j'allai l'attendre.

22h-L'interphone ***ne. Je jette un œil par la fenêtre de derrière. Pouvoir voir sans être vu est tellement plaisant. Surtout dans *** cas puisque la femme sur le pas de ma prote était masquée. J'allai ouvrir. Elle se tenait devant moi, bien droite.

-Entre, lui dis-je d'un ton autoritaire.

Elle fit quelques pas prudemment. Prudence inutile, il n'y avait pas de marches. Je claquai la porte derrière elle, elle tressaillit. Je fis le tour de ma future victime. Mignone, la trentaine, une vraie blonde. Elle portait des chaussures à talons tenues par des lacets qui s'enroulaient jusqu'en dessous du genou. Une jupe plissée blanche qui descendait à mi-cuisse, un débardeur blanc également moulant ses seins d'une taille très rai***nable, et un boléro noir léger par-dessus. Vraiment attirante, et sexy.

-Maitre ?
-Ta gueule.

L'injure lui fit l'effet d'un fouet, et elle se ratatina sur elle-même. L'idée qu'elle ne sache même pas avec qui elle était m'amusait beaucoup.

-A genoux.

Elle obéit aussitôt. Je relevai ses cheveux et lui passais un collier muni d'une laisse autour du cou. J'attachai ensuite ses poignets avec des menottes, et fis de même avec ses chevilles.

-Ouvre la bouche.

Elle devait s'attendre à sentir ma queue venir l'empaler. Mais ce fut la boule d'un bâillon qui vint la remplir.

-A quatre pattes, et marche salope je te guide.

Je la fis sortir par derrière, jusqu'à la voiture, marchant comme une chienne. J'ouvrir le coffre et je la hissais à l'intérieur.

-On va se promener petite chienne.

Et je fermai le coffre. Aucun signe de protestation de sa part. Elle me faisait confiance d'une manière étonnante. Je démarrai la voiture et pris la direction du sauna libertin.

Arrivé à destination, je sortis ma chienne du coffre et la trainait en laisse jusqu'à l'intérieur. Tout le monde semblait déjà arrivé. Anaïs était plus provocante que jamais, vêtue simplement d'une longue robe noire décolletée fermée par des lacets du haut jusqu'en bas des fesses, sans sous-vêtements, avec des chaussures blanches à talons hauts.

-C'est ton nouvel ****** de compagnie ? me dit-elle en jetant un regard méprisant sur la chienne ?
-Tout à fait, d'ailleurs va la promener et prépare la le temps que je boive un verre.

Je lui tendis la laisse qu'elle m'arracha presque des mains. Jalouse, pensais-je avec un sourire moqueur. J'allais saluer ceux qui étaient venus pour la fête. C'était parfait, il avait ramené 12 hommes et 3 femmes. Femmes qui semblaient parfaitement bi d'ailleurs, à en juger comment elles se caressaient entre elles. Nous rejoignîmes ma salope adorée qui s'était déjà bien occupée de notre objet du soir. Attachée à la croix de Saint-andré, nue à part ses chaussures, on voyait nettement un plug sortir de *** cul et la ficelle des boules de geisha sortait de sa chatte. Anaïs attendait à côté, probablement que je lui dise quoi faire.

-Je te sens jalouse, lui dis-je.
-Absolument pas, c'est juste un objet je m'en fous.
-Tout comme toi, non ?

Elle rougit et me regarda avec colère sans oser répondre. Je m'amusai beaucoup du dilemme qui grandissait en elle. Elle aimait que je la traite comme une moins que rien, mais elle détestait la rivalité. On allait s'amuser.

-Tiens, lui dis-je en lui tendant le fouet. Tu n'as qu'à la corriger en première, fais lui comprendre que tu seras toujours la reine.

Elle s'empara du fouet et recula derrière sa victime. Les lanières ne tardèrent pas à s'abattre et à mordre les fesses de la petite salope qui se cambrait à chaque coup. Elle commença à gémir de plus en plus fort, *** postérieur rougissant à vu d'œil. Quand elle décida enfin d'arrêter, on voyait nettement les traces du fouet sur *** cul.

-Détache-la, lui ordonnai-je.

Elle s'exécuta, et j'en profitais pour lui claquer les fesses au passage. Elle me tendit la laisse, et j'amenai ma chienne dans la salle suivante, dédiée au sm. Je l'allongeai sur un chevalet, l'attachant avec deux cordes au-dessus et en-dessous de ses seins. Puis je liai ses poignets aux genoux puis remontai ses jambes en attachant les cordes derrière sa tête. Dans cette position, on voyait toute *** intimité, ses trous déjà ouverts par les bons soins d'Anaïs.

-Mesdames, messieurs, voici votre cadeau de ce soir. Ce n'est pas une femme qui mérite notre respect, mais une salope avide de sexe qui ne demande qu'à être défoncée. Considérez-la comme une pute, elle est à vous. Ici se trouve un pot dans lequel vous mettrez vos dons pour pouvoir l'utiliser.

Je sortis une pancarte sur laquelle était marqué :

-Bucal : 5 €
-Attouchements : gratuit
-Vaginal : gratuit
-Anal : 10€

-Les tarifs ***t un peu élevés pour une pute de *** rang mais il faut bien payer la location de la salle mes amis.

Je retirai le bâillon de la salope.

-Qu'en penses-tu petite chienne ? Tu penses que tu vaux la peine qu'on paye pour prendre ?
-Non maitre, je ne suis là que pour ça, pour me faire baiser, être une chose.
-On peut donc tout faire de toi ?
-Oui maitre, tout ce que vous voulez...
-Vous l'avez entendu, elle est consentante ! Alors, qui veut commencer ?

Un homme et une femme s'avancèrent aussitôt. La femme me regarda avec un petit sourire et tira un billet de 5€de *** décolleté pour le mettre dans le pot. Je l'arrêtais d'un geste.

-Voyons mademoiselle, pour les femmes c'est bien entendu gratuit.
-C'est très généreux, me dit-elle en riant. Allez lèches petite salope, lança t-elle en remontant sa jupe et en écartant ses cuisses sur *** visage.

A en juger par les gémissements qui s'élevèrent ensuite, elle devait obéir. L'homme me demanda du lubrifiant et retira le plug et les boules d'un coup sec. On entendit un petit cri vite étouffé par une baffe de la part de la femme qui se faisait lécher. L'homme commença à la doigter, d'abord la chatte, puis le cul. Ses trous se dilataient complètement, il faisait des allers retours avec trois doigts dans *** cul, de plus en plus vite. D'un coup, il plongea sa main entière. La salope tenta de se débattre et de hurler, mais la femme sur elle resserra ses cuisses autour de sa tête et l'étouffa complètement. Le poing de l'homme avait disparu dans *** cul, jusqu'au poignet. Il ressortit doucement pour rentrer de nouveau.

-Ce n'est plus un trou du cul qu'elle a c'est un tunnel ! s'exclama quelqu'un.

Des rires vinrent s'ajouter à *************** de la salope. La femme se retira et on pouvait voir *** visage couvert de mouille. Pendant qu'une deuxième femme prenait sa place, l'homme remplaça *** poing par un énorme god. Puis il s'attaqua à ses seins, les pinçant, les tirant, vite rejoint par d'autres.

Un premier homme glissa un billet de 10€dans le pot. Sans un mot, il tira sur le plug laissant voir un trou béant, et l'enfila par le cul violemment. Il baisa la salope et sur le point de jouir, je lui tendis un seau. Il jouit à l'intérieur et retourna dans l'assistance. Il était temps de prendre les choses en mains. Je demandai à tout le monde de s'écarter et j'installai ma chienne sur un autre chevalet, sur le ventre. Sa tête fut coincée dans une guillotine, comme se mains. Ses jambes attachées écartées au pied du chevalet. Ainsi soumise, elle ne pouvait même plus bouger la tête, à parfaite hauteur pour sucer. Les hommes se mirent en file indienne devant et derrière elle, les uns pour l'enculer, les autres pour lui baiser la bouche. Coincée comme elle l'était, ils pénétraient sa bouche comme si c'était un sexe, avec des grands coups de reins. De la bave coulait abondamment sur *** menton et sur les queues qui s'enchainaient dans sa bouche. *** cul se faisait bourrer en permanence, et les femmes se relayaient pour lui fouetter les fesses en même temps. L'une d'elle décida de la fister pendant qu'un homme l'enculait. Ses trois trous remplis, elle commença à hurler *** plaisir, étouffé par les queues qui lui défonçaient la bouche. Je demandai aux hommes qui voulaient jouir devant de gicler sur *** visage de pute, ceux de derrière jouissaient dans le seau. Mon ami avait choisit des hommes endurants, lorsque l'un avait fini, celui d'avant était déjà prêt à l'emploi, remis en forme par Anaïs et une autre femme qui n'avait pas de place autour du chevalet à grands coups de fellation. Mêmes lorsqu'elles ne suçaient pas, le spectacle de les voir en train de se lécher mutuellement semblait suffire à revigorer les hommes.

Le spectacle commençait vraiment à m'exciter, et je décidai de profiter de ma chienne. Je lui fis sucer mes boules doucement, puis je passai ma queue sur *** visage pour ramasser du foutre, avant de l'enfourner dans sa bouche. J'enfonçai ma queue jusqu'au bout, ne prêtant pas attention à ses protestations. Une fois au fond je commençai les allers-retours, sa bouche déjà élargie par les autres était chaude, ouverte et accueillante. Je me vidai à l'intérieur, puis passait derrière elle. Quand l'homme qui l'enculait sorti, j'enfonçais mes doigts dans *** cul. On aurait pu y faire entrer très largement deux bites. J'appelais ma petite salope d'Anaïs et lui fit lécher l'intérieur de *** cul, tandis que je prenais le sien. Elle gémit sous mes coups, tandis que les hommes s'enhardissaient devant le spectacle. Quand je jugeais que tout le monde avait joui plusieurs fois, je stoppais les festivités. Je détachai la chienne et l'allongeai à même le sol. Je remplis une poire de lavement du foutre contenu dans le seau, et je la vidai dans le cul d'Anaïs.

-Va vider ton cul dans sa bouche.

Elle se dirigea à quatre pattes vers la chienne, en serrant les fesses.

-Ouvre ta bouche sale pute.

Elle obéit. Anaïs enjamba *** visage et poussa sur ses fesses. Un long jet de foutre vint s'écraser dans la bouche de la salope.

-Ne recrache rien ou tu seras sévèrement punie, lui dis-je.

Je remplis à nouveau la poire, et recommençait le manège jusqu'à épuisement du seau. Anaïs semblait prendre beaucoup de plaisir à l'humilier. Sa bouche débordait abondamment malgré ses efforts.

-Avale maintenant !

Elle déglutit doucement, par petites gorgées. Le niveau du foutre dans sa bouche se mit à descendre, jusqu'à disparaitre.Je congédiais tout le monde à part Anaïs, et prit le bocal.

-Tu as ramassé un joli paquet petite pute, regarde.

Je retirai le bandeau de la salope. Elle pleurait doucement tout en étant secouée par des spasmes de plaisir.

-Tiens je n'ai pas payé ma pipe, on va dire que c'est ta part, d'accord?

Et je lui jetai un billet de 5€.

- Occupe-toi d'elle, profites-en, dis-je à Anaïs. On la ramène ce soir.

Elle me regarda avec un sourire et l'emmena dans le coin jaccuzzi. La fin de la nuit s'annonçait chaude.


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Cyber Dom

I sat at the computor screen chatting with a guy whose screen name caught my eye, HardBlkDom. I sent him pictures of my fiance useing her slender pink dildo on her small little pussy. we also chatted about my secret fantasy of seeing her dominated and made into a big black cock craving slut. Marie is a good girl, 20 yrs old, red hair and beutiful. Her body is well toned from being college track athlete, at 5' 6" and 130lbs she turns heads everywhere we go. I guess my fantasy derives in part by my own self conscience feeling due to my small dick, its 6 inches and kinda thin, about the circumfrence of a dinner candle. I also secretly desired to be dominated by a strong black man and made to watch him breed my young fiance with his fertile seed and then "******" to suck his cock clean of my innocent wifes cum juice. Its all a fantasy I play out night after night online in chat rooms, not something I thought I would ever actually want to happen.

Eventually HardBlkDom convinced me to call him and chat about it, it was new and it was exciting to actually verbalize my fantasy to this aggressive black man who told me of his desire to fuck Marie until she was his personal bitch.I was instructed to take pictures of my little dick and send him, he also ordered me to put on my wifes sexiest panties and take a picture of that as well. Night after night I looked at pictures of his huge, thick black cock as I masterbated, listening to him describe how my fiances would come to crave black cock only. HardBlkDom told me to go to the adult store and purchase a realistic black cock dildo and a strap on harness, That night I replaced the pink dildo with the 8 inch black rubber cock, Marie was shocked when I first pulled it out of the bedside drawer, she turned beet red but I noticed her chest was flushed as well and her nipples pointed like bullets from her chest. It took some coaxing and alot of lube but eventualy I had all 8 inches buried in her tiny lil slit, Marie bucked and thrashed her head side to side and wrapped her legs around my ass, pulling the black rubber cock back in each time I slid it part of the way out, eventually she had a long shuddering orgasm, but not befor I had one of my own, and my lil dick wasnt even in her. Afterward I went down on her and was very aroused to see her once tight pussy was opened up by the large black dildo, as I was doing her she grabbed my hair and held my face to her pussy and bucked through another orgasm, as she was holding me I realized I was also tasting my own cum that had pooled on her pussy lips. Afterward, I even got her to pose with the black cock half in her pink mouth, she looked up at the camera with a look of longing and lust, I made sure to only frame the cock and her face in the picture, it was awsome.

Later that night I was chatting with HardBlkDom and I told him the whole story and even sent him the picture of her black cock filled mouth. He complimented me on bringing her out of her shell. From that night on the black strap on was the only cock she got during our sex and afterward I would go down on her and bring her to a second orgasm.Marie started to play along with my fantasy and would whisper how good my black cock felt and how much better I was than her husband. Marie would even fiegn calling her"black boyfriend" on the phone then wait for him in the bedroom, I would show up and she would drop to her knees and suck the black cock then beg to be fucked. Phone sex with my online friend got better and better as we both started our cams and he ordered me to put on her panties and tell him all about our last sex play. One night Marie walked in on us, I was wearing her panties rubbing my lil dick through the soft material as I looked at him stroking his thick black tool on cam, he was telling me how he fucked Marie and she begged for more, he was descibing back the stories I had told him and she knew right away I must have done just that. Marie stepped up to the desk and HardBlkDom stopped talking and covered his cock, but Marie told us to keep going she wanted to watch and listen. HardBlkDom then started stroking his black cock and telling her what a little sissy her fiance was, how he wanted to see her bred by a black man.

Marie was breathing a little harder and her nipples were threatinging to poke through her tank top as she looked at his cock on screen, he told Marie to rub my little dickie through the panties and as she reached out and did so I knew that she was now his submissive just like me. HardBlkDom then ordered Marie to remove her clothes and after only one hesitant look my way she did so. I watched as my fiance complied with each erotic instruction given, she had her fingers in her slit and was bucking through an orgasm as the dominating black man watched. He then told her his number and said to call his phone from her cell, as she nervously pushed the buttons I came in her panties, my online dom laughed and when Marie saw she giggled as well. Marie said hi and listened for a little, responed with yes and no a few times. Marie got her face close to the computor screen and watched in awe as his thick black cock erupted onto a printed picture of her with the black dildo in her mouth, afterward she told me to go get her boyfriend and as she bent over the desck I slid the black cock into her sopping wet pussy all the while HardBlkDom told her how hot she was through the computor speakers. Marie came again and again as he described how she was going to be his bitch from now on before he signed off he told us he would see us online again tommorrow night. Marie looked happy and said yes she would be there for sure.

The next evening after work, dinner was quiet but cheerful, Marie asked me if I really enjoyed last night and I of course told her I did, when I asked her if she did she looked shy and bit her lower lip a little and whispered "yea... it was really hot" We talked about it and I told her it was a turn on for me and was really glad she wasnt mad that I sent him her pictures. Marie looked at me and asked if I had sent them to anyone else and I promised her I hadnt. After dinner Marie changed into her silky PJs that are normally a sign she wants to fool around, I fired up the computor and immediatly saw that our online Dom was waiting for us. I messaged him and we opened up our video/audio chat window. Our Dom told Marie she looked hot and looked at me sternly. "Wheres your panties boy?" I hurried to put them on and when I returned Marie was sitting in my chair looking at his thick black cock as he stroked it and talked sweetly to her, I watched as Marie stood up and removed her PJs and panties when told to and sat back down, my fiance played with her pussy slowly, liesurely as our Dom told her how he was going to fuck her and make her a black owned white bitch. As he said that Marie arched her back in orgasm and I came in my panties. Dom told me to go get Maries black cock and instructed me to zoom in so she was on cam but not me, just the black rubber cock stroking in and out of her pink slit. Marie watched our cams display window and pushed back to meet my every thrust, all the while Dom told her how hot she looked being fucked by a big wet black cock, Marie started whimpering and begging him to fuck her, telling him her pussy was his only from now on. With those words I came a second time, my little dic dribbled out of the lace panties and down my legs. Marie bucked and thrashed her hair around like a rock star and screamed in orgasm.

Our Dom told Marie to call his cell phone and she did without hesitation, she was smiling and sub-counsciencly tweeking her nipples as he talked to her, Marie giggled a few times and said "maaybe, but just to watch, ok" then after some more giggling said ok I will and hung up the phone. Later in bed as we spooned, I stroked her hair and kissed her neck, then I slid down and performed oral on her, after she came yet again she was very relaxed and told me very quietly that Randall, apparently she now knew his name, asked to come over friday night, and she told him she would see what I said. I was nervouse but at the same time I was instantly hard, I asked if thats what the comment about only to watch was and she said yes, watching just like before only in person. I nervously told her it sounded hot and as long as it was just to watch we should go for it. Marie squeeled like a school girl and told me she loved me and was very animated about how hot it was going to be to see him stroking in person and to have him watch her. I wondered if she had thought this out, I know my mind was racing ahead and I had a picture of him coming a thick load onto her pretty face, yea that would be hot I thought, but only that nothing more I told myself.


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Needless to say I spent all day Thursday with a raging boner, maybe a small one but it was very hard. Thursday evening when I got home Marie had dinner ready and talked excitedly about Friday nights plans, "do you think he will really come over"? my fiance asked. "Are you nervouse? I am a little" After dinner Marie showed me a new lingerie set she had purchased that day at Victorias Secret, it was a tiny white baby doll nighty, trimmed in white lace with blue ribbons, and a pair of matching panties. Then she held out a small bag and said it was for me, inside I found a pair of pink womens panties and matching lace top thigh-hi hose. Marie giggled and said that Randall suggested I might like something new for the occasion as well. My little dic got stiff at the thought of wearing the
sexy items in front of our Dom, not just on cam but actually in front of him. That night in bed I gave Marie a good
clit licking and she stroked my little dic until it shot its meager load onto my belly, dibbled would be a better description I guess.

Friday I just couldnt take it anymore and left work early, when I got home I went back to the bedroom and heard Marie talking softly. "Yea...oh god yea, fuck me, yea fuck me with you beutiful black cock" I peaked in the room and saw her on the bed with the black dildo burried in her tiny pink slit. "Oh god yea... yea, I'm your bitch, yea please fuck me, yea I am you little white slut" my once conservative fiance was really into her fantasy and I just watched and enjoyed the show from the hallway. Then I heard the familure voice of HardBlkDom and saw Maries cell phone was on the bed beside her and it was on speaker phone. "Are you horny you little slut, are you ready for a real mans cock?" Marie was pounding the dildo into her pussy and whimpering softly, "I'm yours, yea my white girl pussy is all yours... anytime you want it" The voice from the phone asked, "did you get everything I told you too"? "Yes, everything. Please.. fuck me with you big thick black cock" Marie wailed. Then she arched her back and screamed in ecstacy. I quietly left and after 15 mins called from the driveway to tell her I was home early. Marie looked so hot, her face was flushed and she reeked of the smell of horny pussy. Marie was excited and chattered away about getting the house ready for our visitor, she started dinner and asked me to run the sweeper and make up the guest bed. I thought to myself, shes planning on him spending the night? As I was making the bed I noticed the nightstand drawer was partialy open, inside I found a box of condoms...not just any condoms but XL Magnums! I started to say something but decided not to, I was a little unsure about what was happening but I was so horny I was ready to find out.

Marie was wearing a pretty sun dress and leather sandals, her hair was shining like burnished copper, she looked beutiful. At 6:00 Maries phone beeped and she answered it, my pretty little good girl smiled and giggled a couple times and said ok, see you soon. "That was Randall, he says he will be here in about 20 mins" Marie told me once she was off the phone. You better get ready honey, with that she patted my girlie things she had bought. I was trembleing as I slipped the panties on my hips, and gently pulled the hose up my thighs, I put on a pair of Maries pink and white sweat pants and a matching sweat shirt, both of which she had laid out for me. The feel of the hose on my smooth hairless legs was exciting. At 6:30 the door bell rang and Marie asked me to get the door please, I opened the door to see the familure face of HardBlkDom smiling at me, I had never really noticed but he was a very big man, at least 6' 2" and very trim and muscular. He smiled at me and pursed his lips, "your one sexy lil bitch boy arent you"? he chuckled. Once I closed the door I turned to see him standing there smiling at me, he reached out a pulled the waistband of my sweats away and looked at my pink panties, "oh yea, very hot!" he said with a deep voice. I blushed red, I could feel the heat in my face. I led him to the living room and felt his large hand carress my butt, for some reason I felt pride in the fact he thought I was sexy. When we got into the living room Marie was standing there looking sexy and nervous, Randall stopped and looked at her, he told her she was sexy as hell with a low growling voice and asked if she was ready to see up close and personal what she had been watching online. Marie bit her lower lip but nodded yes. Randall told her to come over here and sit down, then he looked at me and said sternly, "lil bitch boy, get them pants off so I can see your pretty panties"I slid my sweats down and stepped out of them, started to remove the shirt but he stopped me, "leave it on bitch". "Now get on your knees sissy boy and crawl over here and help me with this belt" I did as he ordered and undid his belt , then his zipper. "Pull them down, lets show your pretty gilrfriend what you been lusting for" As I pulled his pants and boxers down out sprang a thick heavy black cock, Randall slapped it against my cheeks and lips then pushed it forward. I couldnt help it I took the fat head into my mouth and sucked on it. I glanced at Marie and saw she was holding one hand over her mouth in shock. Randall groaned then used his foot to push me away to the floor. "Bitch do I look like a fairy to you?", with that he jerked me to my feet by the wrist and flung me onto the sofa beside Marie. Randall looked at Marie and told her to get her Fing clothes off, Marie stood and looked at me, "unzip me honey" I unzipped her and watched as her dress fell first to her waist then to the floor, she was wearing nothing underneath it, nothing!

Randall MmmMmm'd in appreciation then called her over softly, "come over here honey, yea right here, on your knees baby so I can come on your pretty lil white girl face, right here in front of you wimp husband" Marie did as she was told and was soon knealing at the feet of this truely aggresive black giant as he stroked his cock, "you do it baby, help me cum" Marie closed her small freckled hand around the thick black shaft and moved the skin back and forth. My fiance kept leaning forward as she worked the black cock and Randall closed his fist on a handful of hair and pulled her face against his hard abs, "just do it slut, you know you cant wait to" Marie opened her mouth as he pushed the head against her pink lips, she glanced at me then shut her eyes and started working the very large cock as far into her mouth as she could. Randall looked at me smiling broadly, "this what you wanted to see white boy? huh?" The he started fucking her face and pushing his cock further and further until I saw her throat bulge as he tried to push it all the way in. Marie started to gag and gasp but he did not relent but for brief moments so she could gasp in a small breath of air. Chuckling he looked at me and said,"oh yea I remember what else you wanted to see, and he pushed her back onto the floor, Marie landed on her side, gasping for breath, her hair was tossled and wild and tears were running down her cheeks, but her nipples were standing at attention and her pussy looked like it was glistening with juice. Randall grabbed her hair again and pushed her to the floor on her belly then wedged between her thighs from behind. Marie started scrambling, trying to get away but was no match for his strength, his muscles bulged like a statue of the perfect male as he pushed her head down by the neck, holding her cheek to the floor her face pointed my way. "Wait!" Marie begged, "your hurting me". "Honey help, get him off me" she pleaded looking at me. Randall laughed as he pushed his thick black cock into Marie, "Bitch he GAVE your pussy to me, he wants to see this" with that he grabbed her hips and started fucking her with earnest. "NO, the condoms, we need the condoms" Marie wailed. Randall laughed again as he fucked my once innocent lil fiance, holding her down like a prisoner and fucking her harder than she had ever been done. After a few moments Marie started to respond, she started pushing her ass back to meet his thrusts, Randall allowed her up on her knees and started squeezing her breasts, then he grabbed her hair and pulled her head back for a long lingering kiss. I was in shock, suddenly I realized I had just watched my fiance raped and now she was responding with pleasure. Marie started whimpering and then begging for him to fuck her harder, she looked at me at smiled. "like this honey? is this how you wanted me" then she tilted her head back for another kiss, when their lips finally broke apart, Marie started talking like a true slut, "I am your bitch, from now on, anytime you want me" With a loud roar Randall pushed his cock into Marie and clenched his buttocks, thick white cum started oozing out around his shaft, Marie squeeled and bucked against him, riding through the most intense orgasm I have ever seen her have. Randall pushed her back to the floor and pulled his cock out of her gaping pussy, "now bitch boy, now you can come suck my cock like the fairy I just proved you to be" As I sunk to my knees and started cleaning the cum from his thick heavy cock Marie looked at me smiling, stood and moved beside Randall and they kissed.

Marie went back to the bedroom and soon emerged in her new nighty, she grabbed a bottle of wine from the rack and took Randalls hand and led him to the bedroom.I watched for at least an hour as Randall fucked Marie over and over, watched as he worked his huge cock into her tight ass, slapping it the whole time and telling her to stop crying. As I lay in the guest bed that night I listened to Marie promise to only fuck black cocks from now on. Randall left around midnight, Marie eventually called me into our bed room , her breasts were covered with hickies and she had angry red hand prints on her butt cheeks, We embraced and after a kiss Marie urged me down to her swollen pussy, it reeked of thick heavy cum, as I started to lick her to an orgasm she whimpered and asked me to be gentle she was sore, then she asked if I heard her promise's to Randall. I said yes and she smiled and said good, I think I meant them.


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indecent proposal

This started in a very unusual way, with a very unusual conclusion. My wife and I have been married for five years, we have been together for eight years.

My name is Sam and I am thirty, and my wife name is Amanda and she is twenty nine. Amanda is still after all this time very attractive. Amanda has long black hair, she is 5'3" and 130 lbs. I attribute part of this to the fact that we have never had any ********. We were both busy with school and decided we had to wait before having kids.

While going through school we both accumulated a lot of debt, both from student loans and simple stupid credit card debt; and two cars that we cant really afford. Luckily Amanda is a nurse and is working, I am a real estate agent with a business degree. Things for me have been horrible. I sell maybe one house every other month and the bills had been piling up.

Amanda finally had to take a side job taking care of an older man to supplement our income. I didn't like the idea of Amanda working alone with another man but he was really old, and rich. We needed the money. One of Amanda's friends found the job for her. We really didn't have a choice in the matter. It didn't take long though before things between us began to change. Amanda was always tired and not in a very good mood; I really couldn't blame her.

One day when I got home from work Amanda was sitting in the bedroom in just her panties and a t-shirt. At first I was aroused but then I noticed that Amanda looked upset. I sat on the bed and asked her what was wrong? Amanda looked at me almost apologetically then said "We have to talk." I knew that conversation never ends well but there is also no way around it so I said "alright." Amanda looked down at the bed and said "please don't say anything until I finish, alright?" I nodded ok.

