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les histoires de chrislebo

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An Education In Cuckoldry

Wife's Boss-Dr. Rick Roland


"Ralph, I'm glad you could arrange to meet me here
this evening. I know the lateness of the hour may be
inconvenient, but I think I have something that will help
us both."

"Dr. Roland, I was rather surprised at your call for
this meeting, and especially for you wanting it to be
confidential, a-and not for me to tell anyone, especially
my wife about it."

"The reamister I did so Ralph is because I've recently
learned you've been concerned about your wife's activities
since she joined this special adult education project eight
months ago. Am I right?"

"H-How did you know?"

"I'll tell you all in good time. Lets just say, I
just happened to have found out that you've been curious
about her change in dress fashions - you know more
revealing attire and shorter skirts, change in hair style,
and most importantly, her, shall we say her changed
attitude about sex as well as your detection of her vagina
seeming enlarged."

"H-How in the w-world... Dr. Roland d-did you f-find
out all..."

"Ralph, I'll answer your questions in due time.
However, let me go back to the reamister for asking you over.
First of all, you know the students we have for this
program are all adult minority male students - all are
black. They are the hard core unemployed and the aim of
this pilot program is an approach of finding new ways to
address the educational needs of this group. This project
is near and dear to me. I don't want it clouded by
scandal, especially where one of my white teachers is
sexually involved with the students."

"Y-You mean Regina is..."

"Yes, I have proof that your wife is sexually involved
with several of our students and I'm worried about her
being able to continue performing professionally. However,
my hope is that I could obtain her removal indirectly,
discreetly and without me having to do so. That's where
you come in."


"Yes you. Now I can answer all your questions, but I
tell you what, lets run a few minutes of this secret video
I secretly shot first and then I can tell you my plan."
Dr. Roland took a video from his desk drawer and
slipped it into the TV VCR combo near his desk. Moments
later the scene of a conference room appeared on the
screen. Moments later there was the noise of a group of
black men walking in the room.

From their conversation it was apparent they were
waiting on someone. The more the four men talked the more
apparent it was a woman they were waiting on. A few words
later, to Ralph's chagrin, he learned that the `bitch'
`hoe' and `slut' they'd been referring to was Regina, his

It couldn't be overlooked that the men kept handling
the bulges in their pants. They were rather sizeable too.
Just then on the video, his wife walked in the room.
She greeted them gleefully as she locked the door after

"Hi darlings." He heard her say as she held out her
arms for the nearest tall black male, who also extended his
arms and they soon embraced in a tight passionate embrace.
Their lips locked and his big black hands roamed all over
her shapely rear. Soon the other three black students
gathered around and groped his wife's ass as she still was
in the arms of the black man. They broke their embrace and
she was quickly in the arms of another student. Except
this time it was very visible that she was reaching over to
grope the very visible outline of an erection in the pants
of one of the students standing adjacent to her.

As the video continued, Ralph was shocked speechless.
After their greeting sessions, he couldn't believe the
group was removing his wife's and their clothes. In no
time, his wife was down to just her open bra, open crotch,
and stockings.

He was not only stunned by their undressing and the
conversation being carried on, he was heard his wife
discussing some of the things that Dr. Roland had mentioned
to him earlier. As the men were shedding their clothes, it
hurt Ralph to hear them chuckle at his wife tell them how
he - her husband - had commented to her on how stretched
and looser her cunt seemed to be. They laughed even louder
when she told them what her reply was. "Ralph, it's all in
your mind." The group also roared with laughter when his
wife made a comparimister of their big stalwart cocks to her
husband's smaller "bird prick". He was hurt by the banter
of his wife and the group, but couldn't help but be
impressed by the size of the genitals his wife was eagerly
fondling and caressing on the video.

"Seen enough Ralph?" Spoke Dr., Roland as he stopped
the video at the moment after the first black man
penetrated his wife's apparently well lubricated pussy.
Ralph simple nodded his head. He was still

Dr. Roland went on to explain why he wanted Ralph to
have the video.

"So you see Ralph, I want you to have this so that you
can use it for whatever reamister you deemed necessary, maybe
even for grounds for a divorce. It certainly seems proof
enough of your lovely wife's adultery - with several men to
boot too. However, it could also be used to rein her in
and make her more captive to you."

"More captive?"

"Of course. By holding this over her head, she'd be
yours, and so much under your control." He said with a
slick, unprofessional, grin on his face. After a brief
moment of thought, he liked what he was saying, even though
he was still upset at discovering his wife's infidelity.
"However, there is one small matter that I must insist

Ralph asked him for clarification.

"You see I don't wish to have my name come up in this
whole matter, that's why I said I'd like for you to use
this tape to influence your wife to quit the project."
"I understand." Ralph replied.

"However, to be sure you don't feel obliged to bring
my name up in regard to this matter, I've come up with what
I feel is a fool proof way to ensure your confidence on
this matter. However, I'm not sure how you're going to
agree with it."

What Dr. Roland told the dismayed husband, who'd just
discovered he was a cuckold, what he had in mind, Ralph
almost fell out of his chair.

"W-What! S-Suck you off!" Ralph stammered in shock.

"Yes. That way every time you feel inclined to reveal
your source of this videotape, you'll remember the price
you had to pay and be less inclined to do so.

Incidentally, I have two more tapes like this. I've
been secretly taping your wife and the students over the
last two months. That's how I knew so much about your
suspicions. She told the students all about you."

"B-But surely Dr. Roland, there must be a more
reamisterable way for you and..."

"There may be, but this is my way. It's a take or
leave it situation. Either you suck my dick for this tape
or I make sure it gets into more public channels. Imagine
the field day others will have with such graphic and
irrefutable proof of your wife's infidelity, not to mention
her explicit discussion of your, shall we say,

His words were like nails being driven in Ralph's
hands. He could imagine the pain of a public disclosure.
His wife would not only be ruined, but there was also a
good chance he too could lose his job. If they stayed
married, they'd both be required to move out of state and
have to find new jobs. The prospects of not going along
with Dr. Roland's extortion was not a pleasant thought, but
neither was being a cocksucker for him either.

"B-But Dr. Roland. Surely you r-realize this is-is
something I-I just don't do everyday. I-I don't know h-how

"How to suck cock?" He interjected cutting off
Ralph's stammering and slowness to reply. "Don't worry,
I'll guide you through it. You'll get the hang of my dick
in your mouth in no time. And don't worry, you won't
fetish. I'll tell you when I'm coming."


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Ralph felt a pang in his gut at the very thought of
having to accept this man's slimy ejaculate in his mouth.
The whole idea seemed so repulsive to him.

Dr. Roland apparently sensed what the troured husband
was thinking. Dr. Roland then went on to paint a picture of
all the couple would have to go through if there was a
public disclosure of his wife's activities. He really
drove home the point of her losing her teaching license and
the real possibility of her leaving him.

"To some extent Ralph, her public exposure would
probably drive her to become more of a blackman's slut.
Which means you'd probably lose her forever. Apparently,
she knows you love her very much. That's why she loves you.
She's said so on the tapes. In fact she's told her black
lovers that several times on the tapes. So you see, by you
causing me to surface these tapes in a more public manner,
you're the one who is actually failing her and not keeping
your marriage intact. Is that what you want?"

Ralph looked him with glaring eyes. He was angry.

"And don't get any idea of trying to grab that tape
from the VCR and running out the door. You're no match for
me. Besides I have two other's that are just as

That statement cooled any thoughts Ralph may have had
about trying to be brave and aggressive, which was out of
character for him anyway. It didn't take much to cower

"P-Please Dr. Roland. I-I can't..."

"Sure you can." He replied cutting the terrified
husband off again. "Just think of it as an opportunity to
save your marriage and get your wife under your control.
The woman you love. You both were virgins when you got
married. Right? Yes, your wife's told her black studs a
lot of little family secrets. Just imagine the three tapes
being aired on one of those X-rated cable channels. You
and her both would become famous, even if in a notorious

Ralph looked at him. He knew Dr. Roland knew he was
scared stiff of the very thought of what he was saying.
"What's a little strange taste in your mouth and a
little private offense compared to the worse public
offense this will bring on to you and your lady and
man, your church. Need I go on? And to think you could
prevent it all by just doing this one little thing. It's
time for you to be a man and be courageous."

Dr. Roland started walking over to where Ralph sat in
a wooden straight back chair. Dr. Roland was a tall man,
over six-two. He began unbuckling his belt as he walked
the short distance of six feet or so.

Ralph was more than terrified. He was glued to his
seat with anxiety and fright. He was frozen in place, too
scared to move. It seemed so quick, but yet as it was
happening, it seemed like in slow motion.

When Dr. Roland arrived directly in front of the
horrified cowed husband, his pants were on the floor around
his ankles, and in front of Ralph's face was a very large
ebony penis, which its owner grasped like a club and swung
in front of Ralph's bewildered face.

"It's time to protect and defend your marriage Ralph.
It's the right thing to do." The whole scene was surreal.
Dr. Roland's words, while out of synch with normal logic,
did make some sense to the bewildered beleaguered husband.

Dr. Roland reached over and guided Ralph's hand to his
large, but still soft black member. Ralph seemed to have
no strength left to resist the dictates of the tall black
man. Capitulating, he simply did as he was told. Dr.
Roland complimented Ralph on the softness of his hands as
he told him how to handle his impressive black manhood.

The effect on Dr. Roland's penis appeared almost
instantly. Soon Ralph noticed the flaccid penis slowly,
but surely, lengthening and extending and filling out.

He was ashamed and horrified but yet titillated at
what was happening, inches in front of his face and because
of his actions. He knew he wasn't gay, but he also
discovered it wasn't that unpleasant to fondle and feel
this blackman's big cock either.


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As Ralph drove home, he mentally replayed his
initiation into becoming a cocksucker for his wife's boss,
Dr. Rick Roland.

He couldn't put out of his mind his first lap of the
swollen giant bloated velvet smooth cockhead. He couldn't
forget the heat of the man's black meat and the smooth
rigidity of the long black shaft as it slid back and forth
in his white mouth. He was hard pressed not to forget the
power of the hot gooey semen spewing and spurting over his
tongue and flooding the interior of his mouth. Especially
how the black man's viscous cum coated and clung to his

Ralph was frightened at how easy it was to suck the
black man and how easy for him to receive and swallow the
man's slimy hot discharge in his mouth. The taste wasn't
that objectionable and even with Dr. Roland's insistence
that he not do anything to wash the after taste from his
mouth for a while, Ralph found it not at all unpleasant.

Ralph knew he wasn't gay, but there was something
elusive about the taste of the hot load of jism in his

About three miles from home, Ralph stopped and bought
a soda to finally wash the after taste from his mouth.
He'd have two more opportunities to try and describe the
elusive taste he's been trying to assign to his first taste
of sperm. That's because Dr. Roland let Ralph know that he
would have to come back next week for the second tape and
the week after that for the third. At each visit for the
videos Dr. Roland expected the extorted husband to suck his
black cock. Ralph could only resign himself to what was
being imposed on him.

As he neared his front door, he put the video in his
coat pocket until he could safely hide it in his workshop.
Dr. Roland advised not revealing any of them to his wife
until he had all three.

Ralph didn't like it, but at the same time he also
needed time to think on how he was going to reveal to his
wife that he knew about her gross and brazen infidelity.

"Hi Honey! I got your call. It's horrible you had to
work late tonight."

"Hi dear. How was your day?" He asked making sure he
sounded normal and in no way suspicious, in view of all I'd
seen and done earlier.

In response she went into a detailed discussion about
her success and failures in teaching various topics to her
students. He occasionally got a few things in about his
day as they ate dinner.

Ralph later managed to hide the videotape in his
workshop. The tape he'd paid dearly for by sucking a big
black cock.

All through the evening, he was tempted to allude in
some way to the real going ons with the special project his
wife was working on, but true to his promise to Dr. Roland,
he didn't


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In the following days after obtaining and viewing the
first video, Ralph became more aware of the pattern of his
wife putting him off more and more when it came to sex.
That is, she wasn't up to intercourse, which was normally
only once a week for them anyway. Her tension headaches
were numerous and her attitude toward her husband was that
she was providing him mercy sex, when she did provide him
sexual relief, even though she didn't used those exact
words. Instead, she desired mostly oral sex. They did
some 69 now and then, but much more of where she insisted
he eat her first and then she'd suck or jerk him off. He
noticed, as of late it had been more of the latter. That
is where she'd start licking his prick and then end up
stroking him to completion.

Ralph, after becoming aware that other more robust
cocks were nestling in his wife's snatch had a far
different reaction when sucking her now than prior to
finding out she was a slut for her black adult students.
He'd noticed for sometime that she was juicer than normal
and her gash did appear to be more gapping, but he didn't
concern himself with that until recently.

It was odd, but he didn't find himself hating her as
much as he thought he would. He was more afraid she'd
leave him. The scenario Dr. Roland discussed worried him
far more than the fact he was licking pussy that black men
were fucking regularly.


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The second installment payment to Dr. Roland went
rather smoothly, that is if you can call blackmail payments
a normal occurrence, especially if the payments are in the
form of blowjobs.

The only difference this time was that he wanted
something extra.

"B-But Dr. Roland I-I don't see where..."

"Ralph, what the difference if you lick my balls a
while. Okay, instead of a minute, go for 30 seconds.
After all, you're licking my dick. If you're doing that,
why worry about lapping my hot balls? They're all in the
same place."

Ralph was sure he could get Dr. Roland to bend on such
a trivial mater. The Doctor wouldn't bulge. He was also
intimidating as he stood over Ralph who was already on his
knees looking up at the tall well built black man.

"C'mon Ralph, let's get this over with and stop
haggling over trifles. You need these tapes and I got
them. Either I use `em to do what I gotta do or you use
them to handle this in your own way. If I use them, you and
your wife get shamed. You can use them more discreetly and
get her to quit the program or to quit fucking my students.
You make the choice. Now lick my balls and my suck dick or
get out. I don't know why I'm fooling around with you. I
should've use these tapes to fuck your wife."

Ralph got busy after hearing the implied threats. He
at first gingerly began to lick Dr. Roland's big hairy
balls but increased the level of his efforts after the good
doctor grabbed the back of his head and prompted him to
increase the activity of his tonguing action.

A few moments later, Ralph was back in familiar
territory. He had Dr. Roland's big black tool nestled
firmly in his throat as he moved his head back and forth on
the rigid ebony shaft of dick meat. As before, he was
holding and kneading those large silky sac of balls as he
mouthed the black man's impressive tool.

After close to 10 minutes of mouthing the large
heated dick, Ralph was alerted to the impending ejaculation
brewing in Dr. Roland's balls. The moan emanating from
him, just as last time, meant that show time was near. A
time when Ralph the dutiful husband was doing what he could
to save his wife and himself from overt embarrassment.

A split second later, Dr. Roland's cock pulsed and the
first powerful spurt filled the white husband's mouth. He
knew to start swallowing, for the second and others soon
followed quickly. Ralph's timing was perfect this time.
He swallowed and gulped in perfect unimister to each volley of
hot sticky gluey blast of the man's abundant jism.

As before a week ago, on the way home, Ralph still was
trying to describe the after taste of cum from Dr. Roland's
big dick.

This time, Dr. Roland also insisted on being milked
for what seemed like forever, even if it as only five

A week later Ralph went through the same ordeal, but
was far more comfortable with his cock sucking duties. He
wasn't sure why he thanked Dr. Roland for the last tape,
after all the man had degraded and humiliated him something

"Now Ralph, I hope you will remain true to your word
and not involve my name in this. After all, I did this to
ensure it wouldn't come up. And I hope me putting you
through this unorthodox little exercise reminds you of your
commitment to me." Ralph mentally recalled the words as he
drove away.


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"Ralph! Where did you get this a-awful video? His
wife cried out.

"It doesn't matter Regina. The important thing is
that I have them and nobody else. It took me a bit of
doing, and hard work to get them. But now that I, rather
we, have them, it's time for us to talk about you getting
off the special project and being more of the wife I use to
have before all this came about. I forgive you Regina
darling and we can destroy these tapes here and now."

"All nice and neat huh, Ralph. I'm afraid not honey.
You see Ralph, once you go black, it's true, I don't know
if I can go back to what you have to offer me in the bed.
I love you as a husband, but us staying together depends on
you accepting me still getting all the black dicks I want
on the side."

"R-Regina, I-I know you're upset about me springing
this on you all at once. So l-lets just take time to talk
this over and let things sink in."

"Well, let me show you a video and you let this sink
in honey. Then we'll talk some more."

Ralph saw his wife take a video out of her school
brief case and replace the one he had of her and the black
adult job core students.

"DING DONG!" The doorbell rang.

"Perfect timing. You go ahead dear, I'm expecting

Ralph was surprised at his wife's reactions. He
pondered who could it be. They rarely had visitors after
work except for pizza delivery.

Ralph's curiosity quickly switched back to the new
video as he clicked the remote. A moment later after the
initial blank lead on the tape, he immediately recognized
the furnishings in the scene on the video. Then people
came into view. His mouth dropped wide open and he was
speechless as the action unfolded before him.

"You're fairly photogenic Ralph, don't you think?"

"Ralph snapped his head around to see the smiling face
of Dr. Roland with he and his wife arm in arm. Both
grinning broadly as they watched the drained expression on
Ralph's flushed face.

Ralph felt dizzy. He hadn't eaten lunch and was
almost on the verge of an anxiety attack as he anticipated
revealing his tapes to his wife. Now with this extra shock
and an empty stomach, he fainted on the sofa.

"Ralph! Ralph! Ralph honey, you hear me!" He could
hear his wife's voice off in the distance. Then it came
closer and closer.

"He's coming around. See, his eyes are opening now."
Ralph heard Dr. Roland's heavy bass voice speak.

Later as the three sat around the kitchen table, Ralph
was told all about the plot to entrap him so that he
wouldn't interfere with his wife's plans to keep getting
sex on the side from not only her students, but primarily
from Dr. Rick Roland, her boss.

"You had us scared there for a minute Ralph. I'd
asked Regina if you had any heart problems. I'm glad you
told us you hadn't eaten and you were just wound too tight
also, hence your fainting at being caught on tape the same
way your lovely wife had. The big difference of course was
that she was acting and you weren't." Dr. Roland spoke as
the three ate the large pizzas that he'd brought along.

"S-So y-you two are involved a-and the students too?"
Stammered Ralph, still not feeling all that great
emotionally, after discovering what a fool he'd been made

"Yes darling. Let's just say, it's way to keep their
minds on their studies." His wife replied with a broad
smile on her face.

In the surreal atmosphere, Ralph asked probing
questions as he ate and got his strength back. His wife
and her co-conspirator, Dr. Rick Roland let her husband
know that the tape of him Fellating Dr. Roland was far more
damaging than that of his wife should he use it to get back
at her or seek a divorce.

"You see honey, I can always claim that I was a lonely
unsatisfied wife who was not getting what her husband
failed to provide. And with this tape of you on your
knees, not once, but three times, notice the times and
dates in the different scenes. What jury wouldn't
understand your preference and blame me for stepping out?"
Sitting silent and not knowing what to say or do, he
heard how the camera angle was carefully selected to show
the time and date and him in all his glory, but not Dr.
Roland's face.

"We didn't record voices on the video as not to have
Rick's voice on the tape." His wife stated with a smug

Her husband was still in a daze as he tried to absorb
all that'd happened and been perpetrated on him.


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Ralph took a long look at his relaxing wife before he
left the bedroom and went in the kitchen to make coffee.
His thoughts were on the events of last night. He was glad
it was Saturday morning and neither of them had to go to

As he sipped hot coffee, he had to be realistic. He
knew that his marriage was not going to be the same, as
before the current turn of events.

Moments later, he could hear the shower. He was
surprised that his wife didn't relax in longer, especially
in view of the sexual work out that Rick Roland had put her
through with Ralph being powerd to watch.

Ralph was lost in thought as things turned over and
over in his mind. He almost didn't hear his wife's

"Morning darling. I hope you slept as well as I did."

"M-Morning Regina." Ralph stammered as his wife's
greeting broke his chain of thought.

"Y-You know I-I did t-that for him because I love
you?" Ralph said to his wife as she sat down with her cup
of Java.

"I know you did darling. It made me feel so good to
know that you'd suck cock to protect my name. But seeing
you do him on the video, and especially the way you milked
him after he pulled out of me last night, meant a lot to
me. Have you ever sucked dick before our little trickery?"

"Of course not!" Her husband replied in an indignant

"There's no reamister to sound like that honey. The past
really doesn't matter now anyway does it? The future is
what we have to work on."

"Regina, d-do you still love me, o-or is it Dr.
Roland?" Ralph spoke sheepishly after getting up enough

"Of course I love you honey." His wife said as she
bent over and pecked him on the forehead. "Rick Roland is
sort of a fantasy come true for me. You know, every girl's
`real man' fantasy. Honey, I have to confess. It was
because of me that Rick came up with the scheme to entrap
you darling."


"Yes. You see I told him that you were getting more
and more suspicious of the changes with me, not to mention
my cunt being a bit more stretched." She stopped to
chuckle as she looked at her husband who was not amused.
"Well anyway, I told Rick that while I adored being
with him and the sexual excitement he'd brought into my
life, I knew my real love was you Ralph. Remember Rick
saying last night what a lucky man you were to have had him
go through so much trouble for? He was really referring to
all the work in setting you up and planning all the video
work with me and the students, as well as your being on

"Y-You saying you loved me really means a lot to me
Regina. B-But the role you and he want for me, is, uh...
is so humiliating. H-How can I-I just turn my back to the
fact that y-you're going t-to be nothing m-more than his
concubine a-and worse... a-a sex toy for the adult
education students."

