Posts: 167297
Dans les escaliers... Dans *** courriel, leschoses étaient bien claires... si je ne respectais pas ses indications, d'un seul clic, il enverrait sur le net les photos qu'il avait prises de moi à mon insu et très compromettantes pour mon hétérosexualité affichée. La date du rendez-vous approchait et j'étais allé faire les achats qu'il m'avait indiqués. A savoir une perruque aux cheveux mi-longs, un ensemble guêpière et string en vinyle noir dont je devais découper les bonnets pour laisser mes tétons apparents, des cuissardes également en vinyle, une paire de pinces reliées avec une petite chaîne et un gode xxl avec une ventouse pour le fixer au sol. J'étais très excité de voir arriver le grand moment mais aussi assez anxieux car je ne savais même pas qui il était. (Juste un mail reçu avec une photo de moi suçant une grosse queue sur un parking quelques semaines plus tôt et quelques mots qui m'avaient fait comprendre qu'à partir de cet instant, j'étais devenu *** jouet, sa pute...) Nous y voilà, cette journée va me paraitre interminable car le rendez vous est fixé pour23h00 mais je ne sais toujours rien de plus. Je dois me contenter d'attendre et de me tenir prêt pour les dernières indications. C'est vers 20h00 que mon téléphone ***ne et une voix autoritaire me fait directement comprendre que je dois écouter, ne rien répondre et obéir, tout simplement. A 23h00, je devrai sortir de mon appartement du 15ème étage, uniquement vêtu de la lingerie et des cuissardes, emporter avec moi de quoi me bander les yeux, le gode et les pinces. Ensuite, je devrai aller dans la cage d'escaliers communs, descendre d'un demi étage, fixer le gode au sol, prendre soin de bien le lubrifier et me bander les yeux avant de m'empaler sur l'engin. En aucun cas, je ne devrais quitter cette position et encore moins libérer mes yeux de leur contrainte. Je devrai rester là, à me défoncer le cul moi-même et attendre sa venue. A présent, j'y suis, je me sens plus pute que jamais, coincé entre le14ème et le 15ème, à la merci de tout qui passerait par les escaliers même si, à cette heure et à cette hauteur, rare ***t les per***nes qui empruntent les escaliers. Une question me taraude, comment fera-t-il pour rentrer dans l'immeuble alors que je ne suis pas dans mon appart pour lui ouvrir ? Serait-ce une per***ne du building alors ? Je commence à devenir toute chaude à cette idée et je commence ma longue pénétration par la bite en caoutchouc fixée au sol. Elle est immense, grosse, très longue et assez dure. Les yeux clos, se ***t mes oreilles qui ***t mon seul repère et chaque petit bruit perçu me fait fris***ner et m'excite encore d'avantage. Je n'en peux plus, je suis en train de me goder en tenue de salope à attendre je ne sais qui et pour faire je ne sais quoi encore... quelles seront les limites de cet homme et jusqu'où va aller ce jeu régi par le chantage ? C'est alors que j'entends le clic d'une porte d'étage qui s'ouvre, l'écho dans les escaliers ne me permet pas de distinguer à quel niveau, mais je continue à percevoir des bruits de pas qui se rapprochent. Je suis en train de prier de toutes mes ****** pour que ce soit la bonne per***ne qui se trouve à présent dans les escaliers sinon, j'aurais vraiment l'air malin. Quelle *********** de se retrouver là, comme ça, mais que c'est excitant aussi !!! Quelqu'un est là, tout prêt de moi, je peux à présent sentir *** odeur, mais toujours pas un mot et moi, je continue mon va et viens qui me défonce le cul comme jamais. Je bande tellement que le vinyle de mon string ne peut contenir ma queue qui dépasse allègrement vers le haut. Un petit bruit et puis une odeur connue sous mon nez : un flacon de poppers que je me précipite de sniffer ce qui me libère totalement de mes craintes et inhibitions. Une main prend alors ma tête pour la tirer en avant et sentir le cuir d'un pantalon gonflé par une queue qui me semble aussi grosse que mon gode et voilà comment tout àcommencé... 
Posts: 167297
L'aire d'autoroute Je devais être folle de faire ce que j'ai fait, mais c'est ma nature et ça a été un tel bonheur que je le retente de temps en temps mais la première fois était de loin la meilleure. J'avais lu sur un site web que certains couples un peu "exhibes" donnaient rendez-vous à des routiers sur des aires d'autoroute pour se montrer et donner un peu de piment à leur relation. Je ne suis pas en couple mais j'avoue que cela m'a trotté dans la tête un bon mois avant que je ne me lance. Sur ce même site web ainsi que deux autres similaires quand à leur contenu et à leurs orientations j'avais posté un message disant que je serai sur l'aire d'autoroute en question le jeudi soir à 2h30 du matin. Je pensais qu'ainsi il n'y aurait pas foule et que je serai plus à l'aise pour ma première exhibe légère tout en ne faisant pas choux blanc comme on dit. En effet je comptais me montrer et me caresser tout en restant à l'intérieur de ma voiture histoire de ne pas trop tenter le diable la première fois. Me voilà donc lancée sur l'autoroute dans ma petite citadine à je dois l'avouer, à faible allure. Non pas que j'y allais à reculons mais je réfléchissais à comment tout cela allait se passer, est-ce que j'allais avoir le cran d'aller au bout? Je me suis dit « ma chérie te billes pas, tu restes dans ta voiture et s'il y a un truc qui ne te plaît pas tu te sauve » voilà j'étais rassurée, en fait non pas du tout, mais tellement excitée... Je mouillais déjà beaucoup, en attentant de parcourir les 20 km qu'il me restait, je glissais ma main droite entre mes cuisses, ma robe légère remontait facilement, je pouvais sentir mon clito brûler sous le tissu de mon string, je me demandais pourquoi je n'avais pas pensé à me caresser en voiture plus tôt, pourquoi attendre cette nuit pour commencer je pouvais le faire tous les soirs en rentrant du boulot... Encore un mystère de l'univers à élucider... A ***** de rouler je passais devant le panneau indiquant l'aire en question à 2000 mètres. Mon cœur c'est accéléré, alors que ma voiture descellerait tout seule semble t-il... Je voyais l'aire approcher et je m'y suis engagée quasiment au pas. Je ne savais pas comment m'y prendre, je me suis garée presque à l'entrée du parking pour analyser les lieux. Il y avait un premier parking tout en longueur avec des sanitaires sur le coté droit, c'était le parking des voitures mais il n'y avait per***ne. Par contre plus loin en sortie de ce premier parking il y avait un virage sur la droite puis à gauche qui débouchait sur un plus grand pour les camions, il y en avait deux garés presque l'un à coté de l'autre je me demandais si les chauffeurs étaient des habitués des exhibes de couples ou s'ils étaient là par hasard. Peut-être avaient-ils lu mon post et m'attendaient-ils... Les cabines étaient allumées en tout cas, ils ne dormaient pas c'est déjà ça... J'ai pris la décision d'allumer le plafonnier de ma voiture afin qu'ils voient qui s'y trouve, en l'occurrence une minette déjà bien chaude comme la braise prête à montrer ses parties intimes à des inconnus et à y prendre beaucoup de plaisir... Je démarrais au pas et avançais ma voiture dans leur direction. Lorsque je passais devant leurs cabines, je regardais dans leur direction, ils étaient assis derrière leur volant, ils m'ont regardée passer, j'ai fait demi-tour et j'ai tournée deux fois autour de leurs camions au pas avant de me garer face à eux. Ils avaient une vue plongeante sur l'intérieure de ma voiture par le pare brise. J'étais toujours éclairée par le plafonnier et l'un deux surement habitué me fit un appel de phare, J'ai cru devenir aveugle sur le coup, mais c'est vite passé et il a éteint immédiatement. Pour les exciter un peu, je fit descendre mon string le long de mes jambes et je baissais ma vitre pour l'accrocher à mon rétroviseur. Je vis une portière s'ouvrir et un homme descendre, il s'approcha de ma voiture l'autre le suivi presque immédiatement. Ils étaient là tous les deux devant mon capot, j'étais très excitée. Pour rire je fit un petit appel de phare, ils se ***t regardés et ils se ***t débraguettés pour prendre en main leurs engins. Ils ont commencé à se masturber et je dois l'avouer j'étais toute dégoulinante et en feu. J'ai fait tomber les bretelles de ma robes pour leur montrer mes seins que je malaxais à pleine main tout en alternant avec une séance de pinçage de tétons. Je leur offrais également la vue de ma vulve toute rosée et gonflée de désir. De temps en temps je glissais un à deux doigts dans mon intimité puis léchais mes doigts langoureusement. L'un d'eux se saisit de mon string et le renifla, il le passa à *** compère tout aussi curieux de sentir mes effluves de désir. Le premier le repris et le frotta sur *** sexe, il se masturbait avec, le second avait collé *** sexe à la vitre, il dessinait des arcs de cercle sur mon carreau, je lui faisais des bisous à travers la vitre sur le bout du gland, j'étais en sueur j'avais très chaud. Ils me parlaient à travers la vitre, ils me disaient que j'étais belle et fraîche, que j'allais les faire jouir, mais qu'ils voulaient aussi me voir jouir, L'un me demanda de lui montrer mes fesses, alors je me suis mise à genoux entre les deux sièges et lui ai révélé ma croupe offerte, mon petit minou tout épilé et mon petit œillet tout serré. Le premier a joui sur mon string, je l'ai entendu râler au moment ou il expulsait *** sperme sur ma dentelle. Le second c'est complètement lâché sur la vitre conducteur de ma titine. Le premier l'a essuyée avec mon string et me l'a tendu en guise de trophée. Je voyais très nettement les traces blanches laiteuses ainsi que les grosses auréoles sombres sur le tissus. A ce moment je ne pensais pas le récupérer mais il l'a raccroché au rétroviseur. J'étais tellement excitée de voir que les saligauds étaient toujours en forme, je pris la décision d'ouvrir la fenêtre pour me laisser caresser, je voulais qu'ils me fassent jouir. Ils ne se ***t pas fait prier, ils ont passé le bras par la fenêtre et mon caressée de partout, le plus téméraire me mis même des doigts dans le minou. Le second rapprochait *** sexe de ma tête, il voulait que je le suce et me le faisait savoir en me faisant coulisser *** indexe dans la bouche. Je le pris donc en bouche et *** compère également, je les suçais à tour de rôle. J'avais passé le point de non retour depuis très longtemps, ils me firent descendre de la voiture et m'accroupirent devant eux et devant les phares de ma voiture. J'entendis un camion passer derrière moi il se gara non loin. Le troisième chauffeur se joignit à la fête. Il avait les couilles pleines celui là, il jouit très vite dans ma bouche, je laissais couler *** jus le long de mon menton. Les deux autres étaient déjà allégés, ils ne jouirent pas ainsi. Le premier s'adressa à moi. « Tu en veux toi hein? » Je lui ai répondu que oui, que j'étais excitée au plus haut point et que je voulais manger de la bite. « Je vais lancer un appel à la CB » m'a-t-il dit « suis nous on va te montrer un truc » Ils me conduirent aux sanitaires hommes, et me firent entrer dans une cabine. Il y avait de gros trous dans les cloi***s, trois de chaque coté. On pouvait voir à travers. Il y avait des inscriptions autour. « mange ça! » « suce! » « avale! » que de beaux poèmes... Je compris que j'allais devoir sucer les bites qui sortiraient de ces trous, sans même voir à qui elles appartenaient. Je reconnaissais les verges bien droites des trois compères mais très vite il y en eu des nouvelles, il y en avait de très belles, et de très moches aussi... De belles noires... Je ne sais pas combien j'en ai sucé, mais je les ai toutes faites gicler dans ma bouche. Quand je me penchais pour sucer d'un côté, je sentais des doigts s'insérer en moi de l'autre. Mon petit œillet aussi y a eu droit. Je pense que j'ai du sucer toutes ces queues pendant bien trois quart d'heure. Je n'en pouvais plus, je criais que je voulais être baisée comme une pute et la porte s'est ouverte. Le premier type toujours lui, m'a dit de rejoindre *** camion et de monter dans sa remorque. Je marchais nue sur le parking ou devait se trouver environ vingt camions maintenant. Ils correspondaient à toutes les queux que j'avais pompées. Je passais devant les routiers qui fumaient leurs clopes et me mataient l'œil vicelard. Ma petite voiture semblait bien petite au milieu de tous ces camions. Je montais dans la remorque, il y avait des anneaux de fixation un peu partout pour fixer les marchandises mais là elle était vide. Par terre au milieu il y avait un anneau avec un collier attaché au bout d'une chaîne elle-même prise à l'anneau. « tu vas te passer le collier si tu veux être prise comme une chienne ». Je me suis exécutée, je me suis attachée le collier en cuir autour du cou et les ai vu monter un a un dans la remorque. Le premier type raccourci la chaîne afin que je ne puisse me tenir au maximum qu'à genoux. « Voilà tu es bien docile, tu vas être comblée ma petite chérie, on va bien s'occuper de toi, tu en redemanderas tu verras ». A partir de là je n'ai plus compté les bites que j'ai sucée, et qui m'ont enfilée comme une vulgaire pute de rue. J'en ai pris pour mon grade, ils se ***t bien fait plaisir. Je me suis faite limer durant une bonne heure, ma minette n'était plus rosée mais bien rouge, quand à mon œillet, il n'était plus serré du tout, il n'arrivait même plus à retenir le sperme qu'on y avait fourré quand on me redressait pour avaler du jus d'homme. Ca a duré jusqu'à l'aube. Les gars allaient et venaient et pas que dans mon cul. Certains devaient être loin puisqu'ils avaient repris la route, mais le mot est vite passé, il ne cessait d'arriver de nouveaux concombres à dégorger il ne restait du début de la soirée que le premier type... J'étais ravie et volontaire certes, mais je commençais à fatiguer. « Je fatigue il va falloir que je rentre » je crois que j'ai réussi à placer ça entre deux bites à manger. « tu veux déjà nous quitter ma petite chérie? » « Ok on va refouler les nouveaux tu vas pouvoir aller te reposer ma petite salope » Je fini donc de vidanger les derniers venus, même le gros lard qui après m'avoir explosé la rondelle avec *** gros manche, a insisté pour que je lui gobe le gland jusqu'aux couilles et avale sa crème fouettée jusqu'à la dernière goutte. Je suis sortie de la remorque couverte de sperme de la tète aux pieds, je suis allée prendre une douche aux sanitaires, le premier type m'avais laissé généreusement *** savon. J'ai trouve ça sympa, mais bon après tout ce que j'ai fait pour eux... quand même... Quand je suis retournée à ma voiture mon string avait disparu mais ma robe m'y attendait sagement. Il y avait plein de petits papiers sur les essuie-glaces avec des numéros de téléphone et des adresses @mail. Je savais qu'ils ne m'oublieraient pas car moi non plus je ne les ai pas oubliés. 
Posts: 167297
Je suis souvent sur la route pour mon travail et j'ai déjà eu un aventure avec un autre homme dans un hôtel, mais il ne m'était jamais rien arrivé sur une aire d'autoroute. Il est vrai que je n'ai jamais rien cherché non plus et surtout, je ne vais jamais dans les sous-bois ou ailleurs que dans les toilettes. Cette histoire est arrivée il y a quelques semaines. Je montais d'Angers à Paris et une envie pressante m'a prise et je sortais sur la première aire à disposition. Il s'agissait d'une petite aire avec seulement les toilettes, un petit parking et rien d'autre. IL y avait un petit bosquet pas loin mais comme je vous l'ai dit, je ne m'y aventure pas. Je rentre donc dans les toilettes et me poste devant les urinoirs. Un homme vient à côté de moi et urine également. Il finit rapidement, et reste là, faisant de lents allers retours sur *** pénis. Je regarde machinalement et voit *** sexe en semie érection. Je me rends compte que j'ai fini depuis quelques secondes et que je n'arrive pas à lacher des yeux cet homme qui se masturbe devant moi. Mon sexe commence à réagir et je regarde l'homme, 35/40 ans, brun, 1m75 environ, assez svelte, de beaux yeux verts clairs. On se sourit et je commence alors clairement à me caresser moi aussi. Je bande assez rapidement, je me regarde et il fixe avec envie ma bite maintenant bien tendue et atteignant les 19cm. Il tend sa main, et prend mon sexe pour me masturber lentement. Le moment est super excitant, per***ne alentour mais si quelqu'un arrivait, voyant un homme en branler un autre dans un lieu public. Je tends ma main et je touche cette bite un peu plus petite que la mienne mais assez épaisse. Elle est bien plus épaisse que la mienne une fois complètement bandée. — J'ai envie de te sucer, me dit-il — ok, mais pas ici, viens dans les toilettes fermées Il me précède et s'assoit sur les toilettes. Je ferme la porte et me plante devant lui. Sans attendre, il gobe ma queue. Le ressenti est divin, sa bouche moite et chaude englobe ma bite, il va doucement, ressort le tout, lèche mon gland, bouffe mes couilles, bref la meilleure pipe que j'ai jamais eue. Je sens que je vais venir — Arrête je vais jouir Il sourit et reprend, je ne me retiens pas et jouit pleinement dans sa gorge, je sens mon sexe expulser plusieurs jets et lui avale tout en me regardant, le regard plein d'une perversité que je connaissais pas encore. — T'es un coquin toi, lui dis-je — j'aime le sexe, le sperme et faire jouir quelqu'un, si c'est ça être coquin alors j'assume Je n'ai pas envie de partir, je me mets donc à genoux, il se lève et me présente *** vit tendu. Il est bien épais et j'ai un peu de mal à le prendre en bouche, mais même après avoir joui, j'ai encore envie de sexe. A mon tour de lui montrer mon savoir-faire, et je m'applique à le sucer doucement, le regardant dans les yeux, gobant ses couilles, léchant *** méat tout en le branlant. — Tu as un regard de salope quand tu suces — Et tu aimes te faire sucer par une salope ? — Oui, pompe moi bien salope Je reprends de plus belle, je veux le sentir se vider sur ma langue, le sentir prendre *** pied. Il ne lui faut pas trop de temps et il se vide en me tenant fermement la tête. Je rebande, je suis une chienne qui a eu *** du et j'aime être à genoux devant un homme que je viens de vider. — Tu bandes encore mon salaud, tu crois que tu pourrais me baiser ? Je ne réfléchis pas du tout et me relève — Bien sûr, tu as une capote ? Il me tend un préservatif que j'enfile pendant qu'il se retourne et s'appuie sur le mur. Je présente mon sexe à l'entrée de *** cul qu'il ouvre avec ses mains. Je rentre doucement mais facilement dans ce trou qui semble habitué à la pénétration. JE commence mes va-et-vient, je prends ses hanches et accélère le rythme. Il gémit doucement. Je le relève, prend ses bras et les passe autour de mon cou. Ma bouche est tout contre *** oreille et doucement je lui parle : — Tu la sens bien ma queue hein ? — Oui — Vas-y bouge, baise-toi Je m'arrête et le laisse prendre le rythme qu'il veut. Je pince ses tétons, lui triture les seins, les caresses comme ceux d'une femme. Je garde une main sur un téton et le branle maintenant doucement — JE sens que ça vient, me dit-il — Laisse-toi aller, empale-toi bien profond, fais-toi jouir Il n'accélère pas mais va plus profond, s'empale d'un coup puis remonte tout doucement, c'est divin. J'ai laché sa bite pour uniquement jouer avec ses tétons. JE vois sa queue dure comme du bois aller et venir dans l'air, le gland luisant de mouille et ma sève monte aussi plus à cause de *** souffle et de l'érotisme torride du moment que par la pénétration elle-même. — Branle-moi, je veux jouir, branle-moi — Tu veux pas jouir juste avec ton cul ? Je prends *** sexe et le branle. En quelques secondes, il jouit et envoie *** sperme jusque sur le mur d'en face, en une giclé incroyable. Je dois le retenir pour ne pas qu'il tombe. — C'est incroyable comme sensation, faut que tu essayes Il prend une capote, l'enfile et sans attendre ma réponse, me retourne et présente sa queue. Je m'empale en douceur et me mets en position, bras derrière sa nuque, cambré au max et commence à me baiser doucement sur sa queue. Il prend mes tétons entre ses doigts et très vite, une sensation de bonheur m'envahit, je sens ma jouissance qui monte mais à 2 à l'huere, comme si elle montait le lus doucement possible. — Tu sens la jouissance qui monte avec ma bite dans ton cul ? Je rejette ma tête en arrière, soufflant et gémissant de plus en plus fort, oubliant où nous sommes. — C'est ça salope, prend ton pied en te baisant sur mon pieu. Je vois ta mouille, tu sens que ça monte hein ? Tu veux quej ete branle ? — Oui — Non tu vas attendre, tu es une salope qui dois jouir avec *** cul, c'est ta chatte qui va te faire jouir. Je n'en pouvais plus, je mourrais d'envie de me branler, mais sentir monter la sève était ***********, je me sentais en dehors du temps. Les yeux fermés, je haletais pendant qu'il continuait à me dire que je n'étais qu'une salope qui allait jouir comme une femme, comme une pute et j'adorais entendre ça. Tout à coup il pris mon sexe en main, me branla et je jouis comme jamais. Je criais et envoyait de nombreuses giclées sur la porte et tentait de rester debout. J'ai eu l'impression de perdre connaissance quelques secondes tant la jouissance fut énorme. Je le sentis sortir de mon trou, il m'embrassa et nous nous rhabillâmes sans se parler. Nous sommes sortis des toilettes, toujours seuls sur cette aire, puis arrivés à nos voitures il me dit: — Ca a été la meilleure baise de ma vie, merci — Merci à toi répondis-je, de m'avoir permis de vivre ça Nous sommes repartis chacun de notre coté, je suis repassé sur l'aire fois depuis mais seules des familles s'y trouvaient. J'espère le revoir un jour ou l'autre pour rejouir intensément comme je le fis ce jour. 
