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les histoires de chrislebo

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There were flashes of light behind me as the buzzer
sounded and the door opened and more of the men from
out front followed us in. Half way down the hall Mr.
Riggs stopped at an open door and looked in. Then he
stepped inside and I followed. The little room was
about eight feet wide by five feet deep and I had not
gone very far before I felt something wet on my knees.
I thought at first that I was reding, but then I
realized that the liquid was cool and then the smell
hit me and I realized what I was kneeling in. I was
dragging my knees across cooling puddles of cum!

Mr. Riggs grabbed my hair and said, "If you do
everything that is required of you tonight, I won't
make you clean the floor with your tongue." I heard
laughter from the doorway and saw men gathered around,
fighting for a better view of me as I knelt helplessly
on the cement floor.

Mr. Riggs stepped back and one of his friends came
forward and pulled out a knife. He quickly cut through
the straps of my dress and then sliced through it where
it bunched around my waist, letting it fall away to the
floor. Then he snapped the remaining strap of my thong
and now I was wearing only my shoes, for all the good
they were doing me.

I was pulled down across a padded straight chair and
the three men that I came in with stood back against
the wall. Mr. Riggs said, "Gentlemen, my employee's cum
pig is a three-holer, and it is now open for business."

There was almost a fight at the door of the small room
as men jostled to get in line and soon I had cocks in
my mouth and my pussy, fucking me violently. These were
not the same kind of reserved, relatively sophisticated
gentlemen that I was made available to last night. For
one thing, a lot of these men needed help with permisteral
hygiene issues. Several times I found myself gagging
and on the verge of vomiting from the smell of unwashed
genitals. But on the plus side, none of them lasted
very long. They came and went very quickly, with little
effort on my part, and no pleasure. It was not until I
had been fucked by three or four men that someone
finally took my ass. He didn't prepare me first, or use
lube, except for the fresh cum dripping out of my
pussy, but his cock wasn't very large and it wasn't too

I didn't even try to keep track of how many men used
me. This wasn't even remotely sex. This was use and
offense, pure and simple. I didn't have to do much.
I just had to be there for them to use. Sometimes I was
on my stomach, getting fucked at both ends, but
sometimes they turned me over and with my head hanging
down on one side and my legs pulled up onto my stomach
they would use me that way. Nobody cleaned me up in
between fucks and I was soon aware of what a cum pig
was. I had cum everywhere. After a while, I was so
nasty that a lot of the men wouldn't even touch me.
Some didn't care, but mostly they were just standing
over me and beating off and spraying my face and body
with cum.

I had been on my back for a long time now, and my arms
were *******ing me. There were tears running down my
cheeks, partly from the shame and offense, but
mostly from the pain. The line never seemed to end. The
men kept coming and cumming and the line seemed
endless. I could not imagine that using a woman like
this would be a turn on for someone. It was disgusting.
I was disgusting. My eyes were glued shut with cum, I
had to breathe through my open mouth, my nostrils were
covered, and even my ears were full of it. And since my
mouth was open so that I could breathe, the men all
seemed to try to aim for my mouth.

My pussy and my ass and my lips had long since gotten
numb and the only pain that I felt was the pain in my
arms and in my back where the cuffs pressed into me. I
was crying quietly when the chair I was laying on shook
and I heard Mr. Riggs order me to my knees. I suddenly
realized that the line of men was gone. I dropped my
legs and struggled to twist around on my knees. There
were now more than little pools of cum on the floor
around me, it felt like a pond. My knees kept sliding
out from under me as I tried to figure out what Mr.
Riggs wanted from me now. I couldn't hear well, and I
couldn't see at all.

I heard men laughing and then I heard him calling,
"Here pig, come on girl, here pig."

I followed the sound of his voice as best I could and
we went back out into the hallway, still on my skinned
up knees, and continued on down to the back wall. I had
to keep following the sound of his voice as he called,
"Here pig," all the way down the hall.

I bumped my knees on a board and realized that I had
reached the back door and it was open and I was being
led outside. I carefully worked my way over the sill
and moved across gravel, cutting the hell out of my
knees and crying out in pain as I continued to follow
the calls of "Here pig."

I was finally ordered to stop and I heard a faucet
being turned on and suddenly I was hit with a sharp
blast of cold water. I screamed again, from the pain
and from the cold, but still, I was relieved to have
the slimy mess rinsed off. The hose moved all around,
spraying every inch of my body until they were
satisfied. Then they lifted me to my feet and sprayed
my lower legs and my cut up knees, and finally the hose
was shoved right up inside my pussy and allowed to run,
filling me with a much too strong spray of much too
cold water. As it moved around inside of me it hurt
like hell, but it sprayed back out around the end of
the hose and I was grateful to be getting cleaned out.

When they were satisfied that my pussy was clean they
bent me over and sprayed another blast of cold water up
my ass. Then they made me squat and expel it, and
repeated the process. I had been able to open my eyes
after my face was sprayed clean and I noticed that
there were a couple of dozen men standing around
watching in amusement as I was hosed down and given a
cold water enema.

I remembered now my confidence that after last night I
could handle anything Mr. Riggs could come up with. I
had underestimated Mr. Riggs.

When I was sufficiently rinsed off I was led back into
the book store and through the building and back out
front to the parking lot, still naked of course, my
clothing had been destroyed.

We stood there by the door for a few moments and soon
the limo came up and we got in. As soon as we were
seated I was put to work sucking off the three men
again, but my handcuffs were finally removed and it was
such a relief that there were tears in my eyes as I
rubbed my sore wrists.

The men were just as rough has they had been earlier.
They roughly powerd their cocks down my sore throat and
pinched and squeezed my tits and pulled my hair. The
car came to a stop on the side of the road and the
driver got out and came around and got in the back with
us. I was quickly put to work sucking him off and when
he had cum in my mouth we all got out.

It was very dark and the windows were tinted almost
black. I had no idea where we were. I looked around
when we got out and saw that we were parked at what
appeared to be a campground for the homeless. I saw
dirty old men everywhere, and they were all staring at
my naked body like they had not seen a woman with her
clothes off in years. Many of them probably had not.
They also did not look like they had bathed or changed
clothes in years.

Mr. Riggs said, "I am going to leave you here tonight
and I will pick you up at seven in the morning. But you
had best be standing right here when I return or I will
leave you here.

That was the last straw. I started begging and when he
started to turn away I started screaming at him. I
suspect now that that was what he was waiting for. He
had been trying to break me all along. Well, he finally
did. I absolutely refused to be left here, if I had to
throw myself under that limo, I was not going to let it
leave without me.

The three men started smiling evilly and Mr. Riggs' two
friends picked me up and held me down on the hot hood
of the car while Mr. Riggs took his belt off and began
whipping me vulgarly. It went on and on. My legs, my
stomach, he concentrated on my breasts for a long time;
he even whipped my face several times. I don't know how
long it lasted because I finally ******.

When I was next aware of my surrounding I was laying in
the middle of my cold cement driveway. My purse was
beside me and I looked at the time on my cell phone. It
was nearly three AM again. I looked down at my body and
I was a mass of welts. There were several places where
the skin had been broken, but mostly just ugly red

I started sobbing hysterically. I didn't know what to
do. I couldn't go inside like this. Brad would surely
******* Mr. Riggs. I couldn't stay out here much longer
either. Pretty soon the paper would be delivered and
people would be going to work. I thought about hiding
until Brad went to work, but that would be a problem
too. Brad would be worried and come looking for me.

Finally, in desperation, I called Midge. I was sobbing
and I apologized profusely, but she could hardly
understand me. At first she didn't even know who I was.
Finally I got hold of myself and told her that I needed
help. She asked where I was and she didn't even get
dressed, she rushed over in her robe.

I was hiding between our cars in the driveway when she
pulled up. She got out of her car and came over and
looked at me and said, "Oh my god! Jan! What in the
hell happened to you tonight?!"

"Mr. Riggs," I sobbed. "I can't led Brad see me like
this. He will ******* him!"

Midge said, "I would be glad to help him. Come on;
let's get you in the car."

She led me back to her car and gave me a blanket to
wrap around myself while she drove me to her house. She
led me inside and went upstairs and got David. He came
down, still mostly arelax until he saw me.

"Son of a bitch!" David exploded when he saw me. "Jan!
Riggs did that? What happened?" he asked."

I told them all about my evening, right from the
beginning. I kept apologizing for waking them up, and I
even said I was sorry that he ruined the dress, they
would have loved it.

Midge had been cleaning my wounds, but she said, "I'm
going next door and get Damon," and she got up and

I asked David, "Who is Damon? I really don't need more
people to see me like this."

David moved over beside me and put his arm around me
gently and said, "Damon is Dr. Damon Green. He is very
nice, you'll like him."

Ten minutes later Midge was back with Damon and I had
by then calmed down a little. David stood up and they
laid me down on the sofa and he examined my wounds. He
ended up taping one of them on the underside of my
breast. He said that my skin was not just lovely, but
resilient at my age, and he was reamisterably sure that
there would be no scarring. He put some strong
antiseptic on my knees and decided it would be best to
leave the cuts there open to the air. I thanked him and
he gave me a couple of strong pills for the pain. They
worked well, and quickly.

I thanked Midge and David, and apologized again. They
kept telling me to stop apologizing for what had been
done to me. I was starting to get worried about David
now. I sat up and wrapped the blanket back around me
and I insisted that he keep this to himself. In part
because I didn't want to get anyone in trouble, but
mostly because when Brad found out he would ******* Mr.

David said, "There is no way to hide those marks Jan.
Brad is going to find out. And what's to stop Riggs
from doing this again, if not to you, then to someone

I leaned back against the back of the couch and said,
"Oh god, I don't know, I can't think. I'm tired and I
hurt and I'm haveged. Great haves, by the way, I'd like
to get some more of these!"

I smiled at Midge and saw that she was crying. I tried
to put my arms around her but it hurt too much and I
stopped. I told her to stop crying. I was fine. I just
needed to stay here until Brad went to work, if they
didn't mind.

David went upstairs and started getting ready for work
while Midge made breakfast, well, coffee and toast. I
had some coffee and the warmth of the hot coffee seemed
to help my aching jaw. I couldn't chew though. I
remembered then that I had been beaten on the face too,
and I asked Midge how bad my face was. She cried again,
but she said, your face is fine, there are just some
red marks. It doesn't even look like they are going to

David came down and got his coffee and toast and
ordered Midge to get me a robe to wear. While she was
upstairs my cell phone rang and it was Brad. I told him
that everything was fine. I gave him the impression
that I had too much to take and it had been very late
and I had stopped off at David and Midge's house. I
told him that I would see him tonight.

Midge came down with a light robe and a pair of
slippers. I was grateful for those; I don't know what
happened to my shoes. I hadn't even realized that I was
barefoot. David looked at his watch and got a
thoughtful look on his face and stepped outside for a
minute. He came back in a few minutes later with Matt,
his driver, and they sat down and had another cup of

Midge looked at him curiously but he just said, "I'm
going in a few minutes late this morning."

A half hour later, David and Matt stood up and David
came to me and said, "Come on Jan, time to go."

I was fully under the effects of the haves by then and
didn't even question him. I let him guide me out to the
car and I kind of half slept as I leaned up against
him. The next thing I knew I was being gently shaken
and David helped me out of the car. I didn't recognize
where I was. It turned out to be a private back
entrance for the VPs at the plant.

I came to a stop when I recognized where we were and I
said, "Oh no, Mr. Burton please. I don't want to screw
things up."

He smiled and kissed my forehead and said, "Sweetheart,
relax, you are going to make them infinitely better.
Trust me on this."

I sighed and let him lead me inside and down a hallway
I had not seen before. There were no secretaries or
receptionists here. There was just a narrow hallway
that connected Mr. Morris' office and the six VPs'
offices and a large conference room, the conference
room where they held their morning meeting.

Mr. Burton pulled me inside and the quiet conversation
came to a sudden halt as we entered.

Mr. Burton said, "I'm so sorry for being late."

Everyone was looking at me and I saw that Mr. Riggs
still had that arrogant look on his face. He didn't
know what was going on, but he wasn't worried.

Mr. Morris looked up and said, "Heather, please leave
the room."

I hadn't even noticed that she was in the room!

Damn those are good haves!

Mr. Burton put his briefcase down and turned me towards
him and loosened the belt on my robe and pulled it off.
He turned me around to face the six other people in the
room and I just stood there, not knowing what to say or
do. All but one of them had already seen me naked and
had sex with me, though they hadn't seen me with
stripes before.

Mr. Morris said quietly, "David, what happened to her?"

Mr. Burton just pointed at Mr. Riggs.

Mr. Riggs shrugged and said, "So what, she's just a

Mr. Morris leaned forward and pushed a button and said,
"Heather, have my driver come in here."

Then he turned to Riggs and said, "Give me your keys."

Mr. Riggs looked like he had just been punched. He
couldn't believe that what he had done to me even
mattered. He stood up and reached into his pocket and
pulled out his keys and tossed them down the table to
Mr. Morris.

My robe was put back on and I held it closed. The
driver came in and Mr. Morris said to him, "Robert, I
want you to pick Mr. Riggs up at the front entrance and
drive him to his home. You will wait for him there, and
after he has packed a couple of suitcases you will take
him to the airport. You will go with him while he buys
a ticket to anywhere in the world as long as it out of
this state. Then you will wait with him until he has
boarded his plane and that plane has taken off. When he
has taken off you will call me and tell me that he is
gone and to what state or country he has gone."

He then turned to Mr. Riggs and said, "What I should do
is have you *******ed. I don't know people that do that,
but I know people that know people and more than
anything else I want to have you *******ed."

Mr. Riggs was now white as a ghost.

Mr. Morris continued. "For the first time in my life I
find myself hating someone. It is an ugly feeling. I am
having trouble controlling it. Here is your only
option, other than waiting around to be *******ed. You can
leave this state and not come back. Anything that you
want out of your house you had best hire someone to
come and get for you. If you leave the state
voluntarily, and send me your resignation, I will give
you a lukewarm letter of referral if asked. I would
highly recommend to you that you get professional help,
because you are a very sick fuck!"

I saw the looks on the faces of the VPs around the
room. They were all shocked. Not so much at what he was
doing to Mr. Riggs, but they had never heard him say
"fuck" before!

"What I should do now is power you to apologize to this
young lady. I would dearly love to beat you half to
death and power you to apologize to her. But it would
be meaningless, you would not mean it, your mind is so
screwed up that you don't even think that you did
anything wrong. Get out of my sight. NOW!"

Mr. Riggs stomped out, his face still white as a sheet.
Mr. Morris stood up and came around to me and gently
took me in his arms. He asked Mr. Burton, "Did you have
a doctor look at her?"

Mr. Burton nodded and said, "My neighbor. He is good,
and he won't say anything."

I looked up at Mr. Morris and said, "I'm sorry sir. I
didn't want to make any trouble."

I guess it was the haves, but I could have sworn I saw
tears in his eyes!


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I noticed the time; it was time to reply the ointment
that Midge had given me. I told them that I had to put
a cream on my stripes and asked them to wait for me.
They offered to help, and after making sure that they
didn't mind, I accepted.

I got the cream and stretched out on my blanket and
waited for the cooling cream.

They both gasped when they saw my stripes, but both
complimented me on my figure. While they gently applied
the cream to my body I tried to act like I wasn't
enjoying it so much. I told them that I was moving soon
and that my new house had a pool and suggested we could
all get together and apply suntan lotion to each other.

They both liked that idea. I was finding it difficult
to act like a patient while they massaged the cream
into my bruised skin. After they had covered me with
the cream, Madimister, who had been working on the lower
portion of my body, began gently massaging my pussy.

I moaned softly and said, "I don't know where you went
to medical school, Madimister. But you can practice
medicine on me anytime!"

Carol bent down and kissed me, carefully avoiding
touching my tender flesh, while Madimister leaned down and
began licking my pussy, just about the only part of my
body that wasn't bruised.

In no time at all I was panting and kissing Carol back
passionately, and soon I was totally oblivious to the
aches and pains that had been the focus of my life
since early this morning when they were inflicted on

I came in a very short time and they both kissed me
gently while I calmed back down. I finally relaxed back
onto the couch and they sat up. I thanked them
enthusiastically and promised to pay them back soon.
They both promised to hold me to my word. They stayed
around for a little longer and then they both kissed me
goodbye and left.

Shortly after they left, Brad came back downstairs. He
smiled at me and said, "I guess you can find the good
side of everything, can't you?"

I smiled and asked, "You saw them?"

He said, "I started to come downstairs to see if anyone
wanted anything, but I could see from the top of the
stairs that everyone seemed to be having what they
wanted. It almost makes me wish I wasn't feeling good,
I could have used a little of that kind of sympathy."

I laughed and the laughter didn't hurt. In fact, I
think it even made me feel better. I said, "Baby, if
you need nursing you come on over here. If I am
conscious, or even if I'm not, I am always ready to
make you feel better. Let's just avoid the missionary
position for a day or two."

Throughout the weekend and all of the next week,
someone was there to help me, either Midge came by, or
Carol or Madimister, or two of them, or all three of them.
We had a blast. They used up a whole jar of that cream
and Midge got another one. And each time they rubbed me
down it got more and more erotic. They were there long
after I needed them. We laughed and joked and told
stories and it reminded me of late nights in the dorm.
The only thing missing was a bag of pot.

By Tuesday I was almost back to normal. The stripes
were all but gone, and the pain was gone. The only
lasting injury was a small, but nearly healed cut under
one breast. And it didn't even hurt, though I would
have been reluctant to put a bra on.

On Wednesday they helped me pack up the boxes of things
that we were taking with us to the new house and on
Thursday, Midge got a truck from the plant, with a
driver, and we moved all of the boxes to the new house.
The girls went nuts when they saw it. Hell, so did I. I
could not have dreamed a more beautiful or more
beautifully decorated home. We unloaded all of the
boxes into one of the five bays of the garage and I
thanked the driver and tipped him liberally.

With the help of my new friends the party on Friday was
a big hit. To everyone's surprise, three of the four
remaining VPs' wives attended and not only got naked,
but let their hair down and joined in the fun and
games. It was decided that, except for Midge, they
didn't want to be in EPOD again, but they would enjoy a
party every now and then, and a chance to cut loose and
not worry about what anyone thought about them

I spent two hours upstairs in bed with Mo and he is
really getting back in the swing of things. I guess the
pump just needed priming. But he still confines his
extracurricular activities to me, and that's fine with

I tried a couple of times to establish some kind of
relationship with Grace Davis and Mrs. Gordon. They
were very cold and unreceptive and finally I gave up.
Luckily, Grace's husband, Tim, made senior VP and
filled Mr. Riggs' vacancy, so nobody ever sees Grace
any more, or Mrs. Gordon either. They avoid anyone that
works at the plant.

Midge and Carol and Madimister and I spend at least two
days a week together, usually around our pool. Some
days we go out, but most of the time we stay home and

Brad and I go out with the Burtons, or dine in and play
around, at least once a week, sometimes more. We have
invited Carol and Jeff over and Madimister and Carl,
trying to get to know them better and develop some kind
of relationship. But Jeff and Carl are both assholes,
not to put too fine a point on it. They are stuffy and
judgmental and we really don't care much for either of
them. I feel sorry for Carol and Madimister. So do Carol
and Madimister, I think. I sometimes think that the only
reamister the girls stay married to them is so that they
can stay in EPOD.

Things have pretty much returned to what passes for
normal now. It's like Riggs never existed. The girls at
the plant, the receptionists and secretaries, are all
aware that Brad and I gave his secretary, Jennifer, a
car and a house to help her get through the hard time
she was having and whenever Brad needs anything at work
he gets it before he realizes that he needed it. And
when I drop by for a visit with Brad, or to service one
of the VPs, they do everything but run in front of me
and throw rose petals in my path.

I have gone out to lunch with Mr. Morris' secretary,
Heather a few times. She is a great woman, she pretty
much runs that plant from behind the scenes and Mr.
Morris knows it. The last time I came in and spent a
little time with Mr. Morris in his office I suggested
to him that Heather should have her title changed to
Administrative Assistant and get a salary that reflects
what she actually does around there.

As soon as I said it I could almost see the light come
on in his head. Mr. Morris said, "Yes! I can't believe
that I didn't think of that!" Then he looked at me and
said, "You know Jan, when I finally retire, I think I
am going to leave you in charge."

I laughed and said, "You will like hell! I am needed at
home. Someone has to kept their eye on the pool boy and
keep my girlfriends satisfied!"



Posts: 167456 Pictures: 3 
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"Ready Amber?" Bob said, while moving to her side. He
patted her naked ass cheek, while Amber instinctively
responded by arching her back even more, just before
Bob's hand came slicing through the air, landing on its
target with a stinging slap, which caused all three of
the girls' to shudder. Bob's hand lingered on Amber's
left ass check, as he softened the stinging blow, with
soft circles. Four more blows followed in quick
secession, as the girls' watched helplessly.

Finally Bob pulled up Amber's panties, but not before he
checked out his handy work, which left Amber's left ass
check with a soft pink glow. "Off you go, have a good

"Thank you Boss," Amber mumred, pulling down her skirt,
as she walked past the other girls, head hung low.

"What the fuck was that?" Felicia whispered into her
sister's ear. "And what the fuck are those," she said
this time a little louder, her eyes spotting the two
video cameras behind them, hung high, in the far

"Those," Bob said hearing her last question. "Those are
surveillance cameras, as we count money in this
office...Wanna see?"

Bob rolled his chair over and opened the doors, to the
large cabinet, next to his desk. He loved showing off
his security system that he spent so much on and spent
so much time watching

"See there you are," Bob teased, pointing to the

"Wow," was all Daisy could moan to her sister, as she
spotted the bank of TV monitors.

Bob explained that two of the screens were of his office
and there were six for the store's interior and two for
the exterior. What surprised Daisy the most was the fact
that the monitors weren't in black in white, but in
living color.

What surprised Felicia the most, was the stunning
display that they just witnessed, was captured on tape.
What Bob didn't tell the girls was that there were two
hidden camera's, one in the top of a fake locker, and
the other in the wall clock that hung over his desk.

"But the girls' frigging change in here as well!"
Felicia snapped, as she couldn't hold it in anymore.
"You tape them changing?"

"Yah, it helps prevent thievery, if the money is right
at the end of the night, and if nothing happens, we just
tape over the tapes." Bob said, of which only the five
first words were true.

"But still, I mean they shower too. Like that blonde
chick just did!" Felicia barked. "And then that spanking

"It's like I said before, plus no one sees the tapes, if
there isn't a problem, but me," Bob said knowing he was
going to hell anyways, so what was one more lie. In
truth, Bob had made a pretty penny selling his little
tapes in the Far East, were there is quite the market
for voyeur tapes of American Women. Of course he kept a
copy for himself and his buddies to enjoy, but he
selfishly kept the two hidden camera tapes, all to

"So you have, like, seen ever girl that has ever worked
here, you know?" Daisy embarrassingly tried to ask.

"Naked! Yah I guess so, at one time or another," Bob
said proudly. "And almost every girl that has applied
here as well."

"What the?" Both girls' managed.

"Yah it's part of the job interview. I have to see how
they look in my special uniform, as I have a reputation
to uphold." Bob said, patting himself on the back.

"So you have them, what change in front of you?" Felicia

"You make it sound dirty; it's like I said, this is the
only office that's all," Bob said a little flustered.

"Yah but still, that's so..." Felecia started.

"It's simple, my store, my rules, it not that big of a
deal anyways," Bob said, not really believing the last
part of it himself.

"I just can't believe they would do that, don't they
have any pride?" Felicia snapped.

"Pride? I am sure many of them are very proud of how
they look," Bob said, but followed with. "Ok honestly,
some just need a good job and I provide that and more."

"Still," Felicia moaned.

"Look this isn't high school anymore Sweetie...This is
the real world, and I think it's time for you to grow
up, and stop sucking on your Momma's Tit!" Bob snapped.

"Fuck you, you perverted, fucking cock-sucking,"

"Stop it you ass!" Daisy cried, slapping the back of
Felicia's head, interrupting her tirade. "He's right,
grow up."

"All right break it up, or get out!" Bob barked,
ignoring Felicia's one fingered response.

"Look your Mother said you were up for this, but I think
you two should go apply at McDonalds or something, this
gig takes a set," Bob hissed.

"We're sorry really," Daisy moaned. "I mean we really
wanna help out the hungry."

Bob figured it was best to stall a few minutes now, so
he made a meaningless phone call, giving a few minutes
to let Felicia's red pressure cool.

"Are you both ready to continue?" Bob asked, after he
talked to his dog Spot, on his home answering machine.
It took a couple of minutes for both of them, to finally

"Ok, but I know were going to have a Hissy fit again,
but I have your elves costumes right here and I have to
see if they fit and everything," Bob said, sarcasm
dripping off his words.

"Oh yah, well give them to us and we'll call yah from
home and let yah now," Felicia answered rather wisely
and Daisy quickly moaned. "Yah that sounds good."

"Can't, I have a couple of other girls coming in later,
just in case," he lied. "Now let's just try these on."

The girls' watched as he put two small plastic bags,
that held the elf uniforms, on his desk. Bob leaned back
in his office chair and matched the girls' poses, by
folding his arms across his chest too, before he barked.
"Now take off your clothes."

"What?" The girls' screamed simultaneously.

"You heard me!" Bob barked, snapping forward, slamming a
fist into the table. "Get naked!"


"No buts, I have to permisterally make sure everything
fits!" Bob barked louder then their pleas, as he was
used to this part.

"C'mon Bob," the girls' moaned.

"And I have to check out the merchandise, I mean see how
you look in them, your costume that is." Bob said a bit
flustered, as his mind already pictured them in the

"C'mon lets get the fuck out of here Daisy," Felicia
snapped, as she tugged on her sister's sweatshirt. "I'm
sure when we tell mom about our scummy neighbor's
request, she will understand."

"You're forgetting one thing," Daisy said, turning to
her sister, her voice trembling. "Mom was one of the
elves last year."

"Yah she was," Bob quickly said, his mind rushing back
to when their very lady stood, in their very steps.
His golfing buddy and next-door neighbors wife. The
proud Ivory League Graduate, stripping to the skin. All
in the name of charity, all in front of Bob's hungry
eyes. Bob almost shook with excitement, as he remembered
the good fight she also put up, before her fancy panties
hit the floor. It's also one of his favorite tapes to

"But there's no way she..." Felicia finally moaned. "I
mean why would she send us if she knew?"

"Maybe she is trying to teach us a lesmister or something?"
Daisy moaned.

"Maybe she's a Cunt!" Felicia barely finished her vulgar
comment, when Daisy's slap found its mark across her

"She's our mom, You Retard!" Daisy snapped and then
grabbed one of the plastic bags that were on the desk,
as a dazed Felicia rubbed her cheek.

"What the fuck are you doing?" A still stunned Felicia
moaned, watching her sister through glassy eyes.

"Trying on the costume. What's it look like?" Daisy
mumred, lifting her sweatshirt over her head, then
tossing the other bag at Felicia. "Miss Gutter-Mouth, is
a Little Sissy after all."

"No Sa," Felicia mumred, watching her sister slipping
off her jeans next. Bob also watched, stone-faced, but
oh how his insides turned.

Felicia slowly moved next to her sister, who was now
standing in front of Bob's desk. Dressed only in a white
half-shirt and white cotton panties. Her hands on hips,
while glaring at Felicia.

Felicia looked at Bob, and then her sister and then at
the monitors. Debating what to do and which way to turn.
She also hid a little secret behind her tough exterior.
Human eyes had never gazed upon her naked body, since
she hit womanhood. Not male, not female, not even her
sister, as they each had their own bedroom.

Oh she had spent many a night, staring at her new body's
reflection though. Wondering why god had made her
breasts so big? Her nipples so puffy? She also wondered
why he would make her hips flare, her ass so prominent?
Oh how she yearned to be little again, when things were
easier, life simpler. So much so that she hid her
womanly curves under large clothing, even trying to
cheat Father-Time, by shaving off all of her light pubic

"Felicia where did yah go?" Daisy said snapping her
fingers, breaking Felicia's storybook like trance. "I
mean help me out here."

Felicia understood her sister's plea, as they locked
eyes. Taking a deep breath, she slowly unbuttoned her
jeans. "Can't yah just turn around or something,"
Felicia said turning to Bob, who just crossed his arms,
as he had waited too long to avert his eyes now.

With a frown, Felicia turned to face her sister again
and pulled her sweatshirt over her head, her blue sports
bra coming into view. "At least she's family," she
thought. After removing her boots, she again faced her
sister and slipped off her jeans.

"See that wasn't so hard," Daisy whispered, trying not
to laugh at her sister's large white, granny like

"If you only knew?" Felicia thought, as she tremred
with embarrassment. Bob, thinking how much he enjoyed
his job, hid a wide smile, yet there was still work to
be done.

Daisy emptied her bag onto Bob's desk, examining her
costume next. "Not much here," she mumred, her sister
following suit.

"Oh I almost forgot," Bob said, opening his desk draw.
"Your panties."

Bob rose from his seat and approached the girls, who
were a little uneasy with his closeness, now. He handed
them each a small package.

"These are our panties?" Daisy moaned, at the small

"Yah, can't have yah wearing last year's elf's panties,
now can we?" Bob asked with a chuckle, as he leaned
against the front of his desk, settling in between the
two girls.

"No way?" Felicia snapped, as she saw her sister hold
them up first, before taking hers out.

"They're kind of small Bob!" Daisy moaned.

"Well try'em on, lets see," Bob said with glee. "Yes
lets see if we are naturals, just like mom!" He quickly

"You're kidding right?" Daisy moaned and her sister
followed with a few F bombs included.

"Lets go, I haven't gut all day," Bob snapped, as if he
was growing impatient. He just had to see the treasures
that they were hiding.

"Wait turn off the cameras, and I will," Daisy moaned
and her sister followed. "Oh yah turn those fucking
things the fuck off."

"No can do, there on timers," Bob said figuring they
didn't have a clue about technology, and he added
crossing his fingers. "No one will see them."

"Oh man," Daisy said turning her back to the cameras.
She filled her chest with air before she started to
slide her cotton panties down her legs, her sister
begging her to stop. "Just do it," she countered.

When Daisy stood up, to change pairs, Bob's eyes lit up.
Natural blondes always did that to him, as did the deep
pink flesh that it did little to hide, especially when
Daisy stepped into her new panties. Bob was even more
delighted at his little green, mesh, thong panty
selection now. Delight into delirious, when his new elf
even followed his twirling finger motion with her body,
without a peep.

"Not bad," Bob moaned, in one of the poorest choices of
words ever.

"Let's try on the top." Bob said, ignoring the
statuesque like Felicia's death ray of a glare, when he
turned to her.

"What about my skirt?" Daisy moaned, still felling

"Well that's easy," Bob said, as he lifted the skirt
from the desk.

"Velcro," he purred, as he reached around a surprised
Daisy's waist and squeezed the sides together.


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"Terrific," Daisy moaned, as she felt like this skirt
was even smaller then the ones the sales girls wore.

"And now the top," Bob said trying to contain his
excitement. He just loved seeing a new pair of tits for
the first time. "It's a little tricky, so I'll help."

"I think I can manage," Daisy moaned.

"We wouldn't want to ruin it," Bob said as he picked up
the top. "Just take off that shirt and I'll show yah,
and if yah wearing a bra, lose that too."

"Now hold on just a sec buddy," Felicia screamed,
grabbing the top out of his hands. "No way, this thing
is like see-through. See Sis. No way, not in front of

"Kids!" Bob said with a laugh. "Nonsense this is an
adult's only Christmas special, it's held upstairs after
hours. You buy a CD, you get a picture with Santa and
his Elves for a buck. I already have elves for the kid's
party. Didn't your lady tell yah?"

"No," Felicia snapped. "A buck?"

"Well it still raises money for the hungry," Bob said
reclaiming the top. "Even more than the kids one in

"Pictures?" Felicia moaned.

"So where were we?" Bob asked, as if he didn't know.

"Well if it's for a good cause," Daisy moaned, lifting
her top over her head, just as Felicia was going to
argue more. Bob instantly devouring Daisy's large
breasts, topped with ever so slightly, puffy pink
nipples, so her pleas would've fallen on deaf ears

"Ok this is how this goes," Bob said, as he slipped
Daisy's arm into one sleeve of the mesh top and then the
next, watching her breasts jingle and jangle.

"And we tie these like this," Bob said, as he moved
behind Daisy, tying it tight behind her neck.

Grabbing the two remaining pieces dangling in front.
"And then it ties in the front like this," Bob moaned,
as he slid the material and his hands over her breasts
and tied it in a bow.

Daisy squirmed away from his lingering hands. "Right I
see now."

"What are we Fucking Porno Elves?" Felicia shot, as
noticed her sister's nipples could still be seen under
the thin stretched material.

"Sexy Elves," Bob purred and he was right. Daisy was one
of the sexiest yet. Oh how Bob yearned to slide down her

"Slutty Elves is more like it!" Felicia snapped when Bob
had Daisy put her heeled boots back on and practice
picking up gifts from the floor. Felicia gasping, as her
sister's short skirt was doing little to conceal her
bare ass cheeks.

"It's a fine line," Bob oozed, admiring the view.

"Oh yah Fuck-Nuts! If there's a line, you fucking
crossed that a long time ago mister!" Felicia screamed.

"Get out of my office right this instant!" Bob shouted.
"No one talks to me like that in my store!"

"She's sorry," Daisy moaned, stepping in-between the

"Fuck that I am!" Felicia snapped. "I'm out of here."

Felicia fumingly bent down and started to pull on her

"You forgot one thing smart-ass," Daisy snapped. "I have
the car keys."

"Give them to me, you fucking bitch!" Felicia screamed,
as she tried to grab her sister, but with her jeans
still wrapped around her knees, she quickly crashed to
the floor. Bob quickly hopped up on the desk,
instinctively knowing enough to get out of the way.

"Not a chance, if I have a living breath in me!" Daisy
cried, jumping on top of Felicia, flailing away with
blows to the sides of Felicia's head, who was deflecting
most of them with her arms.

"No We Are Doing This!" Daisy screamed. "For once we are
going to listen to mom, and it's only for one night, and
it's for a good cause, and a million other reamisters!"

"Yah like what?" Felicia asked, as the blows stopped.

"Oh like for starters," Daisy said, as she flipped her
sister over and sat on her lower back. "It's always been
you and me. I even think you stayed back on purpose, so
we'd be in the same grade, and you've caused me grief
ever since."

Bob watched in stunned horny silence, as Daisy unsnapped
Felicia's sports bra, then struggled to get it free from
the protesting girl.

"Like when you got us kicked out of Brownies," Daisy
hissed as she finally won the tug of war for her
sister's bra and tossed it on the floor with the rest of
the discarded clothes, now strewn about. "Oh and then
there was band, then softball and let's not forget I
couldn't date until you did. Well we know how that

Daisy suddenly spun around and smacked Felicia on the
ass, "no it's time I do something mom and dad should
have done a long time ago."

Daisy grabbed Felicia's underwear and pulled it down to
her knees, but not with out a struggle, as her sister
struggle mightily to prevent it. The sounds off tearing
fabric filling the room, before it was replaced with the
sound of a quick slap finding flesh.

"Please no, not this! Not here and not in front of him!"
Felicia cried, as a second slap made her ass cheek

"Please in case you haven't noticed Bob's a bit of a
pervert and I don't think he will mind," Daisy said,
giving Bob a dirty look. Bob was helpless to respond, as
he was doing his best to hide his erection with his

"Plus he gave me the idea in the first place," moaned
Daisy, whose tight top had slid up over her breasts. She
continued her spanking, until both of Felicia's ass
cheeks glowed with her handprints. Bob simply watching,
loving every ass smacking blow.

"Now get up and try on your costume, and stop crying you
pussy." Daisy teased, as she pulled Felicia to her feet.
"Put these on first."

"Why are you doing this?" Felicia pleaded. "Why now?"

"Just put them on." Daisy snapped, while fixing her top.

"But I'll be naked, I mean he's already staring at my
boobs, our boobs," Felicia said with a sniffle.

"Yah I guess he's a boob guy, but in-case you haven't
noticed, we have big boobs, they run in our family, so
get use to it." Daisy said teasingly.

Felicia, with a tear in her eye, finally pulled her torn
panties all the way down. Suddenly, she remembered that
she was shaved bald. Strangely, she thought, neither of
them said a word or made fun of her. Although they were
snickering at her, don't look at me I'm naked, pose.

Felicia quickly slid on her new panties, still giving
Bob an eye full in the process. The skirt was next, the
Velcro barely making it around her hips. Daisy helped
with her top next, which seemed even tighter than her
own. It left Felicia's puffy nipples on full display.
Felicia finished by slipping her boots back on.

"Yah happy now Bob?" Daisy asked, standing by her
humiliated sister, whose face now matched her ass, in
the puffy and red category. "We got the gig?"

Bob could only nod. He had seen a lot in his days, but
nothing had prepared him for the Johnston girls'
performance. He watched as they threw on their
sweatshirts, over their costumes, and headed for the
door, jeans in hand.

"See yah Saturday night Bob. We'll call for the time,"
Daisy said, as she held her sobbing sister in her arm.
"Oh and Bob, now you can do something with that LITTLE
problem in your pants," she added with a laugh, slamming
the door behind them.

Bob sat in stunned silence for several minutes, before a
wide grin came over his face, as he turned to the TV
monitors. He felt their tape would surely get him a few
extra dollars, after it was edited, and sold over seas.

He also knew that the Johnmister sisters would be raising
quite a few dollars at this year's Christmas Special,
among other things. Bob smiled devilishly as he pictured
them selling tapes of their little performance, there as
well. The distracted girls had ***ly signed their
model release forms, now locked away in his desk.

"Still here?" He moaned, looking down at his tented
pants. "Now to take care of my little problem... Wait
Little Problem! Ah that bitch!"

