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les histoires de chrislebo

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La main suivante a été joué et le croiriez-vous , Jeremy encore perdu. Tous les gars fait sortir de rire et Nathan dit avec un grand soulagement , «Viens ici Ashleigh , et s'asseoir sur mes genoux . "
Ashleigh marchait plus et fait exactement cela . Jeremy était furieux, mais Ashleigh était assis sur les genoux de Nathan, gros renflement sentiment de Nathan sur *** cul , devient plus grand et plus fort. Elle a été mouillé par la présente et ne pouvait croire la taille de celui-ci par rapport à Jeremy . Jeremy se leva et essaya de récupérer Nathan , mais les trois autres gars tout lui lutté à l'intérieur à l'étage salon .
" Calmez-vous! " a crié Nathan , comme il a saisi un sac qu'il avait apporté et en tira des cordes et des menottes . « Mettez ces sur lui , les garçons " at-il dit . Les gars mettre les cordes autour de Jeremy et ligoté .
Ashleigh s'approcha et dit: " Désolé chérie , nous avons eu un accord. Au moins on obtient 1000 $ , ou peut-être de 5000 $. Je promets de ne pas en profiter , je vous promets . "
Jeremy pleurait un peu, mais alors dit: « Eh bien nous mesurer ensuite , Nathan , vous branleur ! "
Nathan eut un petit rire et dit: « Vous voulez vous jamais dit cela. Per***ne ne me traite de branleur . "
Ils avaient ligoté Jeremy contre un poteau en brique dans le salon . Nathan a ensuite tiré un ruban à mesurer et m'ont dit , " OK les gars , tirez vos sous-vêtements vers le bas, et tirez Jeremy " .
Ils ont tous arraché et Jeremy Nathan craqué en riant , « On dirait que c'est seulement 1000 $. " Ils riaient , tout dur comme un roc de l'excitation .
Ashleigh a pris la cassette. Nathan a dit: « Ne pas mesurer en pouces , mesure en centimètres aujourd'hui. Il pourrait être proche . "
Alors, elle mesurée Andy . " 14.5cm , dit-elle .
" Oh oui! " a crié Nathan avec enthousiasme sur *** visage .
Maintenant, les autres gars alignés . Il est clair que Scott et Steve ont été beaucoup plus grand . Nathan n'avait pas pris *** pantalon large encore .
«Mesurer les gars », a déclaré Nathan
"OK" répondit Ashleigh . " Steve est 16cm , 17cm et Mark Scott n'est 14.8cm .
Ils regardaient tous Jeremy et riait . " Oh merde , je ne voudrais pas vous ", a déclaré Scott
Mesure " Nathan ", a déclaré Steve .
Nathan tiré *** pantalon . Il était très grande et toujours disquette . Ashleigh était à la recherche en état de choc .
"OK , les gars, sortir , rentrer à la mai*** . Il est juste nous trois rester ici maintenant ", a déclaré Nathan tout en jouant avec *** énorme queue .
«Attendez encore une chose avant de partir. Pouvez-vous tirer le dispositif de mon sac et le mettre sur Jeremy , mon garçon ici? " Il était prévu , la pensée de Jeremy , mais avant qu'il puisse dire quoi que ce soit Nathan dit à Ashleigh se couvrir avec une serviette et lui donner *** string . Elle a fait et assis dans le salon en regardant . Nathan mettre le string dans la bouche d'Andy et utilisé du ruban autour de sa tête pour la maintenir po
" Il s'agit d'un dispositif de chasteté , fabriqués à partir de pindick solide en acier chirurgical. Seulement, j'ai une clé . Je sais que vous pensez ce n'était pas une partie de la transaction , mais vous m'avez appelé un branleur et je suis ce qui en fait une partie de la transaction. Vous feriez mieux de l'espoir qu'elle n'aime pas ma grosse queue , mais je devine qu'elle sera , comme votre robinet 12- ans - garçon est beaucoup trop petit pour une telle hot babe . Et laissez-moi vous dire , si elle aime ma bite , je vais vous tenir enfermés ! Je vais avoir la clé et je serai votre maître . Oui, Maître Nathan , dit-il en riant.
Jeremy essayait de crier , mais il ne pouvait pas tirer un mot . Nathan continua: « Ne vous inquiétez pas . Vous et elle peut encore aimer les uns les autres . Elle sera juste me baiser et pas vous. Pas besoin de vas te faire encule plus si je lui répondre . " Il était épris de cette situation .
Il avait Jeremy ligoté , dans l'attente de voir comme il baise sa fille chaude en face de lui .
Les gars coincé le dispositif sur la bite de Jeremy ; ils ajusté et verrouillé. Puis ils ***t partis , tous à la recherche amusé et souhaitant qu'ils étaient en position de Nathan, souhaitant qu'ils puissent rester et à regarder , mais leur travail a été fait .
" Oh Ashleigh , vous êtes si fucking hot . J'ai voulu que ce si mauvais , venu et me mesurer. Mettre ma bite dans la main et me dire comment cette fiancée inutiles de vos n'a jamais réussi à vous faire foutre . "
" Eh bien, il n'a pas ", a déclaré Ashleigh .
«Quoi! Haha , dit en riant Nathan . " Oh, ce sera amusant . Avez-vous une mesure ?
" Oh , euh, c'est tellement gros . C'est 17.5cm , je crois , dit-elle dans ton léger .
«Je ne suis pas difficile pour le moment. Jouez avec ma bite et me dire comment vous faire baiser , répondit Nathan .
«Eh bien , qu'est-ce que tu veux dire , c'est encore plus grand? Je ne sais pas. Je pense que vous devriez le faire et d'en finir avec ", a déclaré Ashleigh .
Elle était vraiment humide et juste essayé de bloquer Andy et faire le travail .
«Maintenant, mesurer , bébé , et assurez-vous mesurer comme vous ne les autres, l'enfoncer dans mon bloc de presse os, il dit Nathan .
" 19cm ", a déclaré d'une voix Ashleigh choqué
" Ce ***t 2 pouces plus grand que ce que vous êtes habitué, et je suis beaucoup trop épais . Vous ne vous sentirez jamais *** petit coq de nouveau. "
Ashleigh était mouillé , très humide . L'alcool avait pris *** effet, et l'adrénaline était entrée en jeu. Elle a dit: " Je ne peux pas le sentir Nathan . Il est trop petit ! S'il vous plaît soyez prudent avec moi, tu es si grand . "
Jeremy avait l'air très furieux. Nathan avait un sourire jusqu'aux oreilles , comme il tira Ashleigh et la mettre sur la suite de salon .
Nathan a ensuite révélé chatte fraîchement ciré Ashleigh . Il descendit sur Ashleigh , elle avait promis de ne pas en profiter , mais il était grand . Jeremy a été autorisé à orale, mais Nathan était égal . Il n'a fallu que quelques minutes et Ashleigh atteint *** paroxysme .
Elle le regarda Nathan comme il se leva de la parole et demanda: « Êtes-vous prêt pour un vrai homme ? "
Ashleigh dit: « Oh oui, s'il vous plaît soyez doux. "
Jeremy regardé sur , les larmes couler sur *** visage . Plus il criait , plus Nathan sentir.
Il a fallu deux minutes de poussée douce pour Ashleigh ne pas être dans la douleur , elle n'avait jamais ressenti un tel robinet intérieur de *** avant . Après encore deux minutes, elle était vraiment de se perdre dans un autre monde , un monde nouveau pour elle . Elle essayait de ne pas , comme elle a promis sa fiancée, qui elle aimait tant , qu'elle ne serait pas en profiter, mais c'était trop pour elle.
La vue de sa fiancée soumise regarder comme *** ennemi le pendu grand bien baisée était trop pour elle, elle a commencé à gémir : "Oh Nathan , Nathan ... oh putain oui, je suis Cumming , ohhhh mon Dieu, oh mon dieu ! Fuck oui, s'il vous plaît ne pas arrêter . "



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Cela a duré pendant des siècles et des orgasmes multiples , Nathan regardait Andy et se sentir comme le mâle ultime supérieure . Ils ont essayé différentes positions pour les 30 prochaines minutes, Nathan lui avait environ pour avoir le meilleur orgasme que vous pourriez jamais imaginer et puis il dit: «Voulez-vous me baiser à nouveau ? "
" OUI ! " répondit-elle.
" Vous ne serez pas le baise plus . Il gicle quand je dis . "
" OUI ! "
" Je garde l'argent , tout cela ? "
" OUI ! " elle a crié , " Oh s'il vous plaît Nathan , ne s'arrêtent jamais. "
Ashleigh est Cumming nouveau et n'avait jamais imaginé un orgasme sentais comme ça.
Jeremy était furieux , humilié , il n'en croyait pas ses yeux mais elle a été à nouveau Cumming . Nathan regardait Jeremy , " Prenez l'habitude de mettre la fiche bébé. Je pense que je vais aimer faire partie de cette relation , et vous serez enfermé . No way out , sauf pour moi . coupe-boulons ne fonctionne pas , les outils ne fonctionnera pas , tu es ma chienne ... ou notre chienne , dit en riant que Nathan il a continué à baiser Ashleigh dur à partir de derrière .
Après cinq minutes de Nathan a finalement laissé échapper un gémissement massive . Il a pris sa queue d'elle, elle se retourna sur le dos et jeté une charge massive de sa chatte, le cul , et de l'estomac . C'était une énorme charge .
Il regarda Jeremy et dit: «Je vous amène sur les cordes , vous délier, et de prendre la bande de votre bouche. Vous êtes à venir me lécher la chatte de sperme et de *** corps . Vous êtes ici pour obtenir chaque goutte ou je vous tiendrai enfermé pendant un mois . Je tiens les clefs seulement et ils ***t avec les autres gars pour le moment. Si vous êtes bon je vais vous laisser communiqué de temps à autre , mais pas de branlette . Vous serez toujours propre Ashleigh après nous foutre, vous porterez un préservatif et elle permettra vas te faire encule sécher ses fesses jusqu'à ce que vous cum . Après que vous portez le dispositif de chasteté et d' ONU- je vous coiffe une fois qu'il est allumé. Avez-vous tant à comprendre "
" Oui ! ", a déclaré Ashleigh . " C'était incroyable . Je suis ton esclave baise, Nathan .
Jeremy cria : «Pourquoi ? Oh OK , mais pourquoi ? S'il vous plaît venez de nous quitter! "
Nathan a dit: « Ashleigh veut maintenant, elle a besoin. D'ailleurs, je vais vous laisser seuls tous les deux pour s'aimer . Je vais être à chaque week-end , si vous m'invitez . Et je devine si vous voulez libérer de l' appareil de chasteté , je serai à un peu . Mais rappelez-vous , vous devez être menottés au lit avant que je vous laisser sortir de l'appareil pour regarder , et la plus proche vous à la dégustation elle est avec mon sperme sur elle, ne vous comprenons tous les deux ? "
" Oui , je le fais. C'était incroyable », a déclaré Ashleigh .
Jeremy était , lié encore , et perdu pour les mots . Il était esclave de Nathan, un esclave à sa fiancée propres .
Nathan a dit que si Jeremy a essayé de me battre avec lui que les clés disparaissent . Le dispositif est bien monté et Jeremy Nathan pouvait dire ne plaisantait pas. Nathan a pris *** temps déliement de Jeremy , riant tout le temps .
Il a saisi Jeremy et l'emmena à Ashleigh . " Maintenant, penchez vers le bas et la nettoyer avec votre langue. "
Jeremy se pencha vers le bas et lécher la chatte Ashleigh . Par surprise, Ashleigh commencé à profiter de la lécher . Nathan , forçant la tête de Jeremy entre ses jambes , a dit: « Faites-lui cum , faire éjaculer ou vous nettoyer ma queue avec la bouche. "
Jeremy essayait de ne pas avaler de sperme de Nathan, mais avec Nathan en appliquant une pression tellement il était difficile pour Jeremy de respirer et encore moins d'éviter le sperme . Jeremy a continué à lécher Ashleigh dans un autre orgasme.
«Maintenant, avaler ma cum ", a déclaré Nathan .
Jeremy a avalé le sperme. Ashleigh mis sur la suite de salon , entièrement satisfait pour la première fois dans sa vie. Nathan continua à raconter Jeremy qu'il serait parti pour une semaine et que pendant tout ce temps , il ferait n'importe quoi Ashleigh dit. Jeremy appellerait Nathan et lui demander de rester avec eux quand il avait besoin de sortie . Sur ce, il fit signe à Ashleigh , ramassa ses vêtements , et à gauche.
Ashleigh est allé à Jeremy , ses bras et l'embrassa . " Ne vous inquiétez pas babe . Je suis désolé , mais il était si bon . S'il vous plaît ne pas être fou , mais je n'ai jamais senti comme ça et je veux me sentir encore une fois. J'aime ce style de vie et j'espère que vous l'accepter ... non pas que vous avez beaucoup de choix ", a déclaré Ashleigh .
Jeremy était sous le choc mais il savait qu'il n'avait aucun contrôle . " Mais nous pouvons encore faire l'amour , non? "at-il demandé .
" Eh bien, c'est à Nathan , bébé > Il a la clé et je devine qu'il ne vous laissera pas . Peut-être que vous devriez présenter des excuses pour l'appeler un branleur ? Je veux dire qu'il est un connard mais il sait comment baiser une femme . "
Ils ont jeté il ya dans chaque bras de l'autre , à la fois penser à l'avenir .



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Seigneurial dues

Allison was naked on the bed. Her hands were lashed together and her tight little ass was thrust upward behind her. Her hair fell untidily around her face on either side of big, longing eyes. She was looking up – presumably at her husband Alex – with an expression both sheepish and sensual. This was a sexy picture indeed. The next picture showed her spreading her pussy, hands now tied behind her head, then finally breathless with her hair tangled and a look of post-coital satisfaction on her pretty twenty-one year old face.

I immediately got wood looking at Allison's inviting body; she was a hot girl and I had always wondered what she looked like naked. I was amazed at my good fortune to have found her nude pictures in my email inbox that morning. I was no friend of Allison's, but it seemed her husband had accidentally included me, the couple's landlord, in this most private of emails.

Alex's message was: "I can't believe you let me take these, see attached!" I guess he meant to send them to Allison after a romantic evening. I could see the inside of the apartment they rented from me behind Allison's naked and bound body.

I felt my dick getting hard as I looked at Allison's naked body, and began to play with myself idly as I looked at the photos. "Suck my dick, slut" I mouthed to myself, and rubbed my shaft hard while looking at Allison's delicious little tits and ass. What a sexy little slut! I came almost immediately there in my office, and knew in the moment afterward that I needed to somehow have my way with Allison.

"The bitch would love it," I reasoned to myself as I thought a plan over in my head. When she signed her lease, Allison had written "school librarian" in for her occupation. She fit the quiet, socially proper stereotype too, but her nervous submissiveness in these photos betrayed her; it clearly came very naturally to her to be dominated sexually.

Allison's husband Alex was a sissy though: always too polite. My bet was that it didn't feel natural to him to put his girl on the bottom in these pictures. In every picture I had seen today, Allison's longing face wanted more than she seemed to be getting. If I wanted to have my way with Allison, Alex would not seriously stand in my way; I could make myself the alpha wolf here. That night I wrote the following message:

"Allison and Alex,

Very nice photos. I enjoyed them so much, several times in fact. If you don't want your friends, your coworkers and most of the internet to enjoy these images as well, I suggest you let me have a little more of what I've seen. I will be over tomorrow night at ten. You had better both be ready to give me what I want!"

I attached my favorite photo, just to show that I had the photos, and hit "send." Allison and Alex had a lot of college debt, and both had just started jobs that depended on their reputations. Given their circumstances, I trusted they would be compliant – plus I guessed that Allison at least might secretly enjoy herself.

The next night I drove over at 10:30, a little late just to make Allison squirm. I knew the girl who looked so submissive in those photos would secretly love being ****** to take cock from a stranger, and I wanted her nervous little pussy as wet as possible. I pounded on the front door, then put my key in the door and let myself in; I am after all the landlord here, so I had my own.

Alex was in the process of opening the door – I was amazed he was even here, let alone opening the door for me – he gave me a stiff greeting and left, banging the door behind him. Clearly he didn't want to be there for what I was about to do to Allison, but was too afraid of my blackmail to let me know what he thought. What a pussy! He deserved what was happening to him – I hoped he knew that somewhere deep inside.

Either way though, I was alone in an apartment I owned with a girl I now also owned, and she would have to do exactly what I said. It was a bit dark in the apartment though, and Allison was nowhere to be seen.

"Come out, slut!" I yelled and Allison stepped shyly forward from the bedroom. To my surprise she was dressed sexily for my arrival in a black thong, black fishnets and a black strapless bra. She stood taller than usual in high-heeled black shoes, and her hair was already pulled back into submissive little schoolgirl pigtails. Her petite little body looked amazing. I had never fucked a girl half my age, and had almost forgotten how hot such a young woman could look. I already wanted to fuck her senseless as I saw her slowly walking down the hall toward me.

I figured Allison must have changed hurriedly for me in back as Alex was storming out. She looked afraid, but was visibly aroused; she was gently tonguing and biting her lower lip, and moving her hips nervously.

"Bitch, you will kneel in front of me," I said, and Allison, still silent, kneeled on the carpet before me and breathed gasping, nervous breaths.

"You are going to do exactly what I say all night tonight," I told her, "and you will call me Master." You are my slut tonight, and my word is your command. You will not complain, and you will be perfectly obedient. You know what will happen if you aren't. Is that understood?"

She looked up at me, her face less than a foot from the bulging cock inside my pants. I had already seen those obedient, nervous eyes looking up at me on my computer screen, but they looked even hungrier tonight.

"Yes Master," she answered breathily, and hung her head.

