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les histoires de chrislebo

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Pete got behind me and I felt his fingers exploring my
dry pussy. He pulled his hand away and in a moment it
returned. I felt him rubbing his saliva in my opening
and as he moistened my pussy he said, "I'll be glad
when she gets broken in and starts getting hot for a
good fuck. Her cunt is so dry it would tear the skin
right off your cock."

He was soon satisfied that I was moist enough and I
felt the flared head of his cock punching sightlessly
at my crotch as he fumbled for the opening to my cunt.
I reached down and wrapped my fingers around his cock
and he allowed me to align his cock with my opening. As
soon as he felt it begin to enter me he drove it into
me **********.

The ***** of his thrust drove me forward and before I
even realized what was happening I felt Jim's cock
slide straight down my throat. I had been so distracted
by Pete that I had been ignoring Jim for the moment. It
worked out to my advantage though. I didn't have time
to panic or constrict my throat and Jim's cock entered
my throat effortlessly. I was still sore. But I quickly
started getting numb again as Jim drove his cock into
me. I was even able to breathe with his slightly
smaller cock in my throat!

Nothing was required of me but that I be there for them
to plunge their cocks into. I only had to concentrate
on keeping my teeth off of Jim's cock as it plundered
my mouth. I let my mind go blank and waited for it to
be over with.

I felt my pussy begin to warm up to the rough ****. But
Pete's cock was nowhere near as overwhelming as Kevin's
had been. It was, I suppose, above average. But it
wasn't even as imposing as Jon's. The motion of his
cock slamming into me now was starting to be
stimulating, but I fought it and I was able to avoid
losing control before he finished. I hated having to
submit to these men. But it was even worse when my body
betrayed me and they were able to bring me pleasure
from my own ****. It had happened twice now. Once with
Kevin and once with Jon. I was determined that it
wouldn't happen again.

Jim came in my throat and he left his cock buried there
for an uncomfortably long time as it went soft. But at
least I didn't have to taste the slime that shot out of
the end of his cock and straight down my throat.

Pete lasted a very long time before he finally came in
my pussy. He pulled his cock out of me immediately. He
reached over my body and grabbed a handful of my hair
and pulled me around. I didn't need to be told what to
do. I licked and sucked at his cock and balls until he
was clean.

Jim and Jon were both dressed by the time I had cleaned
him. Pete stood up and got dressed too. When he was
ready Mr. Johnson said, "You boys go ahead and get back
to work. Close my door on the way out. Jim, you open up
and watch for customers until I finish with this

The agents filed out and closed the door. As soon as
they were out of the office Mr. Johnson pushed his
chair away from his desk. His pants were down around
one ankle and he had apparently been playing with
himself while he watched his three agents **** me. His
cock was hard and drooling and he looked disgusting.

I started to get up and go over to him but as soon as I
was standing he said, "Your pussy is drooling bitch.
Clean that up. You know what I want to see."

I sighed. I did know what he wanted to see and it
turned my stomach. But I had to please him. I spread my
legs a little and looked down. I scooped up a stream of
cum that had begun to run down one thigh and I caught a
dollop of cum that was just oozing out of me. It was
nowhere near as much as it had been this morning. I
brought my fingers to my mouth and sucked them clean
and then I looked over to see if he was satisfied.

He smiled and said, "That will do. Now get back down on
your hands and knees like the bitch that you are and
crawl over here and suck my cock."

It was bad enough that I had to submit to these
constant ****s. I don't know why they thought that
these horrible insults and all of this verbal *****
were necessary. I suppose that was all part of the fun
and games. It was as much about the power as the sex.

I dropped down and crawled over on my hands and knees.
I felt my breasts swaying as I did. I could just
imagine what I looked like as I made my way over to him
but as humiliating as it was, it was just one more
degrading act in a constant string of degrading acts.

I looked up at Mr. Johnson when I was in place between
his thighs. He just smiled down at me and waited for me
to take his slime covered cock into my mouth. I leaned
forward and pushed his stomach up out of the way with
my forehead. Then I took his cock into my mouth and
started sucking.

Mr. Johnson did not strike me as being particularly
virile and he had already cum in me twice this morning.
I wasn't sure that he would be able to do it again and
I was afraid that I would be stuck in this position for
a very long time. For that reason I was shocked when
after only a couple of minutes I felt another small
load of extremely bitter cum on my tongue. He didn't so
much ejaculate as ooze cum. I gagged only a little
before I managed to swallow. There had been more of it
than the first time and I wondered if I wasn't priming
the pump. I thought that perhaps it had been a very
long time since he had had sex and I worried that the
more we did this the more he would be able to do it.

He pushed my head away and held his soft cock in his
fingers and leered at me. He seemed to realize that I
had guessed his secret and I had the impression that he
resented that I had figured it out. It could have been
all in my mind but I really believed that.

I waited for permission to rise and dress but before he
permitted that he said, "You're getting better each
time cunt. All you need is more practice." There was a
small pause and then he said, "Why don't you practice
on my big toe for a few minutes."

I think I probably turned a little bit green at the
very idea. He saw how much the idea of what he had just
said upset me and he smiled even wider. Then he watched
and waited.

I moved back slightly and looked down at his wrinkled,
fish belly white feet and his jagged toenails and as
much as I tried not to I felt the tears of self-pity
begin to flow. I lowered my face and tried not to
breathe through my nose as I took his big toe into my
mouth and sucked at it gently.

He watched me and continued working his soft cock as if
it were a cow's teat. Several times he reached down and
wiped a couple of drops of slime on my cheeks as I
sucked him.

He was obviously getting pleasure from what I was
doing. I knew that it wasn't physical pleasure though.
He was enjoying the power he had over me. He was
getting even with me for the way that the world treated

He let me suck on his gnarled toe for several minutes
before he ordered me to crawl over to my dress and get
up. I turned my back to him and I felt his eyes on me
as I slowly crossed the room. I stood up and on put the
dress that Kevin and my ******** had made me wear. When
I had the dress buttoned up I looked at him and he
snarled, "Get to work you lazy cunt. I'll let you know
if I want you."

I went back out into my office. Jim watched me as I
crossed the room. He was sitting in my seat, looking
through a real estate guide as I approached. I stood
back and waited for him to get up so that I could get
to work.

He just grinned at me for a moment. Then he called me
closer. When I was standing beside him he said, "Lift
your dress up so I can see your cunt."


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I didn't bother to glance at the door. Even if someone
had been standing there I would have had to obey. I
lifted my skirt to my waist and he reached out and
inserted two fingers inside of me.

He worked his fingers in and then smiled up at me and
said, "Come on bitch. Show me how you like to fuck.
Fuck my fingers like the nasty cunt you are."

I carefully moved my hips back and forth in a fucking
motion, sliding my cunt back and forth on his fingers.
I detected motion out of the corner of my eye and I saw
that Jon was watching from his office door. I ignored
him though. I carefully slid my pussy back and forth
until Jim pulled his fingers free and stood up. He
stuck his fingers in my mouth and after I sucked them
clean he said, "Get to work cunt."

Jim walked away and as he walked past Jon they gave
each other a high five and went into Pete's office. I
heard them talking and laughing but I ****** myself to
concentrate on my work and tried not to think about
what they must be saying about me.

The office got pretty busy soon after lunch and the
afternoon passed quickly. No one had time to torment me
and I got my work done easily by quitting time. Mr.
Johnson and Pete stayed late. Jim and Jon left a little
early. I ignored them and worked another half hour.
When it was time for me to leave I straightened up my
desk and turned off my computer. I grabbed my purse and
stood up and it wasn't until that moment that I
remembered that I had to take the bus home.

I was exhausted. I had almost no ***** last night and I
had just been through the most trying work day I could
imagine. Now I had to take the bus home. I had no idea
where the nearest bus stop was or which bus to take
home or even if there was a bus that went near my
house. I had never paid any attention.

I notified Mr. Johnson that I was leaving and he didn't
even look up. He just grunted. I went out and stood
facing the road. I looked up and down the road but I
didn't see anything that looked like a bus stop. I went
across the street and started walking towards home. It
was almost exactly fifteen miles from my driveway to
the office parking lot. I prayed that I wouldn't have
to walk that far. I didn't think I could in these high
heeled sandals that Lori had given me to wear.

I was constantly reminded of how exposed I was as I
walked. Passersby stared at me, the women in disbelief
and disgust, the men with obvious desire. And if that
wasn't bad enough many of the cars that passed honked
their horns and the young men inside yelled out
obscenities or lewd propositions. I just stared
straight ahead and tried to ignore them.

I had probably walked almost a mile without finding a
bus stop before it occurred to me that I was not
walking down the main thoroughfare where it was most
likely that the buses would run. I turned at the next
intersection and walked up two blocks and there I found
a bus stop.

I crossed the street and looked for some kind of
schedule or anything that might suggest what bus I
needed to take and how long it would be before it
arrived. There was nothing.

The bus stop was quickly getting crowded and I couldn't
help but notice that most of the people waiting were
black and looked like they had as hard a day as I had.
It seemed like every one of them noticed me and many of
them, the men at least, continued to stare as if I were
the entertainment while waiting for their buses.

I heard some crude comments but everyone left me alone
until two younger men came down the sidewalk and took
up positions behind me. One of them stepped close and
complimented me on my dress. I didn't respond and in an
aggrieved voice he said, "What's the matter bitch? Are
you too good to talk to me and my friend?"

I glanced around and saw quite a few men watching and
enjoying my obvious discomfort. Not one of them offered
to come to my aid.

I whispered, "Please leave me alone. I have had a very
bad day. I just want to go home."

The second man stepped closer and stood on the other
side of me. The young man that had first spoken to me
leaned in front of me and said to his friend, "The lady
says she had a hard day bro. I don't know man. It looks
to me like she spent the day on her back. Check out
this ass! And look at them tits. They ain't very big
but look at that, you can see her damn nipples."

I looked around again. I couldn't believe that with all
of the men who were watching not one of them would come
to my aid. Surely they could see that I wasn't the kind
of woman that these two men seemed to think that I was.

But then I remembered that I was being trained to be
that kind of woman. I certainly looked like a
prostitute in this awful sundress. I just put my head
down and sighed. I was beginning to think that the
worst day of my life would never end.

My head shot up suddenly when the man behind me reached
down and cupped the naked cheek of my ass right there
in front of all of those people. I felt myself getting
even redder but I didn't say anything. I couldn't move.
There were people all around me and the two men
********* me were standing beside me with their
shoulders touching mine. I couldn't step back. I was
being held in place by the hand groping my ass under my

When I didn't scream the second man grinned and cupped
the other half of my ass. I was crying quietly now and
I whispered, "Please stop. I'm not like that. I just
want to go home."

The first man responded, "**** lady. You can't stand
around in this part of town dressed like that and tell
me you didn't expect someone to grab that tight little
ass. Hell, if I wasn't afraid of offending the few
decent women here I'd push you down on your knees and
get myself a good blowjob. And you'd do it to. I can
tell by looking at you. You ain't gonna try to tell me
you've never sucked a big black cock are you?"

I was silent and he chuckled and said, "I didn't think
so. I bet your fucking mouth is watering right this
minute. You put on a good act but you're walking around
with your **** all hanging out and you didn't say ****
when I grabbed your fine little ass. I don't know what
your deal is bitch. But don't play like you ain't
getting off on this. I bet your little pink cunt is
drooling for some nigger cock right this minute."

I was just about to try to break away and start walking
again when I heard a bus approaching. I looked up but
the sign on the front that indicated which bus it was
and what its destination was meant nothing to me.

I waited as several people got off and then a majority
of the waiting crowd climbed on. When everyone that was
getting on had done so I pulled away from the two young
men and stepped up on the bottom stair. I asked the
driver how I could get to my destination and he looked
me over and waved me aboard.

I climbed on the already crowded bus and he closed the
door and pulled away from the curb. He told me how much
it would cost and I gave him the money. He handed me a
transfer and told me where to get off and which bus I
needed to take to get closest to my house. I thanked
him and he eyed me closely as I tried to work my way
into the crowded bus and find a place to stand.


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I was ****** to squeeze through the crowd in order to
get behind the line that passengers were not allowed
beyond while the bus was in motion. As I made my way
through the crowded aisle I felt hands all over me.
Most of these people had been with me at the bus stop
and had seen me being ******** by those two rowdy young
men. I had already demonstrated that I would permit
those liberties. Now I was being held in a tight press
of human flesh and I couldn't even struggle as hands
crawled up my legs and began to explore my body.

I wasn't even able to grab a strap and hand on. I was
trapped between three large men who I finally realized
were purposefully squeezing me in place between their
gently rocking bodies. I saw the looks on their faces
and it was no accident that I was trapped in the small
space between them.

I felt one large, rough hand on my ass and another
cupping my pussy. There was nothing that I could do but
stand there and try to keep from crying. The third man
had tried to join in the exploration of my lower body
but he gave up as their large fingers began to
penetrate my body. Instead he began to work his hand
into the top of my dress. I was afraid that the tiny
string holding it in place was going to burst.

I had tried several times to pull the hands that were
********* me away from my body. My attempts were futile
but one of the men finally found what he considered a
better use for one of my hands. He grabbed my wrist and
****** my hand over the growing bulge in the front of
his pants.

I tried to pull my hand away but he held it in place
and I felt his fingers pinching my clit. I gasped in
pain and looked up into his face. He didn't say a word
but I somehow knew that if I didn't cooperate the pain
would get worse.

I folded my hand around the tube of flesh that pushed
against his pants and the painful pinching stopped. His
fingers returned to exploring my pussy and I stood
there rocking with the motion of the bus with the hands
of three strange men exploring my body freely.

The bus was so full that the driver didn't stop unless
someone pulled the chain requesting to get off. But
even as the press of bodies around us began to ease the
three men continued to hold me in place. My dress was
up around my waist now and the two men with their
fingers in my pussy and my ass were working them into
my as if they were fucking me with little dicks. I
didn't dare look around but I knew that others must be
watching. I felt my pussy getting wet eventually and I
was grateful that the invasion was becoming less
painful. But I couldn't help being annoyed with my body
for giving the man assaulting me the impression that I
was enjoying what he was doing.

Over time we were getting pushed toward the back of the
bus. But the three men never took their hands off of
me, or out of me, until they reached their stop. I
heard them talking about trying to pull me along with
them but I'm not sure if they were serious. In any
event they finally removed their hands just in time to
dash off the bus at their stop. It was several seconds
before I realized that my skirt was still up around my

I heard a murmur from the men around me. The bus was
still crowded. I hurriedly pulled my dress down over my
lower body. I was tempted to look around and see how
many people had noticed but I was too embarrassed to
meet anyone's eye.

A woman pushed by me at the next stop and in a loud,
bitter voice said, "Slut!"

I heard several people chuckle but I was finally being
left alone. My stop came up a short time after she got
off and a dozen other people got off with me. I stood
in back of the crowd waiting for my next bus and
praying that I would be left alone. I guess that was
too much to hope for.

One of the men that had been on the bus and had watched
the three men taking advantage of me sidled up beside
me and put his arm around my waist. I tried to pull
away without attracting any more attention but he
hissed at me to stand still. For some reason I obeyed

His hand quickly slid down over my ass and back up
under my skirt. He teased my ass for several minutes
before he looked at his watch. He must have decided he
had plenty of time because he pulled me around behind
the bus stop and ****** me down on my knees.

I pleaded with him to let me go but he ignored me. He
pulled his cock out of his pants and I saw three other
men drifting back to stand around us and watch as he
pulled my mouth down over his cock. I gave in. I
couldn't fight them. I decided that the only way to get
out of this was to suck his cock and get it over with
so that he would leave me alone and I could catch my

I began to suck his cock. I used my hand and sucked
with my lips and tongue instead of taking him into my
throat. What the hell! It's just one more cock. Sucking
cocks is just part of being who I am anymore! I tried
to ignore the other men who were watching and making
lewd and insulting comments.

It didn't take long and as he filled my mouth with his
cum I thought to myself, "Great! I'm going to make my
bus after all!"

Unfortunately, as soon as the man that had just raped
my mouth put his cock away and left without a word, one
of the other three men took his place. I ended up
sucking all three of them off and as horrible as that
was, the worst part was hearing the buses come and go
and knowing that I was missing my bus.

When the third man was finally satisfied I struggled to
my feet. I brushed off my knees and wiped the tears
from my eyes. I got some dirty looks as I went back
around and rejoined the crowd waiting for buses but no
one put their hands on me or ****** me to satisfy their
base needs after those first four men had raped my
mouth. I know that they were all aware of what I was
doing back behind the bus stop though. I could tell by
their faces.

My bus finally came. I was so relieved that I was
finally able to get a seat. I sat down next to a woman
and I heard her gasp. I looked down and saw that my
slit was largely exposed. I tried to pull my skirt down
but it just wasn't long enough. I had kept my legs
under my desk all day today and tried not to think
about what I was wearing. I had almost forgotten how
much of me was exposed when I sat down.

The woman beside me stood up and hurriedly moved to
another seat. As soon as she moved a man came over and
indicated with his hand that I should move into the
window seat. I shook my head but he ignored me and sat
on the edge of my seat and pushed me over with his hip.

His hand immediately came to rest on my upper thigh,
his finger resting on my moist slit. He leaned closer
and said, "I've been watching you since that first bus
stop. You are quite a slut aren't you?"

I wanted to deny it but what would be the use. I just
sat in my seat staring straight ahead and tried to act
like he wasn't there.

His hand clamped down on my thigh and he hissed, "I
asked you a fucking question bitch!"

I jumped and tried futilely to loosen his grip. Finally
I gasped, "No! I'm not a slut.


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He responded sarcastically, "Yeah, right! Lady, I saw
you letting those two guys play with you at the bus
stop on Clover Street. I saw you letting three men feel
you up on the first bus. I saw you go behind the bus
stop with four men and I know you weren't back there
talking about sports. What did you do, suck their cocks

I was crying again. He was working his finger inside of
my pussy as he recounted the horrors of my bus ride
home. I had stopped struggling with him though. I
responded, "Yes, they made me suck their cocks. They
****** themselves on me just like you are now. I didn't
have a choice."

"Bullshit!" he exclaimed. "You had a choice. You could
have fought them or screamed. You were asking for it.
Look at this fucking dress your wearing! Your god damn
pussy is showing for Christ's sake! A woman doesn't
leave the house looking like this unless she is in the
mood for some cock."

"I didn't have any choice! I told you, someone made me
dress this way. I didn't want to. This isn't even my

He quickly responded, "More bullshit. You let someone
make you dress this way. If you didn't want to be
treated this way you wouldn't have worn that dress and
you wouldn't be letting me stick my finger in your cunt
while we have this discussion."

I shook my head but I could see that I wasn't going to
win this argument. I finally just turned and stared out
the window and let him play with my pussy until my
stop. I pulled the chain and got off at my stop,
watching fearfully in case he or someone else decided
to follow me. I was a little surprised that he had let
me up when I got to my stop. But he did and I hurried
out into the growing dark.

I saw that I was three blocks from the end of my
street. The bus turned at the next intersection so this
must be as close as I could get to my street on the
bus. I walked to my street and turned towards my house.
I still had a long walk to my house, nearly a mile. I
had not taken bus service into consideration when I
chose my home.

It was the longest mile I had ever walked. I had never
been so tired in my life and my feet were killing me in
these sandals with the spiked heels. But twenty minutes
later I finally made it to my house. When I got there I
didn't see Kevin's car in the driveway and the house
looked dark. I hoped desperately that the house would
be empty and I could take a long, hot shower and go
right to bed. I don't think I had ever been so tired in
my life.

My hopes were dashed when I got to my front door and
found it open. I opened the storm door and stepped
inside. Kevin was in the kitchen getting a beer and he
saw me enter. He called out to me to join them out by
the pool.

I dropped my purse by the door and went to the kitchen.
I am not much of a ******* but I needed a *****
desperately. I stopped and made myself a strong
highball and then I went out onto the patio.

As soon as I opened the patio door I heard the rap
music. I hate that stuff passionately. I was so
distracted that at first I didn't notice my ********
bent over a table with our next door neighbor fucking
her from behind. When I looked up and saw them I almost
dropped my *****.

Kevin was suddenly standing beside me smiling. He said,
"I had the music up a little too loud earlier. Your
neighbor came over to complain and I thought that this
would be a good way to make it up to him. From now on,
any time he comes over I told him he could fuck you or
Lori. You don't have a problem with that do you?"

I drew a deep breath and sighed. I could not stand our
next neighbor. He had always been a pain in the ass. He
complained about everything that we did. The slightest
noise was enough to have him over here pounding on our
door and demanding that we be more considerate and
threatening to call the police.

It isn't like we were noisy neighbors. Lori sometimes
played her music too loud by the pool when we weren't
home but my husband and I were quiet people. We didn't
have parties and we didn't play loud music. We didn't
do yard work at inappropriate times. Our neighbor was
just a pain in the ass with nothing better to do than

He looked happy now though. He was reaching around and
squeezing Lori's tits and rocking back and forth
slowly, enjoying a long slow fuck. Our neighbor, Hugh
Lee, had always been annoying but he had gotten worse
since his wife died three years ago. She had kept him
in line as much as she could. Now he had his own
parties and late night poker games but he still would
not tolerate the first sound from our backyard.

When his wife was alive he never would have had the
nerve to be in my backyard fucking my fifteen year old
********. I had a feeling that this was going to get
out of control quickly.