Bob quickly undid his belt and pants, offering his
apologies. "Now who wanted Saturday night off, oh yes
Wendy, she will do just fine," he said, before calling
her name into the intercom system.

"Well Daisy my girl, we shall see who gets the last
laugh." Bob said with evil laughter, until there was a
knock on his door.

"You wanted to see me boss?" A young blonde woman, who
had only been working there a couple of weeks, asked,
peeking in the door.

"Yes Wendy come in." Bob oozed and that's exactly what
he intended on doing. "Ah, about Saturday night."

The End


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Alone - 1


Lorraine Marie Burk checked her e-mail every day before
going to bed; no one ever really mailed her anything
permisteral. But she did use it for reminders of special
TV programs she wanted to drop in on and other special
dates of interest.

She was going through the inbox this particular day and
spied a message with slut written in the subject field.
There was no address in the "from field," Lorraine was
immediately angry at the boldness of this prank. She
was just about to delete it when it occurred to her
that its contents might just provide a clue to its

Lorraine called up the message and froze in her seat
(as anger slowly turned into fear), there in front of
her was her blemished sexual past. There staring her in
the face was the old newspaper article about takesen
orgies, and lewd behavior, from some of the female
sororities at the college.

Her college, the one she attended over five years ago,
it was complete with a picture of her and a list of
charges, public exposure, excite, complete with
her address.

Her stomach was a ball of heavy iron as she realized
the implications to her career and future here in her
new hometown, if her boss were to find out about this
story. The Hollingsworth family owned the computer
parts company where she worked as a receptionist, and
they were very straight laced, "no this wouldn't do at
all she thought."

She had been working there less than a year now, she
wasn't getting rich but she was comfortable. "Why now?"
she asked herself, when things had just started to turn
around in her favor.

Lorraine read the text of the message in total


As you see from the message I now hold your future
in my hand.

First, you will check your e-mail each morning and
again at noon. This is how I will communicate
instructions to you on exactly what it is I want

Tonight you will leave your bedroom curtains open
and your night-light on as you undress. Your Master
needs to inspect his slut's imperfections the hour
will be ten PM.

You will strip yourself down to your panties they
should be red lace. You will then lay on the bed
place your hand in them and masturbate. When you
have climaxed you may check your e-mail and I will
tell you what you need to do next.

If you deny me you will be punished. Your boss and
work place peers will receive a copy of the news


My god she thought the unmitigated nerve of this permister
is unbelievable. Lorraine began to consider her options
and realized quickly that she had few, could this be
her x-husband, no Tom may have been a jerk but he would
never do this it wasn't his style.

Lorraine racked her brain but couldn't think of a
single permister, past or present, which she had offended
enough to make them this vengeful. She was afraid and
couldn't afford to lose her job, not now.

The charges stemmed from a night out on the town with
classmates that ended at a friend's house party. All
the girls were takeing that night "too much" and
things got out of hand as a neighbor called to complain
about the noise. Then there were the haves floating
around that night.

She never meant to even try the pills but was urged on
to it by the taunting of her classmates. After that
things got a little wild sexually, before the police
arrived they caught Lorraine in a compromising
situation with a boy there she didn't even know.

There was a ball of intense anxiety deep in her stomach
as she tried to think of way out of this predicament
and it was eating away at her confidence. At last
completely exasperated she knew she had to obey at
least until she could figure something out. Despair was
withering her disposition to outright gloom and the
future suddenly seemed exceedingly ominous.

Suddenly her attention was focused on a new incoming
message, it was from him, was it a him... she didn't
even know that much for certain.


Buy a dildo before tonight and use it as I watch.


She sat absorbed with the prospect of self-use in
front of some whacko voyeur she didn't know "less than
appealing." She found herself wondering what he would
be doing as he watched her, masturbating no doubt "she

Somehow she was then caught up in her minds eye with
the vision of a man stroking his cock as he watched her
fuck herself. The vision stirred her flesh to a mild
lustful condition that sent a little tingle of pleasure
to tease the face of her vulva.

Lorraine ***ly moved her hand between her legs
and gave a little squeeze there. She found herself
imagining a man alone in the shadows breathing hard,
his huge cock hard, and erect, masturbating as he
watched her nude on the bed. She was shocked to find
her own hand caressing the warmth of her mound and then
realized she was swollen and wet below.

She chastised herself for her naughty fantasies and
decided to take a shower to get her mind off such crude
and tempting thoughts. Lorraine could not will her mind
away from repeated mental scenes of night ravishment by
some handsome, masked intruder and her shower did
nothing to soothe her climate.

After Lorraine finished her shower she dressed and
headed out to a sex shop in a small nearby Iowa town
where no one would recognize her. The cheeks of her
face were flamed before she even reached the entrance
of the establishment.

She was thankful once inside that the place was nearly
deserted. She found the devices immediately and stood
sorting out her selection. She chose a black eight-inch
super soft toy with multiple speed adjustment.

She was thankful; as she checked out that the clerk was
a female her eyes never met those of the employee once
through the entire transaction. Lorraine sped back home
and rushed into the house as if someone were giving

She was too nervous to eat anything that evening and
tried to keep her mind occupied and off the relentless
march of the clock. At last, seemingly decades later
she went to her bedroom and pulled back the floor
length curtains.

Lorraine stepped to the light switch and rotated the
knob until the lighting fixture achieved maximum
brightness in the room. Her stomach was twisting inside
as a war between the two desires that tore her raged
through the battlefields of her heart and mind, the
desire to run or submit.

Lorraine stood before the high double window facing the
wooded hillside at the back of her home. The bastard
was out there somewhere she knew, waiting to get his
rocks off while humiliating her.

She proceeded to undress in front of the floor length
set of double panes facing the hills behind her home.
After her dress she removed her red lace bra and
allowed her long luxurious nails to slowly circle and
tease her swollen nipples.

Lorraine threw her head back to allow her long
shimmering hair to flow down her body as her nails
tormented the flesh of her body inciting that familiar
craving for sexual gratification. May as well make a
show of it she had decided in her rising anger, and
give the bastard his moneys worth.

She slowly stroked her way to her prominent mound and
began to lavish that area of her body with slow
deliberate manipulations. She closed her eyes and could
almost hear him breathing, his hand traversing that
large mass of flesh as he watched her degradation. She
slid her hand down inside her panties and began to
gently flick her clitoris.

She was beginning to go wet below and could feel the
lips of her vulva swell, as she caressed the sensitive
flesh of the area. The rising power of her lust was
prompting her mind to continual visions of her

Lorraine turned and slowly made her way to the edge of
her bed pausing at the nightstand beside it to retrieve
her device. She sat on the edge of the bed facing the
window, her legs lewdly splayed open.

She kicked her red lace panties off and turned the toy
on. She began to slowly pass the device over the top of
her crevice, lingering at the most sensitive area of
her clit.

She wondered if he might be stroking his cock just a
little faster right now as he watched. She half wished
at the moment that he was in the room with her, so she
could watch him too.

She was getting increasingly aroused as she continued
fantasizing about his cock and what she wanted him to
do with it. She eased the soft vibrator in between the
lips of her now saturated cunt lips and shook
internally as she moaned in ecstasy.

She seductively tilted her back with her lips parted
slightly as she used one hand on the device and the
other to squeeze her ripe firm breasts. She was driving
the dildo in slowly and gyrating its shaft inside her
passage, hoping the freak enjoyed the show.

She, in awhile, would literally explode in orgasm and
it was all that bastards fault "she thought." The
fucking prick coward didn't even have enough courage to
come down here and fuck her into the bliss she now
needed in permister.

She threw herself back on the bed and began to fuck the
dildo into her tight, wet passage, with heroic effort.
Her moaning increased as the super soft buzzer
attempted to invade her uterus.

Her hungry cunt would not allow her to stop, it
demanded satisfaction from her and she was more than
willing at the moment to appease it. She had nearly the
whole of the eight-inch length impaled deeply into her
weeping opening and waves of non-stop pleasure were
rolling over her fevered body.


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My Wife Made me a Sissy Fag for Black Cock

My wife was working for a computer wholesale firm in Atlanta, Georgia for several years. She would often come home to tell me what a hot bunch of guys worked with her. One in particular was a real good looking black guy named Howard. She fantasized about him all the time when we were fucking. She would say how much she wanted him to be fucking her and that I was a fag with a cocksucking hungry mouth! This turned me on BIG TIME! I loved to hear her call me a cocksucking fag and that she was going to have Howard fuck her and tell him that she needed to have his big black cock because I was a fag! I worked late every weeknight at a mortgage firm as a manager and I was always in charge and acted straight and business like. I am a former male model and am used to girls giving me looks and this makes all the fag cocksucking thing all the more impactful when having sex with a girl,
I tell them how much I love big cocks and for some reamister it makes every single girl who hears that just go fucking wild with lust! They all start to talk during sex about how they want to see me suck a big cock. Anyway, my wife actually asked Howard to come to our condo that we were living in at the time after her and Howard had gone to lunch a few times and made out in the car. She said, that she liked sucking his cock in the car and kissing him in public that made her feel slutty. He loved her big 34dd tits and always grabbed her round ass cheeks. She is now 30 but was in her 20's then. She's 5'3", 105lbs, blonde, hazel eyes, very hot big tits and hot ass that begs to be fucked. She had Howard over one night and as soon as he walked in the front door he told her to drop to her knees and suck "Daddy's cock slut" She sucked that 9.5 inch black cock like a woman possessed!

He bent her over the stair entry to the upstairs bedrooms and fucked her right there from behind. She told all this to me later of course. But it wasn't till that night when all the seriousness of making me a real Big Black Cock sucking fag came into reality. Well sort of.they called me at work that night and my wife gave the phone to Howard who spoke to me in a rather dominant manner about how he is going to fuck the little slut and make her beg for him to fuck her in the ass! Then he said that she told him that I was a fag and asked me if this was true. "Do you like big black cock?" I told him absolutely! I couldn't speak feely but I answered all the other questions in his favor. He asked if I could take his 9.5 incher down my throat and I said "oh yeah" and if I wanted to see him fuck my wife? "Oh yeah" and if I wanted to get fucked in the ass? "Absolutely"!

At this point he said he would leave me a little something and "hook up with me later". When I came home about 9:30pm she told me to get upstairs and she was waiting for me naked in the bed and had me on top of her in record time kissing me and whispering in my ear as I mounted her on top about how great Howard's massive big black cock is! She was totally in love with him and I was to be a fag from now on. She made me suck her tits and really wanted me to lick them. I found out that the thing Howard had left me was a huge load of cum on her boobs! Man it tasted good! She told me that he came many times that night. First downstairs on her face, then all over her ass and in her pussy which she says will happen many times from now on, and she ate some of it and told me how sweet it is. I must agree from the small taste left for me, it did taste sweet! Soon after Howard came over when I could be there and I was introduced to him as my Master. Howard and my wife had me on my knees in 3 minutes from the moment he walked in! I love this black mans cock! I can't keep my mouth off of it!



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They both verbally used me all night long when he fucked my throat! She couldn't believe how much cock I could take down my gullet! Howard called me a faggot cocksucking wimpy white boy. She called me worthless fag and this made me want to perform with even more gusto! I love to be called a fag while we have sex whether he is there or not. Howard made love to her that night with me right there watching. She told me to lick Howard's perfect ass while she gets "fucked by a real man". This turned him on more than anything that night. He really gets off hearing that he is her man and I am a total fag. He pulled me from behind him (as I was licking his ass) by the hair, to his side and he started breathing heavy and she was yelling, (almost screaming) for him to fuck her hard "so the fag sees that master cock of yours in my pussy"!

He asked me if I wanted to see my master's big black cock up your wife's ass? I said yes and took it out of her pussy and she said feed it to him! Howard took that monster black cock out and pulled my face up to his beautiful black cockshaft and I started to suck it into my mouth really working my tongue all over the black cock. I tasted her pussy and his precum and just went wild on it! He took it out of my mouth and as he balanced on his knees and her still on her back, he gently slipped it into her tight little asshole. Then she said to slam that cock into her so he did and man did that look good to watch! My wife is a real slut. He pumped it slow and deep and then faster making that cock grow to mammoth purportions! It seemed to gain another whole inch in length and another in circumference! It got so fucking HUGE! This man loves to fuck. They fucked for several more minutes as I was licking his nipples and then rose on my knees a little my wife said "kiss the fag Howard, kiss him the way you do me, like he's a girl" This turned me on so much I powerd the issue and went for his big black lips and he really got off on it! Howard started moaning as I put my tongue in his mouth he actually sucked my tongue. His moaning as we kissed made him go crazier cause he realized that my wife was pinching his nipples and he put his tongue in my mouth this was great! I love sucking his tongue.

He opened his mouth to ask, "are you my bitch?" I answered a contented "yes master" and my wife said "tell your master Howard you're his fag now", "tell him!" I kept sucking his tongue and managed to say it. "I'm your fag master Howard", "I want to be your fag". Howard couldn't hold back any longer then grabbed my hair again and yelled "then eat this you fucking faggot" and he pulled that massive big black cock which had grown no doubt to a full ten inches and I opened my mouth as he lowered my head to meet his great huge cock and it went right in and as deep as possible down my cock hungry mouth and I throated it as he shot an incredible load of cum right into my throat! It was a very large cum shot! I couldn't possibly keep that big black cock in my throat at the size it seemed to grow and grow as it shot! I had let some out and opened my mouth as my wife saw it shoot and spasm even more cum right into my mouth and on my tongue! She said "that's it Howard, shoot that sweet cum in the fag's mouth, make the fag eat it!" I was lost in his cum load. I was swallowing the cum as fast as my throat could manage, licking the cum with my tongue and swirling it all over my lips and in my mouth and on my teeth. I knew my wife was watching me enjoy it all. Howard said, "you are a fag white boy!" he giggled a bit. "He's a total fag!" declared my wife. I cleaned him up with my mouth and he left the bed to get dressed to leave. Since then we bought a nice home with a pool and Howard has had many of his black friends over for parties where they all fuck my mouth and use me like the real wimp white cocksucker that I am. My wife gets fucked in her mouth, pussy and ass at the same time and I am usually also getting fucked in the mouth by at least two black studs at the same time. Howard is in the Army reserves and this has allowed us to meet some rather studly enlisted men in both Army and Marines.

I have sucked big black cocks as large as 10.5 inches! Really! I mean some huge fucking black cocks! On summer evenings we have had as many as seven big black cocked studs over. They walk naked in the house and by the pool making us service their cocks. Howard proudly entertains as if it is his house and he carries on as the dominator of both my wife and myself. But my wife takes the role as if Howard is her husband and she tells the many black men to fuck the fag in the mouth and ass. So I now take it up the ass like a real fag. This particular night comes to mind when a black guy named Richard came over with Howard and five other black guys. They had all been on the phone with my wife before and she told them how much of a fag that I am and that she needs to get fucked by real men. Well they came and immediately started calling me a worthless cocksucker and to get them takes and made me walk around the pool naked as I served them and one moment this Richard grabbed my cock as I slowly poured his cocktail and he had a gentle touch. Our eyes met and he told me to get on my knees, which is what I was planning anyway. Then he reached around my neck and gently asked me if I could take a "big cock?" I said as big as you can give it, I can take it. My wife had just happened to be walking by hand in hand with a couple of black guys she had just fucked on the other side of the pool on some mats. They got up and she held their cocks in each of her hands as they walked on each side with her and stopped as they approached Richard and I as my mouth was all over his nipples. My wife said to the two men she was escorting around by the cocks, "this is my fag, watch him go crazy over all of your cocks." Just then I turned as I was on my knees and Richard was seated in his lounge getting his nipples sucked, to see her offer me these two cocks at mouth level. I was on them in a flash and sucked them both at the same time! These were both about 10 inches of pure beautiful black cock meat! I sucked them real hard and made noise with my sucking and slurping until this turned my wife on so much she had to have a cock too. Richard pulled her on top of him and started kissing her soulfully as she rubbed his bulge in his short swim trunks. As I sucked the two big black cocks sitting on my knees and my studs standing on each side feeding me their cocks, I could see my wife kissing Richard hard and moaning loudly as she rubbed his bulge. Richard asked my wife if she wanted to see her faggot take a real man's cock? "He does that all the time sweetie" Richard laughed and said in a low masculine manner."not like this he hasn't" as he slowly raised from his lounge chair and stood up. I watched as he peeled his skin tight swim suit down over his big and growing bulge and I caught the first glimpse of his cock as he kept pulling the suit down the shaft came into view and more and more cock was exposed to all of us and he bent down to get that swim suit off and as he stood back straight even the two studs in my mouth made a remark about his cock. "Whoa" one of them said. "Oh my god" was all my wife could manage to say as her eyes were wide and her mouth hanging open. Richard had now turned towards the studs and me and was rubbing his muscular arms with the others as he closed a circle in front of me. I could not believe the gargantuan sized cock was before me and never took my eyes off this new big cock being presented to me right along the two others. Richards's cock is absolutely massive! I popped the two black cocks out of my mouth for a moment to ask Richard how big is that thing anyway? "13.5 inches" he said in a real deep low voice. "Do you want it fag?" I said "oh yeah" as he slipped it in my mouth I felt a strange hunger come from within and I knew that this was my quest in life, to take all of this giant black cockshaft into my faggot mouth. I licked it and sucked it as the two studs slapped me in the face with their loving cocks, I made sucking and slurping sounds so loud it turned my wife on as she stood to get a closer look, Howard had come up from behind and was followed by the other black studs that were at other parts of the house talking and takeing. I was aware that I now had become the show for the night. Richard remarked that I was a great fucking cocksucker. My wife told Richard to make the fag fetish on his cock. Howard was only capable of fucking my throat and the others were also used to fucking my mouth and a couple have fucked my hot tight ass, but Richard was going to OWN my throat! After a few more swipes of the previous two black studs cocks, I was now solely concentrating on Richard's massive black cock. He told me to "take it fag", "take my massive big black cock, you worthless fucking wimp, white boy faggot, suck it, suck it faggot!" Oh man this made me crazy! I was powerd to perform for the small group and man did I ever! I sucked that massive black cock right down to his pubic hairs and he shoved it even harder and further when my nose was rubbing in his patch! My wife proclaimed, "you're such a fucking fag! Eat that cock!" No one could believe that I could actually be swallowing his long hard cockshaft. It started to swell inside my throat after 10 minutes of me giving it my expert work over. Richard was breathing heavily, his lungs were filling with the fresh night air, everyone standing around me started to say that I was going to swallow a huge cum load any minute! Richard kept his hands on the back of my head, shoving his cock in deeper and made me rub my nose into his pubic hair again and again! My wife was stroking the others cocks in each hand and Howard was reaching around her from behind and squeezing her big tits, until she said "I need to get fucked now!" She dropped to her knees and the studs on each side of her got on their knees right along side my cock swallowing show and Howard got behind her and impaled her with his big cock! She yelled loudly as two cocks were put at her lips to shut her up! She was performing right in front of Richard and me.



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There were still two other big black cocks to be handled or serviced. So they came up to me and slid their cocks over my face for a few minutes of expert cock licking and Richard slipped his mammoth cock out of my mouth for just a quick minute as I serviced these welcomed black cocks and got them all wet and then one moved behind me as I positioned my ass in the air still on my knees, and took Richard's massive cockshaft back into my mouth and throat where it belonged! One of the new black cock studs rubbed some baby oil on his cock and immediately put it to my hungry ass opening. He kept pushing it until my hungry asshole opened and relaxed for the entire cock to stretch me wide open and just started fucking my fag ass in a completely comfortable rhythm which delighted me so as to ask for more. "Oh yeah baby, fuck my ass" I said. Richards cock was ready to fuck my head again and he was so excited that I was taking a black cock in my ass at the same time he was throat fucking me, I heard him say, "what a hot fucking fag you are're my bitch now aren't ya?" "m-hmm" was all I could answer. "I'm going to fuck this ass," the black stud behind me said as he started a fast and hard cock ramming up my perfectly shaped man ass. "Look at that fucking faggot take that cock over there", Howard said as he fucked my hot wife from behind just as I was getting fucked. My mouth went to work, hard! I wanted Richard to cum and fill my throat with his cumload. He kept up his heavy pace breathing and started working his hands on my head and owning my mouth like the true fag that I am! "Fuck his mouth Richard", one of the other studs yelled. "Yes, make the fag eat your beautiful cock", my wife said as she let a cock out of her mouth. I was loving the cock in my ass which by now was really pounding my tight bubble but with an exceptional speed and talented execution. The guy fucking my ass was certainly not a stranger to fucking a hot fag like me. I kept up the intense work on Richards cock and felt him swell in my throat, he moaned loudly and his cock stretched to insane dimensions as he bent at the knees a little I knew he was going to cum! The cock in my ass was also swelling and heated up and the friction in my ass was so exciting!

I loved that black cock fucking me, as I was about to swallow my new Master Richards cumload! Richard gasped for air and then the first shot of his cum absolutely BLASTED into my throat just after taking his cock into my throat after a breath of air on an exit stoke, I took it back down in my cock starved throat and timed it perfect for the cum shot spectacular that was now happening in front of my wife and all our black stud lovers. I kept my masters massive cock in my throat for the next blast of cum! And it felt so good as it hit the back of my throat and I swear I could feel it going down, slipping right down into my stomach! He shot another very heavy blast and again I kept his mammoth black cock buried in my throat! I now had to get another breath of air so I let his big cock slip back up the length of my throat and it slid across my tongue and Richard held the remaining 8 or 9 inches in my mouth as I held my mouth wide open and took a few quick breaths he shot another couple of blasts which everyone looking on got to see, as it contrasted the dark color of my tongue. His cum was pooling on my cum hungry tongue and I swallowed it and heard a few gasped from the group. This was happening in what seemed like slow motion but was no doubt a fleeted two minutes or so of pure cum blasting in a fag hungry mouth. The guy behind me grabbed my ass as he held onto to build up a second cum shot for me to take and he indeed shot cum up into my hot tight ass as my cheeks squeezed him to hold up in there as long as he kept coming! It was awesome! He shot a big load and I cold feel it warm my insides and it excited me so. Richard was in no way finished cumming! I held his massive cock in mouth for the next few seconds and could still feel cum shooting out of that mammoth black cock! I was eating his cum! I totally fed on Richard's cumload! I Love that CUM! If anyone reading should like to comment on our story or invite us for a black cock filled party or you just want to share a hot looking white couple or just me and feed me black cock (I like big white cock too)


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Please Fuck My Wife!

My dominant wife, Teri, is the head of our household. My wife thoroughly enjoys her superior status over me and had has a large collections of whips, paddles, and restraints to keep me subdued. Teri gave me permission to write about my presentation to her and her newly rejuvenated sex life.

When Teri learned of my secret desire to be totally dominated, she was more than happy to accommodate me. Her efforts in training me have been well-rewarded for I am now completely submissive to her. Over the years Teri has become increasingly dominant and has developed a penchant for humiliating me. I have a very strong foot fetish and my wife allows me the pleasure of worshiping her beautiful size-8 ½ feet on a regular basis. I must satisfy her completely or face the consequence which usually means a severe paddling of my ass. I have become nothing more than a house boy and slave to my beloved wife.

Even now as I write this, I am embarrassed by these words, but for several years now I been unable to sexually satisfy my wife. Teri has a powerful libido but, unfortunately, I am not a satisfactory lover. My penis is small and I cum much too quickly. Teri began to tease me about the size of my dick early in her domination of me. Eventually, my wife started telling me about different men she had slept with in the past and how much better endowed they were than me. She is always amused by my reaction of jealousy. To compensate for my shortcomings, I happily provide Teri with cunnilingus and analingus whenever she wishes. She also enjoys being stimulated with toys. As it is now, my only source of sexual relief is through masturbation.

One night last week as I kissed her feet, Teri told me of her desire to have extramarital adventures. Feelings of jealousy and possessiveness swept over me. I realized, however, that I am totally under Teri’s control and devoted to serving as her foot slave, and would be powerless to oppose her having an affair if she chose to do so.

“I want you to be happy, dear,” I said in between kisses to her feet. “I’m your slave and you can do anything you want. I’m helpless to stop you, dear.”

“Well, what would make me happy is a big, hard cock,” she informed me.

"Yes, dear,” I responded shamefacedly.

My wife and I have been married almost twenty years, and she still looks fantastic. My wife is 5’ 7” tall and measures in at an impressive 36D-22-34. Teri has hazel eyes, a great tan, and long dark hair. To me, she is a goddess; I want nothing more than to worship her and cater to her every whim. To other men, however, she is just a sexy woman they would love to fuck. I knew Teri could easily find another man to bed her.

When I got home from work yesterday, I knelt down before my wife and kissed her feet as usual. She was in a cheerful mood.

“Honey, you know how we talked about me screwing another man?" she began with a patronizing tone.

"Yes, dear,” I responded sheepishly. “Have you met someone you want to relax with?"

“Yes, I have,” she beamed. “His name is Tom and he's a male stripper. One of my married co-workers dated this guy behind her husband’s back. She told me how great he was in bed. She told me about the size of his cock, too. And I want him to fuck me."

"Yes, dear,” I said, trying to hide my apprehension. "I want you to do whatever makes you happy, darling,"

“That’s exactly what I plan to do,” she told me in a condescending tone. “He’s coming over tonight, and you’re going to act as our butler and all-around servant. I’ve told him all about you, and he says it would really turn him on to have you to watch us.”

My only response was a sobbing, "Yes, dear.”

My wife then made me help her get ready for her date. After her bubble bath, I helped her into a short, low-cut, pink cocktail dress and a pair of strappy, high heeled sandals. Teri decided not to wear a bra or panties.

"I’d just be taking them off as soon as he gets here anyway," she told me. “I’m really horny and he will be here to fuck me in half an hour. I can hardly wait!”

She then had me dress in a tuxedo and explained my duties as butler.

“I expect total obedience when I order you to do something, no matter what it is. Am I understood?" my wife lectured me.

"Yes, dear,” I answered. “Of course, dear.”

“I want to see you to kneel before him and beg him to fuck me,” she grinned.

“Yes, dear,” was all I could manage to say. “Whatever you say, dear.”

I answered the door when my wife’s guest arrived. The man was ruggedly handsome and quite muscular. I felt intimidated by him. Addressing him as “sir,” I escorted my wife’s date to the living room where my wife greeted him with a deep, smoldering kiss.

My wife told me to take Tom’s jacket and to bring them each a glass of Chablis. When I returned with the wine, they were on the sofa. I passively knelt at my wife’s feet and quietly waited for further instructions. Teri and her guest sipped their takes and chatted for several minutes.

“My husband is not man enough to satisfy me,” Teri confided. “So I make him lick my feet to show his affection.”

“Are you kidding?” he laughed. “He licks your feet?”

“Show Tom how you worship my feet,” my wife smiled smugly down at me.

I obeyed without question, removing my wife’s shoes and amorously kissing her bare feet. Teri then began to work her delicious feet up and down my face and in and out of my mouth. I was soon in an erotic trance, passionately licking her feet from heel to toe for the entertainment of the new man in her life.

“It looks like you’ve trained him well,” he chucked.

“Yes,” she responded proudly, “He tongues my pussy and asshole whenever I want, but I haven’t let him relax with me for more than a year. He’s content to lick my feet and jack off.”

Tom was looking down at me, smiling from ear to ear, and I blushed in embarrassment.
“He’s gotten pretty good at giving me oral sex, but he knows his dick just isn’t big enough to satisfy me,” my wife told Tom as her hand gently stroked the bulge in his pants. “He wants me to enjoy sex, and since he’s not man enough to get the job done, my husband wants a man with a big cock to fuck me for him.”

“I have a big cock.” he smiled down at me arrogantly, waiting for my response.

My face burned crimmister with shame. I must admit that watching my wife having sex with another man was a secret fantasy that I had relished. Now, with the prospect of the cuckold fantasy about to become a reality, I found myself becoming increasingly apprehensive. The feelings of offense were more severe than I had imagined. I remembered what Teri said about begging him to take her to bed, but hesitated at first.

“Did you hear that? Tom says he has a big cock,” Teri giggled. “Isn’t there a favor you want to ask him?”

“P-please, sir,” I stammered, kneeling before him and trembling with shame. “Teri needs a man with a big dick. I know that she would really enjoy herself with you. Please take her to bed fuck her good and hard, sir. Please fuck my wife.”

Uttering these words made me feel thoroughly degraded. The horror of asking an obviously better a better man to bed the woman I love cannot be described. Both of them laughed derisively at me plea; my eyes teared in scandal.

“Sure, I’d be happy to fuck your wife for you,” Tom looked down at me with a menacing smirk. “I’ll give her a fucking she’ll never forget.”

My wife quickly secured my hands behind my back with a pair of handcuffs and unzipped my pants and attached a harness and leash to my undersized penis. Tugging on the leash, my wife happily took hold of Nick’s hand and led him into the bedroom with me submissively following behind them on my hands and knees.

I obediently kneeled at the foot of the bed and my wife quickly pulled her dress over her head. She sat on the bed and made me kiss her feet as she watched him undress for her.

“Wow!” my wife exclaimed.



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I looked up at Tom. He just stood there with his massive cock swaying out in front of his belly. I averted my eyes in shame, but could not help staring at his massive erection. Rod’s manhood was twice the size of mine. It was almost as big around as my wrist, and had to be 10” in length, with purple veins coursing up the think shaft and ending just below the enormous head. I looked at him with my mouth open in disbelief, and he stared down at me arrogantly. I felt my own cock shrivel up; my embarrassment in front of him, and even more in front of my wife, was unbelievably degrading. After sizing him up, my wife looked over at me and her smirk said it all; she and I both knew the extent of my inferiority.

He sat down on the bed beside Teri. Snuggling up to him, my wife took his cock into her hand and began to stroke it lovingly.
“Oh, my God!” Terri exclaimed. “You’re so big!”

They started making out, French kissing with increasing passion and he was kneading and sucking her breasts. I was at the foot of the bed and passively watched. It was so thick she could not get her hand around the shaft. My wife’s 3 carat diamond wedding ring seemed to sparkle with insolence as her fingers fondled another man’s huge, hard cock.

My wife glanced at me with a smirk as she went down on him. Teri began licking her way up and down the thick shaft, and then kissed the plump head of his cock before taking it into her mouth. Tom moaned with pleasure. As my wife licked and sucked Tom’s big cock, I was required to suck her toes. Teri could not devour the whole thing, but using both hands, one atop the other, she stroked his thick shaft and sucked hard on the fat head. I felt totally ashamed, kneeling there and unquestioningly worshiping my wife’s feet as she sucked another man’s cock with whorish abandon. My indignity was compounded by the fact that, in all our years of marriage, Teri had absolutely refused to go down on me. It was obvious that her adoration of his cock matched that of mine for her feet.

Then Teri clasped her breasts around his cock, trapping it in her cleavage.

"C'mon, baby, fuck my tits!” she urged him.

Tom began to stroking his erection in and out of her bosom's loving embrace. His cock was glistening with her saliva and moved smoothly between her breasts. She kissed the head of his cock lovingly and tenderly as she cradled its shaft between her soft, silky boobs.

“Eat my pussy,” my wife smiled smugly down at me. “Get it nice and wet from Tom.”

I obediently crawled to Terri and buried my face between her legs. Terri positioned her legs over my shoulders and layback to enjoy my oral services. I started licking her moist labia and repeatedly plunged my tongue deep inside her. She started to moan Even though I just started licking her, her cunt was all juiced up and ready for fucking. I was in a daze. I circled Terri’s clit with my tongue and sucked on the sensitive organ. I licked and sucked her voraciously as he continued to thrust his cock between her tits. I am not sure if Terri reached orgasm, but after several minutes she spurned me.

“You can worship my feet while we fucks,” she smirked.

As my wife pushed her toes into my mouth, Tom was fingering her moist vagina. Teri pulled Tom on top of her and spread her legs for him. I was totally at the pleasure of my adulterous wife, kneeling at bedside and fervidly sucking her delicious brightly painted toes as Tom mounted her, his large masculine feet coming between her petite ones.

"C’mon, Tom, give it to me!” my wife panted. “Fuck me!”
This was the moment I had both craved and dreaded. The idea of my wife having sex with another man had been a wonderful fantasy, but with the cold reality of the situation I now felt possessive and heartbroken. My feelings were of no concern; there was nothing I could do to stop them now. Teri’s foot was at the edge of the bed, and I was allowed to humbly suck her toes while she prepared to commit the act of adultery.

I just knelt on the floor, kissing and licking her bare foot, and watching in amazement as Terri reached down and guided Tom’s cock to the opening of her juicy slit. I was mesmerized as I watched the big head of his cock enter her. My wife gasped loudly as Tom drove his big, stiff cock deep into her vagina, filling it to the limit. I wondered if my wife would be uncomfortable from his size, until I she brought her mouth to his, kissing him passionately; their tongue entwined.

"Oh, Tom,” I could hear my wife panting. “Oh, Tom."

How she took all of him, I'll never know, but she did. His thrusts, measured and methodical at first, became increasingly harder and faster. He kept pulling his prick almost out of her cunt until just part of the head was in and then rammed it in hard.
Terri was squealing with pleasure, her hands were gripping the flesh of his back. My wife dug her heels into the mattress and bucked her hips to urge him on Eyes shut and mouth agape, Dianna concentrated on the orgasm that swelled within her, when it arrived she announced her gratification with a cry of ecstasy.

“Oh, yes, Tom, fuck me,” Terri was gasping “Oh, Tom, I love it!"

Rod’s stamina was incredible, and Terri careened from one orgasm to another. As I worshiped my wife’s foot, it was jerking rhythmically, recoiling from the powerful impact of his thrusts. He didn’t make love to her; he fucked her. There was no softness, no tenderness; it was naturalistic. All the while, Terri was moaning, crying out, and screaming. I’m sure the next-door neighbors could hear her wails of ecstasy. In all the years we had been married, she had never been this vocal with me. Tom was fucking my wife good, better than I ever did. She loved his big cock.

“Oh, yeah, baby!” my wife cried out. “Yeah!”

It felt so demeaning to have my wife working her foot up and down my face and in and out of my mouth while she writhed in ecstasy beneath another man. I humbly ran my tongue between her wiggling toes and over her heels, arches, and soles. Teri cried out rapturously, her feet trembling against my lips, as she experienced wave after wave of orgasm. Tom was pounding his hard cock into my wife, and she loved it. Teri planted the sole of her foot firmly in my face and used my features to brace herself as she thrust her hips upward to meet his cock. My wife’s fingernails dug into his broad back as she bucked her hips upward to urge him on. Her foot was stomping rhythmically into my face Teri seemed oblivious to the fact that she had kicked me hard in the face and sent me sprawling to the floor.

"Oh, yes, Tom!” my wife was moaning. “Oh, yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

I scramred to reclaim my kneeling position at the foot of the bed, but now I was denied even the humility of worshiping my adulterous wife’s feet. Her legs were wrapped tightly around his waist. My wife’s beautiful feet were locked at the ankles around Tom’s bobbing ass, quivering with excitement, as his cock moved in and out of her. No matter what I do, or how hard I try, I will never be able to match the feelings of fullness and deep penetration his big cock gave her. I watched him touch my wife in depths I will never know. My wife was so totally focused on him that I could just as well not have been in the room; she cared about nothing except his cock inside her and the orgasm she felt running through her body. I was a spectator, a bystander, as my wife and another man shared feelings which will never be mine.

“Fuck me, Tom!” she panted. “Fuck the cuckolds brownie out of me!”

Now Tom pulled my wife’s long legs over his shoulders and really started to fuck her.
From my vantage point, I could see Tom’s thick, glistening cock slamming into my wife like a piston, his balls slapping against her ass. His strokes were long and deep. The whole bed was shaking. Her tits were jiggling flopping wildly. The headboard of the bed was banging into the wall. The slap, slap, slap of their thighs meeting filling the room.

“I want you to cum!” she was moaning. “Shoot your cum in me, Tom!”

Tom was slamming his cock into my wife like a stallion. I could see his balls convulse and that he was about to come. Finally, he plowed into her with one final thrust. An natural-like growl burst from Tom’s throat. My wife moaned in delight when she felt his hot semen spurt deep inside her; her blatant act of adultery had been fully consummated. Tom rolled off of my thoroughly satisfied wife and his cock slowly came out of her with a loud plop, which cause both of them to giggle. They just lay there for a few minutes, resting, as I devotedly kissed her feet.

“Oh, my God,” Teri panted. “I’ve never been fucked like that before. You were wonderful, Tom.”

“Come here slave,” she commanded with a wicked smile.

Teri grabbed me by the hair and roughly pulled my head between her legs. With my face just inches from her freshly adulterated pussy, I could see that my wife’s labia were open like butterfly wings and her vagina was gaping from the fucking Tom had given her. I could see his slimy, pearlescent semen ooze slowly from my wife’s love hole and trickle down the crack of her ass. The fragrance coming from my wife’s semen-filled pussy was overpowering.

"Lick it!" Terri demanded.

I hesitated at first, but timidly did as she ordered. I obediently lapped Teri’s pussy and asshole, slurping up Tom’s cum. More and more semen oozed from deep inside my wife as I continued my degrading task; it seemed like the flow would never stop. My wife and her lover laughed as I gagged and struggled to lap up and swallow his big, slimy load.

"That's it. Get it all,” Terri laughed at me. “Don't let any get on the sheets,"

Whether it is presentation or offense, licking another man’s sperm from my wife’s pussy emphasized the impudent nature of what my wife had done. My future role in her sex life was made perfectly clear. My debasement could not be more complete.

Later that night I fell arelax on the living room sofa while my wife, of course, shared the bed with Tom. It was difficult for me to relax. I was jealous and haunted by what I had witnessed; however, I took humble pleasure in being powerd to worship my wife’s feet as she committed the act of adultery. There was no denying that Tom was a better man than me. My neglected, unworthy cock was hard and my balls were blue with denial. I needed relief and masturbated to mental images of my wife’s beautiful feet during her exhibition of infidelity. Within seconds, I exploded with a power I had not known in years.