"Then suck my cock." I said. She undid my belt and zipper, and my huge, engorged cock sprung out and, with a deep thrust, went straight into her open mouth. I grabbed her by the neck and a pigtail, fucking her face hard. If Allison had any ideas that I would go easy, those thoughts were clearly evaporating as my cock rammed the back of her throat. Suddenly I grabbed both of her pigtails and pulled her face down hard over my cock, exploding burst after burst of hut cum into the back of her throat. I squeezed her tit and slid my dick out of her mouth. She was holding my cum in her mouth I saw, seeming confused about what to do with it. My first thought was just to say "swallow, bitch," but I had another idea.

"Did that make you horny?" I asked. She nodded. "Did you like having my dick in your mouth?" She nodded again, looking down now. "Does that make you want to rub your slutty pussy?" Allison kept nodding shamefully.

"Well spit in your hand, bitch," I said. Allison opened her mouth and cum mixed with saliva dripped out into a big sticky pool in her hand. She gulped, swallowing the residue, and stared shamefully at her sticky prize. "That's your lubricant bitch," I said, "Rub it into your cunt."
She looked up at me, scared and confused; "Master," she begged, "Please, I'm not using anything..."

I cut her off angrily: "If you think I'm using protection on a little slut like you, you're mistaken, now cum for me, or you know what happens." She looked scared, but still was aching to touch herself. Suddenly Allison plunged her hand into her thong, rubbing my cum into her soaking pussy. She worked it in hungrily, humping her hand and moaning with the pent up desire she was only now allowed to release. She moaned for a while and came, rubbing my semen up into her cunt, and finishing only as she thrust two cum-soaked fingers deep inside her belly. She then looked up at me ashamed, but still with a submissively vacant look in her eyes.

"I bet you never come that way for your boyfriend, slut," I said. "You need a real master to use you as the bitch you are."


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"Yes, Master," she said, then added more quietly: "you are right Master." I felt relieved, but still horny as hell to see her kneeling down there and agreeing with me; I decided to have some fun in a different way.

"Stand up slut," I ordered; Allison dutifully stood up. I wanted to see her naked body, so I ordered her to remove her bra. She did it, and showed me the perky little tits on her petite hundred-pound body, they popped out as her bra dropped on the floor. Her erect, elegant little nipples seemed to reach out for me. I then ordered her to remove her thong, and she turned around, lowering it over her sexy little ass, which she thrust out toward me.

As Allison bent over, I suddenly grabbed one of her hanging tits and stuck my index finger into her outstretched asshole.

"You're my slut," I growled at her. "I can do whatever I want, but you... you actually like it, don't you slut?"

"You even like this don't you," I added as I stuck a second finger into her tight ass.

"Yes master" she panted obediently, and stuck her ass out further, plunging my fingers in up to the second knuckle. I then suddenly released her and finished stripping off her thong from around her ankles. Allison gasped and was standing in front of me now, naked except for her shoes and stockings. She was beautifully petite: thin but with great curves. Her brown pigtails matched the well-trimmed but dripping-wet hair on her pussy.

I really wanted to have her again, but first I had some things to do. "I'm going to make you look the part of being my slut, understood bitch?"

Allison nodded, then muttered "yes Master." I Picked up a bag I had brought and pulled out a pink dog collar, then reached out and put it around her slender, white neck. I clipped a lead onto it, grabbed my bag and pulled her without explanation toward the bathroom. I then grabbed her by the collar and held her head forcibly under the bath tap. Allison gasped as I ran cold water over her head, so I pulled her head down onto the tub floor and spanked her milky-white ass, leaving red marks. She cried out in pain and stopped struggling.

Once she subsided, I handed her a razor and said "Shave." Allison obediently sat on the closed toilet and methodically shaved off all her pubic hair, leaving a pink, smooth little pussy just begging for me to fuck it.

Allison seemed shocked and a bit scared now, but was still complying; I think she had always secretly wanted to look more slutty, but hadn't felt able to allow herself. I stroked her bare pussy tenderly once or twice, then quickly used the bathroom scissors to cut her wet, unkempt hair down to flirty bob. I thought that every time Allison's husband saw his wife's new look, he would have to think of what I did with her. I gave Allison's wet tits a squeeze and smiled at the thought.

"Blow-dry your hair, then put on lipstick and makeup," I commanded.

"Yes, Master" Allison said submissively and turned on her hairdryer.

I went and laid down in the bedroom, and in a few minutes Allison entered. She looked like a whole new slut. Still in high heels, she now had thick, bright makeup, short hair and that great pussy: invitingly shaved just for me. I wanted to put my dick in her so bad.

"Sit on my lap, slut," I said. The new Allison climbed nervously onto the bed, straddled my hips and began rubbing my erect penis up and down her pink little slit. She then lowered herself – with visible enjoyment and a satisfied gasp– onto my massive, unprotected dick.

"Have you ever been filled up like that bitch?" I asked.

"Never Master" she replied, as she worked my enormous cock into her tight belly and began riding it vigorously. I loved the sight of my broad shaft vanishing deep into her tiny little body.

She soon drew gasping little breaths like she was about ready to cum for me a second time. Allison was enjoying this too much, and I guessed correctly that her tiny asshole had been soaked with her cunt-juice, so I pulled out and held her in place with a hand through the pink dog collar. She ****** slightly, then gasped in surprise as I thrust the tip of my dick into her tight little butt.

"No master" she whispered as I worked my cock slowly deeper. Her little ass was strangling my cock, and she groaned audibly in pain accommodating me. I worked my dick in and out repeatedly. "Please Master," she said, "please fuck me in my pussy." I stayed silent and just rammed her ass harder, ******* her neck down cruelly with the leash; she moaned in pain, and could not avoid reaching climax at the wonderful agony of my dick tearing a deep entrance through her tiny asshole.

In a few minutes when Allison finally began to scream and shudder with orgasm, I pulled out and rammed my dick back in her smooth, little pussy and came over and over, filling up her tight little belly with a hot ocean of cum.

Allison moaned with the last of her climax as she rode my cock and said "Thank you Master, thank you."

I looked at my cum oozing out of her pussy back onto my now flaccid member, then happened to glance up at the window where to my surprise I saw Alex peeking through a gap in the blinds! The pervert was actually secretly watching as I fucked his slut girlfriend!

Now, I had really enjoyed the thought of emasculating a guy by giving his girl a great fuck, so this gave me an idea.

"Come inside, pussy!" I yelled, and walked off to open the back door. He would be afraid of my blackmail too, and I decided he would be scared enough to do what I said, just like Allison was. Alex cautiously came inside, where I pushed him into the bedroom and threw him onto the bed with Allison.

"You..." Alex started to protest, but I cut him off:

"Pussy, I was only going to fuck this slut, but since you're such a slut too, you have to help now. Kiss my whore!" Allison was lying on the bed, her cunt and asshole soaking with my cum as it slowly trickled out of her pussy; she looked sweaty and disheveled and her makeup was now smeared. Alex climbed on the bed and tentatively kissed her – he was nervous and stiff but Allison was relaxed and dazed with the release of repeated orgasm.

"Now tell her that you like that she rode my cock!"



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"I like it that you rode his cock." Alex muttered. He sounded ashamed, but honest, like some kid ****** to confess a misdeed.

"Now sissy," I said, "You are going to clean up my slut here, but first we have to dress you like a sissy. Get naked."

Alex looked at Allison imploringly, but she just stared back in dazed arousal as he took his clothes off. I went in the closet and found a pair of Allison's satin panties, and a fancy, rufled cocktail dress. "Now put these on sissy or the deal's up!" Alex sullenly put on the dress and then slid the panties up underneath it. This action looked surprisingly girlish, and now he looked intangibly aroused beneath his shame and anger. The dress was so short that his satin-covered butt was just visible beneath its ruffles.

"Kneel sissy," I said, "you will clean off my cock with your tongue." He kneeled, in a surprisingly feminine way, and looked again at Allison. She giggled and nodded, enjoying the *********** of her boyfriend, who now must seem very inadequate as both protector and lover. Alex looked ashamed and started obediently licking the pussy juices and cum off of my cock.

"Now sissy, clean up my bitch's cunt," I ordered, and pushed him onto the bed again, his face right up in Allison's cum-soaked pussy. Alex gasped and started dutifully licking my cum off his girlfriend's pussy, then – to my surprise – lifted her legs and started licking my cum off her gaping asshole, working his tongue inside the hole to really clean her out. I could tell he not-so-secretly liked this treatment too. What a fucking pussy! I spanked his ladybutt a few times as he lapped up all my cum.

I pulled out my camera quietly as he worked. By the time Allison noticed and raised her hands to protest, I had three more pictures of this tawdry scene. I pushed Alex's head down deeper into her pussy and Allison fell back, not caring any more amid her tired pleasure. I clicked more pictures as he ate out my tired lover.

While Alex was finishing, I reached behind him and tied his hands behind his back and his ankles together. I shoved a ball gag I had brought into his mouth, ending his zealous licking.

"Okay bitch, you're done," I said and yanked him backward, lashing his bound limbs down to a chair at the back of the room. His legs were forcibly crossed by my ropes, making him look even more like a girl, his frilly panties showing beneath the dress.

"You're going to wait there Alexa," I said. "Alexa and Allison, that has a nice ring to it... do you think so Alexa?" Alex looked up at me, fuming through the ball gag. I slapped his face and he recoiled.

I then climbed back up on the bed while "Alexa" watched us with hateful obedience. I pushed myself up between Allison's legs and began to passionately kiss my new slut as she moved sensually against my body. I worked my dick inside of her nubile but reddened pussy and began gently humping her again as she kissed and caressed me. I could tell that these two sluts would be mine for a long time. And I had my own key to this place; I could come whenever I wanted. There would be nothing either of them could do about it.



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"Ding-dong" rang the bell. I uncrossed my legs and daintily stood up, pulling the frilly pink ruffles of my nightie down over the bottom of my smooth buttocks. I walked down the hallway to the door, swaying for the first time in my brand-new pink high-heels. I bent forward to unlatch the door and pulled it open to let the tall, forty-year old man outside into my house.

"Welcome master" I said in a slightly babyish voice and curtsied low, letting my white-stockinged legs bend out from under the pink and white frills of the nightie. I stood to the side, with my ass out just a bit, as I held the door open for him. The landlord came inside and handed me his coat and briefcase. I curtsied again as I took it - "thank you master," - and set both carefully in the front room.

It had been a month since he had blackmailed Allison and me. I had watched through the window on that first night as he buggered my wife's face, pussy and ass. I was enraged at our situation, but so aroused. I think now that I've never known such delight as I secretly felt watching her get filled with our master's cum. When he had seen me through the window, master dragged me in to help. I knew Master was straight, but he still got wood from my willingness to submit. It made having his way with Allison all the better I think. And his pictures, always more pictures... the more we did what he said, the deeper we got down the rabbit hole. My life would be over if anyone saw me in a cocktail dress sucking his fat dick clean after he had ejaculated in my wife's pussy; with that expression of shamed arousal on my face I could hardly claim blackmail.

Now he wanted me as a second slave, how could I say no? "Think it over," he had said though, for Master needed me to be a willing slave. Allison had enjoyed being ****** once and – like me – had even played along; but now she was getting uncomfortable with master's repeated demands. He stopped by randomly several times a week and she had begun to cooperate only grudgingly. Master needed my help to train her for him.

I hardly had to think at all about this demand; I had started to feel a deep need for my master to approve of me. Knowing Master liked me best as a pretty girl, I did all I could to please him. I went dress shopping, lingerie shopping, shoe shopping, and got my ears pierced at the mall. I waxed every hair to make my slender body silkily smooth all over, got a sexy tan, then for the final touch, I bought a long, curly, blonde wig until my real hair could grow out. I had followed his instructions for curls, frills, bows and makeup to the letter, including cutting little hole in the back of my pink satin panties.

When I looked at myself in the mirror before master arrived, I looked like a sexy girl. I would have given myself an erection, but for the fact that my shaved genitals had been kinked and tucked inside my body beneath those pink panties. I began to feel very pretty and in the mood for being another one of my master's girls.

Once I had put Master's things away, I kneeled in front of him in the hallway and looked up into his stern face high above me. He was six foot four and powerful, with a strong chest and just a bit of belly above the bulge in his jeans. I was slight by comparison, really seeming no more than a submissive little girl in my current attire.

He reached down with his strong hand and stroked my cheek, "You look good little Alexa." I moved against his hand and breathed in deeply, pushing my ass out behind me and arching my back. Master firmly grabbed the pink dog collar I was wearing at his request and lifted me up to standing. I reached only as high as his neck, which I ventured to kiss and nibble tenderly. He ran his hands over my A-cup bra concealing its silicone tits, over the silk fabric of my nightie and down my smooth, tight belly, satisfying himself that I was girlishly smooth everywhere.

A sure hand on my hip turned me around, and I pressed my frilly pink ass up against the erection in his pants. He ran his hand through my new, long, blonde hair, down the small of my back and firmly squeezed the edge of my butt. I pressed harder against his dick, feeling it press hard into my panties. "You make such a pretty girl Alexa" he said with just a note of derision.

"Thank you master," I whispered, and did a little curtsy. Making eye contact briefly, I walked with him down the hall, shoes clicking and hips swaying. I led him into the bedroom where my wife Allison was fast asleep on the bed from the pill master had given me to put with her vitamins when he last came over. My wife's tiny, delicate form was completely naked on the bed. As he had requested, I had slid all her clothes off, readying Allison to better serve my Master. He reached out his finger and slipped it into my mouth. I elegantly sucked on it as he thrust it in and out. I then watched as he worked the wet finger into my wife's dry pussy; she groaned as he pumped it in and out. Then he pinched her nipple and twisted it hard. She made a slight noise, but stayed oblivious.

"Alexa," he said, "I will require your service." Without a second's delay I kneeled at his feet again and began hungrily unzipping his jeans. I gently pulled them down over master's buttocks; his manhood sprang out and I heard his belt buckle clink against the floor. I hungrily took his cock into my mouth and began working it in and out vigorously. I felt so secure with his strong cock in my mouth. It felt perfect, and I thrust my ass out through the playful folds of my silk nightie as I worked.

Master then said: "I am not going to let you finish Alexa; when I'm about to cum, I plan to do it inside my slut. Do you understand?"

"Yes master," I gurgled in an earnest but babyish whisper; saliva oozed out down his shaft as I whispered to him. I began to pump his dick harder and deeper, wanting to see him cum in my wife again for me. After a minute of slamming the back of my throat, master seized my face and pushed my lipsticked mouth off his dick, then, wearing just his black T-shirt he climbed atop my *********** wife and shoved his cock into her dry, unprepared cunt.

It took a couple thrusts to get his manhood in against friction, then he started banging her hard until he came repeatedly inside her tight pussy. He squeezed her tit violently as he came over and over. I hopped up on the bed as he climbed off, a bit out of breath, and bent over him, sucking master's manhood clean from his fuck. His cum was delicious, I could taste my new identity as a submissive girl-slave with every drop I slurped down.

"Alexa," he said as I looked up from cleaning him, "go to my briefcase and get me two large plugs." I rushed down the hallway to the front room, clicking on the hardwood in my pink heels and swaying in my white stockings. One of the plugs was very large, and the other a bit smaller. I brought them to master, who took the larger one and shoved it reluctantly into Allison's pussy, where it became covered in Master's cum as he turned it slowly inside of her.

"Bend over Alexa," he said with a hint of amusement. I turned from where I was dutifully facing him, and bent over. My stocking legs stood straight up in their heels; my panties protruded from the nightie as my forward bend pulled its silk ruffles up over my back. I was strongly aware of how the hole I had cut in my satin panties left my asshole clearly on display between the ruffles. I heard him chuckle gently as I felt the huge cum-soaked buttplug being pushed cruelly inside of me. I gasped in shock at the sharp pain, then fell silent at the surprising sense of fullness as the plug's widest portion slid inside of me. I felt that I truly belonged to master now; I would do anything to be a pretty girl for him. As I awkwardly stood up straight again, I saw him shove the other plug into Allison's vagina, stopping up the rest of his cum up inside her *********** pussy, so that none could leak out.

"Now Alexa," said Master as he pulled his pants back on and began to zip and buckle. "You are really here to help me train my slut, not to help me fuck her." He picked up Allison's naked, nubile body and carried her to the bathroom. "I want Allison to look like my whore," Master intoned as he set her in the bath. Allison's hair was still short from when he had cut it on the first night. "Women are better at this sort of thing Alexa, so you are going to give her a makeover for me. She's my slut now and she needs a new look." He handed me some blonde dye, some hair bleach, a razor and some hair remover. He then shut me in with her.

What could I do? It seemed from the blonde dye that master wanted Allison to have new hair for him, so I wet my wife's hair with the tap and rubbed the bleach into it. That had to sit for fifteen minutes, so I climbed in the empty bath and carefully shaved the stubble off her legs and pussy, rubbing hair remover into her labia to keep Allison looking nubile for a while. It was hard to work around the plug holding master's cum inside her belly, but I got my wife's pussy smooth for him without disturbing it.

The plug in my own orifice made movement awkward, and I would often get a sharp reminder of my master if I bent too far forward. After fifteen minutes I rinsed the brown out of Allison's beautiful hair and began working the blonde dye into her bleach-white hair, leaving platinum highlights on top. I blow-dried her, supporting my wife's *********** head with my other hand, then tidied up her hair with the bathroom scissors into a flirty layered style. Using the practice I had from preparing myself for master, I took some of her makeup and carefully applied foundation and blush. As I applied mascara and painted Allison's lips a bright, pouty red, I realized she looked totally different. This was master's girl now, and he would soon do with her whatever was best for him.