"Honey, don't look on as it offense. You've got
the wrong attitude. Look upon it as doing your part to
improve race relations."

"What! Y-You can't be serious?" Ralph raised up his
back in the chair.

"Well that's what's really going on. But the bottom
line dear is that I don't want to lose you. I love you and
I want you to stay with me on this. After all, maybe I
wouldn't be lusting after Rick or the big dicks of my
students if you had more of what they had." His wife
replied in a more serious tone after being rebuffed by her
husband on her `race relations' concept.

She could tell she hit her husband of five years below
the belt.

"I'm sorry honey. That's cruel of me and really not
fair. But you do understand that for the first time I'm
getting sex I'd never dreamed was possible for me before."
"I-I know. T-This is all so much for me to take in,
b-but I-I do see your point. A-And I guess I should be
glad y-you still want me around, even if only I can
p-please you b-by lick-licking you."

"And I need that darling. I need you doing that for
me very much. Sure their big black dicks are two and three
times bigger than yours, but when you love me with your
tongue, we're making love. It's special because I know
you're doing it because you love me. With Rick and the
guys, it's more lust between us. I'm just a piece of white
ass to them."

Her husband felt much better at her revelation, but as
the couple talked about how they'd make their marriage work
in the future, it became very clear to Ralph, his role
would not only be that of the lesser man, but a much lesser

"Not every time?"

"Yes honey, every time. You know Rick made you
promise last night to do it all the time. Plus, it'll let
me know you still love and respect me throughout all this.
Besides, you didn't seem to have a problem eating Rick's
hot cum straight from his dick, what's the matter with
sucking it from my pussy? After all, it comes from the
same place, and you've sucked my cunt many, many times
before. Plus, I am your wife."

"O-Okay, if y-you want me to, I-I guess I'll do it.
The only reamister I-I did it last night after he did you was
because he kept threatening me with that damn tape. Do you
t-think he'd really use it a-against me?"

"Yes Ralph he would. So don't be foolish and try to
avoid doing what he or I want you to do."

"You seem to have a lot of influence with him. You
would try and stop him if I put my foot down on him
basically taking over our marriage. You know I have to

"Honey, first of all you don't have to try. Forget
the manly pride thing. You're too weak to make it happen.
You know that. Anyway, I won't support you. I have
feelings for and need Rick. I love and need you. But if
you want out, tell me and I'll leave. We can get a divorce
and I'll see if Rick will give you the tape. Who knows, he
might. Then again, he might not. He might send it into
your company. Hence, you might leave me and be ruined
professionally too. But if you still want to be in my life,
you can expect the tape of you to be used as a threat if
you don't cooperate. Understood?"

His wife's word's hit him like a bolt of lighting.
This was the first direct indication that he could
completely lose his wife to her black lover. He knew he
had not a single chance or any hopes of keeping her other
than to do as they desired of him.

"Understood honey? I must have your answer that you
know your place. Otherwise, there is no need for us to go
on together." His wife asked a second time.

"I-I understand m-my p-place, Regina. P-Please don't
leave me." Her husband said in a broken voice as he
looked down in his empty cup.

"That's better darling. It's all going to work out.
It'll be good for both of us." Regina said as she mentally
gloated. She put her arm around him, kissed him on the
cheek and praised him for doing the right thing. He didn't
notice the smile of triumph on her face, which signaled the
thrill she got from powering her will against his.


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"You're going out tonight?" Ralph asked as his wife
appeared dressed in a thigh high mini and heels. She
looked so vivacious and tantalizing.

Accustomed to them spending a quiet Saturday night in
front of the TV, he was somewhat shocked at her plans,
which he hadn't found out about until that moment.

"Rick's going to take me out for dinner, dancing and a
little bar hopping."

"O-Oh, I-I see. C-Can I-I go along?"

"No darling, it's better you stay home. By the way,
here is a list of things I just didn't feel like doing
today. Be a sweetie and work on them while I'm out."

Ralph, surprised at the sudden attitude change in his
wife, looked at the chore list. Knowing that a better man
was taking over his wife and had won her over as a
co-conspirator in his subjugation, he felt too ashamed to
reply. He accepted the list in silence.

That Saturday night was the beginning of a pattern of
behavior that would become common place in the lives of
Regina and Ralph. Oftentimes, Regina would leave on Friday
nights and wouldn't show up home until Sunday afternoon.
However, she required her husband to always be at home when
she called to check on him.

Ralph was getting an increased share of pussy from his
wife. The only problem was that Rick Roland or one of his
students had always been in, and come in his wife first
when it was presented to him. Always, Ralph was required
to lick his wife's juicy gooey semen coated pussy whenever
she came in from being sexed.

When she let him, he was allowed to insert his much
smaller prick in her after his tongue douche. She didn't
always permit him that privilege. Sometimes she didn't
feel up to letting him enter her. Other times, Dr. Roland
would call Ralph and let him know that his wife needed a
rest and that he, her own husband was not to pester her by
asking for some, since he, Dr. Roland wanted her rested and
fresh so she could open her legs for himself or the
students, mostly the latter, who'd done very well on a test
or pop quiz.

Ralph knew he had no choice except to accept such
abject degradation if he wanted to keep his lovely wife
whom he adored deeply, even if she was now a slut to
blackmen and their humongous cocks.
He'd heard stories of white wives leaving their mates
once they'd sampled black cocks, but he never thought it'd
happen to him.

Ralph struggled with the fact that he didn't lose any
love for his wife and even found himself becoming
sympathetic to her being happy that she could keep him and
her black studs. Even though he was seeing a side of his
wife that was foreign to him until now, he'd comes to
realize that she wanted him around so that she could
dominate and cuckold him.

He suspects that his beautiful wife can only find a
kind of pity for him after being around such confident and
well endowed men as Rick Roland and the group of well hung
black adult students.

He can see that his wife does have genuine concern and
cares for him, but how she expresses or shows it is all on
her terms. Terms, Ralph senses, that she expects him to
accept and abide by, which he does.

In certain ways he feels deserving of her treatment,
due to him not being able to deliver her the sex that Rick
Roland and the others are giving her routinely. In a way,
he sees that she needs and deserves this. In other ways he
feels pangs of defeat and total helplessness.


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As they sat across from each other enjoying after
dinner coffee, Ralph noticed how radiant and pleasant his
lovely wife looked this evening.

He assumed it was because she basically had everything
going her way. She had her `real men' and him. She could
enjoy them in the normal way, and him, her husband, in a
way that addressed her latent dominant or perverted nature.
Even if perverted, it kept him in her life and that had
some value to him, just to be with her, even if in a lesser
role than he'd ever envisioned previously in his wildest

He knew it was odd, but it pleased him that things
were in balance for her even if it was out of kilter for
him. It had been seven months since Dr. Roland had
basically taken over their marriage and claimed his wife as
his woman and slut. But so far, while things were out of
whack in one way, they were in balance in another. That
is, Ralph had gotten fairly use to being not counted as a
man when Rick Roland, or the grown students he sent around
for Regina to service, were in their house.

It took a while, but Ralph soon resigned himself that
it was hopeless to mope all the time because he was no
match either physically or sexually or able to compete with
the parade of black men that came to enjoy his wife

He soon took comfort in his wife's words that sucking
her cunt after it was fucked and filled with other men's
cum was his exclusive domain. He knew it was her desire to
focus his sexual talents on his pussy sucking ability, with
masturbation basically what he could look forward to with
any sort of certainty for sexual relief. This became
normal routine sex for the couple.



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"Ralph honey, I guess it's time we start thinking
about seriously decorating that third bedroom."

"Why?" He replied to his wife with a puzzled look on
his face.

"Well darling, our family is going to increase in a
few months, thank to Rick."

"Now look Regina, Rick is not going to move any of his
students in here. It's bad enough to have them coming over
to see you for... uh, well you know, anyway, having one of
them move in is out of the question. He's really pushing
things ..."

"Ralph! No students are coming to stay. That's not
what I mean. I mean you're going to be a daddy, thanks to

"W-W-What! Y-You m-mean you're ..." Her husband was
having the hardest time uttering the word that didn't seem
to want to seem to come from his lips.

"Yes darling, I'm pregnant. I'm going to be a mommy,
and you a daddy. Isn't that wonderful?"

Ralph sat speechless with a bewildered expression on
his face as he heard his wife tell how Dr. Roland told her
he wanted them to raise his young. How she stop taking her
birth control pills. Ralph's wife went into great details
on how she made sure all the black adult students used
condoms, when she gave them their weekly prize for having
good grades.

"And of course darling, there was no problem with you
and I, since you've just been my pussy eater doing the time
I was being inseminated." She said in a matter-of-fact
manner in her explanation. Her husband, still dumbfounded,
only got more flushed in the face at her last words.

"I can tell you're upset dear, but I want his baby,
and if you truly love me, as you say, you will accept it as
your young too, because the baby will be a part of me too."

"I-I just don't k-know what to say. I-I mean sexing
you was one thing, b-but y-you having his b-baby is
another. Y-You do l-love him, d-don't you?"

"Maybe in a way I do, but it's different between he
and I, versus you and I. He did ask me if I would let him
knock me up to prove I really cared for him. He knows I
truly love you sweetheart. He was trying to determine my
true feelings for him."

"I-I see. T-Then I-I guess it-it's over for us since
you didn't consult with me first." Ralph said in a
dejected tone.

"Of course not honey. This shouldn't change a thing
between us. You see, it was his idea to surprise you with
the news. He said, this would be an acid test of whether
you really loved me. He said if a man truly has an
unselfish love for his woman, he won't mind her having a
baby by her lover, especially one who can give her what he
can't in the bed. I guess I was persuaded by his argument
and went along with the plan. Well, honey do you think you
really love me or is it shallow and not true love."

Ralph looked even more flustered as he let his wife's
words soak in.

"Regina, I-I guess I-I see his viewpoint, b-but having
his baby is-is s-so significant. Before this, I-I thought
that things were settling down and that m-maybe things
would go back to normal after y-you got your fill of Rick
a-and the students. B-But now, I-I guess that's not to

"No darling, you're right. That's definitely not to
be. Black dicks are here to stay in my life... or is it
going to be our lives?"

Ralph paused and pondered at his wife's leading
statement, as she waited for his reply.

After a long pause, her husband meekly and softly said
"O-Our lives dear."


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As Ralph walked in the door carrying "their" four
month old mister, named Roland, he made a mental note to check
out the sale on disposable diapers, he'd heard about on the
car radio as he drove home from the day care. Since he got
off from work earlier than Regina, it was his duty to pick
up the baby on the way home.

Ralph repeatedly praised his decision to agree with
his wife and Rick Roland selling their old home and buying
a new one in a different area of the county.

The new subdivision was also more racially diverse so
Ralph wasn't as embarrassed now as he would've been in the
previous neighborhood being seen as the man of a mixed
baby. Even though his new neighbors and the public still
gave he and his wife a second look when they were out with
their new black mister.

Ralph had gotten pretty much accustomed to the daily
routine of spending more time with Roland than his wife,
since Roland's biological man, Dr. Rick Roland usually
kept her late for business and permisteral duties.

Ralph had become more attached to his new mister, more
than he'd planned, because of his long tours of babysitting
while his wife spent so much time with Dr. Roland and the
Special Education Project.


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The special project was in it's sixth year and Dr.
Roland had become famous for the progress he'd achieved
with the students that had gone through his program. So
famous in fact, that he was offered a high administrative
position in the State Education Department. Regina became
his executive assistant.

Her husband Ralph quit his job after he and Regina's
fourth young, which was maned by another of the special
project's students who did exceptionally well on his state
comprehensive exam.

After "their" fourth new family addition, his wife had
three more black babies, including a set of twins from Rick
Roland and another young from another "honors" adult

Ralph, with no say in the matter, was powerd by his
wife and her black lover to be a house spouse and nanny
for "their" seven kids.



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Arab Slave

Janie was lost. She had been wandering up and down the
little alleyways of this infernal city for hours now.
She had been pawed at by scab covered beggars lying in
the streets, robbed by a little street urchin of her
purse, which contained her wallet, passport and Visa,
AND she was hot, thirsty, and very tired. If she could
just find a main street and ask someone who spoke
English where the Embassy was, she'd be happy. Turning
a corner, she almost walked into a man dressed in
exquisite colorful silks.

"I beg your pardon!" she exclaimed.

"No, let me beg yours," the man replied in perfect
English. "You appear to be lost, my lady."

"Oh thank god you speak my language!" Janie said,
relieved. "Yes, I'm dreadfully lost! Can you tell me
where the American Embassy is?"

"I can take you there myself," said the man bowing.
"But first, please come into my shop and have a glass
of refreshing cold tea. You look tired and hot, and the
Embassy is a good walk from here." He pointed to an
open doorway that seemed to lead into a small carpet
shop. Janie nodded, and followed him in.

Inside, a small fan was cooling the air, and the man
pointed to a couple plush pillows on the floor in front
of it.

"Please, have a seat. My name is Rashid. I will fetch
you the take."

Janie told the man her name, and thanked him. He
disappeared through a doorway in the back, and Janie
sank down into the comforting pillows and closed her

She opened them when Rashid brought her the glass of
tea. She sipped from it and told him her troubles.
Halfway through, she realized that there was something
wrong. Her voice sounded blurred, and her sight was
getting fuzzy. Rashid's face was smiling as it swam in
and out of her view. Before she lost consciousness, she
thought to herself, "I've been haveged! What else can
go wrong now?"

When Janie awoke, she felt very alienated. Then she
remembered Rashid, and the tea. With a strangled cry,
she tried to sit up, only to find that her wrists and
ankles had been tied. She looked around and saw that
she was lying in a dim storeroom, on a couple sacks of
what appeared to be flour. She struggled, trying to
free herself, but to no avail. Then the door to the
room opened, and Rashid walked in. He smiled at her.

"Awake already? Good. Now, there is no point in
screaming, because you are now in a section of our city
that does not permit free foreigners. So no-one will

"Why am I here?" Janie asked in a trembling voice. "Are
you going to ask for a ransom?"

Rashid threw his head back and laughed, baring his
pearl white teeth. "No, my dear, we can get so much
more for you from the wealthy sultanates, than we could
from your family or government... White Americans are a
rare and valuable commodity here."

Janie's eyes widened in horror, "You're going to SELL
me to some rich man? You Bastard!"

Rashid smiled again. "I'd watch your language if I were
you," he said slowly. "Your new master might decide to
have your tongue removed...after all, it isn't your
talk he will want from you."

Janie gasped in horror but said nothing. She knew
enough of this Mid-Eastern culture to know that what
Rashid said was not an idle threat. She turned her head
away from him and fought the tears of despair. Rashid
leaned over and cut the binds on her feet.

"Come with me now. We must get you prepared."

After her "preparation" which consisted of removing her
clothes and having her naked body oiled down by several
old women, her hands were rebound, and she was lead out
into a small courtyard with a small square stage in the
middle. The courtyard was full of Arabs, milling about,
waiting for the next bidding to start. They whistled in
appreciation as Janie was led up upon the stage. Her
hands were pulled up high above her head and fastened
to a metal bar that was built up out of the stage.

She saw the greedy looks on the faces around her and
closed her eyes, her body shaking with shame and
revulsion. Then the bidding started. Rashid egged the
crowd on, pulling at her nipples to demonstrate how
supple they were, pulling her legs apart and letting
the bidders tug at her pubic hair, and poke their dirty
fingers into her cunt.

After about a half hour of demonstration and bidding, a
final bid was reached, and Janie was untied from the
bar, and led down off the stage, and off into a small
room with her purchaser.

The man who had bought her was fat and smelled of
spice. He eagerly counted off the bills and gave them
to Rashid who pocketed the money, smiling. Then Rashid
left the room, leaving Janie with her hated owner. To
her surprise, this Arab also spoke English.

"Ah what a beauty you are! My mister will be most pleased
with you." he said, running a course hand down across
Janie's breast. She tremred at the touch, and tried to
turn away. The Arab caught her arm and threw her up
against the wall.

"It is good you have some spirit in you" he hissed into
the girl's face. "My mister wanted a spirited girl that he
could break himself." Then he laughed.

"Come then, we shall go to my estates." He threw a
coarse cotton cloak over Janie's naked body, and
directed her out to where his caravan waited. He
bundled her into one of the compartments and directed
several women to fix her up. Janie couldn't understand
what was being said, because he talked in Arabic, but
the women immediately pulled her over and started
applying makeup to her face, and perfuming her cunt
with a powdered mixture than smelled of sandalwood.


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The ride was bumpy and long, but at last the Caravan
stopped. The Arab pulled Janie out and into a large
building. She barely had the chance to glimpse upon
several exquisite and large gardens surrounding the
house, before entering it.

She was led to a large room with marble floors and
walls, but hardly any furniture. There, the Arab rang a
bell twice and waited. Soon cam the soft padding steps
and around the corner came a young handsome man with
dark brooding eyes. He looked at the naked white woman
and at his smiling man, then broke out into a grin

"Father! Is she all mine?" he asked in a perfect
English accent. He clapped his hands together in glee
and walked up to Janie to inspect her.

"What is your name?" He asked her.

"Janie" she replied defiantly.

"Oh an American! How charming..." He turned to his
man and bowed, "Thank you, man for this gracious

"Janie, you must come with me..." The young man turned
and started to walk away. Janie followed, and his
man called out, "Hessian... she was expensive, so do
not be too rough, eh?"

Janie shuddered at those words, "too rough" and
followed the boy down a long corridor and into a room.
He shut it behind her and locked it. Then he stared at
her and smiled.

"You American women feel that you are the equals of

Janie wasn't sure if she was supposed to answer, so she
just nodded.

"In my country, you are anything the men want you to
be... a wife, a lover, a plaything, a drudge worker,
something that can be *******ed without a moment's
hesitation. I suppose my talking like this angers you?"

Janie nodded again. Hessian sat on a large pile of
cushions and laughed.

"I attended school at Oxford for four years, and during
those four years, I met and talked to many American as
well as British women. They all believed that they were
the equals to men. I wanted to prove them wrong, but...
well, let's just say that I wanted to remain in school
even more. But now I have my own American slave to do
what I wish with... I shall enjoy myself."

Janie tremred where she stood.

"I'm having a party for my friends tonight, and I think
you shall be the guest of honor...But before that, I
shall sample you for myself."

With that, Hessian stood up and walked over to her. He
threw off the cloak, and unbound her wrists. He ran his
hands over her breasts, and then down across her flat
stomach. Without a warning, he thrust his fist into her
stomach. Janie cried out in pain and doured over onto
her knees. Hessian laughed, and slipped out of his
silks. He came around behind her and knelt on the
floor. Forcing her head down to the ground with one
hand, he guided his hard cock into her cunt with the

She screamed at the penetration, and struggled to get
free. Hessian just drove in deeper and harder. He
released her head and groped under her for her breast
which he squeezed hard. She lunged upwards and managed
to throw Hessian off her. Then, sobbing, she tried to
crawl away. He grabbed her by her hair and pulled her
to her feet. His cock was still rigid, glistening with
her juices.

"Little spitfire," he gasped as he brought his hand
down hard across her face. He pushed her against the
wall and managed to get her hands secured in the
fetters that hung there. Now chained to the wall, Janie
could just kick, which she tried to do. Hessian caught
a leg, hoisted it up, and chained it to a third cuff
hanging on the wall. Now her cunt was exposed. He
stepped back to observe her.

Janie struggled but finally stopped, panting. She felt
so vulnerable with her wrists high above her head, and
her leg chained as high as it would go.

"You, bastard!" She hissed.

Hessian pulled a short riding crop from it's place
mounted on the wall. He walked over to her and rubbed
it against her open cunt. "Does that feel nice, bitch?"
He raised it above his head, and brought it down on her
tits. The crop left a thin vibrant red line across both
breasts. Janie screamed. He hit her again, across the
stomach, then again across her cunt.

Soon her cries grew horse, but he kept beating her with
the crop, his cock very hard. Finally, when she slumped
over in a faint, he stopped and cleaned his crop of her
red. Taking a chain collar from a drawer, he clipped
it shut around her pale neck. Then he unbound her and
carried her limp body to his bed.

Janie regained consciousness in a few minutes, and
found her self lying on her stomach across a large
pillow, her wrists tied to the bed posts, and her ass
jutting upwards. Hessian brought his hand down across
her pale ass, and she yelped.

"Now, my feisty little slave... You didn't like it when
I tried to fuck you one way, let's see how you like

He parted her ass cheeks, and she felt the head of his
cock come up against her anus. She moaned, knowing what
was about to follow. He shoved in hard, and the pain
was unbearable. Her body bucked and writhed under him.
He kept thrusting in and out of her tight ass until she
started to beg for him to stop. He laughed and pushed
in harder and faster, grinding into her delicate ass
until he finally came. Then he pulled out and left the
room, leaving her tied to the bed. Janie cried herself
into exhaustion, and soon fell arelax.

