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les histoires de chrislebo

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Marie alla s'asseoir à la place *** responsable, elle ne portait plus que *** ensemble de lingerie et ses bas. Eva finit de se dévêtir pour ne garder que ses bas, puis alla s'asseoir sur la canapé. Elle posa les genoux sur les canapé et se pencha en avant pour embrasser Marie. Positionnée ainsi, Elle offrait volontairement et de manière indécente sa croupe à le vue de Mr Lambert. Marie tout en continuant à embrasser Eva attira le visage de Florence vers *** entrejambe et se mit à lui caresser les cheveux comme pour l'encourager et la rassurer car même si elle n'en était pas sur, elle se doutait que Florence n'avait jamais eu d'expériences saphiques auparavant.

Tout en observant attentivement ce qui se passait devant lui, Mr Lambert prit un préservatif dans le bocal qui se trouvait sur la table basse et l'enfila sur *** sexe. Il vint se placer derrière Florence, posa *** gland sur *** anus et commença à s'immiscer inexorablement en elle.

Alors qu'il se frayait un passage au sein de ses entrailles il ajouta l'air soulagé : "Mmmm, depuis tout à l'heure j'avais envie de te prendre le cul"

Florence sentait chaque centimètre de ce sexe monstrueux pénétrer ses entrailles, elle inspirait profondément pour s'habituer à cette présence étrangère en elle. Elle sentit bientôt le bas ventre de *** responsable toucher ses fesses, elle se dit alors qu'elle l'avait entièrement en elle.

Mr Lambert se retira entièrement, puis il reprit *** incursion dans l'orifice de Florence. Il répéta l'opération plusieurs fois, chaque pénétration était plus rapide que la précédente, Florence commençait à se détendre et même à apprécier ces allers et retours dans *** anus.

Mr Lambert enculait Florence à un rythme rapide maintenant, *** sexe allait et venait dans cet orifice habituellement si serré sans aucune difficulté, il appréciait, tout comme Florence qui ne poussait des petits soupirs au rythme des coups de boutoir que lui assenait *** odieux manager.

Eva et Marie continuaient de s'embrasser, la main d'Eva glissa sur le ventre de sa collègue et alla se perdre dans entre ses jambes. Elle prit possession du sexe de Marie avec deux doigts.

Marie ne resta pas inactive et passa sa main sous le ventre d'Eva et remonta jusqu'à sa croupe, elle lui caressait la fente mais sans jamais la pénétrer, puis quand ses doigts furent bien imprégnés de sa liqueur, elle se mit à lui caresser le petit trou. Elle commença par décrire de petits cercles autour de l'anus d'Eva de manière douce et sensuelle. Puis quand elle sentit que l'orifice commençait à se détendre et s'assouplir, ses caresses se furent plus précises et plus insistantes.

Au bout d'un moment Marie quitta les lèvres de sa collègue et commença à l'embrasser dans le cou. Puis, tout en prenant possession du cul d'Eva avec un doigt elle se mit à fixer Mr Lambert avec un regard incendiaire. Elle passait sa langue sur la peau de sa collègue tout en faisant coulisser *** majeur dans *** cul. Eva qui avait posé sa tête sur l'épaule de Marie commença à pousser des râles de plus en plus audibles. Le plaisir était telle qu'elle dut même arrêter de caresser Marie.

Mr Lambert n'en revenait pas du comportement de Marie et se dit : "Mais quelle salope celle là ... elle a vraiment le vice dans la peau"

Il lui dit : "Oui, tu as rai***, prépare là moi, elle aussi va avoir droit à ma bite dans *** cul de salope"

Il ajouta ensuite : "Et pour finir, ce sera le tien que je prendrai"

Est ce de voir Marie se comporter de la sorte qui l'inspira, mais une idée lui traversa soudain l'esprit. Très vite les instructions fusèrent.

- J'ai envie de vous voir vous lécher la chatte toutes les trois. Eva tu vas venir lécher Florence pendant que je l'encule. Et toi Florence tu vas t'occuper de Marie. Tu vas voir sa chatte est delicieuse .. ah ah ah.

Sans rechigner, Eva se leva et vint se placer derrière Florence mais visiblement Mr Lambert voulait si prendre autrement.

- Non, mets toi sur le dos et passe ton visage sous *** ventre. Tu n'as qu'à prendre un coussin pour surélever ta tête. En plus tu pourras aussi me lécher les couilles comme ça.

Eva était donc sur le dos, le visage juste en dessous du sexe de Florence. Elle avait une vue imprenable sur l'énorme membre qui prenait possession du cul de sa collègue ainsi que sur les testicules qui se dandinaient dans les airs.

Marie ne se fit pas prier pour profiter des caresses buccales de Florence, elle approcha ses fesses vers le bord du canapé et écarta un peu plus les jambes pour faciliter l'accès à *** intimité. Elle prit délicatement le visage de Florence et le porta jusqu'à *** sexe.

Mr Lambert senfonça au plus profond du cul de cette dernière et se figea pour que Marie puisse se faire lécher correctement.

Alors qu'elle commençait à poser timidement sa langue juste à coté du sexe de Marie, Florence sentit une autre langue sur sa fente. Eva avait agrippé Florence en haut de chacune de ses cuisses et léchait maintenant avec application le sexe de sa collègue. La sensation était inédite pour Florence, elle se faisait manger *** petit minou par une femme avec une énorme queue plantée au fond du cul.

Sentir la langue d'Eva la désinhiba et piqua sa curiosité, elle eut soudain envie de goûter à l'intimité de Marie et c'est de manière maladroite et un peu gauche qu'elle commença à donner des petits coups de langue sur le sexe qui lui faisait face. Marie poussait des petits soupirs d'encouragement et lui souffla doucement : Mmmm oui, continue, tu me fais du bien.

Florence continuait de découvrir l'intimité féminine, et à première vue, cela n'avait pas l'air de lui déplaire. Elle qui n'avait pourtant jamais été attirée par les femmes prenait un malin plaisir à explorer chaque recoin du sexe de Marie. Était ce la présence d'un sexe monstrueux entre ses fesses ou bien la langue d'Eva qui la mettaient dans cet état là, elle ne pouvait pas le dire. Mais en tout cas, l'excitation était au rendez vous.

Eva quant à elle, en collaboratrice serviable et docile, n'oubliait pas de flatter avec sa langue les testicules de *** responsable qui pour l'instant avaient arreté de gesticuler. Bien qu'étant dans une position assez inconfortable, elle jouait avec les deux boules, les prenait en bouche, les léchait les aspirait. Elle les délaissait parfois brievement afin de retourner s'occuper de du sexe de Florence.

Mr Lambert restait immobile, *** pieu au plus profond des entrailles de Florence afin de pouvoir apprécier au mieux ces caresses. Quant à ba belle rousse, elle n'était plus tancée par les coups de queue de *** chef et était maintenant à *** aise pour pouvoir apprécier les plaisirs lesbiens. Il ne lui avait pas fallu longtemps pour y prendre goût, sa langue matraquait maintenant le clitoris de Marie et elle avait plongé un doigt dans la fente de sa collègue. Marie ronronnait de plaisir, ses mains étaient comme incontrôlables, elles pétrissaient fiévreusement ses seins, puis descendaient vers *** bas ventre et partaient vers chacune de ses cuisses. Elle tendait *** doigt à Florence pour qu'elle le suce puis elle tirait sur ses propres tétons et les pinçait.

Dans l'excitation, Marie tendit une jambe à Mr Lambert qui la saisit par la cheville, il se pencha un peu en avant et se mit à lui lécher le mollet, il remontait doucement en suivant la couture du bas. Quand il ne pouvait plus progresser il redescendait et recommençait. Le contact avec le nylon l'excitait au plus haut point et il se mit à frotter sa joue contre la cheville de Marie, le bruit de sa peau contre le tissu ré***nait jusqu'au plus profond de *** être.

Cela excitait aussi Marie : "Tu les aimes mes bas. je les ai acheté exprès pour toi vieux cochon"

Puis elle ajouta : "Si tu es sage et que tu me baises bien, j'en enleverai un, je le mettrai sur ta queue et je te branlerai jusquèà ce que tu éjacules dedans"

Mr Lambert lui répondit : "T'inquiètes, je vais te baiser toute la nuit petite pute. Tu m'excites vraiment trop avec ta lingerie"

Eva qui était toujours en train de lécher Florence et Mr Lambert se permit l'audace de faire glisser un des ses doigts vers la raie culière de *** chef. Celui ci se perdit dans les poils et arriva sur *** oeillet. Avec *** ongle elle se mit à faire délicatement le tour de cet orifice.

Mr Lambert allait lui dire d'arrêter, prêt à vociférer quelque chose du style : "Mais tu me prends pour un PD où quoi, arrête de me tripoter le cul"

Mais finalement, il se ravisa, car la sensation était loin d'être désagréable, bien au contraire cela l'excitait terriblement, et s'il finit par demander à Eva de stopper, c'était surtout parce qu'il sentait proche de la jouissance. Les trois jeunes femmes l'avaient chauffé à blanc et il sentait qu'il allait bientot venir, alors dans un dernier baroud d'honneur, il se mit à pilloner Florence de plus belle, ses testicules venaient cogner contre sa fente, il la faisait crier, dieu seul sait si c'était de plaisir ou de douleur.

Eva toujours allongée sous Florence regardait l'énorme membre coulisser dans l'étroit conduit à une vitesse folle. Elle entendait Florence pousser de grands cris, craignant que ce ne soit pas des hurlements de plaisir, elle se mit à lui caresser vigoureusement le clitoris afin de détourner quelque peu *** attention avec une sentation plus agréable.

Les hurlements de Florence changerent de ton mais resterent tout aussi impressionnants. Elle finit par lâcher : "Vas y continue .... c'est trop bon .."

Marie et Florence étaient aussi surprises l'une que l'autre, jamais elles n'auraient imaginé que sodomisée de la sorte Florence puisse prendre autant de plaisir. Mais bon, après tout pourquoi pas, elles aussi y avaient pris gout.

Mr Lambert, haletait et soufflait comme un vieux bœuf asthmatique, il se dechainait sur le cul de sa collègue et l'invectivait avec des paroles obscènes.

- Alors, tu vois que tu y prends gout à ma grosse bite salope ...
- Ahhh ouiiii
- Et bien c'est tant mieux ..... tu n'as pas fini d'y ..... gouter petite garce.



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Il se sentait venir, il sortit du cul de Florence, enleva le préservatif et alla présenter *** sexe à Marie. Elle ne se fit pas prier et l'enfourna dans sa bouche. Mr Lambert prit sa tête avec ses deux mains et se mit à la baiser ***********. Marie hocquetait et manqua plusieurs fois de vomir. Puis il s'arreta et finit par lui envoyer plusieurs jets de sperme dans la bouche et sur le visage.

Eva se joignit à eux, empoigna le sexe de *** responsable et commença à le sucer doucement. Puis elle se tourna vers Marie et l'embrassa à pleine bouche partageant avec elle le sperme de leur chef de service.

Mr Lambert, dégoulinant de sueur, alla s'affaler sur le fauteuil en face du canapé. Sa vue tomba sur le verre de whisky que lui avait servi Marie. Sans reflechir il s'avança pour se saisir du verre et le vida d'un seul trait.

Il se laissa retomber en arrière et regarda les filles : Je reprends des ****** petites salopes, je suis loin d'en avoir fini avec vous ...

Les filles à peine remises de leurs émotions ne réagirent pas vraiment, elles restaient hébétées et à la fois incrédules .... elles allaient enfin être débarassées de Mr Lambert ...