I served my wife and her lover breakfast in bed the next morning. Teri and Tom lounged in bed most of the morning, snuggling and watching television, while I went about my assigned chores. As I was washing dishes, I could hear my wife in the bedroom, moaning with passion. From the squeaking sounds of the mattress and the headboard banging against the wall, I knew that he was fucking my wife again. After things quieted down, my wife called me into the bedroom and made me lick her pussy clean before they took a shower together.
As Tom was leaving, my wife made me kneel before him once again. She had coached me on what to say.

“Thank you for fucking my wife, sir,” I meekly told him. “She had a wonderful time in bed with you. Would you please come over and fuck my wife again soon?”

“You can count on it,” Tom smiled. “Your wife is a fantastic piece of ass.”



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A Not So Happy Anniversary

I held the door for Lynne and then followed her into
the club. I hated places like this. Loud, smoky,
crowded, I hate them. But it was our fifth anniversary
and Lynne loves to dance. So once a year I take her to
a club and she gets to dance. Not with me. I can't
dance. Well, I can fake a slow dance. But why bother. I
just don't see the point in dancing.

Lynne wouldn't have any trouble finding dance partners.
She was hot. No, I didn't say that right, she was HOT!
Yeah, that's it. She is 26, 5'4", 110, long blonde hair
and long, long legs. She had the cutest face and a
smile that lights up a room. And she was wearing that
short little nothing of a black dress I love to see her
in, the one with that flippy little skirt that almost
showed her ass when she moved. I noticed the heads
turning as we looked for an empty table and I was proud
as hell.

We managed to find an empty booth and order some
takes. We had just come from dinner with wine and
champagne, so I ordered ginger ale. I needed to be able
to drive home. She had her margarita. I don't like
places like this, but I like seeing her so happy and I
enjoy watching her dance. So I sat back. It wasn't long
before she was asked to dance.

She danced several dances and then came back to me and
finished her take and ordered another. Before her
take arrived she was dancing again and it was exciting
to watch her. Several times I was pretty sure I could
see her little black panties when that skirt flipped
up, very exciting to watch.

She danced several more dances with her present dance
partner, even a slow dance. She was obviously flirting
with him. It was amusing to watch her wrap him around
her little finger. Eventually he reluctantly returned
her to our table and she had more of her take. Before
I could order her another take the waitress brought
her one and pointed to a large man in a business suit
sitting near the dance floor with a friend. She took
the take and smiled at the man. She raised her take
to him in a toast and took a sip. A minute later he was
standing next to her asking her to dance.

For a large man he was a very good dancer. The two of
them looked very good out there. He was obviously
leading, obviously in charge. She liked that. She liked
a man that took charge. Her boyfriends, before me, had
all been dominant, powerful, in charge, men. I asked
her about that, shortly after we were married. I am not
a wimp, but I treat Lynne as an equal partner, that's
what I feel marriage is, a partnership. I treat her
with respect and love. She told me with a big smile
that men like that are for dating, they don't make good
husbands. I was the perfect husband. She obviously
still enjoyed the company of dominant men. I didn't
mind. I had a secret fantasy of watching her with a man
like that. Watching some strong man take control of her
and make mad, passionate love to her. I wouldn't tell
her that. But often when we made love, that fantasy was
in my mind.

I noticed that Lynne stayed on the floor for the slow
dances with her latest partner. His hands were all over
her and he held her tight, pressing his body against
hers. I noticed the way he swung her around on the fast
dances, I got frequent flashes of her little panties.
The guys near the dance floor were getting an even
better show. As they danced this slow dance his hand
was holding her ass. Not resting there, actually
gripping a handful of her cheeky little butt!

Finally the misterg ended and they walked off the floor.
They stopped at his table on the way back here and
talked with his friend. Then they all came back to our
table. She had invited them to join us.

Lynne introduced her dance partner, Rob, and his friend
Jerry. Jerry nodded and sat down on my left. Lynne slid
in on my right and Rob slid in beside her. Rob ordered
fresh takes all around and sat with his arm on the
back of the booth, his hand hanging down over Lynne's
left breast, not quite touching her.

Rob was watching me, judging my reaction. I just smiled
and found I was actually enjoying the show as they
flirted and played each other. By the time our fresh
takes arrived his hand was resting on her breast and
he was gently kneading it. She was acting like nothing
was happening. When her take arrived she gulped half
of it down. She and Rob were ignoring Jerry and me.
They had their heads together talking excitedly. It was
too loud for me to hear more than a word or two.

Lynne finished her take and Rob ordered her another. I
noticed he had hardly touched his. Before her take
arrived he led her back out to the dance floor. Every
chance he got his hands were all over her. I noticed
that they had quite an audience. And I am embarrassed
to say I had quite an erection. This big, strong,
dominant man was Lynne's fantasy and it was obvious
that if I had not been here he would have gotten very
lucky tonight!

They made their way back to our table and this time
when they sat down his arm was around her shoulder and
his hand went right to her breast. She took a few sips
from her take and they talked and then he put his hand
on her chin, turned her face up and kissed her, lightly
at first, then passionately. I was shocked when she
returned his kiss.

He opened his eyes as they kissed and looked at me,
waiting to see what my reaction was, I suppose. I tried
to look calm, but I am glad he couldn't see my real
reaction under the table. As he kissed Lynne and looked
at me his right hand came around and slid up Lynne's
thigh. She didn't fight him at all. Her legs parted
slightly and I watched his large fingers moving over
the silky panel covering her sweet pussy.

I knew I should put a stop to this. But it seemed like
once I had let it get this far the option was no longer
mine. Besides, I couldn't help it, I was enjoying
watching. I glanced over at Jerry and he was watching
with a look that was almost disdain. I had tried to
engage him in conversation while Rob and Lynne were on
the dance floor but he had just nodded and ignored me.

I looked back at Lynne just in time to see her have an
orgasm! Rob's left hand was roughly mauling her breast
and his right hand was inside her panties now. His
tongue was ravaging her cute little mouth. I had no
doubt that if Rob had put her up on the table and tried
to fuck her right there she would have let him. He
didn't do that, but he did slide her panties off and
hold them up to his nose and sniff them while he smiled
at me. Then he sat them down beside his take.

When Lynne had recovered from her orgasm she opened her
eyes and looked at me sheepishly. I smiled at her and
she smiled back, relieved that I wasn't upset I
suppose. Then Rob was pulling her out of the booth and
back to the dance floor.

As soon as they started dancing Rob was swinging her
around and it was obvious to anyone watching that Lynne
was not wearing panties now. And quite a few people
were watching. They danced two fast dances and then a
slow dance. During the slow dance Rob's hands slid
under the back of Lynne's dress and held the cheeks of
her ass while they danced. Her ass was totally exposed
and she had to know it, but she pressed against him,
her face buried against his chest and let him do
anything he wanted.

When the dance ended they came back to the table. Rob
said, "I think it's time to go. You ready Jerry?"

Jerry nodded and Rob turned to me and said, "Come on
Davie boy, Lynne tells me you are the designated

I wanted to ask where we were going, or where the hell
they thought they were going. But I didn't. I don't
know why. I guess because it seemed obvious I was going
to have one of my dearest fantasies fulfilled. I was
going to see Lynne get fucked. I didn't know the half
of it!

We paid our tabs and Rob put Lynne's panties in his
pocket. We walked out. Rob leading with his arm around
Lynne and his hand under her skirt and on her ass. I
was behind them and could see a lot of her ass that
wasn't covered by his hand. So could everyone we walked
past on the way out. Jerry was following behind me.

We went to our car and had to wait a few minutes while
Rob backed Lynne up against the car and took her hand
and pressed it against the large bulge in the front of
is pants. While she moved her hand over that impressive
bulge he kissed her and moved his hands over her body
freely. I went around to the driver's door and got in.
Jerry got in behind me and then the other back door
opened and Lynne was pushed into the center, then Rob
got in and shut the door. He looked at me and said,
"Home, Davie boy!"

He had a look in his eye, daring me to object. When I
turned around and started the car I surrendered my wife
to this man. I suppose I did that when I didn't object
to his hand on her breast, or the kiss, or when he
removed her panties. But that was being passive. Now I
was driving him and his friend to my home to fuck my

It was a miracle I didn't ******* someone that night. I
drove all the way home while staring into the rearview
mirror. I watched as Rob and Jerry pulled Lynne's dress
down and then off. They spread her legs, each of them
putting one of her legs in their lap. They took turns
kissing her and they were very rough, mauling her
breasts and her sweet little pussy. At one point it
appeared that they both had their fingers inside of
her. She didn't object to anything they did. I heard
her have several orgasms as I drove. The drive home was
about twenty minutes and I am ashamed to say that by
the time I parked the car on the street in front of our
house I was on the verge of coming myself.

I got out and waited for them to get out so that I
could lock the car. Rob got out on his side and then
Jerry got out in the street, pulling Lynne after him.
She was still naked! I glanced around nervously, but it
was late and I was pretty sure nobody was watching.

I hit the button on the key fob to lock the car and
rushed to our front door to unlock it and get everyone
inside. Jerry and Rob, however, were taking their time,
walking slowly and passing Lynne back and forth between
them. They finally stepped into the house and we moved
into the living room.

Lynne was panting like a dog in heat as she stood
waiting for someone to tell her what to do, or do
something to her. Rob was taking off his suit. As he
undressed he wasn't looking at Lynne, he was watching
me. I didn't like the look on his face. It was a look
of disdain, a look that said what kind of man lets two
strange men undress his wife and drive them to his
house to fuck her. Well, I guess I deserved that look.
I moved over to my easy chair and sat down to watch

I was very impressed when he pulled his shorts down.
His semi-hard cock was quite remarkable. It appeared to
be around eight or nine inches long and very fat. He
looked at my face, showing me the cock he was going to
use on my wife, and then he ignored me. I noticed Jerry
watching me though. He was watching my face as Rob
pushed Lynne to her knees and rubbed his cock all over
her face. She was moaning in pleasure and trying to
lick it as he moved it around. Finally he touched the
head of his large cock to her lips and ordered her to
kiss it, which she did passionately. She kissed it all
over, and licked it and moved down and licked and
sucked at his incredibly large ball sack.

He let her worship his manhood for a few moments and
then he put his left foot up on the coffee table and
pushed her head down. He grabbed her hair and tilted
her head up and she obediently stuck her tongue out and
probed his hot, sweaty ass. He let her probe his ass
for several minutes, his eyes closed as he savored the
sensations, and then he looked over at me and grinned.
He pulled her head back up to his cock and he put his
foot down and settled down onto the couch behind him.
She followed him down and finally took his large organ
into her little mouth. It was an obvious struggle.

His hands moved down and roughly handled her tits for a
few moments before he moved his hands back up to her
head and started moving her head back and forth. With
each stroke he pulled her head farther down his
impressive shaft. They were well past the point where
she could comfortably handle his man meat and she was
obligation and gagging at the end of each stroke now. It
looked like he had every intention of shoving that
monster down her throat! She was starting to resist
now, pushing against him with her little hands, but he
just ignored her futile struggles. No, that's wrong. He
didn't ignore them. He enjoyed them! Her moans and her
futile struggles were exciting him!

I started to get to my feet and come to her assistance
but Jerry stopped me. He spoke for the first time since
we met. "Sit back down," he ordered.

I hesitated, looking back and forth between him and my
wife struggling on the end of Rob's cock. "Don't make
me say it again," Jerry threatened.

I was intelligent enough to know that there was nothing
I could do against these two men. I sank back into my
chair in offense, my manhood definitely in
question. I was not a violent permister and unfortunately
I did not own a gun. Although in all likelihood if I
had attempted to pull a weapon on these large athletic
men I would have succeeded only in arming them.

I looked back at Lynne in time to see Rob tense up and
pull her tightly against him and shoot a large hot load
of cum right down her throat. He had managed to get all
but about three inches of his large cock into her mouth
and throat.

He held her against him for a long time before finally
relaxing and letting her sit up. She sat back, gasping
and coughing and looking at him through her tears
accusingly. He smiled down at her and said, "Not bad,
cunt. But don't worry; you're going to get better."
Then he pulled her back down and pointed out a few
drops of cum on his belly that she had missed and made
her lick them up.

While she was cleaning Rob, Jerry stood up and
undressed. I was relieved to see that he had a more
normal sized cock. It seemed to be about the same as
mine, around seven inches and of a normal circumference
as well. When he was naked he sat back in his chair and
called out to Lynne, "No time to rest Bitch. You've had
my cock hard all night. Now crawl your ass over here
and get to work."

Lynne moaned as she got to her hands and knees and
crawled across the room to Jerry. I felt sorry for her,
but watching her butt swish back and forth and her
breasts sway as she moved was highly erotic.

Rob looked over at me and smiled broadly. "You are a
lucky man, Davie boy," he said, obviously rubbing my
helplessness into my face. "That is one of the best
blowjobs I have ever had. A little more practice and
she will be perfect. I can't wait to get the last three
inches down her gullet. She has a lot of talent. And
did you see her face? She looks so cute with a cock
buried in her mouth, doesn't she?"

This wasn't a conversation I wanted to have. Instead I
watched as she started licking on Jerry's hard, hot,
throbbing cock. He was obviously very aroused, the head
of his cock was covered in pre-cum. It oozed down the
underside and was even glistening on his balls!

He let her lick his cock and balls for a few minutes,
and then he lifted his legs and put them on the arms of
the chair. She knew what was expected and buried her
face in his crotch, placing her lips over his sweaty,
smelly asshole and licking and then probing with her
tongue. When he was satisfied he dropped his legs back
to the floor and she licked his cock clean again and
then started sucking. She tried to use her hands but he
slapped them away and grabbed her head and pulled her
down until she had his entire organ in her mouth! I
must admit it was amazing to watch.

It was a good thing he was so turned on because he came
very quickly, with her face buried in his belly. It was
obvious that her jaw was sore and she was tired, ready
for this to be over with. Unfortunately this wasn't
anywhere near over!

After Jerry had shot his load down Lynne's throat, he
continued to hold her against his stomach as his cock
went soft in her mouth. He finally released her and
ordered her to lick him clean.

When he had finished with her he pushed her away and he
and Rob sat smiling at each other, deeply satisfied
with their conquest.


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Lynne and I sat waiting, hoping that they were
satisfied and would want to leave now. I would be happy
to call them a cab, just as happy to drive them
somewhere. How naïve we were.

Rob stood and moved over to Lynne. He reached down and
pulled her to her feet and said, "Come on cunt, let's
go to bed." The look of dismay on her face amused him,
I could tell. But she led the way down the hall to our
bedroom. As they walked away Jerry nodded at me and I
led him to our bedroom where he and his friend were
going to fuck my wife.

As I entered our bedroom Lynne was already on her
knees, sucking Rob's cock back to hardness. Jerry
pushed me into a chair dismissively and moved over to
watch more closely as his friend tried again to work
his cock into my wife's throat. Lynne put her hands
against his thighs and tried to resist, tried to
control the amount of cock in her mouth, but he ordered
her to use her hands to play with his balls instead and
then he started pressing more and more of his now hard
cock into her mouth.

With each stroke he would reach a point beyond which he
did not seem to be able to power his cock. But he was
patient, and determined, and finally he reached that
point and refused to be kept from his goal. He
continued pushing and as horrible noises of distress
came from my wife he powerd his cock all the way down
and her lips stretched around the fat base of his cock.
She attempted to hit at him with her tiny fists but
Jerry reached down and grabbed her hands and held them
behind her.

I rose from my chair, as though to go to her
assistance. I don't know what I was thinking. I had no
chance against them. Jerry looked at me as if to say,
"Go ahead, we'd enjoy hurting you too."

What he actually said was, "Sit your ass back down and
don't get up again. I don't have anything to tie you up
with so if you bother us I am just going to knock your
dumb ass out. Got it?"

I nodded helplessly. It was humiliating, sitting here
watching these two big men **** my wife. Watching her
struggle and knowing I could do nothing to help. But I
knew it would serve no purpose if I were to accomplish
only getting myself injured. I could only watch and
feel sorry for her, for both of us.

Rob held his cock buried deep in her throat for several
moments as she struggled to breathe. Then slowly he
drew back, savoring the sensations her ***d mouth
provided. "Now that's how to suck a cock bitch!" he
exclaimed happily. "Don't worry; you're going to get
lots of practice. Before we are done with you, you'll
be good at it."

Rob and Jerry were smiling broadly as he slowly powerd
his cock back into her mouth. The struggle began again,
but Lynne was restrained and helpless and I guess her
total surrender actually made it easier because Rob's
cock seemed to slide into her throat much easier this
time. He held her head tight and told her sarcastically
what a good cock sucker she was as he stroked
powerfully down her throat several more times. Then he
released her head and watched amused as she continued
on her own, powering her lips down to the base of his
cock several more times before he stepped back and
reached down. He picked her up as though she were a
doll and tossed her onto the bed. She started to
stretch out on her back but Rob stopped her.

"Don't get comfortable cunt. Get up on you hands and
knees. I am going to fuck you like the bitch you are."

Lynne turned over and got up on her hands and knees.
Rob grabbed her hips and pulled her to the edge of the
bed. He slapped her ass a couple of times, and then he
bent down and bit it, making her jump and squeal. But
she didn't move away. Then he reached down and slapped
the insides of her thighs, making her move her legs
further apart.

I watched in awe as Rob slid his large cock back and
forth over Lynne's surprisingly wet slit. Despite all
of the use she had suffered her pussy was dripping
wet, the moisture was actually visible on her thighs! I
was worried about this next stage however. Lynne has
the tightest pussy I have had the pleasure to enjoy in
my limited experience. I always had to go real slow at
first, until she could adjust to my cock. Rob's cock
was significantly larger than mine and he had not shown
any signs of being a gentle and considerate lover.

Lynne was facing me with her eyes closed. I watched her
face as Rob dipped down and pressed the head of his
cock against her pussy. Her knees were actually lifted
off of the bed before the head of his cock slipped past
the opening of her sex. Then her knees sank back to the
bed and her unseeing eyes shot open in shock.

It was amazing to watch as Rob sank his huge cock
deeper and deeper into my wife. I thought she must be
suffering horribly, but as I watched she suddenly
gasped and screamed in orgasm. And he had only half of
his cock buried in her! He laughed and started slapping
her ass again. I watched as more and more of his large
organ disappeared into my wife's tight pussy. She was
moaning in pain/pleasure as he finally crammed the last
two inches of cock into her, his flat stomach slapping
against the reddening cheeks of her ass.

Her eyes were still open and vacant as she moved back
and forth with each powerful thrust, her breasts moving
violently back and forth beneath her. She was grunting
loudly and muttering under her breath, "Oh god, oh god,
oh god," over and over for a few minutes and suddenly
she was screaming loudly as she came yet again while
being skewered on that fat cock. She screamed so loudly
I was concerned that the neighbors might hear!

I guess Jerry felt left out. He moved to the foot of
the bed and reached under Lynne and grabbed one of her
wildly swinging breasts. He began squeezing it, then
pinching the nipple and pulling it down stretching her
breast and nipple out grotesquely, and obviously
causing a lot of pain. But she didn't fight him,
instead she screamed her way through yet another
violent orgasm, and this time Rob joined her.

He started pumping her with long, deep, rapid strokes
and grunting loudly, then he tensed up and quivered,
filling her hot hole with his hot slimy cum. He stood
still for a few moments, his manhood going soft in her
pussy. When the hyper sensitivity had subsided he
pulled out and reached over her and grabbed a handful
of her long blonde hair. He pulled her around and
powerd his soft, slime covered cock back into her
mouth, powering her tired, sore jaws apart once more and
burying his soft manhood to the hilt.

Lynne gagged slightly, but was getting more accustomed
to the **** of her throat and was able to clean his
cock with her mouth without obligation. He pulled his cock
out of her mouth and powerd her to lick his balls
clean. Even his thighs were a mess and she bathed those
as well. Finally he was finished a***ing and
humiliating her and he stepped back. Jerry was
immediately there to take his place.

Jerry grabbed her hair and powerd his more normal sized
cock between her lips. Jerry worried me. I suspected he
was the kind of permister that enjoyed hurting people. I
would be very glad to see the last of them, but
especially him.

His cock was already hard and he fucked her face
powerfully, reaching down with one hand to again maul
one of her breasts and add to the pain she was powerd
to endure. His eyes were closed and there was a look of
pure bliss on his face as he ****d my wife's mouth.

He pulled out after a few minutes and pushed her onto
the bed on her back. She didn't resist, remaining in
any position she was pushed into. She was on her back
in the center of our king size bed with her legs spread
wide. Her pussy was red and swollen and dripping with
her juices and Rob's cum. Jerry moved between her legs
and fell on her roughly, knocking the wind out of her.
He lined his cock up and shoved it all the way into her
as she grunted in pain. He reached down and resumed
torturing her breast kissing her passionately and
seeming to enjoy her moans of pain in his mouth. Then
he leaned down and bit her nipple. Not a loving nip,
not a love bite. He bit her nipple, causing her to
scream in pain and I was sure I could see red!

I shot to my feet but Rob was ready for that. He swung
around and punched me in the gut. All of the wind and
all of the fight were knocked out of me instantly. I
sank back into my chair and watched helplessly as Jerry
glanced over and grinned evilly at me. Then he turned
back and stroked into her violently as he lay there
with all of his weight resting on her body.

He stopped after a while and got back up on his knees.
He reached down and lifted her legs up and he turned to
Rob and said, "Damn man, you really loosened this cunt
up!" Then he pressed her knees down against her breasts
and lined his cock up with her asshole.

Lynne screamed out then. "No! Oh god no! Not there! I
can't do that! Please, I'll do anything you want!"

Jerry laughed and said, "You got that right bitch!" And
then I was powerd to watch as he powerd his cock into
Lynne's virgin ass right in front of me. Lynne screamed
in pain, over and over, as Jerry powerd his cock into
her, obviously enjoying the music of her screams. By
the time he had finally buried his cock in her ass her
screams had turned to pitiful whimpers of pain.

I couldn't take anymore and turned my head away. Rob
slapped me and told me to keep watching. He said he
didn't want me to miss any of the fun. I turned back
reluctantly. This wasn't fun anymore. This wasn't
erotic anymore. This was use and offense and ****
and I was getting very worried about Lynne.

Lynne continued to moan and whimper as Jerry plundered
her ass. Thankfully he was very aroused. I suspect he
was aroused as much by the idea of a***ing my wife in
front of me as by the use itself. He tensed up and
came in my wife's ass. Then he slowly withdrew from her
and after looking down at her stretched and used
asshole and joking about it with Rob he let her legs
sink back to the bed and she lay there limp, waiting
for the next attack, the next indignity. She didn't
have long to wait. Jerry moved up, straddling her body,
his skinny butt resting on her breasts. He grabbed her
hair and pulled her head up, powering his nasty cock
into her mouth. It made me gag to watch as she was
powerd to clean him after he had been in her ass.
Finally he let her go and got off of her.

They sat on opposite sides of the bed with my wife
between them and moved their hands over her admiringly.
They joked about what a hot bitch she was. What a great
cunt she had. And Jerry told Rob that he was really
going to like her ass.

It was very late now and they seemed to finally have
worn themselves out. They ordered me to stretch out on
the floor at the foot of the bed and they stretched out
on either side of Lynne and got ready to go to relax.

They weren't leaving! Shit!

Lynne told them she had to go to the bathroom, she was
a mess and she had to pee. Jerry got up and followed
her into the bathroom. I could see them from my place
on the rug. I watched as Lynne sat on the toilet and
tried to pee. She asked Jerry to look away, to let her
have some privacy. Jerry just chuckled and reached down
and shoved two fingers roughly into her pussy. He moved
them in and out several times and then straightened up
and put them to her lips.

She dutifully opened her mouth and sucked on his nasty
fingers. He smirked at her and told her she had better
hurry up, because he had to piss too. She worked her
muscles, working to expel the loads of cum from her
pussy and her ass. As she performed this embarrassing
act in front of Jerry he rubbed his cock over her tit,
just to add to her offense.

The house was dark and quiet and I could actually hear
gobs of cum dripping down into the water in the toilet.
Finally the slime quit dripping out of her and she
began to pee. When she had finished she used several
handfuls of toilet paper to clean herself as well as
she could. She stood up and as she moved to the sink to
wash her hands Jerry lifted the toilet seat and began
expelling a strong stream of urine.

Lynne avoided looking at him, embarrassed to even be in
the room with him. But as his stream waned and trickled
to a stop he called her over. He pulled her head down
and made her suck his cock clean.

She groaned at the gross indignity, but she had long
since given up. She knew she could deny these two
monsters nothing. She took his cock, with the last
drops of piss still clinging to the tip, into her mouth
and sucked him clean. I could see the tears running
down her cheeks. As she sucked his cock clean he said
sarcastically, "Happy anniversary sweetheart."

I wanted to end this somehow. I lay on the floor
listening as they returned to bed and the men drifted
off to relax. I could hear Lynne lying between them
crying quietly and it was breaking my heart. I tried
desperately to think of some way to get control of this
situation. I couldn't fight them. I had no weapon. I
considered calling the police, but the longer I spent
trying to decide what to tell them the more I realized
that really wasn't an option.

Lynne had flirted with these men, well, with Rob. She
had invited them to our table and had not objected when
they invited themselves to our home. Neither had I. We
had not objected when they removed her underwear, or
felt her up, or kissed her. We had said nothing when
they stripped her in the car and took all sorts of
liberties with her.

She had allowed them to lead her from the car to the
house in the nude and had sucked them both, licked
their balls and eagerly acquiesced when her mouth was
pushed over their assholes. In fact, the first time she
had offered more than token resistance was when Jerry
fucked her ass; if you don't count the slight struggle
when they were having trouble getting there cocks into
her throat.

We had not resisted anything else. Rob had punched me
once when I tried to interfere with the **** of my
wife's ass, but except for, no, even including that,
there was no evidence that everything that happened
tonight wasn't consensual. I am sure that if it were
necessary witnesses could be found from the night club
to testify about the behavior my wife exhibited on the
dance floor with Rob. The waitress would probably
remember seeing him with his hands all over her and her
panties on the table. I suspect the only thing we would
get if we called the police was more offense.

I don't know if Lynne got any relax at all, but I was
exhausted and eventually I fell into a light, fitful
relax. I woke up once to hear the sounds of Lynne being
powerd to suck on a cock. I listened until they
finished and after another long wait managed to get a
little more relax.

The next morning, Saturday, we slept late. I was
finally kicked awake by Rob and pushed into the
bathroom. I watched as Jerry put Lynne in our large,
glass walled, walk-in shower and turned the water on.
She screamed as the cold water hit her, but she stood
there shivering waiting for the water to warm up. When
it was warm the men got in with her and they moved
against her one in front and one in back. Jerry spoke
softly, asking nobody in particular, "What is the first
thing you have to do when you get up in the morning."

Rob responded, "I don't know about anyone else, but the
first thing I always have to do is take a leak." And
they did. From the looks on their faces I could tell
that as they stood pressed up against Lynne they were
emptying there bladders on her. She didn't resist, she
knew there was nothing she could do. She just covered
her face in shame and waited for it to be over. Then
they both soaped her up and then let her soap up first
one and then the other of them. They rinsed off and
stepped out of the shower and I handed them fresh
towels as ordered.

Rob said to me, "You stink. And you look like you slept
in your clothes." Rob is a real comedian. Asshole! He
told me to get undressed and get in the shower. He
ordered me to shave my wife's pussy and then I was to
shower and dress and come out to the living room. Lynne
was to do her hair and makeup and come out nude.

As soon as they left the room I held her close and she
cried in my arms. I told her I was so sorry, but I
didn't know what to do. I asked her if she wanted me to
call the cops and let the chips fall where they may.

Lynne hugged me and said, "I'm so sorry Dave. All of
this is my fault. I brought this down on us. Don't
fight them, they'll just hurt you, and they'll always
win. This is my fault and I guess I deserve it. It
can't last forever. My biggest fear is that you won't
be able to look at me again, or to love me again.

I assured her that I would love her always. I admitted,
with some embarrassment, that I had actually been
aroused watching, right up until we got to the house
and things started getting out of control. She smiled
at me sweetly, I was glad that she still could. She
said, "We'll get through this." Then we kissed and
turned the shower back on.


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I soaped her up, and then I used my razor to shave her
already closely trimmed pubic hair. I was surprised
when I saw the result. Since she had so little hair I
didn't think the difference would be so striking.
Despite all of the use she had been subjected to last
night her pussy looked smooth and youthful and it was
all I could do to keep myself from taking her right
there in the shower. But I was afraid of those two
assholes in the living room so, with Lynne's help I
soaped up, rinsed off and then we got dried off. While
Lynne fixed her hair and makeup I went into the bedroom
and put on some jeans and a t-shirt and sneakers and
went into the living room.

They ignored me so I took a seat and we waited in
silence for Lynne. A few minutes later she came out,
her face blushing bright red despite all she had been
through. I couldn't help it. Seeing her like that, and
seeing the looks on the faces of Rob and Jerry, I was
incredibly aroused.

Rob pointed to a spot on the floor in front of him and
Lynne moved to that spot and stood. He ran his fingers
over her now bare pussy and urged her to spread her
legs apart with his hand. He admired my handiwork for a
minute and the pushed her across the room to show
Jerry. After Jerry had examined her sweet pussy Rob
stood up and led her back into the bedroom. I thought
he was going to fuck her, but they came back out in
just a few minutes.

Now she was dressed. Well, sort of. She was wearing a
pair of high heeled pumps and a thin, short, lacy, not
quite see-through slip. I could see the outline of her
nipples plainly through the lace portion of fabric that
covered her breasts. And when she stood just right and
the fabric at the bottom rested against her loins, I
could actually make out the dark line of her slit. The
hem was less than two inches below her crotch and when
she turned around I could see that every move she made
displayed a glimpse of her beautiful ass.

I had assumed that these two had plumbed the depths of
our offense. I was shocked to learn that they had
just begun. Instead of this hellish encounter being
almost over we were to learn that it had just begun.

Rob turned to me and said, "Grab your car keys and
let's get going."

Lynne shook her head and said, "Oh no, please. I can't
go out like this. Please, I'm begging you."

They paused to enjoy her extreme discomfort for a
moment and then Rob grabbed her arm and led her to the
door. I grabbed my keys and followed them out, locking
the door as I left. They were walking slowly to the car
and I rushed around to open the doors and let them in.
I glanced up and down the street and saw several
neighbors outside working in their yards. Harry, our
neighbor across the street stood up and waved. But he
had a curious look on his face.

When I hit the button on the key fob the doors unlocked
and Jerry got in on the curb side. Rob, still holding
Lynne by the arm, guided her around to the street side
and opened the door for her. She didn't have the nerve
to look up and speak to Harry. She did her best to
slide into the car without showing too much flesh to
Harry. I started the car and quickly pulled out and
down the street.

We have a large car, a Lincoln Towncar, and there is a
lot of room in the back seat. The men made themselves
comfortable in the back and then they made Lynne
uncomfortable by sliding her slip down to her waist,
baring her beautiful breasts. We don't have tinted
windows and Lynne was terrified about being exposed in

Rob directed me to a large, expensive, new hotel near
the airport. They made out in the back as I drove. Rob
kissed Lynne and played with her breasts. Jerry put her
hand in his lap and pushed her slip out of the way and
played with her pussy.

As far as I could tell we made the trip mostly
unnoticed. There was a small group of young teenagers
at one red light that took notice, but we were gone
before the shock wore off and they could react in any

At last I drove into the parking lot of the hotel and
parked. Rob said, "Let's go."

I got out and watched as Jerry got out his door and Rob
pulled Lynne out his side with her slip bunched at her
waist. She stood still, head down, blushing bright red
as he slowly and deliberately helped her slip her arms
back into her thin slip. The bottom of the tiny garment
fell back into place, thanks to gravity, and soon her
body was covered, or at least, as much as that tiny
garment could be said to cover.

With Lynne between them the men walked into the lobby
and through it to the elevators. I followed behind,
embarrassed for her, watching as conversations all over
the lobby stopped suddenly and heads turned to watch
Lynne move across the room. I tried not to think about
what they must be thinking, and what she must be
feeling. Rob and Jerry, on the other hand, seemed to
have no shame and in fact seemed to take great pleasure
from our offense.

It was an unimaginable relief when the elevator doors
finally closed and we were alone again. Jerry pushed a
button and we went to their floor and down the hall to
their adjoining rooms. Lynne and I watched
uncomfortably as the men gathered their belongings and
piled their luggage near the door. When they were done
Rob called room service and asked for a bellhop with a
luggage cart. Then we waited for his arrival.

While we waited, Jerry went over to Lynne and held her
in his arms. He kissed her and his hands moved down
over her ass and under her slip. She didn't try to
avoid him, but at first she didn't kiss him back. Not
until he slapped her ass sharply. She jumped, and then
she put her arms around his neck and kissed him back.
Jerry continued the kiss when the bellhop knocked on
the door and Rob went to open the door.

He came back into the room followed by a young black
man wearing a bellhop's uniform and pulling a luggage
cart. The bellhop looked embarrassed but he tried to be
discrete and went about loading up the cart. When
luggage had all been loaded on the cart, the bellhop
asked Rob quietly if he would like him to meet them in
the lobby.

Rob smiled at him and asked him if he would like his
tip before they went down. The bellhop smiled and said
sure, expecting to be handed some money. Jerry stepped
back from Lynne and pushed her slip off of her
shoulders and turned her to face the bellhop.

Jerry asked the shocked bellhop if he would like "some
of this" for a tip. The bellhop looked at the faces
around him, not really understanding; sure that it was
some kind of joke. Well, except that there was now a
beautiful, young, naked, white woman standing a few
feet from him.

He turned to Jerry and said, "What's the catch?"

"No catch," Jerry said. "I got her all hot, but I don't
feel like fucking her right now. Go ahead, anything you
want, just don't fuck her up. I'm going to want to fuck
her later."

The bellhop moved over and put his arms around my wife,
cautiously, waiting to see who objected. When nothing
happened he kissed her and moved his hands over her. At
first she didn't move, but Jerry cleared his throat
loudly and she put her arms around his neck and began
to return his kiss. After he was satisfied that nobody
was going to say or do anything, he stepped back and in
less time than it takes to tell it he was out of that
silly uniform. I heard a noise and looked around to see
that Rob was recording everything on a digital movie

When the bellhop was naked he moved back and held Lynne
close for a moment and then pushed her to her knees.
She didn't resist. She knelt before him and took his
half hard cock into her mouth. The contrast in their
skin colors was incredible. He had the blackest skin I
could ever remember seeing. Lynne was not much for
sunning and her skin was snow white. I am ashamed to
admit it, but I found the sight of the two of them
together to be extremely erotic.

As he pushed more and more of is cock into her mouth
Rob stepped closer for some close-ups. He asked the boy
politely, "Do you mind?"

The kid responded, "Can I get a copy of it?"

Rob didn't even hesitate. "Sure," he said. Then he went
back to filming.

The kid fucked her mouth vigorously for a few minutes
and then he helped her up and led her to the unused
bed. She got on the bed and stretched out on her back.
The bellhop took a moment to lick her pussy and then he
was over her and seconds later he was in her, enjoying
the sensations of her beautiful pussy. I guess he was
pretty excited because he came quickly.

He rested with his cock still inside of her and then he
started moving again. Before long he was fucking her a
second time, more violently now, propped up over her
and staring down at her humiliated face. He realized
that she was doing this against her will; it was
obvious from the look on her face. It seemed to
increase his pleasure. He was talking to her quietly.
Calling her names, telling her all the things he would
like to do to her pretty white ass. Rob was getting all
the close-ups he could, making sure to get the look of
anguish on Lynne's face and capture the quiet
conversation as the boy berated her.

Finally he could control himself no longer and he shot
a second large, hot load of cum into my wife, much to
the amusement of Rob and Jerry. The bellhop got up and
started to dress but Jerry stopped him. "Hold on,"
Jerry said. "You can't put that thing away like that!
Hey cunt! Get your ass over here and clean up this mess
you made."

Lynne moaned, but she knew that she couldn't refuse.
She slid off the bed at the boy's feet and cleaned his
cock and balls, and the camera caught it all.

Jerry said, "Look at your nasty cunt! Shit, you can't
go out like that. Get up on the bed."

Lynne got back on the bed, not knowing what was coming
next, but she knew that if it was coming from Jerry it
was going to be unpleasant.

She was right. He ordered her to scoop up the two loads
of warm cum streaming out of her red, swollen, freshly
fucked pussy and eat it. I guess she was beyond shock
now. With tears running down her cheeks she scooped up
the black boy's cum and moved her fingers to her mouth
and ate his cum. After she had gotten all of his cum
from her pussy and her thighs Jerry ordered her to
squat down and hold her hand under her pussy and push
out some more.

She did as she was told, gagging slightly as she licked
up the sloppy, smelly mess. By the time she had
finished the kid was hard again and asked about thirds
but Rob apologized and said that we had to go.

We went down to the lobby and Lynne had to stand around
in that tiny slip for more than ten minutes while they
checked out. Conversation had stopped again as we
entered the lobby and a dozen men and some women as
well, stood around gaping at Lynne in her tiny slip. At
last the paperwork was completed and we left the lobby
and returned to our car, with the bellhop following
with the luggage. I was never so happy to leave a room
in my life!

I opened the doors and the trunk and the bellhop loaded
their luggage into the trunk. We got into the car and
Rob walked away from the car a few feet with the
bellhop. He handed him some money and talked to him
quietly for a few minutes. I don't know what was said
but what ever it was made the kid very happy.