Kevin stood watching my ******** with me for a moment
before he said, "I am going to cut you some slack cunt.
I probably forgot to tell you that you are not allowed
to wear clothes in the house anymore. I suggest you get
that dress off in a hurry."

I groaned. I was becoming aware of how much I groaned,
moaned and sighed lately. It was all I could do.
Protest was out of the question.

I took another large sip of my ***** and set it down.
It took me no time at all to get out of my little
sundress. I dropped it on the closest chair and thought
about how much more humiliating it was to be naked in
front of Hugh Lee than it had been to be exposed and
******** by those strangers on the bus and at the bus
stop today.

Then I was struck by the idea that my life was so full
of *********** and degradation that I was rating them.
The worst was probably being beaten and raped by Kevin,
because that had been the first and the most painful.
Next on the list would be getting raped by the four men
that I work with. This, watching my neighbor fuck my
******** ********, rated above the incidents on the way
home today because I knew and detested this man and
because according to Kevin this would be an ongoing
thing. I would have to submit to this ogre whenever he

I grabbed my ***** and gulped down the last of it and
went back in the kitchen and made another strong *****.
I returned to the patio and Kevin sent me over to where
Hugh was fucking Lori and told me to say hello to him.

He had been so enjoying my ********'s charms that he
wasn't even aware that I had come home.

I went over and stood beside them. Hugh looked up and
leered at me as he looked at my naked body. He looked
me up and down and said, "**** Karen! You're damn near
as hot as your fucking ********!"

Kevin was standing behind me and he interjected, "Hugh,
what did I say about that?"

Hugh looked confused for a second and then he smiled.
"Sorry Kevin. It's hard to think with this little
bitch's cunt wrapped around my dick. Damn she's hot!
Don't worry. I won't call the cunt by her old name

Hugh continued fucking my ******** as he reached out
and explored my body with his sweaty hand. He squeezed
and pulled on my tits before letting his hand move down
to my pussy. I was ****** to spread my legs as he
worked two fingers into my pussy and his face lit up
when he discovered how wet I was.

He lifted his hand and showed everyone his fingers and
said, "Look at that! The fucking cunt is turned on. She
likes watching her ******** get screwed and getting
felt up by her next door neighbor! I never would have

Kevin told me to put my ***** down and he guided me
around to the other side of the round patio table that
Lori was bent over. He made me lean down and my face
was only inches from Lori's as I felt him working his
large cock into me. Once he had it started he said,
"Okay bitch. I want to hear about your day now. Tell me
all about it and don't leave out anything."

I had tried to shut those horrible events out of my
mind. Now it took me a moment to marshal my memories
and think about what I was going to say. I started from
the time I was ****** to give Mr. Johnson his first
blowjob this morning. I told the three of them
everything that I could remember. Any time that Kevin
felt I wasn't including enough detail in my narrative
he slapped my ass.


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As I described my day and all of the men who had raped
and degraded me Kevin was getting more and more
excited. His large cock began pounding into me harder
and my tale was interspersed with frequent grunts as he
bottomed out and his belly slammed into my ass.

Hugh was apparently enjoying the story too because he
was soon pounding Lori nearly as hard as Kevin was
pounding into me.

My tale ended when I came out onto the patio and saw my
******** being fucked by our next door neighbor. After
I was ****** to relate to them how I felt when I saw
that and learned that I was now available to my
neighbor whenever he wanted me I was able to put my
head down and hold on while Kevin devoted his entire
attention to fucking me.

I had wondered if I would lose control when he fucked
me again. I don't how much all of the groping and
constant assaults contributed to it but I was soon in
the throes of yet another orgasm. I closed my eyes and
I heard myself whispering, "Oh god no. No. No. No."

I felt Lori grab my hand and I looked up to see her
grimacing as she had an orgasm. That is the last thing
any ****** should have to see. But I was already
cumming and I couldn't help myself. I gripped her hand
with my own and I started cumming just as she finished.

Kevin and Hugh were still fucking us though and I
quickly felt myself getting close again. I almost
screamed when just before I came Hugh said to Kevin,
"Do you mind if we trade off for a while? I want to see
what momma's cunt feels like. I've never fucked a
****** and ******** before."

I felt Kevin pulling his impressive cock out of me and
I groaned in disappointment. I had been so damned

But it wasn't so bad. Hugh hurried around and I felt
his cock enter me as soon as he was in position. He
wasn't as well hung as Kevin but for a fifty year old
white man he wasn't bad. He plowed his cock into me and
started fucking me hard as soon as he was in. In only
minutes I was back to the brink of orgasm and I came
twice before he sped up even more and shot off in my

He left his cock inside me and watched Kevin fucking
Lori until his cock softened and slipped out of me. I
continued to lay my head on my arms on the table until
I heard Kevin say, "Hey cunt! You have some
housekeeping to do. You got that nice man's cock all
dirty. Get down there and clean him up. I thought I
taught you better than that!"

I instantly pulled my tired body off of the table and
bent over. I took Hugh's soft cock into my mouth and
sucked him clean. When his cock was clean I licked his
balls and he pointed out a couple of areas on his
thighs that he wanted taken care of.

By the time I had him clean Lori was cleaning Kevin's
softening cock. When she finished we were directed to
lie down on a lounge chair cushion and clean each other
while they sat nearby and sipped a cold beer.

I helped Lori stretch a cushion out on the deck at the
feet of the men. She guided me down on my back and I
realized as I watched her kneel with her knees on
either side of my head that being on top was probably
the most advantageous position to take. Not so much
because I would now be supporting her weight as we ate
each other's pussy for the amusement of the men who
were sitting nearby, although that was a consideration.
The biggest drawback was that with her being on top her
pussy would be draining into my mouth whereas she would
only have to lick up the juices near the opening of my

Just as I worked that all out in my head it occurred to
me that it had been less than twenty hours since Kevin
entered my life and here I was concerned not with the
idea that I was about to perform cunnalingus on my
******** for their amusement or that my ******** and I
had just been taken at the same time by two men while
leaning over a patio table and holding hands. Instead I
was concerned that I was going to be the one who had to
eat the most cum out her freshly fucked pussy!

I couldn't help wondering if any woman could so easily
be turned into a sex slave or was it just me. I had
always thought of myself as a strong, independent woman
who was quite capable of taking care of herself. When I
kicked my husband out I knew that money would be tight
but I had no fear and no doubt that I would get by on
my own and be able to raise my ******** too.

On a conscious level I couldn't believe that a man
could walk into my home and beat me with a belt and
suddenly I was a craven coward and a sex slave willing
to provide sex to any man that demanded it. Well,
perhaps willing wasn't the right word. But I had
suddenly seemed to lose the ability to say no to a man,
any man.

That was as far as I got on that train of thought
before my ********s red, swollen, cum-covered pussy
appeared over my mouth and her mouth began eagerly
cleaning mine.

I licked all around her pussy and then took her mound
in my mouth and began exploring her opening with my
tongue. I noticed that although I still thought that
what I was doing was disgusting I wasn't as sickened by
it as I had been the first time, early this morning
while I was being raped for the first time by Kevin.

Lori didn't seem to mind at all and I heard her moaning
with pleasure as I did what was required of me. I tried
to ignore the comments of the two men sitting near us.
I also tried to ignore the feelings of pleasure that
began to build again. It just wasn't right that a woman
should receive sexual pleasure from her teenage

But I was! I tried to fight it but I felt those
sensations beginning to build and my breathing was
becoming labored and the strangest thing happened then.
Lori tensed up and made a strange noise before clamping
her teeth down on my pubic mound and for some reason
when the pain hit I screamed into her pussy and I came
nearly as hard as I had when Kevin had fucked me last

As soon as I realized what I had done I started crying
again. I was getting sick to death of my own crying but
this whole situation was just more than my confused and
exhausted brain could deal with.

Lori had no such misgivings. She came several times
before Kevin finally let us stop what we were doing.

She stayed over me for a few moments and caught her
breath and then she slowly rolled off of me and stood
up. I sat up and looked around for my *****.

I saw it on the table where Lori and I had just gotten
fucked and I got up and hurried over and took a couple
of big sips. The ice was melting and watering my down
my ***** so I went ahead and gulped down the little bit
that remained.

When I had put my glass back down Kevin said, "Me and
Hugh really enjoyed that girls. That was a real hot
show. So now we would like you to put a couple of
cushions down here and suck us off because we are both
pretty horny right now."

I wanted to scream. Would it never end?! I watched Lori
grab a cushion and start to drop it in front of Kevin
but he stopped her. "No baby. Hugh wants to see what
it's like to have a cute little teenager suck his

Lori looked disappointed as she moved over and dropped
down between Hugh's legs. As she dipped her head down
and began sucking Hugh off Kevin said to me, "Get over
here cunt. Let's see if you learned anything today."

I dropped my cushion between his thighs and looked at
his nearly hard cock. As I dropped to my knees I saw
that although it had seemed gigantic last night when I
saw it for the first time it wasn't really that much
bigger than Jon's. I had a rough time of it today but I
had eventually taken Jon's cock into my throat. I hated
it. But I did it.

I had seen Lori take Kevin's cock into her throat so I
guess that even though I knew it would be hard I would
probably be able to do it. I leaned down and licked and
kissed his cock until it was hard and then I started
taking it into my mouth.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Lori sucking
off our neighbor and it looked like she was enjoying
herself. I was becoming more and more anxious to get
her alone and talk to her and find out just what Kevin
had done to her in the last three months to turn her
into the, god I don't know, sex kitten? Slut? Whatever
she was now.



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I started sliding my mouth down Kevin's long, fat cock
and from the very beginning I used that trick that Lori
had taught me. My throat was still sore from all of the
cocks that had ****** themselves on me today. But as
much as I dreaded what I was about to try to do there
was one thing that I dreaded more, Kevin's belt.

I slid my lips about half way down his shaft and the
large knob at the top of it collided with the back of
my throat. I didn't gag this time though. It didn't go
down but I was getting this gagging thing under

I drew back and tried again with the same results and
then again. I could sense Kevin getting impatient and
the fear was mounting. I remembered what last night had
been like and I resolved to do anything to avoid that
helpless feeling again, not to mention the pain.

I went down on him again and again I was brought up
short. But this time I didn't withdraw. This time I
kept pressing and the pain was almost unbearable when
suddenly something gave and his cock slid into my
throat. If I could have I would have screamed in
amazement as I found myself with my lips stretched so
wide around the base of his cock that I was afraid that
they would begin to split.

Through my tears I glanced up at Kevin and I was
disappointed to see that his expression never changed.
My neighbor had been impressed though. I heard his
exclamation of surprise and I actually felt pride! I
hated myself for it. But none the less I couldn't help
feeling proud of myself for what I knew was a major

I stayed that way for as long as I could in order to
allow my body to get used to having Kevin's cock in my
throat. When I absolutely couldn't go another second
without air I slid my mouth back to the tip of his
cock. On the next attempt it went down much easier.
Don't misunderstand. It still hurt like hell. And I
hated doing it. It was still degrading and
dehumanizing. Still, I couldn't help feeling a secret
pride that I had done it.

I noticed that Lori had finished sucking our neighbor's
cock and he had pulled her into his lap so that he
could ****** her cute young body with his hands while
the three of them now watched me sucking on Kevin's
horse cock. I hoped they had not had sex too many times
today because I didn't think that I could keep this up
for very long.

I kept driving my mouth up and throat up and down on
Kevin's cock for a very long time before Lori said,
"Mom, he likes it when you tickle his asshole with your
finger. And remember, when he starts to get close,
cradle his balls in your hand and tickle the underside
of them. That really gets him off."

Twenty-four hours ago I would have died rather than
touch my finger to someone's asshole. Now I was
grateful for the suggestion! I slid my hand into
position and began to tease his opening with my finger
and I cradled his balls in my other hand. I didn't get
the impression that he was close to cumming but if it
was something that he liked I was getting desperate to
try anything to end this painful blowjob.

I guess Lori's suggestions helped a little because in
about eight or ten more minutes I felt him tensing up
and I began tickling the underside of his balls while
he grabbed my head and held it close to his belly and
shot his cum down my throat.

I was just grateful that it was over. He let me go
before I got desperate for air and I gently took my
mouth off of his softening cock. I half expected him to
compliment me for being able to take him into my throat
so soon after my very first blowjob this morning. I
guess I should have known better. He just stared down
at me and after a moment or two he said, "Damn it! Are
you dying for another fucking beating you stupid cunt?"

He must have seen the shock on my face. He shook his
head in disgust and said, "I remember Lori telling you
last night that after you suck a cock you lick up the
last few drops of cum when it goes soft. Do I need to
put you back in the ropes to get your attention?"

I exclaimed, "Please sir! I'm sorry, I forgot. Please
don't do that. I'll be good. I promise. Oh god. I'm so
tired and I hurt so much. I'm trying to do everything
you told me. I swear I am."

He sighed and said, "Well! I'm still fucking waiting
you dumb cunt!"

I quickly put my head back in his lap and gently lifted
his soft cock in my fingers. I licked the tip clean and
licked up the small puddle of cum on his belly.

As I cleaned him up I was in tears again. I had been
expecting praise! Now, here I was on the verge of being
tied up and whipped again. I gently placed his cock
back where it had been and I knelt between his legs and
covered my face and cried. I knew I was going to lose
my mind. I wasn't sure that I already hadn't.

They watched me cry and Kevin and Hugh had a nice long
discussion about my training and what was expected of
me now. Hugh was obviously intrigued. After they had
talked for a while I heard Kevin offer to train a cunt
for Hugh since he didn't know how long it would be
before he got tired of Lori and me. He was fond of an
attractive ****** and ******** team of cunts.

When they had finished their conversation I felt a
sudden slap on the side of my head and Kevin said,
"That's enough rest. Take your baby cunt in the house
and make us something to eat."

I got to my feet and put my cushion back on the lawn
chair. Then I grabbed my empty glass and Lori and I
went into the kitchen to make supper. I had no desire
to do anything but go to bed but I wasn't going to say
anything to Kevin.

We made a simple supper of pork chops and home fries. I
just had a small salad. We served the men outside and
joined them. I was falling asleep at the table and
after we ate and the table had been cleared I finally
couldn't stand it any longer. I begged Kevin to let me
go to bed. It was almost nine o'clock and I had one
more day of work before the weekend. I knew it was
going to be a hard day. They all would from now on. But
mainly I was exhausted after last night and today.

Kevin got a disgusted look on his face but he said, "I
guess an old lady like you needs your beauty rest. If
one of us gets another hard on I imagine your baby can
handle it. Go ahead cunt. Go to bed. There are some
bags on your bed. Your new clothes are in them. Hang
them up before you go to bed."

****! I had forgotten about the new clothes they were
going to buy for me. I said goodnight and wearily
climbed the stairs. I dumped the clothes out of the
bags and got some empty hangers out of my closet.

I put the dresses on hangers and as I did I briefly
examined each one. Every one of them was worse than the
one that I wore to work today. Most of them had sheer
tops. They were all just as short as the one I had worn
today. A couple of them had slits in the sides and one
of them was cut so low in the back that the top of the
crack of my ass was sure to be visible.

Wearing those things to work was going to be terrible.
I had to pray though that he wouldn't make me take the
bus again. I could just imagine what would have
happened to me today if I had been wearing some of
these garments.


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I hung the dresses up and opened the shoe boxes. There
was a pair of black pumps with what looked like six
inch heels and a pair of knee high boots that looked
even worse. I checked the sizes and they were my size.
The highest heel I had ever worn was probably the four
inch heel I wore today. And after all of the walking I
did my feet felt like they were on fire. Wearing the
things that they bought for me today, Christ! I didn't
know how I could do it.

I had planned to take a shower and go to bed but I was
so tired that I didn't think I could take a shower. I
was afraid that I would fall a***** in there. I started
to crawl into bed even with the horrible taste in my
mouth and the residue of Kevin's cum on my body. But
something he had said this morning piqued my interest
and I went back into the closet and check the tags on
the new clothes they had bought me.

There were a dozen new dresses and the cheapest one was
just under one hundred dollars. One of them was nearly
two hundred! The shoes were expensive too. I remembered
Kevin saying something this morning about getting his
money back for my new clothes and I wondered what
horrible things I would have to do to repay him for
almost fifteen hundred dollars worth of clothes that
only a total slut would wear of her own free will.

Suddenly I was awake. I tried to imagine how I could
possibly pay him back and some pretty nasty scenarios
flitted through my exhausted mind. I started to get in
bed again but as I lifted my leg to get in bed I
smelled Hugh's cum which I noticed had oozed out of me
and dried on my thighs and I realized that I couldn't
do it.

I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower and
brushed my teeth and then I finally went to bed. By the
time I turned the light out it was ten o'clock. I
started to do the math in my head to see how much *****
I could get but I was *****ing before I finished the

The next thing I knew the alarm was going off and it
was seven in the morning. I shut it off quickly and got
out of bed as quietly as possible. I hadn't heard a
thing but Kevin and Lori were *****ing beside me all
wrapped up with each other.

Kevin hadn't told me to wake him so I snuck into the
bathroom and took a shower and brushed my teeth as
quietly as possible. I tiptoed out and picked up one of
the new dresses at random and grabbed the new shoes.
The dresses were in no particular order. They were all
bad and there wasn't that much difference between them.

I took the dress and the shoes to the kitchen and
dressed there. I was wobbly in the shoes but they
weren't as uncomfortable as they looked. I walked
around the kitchen for a few minutes until I got used
to them.

I decided not to look in the mirror to see how the
dress looked. I could see that my breasts were plainly
displayed through the sheer top. The skirt was actually
a little longer than the one I had on yesterday. This
dress was a size larger than Lori's, though it was
still a size smaller than I normally wore.

I had time to make coffee but I was anxious to leave
before Kevin came downstairs and came up with some new
idea to make my life even more miserable. I grabbed my
purse and went out into the garage. I opened the garage
door and drove out of there as quick as I could. I was
still kind of groggy though and since I was a little
early I stopped at a convenience store for some coffee.

When I pulled into the parking lot I saw that there
were at least a half a dozen cars parked out front. I
knew from experience that most of those people would be
inside getting a cup of coffee to sip on while driving
to work. I thought long and hard about going in there
with this dress on and my breasts so exposed. I might
just as well have been topless. But I convinced myself
that I was going to have to go ahead and get used to
dressing like this in public. For the foreseeable
future I was going to dress like a slut.

Actually, it was even worse than that. For the
foreseeable future I was actually going to be a slut.

I finally steeled myself and got out of my car. I went
in and all conversation stopped. Every head turned to
watch me as I made my way to the coffee pot. I poured
myself a cup of coffee and for the entire time that I
stood there preparing my coffee I could feel the eyes
of a half dozen men on my tits. I felt my nipples grow
and push against the sheer material of my top and it
infuriated me. These men were all going to think that I
was enjoying this!

I got in line and I noticed that after the men in line
in front of me paid for their coffees and cigarettes or
whatever they had come in for, they all stood to the
side and watched my slow approach to the counter.

I finally got to the counter and paid for my coffee and
while I was waiting for my change one of the men
finally spoke. "Nice dress! Do you come in her often?"

I didn't even look up. As calmly as possible I
responded, "Thank you." Then I grabbed my changed and
rushed to my car. I tossed the change in the passenger
seat and hurriedly left the parking lot. I sipped my
coffee and drove to work slowly. I had no desire to
arrive one second before I was required to be there.

After I pulled into the parking lot at the office I sat
in my car and drank the last few swallows of my coffee.
I was still five minutes early but there was no sense
putting it off. I got out and went inside. Since I knew
what was going to happen I locked the door.

I put my purse in my desk drawer and stood up and took
a few deep breaths before I went to the door of Mr.
Johnson's office. He was sitting back in his chair
waiting for me.

I started to knock but our eyes met and I put my hand
down. I stepped inside and approached his desk and his
eyes crawled over my body. He knew how much I despised
him and he was really enjoying how hard this was for

He grinned and said, "Man! Kevin wasn't kidding. You
look pretty fucking hot in that dress bitch. I almost
hate to have you take it off. Almost. Strip bitch.

I reached behind my back and fumbled with the zipper.
My hands were shaking and it took me a moment to get it
started. Despite everything that had happened yesterday
I was still nervous.

I pulled the zipper down and let the dress slip off of
my shoulders. I stepped out of it and put it on a
nearby chair. I stood up then and let his eyes take in
my naked body. He stared for several minutes before he
stood up and pulled his pants and underwear off. He
returned to his seat and turned to the side and pointed
to the floor at his feet.

I moved around his desk and dropped to my knees between
his elephantine legs. I suppose that his cock wasn't
really that small. It may have been six inches long. It
just seemed small because of his huge stomach and

He didn't say or do anything so I leaned forward and
struggled with his disgusting girth until I was able to
get his soft cock in my mouth. He quickly became erect
and I sucked as enthusiastically as I could so that I
could get this over with.

He must have lasted ten minutes this time and there was
much more cum than the first two times that I had
sucked him off. I held his cock in my mouth until it
was soft and he pushed my head away.

He nearly knocked me over when he stood up. I backed up
and got to my feet and he ordered me to stand nearby.
He reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a
digital camera. He began directing me and taking
pictures as I posed.

Until the night before last with Kevin I had never, I
would never ever allow a nude picture of myself to
exist. Now it hardly mattered. I was embarrassed and I
hated that he would have these pictures of me to look
at anytime he wanted. But compared to the pictures that
Kevin and Lori had taken yesterday, these tame pictures
hardly mattered.