Amanda said "Today at work Mr. Hill said he wanted to talk to me. Mr. Hill has a lot of medical problems, that's why I'm there, you know that." I nodded. "Well Mr. Hill said he had a proposal for me. Mr. Hill told me that he can not get an erection, but that he still has sexual urges." At that point I said "What the hell happened today!" Amanda then snapped back "You promised you would let me finish, now let me finish what I have to say!" I was so stunned by what she was saying that I really couldn't say anything else.

Amanda then continued "Mr. Hill can't get an erection, but he said he still has sexual urges. Mr. Hill said he thinks I am very attractive too. Well he said that he can't ***** with me but that he wants me to have sex with someone else in front of him while he watches. He also said he wants to tape it. Mr. Hill said he would pay me ten thousand dollars if I let someone fuck me in front of him, then he wants to "clean me" after."

My first thought was that I was going to go **** that old man. Then I thought, maybe I can fuck her in front of him, because we could really use the ten thousand. I just sat there for a minute then Amanda shook her head and said "No, it can't be you. I actually asked. I felt like a slut just asking him that but he said no." Then I said "Well fuck him, tell him no!" Amanda looked sad again then said "We need the money Sam, you know it. When is the last time you sold a house? We have bills piling up, we have to do something. I can't go on living like this." Then Amanda started to cry. I think that's what did it; at least I like to think it is.

Finally I said "It's up to you. I know we need the money, and I know that's my fault. If you really want to do it, then I understand." Amanda then said "I don't want to, I just don't know what else to do." I said "I'm sorry, I know. I didn't mean want to, I just meant if you decide to. I understand." Amanda then said "you wouldn't leave me?" I shook my head no. Amanda then grabbed me tightly and said "make love to me, please." We had sex, I was hard and didn't even realize it. In fact we had amazing sex. Afterward Amanda said "I guess I'll tell him tomorow." then she fell a***** in my arms.

The next day while Amanda was at work was the longest day of my life. I just sat there in the house staring at the clock. I didn't want to watch t.v., I didn't want to eat. All I could think of was what Amanda was doing, or who.

When Amanda got home that day I tried not to rush her. I let her come in and she went to the bedroom to change as usual. I just sat on the couch and waited for her to come out. When she did come out she sat on the couch next to me and looked at me for a minute and began, "Well I told him I would do it". I shook my head as if to say "ok". Then I asked "Well what then?" Amanda looked down and said "Well what do you want to know?" I said "Well after you said ok, then what happened? I mean did you just go back to work or what? You can tell me, it's ok. We talked about this last night and like I said, I understand."

Amanda said "I'm sorry, I don't want to talk about this right now.", and got up. My head was swimming, I couldn't think of anything else and she didn't want to talk about it. I couldn't push her though so I just turned on the t.v. Amanda came back and sat on the couch and she had a wine cooler. Amanda does not ***** often so I assumed something probably happened today at work, but I respected what she wanted and asked no questions. I just got up and got a beer from the fridge and sat back down next to her. We just sat and watched t.v. and drank for hours. Neither one of us saying anything.

Finally Amanda turned to me and said "do you still want to know about today?" I said "yes, it's hard not knowing." I think Amanda understood that, and she shook her head as if she understood. Amanda then said "Well when I told Mr. Hill that I accepted he just smiled and said good. Then Mr. Hill came over to me and started unbuttoning my pants. I asked him what he was doing and he said that if he is going to pay me ten thousand dollars he wants to see what he's getting." At that point Amanda hung her head down and I saw a tear run down her cheek; Amanda quickly brushed it off. Amanda then with her head still down continued "he unbuttoned and unzipped my pants and slid them off me. Then he slid my panties off. Mr. Hill told me to "TURN AROUND AND BEND OVER!" Now the tears were coming down her face steady. "When I did Mr. Hill began touching me, putting his fingers inside me. Mr. Hill told me he has a friend that he is going to bring by the house tommorow that is going to fuck me. He said his friend is in good shape and is going to fuck me really hard so I better be ready for it. He told me that he wanted me to wear my sluttiest clothes for him and that I will have to do whatever he tells me to do. He said his friend Brad has a huge cock and that I'm going to love it. Then he asked me if I told you about the offer." I asked her "well what did you say?" Amanda replied "I told him no".

At that point I just held her. Amanda was upset but for some reason I was turned on. I didn't understand it but the thought of Mr. Hill making her take her pants and panties off so he could finger her made me hard. Even the thought of some guy with a huge cock fucking her tommorow made me hard. What was wrong with me?

At that point I kissed her. Then I started to undress her. Amanda said no at first but I couldn't help it, I just kept on going. Amanda said she didn't want to a couple times but then she just let me undress her. When she was naked I went down on her licking her clean shaven pussy lips, imagining Mr. Hill putting his fingers in her earlier that day. After a few minutes Amanda was really wet, had she already been a little wet before I started?

Then Amanda said "fuck me Sam". Not make love to me, but fuck me. That was new, and that is exactly what I wanted to do. I turned her around right there on the couch and fucked her, hard. While I did Amanda told me to "fuck me harder". I did, it was the best sex we had in a very long time. After we both went to bed, but I couldn't ***** until about 3 a.m. I could only think about what would happen with Amanda the next day at Mr. Hill's house.


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The next morning I woke up when Amanda woke up. I didn't have any houses lined up to show but I was; I think excited? Amanda didn't say anything, she just began dressing. Amanda put on her little black Victoria's secret panties and bra set. Then Amanda put on a short little black skirt with matching top. She looked hot. Amanda looked down, ashamed then said "I'm sorry about this". I shook my head no and said "don't be, it's not your fault. I love you". Amanda shook her head like she knew, and then left.

When she left it actually hit me that she was going to get fucked by some other guy; not just fingered but fucked! I was sick to my stomach, I wanted to take it back. I wanted to tell her no, don't do it. But I couldn't. She was already gone.

Then I thought of something; she had given me Mr. Hill's phone number for emergencies. I called Mr. Hill right away and he didn't answer for almost 9 rings, then he finally picked up. I was so nervous, I hadn't thought what to say to him. Then it came to me, simple; "ahh, Mr. Hill when Amanda gets to your house can you have her call me please?" Mr. Hill then very calmly said "so she did tell you."

I didn't know what to say. I was stunned silent. Then Mr. Hill said "No, I am not going to tell her you called. Obviously Amanda talked to you about this and you said yes, so now Bruce is going to fuck that little slut wife of yours, and do you know what Sam?, she is going to love it. Bruce has a huge cock and he is going to fuck her like you never have. And do you know what else Sam?, you told her she could; how do you think that made her feel to know her own husband pimped her out." After that he hung up on me. I called back several times but the phone was disconected. I would have driven to his house and stopped it but I didn't know where he lived. So that was it, it was going to happen.

So I waited. I waited and thought about what Amanda was doing. And again for some crazy reason I was harder than I had ever been in my life. I thought about my hot wife being fucked like a little slut and it made me hard. I had to go to the bathroom and jerk off. As soon as I came I just felt sick again. Where was she, what was she doing, I wanted her home now. It was agonizing.

Hours later Amanda walked in. I was on the couch and she walked by me to the bedroom without saying a word. I followed her to the bedroom without saying anything either. Amanda started to undress and I saw that she wasn't wearing panties anymore. The rest of her clothes she just took off and let drop to the floor.

Finally I said "so, what happened?" Amanda looked up at me ashamed and said "what do you mean?" So I said "you know, what happened today?" At that point Amanda actually looked angry and disgusted and she said "I was fucked today Sam, that's what happened. Mr. Hill's friend fucked me while he watched." Then she went to the bathroom to take a shower. When Amanda was out of the shower she went straight to bed without saying anything else.

I couldn't *****, all I could think of was what she had done that day. Had she liked it, did she suck his dick first. While I thought about all of it I got harder and harder. I had to go jerk off twice in the night.

The next day Amanda woke up and got ready for work. As usual I had nothing planned for the day. I stayed in bed and watched as Amanda dressed. Now I don't know if my mind was playing tricks on me or not but; Amanda wore very cute panties and a matching bra. Not sexy, but cute. Then Amanda put on a cute pair of shorts with a tank top. Next, Amanda took a little extra time putting on her make up. What the hell was going on?

I then got up and gave Amanda a kiss on the cheek. Amanda acted as if she didn't notice. I felt numb, I still didn't know what to say. Before Amanda left I said "So when do you think you will be home?" Amanda didn't look at me, she looked down and said "I don't know, I'll see you some time tonight." Then she walked out. I just sat there.

Then the phone rang. I answered and said "hello?". A strong voice responded on the other end, "good morning Sam." I said "good morning, may I ask who's calling", he replied "sure Sam, it's Bruce." My heart sank. "I just wanted to thank you for letting me use your wife yesterday. Her pussy is so tight, do you even fuck her Sam?" I was speechles. Bruce went on "and her mouth, did you teach her to suck cock like that or did she date porn stars before marrying you?"

Finally I was able to speak, "why are you calling me?" That was the best I could do, pathetic. Bruce actually laughed a little at that and then said "well Sam I just wanted to know why you agreed to let Amanda fuck someone else? Was it for the money or do you like the idea of a real man fucking your wife?" How do you even answer a question like that? There is no good answer. "Well Sam, should I fuck that little slut of yours again today or not?" Wow he was masculine. Before I even realized what I was saying I said "well if you want to I guess you can." Holy ****, did I just say that?

Bruce laughed again and said "I thought so." Then he hung up. What the hell was I doing?

I jumped up and went to her, "hey princess, are you ok?". Amanda just smirked and said "I'm fine, whats with you." Then she walked past me to the living room and turned on the t.v.

I went and sat next to her on the couch. "So how was your day?" Amanda didn't even look at me, she just stared at the t.v. and said "fine". It was killing me, finally I said "so what did you do today?" Amanda then looked at me a little frustrated and said "what sam?, what do you want to know?"

I looked down and said "I don't know, I was just wondering what you did at work today." Amanda looked at me a little aggravated and said, "well Sam this will make you happy; Mr. Hill paid me today. He gave me a check." I had forgotten all about the money! I said "really, did you deposit it?" Amanda shook her head yes. "So was that it today?" Again Amanda looked a little pissed off then said "What exactly do you want to know Sam? Do you want me to tell you how Mr. Hill made me watch the video with him?" Without even thinking I said "yes".

I guess it was the way I said it but Amanda looked at me kind of confused, which was better than angry. Then Amanda said in a bit gentler voice, "well he did. This afternoon Mr. Hill told me to go to his theater room with him and told me to sit down. We sat on the couch and he poured me some champaign. I didn't really want to ***** but he kind of insisted so I did. Then he gave me my check. After that Mr. Hill pushed play on his DVD player and made me sit there with him while we watched the movie." At that point I said "really?". Amanda gave me that confused look again and said "why do you want to know sam?". I said "I guess I just have to know. I'm not upset or anything, it's just that not knowing is killing me so please tell me everything."

Amanda kind of smiled and said "Alright."


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Amanda continued "Mr. Hill and I watched the movie not really saying anything to each other. Honestly I was a little pissed off the asshole was making me watch it with him. When it was over Mr. Hill asked me how I liked the movie." I asked her "what did you say?"

Amanda said "I told him I was happy he liked it. Then Mr. Hill said, "I want to know if you liked it". I said no and that I felt ashamed of what I had done." This next part I don't think Amanda would have said if she hadn't been so *****, but I guess I was lucky? that she was. Then Amanda said "Then Mr. Hill said take your shorts off, I want to see if you liked the video. I told him no but he said if I didn't he would cancel the check, so I did. I stood up and took my shorts off for the bastard. When I did he ran his fingers over my panties and smiled." At this point a tear ran down Amanda's face. Then she said "Mr. Hill was smiling because I was wet! My panties were wet from watching his friend fuck me! I'm sorry Sam, I'm only telling you because you said you wanted to know."

I told Amanda that it was ok, that I wasn't mad and that I understood. Then Amanda said "No, it's not ok Sam. There is something else I have to tell you." I looked at her and said "go ahead, you can tell me anything." I saw a couple more tears go down Amanda's face and then she said "Bruce was there today Sam. After Mr. Hill made me take off my shorts and felt my panties Bruce walked in. I felt so ashamed, the way the two of them were looking at me; like I was a whore! Then Bruce walked over to me and slid my panties off. I didn't want to but he just did it. Then he started touching me. I'm sorry Sam, I let him fuck me again today! I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean for it to happen!"

My next question shocked Amanda out of her tears. I asked "how did he fuck you?" Again I guess it was the way I asked because she immediately looked at my pants and saw that I was getting hard. Amanda continued "well after he touched me he wanted me to suck his dick."

Amanda said "He just kind of ****** me to my knees and made me do it." When she said that I couldn't help it, I unzipped my pants and started rubbing my dick through my boxers.

Amanda laughed and said "do you like this?" I just felt ashamed myself and nodded. Amanda smiled, this time a genuine Amanda smile and continued "well Bruce is kind of ******** so I sucked his dick like he wanted me to. I thought he was going to cum in my mouth, I could taste the pre-cum, but he didn't." Again, if she wasn't as ***** as she was I wouldn't have gotten to hear any of this.

Then Amanda said "Then he just bent me over the couch and fucked me. It's not like when we make love Sam, I don't want you to think that. Bruce fucked me, maybe even a little to hard." Then I said "can I see" and motioned to her pussy. Amanda smiled and took of her shorts and panties, her pussy was still swollen and red. When I saw it I said "go on, what else" and I started licking her pussy. It tasted salty, it was great.

Amanda still seemed in a daze and continued "well Bruce made me tell him that this was his pussy, and that he could have it any time he wanted it. When he was done fucking me Bruce and Mr. Hill made me stay naked the rest of today. I cleaned the whole house naked! But they also let me have more champaign, and Bruce fucked me again right before I came home now." When Amanda said that I came right on the couch.

Amanda jumped up and said "holy ****! I can't believe you just came on the couch. Clean it up before it stains damn it. I just went and got a wash cloth and did as I was told. After that Amanda stayed on the couch and watched t.v. with nothing on but her shirt and bra; it was so hot. I couldn't stop staring at her swollen pussy.

I didn't know what to say to Mr. Hill. I was ashamed and turned on at the same time. Mr. Hill just nodded and smiled then said, "Your a cuckold Sam. You get turned on by watching your wife get fucked by real men. Don't be ashamed though, I am too. You see before I lost my ability to fuck, and my wife; I had Bruce and several other men regularly fuck my wife."

I was stunned. I didn't know what to say. Mr. Hill continued "You see Sam, in every women there is a slut waiting to get out. You let your little slut out and she is loving it." I finally answered back, "now what?"

Mr. Hill smiled and said "Don't worry, I will help you through this. You and Amanda will be well taken care of. Just remember, from now on I own both of you." When Mr. Hill said that he looked very serious. Then Mr. Hill said "DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT SAM?" I quickly answered back, "yes sir, I do." Mr. Hill then raised an eyebrow and said "are you sure?" Again I said "yes sir, I am."

Mr. Hill just nodded. "Ok, sam, I'm going to call you samantha; I think that name fits you better." At that I actually blushed. Then Mr. Hill said something to Latacia in spanish and she smiled and went to a drawer and got out a strap on. Mr. Hill then told me "Alright Samantha, take off your Jeans and your panties and bend over, it's time to break in your little pussy."

Everything had gone crazy; and it had all been happening so fast! I said "Mr. Hill, I can't do this. I'm sorry." Mr. Hill gave me a very disaproving look and said "Listen Samantha, either you do as your told or your wife is fired. That means no more money; and I think you have come to like the way your wife has been lately. Being fucked properly by a real man has quite a drastic effect on women. It even makes them want to have more wild sex with there pathetic husbands more, doesn't it."

He was right. I didn't know what to say. Mr. Hill made it easy, he just said "That's what I thought."

I took my pants and underwear down and bent over as I was told. Latacia must have grabbed some lubrication when I was doing so because she began to finger my ass and she had some on her finger. Then she started fucking me, when she first put her strap on cock in me she started slow. It still hurt. Latacia powerfully grabbed me by my hips and started fucking a little quicker to a rythem. Looking back on it, she was really good at it.

After a few minuets I became hard, I was so embaresed. Latacia saw and began stroking my dick while fucking me and began speaking Spanish while she did, it was so hot. Finally I couldn't help it anymore and I came on Latacia's hand. Latacia then stopped fucking me and turned me around, then she fed me my own cum from her fingers with a little grin on her face. Damn she is hot.

After I just got dressed and said nothing. Mr. Hill with an expresionless face said "I'll be in touch Samantha." Then I left.


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Bonnie Se Fait Partouser

Jack et Bonnie Speer venaient tous deux de franchir le cap de la trentaine, ils étaient mariés et heureux en ménage depuis quelques 5 ans, ils étaient tombés amoureux l'un de l'autre lors de leurs années de fac.

Jack avait déjà été invité à plusieurs reprises aux fêtes que donnait *** patron qui était propriétaire du cabinet d'architecture, mais toujours dans le cadre professionnel et sans la présence des épouses.

Il semblait qu'Abner Jones s'était pris d'amitié pour Jack qu'il avait pris sous *** aile, du coup la carrière de Jack avait été rapide et pour la première fois il se voyait convié avec *** épouse à une fête privée de *** patron.

Il venait tout juste d'être promu au poste de vice-Président du département vente d'outremer.

C'est ce qui leur valait cette invitation où ils allaient rencontrer les amis de leur patron et quelques gros bonnets des compagnies partenaires, dont certaines dépendaient du secteur de vente d'outremer dirigé par monsieur Jones.

On pouvait y côtoyer un haut dignitaire asiatique avec lequel Abner Jo-nes voulait traiter des affaires au travers de compagnies relais cachant les identités véritables des partenaires.

En fait, de tels compagnies participaient à des affaires plutôt louches telles que la production et l'édition de films pornographiques.

A leur arrivée, la fête se déroulait depuis déjà un bon moment, c'était loin d'être la fête guindée et classique à laquelle ils s'attendaient, en fait c'était quasiment à l'opposé : une musique syncopée baignait la salle alors que de nombreux serveurs s'empressaient auprès des hôtes s'assurant qu'ils ne manquaient pas de bois***, un épais nuage de fu-mée bleuissait l'atmosphère.

L'ambiance était chaleureuse, conviviale, insouciante, tous les invités semblaient s'amuser en chœur.

C'était une toute nouvelle expérience pour Jack et Bonnie qui n'avaient jamais participé à de telles liesses.

En fait, c'était le type même de partie dont on parlait dans les tabloïds et les magazines people.

Certains fumaient des joints de marijuana, alors que d'autres prenaient de la cocaïne, du crack ou de l'ice.

Jamais les Speer n'auraient pensé qu'Abner Jones puisse organiser ce type de fête.

Ils ne s'attendaient pas du tout à se retrouver dans une telle ambiance, s'ils l'avaient su, ils se seraient empressés de refuser l'invitation n'ayant jamais expérimenté de drogues ils se sentaient totalement déplacés.

Cependant le fait que leur invitation émanait directement d'Abner Jones aurait entraîné d'immenses difficultés pour la refuser.

Le mardi dernier, monsieur Jones était per***nellement venu dans le bureau de Jack pour les convier lui et sa femme à une parie qu'il organi-sait avec sa femme chez lui ce week-end.

*** patron lui avait indiqué que ce n'était pas une réunion professionnelle mais une réunion regroupant ses amis per***nels.

Cependant quelques dignitaires éventuels partenaires asiatiques ris-quaient de se joindre à eux, il lui avait signalé par la même occasion que ce serait une réunion totalement informelle et conviviale.

Jack l'avait remercié de les inviter, il était pratiquement sur que sa femme était libre ce soir là.

Le lendemain Jack informa *** patron qu'ils seraient contents de se joindre à eux, le remerciant vivement de les inviter.

Jack avait entendu circuler des rumeurs sur les parties organisées par Abner Jones, il semblait qu'on y fumait de la marijuana et que la cocaïne et autres drogues dures y circulaient librement, mais il avait repoussé ces on dit comme de simples calomnies.

Une autre rumeur prétendait qu'un jour un invité l'avait pris de haut refu-sant *** invitation, Abner l'avait alors pris en grippe ruinant sa carrière à partir de ce jour.

Les femmes de deux autres invités auraient snobé les participants à une de ces fêtes, provoquant le transfert rapide de leurs maris dans des ré-gions très éloignées à la limite du monde civilisé, pour y débuter une nouvelle carrière.

Bonnie avait été élevée dans un monde très conservateur empreint de concepts religieux très stricts avant de tomber follement amoureuse de *** futur mari à la fac.

Le marché de l'emploi était très peu soutenu dans le monde de la mode, et elle avait accepté un boulot d'assistante en attendant de trouver un poste dans *** domaine de compétence.

Elle avait constaté la nervosité de *** mari pendant le dîner et lorsqu'il l'avait informée de l'invitation de *** patron, il lui avait confié les rumeurs qui circulaient au sujet de ces fêtes.

Mais Bonnie avait adopté une approche positive en la matière, la promo-tion de Jack la réjouissait, elle lui avait confié qu'il serait mal venu pour la suite de sa carrière de refuser cette invitation de *** patron.

Bonnie sourit à *** époux et annonça :

- Chéri, nous devons répondre à *** invitation! Ne te tracasse pas pour moi... Je suis une grande fille apte à prendre soin de moi-même! De plus ce ne peut pas être plus paillard que certaines soirées de ma fraternité!

Mais la fraternité à laquelle avait appartenu Bonnie était l'une des plus conservatrices de la fac, elle pensait que jack avait largement exagéré les rumeurs qui couraient sur les fêtes organisées par *** patron.

Il y avait eu quelques soirées hors-normes, co-organisées avec une fraternité plus tapageuse, mais à chacune de ces occasions, Bonnie se défilait prétextant un rendez-vous avec Jack.

Le vendredi, Bonnie avait dans l'idée de séduire Jack en portant un négligé blanc follement sexy qui révélait le détail de ses courbes volup-tueuses.

Cela faisait un bon moment qu'ils avaient idée de fonder une famille, mais ils avaient attendu d'avoir les ressources financières nécessaires.

Avec la fulgurante carrière de Jack et les très importantes augmentations de *** salaire, et maintenant cette ultime promotion en tant que vice-président d'un département de vente, ils étaient tombés d'accord pour qu'elle arrête la pilule pour leur cinquième anniversaire de mariage.

Et maintenant, 2 mois plus tard, elle était mûre et fertile à cette période de *** cycle.

Mais Jack était trop fatigué par *** boulot et malgré ses efforts il n'arrivait pas à se montrer à la hauteur, forçant Bonnie à se résigner à remettre ses désirs de grossesse à une date ultérieure.

Soucieux de ne pas arriver trop tôt à la soirée, ils arrivèrent dans sa ma-gnifique demeure devant laquelle étaient rangées des Mercedes, Ja-guars, BMW et autres voitures de luxe.


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Il y avait aussi plusieurs limousines avec les chauffeurs qui attendaient la fin de la soirée assis au volant.

Le fait d'arriver dans leur vieille voiture, qui dénotait la différence de ni-veau social avec les autres invités, les gênait fortement.

En entrant dans la luxueuse demeure ils constatèrent que la partie était lancée une ambiance très conviviale émanait de la salle enfumée.

On aurait dit un bordel méditerranéen tels qu'on les voit dans les films, une odeur puissante de haschisch saturait l'atmosphère.

Dés leur entrée, Abner et sa ravissante femme Nasha les rejoignirent pour les saluer gracieusement, leur hôtesse tendit à Bonnie une bois*** rosée en commentant :

- Chérie, savourez ce cocktail, c'est mon préféré, suivez-moi, je vais vous présenter aux autres invités, Abner veut parler affaire avec votre mari et l'introduire auprès d'importants invités asiatiques!

Tandis que Nasha l'entraînait au travers de la salle la présentant à diffé-rents convives, Abner introduisait Jack auprès de gros bonnets visiblement très riches, lui révélant qu'il avait en tête de conclure quelques affaires bien juteuses avec ces représentants de consortiums asiatiques.

On tente d'établir des liens commerciaux avec ces chinois et il est bon que tu les rencontres! Ils ***t très méfiants et je n'ai pas encore trouvé leur point faible, mais peut-être qu tu y arriveras mieux que moi! J'ai dî-né avec eux à plusieurs reprises, mais je n'ai pas avancé d'un pas pour l'instant.

Vingt minutes plus tard, après avoir traversé la salle de part en part, Leurs hôtes présentèrent Jack et Bonnie à trois invités asiatiques qui se courbaient en leur serrant les mains.

Abner remarqua tout de suite la façon dont le gras et gros chinois nom-mé Wan Ho tenait la main de Bonnie visiblement enchanté d'être présen-té à cette ravissante jeune femme.

Tandis qu'ils discutaient et plaisantaient, Abner se rendit compte que ces chinois étaient particulièrement lubriques, ils ne pouvaient détourner les yeux des voluptueuses formes de la jeune épouse de *** collaborateur, il ne pensait d'ailleurs pas à les en blâmer.

- Hummmmm, peut-être bien que cette somptueuse blonde repré-sente la clé pour les faire signer le contrat. Je suppose que ces chinois ne se contenteront pas d'un bon repas, ils veulent surtout goûter à une chatoune blonde. Pensait Abner ravi.

Cette pensée perverse lui restait à l'esprit, et avant qu'ils ne partent rejoindre d'autres invités, Abner prit à part le leader du groupe et lui susurra à l'oreille :

- Que diriez-vous, Cher Wan, si cette magnifique pouliche servait de bonus à la signature du contrat avec votre compagnie?

Alors qu'ils se dirigeaient vers d'autres invités, le leader du groupe de chinois demanda à Abner s'il pouvait lui consacrer un peu de *** temps.

Abner demanda alors à sa femme de présenter Jack et Bonnie à d'au-tres convives se trouvant au beau milieu de la salle, de façon à pouvoir discuter librement avec Wan Ho.

Après avoir été introduit auprès de nouveaux convives, Jack observait *** patron et l'Asiatique discutant l'un avec l'autre tout en hochant la tête pour marquer leur accord.

Puis Jack vit le leader du groupe de jaunes retourner vers ses associés, ils sourirent à pleines dents hochant la tête avec enthousiasme, alors que monsieur Abner faisait signe à quelqu'un se tenant dans un coin éloigné de la salle de les rejoindre.

Il vit alors un homme à qui il avait été présenté, un véritable colosse noir prénommé Mort, rejoindre Abner qui le présenta au groupe de jaunes.

Chaque asiatique semblait enthousiaste de rencontrer cet homme, ils souriaient tous à pleines dents se courbant à chaque serrement de main.

Lorsqu'il revint vers Jack, Abner il lui dit en riant :

- Cette soirée a porté ses fruits! Monsieur Ho est ravi de vous avoir rencontré toi et ton adorable femme. Il m'a demandé si tu viendrais m'assister lors de mon voyage en Chine, je l'ai assuré que cela pourrait s'arranger et que t'étais un jeune homme digne de confiance...

- Je suppose qu'il faudra donc que je t'emmène avec moi en Chine, je me verrai alors obligé de doubler tes appointements habituels... Qu'en penses-tu mon gars?

Au fin fond de lui-même Abner pensait : j'aurai du comprendre tout de suite qu'ils attendaient qu'on leur offre un somptueux morceau pour les amener à signer le contrat!

Ce marché fera ma fortune, riant intérieurement, Abner ne parvenait pas à croire que Wan voulait seulement qu'il s'arrange pour qu'il puisse par-touser la somptueuse femme de Jack avec ses amis ce soir même.

De plus ce salaud de chinois veut que Mort leur donne un savoureux spectacle en se faisant cette innocente jeune femme.

- Un statut de délégué spécial et un salaire doublé! C'est fantasti-que!

- Il va falloir faire attention à ce que monsieur Ho et ses associés vont me demander! Il faut que je m'empresse de mettre Bonnie au courant! Pensait-il enchanté.

Jack ignorait que Mort était reçu comme une célébrité par le groupe des asiatiques et pour une bonne rai***, il avait participé à un grand nombre de films X produit par une société secrète d'Abner Jones.

Les deux derniers films qu'il avait produit, avec Mort en vedette princi-pale, avaient été distribués dans le marché underground, c'était une ré-ussite importante.