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Saturdays 7:30 PM meant "The Liberation Front" on MSMBC, one of the most
controversial programs on the news network's line-up. The program was dedicated
to Feminist values, and above all against "pornography" - due in no small part
to the host of "The Liberation Front", Michelle Cataluna. Not only was Michelle
the most prominent feminist lawyer in the Country with monumental courtroom
victories, she was also the founder of The Women Liberation Front, the only
feminist organization dedicated exclusively to the eventual abolishment of
pornography. Yet, while the popular program was an extension of Michelle
Cataluna's feminist philosophy, no doubt that was not the only reason for her
celebrity status and cushy job as a very high-profile TV host. Despite being in
her early forties, Michelle was a stunning beauty, who could provoke men with
her looks and words alike. And in the age of Nielsen Ratings, the host's looks
mattered every bit as much as the content of "The Liberation Front". Not that
the content went unnoticed: The program generated heated debates every week.
Usually a Conservative - always male - was invited to appear, for the expressed
purpose of turning him into a ****** pulp on air. With ratings climbing every
week, Michelle Cataluna was becoming a celebrity feminist: Notorious enough to
be the woman most men loved to hate, hip enough to attend the Oscars.

It had all started four years ago when one of the most closely watched legal
cases occupied the airwaves. A lawsuit brought against a
pornographer by Michelle Cataluna, alleging that "Pink Compassions" was
responsible for the **** of her client, who had been ****d by a frequent renter
of Pink Compassions products. Michelle was already successful having won
numerous cases as a young attorney. She was already rich, having successfully
sued her first employer for sexual discrimination. And she was already a
well-known figure in the feminist circles as the Founder and President of Women
Liberation Front, aiming at the demise of the Pornography industry though legal
suits. But it was during this televised lawsuit against Pink Compassions that
Michelle Cataluna caught national prominence: The attractive lawyer attacked
like a snake; mesmerizing with her looks, delivering deadly bites with her
cross-examining. She argued Luici Simone, the owner of "Pink Compassions", was
responsible for this heinous crime.

Yet, the Pink Compassions case was a well-calculated double-hit for Michelle
Cataluna. She had first confronted Richard Rostock a few years before the case.
Michelle's army of angry feminist lawyers usually focused their attentions on
the Porn Industry but folks like Richard Rostock - rich, successful, powerful
white men - also made the target list. He was quickly hit with a sexual
discrimination lawsuit.

That first discrimination suit against Rostock Enterprises had become a defeat
for Michelle. Richard Rostock was cleared of any wrong-doing. Of course,
Michelle was not one to take defeat lightly. She sought other female employees
form Rostock's Investment Conglomerate, dug up every piece of dirt she could
find, every time making a big fuss about it in the media. Despite all her
efforts and her growing personal despise towards Richard Rostock, she wasn't
nearly as effective as she wanted to be: The two new lawsuits after the original
one were both settled on terms very favorable to Rostock Enterprises.

The strange twist in the Pink Compassions trial came when Richard Rostock was
called to the stand. He denied Michelle's accusations that he had a working
relationship with Simone and that he frequently had weekend sex parties with
Simone's girls. He was lying. Richard and his friends frequently visited
Simone's mansion for parties with the Porn King's finest pick of girls.
Naturally, the girls were compensated handsomely.

By the time the trial was over, Michelle had walked out of the courtroom with
one of her most remarkable, and most satisfying victories ever. Pink Compassions
was hit with a huge monetary verdict that was more than enough to terminate its
operations. Richard Rostock was proven to be lying under oath. His wife,
assisted by a lawyer from Women's
Liberation Front, had filed for divorce and, given her husband's sexual
escapades, she fully expected to clear out his bank account. Simone's girls were
also filing lawsuits, with their eyes on Rostock's
significant wealth. Worst of all, Richard would eventually head for a short jail
term, having been found guilty of perjury.

Michelle had thrown a victorious smile at Richard Rostock as she walked out of
the courtroom. She had never been shy about rubbing in her victories, and
destroying this arrogant bastard had been the most fun she had had in a long

This famous case brought Michelle Cataluna into the national scene. Soon, she
wrote her first book, detailing her passionate fight against the Pornography
Industry. And soon after that, she was given her own talk-show on MSMBC - which
quickly became a hit. Somewhere in there, the Pink Compassions verdict was
overturned, based on a technicality Michelle genuinely believed to be overrated:
The First Amendment. But it hardly mattered. Michelle was already the postergirl
for the fight against pornography industry, and Luici Simone was destroyed, his
company in shambles. And Richard Rostock was in jail.


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Richard walked out of the Federal Penitentiary four months later. The jail
punishment wasn't a park in the walk, especially for a wealthy man accustomed to
his luxuries. But that wasn't his real problem. The 48-yr old corporate
powerhouse had lost most of his fortune to his wife and the lawsuits.

The driver stepped out of the limo and greeted his boss with respect. Richard
stepped into the limo. He still had enough money to enjoy a few luxuries - he
even had enough money to get back into business. He'd been down before, and he
knew how to make a come-back. In fact, he enjoyed the challenge.

Yet, business wasn't his foremost concern. HE HAD REVENGE IN HIS MIND.

"Steven" he called for his driver.

"Yes Sir?"

"Get me Luici Simone on the phone! You can still locate him, right?"

"He had to move out of his mansion, Sir but yes, I can still locate him".



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After two books about the evils of sexism and pornography, Michelle had
dedicated her latest book to the one person she genuinely loved and adored with
all her heart: HER ********, Lara. She had been
artificially impregnated in the first year of law School. It was a
well-calculated decision. If she was going to have a *****, law school seemed
like the right time: She was sure as hell not going to disrupt her career at a
future time!! And she was determined to show the world she could charge $500 an
hour and raise a ******** at the same time. Her ******** would be her finest

top of the charts weeks after weeks and many feminists embraced it as a premier
source in raising ********. In the book, Michelle gladly talked about feminist
principles and how a strong woman, like herself, did not need a "husband" to
raise a proud girl.


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Luici had asked Sammy Milano to "arrange" something. That's what Sammy usually
did: He "arranged" things for Luici. Sammy owned a very nice house and a very
nice car for an LAPD officer. Few ever questioned it though; the rumor was he
had inherited some money.

Sammy was waiting in a dark alley. That's where he was supposed to meet with
Marcus - also known by his Gangname, "Hammer". The young black man was a
********** and the leader of his gang. Sammy had met him through a "friend".

"Hammer" came out of the dark as always. Sammy nodded with his head, greeting
the young man. He thought Hammer was the kind of guy who wouldn't expect to see
his thirtieth birthday. That was the kind Sammy was careful about...

"She called me." informed Hammer.

"When are you meeting her?"

"Tomorrow night. 7 PM."

"It's like we talked before.."

Hammer nodded: "You know my price for this...".

"Yeah. You do understand... you can't keep her after summer!!"

Hammer looked at the Cop without expression but his cock was probing in his
pants. The possibility was enough to excite him. Ever since he had met Kelly Van
Ryan, he had imagined the spoiled white bitch on her back, twisting around his
black cock. He had imagined the gorgeous
teenage-queen sucking his black cock, serving ghetto-boys like a whore. He had
imagined making Kelly Van Ryan of Beverly Hills his own white bitch. It was all
imagination of course, nothing else. He knew Kelly was just a teenage customer
with dough, one who couldn't wait to get away from an inner-city savage: She was
untouchable. Or so Hammer had thought... Until Sammy came along with his

"I understand" the black guy replied.



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You could tell Lara Cataluna was the ******** of the most notorious feminist in
the country, though not because she looked anything like a militant feminist.
Instead, she simply shared her ******* beauty. She attracted boys like flies,
and apparently Lara did not have many of her ******* hick-ups about men. She
frequently dated boys from the Football team and the like. Not that she was an
airhead! To the contrary, in accordance with Mom's plans, she had proven to be
the most active girl in her posh prep-school: She was in the student government,
on the Board of the yearbook, member of the debate team, editor for the school
paper, member of high-school democrats... Yet, despite being the subject of "IT
out as a raging bitch: Apparently, despite all her rhetoric, Michelle Cataluna
held her ******** too dear to turn her into a walking, talking mascot of

Lara was seated in her best friend's Jeep Wrangler in a deserted parking lot.
Kelly Van Ryan and Lara had been best friends in highschool. Soon after Kelly's
arrival from Florida, the two girls had become close. They were very different
in many ways: Kelly had no extracurricular activities other than cheerleading
and boys. But they were the same in what mattered the most - they both stood out
in a crowd!

They were both freshmen now - freshpersons as Lara's Mom would have said. Kelly
was close to home, studying at UCLA, unlike Lara who was at Harvard. Lara was
glad she was home for the Spring Break. She really enjoyed being on the East
Coast but it felt good to see her best friend again and hang out around Beverly
Hills even if for a few days before she'd have to head back.

Lara had been known as uptight and stock-up in highschool, "too serious to have
fun" - but her natural beauty had the boys swarming all over her regardless.
Besides, her best friend wasn't nearly as serious:

"Kelly, are you sure we should do this?" asked Lara, seeming nervous.

"Come on... It's just Pot!"

" Marijuana is illegal!"

"Oh, please... Do you know anyone who's gone to jail for a little pot??"

"I guess not... Do you really know this guy?"

"Well, yes... I mean he is very scary looking but I've bought from him before.
He looks, you know, mean and everything but I guess you can't find **** dealers
among the boyscouts...."

"God, this makes me nervous..."

"Come on, we'll just pay, get the package, and get the hell out of here!"

Suddenly there was a knock on the window - which made both girls jump in fear.
Looking at the side window, Lara almost screamed again. It was a young black man
with a hardened face, mean looks. Lara felt nauseating. She wanted so badly to
get it over with as soon as possible.

Kelly lowered her window to talk:


The black guy just nodded his head. He handed over the brown package: "The

Kelly never checked the package. It always had the same amount of Pot in it, and
besides she was eager to get away as quickly as possible. She handed the money
to the black guy. Hammer didn't say anything, and just as he came out of
nowhere, he disappeared back into the darkness.

Anxious to leave, Kelly started her Jeep, heading for the exit. That's when the
Sirens came alive. A car that was apparently hiding in a deserted corner
suddenly blocked the exit, with its Sirens and lights turned on. A tall man
stepped out of the car, began walking towards the BMW.

The two girls were hysterical in fear.

The man took out his gun and flashed his badge.

"Please step out of the car, Ma'am!!"


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Lara had been crying for two hours when she heard her jail cell's door open. In
walked two men. The cop who had arrested her, and a
middle-aged man she didn't recognize.

Richard walked over to the girl, checking her out. She was indeed gorgeous.

Smoking his cigar, he looked directly in her eyes:

"My name is Richard Rostock."

The shaken girl managed to mutter: "Hi"

"You know, Sammy here found heroin on you."

Lara was so scared she resumed crying. The cop had explained to the girls that
it was heroin they found in the car - a lot of heroin! Enough to qualify the two
teenagers as ***********. Enough to take the girls from their college dorms and
place them in a Federal Penitentiary for a long long time.

"You're looking at a minimum of 15 YEARS in jail".

Richard smiled in satisfaction, exchanging looks with Sammy Milano. He simply
loved seeing a beautiful girl like Lara shaking in fear.

"However" Richard began his proposal, "you are not yet booked in". "Meaning,
unless my friend here decides to formally record tonight's events, you haven't
even been arrested for anything".

The blonde girl raised her head in surprise. She was still whimpering
desperately, but was there some hope?

"Don't get me wrong. I'm not here to offer you a walk in the park. But I do have
a deal for you. I understand your summer break starts in a short while. I want
you to work with me this summer. As a

"Secretary?". Lara had imagined doing something more in-line with her
qualifications this summer, she already had internship offers from CNN, White
House and Goldman Sachs - and her ****** had invited her to work at WLF. But
under the given conditions...

"Yes, yes, sure" she answered enthusiastically.

"Calm down" interjected Richard. As my secretary, you will run errands, type up
letters, make coffee - and when I feel like it, you will suck my cock!! If you
accept my proposal, you'll work hard at the type-writer - but you'll work even
harder on your knees."

Lara couldn't believe what she was hearing. The candidness of the man was
shocking. No hidden implications: The man was straight-out telling her she'd
have to be his sexual toy for the summer if she didn't wanna spend the next 5
years in prison. But what choice did she have? "This... This is blackmail" she
protested in a broken voice.

Richard laughed. "Well, you just might be the brightest secretary I'll ever
have. Yes, it is indeed blackmail. You either agree to it, or you'll be licking
some fat bitch's stinking cunt for the next 15 years. And imagine how your Mom
would love to hear about her precious little ********* NARCOTICS problem."