It was dark when she was shaken awake by a dark servant
girl. There were five of them surrounding the bed where
she lay bound. They untied her, and led her into a
bathing room where they proceeded to wash the red and
semen from her naked body, muttering in a language
Janie could not understand, as they gently soaped her

After the bath, she was dried, powdered, and perfumed
once again. Then she was instructed to put on some silk
clothes that barely covered her chest and her crotch
and ass. A leash was attached to the chain collar
around her neck, and she was led out and down a dark
corridor to a larger room. There, lounging in a pile of
cushions, was the hated Hessian. He smiled when he saw
them enter.

"Oh good! You are ready before my guests have arrived."

He dismissed the servant girls, then led Janie out into
the garden. It was beautiful, and so large. The fresh
delicate scents of flowers wafted to her nose on the
breeze. Most of the Garden looked like a large forest,
with a tangle of trees and bushes. There was also an
exquisitely sculpted swimming pool, shaped like a swan.
The pool was lit, casting an eerie blue light across
the rows of exotic flowers and plants surrounding it.
Everywhere, hanging from the branches of trees were
little lanterns, and lamps. Janie sighed at the beauty.

"You like our garden, eh? Well, go out and explore it.
Seek out some good hiding places while you have the
chance." Hessian said, removing the leash from her

"Hiding places?" Janie asked, suddenly feeling a chill
move up her spine.

Hessian laughed, "Yes, we are going to play a little
game at my party tonight. We will be the hunters, and
you will be the prey. Ah, I hear the door gong
sounding. My guests are arriving. Better hurry up."

With that, Hessian turned and walked back inside. Janie
took a deep breath and stared wild eyed around her. The
garden was no longer delightful. She was about to be
hunted like a wild natural, and she didn't want to even
think of what they'd do to her once they caught her.
She started to run towards the thick trees.


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Her bare feet hurt as she ran on branches and rocks,
but that didn't stop her. Already she could hear the
excited voices calling to each other in the garden.
They had wasted no time in commencing their vulgar
game. Janie dove into a thick bush and crouched there,
very still, her heart beat throbbing wildly. She heard
Hessian laughing, then the sound of footsteps coming
very close to her.

Suddenly a voice cried out, and she was dragged from
the bushes. Her captor was shouting for the others to
come, but she tore away from his clutches, ripping the
silks that covered her chest. He lunged at the naked
breasts, laughing, but she managed to dodge him, and
duck into the thick underbrush. Now the chase was on.

Branches clawed into her soft skin as she stumred
through them. The men were yelling and very close
behind. Finally, as she thought her lungs would burst,
she tripped over a rock, and tumred over, rolling on
the ground till she smashed up against the trunk of a
tree. Then they were on top of her, tearing the
remaining silks from her trembling body.

She felt hands pulling at her, touching her over her
whole body as she struggled to break free. Her hands
were pulled up above her head, and her legs were pulled
so far apart, she thought her ass would split. Someone
powerd a cock down her throat so she gagged, and
another cock was thrust up her cunt.

Fingers reamed her delicate and still sore ass, and her
breasts were slapped. She tried to scream, but it
couldn't come out. Instead she was vulgarly fucked in
every hole, over and over again, by so many different
people. Finally, they let go of her arms and legs, but
she was too exhausted to move.

One of them hoisted her up to her knees, grabbed her
hair and pulled her head back, so her face was exposed.
She moaned and closed her eyes, refusing to look at
their sneering faces. She felt fingers digging in her
mouth, powering her lips apart and her jaws open. Then
she felt and tasted the stream of liquid hitting her

She gasped and spluttered, but her captor held her head
tight, and kept her mouth open, powering her to swallow.
Someone had just pissed in her mouth. She retched, then
threw up all over the ground. The man let her go and
stood around her with the others, jeering, kicking, and

She was powerd to lick her way up one man's legs and
then lick his balls before he beat her back down on the
ground. She had to start over again, until she was
finally allowed to suck his cock. As he got more and
more excited, he grabbed her head and started to fuck
her mouth, shoving in hard and deep. When he came, it
was an explosion in the back of her throat. She
swallowed quickly so she wouldn't vomit again.

Then it was the next man's turn. He made her kneel on
the ground with her ass in the air. Then he mounted her
like a dog, and thrust his huge cock in her ass. She
groaned with the pain, and grunted each time he thrust.
Another made her suck his cock as she was being reamed
from behind. The rest of the men shouted and jeered,
jerking off in her face, or whipping her flesh with

Then Hessian said something to the crowd of guests, and
they produced a rope. They pulled Janie up to her feet,
tied the rope around one foot, threw it around the
branch of a tree, and hauled her up, so that she
dangled there upside-down by her foot. They tied her
other foot to another rope, and secured that to the
tree branch as well, tying it so that the two ropes
pulled her legs apart. They left her like that while
they went off to get takes and food.

When they came back, they had a frightened servant girl
with them. She was ordered to strip, and stand in front
of Janie so her cunt was just inches away from Janie's
mouth. Then Hessian ordered Janie to lick the girl's

"No." Janie replied. "You can't make me do that, you
twisted bastard."

Hessian just smiled. He said a few words to his
friends. Three of them grinned, came forward and
started to whip Janie's cunt with thin sticks. They
whistled through the air as they came down on her
delicate exposed cunt. She screamed and writhed against
the tree.

"Lick her," Hessian ordered again. The sticks came down
again, drawing red. Janie started to lick the
trembling girl's cunt, darting her tongue up and down
the slit, probing her soft flesh deeper and deeper into
the vagina. The servant girl shuddered with the
pleasure. The sticks came down again, making Janie
shriek into the girl's cunt.

"Suck her clit hard." Hessian ordered. "Make her come."

Janie obliged, grabbing the girl's ass and pushing her
into her face, she got her lips around the clitoris and
sucked. She flicked her tongue up and down the clitoris
until the servant girl screamed and gushed into Janie's
face. The men cheered.

Janie was brought down from the tree and her feet were
She wondered what other horrors they had in mind for
her tonight. She didn't have to wonder for long.
Hessian had just fitted his servant girl with a strap-
on studded cock. They made Janie lick the plastic
obscene thing while the servant girl stood there and
watched. Then Janie was made to kneel down again, with
her ass in the air. The servant girl was made to mount
her, shoving the strap-on cock into Janie's cunt.
Hessian whipped the servant girl's ass to make her
thrust harder and faster.

Janie screamed with the pain to her already ripped up
cunt, but still the servant girl thrust. Several cocks
bumped into Janie's face, and she was powerd to suck
them one after the other, as hot come splashed in her
face. Then, despite her pain, Janie started to feel
hot. The friction of the strap-on in her cunt was too
much, and she shrieked as she finally came, then
collapsed in a faint.

Hours later, when she woke up, she found that she had
been bathed and put to bed, her hands chained to the
bed posts. She shuddered when she thought of all she
had to endure at that party, and at the things she
would have to endure in the future as well. Would there
be no release from this life as a slave? Could she
never escape? As she drifted slowly off to relax again,
she vowed she would get her revenge on Hessian, and
that Rashid as well... But that would be in a different



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The Asian Checker

I've always liked Asian women. There was an Asian girl
in my high school that I always thought was the prettiest
girl in school. She didn't win most beautiful for the
annual, of course, because most of the guys were
seriously lusting after the girl with the biggest tits.

Also in those years I saw a girly mag with a pictorial of
an Asian girl that I remember to this day. My friend told
me I just liked her because she had her legs spread in
most of the pictures and there were some great pussy
shots. I think though that I just like the look of finely
featured and petite girls in general, and there are many
Asians who qualify for that body style.

Then, while I was in the military, I spent some time in
the Philippines and enjoyed the women there who really
know how to take care of a man in bed and don't make it a
big thing if the guy wants to fuck a lot. Also I like a
submissive woman and what I have seen and read of the
culture in Asian countries is that women do what they're
told. So it really pisses me off that all the Asian women
who come to the U.S. all of a sudden start acting just as
tight assed and bitchy as the American women.

But I do know at least one who will never be a prissy

After my stint in the military I came back to the States
and took a job as an assistant manager in a grocery
store. I hated the job because most of the people who
worked there were kind of low lifes and not very bright.
Most of the interesting people that I got to work with
were the high school or college kids who worked part time
and needed a little extra money.

I was in my late twenties so they weren't that much
younger than me, and I hung around with some of them
occasionally and dated a couple of the college girls,
although that was risky and awkward since they worked for

After I had been there about two years the manager hired
a girl named Mai Kim who wanted to work as a checker
through the summer and then go part-time for her senior
year in high school. She was Korean and had been in this
country for several years but still had an accent.

It turned out that she was happy that she was allowed to
work because her man was really 'old school' and
strict and she wanted to be doing the American Girl thing
with and have the freedom of her own money and so on. She
was also absolutely beautiful. She had really delicate
features and was petite without being frail looking. Her
breasts were small but seemed to have nice roundness them
when I could see them outlined under her shirt. She was
shy and did not wear revealing clothes and she
immediately became my main fantasy girl.

I knew there was no chance that I would get to go out
with her. For one thing she was only seventeen and that
was a little too risky even for me. Also the more I got
to know her the more I came to realize that while she was
reserved and a little shy on the outside she also was
pretty proud of herself and could be a little bitchy.

It was obvious that none of the other employees liked
her, or she them, and on occasion I would hear her being
snotty to a sacker or another checker when she thought
they weren't working hard enough. She would occasionally
give me a snotty/uppity look when I was flirting with the
girls or chatting with the guys.

One time I put my hand on her shoulder and she pulled
away sharply and asked me not to touch her. I thought,
'Damn! What a bitch.'

Also she wouldn't go out with any of the boys and they
thought she was stuck up. I figured that her man
probably didn't let her date.

So we worked together through the summer and she got more
confident, I guess, and more snotty as time went on but I
still liked to look at her. After the school year started
she worked only two days during the week and usually the
weekends. She would sometimes ask off on the weekend for
school events and she took a Saturday off for her 18th
birthday party.

When she worked I would always assign her to the register
that was closest to the managers office because I could
then sit in there and look at her through the one-way
mirror while I did my paperwork.

One day shortly after her 18th birthday I was sitting
there when I looked up and saw that she was checking out
another really fine looking Asian girl. Needless to say I
was watching them pretty close when I realized that Mai
was only pretending to scan most of the girl's groceries
(actually mostly make-up and magazines).

She then took the girl's money for those few things that
she had really scanned and put it in the register just
like she had scanned the whole load. She then let the
girl walk out with a bunch of free stuff. I stood there
stunned! I could hardly believe that little miss prim and
proper was ripping the store off!

I started to keep an eye out for that other girl to come
in to the store again. And the next time she came in I
went to the office as soon as I saw her and focused the
stores video camera on Mai and her register.

Sure enough the girl chose Mai's line again and I got
really good tape of a fairly slick scam. As a matter of
fact I did this three times while I was trying to get up
the nerve to follow through on a plan that was forming in
my nasty little mind.

It was about a month after the first event and around
7:30 on a Friday night when I got the third tape. Mai was
scheduled to get off at 9 and at about 8:00 I called over
the loud speaker that Mai should close up her register
and come see me in the office as I had something for her
to do.

When Mai came in to the office it took her about two
seconds to realize that she was in big trouble. I still
had the camera pointed directly through the window at her
register and it was obvious that I had taped her little
larceny. It was her first time in the office and I guess
she didn't know it was a one-way mirror and I am not sure
she even knew that that is where the office was.

I didn't even say anything and by the time she had been
in there for ten seconds she was just standing there
bawling! She was so scared I couldn't believe it. I don't
know what I expected her to say or do but she surprised
me by immediately beginning to beg me not to tell her

I told her that I was going to have to call the police
and that I expected her parents would find out whether I
told them or not and she started bawling even more, tears
running down her face and snot coming out of her nose and
the whole thing. I was wishing some of the bag boys could
see her now. But I was just getting warmed up.

After letting her calm down a little I went over to the
camera and asked her if she wanted to see the tape and I
guess this embarrassed her even more and she started
crying hard again. Instead of taking the tape out of the
camera I turned the camera around and pointed it at her
and turned it on. The audio recorder was turned off so I
was getting silent movie footage of her crying so hard
she shook, and looking really sloppy.

She starting to really beg me not to call the police or
tell her man because he would be so mad that he would
beat her and probably not let her go away to the college
she wanted to go to. But I kept telling her that there
was really no way that I could let her get away with it
and after a while I could tell that she was becoming
resigned to her fate and was calming down.

After she had finally got herself mostly under control
she ask me in a quivery little voice, "Is there anything
I can do?"

And I said, "Take your panties off and give them to me,"
just like that.

She got this frightened and confused look on her face and
she said "wh--what?"

So I said, "Look Mai you know you're in big trouble and
have done something very wrong. Now you are going to do
what I tell you to do, or you can go to jail and I will
call your man. You are wearing a skirt and I want you
to take off your shoes and panties. After that we will
discuss the way it is going to be for a while."


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Besides the evening shift supervisor the plant manager
was there. The people in management treated us all like
dirt. But I had never been in a room with the plant
manager before. I had never heard of him being here at
the plant this late in the day or sitting in when a
supervisor called an employee in. Not even when someone
was getting fired. So I knew that I was in big trouble.

I stood just inside the door with my knees shaking and
a feeling of terror in the pit of my stomach that was
all but out of control. The only possible explanation
for this was that I was about to lose my job. If that
happened I lost my kids, my apartment, I lost
everything. There was no one and nothing to fall back
on. No family, no friends, no savings, only
homelessness and Social Services taking the kids. I
didn't even have a car that I could live in any longer.

What made it even worse in my mind was the idea that I
hadn't done anything wrong. I had broken no laws. I had
worked my ass off and gone out of my way to do more
than my job, especially lately when they were really
down on me and watching me so closely. I knew that they
just wanted an excuse to get rid of me and it was so
unfair. I worked so damned hard.

My supervisor, Mr. Rossi, gave me an annoyed look as if
I was a constant pain in the ass. He pointed to a spot
in front of his desk and then picked up a paper and
read it. I recognized it. It was the paper that I had
turned in explaining that I was requesting to be
allowed one Saturday off a month to visit my husband
and asking, or actually more like begging to be allowed
to work extra hours or an extra shift to make up for

I needed the time off but I couldn't afford to miss
work and make even less money than I was now.

I moved over in front of the desk and as I stood there
silently waiting for him to speak I could see Mr. Rove,
the plant manager staring at me from his chair a few
feet to my side. I might have been wrong but I would
swear that it looked like he was enjoying this.

They made me wait a long time before Mr. Rossi dropped
my note on his desk and finally looked up at me. He
leaned back in his chair and said, "You have really
been a big disappointment to us Roberts. We took a
chance hiring you. You swore that you would be a good
worker. Out of the kindness of our hearts, even though
we didn't think that you were the right permister for the
job, we gave you a shot. I'm really disappointed in
you. You have turned into a first class slacker. It
seems like all you can think about is time off. And as
if that isn't bad enough, now you want me to rearrange
everyone's schedule to satisfy you."

He shook his head in disgust and said, "Pretty damned
arrogant if you ask me!"

I shook my head and said, "Oh no! Please, I can

He yelled, "I didn't say you could talk! I'm talking!
Don't you dare interrupt me!"

I put my head down and tears of despair were running
down my cheeks.

He yelled again, "Look at me Roberts! Don't stand there
and ignore me! I can't believe I never realized how
arrogant you are before. Are you too good to look at me

I looked up but my eyes were full of tears and I only
saw a blur. I whispered, "No sir, I'm sorry sir."

He was quiet for a few minutes and finally he said, "I
would have thought that someone in your position would
have tried harder. I guess that I'm going to have to
let you go. I can't have…"

He stopped speaking when my legs collapsed and I fell
to my knees. I covered my face and cried, too afraid
even to beg.

He watched me for a couple of minutes and impatiently
exclaimed, "Get up god damn it! This isn't high school
and I'm not your drama coach. Your life may have turned
into a damned soap opera but I don't have time for that

I struggled to my feet and finally I had no choice. As
scared as I was I had to beg. I wiped the tears from my
eyes and pleaded, "Please Mr. Rossi, tear up the note.
I don't need to visit my husband. I'm sorry. I guess I
just wasn't thinking. There have been so many problems
lately that I just get confused. Please sir. I have to
have this job. Please don't fire me. I'll do anything
to keep my job."

It wasn't until much later that I came to realize that
those were the words that he was waiting to hear. My
eyes had filled up with tears again and I couldn't see
his face. My definition of "anything" and his were
totally different. I was about to learn that the hard

I had stopped my pleading. There wasn't anything more
that I could say. I didn't have much hope that he would
take pity on me and give me another chance. I was just
waiting for him to say that I was fired and tell me to
get out of his office.

But the words didn't come. I don't know if time was
passing in slow motion or if he was just taking a long
time to think it over. I wiped the tears from my eyes
and I saw him turn to Mr. Rove and smile.

I had begun to hope when he didn't immediately send me
away. And at first, when he started talking again I
didn't realize what he was leading up to. I just heard
a carrot being dangled in front of me and I wanted
desperately to grab it.

He said, "I'm not sure I believe that. Are you sure
about that Roberts? If you meant that, I might be able
to see my way clear to giving you another chance."

My heart leapt into my throat and I nodded my head
violently. I cried out, "Yes sir! I promise! I need
this job so desperately."

Any other dumb broad in the world would probably have
seen where this was going. But not me! I had guys make
passes at me all the time and I just ignored them. But
I had never been placed in a position that even
slightly resemred the position I was in now. I had
never had someone that I work for say the things that
Mr. Rossi was about to say. I almost fell to the floor
again when he said, "I think that before we continue
this discussion you should get undressed Roberts. I
might be able to let you stay on. But you are going to
have to audition for the job."

My jaw dropped open and I stared at Mr. Rossi in total
disbelief. I turned and looked at Mr. Rove. They both
had the same smug, arrogant expressions on their faces.
They didn't care about me at all. All they cared about
was that I was in an impossible situation and they saw
it as an opportunity to use me for their amusement.

I turned back to Mr. Rossi and started to beg again.
"Oh please Mr. Rossi! I'm not like that! I couldn't.
I'm a married woman. I have kids. I have only been with
my husband. Oh god. Mr. Rossi I'm a good girl."

He let me plead for a minute but I saw in his cold,
cruel eyes that he was only allowing me continue
because I was amusing him.

He finally said, "I don't mind your pleading, Roberts.
In fact, it's giving me a hard on. But I want to see
some skin. Either start taking off your clothes or get
the hell out. I'll have the disbursing clerk mail you
your last check. Of course that will probably take a
month to process. But that's not my problem. So go
ahead and beg if you want. But start getting undressed
while you do it or get out of my office and don't come
back. And I don't recommend that you use me for a
reference when you start looking for a new job. You
know how unhappy I am with your job performance."

I stared in disbelief at Mr. Rossi for a long time and
finally he just said, "Get out."

I didn't know what to do. I couldn't possibly do what
he demanded of me. I had never undressed in front of
any man but Mike. Even if I wanted to I didn't think I
could make myself do it.

I looked down at the floor and turned towards the door.
It was only six feet away but it seemed like a mile. I
put my hand on the door knob and turned it.

Before I opened the door Mr. Rossi said, "Once you step
through that door the deal is off the table. I'm all
you've got Roberts. You may hate this. But think about
the alternative. Do you really want to be homeless and
have the state take your kids away?"

I didn't turn around. I just whispered, "No sir."

I paused and then I said, "I just can't sir. I know
that I couldn't do what you want. Even if I wanted to I

There was a pause and he asked, "Would it be easier for
you if I undressed you?"

I shuddered in revulsion at the very idea. But I hadn't
left. I was still standing in his office. It isn't like
I was hoping for a reprieve. I knew that wasn't going
to happen. Did that mean that I was actually
considering his offer?!

I might be slow but I wasn't stupid. I understood that
the point of their demand was not that they wanted me
to be undressed. Once I unbuttoned the first button on
my top I knew that it would be taken as consenting to

And there were two of them! It would have been
impossible with just Mr. Rossi. But with Mr. Rove too!

My mind was spinning out of control. I couldn't do what
they demanded of me. Yet if I walked through that door
now I would lose what little I had left in my life. And
I would lose my kids. My youngren meant everything to
me. But could I do what I would have to do to keep

I turned back to Mr. Rossi and started to speak.
Nothing came out and I cleared my throat and tried
again. In a very shaky voice I asked, "Just this once?
If I do this it will be just this once, right?"

Mr. Rossi smiled and said, "What did I tell you
Roberts? I said that you were auditioning for a job.
This new job is going to require a different set of
s*******s but we are willing to give you some time for on-
the-job training. You will still have to do your other
job of course. But there will be some additional

I took my hand away from the door knob and leaned my
forehead against the door. I was crying quietly and I
sobbed, "I have to think. I can't think."

Mr. Rossi said, "That's okay Roberts. I understand that
this is hard for you. But I don't see where you have a
choice. You aren't the smartest bitch I've got working
for me but you manage to dress yourself and find your
way home every night. You should be able to work this
out without too much trouble. Now make up your fucking
mind god damn it!"

I stepped away from the door but I didn't turn back
around. With tears running down my cheeks I reached for
the top button on my blouse and with shaking fingers I
began to fumble with it. He was right. I didn't have a
choice. I just had to keep telling myself that I was
doing this for my kids.