Dans ces deux dernières productions, Mort violait des jeunes asiatiques, devant leurs malheureux compagnons ligotés qui regardaient leurs com-pagnes terrifiées se faire agresser.

Mais avant que Jack puisse informer Bonnie de la bonne nouvelle, Abner insistait pour le présenter un peu mieux à ces importants invités, après avoir donné consigne à Nasha d'éloigner la ravissante jeune femme.

Nasha était ravie du rôle que lui faisait jouer *** époux dans l'éventuelle dégradation de cette belle jeune femme guindée et innocente, d'autant plus qu'elle constatait l'amour aussi réciproque que profond qui l'unissait à *** époux.

Mais cela devrait changer très bientôt!

- Je vais adorer le voir regarder sa femme bon chic bon genre se faire baiser par le grand Mort et ces chinois pervers!

Jack cherchait des yeux *** adorable femme, il voulait s'assurer que Bonnie appréciait cette soirée sachant à quel point elle était conserva-trice et naïve.

Bien qu'il connaisse les rumeurs concernant ses prédécesseurs qui avaient refusé leur promotion, Bonnie était la chose la plus précieuse dans sa vie, et Jack voulait surtout que rien ne vienne perturber *** innocente jeune femme l'amenant à prématurément quitter la soirée au grand désagrément d'Abner Jones et de *** épouse avant même qu'il ait pu lui dévoiler sa nomination dans un nouveau travail à l'étranger et le doublement de *** salaire.

Il fut heureux de constater que Bonnie riait et souriait à tous dans le sil-lage de madame Jones, il ne lui restait plus qu'à espérer bien que les choses ne se gâteraient pas.

En peu de temps Bonnie et Jack se retrouvèrent dans des coins totale-ment opposés de la grande salle de réjouissance.

Ne voulant pas paraître faible aux yeux de *** patron, Jack tira une première bouffée d'un joint et en ressentit tout de suite l'effet planant.

Pendant ce temps, loin de l'autre coté de la pièce, *** adorable jeune épouse vêtue de sa robe beige qu'elle avait achetée spécialement pour cette occasion, était assise entre deux des démoniaques asiatiques à qui elle avait été présentée quelques instants plus tôt.

Et Bonnie sirotait un nouveau verre de ce délicieux cocktail rose que *** hôtesse venait de lui tendre, mais ce nouveau verre contenait une important dose d'un puissant aphrodisiaque indétectable, alors qu'elle venait d'en consommer une première dose.

Jack réalisait à quel point *** adorable épouse était séduisante dans cette tenue avec ses longs cheveux blonds cascadant sur ses épaules.

Comme la soirée avançait, on tamisa les lumières les coussins délimi-taient maintenant le plancher de la vaste salle.

Installés sur ces coussins de nombreux invités étaient étendus s'accor-dant des caresses amoureuses.

Les yeux brumeux Jack ne distinguait pas grand chose dans l'atmos-phère enfumé, il était totalement incapable de repérer *** adorable jeune femme.

Abner le vit soudain se lever, prétextant devoir se rendre aux toilettes, puis se diriger lentement vers l'autre bout de la salle.

Abner gloussa, il savait pertinemment que le jeune crétin s'inquiétait du sort de sa somptueuse jeune femme, d'autant plus qu'il savait que les toilettes les plus proches se trouvaient juste à la gauche de l'endroit où ils se tenaient.

La salle était maintenant totalement obscurcie, Abner constata l'air cho-qué qui s'afficha sur le visage de jeune homme lorsqu'il se rendit compte que beaucoup de couples illégitimes s'enlaçaient dans les coins les plus sombres se caressant visiblement avec lubricité, il y avait même un cou-ple qui copulait dans le coin le plus sombre.

Suivant le jeune époux à distance Abner sourit se demandant :

- Et que vas-tu faire mon cher Jack... Quand tu trouveras ton inno-cente femme si pure dans les bras de nos amis chinois! Mieux encore que feras-tu quand tu verras qu'ils ont demandé à Mort de la poignarder de *** énorme braquemart noir!

Ayant consommé de nombreuses bois***s, Jack avait vraiment besoin de faire un tour aux toilettes, il fit le détour nécessaire pour se libérer la vessie avant de continuer ses recherches.

Il ne pouvait qu'espérer qu'elle n'était pas trop choquée par l'affichage impudique des couples en pleine activité sexuelle qui se vautraient de ci de là, sur des coussins, dans toute la pièce.

Lorsqu'il se tenait dans les toilettes il avait entendu une paire de drogués plaisanter et rire en échangeant des commentaires lubriques :

- J'ai hâte d'assister au clou de la soirée! J'ai entendu dire que c'était un véritable show!

*** interlocuteur lui répondit alors :

- Vouai, je ne manquerai ça pour rien au monde! Ce Mort est une véritable célébrité en extrême orient! Bordel j'ai un CD de ses exploits et crois moi ça c'est un vrai baiseur! Une scène particuliè-rement était drôlement chaude : une jeune beauté asiatique hurlait de douleur alors que Mort plongeait sa monstrueuse bite dans sa chagatte... Tout cela sous les yeux de *** mari ligoté sur une chaise et obligé de regarder cet agresseur noir violenter sa jeune épouse!

En sortant des toilettes, Jack jeta un coup d'œil circulaire, puis descendit un long vestibule jetant un oeil dans les petites pièces peu éclairées qui le bordaient, y observant de nombreux couples qui dansaient, se trémoussant lentement au rythme lent de la musique.

Une forte odeur d'encens mêlée au parfum prenant du haschisch que diffusaient des pots disséminés dans les salles maintenait un haut degré ************* et Jack en ressentait les effets délétères à chaque inspira-tion.

Ses yeux habituaient à la pénombre, mais il ne trouvait toujours pas trace de Bonnie, il commençait à s'inquiéter, se demandant si elle ne l'avait pas cherché désespéramment avant de quitter cet antre de dépra-vation.

Retenant *** souffle, Jack ne parvenait pas à s'enlever de l'idée qu'un de ces foutus batards pouvait avoir tenté de la suborner sachant très bien qu'elle ne supporterait pas une telle agression.

Abner espérait que sa ravissante mais perverse femme avait exécuté sa tâche en constatant que l'adorable Bonnie Speer avait consommé suffisamment d'aphrodisiaque pour lever ses inhibitions, sachant pertinemment que cet aphrodisiaque l'amènerait à désirer franchement avoir une grosse bite dans sa petite craquette.

*** cocktail contenait par ailleurs une bonne dose de drogue qui affaiblissait ses défenses lui interdisant de coordonner ses mouvements tout en la laissant parfaitement consciente de ce qui lui arrivait.

Abner suivait toujours l'insensé mari et l'observait attentivement fouiller des yeux la pièce toujours à la recherche de sa succulente jeune femme alors que des couples plus ou moins déshabillés, s'étreignaient à diffé-rents stades de rapports charnels.

Poursuivant lentement *** chemin sur le côté de la vaste salle, il traver-sa une petite pièce en jetant un coup d'œil rapide sur une blonde portant robe beige semblable à celle de sa femme qui se trouvait assise sur un sofa mais il n'aurait pas su dire si c'était ou non sa chère Bonnie.

Il ne parvenait pas à voir *** visage, mais il doutait que ce soit sa femme, elle ne se serait pas laissée embrasser par un asiatique qui lui pétrissait les nichons au travers de sa robe. C'était sûr ça ne pouvait pas être Bonnie! Se disait Jack alors que la jeune femme n'opposait aucune résistance à *** suborneur.

Au moment où il allait reprendre ses recherches, un autre asiatique s'as-sit à *** tour sur le canapé et posa une main sur le genou gauche de la jeune femme, la seconde suivante sa main disparaissait sous l'ourlet de la robe de sa conquête.

- Bordel quelle salope! Pensa Jack en reprenant sa route.

Jack Speers ne pouvait s'empêcher de sentir *** excitation croître à la vue tant de femmes sexuellement actives, disposant sans pudeur de leur corps, mais il était tracassé de savoir ce qu'en pensait sa jeune et naïve épouse si conservatrice.

Ayant fouillé toute la grande salle, il n'avait pas retrouvé *** aimée, il se demandait s'il ne l'avait pas vue ou si elle avait quitté la fête.


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Il espérait que le comportement impudique des invités ne l'avait pas choquée au point qu'elle quitte la fête, mais il pensait qu'elle le lui aurait dit si elle avait décidé de rentrer à la mai***.

C'est alors qu'il sursauta, Nasha Jones glissait *** bras sous le sien lui demandant :

- Vous vous tracassez pour votre adorable épouse? Vous avez peur qu'elle imite les autres femmes? Qu'elle veuille avoir des rapports sexuels avec un autre homme que vous?

- Non... Non... Non... Bien sur que non! Bonnie ne fait pas partie de ce genre de femmes! Je n'en crois rien... Elle est bien trop conservatrice... Elle n'a jamais permis à un autre homme que moi de la toucher! Balbutiait Jack en réponse aux insinuations de *** hôtesse, il ne voulait pas exprimer ses véritables craintes qu'elle soit partie.

Cependant Jack était assez énervé lorsqu'elle lui souffla :

- En êtes vous vraiment sur mon ami? Peut-être bien en public.. Mais votre charmante jeune femme ne semblait pas si conserva-trice lorsque je l'ai laissée seule avec ces pervers asiates dans cette salle retirée.

Un fris*** d'angoisse traversa *** corps en voyant qu'elle lui désignait la petite pièce qu'il venait de traverser, cette petite salle où il avait vu cette salope vêtue comme sa femme.

Les yeux rivés sur la porte fermée de la pièce que lui désignait Nasha Jones, Jack avala nerveusement sa salive alors qu'il réfléchissait à la façon d'extirper Bonnie des mains de ces vils asiates.

Mais qu'il avançait vers la porte, Nasha Jones le tira en arrière en lui su-surrant :

- Ne faites-rien d'insensé, Jack... Pensez à ce qu arriverait si vous vos précipitiez dans cette pièce pour interrompre leur petite fête... Avec votre charmante jeune femme!

Figé sur place, les yeux perdus dans le vide, il fut tiré en arrière par Nasha qui ajoutait :

- Suivez-moi, on peut regarder ce qui se passe de la salle contiguë... Il s'y trouve un miroir sans tain!

Tandis qu'ils descendaient le vestibule Jack observa que nombre de gens regardaient au travers de judas qui perçaient les murs de la petite pièce.

Certains posaient des écouteurs sur leurs oreilles, Jack entendit l'un d'eux commenter :

- Le spectacle va commencer... J'entends les Chinois dirent qu'ils la préparent pour Mort... Et *** copain lui répondit :

- Oh oui, Mort est une véritable célébrité chez eux et ils considèrent vraiment comme un honneur de participer à un spectacle à ses co-tés!

Puis le premier gars qui regardait maintenant dans un judas s'esclaffa :

- Bordel ce que c'est chaud! Ils se font une somptueuse blonde! Elle semble si innocente! Elle parait très excitée et en même temps éperdue! Un des gars a entrepris de la doigter!

Jack écarquilla ses yeux comme des soucoupes, *** cœur battait la chamade dans sa poitrine, il ne voulait pas croire ce qu'il venait d'enten-dre cherchant à comprendre, tout au fond de *** esprit, ce qui pouvait bien se passer.

Ce spectacle dont ce salaud venait de parler, ces gars qui parlaient du spectacle qui commençait, Jack pensait :

- Ce ne peut pas être le mur de cette salle... De la salle ou se trouve Bonnie!

Puis réalisant que Bonnie était la seule femelle à se trouver dans cette salle, Jack éclata en pleurs alors qu'une froide sueur couvrait *** corps.

- Ils ne veulent pas dire que... Que Bonnie fasse partie de ce grand show sexuel dont tous ces gars parlent!

Ayant vu un des acteurs glisser sa main sous robe beige peu aupara-vant, alors qu'il n'avait pas encore réalisé qu'il s'agissait de sa femme, Jack se rendait compte maintenant qu'en fait Bonnie devait se faire doig-ter la chatte par un de ces pervers asiates!

Dans la pièce adjacente, Jack avala sa salive lorsque Nasha ouvrit les deux volets d'une armoire dévoilant un large miroir permettant de voir tout ce qui se passait dans l'autre pièce.

Il s'y trouvait maintenant trois asiates encerclant la jeune beauté blonde que maintenant Jack devait bien identifier comme *** adorable épouse.

Bien que *** visage ne soit pas visible ses jambes étaient exposées et il reconnaissait parfaitement les hauts talons beiges que Bonnie avait sorti de leur boite quelques heures plus tôt.

Il observa sa main droite posée sur l'épaule de l"homme qui lui roulait un patin fiévreux, la gauche visible jusqu'au poignet disparaissait dans la braguette d'un de ses suborneurs assis à *** coté.

Puis, d'une chiquenaude sur l'interrupteur elle ouvrit les micros qui ré-percutaient tout ce qui se passait dans l'autre pièce.

- Ahhhhhh, oui ma douce beauté américaine... Utilise tes soyeuses petites mains pour donner du plaisir à Ming Wang!

L'homme assis tout contre elle grogna alors qu'il rejetait sa tête en arrière alors qu'il pantelait d'excitation sous les caresses de la main en-fouie dans *** caleçon.

Puis l'Asiate se tétanisa, un fris*** parcourut tout *** corps alors qu'il grommelait :

- Oooooooohhhhhh, oui, branle-moi... Branle la colonne de Ming Wang!

Un instant plus tard, Ming Wang empoigna le poignet de la main invisi-ble, et l'extirpa *** caleçon montrant à tous sa main couverte de foutre, sa main ornée de sa bague de fiançailles et *** alliance démontrant à tous que cette femme qui venait de le branler si lascivement était une femme mariée.

L'homme agenouillé au sol, dont la main s'agitait furieusement sous la robe beige au su et au vu de tous les spectateurs, il ressortit alors sa main pour brandir *** doigt luisant de cyprine pour que tous connaissent *** excitation grandissante.

Jack reconnut cet homme qui souriait à l'assistance, c'était Wang Ho.

Ce dernier plongea *** doigt dans sa bouche pour lécher l'épaisse cou-che de cyprine qui l'enduisait en grognant!

- Aaaahhhh... Le jus des américaines est délicieux!

Puis ce bâtard d'asiatique replongea ses deux mains sous sa robe et roula sa petite culotte de dentelle blanche sur ses jarrets avant de la lui enlever pour la porter à ses narines.

Puis, il ouvrit ses cuisses largement et sa tête disparut sous la robe beige.

Le type qui malaxait sa poitrine la manœuvra de façon à pouvoir des-cendre la fermeture éclair dorsale de sa robe.

*** épaule gauche dénudée on vit le pervers chinois repousser *** sou-tien-gorge pour dénuder ses nibards.

Ses nichons d'une blancheur de nacre sautaient aux yeux des specta-teurs, couronnés par un adorable bouton rose, le sale bâtard referma les dents sur un de ces tétons.

Comme le gaillard bougeait pour sucer plus confortablement ses mame-lons, Jack de *** poste de voyeur, vit pour la première fois le visage de la jeune femme qui se faisait trousser... Il n'y avait aucun doute... C'était Bonnie... Sa bonnie!

- Mon Dieu c'est vraiment Bonnie! Réalisa-t-il subitement effondré.

Figé à *** poste d'observation, Jack fris***nait alors que Nasha empoi-gnait et caressait sa bite qui se redressait dans *** caleçon tout en lui soufflant :

- C'est drôlement excitant de voir sa femme si bien pensante se faire peloter par des inconnus, n'est ce pas Jack... Ne me mentez-pas... Pas avec une bite aussi bandée! Et ce n'est que le début Jack! Appuyez sur ce bouton à votre gauche et le spectacle commence-ra vraiment... Allez, pressez le bouton! Faites démarrer le show!

D'une main tremblante, incapable de résister à l'envie de voir ce qui de-vait s'ensuivre pour *** adorable jeune femme, Jack tendit la main pour presser le bouton.

Soudain le thème de Rocky ré***na dans la salle, les Asiates, dans l'autre pièce s'assirent attendant la suite.

Ce thème signifiait visiblement pour eux que c'était le moment de dé-pouiller Bonnie de ses vêtements.

Ils lui ôtèrent sa robe, puis *** soutien-gorge, pendant ce temps la tête du mec qui avait disparu sous sa robe réapparut et s'affaire débouclant ses hauts talons.

Puis ils la relevèrent et la déshabillèrent totalement l'exposant entière-ment nue aux yeux des nombreux spectateurs enthousiastes.

Jack vit alors les trois hommes emmener sa femme sur le grand lit circu-laire au milieu de la vaste chambre.


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#8,803 · Edited by: chrislebo
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Un homme tenait fermement les bras de Bonnie, pendant que les deux autres lui empoignaient les genoux et levaient ses jambes la tenant cuis-ses obscènement ouvertes face à la porte.

La tête de Bonnie ballottait de droite à gauche, il était évident q'elle avait été droguée, sinon, elle n'aurait jamais adopté d'elle-même, un compor-tement aussi dépravé.

Comme cette idée s'imposait dans *** esprit, la porte de la chambre s'ouvrit à la volée et le colosse noir nommé Mort apparut souriant d'une oreille à l'autre.

Il enleva rapidement sa chemise puis déboucla sa ceinture tout en contemplant les charmes de Bonnie, les trois jaunes la lui tendaient comme une offrande à un Dieu! C'était un cadeau honorifique que ces asiatiques lui présentaient!

Jack avala difficilement sa salive, en entendant sa femme s'exclamer ef-frayée :

- Oh mon Dieu...

Puis alors que Mort se débarrassait de ses chaussettes de *** pantalon et de ses caleçons avant de se diriger vers le lit, La voix tremblante de Bonnie reprit :

- Oh, non, je vous en prie... Mon Dieu... Nonnnnnnnnnnnnnn... Non, non... Ne le laissez pas faire!

L'aspect de cette bite monstrueuse avait réveillé Bonnie, elle était aussi gosse que celle d'un âne.

Alors que le colosse noir s'approchait flattant *** énorme chibre noir Bonnie craignit pour sa vie, il sui semblait impossible que *** étroite pe-tite chatte puisse s'accommoder d'un tel épieux mafflu.

Se débattant, cherchant à fuir ce puissant chibre qui la menaçait, elle cherchait à ramper sur le lit, mais elle ne pouvait fuir, les Asiatiques l'agrippaient trop fermement, ils gloussaient à la vue de ses réactions éperdues, se réjouissant de participer au viol de cette somptueuse jeune blonde par le colosse noir.

- S'il vous plait... Je vous en prie... Laissez-moi tranquille! Je vous en prie... Ne le laissez pas s'approcher de moiiiiiiiiiiiii! Sanglotait-elle paniquée.

Comme les Asiatiques tenaient fermement la blonde beauté américaine, leur célèbre star du porno qu'ils chérissaient à l'égal d'un Dieu, caressait maintenant les charmes de la belle qui continuait à se débattre entre leurs bras.

Ils entendirent alors le nommé Ming Wang s'esclaffer

- Je veux entendre hurler cette salope d'américaine! Faites la crier tout comme vos partenaires crient ans vos films monsieur Mort!

Mort sourit et hocha la tête à l'adresse de *** interlocuteur, tout en ca-ressant les tendres cuisses soyeuses alors qu'il pointait *** énorme mentule sur l'ouverture de sa caverne exiguë.

L'empoignant aux hanches, il rit lourdement tout en prenant un élan impi-toyable.

- Aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... Arrêtezzzzzzzzzzz.. Oh, mon Dieu... Mon Dieu... Arrêtezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Se lamentait Bonnie alors que la star noire du porno poignardait *** étroite cha-toune.

Ils entendirent alors les Asiatiques éclater de rire alors que l'un d'eux gloussait :

- Brisez-la! Pourfendez-lui la chatte! Ecartelez lui la foufoune! Faites que plus jamais *** mari puisse prendre *** plaisir dans sa chatte distendue! Evasez-lui définitivement la cramouille.

Puis un autre hurla ses encouragements :

- Engrossez-la... Engrossez cette salope d'américaine! Collez-lui un petit polichinelle noir dans le tiroir!

Une fois la douleur d'être formidablement distendue s'estompa, la dose puissante dose d'aphrodisiaque affectant toujours *** comportement, sa chatoune commença à se crisper et à se décrisper sur sa majestueuse hampe alors qu'il coulissait lentement en elle.

Ses miaulements enamourés prouvaient maintenant aux discrets obser-vateurs que la chose était maintenant loin de lui déplaire.

La tension de *** corps, sa façon de se serrer contre *** suborneur prouvait amplement qu'elle n'avait plus qu'un désir : qu'il continue à la baiser puissamment!

La perverse Nasha avait empoigné la bite de Jack pour lui tailler une pipe alors que Jack observait le contraste frappant entre l'énorme bite noir ébène et la blanche chatoune de sa femme chérie.

Puis la session de baise s'interrompit ***********, alors que Mort était enfoui jusqu'aux couilles dans sa foufounette asservie, ses tressautements prouvaient aux yeux de tous qu'il se vidait les couilles dans les profondeurs intimes de sa jeune "maîtresse".

Quelques instants plus tard, la bite luisant du colosse noir réapparut, au sortir de sa caverne engorgée, déjà des larmes de foutre perlaient au centre de *** intimité béante.

C'est alors que les Asiatiques firent tourner lentement l'immense lit tout en maintenant Bonnie dans la même position, permettant à tous les spectateurs de voir les flots de foutre crémeux s'écoulant maintenant de sa foufoune pour s'étaler sur le lit.

Lorsque le lit se retrouva face au miroir sans tain derrière lequel se tenait Jack, il vit l'épais flots de foutre blanchâtre qui s'échappait de sa fentine béante.

Au même instant *** hôtesse extrayait une dernière goutte de sa propre semence, il venait de gicler sur le mur qui lui faisait face alors que Mort se vidait dans les profondeurs de sa femme.

Une idée frappa alors Jack, si ça tombait, sa femme pouvait se retrouver enceinte des oeuvres de cette star du porno.

Savait-elle que je l'épias au travers d'un miroir sans tain?

Que ferait-elle si elle venait à le savoir?

Que se passerait-il si elle se retrouvait enceinte après cette nuit?

Dans l'arrière plan il vit Mort empoigner la robe beige de sa femme pour l'utiliser comme un vulgaire torchon dans lequel il s'essuya la bite!

Lorsque la star noire du porno fut partie, Wan Ho s'allongea sur le lit alors que ses deux comparses relevaient Bonnie pour la disposer à sa convenance.

Ils l'installèrent à quatre pattes et l'homme dans *** dos entreprit de lui triturer le trou du cul.

- Aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... Glapit-elle alors que le vieux bâtard intro-duisait sa pine dans *** oeillet resserré.

- Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh... Ohhh... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... hurlait-elle alors qu'il lui ramonait vigoureusement le trou du cul.

Mais ses plaintes et ses pleurs se turent bien vite, étouffés par la bite que troisième asiate venait de lui fourrer en bouche alors que Nasha Jo-nes lui susurrait :

- Ce doit être une nouvelle manière de manger chinois, ne croyez-vous pas? Alors qu'ils se tortillaient tous trois sur le lit.

Une seule que les trois Asiatiques s'eurent vidé les couilles dans les ori-fices naturels de sa femme,

Ils récupéraient enlacés tous quatre sur le grand lit circulaire Jack re-monta la fermeture éclair de sa braguette et sortit de la chambre pour prendre sa femme et rentrer chez eux.

Mais, comme il posait la main sur la cliche de porte pour pénétrer dans la chambre ou se trouvait Bonnie et ces trois bâtards d'asiates, Nasha posa sa main sur la sienne et intervint :

- Pourquoi briser leur plaisir? Vous ne voulez sûrement pas gâcher leur séjour en les privant de leur jouet? Rentrez chez vous Jack... Ils ***t venus en limousine et je suis sure qu'ils seront très heu-reux de vous ramener votre femme demain dans l'après-midi... Lorsqu'ils auront fini de s'amuser avec elle!

Sur ces mots Nasha rejoignit la fête, appelée par certains invités aban-donnant Jack la main toujours posée sur la cliche de porte.

Lâchant le bouton de porte il prit place derrière un judas libre pour regar-der ce qui se passait maintenant dans la pièce.

Cette fois un asiatique efflanqué écartait en grand les cuisses de Bonnie fourrant saucisse jaune dans sa chatoune engorgée de foutre, la labourant quelques instants avant de se vider en elle en grognant.

Alors qu'un autre salopard faisait la queue pour jouir de ses charmes, Jack soupira piteusement et partit se servir un verre au bar.

Avant qu'il reparte... Seul, Nasha se lova dans ses bras alors qu'il se servait un autre scotch lui disant :

- Elle ne sait pas que vous l'avez vue se faire baiser par Mort et ces asiates! Il vaudrait mieux que fassiez semblant de l'ignorer! Lorsqu'elle me demandera pourquoi vous l'avez abandonnée, je lui répondrais que je vous ai menti... Que je vous ai prévenu que le verre que je vous ai offert était visiblement trop fort pour elle et que je vous ai emmenée vous reposer dans une chambre d'amis... Puis que je vous ai assuré que vous rentrerez en sûreté demain une fois bien reposée! Lorsqu'elle rentrera, vous aurez juste à prétendre que vous ne vous tracassiez pas pour elle et pour sa sé-curité, n'insinuez pas un mot au sujet de sa nuit de débauche!

Il tourna les yeux dans la direction que regardait Nasha, interpellé parce qu'elle lui disait :

Avant cela, il semble que cela prenne un certain temps pour qu'elle contente ses admirateurs qui font la queue! Il y a une bonne vingtaine de mecs faisant la queue pour goûter aux charmes votre charmante femme!

Le lendemain, Jack attendait avec une certaine impatience la limousine qui devait lui ramener sa femme.

Il se demandait si Bonnie avait dormi un instant au cours de cette longue nuit de débauche.

Se versant un scotch il se dit :

- Tu ne dois pas lui laisser soupçonner que tu es au courant de ce qui s'est passé cette nuit!

- Elle ne doit pas savoir que tu l'as vue se faire baiser par tous ces hommes!

Puis Jack se dit qu'elle devrait être trop fatiguée pour préparer le souper, il commanda alors un repas chez un traiteur, des plats chinois.

Puis se remémorant l'épaisse crème onctueuse que le gros Wo avait éjaculé sur sa langue pointée, il pensa qu'effectivement manger chinois devrait lui plaire.


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Clignant des yeux alors qu'elle essayait de reprendre ses esprits dans la grande chambre légèrement éclairée, Bonnie frémit alors que l'adorable Nasha Jones, l'hôtesse de cette soirée de débauche, elle lui tenait la tête une main sur la nuque l'invitant à savourer la délectable potion qui la droguait.

Regardant sa souriante hôtesse droit dans les yeux, Bonnie souffla :

- Jack... Où est Jack? Où se trouve mon mari?

*** avenante hôtesse lui sourit sans lui répondre alors que des mains calleuses caressaient l'intérieur de ses cuisses, elle se mit à trembler en réalisant qu'un pénis viril parcourait sa fentine cherchant sa cible avant de s'enfoncer sans effort apparent dans sa chatoune accueillante.

Nasha se pencha alors vers *** visage l'avisant :

- Ne te ronge pas les sangs chérie... J'ai dit à ton petit mari qu'apparemment tu étais allergique à la bois*** que je t'ai offerte, qu'elle t'avait affectée profondément, et que, de ce fait je t'avais invitée à te reposer dans une chambre d'amis.

- J'ai ajouté que tu dormais profondément et que tu étais e de bonnes mains... Comme celle dans lesquelles tu te trouves maintenant!

- J'ai terminé en lui disant que tu irais faire un tour chez toi cet après-midi...

- Cet... Cet après-midi... Demanda Bonnie épatée de voir que tant de temps s'était écoulé.

- Heu... Sait-il... Sait-il ce que... Ce j'ai fait? Interrogea-t-elle éperdue à Nasha.

