Posts: 167297
Je reste impuissant quand ses mains s'attaquent à ma ceinture de pantalon, mes bras reste le long de moi, impossible d'avoir une réaction positive, je devrais la repousser violemment, et ... rien, mon pantalon tombe lamentablement à mes chevilles, je suis conscient que mon gland dépasse de l'élastique du boxer Sa tête se décolle de ma poitrine pour regarder vers le bas. - Hoooo! C'est beau ...C'est gros! C'est long!, j'ai trop envie ... Agnès se baisse lentement agrippant mon slip pour l'entraîner lui aussi vers le bas ...*** souffle chaud caresse ma bite, puis sa bouche s'en empare, je lève les yeux au ciel la bouche ouverte, je ne peux qu'apprécier la caresse, mes mains se posent de chaques cotés de sa tête pour imprimer un mouvement de va et vient, elle se recule juste un instant pour dire: - Viens! Donne moi tout, j'ai l'habitude, avec les copines on s'amuse à faire des concours dans les chiottes du bahut! Puis elle me lèche savamment, peut être mieux qu'une vraie femme, la gamine me taille une pipe d'enfer, ses seins fermes frottent sur mes cuisses ... je vais jouir....... j'essaie de me retirer mais elle me cramponne par les couilles, voilà les soubresauts ... la première giclée la fait hoqueter, mais courageusement elle avale, aussitôt la deuxième encore plus fournie passe mieux que la première, je suis plié en deux par la violence de cette jouissance, les autres fusées ***t littéralement tétées comme un petit veau le ferait! Lorsqu'Agnès relève la tête elle a du sperme sur le menton! - HAAAAA!! Quelle dose! Je comprend pourquoi mon slip était trempé!! Rassure toi mes copines ne sauront jamais ce qui vient de se passer, au fait, même si tu ne me crois pas, je suis vierge! Soudain dehors, un crissement de pneus sur le gravier nous rappelle à la réalité - Mon dieu c'est maman! je te laisse, je vais sous la douche! Je me retrouve seul comme un con, juste le temps de réajuster mon froc et la mère entre - Bonjour monsieur, ha je vous reconnais, vous êtes le prof d'Agnès! - Bonjours madame Martinez, effectivement je suis *** prof - Mais elle vous a laissé tout seul? C'est bien elle çà! - Elle vient de partir prendre sa douche m'a-t-elle dit - Prendre sa douche? Il ne s'est rien passé au moins? - Que voulez vous dire? - Tout simplement que je là connais! je vais vous mettre à l'aise ... pour le slip mouillé par votre sperme.... Rassurez vous je ne vous en veux pas! cette gamine est une provocatrice, je l'ai surprise hier soir alors qu'elle allait faire tremper sa culotte, entre nous très amidonnée! la lui ai retirée des mains, pour tout vous avouer, je l'ai moi même reniflée en me caressant cette nuit .... Si je vous disais qu'elle a fait fuir mon dernier compagnon qui n'en pouvait plus de supporter sa nudité, et même plus! elle minaudait devant lui comme une chatte en chaleur, j'en étais à un tel point que j'étais prête à le partager avec elle, ce qui fait qu'elle est toujours vierge - Elle m'a dit çà .... - Vous pouvez le croire, elle ne ment pas, du moins pour des choses graves!mais, demain elle a rendez vous chez notre gynéco pour qu'elle prenne enfin la pilule, car je sens que sa virginité lui pèse maintenant ... et, je ne sais comment vous dire ... vous êtes un excellent prof. - Vous me flattez! - Du tout, et quand je vois les femmes détailler votre pantalon et surtout quand je les entends parler de vous lors des réunions de parents ....elle a jeté *** dévolu sur vous n'y a plus qu'une solution ... - C'est-à-dire madame? - Je veux que vous fassiez de ma fille une femme, c'est elle qui vous a choisi, cent fois vous plutôt qu'un petit con qui va la rater et s'en vanter deux minutes après dans la rue - Vous vous rendez compte de ce que vous me demandez? - Tout à fait, mais il serait vraiment bête que des bruits courent au lycée sur vous.... - Ha, je vois .... - Non, ce n'est pas du chantage, mais vous savez comment ***t les ados! si elle reste sur un échec... Sur cet entrefait Agnès entre vêtue d'une sortie de bain très courte est une serviette nouée sur la tête - Vous parliez de moi? - Ha te voilà ma chérie, oui, nous avons parlé avec Georges, et je pense qu'il va être d'accord pour faire de toi une femme, ne rougis pas, c'est un homme qui connaît tout de la vie, demain tu as rendez vous chez notre gynéco pour la pilule. - Haa, chez ce vieux vicieux? - Voyons c'est un vieux monsieur, certes, mais il est de grands services, il a eu ta grand mère, il m'a eu, et il va t'avoir ... comme cliente j'entend! - Demain mercredi, l'après midi vous êtes libre Georges? - Bien que çà m'ennuie profondément de passer pour un sextoy décapsuleur sur pattes, je ne vois pas comment y échapper! - Très bien! Encore une chose, il n'est pas question d'amour entre vous, quelques préliminaires avant le passage à l'acte, mais c'est tout - C'est bien comme çà que je le vois, à demain mesdames! Quelle galère, en même temps la petite chatte de cette jeune vierge me fascine, tant pis pour la moralité, je viendrais! Le lendemain malgré ma réticence per***nelle je suis là, la mère me reçois en peignoir, d'àprés la quantité de chair que j'aperçois elle est nue dessous, j'espère que ce n'est pas un coup monté uniquement pour baiser la mère! - Agnès n'est pas encore arrivée de chez *** gynéco, elle ne va pas tarder mettez vous à votre aise... - Merci, vous êtes charmante madame! - Merci! Appelle moi Hortense! j'aurais quand même bien voulu voir ce que ma fille va recevoir en elle, car tout compte fait, nous nous ba***s sur des 'on dit ' - Vous voulez voir ... mon sexe?? - Sil vous plaît... baissez votre pantalon .... Je me lève elle reste assise sur le canapé, sans slip dessous l'affaire est vite faite! - Bien! Voilà la bête ... çà vous va? - Mon dieu! Elle est comment en érection? - Flattez là de la main elle va vous répondre! Sans hésiter Hortense prend mon chibre dans sa main, presque instantanément *** volume augmente à une vitesse grand V! - Mon dieu! Jamais Agnès ne va pouvoir prendre çà pour une première fois? - Voyons, Hortense vous savez bien qu'une chatte vierge ou non, se dilate en fonction de ce qu'elle veut avaler!! - C'est vrai, mais vous ferez doucement n'est ce pas?? Je veux que ma fille profite de la 'première pressée' si j'ose dire! sinon j'aurais volontiers testé cette queue!!, je ne vous cache pas je mouille en ce moment! - Hé bien nous verrons ce que je peu faire pour vous après le sacrifice! - Ha! Voila Agnès .... Alors ma fille chérie comment çà c'est passé?? - Je ne m'étais pas trompée, c'est un gros cochon!!, tu veux tous les détails?? - Il ne t'a pas ... - Baisée? Non! Mais ce n'es pas l'envie qui lui manquait! j'ai l'impression qu'il est au courant de ce qui va se passer ici non?? - Oui, c'est vrai je l'ai mis dans la confidence ...ceci dit à ta prochaine visite il t'examinera plus en profondeur .... - En clair, il me baisera! aujourd'hui il m'a examinée à la loupe! Comme il ne pouvait pas enfoncer ses doigts dans ma chatte, il m'a fait mettre à quatre pattes, graissé le trou du cul ... trois doigts dedans! mon boyau est encore plein de gel, par contre il m'a passé délicatement une lingette sur ma moule! je suis prête!! C'est maintenant?? Je vois que Georges est en pleine forme! Tu t'en es servie maman? - Non, je te laisse la priorité, je voulais seulement voir à quoi tu t'exposais... si nous allions dans la chambre?? Le lit est prêt, j'ai mis une alèse c'est plus prudent. Arrivés au pied du lit les deux femmes ***t très près de moi, d'une voix tremblante la mère me dit: - Je vous enlève la chemise Georges? - Allez y je n'ai plus que çà sur moi ... 
Posts: 167297
— Tu as vu chérie ces pectoraux? Touche... sens *** odeur d'homme, enlèves ton chemisier, frottes tes seins sur lui... Georges, défaite lui sa jupe, je lui enlève sa culotte .... La chatte de la vierge est tout prés de mon gland, au passage je remarque que pour l'occasion elle est épilée! - Baisse toi, suce le chérie, je vais te faire voir comment on fait .... - Maman fout moi la paix! Je ne t'ai pas attendue pour le faire!! - Tu... tu l'as déjà sucé?? - Oui! Hier! et c'était vachement bon!! Tu devrais nous laisser maintenant, tu reviens quand j'hurlerais de bonheur! - Comme tu veux ma fille, mais j'aurais quand même bien voulu assister ....à tout à l'heure ... Une fois seule la fille se pend à mon cou, et se frotte sur ma monstrueuse érection. - Georges ... bouffe moi la veux connaître ça avant de passer à la casserole! Doucement je la bascule sur le lit les jambes sur mes épaules, les lèvres ***t légèrement entrouvertes, mouillées ...elle se presse les seins et se mord les lèvres, je colle ma bouche à ce calice, Agnès sursaute, puis se détend, elle s'offre à mes caresses - OUIIIIIIIII ..... Que c'est booooonnnnnnn, lèche moi bien chéri .... Faute de pouvoir enfoncer des doigts dans sa chatte je lui en mets un dans *** petite trou, effectivement il est ouvert et plein de gel lubrifiant... elle pousse *** bassin afin de profiter au maximum des caresses? Puis elle bêle comme un jeune ****** en jouissant. - Que c'est fort! Plus fort que lorsque je me caresse moi-même!... je suis prête Georges, c'est le me met comment?? Comme ça? Je fais la grenouille? - Très bien! Regarde ta chatte s'ouvre toute seule! je vais faire doucement, mais elle est bien lubrifiée ... - Je veux que tu me regardes bien dans les yeux quand tu vas pousser .... - Regarde plutôt quand je vais m'enfoncer, tu vas sentir ton ventre s'ouvrir ma queue va disparaître en toi.... Je prends appui sur mes bras, laissant du champ entre nos corps, je dirige avec mon bassin ma queue vers l'ouverture humide. - Ta petite fleur va devenir une plante carnivore! Tu y es??? Je grogne de satisfaction en sentant ma bitte s'engouffrer dans ce boyau chaud et gluant qui n'a jamais vu une queue, Hortense se tient dans l'embrasure de la porte, nue, elle se masturbe - OUIIIIIIIIII! Pousse, maintenant!!!!!!!! Lentement mais fermement, j'avance mon bassin, une légère résistance... d'un coup sec je me propulse en avant - AAIIIEEEE ..... Aie ... aie OUIIIIIIIIIII enfonce moi ta bitte bien au fond!! Que c'est bon de baiser!! Ramone-moi bien avant de décharger Ouuuuiiiiiii ooouuiiiiiiiii!! MAMAN!! Je jouiiiiiiiiiiiiii. - HOOOOOO ma fille ça y est!!! C'est bon une queue? - Hoooo oui!! Elle est grosse! Elle soulève mon ventre!! Regarde ses couilles tapent sur mon petit trou!! La mère se branle frénétiquement en regardant sa fille se faire mettre, soudain je me crispe, le gland pousse le fond de sa gaine vaginale ... - TIENNNT! Prend tout!! - Maman!! Çà gicle!! C'est chaud! Je suis remplie de foutre!! Ça coule entre mes fesses!! - Oui! Je vois chérie! Tu n'es plus vierge, il y a un peu de sang mélangé au sperme .... Je jouis moi aussiiiiiiiii!!! A regret je me retire de cette chatte brûlante, je bande petite reste sur le lit nue, dans la position du fœtus, une main sur sa moule comme pour empêcher tout ce qu'elle a pris dans *** ventre de ressortir, ses yeux se ferment, elle dort! - Elle est belle ma fille! Cela va faire une belle femme, les hommes n'ont qu'à bien se tenir!... mais Georges vous bandez toujours? - Que voulez vous! C'est dans ma nature, je ne débande jamais à ma première décharge! Pas plus qu'à la troisième d'ailleurs! à ce propos pourrais-je aller me laver? - Oui, mais avant voulez vous me suivre dans ma chambre?? J'aimerais vous parler ... Je me doute du genre de conversation! Mais bon enfant je la suis - Georges j'ai très envie de vous nettoyer le sexe moi même avec ma bouche, après tout ce n'est pas sale, ça vient de la chair de ma chair!! - Elle est à votre disposition chère madame! et moi j'ai aussi très envie de vous dévorer l'abricot!! Alors vite! En soixante neuf! Sa chatte aux poils bien taillés est onctueuse, *** goût de femme me plaît bien! Ma bitte est léchée du haut en bas, même ce qui a coulé sur mes couilles est goulûment absorbé - Hortense: je pense que vous devriez vous mettre en levrette maintenant! - Ho merci, je n'osais pas vous le demander! Ça fait trois mois que je n'ai pas baisé! - Alors cambrez vous bien ma queue arrive! - HAAAAAAAA, je ressens ce que ma fille a subit! Quelle monstre cette bitte!! HOOOO OUIIIII!!!! Ramonez-moi le vestibule! Cette chienne en manque propulse *** cul sur moi, mes couilles frappent *** clitoris, j'étire sa gaine vaginale elle jouit en gueulant à faire tomber les cloi***s. - Chuuuuutt!! Vous allez réveiller Agnès!! - C'est plus fort que moi! je ne peux pas me retenir!! Tant pis si elle se réveille c'est trop booooonnnnnnn!!!!! Donnez-moi vite votre purée!! - HAAAaaaaaa! La voilà ma purée, je vais vous remplir la chatte salope!! Haaaaa Haaaaa ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!! - Hé bien maman?? C'est bon de se faire mettre hein?? Vous m'avez réveillée!je peux me joindre à vous en tant que vraie femme?? Georges, tu peux me prendre comme maman? Ça doit être bon!! - Hoooo! Les filles je ne suis pas une machine!!.... Bon, allez poses toi à coté de ta mère, je suis à toi tout de suite, mais après je me tire!! Agnès, la moule encore à vif c'est laissée faire comme une grande, mon bas ventre claque à grand bruit sur ses fesses, du jus gluant coule de sa fente à chaques coups de rein, les draps de sa mère ***t baptisés! - Merci pour tout Georges vous pouvez compter sur notre entière discrétion, il n'est pas dans mon intérêt que ça se sache! Je vais demander à mon ancien compagnon de revenir à la mai***, il aura peut être moins de scrupules à nous satisfaire toutes les deux .... Quelle famille! Le lendemain en cours la petite Martinez s'est comportée très sérieusement, sa soif de sexe étant comblée sans doute! mais le soir après les cours mon portable ***ne, c'est Nathalie la prof de science ... - Georges aurait tu un moment à m'accorder? Je voudrais te parler de toute urgence... passe me voir à la salle de cours .... Que ce passe-t-il encore..... Je fonce au fond des bâtiments, un endroit assez isolé, là ou se trouve la salle - Bonjour, entre vite... Elle ferme la porte à double tours derrière moi.... *** corsage me semble bien ouvert.... - Que puis-je faire pour toi?? - Hé bien voilà, aujourd'hui j'ai surpris une conversation entre certaines filles de ton groupe ..... - Et alors? - Hé bien elles parlaient d'Agnès Martine.... une histoire de petite culotte qui se serait retrouvée je ne sais comment sur ton bureau, et elle l'aurait récupérée souillée par du .... - Pas la peine d'en rajouter ... et c'est tout? Elles n'ont pas parlés d'autre chose?? - Non, pourquoi il y a d'autre chose?? - Tu trouves que ce n'est pas assez?? - Ouais... bon si j'ai bien compris, je dois démissionner avant que ça ne vienne aux oreilles du dirlo! - Non! Si tu veux je parlerais aux filles, j'ai des dossiers sur elles! Ça n'iras pas plus loin, mais .... - Ha! Il y a un mais ..... - Georges, j'en ai marre d'entendre les femmes fantasmer sur toi, elles ont toujours les yeux braqués là sur ta braguette .... Alors voilà, tu me la fait voir.... - Et si je te la fais voir ça suffira?? - Ouiiiii........ - Bien alors vas y regardes par toi-même, sors la .......tu vas être déçue je ne bande pas!! - Ca m'est égal ...... Les mains tremblantes elle défait rapidement ma ceinture puis le zip... mon pantalon tombe à mes pieds, la tête baissée elle fait glisser mon boxer lentement comme une gamine qui défait *** cadeau... Mon sexe perd vite sa position roulée pour pendre vers le bas, mais il prend rapidement du volume et remonte à l'horizontale Nathalie le saisit à pleine main - Houaaaaa.... Je me doutais que c'était gros, mais comme ça jamais.... ça doit faire du bien..... bon! J'en ai marre de m'enfoncer dans la chatte des éprouvettes de plus en plus grosse en pensant à ta bitte, alors tu vas me baiser Georges, tu vas me la mettre maintenant ici sur la table en zinc!! Et joignant le geste à la parole elle retrousse sa jupe, sa petite culotte vole dans la pièce et elle s'assied sur un coin de la table. - Pas besoin de préliminaires, baise-moi, tu en as envi, la preuve regarde toi, tu bandes comme un âne! - D'accord! C'est vrai tu me fais envi, mais j'espère que tu mouilles assez car je ne vais pas te faire de cadeaux!! Poses tes jambes sur mes épaules que je puisse t'embrocher jusqu'aux couilles d'un seul coup! Tu peux gueuler per***ne ne t'entendra ici! - OUUUUIIIIIII VA Y!!!!! Baise-moi! Je suis prête, défonce moi la chatte depuis le temps que j'en rêve!! Je l'ai limée pendant vingt minutes, pendant qu'elle brame comme une perdue, j'ai déchargé, aussitôt la moule pleine elle s'est retournée .... - Prend moi par là aussi, encule moi Georges, sans douceur comme tu viens de le faire avec mon vagin!! 
Posts: 167297
Humilié devant sa femme Mon patron n'a jamais pu me blairer. C'est un vieux con qui n'a jamais admis que moi, j'ai les dents longues. C'est vrai que je ne regarde pas trop aux moyens pour atteindre mes résultats, et il m'a en plus déjà surpris plusieurs fois en train de chipoter dans les commandes de matériel, de nourriture, mais il n'a pas eu le cran de me foutre dehors. Entre temps, avec ses bons sentiments à la con, il a embobiné notre collègue Bénédicte. Elle a 39 ans, comme moi, et ce vieux porc en a 51. Elle venait de quitter *** mari, et elle s'est laissée aller à épouser le dirlo. Depuis, ils filaient le parfait amour et elle se la jouait un peu à Madame la Directrice. Et puis, j'ai eu ce coup de génie de développer ce projet avec le Maroc. Mon boss s'y était toujours opposé. Ca a marché du tonnerre. Et le Conseil d'Administration, manipulé par mes relations politiques (j'ai rendu pas mal de services à un député pas très net) a viré le vieux et m'a nommé à sa place. Mieux encore, il est resté dans la boîte, mais à un poste subalterne, tandis que j'accédais à *** fauteuil. Ma première décision a été de le reloger dans l'espère de placard à balais jouxtant mon nouveau bureau. De là, il serait le témoin de mon triomphe. Le vieux était abattu, mais n'avais pas d'autre choix, à *** âge, il était grillé. Sa femme n'était plus très fière non plus et rasait les murs. Je ne vous ai pas dit que Bénédicte est une femme d'une extrême minceur, au bassin très étroit, mais au fesses fermes, très fine, très vive, mais avec un visage de madone de Botticelli. Elle souffrait de toute évidence de ce renversement de situation, comme d'ailleurs tous le per***nel. Tout le monde me craignait et se demandait à quelle sauce il serait mangé. J'ai commencé par virer un des plus proches collaborateur de mon prédécesseur, histoire d'isoler celui ci et de me faire craindre davantage. L'un ou l'autre a préféré partir, d'autres, comme Bénédicte, gardaient un profil bas, la plupart se ***t mis à me lécher les bottes. Je savourais. Je me gardais bien de virer le vieux. Il y avait mieux à faire, et plus amusant. Contre toutes ses craintes, je me montrais charmant avec Bénédicte. Peu à peu, je lui confiais de nouvelles responsabilités, et il faut reconnaître que c'était une femme compétente et très efficace. Je me mis régulièrement à la faire venir dans mon bureau, à la consulter sur certaines décisions que je devais prendre. Je laissais la porte ouverte pour que *** mari puisse entendre nos conversations. Il devait en être anéanti! J'emmenais de plus en plus souvent Bénédicte avec moi dans des réunions à l'extérieur, y compris pour défendre des dossiers devant le CA. Très craintive et fermée avec moi au début, elle avait fini par se décrisper peu à peu face l' amabilité que je feignais à *** égard. Naturellement, elle rougissait lorsque je tançais *** mari devant elle (ce que je prenais évidemment le soin de faire le plus souvent possible, et sous les prétextes les plus divers). Finalement, je l'avais invitée au restaurant suite à une de nos nombreuses réunions. Mon ton ne lui laissait pas beaucoup le choix, et elle m'avait donc accompagné. Je lui avais joué les violons, passant insensiblement des éloges professionnels à des compliments de nature plus ... per***nelle. Je la sentais embarrassée, mais également soulagée d'être dans les bonnes grâces d'un chef aussi craint que moi. Après avoir repris quelques couleurs grâce au champagne que, grand seigneur, je lui avais offert sur le compte de la société, elle s'était laissée aller à me raconter la détresse qui s'était emparée d'elle suite au retournement de pouvoir, la plongée de *** mari dans la dépression, encore renforcée par la proximité qui s'était crée entre elle et moi (et qu'elle attribuait naïvement aux seules nécessité du boulot). De mon côté, j'en rajoutais un max sur le mode « je voudrais aider ton mari, mais qu'est-ce qu'il est empoté, *** heure est passée » et lui laissait entendre que c'étaient des gens comme elle et moi qui ferions avancer notre société. Elle ne répondait pas, mais je la sentais déstabilisée. Je pense qu'elle avait espéré que je ne parlerais pas au bureau de notre resto, mais naturellement, je n'allais pas rater l'occasion, porte grande ouverte, d'y faire allusion le lendemain, en lui demandant si elle avait apprécié le champagne. Je la vis jeter un regard inquiet vers la porte du « placard » , mais elle hocha silencieusement la tête en rougissant. Le surlendemain, je constatai qu'elle avait mis un tailleur noir très strict, mais à la jupe assez courte (plus en tout cas que ce qu'elle portait d'habitude) et moulant, mettant bien en valeur sa taille très fine et ses petites fesses bien hautes et fermes. Je lui en fis le compliment à haute voix. Plus tard dans la journée, alors qu'elle était à nouveau dans mon bureau, *** mari vint me porter une farde de documents, dont il laissa tomber certains sur le sol. Elle voulut l'aider à les ramasser, mais je lui dis « laisse donc, il faut bien qu'il serve à quelque chose », d'un ton qui n'admettait pas la réplique. Elle hésita une fraction de seconde, mais se rassit. J'ajoutais d'un ton persifleur « vous n'allez pas y passer l'après-midi, mon vieux, dépêchez-vous, Bénédicte et moi avons à travailler, et fermer la porte en rentrant dans votre plac! ... dans votre bureau, ne nous dérangez plus sous aucun prétexte ». Il leva des yeux implorants vers sa femme, qui les ignora, et regagna *** trou. Je remarquais que le deuxième bouton du chemisier de Bénédicte était défait, et qu'on apercevait la bretelle d'un soutien gorge en dentelle noire. Lentement, patiemment, sûrement, j'enfonçais un coin entre elle et le notre futur cocu. 
