Posts: 167297
Pas de nouvelles de Fanny depuis une semaine. Le lendemain de ma crise de nerfs, elle est sortie, sans un mot, et n'est jamais revenue. J'ai fais le ménage comme un damné pendant deux jours pour qu'à *** retour elle retrouve un bel appartement. Puis, j'ai laissé tomber. La table de salon est couverte de canettes de bière et de boites de pizza. L'évier de la cuisine déborde. ***t lit est défait depuis que je m'y suis couché et m'y suis masturbé. Depuis, je dors dans le canapé avec la télé allumée, non stop. Mes nuits ***t agitées. J'alterne entre cauchemars et jolis rêves. Et là, je suis aux anges car c'est le cas. Je vois ma belle Fanny pencher sur moi, léchant mes testicules avec tendresse et remonter sur ma colonne tendue. Puis elle l'engloutit avec avidité jusqu'à la garde. Mon plaisir monte. Je transpire. Je vais jouir. Je me réveille en sursaut. « Fanny ! Fannyyy ! » Ma queue explose et je jouis fort, très fort...dans la gorge de ma Fanny. Elle est là, comme dans mon rêve, à s'occuper de mon dard. Je crois encore rêver. Je n'ose pas parler pour ne pas casser le charme de cet instant magique. Apres m'avoir bu et nettoyé, elle se lève. « Tu ne serrais pas mieux au lit ? » Et elle se dirige vers la salle de bain. En trois secondes, je suis dans chambre. Je défais les draps à la hâte, pour en mettre des propres. Une petite couverture et je suis déjà couché lorsqu'elle arrive. Elle est nue sous une petite nuisette courte et transparente. Je rebande comme un âne à la simple pensé que je vais la sentir près de moi. Mais elle fera bien plus et nous nous aimerons toute la nuit. Dans les quelques poses que nous avons faites, nous n'avons jamais évoqué notre brouille, ni *** absence. Ce matin, je suis gai et de très bonne humeur. Je suis descendu chercher des croissants et je suis passé chez le fleuriste prendre un petit bouquet de violettes. Je lui prépare un joli plateau et lui apporte au lit. Elle a des cernes sous les yeux. J'en suis assez fier, c'est mon œuvre. Elle a joui plusieurs fois dans la nuit et a eu de nombreux orgasmes puissants. « Merci ! C'est très gentil. Ca me fait vraiment plaisir. Hummm ! Elles sentent si bon ! » Elle dévore *** petit déjeuner, puis : « Tu me pardonnera, mais je crois que je vais dormir toute la journée. Tu m'as épuisé. J'aimerais que tu refasses un poulet au curry pour ce soir, j'ai un invité. » J'ai un petit pincement au cœur. « Heuu ! En tête à tête ? » « Oui, s'il te plaît. Je te remercie. » Elle se retourne et s'endort d'un coup. Je me suis emballé trop vite. Je pensais vraiment qu'elle était revenue à des sentiments plus profonds avec moi. Doux rêveur que je suis. Il n'en est rien. Mais elle est là ! Ma douce et tendre Fanny est là ! N'est ce pas cela le plus important ? Je pourrais être seul en ce moment. Alors... Mon poulet est encore plus réussi que la dernière fois. Je fais une belle table pour deux et prépare des toasts pour l'apéritif. « Comment trouve tu ma robe ? » Elle porte une robe rouge, très courte. Sa taille est mise en valeur par une grosse ceinture avec une boucle ronde en argent, portée très basse. Si le décolleté est assez sage, il en est autrement de l'échancrure du dos qui plonge, jusqu'à la naissance des deux hémisphères fessier. « Hum ! Tu es magnifique ! Elle te... » Pas le temps de finir ma phrase. La ***nette retentie. « Ha ! Le voilà ! J'arriveeee ! » Je m'éclipse en cuisine. Je ne suis pas pressé de voir ce type. « Vladimir ! Comme je suis contente que vous soyez venu ! » « Fanny, vous êtes superbe, vraiment. J'ai amené ma chienne de compagnie. J'espère que cela ne vous dérange pas, au moins ? » « Ho non, pas du tout, du moment qu'elle ne lève pas la patte sur les meubles ! Hihihi ! » « Mais non ! Rien à craindre, c'est une femelle ! Hahaha ! » Ces rires gras m'énervent au plus haut point. Je suis étonné que Fanny accepte un ******. Elle en a une peur bleu. Je les entends s'installer. J'attends un peu et apporte l'apéritif sur un plateau. Vladimir est un homme d'une soixantaine d'années, très grand, pas bien gros, arborant une moustache et une barbichette façon Napoléon III. Près de lui, une jeune fille est à genoux, tête baissée et mains croisées dans le dos. Il la tient en laisse et lui caresse doucement les cheveux, tout en discutant avec Fanny. Voilà donc *** ****** de compagnie ! Elle a de très longs cheveux soyeux, noir corbeau, qui cache *** visage. Je ne peux le voir. Comme seuls vêtements, une mini jupe de cuir noir, très courte et un caraco seins nus en lanières de cuir, orné de clous argentés. Je suis attristé pour cette fille et je file en cuisine pour ne pas avoir à supporter ce spectacle. Mais de la cuisine, j'entends tout. « Ca ne vous dérange pas si je la détache ? » « Bien sur que non, Vladimir ! Elle a l'air bien brave, cette petite ! Quel âge a-t-elle ? » « Bientôt dix neuf. Brave quand elle veut ! Il faut parfois se fâcher. Allez ! File à la cuisine, tu trouveras bien quelque chose à y faire ! » Quand elle entre dans la cuisine, je suis en train de démouler un gâteau. Elle reste près de la porte, les mains toujours dans le dos et tête baissée. « Viens ! N'ai pas peur ! Viens vite m'aider. Tiens-moi le plat s'il te plaît, je suis en train de me bruler. » Elle s'approche et tient le plat. Je ne vois toujours pas *** visage, cachée par ses longs cheveux. Je pose le moule et passe ma main sous la chevelure. J'attrape *** menton et relève doucement sa tête. « Nous sommes entre amis, ici. Tu n'a rien à craindre de moi. » Je la découvre enfin. C'est une jeune asiatique avec encore un visage d'enfant. Elle est resplendissante de beauté. Je ne peux m'empêcher de la détailler. *** visage est fin et bien dessiné. Ses seins exposés à mon regard ***t menus, mais semblent d'une fermeté extrême. *** ventre est bien plat, légèrement musclé, dessinant de belles ombres discrètes. « Comment t'appelles-tu ? Moi, c'est Bruno. » « Vagina. Moi, c'est Vagina. » « Vagina ? Mais ce n'est pas un prénom ca ! » « Peut être, mais c'est ainsi que l'on doit m'appeler. » « Allons ! Nous sommes entre nous ! Donne-moi ton vrai prénom, s'il te plait. » Elle rougie un peu en me faisant de grands yeux de petite fille de manga. « Thanh Thuy. Ca veut dire : Eau pure. » « Et bien, eau pure, je suis ravi de faire ta connaissance. » Elle est attendrissante et je ne peux m'empêcher de caresser amicalement, sa joue d'un revers de doigt. C'est l'instant que choisi Fanny pour faire irruption dans la cuisine. « Trois fois que je t'appelle ! Tu n'a rien d'autre à foutre que de draguer cette petite morue ! » La jeune fille apeurée, court hors de la cuisine et retombe à genoux près de *** ne sais quoi... qui la rattache immédiatement au bout de sa laisse. Elle remet les mains dans *** dos et se referme totalement sur elle-même en rabaissant sa tête une nouvelle fois. « Je suis désolé Vladimir, il est impardonnable ! » « Non, non, cher amie ! Ne lui en voulez pas. Vagina est très jeune, donc influençable. Cela ne se reproduira plus. Soyez en certaine. » Je fais le service en cachant ma haine et ma colère, de façon à ne pas aggraver les choses pour Thanh Thuy. A la fin du repas, ils s'installent dans le canapé et j'apporte les cafés. « Monsieur Vladimir, permettez moi. J'ai préparé un plat chaud pour mademoiselle Vagina. Rassurez vous, il n'y aura pas de problèmes, je vous l'assure. » Fanny est rouge de colère. « Bruno ! Comment oses-tu ! » « Non, laissez cher Fanny. C'est très gentil à lui. Elle n'a rien mangé depuis hier, je ne voudrais pas qu'elle tombe malade. C'est très gentil à vous, garçon. Merci beaucoup. » Garçon ? Il m'appelle garçon ? Pauvre et sombre con ! Il détache la jeune fille et je l'entraine à la cuisine. Là, sans un mot, je la fait assoir au coin d'une table et lui sers une bonne assiette de poulet. Elle se jette dessus. Je veux bien croire qu'elle soit affamée. Tout en étant aux petits soins pour ma nouvelle amie, j'écoute la discussion au salon. « Elle est adorable. Ou avez-vous déniché cette merveille ? » « Vous ne me croirez jamais. Je l'ai trouvé au fond d'une cave d'un HLM de banlieue, peu fréquentable. » « Dans une cave ? » Thanh Thuy lève les yeux vers moi. La honte se lit dans *** regard et je comprends que ce que j'entends est vrai. « Oui, oui, dans une cave ! Figurez vous que je recherchais une belle asiatique. Je les adore, c'est mon péché mignon. Je désespérais de trouver lorsqu'un de mes contacts m'a informé qu'il avait entendu parler qu'une tournante se préparait dans une cité, avec une asiatique. » « Une tournante ? » La jeune asiatique détourne *** visage de moi et continu de manger. « Oui, c'est cela. C'est la résultante d'une mauvaise rencontre dans un mauvais lieu, au mauvais moment. Un jeune homme lui a tourné la tête, et lui l'a « prêté » à ses amis. C'est très courant dans certaines cités de banlieue. La plupart du temps, ca se passe dans les caves ou les parkings. » « Ha ? Vraiment ? » « Je suis arrivé à temps. Avec un peu d'argent on arrange les choses facilement. » « Vous l'avez sauvé en quelque sorte ! » « Tout à fait, oui. » Thanh Thuy semble furieuse et fait semblant de taper du poing sur la table. Je chuchote pour que Fanny ne m'entende pas. « Tu a l'air contrarié ? Ca ne va pas ? » « J'étais consentante. Il ne m'a pas sauvé. Quel con ! » « Tu étais... » « Et alors ! Les asiatiques aussi aiment le cul ! Il est arrivé et a foutu ma soirée en l'air. Mon mec m'avait trouvé dix types. Le truc, c'était que je devais faire semblant de ne pas vouloir. Je devais me débattre pour les exciter à mort. C'était un jeu, quoi ! » « Et tu l'aurais vraiment fait ? » « Humm ! Oui ! J'en rêve depuis déjà un bon moment. Et de toute façon je le ferais au moins une fois dans ma vie, dès que l'occasion se présentera ! » « Mais qu'est ce que tu fou avec lui ? » « Mon mec a accepté l'argent. Ca m'a dégouté. Comme j'habitais chez lui, il a bien fallu que je me trouve un autre toit. Mais ca vas, je suis bien traitée, même si il est un peu dingue. Je baise à volonté, ca me plais, alors tout vas bien. Au moins, il est original. » « Bon, d'accord, mais il est vachement vieux pour toi, non ? » « Dis dont ! Elle n'est pas vachement jeune pour toi ? » « Oups ! Tu viens de marquer un point. Nous pourrions peut être nous voir... ailleurs... seuls. Qu'en dis-tu ? » 
Posts: 167297
« Pas facile de m'échapper avec lui. Même la nuit, je dors au pied de *** lit. « Tu me diras, avec Fanny, ce n'est pas mieux, elle ne me lâche pas une seconde. » « Hé ! Mais dis dont Bruno ! Tu ne serais pas en train de me proposer la botte, là ? » Merde ! Elle arrive à me faire rougir. Je noie le pois*** rapidement. « Chuttt ! Écoute ce qu'ils disent ! » Je me cache à l'entrebâillement de la porte pour les observer. Le type est assis dans le fauteuil et Fanny sur un pouf en face de lui. « Ils parlent encore de toi, Thanh Thuy. » Elle se lève et s'accroupie face à moi. « Hé ! Qu'est ce que tu fais ? » « Ose dire que tu ne me désire pas ! » Elle pose sa petite main sur la bosse de mon pantalon. « Thanh, c'est pas la question ! C'est plutôt que ce n'est pas le moment ! » « Fais le guet et laisse moi faire. » « Thanh ! Non, Thanh ! » Mais déjà mon sexe est sorti. Ses petits doigts me caressent un instant, puis je sens la chaleur de sa bouche m'envelopper. Comment une tête si fine, peut elle engloutir autant de chair ? Mais je ne peux pas être tout entier à mon plaisir et je dois rester très vigilant. Si Fanny venait à nous surprendre... dieu sait sa réaction. Je n'ai pas à tendre l'oreille, nous les entendons parfaitement bien. « Elle est vraiment charmante. Vous avez beaucoup de chance. » « Charmante et très docile. Ce qui ne gâche rien. De plus, si vous saviez comme elle est serrée ! C'est incroyable ! » Je manque d'éclater de rire. « C'est vrais ca ? T'es serrée ? » « Continu comme ca et tu perdras toutes tes chances de le savoir un jour. » « Rhoo ! C'est bon ! Je plaisante ! » Imperturbable, elle reprend sa fellation. Et moi mon observation. Du moins, j'essais. « Quand j'ai déposé mon annonce, je n'aurais jamais imaginé que ce puisse être une femme qui y réponde. » « J'imagine que vous serrez plus rassuré que si c'était un homme. Ca je le comprends bien. » De quoi parlent-ils ? « Hoo ! Arrête, je vais jouir ! C'est trop bon ! C'est quoi cette histoire d'annonce ? » « Et d'un, jouis, idiot ! Donne-moi ton jus ! Et de deux, j'en sais rien et je m'en fou ! » Elle n'a pas fini sa phrase que je sens la base de mon pénis bouillonner. Je pousse ma queue dans sa bouche. « Tiens ! Prends ! Prends tout ! Haa ! Bois tout ! Hummm ! » La petite boit tout avec délectation. Elle n'en a pas perdu une seule goutte. Apres m'avoir bien nettoyé, elle range délicatement mon petit matériel, puis se redresse pour se jeter à mon cou et m'offrir un fabuleux baiser. Sa bouche est si petite ! Comment a-t-elle pu me prendre tout entier ? Ceci explique peut être la rapidité avec laquelle elle m'a fait parvenir à la jouissance. « En tout cas, ta bouche l'est ! » Elle me regarde interrogative. « Quoi donc ? » « Ben ! Bien serrée ! » Elle me donne de petits coups de poings tout en rigolant doucement. « C'est bien que vous puissiez me la garder tout le mois. Vous m'ôtez une épine du pied. Vous verrez, elle est facile à gérer. » « Elle a tout intérêt ! Je sais me montrer très autoritaire, vous savez ! » Nous nous regardons. Un grand sourire barre nos visages. « Tu vas rester un mois ici ! C'est génial ! » Fanny se lève et s'approche du fauteuil. Lui, écarte les jambes pour l'accueillir. Elle prend la tête du type et l'appuit sur *** ventre en caressant ses cheveux. « N'ayez crainte Vladimir ! Je m'en occuperais bien ! Faite moi confiance. » Tout à coup, il commence à transpirer. Il perd le contrôle. Ses mains passent rapidement sous la robe et empoignent les fesses de Fanny. Il embrasse *** ventre, frotte *** visage dessus. « Ho Fanny ! Fanny ! Vous êtes belle ! Je vous veux... là...tout de suite ! » Je tire Thanh devant moi, pour qu'elle profite du spectacle. Elle n'est pas grande et je passe facilement mes bras par-dessus ses épaules. Je les croise comme pour l'envelopper et je caresse ses petits seins. Ils ***t si menus, mais d'une douceur incomparable et très réactifs. A peine mes paumes de mains posées, je sens les pointes réagir et gonfler. Elle appuie sa tête contre moi et pose ses mains sur les miennes pour accompagner mes caresses. Je bande de nouveau et elle frotte *** petit cul contre ma bosse. Au salon, ca bouge. Vladimir pette un câble. Il lève la robe et plonge *** visage dans l'intimité de sa nouvelle amie. Elle, ferme les yeux et se penche un peu, courbée par le plaisir en lui maintenant la tête contre sa fente. Il lèche, lape comme un chien. Il n'y a pas que lui qui soit excité. Je n'en peux plus non plus et j'imagine que ma petite asiatique n'est guère mieux. Elle ondule de plus en plus contre moi, tout en contemplant *** mentor. Je laisse une main quitter ses seins. Elle glisse sur *** ventre, presse la micro jupe et se glisse dessous. Thanh ne porte rien et est lisse comme de la nacre. Je sens *** entaille de chair sous mon index et mon majeur. Je caresse doucement de haut en bas, puis de droite à gauche, jusqu'à sentir l'humidité sur le bout de mes doigts. Vladimir pousse Fanny contre la table et l'y couche. Il relève ses jambes et après avoir extirpé *** sexe, il l'a pénètre sans ménagement. « Ho, oui ! Vladimir ! Baisez-moi ! Baisez-moi fort ! Hooo ! » Tandis que mes doigts pénètrent la jeune fille, je sens ses mains qui cherchent à ouvrir ma braguette et sortir mon sexe dressé. Incroyable ! Mes doigts confirment ! C'est vrai... Elle est serrée, très serrée. Je n'en peux plus. Je la colle contre le réfrigérateur. Elle s'accroche à mon cou et enroule ses jambes autour de ma taille. Nos lèvres se rejoignent de nouveaux alors que je pénètre *** temple royal. C'est un couloir de soie qui m'accueil, si étroit qu'il faut être fort pour en pousser les parois. Je suis ému d'y pénétrer, de l'envahir, de l'occuper. Je suis au paradis du soleil levant. Sa douce respiration caresse mon oreille. Nulle *****, nulle **********, nulle impatience. Tout se fait dans la douceur et l'intimité d'une tendre complicité. Dans le salon... « Je viens, Fanny ! Je viens ! » « Ho oui ! Donne-moi tout ! Jouis fort ! Remplis-moi ! » Même les deux excités ne pourraient gâcher notre douce fusion. Pourtant... « Mais ils ***t ou les deux, làààà ! BRUNO ! Qu'est ce que tu fou ! Amène moi des lingettes et deux cafés ! Dépêche-toi ! » Pas question de quitter la douce chaleur de Thanh. « Ne bouge pas ! Je m'en fou, ne bouge pas ! » « Non, Bruno ! S'il me trouve ainsi, je serais sévèrement punie. » Elle m'embrasse une dernière fois, furtivement, et laisse retomber ses jambes à terre. Je sens mon cœur se déchirer et ma tête bouillir de colère. J'apporte des lingettes. J'ai vraiment envi de lui balancer en pleine face. Lui, c'est installé de nouveau dans le fauteuil, tandis qu'elle est restée debout, robe relevée pour ne pas la tacher par le sperme qui coule le long de ses jambes. Elle a l'air ridicule devant cet homme qui, soulagé, n'a plus rien à faire de cette poupée. « Putain ! Bruno ! Qu'est ce que vous foutiez là-bas ? » « Nous finissions la vaisselle. Nous ne voulions pas vous déranger. » Thanh entre dans la pièce et va droit vers Vladimir. Dès qu'elle se trouve à porté, il glisse sa main sous la petite jupe. La jeune fille rougie et baisse la tête. « Et bien, jeune homme, vous faite très mal la vaisselle ! Elle est encore toute poisseuse ! Vagina, fou toi à genoux ! Tu serras punie pour ta stupidité. » Inutile d'aggraver la situation. Je retourne à la cuisine, chercher le café. Lorsque je reviens, elle est de nouveau en laisse. « Fanny, je dois partir. Je vous laisse donc le soin d'appliquer la punition. Vagina sera livrée pour une tournante dans une cité. Et vous, jeune homme, vous serrez chargé de l'organiser sous le contrôle de Fanny. Et n'oubliez pas que si elle est punie c'est en partie de votre faute. » Thanh relève discrètement la tête pour croiser mon regard. Elle me fait un grand sourire complice. Elle ne pouvait rêver meilleure punition. Fanny se méfie beaucoup et je n'arrive pas à communiquer avec Thanh. Je dors sur le canapé et elle est attachée au pied du lit de Fanny. Pas simple. Le lendemain, elle m'envoie prospecter. Je ne choisis pas la cité la plus pourrie. La sécurité de Thanh m'importe beaucoup. C'est une que je connais qui a ma préférence. J'y traine un peu, semblant chercher quelque chose. Je veux attirer l'attention d'un groupe de jeunes. J'ai du y parvenir, car l'un d'eux s'approche de moi. C'est le moment de vérité. « Tu cherche quelque chose ? » « Ca se pourrait, oui. » « On aime pas les types qui tournent en rond, ici. T'es qui ? Tu veux quoi ? » Le type ne semble pas commode et ses potes nous observent de loin. « Rassure toi, je ne suis pas un flic. On m'a parlé de « tournante » ici. C'est vrai ? » « T'es journaliste ? » « Mais non ! C'est juste que s'il y a des tournantes dans le coin, j'ai peut être du matériel pour vous. Du premier choix.» Je fouille dans ma poche et je lui sors une photo de Thanh, que Fanny avait habillée joliment pour l'occasion, afin d'attiser l'envie. Il s'éloigne avec la photo et va rejoindre *** groupe d'amis. La photo circule de mains en mains. Ils discutent. Aucune émotion ne transparait. Et lorsqu'il revient me voir ... « Samedi. Dix neuf heures trente. Je serais là. Tu ne me parle pas et tu me suis de loin avec la fille. On garde la photo. T'es prévenu, il risque d'y avoir du monde. Pas d'entourloupes, sinon... » Je rentre transmettre le rendez vous à Fanny. Thanh est encore dans la chambre, alors je parle assez fort pour qu'elle m'entende. Fanny semble surexcitée. « Ca c'est parfait. Vladimir vat être content de moi. C'est génial. Il faudra faire des photos et des vidéos pour les lui montrer. Ho putain ! C'est trop cool ! » Tout à sa joie, elle s'enferme dans la salle de bain en oubliant de fermer sa chambre à clef. Je rejoins Thanh. « Tu a entendu ? Tu vas l'avoir ta tournante. » « C'est super, Bruno. Merci. Je suis déjà toute excitée. » « Tu a intérêt à être en forme. Le type m'a fait comprendre que ca allait être musclé. » « T'inquiète pas je vais les épuiser. Hihihi ! » « Mais n'oublies pas. Autant pour les types que pour Fanny, tu n'es pas consentante. C'est bien compris ? » « T'inquiète pas ! Au lycée, j'étais la meilleure en théâtre. » Elle m'embrasse furtivement. Je ne pourrais plus lui parler de la semaine. 
