Posts: 167297
Plus se rapproche mon cours avec la Première-3, et plus l'appréhension m'envahit. Quel va être le comportement d'Abou à mon égard après tout ce qui s'est passé entre nous ? Je décide de faire une interrogation surprise, cela m'évitera d'avoir un rôle actif et me permettra de prendre de la distance . J'évite soigneusement le regard d'Abou lorsque les élèves rentrent en classe. Évidemment ça ronchonne lorsque j'annonce un devoir sur table, d'autant plus que la classe précédente, la Première-4, n'en a pas eu... Pendant une heure, mal à l'aise, j'évite tout contact visuel avec mon jeune amant. J'ai du mal à ne pas accrocher *** regard que je sens insistant, lorsque je suis à mon pupitre. Dès la fin de l'heure, je fais ramasser les copies et m'éclipse sans demander mon reste... Ouf, j'ai pu éviter le piège, je suis tranquille jusqu'à jeudi ; enfin, si je ne le rencontre pas dans les couloirs du lycée ! Le lendemain, tranquillement, je corrige les copies chez moi. C'est un exercice que je déteste, je trouve fastidieux de retrouver les mêmes âneries répétées dans la majorité des devoirs. Tout d'un coup, je sursaute : je suis arrivée à la copie d'Abou dans laquelle est glissée une lettre soigneusement pliée. L'écriture est plutôt enfantine et peu lisible. Je respire à fond et commence sa lecture (fautes d'orthographe corrigées !) : Mon Elodie, Tu es si sexy avec ta petite robe noire qui me permet de regarder tes seins par-dessus ou par les côtés. Pourquoi viens-tu au lycée en cachant ces trésors que j'ai tant caressés ? Tes jupes ***t démodées, tes chemises trop lâches... Je te veux bien plus femme ! Il est vrai que je prends soin, lorsque je viens au lycée, d'éviter tout ce qui pourrait exciter les jeunes mâles qui me font face de la Seconde à la Terminale. Déjà que certains profs me trouvent beaucoup trop jeune, malgré mes diplômes, pour faire des remplacements avec des adolescents presque adultes ! Je te demande de venir habillée comme tu l'es à la ville, en découvrant tes jambes et ta gorge. Tu peux venir avec ta robe noire, je l'adore, et sans que ta poitrine soit pri***nière de quoi que ce soit... Tu es si bonne quand tu danses, quand tu fais l'amour, quand tu prends ton pied. Voici mon numéro de téléphone, appelle-moi et donne-moi le tien. J'ai un plan pour nous deux ce week-end. Je t'embrasse partout. Youssef qui est à mes côtés, aussi. Il meurt d'envie de te revoir. Abou Rajouté à la hâte, pendant le cours, un post-scriptum : Comme j'étais avec toi ce week-end, je n'ai pas pu réviser mon cours. Ne me mets pas une mauvaise note ! Je suis estomaquée... Quel culot ! Il va me le payer ! Sa copie est une des plus mauvaises de la classe. Prise malgré tout de remords, je lui mets la moyenne qu'il ne mérite pas. Je réfléchis à la meilleure manière de me sortir du guêpier dans lequel je me suis fourrée tête baissée, en succombant à ses avances comme une oie blanche. Enfin, je ne suis pas restée inactive, je me suis laissé envoûter, et je l'ai même un peu provoqué en dansant ou en lui permettant d'ôter mon soutien-gorge. Ma seule issue : l'ignorer et l'éviter ! Le jeudi, j'ai le cours de Première-3 juste après le déjeuner. J'ai du mal à avaler quelque chose, j'ai une boule dans le creux de l'estomac. Je ne peux pas à nouveau leur coller une interrogation écrite ! J'ai choisi avec soin une jupe de jean qui m'arrive au mollet et une blouse lâche serrée au cou. J'évite toujours *** regard et fais mon cours d'une voix blanche... Lors de la remise des copies, j'entends Abou m'interpeller : — Mademoiselle, mademoiselle ! Il est toujours assis contre le mur du fond de la classe, pas loin de la fenêtre, à côté d'un dénommé Ahmed qui joue lui aussi dans l'équipe de basket. Je vais comme un automate vers lui... Il me montre sa copie posée sur *** bureau. Je me penche et regarde. Horreur, sa main s'est glissée sur mon mollet, remonte sous ma jupe, atteint déjà mon genou. Je m'éloigne d'un geste brusque mais il me glisse un papier froissé dans la main. J'essaie de maîtriser mon souffle et mon émotion afin de calmer les mouvements de ma poitrine. Je dois avoir les joues rouges, j'ai l'impression que mes élèves le voient. Ont-ils perçu le brusque écart que j'ai fait lorsque