Posts: 167297
Les jours passaient et la situation se consolidait. Je gouvernais par la terreur, cassant tout ceux qui ne me léchaient pas les bottes. J'épargnais naturellement Bénédicte, la plaçant sur un piédestal, en dessous de moi, mais au dessus du reste du per***nel. Elle prenait un soin nouveau à se maquiller et à s'habiller chic et juste assez sexy pour ne pas paraître vulgaire. Lors de nos conversations badines, (porte du « placard » toujours ouverte, pour que *** mari puisse déguster) je lâchais sans avoir l'air d'y toucher de petits commentaires sur mon goût pour les tailleurs noirs, les porte jarretelles, les haut talons ... et depuis lors, elle ne portait plus que des tenues noires, chemisiers blancs ouverts largement sur sa petite poitrine enserrée dans des soutiens en dentelle noire. Elle ne portait plus que des haut talons, elle qui détestait ça auparavant. Je décidais alors de passer à l'étape suivante. Je me mis à l'ignorer, à l'éviter. Quand nous devions nous voir, je me montrais plus froid. La réaction ne tarda pas, elle se mis à dépérir. Elle avait encore maigri. On voyait les os de ses genoux et de ses épaules saillir. Elle balbutiait lorsque je l'interrogeais. Elle finit par me demander un entretien que je lui accordais. Elle me demanda ce qui avait changé dans nos relations. Elle me sentait distant. Je lui expliquais que cela m'énervait de la savoir avec une lope comme Paul, et que j'aimais que mes collaborateurs soient loyaux (lisez: à mes bottes) et que sa situation de femme mariée avec quelqu'un qui m'enviait et complotait sûrement contre moi (le pauvre, il en était bien incapable, et je le savais) rendait la loyauté de Bénédicte suspecte. Elle protesta, mais je mis fin à l'entretien avec sécheresse. Le week-end passa, et je l'imaginais se morfondre après notre entrevue. Le lundi, nous devions nous rendre en province pour visiter un client. Nous prenions ma BMW. Avec satisfaction, je vis Bénédicte arriver avec un sourire gêné. Elle portait un chemisier en voile noir transparent, qui ne laissait rien ignorer de *** soutien gorge aux balconnets très bas. Devant notre client, elle gardait la veste de *** tailleur fermée, mais dès que nous fûmes seuls, elle s'arrangea pour que je jouisse du spectacle. Je constatais alors qu'elle portait également une chaînette à la cheville, et l'interrogeai à ce sujet. Elle me répondit que je n'ignorais certainement pas que c'était un signe de soumission. Je fis l'étonné. Honteuse et confuse, elle dût poursuivre: « tu sais, j'ai pensé tout le week-end à notre conversation de vendredi, tes soupçons de déloyauté m'ont ébranlée, et je veux t'exprimer tout mon ... attachement. Je l'interrompis en feignant la mauvaise humeur et lui dis que j'étais un homme très autoritaire, qui dans la vie professionnelle et privée ne supportait pas la contradiction. La loyauté ne me suffisait pas, il me fallait la soumission inconditionnelle. Nous approchions d'une aire de parking. Je m'y engageais et trouvant un emplacement à l'écart, je coupais le contact. Elle avait la gorge serrée, et était blême. Je poursuivis « Je n'ai pas envie de perdre mon temps avec les états d'âme d'une irrésolue. Tu dois choisir entre ton mariage et notre relation professionnelle ... et autre . Tu sais ce que j'attends de toi? ». -« Oui ». -« dis-le!» — « ma soumission » — « je veux que tu m'amènes ta soumission ET celle de ton mari » -« mais ce n'est pas possible » balbutia-telle « et puis, je croyais que tu voulais que je le quitte? » — « tu croyais mal, je veux que tu le fasses ramper devant moi » Elle ne répliqua pas, mais je voyais qu'elle était vaincue, et pensait déjà au moyen de me donner satisfaction. J'exigeais alors qu'elle me démontre sur le champ sa soumission. Elle avait les larmes aux yeux et les lèvres tremblantes, mais elle défit sa ceinture de sécurité, hésita encore un instant, puis elle se pencha sur moi et ouvrit ma braguette. Mon sexe était évidemment dur comme de la pierre et elle eut du mal à l'extraire de mon slip. Elle jeta un regard inquiet autour de nous, craignant l'arrivée inopportune d'un véhicule. « Ne t'occupe pas de ça », lui envoyai-je. Ses doigts tremblaient en s'emparant de mon sexe, elle se pencha à nouveau, et l'introduisit dans sa bouche exquise. Le grand moment était arrivé. Je tenais le début de ma vengeance. Je pensais au pauvre Paul en train de dépérir au moment même dans *** placard, tandis que les lèvres de sa femme coulissaient le long de mon sexe, sa langue venant de temps en temps en mouvements lascifs titiller le bout de mon gland. Je lui ordonnais de saliver. Je voulait une bouche moite. Elle fit quelques mouvements des joues et de la langue pour m'obéir. Je sentis ma bite baigner dans une bonne bouche bien chaude et humide. Elle reprit sa succion. Je me remis à penser à *** mari. Je me gardais bien de l'avertir lorsque je sentis la jouissance monter en moi. Elle se prit une grande giclée de sperme au fond de la gorge et voulut se retirer, mais je veillais au grain et lui maintins fermement la nuque. Elle dût avaler mon sperme intégralement. Je ne la relâchais que lorsqu'elle eût nettoyé complètement mon sexe avec sa langue. Alors elle put se redresser. Ses yeux étaient baignés de larmes et *** ricil avait coulé. Je remis le contact et nous repartîmes. Elle sanglota une bonne partie du voyage retour. 
Posts: 167297
Après m'avoir marqué sa soumission de la plus belle manière qui soit, Bénédicte, la femme de mon ex-patron, pût réintégrer sa place auprès de moi. Dès le lendemain, elle fut donc admise dans mon bureau. Pâle et honteuse de ce qu'elle avait fait la veille, mais subjuguée par l'autorité que j'exerçais sur tous, elle gardait les yeux baissés, mais la chaînette brillait toujours autour de sa cheville délicate. Le signal était clair. Je bandais ferme en l'attendant, car notre petite séance de la veille avait déchaîné en moi mes desseins les plus noirs. Je poussai donc sur le bouton rouge qui interdisait l'entrée de mon bureau, côté couloir, et je refermai également la porte du minuscule bureau jouxtant le mien, où j'avais consigné le directeur déchu, et lui commandais de n'entrer dans mon bureau sous aucun prétexte, car j'allais être très occupé avec *** épouse. Il leva vers moi un regard incrédule, mais baissa immédiatement les yeux devant la dureté du mien. « C'est bien compris? » lui dis-je? « Bien compris, monsieur ». J'exigeais d'abord de Bénédicte de me renouveler *** hommage. — « j'espère bien que tu es toujours aussi désireuse de me prouver ta soumission? » — « oui, Eric » — « qu'attends-tu? Mets toi à genou devant ton maître » Cette fois, elle ne marqua plus d'hésitation et se mit à genou, gênée tout de même par l'étroitesse de la jupe noire de *** tailleur BCBG. Dans le processus, la jupe remonta, et je vis le bord supérieur de *** bas, retenu par le porte-jarretelle. Je lui ordonnais de me lécher les couilles, ce quelle fit immédiatement. Je regardais la porte du « placard », imaginant *** mari qui devait se demander ce qu'il se passait. Bien sûr, j'avais d'abord imaginé le faire devant lui, mais il n'était pas encore mûr pour cela. Je risquais de le pousser immédiatement à la faute, à la révolte qui m'aurait obligé à le mettre dehors. Or, il y avait mieux à faire. Sa déchéance devait être plus lente que cela pour que j'en jouisse pleinement. Je reculais ensuite d'un pas, et lui relevais le menton. « regarde moi ». Elle leva ses yeux embués de larmes vers moi. Je lui mis un doigt en bouche. « suce ». Elle obéit, n'osant plus me quitter des yeux., puisque tel était mon désir. On entendait des craquements dans le « placard ». Je me décidai enfin et lui enfonçais toute la longueur de mon sexe dans la bouche. Elle avait retenu mes instructions et se forçait à saliver pour que je baigne dans sa bouche comme dans un sexe bien moite. Je pris bien mon temps à me faire sucer la hampe et lécher le gland. De temps en temps, je prenais sa nuque à deux main et j'enfonçai toute la longueur jusqu'à sa glotte. Elle étouffait et hoquetait, à la limite du vomissement. Je jouissais intellectuellement autant que physiquement de sa servilité. Je passais à la vitesse supérieure. Me reculant à nouveau, et sans aucune rai***, je lui assénai une gifle violente. Elle me regarda avec stupéfaction, puis, comme un enfant puni injustement, elle se mit à pleurer à chaudes larmes. Cela ne m'attendrit évidemment pas, bien au contraire, j'étais rendu comme fou par le pouvoir qu'elle me concédait sur elle. Je la relevais *********** et la retournais sur mon bureau: « montre moi ton cul ». Ses doigts fins saisirent le bord de sa jupe et elle la remonta au dessus de ses petites fesses. J'arrachais sa petite culotte en dentelle. Je voyais ses fesses pour la première fois. Maigres. Fermes. Plus sexy encore que je les imaginais. Mes doigts fouillèrent sa chatte, elle était déjà baignée. Mon sexe s'enfonça en elle comme dans du beurre. Elle gémit. Je commençais à lui donner de grands coups de boutoir, sans aucun ménagement. Elle poussait des couinements où la douleur et le plaisir se mélangeaient. Cela faisait longtemps que je fantasmais sur elle, mais je n'aurais jamais rêvé que mon triomphe sur sa vertu soit aussi total. Que penser d'une femme qui se fait prendre par *** patron dans la pièce à côté de celle où *** mari travaille. Je n'avais pas mis de préservatif, et j'explosai bientôt en elle, la laissant pantelante, couchée sur mon bureau, ses petites fesses en l'air. En me retirant, je fis gicler du sperme sur sa jupe, et me gardai bien de lui dire. Elle avait du ricil partout et me demanda de la permission de se remaquiller, ce que je lui refusai. Je la renvoyais à *** bureau. Elle dût traverser le bureau des dactylos avec *** maquillage ruiné, sa jupe chiffonnée, et une belle tache de sperme au fesses. Les autres employés n'en croyaient pas leurs yeux. Je me présentais à la porte du bureau et les fusillais du regard. Tout le monde plongea sur *** clavier. La vie me paraissait vraiment belle, et je rectifiais la ceinture de mon pantalon, ostensiblement. 
Posts: 167297
Je ne perdais plus maintenant une occasion d'afficher devant le groupe la soumission de la femme de l'ex patron à mes désirs, que ce soit en faisant des commentaires grivois, des allusions appuyées à nos rapports, des sous entendus de toutes sortes, qu'elle acceptait en rougissant, mais sans protestation. Il était clair qu'elle était à ma merci. Quant à *** mari, de chute en dégringolade, je l'avais maintenant affecté aux photocopies et au service du café, comme ce jour où, recevant Bénédicte dans mon bureau, je lui avais ordonné d'aller nous chercher deux expressos. Bénédicte, installée face à moi, inutile de le préciser en mini jupe, escarpins et bas noirs, avait renversé un peu de café par terre. Avant qu'elle n'ait eu le temps de le ramasser, j'avais rappelé *** mari « Paul, voyons, veuillez ramasser cela, que diable ». Le pauvre bougre s'était mis à genoux devant sa jeune épouse, frottant le sol avec une serviette en papier. Ce faisant, il était bien placé pour voir les longues jambes de Bénédicte, et l'ourlet de ses bas, à trente centimètres de lui, mais désormais inaccessibles à ses désirs. Le pauvre avait bien dû remarquer que depuis une quinzaine de jour, sa femme s'habillait comme une poule de luxe pour venir mendier mon attention, mes faveurs. Mais il semblait las et résigné. J'ajoutai « il y en a aussi sur les chaussures ». Bénédicte s'apprêtait à me répondre que non, les gouttes de café étaient tombées devant, mais elle comprît ce que je voulais et se tût. Bien au contraire, en me regardant dans le fond des yeux, elle avança le pied vers *** mari et dit « en effet, ma chaussure est sale, essuie !». Elle se révélait une digne partenaire, à la hauteur de mes ambitions! Paul regagna *** placard à balais, dont il s'apprêtait à fermer la porte, mais je le retins « laissez la porte ouverte, voyons, pas de secrets entre nous ». Le moment était venu, d'un geste impérieux, je fis venir Bénédicte entre mes cuisses. Sa timidité semblait bien maîtrisée, mais elle gardait un air grave et soumis. J'ai horreur des femmes qui sourient quand je les baise. Elle était parfaite. Soumise et grave. Comme j'aime. Elle exécuta une fellation trois étoiles. Comme d'habitude, je reluquais le bord de sa jupe, qui tandis qu'elle me suçait à genoux, remontait sur ses cuisses pour dévoiler le porte-jarretelles. De *** siège, Paul ne pouvait voir ce qu'elle faisait, mais il ne pouvait ignorer les bruits que je tirais de la gorge chaude de sa femme chaque fois que je poussais mon sexe jusqu'à sentir mes couilles buter contre ses incisives. Lorsqu'elle eût terminé, j'appelai *** mari, « Paul! Servez un autre expresso à votre charmante épouse, elle l'a bien mérité ». Il apparût dans l'encadrement de la porte alors que Bénédicte avait encore un genou à terre. Elle tourna la tête vers lui, et je m'aperçus qu'un filet de sperme coulait sur *** menton. Il ne pût manquer de le voir, mais baissa les yeux et s'exécuta. Bénédicte était passée du statut de bourgeoise catho à celui de chienne en chaleur. Elle ne manquait pas un prétexte pour venir m'aguicher dans mon bureau, souvent en présence de *** mari. Je lui avais bien sûr interdit d'avoir encore des relations sexuelles avec lui, mais elle m'avait assuré qu'il était au fond d'une noire dépression et n'essayait même plus de s'approcher d'elle. Il dormait dans la chambre d'amis. D'ailleurs, elle n'aurait plus supporté qu'elle se touche. Elle disait se réserver pour *** étalon, en me lançant un sourire complice. Je la giflais immédiatement. Elle était hébétée, incrédule: il n'était pas pour moi question de grivoiserie ni de légèreté. Sa soumission était une chose sérieuse, et le désir était cousin de la souffrance et de la mort. Elle devait jouer dans une tragédie, pas dans un porno américain. Pas de sourires, saut honteux et contrits. Je crois qu'elle avait compris, car elle garda depuis se jour un air pudique et réservé, même dans les situations les plus extrêmes, ne le quittant que dans la jouissance, mais une jouissance que je voulais proche de la douleur. Il n'empêche, mon ex directeur avait cessé de représenter un challenge. Il était vaincu. Et que fait-on avec un vaincu? On l'écrase, on l'humilie, on le soumet jusqu'au plus profond de *** âme. J'avais donc « suggéré » à Bénédicte de m'inviter chez elle, pour un souper intime. Elle m'avait demandé si je souhaitais envoyer Paul à l'extérieur. « Mais non, bien sûr », il fait partie de notre intimité, comme la table ou le cendrier » avais-je répondu. Le soir venu, je lui avais apporté des fleurs. Elle était plus belle et sexy que jamais. Elle m'aida à me débarrasser et m'installa confortablement dans le sofa. La table était dressée pour deux. La porte de la cuisine s'ouvrit et Paul apparût, porteur d'un plateau, deux coupes, et une bouteille de champagne. Il fit le service et retourna à l'office. Je commençais à caresser sa femme. Elle portait un parfum très lourd, qui montait à la tête. Mais il fallait que je m'occupe d'abord de *** mari. Utilisant une recette maintenant éprouvée, je renversais volontairement un peu de champagne sur mon soulier. Bénédicte comprît et appela *** mari, qui devait attendre derrière la porte car il fut là en un instant. « Paul, Monsieur Eric a renversé du champagne ». Le larbin se préparait à retourner en cuisine chercher une serviette, mais je le retins. « Inutile de prendre un chiffon mon vieux, et d'ailleurs, vous avez bien mérité une goutte de champagne, servez vous donc » et je tendis mon pied vers lui. Il n'hésita que l'espace d'un instant, heureusement, car ma colère aurait été terrible. Il s'agenouilla et lécha ma chaussure. Je me retournais vers Bénédicte et commençais à l'embrasser, à lui caresser les seins à travers sa robe légère. Je dis à *** mari de continuer tant que je ne lui dirais pas d'arrêter, et passer à l'autre chaussure quand il aurait complètement fini la première. Je sentais Bénédicte excitée comme jamais, et tandis que la langue de *** mari léchait servilement mes pompes, elle posa sa main sur mon sexe, ouvrit ma braguette, et sortit mon pénis. Après un regard vers *** mari humilié, elle se pencha sur moi et entreprît de me sucer. Je caressais *** visage, j'admirais *** collier de perles, les boucles d'oreilles précieuses, ses lèvres fines qui avalaient mon pénis bien dur. Se faire sucer par une bourgeoise devant *** cocu était décidément une des meilleures choses possibles dans la vie. Mais j'avais faim. J'interrompis donc cette fellation pourtant si inspirée et m'installais à table. Paul retourna donc en cuisine et quelques minutes plus tard, revint avec l'entrée. Je me méfiais un peu. Le poi*** est l'arme des faibles. Je le priais donc de goûter le plat. Il prît une assiette en cuisine, mais regardait la table en ne sachant pas trop ou la poser, à côté de celle de sa femme, sur un des côtés de la table. Je lui fis remarquer que ça place était à un niveau ... inférieur. Il dût donc manger dans *** assiette – devrais-je dire, *** écuelle, à même le sol, tandis que j'avais relevé la robe de sa femme et lui caressais les fesses. Le goûteur ayant fait *** office, nous mangeâmes à notre tour, servis par le larbin. Je vous passe les détails du repas, mais c'était un dîner ... presque parfait. Il fallait maintenant soigner notre coté « animation ». Bénédicte dût retirer sa robe, elle était maintenant en porte-jarretelles, hauts talons, culotte en dentelle et soutien-gorge, le tout en noir, inutile de le dire. Jamais une faute de goût chez cette bourgeoise. Elle était d'une maigreur sublime, longue, fine et souple comme un roseau. L'image de la fragilité face à ma ********** et mon despotisme. *** mari dût baisser lui-même les bretelles du soutien gorge, juste pour laisser apparaître la pointe des petits seins, peu proéminents, puis se mettre à genoux pour retirer la culotte, découvrant ses petites fesses maigres, lui faisant passer les fines chevilles de sa femme, et avec plus de difficultés la pointe des très hauts talons-aiguille. Je la fis placer, les deux coudes sur la table, les fesses cambrées en arrière dans l'attente de ma pénétration. Mais j'avais encore un petit caprice à satisfaire. Le larbin de mari dût enduire de beurre l'anus de sa superbe épouse, ensuite, maintenant les petites fesses de Bénédicte écartées, je l'obligeais à guider le bout de mon gland vers l'orifice étroit de *** épouse. Je m'y enfonçais avec difficulté, mais les cris de douleurs qu'elle poussait gonflaient mon sexe davantage, le rendant très dur et apte à une pénétration ... bien en profondeur. Je lui demandais si elle était vierge, et elle me répondit que oui. Je regardais sa lopette de mari et lui dis « vous ne savez pas ce que vous avez perdu, mon pauvre vieux, cette petite gaine étroite et douce comme du satin, ce petit anneau musclé, bien serré, vous procurent une sensation ... unique ». « Alors Bénédicte, petite salope cela te plaît de te faire enculer devant ton mari? ». Elle lâcha d'abord un petit oui assez faible, entre deux gémissements de douleur, mais je lui fis répéter entièrement « oui, j'aime que tu m'encules devant ma lopette de mari » et « je suis ta pute soumise » en boucle, entrecoupés de cris de douleur, car j'y allais de plus en plus ***********. Je sentis une décharge électrique me parcourir tout le corps, tandis que mon sexe bien serré par l'anus de Bénédicte envoyait un puissant jet de sperme au fond des entrailles de ma soumise. 
Posts: 167297
Comment aller plus loin dans la perversion ? J'avais évincé mon ancien chef de *** poste, je l'avais humilié devant le per***nel, j'avais séduit sa femme au point d'en faire ma chose, et j'avais même fini par la sodomiser devant lui en l'obligeant à faciliter ma pénétration. J'étais assez content de moi. Il me restait plus qu'à éliminer mon ex-patron en tant qu'être humain. Pas le tuer, naturellement, cela aurait gâché tout le plaisir, mais le ravaler au rang de sous-être, vaguement ******, vaguement partie du mobilier. Naturellement, il me fallait la complicité de *** épouse. Un jeu d'enfant ... La première étape fut de lui faire présenter sa démission. Naturellement, il s'est contenté de signer sous la contrainte, et avec l'aide d'une dose massive de calmants administrée à *** insu les documents que j'avais préparé. Il fut annoncé au per***nel qu'il quittait sa femme et partait refaire sa vie à l'étranger. Naturellement, cela était confirmé par Bénédicte. Ensuite, sans vergogne, j'allai m'établir chez lui et occuper *** lit. En ce qui le concerne, nous le maintenions entre deux eaux grâce à des doses massives de calmants. Nous lui avions emménagé un espace dans l'ex- cave à charbon, dont nous ne le remontions que pour nous en divertir. La première fois, cela se passa ainsi : nous ouvrîmes sa cellule et le fîmes remonter pour *** repas. Il était entièrement nu, avec un collier au cou. Il ne pouvait se tenir debout en notre présence. Comme il était nourri de façon ... parcimonieuse, il était assez faible (et de toutes manières plus vieux que Bénédicte et moi) donc velléités de rebellion peu plausibles. Je ne me gênais évidemment pas pour peloter Bénédicte, *** épouse de façon intensive. Elle avait revêtu une tenue adaptée : porte-jarretelles et bas noirs, soutien-gorge et gants noirs, chaussures à talons aiguilles, afin de bien faire regretter la perte à *** cocu. Pendant que je malaxais le bout des seins de Bénédicte entre mes gros doigts, le malheureux, à genoux ou à quatre pattes, nous fixait de ses yeux de chien battu ... alors, fatalement, nous nous sentîmes obligés de le malmener un peu. En ce qui me concerne, je l'obligeai à avancer à quatre pattes en lui envoyant des coups de pied dans les flancs, Bénédicte voulût le chevaucher, ensuite elle lui tritura la bite entre ses doigts gantés de velours, lui arrachant de grosses larmes. Bénédicte s'amusa à lui enfoncer *** haut-talon dans l'anus. Il gémissait et grimaçait, mais n'osait pas se rebeller. Tout cela m'avait considérablement excité, et je n'en pouvais plus d'envie de baiser Bénédicte. Celle-ci se pencha donc sur la table, et je l'enfilai par derrière. Elle s'adressait à *** ex : « regarde mon gros cocu, comme ta petite femme chérie se fait sauter ». « tu as vu quelle bite, mon étalon ? Mmmh, il me fait bien jouir » »regarde sa bite à côté de la tienne, tu comprends pourquoi je ne veux plus de toi, vieux con, vieil impuissant ? ». Elle était vraiment en train de prendre *** pied. Moi, de mon côté, j'avais pris le bout de la laisse de Paul, et j'avais tiré dessus jusqu'à l'amener derrière moi. J'étais donc en train de prendre Bénédicte par-derrière sur la table, et j'avais empoigné la tête de *** mari et l'écrasais contre mon cul. « lèche moi, cocu, lèche ! ». Il savait qu'il n'avait pas intérêt à désobéir, et sa grosse langue avait commencé à s'affairer sur mes fesses. Mais je voulais plus : « mon trou de cul, abruti, nettoie-moi le trou du cul ». Bénédicte ne tenait plus en place, elle remuait le cul comme une hystérique en criant « oui, lèche mon amant !! lèche !! ». Mes mains étaient crispées sur ses hanches étroites et je la pilonnais comme jamais, je sentais à chaque poussée le contact de mes cuisses avec le nylon de ses bas, et je savourais le fait qu'elle se soit parée de semblable façon pour m'exciter. Au moment où *** mari écarta mes fesses et les tint ouvertes avec les deux mains, puis que je sentis la pointe de sa langue s'introduire servilement dans mon anus, je lâchais ma giclée et poussais un cri de triomphe en répandant ma semence dans la chatte de sa femme. 