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Samedi. Fanny est nerveuse. Elle a sorti toutes les fringues de *** armoire. Elle ne sait pas comment habiller Thanh. Finalement, se sera porte jarretelle et bas noir, escarpins hauts talons, jupe noire plissée et pour finir un gilet bordeaux un peu grand, fermé devant par des boutons pression. Bien sur, elle ne porte aucun sous vêtement. A ma demande, elle lui donne tout de même une veste pour le voyage. « Ou allons nous ? Ou m'emmenez-vous ? Je ne veux pas faire de tournante ! S'il vous plait ? Ou allons-nous ? » Elle avait rai***. C'est une excellente comédienne. Fanny tombe dans le panneau et lui met *** collier de chien. « Je te préviens, si tu bronche je te passe la laisse et tu gouteras à la cravache ! » Thanh a pu et a su se maquiller pour être encore plus désirable. Elle a lissé ses longs cheveux soyeux, qu'elle laisse couler sur ses épaules. Je la sens nerveuse, mais décidée. Nos regards se croisent furtivement plusieurs fois dans la journée. Lorsque ca arrive, elle me sourit ou me fait un clin d'œil rapide. Elle est délicieusement belle. Fanny enfile un jeans et un tee-shirt sous un blou*** de cuir, et nous voilà parti. Dans le métro et le bus qui nous conduisent à la cité, les gens nous regardent. Il faut dire qu'il n'est pas commun de croiser une jeune fille portant un collier ********** de compagnie. « Place Youri Gagarine. » Nous sommes au cœur de la cité et à l'heure. Pourtant, près du banc ou nous avions rendez vous...per***ne. La nuit tombe sur les barres HLM. Nous sommes tendus tout les trois. Même Fanny se demande si nous ne ferions pas mieux de partir. Je le sens à *** attitude nerveuse. Depuis un moment, sur le trottoir d'en face, des jeunes passent, seuls ou en petits groupes, pour entrer dans un hall d'immeuble. Démarches nonchalantes, mains dans les poches et casquettes vissées sur le crane. Le stéréotype de la jeunesse de banlieue. Ils nous dévisagent tous. Il est vrai que les deux poupées qui se trouvent avec moi, ne peuvent qu'attirer les regards. « Le voilà ! C'est lui. » A ces mots, Thanh est parcourue d'un grand fri***, qu'elle a bien du mal à cacher. Elle me fait signe discrètement qu'elle a peur. De la tête, je lui indique que l'on peut encore partir, mais elle fronce les sourcils pour me faire comprendre qu'il n'en était pas question. « Nous devons le suivre de loin, sans lui parler. » « Ok ! Allons y, mais avant... » Fanny sort la laisse de sa poche et malgré ses protestations, attache la petite asiatique. Le jeune pénètre dans le même hall que tous les autres. Il ne fait plus de doute que nous allons bientôt retrouver tout ce petit monde. Nous nous engageons à notre tour derrière la grande porte vitrée. Il y a un couloir ou *** alignées des boites à lettres pour la plupart éventrées. Un petit tourne à droite et nous sommes devant deux ascenseurs. Les témoins lumineux, indiquent qu'ils ***t dans les étages. Il n'y a per***ne. Derrière nous, j'aperçois une porte entrouverte. J'y jette un œil. Un escalier en béton, éclairé par une ampoule blafarde, disparait dans la pénombre du sous sol. « Suivez moi, ce doit être par là ! » Fanny me retient par la manche. « Pas question ! C'est la pute qui ouvre la marche. Allez, avance ! » Tout en la tenant en laisse, elle pousse Thanh dans l'escalier. Je la vois morte de trouille, mais je sais qu'elle n'apprécierait pas que j'arrête tout. L'escalier tourne. Une main légèrement en avant, elle laisse l'autre glisser sur le mur. Elle penche un peu la tête comme pour anticiper ce qui pourrait surgir au bout de notre descente. Nous n'y voyons pas grand-chose mais bien que fermant la marche, je devine un long couloir, éclairé à peut prêt tout les vingt mètres. A notre gauche il y a un mur de béton et à droite des portes de bois cadenassées s'alignent aussi loin que l'on peut voir. A chaque lumière, un autre couloir s'enfonce sur la droite. Autant d'intersections qui nous font fris***ner. J'entends un bruit derrière moi. Je tourne la tête. Le jeune est là qui me fait signe d'avancer. Au couloir suivant, trois jeunes nous bloquent le passage. Mon contact me tape sur l'épaule. « C'est qui la meuf en jeans ? » « C'est une amie, c'est elle qui amène la fille. » S'adressant à ses potes... « Je m'occupe de lui, fouillez les nanas ! » Le mec me tapote un peu partout alors que les filles se font carrément peloter. Ce n'est pas du gout de Fanny. « Bas les pattes ! C'est elle la salope ! » Les types rigolent et tirent Thanh dans une cave. Nous y pénétrons aussi. Il y a cinq caves dont les cloi***s ont été abattues afin de ne plus faire qu'une longue pièce. Au fond, un matelas a été jeté à même le sol en terre battue. Sur le mur, deux anneaux pendent à hauteur d'homme. Il y est accroché des cordelettes de nylon. Difficile de dénombrer le nombre de per***ne qui se trouve là. La longue soirée de Thanh commence. Sa laisse a été défaite et sa veste ôtée. Le jeune la fait avancer lentement vers le matelas entre deux rangées de jeunes hommes. « Arrêtez ! Laissez-moi ! Mais qu'est ce que vous faite ! Laissez-moi ! Non ! » Malgré ses cris de protestations, *** gilet a été ouvert et baissé sur ses épaules. Des mains se succèdent sur sa petite poitrine. D'autres soulèvent sa jupe, caressent *** cul ou sa chatte, ou bien encore ses cheveux, *** visage, sa bouche. Lorsqu'elle arrive au matelas, *** gilet n'est plus et sa jupe ne résiste pas longtemps. Sa beauté, sa resplendissante nudité contrastent avec cet endroit glauque, sale et puant. Pendant un instant, je ne la vois plus. Elle a totalement disparu au milieu des hommes qui se bousculent pour la caresser. Le jeune intervient. « Ho ! Poussez-vous ! Laissez la petite salope respirer ! Il y en aura pour tout le monde ! » Il semble respecté car les types s'écartent immédiatement. Il s'approche d'elle en montant lui aussi sur le couchage. Thanh est debout sur la paillasse, dos au mur. Elle couvre sa poitrine de ses avants bras, en portant ses doigts à ses lèvres. Comme une petite fille apeurée, elle lève légèrement une jambe et la glisse devant l'autre pour tenter de cacher *** sexe. « Je m'appelle Samir, et toi ? » 
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« Vagina. » « Vagina...Vagina. Vaginal ? Comme le vagin ? » Ils éclatent tous de rire. « Bon, écoute. C'est toi qui décide. Si tu veux que ca se passe bien, ca se passera bien. Si tu veux la merde, tu auras la merde. Tu comprends ce que je te dis ? Regarde-moi quand je parle ! » Elle sursaute et fait un petit oui de la tête. « Biennn ! On va te dire ce qu'on veux et toi tu fais. Ce n'est pas dur, tu vois ! Par exemple... » Il défait sa ceinture ainsi que les boutons de sa braguette. « ...par exemple, moi, je veux que tu me pompe à fond ! » Elle ne bouge pas et rebaisse la tête. Samir se fâche et l'attrape par les cheveux. « T'a pas compris pouffiasse ! Je veux que tu me pompe ! Alors tu te fou à genoux et tu bouffe mon dard ! » Il tire fort, obligeant la jeune fille à tomber à genoux. « Bouffe ! » Tremblante, elle plonge ses doigts dans le caleçon et sort sa première bite de la soirée. Elle prend la main de Samir pour qu'il lui lâche les cheveux, et fait glisser le gourdin entre ses lèvres fines. « Et ben voilà ! » Plusieurs types se rapprochent pour la contempler sucer leur chef. D'autres, viennent vers nous. Un grand black s'approche tout près de Fanny et fait glisser un doigt sur ses cheveux. « Salut chérie ! Tu sais que le black aime bien les poufiasses blondes ? » « Oui, mais les blondes n'aiment pas ********* le black ! Ok ! En plus je ne suis pas là pour ca ! Alors dégage et vas t'occuper de la bridée. » Il fait un large sourire qui laisse apparaitre une dentition parfaite, d'une blancheur incomparable. « Putain ! Toi, t'a des couilles pour me parler comme ca. J'aime bien. J'adore les rebelles ! » Il colle une main sur un de ses seins, en la glissant dans le blou*** ouvert. Sans attendre, elle lui claque l'avant bras pour lui faire lâcher prise. « Pas touche ! C'est pas pour toi ! » « Tu crois pouvoir me frapper ? » Il claque des doigts et deux types passent derrière elle et tente de lui retirer *** blou***, malgré ses efforts pour se dégager. « Moi, je demande pas la permission ! Je prends ! Surtout ici ! Tu crois vraiment que tu allais repartir comme t'es venue ? » Le blou***, descendu dans *** dos, lui bloque les bras. Le black attrape le tee-shirt au niveau du col et le déchire en deux, libérant les deux seins blancs. « Brunooo ! Aide-moi, merde ! Fais quelque chose ! » Je vois là l'occasion rêvée de reprendre le contrôle de ma vie. « Mais oui Fanny ! Je vais faire quelque chose ! Je vais me délecter de ce qui va t'arriver, mon amour ! » Les types éclatent de rire et finissent de la débarrasser du blou*** et du tee-shirt. Puis, ils l'a tirent contre le mur, au pied du matelas pour l'attacher aux crochets avec les cordelettes. A ses pieds, Thanh se fait prendre en levrette et suce un type en même temps. J'ignore combien l'ont déjà honorée, mais elle ne semble pas épuisée. J'aide les types à retirer les bottines et le jeans de Fanny. La salope se débat comme une tigresse et les coups de pieds pleuvent de toutes parts. Mais c'est peine perdue et très vite elle est complètement dévêtue. Les bras attachés, elle est beaucoup moins fière et nettement moins arrogante. « S'il vous plait, détachez-moi ! Regardez, c'est moi qui vous ai apporté la petite salope et c'est comme ca que vous me remerciez ? Allez ! Détachez-moi, je vous en supplie ! » Samir vient me voir. « Si j'ai bien compris, t'es en compte avec cette morue ? Alors à toi l'honneur ! Paye-toi ! » « Non, merci. Ca lui ferait trop plaisir que je m'abaisse à la baiser. Elle est à vous, je vous la laisse. » C'est le black qui la besogne en premier. Lui aussi était en compte avec elle et il se sert copieusement et bien profond. En fin de nuit, elle a rejoint Thanh sur le matelas. Celle-ci, bien que fatiguée, en demande encore et c'est en missionnaire qu'elle finit les quelques jeunes qui trainent encore dans la cave. Fanny se fait sodomiser une dernière fois et s'écroule, épuisée. Elle aimerait bien se lever et partir enfin, mais c'est sans compter sur *** ami black qui ne voit pas les choses se terminer ainsi. Il la couche sur le dos, bras le long du corps et s'assois sur *** ventre. « Tiens, petite ! Viens poser ton minou sur sa face de putain ! » Thanh, amusée, ne se fait pas prier. Elle se glisse à genoux au dessus du visage de Fanny, face au black. *** vagin dégueule de foutre qui coule sur les cheveux et le front de la salope. Encore quelques centimètres et elle se contracte pour se vider sur *** nez, sa bouche et *** menton. Le black à *** sexe entre ses seins et les presse pour se branler gentiment. Je suis surexcité et je n'y tiens plus. Je sors mon engin et le tends à Thanh qui se fait un plaisir de lui offrir sa bouche comme refuge. Elle a désormais posé *** fessier sur le visage de la nouvelle esclave. Elle étouffe ainsi ses plaintes et ses injures. Le black dans un dernier râle, se vide dans le cou de la blonde. Il retire ensuite le collier de la petite asiatique et le passe à l'autre, sur *** foutre encore chaud. Je craque et me vide à mon tour. Thanh s'essuie avec les lambeaux du tee-shirt. Pour Fanny, c'est plus compliqué. Elle n'a rien pour éponger sa chatte ou *** visage. Elle renfile *** jeans et *** blou***. Je la sens vaincue. Elle a les yeux hagards, ne sachant plus quoi faire, n'y ou se rendre. Avec Thanh, nous remercions Samir et le black et nous leur avouons qu'elle était consentante. Ca les amuse beaucoup et ils nous font jurer de revenir les voir. La petite se fait un plaisir d'attacher Fanny à la laisse, et nous voilà en route pour mon appartement. Cinq heures du matin. Pas de bus. C'est à pied que nous rejoignons la station de métro, heureusement pas trop éloignée. Le vent frais fait plus ou moins sécher le foutre sur le visage de Fanny. Elle a bien de la chance car à cette heure, un dimanche matin, il y a peu de monde dans le métro. Mais nous croi***s tout de même quelques per***nes qui n'oublierons jamais l'image de cette jeune fille blonde, maculée de foutre et tenue en laisse par une ravissante asiatique, dans un couloir de métro. Après une bonne douche, nous dormirons toute la matinée dans mon lit, d'un bon et long sommeil réparateur. Fanny, quant à elle, restera attachée au pied du lit dans l'état ou elle était. Quinze heures ***ne en même temps que la ***nette de la porte. Je vais voir et je tombe sur Vladimir. « Bonjour mon ami ! Je viens reprendre Vagina. J'espère que... » « Bougez pas, je reviens ! » Je ferme la porte. Thanh m'aide à remplir un sac poubelle des fringues de Fanny. Elle l'a détache du lit, lui passe collier et laisse et me l'amène. Je l'a tire jusqu'à la porte d'entrée que j'ouvre et je la pousse dans le couloir sous les yeux effarés de Vladimir. « Vagina n'est plus, vive Enculina ! » Et je claque la porte. Thanh explose de rire et de joie. Elle accoure et me saute au cou. Insatiable qu'elle est, nous ferons l'amour jusqu'au soir. Une nouvelle vie commence. 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!What Happened There's no way to start, but from the beginning. I knew something was going on, I just couldn't say what. Several times, my wife and *** had acted nervous around me. Especially, my *** Chris. Loving and trusting Sharon, I couldn't imagine what was happening, was happening. But, once it unfolded, my perverted mind took over. Anyway, one day, I got to work, only to be sent home. The office was shut down by a major power failure, within the building. One that wouldn't be fixed for a couple of days. I returned home, barely an hour after I left. Chris had classes and Sharon was working at the Senior Center. As I approached the house, I noticed something between the shrubs and steps. It was a black camera bag, laying upside down, so it had obviously rolled off the steps. At first, I thought it belonged to Chris. This one wasn't labeled and all of his stuff had his name plastered all over it. I opened it, and even the camera was plain. Chris always engraved his name on everything. 'Who the hell does this belong to?' I thought as I emptied the contents of the bag on the kitchen table. There was a card in the camera and a bunch of them in the bag, so I figured I'd look at one to see who was on it. That should tell me who owned the camera. Sharon was in the video, walking around town. 'Ah, it is Chris,' he's filming his ****** shopping.' Then I got a shock. Sharon flashed her bare ass, in public, for the camera. Then she turned and pulled her sweater up. Her tits swaying in full view. 'What the fuck! What the hell's going on?' The bare ass shot flashed in my mind, so I backed it up. Sure enough, when I looked closely, I could see her pussy. Sharon was exposing herself to our ***, in public. At least, I hoped it was our ***. No, I didn't! I damn sure didn't want it to be another man, either. I turned it off and sat back, shaking. I couldn't think and pulled the card from the computer. I wanted to get rid of it and everything else in that bag. But, I couldn't. I had to see what else was on the card, what was on all of them. What else had they done? My wife and our ***, or, whoever was holding the camera. After a few minutes of mental turmoil, I put the card back into the computer. The entire thing was, Sharon shopping and flashing the camera. She was doing it all over town. I never thought my wife would do something like that. Giving the camera full views, even in closeup, of her ass, pussy and tits. I fast-forwarded to the end and it was always the same activity. I spotted a card that had Tim, written on it. I thought, 'Surely not, Timmy from next door.' I put it in and Sharon was doing dishes. Someone came in and it was Timmy. They exchanged 'Hi' and small talk. Then he walked over and pinned Sharon against the sink, from behind, as he reached around and grabbed her tits. "Tim!" Sharon exclaimed. 'Yeah, that's it. Now turn around and slap the little ****.' "Ya know what I need, Mrs. Thomas." He said as he pushed against her and went after her tits. "Not now, Tim!" Sharon said as she tied to push back. "Can't you wait, until I finish the dishes?" 'What the fuck! What's this, can't you wait, ****?' He jerked her blouse up, then her bra, exposing her tits and quickly grabbed them. "Aw, shut up and enjoy it, Mrs. Thomas. Ya know, ya want it." He began pulling her nipples and she put her hands on the ledge to brace herself. Laying her head back, she moaned. He kissed her on the ear. "Ya want me to fuck ya. Right here, Right now. Don't ya, Mrs Thomas?" 'WHAT! NO! FUCK HER! That little ***-of-a-bitch! We've known him since he was born. Babysat him, changed his diapers. He grew up with our ***, Chris, for Christ sake.' He was already pulling her skirt up. "Say it, Mrs Thomas. C'mon, say it!" Sharon moaned and he slapped her ass. "SAY IT!" 'He's mine!' Sharon weakly said, "Yes." As he pulled her panties down. "Yes, what." "I ... I want you to fuck me. Right here, right now." "That's more like it, Mrs. Thomas." He said as he dropped his pants. "?Yur, m'slut, aren't ya?" He growled as he dry humped her asscheeks. Sharon dropped her head, without saying anything. "Ur my slut. Aren't ya? Huh?" "Yes, Yes. I'm your slut." Sharon moaned wantonly. Timmy moved back slightly and rubbed his cock on Sharon' pussy. "Ready. Tell me ta fuck ya, Mrs. Thomas. Tell me ta fuck ya." "Fuck Me, Timmy. Fuck Me." Sharon moaned out loudly and pushed her ass back. The boy entered her to the hilt, in one movement. "Yes Baby, Yes. Fuck your slut." '****, I've never heard Sharon talk like that.' He began thrusting into her as she pushed back to his pounding. Minute after minute after minute, he kept thrusting into her as she pushed back in response. 'Damn, I remember when I could fuck like that.' After several minutes, the camera angle changed. It showed her juice running down her legs and dripping off his swinging balls. "Gonna cum, Mrs Thomas. Ya want yur hot pussy fulla boy cum, don't ya, Mrs. Thomas?" "Yes, yes, yessss. Give it to me. Gimme your cum." His balls tightened as he slammed against her, filling her pussy with cum. Sharon began shaking harder than she had throughout the whole time. "Oh God Yes, Timmy!" Sharon cried out. When the boy finished twitching, he pulled out of Sharon' pussy and wiped his cock on her ass. "Woo Hoo, that was a good fuck, Mrs Thomas. See ya, next time, I need ta get off." Then he kissed her bare butt and left. It went black. The damn thing was over. 'Jesus Fucking Christ! I can't believe this ****.' Even though I was pissed as hell, I had a damn hardon. It turned me on, watching that young kid, fuck my wife as if he owned her. I felt betrayed. I mean, how could she? If she walked in right now, I'd fuck her just like he just did. ***-of-a-bitch, this is turning me on. AND, Who The Fuck Is Holding The Camera!? My mind is telling me, it's our ***, Chris. Is he fucking her too? Is our ***, fucking his ******? I guess, if he is, it'll be on one of these cards. The next card, I saw, had Jack on it. 'Jack? Jack? Jack, who? Jack, her boss? Jack, at the grocery store? Jack, at church? Jack, who?' I put it in. Sharon was sitting on the couch, crocheting. I could hear the front door followed by footsteps. Then hands appeared on her shoulders. Sharon glanced up, smiled and cheerfully said, "Hi there." "Hi, Mrs Thomas. Guess you heard the door, huh?" "Yes Jack, you weren't very quiet." He came around and stood next to Sharon' legs. He was only visible from the waist down. "What are you up to, Jack?" Sharon said, without stopping her crocheting. "Well, Mrs. Thomas, you owe me something." "And, what might you be referring to?" "Come on, Mrs. Thomas. You said, you'd do something, if I graduated. I graduated top of the class. I even beat Chris and that bitch, Stephanie." Sharon looked up. "Yes Jack, you did. And, I'm very proud of you. You went from almost failing, one year, to top of the class, the next." He unzipped his jeans and pulled his half-erect cock out. "Well Mrs. Thomas. It's time you paid up and suck me off, like you said you would." "Jack! You don't have to be so crude. Now, put that away, and sit down. We need to talk." "Naw, the talkin was done, when you said you'd do it." He reached out and pulled her head to his cock. "Now, get to suckin me off, like ya said." I recognized the voice. It was Jack Peter*** from down the street. His family moved here, when Chris was six. 'When did kids get aggressive like this. I mean, ****, when I was their age, I never woulda done that.' "C'mon, Mrs. Thomas." I could barely hear Sharon. Her voice was muffled from being pulled against the young man. "Jack. You have to let go, so I can." Sharon moved back, took his cock in her hand and looked up at him. "Jack, can't we talk a little, relax and work up to it?" "It's all I've thought about, since graduation, last week. Now, I want what you promised, not to talk." "OK, OK! You'll get what I promised." Sharon said half-heartedly, as she stroked his now fully hard cock. "Then, Do it, Mrs. Thomas! Suck me off, like ya said." Sharon put his cockhead in her mouth and started one of her, very familiar to me, blowjobs. Her lips moving up and down his shaft, gripping tightly. Her tongue massaging as she moved her head back and forth. Tickling his balls, with her fingertips. Man, I could feel it myself. 
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"Oh God, Mrs. Thomas. That feels good. I hope ya didn't lie. I really hope, ya didn't lie, about lettin me cum in your mouth. ... Oh, Jesus, Mrs. Thomas. That feels, really good!" I noticed Sharon had moved her free hand between her own legs. She was rubbing away, getting herself off, as she sucked his young cock. "Oh God, Mrs ..." The boy didn't finish. He grabbed Sharon' head and jammed his cock deeper in her mouth as he started cuming. His head fell forward as he grunted loudly while his body jerked in orgasm. Sharon was having an orgasm of her own. Her lips were milking the boys spewing cock as her hand was buried in her pussy causing her to shake. As Jack' orgasm subsided, Sharon gripped his cock and sucked hard to get every drop of cum. Letting his cock out of her mouth, Sharon leaned back and pulled her fingers out of her pussy. Jack' jaw dropped as he watched. She quickly licked and sucked her juices from her hand. Suddenly, Jack grabbed her legs and pulled them up, pinning her down. "Damn, Mrs. Thomas! You ain't wearin panties! "Jack! Please! Let me go!" Sharon objected and squirmed to get free. "I've kept my promise. Now, let me up." "Ooooh, I don't think so, Mrs. Thomas. Yur pussy's all wet. And it ... it looks all red and swollen." He moved forward, touching his still hard, young cock to her pussy. "Bet a cock'd feel better n yur hand." "Don't! Jack!" He was moving his hips, rubbing his cock up and down her pussy. "You sure bout that, Mrs. Thomas? Yur pussy's gettin wetter and it sure feels hot. Ya sure, ya don't want me to?" "No-o." Sharon said weakly with her eyes closed. He pressed harder against her and began moving faster. His hard young cock was parting her pussylips and rubbing across her clit. Her hips began moving as she was responding to his movements. "No, what, Mrs. Thomas? Ya want me to, don't ya?" Sharon' breathing increased as her own movements matched his. She moaned, "Yes." "Ya want me ta fuck ya, Mrs. Thomas? Do ya? Ya want fucked?" It looked like she was trying to out move him with her hips and get his cock inside her. "Yessss! Fuck me." He had a sly smirk. "Remember when I was little and you always made me say the magic word?" "Yes, Please." "Please, what, Mrs. Thomas?" He stopped moving but she was still trying to find the end of his cock, with her pussy. "Please, what?" Sharon opened her eyes with a frantic look. "Oh God, Please! Jack! Please, Fuck Me!" "That's better. You can put my cock in yur pussy, now." He said, as he let go of her legs and straightened up. Sharon grabbed his cock with one hand and opened her pussy with the other, like a streetwalking whore. 'Oh, ****! I shouldn't be thinking my wife's a whore.' Wiggling her ass and pulling on his cock, she got the head in. She squirmed around and looked at him, pleadingly. But, he didn't move. "Oh, God, Jack, Fuck me. We don't have much time." She was begging. "Time? What ya mean, Mrs. Thomas?" "My husband'll be home." She moaned as she wiggled around on the head of his cock, trying to urge him on. "Yeah, ****, we don't want your ol' man catchin us." He said as he pushed his cock into my wife' pussy and started pounding away. Sharon closed her eyes and started moaning with her head back as the boy pounded his cock into her pussy. '****! He can fuck!' She was getting wetter and wetter making the noise of their slapping together louder and louder. "Show me yur tits, Mrs. Thomas. I wanna see them tits." Without hesitation, Sharon pulled her top and bra up, in one motion. Her tits bouncing up and down, to the boys pounding cock. "God, they're nice! Not saggy and wrinkled, like my moms." He said as he reached for them. "These things feel as good as my girlfriend'." Sharon moaned loudly and began shaking, obviously having an orgasm. The boy began grunting as he mauled her tits and jack-hammered his cock into her pussy. Sharon was having multiple orgasms. I could tell from her flushed face and chest, along with her breathing, moaning and shaking. I don't know what gave the boy his stamina. The beginning blowjob, youth, or a combination of both. But, for almost twenty minutes, it was rapid, full-length, blinding fast, thrusting into my wife. I have to admit, I haven't fucked her like that, for some time and was envious. "Gonna cum." "Not in me! PULL OUT!" "Ohhhh!" He grunted. "Gawd! Too late." "Oh ****! Do it Jack. Do it." Her legs wrapped around him as she grabbed his ass. "Unload your balls, Baby. Give it to me." He looked like he was having a spastic fit, jerking around, as he dumped his load in her pussy. As he stopped cuming, he slowed down but kept thrusting, slowly, and fell on top of her. Breathing heavily, he gasped, "Was I good, Mrs. Thomas? Was I good?" "Oh My God, Yes! Jack! You were fantastic, baby, Fan-Tastic!" She replied as she kissed all over the side of his face. There was the sound of traffic, outside. "****! Charlie's home! ... Get out the back, quick!" Jack jumped up. Pulling his pants up, he hurried toward the kitchen and back door. Sharon, moved a little slower, but still went quickly toward the bathroom. And, this card video went black. I had to take a break. I couldn't believe, I had a painful hardon from watching my wife fuck two neighbor boys. Damn, this was the hottest porn, I've ever watched. I just didn't like it being my wife. At the same time, I was never more turned on in my life. My perversion had me wanting her fucking our ***, next. I needed a *****, and I don't ***** much. I fixed myself a big one and walked around, mumbling to myself. The perversions in my mind, went into overdrive. I knew the cameraman had to be Chris. And, if he's recording his ****** doing these things, well, he must be tapping it too. I was into my second glass when I started thinking about our ********, Sherry. Fuckin her. Hell, everybody, fuckin her. Mostly, I thought about my wife and those boys. And, our boy. Was there a video of it? There were a few left to watch. 'Jesus, I hope so.' I thought. The next two were more of one or the other boy taking charge of Sharon. Like she had no choice in the matter. She was going to suck them off or fuck them, no matter what she was doing. She didn't really resist much, it seemed. Just letting them do what they wanted. They fucked her, in the kitchen, the living room, bathroom and back yard. I got a start at the end of the last one. The camera was looking into the kitchen from the outside. A hand came up, tapping on the window. Sharon looked out and smiled, then she turned and looked back. There I was, sitting in the living room, watching TV. Sharon dried her hands and went outside. As soon as she was out the door, she unbuttoned her blouse and pulled it open. She was braless as she was a lot, in the evenings. The camera swung to Jack' smiling face. Then the camera swung back up to show me. Sharon walked over to Jack, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. As they kissed, the camera went back and forth, showing me and then her with her young lover. After several minutes of kissing and Jack playing with her tits, she slid down in front of him. She began undoing his pants and again the camera showed me. When it went back to them, she was already stroking his hard cock. Then she began blowing him. She put her hands on his hips and slowly took his entire length in her mouth. A mouth only, blowjob. Slowly in, slowly out, keeping her hands on his hips. Every couple of minutes, the camera would go up to show me and back down to her sucking Jack. Several minutes passed as I watched this panning back and forth. I tried to think of when it could have happened. When Jack put his hands on her head, I knew he was going to cum. Sharon moved her hands to his asscheeks and pulled him to her face. 'God, I love it when she does that.' When Jack finished cuming, she let his soft cock out of her mouth with a smile. Slowly she stood and kissed him again and his hands went to her tits, like magnets. Jack pushed her back and bent to suck her tits. She held his head as he suckled each one several times. When he straightened, they kissed quickly and she went inside. The camera showed her sideways, facing me and buttoning her blouse, before going black. 'What's next? Fuckin her in the kitchen, with me in the background!' I fixed myself another *****. 'Better slow down dumbass, before you get *****.' I went back and put the last card in. I had to focus, the shot was from outside the kitchen window, again. There was Sharon and I, sitting on the couch, watching TV. To the side, stood Chris. I shook my head and focused again. Sherry was on her knees, sucking Chris' cock. 'Holy ****!' I didn't expect that one. Sherry was only home for a couple of days, before starting summer classes. But, there she was, sucking her brother' cock. 'Wait a fucking minute! If that's all of us, who's holding the goddamn camera!?' (I found out later, no one was. Chris had it on a tripod.) There Sherry was, going after her brother' cock, like her ****** had. With her ****** and I in the background. '****! Everybody's gettin some, but me!' Sherry stood and bent over, sticking her ass toward Chris. She was watching her ****** and I as Chris entered her from behind. Chris fucked her for a bit, then she went back to her knees and sucked his cock. Evidently, she liked the taste of her pussy on his cock, cause she kept doing that rotation, until Chris unloaded in her mouth. I was hoping this last one would show the ultimate, Chris fucking his ******. But, it didn't. The only other thing on this card, was Sharon giving a no hands blowjob to an unidentified young man. The young man was holding the camera. 'It's gotta be Chris.' I thought. 'It's gotta be.' One thing was certain, Sharon was giving this young man's cock, special treatment. The irritating part was the camera bouncing around. Still, I could see her cheeks suck in as she pulled her pursed lips up his shaft. Her tight lips didn't break contact as she'd slowly go back down it's full length. As her head twisted from side to side, I could see that she was massaging his shaft with her tongue. Ever so often I saw her tongue dart out and go side to side on his cock. Which always made the camera bounce around. The camera really moved around when the boy started cuming. Still, he somehow managed to keep Sharon getting a mouthful in frame. It might have been in one of the four corners, but he got the shot. (I found out much later, it was Chris, Sharon sucked off. It was the first time, Chris got his ****** to let him use the camera, when they did something. AND, they had been fucking for some time.) I got another *****, and I shouldn't have. I wished I had a much clearer head for what I was about to discover. Feeling depressed, about not finding a video of Chris fucking Sharon, I started to put everything away. I noticed something white, in the bottom of the bag. I tried pulling on it, but it wouldn't come out. That's when I noticed four little hooks holding the bottom. I got them loose and lifted the bottom out of the bag. The white thing, was the corner of an envelope. 'Very Private,' was written on the envelope. In the envelope were two cards. One marked, 'M n M,' under that, 'got an A.' And the other, marked, 'M n M 2.' My hands were shaking as I put the M n M card in. Hoping I'd struck gold, I hit play. 