Posts: 167297
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!MRS. ARROGANT TAMED "Rudy, how's it going man?" "Hi, James!!" Rudy nodded at his neighbor. "What are you up to?" "Actually, I'm leaving for London in 2 hours. So I'm on my way to JFK." Rudy's heart started beating fast. This could be his chance. "So, London, huh? How long do you plan to be in London?" "Well, I should be back next Monday - so little more than a week! How is college going? Having fun in Princeton?" "A week, a whole fuckin' week" Rudy said to himself. "This is it. I'm going for it!!!" His mind was filled with the luscious image of Alicia, the wife: simply the most stunning bitch he'd ever known or seen. James was a lucky man - well, he was lucky for getting to fuck Alicia!! Other than that, the uppity bitch was certainly a pain in the ass. James and Alicia had been married for little more than a year, living an the life of the elite in New York, in an ultra expensive apartment with a grand view of the Central Park. They were a perfect match: both good looking, rich, mid-twenties and members of high society families. Of course, Alicia did not hold a job - some of her high-society friends worked symbolic jobs like teaching at the kindergarten - but Alicia was too good for that. Yet, she wasn't your typical trophy wife, subservient and proper!! Instead, she was utterly cocky and pushy. Unlike her friends who got around in cabs or chauffeured cars, Alicia insisted on terrorizing the Fifth Avenue in her Range Rover. She was quite fond of her sexy outfits even though some high society ladies might have considered it a bit too daring. While her friends played bridge, she rode her horse out in Connecticut. You could spot her arrogance from a mile away. She always had that "I don't take **** from anyone" look on her face! "Hey, yoo, Rudy, are you OK? Come on, your freshman year can't be that bad!!" "Huh, ah, yes" Rudy came to himself. "No, no, Princeton's great, my freshman year was just fine!!" "Well, good to hear that. Listen, I gotta run, tell hi to your Dad, Ok? See you later!" "Yeah, sure thing James, I'll see you later". * * * * * * * * * * * * Rudy stood in front of the elevator, trying to make a decision. His heart was pounding, torn between lust and fear. His hard-on was becoming painful under his jeans. "Fuck" he said to himself, "it's now or never". He walked across the hallway, knocked on the door. * * * * * * * * * * * * Rudy had known Alicia for a long time as his family were friends with Alicia's. Rudy's house was next to Alicia's in California before his dad got a promotion and they moved to New York. Of course, with the age differential and all, he'd never been close to Alicia but they certainly exchanged greetings and did a bit of small talk every now and then. So, it wasn't entirely unusual when he rang the bell - Alicia would probably think his Mom sent him over to ask for something. * * * * * * * * * * * * When Alicia opened the door, she was in her robe. If Rudy had any doubts about what to do, they all disappeared the moment he saw her again - the best fuckthing he'd ever seen in his life, sizzling sexy in her morning robe, standing just a few inches from him, with that wonderful yet arrogant smile on her gorgeous face! No sir, it was not the time to shy away from risks or develop a moral conscious. It was time to... tame an arrogant bitch. * * * * * * * * * * * * "Hi" said Rudy. "Hi, Rudy. How are you?... Why don't you come on in?" Alicia barely felt the needle inserted in her leg. She was completely under his mental control within seconds. * * * * * * * * * * * * Rudy ordered "Let's walk into the living room, Alicia". Alicia walked towards the living room, swaying her shapely ass as Rudy walked behind her, his hand squeezing his dick through the pants. Alicia wasn't aware of anything unusual, as she meant to walk towards the living room anyway. Rudy sat on the couch, crossed his legs. Alicia was thinking Rudy was being a bit rude as she herself attempted to be seated and asked if the young man would care for a coffee. "Don't sit" demanded Rudy. Alicia froze on her feet. "What?" Alicia reacted, not quite sure what was going on! "Shut up!" hissed Rudy. He didn't wanna be chatting with Alicia at this point - they'd be doing much talking later on. "Come here, stand before me". Alicia did so obediently, her body acting as though she was on remote control. Even though her body was perfectly obedient, and her mouth was shut against her will, her eyes told a different story. Rudy could read the shock and the fear in her eyes - as well as the furious anger fighting to surface through all the other intense emotions. Then, he remembered to ask a few critical questions: R: OK, Alicia, you may now speak but only to answer my questions - a simple yes or no will do, you are not to say anything else. Are there any servants in the apartment right now? A: No! The contempt in her voice was clear even though she was answering Rudy obediently. R: Do you expect anyone to come over today? A: Yes! A: No! R: Good! We wouldn't want any disturbance! Let's see you taking off your kinky robe! Alicia, now red faced with a mixture of anger and ***********, proceeded by unbuckling her belt and letting her robe fall to her feet. Rudy for a moment felt like his air supply was cut off. She was stunning in her black panties and bra - an especially kinky set straight out of Victoria's Secret! And this best of the best piece of meat was his to play with!! At that moment, he seriously considered simply jumping on her right there and then, and fucking her brains out for the next hour! But he had to restraint himself - he wanted to fully live his fantasy! R: "Alright, here is the deal Alicia. I have a special power that enables me to control your mind. I cannot control your opinions and feelings, nor do I wish to! However, I have absolute control over your body and your actions, which I will use to my advantage. It ain't fair but hey, tough ****!!" R: "I suppose even you wouldn't dispute what a snotty, uppity bitch you are. Well, now I am on a self-claimed mission to teach you proper manners expected from a fine lady - like virtues of obedience and respect. Of course, to be honest, the main goal here is for me to ****, nail, screw, ******* you in any way imaginable, fuck your brains out, simply have my way with you. You will be performing all my wishes." R: "So, shortly I'll be telling you the day's plans. But, first answer me, do you have a camcorder - with a tripod? A: "Yes!" R: "Good! I wouldn't expect anything less from a yuppie couple like you! Go, fetch'em baby!" Alicia came back with the camera and the tripod in a moment, handed them to Rudy, assumed her previous position, standing in front of him, in her lingerie. R: "OK, now, let's see you entirely naked darling. That's right bitch, not a single piece of clothing will remain on that fantastic body of yours." He did his best to keep his cool as Alicia's terrific body was completely revealed to him. Here she was, the object of his lust, the subject of his countless masturbation's, standing naked just a few feet from him, totally helpless and at his mercy. R: "You know you are a great fuckmeat, don't you Alicia? Of course, you do! Go fetch me a cold beer from the fridge!" Alicia left, swaying her tight and curvy ass as Rudy watched her naked body in amazement. When she got back, Rudy ordered: "Alright, now follow me!" Rudy walked toward the large window facing outside. R: "Lie on the floor right in front of the large window!!! Yeah, like that!" Alicia complied, lied on the floor on her back, with her head close to the window, and her pussy facing the living room entrance. R: "Spread your legs, cunt!! Push'em apart, as far as they will go! That's right, like that. Bitch! Keep your arms on the sides. Don't worry, nobody should be able to see you - the apartment faces the Central Park for crying out loud!! Of course, if some pervert decides to park his helicopter outside the window, that's a different story, or if some thief breaks in and walks into the living room. What a spectacle that would be!" Now that Alicia had assumed the position, Rudy placed the camera on the tripod and placed it right across from her. He proceeded by setting up the vision so that her whole body, including her face would be filmed. He pulled a chair and set next to the camera. He pushed the record button. R: "Now, you'll be answering my questions - we're gonna have a little Q& A with you!! You'll tell me all about your sexual life, you will leave no secrets uncovered, no matter how private! So start by telling me your wildest, most outrageous fantasy... and don't worry, all of it will be recorded on the video for future presentation!!!!" Rudy had no doubt this was the worst kind of **** - violating not the body but the mind! Leaving nude not just the body, but also the mind. And it felt every bit as good as ****** her body!! He was going to penetrate every part of her mind that was private, casually opening up her every secret, exposing her most shameful experiences, toying with the most intimate, even forbidden parts of her life. 
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Alicia was sobbing and slowly crying as she was ****** to expose all her intimate desires. Her *********** grew more and more as she couldn't help but reveal how she desired to have sex in a public place, how she lusted after some of James' friends, even how she occasionally fantasized about assuming a domineering role in sex! She was ****** to tell, with all the embarrassing details, how she lost her virginity, her most outrageous sexual experiences, what she thought of James' sexual performance... R: "Well, darling, that whole domineering aspect of your fantasies will have to be reversed! Soon, you'll have no doubt about who's the boss - and it ain't you so you may very well forget about hopping into some kick ass latex dress and terrorizing men with your whip! Instead, you will be on the receiving end of that kind of treatment!! But tell me more, tell me the most repulsive, most unpleasant sexual acts you can think of!" As Alicia spoke, Rudy scratched notes on a piece of paper - these "repulsive sexual acts" would come handy in the following days. Especially, her horror of being sodomized by her own horse and the idea of getting gang-banged by a pack of homeless black guys would make terrific material. He continued with his inquisition: R: "Tell me about your sex life with James! How many times a week do you do it - on average?" A: "3 or 4 times". R: "Really? Why not every night? I mean, if I got a sizzling wife like you, I'd be jumping on her every fuckin' night - and every fuckin' morning, too!" A: "I don't allow it, I want James to appreciate what he's got, if we fuck in every chance we got, he'll grow spoiled!" R: "Is that so? We'll see about that! Tell me - do you perform oral sex for him?" A: "No!!!" R: "Why not!!??" A: "It is repulsive and demeaning, my mouth is for me to talk and eat and breath! It is not for some asshole to shove in his dick and use my throat for sexual pleasure!!!" R: "Boy, are you in for some changes in your life!! How about anal?" A: "Absolutely not! I tried it once, it hurts like hell, and it is not right, it's not the way it is supposed to be done." R: "Too bad!!! Any fuckin' bitch should be willing to go through a bit of pain to maximize her man's pleasures!!" Rudy paused for a moment, and spoke up again: Alicia, now, you may speak freely, but do not raise your voice! The response was exactly what Rudy expected. Alicia burst into a stampede of curses, swearing at Rudy, then changing moods, pleading with him, trying to reason with him, demanding explanations and then on again with the curses - back and forth. In the mean time, Rudy didn't bother to engage with the furious woman, instead opting to sip on the beer. He found Alicia's curses and pleas to be quite amusing! What a pathetic show! But soon, his patience was through. "Shut up, cunt"! "Shut up and listen!!! You'll learn about respect sooner or later! Here is what you can expect during the next week. I will use and ***** you in any way you can and cannot imagine. You will have one hell of a week! But that's not all! I will teach you some manners, especially in dealing with your husband. From now on, you will be perfectly obedient and respectful to your husband. You'll learn to do as you're told. Though, in public, you will keep your snotty attitude as that will make it all the more fun to tame your ass back at home. You will even grow a newly- found interest in bondage - like the one you already have but you will demand to be dominated from now on!! In fact, when James comes back, he'll find you all tied up on the bed and you'll beg him to take you like that!! And needless to say, if he so wishes, you'll suck his dick, lick his balls, let him fuck you up the ass and whatever else his heart desires. But of course, we got a whole week before I turn you over to James! And I will enjoy every bit of this week. Once over, you won't remember anything that I did to you during this week, but, you will fall under my control whenever I come over to your apartment - and you will remember everything I did to you, as well as the fact that you were turned into a subservient wife by my instructions, against your will! However, you will not be able to tell any of this to anyone and when not in my presence, you will not remember any of this despite remaining obedient to James." "Now, for the rest of today": "All day long you will be lying right there, in this position, masturbating, playing with yourself, fucking yourself with two fingers at a time. And you will be rotating your other hand from one nipple to another, twisting and squeezing, making them all hot!! The key is though, you will stop every time you feel like you're on the verge of orgasm and you'll resume five minutes later. This will go on till 8 P.M. tonight which is when I'll come back!! You can see the clock on the wall from where you lie! This will go on continuously except for the following: Right now, it's 8:17. You will take a break at exactly 10:00, 12:00, 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM, and 6:00PM. At each break, you will attend to your toilet needs and take a cold shower - for no longer than 15 minutes! And you'll be back to work! Also, after you take your shower at the 12:00 break, you will spend another 15 minutes for having lunch - make it a very light lunch, just an apple or two maybe!! " Rudy grinned, imagining what Alicia would look like when he came back at 8:00. She'd be ready to fuck a ******** if she could! She'd be horny as hell and frustrated beyond her worst expectations. Rudy considered simply giving an order to her body so she wouldn't be able to cum at all - but decided against it! This was more fun: Alicia would have to stop every time she was about to orgasm. Then, she'd have to wait patiently - undeniably a very frustrating process as she'd be dying to relieve herself but unable to play with herself. And this would be repeated again and again. Tonight, the little whore would be begging Rudy to fuck her. Making Alicia beg in desperation, watching her degrade herself, pleading for sex from her tormentor - it all sounded like music to Rudy's ears. She stood next to Alicia, examined the naked, wide-spread, helpless body on the floor. The expression of pure outrage was obvious on her face. Her face was completely red, maybe partly because of the *********** and nakedness, but mostly due to the furious anger locked up inside her. Rudy couldn't care less - actually, he enjoyed making her mad, driving her crazy. She could be as mad as she wanted - the proud, defiant Alicia was about to learn who's the boss!!! R: Start performing cunt!!! Rudy watched in amazement as Alicia began working her fingers with remarkable discipline . Her closely trimmed pussy made the scene all the more obscene! What a sight Rudy thought. "Good thing, I'm gonna have a permanent copy of this!". He laughed in amusement - he couldn't believe how much fun he was having!! He grabbed the keys and left the apartment, after taking one last look at the sight of panting and moaning Alicia. He had things to do: He had to go watch a movie, have something to eat, just anything to cool his *****!! And then, he had to get his hands on some bondage magazines and toys - afterall, he had to figure out some original ways to play with his new toy! Rudy wondered when that other spoiled bitch Lara would come to visit her Sister!!! It would be fun, pairing the two uppity sisters, getting them to know each other in a whole new way. 
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FRIDAY: "This is not happening"... She'd lost count of how many times that simple phrase had echoed through her ******** mind, over and over and over again. Yet, the truth belied her attempts at self-denial. The nightmare was real. It was a miracle she hadn't gone crazy. It wasn't supposed to be this way. Alicia was always in charge. "I'm the one who's in control" she repeated to herself... "Not him... Me..." To no avail... She continued fingering herself for all she was worth, naked and spread on the floor. Alicia had never felt pathetic in her life. Angry or frustrated sometimes. But never helpless or pathetic. She felt pathetic now... A naked quivering figure engulfed in a sea of futile rage. 
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Rudy had spent the day ******* down beers. There were two reasons for this: Unlike at Princeton, Rudy knew all the Manhattan bars that didn't ID, which was information best put to use. Secondly, using his newly-found power would require, at least initially, more boldness than he could muster soberly. He'd never been too popular with the girls. At 5 foot 9 with a few pounds extra, he was hardly a jock. He didn't know many Jewish jocks. Usually, what he lacked in sex-appeal, he made up in brains, which was enough to garner plenty of respect, at least at Princeton. He had landed his fair share of scores in high-school, few that they were in a private Manhattan academy. His first year in college, however, had not been the "sex-fest" he'd hoped for. No matter. "Sex-fest" was waiting for him back home. He was interning as a trader assistant on Wall Street, with only a few weeks left before the school started again. He was determined to make the best of this opportunity. Rudy had been daydreaming about Alicia ever since he was a teen. It was his regular encounters with Alicia in the elevator that had first made him pick a new hobby in the bathroom. She must have been a junior or senior in high-school then - he could still picture her in that kinky plaid skirt, her defiant breasts straining against the plain white blouse. It was an image that was carved into his head, no doubt as a direct consequence of many sessions of self-gratification. She and her sister... "Two little fuckdolls" he grinded his teeth. Lara was more of a tease, very subtle. Both sisters were snotty as hell, but Alicia had no match for her self-assured haughty arrogance... He couldn't wait to fuck her brains out. "Hello, George" he greeted the doorman as he entered the building. In his early 50s, George had been guarding the door for the residents of 695 Park Avenue for more than 20 years; as long as Rudy could remember. He was always the perfect gentleman of course, professional in attire and respectful in his manners - except when he was talking to his young pal. "What's going on?" Rudy asked. "Same ol', same ol'... How's college Rudy? Seen any action yet?". Having hid the young teen's playboys in the mailroom, or having purchased the ******* needed for the occasional party thrown when the parents were gone, George was that rare adult on the side of the miscreant youngster. "Not bad" Rudy lied. "Yeah?" laughed George. "So, have you seen Alicia today?" Rudy inquired, out-of-mischief more than anything else - had George known Mrs. Cataluna-Dewey was in her apartment naked and spread, he'd go bonkers. "No, I have not had the pleasure today" George replied roguishly. The two were used to making vulgar comments about the Cataluna sisters, provided none of the distinguished residents were around. They had exchanged many guilty looks in the past as Alicia and Lara walked into the building, their sight an instant tease. "Is she the fuck of the century or what?" Rudy joked boldly. "She certainly is... Haughty as hell, though. I don't know whether to envy or pity Mr. Dewey, as good a man as he is": They'd married 6 months ago. Alicia usually treated personnel awfully, especially in the case of George, since she knew damn well behind the smile of the doorman was a pair of eyes stripping her naked every time he held the door for her. "Yeah, she certainly must be a pain in the neck... You know where her sister is?" "I believe she's with the parents in the summer home... I hear she might come to New York..." "Wouldn't that be interesting?" Rudy pondered enthusiastically. "Anyway, catch you later George..." "I'll be right here as usual Mr. Goldberg" the doorman tipped his hat. By the time he pushed the 12th floor on the elevator Rudy had a hard-on big enough to knock down the walls. * * * * * * * * * * * * "Click". Alicia tensed at the unmistakable sound of the opening door. Fear clutched her heart stronger as she heard footsteps approaching. Then there he was, Rudy towering over her head like a giant, an amused grin on his face. "Having fun?" he inquired mockingly. She wondered in fear what was next. But Rudy was tired of playing games: He lifted Alicia off by the hair and threw her onto the leather love-seat in the livingroom. His bemused looks gave way to a visible, predatory hunger. "I wanted to do this to you since I was twelve years old, you arrogant cock-teasing cunt..." he growled as he unbuckled his jeans. "Now, I am going to have my way with you... no ifs, no buts." He positioned himself on top of her, looking right into Alicia's eyes. His hands rolled the firm globes of flesh on her bosom. "From now on, you are my fucktoy" he emphasized each word... "and by the time I'm through with you, you will have been fucked in every conceivable way". With that he plunged forward; he began pounding at her viciously, as if he wanted to drill right through her. His veins were pumping with power and lust. His heart beat like a drum. Alicia could only respond to his thrusts with high-pitched moans as Rudy crushed her under his weight. She was already wet from a day of deprivation. Amidst Alicia's moans, the pleasure consuming his mind, and the adrenaline rushing through his veins, Rudy lost all sense of time. He continued bucking with all the ***** he could muster. He was no virgin but nothing could compare to this. He could feel her softness all around him, her curvy flesh was a feast for his hands. And every shriek, scream and moan that escaped through her lips sent a fresh jolt of power through his mind. Even as the young woman quivered under the strength of his incessant pounding, he could see it all in his plaything's eyes: Fear, despair, shame... and futile anger. She was his property. All his. To do with as he pleased. Rudy exploded like he'd never in his life... 
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He dropped himself onto the leather couch, completely wasted. "That was the best fuck of my life" he said to himself, and he was certain it wasn't because he'd had only so few. Once he was relieved, Rudy got thinking. He had a few weeks with Alicia, until James came back. In the mean time, he had a summer internship lined up and could not afford to baby-sit his slave all day long. A robotic Alicia wouldn't do; far too dangerous... She was still panting on the love-seat. "Sit up" Rudy ordered the naked woman. He pulled out a medallion dangling from its chain. He kept it with him for a purpose: He'd become an expert ********* in college, which was how his interest in mind-control had first started. Usually, *********** someone was hard, impossible if the subject resisted. But it would be a piece of cake with Alicia, who had to follow all his instructions in full detail. Her mind was open to him like a naked canvass. Rudy could ********* her deeper and smoother than he ever had anyone, make her believe anything... Once she was in a helpless trance, it was easy to instill in her the suitable **********. Specificity was too indiscreet, and too complex. With a mind opened so wide, there was easier ways to control a person: "Alicia". "Yes" she answered. "You refer to me as Master". "Yes, Master". "When I awake you, you will be the same as you were before, except you will obey me unconditionally." "Yes, Master" . "And if you don't obey me, terrible things will happen". "Yes, Master". "Thus, no matter what orders I give you, and no matter how much you want to disobey, you will obey". "Yes, Master". "No matter what the orders are, the alternative is far worse". "Yes, Master". "And that's true even if you can't remember what these terrible things are". "Yes, Master". "You don't find it at all curious that you can't remember what the alternative is, but that it is far worse, you know for sure...". "Yes, Master". No matter how much she hated being a puppet in Rudy's hands, she'd follow his orders with diligence and intuition, follow not just the words but the sprit of his commands. Alicia couldn't avoid being the accomplice in her own demise, no matter how much malice and enmity boiled inside her. "Wake up". Alicia regained her consciousness, not remembering the last five minutes. The last thing she remembered was Rudy fucking her. She hated him for it, but she knew she had no choice but to obey. The alternative was far worse... Rudy leaned back in the sofa, now relaxed. "Now, go clean yourself. Take an icy shower." He ordered. "And fix me a sandwich, I'm starving"... Alicia jumped into the cool shower in gratitude, trying to wash away all the shame and frustration. As the cold water splashed against her ******** body, she couldn't even bear to ponder what more Rudy had in store for her. She emerged from the bath after cleansing in water for a long time. She got into a sexy lingerie set, complete with stockings and garter belt, just as he wanted; put on heavy make-up, as well. For all her fury, she could not imagine the consequences of disobedience. She strolled into the kitchen wearing her highest-heels, to fix Rudy's sandwich. Ordinarily, she'd delegate such menial tasks to the maids - she hardly knew how to cook much of anything - but this morning after her encounter with Rudy, they had been wisely sent home for the weekend. She carefully sliced the tomatoes and the cucumbers, and prepared the best sandwich she could ever make. As she walked into the living room with the tray, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror: Dressed in her sexiest undies, sporting reddest of the red make-up, standing on towering high-heels - she looked like a whore. Rudy was seated comfortably on the leather couch, watching Alicia's "tape of confessions". The sight of her naked, convulsing figure on the big-screen TV, reciting matters of such privacy for Rudy's amusement was more humiliating than she could bear. She wanted to crawl into a hole and disappear. Instead she leaned forward to present Rudy's dinner. "Your dinner, Master" she said in the manner of a concubine. "Thank you, slave" Rudy smirked, giving her a playful slap on the ass like a boorish truck driver. "Now fetch me a beer, too". Once Alicia handed her Master a bottle of cold Grolsch, she stood patiently at the edge of the room like a servant girl, doing her best to avoid the unbearable spectacle on the screen. Rudy finally stopped the tape as if he'd seen enough. "Have you ever sucked cock?" he inquired. "No, Master". Alicia flinched at the question. "Not even for James?" "I never performed oral sex on anyone, Master ". "Why might that be?" Rudy knew Alicia was too much of a haughty pain-in-the-ass to put a dirty cock in her mouth, but asked anyway. Alicia answered with helpless honesty. "It is a demeaning sign of **********; it's the sort of thing common sluts do..." Alicia replied matter-of-factly, as if repeating lines from Andrea Dworkin - and the truth was, while even the wildest imagination wouldn't confuse her for a feminist of any kind, she hated relinquishing power, to men or anybody else. Unfortunately, she knew full well this answer would only infuriate her tormentor. "You ARE a SLUT!!" Rudy fumed. "You may think you're some kind of aristocratic ball-buster, but you're just another SLUT!! And you will learn to look and act like the shameless SLUT that you were made to be by the time I'm through with you... You're just a glorified plaything for men; got it, slave?" "Yes, Master" Alicia replied in horror. "In fact, it's time you began your training." Rudy zipped down and whipped out his semi-limp cock. "Get down on your knees" he ordered abruptly. Alicia kneeled before Rudy. She was almost face to face with his cock. "That's a good girl... You'd better get used to it, you'll be spending a lot of time on your knees from now on...". "Now, I want you to suck my cock, but you'll have to make it last" he instructed in detail. "There's a Britney Spears concert on HBO, which I'd like to watch while you develop your oral skills on the perfect test subject, yours truly. You'd better be a fast-learner, I wanna be feeling the bottom of your throat within the hour. And make sure you put that sharp tongue of yours to good use." Satisfied with his instructions, Rudy leaned back, tuning into MTV. He was ordinarily no fan of the tacky teen-star. But the prospect of watching Britney dancing and singing, semi-naked in a soft-core schoolgirl uniform two sizes too small, while getting a prolonged blow-job, was just too good to pass. Alicia took Rudy's cock in her mouth as Britney Spears started performing her suggestive dance and prancing her stuff on the giant screen. For the next hour Alicia slaved over Rudy's cock, slowly getting the hang of it. She was doing her best in spite of herself. She massaged his cock in her throat, her tongue darting underside his penis, slowly bringing him to the brink and then letting him relax ever so slightly. His cock tasted and smelled of his maleness, his pubic hair brushed against her face. The hard flesh filled her mouth, strained her jaws. But none of her aversion affected her performance. As Alicia's head bobbed up and down on his lap, Rudy's breathing became more and more rapid. He felt great: Britney was dancing for him, while Alicia was diligently sucking his cock. He also realized it was much easier to imagine the teen tease on the screen in sexual scenarios while receiving a nice drawn-out blow-job. Not to mention the fact that, even though Alicia had never looked as juvenile as the teen tart on the TV, Rudy had seen her in the same school uniform way too many times during his boyhood. She was a fast learner: Following orders to perfection, the young woman was deep-throating Rudy in due time. At last, it was too much: A few final soft strokes in Alicia's throat took him over the edge. He flooded her ********* mouth with his jism. Alicia gagged with the flow of semen rushing down her throat. She felt degraded and exhausted, having sucked his cock for close to an hour. And she prayed it was over, yet Rudy only seemed to crave more. She felt his hand grabbing her by the hair and pulling her up, as the TV went silent. "You'll have to get me hard again, slave" Rudy said dispassionately as he pushed her towards the master bedroom. He was determined to ******* the haughty young woman in every fashion before the night was out. Alicia would forever know Rudy had his way with her in every imaginable way. "From now on, my cock will be wearing you like a glove"... 