Posts: 167297
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!First Time Cuckold We have been talking about swinging for a couple of years and often use it in our fantasy play. My wife, Anna gets turned on by the idea but that is how far it would go. Until recently. We have been married for ten years and our life together was as good as it gets. We had good jobs and money to spend. My wife is a stunning brunette. She is 33, fit and firm and could be mistaken by a 20 year old hottie. She is also very dominant in the bedroom and that works out really good for me, as I am submissive. I learned that during our first years together. She would dominate me all night if she was in the mood and it wasn't just about the sex. She let me lick her toes while she was speaking with her girlfriend on the phone, do the dishes naked while she was watching television and cleaning the car with my nipple clamps on and a butt plug up my ass. I really loved being her slave in our sex life. But when it comes to day to day activity we are equal. I have been reading stories about cuckolding for a long time and have talked to her about it but when we where talking about swinging, I was really talking about cuckold and she was talking about a threesome. One night I started talking about how hot it will be to see her with another man. How I would be cuckold, made to watch and serve them. But something was different with her, she usually use my cuckold fantasy as a way to start our night if I in the beginning starts to talk about it but tonight she wanted me to go online and find her a good stories to read. It didn't take me long to print out my favorite stories. I handed them to her and she said that while she would read them I would clean up after dinner, naked of course. When I finished in the kitchen I opened one beer and with another one for her I went back to our living room. She admitted that the stories made her hot and she wanted to find out more, so she went into the office and told me to go to *****, she would talk to me in the morning. It was hard to leave as I was hard as hell but I obeyed her. The morning after she told me that she had decided to put an ad on a website and see what will come out of it. She told me the username and password and told me to look after it. She just wanted to know about answers that included picture of the man and only show her if he would fit her. "You know what I mean," she said. I went online to see her ad and my cock instantly got hard when I saw the add Good looking married brunette looking for a hung man. I am looking for a dominant lover, who knows what cuckold is all about. The limit is you... When I went to work that morning I couldn't concentrate. My mind was on the ad and how many replies we would have that evening. But her ad got me also confused, dominant lover? Why would she want that, she was so dominant? And the limit is you text...what was that all about? After I finally got out of the office I when straight home and turned on my computer. Already six answers but only two with pictures. After I looked at them I decided that only one would fit her. I printed out the ad and the picture and took it to her. Hello. I am strong and fit who would love to play with you and cuckold your pathetic husband. I am dominant and can be very strict. Have good experience and hate timewasters so if you are one, delete this message and don't contact me again. If you are serious, show me your picture Brian My wife decided to wait and see what would happen but after a couple of days and endless message from guys all around she decided to send him her photo. They decided to chat online first and I wasn't allowed to witness the conversation. They chatted for a couple of hours for a few days and one day she came out of the office and told me they have decided to meet up and see what happens. Next Friday. They arrange a meeting in a bar nearby and I would go there with her. This was all heating up, I was nervous but at the same time excited. What would happen? The time past and finally, the big day arrived. When I got home after work that day, my wife was already getting herself ready, we where suppose to meet him 8 o'clock and I could see that she was also nervous. Now would be a good time to back out. I asked her if she wanted to go through with this. She looked at me. "Do you want to back out?" I was nervous about all of this but quite excited as well. I told her I didn't want to back out. She just smiled at me and said that she wanted to at least meet with him and see how things would go. It was half hour drive from our home and when we arrived we instantly recognized him from the photo. He was bigger than I expected. His head well shaven, tall guy and muscular black man. He invited us to his table and ordered us a *****. He told us he was 37 years old and was living near this place. He said that he had been seeing couples for four years and his latest had just moved to another city. "I had fun with the two of them though," he said with a smile on his face. We sat down with him, got our ****** and start talking. My wife got her self some white wine but all I had was a bottle of Coca Cola as I was the designated driver for the night. We talked a little. He told us that he was a finance director and had his own company. He had done well over the past few years and was "to be honest, quite rich," as he put it. "So, what would you expect to get out of this," he suddenly asked me. "Well," I stammered. "I have a fantasy about being cuckolded," I finally said, quietly. "I know but cuckold is one thing and submissive cuckolding is another," he added I felt embarrassed sitting there talking about my fantasy with this stranger. "I am submissive," I said looking down at the table. He glanced at Anna. "Your wife is a real beauty. You want me to fuck her?" This was too straight forward for me and I blushed and Anna noticed that and giggled. "Answer boy," he ordered. "Yes," I said and looked around to see if anyone had heard me. Nobody I thought. "When you answer me, you say Yes Sir. Understood? "Yes Sir," I immediately replied. "Good, now Anna, I know what you want and now I need answer from you two. Will you be my submissive couple?" Submissive couple I thought, that wasn't something I had talked about. "Yes Sir," my wife answered and glanced at me. I was stunned, my wife submissive? It couldn't be. But I could see it in her face that she wanted to be submissive to him. "Good, now go to the ladies room and remove your panties," he ordered and my wife excused herself. "You know boy. It always surprise me when a man wants her wife to be fucked by others. But I don't complain," he said and smiled. "But after a while you get bored of just fucking her. You need more and I have developed my things over the last few years and I will demonstrate it on you two. You will be my slaves, ready to serve when I want you two, doing everything I order you to do. This is the deal. We have talked about this; Me and your wife and she fully understand my needs. I hope you will not be a problem. As I understand, you are submissive and you clean the house naked, have butt plugs while you clean the car and more. So, you are submissive to your wife. You will still be submissive to her. The only change is that you are now submissive to me as well. Understand?" It took me a while to digest that but I nodded my head and said. "Yes Sir." At the same time that this speech scared me, it excited me as well. Anna came back from the bathroom. She sat down and handed him the panties, obviously scared that others might see her, she handed it to him and quickly sat down without looking around. He handed me the panties. "Now, you go in the man's room and put this on," he demanded. I was surprised but knew that this was the way for him to establish his domination. I stood up, put the panties in my pocket and went straight to the man's room. It was empty as I locked one booth and in a heartbeat my jeans where around my ankle and my cock throbbing hard. I wanted so much to jack off right there but didn't. Instead I put my wife panties on, mine in my pocket and got back to the table. They where gone, but after a quick glance around, I saw them at the exit. I went after them and he told me to drive them home. 
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They took there seat in the backseat and as soon as I drove off they where all over each other. I adjusted the mirror so I would have a look. She kissed him all over, he started playing with her tits, getting them out of the shirt, and they were exposed as he starts pinching her nipples. He moved his other hand between her legs. She had her eyes closed, enjoying this big mans hand all over her. After a while she got her hand on his thigh, moving slowly and rubbing his cock through his jeans. He sucked on her nipple and fingered her cunt with *****. She was enjoying this. My cock was so hard it would have exploded with one touch. When we finally arrived I was scared that our neighbor would see the two of them holding hands like a horny teenager when they where walking inside. I looked around and to my best knowledge, none of my neighbor saw this strange scenario. When we were inside he told me to get them a *****. I went into the kitchen and when I came back with three beers I saw my wife on her knees sucking on the biggest cock I have ever seen. I just stood there frozen, watching my beautiful wife on her knees in front of this black man. She was like a hungry slut, slurping on his cock while he laid back and relaxed. He gave me a glimpse to come over with the beer and as I approach them he took her head and moved it up and down, he was face fucking my wife. "You like that, don't you" he said as he moved it faster and faster. Suddenly he took her off. "Answer me slut," "Yes Sir, I love it," she said as she licked her sexy lips. "Now get your clothes off so I can fuck your married pussy and you boy, sit down and shut up." I was stunned; his voice was different from the bar. "Yes Sir," was all I could say. My wife got naked really fast and kneeled in front of him. He slapped her ass a few times, hard and she moaned. He removed his clothes slowly as he walked around my wife, kneeling in the middle of our dining room. I have never seen her liked that before. "You want me to fuck you?" he asked and immediately she said "Yes Sir". "You want me to fuck your wife hubby?" "Yes Sir," I said immedietly, my cock throbbing hard underneath my jeans. "Good," he said. "Beg me." I didn't know what to say. I was excited but at the same time a little scared. His dominant and harsh tone was different from the man we met at the bar. But my excitement about the scenario was too much, and my wife was really enjoying her. So I started to beg him. "Please Sir, fuck my beautiful wife," I said, feeling really humiliated. "So pathetic," he said laughing. He went behind her and slowly started to insert his 8" cock in her dripping pussy. She started to moan as soon as he touched her. She was so excited and at the same time, so hot. He started to fuck her slowly at first. Telling her how good a fuck she is. "You are quite tight slut. Is your hubby that small?" "Yes he is, so much smaller than you Sir," she said. I was surprised; she had never complaint about my 6 "cock. He looked at me and smiled. "You see, now that she has tried that big, she won't go back after your sissy cock." He started to move faster and the faster he goes, the sounds of my wife got louder. I just sat there with my hard on, not allowed to touch myself and watched as my wife got fucked harder and harder. "Are you ready for my cum slut," he almost shouted and I could see he was getting close to Cumming. "Ohhhh yes, give me your cum, please Sir," she cried out. He fucked her real hard and his hips slapped on her ass cheeks again and again. Suddenly there was a big groan from the big man as he came deep into my wife's pussy. My wife got at least three orgasm from his fuck and she was exhausted. After a couple of minutes he withdrew his still hard cock from her pussy but ordered her to stay still in her position. "Get over here, boy and lay next to her," he ordered. It was hard to walk as my cock was still in the cage of my jeans. I did as he told me too. He ordered her to climb over me with her pussy in front of my face. "Now stand up and spread your legs," he ordered. She of course obeyed her new Master. "Now I want my cum to drip into the face of your husband. It is your job to hit his face. Every drop that is not on his face, you will lick up," he told my wife. What will end up on his face, stays there." I laid there, surprised but unable to move, watching my wife's well fucked cunt and she was aiming on my face! The first drops landed on my forehead and she adjusted her a little lower. Trying to hit my face "Open up," she ordered. It wasn't my favorite position. I haven't tasted another mans cum before. But as degrading as it was it also turned me on and I opened my mouth as much as I could. "See that cum slut," he said smiling as he sat on my chair, ******** my beer. Next drops landed on my lips, then my chin and my nose. Soon my face had cum all over it. He told her to sit on the floor next to me but ordered me to stay still. "Ok. You are a good fuck Anna and you are a true cuck hubby. That is good. You also follow order really well. I expect that to continue. Now that I have marked you two I will continue your training tomorrow. I will ***** in your bedroom, with Anna of course. Hubby will ***** in the guestroom." My wife nodded her head to agreement. Hubby, you have a task in the morning. First of all you are not allowed to clean up your face. My cum will dry up on your face. You may smear it around but not clean it up, is that understood?" "Yes Sir," I said tasting his salty cum as I opened my mouth. "Good. I like a good breakfast. So in the morning you will walk to your nearest shop. Get me fresh bread and make some coffee when you return. Then when everything is ready, you are allowed in the bedroom to wake us up. Not sooner." This was going to be a long night. I was hoping I would be allowed to cum, but that wasn't his plan. He stood up, got his jacket and up came a digital camera. "Now I want a picture of my couple." I was going to object but he was fast and got a picture of my wife naked on the floor and me with my face covered in cum. 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!A Humiliating Surprise Both 45 we'd been married, happily I'd always thought, for 20 twenty years so it came as a shock to discover my wife's infidelity. I made the discovery by pure chance, a one in a million occurrence. Workmen digging a trench in the road near my place of work accidentally hit the water main. The boss of the company where I work as assistant supervisor wasn't about; he's rarely on the premises in the afternoons, so a senior manager took it upon himself to give the staff the rest of the day off. It was a pleasant afternoon and arriving home about 2.30 I thought it would be a nice surprise for Paula. Perhaps we could go out somewhere and who knows, it might even put her in the mood for sex, something which seemed to have dwindled in recent years. The surprise was all mine though! Letting myself in the front door I heard a strange noise coming from upstairs, a sort of strangulated cry. The cry being repeated I recognised it as my wife's voice and thinking she might be ill ran up the stairs, 2 at a time. The sight which greeted me at the top of the stairs though brought me to an abrupt halt. The door to the main bedroom was wide open and through it I saw a guy's backside bobbing up and down between my wife's thighs, the strangulated cry which had drawn me upstairs, repeated with every thrust of his penis into her. I was dumbstruck and just stood there in a state of shock watching the as yet unknown guy fucking my wife. Stunned by Paula's adultery I could hardly believe what I was seeing. My wife clung to the guy, hands raking his back, and her cries recognisable now as ecstatic ones, rang out. His backside was now pounding up and down like a piston, the rapidity taking my breathe away. "Oh God yes, I'm coming!" Paula yelled the guy's thrusts even faster it seemed, as he clearly approached his own climax. Then his buttocks were clenching, my wife screaming with joy, as he emptied his balls inside her. "Hmm, I do love the feel of your big fat cock spurting deep inside me." Paula murmured as their convulsions subsided, her crude comment a further shock. Then I received the greatest shock of all though when grunting and groaning the guy rolled off to reveal himself as none other than my boss! He quickly recovered from the surprise of finding me standing in the doorway and said, "We've got company Paula, I suppose it was inevitable we'd be rumbled sooner or later." Opening her eyes my wife uttered a little scream to see me standing there, staring I'm ashamed to say, at her gaping vagina from which my boss's semen flowed. "Take a shower as usual. I'll deal with this." he told her, giving the flushed Paula's rump a playful slap as she stood up. "You ought to be at work. What are you doing, barging in on us like this?" he asked when she'd gone. I must have sounded apologetic as I explained the circumstances behind my unexpected afternoon off. "Hm, hope you're not expecting to be paid?" "Oh no," I told him quickly. "I'll gladly make up the time." With any other guy I'm sure my reactions would have been very different but I've always felt a bit in awe of the very powerful figure of my boss, someone with a no nonsense approach and with a reputation for stamping his authority on anyone he has dealings with. With his self confidence and arrogance I've always felt a bit nervous his presence. Unperturbed to have been discovered in flagrante delicto with my wife he stretched out expansively on my bed smiling. "Like I said to Paula it's surprising how we've got away with it for so long. Still every cloud has a silver lining. Now you've discovered our fun and games I shall be able to pop in and fuck your wife anytime, whether you're at home or not." Standing there looking down at my boss and seeing the conceited smile on his face I was shaken by his words. Surely he didn't mean to continue his affair with Paula now I'd caught them at it? I was also curious about the duration of their liaison as it was obvious from his words that the affair had been going on for sometime. With anybody else I'd have felt very different but as it was my boss laying there grinning up at me I was reluctant to question him. When I did find my voice it sounded weak and faltering to my ears as I hesitantly asked how long the affair had been going on. Stretching himself out and indicating his flaccid and smeary penis he said complacently, "Well I can tell you my cocks been up your wife's cunt a hell of a lot more times than yours has. It must be 19 years since I fucked her for the first time." "What!" Surely I'd misheard. "Yes it would be 19 years last April. I've screwed the sexy Paula thousands of times." Stupefied by his words I stood there, my mouth open in disbelief, as he asked if I remembered the company dinner/dance back in 19.., when I'd proudly shown off my newly acquired wife to my workmates. We'd been married exactly 8 months at the time. "You should have paid more attention to Paula instead of talking work with your colleague's. Still it turned out good for me because while you were talking shop I was fucking your wife on the back seat of my car." he told me with a supercilious grin. "You must have taken advantage of Paula while she was *****." I accused him, remembering the evening with surprising clarity. How I'd anticipated sex when we arrived home from the company do and been annoyed by my wife's unresponsiveness. Paula had fallen asleep directly her head hit the pillow and I'd put it down to *****. "Maybe but I doubt it. She was sober enough 2 days later when I popped round here for a chat, a chat that turned into much more. Little did you know that afternoon while you were hard at work in my factory, and thousands of afternoons since, that I was fucking your wife senseless in your own bed." he laughed at the memory. Clearly enjoying himself at my expense he went on, "For 19 years most of my afternoons have been spent in your bed fucking your wife. Have you never wondered why you're not getting it much?" "Not really, I've always assumed Paula isn't very interested in sex." I murmured feeling dazed and shocked by the revelation, and not a little embarrassed to have my limited sex life discussed. The boss laughed long and loud. "Far from being uninterested in sex your wife is a very randy lady needing daily injections of cock and eager to try almost anything. It just needed the right guy to bring it out." he told me complacently. "It will probably shock you to learn your wife likes it up the bum. Anal sex is a particular favourite of mine which I introduced her to very earlier in our relationship, first time she had a period in fact. Since then it's been a regular feature. Little did you dream that whenever your wife has a period these last 19 years she's getting fucked up the arse by me." He laughed at my expression of disbelief, seeming to relish my discomfort. "Your wife also showed a great aptitude for threesomes," he went on. "A number of guys, mostly business acquaintances', have benefited from her liking for 2 cocks over the last 6 or 7 years." "You're lying! Paula would never do such a thing." I exclaimed, thinking the picture he was painting of my wife was totally out of character. "Although I've kept the affair secret as far as the workplace is concerned, they know only that I'm regularly shagging some married piece, most of my friends from outside know your wife's my mistress to do as I want with." The boss went on, laughing at my expression of dismay. 
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"Have a good look at the cock your wife likes sucking and playing with while you're hard at work in my factory," he jeered pointing to his penis. "I've fucked your wife thousands of times and they'll be thousands more. There's not a thing you can do about it as she much prefers my cock to yours. In fact Paula only has sex with you when I ask her too, never by choice. I decided to let you have it once every 3 or 4 months thinking you might get suspicious if she never came across. You've probably fucked your wife less than 100 times in the last 19 years, right?" At which point I disconsolately hung my head in shame, knowing he was right. "I fuck her more than that every 6 months." he jeered. At that point I was more concerned about the comment regarding his friends knowing about the affair than anything else and begged him to tell me it wasn't true. "Of course it's true," he smiled. "I've a couple of photos in my wallet that most of my friends have seen at some time or other. The guys at the golf club in particular find them interesting and I often get asked to hand them round up there." Reaching for his trousers the boss produced his wallet and extracting 2 photos handed them to me. In the first my wife was shown standing at the foot of our bed, naked but for tan stockings and a pink suspender belt, a smile on her face as she faced the camera. The second was a rear view of her on all fours on the bed, this time wearing black stockings. I gasped to see how fully she was exposed, both vagina and anal opening clearly seen. "I took that one of your wife just after I'd bum fucked her," he told me. "It certainly turns the lads at the golf club on when I hand it round." I froze inside at his words, that are the only way I can describe my feelings, devastated to think that guys from the golf club, a regular haunt of mine, had seen the photos. In retrospect the occasional winks or odd remarks I sometimes notice make sense now. Will I be able to show my face at the golf club again, facing the other members aware that they know my wife is my boss's long term mistress? I doubt it. Replacing the pictures in his wallet the boss again relaxed expansively on my bed, at which point a rather flushed and embarrassed looking Paula returned from her shower. "I've been putting your husband in the picture, telling him a few home truths," he told her, patting the vacant space on the bed beside him. Paula hesitated but briefly before joining her lover on the bed. Deftly opening her short robe he ran his hands slowly over my wife's body, demonstrating his familiarity with it. Paula looked a little embarrassed to see me watching but nevertheless her legs parted eagerly enough when he ran his fingers through the pubic hair she keeps rather short. "You might as well go now. Take the dog for a walk or something. Report to my office at 12noon tomorrow," he said, dismissing me with a wave of his hand. As though on automatic pilot I turned and left the bedroom, feeling bemused and humiliated when his laughter followed me down the stairs. Being my boss it never entered my head to do anything other than he said. Returning through the hall a few minutes later with the dog on his lead I heard my wife giggling and paused. The boss chose that moment to appear at the top of the stairs, possibly on his way to the bathroom. "What, still here?" "Just going, come on boy." I replied, almost apologetically, as I led the dog to the front door. "That's it take the dog out for some exercise while I enjoy myself fucking your wife again." I closed the door on his mocking laugh and hurried way. It was more a case of the dog leading me as I stumbled along, my mind in turmoil, feeling stunned not only by my wife's adultery but the duration of their affair. How could I have been so naïve and stupid not to notice something was going on? It's humiliating to know that for all these years, while I thought my wife's lack of enthusiasm for sex indicated a certain frigidity; she was spending her afternoons in bed with my boss! With any other guy I'm sure my reactions would have been very different but to catch her with my boss, what could I do? I daren't make a scene and risk losing my job so it looked as if I'd have to turn a blind eye to what was going on. Cold shivers ran down my spine to think of the embarrassment whenever we meet at work, to say nothing of the *********** at the golf club of seeming to condone my boss's affair with my wife. There was no doubt in my mind that he'd spread the word about me being a compliant cuckold, he'd hinted as much. Perhaps I should resign and join a different golf club. At least that was an option. Reporting to the boss's office next day his secretary told me she had no mention in his appointments diary regarding a meeting with me. "Something came up unexpectedly." I replied, feeling myself colouring up slightly. The secretary looked at me quizzically before buzzing through to the boss about my arrival. "Ah good he's here is he. Send him through, and then you might as well go for an early lunch. Don't bother to return until your usual time," his voice came back over the intercom. "Right," he said in businesslike tones directly she'd gone. "You know now that your wife has been my mistress for the past 19 years and like I told you yesterday that's the way it's going to stay, so you'd better get used to the idea. When you go home after work move all your things to a spare bedroom, that way you won't be tempted to made pointless sexual overtures to Paula. I keep your wife well satisfied so she doesn't need your clumsy attempts at lovemaking. When we've finished our meeting you'd better just take a short break before returning to work, you've got yesterday's hours to make up. Meantime I shall be spending the afternoon screwing your attractive and highly sexed wife, the way I spend most afternoons." He sank back in his chair, a smug grin on his face, leaving me seething inside at my helplessness to do anything but go along with it. I couldn't remonstrate with the guy and just hung my head in shame as he went on to tell me that Paula had confided in him years ago about how unsatisfactory she found me in bed. "The other advantage about you ******** in the spare room is that I shall be able to stay overnight at the weekends. We'll try not to keep you awake with our frolics but your wife does like to scream and shout while I'm fucking her." I looked at his smirking face across the desk wanting to hit the smug bastard and seething inside at my helplessness to do anything other than agree to whatever he wanted. "Alright," I said at last, "but promise me you'll never breathe a word of this to anyone." "What, making demands! You're in no position to lay down ground rules, that's my prerogative. If I choose to tell the guys about sharing your wife's bed while you're in the spare room, that's my business." "No don't, please don't." It was humbling to beg my boss like this but I was desperate to avoid salacious and humiliating gossip. "You need putting in your place," the boss said standing up. "I thought that might be the case which is why I dismissed my secretary. Drop your trousers and bend over the end of the desk." He seized a ruler from an open drawer and flexed it, making his intention plain. "No please, not that." I gasped, shocked at what he intended doing to me, but he just laughed. 