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Sharon was sitting on the couch, looking all prim and proper. "Ready Mom?" "Ready." Sharon said as she messed with her clothes. "Remember, no names. Don't want him putting the two of us together. He needs to think it's me and the older woman I've been filming. Not, who we really are. OK." "Yes, Honey! I kno-ow!" Sharon said as she rolled her eyes. "Quit messing with the camera and get over here." Chris came into view and sat down. They began their little act. Him sipping a coke and her ******** something else. She was telling him about what she wanted him to do around the house. Then. "I need you to fix some things." She said looking seductively and placed her hand on his leg. Chris hum-hawed. "I need you to fix me." "Huh! What? Fix you." Sharon began rubbing his leg. "Yes dear, fix me. I haven't had a man in a long time. ... And I need that fixed. ... Can you do that for me? Can you help me with my problem?" "What ... um ... I don't know ... I uh I" Sharon caressed his face, "Shhhh. Don't blow a gasket." She whispered as she got close to his face. She kissed him softly and continued in a whisper. "Just relax and do what comes naturally." She kissed him again and again, until he loosened up and they began making out. 'Well, here it is. I'm watching my *** and his ****** (my wife) making love. And, Jesus, I'm getting short of breath, sprouting a hardon and turned on as all hell.' I emptied my glass and watched as the kissing and holding continued for minutes that seemed like hours. "Jesus Christ! Fuck her already!" I yelled out. It was the ***** talking and I shook my head. 'Oh ****! Get a grip.' I shut everything down and went outside for fresh air. I needed to clear my head and walked around until the numbness in my face went away. Calmed down and the ***** effects cleared up, I went inside. This time, I got myself a cup of coffee. As I headed for the computer, I heard noises out front. As I opened the door, Chris was digging around in the shrubs, next to the steps. "What ya doin, boy?" Chris jumped up, with a scared-caught look on his face. He didn't know I was home. Acting real nervous, he finally told me he had lost a school project. He thought he might have dropped it leaving the house. I offered to help look for it and he got even more nervous. Finally, he started backing away, saying he must have left it somewhere else and besides he had a class to get to. 'Yeah, you should be nervous.' I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as I went back to the 'evidence.' Calmer now, I restarted, M n M. I thought far to much time was spent showing them making out, but then again, this wasn't supposed to be just porn. Finally, Sharon put his hand on her tit and the intensity of their kissing increased. From there, it only took seconds for Chris to start unbuttoning her blouse. He wasn't fast enough and Sharon helped. With the blouse undone, Sharon quickly shrugged it off. Chris buried his face between her tits as he kneaded them. Sharon caressed his head for a few seconds and then unhooked her bra. She hugged him briefly then pushed him back to remove her bra. Chris had a hungry look on his face as his ******' tits came swaying into view. His hands went to them and he again buried his face between them. Sharon grasped his head and pulled him up into a kiss before guiding his mouth to her nipple. As he began to suck, her head fell back and she moaned. "Oh yes, Honey, yes. That feels good." Then she moved him to the other one. "Mmmm." She moaned several times. After a couple of minutes, she moaned, "Bite them. Suck hard and bite them." Chris did. I saw him suck hard, before his lips parted and his teeth clamped her nipple. "Ahhhh, Yessss!" Sharon moaned loudly and thrust her chest forward. Chris raised his head, stretching her nipple and pulling her tit into a cone shape. Sharon shivered. Chris opened his mouth and her tit fell back, jiggling. Again he sucked her nipple into his mouth to begin the process again. He did this many times to both tits and had his ****** gasping, moaning, and wiggling beneath him. Sharon pulled his shirt off and jerked his head back to her tit so he could continue sucking and biting her nipples. Breathing heavily, she began fumbling with his pants. Finally, with a look of pure lust on her face, she pushed him up. She jerked his pants down, exposing his hard cock. Precum, oozing from the tip. She moved rapidly. Her hand barely closed around his cock before she licked the tip. A string of precum hung from her tongue to his cock. His cock was in her mouth. She moved so fast, the camera only caught a blur. Her head bobbed as she sucked him, like mad. With his head back and his eyes closed, his ******' mouth on his cock had him shuddering from the exquisite sensations. 'Oh God, I know that feeling. Woo! Do I ever!' Sharon was sucking her ***' cock like she always does mine, her tits swinging wildly, beneath her. It was really something to watch. In a couple of minutes, he began pulling his ass back, gasping, "Oh! Oh!" Sharon knew he was going to cum. So did, I. She put her arm between his legs and grabbed his ass, keeping him from pulling away. "Oh, God!" He cried out, as he shuddered and jerked. He was cuming. Sharon was sucking down her ***' cum on video and I came in my pants, watching it. 'Whoa! Damn, I wanted to see it. But, I didn't know, it would make me cum in my pants. **** Fire! What'll watching them fuck, do to me!?' I quickly changed and just as a precaution, put a washcloth in my shorts. I walked around a bit and damn if I didn't stay as hard as a piece of rebar, just thinking about Chris, fucking his ******. Going back, I just stared at the screen for a minute, before hitting play. As they kissed, Sharon wiggled out of her skirt. Leaving her clad in garter-belt, hose, heels and my favorite, her lavender panties. She lay back, pulling the skirt off and dropping it. Spreading her legs, she ran her hands down her thighs to her covered pussy. Nothing was said. She lay there inviting him as she continued to rub her hands up and down her thighs. I expected the boy to go right to it. But, he surprised me by picking up her leg and kissing her ankle. He kissed her around her ankle several times before kissing his way to her pussy. Once again, he didn't just go at it. He kissed, licked and nibbled her covered pussy as she moaned and wiggled. With a smile, he pulled her soaked panties part way down and said, "I'm going to suck your pussy before I fuck you real hard." "OoooH, I like tha-at. Go ahead, big boy, show me what ya can do." Chris removed her panties and once again slowly kissed his way to the prize. Sharon played with her tits. He kissed the bend of her legs, on each side of her pussy several times, before licking right up the middle, from asshole to clit. Rolling her hips, Sharon moaned and shivered. Watching Chris lick and suck his ******' inner and outer pussylips, had me trembling. Sharon was moaning, shaking and rolling her hips. I moaned along with Sharon as Chris moved up to lick and suck her clit. Gasping and shaking, Sharon clamped her legs against Chris' head as she had an orgasm. Chris shifted down a little bit and sucked just below her clit as he darted his tongue in and out of her pussy. Sharon began having rolling orgasms. And, damn, if I didn't feel like I was going to cum again. Chris didn't let up on his ******, he kept licking, sucking and tongue fucking her flowing pussy. I lost count of the number of times Sharon clamped her legs together or grabbed his head as she orgasmed. "Oh ... God ... Please ... I ... can't ... take ... any ... more ... Fuck ... Me ... Please." Sharon gasped each word weakly. Chris raised his head. His face was soaked. Sharon' cum was dripping from his chin. Smiling, he said, "That's what I've been waiting for. Say it again." Sharon opened her eyes. "Please, please, I need your cock. Dear God, Please! Fuck Me, Now!" She grabbed his ears and began pulling him up. His ass came into view, followed by his balls with his cock sliding between her asscheeks. When his glans came to her still open wet pussy, he pushed forward, sinking completely into his ******. "Yessss! Oh God, your cock feels hot. Fuck me, like you said. Give it to me, hard." Chris started, full length strokes. Slamming into her with a soft thud, repeatedly. It was an almost unbelievable sight. Minutes passed and I couldn't imagine how he was keeping up that pace. Then I remembered, he was a distance runner, in high school. Wham, wham, wham. He repeatedly slammed his cock into his ****** and she was moaning and whimpering with each thrust. Her ass wiggled and bounced until it began jerking around. I knew then, she was having an orgasm, which was also evidenced by the noise she made. Over and over and over, he brought her to orgasm with his pounding cock. 'God, this is better than any porn, I've ever seen. ****, Fire, he can fuck.' I noticed Sharon' cum ran down the crack of her ass, to pool up on the couch. 'Yeah, I remember that wet spot. Damn. Da-um. ... That was three weeks ago. Jesus! How long have they been doing this?' Sharon' hands appeared on his driving ass, she was pulling him. "C'mon baby. Gimme your cum. Let me feel your cum." Chris hit overdrive, slamming into her faster. A blur on the screen. "Yessss, Baby, Yessss. Do it! Do it! Cummmmm!" Chris slammed into his ******, quivering in place as he came deep in her pussy. He slowed to barely moving as his cock softened. But, Sharon wouldn't let go of her ***' ass. She held him in place, making sure he emptied his balls in her womb. (That, I learned, was the birth of Sharon' fantasy.) 'Holy ****!' I came in my pants again. 'I don't think, I can watch the other one. Not after cuming three times from this one.' It ended with his soft cock slipping from her pussy. Then, both of her hands came down rubbing and pressing the lips together. I couldn't watch anymore, not then, anyway. So I copied the cards and put everything in the bag. Then I put the bag, downstairs, in the bottom of my gunsafe. That evening was ******. I was still reeling from my discovery. Chris was nervously searching for his camera bag. Sharon was discreetly trying to help him find it. There was an undescribable tension in the air. The next day, I found out one of the rea***s Chris wanted to find that bag. He had a three week evaluation, coming up, for his application to Juilliard and part of his portfolio was in the bag. I had the stuff copied so I looked around the front steps to see if I could slip it out there. There was a space, big enough for the bag to fall through, on the garage side. I took the bag out, rolled it over into that hole and reached down to tap it so it rolled under the steps. 'That should work.' That day Chris got his confirmation letter and he needed to catch a flight to New York, in three days. I heard him tell his ****** that it would be useless to go now, since his portfolio was incomplete. "But, Mom! You don't understand! They don't like, 'Halfway.' My work has to be complete!" I walked in. "What's going on? Did I hear you say, you aren't going? After all the work you've done." "Dad! You don't understand! They won't take me with an incomplete portfolio! ... And, I've lost part of mine!" The pain on his face and in his voice, made my knees weak. I made him tell me about this bag. He explained, how he had to put his stuff down on the steps, then pick it up in sequence so he could carry it to school. Only, when he got to school, that bag was missing. After getting a flashlight and handing it to him, he looked again. He looked in the one place he hadn't looked, because he couldn't remember putting anything down over there. You should have seen the expression on his face, when he spotted the bag. "Well, now that you found it. Show us what's in it." Sharon let out a little gasp and the color drained from Chris' face. I thought he was going to faint. He recovered quickly. "Aw, dad, it's just that artsy fartsy stuff you always moan about." "If that's what it is, I don't see why those schools cost so much." I replied in my 'Dad' way. And, I went on in he house. Then I found out, I was getting an unexpected paid vacation. The insurance company was going to cover our lost wages while repairs were made at work. Now I would be home until Chris left. 
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Those last few days, Chris was gone most of the time, finishing an abstract film composition. What little time he was home, I made sure the two of them weren't alone for more than a few seconds at a time. I did, however, spot a few intimate touches, between them. Chris, with his hand on Sharon' ass. Chris' upper arm, brushing across his ******* chest. Sharon' hand on his crotch. I knew the two of them wanted to do something before he left. The night before we were to take Chris to the airport. Sharon and I went to bed. When my breathing steadied, Sharon slipped out of bed. I watched as she slipped off her panties and tip-toed out the door. I looked down the hall as Sharon entered his room. I followed. As I looked through the door hinge gap, I saw Sharon standing there, kissing our naked ***. "Oh, God, Mom! I want to fuck you, soooo bad." He moaned. Sharon put her fingers to his lips. "Shhhh. That's what I'm here for. Your dad's home, we have to be quiet." They kissed again. "It has to be a quickie ... and you can't cum in me." "AW, Mom!" Sharon' hand quickly covered his mouth. "I can't go back to bed with your dad after you cum in me, now!" They began kissing passionately. Both sets of hands, going everywhere. Sharon pushed away. "Make it quick, and when you're ready, pull out. You can cum in my mouth." I expected Sharon to lay on the bed. But she didn't, she turned around, bent and put her hands on her knees. Chris pushed his cock down and stepped to his ******. He rubbed his cock around a little and Sharon wiggled her ass. With one hand on her ass, Chris stepped forward, sinking his cock into her. Sharon moved her hips and moaned, "Mmmmm, Yessss, Baby." As she began fucking his cock, she looked over her shoulder. "Make it fast, baby. And pull out. You can cum in my mouth." Then she moaned again as she lowered her head and increased her movements. Chris didn't move at first, he caressed her ass with both hands. Moving his hands to his ******' hips and he began pouring it on. Sharon dropped her head and moaned. "Oh God Yes, baby. Fuck me, fast." The sound of their slapping together seemed loud. I went back to our bedroom door and I could still hear them. I went back to continue watching my wife and *** fucking. Live, not on the computer. Sharon' hand was in her mouth, I guess to keep herself quiet. Chris' ass was a blur, he was hitting it as fast as he could. Suddenly, Chris pushed himself back. He was looking up at the ceiling. Sharon spun around and barely got his cockhead in her mouth before he started jerking as he came. Chris had held out to the very last second before pulling out. But, he did pull out, just as his ****** asked. Sharon released his soft cock from her mouth and stood, slowly. For a split second they looked into each others eyes. Then Sharon wrapped her arms around his neck and they began kissing hungrily. I hurried back to bed. It seemed like I barely got there, before Sharon returned. She got in bed, lay there for a few seconds then turned against me. Her arm came over me and she snuggled into me. "Did you like what you saw?" My eyes flew open and my heart fluttered. I barely managed to not move or respond. She kissed my neck. "Answer me." I stirred a little and groaned. She moved her hand down to grab my hard cock. Squeezing it, she said, firmly, "John Calvin Thomas! I know you're not asleep. I saw you. Now answer, me." I let out a deep sigh before turning to look into her eyes. "Yes and No." "Explain." "No, I didn't like seeing you with someone else. Yes, I liked what I saw." "You didn't like it, but you liked it. You didn't say anything about it being our ***. That didn't bother you?" I grimaced. "No. That's the part, I liked." "How long were you watching?" I didn't answer, she squeezed my cock hard. "HOW LONG!" "I followed you." "What! Seriously? What made you do that?" Again, I didn't say anything. This time she jerked my cock upward, very hard. I yelped, "Easy!" And tried to retreat into the bed. She widened her eyes and moved her head as she tightened her grip. "OK! OK! ... I found Chris' bag the other day." "Oh! My! God! And ... and the videos were in it?" "Yes." "But, why did you suspect me and Chris?" "You two on video." "WHAT! That little ****! He was supposed to keep those hidden." "They were hidden. I just happened to find them. In fact, the envelope was marked, 'Very Private.'" "So, then. You know about me, Chris, Timmy, Jack and Paul." "Paul! Paul who? There wasn't any Paul." Sharon climbed up on top of me and kissed me. "We can talk about that later. Right now, I need to know what you are going to do." "Do? What do you mean?" "Well, you didn't get violent. You're not going on about divorce. Am I going to have to stop? Can I continue? Or, are you going to join in?" "Stop, continue, Join in?" Sharon kissed me again. "Yeah. Join in, honey. I really would like to continue, with you." It all began running quickly through my mind. Yeah, I wanted her to continue. And, yeah, I wanted to be part of it. And, I wanted her to explain why she would let these boys control her. Plus, that little thought, deep in my mind, about fucking our big titted ********. My trance was broken by Sharon kissing me again. "You're thinking about it aren't you?" "Yeah, yeah, I am." She raised up. "For ... or against?" She asked softly with a questioning look. "For." She came down on me, hugging and kissing. "I want you to show me what you saw." "Show you?" "Yes. Show me what you saw Chris do." I got out of bed and stood in the middle of the room. Sharon got up and came to me. "Why aren't you naked?" I took off my t-shirt and shorts, Sharon wrapped her arms around my neck and began kissing me. "I know you heard what was said, as well. So, you have to pull out and cum in my mouth, too." Then she turned around, just like she did for our ***. What I saw, flashed through my mind and I imagined what our *** felt as he was presented his ******' ass and waiting pussy. My cock grew harder and throbbed. Just as our *** did, I put my hand on her ass as I pushed my cock down and stepped forward. I too, moved my cockhead around before stepping forward and entering her hot wet pussy. Sharon moaned, just as she did when our *** entered her and began fucking me. I too caressed her ass with my hands, before taking hold of her hips. I paused, letting the feeling of her silky smooth pussy fill my mind as she squirmed. "Oh God, Honey! Please, Fuck Me!" She blurted out, loudly. I began slamming into her as hard as I could. Just as our *** had done, a little earlier. Unlike our ***, I had the luxury of being able to take as long as I needed. And if I could, I wanted to fuck her dry. As we fucked, her whimpers became cries. And those cries got louder and louder. If Chris was awake, I knew he had to hear his ****** being fucked. I was at the point, when I heard Sharon softly beg. "Dear God! ... Honey, Please ... please Cum!" I was there and she didn't have to beg for it, but hearing it made me feel great. I stepped back. Sharon came around, grabbed my hips and took my cock completely in her mouth. I erupted so strongly, my breathing stopped and my mind went blank. When I opened my eyes, Sharon was on her knees, looking up at me with my softening cock in her mouth. She let my soft cock slip from her lips and slowly stood. Wrapping her arms around my neck and touching noses, she paused before kissing me. 
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Her tongue entered my mouth and I could taste the tanginess. It's not like I haven't tasted my cum before. Hell, I've eaten her pussy many times after fucking. Not just after. I love eating pussy, before, during and after sex. The shock of my mouth being filled with it, made me pull back. Trapped, I couldn't get away. I tried to give it back to her, but she blocked me. 'What the hell.' I thought and swallowed it. When I did, Sharon increased the intensity of her kissing. When Sharon slowed down and finished her kissing, we once again touched noses. "You didn't know, that's what I did to Chris earlier. Did you?" "No. No, I didn't." "Don't be mad." "I'm not mad." "Well. Now you know what it's like. Oh, I know you've tasted it before. But, now you know what a mouthful, is like." We went back to bed. Sharon snuggled tightly against me. We lay quietly, for a few minutes. "How are we going to do this, Honey?" "What do you mean?" "Well, Chris is terribly afraid of you finding out. That's why he's been so nervous around you. Especially since starting his film project." A really perverted idea entered my head. I whispered it in her ear. "Oh My God! Really! You'd do that!?" "Yeah, I'd like to." "Fuck Yeah, then! Let's do it! It'll completely blow him away." The next morning, I remained semi-hard just thinking about what we were going to do. Sharon and I fixed breakfast as Chris packed and repacked again. At breakfast Chris went on and on about Juilliard and how he would graduate with two degrees, instead of one. The time arrived for the trip to the airport and the beginning of my idea. Sharon remained inside while Chris and I loaded the car. When she came out, she was wearing her night-on-the-town halter-top, mid-thigh dress and spike high-heels. Our ***' eyes bugged out and his jaw dropped. Sharon gave a slight wiggle, accentuating the fact that she was braless. Chris shivered as she sashayed past us and got in the backseat. I knew he'd want to sit in the back, so he could lean over and look down her dress. He closed his eyes and shook his head, before reaching for the front door. I stopped him and pushed him back as I opened the back door. "Your Mom wants you to sit with her." I said smiling. Chris leaned down and started getting in. Suddenly, he yelled out, "Mom! Oh ****!" Straightening up he smacked his head as he came back out of the car. He had a bewildered, wide-eyed look. I grabbed his arm. "Take it easy, boy. Your Mom wants to give you a special, Good Bye." I winked. "Now, go ahead. Enjoy it." Then I helped him back in. I saw why he jumped. Sharon had pulled her halter top aside, exposing her tits. Smiling, I took my position as chauffeur. I turned around to see as I backed out of the driveway. Looking at Chris, I said, "You and your ****** have until we get to the airport, to say goodbye." It would be over an hour. Sharon smiled and put his hand on her tit, then turned his face to kiss him. As I drove down the street, I adjusted the rearview mirror so I could see. Sharon already had his cock out, stroking and kissing it. She winked and mouthed, "Thank You," before putting it in her mouth. A couple of blocks down the street, Sharon' knee stuck up in the air. I twisted the mirror to see Chris' hand rubbing her pantyless exposed pussy. His head was laid back and his eyes were closed. Before we reached the freeway, Sharon was on top of him, facing away. I imagined him sucking her tits as she bounced up and down. But, I couldn't see anything. Her dress was in the way. Finally, Chris pulled her dress up, to hold her ass. I could see her pussy pull out along his cock, as she bounced up and down. ****, it's hard to drive and watch two people fuck through the rear view mirror. I heard her moans and whimpers getting louder, until she pushed down on him and trembled. I don't know if Chris came or not, but Sharon sure as hell did. When I looked again, Sharon was sucking his cock again. I noticed a car staying beside us. Moving the mirror, I saw Sharon' bare ass in the air. Chris must have been playing with her pussy, cause I could see something moving. The car next to us, had a clear view. The car didn't come on around until Sharon dropped her ass. As it did, I looked to see a woman, smiling and giving me a thumbs up. Sharon again straddled her ***. Only this time she was facing me. Her tits were flying up and down as he held her waist. And this time I could fully see his cock going in and out of her pussy. Pulling the lips out and rolling them back in on each bounce. Sharon gasped out, "I love you, for this. Thank You J C." J C, my initials, that's what she calls me when she's pleased. Chris had his ****** lay on the seat, so he could eat pussy. I couldn't see a lot, because her leg kept getting in the way. What I did see of him licking his ******' pussy and sucking it into his mouth, was an absolute turn-on. The airport sign came up. "Better finish saying Goodbye, we're almost there." "Which do you want, Baby? Pussy or mouth?" "Your pussy, Mom. God, you know I want to cum in your pussy." He said almost pleading. "It's a good thing, I put panties in my purse. Otherwise, the people at the airport would see your cum, running down my legs." She chuckled. "Get your cock in there and fill me up." Chris started to get on top of her, but she said, "Wait! We need to turn sideways, so your ****** can see." Sharon moved and Chris took his place. I had a perfect view as he buried his cock in his ******' pussy. "Fuck me hard, Baby. Fill mommy with boy cum." I was swerving more, watching them finish. Hell, I swerved a lot during that drive. Chris pounded away into his ******' pussy, bringing her to almost screaming. We were almost to the parking lot before he came. "Oh, Yessss. That's it, cum in mommy." Sharon moaned loudly as Chris emptied his balls. I thought I was going to cum in my pants, when I heard her. We were at the gate. It's a good thing a machine dispenses the ticket. An attendant would have seen them. As Chris pulled out, Sharon said, "Let me suck you clean, Baby." My view was blocked by him going up against the car roof. Sharon put her panties on and straightened herself up, before we went in the airport. I had another nasty idea and retrieved her emergency panties from the glovebox. In the airport, I kissed Sharon and whispered, "Put these on and give Chris the pair you're wearing," as I put the clean panties in her hand. Sharon glanced at them and smiled real big, before hurrying off to the bathroom. Just before Chris entered the security check, Sharon hugged and kissed him. Then she took his hand and gave him the panties. "Here's a souvenir of our saying goodbye." She said in her sexiest voice. Chris looked at the panties and his face lit up as he smiled from ear to ear. Then he hugged me harder than ever. "Thanks Dad. You're the greatest." He walked away. Sharon and I hung around and watched the plane take off. As it did, she caressed my face, kissed me and whispered, "Having his baby, is next." 
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"What'd you do?" "They were in the throws of passion. Close to finishing. I backed out and went to Sherry' room, to wait for her. We had a very long, emotional talk. And she confessed something that had me upset for a while." " They began with oral sex, progressed to intercourse." Sharon chuckled. "Sherry blames her big tits on Chris." "What? How does she figure that?" "Chris was constantly sucking them. For hours and all night a few times. He sucked them so much, he had her producing milk and that scared the hell out of her. She made him stop until they dried up. Even now, if her boyfriends suck them much, the milk starts flowing. So, she's really careful about it." My mouth watered as I thought of sucking my ********' 'Dolly Parton' tits. All I know is, my ******** has bigger tits than anyone in the family. Really big, for her size, and she doesn't like showing them. In fact, except at home, she dresses to de-emphasize and hide them. "What did she upset you with." "Her secret was what changed my mind about having sex with Chris." And, What ... was ... this ... secret?" "This is how it went. At the end of our talk she said there was something she would tell me when she left for school. I was on pins and needles, thinking she was going to tell me Chris got her pregnant and she had an abortion, or something." "That ... wasn't it, was it?" "No. That wasn't it. Here's what she said, word for word, 'I'm fucking Chris, instead of Daddy. And, some day, I'm going to.' Then she walked out and left for school. I was dumbfounded and dropped in disbelief." Sharon told me how that bothered her at first and made her own bad thoughts grow. That was also when Chris' film class intensified. He looked worried all the time and acted sullen. She said she tried to talk to him about it, but he wouldn't tell her anything. That is, until she sat him down and demanded an explanation. He slipped past her and rushed out of the room. Sharon decided to go after him and they ran into each other in the doorway. Chris had only ran to get his class assignments, to show her. "This is why I'm going to end up failing." He said as he shoved the papers into her chest. Sharon said the top paper had a big red zero on it. She couldn't understand it because all of his grades were 3.5 to 4.0 and she said, "How? How in the world did you get a zero?" She said he was almost crying when he said, "Those are my assignments, Mom. Read them! I don't have any way to do them." Sharon said the very first sentence said, 'No subjects under the age of thirty allowed.' She asked him what that meant and he answered, "Just read them, Mom, and you'll see." He sounded so pitiful she almost hugged him. Sharon began reading. 'Mature woman posing - work, home, about town. Mature woman dressing - different outfits. Mature woman undressing - different outfits.' Then she said, her eyes got big, as she read, "Mature woman - exposed." She said she asked Chris, "What does this mean, exposed?" His reply was, "Exposed! You know, exposed. Nude! No clothes. Au natural. That's not all, Mom. Read the rest. I don't know how ... or anyone ... to do those. I'm sunk." She continued reading, 'mature woman - exposed in public.' Sharon asked if that meant flashing or walking around nude. Chris told her flashing would do as long as it was in a public place. Her stomach sank and churned as she read the next page. 'Mature woman, young man/. Mature woman teasing, young man/. Mature woman, touchy feely - making out, young man/.' She said she thought, 'This is just too much!' The third page. 'Mature woman, young man/ - sex.' She said her heart began pounding and she wondered how they could require such a thing for a university class. Chris explained, "It is photographic art and that is the class title." Sharon continued reading, 'mature woman, young man/ - oral - her/him - him /her - 69.' Chris could tell from the expression on her face how she felt and he said, "You see, Mom. How the hell am I supposed to do that? I don't know how ... or who ... to talk to about that." "Well, um, maybe I can help." Sharon said she told him. She said, Chris replied, "You better read the last one, Mom. You better read the last one. I don't see how you can help." She read on, 'mature woman, young man/ - intercourse - various positions, various places - explore the aspects of love, control and ***** (*****: relating to bondage and degradation) The final sentence was in big bold type, 'REMEMBER - DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WITHOUT 'SIGNED FULL CONSENT/DISCLOSURE FORMS' AND PROOF OF AGE' Sharon said she hugged him and told him to let her see what she could do. Next came her confession. "Honey, I had already had fantasies about our ***. And, at that moment, I knew I would go to bed with him." That reverberated through me. Sharon said, she thought about the opportunity, handed her. She wanted their experience to be out of love not something he had to do for his degree. There was only one answer, of course. She was going to be, the mature woman, for Chris. There would have to be another young man, first. To draw Chris in, she would have to turn him on, watching her with someone else. Her first thought, not what happened. Sharon said she waited a couple of days before telling Chris, since she couldn't find anyone, she'd do it. She said Chris just stood there looking at her for a long time, before he said, "Are you sure, Mom?" She replied, "I'm sure, Honey." He immediately said, "It means, you're gonna have to get naked. And ... and have sex. Sex with someone, not dad." Sharon said, she hugged him and whispered, "Don't think about that. I'm doing it for you. I'm doing it. For you." Chris was hung up on the sex part and Sharon had to bring him back to his assignments. As she posed for him dressed, in stages of dress, flashing and finally nude, they talked. She said that during the flashing and nude shoots, she commented about him being turned on by his ******. "Oh, Honey! He got so embarrassed. After a nude shoot, I walked up to him from behind, and put my arms around him. As I slid my hand down to his bulge, I whispered, 'Are you thinking about me? Huh?' He began trembling and said, he wasn't. As I squeezed his cock, I whispered sexily, 'This says different.'" She said she moved around in front of him and kissed him, ready to give her *** a blowjob. Her hand once again went to his hard cock as she asked him, "Do you want me to take care of this? Hmmmm? I want to, but you have to say so." She was rubbing his hardon. "Seeing me, exposed, has made you horny for momma, hasn't it? Tell me, do you want mommy to suck your cock?" She said he began shaking and she thought he might be cuming in his pants. He quit shaking and cleared his throat. He mumbled, barely audible, "Would you? Really? God, Yes! I want you!" She kissed him and said, "I want you too, baby. But, I'm just going to suck your cock. Okay. I want to feel it in my mouth and taste your cum." As she slid down in front of him and undid his pants, he was shaking again. His freed cock was oozing and the end was coated in pre-cum. It was evident that he had been on the verge of release. Stroking his cock and looking up at him Sharon smiled. Chris trembled and gasped when she stuck out her tongue and licked the end of his cock. She wondered what would happen when she put it in her mouth. 'Would he cum immediately?' Keeping eye contact, she stuck out her tongue and opened her mouth. His cock slid up her tongue to her parted lips. As her lips closed around his cock head, his legs trembled and he moaned loudly. " Oh God, Mom!" But he didn't cum, he just shook and almost hyperventilated. Sharon moved her lips tightly down his cock. Chris shook and repeatedly said, " Oh God." She had barely been sucking his cock for a minute before he erupted, filling her mouth with a massive load of sperm. " Oh Jesus! ****! Is this real? Did you really!?" Chris was still shaking as Sharon stood and hugged him. Chris was completely blown away. His ****** had just given him a blow job in the living room. And the best part, was that he came in her mouth. Not on her chest like a girlfriend made him do. Sharon made Chris go take care of his editing as she cleaned up, before I got home. He stayed in his room all evening. She figured, he was so nervous about what happened that afternoon, he couldn't face me. A few days later, Chris got his grades for the latest work. He received a 3.9 and four 4.0 grades plus a 4.0 bonus. He said his professor really liked his model and wanted to meet her. Sharon liked his compliment and appreciation. They talked about the next phase, 'sex with a younger man.' Who would it be? It couldn't be Chris, because he had to take the pictures and movie. They settled on Jack and would talk to him about it when that part of the assignment came up. First came them together, them kissing and touching, her flashing him and them nude. Jack agreed after talking to Chris first and then Sharon. As things progressed, Sharon couldn't stand the idea of having sex with Jack before Chris. So, she decided to delay the shoot with Jack. I was going to be gone overnight and she decided to fuck Chris then. Sharon said that when I left that morning, she knew they would have until five o'clock the next day. Her plan was to keep herself worked up for sex all day as Chris was at his classes. She would be dressed sexily, but not whorish, when he got home. She prepared a nice meal and talked about how much she liked posing for him. Admitting it was hard at first, but once she got into it, it turned her on immensely. Chris asked her about that and she told him, "Because it's for you and I love the way you look at me." Chris became a little embarrassed, but perked up when She told him she wanted him to take some pictures. By now all she had to do was act naturally as Chris clicked away with the camera. Chris didn't give instructions until she started flashing. She noticed he wasn't photographing her, but her body parts. Knowing by the angle of the camera and how close he got. Things were going as she wanted and she was excited. It was time for nudity and she told Chris, he had to remove an article of clothing each time she did. He looked surprised and then asked, "Are you serious?" Her reply was, "Why yes, turn-a-bout is fair play." He became nervous and she quickly added, "Your ****** won't be back until tomorrow afternoon." She said she could see the wheels turning. Then she said, he said, real low, "Well, uh, OK. I guess. Um, blouse first." She began unbuttoning her blouse as he took pictures. When it was unbuttoned, she stopped and didn't move. A silent minute passed until he said, "Why'd ya stop?" "Your turn." Sharon replied. "Article for article, remember." Chris unbuttoned and removed his shirt. Sharon smiled, then opened her blouse, exposing her lace cup quarter-bra. Her nipples already hard and protruding. Slowly, she slipped it from her shoulders. Several pictures, standing, sitting, couch, chair, window. The skirt was next. Sharon unzipped and said, "Well." Chris kicked his shoes off. Sharon said, "Uh, uh." Chris replied, "They're clothes." She shot back, "Not for this." 