The poses were getting more obscene. I was ****** to
pose with my legs spread while I held my pussy open so
that he could photograph right up inside of me. I posed
bent over with my back to him, holding my ass open and
he was careful to make sure that my face was visible
between my legs. I even posed sitting in a chair with
my legs draped over the arms and masturbating.


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He probably took thirty or forty pictures before he had
me on my back on his desk with my legs spread. He took
a few more pictures and then he stood over me and
fucked me while I held my legs straight up. Well, not
quite straight up. His belly pushed them half way down
to my chest. But they started out pointing up.

I really didn't understand how he could cum twice in a
row like this, especially after all the orgasms he had
yesterday. I would have guessed that he was incapable
of cumming at all if I had been ****** to guess two
days ago. He did it though. And just like yesterday his
face was so red after he came that I wasn't sure he
wasn't dying.

He pulled me up and ****** me to worm my head into his
crotch and suck him clean just as the front door opened
and the agents started arriving. He reached for his
pants and started dressing and while he pulled his
pants on he said, "You know how I like to see you clean
that nasty cunt of yours bitch. Go on."

It was my turn to have a red face. This was one of the
more disgusting things that they made me do. I reached
down and managed to find a small dribble of cum. There
was hardly any there at all. It wasn't the volume of
liquid that made this so humiliating though. I put my
slimy fingers in my mouth and sucked them clean just as
someone knocked on the door and we heard Jon's voice
ask sarcastically, "Is everyone decent?"

Mr. Johnson said, "Come on in Jon. I'd say she's
decent. I sure enjoy fucking her."

Jon opened the door and I saw that Pete was there with
him. Jim hadn't come in yet.

They came in just as Mr. Johnson was sitting down. He
ordered me to kneel in front of him again and when I
had he made me put his shoes for him. As I slid them on
his fat feet I couldn't help wondering how he did this
at home. I would have bet a month's pay he couldn't
reach his feet.

He slid his feet under the desk and I stood up and
turned to see Pete and Jon undressing. Jon sniffed at
the air and said, "There's nothing I like more than the
smell of pussy in the morning."

I didn't get the joke but the others thought that was

Pete sat in a chair and called me over. I went to him
and got on my knees again and as I took his cock into
my mouth I felt Jon playing with my asshole.

I got nervous as his finger played over me for a long
moment. I could tell what he was thinking. Mr. Johnson
interrupted his chain of thought and gave me something
new to worry about. He said, "Remember what I told you
Jon. We can't plow her ass until we get the word from
Kevin. He has something planned for it. You don't want
to screw up a good thing. Go ahead and fuck her cunt.
You'll get your chance at her ass later."

Kevin had already mentioned that my ass was one of the
cherries that he intended to take. I was trying not to
think about it though. The idea that these guys were
all anxious to fuck me there didn't do anything to calm
my fears.

Jon, who had the largest cock of the four men I worked
with, began working his hard cock into me from behind
and it infuriated me that soon after he started fucking
me, even with the distraction of Pete's cock in my
mouth and throat, I felt myself becoming aroused and
responding to the motion of that large cock in my

Not long after Jon started fucking me Pete said, "Jesus
Jon! When you start working her with that big dick of
yours she goes down on you like a great white! Look at
her suck that thing!"

I hadn't realized that I was doing it but as soon as he
said that I became aware of what I was doing. Even
knowing it though, I couldn't control it. I sucked
enthusiastically on Pete's cock and Jon began to fuck
me even harder. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mr.
Johnson moving around getting more pictures and I
didn't even care about that for the moment. Later, when
he showed me the pictures, I would feel even more
debased than I did already. But for now nothing
mattered but the cock that was stretching my pussy so

Pete came first and I eagerly swallowed the slime that
shot out of the end of his cock while groaning in
pleasure. I felt Jon speed up and I was afraid that he
was going to cum before I did but at the last second I
felt his hand move around under me and his fingers
began to pinch and pull on one of my nipples. It hurt
like hell but it sent me right over the top and my
pussy clamped down on his cock. When my pussy gripped
him I heard him cry out and his hand clamped down on my
tit like a vice. We were both cumming then.

My head came up off of Pete's cock and I cried out in
pleasure as Jon filled me with cum. I was out of it for
a few seconds but slowly I became aware of my
surroundings and what had just happened and I was
humiliated all over again. I hated it that he could
make me cum. I didn't like being brought down to their

Jon finally pulled out of me and without even thinking
about what I was doing I turned around and sucked his
cock clean. When I realized what I was doing, and that
I had done it without being asked I was shocked at my
own behavior. I couldn't believe that I would actually
be succumbing to this training regimen of Kevin's. Was
I actually turning into a slut?!

As I was sucking Jon's cock clean I felt someone behind
me and I was shocked to find that Jim had come in and
undressed while I was being raped by his co-workers and
I had been so wrapped up in what was happening to me
that I hadn't even noticed.

After Jim fucked me and I cleaned his cock I was once
more ****** to eat the cum that was draining out of me.
I knew that the entire purpose of that degrading act
was to demoralize me and humiliate me but I was finding
that the more I did it the less effect it had on me. I
still hated doing it but I no longer felt sick to my
stomach. It was just one more in a long line of
degrading acts I was ****** to perform for these

After they watched me dress the men left me alone for
the rest of the morning. I was careful not to get up
when customers came in after the embarrassment I had
suffered yesterday. I had learned to call whichever
agent had a client out front on the intercom and let
them know that their client had arrived and was waiting
to see them.

I was gang raped again at lunch time and then it was
back to work as usual. Everything was almost normal
until just after three that afternoon. Jon called me
into his office and I got up and stuck my head in his
door to see what he wanted. He was in with a man he had
been talking to about leasing a warehouse near the

Jon ordered me to come in and shut his office door and
I knew from the looks on the faces of Jon and his
client that I was about to seal a deal with my body.

I stepped inside and closed the door and the client
stood up and looked me over. Jon wasted no time. He got
up and said, "Take off your dress bitch. Mr. Clark is
in the mood for some of your hot cunt."

He stepped closer and patted my cheek and said,
"Congratulations cunt! Your first client! Call me when
he is finished with you."

Jon left the office and I slowly took my dress off
while Mr. Clark watched with an expression of disbelief
on his face. His grin widened as I bared my breasts and
when I pushed my dress down past my hips and stepped
out of it for the amusement of yet another man he said,
"I'll be damned. I thought he was jerking me off!"

Mr. Clark quickly dropped his pants and when he didn't
move I understood what he wanted from me. I dropped to
my knees and started sucking his average size cock.

He let me work on his cock for several minutes before
he pushed my head away and pulled me to my feet. He
groped my body for a moment and then he pushed me over
Jon's desk and lifted my legs and ****** his cock into

I was shocked when I realized that my pussy was wet. I
didn't understand it. I wasn't excited, I was
humiliated. I was being used as a whore by a man I had
never actually met. His cock was pounding into me with
absolutely no concern for anything but his own pleasure
and I had been wet for him! Once more I had cause to
fear for my sanity.


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Mr. Clark fucked me for five minutes or so before he
leaned over me and grabbed one of my tits in each hand
and began twisting and squeezing them ********. I cried
out in pain and he suddenly became frenzied, fucking me
even harder and squeezing my tits in his vice like
grip. I cried out again and then I was totally
humiliated when I realized that I was having an orgasm
as he ****d me like a common street whore. My whole
idea of who I was had been shattered in the last day
and a half. Now, as I lay under this panting stranger
who had just filled my cunt with his cream I was
furious with myself for having let him bring me to

I refused to be this kind of woman. I had to fight
this! I had to do what they told me but when this was
all over, if it ever ended, I had every intention of
coming through this unchanged. I didn't want to be the
kind of woman who submitted to men and enjoyed being
used by them. The very idea of it ripped at the core of
who I was.

My chain of thoughts was interrupted when Mr. Clark
finally straightened up and pulled his soft cock out of
me. I slid to the floor in front of him and licked and
sucked at his cock and balls until he was clean. I
already had his soft, slimy cock in my mouth before I
even realized what I was doing!

Mr. Clark put his pants back on while he watched me
dress. When I had my dress zipped up in back I hurried
to the restroom, informing Jon on the way that his
client was waiting for him.

I had finished cleaning my crotch and I was staring at
myself in the mirror when the tears started again. I
couldn't believe that I was having orgasms with these
men. I had cum with Jon at our morning orgy and when we
broke for lunch I had been brought to orgasm by Jim.
That was horrible enough. But to reach orgasm with the
clients that I was ****** to service, that was more
than I could stand.

I managed to get through the last couple of hours
without totally losing my mind. I drove home and after
the horrible time I had getting home on the bus
yesterday I didn't mind rush hour at all. I was just
grateful to be safe and ********** in my own car.

When I got home there was a car in the driveway that I
didn't recognize. As soon as I saw the car a wave of
despair washed over me. I wanted my house and my quiet
life back. I didn't want to be trained. I didn't want
to be a whore or a slut. I didn't want to be ****** to
watch my ******** being a slut, and worse yet, enjoying

I parked in the garage and went into the kitchen. I
headed right for the ***** and made myself a stiff
*****. I could hear voices and laughter out by the pool
as I steeled myself to go out and let them know that I
was home.

Before I could go out there the patio door opened and
Kevin came into the kitchen. He saw me and gave me a
strange look. He didn't say anything though. He went to
the refrigerator and got four beers out and went back
out onto the patio without ever saying a word. I gulped
down my ***** and then I removed my dress and went out
onto the patio.

The first thing I saw was Lori, kneeling in the grass
and sucking on a big black cock. There two large black
men standing in front of her and she was alternating
between them. Both men appeared to be in their late
forties. Kevin was sitting at a nearby table with
another man. Kevin and his third guest turned to look
at me and I saw that this man too was in his late
forties or early fifties.

I went over to Kevin and stood in front of him. His
guest reached out and ran his hands over my body and
then he turned me around and pulled me into his lap. I
facing the two men that were taking turns fucking my
********'s mouth and I was ****** now to watch as the
men with Lori enjoyed her talented mouth. She would
take a big black cock into her mouth and throat and
suck it until one of the men slapped her face. That was
the signal for her to switch to the other cock and
begin servicing it. I think that as disgusting as it
was to watch, the thing that disturbed me most was that
Lori didn't seem to mind at all.

The man who was holding me in his lap wasn't watching
that show. He was watching me as his hands explored my
tits for a few minutes before they dropped down to my
widely spread thighs and began to explore my pussy.

I expected it to be painful when he started working his
big finger inside my pussy. I suppose I should have
been grateful that it wasn't. Instead I was upset. My
traitorous cunt was wet again! I don't understand. This
doesn't excite me! I am being ****d and I am watching
two men ****** my brainwashed teenage ********. How on
earth could I be aroused?!

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the man fingering me
turn to Kevin and smile. He pulled his finger out of me
and showed it to Kevin and as he worked it back inside
of me he said, "I've got to hand it to you ***. You
really know what you're doing."

He laughed quietly and said, "I think we need to start
calling you the pussy whisperer."

Kevin laughed and said, "That's a good idea dad. Maybe
I could get my own show on TV and show all those pussy
whipped men out there how to train their women."

I couldn't believe it. Kevin had invited his ******
over to **** us! I wondered if the other two men were
relatives as well.

My focus was still on those other two men who were
****** my ********'s mouth, although in Lori's case I'm
not sure you could call it ****. In those few moments
when she didn't have a large, black cock in her mouth
she looked like she was having a good time.

I saw one of the men cum in her mouth and after she
swallowed she was able to concentrate on the second
cock she had been tasked with pleasing. The second man
came quickly once she devoted all of her attention to
him. Once she had swallowed that second load the three
of them came over and took seats around the table.

The four men talked for a few minutes and I learned
that the lap that I was sitting on belonged to Harry.
Harry was, as I had guessed, Kevin's ******.

One of the other men was Harry's twin brother Henry.
The third man, they were calling him TC, was a
neighbor, a close friend, and a distant cousin.

I had probably been in his lap for close to an hour
when Harry said, "We need to be going gentlemen. But
before we leave I think I'm going to knock off a little
piece of momma here. She may not be fifteen but she has
a damn fine cunt."

Harry pushed me off of his lap and bent me over the
table that we were all sitting around. I felt everyone
watching me as he lowered his pants and began *******
his cock into me. It didn't take very long at all
before I realized where Kevin had gotten his cock from.
His ******'s cock felt every bit as long and as fat as

I fought desperately not to show it as my body began to
react to being taken by that big cock. But once again
my body knew what it liked and wouldn't listen to me.
In minutes I was moaning in pleasure and losing control
as that big rod pounded into me. I hated what I was
becoming. But on some level I realized that my confused
brain resented very much that I had gone this long
without ever enjoying this kind of pleasure before.

The problem with that was, I didn't know if that was an
honest reaction or if I was starting to think that way
because of being so constantly ****d and humiliated
over the last two days. Could I actually be succumbing
to Kevin's training?!


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Harry brought me to several very nice orgasms before he
came. As soon as he pulled out of me I bent over and
sucked his cock and licked his balls until he was
clean. As I cleaned him he was telling the others what
a good fuck I was. He was very complimentary in a lewd,
crude sort of way. Everything Harry said was something
that I would have slapped someone's face for saying
before Kevin began ****** me and sharing me with so
many others.

It disturbed me that I had somewhat mixed feelings
about what he was saying and the circumstances under
which those comments were being rendered.

Harry and the other two men got dressed after I had
finished my clean up chores. They ignored Lori and me
and said goodnight to Kevin and left.

As soon as they left, Kevin sent Lori and me up to take
a shower. He told me to run a razor over my pussy again
and made Lori responsible for making sure I was smooth.

We went upstairs and took a shower. I shaved as ordered
and Lori ran her hand over my pussy to make sure I was
smooth enough. We dried off and I brushed my teeth and
my hair. I followed Lori back out into my bedroom and
as I did I realized that we had not spoken a word to
each other today. We didn't seem to have a relationship
at all since our ************** relationship had been
destroyed by Kevin. We were just two people living in
the same house. No not even people really. We were two
sex objects who were now owned by Kevin.

That realization shook me. But not as bad as it should
have and I suddenly understood that he was doing it.
Kevin was breaking me. He was breaking my will, my
spirit. In only two days I had become a sex object, a
toy. No, not even two days. After only one beating I
had submitted to him and everyone else he ordered me to
submit to. There was no end in sight either.

Kevin was waiting for us in the bedroom. He had tiny
little skirts for us to put on. Tiny was not an
exaggeration. It was hardly more than a large, black
strip of cloth that extended four inches down from my
waist. I noticed that Lori was wearing hers low on her
belly and it just barely covered her privates. It was
harder for me. I had a larger waist than Lori.

I struggled to push it down enough to cover my pussy
and the bottom of my ass. It worked marginally well. I
somehow didn't think it was going to stay there once I
started moving around.

Kevin watched me trying to make myself presentable and
street legal. He was enjoying my discomfort for a few
minutes but he quickly became bored and said, "That's
enough bitch. I didn't buy those to protect your
modesty. You look pretty hot with your ass hanging

I stopped trying to adjust the skirt and he tossed me a
crop top and ordered me to put it on. I had never worn
a crop top. I thought they were much too revealing and
something that only a slut would wear. This one was
even worse.

I slipped it on and the material was so thin that my
nipples were plainly visible. It was lying loosely
draped over my tits and only just barely covered my
tits before ending in an uneven fringe that only added
to the overall slut effect.

But the worst part was the large black lettering across
the front. In big, bold, black letters it said "I GOT
GANGBANGED!" and on the second line it said "I LOVED

I looked over at the matching crop top that Lori had
just put on and it was just as suggestive. Across the
front in large red letters it said, "WANNA FUCK?".

I hated these shirts but I gathered from Lori's
expression that she found them amusing. I turned to
look at myself in the mirror and I looked like nothing
so much as a hooker. A cheap hooker at that.

I had no idea where we were going but I knew I was
going to hate it.

Lori and I followed Kevin out to his car. We all sat in
front with Lori in the middle. I tried not to watch as
Kevin's hand came to rest on her upper thigh and as he
rubbed his finger over her pussy she reached over and
rested her small hand on the large bulge in his slacks.

We went through to the other side of town and into an
area that I was unfamiliar with. It was after nine in
the evening and I was exhausted. I had lost count of
the number of times I had been raped today. Well, I
hadn't lost count. I didn't keep count. But it had been
a lot and if that had been all that I had to do today I
would be very tired. But in addition to being ****** to
sexually service the four men at work, a client, and
finally Kevin's ****** I also had to keep up with my
normal work load.

I actually didn't mind that part. I appreciated the
distraction. It gave me an opportunity to think about
something besides all of the sex and the horror that my
life had become.

Kevin parked on a side street just off of the main drag
but we were in a part of town that was becoming run
down. There were a lot of empty buildings in the area.
We got out and walked a half a block to what appeared
to be a deserted warehouse. Kevin pushed a doorbell and
after a short pause the door opened and a large black
man admitted us. He nodded at Kevin and Kevin said,
"Hey Buddha! How're they hanging man?!"

The man's face never changed and he didn't respond. He
let us in after giving Lori and me a passing glance. I
had the impression that he had seen Lori before. The
little entryway that we were standing in was dark until
the door closed and a curtain was pulled over it. I
could hear the faint sound of rap music coming from
somewhere further inside.

As soon as the curtain covered the door a dim overhead
light came on. The doorman turned to face Kevin and
Kevin handed him a wad of money and then raised his
arms. The man ran his hands over Kevin and I got the
strange feeling that I was in an old movie as I watched
Kevin getting frisked.

He finished patting Kevin down and turned to Lori. She
grinned as if she was having a great time and stood
with her arms in the air while the man, well, I can't
call it patting her down so much as he felt her up.
When he was finished her top was resting above her tits
and her skirt was nothing but a black belt around her

When he had finished feeling my ******** up he turned
to me. His expression had still not changed. He stepped
closer to me and said, "I haven't seen your ass in here
before. Am I gonna have a problem with you?"

I shook my head and raised my arms. His large, rough,
black hands lifted my top and groped my breasts before
sliding down and lifting my skirt and ******* my legs
apart. I felt several fingers worming their way inside
of my pussy and then his hand slid down over my ass and
explored the crack. I was relieved that at least he
hadn't tried to ***** his fat fingers inside of my ass.

He must have known that he wasn't going to find
anything on me or my ********. It was obvious from the
way that we were dressed that we weren't hiding
anything. If anything we were hiding far too little.

As soon as he stepped away I pulled my top down and
worked my tiny skirt back down into place. Lori had
already adjusted her little outfit. As soon as we were
ready we followed Kevin through another door.

Once we had passed through the second door and into the
club the music was louder but not so loud as to be
obnoxious. It was still rap and I still hated it but it
was at least at a volume that was tolerable. I assumed
that this was some sort of illegal, unlicensed club and
they had to keep the noise down to avoid attracting law

I looked around and saw small stages scattered around
the room and on each stage was a naked woman dancing
sensuously. Only one or two of them seemed to be
dancing to the music that was playing. One of the girls
was oriental and I saw a couple that were black but
there were nearly a dozen more and they were all white.
The customers were all black.


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Kevin selected some empty seats near one of the stages
and we sat and looked up at a dancer that looked
younger than Lori. She glanced at Kevin and smiled but
she ignored us. I looked up and I was looking right
into her pussy only about three feet from my face. That
was all I needed to see and I looked away quickly.

Another naked white woman came up behind us and took
our ***** orders. She greeted Lori by name. I had to
wonder how much time Lori had spent in here. I also
found myself wondering if she had done anything besides
*****, not that it wasn't bad enough that she was
already *****ing ******* at her age.

The waitress soon returned with our *****s. I sipped on
my glass of cheap white wine and stared at my hands. I
had never been in a strip club of course. No one was
stripping in here. All the women seemed to be naked all
the time. But I didn't know what else to call it. I was
sorry for those poor girls that were ****** to exhibit
themselves like that. It was so degrading. But I didn't
want to see it. And I had the nagging feeling in the
back of my mind that I wasn't just here to ***** and
listen to music.

It wasn't long before I had all of my questions
answered. A man came over and held a whispered
conversation with Kevin. I saw the man hand Kevin some
money and then grab Lori's arm and walk away. I watched
as Lori was led through a side door and I glanced up to
see Kevin watching me. He saw the shock and the fear on
my face and he just smiled.

Before Lori returned another man approached Kevin and
two minutes later he was pulling me through that same
side door that Lori had gone through. I gasped and
almost lost my balance when I stepped through the door.
We were in a large room. I mean huge, about half the
size of an airplane hangar. There were no interior
walls, just one large undivided room. And everywhere I
looked there were mattresses lying on the floor. And a
large number of those mattresses were occupied by black
men copulating with young white women.

The man that had apparently paid to fuck me stopped and
looked around and then led me down a narrow aisle
between rows of mattresses and past couples fucking in
every position you could possibly imagine to a mattress
which was right next to Lori and the man who had paid
to have sex with her.

The man that was fucking Lori from behind looked up and
grinned and without missing a stroke he called out,
"Hey brother! I see you brought momma in to play. Let
me know if her ***** any good. I might try her later."