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"Just do as I say you snivelling worm. You're not fit to be married to a gorgeous lady like Paula." With trembling fingers I undid my trousers, aware of his mocking smile as I pushed them down. "Now your underpants, get them down." he snapped when I hesitated. I lowered my underpants, colouring up even more when tapping my penis with the ruler, he sneered, "Your wife's right, you haven't got much to offer." I adopted the position over his desk, wanting to get the shame and *********** over with as quickly as possible, and he gave my buttocks a whack with the ruler. I yelped and he laughed, commenting that it was merely a loosener to get his aim. "I doubt you'll want to sit down for lunch by the time I've finished with you," he taunted. My boss started beating me with the ruler and I soon found myself gripping the end of his desk and gritting my teeth, uncertain which was worse, the pain or ***********. What an appalling position to find myself in. Here was a guy, my boss, not content to have spent the last 19 years bedding my wife, but now clearly intent on humiliating and punishing me! As he continued the beating, the ruler cutting painfully into my bared and defenceless buttocks, involuntary cries began breaking from my lips. "I thought we might have a noise problem, can't expect a wimp like you to take your punishment like a man, so I've got a pair of your wife's soiled panties to use as a gag." "What! Does Paula know you were going to do this?" "Of course, we discussed it yesterday afternoon and she agrees with me that you need keeping in your place as our servant and slave." Laying the pink knickers on the desk under my nose he first secured my wrists to the desk legs, before ******* the flimsy knickers into my mouth. As an afterthought he took the 2 photos I'd seen yesterday from his wallet and placed them on the desk in front of me. "There, while I thrash your backside you can look at what I've been enjoying these past 19 years while you've been on ration. Your wife's mine for the taking, if you thought you weren't getting much sex before you won't be getting any now." he jeered. "It's the perfect situation for me. The advantage of brilliant sex on tap whenever I want it without the expense and inconvenience of marriage, ideal!" The beating continued but now my yells were muffled by the knickers in my mouth. Not my sense of shame and *********** though. "Next time I do this it will be at your place and in front of your wife, to demonstrate what a pathetic wimp you are," he jeered, his words accompanied by a particularly vicious blow to my buttocks. I howled in pain and ***********. Oh god, not that. The beating continued with a viciousness which shocked, and quickly reduced me to a whimpering and sobbing state, begging him to stop. The boss, with a display of sadism that horrified me, merely laughed and continued the beating with if anything even greater power. He was clearly enjoying himself at my expense. "Now you can kiss, lick and then suck my cock, knowing it's been up your wife's cunt thousands of times and that I'm your master in every way," he said at last, dropping the ruler back in the drawer and releasing my wrists. I slumped to the floor embarrassingly aware of sporting an erection, prompted, despite the beating, by the sexy pictures of Paula, and he stood astride me with a mocking smile on his face. I had no option but to kiss, lick, and finally take his penis between my lips as ordered. At which point his laughter had a triumphant ring to it. "How's it feel to know that for 19 years your wife's been eagerly opening her legs for my cock whenever I wanted it!" he jeered. "For all that time Paula's been mine to do as I want with and the cock you're sucking is a regular visitor to both her cunt and bum holes." With my boss's cock filling my mouth it was impossible to reply and he went on, "It's been really funny, screwing your wife all these years while knowing you hardly ever get it. To think of you slaving away in my factory, making profit for my bank account while I drive my cock hard up your wife's cunt, has always been a real turn on." Finally I was dismissed with a wave of his hand but a little later when I was in the canteen, sitting despite a very painful backside which I was doing my best to concern from colleagues, the boss came in to tell a senior manager that he'd be out for the rest of the day, his glance rested briefly on me and I felt the colour coming to my cheeks. "As if we didn't know," one of the guys at the table remarked and they laughed. "What do you mean?" a new guy asked. "Its common knowledge that the boss has been shagging some married tart for years." Knowing my face was getting redder I hoped they'd soon change the subject but the new guy asked how they knew and who she was. "Oh he makes no secret of the fact, often boasting about cuckolding the poor sod in his own bed. She's a married piece whose wimp of an husband doesn't satisfy her so she's only to keen to open her legs for the boss. At one time there was a rumour he worked here but I don't know about that." 
Posts: 167297
Le beau père (attention histoire exeptionelle) Je m'appelle Océane et j'ai vingt-quatre ans. J'ai épousé Sébastien il y a maintenant trois ans et je dois avouer que ce qui m'a charmé le plus chez lui dans un premier temps... c'est sa famille. Je suis issue d'un milieu plutôt modeste et lorsque j'ai été présentée à ses parents j'ai tout de suite été troublée par le regard assuré, à la fois chaleureux et intimidant de *** père et par l'élégance racée de *** épouse. Ils occupaient chacun d'importantes fonctions juridiques descendant de longue lignée de ce que l'on appelait autrefois la noblesse de robe. Si sa mère Marie-Françoise devait avoir environ l'âge de la mienne, peut-être quarante-cinq ans, bien que la comparai*** soit difficile, il semblait par contre que *** père qui s'appelait Hubert, était bien plus âgé que le mien et devait avoir facilement la soixantaine. Outre *** beau visage qui m'avait troublée dès notre première entrevue, malgré ou à cause de ses rides qui dessinaient de plaisants reliefs aux coins de sa bouche et de ses yeux, ou sur *** front. J'avais été séduite par ses tempes gri***nantes qui accentuaient l'éclat d'un visage tanné au regard vif et pénétrant. J'étais également sous le charme de ce bel homme athlétique à la superbe carrure qui devait visiblement entretenir sa forme et ses formes par la pratique régulière d'activités physiques. Le contraste était troublant avec *** fils qui m'avait charmé sur d'autres plans, mais qui était plutôt mince et dont la beauté du visage avait des traits presque féminins. À vrai dire il avait tous les attributs de ce que l'on appelle un « vieux beau », mais j'avoue que cette appellation qui m'évoque généralement la course effrénée et perdue d'un Don Juan sur le déclin avait, porté par lui, l'agrément délicieux de celui qui a pu attirer et séduire un nombre sans doute impressionnant de femmes... sans savoir combien d'entre elles avaient alors dû succomber... Dans ce regard qui se posait sur moi avec insistance et audace je ne vis pas, comme habituellement chez les hommes trop sûrs d'eux, la marque du machisme et de la vanité. Pour la première fois je me sentis conquise par l'attention d'un seul homme et malgré l'évidence pour moi, que j'étais probablement dans ses yeux une proie à la suite de bien d'autres. En vérité je ne savais rien alors de *** passé de séducteur, mais je m'empressais d'une façon détournée d'interroger Sébastien pour qu'il m'évoque les « expériences sentimentales » de *** père. Il m'avoua alors qu'autrefois *** père avait été un véritable coureur de jupons et que cela avait perduré bien après *** mariage. Il se sentait lui-même assez honteux de cette situation, même s'il avait appris plus tard qu'une des rai***s de ce comportement se trouvait dans le fait que sa femme était très peu portée sur le sexe. Il avait souffert durant toute *** enfance de cette situation, étant souvent le témoin malgré lui de façon plus où moins directe des infidélités de *** père. Ainsi, il savait que ce dernier ne perdait pas une occasion de forniquer avec les domestiques qui défilaient à la mai*** à une cadence plutôt insolite. Plusieurs fois, il avait surpris dans la mai*** la voix un peu honteuse de ces jeunes femmes sous forme de chuchotements, mais aussi de rires et de soupirs dont il ne connaissait pas dans un premier temps la signification réelle. Ce n'est qu'à un âge plus avancé, lorsque mon futur époux était tout juste étudiant, qu'il prit la fâcheuse habitude d'occuper *** temps, au lieu de développer sa propre sexualité, de traquer et de récolter les moindres indices des forfaits de *** paternel, jusqu'au point de les consigner dans un cahier. Il y avait répertorié à chaque fois, une description de la proie, *** âge (le plus souvent une jeune femme d'une vingtaine d'années, mais il eut aussi des partenaires bien plus âgées...), le lieu du forfait et la description des indices qui lui parvenaient chaque fois qu'ils ne laissaient aucun doute sur la nature de l'activité accomplie. Cela pouvait aller de témoignages ***ores qui parvenaient jusqu'à ses oreilles, de traces laissées sous la forme d'objets déplacés, défaits ou abandonnés et qui témoignaient d'autres abandons... Si le père était un collectionneur de maîtresses particulièrement assidu, le fils n'en était pas moins assidu à en répertorier les prouesses. Et puis un jour je t'ai rencontré ! Et j'ai abandonné tout intérêt pour ce qui est des culbutes à répétition de mon père ! 
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Il me dit cela avec air d'évidence qui me déstabilisa. Je me rendis compte ainsi que sans le savoir, un lien s'était établi entre *** père et moi sous la forme d'une rupture qui semblait salutaire. J'aurais dû m'en féliciter, mais curieusement je ressentis comme une pointe de regret, comme s'il me manquait la suite d'une histoire dont j'espérais bien obtenir des éclaircissements. * — Et qu'est-ce que tu as fait du cahier ? Il me répondit posément qu'il l'avait gardé dans un coin et je me rendis compte que je retenais un soupir de soulagement. C'est quelques jours plus tard que je profitais d'une de ses absences pour mettre la main sur l'objet convoité. C'était un petit journal de format écolier, mais plutôt épais. Au hasard, j'en entrepris la lecture. Samedi 18 mai : Cela fait trois jours que nous avons engagé une nouvelle bonne qui s'appelle Noëmie et qui est plutôt jolie, avec *** beau visage aux traits fins et sa silhouette aux rondeurs de jeune demoiselle. Ce qui ne gâte rien c'est que le costume que nous mettons à sa disposition lui va à ravir. Elle fait l'effet, avec *** corsage blanc qui laisse deviner une poitrine généreuse, sa jupe mi-courte serrée à la taille et ses cheveux corbeaux tirés en arrière, d'une charmante soubrette telle qu'on pouvait en rencontrer dans les années 1900. Comme cela m'arrive malheureusement souvent, j'étais moi-même tombé sous le charme de cette ravissante employée. Mais évidemment je n'étais pas le seul et j'étais quant à moi, bien trop timide pour dévoiler ne serait-ce que l'ombre de mes sentiments. Mon père très rapidement, après une posture un peu froide et intimidante qu'il adoptait toujours à l'égard des gens de mai*** fraîchement arrivés, témoigna d'une conduite beaucoup plus chaleureuse vis-à-vis de la jolie Noëmie. Je me rendis compte qu'il ne perdait pas une occasion de la rejoindre dans une quelconque pièce dès que ma mère était absente. Et je pus entendre à travers la cloi*** des bribes de conversations qui, bien sûr, confirmaient ses intentions... * — Monsieur, s'il vous plaît, je vous en prie... Si Madame venait ?.. * — Que peux-tu craindre ? Est-ce que je te fais peur ? Est-ce que je ne te plais pas ? * — Ce n'est pas cela monsieur... vous me plaisez beaucoup et vous le savez... mais j'ai un petit ami et vous êtes marié. * — Ils ne sauront rien de tout cela... et nous aurons juste passé du bon temps ensemble... * — Oh ! Je vous en prie !... Et puis ce ne furent que de longs soupirs. Et des petits cris tout juste étouffés qui faisaient désormais plus penser à des encouragements qu'à des rebuffades. Un jour par hasard en entrant dans la cuisine, je découvris mon père le cul à l'air et le pantalon à ses pieds en train de pilonner Noëmie dont la jupe était retroussée jusqu'à la taille et dont l'opulente poitrine s'écrasait contre la table. Tout cela s'opérait dans un silence religieux qui avait été à l'origine de ma surprise, mais le sourire radieux qui habillait les lèvres de la jeune femme, ainsi que le fait que ses yeux semblent s'évader comme en extase vers un ciel invisible apparemment radieux, ne laissaient aucun doute sur la profondeur de la jouissance à laquelle la « soubrette » se livrait corps et âme. Je feuilletai à nouveau de nombreuses pages, avant d'arriver à cette nouvelle aventure. Vendredi 22 septembre : Mes parents avaient invité voici quelques jours un couple d'avocats de leurs connaissances qui avaient à peu près le même âge qu'eux. Ils avaient une apparence aussi très classe et sans doute encore plus guindée et pour ne pas dire coincée que celle de mes parents. L'épouse était presque une caricature de la femme à lunettes un peu stricte avec *** petit chignon, si ce n'était cette opulente poitrine qu'il lui fallait dissimuler tant bien que mal sous un chemisier fermé très haut et paré d'un fin collier de perles. C'est aujourd'hui même que je me suis rendu compte qu'il ne fallait pas toujours se fier aux apparences. Cette fois-ci les bruits suspects venaient carrément de la chambre conjugale et je pouvais profiter d'une petite verrière qui surplombait un coin de la pièce pour vérifier l'intérêt et l'originalité du spectacle. Tout d'abord l'avocate se complaisait à offrir à mon père les délices d'une somptueuse cravate de notaire entre ses seins superbes aux larges aréoles brunes et aux tétines dressées. Sans ses lunettes et le chignon défait elle était presque méconnaissable et la crudité de ses propos m'auraient fait douter qu'il s'agissait bien de la même per***ne, sans quelques détails qui confirmèrent ma première impression. - Oh oui, branle-toi sur mes nichons, ils ***t tout à toi... J'ai vu comme ça t'excitait l'autre soir de les reluquer à travers mes vêtements pendant tout le repas... T'étais pas gêné mon petit salopard de me désaper rien qu'avec ton regard et de me fixer dans les yeux comme si tu voulais me dire que c'était fait. Comme une évidence que je serais dans ton pieu aujourd'hui pour me faire sauter comme une petite catin... et ça ne te gênait pas de me baiser du regard à côté de ta femme et de ton fils et alors que mon mari, ton ami François, était assis à côté de moi !... T'as gagné mon cochon ! C'était complètement surréaliste d'entendre cette femme qui était une vraie bourgeoise, jurer comme une pois***nière, tout en gardant ce timbre de voix un brin snob, que j'avais entendu durant tout le repas. Mais je n'étais pas au bout de mes surprises ! Quelques instants après, je la voyais à quatre pattes se faire posséder par mon père et ce qu'elle se mit à vociférer me renseigna sur un détail technique... * — Comme c'est bon ! Vas-y... Bourre-moi bien à fond !... J'aime te sentir dans mon cul ! Cette nouvelle scène me fascinait littéralement. Voir ainsi cette femme mariée et respectable se faire enculer avec une telle exaltation avec ses grosses tétines qui ballottaient sous elle et voir mon père derrière elle, arc-bouté, lui agrippant les hanches pour lui baiser le fondement avec une superbe énergie !... 
Posts: 167297
Je n'ai pas lu tous les détails d'un récit qui devait se prolonger encore et laissait à penser que les ébats adultères de ces deux amants avaient duré un certain temps... En feuilletant encore ce gros cahier qui devait bien faire deux cents pages et qui était presque entièrement rempli d'une écriture serrée, je réalisai l'ampleur des prouesses sexuelles accomplies par ce monsieur d'un abord si respectable et cérémonieux. Sans compter que bien des aventures avaient dû échapper aux investigations de mon cher mari, parce que le forfait ne s'était pas accompli dans le cadre strict de la mai***. D'ordinaire une telle attitude aurait provoqué ma défiance ou mon dégoût, mais c'est là que je me mis à réaliser que j'étais déjà sous le charme moi aussi, comme tant d'autres femmes avant moi. Rien ne pouvait me rai***ner et la lecture de ce cahier n'avait fait qu'attiser ma curiosité et mon désir à l'égard de cet homme dont j'étais la bru, la belle-fille. L'émoi physique que je ressentais et cette volonté violente de me retrouver pour la première fois en tête-à-tête avec cet impressionnant per***nage qui me vouvoyait dans un rapport quasi filial ne pouvait me tromper. Mes intentions n'étaient ni innocentes, ni honnêtes, mais je crus pendant plusieurs mois devoir y renoncer. Notre rapport continuait en présence d'autres membres de la famille à être celui que l'on doit attendre d'une relation entre un beau-père et sa belle-fille. * * * Un jour où Sébastien m'avait demandé de vérifier des comptes et alors qu'il devait s'absenter une bonne partie de l'après-midi je m'étais endormie sur *** bureau sous l'effet de la fatigue. Ce n'est qu'après un moment dont je n'étais pas en mesure de percevoir la durée, que j'ai senti sa main sur mon épaule. Je lui ai pris tendrement pour lui signifier que je sortais doucement de mon sommeil, mais c'est alors que j'ai réalisé que ce n'était pas sa main ! Elle était plus large et rugueuse et surtout je perçus du bout des doigts le relief formé par de petites rides. J'étais encore dans un demi-sommeil sur le point de sursauter et en même temps la chaleur douce et déterminée de ce contact me rassura aussi rapidement qu'elle m'avait angoissé. J'étais sur le point de me relever ainsi tiraillée entre deux sentiments, quand j'entendis sa voix grave et apaisante... * — N'ouvrez pas les yeux ! C'est moi Hubert, vous n'avez rien à craindre... Et ces simples mots me firent deviner qu'au contraire j'avais tout à craindre... mais je me rendis compte que je ne faisais aucun mouvement de recul et que j'obéissais servilement à sa demande, et qu'en gardant les yeux fermés je m'abandonnais langoureusement au contact de sa main. Ce n'était plus un simple attouchement, c'était une caresse qui flattait mon épaule. Je me redressai lentement pour poser mes coudes contre l'écritoire et je me rendis compte instantanément que je lui offrais ainsi une plus grande liberté de gestes. Je n'avais pas peur, j'étais dans un total sentiment d'abandon. Je me sentais heureuse, comme si ce moment je l'avais attendu sans oser l'avouer et peut-être depuis cet instant où je l'avais rencontré pour la première fois... Il fit glisser sa main délicatement jusqu'à frôler de ses doigts la base de mon cou. Il dut percevoir au toucher le frémissement qui parcourait mon corps sous l'effet de ce contact pour la première fois direct et espéré... Ses doigts se mirent à jouer comme sur les cordes d'un instrument singulier à la recherche de quelque trésor que je devinais pouvoir lui offrir par le spectacle, dévoilé à ses yeux, de mon décolleté. En effet de l'endroit où il était placé derrière moi il s'offrait à sa vue d'une façon impudique. J'avais toujours les yeux fermés, mais je sentais, je ressentais *** regard dénuder mon buste. C'était comme si sans esquisser le moindre geste, sous le seul effet d'un désir masculin violent, il avait jeté à bas mon corsage et mes sous-vêtements pour savourer le spectacle de ma poitrine menue, mais plus ferme que jamais. Je sentais en effet mes seins réagir au contact maintenant de ses deux mains qui, en caresses circulaires, ne flattaient, pour l'instant, que la partie la plus haute de mon buste. Et puis il y eut le souffle chaud le long de mon oreille sur laquelle bientôt il posa délicatement ses lèvres pour m'offrir un subtil baiser qui à *** tour me fit frémir et éveilla mon excitation. Je me sentais plus que jamais femme et je n'avais plus qu'un désir... lui offrir ce qu'il voulait de moi ! C'est alors que sa bouche glissa de mon oreille jusqu'à ma nuque et que je perçus le contact humide de sa langue contre mon cou. Ses mains avaient abandonné l'attouchement direct de ma peau, pour caresser, comme pour en révéler progressivement le relief, à travers l'étoffe, le galbe de mes seins. J'étais soudain fière de ma poitrine que je trouvais souvent trop discrète et qui me semblait pour la première fois réagir de façon éloquente à une si tendre sollicitation. Je choisis ce moment pour me redresser davantage et plaquer mon dos contre le dossier de la chaise de telle façon qu'il puisse découvrir désormais le haut de mon torse et la fine dentelle sombre et transparente de mon bustier qui laissait deviner le contour de mes aréoles sombres et gonflées qui contrastaient avec la blancheur de carnation de mes seins. C'est alors qu'il se pencha plus en avant et fit basculer ma tête en arrière, me plaçant ainsi dans une posture de total abandon. Sa bouche ne tarda pas à se poser sur la mienne. Sa jolie bouche que je rêvais d'embrasser prodiguait sur mes lèvres de savoureuses caresses alors que ses mains flattaient les moindre recoins de mon visage puis se mirent à effleurer mon cou, puis mes épaules. Je me retrouvais dans une position totalement impudique comme si je faisais l'offrande de ma chair à cet homme qui restait un mystère pour moi. Je réalisais tout juste qu'il s'agissait du père de mon mari ! Mais ce que je découvrais surtout c'est que cette présence masculine si forte était en train de réaliser mes désirs les plus dérai***nables. Je ne m'étais tout d'abord pas rendue compte, tant je me délectais d'avoir à me rendre corps et âme à sa seule volonté, que sa main gauche s'était glissée sous mon vêtement et qu'il était en train de palper mon sein avec sa paume de main un peu rugueuse. Dès que je le ressentis, ce contact un peu âpre et ô combien audacieux, me fit frémir ! Mon petit téton tenait presque entièrement dans sa main qui le massait maintenant avec énergie. Il faisait rouler mon bout de sein sous ses doigts à l'instant même où sa langue s'introduisait dans ma bouche. Comme c'était bon de sentir un bout de sa chaleur me pénétrer maintenant. Sa langue léchant la mienne, ses lèvres se mettant à me sucer. Puis ce fut au tour de mes lèvres d'être tétées par les siennes. Il me frottait la poitrine avec vigueur et éloigna *** visage un instant... * — Est-ce que vous aimez ? Bien sûr que j'aimais, mais je ne savais plus même ce que je disais et si c'était moi qui avait l'effronterie de lui répondre : * — Continuez, je vous en prie, continuez encore, j'ai tellement envie de vous faire plaisir... S'il vous plaît pincez-moi ! Pincez-moi les seins ! Je n'eus pas longtemps à attendre la réalisation de ma volonté. Il se mit à maltraiter mes bouts de seins avec application. Cette fois-ci les deux mains étaient plongées outrageusement dans mon corsage... Il poussa un peu plus loin *** investigation en me massant d'une main le haut du ventre tout en ne cessant pas de me peloter avec rage. Il eut du mal à forer de *** gros doigt mon petit nombril, mais cette intrusion nouvelle eu le don de m'exciter au plus haut point. Je ne sais pas depuis combien de temps, mais je ressentis alors entre mes jambes, de par l'humidité et la chaleur que je discernais, combien j'étais envahie par le désir. Le désir, qu'il vienne au plus profond en moi... C'est ce moment qu'il choisit pour faire pivoter le dossier de ma chaise, de telle sorte que je sentis immédiatement le contact de *** bassin contre mon dos. 