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Chris unzipped his pants and stopped, looking at her. Sharon pushed the skirt down a little. Chris pushed his pants down a little. She thought, 'The little ***** playing games with me.' She wiggled. He wiggled and smiled real big. She dropped her skirt. He dropped his pants. Sharon moved around so he could take pictures. Couch, chair, doorway, window, coffee table, floor. Chris followed, barely able to walk, with his pants around his feet. Finally, she stopped moving, long enough for him to remove his pants. Wanting to build him up, she went to him. She paused briefly and looked him in the eyes, before wrapping her arms around his neck for a kiss. Slowly, his arms went around her. She made sure he felt her hunger, before she broke the kiss and returned to the couch. Unhooking her bra, she cocked her head and looked at him. His t-shirt was off in a flash. Sharon settled back and took the bra off. Pausing, she let him take several pictures, before cupping her tits in her hands. She said, sexily, "You like mommy' titties, don't you? ... Why don't you come and suck on them, so the nipples 'll stick out for your pictures." She said he had a look of hard lust as he moved toward the couch. When he got to the couch, he knelt, placed his hands on each side of her and stared at her tits. She leaned forward and as she kissed his forehead, put his hands on her tits. He went after them like they were the only ones on earth. She held and kissed his head before saying, "Slow down, Baby. You'll have them again. They aren't going anywhere." He slowed down. Still sucking greedily, he began moaning. She understood that her *** got off on nursing. That explained why he sucked his sister' tits, like she said he did. More than stimulated enough, her juices flowing between her legs, she pushed him up. He had a bewildered expression on his face. Sharon told him, "Take the pictures to show what you've done." Grabbing the camera, he clicked away, in closeup, to capture her red, swollen wet nipples. Slowly, he backed away to get all of her again. That is, until he noticed the wet spot on her panties. She said he was almost panting as he zoomed in, between her legs. Hell, sitting there listening to her tell the story, had me turned on as much as watching them. No, ****, MORE. I had a hardon that was bent double in the confines of my pants. Shifting, I tried to relieve some of the pressure. Sharon saw me and put her hand on my thigh. Moving her hand up between my legs she softly asked, "Something wrong?" "It's bent." "And, Hard." She moved her hand up and pushed it into my pants. "Pull over, someplace." "Pull Over?" "Yes. Pull ... Over ... And ... Fuck ... Me!" I looked at her and she had a mischievous look. "I want you to fuck me, with our ***' cum in my pussy. So, pull over." She had a hold of my cock and squeezed to emphasize, 'pull over.' I took the exit and luckily there was a little road, lined with bushes. I headed for it as Sharon undid my pants. When I got stopped, she opened the car door and turned sideways, saying, "Get around here!" Man! I haven't seen her like this, since we dated, years ago. I was like a dog going after a bitch in heat. My brain was in my cock and being drawn to a dripping pussy. '****, what have I become? What have we ...' My thought was broken by Sharon saying, "God, JC! I can't believe what I've become." I stopped thrusting and looked down at her. "Don't stop, Honey, Please! Finish fucking me." I picked it up again, knowing that I wouldn't last long. I had almost came in my pants, twice, watching them on the way to the airport. Then her story was turning me on. My release built quickly and I thrust hard as it shot into her. "Oh God, Yes! My husband ... and *** ... both in me." She was gasping. Slowly she calmed down. Still in her and shrinking her pussy squeezed my cock. "JC what have I become? I'm married. Teenage ********. PTO. I teach Sunday school. And ... and ... and I'm fucking three teenage boys. One is my ***." It was like she was having a battle in her mind. "Heaven help me, I Love It. I Love You! I don't want it to stop, Honey. ... I don't ... want it ... to stop." The pleading sincerity in her voice ********** the fact that I wanted it too. Then she did something, she hasn't done in a while. She pushed me back and cleaned my cock, with her mouth. "Mmmm, mmmm, yes. I can taste you both." She said as her tongue circled her lips. I dropped to my knees, hugged and kissed her. I was as drawn into this as she was. Getting through this, with her, was all I wanted. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes, until a car honked. A cop stopped to see if we had car trouble. I don't know, how long he'd been there. "I'm sorry, officer. It's my fault. I just had to have my husband." He nodded his head and smiled. "Be careful folks. ... Some people aren't as understanding as I am." We got in the car and he watched, smiling, as we left. We sat in silence for a few minutes as I drove slowly. Sharon put her hand on my thigh and softly asked, "Want me to continue?" In a daze, I didn't respond, but I heard her. She squeezed my thigh. "Well?" I looked at her, "Huh?" "Do you want to hear more?" 'Hell Yes! I want to hear everything!' "Uh, yeah." "You sure?" "Yes, I'm sure. Talk." "Where was I?" We both thought for a minute. But, I'm sure she knew right where she left off. "Uh, Chris was taking pictures after sucking your tits." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw her smile. She was testing me. "Yes, well. I began moving around the house, posing. Making sure he could get shots of both my tits and pussy. When I sat back down on the couch, I rubbed myself. Then I asked him, 'Don't you think it would look better, glistening wet?' He almost dropped the camera." "I bet. I'd drop the damn thing too." "Then I said, 'I think you should do to my pussy what you did to my nipples.' The camera came out of his hands, but he caught it before it hit the floor. I could see the hunger in his face as he licked his lips." She said, half moaning, he said, "Really Mom, Really! You want me to do that?" Sharon said she rubbed herself and scooted to the edge as she said, "Yes, Baby, I want you to do that. Mommy wants your mouth on her pussy. You have to get it ready." Chris dropped to his knees and she knew from the expression on his face, he finally understood, he was going to fuck his ******. He crawled over and looked her in the eyes. She smiled and he closed his eyes as he kissed her between the legs. Sharon said he kissed and sucked every inch of her pussy as hungrily as he had her tits. Giving her rolling orgasms. His lustful hunger left five hickeys on her pussy. When she couldn't take it anymore, she grabbed his head and pulled him up. She said she kissed him passionately before licking her cum from his face. While she did so, she could feel his cock touching her pussy. "Time to fuck me, if you want to, Baby." His eyes got big and he flinched. "Go ahead, Chris. Push your cock in my pussy and fuck me, like you want to." He kissed her hungrily and pushed his cock in at the same time. She was so wet and ready, there wasn't any resistance. When he bottomed out, he moaned out loudly, "Oh God, Mom. Mom! Oh Mom ... I Love You!" She didn't know it at the time, but she was his first. He had been jerked off and sucked by girls. But, his ******' pussy was his first. Sharon chuckled, "Ya know, it's funny. I gave him birth and fucked him first." He didn't move, except for shaking. Sharon discovered that was how he kept from cuming. He was concentrating and letting his body shake. "Mmmm, you feel good, Baby. Do you like being back where you came from? I li ... Love it!" She whispered in his ear. As Chris began moving his ass up and down, he moaned, "God! It's so warm and soft." "Yes, Baby. And you're so hard and hot." She whispered back. Sharon didn't know how long he'd last. She hoped he'd give her a good fucking, but she wasn't sure. A slight disappointment ran through her, when she felt him cuming, after a few short minutes. She wanted it to last. But, Chris didn't stop thrusting his cock into her. He kept going as he kissed and sucked her neck. Sharon began fucking him back and had rolling orgasms. 'I'm fucking my ***. ... Oh, God, I'm fucking Chris! And, his cock feels so-o good.' She repeatedly thought as he kept pistoning into her. Then she startled me. Squeezing my thigh she said, "Honey, that first time with Chris gave me the strongest orgasm, I ever had." She just went right on with her story. "I felt him cum again and I went into a hard shaking orgasm. But, he didn't stop! He kept going and the sound of him fucking me was sloppy wet and loud. My orgasms got stronger and stronger, making me light headed." Sharon squeezed my leg and was breathing hard. Remembering and telling me about her first time with our ***, was turning her on. "My body began to tingle and shake. A big one was coming. I was loudly moaning, 'Oh, God, Chris! Please! Please!' Over and over. My mind wanted him to finish and let me stop having orgasms. As my last orgasm began to peak, Chris slammed into me, hard, as he came. I guess his body couldn't take any more either. I passed out from pleasure. We both passed out." There was a pause and Sharon shivered. "You just got off thinking about it, didn't you?" I glanced at her and she was looking down as she meekly answered, "Yes." Taking a deep breath, she said, "John, I don't understand this. I just wanted to help Chris. I knew I had to have sex with someone else. I had to cheat on you, to help our ***. That little fantasy took over and I fucked my ***. From that point on, I wanted it all." There was a long, tense pause. "You're not saying anything." She began to cry. "I don't want to lose you, Honey. I Love You!" I put my arm around her and pulled the car over. Hugging her and kissing the top of her head, I said, "I Love You! And, I'm not going anywhere." We sat and hugged for a few minutes, until Sharon said, "Get us home." 
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The rest of the drive was in silence, holding each other. At the house, Sharon wouldn't let go of me to get out of the car. It was arms around each other into the house. I tried stopping at the couch. Sharon kept us moving. Through the bedroom and into the bathroom. Sharon removed my clothes, then hers and pulled me into the shower. Hell, I always have liked showering together. We washed each other with lots of kissing and hugging. We dried each other, and yeah, I always like that too. I went to get dressed and Sharon said, "Let's stay in our towels." With a sexy smile. "What else do you want to know?" She said as we went down the hall. "I can talk as we fix something to eat." "I want to know all of it. I want to know how those boys are making you have sex." "They're not making me, Honey. That's for the assignments." "Well, I believed it." "Thank You. I guess. Hmmmm, I guess, I need to finish telling about our ***, Huh." "Yeah, You do." "Well, let's see. Oh, yeah. Chris was blown away by what we did. I took him to the shower and as we cleaned up, I told him we would continue, but it would have to be discrete. He didn't understand, at first. I explained the conditions and then he settled down. After the shower, she asked him, "What do you want me to wear?" "Could you just wear garter belt, hose and heels?" He replied. She smiled and said, "I want you naked." Then she put on a set. They small talked for a while as Chris took a few more pictures. After a while, they decided on a movie. But, not just any movie, Sharon got one of my hidden X-rated. Frequently, kissing and fondling each other. Chris got it through his head that his ****** was letting him do whatever he wanted. He spent a lot of time sucking her tits as she cradled him in her arms. Sharon said as he suckled, she remembered him as a baby. After a while, she remembered what Sherry said about him sucking hers until she ******** and she made him stop. She didn't want to have to explain why she was producing milk. She said Chris was hell bent on sucking something and moved between her legs. She already had hickeys there and he gave her hickeys, hickeys. She said that after that night, her pussy was so bruised looking from Chris sucking it and maybe the pounding he gave it with his cock, she was worried for a while. "J C, He sucks my pussy until I can't take anymore and pass out. Not just my pussy but my tits too. I honestly have to make him stop." I smiled to the thought and image of that, in my head. Then Chris started fucking her. All night and all the next day, it was fuck, rest a while and fuck again. She was absolutely amazed at how his cock kept getting hard. Her pussy was hurting by the time I came home and she was wondering what kind of demon she had stirred up. She said she barely had time to clean up and get dressed, before I walked in the door. I remembered, Chris barely said, 'Hi,' before disappearing into his room. About an hour after supper, I went to bed. She said, Chris came to her wanting more, and ended up fucking her four more times as I slept. Sharon told him, that, could never happen again. Not with me at home and the only reason she let him, was because she saw me take a pill. She was so sore, she had to delay the shoot with Jack for two days. She wouldn't let Chris fuck her, but she sucked him off, several times. The shoot had to be done. Chris would barely have time to edit things before turning it in. Sharon was nervous about having sex with him. And, Jack was nervous about having sex with his best friends ******, as he watched. A woman he'd known since the first grade, even if he was nineteen. Everything went fine, until the moment of penetration. Jack froze. Sharon had to get him in. She grabbed his hard shaft and balls as she started moving her pussy on his glans. His eyes were great big and he remained unmoving until her hot pussy slid down his shaft. She said Jack closed his eyes let out a big sigh and moaned. Sharon found out after, that she was his first as well. In fact, she was the first female to see or touch his genitals, in any way. Once Jack got going, he was like the energizer bunny, he just kept going and going. Position after position, he pounded away at her pussy. Kissing, biting, feeling her entire body. After over twenty minutes, she was on her back. Spreading her legs wide, she reached around and fondled his balls. Jack thrust hard, grunted, and unloaded deep in her womb. Sharon said she could feel his cock throb and the ***** of a half dozen spurts of sperm. Then he began shaking wildly and collapsed on top of her. Jack got real nervous and quickly left. She barely wiped herself off before Chris was between her legs, licking away. He got her off again before crawling up to give her a hard fucking. That's the way it went, from then on. After she fucked one of the others, Chris would fuck her, long and hard. She got to where she wouldn't clean up, she'd just spread her legs and wait for Chris. Chris was getting pushy and trying things, even with me in the house. Sharon said, one day, she grabbed him by the ear and marched him into the bathroom. "Enough, young man! I am happily married, and want to stay that way. When your ****** is in the house, you respect that and stop groping me! Besides, It's not like we're not doing anything." Then she walked out and Chris sulked for a couple of days. The next shoot with Jack, he was more relaxed. He even ate pussy and got her off, several times. And, he fucked her three times, really getting into it. That's when he first started saying Mrs. Thomas, during the shoots. Chris picked up on it and developed an idea for a situational theme shoot. The third time with Jack, was the suck me off like you promised video. I said I'd seen it and Sharon went on. The fourth time with Jack, Sharon was nervous because it involved bondage. It was about an older woman, tied up and blindfolded by her young lover. "I really don't know about doing something like that. I mean. What if your ****** comes home and finds me like that?" She asked Chris. They put it off for one of my out-of-town inspection days. Again cutting it close, for Chris, to get it turned in, for review and grading. They talked about the idea of Jack calling Sharon, Mrs. Thomas, and being *****ful. That would lead to him tying her up and blindfolding her before they fucked. Sharon knew Chris wouldn't allow her to be hurt. Still, she insisted on having a couple of ******, first. The following is a transcript and description, of that video. My shock, was recognizing the narrators voice. It was our ********, Sherry. 'They're all in it but me. I'm the odd man out.' ********** "Wow! You look great, Mrs. Thomas." Jack said, as Sharon answered the door. "Why, Thank You." She said smiling. As they turned toward the living room, Jack fondled her ass. "Ja-ck! Be good, now." She yelped. "I'm always good, Mrs. Thomas. You know that." He said as he continued to touch her. She turned to face him. "What's in the bag?" "Something for later. You'll like it. I know, I will." She cocked her head as she looked at him. He quickly kissed her. She let him but didn't kiss back. She turned and walked on in to the living room. (She hesitated, hoping he'd sit and she could sit elsewhere to delay the inevitable.) He nudged her backward with his thigh. Having no choice, she plopped on the couch. He sat against her. (Trying to distract him, she leaned forward to get the TV remote. His hand touched her lower back, sending a wave of excitement through her. She didn't understand, why she let this happen. Why, she let her ***' best friend control her like he did. She loved it and wished he would make it slow and passionate, some of the time.) As she sat back, his hand came around and cupped her tit. "Jack, Honey. Please! Can't you slow down? We have plenty of time." (Her verbal surrender, letting him know, she wanted it too.) (Jack wanted it his way, not hers. To him, she was his. He was going to do what he wanted.) He began kissing her neck. As he licked up her neck and kissed her ear, he began unbuttoning her blouse. "I like your perfume, Mrs. Thomas. Make sure you wear it more." He said as his hand went in her blouse, under her bra to her tit. Kissing her, he squeezed her soft pliant flesh hard, causing her to moan and try to retreat. She reached for his head. (Thinking maybe she could slow him down, with kissing. He wasn't going to be slowed down. He wanted to do something and there was no stopping him. After all, she was his. He's fucked her many times since that, reward blowjob.) He pulled away. "Get your clothes off, Mrs. Thomas. Get 'em off, now." He growled, while pulling his shirt off. She lowered her eyes and resigned herself to it, with a sigh. (No matter what she wants, it is going to be his way. And she thought, 'I can't help myself. I love him treating me this way.') (Naked, she stood before him, her moist pussy tingling in anticipation. She knew he would give her a hard fucking, with his young cock.) Taking something from the bag, he stood. She couldn't see it. Pinning her arms to her sides, his arms went around her, pulling her tightly against him. He kissed her, *****fully, hungrily and ****** her arms behind her back. (She felt something slip up her arms and tighten, drawing them together.) "Jack! What are you doing!" She exclaimed while struggling to free her arms. "Don't do this! Honey, Please! Don't do this!" He kissed her, to shut her up. (She knew, he was going to do what he wanted.) Playing with her tit, he whispered in her ear. "I'm going to blindfold you and tie you to that table. So I can take my time fucking your mouth and pussy. I'll leave you like that, if you give me any more ****." (As his words sunk in, she realized the futility of resistance. Besides, she wanted it. She wanted everything Jack did to her.) He pulled the blindfold out of the bag. As he put it over her eyes, he asked, "You don't want me to leave you for your family to find, do you?" (The thought of that, raced through her mind, causing her stomach to churn.) "No. Please! Do anything you want." Sitting her on the table, he tied her legs. Then he freed her arms, laid her down and retied her arms to the table. He jerked her forward, so that her head fell from the table and looped a rope over her neck, to keep her from moving. He paused briefly to kiss her as he mauled her tits. Pinching and pulling her nipples, causing her to cry out through the kisses. He moved around, freed her legs to raise them up and tie her thighs and calves together. Then he tied them down. Opening her up like a clam. (Helpless now, she wanted his cock. Her pussy flowed as she licked her lips.) "Fuck Me." She moaned. He slapped her pussy. "Oh God, Please Jack. Baby. Fuck me hard." He rubbed her mound with his hand as he moved forward and touched his cock to her pussy. She rolled her head and moaned, "Yes! Oh Yes, Baby. Fuck, your slut." With a scowl on his face, he shoved his cock into her. She yelled out, "AaaaH!" And he began slamming his cock into her as hard as he could. "How's that, huh? Like ... that ... do ... you?" Saying a word on each ****** thrust. She moaned and rolled her head around. (Yes! You stupid boy! She thought. I love it! Why else do you think, I let you control me!) He was breathing hard and sweating from his exertion and slowed to a stop. But, not before she had a body shaking orgasm. Pulling his cock from her pussy, he walked around and shoved it in her mouth. Licking and sucking, she willingly accepted it. (Yes, Yes, feed me your cock. Let me taste my pussy on it.) Satisfied, he stepped back, taking her treat away. Her lips and tongue searching for it. "Whew, Mrs. Thomas. I thought you wuz gonna get me off there for a sec'n. I'll cum when I'm ready, Mrs. Thomas. Mouth, pussy or both. When I'm ready." And he walked away. Licking her lips, she squirmed a little. (She wanted his young hard cock and would do anything to have him ravage her. God, I wish he'd come back and fuck me!) Jack came back and began wiping his soft cock across her face. She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, knowing not to do anything more, unless he said so. Reaching for her tits, he gently played with them and said, "Catch it, Mrs. Thomas. Get my cock in your mouth." He twisted her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers as she did so. She did her best to bring him to full hardness as he played with her tits. (Moaning and getting into it she thought he might fill her mouth with his first load.) Jack abruptly stepped back, grabbed and squeezed his cock. (She had obviously brought him to the brink. But, he wanted her pussy. He loved cuming in this woman, he's known most of his life.) Walking around, he rubbed his cockhead up and down her pussy. She moaned and wiggled. "Please, quit teasing and Fuck Me!" She begged, rolling her head from side to side. Jack was doing what he wanted, not what she wanted. "When I'm ready, Mrs. Thomas. When I'm ready." His voice, firm but soft. He took his time working the head of his cock into her. When she felt her pussy slip over the flange she squeezed his cock. "That's it, Mrs. Thomas. Work your pussy." (He didn't have to tell her to. It was automatic, for her pussy to try and hold on to a cock.) 
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When she began moaning, he pushed into her. She gasped and moaned out, "Yessss! Oh God, finally." Even though restrained, she tried fucking him. He smiled and began slow thrusts. Her breathing became more rapid and her moans got louder. [This is where Chris and Jack got a surprise interruption. No one had locked the front door. Timmy was standing in the doorway. His mouth open and his eyes bugged out from seeing Sharon tied up while Jack fucked her and Chris filming it. He had seen Jack coming over and decided to see what was going on. Timmy didn't need to knock at our house, he was like family. Hell, we've known him since he was born, being one week older than Chris. Chris kept the camera going and went to talk to Timmy. Jack had stopped, frozen by being caught. Sharon moaned out loudly, "Don't stop baby! Please keep fucking me!" Jack' cock deflated. Sharon didn't know what was happening and she kept begging. "Please baby, please. Don't stop. I need your cock, Baby. PLEASE!" A hand motioned Jack to continue and he moved slowly. Then the camera circled again, going around beside Jack, to look up to Sharon' head. Timmy came into view. Again the hand motioned. Timmy unzipped his pants. As Timmy pulled his cock out, Jack apprehensively said, "Got a surprise for ya, Mrs. Thomas." Again the hand came out and Timmy touched his now erect cock to Sharon' mouth. She gasped and flinched. Then she opened her mouth, thinking it was Chris. The hand again and Timmy moved forward, sinking half his cock in Sharon' mouth. Sharon isn't stupid. It didn't take her long to figure out the cock in her mouth, didn't belong to her ***. She liked being plugged at both ends and went with it for the enjoyment. Most of this was edited out.] The movie picked back up with, "Got a surprise for ya, Mrs. Thomas." And Timmy' cock entering her mouth. She sucked it, like she knew who it was. "Ya don't care whose cock is in your mouth, do ya, Mrs. Thomas?" Jack said as he continued slowly fucking her. "No." She mumbled with it sliding back and forth in her mouth. "And, I ain't tellin ya. Not now anyway. Maybe next time, I tie ya up, I'll let ya see who it is." (She didn't care. She loved getting it from both ends. The way they see-sawed, it was like one cock passing all the way through her. Pleasuring both her mouth and pussy.) In his excitement, Timmy was tensing as he neared the point of cuming. Jack noticed and asked, "Ya want him to cum in your mouth, Mrs. Thomas?" The look on Timmy' face was priceless, as she said, "Yes," with his cock in her mouth. "Pull out and let her tell ya." Jack said. As Timmy pulled his cock from her mouth, Jack said, "Tell him, Mrs. Thomas. Tell him where you want him to cum." Through excited gasping she said, "In my mouth. ... I want you to cum in my mouth." "See. She's m'slut. Give it to her. Cum in her mouth, like she said." With his eyes wide, with excitement, Timmy put his throbbing cock back in her mouth. (He wanted to cum in her mouth, from the start. Now, he was free to do so, without guilt. Relaxing, he went for it. Never having done something like this, shooting his load down her throat was going to be a great, first experience.) His face took on the look. He began jerking. She began gulping. "That's it man, yeah. Coat her tonsils." Jack spurred him on as she increased her suction. His first blowjob and she was giving him the full treatment. He doubled over and began quivering because her warm sucking mouth was causing all of those sensitive nerves to fire at once. Jack started slamming into her. "Now it's my turn, Mrs. Thomas. Gonna fill your pussy, with boy cum." Timmy' cock fell from her mouth, trailing cum across her cheek. She began rolling her head and moaning loudly. Jack slammed into her as he came, making her yelp. "There y'are, Mrs. Thomas. Nuther load a boy cum, for my slut." After Jack pulled out, Timmy disappeared. Jack freed her legs and put her panties on. Then he freed her arms and removed the blindfold. She started to get up. "Uh, uh! Lay there, I'll get your clothes." Jack got her clothes and helped her get dressed. She started to get up and Jack pushed her back down. "I need to clean up, before my husband gets home." She said meekly. "Nah, I want you like that." She tried to get up again. "But!" He pushed her down, grabbed a tit and kissed her. (She knew it would be Jack' way. She would kiss her husband, "Hello," with Jack' cum inside her.) Jack had another nasty thought. "It's gonna be a few minutes. Scoot up, you can suck my cock, while we wait." She looked at him, pleading, but complied. "Yeah, that's it. You like sucking my cock, don't you?" "Yes." "Good. You can suck it, till I hear him come in the door. That way, you'll kiss him after sucking my cock." (Yes, she thought. Yes, I'll kiss my husband after sucking your cock and with your cum in my pussy. Yes. Yes. Yes.) After several minutes, there was the sound of a car. A minute passed and the front door,opened and closed. Jack left. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, sat up and got off the table. ********** This was how Timmy entered the picture and when Sharon found out it was him, she was elated. She had wanted Timmy instead of Jack, because she liked him more. Feeling guilty about what was being done behind my back, she insisted no more people be involved. But, Chris needed one more assigned theme. 