"What about Kelly?"

"Your friend!... Well, she'll be fine... She might have to earn her freedom in
some other arrangement but there will be no deal unless you agree to it."

Lara sniffed. "I'll do it" she said.

"Clever choice. But I wouldn't want you to smart up as soon as we walk out of
here. So Sammy will hold onto the evidence, and he will record your signed
confession - just in case you try to get out of our little agreement."

Unable to speak, Lara nodded her head in defeat.


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At first, Michelle was upset that her ******** wouldn't be coming home for
summer. But in retrospect she had been very pleased - there she was, her
********, on the track to becoming every bit as successful as her Mom. Lara
would be working for a big investment firm in New York - "Brown Investment
House" she had said. "Good for her" she thought. "Way to go"...

Michelle was sunbathing by the pool at her posh mansion in Beverly Hills. She
had another show that night and she fully intended to chew on somebody's ass.
She enjoyed her success - and she wasn't nowhere close to being done. Women's
Liberation Front was now the most powerful feminist organization in the country,
and she was the most prominent feminist in the country, breaking the balls of
sexist Conservative pigs on MSMBC's "The Liberation Front" every week.

She sipped her Pina Colada, signaling at one of her servants for another one -
that's what she called them, "servants". She didn't keep them around when Lara
was at home, but the heavy-muscled well-hung male bimbos dressed in spandex and
bow-ties, pandering to her every command certainly made her feel powerful. For
ages, powerful men had kept sexy little bimbos around, using young, pretty girls
as their personal fucktoys. Well, now, Michelle was the one in charge, she was
the powerful one and she owned a bunch of male bimbos of her own - ready to
serve, ready to strip out of their clothes and get those tongues flipping
whenever she felt like it.

When the young man in the pink body suit brought her *****, she gave him a
playful spank on the ass. He was being paid handsomely, but she knew he didn't
like being treated like a little male slut - which was, of course, the whole
point of practice for Michelle...



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Lara showed up at Rostock Enterprises at 7 A.M. sharp as ordered. She was so
nervous that she was almost shaking. She had spent weeks thinking about how to
get out of this situation - and she could see no way out! Lara could not endure
jail. She just had to suck it up and it would be all over by the end of Summer.

Rostock Enterprises occupied the top three floors of the building - unlike the
old times when the firm owned the entire building. Lara was surprised to see the
office was filled with employees at this early hour. Richard's office was on the
34th floor. It was a
richly-decorated office, looking over the Hudson River.

Richard's eyes gazed over the luscious body of the 19-yr old girl. There she
was, the precious ******** of his biggest enemy, in his mercy, ready to serve as
his personal fucktoy. The girl was obviously scared, shifting on her legs
nervously as she stood in front of him, looking at the floor. Richard puffed his
Cigar in joy - he loved seeing his women like this, scared and powerless, left
with no choice but **********.

He spoke sternly: "You're on time. That's good - I have a rather nasty streak in
me, I don't tolerate imperfection. Starting tomorrow you'll be here every
morning at 7:00 sharp. Do you understand?"


"Yes? You meant, 'Yes, Sir' I imagine?".

"Yes, Sir" Lara corrected herself anxiously.

Richard looked at the expensive Dona Karan suit on the girl - spoiled little

"And because you are a dumb slut, you show up over-dressed for the job"

Lara's face turned pale.

"I'm sorry, Sir" she said in a terrified voice.

"Luckily, I had one of my assistants do a little shopping for you". Richard
produced a package. "Put these on".

Despite the ***********, Lara knew she had no choice.

"Where can I dress... Sir?"

"Right here, of course. I'd like to see my new possession in detail...".

Lara began undressing with a red face.

"Maybe if you did your shopping for a normal slut, rather than an uppity
'businesswoman', you would have the right outfits. Anyway, we have plenty of
formalities to take care of , you can just add shopping for clothes to the

"First of all, grab these magazines"

Lara looked at the magazines with awe: Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler...

"You will subscribe to those magazines. Since you're not much likely to improve
your secretarial skills, you might as well work on your fucking skills. Give
your home address for the magazines of course - the office is not a whorehouse.
But have the bill sent to the office so that I'll know you have subscribed."

"But, Sir, my housemates will see it" protested Lara.

"Oh, are you scared your friends may figure out what a slut you are? Well,
that's your problem. Just do your best to get to the mailbox first... or since
you're so smart, make up an excuse. And you'd better really read everything in
those magazines!"

"Secondly, you need to buy clothes. I hope you have the brains to figure out
what kind of attires are needed for your job. Pay a visit to Victoria's Secret.
Purchase the sluttiest, whorish lingerie you can find - and nothing in white, of
course. Sluts like you don't wear white. Most of the time you won't be permitted
to wear underwear anyway. Also buy some tight micro-minis, tight blouses,
whatever... Anything revealing and tight. As long as you work here, clothes are
just a formality for you. I don't want anyone having to do too much guess-work
to imagine what you look like naked. Also buy a couple of big high heels. Buy
some make-up, lipstick and nail-polish in bright colors. You should learn to
advertise your charms - I host plenty of guests."

"Is that all, Sir?"

"Not, yet - you haven't completed your first morning duty yet". Richard unzipped
his fly. "I like to start the day with a blow job"!

Lara quickly got down on her knees...

Richard smiled: Poor little Lara - she'd be his little puppet, dancing on
strings by the end of summer.



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Soon, Lara stepped out of Richard's office. She was dressed in a tight red suit
that completely hugged her sexy figure. The skirt was a micro-mini which left
her smooth legs naked, and the deep cut of the jacket displayed an inviting
cleavage. She was also equipped with 4-inch red heels which called for attention
to her perfect ass with each step. Her outfit was complete with a red pair of
skimpy panties and bra underneath the revealing business-suit. The generous
amount of bright red lipstick on her full lips promised countless blow jobs and
the same color nails completed the "office slut" image. Red, Richard's choice of
color, contrasted nicely with her blonde hair. Her dress hardly left anything to

Lara was introduced to a Mrs. Brown, an authoritative, overweight woman who eyed
Mr. Rostock's newest slut with some disdain. Margaret Brown didn't really
approve of Richard's girls but she was very loyal to her Boss and Richard had
kept her around for more than two decades, with a salary almost as fat as the
woman herself. She told Lara she'd be needed for typing some letters - which
proved to be a challenge for Lara. She'd never taken the time to become a
fast-typer and she had never expected to work with her hands. She was supposed
to work with her brains, like Mom did.

Despite her intelligence and education, it seemed for the duration of the summer
Lara would have to utilize her physical skills rather than her wits. The
prospect of going to jail was the only thing that kept her from rushing out of
this horrible situation - the entire thing was simply much too degrading for the
girl! She barely stopped herself from crying as she was led to a desk with
stacks of letters to be typed.

When the lunch time came, Lara decided she didn't want to socialize with anyone
in this company. The people she could relate to - the young professionals - did
not seem likely to engage with a mere office slut. And Lara certainly didn't
wanna have anything to do with the other steno-girls and secretaries, quite sure
they were all simple-minded and poorly educated. She approached Mrs. Brown
trying to inquire about where she might get a quick snack.

"There are some fruits next to the water cooler, you can have Bananas or
something!". Mrs. Brown answered with obvious hostility. "Bananas would be good
practice for you anyway"!

The mockery lit a jolt of anger through Lara's mind but she knew she had to
contain herself in order to survive this predicament.

She was called into Richard' office again after lunch. Apparently, her boss
fancied a full-fuck this time. She came out of his office with a blushed face,
feeling the stares all over her. She could tell everyone knew what it meant when
the new assistant was called into Mr. Rostock's office. She buried her face in
the type-writer, pretending not to notice all the stares and snickering...

When she finally made it home later in the evening, she spent an hour in the
shower, trying to wash away all the shame and *********.


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Kelly stood nervously behind Sammy. She was dressed in a short white dress. She
had never been to a black neighborhood like this in her entire life. Her young
life had been spent on posh streets and
expensive malls, not in South Central LA. This place felt every bit as alien as
African Sahara. The houses looked ugly, the walls were unpainted, the windows
were broken... Every corner seemed infested with gangs and ******... And almost
everyone she could see on the streets was black! Kelly had not seen so many
blacks in one place in her entire life.

She wanted to just run scared but it was too late now - she could not go to
jail, even the idea sent a cold shiver down her spine. She had called her
parents and let them know she'd be away for the summer: They'd be thinking she
got an internship up in San Francisco. Sammy had explained it to her in plain
terms. Instead of years of jail, she was supposed to stay with these guys for
the Summer. And "serve" them...

"Here's your home for the Summer" remarked Sammy, knocking on the door
nonchalantly with the butt of his gun. The door was opened by a muscular black
guy: As soon as Kelly recognized Marcus' mean stare, it all downed on her: The
contents of the package was no mistake; it was a set-up. It was a set-up to turn
her into a slave. Marcus had wanted her, and he had gotten her through this

"Hello officer" Hammer said - Kelly could see a gun on the black guy's belt. He
didn't seem shy around Sammy.

Sammy walked in and Kelly followed him coyly. There were 5 young black men in
the room and they were all dressed in clothes Kelly could only describe as "gang
wear". There were pictures of naked women plastered all over the walls, and
there was heavy smoke in the room. Kelly guessed it was marijuana - or something
more serious. She could see stuff on the tables which could only be *****. The
black guys were all smoking something, and ******** what she guessed to be malt
******. Some kind of gangsta-rap, the kind of music she couldn't stand, was
playing in the background and one of the fattest persons Kelly had ever seen in
her life was "rapping" in the middle of the room, his several gold chains
clacking. They all had guns, and kept them around as if it was nothing. All in
all, these were the scariest people Kelly had ever seen in her life.

"Hey, cut it out!" yelled Hammer to the others...

Somebody turned off the huge stereo placed in the middle of the room.

Sammy spoke:

"So, as we talked before - here's your prize."

Marcus was sizing up the young woman who was now visibly shaking. He grabbed her
breasts and squeezed. "You know, I always wanted to have some prime Beverly
Hills pussy. I always wanted to see your
dope-smoking little mouth stuffed with my black cock. Now, your white ass
belongs to me bitch! And I share everything with my brothers...".

One of the black guys screamed: "Hey, what the fuck's going on Hammer?"

Sammy took the initiative to explain: "You got this bitch all to yourself. For
the next three months... Do whatever you wish with her. I don't know... She'll
cook for you, clean for you... suck your cock... whatever...! Try not to give
her any diseases, though. And don't fuckin' break her arm or anything... I want
her returned in "good condition"!!"

Kelly was on the verge of tears:

"You asshole..." she screamed at her dope-dealer.

Hammer slapped the girl's face without hesitation. "You will learn to watch your
mouth. And you will learn to be obedient". He slapped her again: "Do you


Another smack landed on Kelly's face.

"That's 'Yes, Master!'. You will refer to every gang member as 'Master'. Got it,

"Yes, Master..."

"You never had black cock in you, have you?"

Kelly, scared as she was, didn't dare lie... "No, Master".

"I bet you are racist rich bitch, aren't you? You can't stand black guys like
me, can you? Well, get ready cunt, you will soon have more black cock in you
than a crack whore..."

"Well, then..." interrupted Sammy. "I'm glad to see you guys getting off to a
good start. I'm leaving now".

"Sure thing, bro..." smiled Hammer - first time Sammy ever saw the black man

Kelly felt like she'd faint as Sammy shut the door and left, leaving the
defenseless girl in the hands of a ghetto gang.

All the guys were on their feet now, getting ready to check out their prize.

Marcus commanded in an authoritative voice:

"Strip, bitch...!!!"


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Lara walked into the elevator at 6:50 in the morning as usual - she hated waking
up so early on a Summer day but she didn't even want to imagine the consequences
if she displeased Mr. Rostock. There wasn't many people around at that ungodly
hour but the few stares she got was enough to embarrass her. She'd been working
at Rostock Enterprises more than two weeks now but she still couldn't get used
to the stares from men on the streets, in the elevators, at the coffee shop;
sizing her up like a piece of meat.