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SATURDAY It was close to noon when Rudy woke up. It felt like he had wrestled in the Olympics the night before. He climbed out of bed grunting, making a mental note to call his parents. They hadn't been too happy to hear he was staying over at a friend's for the night, not knowing their *** had spent the night just two floors above, fucking the Catalunas' sweet ******** into pulp. Alicia was in the sunroof of the penthouse, catching up with her reading, when Rudy found her. She'd given an entire week off to the per***nel, and canceled all her rendezvous, to be at Rudy's service round the clock. "Good morning, slave". She responded in kind, however grudgingly. Having to address this yesterday's brat as her "Master" was more than she could bear. But disobedience was too unthinkable. She could only hope he'd leave her alone or maybe settle for oral sex and go away. No such luck: "Put on something sexy, we're going shopping" Rudy said, ******** from a carton of milk he must have taken from the fridge. "A girl needs her toys..." 
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"Hello Misses" the doorman greeted Alicia. George was somewhat surprised to see her accompanied by young Rudy. He also noticed that this morning the resident of the 12th floor looked even more fuckable than usual. The young woman showed as much skin and cleavage as possible without actually looking like a hooker. Luckily, Alicia's wardrobe had plenty of choices designed to tease without being slutty: Normally, she enjoyed pushing men's buttons. Under no orders to extend pleasant demeanor to the help, Alicia replied as usual, with an aristocratic scorn on her face, barely acknowledging the doorman's existence. George was used to the young woman thumbing her nose at him. "Alicia, have you given George a tip for the St. Patrick's Day this year?" Rudy inquired. She couldn't recall but she'd never heard of such a thing before. James always took care of such trivial matters anyway. She did recall, however, her husband talking her out of getting George fired. Ever disdainful of the help around her, she had a particular dislike for George, whose obscene thoughts she'd been sensing since she'd become a blossoming teen. "I can't recall, Master" George made a mental note to have his ears checked, having heard something resembling the word 'Master'. He also couldn't comprehend why Rudy was impishly smiling at him. "Well, that's not very nice of you" Rudy chided Alicia with mock outrage. "In fact, I think, you should also apologize to him for being such a tease and a bitch, especially since you've been giving the poor guy a constant hard-on since 1987?" When Alicia gulped in dread, Rudy only had to hint at the consequences of disobedience, which she couldn't remember, except that she knew they were far too terrible. She was instantly apologetic: "I'm sorry for being such a tease and a bitch, George". George couldn't believe his ears but he loved what he heard: Alicia was certainly being very humble today! "No, no, noo... that's not the way little fucktoys like you apologize!" Rudy lamented, apparently frustrated with the poor manners of Alicia. "Why don't we just retire into the mail-room and you can apologize to George properly"! Moments later, the door to the mailroom was locked. Inside, Alicia was on her knees, with George's wrinkled cock sliding in and out of her mouth. Unable to disobey, too scared to displease, Alicia was servicing the doorman with all the effort she could muster, drawing on the previous night's endless training: Her head was bobbing up and down, her tongue was rubbing along the underside of his cock. Her manicured fingers kept steady and massaged the doorman's rigid cock as it penetrated her parted lips. The empty silence of the small mail-room was now filled with the obscene sucking sounds Alicia made. Her shame was all to apparent on her pretty face. For his part, George couldn't quite comprehend this chain of events but for the moment he was focused on the indisputable facts: He'd always imagined those red luscious lips wrapped around his cock, and now the snotty-bitch Alicia was in fact on her knees sucking him off for all she was worth. Rudy was watching the entire spectacle with amusement: Alicia giving a blow-job to the lowly doorman she'd always sneered at! What a riot! George was fast dropping all pretense of modesty: "That's right, bitch" he groaned with satisfaction. "Suck my cock... Suck me off you cock-teasing slut..." Soon, the delightful treatment he received in Alicia's mouth proved to be too much for the weary man. He exploded with a loud grunt, as the young woman's mouth started milking the cum from his cock. "Is she good or what?" quipped Rudy. "Oh, yeah.." George replied, the head of his cock still resting heavy on Alicia's tongue. He tried to catch his breath as he withdrew from Alicia's mouth. "You have no idea how much she's improved... You see George" Rudy explained as his elder friend tried to collect his composure, "Alicia does only as I tell her, isn't that right Alicia?" She nodded her head and mumbled in the affirmative while cleaning the doorman's cock with a few last licks, just as she'd been taught by Rudy. "You're my slave, are you not?" he prodded her. "Yes, Master" she replied in shame. George almost laughed at this. Mrs. Prim Arrogant Alicia Dewey, having sucked his cock on her knees, was now loudly professing to be some kind of concubine slave! "Now, George, this is just between us. Alicia here looks like a real ball-buster, but she loves to be dominated and used. She practically begs for it... All you need to do, if you want to receive Alicia's good graces again, is to just keep this between us, and I'll make sure she treats you right". It sounded like the best deal George had ever been offered. Alicia had already gathered herself up. She'd never felt so degraded and worthless in her entire life. She avoided looking at George as if his sight might blind her. When they finally made their way out the door, they left behind an ecstatic George, weakened in the knees. 
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They finally got off the cab in SoHo, in front of a store that did not reveal itself except in the barely visible letters carved on the door: "Dream Dresser". Rudy had learned about this mystic establishment on the Internet: "An Upscale Sex and Costume shop". It was targeted at only the discriminating men who enjoyed a little variety in their concubines. Rudy knocked on the door, somewhat nervous. Apparently, you couldn't just waltz in. Alicia was quietly standing behind him, wondering what kind of place this was. She didn't like the looks of it. When the door opened, they were greeted by an attractive woman. She seemed to be in her 40s, but was quite beautiful, in a peculiar, intimidating way. Her eye-catching red hair was spilled over the shoulders, contrasting with emerald green eyes. She was tall and graceful yet her presence was at once intimidating. Dressed in a business-suit, she exuded an aura of authority. She briefly sized up Rudy with doubting eyes, evidently accustomed to seeing richly-dressed businessmen at the door, rather than a young man in jeans. But a client could be judged by the company he kept, and on that score the young man fared exceptionally well. She gave a pleasant smile to the couple, as if the two were merely on casual shopping: "Come on in. I am Monique Penelope, the proprietor of Dream Dresser"! They made their way through the small corridor, entering the store. The hostess conspicuously ignored Alicia, informing Rudy that she'd be available if he required any assistance. She knew to keep her distance from clients as they went through the store's intimate offerings. There was no cheap merchandise inside, no magazines or videos. The decor could easily be mistaken for a Versace showroom - except this fashion line-up was devoted to fantasy and bondage, with various costumes and accessories placed on the hangers: Bondage outfits, S&M wear, slave costumes, outrageous dresses, all sorts of kinky attires... Uniforms for every imaginable fetish: Maids, nurses, cheerleaders, harem outfits and catsuits, school girl uniforms (one in particular caught Rudy's attention, almost a deliberate replica of the tiny, frilly Catholic school uniform Alicia used to prance in... a must buy). Leather was the fabric of choice in many costumes, but with plenty of metals, laces, satins, soft rubbers, glitters and sparkles thrown in. It was all perverse, albeit with class. As Rudy made his way through the aisles, shifting through the exotic garments, Alicia was following behind him with helpless dread. She'd never seen so many offensive garments. Every fetish, every male fantasy was pandered to. Worse, it was obvious Rudy was getting one diabolical idea after another as he went through all the merchandise. Especially when he moved on to the back corner of the store which featured an impressive collection of bondage tools and sex toys. Frightening, flagrant items were lined up on the walls: Whips, cuffs, chains, canes, various items resembling over-sized human parts. Many toys Alicia would never wish to acquaint with. In her quiet corner, Monique watched them. She always made a point of paying attention to her clients. Judging people was one of her many talents. After having catered to the tastes of the rich and powerful in many more venues than just the boutique, she felt like she could read their souls. Most of her customers tended to be discriminating and confident men, though there was the occasional lesbian who happened to share Monique's tastes: Tormenting tightly-bound beautiful, young women. Whatever his other qualities may be, this young man was obviously inexperienced in owning a slave - she assumed the woman was a sex slave, which was strange. She was in her mid-twenties whereas the young man looked barely out of his teens. She looked positively aristocratic, her attire was provocative but expensive nevertheless, and the make-up was for a young woman of class. And Monique could tell her uneasy obedience concealed an outrage at her predicament - she wasn't a willing participant in the current state of affairs. That, especially, sparked Monique's interest. She watched as Rudy directed a hefty purchase of costumes and bondage equipment. The total would run in the thousands, which was good business, but didn't dampen Monique's curiosity. When Alicia handed over her gold American Express, Monique had no doubt the attractive woman was a young aristocrat. She was a proud, feisty one: The kind she'd love to play with. "She's very pretty" Monique said directly to Rudy, deliberately talking about Alicia as if she was his property. It was obvious the proprietor of "Dream Dresser" had her eyes on her much the same way Rudy did. That a dyke was checking her out like a piece of meat was almost enough to make Alicia vomit right there. Yet Monique seemed to be amused by Alicia's revulsion at her. Like every ********** lesbian, Monique had fantasies of ******* straight women into **********. She imagined Alicia's pretty face buried between her legs. She would have loved to teach her how to eat pussy like a seasoned dyke - whether the young woman wanted or not. She produced a card, handing it over to Rudy: "If you need help training her, give me a call". Rudy hesitated briefly before accepting the card. "Sure" he finally smiled fiendishly. * * * * * * * * * * * * They walked out of Dream Dresser with a handful of bags, not even counting all the dresses and costumes that were to be sent to Alicia's apartment. Alicia knew her credit card was going to get a major hit this month at this pace. It wouldn't have mattered, except that giving away her own money for her own *********** infuriated her endlessly. "We'll take the subway" Rudy announced. She never rode the subway, doing her best to avoid rowdy masses. She hated the rabble. She struggled to hold on to the bags as the subway shook. They were sufficiently disguised but if anybody saw their contents, she'd die of shame. And the way the train rocked, it felt like the bags would spill open any moment. She could tell all the eyes were on her, which she'd typically enjoy in all her vainglory. But being crammed into the packed train with a bag full of dildos and handcuffs, serving as a prop to leer at for the ride, wasn't something she enjoyed. She could see eyes fixated on her chest as the train regularly shook, and could feel men all around her trying to get in closer. Finally they got off at the 57th street subway station. As they walked outside, Rudy could see heads turning: The girl was a looker. It was over-powering to know that this beautiful girl other men took pains to catch a glimpse of actually was his property - even if for the time-being. Alicia realized in alarm that they were heading towards Victoria's Secret. "Master" she chimed in, sweetening up her voice as much as possible despite her grudge. "We can't go into the Victoria's Secret". "Why not?" "I was there just the other day". "So?" Alicia's wardrobe wasn't lacking in lingerie. She was no prude, as many frustrated boys from high-school on could testify to. "We've had a bit of a run-in. They know me there". She had just recently given the salesgirls a tongue-lashing for being insufficiently servile in attending to her demands. And she'd let it be known that she would be making her hefty purchases elsewhere, depriving the two Jersey tarts in the store from a large commission. "Well, too bad". They were greeted by the same two salesgirls from last week. Alicia tried to look away but she could tell they recognized her at once, with apparent dismay. "I'm looking for some sluttish lingerie for my slave here" Rudy announced to Alicia's shock. She felt her face burn red in shame. She would have ran out if she could. But disobedience would be so much worse... The sales girls paused only for a moment before breaking into a laugh they couldn't suppress. It was too good to be true. Rudy continued with the mocking: "She's quite wealthy so money's no problem; I'd like her to model in some of your skimpiest choices". They knew money was no problem at all for this particular rich-bitch, she'd told them that much just the other day. The salesgirls obliged gladly, scurrying to grab the undergarments off the mannequins while Rudy was seated in a comfortable armchair. As Alicia was dreadfully escorted to the changing room, one of the sales-girls produced a glass of white wine for Rudy's enjoyment, a usual perk for the high-spenders. When she stepped out of the dressing room, she was in a tiny excuse for a teddy: It had a deep V-neck which left her breasts all but naked, and it was fully open on by the sides down to the tie at the waist, for an effortless peeling. The material itself was already so thin as to be virtually transparent. When Rudy gestured her to come forward, she helplessly began modeling in front of him and under the grinning gaze of the sales girls. The two sales girls, now joined by another, were hardly concealing their amusement. She was infuriated with the giggling bitches but her fury gave way to shame when she saw there was an old couple entering the store. The old man noticed her immediately, enjoying the sight of a practically naked woman sashaying about as his unsuspecting wife went about the undergarments she was looking for. Alicia walked from one end of the store to the other, making a sharp turn and heading towards the changing rooms. She felt completely nude and ridiculous. As she donned one skimpy lingerie after another to model before her Master, the salesgirls made sure she marched back forth in front of the store's large window - that way she couldn't hide from the crowded 57th street. Soon, her act was catching attention: The on-lookers, mostly men, started dropping in. Rudy continued sipping his wine as he voiced approval or disapproval at the various undergarments his pet donned. There were snickering from the people who were herding inside the store now, and angry looks from the few women who had come to buy undergarments in private. Most initially thought this was some kind of publicity-stunt, but Rudy's constant commands signaled something else was going on. Alicia seemed embarrassed to the core which only amused the sales girls who placed her in one near-nude lingerie after another. Whatever drove her to such degradation, it was time to get back at the rich-bitch. By the time she was sashaying in fishnet stockings, a thong and see-through bras like a hooker, there was a mini-crowd inside the store. Finally Rudy decided enough was enough; there was a breaking-point to the amount of risk he was willing to take: "We're buying all of them" he announced, much to the delight of the sales girls, who were going to easily make-up for the lost commissions from Alicia's previous visit. They finally left Victoria's Secret amidst catcalls and whistles. 
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By the time they returned to Alicia and James's penthouse, Rudy was already contemplating how to use his slave. Exposing the snotty young woman in public had given him a rigid hard-on all day long, which now had to be taken care of. This being Saturday, Rudy was going bar-hopping with high-school friends as promised. Thus, no time for a repeat of last night's performance. There was only one thing left out from that sex marathon, a particular sexual practice that obviously horrified Alicia, judging from the tape. The problem was, his limited tally had never included sodomy, which he himself imagined to be painful and filthy. But rules were rules: He was determined to deflower the haughty princess in every vile way imaginable. He made Alicia take out his cock and give it a good few sucks. "You'd better make it real wet, if you know what's good for you" the young woman was warned. "You have no idea where it's going in next". Despite the alarm bells this threat raised, Alicia darted her wet tongue all along Rudy's cock, covering every vein, slobbering all over the thick head. Too fearful to disobey, she didn't stop until the Master's cock was glistening wet with her saliva. No sooner was Alicia done with her task, she was bent over the dining table in the dinner quarters. She was stripped naked except for a pair of high-heels left on for visual effect. Her naked body laid on the cold surface of the antique 19th century mahogany dining table, her firm tits crushing underneath her. Rudy was positioned behind her, amusing himself with the thought of James and Alicia having dinner parties around the very table on which Alicia was sodomized. He entered slowly and cautiously at first, barely pushing forward. But after a few preliminary tries, he drove forth at once with power, managing to move inside, past the young aristocrat's tight sphincter. When Alicia realized she was about to be sodomized, she nearly jumped out of her own skin. She couldn't imagine what was coming. The idea of a greek **** was enough to terrify her - she'd never had anything placed in there in her life. The first alien feeling of being prodded in her virgin asshole drew a panicked grunt from the young woman. The shock from pain and embarrassment brought tears to her eyes as she grabbed the sides of the table in fear. Rudy's first few strokes were painful, but he soon began enjoying the tight softness all around his cock. He was awarded with a delightful squeeze each time he pushed forth hard, which motivated him to push faster and harder. Alicia, for her part, grunted like a wounded ****** for each shove Rudy gave her. It felt like she was being drilled into, a giant tool mercilessly tearing her apart. When she opened her mouth to scream, she could only produce an incessant whining. As Rudy began pumping her in earnest, he grabbed her by the hair. Her head was pulled back **********, ******* her to face the antique mirror on the wall so that she could watch herself being sodomized. As the pain grew barely tolerable, Alicia continued moaning and shrieking. The shame of being invaded so unnaturally was almost more painful: She was being fucked in the ass, ******** in the most vile way on her own dining table, by the little boy she used to tease and snicker at. Rudy was sodomizing her like a mere ******. Finally, she felt him tense up inside her and soon he exploded into her bowels with a loud cry. Rudy pulled out slowly and carefully, satisfied with himself. This wasn't so bad after all. "I always thought you were an asshole, Alicia; now I know for sure..." he whispered into her ear, determined to try it again in the near future: "Clean!". Alicia barely managed to get off the table shaking, and got down on her knees to clean up his cock. Her body was still trembling from the painful pounding she'd received, but the revulsion of having to clean his cock felt even worse. She tried desperately to ignore that the cock in her mouth had just come out of her ass. As she set about sucking his dirty cock, Rudy ordered Alicia to look up. She continued sucking with her eyes trained at her Master's. Rudy looked deep into her eyes, seeing all the mixed fear and shame there. Alicia looked haughty no more. She was so powerless and inferior, looking up at him with his cock in her mouth, serving her Master with all the *********** laid bare in her eyes. Rudy allowed himself to cumm again, with a delightful power rush, and watched his slave duly swallow. 
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SUNDAY: When Rudy woke up, he was hard as a rock. Often times he'd wake up with a hard-on - except now he had a remedy: In no time, he was on the 12th floor, his morning-hardness stuffed in Alicia's mouth. A man could get used to this: The best of sex, any time he wanted, any way he wanted, whether Alicia liked it or not. Rudy left quickly, once he got his rocks off - he was headed for a family brunch and needed to spend some obligatory time with the parents. He'd have to keep his hands off the slave until the evening, which was fine: The sense of adventure kind of wore off once Alicia swallowed her daily fix of cumm from Rudy. 
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Rudy tried to get Alicia out of his mind as the Goldberg family was seated at the restaurant. He'd missed his parents but the chatter at the table could be an absolute bore. "How was your day yesterday?" his Mom inquired. "Okay". "You should say hi to the neighbors you haven't seen in a while" his ****** complained. "You mean all the 70 year olds in the building?" he mocked despite his mom's disapproving looks. "There are plenty of young people in this building... You know, the Catalunas' ******** is married now." Rudy almost ****** on his food. "You should visit her to congratulate. You know Alicia, right?". Rudy wondered briefly whether his Mom was playing a mind-game. "You mean the one whose brains I fucked out just last night?" he wanted to ask but wisely refrained. His ****** chimed in with his point of view: "Frankly, I feel for that Dewey kid. Their parents spoiled those girls beyond redemption." "Well, Dad, you always say nothing is beyond redemption..." "I guess". His ****** started raising some objections about how, in fact, both Alicia and Lara were lovely young ladies. Knowing an endless family discussion when he saw one, Rudy quickly concentrated on his food. 