I got the first button out of the button hole and
started struggling with the second. I jumped when Mr.
Rossi exploded at me, "Turn around stupid! What the
hell do you think is the point of having you undress in
front of us? We want to watch for Christ's sake! And
get back over here in front of my desk where I told you
to stand. I can see where it is going to take a lot of
effort to train your dumb ass."


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Mr. Gant was about fifty. He was tall and skinny and he
was just as mean as Mr. Rossi and Mr. Rove, maybe even
worse. He pulled me against him and one of his hands
cupped my left tit and his other came around and began
to worm its way into my dry pussy.

I grunted in pain but he didn't care. As he worked his
finger into me he said, "Shit, they were right. You
don't grease up worth a damn."

He pulled his finger out of my pussy and stuck it into
my mouth. I sucked it like a small cock and made it as
wet as I could. He let me suck on it for a while, just
because he knew how humiliating it was. He finally
pulled his finger out of my mouth and pushed me roughly
down over his desk. He held me down with his hand on
the middle of my back and kicked my legs a little
further apart.

When he was satisfied with my stance he asked in a
quiet, conversational tone of voice, "Do you know what
my wife has never let me do, bitch?"

I quietly replied, "No sir."

He said, "My wife of almost thirty years has never let
me fuck her ass."

As he spoke he started powering his damp finger into my
ass powerfully.

My body stiffened and my head came up off the desk. I
grunted in pain and just before I started to beg him
not to I remembered that I had been late for work.
Maybe if I submitted easily to this he would let that

Like Mr. Gant's wife, I had never been fucked in the
ass. As far as I know, Mike had never wanted that. I
certainly didn't! But now I waited nervously while he
explored my asshole with his finger. Just his finger
hurt like hell. I couldn't imagine what a cock would
feel like back there. Well, that's not true. I could
imagine it and the image that came to mind was very
unpleasant. I hoped that he didn't damage me back

He stopped messing with my butt and stood up straight.
I heard him pulling his pants down and when he was
ready he said, "Turn around and suck on my cock for a
couple of minutes. Get it nice and wet, bitch."

I pushed up off of the desk and turned around. I bent
down and lifted the tails of his shirt and was a little
bit relieved when I saw his cock. It was probably only
five inches long and not much thicker than my thumb. I
wasn't looking forward to what he wanted me to do but
at least he didn't have a cock like Mr. Rove's.

I took him into my mouth easily and sucked on his cock,
taking great pains to get him as wet as I could. He
only kept me like that for a minute before he ordered
me back over the desk.

I heard him spit in his hand and I felt a warm gob of
spit being applied to my ass. He wormed his finger into
me again, moved it in and out of me several times and
then stepped up and began powering his hard cock into

I grunted and then groaned in pain as he worked his
cock into me. As it got deeper and deeper he sighed
loudly and said, "Jesus that feels good! Your ass is so
fucking hot, bitch! We are going to be doing this a
lot. I may never fuck my wife again!"

He started fucking me with short, rapid strokes and it
would have been nicer if he had used some lubrication
but it actually wasn't that bad. While he fucked me he
reached around and shoved the damp finger that had been
in my ass and was now covered with his spit into my
mouth and ordered me suck it clean. It was disgusting
but I had been through worse last night.

I held on to the other side of the desk and grunted
with every stroke but it was all over in three or four
minutes. I sighed with relief when he stopped moving
and then I waited for him to pull out.

He didn't actually pull out of me. His cock got soft
and kind of popped out of me. He pulled me up by my
hair and powerd me to my knees. He gathered his
shirttails and held them out of the way so that he
could watch while I sucked his cock clean. It sounds
pretty nasty but it was just a little slimy. My butt
had been clean.

After a few minutes he pushed me away and pulled his
pants up. He ordered me to my feet and I thought that
it was over. I waited until he went back around his
desk and said, "Mr. Gant, they forgot to give me my pay
last night. I am out of food. I need it desperately."

He glanced at me and then opened his desk drawer. He
looked up then and said, "I have it. You can pick it up
after your shift."

I said, "Thank you. Can I get dressed now?"

He smiled and said, "No. You were three minutes late,
remember? You need to be punished. Mr. Rove left
instructions for your punishment if you were late. Now
you keep your mouth shut and don't move."

He picked up his phone and punched in the button for
the intercom. He waited a few seconds and said,

He hung up the phone and I stood there nervously, not
knowing what was going to happen. Mr. Gant smiled and
reached into his desk drawer and pulled out the camera
that they had used last night to take all those
pictures with.

A minute or two later there was a knock on the door and
Mr. Gant said, "Enter!"

I shook my head in disbelief and said, "Oh god no!"

In walked three of the guys I worked with out on the
floor. I don't know if they knew why they were here.
But when they saw me their eyes lit up and their grins
spread from ear to ear.

Mr. Gant said, "Come in gentlemen. Did they tell you
why you are here?"

Buddy and Tim shook their heads. Todd said, "No sir,
they just sent us back here."

Mr. Gant said, "Roberts is being punished. She is on
probation and has agreed to some rather unusual terms
of employment. She was three minutes late for work this
morning. Her punishment is to allow three of her co-
workers to fuck her. If any of you object to fucking
her let me know and I'll have someone else sent in to
take your place."

The men looked at each other and it was obvious that
they didn't have a problem with fucking one of their
co-workers, even though it was obvious how I felt about

Mr. Gant said, "Okay men, let's do this and get it over
with. The bitch needs to get to work. I'm going to be
taking some pictures but don't worry, I'm going to
leave your faces out of them."

Buddy, the single man in the group said, "I don't give
a cuckolds brownie Mr. Gant. In fact, I'd like a few copies of my
pictures for souvenirs."

Mr. Gant smiled and said, "I'll check with Mr. Rove,
Buddy. I doubt if he will mind."

I was bent over the desk again and Todd was the
quickest on the draw. He moved behind me and pressed
his semi hard cock between my ass cheeks and began
sawing it back and forth and getting harder and harder.

He looked down and said, "I'll be damned! You fucked
her in the ass didn't you sir?!"

Mr. Gant was already moving around and getting some
pictures. He smiled and sounded pretty proud of himself
when he said, "Yes, and it was some damn fine ass

Todd asked, "How about if I tap some of that? I have
had the hots for her sweet ass since she started
working here."

Mr. Gant replied, "Not this time Todd. I was her first.
I think we need to let her rest up. Just fuck her pussy
this time. If she fucks up again though then she'll
have that to look forward to."

Todd began working his cock into me and it was very
painful. I was still tender from the use I received
last night and my pussy still wasn't wet. The only
lubrication was a little of the cum that had dribred
out of my ass from when Mr. Gant ****d me.

I gripped the edge of the desk and held on. I tried to
be quiet but I couldn't help letting an occasional
grunt of pain escape me. But they didn't seem to mind
at all.

After he had a good rhythm going he bent over and
reached under me and began to roughly grope my boobs.
As he did he spoke quietly in my ear. He told me how
hot and tight my cunt was and how much he liked my
tits. He told me that he had been undressing me with
his eyes since my first day here. He said that he hoped
I was late a lot. Then he squeezed my tits and grunted
and started making strange noises. If I wasn't getting
****d I might have laughed. But I was and I didn't. I
waited until he pulled out of me and he was immediately
replaced by another cock. I didn't even know who was
fucking me at first. I was distracted by Mr. Gant
saying, "If you come around here Todd, the bitch will
clean up that mess for you."

Todd exclaimed, "No cuckolds brownie!"

Mr. Gant said, "It's all part of her punishment."

Todd moved and I saw that I was now being fucked rather
violently by Buddy.

Todd came around the desk and grabbed a handful of my
hair and turned my head. As soon as he had my face
where he wanted it he pushed the slimy head of his cock
against my lips. I opened my mouth and took him in and
started sucking his cock clean. As I did I saw Mr. Gant
walking around getting some close-ups of me with two
cocks in my body at the same time.

Buddy was fucking me violently and in between my grunts
of pain I heard him say, "Oh yeah! I'm going to take
that picture and get it blown up and hang it in my
living room! Damn this bitch is hot!"

Todd's cock had been clean for some time but he left it
in my mouth and I felt him getting hard again. His cock
was long and thin and he was amazed when he suddenly
found himself fucking my throat. He exclaimed, "I'll be
god damned! Look at this, guys! We got us a fucking
Linda Lovelace here! Look at that cuckolds brownie! She's taking a
couple of inches of cock right down in her fucking
throat! Damn that's hot!"

Mr. Gant didn't say a word as Todd began fucking my
face vulgarly and Buddy picked up his rhythm. They were
slamming their cocks into me at both ends and I was
being bounced around like a rag doll.

Buddy finally came in my pussy and he slowly pulled out
and went around the desk to wait his turn in my mouth.
Tim moved between my legs and began driving his cock
into me. Tim turned out to have a very fat cock and for
just a second it took my mind off of what Todd was
doing. I felt that fat cock sliding into me and it was
the fattest one yet. But Todd was nearing orgasm and he
held onto my head and took several more violent strokes
and then held my face against his stomach while he shot
his cum down my throat.

He finally pulled out and I was gasping for air and
grunting in time with Tim's strokes in my sore pussy
when Buddy took Todd's place at my mouth. As he worked
his slimy cock into my mouth he said, "Get a good shot
of this Mr. Gant. I'll want to blow this up too. I love
the look of that. Look at her beautiful face all full
of my slimy cock. Christ! That's the sexiest thing I
ever saw in my life."

Buddy's cock never really got soft. He was too excited
I guess. He started fucking my mouth almost immediately
and Mr. Gant got a lot of pictures for him.

Tim leaned over me like Todd had and reached under me
to grope my tits. He was fucking me just as violently
as the others and once more I was being tossed around
like I weighed nothing.

I think that they were disappointed that I didn't start
getting aroused. They seemed to think that even if I
was being ****d that once I got a cock stabbing into me
I should start to get turned on. Stupid men!

But then, I'm the idiot submitting to **** as a part of
my job description now. I guess I haven't any room to

Buddy was so turned on that he came before Tim did.
Unlike Todd though, he didn't cum down my throat. He
pulled back and filled my mouth with his slime and then
slowly pulled his cock out of my mouth and watched me

Last night I would have been mortified. Well, I was
upset that I was being powerd to allow the men that I
worked with to **** me. But nothing that happened to me
to could be as devastating as the events of last night.

Once Buddy backed away and started putting his pants
back together Tim started concentrating I guess and he
came a short time later. I was getting numb by the time
he pulled his cock out of me.

He hurried around to get his cock sucked clean but Mr.
Gant didn't give him time to get a blowjob. Tim was
pretty disappointed but Mr. Gant said, "I'm sorry Tim.
I'm afraid that we've wasted much too much time
already. The cunt has been at work an hour now and
hasn't done a thing."

I could have argued that with him but what was the


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The men all stared at me as they slowly dressed. Mr.
Gant turned to me and after taking a few more pictures
he said, "Well, what are you waiting for? You can't go
out there like that!"

I reached down and started pulling my pants on. I hated
doing this without cleaning up first. My pussy and my
thighs were covered in cum. My pants were going to
stink. I pulled my blouse on and while I was buttoning
it up Buddy said, "You know what Mr. Gant? I know the
dress code doesn't allow dresses for the women. But
since she is kind of special it would be neat if she
had to wear a sexy dress to work. It would give the
guys a real morale boost."

Mr. Gant smiled and said, "That's a good idea Buddy.
I'll suggest it to Mr. Rove. You men get back to work

I had my shoes on and was just finishing tying them up.
I stood up and waited to be dismissed. Mr. Gant smiled
and said, "I don't want you going to the bathroom until
lunch time. Now get your lazy ass to work."

I whispered, "Mr. Gant! I smell. My pants are getting

He just smiled and said, "Get out of here. Come back at
quitting time for your pay."

I went out on the floor and checked to see where I was
supposed to be working. The floor supervisor came over
and started to tell me that she had been powerd to
switch some people around because I was so late. She
was not happy about it.

But as soon as she opened her mouth she smelled the
scent of sex on me. I reeked of it. She wrinkled up her
nose and said, "Oh my god!"

There was nothing that I could say. She stepped back
and drew a deep breath. He face was red and she had a
look of pure disgust on her face. She shook her head
and said, "I can't believe you still work here!"

I would give anything if I didn't!

She pointed to the machine that I was to run that day
and turned and walked away. Since I was so late I was
already behind and I had to work my ass off to get
caught up. I didn't doubt for a minute that if I didn't
catch up I would be punished for that too.

Several times during the day one of my three male co-
workers came by and without being very careful about
whether or not anyone was watching they groped my ass
or my tits through my clothes. As he was squeezing my
ass cheeks Todd said, "I hope they make you start
working in a tiny little miniskirt Haley. I'd like to
see a lot more of your sweet ass."

I just tried to ignore them. There was nothing else
that I could do.

I went to the ladies room at lunch time and by then it
was much too late but I cleaned up as much as I could.
Then I went right back in and worked through lunch. I
didn't have any food or money anyway. Even if I did
though, I knew that if I wasn't caught up at quitting
time they would use that as an excuse to punish me

When it was finally quitting time we shut everything
off. There was no late shift on Saturdays. I waited for
everyone else to rush out and I lagged behind. I
punched out at the time clock and then I went down the
dark hallway to Mr. Gant's office. I knocked and he
called out, "Enter!"

I opened the door and went over to his desk. I saw my
pay envelope on the desk. But I knew that it wasn't
going to be that easy.

It wasn't. He pushed his chair back from his desk and
his pants were already pulled down. He was ready for

He didn't get up so I thought that I knew what he
wanted. I went around his desk and dropped to my knees
on the floor in front of him. His cock was already just
about hard. I took it in my mouth and sucked it.
Anything to get my money and go home.

My throat had been sore all day from the use I had
received at the hands of my three co-workers. I was
glad that we weren't allowed to talk on the floor. My
throat couldn't have handled the irritation.

Fortunately Mr. Gant's less than magnificent manhood
did not tax my throat and I easily sucked him off and
swallowed a tiny, bitter little load.

He pushed me away and said, "You certainly are a nasty
slut. A decent woman would die rather than do the
things that you do in here. You deserve everything that
happens to your skanky ass."

I stood up and said, "Yes sir," and started getting
dressed. I grabbed my pay envelope and hurried out of
his office before he could think of some other nasty
thing to do to me.

I put my pay envelope deep in my pocket and hurried to
the bus stop. It was after six on a Saturday afternoon.
The festival was over and the bus was half empty. I was
able to get a seat alone and I sat and stared at my
reflection in the window as I was transported the six
miles to my stop.

There was a small grocery store on the corner and I
bought some groceries. I didn't get much. Some
ingredients for meatless spaghetti, some potatoes, hot
dogs, a few pounds of hamburger and some bread. I still
had to walk a couple of blocks so I didn't stock up too
much. What I bought would pretty much ******* my weeks pay

At the register I checked out and when the checker rang
up the total I opened my pay envelope and saw a note
inside. I scanned it quickly. It said, "In as much as
you have additional duties you will find an additional
one hundred dollars in your pay, whore."

I was so excited about the extra money that I paid very
little attention to the note. It would bother me later.
But I had been destitute for so long and doing without
so much that the idea that I had been paid for sex was
of little consequence at that moment.

I checked and it was there! My pay was nearly doured!
I paid for the groceries and then I said, "Oh wait, I
forgot to get coffee."

I left my groceries there and ran back and picked up
some coffee. I had not had a cup of coffee in weeks and
I was really jonesing for one. On the way back to the
check out I passed the wine aisle and I picked up a
seven dollar bottle of wine. I needed a take. Then,
even though I was starting to overload myself, I got
some bacon and eggs. We hadn't had a decent breakfast
in months. This would be as exciting for us a Christmas

I paid for the additional items and grabbed my bags and
headed home. It was a dreary street. The apartments
were not well maintained and the people that lived
here, while mostly better off than me, were all poor
and often loud, crude, and obnoxious. I kept my head
down and didn't look at anyone. There were a lot of
scary people around this neighborhood. There was a lot
of crime. And it was only getting worse.

I got to my apartment and set my bags down. I opened
the door and went in and headed for the kitchen. The
kids came out carefully. They made sure that I was
alone before they showed themselves.

I put everything away and opened the cheap wine to let
it breath. I doubt if that matters with the wine I
bought but it couldn't hurt.

I made home fries and cheeseburgers for supper. Cheap
and easy, just like me now.

When supper was ready I poured myself a glass of wine
and we sat down to eat. I had noticed that the kids
were quiet and I started to get scared. I wondered if
Mr. Rossi had come back during the day today.

I started asking what was wrong when they told me that
he hadn't. They were uncomfortable about something and
I was afraid that it might be lingering questions about
last night.

We finished our meal. It was Phil's turn to clean up.
He got up and it almost seemed like he was glad for the
distraction as he cleaned off the table and went to
work in the tiny kitchen.

Phil had never, not once in his entire life, gone about
his cleanup chores without whining. Now I knew that
something was wrong.

I sat with Laura and she couldn't meet my eyes. I tried
to get her to tell me what was wrong and I was getting
really nervous now. Finally I said, "Laura, after last
night I think that we can tell each other anything. I
have no more secrets from you and I don't want you to
have secrets from me. I am getting worried here. Please
tell me what is wrong with you two."

She looked guilty. Laura was my saint! She never did
anything to feel guilty about. Now I was really
worried. I said, "Laura, please. I have enough to worry
about already. Don't do this to me."

Laura looked embarrassed but she finally said, "Mom, I
think that you would probably rather not know. Would
you settle for we aren't in trouble and no one did
anything to harm us?"

I sat back in my chair and said, "Phil, would you
please bring me the wine bottle. I have a feeling that
I am going to need it when Laura tells me what is going

Phil came in with that same guilty look on his face. He
handed me the bottle from the other side of the table
and said, "It wasn't Laura's fault mom. It was me. But
it's embarrassing and Laura was right, you would rather
not know. Please don't make us tell."

I poured a second glass of wine and took a sip. For a
cheap wine it actually wasn't that bad. I stared at
their faces and reached a decision.

I said, "I trust you two a lot. You are both good kids
and you have had to put up with a lot that kids
shouldn't have to put up with. But after last night,
and after the other changes in our lives, I need to
know what's troubling you. It scares me when my kids
can't look me in the eye. I promise not to get mad. But
I need to know. So who wants to be the spokesman?"

They looked at each other and it worried me that they
were so scared. Laura took a deep breath and said,
"Maybe you won't get mad, mom. But you are going to be
very disappointed in us and that is what we fear most.
But I'll tell you why we are so embarrassed."

I held my hand up and said, "Wait a second."

I went into the kitchen and got two more glasses and
went back out and sat down. I invited Phil to sit down
and I poured them each a half a glass of wine. I pushed
the glasses over to them and said, "Here you go, truth

Laura smiled and took a small sip. Phil watched her and
then he tried it too. He turned up his nose and said,
"Yuck! That's awful!"

I laughed and said, "Sip it slow. After a couple of
sips it kind of grows on you. But don't expect too
much. It was the cheapest bottle I could find."

Laura took another sip and said, "This morning, after
you went to work, Phil and I were sitting at the table.
We talk a lot more now that we don't have TV or music
but this morning he wasn't talking. I finally got him
to tell me what was wrong and first he apologized again
for last night. I don't blame him of course. I was
embarrassed that he had seen me naked and put his
finger inside of me but it wasn't his fault and it was
obvious that he felt bad about it."

"We talked about it for a few minutes and the
conversation just kept expanding. He had a lot of
questions, a lot of them I could only guess at. But we
have gotten pretty close lately and we tried to be
honest with each other."

I asked her, "What kind of questions?"

She blushed again and replied, "Questions about girls
and about sex and…and things like that."

I reached across the table and squeezed her hand and
said, "You are sure catching a lot of crap for a
fifteen year old. I'm sorry honey."

She shrugged and gave me a weak smile. She said, "I
didn't mind. Hell, I'm a virgin, I don't know much more
than he does, not even about girls!"

She sipped her wine and said, "We talked for a long
time. We talked about our bodies and our feelings and
about what happened last night."

I said, "It's only natural that you are curious. Is
that what you are uncomfortable about?"

There was a long pause and then Laura said, "We got

I tried to remain calm. I tried not to change my
expression. I tried not to cry because whatever had
happened was a direct result of what happened last
night. I prayed that they had not had sex but if they
had I suppose that I had myself to blame.

Laura gave me a wry grin and asked, "Should I wait for
the explosion?"

I smiled weakly and said, "I think my heart is still
beating. Please continue."

She asked, "Would it make this any easier if I gave
away the ending? We didn't have sex if that is what you
are afraid of."

I smiled and said, "It was a concern."

Laura said, "We both had questions. I had never seen a
naked man before last night and Phil had never seen a
naked girl. We both wanted to know more about the
opposite sex. We looked at each other and we touched a

There was a long pause and then she turned an even
deeper shade of red and said, "And we masturbated."

Phil exclaimed, "Laura! Did you have to tell her


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He and Mr. Gant both chuckled derisively and then he
said, "I think we'll try it for a week and see how it
goes. Starting tomorrow I want you to wear short skirts
and dresses to work."

I started to panic again. I said, "Mr. Rove, please
sir. I don't have any short skirts or dresses. I've
never worn them. And I don't have any money to buy
clothes. You know how I live!"