My escort ordered me to strip and I was too afraid not
to. It took almost no time to get out of my two tiny
garments and while he watched me undress he was
unfastening his pants and pulling them off. It was
incongruous I know but I couldn't help thinking that
with all the men that had raped me lately, and every
time one of these men had sex with me I considered it
****, only Kevin had been naked. Every other man that
had used me in the last two days had kept his shirt on!

I was soon on my hands and knees beside Lori with a
cock fucking me violently. It was a very violent fuck,
as so many of them were lately. But I wasn't aroused
and I found myself gazing around the room and wondering
about all of those young white women. I wondered how
many, if any, were here voluntarily. I wondered how
many were like Lori and had been brainwashed. I also
wondered how many of them were like me and being ******
to submit to these rapes for fear of being beaten
beyond my ability to endure.

There were tears pouring down my cheeks. How could I
have sunk so low? I am now a common prostitute. No, I'm
even lower than a prostitute. I don't even get any of
the money he makes selling my body to strange men for
sex. And worse yet I'm working on my hands and knees
right beside my fifteen year old ********. How could I
have allowed myself to be taken so low?

I listened to the two men who were using us. They
commented on our relative merits as fuck meat. They
commented on how tight our pussies were and the sizes
of our tits and the shapes of our asses. They stopped
****** us for long enough to switch places for a couple
of minutes so that they could compare how our pussies
felt on their cocks.

Once they had compared they switched back and fucked us
violently until they attained an orgasm. I had heard
Lori squealing in delight but I hadn't enjoyed it. I
was too despondent.

After they had both cum and we had performed our
standard clean up duties I reached for my two whorish
articles of clothing but Lori stopped me before I could
put them on. She led me to a small ladies room where we
could freshen up and prepare for our next customers.

One wall of the small room was lined with toilets that
were placed so close together that when seated our hips
nearly touched the hips of the women on the toilet
beside us as we sat in embarrassed silence and allowed
the cum to drain out of us for a couple of minutes. As
I sat there with my ******** beside me on one side and
a girl on the other side of me who I knew was not yet
eighteen, I listened to the other girl's conversations.
Some of the others were crying. Most were quiet, morose
looking, and kept to themselves. They were obviously
not here because they enjoyed what they were doing.
There were a few that were laughing and joking quietly
with a friend but those seemed to be the exceptions.

Lori and I finished on the toilets and washed up at the
long row of sinks. There were piles of small, clean,
white washcloths that we could use to freshen up with.
I tried not to look around as I used a cloth to wipe my
pussy clean. It was such a personal thing to do in
front of twenty other women, even if they were all
going through the same process.

I finally put my clothes back on and followed Lori back
out to our seats. My small glass of very bad white wine
had gotten warm but it took the taste of that dirty
black dick out of my mouth so I sipped on it for a
couple of minutes until another man came over and paid
for my services.

I was taken into the back room a dozen times over the
next two hours. I was fucked by a dozen black men of
all descriptions. They ranged in age from no more than
eighteen to one guy that was at least sixty. Except for
that first time I was always on my own and I was always
on my back except for one man who just wanted a
blowjob. It was so dehumanizing, so demeaning. After
each anonymous fuck I sat on one of those equally
dehumanizing toilets and cried quietly as another
strange man's cum drained out of me.

After about two hours a group of men came over to the
table and one of them spoke with Kevin for a few
minutes. The spokesman handed Kevin a large wad of
money and the bored young woman who was dancing on the
small stage in front of us was sent away. Kevin leaned
over and said something to Lori and she got up and took
my hand. She pulled me to my feet and led me to the
stairs that led up onto the stage in front of us.

I followed along like the mindless sex toy that I was
becoming. Once we were on stage Lori started undressing
and she told me to take my clothes off too. I looked
around at the crowd of men who had gathered to watch
and fought back the tears as I removed my slutty outfit
for their amusement.

When I was naked Lori took me into her arms and began
to make love to me. I stood their woodenly at first
while she kissed my unresponsive lips and ran her hand
over my body. After a couple of minutes she whispered,
"Do you really want to piss Kevin off mom?"

At first I wasn't sure. Maybe it would be better to let
him **** me and put me out of my misery. I couldn't go
on like this forever. But the memory of that beating
was still too fresh. I just couldn't go through that

I began to return Lori's kisses and slide my hands over
her firm young body. I told myself that it was nothing
that I hadn't done before. We kissed and caressed for
several minutes and then Lori pulled me down to the
floor and we moved into a sixty-nine position. As I
began to lick her pussy I realized that I could taste
the traces of cum from her last customer. I suppose
that she could taste mine as well. I had tasted so much
cum in the last two days that it didn't even bother me.
What bothered me still was that I was rolling around on
the floor with my little girl for the amusement of a
crowd of strange men while we performed cunnalingus on
each other.

I felt her educated tongue between the lips of my pussy
and it was pleasant but I was far too despondent to
enjoy it. I heard the comments of the crude men all
around us who were excited by watching a ****** have
oral sex with her teenage ******** and I couldn't
imagine that I could have sunk so low in only two days.

Something inside of me, something very stupid inside of
me finally couldn't take this any longer and rebelled.
I pushed my ******** off of me and scrambled to my
feet. I screamed at the men around me that I couldn't
do this and I called them every obscene name that I
could think of.


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Kevin glared at me but I didn't care. I wasn't going to
do this anymore. I grabbed my top and my skirt and
headed for the stairs. I was getting out of here. I got
down the stairs and managed about two steps before
Kevin stood beside me with his hand wrapped in my hair
and almost lifted me off of the floor. I screamed and
scratched at his arm and tried to kick him until he
slapped me so hard that I saw stars.

I went limp for a moment and he turned to the crowd and
said, "Okay boys, free pussy. She's all yours for the
rest of the night."

A couple of large men grabbed me and before they
carried me away Kevin turned to the man that had let us
in and said, "I'll pick her up tomorrow sometime."

I started kicking and screaming furiously when they
started to lead me into the back. The large man that
had frisked me when we came in took two steps and
suddenly punched me in the stomach. As I gasped in pain
his meaty hand came up and slapped me nearly
***********. His hand grabbed a handful of my hair and
held my head up and his large, ugly face was only an
inch from mine when he hissed at me, "This is going to
be the longest night of your fucking life bitch, if you
live through it."

As soon as he let go of my hair I started screaming
again. We had drawn quite a crowd and I couldn't even
guess how many men followed as I was carried into the
back and thrown down on a mattress.

I jumped up immediately but I was surrounded by a sea
of leering black faces and there was no escape. I
screamed at them to let me go. I made all sorts of
empty threats. They seemed to find me so terribly

The two men that had carried me in had removed their
pants and they stepped up and with almost no effort
they ****** me down onto my hands and knees. I cried
out as the first large cock entered my pussy and
struggled as the other man worked his cock into my
mouth and began fucking my face.

For just a second I thought about biting him. But
through the red haze that had come over my brain came
the image of my teeth being pulled out with pliers and
I finally stopped fighting. I had lost. I had lost more
than I realized at the time. I would be paying for the
scene I had made out there on that stage for a long
time to come.

I had already been fucked by a dozen men since arriving
at that sex club a few hours ago. That wasn't even a
good warm up for what was to follow. For the next five
or six hours I was constantly being fucked in my pussy
and my mouth. As soon as one man shot his cum into me
he moved out of the way and there waiting was another
big black cock. I couldn't count them of course.

After the first dozen or so men my mind had crawled
into a little space and seemed only vaguely aware of
what was happening to my body. I knew that my thighs
were getting covered with cum and I couldn't imagine
that they would still want to have sex with me. It
didn't occur to me until much later that it wasn't
really sex. It wasn't about that at all. It was about
teaching me a lesson. They were punishing me with cock
and with cum. I was being put in my place.

It hurt at first. They were very rough, intentionally
so. After a while though I started getting numb and
then a little later my mind went into that place and I
was almost unaware of what was happening to me.

I have no idea what time it was when I finally realized
that I was alone. I was curled up on the mattress in a
little ball. I was nearly covered in cum and I was
lying in a cold pool of male fluids but it didn't
really matter anymore.

Only a few minutes passed before I was vaguely aware
that I was no longer alone and I opened my eyes to see
the man who had frisked me when I came in last night.
He was standing over me and looking down at me in
disgust. When I opened my eyes he said, "I was gonna
fuck you again but there's no way I'm gonna stick my
dick in your skanky ass, bitch. Jesus you stink! This
ain't no fucking flop house. Nobody said you could
*****. Get your nasty ass in there and clean yourself

I struggled to my feet. I hurt so bad that I couldn't
straighten up. I shuffled towards the bathroom, bent
over and holding my stomach. Every step was agony. My
stomach hurt, I didn't know if that was because of the
punches or all of the cocks that had pummeled me. I
knew why my pussy hurt so badly though. All of those
violent rapes, hour after hour, one right after

My throat was just as sore as my pussy. I hadn't tried
but I'm pretty sure that I couldn't talk if I had to. I
made it to the bathroom and sat on the toilet. I hadn't
even realized how badly I needed to pee until I sat
down. I let the cum drain out of me until I couldn't
hear it dripping into the toilet any longer. When I
stood up and turned around to flush it I saw an
unbelievable amount of viscous fluid floating in the
water. I thought that most of it had drained out of me
when I was lying on the mattress. I was wrong.

I flushed the toilet and shuffled over to the sink. I
stared at myself in the mirror. I didn't even recognize
my reflection. My hair was stiff from their cum. Many
of the men had used my hair to wipe their cocks clean.
Others had shot their load into my face and hair.

My lips were cracked and swollen and there were a few
places where ***** had trickled down. I don't remember
being hit in the face except for that one time I was
slapped before it started. I'm not sure why I was

My tits were very tender. I could see scratches and
several black and blue marks. The men must have been
pretty rough on them but I don't remember it.

I leaned down and rinsed my face off several times
before I picked up a washcloth and started trying to
clean myself up. I was washing my body with the cloth
when I felt someone watching me. I looked up to see the
doorman watching me from the door to the bathroom.

I ignored him and went back to cleaning the dried cum
from my body. I had no idea what time it was. I
wondered how long it would be before Kevin came back
for me. I felt a sudden wave of fear grip my chest.
What did Kevin have in mind for me when he came back
for me? He had been furious last night. The hook?

I shuddered as I remembered that horrible beating he
had subjected me to that first night. The tears started
again because I was certain it was going to happen

I finished cleaning myself up. Or at least I was as
clean as I could get without taking a long hot bath and
using a douche.

I tossed the last of the four face cloths I had used to
clean myself up with into the bucket they had supplied.
I was as clean as I was going to get until I got home.

It couldn't be put off any longer. I turned to face the
doorman and he entered the room and came closer to
examine me. He sniffed and said, "That's a little
better. I still don't think I want to fuck your nasty
ass. Get down and suck me off bitch. I didn't get to
fuck your face last night. The line was too long."

The floor was damp and dirty and I started to reach for
a couple of washcloths to kneel on. I saw his arm go
back and I cowered and covered my head.

He snarled, "I said get down and suck me off bitch! Are
you fucking brain dead?! Didn't you learn anything last
night? You stupid fucking cunt! When a man tells you to
do something you fucking do it! Instantly!"

I sobbed quietly as I dropped to my knees on the filthy
floor. He didn't offer to help so I unfastened his
pants and pulled them down far enough to expose his
manhood. I gripped his soft cock in my fingers and
pulled it free of his underwear. The smell was
unpleasant but I had smelled a lot worse over the
course of the last five or six hours.


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My lips cracked when I opened them to take his cock
into my mouth. The worst pain wasn't when I took his
fat cock into my throat though. The pain in my jaw was
what caused me to cry out. I hadn't tried to talk or
open my mouth very far since I had become aware of my
surroundings again and realized that the rapes had
stopped. I hadn't realized just how sore my jaw was
until I opened my mouth wide enough to accommodate his

It hurt like hell but of course that didn't matter. I
ignored the pain in my lips and my throat and my jaw
and I put every bit of what little strength remained in
my incredibly ****** body to work. I wanted desperately
to please this man, I was too scared not to.

He watched me as I worked on his cock with a look of
disgust on his face. At one point he reached out to
hold my head. But when he saw the condition of my hair
he thought better of it and dropped his hands back to
his side.

He probably only lasted ten or fifteen minutes. It just
seemed like an hour before he filled my mouth with one
last load of cum. After he came I held his cock in my
mouth until he placed the tips of two of his large
fingers against my forehead and pushed me down on my
ass on the filthy floor.

I sat there crying as he stepped back and fastened his
pants. When he was dressed again he said, "Get off your
lazy ass, bitch. Get yourself cleaned up and come out
to the front door."

After he left I used a few more washcloths to clean the
filth from my body again. I quickly rinsed my mouth out
at the sink. I walked through the empty room full of
nasty, cum stained mattresses. I looked around for my
clothes but then I remembered that I had been brought
back here naked.

I went out and through the club to the front door. I
looked around out in the club but my clothes weren't
there either. As I passed by the bar I spotted a clock.
It was almost six in the morning. I had been here since
about nine last night. Nine hours of almost constant
****. And I didn't believe for an instant that my day
was over.

The doorman was sitting at a desk near the front door
watching a small, portable TV. When I entered the foyer
I asked the doorman if he had any idea where my
clothing had gone to. My voice was unrecognizable. I
couldn't help wondering if the damage to my throat
would be permanent.

He glanced up at me for a second but then turned back
to his little television. He didn't say anything at
first but then he said, "I don't want you to open your
fucking mouth again unless someone is trying to put a
cock in it you stupid bitch."

I didn't know why he was so mad at me. Maybe he just
hated women. Or maybe he just hated white sluts. I
moved away from him and stood with my back to the wall
and waited. It was probably another half an hour before
the bell rang and Kevin was there to pick me up. I
cowered against the wall as he came in and looked me
over. I tried to tell him that I was sorry, though I
wasn't sure what I was apologizing for.

He interrupted me and said, "I don't like getting up at
six o'clock in the morning cunt. I hope you are well
rested because you are going to pay me back for
humiliating me last night and making me get up this
early. I didn't even earn back half of what I paid for
your clothes last night. But don't worry. I have
something else in mind that will make up the

I was so scared as I stood there with him almost
yelling in my face that I didn't even mention that my
clothes were missing when he told me to follow him.

I followed him out onto the sidewalk and down to the
corner. There were a few people around but it was early
and it was a rundown part of town so there didn't seem
to be any decent people around to be offended by my

We turned the corner and walked a half a block to his
car. I was grateful that I had at least been able to
keep my shoes on last night. I would have hated to be

We passed several men who stopped and grinned and
turned to watch me as I followed Kevin to the car. But
they didn't speak to me or try to touch me or anything.
They just enjoyed my nudity.

We got to the car and Kevin directed me to sit on a
towel in his back seat. He drove away and as he drove
through town I tried once more to tell him that I was
sorry. I wanted to explain that I had lost it. I
couldn't stand it anymore. I wanted him to understand
that I was a ****** and that it was very difficult to
overcome a ******'s natural instinct to protect her

He didn't even look back at me in the mirror. He just
growled, "Do I need to stick something in your mouth to
shut you up you dumb cunt?"

I gave up and sat back and closed my eyes. He didn't
care why I had rebelled last night. I doubt if he even
minded. He was probably looking forward to making me
pay for it.

I opened my eyes when he pulled into a parking lot. We
were in the industrial district. He had parked in front
of a large metal building. There were no signs to
indicate what they did here. There were a dozen cars
and SUVs parked in the lot but no one going in or out.
It didn't look like another club. But then, the place
that I had spent the night last night looked like
nothing but an abandoned warehouse.

Kevin ordered me out. I got out and shut the door and
he grabbed my arm and pulled me around behind his car.
He pointed to a pile of clothing and I recognized one
of my normal outfits, the clothes I used to wear before
I became Kevin's bitch. He ordered me to dress and
while I was putting my underwear on he pointed out some
disturbing things in his trunk. I didn't recognize most
of it but I saw leather collars and cuffs. There were
chains and different kinds of whips and a large
assortment of things that looked painful and I didn't
even know what they were for.

I had stopped dressing as my eyes inventoried the
instruments of ******* that Kevin was showing me. I was
standing in a public parking lot in my bra and panties.
But I was so upset that I had forgotten all about
getting dressed.

I finally tore my eyes away from the horrible contents
of Kevin's trunk and tried once more to beg him to
forgive me. I pleaded with him to have pity on me. I
promised him that I would never disobey him or
humiliate him again.

He laughed and responded, "You stupid cunt. You made
that same promise a couple of days ago after your first
beating. I told you then that I knew you'd screw up.
You dumb cunts don't learn after just one beating. You
are going to get another beating when I get you home
and I told you I wasn't going to take it easy on you if
I had to do it again. I will make you a deal though. If
you do everything that you are told between now and the
time I get you home I will take it easy on you again.
Not as easy as I did the first night. But easier than
what I'm planning now. So what happens to you tonight
is up to you."

There it was. No matter what else happened to me today
I was going to be beaten when I got home. And it was
going to be more severe than the first beating. I was
crying again and I was shaking so bad that I could
hardly stand. At first my mind was paralyzed with
terror. But then another horrible thought crossed my
mind. "What was he going to make me do in this building
that was so bad that he was showing me this equipment
and leaving the severity of the beating that I was to
receive up to me?"

He watched me for a few moments, obviously enjoying the
fear that seemed to have ************* me. He allowed
me to stand there for a minute or two before he said,
"Get your fucking clothes on you stupid cunt. Are you
trying to get arrested?"

My mind was numb as I reached into the trunk and pulled
out a knee length skirt and stepped into it. I nearly
fell on my ass trying to put it on. I wanted nothing
more right at that moment than to collapse and cry
hysterically. I was so close to finally going over the
edge and losing my mind.

I had frozen in place again after I had my skirt on and
after a few seconds he asked, "Do I need to slap you
around a little to get you going? Put the rest of your
damned clothes on bitch!"

I pulled on the conservative blouse he had brought me
and tucked it in. I buttoned up the skirt and stood
shaking in fear. I looked up to see if he was satisfied
and as he closed the trunk I asked, "Please sir, what's
in this building. What's going to happen to me here?"


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He smiled and replied, "You are going to finish paying
me back for all the nice clothes I bought you. If don't
want to be beaten half to death tonight then I suggest
that do everything you are told in there. Like I said,
how badly you get beaten tonight is all up to you."

He turned and headed for the door and I followed behind
him. He opened the door and went in and when I stepped
in after him I found myself in a comfortable looking
reception room. A pretty young blonde behind the desk
greeted Kevin by name and then gave me a look that let
me know she thought that I was the sort of thing a
decent person might have to scrape off of the bottom of
their shoes after walking through a pasture.

The girl picked up her phone, punched a button and
said, "Mr. Baird, Mr. Gadsen is here with...Mr. Gadsen
is here."

She hung up the phone and smiled at Kevin and said,
"You can go right in sir."

Kevin went through a door and I followed him down a
short hall past several offices to Mr. Baird's office.
When we entered Mr. Baird stood up and shook hands with
Kevin. Then he came around his desk and stood in front
of me.

He looked me up and down and then walked around me.
When he was back in front of me he said, "She stinks.
But she looks as good as her pictures Kevin. She isn't
marked up is she?"

Kevin looked thoughtful and said, "A couple of light
bruises on her tits. Nothing that a little makeup won't
be able to take care of."

Mr. Baird looked annoyed. He said to me, "Show me your
tits honey."

I unbuttoned my blouse quickly. I released the front
closure on my bra and held my blouse and bra open so
that my breasts were fully displayed. He bent forward
and examined them, even lifting them so that he could
look at the underside. He payed close attention to one
of the bruises and then stood up and said to Kevin,
"We'll see how she comes out of makeup. We may have to
postpone this for a few days."

Kevin said, "If you want to postpone it you will have
to put it off for more than a couple of days. I'm going
to beat the hell out of her tonight. She'll think long
and hard before she freaks out on me again."

Mr. Baird got a funny look on his face. He went around
to his seat and picked up his phone and pushed some
buttons. He said, "Darling, would you come in here
please. I need you to take this...this woman down to

He hung up the phone and while we were waiting he laid
three forms out on his desk and called me over and
ordered me to sign each of them. I had no idea what
they were.

Seconds later the blonde who had been out front came
in. Mr. Baird said to her, "See that they pay special
attention to those bruises on her tits. I need to know
if we can use her today. Tell them to call me."

I started to button my blouse but in a voice dripping
with disdain the blonde said, "Don't bother. Come with

I still wasn't certain what it was that they did here
but I was tempted to tell that young bitch off. Imagine
her working in a place like this and looking down on
me! But I was fully aware of what was happening to me
when I got home. I wasn't going to say anything to
anyone about anything.

As I walked towards the door I heard Mr. Baird say,
"About this beating..."

That was all I heard but I couldn't help wondering if
he could talk Kevin out of it. I had no reason to
believe that was his intent. I was just clinging to any
hope at all I suppose.

I held my blouse closed as I followed the blonde down
the hallway and then down another short corridor before
she opened a door and I was in a makeup room. There
were two beauty shop chairs in the room and a man and
woman were sitting in them talking.

They got up when the blonde entered and they greeted
each other. No one spoke to me. The blonde said, "Mr.
Baird wants you to give her the works. She has some
bruises on her tits. See if you can do anything with
them and let him know. He needs to know if he is going
to have to postpone the shoot. So I guess you should
start there."

The woman turned to look at me and asked, "Have you
ever done this before?"

I didn't know how to answer. "Done what?" I asked. "I
don't know why I'm here."