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I wanted to know more about these boys crude treatment of Sharon. Manhandling her. Her saying, she is their slut. It worried me. Sharon told me that it was just a segment of assignments. "How many?" I asked. "A dozen or so." She replied. Her reply echoed in my mind and I thought, 'How many of these things have they made?' "I have to admit, that it is a little thrilling. But, I don't want to be thought of like that, or treated that way, all the time." She went to Chris' room and came back a couple of minutes later. Smiling, she said, "I know a couple of his hiding places," as she held up a card. It was labeled, 'They control her.' The card was full of short film clips. The first was Sharon in the back yard, working in her flower bed. She looks up and smiles as Timmy says, "Hi'ya, Mrs. Thomas." "Hi-e." She replied, sweetly. "What'ya doin?" He asked as he walked over to her. "Spreading these out a bit. They've gotten root bound." "I think my root's a little bound, too." He said rubbing his crotch. "Tim-my! Must you always be so crude?" "Aw, you know you love it, Mrs. Thomas." He said as he unzipped his pants. "Now, how about takin care a my root?" She looked up and smiled. "Wait'll we go inside." "You're takin care a roots, Mrs. Thomas. So, take care a mine. Now!" Smiling meekly, she turned toward him and reached for his exposed cock. As she stroked it, he said, "Get to it, Mrs. Thomas. Suck it. Unbound my cock, Mrs. Thomas." She leaned forward and took him in her mouth. Right there, in broad daylight, in the backyard. "Yeah, that's it. Suck my cock like a good slut, Mrs. Thomas. That's what ya are, you know. My slut." He closed his eyes as her lips went tightly up and down his cock. Then it was a couple of minutes, of Sharon bobbing her head on his cock. "Before I come in your mouth, tell me what you are, Mrs. Thomas." Sharon grasped his cock, moved her head back and looked up at him with lust filled eyes. "I'm your slut, Baby. Your ... Slut. I wanna eat your cum." "Get back at it, slut. Go for the gold. I'm ready ta feed ya." Sharon went back to sucking him off. In less than a minute, he grabbed her head and jammed his cock down her throat. She gagged and gulped as he emptied his balls. He let go of her head and his spent cock slipped from her mouth. She licked her lips and smiled. "Oooo, Weee, Mrs. Thomas. Ur one good cock sucker. Tell ya what. I'm gonna come back this afternoon for a fuck. I want ya in heels, no panties. And, when I walk in, you bend over for it." Sharon looked down and meekly said, "OK." "What's gonna happen this afternoon, Mrs. Thomas?' "I'm going to wear heels. No panties. And, as soon as you walk in, I'm to bend over to be fucked." "Yeah, that's right, Mrs. Thomas. See ya later." He left and the camera went back to Sharon, kneeling there smiling. The next scene was the follow up. Timmy came in the house. They said, "Hello." Then Sharon turned around and presented herself for fucking. No foreplay, just here's my pussy, fuck me. He entered her unready pussy **********, causing her to cry out. Without a word, he fucked her hard and fast. After cuming, he wiped his cock on her ass and left. The ending shot was her bent over with cum dripping down her legs from her pussy. Another, was Sharon in the basement, doing laundry. "Hey, Mrs. Thomas. Where ya at?" Timmy called out from upstairs. "Down here." Sharon replied. Timmy came bouncing downstairs. They smiled at each other. "Wow Mrs. Thomas! You look good, even when ya work." "Why, Thank You, Timmy." "Yeah, I can almost see them tits a urs, through that dress." "Timmy! The 'compliment' was ruined, when the 'redneck' started." "Aw, you always say that stuff, but you know ya like it. An I can see them puppies movin round." Sharon smiled. "Ya wearin panties? I can't tell." "Yes! I'm wearing panties. Now, can't you talk about something else?" He had made his way behind her. Quickly, he reached out and grabbed her from behind. His hands on her tits, he pulled her back and kissed her neck. She closed her eyes and moaned. "Get them panties off. I wanna taste ur pussy." "Timmy, Honey. Let me finish, and we can go up to bed." "Get them panties, OFF SLUT! I wanna taste ur pussy, RIGHT NOW!" He was still kissing her neck and nibbling her ear. She sighed, pulled her dress up and wiggled out of her panties. "Can we, please, go to bed, Honey?" "Shut up, slut! N git on that washer!" He growled, spun her around and lifted her up. "Ya want me ta eat ur pussy, for I fuck ya. Don't ya, Slut?" He said, as he pushed her legs apart. "Yes, yes, use your slut, baby. I'm yours, use me." "That's right, Mrs. Thomas. Ur mine ta use. Ain't nobody, been in there today, have they? Don't want no surprises, when I stick my tongue in that hot hole a urs." He said as he leaned in to smell her pussy. "No, baby. Nobody's been there." Sharon softly said, waiting for him to do as he wanted. She wanted it too, because he very seldom took care of her instead of making her service him in some way. She caressed his head. He licked the length of her pussy, sending a shiver through her. He smiled, and began licking all over, in earnest. Sending continued shivers through her body. He began sucking her inner and out lips, into his mouth, between licks causing her to tremble and hold his head. It wasn't until he moved to her clit, that she shook violently, causing her tits to dance under the dress. "Damn, Mrs. Thomas! Ya got a hair trigger, today. I'm gonna let ya have another one a those before I fill ur pussy with boy cum." After a couple of licks, he looked up and said. "Git that dress off. I wanna look up n see them tits." Sharon pulled the dress off, leaving her completely naked with tits swaying. Timmy looked up, smiled and began licking her pussy again. He was watching her tits jiggle as she trembled from the sensations his mouth was giving her pussy. He stayed at it longer, this time, before he tongued her g-spot and nosed her clit, for the final push to her orgasm. She was gasping and shaking so much, her bouncing tits were a blur. His tongue came out. The tip touching the bottom of her pussy. Curling up, it parted her lips and entered her vagina. Continuing upward, it curled around to her g-spot as his nose rubbed her clit. He did this several times. Sharon was really shaking. Her fingers curled through his hair as she gripped his head. She was having a long hard orgasm. Finally, his head continued up. His tongue lifted her protruding, hard, throbbing clit and he sucked it into her mouth. That was it for Sharon. She was having a massive orgasm. Her legs clamped against his ears as she doubled over, shaking violently and pulled his head against her pussy. The only thing Timmy could do was keep tonguing and sucking while she had this orgasm of orgasms. When her whimpers and shaking subsided, Sharon released Timmy' head. He looked up smiling and said, "Da-um, Mrs. Thomas, ya had a bigun! I had ta swallow fast, ta keep from drownin on ur cum." Sharon' eyes were closed and she continued shaking as he stood. She was still dazed by her orgasm, when Timmy pulled her off the washer and spun her around. "Time ta fuck ya." He said as he pushed her head down on the washer. With one hand on the small of her back, he rubbed his cockhead all over her pussy. "What ya want, Mrs. Thomas? Huh? What ya want?" "Fucked." Sharon moaned. "Huh, what's that?" "Fucked! I want fucked!" "Why's that, Mrs. Thomas?" "Cause I'm a slut. I'm your (he slammed into her, causing her to cry out) SLUT." Holding her hips, buried completely in her, he asked, "Whadaya, say?" "Please." "No-o!" "Fuck Me! Fuck Your Slut!" Smiling, he started full length, rapid thrusts. Pulling back on her hips with each forward lunge. Sharon was moaning and holding on to the washer to keep from being driven forward by his hard thrusts. Looking down, he watched her pussy pull out along his cock and fold back in with it, repeatedly. Her tits, swung wildly, beneath her. Each time he drove it home, she moaned or whimpered as he grunted. He kept at it, never slowing up, until Sharon cried out, "Oh, God, Baby! Please cum. Cum in your slut. ... Oh God, Please Cum In Your Slut. Give It To Me!" I don't know if it was her words or if he was ready, but, with a grimace on his face, he slammed into her hard. Sharon cried out, "Yessss!" "There Slut ... Fillin ... your ... cunt ... with ... boy ... cum." Each word emphasized with a hard push into her. Moaning and gasping whimpers, Sharon writhed on his spewing young cock. He held himself against her as all movement came to a stop. "Pick up ur panties and put 'em on. Don't want my cum runnin down ur legs, when I pull out." Sharon obeyed. As he pulled out, she pulled her panties up. "Clean my cock off, slut. I can't go to school smellin like your cunt." Sharon got on her knees and began licking him clean. "Don't forget my balls. You juiced them up too." Once again, she did exactly as he said. Satisfied, he pulled his pants up and left. It ended with Sharon on her knees. She licked her lips and wiped her face with her hand. All of these were basically the same. One or the other, would come in, grab her tits, ass or pussy and either fuck her or have her suck them off. With total indifference. Calling her a slut and having her say she was. Making her do the nasty clean up. Yes, it was a turn on, watching it. But, I still didn't like her being treated that way. Sharon explained, they were through with that. And, Chris got double grades from the review committee, the class, and the professor. My further shock was yet to come, after Sharon sucked and fucked me. She told me about her and Sherry. Chris needed a ************** theme and since he was fucking both of them, he wanted them to do it. "I'd never eaten pussy or messed with a woman. And, besides, honey, I'd rather do it with Sherry than some unknown girl." I'd find out about that, later. It sank in that they were all having sex and I wasn't getting ****. I mean, hell, Sharon wasn't fucking me any more than normal. And, Sherry sure as hell wasn't giving me any, not even looks at her voluptuous body. My *** was getting more pussy than a porn star, from his ****** and sister. I was getting pissed about being the dumbass husband, supporting the family fucking, and Sharon could feel my mood change. "What's the matter, Honey?" "I think you know! Until I found that bag, I was just the idiot husband, whose family was fucking behind his back!" Without giving her a chance to respond, I got up and left. I had to resolve this new found conflict in my mind. I quickly dressed and left the house. Knowing better than to drive, I walked and thought. Thought about what a dumbass I was for all of this fucking going on under my nose. I love Sharon and never would have thought of any of this. The idea of her fucking someone else, irritated me. Yet, I liked watching it, especially with our ***. And, the tiny thought of Sherry had grown into a full out desire to fuck and suck her pussy dry. But, I wasn't getting any! I just walked and thought, walked and thought, until my cell rang. "J C, Honey. Where are you?" "Uh, don't know." I said, looking around. I really didn't know where I was. I was just walking and thinking. "J C, Please tell me where you are. You've been gone almost two hours. Let me come and get you!" I looked around and realized, I had almost walked to the next town, eight miles away. "Uh, take the cemetery road, west, I'll wait here." "How far?" 
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"Just take the road!" I hung up and sat down. It seemed to take longer than I thought it shoud, for her to get there. When I finally saw the car, I thought, 'What'd she do, fuck one of her boys first!' But, she didn't, she got me something cold to *****, on the way. I was bitter, because I wasn't getting any. That was going to change and it was Sharon who was bringing it about. She pulled up and I sat there. Looking at her, I couldn't help but smile. '***********! I still love her!' She got out of the car and brought me the ice-tea. Without saying anything, she let me *****. When I stood up, I almost dropped the tea, when she hugged and kissed me. I let her drive. After we got going, she said, "You know, I think I know what's bothering you." "Oh?" With a big smile, she said, "Yeah, and I've taken care of that." "And, just how have you taken care of what's bothering me?" "I called, Sherry. She's on her way home." "But, she'll miss classes." "It won't hurt. Besides, she's wanted what I asked her to do, for a long time." 'Now what? I gotta watch my ******** fuck somebody!' "OK, just what did you ask her to do?" Her foot came off the gas as she looked at me smiling. "Why, Fuck You, Of Course!" I got lightheaded and dizzy, "What! You asked her to come home and have sex with me. And, and, she's coming!" "Sure! That is your problem, isn't it? Everybody's getting some, but you. Now, I can watch you and Sherry. Like you watched, me and Chris." The realization of it sank in. 'Damn! I'm really going to make love with my 'Sexy Little, Big Titted, ********!' I got weak again. We didn't talk, the rest of the way home. I sat there thinking about what I'd do, and how I'd do it. All fantasy. And in this case, reality turned out to be much, much better. Since it was going to be several hours before Sherry got home from school, I wanted to know about this Paul fella. I couldn't think of any Paul that we knew or the kids knew. "So, tell me. Is that Paul, the other man, I have to worry about?" Sharon looked down. "Oooo, yes and no. He is the other man." That was a punch in the gut. "But, you don't have to worry about him." "WELL! Who is he?" Still looking down she softly said, "Paul Finley." 'Paul Finley ... Paul Finley.' I thought. "I don't know a Paul Finley." "Yes you do. Him and his wife, used to live behind us." "So, the two of you've been at it for a long time." "No-o!" She said, exasperated. "We only did it twice, for Chris. Besides, you know he's old enough to be my ******." That's when it hit me, who he was. 'Fin ... Ol' Fin.' "You mean, Ol' Fin and his wife Lu something or other?" Her eyebrows shot up to make a point. "LU ANN! Her name was Luann and his name is Paul." "She ..." "Died of cancer and he moved to an apartment." "So how did you two ..." "Get together? Well, Chris needed a Father/******** shoot. He wasn't about to talk to you about it, so he asked me to think of something. At first I couldn't, then I remembered what Luann told me about Paul." "What's, he hung?" "OOOOOOO!" Sharon growled in irritation. "Why are you men always worried about someone having a bigger cock than you do?" "Maybe, cause you women are always slobbering over them." "Oh, we are not! As long as it gets hard, a cock is a cock." "And, Tits are tits. Don't get upset when I look." "OK, OK! Now can I get back on subject?" I nodded, yes. Sharon shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Luann told me Paul had an ejaculation problem." When Sharon said that, I thought 'premature ejaculation' and said that. "No-o. He has a hard time ejaculating. To the point that often, he doesn't. He would go at it for hours, until she would go dry and get raw. She had to buy lubricant, by the box. Any way, I asked her one time, if she ever helped him with oral sex. And, she said, 'Oh, No. Never!' "You saying, she never gave him a blowjob?" "That's right. I found out, for sure from Paul. She never sucked his cock or let him eat pussy. She considered it, 'Just Plain Nasty,' to do that sort of thing." "Whoa! I thought, everyone performed a little oral." "Not, LuLu, as Paul called her. Anyway, I figured he was an old man who didn't live around here and was alone for a while. I looked him up and gave him a call. He agreed to meet me for lunch, one day." "So, you just, up and asked him to fuck you." "No-o! Stop the smartass!" "Yeah, OK. Sorry." "You will be, if you keep it up. ... We small talked and I found out he wasn't involved with someone. Then I told him about Chris' studies. He wasn't offended by it, so I told him about needing someone for a Father/******** shoot." "What'd he say?" "He just looked at me. I put my hand on his and said, 'I'm asking you to be my ******, for it.' And, his eyes got big." "And?" "After a long pause, which had me thinking he wouldn't, he smiled and said, 'Really! You want me to be in a love scene, with you?' I squeezed his hand and said, 'Not a love scene, an intercourse scene. He said, 'Goddamn, you're serious, aren't you?' I said I was and he agreed to wait for my call." Sharon said she made the arrangements with Chris and called Paul. When he got to the house, he was nervous, because he'd never done anything like that before. They took it slow. Chris had them posing in and out of the house, doing things. Then Chris had them bumping into each other, inside. When Chris told Paul to put his hand on Sharon' ass, he slowly did it. Sharon said, she caressed his cheek and then kissed him. But, he didn't loosen up until she put his other hand on her tit. Sharon said, she said, "Do you understand now, dad, that I want to help you with anything. Anything at all. Now that mom's gone." Then she turned into him, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. He loosened up more and his hands began to roam. They moved down to the small of her back and paused before one moved to her ass and squeezed. She wiggled and leaned back, his hands came up and began fumbling with her blouse. She helped him remove it, and then took his hands and put them on her sides, and said, "Undo my bra." "You shoulda seen the look on his face, when I shrugged my bra off and put his hands on my tits." "I can imagine. If someone did that to me, I'd have a look too." "A tit hound, like you wouldn't. You'd just start in on 'em." "Anyway, he just played with 'em for a bit. Until I pulled his head down to them. Then he went nuts, licking, kissing and sucking them." "I bet! It's not everyday an otherwise strange woman, does that for a guy." "Yeah, you'd love it." I smiled, cause I would. * "I put a hand between his legs. He was hard, so I began taking off his pants. He didn't stop going after my tits, until they dropped. Then his head shot up and he looked at me, in surprise. I kissed him, dropped to my knees and pulled his shorts down. I looked up and smiled as I took his cock in my hand. He said, 'Ah, um, uh. You sure you want to do that?" 'Uh huh, I'm sure, dad.' I said, before I licked the underside of it. A shiver ran through him. When I put it in my mouth, his whole body jerked and he moaned, 'OH God!' His legs started trembling. I didn't know if he was going to stay on his feet, because the more I sucked, the more his legs shook. His hands went for my head, several times, until I put them there. That helped him quit bobbing up and down so much. He moaned out, loudly, 'Dear God! This is fantastic! Oh, My!' And he really started shaking. I'd only been sucking his cock for about five minutes, when it got harder, signaling he was about to cum. He tried pulling back and stepped back. But, I stayed with him and kept sucking. I tickled his balls and his cock throbbed as the first spurt blasted into my mouth. 'Aaaaaaaah, Gaaawd!' He cried out and began shaking, uncontrollably. Boy did he cum a lot, it was all I could do to get it all. He was grunting and gasping as he shook all over. I couldn't understand it, Luann said he had a hard time ejaculating, yet here he did it like the rest of you. 'Build Up and Blast Off.' 
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Chris had to stop filming. Paul just wouldn't stop thanking me for what I'd done. He had never came in a woman's mouth before. Or, had a blowjob, for that matter. Since, I did what I did, he wanted to do the same thing. But, the only pussy he'd tasted was Luann' after he played with her. In fact, she saw him lick his fingers one time and wouldn't kiss him for days. He was apprehensive about it and didn't want to look like a fool on camera. So, Chris left the room. We both finished undressing and I began kissing him to loosen him up again. His hands went everywhere, my tits, my ass, my pussy, all over. After a couple of minutes, I whispered in his ear, 'Are you ready to taste my pussy?' He shivered and softly said, 'Yes.' I settled into the big chair, raised and spread my legs, and said, 'Do anything you want, Paul. Anything, at all.' Slowly he got on his knees and ran his hands over my legs. Then he looked at me and said, 'You know. I always wanted to eat Lulu' pussy. She never would let me.' Then he leaned forward and buried his face in my pussy. For the longest time, he stayed like that. Then slowly, he began kissing. Then he began licking and moaning. I think he wanted to eat pussy, so much, for so long, that he was in heaven at being able to. He was doing great, and I told him so. He licked and sucked every inch, from asshole to clit and leg to leg. He even tried getting his tongue as far into me as he could, wiggling it around. I let him give me a strong flowing orgasm. He didn't flinch at the flow, in fact he hungrily lapped it up. I made him quit and he pouted. When I called Chris back in and told him Paul was ready for his pussy eating scene, his expression changed. Paul is one pussy eating hound. In fact, the second shoot, has him eating my pussy more than anything else. Chris got him giving me several strong orgasms as his hands roamed all over my body. He even played with and pulled my nipples during the last and strongest orgasm. An orgasm that had me writhing and almost screaming. I had to take a break and recover, so we cuddled and kissed a while. Then remaining naked, we snacked. We were back on the couch and I rubbed Paul' leg. He already had a hardon. Kissing him, I whispered, 'You want something else, don't you Daddy?' He groaned and I grasped his cock. 'You want to fuck me, don't you?' He shuddered and thrust his hips. 'I want that too, Daddy. I want you to fuck me.' Slowly, he got up and between my legs. He had a look of pure lust on his face as I rubbed his cockhead all over my pussy. He began breathing heavily and I whispered, 'Go ahead, daddy. Fuck your little girl.' He pushed in a little and hesitated. My pussy was so wet and ready, he could have buried himself to the hilt, if he wanted to. He took it slow. I don't know if he was savoring the feel of a pussy again or afraid of what he was doing. Slowly, teasingly, he worked his cock all the way into my pussy, giving me an orgasm in the process. Once in he kissed me and softly asked, 'Are you sure about this, Honey?' I wrapped my arms and legs around him and said, 'Yessss, Daddy, Yes. Fuck me. Fuck your baby girl, like you did, Mom.' He shuddered and began thrusting. He did it beautifully. Hard thrusts, building in tempo, causing me to have rolling orgasms building to the big one. Just as my orgasm peaked, causing me to moan loudly while my pussy spasmed on his cock, he almost came to a stop. I knew he didn't cum, but he came normally when I sucked him off. After thirty minutes of this, with me having a dozen orgasms and beginning to dry out, I figured it out. I had him lube us up and I paid attention to him. I could tell by his expression, he was concentrating on the fucking. Then as it was building in me, his expression would change. He was concentrating on the pleasure. When he did this, he would almost stop, losing the pleasure and have to start again. It was something, I never would have guessed. His mind wouldn't let him feel the pleasure and do the act, at the same time. I watched him several more times. Not just to figure it out, but because I was having more orgasms than I've ever had. So many, they were draining me of energy. I thought, if he can't fuck and get off at the same time. How about, if he is fucked instead. I pulled him down and whispered, so it couldn't be heard, 'I want to get on top and fuck you.' He started to pull out and I stopped him with my legs. 'Stay in and roll over.' Once on top, I cowgirled him and it was working. His expression was building lust since he was being fucked, instead of fucking. I pulled his face to my tits, inviting him to suck. That held him off for a while, letting me build to another strong orgasm. 'Yessss, Daddy, yes! ... Fill my pussy with cum, Daddy! ... Fill my pussy with cum!' He did. Grabbing my ass he slammed into me, hard. I could feel his cock throbbing as his hot cum blasted into me. Ooooh, God! Yes, Daddy! Yessss!' I almost screamed. 'Aaaaaah, God!' He groaned, loudly. It really was intense, J C. One of the best fucks, I've ever had." "Gee, Thanks! That makes me feel good." "Damn It, J C! Don't do that! You know I love you, and I wouldn't tell you about it, if I didn't." I was humbled, because I knew Sharon loved me as much as I loved her. The phone rang and she went to answer it. I sat there, absentmindedly stroking my cock, and thinking. Not about what she had just told me, but, about her and her ******, doing it. That will never happen, cause her parents are both gone. She startled me a little, running her hands down my chest. She whispered, "That was Sherry. She'll be here in 15. She said she was starved, so I ordered pizza." She kissed my cheek. "Now, leave that thing alone and wait for your ********." I heard her, but, I was still kind of lost in a thoughtful daze. Sharon slapped my hand. "I Said, Leave That Thing Alone And Wait For Your ********!" I stopped, turned to look at her and she kissed me. "C'mon, let's get dressed. Sherry and the pizza will be here soon." I followed, loving the site of her naked backside in front of me. 