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George had taken a seat in his usual post by the time Rudy came back. "How you doin' George?" he greeted his old pal. "Still trying to recover from yesterday" the doorman answered matter-of-factly. "Listen, what the hell was that all about Rudy? I mean, what the heck is going on with you and Alicia?" "Look, don't worry about it. She likes it. No: She needs it! Underneath that arrogant ice-queen is a whore who craves to be used." "She didn't seem to like it all that much yesterday". "She didn't like the fact that she was sucking you, and not Brad Pitt, Ok? But whores don't get to choose, do they?" "Guess not..." "Look, you just keep mum about it, and I'll make sure little Mrs. Dewey keeps you happy". Again, the doorman couldn't argue with that. So George continued watching his mini-TV as Rudy got on the elevator. It was no more than a half-hour before he received a call from the Dewey apartment. It was Rudy: "A female friend of mine will be coming soon, you can let her in, right?" "Sure" he said, wondering what the boy was up to now. He briefly tried to re-live the feeling of Alicia sucking his cock - that was heaven! It had been another hour when Rudy's "friend" showed up. A tall, red-haired woman dressed in a tight, leather pants and a black blouse walked into the building, confidently clicking on her menacing six-inch heels, and carrying a large bag with her. She was in her forties, even though her slender body was that of a younger woman. Her confidence reminded George none other than a certain young woman who resided on the 12th floor - except this lady's self-assured smile conveyed more cunning than contempt. "I'm here to meet Rudy Goldberg" she said, in a way that hinted that the doorman was expected to understand. "Sure..." George stumbled a bit. "Just take the elevator to the 12th floor." It was another hour before he got another call from the 12th floor. It was Rudy: "George!!" he was almost screaming into the phone, obviously ***********. "Come on up here, body!" George pretended to weigh his options only briefly, mumbling something about how he must watch the door. Yet soon enough he was in the elevator, pushing the button for the 12th floor. * * * * * * When George was allowed inside the large flat overlooking the Central Park, the shrine of young Mr. And Mrs. Dewey, the hallway of which was the most he'd seen before, what caught his attention was not the expensive paintings or the Persian rugs. He'd grown used to displays of wealth in these condominiums over the years, even though there were a few residents who were more reserved, like the Goldbergs. What he found atypical was the sight of the lady of the house - all of 25 years old - bound and hanging from the ceiling, sweating and dangling in the air, under the torment of a full-blown dominatrix, right in the middle of the livingroom. Once again, George had difficulty comprehending reality. As he walked towards the spectacle, with Rudy's invitation, the bound woman's shame became visible. She was trembling and trying to avert his looks by looking down, though she would have had more success if she looked upwards, elevated as she was. "Come on in" Rudy chimed in as if the doorman had caught a movie in the middle. "Take a seat, George". He took a seat near Rudy, in a puffy leather chair that looked like Mr. Dewey's favorite. He could hardly believe his eyes: There she was, the almighty Alicia, the gorgeous, fantastic Alicia, completely naked before him, completely uncovered and unprotected from his gaze. And her shame, how delicious was her shame. Judging from the various paddles, crops and such on the coffee table, the flame-haired dominatrix had come prepared. She'd transferred her outfit into a shiny-black dominatrix costume that made her look like a particularly menacing version of Catwoman. She slowly circled around Alicia, flashing a knowing smile to the boys. She then grabbed a new device, a bamboo cane, to use on her hapless prey. Regrettably for Monique, the client's orders were specific - no damage, nothing painful in the extreme. So she punished Alicia with prudence, drawing the most amusing shrieks and wails out of the snobby slut. No matter how stinging her strokes were, they were much too light compared to what Monique would have done for a less merciful Master. Yet, for all her self-confidence, Alicia had turned out to be a real wimp when it comes to pain. She wept and moaned like a little girl, sufficiently muffled by her gag to avoid alarming the neighbors, not to mention Rudy's own parents two floors down, yet loud enough for Monique and the men to enjoy. With each whimper Monique drew from the snotty young woman, she could feel the power rushing through her pussy - she couldn't wait to get Alicia's pretty face between her thighs, lapping at her pussy like a trained puppy - a perk she'd been promised as part of her services. When Monique decided George was sufficiently provoked, she released Alicia from her bonds. "Now, little lady" she issued her orders, "you will fuck big Georgey here, a real sensuous, nice fuck you will give him!" Despite her dread, a beaten Alicia stumbled towards the man whose face reflected a silent mixture of glee and gratitude. He didn't say anything but it was obvious Georgey was waiting anxiously. Following Monique's instructions - who was following none other than Rudy's instructions - Alicia unzipped the middle-aged doorman. She slowly lowered herself onto the doorman's lap, until his engorged cock was completely buried inside her. She sat on his cock, her legs dangling from the sides of the leather chair, her face facing his. George was amazed at this turn of events: He remembered the gorgeous naked woman on his lap as a snotty little girl from years ago - who could have guessed she'd be fucking and sucking him, as a snotty grown woman! With a swoosh in the air, the cane contacted Alicia's ass. That was her cue to start fucking the doorman. The cane had a very persuading effect. Obediently, she began rhythmically moving up and down on his cock. "Kiss Georgey" Monique said. "Sweet and sexy". The young woman, swallowing, brought her mouth to George's and kissed him slowly, panting into his mouth, parting her lips for his tongue. Her hands instinctively caressed the man's hair. "Don't stop fucking" Monique lamented impatiently, striking the blonde again. She started striking regularly, making sure Alicia bucked with the wobbly urgency of fish on a hook. She slammed her body up and down against George's torso, kissing him, moaning into his mouth, squirming and writhing. Her bouncing breasts felt heavy on George's hands, two perfect mounds of soft flesh. With each blow from the cane, she jerked, bouncing and jamming her flawless body into George's, multiplying his pleasure tenfold, until he could take no more: The doorman exploded in the single greatest moment of sexual pleasure in his life. By the time Alicia lifted her sweaty body off the man who had been, until recently, no more than her servant, Monique had taken a seat. Rudy had been watching with silent amusement, and the apparent empowerment of a good-samaritan, smoking another one of James's cubans. Monique now ordered "crawl to me" with the emphasis of an air-swoosh. Alicia crawled in dread, not knowing what the evil bitch had in store for her next. She realized Monique had opened the strategic flap at the front of her leather pants. The immediate revolt became apparent on her face. "Now slut, you will eat pussy" Monique informed her subject. "And if you know what's good for you, you'll put your very best effort into it!" "I am not a lesbian" Alicia said meekly in a rare display of protest. She was rewarded with a slap on the face. "You are whatever your Master says you are" Monique spoke angrily. "If he says you're a lesbian, then you have become one". Monique leaned back and parted her legs: "Now, better get that tongue flicking slut, or I'm going to peel your skin right off with this cane". Alicia closed her eyes, and leaned forth, resigned to her fate. Her tongue darted out and found another woman's vagina, in an act of sick perversion. She began licking, trying to ignore what she was doing. Her face was buried in the dominatrix's crotch, her head squeezed between her milky thighs. She had grabbed her blonde hair in a fist, using it like a lever to control Alicia's pace. Every time Alicia's tongue tired, Monique gave her hair a violent tug, demanding, and getting, faster service. Monique was moaning with a high-pitch now. Almost equal to the pleasure of a desperately flicking tongue in her pussy was the rush she got from the power to do menace. Nothing made it more fun than knowing that the pristine slut eating her pussy hated it so. Her free hand had opened up the top of her leather suit, playing with her tits. She flicked her tongue at the men, swirling around her lips, turning them on. They were watching in silent awe, mesmerized with the lesbian spectacle before them. And sure enough, by the time Monique exploded in a roaring orgasm, the boys were hard all over again... 
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THE WEEK: As a trader analyst, Rudy's days started at 7 AM. That meant Rudy showed up at Alicia's door every morning bright and early, with what had become a habitual hard-on. There was nothing like kicking off the day with a blow-job. It cleared his mind, focused his attention, gave him an aloof, confident feeling. Nothing made a man feel more powerful than the sight of a beautiful woman on her knees, duly sucking his cock. And Alicia had really learned how to pamper a cock. The young woman was required to be in full make-up and one of her new Victoria's Secret products by 6 AM, ready for Rudy's blow-job. Normally much too pampered to be awake at so early an hour, Alicia was sharp on duty now. Her usual breakfast of mango crepes and imported white-chocolate coffee was replaced with a load of cumm. She did, however, continue with her morning work-outs as religiously as ever - except now, instead of sweating at their extravagant health-club, she jogged at the Central Park. Her neon-blue body suit had been a good way to taunt those less fit than her in the privacy of the exclusive club. Circling the northern end of the Central park, it only made sure she got the most attention possible, not in the least from the winos and gangs that infested the area. That gave her the motivation to run a very fast lap indeed. She usually made it back to the apartment safe and unscathed, except having suffered a barrage of catcalls and whistles, and long stares from the busy folk heading for work. The doorman showed up for his treat around lunch-time, and Alicia obliged despite the *********** - it wasn't a matter of choice. She spent a sizable portion of her days practicing Britney Spears's moves. That was Rudy's orders. She had bought a whole stack of concert DVDs. She felt incredibly stupid practicing all day the whorish dance moves of the dumbest, blondest teen on Earth. She felt ridiculous. She felt like a teen tart. Being a trader intern, Rudy got out of work early. He directly went to Alicia's to use her as a target for all the pent-up tension and stress of a day spent on the trading floor. Alicia was sure to spend a couple of hours sucking and fucking each evening, only to be freed when Rudy had to go downstairs and give his parents some face time. As great as the desire to disobey was, her ********** was like a chain she couldn't break. If she ever disobeyed, she knew horrible things would happen, things far worse than the ***********s she had to go through - just what she couldn't remember, but she knew just the same... She gave a full report of her daily chores to Rudy, so that he'd know she'd been good even if he weren't there to supervise. One such trip had been to the Mustang Ranch, where Alicia regularly went riding. Near New Haven, the Mustang Ranch was where the rich went to get away from the rough-and-tumble of Manhattan. The wives were beautiful and rode horses. The men smoked cigars and drank hard ******. Alicia usually rode alone in the obstacle course, sporting an extra tight equestrian outfit.. She loved being the center of attention, and even though she was among the best riders, she knew the men only pretended to be interested in her riding while they watched her ass. No doubt they all had major boners, imagining her bouncing on their cocks. Most eyes, males' at any rate, would be trained at her perfect ass jumping up and down on the saddle, or her full chest hopping with each leap. Knowing her "attitude" problem though, as it was delicately put, few could imagine being in the shoes of James Dewey, who had to endure the world-class bitchiness of Alicia. Little did they know, the arrogant beauty had turned into an obedient little playtoy these days. Alicia's trip had involved a special treat for Fortune, her black stallion. Before she went on riding as usual, the blonde gave the beast a long, sweet hand-job, until she was rewarded with a load of spunk in her hands. Despite her disgust, from now on Alicia would be required to do this for Fortune every time she went riding with the horse. And Fortune loved it. He ran the course in absolute perfection. What worked for Wall Street traders, worked for beasts. In addition to checking off yet another item from Alicia's list of undesirables, her trip to Mustang Ranch had another benefit: She brought Rudy the very crop she used on Fortune. Rudy had explained she now had a much better way of encouraging the young stallion. Meanwhile, the crop was just as persuasive on the young ****** Rudy kept at home. Even though she could be once in a great while reluctant at a particularly degrading act, Alicia was fast growing into a perfection of obedience. However, this didn't prevent the young woman from punishment for the rare case of a disobedience, however invented it may be, with the ultimate indignity of being spanked by the crop she used to use in punishing her own ******. 
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ONE WEEK LATER: Lara got out of the cab at 695 Park on a Friday evening; her short flight from Martha's Vineyard had gotten in around 7 PM. The cab driver had tried hard to simultaneously keep his eyes on the road and watch Alicia in the rearview mirror all the way from the airport - she was quite used to that. Once she got off the cab, she immediately called for George. The doorman appeared at once, greeting the young woman. If there was more of a glee in his eyes than usual, Lara missed it: George was always happy to see her, in more ways than one. "Please take these" she asked, indicating the two suitcases. "To your parents' apartment, Miss, or to Mr. & Mrs. Dewey's?" "Dewey". It sounded almost weird - Alicia and James had been married all of six months. She planned to stay with Alicia for a few days until James came back from that business trip: The big sister, afterall, had a maid and a cook - unlike her parents' apartment where the services weren't upto her standards, since they took the help with them to the summer home. Lara rushed into the elevator, hoping to avoid a trip with George: She felt like she was placed on display whenever the old perv was close-by. Alas, two guys carrying several cases of beer rushed in before the door shut. Judging from their looks - one of them featured a beard that just didn't go with his college freshman face, and the other was in need of serious gym time - these could only be the Goldberg twerp's friends. They leered like fools and mumbled "Hi", to which she offered no response - she had no intention of getting into a conversation. She didn't realize they had pushed the same button as her until they passed Rudy's floor. "Rudy's on the 10th floor" she said condescendingly, as if to say "what morons!". Before the two guys could mount an answer, they were off the elevator on the 12th floor. Lara could hear the loudish music coming from the apartment, as well as the distinct smell of marijuana! What on earth was going on? Then, the door opened and Rudy appeared. If Lara was surprised too see him in that apartment, Rudy had the looks of someone who had just seen a representative from the Publishing Clearing House on his doorsteps. "Rudy, what are you doing here?" she asked with a hint of suspicion. "Aaah, just visiting..." he mumbled. The two guys on elevators muttered an "excuse me" and walked inside, side-stepping Lara. Rudy, too, disappeared briefly. Just as she thought she couldn't be any more confused, she took a peak into the livingroom where she saw other guys, and her sister swaggering half naked to the tune of the music. That's when the young woman felt a sharp pain on her left thigh... 
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Lara stood in the middle, surrounded by two leather couches. There were six guys seated around her, including Rudy and the two from the elevator; they were smoking, ******** and chuckling. And they were looking at her with a predatory leer. Alicia, who had not yet spoken with her, was silently standing next to her, dressed in an absolutely ridiculous haremgirl outfit, which left exposed far more than it covered. That, however, was not nearly the most alarming thing: Lara couldn't move a muscle, even speak, do anything but stand there like frozen, just as Rudy "ordered". Finally, Rudy declared "you may speak": "What... what's going on?" she managed to say in distress. "I have assumed control of your mind. Your sister's, too, of course." "Why?" Lara asked with a crackling voice. "Why? That's a really dumb question for a smart girl like you. Because I can. Because you were a total cocktease all through my puberty. Now it's payback time." Rudy had been lusting after the two sisters as long as he could remember. Even his close friends invited to this exclusive mini-party had known the Cataluna sisters in high-school, seeing them on the street or at Rudy's building. Many times they had attempted to lift a camera to the level of the girls' bedrooms for a memorable picture, with little success. Lara had almost begun weeping. "Oh, stop crying for Christ's sakes" Rudy chastised her. He then simply said "Alicia", who was presumed to know her cue. She moved behind her little sister without missing a beat, despite her abject dread. Even though they were separated by two years - she was 25, Lara 23 - Alicia was very protective of Lara. "Lift your arms, sweetie" Alicia said in a mix of stern and concern. Lara's body couldn't resist, no matter how much she wished. Her arms rose above her head as if her muscles had a mind of their own. Alicia reached around from her sides and undid the top button on her blouse, then the next, then the next... Alicia was stripping her! Once the blouse was lifted off over her head, Alicia's hands moved to her waist. "Please, don't... Alicia stop" she pleaded, her voice crackling again. "Shut your mouth" Rudy reproached. Lara had everyone's undivided attention and her apparent embarrassment was proving to be a source of amusement. Alicia unzipped her skirt with a slow tearing sound that almost echoed. Dropping it to the floor, she simply said "step out" to her sister, who followed her command slavishly. Alicia then kneeled to remove her boots, too. The dread Alicia felt was almost unbearable: She was stripping naked her own little sister in front of, for the amusement of, for the use of these *******. Noticing Alicia's mild hesitation, Rudy beat the crop against his knee for emphasis, which was, as usual, more than enough to ensure her cooperation. She unclasped her sister's bra, and removed it from her, exposing Lara's sweet breasts to the boys. There were now hoots and whistles, bringing more tears to the younger girl's eyes. The sight of two gorgeous females working in such close approximity was providing even more provocation for the small audience. Alicia crouched behind her sister, and grabbed the waistband of her panties. Slowly, teasingly, she pulled down the last piece of cloth that barred Lara from complete nudity. When the frilly piece joined the small pile on the floor, she stood before them naked as the day she was born. As her face burned in shame, there was approving commentary from Rudy's friends, appreciating her long, shapely legs, firm tits, great ass, hour-glass figure... all theirs. Like a mannequin on display, Alicia made her clasp her hands behind her butt, spread her legs ever so slightly, push her shoulders back and chest forward - as if Lara was trying to say to the boys "Look at me. Look at me." "Here are your luggages, Miss Cataluna!!" George walked in with a grin on his face. A new wave of shame colored Lara's face at the sight of the doorman. "I must say, Miss, you look great today". The guys laughed and hollered at his joke. "Well, I'll be guarding the door, as usual Rudy...". George was sure he'd be awarded his share of fun later - Rudy never forgot his old pal. "Don't worry Georgey, we'll keep her warm for you...". More chuckles... Rudy got up and stood before the nude girl, the medallion dangling in his hand. "Now, Lara, we have to do another thing... The chemical that was injected in you is imperfect. It's much like a truth-serum, more powerful naturally, but mostly a matter of muscle-control. It makes you obey anyone at all, rather than somebody particular. It actually wears off after a while, which is unacceptable; and it basically turns you into a robot of sorts, which is just not attractive." "But with this..." he swung the medallion in front of her eyes, "I can own you permanently"! He smiled devilishly at the fear she saw in those pretty eyes. "Now, you will do as I say, and allow me to take you into trance..." Soon, Lara was ********** in the deepest fashion possible. Her complete nudity was the perfect metaphor to the vulnerability of her nude mind: "Lara". "Yes". "When I awake you, you will be the same as you were before, except you will obey me unconditionally." "Yes". The small audience was watching the nude girl in trance with silent amusement. "And if you don't obey me, terrible things will happen". "Yes". "Thus, no matter what orders I give you, and no matter how much you want to disobey, you will obey". "Yes". "No matter what the orders are, the alternative is far worse". "Yes". "And that's true even if you can't remember what these terrible things are". "Yes". "You don't find it at all curious that you can't remember what the alternative is, but that it is far worse, you know for sure...". "Yes". "Wake up". When her eyes blinked open, she saw Rudy back in his seat. It took a moment for her to remember that, she was naked, the lone naked one, in a room full of strangers. Shame washed her face again. "Lara, I believe you've already met Matt and Ben on your way up here?" "Yeah, she really thumbed her nose at us" the bearded one said with a chuckle. "Well, that's not nice, is it Lara?" "Nn no.." the girl managed to utter. "That's 'No, Master'. Everybody else is a 'Sir'." "Yes, Master". "Now, why don't you apologize to Matt..." "Apologize, Master?..." "Yes" "I'm sorry, Sir" she said in a barely audible voice. 
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"You have to excuse her" Rudy said impatiently. "The Cataluna girls are just not very good at offering apology. Usually, they never have to... Lara, I'm sure Matt would enjoy a blow-job, as a real apology from you!" "Blow-job... Master?" the reality was dawning on the young woman excruciatingly. The idea of sucking "Matt" was incomprehensible - but the alternative was so much worse... "Attagirl... On your knees" Helpless, Lara sank onto her knees in dread. But before she could unzip this jerk, he expressed his reluctance: "Well, I don't know, Rudy... I mean it looked like she really couldn't stand me there in the elevator. Now, I really have to be convinced. Maybe if she asks nicely..." "Naturally. Lara, ask for permission..." "Sir, may I please give you oral sex?" Lara managed to formulate her words awkwardly. "I don't know..." Matt protested. "Does she really mean it?" "Lara, you're gonna have to beg for it, darling. Ask reaaal nicely..." Matt had Lara begging for the privilege of sucking his cock for the next five minutes. It was clear the snobby young woman was going through the *********** of her life until finally Matt whipped out his hardened cock and gave Lara permission to suck it. Alicia helplessly watched - the sight of her little sister sucking a cock was the most obscene thing she could have ever imagined. Yet, unlike her big sister, Lara didn't need any special training in cock-sucking - she'd sucked off plenty of guys in college. But not like this: The nude girl had to service a man under the watchful eyes of a roomful of people. Despite her shame, she obediently put her oral skills to use. Matt could hold out only so long against her talented tongue. He grabbed Lara by her silky blonde hair, and pulled out his cock in the very last minute: He exploded all over her face with a satisfied grunt. "Lara, bad girl, you made such a mess!" Rudy chastised her in disapproval. "Now, scoop that all up and swallow like you were supposed to". The cumm was dripping from her eyes, cheeks, chin... Lara scooped gobs of cumm from her pretty face and deposited in her mouth, as Matt watched with a smug grin of superiority on his face. She sure as hell wouldn't thumb her nose at him anymore! Before Lara could recover from the vile taste in her mouth, it was brought to her attention that the other guy from the elevator already had his cock out. Once again, Lara sucked Ben off under the gaze of everyone, including her own sister. Rudy was apparently ready to try out his new prize. "Get on the table" he ordered, unbuckling his jeans. "On all fours". Lara climbed on the table in front of the sofas, and got on all fours as ordered. Rudy quickly stood behind her. Soon, he was inside her, fucking her like he'd always wanted. He couldn't hold out too long, either. Once Rudy exploded, one of his eagerly waiting friends quickly replaced him behind the young woman. Alicia's terror at what was going on right before her eyes was interrupted by Rudy grabbing her. "Get me hard again slave; I'm gonna fuck you, too". Once Alicia masturbated him back to full hardness on the sofa, he undid the bows of Alicia's costume with two easy flicks, leaving her naked as her sister. "Now, fuck me". He ****** her on his lap. Knowing the routine, Alicia quietly sat on Rudy's cock and started slowly humping. Her back was facing him. His hands were squeezing her bouncy tits. Rudy's friend had taken some time to get into the routine but now he was fucking Lara with a fury. The sight before her was so obscene, Alicia tried to look away. Rudy grabbed her by the chin, redirecting her gaze at Lara. "Watch"... "Watch them fuck Lara...". Lara's moans echoed in the room. "Watch how they are using your little sister like a whore" Rudy mocked the young woman as he grunted in pleasure. Yet another one of his friends had now flipped Lara over and laid on top of her. As Alicia watched and fucked Rudy, everyone had a go at Lara - even the bearded Matt had recovered from the blow-job in time to use her once more. Alicia was being ****** to watch her sister being gang-raped while she was herself being fucked. The pressure was too much: After working so desperately, it was too late when Alicia realized she was awash in pleasure, on the brink of an orgasm. She moaned and shook; exploded with an orgasm just as Matt unbuckled for Lara. She was so angry with herself, she could almost cry in dread. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself slave but Master is still hard..." Rudy reminded. She quickly began humping again. Yet, two minutes later, it was her once again who shrieked in another orgasm, in a maddening mix of pleasure and frustration. She almost didn't take a break this time, went on fucking Rudy with all the effort in the world, almost crying. Finally Rudy awarded her efforts with a release, just as Matt was done with the younger sister. Totally spent, the guys were ready to take a break. The girls were allowed to put on some scraps of clothes, after Rudy announced the gang was hungry: "Chop chop girls, to the kitchen. Cook some burgers for us". Alicia and Lara quickly marched into the kitchen like a couple of puppies. But the break didn't last too long, once the guys were fed: They were one again ****** on all fours on the table. Two of the guys started fucking the sisters side-by-side. Neither girl, however, had to listen to the disturbing sounds the other one made while being fucked for too long: Soon, their moans were muffled with two more guys sticking their cocks into their mouths. Both guys pulled out in the last minute, exploding all over the girls' faces. They made the them lick the cumm off each other's face. One of Rudy's friends reminded the porn tapes he'd brought with him for the occasion. Rudy declared he had an idea, disappeared briefly, and when he came back, he had a camcorder and tripod with him, taken from his parents' apartment. "We'll do a reenactment of the porn, right here" he announced with great fanfare. They quickly brought out the tapes and picked the raciest one among them. It was particularly horrifying for Alicia and Lara to sit on the sofa squeezed between the guys, watch the vile film on the giant TV, knowing they would have to perform the very same acts, including the most perverse and aberrant scenes, in the same exact fashion and order, on camera. By the time the tape was over, Rudy and his friends were horny all over again. Rudy quickly assumed the control of the camera, turned it on, and all the fucking and sucking, the service and discipline, started once again... 