All three of them laughed at me. The blonde said, "This
is going to be interesting. See you guys later."

She left and the makeup woman said, "Get out of those

I took off my blouse and bra and put them on a chair.
They were both watching me but it seemed to be more to
appraise me for the work they needed to do than the
leering looks I was getting used to in the last few

I removed my skirt and blouse and then for the first
time in a very long time I took my shoes off. I can't
describe how much of a relief it was to get out of
those instruments of *******.

They both came over to where I stood and looked me
over. They seemed satisfied with my body in general and
they began to concentrate on the bruises on my tits.
They ran their hands over them and lifted and separated
until they had seen everything there was to see.

The man grinned and asked, "Rough night last night

I was on the verge of telling him off. Instead I
replied, "Yes sir. Getting gang raped is very tiring."

I was gratified that they actually seemed uncomfortable
for a second.

The woman sniffed and said, "You really stink honey."
She pointed at a door in the far wall and said,
"There's a shower in there. Go clean up and wash your
hair. Make it quick though. There are a lot of people
waiting around."

I took a quick shower and washed my hair. I dried off
and hurried back into the makeup room. I don't know why
I was hurrying. I wasn't anxious t find out why I was
here. I guess that I was just getting used to doing
what I was told.

I was directed to one of the chairs and they began
working to cover up the bruises on my tits. They had
faded slightly since I first saw them early this
morning. I guess they weren't as bad as they could have
been. There were a few feint scratches too. Both of
them began working on me with powders and creams and in
just a few minutes the marks on my tits were all

The woman went to a phone and used the intercom to tell
Mr. Baird that the bruises covered up well and I would
be ready in about half an hour.

They proceeded to cover the rest of my body with creams
and powders. They checked everywhere that hair grew but
were satisfied that I didn't need a shave. The man
worked on my hair while the woman finished my front and
then they stood me up and worked together to put makeup
on my back.


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When they were finished the woman notified Mr. Baird on
the intercom. They sat back in their chairs and we
waited for someone to come and get me. In the
uncomfortable silence that ensued I finally asked them,
"What is going to happen to me here?"

They both laughed and the woman answered, "Apparently
not much that hasn't already happened to you. I'm
guessing that there isn't a lot that hasn't already
happened to you."

They both got a chuckle out of that. I saw that I
wasn't getting anywhere with them. They thought that I
was some kind of slut and beneath their dignity. Fuck
them, fuck them both!

I heard footsteps approaching and Mr. Baird came in. He
looked me all over, paying special attention to my
tits. When he was satisfied he said, "Okay, get
dressed. Hurry it up."

While I was dressing he said to the couple who had done
my makeup, "Good job. There isn't anything else
scheduled for today. You can knock off now. If you want
to come in and watch the show I'm thinking it's going
to get pretty amusing."

I followed Mr. Baird back out and through another door
into a huge room with a dozen people and camera
equipment everywhere. The large room was divided into
smaller sets and people were moving around doing god
knows what.

There was one man who seemed to be in charge. He was
running around yelling at everyone to do this and do
that and go here or go there. It was all very hectic.
It was also very intimidating.

I was standing several feet inside the door, watching
all the incomprehensible activity and waiting for
someone to tell me what to do. I nearly jumped out of
my skin when I head Kevin behind me. He said, "You see
that guy doing all the yelling?"

I nodded.

Kevin said, "I told that man that you would do every
single thing that he told you to do, him and every
other person on this set. I'm going to warn you right
now, you are going to hate it. But if you screw this up
I'm going to beat you to within an inch of your fucking
life. Do you understand me?"

I was so scared now that I could hardly breathe. I had
no idea what was going to happen to me but I believed
Kevin. I was sure that I would hate it, whatever it
was. It didn't matter though. I nodded my head and
replied, "Yes sir. I understand you."

I heard his evil chuckle and he quietly said, "Somehow
I still don't believe you. I guess we'll see."

A few minutes later the room got quiet. All the hectic
preparations were complete. The man who had been doing
all of the yelling looked around and spotted me. He
waved me over to where he was standing. I was so scared
I could hardly walk but I managed to make it over to
where he stood. He looked me over and nodded and then
said, "I understand that you have no idea what is going
to happen to you here today. Is that true?"

I nodded. I was too scared to talk.

He grinned and said, "And you have never done this

I nodded again.

He chuckled and said, "****, this is going to be

He looked behind him and pointed out a strange looking
woman wearing an even stranger outfit. He told me that
for the next two hours I would be doing everything that
woman said.

The woman's costume consisted entirely of leather
straps but it didn't cover any of the areas that were
normally covered by clothing. It merely outlined her
breasts and her pubic area. There was a large studded
belt around her waist and leather studded cuffs and a
wide thick leather collar. She was an attractive blonde
in very good shape. She was the most muscular woman
that I think that I have ever seen. She looked to be in
her mid forties at least. She had a dour look on her
face and the total effect was very intimidating.

He asked, "Do you have any questions?"

I thought, "Your damned right I have questions! I have
a lot of questions!" But I just shook my head and he
shoved me over towards her and said, "Go over and
introduce yourself."

I walked over to the woman in the leather harness and
said, "Hello. I'm Karen. I was told to introduce myself
to you."

She glowered at me and looked me up and down like just
about every man I met lately did. She grinned slightly
and then she said, "They still haven't told you why
you're here, have they?"

It was starting to annoy me that everyone asked me that
but no one would tell me why I was here. But of course
I knew better than to piss her off. I just said, "No
ma'am. No one will tell me what is going to happen to
me here."

She was a tall woman. She must be nearly six feet tall.
She had great muscle definition. She looked like an
Amazon. She looked down at me and after a long pause
she said, "You and me are going to make a movie. But
then, I suppose you've figured that part out already."

I nodded. I figured it was going to be a movie by the
makeup and the cameras and the sets. So now it looked
like I was going to be making a sex movie with an
Amazonian female. I wasn't looking forward to it. I
still wasn't that fond of sex with another female. But
at least it wasn't with my ******** this time. I didn't
understand why everyone thought that I was going to get
weird about that. After last night I think I could
handle having sex with just one woman.

She laughed and said, "I can read your fucking mind.
You dumb cunt. It won't be just you and me. I don't
want your skuzzy mouth anywhere near me. I'm just going
to be in charge. You are going to do everything I tell
you. You are going to hate it. But you are going to do
it. Because if you don't I am going to hurt you more
than you have ever been hurt before. And to be honest,
I hope you fight me. I hate it when I get some fresh
cunt and she gives in too easy. It takes all the fun
out of it."

Oh well, I didn't want to be friends with her anyway. I
stepped away from her and went back to looking around.
I realized that everyone was watching us. Suddenly I
was very self-conscious.

I tried to take a few deep breaths and ***** myself to
calm down. I had just about managed when the Amazon
took my arm and said, "Let's go. It's time to get
started. From now on if you call me anything it had
best be mistress. Is that understood?"

She was scary woman and I had no intention of pissing
her off. I was tired and sore from last night and I
just wanted to get this over with and go home. I
responded, "Yes mistress."

She guided me to the set that the people and the
cameras and lights all seemed to be focused on. As we
walked she asked me, "Do you know what a cattle prod

I had never seen one but I knew what they were, what
they were used for. I started to nod but then I figured
it would be more appropriate to say, "Yes mistress."

She said, "Good. That should make things a little

I didn't like the sound of that.

We entered the set. I looked around and it didn't do
anything to relieve my rapidly growing distress to see
that I was in a fake dungeon. As soon as we were on the
set the guy who had been doing all of the yelling
earlier, the director I assume, yelled, "Ready on the

I glanced around and waited for someone to tell me what
to do. I still had no idea what this was all about.

The director yelled, "Action!"

The Amazon let my arm go and walked around me. I was
turned so that the camera was to my right front. It had
a clear view when she reached up and grabbed the lapels
of my blouse and with one violent motion she tore it
all the way down the front sending buttons flying

It was so violent and so unexpected that I screamed.

She smiled and in a sympathetic voice asked, "What's
the matter pet? Did I scare you?"


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I was scared! I was terrified. I was also aware of the
large microphone on a boom just over our heads and the
cameras that were recording what we did and more than a
dozen people staring at us.

Suddenly her hand came up and she slapped my face. I
screamed again but she put her face in mine and said,
"I asked you a question pet! Are you scared?"

I answered quickly, "Yes mistress. I am scared!"

She smiled and said, "Good. You have every reason to

She moved behind me and jerked my blouse off. Once more
her actions were violent and the blouse was nearly in
tatters by the time she had it off.

She turned me slightly so that I faced the camera and
said, "Tell me your name."

Before I could answer she reached out and gripped the
waist of my skirt and tore it apart in the back where
the button and the zipper held it together. It tore
half way down the back and then she let it drop to the
floor at my feet.

Before I could form a thought she delivered a vicious
punch to my lower back. I screamed again and wheeled
around. She saw the look of pain and horror on my face
and she seemed to feed on it like a vampire feeding on
human *****.

She reached out and slapped my face again. The blow
came out of nowhere and I screamed and turned away from
her once more. I was facing the cameras again and she
grabbed my bra strap in the back and twisted it and
held me in place and said, "I asked you your name,

I cried out, "Karen! My name is Karen mistress!"

She maintained her hold on my bra strap and I felt
another explosion of pain on my lower back.

I cried out and pleaded, "Please mistress. That hurts!
I can't take it. I told you my name!"

I could hear the pleasure in her voice when she
responded, "You told me half of your name you dumb
cunt. What is your name?"

I shuddered at the thought of all the perverts that
would watch this movie and know my name. But this woman
was as scary as Kevin!

I quickly responded, "Karen Black mistress. My name is
Karen Black!"

She unfastened my bra and tore it off roughly. She
walked around me again and looked at my tits. She
smiled and said, "Not bad. I could have a lot of fun
with those."

She looked me in the eye then and said, "You won't like
it if I have a lot of fun with those. So I highly
recommend that from now on you answer promptly and

She moved around behind me again, leaving me facing the
cameras in my panties and high heels. When she was
behind me she reached around and gripped my left nipple
between her thumb and forefinger and began to squeeze.
I felt her arm muscle bulging against my arm as she
applied more and more pressure until I screamed in pain
and reached up to try and pull her hand away.

She screamed right in my ear, "DO NOT LIFT YOUR ARMS TO
ME CUNT!! Put your arms down, now!"

I was sobbing loudly. The pain was unbelievable but she
terrified me and I ****** myself to lower my arms.

She gradually eased her grip and when I had stopped
panting in pain she asked me, "What is your address
Karen Black?"

I felt growing panic in the pit of my stomach, but
there was no question that I was going to do anything
but answer promptly and completely. I would have to
sell my house and move now. But I immediately recited
my complete address.

I saw the crew smiling as they watched. They were all
enjoying my torment. I guess people like them and like
Kevin must gravitate towards each other.

She ordered me to turn around and take a step back. I
complied immediately and she ordered me to bend over at
the waist and keep my legs straight.

I obeyed of course. I was determined that I was going
to do anything this fucking bitch ordered me to do.

She kept me bent over for a long moment before she
ordered me to slide my underwear down.

The point of this was obvious. My ass was facing right
towards the main cameras. At this point that didn't
matter. I reached for my waistband and slid my panties
down and let them fall to my feet.

I waited for permission to stand but before that order
came she said, "Reach back there and spread those
cheeks nice and wide. Air out that nasty ass for me."

I put all those people that were standing around behind
me out of my mind. The only person that mattered now
was the woman who was causing me all of this pain.

I reached back and spread my ass cheeks as far apart as
I could and held them that way while she walked around
and inspected me.

She walked all the way around me before she ordered me
to stand up and face the cameras again.

When I had complied she asked, "How long have you been
sucking cocks Karen Black?"

I quickly responded, "Three days mistress."

She asked, "Do you enjoy it Karen Black?"

I wasn't sure if I was supposed to answer honestly or
not but I think they wanted to hear the truth. I
replied, "No mistress. I do not enjoy sucking cocks."

I felt her hand gliding over my right ass cheek and she
said, "Good. That's was the answer that I was hoping
for. But you are pretty good at it already aren't you
Karen? You can take huge cocks down your throat can't

I said, "Yes mistress. I have had many large cocks in
my throat in the last three days."

She moved right up against my back. I felt her nipples
pressing into me. She leaned forward and licked my neck
and then she quietly asked, "Have you ever sucked a
dog's cock Karen Black?"

I shuddered in revulsion and exclaimed, "No mistress!"

I started to add that I would never do that. But
suddenly I had a horrible feeling in the pit of my
stomach. Was that the secret that everyone was keeping
from me? Was she going to make me suck a dog's cock, on

She kissed my neck where she had just licked me. She
said, "I can taste your fear Karen Black. You have
finally figured out why you are here today, haven't

My voice broke when I tried to say, "Yes mistress."

Under my breath I whispered, "Oh god no. Please don't
do this to me. I'll get sick. I know I will."

She licked my neck again and said, "I love the taste of
fear." She paused and asked, "Have you ever had anyone
stick a cattle prod in your cunt and shock you Karen

I suddenly felt faint. My legs started to go out from
under me and I thought, "Oh good! I'm going to be

No such luck. Her hand reached around and before I
could lose consciousness her finger and thumb had that
death grip on my nipple again and I was screaming in
pain. I started to lift my arms to defend myself but at
the last moment I remembered and let them fall to my

I screamed again and she slowly released her grip. I
was panting again and she gave me a minute to recover
before she said, "I asked you a question Karen Black."

At first I couldn't remember the question. It was
something about a dog but I couldn't remember what.
Then, just as she started to tighten her grip again I

"No mistress! I have never had a cattle prod in my


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She laughed and said, "I think that you probably will
today. I am going to order you to do some very nasty
things. They will sicken you. They are nastier than
anything you have ever done in your life. They are
worse than the gang **** you were subjected to last
night for six hours. The things that I am going to
order you to do are the kinds of things that a decent
woman would absolutely refuse to do no matter the
consequences. But you will do them. You probably will
refuse at first. But I will then place the end of a
cattle prod in your cunt and have you dancing on the
end of it until at last you give in. You will leave
this building, if indeed you leave this building, with
your pride in shreds. From this day forward there is
nothing that you will not do if asked. I am going to
break you Karen Black."

I heard the confidence in her voice and I didn't doubt
for a second that she was telling the truth. She had
done this before and she enjoyed it.

She kissed my shoulder and said, "Before we start I
have a couple more questions Karen Black. How old are

"I'm thirty-two mistress."

"Are you married?" she asked.

I replied, "I am separated mistress."

She said, "I have one last question Karen Black. Tell
me about your *****."

I wasn't sure what she wanted me to say. I answered, "I
have a fifteen year old ******** mistress."

She chuckled and said, "I'll bet she's a good
cocksucker too, isn't she Karen Black?"

I thought, "That's two questions." But what I said was,
"Yes mistress. My ******** is a good cocksucker."

"What is your ********'s name Karen Black?"

I'm embarrassed about it now but at that moment
protecting my ******** was the furthest thing from my
mind. I answered, "My ********'s name is Lori Black

The Amazon smiled and asked, "Where does your fifteen
year old slut ******** go to school Karen Black?"

I instantly answered, "She goes to Benedict Arnold High
School mistress."

The Amazon said, "That's enough foreplay. Are you ready
to meet your co-star?"

The answer to that was a definite no. But I nodded that
I was.

She said, "That's one. Are you ready to meet your co-
star Karen Black?"

One what?! What the hell did I do wrong now? I guess
she doesn't want me to nod? I said, "Yes mistress. I am
ready to meet my co-star."

She took a step back and said, "Get down on your

As I sank to my knees she said, "Now you are not Karen
Black anymore. Now you are bitch."

She walked away and picked something up off of a table.
She came back over to where I was waiting on my knees
and moved around in front of me. She was holding a
long, thin, metallic wand-like object with a brightly
colored plastic handle. I had never seen one before but
I knew what it was.

She reached out and slowly moved it over my face, down
my neck and over my tits. She teased my nipples with it
for a few seconds. Then she pulled it away and held it
near my ear. She pressed the button and I heard an
electrical noise right by my ear. My hair stood on end
and I vowed that I would do every disgusting thing she
ordered to avoid having that thing go off in my pussy.

She stood over me and said, "I am going to bring in Rex
now. Rex is a very affectionate lover. He loves to kiss
his bitches. When Rex kisses you I want you to kiss him
back. I want to see lots of tongue action. If you hurt
his feelings I'm going to teach you how to dance."

She walked across the room and opened a door. I didn't
want to watch. I didn't want to see. But I couldn't
help it. I saw a man standing on the other side of the
door with a dog on a leash.

She took the leash from him and led the dog over and
****** him to sit in front of me. He must be well
trained. He seemed to know what this was all about. I
wondered how many movies Rex had starred in. He was
obviously excited but he had been ordered to stay and
he did.

The Amazon moved back behind me and I had a brief
moment to look at Rex. He was a very large German
Shepherd. I could see his cock already twitching in its
hairy sheath. There was just a hint of pink at the

I couldn't even remember the last time I had eaten
anything but cum. Still I felt like I was about to
vomit. I was distracted though when the Amazon touched
her cattle prod to my back and ran it down over my ass.

She said, "Before we start I am going to give you
another minute to think about this cattle prod in your
cunt. It will be the most painful thing that you ever
experience in your life. It is worse than **********.
And when I am done you will end up obeying me anyway.
Trust me. I know. I have been through this so many

I believed her. I also believed that she was hoping
that she would get to do it to me.

The minute passed and she prodded me forward with her
beloved cattle prod. When I was less than a foot from
Rex the Amazon said, "Bitch, this is Rex. Rex, this is
your new bitch. Isn't she pretty Rex?"

Rex barked and wagged his tail but still he stayed and
remained under her control.

I could smell his dog breath and see his tongue lolling
out of his mouth. There was a steady stream of drool
rolling off of his tongue. I was feeling sicker by the

My tormentor said, "Are you ready to get better
acquainted bitch?"

I tried to respond but my voice broke. I cleared my
throat and tried again. "Yes mistress."

I could hear the smile in her voice when she said,
"Rex, kiss your new bitch."

Rex barked and leaned forward and began to lap my face
eagerly. I stuck my tongue out reluctantly and began to
lick him back. Our tongues dueled and suddenly his
large, wet tongue slid right into my mouth. It was in
and out before I could even react. But then it happened

I tried to keep my mouth closed tightly and just lick
his tongue with my own but that Nazi bitch ordered me
to turn my head to the side and open my mouth and put
my heart and soul into it.

I felt the tears start again. I ignored them and leaned
my head over and began trying to kiss him as if he were
a human with a big nose. My mouth filled with his
saliva over and over and I had to keep swallowing. I
couldn't detect any recognizable taste. That didn't
matter though. It wasn't the taste that was so
disgusting. It was the idea of what I was doing. And
the idea of what I was about to do.

I started gagging and I was sure that I was about to
lose it. I felt the cold metal wand sliding down
between the cheeks of my ass and begin to angle around
toward my pussy and I froze. My new mistress said, "Are
you having a problem their bitch? Do you need a dancing

I ****** myself to calm down and gradually I got my
gagging under control. She eased up with the cattle
prod and I tried to concentrate on kissing Rex.

I noticed two men coming in close with large hand held
cameras and getting close-ups of me and Rex. They
started to back away after a few minutes but the Amazon
said, "Okay bitch. Reach your hand down there and start
getting better acquainted with your new boyfriend. Show
him how much you want to please him."

I reached my hand down and wrapped my fingers around
his throbbing cock. The camera men had stayed in for a
close-up of that. I shuddered in disgust as I felt the
dog's cock in my hand. Almost as soon as I touched him
I felt a warm liquid spray out of his cock and onto my
underarm just above my wrist.

I jerked my hand away instinctively but I immediately
put it back in place. I was too afraid not to. Rex's
cock continued to jerk in my hand and with each jerk of
his cock there was another small stream of that warm
liquid on my arm.

Rex was whining and getting very agitated now. The
Amazon said, "I think Rex loves you bitch. He wants
you. He has the hots for you. But you don't want to
have his puppies and after all, it is only your first
date. So I think the best thing to do is give him some


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She moved around behind the dog and grabbed his collar.
She ordered him down in a sharp voice and he instantly
dropped down on his belly. I pulled my hand away as he
dropped to the floor.

The Amazon ordered Rex to roll over and stopped him
when he was on his back. His large pink cock was
sticking out of the sheath about six inches now and
throbbing constantly. I stared at it in disgust but
when the Nazi bitch ordered me to bend down and start
sucking she had that cattle prod wedged between my ass
cheeks and I obeyed instantly.

I wrapped my lips around Rex's nasty cock and got my
first mouthful of that thin, colorless, almost
tasteless fluid. Well, not a mouthful exactly, just a
small squirt on my tongue. I managed to swallow and
keep sucking as the Amazon leaned over me and said,
"Don't worry bitch. He isn't cumming yet. That's just
lubricant, just like all the men that you have been
sucking off lately."

I saw the cameras coming in close and my tormentor
said, "Open your mouth. Let the cameras see that stuff
shooting in and coating your tongue."

I rested my head on the dog's stomach and opened my
mouth. I was still using my hand around the base of his
cock and it was growing rapidly, but all the time it
was shooting out that fine spray of lubricant.