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I opened the door and kneeled outside the bathroom. "I am done master" I whispered in my submissive babygirl voice. He picked Allison up and carried her tiny, blonde, nubile body back to the bed. I saw he had set up a complex handheld device while I had been helping him make over Allison. He put a handcuff on my wrist as I came into the bedroom then threaded it through the radiator and latched the other end on my other wrist. From where I was chained in the corner, I saw Master take the device over to Allison and straddle her, holding one of her ample tits. "Ker-shunk!" went the machine, and I saw Allison had a small steel ringlet through her left nipple. "Ker-shunk!" – her right nipple as well; then "Ker-shunk, ker-shunk, ker-shunk" eight more times until she had a line of rings on each side of her pussy, and one through her clitoris. This looked very elaborate, but Master knew best what his slut needed. Then he took a small, sparkling chain out of his pocket and threaded it through her new rings like a shoelace, elegantly locking her cunt shut over the plug he had installed earlier. He clicked a tiny padlock shut around both ends of the chain and through the clit-ring itself, tying her cunt off completely.

He pulled playfully on a nipple ring, pulling her tit taught by her pink little nipple. He laughed with pleasure. "Now you Alexa," he said and put a hand on the small of my back, pulling my thin, tanned belly up near his face. He pushed his machine up against the top of my belly button and "Ker-shunk!" made a tiny hole. He pulled out a stud with a big silver and pink flower on it, working it through the new hole in my smooth girlish tummy. "Thank you master," I said, "it is beautiful master. I kneeled for him again, hands still restrained behind me. I had already pierced my ears for him at a stand at the mall, and had small dangling pearls at the sides of my face, but this was something I had not thought to do. His gift felt cold in my belly button.

"You are both ready now," said master, with a voice that betrayed contentment with the sexy appearance of his two sluts. "Get dressed so we can leave."

"Leave, master?" I said, somewhat surprised.

"Yes," he sternly replied, "You will spend your summer vacation being trained at my house; you will help Allison learn to enjoy obeying my every command for the next three months, now get dressed, slut!" He threw me a pair of low-rise women's jeans and a pink shirt, and unlatched the cuffs so I could obey. I slipped off the nightie, being careful to stay turned away from master so I would continue to look girlish for him. I then pulled up the tight jeans up over my stockings, panties and enormous butt plug. I felt the low-rise jeans pushing it deeper inside of me as I strained to do up the button.

As I pulled on the shirt, I realized it only came down far enough to still show my new belly-button ring and an expanse of tanned tummy. I felt pretty as I pulled my pink heels back on and watched Master set Allison's limp body on the rug, flip the fringed end up over her body, and roll the whole thing up with her inside. He beckoned to me and I helped carry the rug and its secret cargo out to his truck parked on the street. I prayed that none of the neighbors would recognize me as we stuffed the rug into the back of the truck. I looked so different, but even so I was scared.

I went round to the passenger side to climb into the cab beside master, and as I did, the neighbor from across the street wolf-whistled at me from his front yard. I sheepishly ducked inside the cab next to master; I had argued with that man about a number of petty things, and I was sure he had once keyed my car afterwards in spite. I knew he would never let me live this down – probably even telling people the story – if he realized the pretty girl in the truck was actually me. Master laughed at my shamed reaction to the catcall and pinched my blushing cheek derisively. Then he got out of the cab suddenly, leaving me sitting there confused with my sexy legs crossed.

A minute went by as master talked to the neighbor. They looked over at me a couple times and I cowered in shame. I didn't even know the neighbor's name, but he was an overweight black man, wearing shorts and a white t-shirt. Then master gestured at the truck and the neighbor began to walk over. "Oh fuck," I thought as the man climbed into the cab with some effort.

"Hey girlie" he said, "Your man says you're going to give me head if I do some odd jobs for him."

"What!" I thought; I had never seen this coming. I looked out at Master imploringly and saw him nodding his head, so I reached under the man's fat belly and undid his baggy jeans shorts. I put my hand around his member and fiddled with it as it grew, rising up enormous between the steering wheel and his belly. I then leaned over and shamefully slid my mouth around his head. I could smell the sweat of his work out in his front yard coming up from his crotch. The taste was foul, but it made me hot. I began to suck more vigorously, my head rubbing against his firm gut.

"Oh baby" he muttered, working my head down far over his cock with a big hand on my head. I gagged a bit on his dick as it went into my throat, then he came directly down my throat as I swallowed his hot, sweaty cum: gulp, gulp, gulp. He lifted me up by the chin and kissed me. I felt his black lips pressed against my own cherry red ones and felt a passionate rush.

"Thanks baby," he said, as he stroked my cheek, gave me a last little smooch, then buckled up his pants and hopped out of the truck. My anger and shame had evaporated in the passion I suddenly felt for this man who's cum was in my stomach, and who had just given me my first kiss as a girl.

Master waited fifteen seconds, then hopped back in the driver's seat. He laughed at my shame as he blindfolded me, then put his car in gear and drove out of town toward his own house, which, by the distance, was somewhere outside the city. I stared into the blackness of my blindfold, still with the taste of two men's semen in my mouth, and my wife made up like a whore and *********** in the back of the truck. It was all so wrong, and yet it felt so right to me. This summer would change who I was, if I wasn't a different person already.


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Consciousness drifted back in snatches. The ceiling, high above was gray, possibly cement block. *****. My body: naked, a faint pain deep between my legs. *****. My arms out, my legs apart, a comfortable softness beneath my bottom. *****. Then as awareness finally coalesced around me, I began to realize I was not at home, but somewhere else.

I was on a bed in a dimly lit basement bedroom; as I tried to sit up, I realized how firmly my arms and legs were lashed in the spread-eagle position I had awoken in. I had been *********! I strained against the leather belts holding me and they wouldn't budge. Looking down, I began to feel scared when I saw new piercings in my nipples. I felt a cool breeze on my pussy, like someone had shaved it and a feeling of fullness told me something had been left stuck inside of me. I felt terrified and alone. I strained with my tiny, naked body against all hope, trying to break free.

I knew this situation was our landlord escalating his blackmail. I had slept with him less and less willingly over the past month. At first I had reveled in his blackmail: being ****** to cheat on my husband with a cruel and dominant man turned me on so much – I wanted to get fucked hard by him, and without shame because I had no choice – but I began to resist as the landlord's visits continued.

I felt more and more responsible for the dirty humiliating sex I was enjoying so much. Now being tied naked in a basement? Disturbing, more than a little frightening, but honestly: pretty fucking hot.

Once again I had no choice, and that got me shamefully wet for Master. I thought about the tall, strong, handsome, older man who had carried me here, stripped off my clothes and tied me to this bed. Possibly he had had his way already. The thought made me angry, but I yearned for his strong hands all the more thinking about it.

"Master" I whispered, wondering if he was in the room; saying this felt natural, as it always did when my pussy was hot for him. I got wetter and wetter as I thought about him and I thrust slightly, straining against my ties and grinding whatever he had stuck in my pussy against the bedclothes. My struggles only frustrated my desire though, because with my legs spread I couldn't stimulate my clit. I soon gave up, but was desperate for the strong touch of my absent Master.

Then I realized that Alex could still save me. I was powerless for now, but soon I might be found. Alex hadn't touched me sexually in a month; I wouldn't have let him anyway. We both seemed to agree that Master was better at that, and Alex had willingly left that part of our relationship to the better man. Now Master had really gone too far though, and Alex would have called to police. This was hot, and if ****** to play along I could enjoy the ride, but I knew this would soon be over.

In the mean time I was scared about getting pregnant. On my first night with Master, he had made me rub his semen up into my pussy and refused to use a condom or pull out, but afterward I had taken a morning after pill, then gone directly on birth control. I didn't have any of that here though and my womb was – for now – Master's as well. All I could do was hope to be rescued before his seed took root.

I closed my eyes in resignation, but thinking of Alex looking for me, I felt a bit less out of control than I had before.

I think I dozed off, because I awoke to another woman stroking my hair. She was dressed in white stockings with bows and a black mini-skirt of ruffles and lace. A black tube top finished the outfit, giving her the look of a French maid. The other girl was pretty; I squinted at her but couldn't make out her face well without my glasses. A jeweled flower flashed in the evening light in the girl's exposed belly button.

She started gently undoing my bonds, and I sat up, massaging my wrists and stretching. I was hungry, thirsty and I really had to pee, so I asked the other girl if I could go the bathroom. She put a finger on my chest and whispered that Master would arrive soon. She twirled my hair gently as though to comfort me and I realized then it had been bleached blonde.

The girl placed a kiss gently on my cheek and withdrew, as a door opened and my Master strode quietly into the room. The other girl curtsied to him, lifting up her black and white ruffled skirt high above the white bows on her stockings, showing my master her tiny, white satin panties. As though trained, she went and kneeled by his feet, looking down at the ground. Master was wearing his usual jeans and black T-shirt. He gave me a stern look.

"Whore, you have been disobeying me" he said, "so I had no choice but to bring you here and train you. You are my slut until I decide otherwise, and you will learn to enjoy following my commands without question. Is that clear?"

I felt so small and exposed sitting in front of this fully-dressed older man, wearing nothing but his chosen blonde hair and piercings on my tiny, naked body. I felt so small next to him too; he was over a foot taller than me, and more than twice my weight. "Yes, Sir" I mumbled, feeling scared. I sounded like a little girl, which is what I felt like before this older and authoritative man.

I could still see no way out, but to hope I'd be rescued. Master took out a key from around his neck, reached down and unlocked what seemed to be a tiny padlock on my clit. I craned over to see what he was doing and shuddered as he ran a strong finger down the slit of my pussy and pulled gently outward. I had not noticed before while I was bound and unable to see between my legs, but as he pulled, a chain unthreaded loop by loop from rings down both sides of my pussy. He had laced off my cunt like a corset!

I felt my pussy getting wet again at the gentle tug on my mysterious new pussy rings. This made me feel very frightened and out of control. More than imposing blonde hair and nipple piercings, claiming my pussy in this way was an extreme way to claim my body as his own. I felt scared of Master, but wet for him too, even more so now that my cunt was so clearly at his command.

"Alexa" he said, "remove the plug." And the other girl crawled over from the door on all fours, pushed her pretty, made-up face into my pussy, then bit the plug gingerly in her teeth and pulled it out of my pussy.

"Now clean it," said Master, and the other girl placed the sex toy's base on the ground and began fellating it enthusiastically. As she pumped her head up and down, it began to slowly dawn on me. He had called this young woman "Alexa" – this Alexa was surely my sissy husband, willingly transformed into another little slut-girl for Master. Revulsion at Alex grew up in me, and simultaneously a new sense of helplessness as I realized that no one outside the room knew I was here. My sissy-slut husband was complicit if giving me over to this man's total control. Master was my world now and I wasn't allowed to leave his command unless he granted it. Master smiled, seeing now that I understood the role I was going to play.

"Alexa" finished with the plug, picked it up with her teeth and placed it on the bedside table, then went back to kneeling obediently by the bed. "She" watched submissively as Master placed one strong hand under each of my slender arms, lifted me up bodily, and set my little bare bottom down in the middle of his bed. Master took his pants off, letting his erect member leap forth, and pushed me backwards firmly onto the bed. I fell back, legs in the air and he climbed on top of me, straddling my chest.

I could see his erect penis looming large below my face as he spat on my tits. A bit of spit fell on my face and I winced; Master started rubbing his spit all over between my boobs. He then grabbed both my tits and pulled them together. I felt his huge cock start ramming between them and saw it thrust up toward my face. I opened my mouth to gasp for breath and he took this chance to stuff his cock into my open mouth and fucked my face as I desperately opened wide to accommodate his huge member.



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After a minute of thinking I would *****, Master pulled away and stood up. I gasped for breath with spit and precum spattered around my mouth, turned away from Master and cowered away toward the top of the bed.

He grabbed my ankles and I felt my body easily dragged to the middle of the bed. Master climbed atop me, pinioning me to the bed and rammed his throbbing cock into my wet little slave-pussy. I felt so suddeny full that I gasped. He began fucking me hard from behind, filling my little cunt completely and slapping my little ass repeatedly with his big hanging balls. My body began to overcome my mind's fear and dread, and I stuck my butt out backwards, gasping and moaning uncontrollably as I approached orgasm.

I screamed in delight at the ****** feel of Master's cock ramming into my little pussy and I came finally in a shudder of terrified delight. I felt my pussy clench around his huge cock repeatedly. Master banged me for another ten minutes, as I moaned gently. I was sore when he started fucking me faster and squirted repeatedly into my pussy with small grunts of pleasure. As I lay limp he slowly worked the plug back inside my cunt before I felt any of his flood of warm semen escaping my well-fucked pussy. He them pushed me back down to the bed, spread my legs a little wider, and began lacing my cunt shut again, tying the fine chain over the plug holding his all his hot cum inside my tight little belly.

Honestly I loved the helpless feeling of having his cum sealed inside of me. I had been off birth control for two days now and it was only a matter of time before his cum would do its work in my womb. I was powerless to do anything but take it. That was terrifying as well, but somehow the powerlessness of my condition began to feel comforting. The click of the little padlock on my clit ring, holding my pussy lips laced tight around his load seemed to lock everything into place. Everything made sense when I had to surrender all control.

"Thank you Master," I said, feeling his wetness between my tits, and his warm, wet cum inside my satisfied pussy.

"You're welcome slut" he said with quiet seriousness. He snapped his fingers; "Alexa" – as I now seemed to think of "her" – crawled over on all fours and eagerly sucked clean the flaccid member that had just fucked me.

Alexa's duties seemed to already have been made clear to her and she served my master with an eager and submissive sincerity. It disgusted me to see that in the man I used to call my husband, but I felt a desire to be that way for my master as well. If this was to be my life, would I be content to never look beyond my duties?


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Throughout the month while I fucked Allison several times a day, she came to think and act differently. Almost from the start, she became obedient, seemed more simple-minded and appeared happier in her new, uncomplicated life.

I didn't need Alexa for very long as a role model for my new slut, so I sent him home after a week of enthusiastically cleaning me off. I dressed him in the same jewelry, high heels, salacious short shorts and belly shirt he wore on the ride over, then dropped him in the nearest town with no money. I told him to find his own way to pay for rides.

"Yes master," he whispered and hung his head. I pulled round the block to see what he did, and found him leaning into the cab of an SUV, back arched and ass out as he talked to the three high school jocks inside, then I watched him climb in the back door. One of the boys slapped his butt as he climbed in. I heard laughter as the three boys drove away with him.

Meanwhile, Allison began to just smile and spread for me whenever I told her to, sensually receiving my cock with grateful sighs and moans. If I told her to prepare her asshole so I could fuck it, she would just obediently do it: sucking her fingers and gently probing them into her butt, then presenting her tight, wet anus in the air for me, head and arms submissively down on the rug. If I asked for a blowjob she would look at me flirtatiously as she undid my pants, then just start enthusiastically sucking for however long it took me to cum, eating my cock like it was a big treat.

One day when I was already worn out from leaving her three of my creampies plugged and laced up inside her slut belly, she eagerly sucked my tired half-hard cock for ninety minutes.

As I finally got close, I reached between her tiny legs to unlace the corset string keeping the last three creampies tied up inside her cunt. She groaned with pleasure through a mouthful of dick at the feeling of the smooth corset string sliding through the rings in her wet pussy. When I pulled out of her mouth on the edge of climax, she climbed gamely up on my lap, plunging her cunt down over my cock. She wore a look of ecstacy while seconds later I shot my fourth creampie of the day up into her ever wet cunt.

And then, like every time she took one of my creampies in her pussy, she stared me lovingly in the eyes and said "Thank you Master."

In between fuckings she would lie – always naked – at my side while I watched TV, or did jobs. I would stroke her blonde hair, fondle her tits, or even fuck her ass gently with a finger while she laid her blonde head in my lap. When I went out I tied her to her bed, and she never fought it, always waiting patiently for my return, perhaps to have my way with her right there, still tied and at my mercy.

Knowing that my slut had to get back to her life eventually too, I released her at the end of the summer, driving her back to her apartment and giving her the farewell kiss she very humbly asked me for. When I dropped her off, she still had my probably 500th creampie plugged and laced tightly into her cunt.

Allison had never had her period the whole while she was at my house, and was now showing slightly beneath her short, yellow sun dress. As she was leaving my truck I smiled knowing that she still didn't have the key to the little padlock on her clit ring. I found it wonderful that she hadn't even thought to ask me to unlace her.

After that, Allison was mine whenever I wanted. I heard she had dumped Alex soon after I released her and was living in the place alone, so I stopped charging her rent. I would come over most days after work and she would kneel at the door for me, then happily receive another creampie or two in whatever way I told her; she still had the rings in her cunt, and I still made her keep my cum laced into her shaved slut-pussy all evening as I stayed to watch TV and eat the dinner she cooked me.

Of course by now she was clearly pregnant with my *****, and this only became more obvious as the months wore on. We continued the same life and she still took my cock however I told her to. I loved seeing her tiny body filled up with my baby, and I loved driving cock into her swollen belly.

"Thank you Master," she would still say. Mommy still took her master's creampies in her well-used pussy, and thanked me every time. It was odd that she wasn't even being blackmailed any more. She seemed to like her new life and now remained my slave under the lightest of touch.

When Allison was almost due, a woman stopped by my office. She came in with big sunglasses and a skimpy, pink summer dress. I asked if I could help her and she silently let the dress fall to the ground over her sandals, revealing petite breasts, a tuft of pubic hair above her cunt and a silver flower in her belly button. The light from the window behind her, silhouetted her beautiful, petite body. The naked girl removed her sunglasses with a toss of her shoulder-length blonde hair to reveal the face of Alexa.

I was shocked, but it seemed I had given Alex such a taste for lace panties and dick-sucking that he had undergone a sex-change! The naked woman knelt at my feet right there in my office, freely showing me her new body, and implicitly offering herself to me again. God, she looked amazing! I swear I would be the only one to guess at her past as the sissy bitch husband of my pregnant mistress.

"Go on," I said, and the naked girl crawled forward to suck me off again, right there in my office. She swallowed the load of cum I released in her mouth and then stood up and kissed me while I squeezed one of her lovely new tits.