j'ai senti sa main remonter le long de ma jambe ? Le cours s'achève et je reste volontairement un bon moment avec une des élèves que je préfère afin de ne pas le croiser. Ce n'est qu'une fois dans ma voiture que je sors le petit papier roulé en boule qu'Abou m'a glissé dans la main. Tu ne m'as pas écouté, ta tenue est nulle à chier... Je viens chez toi ce soir à 18 h 30, fais-toi très salope, j'ai très envie de te baiser, tu vas aimer... Abou De pire en pire ! Je réfléchis à toute vitesse. Je ne vais pas rentrer chez moi ce soir à l'heure habituelle. Même seule, je vais me faire un McDO, puis un ciné. Je ne veux pas le voir chez moi. Je n'ai pratiquement pas suivi le film, d'ailleurs un navet nul, et observe les alentours de mon immeuble en rentrant. Je m'engouffre dans mon appartement. J'ai réussi à l'éviter ! Reste le cours du vendredi après-midi, le dernier de la semaine. J'ai à nouveau choisi des vêtements particulièrement neutres. Je commence à savoir comment éviter *** regard qui pèse sur moi, et me garde bien de passer au fond de la classe derrière le dernier rang pour éviter tout risque de contact. Lorsque finit le cours, j'adopte le même stratagème et converse avec des élèves. Abou traîne un peu avant de sortir, et dépose un papier plié sur mon pupitre, devant tout le monde, sans même un regard. J'attends encore une dizaine de minutes et arrive à regagner ma Twingo en même temps qu'une autre enseignante. Avant de démarrer, je déplie *** message : Mon Elodie, Je serai chez toi ce soir à 21 h, fais-toi très belle et très sexy, je te ferai l'amour toute la nuit comme on ne te l'a jamais fait, ce sera encore mieux que la dernière fois ! Abou PS : Tu t'es vraiment fringuée n'importe comment aujourd'hui encore ! 
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J'appelle la seule vraie copine que j'ai en région parisienne pour lui proposer une sortie le soir même. Elle décline, elle a un plan avec *** mec. Puisque c'est comme ça, je me barricaderai chez moi ce soir ! En y arrivant, je vérifie que per***ne ne me guette, prends mon courrier et monte me fermer à double tour. Tant pis si mon réfrigérateur est presque vide ! Après une douche réparatrice, j'ouvre mon courrier. Les factures habituelles, un courrier de ma banque me signalant que je suis à découvert (c'est hélas fréquent) et une enveloppe avec seulement Elodie écrit à l'encre rouge. Étonnée, je l'ouvre. Elle contient une photo papier qui me fait sursauter : on y voit un sexe de femme blonde, jupe blanche relevée largement sur les hanches, qui me rappelle immédiatement le tableau de Gustave Courbet, l'Origine du Monde, si ce n'est qu'il est blond et beaucoup moins fourni, et qu'une main noire est posée, côté droit, dont le pouce en écarte nettement la grande lèvre, laissant apparaître les lèvres intimes. En arrière-plan, les visages du couple ***t visibles, à la différence du tableau de Courbet, mais celui de la femme a été rayé au stylo. Celui du black, bien qu'un peu flou, est reconnaissable : c'est Abou ! Je retourne la photo, où une écriture en rouge signale : Elodie, tu dois être très gentille avec Abou ! Youssef Une chape de plomb me tombe sur les épaules. Les salauds, ils m'ont prise en photo à mon insu lors du retour de notre folle nuit à Cergy, et je suis victime d'un chantage. Des images folles me traversent l'esprit. Victime de la traite des Blanches, je m'imagine faisant le trottoir rue Saint-Denis dans une mini robe moulante rouge pompier, nue dans une caravane de chantier attendant des ouvriers affamés de sexe, arpentant le port de Marseille à la recherche de marins en goguette privés de femmes depuis des mois ou, plus agréable, courtisane en robe d'apparat attendant le bon vouloir du Sultan dans le Harem de Topkapi, complotant contre ses rivales... Étrangement, moi qui ai la larme assez facile, je ne pleure pas. Porter plainte ? Je suis majeure, ne semble pas du tout contrainte sur cette photo et suis à côté d'un de mes élèves tout juste majeur ! Bref, tout à fait consentante. Ai-je été droguée ? Trop de gens m'ont vu monter à l'étage dans les bras d'Abou la semaine dernière de mon plein gré, après avoir fumé un joint ! Voilà ce qui t'arrive, me dis-je, pour t'être laissé charmer par