Posts: 167297
D'une main habile et expérimentée il dégrafa mon bustier et en fit glisser les bretelles de telle sorte qu'en un instant je me trouvais torse nu ! Je ressentis une pointe de honte devant le spectacle qui devait s'offrir à lui et notamment celui de mes seins dont la pointe érigée trahissait mon émoi. Et puis je pus goûter contre le bas de mes reins, car il s'était accroupi, le doux contact de la proéminence calleuse de sa virilité qui se frottait déjà tout près de ma raie fessière. Il prit aussitôt ma main pour la guider vers *** sexe. Et l'accompagna d'un mouvement explicite pour que je le caresse. Je fus surprise de sentir le long de mes doigts le contact de sa peau fripée et je réalisais qu'il avait déjà ouvert sa braguette pour libérer *** membre. Ce dernier paraissait à la fois plus épais et plus long que celui de mon mari. Il m'apparut aussi dans ce frémissement de chair, cette palpitation chaude et visqueuse, comme un ****** fidèle, compagnon des jouissances à venir... Je le sentis derrière moi se relever et prendre appui sur ses longues jambes bien fermes. J'étais à la fois effrayée et terriblement excitée par tout ce qui m'arrivait. Je ressentis un fris*** inattendu lorsque le bout de sa verge décalottée vint se blottir au creux de ma nuque. C'était un contact qui me parut divin, mêlé de fraîcheur et de chaleur, d'âpreté et d'une humidité gluante à *** extrémité qui trahissait, avec le fait qu'il bande d'une façon insolente, le désir qu'il avait pour moi. En fait j'étais comme folle et je ne pus m'empêcher de tourner la tête pour le regarder, pour m'assurer qu'il était bien là, blotti contre ma joue, tressaillant contre mon visage. Je ressentais à plein nez le violent fumet de *** sexe, mélange d'urine, de transpiration et de sperme séché. Tout cela était délicieusement immoral et obscène. Mais quand je pris *** membre entre mes lèvres, je ne pus m'empêcher de penser à Sébastien, qui à cause de ses complexes ne parvenait jamais à bander dans ma bouche ! Comme c'était bon de sentir ce membre dur frotter l'intérieur de mes joues, mon palais, ma langue qui savourait goulûment cette sublime gourmandise ! Je le suçais religieusement, en position de prière telle que l'aurait fait une bonne-sœur, devant l'objet de *** adoration. Cet objet, je voulais l'engloutir et le flatter pendant de longues minutes. Mais ses mains puissantes qui caressaient maintenant mon petit cul bien ferme dont j'étais assez fière, me laissaient espérer d'autres pénétrations ! Il entreprit de caresser et de masser mon corps à moitié nu et qui semblait si frêle soudain entre ses mains épaisses. Pendant tout ce temps où je n'étais plus qu'un objet de plaisir sculpté à mains nues par cet artiste sensuel et si talentueux, je n'abandonnai pas mes caresses buccales pour la jouissance exclusive de mon beau créateur... Mes mains n'étaient pas non plus inactives et j'adorais caresser ses bourses toutes fripées et masser ses boules si sensibles. Comme dans une plainte il me demandait de continuer... Au bout d'un moment il a glissé ses mains sous mes aisselles pour me relever doucement, de face à ce que je sois également debout face à lui. Il me dépassait de plus d'une tête, mais il approcha à nouveau *** visage pour m'embrasser ou plus exactement pour m'envelopper les lèvres de sa grande bouche terriblement sensuelle. Il fit glisser ma culotte le long de mes cuisses, releva ma jupe et ses mains puissantes alors enlacèrent ma taille qui devait lui paraître bien fluette, pour me soulever du sol sans effort... Mes fesses nues bientôt se trouvèrent au contact du rebord métallique et froid du bureau de mon mari et un violent fris*** parcourut tout mon corps de mes orteils à la pointe des seins. Tout cela était comme une danse, un rituel qu'il avait sans doute tant de fois répété avec d'autres que moi, mais à cet instant j'étais seule à être sienne ! Et ce qui était singulier à notre relation et ce qui je dois l'avouer désormais participait à la puissance de mon excitation, c'était la dimension honteuse, crapuleuse de cet adultère. J'étais sur le point de me faire baiser par le père de mon mari ! Et le trophée qu'ainsi je lui offrais avait à n'en pas douter pour lui aussi une saveur particulière... Quand il écarta mes jambes doucement pour que j'offre à sa vue le spectacle de ma chatte entièrement rasée et humide du désir que j'avais d'être pénétrée, je me laissai faire... De même lorsqu'il approcha *** sexe imposant pour le frotter tout doucement au mien. Il était en train de me masturber de *** gland massif et je ne pus longtemps soutenir *** beau regard qui avait dû se mirer dans celui de nombreuses maîtresses conquises. Ma tête bascula lorsqu'il me pénétra brusquement et ma jouissance était déjà telle que j'en avais la chair de poule. Curieusement lorsqu'il me retourna pour me prendre en levrette, je me mis à penser à la jument de leur propriété que j'avais vue se faire saillir la semaine dernière par leur plus bel étalon. Je ne maîtrisais plus rien et par sa seule ***** il faisait coulisser violemment *** bassin entre mes cuisses qui contrastaient sans doute par leur légèreté avec celles vigoureuses de ce bel athlète en pleine maturité. Mon sexe était comblé, envahi, possédé au sens le plus fort par *** membre énorme. Mais ce n'était rien face à ce qui m'attendait. Il se retira brusquement de moi et présenta sa verge à l'entrée de mon anus. Pour la première fois je voulus protester en essayant d'un geste malhabile de la main de détourner l'engin de cette nouvelle cible et c'est alors qu'il me chuchota à l'oreille ces mots qui finirent par me soumettre à sa seule volonté. * — Tu es ma plus belle conquête et la plus exquise par le lien familial qui me lie à toi, mais pour que notre étreinte soit accomplie et totalement consommée il faut que tu me livres aussi ton charmant trou du cul ! * — Je ne l'ai jamais fait à per***ne ! * — Rai*** de plus pour m'offrir ainsi ce qu'il te reste de virginité ! Cette réponse évidente me laissa totalement désarmée à tel point qu'au bout d'un instant c'est moi qui pris la décision soudaine de m'emparer de sa bite pour la positionner résolument tout contre ma rondelle. Il n'eut pas à esquisser le moindre geste et c'est moi qui en me redressant et en plaquant mon dos contre *** torse, c'est moi seule qui vins empaler ma croupe contre *** sexe triomphant. J'étais devenue une cavalière consciencieuse et lubrique qui chevauchait gaillardement mon nouvel étalon qui semblait étonné de mon attitude soudain si délurée malgré la douleur puissante qui envahissait le tréfonds de mon postérieur ! J'ai dû à un moment perdre connaissance... Lorsque je me suis réveillée encore nue et à l'abandon, affalée contre le cuir du sous-main du bureau de Sébastien, *** père était quant à lui déjà tout habillé et se penchant vers moi il me dit : * — Il va falloir apprendre à ne rien laisser paraître... et continuer à nous vouvoyer comme par le passé... Il m'offrit *** sourire le plus séduisant et un tendre baiser qui caressa tout juste mes lèvres. Je ne m'étais jamais sentie aussi femme ! Quand une heure plus tard mon mari qui me semblait ce jour-là plus jeune encore que d'habitude et aussi à sa manière tellement beau vint me rejoindre pour m'adresser à *** tour un tendre baiser, je fus surprise de ne sentir aucune gêne. C'était un peu comme ci chacun de ces hommes, représentant les charmes de leur génération respective, devaient naturellement à leur tour combler mes désirs de femmes dont je n'avais pas saisi jusqu'ici l'étendue. En quelque sorte j'étais prête à assumer ce rôle de maîtresse voluptueuse du père comme du fils... mais les évènements en décidèrent autrement. Hubert prit à nouveau ses distances et de façon durable et bientôt je me sentais désespérée. Au bout d'un certain temps face à *** indifférence je me mis à penser que d'évidence une autre relation devait combler ses envies et en même temps je ne trouvais aucun indice qui puisse étayer mes soupçons... C'est alors que face à un tel mystère j'entrepris de chercher des indices dans le gros cahier qui je l'espérais, était resté à sa place ! Le cahier était bien là et je me mis à le feuilleter sans découvrir la trace de la moindre relation durable, mais au contraire une palette de « proies » d'une diversité que je n'avais pas imaginée... C'est en feuilletant les ultimes pages que je tombais sur cette dernière aventure : 
Posts: 167297
Vendredi 2 novembre : Pendant mon absence, il a possédé Océane sur mon bureau et j'ai appris qu'elle avait pris beaucoup de plaisir, notamment quand il est entré dans *** cul ! 
Posts: 167297
J'aimais pas les chiens Je n'ai jamais aimé les chiens. Jamais. Peut-être parce que je les trouvais trop... Vivants. Vifs. Parce qu'ils nous ressemblaient un peu trop au final. Pas au niveau physique bien sur, mais ils étaient un peu trop capables de s'adapter à notre vie à mon goût. Et cela m'effrayait. Mon psychologue me fixais souvent d'un air niais quand je lui expliquais cela. Et j'imaginais très bien *** inconscient lui faire des remarques stupides sur le dernier des attardés qu'il accueillait dans *** bureau. Aujourd'hui je n'avais plus ce problème, je n'avais plus les moyens de me payer un psy. Ni un appartement d'ailleurs. Mais le malaise que je ressentais à la vue d'un chien ne s'était jamais affaibli. Chaque fois que j'en croisais un, je faisais de mon mieux pour éviter de figer mon regard dans ses yeux trop intelligents. Je restais au niveau du maitre, ignorant purement et simplement la bête à mes pieds. Mais un jour, alors que je venais de me faire mettre dehors de façon plus ou moins délicate de chez un homme chez qui je squattait littéralement et effrontément depuis une semaine, je rencontrais un ancien ami de lycée au coin d'une rue, l'air passablement agacé. Ses cheveux avaient poussé depuis notre jeune âge et il les portait attachés en une haute queue de cheval, dévoilant un visage mat aux yeux d'un vert d'eau tout bonnement ensorcelant. Après s'être dévisagés un instant, nos visages s'éclairèrent et il tendit un doigt vers moi: -Léo c'est ça? J'acquiesçais et tentait de lui rendre la pareille: -Lucien? -Julien, corrigea-il, t'étais pas loin. Qu'est-ce que tu deviens depuis le temps? Je passais une main dans mes cheveux et tournais le regard vers la rue, un sourire gêné à mes lèvres: -Rien de bien glorieux crois moi. J'ai pas envie de t'embarrasser avec mes conneries... Avant que je ne pus l'interroger sur sa vie à lui pour esquiver discrètement le sujet, il éclata de rire et m'entraîna vers un café de sa démarche si sûre de lui, le genre de démarche qu'ont les per***nes à qui la vie sourit, à qui per***ne ne dit non, et qui achètent ou prennent de ***** tout ce qu'il veulent. -Si, si, je veux savoir, viens, je te paye à boire, et tu me racontes. J'ai que ça à faire, j'attends un coup de fil urgent, ma gardienne m'a laissé tombé. Une gardienne? D'enfants? Je manquais de trébucher en montant les trois pauvres marches menant à la porte vitrée du café et oubliais vite de lui poser la question. Vingt minutes plus tard je venais de finir de lui raconter ma vie de plus en plus pathétique. A savoir que j'avais perdu mon job, puis mon appart, et qu'actuellement je squattais chez qui voulait bien de moi en attendant de pouvoir passer mon entretien la semaine suivante. Lorsque j'eus fini il me fixa avec un regard intéressé, et je me demandais la rai*** quand il commença à me raconter sa vie. Bien entendu, succès partout, mai*** en banlieue, travail intéressant et à plein temps mais...: -Et là en fait, je dois partir pour quatre jours à perpette, et j'avais trouvé quelqu'un pour garder le monstre, mais elle s'est décommandée au dernier moment, donc je suis un peu dans l'embarras. C'est pour ça que j'attends ce coup de f... Il s'interrompit pour décrocher *** portable, et s'excusa avant de sortir du café pour discuter. Je l'observais s'agiter derrière la baie vitrée et m'interrogeais: un monstre? C'est vrai que les gosses ***t particulièrement casse couilles, mais de là à parler de monstre aussi sérieusement... On devait pas avoir le même humour, me dis-je en portant ma tasse à mes lèvres. Julien revint rapidement, l'air encore plus énervé que lorsque l'on s'était croisé plus tôt. -Bon, ben voilà, j'ai définitivement plus per***ne pour le garder. Il est pas si horrible pourtant bon sang! Il s'assit lourdement et se pencha vers moi: -Léo, je suis désolé de te prendre de court comme ça mais tu m'as plus ou moins dit que t'avais nulle part ou dormir hein? Je sentis mes joues rougir de honte et m'apprêtais à l'envoyer paître lorsqu'il continua: -J'ai besoin de quelqu'un pour garder la mai*** et tout le bordel quatre jours. Ensuite je m'absenterais parfois les week end et-cetera. Ce que je te propose c'est que tu viennes vivre chez moi, comme un coloc sauf que tu ne paieras rien puisqu'en échange tu garderas le fauve. Ca t'irait? J'avalais ma salive, et ma fierté par la même occasion et répondais par l'affirmative. 
Posts: 167297
Vingt minutes plus tard sa voiture ralentissait alors qu'il sortait de la banlieue et entrait sur un chemin de gravier menant à un haut portail fraîchement repeint. Ce con avait les moyens, et j'appréhendais de me retrouver face à un semi château plein d'objets terriblement kitchs qu'il faudrait dépoussièrer quotidiennement. -Et... Il a quel âge? -Lou? Il va avoir deux ans bientôt. Un peu brute, mais pas méchant du tout. Je souriais: -Joli prénom. -Et attends de le voir, une merveille. Un Tchécoslovaque, tu vois le genre? Je fronçais les sourcils, il avait adopté? Mon silence parlant pour moi il ajouta: -Tu sais un berger tchécoslovaque? T'y connais rien en chiens hein? Je couinais: -Un chien? La voiture s'immobilisa devant la mai***. Finalement, elle n'était pas si grande, c'était surtout le jardin qui avait des allures de parc. Il rit: -Tu croyais quoi? Un môme? Je suis pas assez fou. Mais attends de le voir, c'est une bête magnifique, je l'ai fait venir directement d'un élevage de slovaquie. Ben voyons, je détestais ces bourgeois avides d'exotisme qui faisaient venir quelque chose de loin sous prétexte que c'était rare et précieux. Je défaisais ma ceinture, tentant de me reprendre. Pour avoir un toit, du chauffage et presque un boulot à plein temps, je pouvais bien surpasser ma répulsion. Je portais ma main à la poignée de la portière et l'entendis juste murmurer "Ah, le voilà" avant qu'un poids ne s'abatte sur la voiture et que je me retrouve nez à nez avec... -Mais c'est pas un chien ça putain! M'exclamais en bondissant en arrière, le cul sur le frein à main, le dos collé à Julien qui éclata de rire en sortant de la voiture. -Mais si, viens! Lou, ôte tes grosses pattes de ma carrosserie si tu veux manger ce soir. Rapidement il contourna l'auto et attrapa Lou par *** collier. Je sortais finalement et les observais un instant. C'était un loup. Avec un collier. Un putain de loup. -Les bergers Tchécoslovaques ***t des bergers Allemands qui se ***t accouplés avec des loups. Ca reste des chiens, le seul trucs, c'est de ne pas reculer, et de rester maitre de soi parce qu'ils ont quand même l'instinct de compétition des loups, mais rien de bien méchant. Tu vois? Mon cul que je voyais. Quelques heures plus tard j'agitais connement ma main en guise d'au revoir alors que Julien m'abandonnais dans sa mai*** avec le monstre. Monstre qui courait actuellement autour de la voiture comme un dératé, voulant sans doute jouer avec *** maitre. Ca aurait pu être mignon s'il avait été un caniche. Ou un truc niais, genre un labrador. Là c'était juste flippant de voir cette bête toute en muscles ouvrir sa gueule pour laisser pendre sa langue, dévoilant des rangées de dents blanches acérées. Ok, j'exagérais. Le portail se referma, Lou se retourna dans ma direction, et je reculais dans la mai*** en fermant la porte derrière moi. Lou allait passer quatre jours dans le jardin, je lui sortirais sa gamelle quand il ne serait pas trop près de la porte. Voilà tout. A dix neuf heures, je profitais de la pub dans un programme télé pour aller chercher le paquet de croquettes et remplir une gamelle en inox à ras bord. Je traversais la cuisine à moitié nu. Il faisait foutrement chaud dans la mai***, et je n'avais gardé que mon boxer. Je m'avançais jusqu'à l'entrée et ouvris rapidement la porte pour poser la nourriture de Lou dehors. Un courant d'air glacé glissa sur mes jambes et je fris***nais. Alors que je me baissais, j'entendis un frottement sur le sol. Je levais les yeux et tombais nez à nez avec Lou. Magnifique. Effrayant. Il n'avait pas l'air agressif. Ses grands yeux étaient interrogateurs et je me retenais de reculer trop vite. Je me redressais lentement, ayant lâché la gamelle et détaillais *******. Il haletait, ayant dû courir à l'entente de la porte d'entrée qui s'ouvrait. Il fit quelques pas en avant, en direction de la porte entre ouverte mais je déplaçais mes longues jambes et bloquais l'entrée. -Non Lou, ta bouffe est là. Tu dors dehors, je suis désolé, c'est une affaire de quelques jours. Que j'avais l'air con à parler à un chien! Ce dernier leva la tête vers moi pour me regarder, et *** museau cogna ma queue dans un mouvement brusque. Surpris, je reculais. Merde. Il l'avait pas fait exprès, c'est sûr, mais maintenant, j'avais reculé. J'étais vraiment con, ma psychose me faisait voir les chiens comme des êtres doués de trop de conscience, de trop d'intelligence, et si j'avais reculé, c'est parce que j'avais pris *** geste comme une avance. Ni plus ni moins. Pathétique. Je vis *** regard changer d'un coup, je n'étais plus franchement le maitre à bord, il pouvait y avoir compétition. D'un bond, je rentrais à l'intérieur et claquais la porte. 
Posts: 167297
Deux heures plus tard j'étais avachi sur le canapé, la main sur la queue devant un magnifique film de boules. Le soumis se faisait prendre frénétiquement par un énorme mec poilu, sa queue sortant et entrant dans *** cul dilaté à une vitesse effrayante. Le gamin se faisait projeter en avant à chaque coup de reins, ses traits étaient perdus entre douleur et plaisir et les mains de *** baiseur creusaient des sillons dans ses fesses parfaitement rondes. Le tas de muscles s'affala soudainement sur lui et le soumis ne put que se laisser écraser sous la masse, ses mains agrippant les draps tandis que l'autre lui tirait les cheveux en arrière et le démontait sauvagement. C'en fut trop je suçais mes doigts et les descendais vers mon cul, m'empalant dessus jusqu'à frotter ma prostate et venir dans ma main. J'éteignais la télévision avec un sourire satisfait et montais les escaliers jusqu'à une chambre au hasard. Je m'affalais sur le lit et m'endormis dans mon boxer souillé. Bien plus tard dans la nuit je me réveillais sur le ventre. Une trique d'enfer me dérangeait. Je n'avais pas pensé à passer sous les couvertures et mon cul était à moitié à l'air, merde, je comptais pas dormir sur la béquille. Je jetais un coup d'oeil vers la fenêtre et ne vis que l'obscurité. Qu'est-ce qui m'avait réveillé? Un souffle chaud sur mes cuisses me figea. Une truffe humide plongea entre elles et je sentis une langue râpeuse tremper l'entre jambe de mon boxer, effleurant une de mes couilles qui en dépassait. Bon dieu. Le chien! Je bondissais hors du lit et me retournais pour voir l'ombre du loup à quatre pattes sur le lit, sa tête se tourna vers moi et il se mit à grogner. Comment était-il entré?! Il allait me bouffer, merde! Je me précipitais dans le couloir et descendais les escaliers quatre à quatre dans le noir. Le bruit de ses pattes sur le parquet se faisait proche et il dévalait déjà l'escalier lorsque j'arrivais en bas. Je ne savais pas ou aller et je tournais vers la droite, au pif, dans le salon. Je me pris les pieds dans je ne sais quel putain de coussin et me vautrais sur le sol. Immédiatement, il était sur moi et je tentais de ramper sur le tapis, tendant mes mains devant moi pour trouver un quelconque objet contondant. Ses crocs se refermèrent sur ma nuque et je me figeais. Il ne serrait pas. Enfin pas trop. Juste assez pour faire mal sans me faire saigner. Ses grognements s'arrêtèrent lorsque je stoppais tout mouvement. Sa gueule me relâchât, et je m'apprêtais à me relever lorsqu'il grogna encore. Je m'immobilisais à nouveau, et il se tût. Je sentis *** souffle brûlant descendre le long de mon dos nu, jusqu'à mes fesses, je tentais de bouger, il grogna, je stoppais. Ok, j'avais compris le message. Je lui laisserais le temps de faire l'alpha à me renifler partout, et il me foutrait la paix. Sa truffe creusait un pli dans mon boxer tandis qu'il prenait de grandes inspirations en reniflant mon cul. Un truc de chien quoi. Je choisis de patienter, mal à l'aise. Sa langue reprit *** travail et il me lécha le boxer, les cuisses, léchant si fort que c'en devenait bon et que le tissu mouillé se déplaçait sur ma peau jusqu'à dévoiler mes couilles. Si j'avais su j'aurais pas mis le dernier des boxers pourri et trop large comme sous vêtement. Sa langue s'infiltrait partout et très vite je me retrouvais entre peur et plaisir à tendre presque mon cul dans sa direction. Soudain il effleura mon trou, je gémissais et tendis mes fesses vers lui. Il reprit *** travail avec plus d'ardeur et je couinais comme la dernière des catins, le cul en l'air. Je n'avais jamais eu de meilleur léchage de cul de ma vie. Pas profond, bien sur mais quand même. Quelques secondes plus tard, alors que je gémissais d'extase, je le sentis se décoller de ma raie et pris une grande inspiration. C'était fini, je le regrettais presque. Je me redressais à quatre pattes pour me relever quand je sentis le chien s'abattre sur mon dos. Je m'écroulais à nouveau, sur les coudes, et le sentis s'agiter sur mon dos. Oh non. Mes yeux s'écarquillèrent lorsque je sentis une queue gluante de foutre se coller contre ma cuisse, puis contre ma fesse. Je tentais de me dégager mais ses crocs se refermèrent sur mon épaule avec un grognement menaçant, j'arrêtais de bouger, encore, et mon coeur battait à toute allure. Je n'eus pas le temps de réfléchir que ses grands coups de queue s'approchèrent de ma raie, puis de mon trou, et d'un coup sa queue pénétra en moi. Un tout petit coup de queue, terriblement profond et je criais. Et sa mâchoire se resserra légèrement sur mon épaule et il renfonça sa queue en moi, d'un mouvement brusque. Il était énorme. C'était terrifiant et douloureux. Les deux doigts ridicules du début de soirée se faisaient regretter. Il délaissa mon épaule et je sentis *** souffle dans mon cou tandis que ses pattes avant me ceinturaient et qu'il lançait ses hanches en avant. Sa queue rentra entièrement, et il se mit à faire des mouvements brusques, frénétiques, je criais de plaisir, de peur et de douleur. Ma queue à nouveau raide frottait sur le tapis à chaque coup de rein, et il continua de me piner de plus en plus fort, si bien que des larmes de plaisir et de douleur coulaient sur mes joues. Très vite mes cris devinrent des râles et je me perdais dans les limbes du plaisir qu'il m'offrait. Soudain je le sentis commencer à grossir, je ne connaissais rien à la zoophilie, et je ne réagis pas. Il continua de grossir et mon cul se faisait littéralement écarteler, il continuait de gicler *** foutre à l'intérieur de moi et je me sentais douloureusement rempli. Il fit mine de se retirer et la douleur me fit me cramponner à ses pattes. "S'il te plaît, s'il te plaît", murmurais-je. Ne me déchires pas. Étonnamment il ne grogna pas, sans doute trop stone d'avoir pris *** pied, et je commençais à bouger sur sa queue, savourant ce noeud tellement énorme, et tout ce foutre qui ne pouvait pas sortir. Les minutes passèrent et je m'essoufflais sur sa bite, *** noeud se mit à dégonfler, et il fit quelques tentatives pour se retirer, me tirant par la même occasion en arrière. Puis de plus en plus brusquement, et un éclair blanc passa dans mes yeux alors que je jutais sur le sol tandis qu'il se retirait brusquement. Mon cul dégoulinait de foutre et il se mit à me lécher, encore et encore, tant et si bien que je m'endormis sur le sol. Soumis, satisfait. Pas de doute, j'allais rester un bout de temps dans cette baraque. 