The tears were starting again and I think that may have
been his goal. He looked so pleased with himself.

He stood up and pushed me over Mr. Gant's desk. I heard
the rustle of clothing and then I felt his fat cock
being pushed into my pussy. I had closed my eyes when
he powerd me down over the desk but Mr. Gant lifted my
head and sternly commanded that I open my eyes and look
at him while Mr. Rove penetrate me.

His face was glowing as he stared at me, enjoying my
**** nearly as much as Mr. Rove was.

Mr. Rove slid his cock into me and I was embarrassed at
how easily it went in. My pussy had gotten wet while he
played with me. I knew what he must think and I wanted
to scream at him that I wasn't turned on. It was just
my body reacting to stimulation. But it didn't really
matter now.

While he was slowly pumping his large cock into me he
said, "I'll give you a few bucks after I fuck you.
That's what you do with whores. You fuck them and you
give them money. After work you can go to the thrift
shop down the street and pick up a couple of outfits. I
think you know the look I'm going for. Just keep in
mind that if I'm not satisfied that you look like the
company whore then I'll pick your next outfits. I am
pretty certain that you wouldn't like what I pick.
Believe it or not I have a pretty dirty mind."

I mumred, "Yes sir." Then I tried to make my mind go
blank as I stared into Mr. Gant's cold eyes.

Mr. Rove began to fuck me harder. He stopped talking
and gripped my hips and began to slam his cock into me.
While he fucked me, Mr. Gant smiled down at me and
said, "I was disappointed to see you here on time today
Roberts. I really enjoyed watching the boys fuck you on
Saturday. They seemed to enjoy it too. They are really
looking forward to the next time you are late."

I had tried to put that experience out of my mind. As
horrible as the things that happened to me here in this
office were, it was even more humiliating that I had
been powerd to allow my co-workers to **** me. Mr. Gant
saw it in my eyes too. His evil grin got wider and he
leaned down and licked my face like a dog. Then he
whispered right in my ear, "Don't worry cunt. I'm sure
there will be a next time. Hell, I'm surprised you
weren't ten minutes late on purpose. How about that
cunt? Would you like me to call ten of the men you work
with in here so that you could have a good old
fashioned gangbang?"

I whispered, "No sir. I wouldn't like that."

He chuckled and said, "I would. I've got a hard on just
thinking about it."

Mr. Rove began to ram his cock into me with increased
violence and I knew that it was almost over. His hands
began to squeeze my ass and just before he came he
started slapping my ass. He was hitting me very hard.
Those weren't love taps. I started crying out in pain
and I'm almost positive that it was my cries of pain
that pushed him over the edge. He buried his cock in my
pussy and ground his stomach against my ass and groaned
in pleasure as he filled me with his warm slime.

Mr. Gant finally released my hair and stood up. Mr.
Rove backed away and I felt Mr. Gant's smaller cock
enter me as soon as the path was clear. I thought that
he was going to fuck my pussy this time but he was only
getting his cock wet with Mr. Rove's cum.

He stroked his cock into me a couple of times and then
he pulled out and spread the cheeks of my ass open. I
felt his cock poking against my ass again and soon it
was being powerd into me to the hilt. It hurt, even if
it was smaller than the other cocks I was powerd to
submit to. I tried not to but I found myself tightening
up and crying out in pain as he fucked me. Mr. Rove
watched him for a minute and then said, "One of these
days I'm going to have to give that ass a try."

He came around the desk then and I was powerd to suck
his nasty cock clean. I had done this so often now that
it didn't even make me gag anymore. It was nasty and
disgusting but I'm sorry to say that I was getting used
to it.

When he was satisfied that I had cleaned him
adequately, Mr. Rove stepped back and pulled his pants
back up. Before he had them securely fastened Mr. Gant
had cum in my ass. They changed places again and while
I sucked Mr. Gant's cock clean, Mr. Rove spread the
cheeks of my ass and examined my asshole. I don't know
what he was looking for. He didn't say anything.

I was allowed to stand up and dress after I cleaned Mr.
Gant's cock. While I was dressing Mr. Rove pulled out
his wallet and handed me a fifty dollar bill. He said,
"That should be enough for you to buy five cheap,
slutty outfits at the thrift shop. Don't disappoint me

Mr. Gant said, "Okay bitch, fun time is over. Get to
work. You will be working a double shift tomorrow to
make up for taking Saturday off."

I was actually relieved to hear that. They had given me
the impression that they weren't going to let me make
up the hours I would miss when I took Saturday off to
visit Mike. I was afraid that I was going to be
skipping meals again. Now it looked like we would at
least be able to afford to eat. It was poverty cuisine.
But I hated going to bed hunger.

I wasn't looking forward to having to work though. And
I was especially worried about Mr. Rossi. He was the
cruelest of the three men and I worried about him now
that he had seen Laura. She was only fifteen but she
was a beautiful young girl and she was starting to look
very sexy. I didn't want that pervert anywhere near

They dismissed me and I went out and reported to Mrs.
Clark, the floor supervisor. She sniffed as I
approached and that disapproving look on her face said
it all. She could undoubtedly smell the cum dripping
down my leg and moistening the crotch of my pants. She
glared at me and I heard her exclaim under her breath,

She sniffed loudly as I stood in front of her. I saw
that she detected the smell of cum. I knew that I
reeked of it again. She smiled and asked, "Has it been
a long time since you've seen your poor husband

I got the point. But there was no sense in having this
discussion with her. She wouldn't understand and if she
did she wouldn't care. She gave me one last dirty look
and pointed out where I was to work today. I noticed
that I was getting all the nastiest jobs now. But at
least today I hadn't had to let three of my co-workers
**** me and the backlog on my position wasn't as bad. I
still ended up working through my lunch hour but it
wasn't as bad as it had been on Saturday.

We had to wait on the floor for the next shift to come
in at quitting time. My replacement came in and took
over and I hurried out. Mr. Rossi was standing by the
time clock when I punched out. He was leering at me
openly, ignoring the others that were leaving. I
expected him to order me into his office before I left
but he just smiled and said, "Your ass is mine
tomorrow, bitch. I was so horny thinking about you
yesterday that I had to fuck my wife. You are going to
have to make that up to me."

He pushed away from the wall and walked past me, his
shoulder brushed up against me roughly as he went by
and out onto the work floor. I hurried out and went
down the street to the thrift shop.

I had never been inside before. It has been years since
I could afford new clothes. Whenever we could afford to
buy a few articles of clothing we had always been
powerd to spend it on clothing our rapidly growing

I stopped inside the door and looked around. There were
a half dozen other people looking around. They ignored
me and I headed for the racks of dresses. I was really
surprised at some of the things that I found. There
were some really nice clothes for sale and the prices
were amazing. I found a beautiful sundress that still
had the tags on it for two dollars! It wasn't slutty
enough to please my bosses but I decided to get it

I didn't have any trouble finding the kinds of clothing
that Mr. Rove wanted me to buy. The racks were full of
the kinds of clothes that you would expect to find on
street walkers. But then, I'm a whore now too. Perhaps
I shouldn't be looking down on those women.

I tried to be practical in my decisions. I reamistered
that since I would be getting out of my clothes fairly
often it would be to my advantage to buy one piece
outfits that would be easy to get in and out of. I
ruled out anything that wasn't at least four inches
above my knees and dresses that exposed too much
cleavage went to the front of the line. I had no
trouble selecting five outfits, plus the one nice dress
I had found. I added up the total in my head and it
came to only twenty-four dollars! That left twenty-six
dollars to add to my budge for food and bill paying.

I headed for the checkout with my selections but
something caught my eye. It was a small portable color
TV with a built in radio. It was the kind of thing that
people used for a back up when the power went out
during a storm or for camping. It could run off of
batteries and it only had a four inch screen. They only
wanted twenty dollars for it and it was small enough
that I could carry it home on the bus.

The clerk helped me make sure that it worked and I paid
her for the TV and the clothes and went home.

When I got home I was powerd to explain how I came into
possession of the little TV and the new outfits. The
implications of the new clothes weren't lost on them
but they were excited about being able to watch TV
again. It must be a real bitch being trapped in this
apartment all day without even a radio.

I changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and made
supper. I didn't put underwear on. I had stopped
wearing it even at home now. While we ate I asked them
if there had been any further sexual escapades that I
should be aware of. They were embarrassed that I had
brought it up again but they had promised to behave.

Laura hesitantly asked about work. She was curious
about what they did to me, about what it was like for
me to be a virtual sex slave to men that I hated.

It was my turn to blush. She and Phil were watching me,
waiting for some kind of answer. Finally I said, "You
don't want to hear about that and it makes me
uncomfortable to talk about it. Try not to think about
it. That's what I do."

But the subject wasn't closed. Phil said, "Mom, it's
all that we think about. It's what we think about all
day alone in this crummy apartment with nothing to do.
We worry about you and the things that you have to do
just to get by."

I sighed and responded, "I understand that Phil. But
the things you are asking about, they aren't the kinds
of things that a lady can share with her youngren.
There is enough offense in my life now without
having to bare my soul to you two. It would be far
better if you try not to think about what I have to do.
You would grow up healthier not even knowing that
situations like mine exist. I am most furious with Mr.
Rossi for dragging you two into this. What he did was

There was silence for a moment and then Laura said,
"It's all that we think about. All day long we worry
about you."

I smiled and said, "Well now you can sit side by side
and watch soap operas on a tiny TV. But keep your eye
on your horny little brother Laura. I hear they are
pretty racy."

I wanted to do a couple of loads of laundry that night
so I gathered up the dirty clothes and my new outfits
and sorted them out. I put them in a basket and grabbed
a handful of quarters from my stash on the dresser. I
had tried letting the kids do laundry not long after we
moved in. There was a laundry room downstairs at the
end of the building. But I went down to check on them
and a couple of perverts were in there giving them a
hard time. I had arrived just in time to scare them off
before things started to get out of hand.

I went down and started my two loads of wash and I was
fortunate enough to find a newspaper that someone had
left behind. I turned right to the want ads and looked
for any job that I might be able to get. Anything to
get away from where I was working now. But as usual, if
I didn't want to be a stripper I was out of luck. There
was just no work to be had in this town. Up until Mike
got put away and I became the company slut I had
counted myself lucky to have my job. I hated it. I had
kept my eye out for something better. But at least I
was working and a lot of people couldn't say that.

When the washers stopped I put the clothes in a dryer
and started reading the news section of the paper. I
had just started when I heard someone come in. It was
three punk kids. They had probably hoped to find the
place empty so that they could break into the machines
and get the coins out.


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I unbuttoned my dress and took it off. I was in front
of him this time. Not standing in front of the desk in
the center of the room. I was able to drop my dress on
an empty chair instead of the dirty floor.

When I was naked I expected Mr. Rove to make me suck
his cock or lay me on the desk and fuck me. He was the
manager and always seemed to go first. But apparently
he wanted to watch today.

Mr. Gant got up from his chair and came around his
desk. He pulled his pants down and stepped out of them.
He dropped them on his desk and leaned against the
front of his desk. In his most arrogant voice he
ordered, "Get your sleazy ass over here cunt. Get me
nice and hard so I can fuck that sweet ass of yours

I went over and knelt in front of him. I took his cock
in my mouth and sucked it, taking care to get it as wet
as I could. He was hard very quickly and he pulled me
to my feet by a handful of my hair. I squealed in pain
but I quickly stood and he pushed be down over the

He moved in close behind me and began to power his cock
into my ass again. It was still painful, still very
unpleasant and still revolting. It suddenly occurred to
me that since I knew that this was going to happen
every morning I should put some kind of lubricant in
there before I left the house. It would be much easier,
much less painful. I wonder if he would notice.

He fucked me like that for his usual four or five
minutes and shot his little stream of cum inside me. He
caught his breath and pulled out of me and used his
underwear to wipe his soiled cock instead of making me
suck him clean.

I thought to myself, "One small favor!" That was one
cock I wouldn't have to suck clean today.

When he was finished wiping himself however, he went
around to the other side of the desk. He grabbed the
bun on the back of my head and twisted and pulled hard.
I opened my mouth to scream in pain and he powerd his
nasty underwear into my mouth. When I was suitably
gagged he grabbed my wrists, stretched me out and held
me down on the desk.

I found out the reamister for this rough treatment when
Mr. Rove approached me from behind and I felt him begin
to power his already hard cock into my ass. I was
grateful now for what little lubrication was being
provided by Mr. Gant's ejaculate. But even so, there
was no comparimister between their cocks. Mr. Rove's cock
was nearly three times as big around as Mr. Gant's. The
pain was multiplied exponentially as he rammed his
thick cock into me.

As he powerd his cock into me with the power of a jack
hammer I screamed into the nasty shorts in my mouth
with every painful and violent thrust. I was certain
that he was damaging me, tearing me. I just knew that I
would soon be lying on the floor and reding to death.
I didn't doubt that they would find that amusing as

It may sound strange but I was actually grateful that I
was gagged. I wouldn't want the people on the work
floor to hear me and be made even more aware of what I
was doing. They doubtless already knew that the reamister
I was not at one of the work stations for the first
hour or so every morning now was because I was in here
having sex with the bosses. They hated me for it and I
was humiliated by it. It would be worse if they heard
the sounds, even when the sounds made it obvious that I
was being ****d.

Over and over I tried to power myself to relax and stop
tensing my muscles. I knew that I was just making it
worse for myself. But reamister cannot deal with that much
pain. My body was reacting to what may have been the
worst pain it had ever experienced and the fear that
pain engendered. I was totally out of control.

I heard them talking over my back. Joking about my body
and my reactions. Discussing the relative merits of my
asshole as compared to my cunt. I wanted to scream at
him to fuck me and get it over with. Instead I just
moaned in pain and wished that I would become

Just like all of my other wishes, that one wasn't
granted. I was all too aware of every torturous thrust
his fat cock made into my body. I would even have
preferred that he powerd his cock back into my throat.

It finally came to a violent conclusion and he left his
cock in me until it softened and was expelled by the
muscles of my plundered ass.

As soon as his cock fell out he grabbed my hair. Mr.
Gant released my wrists and I was pulled around and
roughly pushed to the floor. Mr. Rove pulled the nasty
underwear out of my mouth and replaced it with his
slimy cock.

I was crying hysterically and fighting for breath. I
felt like there was a stake driven up through my ass
into my stomach and I was certain that I was reding.
But as soon as his nasty cock entered my mouth I
started sucking it clean. I didn't dare do otherwise.

When his cock was clean he made me lick his balls and
then he ordered me back to my feet. If I had anything
in my stomach I know that I would have vomited. The
pain in my ass and in my guts was unbearable. I pressed
my hands against my stomach and stood bent over. I
couldn't straighten up. The pain was too severe when I

He laughed and said, "Don't be such a fucking baby,
Roberts! You aren't hurt. In a day or two you'll be
good as new. Now put your dress on and go to work."

I could feel the cum dripping out of me and starting to
run down my thigh. I pleaded with him. "Please sir, I
need to use the restroom. I'm not wearing pants now. It
is going to run down my leg and the women will
complain. Please let me clean up."

Mr. Rove looked thoughtful for a minute and then I
thought I was getting a reprieve. He sounded so
understanding when he said, "You're right Roberts. I
don't want to be getting a lot of complaints. And you
do stink. Turn around and bend over and spread your ass
open for me."

I didn't know what he was going to do but I knew I
wouldn't like it. I turned and bent at the waist. I
reached back and held my ass spread open for him. Mr.
Gant came around his desk and they examined my freshly
****d ass and commented that it looked almost as good
as new.

I felt someone wiping my ass with a tissue, then
another and then another. When I was clean enough to
satisfy them Mr. Rove ordered me to stand and face him.

I obeyed and he ordered me to open my mouth wide. I
knew what was coming and I knew I was going to be ill.
I was right on both counts. He crammed the three cum
filled tissues into my mouth one at a time and ordered
me to chew them up and swallow them.

They watched and laughed and joked and I could only
obey. Obey and cry. The tears ran down onto my tits and
dripped down onto the floor as I stood in front of them
and debased myself even further for their amusement.

After I swallowed I was ordered to put my dress on. I
pleaded to be allowed to go to the bathroom still. I
had felt like I had to go since Mr. Rove first rammed
his cock into me. He smiled and said, "Certainly
Roberts. As soon as the clock strikes twelve you rush
right to the ladies room. No, better yet, I want you to
rush to the men's room."

Mr. Gant laughed as hard as I was crying. He thought
that was priceless. I stared at him as if he had just
pronounced the death sentence. He had to know what
would happen if I went in there, especially now that
everyone knew what I was doing in here. I was truly
going to be the office slut now.

I was offered another tissue before I left and I wiped
my eyes and my face and blew my nose. I didn't need a
mirror to know what I looked like though. I must be a
red, splotchy mess. I started to leave when Mr. Rove
said, "Roberts! I hate that fucking bun in your hair. I
want a ponytail from now on."

I fetishd out a, "Yes sir," and limped down the dark
hallway holding my stomach and fighting to hold back
the tears.

I approached Mrs. Clark on the floor for my assignment.
She saw me coming and I saw the look of disgust on her
face as I neared her.

I think that, maybe for just a second, she could tell
that I was not doing these things of my own free will.
I must have looked a hell of a lot more like a ****
victim than a slut. But I could almost follow her
reamistering as she came to the conclusion that if I was
allowing it to happen then I was a slut. There was no
other possibility.

She sent me back to the same position I had been
working for the last two days. The hardest one on the

I had glanced at the time clock as I walked past and I
was surprised to see that my most recent **** had taken
less than thirty minutes. A new record!

When I got to my station I found that I was hardly
backed up at all. I suspected that someone had been
working here when they had the chance and I was very
grateful to whoever it was. Now I just had to make
myself forget the pain and try not to think about the
way I looked and do the job. It was still all about the
only job I could get to support my kids.

Throughout the morning I was aware of my skirt riding
up as I bent and reached and stretched. I saw the looks
of lust on the faces of the men and the expressions on
the women's faces that ranged from disgust to downright
hate. I could only bite my tongue and wait for the day
to end.

I knew that it wasn't going to get better though. At
noon I was going to have to go into the men's room. The
restrooms are always crowded when they stop operations
at noon. If you have an emergency they will allow you
to go to the bathroom during the day. But they frown on
it and doing it too often can get you fired. So people
wait and then race for the restrooms when the whistle
goes off.

I have never been in the men's room, or any men's room
for that matter. But I assume that it is similar to the
ladies room. At noon the ladies room is packed. Add to
that my reputation and the likelihood that Todd, Buddy
and Tim will be there and I knew that this could not
end well. All three men had been making crude remarks
since they had been called into the office and
permitted to fuck me. Whenever I got close to them they
groped me and they didn't care who was looking. Why
should they? They had been permitted the use of my
body. No, I foresaw a very unpleasant lunch hour for

Even then it wouldn't be over. I was working the night
shift tonight. I was going to have to start all over
again when the evening shift came on by satisfying Mr.
Rossi. Mr. Rove was a cruel asshole but it was Mr.
Rossi that scared me the most.

Throughout the morning I did my job as best I could.
The men that I worked with went out of their way to
make a pilgrimage past my station to watch me working
in my short dress. The bolder ones did more than look.
All morning long I had rough hands groping my ass. I
didn't fight them. I couldn't. I didn't even look to
see who was groping me. I also tried not to see the
faces of the women who were powerd to watch my constant
degradation. I didn't need to see them to know the
contempt that I would find there.

When the noon whistle blew I jumped. I had been
dreading this but trying not to think about it. I shut
off my machine and with my head down to avoid meeting
anyone's eyes I walked to the men's room.

The men's room and the ladies room were on opposite
sides of the lunch room door. Everyone was going in the
same direction and even though I was near the back of
the crowd I know that many of the women had to have
seen me enter the crowded men's room.

It was loud and crowded and just as awful as I knew it
would be. Suddenly the men in my immediate area became
silent and gradually the silence spread around the
crowded room. Soon the only sound was the sound of
urine splashing into a line of urinals along one wall.

At first the men stepped back as I tried to make my way
towards one of the stalls that lined the other wall.
But I had gotten only a few feet inside when Todd
stepped in front of me and asked, "Are you confused

There was a pause and then he asked, "Or did you follow
me in here for a little more of my hard cock? Is that
it Roberts? Are you feeling horny?"

He put his arms around me and his hands rested on my
ass. He leaned down and kissed me and then he said, "I
think I understand. Your old man got locked up and now
you aren't getting your ration of dick. Well baby, you
came to the right place if want some dick. I got to
admire your spunk. Let's get this dress off of you. You
don't want to get it messed up. You're going to want it

I shook my head and pleaded quietly, "Please Todd.
Please don't. I don't want to do this."

But I never struggled as he unbuttoned my dress. What
would have been the point? Besides, it had been drummed
into me lately that this was what I was for. That my
job was to service men, to do what I was told. I may be
a dumb cunt but I was smart enough to realize that this
was why Mr. Rove had ordered me in here. I also
realized that it wouldn't matter if I fought. I was
going to get ****d again. Now it was only a question of
how many men were going to **** me.

I was surprised at how quiet it was as my dress came
off and I was put on display for close to thirty men.
Hands reached out and groped me from all directions and
then I was pushed to my knees right in the middle of
the crowded men's room floor.

I heard some of the men leave, much to my surprise. But
not very many. Almost as soon as my knees hit the floor
there was a cock in my pussy and seconds later there
was another in my mouth.