un jeune black de dix-neuf ans et avoir succombé à ta sensualité dans ses bras accueillants ! Je regarde à nouveau la photo. Les contours de mon sexe ***t bien visibles, l'entrée rose de ma chatte fait tache et poils blonds et peau blanche contrastent avec le noir profond de la main. En arrière-plan, le visage d'Abou, bien que flou, laisse deviner un sourire de fierté sur ses lèvres. Je n'arrive pas à voir si je suis identifiable car mon visage est trop crayonné. Ma décision est prise, je vais recevoir Abou ce soir, et il va me rendre des comptes. Service minimum ce soir, un pantalon en jean, un grand t-shirt et aucun maquillage. Il ***ne, je lui ouvre, furieuse. Il me fait un grand sourire, il a dans les bras un joli bouquet et une bouteille de champagne. J'esquive *** baiser en le repoussant sèchement, pose ses cadeaux sans ménagement dans la cuisine et le fais asseoir de l'autre côté de la table du salon. — C'est quoi, ça ? dis-je, en lui lançant la photo au visage. De surprise ses yeux roulent dans ses orbites, et j'ai presque l'impression... qu'il pâlit ! — Ne me dis pas que tu n'es pas au courant ! — Heu, quand nous sommes rentrés, dimanche, on s'est arrêtés sur un parking. Youssef a pris cette photo avec *** portable, il voulait la montrer à ses copains ! — Et je suppose que vous en avez pris toute une série ? — Non, juste une, car des mecs ***t arrivés en camionnette. Quand ils se ***t approchés, ils n'en ont pas cru leurs yeux. Nous avons déguerpi, et ils nous ont suivis. Et puis tu t'es réveillée... — Et, bien entendu, ce n'est pas toi qui l'as déposée dans ma boîte aux lettres ? — Non, ce n'est pas moi ; en fait, je n'ai fait qu'en tirer un exemplaire sur mon PC, car Youssef ne sait pas faire. Mais j'ai crayonné ton visage pour qu'on ne puisse pas te reconnaître s'il la montrait à d'autres ! Je regarde Abou, il a l'air sincère. Ce n'est plus le fier macho, il ressemble à un jeune garçon qui aurait poussé trop vite. Je cherche la faille. Sa version des faits paraît logique, ou tout au moins vraisemblable. Une grande lassitude me saisit, et j'éclate en sanglots... Cela me fait du bien de pleurer. Je sens qu'Abou viens s'asseoir sur l'accoudoir à côté de moi, il passe délicatement *** bras autour de mon épaule et sèche mes larmes une à une avec un kleenex. Je crois que je suis restée prostrée au moins un quart d'heure. Abou n'a pratiquement pas bougé, passant de temps en temps le revers de sa main avec douceur sur ma joue ou mes cheveux. Calmée, je prends délicatement sa main et la pose sur ma poitrine. J'ai besoin de réconfort. Ses doigts bougent à peine, et il me murmure : — Elodie, je suis dingue de toi... Je pose la main sur la sienne, la caressant doucement. La sienne s'anime très lentement, traçant des arabesques autour de mes seins. Il les pétrit à travers le tissu et mon soutien-gorge, je me sens mieux. Je soulève mon t-shirt, il me regarde, me sourit, et dit : — Tu n'as pas mis un soutien-gorge avec la pression devant comme tu me l'avais promis ! Je me penche en avant pour lui en faciliter l'accès. Il finit cette fois par trouver l'ouverture de l'attache et libère délicatement mes seins. Ses grosses lèvres s'en approchent, et il me tète. Il ressemble à un bébé goulu. Des ondes parcourent mon corps, descendent dans mon bas-ventre. Je prends sa main, et la pose sur la braguette de mon jean. Je sens des ondes dans mon ventre ; il relève la tête, et m'embrasse goulûment. Encore le baiser cinéma ! Je ferme les yeux et tangue entre ses bras. Je fris***ne, je suis bien, j'ai à nouveau craqué ! Je sens *** cœur battre sous ma main glissée sous *** t-shirt. Nous restons sagement enlacés, sa main toujours immobile sur mon sexe, jusqu'à ce qu'il me dise d'une petite voix : — J'ai faim ! Je me relève et, seins nus, vais vers la cuisine. Le joli bouquet et la bouteille de champagne ***t restés sur la table. J'arrange le bouquet, mets la bouteille au congélateur et inspecte *** contenu. Dans l'embrasure de la porte, Abou me regarde tel un chasseur sa proie. Et je réalise combien j'aime être sa proie ! — Je n'ai qu'une pizza surgelée ! — Super ! J'adore, dit-il en s'avançant vers moi et en effleurant mes tétons. — Il est interdit de caresser la cuisinière pendant