Bien qu'elle aurait adoré voir le visage de cette innocente oie blanche afficher l'horreur de savoir que *** mari avait assisté à sa déchéance, elle rétorqua :

- Non, il n'a aucune idée de qui s'est passé dans cette chambre... Il ne sait pas que tu as accueilli les tente centimètres de l'énorme bite de Mort dans ta chatoune distendue... Il ne sait pas quelle fieffée salope il a épousé... Il ne sait rien de la nuit de débauche de sa jeune femme supposée si innocente et fidèle! Il ne sait pas plus qu'une soixantaine de bâtards pervers ont profité des charmes de sa chienne de femme! Chinois, Japonais, Coréens, Indonésiens, Vietnamiens, Philippins, Thaïs... Tu as essayé toute la palette des asiatiques cette nuit!

- Oohhhhhhhh... Ohhhhhhh... Oh, mon Dieuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Palpitait Bonnie alors que l'homme posté entre ses cuisses coulissait avec vigueur dans sa petite chatte inondée.

Ses sphincters vaginaux se crispaient et se décrispaient sur sa bite alors que *** jus s'écoulait à flot de sa foufoune, il se tétanisa soudain et gicla profondément enfoncé dans sa grotte embrasée.

Jamais Bonnie ne s'était jamais sentie aussi dépravée alors que l'Asiate lui susurrait :

- Oh ma petite chérie d'américaine, Jim Tseu serait très honoré d'être celui qui t'implante un petit bébé jaune dans le ventre!

Ce qui venait de lui donner tant de plaisir quelques instants plus tôt la révulsait maintenant alors qu'il venait de remplir sa chatoune de *** infâme semence active.

Cherchant à reprendre haleine alors qu'elle serrait maintenant ses muscles vaginaux pour l'expulser de sa chatte, elle tentait de rassembler ses esprits pour réfléchir lucidement.

- Dieu merci, Jack ne sait rien de mon infidélité... Que j'ai eu des rapports sexuels avec un autre homme... D'autres hommes, un nombre incalculable! Frémit-elle soudain.

- Presse-toi Jim Tseu, magne-toi le cul c'est mon tour maintenant!

- Ca devrait être le mien... Dao Pang devrait être celui qui... Comme ils disent... Qui engrosserait cette pute américaine! Entendit-elle soudain un autre asiatique intervenir.

Elle parvint alors à expulser la bite ramollie de Jim Tseu de sa chagatte, ainsi qu'un flot de foutre crémeux qui s'écoulait de sa foufoune béante alors que déjà une nouvelle mentule bandée se plantait dans sa fente engorgée de foutre.

Quelques secondes plus tard, le nommé Dao Pang la labourait vigoureusement de sa bite fine et allongée sans se soucier de lui donner du plaisir mais de prendre le sien en abusant de ses charmes.

- Ahhhh... Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhhhhhhhh... Grogna-t-il soudain alors qu'une bonne dose de sperme éclaboussait *** intérieur.

Une fois que Dao Pang eut fini de projeter *** ignoble jus au fond de sa foufoune asservie, un autre homme l'enfourcha et se mit à *** tour la ramona énergiquement.

C'est alors qu'un autre enfonça ses doigts dans sa chevelure blonde lui tournant la tête sur le coté et une bite répugnante fora *** chemin entre ses lèvres.

Bonnie reconnut la voix, elle appartenait au chef de la délégation chinoise, c'était le nommé Wo qui lui dit :

- Eh oui ma chérie, c'est le moment de te remettre à sucer une bite ma chère madame Speers! Rappelle-toi comment j'ai déjà englué ta langue agile ma chérie, cette fois je vais te faire un onctueux masque facial!

Un asiate après l'autre chaque homme eut la fierté de se la faire de façon conventionnelle lui disant çà chaque fois à quel point ils seraient honorés d'être celui qui l'engrosserait!

Apparemment la queue s'avérait trop longue pour certains impatients et Bonnie se retrouva couché sur un homme alors qu'un autre la sodomisait vigoureusement alors qu'un dernier lui fourrait sa bite entre les lèvres!

On lui saisit les poignets et ses mains se retrouvèrent sur deux pines qu'elle entreprit machinalement de masturber.

L'un d'eux était si gros et laid que Bonnie avait des nausées rien qu'à la vue de *** gros ventre débordant de *** caleçon.

Elle était maintenant seulement capable de rester à genoux, on lui tenait les chevilles alors que des pervers glissaient leurs bites contre ses soyeuses plantes de pieds, tout de suite elle les sentit éjaculer sur ses orteils.

Comme la majorité de ces asiatiques n'avaient jamais eu la possibilité de se faire une ravissante américaine auparavant, et de plus une somptueuse blonde, ils essayaient tous de satisfaire des phantasmes sexuels refoulés depuis de nombreuses années.

Une paire d'entre eux n'avait jamais du voir de chevelure blonde aussi soyeuse, ils adorèrent voir la jeune femme grimacer alors qu'ils enveloppaient leurs bites de ses longues mèches d'or les testicules frottant sur *** front, ils déchargèrent alors leur foutre dans sa chevelure dorée.

Et, en tableau final, Bonnie grimaça et tourna la tête alors qu'une douzaine de bites projetaient leur gourme sur *** visage, ses cheveux, ses nichons et *** cou.

Ils lui jetèrent alors deux serviettes sèches afin qu'elle se nettoie.

C'est vers trois heures de l'après-midi, alors que Jack s'était effondré sur leur sofa après avoir trop bu de scotch lorsqu'une plume lui chatouilla le nez, le réveillant en sursaut.

Clignant des yeux, il avala sa salive à la vue de Nasha Jones lui souriant une plume entre les doigts.

- Ma femme... Où est-elle?

- Où est Bonnie? Balbutia-t-il incompréhensif.

- Oh elle est à l'étage, elle se rafraîchit! Elle avait grand besoin d'une bonne douche... Une douche vaginale... S'il est encore temps!

Elle avait peur de rentrer avec Wo et ses amis, elle avait peur que vous soyez en colère contre elle, d'autant plus que sa robe était couverte de foutre! Aussi nous a-t-elle priée de la ramener, elle nous a invité à souper pour que les choses se passent au mieux! Après tout, c'est elle qui a vous a permis d'obtenir une si importante promotion!

Quelques secondes plus tard, Abner Jones apparut lui tendit un bon verre de scotch écossais.

Deux scotchs plus tard, Jack avala sa salive en voyant sa superbe femme apparaître au bas de l'escalier, elle était toujours aussi élégante dans la tenue sombre qu'elle avait revêtu.

Un fris*** d'excitation couru au travers de *** corps alors que Bonnie se penchait sur lui pour lui donner un petit sur les lèvres, lui disant :

Pourquoi n'irais-tu pas prendre une douche rapide pour te rafraîchir un peu, je prendrai soin de ton patron et de sa femme le temps que tu redescendes!

Hochant la tête en signe d'approbation, il remonta l'escalier pour prendre une douche et se remettre les esprits en place.

Il saisit un caleçon propre dans sa penderie puis il gagna la salle de bain.

Il enlevait sa chemise sale en entrant dans la salle de bain et ouvrit la corbeille à linge pour y jeter ses effets sales.

Il se figea alors à la vue de la robe beige de sa femme roulée en boule, avec au-dessus sa petite culotte blanche qu'il avait vu Wo lui ôter pour la porter à ses narines.

Saisissant la petite culotte entre pouce et index, la fragile parure semblait lourde et empesée, elle était couverte d'une épaisse croûte et sévèrement décolorée par le jus de corps d'homme qui l'avait souillée.

La portant à ses narines, Jack fris***na en inhalant la lourde flagrance de sperme, plusieurs hommes s'en étaient servis comme d'un chiffon pour se nettoyer la bite, le fond qui, était détrempé par les flots de foutre mêlé à de la cyprine qui s'étaient échappés de la chatte engorgée de Bonnie.

Il se doucha et se rasa avant de se vêtir élégamment et de redescendre au rez-de-chaussée, il avala un nouveau scotch alors que Bonnie lui tendait un plat de steaks qu'elle venait de sortir du réfrigérateur afin qu'il se charge de les faire griller.

Alors que Nasha se penchait sur lui alors qu'il s'exécutait, il entendit soudain Bonnie l'informer :

- Chéri, le temps que tu prépares la braise pour cuire les steaks je vais présenter la mai*** à Abner!

Jack se retourna pour voir sa ravissante épouse précéder *** patron dans l'escalier.

Se penchant sur sa gauche, il essayait de voir au-delà de la cage d'escalier qui lui bouchait la vue, Jack aurait juré que la main noire de *** patron se promenait sur la croupe de *** épouse avant qu'ils ne disparaissent dans l'escalier.

Déjà Nasha s'approchait de lui, lui murmurant à l'oreille :

- Vous êtes-vous rendu compte que mon cher mari veut profiter des charmes de votre somptueuse épouse?

Jack allumait le barbecue, d'abord des petits morceaux de bois puis, le charbon de bois, levant les yeux vers leur chambre conjugale, il voyait la chevelure blonde de sa femme et *** dos.

Il cligna une nouvelle fois des yeux, il aurait juré que s'il avait d'abord vu le dos de la robe de sa femme et il voyait maintenant sa croupe blanche!

Sa mâchoire lui en tomba en voyant la main noire de *** patron caresser la peau lisse et soyeuse de ses fesses.

Effarouché, il sentit soudain Nasha empoigner sa bite rigide au travers de *** pantalon, il avala sa salive tandis que la femme d'Abner l'informait

- Sur le chemin il m'a dit qu'il voulait se faire ta femme sur *** lit conjugal, et regarde maintenant!

Alors que les deux per***nages disparaissaient de leur vue, elle sortit de *** sac *** téléphone qui ***nait.


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Elle l'alluma et regarda l'écran, elle lui souriait de toutes ses dents alors qu'elle jetait un oeil sur la retransmission en cours.

Puis elle tourna l'écran vers lui demandant.

- Ne trouves-tu pas cette chambre familière?

Il se pencha en avant pour mieux voir, il constata qu'il s'agissait d'un couple dans une chambre.

Se penchant encore plus il comprit pourquoi cette chambre lui semblait si familière, c'était leur chambre conjugale au premier.

A l'insu de sa femme qui ne soupçonnait rien, après avoir pressé le bouton d'appel de sa femme, il avait posé *** portable sur une commode, dirigé vers eux, la caméra démarrée.

Sur le petit écran on voyait clairement l'élégant noir presser contre lui sa femme qui le suppliait :

- Monsieur Jones... Abner... Je vous en prie, mon mari doit attendre que nous redescendions! Il... Il va se demander où nous sommes!

Mais cela n'empêchait pas *** patron de lui descendre sa robe dénudant ses deux nibards, Jack entendit ensuite sa femme défaillir alors que *** patron embouchait ses tendres tétons.

- Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhh... Oh, monsieur Jonesssssss... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Gémissait Bonnie alors que sa robe et sa petite culotte de dentelle noire étaient repoussée sur ses jambes.

Elle était maintenant allongée sur leur lit, elle ne portait plus que ses hauts talons noirs, ses soyeuses jambes blanches contrastaient extraordinairement avec le corps noir ébène de *** patron.

Comme Nasha avait mis le portable sur haut-parleur Jack entendait sa délicieuse femme couiner :

- Ohhhhhhhhh, ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... baisez-moi... bourrez-moi votre grosse bite dans la chatoune! Oh mon Dieuuuuuuuuuuu... Ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

Jack ne pouvait s'empêcher de penser :

- Comment les choses pouvaient-elles être si différentes d'un jour à l'autre!

Dans cette courte période du temps, moins d'un jour de fait, Jack avait sa femme innocente se faire baiser par un nombre incalculable d'étrangers.

Pantelant d'excitation il voyait maintenant sa femme et *** patron forniquer allégrement à l'étage, alors que Nasha la branlait lascivement.

Sa femme avait ses cuisses blanches verrouillées dans le dos ébène de *** patron, *** patron se penchait sur elle bourrant sa grosse bite jusqu'à la racine dans sa chatte juteuse, il se tétanisa soudainement!

Quelques secondes plus tard Jack explosa entre les mains de Nasha en entendant sa femme hurler :

- Oh oui... oui... Gicle dans ma chatteeeeeeeeeee!

L'éjaculation de Jack fut bien prêt d'éteindre *** barbecue qui venait de prendre un bon départ.

Cette nuit même, une fois leurs hôtes repartis, Bonnie était un peu stressée, elle avait peur que *** mari ne soupçonne ce qui s'était passé la nuit dernière pendant la fête chez *** patron.

D'après ce que lui avait dit Nasha, Jack n'avait rien vu et ne se doutait même pas de *** infidélité, quant à elle-même elle mettait cette nuit de dépravation sur le compte de la trop grande absorption d'alcool.

Elle ne soupçonnait même pas que ses bois***s avaient été droguées cette nuit là ce qui lui avait fait perdre tout contrôle de soi en levant ses inhibitions tout en l'excitant prodigieusement.

Elle ignorait tout autant que *** gentil mari avait observé sa prestation avec le patron de *** mari, dans leur lit conjugal cet après-midi.

Serrant ses cuisses l'une contre l'autre, elle frémit en constatant que le foutre d'Abner continuait à s'écouler de sa foufoune embourbée.

En allant se coucher cette nuit là, Bonnie tremblait se demandant si *** mari aurait encore envie de la toucher, s'il l'embrasserait encore s'il connaissait *** infidélité.

Lorsqu'il l'embrassa avec la langue, Bonnie pensa :

- Que ferait Jack s'il avait vu l'importance de la dose de foutre que le gros et gras Wo lui avait injecté en pleine bouche.

Pendant ce temps Jack grignotait *** cou, mordillait ses mamelons et descendait plus bas sur *** ventre.

- Oh mon Dieu... Il va me le faire!

Fris***nait-elle alors que *** mari humait les flagrances intimes de sa foufoune.

Elle était un peu choquée, Jack n'avait jamais manifesté le désir de faire de telles choses!

Comme elle écartait docilement les cuisses, elle sentit sa chaude haleine courir sur sa fentine, elle frémit à l'idée que sa chatoune était encore engorgée de l'épaisse semence de *** patron.

- Oh Jack... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Bouffe moi la chatteeeeeeeeeeee!

Hurlait-elle alors qu'il lapait la chaude semence de *** patron!

Tout au long de la semaine suivante, Bonnie fut bourrelée de culpabilité, se demandant comment tout sens moral pouvait l'avoir aussi subitement abandonné.

Elle se blâmait de tout ce qui était arrivé, se gourmandant de n'être rien d'autre qu'une fieffée salope, une pute incapable d'interdire au patron noir de *** mari de profiter largement de ses charmes, de s'être laissée baiser dans *** lit conjugal, à quelques pas de *** mari qui préparait le barbecue du soir.

Que lui arrivait-il?

Pourquoi s'était-elle laissée faire par tous ces bâtards dépravés!

N'était-elle donc qu'un jouet sexuel pour tous ces hommes!

Lorsqu'un homme me regarde pourquoi se demande-t-il immédiatement s'il pourra se glisser entre mes cuisses?

Se demande-t-il à quoi je ressemble toute nue?

Se dit-il que je dois être une femme facile?

Se demandait-elle assise à *** bureau, la tête perdue dans ses pensées moroses, c'est alors qu'elle reprit pied dans la réalité se rappelant qu'elle était à *** poste de travail.

Elle rougit en voyant monsieur Bently, le vieil associé principal, âgé de 72 ans, qui la regardait fixement, elle lui retourna un sourire.

Comme elle se retournait pour taper une lettre sur *** ordinateur, elle ôta un mouvement du coin de l'œil, elle aurait juré que monsieur Bently la toisait du regard à cet instant.

Tout en tapant sa lettre, elle se gourmanda de ressentir une certaine excitation et croisa ses longues jambes l'une sur l'autre.

Bonnie se mordit les lèvres, alors qu'elle laissait audacieusement pendiller un de ses hauts talons au bout de *** pied, elle aurait juré avoir entendu le vieux Bently haleter tout le long du chemin de *** bureau.

- Se demande-t-il, s'il pourrait partager mon lit?

- Se demande-t-il ce que cela fait de baiser une jeune femme deux fois plus jeune que soi?

- M'imagine-t-il nue au lit avec lui, verrouillant mes jambes dans *** dos alors qu'il enfouirait sa vieille bite dans ma chatoune?

- Se pourrait-il qu'il me voit gagner *** bureau, m'agenouiller pour lui tailler une pipe?

Se demandait-elle lubriquement.

- Mon Dieu, à quoi suis-je en train de penser?

- Un homme plus âgé que mon père et je me demande si cela me prendrait longtemps pour faire bander sa vieille bite en refermant mes mains sur sa hampe! Se gourmandait-elle.

Deux semaines plus tard, par un chaud après midi du samedi, Jack réconfortait sa femme en larmes aux funérailles de Phil Bently.

Comme ils offraient leurs condoléances à la famille, la veuve de monsieur Bently remercia Bonnie pour tout ce qu'elle avait fait pour monsieur Bently alors qu'en voyage, il avait appelé sa chambre pour réclamer *** aide, se plaignant de douleurs dans la poitrine.

Apparemment il avait une seconde attaque cardiaque, une attaque massive lorsqu'il fut emmené à l'hôpital, malgré tous les efforts des secours à l'hôpital ils ne purent rien faire pour le sauver.

Bonnie sanglotait, la veuve l'étreignait fiévreusement lui disant :

- Vous avez fait tout ce que vous avez pu pour lui venir en aide! Et je vous en remercie ma chérie!

Les larmes de Bonnie ne traduisaient pas que *** désespoir de voir monsieur Bently trépasser, mais étaient l'expression de sa culpabilité.

Monsieur Bently avait bien appelé sa chambre mais pas pour réclamer une assistance médicale, ce n'était qu'une histoire inventée pour éviter le scandale.

En fait, il n'avait pas eu à l'appeler dans sa chambre puisque Bonnie se trouvait avec lui.

La crise cardiaque n'était pas prête de s'effacer de sa mémoire, elle ne s'effacerait jamais en fait, elle était gravée de façon indélébile dans *** esprit.

*** cœur avait cédé au stress causé par une excitation sexuelle excessive au mauvais moment... Juste à l'instant où il éjaculait dans sa chatoune alors qu'elle verrouillait ses chevilles dans *** dos.

La vie avait littéralement était extirpée du corps du vieillard, mais quelle agréable façon de trépasser pour un vieillard, *** dernier acte avait été de se vider les couilles dans la chatoune d'une ravissante blonde.

Bonnie n'avait pas pris immédiatement conscience du problème de monsieur Bently alors qu'il râlait :

- Bonnie... Oh, Bonnie... Je jouis... Ahhhh... Ahhhhhhhh... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... mon Dieuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

Alors qu'il s'effondrait, Bonnie caressait le corps du vieillard qui convulsait serrant ses sphincters vaginaux sur sa bite pour lui soutirer sa dernière goutte de foutre.

Ce n'est que lorsque sa bite eut glissé hors de sa chatoune crispée et qu'elle le repoussait sur le flanc qu'elle prit conscience du problème.


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Dès la découverte du grave problème de santé de monsieur Bently, Bonnie avait tout de suite téléphoné à la réception pour leur demander d'appeler une ambulance les avisant que *** patron avait une crise cardiaque.

Une fois cela fait Bonnie avait réalisé qu'il ne serait sûrement pas bon pour elle que l'on apprenne que la crise cardiaque de monsieur Bently avait eu lieu lors d'une relation sexuelle avec une femme, qu'il était en train de baiser avec elle à cet instant fatidique.

Elle alla chercher un gant de toilette humide dans la sale de bain de la chambre pour laver le sexe de *** patron, nettoyant les restes de semence et de cyprine qui le couvrait, puis elle lui avait remis *** caleçon et le pyjama qu'il portait un peu plus tôt.

Avant de prendre un taxi pour suivre l'ambulance, elle s'était rendue à la réception pour obtenir une chambre séparée pour elle-même, histoire de sauver les apparences.

Elle s'empressa de transférer ses affaires dans sa chambre puis elle se rendit à l'hôpital pour donner les coups de fil nécessaire pour informer le cabinet de l'attaque cardiaque de monsieur Bently.

La mise en scène était suffisante pour qu'ils croient tous qu'il avait eu une crise cardiaque alors qu'il se trouvait seul dans sa chambre.

Lorsque *** fils et un de ses partenaires vinrent emballer les affaires de monsieur Bently qui se trouvaient dans sa chambre, pas un ne se douta de ce qui s'était vraiment passé.

Les funérailles terminées, Bonnie se trouvait profondément plongée dans ses pensées en se remémorant l'excitation de *** patron lorsqu'ils étaient arrivés dans cet hôtel et que Bonnie avait demandé les clefs de la suite réservée à monsieur Bently.

Le vieux bonhomme l'avait fixé surpris en entendant cela et elle l'avait senti trembler d'excitation lorsqu'elle lui avait pris la main alors qu'ils prenaient l'ascenseur.

Une bouteille du vin préféré de monsieur Bently avait été mise dans le seau à glace avant leur arrivée, le vieux gaillard avait ouvert la bouteille et servit leurs deux verres en un rien de temps.

Le vieux schnock n'entendait pas perdre de temps, et sa main s'égarait déjà sur ses longues jambes gainées de nylon, les caressant de la cheville à l'entrejambe d'un lent mouvement lascif.

Très rapidement ses mains qui étaient montées sous sa jupe entreprirent de rouler ses collants bleus marines sur ses cuisses.

Alors qu'il continuait à la caresser lascivement Bonnie réalisa qu'il était fétichiste des longues jambes sexy en sentant monsieur Bently s'emparer de *** gros orteil qu'il se mit à sucer voluptueusement avant de lécher l'espace entre ses orteils puis de prendre l'orteil suivant en bouche.

Il les mignota un orteil après l'autre, avant d'engouffrer les cinq doigts de pied réunis dans sa bouche puis de s'occuper de l'autre pied et de lécher ses soyeuses plantes de pied.

Puis centimètre après centimètre il traça *** chemin partant des chevilles, pour remonter sur ses mollets, ses cuisses avant d'atteindre le petit trésor doré situé entre ses cuisses.

Comme le vieux schnock frottait *** visage ridé contre dans sa toi*** parfumée Bonnie verrouillait ses pieds couverts de salive dans *** dos histoire de l'encourager alors qu'elle pesait de la main sur sa nuque.

Dans leur cabinet elle avait entendu dire que monsieur Bently employait une langue experte devant les tribunaux, mais elle réalisait maintenant que cette sentence pouvait aussi s'appliquer à *** art du cunnilingus.

- Oh monsieur Bently... Oh oui...Ouiiiiiiiiiii... Oh bouffez-moi la chatte! Bouffez-moi le gazon! Ahhhhhhhhhh..... Pantelait-elle s'arquant pour mieux se livrer à ses caresses.

Et lorsque le vieillard si talentueux s'empara de *** clito sensibilisé il propulsa Bonnie dans l'espace alors qu'elle hurlait :

- Je... Je jouis... Je jouissssssssssssssss... Oh oui... Ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...

Défaillante, extasiée, Bonnie, allongée sur le sofa sentit le vieil homme se débrouiller pour la transporter sur le grand lit.

Une fois qu'il l'eut dépouillé de sa robe et de *** soutien-gorge, elle gisait sur le lit dans sa glorieuse beauté alors que *** talentueux fellateur se déshabillait prestement.

Bras grands ouverts, Bonnie l'accueillit chaleureusement lorsqu'il s'allongea sur le lit la caressant tendrement.

Si elle exceptait les troubles dus à l'âge de monsieur Bently bien qu'ill. veuille se repaître activement de ses charmes, Bonnie se trouva fort surprise de le voir si vaillant, se comportant en jeune homme impatient.

Il la martela pendant quinze bonnes minutes lui procurant le meilleur de sa vie, une chevauchée dont elle se rappellerait longtemps encore.

Pistonné au point de succomber à un intense orgasme, Bonnie boucla *** bras dans *** dos et serra ses cuisses sur *** buste alors qu'il éjaculait profondément dans *** intimité avant de s'écrouler épuisé sur elle.

Crispant ses muscles vaginaux sur sa bite elle le traya véritablement extirpant jusqu'aux dernières gouttes *** fluide génital.

Somnolant légèrement alors qu'elle digérait ce violent orgasme qui venait de la terrasser, elle cligna des yeux alors que la bite de monsieur Bently glissait mollement hors de sa caverne brûlante.

C'est alors qu'elle prit conscience du problème en sentant le vieux schnock gésir sans réaction entre ses cuisses charnues, elle comprit alors qu'il avait succombé à une crise cardiaque en l'honorant de ses faveurs.

Deux semaines plus tard, alors qu'elle se reprochait encore le décès de monsieur Bently, Bonnie se sentait si coupable en regardant *** beau-père se demandant si lui aussi rêver de coucher avec elle.

Lors de la visite habituelle que leur faisait *** beau-père une fois par an pour passer une semaine en leur compagnie, il en profitait pour se livrer à quelques travaux de bricolage autour de la mai***.

Le détaillant alors qu'il était assis dans le salon sirotant une bois*** fraîche qu'elle venait de lui tendre, Bonnie se gourmandait d'avoir de telles pensées, se disant en *** fort intérieur :

- Comment puis-je penser à de telles choses? Il a 66 ans! Quand je repense à ce qui s'est passé avec monsieur Bently... Je me sens responsable de sa mort!

Le lendemain matin, alors que Jack était parti faire une partie de golf avec ses copains, Bonnie enlevait sa chemise de nuit pour enfiler une petite robe d'été bleue.

Se mordant les lèvres, elle se livra alors à un acte assez pervers.

Le café passait tandis qu'elle faisait de la pâte à crêpe, beau-papa entra alors dans la cuisine et elle le salua aimablement :

- Bonjour Papy, voulez-vous bien vous servir vous-même votre tasse de café, il est prêt dans la cafetière, j'ai les mains couvertes de pâte à crêpe.

Une fois q'il se fut servi *** café, comme il s'asseyait, elle lui demanda :

- Oh, Papy avant de vous asseoir, pourriez-vous aller me chercher mon chandail... Il fait un peu frais ce matin...

Il se trouve sur le fauteuil dans ma chambre...

Le cœur battant la chamade, aussi excitée que honteuse du piège qu'elle avait mis en place, elle attendait les mains toujours plongées dans la pâte à crêpe.

Dès *** entrée dans la chambre le regard de beau-papa se porta sur une petite culotte négligemment jetée en travers du lit, il s'aperçut tout de suite que le fond de cette petite culotte semblait décoloré, empesé.

Il s'en saisit pour en inspecter le fond et découvrit qu'il était trempé du jus intime de sa salope de belle-fille qui devait s'être branlée juste avant de descendre dans la cuisine.

En fait, il s'agissait d'une mise en scène habilement composée par sa belle-fille qui était désireuse de savoir si beau-papa la désirait autant que les autres hommes.

La petite culotte de Bonnie avait été disposée soigneusement en travers du lit, à moitié retournée, froissée comme si elle venait de s'en débarrasser, pour attirer l'attention de Papy, il ne pouvait que tomber dans le piège ainsi tendu.

Il tendit la main et en huma les flagrances intimes de chatte en chaleur qui émanaient de la partie poisseuse de jus de chatte.

Il la porta à ses narines s'imprégnant allégrement de ses parfums intimes avant de la reposer sur le lit.

Entendant les pas pressés de beau-papa qui revenait dans la cuisine, Bonnie s'assura que ses mains étaient toujours couvertes de pâte à crêpe, puis elle lui demanda de draper *** chandail sur ses épaules.

Comme il s'exécutait Bonnie constatait *** essoufflement causé par l'excitation d'avoir manipulé sa petite culotte avant de se hâter de revenir dans la cuisine avant qu'elle se demande ce qu'il pouvait bien le retarder dans sa chambre.

Une fois le petit-déjeuner consommé, Bonnie demanda à beau-papa :

- Pendant que vous tracerez les plans pour l'armoire à chaussures que vous vouliez installer dans les toilettes aujourd'hui, je vais me rendre rapidement au marché pour racheter du café et un plat froid pour le repas de ce midi.