Since Allison would need help with my baby, I hired Alexa to be a live-in maid and nanny to Allison. I bought Alexa an erotic maid's outfit – more lingerie than uniform really. I explained to Allison that Alexa was to be a servant, and that she had been hired only on the stipulation that she do anything either of us ordered, no matter how degrading.

Allison had my baby without incident the next month and Alexa was excellent as a nanny. She would tend to my baby, cook dinner for Allison and myself each evening, and babysit in the next room whenever Allison and I wanted a couple hours to fuck.

Once in a while I called Alexa in to warm Allison up with her tongue so that my mistress would be extra wet and hot for my cock. I would masturbate myself as Alexa licked my love-slave's smooth pussy with her sexy French maid ass up in the air behind her.

Allison was soon pregnant again from dutifully taking my creampies into her laced-off pussy; her tiny belly was showing again with my second *****. Meanwhile Alexa was the one who always got up in the night when the first baby cried, always the one to change diapers. I liked watching her raise the ***** I had conceived by Allison.

Once or twice Alexa seduced me while Allison was out, and I enjoyed ******** fucking a pussy invented just for me. I was not a considerate lover though, as Alexa was just a fucktoy to me. I gave Alexa no deliberate pleasure, but she would still always make herself available to me when she was in the apartment alone with no jealous mistress to punish her.

She seemed to need my cock just for the sake of it, more than she needed any physical pleasure while taking it. She applied herself equally to raising the *****ren that could have been her own, and playing the part of the cuckolded slut-maid that fate had chosen for her. Meanwhile Allison loved the role of mistress and un-wed mommy. I would be glad to have the service my mistress and our nanny for many years to come.


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Juste une suggestion: pourquoi ne ferais tu pas un site avec des histoires en anglais, illisibles pour certains d'entre nous et un en français? Tu ferais des heureux, l'amis! Sinon, rien a dire, ton topic déchire!


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oui t pas le 1er à me l'écrire , j'aime juste tout laisser ensemble aussi simple que sa


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Beth's Beautiful Blackmail

Hey whores tonight I have a special show for you, you can meet the latest sluts to join my harem. In all my life, I had never had more fun recruiting a new lesbian to my harem. Ashley was a great runner, but had major problems taking orders from me. I quickly realized it was a race issue and decided to do something about it. Now I should say that I have almost always kept my work life and my sex life separate, but when Ashley gave me attitude day after day, I decided to do something about it. Then I met her ****** at our first track meet and it all came together. Ashley finished 2nd, which is very good for a first year college student, but her mom implied to me that it was my coaching that prevented her from winning. Ashley had never lost a track meet in high school and thus was not use to defeat. Anyways, I told her ******, Mary, to meet me in my office on Monday after practice and we could discuss this situation. She left in a huff, but told me she would be there. I called Ashley into my room on Monday morning and the following conversation occurred.

Me: Ashley it seems you have a problem with me.

Ashley: (Sighed)

Me: It is obvious it is because I am black.

Ashley: (with distain and sarcasm) Obviously.

Me: Why do you hate blacks?

Ashley: Mommy and daddy taught me that the white race has always been superior and that the other minorities, you guys in particular, are trying to take away our power.

Me: And you believe it?

Ashley: Well look at you. 20 years ago, you would not be my coach.

Me: Well that is true. It is called civil rights.

Ashley: (sighs)

Me: Well I think you are scared of me because you fear the truth.

Ashley: What truth?

Me: That we are the better race and that you will submit to us.

Ashley: (Began to get up)

Me: (********) Sit down.

Ashley: (Sits)

Me: Now it is time to retrain you. To put you in my place.

Ashley: Excuse me.

Me: You have made many enemies here in a short time.

Ashley: How so?

Me: (Opening the door) You know Mike?

Ashley: Unfortunately.

Me: Well Mike is going to fuck you with his big black cock while you eat my pussy.

Ashley: What.

Me: Are you deaf and dumb? I said Mike is going to fuck you with his big, hard, thick black cock while your white face is inbetween my dark skinned legs.

Ashley: (Getting up) No fucking way.

Me: You got the fucking part right. You do as I say or your scholarship is gone.

Ashley: You can not do that.

Me: I can do anything I want. Did you know that Mike found cocaine in your locker today?

Ashley: I don't do *****.

Me: I know that and you know that, but who is the Dean going to believe. Some 20 something track rookie or a tenured state champion coach?

Ashley: (Just beginning to realize the problem) Um, you are blackmailing me.

Me: You could call it that. I call it pro-active training. Not to mention fucking Mike is a great workout.

Ashley: (Pleading) I'm sorry. I will be better.

Me: Oh I know. When I am done with you, you will be a changed woman.

Ashley: Please.

Me: Good, I like begging. Now beg Mike to let him see his cock.

Ashley: No, please, I can't.

Me: Mike let her see what you have to offer.

Ashley: (Eyes go big)

Me: Impressive hey. Did you know that most black men have cocks at least an inch bigger than your pathetic race. Not to mention most black men are in better shape and thus have much greater stamina in bed.

Ashley: Silence.

Me: Mike, go offer your cock to Ashley.

Ashley: Please, I can't. My daddy would **** me.

Me: Don't worry girl, your mommy will be taking the same cock after school.

Ashley: She would never...

Me: Ashley haven't you figured it out. (Now face to face with her) That all white women will submit to a black cock or pussy if given the chance. You have already decided you are going to fuck his stiff rod, you can't wait. Thus this lame protesting is silly. (My hand felt her cunt through her jeans) Your wet already Ashley? Why is that?

Ashley: Please stop.

Me: (I kiss her she doesn't break away) Ashley you are now mine. I own your pussy. Do you understand?

Ashley: (Red with embarrassment does not respond)

Me: Take off your jeans now.

Ashley: (Looks at Mike and back to me and takes off her jeans).

Me: Everything else as well.

Ashley: (Strips)

Me: So you do understand. Say it, say I am your slave.

Ashley: (With a bit of her old attitude back) Please lets just get this over with.

Me: Ok. (I sit up on my desk and hike up my skirt showcasing my shaved pussy) Bend over.

Ashley: (Bends over and Mike positions himself behind her).

Me: Ashley, are you ready to submit?

Ashley: I am not submitting to you. I am just doing this so I won't lose my scholarship.

Me: I see. Mike fuck her. (Mike slides his cock into her pussy. After a couple minutes of pounding, Ashley begins moaning ) Mike pull out.

Ashley: (Looks up)

Me: What?

Ashley: Ummm...I...

Me: Were you enjoying a black cock in your white pussy?

Ashley: (Frustrated) Yes dammit. Fine, does that make you happy?

Me: (Sarcastically) Thrilled. Now beg for Mike to fuck you?

Ashley: (Sighs) Fine, Mike please fuck me with your massive fucking cock.

Me: Better, but if I recall you were not going to submit.

Ashley: Fine what do you want from me? I love his cock in me. I don't care if he is black, white or fucking Asian, I just want it back in me.

Me: You want his black cock back in you?

Ashley: Yes, I want his black thick cock in me. Now just let him fuck me.

Me: Do you submit?

Ashley: Yes, I submit.

Me: To my every command.

Ashley: (Completely frustrated) Yes, to your every command.

Me: You understand that means crawling over here and eating my pussy until I cum.

Ashley: Um...

Me: That means becoming my personal sex toy.

Ashley: I just...

Me: Mike, plug her cunt for a few more strokes.

Ashley: No, I , oh yes, Mike, fuck me, fuck, you fill me up completely.

Me: Pull out.

Ashley: Fuck, no, Mike, no coach, fine, I am yours, now let him fuck me.

Me: I need convincing. Now crawl over here and eat my pussy.

Ashley: (Sighs, but gets on her knees and crawls over) I have never done this before.

Me: Don't worry, practice makes perfect. By the time I am done with you, your will be a great pussy pleaser.

Ashley: Done with me?

Me: Yes. You will be eating pussy every day. Mine, my friends.

Ashley: I.

Me: Don't you understand, there is no middle ground. Either you walk out of this office right now and lose your scholarship, or you submit to being my personal slave. The choice is kind of yours.

Ashley: (Looks at me confused, bewildered)

Me: Beg to eat my pussy.

Ashley: Coach, can I eat your pussy.

Me: Really that is all you got? Convince me you really want to.

Ashley: Coach, please let me lick your shaved pussy, let me be your white bitch.


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Me: (Grabbing her head into my wet pussy) Good girl. (She licks my pussy and although she lacks any sort of technique she gets me off anyways. ) Slave, that was decent for a first time. Now do you want Mike's cock?

Ashley: (Excited) Yes.

Me: Yes what?

Ashley: Yes please?

Me: No, try again.

Ashley: Um, yes, I got nothing coach?

Me: You are my slave, my fuck toy, my whore, and I am your...

Ashley: Master?

Me: Master, mistress, either or.

Ashley: Please master, let Mike fuck my white wet pussy.

Me: Oh, no, no. Beg him to fuck your white tight ass.

Ashley: Oh no, I have never...

Me: (Slapping her face) I did not ask for a fucking commentary. Mike fuck her pussy, till she is close. (Mike hammers her with powerful strokes and Ashley is getting incredibly animated)

Ashley: Oh fuck, don't stop. It feels so fucking good.

Me: Pull out Mike.

Ashley: (Dejected)No Mike, put it back in. I will do anything.

Me: Suck his cock.

Ashley: (Quickly pounces on his cock and starts sucking like a white trash whore)

Me: You like sucking cock do you?

Ashley: (Moans buy keeps sucking)

Me: You have had Mike's cock in two of your three holes now havn't you?

Ashley: (Smiles) Fine mistress. I get it. I am your whore. Mike, please shove your black cock in my virgin ass.

Me: Good girl. You do understand don't you?

Ashley: Yes mistress. I didn't know sex could feel so good.

Me: No white cock ever made you feel this good.

Ashley: God no? No even close. If all black men have cocks like Mike and fuck like Mike that is all I ever want in me.

Me: (I pulled a strap-on from my dufflebag and put it on; I then laid on the floor) Straddle my cock my white whore.

Ashley: (Did not even hesitate and soon had taken all 7 inches of my plastic toy)

Me: Mike now plug her ass.

Ashley: (Grunts as she takes her first cock in her ass)

Me: It's ok slave. It will hurt for a while, but when the pleasure starts to surge through you will quake like you have never quaked before. Now kiss your master.

Ashley: (Leans in and kisses me. Mike is not gentle as he pushes his thick cock in the white girl's virgin ass. Ashley moans into my mouth and next 10 minutes our lips never part until Mike pulls out, grabs Ashley by the hair and shoves his cock in her mouth. He then holds her head and face fucks her until he sprays a load down the slut's throat. He keeps pumping until he begins shrinking and pulls out.)

Me: So slave, in a few hours your ****** becomes my slave as well.

Ashley: (Smiles) She is way more racist than I am.

Me: Don't worry, before I am done she will take Mike's cock in her ass while you watch.

Ashley: Yes mistress.

Me: Now go to class, be back here by 3.

Ashley: Yes mistress.

(Later that day, Ashley returns.)

Me: Ashley, we are going to use blackmail against her too. You can watch from the room next door. A camcorder will be taping everything so you can have a live feed of the action.

Ashley: You taped my **********.

Me: Of course. Now sign this piece of paper and go.

Ashley: (Signs the paper) Yes mistress.

(Her ****** shows up dressed in a business suit, clearly coming straight from work. It says, I am rich and powerful. It is ironically impressive.)

Me: Mrs. Weber.(Mary)

Mary: Coach.

Me: This is Mike. He is a teammate of your ********.

Mary: (Faking it) It is a pleasure.

Me: I have some disturbing news for you.

Mary: What is it?

Me: Your ******** was caught cheating on a test by Mike here.

Mary: She would never.

Me: Mike has a signed confession from your ********. (I show it to her)

Mary: (Looks at it) It is her signature. Umm, I am not saying she did this, but if she did what are the consequences.

Me: She did do it and the consequence if the Dean finds out is the loss of her scholarship, she would be off the team and she may be expelled.

Mary: We can't let that happen.

Me: Well what choice do we have?

Mary: Can't we give her a second chance?

Me: Well we could I suppose, but we must gain from the transaction.

Mary: How so?

Me: Well I know you hate me because I am black.

Mary: I never...

Me: Your ******** told me. Said you and your husband hate all blacks.

Mary: I...

Me: Said she did not win last week because she had a black coach.

Mary: Yes well...

Me: So I do have a proposition.

Mary: You do?

Me: Yes, but you will not like it.

Mary: I will do anything.

Me: Get on your knees and suck Mike's cock here.

Mary: Excuse me.

Me: I hate white bitches like you who think you are better then me because of the color of your skin. I want to show you what makes being black great. Now get on your knees and suck his cock.

Mary: Are you serious?

Me: Deadly.

Mary: (Reluctantly she gets on her knees, takes out Mike's cock) Oh my.

Me: Oh my what?

Mary: It is really big.

Me: Bigger than your husbands.

Mary: Yes.

Me: Suck it.

Mary: (leaned forward and suck his cock)

Me: (Grabbing he camera took pictures)

Mary: (Looked up) What the...

Me: Keep sucking slut.

Mary: I am not a slut.

Me: You are sucking a black cock in my office to protect your ********, you are a slut. Now keep sucking.

Mary: (Took Mike's cock back in her mouth. She sucked his cock with relative expertise and Mike shot his load all over her face. Mary stood up.) Fine can I go now?

Me: (Laughing) Oh honey, we are just getting started.

Mary: I thought if I sucked his cock, you would give Ashley a second chance.

Me: Oh I will give her a second chance, but not till I have really put you in your place. (At that moment 3 of my good friends walked in and started undressing) Mary meet Carl, Jim and Biff.

Mary: (Mouth dropped open)

Me: It is time to understand your new role in life. My slave.

Mary: Pardon.

Me: Strip.

Mary: No.

Me: I own you. I have pictures of you sucking black cock. Unless you do as you're told, I send them to your boss.

Mary: You wouldn't.

Me: strip.

Mary: (Strips but tries to cover her body)

Me: Carl lay down. Mary get on his cock.

Mary: (Sits on his cock and moans loudly)

Me: Ride him.

Mary: (Starts bouncing up and down. Jim shoves his cock in her mouth and Mary begins sucking with some difficulty. After a couple minutes, Biff positions himself behind Mary and stops Mary from fucking Carl and slowly pushes his cock into the white wife's ass. Mary moans and tries to keep riding the cock, while another pumps her ass)

Me: (Horny as hell tells Mike to go and get Ashley. When she arrives I tell her to eat me. Mary does not see her ********'s arrival. Carl lets out a grunt and shoots a load in the white woman's cunt. Biff pulls out of her ass, flips her over and fucks her pussy too. After he shots a load in her, Jim replaces him and pumps his load in her. Mike then spews a fourth load in her pussy.)


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Mary: Oh my god, I am not on the pill.

Me: Its ok, you will make a good black baby carrier.

Mary: My husband is going to **** me.

Me: Get over here and replace your ******** between my legs.

Mary: What?

Me: Your ******** is also my whore. Now replace her between your mistress' legs.

Mary: I-ummm...

Ashley: Mom, just shut up and eat mistress' pussy. (Ashley then grabbed her ****** and shoved her between my legs. Mary ate my pussy and I came on her face.)

Me: You have ate pussy before havn't you?

Mary: Yes.

Me: Who?

Mary: You would not know her?

Me: Who?

Mary: (Ashamed) Carol.

Ashley: Grandma?

Me: Your ******?

Mary: No, no, no. My husband's ******.

Me: And blacks are the bad race?

Mary: She is very powerful woman.

Me: I see. Hey look Mary, the boys are getting hard again.

Mary: Please no more.

Me: You can leave after all four have came in your slutty white pussy. Ashley keep the boys hard for your mommy.

Ashley: Yes mistress. (She then started sucking Mike. The next half hour included 4 more loads of cum in Mary's pussy )

"So that is my story. Now for the show. Ashley and Mary get out here." Ashley comes out on all fours with a dog leash being led by her ****** Mary who is clearly pregnant. Beth continues, "Bring in Mr. Weber." Mr. Weber is brought in tied up to wheelchair.

"What the hell?" he demands.

Beth continues, "Hi Mr. Weber. I guess it is time you understand your life has changed. Your wife's baby is not yours. It is one of the four black guys who gangbanged her a few months ago. Your wife and ******** are my slaves. Now sit back and watch."

Beth whistles and out came 6 naked black men, each with a massive cock. Beth gets eye contact with the husband, "Boys you know what to do. But first ladies, do you want to tell your husband or ****** anything."

Ashley goes first. "Daddy, you were wrong. Blacks are not the subservient race, we are. In the past 6 month daddy I have eaten my mistress' pussy every day, I have been involved in a lesbian orgy, I have served many black pussies and have had over a hundred cocks in my pussy, ass and mouth. Mistress Beth owns me and I am a white trash whore." With that she dropped to her knees and began sucking a thick black cock.

Mary follows, "Honey I am sorry. Well not really. Mistress Beth has brought out the whore I am. The baby is not yours, although I am unsure who it is. Although I do eat black pussy sometimes, I usually just suck and fuck black cock all day long. Yesterday, I took over 20 loads of cum in my body. I am a white whore for black cock and your small useless cock will no longer do. I want a divorce." With that, Mary quickly straddles a cock and starts riding it. Mr. Walker tries to break his restraints, but he is useless as he helplessly watches his wife and ******** get triple banged by thick, long black cock. After twenty minutes of fucking, the show ends with the ****** and ******** in a 69 retrieving the black goo from each other. Mr. Weber just sits there in shocked silence.

Beth smiles as she watches her two newest slaves officially be christened into her harem. She snaps her fingers and three of her other slaves rush over to please her. She opens her leg as her 40 something dean begins licking her pussy. She feels her shirt being taken off by her late 20s mortgage broker and feels her left foot being massaged by her 25 year old neighbor. The night is just beginning.