One of the cameramen came in for a close-up of the
dog's cock spraying the inside of my mouth and me
swallowing. As I licked at the tip of the dog's cock it
continued to grow to an amazing size. It was nearly
seven inches long now and still growing and it was
fatter than a lot of the human cocks I had been
attacked with lately!

The Amazon said, "Okay bitch, show us what a good
cocksucker you have become in the last three days. Make
your new boyfriend happy."

I wrapped my lips around the tip of the dog's cock and
started sliding them down to the hairy sheath. As his
cock entered my throat the dog quivered and whined in
excitement. I moved my lips down to the sheath where a
bulge was beginning to form. I thought something was
wrong with him at first but then I remembered that
dog's would get hung up when they mated because the
male had a knot in the base of its dick that expanded
and allowed him to fill the female with his sperm. I
don't even remember how I came to know that. His knot
was growing quickly and his cock had grown until it was
even fatter than Kevin's!

The amount of liquid spraying into my mouth increased
dramatically but it was still coming in quick short
spurts. Now it was no longer almost tasteless. I could
detect a definite and very unpleasant taste.

The Amazon said, "He's cumming now bitch. He is
shooting his cum in your mouth. Don't spill any, but
pull back and let us see it going into your mouth."

I pulled back so that only the head of his cock was in
my mouth and I carefully opened my mouth so that the
close-up camera could get a nice long shot of my mouth
filling up with dog cum. I had to swallow several times
before the cameraman moved back and I was ordered to
start sucking Rex again.

I was amazed at how long his orgasm lasted. It went on
and on for ten or fifteen minutes. Time does not fly
when you are being raped by an ******. Every few
minutes I was ordered to open my mouth in order to show
the camera that the dog was still shooting his cum into
my mouth and throat.

Those close-up camera shots inevitably led to a few
stray streams of dog cum being shot out onto my face.
By the time the dog had finally finished cumming my
face was covered in dog cum and it was coating the hair
on one side of my head.

The Amazon could tell when the dog was finished and she
ordered me to sit up. I sat up on my heels and she let
the dog roll over and she quickly led him back to the
door he had come through a half an hour ago.

She handed the dog back through the door and the man
handed her another leash. She quickly returned with
another huge dog.

I watched the exchange and thought, "****! I thought it
was over!"

I watched her struggling with the large Great Dane who
knew exactly what was going on. He could undoubtedly
smell the first dog's cum on me and I glanced down to
see that his enormous cock was already half out of its
sheath and beginning to throb.

I was looking at the Amazon bitch when she saw the look
of consternation on my face. She smiled like a kid at
Christmas as she took her pleasure in my pain.

With a great deal of difficulty she finally managed to
get the huge beast to sit in front of me. He was very
excited and not paying that much attention to the
Amazon. When he finally stopped wiggling around the
Amazon said, "Go ahead bitch. You know the drill. Give
Hector a nice big kiss and check out the equipment."

I leaned forward and the tongue duel began again. It
was much worse this time. He was more excited and his
tongue seemed like it was twice as large as Rex's
tongue had been. Hector was obviously reacting to the
dog cum on my face and hair and that made him even more
excitable. He lapped my face clean but then he seemed
to want to concentrate on my mouth. He gave me the
impression that he was trying to drive that huge tongue
right down my throat!

I quickly noticed another difference between Rex and
Hector. Hector was hung like a fucking horse! Well, not
quite. But his cock was huge! I mean it. I felt it
throbbing against the underside of my arm and I looked
down to see a very fat cock that was longer and thicker
than Kevin's. It must have been at least ten inches
long. I had no idea that a dog would have such a large

The Amazon said, "Okay bitch. I see you are impressed.
Let's see you put that down your fucking throat."

She didn't order Hector to lie down. I had to bend down
under him and take his cock into my mouth. It was just
starting to discharge that lubricant from the end of
his cock but not the fine spray that had come from Rex.
There was so much of it that it looked like he was

They got some close-ups of his spray entering my mouth
before I started sucking his cock. Then there were more
close-ups as I struggled to take that huge cock into my
throat. I had finally managed to swallow it when the
Amazon said, "Don't make him cum bitch. Hector wants
puppies. He wants to fuck you. He doesn't know he can't
get you pregnant though. So don't say anything. He
thinks you're his new bitch and he can settle down with
you and raise a family. Don't break his heart."

I was sucking his cock just like I would for a man and
the Amazon was watching closely. When she saw the knot
start to grow she said, "Okay bitch, time to give
yourself to your new boyfriend. Turn around and lift
your ass up so Hector can check out his new pussy."

I seemed to be running on cruise control now. I wasn't
even thinking about what I was doing. I just listened
for my next order and I obeyed it, no matter how
obscene it was.

I let the dog's cock slip from my mouth and turned
around. I felt his tongue between my legs as soon as I
turned but I was more focused on gasping for breath for
the first thirty seconds or so. Taking that large dog
cock down my throat had been nearly impossible. Had it
not been for the cattle prod resting against the cheek
of my ass I don't think that I could have done it. I
guess the right incentive can make just about anything

It felt like Hector's tongue was as long as his cock as
it slid between my thighs and covered my entire crotch.
Several times it snaked up into the crack of my ass and
that made me nervous. But he concentrated on my pussy.
Not that I felt a lot better about that.

He was up on all fours now and prancing around. He was
whining anxiously and finally he got the command that
he was waiting for. The Amazon called out, "Okay boy,
fuck the bitch!"


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In a second the dog was standing over my back with his
forelegs clamping down on my side. I felt the spray
from his cock hitting my ass and running down my
thighs. He had begun his humping motion before his cock
was anywhere near me and as he inched up the head of
his cock began battering me. It was very painful. He
was stabbing blindly and I found that I wanted him to
put it in me just so that the pain would stop.

Finally I reached down and struggled with him as I
guided the tip of his cock to the entrance to my pussy.
As soon as he felt his cock penetrate me he lunged and
began pistoning in and out of me like nothing I could
have imagined. I had my eyes closed until he drove that
ten inch cock into me with more violence than anything
that I had ever experienced. Suddenly my eyes shot open
and there, right in my face, was a camera capturing my
horror and my *********** for the audience.

The tears were streaming down my face. They were tears
of *********** and tears of pain. I have no doubt that
they were just what the audience wanted to see.

Hector kept pounding into me like an out of control
machine and I felt that knot growing in the base of his
cock with each ****** stroke. As it grew I felt it
******* its way into my pussy, spreading me open
painfully with each violent stroke. It was getting
bigger with each thrust and each time it stretched me
open and penetrated me it hurt more. It was beginning
to feel like it was the size of a tennis ball when he
suddenly stopped thrusting and left the knot buried in
me. I felt his cock throbbing and I realized that he
was squirting his dog cum into me with every throb of
that huge cock.

He rested his head on my head and shoulder and his
tongue lolled out of his mouth right beside my face.
The camera was there to capture my horror and the
Amazon was there to enjoy it. At first I didn't feel
the cum that was filling my insides. But as the volume
grew I felt myself swelling. Not painfully, but I was
aware that a large volume of very warm liquid was
filling my insides.

That wasn't enough *********** for the Amazon though.
She squatted down beside me and said, "Don't you think
you should show your new lover how much you appreciate
him bitch? Poor Hector is doing all the work. Show him
how much you love him. Take that tongue into your mouth
and suck on it like you sucked on his cock earlier. You
don't want him to think you are a cold, frigid bitch do
you? Look where that got you with your husband! Go on
bitch. Suck that big tongue right down."

I groaned and hung my head for a second. Then I felt
that cattle prod moving over my left tit and my head
shot up. I opened my mouth and took Hector's drooling
tongue into my mouth like a long, limp dick. I sucked
on it gently as the cameras circled around me getting
my degradation from every angle.

As my pussy filled with dog cum and I sucked on that
gross tongue the Amazon whispered, "Just think how much
the guys at work are going to enjoy this movie when
it's finished bitch. They'll never look at you the same
way again. For the rest of your life one thing will
always be true. You suck dog cocks and you let a dog
fuck you. That is something you will have in the back
of your mind for the rest of your fucking life. Every
time you see a dog you will think about what you did
here today. And not just today. I hear that they are
going to bring you back often if this movie does as
well as they think it will. Maybe next time I'll bring
a pony for you. Do you like ponies bitch?"

I hadn't realized it at first, but Hector's cock had
finally stopped throbbing inside of me. He was resting
over me now and waiting for his knot to go down so that
he could pull free. After several minutes he started
trying to pull free. It hurt like hell but he didn't
care. He made several abortive attempts to pull free
and then he pulled out with one quick jerk. I screamed
in pain when that huge knot escaped from my widely
stretched pussy.

As soon as he pulled free the Amazon gripped his collar
and held him firmly in place and said, "Okay bitch, as
soon as you suck his cock clean you are finished."

I tried to focus on those last three words. It was
almost over! I turned to get into position and leaned
down under Hector. I took his still huge cock into my
mouth. It was still dripping dog cum but I didn't care.
I just wanted this horrible experience to be over. I
sucked and swallowed until Hector pulled away and the
Amazon led him to the door and handed his leash back to
the man on the other side.

She came back over to me and patted my head. She smiled
and said, "You are a good bitch. I must admit I am very
disappointed that I didn't get to use the cattle prod
on your ass. Most women aren't as easy as you. But
don't worry, there will be other chances. One of these
days you will get the chance to dance on the end of my
cattle prod."

She patted my head again, just as if I was a bitch dog.
Then she went out through the door that her dogs had
passed through. I collapsed into a ball and cried like
a baby. I was aware of the men moving around me and
capturing my desperate tears and that seemed to make
everything even worse. My anguish was just
entertainment for them!

They filmed me crying on the floor for a couple of
minutes before the director yelled, "Cut! We got it!
That was a definite keeper. The perverts are going to
love it. Somebody get the bitch cleaned up."

Two men came over to where I was lying in the *****
position, half out of my mind and more than ready to
give up the other half. I knew that I couldn't take
much more of this constant *****. But then, that was
the point wasn't it? They enjoyed a***ing me, but their
goal was to break me. They were succeeding.

The two large men lifted me to my feet and said, "Come
on bitch. A nice hot shower will make it all better."

Yeah right. I was fine. Just a little dirty. Stupid old
man! I'm losing my mind here!!

The two men half dragged me to a small bathroom in the
corner. One of the men pointed out a box of premeasured
douches and suggested that under the circumstances two
of them might be appropriate. I sat on the toilet and
they watched me as I inserted the first nozzle and
squirted it up inside of me. I released the liquid into
the toilet and repeated the process.

After I wiped myself they placed me in a shower stall
and stood and watched while I took a long, hot shower.
I hated to admit it but as I came clean I did start to
feel better. I had to keep blocking out what I had just
done, or had done to me. And I had to erase from my
mind what the Amazon had said about coming back here
and doing this again. But as the dog cum was washed
away I kept filling my mouth with clean water and
spitting it out until I couldn't taste it anymore. It
wasn't "all better", but I was feeling more human.

I just prayed that it was over. I was exhausted and I
needed to lie down and *****. I needed to not be raped
and ****** for a few hours. My mind was becoming very
brittle. I could feel it and it scared me.

I dried off and walking under my own power now I
followed the men back out to the studio. They led me
back to the set where I had just been raped by two
large dogs. I was so embarrassed by what had just been
done to me that I kept my eyes down. I was almost
certain that my ordeal was over now, at least for

I nearly collapsed when I looked up and saw Kevin
standing in front of me with his shirt off. His large,
muscular body was gleaming and I realized that someone
had spread lotion or some kind of oil over him and I
also realized that my ordeal was not yet over.

Kevin smiled at the despair he saw on my face. I became
aware that they were already filming again. The set had
gotten quiet and the camera men were all at work. The
boom was suspended over our heads. I shook my head and
pleaded, "Please sir. I can't take anymore. I'll lose
my mind if I don't get some rest. I promise I'll do
anything you want for the rest of my life if you just
let me go home and get some *****."

In a very reasonable, calm and quiet voice he said,
"But that isn't how you break a cunt. It's for your own
good bitch. After today you will be a nice happy slut,
just like your little girl. I broke her and I'll break
you. After today your ass will be mine. But first you
have to be broken. You are a lot easier to break than
Lori. She took me nearly two weeks to break. You will
be broken by the time we leave here this afternoon.
Just four days! That may be a record. I don't think
that I've ever broken an uptight bitch like you in just
four days before."

My shoulders slumped and the tears started again. I
almost fell to the floor. But I struggled to stay on my
feet as Kevin asked, "Do you know what was missing from
your first beating cunt?"

I sobbed, "No sir."


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He reached out and traced my face with his finger tips.
He captured some of my tears and pushed his finger into
my mouth. I automatically started sucking on it like a
small cock.

While I sucked on his finger he said, "What was missing
was your screams. I didn't want the neighbors calling
the police so we had to stuff your little girl's dirty
panties in your mouth to gag you. I hated not being
able to hear your screams. That won't be a problem here
though. In here you can scream as loud as you want. And
we will be able to relive the excitement over and over
because they are going to capture it all on film for
us. Well, for us and all the perverts out there that
get off on that as much as I do."

Kevin grabbed my arm and pulled me across the dungeon
set. For the first time I noticed that it had been
transformed. The walls were hung with implements of
******* of every description. Everywhere I looked there
was some kind of whip or some other implement that was
designed to cause pain. I didn't know what they were or
how they would be used on me but I knew that Kevin had
been right. I was going to leave here today a broken

Kevin led me to a chain hanging from the ceiling and I
stood perfectly still and allowed him to weave the
leather strap attached to the chain into my long blonde
hair. When he was satisfied with his work he wound a
strap around it so that it wouldn't come undone.

He stepped back and looked at me. It was obvious that
he was enjoying this. He had an erection already. He
looked me over and said, "Let's just make sure that's

He walked over to a switch on the wall and pushed a
button and the chain began to tighten. There was some
slack in it but that was quickly taken up and soon I
was being lifted up onto my toes. I screamed in pain
and lifted my arms up to grab the chain above my head
as my feet slowly came up off of the floor.

Kevin yelled at me to put my hands down and I tried.
God I tried. I released my hold on the chain and hung
by the hair on my head. I screamed over and over and I
kept lifting my arms to relieve the pain.

I felt movement and seconds later my toes touched the
ground again. Slowly I was eased down until I was able
to stand flat footed on the cold floor. I cried
hysterically and begged him to release me. I told him
that I was broken. I promised him that there was
nothing I wouldn't do for him.

He just chuckled and said, "Not yet bitch. If you were
broken you wouldn't be begging me. You would accept
this and take pleasure from pleasing me with your
suffering. No my sweet cunt, I'm afraid the fun and
games are just beginning."

He stepped away and when he returned he placed a wide,
thick leather collar around my throat. He pulled it
very tight and when he was finished I couldn't move my
neck. My head was immobilized.

I stared straight ahead at the cameras recording my
mental demise while Kevin attached leather straps to my
thighs just below my crotch. My arms were hanging limp
at my sides now and he quickly fastened the cuffs that
were attached to those thigh straps to my wrists.

He moved behind me then and wrapped a strap around my
elbows and pulled it taut. My breasts were suddenly
thrust forward and I was totally helpless. I was
expecting the whip now. But there would be much
suffering before he got around to the whip.

He moved back over to the switch on the wall and pushed
the button that raised the chain. I was slowly lifted
off of the floor again and now I was helpless to
relieve the pain in my scalp. I screamed and I screamed
and the cameras were right there to record my horror
and my suffering. I dangled and I twisted helplessly,
my feet six inches off of the floor.

Kevin watched me for a minute or two before he began
toying with me. He spun me around and watched me
spinning in one direction until the chain wound tight
and then spinning back.

I was unable to believe that I didn't lose
consciousness. The pain was beyond anything that I
could have imagined. I screamed and I begged for
someone to help me. I promised to do anything and
everything that anyone ever wanted. But mostly I
screamed in pain.

It seemed like forever before I felt the floor under my
feet again. I hadn't even realized that the chain was
being lowered until my toes touched the floor and
suddenly the pressure was relieved. Not completely
though. I was only just able to stand on my toes. Much
of my weight was still dangling from the chain.

I saw movement on the other side of me and the Amazon
appeared beside me holding a box. She was still wearing
that leather harness and through my tears I could see
the bright smile on her face and the intense look of
pleasure in her eyes. She looked like she could have an
orgasm just from watching me scream.

Kevin reached into the small box that she was carrying
and pulled out several huge needles. He held them up in
front of my face and asked, "Do you know what these are

I had no idea. They looked like acupuncture needles but
they were about six inches long. I sobbed my answer.
"No sir. I don't know what they are for. Please sir. I
beg of you. Anything! I'll do anything. I'll suck more
dogs. I'll suck off a pony. I'll eat my ********* cunt
in a bar. I'll suck and fuck anybody anywhere. Oh god.
I can't take it anymore!"

Kevin leaned closer and kissed my lips gently. He
smiled and said, "I know you will cunt. Don't worry.
When we are finished here you'll have all the cock you
want. But first we have to finish breaking you. These
needles..., these are specially made to skewer your
tits with. I have a hundred of them but I'll probably
only use half of them. I'm going to place them against
the tender flesh of your tits and slowly apply pressure
until they puncture your skin. Then I will slowly apply
more pressure until the sharp point comes out on the
other side of your tit. I understand that it is very
painful. Are you ready?"

I didn't answer. I watched in horror as he carefully
placed the first needle just behind the nipple on my
right breast and began to apply pressure using the
brightly colored plastic handle. I couldn't tilt my
head down because of the leather collar holding it in
place. But I could look down with my eyes and I watched
in abject terror as the point entered my breast.

As soon as the point broke the skin I finally passed
out. But of course it's no fun torturing and
*********** victim. I was instantly revived by the
Amazon with smelling salts.

As soon as he could see that I was awake and aware,
Kevin began ******* the needle through the flesh of my
breast until I saw the point pressing against the flesh
on the opposite side. I felt it moving through my
breast and I screamed over and over as he drove it
through me. When the point finally broke the skin on
the other side he moved it back and forth until he had
it centered. That was when I passed out again.

I was quickly revived. As my eyes opened again Kevin
said, "I don't think that I have ever been so turned on
in my fucking life. I don't know why, but for some
reason I am enjoying doing this to you even more than
when I did it to your little girl. I guess your mind is
a much better fuck than hers. I hope I don't shoot off
in my pants before I can bury my cock in your tight
little ass. That's how you will know we are finished
today cunt, when you have every inch of my cock buried
in your ass."

I groaned in pain. I didn't even care anymore. I
responded, "Yes! Please sir, Fuck my ass. I beg of you.
Please end this. Fuck my ass as hard as you want. Oh
god. I beg of you!

Kevin chuckled and said, "I like your attitude cunt.
But there is a lot to do before you get to enjoy my
cock stretching your ass. Shall we continue?"

My answer was a pitiful sob.

I closed my eyes as the second needle was placed behind
the nipple on my left breast. He started applying
pressure again but then he noticed that my eyes were
closed and he said, "Open your eyes cunt. You don't
want to miss any of the fun."


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I wanted very much to miss "the fun" he was having. I
don't think I knew it on a conscious level yet. But I
was broken. I would obey any order now without even
thinking about it. I would hate what he made me do, but
I would do whatever he wanted me to do and I would do
it eagerly, just like my ******** did. At this moment I
would do anything to avoid this pain and this feeling
of total helplessness which seemed to amplify the pain.

But he was a long way from done. The pain was all that
I had to look forward to until he decided that he was
done torturing me. Here there was no chance of release.
No white night was going to come to my rescue. There
was no "safe word" that would obtain my release. There
was no promise that I could make that would bring this
torment to a close. No, his fun was just beginning.

I watched with just as much horror as the second needle
skewered my tit flesh. The pain was just as bad the
second time and the horror of seeing my flesh pierced
in this manner was at least as bad as the pain itself.
A woman's breasts are one of the most sensitive parts
of her body and we protect them aggressively. We invest
a lot of our self worth in those organs because they
are such a prominent sign of our femininity and because
society has come to place so much emphasis on them.
They all but represent our very womanhood. That someone
would mistreat them in his manner was all but

I wasn't imagining it now though. I was ****** to watch
as Kevin slowly ****** one large needle after another
through my tits until it seemed that there was no room
for him to insert another. The bright plastic grips of
the needles covered my breasts almost like a brightly
colored bikini.

Kevin reached into the box and removed the last half
dozen needles and smiled. He said, "I guess you had
room for more than fifty after all. If we get these
last six into you somewhere you'll have taken all one
hundred. You must be pretty proud.

I would have thought that by now my body would have
shut down, would have reached the point that the pain
couldn't get any worse. The only parts of my breasts
that I could see now were my nipples. The rest of my
tit flesh was covered completely with those needles.

I had been surprised at how little ***** there was.
There were small rivulets of ***** trickling down my
belly now, but not the streams that I might have

Kevin studied my pin cushion breasts for a moment and
said, "Well cunt, it looks like the only place left to
stick these last ones is your nipples. Did you ever
wonder what it was like to have your nipples pierced?"

It was just another of his rhetorical questions. I'm
sure it was meant more for the people who would pay to
see the movie they were making than for me. I didn't
respond and he didn't expect a response from me.

He held the next needle up in front of my pain wracked
face and asked facetiously, "Does it matter which tit I
start with?"

He smiled and said, "I didn't think so."