*** jus intime coulait entre ses cuisses qu'elle serrait l'une contre l'autre de façon à ne pas tacher le derrière de sa robe bleue du fait qu'elle ne portait pas de petite culotte.

De retour dans sa chambre elle jeta un oeil sur le lit et sourit en voyant que la petite culotte ne se trouvait plus à la place où elle l'avait soigneusement posée.

Une fois ses cheveux brossés elle se saisit de *** sac à main abandonnant sa petite culotte sur le lit, elle se mit en chemin pour se rendre au marché.

Après avoir laissé à *** beau-père nécessaire pour qu'il agisse, en revenant du garage vers la cuisine :

- Hey Papy, je suis rentrée!

Il lui répondit toujours assis au même endroit où il traçait des plans sur la feuille de papier sur laquelle il travaillait plus tôt déjà lors de *** départ pour le marché, elle remarqua alors qu'il se mettait brusquement à transpirer.

Dans la chambre conjugale Bonnie sourit en notant que la petite culotte se trouvait presque à la même place que lors de *** départ, il l'avait vraiment manipulée soigneusement.

Se rendant dans la salle de bain adjacente, Bonnie releva la lunette et sourit malicieusement en se rendant compte qu'elles avaient servi il y a peu de temps, elle le savait car le brin de laine témoin qu'elle y avait déposé avait disparu.

Sa petite culotte à la main elle redescendit à pieds nus le vestibule pour gagner l'endroit où se tenait *** beau-père.

Elle savait que l'annonce de la découverte de ses agissements allait l'effaroucher, mais depuis qu'elle avait assisté la crise cardiaque fatale de *** patron, Bonnie ne voulait surtout pas le stresser outre-mesure.

Aussi au lieu de respecter *** plan initial qui risquait bien trop de l'affoler, Bonnie concocta un plan B tout en s'approchant de *** beau-papa.

Elle tendit la main et la posa sur *** épaule elle le sentit se raidir et *** souffle s'accélérer *********** alors qu'elle lui disait tout doucement :

- Papy, puis-je vous parler de quelque chose de très per***nel?

En l'entendant s'approcher, il s'était figé les yeux rivés sur *** plan, espérant que ses agissements pervers n'avaient pas été découverts.

Le cœur battant la chamade, il chercha à se remémorer s'il avait bien pris la précaution de remettre fidèlement la petite culotte à sa place, il était sur de ne pas l'avoir souillée de *** sperme lorsqu'il s'était branlé dans l'affriolant sous-vêtement, il avait soigneusement nettoyé les gerbes de foutre qui avaient jaillies sur la lunette, et il avait méticuleusement inspecté le sol pour être sur de ne pas avoir laissé de tracés d'éjaculation.


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Alors qu'elle lui caressait gentiment l'épaule et le cou elle lui susurra à l'oreille :

- Papy, vous êtes conduit comme un vicieux petit garçon alors que je faisais les courses, n'est ce pas vrai?

Comme *** beau-père tremblait de tout *** corps, elle lui fourra sa froufroutante petite culotte sous les yeux en commentant :

- Vous vous êtes servi de ma petite culotte pour vous branler n'est ce pas Papy?

Devant *** silence significatif, elle insista :

- Répondez-moi donc!

Elle sentait *** corps trembler comme une feuille, alors qu'il hochait la tête admettant qu'effectivement il s'était masturbé dans *** sous-vêtement.

L'entendant haleter péniblement, elle laissa sa main descendre dans *** dos le massant de ses doigts agiles tout en poursuivant :

- La, la, la Papy... C'est bon... Je comprends... C'est très dur d'être veuf!

Bonnie constata le soulagement de *** beau-père, elle sut alors qu'elle pouvait continuer de développer ***, plan et lui dit :

- Vous avez vraiment agi comme un vicieux petit garçon lorsque je suis partie! Et les petits garçons doivent être punis lorsqu'ils ***t méchants! N'est ce pas vrai papy?

- N'est ce pas Papy? Répondez-moi ou je devrai révéler à Jack vos agissements!

Lui confia Bonnie, un long silence s'ensuivit.

Elle lui fit un signe de tête apaisant en constatant que la menace de révéler à *** fils qu'il se masturbait dans ses sous-vêtements le tracassait sérieusement.

- A moins que vous répondiez à chaque question désormais, et que vous me répondiez sincèrement,, j'en aviserai votre fils dès *** retour ce soir! Le menaça-t-elle sévèrement.

- Avez vous porté ma petite culotte à votre visage pour en respirer les flagrances?

Le vieil homme répondit affirmativement d'un signe de tête.

- Vous êtes-vous frotté le visage dans ma petite culotte?

Questionna-t-elle ensuite.

Il hocha à nouveau la tête.

- Avez-vous léché vicieusement l'entrejambes?

Nouvel hochement de tête.

- Vous êtes vous servi de la petite culotte de votre belle-fille chérie en l'entortillant autour de votre bite dedans pour vous branler à votre aise?

Il hocha encore la tête.

- Et maintenant vilain petit garçon préférez-vous que je vous punisse moi-même ou que j'en informe Jack? Comprenez vous- ce que je vous dis? Ajouta-t-elle, il fit signe qu'il avait compris murmurant un oui misérable.

- Je pense qu'il faut que je trouve un moyen de vous dissuader de sentir et lécher le fond des petites culottes de votre belle-fille! Annonça Bonnie avant de fourrer l'entrejambes de sa petite culotte sous le nez de *** beau-père.

- C'est bien ça que vous vouliez humer? Le fond de la petite culotte que votre bru portait la nuit précédente? Respirez profondément, captez toutes les flagrances de ma petite culotte sale vilain petit garçon! Le gourmanda-t-elle en posant *** autre main sur sa nuque pour l'empêcher de reculer la tête.

Puis elle recula la petite culotte de quelques centimètres tout en la gardant sous *** nez, elle lui ordonna :

- Et maintenant léchez là!

Une fois le fond de la culotte trempée de salive Bonnie lui enjoignit de la tenir grande ouverte face à *** visage.

- Tenez la comme ça! Bien face à vous.

Puis elle fit le tour de la chaise pour se poster face à lui.

Alors qu'il la regardait tout en tenant la petite culotte ouverte, Bonnie leva sa jambe droite, offrant à *** beau-père haletant la vue de ses orteils manucurés alors qu'elle l'enfilait dans sa petite culotte.

Puis posant sa main sur *** épaule pour ne pas risquer de tomber, Bonnie leva alors sa jambe gauche pour la glisser à *** tour dans la petite culotte.

L'affriolant sous-vêtement remonté aux genoux elle lui ordonna :

- Et maintenant remontez la à la bonne place Papy!

Bonnie gagna ensuite l'évier de la cuisine pour y laver la vaisselle du petit déjeuner, jetant un oeil sut sur beau-père elle le prévint :

- Votre punition n'est pas terminée papy! Venez vous asseoir au sol à coté de moi pendant que je lave la vaisselle...

Il obéit timidement, il s'assit à sa droite, Bonnie continuait à laver les bols et les assiettes du coté gauche de l'évier les posant ensuite à sa droite pour les rincer.

Tout en lavant les plats elle commenta :

- Je suppose que je vais devoir garder un oeil sur vous tout le temps désormais... Que feriez-vous si je ne vous faisais pas asseoir à mon coté tandis que je lave la vaisselle... Vous iriez fouiller le panier à linge à salle pour y dégotter une autre de mes petites culottes?

On aurait dit un petit garçon apeuré, Bonnie recula un peu le toisant du regard et l'enfourcha.

Elle releva le devant de sa légère robe bleue et la laissa retomber sur la tête de *** beau-père, elle l'entendit haleter ***********, elle savait que cela l'étourdissait tout autant que cela lui plaisait.

- Et maintenant il va falloir apprendre à cesser de manipuler mes petites culottes et de vous frotter le visage dedans... Sinon, vous aurez affaire à moi!

Elle l'entendait respirer difficilement alors que sa chaude haleine lui caressait la face interne des cuisses elle lui demanda :

- Qu'y a-t-il Papy? Vous n'aimez pas mes petites culottes lorsque je les porte? Léchez-la! Léchez la alors que je l'ai sur le cul, vilain garçon!

Papy pensait qu'il venait tout juste de mourir et se trouvait au paradis, il ne pouvait pas y avoir d'aussi délicieuse place sur terre.

Il réalisait maintenant que Bonnie devait avoir mis en scène tout ceci, qu'elle avait délibérément abandonné sa petite culotte sur *** lit pour le piéger, allant jusqu'à se rendre au marché sachant très bien qu'il ne saurait pas résister à l'envie de retourner se branler dans *** affriolant petit cache-sexe.

Il tendit nerveusement la main et palpa la chair tendre de ses cuisses, puis il se pencha fourrant *** nez dans *** entrecuisse tout contre le fond de sa petite culotte, il savourait le fait qu'elle ne lui opposa aucune objection.

Puis il se mit à lécher le fond de sa petite culotte repoussant de coté le fond de *** slip pour glisser la pointe de sa langue dans sa balafre génitale.

- Oh Papy, ohhhhh..., Oh Papyyyyy... Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh! Grommelait sa bru alors qu'il parcourait d'une langue agile sa fentine enfiévrée.

Alors qu'elle chancelait sur ses jambes, il la repoussa contre l'évier tout en continuant à déguster sa féminité.

- Ahhhhhh... Ahhhhhhh... Ahhhhh... Ohhhhhhh... Papyyyyyyyyy... Pantelait -elle maintenant.

Il trouva alors *** clito sensibilisé et le mignota lascivement.

- Oh, mon Dieuuuuuuu... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Gémissait-elle alors qu'elle orgasmait sous ses caresse linguales.

La tête ressortie de la robe de sa belle-fille, Beau-papa la retroussa sur sa taille, et la guida jusqu'à sa chambre conjugale.

Il aida la jeune femme chancelant sur ses jambes à monter les escaliers puis il la tourna vers lui et lui roula une pelle enfiévrée.

Il baissa prestement la fermeture éclair dorsale de sa robe, dégrafa *** soutien-gorge et entreprit de sucer avidement ses tétons roses écarlates.

Il la débarrassera rapidement de *** affriolante petite culotte.

Elle l'aida de ses petites mains manucurées à rouler sa culotte sur ses cuisses puis déboucla fiévreusement sa ceinture.

Bonnie se mit à trembler de tout *** corps alors que *** beau-père relativement âgé grimpait sur le lit et l'enfourchait, elle s'excusa :

- Je suis désolée de vous avoir fait cela! De vous avoir piégé en "oubliant" ma petite culotte chargée de mes effluves sur le lit.. De vous avoir tenté de façon si perverse! C'est juste que... Nous avons découvert que le sperme de jack est peu actif... Peut-être bien qu'il ne sera pas capable de m'engrosser!

- C'est pourquoi j'ai fait tout cela! Comme je pense que je ne pourrai pas avoir de bébé de Jack, j'en veux un de vous!

La deuxième partie de *** discours était totalement fausse, Jack n'avait jamais fait de test de fertilité, mais quel homme ne serait pas flatté d'être sélectionné pour engrosser sa jeune et ravissante bru.

Papy Speers était vraisemblablement aussi enchanté qu'excité de remplacer *** fils en cette occasion, spécialement étant donné la façon dont elle s'y était prise pour se faire désirer.

- Oh Papy... Oh oui... Baisez-moi papy... baisez-moi! Mettez-moi tout, encore... Plus profond... Giclez dans mon ventre! Engrossez-moi!

- Oh ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... Ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... Pantelait-elle folle d'excitation.
Bonnie avait appris de *** expérience avec les vieux comme monsieur Jeffer*** et maintenant *** beau-père, qu'il faisait des efforts démesurés lorsqu'ils avaient l'opportunité de pilonner la chatoune d'une jeune salope.

Et à voir la façon dont Papy Speers la prenait maintenant, savourant le fait d'être sollicité pour lui faire un enfant, ne pouvait que la convaincre de continuer à prendre de vieux hommes comme amants à l'avenir.

Embrassant *** beau-père, bouclant ses chevilles dans *** dos elle s'arquait pour profiter de toute a longueur de la bite qui la fouaillait si délicieusement.

Cette session de baise s'avérait fantastique, déjà Bonnie succombait à un premier orgasme d'une intensité rare alors que Papy Speers déversait une louche de semence active dans le tréfonds de *** intimité fertile.



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A Dirty Piggy

Yet another birthday is rolling around, this one making me forty-four. I can't help but realize that time is going by so fast. It seems like only yesterday I was pushing my *** in his carriage. Now he is twenty, and not needing me as much so I find myself with a lot of time on my hands, and a lot of thinking about my sexual needs. I have always been somewhat submissive, but as I got older, I came to enjoy being degraded also. I don't know why, or what made me indulge in this type of sexual play, but the more turned on I got, the more I wanted to be treated like nothing more than a piece of meat. It's difficult for me to understand why I enjoy this, since my everyday life I am the one in charge, and I demand respect. I didn't spend as much time trying to figure it out, as I did acting it out.

The greatest lover I have ever had, treated me like a total whore, and I loved it. He would come to my place, and as soon as he walked in the door he was groping me, and rubbing my cunt through my shorts. As soon as I locked the door, he pushed me into the living room and began using me, and me devouring every moment. He grabbed me by my hair and told me I was a whore and he was going to use me any way he wanted. He pulled my clothes off, and began his assault on my 40D tits. Smacking, and squeezing my big mounds, and pinching and pulling on my hard nipples. When he was satisfied at the amount of red marks across my tits, he roughly bent me over his knee, and the spanking began. His hand came down on my ass so hard I wanted to cry, but I thanked him for every spank until he was again, satisfied. Then he ordered me to get to my knees and suck his cock, of course I obliged. I sucked his cock like a dirty cock hungry whore, while he called me filthy names. The more degrading the words got, the faster and harder I sucked. Every name he called me made my cunt throb, and I was dripping wet. Just when I thought he would drop his load down my throat, he grabbed me by my hair and threw me on the bed. Before I knew it I was handcuffed to the bed preventing me from fighting him at all, not that I wanted to anyway. He grabbed a vibrator from his bag of toys, and began using my cunt with it. He was fucking me and calling me names, and I was like a dirty bitch in heat, and when he ordered me to degrade myself, I did willingly. I told him I was a filthy fucking whore for him to use, and he smacked my tit as a reward for degrading myself.

After three of the most mind blowing orgasms I have ever had, he un-cuffed me and ****** me to suck his cock some more. I really enjoy sucking cock, so I happily took his cock in my mouth, as he told me what a dirty piggy I was. As soon as I heard him call me piggy, I almost came right there. I didn't realize such a nasty word would turn me on so much. I wanted to hear more of it so when he said it I took my mouth off his cock and screamed out, "Yeah!". He now knew I enjoyed it, and he began calling me a fat pig slut, which made me cum. I couldn't help it, and when he realized I came like that, he got so turned on, he bent me over and rammed his hard cock deep in my ass. I was so turned on by this time, that I was begging for him to drop his hot load deep inside my piggy ass.

After using me as his per***al cum dump, he got up, got dressed, and left telling me he would call me when he needed to use a fat pig like me. Hearing pig again sent a tingle into my well used cunt, and the minute he left, I was rubbing my cunt to yet another orgasm. It was at that moment I realized I was a pig whore, and the thought was making me wet all over again. Unfortunately he moved away shortly after making me his pig, and I find myself still yearning for that, and more. Now I want to be a pig whore for two men, and I am sure when I finally get to do that, then I will want even more. More cocks using my holes, and treating me like a pig. I have been searching for that for a long time now, and it seems that I have only come across men that refuse to share. Finding someone to treat me like a pig was easy, but the minute I mention another man, they disappear. Why is this so hard to find? I have so many fantasies too, and I'm sure whoever would agree to this, would be very satisfied with this pig whore.

So many different scenarios turn me on, but I will explain one of them so you can get an idea of what I am looking for. It starts out with me shopping a the local market. I couldn't reach something on a high shelf, so I stopped a man in the store to help me. He seemed to be about forty five years old, somewhat overweight, bald, and average looking, and also a bit perverted I found out. When he handed me the item I couldn't reach he pushed it into my chest and squeezed my tit. I was a little shocked, but also turned on since he was obviously only looking at me as a piece of meat. Noticing I didn't say anything, or react, when I bent over to put the item in my shopping cart he put his hand on my ass and began rubbing and squeezing. I couldn't believe how much this man was turning me on. I lingered over the cart for longer than I probably should have, and when I stood up he smiled and just stared at me. I thanked him for his help, and walked down the aisle to continue my shopping, my heart beating a mile a minute, and my cunt dripping wet. All I could now think about was that perverted man using me like a pig whore all for himself. I finished up my shopping and headed home, but when I stepped outside the store the pervert was standing there as if waiting for someone. I was a little embarrassed now for letting him grope me like that in the store.
I just put my head down and was about to walk past him when another man walked up to him and shook his hand. They obviously knew each other, and this man looked somewhat like the first guy, but he had a moustache and was much older, maybe sixty five or so. When I past them I heard the pervert call the other man Dad. Now wondering if his ****** knew what a pervert his *** was, as I continued my three block walk home. The supermarket would be delivering my groceries within the hour so I would go home and make a cup of tea and try to figure out what happened in that supermarket this afternoon. Just about to sit down and enjoy my tea, the doorbell rang. "Great timing", I thought, and got up to what I assumed were my groceries. I was correct, there stood the man delivering my groceries, but as he was putting the boxes in my kitchen, the pervert was standing in my hallway. I was stunned, shocked, and very scared now. I could have told the delivery guy something was wrong, but I didn't. I could have screamed at the pervert, but I didn't. I could have run back into my apartment and locked the door, but I didn't. I gave the delivery guy his tip, and watched him leave as the pervert continued his staring at me, as if he knew my pussy was dripping wet, and what I needed.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?", he asked me.

"The nerve of this pervert asking to come into my apartment! He doesn't even know me!", I thought to myself. "Yes of course, please come in," I replied instead.

As he followed behind me he said, "C'mon Dad" , and it was then I realized what was going to happen, and I didn't do anything to stop it.

I locked the door behind them, and brought them into the living room, which is also my bedroom since my *** has the actual bedroom. Luckily he had classes that day until late, so there was no chance of him coming home. I wanted to be a pig whore for this ****** and ***, and hopefully that's also what they wanted. They each took a seat on the sofa, and motioned for me to join them. I took my place between them, and the minute I sat down their hands were all over me. They roughly spread my legs, and began playing with my cunt commenting to each other how on how wet I was. They were calling me names, and the nastier the names got the wetter my cunt got.

"What are you?", the perverts ****** asked.

"I'm a filthy pig whore!", I screamed out.

From that moment on they called me piggy every chance they got, and made me oink like a pig from time to time. They continued to take turns fingering my wet cunt, and a***ing my tits, until they ****** me to my knees to suck their cocks. I was so wild by now, I greedily took turns sucking their hard cocks, each was about seven inches and fit perfectly in my mouth.

"That's it piggy, suck those cocks!", the pervert ordered.

Not only did I suck their cocks, I sucked and licked on their balls, almost pushing them right over the edge. The pervert's ****** grabbed me by my hair and threw me on the bed, and ordered me to get on all fours like the pig I was. I did as I was told and he tied my hands to the headboard, with my ass sticking way up in the air, and my 40D tits hanging down to the bed. They took turn fucking my cunt from behind, each one spanking my fat ass, making it red and sore. The I felt Daddy slide in under me and slide his cock into my cunt, and made me ride him for a few minutes. I then felt the pervert come up behind me, and put his cock at my anal opening. I said no, and tried to move my ass away.

This made him angry, and he grunted "You are a pig, and you take cock in all your holes piggy!".

With that he rammed his hard cock deep in my ass, while his Dad's cock slid in and out of my cunt. They pounded into me, making me their dirty fuck pig, and I was enjoying every minute of it.

Of course this is just one of my ever so many fantasies. I just wish I could find some men into using a fat pig whore like myself. I long for the day to be a piggy for some nasty, filthy minded man.



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Old Men Make Her Fantasy a Reality

There she was. Reading erotic stories, and rubbing her pussy.

This had become an every day, thing lately, and she didn't know, and really didn't care. She loved bringing herself to orgasm, while reading hot erotic stories.

She read a lot of different stories, but the ones with groups, or reluctance, turned her on the most. She had never actually had sex that way, but has always fantasized about it. The thought of being used and ****** by a man, or men always made her pussy moist, wet and very sensitive.

After reading a very hot story, about a woman being used by a group of horny old men, she was ready to bust. She needed to cum so bad. Her thoughts trailed off to her being the woman in the story. Having a group of old men use her. None of them less than 60 years old, and perverted and nasty. That fantasy always made her cum, hard and strong.

When she finally snapped out of it, she realized, she was already late for her meeting, and had to get going. She showered, and got ready, and walked out the door, still living her fantasy in her head.

She got into her car, and pulled away from her house, still fantasizing about being a whore. Her meeting was about an hour away, at some new complex, in the middle of nowhere.

The beginning of her fantasy begins with her car breaking down, in a small mid western town. She pulls up into a small service center, with smoke coming form under the hood of her car. An older man about 65, or so, comes walking to her car.

She gets out of the car, and his eyes go straight to her breasts. Her nipples became hard, being turned on by the perverted way he was looking at her.

"Afternoon Ma'am, what can I do for you?"

"Seems something is wrong with my car. Are you a mechanic?"

"Yes Ma'am I am."

"Can you fix my car for me?"

"Sure, no problem, but it won't be cheap."

"Oh my, I don't have much money."

"No problem Ma'am, I am sure you can pay another way."

"What do you mean by that?" she asked, now getting scared.

"Well, I can't have the car ready until tomorrow anyway, and I am sure you will need a place to stay for the evening, being that you spent all your money on fixing the car."

"Yes, I suppose I will."

"You can stay at my place for the evening, on one condition."

"What's that?" "You do whatever I want, to pay off the rest of the payment for the car."

"I can't do that!"

"Ok Ma'am, but your car isn't going anywhere, unless I fix it. I am not fixing it, if you don't do this."

"That's not fair!"

"It may not be, but that's the way it is."

"Okay, I will do it."

"Good, then from now on your name is whore or slut, or whatever degrading name I want to call you. Is that understood?"


"When you answer me, it will be, Yes Sir, understood?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good whore."

He closed up the shop for the evening. The part for her car would not be delivered for a week, but he didn't tell her that. They jumped in his truck, and drove off.

She felt the old fuck staring her down, as she looked out the window. She couldn't believe she had agreed to this. Now she was scared, but also feeling her pussy getting wet. Her panties became moist, and she shifted in her seat.

"You are going to make a sweet piece of meat, sweetie."

"Excuse me?" she gasped.

"Oh yes, whore. You are just a piece of meat to me. A place for my cock, and I am going to use all your holes tonight."

"Oh no, please, don't do that!"

"Don't worry, you dirty whore, your cunt will be cumming all night, well when I let you of course"

Those words rang in her ears. She wanted it. She wanted to be used by this old man. She wanted to be his whore, and obey him.

They pulled into a long dirt driveway. It seemed to go on forever, then she saw a huge old, run down house, at the top of the driveway.

He pulled up to the front door, and got out. He walked around and opened her door. "Let's go bitch, get inside."

She jumped out of his truck, and followed him through the front door.

The house was old, and dusty, and not very clean. "Go upstairs and shower. When you are done, come back down here, completely nude."

"Yes Sir."

She did as she was told, and went up the stairs to the bathroom.

She turned on the water as hot as she thought she could stand it, and stepped under the water. It was wonderful. So relaxing. It made her feel she could do this, and get her car tomorrow and leave. "I can do this" she repeated to herself.

After spending enough time in the shower, she turned off the water. She grabbed a towel off the rack, and stepped out of the shower. She dried herself off, and headed back downstairs.

When she entered the room this time, she was completely naked. Exposed for the dirty old man, sitting naked, in front of her.

"Mmmm, good slut, you have done well so far."

He was stroking his cock, and admiring the beautiful woman in front of him. He had a lot of fun plans for them, in the days to come.

"Get on your knee's whore!"

She dropped to her knees, more because his voice scared her. He sounded violent, and more demanding. She second guessed her thought, on whether she could handle this or not,

"Crawl over to me, and kneel between my legs."

She did as she was told, and kneeled between his legs, until his cock was right in front of her face. He continued to stroke it for her.

"You like that cock bitch?"

"Yes Sir." Oh God, how could she have said that? What was she doing?

"Put your hand around my cock."

She reached over and grabbed his now, very hard cock, in her hand. She had never seen a cock so big. It looked to be maybe 10 inches. She began licking her lips when she saw his massive cock.

"Oh yes bitch, lick those lips. Do you want to suck my cock, bitch?"

"Oh yes Sir!"

"Open your mouth wide, my little whore."

"Yes Sir."

Her mouth opened wide. Opening for the old man that was going to use her any way he wanted. The only problem is, was that she was enjoying it all. Knowing that an old man, a dirty nasty old man, was going to use her. She would be his fucktoy, and she wanted it all.

"Lick my cock."

She slid her tongue, up and down the shaft of his huge dirty cock. He smelled like he hadn't showered in a week. The stench would have normally made her gag, but she knew she wanted cock. At this point it didn't matter whose cock. She knew that when she felt so slutty this way, she would need to get fucked, and used.

He began moaning, at the touch of her tongue. He wanted his whole cock in her mouth. He wanted to make her a dirty whore. She was obviously enjoying it so far, so he figured he could do anything. And she will soon find out he does.

"Suck on my balls my sweet slut."

She began licking his balls, now getting used to his smell. She licked all over them, making dirty slurping sounds. "Oh yes, you sound like such a whore down there, baby."

She was thinking the same thing, when he spoke. She sounded like a greedy whore, licking and sucking on his balls. It gave her a feeling inside her stomach, which she couldn't explain. Hearing herself being a whore, made her pussy dripping wet.

He grabbed her by her hair, and pulled her head up. She moaned in disappointment. "Don't worry whore. This is only the beginning." He kissed her deep on the lips, pushing his tongue into her mouth. She felt his tongue **** her mouth, and his hands began to pinch her nipples. She still wanted more.

He squeezed her hard nipples, until she screamed. "Are you going to do whatever I tell you to?"


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"Yes Sir."

"No matter what it is?"

"Yes Sir."

"Do you enjoy being my whore?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good, now open your mouth, and suck my cock."

She took his big cock into her waiting mouth. The minute she felt him inside her mouth, she almost came. She loved the feeling of a nice, hard, cock violating her mouth. She wanted him to ******* every one of her holes.

"C'mon, a whore like you, can suck cock better than that!"

She began sucking his cock faster. She grabbed his cock with her hand, and was stroking his cock while she sucked it. Then she started to rub his balls, softly as he fucked her mouth.

"Get up on all fours, on the bed."

She climbed up on the bed, and bent over like the whore she was. She spread her leg's really wide, and stuck her ass up in the air. She was completely exposed for him. She was giving herself to him, and had no idea why, but she felt she wanted to.

He laid down on his back, with his head opposite hers. "Don't move whore, no matter what."

"Yes Sir."

She felt his hand inside her thigh. Moving up, until he reached her completely shaved pussy.

"Mmmmm I like a bald pussy, very good slut."

"Yes Sir, thank you Sir."

She felt his fingers separate her lips. "You dirty little slut. Your pussy is soaking wet."

"Yes Sir."

"You are enjoying this too much." With that he rammed two fingers deep inside her wet hole.

She loved being fingered. It turned her on more than anything else. Well, not spankings, she really loved those.

When he saw she was still enjoying this, he shoved four fingers into her. With that she screamed, and he knew he had accomplished what he wanted. He began fingering her furiously, sliding almost his whole hand in and out of her. She was dripping wet, and he loved it.

Hearing her scream, and moan, made his cock so hard. He almost couldn't stand the pressure building up inside him. It took everything he had not to throw her on the bed and fuck her, like the whore she was showing she was.

But he had a better idea. He wanted to make her scream, and beg for more. He decided he was going to put his whole hand in her, and fisted her. He wasn't sure how she would react to this. He thought it would be best if he tied her to the bed, so he could use her any way HE wanted.