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We dressed and went to the kitchen to get all the pizza extras ready. Neither of us heard Sherry come in. I caught movement and turned to look. 'Holy Fucking ****!' My eyes bugged out and my jaw dropped. There stood Sherry, looking absolutely beautiful. I had never seen her dressed like that before, ever. She even accentuated her breasts. Sharon noticed and said, "Oh, Hi, Hon. Wow, you should do that more often. Look what it's doing to your ******." She was right, I was almost panting. Mouth open, eyes bugged, I was taking in the beauty before me. Sherry giggled. "Like my outfit, Daddy?" She giggled again and wiggled. "I got it for you. Just for you." She turned side to side. I was blown away. My normally wrapped up little girl was a full blown voluptuous woman. She was wearing black thin strap high heels, lavender toenail polish. A snug, mid-thigh, light blue dress, that accentuated her body, especially her breasts. A diamond studded blue ******. Lavender lipstick and very light lavender eye shadow. Her long dark hair pulled back and tightly braided. "Turn around, Honey. Let him see all of you." Looking at me sensually, Sherry did a slow turn. Oh, man, my mouth was watering. I couldn't believe my little girl was this beautiful. No thought of societies morals. No thought of betraying my wife. No thought of wronging my ********. My only thought was of fucking her tight, hot, wet pussy. The doorbell rang. "Ah, pizza's here." Sharon chirped. I was in a daze and didn't care. "Mom, wait a minute. Did you ask for Ryan to deliver?" "Yes. And I'm curious as to why you'd ask for that peanut head." "*************, super-jock got injured and lost his scholarship. Now the only thing he's good for, is delivering pizza. Him and his jock buddies made my life hell. Now, I want to show him what the 'frumpy ugo,' really looks like." Her statement even brought me out of it, and we looked at her, like, "HUH!" Sherry smiled, cupped her tits, and said, "I'm gonna be a little naughty, when I open the door." We waited as she went to get the pizza. After a couple of minutes we heard the door slam and Sherry laughing loudly. She was still laughing, when she got back to the kitchen. We asked what happened. "When I answered the door, his eyes bugged out as he saw me. I said, 'Now where did I put that money,' as I exposed my right breast. 'Oh, not there,' I said and exposed my left breast. 'Oops, not there, either,' I said and gave a little wiggle. He was trembling. I raised my dress and reached into my panties, 'Here it is!' I squealed. He almost dropped the pizzas and I thought he was going to faint. I handed him the money, took the pizzas and said, 'Now you have something to get off with.' And, I slammed the door." "That was really bad, Sherry!" Sharon said, seriously. "It's comeuppance, for how he treated me, Mom. Believe me, him and his jock friends, deserve much worse. I'd like to cut their balls off, so dickheads like them can't procreate." "****, I think, I would of passed out. If you did that to me." With a sly sexy smile, Sherry cocked her head, and said, "OH, I'm gonna do much more than that to you, Daddy. Much more." She was on me in a flash. Arms around my neck, she had me in a lip lock. And, damn, I felt that kiss, all the way to my feet. "Alright, little lady! Back off now. There's plenty of time for that." Sharon said, kind of laughing. My brains, immediately went to my hardon. Sherry loosened her grip and gave me a couple of pecking kisses, before stepping away. She patted my cock and said, "Calm down, Daddy. Herbie's gonna meet his Love Bug, soon enough." For a moment, my mind went totally blank. Then I thought, 'Damn! In a few short days, I've went from thinking I had a normal family. To, openly having, full family sex!' Then Sharon came over and whispered, "Mmmm, J C. I think, she's gonna turn you every which way but loose." We settled down to eat, with me trapped between two women. One of which, I couldn't stop looking at. After a few minutes of small talk, about the town, school and home, it got quiet for a minute. Then sherry said, "Mom, I have to let you know something." "What, Sweetie." "You've been setup." "Huh! What? What do you mean?" "You encouraged Chris to do his photography. He chose film school, instead of college, like me. His plan was to get you to pose for him and then work you into bed." "But, he was so innocent and embarrassed when it happened." "All part of his plan, Mom. If fact, that night after you agreed to pose for him, he called me. He said, you'd agreed to pose. Then he said, 'I'll be fuckin mom soon. Then we'll get you and dad together.' I made him promise to show me everything." Sharon and I looked at each other, in surprise. "It wasn't easy, driving back here to see everything at night. I missed a lot of *****, but still managed to keep my classes up. And, most of what Chris had you doing, was my idea, not his." "So, you're saying, the two of you manipulated all of this?" "We-ll, actually ... ME. I knew from the beginning, that if I could get my brother and ******, together. Then, I could have what I wanted. Which was, Daddy." "But, why?" "Because, I'm in love with Daddy. So we started having sex and planning on how to have what we wanted. Or, so Chris, thought." "Oh! And what if we end this, right now?" "You won't, you like it too much." "You're awful sure of things, little lady." "Admit it Mom, you love what you've been doing. Once you posed, the only obstacle was Daddy. You sure as hell, didn't do anything, but, get more and more involved. ... And, right now, I'm betting, he wants to fuck me way too much to stop." Sherry paused, looking at me with a sly, coy smile. "I'm right, aren't I? You want to plow your little girls field." "Yeah, yeah, I do. And, your ******* going to watch." "See Mom, nobody has to pretend anymore. We can all have the sexual relationship we want." Sherry kissed me and reached across to grab her ******' blouse. Pulling her to us, Sherry kissed her ******. "Now, let's take this to the livingroom and get more comfortable." In the living room, Sherry put on some music and pulled me back up to dance. After a minute, she kissed me and looked at her ******. "Aren't you supposed to have a camera, Mom? We don't want your lover to miss anything." 'Damn!' I thought. 'All of this has been manipulated by our ********. Because she wants to fuck me, her ******. ... Well, I'm going for it. Because, all of it has turned me on, like a ***********.' I completely forgot about Sharon as Sherry and I dirty danced. Moving to the music, we kissed and gropped all around the room. I haven't done that, since Sharon and I were first married. Pretty soon, Sherry started undoing my clothes. I started to reciprocate and she stopped me. "Uh, uh! I'm stripping you. Then you're going to watch as I strip, for you." She kept us dancing as she slowly removed my clothes. Then she pushed me down on the couch. She began a slow sensuous dance. She stopped and looked back over her shoulder. "I went and learned how to dance in a strip club. This is just for you, Daddy. You're little girl wants to turn you on." Pushing a button on the stereo, Sherry started her show. And, Damn, it was good. I've never been to a strip club, but I have seen stuff in porn. Her dance, sure as hell had that beat by a long ways. My cock got hard quick. Especially, when her magnificent tits came into view. ****, I believe, I got harder and longer than normal. Sherry noticed and her smile got bigger and bigger. I saw something, too. Her nipples had little white drops on them. I hadn't believed it, but she really was full of milk. She was right in front of me and cupped her tits in her hands. "Like 'em, Daddy? They're all me. Nothin' fake about these babies." She leaned down. "Open wide. I got a surprise for you." I opened my mouth as she brought her tits close to my face. Squeezing, she shot a stream from each tit, into my mouth. It surprised me, that she didn't miss. "Don't be so surprised, Daddy. I've had plenty of practice, aiming these babies." She squirted into my mouth again. "Does it taste good?" I licked my lips. "Yeah, yeah it does." Sherry chuckled. "Well, from now on, you can suck 'em anytime you want." She gave me a half dozen, rapid fire streams from each nipple, before sticking the left one in my mouth. Putting my hands on her back, I held her and sucked greedily, my mouth filling with her sweet nectar. "Ummmm, yeah, Daddy, you do like it. God, it feels good, to finally have you sucking on them. Instead of having to fantasize all the time." She cradled my head in her hand as she fed me each tit for several minutes. Moaning repeatedly she would pull my face against her each time. I was sucking down my ********' sweet milk hungrily. And, although well fed, I was light headed from the effort. Sherry pulled back, my mouth still sucking as she kissed me. My mind was in a fog. Hell, I was high on a new ****, my ********. I didn't even realize she slipped on down, until she grasped, licked my cock and said, "My turn to suck something, Daddy." She briefly put the head of my cock in her mouth and twisted her head around. "Mmmm, yeah! The real thing." She put my cock back in her mouth and pushed her lips tightly all the way to the base of my shaft. I trembled from the sensations and remembered the video of her sucking her brother' cock. She was moving slow, as if to savor the moment. With her tongue licking around, her lips moved tightly up to the head of my cock and then back down. God! She had me shaking. It didn't take my talented ******** long, to bring me to the precipice, with her mouth. My cock hardened, painfully, preparing to deliver semen to her hungry mouth. She stopped, squeezing my balls and cock, with her hands. "Uh, uh, Daddy! Your first load goes in my pussy. I'll ***** cum, later. After you fill my pussy." She kissed the end of my cock and then dragged her tits up my body to kiss me. "You ready to fuck your little girl? Huh? You ready to pound your cock into your baby girl?" I almost came, just from hearing her talk like that. "Yessss! Yessss!" I managed to say in a moaning mumble. She raised up and I felt her rubbing the head of my cock on her pussy. Her lips parted and the end of my cock got very warm. "Feel how hot my pussy is, Daddy? It wants the cock that made it, real bad." She dropped, impaling herself on my cock and I felt her button pressing into my skin. "God, Yes!" She almost screamed. Her huge tits danced around as her whole body shook while she was grinding against me. Damn right, it felt good. Her pussy was hot and her uterus felt like a vibrator, gripping my cock. She began bouncing on me. Hissing, "Yes, Yes, Yes." Each time she slammed herself down on my cock. She was going to bring me off quick. Her pussy was hotter and tighter than her ******.' Slamming down, hard, on me, she fell forward, moaning. She already had an orgasm. That stopped me from filling her pussy with cum. I began thrusting, as best I could with her pressing against me. "Oh God, Daddy!" Sherry was moaning, wantonly, in my ear. "My fantasies were never this good." "Not even with your brother?" "Even with him, I thought about you. ... This is better. Lots, lots, better." She pushed up to start bouncing again. "Oh, Jesus, Sherry." I moaned, due to her full length bouncing on my cock. "Yes, Daddy, Yes! If I could, I'd get all of you inside me!" She reached down and pulled my head up, between her tits. "Fuck me, Daddy! Oh ... God ... I'm ... Gonna ... Cum ... A ... Gain." As she shook violently, she was squeezing my head so tightly against her chest, I thought she was going to break my neck. When she relaxed, I gasped for air, while being slapped by her tits. She was off to the races again, and I thought, 'Damn! She's gone crazy.' All I could do was hang on for the ride. I pushed sideways to suck a tit and she eased up a bit. 'Ah, sucking her tits, mellows her out.' So, I increased my suction and tonguing her aureole. It put her into a cantor, allowing me to thrust along with her. "Yes, Daddy. I knew it'd be good. Jesus, you have no idea." She shuddered and the inside of her pussy got hotter. Especially that sleeve, rippling up and down my shaft. 
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I was wanting to cum, but just then, Sharon whispered in my ear. "I understand, now. I want this, too. All of it." She kissed me, passionately, as her words rolled around in my head and our ********' pussy got hotter. "Our *** is going to breed me. Just like you are breeding our ********." Sharon kissed me again as her words burned through my brain. I couldn't hold back, my cock had a mind of its own becoming hard as steel as sperm rushed forth into Sherry' womb. Sherry fell forward, shaking violently. "Yessss, Daddy! Oh, God! I feel your hot sperm filling me!" We were both gasping as Sharon caressed our heads. When we both caught our breath, Sherry whispered, "How did you know, Mom?" "You did everything for your lover. And, you're ovulating. It stands out, like a neon sign. Oh, yeah, I saw this months, unused birth control pack, in your purse." "You don't care, Mom? Really?" "The one you should ask, is your ******. He is, after all, the one you were trying to trick." I was in a fog. Here was my wife and ********, casually talking about me getting my ******** pregnant. And, then, there was that, 'Our *** is going to breed me,' statement. And, you know what? I didn't mind. In fact, I actually liked the idea. "Is it, Okay? I mean, can I have your baby, Daddy?" I hugged her and kissed her, before answering. "Yes, Baby, Yes. Let's have a baby." Then I whispered in her ear, "We can watch your ****** and brother make one too." "Oh, Ye-ah!" Sherry squealed as she wiggled against me. "Um, Daddy. You're still hard. Let's go again, so's you can give me some more sperm." "OKAY, BABY. But, this time, I want on top." Sharon kissed me. "How about, taking it to the bedroom, this time." "Can you carry me in there, like this, Daddy? I want to keep your cock in my pussy." I thought, 'Damn! I don't know. I haven't done that in a while.' "C'mon, honey. Carry her in there, like you used to do me." Sharon whispered and kissed my ear. It took a little effort, but I got up and started to the bedroom. She didn't seem that heavy, but after a couple of steps, I had to change the way I was holding her. Raising her up, I quickly moved my hands to her ass. She came down hard on my cock, moaned and tightened her arms around my neck. Every few steps, she would shiver, her firm tits grinding their hard nipples into my chest. While her clit felt like a rock pushing into the base of my cock, her hot clenching pussy flowed like a spring. All while she chewed on my neck and ear while moaning louder and louder. 'Jesus Christ! My ******** is one orgasmic little lady! And, I Love It!' Just as we entered the bedroom, she shook violently and exclaimed, "OH God, Daddy!" I was maneuvering to lay her on the bed. "Can you fuck me, like this, Daddy? Can you? Oh Please, this feels so good! Please, Please! Fuck me, like this, Daddy. PLEASE!" At that moment, I'd of fought a grizzly, bare-handed. So, hell yes, I'd fuck her like that! I started and she began mewing immediately.It had been a while, since I fucked her ****** like that. But, I guess, it's like riding a bicycle, you never forget. Getting into the rhythm, I had her swinging out and back, the full length of my cock. I don't know what gave me the strength, but she felt light as a feather. Out she'd go, to come back against me with a loud slapping thud. Each time she would yelp and bite my neck or shoulder. And shake, yes, she was constantly shaking. Like she was having one continuous orgasm. Suddenly with gasping breaths, she cried out, "Oh God! Daddy ... Daddy ... Please cum ... before I ... pass ... out." I'd been trying to hold out and was more than ready. My cock stiffened and once again, I filled my ********' pussy with the sperm, she wanted. Half way through my throbbing ejaculation, she screamed, biting my shoulder and went completely limp. It was all I could do to keep from falling down, but I managed to get us to the bed. Lying there out of breath and in a daze, my mind was overwhelmed. It seemed forever, but was only a couple of minutes before my ******** moved, snuggling against me. Reaching up, she turned my face toward her, and whispered, "I Love You. More than you know." Then she kissed me hungrily. At that same time, Sharon moved between my legs and began licking my sex coated limp cock. 'Jesus, this is like a porn movie! I just fucked my ******** and my wife is cleaning my cock with her mouth.' When Sherry quit kissing, she stayed nose to nose, caressing my face. Sharon crawled up over me and kissed her ********. Sherry went after her ******' kiss, hungrily. Mom was letting ******** taste the sex she just had with her ******. After kissing Sherry, Sharon kissed me and said, "You two take a shower. I'm going to get a fresh battery and some snacks." Of course, I've washed my ******** before, but this was the first time as a woman. A full grown, sexy, voluptuous woman. And I loved the feel of her, from head to toe. She though, got a first, washing her ******, from head to toe. And, he loved it, believe me. After our snacks, Sherry proceeded to keep me fucking until I passed out from exhaustion. I don't remember how many times, just that it was half the night. I was awakened by something warm on my already growing erection. Looking down through slepy eyes, I saw Sherry pulling on my cock with her mouth. She smiled and then raised up. "Breakfast's almost ready. But, first, I wanna ***** cum." 'Damn! She's a little nympho.' 'Oh, Honey. I don't know if there's any left." "There is. Guys never run out. Now lay back and let me ***** from your fountain." My head fell back on the bed as she ran her mouth tightly down my cock to its base. 'Oh, man. She's gonna **** me.' Her mouth felt so good, I wanted to shoot a load down her throat. A couple of minutes later, I did and she didn't miss a drop. Thankfully, she slowed down during the day. I did get to be on top, playing with her tits and pulling her nipples as I thrust spastically into her pussy. My favorite position used to be, Cowgirl. Now it's, Standing up. And, I do it, every chance I get. Both with Sherry and her ******. Before she left to go back to school, for a few days, she sucked me off. She said, she wanted the taste of my cum, to tide her over, till she got back. 
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Chris called and we found out he would be gone for three weeks, from that day. Sharon decided to have a private tryst or two with Timmy. I didn't mind because I knew he was just a fill in for her ***. Every couple of days, Sherry would come home for a night of sex with me. It was on those nights that Sharon got together with her young stud. A week and a half into our arrangement, Sherry came for the night and Sharon went out with Timmy. It was the first time she was gone all night. I did worry a little for her safety. The next day at supper, she explained her night and said it was time to start her turn. "What do you mean?" "In a minute. First let me tell you about last night." "Okay." "Timmy took me to a Frat Party." "He's not in school." "Yeah, but all his friends are. Anyway, he took me to the party and it got pretty raunchy. There was sex, everywhere." "And, So, What? You joined in?" "No. Well, Yes. Kinda." "Is that like a little pregnant?" "I could tell, Timmy was hoping. But, no, I didn't let him fuck me there." "Well? What was, kinda?" "I sucked him off." (I chuckled.) "There was this room full of mostly, sorority girls, and I took him in there. Kissing and hugging him, I told them I was his ****** and I was there to show them how to properly suck a mans cock." "Whoa." I said as I imagined it. "I got on my knees and sucked him off, making a big show of swallowing his cum. I stood up and kissed him, then I said, 'Now you young ladies know how to suck my ***' or any other mans cock.' They were all open mouthed in shock. We left, got a motel room and fucked all night." "Really! You did that?" "Yes. Yes, I did. And, I'll tell ya. I thought about fucking him in front of everybody. Like the others. I even thought about letting some of them take turns. I just couldn't. Even though I'm doing what I'm doing, I'm not that kind of slut." "But, still, you sucked him off, in a room full of people." "I did it to shock their minds. Besides, I'll never see them again." "Now they're thinking his ****** sucked him off, in front of them. You better be careful about that sort of thing." "They'll think it's a college prank. Anyway, last night was going to be Timmy' last for a while and I let him do whatever he wanted. He took it hard, at first. Then, he almost fucked me raw." "Like Sherry does me, when she comes home?" "Worse." "Huh?" "He took my ass!" "He, What!" "It wasn't ****. We got into that, Mrs. Thomas, thing. And, well, I wanted it to happen, too. God, it hurt! ****, it still hurts." "So, your young stud, got your virgin ass. Is he your ass fucker, now?" "NO! Definitely, not! ... I, um, I want to again. But, not with him. And, most certainly, not for a while." "Why not with him?" "Well, I had been his Mrs. Thomas, for a while. It was early morning and he started pushing the limits. Using more ***** and talking to me in a degrading manner." "Oh. Go on." "He secured my wrists with his belt and tied it to the bed. He began fucking me from behind and slapping my ass. Much harder than normal. I noticed he was pulling out and rubbing his slick cock in my crack." "Did you tell him, not to do you there?" "No. I was getting turned on by the thought and wanted it. I thought he'd take it easy." "But, he didn't." "No, he didn't. He was fingering my ass, as he fucked me. Suddenly, without warning, he jammed his cock in my ass. I screamed, at the top of my lungs. He covered my mouth with his hand and said, 'Shut up, and take it, Bitch.' Then he grabbed my hips, for leverage." "You couldn't get away?" "I was pinned and had to take it. I begged him to slow down and take it easy. He kept giving me full length, hard thrusts and said, 'Since you're cutting me off, Mrs. Thomas. It's your ass, my way. So, shut the fuck up!' I decided to let him get it over with." "Do you want me to do something about it?" Sharon put her hand on mine, and said, "No J C. Please, just let it go. I was going to continue, occasionally, with him. But, not now. My ass, was the last thing he gets. Ever!" "That was it? He didn't do anything else?" "He didn't do anything else. Just came in my ass, roughly retrieved his belt and left me laying there. Crying and ********." "I think, I ought'a beat his ass!" Sharon put both hands on mine and squeezed. "No J C, No, Please! It's done. And, it's over for him." "Yeah! Well, he's not welcome here, anymore! And the kids better go along with it." "That might be a problem, with Sherry. They used to date. I called Chris, this morning. He won't guarantee, he won't punch him in the face. Or, kick him in the balls. Please, J C. That's all over. Let's just go on, together." "Still think, I ought'a beat his ass! It's gonna be hard not to do something, if he comes around." "He won't. His teenage brain, got even." "Ok, Ok. That leaves, this turn of yours?" "Well. I've went off birth control." I looked at her dumbfounded. "You know! For me and Chris." "Oh! Yeah! Wow! I drew a blank." "It means, the only pussy you get for a while, is our ********." That echoed in my head and I thought, 'Wow. My wife is telling me, I can only fuck our ********. Whom, I am getting pregnant. Because, she is fucking our ***, so she can get pregnant. ... Man! How twisted.' "J C." My mind was still running through things and her voice was way off in the distance. "We can still have oral sex." I shook my head, trying to clear the fog. For the next week, the routine was, fuck my ********, get sucked off by my wife. I was having more sex than I ever had. Including my honeymoon. Two days before Chris was to come home, Sherry arrived early. She gave me her usual, passionate hug and kiss. Then she walked over and handed her ****** something. Sharon looked at them, smiled real big and grabbed her in a bear hug. "Congratulations, Mommy!" Then she winked at me. "You're a daddy again, J C." My legs shook as I smiled and thought, 'Oh, ****. I've broken the big taboo and got my ******** pregnant, for real. The hot fantastic sex is now the reality of life. There's no turning back, now.' Sherry turned, looking at me, "Daddy?" She said with a questioning, coy, look. Smiling, I held out my arms. She came at me and jumped up locking her legs around my waist. "We did it! We did it! We did it!" She repeatedly exclaimed as she kissed me. "Yeah, Baby! We sure did." "Now it's moms turn. And, I can't wait, to watch." She whispered in my ear. She kissed me again and jumped down. "C'mon guys. Let's go out to eat. My treat." The air among us felt strange. I asked Sharon if she was, Okay. She kissed me and said, "I'm fine, J C. It's just that, now I'm nervous about me and Chris." "Bad, nervous? Or, good?" "Just, nervous." "So, you want to back out?" "Oh, No, No, No, No! I want to! My pussy's been tingling since I went off birth control. ... It's ... It's my age." Sherry heard her. "Oh, Mom! You're not old. And. You have all of us." "Hmmmm. Guess, you're right, honey. ... I'll forget that, and complete our family. I Love All Of You. Now, let's just plan." At the restaurant, all they could talk about was the coming babies and their respective *******. I had to tone them down a couple of times, but, mostly they kept it low. I didn't think anyone heard, until the couple behind us started to leave. The woman was talking through gritted teeth. "Don't get any ideas! Just because, I gave our *** a blowjob. I, Am Not, letting him, Fuck Me!" They quickly left and I thought, 'At least we're not the only perverts in town.' Then I thought, "Gee. I wonder how many ******s are doing their ***s.' We headed for the car with me sandwiched between two hot women. As we were walking, Sherry asked, "Mom, can you drive?" Her hand dropped between my legs. "Sure, I guess. Why?" "Until now, everything has been to get me pregnant. I want Da ... Um, Cal, in my mouth." (From that point on, she mostly called me Cal, short for my middle name, Calvin.) Sharon stopped us and looked at our ********, smiling. "Okay, Honey. I'll drive and you can suck your ****** off." "Great! I can't wait for him to empty his balls in my mouth, so I can finally taste his cum." "Oh, you are such a nasty girl." Sharon squealed. "Hey! You two. I'm not a sex toy." "No, but, you are ours." Sherry said sexily. "Just like, we're yours." Sharon said, equally as sexy. We arrived at the car and Sharon opened the back door with a big smile. "Mr. Thomas. Miss Thomas. I'm your driver, Mrs. Thomas." I chuckled at that as Sherry climbed in, then I followed. "Enjoy yourselves, Mr. and Miss Thomas." Sharon said as she patted my ass. Sherry was fast. I didn't see her do it, but when I sat back, she was sitting there with her big dripping tits exposed. "Would you care for an after dinner, aperitif? Mr. Thomas." "Isn't that supposed to be a *****, before the meal?" 
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"Since you ask. I've been ********. You get a flavored ***** after the fact. And, I get the meal." "Oh. ... You are a smart one. Aren't you?" "Well," Sherry shook her shoulders, "you gonna turn them down?" Smiling, I leaned down and started sucking as she caressed my head. "Didn't think so." She moaned. '******** feeding ******.' I thought. Sherry let me suckle each breast as she caressed my head, letting me get several mouth fulls of her warm sweet milk. God, I love those tits. I measured once. Her aureole are a full three inches in diameter. Her nipples are five eights of an inch in diameter and stick out a full inch. Suck hard and they're even longer. She pulled away and kissed me. "My turn." Continuing to kiss me, she undid my pants. I didn't think, I could get any harder, but her mouth proved me wrong. The way she was working me over with her mouth and tongue, I was painfully hard. Like a piece of steel. "Jesus, Sherry! Damn!" I moaned, trying to keep from cuming too quick. I heard her hum, before raising her head. "Mom told me how you like it." She said as she rolled my balls in one hand and stroked me with the other. "When you're ready, I'm gonna suck it like a straw. I wanna taste it all, as you cover my tongue with cum. Then, I'm gonna roll it around in my mouth, before I swallow it." It was the sexiest voice she'd used. Hearing her words almost sent me over the edge. I concentrated hard, because I wanted, no, loved her mouth. I held out for a couple of minutes, before my cock and body stiffened. Sherry pulled her mouth back to the tip of my cock and stroked me with her hand as I erupted. **** fire, it felt like I was shooting cannon balls. The look on her face was incredible. I felt like I came a gallon, my cock pulsing and body jerking. After I settled down, I saw her swishing it around in her mouth before swallowing. The end of my cock never left her mouth. Sherry kept gently sucking, driving those sensitive nerve endings crazy. "Bout home! I drove as slow as I could without being pulled over. Almost had a wreck at the finish." I thought Sharon was just trying to be funny, but she circled around and showed us the skid marks, where she almost hit somebody. When we got in the house, Sherry rapidly maneuvered her ****** to the couch and began eating her pussy. I stood dumbfounded for a minute before sitting. I barely settled when Sherry raised her head and wantonly said, "Fuck me, please. Fuck me." Sharon was laying back with her eyes closed. Even watching our ******** eat her ******' pussy, after that blowjob, the most I could get was, half mast. But, I knew it'd come on with the right incentive. Moving behind her, I rubbed my cockhead up and down on her pussy. I got harder and thought, 'Yeah! I knew you'd rise to the occasion.' Sherry rolled her ass to my movements. "Yes. Yes. Fuck me." She moaned, not taking her mouth from her ******' pussy. Hard again, her pussy seemed to pull me right in. Sherry moaned, loudly. And, so did her ******. I didn't have to do much, my ******** was doing it all. Rolling her hips and hunching on my cock. With each forward movement, her ****** would shiver and moan. As would Sherry. I could tell Sharon had a lot of little orgasms and at least four, body jerking ones, that left her gasping. Sherry also did the same thing, her pussy going wild on my cock and her cum was running down my legs. Without warning, Sherry did a nasty. She moved away from us and pulled her ****** down in front of me. "Suck me off his cock, mom, and get his cum." Sharon was already moving to my cock with her mouth open. "Give it to her. Shoot it down her throat." Sherry said as she rubbed my chest and kissed me. I could taste her ******' pussy and shaking, I came, hard. Later, Sharon and I were on the couch. She kissed me passionately. "I love you, J C. Please don't ever leave me." "I ain't going anywhere, willingly." "Then, you really don't mind if our *** gets me pregnant?" "Did you mind, me and Sherry?" "No ... Yes ... No." "Well, which is it?" "I didn't mind the fantasy. At first, that's all this was. But, then, it became real and much, much better than fantasy. I have to admit though, I was jealous about you getting our ******** pregnant." "Even though you thought about and wanted our ***?" "Yes." "What changed?" "I don't really know. When I watched you and our ********, that first time, I thought of how you accepted me and our ***. It just all fell into place and felt right. Now I'm consumed by it. I can't wait to see our ********' stomach grow with your baby. And, my stomach grow at the same time, from our ***' baby." I kissed her with all the passion I had and whispered, "Me Too." The time passed quickly and Chris was due home. Sharon told me I was picking him up while they stayed home. I knew Chris would be disappointed that his lover mom wasn't there, and he was. They had been texting while he was gone and I mean some very nasty texts. Sharon kept the secret not mentioning the pregnancy plans. On the way home we picked up take out for a quick meal. I knew Sharon was wanting to get her *** between her legs as soon as possible. Chris was surprised to see his sister at the house. He was all excited, telling us as we ate about his trip. He was accepted and already had a mentor or something that was impressed with his work. Something was in the works as both women were maneuvering us around. Sharon disappeared when we went to the living room, while Sherry kept us occupied. Sherry glanced down the hall and got us to go outside. She talked about a yard party that was news to me. Going back in, Chris took the lead. Sherry pulled me into the hall, kissed me, put her finger to her lips then pointed at the living room. We peeked in. Sharon was wearing a silk robe, hose and high heels. Chris approached her and she held her hand up, stopping him. Chris had his back to us as Sharon spoke softly. "Do you remember what you talked about?" Chris must have had a questioning look. "Your fantasy." Chris' head turned and cocked to the right. There was silence for a minute. "Your ... Ultimate Fantasy?" Chris looked around and Sherry pulled me back, whispering, "Moms moment." We peeked again as Chris whispered, "What about dad?" Sharon smiled from ear to ear and said, "Your ****** knows and gives us his blessing." "God! Really! You're not teasing me, are you, Mom." Sharon still smiling and giggling, said, "No Baby, I'm not," as she slipped off the robe. There she stood, garter belt, hose, heels, ribbons and bows. Bows covered her nipples, held in place by a ribbon. And a bow covered her pussy also held in place by a ribbon. "Wow!" Chris gasped. (I wish, I could have seen his face.) "Well Baby. If you still want to be a daddy, unwrap your present. Mommy is fertile and ready." Chris' legs were shaking and he stumbled on the first step toward his ******. His hands were shaking as he reached for the ribbon and bows at her breast. "It's tied in back, Hon." Sharon said as she moved his shaking hands around. She kissed him as he untied the knot. He stepped back, the ribbon dropped, but the bows remained. She shook her shoulders. Her tits quivered, but the bows stayed put. "Remove them, gently. They're taped on." Chris pulled gently on the bow, stretching his ******' tit out. Then he looked closely at it before slowly peeling it off as Sharon smiled. His face was still close and she pulled his mouth to her nipple. Smiling and moaning, she lay her head back. Chris released his ******' nipple and again they kissed with hungry passion. The other nipple needed revealing and again Chris pulled slightly on the bow. He jerked the bow off with one fast movement. "Ow-w! That hurt!" Sharon squealed. Chris immediately started kissing and sucking her nipple. She caressed his head and closed her eyes. Sherry whispered in my ear, "I've got cameras set up, so it's all being recorded. I shivered, knowing I could watch it later. They parted. Chris looked down at the lower bow. His hand slowly moved towards it. Sharon covered it with her hands causing him to look up. "This one, you best remove gently! But not here." She paused for effect and it was killing me. "Carry me to your bed. I'll remain in, Your Bed, until you give me, Your Baby." "But ... But Dad." "Oh, Honey. Get it through your head. Your ****** has his. I can't fuck anyone but you, until you give me a baby. Do you understand, now?" "Yeah. I just never thought it'd be like this." "You thought it would be a sneak around." "I guess so." "No Baby. You get me exclusively, until I'm pregnant. Now, take me to your bed and breed me." Chris scooped her up in his arms and headed for his room. As he turned, he saw us and hesitated. Sharon kissed his cheek, and said, "Your ****** and sister are going to watch you plant your seed. Go on, now, take me to your bed and breed me like your ****** has your sister." 'What the hell is going on? Was my ********, a consolation prize because my wife, is indeed, in love with our ***.' What followed, led me to believe that more. Chris lay his ****** on his bed and began to undress. Sharon caressed her body and watched him longingly. Naked with his erection straining, pointing upward she smiled. "Did you do as I asked, this week?" "Yes." He answered so low, I barely heard him. Lustily, she said, "Good. That means you'll have more for my womb." Then she spread her legs and caressed her thighs. "Unwrap your gift, Baby. Moms pussy is yours." Chris was visibly shaking as he looked at the bow between her legs. Slowly he got on the bed, between her feet. He paused again, staring at the bow, before reaching out and caressing her thighs. Sharon closed her eyes and let out a moaning sigh. The object of her surrender was finally taking possession. She moved her hands out of the way giving him unencumbered access. As his hands reached the bow, he bent and kissed her inner thighs. She moaned and squirmed. His face moved in close as he slowly peeled the bow from his ******' pussy. As the bow came free, his mouth took its place. "Sharon let out a loud, "YES!" And grabbed his head. "Oh, Yes, Yes, Yes! Suck my pussy. Get it ready for your cock. Oh! God! Yes! Get me ready to breed!" I was weak kneed. The tone of her voice, her words, her expression. This was a woman, in love. I was seeing and hearing the same woman that made love to me, to have our ********. One of which, was now making love with her, for the same purpose. Sharon was reacting with rolling orgasms as her *** pleased her pussy with his mouth. Kissing, licking, sucking and tongue fucking her until she was gasping, whimpering and shaking uncontrollably. After bringing his ****** to the point of passing out, Chris raised his head. Sharon moaned, her body and breathing slowly coming to rest. Chris kissed her pussy and slowly kissed his way up her body, briefly pausing at her tits. Sharon didn't rush him. 