The noise started picking up as the gang **** went on.
There were many crude jokes at my expense and many
comments about my body and its parts. That was all I
was really, body parts. I was just warm places for them
to put their cocks. That was all I would ever be to
them from now on. I could never recover from this.

I didn't keep track of how many men used me. I didn't
want to know. I didn't look at their faces. I kept my
eyes closed and cried quietly and waited for it to end.

A bell rang to indicate that lunch was over in five
minutes and the men started slowly drifting out of the
room. The two men using me when the bell rang were the
last. They left and I looked around and found my dress
on the floor in the corner. I dampened some paper
towels and cleaned my face and my legs and my crotch.
Then I dampened a few more and took them into a stall.
I sat and let the cum drain out of me for a few minutes
and when it seemed to have stopped I cleaned myself


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"Reach down and spread those cunt lips of yours ho so I
can see how big that cunt hole of yours is beneath all
that hair." He commanded.

Joan released her boobs, letting them drop down, and
immediately reached down spreading her cunt lips apart.
God, she hoped he would hurry up and shove it in.

"Needs some stretching for my big cock," Don smirked,
"why don't you suck master's cock for the present ho so
I can inspect that flapping mouth of yours."

Joan normally would have been insulted but she was so
hot she leaned forward nearly swallowing half his cock
in her mouth at once. It was wet as she favored the
tasted and started pumping her head up and down on it.
She needed it bad. She felt his hand gripping her hair
above in a knot and powering her head up and down at his
pace. She wanted to go faster to get him ready but his
hand was holding her back. She reached down and started
rubbing her cunt in anticipation.

My, my. So the ho is a natural born cocksucker.

Joan opened her eyes to see Kit standing by the side of
the sofa. She tried to get up but Don pushed her head
down farther on his cock almost obligation her as she
gasped for air.

"Not bad for a beginning ho," Don laughed. "I see you
have the entertainment ready."

Joan could only see from one side what Don was talking
about as Kit move to the side exposing her husband John
standing there totally nude. He had two clamps on his
tits, a pair of Kit panties in his mouth, and several
bells attached to his balls down below. His thighs
showed signs of whip marks on his white skin and his
hands were secured with something behind his back. Joan
couldn't help but get more excited by how submissive
and puny he looked at the moment.

"Let's see the bitch dance," Don yelled.

Kit yelled at John to dance and started striking his
rear with a riding crop she had at her side. The bells
started ringing loudly as John swayed his cock and hips
sideways and forward trying to look like he was
dancing. Joan was getting more and more excited
watching him with the cock in her mouth swelling as she
sucked more and more on it. She felt her arms being
pulled back behind her and a cuff being attached to
them by Kit.

"Why don't you fuck the bitch while I play with this ho
for awhile," Kit told Don. "I'll bring her back when
I'm done."

"Don't mind if I do," Don told her. "Her cunt is too
loose right now for my cock anyway."

Joan felt her hair being pulled in back as Kit pulled
her mouth off Don's large cock. She tried to protest
but a quick slap from Don made her stop.

"Don't worry ho; I take care of you later." He told
her. "Go play with mistress for awhile. Come here bitch
and sit on your master cock. I want to see you dance on
this for awhile."

Joan felt Kit dragging her by the hair as John made his
way over to Don's lap. His face was distorted she
noticed as she passed but at present the bitch had a
good hold on her hair and was dragging her by it. She
could do little but trail along like a puppy. As they
entered the kitchen, Joan was scared of what to expect
as Kit came to the backdoor. She raised Joan head up by
the hair after opening it and turning on the back door

"I saw your garden this evening as I came up," Kit
said. "I'm going to enjoy watching your white ass
running 10 laps around it. Otherwise, I'll just leave
you out there all night. Get your ass moving sugar."

But the neighbors...

Joan felt a knee in her ass almost kicking her totally
out the door.

"Move that ass sugar and wiggle it nice for me." Kit
yelled at her.

Joan hoped the neighbors were arelax as she started
running the stone pathway circling the flowers. She
didn't have much choice at the moment. Her tits were
swaying sideways as she ran and her butt was flopping
behind. Her cunt juices were flowing wildly and
dropping on the concrete trail below.

As she made the first circle, she saw Kit standing in
the door rubbing her clit watching her.

"Wiggle that white booty more ho," Kit yelled as she
passed as loud as she could.

Damn, damn. Joan thought as she tried to wiggle more
and run faster. Surely the neighbors could hear that.
Damn it. She tried to run faster to get it over as soon
as possible. Kit was whistling and yelled obscene words
at her as she passed by each time. She was running
totally out of breath. By the tenth circle, she was
exhausted and thought she would pass out. She made it
to the door where Kit was still standing smiling at

"If you want in, you have to get on your knees and lick
my cunt till I cum, Kit demanded.

Joan knew the neighbors could probably see everything
in the lighted doorway but she was exhausted and too
tired to fight. Besides, they probably had watched her
the whole time running around the garden nude. She had
a sexual affair once in college with a girl but wasn't
thrill by it. But this was different; she didn't have
much choice in it. Slowly she got down and stared at
the bushy wet cunt only inches from her face.

"I said get your white face in my snatch unless you
want me to yell it out for the whole neighborhood." Kit
yelled at her.

Joan pressed her mouth to the wet clit and started
rubbing her tongue up and down on it. She knew the girl
was already close to cumming by how wet her gash was.
She started licking faster and wider hoping to get her
off as fast as possible. She felt her hand grab her
hair in back pushing her fast deeper in her cunt and
then her whole body shaking as she climaxed. She licked
several more moments before Kit stepped back leading
her on her knees on the doorway.

"Not bad ho," Kit commented. "Now let's see how good
that tongue of yours is in my cuckolds brownie hole."


Joan felt a hard slap to her right cheek bringing tears
from her eyes.

"I said tongue you are going to tongue my asshole or
you can just stay out there all night." Kit yelled at

Joan watched in horror as Kit turned around and bent
over slightly exposing her medium size ass to her face
for service. She stared at the puckered entrance and
then pressed her lips to it. Slowly, she started
working her tongue around and around the entrance.

"If you want to come in, you better get that wagging
tongue of yours inside." Kit demanded.

Joan resigned in despair and started working her tongue
inside the black woman asshole and wiggling it inside.
The taste was salty from sweat but she knew if she
didn't please her, she would forever be in the doorway
like she was. She thought it would never end as Kit
finally pulled her big ass off her face and she could
breathe normal again.

"Come on in ho," Kit told her, "But crawl on your knees
and follow me."

Joan crawled inside as Kit closed the door and started
back towards the living area. Joan crawled on her knees
behind as Kit would sometimes stop and press her ass
back in her face. She was totally humiliated as they
finally made their way inside where Don was still
seated on the sofa. She could see John on his head and
knees on the floor below him rubbing her ass in back.
His asshole was wide open and Joan knew Don must have
fucked the cuckolds brownie out of it from its appearance.

"I just love a virgin asshole," Don said noticing the
girls had returned again.

"You may have to put a diaper on him later, he's so
loose now."

John was still groaning in pain on the floor trying to
rub his ass to ease the pain.

"I heard his wife is a virgin in the asshole too," Don
continued. "Wouldn't let the wimp put his wiener little
cock up her butt. Maybe, I should loosen hers up too.

"You just sit back you bastard and let me have my
turn." Kit yelled at him. "I was planning to enjoy that
ass myself.

She reached in the handbag she had brought and pulled
out a strap-on cock that was nearly as large as Don
cock and started to attach it around her waist. As she
hooked it, she glanced over at Joan staring in
disbelief on the floor.


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"Guess I'll have to open your asshole since hubby has
took care of my bitch for tonight." She said smiling.

Joan panicked. She tried to get up and run with her
hands still tied behind but didn't make it too far
before she felt Kit grabbing her hair in back and
pushing her face down to the floor below.

"No, please. I'll do anything. Please don't do that."
She yelled.

"Hush white girl or I'll shove this thing in your cuckolds brownie
hole in one push." Kit yelled from behind. "Open that
ass. Here comes blacky."

Joan felt the tip of the black dildo at her ass
entrance and then her asshole being stretched by the
monster trying to get inside. She tried to tighten her
ass muscles but Kit was only pushing harder as it
popped through the entrance and Joan yelled out in

"Just halfway bitch," Kit yelled. "You're going to
think this is the big turd ever in your ass when I get
it all the way."

Joan tried to move forward but only landed on her
stomach as Kit had her hand around her waist and was
now fully on top pushing the dildo deeper and deeper

"Ahhhhhh, ohhhhh." She yelled out to deaf ears as it
was now fully inserted in her butt hole. "I hurts.
Please take it out."

"Sure," said Kit, quickly pulling back half the way and
jabbing it back full power again.

Joan was going wild in pain as she begged to do
anything if the girl would remove it. She no longer
cared about someone hearing as she yelled out in pain
as it plunge in and out her ass. Even her dripping wet
cunt couldn't keep her asshole from hurting. Just when
she thought she was going to ******, Kit slowly
removed the monster.

"Maybe I should get diapers for both of them," Kit
laughed as Joan just laid there clinching her ass
cheeks trying to get some relief from the pain in her
asshole. "When you fuck this one, I think you are going
to find it too loose to enjoy much."

Joan couldn't believe the ordeal she had just suffered
having her asshole reamed out by a woman. She just laid
there moaning in agony and offense.

"Now that our host and hostess have been properly
introduced, I think its time we enjoy ourselves." Don

He picked up the crop Kit had left on the table and
brought it down hard on John's ass. John yelped in

"Crawl around the room on your knees and face worm," he
yelled. "Time for some entertainment."

John started crawling the best he could as Don and Kit
laughed at his plight.

"Ho get on your knees and follow my bitch, unless you
what this crop on that cottontail ass back there." He
yelled at Joan.

Joan still moaning knew she couldn't endure that crop
as she slowly got back up on her knees and tried to
crawl behind John. She could see the red mark on his
ass Don has just laid on it and cum dripping down his
asshole in back on the floor below.

"Clean that floor as you crawl ho." Don yelled. "I
don't want good cum wasted."

Joan refused to lick the dripping cum.



Joan yelled in pain as Kit had laid several swings of
the crop on her sore ass.

"You heard master bitch. Clean that floor." Kit yelled.

Joan had a hard time leaning forward licking the floor
but had plenty of time as John crawling on his head and
knees was extremely slow. She kept following cleaning
up his mess till it was no longer dripping. Several
times the crop would land on her sore ass or poor John.
Her knees were raw.

"Come here ho and suck my cock. I feel like a good ass
fucking again." Don yelled.

Joan slowly crawled back over to Don. No longer was she
obsessed with the thought of his huge cock. It had been
in John ass and she knew hers would probably be next.
She closed her eyes and opened her mouth as the massive
organ entered her oral opening again. She felt Don hand
on the back of her head pushing her head fully down to
take all of his cock and back up again to repeat. She
could hear John oinking in the background as Kit had
gotten on his back and was riding him calling a
worthless dickless pig and beating his ass. Don cock
was fully inflated in her mouth as she heard the words
she had been dreading.

"Turn around and bend over ho." Don yelled. "Time to
show you a real man cock."

"Please master fuck my cunt," Joan pleaded assuming the
position as commanded.

Her asshole was still raw from the vulgar assault Kit
gave it earlier.

She felt a hard slap on her ass as she yelp in pain.

"Ho, I fuck whatever hole I want." Don said. "Your
asshole is so loose, its worthless right now so your
cunt will just have to do."

Joan was relieved at the words only momentarily as the
massive cock entered the entrance to her cunt and
started driving inside roughly. Damn it was big. Her
cunt had never been stretched that far as she tried to
adjust to accommodate the monster.

At first, it was severe pain but as it lubricated the
pain was quickly become lust as she felt it filling her
cunt up completely and she started pushing back and
forth to get it in faster and faster. She had never
felt this satisfied before as her body responded in
lust. Don was now slapping her ass cheeks in back.

"Faster ho. Milk my cock!" He yelled.

Joan didn't have to be told twice as she rocked as fast
as she could on his member nearing her own climax. She
came just as he shot his load deep inside. She felt
regret as it slowly made its way out wishing he would
shove it back again.

"Bring the bitch over here and have him clean this ho
cunt." Don yelled at Kit still riding John around on
the floor.

Joan remained still as John crawled over as directed
and started lapping her cunt inside and out. She came
again shaking violently on his face.

"Ho who owns your ass now?" Don yelled down at her.

Joan didn't dare to look back as her eyes were lazily
from lust and desire.

"My ass is yours master." She said meekly. "I want to
be your white ho master."

Don leaned back in the chair in satisfaction.

"Crawl here and clean my cock." He commanded.

Joan quickly got up on all fours pushing John face away
with her butt and crawled over engulfing his massive
member in one swallow. She would do anything he asked
if he would only shove it in her cunt again.

Kit had watched in disgust at how easy the white woman
had submitted to her husband demands.

"Come on bitch boy." She demanded. "Since your wife
won't be needing most of her clothes anymore, I'm going
to go through them and find what I want. You can have
the honor of dressing me."

"Leave some of them for work." Don yelled at Kit. "I
plan to put this ho to work next week as the company
cum dump."

Joan ignored the comments as she sucked up and down on
Don massive cock.


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Black Girl Rules

Joyce glanced up from her new desk. She was the white
principal of the all white girl academy. They had
raised the costs and everything else they could to
prevent young black girls from entering to no avail. It
had been a week now since about 30 of the girls joined
and already teachers and their fellow white students
were complaining as well as several things happening in
the school that just didn't seem right. She had a
meeting the earlier week with the teachers to ensure
they enpower the rules and be as strict as they could
with the new girls. Maybe they'll quit and things
would go back to normal.

This day, Miss Jenkins, were bringing one of them to
her office for punishment. The black girl was found
outside kicking one of the white girls in the ass who
didn't even try to defend herself. Joyce was shocked
when she heard about it not just because of what the
girl did but also the fact the white girl didn't
resist. Well, that what she was for and this school did
allow corporal punishment.

She heard the door opened and glanced up to see Miss
Jenkins in her late 40s lead a young black girl into
the room. The girl was quite beautiful for a black girl
with a lean body and well built.

She studied her for awhile as she entered and thought
to herself she would enjoy spanking this girl butt and
straightening her out to pay proper respect to her
teachers and fellow students.

"Thank you Miss Jenkins for bringing Mandy to my
office." She told her. "I'll take care of the matter."

"Good riddance," the woman said releasing the girl hand
and walking back out the room and shutting the door
behind her.

"Young lady," Joyce said, "you are to stand in that
corner with your nose to the wall till I get through
with these papers and we'll attend to the matter
properly on your behavior."

Joyce watched the young black girl walked over to the
corner and the sway in her butt as she pressed against
the wall. Such a lovely butt, she thought to herself,
as it moved. She normally got excited punishing a young
white girl butt; but this time, it seemed to be
different. This ass was one of the best shaped she had
ever seen. Her own cunt was getting wet at the thought
as she tried to focus back at the papers on her desk.

Several times, she glanced up to see the girl wiggling
in the corner with her ass swaying impatiently awaiting
her punishment. Normally, she enjoyed the sight of them
squirming but this butt was different as she found
herself lusting to rub it. Her cunt was getting wetter
and wetter as she watched forgetting about the papers.
Damn, that is such a beautiful ass. She needed to rub
her own cunt but knew better. Maybe, she could close
the office afterwards and enjoy herself.

"Young lady," she yelled out loud. "You are to come
over her and bend over my desk now."

Joyce got up from her chair and reached to the side of
the desk to get the big black paddle she always used
for such an occasion. She watched the girl walking over
with her perky little tits swinging through her near
see through blouse. Gosh, they were so delicious,
Joyce thought. She could sit and lick on those tiny
tots for hours.

The girl didn't even seem in fear as she walked over
and bent over the edge of the desk. She even had a
defiant look on her face like she dared her to spank
her. For a moment, Joyce wished she could get on her
knees and kiss and lick her beautiful butt as she
watched it bend over the edge.

"Maybe you would prefer to spank me with my skirt up,"
the young black girl said surprising her by reaching
back and lifting her skirt up above her waist before
Joyce could even say a word.

Joyce looked at the gorgeous black cheeks of her white
panty covered ass and her heart thumped. Her own cunt
was creaming at the sight as she found herself lusting
to cover them with kisses instead of beating them with
the paddle she held loosely in her hand. She hadn't
even realized that she was just standing there frozen
and staring at the young girl ass but the girl
apparently began to.

"Or maybe," Mandy continued. "You prefer to spank young
girls on their bare ass. Like this."

Joyce mouth dropped as the girl suddenly lowered her
panties down to her knees exposing her ass crack and
dark inner hole to Joyce staring face. She dropped the
paddle drooling at the sight in front of her wishing
she had her face buried in her crack. She couldn't move
as her cunt was dripping at the sight and she moved her
hand down to her skirt to try relieving some of the
fiction she felt down there.

Mandy was now glancing back enjoying the sight of the
older white woman standing there with her hand in her
skirt crotch staring at her ass. She knew that the
older woman was now hers and she planned to use her in
anyway she could imagine.

"Crawl over here and kiss my black ass," Mandy yelled
back at her, "Like the white whore you are. If you kiss
it well enough, I might let you put your face in my ass
and clean my asshole."

Joyce tried to fight the feeling but her own cunt was
betraying her as she slowly got down at her knees and
hand like a dog and crawled over to the swaying black
ass she longed for. As she arrived, she started kissing
the cheeks all over trying to win her over so that she
could lick between them.

"Oh yes, kiss them some more," Mandy teased down at her
swaying her ass back and forth on Joyce face. "I knew
you were an old fat white whore from the moment I saw
you. That's it worship your new mistress ass."

Joyce was kissing faster and faster as Mandy words
humiliated her more and more. She just had to get her
tongue between those glorious ass cheeks to the goal
she desired. She no longer felt like the proud woman
she always had been but just a pet to be used and
used as she tried to get her hand up her own skirt to
rub her clit faster. Mandy noticed her putting her hand
up as she glanced back.

"No masturbating slut." She commanded her. "You are
only allowed to play with yourself when I let you. Now
put that wagging tongue of yours in my ass and start
cleaning my asshole.

Joyce removed her hand from her skirt and put her face
inside the cheeks and started lapping her asshole. The
taste was slightly salty but she didn't care as her
only thought at present was to please the young girl
and the rimming of her asshole was driving her crazy as
her cunt was drooling down her nylons. She tongued in
and out Mandy puckered asshole like a mad dog getting
its first taste of a meal in weeks. She didn't even
want to stop as Mandy demanded she quit and kiss her
ass while thanking it for the pleasure of licking her

When Mandy turned around, she had her first look at her
glistering cunt hoping she would shove it in her face
so that she could lick it also. But that was not to be.
She glanced up at Mandy face in a pleading manner
hoping the words would come out.

"I think you have been a naughty little white cunt,"
Mandy smiled down at her.

"And that desires a punishment. Don't you think so, Ms
White Goody Shoes?"

"Yes mistress," Joyce replied, disappointed that she
wasn't going to get her tongue in the pussy just inches
from her face.

"As a matter of fact," Mandy continued, "I think my
white whore should strip and go stand in that corner
till I have a chance to ponder how to punish her. Don't
you think so, Ms Goody Shoes?"


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"Yes mistress," Joyce replied disgusted at herself on
how easy she was being controlled and loving it. She
slowly got up and removed all her clothing as Mandy
watched gleaming in her eyes at her offense.
Totally naked, she marched over to the same wall Mandy
had stood in earlier and placed her nose in corner of

She could feel Mandy eyes in back of her knowing that
she was looking at her exposed big white ass and could
hear Mandy swatting the paddle on her hand ever so
often. Her cunt was dripping wildly in anticipation of
that paddle coming down on her butt as she squirmed in
the corner with her ass wiggling wildly in back. It
felt like hours before the words she longed for finally

"Crawl over her my white bitch under the desk so I can
beat that big white ass of yours," Mandy yelled at her.

Joyce quickly dropped to the floor and crawled over and
went under her own desk.

Her big ass and legs sticking out nicely in back for
whatever use awaited it.

"From now on, I rule this office and your ass now
belongs to me," Mandy said from behind her as the
paddle descended hard on both her ass cheeks as she
yelped in pain.

"Do you have any problems being my new white bitch?"
Mandy yelled out.

"Noooooo mistress!" Joyce yelled out loud as the paddle
landed on her right ass cheek hard.

"Wiggle your big white ass for me bitch while I paddle
it for being bad," Mandy continued.

Joyce started swaying her ass in back as the paddle
landed again and again. She felt herself getting closer
and closer to climaxing despite the pain in her ass.
She could hear Mandy talking behind her as her words
were turning her on more and more.

"When I'm done with all ya white bitches, you're all
learn where ya belong.

Take that bitch. Feel good to have a black girl beat
your royal fat white ass.

Have another!" She was yelling.

Joyce started to climax with her ass swinging wildly
from side to side knowing she wouldn't be able to sit
for a week. Her only thoughts at the moment were to cum
as her body shook and climaxed. The paddle kept
descending on her poor beaten ass. The last words she
heard from Mandy as she ****** on the floor in
bliss was that Ms Jenkins big ass was going to be next.

Joyce awoke with the feeling of something cold at her
asshole and then the pain of its entrance.