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A week later, Rudy was seated in the comfy leather chair. Alicia was standing behind him, massaging his shoulders while Lara was on knees, giving him his mid-morning blow-job. The younger girl still seemed to be humiliated at having to do this while her big sister watched standing behind Rudy. Rudy was hell-bent on being a fair Master: "Lara, did you know your big sis was too much of a prude to orally pleasure anyone before I convinced her otherwise?". Lara knew Alicia was always too proud, too self-assured to suck off any boy. She'd always wondered if she did it at least for James. Was Lara glad now that Alicia couldn't look down upon the little sister for pandering shamelessly to the boys? "But, boy, is she a fast learner! You can suck like a vacuum now, can't you big sis?" "Yes, Master" the young wife replied in ********, continuing to massage him. "Not just that; you can dance like a total tease, too! Slave, go get into your Britney costume..." The two girls usually wore the same exact clothes. A short trip to Dream Dresser had ensured that both girls had a large, identical collection of highly provocative outfits. They now wore the same exact outfit as each other always. That's how Rudy liked it: This way, neither had any character, just a couple of harem-girls ready to serve in a moment's notice. Alicia came back in her frilly catholic school-girl uniform. In a few minutes, the music stared blasting in the room: "Oops! I did it again!!..." Rudy watched with great satisfaction the young wife who was dancing to the tune of Britney Spears' song, with the same exact moves, just as she'd practiced endlessly.. Lara couldn't watch, since all she could see was the thick bottom of Rudy's cock and his crotch. She was being tested to see whether she could make it last as long as her sister had been trained to - which meant the sweating Alicia could go through another four, five Britney songs easy before Rudy would reach satisfaction. She was halfway through the album when Rudy finally flooded Lara's mouth. He checked his watch; time to go. He had a few errands to run. It was close to noon and Georgey would come soon to get his treat anyway - the girls hated it. Rudy first stopped at a near-by bank branch, where he had paid upfront for a 15-year safety deposit box. Certain things had to be kept in secret. Like a number of pictures he'd taken as well as the two tapes: "Alicia's confessions" and the home-made version of "Raunchy Sluts". He'd made the girls watch the tape several times. The way they squirmed was most amusing. But he'd kept the only copy for himself: He had to guard against the possibility, however remote, that one of his friends who wowed to silence might spill his guts in a ******* fit. As is, it would mean nothing. Guys always had highly implausible stories to tell, especially involving "untouchables" like Alicia and Lara. He himself had claimed to get blow-jobs from the hot girls in his building back in high-school - naturally, nobody had believed a word of it. Ironically, now that the story had become true, he was intent on keeping the evidence top secret. Rudy was meeting Monique, for lunch. She'd insisted that they meet. He had no idea why. Once he was seated at the table, the part-time dominatrix got to the point at once: "They are rich; and they are high-society..." "Who?" "Stop playing with me. You know who. The sisters you seem to have in your complete control." "So?" "I'm guessing you're blackmailing them..." Rudy pondered briefly. It was close enough... "Is there a point in this? Are you with the FBI now?" "Don't get smart with me. Imagine, if you will, this getting around. That you blackmailed them. It would be a mini-scandal, maybe not so mini. And the police would be interested." "And whoever would believe this crazy story?" "Well, for one thing, people hearing about it would do enough harm. Secondly, I have two credit card receipts, charged to their credit cards, indicating large purchases of highly unconventional items. I have surveillance tapes of Dream Dresser, showing you buying things like dildos, handcuffs, whips and what not, together with the girls. How would you explain it? Particularly, to the bigger one's hubby?" Rudy pondered this briefly. He had a syringe at home, which could solve this problem at once. Though, before he could reply, two heavy-built men appeared at the table, taking seats without asking. They looked like they could have jumped right out of Goodfellas. "And" Monique continued, "My clientele includes all kinds of powerful people. They have a way of solving business problems for me..." One of the men, parted his jacket ever so slightly, enough to give the glimpse of a gun. He was not quite as subtle as Monique. "What do you want?" Rudy asked, apparently resigned to the situation at hand. "Simple. I've always had girls to play with. But what I really want is a girl who doesn't wanna play". "So..." "I want Lara. The younger one. No husband, no problem". "You can't just have her. She's got Law school. Even I'm letting them go soon." "She can take a leave of absence. I won't keep her forever." "How long then?" "3 months. I bore quickly. In all likelihood, I'll be loaning her to friends and clients by the end of that period - once I have had the pleasure of breaking her into an obedient cunt-licking plaything." "And then we'll be square?" "My word is my honor, honey..." Rudy pondered briefly. Lara surely needed a break anyway after that gruesome first year of law school. "Done!" Monique smiled evilly: "Well, then, let's order. Shall we?..." 
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The Mercedes convertible sped on New Jersey Turn-Pike. With the top opened, the warm summer breeze was flowing into their faces. Rudy had found his favorite Rock station on the radio. Alicia was seated next to him. Lara had just started a three-month stint as a paralegal at a law firm previously unheard of. She'd been necessarily re-conditioned. James would be coming back soon, which meant Alicia would need proper re-conditioning, as well. But now he was taking his pet to the beach. He had not told her the real purpose of this trip, deliberately. The traffic was not busy, except for the first two lanes reserved for trucks. Truck after truck seemed to be lined up, moving at the speed of a 4th of July parade. As Rudy reduced speed and moved to the lane adjacent to the eighteen-wheelers, he could see some of the truckers were already eyeing the hot blonde next to him. She was quite eye-catching with her long hair flying in the wind and her two firm globes defiantly pressed into the confines of a tiny blouse. He loved to make her dress in the most eye-catching fashion. As she tried to ignore the dirty looks from truckers, it was obvious Alicia wasn't used to driving next to so many dust-spewing trucks. When Alicia went to beach, she was usually on a plane, heading for an exotic location, not New Jersey. "You loved it when they gang-banged Lara..." Rudy asked out of the blue. Alicia didn't reply. "You did, didn't you?". She was obviously struggling to answer. "Be honest". "Yes, Master". "And did you imagine yourself in her place, having your brains fucked by a mob of men?". "Yiy ye Yess, Master" she said her voice crackling in shame. It had been one of her "confessions", too - frightening and mesmerizing at the same time. "Isn't that blouse too tight for you?" he inquired. "Yes, Master". "Well then, take it off." Rudy ordered. Alicia's face grew red immediately. Despite everything he had put her through, the young woman was still every bit susceptible to *********** - she had enough pride to last a life-time of ***********s. Alas, she wasn't quite as feisty as she used to be either: Mute, she did as she was told, wisely refraining from any protest. "Throw it out". The little piece of clothing flew out of the vehicle. Alicia was left naked above the waist on the highway. The truckers immediately started honking as the sexy blonde with bared jugs drove past them. Rudy slowed down to a cruising speed to make sure everyone got a good look. He was sure his little slave was driving the poor truckers nuts; most of them must have been on the roads for days. He chuckled at the spectacle of little prim Mrs. Dewey exhibiting her tits to rednecks on wheels on the Jersey Pike. If anyone remotely familiar witnessed this scandalous sight, there would be a small explosion in certain circles back in Manhattan. They had to hope none of Alicia's high-society friends would drive past them at this very moment. "Lean out, slave. Shake those titties at the men!!" he instructed. The drivers kept honking and howling, their weary unshaven faces lit up with lechery. He decided to spice up the show: "All right, slut, sit back here... Unbutton those jeans. That's good. Now start playing with yourself. Rub your pussy... Start pinching those tits, you still got one hand free... That's a good slave." Rudy waved at the passing eighteen-wheelers one by one, showing off his slave-girl... "Don't look at the dashboard, look at the truckers. Lick your lips... Smile for crying out loud. Look how much they are loving it. Make sure everyone's getting a good look..." The drivers were blowing the horns and bawling like mad-men. "Maybe we'll pull into the nearest truck-stop, and I'll let them gang-bang you!". Alicia's eyes lit up in fear like she'd rather be skinned alive. "Damn, what a slut you are..." he mocked. 
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Alicia examined the tiny bikini with disbelief. It was the most shameless, skimpiest excuse for a bikini she'd ever seen. The material of the bikini was nothing more than a metallic mesh that barely pretended to obstruct view. The top portion of the bikini consisted of two alarmingly inadequate triangles that did more to showcase her firm breasts than offer any pretense of decency. The thong bottom left her perfectly shaped ass completely naked. Alicia - the independent Alicia - wouldn't be caught dead in a thong, parading around like this. The slave Alicia, however, stepped out and joined Rudy, heading for the sandy beach. As they made their way to the beach, Alicia could feel the eye tracks all over her body, even the occasional whistles and catcalls. It was a rough crowd. She hated public beaches. This one was particularly low-end. Everywhere she looked she saw ordinary, ugly people; slum-dwellers and dregs, mostly a rabble of rowdy young men definitely from the wrong side of the tracks. Rudy seemed rather amused with the attention she was getting. Once they were positioned on a pair of towels, Rudy had his slave spread sun lotion on him. Alicia's own body already had a fine tan - and for the moment a growing concern was the metallic material of her bikini which was heating rapidly in the sun, making it very itchy and uncomfortable. She couldn't figure out if it was on purpose but the material was tickling her entire body, making her wanna peel the itchy mesh right off. Rudy watched in amusement as she squirmed in her skin-tight jail for a while. "What do you think of these people?" inquired Rudy pointing towards a group of men gathered around the ice-cream truck. "They look like savages, Master." "Yeah?". "Yes, Master". Rudy knew it was time for a final attitude adjustment in Alicia, wipe out her superiority complex: He leaned into her ear, and gave her new instructions. He had to repeat himself a couple of times, and use an unusual amount of threatening words to ensure her cooperation. But, she'd mellowed quite a bit since he had first injected her, and besides, the consequences of disobedience was just so terrible... Alicia got on her feet and started walking towards the ice-cream truck parked at the edge of the beach. The sand was hot, causing her to hop as she walked, putting a marked jiggle into her breasts. She could feel the blatant stares all over her virtually naked body. She got herself a big scoop of big vanilla ice-cream, and began licking it with obvious ceremony. Her tongue swirled around the white gooey stuff, making an obvious spectacle of it, dripping some of the ice-cream onto her firm tits - the crowd of men hanging nearby apparently loved it, judging from the growing heckling. By the time she finished her ice-cream, she had an attentive audience. The teenager selling the ice-cream had a boombox placed on the side of the truck. Alicia bent over, sending a dazzling smile to the poor teen, and turned up the volume to the max. She playfully smiled at the herd of men gathering around the van as her body started gyrating instantly. A wave of applause, whistles and cat-calls broke out. She was twisting and shaking, pulling her hair up from behind, sending kisses to the group of men who were growing more and more rowdy. Her dancing was awkward and unrhythmic, but it hardly mattered: She was about to provoke a riot. She was dying in shame, but to the men watching, it seemed she was shamelessly egging them on like a bitch in heat. And then, with immense dread within, she walked over to the back of the truck and pulled the doors wide open, screaming "Gang Bang!!". The teenager who owned the truck didn't object - he was the first one to jump in, with others quickly queuing up behind him. Alicia's excuse for a bikini was quickly ripped off her body. The howlings of the crowd sounded like battle cries. Rudy watched the small uproar from afar, with measured amusement. He believed in sharing good fortune. Little Mrs. Dewey, rather than thumbing her nose at everyone, was about to learn what it feels like to be everyone's whore. As cock after cock was shoved into Alicia's face and slammed into her, Rudy opened a bottle of Sam Adams and pulled down his shades - he had to catch up with his tan. He made a mental note to send Alicia to a whore-doctor for a thorough check-up after today. He imagined her waiting her turn along with a room full of whores. Besides, James was coming back soon. When Alicia emerged barely covered in a towel a couple hours later, it was almost sun down. Cumm was dripping from every ****** orifice on the thoroughly-used body of the young beautiful wife from Manhattan aristocracy. She was in semi-shock, having fucked and sucked an endless army of men. Her face glistened with shiny smears of cumm. There were slight bruises on her creamy body. Stripped of her glory, Alicia Dewey looked like a mess; a sex-doll used up to the limit rather than a glamorous shot on the high-society pages. She had been taken in every way imaginable, and without break. They'd stopped only after she was too beaten and semen-soaked to be appealing. 
Posts: 167297
It had been a few days since George had seen Rudy take Alicia to the beach. He was sitting in the mail-room, trying to sneak a peek into a resident's subscription of Penthouse - an apt perk for a doorman - when Alicia walked in. She always showed up around noon for his treat. At first he'd enjoyed humiliating Alicia, who had always been such a pain in the ass. Now he was in it for the pleasure, just the remarkable pleasure - yet the young woman remained humiliated every time she had to service him. Today, though, she had a particular radiance to her. "Hello, Georgey" she said in a pleasant, pandering voice. It seemed a lot of thought had gone into her make-up and clothing. She laid her hands on the man's knees, pushing his legs apart gently. She then kneeled on the floor in front of George. "Georgey" she said almost nervously, "Rudy told me that if I be a good girl and do this for you every day, you'll agree to keep silent about everything". James was due back soon. "Yes". "Oh, I'll be a good girl from now on" she said, leaving George somewhat puzzled about whether she really meant it or was being ****** to. Alicia had unzipped him and was sucking his cock diligently in the next moment. She looked up at the doorman occasionally, making sure he was pleased with her performance. And she'd make it last a good fifteen minutes before George ejaculated. George had to remain silent. From now on, she promised to herself, an incredible amount of preparation and effort would go into Georgey's daily blow-job... * * * * * * * * * * * * Rudy had cut off his visits to Alicia on the day James came back, removing all his previous instructions, except for a few new ones: She was to secretly continue giving George one blow-job a day. She was to treat Rudy as her Master whenever he referred to her as "my slave" - Rudy was going back to school but Princeton wasn't all that far for frequent visits. But most of his instructions had involved James. The poor guy would go on with his business not knowing that his wife regularly sucked the doorman, or that there was a band of Rudy's friends who'd fucked his wife - and her sister - or that there was even a larger group of men in New Jersey, or wherever, who knew all about his wife's charms. Not to mention a dominatrix who'd taught her all kinds of new things... Rudy felt he had to make it up to James, the nice guy that he was. * * * * * * * * * * * * James Dewey strained to open his eyes and awaken, but gave up, still in the midst of a most pleasant dream. Perhaps, it was the satisfactory outcome the previous night's events that made him feel so aloof in the morning. He'd arrived from his long business trip the night before, carrying the fatigue of a ruthless schedule that took him from London to Zurich to Kuwait to Beijing. It had been worth it: The company he'd inherited from his ****** was now ready to go through a major expansion, all but guaranteed to triple its sales volume over the next couple of years. Commies had a lot of money to spend these days. This, however, turned out to be only one of his rewards: Alicia had surprised him by meeting him at the airport. She was at her absolute best, and not just in the way she looked - she was always gorgeous anyway. She was more pleasant than he could ever remember his wife being. More shockingly, he found a delicious sampler of French Cuisine at home, which Alicia endlessly professed to have prepared all by herself. Normally, she'd never come close to handling such menial tasks. Even the cook and the maid were sent home, which meant Alicia assumed the serving duties - evidently she took great satisfaction from this, too. It wasn't until James had his Creme Brule that Alicia had decided to showcase the real desert: She'd walked into the living-room in stockings and lingerie that were far too sluttish for her standards, however much to James's liking. And she positively had a look on her face that said to her husband "fuck me rough". James had expected a little pampering from his young wife, but the amount of thought and preparation that went into this welcome act was beyond his imagination. But that was when James had to ruin a perfect moment: He just couldn't touch her without first coming clean. He had been offered a couple of high-priced hookers in China, an offer he'd proven too weak to resist. And given the way Alicia had used sex as a lever of control in their young marriage, he wasn't sure he was supposed to feel guilty. But he did anyway. Alicia sat next to him on the leather sofa, with a sign of gloom on her pretty face only briefly, which all but turned into guilt and understanding. "James, I know this is my fault" she said almost apologizing. "I haven't been as passionate and attentive as I should have been". James didn't really know how to respond to this. "You know I love you, don't you?" she asked, and James saw in his wife's eyes endless, genuine love. "I love you, too" he managed to reply awkwardly. "And I'll do anything for you." she continued. Knowing Alicia, James would need a lot of convincing on that but things were turning quite extraordinary. She climbed on top of him, with that "fuck me" smile again on her face. "Besides, boy will be boys! What's a little escapade every now and then?" James was convinced his wife had fallen prey to alien body-snatchers but couldn't contemplate this for long: She was already undoing his shirt. And then they had made love like ******* - twice. Not a bad way to be greeted after a long trip... James managed to open his eyes finally, pulling himself away from the pleasant dream. But that wonderful feeling that consumed his mind was still on. Then he realized there was something on him. On his crotch! He noticed a blonde batch of hair on his crotch. It was Alicia's head bobbing up and down - and his body and mind connected: She was giving him a blow-job! Alicia raised her head, gave him a smile, then went right back to sucking his cock, as if she was distressed to have to break away from such an important task even for a moment. But that glimpse was enough to reveal she already had her make-up on and her hair made. James could hardly believe it: His wife, who had always rejected oral sex as too demeaning and servile, was now waking him up with one? But, boy, did it feel good! She was obviously putting an impressive amount of effort into it: She was vacuuming like pro while her tongue danced across every vain, teasing the most sensitive areas ever so deliciously. James soon exploded in pure satisfaction. After his wife finished swallowing enthusiastically, she finally stood up, dressed in yet another lingerie set worn to tease and please. "Good morning honey" she said with a bright smile, before rushing to the kitchen and returning with a tray: James's breakfast. She turned CNBC on for him and dropped the remote on the bed. James usually took his time watching the financial news in the morning. "Honey, I'll go do my aerobics while you watch the news, OK?" "Sure" James managed to say in amazement. By the time Alicia came back and took her shower, James was already in his suit - the suit his wife had picked for him and neatly hanged on the door, along with the matching tie. He felt more relaxed, more aloof, more powerful than he could ever remember. Alicia kissed him in her robe, more sensuously than he could ever remember. "Oh, look I'm getting you all wet" she said playfully. James pulled on the cord of her robe, exposing her body. His wife was just plain gorgeous. "Perhaps" he said in a meaningful tone, "I can afford to be a little late this morning..." "Your wish is my command, Sir" she replied in her kinkiest smile, letting her robe drop to the floor. A man could get used to this... 