Posts: 167297
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Foreman's Assistant The summer after I graduated from college, I needed a job, just until I started grad school in the fall. I didn't really have a lot of qualifications, and my short time frame ruled out a lot of options. So I applied for every job I could possibly do, and that's how I ended up at the offices of Mecham Construction. They had posted an ad for a Foreman's Assistant, and the main qualifications were a good attitude and an ability to follow instructions. I figured what the hell, a zillion guys would probably apply, but I might as well give it a shot. My interview was set for 1:00, and I arrived a little early. Their office was one of several in a row, with parking in front. It was like a strip mall, but with no stores, only offices. I went in and introduced myself to the secretary, Janice, who was seated behind a desk, working at her computer. She told me to have a seat, picked up her telephone, and said, "Mr. Mecham, David Bailey is here for his interview." I waited a few minutes, then Mr. Mecham came out and showed me into his office. I was relieved to see that he was dressed casually. I wasn't too sure how to dress for this, so I had just worn Dockers and a nice polo shirt. He took his place behind the desk, I sat in the chair facing him, and we started. He asked a few creampuff questions -- did I have any trouble finding the place, did I have any experience in construction, did I understand that this job might only last a few months. He explained that the job was really simple, just a matter of running errands for the foreman and taking care of the needs of the crew. I asked what that meant, taking care of the crew, and he threw out a bombshell. "You ever sucked another guy's cock?" Whoa, where did that come from? "No," I replied, but I was beginning to get the picture. "Could you if your job depended on it?" he asked. I hesitated, wondering if I could. I've thought about what it would be like, I've even done it in fantasies. Could I do it in real life? "Yeah," I said, finally, "I think I could." He got up from his chair, walked around the desk, and stood in front of me. "Show me." Holy ****, I thought, he wants me to give him a blowjob before he'll even consider me for the job. Then I remembered my fantasies, and decided this was my chance to see what I was missing. I reached out and ran my hand over his fly. He was already hard, and as soon as I touched his cock I knew I was ready. I undid his belt, unzipped his fly, and pulled his pants down around his knees. He was wearing boxers, and his cock poked out through the opening. I wrapped my fingers around it and stroked it a few times. Mr. Mecham let out a moan, and a drop of precum formed on the tip. I leaned forward and licked the slit, getting my first taste of another man's juices. Mr. Mecham stepped back and took off his clothes, then held his cock up to my lips and said, "Suck it, David. Show me what you can do." I took it in my mouth, just the head at first, and began running my lips and tongue over the crown. I wasn't too sure what to do, but he said, "Yeah, that feels good. Take it a little deeper, see how much you can take without gagging." I managed about four inches easily, running my lips up and down his shaft, really starting to enjoy myself. "You're doing fine, David. Suck a little harder, and see if you can take it all." He was about six inches, I guess, so I still had another couple of inches to go. I sucked harder, like he said, and gradually was able to take more of his cock into my throat. "Just relax your throat and let it in. Here, I'll help," he said, putting a hand on the back of my head and pushing his cock down my throat. The first time I gagged too soon, and he backed off and tried again. This time I felt his pubic hairs tickling my nose, he backed off again, and the third time my lips made it all the way to the base of his cock. "Good job, David! I'm getting pretty close. Is it OK if I cum in your mouth?" I couldn't really answer with his cock in my mouth, and I didn't want to stop sucking it. I guess that was all the answer he needed. He put both hands on my head and pumped his cock in and out of my mouth a few times. "Here it comes!" I felt his cock swell up and jerk between my lips, then he started to shoot his load. It was warm and thick on my tongue, and the taste was milder than I expected. I swallowed as he pushed his cock further into my throat and continued to pump me full of warm, fresh cream. When he was completely drained, he stepped back from me and said, "Well, David, that was quite good for your first time. You'll get better with practice, I'm sure. Let's get dressed, and then I'd like to take you out to the site and let you meet Marcos and his crew. Marcos will be your real boss. I just sign the checks." I had a feeling that Marcos was going to want me to demonstrate my abilities too. OK, fine! Once I got used to the idea of blowing Mr. Mecham, I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. And if that was what the job required, I'd better find out now if it was something I wanted to do the rest of the summer. Mr. Mecham drove me to the job site in his Lexus, saying Marcos would bring me back to the office after I met the crew. It was about fifteen minutes before we reached the site. Mr. Mecham looked up Marcos, introduced me to him, then took off, leaving me with no way back except Marcos. That was fine by me. Marcos wasn't especially good looking, but he radiated a sexual energy that had me in his spell from the word go. He showed me around the job site, five houses in various stages of construction. Next he proceeded to introduce me to his crew, starting with Eric. He and I shook hands and agreed it was nice to meet each other, then Marcos said to Eric, "I want to see David give you a blowjob. You got time?" Geez, I'm thinking, these guys don't fool around. Eric just nodded his head and pulled down his pants and underwear. I got down on my knees in front of him and took his cock in my mouth. He wasn't hard yet, so I got another new experience, feeling him grow longer and harder as I sucked him. I know how ridiculous it must sound, but I felt a real sense of power, being able to have that effect on another man. His cock was a little bigger than Mr. Mecham's, I think, but not that much different. He lasted longer, and I was starting to think I was doing something wrong. Then Marcos said, "Eric likes a finger up his ass, when you're ready for him to cum." I put a finger in my mouth to get it slick with saliva, then went back to sucking him while at the same time I was feeling around for his asshole. I pushed my finger in gently, being careful not to hurt him, but Marcos said, "Give it to him good. The harder you work his ass, the sooner you get his load." Gotta hand it to Marcos, he knew his workers. I started fingering Eric's ass as deep as I could reach, pumping first one then two fingers in and out, hard and fast. I worried that I was being too rough, but then I felt Eric's cock twitch and begin filling my mouth with another load of warm, sticky cream. I kept sucking him and fingering his ass until he pushed me away. "I get pretty tender after I cum," he said, apologetically. I swallowed the last of his load and thanked him. "Well, David, so far so good," Marcos told me. "Let's go meet the other guys, and let Eric get back to work." He led me over to a partially built house, where two guys around my age were working. They were both shirtless, wearing shorts and sneakers, and those leather tool belts that construction guys use. Their names were Kevin and Brian, they were both in their early twenties, both well tanned and smooth. Kevin had dark hair and features, Brian was a redhead with lots of freckles, especially on his back. I probably wasn't qualified to judge at that point, but I thought they were both pretty hot. Marcos said, "Kevin and Brian were my co-assistants last summer. They worked out so well we decided to keep them on. Guys, why don't you all get naked. David, you can suck them both at once, but when they are ready to cum, I want them to give you a double facial. You know what that is, right?" "I know what it is, but I've never done anything like that before." "You'll be fine. It's just another way to do a blowjob. These guys are both big shooters, so I want to see them unload all over your face and onto your tongue. By the time you're done, you'll be dripping!" 
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I saw that Kevin and Brian were already undressed, and the sight overcame any doubts I might have had. They were both erect, hung bigger than either Eric or Mr. Mecham, and their bodies looked darn near perfect. I pulled off my clothes as fast as I could, and went to work. I sucked Kevin for a while, then Brian, then back to Kevin. As I continued going from one to the other, Kevin said, "Suck my balls a little while." I did as he asked, then switched to Brian and sucked his balls. I knew they were both getting pretty close by then, but I wasn't sure how I was supposed to finish them. Kevin solved that problem for me. I was back to sucking his cock, taking him as deep into my throat as I could, when he backed away from me and started stroking himself. Seeing that, Brian followed suit, and they were both jerking off right in front of my face. "Open you mouth!" Marcos yelled, and I did, just in time. A thick white glob came flying out of Kevin's cock and landed right on my tongue. Brian's aim wasn't quite as good. His first shot landed on my chin, and the second was right under my nose. From there on I couldn't tell you who shot what where, but by the time they were both finished my face was covered with warm, sticky goo. I managed to get a couple of good mouthfuls as well, and the guys let me clean them up. When I had licked up all the cum I could reach, Brian handed me a clean shop rag and I wiped my face off. "You're doing great so far," Marcos told me. "Come over to the office with me and meet Carl. Don't bother putting your clothes back on yet." I followed him to the "office," which turned out to be a small trailer with a kitchenette, a convertible couch, and a tiny bathroom. There was a black guy sitting on the couch, not bad looking, muscular, smooth, completely naked. He didn't have an erection, but even so his cock looked pretty big. He was older than the other guys I had met, maybe forty or so, about the same age as Marcos, younger than Mr. Mecham. "Carl, this is David Bailey. He wants to be my assistant this summer, so I've been letting him get acquainted with the guys. Now, David, with Carl and me the bar is set a little higher. Nothing wrong with a nice blowjob now and then, but we both like to take it to the next level, if you know what I mean." "Yeah David," Carl chimed in, "looks like you've got a nice tight little ass. Can't wait to get in there and see how it feels." "Hey wait!" I exclaimed, "I've never done that. You guys are crazy! This job isn't worth putting my ass up for grabs." "You never sucked cock before today either," Marcos said, "but you seem to be OK with that. Why not give this a try?" "Yeah, man," Carl added. "We'll break you in nice and easy. By the time you leave here you'll be wishing you could take us home with you!" He patted the couch next to him. "Sit down, baby, let's get acquainted." I guess I'm pretty easy. I took a seat next to him, he ran a hand over my shoulders and down my back, and I leaned into him, meaning to give him some head. "Let's give your mouth a little rest, dude. Just relax and let me take care of you." He had me lie down on the couch, face down, and began running his hands all over my body. He rubbed my shoulders, my back, my ass, the back of my thighs, down my legs, then back up to my butt. He traced the crack with a fingertip, kneaded my buns, brushed a finger lightly over my asshole. I felt his weight shift, then felt his warm breath as he leaned in and ran his tongue up between my cheeks. That first time he barely touched my asshole, almost as if by accident. The next pass it was more deliberate, and he lingered just a bit. Little by little he zeroed in on my tight little pucker, relaxing it gradually so that, in time, he was thrusting his tongue deep into my ass, tongue fucking me. Another first for me, in a day of firsts, and I loved it. I actually started to want his cock inside me, wanted to see how it feels to get fucked. He turned me on my back, lifted my legs up over his shoulders, and said something to Marcos about lube. Marcos handed him a bottle of clear liquid, and Carl squeezed some into the palm of his hand. He spread some around my ass, and slipped a finger inside, then squeezed out some more and coated his cock. I noticed with relief that his dick wasn't as big as I expected. Big enough, considering he was going to stick it up my virgin ass, but not huge. He held the tip against my opening and pushed. As soon as he met resistance, he pulled back, then went again. He did that a few times, getting in a little deeper each time, until my sphincter opened up and the head of his cock was inside me. It was painful, though not as bad as I thought it might be. Carl said, "Just hold still for a minute, baby. Take a few deep breaths and try to relax." I did as he told me, and soon the burning sensation subsided, and I felt Carl's cock slide in further, though still not all the way. Just when I was starting to enjoy the feeling, Carl pulled all the way out. He applied more lube, then gave me his cock again. This time he slid in easily, and didn't stop until he touched bottom. God, what a feeling! My ass was completely full, his balls were brushing up against my body, and Carl was up over me with a big grin on his face. "You're loving it, aren't you? Hold on, it gets better." He began fucking me in long, slow thrusts, pushing in as deep as he could go, then pulling almost all the way out. I didn't think it could get any better, when Marcos came up beside my head and put his cock up to my lips. Geez, I almost forgot about Marcos, what with Carl keeping me busy. Marcos started feeding me his cock, and I was in seventh heaven, trying to suck his cock while Carl continued to fuck my ass. Marcos was hung the way I thought Carl would be. He had at least nine inches, and it was really thick. I took it as deep as I could, but I don't think I managed more than four of five inches. Marcos said, "That's pretty good, David. My wife won't suck me at all. She says her mouth isn't big enough." His wife! God, I might have known. But then, why should I care? If she didn't want to suck his cock, I considered it a privilege. Then again, I started to think, he's going to try to stick that up my ass. I managed to take Carl, but Marcos might be another story. I got a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, and I wasn't sure if it was nerves or excitement. Right on cue, Carl picked up the pace, fucking me harder and faster, heading down the home stretch. I tightened my ass, or tried to, and that was enough to put him over the edge. I felt his cock pulsating inside me as he pumped my ass full of sperm. My cock felt like it could erupt on its own, and I wondered if that was allowed. Then the feeling passed, Carl pulled out, and Marcos was ready and waiting. He had me stand up, and took my place on the couch, lying on his back. "I want you to sit on my cock. That way you can control how fast we go, and how deep. Just take your time and use plenty of lube. You'll be fine!" I covered his cock with lube, enjoying the sensation as I slid my hand up and down the shaft a few times. I straddled him the way he showed me, held the tip of his cock against my entrance, and carefully lowered myself onto him. I did it the way Carl had, taking just a little at a time until the head was inside me. I felt some pain as my sphincter stretched to take him, then it subsided and I was ready for more. I slid down onto his cock, feeling myself filled with his big, hard tool. Marcos raised me up off him. "Get some more lube and go again." I spread on a fresh coat and impaled myself on him. It felt even better now, and I began riding up and down his shaft, letting his cock probe deep into my ass. Once I got started, I didn't want to stop, and I rode him for what seemed like a long, long time. Marcos started playing with my cock. "Fuck me good, dude, I want to see you shoot your wad while you have my cock buried in your ass." He put a little lube in his hand and began jerking me off. I couldn't hold back even if I wanted to, and soon I exploded, painting his chest white. I noticed that my asshole was contracting around Marcos's cock with every shot, and wondered how that felt. Then Marcos started to unload, holding my hips and pushing his cock deep into my ass. I could feel his cock throbbing as he gave me my second cream filling of the day. Then, too soon, it was over. Carl handed me a warm washcloth and I cleaned up, first Marcos, then myself. We got dressed, and Marcos said, "I guess I better get you back to the office. Mecham will be waiting for us." Driving back to the office, Marcos said to me, "You're pretty quiet. Are you OK?" "Yeah," I said, "I'm great! I was just thinking. This morning I was this innocent little college guy, totally straight as far as I knew." "And now you're this horny little cocksucker that takes it in the ass from complete strangers, right?" I just nodded. "Listen, David," Marcos said, "you're a newbie, OK? You decided to do a couple of things today that you never did before. Looked to me like you were having a pretty good time, actually. I think you could be a good addition to my crew, but if you wake up tomorrow and decide this was all a big mistake, it's cool. That's your choice." Then we were at the office. We got out of the car, I thanked Marcos for everything, and we went inside. Janice was gone, and they had me wait in the front area while Marcos and Mr. Mecham talked. After ten or fifteen minutes, Marcos came out, wished me luck, and motioned me into Mr. Mecham's office. He was sitting behind his desk, so I sat in the chair facing him. "Well, David, Marcos tells me you have a tight little ass. I'd like to see for myself. Take off your clothes this time. I still haven't seen you naked." We both undressed, and Mecham came around in front of his desk. He ran his hands over my chest, then my ass. "Just rest your elbows on my desk. I'll get you lubed up and ready to roll." He drizzled some lube between my cheeks, spread it around with his fingers, then shoved a finger up my ass. He wasn't as gentle as Carl had been. Maybe he figured that after Carl and Marcos, I was all loosened up already. He worked his finger in and out a couple of times, spreading lube on his dick at the same time, then got up behind me and held his cock against my asshole. He got it lined up just right and pushed it in with one powerful thrust. He went in all the way, balls deep, and even though he was much smaller than either Carl or Marcos, it seemed much more painful than it had been with them. He settled into a steady rhythm, and soon the pain subsided and it felt good to be getting fucked again. He kept at it for another five or ten minutes, then I felt his cock expand and he began shooting his load into me. I tightened my sphincter around his cock, and it must have felt good. "Oh yeah, baby, milk it all out of me. God, David, you're turning into a regular little slut, aren't you!" I guess I should have been embarrassed to be called a slut, but in fact I was kind of proud. Straight college guy in the morning, regular little slut before the day was over! Mr. Mecham went to the small bathroom attached to his office, cleaned himself off with a towel, then tossed it to me. I cleaned up and got dressed. Mr. Mecham was back behind his desk, I sat down again, and he started in as if nothing had just happened between us. 
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"Marcos gave you excellent reviews, David. He said you got along well with everyone on his crew, you did everything that was asked of you, and he felt he had an especially good rapport with you. He'd like me to offer you the job today, and I'm inclined to agree that you're our best candidate, but I have a few more interviews scheduled for next week. In all fairness, I feel I have to complete the process before I can make you an offer. I can't give you a definite yes or no until next Friday, but my sense is that the job is all yours, if you still want it." What could I say? I was really let down, but I still really wanted the job, now more than ever. I pictured myself letting Marcos fuck me every day, all summer, and blowing the other guys whenever they were in the mood. "OK," I finally answered, "I guess if I have to wait until Friday I'll wait." "That's what I was hoping to hear," Mr. Mecham said. He reached into a drawer in his desk and took out some money. "This is just for your time this afternoon," he said. "You probably weren't planning to spend four hours with us." I saw that there was a hundred dollars, and thanked him. After all, it amounted to twenty five dollars an hour, and I wasn't expecting anything. I left the office feeling pretty proud of myself for getting paid for a job interview. Then I started thinking, four blowjobs, three guys fucking me in the ass, and all I get is a hundred bucks? I could do better selling it on the street. On the other hand, I had a great time, so what the fuck! Just to complete the picture, I did get the job, and by September I was a died in the wool cocksucker. I also discovered that I was versatile, not a pure bottom, and that Eric and even Carl sometimes liked to get fucked. Marcos fucked me two or three times a week all summer, and I gave enough blowjobs that I lost count. And at the end of the summer, I had a nice nest egg saved up. Not bad for a mere Foreman's Assistant! 