"Lay down on you back on the bed."

She jumped up onto the bed, excited about what was coming next. She knew he was a perverted old man, who liked to treat women like fuck meat. She decided that she would be the dirtiest whore she could be. Mostly because she wanted to get out alive. But a small part of her wanted to do it, because she wanted it. She wanted to be treated like his personal whore, and ****** to do nasty, dirty things.

He tied her wrists to the headboard, and tied her legs to the footboard, by her ankles. He left some extra rope so she could bring her legs up, and he could have full access to his beautiful whore.

Being tied up, and helpless, to this man that only looked at her as a fuck hole, sent pulsations to her pussy. A feeling that she had never felt before, but didn't want it to end. She wanted all of this. No matter what she tried to convince herself, of doing this to get out alive. It was all just a lie, she was telling herself. She was actually there, because she wanted to be, and no other reason. It may have started out differently, but now at this moment, she wanted to be his toy.

He looked down at his slut, all tied up and all just for him. He rubbed his hands over her breasts, making her nipples hard. He took one nipple in between his thumb and forefinger, and pinched her ever so lightly. The moan that escaped from her mouth, told him she wanted more. He pinched her again, and this time a bit harder than the last. She just kept moaning. When he pinched with all his strength, she screamed.

"That's it bitch! I want you to scream!"

"Ooohhhhhh! Yes Sir!"

"Tell me what you are bitch"

"I am a dirty whore Sir."

"Tell me who owns you slut!"

"You do Sir! You own me Sir!"

As he continued to ***** her tits, slapping them, and pinching them, his hand slid down her stomach. He rubbed one finger on her clit. Soft, then hard, making her squirm on the bed. Being tied up, she couldn't squirm too much. She could feel her orgasm building up inside of her. He could tell she badly needed to cum.

"This is not for your pleasure whore, you better not cum!"

"Yes Sir."

He slid three fingers into her dripping wet cunt, violating, and taking ownership to her wet hole. "Who does this pussy belong to?"

"It belongs to you Sir'"

he slid another finger inside her. By now she was humping his hand like a true slut. She was pushing her pussy down on his hand, fucking his hand and begging for more.

"Oh yes Sir, please don't stop!"

"You don't tell me what to do! You are my fucktoy, and I will stop and start when I want, and do whatever I please." "Is that understood?"

"Yes Sir, understood."

He figured he would teach her a lesson. He needed her to know he was in charge. He needed her to know, she was nothing more than his plaything. As he fingered her, he decided one way to show her would be to fist her.

He made a fist, and slowly started to slide his fist inside her. He watched as her pussy stretched, and listened as she begged him to stop.

"What the hell is he doing?" she asked herself. She felt something really big, and wide slipping into her tight hole. "What is that?" her panicky voice asked.

"I'm going to slide my fist inside your cunt, and you will shut up and take it!"

She couldn't believe it. She didn't want this. She wanted to leave now, but all she could manage was a "Yes Sir."

She felt her pussy stretching to limits it had never been. She could not believe the feeling of fullness, and pain, and pleasure. She felt his fist enter her pussy, and he began moving his hand around inside her wetness. He started pumping her, and she was screaming. Only she knew that they were screams of pleasure.

She needed to cum. She wanted to ask him if she could, but was afraid to. She was his whore, and he would let her know, when she would be allowed to cum. She didn't know how much longer she could keep this up. Having this dirty old man, use her like this. She felt as if she was losing herself, and screamed one last time, before she passed out.

When she did, he took his hand out of her pussy real slow. His hand was dripping wet, with her sweet slut juice. He licked it all of, and decided to let her rest for now. He had a lot planned for her that evening, and had to get things ready anyway. He covered her tied up body with a blanket, and for the first time noticed how beautiful she really was.

She had fallen off to ***** for about two hours. She awoke to a bunch of voices. She opened her eyes, but saw nothing. She realized she had a blindfold on, so she strained to hear the voices. She heard Sir's voice, and assumed, after listening, that there were maybe three, or four other men, in the room.

"What's going on?" she screamed.

She felt a hard smack come down on her left breast. The pain was incredible, but she kept quiet. She wanted to find out what was going on.

All of a sudden, she felt hands all over her. She heard the men grunting as they grabbed every part of her. She felt someone grabbing at her tits, pinching her nipples, and two hands working on her pussy. She felt fingers sliding in and out of her, making her moan, which only made the group of men want her more.

"I think we should let her watch us using her!" one of them shouted.

She then felt someone removing her blindfold. When her eyes focused the scene in front of her, she was shocked. There were 4 men, including her original attacker, standing around her. They all seemed to be no younger than 60, and they were fat, and dirty. They had a hungry look on their face as they looked at her tied up.

"These are my friends, and they are going to use you."

Here it was. Her ultimate fantasy. She had always dreamed of being used by a group of men. She knew at that moment, she was going to do whatever they wanted, and she would enjoy every minute of it.

"Yes Sir."

"See guys, I told you she was a real slut."

She watched as one man walked to the side of the bed, and tied a scarf around her mouth, to gag her. They weren't afraid of anyone hearing them, since they're wasn't anyone else for miles. The gag was just because, they liked to hear the sound of a woman screaming, and begging while gagged. It made them feel as if they were taking her against her will. They were all very horny, perverted men, and they loved it rough. She would soon realize just how rough they liked it.

She watched as they all started to undress. Her pussy began throbbing, knowing they were all going to use her, and fuck her. She wanted them to take turns using her, and she wanted it rough.

The first man undressed walked over to her, and began rubbing her breasts. Squeezing gently, making her nipple very hard. He took her nipple between his index finger, and thumb. He pinched her so hard. Her screams, muffled by the gag.

She felt the pain shoot through her body, and she began to get very wet. She wanted more, she needed more.

Another man walked over to her, and started pinching her other nipple, just as hard. The feeling of having both her nipples *****d, made her body shake, and buck. The harder they pinched the wider she spread her legs.

"Oh wow guys! Look at the dirty slut, spreading her legs for us!" one of them said.

She then felt someone ram their fingers inside her, now, dripping wet pussy. She wasn't sure how many fingers, but it felt like three. She began to buck up and down, on whoever's fingers that were deep inside her. "She knew she had two men a***ing her nipples, and one man finger fucking her pussy, so where was the fourth guy?" she thought to herself.

Just then, someone grabbed her hair, and jerked her head to the side, and removed the gag. She felt a hard cock, shoved into her mouth. She couldn't take it anymore, she came all over the stranger's fingers. Her juices flowed all over his hands, and dripped down her ass, and onto the bed. She could not believe how much she came. She had never felt an orgasm like that, in her whole life.

The stranger pulled his fingers out and yelled "The bitch came!"

All of a sudden she felt hands smacking her tits. "Who told you to cum slut?" Sir asked, as her continued to smack her. The harder the smacks got, the more she felt she would cum again. He must have sensed that because her stopped smacking her. Instead he fucked her mouth violently, grabbing the back of her head, and ***** fucking her mouth.

"Suck it bitch!"

She mumbled what was supposed to be "Yes Sir." She didn't want to stop sucking on his cock. She loved feeling like such a whore for men. She didn't ever think that she would enjoy sucking cock so much. The feeling of a hard cock, going in an out of her mouth, was a glorious feeling.

Sir pulled his cock out of her mouth. "You ready to take turns sucking cock, my little cock sucking slut?" "Yes Sir."

"If we untie you will you behave, and do as you're told?"

"Yes Sir, I will behave." She had no intentions of leaving now.

As she felt the restraints being removed, she thought, about how it was going to feel, as she took turns servicing these perverts. She couldn't wait to find out.

"Get up and get on your knees slut."

She got up slowly, trying to get her limbs, working right again. Being tied up all that time made her a little stiff.

She got on her knees, and their cocks surrounded her. This was the first time she saw, any of the other cocks. They all looked huge. They were at least ten inches, like Sir's. She couldn't believe she was calling him Sir in her thoughts.

She was in heaven with these four cocks. The first old man, looked about 65 or so, and loved to talk nasty.

"You like my big cock, you dirty whore?"

"Yes this whore does."

"Open your mouth."

Her mouth opened real wide, hoping to accommodate this monster cock aiming for her mouth. She didn't realize how fat his cock was, until it filled her mouth. It stretched her mouth, to it's limit. All she could think about was how this cock was going to stretch her pussy.

"Oh yeah baby, suck my dirty cock!"

Servicing cock like this, was making her very hot. She wanted to service men like this as much as she could.



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"Look at me whore, look at me when you suck my cock!"

Her eyes immediately met his. She could see in his eyes, that she was nothing more than a toy for him. He was getting his cock sucked by nothing but a whore. For some strange reason, that thought made her want it more.

She wanted to be a toy for them. A plaything, and fuck toy. With cocks the size of these, she would be anything they wanted.

She felt another cock pushing at the side of her mouth. She started sucking on the next perverts cock. She wasn't sure how old this guy was, but he looked older than any of them, but about a nine inch cock, and also very fat.

She started sucking slow, trying to get his cock deeper into her mouth. He got impatient, and put his hands on the back of her head, and ****** her to take him deeper. He was making her *****, but that only seemed to turn him on more.

His cock was covered in her saliva, and dripping down between, her still red, breasts. He finally pulled his cock out, and she moved onto the next one.

This guy was fat, but also very well hung. He looked to be bigger than nine inches, and fatter than anyone else's. He looked to be about 55 or so, she thought.

She stroked two other cocks, while she sucked this one. He was huge. Her mouth was aching, but she didn't want to stop. She wanted cock in her mouth. The feeling was incredible. Having a hard cock, in her mouth,. Feeling it with her tongue, as it slides, in and out, of her mouth. She was a true whore.

"Get up on the bed, like a dog!"

"Yes Sir."

She climbed up on the bed, on all fours. Being a true whore, she knew what he meant. They were going to fuck her, like the dirty dog she was. She put her ass up in the air, exposing her tight hole, and shaved pussy.

Without any warning, someone stepped up behind her, and rammed his cock in her pussy.


"I think the bitch likes it!" the owner of the cock yelled.

He started pumping her fast, and hard. You could hear their bodies slapping together, as he pounded her pussy.

When she felt a hand come down on her ass, she almost came. The feeling of being spanked, and fucked at the same time, was almost too much for her. She held back anyway, since she didn't have permission.

She felt his cock slide out of her pussy. The next guy wanted her to ride him, so he laid down, and she straddled him. She guided his cock into her pussy, and he slid his big hard cock, inside her. She began riding him, wanting every inch of this monster inside her.

Her tits were bouncing up and down, slapping against her body. He grabbed her tits, and squeezed them, and pinched her hard nipples.

"Oh yes, fuck my pussy, yes!"

"Ride my cock bitch!"

A man stepped up on either side of her. They grabbed her arms, and began pumping her, up and down, on their friends cock.

"Oh fuck yes, use me like the whore I am!"

After the two men helped her pump the cock inside her, they held her body down. She was breathing into the neck, of the old man fucking her.

She felt someone else come up behind her, and he rammed his cock deep into her tight ass. The pain shot through her, making her scream. Her tight ass was stretched to it's limit, and soon the pain turned to pleasure. She had never had two cocks inside her at the same time. The feeling was incredible. This really made her feel like their whore, and she loved it.

As the two cocks pumped her ass, and pussy, another cock was shoved into her mouth. She was getting fucked in all her holes, like the true slut she had now become.

She noticed Sir moving in front of her, and he had a video camera in his hand. He was filming these men use her holes. The thought of him having it all on film, only made her hotter. She began pumping herself into all the cocks inside her, making them fuck her harder.

"So, the whore likes to be filmed huh?"

With the cock stuffed in her mouth, all that came out was a muffle sound. She was attempting to say "Yes Sir."

They pumped her a few more minutes, until they were ready to cum. All the men got up and stood next to the bed.

"Get down on your knees whore." Sir said.

She dropped down to the floor, on her knees and waited for what was next.

"Ok guys, now you can cum."

They all started jerking off at her face, they were going to shoot their hot load all over her, and she wanted every drop.

They all shot their cream all over her face, and hair. Her face was dripping in cum. Sir then handed the camera to one of the other guys, and stepped in front of her.

"Open your mouth."

She did, and he shot half his load on her face, and also some into her mouth. She greedily swallowed the cum in her mouth, now herself feeling the need to cum. She hoped he would let her cum soon, because she couldn't take anymore, and needed to explode.

When everyone was done, she just sat there as they watched the cum drip off her face.

"Ok whore, if you want to cum, you can, but you have to do it yourself."

"Yes Sir."

At this point she didn't care how she came, as long as she came.

"Get up on the bed, and make your self cum, while I get it on film."

"Yes Sir."

She quickly got on the bed, and spread her legs real wide. She started rubbing her tit, and slid her other hand down to her dripping wet cunt. Rubbing her clit, slow and then fast. Then she rammed her own fingers inside her hole, fucking herself for them men watching.

"That's it whore, cum for my friends and me."

With that she felt a surge of electricity run through her as she came. Screaming, and bucking against her own hand. She knew she must have looked like such a whore to them, but she was actually enjoying it.

When she finished cumming, which seemed to last forever, she was exhausted. All she wanted to do was *****, but that soon became just a fantasy, because Sir was now ordering her to shower.

"Go take a shower and clean yourself up. This day isn't close to ending yet slut."

"Yes Sir."

"And don't try anything stupid. We are always watching you, and you won't get too far, even if you try to run."

"Yes Sir."

Little did he know, she had no intention of leaving at all. She never wanted to leave. She just wanted to get fucked and used by them, forever. She wanted to belong to this group, and be owned by them.

At this point in her fantasy, her pussy was already dripping wet. She thought about stopping at the next gas station, and going in the bathroom, to finger herself to orgasm. Just as that thought went through her mind, she pulled into the gas station.

A man that could have been in her fantasy, walked over to her car.

"Yes Ma'am, can I help you?"

"Yes please, I need some gas, and a bathroom.

"I will take care of the gas, but the bathroom is over there." he said pointing to behind the gas station.

"Thank you."

She entered the dirty bathroom, and it wreaked of piss. "This place is disgusting" she thought to herself. Barely touched the toilet seat, to pee. When she was finished, she wiped her pussy dry, and her fingers trailed to her clit. She began rubbing her clit, and fingering herself. She couldn't believe she was doing this, in such a filthy place. Doing it like this actually aroused her more. She began moaning load, and talking dirty to herself. Little did she know, there were four men, in the shop that could hear her.

They listened as she fingered herself to orgasm. When she was finished, she cleaned herself up, and straightened out her clothes. When she felt presentable again, she walked out of the bathroom.

She noticed her car wasn't parked by the pumps anymore, and went inside the shop at the gas station to ask someone where her car was.

When she walked through the door, she saw the guy that pumped her gas, and three other men. Just like in her fantasy, they were old, and dirty.

"Where's my car?"

"There was a problem with it, and you need an alternator."

"What? I just wanted gas."

"Us respectable men could not let a beautiful woman ride around like that. You might break down in the middle of nowhere, and be out of luck."

"I appreciate that, but I think I will take my chances. Here she had an opportunity to live out her fantasy, and she was looking to get out of there. What's wrong with me?" she asked herself.

She agreed to let them fix her car, and was offered to wait in a room in the back, where it was more comfortable. She agreed and headed to the back room.

When in the room, she noticed there was a sofa, and a bed. The man showing her to the room, must have seen the puzzled look on her face.

"Sometimes, we take a nap in here, and other stuff."

"Other stuff?"

"Yes, we have a lot of fun back here."

She ignored his last comment, and sat down on the sofa.

"Can I get you something to *****?"

"Yes please, a soda would be great."

He walked off to get her soda, and another one of the guys came in.

"You okay in here miss?"

"Yes I am fine, and thank you for taking care of my car."

"No problem."

She was left sitting there alone, and couldn't help but imagine these men fulfilling her fantasy. She imagined sucking all their cocks, and being a whore for them. Again her pussy, started getting wet. She wanted them to use her now. She started rubbing her tits, making her nipples hard. They were sticking right out through her shirt.

Then the guy came in with the soda, and caught her touching herself. She quickly took her hand off her breast, and reached for the soda. He knew then, his friends and him, would get this sweet piece of meat, to do anything they wanted.

Just like in her fantasy, he told her the car, would not be fixed until the next day. He also offered her a place to stay for the night.

"Could this be happening?" she thought to herself.

She accepted his invitation, and they all headed to his house.

The sexual games they played that night were exactly like in her fantasy.

Now she found herself taking a shower after being used. Not a fantasy, she was actually doing this now. She never knew from all the fantasies, that she would ever really be doing this, but here she was. She wanted more. She never wanted to go back home. She wanted to become their property, and be used whenever they wanted.

She got out of the shower and went back to the room, where they were waiting.

"Get on the bed, and lay on your back."

She did as she was told, and they began tying her up again. "Please, no I will not go anywhere."

"We know that bitch, we are tying you up, because we like the way a whore looks, tied up."

When they were done tying her up, they told her to get some rest. "We will be back in a few hours, to use our toy again."

"Yes Sir."

All the recent use, kept playing in her head. The more she thought about it, the wetter her pussy got. She wanted to rub her clit so bad, but couldn't.

She finally drifted off to *****, a deep sound *****. She was awoken by the sounds of a woman's voice.

"This bitch looks hot, and ready" she heard her saying.

'Oh she definitely is." one of the men said.

She watched as the woman walked over to her, and bent down next to the bed. Getting a better look at this woman, she looked to be about 45 or so, and chubby. She did notice that her tits were huge, and for some reason her pussy began to get wet. She had never thought about being with another woman before. Listening to this woman, talk to her just as nasty as the men, she didn't care. She wanted anyone to use her, just as long as she was getting used.

The nasty lady, started pinching her nipples very hard. She started moaning in pleasure, which must have really turned the woman on, because she pinched even harder.

Her hand then slid down to her wet hole. She began rubbing her clit, and then plunged two fingers inside her.

"Oh, look how wet you are, you dirty slut."

"Yes yes, please don't stop."

"Oh, so you like getting fingered by a woman, huh?"

"Yes, it feels so good, more, more please.

"Have you ever had your cunt sucked by a woman?"

"No, never."

Hearing her answer, she pulled her fingers out of her pussy, and shoved them into her new slut's mouth. She lapped up every drop of her own juice from this woman's fingers.

"Let's see if I like your pussy, as much as you do."

The chubby lady, went to the foot of the bed, and knelt down. She took bother her hands, and spread the whore's pussy lips, exposing her rock hard clit.

She licked her clit ever so lightly, making the whore whimper at her touch. She kept licking, her pussy up and down, and then took her clit in her mouth, and started sucking on it.

"Oh fuck yes!" was all she could think of to say. She loved this woman sucking her cunt. The feeling was nothing like she had ever felt before. As the woman sucked on her clit, she slid a finger inside the whore. The licking and fingering, put her over the edge. Her orgasm took over her body. Making her grind into the woman's face and finger. Her juices flowed into her mouth, and all down her hand.

As she came down from her mind blowing orgasm, she felt a hard slap on her tit.

"Who gave you permission to cum, slut?" Sir asked.

"No one Sir, but......"

"That's right whore, no one."

"I am sorry Sir."

"You have been warned about this already slut."

"Yes Sir I know, it won't happen again."

"Don't you think you should be punished for disobeying?"

"Yes Sir, I deserve to be punished."

"For your punishment, you will have to suck the chubby girl's cunt."

Without giving her chance to answer, the girl was straddling her head. She lowered her pussy onto the whore's face.

"Suck my pussy bitch!"

She had never been this close to pussy before in her life. She was completely shaved, and actually had an inviting scent. She couldn't wait to have her tongue inside, the pussy she was staring at. The need was incredible.

She stuck out her tongue, and licked straight up the chubby girl's slit, making the girl moan. The faster she licked, the hotter the girl got. She started sucking on the girl's clit, remembering the feeling it gave her, when the chubby girl was doing it, to her.

"Oh yeah bitch, make me cum!"

She kept sucking on the girl's clit, and then slid her tongue inside her hole. As she tongue fucked her, the girl was grinding her pussy into the whore's face.

"When I cum, I want you to swallow it all, slut!"

This time when she went back to sucking her clit, she exploded her hot pussy juice, deep down the whore's throat.

"Take it all bitch!"

She ****** her cum into her mouth, and she swallowed every drop. She was licking her lips, when the girl got up. As she licked up any extra cum from her lips, she was hoping they would all fuck her again.

She spread her legs as if saying "Fuck me."

"Look at that, the bitch wants more."

"Yes more, oh please untie me Sir, so I can feel your cocks in my hand."

Seeing how much she was enjoying her use, he knew she wasn't going anywhere. He decided to untie her so she could show just what a whore she really was.

The minute the ropes were off her, she was down on her knees, with her mouth open. The first cock found it's way deep into her mouth. As she was greedily taking this cock into her slut mouth, she saw the chubby girl out of the corner of her eye. She was also down on her knees, sucking a cock. She looked so hot and sexy, and she couldn't take her eyes off her.

She watched as another guy walked up behind her, and pull her ass in the air. He then slid his hard cock deep inside her pussy. She was moaning, so loud. Even with a cock filling her mouth, you could still hear her moans.

She herself put her ass up in the air, hoping a cock would ******* her holes. Just as she hoped, a cock slammed into her pussy, making her jump. Now she had a cock in her pussy and her mouth, and she was loving every minute of it. She felt like such a dirty, nasty, whore.

They continued to fuck her, and the chubby girl, until they were ready to cum.

When they were ready, they ordered the two girls, to kneel next to each other.

"Now open you mouths" one of them said.

Both girls looked so slutty, on their knees, with their mouth open. It didn't take long for all four men to shoot their hot loads, deep into their mouths, and all over their faces. They rubbed their cocks all over their faces, sliding cum all over them.

The licked up every drop of cum, and cleaned all their cocks.

"Good whores, now get some rest, you will need it."

They climbed into bed, relaxed and content, and fell asleep in each other's arms. They would both dream of what plans, the old perverts had for them later.


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Someone Should Put Her In Her Place

She was a bitch and she knew it. At forty years old, 5"2, 220 lbs. 38D, she was bitter and nasty to most people she encountered. It was a wonder how she got to be the president of such a fine law firm. That was just it though. She was polite and respectful to her rich clients, but the people that worked under her were treated like servants. Most of her workers just accepted it, and went about their daily work loads. There was one person in particular though, that hated her and wanted to see her suffer.

He would watch her every day, being nasty and domineering to her workers. She was even nasty to him a few times. He always thought about how he would teach her a lesson one day.

He was startled out of his daydreaming by the bitch. "Don't just stand there moron, finish cleaning up this place so I can lock up!"

"Yes Ma'am" was all he could muster.

"And don't forget to empty all the trash cans!" she said in a disgusted voice.

"Yes, of course Ma'am" as he scurried around cleaning up.

He watched as the last employee left for the evening. He knew this was the perfect time to put the bitch in line. He headed towards her office, and without knocking burst inside. Before the bitch had a chance to protest, he had her hair wrapped around his hand, and was telling her to shut the fuck up.

"You fat nasty bitch, I'm going to show you what happens to disrespectful cunts like you!"

She just stared at him in shock. She couldn't believe this man was speaking to her like that. "You won't get away with this!" she screamed at him. He smacked her hard in her face, making her scream, and tears started rolling down her face.

"Don't worry slut, before this is all over you will beg me to own your fat whore ass!"

"No, never, I will never beg you for that, NEVER!"

With that he stood her up by her hair, and began taking her clothes off. He pulled off her shirt, and began mauling her tits through her bra. He felt her nipples get heard through the material and knew she was his to do whatever he pleased. He was definitely going to take advantage of this situation.

"Take off your bra and let me see your tits slut."

She was about to protest but knew it would do no good. This 6 foot 4 inch, 60 year old black man was going to **** her and use her, and she could do nothing about it. She undid her bra as instructed and her 38D tits fell out of her bra.

"Look at you, you are nothing but a fat slut that needs to be used, aren't you?"

She stayed quiet not sure whether he wanted an answer or not. The smack across her exposed tit told her he wanted an answer.

"Yes Sir, I am a dirty fat slut, and I need to be used Sir."

"Now you're getting it cunt. What are you to me bitch?"

"Your fuck toy, and fat piece of fuck meat to use whenever and however you want Sir."

"Now take the rest of your clothes off, and bend over the desk whore."

She did as she was told, and she felt the cold desk against her tits, and she almost came right there. She couldn't imagine why she was beginning to enjoy this, but her cunt was dripping in anticipation of what he would make her do next. Just at that moment she felt something whip her on her ass. He was whipping her with his belt, very hard and very rough.

"Does my whore like to be whipped?"

"Yes oh yes Sir, that feels so good!"

Part of her was telling the truth. She was loving every minute of his use. She was hoping he would fuck her soon, so she could have her much needed orgasm. She felt him rubbing his hands all over her ass, soothing her. He roughly spread her legs wider so he could get at her cunt. She spread her legs for him, and he began rubbing her clit. Very slow at first, and his speed increased, while he called her names and told her he would own her very soon.

"You think you are better than everyone else you dirty cunt?"

"No, no I don't Sir."

"That's right cunt, you are just a piece of meat, and a place for cock and cum."

"Yes sir, just a dirty whore for use."

"From now on you will be nice to everyone, and you will service me and anyone else I desire on a moment's notice."

"Yes Sir."

"Since you are just a fat cunt, I am going to let all the people you were nasty to, fuck you and degrade you. Oh yes Sir." She couldn't believe how much her cunt was dripping at the thought of being fucked by a group of people.

"Does that turn you on slut? Knowing that you will be a whore for all the men and women you were nasty to."

"Yes Sir, it turns me on very much."

"Get on your knees and suck my black cock you cunt."

"Yes Sir." She obeyed and took his hard cock into her mouth. She couldn't believe how big his cock was, and she had never had a cock this big before. Her pussy tingled at the thought of his monster cock pounding her cunt, as he told her what a whore she was. She sucked his cock like the greedy slut she was, as he grabbed her by the hair and ****** her to deep throat his ten inches of black meat.

"That's it slut, suck on that old black cock, suck it good and maybe I will let you cum too."

"Oh thank you Sir", she said and then continued sucking his cock like a true cock sucking whore. He wanted to cum in her cunt but he couldn't hold out anymore, and he shot his hot load straight down her throat. The bitch swallowed every drop. He pulled his cock from her mouth, and grabbed her by her hair again, and threw her onto the sofa that she had in her office.

"Sit down and spread your legs so I can see that dirty cunt of yours."

"Yes Sir." She sat down and brought her ass to the edge of the sofa and spread her fat legs real wide, showing her ****** her completely shaved cunt. He brought a chair over and sat directly in front of her, and handed her am eight inch vibrator.

"I want to watch you make yourself cum."

"But Sir, I have never done that in front of anyone before, please no."

"Do as your told cunt, or you will be whipped again, but this time even harder."

She shuddered at that though, so she spread her legs and began rubbing her cunt while he watched. "That's it slut, rub your clit. Get that cunt nice and wet so you can slide that dick in you."

As she rubbed her clit she realized how turned on she was getting. Being spread and exposed to this man was the biggest turn on in the world. She wanted him to fuck her and own her. He was right, she would soon beg. She felt her cunt dripping, so she slid the vibrator in her juicy wet hole, and turned it up to the top speed. She began fucking her self and screaming and moaning about how good it felt. "That's it slut, fuck your cunt for me, make yourself cum for me whore."

She pounded her cunt, as he told her what a whore she was, and she felt her orgasm building. She could feel herself ready to explode all over the vibrator. Just as she was about to cum he pulled her hand away grabbed the vibrator.

"You cum when I say it's okay to cum cunt. Is that understood?"

"Yes Sir, I'm sorry Sir."

"Now get on her hands and knees, and get your ass high in the air. Watching you fuck yourself made me hard again, and I want to use you some more."

"Yes Sir", she said as she stuck her ass high in the air as instructed. He roughly grabbed her ass and spread her fat cheeks until her pussy and ass were completely open for him. She started moving back and forth as to say fuck me, but he wasn't ready yet. He would make her beg now, for everything. She would now beg for him to own her.