I was ordered to drive home and before I left the
parking lot Rob tossed Lynne's slip over the back of
the seat and they went to work on her again. I did
notice though that they left her freshly fucked pussy
alone. But the mauling her breasts were receiving
looked painful. That is why I was so surprised when I
heard her moaning and squealing and finally screaming
through a big orgasm. And no one was even touching her

Not long after that I pulled up in front of my house
and got out of the car. There were more people out in
their yards now, and Harry was still across the street
working on his yard. Rob got out and then Jerry got
out, pulling my naked wife after him. I couldn't
believe it! There were people all over the place. Harry
stood up and his mouth fell open. We all watched as the
three of them walked at a leisurely pace to the front
door. I suddenly realized I wasn't moving and I rushed
up and opened the door and let them in.

Jerry was just about to close the door when he noticed
our newspaper in the front yard. He ordered her to go
and get it and bring it in. He warned her not to move
any faster than they had when they walked from the car.

She walked totally naked in broad daylight out the door
and halfway to the sidewalk and picked up the paper
with tears streaming down her cheeks and her head down.
Then she walked back slowly. Harry hadn't moved and he
watched the whole thing in shock. I saw a woman down
the street turn towards her house and yell something I
couldn't understand and then she turn back and watch in

Finally Lynne was back at the door. Jerry was standing
in the door and he reached out for the paper as she
stood there. Finally he moved out of the way and let
her come in.

As soon as the door closed behind her she sank to her
knees and sobbed loudly. I started to go to her and
comfort her but Jerry stopped me. "She doesn't have
time for that," he said cruelly. "I am extremely horny
right now. Get up bitch, get your ass in the shower and
clean up that nasty cunt for me. Then get back out

Lynne struggled to her feet and made her way back to
the bathroom. Rob ordered me to make lunch. I suddenly
realized that none of us had eaten since last night and
it was almost one in the afternoon.

I looked around the kitchen and finally decided on
BLTs. I made a half a dozen of them and when they were
ready I looked out and asked if they wanted to eat in
the living room or the kitchen.

They ordered me to serve them in the living room and I
did. I gave them each two sandwiches and, at their
request, a couple of beers. Lynne came out, looking as
good as new. I asked if I could give her a sandwich and
Rob said, "Sure, we want our little darling to keep her
strength up."

I brought her out a sandwich and a beer and she nibred
at it. I also brought one out for me, but I took one
bite and put it down. I was just too upset to eat. I
did, however, gulp down the beer.

As he ate slowly, Rob asked us a series of permisteral
questions. Not so much that he really cared, I am sure,
just another opportunity to embarrass us. We had to
tell him about our sexual histories and he seemed
pleased when there wasn't much to tell. He also asked
about our jobs and our schedules.

Finally he took the time to tell us about them and our
immediate future. He explained that he and Jerry were
in town for two weeks. Their company had just taken
over a local company in a hostile take over. They
planned to spend two weeks in the area, getting things
straightened out at the company headquarters and
putting a new management team in place.

They had planned to spend those two weeks at the hotel,
but when they met us they decided this would be better.
All we had to do was everything they ordered us to do
for the next two weeks and our life would return to
normal. They promised not to jeopardize our careers or
get us arrested. They also promised that Lynne would be
humiliated and used and used because that's what they
enjoyed doing. They were not into guys so I wouldn't be
touched sexually, but they wanted to make sure I was
there to enjoy and share in her offense. That just
added to the fun.

Jerry stood up then and said, "Come on bitch. I'm going
to die of horny before you finish that damned sandwich.
Let's go back to the bedroom. I feel like a nice hard

Lynne put her sandwich down, but gulped the rest of her
beer down quickly and followed him down the hall.

I sat helplessly as Rob smiled at me. After a few
minutes he suddenly remembered his movie camera. He
took the disk out and made me put it in our DVD player.
I turned on the TV and started the DVD. I handed him
the remote control and tried not to watch. But I
couldn't help it. Rob had started recording as soon as
the bellhop had entered the room. I watched again as
Lynne was stripped and offered to him as a tip. I was
powerd to relive the entire episode. As we watched, Rob
would often pause the picture at some of the nastier
close ups. Not so much because he wanted to stare at
them, but to increase my discomfort. I did not believe
we could stand two weeks of this without someone being

I was startled by a sudden scream from the bedroom. I
started to my feet but a look from Rob put me back in
my seat. There were more screams and I realized they
were screams of pleasure, Lynne was having orgasms.
Without me! Rob enjoyed the look of helplessness on my
face. I think he enjoyed that almost as much as liked
fucking my wife.

A short time later I heard the shower running and Jerry
came sauntering out of the back. He told Rob she was
getting cleaned up for him and he sat down. He was till
naked and he watched me glance at him getting
comfortable with his sweaty ass and drooling dick on
our furniture.

Rob said, "I think it's about time I loosened up that
pretty asshole of hers. Why don't you guys join me?
Davie boy, I want you to operate the camera this time.
I want lots of good close-ups too. Jerry, I know you
well enough to know you will enjoy the show, and she
might need holding down."

Rob put a new disk in the camera and showed me how it
worked. Then he shoved me down the hall. Lynne was just
coming out of the bathroom as we went in. Her hair and
makeup were perfect once again. But she looked scared
and tired, and hopeless. I almost cried myself, but I
thought that would just make things worse so I tried to
get my feelings under control.

Rob nodded at me and I brought the camera up and
started filming. Lynne looked at me for a second with a
look of hopelessness that was all but overwhelming. She
realized that if I was being made to record whatever it
was that was going to happen, then they probably
thought it would be memorable. And that was bad news
for her.

Rob took her in his arms and started making out as
though they were lovers. He was being gentle and tender
and trying to turn her on. I could see that she was
resisting, but he was good, and she did like the
fantasy of being taken by a big strong man. Now she was
being powerd to live and relive that fantasy. He moved
her onto the bed and they kissed and hugged and he
caressed her breasts and all those other nice places
that can turn a young woman on.

Soon she was kissing back with feeling and her hand was
massaging his now hard cock. He pushed her head down
and she moved down and took his big cock into her
mouth. She sucked it slowly and sensually for a few
minutes, then she started trying to power it into her
throat, just the way they had powerd her to early this
morning when they had first insinuated themselves into
our lives. I moved in and got a good close-up of her


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#854 · Edited by: chrislebo
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She glanced up at me, looking into the camera for a
couple of seconds, then she ignored me and went back to
her struggles. Much to the surprise of both of us,
after several tries, that large cock suddenly slid into
her throat and she slid her lips all the way down to
the base of his thick, hard cock. I almost laughed at
the look of surprise on her face.

"Good girl!" Rob exclaimed. "Honey, you're going to
have to give up your amateur cocksucker status! Fuck
that feels great!"

I am not sure how she felt about his praise. She
ignored him and continued to struggle with his large
organ. She had finally managed to develop some kind of
rhythm when he stopped her. She was relieved, but she
didn't know what I knew about what was coming next. I
was really scared for her. But there was nothing I
could do.

I continued recording as he pulled her back up and
kissed her and told her what a good cocksucker she was
and now he wanted to try something else. She looked
worried, and she had every reamister to be. Jerry went
over and whispered something in Rob's ear. What ever it
was it made Rob smile broadly, so I knew it was going
to be good.

Jerry came to me and took the camera and resumed
recording. Then Rob went back to kissing Lynne and
caressing her. They were lying on their sides with
Lynne on my side of the bed. Rob paused and ordered me
to get down and start working on Lynne's asshole with
my tongue. I saw Lynne tense up and I knew she
suspected what was going to happen. And she was scared.
I moved over to the bed and bent over. I spread Lynne's
ass cheeks and with Jerry right in my face with that
damned camera. I kissed around her asshole for a moment
and then started licking.

She was shivering occasionally as I worked, in fear I
suppose. I didn't know what Rob was doing now, it
sounded like he had gone back to making out with my
wife. I worked as hard as I could to make her as wet as
I could and stretch her as much as I could with my
tongue. I realized that when it came to the time that
he started shoving his big log into her little ass,
what little I was doing with my tongue wouldn't help

Jerry tossed me a tube of KY and told me to put some
on, and in, her ass. I was thankful that they were
letting me do that. I can only assume that they were
afraid of tearing her. I put it on liberally and began
working first one and then two fingers into her tight
little hole. I finally put three of my fingers into her
and she grunted in pain as I powerd them in, but I knew
it was going to get worse for her.

Rob gave me a few minutes to loosen her up, and then he
stood up. He ordered me to position her on her knees on
the edge of the bed and with Jerry recording my every
move I did as ordered, setting my wife up for yet
another humiliating and unbelievably painful experience
to please these two monsters.

When Lynne was in position Rob came around to this side
of the bed and stood between her legs. I was ordered to
kneel on the bed facing Rob, lean over and grab my
wife's ass cheeks and spread them for him. I felt like
a traitor to my poor wife, I doubted if she would be
able to forgive me for this. But these two were evil
and I knew that if we didn't do the things that they
wanted they were quite capable of coming up with
something worse. Or at least I think I knew that.

I felt Lynne shaking as I slid my hands down over her
ass. I watched Jerry making sure to get a good picture
of me opening my wife up for his friend to fuck. Rob
smiled at me and thanked me. Then he told me that Jerry
had suggested that I be made to put his cock in my
wife's ass. Fortunately, Rob said that he didn't want
my fagoty hands on his cock. I was more than a little
happy to learn that Rob was something of a homophobe.

Rob lined up his own cock and started pushing as I held
her ass open. She started moaning in pain until he
finally exerted enough pressure to power the head of
his large cock inside. She screamed at the painful
invasion and begged him to take it out. Jerry gleefully
hurried around to the other side and got a nice close
up of her ***d face as she screamed and begged him
to stop. After a few minutes, though, he came back
around to record the progress of Rob's dick in my
wife's ass. He was not being gentle, and being broken
in yesterday by Jerry's average sized cock was
obviously not adequate to prepare her for Rob's
oversized cock.

He was more than half way in now and he pushed me out
of the way so that he could grab her hips and exert
more pressure. I climbed off the bed and Jerry handed
the camera back to me. He warned me to make it good,
"or else". I went back to recording my wife's ass ****
as Jerry moved around and got on his knees on the bed
near Lynne's head. She was in agony and wasn't even
aware that he was there until he grabbed a handful of
her hair and lifted her head up off the bed. At that
moment Rob made one last vicious thrust and his cock
was buried all the way in her ass.

When he thrust, Lynne screamed again and Jerry powerd
his cock into her mouth. I made sure to get some close-
ups at both ends to please them, but for the most part
I stood back and filmed them both at the same time as
they roughly, viciously ****d her. I tried to block out
her muffled screams and later her moans of pain, but it
was impossible. Yes, I know it hurt her a lot more than
it did me. But it was *******ing me too. I had tears
running down my face and could hardly see the sexual
tableau in front of me through the viewfinder.

Thankfully Rob had found the day of humiliating my wife
and me to be quite stimulating, and her tight ass was
the most wonderful thing he had ever felt and so he
couldn't last very long. He grabbed my wife's hips
vulgarly and rammed his cock all the way home one last
time and shot a massive load of cum into her. Then he
slowly pulled out of her.

I zoomed in for a close up and was disgusted at the
sight. His cock was covered in slime, though thankfully
I couldn't see any red. And her asshole remained
open, his load of cum dripping rapidly out and down her
thighs. Finally her ass began to close up, slowly.
Jerry pulled out of her mouth without cumming and
twisted her around so that her head was at Rob's
crotch. She knew what was expected of her and took his
nasty cock into her mouth and cleaned him.

They ordered Lynne to clean up again and we went out
into the living room to watch the movie that just been
made. I offered to stay and help her. I could tell that
Jerry was about to tell me no, but Rob put his hand on
Jerry's shoulder and nodded. They went out to the
living room and I took Lynne in my arms. She sobbed
violently for a while. All I could do was say, "I'm
sorry." I said it quietly, over and over as I held her
close. Finally she calmed down and looked at me. She
finally understood what I was saying and she put her
finger on my lips.

"It's not your fault," she said. "It's my fault. I
brought them here. I just don't know how much more of
this I can take. Oh Dave, that hurt so bad. I was sure
he was tearing me. And I know that he is going to want
to do it again. Oh god, what are we going to do?"

I didn't have an answer for that.

We went into the bathroom and took another shower. I
dressed as my wife fixed her hair and makeup yet again.
Then we walked out to the other room. I was ordered to
fetch them each a beer and Jerry pulled Lynne down on
his lap. They had just gotten to the part of the ****
where I was loosening up my wife's ass for Rob.

I came back in with the beers and together we watched
Rob *** my wife's ass. It was horrible to watch,
and worse to listen to. But they were obviously excited
by it. And Jerry had apparently come up with an idea
for the next act. Rob put a new disk in the camera and
then he stretched out on the rug. His cock was already
hard from watching the movie, and he ordered Lynne to
get down and suck on it and get it nice and wet. She
moved between his legs and took his monster cock back
into her mouth and started sucking him off, making him
as wet as possible. She was afraid he was going to fuck
her ass again and she was sure it would ******* her. But
they had something else in mind this time.

Jerry came over and made her suck on his cock for a few
minutes. Then he stretched out on the rug and told her
to sit on his cock. She straddled his crotch and put
her hand around his cock. She pressed her pussy against
it and started fucking him but after she had slid up
and down his pole several times he stopped her and made
her do the same thing to Rob.

She moved over and straddled Rob and he reached up and
squeezed her tits roughly as she lowered her pussy down
over his cock. She slowly lowered herself until his
cock was buried in her and then started fucking him.
All this time I was moving all around them, recording
everything and getting close-ups as appropriate.

After a few minutes Rob pulled her down and hugged her
and kissed her. She responded automatically and they
kissed passionately. She was unaware of Jerry moving in
behind her until she felt his cock pushing against her
incredibly sore asshole. She tried to scream. She tried
to pull away. But it was hopeless. Rob was twice her
size and easily controlled her. I watched as Jerry,
with a great deal of effort, powerd his cock into
Lynne's ass. Once he had managed to penetrate her
completely the three of them remained still for a few
moments. Rob had finally stopped kissing her and she
was panting and whining. She sounded like she was
having a baby. She probably felt like it too.

After a few minutes Jerry started moving in and out
slowly. He and Rob both groaned in pleasure at the
sensations. It occurred to me that Lynne had almost
eighteen inches of cock in her body! She seemed out of
it. She was whining and whimpering, unable to even form
the words to beg them to stop. Jerry made sure I got
some good shots of her face so that he could enjoy her
agony later.

They finally seemed to get a mutually satisfying rhythm
going and they stayed at it for a very long time. It
had not been long since either of them had had an
orgasm. And I had lost track of the number of times
they had come in my wife since they powerd their way
into our home. So I was surprised it didn't take longer
than it did. Eventually I could see that they were
building to an orgasm, they were moaning and groaning
and Rob was squeezing the hell out of Lynne's tits.
Jerry came first, and less than a minute later Rob
emptied himself in my wife yet again. Then they
collapsed in a heap for a few minutes.

When they were breathing more normally the men started
separating themselves and Lynne just lay in a heap
looking like an accident victim. But she didn't get any
time to rest. Jerry slapped her ass hard and her eyes
shot open. Through the red haze in her mind she
realized what she was supposed to do and she got up and
licked both men's cocks clean. They finally pushed her
away and moved back to the sofa and sat down. Lynne
curled up in a ball for a while and cried silently. I
started to put the camera up, but Jerry gave me an evil
look which I took to mean that he wanted me to keep
recording my wife's agony.

Rob finally took the camera back and I went and sat
down as Lynne cried herself to relax right there on the

It was getting late and Rob and Jerry put their shorts
on and tried to decide what they wanted for dinner.
There wasn't a lot of food in the house. We normally go
shopping on Saturday and of course my wife was too busy
being ****d over and over to get around to grocery
shopping. They decided to order pizza and have it
delivered. I took the orders and called them in. I
decided against calling the place that we normally call
for pizza. I was afraid that they would use this as yet
another opportunity to humiliate us.

While they watched TV they ordered Lynne to go clean up
again. She was back in half and hour looking refreshed,
but depressed. Jerry looked at her and told her she had
better perk up or he would have to think of something
to lighten her mood. I didn't know what the hell he was
expecting from her.

I had made out the check for the pizza and to no ones
surprise when it arrived Lynne was sent to the door to
invite the pizza deliverer in. She opened the door in
the nude and invited the guy in. He was so captivated
by my wife's nude body that at first he didn't notice
that there were three men in the room! I walked over
and took the pizza from him and handed him the check.
Before he could leave though, Jerry said, "Lynne, why
don't you take this nice young man into the kitchen and
give him his tip."

She had known it was coming and she never even changed
expression. She took him by the hand and led him into
the kitchen and for the next few minutes all we heard
were his moans of ecstasy. He finally came breezing
back through with a huge smile on his face. Before he
left he thanked Jerry profusely. Then he rushed to his
car and sped off, anxious I am sure to return to the
pizza parlor and regale his friends with the story of
what just happened to him.

Lynne came out from the kitchen a minute later with
plates and napkins for everyone and I went in and
brought out four more beers.

Rob and Jerry had voracious appetites, it was easy to
imagine why. Lynne and I had a couple of small slices,
but neither of us had much of an appetite. It was
getting late and since the sexual appetites of both men
were sated they decided that Rob would relax in our bed
and Jerry in the guest bedroom. Our third bedroom had
been turned into a computer room so Lynne and I would
relax on the couch. It suddenly occurred to everyone
that the luggage was still in the trunk of our car. So
I had to go out and empty the trunk and they separated
their bags and went to bed.

Lynne had gotten a couple of blankets from the linen
closet and we stretched out on the sofa. I held her
close and she went to relax crying in my arms. We slept
pretty well considering. Except for the time during the
night when I woke up and saw that Lynne was sitting on
the edge of the sofa and Jerry was standing in front of
her fucking her face.

The man was insatiable! He finally came, but after the
first spurt shot down her throat he pulled out and shot
the rest all over her face. She licked his cock clean
when he was finished and he ordered her to leave his
cum on her face and went back to bed. She finally
stretched out on her back, trying to keep Jerry's cum
from dripping down on the furniture. I put my arm under
her head and held her close as she cried herself back
to relax.

I guess everyone was exhausted because the next
morning, Sunday, everyone slept late. Jerry finally
came out around ten thirty and said, "Come on cunt,
time for a shower."

Lynne groaned, but got up and walked back to the
bedroom. I got up and used the guest bathroom. Then I
went out and started coffee. I made some bacon and
toast and put them in the oven to keep warm and waited
for everyone to come back out. I assumed there would be
some morning hard-ons to take care of. I tried not to
think about it.

They finally came out. The men were dressed but Lynne
was still nude of course. Jerry sent her out to get the
paper in the yard. She didn't even look to see who was
out there. She just walked out and picked up the paper
and waked back in.

I was taking egg orders while they sipped their coffee
but Lynne came in and took over the cooking so I got a
cup of coffee and set the table. Rob and Jerry read the
paper and I stayed as close as I could to Lynne. We
even managed to exchange a few quick kisses which
seemed to cheer her up a little. She whispered, "I
can't believe you still want to kiss me!"

I smiled at her and kissed her again and whispered
back, "All over!"

I know it wasn't much, but it seemed to cheer her up a
little. I was really worried about her mental health.

We served them in the dining room; she and I ate in the

After breakfast we started cleaning up and Rob ordered
me to make another pot of coffee. He said it was going
to be a long day. Then he told us that we would be
going grocery shopping as soon as we finished. The
thought of and hour or so alone was surprisingly

Lynne dressed quickly but Rob made her go back in and
take her underwear off. She came back out in the same
clothes, but feeling a lot more exposed.

Before we could leave Rob threw us the keys to their
rental car and told us to drop by the club where we had
first met them and pick up the car and bring it here.

Lynne grabbed her purse and her shopping list and we
left for the club, and then the grocery store. We
didn't dare drag it out too long, but we took every
moment we thought we could get away with. Finally we
could put it off no longer and I drove the rental car
back to the house. Lynne followed in our car.

Rob and Jerry had papers spread out all over the dining
room table and were working when we started carrying
groceries in. They ignored us and we finished up and
started putting things away. Rob said, "She can do
that. You better get out there and get your yard work

I didn't want to leave her alone in here, but then, my
presence hadn't done her any good so far.

I headed for the door between the kitchen and the
garage and as I was on the way out I heard Rob say to
Lynne, "Who said you could wear clothes in the house
cunt? Get those off!"

Then I was outside concentrating on yard work.
Concentrating very hard so that I wouldn't think of
what our life had been like since Friday night, and
what it would be like for another twelve days.
Concentrating so hard I didn't hear Harry come up
behind me.

"What the hell is going on Dave?" he asked in an
excited whisper. I was so startled I dropped my hedge
trimmers. I looked toward the house to see if anyone
could see us here. We were out of the view of any of
our windows so I turned and tried to think what I could
possibly say to Harry to convince him that everything
was alright.

Harry was a wonderful old guy. His wife died a couple
of years ago. Until then we had spent many evenings
with them, gone out to dinners and movies and BBQs in
the back yard and card and board games on many a
Saturday night. They were like our substitute parents.
After his wife died we worried about him becoming a
hermit or something. But he had his friends he played
poker with and went bowling with. He played golf. And
we still had him over once a week for dinner and a game
of dominoes or something.

I knew he would want to help but I knew of nothing he
or anyone else could do. Especially now that Rob had
all of those nasty movies!

Harry was waiting for an answer and I said as sincerely
as I could, "Harry, I know it doesn't look good. I
can't really explain it right now. I just have to ask
you to ignore what you see over here for the next
twelve days and after that everything will be back to
normal and I will explain everything."

Harry looked pretty skeptical, but there wasn't really
anything he could do about it right now. He told me
that, "If you two are in any trouble, or if there is
anything you need you come to me. You two are like my
own kids and you know I would do anything for you."


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I knew he meant it, but I didn't want anything to
happen to him. I thought it best if we just toughed
this out. I thanked him for his concern and promised to
explain everything in two weeks. Then I told him I had
to get back to work and he went back across the street,
obviously not convinced.

I finished up my yard work. We have a small yard and it
only takes a couple of hours to do it right. I did the
minimum and finished up in just over an hour. I put
everything away and went inside, afraid of what I would

Nothing was going on. Rob and Jerry were still doing
paperwork. I guess there is a lot of work involved in
hostile takeovers. I went to my bedroom to take a
shower and put some clean clothes on. Lynne was
changing bed linens and doing laundry, in the nude of
course. We hugged quickly and I kissed her before I
went in for my shower. I could tell by her breath that
something had happened while I was outside. I could
smell cum on her breath. But she didn't say anything
and neither did I.

When I had finished my shower and dressed I went back
out to the living room. I saw our tormenters in the
dining room putting their work away.

Lynne brushed past me and went into the kitchen. She
had prepared an early supper and it was ready. I helped
her set the table and we all sat down to eat. Rob and
Jerry talked business and ignored us, which was just
fine with us.

Then Jerry suggested that since it was going to be a
long hard week that maybe they should go out for a
couple of hours, have a couple of takes and turn in
early. Rob thought that was a good idea. We had hoped
that they would be going out alone but I suppose we
should have known better.

They stood up and told us to come with them. Lynne
looked at them in confusion. She was still naked, of

"I can't go out like this," she exclaimed. "What do you
want me wear?"

Jerry grinned at her and said, "Your outfit is still in
the car stupid."

Lynne paled at the thought of going out again in that
tiny little slip she had worn to the hotel this
morning. Not to mention having to go out to the car
once more in the nude. But she knew it would do no good
to argue. I grabbed my car keys and we headed out the

I locked the front door quickly and hurried to open the
car doors. I didn't see anyone around as we went out
but halfway to the car a couple of teenage boys in a
car were driving by when they spotted Lynne walking
across the yard in the nude. The car screeched to a
stop in front of the house and the boys watched as
Lynne was led slowly out to our car. To add to her
misery Jerry led her around the car and made her get in
on the street side, not three feet from where the
teenagers had come to a stop. I felt sorry for Lynne,
but the look on the faces of those two boys was

When we were all in the car I started the engine and
pulled away from the curb. Rob directed me to drive out
toward the airport. The car was quiet as I drove; until
we started to get near the airport. I was ordered down
a frontage road and suddenly I knew where we were
going. This was the area of town where most of the
tattoo parlors and adult businesses were located,
including the strip clubs. Rob turned to Lynne and told
her that since she was such a good dancer they thought
she would enjoy dancing for them.

I parked in front of the strip club that Rob selected
and we all got out of the car. Lynne was still naked
but after we got out Rob handed her that little slip
that was her outfit for the night. Then we entered the
club and found a seat. It was kind of early for this
kind of entertainment, there were only a dozen guys
sitting around watching one girl dance listlessly.

We ordered takes and watched the dancer. Jerry told
Lynne to pay attention; she might learn something she
could use. Rob was looking around and he got up and
walked around. He went to the bar and talked to the
bartender for a minute and in a few minutes a large,
rough looking man came out of the back and went over to
talk with Rob.

As they talked they kept glancing over at our table.
Finally Rob returned to our table and told Lynne she
was in luck. It wasn't amateur night, but the manager
was always looking for new talent so he was going to
give Lynne a tryout. I saw the panic on Lynne's face.
But we didn't say anything. It was inevitable. Jerry
tapped Lynne on her shoulder and pointed to a customer
not far away getting a lap dance. He told her to study
the young lady because she would undoubtedly be asked
to do some of that as well. Lynne slumped in her seat,
ignoring the way her slip slid up, baring her shaved
pussy. But she watched the bored young woman rubbing
her body all over the excited customer.

As she watched she drank quickly, and asked for
another. Rob smiled and said, "Okay, but we don't want
you to overdo it and not fully enjoy your debut."

Rob called a waitress over and ordered another round of
takes and when they were delivered Lynne downed hers

While she drank Rob explained to her that she would be
announced soon and she would go up on stage and dance
as sexily as she was able. Since she didn't have a
stripper outfit she would just take off her slip right
away and dance nude. She would have to dance through
three mistergs, and if he was not impressed by her
enthusiasm he had some ideas on how to make her very
sorry. When her third misterg had ended she was to go
around to all the customers and ask them if they would
like a lap dance. If they did she would do what she had
seen that other girl do for one entire misterg. Except
that unlike with the strippers, the men would be
allowed to touch her as much as they pleased.

Lynne looked up at Rob, a look of desperation on her
face and asked desperately, "Why are you doing this to

Rob smiled broadly and responded, "Because I can,
because I enjoy it. Because it excites me to see you
suffer the way you are this very moment. It turns me
the fuck on!"

A voice was coming out of the speakers in the suddenly
quiet room. It announced that a young lady in the
audience wanted to dance for their pleasure. I assumed
the announcer was the manager behind the obvious one
way glass in the wall at the far end of the room. He
went on to say that it was the ladies first time in a
strip club, and that she really didn't know what to do,
so she was just going to dance for us.

Rob was shoving her out of her chair and pointing out
the stairs at the end of the stage. Lynne stumred
toward the stairs as the announcer asked the audience
to put their hands together and welcome Lynne to her
stage debut.

She looked like a deer caught in the headlights. But
she made her way up on the stage and when the loud,
fast music began to blare from the speaker Lynne
started dancing. She was awkward at first, but she is a
natural and loves to dance. Before long she was looking
pretty hot. Of course her breasts were slipping around
loosely under the slip and her pussy was uncovered more
than it was covered so the crowd didn't mind that she
didn't dance like a stripper.

Rob caught her attention and nodded at her. She knew
what he meant. As she danced she slowly pulled the
little slip up, baring her shaved pussy, her flat
stomach, and finally her beautiful breasts as they
bobbed back and forth while she danced. She tossed her
only garment to me at our table and I caught it and put
it over the back of her chair. But I couldn't take my
eyes off of her. She was beautiful! And I wasn't the
only one that thought so. Ever man in the place had
perked up and was watching intently and cheering
eagerly as she danced around the stage displaying her
charms to everyone.

Half way through her second number Jerry stood up and
moved up to stage. He wiggled his finger at her,
calling her closer. As she danced up to him he reached
up and pushed a dollar bill into her pussy with his

Lynne had been trying to forget what she was doing and
who was watching. She had really gotten into the music
and tried to just dance for her own pleasure. Jerry had
just shattered that. She was instantly brought back to
the moment.

Jerry sauntered back to our table, smiling his evil
smile at me, taunting me for not being able to protect
my wife.

When Jerry sat down I looked back at the stage and now
all the men in the place were lining the stage and
taking their turn shoving dollar bills into my wife's
pussy. She was trying to keep dancing, but they were
making it very difficult. It was rapidly getting out of
hand until the bartender came over and restored some

Lynne struggled through one last misterg and returned to
our table to loud cheers, whistles and cat calls. She
was so happy to be off of the stage that she had
forgotten what she had been told to do next. She
remembered as soon as she saw Jerry's face though. She
stood there for a moment. I knew she wanted to plead
with them. But instead she dropped a handful of one
dollar bills on the table, picked up my take and
gulped it down, and then moved slowly to the nearest
customer. She bent over and whispered in his ear,
asking him if he wanted a lap dance.

Lynne had been instructed that in order to maintain her
amateur standing she was not to charge for this
service. When the customer heard it was free he sat
back and yelled "Hell yes!" Everyone in the place was
watching and they all laughed at his enthusiasm. I
think that it must have been obvious to everyone that
she was not enjoying this, and that she was being made
to do it. That seemed to empower them. They fed on it
and seemed to want to increase the level of her

Another stripper had taken to the stage and started her
act. As soon as the music started Lynne started her lap
dance. Her first customer was a middle age man who
looked to be about half takes. Lynne moved in and began
moving her body over him, trying her best to imitate
the lap dance she had seen earlier. Soon after she had
started the man brought his hand around and gently
moved it over her ass. When he was permitted this
liberty he pressed on, greedily moving his hand all
over her body, concentrating most of his attention on
her perfect breasts which he kept trying to pull into
his mouth. By the end of the 'dance' it was more of a
wrestling match.

Finally the misterg ended and Lynne struggled out of the
man's arms. The next table was two men, younger men,
not bad looking but obviously eager to continue the
wrestling match. As Lynne made her way reluctantly to
their table the bartender rushed over and pointed out a
smaller, slightly more private side room. Lynne nodded
and then as she bent over to ask the guy if she could
give him a lap dance his hand went right to her pussy
and rubbed her openly. Then she was powerd to invite
him to join her in the back room.

Both men grabbed their takes and followed her into the
back room. Jerry and Rob stood up and I was powerd to
follow. I grabbed my ginger ale and Lynne's slip and we
went back to the small back room. There were a couple
of tables on one side and a long bench on the other
side. The men were sitting on the bench and Lynne was
attempting to do her lap dance with the first man. We
sat down at one of the empty tables and I noticed that
the narrow doorway was quickly filled with men waiting
their turn for one of Lynne's lap dances.

The young man had seen what the first guy had gotten
away with. And he had seen the bartender send them to
this more private room. He didn't know that Lynne could
not say no to him, but he was going to see how far he
could go. He had been watching women undress for an
hour now. He had especially enjoyed Lynne's dances and
he was horny. He was going to go just as far as he
could. As Lynne rubbed her body over his he explored
her breasts and her ass and then he pushed a finger
inside of her.

His friend was sitting a foot away and egging him on
and the men in the door were cheering him on as well.
He glanced at our table; he knew she had come in with
us. He saw the wide smiles on Rob and Jerry and figured
he had a definite green light. He said the hell with it
and pulled his zipper down. He fished his cock out and
pulled her right down on top of it.

Lynne squealed as his cock stabbed into her, but it had
been obvious where this was going and she didn't fight
it. The young man sighed loudly as his cock entered my
wife. Then his hands wrapped around her waist and he
began lifting her up and down rapidly. It didn't take
long in this sexually charge atmosphere. He quickly
sprayed his cum deep in her steaming pussy and went
limp under her. As soon as she stood up the next man
pulled her down onto the bench beside him. He stood up
and pulled his cock out and grabbed her legs. He lifted
her ass up and as she hung down with only her shoulders
and head on the bench he powerd himself into her and
fucked her rapidly. He lasted a little longer than his
buddy and I was amazed when just before he shot his
load into her she screamed through a shivering orgasm
of her own. This brought a big cheer from the crowd in
the door.

The man fucking her finally shot his cum into her and
gently sat her back down on the bench. The two men who
had just fucked her stood up and put their pants back
together. They gave each other a high five and went
back out to the main room. Another man came in and
walked toward Lynne but before he could do anything
Jerry intervened. I stupidly thought that he was going
to put an end to this; instead he guided Lynne to her
feet and led her over to the other table in the room.
He leaned her over the table and she looked up at me,
her face was only three feet from me.

Jerry said to the men who were now crowding into the
room, "This should speed things up. The bitch has more
than one hole. Okay, go ahead guys, help yourselves."

Another cheer went up and instantly there was a cock in
her mouth and another cock in her sloppy pussy.

The gang **** went on for over an hour. There had only
been about a dozen men there when we came in, so I
don't know where they were all coming from, but finally
it ended and Lynne was handed a towel by the manager,
who had been watching towards the end, so that she
could clean up. When she had wiped her face and body
clean of cum he handed her another towel and made her
lean up the table she had been bent over and the floor
under her.

When she had finished this last humiliating chore Rob
and Jerry stood up and told us to follow them. I
grabbed Lynne's slip and followed them out. I was
surprised at how many men were in the audience now. It
was twice as many as when we came in! Lynne must have
fucked and sucked at least two dozen men, and I know
that some of them went through twice.

We went out to the car, with Lynne still nude of
course. And they got in the back as I drove home. But
they didn't touch her. I knew that they had enjoyed the
show, and were excited by her offense and use. I
knew that as soon as she had showered she was going to
get fucked again.

We pulled up to the house and I was told to leave the
slip in the car. We went into the house and as I had
assumed, Lynne was ordered to shower and get back out
here, and hurry, they had to get to bed.

She was back in fifteen minutes with her hair and
makeup intact and they took her roughly, one after the
other, on the rug at my feet.

When they had sated themselves they told us that they
had to leave for the office early tomorrow morning and
they didn't know what time they would be home. They
took our cell phone numbers in case they wanted to
contact us. They told us to go about our normal
schedule tomorrow. Jerry said he would set out what
Lynne was to wear tomorrow, and he would be checking on

After they went to bed, Lynne used the guest bathroom
to clean up and joined me on the couch again. I held
her close, expecting her to cry herself to relax again
but she didn't. She kissed me and apologized again for
getting us into this. She told me that she would
understand if I wanted her to leave when this was over.
I assured her that I loved her just as much as ever and
I would never ask her to leave. She looked at me, as if
trying to figure out if I were serious, and wondering
how that could possibly be. Then she put her head on my
chest for a minute and whispered, "Did you like my

I knew that there was chance that this could be one of
those trick questions that gets guys in so much
trouble. But I told her what I thought, which is what I
thought she really needed to hear.

"It was the most erotic thing I have ever seen in my
life," I said honestly. It had been. I almost came in
my pants while my wife was dancing on that stage. And I
told her that. She smiled up at me. A smile that warmed
my heart, I had seen it so rarely in the last few days.
Then I felt her hand on my cock. I was stripped down to
my shorts and my cock was instantly hard. She slid down
and moved the cover off of me and pulled my shorts

"You don't have to do this," I said quietly. "I
understand what you are going through, and I don't want
to be part of the problem."

"I want to," she whispered. "I need to."

She took me into her mouth. I knew her jaw must be very
sore after all of the use this evening. But she
didn't hesitate. She took me into her mouth, and then
into her throat. It was wonderful, and I had been so
stimulated for so long that I was embarrassed at how
quickly I came. She swallowed it easily and then smiled
up at me. I thanked her and told her I knew how hard
that must have been for her. She just said, "I love

She tried to pull her face away when I kissed her, but
I didn't let her. I kissed her passionately and held
her close. "I can't believe you could still kiss me
after everything that has happened," she said sadly.

I reminded her that I had told her yesterday, I would
always want to kiss her, everywhere."

And then I slid down to the floor and did just that. I
kissed her everywhere. She tried to pull my head away
when I neared her pussy. "No," she said, a touch of
fear in her voice. "Not after what they did to me. Not
after all those men."


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I smiled at her and said, "I know you are sore. I won't
hurt you. I want you to know that nothing has changed.
I love you and I want you and I think you are just as
beautiful and sexy as I did last Thursday. I continue
to adore you. I will continue to adore you, no matter
what happens."

I resumed kissing her and I spread her legs slightly
and gently licked and kissed her red, swollen pussy. I
was surprised that it didn't show any signs of the
use it had suffered lately. It did not seem to be any
more red or swollen than it might be after a night of
normal love making.

Lynne began to relax and was soon moaning quietly in
pleasure. I didn't attempt to enter her. I licked
around her tender lips and then teased her clit for a
few minutes. I didn't expect her to have an orgasm but
she surprised me. She suddenly gripped my hair and
pulled hard enough to hurt as she struggled to muffle
her moans of pleasure. I felt her tense up and then
slowly relax.

I hugged her for a while with my head resting on her
bare sex. Then I moved up and held her and we kissed
again, for a very long time. We finally woke up at our
regular time and I was relieved to find that the
assholes had already left for their office.

We took a long hot shower together and then dried off.
I went to the closet to get out a fresh suit and I saw
what had been laid out for Lynne to wear to work today.
It was a silky, flirty little print dress that buttoned
all the way up the front. It was totally inappropriate
for her to wear to work. It only came to mid thigh and
was thin enough that the outlines of her nipples would
show. I knew because she had worn it out on more than
one evening and it had been very exciting. But not to
work in for god's sake!

And then I noticed that the top three and bottom three
buttons had been cut off. Only five buttons remained. I
couldn't believe that asshole Jerry expected her to
wear this to work!

Lynne came in while I was looking at it and groaned in
dismay. She slipped it on and buttoned the remaining
buttons and stood in front of the mirror. The remaining
button at the top was so low that her breasts were
nearly uncovered. If she moved she had to be very
careful not to expose her nipples. And the bottom
button was just about an inch below her bare pussy. We
looked at each other in shock.