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Nymphocom Prologue Controlling somebody else's mind has always been a common fantasy throughout the ages. Nothing is more fascinating than to have other human beings obeying your will without any restriction even at the risk of their own life. Many scientists have tried to uncover the secrets of the brain but so far our most complex organ has remained a mystery. We know that the braincells communicate using electric impulses, we have identified regions of the brain apparently dedicated to specialties like language, memories and so on but we failed at even the slightest attempts to decrypt memories or to visualize the dream of a *******. The brain is a safe haven for his owner's thoughts, more secure than the most secure vaults at the biggest banks. Well, this was true until recently anyway. My name is Francois Royer, and this is my story. I had been working as a lead scientist at the French Cognitics & Nanoparticles Research Center in Meudon near Paris for a couple of years now. This very well known research center had hired me directly out of university as my student work had drawn some attention when I proved that it was possible to change the output of a neuron (or a braincell) by sending special formed electromagnetic waves to it. Some of the center's researchers were trying to prove that electromagnetic waves could influence human and ****** behavior and the goal was to find a way to protect people from potential harmful side effects of these waves, like for example waves from mobile phones or wireless network cards. However, as everybody knows, we are just bathing in an abundance of waves from radio, TV, satellites, cell phones or just plain electric cables. Apparently waves could interfere with one neuron but this would be a tiny "accident" and all other neurons surrounding the faulty neuron would correct the signal. The "fault" would go completely unnoticed, corrected by the output of millions of other neurons. It appeared that electromagnetic waves were harmless to human or ****** brains and therefore the research team I was working with was redeployed on other more promising (say "lucrative") research activities. I filed a special request with the center's management to be able to continue searching on the same topic and, since our research center was quite well funded and could afford having some scientist searching on not so promising research fields, it was accepted. I kept the teams lab and all the instruments and I essentially worked alone for several months, mostly ignored by the other researchers who were trying to achieve fame or file prestigious patents. I had build a machine which emitted waves, interfering with each other, so as to create stationary waves at exactly predefined locations, and my goal was to be able to target each neuron of a simple brain individually. As brains were moving targets, traveling along with their owners like for example the dragonflies I was using in my experiment, a computer was recalculating the position according to the subjects movements. Also a receiver was measuring the reaction of the neurons and using this feedback to increase or release control of each braincell by modulating the waves of the machine. It was quite a clumsy machine with a lot of cables and interface cards connected to weird device. A parabolic antenna the size of a small TV was emitting the waves towards a cage were I was holding the different ******s I was studying. The first tests were quite disappointing, the dragonflies were either not reacting at all, or they would fly around like crazy as if I had burned them badly. The controlling computer was getting billions of informations and it would last decades before I would be through with analyzing all that data. Even a small brain like the one of the dragonfly was huge compared to even our most powerful computers. The breakthrough came when I talked to a fellow researcher, Kim Chen, who was working on so called nanocomputers, extremely fast and extremely small, as they were not built using conventional microchips but rather with biological molecules. I explained my problem to him about analyzing my experiment's data and he thought that it would be a very good test to see how powerful his nanocomputers really are. A few days later he came into my lab with a normal looking PC laptop computer and put it on my desk. It was his brand new prototype and we spend most of the day connecting everything to my wave machine, testing the interface and checking the flow of the experiment's data. The nanocomputers were at the heart of the laptop and the data I put into it was seemingly analyzed in real time, with the biological processor running at 0.001% of its capacity. It was early morning hours when he finally left my lab with me promising to keep him up to date on how the nanocomputers would perform. I spent the rest of the night checking the data, making out reactions of brain areas, and sending waves to reproduce the exact behaviour as previously. Dawn was breaking when I was finally able to control a dragonfly flying freely around my office! I rushed to the ****** reserve and borrowed several lab rats and, with the help of the nanocomputer, was able to completely analyze the functioning of their brain within 24 hours. I then slept for 24 hours straight. I woke up fresh and with the decision of trying my machine on a human brain as soon as possible. I drove to the research lab and met Kim in the hallway, I invited him to my lab and while I asked him many questions, I secretly turned my machine on and had it analyze Kim's brain. Of course he did not notice and as soon as he left my lab I checked the results. It was amazingly easy to find the zone of the brain where he had stored the memory of lending me his invention and I programmed the machine to erase these memories along with the memories of him coming to my lab in the last two weeks. I called him again and he came into my office quickly, I showed him a fake error message on the screen and, while he was checking, I activated my machine. He continued typing for a few seconds and then looked up, seeming lost. "Hey Kim," I said, "have you found what this error message means?" He looked at me puzzled "Err ... well ... yes ... I mean ..." He removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes. "I am not ... feeling ... so well. I'd better go back to my office" He left my lab, looking quite shocked which was understandable if my machine had worked as expected. He had found himself in my lab without knowing how he got there. I was beginning to understand that my invention was Nobel Prize stuff. Unfortunately for humankind I had more ambitious plans as I was now able to control the human mind. In the next few weeks I used several of my colleagues to draw a precise chart of the brain and its functions. I tested the removal of memories and made sure it worked by asking the person if they would remember anything. Everything turned out perfectly. I used a female colleague to implant her a strong sexual desire and she nearly raped me on the spot, when I turned off the machine she blushed and apologized, not knowing what happened to her. As usual for any special behavior, we blamed everything on the stress at work. The next step was to reduce the size of my invention. I wanted to be able to carry it around to test it on people in the outside world. It appeared to be beyond of the scope of my expertise so I requested the help of Kim again : I had him miniaturize the size of his nanocomputer so it would fit into a normal remote control. Afterwards I erased all memories about it from his brain. I developed a program to realize a dream I had for quite a long time : control "normal" women to please me and obey my deepest fantasies. These women would obey to all my wishes and would be completely submissive to me sexually. This urge would disappear when I turn the machine off, but I built in an override so as to implant this obedience in them permanently, making them my sexual slaves for the rest of their lives. This was a very complex modification to the female brain and I was unsure if it would work at all, the female mind is very difficult to decrypt and to understand : thousands of books have been written on this subject and driven millions of men into madness! I finished the algorithm and stored it on CD which I gave Kim. He had reduced the size of the device to the one of a clumsy remote control, quite bulky but innocent looking. I had to aim it at my victim so that the nanocomputer could identify the correct brain to modify. I decided to bring this device home with me tonight, I called it the Nymphomaniac Control Machine, short NYMPHOCOM! Chapter 1 - NYMPHOCOM's first "subject" Julie I went home early that afternoon. I lived on the top floor of a ten story building in a nice and quiet neighborhood, in the outskirts of Paris. I opened the front door to the building and went to fetch my mail in my mailbox. While skimming through a lot of bills I waited in front of the elevators and was joined by Julie, one of my neighbors living two floors underneath mine. She was 22 years old and came from the Dominican Republic. She was studying plastic arts at the Sorbonne for two years now. She had a nice chocolate skin and incredible green eyes and, from what I saw when casually glancing, pretty big tits for her size. She was often wearing tight jeans so that everybody could guess her firm round ass beneath the cloth, she was one hot black chick. I had talked to her a couple of times and, when she was in a good mood, she would tell me something about herself. Most of the time she was rather rude and cold though. "Good evening Julie" 
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I smiled at her, blushing a bit, but she was not really the friendly type. She probably thought of her in a high way and she would not really accept me as an equal, I was dressed "normally" in my jeans and t-shirts and this was not her style. I was also more the discrete type and she preferred more "popular" type of men. She behaved very arrogantly but, despite her bitchy attitude, I was really turned on by her looks. I was not particularly attracted to black girls but Julie was definitely the hottest girl around. Of course I had tried to invite her out one time and she had refused by rolling her eyes to the ceiling meaning : how can this guy even imagine that I would accept?? She bluntly refused, making it clear that I would get in trouble if I would dare try this one more time. She recently went out steadily with the same boyfriend, a muscular hunk who was playing in a high level soccer team. Today she was in a bad mood, she looked at me as if I was poisonous, grumbled a "hello" under her breath and stood farther away waiting for the elevator. Another woman came into the building, a neighbor from another floor. She greeted us and immediately started talking to Julie about this reality TV show tonight, and both seemed to be very excited about it. Julie mentioned that, god thanks, her boyfriend was away for a few hours tonight since he hated this kind of show, he was going out with his friends. I thought to myself that this guy was not as stupid as he looked like. But then it dawned to me that Julie would be the perfect target for my newly invented device : she was not attracted to me so if I could get into her pants it would prove that the NYMPHOCOM was working. And tonight she was going to be alone! We all stepped into the arriving elevator and I stood behind Julie, admiring her smooth curves packed into a tight mini skirt and a pink blouse. I was already getting a hard on. Obviously I was not sure at all that my device would work like I was expecting. I tried to keep a scientific attitude and thought what I would need for my first experimentation. I fetched my old digital camera which at that time was quite bulky and doing only medium resolution pictures saved onto a diskette you could insert into it. I definitely had to take photos to document what was going to happen, to learn from mistakes and to enhance the NYMPHOCOM further. I was not sure how this would work out ... would the effect be immediate or would it take one two five or more minutes to appear? or maybe never? and, if it worked, for how long? and would she remember anything afterwards? What would I consider success? a smile? a kiss? having sex? anyway I had to test it and I find out tonight! I turned on the TV and while having some microwaved hamburger as a dinner I watched the start of the TV show Julie had mentioned. As usual the show was a mere excuse to broadcast commercials all over the place, I was astonished that my brain could stand this kind of stupidity without knocking a hole in the back of my skull and leaping into safety... Of course I knew that the female brain was different. I wondered if my device could be a cure for the female attraction to televisual nonsense. After one hour into the show, when I was sure that Julie would be alone and stuck in front of her TV screen, I took my NYMPHOCOM disguised as a standard remote control, put my camera along with my laptop into a small bag and left my flat with my heart pounding. I took the stairs to reach Julie's floor and was soon standing in front of her door. I could hear the TV running with the show on, the volume was probably turned on to the max. I rang the bell, my throat dry and my hands sweating, clutching the device in my pocket. Julie opened the door quickly with an expression of great frustration on her face. She was wearing a pink silk bathrobe which was ending just above her knees, not too ample so as to show the volume of her breasts pushing against the cloth. "Yes???" she yelled. I was somehow frozen at the sight of this beautiful, sexy ... and aggressive ... girl in front of me. I just used the first excuse which popped into my mind, and stammered, "Julie, sorry if I disturb but could I possibly borrow some filters for my coffee machine? I just ran out of ..." "Does it have to be now??" she asked, rolling her eyes to the ceiling like she always did. She put her fists to her side making her breasts stand out even more "Oh well it would really help me out as I want to make some coffee for friends who will come over this evening" She looked at me in a very upset and exasperated way. Since she did not know how to get rid of me quickly she gave in. "Ok wait a second!" She quickly turned around and rushed into her kitchen, her silk bathrobe flying behind her, allowing me a glimpse of her dark long legs. I took two steps into her flat, switched the NYMPHOCOM on, minimal power, and pointed it roughly in the direction of the kitchen where Julie was opening all cupboards to find coffee filters, cursing me between her teeth. I felt very awkward suddenly convinced that my great invention was most probably not working on the first try. On the other hand the only harm done was that Julie missed 2 minutes of her favorite TV show. I put the active device back in my bag. Julie came back holding a couple of coffee filter and said, "Here you are!" I took them, thanked her and turned around to leave her flat. "Thanks again and sorry that I disturbed you during your show" "No problem, its a pleasure to help you out," she replied, smiling. I could not believe what I just heard but I continued walking towards the stairway nevertheless. "Oh Francois ..." I turned around. "Well ... nothing ..." she added. "Anything I can help you with?" I proposed "Yes! umm ... I mean no ... " she seemed a bit confused. "What do you carry in your bag?" "Well, just my laptop and an old camera ...". I looked at her expectantly. It seemed like she wanted to conversation to go on. "I will go now, I don't want you to miss anymore of your show!" "Oh! my show!" She suddenly remembered that this was the show she wanted absolutely to watch undisturbed. "Would you like to watch the show with me?" "Uh no thanks!" I spat before realizing that I had been to stupid to not take advantage of this proposal but the idea to watch this freaky show made me forget about Julie for an instant. Somehow something was happening. Julie took a disappointed look. Her beautiful green eyes were like begging for me, she looked so incredibly sexy and I could not help but notice the soft mounds of her breasts pushing her silk bathrobe apart. Before I could add anything she continued. "Hey, if you don't mind could you help me lift something heavy?" I turned to face her. She was smiling at me, her eyebrows raised interrogatively, waiting for my answer. "Well yes, ok, I am pleased if I can help you" "Oh thanks Francois, that's very nice of you!" and she took me by my hand to lead me into the room, closing the door behind us. My heart was pounding even more and I was not sure if Julie's attitude was due to the NYMPHOCOM or if she was just being polite to a long time neighbor, but then I remembered how fanatic she was about this TV show ... and she just had walked to the TV and shut it off!! My invention was working! She pointed at a big flower pot containing a nice ficus tree in a corner of her living room. "Can you please turn it so that my tree gets the light on its other side? it is growing in the wrong direction." The tree looked fine to me but I went onto my knees and turned the pot around. It was not heavy at all. She beamed at me. "Great! and to thank you I will make some coffee for both of us!" "Oh well Julie, thank you as well then." I decided to not take any initiative to see how far Julie would go. She asked me to sit on the couch while she dashed off to the kitchen to fix the coffee. I noticed her ass cheeks nicely filling out her pink silk bathrobe. As I grew a hardon I ****** myself to examine her apartment closely, to distract my excitement. It was a nice two bedroom flat, with a large living room, with quite a few things lying around. I could see that Julie's boyfriend was not very fond of picking his things up. Julie came back quickly and sat next to me on the couch. Her bathrobe cranked up a bit and she straightened it out with her hands, slightly blushing when she realized that I had noticed. "The coffee will be ready in a couple of minutes," she said I found nothing to reply except, "Uh huh" There was a second of embarrassed silence while both of us were searching for something to say. I was sure that I did not have many interests or hobby I was sharing with Julie. "We never took time to talk," Julie said, breaking the silence "True," I replied, falling silent again. Then I added, "But you are always so busy. Remember when I asked you out?" "Yes," Julie smiled. "Why not do that on Monday next week? My boyfriend Eric is going out with his friends of the sports club" She leaned back on the couch to cross her legs and I could get a sight of a lot of her thigh. "Yes, sure, let's do that next Monday." I was amazed that I now had a date, the NYMPHOCOM was apparently very well designed, I wondered how far it could take Julie. "You are always carrying all kinds of technical stuff, what is it anyway?" she asked, having finally found a topic. "Just my laptop, my old digital camera and a broken remote control I wanted to fix," I said. "Photo and video are my hobbies so I am always ready with my camera with me" She smiled broadly at me. "Nice hobby, maybe you can show me some of your work?" She seemed genuinely interested so I smiled back. "Sure" I took my laptop, started it up and displayed some of my old vacation photos. She moved nearer to me to have a good look and started to praise me for the quality of my photos. With each photo she moved closer and I could smell her spicy perfume and her huge left breast pushing against my arm. My cock was starting to get rigid in my pants again. On one of the photos a girl with big tits in a bikini was playing Beachvolleyball. Julie stiffened and looked at me with a jolt of jealousy in her eyes 
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"Is she your girlfriend?" she asked , barely concealing a poisonous flavor in her voice. "Not really," I admitted but wanted to push a bit further, "But she had a drop dead gorgeous body!" Julie made a face. "Nooo, look at these breasts, they're sagging!" "No Julie, I assure you they are not, they seem like this because I did the photo when the girl was moving and since her breasts are quite big the were juggling a bit up and down" "Oh you think she has big tits?" She seemed like she wanted to rip the photo apart but then came the killer question "Bigger than mine?" My brain went offline for a couple of seconds before I tried to take an amused stance "Well Julie, I would not dare to compare ..." "It was just to know ... don't worry" I was speechless for a while and just clicked to show more photos, and Julie went to an awkward silence as well. I did not even remembered this girl during my vacation in Turkey but somehow the fact that she appeared on my photos had made Julie jealous. The same girl appeared again a couple of shots later. "Did you ***** with her?" Julie asked inquisitively. "Julie, I think ..." "Never mind," she cut me off. "Its none of my business anyway" She tried a weak smile before adding, "But her breasts are smaller than mine." "I can not really compare what I have never seen!" I joked. Julie blushed even more, her dark skin turning even darker. She then smiled a naughty smile "Would you be so kind and have a look at mine so that you can compare?" "What?" I cried out but before I could say anything further she had opened the top of her bathrobe and exposed her naked breasts. She had huge black tits on her otherwise thin body, they were standing out rock hard and I suspected some breast enhancement surgery had helped a bit. My mouth went dry and my cock was painfully trapped in my pants. She put her breasts back into her bathrobe. "Julie," I stuttered, "Your breasts are the nicest ones I have ever seen." "Thanks," she smiled proudly, "I am glad that you like mine better than these of that bitch!" "I can assure you that you look much better than her. At least I am sure about the breasts now!" "You are not sure about the rest?" she asked sheepishly She stood up, undid her bathrobe and let it fall to the floor. She was completely naked in front of me and smiled shyly. "I just came out of the shower when the show started therefore I just put on the bathrobe quickly," she apologized. "I don't want you to think that I want to seduce you. I just want to get your opinion on my body." "Errr yes of course Julie," I stammered, "I would never have thought that you are trying to seduce me, especially that you have your boyfriend." "Yes, and I will always be faithful to him!" she beamed, "I just want your feedback!" I felt some disappointment at what she just said. It meant that I just had lowered her moral limit with my device to some degree. In the meantime I could not help staring at her magnificent body. Her black features made her tight, beautiful, firm, round behind stand out and her thick, perky nipples protrude from her ample bosoms, and seemed to poke out no matter how much of a top she would wearing, her narrow waist exaggerating the rest of her features. Her flawless skin was slightly darker than milk chocolate. She had large brown wide-set eyes, high cheekbones and a graceful neck and jaw line. I again thought the size of her breasts probably was due to implants but they blossomed off her trim, athletic body with a fullness and heft that would make every men's jaw drop.Julie's long muscular legs curved up to a round, high-riding ass which seemed to just beg to be sodomized. "You are a real goddess," I whispered. She turned around, bent forward and backwards for me to get a perfect view of all details, coming closer with every step. Soon I had nearly her ass cheeks in my face and my pants threatened to burst open under the pressure of my hardon. "So you like my body?" she asked naughtily. "Yes of course," I exclaimed, "It is perfect! much better than the girl on the photo." A thought crossed my mind. "... and I bet that your skin is much softer than hers," I added. Since she seemed to be eager to surpass this girl on the photo I wanted to check if she could maybe go a bit further in the challenge. "Oh yes my skin is soft! I use a fortune in creams to keep it healthy!" "I am sure you do!" I replied but she looked puzzled. "If you don't believe me, then touch!" "Well Julie, think about your boyfriend ..." "I love my boyfriend and I am faithful to him don't worry. I just want you to be convinced" I thought that the NYMPHOCOM allowed her to act like a bitch and still consider herself to act normally. It was quite an interesting effect. I put my hands slowly on Julie's waist and started to move them around on her chocolate skin. She closed her eyes and she shivered slightly. I caressed her tummy and behind and she moaned slightly. I then went up to her big jugs and cupped them. They were quite hard as I suspected but extremely sexy. I malaxed them quite intensely until Julie pointed at the bulge in my pants, smiling. "Please make yourself comfortable, this must hurt you!" "Well Julie..." I started but she was already on her knees to undo my pants and have my hard dick nearly pop into her face. "Don't worry, this is completely normal. You must not be ashamed to have an erection even though we are not doing anything wrong." She casually took my tool in her hands and started to stroke it slowly. "I am actually sorry to be the cause of this, I just wanted to know what you think of my body and now look what I have done!" She had a worried look on her face and did not even seem to think about the fact that she was probably seconds away from getting a facial cumshot. "Julie ... ugh ... If you continue ..." "Oh yes I know!" she abruptly stopped what she was doing and jumped up in front of me. "This girl on the photo, she is wearing a sexy bikini. In order to compare properly I need to wear something sexy, don't you think?" She beamed and ran towards the bedroom. "Wait for me it won't take me long!" In the meanwhile I tried to get my still stiff cock back into my pants, it just seemed awkward to stay half naked in the middle of Julie's apartment. I heard her shuffle things in her room for several minutes and then she came out again. She was clad in a white and silver brocade bustier that laced up the front, sheer white boxer panties, black thigh high stockings that didn't require garters and a pair of black high heels that made her legs even longer. My jaw dropped while Julie walked lasciviously past me, her bathrobe she had wrapped around her shoulders flying. "I think you can compare better now," Julie said while cupping her breast in her sexy bustier. The bulge on my pants was immediately visible again and Julie matter of factly came to me and undid my fly to remove my cock from its prison "Please let it out, so I can judge if you like what you see." She was acting like a perfect bitch but completely oblivious of it. My device had taken all of her inhibitions and sense of guilt. My cock was so hard that it was aching. To distract my attention before exploding I grabbed my old camera. "And I still need to take some photos of you so that we can compare photos versus photos" "Yes indeed, very well thought! let's do it!" I took my first shot of Julie. She immediately jumped forward to have a look at the photo. "Nice isn't it? let's do more!" She took me by the hand and led me to her bedroom. She jumped on her bed and took a sexy pose. "What are you waiting for?" she asked while I stared at her, this beautiful exotic babe nearly nude in her lingery. I took another photo. She was looking absolutely awesome. She lied down, making erotic gestures and smiling at my camera. I took more shots. Julie seemed completely oblivious of the erotic nature of her attitude. The influence of my device was powerful and I was wondering what would happen if I was to use it at full power. She turned around, on her knees "Let's see how my ass looks like on photo!" I was thankful that Julie had taken my cock out of my pants because I would have torn them apart. I had never experienced such a hardon and I was suddenly thinking about possible side effects of my NYMPHOCOM. I would have to check this thoroughly tonight. My playful victim once again turned around and grabbed my hard dick with her right hand. "I guess you like what you see," she purred while stroking my meat, "I'll give you more." She removed her white bustier and laid back, exposing her beautiful breasts. I took a photo and she removed her white shorty so that I could get a full body shot of her. She then noticed precum on the tip of my dick. "Oh ... let me clean you ... its all my fault," she said, sounding falsely worried. She took my dick in her hand and grabbed a tissue from her night table. She rubbed me for a few moments. The tissue was a bit rough so I asked her to stop. "My god I am so sorry," she exclaimed. "Its my fault. I think with a bit of saliva it will be better." And before I could react she had taken my dick into her mouth and was sucking it passionately. I felt my balls boiling. A moment before coming she stopped abruptly, looked me in the eyes and said earnestly "I just do that to make up for my mistake, I just want to be very clear that I would never cheat on my boyfriend and it is not as if we were having sex!" "Yes a blow job is not sex," I concurred, thinking strongly about a former American president. She beamed at me. "So you don't mind if I continue?" My mind was wandering and I answered like in trance. "No I don't mind having my dick sucked by your beautiful mouth." She immediately started blowing me again. I watched her head bob up and down on my dick, her shiny black hair swaying. Her tongue massaged the length of my pole until I could take no more. Grabbing a handful of her hair, I pulled her head back just in time for my full load to land in her mouth and on her face; spurt after spurt of pearly white cum splashing on her chocolate skin. She gagged a bit and then gulped a mouthful down. After a second Julie's body started shivering and trembling like crazy and she shouted, "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!". I was scared at what was happening now, was it a problem with the NYMPHOCOM? It took her one minute to recover and then she said, smiling broadly. "I can not believe that I got an orgasm just from swallowing your cum!" She then realized what she just said and added, "Well I am glad that I could help you with your orgasm too. And we did it without sex! As I said I love my boyfriend ..." I did not really hear the rest as I felt exhausted after my intense cumshot. I was looking at this beautiful girl who was telling me how much she was in love with her boyfriend and that she would never cheat on him and who still had my sperm in her hair, on her nose, her cheeks, her chin, dripping onto her nude big breasts. As she was speaking she casually wiped a drop of sperm from the corner of her mouth with her finger and licked it clean as if it was a drop of milk. She stopped talking , closing her eyes as if she just had tasted the most exquisite bit of food. After a minute she opened her eyes again and looked at me puzzled. She then proceeded to clean herself with her fingers and licking them clean until not a single drop of my sperm was left on her face. She moaned while doing it as if it was giving her intense pleasure. I watched her for a while, enjoying herself, before she finally came back to her senses and apologized again with the excuse that she obviously had to clean herself. "Of course you could just have taken a shower," I laughed. She laughed too but she did not get my point. I was wondering if Julie's orgasm after swallowing my sperm was due to a side effect of my device. I put my now limp cock back into my pants and went to the main room to switch the NYMPHOCOM off. Julie followed me still nude in her stockings, still smiling. I gathered my camera and put it in my bag along with my other stuff. The effect of my device must have stopped quite abruptly because Julie went to fetch her bathrobe and put it on. She had a confused look on her face. "Francois ... I have... forgotten about the coffee!" "No worries, we can have one next time." "Next time ..." she repeated, lost in thoughts. "Yes, unless you don't want there to be a next time ..." "No ... well yes, I mean yes, I enjoyed our evening together ... but ... but ... I feel a bit guilty" Obviously the device was turned off and not influencing her anymore. "Why would you feel guilty? you said yourself that we did not do anything wrong," I winked at her while walking to the door. "Yes ... yes I know," she smiled faintly. "You are right!" I kissed her on her cheeks and opened the door "Good night Julie," I said while walking towards the staircase. "Good night Francois," Julie replied. "And thanks!" It looked like Julie did not need the NYMPHOCOM to be nice to me. 