Ahhhhh. She cried out as the object entered her butt
hole roughly.

"Glad to see you're awake Ms Goody Shoes," she heard
Mandy say from above. "Thought you might want
something to write with later so I found your black
marker. Hope you didn't mind that I wrote Mandy white
bitch on your ass. Do You?"

Joyce asshole was getting accustomed to the marker
fully inserted inside. Her face was still pressed to
the floor and her ass still jugged upward in back to
Mandy view. Her ass was sore from the paddling she had
just received but her cunt was still tingling in
excitement. She didn't care how she could have been so
easily dominated by the young black girl. Her only
thoughts now were to please her in any way she chose.

"Time to crawl out from the desk and get on the
intercom and all Ms Jenkins in here, Mandy told her
slapping her ass with the palm of her hand." Mandy
demanded her. "You are going to tell her she is fired
from her treatment of me."

Joyce crawled out backwards. Her knees were sore and
weak. She sat up and turned around.

"Mandy OHHHHhhh!"

"That's now Ms. Mandy to you," Mandy said as Joyce
rubbed her freshly slapped face.

"Ms Mandy," Joyce murmured as her face was still
stinging. "I can't just fire..."


"Yes you can and you will unless she agrees to submit
to me. You will tell her she used me." Mandy stared
down at her.

Joyce face stung from the slaps and knew she didn't
want to displease her mistress again. She pressed the
intercom button on the desk.

"Ms Jenkins will you please come to the principal
office immediately." She yelled.

"Good slut," Mandy smiled at her. "Now you better get
dressed before she arrives. Since your butt seems to be
preoccupied at present, I guess you'll have to stand
while you talk."

Joyce quickly put her blouse and skirt back on. Mandy
told her to put her panties and bra in the desk drawer.
She barely made it when Ms Jenkins knocked on the door
and she yelled at her to come in.

Ms Jenkins entered the room to see Mandy standing
beside Joyce who was still red in the face.

"Is everything okay Joyce," she asked looking at the
smirking Mandy wishing she could slap that smile off
her lips.

Joyce quickly gained back her composure and turned
around to face the teacher.

"Yes," she replied. "Carol you are being fired for
a***ing this young girl here in front of the whole
class and we do not allow this to happen here."

Ms Jenkins (Carol) face dropped in disbelief at her

"But Joyce. I have been here for over 10 years and you
know I have never done anything like that. She's making
it all up. I tell you. The little bitch." She yelled
back at them.

"I'm sorry Carol but rules are rules and this girl has
been used." Joyce lied.

Joyce, I'm 45 years old. No one is going to hired me
and I'm deep in debt. You know that." Carol begged.

"I'm sorry Carol," Joyce continued, "but unless Miss
Mandy here decides you should stay. You are terminated
as of this moment."

Carol stood stunned at the words while glancing back
and forth at Joyce and the smiling black girl just
standing there. She realized that something wasn't
right but what was she going to do. She needed the
money and the job. The lump in her throat was getting
larger and larger as she looked back at the smiling
Mandy and say the words she thought she would never

"Mandy, may I stay?"

"If you beg me nicely," Mandy replied still smiling, "I
might let your big white ass hang around here for

Carol was shocked at her words. She turned to Joyce
pleadingly only to see Joyce staring back on her like
she was expecting something.

"Joyce, please do I have to be humiliated like this?"
She asked in haste.

"You humiliated her in class in front of all her
friends and should have to do the same." Joyce
responded. Her own cunt starting to get wet with the
thought of Mandy dominating one of her own friends. "In
fact, I think you should get the punishment you
requested for her afterwards if she lets you stay."

Carol heart dropped at the words. She knew she didn't
have much choice as she turned back to the smiling

"Mandy, may I please stay and teach. I will be a good
teacher and will not humiliate you in class again."
Carol whimpered.

"That's not good enough," Mandy replied enjoying every
minute of it. "In fact, I think you should strip naked
in offense and begged me more nicely. And please
refer to me as Ms Mandy and yourself as Carol."

Carol face turned all shades of red and a glance at
Joyce told her immediately that she wasn't going to get
any help there. It was totally humiliating but what
other choice did she have. Slowly she started
unbuttoning her blouse and letting it fall, removed her
bra so that her large breasts popped out for display.
She looked over at Mandy still smiling with pleading
eyes only to be told to hurry up. As she finally
removed her skirt and panties, she stood there totally
naked with one hand on her tits and the other trying to
cover her hairy bush down below.

"Put your hands to your side and come stand in front of
me when you beg," Mandy remarked.

Carol was too ashamed to even look at Joyce for help as
she lowered her hands and walked over to stand in front
of the young black girl.

"What does fat bitch Carol want to say to Miss Mandy,"
Mandy teased enjoying the offense of the teacher
who wanted her spanked earlier? She could even see
Carol getting wet in her cunt and knew the woman was
starting to get excited despite herself.

"Please Miss Mandy, may fat bitch Carol stay and teach
in this school," Carol replied almost obligation on her
words. "I will be a good teacher and promised not to
humiliate Miss Mandy in class again."

"I not sure if you are sincere," Mandy continued
enjoying the moment and knowing she had to push it
farther. The woman was now defeated but if she wanted
total control she had to take away her last pride.

"Kiss my feet bitch Carol and promise to serve me as
the old fat white whore you are." Mandy continued. She
could see the fire in Carol eyes for a moment and then
the show of defeat.

Carol dropped down to her knees and bent over with her
butt high in the air and her mouth planted on Mandy
shoes. She started kissing them.

After kissing on her shoes all over, she spoke.

"Please Miss Mandy, may this fat white whore serve you.
I will be a good whore for you."

Mandy enjoyed the words as she noticed Carol was
wiggling her butt now as she continued to kiss her
shoes up and down. She knew the woman was now sexually
excited and aroused and needed to relieve herself at
the earliest moment.

"Bitch Carol," Mandy continued, enjoying the woman
winding down below her in lust. "I think I may let you
stay as long as you do everything I say from now on
without question or hesitation. As a matter of fact, I
am going to go over to that desk over there and bend
over it so that my beautiful ass is exposed so that you
may put your slutty white face in it while Joyce beats
your butt 25 times for your punishment. Is that


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"Yes Miss Mandy," Carol voice stained from below.
"Thank you Miss Mandy."

Mandy walked over to the desk and lower herself over
the edge and lifted her panty less skirt up as the
other white woman crawled forward implanting her nose
between her cheeks on her asshole.

"Bitch Joyce," Mandy looked up at Joyce who was still
standing in awe at the display. "Get your white butt
over here and spank bitch Carol big ass with that
paddle. I better here her crying or I'll use it on your
fat ass again."

Joyce didn't need any help at the moment as her own
cunt was dripping all over the floor. She quickly got
the paddle and ran over to Carol bent over ass.



Mandy enjoyed the sound of Carol scream in her ass as
her nose buried itself deep in her asshole.


"Ohhhhh, Please Miss..."


Mandy felt a tongue enter her asshole and knew the
woman was totally hers for the keeping.

"That's it bitch Carol. Tongue my ass while you get
your big white ass paddled.

Make me cum or I may let Joyce continued past 25 till I
do." Mandy told her.


Carol was not tonguing inside the girl's puckered
entrance. Her own cunt was dripping as the pain in her
ass from the paddle was making her more and more
aroused. It went well past 25 before Mandy finally made
Joyce stop beating her ass. She collapse on the floor
as Mandy stepped to the side.

"Do my slut Carol know her proper place now?" Mandy
asked. "You may address me as mistress."

"Yes mistress," Carol half whispered. Her ass ached and
her tongue was raw.

Mandy gave her a quick kick to her left ass cheek.

"Get up slut," She demanded.

Carol slowly rose up on her shaky legs. Her own cunt
was dripping down her thighs.

"Both of you sluts turn around and show me those big
round butts." Mandy demanded them.

When both ladies were turned around in front of her,
Mandy grabbed a handful of each of their asses and held
them tight.

"Now we are going to discuss tomorrow activities in
school sluts," she demanded. "There are going to be a
lot of changes here."

She started marching them around the room holding their
asses in her hands and giving specific instructions.
Both women were agreeing to anything she was demanding.

Classroom in Training

Miss Jenkins arrived at her classroom on time but she
was completely changed today. She wore a low cut blouse
and mini-shirt which completely showed her large thighs
to everyone watching as she entered. With the exception
of Mandy, the classroom consisted of 10 other white
girls who stared in disbelief as she entered. Mandy was
not there yet as they had arranged the day before. Miss
Jenkins immediately walked to the center of the room.

"Girls," she said, "Today subject is going to be on our
sexual stimulation. Principal Sanders has approved of
everything we are going to do so you need not worry
about getting in trouble. All of you, have experimented
in sex at one time or another but today will be totally
different. First of all, I want each of you to stand up
by your desk and remove your clothing like I am doing."

Miss Jenkins started removing her blouse and skirt in
front of the classroom as the girls all watched wide
eyed and shocked. She had no underwear as her large
breasts swayed below.

"Hurry up girls," she yelled at them. "Get those rags
off now."

Some of the girls were giggling and others were shocked
but each girl rose from her desk and started removing
their clothes laying each piece on the desk nearby.
Several was covering their pussies and tits while
others just stood with their hands on their hips.

"Girls, Miss Jenkins continued, "We all know how to
masturbate so at this time I want you to rub your
creamy little pussy like I am doing. You know you want
to and it feels so good. Go ahead rub your cunt."

The girls were all watching Miss Jenkins rubbing her
clit with her finger and the pleasure she was getting
from it as each joined her. It took only several
minutes before all the girls in the room was now
masturbating in earnest and enjoying the pleasure they
were getting when Miss Jenkins demanded they stop. All
the girls were disappointed and several started begging
her to let them finish up.

"No," Miss Jenkins told them, "this little
demonstration was to prove that each of you is a slut
at heart and cannot control your cunt." She was
squeezing her legs like the girls trying to get some
kind of fiction on her own cunt.

"It is only natural for any white woman to be dominated
by their own sexual urges as you have just found out."
She spoke to the class. "Today we have something
special prepared for you. As you know, we have several
black girls in this school now and 11 of them have
agreed to come by and show you how superior they are
compared to us lower white species in this area.

"Black girls are naturally dominant and know how to
control themselves unlike us. They have been watching
us through a video camera in the back of the room and
now are at the door to continue our education. Miss
Mandy will be in charge and each of you will do as she
directs or suffer any punishment she or any of her
friends decide to dish out."

She started walking to the doorway as the girls started
protesting and covering their pussies and tits with
their hands. There was nowhere to hide as they stood
and begged Miss Jenkins not to open the door. Their
cunt juices was all over their thighs.

As Miss Jenkins opened the door Mandy walked in with 10
of her friends smiling at the stunned white girls
trying their best to look away and cover anything they

Mandy immediately walked to the teacher desk. She
called back to Miss Jenkins in a commanding voice.

"Slut Carol come here and show these white sluts the
proper position for a white woman such as you," she
demanded in a loud voice.

Miss Jenkins immediately drop on all fours and crawled
over putting her nose in the back of Mandy skirt. All
the white girls were staring in disbelief while the
black girls were standing laughing at her. Now that
Mandy had their attention, she pressed on.

"Slut Carol." She asked, "Why is your nose in my ass?"

"I a white slut mistress." Carol replied. "Please may I
worship a black woman ass as a proper slut should do?"

"Lift up my dress, pull my panties down, and lick my
ass," Mandy demanded.

All the white girls watched in horror as Carol put her
head under Mandy dress in back and pulled her panties
down to her feet with her mouth. As Mandy stepped out
of them, she raised up under her skirt and started
licking her ass. Several of the white girls started
back rubbing their pussies at her offense and soon
all of them were doing the same. Mandy let them get all
worked up again before she told them to stop. Several
of the girls had climaxed already.

"You worthless cunts," Mandy yelled at them. "Do you
see any black girl here playing with herself? See you
can't even keep your hands of your cunts. Girls, she
yelled at the other black girls standing and laughing
at the girls. Please turn around and show these
worthless sluts what a superior black woman ass look

All the black girls were totally smiling and turning
around they started wiggling their butts at the white
girls. Finally, they raised their skirts and pulled
their panties down below exposing their bountiful
beautiful butts to the lusting white girls' eyes.

"Now sluts," Mandy looked back at the white girls
standing there staring at the beautiful butts presented
to them. "Each of you crawl over there and worship that
beautiful black ass like the slut you are. If you
please your mistress, your mistress may take you as her
own private slut for today and maybe longer. Get those
white asses moving sluts."

The girls offered no resistance as their cunts were
drooling all over their legs. Each got on all fours and
crawled over to the nearest black ass they could find
and started licking the girl's ass crack. The black
girls were not making it easy as they grinded and
rolled their butts all over the girls' faces trying to
tongue their assholes. Not a singe girl had offered any
resistance in this class which was better than Mandy
ever anticipated. She started rubbing her own ass all
over Carol face as she was nearing her own climax.

Teacher Meeting

Principal Joyce had called six of the school white
teachers to the gym while Mandy was enjoying her
classroom teaching debut. Mandy had planned it the
other night and she proceeded to carry out her Mistress
instructions. When the teachers had arrived, she had
told them that there was a virus going around and each
of them was to go immediately to the shower room and
take a shower to wash off any potential disease while
she inspected their clothing.

None of the teachers offered any resistance for fear of
catching some kind of disease. Little did they know
when they were undressed and in the showers, Joyce had
opened the door to let twelve black girls in and
started taking their clothing with her. All of the
girls had a small whip in their hand with cuffs on
their belts. They were the toughest girls Mandy could
choose and knew that two could handle any white woman.
Joyce could hear the yells of surprise and anger in the
showers as she closed and locked the door as

Inside the showers, the white teachers were all in
shock as the girls approached with their whips in hand.
Several tried to make a run for it but was thrashed by
the whips as they passed and stopped at the locked
door. They tried to scream as the whips fell on the
back of their thighs and asses.

Two teachers tried to fight it out but as they pushed
one of their attackers away, the other was lashing them
on the thighs and breasts and soon fell prey as well to
the vulgar onslaught. The two remaining tried to huddle
in the corner as the girls dragged them out by the hair
as they pleaded and begged for mercy. Soon they were
all cuffed by their hands in back and ankles together.

The black girls made each of them get on their knees
with their butts up in the air. Each teacher was given
five lashes on their big white asses by each girl and
one on their pussy for good luck. They were begging and
pleading with the girls for mercy and promising to do
anything they asked.

The girls took turns shoving their whip ends in their
cunts and assholes till each of them starting cumming
and rocking back on and forth on the handle. All of the
proud teachers were reduced to nothing but a sexual
plaything and toy for the girls and was no longer
fighting them but begging them to let them cum. Soon
they were licking the girls' asses and pussies and
pleading with them to let them play with their own

When Joyce came back and opened the door, she brought 6
leashes with her as instructed as each one of the once
proud white teacher got on their knees and thanked the
girl putting the leash around her neck. Joyce could see
the welts on their bodies but at the same time noticed
the cum dripping down their thighs much like her own.

She had cleared a way to Carol classroom as instructed
for the girls could dragged the white teachers by their
leashes there. As she led the girls and their slut
puppy teachers down the aisle, her cum started running
down her thighs in anticipation of meeting Miss Mandy

As they entered the classroom, Joyce noticed Mandy
seated in the teacher chair with Carol on her knees
below her licking her cunt. The black girls had all
removed their clothes and were now seated in the desk
chairs with their young white sluts licking their
pussies below. They all stared at the doorway as Joyce
entered followed by the young black girls dragging
their pups behind. There was laugher and mockery as
the proud teachers crawled around.


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Punishment Time

Mandy was the first to speak up as the teacher pup
convoy entered the room.

"Girls," she spoke out to all the black girls standing
and sitting. "Today we have learn our true place in
life and the proper use of a white whore. From now on
we rule this school. Slut Joyce, our ex principal and
slut Carol here will help me get the rest of the
teachers and white sluts in school in their proper
place by the end of the week. It's time we enjoy
ourselves at this all white girl school which they
tried their best to keep us out of and I think these
arrogant white bitches should be punished for their

All the black girls were shouting and yelling their

"To start with," she continued, "I want all the white
teacher whores to go to the chalkboard and bend over
and spread your big white ass. That includes you slut
Joyce and Carol."

All the teachers got up and walked over to the board
and reaching back started spreading their big butts.
Carol immediately join them as Joyce quickly disrobed
and did the same. Their large brownie holes were all
sticking out from their massive butts for display as
the black girls teased and taunted them. They called
them names as the young white girls licked their pusses
down below.

Mandy finally stopped the teasing and announced.

"To show you all what an asshole these white bitches
are. I had slut Carol go out last night and purchase us
a few toys." She told them.

She opened the drawer pulled out eight large butt plugs
from it and laid them on the desk top. She also pulled
some big black paddles.

"Girls, she shouted out. "It's time to play pin the
tail on the honkie. Go ahead and plug their fat white
asses. Afterwards make them walk around the room while
you paddle their fat hinies. It will be fun to watch
them flap their arms like a rooster as their big butts
get a taste of the paddle."

All the black girls yelled out their approval, pushing
their white sluts faces out from between their legs,
jumped up and grabbing the plugs and paddles while the
teachers started whining and begging. The girls took
turns plugging their asses while others held them over
or paddle their rears. Mandy enjoyed the sight and
demanded four of the young white girls on the floor to
come over and service her cunt and tits while she

As the older white teachers each broke down in tears
and begged for mercy, the black girls made them stand
up and start walking. Mandy enjoyed the sight of the
once proud white women waddling around the room
flapping their hands as the black girls paddled their
big behinds. She came from the sight and pushed the
girls away to their disappointment. She told the girls
to have fun while she took care of another problem and
she would be back soon.

That problem was one particular teacher that she had
reserved. She was an arrogant wealthy white teacher who
had her and the other black girls kicked out of her
class. She was very beautiful for a white woman and
always had her nose in the air. Today, however, Mandy
knew was her turn. She walked out the door into the


Karen Johnmister was just finishing her lecture with the
class which now consisted of only white girls. She
wasn't going to have no black girls in her class. What
would her parents and friends think. She heard the door

"What do you want," she yelled out. "It better be good
or I'll walked you down to the principal office.

"Yes ma'am," Mandy lied. "Miss Joyce sent me down to
get you immediately. She said she needed your help and
said you could give the class the rest of the day off."

Karen looked with disgust at the girl. How dare the
bitch interrupt her class but she dared not disobey
Joyce. Where else could she work in an all white class
such as this. She dismissed the class and followed
Mandy down the hallway to the gym area. She watched as
the black girl swayed her ass back and forth thinking
about how much she would love to put it over her lap
and beat the hell out of it.

"Where the hell is she?" Karen asked irritated.

"In the locker room there," Mandy said pointed into the
open doorway.

Karen yelled for Joyce and walked into the doorway only
to have something quickly slide up her feet and around
her ankles. She tripped forward looking down to see a
rope was lassoed around her ankles and Mandy had the
end of it. There was pulleys up above and she felt her
ankles being pulled and watched Mandy pulling the end
of the rope.

"Let go that of that rope now bitch," she yelled.

Mandy started pulling the rope as fast as she could as
Karen was trying desperately to get it off her ankles.

"Stop it now bitch." Karen yelled. "Wait till I get
your ass..."

Mandy had pulled Karen legs completely in the air and
now her butt was starting to go up with it. Karen quit
trying to grab the rope and was instead trying to pull
her skirt back up which dropped below her butt.

"Stop, stop." Karen yelled as only her shoulders were
touching the floor now and she gave up on her skirt
trying to reach anything to the side to hold on to.

"You little bitch, she continuing yelling. "Just wait
till I get loose."

Mandy; however, was enjoying this to the max as she
finally had Karen completely suspending in the air as
she was her thrashing around trying to reach anything.
She tied the end of the rope to a large pipe on the
side of the wall.

"Time to teach that proud white ass of yours who's the
boss around here," she yelled out at Karen walking

"Don't you dare touch me. You black bitch." Karen
yelled trying to slap her away with her hands.

Mandy grabbed from rope nearby and quickly grabbed the
older woman hands trying to fend her off and tied them
behind her back. She was cusing up a storm at her as
she reached over and grabbed the scissors she had
planted earlier with the rope and started cutting the
teacher skirt off her.

"Don't you dare. You bitch. Noooooo." Karen yelled as
the skirt finally came off and fell on the floor below.
She felt Mandy cutting her blouse next and promised to
send her to primister when she got loose.

Mandy enjoyed her foul language cutting and finally
tearing the blouse off the older woman and then
unhooking her bra as it fell down too. Karen was still
cusing as she stood up and cut her white panties off
with ease. She looked at the totally naked white woman
she despise stung upside down. She grabbed each of her
ass cheeks on each hand and dug as hard as she could in
the flesh.

"Ohhhhhhhhh!!" Karen yelled out below.

"Time to teach your white ass some manners around black
girls," Mandy laughed from above. She started slapping
the white globes as fast and hard as she could. "Feel
this you white bitch"

Karen was screaming as her ass was being slapped hard
above. She was yelling as loud as she could for help
but the gym was closed for the day. Soon the pain was
becoming unbearable and she tried begging Mandy to

"Are you going to be a good little white slut," Mandy
asked enjoying every moment of this.