Yet, her reflection on the elevator mirror was enough to remind Lara it was not
the male gawkers around her who were at fault. Everything about her appearance
screamed sex: Starting with the miniskirt that was too short and too tight, and
her exposed legs that made masculine eyes naturally travel up on her smooth skin
to see what secrets she tried to hide, to the undersized pink blouse with enough
buttons left open to reveal a rigid cleavage, the young girl was dressed to
provoke men. Her nipples were noticeable, small nubs pushing against the
material of her blouse despite the restriction of the bra. Her distinctively
high heels matched the color of her long nails and pouty lips - a wet bright
pink that promised long, expert blow jobs. Her body curves were hugged by her
clothes, her blonde hair was tossed and teased - even people who merely knew her
from these elevator rides would have no doubts about her status: She was an
OFFICE SLUT, passed around among the executives like a box of chocolate, one
notch up from a hooker, ready to get on her knees for a tiny raise. She was good
for entertaining men and for precious little else, so she was dressed like this,
displaying all her charms, craving attention, with every detail in her
appearance designed to please men...

As Lara stepped out of the elevator she could feel the stares on her legs and
ass. It could be worse: Some days, her underwear privileges were taken away,
******* her to spend the rest of the day trying to conceal her nakedness under
the mini. Soon after her morning blow job for Mr. Rostock, Lara was back on her
desk doing her boring secretarial work, waiting nervously to be called in again
any moment for whatever sexual gratification her boss might wish for.

Her small desk was covered with unfinished typing assignments: She wasn't much
of a typer and she wasn't getting any better... Mrs. Brown was upset with her
for failing to accomplish even the simplest
assignments fast enough: It was obvious Lara was kept around as the boss'
fucktoy. She had gotten accustomed to all the snickering, lewd comments and
plain ridicule from the other employees. Other girls despised her for being a
slut, and the guys treated her like a piece of meat. She had no friends...


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Lara was getting ready to leave Richard's office, having just swallowed his cumm
when Richard ordered her to take a seat:

"I've talked to Mrs. Brown and I understand your job performance is a disaster
so far. You can barely type or answer the phone properly. Apparently the
high-school drop-outs we keep around are more competent than you are! And since
you seem incapable of performing the simplest office duties in a satisfactory
manner, I expect you to make up for it in your extracurricular duties - I saved
your ass from jail but if I feel it wasn't worth it, I'll send you right back
without hesitation"

Lara couldn't recall feeling so worthless and scared in her entire life. She
just wasn't made for all this clerical work... And she knew she had to please
Mr. Rostock or her life would be destroyed...

"Occasionally, I will have guests here in the building... And I will expect you
to join us - to keep company".

"Yes... certainly, Sir!!" replied the scared girl. She didn't want to think what
"keeping company" entailed, even though she had a pretty good idea about it.

Lara had been trying to finish her typing when a group of loud men walked into
the office. They all looked like Texans, straight out of an NRA convention. Lara
wondered if she'd be expected to keep company with these rednecks - fearing what
exactly that might involve. Richard stepped out of his office and greeted the
men, leading them to a special meeting room. Lara resumed her typing nervously.
It was just ten minutes later when Mrs. Brown approached her:

"Mr. Rostock is calling you to the Grand Meeting Room immediately" she informed
the terrified girl. "You'd better hurry up".

As Lara rushed to her feet, Mrs. Brown whispered cruelly into her ear:

"It's time to earn your keep".


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There was nothing on the top floor but mostly empty meeting rooms. Lara knocked
on the door of the Grand Meeting Room, which was distinguished with its thick
oak door. "Come in" replied somebody from inside. She entered the posh meeting
room quietly. "You requested me, Mr. Rostock?"

The room wasn't designed as she had expected. All the men were seated in big
leather armchairs, forming a circle. There was 10 of them, mostly middle-aged,
some younger ones, as well. They were all dressed in power suits even though
there was a hint of Texan pride in the guests, some wearing bolo ties, others
featuring cowboy hats. They were all smoking cigars, and looking at Lara
appreciatively. The obvious lust and power in their eyes made her scared.

"Yes, come on in, honey" said Richard. "These gentlemen are from Dell Computer
Corporation, we are about to finalize an important business deal with them. How
do you like that?"

"It's... it's very nice, Sir"

Richard chuckled: "Can you hear the enthusiasm in her voice, gentlemen?"

All the men laughed - which made Lara feel even more insecure, if that was

"Anyway, we have a dinner reservation at Morton's tonight, but I said to my
friend Keith, (he nodded at a man in his sixties with a white beard) we got
plenty of time to **** before we go to dinner. So, you see, sweetie, as a proper
host, I have to entertain the gentlemen in the mean time. And I'm afraid, you
will have to be the entertainment!". Richard finished his words with a strong
emphasis, reminding the helpless girl once again what was in store for her if
she showed the slightest disobedience. He motioned Lara to move into the middle
of the room.

"Look at it on the bright side - you don't have to do any typing for the rest of
the day. I hear you really suck at it anyway." His choice of words drew another
round of laughter from the small crowd. It was now quite clear to Lara that
these men did not think of Lara as their host's secretary: She was a little
sex-bunny summoned to their meeting for the sole purpose of a sexual spectacle.

Lara's displeasure at this turn of events was quite apparent on her face as she
patiently stood in the middle of the circle, in obvious
embarrassment. She was visibly nervous.

Mr. Rostock explained his beautiful assistant what was expected of her:



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..........step forward, Lara......... don't be shy...... you'd better get used
to those eyes looking you all over.......... imagining what you'll look like
nude....... don't worry..... you won't keep them waiting
long (laughter all around)..... that's it.... take the center of the
circle........ you're uncomfortable in those heels?...... that's "yes, Sir"...
but you look so good in them......such a nice little slut (more laughter).....
you're embarrassed? already?.... we're not even started yet.......(laughter)
.......parade for us....that's it..... sway those hips.... nice and sexy.....
stick your ass out..... good girl... lose the jacket...

(The men are seated all around her, still clothed in their business suits,
smoking long cigars. Only Richard speaks.....) about you take that blouse off? ......looks all hot and sweaty, wasn't a request.... that's it..... don't be shy...... take it
off...... now, toss it won't be needing it again (more
laughter)...... good....... lose the skirt...... that's it..... take them right
off...... we like it when you bend over..... no, stay like that....... hold onto
the skirt at your ankles....... stick your ass out......can you feel their eyes
on you?..... they're
hungry..... better not keep them waiting.......

.......throw the skirt down next to the blouse..... good girl....... now, stand
up straight........ stick your butt out....... and your tits...... no, look at
us...... keep your eyes on us...... you like this, don't you...... answer the
question... "no?".... I bet you're wet... we'll see....

......we want you to take off that bra...... yup, go on....... all the way....
that's it..... place your hands on your hips...... one each side..... oh,
yeah..... now stick them behind your head...... that's it..... stick those tits
out..... spread your legs wide... nope, wider... arch your back a little
more...... lovely.... all tits and ass....... you know how we want you to
stand...... that's it..... stick those tits out....... don't blush....... what a
delicious little slut... you're not used to these words, are you?...... you will

put your hands under your tits ..... look at Mr. Rowen over there, look him in
the eyes ....... now ask him "do you like my tits, Sir?" ....... he can't hear
you, speak up ..... show them to him........ offer them for his inspection

(The young man doesn't respond right away, just looking at Lara with a sarcastic
little grin on his face. She finds herself holding her breasts, offering them to
him, and he is just enjoying the spectacle.)

.... maybe he thinks your nipples are not hard enough yet ....... you know where
your nipples are, don't you? .... well, then pull them for the man ..... yeah,
just go ahead ..... put your nipple between your fingers ...... don't be shy
...... now, keep looking him in the eyes to see if he approves ........ pinch it
....... there we go ..... such a good pleaser ....... see, it's getting all hard
...... pinch it harder ........ keep looking at him...... now tell him "my
nipple is getting hard, Sir" (laughter from all the men sitting around, who are
enjoying themselves at Lara's expense) ......... pull it ..... you like playing
with your nipples, don't you? ....... answer me ........ yeah, I thought so
....... it's getting very hard, isn't it? ...... good, we want it that way
...... now, walk around the circle and show each man your hard nipples ........
that's good ...... keep walking ...... back arched ..... stick your ass out more
...... keep looking at their eyes ....... see how you've made everyone hard?

time to lose the panties..... yeah, that's right..... get them off..... slid
them down..... that's nice..... no, stay down..... hold your ankles..... we want
to have a nice, long look...... I think you can stick your ass out a little
further..... good girl............ spread those legs..... wider..... wider......
now everyone can see it all... there's a good little slut...... all
exposed........ your face is completely red... are you embarrassed... poor
little shy thing...

now...... walk over to that man...... get down on your knees......... yeah....
you know what's coming...... open his flies..... that's it..... what'd you see
there?.... don't be shy, you know what it's
called......... yeah, you're right, it's a cock...... take his hard cock
out...... hold it.... keep your hands in that position....... you like the feel
of it don't you?...... you know why it's hard, don't you?...... say it......
look him in the eyes and say 'because of me, Sir'....... now, open your
mouth..... wider, Lara, wider.......... stick your tongue out..... very
good....... you know what we're going to use your mouth for don't you?........
can't hear you.... that's right... we will make you suck our cocks... ask the
man..... ask him nicely if you can lick his cock...... I don't think he heard
you...... again... louder
(laughter and snickering from all around the room).... good girl.... OK, now
lick his cock...... start at the base and work your way up to the tip..... stick
your tongue out further..... don't close your eyes, look at him....... show him
how hard you're working... now begin sucking...

("She's hating it" decided Richard: Imagine the ***********... Ms. Ivy-League,
******** of the biggest stinking feminist on earth, being degraded in this
manner, humiliated in front of so many men. And the worst of it, smiled Richard,
they were only getting warmed up!)

.......the men want to hear you, Lara...... you should be like a performance
artist... always respect the audience....... you've gotta lick and slurp a
little louder..... that's it.... we want to hear all those slutty noises you
make.... (even more laughter throughout the room).....keep that ass high in the
air.......yeah, like that........... very good .... on all fours sucking cock
.... poor girl, look at that, she's still a little shy, holding
her legs together ...... you really gotta stop doing that ........ I SAID,
SPREAD THOSE LEGS!! ...... I know, it's a little odd, all these men looking
between your legs .... but a girl's gotta do what she's gotta do ...

Enough... don't make the man cumm just yet.... move on to the next,
on all fours.... crawl...... keep that ass up high...... head up, arch your
back..... maintain etiquette at all times........ now, do the same for him.....
that's it... take your time... you've got all day.......

(Lara continues in this fashion - licking each man's pole in turn. The men are
enjoying themselves, smoking cigars and ********, while she crawls around and
sucks them. Richard orders her to keep eye contact with every man she services,
never, not even for a mere instant, allowing the girl to forget her total
***********. Whenever Lara makes a man hard, she's ordered to crawl over to the
next, after having properly thanked the man for letting her suck his cock. Not
only does she need to suck each cock and make loud slurping and moaning sounds,
she's also told to give compliments to each man: She has to tell each man how
wonderful his cock is and where she'd like to put it. Then the men judge whether
it sounded sexy and slutty enough.)

(Richard thinks he's being a good host, judging from the amused look on his
guests' faces. His turn comes last, and as Lara gives his hardened cock an
introductory lick, he is tempted to fuck the bitch right then and there - just
the feeling of power he has over this sweet young thing is almost enough to push
him over the edge.)

.......good girl ... you've come a full circle.... now thank us again for
letting you suck our cocks..... say it louder... what a good slut you are.....
you've done a good job..... look around.... so many angry cocks... all hard over


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......tired? ......poor girl.... been working so hard...... take a moment....
you know what...... go bring that ottoman from over there.... (more
snickering)............ that's right, place it in the middle..... now get on
top...... on all fours......... see how you're elevated... completely on
display... put your hand between your legs..... you'll put on a real show for
us... we all wanna see how little sluts like you spend lonely nights (laughter
all around)...... don't blush...... you're going to do it anyway
(laughter)........ no ifs, no buts... spread your legs ...