They had said that they would do nothing to have an
effect on our careers. I don't know why we had been
stupid enough to believe them. Maybe it was just that
we had no choice but to believe them. There was no way
she could wear this to work! She was a professional, a
programmer/analyst for a very staid institution. She
looked more like she was dressed for another strip

With tears in her eyes she looked at me and said, "I
have to. He said he was going to check up on me."

We got our stuff together and went out to the car. I
saw Harry outside and we waived to him. I saw that he
noticed Lynne's inappropriate dress, but he didn't say
anything. I drove into the city, Lynne works several
blocks from me. The ride was quiet, neither of us could
think of anything to say. I dropped Lynne off and
watched her struggle to maintain some little bit of
decency as she entered her building. I finally pulled
back into traffic and drove to my parking garage. I sat
in the car for a long time. I knew that there was no
way we could do this for two weeks. I just didn't know
how to end it without going to primister. I hoped it would
be an easy day at work; I had some soul searching to

It turned out to be a fairly easy day, much to my
surprise, most Mondays are like Mondays! I moved papers
around my desk and tried to look busy but all I could
think about was how to get rid of those bastards that
were trying to destroy us just for the hell of it.

I had been wrestling with the problem for an hour or so
when I looked up and to my great surprise I saw Harry
walking into my office. There was a look of concern,
and a look of determination on his face. He came in and
closed my office door and sat down, all without saying
a word.

He stared at me for a few minutes and then he said,
"You remember what I told you?"

I assumed he meant that Lynne and I were like his kids.
I nodded, wondering where this was going.

"I saw you guys when you came home last night." I felt
my face turn red but I didn't say anything. "And I saw
what she was wearing to work this morning."

There was a long pause and then he said "Damn it Dave,
what the hell is going on?!"

I didn't want to tell him, but it was obvious I needed
help. I had nowhere else to turn. I was embarrassed,
and afraid of losing the friendship and respect of
someone I admired, but it was obvious that on my own I
could not solve this horrible situation.

So I told him. I told him almost everything, right from
the beginning. I left out some of the graphic
descriptions and more perverted acts, but told him
enough that he had an accurate picture of our

I watched his face as I spoke. He was obviously
shocked, and furious. "Why in hell didn't you say
anything? Damn it Dave, what are friends for?"

I shrugged and said, "I didn't want you to get hurt.
And we didn't want anyone to know what horrible things
were happening to Lynne."

He asked me a lot of questions. I knew what building
the two men were working in, and their first names.
Other than their hotel address when they first arrived
in town I didn't know much else about them. They were
not very forthcoming. I told Harry everything I could.

Harry sat quietly for a few minutes and said that he
could fix this. I didn't really believe him. He saw the
skepticism in my face and smiled.

"Son," he said in a kindly manner, "just about everyone
I know is a cop, or a retired cop, or the man of a
cop, or the mister of a cop. All those guys I play cards
with, or play golf with, or go bowling with, they are
all cops. I used to be a cop. I retired from the police
department after I was wounded in the line of duty. I
couldn't use a handgun any more, but I was still
healthy enough to get on at the fire department. But I
wasn't always a fireman. I know all the right people to
take care of this. It may take a day to work it out,
but by tomorrow evening I am pretty sure this will all
be gone away."

I wanted to hug him! In fact, I got up and went around
the desk and I did just that. "Thank you Harry," I said
emotionally. "I was on the verge of buying a gun, and
doing something stupid."

He just smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's taken care
of. It will be hard, but don't say anything to Lynne
yet. I don't want them to know that anything is wrong."
I nodded and he started to leave.

I stopped him as he was leaving and told him about all
of the disks that Rob had recorded. He told me not to
worry, I would get them back. Then he waived and left
the office.

I wanted more than anything to tell Lynne that the
nightmare was almost over. But I trusted Harry and I
didn't want to jeopardize anything he had planned.

At the same time that Harry was leaving my office,
Lynne was leaving hers. She had gotten a call from
Jerry on her cell phone and he had ordered her to meet
him outside of the parking garage of his building. He
informed her that he could see the sidewalk from his
office and he would be watching to make sure that she
walked with her back straight and her arms at her sides
and her dress doing whatever it would do.

She had spent the entire morning at her desk, putting
off several meetings and some rather important tasks
which would have required her to leave her seat. She
didn't want any more people to see her than she could

Now she was walking down the street towards Jerry's
office building. Her breasts were bouncing freely and
she was conscious that every few steps one or the other
of her nipples would slide briefly into view. And she
knew that there was a good chance her bare slit was
being exposed as well, especially with that light
breeze blowing in her face and ruffling her light
dress. She tried not to see the looks on the faces of
the people she passed. The shocked looks on the women
and many of the men, the leers on the faces of most of
the men. And she tried not to cry. She tried not to
think at all. She finally made it the block and a half
to his building and turned down the narrow side street
to the entrance to the parking garage.

She didn't see him when she got there and so she stood
nearby, waiting, hoping nobody mistook her for a

She waited for about five minutes. Except for her
outfit she didn't mind waiting. She would rather wait
for him than be with him. But eventually she saw him
walking casually out of the dark parking garage. He
waived her over and she walked to where he stood
waiting and obviously enjoying watching her walk in
what was left of her dress.

He took her arm and led her across the garage to a
small office where a security guard was sitting,
watching them through the plate glass window. He stood
up when they entered. He was a very large, older black
man and he was obviously enjoying the view.

Jerry said, "Hey Chief. Where's that office you said I
could use?"

The security guard said, "Right this way boss." He
turned and led the way down a small dark hallway and
into a cold room with cinderblock walls. The only
furniture was an old metal desk.

Jerry pushed her into the room and said, "Strip!"

Lynne looked up and saw the security card close the
door and lean back against it watching with great
interest. "The lock doesn't work," the guard said with
a leering smile on his face.

She looked down at the floor, but she could feel their
eyes on her as she quickly unfastened the five
remaining buttons on her dress. She slid the dress down
her shoulders and dropped it onto the desk.

Jerry pushed her to her to her knees and she
automatically started unfastening his pants. She pulled
his cock free and started sucking it the way he liked.
She sucked him for several minutes before he pulled her
to her feet and lifted her onto the cold metal desk. He
pushed her back and lifted her legs and entered her
quickly as the security guard watched. She glanced at
him and saw the bulge in his pants. She knew that when
Jerry had finished using her she would find herself
under the massive body of the guard.

Jerry pumped into her, not so much fucking her as using
her to masturbate into and getting off on her
offense. He came quickly and pulled out of her. She
slid to the floor as soon as he stepped back and she
sucked and licked until his cock and balls were clean.

Jerry stepped back and as he put his clothes back
together he said, "All you have to do now is pay for
the room." Jerry took the guards place at the door and
watched. It looked like he was enjoying the show just
as much as he enjoyed sticking his cock into her.

The large black man moved his hands all over her,
roughly squeezing and pulling on her breasts while
looking into her eyes. He pushed her to her knees and
she opened his pants and pulled them down to his knees.
His shorts followed and he stood there with his huge
gut hanging over his genitals. But his manhood wasn't
hidden. She had no trouble at all locating his cock. It
hung down over his huge balls, almost to his knees! It
was the biggest cock she had ever seen, even in

She stared at it, a look of awe on her face, and fear.
She looked over at Jerry, hoping for a last minute
reprieve, but not only was there no hope of any
sympathy from Jerry, she saw that he had Rob's camera
out and was filming her shame so that it could be
enjoyed by Rob later.

She reached out tentatively and grasped his huge cock.
She moved her hand over it and lifted it up to her
face. She noticed that it was hard already, thank god,
it was already far too large to fit into her! She moved
her hands over it and began licking it. She felt his
organ twitching as she moved her tongue over it. She
noticed copious amounts of clear fluid begin oozing
from the large hole in the end of his organ and powerd
herself to lick the slimy stuff from the end of his
cock. Then she licked back down the shaft to his huge
sweaty balls. She tried to take one of his balls into
her mouth but it wouldn't fit! It was almost as large
as a baseball! So she licked his sack all over.

Jerry had come closer for some nice close-ups and as he
recorded her continued use he spoke quietly to the
big guard. "She has another little trick she likes to
do," he said. "Why don't you lean over that desk right
there, you're gonna love this."

The guard smiled and bent down over the desk and looked
back to watch her as she turned and looked at his
massive, sweaty, smelly, black ass. She leaned forward
but had to pause as she gagged. She got it under
control, turned her head to the side and took a deep
breath and then stuck out her tongue and touched it to
his flesh. She moved her tongue up and down the crack
of his ass several times, and then she separated the
cheeks of his ass with her small hands and buried her
face in his ass, licking and sucking on his unclean
asshole. It was horrible! She started gagging again and
had to pull her face away and take a couple of gasping
breaths. She looked up at Jerry, but there was no mercy
there. She moved her face back between the cheeks of
the guard's ass and resumed tonguing his asshole.

The guard was moaning with pleasure and would probably
have let her continue for a long time. But Jerry wanted
to keep things moving, I suppose he had to get back to
work. He said something to the guard that Lynne
couldn't hear and suddenly the guard stood up and
stepped back. He leaned down and picked Lynne up and
dropped her on the desk.

Jerry moved into a position that permitted him to
record both the massive cock which was about to ravage
Lynne's small vagina and the look of horror on her
face. A look that he knew would soon become a look of

The guard plopped his huge tube of meat down on her
stomach and ordered her to put it in. She realized that
his gut was so large he couldn't even see their sex
organs. She put her hand around the huge cock and
placed it at the entrance to her pussy. She was
grateful now that Jerry had already fucked her. That
was a thought that she never expected to have! She
guided the head of the cock up and down her slit,
lubricating it with the fresh cum oozing out of her
slit and then pulled him into her slowly.

It wasn't too bad at first. She had gotten used to
Rob's large cock. And the head of this giant's cock was
only slightly larger than the base of Rob's cock. But
she knew it was going to get bad quickly.

And it did. The guard lifted her legs in the air and
held onto her thighs. Then he started powering inch
after inch of his huge black meat into her. He watched
the expression on her face change from fear and
loathing to pain, to agony. When his tool was finally
buried in her it punched into her cervix with every
thrust. Both men smiled in pleasure at her pain.

The guard began fucking her violently and her suffering
brought him to new heights of pleasure. He watched her
beautiful breasts swinging violently with the power of
his vulgar fuck strokes and long before he was ready
for it to end he exploded deep in Lynne's horribly
stretched cunt.

He finally pulled out, but held her legs open as he
watched with great amusement her throbbing pussy, still
gaping open and oozing his sperm out onto the table.

Jerry got a good close up and then told her to eat it.

With an obvious look of disgust on her face she began
scooping up the gooey mess leaking from the gaping hole
between her legs and bringing it to her lips. It took
several minutes to get as much as she could, then she
was put on her feet by the giant and ordered to lick
the desk clean. There was a large pool of cooling cum
on the desk and she licked it up while Jerry recorded
more of her offense. Finally she was ordered to
clean the giant's cock and balls and put her dress back


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But at least this time he shot all of his cum down her
throat and didn't spray her face with it. As soon as he
went back to bed Lynne curled up in my arms and we went
back to relax for a few more minutes.

In the morning things went pretty much the same as
yesterday. Except this morning, after they left for
work, I told Lynne to dress normally.

She asked me if I was sure. I looked at the slutty
dress Jerry had set out for her to wear and said, "Yes.
It's over now. If Jerry calls you today don't answer
your phone. I'll call you at noon. Okay?"

She nodded and we got ready for work. There wasn't any
conversation. We were still waiting for it to be true.

At noon I called her and she told me that she had not
had any calls from either of them. I was relieved and
after a brief conversation I went back to shuffling
papers on my desk.

At about two o'clock Harry came into my office. He had
a very serious look on his face and I was afraid that
something had gone wrong. He closed my door and sat
down. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a disk.
"This is the only disk they had on them. It was in the
camera but I think it's blank. The others must still be
in your house."

Then he tossed a large wad of mostly hundred dollar
bills on my desk and said wryly, "This is all the cash
they had on them. I figured you guys deserved it for
room and board."

I still hadn't said a word. I wanted to jump up and hug
him, but I thought I should wait and find out what he
had to say. He still had that grave look on his face.
Like something bad had happened.

"We had someone go through their offices and remove any
reference to you or your address. We checked their cell
phones and they must have used land lines to call you
because your numbers aren't in their memories."

He looked up at me and said, "These guys are bad news.
They have a history of powering women into making the
worst kind of dirty movies, the kind of movies that
have a special clientele, the kind that you can't buy
unless you know someone. They also have made women
disappear, apparently into the white slave market. It
isn't what they do. They just happen to know some
people and they do it for the fun of it now and then.
You guys don't have to worry about them anymore. They
are gone now."

I waited, a minute for him to continue and when he
didn't I said, "Gone?"

"Don't ask," he said.

I didn't know what to say. I sat at my desk and cried
like a baby. I finally got myself under control and
went around my desk and shook his hand and then I
hugged him.

"I... we, owe you everything Harry. We are forever in
your debt."

He put his arm around my shoulder and said
reproachfully, "You should have come to me that first
day. You guys know how I feel about you! And you don't
owe me anything. Watching Lynne fetch the paper from
your yard was payment enough."

"But Harry," I said, "I didn't know you had an Army! I
thought you were a mild mannered retired fireman! I
didn't want you to get involved and get hurt. Besides,
everything they did was so humiliating. The idea of
sharing what was happening to us was... I just couldn't
imagine it."

He told me to go through their stuff when I got home
and shred it. If they have anything of value we can
keep it, but it would be better to get rid of it. But
don't try to sell it. Just destroy it and get rid of

Then he started for the door but I stopped him. I
grabbed that large pile of hundred dollar bills off of
my desk and powerd him to take it. "You and your
friends have a party," I said, and thank them all for
me, for both of us."

Harry smiled and left. I called Lynne immediately and
suggested that she tell her supervisor she was feeling
ill and needed to go home. I did the same and met her
outside a few minutes later.

On the drive home I started telling her everything that
I knew, which wasn't really all that much. At home we
hurried inside and started gathering all of their
belonging in the middle of the living room. We went
through and shredded all of their clothes.

We discovered several caches of hundred dollar bills.
All together we found almost $50,000! We also found all
the disks that they had made of Lynne, and a couple
dozen others besides. When we looked through them later
we found movies of the **** and use of several other
young women. We set them aside to see if Harry's police
friends could use them. We did the same with the lap
top we found. We couldn't access the data because it
was password protected, but someone in law enpowerment
might be able to get something of use from it.

The only thing we didn't get rid of was their expensive
suitcases, the cash, the disks of Lynne in action,
which for some reamister we could not bring ourselves to
destroy. And, a beautiful diamond studded Rolex. Fuck
it, I deserved it!

Life is pretty much back to normal now. Lynne smiles a
lot again. I was afraid she would be put off of sex,
but the opposite seems to have happened. We fuck like
we did on our honeymoon! Harry comes over once a week
for dinner and to play a game. While he is here Lynne
is all over him. I suspect she has a special thank you
planned for Harry. She has told him to keep watching on
Sunday morning. You never know what she might be
wearing when she goes out to get the paper.

We watch the news every night to see if there is any
update on those two missing businessmen who were here
on business from Chicago. There is still no word.

Oh, and Lynne just showed me an ad in the paper for
amateur night at a local strip club and wanted to know
if I would be interested. And she wondered if Harry
might enjoy a night out too.



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The Boss's Wife Slut

Elaine was beginning to be obsessed with the thought of
being dominated by a younger female. She was in her
late forties and married to a man who was wealthy and
had his own business. She could have anything she
wanted except the type of sex she craved and desired.
Her husband was always too busy at work or too tired
when he got home.

She turned to the internet at first masturbating at the
pictures she found only to find she was more attracted
to the thought of a younger woman dominated an older
one. The thought was sick but she couldn't help getting
wet and cumming at the pictures and stories. She even
tried having sex with a few guys without her husband
knowledge only to find it wouldn't satisfy her need.

Today, she couldn't find her credit cards and decided
to go to John's office to get his. She had only been
there once and that was nearly a year ago. It was past
closing time and everyone was gone as she arrived. She
let herself in using the spare key her husband had
given her years ago. The place was dark as she made her
way down the long corridor to the office area where she
saw light underneath the door. She started to open it
when she heard sounds from inside.

"Ow! Ow! Yes mistress!"

Elaine slowly turned the doorknob peeking inside the

John was naked by the desk area squatting down on what
looked like a long tube attached to a wooden thing on
the floor. Elaine noticed the top of the tube
disappeared in his asshole and he was rocking up and
down on it. His hands were tied behind his back and she
could make out between his legs that his balls were
tied with a cord. She could see a young girl in her
late teens or early twenties sitting at the desk chair
with her feet on the desk holding a cord in her hand
Each time she pulled on it, John would rock down on the
tube and moan out in pain.

"Are you every going to disobey me again," the girl
said with a smile looking down at him.

"No mistress, I promise I'll be good," John replied in
desperation. Sweat was rolling down his back.

The girl pushed her foot up to his face.

"Clean my foot worm," she commanded.

John started lapping away at the foot shoved in his

"You're going to call that slut wife of yours and tell
her you have to work late

today," the girl continued. "She probably rather play
with her old cunt than have that tiny worm of yours
between her legs anyway. Isn't that right bitch? Do you
want me to go over there and spank your wife big butt
for you? I bet you'll get off seeing me dominate the
old hag wouldn't you? Maybe I'll use her for my seat

"Yes mistress," John replied, continuing lapping her
foot. "Make the bitch your slave. Beat her big ass.
She's a slut mistress, John pleaded. Sit on her ugly

Elaine was stunned at his words closing the door back
up and starting back down the corridor. Her own husband
talking about her like that. Her cunt had been soaking
wet from watching the action in the room but the
offense tore at her.

She could leave the bastard and take everything he had.
The image of the girl was still in her mind as she made
her way to the front door. The girl was beautiful and
despite the offense she found herself wishing it
was her instead of John squatting on that dong,
worshipping her feet.

She went back to the car and drove home immediately.
Jumping into bed, she came twice with the thought of
the girl dominating herself and drifted off to relax
without even hearing John come home.


The next morning she awoke to find John had already
gone. The images were still in her mind as she
masturbating in bed thinking of them. She had to try it
or she'll lose her mind, she thought to herself. She
got up doing her normal housework and then got dressed
deciding to go over to John's place of work that
evening around closing time.

The office was still open as she arrived. Everyone seem
to be gone as she proceeded back down the corridor till
she came to John's office and noticed the young girl
was sitting at the secretary desk as she arrived.

She looked up at Elaine with a surprised look on her
face. "Can I help you," she asked?

The beauty of the girl and seeing her up close for the
first time stunned Elaine. It took her a moment to
gather herself.

"I'm Mrs. Jenmister and I'm here to see my husband," she
said regaining her voice and courage.

"He's in a meeting right now and can't be disturbed."
the girl told her. "You can wait if you like."

"That's fine," Elaine said, taking a seat on the side.
She watched the girl reading some papers on the desk
and admired her legs in the short mini-shirt she was
wearing. She found herself licking her lips with the
thought of crawling underneath her desk licking them.
She must have been staring as the girl was looking at
her smiling.

"Do you like my legs?" She asked.

Elaine was shocked at her comment.

"I'm sorry," she lied, I must have been daydreaming or
something. She wanted to say what she thought but the
words just wouldn't come out. She watched as the girl
slowly turned her chair towards her allowing her a
glimpse of her inside thighs.

She almost fainted at the sight of her beautiful white
thighs and then gasped in surprise as she widened them
slightly exposing her cleavage between them. She had on
no panties, as Elaine just remained seated staring at
her bush underneath. She knew her tongue must have been
wagging at the sight but she couldn't help but stare.

"How about now, do you like this better?" the girl
asked with a smile on her face?

"Yes, I mean I'm sorry, yes I do." There she said it as
she flushed red in offense at what she just said.

"Thought so," the girl replied. Getting up she walked
over to Elaine who was shaking. "Come with me," she
said. "Your husband will be busy for the next half

Elaine slowly got up and walked behind the girl
watching her ass globes shake in the tight skirt she
was wearing. Her mouth was watering at the thought of
getting inside that skirt. She followed her inside the
hall bathroom till she stopped and turned around.

"Get on your knees and beg to lick my cunt," the girl

Elaine quickly fell to her knees like a dog in heat.

"Please let me lick your cunt. Please." She begged in

"Mistress," the girl demanded.

"Please Mistress let me eat your cunt," Elaine

She watched as the girl raised her shirt exposing her
slight hairy bush to her face. She stared at it waiting
to favor its pleasures when she felt her hair being
pulled and her face slammed into it. She quickly pushed
her tongue out working up and down on her clit.

This was her dream come true as she lapped and lapped.
Her hair felt like it was being pulled out by the roots
as she focused on getting the girl to cum working her
tongue in and out and up and down her clit. She was
close to cumming herself when she felt her cum on her
face rocking up and down on her nose and mouth.

"Strip!" the girl commanded pushing her face from her

Elaine quickly started removing her blouse and skirt
and next the bra and panties. She remained on her knees
naked in front of the girl on the cold tile floor. The
girl was running her hand through her hair smiling down
at her.

Suddenly, she felt her hair being pulled as she was
dragged on her knees into the toilet stall. Her face
was pushed down into the bowl as she felt the first
spank on her ass.

"Ow!" she yelled. "Ow! Please stop! Ow!"

Her ass was being slapped as if she was a kid being
punished and the girl was showing her no mercy. She
tried to reach back to protect it only to have her
hands slapped and hurt worst.

"Take that you horny old bitch," the girl was yelling.
"And this." Her ass was on fire as the girl kept
hitting it with her palm. "You lesbian bitch, your ass
belongs to me," she continued.

Elaine was in tears. "Yes mistress. I'm your bitch.
Please no more. I'll do anything."

Finally she stopped as Elaine remained over the bowl

"Stay in that position till I come back to get you if
you know what is good for you," the girl stated and
then departed leaving Elaine bent over crying and
humiliated. It was a good 15 minutes before she finally

"Come on bitch," the girl called her.

Elaine slowly got up only to have her face slapped

"Get on all fours bitch," the girl said, slapping her
again. "I'll tell you when you can stand up."

Dropping to all fours, Elaine crawled behind the girl
out the bathroom stall back into the hallway. She had
forgotten all about John and was now wondering where he
was as she tried to keep pace. They entered the office
as Elaine looked up to see John hogtied on the desk
with his face over the edge. His look of surprise was
almost as bad as hers.

"Told you I was going to beat your wife slut ass and
make her my slave," the girl told him pinching his
nipple till he yelled out. "She's a natural slut just
like you are."

She went to the counter and got some rope demanding
Elaine return to an upright position on the floor. She
tied her hands behind her back and then her ankles

"Squat slave!" she demanded. "I have a nice little toy
for you."

Elaine watched as the young secretary went back to the
cabinet and returned with the floor pole object she had
seen on John earlier. If was a dowel attached to a base
and smooth at the top. The girl pulled Elaine by the
hair till she was hovering above several small clamps
on the floor and then got down and attached the wooden

"Now squat your fat ass on that," she said, slapping
her on her right ass cheek.

Elaine could see the lust on John's face and turned red
in embarrassment. She had come too far and her pussy
was so hot. She slowly moved around till she felt the
dowel at the entrance to her asshole and then slowly
lowered herself on it.

The object wasn't very thick but it was long and she
had to balance herself. As she was still trying to
adjust to her ass being stuffed, the girl returned with
several clamps and she watched in horror as she
attached them to her clit and tits. The pain shot all
through her body. Strings were attached to the ends of
the clamps.

She watched the girl return to the desk with the
strings in her hands.

"Time for you to put on a show for your hubby," she
said. "You are going to fuck your ass raw on that pole
till I feel his pecker is hard."

She pulled the slit strings as Elaine yelled out in

"Fuck it! NOW!" she yelled at Elaine.

Elaine started rocking back and forth on the pole as
the girl continued to toy with her cunt and tits
stretching them to their limits. She was smiling at her
misery as Tom was staring wide-eyed with his mouth
still taped. Her asshole was burning in pain as she
started begging the girl for mercy promising anything
she wanted.

The girl finally quit and got up untying John's arms
and legs. She commanded him to get off the desk and
grabbing his cock lead him to Elaine.

"Shove your cock up your bitch mouth," she demanded of

Elaine opened up. Her cunt was on fire and she was so
horny as John shoved all 8 inches in her mouth with one
push. She heard a slap and felt his cock shove deeper
in her mouth rocking her farther back on the pole. The
girl was slapping his ass as he was fucking her mouth
with each slap.

She had never felt so humiliated and embarrassed but at
the same time she was so horny she would have done
anything. She was close to coming herself, when her
mouth was filled with his cum and dripping down her

"I didn't say you could cum!!" the girl screamed at him
and slapped his face. "Turn around bitch."

Elaine watched as John turned around and the girl made
him bent over. She went to his desk and returned with a
dildo attached to a rubber belt. She walked over to
Elaine and attached the belt around her face. There was
a small dildo on the other side that went in her mouth
while the larger one was sticking out in front.

She patted Elaine on the face cheek. Time to return the
favor she said smiling at her before getting up and
grabbing John's hair powerd him backwards towards

"Shove it up his ass and fuck the bitch." She demanded.

Elaine didn't need any encouragement. Her own asshole
was sore and John's pounding in her mouth had added to
her own misery. She immediately shoved at his asshole
and tried to push the dildo up his big butt. John must
have been fucked plenty of times as she had very little
trouble getting it started and his pushing back on it
helped it along. She was getting excited watching it go
in and out his ass. Serves the bastard right for
cheating on me she thought as she pushed harder and

The secretary was encouraging her on as John moans from
above told her the rimming was getting to him. She
didn't care at this point as she shoved as far in as
she could.

"Good little bitches," the secretary said, patting each
on the head. "Now that each of you had your fun it's my

She pushed Elaine's face away from John's ass as the
dildo popped out of his asshole. "Get up bitch," she
told Elaine.

Elaine rose off the floor pole and almost fell to the
carpet. She had been squatting for so long all the
red had rushed out her legs. Finally, she managed to
stand up.

The secretary went to the desk and returned with two
pens. She had both of them turn around as she pushed
each pen into their loosen assholes.

"Now each of you are going to walk around the room and
wiggle your fannies as you walk. Bitch," she said,
looking at Elaine. "You are going to pull and tweak
your tits as you walk and repeat I am a lesbian bitch."

"You," she said, looking at John, are going to do the
same except you will pull and twist on your cock and
say I am a worthless dicky. Now get moving bitches."

Elaine and John both started walking around wiggling
their fannies and pulling their tits and cocks and
saying what their mistress demanded. The girl had
returned to the desk chair and took a seat watching
them and laughing at their plight. She was stroking her
pussy with her feet on John's large desk.

"Slap your asses with one hand," she demanded.

The couple started slapping their wiggling butts as
they proceeded around the room repeating their
instructions. Several times they were told to slap the
others ass because they weren't do a good enough job on
it. When mistress called them over, they were exhausted
and immediately got to their knees as demanded by her
side. John was commanded to clean her wet pussy, which
had just come while Elaine had to clean her fingers.

"Bitch," she said, looking at Elaine. "You will be my
new secretary and will work after hours as your bitch
husband. By the way, I pimp him out after hours and you
will join him. There are plenty of men and women who
will pay dearly to beat or fuck a corporate manager or
his wife. By the way, the cleaning lady gets it free
once a week. And guess what? Here she is."

Elaine looked at the doorway in surprise. A large black
lady was standing there totally naked with a belt in
one hand and a strap-on dong in the other. Elaine
gasped in fear.

"Velma, why don't you introduce yourself to my new
bitch? Bet you didn't know the bitch had a wife." The
girl laughed.

Elaine saw the black woman smiling and walking over.
Her hands and ankles were still tied as the woman
grabbed her ear and pulled her over to the window.
"Stand against the pane so everyone outside can see
your fucking body," she whispered in her ear. "I'm
going to beat your white ass raw."

Swish, swish. Elaine was flat against the pain rubbing
her tits all over it as the belt started descending on
her ass mounds. The woman was showing no mercy as she
started crying and begging for mercy.

"Do you want me to continue or fuck you butt?" the
woman said.

"Fuck my ass," Elaine shouted. "I can't take any more.


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Surpris soumi et abusé...

Je suis marié mais sans aucune entente sexuelle.
Après de nombreuses lecture de revue de confession je me suis connecté à un tchat avec comme présentation ma volonté d'être soumis à une femme en toute discrétion.
Après de multiples dialogues et de nombreux faux contacts j'ai pris l'habitude de discuter avec une femme mariée qui me disait être tentée par la domination.

Nous sommes donc passés à la phase de connaissance puis au virtuel via msn où elle a fini par me demander de me montrer et de lui obéir.

Cela restait de l'exhibition virtuelle mais les demandes devenaient plus précises et poussées (me montrer, me branler, me doigter l'anus....)

Après plusieurs semaines ainsi elle me proposa de se rencontrer chez elle un après midi (elle habitait la même ville que moi) nous avons convenu d'un jour où mister mari était en déplacement selon elle et nous aurions l'après midi pour qu'elle s'occupe de moi comme elle disait.

Je dû me raser le sexe, les couilles et l'anus et elle me précisa qu'elle souhaitait que je vienne habillée en string et bas sous mon jean.

Rendez-vous pris, et malgré l'excitation et l'envie je restais anxieux de la tournure.

Me voila donc parti chez elle, elle me fit rentrer dans un bel appartement où deux coupes de champagne nous attendaient avec une bouteille sur la table de salon.

A peine entré dans ce salon le 1er ordre fusa " à poil" tu gardes tes bas et ton string et tu te mets à genoux pour me servir une coupe.

Surpris mais je m'attendais un peu à cela je me mis donc comme elle le désirait et lui servi sa coupe. Elle ne me proposa pas d'en boire une (je compris ensuite pourquoi)

Elle me passa alors à l'inspection, mes couilles, mes seins et mon anus furent tâtés, pincés et ouverts. Elle m'attacha avec des menottes pour les chevilles et mains.
Et me fit monter à quatre pattes sur le canapé…

Elle sorti alors un gode ceinture qu'elle enfila et exigea que je suce puis je du la lécher sous le gode ouvert et l'anus aussi.

J’entendis alors la porte s'ouvrir et des pas se rapprocher de nous, je voulu réagir mais elle m'immobilisa la tête, une voix d'homme sévère arriva aussi vite qu'une claque sur mes fesses.

"Alors petite pute on veut jouer entre filles sans moi ? "Tu vas me servir une coupe aussi"

Sa femme me lâcha et m'obligea à me retourner pour le servir " pas pratique avec ces menottes"

Je compris alors que c'était un coup monté et pour qui était cette coupe.

Ses paroles à lui furent directes : suce moi, ma femme va s'amuser un peu avant que moi je ne profite de ton petit cul de soumise.

Il ouvrit sa fermeture et un sexe de bonne taille surgit il prit ma tête à deux mains et me fourra le sexe dans la bouche, pendant ce temps je sentis un gel froid sur mon anus et un puis deux doigt en moi.

Alors qu'il s'activait en ma bouche sa femme me préparait le cul et vint se positionner derrière moi pour me prendre avec le gode qu'elle glisse lentement mais surement en moi jusqu'a ce que je sente mistert corps contre mes fesses.

Elle prit alors un rythme régulier pour me sodomiser avec des mots crus qui me donnaient la suite des événements. Quant mon cul fut assez ouvert selon elle, elle dit à mister mari de venir défoncer la petite pute qu'elle avait trouvé pour eux pendant que j'allais lui nettoyer la chatte et le cul.

Il vint derrière moi et me pris sans ménagement pendant plus de 15 mn avant de jouir en moi.

Je dus les lécher tous les deux avant de pouvoir boire une coupe enfin en remerciement et m'ont promis de me réinviter pour m'apprendre à être une bonne chienne mais ils ont déménagés loin et je ne les ai plus revu.

Et je n'ai pas retrouvé sur ma ville un autre couple, dommage car j'aurai aimé être soumis en totale discrétion lors de séance particulière…


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#860 · Edited by: chrislebo
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Maîtresse Phallique

Je suis chez Sandra qui aime prendre des initiatives lors de nos jeux érotiques.
Elle s’approche de moi en souriant :
- Aujourd’hui, c’est toi qui fais la fille et je vais te faire vivre quelques heures dans la peau d’une femme.
- Déshabille toi, me dit-t-elle en choisissant avec soin dans sa garde robe la lingerie qu’elle me destine.
- Essaye ces ravissantes petites choses ma chérie, me susurre t-elle à l’oreille en me tendant un ensemble de dessous vaporeux.
Elle m’aide à m’harnacher d’une guêpière très sexy ornée de quatre paires de jarretelles.
Puis, elle place de somptueuses prothèses en silicone dans mes bonnets 105c.
Ma taille élancée me permet de supporter aisément cette poitrine de rêve qui me transforme physiquement et mentalement en femme.
Avec sensualité, elle tire sur mes bas pour aligner les coutures avant de les accrocher aux jarretelles.
J’enfile une craquante combinaimister satinée rouge rehaussée de dentelle pendant qu’elle remonte sur mes cuisses deux jarretières affriolantes en me provoquant une superbe érection.
Satisfaite de mon apparence, Sandra me contemple d’un regard sensuel en refermant ses mains sur mon sexe.
- Ton gros clito m’impressionne ma belle, je meurs d’envie de le faire couler, me dit-t-elle en me pressant tendrement les bourses.
Me voyant succomber à ses caresses, elle en profite pour glisser sur mes hanches un adorable slip ouvert qui met ma queue en valeur en dégageant l’accès à ma grotte.
Une longue robe de nuit fendue jusqu’à la taille et des escarpins achèvent ma métamorphose.
- Je vais maintenant t’assouplir l’œillet, me dit-t-elle.
Sans me laisser le temps de réagir, elle me plante un plug dans les fesses.
- Ce n’est qu’un début, rajoute-t-elle d’un ton moqueur.
Assise devant le miroir de sa coiffeuse, je retrousse mon déshabillé en libérant ma queue qui jaillit par l’ouverture de ma lingerie.
Puis, je contracte mes fesses sur le plug en frottant lentement mes cuisses l’une contre l’autre pour faire monter le désir dans mes reins.
Sandra fixe d’un regard brûlant mon sexe en érection pendant qu’elle me pose du mascara et du fard à paupières.
Elle souligne mes lèvres d’un rouge intense et termine la séance en me coiffant d’une perruque blonde bouclée très glamour.
Perchée sur mes talons aiguilles, je fais quelques pas devant le miroir qui me renvoie l’image d’une fille attirante portant tous les symboles de la féminité
J’admire ma taille élancée, sanglée dans cette ravissante guêpière et c’est avec une émotion contenue que j’ajuste la hauteur de mes jarretelles.
Mon regard s’attarde sur le galbe parfait de mes mollets mis en valeur par mes escarpins et mes mains caressent avec volupté la douceur du voile satiné.
- C’est magnifique Sandra, mais me trouves-tu à ton goût ?
- Tu me fais craquer ma belle et j’ai hâte de commencer.
Impatiente, elle se met à genoux devant moi et plonge sa tête dans mes dessous en jouant avec le plug qu’elle m’a planté dans l’œillet.
Elle le mordille du bout des lèvres en l’activant dans mes fesses.
Un moment plus tard, me voyant bien excitée, elle le retire et m’entraîne sans résistance dans sa chambre.
Avec une lueur de perversité dans le regard, elle me culbute sur le lit et retrousse mon déshabillé sur mes hanches.
Elle contemple un instant ma queue nichée dans les dentelles de mon slip ouvert.
Puis, elle la masturbe lentement jusqu’à ce qu’elle soit gonflée de désir.
- Ne bouge pas, je reviens dans un instant, me dit-t-elle.
Je la vois réapparaître tenant à la main un curieux gode ceinture hérissé d’un triple sexe.
- Nous allons prendre du plaisir entre femmes, me dit-t-elle en brandissant ce jouet étonnant devant mes yeux.
Elle enlève mister slip et retrousse sa jupe en me dévoilant sa croupe.
Puis, elle plonge le premier gode lubrifié dans sa chatte en étouffant un gémissement de plaisir.
Prenant mister temps, elle place le second contre sa rosette et l’enfonce lentement dans ses reins en me fixant d’un regard trouble.
Elle attache ensuite solidement les harnais à ses hanches.
Provocante, les seins dressés dans un corset rose et noir et la taille serrée dans sa minijupe de cuir ultra courte, elle me murmure à l’oreille :
- Je te réserve le plus gros ma chérie.
Je regarde fascinée le gode impressionnant qui retrousse sa jupe.
Il se balance lourdement entre ses cuisses en battant la mesure contre ses cuissardes.
En riant, elle me dit :
- Regarde comme il est long, il m’arrive au genou, il doit bien faire trente centimètres !!!
- Tu n’as jamais pris un tel calibre dans les fesses, s’exclame-t-elle.
Me défiant du regard, cambrée sur ses talons aiguilles qui mettent sa croupe en valeur, elle caresse lentement le gode en me donnant des frismisters.
Mon cœur bat la chamade lorsque cette envoûtante femme phallique s’approche de moi.
Mimant un coït imaginaire, elle bascule mister bassin d’avant en arrière en exhibant le pieu qu’elle me destine.
- Regarde il est plus vrai que nature me dit-t-elle en pressant les bourses du gode.
Surprise, je vois sortir du gland un jet puissant qui s’écrase sur ma guêpière.
- Allonge toi sur le côté que je te remplisse les fesses ma belle, me dit-t-elle d’une voix chaude.
Elle se place derrière moi en écartant mes jambes avec mister genou pour y glisser l’énorme dard.
Tétanisée, je regarde ce sexe qui a le diamètre d’une bouteille coulisser entre mes cuisses pendant que mes mains effleurent les grosses veines saillantes courant sur sa hampe.
Sandra se concentre sur le pourtour plissé de mon anus en s’attardant sur le léger renflement de mon anneau qui lui révèle mes pratiques sodomiques.
- Eh bien ma petite cochonne, je vois que tu as de l’expérience, me susurre-t-elle d’un air complice.
Elle me titille longuement l’œillet et plonge sa langue dans mon fourreau. En me donnant un bonheur sans égal.
- Maintenant, mets-toi à genoux sur le lit, me dit-t-elle.
Elle pointe le gode à l’entrée de ma grotte en exerçant de petites pressions successives.
Je sais qu’elle va l’enfoncer à fond car elle me prend en levrette qui est la position la mieux adaptée aux pénétrations profondes.
C’est donc avec une certaine fébrilité que j’attends mister assaut.
S’aidant de ses mains accrochées à ma taille, elle tente sans succès de powerr mon passage.
Déçue par ses échecs successifs, elle retire le gode de mister attache pour le lubrifier abondamment.
- Tu ne perds rien pour attendre ma belle, me dit-t-elle avec dépit.
J’entends un bruit sec qui me fait frismisterner lorsqu’elle l’emboîte à nouveau sur mister socle.
- Cette fois-ci, je vais t’enfiler sans problème, m’affirme-t-elle.
Elle écarte la fente de mon slip avec le gode avant de l’appuyer contre ma rosette.
- Maintenant, cambres toi et pousses fort pour m’aider car il est vraiment très gros.
Son assaut est tellement puissant qu’elle me fait vaciller sur mes genoux lorsqu’elle power mon passage.
Dilatée à l’extrême, ma rondelle cède vulgarement et je crie de douleur quand mes chairs s’écartent sous la pression de ce pieu qui m’ouvre en deux.
Sandra me relève une jambe pour mieux me pénétrer et me masturbe avec une telle virtuosité que je m’empale moi même sur ce sexe qui me défonce.
Elle m’encourage en me donnant de violents coups de reins.
- C’est bien ma chérie, il est presque entièrement rentré dans tes fesses, me chuchote- t-elle à l’oreille.
Soudain, le gode bute contre un obstacle et je vois le beau visage de Sandra s’assombrir.
- Si prés du but, c’est vraiment dommage, me dit-t-elle déçue.
- Laisse-moi faire, lui dis-je dans un souffle.
J’ondule et roule du bassin en guidant le gode de la main pour qu’il franchisse le repli sinueux de ma muqueuse.
Ravie du résultat, Sandra s’active de plus belle en sentant les godes lui pilonner le vagin et les reins.
Soudain, je sens des giclées de sève s’écraser sur les parois de ma grotte.
- Je lubrifie ton petit trou pour finir de te défoncer mon ange.
Puis, elle me viole sans retenue en ne pensant plus qu’à mister plaisir.
Au bout d’un moment, elle sort vulgarement de ma croupe en contemplant le temps infini que met mon œillet à se refermer.
Décidée à me faire jouir, elle m’embroche à nouveau jusqu’à la garde en se concentrant sur ma glande intime qu’elle stimule de petites pressions successives.
Puis, ondulant du bassin, elle me fouille lentement le ventre en suivant sur mon visage le plaisir intense qu’elle me donne.
Elle m’achève en grattant mon frein avec mister ongle jusqu’à ce que ma semence gicle sur ses doigts.
A cet instant, nous sommes tellement soudées l’une à l’autre que l’on ne voit plus les godes qui nous empalent.
Lorsqu’elle sort de mes fesses, mon anneau s’étire sur le pal comme pour mieux le retenir.
Puis, elle détache les sangles de mister gode ceinture et me dit avec impatience.
- Maintenant, j’ai envie que tu me baises.
Je l’allonge sur le dos et lui murmure à l’oreille ce que je compte lui faire.
Aussitôt, elle s’abandonne sans réserve et ses yeux brillent de désir en découvrant le plug vibrant que je tiens à la main.
Elle laisse échapper un cri quand je vrille dans ses fesses ce calibre de sept centimètres de diamètre qui la dilate fortement.
Son vagin est fortement comprimé par le plug.
Devenu très étroit, il devient plus sensible à la pénétration.
Excitée, elle écarte les jambes en saisissant ses talons aiguilles à deux mains.
- Viens vite, je n’en peux plus d’attendre.
En la voyant ainsi offerte, je ne résiste pas à mister appel et je m’enfonce en elle d’un coup de rein puissant.
- Tu as eu une idée géniale en me mettant ce plug car je te sens mieux, me dit-t-elle.
Survoltée, elle m’emprimisterne la taille en nouant ses cuisses dans mon dos pendant que sa chatte humide et avide de sexe me dévore la queue avec une rare voracité.
Je bande comme un fou au contact des vibrations du plug planté dans ses fesses et je me retire à temps pour lui faire découvrir d’autres jeux.
Avec la paume de main, je pousse un gode dans mister vagin en lui enfonçant en même temps mon majeur dans les fesses.