He pressed the needle he was holding against the tip of
my nipple and began driving it straight into my nipple.
I could feel it as it came into contact with some of
the other needles embedded in my tit and was deflected.
He stopped with it protruding about four inches. He had
only placed two inches of it in my tit. I stared in
horror as it bounced up and down with the heaving of my
breasts. It was disgusting to watch.

He repeated the process, driving another needle
straight into the nipple on my other breast. He worked
two of the remaining needles into the top of my nipples
and the final two into the sides.

When he was finished he stepped back and admired his
handiwork. He sighed and said, "Damn! That was a lot of
work. I'm exhausted."

Yesterday I would undoubtedly have had some sarcastic
response to that. I would have probably kept it to
myself, but I would have thought it. Not now. Now I was
broken. Now I was just fuck meat.

Four days ago I didn't suck cocks and I didn't let men
fuck me or even touch me. Now I was fuck meat.

From this time forward any man could make me do
anything. Now I was fuck meat.

The cameras had come in for more close-ups. I stared at
them blankly as they panned in and captured all the
details of my skewered breasts and my ******** face.

I probably should have been begging to have the needles
removed at this point. Actually I dreaded it. As long
as they were not moving the pain was bearable. Once he
started pulling them out it was going to start all over

He wasn't ready to remove them yet though. He had moved
out of my sight and I was just balancing on my toes and
staring ahead into space when suddenly there was an
explosion of pain on my ass. I heard the crack of
something smashing violently into my flesh and I
screamed in pain.

I jerked away from whatever it was that had struck me
and when I did my tits bounced and I screamed again.

Kevin moved around in front of me and held up the
vicious looking leather strap that he had just struck
me with. He held it to my lips and said, "Kiss it
bitch. Kiss it and thank me for making a proper cunt
out of you."

I touched my lips to the strap and kissed it lovingly.
Then I stared at the strap and said, "Thank you sir.
Thank you for breaking me. Thank you for making me into
a proper cunt."

He stared into my eyes and he saw it was true now. He
knew that I was broken. He had done it before. He knew
what it looked like. But he wasn't through. There was
still pleasure to be taken from my pain. There was
still a movie to be made.

He lowered his arm and brought it back and I was afraid
that he was going to whip my tits. I could just imagine
the damage that would do with all of those needles
skewering my flesh. I was relieved when the strap
struck me across my stomach just above my pussy.

I screamed and jumped again. Knowing that it was coming
wasn't much help. He struck me several more times from
just below my tits to just above my knees. Each time
there was a loud crack of leather striking flesh,
followed immediately by my scream of pain.

He moved back behind me and struck my back and my ass
and the back of my thighs a half dozen times. The last
blow elicited only a groan. I was nearly ***********
now. I was in too much pain to scream.

He put the strap down. He turned to the Amazon and
asked, "Would you mind removing those needles from her
tits. The bitch is wearing me out. I need a rest."

She smiled evilly. It was obvious that she had enjoyed
my torment as much as Kevin had. She was probably
disappointed that she hadn't gotten to take a more
active role in torturing me.

She stepped in front of me and began to slowly remove
the needles and put them back in the box. As she worked
she spoke to me quietly. She said, "I have enjoyed the
hell out of this, cunt. I thought that torturing your
little girl was probably the most exciting thing I had
ever done. But for some reason tormenting you like this
really turns me on. You are a fantastic mind fuck.
We'll have to bring you and your ******** in here after
you recover. That way we can compare. I have never
******** a ****** and ******** before. It's very
exciting. Oh, and I thought you should know, before
your master fucks your ass I am going to get to use my
cattle prod on you."


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I think she was disappointed when I didn't react. At
least I didn't react visibly. My insides turned to ice.
I became so distracted by the prospect of dancing on
the end of this beastly woman's cattle prod that I
hardly felt her removing those horrible needles. I
stared straight ahead and tried not to watch the
needles coming out or the frustration on her face when
I remained stoic as she continued the ******* of my

When the needles were all removed she poured most of a
bottle of ******* over my breasts. I screamed again as
the ******* seeped into the two hundred tiny pin holes
in my flesh. That pleased her.

She moved away from me and when she returned she was
holding her magic want in front of my face. She pressed
the button so that I could hear the electric hum again.
She had a mad look in her eyes as she contemplated the
pain that she was about to cause me. I sobbed in fear
but I didn't speak. I didn't beg or plead. It didn't
occur to me that I was depriving them of pleasure when
I didn't grovel for them. I had just accepted my fate.
I was, after all, just fuck meat.

She moved the prod over my gently, teasing me. The two
small electrodes on the tip looked like a snake's fangs
preparing to strike. As she moved the inactive prod
over my flesh she whispered, "Are you scared now cunt?"

In a flat voice I responded, "Yes mistress. I am

Her smile spread and she leaned forward. Just like
Kevin had done earlier she touched her lips to mine and
kissed me gently. With our nipples touching and her
lips only an inch from mine she stared into my eyes and
said, "I can smell your fear. I can taste it on your
lips. I am going to cause you more pain than you can
imagine. That whipping, those needles, they are nothing
compared to the pain you are going to experience when I
touch my cattle prod to your tender flesh and push the
button. I can't wait to hear your screams then. You
will scream so hard that it will hurt your throat. You
are going to remember me for the rest of your miserable

I looked her straight in the eyes and in a trembling
voice I asked, "Why?"

She exhaled in my face and exclaimed eagerly, "Because
I am so turned on right now that I wish more than
anything else that I had a twelve inch cock so that I
could **** you to fucking death!"

She kissed me again and whispered, "But I don't have a
cock. So I am going to fuck you with my prod. Are you
ready to dance darling?"

She moved back only a few inches. Her body was still
nearly touching mine. She touched the twin tips of the
prod to the side of my breast and with no warning that
it was coming I suddenly felt 9,000 volts of
electricity shoot through my body. The Amazon was
wrong. I couldn't even scream!

She released the button instantly and I collapsed,
hanging helplessly by my hair from the chain that held
me in place. I felt the pain all over my body. The pain
in my breast overwhelmed the pain in my scalp as I
dangled by my hair.

There was spittle dripping from my mouth and my body
shivered uncontrollably. She slapped my face and
screamed, "Get up you fucking cunt!"

Then, in a quieter voice she said, "Come on baby, on
your feet. We're just getting started."

I struggled to my toes once more and relieved the pain
in my scalp. She reached out and gently wiped the
spittle from my lips and then she leaned forward and
kissed me again. She moved her head back only slightly
and sniffed at me like one of her dogs.

She backed away a little more but our nipples were
still touching when she smiled and said, "It's stronger
now. It won't be long before you piss yourself. Are you
as excited as I am cunt? Christ! If you would just
touch your tongue to my clit at this moment I would
have one of the most incredible orgasms of my life. But
you can't do that of course. So let's have a little
more foreplay, okay?"

She stepped back slightly and began to move her prod
lightly over my body again. At first she watched the
prod moving over my flesh. But then she stared into my
eyes as the prod slid over my breasts again and with no
warning she pressed the button again, right over my

The next thing I knew she was slapping my face and I
was once more hanging limply by my hair from the

She saw my eyes flutter and in a cold but quiet voice
she said, "On your feet cunt. Please don't pass out
again. You don't get the full effect when you are
***********. That really annoys me."

I struggled to get back on my toes. I didn't feel
totally in control of my muscles. My legs were rubbery
and weak. She moved close again and gently wiped the
drool from my lips once more. She leaned forward then
and licked the tears from my cheeks before she gently
kissed my lips again. She let the kiss linger this time
and when she broke the kiss she whispered, "Can you
smell it? That's your piss. You pissed yourself cunt.
Your legs are all pissy now. I am so embarrassed for
you. I would imagine that right now you would ***** a
gallon of dog cum if I would just put down this prod,
wouldn't you?"

I stared at her blankly. I heard the words and I seemed
to understand the meaning but I was in shock. That
didn't bother her though. She stepped back once more
and this time she leaned down and slowly inserted the
end of her cattle prod into my cunt. She worked it
inside of me very slowly, very gently. When she was
satisfied she straightened up slightly and looked into
my eyes. The look of anticipation, the look of lust on
her face was horrific.

I didn't even feel it when she pressed the button and
sent all of that electricity into my cunt. I simply
went from conscious to *********** without even
realizing that I was being all but electrocuted.

When I regained consciousness I was lying on the floor
in a puddle of my own piss. I opened my eyes and saw
that monstrous woman squatting over me. As soon as my
eyes opened she started pissing right in my face.

I didn't move a muscle until she ordered me to roll
over onto my back and open my mouth. I didn't even have
to think about. I wasn't totally in control of my
muscles yet but I rolled over and opened my mouth
instantly. My Amazonian *******r from hell adjusted her
aim and unleashed another torrent of hot piss right in
my face. She adjusted her aim and I soon felt the
thick, acidic stream of urine landing in my wide open
mouth. There was a spray that landed on my face but
most of it entered my mouth.

The taste was sickening but it never even occurred to
me to try to escape her aim. As the stream began to
taper off she started ordering me to swallow. I
struggled to obey but I had a hard time keeping it
down. My stomach rebelled but when she saw me on the
verge of spitting it back up she screamed at me, "If
you don't keep that down you'll clean this mess up with
your tongue and you'll keep cleaning it up until you
keep down every drop of it!"

I finally got my stomach under control as she stepped
away from me. She stared down at me for a moment and
said, "Your ******** did a much better job. I think she
swallowed half of it. You probably just need more

She turned and walked away at last and it wasn't until
she was gone from the room that I realized that I was
no longer bound. The cuffs and straps and the collar
had all been removed.

I could hardly move my arms but I concentrated and I
strained and I was finally able to reach up and massage
my *******d scalp. Every move I made was *******. My
entire body was wracked with pain. The only exception
was my pussy which was numb.


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I wanted to sit up and get out of the large puddle of
piss that I was lying in but I didn't move until Kevin
came over and smiled down at my pain wracked body. He
said, "Jesus! For such a prissy bitch you sure stink a
lot. Get up bitch."

I tried to sit up but I couldn't. I ended up struggling
to roll over and then getting up slowly onto my hands
and knees. I was panting with the exertion and had to
pause before I had the strength to attempt to get my
feet under me.

Kevin watched me and enjoyed my struggles. He sounded
impatient when he asked, "What's the matter cunt? Do
you like lying there in a puddle of piss?" But I saw
his face and it was obvious that he was amused.

I answered in a respectful voice, "No sir. I'm sorry
sir. My muscles are...I'm having a hard time getting

He laughed and responded, "If I got one of those cattle
prods you'd get your ass up. Christ! My grandma is
faster than you!"

I finally managed to stand. I wasn't very steady on my
feet but I was up. He ordered me to walk around him a
couple of times and as I moved in a circle around him I
felt the strength slowly returning to my limbs.

He laughed at me and said, "****! Lori got right up
with no problems. Maybe we took it too easy on her.
What do you think bitch?"

I answered, "I don't know sir. Maybe it's just because
I'm so much older."

He replied, "You aren't that old, bitch. You're no
spring chicken but I'd still classify you as prime

When I was moving around well enough to satisfy him he
threw me a damp down and said, "Wipe your ass and your
legs clean with that, bitch."

I caught the towel and wiped down my hips and my ass. I
ran it down over my legs and removed as much of the
dried and drying piss as I could. The piss on my legs
had mostly come from me when I pissed myself. It was
mostly dry now. The Amazon's piss had been concentrated
on my face and hair. That was still damp and fresh.

When Kevin was satisfied he dropped his pants and
ordered me to suck his cock until it was hard. I
dropped to my knees in front of him instantly and took
his cock into my mouth. It was encrusted with dried
crud. He must have spent most of the last couple hours
while I was being ******** with a hard on. His cock
probably had been leaking lube most of that time. Now
it covered his soft cock in a thin crust.

I sucked him clean and then I sucked on his quickly
growing cock like I had never sucked a cock before. I
was fuck meat now. This was what I was good for.

When his cock was hard he held out his hand and someone
tossed him something from off camera. He caught it and
handed it to me. It was a tube of lubricant. He ordered
me to grease his cock.

I obeyed instantly. I remembered what he had said would
be the final event of the day. He was going to fuck my
virgin ass with his big cock. I greased his cock up. I
put as much on it as I could get to stick. Then he
said, "Up bitch."

I struggled to my feet again and he ordered me to turn
around and bend over. The close-up cameras returned and
Kevin said, "Okay bitch. Spread your ass cheeks and
back up. I want you to back up until my cock is buried
as far as it will go in your tight ass."

That turned out to be just as hard as it sounded. I
backed up until I felt his cock resting on my ass. His
legs were a lot longer than mine and even standing on
my toes I couldn't line us up. I reached between my
legs and nearly fell over as I bent down and pulled his
cock down to my opening. I held it in place and
struggled to back up. I was pushing with all of my
might and I was getting frantic because I just couldn't
get it to go in.

I heard laughter from the large group of men and the
two women who were watching from behind the cameras and
then Kevin laughed and said, "I guess you still need a
lot of training, bitch. Well, don't worry. I have
plenty of time to devote to your bitch training.

I felt his hands grip my hips and suddenly he thrust
his pelvis and pulled back on me and half of his cock
surged into my ass.

I screamed in pain. It was nearly as bad as the cattle
prod! There was more laughter as I cried out again and
again while Kevin ****** his cock deeper into my
bowels. The pain was incredible. His cock was so huge.
But it never occurred to me to resist. I was, after
all, just so much fuck meat.

I remained bent over in front of him with my hands
resting on my knees for support now as he began to ****
my ass as ******** as possible. I was crying loudly and
I cried out in pain frequently as he made one vicious
lunge after another into my ****** body.

In only a few minutes he said, "**** bitch. I was
hoping to spend half an hour in here. Your fucking
screaming turns me on so much I can't last. Fuck!"

With that last exclamation he held my ass pressed tight
against his body and I felt his large cock throbbing as
he shot his cum deep in my ass.

He kept his cock buried in me for several minutes and
when it was almost soft he let the muscles in my ass
push it out. I dropped to my knees instantly and took
his semi-soft cock into my mouth and throat and sucked
him clean eagerly. I paid no attention to the bitter,
sickening taste that filled my mouth as I sucked his
nasty cock clean. After all, I'm just fuck meat now.

I started crying again when I found out that it wasn't
really over. For the next two hours or so I was made
available to every man in the building. They each took
a turn ****** my ass. After the fourth or fifth it
didn't hurt so much anymore. They had brought in a
table for me to lean on and I lay there crying quietly
and feeling sorry for myself. Sometimes I thought about
Lori and what it must have been like for her. But
mostly I felt sorry for myself. I could worry more
about Lori when the pain subsided.

When nobody wanted to **** me anymore I was allowed to
take another shower. I stood under the hot water and
thought about the last two days. Not the morning and
afternoon fucking with the four men at work so much. I
thought about how I had been gang ****d all night long,
****d into ***************. And then I had been brought
directly here and ******** and ****d for most of the
day. I had seen one of the men's wrist watches while I
was sucking his slimy cock clean and I was not at all
surprised to see that it was mid-afternoon now. I had
been here for almost eight hours.

I washed my hair several times and rinsed my mouth out
with water until the nasty taste was mostly gone. I
shut the water off and dried off quickly. Then I went
out to the studio, praying with every step that I could
go home and get some ***** now. Even fuck meat needs to

My clothes were in tatters and as expected I was taken
out to the car in the nude. As soon as he got in Kevin
pulled his cock out and said, "Get down here and suck
on this while I drive us home bitch. I'll make you a
little deal. If you get me off before we get to the
house I won't beat you tonight for cheating on me with
all of those men."

That was too easy. We were half way across town and it
was the beginning of rush hour. We weren't even half
way home when he came in my mouth. I held his cock in
my mouth for the rest of the trip. More than a few
lucky truckers got a good look at me in that stop and
go traffic and there was a lot of horn honking at my
expense. I didn't care if they saw me now though. I
mean, after all, I'm just fuck meat.

Kevin usually pulled into the garage now that he was
living in our house. It amused him today to park in the
driveway. He must have seen that several of my
neighbors were outside. We got out of the car and
walked casually into the house.

I opened the door for my master and held it for him and
just as he stepped inside I saw a blur of motion. I
screamed as Kevin dropped like a ton of bricks. I was
terrified because I didn't know what had happened and
because I knew that if Kevin was pissed off he would
take it out on me and Lori.

Then my husband stepped into view holding a baseball
bat in his hands. He swung it over and over, beating
Kevin nearly to death. I thought for sure that he was
going to **** him and I was surprised to find that I
had mixed emotions about that. I hated and feared
Kevin. But he was my master. I was his fuck meat.


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Kevin had been beaten ***********. My husband finally
stopped beating him and stood up straight. He looked at
me and I saw the worried look on his face. He leaned
the bat against the wall and stepped over Kevin and
took me into his arms.

I tried to back away but he held me tight and asked
quietly, "Are you alright Karen?"

I almost didn't know who Karen was!

I tried to push Tom away but he wouldn't budge. I
whispered to him, "Please Tom. You don't want me
anymore. I'm fuck meat now."

He gasped in shock at what I had said but he wouldn't
let me go. I was crying hard now. I tried to explain.
"Tom, you don't understand. I'm ruined. I've done
things...I've had things done to me, I'm sorry Tom. I
can't even say them out loud."

He hugged me so hard it almost drove the breath out of
me. He kissed my forehead and said, "I know. I know all
about it. I came over to check on Lori and I got the
whole story out of her. She told me everything. I don't
care Karen. Nothing that happened is your fault.
Nothing that happened was her fault. You were both
raped and ******** and the fault lies with the people
that did this to you. But it's over now. We'll get help
for you and Lori and we'll talk and we will work this

Tom took me upstairs and put me in bed. He gave me some
water and some aspirin and I don't even remember my
head hitting the pillow. I slept for almost twenty-four

When I awoke it was around noon the next day. Tom was
sitting by the window staring at me. When he saw my
eyes open he stood up and came over and sat on the edge
of the bed. He took my hand and said, "I was getting
worried. I was just about to call for an ambulance to
take you to the hospital."

I started crying again. He seemed so genuinely
concerned. How could he even stand to look at me after
what he knew about me now? Lori had been subjected to
every horrible torment that I had and she had revealed
them all to her ******. He knew about ever nasty thing
that I had done in the last four days. Hell, I couldn't
even stand to be near me!

Tom stretched out beside me and held me in his arms. It
felt good to be in his strong, gentle arms again. I
could have kicked myself for being the bitch that I was
and for kicking him out. But I still could not
understand how he could even stand to touch me after
what he knew.

I finally got my crying under control and looked at
Tom. I saw the love in his eyes and I just shook my
head. I whispered, "I don't understand. How can you
want me now? How can you even stand to look at me?"

He held me tighter and said, "To be honest, I don't
really understand that myself. I was furious with you
when you kicked me out. If asked I probably would have
said that I hated you. But I had a lot of time to think
about us when I was alone. I missed you and Lori so
much. I wasn't the perfect husband and you weren't the
perfect wife. If you will consider taking me back I
would like to work on that. The truth is, Karen, I
still love you. I never stopped loving you. I hate what
happened to you but it wasn't your fault and I don't
hold you responsible for it. If you will work with me
on this I want to get past this."

I sat up and stared at him. He was wrong about not
being the perfect husband. I hadn't realized it at the
time but now, looking back, I could see that he had
been nearly perfect. I was just too much of a bitch to
realize it. Could I make it up to him now? Would he be
able to enjoy the changes in me without holding them
against me?

I said, "Okay Tom. Let's talk. Let me go to the
bathroom before I explode and we'll talk. There is a
lot to say. But first, how is Lori?"

He smiled and said, "Lori is doing fine. She went
through everything you did and more. Her torment lasted
for months. But she is strong and resilient and she is
doing very well. She will never again be the sweet
innocent fifteen year old ******** that we had. But I
think she is strong enough that she will come out of
this alright."

I tentatively leaned forward to kiss Tom. I watched
carefully for any sign that I disgusted him or that he
wasn't ready to have someone like me touch him but it
wasn't there. He actually looked relieved and we
exchanged a sweet and loving kiss. Then I rushed to the

I used the toilet and washed my face and brushed my
teeth and by the time I got back into the bedroom he
had two cups of coffee sitting on the table by the
window and a large fruit cup for me.

I could not remember eating in the last four days. I
hadn't weighed myself but I would not be surprised to
learn that I had lost fifteen pounds. And I had not
been overweight when my nightmare started.

I sipped my coffee and wolfed down the fruit while he
sat and watched me eat. When I had emptied the cup he
asked, "Do you want more?"

I shook my head and said, "Later, thanks."

I sipped my coffee and organized my thoughts and
finally I said, "Tom, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was such a
bitch. I'm sorry I was such a piss poor wife. Maybe you
were not the perfect husband, but you were awfully
damned close. Everything that happened really is my
fault. Everything that happened between us, everything
that happened to Lori, and everything that happened to
me is entirely my fault. If I had not been such a cold,
frigid bitch we would have had a happy marriage and you
would have been here to protect us."

Tom started to interrupt me but I put my finger on his
lips and said, "No Tom, please, let me finish."

I sat back and said, "As horrible as the last four days
have been I have learned a lot about myself. I saw what
people really thought of me and I came to realize that
I really was a cold bitch. I want to make it up to you
but I am afraid that now that I have changed, and I
have changed, you won't be able to get past what has
just happened to me. You won't be able to make love to
me or accept me making love to you without resenting
me. You won't be able to look at me without thinking of
the things that Lori told you."