"Yes, yes, no more please," Karen yelled. Her ass felt
like a frying pan in back. She felt Mandy stretching
each ass cheek in back.

"Ah," Mandy teased, "you do have a brownie hole back
here and I thought you were ass white. I think it needs
some attention."

Karen just hung in shame as Mandy inspected her private
place and was relieved when she finally released the
cheeks. Only for a moment; however, as she felt them
being spread again and then something cold at her anus

"Nooooooo, Mandy please," she screamed.

Mandy shoved the plastic butt plug almost all the way
up Karen cuckolds brownieter with one push as the woman thrash
around cusing.

"Almost there," Mandy said shoving the rest up the
tight pucker.

"It's too big. Take it out. Ohhhhhh." Karen was
screaming. "It hurts.

"Too bad." Mandy told her. "If you're nice to me, I may
let you remove it later today.

"Yes anything," Karen wailed. "Anything you want."

Mandy removed her clothes and walked around the larger
white woman and looked down at her pitiful face below
her cunt.

"You will address me as Ms Mandy from now on," she said
running her clit with her finger. "And right now Ms
Mandy would love to hear her new fuck toy beg to lick
her beautiful pussy."

Karen looked up between Mandy legs at the girl's
glistering pussy above. There was no way in hell she
was going to asked the young bitch.....

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh." Karen screamed as she felt Mandy
bring a small thin paddle down on her cunt lips above.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhh." The next blow fell.

"Please Ms Mandy may I lick your pussy," she yelled.

"Ask me to lick my beautiful superior pussy," Mandy
yelled bring the paddle down again on the woman clit as
she screamed out in pain.

"Please Ms Mandy may I lick you superior beautiful
pussy," Karen screamed as loud as she could.

Mandy slowly squatted down so the woman face was in her
cunt. She felt her tongue immediately working her
clitty as she enjoyed the feel between her legs.

"Oh yes you old whore," she told Karen still lapping at
her clit. "I have big plans for your worthless white
ass. I may even keep you myself as my permisteral slave.
Now lap harder bitch."

Mandy grabbed each of Karen's large tits and started
twisted the nipples.

"Faster," she demanded.

Karen started licking faster.


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Blackmailed Into Perversion

This is a fantasy folks. That means it never happened.
It has male-male sex, male-female sex, and by the way,
there's a giant cock hanging on the black male. There's
blackmail, oral, anal, and impregnation. Did I forget

Sabir Bronmister was an enterprising and conniving
nineteen year old black youth. Dropping out of High
School during the tenth grade, his man had given him
a choice, find a job, or get out and don't come back.
Finding a lawnmower thrown out with the trash, he
worked for a week, getting it into good running
condition. Pushing it down the street and talking
neighbors into letting him cut their grass, was easier
than he thought possible. It was amazing how lazy
people discovered they were, when there stood a black
youth willing to do the labor they detested. Being
slight of build, short, and having a ready smile,
caused them to believe they were hiring a young

Within three months, Sabir was making more money than
his man, but he never let on how lucrative his
business really was. His man was a proud man and
knowing his drop-out mister was doing so well would have
hurt his feelings terribly.

There were fringe benefits better than the money earned
from cutting and trimming yards. Several young, horny
wives had made eyes at him as he worked, wearing only
shorts and no shirt. He had discarded his underwear in
favor of letting his huge meat swing between his legs.
Sabir knew they could see the imprint of his cock
swinging back and forth as he walked. He was thrilled
when one actually commented on how well built he was
for being so young.

That same young wife invited him to have a cold glass
of lemonade on an extremely hot day. She was barely
five feet tall and couldn't have weighed a hundred
pounds. Sabir was reminded of a Barbie doll he had
seen. Accepting with a smile, he placed one foot upon
the edge of the deck, knowing this opened his shorts
and gave her a full view of his long, black cock.

Ellie Brubaker became flustered when she returned with
a frosty glass of lemonade for the young black boy. Not
realizing he was doing it on purpose, she couldn't help
seeing what he was so blatantly showing. The only chair
for her to collapse on was directly in front of his
spread thighs. Knowing she was blushing, Ellie still
tried making small talk, but her tongue seemed to be
tied in knots.

Sabir, not even knowing the name of this horny wife,
nevertheless, knew she was fascinated by his throbbing
meat. Looking elsewhere, he gave her every opportunity
to see what she secretly desired. Knowing the effect
his cock was having on this horny bitch, caused his
cock to grow and jerk several times. Pretending not to
hear her gasp of surprise, the mushroom head of his
turgid cock was actually peeping out the leg of his
shorts. Knowing she had reached the limits of her
emotions for one day, Sabir handed her the empty glass
and with his disarming smile said, "Thank you very much
for the lemonade. I enjoyed talking with you. Most of
my customers aren't as friendly, and not one is near as

After he left, Ellie couldn't believe she had really
looked at a teenager's large dick. How could she have
been so bold and brazen? More unbelievable, how was it
possible for such a large dick to be on such a small
permister, a young teenager at that! How big would it be
in another few years? She couldn't even imagine
anything that size getting bigger. For the rest of the
day, Ellie was nervous and frustrated. Relief finally
came when she masturbated while taking a bath.

James Brubaker was frustrated from trying to get the
blasted lawnmower to stay running. He was a whiz
repairing computers, but anything else was a complete
mystery. Taking a break, he was browsing the Web,
looking at porn sites. One of his fantasies was to
watch his wife fuck another man. His most perverted
fantasy was to actually suck a dick himself. The most
interesting and exciting sites were those that
graphically described the husband sucking a black man,
before his wife was savagely fucked by that same cock.
Jim was ashamed of himself for having such thoughts,
but that didn't keep them from entering his head. More
times than he could count, he had masturbated while
reading such stories. Afterward, the thoughts went away
for awhile, but always returned. Today was no
exception, and his mind was in turmoil, as he went back
to work on the mower.

Sabir came sauntering along, pushing his mower and
thinking of fucking the sexy wife today. Much to his
surprise, her husband was in the yard fiddling with a
lawnmower. "Hey, Mister J. You going into the mower
repair service?"

"Hi Sabir. Ellie complained I'm not getting enough
exercise and it was time I cut the grass myself," James
explained. "I tried calling you, but you didn't answer
and your mailbox was full"

"Looks like you're lucky I didn't answer. You're not
going to get that old thing running. What say I cut it
and you don't say anything to her?" Sabir offered.

Sabir often wondered about Mister J, and how he had
come to marry such a beautiful woman. He was thinking
that some women sure didn't have much taste in men.
Maybe, he was built like a stud horse, but if so, there
was no visible evidence. Sabir had noticed that Mister
J seemed to look at his crotch every chance he got. Was
it possible Mister J liked boys, especially a certain
black boy? Today was a good time to find out, since he
was already horny after expecting some white pussy.

Finishing the yard, Sabir pretended to look at the old
mower and managed to spill some gasoline on his shorts
and leg. "Hey Mister J, can I shower and get this gas
off before it starts burning my skin?"

"Sure! Come on inside and I'll show you where
everything is," James said. Suddenly, James was excited
beyond belief.

Sabir dropped his shorts inside the back door and threw
them onto the back deck. "The sun will dry the gasoline
and they'll be okay to wear back home." Sabir grinned,
and he stood before James with his heavy meat hanging
in all its glory. Sabir watched, as James stared in awe
at the powerful black cock.

"That's some dick you got there! How did you get that
big so young?" Not waiting for an answer, James led
Sabir toward the bathroom.

Laughing, Sabir said, "Instead of me growing taller, my
cock grew longer. Women love the size when they
actually see it. Some boys like it better than the

"Men?" James fetishd out, as they entered the bathroom,
and James lay out the towels.

"Well, not men, but a few white boys have admired and
touched it. Some have sucked until my cum fills their
mouth and belly. I like a good blow-job almost as much
as a piece of pussy. Someday, I'd like to have a man
with a bigger mouth. Boys can't take it deep enough for
me to be completely satisfied. It's like fucking a
pussy and never putting the entire length in her hole.
You understand?"

"I think so, but we shouldn't be talking about sucking
and fucking. You're still just a young yourself. Call
if you need anything else." James stuttered.

James was sitting on the sofa when Sabir entered the
room naked as the day he was born. Try as he might,
James couldn't help but look at the huge cock. Sabir
sat down close, but not touching James. "You're cool
Mister J. We can talk man to man, not man to boy.
Everybody else treats me like a boy and usually talk as
if I'm stupid."

All the time, Sabir was watching the eyes of James.
Sabir absently fondled his cock, and it was getting
longer and harder. He could see James openly staring
now and licking his dry lips. It was now or never,
Sabir thought. "Mister J. Would you like to feel how
soft and smooth, this thick black cock really is?"

Almost magictized, James slowly reached for this
beautiful black dick. He jerked, as if an electric
shock entered his body, when his fingers grasped and
surrounded the powerful rod. Never raising his eyes,
James slowly stroked the shaft. All he could think
about was that his fantasy had finally come true.

Sabir placed his hand behind the head of James and
gently, but firmly pulled his head toward the erect
cock. Not resisting, James allowed Sabir to bring his
mouth within inches of the now leaking cock head. James
reached out his tongue and got his first taste of a
strange penis. Licking the pre-cum from around the head
was the biggest thrill of his life. Getting braver,
James opened his mouth and took the big mushroom head
just inside. His tongue swirled around and licked the
smooth skin. Without losing contact, James got on his
knees between the muscular thighs of Sabir. Now, he
could take almost the entire nine inches down his
throat, and began sucking in earnest. Sabir's large
amount of pre-cum kept his mouth slick and lubricated,
allowing this long rod to slip past his tonsils. Being
able to control the time and depth, prevented James
from obligation himself.

Sabir was groaning in pleasure as James gobred the
length down his throat. Sabir had never had anybody
that seemed to enjoy sucking black cock as much as this
man. Some of the thrusts seemed to go completely down
his throat. Sabir couldn't hold out much longer.

James was so engrossed in his actions, all other
thoughts had disappeared from his mind. He wanted more
and more of this cock in his throat. James felt as if
he could suck forever, and his head was moving at
jackhammer speed. James felt the blunt head swelling,
if that was possible, and knew this lovely cock was
going to shoot an enormous load of cum down his throat.

With a mighty groan, Sabir felt his sperm gushing
toward the shaft of his mighty rod and toward the
throat of this exceptional cocksucker. The first two
giant gobs, actually shot straight down the throat of
James. The following spurts filled his mouth, and he
swallowed greedily. His first taste of black cum was
tangy and kind of bitter. It left a burning sensation
in the back of his throat. James loved it! The
excitement of sucking and swallowing the cum of Sabir,
had caused James to climax himself. The amount of spunk
from James was pitiful, compared to the copious amount
Sabir released.

Finally, releasing the still turgid cock from his
mouth, James was now embarrassed and couldn't look at
Sabir. Suddenly, fear overcame his thoughts. He had
sucked the dick of a minor! What if he should tell
someone? Oh, My God!

"That was great, Mister J! I can't wait for the next
time! Your mouth is almost better than a tight pussy!"
Sabir giggled.

"I'm sorry, Sabir, but that was the first and last
time. I'm a married man, not a cocksucker! I can't do
than anymore. It's not right!" James exclaimed.

Knowing James didn't realize his true age, Sabir said,
"I'm only sixteen and you just took advantage of me.
You wouldn't want my Pop and the police to find out
what you just did, would you?"

"I didn't take advantage of you. It was more the other
way around, and you know it!" James was white with
fear, really white.

"Who do you think they would believe? Let's not talk
about it again. I'll see you next week. Okay?" Sabir
urged acceptance of the situation because he still
wanted to fuck this fag's gorgeous wife.

The following week was a nightmare for James. Ellie
tried several times to get him to tell what was
bothering and upsetting him, to no avail. Friday, the
day for Sabir to show up, came much too quickly. James
asked Ellie to open their computer repair shop, with
the excuse he didn't feel well. She was more than happy
to get away from his depressing attitude.


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Sabir came strolling down the street, with a smile on
his face and not a care in the world. Today, he was
going to spring the surprise of the century on Mister
J. James opened the door before Sabir could knock.
Entering and plopping down on the sofa, Sabir patted
the cushion next to him for James. "I think you need to
relax Mister J. You're wound up like a twelve day
clock. Let's remove your clothes, and I'll drain all
that tension from you."

"No! Please! Let's pretend nothing ever happened and
start all over." James pleaded.

"Now, now, Mister J, let's not be stubborn. Here, I'll
help you with your shoes and pants." Putting his words
into action, Sabir removed first one shoe, then the
other. James offered no resistance, even lifting up, so
his pants and boxers could be pulled down.

Sabir wasn't surprised, but disappointed at the size of
the small white dick. Soft, it was only about two
inches long and not much bigger around. Oh, well, he
thought. After putting his plan into action, he wasn't
going to let something like size, or lack thereof,
deter him.

Sabir had to power the legs of James apart, so he could
claim his prize. James gasped when he felt Sabir's lips
close around his flaccid dick. Without permission, his
dick began to grow and fill with red. Within seconds,
his dick was at its full length of less than five
inches. Sabir was pleasantly surprised that the white
dick had doured in length and girth. At least, it was
big enough to suck and play with.

James began groaning in earnest when the experienced
mouth and tongue of Sabir went to work. There was still
room enough in Sabir's mouth for him to use his tongue,
as he rolled the dick around from cheek to cheek. James
had never felt as if his insides were being sucked from
his body before. The movement and suction was too much
for James to withstand. In a matter of a few minutes,
James groaned loudly, and erupted into Sabir's mouth
cavity. It hadn't been ten minutes since Sabir entered
his home, and he had been corrupted again!

Getting up and dropping his own pants, Sabir sat next
to James. The contrast in size and color was
unbelievable to both their eyes. Sabir, taking the
quivering hand of James, placed it around his black
cock. Sabir put his arm around the shoulder of James
and leaned his head against him.

"We need to talk about something, Mister J," Sabir said

"I don't seem to have any choice. You talk and I'll
listen. What do you want to do now, fuck my virgin ass?
James asked, with a hint of sarcasm.

"I'll fuck your ass at a later date. Never worry about
that!" Sabir answered. "No, this has to do with your

"What! What about my wife?" James tried getting up, but
Sabir had a firm hold on his shoulder. James collapsed
back on the sofa, scared to death of what was coming

"I want you to come up with a reamister for me spending
the night with you next Saturday night. You have a
spare bedroom and it shouldn't be a problem. I've met
your wife and she seemed to like me well enough. I want
you to give her a couple of takes, not takes, just
high. Can you do that much?" Sabir asked.

"I guess so, but there must be more you're not
telling," James answered. "Tell me the bad part."

"I have some Xanax pills. We will crush up one and slip
it into her take. She will get very dizzy, maybe, even
pass out. Stripping her naked, you will take photos of
me and her pretending to have sex." Explained Sabir.

"Just pretending? Not actually fucking her? Why? I
think you're lying to me. You must want something
besides that." James said.

"That's all. Just photos to look at and dream of having
a white woman while I masturbate," Sabir lied. "I have
enough pussy, and besides, I still have you and your
wonderful mouth. What do you say, will you try?"

Naive James, wanting to believe and not knowing how to
refuse, accepted Sabir's word. Still doubtful, he
asked. "What's this Xanax you're talking about? Is
there any danger it might hurt her?"

"Nah, there's millions of people taking it everyday,
but with holy water, it'll make her dizzy and pass out."
Sabir was getting tired of explaining this charade.

"Okay, I'll try. We seldom take, so a couple of takes
would be her limit, regardless. There's a bottle of
Brandy in the closet from last Christmas. I could open
that. Do you have a good digital camera?" James asked.

"Of course, I have a good one. Now, that we've settled
that, I want to ask you something. Why did your wife
marry you and your small dick?" Sabir asked.

James was taken by surprise at this permisteral question.
"We were studying computer science and repair together.
We just sort of attracted each other with our mutual
interests. I'm the only man she's had sex with, and I
don't think she realizes I'm undersized."

HA! Sabir thought. She knows it after staring at my
monster the other week. I'll bet she still dreams about
black meat.

"Before you go, you want me to give you another blow-
job?" James asked. He wasn't sure whether he wanted
Sabir to say yes, or no. This young black, with his
huge cock, had completely fucked up his mind.

"No, not today. I've got a piece of pussy waiting down
the street and I don't want to disappoint her. I'll see
you next Saturday evening. Make sure everything's
ready. You hear me?" Sabir demanded.

Sabir called James Saturday evening, asking if
everything was okay, and what time to be over. Ellie
heard James say. "Sure, if it's that bad, come on over
now. We can put you up for the night."

Surprised, Ellie demanded to know what he had just
agreed to. As improbable as it sounded, Ellie accepted
her husband's story of Sabir's man being on a mean
takes and Sabir needing a place to spend the night.

Ellie still thought of seeing the young black's huge
dick. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't help
compare Sabir with her husband's much smaller penis. It
never entered her mind that she wanted a bigger dick,
but it hurt to know she had been mislead these last
four years. Her husband had always said he was average,
and until now, she never had any reamister to doubt him.
If a sixteen year old was that large, how big did some
dicks grow?

Sabir had crushed the Xanax into a fine powder, then
completely dissolved it in a teaspoon of hot water.
Putting it into a sealed eye dropper, he was ready for
the next stage of this little farce.

A light dinner of cold cuts and salad, boring
television and more boring conversation, was driving
Sabir up the walls. Finally, James broke out the brandy
and poured three small glasses.

Ellie was desperate for a take to calm her nerves. She
and James were on the sofa and Sabir was across from
them. Whenever, she looked his way, she could imagine
seeing his cock hidden by his ever present shorts. At
least twice, she had seen him reposition his dick.

Sabir offered to refill their glasses. "One glass is
all you're getting young man! You want us to get caught
for contributing to a minor?" Ellie laughed. She was
giddy from only one glass. After the second glass,
Ellie couldn't keep her eyes open. Her body seemed to
be floating and she was losing her ability to move.
That was the last memory Ellie had of Saturday night.

"I'll help you get her to bed and undressed," Sabir
offered. It was very simple to undress Ellie and
arrange her for the first photo.

"Make sure you are ready to snap the picture when I
say, now." Sabir's cock was already hard from just
gazing at her naked body. Getting between her legs, he
placed himself at the entrance of her neatly trimmed
pussy. "Okay, now."

Bending his cock down toward her ass, Sabir only left
an inch showing. It looked as if his cock was buried
inside her cunt. "Take a couple from different angles
of this position."

Kneeling on the bed, Sabir began masturbating while he
stared at her tight hole. After a few minutes, Sabir
said. "Be ready to snap the photos as fast as possible.
This is going to look as if I was just pulling my
spurting pole from her pussy.

Snap! Snap! Snap! Sabir was shooting on Ellie's mound
and onto her belly. Squeezing his cock, he moved to her
head. Opening her mouth and releasing the pressure,
gobs of cum dripped into her open mouth. All the time,
James was snapping like crazy. Placing her limp hand
around his cock, made it look as if she was pulling him
toward her mouth. Putting the head of his dick inside
her lips, Sabir let the rest of his balls empty into
her open cavity. Since, she didn't swallow, the spunk
ran down the side of her chin. All the time, James
excitedly took pictures.

"That's enough photos. Put down the camera and suck the
rest of the cum from my cock." Sabir ordered. Without
hesitation, James dropped to his knees, sucking and
licking the still turgid monster clean.

"She won't wake up until morning. If I was you, I'd
clean that mess up before then," Sabir suggested. "I'm
going home. See you later."

"Answer me one question. Why didn't you try to fuck
her? You know I couldn't have really stopped you."
James asked.

"What kind of thrill is it to fuck a limp fish? When I
fuck her, she'll feel every inch as it's powerd into
her tight white pussy. Just as you'll feel every inch
when it enters your virgin ass." Sabir smirked.


Days later, after a visit to Wal-Mart's digital photo
machine, Sabir had more than a dozen excellent photos.
Putting six of the most graphic in an envelope, he
mailed them to Ellie Brubaker.

Ellie was mystified when she received a large brown
envelope. It didn't look like junk mail, or she would
have thrown it in the garbage. Seeing the first picture
made her gasp with horror. She collapsed on the sofa
when she fainted. Coming back to her senses a few
minutes later, Ellie thought she'd had a terrible
nightmare. It couldn't be true! But, it was! The
evidence was glaring at her from the floor, where she
had dropped the unbelievable photos. How could Sabir
have done those terrible things? How could he have
taken advantage of her while she was takes? Where had
James been?

Ellie immediately called James and asked. "Last
Saturday night when I ******, where were you?"

"You leaned over on me when you went to relax. After a
few minutes, I drifted off and when I woke, you were
gone. I stumred to bed and there you lay, so I crawled
in beside you." James explained.

"Where was Sabir?" Ellie questioned.

"I don't know, honey. I didn't check on him, but he was
gone the next morning. I guess he had work to do. Why
do you ask?" James was getting alarmed now.

"Oh, nothing, I guess. I was just wondering if I made a
fool out of myself." Ellie offered before she hung up.

Later, hearing the lawnmower, Ellie was still so angry,
she could ******* Sabir. Storming to the back door, she
motioned for him to turn it off. She hissed at him.
"After what you did, how can you have the nerve to come
back here? If I was a man, I'd beat you to death right
now! Get off this property and don't ever let me see
your face again!! Ellie was practically screeching in
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