"What do you want cunt?"

"Oh Sir, fuck me, please fuck me."

"Why should I fuck you?"

"Because I'm a filthy, nasty whore that needs to be used."

"That's right bitch, nothing but a whore. Who owns you bitch?"

"Oh Sir, you own me, you own my fat whore body!"

"I will say when I own you, you fat cunt!"

"Oh please Sir, I need you to own me and use me like the whore I am."

"So I guess you're begging for me to own you then huh?"

"Yes, Sir, I am begging you to own me, and use me any way you desire. I will do anything you want Sir, please own me."

He was now rubbing her tight asshole, and also her clit. She was dripping wet, and moaning like a true whore. "Have you ever had a cock in that fat ass bitch?"

"No Sir, never."

"Well, I'm going to fuck that fat tight virgin asshole today. Do you have a problem with that?"

"No Sir, do anything you want to me, I'm your whore Sir."

"You are not my total whore until I ram my fat black cock into that asshole bitch. You ready for a hard rough anal **** bitch?"

"Yes yes fuck my ass, please own me Sir!"

With that he grabbed her wide hips and rammed his hard cock into her tight ass. She screamed at the rough intrusion but as he got going, she was begging to be fucked hard. He watched as his black cock slid in and out of her shaved white cunt. He thought about how he would make her a white slut for black cock sometime in the future. He knew she wouldn't object since he had a video camera recording all of today's activities. He had a lot pf plans for his new toy.

"Play with your cunt bitch!"

She brought her hand down to her cunt and was shocked to feel how wet she was. Here she was being ****d in her ass, and she was getting more and more excited. She rubbed her clit, and started b egging to cum.

"Oh please Sir, can I cum, oh please!"

"Yes cunt, but I want to feel your cum on my cock."

He took his cock out of her ass, and slid it right into her dripping wet cunt. He couldn't believe how wet she was. She was a true whore and he intended to use her fully. As his cock slid in and out of her cunt, he spanked her ass and thought about how she would look getting fucked by other men. That thought almost made him flood her cunt right there. Just the thought of men using her, and degrading her while he watched was making his cock throb inside her

With that her body began to shake, and she felt her orgasm from the pit of her stomach, until her juices flowed onto him. He came at the moment she did, and there juices mixed, and he collapsed on top of her.

"Now get yourself cleaned up, and go home. Tomorrow you will be used again, so no panties or bra."

"Yes Sir."

"I own you now whore. You are a piece of meat to me, and your only purpose is to service me and obey my every command."

"Yes Sir."

"Before you get dressed get over and clean our juices off my cock."

"Of course Sir."

She began sucking his cock again, and once again he became hard. He pushed her hands to her side and fucked her mouth like he had just fucked her ass and cunt.

"That's it bitch take my cock, ***** my hot cum bitch." With that he shot his creamy load into her mouth, and on her face. She looked like such a nasty slut with cum dripping down her face. A true whore, that was good for nothing but dirty nasty use. The best part is, she knew it, and loved it.


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"Now go home and get some rest, tomorrow will be a busy day for you."

"Yes Sir." she walked out the door as he watched her disappear into the elevator.

As she rode down all she could think about is how much she loved being used by the janitor, and wanted to please him. Her cunt was getting wet again, and she slid her hand up her skirt and began playing with her cunt. She needed more cock, and use, but she figured tomorrow was not too far away and she would just wait. So she went home and had the best ***** of her life.

She awoke the next morning feeling more alive than she ever had in her life. She got dressed, not forgetting what her Master told her. She ditched the bra and panties, and her pussy was already tingling. She headed out the door to see her Master.

When she arrived at work, she said good morning to everyone with a big smile on her face. They must have wondered what got into her, being so nice and all. She got the strangest looks from them. She stepped into her office, and shut the door. It wasn't until then that she noticed her Master and two other black men she had seen around the office. She remembered one of them as working in the copy center and the other one worked in the mail room. They were both close to her Master's age, but they looked even more perverted and nasty.

"Good morning slut. Did you dress as I requested?"

"Yes Sir I did."

"Show me."

She lifted her skirt and exposed her completely shaved cunt to the three men in front of her. One of the men commented on how he was going to use her cunt, and make her do dirty nasty things. Her cunt was so wet she swore it would drip down her leg, and they would all see how much this was turning her on.

"Strip and crawl over to me and my friends cunt."

"Yes Sir." She did as she was told, and crawled on her hands and knees to the three old black men. She knew before long they would all be fucking her.

"Suck my cock whore" Master demanded.

"Yes Sir." As she sucked his cock she felt another man's hands squeezing her tits, and pinching her nipples. The harder he pinched the faster she sucked. She then felt fingers entering her cunt from behind, and almost came right there. She was moaning on her Master's cock, as she was used by these men. They talked about her as if she wasn't even there. Her Master was telling them how much she liked it rough and nasty, and they were commenting on what a nasty cunt she was and they would use her real good. All the talk and the touching was pushing her over the edge. She was almost glad when her Master pulled her mouth off his cock and shoved another one into it. She now was on her knees and was stroking two cocks as she sucked on one. She took turns doing that for about twenty minutes, making the three black cocks rock hard which of course showed their true sizes. None of them were less than nine inches long, and she wanted them all fucking her.

She felt a cock pulled from her hand and someone lifting her ass in the air, putting her on all fours with a cock in her mouth. She felt someone's cock entering her pussy. She pushed back as if to beg him for more. He obliged and rammed his whole cock deep inside her pussy, making her scream on the cock in her mouth.

"You like that bitch?" the guy fucking her asked.

She pulled her mouth off the cock she was sucking and screamed "Yeeeeeeeeessssssssss!!!! Oh fuck yes, I love it, please don't stop!!"

"The fucking bitch loves it!"

They pounded her like that for about ten minutes, and then one of the guys got on his back and they positioned her over his cock. She lowered her dripping cunt onto the big black cock beneath her. This guy's cock was huge, and she screamed as he entered her.

"Take it all you fat whore, every inch of that big black cock."

She sat all the way down on his cock, and he was all the way inside her. Someone came behind her and roughly pushed her forward, and held her down like that. She felt something at the entrance to her ass, and she got frightened at first but when he eased his cock in all the way, she got used to it. The pain turned her into a dirty nasty whore now begging for them to fuck her.

"Oh yes fuck my ass, and cunt at the same time! Fill me up with your big cocks."

She was even begging for a cock in her mouth so she could have all her holes filled at the same time. The third guy stepped up behind her and ****** his cock into her whore mouth. She took it greedily in her mouth, and sucked good and hard.

"You like being sandwiched between these black cocks whore?" her Master asked.

"Oh yes Master, I'm a whore for cock, and that's all im good for Sir. I am meant to service cock, and be nothing more than an owned whore Sir."

"That's right whore. I own all of you cunt!"

"Yes Sir, all of me. Do anything you want to me Sir."

"Oh I intend to cunt."

With that all three cocks shot their load into a different hole. She had a hot load in her mouth, cunt, and ass, and she couldn't be any happier. They pulled their cocks out of her and smacked her ass, and her Master ordered her to get dressed, and go to work. The three men walked out of the room, leaving her on the floor with cum dripping out of all her holes. She felt so used and degraded, she almost started rubbing her cunt, but decided to get dressed and get working.

Just as she sat down at her desk, she noticed an email from an unknown name. She opened it and it said for her to meet her Master in the ladies bathroom in ten minutes. She couldn't understand how he would want to use her again, since she just got back to her desk, but she waited a few minutes and headed for the bathroom. Her pussy was already dripping at what her Master had planned for her. She couldn't understand how or why, but deep down inside, she knew this is what she wanted.


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Ma femme se laisse séduire par deux inconnus

Mon épouse, 42 ans, se consacre entièrement à notre famille. En intimité, elle aime faire l'amour et porte toujours de la belle lingerie sexy. Elle apprécie tout particulièrement les hauts talons.

Un vendredi, elle me dit que sa copine Véronique lui a proposé de sortir en boîte avec elle. Je lui dis qu'elle devrait le faire et que cela pourrait lui faire un peu de changement. Finalement, elle me répond qu'elle n'en a pas envie. En début de soirée, le téléphone ***ne, c'est Véronique qui lui demande si elle se joint à elle pour la soirée. Devant mon insistance, elle accepte. Peu avant l'heure du rendez-vous, elle monte vite se changer. Elle a opté pour un jeans moulant, un pull avec un léger décolleté et des chaussures à talon de 10 cm. Elle m'embrasse en me disant qu'elle ne fera pas long. Véronique l'attend déjà devant la mai*** avec sa bruyante 306.

Pour ma part, je profite de ma soirée devant la télévision avec un bon film d'action. Ma femme m'appelle pour me dire que c'est une soirée avec des tubes des années 80 et qu'il y a peu de monde. Je lui dis que pour une fois qu'elle sorte qu'elle en profite ajoutant que je vais me coucher tôt pour rattraper mes heures de sommeil en retard. Vers quatre heures du matin, j'entends un bruit de voiture mais manifestement pas celui de la 306. Quelques minutes plus tard, ma femme déverrouille la porte palière, se rend dans la salle de bain puis me rejoint au lit. A moitié endormi, je l'embrasse et me rendors tranquillement. Au réveil, elle me confirme qu'elle a passé une bonne soirée et qu'éventuellement elle prévoit de ressortir dans quelques semaines.

Plusieurs jours après cet épisode, à la sortie de l'école je croise Alain, le mari de Véronique. En discutant de tout et de rien, j'apprends que sa femme, le fameux soir, est rentrée vers une heure du matin. Du coup, je me rappelle bien avoir entendu un bruit de voiture avant l'arrivée de mon épouse mais ce n'était pas celui de la 306 de Véronique. Des fois quand on est à moitié endormi on ne sait plus trop. Je ne sais plus quoi penser. Je décide d'attendre et d'être attentif aux moindres détails. Les jours se succèdent normalement. Je profite même de consulter le téléphone mobile de mon épouse mais il n'y a rien de douteux.

Deux semaines plus tard, elle m'annonce que Véronique lui a demandé de l'accompagner dans la même discothèque que la dernière fois et qu'elle lui a dit oui. Elle me demande si j'y vois un inconvénient. Je lui dis de profiter de sa soirée mais, ce soir j'en aurais le cœur net.

En fin d'après-midi, elle mets beaucoup de temps à se préparer, elle qui est assez rapide habituellement. Finalement, elle choisit sa jupe portefeuille en cuir noir, un chemisier gris satiné et des chaussures plates. Je suis un peu surpris de la voir avec des ballerines et lui en fait la remarque. Elle me répond qu'elle ne veut pas mettre des hauts talons pour pas faire trop salope. En partant, elle prend sa voiture car elle n'a pas envie de faire trop long contrairement à sa copine Véronique.

Malgré tout, je me pose beaucoup de questions et j'ai des doutes.

Vers minuit, je décide de me rendre dans cette discothèque. D'abord, je fais le tour du parking et je trouve la voiture de Véronique ainsi que celle de mon épouse qui est garée un peu plus à l'écart. Ensuite, je paye et rentre enfin dans cette boîte. Je reste un peu vers l'entrée afin de ne pas me faire voir. Je trouve une place dans un coin du bar où une lampe fait défaut. De la sorte, je ne peux pas être vu ou reconnu. Je scrute toutes les tables et reconnaît Véronique. Elle est habillée comme une véritable pute. Elle se trouve entre deux gars qui s'occupent de la peloter et de l'embrasser, quelle salope, si *** mari savait. Il y a encore deux autres types à table avec eux. Je cherche toujours ma femme mais je ne la vois pas, ni à une table, ni sur la piste de danse. Finalement, je distingue vers l'accès aux toilettes la silhouette de ma dulcinée qui se dirige vers les tables. Je suis fort surpris de la voir perchée sur ses talons de 15 cm alors qu'elle avait quitté le logement avec ses ballerines. Pire, je vois qu'elle tortille *** joli petit cul avant de rejoindre la table de Véronique et de prendre place entre les deux messieurs inoccupés.

L'un d'eux se lève, prend mon épouse par la main et l'entraîne sur la piste de danse. Je vois qu'il s'agit d'un homme de 50 ans environ, basané, bien de sa per***ne. Il tient mon épouse par la taille, descends ses mains par moment sur ses fesses et sa poitrine, sans qu'elle ne réagisse. Au contraire, elle se colle encore plus à lui. Il l'embrasse dans le cou et il l'a fait rigoler.

Il lui roule même une pelle qui dure un bon moment tout en la caressant par-dessus les habits. Ensuite, il la ramène à table bras dessus, bras dessous. Véronique ne se trouve plus à table, elle a du partir avec ses deux amis. Ma femme a juste le temps de boire un verre que le deuxième type l'invite à *** tour sur la piste. Il ne se gêne pas pour lui mettre la main aux fesses et elle lui répond uniquement avec un sourire. De retour à table, toujours entre les deux, elle se fait passablement peloter et embrasser. Ils arrivent à mettre leurs mains sous sa jupe et à découvrir *** petit trésor.

D'où je suis-je peux voir qu'elle porte des bas...Je suis noir de rage et j'hésite à intervenir mais curieusement je suis aussi excité par ma salope de femme. De toute façon le mal est déjà fait, alors je veux voir jusqu'où elle ira.

Visiblement, elle apprécie les caresses et mets sa tête en arrière comme pour s'abandonner. Elle est sous leurs emprises et ces deux salauds ne s'en privent pas. Totalement impudique, elle se laisse tout faire et à la voir bouger *** bassin, elle doit avoir une main coquine sous *** string. Elle écarte encore plus ses jambes. Après un bon moment de ce traitement, je pense qu'elle a joui, elle qui est si sensible du clitoris.

Soudain, les deux gars, visiblement bien plus âgés qu'elle, la prennent par la main pour l'aider à se mettre debout. Elle réajuste sa tenue malgré les mais baladeuses et quitte la discothèque toujours entourée par ces opportunistes. A peine, elle a franchi la porte que je sors à mon tour au cas ou elle prendrait sa voiture. Je la vois traverser le parking, s'arrêtant pour embrasser l'un ou l'autre de ses cavaliers. Elle peine à tenir sur ses hauts talons. Elle est continuellement caressée. Tous les 3 prennent place dans un break stationné à côté du véhicule de mon épouse. Je me dépêche de reprendre mon véhicule et je les attends un peu plus loin pour les suivre. Comme ils n'ont pas passé, je descends de ma voiture et me dirige vers celle de ma femme qui dispose de vitres teintée. A travers celles-ci, je peux les observer sans me faire voir.

Là, je découvre mon épouse à quatre pattes, vêtue seulement de ses bas, un porte-jarretelles et ses talons. Elle est prise en levrette et essaye de sucer la queue qui se présente à elle. Le gars qui la lime lui impose une cadence impressionnante et en plus il est particulièrement bien doté par la nature. J'en suis presque jaloux. J'entend même mon épouse crier *** plaisir, mais rien y fait, ce salaud continue *** rythme. Celui qui se faisait sucer a sorti *** natel pour filmer la scène. Pendant presque 50 minutes, ils se relaient pour la baiser comme une chienne. Elle crie *** plaisir pour leurs montrer qu'elle aime ça. Ils la traitent de tous les noms et elle leurs dit de continuer que c'est une salope....Je ne la reconnais plus. Elle a joui comme jamais.

A bout de ressources, ils arrêtent la séance et sortent tous les trois de la voiture.

Moi, je bande comme un fou et je me dépêche de regagner la voiture pour rentrer avant elle à mai***. Environ 20 minutes après, je l'entends qui rentre. Elle prend une douche et me rejoint discrètement dans le lit. Je lui demande si elle a passé une bonne soirée et commence à la caresser. Elle essaye de se dérober, mais finalement fou d'excitation, je la baise comme un malade et elle jouit encore.

Surpris par mon ardeur, elle me dit que si chaque fois qu'elle sort je la baise de la sorte, alors elle va ressortir en boîte ce qu'elle a déjà prévu...


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Grandpa's Pet

Times were tough for Jennifer and her Mom. Both of them had been laid off at the factory almost nine months ago, and their two-weeks severance pays were long spent. They once had some savings, but her ******* boyfriend left with that even before they lost their jobs. Unemployment payments were finished, and still no jobs.

Her Mom tried street walking, but all she got was a black eye and a rough fuck with no cash. Jenny offered to try, but her mom said no, that she didn't want to see her ******** treated like that.

The eviction notice had been served, and this was their last day with a roof over their heads. They were desperate, and Mom went to a neighbor to use the phone.

"Grandpa's coming for us, Jenny," she said when she got back. "He'll be here tomorrow afternoon."

Jennifer knew this was hard for her mom; she didn't know why, but they hadn't been to see Grandpa since Jennifer's twelfth birthday party. That was nearly seven years now, and Jennifer figured it must have been something really serious.

She missed her Grandpa, though; he always stroked her hair and called her his pet. She was happy that he was coming and they'd have a place to stay, but her ****** seemed a bit sad and more like she was resigned to something she really didn't want.

"Maybe it's just pride," Jennifer thought to herself, "maybe she just doesn't want Grandpa to think she's a failure."

She went to her ****** and gave her a big hug. "It's ok, Mom," she said comfortingly, "everything will be alright."

They packed what clothes they had and a few other personal items, and settled in for their last night in their own home. Just a can of soup that night, but their neighbor, Nancy, came by with a bowl of pasta and sauce. Nancy had helped them out with some food often in the past few months, and they were very grateful.

"Thanks, Nancy," said Jennifer's mom. "We're going to my ******* place tomorrow. We can't take any of the furniture. I know it's not much, but take whatever you want before the landlord has it thrown out."

Nancy hugged the two women and told them she'd be there to say goodbye when they left.

All went as planned the next day, and when Grandpa arrived he spoke to his ********. "Ride in the back, Sally," he said, "I know you don't want to ride with me. When it's your turn to drive, I'll ride in the back. And you will have to do some driving, girl, I'm not as young as I used to be."

And so they went on their way, with Grandpa asking Jennifer about her life since last he saw her, and punctuating his questions and comments with friendly pats on her knee. He only drove for a couple of hours all told, though; Sally did most of the work while he caught naps in the back seat.

When they pulled into his driveway, Jennifer and her ****** were pretty well worn out, and could barely drag their bags in the house. Grandpa helped with their luggage, and then showed them their rooms.

"They're not big," he said, "but I guess they're better than the street, girls. Make yourself at home."

"Thanks, Dad," Sally replied, "they're fine. Jenny and I will be quite comfortable."

"Good, then," he concluded, "I'm going to go change," and went into his bedroom.

"Don't be surprised when Grandpa comes back in," Sally said to her ********, "he'll be naked. He never wore clothes at home unless there was company. Just ignore it as best you can."

The two women got their few belongings unpacked and put away, and then settled into the living room for a cup of tea. Grandpa walked in as they sat talking, and, just as Sally had said, he was stark naked. His ******** ignored him, of course; she had become used to it a long time ago. For Jen, though, this was the first time she saw him naked. In fact it was the first time she saw any old man naked. Why, she hardly even looked at the guys she dated when she gave them a blow job or let them fuck her.

"Not bad looking for an old man," she thought, "I'd have imagined an old dick like his would have been shrunken and wrinkled. His is pretty big and looks good and healthy."

Grandpa noticed her interest, but didn't let on that he did.

"Cup of tea, Dad?" Sally asked, and then went to the kitchen to make one when he answered.

"How's my favorite little grand********," he asked as he walked up to Jenny so his dick was right in front of her. "Still my little pet?" he asked as he stroked her hair.

Jenny blushed a bit, and remembered how he used to do that when she was a little *****. "Yes, Grandpa," she answered, "but I haven't seen you in so many years."

"Well," he said, "I don't think we'll talk about that. You and your mom are here now, and we'll take it from there. Okay?"

"Sure," Jenny agreed as her ****** returned with the tea.

And so their new life went. Sally searched for a job every day, and so did Jennifer, but without success. Sally did the shopping and most of the cooking while Jenny kept the house clean and did the laundry.

"It's the least we can do to help earn our keep," she said to her ********, "we should do what ever we can to make Grandpa happy. After all, he's taken us in, and he isn't rich."

Jenny agreed with her Mom, and she went out of her way to be nice to the old man. She'd always greet him with a hug and a kiss, even though he was naked, and she'd smile appreciatively when he'd stroke her hair or pat her head and call her his pet.

They were there just over a week. Sally was out buying groceries and Grandpa was sitting in the living room watching Jenny dust the furniture.

"Jenny, my little pet," he called, "come on over here and sit on my lap."

She was a little reluctant, seeing how he was naked, but he had been so nice to her and her mom that she did what he said.

"What do you want, Grandpa?" she asked as she sat on his right leg.

His hand brushed through her hair as he looked into her eyes. "You," he said.

"What do you mean, Grandpa?" she asked.

"I want you for my real pet," he said, "a companion to make me happy, a little puppy who wants to please me, who'll do whatever I want." With that said, he placed her hand on his cock.

"Grandpa!" she exclaimed, and tried to pull her hand away.

"Don't tell me you've never felt a cock before, Jenny," he said, and he was right.

She'd touched them before, played with them, even sucked them and had them deep inside her. But this was different.

"I won't say that," she admitted, "but you're my ***********. This isn't right."

He squeezed her hand to wrap her fingers around his cock, and she could feel it getting hard. He held her tight, and she stopped trying to pull away.

"Look, sweetheart," he said as he started sliding her hand up and down his shaft, "I don't have much, and I'm sharing it with you and your mom. Neither of you can pay me a cent. I think the least you can do is make a nice old man like me happy."

"Just what do you want, Grandpa?" she asked, feeling she should do something to help him. She thought about how lonely he must be since Grandma died, and continued stroking his dick on her own.

"I told you, sweetheart, a real pet, a girl who'll do anything I tell her. I'd like you to be my pet, for playing with and for fucking. I'd like to take any part of you any time I want."

"Take your clothes off right now," he continued, "and sit back down with my cock up your young pussy. And don't tell me you're a virgin."

"I won't tell you that," she said, being honest again, "but I'm not ready to be fucked by my ***********. I'll have to think about it."

"For now, though," she added, "I can do a little bit to help you."

She turned a bit on his lap and picked up his hand. She slipped it inside her blouse so he could play with her tits. Then she started pumping his cock. "It's little enough," she thought," I've done it just for a date, and he's given us more than that."

"That's real nice, my little pet," he said as a stream of cum shot out of his cock, "you're a good girl." He took his hand from her breast and stroked her hair as he spoke.

"But I want it all. You can think about it until tonight. But if you don't come into my bed by nine, I'll have to consider whether I really can afford to put you and your mom up. Now, give me a real kiss and finish cleaning up."

Jenny leaned over to him and brought her lips to his and gave him just the kind of kiss she knew he wanted. "I'll let you know by nine," she said as she went back to her chores.


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The rest of the day was uneventful, and Jenny sat down to talk to her ****** after dinner. She wanted her ******'s help to make her decision, but she didn't want to be too explicit, not knowing how her ****** would take it.

"Well," Sally said, "Grandpa has been nice to us; I guess it would be ok for you to be nice to him."

Jenny wasn't sure her mom had really understood, so she tried again. "But he wants me to do things that people think are wrong," she explained.

"People think lots of things, Jenny," her mom advised, "as long as it doesn't hurt anybody, who are they to judge."

Jenny still thought her ****** really wasn't getting the message, but Sally knew just what Jenny was talking about. The girl didn't know that the falling-out between Sally and her ****** was over Jenny, that when Jenny was younger, Grandpa had asked Sally to give her to him and she refused. Now she was ****** to ask her ****** for help and she had to make a deal. She agreed that her dad could have Jenny now that she was an adult, but he'd have to get her himself. Sally agreed only not to interfere.

Now Jenny tried to get serious. "But Mom," she said earnestly, "Grandpa wants to fuck me. That's not ok, is it?"

Sally continued to play dumb. "Now I'm sure Grandpa wouldn't do anything to hurt you, sweetheart," she said, "we both should be as nice as we can to him, you know."

Jenny started to say "I didn't mean 'fuck' that way, mom..." but never finished it, just saying "Oh, forget it, thanks anyway."

"Just remember, Jenny," her ****** said smiling, "you're an adult now, you have to make your own decisions."

Sally retired to her room just before 8:30 to watch her shows on the little tv her ****** had installed for her.

As for Jennifer, she sat in thought for a few moments in the living room, and then stood up. She stripped off her clothes, gathered them up, and went to her Grandpa's bedroom door. It was open, with just a dim, red light affording any vision. She walked in, dropped her clothes on the floor and made her way to the bedside. Her grandpa was on his back, his head resting on his palms, and naked as usual.

"I'm here, Grandpa," she said sweetly, but with a touch of reluctance in her voice.

She bent over, then, and lifted the old man's dick in her hands. Her lips found its head and she kissed it warmly before opening her mouth to draw it in. Up and down she sucked over him, pressing her tongue against his shaft as his cock went in, and twirling around his glans as she came up.

"It's no worse than those guys I dated, just bigger," she said to herself, "besides, listen to him sigh and moan. This really feels good to him."

His hand stroked her hair as she sucked him, and he whispered "That's a good girl," again and again.

He moaned deeply, all of a sudden, and his hand ****** her head down on his cock, all the way down until his root was in her lips and his head deep in her throat. She began to gag, but he held her there as his hips pumped up and down, driving him deeply into her mouth over and over. Just as she felt she'd pass out or hurl or both, he pulled her head up by the hair and let her get a breath.

"Climb on top now, pet," he ordered, "slide your pussy over my cock."

Jenny did as she was told, and found herself so wet he did slide right in.

"All the way down, girl," he demanded, and pushed on her hips to ram as much cock inside her as he could.

"Now bend forward," was his next command, "let your tits hang down for me."

Jenny did, and held herself just right so he could play with her breasts any way he wanted to. And he did, pulling and twisting them as much as massaging them, even twisting and stretching her nipples. He was rougher with her tits than the boys had been, but she accepted it because it pleased him. She tried to focus only on the feel of his dick inside her, filling her up and stroking her as he stroked himself by pumping his hips, and it began to feel a little bit nice to her.

Suddenly, again, he changed. His hands clasped around her waist, and he flipped them both over with an agility she found surprising in an old man. Now he had her beneath him, and he drove his cock hard and fast into her pussy, stretching it up into her belly. His hands slid down her legs and grasped her ankles, and he lifted her legs high up and pushed them forward until he pinned an ankle to either side of her head.

Her legs were strained as he did push-ups on her, and his cock rubbed hard against the roof of her vagina, massaging her little sweet spot. Her pussy started trembling and her body tautened as if she would cum in an instant, and he noticed it. His next push up pulled his cock from inside her, leaving her trembling in frustration.

"This one's just for my pleasure, pet," he said, and he drove his cock down again, this time against her ass.

Her pucker closed tight, resisting the intrusion, but he pushed harder until her hole yielded, stretching to let the whole thickness of his glans burst into her. She squealed in pain as his shaft ****** its way through her tight hole, and she whispered through clenched teeth, "it hurts Grandpa, it hurts."

"Haven't you been fucked in the ass before, Jenny?" he asked.

"Yes," she answered, "Yes, but they weren't as big as yours."

Grandpa smiled as he slipped his cock out of her. "Yeah, girl," he said, "you feel nice and tight, I like that. I'm going back in, honey."

"Yes, Grandpa," she said, and she clenched her teeth tighter to withstand the assault.

He groaned in sort of pained pleasure himself as he rammed his dick back into her and heard her muffle a cry of pain. Then he pulled out again, with the two of them gasping at the sudden outward bursting of her strained hole. In again and out again, he went to enjoy the pleasure of ******* her tight ring and hearing her quiet sobs.

"Not much longer now, pet," he whispered as he made shallow, rapid, deep thrusts, pressing up into her belly.

"Y-y-yes, grandpa," she stammered as she wrapped her arms around him for support.

He came then, erupting far in her belly, filling her with his semen, and as his orgasm subsided, he slowly released her legs and slid his cock out of her ass as gently as he could. It was still tight, though, and he wasn't completely flaccid; both of them were startled by the explosive expulsion of his organ through her ring.