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De l’autre, j’effleure mister clito avec un vibro.
Son orgasme monte aussi vite que mon sexe se durcit.
Je prends plaisir à frotter mes jambes gainées de nylon contre les siennes en entendant le crissement excitant de nos bas quand je la bascule sur le côté pour l’enculer.
- J’adore être dans ton petit trou et sentir ton anneau me presser la queue, lui dis-je.
Emboîtées l’une dans l’autre, je pilonne mister vagin avec le gode tout en faisant vibrer mister clito.
Très vite, elle jouit et crie sans retenue mister plaisir en m’inondant le ventre de cyprine.
- Quel pied tu m’as fait prendre ! S’exclame-t-elle, en se mettant sur le dos.
Je m’allonge sur elle pour continuer à m’activer dans ses reins lorsque je sens ses cuissardes me serrer la taille.
- A mon tour de te vider les couilles, me chuchote-t-elle à l’oreille en croisant ses jambes dans mon dos pour m’immobiliser.
Puis, empoignant mes bourses d’une main, elle me plante un gode dans les fesses de l’autre.
Tétanisée par la surprise, j’essaye désespérément d’échapper à ce pieu qu’elle manie avec une efficacité diabolique.
Implacable, elle ne me laisse aucune chance et le pousse à fond dans mon ventre.
Au bord de l’orgasme, je ne résiste plus et plonge ma tête dans ses seins en signe de soumission.
Satisfaite de me voir en mister pouvoir, elle me fait découvrir une large palette de sa science érotique avant de me faire jouir.
Elle se relève un instant plus tard pour éponger avec une certaine incrédulité le sperme qui coule le long de ses fesses, très surprise par la quantité recueillie.
- Et bien ma chérie, tu avais des réserves !
- Maintenant repose toi un peu et regarde moi.
Assise, elle écarte les cuisses et s’enfonce un gode dans la chatte tout en appliquant un vibro sur mister clito.
Au bout d’un moment, submergé par le plaisir, mister regard se voile.
Elle est vraiment très belle.
Je contemple sans me lasser ses gestes gracieux, ses seins dressés dans mister corset, sa jupe retroussée sur mister ventre et ses bas à couture sortant de ses cuissardes.
Impudique, elle jouit en gémissant de plaisir.
Toujours brûlante de désir, elle se met à genoux sur le lit, la croupe surélevée et la tête dans les draps.
Elle s’offre à moi en creusant les reins.
- Viens me prendre, j’ai le cul en feu me dit-t-elle d’une voix chaude.
Très excitée, je m’agenouille et écarte ses fesses à deux mains avant de m’enfoncer en elle.
- Maintenant, ne bouge plus et laisse moi faire, me dit-t-elle.
Elle finit de s’embrocher sur mon sexe en entamant de lents va-et-vient.
Puis, elle accélère le rythme en faisant claquer ses fesses contre mon ventre.
Elle prend plaisir à exacerber mon désir en sortant ma queue de ses reins avant de la replonger dans mister fourreau brûlant.
Voyant que j’ai de plus en plus de mal à me contrôler, elle me dit en souriant :
- Je vais t’achever mon ange.
Elle se plaque contre moi pour mieux s’empaler et se trémousse sur ma queue en me malaxant les bourses.
Ne pouvant plus me retenir, j’explose en elle en donnant un dernier coup de reins qui nous fait tomber à plat ventre sur mister lit.
Entraînée par le poids de mon corps, je la transperce jusqu’à la garde en sentant qu’elle contracte ses muscles intimes sur ma queue pour achever de me vider.
Reconnaissante, elle se lève et sort d’un tiroir un plug gonflable vibrant d’une redoutable efficacité.
Elle l’agite triomphalement devant moi avec une lueur d’excitation dans les yeux.
- A mon tour de m’occuper de toi, tu vas adorer ce jouet.
- Met toi sur le dos, me dit-t-elle d’une voix sensuelle.
D’un geste précis, elle le plonge dans mes reins en le gonflant rapidement.
La forte pression écrase ma glande d’amour qui se défend en faisant perler quelques gouttes de sève sur mon gland.
- Ne jouis pas maintenant, me dit-t-elle en me serrant fortement la queue.
Lorsqu’elle me dilate à nouveau, je ressens des sensations de plaisir et de douleur mêlés.
Sandra prolonge délibérément ce savant équilibre en me masturbant d’une main experte.
Par moment, elle reste immobile entre mes cuisses en regardant mon œillet se contracter de plaisir.
Je finis par m’habituer à ces dilatations successives et lui réclame des pressions de plus en plus fortes pendant qu’elle me suce divinement la queue.
Soudain, elle s’arrête et me dit :
- J’allais oublier de te faire découvrir mon dernier achat.
Elle me retire le plug et fait surgir de dessous les draps un gode spécial.
Pendant qu’elle le lubrifie avec un regard lourd, elle me plante sournoisement mister orteil dans l’anus pour me faire patienter.
Puis, impassible, elle me montre le gourdin recouvert de sculptures saillantes qu’elle me destine.
- Il est beaucoup trop gros, lui dis-je avec inquiétude.
- Non ma chérie, Il va rentrer facilement dans ton œillet qui est déjà largement ouvert, me répond-t-elle avec assurance.
Elle empoigne le gode avec un rire de gorge et un regard équivoque qui augure bien de ce qu’elle me réserve.
Je croise mister regard brûlant et bande déjà comme un malade en sachant que mon anneau tiendra bientôt le rôle principal dans mister scénario.
Déterminée, elle écarte mes cuisses en contemplant mon œillet qui s’ouvre comme une fleur.
- J’adore te violer, me dit-t-elle avec excitation.
Je tremble d’appréhension et de désir quand elle pose mes jambes gainées de nylon sur ses épaules.
- Je vais te baiser comme une reine, rajoute-t-elle en me souriant.
Elle m’ouvre les fesses à deux mains en appuyant le gode contre ma rosette.
Satisfaite de me voir en mister pouvoir, elle m’enfonce le pal en le tournant vicieusement de droite à gauche pour me faire sentir mister relief tourmenté.
Elle m’embroche lentement en voyant passer successivement dans mon regard la surprise, la crainte, le plaisir.
- Il est maintenant planté jusqu’au ras de tes fesses ma chérie et ton clito va bientôt exploser si je continue à ce rythme.
- Tu aimes les gros calibres n’est ce pas ? Me souffle-t-elle à l’oreille.
Pour toute réponse, je me cambre en ouvrant mes cuisses au maximum pour lui faciliter la tâche.
Elle me défonce à nouveau sous tous les angles en donnant libre cours à sa perversité.
Attentive, elle observe mes moindres tressaillements pour se concentrer sur les caresses qui me donnent le plus de plaisir.
Elle m’accorde un instant de répit en se retirant de ma croupe.
Me sentant libre, je me tourne sur le ventre pour remettre de l’ordre dans mes dessous.
- Tu as un cul magnifique, s’exclame Sandra en y plongeant sa langue.
J’ai un plaisir si intense que je ne sens pas qu’elle écarte sournoisement la fente de mon slip.
Prise par surprise et totalement relâchée, je n’ai pas le temps de réagir quand elle m’enfonce à deux mains un énorme gode dans les reins.
Je gémis lorsque le pieu termine sa course au plus profond de mes entrailles.
Clouée par ce dard qui me coupe la respiration, je n’ose plus bouger et Sandra en profite pour assurer sa prise.
Insatiable, elle me pilonne avec insistance.
Je finis par ressentir du plaisir lorsqu’elle amplifie les rotations du gode en explorant les moindres replis de mon fourreau.
Puis, elle me retourne sur le dos et s’allonge sur moi tête bêche.
La tête entre ses jambes, je suis sans défense, entravée par le poids de mister corps pendant qu’elle m’ouvre les cuisses pour mieux m’embrocher.
Je m’agite frénétiquement, le corps tendu en arc de cercle dans l’attente de ma délivrance.
Surprise par ma réaction qui la déséquilibre, elle referme ses cuisses sur mon visage pour garder le contrôle.
A moitié étouffée, je me calme très vite.
- Laisse-moi-t’achever ma belle, me dit-t-elle en souriant.
Avant de poursuivre, elle regarde dans quel état elle m’a mise.
La queue tendue, humide, tressautant de désir, elle sait qu’elle ne peut plus la toucher sans la faire exploser.
Des gouttes de sève perlent à la surface de mon gland lui montrant mon état d’excitation.
Sandra continue à me goder lentement en me donnant un plaisir qui m’envahit d’une manière diffuse et durable.
Faisant tout pour retarder mon orgasme, elle remue imperceptiblement le gode dans ma grotte pour prolonger ma jouissance.
Quand elle se redresse, je vois dans ses yeux qu’elle va m’achever.
Avec voracité, elle avale ma queue gonflée de désir et pousse à fond le pal dans mon ventre en pilonnant mon point G.
Malgré mes soubresauts, elle me tient fermement et me défonce sans fléchir ni s’arrêter.
J’essaye de retarder mon orgasme, mais je capitule vite devant mister savoir faire et mister obstination.
Je râle de plaisir en déversant mon sperme à gros bouillons dans sa gorge.
Avec surprise, elle sent le gode tressauter de nombreuses fois dans sa main et comprend qu’il s’agit de mes fortes contractions anales liées au fabuleux orgasme qu’elle me donne.
Me voyant toute étourdie de plaisir, elle me laisse me reposer.
Un moment plus tard, brûlante de désir, elle m’invite à poursuivre nos jeux.
Elle s’enfonce un dong dans la chatte et s’allonge entre mes jambes pour m’embrocher avec l’autre extrémité.
- J’en ai pas fini avec toi ma chérie.
Face à moi, ses yeux rivés aux miens, elle me sodomise lentement en s’aidant de sa main.
Je saisis à mon tour le gode en le faisant aller et venir dans nos fourreaux.
Elle ne résiste pas longtemps à mon savoir faire et c’est elle qui jouit la première.
Gardant le dong dans sa grotte, elle me défonce à mister tour en accomplissant l’exploit de me sucer la queue en même temps.
Sodomisée et pompée à la fois, je sens le désir monter très vite dans mes reins.
Au moment crucial, elle retire le dong et plonge avec assurance mister majeur dans ma grotte en le recourbant vers le haut pour que la pulpe de mister doigt soit en contact avec ma prostate.
Elle la presse avec insistance en me fixant d’un regard trouble.
Quand elle me voit les yeux mi clos et en extase, elle lèche mon frein en faisant perler mes premières gouttes de sève à la surface de mon gland.
- Tu vas jouir du cul ma belle, m’assure-t-elle en plongeant maintenant ses quatre doigts dans mes fesses.
Elle les fait aller et venir rapidement dans mon fourreau en pressant ma glande d’amour.
Une épaisse coulée de sperme sort lentement de ma verge et se transforme en un mince filet de sève qui s’échappe sans fin de mon gland.
En même temps, Sandra me caresse les bourses pour prolonger mon plaisir.
Lorsque je reprends mes esprits, elle m’implore du regard pour que je l’apaise à mon tour.
- Achève-moi vite, me supplie-t-elle en se collant contre moi.
J’enfonce alors mon pouce dans sa chatte et mon index dans ses fesses.
Puis, je frotte doucement dans un mouvement circulaire la fine membrane interne qui sépare ses muqueuses.
Je vois très vite qu’elle apprécie mon massage et je la fais jouir rapidement en appliquant le vibromasseur sur mister clito.


Posts: 167456 Pictures: 3 
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Tom came over and stood in front of me and said, "We
had a great time last night Kim. You behaved like the
perfect little slut. Permisterally though, I am looking
forward to doing it all over again now that you are
going to know what's happening to you and hate every
minute of it. That turns me on so much more than when
you were oblivious. Why don't we start by having you
stand up and take that fucking bikini back off?"

He reached down and took my hand and pulled me to my
feet and stepped back. I realized that it didn't
matter. They had not only seen me naked; they had all
had sex with me over and over last night. I didn't have
the faintest memory of it though. As far as my mind was
concerned, this was all new to me.

I looked at Tom, standing nearby with my address book
in his hand and my brain spun madly trying to think of
some way out of this mess. I saw that one of them had
begun recording me standing in the center of the room
and I saw the looks on their faces. The anticipation
and the lust were one thing, but I also saw how much
they were getting off on the idea that I hated this. I
was terrified and I was humiliated and that was turning
them on.

I looked down at the stained carpet and reached behind
my back and untied the top of my suit. As soon as I
untied it the cups fell away from breasts, exposing
them. I reached behind my neck then and removed it and
dropped it on a nearby table. There were a few
chuckles. I supposed that they were amused at my
offense. It was obvious that they were enjoying
degrading me nearly as much as they enjoyed the sex. I
have to assume that they enjoyed the sex. They weren't
letting me go.

I hooked my thumbs into the waist of my bikini bottoms
and slid them down and let them fall to the floor. Then
I stood naked in front of them again. I fought the urge
to cover myself with my hands. I realized that it would
be silly at this point, and that they would only be
amused by it.

Tom said, "That's a good girl. Now get your nasty ass
in the bathroom and take a shower. You stink."

As I was leaving the room, biting my tongue to keep
from pointing out that I didn't "stink" before they had
****d me, Tom turned to his buddy with the camera and
said, "John, why don't you go with her. Get some good
shots of her in the shower."

John trailed behind me with the camera and I was
acutely aware of the camera recording my every move as
I turned on the shower and used Tom's soap and shampoo
to wash the dried cum from my used body and my stiff,
cum encrusted hair.

John kept the shower curtain open enough to watch me
and he filmed every embarrassing moment. I had no
desire to go back into that living room and serve as a
sex toy for those horrible men, but I was really being
creeped out by John filming all of my most private
moments. He even recorded me on the toilet when I sat
down to pee, powering me to spread my legs so that he
could film the urine spraying from my body. I shuddered
in revulsion as each new humiliating experience was

Before I went back out I brushed my teeth with my
finger and some of Tom's toothpaste. I was able to
finally get the taste of cum out of my mouth. I
imagined that it wouldn't be long before they remedied
that though.

When I returned to the living room Tom called me over
to where he was sitting and pulled me down into his
lap. He sniffed at me, sarcastically, as if to see if I
were actually clean enough to touch. Then he smiled and
said, "Much better. Now, my friends and I have been
planning your day while you were getting cleaned up.
You are smart enough to know that the things that amuse
us won't be as much fun for you as they are for us. The
thing is, you know that you don't have any choice,
don't you?"

I nodded. It was true, no matter what happened after
this, they already had enough information to ruin my
life, destroy my marriage and my reputation.

Tom continued, "Good, because I don't want to have to
keep threatening you to make you behave. If you get to
be a problem, we can always give you more of that have
I gave you last night and you have seen how you behave
then. Trust me. We are a pretty imaginative group. The
pictures could get much worse if we haveged you again."

There was no doubt in my mind that these men would take
pleasure in destroying me if I didn't do as I was told.
I just wasn't sure if I could do this. I had always
been a very conservative permister. I was not one of those
girls that dressed to thrill and liked to show off. I
had never, before last night at least, had sex with
multiple partners and I had certainly never posed for
revealing photographs.

Brian had tried on numerous occasions to get me to pose
for some sexy pictures. He had desperately wanted one
of me in a sexy pose to take with him to Iraq. In my
mind though, I could just see him showing it to his
friends and I couldn't do it. I love him, and I like it
that he thinks I am sexy, but that is just between me
and Brian. Or at least it had been until last night.

As Tom warned me about obeying his orders his hand
moved over my body as if he owned me. I hated it that
when he touched certain places, those places that only
my husband should be able to touch, I felt myself
responding. I knew that it was just a physical response
and that I had no control over it. It was like my body
was surrendering to him though and I hated that. What I
hated even more was that, until he got tired of me, he
did own me.

He pushed me out of his lap and said, "Come on, let's
find you something you can wear. It's a beautiful day
out there. We don't want to spend it cooped up in

I wasn't sure. I didn't want to spend the day here with
these horny men. On the other hand, I was terrified of
what public offenses they had planned for me.

I looked around at the cruel faces that continued to
ogle my naked body and there wasn't a hint of sympathy
in any of them. These guys were all older, around
thirty or so I guess. That was all that I knew about
them though. So far I only had names for three of them,
Tom, Rory and John. Before last night I had only had
sex with two guys. I had been with my husband and a
previous boyfriend when I was seventeen. Now the total
had increased to seven over night, and I still didn't
know the names of two of them.

I followed Tom back to his bedroom and he said, "We
just need to find something that you can wear to get
you to where we are going. Once we get there we can
find you something more appropriate."

He reached into closet and pulled out a dress shirt and
handed it to me. I put it on and started to button it
up. He stopped me before I could button anywhere near
enough buttons. I looked down and the shirt's tails
just barely covered my pussy in the front. I doubt if
it fully covered my ass. He had made me stop buttoning
it before I had gotten as high as my breasts. It was
loose fitting and the front hung away from my breasts
so that anyone looking from the side could see them.

I was standing there, waiting for him to hand me
something else to wear but he just smiled and said,
"Perfect! Let's go."

I gasped in shock. I had resolved not to keep balking
at his orders. I knew that he was always going to win.
I could get arrested going out like this though!

I said, "Tom, wait!"

He stopped and turned around and I saw the look on his
face. I knew I wouldn't get anything else to wear. He
was looking forward to humiliating me. I hesitated for
a second and said, "My feet, can't I at least wear my

He looked down and said, "I guess. They're in the
living room. Let's go bitch."

I thought, "I'm not a bitch, you bastard!" I bit my
tongue though. I didn't want to make him feel like he
had to prove my new subhuman status to me.

I stopped on the way out of the bedroom and looked at
my reflection in the mirror. I couldn't believe I was
actually going to leave the apartment looking like
this. I turned around and I saw that nearly an inch of
my ass was exposed below the shirttails. I rushed to
catch up with Tom before he felt the need to exert his
authority over me any further and as I entered the
living room again the guys hooted and laughed at my
degrading outfit. I looked around and spotted my
sandals under a lamp table and I slipped them on and
then the guys all stood up and we went outside.

It was nearly eleven on a bright Saturday morning and
there were people out everywhere. There were guys
washing cars and people on their way to the pool and
heading out to go where ever they normally go on
Saturday. Every permister we passed stopped what they were
doing and stared at me. The guys all gaped as they
caught flashes of my breasts as the shirt fell open or
my ass which was readily displayed as I went past. The
women stared in shock and disgust.

This was an apartment complex largely occupied by young
singles and couples who were either living together or
had recently married. I imagine that they saw a lot
around here. I had noticed some pretty skimpy bikinis
at the pool yesterday. So it was pretty obvious from
their reaction that I was exposing a whole hell of a
lot of skin. All I could do, though, was blush and keep
my head down and keep walking.

We walked to Tom's car and it was like a clown car the
way the six of us squeezed into his small four
passenger car. I found out the names of the last two of
my tormentors when Tom said, "Harry, you're the
smallest. You sit in the middle and John and Steve can
sit on the outside. The bitch can sit in your lap."

Rory, the largest of the five, sat in the passenger
seat in front and recorded the struggle as the three
men squeezed into the back and pulled me in after them.
It was impossibly cramped, but they just laughed about

Before the doors were all closed, Harry had my shirt
opened and pulled aside, baring my breasts to the
camera and the many people walking around the parking
lot. They all found this incredibly amusing. I was just

I had no idea where we were going. I only knew that
wherever it was I was going to hate it and I was going
to hate what happened there. I slumped down a little in
Harry's lap to keep my head from bumping against the
roof of the car and as we drove off I had Harry's hands
playing with my breasts and Steve and John both had
their hands on my thighs. They were pulling my legs
farther apart and making it easier for Rory to get some
more humiliating pictures of me.

Tom drove to the an area of town where adult oriented
businesses seemed to congregate and pulled into a
parking lot in front of a place called The Camera Club.
He got out and said, "Wait here. This shouldn't take

As soon as he was gone I was turned in my seat so that
my back was against the door and my legs were across
the laps of the men squeezed in the back seat. They
pushed my legs apart and played with my body cruelly
and laughed at my reactions. One of them took one of my
nipples into his mouth and after teasing it to hardness
he suddenly bit down cruelly and I screamed and jumped
and tried to pull away. They seemed to think that was

When they were no longer amused by that, Harry seemed
to be intent on picking me up by my pubic hair. He
reached down and grabbed a large clump of my pubic hair
in his fingers and closed down and started slowly
lifting. I clamped my hands down on his wrist and held
on and screamed in pain and begged him tearfully to

They laughed and laughed as he kept pulling for several
more long moments. He finally lowered my ass back down
and as he took his hand away they laughed again at the
amount of my blonde pubic hair that remained in his
fingers. It had been pulled out by the roots!

I was crying loudly now and begging them to stop. Rory
was filming it all and laughing at my pain and

Tom finally came back out and his friends stopped
tormenting me. I was crying again and as Tom leaned in
the window and said, "Everyone out." I wiped my eyes
with the shirt sleeves and cried out, "Why are you
doing this to me?!"

When I was standing beside the car Tom turned me with
my back to the car and lifted my head and said, "We are
doing this to you because it is fun. You are a fucking
tease. You led me on at that party last night and then
when I wanted some of your sexy ass you suddenly had to
go home. Well fuck you bitch! You won't be teasing any
one else. Next time a guy wants some of your ass you're
going to give him some. You fucking frigid bitch!"

"I'm not a tease!" I exclaimed. "I didn't lead you on.
I danced with you for Christ's sake! Do you think that
every girl that dances with you is supposed to relax
with you?!"

Tom sneered at me and said, "You did a hell of a lot
more than dance with me bitch. You spent a couple of
hours telling me how lonely you were and how much you
missed your husband and waiving your tits and your ass
in my face and making me think that you wanted to get
laid. Then you said, "I have to go now after I wasted
all fucking evening on you!"

I just shook my head in disbelief. It hadn't been like
that. I had not led him on. In fact, I had tried to get
rid of him several times. He would not take a hint. All
I could say was, "It wasn't like that. I didn't lead
you on."

He had a look of hatred on his face now and he said,
"Bullcuckolds brownie! You spent hours teasing me and then, when
you had had your fun you just wanted to go home. It's
time you learned your lesmister bitch. We're going to
teach you, you get some guy hot for you from now on,
you had best put out. You think that damned pussy of
yours is solid fucking gold or something the way you
guard it. It's just pussy bitch, and it's meant to be

I was just staring at him in shock now. It was
beginning to dawn on me that aside from the fact that
he liked to have and **** women, there was something
wrong with this guy. He seemed to think that if a woman
talked to him and then didn't relax with him then he
could do anything that he wanted to her and she had it

He grabbed my arm and started pulling me into the
building that he had just come out of. As we walked he
said it again.

"Remember that bitch. It's just pussy."

He pulled me into The Camera Club and I looked around
and saw pictures of nude and semi-nude women
everywhere. There were a dozen men standing around
inside and they all looked up when I came in.

As soon as they saw what I was wearing, or nearly
wearing, they became a lot more interested. Tom smiled
at them and pulled me along to an office in the back.
He pulled me inside and shut the door and I found
myself looking across a cluttered desk at a large black
man in his mid to late fifties. He looked me over and
said, "Not bad. Lose the shirt."

I glanced at Tom, but he just nodded. So I slowly
unbuttoned the shirt he had given me to wear and let it
fall open in front of me. It no longer covered me, but
the black man said impatiently, "I said lose it girl!"

He looked at Tom and Tom smiled and said, "She isn't
too bright, and she is new at this. Don't worry, she
won't be any trouble."

Then he turned to me and said, "Will you, you stupid

I looked down and shook my head and shrugged the shirt
down off of my shoulders and held it in my sweating
hands. Tom took it away and ordered me to turn around

I obeyed, and as I turned the black man commented on my
body. "She's kind of cute. Her tits are too small and
she doesn't have much of an ass. She has a cute little
cunt though. Yeah, I guess she'll do."

When I had finished turning around he got up and took
me back out into the hall and into a room with racks of
clothing. He looked through some of it and pulled out a
handful of clothes and told me to get dressed.

They stood there and watched as I put on the lacy
underwear and then a pair of thigh high hose with lacy
tops that matched the underwear. I put on the plaid
skirt and plain white blouse and a pair of silly
looking saddle shoes and they looked at me approvingly.
I looked at my reflection in the mirror and I saw that
they had dressed me like a Catholic schoolgirl!

The man asked me, "Do you know what is going to happen

I shook my head. I didn't know, I wished to god I would
never find out. I just wanted to leave. I knew that
whatever it was I was going to hate it


Posts: 167456 Pictures: 3 
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She had a phony smile on her face and I had the
impression that she was only barely aware of what she
was doing. I don't mean to imply that she was haveged
or something, though she might have been. It was more
like while she was dancing she was thinking about her
car payments or the weather or something.

She did not seem to enjoy her work. The guys didn't
seem to care though. They only cared that she was

The guys I was with sipped their beers. I gulped mine,
trying desperately to get the taste of strange men's
cum out of my mouth and throat. Many of the cocks that
had been powerd into my mouth had been crammed down my
throat and my throat hurt so much that I could hardly
talk. That wasn't a problem though. I didn't have
anything to say to these guys, and if I had it would
have just amused them. So why bother.

When I had gulped my beer down Tom got up and went to
get me another. I sipped it a little more slowly and
the guys kept their eyes on me, but talked among
themselves a little. There wasn't much conversation
though. The music was too loud to talk over

I finished my beer and sat and waited for them to
decide how they wanted to humiliate me next. They
finished their beers and Tom ordered another round for
us, paying for them with the money he had made pimping
me out at The Camera Club.

The stripper finally finished her act and the music
returned to a background level and conversation resumed
around the table. Tom asked me how I had enjoyed posing
and I just gave him a dirty look.

He laughed and then he said, "Your second beer, it had
more of the have in it. Not as much as last night. You
won't be oblivious this time. It's just going to loosen
your ass up a little. The stuff has a cumulative effect
though. So I have to be careful. I wouldn't want you to
turn into a full time slut. I want you to hate what we
are doing to you. If you start liking it then it won't
be nearly as much fun. We have another new experience
planned for you though and I want you to look good on
film, just in case we decide to start sending movies to
your husband."

I could feel the have working already. I felt it
tingling all through my body. My nipples were becoming
super sensitive and my pussy was tingling and I was
starting to feel very horny.

I asked him, "What is it? What kind of have are you
giving me?"

He smiled and said, "Nothing you can get from your
havegist. It is a combination of some haves and some
herbs and some male hormones that all act together to
make an uptight cunt like you get real horny. If I give
you a double dose you get like you did last night. You
become a cock crazy slut that will fuck anyone and love
it, but the next day you won't remember a thing. A
single dose though, you just get so horny you can't say
no to anyone, even if you wanted to, and you won't."

"If you took it, a lot of it, over a long period of
time it would start to have a permanent effect. I
wouldn't do that to you though. I want you to keep
hating it. Now take up. It's time to go. You are
feeling it, I can tell."

He was right. In my entire life I had never wanted a
cock in me as much as I did right that moment. Well,
except for last night, judging by the movie they had
made me watch. I didn't remember that though. Yet I was
fully aware and still dreading the offense, which
had not abated as the horniness increased.

I gulped my beer down and we left the bar. We didn't go
to the car. I was led to a nearby building with only
one sign outside. A large, neon sign that just said
'open' in big red letters was blinking over the door.
We went inside and on the inner door was another sign
that warned that you must be twenty-one to enter and
that you shouldn't enter if you were offended by

We passed through the inner door and I came to a sudden
stop. I had never seen anything like it. I had never
imagined anything like it. I knew now what this place
was. I had heard about them. It was what was known as
an adult book store. Everywhere that I looked I saw
images of naked women in the most obscene poses. Along
the walls I saw rack after rack of sexual devices of
all descriptions. I saw all kinds of things that I had
no idea what they were used for, beyond the fact that
they were obviously sexual in nature.

There were movies and books and magazines everywhere. I
was so shocked by what I saw that at first I didn't
even notice the men. There were probably a dozen men of
every possible color and age and description. Each was
moving around checking out the merchandise. At least
that was what they had been doing until I came in. Now
they were all staring at me and my nearly see-through
shirt which was nearly unbuttoned all the way to the

The men all stared at me as I was led inside and we
began to move up and down the aisles stopping to look
at obscene pictures. The guys took great pleasure in
pointing out women being fucked by large groups of men,
or being tied up and whipped. They showed me several
magazines about women with women and asked if I had
ever eaten a cunt. I hadn't, of course, and I quickly
told them so.

Tom showed me one movie about a woman being gangbanged
by twenty-five black men and said, "I bet you could
beat that record easy."

I shuddered in revulsion, but my nipples were still
hard and my pussy still tingling and if I had the
opportunity right at that moment I believe I would have
taken advantage of it. I had become so horny from that
have that I had to power myself to keep my hands away
from my pussy. I felt like if I could just rub it just
a little I would feel so much better.

We moved over to the racks of clothing. They were the
kind of things that husbands bought to get their wives
to look sexy for Valentines Day or something. The
typical male fantasy wear. Most of it was see-through
and some of it was even edible. They looked through the
racks and picked out several articles of clothing.

Tom called over to the clerk who was watching from the
counter, every bit as eagerly as his customers who had
begun to follow us around. He asked if it would be okay
if I tried on a few of the items and the clerk said,
"Sure, anything but the panties. If you try those on
you have to buy them."

Tom grabbed my shirt and pulled it off over my head.
Then he handed me a tiny loose fitting, very thin crop
top that had writing across the front. At first I was
grateful for any covering, until I saw what it said. In
big black letters it said, "Well Fuck Me!!"

I heard the laughter of the men around me and it was
obvious that they approved. Tom left me standing there
in the little crop top and looked through the racks and
came up with what was not much more than a loin cloth.
There was an elastic waistband and a piece of nearly
transparent cloth in front and back. There was a gap
down each hip of at least three inches between the
pieces of cloth. The pieces of cloth just barely
covered my pussy and my ass as long as I didn't move.

The comments were pouring in from the men gathering
around and a lot of them were asking how much. For my
part, the have had really taken hold of me now and I
really wanted this to happen. I needed a cock in me. If
it didn't happen soon I was going to start begging, and
I still had enough self awareness that I desperately
didn't want to do that.

Tom started to pull me over to the counter but as we
passed by all of the sex toys displayed on the wall he
stopped and reached up and pulled down a pair of wide
leather wrist restraints joined by a twelve inch chain
and a spiked, black leather collar. We went to the cash
register now and as Tom paid for the clothes and the
other items from my previous earnings, the guys put the
collar and the restraints on me, with the chain running
behind my back. I was then led through a door in the
back wall and into a room about the size of the small
living room in my apartment. The center of the small
room was empty but the walls were lined with ratty old
couches and nasty overstuffed chairs.

One major difference between this room and my living
room was that there was a big movie screen in the front
of the room showing a movie. I don't know what the
movie was. All I could see was a large black cock
thrusting violently into an equally large white pussy.
The screen was filled by the couple's genitals! The
sounds of sex filled my ears and between the sights and
sounds of obscene sex filling my senses and the haves I
had been given I was desperate now for someone to fuck

I needn't have worried. That was what I was here for.
Tom started it. He pushed my little crop top up over my
head and let it fall down my back and hang over my
wrist restraints. He removed my tiny skirt and wrapped
it up with the shirt I had been wearing earlier and set
them aside. Then he pushed me down to my knees and as I
knelt I felt something wet on my knees. It was not
until later that I realized I was kneeling in cold,
stale cum.

Tom powerd his cock into my mouth and down into my
throat in one violent thrust. The men that had been in
the room when we came in, and the others that had
followed us in were gathered around, ignoring the movie
now, and they were all impressed as I let Tom fuck my
face for a few minutes before he pulled me up and bent
me over and fucked my pussy from behind.

As soon as I felt his cock enter me I screamed and
came, loudly urging him on. He laughed and called me a
nasty cunt and as he fucked me violently Rory took his
place in front of me and began to fuck my face with his
much larger cock.

Tom and his four friends all fucked me before they
turned me over to the rest of the men in the room. Rory
had returned to filming, but none of them seemed to
care as they lined up to use one of my orifices.

I have no idea how long it lasted, but even though my
throat and my pussy got sore, I never wanted them to
stop. A few of them fucked my ass too, but even that
was making me cum. In the beginning, after I had fucked
and sucked Tom and his friends, there were probably
close to two dozen men in the room. I had already
fucked a dozen or so men at the photo club. That didn't
matter though. Because of the haves I couldn't get
enough cock now.

We were there for hours and men kept coming in from
outside and joining us. I could not begin to guess how
many men used my body that afternoon. I swallowed half
of their nasty cum, all of it that they sprayed in my
mouth and throat. The cum that they shot into my pussy
and my ass was running down my thighs in streams. Just
as they were about to cum a lot of the men pulled out
to spray my body with cum and by the time I had reached
a point that they would no longer touch me I was nearly
covered in it. My hair was completely caked with it.

I don't know if the have was finally wearing off or if
I had finally gotten enough cock, but by the time they
ordered me out of that room I was ready for it to be
over. The pain had begun to take over now and I could
hardly walk. I was led out of the room naked, but I was
so covered in cum that no one would touch me.