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Bet with Roommate Leads to Cuckold

I'm Jeff and this is how I got cuckolded for the first time. At the time I was a sophomore in college and lived in three bedroom house with two other guys. Nick who was an easy going nice guy and Dwayne, an arrogant black guy who thought he was the greatest thing on earth, especially when it came to women.

I had dated my girlfriend Jen since our senior year of high school. After graduation we both went to local schools, me the local state university and Jen went to the local two year school to get some of her prerequisite classes out of the way while living at home.

Jen was raised in a religious household with strict parents and a strong sense of good girl behavior. When we started dating in high school Jen had never even been felt up. Although we didn't really have a sexual relationship, we had a very intimate relationship. I respected her values and didn't pressure her because she was special. I never met anyone quite like her before or since. She lit up the room when she walked in.

After a while she began to loosen up and we began to fool around more and more. Finally on our 2nd anniversary she told me she was ready to lose her virginity. It was the best sex I had ever had, it was the only time I ever loved the girl I was with. Not to mention Jen was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen too. She is 5'5" with long straight golden blonde hair, blue eyes, soft silky smooth skin, perky b-cup breasts with big pointy nipples and a perfectly toned athletic body. She couldn't be more perfect if she were sculpted by Michelangelo.

So anyway back to the story. Dwayne was always making smart ass comments and bragging about how big his cock was, He never came in that he didn't talk about some girl that was begging for it. He even whipped it out and made comments to Nick and me about its size and how we probably wanted it too. In spite of his attitude Dwayne could be fun to hang out with sometimes and could be generous or helpful too.

Jen didn't like Dwayne at all. She said he always looked at her like she was his prey and he was waiting for the right moment to pounce. Although he never said anything in front of her, he often made remarks to me about "did you see how Jen was looking at my cock? She wants it bro, she's got a fever and nigga dick is the cure."

Of course I blew him off when he would start up, it was just his way of having fun trying to get me riled up. Little did he know Jen found him repulsive? If she had a fault, it would be that sometimes she got a kind of high and mighty attitude with some people. Especially people she thought couldn't control their urges. She viewed sex as very special and meant to be experienced in love, not *********** lust.

One night after going out with Jen it was like Dwayne was waiting for me to come home to give me hell about her. As soon as I walked in the house he started, "hey Jeff, did you see how hot Jen was for me today? Man! I can't believe she didn't jump me right here on the couch."

"Yeah whatever man, she really wants you, and you're all she talks about."

"If she wants me in her that bad maybe I should give her some"

"Dude, seriously. It's kind of getting old hearing this all the time. She doesn't like you, want you, or care anything about you. She thinks you are a jerk and is only semi cordial to you because you're my roommate."

"Jeff buddy, keep telling yourself that, but I can see these things in a hoe's eyes, and Jen wants it bad. I could have her anytime I want, and she will beg me to fuck her harder and cum deep inside her."

"You are so full of ****, not even for money, she's not like the whores you always bring in here"

I have to admit, it was getting a little heated and I was losing my temper. Dwayne new it and loved every minute of it. The more he enjoyed it the more pissed off I got. Finally I without thinking first I blurted out, "I know she wouldn't fuck you no matter what. I bet you can't seduce her, even if the two of you are alone she won't let you anywhere near her."

"Really; then prove it. Get her sexy little ass over hear and we'll find out which of us knows her better"

"Fine, what are the stakes? You name it"

"Anything I want?"


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"I'm going to win, so name it. It don't matter what you want from me cuz I won't lose"

"Ok, if I can't get up in her I'll give $1000 and you can drive my convertible for two weeks. When I get done fuckin her you will owe me $1000 and I get you motorcycle for two weeks"

"I don't have a $1000, you know that"

"Ok, since I'm risking a grand and my car, I want value for value. If I get my dick in her even for five seconds with her consent I get your bike, if she lets me bust in her cunt you owe me a bj"

"What! Fuck you"

"Come on buddy, what do you got to lose? You know for certain that I won't be able to get near your precious perfect Jen. Don't bitch up now, show your faith in her"

"Fine, it's a bet."

We shook on it and it was settled. If I was wrong he would get more than he knew, not only would I lose the love of my life, I would lose my dignity and self respect along with her.

Dwayne asked "when are we going to do this and how will you know what happens?"

"Tomorrow night and I don't know. If you're as great as you say I should be able to hear her outside your window"

"I have a better idea, come on and let me show you"

As we walked into Dwayne's room he started to tell me how he was a real tech guru. He always got the newest and best of anything tech related. His newest toys were a set of high definition spy cameras that had a wireless connection to feed a recorder. He explained that the recorder could receive up to six different camera signals and record them all at once. The cameras were concealed in different things to make them inconspicuous. One was a smoke detector, another was a picture frame, and then he had various other hidden cams as well.

Dwayne proceeded to tell me his plan. I was to get Jen to wear something sexy and come over to go out with me to dinner and dancing. When she got there I would be in my room hiding with the recorder attached to my TV so I could see the "action" as he called it. Since I wouldn't be there as far as Jen knew, Dwayne would have his chance to seduce her and I could see the whole thing from six different views. Of course the only action would be Jen shredding his ego with him not getting even a second's worth of a chance to get her under his spell.

Just as we had planned, we put the cameras in place, one in the living room on the TV stand facing the couch and the rest strategically in Dwayne's bedroom. I called Jen and made plans to go out and asked her to wear something sexy but not too sexy.

At about 7:00pm Jen texted me that she would be over in a half hour or so. I didn't respond as part of the plan. When she knocked on the door I went in my room and locked the door. When I turned on the TV I saw Dwayne open the door wearing a pair tight white boxer/briefs and nothing else.

"Hey Dwayne. Is Jeff ready to go?"

"Jeff? He didn't call you? He got an emergency call and had to take off"

"Whatever, I saw his car outside, where is he?"

"He's not here, really. He told me he had to run out and that you were on your way and for me to tell you what happened and keep you entertained until he got back if you wanted to hang around and wait for him to get back."

"Are you serious? He never called"

As she walked past to go to my room to check for herself she squeezed by Dwayne in the doorway. She noticed he was looking at her exposed cleavage as she went by.

"Really Dwayne! You don't see enough from your whores? You got to look down my shirt as I walk by?"

Dwayne didn't respond, he just smiled and had a chuckle to himself. As Jen knocked on the door Dwayne came around the corner, he didn't say anything, just watched her. When I didn't answer the door Jen called my cell. It rang and I realized that I had forgotten to silence the ringer.

Dwayne thinking quick on his feet said "that's why he didn't call. He left in such a rush he forgot his phone."

"Oh well, I guess I'll go. Tell him I came by and I'm not happy about this"

I could almost taste sweet victory when Dwayne said "well don't rush to leave; Jeff said he would hopefully be back soon. You don't want to waste all that sexy and just go home. Wait a while and see if he comes back."

"I think I'll just go; it's probably best if I go.

I was so stoked that I almost let out a cheer. Luckily I remembered just in time to keep quiet. As near as victory was for me it was not to be that easy after all. Dwayne wasn't going to lose a bet or the chance to turn my sweet Jen into another one of his black cock addicted sluts without pulling out all his little tricks.

"Ok Jen, please don't go. I know you want to get out of here as quick as possible since Jeff is gone because you don't like or trust me. I guess I don't blame you, not with the way I stare at you every time you come around. It's just that you are so beautiful, I can't help myself. I have never seen a woman with so much confidence and strength. It's really sexy, not to mention your big blue eyes and gorgeous body."

"Uhm, uh, I don't know what to say. Uhm, I guess thanks for acknowledging your behavior, and for the compliments. But I know you, and you only care about gettin in whatever pretty girl is in front of you."

"That's fair enough, now that we've cleared the air how about you hang around and see if Jeff gets back soon. You can watch tv in the living room."

"Ok, as long as you understand that I'm not one of your sluts and you won't be sticking anything in me, not tonight and not ever."

"I wouldn't try to do anything with you, Jeff is my friend and that's a line I won't cross."

I loved every minute of it. Jen was proving me right, she shut down every one of Dwayne's moves, except that she had agreed to stay and wait a while for me. But I wasn't concerned about that; she had after all just laid down a ****** opinion of Dwayne that came from the heart.

I watched the living room via the camera we placed next to the TV. It was working so far; Jen was watching some movie and didn't appear to notice the camera in the least. She sat there alone on the couch for nearly an hour. I thought that she would give up at any minute and head home.

Then I saw Dwayne walk into view to stand in front of Jen but to the side enough that I could still see her past him. He was still wearing nothing but his box/briefs. They were so tight nearly everything was exposed as if he were naked.

As much as I hate to admit it because he is such an asshole, Dwayne has a perfectly chiseled body, and his cock is larger than any I have seen including porn stars. Jen noticed too, her eyes were glancing from his to his cock. She must have been thinking the same as me. What a shame that something that looks so beautiful could be so ugly.



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"Dwayne, why are you not wearing pants? You think you can walk in here and show off your body and I will change my mind and beg you to fuck me with your big black dick? That may work on the kind of girls you usually go for, but I told you I'm not one of your sluts."

"I'm just trying to be comfortable. I am at home, not out in public or at your place. I just thought I would keep you company while you wait for Jeff."

"If you want to keep me company why are you almost nude standing with your junk in my face? Why don't you get decent and come and sit next to me and have a conversation?"

"I'll sit with you, but I'm not going to change. If you aren't interested in it why do care so much that I'm in my draws? I think you want it and you're afraid you won't be able to control yourself."

"You really believe that?"

Dwayne nodded, "yep, I can see it in your eyes. If I tried you would let me fuck you right here on this couch and by the end you would beg me to fill you with my hot sticky nigger cum"

"You're a sick bastard, how can anybody be so arrogant? You make me sick, you will never, ever; ever; fuck me anywhere, nor would I ever beg you for your hot sticky nigger cum"

"Denial is the first sign that you are under the spell. Its ok, I know its power well. You would be added to a long line of white girls that couldn't resist the black cock. But I have to admit, I have never wanted to spread a pair of legs and mount a bitch as much as I want you; here; now"

" sweet. I've never had a guy tell me he wanted to spread my legs and mount me. And that pet name, bitch, I've never been so: repulsed! What's the matter with you? That's exactly why you will never get me, or any girl like me. Women with decency and class don't respond positively to your ******** disgusting advances."

At this point I was proud of Jen for ripping into Dwayne and his immature bullshit. I was kind of gettin concerned with the tone of the conversation. If it wasn't for the stupid bet and pretending to be gone I would have gone out and stopped it, but I had to sit back and watch instead.

"Jen baby, come on. Admit you want my cock and let's do this, the sooner you let down your guard and stop fighting your desire the sooner I can make you feel things you never knew you could. I'm going to get up in you sooner or later, if not today then tomorrow, or next week, or the next. Soon your willpower will fade and you be begging me to fuck you. you will do anything for some of this" as he rubbed his cock and squeezed the huge head"

Jen just sat there silent for several minutes watching him. She watched him stroke his cock, she looked him in the eyes, and she looked down at her lap and closed her eyes. Finally she sighed;

I was watching and listening so intently I didn't miss a thing. I saw ever stroke, every squeeze of the head on the giant trouser snake. I heard every breath, every sigh, and every noise Dwayne's sweaty dark skin made against the leather couch as he stroked his cock. I was suddenly sure that I had lost the bet with this big dicked bastard. But surprisingly I wasn't completely unhappy. There were feelings of fear, nervousness, anger, excitement, and arousal. I can't believe it, but I actually deep down began pulling for Dwayne to succeed. I wanted to see him shove all 12 inches of dark meat into her tight little twat.

Jen looked up, starting at her lap going to the floor, then to Dwayne's muscular thighs settling briefly on his hand stroking the full length of his monstrous baby maker. As she looked into his eyes, cocky eyes that said she wasn't special just another conquest, she knew there was only one way to win this argument. She wanted to help him see the truth in her words. Jen wanted to help Dwayne find happiness and live a full life, unlike the empty lustful existence he so far had suffered.

"If I weren't with Jeff I would lie back on this couch and let you do your best to turn me. Afterward when you saw that you failed your ego would be crushed and you would see that your way is wrong and there is more to life than sex."

"Don't use your boyfriend as an excuse to hide behind your fear. All you have to is surrender to your desire and experience otherworldly pleasure."

"Damn...! You are such an ass. Is that all you think of? You think sex is everything. It's not! Sex is a beautiful thing meant for lovers, not for ******* consumed by lust. Your kind of sex is nothing; it pales in comparison to making love to your soul mate. If I were single I swear I would let you take me in anyway for as long as you would to show you that without love and a spiritual connection to you that your dirty lust may get you off, but I would not enjoy it more than mildly at best. Having the body of a Greek god and a cock that would shame an elephant's trunk doesn't make up for the lack of a connection and intimacy"

I couldn't believe my ears. Jen saying she would let this big sweaty dark skinned black jerk fuck her senseless just to prove a point. Did she have any idea what she was saying? How could she? What kind of sacrifice is it to let a man of such size and strength unleashes his full lustful fury on her beautiful petite innocent body.

Dwayne said again, "don't use an excuse, give in and let me show you what you are missing. If you need to believe it to be for my benefit then so be it. But you will be the one to realize how wrong you are."

As he stood up and slid his briefs down he stepped toward Jen to reveal the unhindered glory of his size. Jen just watched as with each step it came closer to her face, standing straight as an arrow. Stiff as a board and radiating sexual heat like a forest fire. Dwayne stepped up onto the couch and put both hands on Jen's head to pull her forward.

He aimed he massive chocolate sex at her gorgeous little mouth. As the fist sized head pressed up against her lips Jen opened her mouth to grant entrance to the large shaft. As Dwayne slowly slid in further Jen began to gag, spit blew out around her lips and the shaft of his giant dick. When she gagged he slowed his advance but never stopped. Steadily with each gentle thrust of his hips Dwayne got an inch or so deeper into her throat until he had nearly all of his length beyond Jen's full pink lips.

Dwayne softly and comfortingly praised Jen for how good she was with a dick in her throat. That's as sweet as the black bastard ever got after he had caught his prey. He was an ******, sly and cunning. He lured them in with whatever bait it would take, but once he had them they were at his mercy. And he showed none.

With her mouth stretched beyond what she thought possible and a mouth and throat full of huge black dick, I zoomed in on jen's face. She had a look of disbelief in her beautiful blue angel eyes. It was like she couldn't figure out how she got herself into this situation or maybe she couldn't believe that a man could be that well endowed and that she could engulf the entire length between her lips.



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Her blue eye shadow was beginning to run down her eyelids and cheeks a little. Her eyes were watering from the ******* and gagging. Dwayne took her by her ponytail and began to fuck her face with a faster pace than before. It was a relentless pace that Dwayne set. Each powerful thrust caused Jen to grunt and gag.

"Yeah bitch, I told you I would show you things you never new were possible. Oh...fuck! Take that nigger dick hoe, take it!"

Jen couldn't respond even if she wanted to. I was so hard it felt like my cock might explode. I had never been involved in anything like that. Now not only was I involved I had been mostly responsible for it happening. It was so erotic to see my Jen being ravaged by this asshole that I couldn't stand that I blew two loads myself jacking off watching

Almost in rhythm with my third load Dwayne's thrusts got erratic and then he pulled back and left just the head in Jen's mouth. He stroked the exposed length a few times.

"I'ma fill your mouth with my nut! Swallow it baby. Yeah...that's it. That's my girl. I bet Jeff don't ever fuck your face like that."

"No. he doesn't quite do it like that."

"I need a short rest and then we'll get to the real fun" I'm going to give you the best dick you've ever had."

As he turned, Dwayne looked right at the camera, grinned an arrogant grin and then winked at me before he turned to sit next to Jen.

She was wearing a short navy blue skirt that came to a few inches above her knees, a thin white tank top that showed a nice amount of cleavage and allowed her nipples to poke through. She had a thin gold chain around her neck with a small gold heart and a matching gold chain around her left ankle. To finish the sexy little outfit she had on a pair of thick soled sandals with white straps and cork sole.

After a short rest Dwayne sat up and stared right at the camera again, with the same taunting I got you grin. The joke was on him, he didn't know that I was more excited than I had ever been. My cock was harder than if I was the one on the couch fuck Jen's face.

As he turned Dwayne got down on his knees in front of her; a little moan escaped Jen's lips as Dwayne reached up and pulled the thin straps of her tank top off her shoulders exposing her perky, little breasts. When aroused her nipples give her breasts a nice pointy shape. As hard as they were, as Dwayne tweaked them both between his thumbs and fingers they grew even longer.

As I watched Dwayne rub and pinch her nipples Jen really never seemed to be into it mentally or emotionally. The look in Jen's eyes said that even as Dwayne tweaked her nipples and fondled her breasts that she was true to her word so far. She hadn't become another of his cock obsessed sluts.

Dwayne continued to pinch, squeeze and suck Jen's pointy nipples until she finally began to squirm under his weight. Encouraged by her movement Dwayne continued mauling her tits with a renewed effort. As hard as she tried Jen could no longer deny the pleasure she felt. Moaning and squirming she grabbed the back of his head and pulled him into her embrace. The look in her eyes no longer revealed indifference, now they held the wild fire of lust and desire.

"Oh....uhm....that's it baby. uah.... I love it when you bite me."

Jen pulled his head in tighter to her breasts and guided his face over each and pulled it away as he help each nipple gently in his teeth, stretching them.



"Right there baby...."

I had just witnessed first hand the transformation of my sweet innocent Jen, no longer was she my beautiful classy girlfriend. She had experienced lustful desire and succumbed to it. By the end of this night she would no doubt be one Dwayne's sluts. She would be his greatest conquest, a good girl in love with someone else, raised to control her urges and look down on those who indulge in there desires. He had done that which most would think impossible.