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As ****** and *** kissed, Sharon grasped his cock with one hand and cradled his balls with the other. In a soft, sexy, wanton voice, she asked, "Are you ready, my love? Hmmmm? Are you ready to give yourself back to me and make your baby." His cock was trapped between her wrists as her hands caressed his balls. "Ye-us! Yes, I want it, Mom." He moaned and sounded like he was begging. Sharon placed the tip of his cock between her lips. "Do it, baby, do it. Plant your seed, in mommy." Slowly, Chris pushed his cock into her. "Oh, yes, Baby. Yes. Breed me." Chris didn't move, he was just kind of, shaking. "Fuck me, Baby. Please!" Sharon moaned as she began rolling her hips. Slowly, Chris pulled his cock out of his ******' pussy and pushed back in again. Her arms were around his neck and her ankles were locked at his waist. Her expression was one I had seen, 18+ years ago and now the product of that fucking was giving it to her again. After just a few strokes, Chris froze and started shaking. "Ooooh, God! Mom." "Yes, Baby." "Your pussy, it's ... it's" "What, Baby?" "It's so fucking hot! And, and, something inside is stroking my cock!" "I know, Baby. I know. That's my uterus going for your sperm. All of me wants to drain your balls. Just let yourself go and fuck me." Her voice was soft, sensuous and yearning hot. Sherry kissed me and said, "Let's watch, while I suck your cock and you finger my pussy." Without waiting for a response, she had me in her mouth and I played with her already wet slit. Chris slowly began moving again. I think he liked the new feeling of her pussy and wanted to make it last. I also knew that feeling would cause him to fill her pussy, soon. He had more control than I gave him credit for and brought his ****** to the highest peak of repeated orgasms. Sharon had him locked in coital fertilization position. Arms and legs wrapped around him. Making it impossible to withdraw completely and keep him stroking into her uterus. I have felt that hot yearning uterus of hers milking the cum from my cock, so I knew my *** was in heaven. Anyway, Chris slowly increased the speed of his strokes until with a loud grunt, he slammed into his ****** and began his orgasmic jerks. "Ungh, ungh, ungh." His ****** was grinding her pelvis back against him. "Yes, Chris, Yes! Empty your balls in mommy. Give it to me. Give it all to me." Sharon softly, wantonly whispered. Chris stopped moving and slowly tried to pull out. "No, Baby! Stay in me. You can go again. I know you can. You've done it before." She said as she nosed him before kissing him. Again, I knew the feeling of her hungry pussy and smiled as I watched it clenching our ***' cock. Chris was up to it and started the slow process again. In all, our young stud, did it five times before collapsing on top of his ******. Whose pussy was still clenching his spent young cock. Sharon kept him there, unfazed by his weight. Holding his soft cock inside her, with no intention of letting him go. Sharon kept her *** at the job, four more times, until she too, passed out. All total, her *** fucked her 19 times straight, in five sessions, with short breaks, over four hours. He could have had enough sperm for it all and toward the end, must have been driving what was there deeper. When they finally parted, not a single drop exited her pussy. During all of this, Sherry didn't let me cum. She stopped at the crucial moment, driving me nuts. When ****** and *** passed out, Sherry brought me off. Her cum had soaked my hand and ran down my arm to the elbow, to drip on the love seat. I came so hard after not being allowed to for four hours, that I almost passed out as well. Sharon and Chris remained exclusive to each other for over a week. What I liked best, was Chris insisted that his ****** wear only, garter belt, hose, and heels, while at home. They fucked like rabbits, all over the house. I heard Chris ask if she would suck him off once, and Sharon replied, "No, Baby. It all has to go in my womb, until you're a daddy." Sherry came to the rescue and gave him the blow job he longed for, while Sharon was gone once. Every time Sharon left the house, she wore as little as possible. And, as soon as she came home, everything came off except what her *** requested. Most of the time, Chris bent her over and fucked her before she could get away from the door. The stuff she brought in would be scattered on the floor as he pounded his cock into his ******' pussy. I knew the deed was done, when I went to bed one night, to find Sharon there. She was smiling and holding the pregnancy tests in the air. "I'm a mommy, Honey! You're wife is a mommy, again." "Does Chris Know? And, Sherry?" "Nope. He's turning some stuff in at school. Said he'd be back at midnight. I'll tell him then. Of course our ******** knows. She helped me with the tests. ... I've missed you so much! I want you to fuck me." She began kissing me like crazy. "I'll spend this last night with Chris. After I tell him. Then, your wife is yours again." Sharon was on me like a teenager. No, we were on each other like teenagers. Me and my ********. My wife and our ***. PARENTS. The new life journey began. 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!The Dance Instructor My favorite gift of all time was given to me by husband, Charles. Charlie, as I like to call him is a wonderful, hardworking guy to whom I've been married for over five years now. Charlie has two left feet and hates to dance... but I love it modern, disco, jazz, you name it; I love to dance to it. My gift was for a three month session at a local dance studio. We meet two nights a week and have the opportunity to learn a variety of dances from the simple Foxtrot to the energetic East and West Coast Swing to the sexy and provocative Latin American Salsa and Tango. I particularly enjoy the Latin American dances both for the lively music and the wonderful rhythm of the dance steps. Life with Charlie was good. He worked hard as a first responder with the local fire department. Charlie did not fight fires but was a well trained paramedic who went out on ambulance runs and also responded to house fires in case there were injuries. I owned a hair salon and was holding my own as the business continued to grow. I once worked for my friend Diane but had operated my own shop for about two years. I must back up a few months to tell my story. It was early spring when I started my class. Charlie had given me a certificate for dance lessons for my twenty-fifth birthday. I couldn't wait to begin and after making the necessary arrangements, I was set to start on Tuesday. On Monday night, Charlie and I had dinner and after cuddling for a few minute headed to bed. "Thank you for giving me the dance classes," I told Charlie as I leaned in and kissed him sweetly. Charlie grinned and slid beneath the covers. My nightgown was gone in a matter of seconds and Charlie commenced to kiss and nibble on my erect nipples. My small, firm breasts delighted at his touch. He soon slid lower and after pausing to twirl his tongue through my navel, kissed his way toward my moistening slit. He quickly slid through my neatly trimmed bush and pleasured me by first running his tongue through my cunt lips before settling in on my clitty. I moaned my approval as Charlie brought me to orgasm for the first time that night. "Ummmm," I moaned as he continued to eat me. Fellatio was one of Charlie's specialties and my pussy was certainly enjoying his efforts. He inserted a couple of fingers inside me and I gasped as I ran my fingers through his short hair in an effort to show my approval. Charlie continued to lick me to another orgasm and then slid up between my legs. Charlie tenderly inserted his erect cock into my quivering cunt as I moaned with delight. His uncut cock is nice and long and although not very thick, he really is a good lover. He kissed me hotly as he slowly started to stroke his cock inside me. He massaged my tits and kissed me deeply as he made love to me. Charlie is not much for words in the sack and he was rather silent that night as he stroked his cock in and out of my slick hole. I'm not much of a talker either but Charlie says I moan a lot and get pretty loud when I cum. I'm usually unaware of any of this as I am concentrating on my own orgasm. I guess you could say that I'm the selfish lover while Charlie is the generous one. Charlie squeezed my ass and kissed me sweetly as he continued his machine like thrusts inside me. Soon, he began to increase his tempo and I knew what was soon to come. I bucked my hips toward his every thrust and soon he was exploding inside me. He moaned as his cock filled me with his hot juice. "Mmmm," I moaned as I came while Charlie finished inside me. I jumped up and cleaned myself up and brought a warm washcloth for Charlie. He was sound asleep as I washed his cock. I slid into bed beside him and soon I was out too. 
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I was apprehensive on my first night of classes but was surprised to find that my friends Sophie and Tom were also taking classes at the same studio. I had known Sophie and Tom for about a year having met her at the gym where I exercise from time to time. Sophie and Tom are a little older than me and have been married for over ten years. They seem to be the perfect couple and I envy her since Tom is willing to learn to dance with her. The first few weeks of my class were great. We learned a lot from our instructors, Ron and Nancy, as they led us through the different dance steps. Ron is very handsome and a real charmer. He is a little short of six feet tall and he towered over me by a good six or eight inches as we danced. I loved dancing with Ron as he held me in his arms and guided me through the various dance steps. He ran a successful business during the day and he and Nancy ran the dance studio at night. Nancy is a real beauty. She has a pretty face and beyond the pretty face, we have little in common. She is close to Ron's height and rather muscular looking. Her large breasts seem out of place on such a graceful dancer and her long blonde hair extends nearly halfway down to her back. I am the exact opposite of Nancy. I keep my brunette hair short and neatly trimmed. I consider myself to be pretty and have been often described as such. I am a petite lady with small firm breasts. While Nancy probably is in the 130 pound range, I am lucky to tip the scales at 105 pounds soaking wet. My tits look great with or without a bra and I often go braless although I always wore one during the class. I have nice legs and my ass seems to draw the attention of the guys who are in our class, especially Ron. Our classes were held in a studio in a large office complex not too far from my home. It was an easy walk and I enjoyed walking the half mile or so to class. On the bottom floor of the office building was a cozy little coffee shop where we would all go during our intermission. Ron seemed to always sit beside me and on the third night, he allowed his leg to "accidently" brush against my leg. Over the next week it became a routine for us. He sent tiny shivers through my body as our legs brushed under the table. At times, he would sit across from me and would play footsies with me under the table. I was not totally innocent either. I was thrilled that Ron seemed interested and enjoyed the attention that he gave me in the coffee shop and during class. His eagerness to help me with my dance steps and the sexy way that he held me was extremely flattering. I had been married for over five years at this time and my husband had not looked at me like this or made me feel this special in a very long time. I had begun to realize that I was really attracted to Ron. Ron oozed sexuality and being a dancer made him even more sensuous. During the last few classes, Ron's gazes seemed to go from admiring glances to "I want to fuck you" glances. His behavior at the coffee shop had become a little more aggressive as well. Instead of simple nudges with his knees or feet, he was now running his hands over my legs on occasion when he thought he could get away with it. We would also purposely hang back and be the last to leave the coffee shop and he would caress my ass as we walked out of the shop. I don't know why but I let him. Occasionally, as we danced he would steer me down toward the far end of the studio and slip his hand from my back to grab a quick feel of my ass. I was thrilled by Ron's attention but I never had any thoughts of allowing it to go beyond the flirtations and the touching but Ron had different plans. Toward the end of the third week, he was getting more adventurous and I was certainly enjoying the attention. As class ended one night, we started to leave the building and it was raining heavily outside. I had brought an umbrella but Tom and Sophie had not. Ron offered to give us a lift and we all accepted his generous offer. I quickly crawled in the front with Ron while Tom and Sophie jumped in the back of Ron's Range Rover. We dropped them off first since they lived closer to the studio that me. "Goodbye. Thanks for the ride," we heard them call out as they ran through the rain. "Is your husband working tonight?" Ron asked as I showed him the turn into our neighborhood. Before I realized what I had done, I told him that he was. He pulled the car over a short distance from our house and leaned over toward me. "I'm really glad that you are in the class," Ron said smiling and leaning even closer. He caught me off guard as he kissed me tenderly on the lips. "Please take me home," I asked as he leaned in for another kiss. I turned my head away but he grasped my face and turned me back to him. He kissed me more ********** this time and I again resisted. He pulled me as far as my seat belt would allow and again pressed his lips to mine. "No, Ron. We can't," I begged but he continued to search for my lips. "Just a kiss or two," Ron pleaded. "You're a very sexy woman and I want to kiss you." He reached down and pressed the seatbelt release and pulled me toward him until I was leaning across the console. We kissed again and this time I gave in and returned his kiss. He rubbed my leg above my knee as he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I was getting excited as my dance instructor showed me a dominant side of him that I had not seen. His hand slipped up to cup one of my breasts and I slid away from him back into my seat. "You've had your couple of kisses," I growled. I jumped out of the car and as I slammed the door, I heard him say "but Lyn." I ignored him and walked the short distance to my house through the pouring rain. I entered through the side door to the laundry room, removed my clothes and tossed them in the laundry basket. I stood there in all my glory feeling a mixture of anger and horniness as I headed for the shower. I couldn't deny the fact that my pussy was tingling. I showered quickly and resisted the temptation to bring myself off. Charlie would be home in a couple of hours and I would let him take care of the needs between my legs. When Charlie arrived, we talked for a few minutes. He had a relatively easy day at work and was anxious to grab a shower and take me to bed. I was lying naked on the bed when he came out of the bathroom. He smiled and his cock began to stir as tossed he towel aside and quickly joined me on the bed. He made tender love to me as he always did and I came as soon as he entered me. I was having a hard time not thinking about Ron as Charlie thrust his cock slowly and deliberately inside me. Charlie kissed me and flashbacks of Ron thrilled my being. I came again and moaned loudly as Charlie slipped his tongue in my mouth. I sucked on his tongue and bucked my hips as I experienced an awesome orgasm. This turned Charlie on and soon he blasted his load inside me as I came for my third time. "What's gotten into you?" Charlie asked as he pulled his cock out and rolled over. "I don't know," I lied. "I've just been so horny all day." I considered not going back to dance class but I really enjoyed the dancing and in all honesty, I enjoyed Ron's attention. I knew that the intense orgasms I had with my husband were brought about by the flirting at class and the kissing in the car. The flirting was okay by me but the kisses would not happen again. At our next class, Ron resumed his flirting with me and as we were dancing, he told me he was sorry that he had pushed me so far in the car. I told him that it couldn't happen again and he assured me that it would not. As we left that night, Ron offered a ride to us again and Tom and Sophie graciously accepted. I thanked him and declined but Tom and Sophie chimed in and insisted. I reluctantly agreed and climbed in the front seat again. I was determined to avoid any advances this time. Ron pulled over at the same place again and turned toward me. "I'm sorry about the other night," he apologized, "but I've enjoyed our flirtations and wanted to kiss and touch you." He explained that he knew that I was married but he was not looking to break up my marriage. He looked so sweet and sexy as he humbled himself before me. "Please Lyn, just let me kiss you and touch your sexy body," he begged. I was turned on by his sincere approach and I leaned in and our lips met for our first consensual kiss. His hands wasted no time as they roamed my body rubbing my ass and my tits. We kissed for a couple of minutes and I broke it off. "I don't want to tease you but that is about as far as I will go," I stated firmly. He said that he understood and kissed me again. He slipped his hand under my top and had a naked breast in his hand before I knew it. He continued to kiss me for a couple of minutes and leaned across the console to get his body closer to me. "Stop, Ron!" I demanded and he followed my instructions. I asked him to take me home and he reluctantly removed his hand from my tits. He started the car and drove me to my house. "I'm sorry Ron, but I'm not going to be unfaithful to my husband," I told him as I exited his vehicle. "I'm sorry too, Lyn," I heard him say as I closed the door behind me. . I walked home from the next class after Ron again told me he was sorry for his actions. I thought to myself, he's just sorry that he didn't get into my pants. To be honest, a part of me was too. I still wanted to resist him and was determined to remain faithful to my husband. The next class was on Sunday night and Charlie was working the afternoon shift and would not be home until midnight. The class was great and I was having a fun time as we concentrated on the Salsa, a sexy Latin American dance. The Salsa is similar to the Mambo in that they both are eight step dances with a pause on the fourth and eighth step. I especially liked the Salsa because it is more of a side-to-side dance than the Mambo which is more front and back. The turns and spins made me feel sexy as I again practiced my dance moves with Ron. Ron had taken a special interest in teaching me the Salsa and my love for the dance made me an eager student. I had progressed nicely and toward the end of the class, Ron and I along with Nancy and Rich, another excellent dancer in our class, presented a Salsa demonstration for the rest of the class. I felt sexy as Ron moved me around the dance floor. One, two three, pause, five, six, seven, pause continuously ran through my head as we moved our bodies to the thumping beat of the Latin American music. I was having a great time and didn't want the dance to end but soon the music ended and the rest of the class gave us a rousing ovation. We were all smiling as we walked over to the locker area and changed into our regular shoes. Once again, Ron gave us all a ride home and this time I didn't refuse. We dropped off Tom and Sophie and then Ron took a turn down a road that led to an old abandoned factory. "Where are we going?" I asked as Ron slowed and pulled into a wooded area at the end of the road. "I thought we could use a little privacy," Ron suggested as he released his seat belt and leaned toward me. He kissed me sweetly and leaned back in his seat. "I love the Salsa," Ron remarked. "It is the sexiest dance and you're a natural. Your sexy legs and perfect ass are made for the Salsa," he continued as he leaned in and kissed me again. "I can't stay long. Charlie will be home soon," I said as Ron released me and stroked his hand through my hair. "You're so sexy," Ron remarked as he unbuckled my seatbelt and slid me as close to him as was possible in the front seat of a Range Rover. He kissed me again and began to fondle me through my clothes. I had worn a cute skirt that ended just above my knees and he had found the end of it as he worked his up my legs. I know I should have stopped him but for some reason, I didn't. He worked his way to the top of my stockings. I wear sheer self supporting stockings when I dance. They make my legs look great and I enjoy the feel. I can't bring myself to wear panty hose as they are so confining and stockings and garters are a little risqué for dance class. He soon was above my stockings and headed for the Promised Land. "I need to go. Charlie will be home soon," I repeated as Ron continued to kiss and caress me.. I needed to stop him soon while I still had the willpower to resist him. "Ron, please stop," I pleaded as his hand crept higher and his fingers grazed my young, married pussy for the first time. "Please," I panted, "Charlie will be home soon." "Nonsense," Ron sternly replied as he reached across and adjusted the seat so I was fully reclined. "He won't be home until after midnight and maybe later if he stops for a couple of ****** with his buddies, he added as he leaned in and worked his fingers under the elastic. "You're so wet," Ron said as he looked deep into my eyes and smiled at me. "You know you want it Lyn," he remarked as first one and then another of his fingers slid snugly into my wet cunt. "Mmmmm," I moaned as Ron slowly jabbed his thick fingers in and out of my slippery hole. Little did I know that this would be about the only thing that Ron would do gently the rest of the night. He continued working his fingers inside me and as our kisses became more passionate he rammed his fingers more ********** into me. I couldn't stop him. Ron added a third finger as he roughly rubbed my tits and worked his hand under my top to get better access. His hand pushed my bra up and he rubbed first one and then the other of my firm young breasts. There was no tenderness with Ron as he squeezed my tits and pinched each of my nipples between his thumb and finger. Ron stopped fingering me and turned all of his attention to my chest. My top soon found its way into the back seat and my bra followed shortly. "We need to stop this," I suggested but Ron paid no attention as he roughly sucked my tits and bit my nipples. Electric shocks flew through my body as he continued to pleasure himself by assaulting my breasts. I loved Ron's rough treatment which was a total contrast to the tenderness that my husband showed when he sucked my tits. Soon, Ron had his fingers back in my pussy and was alternating between hot kisses to my lips and rough caresses to my breasts. I had a little orgasm as he continued to seduce me. Ron removed my panties and slid them down until they hung loosely at my ankles. "Ron, you must stop," I panted as he continued to ravish my tender body. My skirt soon followed and found its way into the floorboard with my panties. I instinctively pulled a foot out of them and kicked them to the side leaving them dangling from my ankle. Ron was beginning to move across the console toward me and I sensed that I was about to reach the point of no return. I was panting both from the excitement that I felt inside my body and from the realization that Ron was about to fuck me. "We've got to stop now!" I said more ********** than before. "You know you want it Lyn. You've wanted this for a long time," Ron replied as he unfastened his belt and let his trousers drop to the floor. His boxers went shortly after his trousers and Ron was naked from the waist down. He had kicked his shoes off on his side of the vehicle and he was now ready to crawl between my legs. When I saw his cock, I was both excited and scared. My husband's cock is nearly seven inches long and Ron had him by a good inch and a half. His cock looked so different than my husband's too. Ron's circumcised cock had a big fat head and looked to be much thicker than my husband's. Ron kicked at the mass of clothes that lay in the floor and crawled squarely between my legs. He took his huge cock in his hand and asked me if I was on the pill. I instinctively nodded yes as my eyes pleaded with him not to take me. "Please, no," I begged as Ron smiled and rubbed his thick cock through my wet pussy lips. "I'm married. I can't let you do this," I whimpered but to no avail. 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!The Young Don's Whores Introduction The thunder rolled across the sky as the large funeral procession snaked its way to the vacant grave to receive the cemetery's latest resident. Frank Tierney was an Irish immigrant's ***. He was born in Leeds, Yorkshire in England. As a young man became involved in organised crime. Eventually he rose in the ranks of the crime syndicate's hierarchy and eventually after some twenty-five years became head of the organisation. His organisation controlled much of the gambling, prostitution and general racketeering in the North Midlands. Frank had been so careful and calculating that no crime could ever be traced back to him. All his legitimate enterprises were just fronts for his criminal organisation. He likened himself to a ********* and had done many favours for ordinary people. This kept a strong sense of loyalty to him. He became known as the ********* or the Don of the North East. The authorities, though, could prove nothing. Now he was dead at fifty-seven. Cancer had done what rival gangs had failed to do. As the coffin was lowered into the grave and the Priest, ****** Joe Millea gave the final prayers, his ***, Paul stood at the grave. Beside him was his ******'s common law wife, Anne Carter. She was only thirty-eight. She had worked in one of Frank's casinos. Frank was smitten by her and he installed her as the new mistress of his house. Frank's wife, Mary, had left him many years ago for another man and when he threatened to have them killed, they both fled to America. Paul never accepted Anne as his **********. Indeed, he was only ten years her junior. Although in public, Paul treated her with compassion and understanding at the funeral, Anne knew she was in trouble. When she moved in with Frank five years ago, her family disowned her. Frank's death was so sudden that he had not time to rewrite his will and everything he had passed on to Paul. It was even rumoured that Paul had poisoned his ****** in order to control the organisation. He was known to be ruthless, even more than his ******. She was literally penniless and possibly homeless too. Paul had a prominent part in his ******'s crime empire. He had built his own network within it. So much so that as soon as his ****** died, he moved to have himself installed as the new Don. This was done most effectively, usually by coercion or blackmail and sometimes, violence. Like his ******, none of it could be traced to him. He had exercised his power in the organisation, now he would do the same in his home too. 
Posts: 167297
Subjection of Anne Carter On the night of the funeral, Paul and Anne sat silently in the huge living room. Anne nervously broke the silence. "Can I do anything for you?" Paul's response shocked her. "Yeah. Get naked." She rose in anger. "You can't speak to me like..." She didn't get to finish the sentence because Paul sprang at her and drove a fist into her slim stomach and before she could counter, he back handed her, making her crash onto the sofa. Paul grabbed Anne's hair and she yelled in pain. "Please Paul, don't do this. Please." "Are you going to obey me?" The frightened woman nodded. "I didn't hear you." "Yes," screamed Anne. Paul released her hair. "Now get up and get your clothes off." Anne slowly rose and for a second stopped, hoping in vain for a reprieve. It never came. She hesitantly undressed. Removing her woollen polo neck and jeans revealed her plain white bra and matching knickers. She stopped. "Keep going," yelled Paul. Anne knew she had no choice. The staff would have heard her cries but they knew better than to interfere with Paul. When she stood naked before him, Anne instinctively covered her breasts and pussy. "Put your hands down by your sides. You're mine now and you'll hide nothing from me." His anger chilled Anne to the bone. She obeyed and Paul walked around his ********** is if inspecting a piece of property. Suddenly he grabbed her by the hair and ****** her to her knees. Unzipping his pants and extracting his huge hardened cock, he ****** Anne to receive it in her mouth. She was astonished at its size. "Start sucking, you bitch." He pushed her head back and forth and eventually Anne developed the rhythm. "That's it bitch. Keep it up." "Mmmm," was all Anne could utter as the speed of her rhythm increased. "Aaaargh, You are a good cock sucker." Paul's cum exploded in Anne's mouth and she tried to spit it out, Paul however, held her head back, making her swallow or *********. "You'll swallow everything, you bitch, and never try to spit it out again or I'll beat you to pulp." Anne knew Paul well enough to know that he meant what he said. "Now it's time to get a few things straight. You'll wear only skirts or dresses. I've ordered sexy underwear for you. I ditched your plain stuff." Anne lost control. "You invaded my privacy?" It was a mistake. Paul leapt at her and backhanded her and she crashed to the ground. Grabbing her long black hair he yelled at her. "Never, ever, answer me back, bitch. Do you hear me?" "Yes," screamed a terrified Anne. "Good. Now first of all, get to the bathroom and shave that pussy bare. Then get dressed in the new clothes I've ordered. From now on I'll fuck you whenever I please. Now get out of my sight. I've got work to do." A naked Anne ran from the room up to her bedroom. She searched her wardrobe and found her jeans and slacks were gone and replaced by dresses and short skirts. She searched her underwear drawer and found only skimpy thongs and low cut revealing bras, as well as some garter belts and stockings. Anne looked out from the window of her bedroom. The house was a fortress, with a nine foot wall and one gate, guarded day and night by Paul's minders. There was no escape from here. Her home had just become her prison. She wept bitterly as her parents' warning came back to haunt her."There would be no escape from the clutches of these people." Anne reluctantly chose one of the sexy low cut black bras and a matching thong before settling on a blue dress. She went downstairs to join Paul in the living room. "Now, that's more like it. I've got work to do in the study. I'll see you later." Anne sat in silence in the living room for over an hour. Paul opened the door and without a word signalled Anne to follow him. She did as ordered and Paul led her to her own bedroom. "What are we doing in my bedroom?" "Correction. Our bedroom." From now on we have sex and ***** together." "Please Paul. This isn't right." Anne got nothing else said because a backhand slap made her crash onto the bed. Paul's large hands surrounded her throat and neck. "Now, I won't tell you again. Never argue with me. Clear?" The terrified woman nodded. "Now get up and strip naked for bed." Anne began to cry as she unzipped her dress and allow it to fall to the ground, revealing her sexy black underwear. "Wow. You look good. I can see why the old man kept you." Anne suddenly became shy and tried to cover herself. "Ah, ah. Get the rest off, or else." Paul's last words were enough for Anne. She unsnapped her bra and dropped it to the floor and eased her thong down revealing her freshly shaved pussy. A humiliated and naked Anne stood before her stepson. For the first time Paul seemed to be in awe of his **********'s naked beauty. Her luscious breasts, her slim waist, her long slender legs and shaven pussy made him hard like never before. Paul undressed rapidly and ****** his ********** on to the bed. Paul mounted Anne and began to kiss her luscious lips. She attempted to resist but he tugged her long black hair viciously making her submit. He continued down to her neck and onto her enormous firm breasts. His licking of her nipples made Anne groan reluctantly. She knew this was wrong but she was powerless. She had struggled with her stepson and the servants did not intervene. They all knew better than to do that. That was why Anne finally submitted. Paul sucked her right and left nipple periodically and began to tongue down her firm, trim waist, making Anne moan in response. "Ohhh my God," she exhaled. Paul continued until he worked his way to his **********'s shaven pussy. He began to lick and then suck her pussy with great relish. Anne reacted with lustful enthusiasm and screaming cries of "Yes, oh yes," several times. He halted and inserted his hardened cock, rhythmically pounding her. Far from being angered, Anne, on the contrary, was developing her own rhythm and welcomed her initially unwanted "lover" by screaming "Keep going, Paul. Keep going." She repeated this several times. As Paul drove his cock in and out, Anne moved her body in a matching rhythm. She also placed her hands on Paul's hips as if to guide his actions. They both became consumed in their lust. They both moaned and screamed in orgasm together Anne's love juices flowed and she climaxed. At the same time Paul's cum erupted inside her body, leaving both of them breathless. "That was good, bitch. But you will be even better from now on. Your sole purpose is to please me. Do that and we'll get on fine." With that, Paul turned on his side and gradually fell a*****. Anne wept silently and quite simply cried herself to *****. She didn't know it yet, but Anne Carter was simply the beginning for Paul. Soon whether or not they liked it, the owners of the businesses "protected" by Paul's "Company" would have to surrender their wives, ********* or employees as part payment for their "Protection", for the Don's pleasure, of course. This was the beginning of the young Don's sexual reign of terror. 