Posts: 167297
comment j'ai decouvert que ma femme est une grosse salope Avec ma chere et tendre femme Fabienne, nous avons eu un grand accord sexuel elle aimait que je la baise en lui disant des cochonneries elle m'a toujours bien tailler des pipes. La seule chose qui n'a jamais vraiment marché a été la sodomie. Elle l'a parfois acceptée et y a meme pris *** pied mais n'a jamais trop voulu le faire et la dernière fois cela remonte a des années. Elle n'a jamais voulu non plus que je la baise en lui doigtant le cul par exemple. En tout cas le temps passant et l'age avancant je dois avouer qu'elle me soeuvre de sexe me disant que sa menopose lui change sa libido. Maintenant les rares fois que nous bai***s c'est un peu toujours la meme chose et a la vas vite. Malgre *** age et bien qu'elle ait bien sur veillie, elle a gardé une belle harmonie au niveau de *** corps et ses nichons assez gros restent attirant et *** cul toujours magnifique. Un matin alors qu'elle était censé etre partie à *** cours de gymnastique, j'avais oublié un dossier à la mai*** je reviens et que vois je ma belle Fabienne entrain de revenir egalement à la mai***. Pas loin derriere un homme la suit. Je monte et avant d'ouvrir la porte je tends l'oreille et entends ma femme parler et une voie d'homme lui répondre. J'ai hésité et après reflexion je ne suis pas entré dans l'appartement. Par contre le prochain jour de cours de gym, j'ai fait mine de partir et suis revenu non sans avoir caché la voiture et revoila ma Fabienne qui retourne a la mai*** et le meme monsieur qui l'a suit !Je remonte à l'appartement ecoute et de nouveau j'entends des vois dans l'appartement dont celle d'un homme. Que dois je faire ? Je decide donc la prochaine fois de revenir plus tôt et de me cacher dans un placard que nous avons dans le salon. Je pourrais ainsi voir en laissant la porte entrouverte et si des fois ma femme la fermait je pourrais tout de meme entendre. Me voila donc dans le placard. J'entends la porte d'entrée s'ouvrir. Elle reste un moment ouverte et j'entends ma Fabienne dire entre vite. Je vois apparaître ma femme et cet homme il s enlacent et sembrassent fougeusement. *** amant lui malaxe le cul sans menagement elle a l'air d'apprécier et tortille de la croupe. L'homme la repousse fermement et d'un ton autoritaire lui intime d'aller se changer en la traitant de grosse salope et en lui disant qu'elle doit revenir dans une tenue adaptée. Elle s'éloigne vers la chambre, l'homme se sert a boire et s'installe dans le canapé. Revoilà ma Fabienne, je me mords les levres en la voyant, je commence meme a bander. Elle a passer une robe qu'elle ne me met plus depuis longtemps (même pour moi) une robe qui la moule qui mets *** cul sa taille ses hanches en valeur avec un decolette magnifique sur ses beaux nichons et qui est presque au ras des fesses. Elle a mis des bas et visiblement un porte jaretelle. Les jaretierres ***t visibles eu égard a la hauteur de la robe sur ses cuisses. L'homme siffle et lui lance qu'elle est magnifique comme cela et qu'elle devrait sortir ainsi habillee tout le temps afin que tous les hommes sachent qu'elle est une grosse salope qui aime la bite. Elle proteste un peu, rougie meme mais acquiesse que c'est vraie elle aime la bite. Elle vient s asseoir pres de l'homme qui recommence a l'embrasser a la peloter de partout et ma Fabienne se tortille de plaisir. D'un coup on entend la ***nette, l'homme dit a ma femme d'aller ouvrir que ce ***t les amis qu'il attend. Comme elle proteste que vetue ainsi, si un voisin venait a être sur le palier cela serait genant. L'homme d'un ton severe dit « et alors comme cela ils sauront que la voisine est une pute ». Fabienne va ouvrir et là j'entends des voies d'hommes dire que cette tenue lui va a ravir. Je vois arriver ma femme et deux hommes. L'amant les acceuille et ordonne a ma femme de leur servir a boire lui indique de bien se pencher en avant lorsqu'elle sert. Les deux arrivants font des compliments sur le corps de ma femme. L'amant leur dit « je vous avais dit qu'elle n'était plus très jeune mais qu'elle etait encore bien foutu cette salope je ne vous aurais pas menti quand meme ». Alors que les deux hommes commencent a siroter, l'amant se leve passe derriere ma femme la tire par les cheveux l'embrasse a pleine bouche puis passant ses mains le long du corps de Fabienne dit « regardez moi ce corps de femelle, ce dessin de la taille et des hanches humm c'est le corps d'une bonne pute ca » humm ma femme proteste un peu. L'amant soupese les nichons de ma femme les presse les malaxe meme assez fermement et dit « en plus meme si elle n'a pas des nichons enormes elle a quand meme une bonne paire de mamelles bien agreable a travailler et utiliser et le mieux c est encore quand penchee en avant les mamelles pendent bien humm on peut bien jouer avec et elle aime ca la truie que l'on joue avec ses pis hein » Comme Fabienne ne repond pas vraiment, plutot rouge de honte, il presse viollement un sein la faisant grimacer et l'invective de dire la verité a ses invités. Fabienne dit alors « oui j'aime beaucoup que l'on joue avec mes mamelles ca m'excite ca me fait mouiller ». Un des hommes assit lance « tu ne nous a pas menti c'est vraiment une bonne grosse salope que tu a degote ». L'amant poursuit « regarde moi cette bonne pute qui a la chatte quasi rasee » et il remonte la robe devoilant le ventre de ma femme sans culotte. Il exige que Fabienne pose un pied sur la table basse la faisant ainsi bien ouvrir ses cuisses. « Regardez cela » dit il « une bonne chatte encore suffisamment serree malgre les kilomètres de bites qu'elle a pris ». Il passe un doigt. « Vous n'allez pas me croire, cette poufiasse mouille deja alors qu'on ne lui a rien fait, touchez si vous ne me croyez pas » Les deux hommes se penchent touchent et acquiessent. L'amant glisse ses mains dans le decollete et fait sortir les nichons de ma femme en les tirant par les tetines, voila c'est mieux ainsi non et il les fait balloter en disant « mais vous n'avez pas vu encore le meilleur » Il fait tourner ma femme la fait se pencher en avant et remonte la robe sur *** cul. « Regardez moi ce cul » et il le claque « la premiere fois que je l'ai vu je me suis dit que c'était un cul a claquer et il le merite n'est ce pas. D'ailleurs je ne m'en prive pas » et il met deux claques « mais c'est surtout un cul a fourrer non » il ecarte les fesses « regardez moi un cul de cette forme avec un pareil trou du cul c'est un cul a enculer n'est ce pas » les deux hommes acquiessent « mais le meilleur c'est qu'en plus cette poufiasse est une veritable enculee, elle adore se faire enculer et elle y a droit a chaque fois » Claques sur le cul « n'est ce pas salope que tu aimes avoir une bite dans le cul » Fabienne gemie sous les claques et lance « ouiii ouii j'aime ca me faire casser le cul ». Il fait redresser Fabienne la retourne fasse aux deux hommes il commence a malaxer les nichons a pincer les tetons a tirer sauvagement dessus ce qui fait grimacer et gemir quand meme de plaisir ma Fabienne. Alors que moi a chaque fois que je lui pince un peu trop fort ou tire un peu trop sur ses tetines elle me regarde d'un air rageur. « racontes a mes amis tout ce que tu refuses a ton mari et que tu adores faires avec les autres hommes » Fabienne commence alors a dire « je fais parfois ma mijorée pour lui sucer la queue je ne lui fait jamais de pipe si on ne baise pas, en fait jadore tailler une pipe et boire le foutre » elle se leche les levres « croyez moi » dit l'amant « elle a vraiment une bouche a pipe de putain et vous allez pouvoir en juger d'ailleurs, continue poufiasse » Fabienne poursuit « Alain vient de vous dire qu'il m'enculait a chaque fois, je prefere en fait me faire defoncer le cul que la chatte et je refuse depuis des années a mon mari la sodomie » Alain donne des claques aux seins de ma femme qui balancent, elle gemie. « C'est pas la plus grosse pouf que vous ayez rencontre ? » les deux hommes font des commentaires encore plus salace. Ma salope de femme lance a Alain qui lui maltraite les nichons « tu sais y faire avec les salopes comme moi oui c'est bon ca me fait mouiller ouiii massacre moi les mamelles hummm » Je n'en crois pas mes oreilles. « Bon tu ne vas pas laisser nos invites comme ca » dit Alain a ma femme en lui donnant des claques sur les nichons. « Enleve cette robe et va leur pomper la bite comme la pute que tu es a 4 pattes » Ma femme s'execute elle est en porte jaretelle et bas et la voila a 4 pattes qui fait le tour de la table de salon *** beau gros cul se tortille ses mamelles qui pendent balancent. Les deux hommes ouvrent leur pantalon et sorte leur bite deja bien tendue ma femme regardent ces bites avec des yeux brillant de desir elle couigne en s approchant. L'un des deux hommes lance en se penchant et en claquant le cul de ma femme « en tout cas nous ne sommes pas ton mari et nous allons te casser ton gros cul d'enculée » Ma femme glousse « oh ouiii je l'espere bien et je vais vous sucer du mieux que je peux pour que vous m enculiez bien a fond mes salauds» Fabienne se cale entre les deux a genoux et commence a leur lecher la qeue les couilles, elle les aspire et les deux se pame puis elle commence a leur sucer a tour de role le gland en les branlant puis a faire des mouvement de va et vient sur leur queue. Les hommes ralent de plaisir. Alain s'approchent claque viollement le cul de Fabienne et lui lance « suce les mieux que cela poufiasse ne me fait pas honte montre leur que tu es une bonne pute » L'homme qu'elle suce lance a Alain « putain quand tu lui claques le cul elle suce encore mieux c'est une sacree bouffeuse de bite ». Alain alors se met a maltraiter les nichons de ma femme il les claquent les etire par les tetons et a un moment tirant viollement sur un nichon l allongeant demeusurement, ce qui fait gemir et grimacer ma femme, il appuit sur la tete de ma femme lui empalant la bouche a fond et la maintient ainsi, Fabienne hoquete. Il l'attrape par les cheveux et lui impose des mouvements rapide et violent de la tete sur la bite de l'homme qui se pame. Alain hurle presque « c'est comme ca qu'une bonne pute suce une bite » ma femme exulte et Alain lance a l'homme « regarde comme elle aime il faut lui enculer la gorge elle est juste bonne a ca prendre des coups de queue ». L'homme ne se fait pas prier, il aggripe la tete de ma femme et lui bourre la bouche. Ma femme rale exulte tortille du cul alors que Alain et l'autre homme se mette a lui claquer le cul a massacrer ses mamelles. Cela dure de longue minute les bites changent a tour de role mais ma femme se fait bourrer la bouche a fond et elle en redemande chaque fois qu'une bite abandonne sa bouche. Parfois l'un des hommes attrape ma femme par les cheveux lui ordonne de dire qu'elle est une grosse pute bourgeoise qui aime la bite et Fabienne systématiquement répète cela et l'homme lui crache dans la bouche et ca excite encore plus ma femme qui reclame encore de la bite. D'un coup un des hommes dit bon maintenant j'ai envie de me la faire et il l'a met en levrette lui claque le cul ecarte ses fesses et crache sur *** anus et lui enfonce le doigt « ca rentre tout seul » il prend sa bite et l'enfonce d'un coup sec a fond dans sa chatte fait quelque aller retour puis sort et l'encule direct d'un grand coup de rein. Ma femme hurle. Alain qui se faisait sucer a ce moment la lance a l'homme « putain tu lui a bien dechirer le trou du cul a cette ordure. Mais toi continue de sucer grosse truie » et il prend la tete de ma femme pour lui remettre sa bite dans la bouche. Puis il la tire par les cheveux et dit a ma femme « ca te fait mal salope ? » comme ma femme confirme et rale il lui demande si elle veut qu'on arrete de l'enculer. Là ma femme se met presque a hurler « nonnn je veux que vous m enculiez a fond ouii cassez moi le cul j'en ai envie defoncer moi la rondelle » Alain se remet a bourrer la bouche de ma femme et l'autre derriere sort entierement sa bite du cul de ma femme claque *** cul puis l'encule a nouveau a fond d'un coup et la pendant de longue minute ma femme se fait prendre en brochette et les hommes tournent dans la bouche dans le cul. Je vois bien que ma femme prend *** pied et elle jouit a plusieurs reprises. Les homme l'insultent font des commentaires sur *** corps sur le fait que c'est un vrai garage a bite et ma femme repete et en redemande a chaque fois qu'elle se retrouve sans bite dans la bouche et elle envoie *** cul pour se faire enculer et elle jouit par le cul. A plusieurs reprise il lui demande d'hurler que c'est une grosse pute et qu'elle aime avoir une bite dans le cul. Fabienne le fait a chaque fois et en criant toujours plus fort. Si des voisins ***t chez eux ils ont tout entendu. Je bande mais n'ose pas me branler de peur de me faire découvrir. Je suis furieux que ma femme aime se faire enculer, prenne *** pied avec une bite dans le cul mais me le refuse alors que j'adore enculer une femme. Apres avoir bien tourne ainsi un des hommes dit « maintenant il faut bien lui montrer que c est un garage a bite a cette trainee. » Il s allongent fait empaler Fabienne sur sa bite lui penetrant la chatte Alain se met derriere et l'encule et le troisieme lui bourre la bouche. Fabienne geule couigne l'homme dessous lui maltraire les seins les frappe les etire dans tous les sens les tords les comprimes. Alain qui l'encule lui claque viollement le cul et le troisieme l etouffe en s enfoncant a fond dans sa bouche et ma femme jouit encore et les trois commente que c'est vraiment la plus grosse salope qu'ils connaissent qu'elle aime la bite. Ma femme des que la bite qui lui baise la bouche sort exulte hurle que c'est bon d'avoir trois bite en meme temps qu'elle aime ca que c'est merveilleux. Et les trois salauds se dechainent de plus belle sur elle qui jouit encore plus. Enfin ils ***t au bord de l'ejaculation et chacun se presente a la bouche de ma femme et ma femme les supplie de lui donner leur lait de couilles a boire. Ils ***t face a ma Fabienne, ils se branle, ma pute de femme leche et suce les glands tour à tour. Un des trois exulte lui disant d'ouvrir sa bouche, Fabienne se jette sur sa bite s empale la bouche a fond et se met a sucer comme une folle les rales et les contractions de l'homme indiquent qu'il ejacule dans la bouche a pipe de cette putain qui continue de sucer. L'homme prend la tete de ma femme s enfonce une derniere fois a fond la tiend ainsi en lui disant de tout prendre de boire *** foutre comme la pute qu elle est. Fabienne reprend *** souffle se leche les levres en regardant les deux autres salauds qui se branlent. Ils vont tous se vider dans la bouche de Fabienne qui exulte se branle le clito en leur disant que c'est bon le lait de couille qu'elle en veut tous les jours. Apres un assez long moment de repos de silence uniquement troublé par les respirations un peu haletante, l'amant de ma femme lui demande si elle a apprécié la participation de ses deux amis. Fabienne dit « humm ils m'ont bien baisée et fait jouir et leur bite est merveilleuse de plus je n'avais jamais connue trois bites en même temps et c'est merveilleux, je n'ai jamais autant jouie de ma vie ». Il lui demande alors si elle souhaite recommencer et ma salope de femelle crie presque « ohhh ouiiii quand vous voulez je serais votre vide couille ». Alain lui repond qu'il n'y a pas de problème mais que la prochaine fois elle devra leur vider les couilles en les pompant et que si elle n'arrive pas a les faire rebander ils ne l'enculeront pas. Les deux amis en cœur disent qu'ils ***t d'accord pour revenir que l'amant ne leur avait pas menti en disant qu'il baisait une bonne salope. Il s'habillent embrasse ma femme en donnant une tape sur le cul et lui dise « à bientôt salope ». Alain et Fabienne se retrouve seuls et il y a un grand moment de tendresse. Alain lui dit « tu es vraiment une sacrée bonne salope et j'ai beaucoup de chance de te connaître je prends vraiment mon pied avec toi, dommage pour ton cocu de mari qui dort tous les soirs avec une grosse salope et ne le sait même pas et donc n'en profite pas » Fabienne fait la mou et dit « je l'aime et je ne veux pas qu'il sache que je suis une salope comme ca je veux qu'il pense que je suis une femme bien ». Ce qui fait bien rire Alain. Il s'habille et s'apprete a partir il embrasse ma femme a pleine bouche en palpant ses nichons *** cul. Ma femme le repousse doucement s'agenouille et lui ouvre la braguette sort sa bite et commence a le pomper gouluement. Il exulte qu'elle n'est vraiment qu'une pute « tu veux encore du foutre, tu es insasiable ma pute » ma femme pompe lui caresse les couilles grogne. En branlant la queue elle lui dit « juste une petite pipe pour avoir ma dose de lait de couille et que tu ais envie de revenir avec ou sans tes amis et surtout que tu me dechires la rondelle » Cette phrase le rend fou il attrape la tete de ma femme et lui bourre la bouche en disant qu'avec une pute pareille c'est sur qu'il va revenir lui casser le cul. Parfois il se penche et claque viollement ou tire durement sur un nichon. Au moment d'éjaculer il sort sa bite et gicle tout *** foutre sur le visage de ma femme en disant « voila comme cela tu ressembles vraiment a ce que tu es une grosse pute et je veux qu'une fois que je serais partie tu ramasses avec tes doigts le foutre et que tu le deguste mais pour le moment tu vas venir me raccompagner à la porte comme ca a poil et du foutre plein la geule comme ca si il y a des voisins sur le palier ils sauront qui tu es peut etre meme qu'un de tes voisins te coincera dans un coin pour bien te bourrer. Et il rit. Fabienne proteste quelque peu mais s execute lui disant qu'il l'excite vraiment. Je vois ma femme revenir et ramasser le foutre avec ses doigts et les sucer en se caressant les nichons et en gloussant de plaisir. Elle ramasse sa robe et part dans la salle de bain. J'entends la douche alors je sors de ma cachette et sors sans bruit de l'appartement honteux et excite comme un fou. J'ai la bite tendue depuis le debut et je ne me suis pas branler de peur de faire du bruit et d'etre découvert. Je m'envais furieux mais excite, je ne sais pas ce que je dois faire ? Lui dire que je l'ai découverte mais elle risque de mal le prendre alors qu'elle avoue elle-même ne pas vouloir se devoiler devant moi. Me taire, la quitter ? En fait ma femme semble de plus en plus joyeuse et je l'espionne regulierement elle se fait toujours baiser par le même homme pafois avec une certaine tendresse mais le plus souvent tres hard. Je l'ai même vu lui pisser dessus et elle avait l'air d'apprecier d'être ainsi rabaissée. Parfois les autres viennent les retrouver et ma femme en prend de toute part. Je ne sais pas quoi mais savoir que ma femme est une grosse salope m'excite. 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!"Heather! Do you want white or red wine tonight?" Rick asked. "I'll have white. Did you hear that noise? I think there's someone at your front door. Should I see who it is?" "No. It's probably an obnoxious sales person trying to get me to buy something I don't need or want like Girl Scout cookies. Just ignore it," Rick hesitantly said. The knocking got louder. "You fucking piece of ****!" the mature black woman outside angrily yelled while pounding Rick's door with all of her might. "You better open this locked door right now or you will be sorry when I get hold of you! I am getting really pissed. You know what that means, you low-life scum bag!" Heather could not comprehend what was going on. "Why was this unfamiliar woman banging on Rick's door in his Boston apartment saying such horrible things, and why was her lover acting so timid and strange? It was unlike him. I have to find out what is going on," Heather thought to herself as she approached the door. "Rick, I am going to find out who this crazy woman is and tell her to get lost before she breaks the door. Should I call the police?" Heather asked her lover. "Heather! Please don't touch the door! I beg you!" Rick quickly countered. Unfortunately, Rick knew who was hammering his door. His body noticeably trembled because he was terrified that Heather would discover his dark secret. He did not want to consider the disastrous consequences of what that would mean to his loving relationship with her. Despite his pleading, Heather unlocked the door. In rushed Big Bad Bertha, the 55-year old, 6-foot tall, 350-pound black Amazon from hell. "Where is sub-boy?" screamed Bertha. "I've got a juicy creampie and I need him to service me! It is dipping out of my pussy, and the situation needs to be rectified immediately." "Who the hell are you and what do you want?" Heather asked in a ******** manner, shocked by the intrusion. A hard smack to Heather's beautiful face from Bertha's left fist, to make it clear who was the boss, almost knocked her out. Heather's glasses flew across the room and her nose started to *****. "There you are, my little sub-boy," Bertha laughed, spying Rick in the corner of the room. "What are doing hiding behind this poor excuse of a woman? Get your white ass over here at once. You know what to do. My disgusting husband fucked me a few minutes ago and dumped tons of his foul cum into my sensuous body. That despicable pig did his manly business so fast that he didn't give my delectable pussy the physical satisfaction it needs for having to put up with him. Finish the job with your mouth, sub-boy. We all know how much you like my husband's black jizz." Rick lay on the floor, dreading what was going to happen, especially in front of his beautiful 25-year old lover Heather. He was keenly aware of Bertha's evil plan because she and her equally large Latina bisexual girlfriends Selena and Latoya had been doing this to him at least twice a week for the past six months. He reluctantly opened his mouth while on the floor, closed his eyes, and stuck out his tongue as far as it could possibly go, licking his lips at the same time as instructed in the past in order to increase the wetness for Bertha's large clit when she mounted his face. "Use me as you see fit Mistress," Rick reluctantly told her, as he always did at the beginning of these sessions. Bertha took off her skirt and then her soiled underpants. The disgusting, revolting odour was so strong in the room that it was unbearable. Both Rick and Heather start to gag. Obviously, Bertha hadn't washed her hairy cunt for many days but apparently the stench did not bother her because she was used to it. The gooey white creampie from her husband who had fucked not long ago started to run down her massive tree-trunk legs. Bertha stood above Rick and quickly dropped her entire 350-pound carcass on top of him. She started a back-and-forth rocking motion with her dense forest of black pubic hair scratching, and then tearing into his good-looking face with every movement of her monstrous body. Rick knew he would get a serious case of razor burn from her barb wire-like pubic hair that would be impossible to explain tomorrow to the members of his company. He had hoped that Heather, his close friends, and his coworkers would never find out about Selena, Latoya, and especially Bertha who was the oldest and meanest of the three. Rick feared that more than anything in his life. However, there was a storm cloud over his head, and deep down he knew that this degrading situation with the three fem-doms would eventually be discovered. Today was the day that his dark secret life would be revealed to his lover Heather. If others in his workplace in Boston also became aware that Rick was willing to be sexually assaulted by three disgusting women on a regular basis, his coworkers would laugh at him and he would become the brunt of their constant teasing. Just thinking of the cruel names (creampie-guzzler, toy-boy, wimp, pussy/ass-wipe ...) he would be called by his company's employees every day as he walked the halls of his building when his unconventional personal life became public knowledge was too much for Rick to bear. Nevertheless, he was a willing sub for Bertha and her girlfriends. There was nothing he could do to prevent that reality. He therefore was at their mercy. "Why aren't I a real man like Bertha's husband?" Rick thought to himself as he began to cry inside like the weak wuss he was even though his tiny cock was starting to grow in anticipation of what was going to happen in his apartment as Bertha sat on him. Bertha's puffy pussy lips completely covered her sub-boy's face, and her fat gut was so huge that it blocked the natural sunlight of the room, and therefore Rick's ability to see Bertha's and Heather's faces from his demeaning position on the floor. He could only imagine the horror on Heather's face. She must be in shock. Nevertheless, Rick could not protect Heather from what was going to happen to her after Bertha had her way with him. He just prayed he could breathe while being sexually assaulted and ****** by this fem-dom as she face-raped him. "You know what to do!" yelled Bertha one more time. "Get busy! I don't have all day!" While squatting over him, more of her husband's thick cum started to drip out of her revolting pussy onto Rick's exposed face. She made sub-boy lick her swollen clit with his tongue and lips. At the same time she stuffed his nose into her vagina to allow him to get a good whiff of her fermenting pussy juices and the leaking creampie from her disgusting husband. In this face-sitting position, Bertha liked to use Rick's nose as a mini cock to get double stimulation on her ass and large clit. "You are quite lucky today I didn't get a fudge pack from my husband," Bertha yelled out mockingly. "You know how disgusting that can be when I made you clean me up back there in the past even though we all know how much you enjoy eating my soiled ass. "Suck it out of my cunt, loser. You are pathetic. "Come on pansy ass. Clean it up! Keep going. There is plenty of my husband's cum for you to enjoy. "What, you can't breathe? Too fucking bad. Keep at it. "Go deeper with your tongue. Get all of his disgusting crap out of me. I will not need a shower later today if you do a good job cleaning me up." Heather was sitting in a corner of Rick's apartment in a ***** position. She couldn't comprehend what was happening to the wonderful guy she loved with all of her heart and hoped to marry in the near future. Bertha saw Heather crying and whimpering like a little baby. She grabbed Heather's beautiful long blond hair, pulling the younger woman closer into the action by yanking on its roots. "There's not much meat on you but you do have a pretty mouth, and I like toned young white girls in stilettos. You'll do nicely. Since you're here, I might as well put your lipstick-coated slut mouth to good use." Bertha took off her grubby blouse and then her huge white bra with its super-strong wire under support. The latter action caused two of the largest natural breasts imaginable to drop to the floor like sacks of rocks. Okay my new fem sub-slut, take off your clothes. I give you permission to finger yourself while you are orally servicing me. "My, what a nice landing strip you have. In contrast, your breasts are so small they are a joke. Are you sure you are not an adolescent teenager? Take a look at a real woman. Can you imagine what it would be like to have breasts as large and beautiful as mine on that slender body of yours? "Start sucking my nipples to get them nice and hard. Let me show you how to do it you dumb broad. See how I want you to make them protrude from my body as you make them super sensitive. I want to hear your mouth suck my large chocolate tits like a vacuum cleaner at full power. Do you know how to suck breasts or are you a brainless fuck who has to be taught everything? "You no longer will be using that cute little mouth of yours to suck Rick's tiny white-boy penis. It is for my enjoyment for here on. Your mouth, cunt, and ass now belong to me." Heather was terrified of this older black fem-dom. She tried to put up a fight but the Amazon was too powerful for her, and Bertha's grasp of her head was so strong that it was impossible for her to escape. At this moment in time something snapped in Heather's mind like the trunk of a tree that had been suddenly hit by a blot of lightening during a powerful summer storm. Unexpectedly, she became sexually aroused by the degrading situation in Rick's apartment which was so wrong on one level but so right on another. 