Jen still having Dwayne's head in her hands pushed him back onto his knees and stood in front of him. She lifted her skirt over waste and slid her lacey g-string panties down her tan athletic legs. As she stood over him she looked down and said, "Well this is what you've been wanting, don't keep me waiting."

By now we're hours into the whoring of my girl. I've beat my dick sore and came so many times I lost count. But I never lost my arousal even for a minute. Now I couldn't wait to see Dwayne penetrate my petite hard bodied girlfriend. It was like I was in a trance. Jen also seemed to be interested in only one thing and that was about twelve inches and a pound and a half a nigger dick.

Dwayne went down on Jen like bear eatin a honey hole. the sight of his coal black skin against her golden tan skin was so erotic I blew two loads just on the contrast of their skin color.



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"Don't stop, oh...yeah... fuck me with your tongue!"

"Uhm..slp...slp... you're pussy is sweet as honey, slp...slp... you're so hot baby, I can't' wait to get in your tight little fuck tunnel."

"Oh yeah baby...put that big nasty nigger shaft in my pussy..."

"You think you can handle it? You really want to take a big nasty nigger dick in your pretty white pussy?"

"Put it in me... please put it in baby..."

"You got to convince me you really want it and you handle it"

"Baby please fuck me...please please stick the long fat baby maker in my tight pink lust hole"

That's what Dwayne was looking for. He licked from her ass through her slit up to her mouth and slipped his cock head into her pussy in one fluid motion.

When the tip slid in Jen whole body tensed. He pulled out and reinserted the head a little deeper this time. Each time his cock split her lips he pushed a little deeper.

"Oh god girl your **** is tight....! Fuck this is good pussy! Oh my...fuck this pussy is tight..."

"Please be easy... oh god you've got me so full...oh baby please go slow.... it hurts so good baby don't stop...!"

With his first several strokes Dwayne couldn't get much more than his big cock head past the tight opening of Jen's cunt. But using slow steady thrusts he gradually pumped more and more of his massive lust muscle inside her. Each pull left her wanting more while each thrust left her wandering if she could take any more. The harder Dwayne fucked Jen the harder I beat off.

Dwayne carried on with the slow steady fuckin for what seemed like hours until he got the entire shaft in her pussy and his big balls were slapping her ass when he bottomed out.

This is when Dwayne takes control and does it his way. He stretched Jen out nice and slow, he was gentle and attentive. Now she was stretched open and ready to be mounted and bread. Even if there was a condom big enough to cover his massive girth and length he wouldn't wear it. This was Dwayne's pussy now, to do with as he pleased when he pleased, how he pleased.

That's exactly what he did too.

"Now I'm going to show you what a man fucks like, you just a slut like the rest of em. I told you I was going to fuck you and I told you would beg me for this dick before we were through."

Then he unleashed the beast. Jen was laid on the couch with top pulled down below her tits, her skirt up around her waste, her feet on the floor with her legs spread wide as they could and her ass hanging over the edge of the cushion.

Jen's ponytail was all but completely loose. Her makeup had faded and ran, she was covered in sweat. Her tits and neck had bite marks all over and her nipples were so pink and swollen they looked like cherries.

As Dwayne started his final assault on my girl's pussy i began my final assault on myself. With every furious thrust of his cock Jen's whole body was shook. Her tits bounced. Her head bobbed. Her legs flailed wildly around his waste and she screamed, moaned, and begged for more. He fucked her so hard I thought he would drive his cock through her and out her belly. After 20 minutes of furiously pounding Jen's pussy Dwayne picked up speed and lost a little of his rhythm.

"Oh god baby you're going to break me....! Oh fuck yes fuck yes fuck yea....! Don't stop till I'm knocked up! Yes you big dicked nigger! Oh god damn fuck that pussy...! Don't stop till there's a little black bastard growing in me...!"

"Uh..uh..uhm..uh..oh fuck...! You wanna nigger baby huh...! You wanna little big dick baby boy in you...! Oh fuck bitch...oh fuck.. it cums bitch..! Here's your baby you god damn whore....! Oh! that's some good pussy."

"That's some good dick. Whoa **** I can't believe that just happened. Whoa my god that was unreal. How can any mere man fuck that good? You must be some kind of god you big dick nasty bastard."

I passed out from exhaustion in my room. When I woke up Jen and Dwayne were laid out asleep in his bed with the door wide open. In the floor outside my door was a piece of paper with my name on it. It was a note from Jen.

It said, "Hey baby, if you're reading this we must still be asleep. Well don't wake us; we had a hell of a night fuckin. But you already know that since you were in your room watching the whole thing. Dwayne told me everything. It's sweet that you believed in me that much. I guess I let you down. But I want you to know that I love you and hope that we can make things work. Oh yeah, as far as the debt from you losing the bet last night, it's not as hard to deep throat it as it looks. I'll help you with it."


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newlywed blackmailed by blackman

My name is Megan,this is a story that happened to me a few months ago that I have never told anyone about.I moved to North Carolina right after I was married im originally from West Virginia where there are very few black people so I never new much about them.My parents are wealthy and very religous,being an only ***** they were very strict on me so I remained a virgin until I was married at 22,until this encounter my husband was the only man I had ever been with.My husbands parents are religous also, his ****** is a pastor of a church and my husband works for IBM and is also a chaplain in the army reserve this is why I had to keep this story such a secret.By the way im 5ft 5in tall weigh 115lbs shoulder length dark brown hair my measurements are 32 22 32 Im shy and get intimidated very easily and men have always been attracted to me.Just a couple of months after we were married my husbands unit was sent to iraq which left me alone with very few friends.about a month after my husband left I had decided to take a trip to the beach just for a day it was only a couple of hours drive and I could go and be back in the same day and no one would miss me,my husband is very jealious af me and does not like me going places by myself,he is so jealous that we talk on the computer every night at 10pm since he has acces to a computer there.It was on a friday that I had decided to go so I told my inlaws I had some errands to run so they also wouldnt suspect anything,that morning I dressed in a white blouse that buttoned down the front and black pair of pants I have always been taught to dress modest.I drove down to the beach that day and just walked on the beach and done some shopping and just enjoyed the day.About 4 oclock I started back home which would give me plenty of time to get there about half way home the check engine light came on on my BMW I imediately got scared so at the next exit I seen a sign for a service station so I took the exit but still had to go about a mile off the interstate to get to it.The service station was in a very small town and I noticed a lot of black people as I drove in.When I got out of the car I noticed steam coming from under the hood so I went inside and there was a black lady working there I asked her if she new anyone that could help me and she said her uncle owned a shop and that she would call him for me.After she hung up the phone she said that they were coming to the store anyway and they would take a look at it for me.In about 10 minutes 2 men in an old ford truck pulled up the older of the 2 introduced himself as Ben he was about 50 6 ft tall heavyset thinning hair and a very dark complexion he looked to me more like a convict than a mechanic.As they were looking at my car Ben asked me for the keys so they could start it. I kept noticing Ben staring at me which made me very nervous,men have stared at me before but not a black man the way he was looking at me.In a few minutes Ben told me they could fix it but would have to take it to the shop I said ok but I needed to use the restroom being so nervous made me want to go.When I returned outside I noticed my car was gone Ben was there and said his helper took it to go ahead and get started and that I could ride with him he had took my pocketbook out of my car and put it in his truck.As we left Ben asked me questions if I was married, where I was from,where my husband was and like a dummy I answered everything honestly and the whole time he was staring at me.We had only went a couple of miles and we turned onto a dirt road I began to get suspious and asked him if this was where his shop was but he didnt answer me,at about that time we turned into a road that led up into the woods and I really got scared and asked him again where we were going .It was about then that he stopped the truck and turned to me and said this is where me and you do business.At that point I really bgan to panic and told him I couldnt be doing anything I was married and it was wrong.Ben said,look your wimp white boy husband is in iraq and no one is going to know then he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me toward him and he slide toward me,the next thing I knew we were siting next to each other he put his arm around me and I begged him to stop but he wouldnt listen, he told me to relax that I was going to enjoy this ,he was playing with my hair the whole time he was talking to me and his breathing was getting heavier by the minute.Ben said damn you are one fine looking white girl I bet you have fucked a lot of guys havent you I told him no I wasnt like that that I had only been with my husband and he said damn your lying and I said no I wasnt.Ben kept tryng to touch my breast and I trid to stop him and he finally started touching me through my blouse the whole time talking to me. I had never been talked to like that before and for some reason it was exciting me even though I didnt want him to know it.He treid to unbutton my blouse and again I tried to stop him but he was very persistant and finally got it unbuttoned all the way he kept touching my breast and rubbing my belly and he kept saying damn your fine it was then he said now lets take that bra off so I can see those titties I begged him to stop but he pushed me forward and took off my blouse and unhooked my bra I tried to hold onto it but he took it from me. I couldnt believe I was toppless in front of a stranger I didnt even know and only the second man that had ever seen me like this,he roughly touched them and played with them he kapt telling me how damn fine I was,I couldnt help but notice how hard my nipples had became this man was exciting me and I didnt want him to.Ben kept talking in my ear the way no one has ever talked to me before and for some reason this excited me also,then he asked me if I had ever seen a black dick before,I realized then that we had gone to far and told him we had to stop that this wasnt right and he said I asked you if you have ever seen a black dick before bitch and I said no,he then replied well its time you did and he started undoing his pants,I turned my head because I was feeling very guilty about this,after he pulled his pants down to his knees he said now take a look at that when I glanced at it I could not believe my eyes it was so huge I didnt know men had them that big it was probably 8 inches and it wasnt totally hard,he grabbed my hand and told me to touch it when my hand touched it started to get harder he took my hand and told me to stroke it I was so amazed that I didnt realize what I was doing and Ben said yeah you liking that aint you,it had to be at least 10 inches long and my hand wouldnt fit all the way around it.Ben then told me to suck it and I told him I had never done that before and he said damn girl well were going to teach you,he took my head and pushed it down towards his dick telling me to lick it as my tongue touched it, it began to grow even hareder as he give me instructions on what to do telling me to stroke it ond lick it and play with his balls I could not believe I was sucking a black mans cock I had only met an hour before.Ben kept talking dirty to me calling me a slut and saying what would your wimp white boy husband think of you now.Then he stopped me and told me to get out of the truck and I asked why and he said so I can fuck you bitch I got out and Ben reached behind the seat and pulled out a blanket.and walked around to the front of the truck where he spread the blanket and took of all his clothes I couldnt believe I was letting this ugly man do this to me once he was naked he came over to me and made me grab his dick again he put both of his hands on my cheeks and ****** me to kiss him,he then said now take off them pants,my hands were shaking as I tried to undo them, once they were off he touched me through my panties playig with my ass and making me spread my legs so he could touch me there .In a few minutes he said now take those panties off.I was shaking as I pulled them down and stepped out of them.Ben immediately put his hands on my pussy ,he let out a grunt when he touched me and said damn girl your wet you really want this dont you and when I didnt answer him he said now dont you.I told him no one had ever treated me this way before and he said what like a slut and I replied softly yes.The who;e time Ben was talking to me he was rubbing my clit and sawing his fingers through the lips of my pussy and my hips were responding ***************** went on for a couple of minutes before he made me lay down on the blanket.Ben got on his knees beside me and made me stroke his dick and suck on it some more at the same time he pushed my legs wide apart and started fingering me finally he stuck two fingers in me talking very dirty to me at the same time all of a sudden I started having an orgasm like I had never had before my hips bucked against his hand and I sucked on his cock even harder.When this was all over he got between my legs and begin rubbing his dick on my pussy making me look at what he was doing, the contrast of his huge black dick on my white pussy was overwhelming.Then he asked me if I was ready to get fucked he then took my hand and put it on his cock and said now put it in bitch as I guided it in it hurt a little at first it was uncomfortable at first but he went slowly and the further in he went the more I begain to feel good he fucked me for a good 5 minutes and I begin to feel another orgasm coming on yhis one a lot more intense than the last I lost track of realization the next thing I new Ben was grunting and coming inside me it seemed like he came for at least 30 seconds after he got off of me I felt so ashamed of what I had done but I was also more sexually satisfied than ever before in my life after we got dressed he took me to my car which his helper had already finished it was only a broke belt.I hope you enjoyed this story there is a continuation on what Ben done remember the pocket book he got out of my car.



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The following weekend after my encounter with Ben I was feeling very guilty about what had happened,me letting a stranger fuck me and me being married was just so wrong from anything I had ever been taught.I tried to go about my business and even went to church on sunday wondering what some of the people would think of me if they knew what happened.I didnt understand why I had let him do this to me how so overwhelmed I had became with lust and how I couldnt stop him.

It was about noon on Monday that my cell phone rang I didnt recognize the number so I didint answer it,only very few people has my number and this one wasnt programed into my phone.After about the fourth time in about an hour I finally answered it thinking someone had the wrong number.When I said hello the voice on the other end said hey bitch remember me,my heart sank because I knew who It was only one person had ever called me that before.I was mad and asked him how he got my number he replied I should be more careful with my pocketbook especially around strangers that like to get in your panties,I asked him what he wanted and he replied its not what I want,but what you want, you know you came like a little french whore now dont you besides I have something else you want,I asked him what it was then he said check your pocketbook I have your drivers license and a credit card I immediatelly checked my pocketbook and sure enough they were gone I called him a bastard and told him I wanted them back he said dont worry I havent used them but if I did what would your husband think

Tthen.I then got scared and asked him to please give them back.He said sure but answer me something and I asked what,he replied,you liked my black dick didnt you.I was speechless he said answer me slut, you like sucking and fucking my black dick didnt you even better than you little white husbands wiener you better answer me or I going to hang up and use this card right now before anyone can do anything not to mention I know where you live what would your neighbors think if I showed up there, I said ok please dont,I was very scared again.Then Ben said ok tell me you liked it didnt you and I finally said yes and he asked yes what, I begged him not to make me say it because I have never talked like that.Now say it bitch Ben said now say it and I replied YES I LIKED SUCKING AND FUCKING YOUR BLACK DICK

.Ben said now thats a good girl.Now you are to meet me at 3 oclock at the service station if you want your license back,do you understand me.I said ok not knowing what else to do.When I hung up the phone my heart was racing and I was again very scared.Being an hour drive to where I was to met him I had to hurry so I put on a pair of blue jeans and a tee shirt and hurried out the door.On the drive down I found myself very nervous and excited knowing in the back of my mind what this man wanted.When I pulled into the service station Ben was parked at the back of the building so I pulled up beside him,he got out and opened the door on the passenger side and got in.

He smiled and said you know where to go bitch to where we do business, as I drove he told me how fine I looked and he touched my titties and felt between my legs he even leaned over and kissed me on the cheek with his big lips.When I finally pulled up in the wooded area he told me to get out and get into the back seat.Ben got out and got in on the other side.Once we were in the backseat Ben ordered me to take my clothes of,I knew there was little sense in arguing so I started taking them off and Ben just stared at me while I was taking them off.Once I was naked he said you really are a slut aint you and he reached over and played with my titties making me look at how hard my nipples were,then he leaned over and sucked on them pushing my legs apart at the same time his fingers found my pussy and he let out a grunt and looked at me and said damn girl you are soaked he played with my clit and rubbed my lips before fingering me, my hips moved again like I had never been touched as I felt my first orgasm coming on.Once I was over that Ben took off his clothes and made me play with his big dick talking dirty to me the whole time after a while he made me lick and suck him continuing to talk dirty to me.

Finally he made me get on top off him facing him and he slide his big dick in me slowly he began to fuck me talking dirty to me once more while he fucked me he even reached around me and played with my asshole while he fucked me no one had ever touched me there before either,he fucked me for a good 5 to10 minutes and I had another orgasm before he came this time pulling out and shooting all over my belly and legs, again I felt very ashamed of what I had done how this black man was able to control me Ben gave me my drivers license back but told me I would have to come back one more time to get my credit card back and that he would call me for instructions



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Vivement le retour "période française", lol!!


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pour noël ?


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After returning home from meeting Ben to get my license back I was feeling very guilty about all of this and had to figure out someway to put an end to it before my husband or my parents found out.After all there would be no excuse in their eyes,I mean here I was young ,pretty ,weathly parents and had always had everything I had wanted how were they ever going to understand any of this.I just couldnt let this ugly black man keep using me like this even if I had liked the sex part of it.After waiting a couple of days Ben called me again he talked in his usual fashion calling me a slut and a bitch among other things he finally asked if I was ready to get my credit card back.I explained to him that I had to stop this that someone would find out and that it could ruin my life and a lot of people would get hurt.

He replied you like me fucking you and using you now dont you,I do things your little white boy husband cant do to you.I begged and pleaded with him until he agreed to think about it and he said he would call me back the next day.On thursday afternoon Ben called me back and said he had thought about it and that if I wanted him to leave me alone that I would have to agree for one last meeting on his terms or the deal was off and that I had only one chance.Thinking this was probably the only way to stop this I finally agreed and asked what he wanted.He said that I would have to come on friday and stay until saturday with him and he would give me my card back and that he promised he would not call me again.I told him that I talked to my husband every night at 10pm on the computer that we used instant messaging to talk and that he would be worried if I wasnt there to talk with him Ben said that it wouldnt be a problem that he had a computer I could use,so finally I agreed to meet him at 5pm on friday then Ben said that there was two conditions or the deal was off,he said I had to shave my pussy for him and wear a short dress for him neither of which I had ever done before I argued with him about shaving and told him I had never done that and asked him why and he said so he could be the first to see my pussy shaved bald he told me not to worry it would grow back before my little white husband came home.