Tom led me to the men's room and the men inside looked
up and laughed as I came in. I thought I had hit rock
bottom. I was wrong. Tom ordered me to lie down in the
large aluminum trough that was the urinal. It was about
eight feet long and there was a stream of water running
through the center of it. It smelled of piss and it was
really gross.

I looked up at Tom and shook my head and started to
back up, even though there was no place that I could
go. My hands were still fastened behind my back. I
couldn't even open the men's room door.

Tom said, "I warned you. Don't piss me off cunt. I am
not going to tell you again. If I have to dirty my
hands by picking you up and throwing you in there,
trust me, you'll regret it."

I was crying again now. I was crying so hard that I
could hardly see. I could see that Rory was filming
again though.

I slowly approached the trough and I raised one leg and
put it inside and into the cold water. Then I tried to
figure out what to do next. I finally leaned down,
resting the rounded edge of the filthy, piss covered
trough between my breasts and rolled clumsily into it.
Once I was lying there, men started coming over and
pissing on me, washing the cum from my hair and face
and then the rest of my body.

In addition to being pissed on I was laughed at and
called horrible names and some of them even spit on me.
All I could do was lie there and sob hysterically.

They left me there for a long time. Men came in and
pissed on me and then stood around to watch while more
men came in and took their turns. Eventually the cum
was washed away, but now I was covered in piss. I
couldn't believe he would want to take me anywhere now,
not like this!

When he had gotten bored with this, Tom offered a free
blowjob to anyone brave enough to help me up. There
were no takers though and so Tom ordered me to get out
on my own. I struggled, with a great deal of
difficulty, to get to my knees and then I finally
stepped out of the trough. I nearly slipped and fell on
the slick floor, but I managed to keep my feet and Tom
ordered me to stay where I was.

Tom went out and came back a few minutes later and
ordered me to follow him. I was led out through a back
door and he turned on a faucet and hosed me down with
cold water. He even used it to spray cold water up
inside of me and then they all laughed at the huge
volume of cum that was inside of me as they watched it
wash out of me and collect on the ground.

When he was finished my hair was still stiff with cum,
but I was as clean as I was going to get without hot
water and soap. He stopped on the way back through the
bookstore and bought me another crop top. But he didn't
put it on me. He put his dress shirt back over my
shoulders and buttoned it just enough to keep it on.
Then we went to the car.

The guys in the back seat were not as anxious to have
me sit in their laps now, and no one tormented my
used body as we drove back to Tom's apartment.

When we got there I was led through the parking lot
again and my appearance drew a lot more attention from
the other tenants. I was taken straight to the bathroom
and Tom pushed me into the shower and turned on the
water. It came out cold at first and I screamed, but I
no longer struggled. I was broken now.

He turned me around and unfastened my wrist cuffs and
dropped those and my slutty crop top to the floor of
the shower and ordered me to clean up and to clean off
the top and the cuffs as well. Then he left me alone.

I leaned my head against the wall of the shower and
cried hysterically for a long time before I finally
pulled myself together and began to soap up and wash my
hair and my body. I noticed that despite all of the
sperm that had drained out of me while I was being
hosed off earlier, more of it had begun draining out of
my used pussy.

I shuddered in revulsion as I thought about all of the
cocks that had emptied their loads inside of me today.
I didn't even have any idea how many there had been. I
knew that there were at least fifty men in the two
places that they had taken me. Yesterday at this time I
had been intimate with two men. Now the number was over
fifty, and unknowable. My body hurt all over and I knew
it wasn't over yet.

The water was cold when I finally shut the shower off
and stepped out onto the mat and dried off. I brushed
my teeth with my finger and some of Tom's toothpaste
again, but even after I had done it three times I could
still taste the cum, I could still feel it coating my
mouth where I couldn't reach with my finger.

Finally I wrung out the crop top that was on the floor
of the shower and hung the cuffs over the shower
curtain and went out. I shuffled slowly out to the
living room and I was relieved to see that only Tom and
Rory remained. I hoped that I had seen the last of the
others, but these two were undoubtedly the worst of the

Tom looked up when I came in and said, "Damn bitch! I
was beginning to think you had drowned."

I didn't respond. No response was necessary. I stood
just inside the room and waited for him to tell me what
to do.

He looked me over and said, "Come over here and sit
down. We're going to watch a movie."

I sat between him and Rory on the couch and they
started the DVD in the player. I wasn't even surprised
when the screen came to life and I saw myself being
photographed by a large group of men. They did a lot of
fast forwarding to get to the good parts and Tom
promised me that he would see that I got a good, edited
copy later.


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Car Park Stranger

A couple of years ago I was driving on a long stretch
of road and had to pee really badly. I pulled into a
road side car park with a restroom. I noticed an older
guy in his car next to were I pulled in, who appeared
to be looking at a porn magazine.

I told my wife to check out the old guy next to us. I
said that he was probably jacking off looking at a
girly magazine, then I told her I'd be right back.
(After all, he looked to be about 70 and harmless.)

When I came out of the restroom I found my wife leaning
on the old guys car, until she saw me coming back then
she got back in our car. I asked he what in the world
had she been doing? She said he'd asked her a question
and she couldn't hear so she walked over to his window
and looked in. To her amazement he was stroking a VERY,
VERY large cock while looking straight at her and

I asked her why she hadn't run and gotten me. She said
that he was just a horny old man and harmless enough,
besides she'd never seen a cock that big before! She
said that she was kind of fascinated watching him
stroke it. While all the talking as if this was
something he'd do anywhere. Then he'd asked her if she
wanted to touch it.

That really shocked her, it left her being speechless.
But he took her hand and placed it on the head of his
big fat cockhead, which was the size of an apple. She
said she was so shocked and fascinated by the whole
experience that she stood frozen like that until she
saw me coming back.

The old guy was still sitting there in the next car,
looking at my wife. Balls of steel! This short little
guy wasn't even scared. I asked her if she wanted to
finish jacking him off and without hesitating she said
yes, that she thought she would like to do it!

I have to admit that I'd thought about something like
this in my fantasies, my wife blowing a stranger while
I watched. But this was really strange!

I watched in a slight daze as she got out of the car
and walked over to his car. She pulled the driver's
door and I saw her bend down to stroke his old hard
cock with both hands.

I was starting to get hard thinking about my wife
jacking off this stranger's big old cock when I noticed
his hand working its way up her leg under her skirt.
She didn't pull away from him, in fact she leaned
further into his car.

Wow I think she's sucking him off! It looked like she'd
bent down and put her face to his lap! I had to get
better look so I got out and sure enough my wife had
just looked up and I saw revealed, a VERY, VERY huge
cock, that was soaked was her saliva!

That old man's cockhead had to be as big around as a
tennis ball at least! Pretty much average length, just
as fat as a baseball bat. My wife was still jacking off
this monster and his fingers were still busy in her
panties when she told me that she couldn't fit him in
her mouth.

I looked down at it and I felt I also had to touch it.
When my wife climbed across him to the passenger side
and pulled off her shirt and began to rub her tits on
his shaft I was standing there with my mind ready to

That's when the old guy grabbed my belt and pulled me
close, then he unzipped my pants and pulled out my dick
and began to stroke me while my wife leaned over to
lick this fat cock again. She was moaning and groaning
as she worked on him, then after a long time she looked
up at me with hooded eyes and told me try to get this
cockhead in my mouth. She said, "Bet you can't!"

I stood up because I was getting close to cumming from
his handiwork and watching her slobbering over that big
cock. The sounds of my wife's pleasure were too much
for me and I shot a load right onto the old man's face
and mouth, he pulled me to his lips and swallowed my

That was all it took to make me crazy, I leaned over
him and stuck my face in his lap and wrapped my lips
around his massive tool... just before he started to

When I realized that he was ready to burst, I tried to
back away, but both he and my wife held my head in
place, mouth on his dick until he was done cumming. He
was suffocating me with that fat cock and its shooting
load. My throat was full of hot sticky old man's cum.

Afterwards, we exchanged phone numbers and since then,
we've gotten together three more times before he moved

This has been a true story. Write me, and I'll tell the
rest of the story...



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Car Park Stranger - 2

My wife couldn't stop thinking about the old guy with
the fat cock and she begged me to find him.

Finally I'd had enough of her whining and I went out
looking in the car parks and after quite a search I
found him one evening after work. He was reading porno
magazine and jacking off that ankle sized cock his,
that had been driving my wife nuts.

I walked up to his car and there was that mammoth cock
head out of its constraints and looking at me. "Jump
in," he invited. I didn't want to but I did, you know,
for my wife.

I stared at his cock as he masturbated, I tried not to
but the thing was just totally awesome.

"Go ahead touch it," he said as he reached for my

I told him my wife wanted him to fuck her with that big
thing. He only nodded as he pulled my 8" cock out. I
had always thought was thick until I met this old man
with the freak cock.

He slowly began to stroked my hard-on, then he said,
"If you suck me off right now, I'll go with you and
satisfy your wife. He agreed to meet us at his place
the following night.

That was my queue, so a little reluctantly, I leaned
over near that big pinkish-purple head and rubbed it on
my lips before licking and then sucking on the huge

While I was leaning over his lap he pulled off my pants
and then pulled my balls way down with his thumb and
teased my asshole with his finger, which made me
instantly cock rock hard and very horny.

I tried my best to wrap my mouth around his girth but
it was just too huge! I could hear people walking by
the car and this must have turned him on because he
tensed up and pushed hard on the back of my head,
powering his cock to the back of my throat. While he
shot his load and I gagged, my eyes watering.

I wouldn't admit it to my wife, but this old guy's
rough handling and his big fat cock blowing its load
down my throat really made me crazy and shot my load
all over his pumping hand and myself.


The next night my wife was sopping wet when we finally
got to his house.

We had a few takes while the old guy played with
wife's (Jennifer) tits. He then stood up and pulled out
his cock, which out of the car was a good 8 or 9 inches
long. It seemed shorter in the car with his belly in
the way.

Jennifer fell to her knees while fingering her wet
pussy and trying to swallow the old guy's Moby Dick. I
watched wide-eyed as he grabbed her head and powerd
himself into her little mouth so deep I thought her
eyes would pop out!

Tears ran down her pretty face as she moaned and gagged
on his cock. Then he pulled out of her and told her to
sit on his lap. She eagerly jumped on him and pulled
her cunt lips apart to accommodate his girth. She
slowly slid down his shaft to rest fully impaled.

Once she was down all the way down her eyes rolled back
in her head and she started going nuts. Moaning,
shaking, bouncing, and talking dirty. Her tits flopping
about it time with her body. It was more than I could

I got behind her spread her asscheeks apart and licked
her asshole, sliding my tongue down into her very
stretched pussy lips and down his cock. I licked while
they both went at it. Then got up and rubbed my hard-on
across her tight little butt-hole.

"No way!" she said. But I knew she meant yes, because
she bucked like a bronco once I shoved my way in. She
came three times in rapid succession and from the
beginning she was cumming like a race horse.

As the old man started to shoot his load deep into my
wife's stretched out pussy, I pumped hard a couple
minutes and when I started I pulled out I grabbed the
old man's head by his ears and powerd face down to my
lap and pumped my load and cock down his throat and I
held there until I was done. I powering him to swallow
every drop! Revenge!

We never saw him again, after that night. I'm not sure
why, but all I can say is, "Keep the old mister of a bitch
away from your wife!" I don't need her stretched out
like that too many times. I'm not as big as he is and
if they went at it too many times it would certainly
take away from my pleasure, if you know what I mean.


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Commuter Train

Our car was at the garage for repair and they didn't
have a spare 'loaner', so my wife, Brenda, (who is a
beautiful, petite 20 year old) and I had to travel into
town on the commuter train. We where grumbling about
the train being quite full and having to stand. We
didn't know how well off we where, at the next station
dozens more people got on and we where packed in like

In the crush, Brenda and I where separated, I could see
the top of her head over the crowd. There where mostly
business men on the train so it wasn't surprising that
Brenda was surrounded by men... but the funny thing was
that they where all facing Brenda, you would expect a
group to be facing different directions.

The train lurched and a gap appeared momentarily and I
could see that Brenda's mini skirt was around her waist
and her panties were pulled down by her knees. One guy
was fingering her cunt, another was fondling her bum.
Her top was pulled up (she doesn't need a bra) and 2
more where playing with her tits.

I was surprised at my reaction, I had a terrific hard-
on, here was my sweet young wife being worryed by a
group of strangers... and I was enjoying it. I reached
down and started to rub my cock through my trousers. I
didn't get the chance to see any more of the show but
as a guy was getting off, he whispered to me. "There's
a hot little bitch over there, go and get a feel before
she gets off."

The trip had taken about 30 minutes and as we
approached our station, Brenda made her way over to me.
She looked a little flushed as she said "It's certainly
packed in here." I agreed that it was and we got off
and went off to work. During the 10 minute walk to
where we parted company, (we work in opposite
buildings) she made no mention of what had happened,
nothing about the men interfering with her. We met for
lunch and again she said nothing about it, just made
small talk and gossip from the office.

We met up at going home time and made our way to the
station. "I wonder if the train will be as packed going
home?" was the only comment that she made. The train
was indeed just as packed. I allowed myself to be
pushed away from Brenda by the crowd but I managed to
swing around so that I was standing behind the men that
were behind her. I recognised some of them from that
morning, the same men who had groped my wife. There
were some different men but I was sure that they would
follow the lead of the others and join in with playing
with this, more than willing, beautiful sex-toy.

Sure enough, within minutes of leaving the station one
of the guys was pulling up her skirt. I was surprised
to see that she wasn't wearing any panties, she had
come prepared. She was having her cunt fingered again
and her tits played with and sucked. I reached between
the guys in front of me and sliding my hand across her
bum and between her legs, I took a turn at fingering
her cunt. It gave me a peculiar sensation to be
clandestinely finger fucking my own wife as though she
was a stranger. My arm was soon pulled out of the way
as other guys wanted a turn at playing with her cunt.

Pretty soon she was writhing and moaning, she had her
arms around some guys neck and was kissing him whilst
the others were bringing her to a climax.

As her climax subsided, she just sort of hung there on
the guys neck, exhausted. Someone lay a briefcase flat
on the floor and lifted her by the hips so that she was
standing on it. She is quite small and this brought her
hips up to a height that made it easier for her to be
fucked. With a hand on each of her hips, the guy pulled
her back onto his hard dick.

I watched mesmerised as I saw this stranger's dick
entering my lovely wife's cunt. The guy who my wife was
hanging onto, lowered her down so that her face was
level with his crutch. He opened his zip and pulled out
his cock and pressed it to Brenda's lips. Her delicious
mouth opened and let the stranger's cock enter. At
first the guy was going gently but as the fucking she
was getting from behind started to get harder, she was
pushed forward onto the cock in her mouth and pretty
soon she was having her throat fucked as well.

The guy fucking her came quickly and before he could
withdraw his cock, he was pulled out of the way as
another guy rammed his cock up her and fucked her
furiously for about 30 seconds and another load of
spunk was shot up my lovely wife's cunt.

By the time we got to our station, she had been fucked
by 8 men in the cunt and as many shot spunk down her
throat. I had taken a turn at fucking her myself and as
I had never been part of a gang bang before plus the
fact that it was my wife being fucked by all these
strangers, I had the most explosive climax that I can
ever remember.

She was completely out of it, what with all the fucking
and all the climaxes that she had experienced, she
didn't know what or where she was. I rearranged her
clothes quickly and got her off the train.

That was the start of our group activities. We have
lots of gang bangs at home and at saunas and sex
cinemas where she loves being the centre of attention.
But still her favourite is being used on the train.

We always travel to work by train now but since that
first time she is a little bit more discrete, she will
'come on' to only one or two guys at a time. Her
favourite is to get into a corner, kneel down and suck
cock. She enjoys swallowing spunk but sometimes she
likes it sprayed over her face. When she does this, I
have to be ready to clean it off before anyone notices.
I usually lick it off then we kiss and swap the spunk
from mouth to mouth.



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Doctor's Orders

The steam hung in the bathroom, but the hot water from
the shower had long since cooled to lukewarm. Steven's
thoughts were elsewhere, as he tightened the grip on
his cock, bringing it to its full 6-inch length. He had
that sense of energy that follows the tiredness from
hard work, and the sweat and dirt from mowing the lawn
had long since been washed from his body.

The bathing forgotten, it was the hardness of his cock
in his hand that captured his complete attention, as he
soaped and lathered it, stroking repeatedly. His balls
hung loosely as they swayed back and forth,
occasionally hitting against his hand.

He wasn't thinking of anything particular, but just
enjoying the time alone, comfortable with the thoughts
of how satisfying sex had been lately with his wife. He
felt the familiar stirrings within balls, and slowed
his pace somewhat, enjoying the ride along the edge
that precedes orgasm. He replaced the bar of soap in
the tray, and tried using his right hand to stroke
himself. Steven was right handed, but for whatever
reamister, his left hand did that particular job the best.

It wasn't long before he was coming down from his
sensual high, and, really, he hadn't planned on cumming
in the shower, anyway. He didn't want to have to clean
it up or explain any sticky remains to his wife.
Hayley. His wife!

Thoughts of her quickly restored his cock to its full
size. Brunette, blue eyes, 37 years old, maybe 125 lbs.
Perfect tits. They hung only a little lower than when
they had first married 15 years earlier, and they had
grown two inches to 38-C's. Perfect.

Looking down, there was one sizeable drop of pre-cum
perched on the slit of his cock, and he cleaned it off
with the tip of his finger before the shower could wash
it away. The drop of pre-cum he savored on his tongue.
Why? Because he liked it. As he did this, he caught
himself on the edge of cumming, and abruptly stopped
the furious stroking of his cock... just in time.

Knowing that dinner would soon be ready, he turned off
the water and opened the shower curtain. He had just an
instant to recognize that his wife, clothed, was
kneeling on the floor at the edge of the tub. Her hands
shot out and grabbed his cock, pulling him into her
mouth. His wife had never particularly enjoyed giving
blowjobs, and as far as he could remember, hadn't let
him cum in her mouth since before they were married.
That was likely to change.

She devoured his cock, sucking it so fiercely that he
had to step out of the wet tub to keep his balance. She
moved with him, using one hand to pull the skin of his
cock toward the base, with the tightest of grips. The
head of his cock swelled purple and massive as her
mouth again descended on it, her head bobbing furiously
as she alternately sucked and licked it. Her eyes never
left his as she ravished his cock, the picture of pure

Just as he knew she had to be surprised to find him
with a hard cock just after a shower, he was also sure
she didn't know that he had a load of cum "cocked and
locked" before she even touched him. His body tightened
as he fought to control his orgasm, but she sensed it,
too. Both of her hands reached around and clenched his
ass, pulling his balls deep into her mouth.

After less than a minute of what was otherwise the
perfect blowjob, he unloaded. Spurt after spurt kept
shooting the short distance to the back of her mouth.
And still her blue eyes looked up at him, pleading to
please in their way.

He could see cum escape her lips, dripping down her
chin and onto her blouse as the last of his orgasm
subsided. As she pulled her mouth away, she licked her
lips before extending her tongue to wipe the cum off
the head of his cock. Steven could see the gooey
whiteness of his cum on her tongue and teeth as she
continued to bathe his cock. She licked her fingers,
wiped her chin, and then licked them again.

Then, she stood, and, in a casual manner, as if she was
telling him the forecast had a 30% chance of rain, she
said, "Dinner's ready." Her breath carried the powerful
scent of his cum, making his senses reel. She turned
and let herself out of the bathroom, closing the door
behind her. Unreal.

What was going on? And who was this stranger that
looked like his wife?


When Hayley returned to the kitchen, she decided that
battling herself was pointless. She had a need to cum
and, therefore, would. Steven would be at least a few
minutes, anyway. She moved quickly to their den and
sank into their couch. She raised her skirt, and she
felt the heat of her body quickly remove the coolness
of the leather couch.

She felt... wanton. And she had been. She reached
between her legs and began rubbing her clit. If Steven
came down the steps and saw her, he would find his wife
giving him a perfect view of her cunt. She didn't
really want Steven to find her this way, but the
naughtiness of it, and of what she had just done with
Steven, gave her all the imaginative fantasy... But it
wasn't fantasy. She had actually done it.

Remembering the sight of his swollen cock, and the
velvety feel of his cock in her hand, against her
tongue, in her cheeks, and finally filling her mouth to
her throat, she gave herself over to her climax,
cumming with loud moans. Her desires hoped he would
hear her, find her spread and fuck her; her shyness
hoped that the orgasm would quickly diminish in time
for her to straighten herself up.

She managed to stifle her moans as her orgasm finished
its convulsing, and, catching her breath, she climbed
off the couch. She went to the kitchen to grab a paper
towel to wipe up the wetness she had left behind. So
much wetness for so short a time. She returned to the
kitchen and was about to use the ladle to scoop out
stew that had been cooking in the crock-pot all day,
when she realized that she hadn't really cleaned her
hand. She wiped her gooey hand and fingers on the edge
of a bowl. That would be Steven's bowl. She couldn't
help but grin.

And now that she was returning to her senses, the
wetness of her cunt was giving her chills because of
the air-conditioning. She wasn't wearing panties, but
for the life of her, she couldn't think why not. She
had planned on the blowjob, and Steven wouldn't recover
fast enough to give her a good fuck. What had she been
thinking? She raised her skirt slightly and raked a
couple of fingers across her cunt, scooping her fluids.
She wiped her fingers on Steven's bowl. Damn! She was
wet. She scooped again, and again, until she was more
or less dry.

Most of her juices had gathered in a small pool at the
bottom of the bowl, but were otherwise stuck on the
down-slope of the bowl. She emptied a ladle of stew
into it, obscuring what she knew was mixing with his
dinner. Screw him if he can't take a joke, she thought.
He'll probably never taste it anyway. She placed their
bowls and takes on the table and went to the bathroom
to check herself.

Some of Steven's cum had dried on her chin, and she saw
that some was on her blouse. She was about to wash up
when she felt a sense of wrongness about it. What
seemed right was to leave it as it was, tantalizing
Steven through dinner and beyond. A grin again spread
across her lips, and a wonderful sense of fulfillment
washed over her.

Although she felt good physically of late, she had
developed a concern that she wasn't pleasing Steven
sexually. She fairly frequently had assorted sinus
infections, back and neck pain, and just general aches
that seemed to reduce her interest in physical
intimacy. But for the last few months, she only had
some minor neck or back pains, and even that occurred
on rare days. She loved Steven, and with her body
feeling good, he had to know that she loved him. To
have and to hold, that was the vow.

The love was there. The commitment was there. But
something nagged at her, telling her that she needed to
prove herself sexually to him, to be the aggressor, the
experimenter, the temptress. She wondered where all
these ideas for sex had been hiding, because for the
past 15 years, love-making just occurred...
naturally... in its own time.

It was rare that she fantasized about anything. She did
enjoy romance novels, but she never actually fantasized
about Steven. Anything other than watching his cock
spurt cum onto her breasts. That was still her
favorite. Oh yes. She heard Steven descending the
stairs, so she quickly rubbed yet more fluids from her
cunt, then hurriedly wiped it off on her napkin, except
just a little "bit" on Steven's spoon. She gave him a
nice smile as he entered.


Steven was driving to work the following morning, a
grin his face, where it had been stuck for weeks, it
seemed. The visual images of the perfect blowjob the
previous evening and of his cum leaking from Hayley's
lips, which were wrapped around his cock... He had to
stop thinking about that. It was unsafe to drive with
one hand on the wheel and the other rubbing his rock
hard cock through his slacks. Still, he marveled at it,
now certain that, yes, that was only the second
"complete" blowjob she had ever given him. And then to
have to eat dinner seeing small globs of white cum
drying on her black blouse... and those bits on her
cheek and chin... It was more than he could take.

Still, it didn't limit his shock when, after finishing
dinner, she had stood up, dropped her skirt, bent over
the dinner table, spread her legs and said, "Don't ask.
I just need to be fucked, right here, right now!" As he
stood behind her, removing his shorts, she had reached
between her legs, parting her cunt lips, moist, no,
wet, forming the perfect invitation. He couldn't think
of Hayley ever having offered her cunt so brazenly. His
cock had been kind to both of them, and he was able to
watch for what seemed like forever as he slid in and
out of his wife's cunt, before shooting whatever jism
remained into her.

Dammit! He felt his balls tighten, and he came in his
pants. At the next light, he looked for napkins in the
glove compartment and couldn't find any. And, it was
still a 30-minute commute to the office. He thought
that surely there couldn't be much cum left over after
last night, but the wetness in his pants didn't
reassure him.

What WAS going on? Only a couple of months ago, he was
happy to get a nice feel of one of her tits without
getting snarled at. Why couldn't he just jump into this
slice of heaven that she was presenting him? Everything
felt right... but something felt wrong. It didn't make
any sense. Anything other than vanilla "making love"
had always been left to him to initiate, and always
with the possibility that she wouldn't be interested.
Why the change? He had to think.

For the past 6 weeks or so, her desires had been more
frequent and much more imaginative. It had begun with
little changes. Sex on the couch. Sex on the floor. A
slow grind of his cock with her hand under a restaurant
table, a night out without a bra. She had been willing
to do these things before, but it was never her idea to
it. But it was more than that; she was getting clever
about it.

As he thought back, he hadn't even noticed that she
wasn't wearing the bra that evening, because it had
always been safe to assume that she was, particularly
if wearing dresses or anything at all that revealed her
form. She was always so shy about revealing her figure,
and particularly wearing anything tight on her chest.
She had let him know that she wasn't wearing a bra as
she was getting into their van, after dinner, in a
crowded parking lot.

For once, he had acted the gentleman and opened the
door for her. She had sat, with her feet on the door
well, and making a pained face and twisting in some
sort of discomfort said, "There's something in my
shirt." With the door still open, she raised her
blouse, slowly, to expose one of her 38 C's, the nipple
hardening quickly. She grasped under her breast raising
it, looking down at it, and then pinched her nipple,
rolling it briefly between her fingers.

"Oh, that's all it is." She had winked at him, turned
forward in her seat, fastened her seat belt, and only
then did she lower her blouse back into place.

He was faced with walking around the car with an
obviously stiff cock in his pants, capturing the eye of
a lady who had just parked her car. This type of
exhibition just didn't happen with his wife and
especially in daylight in an area with people around.
His previous requests for quick flashes were always
greeted by a deep sigh, followed by a "if I have to"
roll of the eyes and the briefest of glimpses of a
breast. He loved her breasts. He wouldn't stop asking.

Before they were married, Hayley had a spirit of
adventure, or at least, a nympho's desire for a cock
within her cunt at every available chance, which was
still limited due to a long distance weekend romance.
He could remember sex on the roof of a dorm in college,
in a lobby of a locked building that they had sneaked
into, on her parent's den floor while her parents were
arelax, in a car on the side of a road, on the roof of
a downtown hotel, in a motel room when four friends
were relaxing, on the beach in the afternoon, in a golf
fairway at night...

It didn't surprise him that sex in married life would
become less frequent, or that their likes and dislikes
would settle into more or less a permanent, less
exciting, compromise. But it did surprise him now that,
after all these years, she seemed to be getting
spontaneity back. Again, why? He arrived at the office,
and after a brief detour to the restroom, began
thinking on other matters.


It seemed to Hayley that since mid-morning, all she
could think about was "5:30." That was when Steven
would be home from work. It had been about a week since
her last surprise, and although they had made love once
during the weekend, her doubts about her sexual
inadequacy were rising again. At 4:30, she took a bath.
A long, luxurious one. Scented bath oil. A candle on
the edge of the tub. "5:30" crossed her mind. She
checked the clock. No, not yet.

She re-read her favorite Romance novel, a wickedly
sensuous story in which a young woman is captured by a
muscular pirating Viking, who ***** her for weeks
following his conquest, then falls in love with her
battling spirit. And she for him. She fingered her
clit. She imagined how horrible it would be to be
captured, and taken like that. The thought of "5:30"
awakened her from her dreamy masturbations. It was now
5:10, and the water had cooled. She got out of the tub,
toweled herself dry, brushed her hair, and sprayed
herself with just a hint of perfume on her neck.

She went downstairs, removed the vacuum cleaner from
its closet, plugged it in, and waited by the window to
watch for Steven returning home. She was sure this
would please him.


He entered the house, admittedly thinking about sex.
Steven was thinking all had returned to normal, as the
weekend's sex had been "ordinary," in their bed, but
very loving, very satisfying. He parked the car in the
garage, entered the kitchen and heard vacuuming from
the Den. He turned the corner and found Hayley
vacuuming the den, naked. Only once before had she done
housework naked, and that was just topless. The air-
conditioner had broken and it had been hot in the
house. The air-conditioner was working now... And yet,
here she was...

The noise from the vacuum meant that she probably
hadn't heard either the garage door opener or the
kitchen door, and he was able to watch from behind as
her breasts gently swung with the sweeping motions that
she made. Her back was slightly bent so that the
fullness of her breasts jiggled in a way that made his
cock instantly hard and uncomfortable in his pants. She
leaned over to pick something off the floor, and he
could see her wispy cunt hair between her legs, visible
clearly against the light coming in from the den

He retreated into the kitchen slightly, so that she
wouldn't see him. After he quickly shed his clothes, he
raced to her from behind. With his left hand, he seized
her dangling breast, rolling her nipple between his
fingers, finding the nipple already stiff. At the same
time, his right hand reached around her waist and found
her cunt with his fingers. She was wet. She gave a
startled jump, dropped the vacuum cleaner, and leaned
forward, placing her hands on the window sill, arching
her ass in invitation. She hadn't even looked to make
sure it was him. As he placed his hands on her pelvis,
he saw that she had written, somehow, the words "FUCK
ME" on her ass in red ink.

He rammed his cock home, his hands still on her pelvis,
pulling her against him with each thrust. And even as
the pleasure within his cock fought coherent thought,
he wondered what had made her so wet. Vacuuming in the
nude? No. Being nude in front of the window where
others could see? Maybe. Probably not. It would be
unlikely that anyone would see her. Her panting turned
into moans, becoming short screams, her whole body
bucking against him, crying out a desire for passion.

With the smacking sounds of his balls slapping against
her ass and a slight reflection in the window of her
breasts swinging savagely in time with each thrust, he
felt his cock swell to a rare fullness. It was a
fullness that he knew she had to feel stretching her
cunt lips, because the tightness and the furnace that
was her cunt gave him no choice but to shoot his load.

She wasn't done with him. She pushed him onto the
floor, and somehow his cock remained stiff enough for
her to sit atop him and grind her cunt into him. She
tantalized him with her breasts, lowering them to his
lips and then pulling away just as he was about to
capture them with his mouth. She knew her breasts were
the tools that could keep him hard as a rock. She
finally raised herself on her legs, squatted over him,
slamming herself down on his cock repeatedly, which
gave him a great view of his cock piercing his lovely

As she began her orgasm, he could feel their fluids run
down his cock and between his legs. She finally placed
her fingers at her clit and brought herself off to a
climax that ended with a throaty "YES!" that sounded
like it had waited ages to emerge. He came again, just
as her leg strength gave out and she fell across his
chest. His cock slipped from between her legs, and
after no more than a minute, she rose to turn the
vacuum cleaner off, and she went up the stairs. It was
the best way possible to come home from work, but he
hoped, maybe, they could actually share a kiss later.


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In the bathroom, Hayley felt that she was, truly, the
best wife in the world. How could any woman please her
man more? She had been provocative and surprising, and
it was downright fun! It had seemed that she was out of
her mind, unable to think, as her body responded to
Steven's cock spreading her sensitive areas, pistoning
within her as she was "taken" by "her" unseen man. Her
body was sated her mind satisfied that "5:30" had been
worth the wait.

She was absently staring at herself in the bathroom
mirror, when she began to focus on her body. Maybe her
right breast hung a little lower than the other, but
she was pleased with her luminous skin. She marveled at
all the pink flushes in her skin, the redness of her
swollen cunt lips. She turned, watching, and... What?
How - WHEN - had Steven managed to write THAT there?


He was thankful, yes. But now the suspicions wouldn't
go away. He couldn't admit to himself that she was
having an affair, but the seemingly weekly regularity
of this sexual lioness invited all kinds of unsettling

A few days later, Hayley went off to run some errands,
so he used the time to search around the house for any
clues as to what might have ignited her libido. He
searched under the bathroom sink, through her closet,
her desk, and her bedside table. He booted her computer
and checked her e-mails, documents and any other place
that might provide a clue. He didn't know what he was
looking for, and he didn't find it. X-rated videotapes,
letters from an admirer, appointments on her
calendar... nothing. He decided to start recording
these "events" on his own calendar, hoping they would
continue, but fearing a pattern would emerge.

One night, after watching baseball on TV, all was quiet
in the house, and he wondered where she was. It was
time to go to bed, and they usually went together. He
found her already in their bed, eyes closed, legs
spread wide, with a huge black vibrator humming noisily
as she cycled it in and out of her cunt. A welcome
sight, yes, but where did she get the vibrator? She
already had a couple of others. Why that one? It was
certainly fatter, thicker than his cock, by far. And
black. It contrasted nicely against her flushed skin,
but why black? What part of town had she been in to buy

Despite being disturbed, his cock throbbed at the
sight, and he was in need of release. He didn't know if
she knew he was there or not, but with the TV off
downstairs, she probably did. He found his release on
her breasts. Hot cum splashed across her tits, and she
didn't even open an eye. That was one of her favorite
turn-ons. Just what was the fantasy she was into?

He recorded the date on his calendar. It was curious,
but for some reamister he couldn't bring himself to talk
to Hayley about their sex life. With her being so
aggressive, it seemed like she would bring it up, but
she didn't. In fact, she seemed to avoid the subject,
and had avoided the subject over the past months,
almost as if it had never happened. He brooded with

The "events," as he recorded them, he realized were
very easy to identify. The next event happened while
shopping at the mall. When clothes shopping, he was in
the habit of finding a seat, or more often, standing
near the women's dressing room in those stores that
didn't provide seats, a pet peeve. Hayley would step
out periodically to see how he liked the outfits she
was trying on. At Macy's, on an obviously slow night,
after trying on several evening dresses that hadn't
quite worked, she stepped into the dressing room entry
area naked, except her heeled leather shoes.

She had taken a chance that nobody would be around, and
he hadn't paid any attention to where the security
cameras were. She struck a pose, reflected on all sides
by the mirrors placed there. She stretched out a hand
and curled a finger in invitation. He accepted. He
couldn't help but wonder if others didn't notice the
smell of sex that went with them as they left the store
ten minutes later. He later recorded the date on his


Hayley had been horny for over a day. She had seen the
chiropractor the day before, and her back felt great.
It had been giving her problems lately, but the
adjustments seemed to work. She had really wanted to
jump Steven's bones when he returned home the day
before, but she had an idea that required more time,
and she put it to work. She had written a note to
Steven and placed it on his passenger seat late the
night before, so that he would find it on his way to
work. It said, "When you come home, I'll be cumming
too. On the deck."

That would give him something to think about. And it
had given her something to do. She looked down at her
cunt. It was a little sensitive, but it looked
remarkably different without the curls of her brunette
hair. She replaced the razor on the soap dish and
rinsed herself with water. He would like this. She
better follow through with some wax to make sure all
the hair was gone.

Once this was done, she abated the stinging with some
lotion. She inspected herself in the mirror, covering
her face with her hands, embarrassed at the sight of
her own clit, sticking out, asking for attention. She
gave it a little rub, which sent jolts of pleasure
through her. She stopped, feeling it was wrong to
pleasure herself, as if it might somehow stop her from
giving her all to her husband. Besides, she had some
painting to do.


It had been another week since our clothes shopping
expedition and the note Steven found in his car said it
was time for another "event." A few newspapers were on
their neighbor's driveway, so he assumed they were
away. Besides, their deck was relatively private when
leaves were on the trees. That was good, as he had no
doubt that whatever she had planned on the deck would
have to include sex and nudity. In fact, he recorded it
on the calendar before he arrived home.

There wasn't much risk involved with the neighbors
away, but exhibiting herself in any way on the deck was
still completely out of character for her, at least,
until recently. He hadn't gotten much accomplished at
work, his thoughts always drifting to what he might
find at home. He had called, but there was no answer.
The thought of her having an affair kept recurring, and
he had decided that he might follow her around the next
week. It would be easy enough to appear "out on sales
calls." He parked the car in the garage. Although he
had suspicions, it didn't stop him from being excited
about the prospects awaiting him.

He found her, as the note had said, on the back deck,
with her hands pumping the black vibrator in and out of
her cunt. She was reclining in one of their swivel deck
chairs, with an unusual looking bikini. He approached
her. Ahhh, she was wearing paint. She had used
fluorescent body paint that they had purchased years
ago at a gag store and never used. She had painted her
nipples orange, one breast "cup" blue and the other
green. Pink "strings" completed the bikini top. The
"bottoms" were also pink, and he realized, happily,
that her cunt was shaved to allow for the paint. She
had shaved herself once a couple of years earlier, with
the comment afterwards that she would never do it
again, due to the itching that followed. Well, she had

No shorts, T-shirt, or even a towel could be seen
anywhere on the deck. Her head was leaned back against
the chair, her eyes were closed, her legs were wide
open, and her feet were propped up on a couple of
upside down flowerpots. It was a new standard for
brazen exhibition of her sex. He removed her hands,
kneeling between her legs, and worked the vibrator
himself. She never opened her eyes, but gave herself to
the sensations, both vocally and by rocking her hips
into the vibrator.

After several minutes, having increased the speed of
the penetrations, she came loudly. He sure hoped the
neighbors weren't home. He helped her up and led her to
the deck railing. In a rare instance of self-control,
he enjoyed her slick, hot, cunt for half an hour, with
her leaning over the handrail, her breasts swaying in
time with the pace of his slow thrusts, before he went
over edge and came in her.

Steven was not at all pleased when he soon afterwards
walked to the mailbox to get the mail, and saw their
neighbor, a married man, mouth the words "THANK YOU"
while picking up his newspapers from the driveway, 40
yards away. Steven's face turned red as he heard a
chuckle, and he only hoped that this was the first, and
last, time his neighbor had seen Hayley naked.