"Tom, I have been fucked by rooms full of men. I have
sucked a dog's cock and I have been fucked by a dog. I
have been pissed on and men have lined up to fuck my
ass. How can you get over that?"


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I was astonished when he chuckled. I looked at him in
shock and he said, "Jesus Karen! That's the first time
I ever heard you say fuck! Maybe you have changed!"

We looked at each other and suddenly we were both
laughing almost uncontrollably. When we were once more
under control I wiped the tears of laughter from my
eyes and sat back. I said, "Tom, I learned a lot more
than how to say fuck and cock. I learned that my cunt
is not made of gold. I learned to have orgasms. I
learned how to suck a cock and I'm pretty damn good at
it now. But would you want a slut like me for a wife?"

He was dead serious when he responded, "It sounds like
a dream come true to me. I have to be honest Karen.
There is hardly a moment that went by since we got
married that I didn't wish that there was a lot more
slut in you."

I leaned forward and held his hand in mine and said
quietly, "I'm so sorry Tom."

He patted my hand and said, "I know Karen. We both
could have been better at this. I know what you are
thinking. You are wondering how I can love you after
what has happened. I guess that's just another
imperfection in me. Because to be perfectly honest,
some of what I heard from Lori turned me on. Not the
*******. Not the pain. But I don't hold any of what
happened against you and I don't look down on you for
what you went through. And to be ******** honest, if it
has turned you into a sexual being then I am glad it
happened. Does that make you want to throw me out

I suddenly realized that I didn't know Tom quite as
well as I thought that I did. Could he be serious? I
knew one way to find out.

I dropped to my knees and moved between his legs. I
began to unfasten his belt and as I struggled with his
belt he overcame his surprise and tried to still my
hands. He smiled at me and said, "I have no objection
to what you are doing. But maybe we should finished
talking first. I want you, but I don't want to take
advantage of the horrible things that have been done to
you and make things worse. I don't want you resenting
me when you are finished."

I smiled up at him and pulled my hands free. I said,
"You talk. You know I don't like people that talk with
their mouths full."

I managed to get his cock out of his pants. I felt just
the slightest twinge of regret when I was reminded that
his cock was almost half the size of Kevin's. But even
so it was a pretty cock. It was well formed and smooth
and I only now began to appreciate the beauty of it.

I leaned down and kissed it and then licked it
lovingly. Then I wet my lips and tightened them around
the head of his cock and slowly slid them all the way
down to the base. He gasped and cried out in pleasure.
I didn't remember the last time that we had made love.
Or should I say we had had sex? I had never sucked his
cock and as far as I knew he had never cheated on me.
This might very well be his first blowjob ever!

As I began to suck eagerly on his cock he gripped the
arms of his chair and gasped, "Oh my god Karen! I
never...I...oh ****!"

His cock may not be as large as Kevin's but I almost
****** on his huge load of cum. I had to swallow
several times before I managed to get it all down. Then
I licked his cock clean and held it in my mouth while
it went soft.

I was afraid to look up and see the disdain I expected
to see on his face but when I finally got up the nerve
and looked at his face I saw only love and gratitude. I
couldn't stand that and I started crying like a baby

He reached down and pulled me into his lap. He held me
tight and there was a slight struggle when he tried to
kiss me on the mouth. But he won and I put my arms
around his neck and held him so tight that I was afraid
I would hurt him.

His hand reached up and cupped my breast and for the
first time since I got out of bed I became aware of my
nudity. I had spent so much time naked lately that it
had come to feel natural.

I saw that he was watching to see what my reaction
would be to his hand on my breast. I had always
discouraged him in the past. At the time I didn't want
to be touched by him or any man. Now I put my hand over
his and smiled as I moved it over my breasts. They were
still tender from the ***** I had been subjected to
yesterday but I wanted Tom to know that I wanted to be
touched now. I had a lot to make up for and I was
looking forward to it.

I kissed him again and told him how much I loved him. I
thought for just a moment that he was going to cry and
it occurred to me that I had not told him I loved him
in years. The last time had probably been not long
after Lori was born!

I realized now just how much I loved him and I saw in
his eyes how much he loved me. Right then I knew that
we were going to make it. We had a lot to talk about
still. But we were going to make it.

We sat there in silence and held each other for a long
time until there was a quiet knock at the door and it
opened slowly. Lori was standing there in her bikini.
She saw us and smiled and said, "I'm sorry. I thought
you were asleep. It was so quiet in here. I was going
to see if anyone wanted to go jump in the pool."

I smiled at her and said, "Lori! Come here honey."

I didn't even think about the fact that I was naked and
her ******* cock was exposed between my legs. Tom was
uncomfortable but Lori didn't seem to pay it any mind.
Knowing what she had been through, or at least some of
what she had been through, I realized that nudity and
sexuality were no big deal to her now and never would
be. She and I were different now and we always would
be. Hell, we had eaten each other's pussies!

I took her hand when she came close and said,
"Sweetheart, I am so sorry. What happened to you, that
was all my fault. I promise you I'm going to make it up
to you. Someday I hope you'll be able to forgive me.
I'm going to be the best ****** that I can be from now
on. I swear it."



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She leaned over and kissed me and said, "Don't be silly
mom. Fuck, I was afraid you were going to be mad at me.
I submitted to that asshole first and I'm the one that
set you up. He made me do it but I didn't fight him."

I pulled her close and hugged her and said, "Lori, I
only went through four days of his ****. You were put
through the wringer for three months. And if I hadn't
thrown your dad out because I was such a fucking bitch
then I doubt if any of this would have happened. No
baby, it's my fault."

Tom laughed and interjected, "First of all, you two
need to start watching your fucking language. Secondly,
I would feel more comfortable if we continued this pity
party once I had my pants back on. I am not used to
flashing my teenage ********."

Lori laughed and said, "Oh dad, get over it. It's just
a cock for Christ's sake. I've seen a boatload of them
in the last three months. One more isn't going to
scandalize me."

He looked at her for a moment and then he said, "You
know, I hate to admit it but your attitude sounds a lot
healthier than mine. Hell, half the people in the world
have cocks. What's the big deal?"

Lori leaned over and kissed Tom and said, "Way to go
pop! Now, since you guys are awake, why don't we all go
downstairs and go skinny dipping?"

Tom and I looked at each other and almost in unison we
said, "What the fuck!"

We got up and I helped him take off his clothes. Then
the three of us went swimming in the pool.

Lori and I recovered quickly from what Kevin had done
to us. There were changes of course, most of them for
the better. Tom and I get along better and are closer
than we ever were. And we are both closer to Lori than
any other parents of a teenager that I know of. We are
more tolerant now, we have to be. There is no way that
Lori is going to go back to being the sweet, naïve
fifteen year old that she was before this happened. Tom
has had to get used to her bringing boys home and
fucking their brains out. Because of what I went
through it didn't bother me but he had to make a pretty
serious adjustment.

There was another adjustment that he had to make. But
this one he enjoyed. I found that I couldn't go back to
being monogamous. Well, I might have been able to. But
when Tom found out how much trouble I was having with
that, how much I missed having sex with my co-workers
and with our neighbor Hugh we talked it over. It turns
out that he was turned on hearing about the way the men
at work used me for sex. The same was true of Hugh. We
had a lot of hot sex after I related some of my
experiences to Tom and he finally admitted that he had
fantasized for a long time about watching me have sex
with other men.

So now I have sex with my four co-workers. Our
relationship has changed since Kevin left the picture,
but not that much. I still wear those slutty dresses to
work. I am still submissive to them and I still put out
for the occasional client. And we still talk about them
coming over and joining Lori and me for some hot sex.
Lori is all for it. But the threats are gone and the
fear is gone. Hell! I even think that Mr. Johnson is
starting to act like a human being now and then!

Hugh was shocked when I called him over to my house one
day and told him that Kevin was gone and Tom had come
back home. He was even more shocked when I told him
that he was still welcome to come over from time to
time and fuck me, even if Tom was home. In fact, I
think I was able to convince him that Tom would get a
kick out of it.

There are a few things from the darker side of this
that I suppose I need to mention. The morning after Tom
beat Kevin with the bat so badly he was found in a
gutter, just about half dead. He is suffering from
severe brain damage and doesn't even know his own name.
I asked an acquaintance who was a nurse to check on his
condition and she said that Kevin would never recover.
He can walk and talk but his brain is now at about the
level of a ten year old. He has become known for his
sweet disposition and gentleness. But he will always be
a ten year old.

The studio where Lori and I were ******** and filmed
doing all of those horrible things was burned down
several days after I was there. The fire was determined
to be the result of arson and the owners are suspected
and are likely to be charged. Evidence was found at the
home of the two men who owned the studio. They insist
that it was planted but the case is supposed to be
pretty strong against them.

The other piece of gossip that I picked up recently was
that a woman who owned a kennel outside of town was
********* and has been missing for months. Police claim
that they have information that she is being held
against her will in a whorehouse somewhere in Mexico
and ****** to service Mexican laborers in between her
donkey shows.

The End


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A hubby loves cock!

The husband and his wife don't belong to each other, it seems like they are willing to be fucked by absolutely anyone and they don't mind it. Read the story and see how the cuckold gets fucked in his ass!

I am a good hubby for a wife who loves cuckolding her husband. That was taking place when she brought a lover of hers with his friends to me and they had fun. I was dressed like a house maid and all the guys emptied their balls on me. wife was getting a close-up of me, I noticed all the men started to get dressed. After my wife got a good close-up of me Arthur told me to get dressed but do not wipe any cum of me. He also told me to clean the room up. As everyone walked out of the room I looked in the mirror and I saw myself with cum all over my face, hair, neck, on my fake breast, and in my panties. I turned around and looked at the back and read "I love cock" on my panties. I could also see the cum draining from my ass. I looked for my bra and maids uniform and found it difficult to walk because of getting fucked so hard and good! I couldn't walk comfortably in my heels. As I bent down to get my bra I could feel the cum escaping from my butt and into my panties. I could also feel sperm running down my face. I got my uniform and put it on. As I was cleaning I could feel the cum start to go down my thighs and into my stockings.

When I finished cleaning I went into the living room where Arthur and my wife were watching the movie of the party. He had his hand on my wife's inner thigh. He asked me if I was through cleaning and I said: "yes, master". He then handed me the camera and told me to start taping. As I turned it on my wife got off of the couch and undid Arthur's jeans. She started to suck his cock so I got closer as she took it in her mouth. She was sucking him off like she has never done with me. She then got up off of her knees, took her pants off, turned around, and lowered herself on his cock. I of course got a close-up of her pussy as she sat on his cock. Arthur then motioned for me to get a shot of her shirt. I did this so you could clearly see her nipple through the shirt because she wasn't wearing a bra and could read her shirt which had a phrase on the back: "My hubby loves cock". Arthur then told me to get a shot of my face. I did this and he asked me if the shot was well done. I answered in my feminine voice: "Yes, master". My wife started to go fast and hard. Soon she moaned she was gonna cum. As she was cumming, Arthur started to cum into her pussy. When she got up I got a close-up of her pussy leaking his cum. Arthur said:

"I am ready to take you 2 girls home. Come on!"

We got in the car and headed back to my house. Arthur started to slow down and turned into a very crowded convenience store. He told us to go get him some *****. My wife opened the door and got out, but I did not. Arthur looked in the back seat and ordered to me again. I answered him that it was very crowded over here and he quickly got out of the car and grabbed me by the arm to pull me out. He then pulled me to the back of the car where everyone could see. He told me to put my legs together and bend over to get punishment. He then told me I had to count the spankings out to him. He ended up giving me 10 spanks over my ass. After slapping my ass, I was then ordered to go get the ****** and that we had to be back at least in 10 minutes. Neither of us had a watch. He also told us we could not try to hide or even try to hide our faces and if anyone asked if the shirt saying "My hubby loves cock" was true, I had to show them my panties. We went in and 2 young guys came up to us and asked my wife if her husband loved cock. She said:

"Why don't you ask him, she is standing right there!"


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I then turned around bent over and lifted my uniform so they could read the back of my panties. They were looking at my wife's crotch so she spread her legs so they could see the cum leaking from her pussy. We finally decided that we should go because 10 minutes passed. So we bought the soda and returned to the car. Arthur then said that I won't ever disobey him again.

As we got to the garage we headed upstairs. We were lucky because no one passed us by on our way home. We got there and my wife realized she forgot the key in the car, so Arthur told her to go get it. When we were waiting the elevator door opened and my neighbor Brad walked out. Brad is a 6"2 black guy with a bald head and a muscular body. I tried to hide myself behind Arthur but he told me NO. When Brad walked by he looked at me and stopped. He said:

"Is that you?" and Arthur said:

"This slut loves to be called Pamella when she is dressed up!" Brad said:

"It looks like you have had fun" and I give him a glaring look because I was now humiliated even more than at the store because my neighbor knew me. At this moment my wife returned. Brad then asked her if that saying on the shirt was true. I know what I am supposed to do, but didn't say a word. Arthur slapped my ass and ordered me to answer him. I then turned around bend over and show him my panties. Brad said:

"I would like to fuck that sexy white ass!"

We walk in our apartment and Arthur invited Brad in. I walked over to a chair and sat down because my feet were hurting. Arthur told me to stop being such a rude maid, take his coat and get us something to *****. I did as I was told, they all sat on the couch with my wife in the middle. When I handed them their ****** Arthur told me to go get in the corner facing the wall, with my hand to the side, and standing straight up. I stood in the corner as they talked. They then walked around the apartment showing Brad around. They came back and told me to stand in front of them. Arthur asked me if I thought the punishment was severe enough for being so rude. I answered: "Yes, master". Then he asked me again how many spankings I should get. I said that at least 10 slaps. He told me to get into position. I then turned around put my legs together and put my palms on the coffee table looking straight down. Arthur took his belt off and handed it to Brad. Brad then gave me 4 very fast and hard spankings. Arthur stopped him and asked:

"Pamella what are you supposed to do? So I said:

"I want some more, master!" Then I got another 10 spankings and after that Arthur told me to stay where I was because he did not give me permission to watch my wife give Brad a blow job. I could only guess and imagine Brad sitting on our couch and taking my wife's mouth on his big cock!
As Brad finished, he approached me, rubbed my butt and said:
"Pamella you have a nice ass!"

Arthur then suggested that we all go to the bedroom. As we headed to the bedroom Brad grabbed me by the waist and whispered in my ear:

"I'm going to fuck that tight white ass of yours!"

We got into the bedroom Brad and Arthur took off their clothes and sat on the bed beside each other. My wife and I got on our knees and took their hard cocks in our mouths. I was sucking Brad as Arthur told my wife to strip for them. So, after she started stripping show, I started to alternate between 2 cocks. I was sucking Brad, Arthur got up and got my wife to bend over with her hands on the bed. Brad then told me to do the same! Next, Brad pulled my cum-soaked panties down and placed his hard cock at the entrance of my ass. He asked me what I wanted.

"I want you big black cock in my tight white ass!" I said.

With that Arthur started to push into my wife's pussy and Brad into my ass. They were fucking us I looked at my wife. They told us to lay on our backs so we laid down beside each other. Arthur was about to fuck her missionary and I put my legs on Brad's shoulders. They entered us simultaneously again. They fucked us like that for about 20 minutes. Arthur pulled out of my wife and Brad out of me. Arthur told me to get in doggy style position. I did and he got behind me. He told me to beg for it.
"I want you to fuck me hard. I'm your bitch!" I said.

He stuck it in as Brad fucked my wife in missionary.

"Oh, fuck that feels good take that ass! Fuck me harder! I said! I could feel he was getting close.
I said that, he pulled out and with one hard motion unloaded his cum all over my face! I could feel his warm sperm shot all over my cheeks and lips! Arthur pulled out and wiped his cock on my ass cheeks. Arthur moved and Brad got behind me.



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"So you like to have cum on your face?" Brad asked.

"Yes master I want your cum all over me!" I said

"I'm gonna fuck that tight white ass again!" Brad said

"Please I need your big black cock in my white ass, any time, master!" I said

Brad slid his cock in my awaiting ass:
"How you like that, slut?" Brad questioned.

"It's so hot and good!" I said

"You are my white cum slut. All you white whores like to have black cocks don't you?" Brad asked again.

"Yes master" I said

Brad started speeding up. I could feel that this one was also close to cumming!

"Yeahh, bitch! Here it comes!" Brad said!

He started to shoot his load all over my mouth! Brad shoot load after load in my mouth! He shoots so much I couldn't get enough and swallow it all! Brad also wiped his cock on my cheeks. When he was done, Arthur told me that me and my wife can have sex now.

I slowly put it in and she started to moan. She was very close and so was I. I started speeding up! She started cumming and so did I. As I finished cumming, Arthur told me to put my panties back on. I put the panties on and Arthur told me to go stand in the corner again. They were having a dinner, which my wife cooked for them, while I was standing in the corner. About an hour later he tells me to get on my knees because they were horny again and my wife was a***** on the bed naked. So I start sucking them off. They both took their cocks out of my mouth and started to jerk off. Arthur started cumming on my face that already had cum all over it! Brad then started cumming as well and I could not believe how much he came! He shot at least 7 big loads on my face. Arthur then told me to lie on my back on the bed and go to *****. He saw that I was turned on by the cumshots and told me not to touch myself. Arthur left the room and came back with a pair of cuffs. He cuffed my hands to the bed head and said that I was not allowed to touch myself while he was away. When he left my wife rolled over and said:

"Honey, you looked so good on your knees just know!"

She then went down to my small flabby penis. She pulled it out the side of my panties and gave me the best blow job I ever had. She then tucked my tight penis back in my panties between my legs and went to ***** again. I knew that show was going to continue!



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my wife fucked by a stranger in a restaurant

we were in south france and we decide to go to a nice little restaurant, we chose one nearby the seaside, my wife was dressed with a nice flower dress long till the half middle of the thigh and beeing tanned and blonde was really sexy to see. We enter in the restaurant and the owner said to us that we can sit where we want. So we decide to sit in a table that was three step higher than the floor with mirror behind. The owner looks like a carribean and was about 30 years old with athletic body and a nice face, he was wearing a tight T shirt (that enhance the image of his muscle!)and flax large short trousers (not tight). We take place and then he come to our table asking what we want to *****, while he was talking to us about fact that the restaurant was specialised in DOM TOM cooking and that his wife was the cook I have seen that my wife was looking at his bulges! so I have had a look too and was really impressive!! due to the large trousers he was possible to see this bulges going almost near the middle of his thigh! He has seen our sight so smiling he moves against the table and doing it seems to see the cock on the table. Both me and my wife we were hipnotize by that cock so he turn and he moves away to get ***** for us. My wife ask to me which size could reach that cock beeing hard ans I have answered "no idea" but there could be a way to discover it, I was surprised from myself about my sentece ! I was supporting my wife to discover another cock !! So I have seen Tommy (this was his name) speaking with his wife that was looking at us, then Tommy get the ***** and moves to us, I turn my head and I said to my wife to take away her panties, so she get the panties with her hand and slowly remove, I was looking at the mirror behind my wife that Tommy that was coming looking at her, now it was at him to be hipnotized!! Coming to us was clearly visible that he was getting hard because his cock was pushing against the trousers and now not near the thigh!
He come at the table with a really huge erection , he put the serving dish on the table, my wife turn a bit and open the legs showing the blonde pussy to him and touching, at first with her forefinger the head of the hard cock and then with the thumb too to get the size, I was getting hard too and Tommy.
while my wife was touching his cock Tommy put his right hand under my wife's dress and his finger was soon inside her wet hole digging and then rubbing her hard clit. She unfastened his belt buckle and started to unzip his pants when he quickly took over getting his pants down around him ankles. what we have seen !! His cock was so HUGE! It was at least 11 inches long and pretty thick !!
My wife took hold of his horse-sized dick with both of her hands and began sucking on the enormous head then she began sliding her mouth up and down the entire length of his cock , she lick and kiss the big balls, then using his tongue all along the long cock. I turn my head and I have seen Tommy's wife coming from the kitchen , she closed the door of the restaurant and come to us, she bent in front of my wife; She took away tommy's finger and put my wife’s legs up in the air, wide open and started giving her a massive oral sex. My wife’s high heels were moving with the moving of her head. Within some second my wife was sucking wildly on Tommy's cock. Then more she sucked, the bigger he got until she truly had a mouthful. I have never seen my wife so wild giving a blow job, she was in ecstasy, she was even moaning sucking the huge cock!!. moreover Tommy's said dirty words to her like : " suck it white whore, do you like the black horse deep in your mouth ? mmm go on ..." it was clear that he was appreciating my wife's job !! ? I was surprised and excited seeing my wife servicing another man with a huge dick and so I pulled my hard dick out of my shorts and start to wank. After some minutes Tommy's wife Celine was saying : " this white whore is cumming and she is enough wet for you". So Tommy put my wife on the table, pulled my wife skirts up, downblouse the dress of my wife squeezing her tits; so I could see my wife's nipples were big and hard.
My wife's legs lifted high in the air and wide apart, Celine open and got both legs with her hands, Tommy began rubbing her pussy lips with the big head. He did this for a minute before pushing his cock a short way into her wet cunt.The pussy lips opened like a rose and I cannot believe that a so big cock could enter my tight wife's pussy. She let out a scream and fixing Tommy's eyes was screaming : " go on please fuck me deeper". I tried to put my hard cock in her mouth but she refused ! She want to concentrate all his body on that horse cock.
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