On friday morning I got up and went shopping because I didnt have any dresses that short and found a sun dress that came down to about mid thigh.That afternoon I took a bath and used hair remover to take the hair from down there it actually kinda excited me I guess from being the first time.Ben met me that at the service station and I followed him to his house after taking my suitcase inside Ben told me how good I looked he was siting in a chair and made me come over to him he reached under my dress and pulled my panties down to my knees when he touched my pussy he said damn girl you are already wet you really are a slut aint you,and when I didnt answer he again said now aint you bitch and I softly replied yes I couldnt understand why I got so wet every time I was around this man.Ben made me pull my panties back up and said come on we have to go somewhere I asked where and he said you will see .He made me drive and we drove to another house he made me get out with him and we went inside where there were 3 other men all off them older black men also and all off them stared at me and asked they wanted to know who I was

Ben told them this is who ive been fucking lately and they laughed I guess they thought he was lying but it embarresed me.They played cards for a while playing for money I sat beside Ben and watched ,all of the men kept staring at me which made me very uncomfortable every once in a while Ben would put his hand on my leg.They were ******** the whole time also at about 8pm we was getting ready to leave and on the last hand Ben said now the winner gets Megans panties,I coulnt believe this but knew there was little I could do.One of the men who was missing a front tooth won and Ben made me stand up and take them off and give them to him it was so embarrasing.After that Ben made me go on to the car and shortly after that he came out and we went back to his house.As soon as we were inside he started touching me all over playing with my ass and pussy he kepr talking very dirty to me asking me if I liked all them men looking at me knowing they wanted to fuck me to, his breathing was as heavy as the first time he tried on the first day we met,he made me pull his pants down his dick was extremly hard for some reason he made me suck on it .After that he made me lay on the couch wher he spread my legs wide and played with my pussy he then took his dick and slapped my pussy with it before fucking me,he came inside me again before I could stop him never taking my dress off.After this I took a quick bath and put on my pjs which I always wear

Ben was just siting in his boxers,by this time it was almost time to talk to my husband so I told Ben what I was doing and went to the computer desk and sat down and in a few minutes I was talking with my husband.I was typing and trying to talk to my husband and Ben came over and stood behind me and reached around and started touchind my breast I tried to stop him but he kept touhing me and talking in my ear saying you talk to him while I play with your titties.This went on for a few minutes and then Ben came around to the side and had taken his boxers off he had his dick in his hands and pulled my head over and made me kiss it the whole time I was trying to type and talk to my husband.Ben then made me stand up the whole time I was protesting.but he wasnt going to stop,he sat down in the chair and made me sit in his lap,he started touching me again and started his dirty talk again telling me to talk to my white boy husband while I play with his little white wife what would he think if he knew a black man was feeling his little slut wife right now he still thinks hes the only man thats had that pussy dont he.Ben then made me stand uo and he pulled my pj bottoms and panties off at the same time he took off my top,the whole time I was trying to talk to my husband .Ben was sitting in the chair and he made me sit down on him his cock slid all the way in me I guess from being fucked just an hour before as he fucked me he kepr saying what would your husband think now bitch a big bkack dick fucking his wife while you are talking to him now fuck that dick bitch in a few minutes I had the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced and soon after he came inside me again,my husband even asked one time why it was taking me so long to respond.

The next morning I was in the bathroom taking a bath I heard Ben talking to someone when I got dressed and went into the other room it was the man that had took my panties the night before they were sitting there talking and Ben told me to come sit down he then explained that this man had paid him to see me naked but he wasnt going to let him fuck me,I immediatly protested and said no Ben told me to shut the fuck up now stand up and take those clothes off.I nervously got up and started taking my clothed off,when I was undressed Ben made me turn around and show the man my whole body. Then the man asked Ben if he could touch me and Ben said why not he made me go over to him and the man started touchig me the whole time my body was shaking after he had touched me for a while he asked Ben if he could eat me I said no but Ben said yeah the bitch might like it and asked if I liked getting my pussy eaten and I told them I had never had that done before.

They made me sit down on the sofa beside Ben and spread my legs the man cams over and got between them as soon as his tounge touched my pussy I jumped the mans toungue ran all over my pussy he fingered me and eat me while Ben sat beside me and watched the whole thing in a few minutes my body was convulsing out of control I had another orgasm in front of both of these men After he was finished the man told Ben he should let him fuck me but Ben told him no but that HE would let me jack him off I said no again but it was to no use the man took off his clothes his dick was long but not as thick as Bens they made me sit down beside him and I played with his dick until it was hard he told me he had never been with a white girl before that my hand looked good on his dick I jacked him off until he came on my hands,after he left Ben fucked me once more and then give me my credit card back so far he has not tried to contact me anymore it has been about 3 months now.


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It had been almost 4 months since my encounter with Ben,I had pretty much gotten over feeling guilty about what had happened and had decided to keep it my own little secret and vowed not to do anything like that again and try to be the best wife I could to my husband.Every thing was getting back to normal I had my cell phone number changed and my pubic hair was back to normal so everything seemed to be going ok.I had joined a fitness center where I could workout and keep myself busy ,I had also gotten involved in a couple of the church groups to occupy my time.I was very lucky that I didnt have to work since my ****** had given us a lot of money when we were married these events helped to occupy my time.My parents had just came down to visit me for the weekend and had left on monday morning,I had spent most of monday cleaning the house and doing a few other things

.On tuesday morning I went to the fitness center to workout which I do at least 3 times a week my body was begining to get real toned more than I already was, my parents even complimented me on it when they were down.After I got home I took a bath I wasnt planning on going anywhere else that day so I just put on a pair of shorts and a top that just had spagetti straps on it something that I only wear around the house.It was early that afternoon I was watching a show on tv when the doorbell rang,not expecting anyone or not knowing who it could be just kinda caught me off guard,thinking it was probably my ****** inlaw who drops by from time to time unannounced I didnt bother looking out but went straight to the door and opened it.I was so stunned to see Ben standing there I felt like I was going to faint.I immediately asked him what he was doing here.Frightened and bewildered I didnt know what to do,here I was trying to forget what happened and he shows up at my front door .Ben said are you going to let me in or you just gone let me stand out here where people can see me.Not wanting any of my neighbors to see this black man at my door I let him in but told him he couldnt stay.

When Ben walked in he looked at me from my head to my feet and said damn girl you looking real good,he just made himself at home he just walked around and looked at my house,he even looked out into the back yard and comeneted on our gazebo saying damn girl you got a nice place here I kept telling him that he couldnt stay that he had to go but he ignored me and just kept walking from room to room looking at everything when he got to our bedroom he turned to me and said I guess thats where your little white boy husband fucks you aint it.I kept telling him that he had to leave that he promised me that the last time he wouldnt bother me anymore.He said I know but I lied I just coudnt help but think of that nice white ass of yours and by the way you been working out,you looking real good girl you making my dick hard.As we walked back to the living room I pleaded for him to leave.

When we got back to the living room Ben turned to me and said you really want me to leave and I said yes.Ben replied well if you will go in the kitchen and fix me something to ***** maybe I will.I asked if I fix you something to ***** you promise to leave he said yeah ILL leave,so I went into the kitchen to fix him a glass of tea thinking that I was going to get rid of him when I returned to the living room I didnt see Ben anywhere so I called his name he said im right here as I turned Ben came out of the guest bedroom and into the hall and he was totally naked his huge cock was sticking straight out as he walked toward me I said no we are not going to do anything he walked up and took the glass of tea from me and said look bitch you think I came here for a glass of tea,he took a sip of tea and sat the glass down on the end table and said now look here you little white slut if you be nice then just maybe no one will no im here

I begged him to please stop that I couldnt do this anymore ,he put his hand on the back of my neck and told me to look at his dick,as I looked at it he said now see that ,its your fault that my dicks hard like that and you act like you dont want to do nothing about it you shouldnt have let me have none of that little white pussy in the first place now grab my dick bitch as I protested he took my hand and placed it on his cock and said now stroke it girl,stroke my black dick with that little white hand of yours as my hand touched his cock it jumped and Ben said now feel that, its your fault im like this Ben continued to talk dirty to me as he moved my hand up and down his cock,he said you missed my big black dick didnt you slut,I could feel myself getting excited something I didnt want to do.Ben placed his other hand on my shoulder and said now get on your knees as he pushed downward on my shoulder as I got on my knees in front of him he grabbed his cock and pointed it toward my mouth and ordered me to kiss it as he pulled my head towards it.I couldnt believe I was in my own house and this black man had his huge cock out and ordering me to kiss it as I kissed it he said yeah girl thats good now keep that up lick my shaft all the way up ,after doing this for a little while he ****** me to open my mouth and he slid his dick in my mouth grabbing the back of my head and pushing it to the back of my mouth until it almost gagged me after doing this for 2 to 3 minutes he made me standup and he kissed me telling me I was a good girl by this time I knew I was excited but wasnt sure why I knew that I just didnt want this to happen .about that time

Ben said now are you ready to show me that pretty little body bitch and again I tried to protest bur he wasnt buying it.Ben said take off them clothes bitch show me that little body.You been thinking about my dick havent you, you looking good for me aint you as I pulled my shirt up he continued to talk dirty to me calling me a little tramp and said yeah I trained you with my big black dick, as soon as my top was off his hands were all over my titties he felt them and groped them and he sucked on them feeling me through my shorts the whole time.The next thing I knew his hand was down the back of my shorts and he was feeling my ass while he sucked on my titties the next thing I knew he had pulled my shorts and panties down to my ankles as he ordered me to step out of them his hands were feeling my legs on the way back up inching closer to my pussy.

He pushed my legs apart and his hand went straight to my pussy as he felt it he said yeah now I know you been missing me, you wet girl, he fondled and fingered me for a couple of minutes until I coulnt stand it anymore and I had an orgasm right in my own living room.After that was over he turned me around and ****** me to get on my knees in the chair with my hands on the back of the chair.Ben kept playing with my ass and pussy talking dirty to me until finally he got behind me and I felt the tip of his huge cock on my pussy lips he kept playing and finally started pushing it in me for some reason he seemed harder this time than the times before he fucked me long and hard telling me how good my little ass looked with his big black dick in me he kept touching my asshole until he finally stuck his finger in it his cock felt so huge in me then I had another orgasm and he pulled out and came on my ass.

After we were finshed I grabbed my clothes and went into the bathroom to clean up after I returned Ben had put his clothes back on he came over to me and kissed me putting his hand on my pussy .Then he said your little white pussy belongs to me you might be married to a little white boy but your ass belongs to me, you like me fucking you and you know it,we will see each other again ,he then left now I dont know what to expect.The truth is I dont know how to tell this man no when hes around me im not sure how I can stop him.



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It had been almost a week since Ben had came by and caught me off guard I had really thought this was all behind me and all of a sudden he shows up again.I never thought that he would show up at my house.I just found out in the last couple of days that my husband would be coming home for 14 days and that he would have to return to iraq for another six months his units stay had been extended.After my husband arrived home about a week later I was really glad to see him I was expecting us to spend some time together but as it turned out it seemed all he wanted to do was spend time with his parents it should not have been a surprised because hes always been a mamas boy,we had sex 4 times while he was home and everytime we did I was dissapointed it seemed once he was finished it was over no foreplay or anything exciting. I never once had an orgasm I asked him many times what was wrong and every time he would reply nothing and then he would ask why I was making a big deal out of it.He never even told on how I looked since I had been going to the fitness center.On his last full day at home he and his ****** went and played golf instead of spending it with me this upset me a lot.

.While they were gone I had to go to walmart to pick up some things and get groceries after I got done shopping and had gone out to my car I was putting my things in the trunk when I sensed someone behind me, as I looked around Ben was standing there I almost jumped out of my skin,he said hey girl.I said WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE ,my husbands home,he was smiling and said I know I seen the white boy Ive been watching, how do you think I knew you was here.Then I said look I have to go someone is going to see us. Ben replied ok I understand but this is what we gone do ,you meet me tonight at midnight in the gazebo in your backyard understand I told him no!! there was no way he just smiled and said dont make it hard on me either and turned and left.On the drive home my stomach was doing flip flops ,how could I do something like this my husband was home and he wanted me to meet him in our backyard.The whole afternoon I was in a very nervous state at times it seemed I couldnt even breathe,but had excited me like nothing before it was such an intoxicating thought, I had never dreamed of doing something like this.

A little later my husband came home and informed me that we were going out to eat with his parents I thought this is just great his last night at home and we were going with his parents but not wanting to make a scene I didnt say anything.That whole afternoon all I could think about was the jester Ben had made I didnt understand why this had excited me so much.We got home around 8:30 my husband packed his things to leave the next morning, his flight was to leave at 7:00am, after he was packed he kissed me and said he was going to bed I told him I would be there in a minute it had only been about 10 minutes when I came to bed and my husband was already asleep I couldnt believe it his last night and he was asleep.As I looked at the clock it was only 10:30. I layed there for the next several minutes thinking about Ben and if he really had the nerve to show up or he was bluffing and the thoughts that went throgh my head had increasingly excited me I slipped out of bed and went and turned off the motion sensor lights on the house if he did show up I really didint want them going off.when I went back to bed I layed there and thought about Ben and how he treated me I mean, he was the first to have sex with me outdoors, the first in my car, and the first in my living room he always made things exciting, unlike my husband ,you always knew what he wanted and even thought he wasnt an attractive man he did have a huge cock.As I layed there my body just kept getting more excited my stomach was churning my legs were shaking and I could hardly get my breath I couldnt believe I was considering doing this.

The whole time my husband was lying there ************* 11:15 I got up and quietly went to the dresser and picked out a blue satin negligee it wasnt see through and it came down to about mid thigh I slipped through the house and went to our master bathroom to take a bath as I took off my pjs I couldnt help but notice how swollen and hard my clit was and it appeared my lips were swoolen also, I couldnt believe I was so excited,before I got in the bathtub I took the scissors and trimmed my pubic hair and shaved the lips to my pussy I thought I was going to have an orgasm as I shaved them.After all my husband wasnt going to see me there again.I took my bath I put on the negligee but didnt put on any panties I put on a little perfume and slipped back in the bedroom to make sure my husband was asleep I dont think he had even moved since he went to ****** went to the guest bedroom and got a blanket and started for the back door.As I opened the door the excitement was just overwhelming me being almost naked walking acroos our backyard towards the gazebo which was about 75 feet from our house.As I approached the gazebo I could see Ben standing there.

He walked up to me and looked at me from head to toe and in a low tone said damn girl you look good,it was more than my husband had said to me since he had been home.Then Ben said your white boy husband asleep and I replied yes then he asked you fuck him tonight and I replied no,he then asked you saved that little pussy for me didnt you?his little dick want do will it? you want my big black dick dont you bitch?The whole time he was talking I was increasingly getting more excited.Ben came closer and asked how big my husbands dick was and when I didnt answer he asked how big is it bitch and I replied 5 or 6 inches and Ben said so you really want my black dick dont you and I replied softly yes.Ben took the blanket from me and layed it on the bench and started taking his clothes off while I watched him.Once he was undressed his cock was already hard and he walked over to me and started touching me through my negligee the whole time he was talking dirty to me saying yeah girl your little wimp white boy husband is in there asleep and you out here about io get fucked by this big black dick what would he think now girl as he talked to me I reached and took his cock in my hand and started sroking it he said yeah you cant wait can you girl.Ben couldnt help but notice my body shaking and said you really horny aint you.My whole body was shaking and my nipples were protruding through the fabric that covered them.Bens hands had touched my whole upper body by this time but he had not touched me down there yet.

Ben said this is exciting to you aint it girl you are about to get fucked in your backyard while your husband ****** you want this dont you girl, now say it,so I replied softly yes.Then he said you want to suck my black dick before I fuck you dont you girl and again I said yes.Ben grabbed the blanket and spread it out on the floor,he came back over to me then and grabbed me around the waist and started to kiss me I stopped him and then I told him that I didnt have any panties on Ben smiled and said damn you little white married slut and put his hand under my negligee and onto my pussy as soon as he touched me I started to shake almost having an orgasm and Ben said damn I aint never felt a girl as wet as you he grabbed my negligee and pulled it over my headand stepped back to look at me, as he looked at me he said yeah you trimmed for me didnt you and I said yes, he asked you ever touched your pussy for your husband and I said no,then he said touch it for me let me see you touch that pussy my hand shakingly moved to my pussy as my breathing got heavier.As my hand touched my pussy I began to tremble I couldnt believe how wet I had became Ben kept telling me what to do so I played with my clit and rubbed my fingers through the lips for him.

Finally he said now lay down right here so I layed on the blanket and Ben got down beside me with his cock close to my head and told me to suck on it as I sucked on it he played with my pussy fingering me with one then two fingers all of a sudden Ben rolled on top of me like he was going to fuck my face I kept sucking his cock until he pushed my legs wide apart and I felt his tongue on my pussy my hips squirmed and bucked against his face until I had the most powerful orgasm I ever had.Ben then rolled off me and turned around and pushed my legs apart and pushed my knees forward and said you watch while my dick goes in you he guided the tip of his cock to my pussy lips and all of a sudden plunged all the way in to the hilt he had never gone that deep before his balls slapped my ass cheeks everytime he plunged into me and the sensation was incredible he fucked me very hard talking dirty to me the whole time saying your little white husbands in there asleep and he dont know his pretty little white wife is out here getting fucked by a black man his cock felt so good inside me finally I felt him tense up and he exploded inside me and at the same time I had my second orgasm it seemed like he came for a long time afterward we both got dressed and then I gave Ben my new cell phone number I figured if my husband wasnt interested that I wasnt going to make him I then walked back inside with Bens come running down my leg and cleaned up and went to bed my husband had never moved.



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The Maid's Husband


"What is it?"

"Where have you kept my tie. I just can't find it anywhere. "

"It's inside the wardrobe. "

Amit always expected her to attend to him when he was getting ready for office. When they had got married ten years back she could do that. But now with their two kids going to school her morning schedule was hectic. Getting up early, preparing breakfast, waking up the kids, serving breakfast... it went on and on until Amit left for his office and she took the kids to the bus stand to catch the school bus.