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The young Don begins "Recruiting" After a weekend of fucking his new sex slave **********, Paul remarked jokingly to one of his minders, Dave Slater, how refreshed he felt, as he entered his study to look over the reports his head of rackets, Frank Talbot, had brought him, that Monday morning. It was a list of the fifty stores in the main shopping complex of the city, all of which were "protected" by Paul's firm. Suddenly, something caught his eye. "What's this?" he asked Frank Talbot, pointing to an entry marked "BW, -two thousand pounds." "Oh, that's Barbara Weston. She owns the Weston & Weston boutique in the centre. She said she could only pay the three thousand pounds this week." "Bring her in here now." "But," Frank's voice tailed off as Paul stared at him, narrowing his eyes. "Ok, Boss," he responded meekly. Barbara Weston was talking to one of her staff as the two tall men, neatly dressed in grey suits walked in. Barbara knew this was trouble. "May I help you gentlemen?" "Mrs. Weston, you had better come with us. Mr. Tierney wishes to have a little chat." The name sent a shiver down her spine, but she tried to be brave. "Look, if it's the money, I'll make it up at the end of the month. "I'm afraid that's not the way the boss operates. Please don't make us ***** you to come with us." "Give me a moment to speak with my assistant." There was a silent nod. "Debbie, you'll have to lock up for me. Something's come up and I have to go out." "Sure Mrs. Weston. What is it? Who are those guys?" "Domestic problems dear. Don't worry about it." With that Barbara was ushered into the back seat of a black Mercedes and taken to the home of Paul Tierney, which was only a twenty minute drive. Barbara was led into the hallway of the magnificent mansion that was Paul Tierney's home. Anne looked on helplessly from the landing as she observed the terrified woman, here for what she guessed, would be a terrible punishment. The double doors to Paul's study opened and she was silently beckoned in by Frank Talbot, who at that same moment, withdrew, leaving her with Paul and her two companions who had brought her. Paul looked busy looking through some papers as Barbara began to speak. "Look, Mr. Tierney..." Something in his stare prevented her from going any further as he raised his hand in silence. A chilled feeling gripped her. "You owe me two thousand pounds." "I know that, Mr. Tierney. The business is a little slack at the moment but I promise I will pay you. Please, I just need more time." "There is a penalty for late payers. Let me see," Paul pretended to calculate. "Two thousand pounds plus interest and the original sum come to nine thousand pounds." "What?" yelled Barbra in an astonished tone. "You can't do this. I'd never make the payments no matter how good business is." Paul got up from his desk and walked in front of her, admiring her beautiful form. Although she was forty-two, Barbara Weston was still an attractive woman. Her blonde hair was cut back. Her white blouse failed to hide outline of her medium breasts. Her blue skirt and knee high, black leather boots complemented her figure. Even her black, square rimmed glasses seemed to do something for her. "I'm afraid you'll have to work it off." "How?" she asked in an uneasy tone. "Strip," he responded. For a second, Barbara was stunned. Then in a furious tone she yelled, "Go and fuck yourself," and headed for the door. A nod from Paul signalled to the two men to stop her and then they began to undress her violently. "Stop it. Get off me," she screamed as the men struggled at their task. Suddenly, what felt like a jolt of electricity stabbed her back and she was subdued. She was held up, totally naked, by the two men. Paul studied with satisfaction, the hardening of her nipples and the full bush of her pussy. "You maniac. I'll go to the police." Another nod from Paul and the two men dragged her to a large basin of water. They *****fully submerged her head. "Gulp," was the last thing was heard from her for several seconds. When they allowed her up, Barbara desperately gasped for air before she was submerged again. Once again she was released and this time Paul spoke. "You'll learn that it is unwise to try and defy me." He nodded again and she was submerged for a third time. This time it was a little longer and when she was released, coughing and spluttering, she begged him. "I'll do whatever you want. Please," she screamed. "Oh, I know you will," came Paul's sarcastic reply. "Please, Mr. Tierney, I'll get the money from my husband." "Georgie boy?" (Referring to George Weston, Barbara's husband). "He owes me more than you do." "What do you mean?" asked the startled woman. "His gambling debt in my casino. I already have several markers for his car, boat and house." "The house?" "Ah, he didn't tell you then?" Barbara shook her head silently, in total disbelief. Again, Paul signalled and one of the men dragged her up by her hair, making her stand. Paul seemed to survey her nude body. "Well, Eddie. What do you think? Do you think you can use her?" as he turned to the second man. Eddie came forward gave a brief look. "Sure boss. She's not bad looking. Some of the punters like them older." "Punters? What are you talking about?" asked Barbara nervously. "One of my businesses is an escort agency with a certain clientele. They pay well and expect the full works. You can turn two or three tricks a day. You'll have you and your husband's debt paid in no time," he sniggered. "You want me to whore?" "I don't think you have any choice in the matter." Barbara knew she was beaten. "What do you want me to do?" she asked, subdued. "Well, first off, I want to see that you're up to the mark. Take her to the room," came the firm order, and she was marched, naked, to an upstairs bedroom and thrown on the bed. "Wait here. The boss will be with you in a few moments," said Eddie, leaving the room and closing the door. Tears rolled down Barbara's eyes as she tried to contemplate how it came to this. A few hours ago she was a happily married woman with her own business, a loving husband, fine house and good future. Now she was the whore of some hoodlum. "How could this be happening?" Her train of thought was broken by the opening of the room door and the appearance of Paul Tierney in a silk robe. Barbara suddenly became afraid and moved further up the bed, in a vain hope of somehow avoiding the inevitable physical encounter between them. With no escape in sight, Barbara Weston submitted to her fate as Paul discarded his robe and mounted his prey. She was greatly surprised by the sheer gentleness of his actions. His kissing was passionate, something she had missed in her marriage. He began to work down her body with his lips, halting at her breasts and his mouth gently engulfed her right breast, sucking and licking in equal measure, and despite herself, the tingling sensation on her nipples made her moan with satisfaction. He worked down her slim body to her pussy and began to eat it with enormous relish, making Barbara scream "Oh my God," several times, as if she was encouraging a lover. Finally, he pushed his hardened cock deep inside and began, slowly at first, to pound her, building up speed with each stroke. Barbara became consumed with lust and her own bodily movements corresponded with Paul's rhythm. Both of them began to breath deeper and deeper. They moaned as they neared climax. "Come on, you bastard. Come on," yelled Barbara, totally forgetting herself, as she felt her orgasm beginning to build. "Oh, fuck. Oh fuck," screamed Paul as his climax grew and grew. Finally, they both climaxed in volcanic proportions as Paul's enormous hot cum entered her, and her own juices flowed wildly, gave a cry of exhilaration and joy. Paul too yelled out with pleasure. "Aaargh," and for a moment, forgot himself. Having regained his composure, he spoke."You'll do. Get cleaned up. The shower is in there," pointing to the door at the end of the room. "You've got work to do tonight," and with that he unceremoniously got out of bed, put on his robe and left the room. Barbara sat up on the bed, stunned. Once again, she contemplated how this could have happened and finally ****** herself towards the shower. As the jets of hot water struck her, Barbara washed herself with extra intensity, hoping somehow the ********* of her body would be washed away. As she came out of the shower, wrapped in a large bath towel, the door of the room opened and Eddie entered and placed some clothes on the bed. "Put these on and come down when you're dressed," he ordered, and left the room. Barbara was shocked as she examined the clothes. The bra was a red, see through and low cut. The thong was worse. It barely covered her pussy and left her arse cheeks exposed. The one piece glitter dress was very short. Her upper thighs were exposed, and the low cut in front, revealed her cleavage, something she never did in her life. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. "My God. I look like a tart," she thought, guiltily, try to hold the tears back. When she arrived downstairs, Paul and Eddie were waiting. "Eddie will take you to the casino. He'll introduce you to your client. Remember, do this right; both your and your precious husband's lives depend on it." His words sent a shiver down her spine. 
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Barbara Goes to Work. Barbara was once again ushered into the Mercedes and after a half an hour arrived at the casino. During the drive Eddie explained what was expected. "Now listen up. Mr. Clarkson is a very important friend of the boss. As a reward for 'Services rendered', he promised him a female companion for the night. You're just the sort he's looking for, mature and we both saw, beautiful. You'll do everything he wants, and I mean everything." Inside the casino Barbara was led to one of the roulette tables and Eddie called out. "Mr. Clarkson?" A small, overweight, balding man swung round. "Oh, hallo Eddie," shaking the man's hand. "A present from the boss," looking at Barbara, with a sarcastic grin. "Wow, Paul doesn't disappoint. What's your name, sweet cheeks?" "Barbara," responded the downcast woman. Clarkson put his hand to her chin and turned her head up . "Hey, cheer up Babs. We'll have a good time." "Excuse us for a moment," said Eddie, as he dragged her a short distance from him. "Now you listen to me, you stupid bitch. Cheer up. At least act happy. Remember, if don't do this right, there'll be consequences beyond what you and your lousy husband could think off. You keep him happy, you'll keep the boss happy. Keep boss happy, you'll keep me happy. Like the boss, I don't like disappointment and I punish severely. Now get over there and get to work." She went over and stood beside Clarkson. He put his arm around her. "I'm on a roll Babs," and she felt his hand slip under her dress and squeezed the cheek of her arse as his winning number was called, making her jump. "Yes, you've brought me some fresh luck, Babs, " he said laughing. Complying with her orders, Barbara Weston made a ****** smile and reluctantly kissed her new companion on his bald patch. "We're going to have a good time Babs, I know it," repeated her client, with a grin. After about three hours, Clarkson had won several thousand pounds. "Well. It's been a great night," said Clarkson as he got up. "Come on sweet cheeks, time for some late night fun," and stuffed several large notes between her breasts, heading for his suite, followed by Barbara, dreading every moment of what was to come. When they got to his suite, Clarkson immediately removed his jacket and flung it over a chair. Undoing his tie, he turned to Barbara and said, "Brandy?" She shook her head. "You should. It'll make you relax," he said with a sly grin, handing her the glass. Barbara reluctantly took it and downed it in one swallow. Clarkson did the same. "Boy, you are eager, aren't you?" he said with his now familiar smile. Nothing could be further from the truth. Barbara contemplated making a break for the door, but Eddie's words of warning came back to haunt her and she simply waited to see what would happen next. She didn't have long to wait as Clarkson moved forward and kissed her lips. It seemed that the taste of the brandy on his lips and the ***** she took made her less nervous because when Clarkson put his hand behind her back pulling the zipper, she simply allowed the dress to fall to the ground, exposing her sexy underwear and smooth legs; it was something she had never done for her husband, let alone this pervert. But she knew she had no choice. "Wow, nice tits," he yelled excitedly, ripping the bra from her body, and pushing her onto the bed before she could cover them. He quickly stripped and went down on top of her in a fury of lust. In contrast to her encounter with Paul Tierney, this man was rough and simply used brute ***** to control her. Barbara could feel goose pimples appear as he moved down her body. Although she was disgusted with this man ravishing her, Barbara could not help but feel aroused as he sucked and licked her breasts. She wanted to moan but managed to subdue it with effort. Eventually though, as Clarkson drilled between her pussy lips with his tongue, she could no longer contain her en****** pleasure and moaned with joy. His rough movement had made her wet. Barbara felt her juices beginning to gather. Then suddenly Clarkson withdrew his tongue, much to her disappointment. He replaced it with his large, hardened cock. His rhythm was initially slow and accelerated at every stroke. Barbara's body reacted instinctively and matched his rhythm. They both gradually became lost in their lust. Barbara no longer cared that her body was being ravished. All she knew was that she was enjoying it. "Oh fuck, more, more, keep going, please, keep going" she begged , with each breath. Clarkson exhaled a moan of satisfaction. His pumping of Barbara's pussy made him sweat heavily and his breathing became heavier with each stroke. Clarkson came just as Barbara's orgasm erupted, sending them both into a euphoric stupor of sexual joy. Both Barbara and Clarkson remained still for several moments gathering their breaths. Then Clarkson spoke. "Well Babs, you're a good fuck. I told you we'd have a good time. Well, it's time to go," and he slapped her on her bare arse in a gesture that was a clear signal for her to leave. A humiliated Barbara dressed and left the room. She was on the verge of crying when she saw Eddie waiting for her in the hallway. He came towards her. "Where's the money he gave you?" She had forgotten about it. "In my purse," she replied. "Wow, five hundred pounds. He must have been feeling generous. It'll do for starters. At this rate you wont be long in paying what you owe." Eddie led her to the waiting Mercedes and they both got in. After a short drive to the Tierney mansion, Eddie led Barbara to Tierney's study. Although it was after three in the morning, Tierney was sitting at his desk. "You did well tonight, Barbara. Here are your clothes, get changed." "Where can I change?" "Right here," he responded with a grin. "You pervert." Paul rose up and grabbed Barbara by her hair. "As I told someone else tonight. It's not wise to cross me," and with that tore the dress from her body, revealing her braless breasts. Likewise, he ripped her thong and ****** her to her knees. He yanked her head up. "Take my dick out and suck it, bitch." "Please. No!" "Do it, you whore or I'll beat the crap out of you." A terrified Barbara undid the zipper of his pants and extracted the huge hardened organ. Tierney drove it into her mouth and when it hit the back of her throat, Barbara thought she was going to *****. Tierney gave a discreet nod and suddenly Barbara felt hands, presumably Eddie's, move her into doggy style position and another hardened cock was drilled into her arse. Exhausted as she was, Barbara's head was bobbed in and out at regular intervals and at the same time her arse was pounded at a ferocious pace. All that could be heard from the poor woman was the occasional "uugh". This wasn't Barbara's first oral experience, but it was difficult because of the sheer size of the organ and it was compounded by another huge one ramming her rear. A threesome was certainly new to her. Barbara could feel Tierney was close to cumming. At the crucial moment though, he withdrew and placing his cock between her breasts, he squeezed them hard, making Barbara yell with pain. His cum sprayed over her breasts, just as he intended and at the same time Eddie's cum exploded inside her. They both yelled a scream of sexual pleasure after releasing their loads. Barbara fell on her side, totally exhausted. Tierney looked up and saw the door to his study slightly ajar and the image of his ********** spying on him. When she realised he'd seen her, Anne tried to run but Paul was too fast and caught her at the foot of the stairs. Yanking her hair back, he dragged her into the study. "You bitch. I'll teach you to spy on me." The terrified woman screamed. "Please Paul, don't hurt me. I'll do anything, I swear. Please!" she begged. Paul looked down at the exhausted Barbara Weston. "Well, Barbara dear, it looks like you're in for a little treat. Turn her over on her back, " he ordered. Barbara was so exhausted, both physically and mentally, that she neither comprehended or cared about what he meant. Eddie duly obliged. "She needs to be cleaned up. Lick her clean," he said to his ********** and tore the thin dressing gown from her, revealing beautiful, naked body to all of them. Anne was shocked. She had never done anything like this. She was straight. She thought of refusing but fear of a beating from her stepson made her think again. Anne went down gently on the cum covered stranger and began to slowly lick. First around her nipples in a circular movement and expanded the circle with every complete circle, eventually clearing both breasts. Barbara, meanwhile, exhausted though she was, felt a certain renewal of strength and excitement at this woman's gentle caressing of her breasts and could not help releasing a moan of pleasure. "Oh my God," she repeated several times. Anne thought she was finished when the cum was gone but Paul yelled at her. "Don't stop now, you stupid bitch. Get down there and eat her pussy." Eddie pulled him aside and whispered something to him. "That's a good idea, Eddie. Ok. Change of plan. Get into a sixty-nine and eat each other." Anne complied obediently and eased her pussy over Barbara's mouth and with the same gentleness began licking and sucking this woman's pussy, parting her lips and entering deeply with her tongue, much to Barbra's Sapphic delight as a muffled moan could be heard. For both women, this was a new experience. They frantically ate, sucked and licked, like long lost lovers. Paul and Eddie could see the delight of both women. Indeed, it made them both hard. Suddenly Anne felt hands grip her bare hips, but she was so absorbed in her love making that she refused to stop, even when Eddie's huge rod entered her arse and began to pound her hard. At the same time, Barbara could feel her legs being lifted and Paul drove his cock deep inside her, with the same ferocious pounding. All four of them became consumed in their lust. Both Barbara and Anne climaxed together, making them scream with sheer ecstatic sexual joy. It was almost a shock to both them when hot cum exploded inside both of them almost at the same time. A huge cry of "Aaaargh" echoed the study as they all screamed in unison. For a few moments they all remained still, catching their breath and recollecting their thoughts. Paul got up and spoke first. "Eddie, you better see she gets back to her car," referring to Barbara Weston. "You'll do, Barbara dear. I can see you'll fit in here very nicely." He said this with a sarcastic grin. He turned to his **********. "I'll talk to you later. Now get out of here." Anne, with a dread of what was to come, fled naked up to her room, threw herself on the bed and wept. When she had dressed in her work uniform Eddie drove Barbara to where her car was parked, just around the corner from her boutique. It was already daylight as she approached the car and she suddenly realised she had not slept for more than twenty hours. She was too tired to drive, so she went to the boutique fell soundly asleep in her office chair. Her ******* was short lived however because a low voice called out to her "Mrs. Weston, Mrs. Weston, are you ok?" As she slowly woke, the voice became louder and clearer. It was Debbie Morgan, her assistant. "What? Oh Debbie. Yes, yes, I'm ok. Thank you." "My God. I thought you were dead. What happened?" 
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Initially Barbara thought she had had a nightmare until she tried to move and felt sore and sticky. It had been far from being a nightmare. It had been real enough. Debbie in panic repeated her question. "Oh Debbie. I can't tell you anything. You would be in great danger." With that she broke down in tears. Debbie offered her shoulder and tried to calm the distressed woman. "Let me get you something." "Just a coffee, please." Debbie returned and Barbara slowly drank it down. "You're some sort of trouble and those men who were here yesterday were part of it. My advice is to go to the police, Mrs. Weston." "Oh Debbie, I would. Believe me I would but there is more at stake than you could ever imagine." "Mrs. Weston, you look like you could do with some rest. Why don't you go home? I can handle things here." "Are you sure?" "Of course." "You're a great help Debbie. Thank you. Oh and Debbie, please, not a word to the others." "Sure." When Barbara drove away, Debbie went back to the office and dialled a number. "It's me. We may have a break," and replaced the receiver. Barbara Weston drove up the drive to her secluded home. She observed her husband's car in its spot. George came towards her and wrapped his arms around her. "Barbara love. I was worried sick." Suddenly, exhaustion gave way to anger, as she pushed her husband away. "Get your fucking hands off me, you lunatic. Have you any idea what I've been through? Well do you?" she yelled. "Please Barbara. Let me explain." "Explain? How do you explain gambling away our home and our lives?" "Please Barbara, calm down." "Don't you dare tell me to calm down. You're up to your neck in it. Well you're not doing to drag me down. I'm leaving," and ran upstairs to pack. George followed her. "Please Barbara. They won't let you go." "They? Who are they?" "Tierney and his mob. They won't let either of us go." "Just watch me George." Barbara headed down the stairs with the hurriedly packed suitcase and headed for her car. As she put the key into the lock a hand grabbed her and swung her around. It was Eddie, accompanied by another man. He marched her back into the house. "Unhand my wife," cried George. He didn't get to say anything else because Eddie's companion, clearly the muscle, punched his stomach, making him keel over, gasping for breath. "George!" screamed Barbara as she ran to her distressed husband. "What the hell do you want? Haven't you done enough?" "Let me make you clear on the rules, Mrs. Weston. The boss wants his money. You're going to get it for him. There'll be no running away. He owns you just as he owns this house." He turned to George."You know Weston, it's a good job your wife has got a good body. Because that's all that's keeping you alive right now." He grinned. "You bastard," screamed Barbara. "Only by an accident of birth Mrs. Weston," he responded sarcastically. "Whether or not you like it, you're both in this together. One drops out the other pays the ultimate penalty." With that Eddie and his companion left and drove away down the drive, oblivious to the fact that two men in a parked car observed them leave. The senior of the two men, sitting in the passenger seat, was clearly in charge because he nodded to his companion and drove away. 
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Anne Carter Is "Punished" Anne did not see Paul for several days. He was away on "business" in London. Her fear of punishment following her spying diminished with time. Indeed, she hoped he had forgotten about it. When Paul arrived back on Thursday, she was surprised when he presented her with a beautiful blue cocktail dress. He instructed her to wear it at a dinner he was hosting here at the mansion for nine of his friends. He also said it would please him if she wore a garter belt and stockings. Anne was so taken by Paul's "kindness" that it never occurred to her that this was simply a plan to punish her for her previous indiscretion. The dinner was a strange affair for Anne. The first thing she observed was the fact she was the only female. The other thing was she felt she was being undressed by all of them. It made her uneasy. There was just general chatter at the meal, nothing out of the ordinary. When they were done, Paul suggested retiring to the library. Anne turned to head for her room when Paul stopped her. "No. You come too," and they both entered the library together. "Gee, boss. She's looking better than ever," laughed Teddy Gorman, Paul's head of security. "She's even better underneath," came Paul's reply. They all laughed. Anne blushed in ***********. "I thank you all for your loyal service and as I promised I intend to reward you all." He turned to Anne, "Strip." "What?" "Get your fucking clothes off and show them your body." They all laughed. So that was it. That's why she was here. She knew by now she couldn't defy him. Anne reluctantly put her hands to her back, unzipped her dress and let it slide down, revealing the low cut red lace bra and matching garter belt and thong. "Wow. You're a lucky man boss," said George Henderson, one of his chief henchmen. "Yes, I am, but tonight you're all going to share in that luck." Grabbing Anne by her hair, he yelled venomously, "You'll learn never to spy on me again, you bitch," and ****** her to her knees."Now get down there and suck each one of their cocks, and remember, swallow every last drop." The first was Frank Henderson. He drove his hardened rod deep inside her mouth and holding her head, systematically bobbed her in and out. At the same time, two others ****** her to give hand jobs. They, however, withdrew, not wishing to cum, except in her mouth. Anne sucked and sucked. Each one suck seemed longer than the previous one. Finally, she could feel Frank was on the verge of cumming. The eruption of cum was such that not only did it fill her mouth but she couldn't help but to spill some. Her head was arched back, making her swallow it all. Because she had hand jobbed the rest, they were not long in cumming, but she was ****** to swallow everything and she felt sick. She was lying on the floor, tired, sore and weak hoping her ordeal was over. However she was carried to the long table and placed on her back. Her stocking covered legs were ****** apart and Anne felt a huge cock enter her pussy. It was Paul and he began to pound her mercilessly. To make things worse he drove on in sync with the others shouting and clapping "More, more, more," each one appeared to be louder than the next. Eventually, Paul's cum exploded inside Anne and he yelled "Aaargh." , in deep satisfaction. "Wow boss. That was brilliant." "It sure was," he replied breathlessly. He turned to his exhausted ************* get the fuck out of here and let this be a lesson to you." Anne got up and fled to her room. As she did so, she could hear the laughter from them all. Once again the humiliated woman wept bitterly on her bed. 
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The New "Recruit" Twenty-seven year old Jenny Arnold was locking the door of her jewellery shop. Her mind was million miles away. It had been six months since both her parents had been killed in a horrific car accident. It was only after her ******* death that the fact that he had borrowed heavily from Paul Tierney to help her set up her business came to light. It was only then she became aware of the debt her ****** had left behind. Now she was ****** to pay an enormous sum every month. She had fallen behind in the payments because like most other shops in the town, her own was going through a slump. It was only a matter of time before she would receive a visit from Tierney's mob. It never occurred to her it would happen the way it did or that she would be subjected to the *********** that followed. Just having locked the door, the young woman was grabbed by two men. "Just relax sweetie, Mr. Coombs just wants to have a little chat." 'Eddie Coombs, Tierney's 'muscle', thought Jenny and shuddered. She was ushered into the back of a black car. Coombs was sitting there. "Hallo Miss Arnold." "Look Mr. Coombs, business is a little slack. I promise, I will make it up as soon as things pick up." "I'm afraid that's not good enough. The boss expects his money." "I'm working as hard as I can..." She was cut off. "You'll have to work harder. Get a second job maybe?" "Work is slack everywhere. I'd do anything to pay the money." "You're not a bad looking woman, Jenny," and began to feel her medium breasts through her white blouse. "Please. Don't do that," she whimpered. "I thought you said you'd do anything?" Jenny pursed her lips as he began to unbutton her blouse, exposing her lacy black bra with a front snap. He opened the front and her breasts sprang forth and her nipples hardened instantly with the cold air. He put his mouth to her right breast and began to suck and lick with brief intervals. Jenny just closed her eyes in disgust. Then he put his hand up her skirt, tearing her black tights and rubbing her trimmed pussy. As his rubbing became more intense, coupled with his sucking and licking of her breasts, she could not resist a moan. "Oh God, no. Please, nooo." The last word was dragged out as she exhaled. Suddenly, everything stopped. "You'll do." "What do you mean?" "I mean you'll do nicely for the second job I have in mind. You've got a great body and I know clients who will pay handsomely to fuck you." "Please. Don't make me do this." "You don't have any choice. You haven't used your best 'assets' yet," he responded with a grin. "What do you want?" asked Jenny in a subdued tone. "The *** of one of the boss's friends is celebrating his twenty-first tomorrow night. You're the boss's present. Do it right and we'll consider this month's instalment paid. You'll be picked up after work." He opened the car door and Jenny got out. Realising she was a mess, she returned to the shop, tidied herself up and drove home to her flat, wondering just what was to come. 