(It was quite a sight for Richard. Lara Cataluna, his enemy's ********,
completely exposed but for a pair of high heels - and about to
masturbate in front of a bunch of businessmen He eyed Lara's closely shaven
pussy. He owned that pussy, he owned the entire body of this gorgeous young
woman. Poor little thing was dying in shame. His little puppet on a string, his
hated enemy's precious sweet ******** at his mercy.)

look at the man you're facing ..... move your right hand between your legs ....
you heard me ... your right hand ... stick it behind your beautiful legs .....
good girl .... stick your ass out higher, so the men can see your hand .... very
good .... now with one finger start playing with your clit .... yes, you have
to... you know where your clit is, don't you? (laughs)....

Touch it with your middle finger so the men behind you can see it ... no, no ..
Don't close your eyes ... keep looking at the man in front of you, start
rubbing your clit..... very good ... you're wet, aren't you, slut? ..... answer
me! ...... tell the men, are you wet? ..... (Lara couldn't help herself)... wet,
aren't you? (Loud laughs) .... so you like to be the party slut, huh? .....
answer me! .... no who?..... no Sir... that's better.... I beg to differ...
You'll learn to love being the party slut... But don't worry, you'll get lots of
practice... (laughs all around)

now, show us how a slut like you makes herself cum .... shift around so all the
men can see... that's good... I'll tell you when to shift around again .....
there we go .....

(Lara's hand moves, at first reluctantly. But after she's been
reprimanded a few more times, she can't help getting slowly in the action. Eyes
open, staring at men stroking their cocks, she is made to touch herself with her
mouth open and tongue stuck out.)

(Richard enjoys the young woman's shame. Here she is, performing the most
private, the most personal act of all in the presence of strangers. Fingering
herself in front of men... Richard knew her complete *********** would only
enhance her **********, teaching Lara her own priorities and privacy no longer

Come on, girl... you know what to do....that's and out....pick up like that?..... are you getting off?... Answer the question...
You are... Keep ramming those fingers... slut...
faster... I said faster... that's right....

(Lara's ass held high in the air, pumping her finger in and out of her pussy.
She gets hot, despite herself. Her body's not hers to control any more. The
humiliated girl was obviously close to an orgasm, she couldn't stop her panting
despite the foreign eyes witnessing this shameful act...But suddenly she was
ordered to stop. Richard enjoyed frustrating the helpless girl - she'd be
begging for relief by the time he was through with her)

Stop it girl... Look how excited she's gotten herself (laughs).... You haven't
yet deserved to cumm, little slut... But if it's cocks you want, you'll get
plenty... (Men gave their approval with chuckles...)

.......that's're nicely warmed up.....I think it's time you got
what you wanted.......time to get fucked.....don't
blush.....that's what you're here for, after all.... you've been teasing the men
for so long now, making them all hot and horny .. it's only fair for them to
give you what you've been asking for.... don't you think? ... you know what,
we'll be very nice to you .... we'll do groups of five ...... we'll even let you
pick the groups(laughs)...

come on, walk around the room and pick five men .... ask each man if he wants to
fuck you... oh no, you know the walk by now...... that's better...... tits
forward... ass out.... like a bitch in heat... ask the man politely.... "would
you like to fuck me, Sir"...... not responding....... you'll have to ask him a
bit more seductively then .... like a slut... beg for it, girl... beg him like
you need it real baaad... there you go... look him in the eyes and lick your
lips ... cup your tits and show them to him .... now ask again .... take his
hand ... lead him to the ottoman ... there we go .... what a lucky little slut
you are, putting your own gang-bang party together(snickering all around)......

go ahead and pick another one .... no no ... don't just pull his arm ... be
polite and seductive .... get closer to him, right between his legs .... scoop
up some of your own juice ... yes, put your finger inside yourself .... move it
in and out a bit ... now show it to the man ....put your wet finger in your
mouth .... lick it ... now ask him if he'd like to fuck you .... lead him to
your place ....

I want you to pick the man with the biggest cock... no, no, not me honey
(Richard laughed at the pathetic attempt to brownnose) ..... go ahead .. check
all the men ... walk around and check their cocks.... is that him? .... just
tell him that he has the biggest cock, I'm sure he'd like to hear that from you
... hahahaha. . so, pick two more... good... that's five .... now climb up the
ottoman again .... on all fours, that's a good girl...

.... first... you need to make those cocks as hard as they can get ... go ahead
.. take one in your mouth and use your hands on the others ... the men will help
you out, holding your hands ...don't worry about him grabbing your hair, that's
just to direct you ... you still need a little guidance .... there we go, make
them nice and hard again ... it's a little work now, but that's what you're here
for ..... let's hear how you're enjoying it, don't be shy again ... we know it's
a mouth full ... that's the idea, hahahaha ... now, get off the ottoman for a
second and let one of the men lie down on his back ... good girl .... you see
that cock standing all the way up? .... go ahead and climb on top .... no reason
to hold back now .... use your right hand and take the cock in your hand ....
don't worry, the men will hold you in balance ... position that cock in front of
your opening .... can you feel it? ... I know you can .... now slide it inside
of you ... there we go .. that wasn't so difficult, now was it ? ... move up and
down, the men will help you ... let it go all the way in ... it feels good,
doesn't it? .... no no, don't stop, just keep going, you look perfect like this
....a good little fuck bunny ..... and this is just the first one, you'll learn
to do even better ......

now, lean forward girl ... there we go ... he's gonna hold your head in position
... you know what for, don't you .... yes ... open your mouth ..... take that
cock inside your mouth again still remember it? .... I
thought you would .... but this time you're not just gonna make it hard .... no,
you're gonna have to make it cum, ok? .... you know, suck it till the white
gooey stuff comes out .... yes... and you're gonna be a good girl and swallow it
... lots of protein for a growing girl... go ahead... take it all inside... let
your tongue swirl and suck at the same time .... just as if you'd be sucking a
lollypop.... now, we know you have good manners and can eat quietly, but we
wanna hear you suck and slurp.... there we go... and keep your eyes open, look
up at the man you're sucking.... such a sweet sight... he's holding your hair
tight so he can set your pace, girl .... he's helping you do your job right ....

I know you'd like to lean on your arms for balance, but your hands are
needed..... just let the men guide them... you know where.... that's why you
picked five men.... put your hands around those cocks .... move them slowly....
the men's hands will show you .... you need to keep these cocks hard for when
they go inside you .... the men can do it
themselves, of course, but it feels much better to use your hands...... yes,
their grip is tight, but that again is only to help you .....

...ah... they're getting serious now.... you feel that, the man is putting a
small belt around your waist... that way he can hold you better in place.... you
see, the fifth man is gonna fuck your ass now... and your ass is probably gonna
be a little tight... so you might wanna move away a bit.... most girls would
wanna do that... but it would be very annoying for the gentleman, so that's why
he is putting the belt around you.... there he goes, nice and tight around the
waist.... now tell us, have you ever been fucked in the ass before?.... poor
thing, you can't answer with your mouth full.... I bet you haven't.... you've
probably been a prim and proper girl always.... hahaha.... well, not anymore....
you look like a regular party slut now... can you feel it?... he's sliding a
finger in your asshole to stretch it up a bit ... he's even putting some gel
there .... you should really be thankful to these men, girl... they are so
considerate... (loud laughs)....... there he goes... I can see his cock
positioning in front of your asshole.... now it's gonna hurt a little, but a
girl's gotta get used to it.... you just keep sucking........ hmm... that cock
barely fits... good thing he's holding you down so tight..... you can scream,
that's ok... in fact, we want you to.... just let it out .... what a good loud,
screaming, little slut.... you feel his cock sliding in?...

it's almost all the way in... this is a good one to start, girl... it's not all
that big... the others might stretch you up a little more.... he's riding you
like a pony now... too bad you can't see it... but I know you can feel it

....what a beautiful sight.... what a slut........ you feel those cocks sliding
in and out?... I know you do.... that's good, scream and moan.... let them know
they are really fucking you... no one else is around to hear it anyway.....

(After a little while, the men in action are close to an orgasm. Their grips are
getting even tighter, Lara hears their breathing getting heavier. She wants to
move away a bit, but she can't. Her head is moved back and forth fast, her hands
are jerking off two cocks and the two others inside Lara are picking up their
pace. Suddenly, she feels the hot sperm gushing down her throat. She gags, but
it keeps coming. At the same time, she feels hot stuff flying through her hands
up against her sides and her back, followed by the cocks inside her. Lara feels
the cum filling her up, the cocks straining inside her........)

See how you made all the men cumm, huh?... what a useful little slut... getting
dizzy?..... shame...... no, we won't slow the pace...... in fact, quite the
reverse....... don't worry... you will eventually learn to fuck men by the
dozens...... look what a mess you made, bad girl... clean those cocks... with
your tongue, of course... that's right, even the cock that was in your ass...
start with that one, in fact... is it tasty? (laughs all around)

(Lara took the cocks in her mouth one by one, licking them clean - some of the
men preferred to use her silky hair to wipe off their cocks. Finally, she's
given a second or two to catch her breath.)

Are you tired, girl... yes?... oh, well, you'd better train yourself girl...
we're just beginning here... we are all anxious to resume your work-out...
however, unlike a little slut like you, these men have too much class to go for
sloppy seconds... so off you go to the shower (Richard pointed towards an
adjacent door)... don't you dare touch the hot dial... take a quick ice-cold
shower... so that you'll be ready for more fun... well, we'll be having fun, I
don't know about you (Loud laughter all around the room)... you got exactly five
minutes to get your ass back on the ottoman little missy, so you'd better hurry
up if you don't wanna get punished....

(As Lara hurried to the shower, Richard poured more whiskey for his guests. He
felt confident. He was about to purchase a large stake in a small computer
manufacturer in Texas, called Dell. Largely unknown firm, but the deal was dirt
cheap - and Richard saw some future in this company. He always had an eye for
good start-ups - if the deal went through, it could eventually help put Rostock
Enterprises back on the map - and given the expression on the faces of his
guests, the deal was as good as done.)

He smiled in satisfaction, imagining everything he would do to Lara as the
shivering girl returned from the shower. He noted the way she was *************
covering her body - the shower had renewed the girl's sense of shame. 'Poor
little slut' Richard chuckled to himself.

Soon, Lara was once again placed on the dreaded Ottoman, with men swarming all
over her like flies...


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An exhausted, sweaty Lara emerged from the Grand Meeting Room a couple hours
later. It was obvious she'd been working real hard the past few hours. As she
made her way to the secretary's desk, she could feel the demeaning looks from
her co-workers. They eyed her with either disdain or ridicule. Everybody
pretended as though they had no idea what went on in the Grand Meeting Room - it
was a dirty little office secret that wasn't acknowledged in a crowd. Saddle
jokes were common place however:

It was Mrs. Brown who made a point of asking her loudly: "Did you manage to get
the minutes, honey?"

This drew loud snickers from the office crowd, turning Lara's face a deep shade
of red. People pretended not to notice the mock under the question even as Lara
gathered up her belongings and rushed out of the office in shame....


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Hammer smiled appreciatively looking at the usual sight awaiting him. There she
was, his "bitch", well, the entire Gang's "bitch". Kelly Van Ryan was in her
mandatory greeting position, which she was required to assume every time one of
her Masters came through the front door. She was naked but for a pair of
high-heels. Positioned on her knees, her face was at crotch-level. Her legs were
spread apart, completely exposing her pussy - which was shaven on a daily basis
to keep it completely bald. Her hands were clasped behind her neck, arching her
back - thereby pushing her large breasts forward as if it was an offering to the

The position was extremely humiliating for Kelly, but she had gotten used to
doing many humiliating things over the past few weeks. It seemed like just
yesterday, when she was a little Beverly Hills
Princess, driving around in expensive cars, hanging out at lavish Cafes. Now,
she was the claimed property of a Black Gang, ready to do their bidding whenever
they felt like it.

"Welcome, Master. Please put your Big Black Cock in me!" the girl pleaded: The
verbal greeting required of her.