He leaned over, breathing heavily, and kissed Jenny on the head. "That was very nice, pet, just what I was talking about."

He rolled over next to her. "Feel ok?" he asked.

"Yes, Grandpa," she replied, "Ok. I hope I made you feel good."

"Oh you did, sweetheart," he said emphatically, "I haven't felt this good in a long time."

"We can stay, then?" she asked anxiously, laying her hand on his limp cock and rubbing it gently without being asked.

He nodded, and she sat up, taking his cock and kissing it. "Thank you" she said, and her hand began massaging his balls.

"Any thing else I can do for you, Grandpa?" she asked.

"Yes, honey. I'd like to take you shopping tomorrow. If you're going to be my pet, I'd like you to have some new clothes."


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Jen slept in her grandpa's bed that night, but it wasn't a comfortable *****. He slept, for sure, but even in his ***** his hands pawed at her, groping her tits and poking at her pussy. And that just added to the worries that disturbed her rest. She wondered what she had gotten into and whether it was worth it. She had always liked her grandpa, the way he treated her so nicely, and now she felt a bit sorry for him, and that all made giving him her body easier. But, she thought, if he was so nice, why would he threaten to throw her and her mom out if she didn't give herself to him. They had no place to go to, she knew, and so she decided she had to let him have what he wanted until they could make it on their own.

Morning came, and at breakfast Grandpa announced that he was taking Jenny shopping for clothes.

"That's nice of you, Dad," Sally said, and then turned to her ********.

"Jenny, you be sure to get things that Grandpa likes," she said, "and don't pick expensive things either."

Out to the car, then, and off to the mall, where Grandpa let Jenny pick the stores to shop in. She picked outfits to try on that she thought looked nice, and then came out of the dressing room to model them for her ***********. He had said she could buy three outfits, and by lunchtime she had them, nice clothes that grandpa said looked good on her. She thanked him with a kiss on the cheek, though she knew he'd prefer more; after all they were in a public place. They grabbed a quick lunch at the food court and returned to the car.

As they drove, grandpa said, "one more place for clothes, Jenny, special ones I'd like you to wear for me."

Jennifer grew a bit apprehensive, and her fears were confirmed when they pulled up in front of a boutique with half-naked mannequins dressed in rubber and leather in the window.

"No, Grandpa," Jenny protested, "those things are for sluts and worse. I don't want to wear them."

"I don't care if you want to," he snapped, "I want you to. You're my pet, and you'll wear what I tell you."

"No, Grandpa, please," she pleaded.

"Ok," he told her, "then get out of the car and walk the ten miles back to the house, if you can find your way. Or give some stranger a blow job for directions and a ride. Either way, you'll find your stuff on the street when you get there."

"That's not nice," she protested, "I thought you were going to be nice to me."

"Sure," he answered, "as long as you're a well-behaved pet. Now make up your mind."

"Let's go in," Jenny said with sad resignation, "I'll wear what you want."

A middle-aged woman in a red latex sheath dress greeted them, and grandpa told her what he was looking for. The woman selected some outfits in Jenny's size and led her to the dressing room.

"That looks wonderful on you," she said as she helped Jenny get the zipper down the front of a skin-tight black latex dress.

Well, sort of a dress. There were cut-outs for breasts, and Jenny's were squeezed thought the holes and pushed up and out by the tight ring of rubber.

"Put on these black stilettos," she said, "and we'll go show your master how you look."

"Master?" Jenny questioned in her mind. "It must be because I'm his pet. I guess they know about it."

Jennifer blushed a bright red when she stepped out to show her grandpa the outfit. There were other people in the store now, and they all were looking at her.

"Doesn't she look good, sir," the clerk said to Jenny's ***********, "just see how it emphasizes her perky young tits." The woman reached from behind and cupped Jenny's breasts in her hands to model it for the old man.

"She sure does," answered grandpa, and then he turned to another, younger, man in the boutique. "What do you think?" he asked the stranger as he took his ************** breasts from the clerk and into his own hands.

The other man commented favorably, and grandpa added, "Check out the feel too. I think it's good, but I'd like another opinion.

Jenny was appalled, but a glance from her grandpa told her she'd best not complain. She stood there, then, as the stranger grasped her breasts, squeezing and pulling and twisting them.

"She's got real nice tits in or out of the dress," said the man, "but I do think the dress enhances them."

"Thanks for your opinion," said grandpa, and, turning to the clerk, declared "we'll take it."

And so it went for a few more outfits, with grandpa finally deciding on just one more, a silk lingerie set in red, with matching high-heeled slippers.

"One last thing, pet," he said to Jenny, and he led her to a wall of leather goods.

"A proper pet needs a collar, you know," he explained, and added, "you can pick your own."

Jenny looked at the display on the wall and wanted to run screaming from the store. She didn't really think of herself as his pet in that way.

Grandpa responded to her hesitation, whispering in her ear, "with a collar, you won't have to walk home."

Jenny swallowed what little pride she had left and picked a black patent leather one studded with rhinestones. The clerk fitted it snugly around Jenny's neck and took her to a mirror to see it.

"It's not too bad, I guess," she thought as she looked at herself, "it's something like a ****** necklace anyway."

She came back to show it to grandpa, and he approved. "Need a leash, too," he said, and picked a matching one from the wall.

Over to the counter then, and everything was packed and paid for, except the collar. Grandpa had Jenny keep it on.

"That was embarrassing, Grandpa," she complained as they got in the car.

"You can still walk, if you want to," he snapped at her, and she just sat quietly as they began the ride back home.

They joined the highway just behind an18-wheeler, and Sam soon pulled out to pass the truck. As they pulled up alongside the tractor, the driver had his eye on Jenny and his foot on the pedal. There was no way he was going to let them pass until he'd seen enough of the girl.

"Looks like the old man likes you, Pet," Grandpa observed.

"Yes, it does," replied Jenny, a bit amused at the gray-haired driver's interest in her.

"Why don't you give him a little treat, Honey?" Grandpa suggested.

"What do you mean?" Jenny replied.

"Flash him some boob," Grandpa suggested. "I'm sure he'd like a look at those perky young tits," he added, echoing the sales clerk's comments.

Jenny hesitated for a moment, but then quickly unbuttoned her blouse. "I guess it wouldn't hurt," she thought to herself, "and it might be fun."

She turned towards the trucker, and he sounded his approval and gratitude with along blast on his horn.

"Seems he does like it," said Jenny to her ***********, and she threw her shoulders back to show a bit more.

Another long blast of the horn met that display, and Sam told Jenny to hold them up and play with them for the old guy.

"Grandpa!" Jenny exclaimed, "No!"

"Go ahead, Pet," Sam said, "make the old man happy."

Jenny complied, and earned an extended sounding of the diesel's horn. She couldn't help but laugh a little over the driver's enthusiasm, and treated him to some more boob play.

Just then, Sam accelerated and pulled in front of the truck.

"We don't want to cause an accident, now," he said as he flashed the hazard lights three times.

They were coming up to a parking area, then, and Sam signalled to exit. As they slowed on the ramp, Jenny looked in the side mirror and saw the truck was following them.

"Grandpa," she asked apprehensively, "what are you doing?"

"No big thing," he said as he came to a stop in the vacant parking area, "just get out and do what I tell you."

Jenny did as she was told, and hoped that Sam wouldn't demand too much of her. The truck came to a halt behind them, and the trucker hopped down from his cab to meet the two of them on the hidden side of the truck.

"Hi," said Grandpa, "I'm Sam, and this is my Pet, Jenny."

"Pleased to meet you both," said the driver, "I'm Jake."

"Well, Jake," Grandpa said, "I thought you might like a good look at Jenny's tits without risking an accident."

"I sure would, Sam," he responded, smiling as he leered at Jenny's cleavage in her unbuttoned blouse.

"Give him a good look, girl," ordered Grandpa, and Jenny pulled her blouse open so Jake could ogle as much as he wanted.

"They're just beautiful, Jenny," said Jake, adding, "thanks Sam, I really appreciate that."

"Why don't you get yourself a good feel of them, too, Jake," Grandpa suggested.

"Can I?" the driver asked, smiling at Jenny.

"He's a complete goddamn stranger," Jenny thought to herself, "but I let that guy in the store feel me up and he didn't even ask." She smiled back at Jake and pulled her blouse back while pushing her breasts forward.

"If Grandpa says you can," answered Jenny, and Jake's hands quickly cupped Jenny's breasts.

He squeezed and massaged them as if they were the most precious things he'd ever handled, and it not only felt good to Jenny, but it also made her feel good to make the man so happy. And the man was clearly getting quite aroused.

"We can't have Jake behind the wheel in this state, Pet," Grandpa said, "give him a hand to help him relax."

Jenny knew just what Sam meant, and she slipped her hands down to Jake's bulge, massaging it with one hand while the other lowered his zipper. Jake gasped with pleasure as she reached into his pants and took out his stiffened cock. She began to stroke it rhythmically from root to tip, playing on it with her fingers as her hand slid down and up its length, and Jake's play with her breasts ************* fell into the same rhythm. She felt his body tensing, and she quickened her tempo to make him cum. His hands quickened their pace, too, and his rapid twirling and twisting of her nipples had Jenny aroused as well. She was sighing as she felt him go rigid, but still she thought to put her free hand in front of his cock to catch his jism. And there was plenty to catch. Jake came as if he been building it up for months, and it quickly filled her hand and overflowed into the one she was stroking him with. Jake sighed and relaxed as his last spurts dripped into Jenny's hands, and an incredible silly grin came over his face.

"God,' he said, "thank you, thank you." He looked back and forth from Jenny to Sam, not entirely sure of exactly who should be thanked.

He suddenly realized that the girl's hands were full of his cum, and he let go of her breasts to pull a red bandana from his pocket. He took Jenny's hands gently in his, and began to wipe her off with his big handkerchief. When he was satisfied that she was clean, he wiped his softening organ and folded the bandana in on itself before stuffing it back in his pocket.

"Thank you," said Jenny to Jake as she smiled appreciatively at him, "it was nice of you to clean up." She thought to herself that Grandpa had been nice about it as well. She had expected worse, but he had said it would be nothing big, and he kept to his word. "Besides," she thought, "it felt pretty good."

"Give Jake a nice kiss goodbye, Pet," Sam instructed, and Jenny put her arms around Jake's neck and stood up on her toes to give him a sweet kiss on the lips. "Goodbye, Jake," she offered as she finished the kiss.

"Time to go, Pet," Sam announced; "nice to meet you, Jake."

"The pleasure was mine," laughed Jake as he returned to the cab.

Back in the car, back on the road, and soon they were home. Sally had finished the day's housework and was sitting with a cup of tea when they arrived.

"Nice ******," her mom said cheerfully when she saw the collar, "are you going to show me your other things?"

"Sure, Mom, in a bit," she replied, and wondered if her ****** knew what the ****** really was and what she'd think if she saw her ******** in all of the new outfits.


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Jenny did model the outfits for her mom. Well the three from the mall, anyway. Her mom complimented her on her taste and then headed to her room for a nap.

"Time to model for me, pet," her *********** said as soon as her mom was in her bedroom. "Put on the red one."

Jenny had hoped for some time for herself, some time to enjoy her new clothes, but she knew she had to do what grandpa wanted. "OK," she said reluctantly.

"And strut like you're on the catwalk when you come out," he said as his pet went to her bedroom.

Jenny came out strutting as best she could, shifting her hips from side to side like a fashion model, and swinging the peignoir open to show the lace panties, bra, and garter belt she wore.

"Nice," grandpa said, "now turn around a few times, and then slide the gown off your shoulders for me."

Jenny complied, and grandpa began again. "Now bend over towards me so I can see how your tits hang in the cups."

"Very sweet," he said, whistling obscenely through his teeth, "now shake them."

His pet did as she was ordered, but she felt humiliated, like she was some kind of slut who had to... "I guess that's what I am anyway," she thought to herself.

"Come here, pet," he ordered, and she started to stand upright.

"No, stay bent over, just shuffle your way to my chair."

Jenny shuffled, realizing he wanted her breasts to continue to jiggle as she went to him. She stopped at his knees and stayed bent.

"Hands behind your back, girl," he said, "let's see how hard your mouth can get me by itself."

She took a deep breath of resignation and brought her lips to the tip of his flaccid cock. How was she to get it in her mouth if it was just lying there, she wondered. She kissed it a few times, and then began to lick it. It perked up a bit with each stroke of her tongue, and when she could get the head between her lips, she sucked it into her mouth.

She sucked hard, and the old man's cock stiffened more and more.

"That's a good girl," he said patting her head as her lips slid up and down his shaft.

He was as stiff as a teenager now, and he ordered her to stand up and turn around.

"Pull your panties to the side and slide onto my dick, pet," he told her.

Her hole was dry, but his cock was wet enough that it slipped in pretty easily. She was just about sitting on his lap when he said, "I didn't let you cum last night, but now you can. Ride my cock until you get yourself off."

Jenny was appalled. Yes, he had gotten her aroused last night, almost to an orgasm, but she hadn't wanted it anyway. Now he was making her fuck herself with his cock. It was humiliating.

"I don't know if I can do that, Grandpa," she said.

"I didn't ask if you could, girl," he replied, "I just said to get yourself off on my cock. Now do it!" He smacked her hard on the ass. "Right now!"

Jenny started rocking back and forth and sliding up and down over his cock while thinking of the nice sex she'd always wanted to have.

"It's just like masturbating," she told herself, and tried ignoring that it was her grandpa's cock she was using to cum.

It worked, and soon she was breathing heavily as she bounced up and down faster and faster. Her grandpa's cock was pretty big to begin with, but it grew thicker and longer with excitement at her arousal. And she wanted it big and long, driving herself down harder in his lap with every bounce and rising until it was nearly out of her pussy when she slid up. Finally she froze, pressed down right over his root, and arched her back in a convulsive spasm that spread right into the depths of her pussy. Her sheath contracted in waves over her ***********'s dick, and he came along with her, spewing jet after jet of jism into her, filling her hole and then overfilling it.

Jenny trembled and then slowly relaxed, and the thought ran through her mind that this was the most intense orgasm she'd ever had. Another thought sent a wave of revulsion over her: the orgasm was not only from an old man's dick; it was from her own ***********'s.

"Good girl," he said as he finished cumming, "that's a very good girl."

He stroked her back as she relaxed, and, when their orgasms had subsided, he told her to stand up. As she rose, he thrust his hand between her legs and held it palm up under her hole.

"Squeeze it out," he ordered.

She was still light-headed from her orgasm, and didn't hesitate. His hand was overflowing with the semen she had ****** from her vagina.

"Turn around," he said, and she did.

He savored the half-closed dreamy look on her face for a moment, and then added his handful of cum to the thick coat that already covered his dick.

"Lick and suck me clean, girl," he commanded.

She knew she should feel humiliated, but she hadn't the will to take offense. All she could think of was the orgasm she had taken from her ***********'s dick. She bent over again, and took his half-stiff cock in her mouth, slowly cleaning it and swallowing all the semen on it. There was more to take care of though, and her tongue lapped at his pubic hair and down his balls until there wasn't a drop of jism left.

"Good girl!" he announced approvingly, "sit on Grandpa's lap now."

She sat and he stroked her hair and skin as he told her how good she had been.

"And tomorrow night you'll be a good little pet too," he said as he poked a finger into her anus, "I've got a few old friends coming over for poker night, and you can serve refreshments."

"Yes, Grandpa," she said absently as she thought about what a slut she was becoming and about that orgasm she just had, "I know how to mix ******."


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She sat dreamily on his lap for a while, feeling a bit like a little girl again, until the sounds of her ****** rustling about in her bedroom brought Jenny back to reality.

"****!" she exclaimed to herself and her ***********, "I can't let Mom see me like this."

She leapt from his lap and dashed into her room just as her ****** came into the livingroom. She quickly stripped off the lingerie and stuffed it in a drawer in case her mom came in. On with her robe, and she came out to announce she was going to take a shower. After Jenny had gone, Sally looked at her *********** with a sad and somewhat accusing eye. The afternoon and evening passed uneventfully, however, and even at bedtime, grandpa made no further demands on Jenny.

"Good night, pet," he said as she kissed him on the cheek, "see you in the morning."

At breakfast, the old man addressed his ********.

"You've been working pretty hard, Sally," he said, "why don't you go out tonight and relax."

"I've got some old friends coming over for poker," he continued, "and I'm sure Jenny's a big enough girl to help with the ****** and the clean-up."

He ended up handing Sally a bill. "Here's a twenty; take yourself to a movie and have a coffee afterwards. We'll see you about midnight."

"Thanks a lot Dad," Sally replied, "but couldn't Jenny come with me?"

"I need someone here to help, honey," he explained, "maybe some other time you can have a ****** and ******** night out."

"Are you sure it's ok with you, Jenny?" she asked her ********. "I can stay if you need me to."

Jenny knew what she should say. "No, Mom, that's fine with me. You deserve a night out and I can help Grandpa. We'll go together another time."

As dinner time came, Jenny wondered if her ****** knew what she was leaving her ******** to, and then she realized she didn't even know what to expect herself. Except that it would be repulsive. That she could be sure of. She imagined her *********** parading his pet around on a leash to show off for his wrinkled pals. She didn't want to think of what else he might do with her to impress the old lechers.

She helped her mom with after dinner clean-up and chatted idly with her as she dressed to go out. "Have a good time, Mom," she called as her ****** got into the car, "don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

She helped her *********** set up for the card game, and then he told her to go change for the evening.

"The black latex, pet," he said, "and don't forget your collar."

Jenny went to her room and undressed. She dashed some perfumed talc into the dress; the lady in the boutique said it would make it easier to put on and would make her smell nice for her master. Still she had to wiggle and squirm to get it on. Then there was the zipper.

It zipped down from her waist to the hem just about a third of the way down her thighs. It made the dress so tight she could hardly walk in it, but she figured that was the idea anyway. She could only get the zipper down to within two inches of the hem, so she put on her collar and went to her grandpa for help.

The old man was happy to zip it down the rest of the way, and had her walk around for him. It was, of course, more of a shuffle in the high heels, with the rubber so tight around her upper thighs that she could barely move her legs. It made her shift from side to side as she walked, too, and that made her breasts bounce and wiggle.

"Perfect!" her *********** declared, "you look great, Jenny. You really have fantastic legs and marvelous tits."

He motioned for her to come to him, and he played with her tits while he gave her instructions for the night.

"I want you to make me proud tonight, pet," he said, "I want you to do whatever I say without question. Without any hesitation. And remember, if you don't, if you embarrass me in any way, you won't just find yourself thrown out in the street. You just may find I given you to somebody else, somebody not so nice as me."

He paused for his message to sink in, and the silence was broken by the sound of a car pulling up in the driveway.

"Get in my bedroom now, girl," he told her, "I'll come when I want you."

Grandpa greeted his poker buddies at the door, and when the four of them were seated at the card table, he announced that he had a new pet he wanted them to see. He headed into his bedroom and hooked the leash to Jenny's collar.

"Now, girl," he said, "remember, you do everything I tell you to."

"Yes, Grandpa," she replied.

"Down on all fours," he ordered, "I'm going to take you out to meet my friends."

Jenny got down on her hands and knees and let her grandpa lead her out into the living room.

"God, this is humiliating," she thought as she glanced up and saw four old men sitting around the table gawking at her, but she continued crawling as her *********** had ordered.

"Wow, Sam," said one of the men, "that is some fine little pet you've got yourself!" The other three men added their approval to his.

"Thanks, John," said grandpa as he led Jenny around the table for his friends to get a better look, "I'm glad you all like her. Her name's Jenny."

He leaned over then, and patted his grand********'s head, saying, "Good, girl. Now stand up so my buddies can get a really good look at you."

"She's got a real pretty face, Sam," another man commented, "and great tits, too."

Jenny was beginning to feel a bit of revulsion at being treated like an ****** by these wrinkled old lechers. Her *********** sensed it, and tugged a bit on her leash.

"You're right about that, Bob," Sam responded, "and she's well-trained and eager to please, too. Just watch how she smiles when you squeeze her tits, guys."

He gave a yank on the leash and brought Jenny around the table again, pausing so each man could get a good feel of her breasts. The groping only added to her revulsion, but still she smiled sweetly at each man as he felt her up.

Jenny's going to be serving us tonight, boys," he announced as he unhooked her leash, "give her your ***** orders."

Two of the men asked for rye and ginger, one for a beer, and one for plain ginger ale. "I'm the designated driver," he said, smiling at the girl. Her Grandpa ordered his usual glass of scotch. Jenny brought all the ****** and then stood next to her grandpa.

"Let's have a bit of entertainment before we start the game, boys," Sam suggested, "you really should see how my new pet cums. Move your chairs closer together for now."

As his buddies shifted their seats opposite him, Sam turned to his grand********. "Lay on the table and masturbate, honey," he told her, "let them get a good look at how nicely you cum."

Jenny hesitated a second, and her *********** doubled up the leash and snapped it across her ass. "Up, girl," he snapped, "Now!"

Jenny climbed up on the table and laid back with her legs towards the four men. She slowly pulled the zipper up and spread her legs as the latex dress loosened around her. She winced as the lechers whistled and commented on her pussy, but she began to play with herself in spite of it.

"I'll just lay back and close my eyes and ignore them," she thought to her self, "I'll just pretend I'm alone in my bedroom, and it won't be so embarrassing."

She slid her middle finger between her labia and started rubbing up and down to get herself wet. The men expressed their approval and encouraged her to do more. She still tried to ignore them as she played with herself, but it was hard to tune them out.

She slipped another finger in and spread her lips wide.

"Holy ****!" cried one of the men, "just look how wet her pretty pink slit is!"

She spread her lips higher and let her clitoris pop out from its hood.

A chorus of cheers went up as she started stroking her clit with her fingers. Jenny was becoming pretty aroused herself now, and breathing heavily as she slipped her middle finger into her hole and started teasing her g-spot.

She began to sigh, and her hips began to pump up in the air with each probe of her finger. A wave of disgust swept over her, but it was soon lost in heat of her arousal. She added another finger, and that brought her past the point of reason and reflection. She was completely given to her impending orgasm when her *********** lifted her shoulders and propped her up against his arms.

"Show them your face, too, honey," he whispered in her ear, "you look so hot when you're cumming."

"Yes, grandpa," she breathed back to him, and she looked at the men looking at her.

"They look like they're cumming, too," she thought, "they can't take their eyes off me."

Her grandpa whispered to her again, "all your fingers, pet, get them all in there."

Jenny complied, so far along in her masturbation that she couldn't refuse anything, and stuffed four fingers and her thumb as deep into herself as she could while the heel of her hand ground at her clit. She moaned with pleasure as the four men gasped.

"Now your other hand, girl," he quietly ordered, "slide it under your leg and stick a finger in your ass."

She sighed a dreamy "yes, grandpa," as she followed his order. It was the first time she had done anything like that, and her body twitched as her middle finger poked into her tight little hole.

It felt strange to her , but pleasant, and she started pushing it in and out in time to her other hand's pussy play. She could feel her orgasm building up, and she pumped faster and faster with both hands until her whole body stiffened and arched.

And she came. She came in a way she had never before. Her body trembled and quivered and convulsed in pleasures that she hadn't felt before. As she settled back down on the table, she looked at her ***********'s friends and smiled. They all had looks of wonder and delight on their faces as if they were the ones who had cum, and Jenny felt that she must have the same look on hers.

"That felt wonderful," Jenny thought to herself, and considered whether it was due to having four fingers in her pussy, a finger in her ass, or being watched while she did it. "Maybe it was all of that," she concluded.

Her *********** told her she could get up, and she did, taking her place next to him again, but feeling a little weak in the knees. She thought she should feel bad about being such a slut, but she had such a great orgasm and the men seemed so pleased, that she dismissed the thought. "I'll do what I have to do," she decided, "and enjoy it whenever I can."

"Shuffle this deck, pet," he *********** told her, "and then deal a card to each of my friends. Oh, and pull your zipper down again."

As she dealt the cards, she noticed that some of the men had finished their ******. It was her job to serve, so she shuffled off for refills while her *********** spoke to his buddies. When she returned, he addressed her.

"Ok, pet," he said, "after every two hands, one of my buds gets to play with you. You have to do whatever he wants. Understand?"

"Yes, Grandpa," she answered meekly.

"Now, gentlemen," he said, turning to his cronies," your cards will determine the order in which you get to play with my new pet. Turn them over."

After the cards had been flipped, he confirmed the results. "Ok, Bob, you have an ace; you're first. Jimmy, that ten gets you second place. John, your nine is good for third. And Hal, your trey gets you last licks."

They all laughed at the implication of Sam's comment, and Jenny stood by her grandpa's side, wondering what game Bob would want to play.


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Sam dealt first, and John won the pot, with everybody folding. John had the next deal, and everybody was in. The hand lasted quite a while, with raising, but in the end Bob took the pot. Seeing as he was to be the first to get Jenny, everybody else wondered how he managed to keep his mind on the game.

"Looks like you're a double winner, Bob," Sam said, "you've taken a big pot and get to play with my pet."

He turned to Jenny, saying, "you're Bob's now to do what ever he wants until he's finished."

Bob stood up, and Jenny could see he was tall, over six feet and wiry. He stepped over to as he said "pick up your ******, fellas."

As soon as all ****** were up, he wrapped his hands around Jenny's waist, lifted her up in the air, and dropped her down on her back on top of the felt-covered card table. Her head was towards his seat, and he pulled her that way until her shoulders were at the table's edge. As she lay there, her head hanging over the edge, he dropped his pants and boxers and showed her what was probably the longest dick she'd ever seen.

It was a bit odd to her, the first time she'd looked at a guy upside down, but the length was clear. He was stiff as a tree branch, and must have been nearly a foot long. But thin. So thin, Jenny figured she'd be able to touch her finger to her thumb around his shaft without stretching at all. He stepped up to the table as she was thinking about his dimensions, and he started gently massaging her tits.

"Mmmm, that feels nice," Jenny thought, and then he gripped her nipples tightly and yanked them up so hard she squealed in pain and surprise.

Almost squealed, that is. Her mouth had barely opened to let out her little screech when he rammed his cock between her lips and far into her throat. She started to *****, and he withdrew a bit, but drove back in as soon as she got her breath. He kept pulling her nipples until her tits were stretched and aching, and thrust his cock in and out of her throat, ******* it a little deeper with each stroke.

That first jolt of pain she felt shot right to her pussy and started her dripping; the aching kept her juices flowing. The depth and vigor of his face-fucking added to it, and had Jenny just about at the point of another orgasm. He released her nipples and began massaging her gently once more, and she relaxed enough to allow the whole length of his cock into her throat and mouth. She heard him moan with pleasure as his root pressed against her lips.

He leaned forward as he kept on fucking her mouth, and slid his hands over her latex-clad hips. He slid back up, then, pulling the zipper until her legs were free again. Back down, and this time his hands spread her legs wide in front of her ************ eyes. His hands slid up her thighs until they rested on her pussy, and he slipped a finger from each hand into her hole. Jenny's felt herself sigh, but his cock blocked any sound from coming out of her mouth.

Bob pulled his fingers to open one side and the other, spreading her hole wide open for Sam to enjoy seeing while Bob had the pleasure of Jenny's throat. His fingers deftly twirled inside her, then, finding that spot that got her off so well, and massaging it roughly. Jenny body melted into one big silent moan of pleasure as she felt herself cumming again. Bob held his cock in place inside her as she came, and her mouth and tongue twitched and jumped wildly over his stiff pole. He came too, with her writhings, and spewed his cum right down her gullet. He thrust a few more times to make sure he was drained, and then withdrew his cock and his fingers from Jenny's orifices.

"A real sweet pet, Sam," he said as he pulled his pants back up.

He lifted Jenny up and stood her up again. She wobbled a bit, unsteady on her feet, and he held her by the shoulders a minute to keep her from falling over. Sure she could stand, then, Bob told her she was a good girl, and kissed her on the lips before he sat down.
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