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Julie helps fixing bugs During the next few days I did not see Julie and I did not want to go down to her apartment and check on her as I was afraid to find her boyfriend with her. I was concerned about what were her thoughts. Would she go crazy about what she had done? Had she noticed that she had been influenced by an outside *****? It was my duty as a scientist to make sure the NYMPHOCOM was harmless for its subjects, except for a girl's sexuality of course. I spent my days and nights at the research center in Meudon to weed out potential problems in the control software of my device. Fortunately my colleagues were not interested at all in what I was doing and therefore I could work mostly without interruptions. My first challenge was the orgasm triggered by the cum swallowing which was a very weird side effect. Julie had been very surprised by it and other subjects might get suspicious if this happened in the future. I needed to get rid of it but it turned out to be very difficult. This was driving me nuts since my code looked perfect, I just could not see why swallowing sperm could produce a sexual orgasm. As it was already around midnight I gave up for the day and went to my car to drive home. I stopped at Mc Donalds, ordered a meal and sat down at a table, exhausted. I took a big bite out of my double cheeseburger and I suddenly realized how hungry I was. As I swallowed my body was feeling real pleasure at the anticipation of all the good calories coming. And this is when I jumped up with a big "EUREKA!!" and stormed out of the restaurant leaving the clerks and the other clients wondering about all the crazy people out there. The bug in my software was hidden in one of the pleasure routines and I had mixed up eating pleasure and sexual pleasure. Once found it was obvious and I felt ashamed that I read over this routine over and over again without spotting the problem. Julie did not get an orgasm from swallowing my cum but just from the act of eating something. She probably could have had an orgasm from taking a bite from a croissant. While I corrected the problem I also found a memory leak problem. The variable holding the level of pleasure just went out of bounds and this was why the orgasm triggered by the bug was so intense. I shook my head when I realized that I had done some beginner mistakes in my software. Anyway I kept some of the pleasure levels coming specifically from eating sperm, just enough to give the girls some reward but without raising their suspicions with an enormous orgasm. I also added an "O" button on my fake remote control which I connected to a routine allowing me to deliver an orgasm on command to the subject. I though that it was just fair to give the girls some pleasure too. Obviously I needed to try out all the modifications and corrections I had made and it would be best to do it on Julie again since another girl might react differently and this would make it harder to see if the changes were successful. The next day I purchased a more recent digital camera in order to document my experiences properly and held out active watch for Julie when I was around our home building. One morning while leaving my apartment to go to work, I took the elevator which then stopped at Julie's floor. The door opened on Julie who was waiting. When she saw me she froze, then blushed, finally came in and said hello. I was also caught by surprise and mumbled something back which meant hello as well. Julie was wearing a white top which nicely pressed her awesome breasts and thin waist but stopped just above her navel to show off some silver piercing. She also wore a short jeans skirt which revealed her long beautiful legs, enhanced by high heel pumps. The skirt was cut just below her ass-cheeks and I was wondering if it was really a skirt or just a large belt. I grew a hardon in my pants when I remembered that this stunning girl had given me a blowjob the other day. My throat went dry and I struggled to find something to say. After a few seconds of awkward silence, while the elevator was slowly descending, Julie said, "I am sorry for what happened the other day, you must think I am pretty strange." She looked at the floor of the elevator visibly ashamed. I was relieved that she did not suspect anything about my device. "Don't be," I replied, " I am as strange as you, I guess." I was smiling gently. She obviously did not know what to say, she kept looking at the elevator floor. "Actually I really enjoyed it I must admit," I added to break the silence. She gasped as if I had insulted her. "Don't imagine that this means something between us!" she said in an exasperated tone. "Nothing happened Julie," I replied quickly, realizing that I had made a mistake. She seemed to blush even more which was quite amazing with her dark skin. "I feel guilty ..." she whispered. I did not know what to reply to make her feel better so I stood silently next to her. The elevator arrived at the ground floor and we left the building together. "Where are you going?" I asked. "Maybe I can give you a ride? And we can talk if you feel like it." She hesitated to accept my offer. She was still considering me as an uninteresting geek and was reluctant to be seen with me. She finally gave in because my offer meant that she would arrive at the University much quicker. "That's very nice of you, thank you Francois." At least she was now still quite friendly to me. Maybe because she was feeling guilty, or maybe because she was afraid that I would tell her boyfriend. She had still this arrogant attitude however, and I knew she was praying that nobody she knew would see her with me. She was looking incredibly hot in her short blue skirt, and on my side I was praying that the NYMPHOCOM would allow me to get into her pants. We walked to my car and drove of. We hit some traffic and this is when I asked her about her thoughts of guilt. "I don't know," she replied. "You are a ... umm ... nice guy but you know, I love my boyfriend Eric!" The way she had said 'nice guy' she could have said 'stupid nerd' instead. "I am a nice guy, you are a nice girl and we had some fun the other evening and it will stay our little secret. I don't see anything wrong with it." "yes ...I guess you're right." I could feel that she wanted to deny having fun the other night but she remembered having an orgasm. She sighed heavily and her enormous tits went up and then down in the process. She did not speak for several minutes and I felt that she wanted to talk about something. She sighed heavily again. "About the photos ...", she started hesitantly. It suddenly dawned to me that I still had the nice photos of Julie we did together. This was perfect blackmail material. "Yes, they are great! I love them! When do you want to come and see them?" I beamed at her while her eyes went wide. This was obviously not what she wanted to hear. She gasped. "Actually ... I would like you to destroy them ... I ... I feel ashamed of ... of what I have done." I breathed calmly before responding. "I am sorry? Why would I ever do that? These photos are great! Well ... ok ... the quality is not that good but I still love them!" I could feel that Julie was very worried that these photos would fall into the wrong hands or, even worse, that her boyfriend would see them. "Please destroy them," she implored. "I promise ... but only if you invite me for a coffee this time," I said like a joke. "Last time we forgot about it." She had a stressed grin.The last thing she wanted was to have me in her apartment again but the threat of having these photos around was too big."Ok I will not forget this time! You can come over at around 20:00. My boyfriend Eric will come home late today, he has a football match. Please bring the photos." She hesitated and added, "But please pay attention. If Eric sees these photos he will **** me ... and you!" I thought that I had to implement a security into the NYMPHOCOM to keep unwanted and jealous boyfriends and husbands away. I kept driving thinking about this feature until we reached the Sorbonne where Julie thanked me and hurried away so that nobody would see her with me. Her stunning figure turned the heads of all passerbys. 
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I then drove to my lab at the research center. I was unable to concentrate to do any useful work so I spent the day reading papers on new research on electromagnetic waves. Ideas about a new feature protecting me from jealous boyfriends and husbands popped into my mind but I just wrote them down without starting to look at how to code them. I drove home early. At 20:00 sharp I was knocking at Julie's door. I had my bag with me where I stored the NYMPHOCOM, my new camera and my laptop. Julie opened me immediately, eying the corridor anxiously and closing the door behind me quickly. "Did you bring them?" she asked abruptly. I patted my bag and walked to the couch where I sat down. Her flat was very clean as last time but I could see some men shoes near the entrance which could only mean that Julie's boyfriend had come home and left quickly to go to his football match. Julie was probably not home for a very long time as she still had her short skirt and white top on, but she had dropped her high heels to go barefoot. "Ok, I want these photos," she demanded rudely. She had this arrogant face again and she looked at me as if I was a complete moron. "How about a coffee first?" I said to her, smiling widely. "Listen ..." she started. She then realized that she was not in the best position to give orders and stopped. She then rushed into her kitchen with an exasperated look on her face. I heard her slam cupboard doors and noisily preparing some cups. She was fuming because a stupid geek like myself was blackmailing her with some naughty photos. She came back with the empty cups and put them harshly onto the low table in front of the TV. "Coffee will be ready soon," she hissed. She was standing in front of me and I was sitting on the couch. From this position I could catch glimpses of her panties underneath her skirt and also when I looked up her breasts looked like two huge melons hidden under her white top. "Listen Francois," she said with a threatening undertone in her voice. "I don't think you know what you are risking. If Eric sees these photos you are dead! do you hear me? dead!" She looked at me, a desperate expression on her face. "What do you want from me?" she whispered. "Nothing," I replied. "I am not a blackmailer and I am afraid of your boyfriend. So I would not dare to ask you for something. I am just here because you invited me for a coffee." "Oh!" She stood there for a second, completely taken by surprise. She had definitely suspected me of wanting to take advantage out of the situation."Oh well ..." she looked towards the kitchen. "Its ... not ready yet." She sat down next to me. "So Francois, will you give me these photos?" I nodded and reached into my bag. I activated the NYMPHOCOM and left it in the bag. I also took out an old pen and showed it to Julie. "This, Julie, is a USB stick which is disguised as an old pen. I uploaded all our photos into it. Its a perfect hiding place." Now Julie was beaming at me. "This is very clever Francois! I don't think anybody could tell that it was something other than an old pen!" She took the pen into her hands and turned it around, looking as if I had given her a pearl necklace. "Thank you so much Francois," she cried out and jumped into my arms. She gave me a big wet kiss on the lips while her airbags pressed onto my chest. I felt a hardon growing at once. "You are really a nice guy, Francois," she continued while nesting herself into my arms. "You could have taken advantage of the situation and you could have blackmailed me into doing things ...", she added with a somewhat disappointed look. I grinned broadly at her knowing that the NYMPHOCOM was working perfectly. "I would never do such a thing," I added, putting my left arm around her waist and looking down her immense cleavage. "I really thought you would ask me for another blowjob or ... more," she whispered. "I am really glad that you are such an honest man." "You know Julie, I would never ask such a thing from you," I replied, pressing her closer to me and watching the flesh of her boobs bulging out of her top. "Maybe you don't like my blow-jobs?" she remarked sadly while shifting to position herself over my crotch. She pretended not to notice my hardon but she moved until the hard part in my pants was just between her legs. "I loved your blowjob the other day," I managed to stutter before Julie stood and then kneeled down in front of me. She had made sure that her breasts brushed against my face while standing up and now she had lowered her top a bit to show off her impressive cleavage. "Francois, I will give you another blowjob to thank you for your kindness," she panted before opening my fly and helping my dick out of my pants. Before taking it into her mouth she held on and admired it as if it was the most beautiful object on earth. She then engulfed it into her mouth until I felt the tip hitting the back of her throat. I moved my hand towards my bag to take my brand new camera. "You don't mind me taking more photos," I asked her while starting to shoot. "We are going to delete them anyway." She moaned something which I took as an agreement and continued sucking at my cock, playing with her tongue, licking the shaft and kissing the tip of my dick. She even smiled proudly to the camera. I played naughtily with her, holding her head down on my cock, her nose in my pubic hard and the tip of my cock half-ways down her throat. She came up for air, gasping but she had a proud smile on her face too. My device had again turned her into a nymphomaniac. "Do I look good on these photos?" she asked me, holding my dick close to her cheek and posing for a shot. "You ... look ... awesome!" I replied, "You are a real star!" "Let me show you something," she said and stood up. She went to one of the cupboards and foraged among papers in the back before taking something out with a triumphant smile. "I found one of Eric's porn magazines. I did not tell him, but I had a look at it. I think he just forgot about it." I was amazed to discover that she held a small magazine with crystal clear ultra hardcore pornographic photos on tens of pages. Julie sifted through it until she found a photo of a stunning brunette looking at the camera with an enormous dick in her mouth, deforming her right cheek. "You see?" Julie beamed. "It looks sexy isn't it? Do I look like this?" She sat next to me on the couch to show me the magazine. Her legs were now wide apart and the skirt was now nearly up her ankles. Her panties were visible and stained in the front. My hardon was getting painful. Julie continued showing me the next pages of the magazine. The torrid brunette was now facing the camera with an expression of intense bliss and she was impaled backwards on the monster dick. "Wow!" Julie whispered. "I would like to be in her place." "I am sure Eric will be pleased to help you out with this wish!" I joked "Of course he will! I love him so much! but look ... ohhh!" she pulled up her skirt completely, exposing her panties which had a big wet stain on the spot where her pussy lips were faintly visible through the cloth. "You see? I think I like those photos!" She turned to me with her legs wide spread so I could get full view of her panties soaked with pussy juice. She touched the wet spot. "Oh my god, its sooo much. its usually not that much!" She looked pleasantly surprised and started rubbing her pussy. "Francois can you please help me with it? I don't want it to be dripping on the couch!" I was happy to comply with her wish and kneeled in front of her between her legs. I looked at her. "You will not feel guilty afterwards? " She thought for a moment. "No ... I won't feel guilty, I promise. This is not sex, its just a service I ask from a nice neighbor. And you know..." "YES I KNOW! You love your boyfriend!" I yelled before going down between her legs. I pushed the bottom of her panties to the side, exposing her drenched pussy. As soon as I touched her clit with my tongue, Julie started trembling. "OHHHHH YESSSSSSS YESSSS!" she hissed I started licking up her pussy juice which were tasting like honey and I could feel all her body shiver each time my tongue touched her clit. "OOOOOOOHHHH MY GOD!" she was screaming now, unconcerned about the noise and possible neighbors listening. I concentrated on her clit and sent her over the edge into a mind shattering orgasm, where she battled and yelled until she fell back on the couch, exhausted. I removed my hand from my bag where I had just pressed the magic "O" button. "Oh wow! " she panted. "You are very gifted! this orgasm nearly killed me!" She rose up , smiling. " ... and thanks for cleaning me with your tongue!" She bent towards me and gave me an intense kiss. Our tongues inter-twirled and I had the impression that she wanted to rip mine out. I wrapped my arms around her waist and grabbed her ass cheeks with my hands. She moaned and kissed me even harder. I malaxed her firm ass as hard as I could and I felt Julie's body respond to my caresses. She pushed her bottom deeper into my hands so that I could get a better grip. We kissed and played like this for a long moment then Julie broke the kiss. "You know that I will never cheat on my boyfriend, it is just a matter of returning a favor." she whispered while bending down and taking my cock in her mouth again. Fire spread around my hard cock as Julie tried to push my meat down her throat. I remembered that I wanted to shoot some photos but I could not reach my camera. Julie understood what I wanted to do and she pushed me gently towards my bag so that I could grab it, still sucking on my dick. I fingered her pussy with my hand in her panties as she was still wearing all her clothes. This was turning her on and she sucked on my meat as if her life was depending on it. I put all my fingers into her dripping pussy except for my thumb which found her asshole. I pushed a bit to penetrate her anus and she gasped as my thumb went in. She stopped blowing me and I feared that I had penetrated some no-go zone but she just grabbed the porn magazine and showed me another photo of the hot brunette's adventures. This time she had a huge cock up her ass and seemed to be ecstatic about it. "Good idea!" Julie just said before standing up, positioning herself backwards above my lap and taking my hard cock to point it to her anus. I still had my thumb buried in her backdoor but I quickly removed it to make room for my most important member. Julie went down and slowly impaled herself on my cock. Her ass was very narrow but she managed to get my cock halfway in and then started moving up and down. With her legs spread on each side of my lap she was pushing up and down more and more rapidly. She looked at me proudly. "You see? In the ass its not sex!" she said between two moans. "I can't get pregnant therefore its not sex and I am still faithful to my boyfriend!" The NYMPHOCOM was apparently helping her with a weird logic which allowed her to behave like a slut while still feeling like a virgin. I was not going to contradict her. She was moaning like crazy and I was sure she was to be heard everywhere in our building. After twenty or thirty movements she had my dick completely up her ass and her ass cheeks were slapping against my balls. I could not see it because she was still wearing her skirt but it felt incredible. I grabbed her waist to help her up and down and she slammed against my cock with all of her energy. I could not believe that I was assfucking this incredible girl. I felt that I was close to coming and I got hold of the NYMPHOCOM again and pressed "O" to trigger an intense orgasm for Julie. She jerked up and dismounted me and then fell to the floor shaking and crying. 
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I stood up and positioned myself over her so that I could give her a nice facial. She realized what I was doing just in time and caught the first streak on her forehead, the second one on her chin before managing to keep the other ones inside her mouth. When the cumshot stopped she waited for a second and gulped everything down. She closed her eyes as if she just tasted the sweetest of nectars I stood over her trying to catch my breath. I was standing on shaking legs and started to re-button my clothes. Suddenly Julie jerked up looking terrorized, kicked my bag and the magazine under the couch and hurried to push me into a closet and locked the door behind me. I could now hear noise on the main doorstep and keys rumbling in the lock of the entrance door. Julie's boyfriend was back from the football match, we just had lost track of time! My heart was pounding in my chest and I was overcome with fear. Eric was a real hunk and would crush my bones into pieces. "Sweety, I'm home!" a voice called. "I am in the restroom honey," Julie shouted from another place in the apartment. I was scared shitless, wondering if I was going to survive this evening. I heard her boyfriend growl something, going to the kitchen to ***** something and then walking through the living room to the bathroom. A minute later I heard the shower going and immediately Julie opened the door of the closet I was hidden in. Eric had just gone to take a shower and I could now leave Julie's flat safely. Julie hurried me out of the closet, leaned forward to grab my bag and pushed me towards the main door along with the bag. She had a desperate look when I pointed out to her that her face was still full of cum and that she needed to straighten out her clothes. She however took the time to blow me a kiss before closing the door behind me. I remembered that she was still controlled so I turned the NYMPHOCOM off and climbed the stairs back to my apartment on shaking legs. When I reached the safety of my apartment I realized that we again had forgotten about the coffee. 
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the AJHAB feature I did not ***** well that night. I was having nightmares about my close encounter with death. Julie and I were just incredibly lucky to not have been caught by her muscular boyfriend. Thanks to her quick reaction and also to the fact that her boyfriend was probably exhausted from his football match I made it safely out of her apartment. But what would have happened if he had come home five minutes earlier, finding me spraying my cum on his girlfriend's face? I decided to play it safe until I had implemented a safety feature into the NYMPHOCOM device to keep jealous males away from me while I was using it. I was not going to control Julie or any other girl before this was done. I was not sure how to do it but once my decision was made I fell deep a*****. In the morning I drove to the research center while thinking about the problem. Overtaking cars were honking at me and it took me a couple of minutes to realize that I was essentially crawling instead of driving, which is a criminal offense in the understanding of most Parisians. I finally reached the center and hurried to my lab. I was thinking about several scenarios. I could use the NYMPHOCOM to induce irresistible fear in even the most brave men. This was going to protect me but it would feel very strange to those who would be exposed to it. I needed a more discrete approach. I rejected several other ideas but then I focused on jealousy. I just needed to remove jealousy from the mind of my subjects to ensure that fucking their wives or girlfriends would not trigger a violent reaction. I started up all control computers and powered up the big NYMPHOCOM prototype. I had two problems to solve. First I needed to identify the region of the brain responsible for jealousy and second I needed to implement it into the control software. The tricky part was that my device in its current state was not able to influence two brains at once. I needed some kind of multitasking functionality which was requiring a major rewrite of one of the main program routines. It spent a couple of hours determining the brain areas where the jealousy feeling was taking place. It turned out to be located in two different areas. One was located in the region of the brain controlling pain and anger, the other one was located in the region controlling pleasure. This looked a bit weird but all I had to do was to influence the part dealing with pain and anger. If I let the other region untouched it was possible that my targets would feel pleasure instead of jealousy. I decided to code my control software to deal only with first area. I compiled everything and uploaded it into my fake remote control. Now it was not able to control girls with it anymore but I just had to test the anti-male-jealousy part before trying to implement the multitasking functionality. I named my new function AJHAB for "anti-jealous-husband-and-boyfriend". Obviously I was thinking about Julie and Eric to test my new control software. I probably just needed to grope Julie's breasts in front of Eric and see if I was going to survive. Somehow this sounded still a bit risky since I might have some bugs left in my program and this is why I decided to watch out for a better occasion. On the evening of the same day I was sitting at a club near the Champs-Elysees with a couple of colleagues and their friends. One fellow researcher had invited me along and since I needed some time to relax from my intense workday I accepted. The music was very loud and many people were dancing on the dance floor. I chatted with the friends of my colleagues and they introduced me to all the others. Two women of our group were still waiting for their husbands to arrive from work. All were ******** heavily and the discussions became very animated. I kept sober and observed the women in the group. One of the women was named Angelina. She was a slim brunette with very long black hair, small tits and a very nice slim bottom. She had been happily married for 6 months now with a stockbroker who seemed to do quite well in his business. She was wearing a rather revealing party dress and she claimed a bit ********* that her husband liked to show her off. She also wore nice high heels which made her long legs seem endless. She looked very beautiful and I was very tempted to use the NYMPHOCOM on her, but I remembered that my device was not able to control her in its current state. I also remembered that her husband was going to arrive any moment now. The husband of the other woman arrived and both left with some of the friends and most of my colleagues left too after a couple of minutes, claiming that it was getting late. I stood with Angelina and another woman called Ginette who was one of the lab assistants at our research center I knew not quite so well. Both girls were quite ***** and chatting excitedly. They were enjoying themselves and I was having fun watching them. I proposed to go to another club nearby which was well known for his awesome DJ. I feared that they would refuse to stay with a nerd like me but the ******* helped and Ginette immediately responded with a "yes". Angelina looked at her watch, looked at Ginette and answered, "why not". She had given up hope that her husband would turn up tonight, he would have probably just driven home directly. My car was parked nearby and Angelina sat down next to me and Ginette in the rear. As I drove off I heard somebody shout "Angelina!" but very faint and both girls were too ***** to notice. I watched in the rear mirror and saw a man in suit and tie who was waving at us. I was sure that it was Angelina's husband who just arrived from work. I shrugged and decided to punish him for being late and neglecting his beautiful wife. I did not stop and drove to the other club I knew. We entered the club and the girls immediately went onto the dance floor and danced crazily to the fast paced music. Angelina and Ginette seemed totally out of control after all the ******* they had indulged already. I sat at a table in the back and enjoyed the sight. The club was crowded but at one time I caught a glimpse of a man sitting at the bar, looking intensely in the girl's direction. He was wearing a suit and tie and I recognized the man who was running after my car just ten minutes ago. It was Angelina's husband. He had managed to follow us to the new club and he was now checking on his wife from a distance. He seemed to be quite happy to see his wife giving a show to all party goers. I thought that I could try out my new AJHAB function since ce we were all supposed to be a bit *****. If I felt up his wife just a bit he would get jealous and if my protection function was working as designed he would not mind that I did. I stood up to walk past him to the restrooms. I activated the NYMPHOCOM just next to him to make sure to control the correct target, since the place was so crowded. He did not notice anything, being captivated by the show Angelina and Ginette were putting on. I came back and since the tempo of the music change to a slow, I went to the dance floor and invited Angelina to dance in my arms. She did not reject me and she would probably not have rejected Frankenstein either. Ginette went back to our table and ordered a new round of ****** for us. On the dance floor I was holding Angelina very tightly, her tight and muscular body close to mine. She was too ***** to notice that I was holding a bit too close. I let my hands slide down Angelina's back and had them rest on her buttocks. Angelina smiled at me and reached behind her back to remove my hands. I checked discretely if her husband had reacted but he was still sitting at the same place and observing us. I put my hands back on her ass but this time Angelina rolled her bum in my hands and giggled stupidly. She suddenly kissed me on the mouth. She tasted very *******ic and was probably unaware who she was kissing, but her husband made no move to come over. He should have stepped in as I was clearly taking advantage of his ***** wife. I started to knead Angelina's sexy buttocks and felt a hard on rising. She pressed closer to me, feeling the hardness through my pants. I then moved my right hand up her side and kept it on the outer edge of her breast. I gently rubbed at the side of it and Angelina just giggled again. I was standing on the middle of the dance floor with my hands squeezing at her ass and breast and her husband was not reacting at all. He just seemed to observe us intensely. After a while we went back to the table where Ginette seemed to be nearly passed out. She had ***** nearly as much as Angelina and was trying to focus her eyes. I nevertheless ordered a new round of ******. Angelina's husband had moved to a table which was on a lower level, a bit below and to the left of us. He had a better view on us and especially he could see if I was going to fondle his wife under the table. I thought about my control software and hoped that his jealousy was turned into pleasure which meant that my function was working the way I wanted. I started to caress Angelina's legs below the table. She gave me an odd *****en look but said nothing. I sneaked under her dress and caressed her thighs. I discovered that she was wearing stockings and I was now caressing nude skin. She gave a me an embarrassed look and slid my hand back to her knee. She looked around to see if somebody had noticed that I fondled her but with the party raging on nobody had seen anything except for her husband who was eying her like an eagle. Angelina did not see her husband but asked me what I was doing when my hand crept back up her thigh. She made no move to push me back so I started touching her string panties "You should not be doing that," she said faintly but she did not push me back. Again I felt a hardon growing in my pants. I discretely checked if Angelina's husband was still watching and I slid my hand into her panties. Angelina just pressed her legs together to forbid me access. Ginette and her were now leaning forward talking enthusiastically about the current episode of a popular TV show. Even close to them I had trouble understanding because of the loud music and I was not familiar with the show anyway. I proposed a ***** and both girls gulped their glass down immediately. Angelina relaxed her legs a bit and I took the opportunity to put my fingers over her pussy. She was completely shaven and even on the outside she was dripping wet. Somehow my actions had aroused her and she just squirmed in her seat but did nothing to stop my actions. I was encouraged by that and wormed a finger into her dripping wet hole. She gave a little start and looked at me angrily. "Somebody might see this," she blurted out *********. She looked around the crowded club and then back at me laughing when she realized that nobody was looking. She shook her head and she opened her legs a bit further. I slipped another finger into her and checked on Angelina's husband. I was finger-fucking his wife using two fingers and he was still not reacting. I was now convinced that my new feature was working correctly . Ginette asked what was wrong, and Angelina told her that I was being naughty. Ginette grinned and tried to peek under the table and then laughed. Angelina gave a wry smile back. "Men!" Angelina said and shook her head again. We laughed and I sensed that Ginette was getting aroused as well. She climbed over us and sat next to Angelina so that she was now in between Ginette and me. 