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Deep in her subconscious, Heather suddenly realized that she was no different than her former boyfriend who was presently lying on the floor willingly servicing Bertha with his mouth. No matter how beautiful and desirable she was to men, Heather concluded that she was just a nasty sub-slut lesbian, as Bertha correctly surmised, to be used by this dominant woman as she saw fit. Heather now understood and accepted what was happening to her mind and body. Not only did she desire to suck Bertha's nipples as her new master ordered, she hoped she would be allowed to service the Amazon's dirty pussy and ass later today as sub-boy Rick was enjoying right now. Despite what was going on in her mind, Heather initially hesitated to place her mouth on Bertha's breasts as ordered by the older woman because she had never done that to another female. Bertha gave a painful wake-up slap to Heather's pretty face with her open hand for not moving fast enough. "You need to do a better job than that useless wimp on the floor eating my nasty pussy, if you also want to service me regularly in the future," Bertha said. "By the way Rick, how do I taste today? I guess you can tell I haven't washed my hairy cunt in a week. I know you like it that way. Don't forget to save some of the salty goo for my new sub-slut Heather. She'll join you shortly after she gets my nipples nice and hard," laughed Bertha in a mocking manner. "Maybe I'll take her home and use her some more this afternoon after I let my sensitive clit recover from its session with your willing mouth. My girlfriends Selena and Latoya are stopping by this afternoon. I am sure they would enjoy my newly discovered pristine "princess" the same way I intend to use her today. When the three of us are done with our new ******** fuck-toy, it's likely her mouth will be sore for a week from its prolonged sucking of our juicy pussies, asses, and tits." "Heather, would you like my disgusting shrimp-dick husband to give you some of his cum this afternoon? He's a piece of crap but after all, he is my husband. I suppose I should let him get some new pussy since he's paying the bills. At least, it will be an excuse for me to reject the anticipated request by him to fuck me again tonight. "Better yet, I think I'll give you to my obese 82-year old ****** who has a nice 12-incher. It's his birthday this week. You would be a nice present even though I imagine you won't be able to walk properly for a few days after his massive cock destroys your little-girl cunt from one of his all-night sessions. "You will become a real woman who can take on any guy after Daddy's enormous cock remodels your pussy. You better hope he doesn't knock you up when he fucks you unprotected as he likes to do. At least those tiny breasts of yours will become a decent size from all of the milk in them when Daddy's black baby starts growing in your thin, snow-white body. Would you like to be Daddy's cow?" Heather was not sexually experienced for a woman of her age, and the largest cock she had in her vagina up to now was Rick's measly five inches. As Bertha mocked her, Heather imagined what it would be like to have a really huge cock rapidly going in and out of her little-girl pussy, crashing into the back of her vagina on every descending motion, penetrating her cervix, and eventually depositing millions of its angry sperm fighting like savages for the fertile egg in her womb. Heather had only seen massive cocks like that in porno films. Did Bertha's black ****** really have a cock that was a foot in length and probably as thick as a beer can? What a strange, but wondrous experience, that would be for her delicate body. A 12-incher certainly would stretch out her pussy to the point where it would be difficult for her to have an orgasm from an average-sized man in the future. Nevertheless, Heather no longer cared about Rick and his underdeveloped friends. She didn't even care about having a baby from Bertha's ebony ******. Instead, she imagined her swollen milk-laden breasts, and wondered what it would be like to finally become a real woman in that department. "Yes Mistress Bertha, I would like to service you, your family, and girlfriends. I can no longer remain here, especially after a 12-incher has its way with my pussy. "Do I have your permission to cum now?" Heather asked. "Not yet princess. Are you so stupid that you don't realize that your Mistress always cums first? Do I have to tell you everything you dumb bitch?" Bertha replied in disgust, as she again smashed Heather's mouth against the aroused nipple on her more sensitive left breast. "Eat it bitch. "Ooooh! That's right princess. Grab my boob with your girlie mouth and suck it like the horny bitch you are. I like that. Get it nice and wet. You're getting better at it. "I knew you were a willing lesbo just waiting for a real woman like me to take charge. Rougher! Harder! Nibble on my extended nipple with your teeth you slut. "Fuck yeah, bitch! Now you are getting into it. Faster." As Bertha started to reach her peak, she repetitively smacked Heather's ass as hard and fast as she could with her hand to get her new slut to suck her breast with more intensity, as if she was a jockey wiping the horse under her to get to the finish line. With her mouth glued to Bertha's breast, Heather rubbed her clit so hard with the fingers on both of her hands to the point where her soaking pussy reached a fever pitch from the intense heat that had built up inside her body. She had never reached this state of arousal with any man. Heather's body started to shake uncontrollably. The thought of orally servicing Bertha and her two huge bisexual girlfriends later this afternoon became too much for her. Heather badly needed to cum. However, she feared having her orgasm before Bertha had hers because it was now clear that she must do whatever was ordered by her master. "Please Mistress, cum now so that I can quickly follow you. I am so close. I will do anything you want. I am yours. Please! Please! I want to cum right now!" Heather begged the older woman over and over again in desperation. "YEAH -- THAT'S IT! OH, IT FEELS SO GOOD! NOW THAT IS WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT! YOU SUBS FINALLY ARE DOING IT RIGHT!" screamed Bertha as she finally experienced her powerful orgasm, almost suffocating sub-boy Rick who was laying on the floor as her entire 350-pound body smashed his head into the floor. "Thank you for letting me cum!" cried out Heather as she quickly followed Bertha, rubbing her wet pussy as hard and fast as she could with her fingers, as if they were multiple small cocks gang-banging her. A few minutes after the two women experienced their orgasms and had recovered somewhat, Heather addressed her new Mistress, "Do you want me to service Selena, Latoya, your husband, or your ****** next like the nasty sub slut you created?" "You will do all of them, you dim-witted girl, before the day is out. I also plan on getting some serious money from pimping you lovely body to every horny male and female loser in the neighborhood. Maybe, even my homeless sister would like a piece of you since she is not getting any regular sex. "Put your clothes back on. It is time to leave your wimpy former boyfriend. Next up is Selena and Latoya. My two girlfriends and I will turn you into a talented lesbian in the next couple of hours. When we are done with you, you will not be able to get enough of our enormous female bodies like the little sub-boy under me who is still licking my pussy. "Isn't he cute? Like a good boy, he continues to suck my clit because he wants my pussy's narcotic nectar so bad. You can see how much he enjoys my sensuous chocolate body based on the good sized bugle in his pants. Notice that he doesn't dare touch his cock when I am here." "You can stop now sub-boy. I had my climax and you satisfactorily cleaned up the creampie mess in my pussy. You can take care of yourself after I leave." Rick was relieved that he once again survived one of Bertha's physical attacks on his face, even though his jaw felt broken and he was still having trouble breathing. The bottom of his head had already developed a large lump from the powerful intensity of Bertha's Rubenesque body driving his head into the unforgiving hardwood floor during her climax, and his face was raw from Bertha's coarse pubic hair. After a recovery period of another few minutes, Bertha and Heather exited Rick's apartment hand-in-hand, leaving sexually assaulted Rick lying on the floor covered with Bertha's cunt juices and the residual cum from her husband encrusted on his bright-red face that was so good looking only 30 minutes ago. As she walked out the door with Heather trailing her like a puppy dog, Bertha turned around and laughed. "Not bad today sub-boy. My delectable pussy will be back in a few days for another enjoyable session with your mouth. However, next time you also will have to clean up Heather after I give her to my toothless ****** for an overnight session in his nursing home. I'm sure he will be able to give her a number of massive loads for you to orally take care of. "Since Daddy hasn't had pussy in a long time, his large balls should be filled to the brim with their old-man cum. Maybe, I will allow Daddy's four nursing-home roommates to also have their way with my princess so that there is even more manly chocolate cum for you to ***** and enjoy since yours is so pathetic. "You are such a loser. "By the way, Latoya is stopping by tomorrow morning. Because she seemed really pissed when I talked to her today, you better be on your best behaviour. I think she is on the rag." "I will Mistress." Rick whimpered, knowing that Latoya could be just as mean as Bertha when she was in one of her foul moods at that time of the month. After Bertha and Heather closed the door, Rick unzipped his pants and looked down at his incredible hard-on with its oozing precum that now needed his full attention with his hand, as it always did after these fem-dom sessions. Because this was the most aroused Rick had ever been, there was a good chance that his cum might reach the ceiling seven feet above him as it started to blast out of his cock with incredible energy. 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Reluctant Bride She tried the dress on for the fifteenth time that month, and once again hoped that this time she'd feel different. As she stared into the full length mirror that had been moved into her room, she noticed how the whiteness of the dress seemed so much brighter against her pale skin. How her red hair and blue eyes seemed that much more pronounced by the additional paleness wrapped around her body. Her eyes traced her collarbone in the mirror, the off-the-shoulder collar having looked most fetching when she'd first tried the dress on in the store. She could almost feel the tangible pressure of her eyes against her skin. Almost. It made her tingle. Her eyes travelled further down her reflection, caressing the fitted bodice of the gown. It wasn't a style she normally went for because she'd always felt self-conscience about showing off that much of her cleavage. She wasn't overly busty, but she had enough of an endowment that if the top was cut correctly, she was constantly paranoid about falling out of it. No, she never would've gone for the sweetheart cut fitted bodice if it hadn't been for the persuasive saleslady, not that she particularly regretted it now. No, she had regrets, but not that one. From the way the dress was cut, she could feel her breasts being pushed up, away from her body, as if they were being presented for appraisal to an appreciative onlooker. Perhaps they were. Perhaps the dress was cut that way to allow her fiancé at the alter to reconfirm that her goods were the same ones he'd bartered for when he first gave her the ring. Yes, that could be it. As she thought more about the cut of the bodice, she absently noted how securely the material held her body. Almost like a protective lover would wrap his body around hers as he slept. Protective. Possessive. She could faintly see her nipples begin to harden through the binding material of the dress as her body registered her passing thought. Her conscious mind shrugged off her reaction, allowing her write it off to a draught in the room. She shook her head gently to herself, smiling at the idiocy of it. A draught, in an enclosed room. Granted, it was the fall, but she liked to keep things warm—remnants of her many years of living in warmer climes. She'd gotten acclimated. Shaking her head had caused her hair to swing gently to and fro behind her, grazing her exposed back. The feathery caress caused her nipples to harden even further, but again, she ignored it. She could've ignored much in her introspective reverie, but she had always been quick to notice changes in the play of light around her, and the change in the shadows in the corner of the room caught her attention, even as on the edge of her vision as it was. As she turned to see who was in the room—because she was certain there was another body in her bedroom—her first thought was that it was her fiancé, and that it'd be just her luck that he'd see her in the dress and know all of the deepest fears it represented for her. In the split second it took her to turn around, she ****** herself to compose her face into the joyful, exuberant bride-to-be she knew was expected of her before giving her fiancé cause to worry. He was like that. Before her ****** had passed, she had referred to him as A Good Man with the implication to her ******** being that she should marry him immediately and get pregnant as fast as possible so she'd have her hooks in him for life. At first, she'd thought that's all she wanted. That all the bullshit she'd put up with in her younger years was behind her; that she no longer craved the darkness she'd seen in men's souls that had ignited her passion like the headiest of aphrodisiacs. No, she'd convinced herself it was nothing but a phase, one that she had put behind her as she became more mature and had a better understanding of what real relationships entailed. She'd thought she was happy. So much so that when he'd finally asked her to marry him, after they'd dated an appropriate length of time and had progressed through all the requisite precursors in a Committed Relationship, she'd said "yes" as enthusiastically, and as sincerely, as she believed possible. As the intervening months dragged on, and the wedding preparations had mounted, the permanence of her impending reality crashed upon the shores of her consciousness with ever increasing frequency and intensity like a hurricane in the Gulf, building and building as you hope and pray the winds of mercy and good fortune will dissipate the storm, or at least swing it away from you. As the date got closer and closer, her panic had gotten worse and worse; so much so that she'd begun having nightmares. She'd wake up screaming, tasting imaginary ***** in her mouth from having chewed her arm off in her desperation to escape from her intended. Every time it happened, she'd given thanks for her fiance's goodness, that he had not insisted they live together before the wedding. She wouldn't have been able to look him in the eyes as he held her, all concern and good intentions, while she blatantly lied to him about everything being alright and there being nothing for him to worry about. No, for all the blackness in her own soul, she still couldn't bring herself to do that to him—to lie to him about something so integral to his own future, at least not if he asked her directly. In her mind, dancing around the issue was different. That wasn't lying, it was being optimistic, and she knew how much he prized her eternal optimism. She had almost completely turned around when she first heard his voice. "The maid of honor said the dress was something else, but I'm not sure who she did a bigger disservice to: you or the designer." The surprise of it nearly threw her off balance, but she subtly recovered and continued to pivot. When she was finally facing her future brother-in-law, she replied rather saucily, "I wasn't aware you made a habit of keeping up with the latest wedding dress trends. You are, by far, a man of rare and varied talents." He gave her a look, which in her younger, more corrupt days, she would have considered "suggestive" or "knowing," but now she wrote off as her future relative's playful roguishness. Her mind lingered, unbidden, on the half day's worth on growth on his face and the slight swell of his eminently kissable lips. She could begin to feel the familiar darkness spread throughout her body, making her breasts swell and tingle as she felt her eyes grow heavier with lust. She gave herself a swift, sharp mental kick to the ass to forego the more obvious gesture of shaking her head, which she knew she'd have to explain to him. He didn't know why he'd done it. Given her his "of-course-little-girl-wouldn't-your-grand******-like-some-pretty-flow ers-you-can-just-ignore-my-big-sharp-teeth" look. The look that clearly said he had a predator within him that would be all too pleased to play with a fresh-faced young thing like her. She was his younger brother's fiancée, and more than that, she was wholesome, from what had filtered back to him from the rest of the family. It wasn't that he and his brother didn't talk about things like that, it was more that, he knew he and his brother didn't have many overlapping...interests, when it came to women, and therefore, they were conversations that best went unsaid so's to preserve both their dignities. For a moment though, when he'd first walked in on her, silent and unannounced, he could've sworn he'd seen the vestiges of the look he got when thinking about sex, and it was certainly not a wholesome look. In their pregnant silence, full of things to be said and things neither wanted to admit out loud, she ****** herself to think of neutral things like babies and cauliflower and carpet samples. Things as far away from the cut, five foot eleven man standing in front of her as she could think of. She could feel herself being drawn into his blue-brown eyes by the almost tangible gravity of his gaze like a speeding comet whose course is forever altered by its interception with a larger astral body demanding accommodation. The back of her mind tried drawing thoughts of her fiancé to the fore like how his clouded grey eyes seemed gentler than the roiling fury she could read on the edges of irises on the man before her. It's only normal, her brain told her, to play the "what if" game, but you know the grass is never greener. She had to agree. She'd never cheated, but had had several friends who had, and their stories were always the same: it wasn't worth it. She'd never understood it before, what drove people to do it; she'd always felt safe on her moral high ground that "shaking it off" was easy and you shouldn't even notice other people in that way when you're in a relationship. In her mind's eye, she could see her own little personal devil laughing itself off her shoulder at her naiveté, at how she'd blithely boiled down one of life's messiest, complicated issues into an overly simplistic theory for no other reason than it suited her. She could sense the minutes ticking away, and she somehow knew that if she didn't say something soon, they would reach the point where action would be required and that would not lead them down any roads to happiness. "So, it's only bad luck if the groom sees the dress then? Won't he pester you for details when you tell him you've seen it?" Logically, she knew she was just filling the air; that her fiancé could probably care less about what the dress looked like, let alone would pester his older, somewhat distant brother for details about it like a fourteen-year-old girl. "Oh, he won't pester me, but that's only because he hasn't seen you in it. I'm actually debating whether I should tell him just so he doesn't punch me on the altar when you make your entrance," he replied genially. "Like he'd really care," she answered him trying not to let the simple words convey the longing she suddenly had to actually see her fiancé take a swing at his brother for even potentially having untoward thoughts about her. She'd never been one to find jealously attractive, but the right degree of possessiveness and sheer male dominance had always turned her on. Early on in her relationship with her fiancé though, she'd learned it was a good thing that she'd been born with a healthy imagination because she'd frequently envisioned him possessing traits that turned her on in her fantasies that he'd never possess in a million years in real life. Like the dominant presence her future brother-in-law exuded as naturally as he breathed. He could almost detect the longing in her voice, the longing for things that were definitely on the other side of wholesome, but he told himself that he was reading more into it than was there. He barely knew his future sister-in-law since he and his brother had been about as close as most brothers with five years and widely divergent interests between them could be, which was to say, friendly in passing. In fact, he had been considerably shocked when his brother had asked him to be best man: he was sure the kid had at least one other person who would've been better suited to the task. His brother's sincerity had sold him though, and he'd said "yes." In a lot of ways, he wished he hadn't. It wasn't so much that he minded spending all the additional time with family, but getting to know his sister-in-law had been killing him. He couldn't explain it, but he always got the feeling when he saw her at the various pre-wedding things he'd gotten roped into that she wasn't as at ease with things as everyone else around her, at least everyone else but him. For some unknown reason, it made him want to seek her out. If he believed in "kindred spirits" and all that other metaphysical b.s., he might have said he felt compelled to talk to her, like it was Fate, but he didn't. Instead, he did everything in his power to avoid her unless it was absolutely impossible. He knew he was not a man of moderation, and part of him worried about what would happen if he got to know his future sister-in-law because he could tell he was the only one in the family who'd really be able to claim that fact. She couldn't bear to look at him any longer in his brooding, pensive silence so she began to turn away from him. Part of her wanted him to leave immediately, the rational part of her, but the part that she thought she'd peacefully locked away years earlier called her a coward. Told her that if she was as happily vanilla as she'd attempted to delude herself into believing, then why would it matter how long he stayed in her room with his tumultuous eyes and demanding lips and his intensely commanding presence flaring off him like sunbursts since she no longer found that attractive, right? She shuddered. With two weeks until her wedding, she didn't need this complication in her life. She didn't need this type of crisis of purpose. As much as she tried to tell herself that there was nothing to fear, that he didn't have any effect on her, she knew better. She knew that her knees started going weak when she thought about his tempestuous eyes boring into her. In her mind, she could envision him running his gaze up and down her body much as her own had, appraising her assets; using his eyes to make her nipples harden and her pussy begin to drip. She didn't want to continue down this path, but it'd been so long since she'd had a real man to fantasize about that her imagination went haywire. There was nothing she could do, but go along for the ride and hope she didn't embarrass herself. Her mind chose to linger on his lips next. They weren't the overly pouty, cupid bow kind of lips; they weren't the kind of lips that would leave pillowy soft kisses against her forehead or her eyes. His lips were the type that would demand she kiss them back, the kind that wouldn't take "no" for an answer; the kind that would latch on to her nipples then suck on them like a hungry baby desperate for milk, that would suck on her clit like a vacuum while she screamed from the mix of agony and ecstasy the intensity of it would put on her body. If it wasn't for the dress, she'd have checked to see if she was really as wet as her fantasy was suggesting she should be. She hazily thought about the fact that it'd be beyond inappropriate to do something so personal with her fiance's brother in the room, but the part of her that had broken free of its internal imprisonment thought that maybe he'd like it, that maybe if she did it she'd get to feel those sinful lips against her body for real. He hadn't been entirely sure what to do when she'd turned away from him. The sane part of his mind told him that she probably wanted some privacy, but the devil in him kept him planted in her room. His voyeuristic curiosity led him to walk closer to her so he could get a better look at her face, although he made sure not to be so obvious as to stand in front of her. From his parallel vantage point, he'd watched her eyelids drift shut as a range of distinctly unwholesome thoughts ran clearly across her face. He couldn't imagine what could have caused her reaction. Surely not him? His dick began to harden as his predatory sexuality began to flow over him. This has nothing to do with me, he tried telling himself, to no avail. Even though he knew it was a bad idea, a hideously stupid idea in fact, he felt all of the delicate control he had employed around her begin to vanish like gossamer spiderwebs blown away by a stiff breeze as he began to appraise her as a man. Even though the material of her dress was fairly opaque, looking at her profile with the sun behind her, he could faintly make out her erect nipples. His dick hardened even further as he thought about how easy it'd be for him to remove one of her breasts from her dress so he could chew on the growing nub. He wondered if she'd scream from the sensation or if she'd moan her appreciation. As he continued to watch her bosom strain against her dress, his hands began to ache from their desire to reach inside her dress and caress her breasts as firmly as her bodice. He could almost feel their milky softness spilling into his palms as he looked at her. You know she wouldn't stop you, his mind told him. He wanted to believe it. He wanted to believe that she'd sigh and moan as he manhandled her with a freedom he had no right to. Before his brain had caught up, he found himself standing within inches of her back, her hair acting as the only real barrier between his breath and the back of her neck. As his gaze quickly slid over her collarbone though, he noticed his exhalations had raised the faintest of goosebumps along her skin. She'd noticed the slight shift in the air as her "fight or flight" sense kicked in. Subconsciously she knew she was trapped with a predator, although part of her wondered whether she should be more concerned about him or the fact that that knowledge had her practically panting like a bitch in heat. Without opening her eyes, she knew he was standing behind her—both from the gentle breeze his exhalations were creating against her skin and from the way she'd sunk a little deeper into the carpet as his additional weight depressed the spongy insulation. She couldn't remember the last time her body had felt so electrified, so amazingly in tune with her surroundings. For the first time in practically forever—in the presence of an ****** no less—she felt safe and carefree. Her body sagged as she let out the breath she'd ************* been holding, and in doing so, allowed all the tension she'd pent up since she and her fiancé had gotten "serious" to flow out of her body. He'd never seen someone go limp so quickly; he'd barely had time to register that she was falling before her soft, supple body made contact with his chest. His arms wrapped around her reflexively: both to keep her steady, but also to minimize whatever potential threat she could pose to him. She let out a particularly contented sigh, and in doing so, caused more of her weight to fall against him. He was a fairly strong man, but the unexpectedness of her downward slide gave him little time to brace himself for support, so he was left with the awkward choices of suffocating her with her breasts or sliding gracelessly to the floor with her. He bent his knees to make the transition from standing to sitting marginally easier, and in doing so wound up leaning substantially over her shoulder. Between the snickerdoodle scent of her hair and the amply unobstructed view of her cleavage, his dick hardened to diamond-cutting proportions, and it took everything in his power not to drop her from the unexpected intensity of his hard-on. His kinks had never particularly run toward the corruption of innocents, and while he could tell she wasn't exactly lily-white, she didn't really scream ***************** bondage slut either. She looked more like the type of girl who liked teeth and nails occasionally and thought that gave her the right to be called a "bad" girl; and perhaps in her circles it did. Such mild slap and tickle hadn't gotten him hard, especially not this hard, since he was in his early teen years and hadn't really learned what BDSM was yet. He'd never particularly been interested in "stealing" women away from other men either. It was such a pedestrian past time in his opinion, besides which, most of the girls who played those games didn't have the discipline or the attention to be properly trained. So what was the point of wasting his precious time on an unworthy endeavor? Part of him wanted to write it off to the fact that he hadn't had sex in a few weeks having recently gotten bored with his latest pet, but he had trained his body for years and no longer suffered from such unexpected incidents. It could just be that you like her, his mind errantly supplied. She's my brother's fiancee's, he mentally fired back, not to mention she's almost certainly not into my brand of fun.