Hayley had never said anything about him, and they had
remained only acquaintances despite having lived beside
each other for over 5 years. He was a computer techie
of some sort, Steven couldn't recall. They didn't have
much in common. Still, Steven couldn't help but put him
on his imaginary "possible affair partner" list. It was
now a list of one. On the other hand, he realized how
awkward it was going to be around him at the
neighborhood party that weekend. And, presumably,
awkward around his wife, assuming he told her. Or was
she home, too? Oh, man...

A week later was "that time of the month." Nothing was
likely to happen in "event" terms, and... nothing
happened. A week afterwards, however, he decided that
the time was right to follow Hayley around a bit. He
parked the car near the entrance to their neighborhood.
He had no good place to "hide" as far as watching
wherever she might go on foot, such as their neighbor's
house. Their neighbor didn't really seem her type, but
he was becoming less sure now of what her "type" might
be. He didn't have to wait in the car too long,
however. Shortly after 8:00, her van left the
neighborhood, and he followed a discrete two or three
cars behind.

She stopped at an ATM machine, then continued on. This
was pretty cool. Steven, Private Investigator. He
admitted to himself that he didn't expect to find
anything unusual, so he approached this day with a
certain amount of humor. Her second stop was the
chiropractor. That lasted about 30 minutes. Another $30

After that, she went to Wal-Mart. This took her about
an hour, coming out with two plastic bags of what
looked like cosmetics and some hardware. He wondered
what PI's listen to in their cars. Steven, PI, was
having a tough time of it. Talk radio seemed to be
saying the same thing 20 different ways. FM music was
pretty much the same old stuff he already had at home,
if he liked it. He should have gotten a book-on-tape or

Hayley pulled into Home Depot. So did he. Maybe Wal-
Mart didn't have everything she needed. For what? He
didn't know. She had never really repaired anything
before, but she could get very motivated in her
hobbies. Another sack accompanied her return to the
van. She drove maybe half an hour to another part of
town, where she pulled into a small restaurant. That
was good. He was getting hungry too. She sat at the
window of the restaurant, obviously waiting for
someone. He'd wait, too.

After a few more minutes, her friend Denise entered the
restaurant. That made sense. Denise worked in this part
of town. He drove off to a Wendy's drive-thru before
resuming his watch. There wasn't much to watch. After
an hour or so, Hayley drove home. And he figured he
better make at least one sales call, so he called it a
day for his PI job. Steven checked his voice mail and
found that another customer needed to see him in the
late afternoon. He called Hayley on the cell phone and
let her know he'd be returning, he thought, around 7:30
or so and not to cook for him. He'd get a free dinner,
at least.


Hayley's pulse raced. She had so much to do, to try.
She unloaded her bags from the van, left them in the
garage, and went into the kitchen. The phone ring
startled her. It was Steven. The short of it was that
he would be home late and she knew when. Good. This
gave her even more time to do something she had never
even thought about before. She fixed herself a Coke,
found an old comforter they sometimes used as a picnic
blanket and returned to the garage. She opened the
first sack. Cosmetics. She put that by the door to the
kitchen. The second sack. What WAS she doing? She felt
she HAD to do this. The thought terrified her, but at
the same time, her cunt was becoming wet. What had
happened to her?

She enjoyed making love, but even more enjoyed the
unexpected hug. Flowers. A passionate kiss in a setting
where sex was not expected. Holding hands while
walking. Good conversation over a dinner out. Just a
look that says, "I love you." And making love that
included a comfortable bed, sheets, background
lighting, or perhaps a fire in the fireplace.

And here she was, her thoughts captive to what she
assumed were Steven's sexual desires... the love was
there, but it was focused more on the sexual act, not
the sensuality. A rough fuck... nudity in the
house...nudity out of the house... displaying her cunt
to him like a slut... sucking his cock... swallowing
his cum.

Avoiding these things had come naturally to her. It
just wasn't romantic. These things she did only rarely,
on special occasions, and only if he had been meeting
her needs. Recently, however, it seemed she couldn't
orgasm unless she was breaking her own standards for
what she regarded as appropriate in marital lovemaking.
Were her needs changing?

Hayley looked at the items she had purchased, and
realized with a start that her hands had been fingering
her clit and that she was about to cum. She stopped.
She couldn't do that until later. She had to give
Steven all of her love, her body, her sex, and if she
came now, she would be "less" later. Or, she might
chicken out. But she knew she wouldn't. She had to
fulfill him. She needed to be had, to be taken, just
like the heroine in the romance novel she had read. Who
had she talked to about that book? Her thoughts became
confused, and she went in search of Steven's tools.


As the garage door opened, Steven began pulling the car
inside and was astonished by what was in the sight of
the headlights. He had to brake, rather hard, and pull
the car back out. He stared at Hayley from within his
car. His wife was in the garage, kneeling on a blanket
in the floor. She was facing the garage door, naked
except for panties, which apparently held a vibrator in
her cunt. The panties were soaked. Across her chest she
had written "fuck me" in large letters with a black
magic marker.

Her hands were behind her back, and ropes were tied
around her arms, each connected to eyebolts mounted on
the ceiling. Her eyes were covered by a blindfold. Her
lips had the glossiest, bright red lipstick he had ever
seen. He turned off the car, went inside the garage and
closed the garage door, thankful that their neighbors
were not outside.

After the garage door opener stopped, all he could hear
was the muted rumbling from the vibrator within her,
and rather quick breaths from his wife. He found that
her hands were tied behind her back. She couldn't
separate her wrists. She could stand or sit, and that
was about it. He didn't see any possible way that she
could get herself free. He didn't see any way possible
that she could tie herself up like that, either. Who
helped her? Then he saw the slipknots, and it appeared
to make a little sense how she could have bound

He knew he had told her what time he would be home, and
he was perhaps an hour later than that. How long had
she been like this? Then he noticed her kneepads. She
had thought about this, prepared for it. Her trip to
Home Depot made sense. This chick needed to be fucked.

Steven stripped out of his clothes and began to lightly
touch her - her chin, her cheeks, her ears, her
shoulders, the side of a breast, her thigh. He didn't
say anything. If she wanted the blindfold, then she
obviously wanted some mystery. She hadn't said a word
either. Whatever fantasy this was, he was willing to
step right into it. In fact, he had dreamed something
close to it himself. He untied the ropes to the
ceiling, but left her hands tied behind her. He gently
leaned her forward, so that her head was on the
blanket. She still hadn't said a word.

As he went behind her, he lowered her panties, and
removed the vibrator that, judging by her soaking
panties, had been inside her for a long time. He moved
forward, and placed the vibrator at her lips, catching
her by surprise. Still, she managed to lick some of it
as he spiraled it past her mouth. He turned it off, and
squeezed her nipple, slightly, then harder, as she
remained bent over. He was afraid he might have
squeezed it to roughly when a small squeak emerged from
her. He moved behind her.

Her ass now raised, her cunt visible, he saw that she
had written, not to neatly, but in small block letters,
"H A R D" across her butt, in red ink. Of course. A two
sided message, "fuck me, HARD." The light on the garage
door opener turned off, and it was almost black in the
garage. He slid a finger between her legs, probing the
slick wetness of her cunt. The heat she was generating
took him by surprise. His fingers followed the trail of
her juices, finding both of her thighs soaked.

An hour like this? Longer probably. He inserted two
fingers straight into her cunt. She shuddered. He found
her special little spot, not her G-spot, but a ripple
slightly larger than others in her vaginal canal, and
pressed it with his fingertips. Her moans filled the
garage. He alternated pressing her spot and retreating,
until she seemed too tired to moan any longer. Her body
began convulsing, powering her cunt against his finger.
The feelings this spot produced she had always said
were "too intense." Apparently not this time.

Enjoying her vulnerability, he inserted a third finger,
pushing them in as far as he could go, then spreading
them as much as possible. His fingers didn't seem to
stretch her as much as he expected, probably because of
the size of the vibrator. He fucked her, not to
carefully, with his fingers, enjoying the feel of her
clit and bare pubic mound with his other two fingers.
He removed his fingers and smelled them. Her juices
smelled good... fresh, if that was possible. In fact,
she smelled good all over. She had prepared herself

He lowered his head carefully, and without any warning,
gave her cunt a wide lick with his tongue. She jerked
in surprise. He did it again, because he could. She
couldn't do anything about it. Hayley, for whatever
reamister, hated oral sex on her. She had never explained
it, but now she was hardly in a position to refuse. He
wanted to do this some more, but the position was
uncomfortable, and to roll her over would mean that he
would have to untie her hands.

So, he fucked her, hard. Just like the sign said... He
relished the power of fucking a bound woman, a helpless
woman, and loved it that it was his wife offering
herself to him in this way. She apparently shared this
excitement. The garage was unfinished, and her shrieks
seemed to echo through the room, and he worried that
the neighbors might hear. Then, caught in his own
passion, he decided, so what?


Posts: 167456 Pictures: 3 
Up to the first message Down to the last message
It started very professionally.

"Good morning, Hayley. How are you?"

"Fine, thanks, I've had a good week. And you?"

"Sometimes I think that my days are too long, but it's
a good problem to have. There's a lot of starving
chiropractors out there. Not that they're bad, of
course, but there's just too many for the area. How's
the back, getting better?"

"Yes, I think so, but after 4-6 days after my visits
with you, my neck and back still gets stiff, and,
usually in the mornings, I have that stabbing pain
between my shoulder blades that goes away after a
couple of hours."

"Same old story. Well, let me take another look at your
x-rays to make sure that the Atlas adjustments I've
been making are proper. For most people, 3 months of
treatment is the maximum before I've done all that I
can do, and they almost always don't need any more
adjustments unless they're in an accident or exert
themselves unusually. You've been coming here pretty
regularly, for a little longer than that. Have you seen
this video?"

"Uh, no."

"Okay, why don't you watch this while I go check the
film. It gives some history on Chiropractic, problems
with the spine and some of the things we do to correct

Steven heard the tape being pushed into the player, the
sound of the TV being turned on, and the door being
closed. Good, he thought to himself, no affair. But the
dates matching perfectly were beyond matters of chance.
He continued listening as the tape explained
Chiropractic. He heard most of it very clearly and even
learned a few things. The videotape concluded and
rewound. Dr. Gilliam, the name no longer a metaphor of
evil, re-entered the room.

"How was the tape?"

"What tape?"

What Steven heard afterwards chilled him.

When he entered the kitchen, the surprise that greeted
him didn't surprise him. His wife was standing in the
informal dining area, which had a glass door built into
a bay window, which leads to the rear deck. She was
wearing a short T-shirt that was pulled above her
breasts, and her breasts were pressed against the
glass. She was working a dildo in her cunt, a wide and
long dildo, but made of ice. He had been in the garage
maybe 45 minutes, replaying the tape, and based on the
water dripping from the dildo and pooling on the floor,
she had apparently been at this a while. What's a
husband to do?

He fucked her standing up, her hands against the
doorframe, feeling a biting mix of cold and heat as he
plunged within her. As he fucked her, he noticed they
were being watched. Their neighbor, again, on his deck,
staring through the trees. He apparently there to water
his plants, but, instead, he was rubbing his crotch.
Steven guided Hayley's head to the right, and he could
tell she was confused.

He tightened his grip on her pelvis, and thrust hard
and fast within her, cumming just as she recognized
their voyeur. She made an unusual squeaking sound
before sliding his cock out of her cunt and all but
running from the door, then upstairs. Steven picked up
what remained of the ice dildo from the floor and
quickly walked it to the sink. Like Hayley, he didn't
want to see their neighbor, either.

Two days later, he had a chiropractic appointment.
Without the least bit of surprise, Dr. Gilliam was good
looking, with soap opera type looks - tan, graying at
the temples, not a real doctor, just playing one on
TV... Steven fought to continue the role of patient. He
told him that he had woken up several days earlier with
a "crick" in his neck, but unlike others, it didn't
seem to go away. The doctor asked a standard variety of
questions, marking a checklist on his clipboard. Steven
almost missed it, but Dr. Gilliam was using a red ink
pen. So Hayley probably hadn't written the messages on
herself, after all. It made some sort of perverted

Dr. Gilliam indicated that he would need x-rays to
provide the proper adjustments, and they proceeded with
that. The doctor then had Steven sit in the examination
room, including little more than a padded table, a
chair, a small counter space, some posters, and a
TV/VCR. The doctor then suggested he watch a video
about Chiropractic while the x-rays were developed and
he saw another patient. Uh-huh. Sure.

He inserted the video, and Steven closed his eyes. He
already had heard the video, thanks, and he had no
intention of watching it. After it was over, the door
was closed, and he quickly looked in the cabinet below
the VCR to see what other movies were there. There was
only one, about spinal construction. The label was very
similar to the one in the VCR, so he swapped it and
placed the video the doctor had shown him in his inside
jacket pocket, which was hanging from a chair.

More than a few minutes later, the doctor returned and
invited him to a viewing room to review his x-rays. Dr.
Gilliam pointed out how his neck was unusually straight
and that, as he aged, how the vertebrae were likely to
become fused to a degree and painful. Steven actually
hadn't made up the neck story; it just didn't hurt now.
Maybe a couple of months ago. The doctor explained how
several months of adjustments, moving this vertebrae
this way and another that way, should work well to keep
everything the way it was meant to be.

He took Steven to another room, which had a strange
device with an arm that stood by a padded table. He
asked if Steven had understood the video.

"Video?" He looked confused. There was an uncomfortable

Hopefully, this would work.

"Tell me, how has your sex life been lately?" Steven
looked straight ahead, with minimal movement, not sure
how he was to play this part. He tried to copy his
wife's tone. "It's been great. My wife has been acting
like a nympho the past several months. She's never
acted like this before." "Really, tell me about the
last time."

Steven told him about the ice cube dildo and the show
by the back door.

Dr. Gilliam chuckled, seeming quite pleased with
himself. "Excellent. At our next appointment, you will
bring me the videotape your wife recently made while
you were eating ice cream. You will not remember
anything I've said in this room when you hear me count
'3.' One, two, three."

When he finished counting, Steven looked at him. Dr.
Gilliam resumed, "you need to lie down on the table
with your head at the far end, so I can make the first
adjustment. You'll need to be..."

Steven cut him off. "I don't think so."

"Excuse me?"

Steven removed the Dictaphone from his pants pocket,
and hit the PLAY button.

The doctor's voice sounded. "So tell me, what type of
outfit did you choose?"

Hayley answered, "What I knew he would like. Black
leather boots, black leather gloves, black leather

"And you wore nothing else?"


"That would be quite a sight. Okay, two things. First,
this is what I want you to do tonight. First, when you
get home, take a plastic coke bottle, the 20 oz. size,
and fill it about 2/3 full of water. Lay it on its side
in the freezer. Tonight, sometime after your husband
comes home, cut the plastic bottle away from the ice,
then run water over the ice to shape a dildo, a nice
fat one, maybe as thick as your wrist. Pick out a room
in the house and let him find you using the dildo, with
your legs spread. Do it by a window or door so that
there's a chance someone will see you.

"I think maybe you should just wear a T-shirt this
time, but pull it above your breasts. No bra. Let him
fuck you. After that, you'll be embarrassed about your
little exhibition, and leave to another room. After you
dress, you will feel satisfied, and permisterally
rewarded, that you were able to offer yourself to your
husband this way. Then it will occur to you that sex
really felt so much better after a visit to the

"Secondly, when we begin talking again, you will tell
me that you continue to be concerned that your breasts
hang unevenly. You will then ask me if an adjustment
can be made to make them level. My seeing, touching,
and taking pictures of your breasts will seem a very
appropriate part of my job. While I am doing this, you
will only feel some guilt about how surprisingly good
it makes you feel that someone besides your husband is
touching your breasts. When I count '3,' you will not
recall this conversation.

"One, two, three."

"Oh, I guess I forgot to get the videotape for you. So
tell me, where does it hurt today?"

"Well, I'm really embarrassed to say this, but, I think
my breasts are hanging unevenly. Is there an adjustment
that can fix that?"

"That's not something I can capture on x-ray..."

"I know. Here, let me show you. I want your opinion." A
few faint noises, obviously the sound of her blouse and
bra being removed, then, "What do you think?"

"Well, I don't want to jump to conclusions. Which
breast do you think is hanging lower?"

"The right one."

"Are you sitting up straight? Ah, that's better. Okay,
lift your hands and touch the top of your head. A
little higher. That's it, yes. Hold that position. Let
me take some measurements for my file." The sound of a
drawer opening and closing. "Let's see, that's just
over a 38" chest. That's not unusually large, so the
weight by itself is not likely to be a factor. Let's
see. I'm afraid my fingers are a little cold. Hopefully
you won't find this uncomfortable." There was a long
silence, as presumably, he felt her breasts. "Okay,
perhaps some small alterations in your spine can adjust
this over time. For comparimister, I'm going to need to
take some photos, which we'll probably have to update
every several weeks."

Steven stopped the tape. Throughout the tape, Dr.
Gilliam had been having a very difficult time making
eye contact, no doubt trying to think of a way out of
this. He backed away a little. Maybe Steven looked
dangerous. The doctor stammered for words, then began
in earnest. "I must admit, you are quite the Sherlock
for figuring this out. But let me explain." Yeah sure.
"I have a successful practice. I paid a lot of money to
purchase an existing practice after working with my
predecessor for several years. He had a number of other
hobbies, one of which was magictism. I don't understand
it at all."

"There's a lot of chiropractors out there. You see
their offices everywhere - in run down shopping
centers, in older homes that have been commercialized
because 4 lane roads run where their front yards used
to be. Very few do you find that are in medical
complexes or in newly constructed, stand-alone
buildings like this one. There's a lot of reamisters for
that, but buying this practice seemed the best way of
avoiding becoming one of the 'have nots.' My wife, you
know, she spends as much as I can make. And I can spend
pretty well myself. Club memberships, clothes, cars,
the loan to pay for this place. That's where the video
comes in."

"The video was made by my predecessor. The magictic
part comes during the first couple of minutes, when
people will pay the most attention. I'm a doctor, you
understand. I've been to college, learned the s*******s,
and devoted my life to Chiropractic. I believe in what
I do, and that it also helps people lead more
comfortable lives. At the same time, it's a challenge.
Many health insurers don't pay for visits, so it's left
to my customers to foot the bill. At $30, we charge a
reamisterable rate.

"The problem is, when it's their money, they only come
long enough to feel better, then they skip the
remaining appointments that our science says they need
to help reduce symptoms now and recurrences later.
Someone may need eight visits over three months. If
they come twice and can resume their normal activities,
they don't come back.

"The idea behind the video was for them to feel good
about their lives, and then relate those feelings to
the benefits of my service. That way, they come back.
They're better off for the visits, and I rarely have
any openings in the appointment calendar. It's a win-
win situation."

"I can see that," Steven said. "But then you got

The doctor gave a slow nod. "My predecessor didn't give
me much instruction on the limitations of the video. He
said I couldn't power people to do things they didn't
want to do, and I haven't really pushed the envelope,
so to speak. But I first became tempted with a quite
attractive blonde several years ago. Let's just say
that it's worked every time so far. But I can only go
so far. There's too much disease out there, and,
really, I'm quite happy at home. Also, after a
patient's first appointment, I usually only schedule
fifteen minutes per appointment, so there's no time to
use the video."

"But in certain situations, you do."

"Well, yes. The good looking women are a weakness."

"And what do you do with them?"

"I really don't want to go into that."

Steven raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? I have your
medical license hanging by a thread." He dangled the
Dictaphone in front of him. "Tell me, what have you
done with my wife?"

"I've never had sex with her, if that's what you mean.
I've never even had her remove her pants. There just
isn't enough time, for one thing, plus I have two
female assistants who are always about. There's too
great a chance I'd get caught. I've seen your wife's
breasts, yes, and taken some pictures. I've done that
with a lot of women. And rather than make them just
feel good about their backs, I've expanded the benefits
of Chiropractic to fulfilling sex. They're happy. You
should be happy. They feel better. I get to satisfy my
libido while filling my bank account. And that's really
about it."

Steven gave him a skeptical look. "That all sounds very
reamisterable, but I have my doubts. You could use your
video so that patients forget that they had to wait an
extra half hour for their appointment, and you could
use it to make your patients think their appointment
started late, when in fact, you had liberty with them
for as long as you wanted. And as for your staff, you
could easily have them watch the video and have them
forget what they've seen you do. I can only think of
one solution here."

He looked at me, emotions mixed between panic and hope.
What hope did he have? "Your office, does it have a


"The only way I'll let you out of this is for you to
watch your video, and then answer the questions for me.
That's your only option, short of being exposed."

The doctor gave a somewhat defeated look. He said, "I
know what you're thinking, but the film won't work on
me. We've got to find some other terms. I'll be happy
to give you your wife's pictures back, and the
videotapes she's brought me. This has the potential of
too much trouble. How about this? There's two more
copies of the videotape in my safe. We can destroy them
together. Just to give you some reassurance, I'll give
you a few pictures of my wife." He reached into his
desk drawer and removed several pictures. I looked. If
he was a graying Ken, she was a nude 30ish Barbie. Wow.
The face in the picture matched a photo on his desk, a
portrait that pictured them together. It seemed legit.

"Keep those under wraps. If she finds out, I've had it.
I can't afford a divorce." Dr. Gilliam opened the safe
and removed the videotapes. He had a hammer in another
desk drawer, and offered it to Steven. They stepped
outside through his private door to the rear of the
building, and Steven smashed the tapes, pulling the
film from them. He then threw them in a dumpster.

Dr. Gilliam looked worried, and he had reamister to be.
His business was likely to go on the decline. "I'd
appreciate it if you left that little tape with me," he


Posts: 167456 Pictures: 3 
Up to the first message 
"No, I don't think so," Steven said. "I have no way of
knowing whether you have more tapes, or more pictures
of Hayley and me. We'll call it a draw."

He nodded, reluctantly accepting the terms. "Okay. A
draw. Anything else?"

"Yes, this visit was free." He nodded again and
escorted Steven to the lobby before taking his next
patient, an absolutely gorgeous 20 or so year old that
Steven couldn't imagine had any problem with her back.
The things he could do with that tape.

Steven figured it was probably best not to tell Hayley
about what had happened. No doubt her Chiropractic
visits would soon end, without the magictic suggestions
that it was working so well. He thought about telling
her to see another doctor, but that would just arouse
suspicion. With any justice, the doctor's practice
would be meeting its end in the next several months.


Dr. Gilliam seethed. Steven was smart to figure him
out. But he was also gullible. He removed the master
copy of his videotape from an unlocked file cabinet...
the best place to keep your valuables. He amused
himself and laughed shortly. Steven's audiotape was too
incriminating, and many of his clients were too
distinguished to hear about the "privileges" he allowed
himself. If they found out, he'd be in jail. Worse, two
were wives of pro football players. He'd be dead.

In a way, Steven had answered a question that he'd been
tantalizing himself with. As a recent widower, the
prospect of using his tape to get more than a titty
grab HAD occurred to him, and Hayley was a fine piece
of ass. It was finding an opportunity that he had been
careful with, and with Hayley, he now had an
opportunity and a purpose. Sweet.

If Steven had just made him watch the tape, he would
have revealed everything. Sucker. He had no idea how
the thing worked, but if he could suggest to a woman
that she couldn't see "Fuck Me" written on her body,
his permisteral signature of sorts, it seemed like the
tape could be used for about anything. It was time to
push the envelope.


Hayley arrived on time for her Chiropractic appointment
the following Tuesday, after her part-time work. Dr.
Gilliam's assistant had called and asked if a later
afternoon appointment would be okay, as something had
come up, and she found that she was the last
appointment for the day.

When she got to the patient room, Dr. Gilliam held up a
video and asked if she had seen it. It looked familiar,
but for the life of her, she couldn't remember anything
about it. The doctor started the tape and left the room
while she watched.

They chatted a bit, he made an adjustment to her back,
and she headed home. Her van clock said 7:00. She
looked at her watch. 7:00. What? Where had the time
gone? The video must have been longer than she thought,
although, thinking about it, she didn't seem to
remember much about it. She wondered if she was having
a problem with her memory. She hurried as best she
could through traffic to get home. She was surprisingly
tired, so she fixed sandwiches, ate and then went
upstairs to shower. Steven seemed to accept that she
got hung up in traffic.

She felt unusually sticky. In the bathroom, she started
the shower water, undressed, then looked in the mirror
and saw what she recognized as cum, dried on her cunt,
and a trail of small dried drops leading up to her
breasts as well. This panicked her. She looked again in
the mirror. She had what Steven referred to as her
"just fucked look," red splotches on her skin with a
healthy glow. But she hadn't had sex with Steven in a
couple of days, and she had showered since then, at
least twice, and just this morning, in fact! The time
lapse occurred to her. She couldn't remember anything,
but the only possible answer was that Dr. Gilliam

Just then, Steven opened the bathroom door, naked, with
a raging hard-on, and pushed her into the shower. She
was being taken, all over again, just like her Viking
story. How many times had she been taken lately? Dr.
Gilliam! She didn't remember telling him about her
favorite book, but somehow she knew she had! Steven
engulfed a breast with his mouth, then sucked her
nipple fiercely, just short of biting it with his
teeth. The pleasure almost became pain when he lowered
himself to her cunt, and horrified thoughts of "NO! NO!
NOOOOOO!" raged through her mind.

He didn't stop the licking. Couldn't he taste...? Maybe
the shower water would wash it away in time... The
pressure of his tongue on her clit and the thought of
her husband slurping another man's cum from her cunt
sent her pulse racing. And the realization that she had
been fucked without knowing it was a taboo far beyond a
**** by a conquering Viking. She screamed in her
orgasm. Loud.

The following week, Hayley received another call from
the Chiropractor, requesting another appointment
change, and again, it was for the last appointment of
the day. Fine. While she had shared in a fantasy she
didn't even know she had, a confrontation was at hand.


Dr. Gilliam almost couldn't concentrate on his patients
through the day. Hayley had been a great fuck, and he
would fuck her again, but he had a purpose to achieve.
And while Hayley had been quite a willing participant
under his spell, the next time, and from now on, he
would have her of her own will. Sweet.

He finished with his last patient, and told his
receptionist she could go ahead and leave, for which
she gave him a disapproving look. Time for her to watch
a video... It wouldn't do to have his receptionist
suspect he was getting intimate with a married patient.
He locked up.

He opened the door to the room in which his forthcoming
fuck awaited, and, ...what a mixed signal! Hayley
stood, fury on her face, but her nipples were rock
hard, poking through the fabric of her blouse,
apparently without the restriction of a bra. As he
stared at her breasts, she raced forward, slapped him
hard across the face and yelled "Bastard! You bastard!"
Yeah, he thought, I am. But you're turned on.
Otherwise, why no bra? And a skirt? She always wore
slacks or shorts. How much did she know?

She slapped him again. He apparently wasn't paying
enough attention. "How could you? You fucked me! I
found your cum all over me when I got home!" Huh? Hell.
He had forgotten to make her oblivious to any signs of
sex. He had only made her forget about having sex and
to suspect the video for being longer than she
remembered. Well, it really didn't matter if she knew.
He was about to tell her anyway. But something about it
turned her on...of, course! Her **** fantasy. Her
favorite book. He had drawn that out from her about two
months ago, and he had used it subtly in his
suggestions. Subtlety was at an end.

"Hayley, we need to talk. Step into my office and I'll
show you a couple things."

She followed him in, and sat in one of his chairs. He
opened his safe and retrieved a video. The best lies
are mixed with truth.

"Your husband is a smart man, Hayley. He visited me a
couple of weeks ago and confronted me with an audio
tape, from a recorder he had placed in your purse."
Hayley looked intrigued. This likely wasn't at all the
conversation she had been expecting.

"The tape proves that I use a videotape about
Chiropractic terms to magictize some of my patients, in
this case, you." He could see that Hayley seemed to
register understanding about how she had been fucked,
as well as the loss of an hour and a half or so. He
explained how the particular audiotape suggested that
she make an ice dildo, and exhibit herself to whatever
world was beyond the door or window she had stood by.
"The tape also, I might add, unfortunately, included me
suggesting that your breasts were uneven and that you
should display them to me in hope of an adjustment."
Hayley looked down at her breasts briefly, again
understanding. "That's right, they're perfectly

"Bastard," Hayley snarled in a low voice.

"Steven asked me if I had done anything further than
that. I told him 'no.' There wasn't time during normal
appointment schedules for anything beyond, basically,
teenage petting. I gave him all the photographs of your
breasts I had taken. As he thought about it, I think
the potential power of the videotape got to his head.
He demanded a copy. I refused, for which you should be
grateful. And I'll show you why."

He placed his video in the VCR and hit 'play.' He saw
the mistrust on her eyes.

"Don't watch the video until you're confident that it's
not the magictic one. Go ahead. Look away." He started
the movie. He stifled a chuckle as Hayley's voice
filled the room, from the TV. It was soft. Submissive.
"Fuck me. Please? I've been admiring...wanting you for

Hayley's eyes opened wide and turned her head to watch,
so Dr. Gilliam, knowing his fish was hooked and all but
pulled on board, watched with her. It showed her
walking on her knees, to his crotch, unfastening his
belt, unfastening his pants, reaching in his underwear
to pull out his cock. My 8" cock, Dr. Gilliam thought.
Bigger than your husband, aren't I? You aren't used to
that, are you? He had to control another chuckle. He
had watched the video repeatedly the night before, but
now, he was enjoying watching Hayley, shock on her
face, her mouth open, paralyzed in stunned silence. Her
face was a magnificent glowing red. Her nipples hard.
Sweet. He would enjoy her. He let the video continue.
There wouldn't be any more dialogue in the video, he
knew. He started talking after the movie showed his
first orgasm, into HER pussy.

"It goes on for another 30 minutes or so. You sucked my
cock back to life, and we had another go. I had mixed
feelings about doing this, Hayley, and here's why." She
looked at him, skepticism mixed with fury, fury mixed
with passion. Or so he hoped. Soon now...

"That audio tape threatens my business, you understand.
Steven threatened my medical license, newspaper
exposure, that kind of thing. Although I had given him
pictures of my wife, naked..." He sounded downcast.
"You know she died several months ago." Hayley was
watching the video, which showed her sucking his cock
like a porn star. "So he took those pictures of my
wife, and I gave him the pictures I had taken of you.
He wins, you know? I asked him what it would take for
me to get the tape back from him. You're not going to
like his answer." Hayley turned to look at him. Her
nipples were still hard nubs. Sweet. Worth lying for.
He tried what he hoped was his most sincere voice. "He
said he would trade it for a video of me fucking you."

With that, the color draining from her face. "He
didn't!" She looked distant, her thoughts unfathomable.

"He did. And I don't know if I can trust a man who
would have his wife fucked by another man. I have a
business and my reputation to protect. Unfortunately,
that's going to make things more difficult for you." He
could tell Hayley was sensing an impending doom. "Step
over to my computer." This was going to be fun. Hayley
sat in a rolling chair, still showing some spirit in
that she wasn't afraid to look. He logged onto the
internet, and went to his own website,
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only! Tears formed in Hayley's
eyes. In bold capital yellow letters across the screen
was her name. "H A Y L E Y."

And underneath, in slightly smaller print, "Slut wife."
As he scrolled down the screen, he revealed that the
website included the photos of her breasts he had
taken, stills from the video she had just been
watching, and stills from a video of her fucking
Steven. He clicked on a thumbnail picture. A picture of
Steven's cock in her cunt filled the screen. He hit the
"back" button, and then clicked on a link for effect. A
small square appeared on the screen and a video began
of Steven cumming on her face, audio included, with her
giggling after he was done.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you about those. I had you bring
me all your sex tapes and nude photos a couple months
or so ago. Steven took them back, but not before I
digitized them. See? Here's a Polaroid of you posing
naked. I believe you said that was 12 years ago. Look
how young you look. It's too bad the color is fading.

"But I digress. Here's the point. Your sister is a
client. She even sent me a joke e-mail that went out to
all her friends, including their e-mail addresses. She
told me who your friends are. Who your pastor is. I
have clients that go to your church. I know where your
husband works. All of them are going to get an
anonymous note that lists this website." He let that
sink in. Hayley hunched over in her seat, placing her
hands over her face. "UNLESS, you do what I want."
Hayley looked frozen, probably just beginning to
imagine what things he would do with her. "Hey, look,
the counter shows 18 people have been to the site
already, and I haven't even registered it with the
search engines."


Hayley had searched all over the damn house before
finding the cursed audiotape, hidden in one of Steven's
jacket pockets in his closet. She had searched his
closet first, but hadn't thought of checking the
pockets until she came up empty everywhere else. She
had played it, and it said exactly what the good Doctor
had said it did. Damn him! She didn't have the means to
copy a micro-cassette, so she played it next to an old
cassette recorder, and got a poor copy as a backup, at
least, if things didn't work out the way she hoped. And
it was only hope. She had no plan. She could try
blackmailing him with the audio, but he could likely
magictize her all over again and make her forget she
even had it. She was stuck.

The good doctor had known that Steven was away on a
fishing trip this weekend, which she somewhat
remembered telling him a few weeks earlier. As she
approached his house, she felt, simply, ruined. The
website would be disastrous. She didn't think that the
video had been Steven's idea, but she couldn't be sure,
especially the way he had charged in on her before she
showered, just after she had been fucked by the doctor.
He hadn't been at all curious or upset that she was so
late. Did he know? In any case, the video didn't show
the doctor's face, but the body was obviously not her
husbands. If her friends or family saw it, they would
have to move. Or worse, even if it was his idea, Steven
could divorce her, blaming her for cheating on him. The
evidence would show it. But he loved her. She knew he

And she loved him. Yet, here she was, at the Doctor's
house, knowing that she would have sex with some number
of guys. She had no bags, although she knew she would
be there two nights until midday Sunday, so that she
would be home in time for Steven's return. She parked
the van, noticing that others' cars were already there.
She walked to the front door, feeling a mild, cool
breeze blow through her blouse and hair, across her
flesh. Which, in contrast to the ruin that lay beyond
the door, made her feel surprisingly sensuous. She rang
the doorbell.

Dr. Gilliam opened the door, all smiles. "Super! You're
here, right on time. I knew you would be. You look
fantastic." She smiled at the compliment; she had
worked on her looks all day it seemed, in a dreamy
nightmare of sensual pleasures and utter offense.
But here she was, and she would go through with it. She
didn't have a choice.

Her hair was placed perfectly, well brushed and pulled
back to fall below her shoulders. Steven liked it loose
during sex. She wore high heeled spaghetti strap
sandals, an olive skirt, and a very light beige sweater
vest, which hinted at a lacy bra beneath. It was
something she had worn on a night out with Steven.
Alluring, but not trampy. "Do you have the...?" She cut
his question short by handing him the audiotape. He
looked delighted.

She followed Dr. Gilliam to his entertainment room. It
included a pool table, a card table, a wide screen TV,
two recliners, and a couch. There were two men seated
at the card table, both good looking, which, frankly,
disappointed her. She was hoping they would be ugly so
that she could just hate them and the entire
experience, rather than herself. They looked at her
quizzically, however. Not the eyes of sex-starved
maniacs. Late 30's, early 40's. Marriage rings.

"Gentlemen, this is the surprise I promised. Her name
is Hayley." At least he didn't say my last name, she
thought. "Remember the convention we went to in the
Bahamas a few years ago?" They looked at her with more
interest. "Hayley's not a hooker for the evening,
though. She's married, and she's a patient. But she's
also mine to fuck. And tonight, Hayley will perform
just about anything we want her to." He grabbed her ass
as he said this, giving her a good squeeze. At this,
their eyes did turn to hunger, and she was surprised as
a baritone emerged from the kitchen. "Well, hello
there!" A black man, well... chocolate brown, maybe
even a dark bronze, walked in. He, too, was good
looking. Muscular. Big. She was going to hate herself.
Why was she doing this? She knew the answer before she
even asked the question.

Dr. Gilliam led her to the kitchen, where he showed her
around. Her first duties of the night would be to serve
as a waitress to them as they played cards and watched
a pre-seamister Friday night football game. She carried in
a tray of beers and set them on the table, which had
cutouts for holding takes. She expected to be groped,
and she was. As she leaned over placing the last beer,
a man introduced himself as Mac, held her left tit
between his hand and didn't let go. He said, "Richard,
I seem to remember in Nassau that our... waitress...
was topless. How does this work, do you tell her what
to do or can we?"

"Hayley will only obey me, but I'll tell her do
anything you want. She knows what this is about, and
she came of her own free will. Didn't you Hayley?"

The Doctor had given her specific instructions on how
she was to play her role. She died inside as she
answered, but in a surprisingly eager voice. "You know
I'm yours," she winked, and after a pause concluded,
"to do with... whatever... you... want."

"Hayley, remove your top." Her face turned red as the
men turned to watch. "And the bra." Dr. Gilliam had
said that she was to perform, actually, to happily
perform whatever he said. He had actually driven the
role home when he had said that she should consider
herself his tamed captive. Just like the book. And this
was why she would hate herself, and had been hating
herself all day. She could still hate him for what he
was making her do, but she feared the guilt of enjoying
herself even more. Her guilt began with the breeze
tantalizing her skin when she arrived on his porch,
when she realized she was already excited, already wet,
already willing to fuck, without even putting up a

So she turned her back to them, offense burning
within, removed her bra, and then turned to give them a
look at her tits. The excitement quenched her
offense with an even stronger fire. They were
staring at her breasts, the breasts of a captive slave
who, truly, had no choice in the matter.

Dr. Gilliam soon took control as they began to move
towards her. "Wait guys. Remember Nassau. Winner of the
hand gets to suck her tits for a minute. Hayley, go get
the Readi Whip." The term "whip" startled her, before
she understood what he was asking. Whatever game they
were playing was some variation of Poker. Mac won. She
stood in front of him as he left his chair to get a
better angl
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