Anita either slept nude or in a panty and that is why she made it a point to get up before the ********. She had been a***** when the doorbell rang. She asked Amit to open the door but he was too ******. She tiptoed on her bare feet and peeped through the key hole. It was the maid Lakshmi. Anita opened to door. Lakshmi had had seen her nude off and on and so there was no problem in letting her see the breasts once again. Once in a while they had also discussed the lovemaking aspects of weddings. Lakshmi went to the kitchen and Anita saw that one of her anklets was missing. That is what happened when Amit made violent love. Before going to the kitchen she pulled on a knee length nightie and went to the kitchen.

Mornings were even tougher when the maid didn't turn up. Lakshmi was a nice person and always went out of her way to help Anita. She never refused to do anything, quite unlike most of the maids employed by her friends and neighbours. When they had moved into this beautiful bungalow in Pratap Ganj, in the eastern suburbs of the city, she had felt elated. The apartment blocks would no longer stifle her. No doubt to it, she hated living in apartments.

But then Lakshmi had her own share of problems – her ******** and abusive husband. He would return home late most of the days just managing to keep himself steady and would beat her up for flimsy reasons. Whenever the thrashing got too hard she had to stay away from work for a day or two. Anita pitied Lakshmi. Why did she stay with him? At times she tried to imagine an abusive Amit. If anything like that ever happened she would, surely, walk out. It was not a question of how much it hurt physically; it would be an intolerable insult on self-esteem. Then she would laugh at her idea of an abusive Amit...after all they had been college sweethearts and knew each other so well.

Whenever Anita expressed her opinion to Lakshmi, she laughed patiently.

"You don't understand everything. " Lakshmi would say, leaving Anita wondering.

But, Lakshmi had agreed that next time he repeated it she would bring him over for Anita to try to talk him out of this beastly habit. Yesterday when Anita learnt from another maid that Lakshmi wont turn up for work for a day or two she had expected them. They hadn't turned up till now.

"Vipin and Varsha, I want you to finish your breakfast within five minutes. " She warned. The kids were in their usual habit of messing up with the breakfast. Vipin with eight summers behind him was capable of taking care of himself but his six year old sister was still the baby of the family.

She looked up at the wall clock. It was eight-thirty.

"Honey, I'm off. Might be late in the evening. Amit stood beside her in the kitchen just long enough to plant a kiss on her cheek and if the situation permitted he would just slide the nighty aside and give a peck on her nipples. It's one of those gestures that have stayed with them for the last twelve years. She followed him out of the kitchen, yanked the kids out of the table and sent them off to the bedroom to get dressed for school. They managed to do that on their own.

As she started to get dressed standing in front of the wardrobe mirror she mused that there was at least one bright side to her tough schedule. It definitely helped her to stay in shape. She was slim, tall – almost five feet seven and medium complexioned. She knew that even at thirty-two she was attractive.

"You are still a head turner, honey. " Amit was always saying that. It was a harmless leg pulling on his part but going by the way people stared at her she knew he wasn't wrong. Having put on her pale blue saree she turned, her side facing the mirror and arranged her shoulder length hair. That's perfect, she decided. No unwanted prominence.

"Mama, we are ready. " Their shout brought her back to her senses. It was time she took them to the bus stop for their school bus but luckily they went with Mrs. Pareek.

She flopped down on the bed. She felt too tired even to change her clothes. The blast of cool air from the ceiling fan helped her relax. It went just like that on day's Lakshmi didn't turn up. Later, she would get up, change and have her breakfast. A brief flip through the newspaper before she returned to the kitchen to get on with her daily chores. Now the only thing she could think of was to relax under the fan. Everything else could wait. She closed her eyes just to enjoy that stupor of ***** come over her.

The ringing doorbell brought her back to her senses. She looked at her watch. It was almost ten o'clock.

"Who can it be?" She murmured rising from the comfort of the bed. Peeping into the door-eye she could see Lakshmi standing outside. She opened the door to let her in. It was then that she noticed the man standing a couple of yards behind her, right on the driveway. She wondered whether she should let him in. She was wearing only a sleeveless nightie with no bra and a thong pantie which Amit liked. But since Lakshmi was there Anita decided to let them in.

"Do I need to tell you what happened day before yesterday?" Lakshmi said.

No, she nodded. "I have brought him with me. See whether you can talk him out of this beastly habit. I have my doubts. "

Anita made way for Lakshmi to get into the house. As Lakshmi went past her she looked at the man standing there.

"Come in and close the door behind you. "

She walked into the drawing room and sat down on the sofa. She was in a fix, should she invite them to sit on another sofa or on the floor. Before she could decide, Lakshmi made herself comfortable on the floor. Her husband followed suit.

"What's your name?"


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It was for the first time Anita had a close look at him. Unshaved, it looked he was having a hangover. That's nothing surprising considering his habits. Otherwise, his hair was neatly combed and the shirt he was wearing was one of those she had given to Lakshmi. He looked fine in it. He must be around forty or so, she decided. He was couple of inches taller than she. Lakshmi had told her that he was a mason. Anita saw that his eyes were locked on her breasts. She wondered whether he could see her nipples through the thin material.

The next quarter of an hour she talked to them, at length, about the virtues of being a teetotaler. He seemed to understand everything, agreeing with her that he should get rid of this habit. While talking to them she bent down to pick a ball that the ******** had left on the floor. At that time the nightie also fell and she was sure that Bhasu saw her breasts.

"Nobody had explained to me the problems of being a ******** the way you have done. " He went on. "You are definitely younger to me in age but you are more matured. I guess, that's what education does to you. Don't worry, from this moment onwards I'll concentrate on earning a decent living rather than wasting our earnings on ******. "

As they left, she could make out the gratitude on Lakshmi's face.

More than an hour had passed by. She was still leafing through the newspaper...not feeling like starting the chores in the kitchen. But first, she had to change. She got up and started towards the bedroom. Just then the doorbell rang.

Must be the postman delivering the registered mail, she thought.

She opened the door to find Bhasu with a cloth bag.

"What is it?" She felt irritated, but controlled herself.

"I have put all the bottles that I had back home in this bag. As a tribute to the way you helped me I request you to throw these away yourself. "

She agreed reluctantly, taking the bag from his out-stretched hand.

"Can I have a glass of water?"

"Sure. " She replied putting down the bag on the floor.

When she returned with a glass of water, she found him standing inside. He gulped the water down and returned the glass to her. She took the glass but before she could move it away he caught hold of her hand pulling her to him. It was unexpected and fast...she just couldn't react. All that she managed to do was to turn around so that he was behind her. At that moment panic struck her and the glass slipped out, shattering itself into pieces as it struck the floor. His hands were on her breasts gripping them so hard that it hurt. She bent forward to free herself form his amorous bear hug.

That didn't help. To keep her balance she had to shove her behind at him. He responded immediately, his loins ramming against her behind. He was squeezing her breasts rather painfully.

"Stop or I'll shout. " She found her voice at last.

"I know you won't do that. All that you need is a good fuck. " He was panting. Recovering from her panic she fought back, her hands catching hold of his hair ******* him forward and her bare feet kicking at his shin.


He deserved it. Desperately, she clung to his hair. Unexpectedly, his right hand relinquished its hold on her. But it was only a brief respite. She felt his hands on her nightie, trying to pull it off. To her horror he succeeded, throwing it away from her reach. It lay in a crumpled heap on the floor.

Suddenly he released her.

She staggered, trying desperately to maintain her balance.

He slapped her hard, the sting ringing in her ears. Tears swelled in her eyes. Then came the second one, sending her reeling onto the floor. She was pinned down to the floor as the blows rained on her. She tried to resist, but most of them got through her defenses. Before long her strength began to wane away and the slaps coming in quick succession became unbearable.

"Please! I beg you..." She wailed.

Instantly it stopped. She started crying, drops of ***** trickling down her nose.

"It's nothing. Will be okay in a minute. " He sneered as she felt his hands on her panties, tearing them off.

She couldn't believe this was happening to her.

"Oh God! Let this be just a nightmare. "

He couldn't shift his eyes from what he had unveiled...long legs, firm thighs and neatly trimmed

pubic hair just covering her mons.

'That is a nice pussy. If you are so fond of Lakshmi why did you not ask her to trim her pussy as


It was overwhelming. She was just what he had fantasized sitting on the floor in front of her,

listening to her crap on ********.

He buried his head between her thighs inhaling the musk of her sex. Tentatively, he started licking her.

Oh God!" She shuddered clutching his head with her hands and trying to move him away. Amit never did that to her. As his tongue became more insistent increasing it's rhythm and pressure she began to lose control. With a startle she realised that the body was capable of accepting what the mind rejected.

"Aah!" She moaned and moved her hands, putting an end to her feeble attempts to move him away.

Soon her moans became louder as she shuddered under his maneuvers. She was beyond all caring now...her background, education, husband, ********...nothing mattered. There is no way out. She will have sex with this man...her maidservant's habitually ******** husband.

Abruptly, he got to his feet and started undressing. In his hurry he tore of his shirt and trouser. Lying on the floor, she had a fleeting glance of his manhood as he joined her. He is huge...certainly bigger than Amit, she thought. He raised her legs, arranged them on his shoulders and placed the tip of his cock at the entry of her pussy with just the head buried slightly in the folds of her pussy.

'You want this inside? Do you get fucked daily?'

'No, please don't do it.'

"Hmm. so you don't get fucked daily. Too bad. Perhaps he fucks Lakshmi."She found the thought revolting. How could Bhasu think such a thing?

Slowly and steadily he started pushing. Anita was already wet and as her pussy held Bhasu's foreskin back, his cock slid in smoothly.

'I am so sorry but you did not resist enough and see it is already inside. It is nice, tight and warm. Obviously you don't get fucked regularly. That is why you need me.' And he increased the rhythm by fully withdrawing and then thrusting wildly. All the while he kept sucking her nipples and playing with the breasts.

'Lakshmi had told me that you have nice breasts but these are just too good. Lucky man, your husband.'

"Oh God!" She sighed as her vagina stretched to accommodate him. She put her hands to her mouth stifling her moans as the tip of his penis drove all the way to her cervix again and again.

Bhasu seemed to carry on and on. ************* she had locked her ankles around his back. An explosion that left them panting for breath. He discharged entirely inside her.

She looked at him.

"I told you that's what you needed. You scare me the way you moaned. " He was smiling. Embarrassed, she looked away.

When she tried to get up he pulled her back to him.

"Where are you going, my dear? We are not through as yet. Wouldn't you like to fuck again?"

"I need to go to the bathroom. " She tried to sound detached.

"But you can't go like this. "

He stood up and helped her to her feet. He had already stripped her naked. He turned her around.

"You can go now. " He said patting her naked behind.



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When she came back into the living room he was sitting in front of the television watching Sun TV.

"Come, sit over here. " He was indicating his lap. She hesitated for a moment, acutely conscious of her nudity but then relented. He placed his cock at her pussy and wanted her to sit on it but the cock was limp after the discharge and did not go in.

Nevertheless as soon as she was on his lap his hands started caressing her again.

Half an hour later the smoldering fires began to burn again. But this time he wanted it come in her mouth. She had never performed fellatio, not even with Amit. It was perverse... something that you can read only in those English paperbacks. Certainly, she can't do it.

"I won't do that. " She stood her ground.

Moments of his ecstasy he will not be able to hold onto her. Wanting to get over the whole thing she started to suck him vigorously.

The pressure of his hand on her head increased...she could feel his approaching orgasm. He was hard and huge inside her mouth. She started ******* and gasped for air but there was no respite. She knew it was time to pull away...this would be the last time she would suck him in. He moved swiftly catching her unaware. His hands moved to the back of her head and powerfully pulled her to his groin. It was as if he knew from the very beginning what she had in mind. Tightly pressed against his groin, she was suffocating. She struggled to free herself, but he was too strong for her. Then suddenly he relaxed, allowing her to create just enough space to breathe. It was only a brief respite. The next instant she was again ****** against his groin. As his penis hit the back of her throat he exploded. She had no other way but to gulp down his secretions to prevent herself from *******. When he released her she fell back, heaving a sigh of relief. Her cheeks and chin were covered with his semen that had escaped her mouth. Almost immediately she started retching and rushed to the bathroom, somehow managing to reach the wash basin, before throwing up. That gave her immediate relief from the nausea. When she looked up she found Bhasu standing beside her. She offered no resistance as he took her in his arms and gently ran his fingers through her hair to comfort her.

"Are you comfortable now?" He whispered. She nodded yes.

Bhasu helped her to clean up before leading her back to the living room. He helped her onto one of the sofas and then sat opposite her.

"Take it easy. " Soon they were engrossed in the television.

"Okay its time. " His words startled her bringing her attention back from the television.

"For what?"

"Come here on your knees. " He ordered, opening his legs.

"Bhasu! Please don't ***** me to do that again. I have never done that before. "

"Okay, Okay. " He seemed to understand and walked over to her.

She didn't even get the time to flinch as he slapped her hard. Tears and stars sprang to her eyes.

He went back to the sofa.

"How many times do I have to tell you that your preferences don't count. You don't know your preferences, anyway. Just follow my orders and soon you will start enjoying it. Now crawl over here and you better keep it down this time. " He threatened...

This time there was no nausea. When it was over she sat down on the floor, her head on his thigh – only inches away from his now satiated manhood. She felt too embarrassed to even look up at him. He knew how to have his way with a woman, there can be no doubt about it.

Anita looked at her watch and jumped. It was time for Varsha and Vipin to return home. Hurriedly she extricated herself from his embrace and got to her feet.

"Bhasu you have to go now. It's time my *** and ******** returned from school. "

"Let me kiss you there one more time. " He was looking straight at her naked crotch. "You look very nice when you are naked. Do you trim the hair there yourself or does your husband do it?"Anita remained quiet.

"Okay go there, stretch your arms overhead. Let me examine you. No hair under the arms, nice, very nice. A Mangalsutra in your neck. Good earrings. A diamong nose pin. A golden girdle around your waist, very expensive, no!But nice. Turn around. Oh nothing in your asshole. All it needs is a tight slap. Turn around again. Glass bangles on one wrist and gold one in the other along with a watch. And a combination of silver anklets and chain along with small toe rings. Nice red nail polish on your hands and toes. This is the way I want to see you when I come to ... you tomorrow. You want to get... badly?Remember nothing else or else?" He said sneeringly

"You are nice to look at and nice to fuck. But we have missed out on one important thing."said Bhasu "God!" Thought Anita. "Now what is it?"She was exasperated.. "Come closer, very close." Anita complied. Bhasu too stripped quickly. "Now stand on your toes, cup your breasts and keep your nipples on mine." Anita hesitated. "No! Why all this. You have had sex with me. Now why all this?"

"Shut up. Do it and you won't get hurt. Or else you will get hurt and then do it. And don't say that I had sex with you. Say that I fucked you" She stood on tip toe and placed her large pink nipples on Bhasu's brown. He cupped both her buttocks and pulled her closer to him. However because of the difference in height his cock could not enter Anita's pussy. It just kept pushing on the mound of her sparse pubic hair. "Now kiss me as you kiss your husband. Suck my tongue. Take your hands behind my head." Anita wondered whether he would ever go. Since she wanted him to go early she was complying with his instructions willingly. She darted her tongue inside his mouth, found his tongue and sucked at it wildly. This again set her body on fire and gave Bhasu an erection again. "Good. One last thing. Get your cordless phone. Quick." Anita picked it from the nearby cabinet. "Lie down. Open your legs"He then placed his cock at the tip of her ass-hole, and kept her ankle on his shoulder. With the wild kisses given by Anita his cock was rock hard again. "No, not in there."Anita pleaded. Bhasu's cock was slippery and placed just at the tip of her ass-hole. He kept his hands near Anita's belly button and pulled her but the hole was too tight. 'Please don't put it there. It will be painful.' Anita was almost begging him. "Well, okay your choice bring your hand and keep it wherever you want it." Cursing Bhasu under her breath she held his cock and kept it at the opening of her pussy. "Now dial your husband."

"Why?"Anita pleaded. "If you want to fuck me, do so. Why bring my husband into it?"

"Do as I say. Why do I have to repeat myself once you know that you have to do it. If you delay your ******** will come and they will not be too happy to see you like this." Anita dialed Amit. As soon as she said hello Bhasu thrust his cock in. "Hi, love. How are you" Amit said. "Fine!" Anita replied. As the conversation proceeded Bhasu kept thrusting his cock in very slowly till it was fully embedded in Anita's pussy. His strokes were also discreet. All the while he kept pulling her nipples and also nibbling at them. He withdrew only after the conversation ended, wiped the cum over her breasts and proceeded to get dressed. "Remember. Tomorrow. Now the pussy kiss."

She came over and opened her thighs, allowing him to kiss her sex. He opened the lips of her pussy and darted his tongue inside. "The good part is that your pussy lips are visible even without opening them and Lakshmi has such a bush of hair there. You have seen her bush there?''

Anita shook her head.

"But she has seen you naked. Okay I understand. She comes to your house and in the house you can be naked. Since you don't come to our house how can you see her naked?'

What had actually happened was that after making love she had fallen into deep *******. Amit got up before her. He had put the latch from outside so as not to disturb her. Just as Amit was taking the ******** to school Lakshmi arrived. Amit completely forgot that Anita was ******** naked. When he returned he took off his shoes as per his habit and entered. He saw that Anita was still asleep. Her left leg was straight. The right sole was on the left knee. One arm over the head and the other by the side. In this pose even the pubic hair trimmed as they were could not provide much protection. The lips of her pussy were slightly open and the breasts were rising and falling rhythmically. Lakshmi was sweeping the floor and was completely normal. She did not appear to be even slightly surprised that Mem Sahib was naked. Later when Amit told this to Anita she was not embarrassed by the fact that Lakshmi had seen her pussy as well but was surprised that she slept so soundly. He started getting dressed. She found it surprising that she no longer felt embarrassed to stand before him stark naked.
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