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Falling against him had seemed like the most natural thing in the world for her to do, like she had some skin memory of having done it before so she knew that he'd catch her. As his hands had wrapped around her ribs, the friction of his arms tugged at the material of her bodice, which in turn created the most delicious sensation as the stiff material rubbed against her nipples. Her body had come alive again between being trapped in his embrace and having the most sensitive areas of her body casually tormented: if didn't matter if he'd intended to do so or not. She knew there was no way her fiancé would have gripped her so tightly or that he would've begun sinking to the floor with her—he'd have been too worried about wrecking her dress so close to the wedding. His delicateness about things like that had always bothered her, but she'd contented herself with the belief that that's how Good Men acted. After years of depriving herself of the kind of manhandling her body craved, she wasn't surprised to find that such minimal, completely unintentional, actions had gotten her hotter than she could remember. In her blissful contentment, she'd sighed, sinking even deeper into his embrace almost ******* him to grope her as her uncentered weight threw off his equilibrium. Instead of dropping her, which is what she was certain her fiancé would've done from shock, her fiance's brother firmly, albeit gracelessly, sank to the floor with her. When they finally reached the floor in their awkward tangle of limbs, silk, tulle, denim and cotton, all she wanted to do was lay on the floor and nuzzle against the warmth of his chest. Her brain had barely registered the lazy play of his fingers through her hair before she felt the familiar tautness of her hair being wrapped around a person's fist and the sharp, quick sting of her hair being pulled. She didn't even think about it as she moaned, "Oh, sir," in the most appreciative way she knew how. He couldn't explain why he'd done it, why he'd knotted her hair around his fist. One minute he'd been idly contemplating how her hair felt like the smoothest satin as it flowed like water through his fingers, and without even thinking more about it, he'd yanked on it. The honorable part of him wanted to say that he wanted to give her an excuse to slap him, to clear his mind of his sudden and irrational attraction to her. His inner devil though knew that he'd wanted to test her, had wanted to see if maybe she wasn't all sunshine and milkshakes like he'd originally believed. He wanted to believe that his resolve would've held if she'd responded like he thought she might have—that is to say, if she had just moaned a little or morphed into the vanilla-interpreted, porn-inspired version of BDSM. Her acceptance, and even appreciation, of his dominance over her threw him for a loop though, and in his momentarily stunned state, he'd kissed her. She'd been right about his lips—they demanded she kiss them back. As she opened her mouth wider to eat at his mouth, she felt the insistent tug at her hair combine with the combative ownership of his tongue in her mouth, and knew that her inconsequential mesh thong was doing nothing to contain her pussy's bountiful moisture from running on to the tops of her thighs. How could her milksop of a fiancé be brothers with this feral, demanding beast of man, her brain screamed at her. This was a man who knew what ownership meant, who could properly cherish and protect her the way she needed to be looked after rather than caving to societal standards of how to "properly" treat a woman. The faintest glimmer of teardrops began to show at the edge of her eyelids as she quickly began to get frustrated with the fact that she'd seen heaven in this man, only to be condemned to hell in two weeks to know that he'd forever be so near and yet so forbidden to her. One errant teardrop had slid silently down her cheek, which he wouldn't have noticed if his hand hadn't grazed against her face as he fought to control the intensity of their kiss. Without meaning to, he let out a low, guttural growl as he pulled away from her, a sort of tense defensiveness branded into his eyes. He braced himself for her hysterics at having cheated (however minor) on her fiancé his brother, for her outrage at him disa***ing her in such an uncouth manner, even for her terror at the thought that he might take advantage of their compromised state to exploit her physical vulnerability even more; however, he was completely unprepared for her anguish and frustration. "Don't stop, sir!" she keened plaintively. "Please, don't stop!" He had pulled away from her just enough that he could look square into the shimmery blue depths of her eyes: he was stunned. She meant it. From the most fundamental core of her being, she wanted to submit to him, she wanted him to totally possess her. As his consciousness fully registered this knowledge, his body became more acutely aware of soft swell of her heaving breasts pressing into his chest as her sapphire blue eyes pleaded with his hard brown ones, and her engorged lips—all swollen and red from his vigorous ministrations—formed the most perfect "O" of interrupted passion he had ever seen. His dick throbbed insistently, desperate to be free of his button fly jeans, instead buried deeply in her inviting velvety pussy. The longer he sat with her tangled up in her dress in the middle of his lap, the more difficult it was for him to justify why he shouldn't just ruck up her gown and fuck her like an ****** on the floor right there. Subconsciously, the violence of it held a certain appeal to him, but he was more principled than that: he wouldn't just fuck her for the sake of fucking her. "Get off me and get up," he snarled. The relief and contentment that clearly danced across her face reassured him as much as her pleading had that he hadn't misread the situation; in fact, it reassured him more since she'd had a few moments to clear her head of the passion that might've motivated her earlier uttering. It pleased him to see that who ever had trained her before had done a thorough job because as soon as she realized he had seen her brazen expression of happiness, she immediately lowered her eyes as she attempted to back herself off his lap in the safest, most expedient way possible. As the pressure of her body eased off his groin, his mind began to clear a little as he stood up and began thinking of the next steps to take as well as the potential consequences of each choice. He didn't know how duplicitous his soon-to-be sister-in-law was, but he'd found it prudent to expect people to try to get away with something naughty rather than to do the "honorable" thing. With that in mind, he needed to assume that despite whatever happened today, she was going to go through with her wedding in two weeks, and he'd need to live with the knowledge that he'd sullied his brother's wife. Although he didn't especially mind the idea of lying to his brother—it wasn't like he expected them to get closer after his wedding obligations were dispatched—it bothered him that he wasn't sure he'd be able to give up his sister-in-law. Granted, he still didn't know if she'd even be worth it, but something in the back of his mind told him that going through with this would rock his understanding of the universe. Could he be content to see her at the five or six mandatory family functions he appeared at every year and not touch her? Could he guarantee he wouldn't try, even if she appeared to be happy and especially if she appeared unhappy? Would he try to seek her out, outside the prying constrictions of "family togetherness"? Would he turn her down if she came to him? "You've presented me with a bit of a quandary, slut," he said sternly to her downward hung head. The fact that she knew enough not respond pleased him immensely, but made his decision no less difficult. "I'm going to ask you a very simple question, and if your answer pleases me, I'll show you just what a generous master I can be. Do you think you can answer a simple question, slut?" 
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"I'll try to answer you in the manner most likely to please you, sir," she answered meekly. Although her eagerness thrilled him, he needed her to speak the truth since her answer could very well destroy her and his brother's lives. He gripped her chin firmly in his hand and tilted her face up to look at his making sure to speak distinctly as he did so. "I do not want you to try to please me, slut. I want you to speak the truth because what I'm about to ask you will have very serious repercussions. Do you understand me?" She attempted to nod, but he needed to hear her say it. He needed to hear her own her confession to what she was about to do. "Speak!" he barked. "Yes, I understand, sir," she squeaked out as best she could with him gripping her jaw. "Very good, slut," he said gently as he affectionately ran his thumb against her jaw. He let the gravity of what he was about to ask her wash through his eyes before saying, "Why do you want to submit yourself to me?" He released her jaw and stepped a little bit away from her to let her collect herself before answering. As he watched her emotions run across her face, he sensed her confliction and mentally prepared himself for a warm shower and some unbridled free rein for his active imagination. The last thing she expected him to do was demand she be rational, especially given the havoc his presence was wreaking on her poor, weak body. She desperately tried to think of the best way to put her desire without sounding like some ******** amateur or some cheesy five dollar grocery-store romance novel. Inhaling deeply to steady herself as well as prepare for his likely ridicule and outright rejection, she said, "Because being in your presence even for as briefly as I have been, having you lord your power and authority over my body, marking it and claiming it as yours, has been the most alive I've felt in years. Because you reminded me that if I marry your brother, a part of me, an integral part of my soul, will die and I'll just stumble through the rest of my life maimed—as much as if I lost an arm or an eye or a foot—until I finally die, unfulfilled, having squandered my life for a dream that was never really mine. Because I think I've finally met a man who actually knows what it means to be a Master, who I could happily and dutifully serve without my sacrifice merely turning into a pitiful, sophomoric power trip." As she wound up her speech, she stared firmly at the floor waiting for him to walk out on her, to tell her it'd all been a set-up to test her fidelity and that the family had always known she wasn't pure enough for its favorite ***. She waited, with baited breath, to see the first small sliver of genuine happiness she'd experienced in countless ages, get crushed under the hobnail boots of reality. Although her answer pleased him greatly, before he allowed himself to celebrate, he needed to be absolutely clear on one final thing. "Slut, do you still intend to marry my brother?" She looked up sharply and the look of abject horror made him inwardly smile, but again, he needed to hear her voice her decision, to know she owned it. He looked at her expectantly, quirking an eyebrow to suggest that her response would be appreciated at any time. "Sir, how could I?" she asked, somewhat aghast. "How could I marry him, knowing that yours would be the body I craved, that I would seek out your embrace like a horny little slut and that you would have to continually punish me for being such a nasty, wet whore to let you use me how you will only to return home and pretend for your brother that I'm his unsoiled princess? You would have to ***** me from your bed, from your embrace, your dungeon every time because I would never want to return home!" Even though he didn't have that much height on her, he could still clearly tell that her already swollen breasts had continued to firm up as her heaving bosom looked to rip itself free of her wedding dress as she passionately decried her intention to wear it for its intended purpose. Her agitation made the blue in her eyes that much more vibrant and her intermittent panting from her spirited outburst left her mouth open in a highly suggestive manner. As he silently appraised her body's response to her enflamed emotions, he also noted the almost painful thrumming in his dick and the heaviness of his balls from his mind's subconscious comparison to things he could do to her to make her body respond the same way. Things that would ultimately be infinitely more pleasurable for both of them. As much as he wanted to possess her in the basest way imaginable, he knew that she wasn't coming to him solely for sex, she was giving up her future life because she needed him to dominate her, to own her. The first command he gave her in recognition of his ownership over her was barely more than a whisper: "Come here." She responded quickly and obediently, but she had not been able to keep her face completely free of the excited glee she felt at having him want to own her. He knew such unwarranted displays of emotion had to be broken immediately, otherwise her later *********** and ********** would not leave as indelible an imprint as he knew they must. After she had walked the short distance necessary to stand in front of him, he deliberately circled around her making sure that his gaze held just the right amount of disdainful leering that she would begin to fully comprehend her true objectification. His coolly detached appraisal was not the only way he sought to punish her for her facial transgression though. As he stopped behind her, he slid one arm protectively across the front of her collarbone, allowing his hand to slither effortlessly into her bodice so he could fondle her breast. The soft, milky white orb felt heavy in his hand as he carelessly jiggled his new property; however, his momentary playfulness did not distract him from his real goal—her taut, sensitized nipple. With unforewarned viciousness, he sharply twisted the hardened nub, eliciting a sharp, yet otherwise soundless, inhalation of breath from her. Her self-restraint in not crying out pleased him tremendously, and to reward her, he lightly kissed the back of her neck as he gently massaged her disabused breast. "I've always been a fan of screamers," he mentioned absently into her hair, "but I rather like your discretion. It could give me so many more opportunities to play with you in public." He paused for a moment as he mulled several ideas over, each one designed to capitalize on her preferred silent responses. As he got more caught up in his fantasies, he began kissing her neck with more passionate intensity, all the while continuing to hold a one-sided conversation with himself. "Would you like that, you little slut? Would you like it, if during the middle of Thanksgiving family dinner, I discreetly started to finger you under the table and for every sideways glance you elicited, I would deny you an orgasm? How about if I made you ride around on the bus one day while wearing a vibrator harness, and as long as the bus was in motion, I would keep the vibrator on, but whenever the bus stopped, so would the toy? What about if I made you wear nipple clamps attached to Ben-wa balls and told you that not only must you only use stairs all day, but that you must keep track of how many orgasms you have so that I would know how many times to paddle you that night? How badly would you like me to do all of that to you, you little whore?" She'd been careful to keep her face as neutral as possible while he'd been describing everything he wanted to do to her, but there was nothing she could do to allay the aching in her breasts for their want of stimulation or to temper the abundant nectar her pussy was producing in anticipation of being fucked for hours on end with little to no interruption. As the thought of getting fucked senseless by the man behind passed through her mind, her pussy walls began to ************* contract in their desperate desire to squeeze something, anything, so long as it was capable of making her come hard over and over again. In her distracted state, she'd failed to notice that he'd removed his hand from the front of her bodice, and instead had both his hands gripping something in the middle of her back. Despite the sudden yank she felt against her back, the first real indication she had that he'd decided to expediently disrobe her was the screaming sound of material being forcibly torn away from its seams and fastenings. As the stiffer material of her bodice began falling away from her, he got the distinct mental image of removing the shell from a hard-boiled egg, although he was sure she was an infinitely more enjoyable source of protein. After his hands made short work of the silk shell of her dress's skirt, the seemingly endless layers of tulle hardly afforded him any resistance in his quest to undress her. When the last wisps of tulle finally slipped off her hips, he walked back in front of her to review his handiwork. In a bizarre way, she reminded him of the painting of Venus being birthed from the sea if Venus had been born wearing a cheap, black mesh thong. Despite the warmth in the room, her dusty-rose colored nipples were erect as they strained desperately away from her voluptuous breasts. His eyes glanced briefly over her toned stomach as he found his attention drawn to her barely hidden pussy. Now that her nethers were no longer shielded by a barricade of fabric, he noticed the faint, sweet aroma of her soaking loins. Mentally, he licked his lips at the idea that she was that much of a sopping mess and he had hardly even touched her. With that thought came his next inspiration for how he could best abase her further. He walked back behind her and stood close enough to her that she could just feel his straining, trapped erection pulsating against her ass through his jeans. Leaning just over her shoulder, he asked her in a honeyed growl, "When's the last time you were fucked, slut?" Between his proximity, his voice and the way he had phrased his question, goosebumps had broken out all over her skin as a tingle made a beeline down her spine straight to her pussy. Without looking at him, she replied, "I had sex last week, Sir." He wasn't sure if she'd meant her answer to be coy or modest, but either way, her response displeased him. His word choice had not been meant as a mere vulgar euphemism for sex; he really wanted to know when was the last time she'd been well and truly fucked. If he hadn't been standing quite so close to her, he would've slapped her all but naked ass to reprimand her; however, since he felt that moving away from her would dissipate some of the sexual tension that was building, he decided to get a grip on her pussy instead. Whether she'd done it consciously or not didn't matter, but as he moved his hand toward her crotch, he noticed that she widened her stance a little creating more room for his hand. He cupped her mons firmly, his fingers wrapping between her legs toward her ass. His mind absently noted that the heat of her core combined with the moisture seeping through her thong was causing his fingers to develop a humid stickiness about them. Since he was supposed to be punishing her and he needed to know how good her restraint was in the face of unexpected stimulation, he gently undulated his fingers against her lips. When he had first grabbed on to her pussy, she had succeeded in swallowing her surprised squeak and had dutifully said nothing as her sopping core released even more of its molten juice; however, she couldn't stop her intake of breath when his fingers began their almost unperceivable assault on her sensitized lips. She felt his fingers still almost instantly as his hot breath rumbled erotically in her ear as he said, "My, my. You're a wet little whore, and yet you don't seem to know the difference between having sex and being fucked. Either you lied to me before or you were pretending to have some type of modesty that you obviously don't possess. Which is it?" 
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"I think I misunderstood the question, Sir. I thought you wanted to know the last time I had been with a man," she replied in the mousiest voice she could muster. "Ha! Slut, you should know the difference between fucking and 'being with a man,' as you so delicately put it, but since you seem to have difficulties with the English language, let me ask you this way: Would you describe what that man did to you as 'fucking' as in weak kneed, legs turned to jelly, couldn't sit down or walk straight for three days, body broken fucking?" As his description got more graphic, his voice sunk lower and lower with each sinister suggestion to which her breathing had sped up just as incrementally until she was practically panting as the final "fucking" had rolled off his sinful tongue. It took her a few moments for her sex-addled brain to realize that he was actually waiting for her to respond to his question, and then it took a few moments after that for her to remember what exactly he had asked her. "Honestly, Sir, I don't think I've ever been fucked like that. I mean, I've had other 'masters'—boys really—who've vigorously sexed me up, but I've never been with anyone who's ridden me so hard that I couldn't have gotten out of bed afterwards even if I wanted to." He detected a certain wistfulness in her tone that for some inexplicable reason made him want to cheer her up, made him want to spin her around and kiss her face and let her know that he'd never allow anyone to disappoint her ever again. Instead, he squelched the impulse and merely whispered in her ear, "Well, then it seems we will have to remedy that." With that, he released his hold on her pussy and stepped away from her back, which caused her body to inadvertently shudder at the loss of the extra heat against her back. He had moved about foot away from her, partially to clear his head and partially to drag out the unnecessary foreplay that much longer because he knew that if he caved in to his true desires to fuck her without any further delay, he wasn't sure that he'd ever be able to properly dominate her again. As the distance between them began to tenuously hold back his raging hormones, his rational self returned and reminded him that before the two of them embarked on any of the fun and games they both so desperately wanted, they needed to establish some ground rules. She quickly turned around when he asked, and they spent the next few minutes running through her safe word—his brother's name—and her limitations. For the most part, she seemed amenable to his interests, and in the areas where she wasn't, she wasn't opposed to them from a voyeuristic stance, so he could still make her watch as he took his pleasure with others. It wasn't perfect, but she was the closest he'd found to providing him with everything he wanted in a slave. Since she had given up on her darker pleasures years earlier, she no longer had any of her old toys, and since he hadn't expected to get involved in a playdate when he'd gone over to her place, he had neglected to bring any of his own: they were both hungry and resourceful though, and determined to make up for any of their temporary inadequacies of accoutrements. He tried to make use of his cooling libido to think of the best way to approach their predicament, and in doing so, he had absently wandered away from her toward the windowbox seat she'd had installed as a birthday gift to herself the year before. The seat was set back deep into the window, which made up for the fact that anyone taller than five feet couldn't comfortably stretch out length-wise on it. He glanced over his shoulder to look at where she'd dutifully stayed in the middle of the room and looked back at the seat: it looked like she was just short enough to clear the ceiling if she stood on the seat. It was perfect. "Slut, I want you to bring a chair over here in front of the window, but make sure it's a comfortable one. I want to be able to settle in," he said in the most bored tone he could manage. Upon hearing his request, she scrambled to move the chair she had in front of her vanity over to where he was standing. It was similar to a standard dining room chair except it didn't have any arms and had an extremely overstuffed seat cushion, which made sitting in the chair as relaxing as sitting on a cloud. As she watched him seat himself on the chair, she debated if she should sit or stand and where; however, once he had settled into the chair, he made the decision for her. "Ok, slave, I want you to stand in the windowbox and dance for me," he continued in his same bored tone. The mundaneness of the request threw her off so that she did not respond as quickly as she otherwise might have. Her momentary pause worked well for him because it gave him the opportunity to inform her of the second part of his instruction: "Oh, and before you get up there, take the thong off. I want an all nude revue." To make up for her earlier slowness, she quickly hooked her thumbs in the waistband of her thong and quickly slipped it off her hips before kicking the scrap of fabric aside. As she looked at the windowbox, she felt a moment of hesitation: she knew no one would see her since the window looked out on her backyard, and she had walked around her room topless frequently enough, but the idea of standing up there completely naked made her feel strangely vulnerable. She swallowed deeply and took a quick centering breath before raising her knee to climb up onto the seat. As her leg stretched up onto the seat, she felt her passage stretch open allowing the slighter cooler air in the room to flow into her burning core: the sensation caused the walls of her pussy to gently contract, which in turn caused more of her copious nectar to trickle out of her thrumming core. All too soon, it seemed like she was standing in the windowbox, completely exposed to his scrutinizing observation. Even though she had an inkling about how he wanted her to dance, she decided to play it safe: "Sir, is there any particular way you want me to dance?" He knew she knew the answer was obvious, but he inwardly applauded her previous training because it was possible that he could've put her up there just to have her do the Chicken dance; however, he wanted to see just how much he could awaken her sexuality, just how much of her inner whore she'd let out to play—especially since she'd been pretending to be a "good" girl for so long. "Slut, I want you to give me a proper pole dance. Imagine you're one of the showcased platform dancers, and you've talked me into taking you back to a VIP room. I want to see you earn your mark-up, slut. So I better find what you're doing incredibly erotic." He wasn't entirely sure why he'd thrown the last part in there, it wasn't like he was in the habit of not getting turned on by naked women pole dancing less than two feet from his face. The especially wicked part of his mind suggested that he was trying to turn her into some amateur porn star, but he quickly shrugged off the suggestion. He was hardly prepared for her response. Despite not having any music to keep beat to, she began dancing like she was a stripper, which he was fairly certain she hadn't been. Between her slow gyrations, which endeavored to keep his eyes indelibly glued to her ass, and her split-kneed dips, which left him with an incredibly inviting and unobstructed view of her pink pussy, it took all his will power not to unbutton his jeans right there to take care of his raging hard-on. He was so engrossed in her act that he had somehow missed that she had actually gotten down from the windowbox and was about to begin giving him a real lap dance. Although he knew she needed to be punished for her brazenness as well as for her failure to follow his instructions, he decided to wait until she was finished with her dance before properly reprimanding her. She hissed through her teeth as she draped one of her toned legs over his lap since the stretching motion had caused her pussy to contract sharper than she expected. As she slid herself more fully into his lap, she began to grind on him keeping her arms on the back of his chair to give her a little bit of leverage in addition to positioning her swollen breasts right in front of his face. Once she had gotten over the initial reluctance of dancing in the window, her body had taken over; however, one of the consequences was that her extremely active imagination kicked in, meaning she imagined him participating in his lap dance far more than he was in real life, which frustrated her. Although she needed to feel his lightly calloused hands running all over her body, she knew she would break through whatever spell was being created by her dance if she simply placed his hands where her body most craved their touch. Instead, she needed to induce him to touch her on his own. In a seemingly effortless move, she flipped herself around in his lap so that she was facing away from him as she continued her slow, steady grind. She arched her back to make her engorged breasts stand out even more invitingly as she let her cascading red hair fall across his chest. "You know, mister," she began in a breathily suggestive voice, "there aren't any bouncers in the VIP room," letting the thought trail off provocatively. "That fact had come to my attention," he replied in an oddly dry voice. "Well, you don't have to keep your hands to yourself, if you don't want to," she continued in the same breathless voice. "It might make the dance even more enjoyable for you," she continued, casting a saucy glance over her shoulder and winking at him. Even though he knew she was just getting into her submissive headspace by becoming so into the roleplaying situation he'd created, the ease with which she did so shocked him a bit: it was almost as if she'd really been a stripper. Although his dick was aching to pound into her moist depths, he ignored the persistent throbbing in his crotch, in order to play along with her. Besides, he knew he'd fuck her soon enough; there was no need to rush things. In deciding to play along, he further decided to play the role of a hesitant, almost bashful, strip club patron—someone who would need to be lead along by the hand. "Can I touch you anywhere?" he asked quietly. "Where would you like to touch me?" she responded coyly. Instead of answering her verbally, he slowly raised his hand until he cupped the underside of her weighty breast. "Oh yes," she moaned, "you can definitely touch me there." "How about this? Can I touch you here?" he asked modestly, as his palm gently grazed her rigid nipple while his hand swept up over her breast to lightly grip it. "Mmhmm," she mumbled, "That's good too." "How about if I do this?" squeezing her breast in a crushing grasp as he asked. She let out a keening moan as she ground herself even harder against his turgid cock, her soaking pussy leaving an clearly evident wet spot on the crotch of his jeans. He relaxed his hold in stages, casually massaging her breast as he did so. He was pleased with how wantonly she threw her body at him; however, she needed to be reprimanded for messing up his jeans by being such a dirty little slut. Even though he didn't have a lot of height on her, he had enough strength in his legs that when he stood up without warning, the sheer momentum of his action was enough to tumble her out of his lap, and into a jumbled mass of limbs on the floor. Before she had time to get herself sorted out, she felt his firm grip in her hair as her face was practically shoved into his crotch. With her nose practically getting denim-burn from its proximity to his jeans, it was impossible for her not to notice the distinct aroma of arousal that her pussy had deposited on them as she'd ground herself against him during her performance. His grip on her hair failed to ease up as he said, "You've stained my favorite jeans, slut. What are you going to do to fix this?" 