Hammer could see the dismay in those big blue eyes but nothing else about her
revealed any of her displeasure. Instead, she looked like a young white slut who
had had the pleasure of Black Cock and was still craving more of it. She had
learned to pretend she was dying in desire for their big cocks, even if she
hated every minute of it. Hammer carefully examined the naked beauty before him,
as he liked to do everyday. Turning this spoiled girl into their sex toy had
been one of the most remarkable perks of his tenure as a Gang Leader. He had no
doubt the young rich-bitch had always been dismissive of blacks, seeing them as
either her family's servants or bums on the streets. She was used to ordering
them around. Now, of course, the roles were
reversed: Kelly was the fucktoy in the hands of these young black men, to be
used and ****** in whatever ways they found amusing. She no longer dismissed
Blacks as poor and lazy - she refereed to Hammer and his Gang Brothers as
"Master", doing only as she is told and spending hours everyday sucking and
humping on their black cocks.

Hammer remembered the fun of breaking the white Princess. She had felt so
out-of-place and scared. Her training had been easy: She had had a fair number
of dates with the cane which was now hanging on the wall. The Gang Members still
found occasion to punish their beautiful slave since even the slightest hint of
disobedience or hesitation was not tolerated

And certainly none of them had any mercy for the girl. They had been dismissed
and dissed on by the likes of her all their lives and the revenge was sweet
indeed! The little Princess was their whore now. The classy girl who could get
sick at the thought of having sex with anyone not matching her social status,
could now tell apart each Gang Member's cock eyes closed, simply by licking. She
knew every ridge, every vein on every Black Cock in the house, having occupied
herself with entertaining those Black Cocks 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Kelly had learned to be the ultimate whore. Initially, she had just laid down,
spreading her legs so that they could take their pleasure from her. But that
wasn't enough. They wanted a complete slut, a genuine fuckbunny, who didn't just
impale herself on their cocks but craved for it!! With enough practice, and
enough sessions with the cane, she mastered how to moan and scream in the most
stimulating ways. She learned the right words to say; the right ways to squirm,
the right way to hump on a cock to provide the most entertaining gyrations. She
learned how to give the most pleasure to men; she learned how each Gang Member
liked to fuck her. Kelly had been giving blow-jobs since she was 13, but not
like she did these days. The snooty girl now featured a perfect blow-job, having
been trained in the correct way to slide her tongue just along the underside of
a cock., to take it all the way down her throat, tickle and tease with her
tongue to provide maximum pleasure, not dropping the tiniest drop of cumm, and
gently cleaning the cock after she was done serving it. She had been used in all
her orifices - the first time Li'l Mo had taken her in the ass, her screams had
echoed through-out the house. She had long been instructed on how to hold her
breasts tightly together when one of the Masters wanted to "tity-fuck" her. They
had done to her things she didn't think any man could do to her. She was a
fully-trained, multi- equipped fancy fucktoy attending the needs of Hammer and
his Gang round- the-clock.

Hammer teased Kelly's pussy with the toe of his boot:

"How many Black Cocks have you had in you, Cunt?"

"213 Master" the girl replied, her shame apparent on her face no matter how
carefully she tried to conceal it. She was expected to keep track of her own

"But, you still want more, Slut?"

"Yes, Master, please..."

Hammer noted how she always knew the correct answer to give. Of course, she also
always had her nervous eyes on the cane hanging from the wall. The walls,
naturally, had much more than just the cane. The walls which were once
exclusively covered with pictures of Tyra Banks, Halle Berry and Vanessa
Williams now frequently featured Kelly's photographs: Usually with a cock in her
mouth, cumm dripping from her face or other lewd poses which were made to look
like she posed
willingly, smiling and giving sultry looks to the Camera.

The door flew open again, and in walked Li'l Mo. Kelly turned towards the fat
guy aged 17 and spoke her usual salute:

"Welcome, Master. Please put your Big Black Cock in me!"

Li'l Mo looked at his bitch with amusement in his eyes. Li'l Mo knew he was the
one she hated the most. Despite all her efforts, he could tell the little
Princess from Beverly Hills hated having sex with his 280 pound body. And it
would be fair to say, Li'l Mo was a little too cane-happy.

"You want my Cock, worthless Slut?"

"Yes, Master. Please give it to me, Master...". As much as Kelly hated Li'l Mo,
she knew better than not to piss him off...

Li'l Mo seated himself on the stolen leather couch: "Crawl to me, Cunt"

Kelly got all fours and crawled over to Li'l Mo, and then slowly took out his
Cock - which she had always found to be little less than the expectations for a
big fat black guy. As she began giving one of her expert blow-jobs to Li'l Mo,
Hammer looked at her unintentionally wiggling ass.

"Well" he said to himself, as he kneeled behind the girl: "The bitch might as
well go for 215!!".

Kelly knew soon the other members of the gang would show up - back from their
*********** - and they'd all want to have a go at their rich spoiled slutty
white fuckbunny.


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By the time Lara came home, she had managed to calm herself somewhat. The
answering machine had a message from Mom, and she wanted to talk to Mom, but not
before she washed all the filth away. She rushed to the phone as soon as she got
out of the shower.

"Hi Mom". She was excited to talk to Mom.

"Hi Sweetie...How are you doing"

"Great"... Lara ****** herself to lie.


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The following morning, Lara was called into Richard's room. She applied a fresh
coat of red lipstick,
anticipating Mr. Rostock's mid-morning blow job. She knocked on the door,
walking in nervously expecting to be ordered out of her clothes promptly.

"You did a fine job yesterday" commented Richard as if he was giving a
performance appraisal.
"...Thank... Thank you, Sir"

"We will have plenty of guests..."

"Yes, Sir!"

"You need to buy toys and training equipment"

"Toys, Sir?"

"Yes, toys... I'm not talking about ToysRUs. There is a porn shop couple blocks
from here. Go there and purchase these items." Richard handed a list to the
terrified girl. Lara couldn't believe her eyes; the list contained items she
found extremely distasteful and painful.

Richard continued: "I don't really have much use for many of those items but a
girl's gotta have her equipments - in case guests demand it..."


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Michelle Cataluna looked over the city from her posh office. She had been
examining the ratings of "The Liberation Front" which were very pleasing. She
was scheduled to renew her contract with MSMBC and she could look forward to a
big pay raise.

She examined the case file. She no longer made any courtroom
appearances - the TV occupied most of her time. But she was still up- to-date
with the legal actions of the organization she headed. Women's Liberation Front
had just filed a lawsuit against Sin City
Entertainment. She knew almost all of these lawsuits against
pornographers had failed - the First Amendment was a real bitch! She'd gladly
make an exception in the First Amendment to stop all those sexist pigs from
indulging themselves. Of course, she had won one monumental case against Pink
Compassions. And she remembered how she had ******** and destroyed Richard
Rostock on the stand: She had particularly enjoyed beating that bastard into
mush. And putting that sleazy Luici Simone out-of-business was an extra bonus.
Michelle wasn't bothered by the eventual outcomes of these legal cases - the
publicity was more than enough to advance the feminist cause, and to advance
Michelle herself...

But the reason for her happiness this morning was not the publicity or legal
cases. She had just finished a meeting with Rubin Lufer, whose ass she was about
to nail because of a particularly nasty sexual harassment case. Lufer had been
one of the biggest political donors in the State for a long time - yet this
powerful man pleaded with her like a little kid this morning, begging for mercy.
Michelle had initially enjoyed just letting the big honcho wiggle for a while,
knowing she would destroy him regardless. But then, Lufer had said something
magical - the word "CONGRESSWOMAN"! The sound of it was enough to make Michelle
excited. It was said that Lufer was powerful enough to hand- pick candidates. Of
course, she'd have to run in San Francisco, that city being the only one that
was liberal enough to elect a raging feminist like her. Yet, it would be the
first time a prominent
feminist like her would make it to a nationally elected office. The
possibilities were endless - she could even try to introduce some legislation
particularly hurtful to all those sleazy pornographers! Yes, after all, she
could perhaps overlook some nastier aspects of the lawsuit against Mr. Lufer.

"Congresswoman Cataluna" she said to herself, chuckling in delight.
"Congresswoman Cataluna".


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It was 7:01 AM when Lara came rushing through the office entrance. In more than
a month at the Rostock Enterprises, she hadn't been late a single time. She
knocked on Mr. Rostock's door, and was called in promptly.

"You are late"

"I'm so sorry, Sir" she said desperately.

"No, honey, you just think you're sorry. You will be sorry, for real, in just a
moment". Richard took out the spanking pad Lara had purchased in her trip to the
porn shop. "Strip completely and bend over the desk".

Over the past weeks, Lara had developed the good sense to never argue with Mr.
Rostock no matter how frightening or outrageous his demands could be. Soon, she
was weeping in pain as Richard gave her a
spanking. Even in her agony, she could feel the irony: She was being spanked
like a little girl - her ****** had never laid a finger on her, she had to turn
19 before getting a spanking in the hands of a stranger.

She knew then that there were many ways Richard Rostock could punish her. Not
just the ultimate punishment of sending her to jail, but many "intermediate"
punishments - like the sting of the Spanking Pad Richard held in his hand. The
pain only heightened the girl's fear of
Richard looked at the trembling naked form on his desk and he could feel his
hard-on. He really owned this gorgeous little thing, she was in his utter
control. He decided to trade his morning blow-job for a real fuck and positioned
himself behind the naked girl.

The phone in his office rang just as Richard was pumping in and out. He stopped
his motion for a brief moment to hear what Mrs. Brown had to say:

"Mr. Rostock, Ms. Cataluna's ****** is on line-1, she wants to speak to her
********. Should I tell her to call back?"

Lara was irked at hearing about her ******'s call while she was being fucked by
her boss. Mr. Rostock had ordered her to give a specific direct line number to
her Mom so she would never know her ******** worked at Rostock Enterprises -
Mrs. Brown must have answered that number. What she heard next only made her
more terrified:

"Oh, no, Margaret, do connect her please". Richard motioned Lara to pick up the
phone without changing her position. The girl was holding the phone in one hand
now, and she was simply horrified that her mom could somehow figure out she was
bent over her boss' desk, naked and spanked and being fucked...

Richard pushed forward as soon as Lara answered the phone with a meek "hi, mom!"

"Hello darling"

"Hi..." Lara's response was almost muffled with a moan that escaped her lips as
Richard began ramming into her body in earnest.

"Are you OK?"

"Yes, I'm mmmpphh OK, mom...."

"I know you don't want me to call you in the office but I just had to... I got
wonderful news! I might be running for Congress!!"

"That's... iiimmppphhh... wonderful, Mom"

"Yes... So how's work going, honey? Do you help close any deals?"

"Yes, yes... Aaayyhh... Yes, Mom. Aaaagghh... I help close a lot of deals". Lara
could hear the laughter of Richard at this revelation as he pushed forth harder
and faster.

"Oh, that's very good honey. Sounds like a happy office with all that noise.
Anyway, my campaign should be kicking off soon..."

"That's great ******... Mom, can I immmmpphh call you mmpphh back? I'm kinda
busy right now."

"Oh sure, darling, back to work then..."

Richard exploded as a panting, moaning Lara hang up the phone. He almost
couldn't recall having enjoyed sex this much: The evil bitch who had tried to
destroy him had no idea, he was fucking her precious little ******** like a
cheap whore while she was talking to her proud mommy.

Finally, he seated himself, lighting a cigar. Lara was on the verge of tears.
"Stop crying" he ordered.

"We have guests" commented Richard - the words Lara dreaded the most. She had
gotten used to doing Richard's bidding on a regular basis, but her boss had also
made a habit of using the beautiful girl as
"sweetener" in his business dealings. Lara was often expected to stroll upstairs
to the Grand Meeting Room, as her coworkers smirked, and "entertain" Mr.
Rostock's guests. She could feel the taste of cumm from the five Japanese men
just two days ago.

"This is a very important deal" informed Richard. "These two guys are
establishing a company called Yahoo. Very promising stuff - and if the deal goes
through we'll provide the financing in exchange for a large chunk of equity!
However, I think the closest these two geeks came to a woman is reading the
Penthouse. That's, of course, where you come in. Off you go upstairs, I told
them I'd send some refreshments..."

As soon as Lara left the room, Richard tuned into the closed-circuit video
system. He watched in amusement as Lara stripped and laid down on the table. He
had installed the hidden cameras in the Grand Meeting Room when his company had
first moved to the building - he had stacks of tapes featuring his business
partners with Lara. Poor girl had no idea her "special duties" were continuously

Two hours later Richard signed the deal for a large stake in the company, barely
stopping himself from laughing at the exhausted yet happy faces of the two young
men. He was certain this could be the deal that put him on top of the food chain
once again!!!


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Lara waked through the gates nervously. Underneath her long trench coat, she
only had a thong bikini and a tiny bikini top that barely concealed her nipples.
She had been dead scared taking a cab ride like this but she was required to
arrive in this exact outfit - and Lara had learned to do exactly what was
required of her. Mr. Rostock had informed her that there would be a party at a
friend's mansion Saturday night: Luici Simone was throwing a party at his new
mansion. Having grown accustomed to "being" the entertainment for men, the young
woman had no doubt the "partying" would come at her expense: Little sluts like
her had to work the hardest, when everyone else decided to party the hardest.

She discarded her coat at the entrance to the mansion, standing clad in her
excuse for a swimsuit. She knew more or less what was expected of her: She had
been instructed about Luici Simone's famous parties before. As she made her way
to the pool area, she could hear the loud music, laughter and chatter. The
garden was filled with rich men and gorgeous women. Men were dressed casually
yet elegantly and some were in the water with various companions. Women
contrasted sharply; they were all in skimpy thong bikinis. It seemed the amount
of clothing one had was the best determinant of status in this party.

The girls all had stunning bodies; not terribly surprising since Lara knew Mr.
Simone and his friends picked their girls from former beauty queens, college
cheerleaders, and top-of-the-line high society
hookers. Lara realized the girls were all responsible for different functions
even though they were all available for whatever the men desired - and she was
told she'd have to assume different duties between parties. Some girls were the
waitresses: They constantly circulated champagne, food delicacies and cigars.
They, too, were dressed in skimpy bikinis, but with one special feature: The
entire outfit was held together with a big loop at the small of the back,
blatantly inviting fiendish fingers to pull it loose. When that happened, the
whole outfit came apart falling to the ground in pieces and the waitress would
be left naked, still holding her tray. And there was no going back from that,
she'd have to serve everyone naked - until somebody would decide to make use of
her in a different
capacity. The worst, Lara realized, was that the waitress had to go back and
forth between the garden and the kitchen, where the lowly cooks and bartenders
would be leering at her naked body.

While these waitress-girls were rushing around to deliver ******, there were
many other young women who were serving "other" needs. Most men were seated on
comfortable chairs, with young women next to them. The women kept caressing and
kissing the men. Some were at later stages of this game; Lara could see some
girls giving blow jobs, a few others humping up and down on somebody's lap. Many
men seemed to prefer more privacy: Lara noticed them taking one or two of the
girls upstairs, presumably to secluded rooms. There was an abundance of
attractive women in the entire place. Some were sitting alone, obviously waiting
to be picked up and taken upstairs. There was one simple rule for the girls at
Luici Simone's parties: The girls were there for the taking. When a young lady
was approached by a man, she had to do whatever he desired - which usually meant
giving him a terrific fuck.

Yet, there were other, more "spicy" sideshows going on as well: Most men were
seated around a small stage by the pool, watching three girls making love to
each other. Their bodies were meshed together, licking, fondling and kissing
each other, getting more and more aggressive. Many in the audience had girls
kneeled before them, enjoying expert blow jobs while watching this spectacle.
That wasn't all: Lara could see in an isolated corner a scene taking place,
right out of an all- girls school. A blonde girl in school uniform was bent over
what looked like a teacher's desk. Her plaid skirt was bunched up around her
waist, and her white panties were pulled down to her knees. Her legs were pushed
apart as far as the panties would permit, allowing for an unobstructed view of
her bald pussy to the men seated directly behind her. Maybe it was the outfit,
or the hair in cute little pigtails, but Lara thought the girl didn't look older
than sixteen. One of the men was positioned behind her, walking back and forth,
and landing sudden smacks on the girl's bottom with the cane in his hand. He
seemed to be paying special attention to not blocking the others' view of the
girl's shapely ass which was now covered with angry red welts. Despite all the
noise in the garden, Lara could faintly hear the girl's screams each time the
cane connected with her buttocks: "Six, Sir"!!!... "Seven, Sir"!!!... "Eight,

Lara finally noticed Mr. Rostock at a distance who was making his way upstairs
with a stunning Asian girl. It looked like her boss'
attention would be reserved for other girls tonight. Lara wondered if any of
these gorgeous women were blackmailed into being here as she was. She guessed
that wasn't the case. She knew most were paid handsomely for their services, and
many of these gorgeous women were on retainer from the powerful men all around
the compounds. As she took a seat by the pool, as far away from other people as
possible, she felt like a lamb at the slaughter house. One of the guests would
surely grab her. Then, looking around she realized, now as a regular host at
these parties she would sooner or later have to do all the other things: She
would be the naked waitress, the schoolgirl getting a caning, the lesbian lover
on the stage... That last one especially horrified her, not having touched
another female in her life. But she knew, like so many other things in her life,
that too would change this summer.

She realized a tall, overweight man was approaching her. She could swear she
knew him from somewhere but she couldn't remember who he was. He was a heavy-set
man, in his mid-forties.

He simply said "Hi!!!". A simple "Hi" meant a lot in Simone's parties: Lara,
having been properly instructed, got on her feet and grabbed the man's hand
gently, giving him a seductive smile - the best she could manage anyway...

Apparently, her companion wanted to go upstairs, so they headed towards the
outer stairs going up to the second floor. It dawned on her as they entered a
large bedroom: She knew the man. She thought his name was something like "Larry
Binks". He was the conservative senator from Louisiana. She remembered him from
one of her Mom's shows - the Senator had gone into a big heated argument with
her Mom over Title 9. As far as Lara could remember, her Mom had given the
Senator a good beating. She always did anyway. Lara wondered if the Senator knew
who she was, if Mr. Rostock had sent him to her - so that the good Senator, who
controlled a powerful committee, could have the amusement of fucking Michelle
Cataluna's ********... But then, Mr. Rostock was extremely stringent about
keeping Lara's identity under wraps: She was never allowed to mention her actual
last name to anyone, never allowed to call her Mom from work, even her
employment papers were drafted under a fake last name. Not that Lara minded it
at all. She would die in shame if anyone learned how she'd been "working" for
the last month. She'd do anything to make sure no one knew the most famous
feminist TV host's ******** was being passed around as a common bimbo. But here
she was now, ready to be fucked by a man her mom despised, a man who almost
called her Mom a "whore" on TV. She ********** blocked all such ill thoughts
from her mind, as she unhooked the bikini top and smiled at the Senator who was
busy stripping out of his clothes.

Lara emerged from the second floor a short while later, showered and cleaned.
The Senator hadn't lasted long, and after pumping up and down on his shaft for a
few minutes, Lara had felt the man release. He had asked her to clean him off,
and Lara could still taste both of their juices in her mouth. She was in her
skimpy bikini again, hoping there would be no more laboring for the night.

She was wrong: As soon as she made her way back to the pool-side, she came
eye-to-eye with Eric who was seated at a table on the other side of the pool. He
was a particularly obnoxious Stock Analyst from Rostock Enterprises with a habit
of making pointed jokes about Lara. The sight of him almost froze Lara on her
tracks. This was the most uncomfortable she'd ever felt. She noticed next to
Eric there were other guys from the work, all Mr. Rostock's high-paid yuppies.
She had no idea guys from the office would be attending this party. Lara knew
she was the subject of many jokes and ridicules at the office, but this was
different: Now, it was in plain sight that she was just a slut; she was there
for the taking in this glorified meat-market. Despite all her wishes, Eric was
signaling for her to come over. The
humiliated girl walked over to their table, her higheels clinking on the
marbles. Her tiny swimsuit felt more exposing than ever: She was in a sexy
nothing in front of her coworkers.

"My, my..." said Eric, puffing his cigar. "Look who we got here!". His friends
laughed. There was four of them: Eric, Steve, Albert and Manuel - All guys Lara
knew from work, young ivy-leaguers who no doubt did not expect this sort of
bonus when they first signed for Rostock Enterprises. There was another girl,
completely naked, just sitting on the floor. She was a natural red-head, and she
didn't seem to share any of Lara's anxieties. She was playing with her breasts
laughing, smoking a cigar one of the guys must have given her. She was looking
at Lara with a glee in her eyes.

Lara expected Eric to make a few more jokes but instead he seemed more
interested in seeing Lara in action: "Lara, please strip and make love to

For a few seconds Lara hesitated. Mr. Rostock had told her to obey everyone at
the party and that surely included her coworkers. She was disgusted at the
thought of what was requested of her - but, then, she still remembered the
consequences of the last time she displeased her Boss. Trying not to look at the
guys, she undid her top and slid down her thong, standing naked. Her face was
red in shame, and she was trembling.

"See I told you" remarked Eric looking at her closely shaven pussy. "She IS a
natural blonde". This drew a big laughter from others. Lara's face turned even a
deeper shade of red at this crude comment.

She felt Nicole grab her by the elbow and pull her down. She didn't resist...
what had to be done had to be done. Nicole, on the other hand, was smiling at
the boys with a wicked grin, apparently quite grateful for having a playmate.
She led Lara to a sitting position next to her, obviously very eager to please
her audience. She landed a soft kiss on her ********* lover; then she kissed
Lara long and
passionately, caressing her breasts. As she broke the kiss, she bit Lara's lower
lip, all the while keeping her eyes fixed at the guys, making sure she didn't
forget who the girls were doing this for.

Lara could feel herself slowly getting into this lewd act of sex. Her juices
were beginning to flow despite herself. There was nothing she could do. Her body
was reacting to Nicole's sensual strokes and all the sexual anxiety. She could
feel her resistance fading away: She had no choice in the matter afterall; even
though the idea of sexual intimacy with "Nicole" nauseated her.

There was no doubt, Nicole was the aggressor in this pairing of sexy lesbians.
She took charge quickly, guiding the shy Lara into a festive lesbian
performance. The guys were watching in delight. It wasn't every day of the week
they could make two gorgeous girls go down on each other - and Lara's obvious
discomfort made it all the more

Nicole quickly pushed Lara beyond the initial stage of teasing and titillation,
moving on to the more assertive fondling, and right on to a full-blown lesbian
performance, ending in a passionate sixty-nine, with both the red-head and the
blonde assaulting each other's pussy with a pair of fast-flipping tongues and
faces covered with the other girl's juices.

When the whole spectacle was over, the four men gave a hearty applause to the
wet love-making that took place right before their eyes:

"Good job, Dykes!" cheered Eric.

"Yeah, that's what I call a pair of hot dykes" added Albert.

"The problem is, we are all hard now!!"

It was the sort of problem that would have to be remedied by the girls: In no
time, Lara was bucking on Eric's hard cock while he was groping her ass and
breasts. She could hear Nicole's moans who was doing the same with Steve - and
there were two more guys to take care of!!! She could only imagine the
embarrassment of going to work on Monday, knowing everything her "coworkers" did
to her... * * * * * * * * *
* * * * *

Love my niggaz, but wheres my bitches?
I love my niggaz, but wheres my bitches?
Love my niggaz, but wheres my bitches?
I love my niggaz, but wheres my bitches?

Chickens is good for plucking
So I'm stickin' bitches, fuckin'
Got 'em trickin' while they suckin'
Give 'em dick and they ain't buggin'

The music was blasting throughout the house. Kelly knew this was DMX: A month
ago, she didn't know the first thing about Rap, which she hated anyway. Now she
knew it by heart as this gang's bitch. And that wasn't the only change in the
teen-queen. Apart from mastering the art of obedience and fucking, the girl had
physical changes, as well: She had two large metal rings pierced into her
nipples. There was a tattoo on his right buttock, featuring the Leopards' gang
symbol - signifying the ownership of Kelly.

Of course, the young woman wouldn't have agreed to this under normal conditions,
perhaps not even facing the risk of going to jail. She was sure her parents
could put together a dream-team for her defense. But Kelly Van Ryan was no
longer just in fear of jail-time: She was in fear of her life! As far as she was
concerned, she was in-the-middle- of-a-jungle. She couldn't even find her way
out of this ghetto. But more importantly, she couldn't even make a run... There
was always at least one gang-member present in the house - with a big gun -
making it impossible for Kelly to escape. And she didn't even dare think about
escaping anymore. She was terrified of "Hammer" and all the rest of them; and
she had no doubt if she tried to run away, she'd be killed even if they had to
hunt her down and put a bullet in her pretty head. All she could hope was that
they would remain faithful to the deal they had made with Sammy.

Kelly was thinking these thoughts as she was trying to feed into her mouth the
biggest, meanest cock she'd seen ever in her young life. She was on the floor by
the couch, on her knees in front of the gang-member known as "Beast". Beast owed
his name in no little measure to the size of his cock: Kelly had become an
expert in taking huge black cocks all the way down her throat, but Beast's cock
was still a challenge.

Other gang-members were seated on the couch and chairs, screaming and yelling,
smoking ***** and ******** malt ******. Music was turned off now, the Raiders
game was on. It was unusual to see a giant-screen TV in a poor neighborhood like
this; but then not many teenagers returned home every night with stacks of cash.

When she was done with Beast, she would move onto Li'l Mo. And then onto the
next one. The members of this gang loved to watch their Raiders while getting
blow jobs from their bitch. Thus, there would be seconds... maybe thirds, too...


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The Monday morning after Simone's party, Mrs. Brown came over to Lara.

"Follow me" she ordered as she headed towards the stacking room.

"So, the boys tell me you were introduced to hot-lesbian sex this weekend."

"Mrs. Brown, I..."

"Shut up!! Slut! You fuck basically anything with two feet! You are a ********!
And believe me, I know who you are and I will tell
everything to that bitchy ****** of yours - unless you learn to please me! I've
always wanted a little young fucktoy of my own!!"

Lara's tongue was buried between the huge legs of Mrs. Brown in no time.


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When Lara was called into Mr. Rostock's office a few days later, she was sure it
was just another case of a "deal sweetener" - she was used to this shameful task
by now, she just hoped the guests weren't
particularly old, ugly or Japanese: The Japanese were the worst; they had no
qualms about using all the sex toys that were provided to them. Lara remembered
the last visit from them vividly, unsure which was the worst about entertaining
the three Suntoi executives: The sting of the cat-o-nine-tails or the taste of
the Japanese cumm in her mouth...

Richard didn't bother to bore the girl with unnecessary directives. He informed
his beautiful assistant that there were two young men waiting for her in the
Grand Meeting Room - Lara knew the rest...

As Lara made her way out of his office, Richard turned on the hidden camera
system in the Grand Meeting Room and pressed record. This was going to be

When Lara entered in the Grand Meeting Room, she was surprised to see two
handsome guys, looking good enough to be playgirl models. She felt herself
getting wet: For more than a month, she had been fucking college geeks, old and
ugly corporate executives, sick little
bastards... Her young body tingled with excitement at the prospect of making
love to the tanned, young, powerful bodies of these two
"hunks". Their huge muscles were almost trying to rip out of their tight
T-shirts, and Lara's eyes ************* wandered down to their groins, knowing
what was hidden underneath the jeans was what every girl wanted. She certainly
would not mind having sex with these two young men, in fact she looked forward
to stripping for them and feeling their powerful hard cocks at the tip of her
tongue. She gave them a sultry look as she started unbuttoning her blouse...
They certainly did not look like a couple of high-tech entrepreneurs or anything
like that, but she couldn't care less...

Richard watched the whole thing from his office - it lasted more than an hour.
The two men were nothing like his usual clients, who usually either came just at
the sight of a naked Lara or were on the verge of an heart attack after ten
minutes with the girl. Of course, these two young men had made a career out of
fucking women and Richard had to give them some credit: They really "fucked her
brains out"! Lara's performance was visibly and understandably different than
when she was having sex with a bunch of rednecks or geeks: She was lost in a
frenzy of lust, she humped on their cocks with an *********** passion, moaning
and screaming like a bitch-in-heat. Towards the end, she looked like she had
just ran the Boston Marathon, but she still kept moaning in high shrieks,
enjoying yet another orgasm, having lost the count of it... When it was
all-over, Lara wasn't sure she could walk: Her body was trembling with the
remainders of her most powerful sexual
experience ever.

After resting for a while, she managed to make it back to Mr. Rostock's office,
despite walking like a zombie. She wondered where her two lovers had disappeared
to - Mr. Rostock usually kept her around during the signing of any deals she
helped broker; so that she could see how much money she was making for him. Lara
thought at first that was just another way to mock her - these days, she even
felt a twisted pride in doing her job successfully!

"That was something, huh?" commented Richard.

Lara pretended she didn't see the implication: "I think they were satisfied,

Richard threw a thick magazine at Lara. When she looked at the
magazine, a shriek of surprise went though her lips: The two young men she had
just fucked, were on the cover of the magazine, half-dressed in the outfit of
construction workers, with a big-busted blonde woman between them - a magazine
called "The Authoritative Adult Film Almanac".

"Two of the most promising adult stars of 90s!" informed Richard. "So did you
enjoy fucking two stallions like that, Lara?"

"No, Sir... I just did what you asked me to... I don't enjoy... doing the things
you make me do"

"Yeah? Well, it surely looks different here". Richard pressed play and the giant
screen came alive with images of Lara humping up and down on one guy's cock,
while the other was pushing his cock into her mouth.

Lara's shock and dismay were genuine. She felt trembling all over, her legs

"Oh yes, dear girl, I have a very large collection of tapes like this - a very
large collection of all your performances: You fuck basically anybody! But I
think this one's the best: Look at you, you're
screaming like a whore on fire! Of course, all the other tapes are, for the most
part, useful for gaining some leverage against my business partners - I couldn't
make the tapes public without shaming them! But this one's different! Those two
hunks you fucked already agreed to distributing this wonderful wet piece of

"Sir" was all Lara could say in a hoarse voice.

"In fact, it's so good, I think everyone should be able to watch it! That's why
it's on the Internet, Lara. You even got your own web address. Isn't that

"Sir, please..." Lara begged in despair. "Please don't put that on the

"Oh, I think it's a great opportunity to display your charms... Look, I think
somebody even entered your web site!" he laughed at the frightened expression on
the girl's face. "Oh, no, false alarm... Nobody seems to know about this site!
Yet!!! Perhaps, we should send a mass e-mail to your freshman class, huh? Or the
alumni list of your high-school? I'm sure your old classmates would get a real
kick out of it. Mom, too, of course"

"No, Please, don't, Sir, I'll do anything" begged the desperate girl.

"Well, there IS something you can do!"

"Anything, Sir..."

"I just need you to sign this document..."

"What... what is it, Sir?"

"Oh, it's just a safeguard for me... It says you consented to the making of this

"But, why, Sir? Please..."

"It is only to ensure you won't be able to claim you were ****** into making
this tape... That's all... Nobody will ever see the tape, anyway! It is for MY
OWN collection, alone."

"Only for your own collection, Sir?"

"Yes" replied Richard, making it clear he was losing his patience...

"Do I have to sign it, Sir? Please don't make me..."

"No" replied Richard. "You don't have to... Instead, we could just send the tape
to every living soul you know, and then send your pretty ass to jail. It's your

Lara signed on the dotted line...

Richard smiled. He would later explain the young woman that she had just signed
a 10-movie deal with "Pink Compassions". She'd be making nine more videos. He
would of course tell her it was just for his "own collection". And maybe, it
was. He checked the contaract again, making sure it was iron-clad. His plan was
in the works...


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By the time the cameras were set up and the Luici was seated at the director's
chair, Lara was already smoking heavy marijuana. The pot was the only thing that
soothed her nerves, and Richard gladly offered her plenty of what she needed,
knowing that only made the light-headed girl more compliant.

Richard had explained to her that it was just a bunch of "home-videos" for his
own collection. To Lara, it sure looked like a professional production rather
than a simple home video. The place was crowded with cameramen, busy crew
members rushing right and left, setting up big cameras and arranging lights.
There was a couch placed in front of the Fire Place - where apparently the
"script" required for Lara and the other "actor" to "make love": He was one of
the guys who had given her such a good time the other day! Luici Simone was in
the director's chair and Richard was seated next to him.

"Allright" the director yelled. "Let's start shooting".

Lara hadn't felt so naked and ********* in her entire life. The presence of so
many people around her was terrifying enough; knowing that every bit of this
shame would be on Camera felt like she was being stripped right down to her
soul. By the time Simone began giving his directions, she was shuddering in
***********. But a few stares at Richard's spanking pad - which he kept handy -
washed away any
hesitation. Having to follow directions from the director only
heightened the girl's unease. Yet, she did follow the director's directions
satisfactorily as she began unzipping the young stud's shorts and threw a smile
at the camera - as the director ordered. Soon, the two young bodies were naked
and sweating, gyrating against each other, doing one position after another as
per the director's orders.

This first "flick" of Lara was a simple one. Simone told Lara they might try a
few new things in other tapes; all the while the girl kept pleading Mr. Rostock
not to show anyone the tape - which finally made Richard lose his cool: "Don't
worry" he yelled at her with obvious anger. Lara thought she could trust her
boss. Or was it the pot soothing her mind, helping her rationalize this horrible
turn of events... She no longer cared: It was too late to stop the tide now. A
door had been opened and it couldn't be closed anymore. There would be other
tapes. It was all for Mr. Rostock's "personal collection" anyway...


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Two Months later:

It had been almost eight weeks since Lara's first pornographic
performance. The summer was coming to an end, and the girl was anxious to be
done with her "internship" soon. She was on her knees at the moment, sucking
Richard's cock, who was watching one of the latest videos of Lara. She no longer
minded any of the ***** - she had gotten used to most of it. She was the perfect

Richard watched the tape with satisfaction - at that particular moment the
satisfaction wasn't the result of the blow job he was receiving, though the
once-shy girl had become an expert in giving oral pleasure with all the work she
had put into it during the summer. She knew every vein on Richard's cock, every
trick that made it tick. She looked like she was getting ready for cock-sucking

He grinned wide with satisfaction because of what he had turned his enemy's
precious ******** into. If he had ever seen a real slut, a shameless obedient
fuckbunny, Lara was it. She had fucked countless men in the last few months,
entertaining Richard and his guests without any discrimination. She'd become a
regular in Luici Simone's parties. She had swallowed enough cumm to fill up an
Olympic swimming pool, and stripping out of her clothes to get fucked by her
boss had become routine. The conservative, shy, proud girl was long gone. Now,
the young slut followed orders without question, no matter how demeaning. And
Richard had the proof of it all. The threat of a **** conviction seemed so pale
in Richard's eyes now - he had more goods on the slut now, a lot more! And the
girl was no longer camera-shy, either. Luici had produced a total of 10 porn
flicks featuring Lara. Each tape was more daring then the one before. Luici had
been happy to see an "actress" who didn't have a choice in how extreme the
production would be: He had even indulged into lesbian bondage and S&M videos in
the last few filmings.

Richard was inspecting a proto-type Luici sent. It was what the final product
could look like - if it were actually released to the
market-place: A flashy cover featuring Lara with a cock right on her pretty
face, cumm dripping from her cheeks onto her firm breasts. The label printed in
red bold letters caught attention:


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Pink Compassions' latest series:


"Feminist Queen's ******** Bares It All!!!"


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Richard smiled - he didn't know if the product would actually make it to the
market. It all depended on the upcoming events. Lara still seemed convinced that
all these films were made for Richard's own use.

The girl under the desk felt the cock in her throat pulse for once and Richard's
jism gushed down her throat. Lara carefully made sure she didn't spill a drop -
she had long learned Mr. Rostock did not
appreciate any of her protein diet going to waste. She carefully licked his cock
clean and placed it back into the man's pants, zipping him up. She was now a
real pro in this, she even took pride in her ability to give the perfect
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