qu'elle opère, va donc mettre la table ! Nous partons tous deux d'un franc éclat de rire. Visiblement, il n'a pas l'habitude de mettre la table, et aucune idée de l'endroit où se rangent les couverts. Pourtant, ma cuisine est minuscule. Lorsque j'apporte la pizza, il a rempli les coupes de champagne. Nous trinquons et, volontairement, j'appuie mes seins toujours nus sur *** épaule en le servant. — Hum, j'aimerais aussi avoir ce genre de massage pendant tes cours, je suis sûr que j'apprendrais mieux l'espagnol ! Je rougis, nous trinquons à nouveau, il m'embrasse en recrachant dans ma bouche une rasade de champagne. Lorsque je lui sers une deuxième part de pizza, il accroche un doigt dans la ceinture de mon pantalon au passage, la dénoue et le descend sur mes chevilles. Je me retrouve en culotte, et m'excuse : 
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— Ce n'est pas la plus sexy ! — Tu me la montreras au dessert, répond-il dans un éclat de rire partagé. J'en profite pour me frotter à lui. Je trouve très sensuel de sentir le contact de ma peau nue contre ses vêtements. Il dévore presque toute la pizza, et je lui sers une glace. — Ce n'est que mon premier dessert ! Tu seras le second ! me dit-il d'une voix rauque et pleine de promesses. Je lui réponds en faisant glisser une langue gourmande sur mes lèvres, et nous finis***s le champagne. La table desservie, Abou s'installe autoritairement sur mon lit en bas de jogging, il installe l'oreiller pour bien voir. — Voila mon vrai dessert, le défilé des culottes et soutifs peut commencer ! Mon dressing est dans le petit couloir qui va à la salle de bain. J'en ferme la porte et, moqueuse, choisis d'abord un ensemble sloggy en simple coton blanc que je mets à la gym, style « petit bateau » — Hum, ça ne vaut pas plus que 2 sur 20, et encore ! dit-il en m'imitant lorsque je rends les devoirs. Il va falloir équiper Mademoiselle en dessous plus seyants. Je reviens avec un ensemble coordonné La Perla, rouge et noir, que j'adore, avec de troublantes transparences et des volants de dentelle. Je marche en remuant la croupe comme une professionnelle. Il applaudit, et me donne 18/20. Je réalise qu'il bande. Je m'en prends à mon tour à sa ceinture et lui arrache en une fois pantalon et caleçon. LA Bête se déploie immédiatement en pointant vers le plafond. Il veut m'attraper mais je l'esquive et retourne vers la salle de bain. Je réapparais en porte-jarretelles blanc, string et soutien assortis. J'hérite d'un nouveau 18. Je continue mon show, reçois pas mal de bonnes notes en prenant des poses de plus en plus lascives. SA Queue est de plus en plus grosse, et il se caresse négligemment. Je reviens finalement entièrement nue et en posant toujours. Cette fois, je me laisse saisir par les hanches et il me jette sans ménagement sur le lit. Je lui ai demandé de prendre les préservatifs qui restaient dans mon sac (souvenir de Patrice). À ma grande surprise, il s'éclipse puis revient avec un certificat récent, fait par le médecin du lycée, de dépistage. Comme quoi la prévention a du bon. — Je vais pouvoir entrer en toi sans entrave et sentir ta peau de l'intérieur, mon adorable Elodie, et je vais te remplir de mon jus jusqu'à ce que tu en débordes. Il n'en fallait pas plus pour me faire chavirer ! Raconter par le détail cette nuit brûlante avec Abou relève de l'impossible, tant il m'a comblé les sens. Cependant, je la résumerais ainsi. J'ai aimé : · Abou est un amant extraordinaire, très attentif à mes réactions et j'ai adoré la manière dont il a alterné la ***** et la douceur, le style macho et celui d'adolescent fragile. · Sa manière de me remplir complètement, au sens premier du terme. · *** incroyable fougue, et sa facilité à repartir à l'assaut de mon corps sans répit. · L'originalité des poses qu'il m'a fait prendre, tout en reconnaissant que, vu la taille de *** Engin, celles qui m'ouvraient le plus, la levrette ou les jambes sur ses épaules, étaient pour moi les plus intenses. · Le goût de sa peau et celui de sa semence. · *** souci d'être patient, attendant ma jouissance et sa manière d'alterner moments forts et moments doux, même quand il était encore raide. · La manière dont ma chatte s'est adaptée à *** Pieu, car, cette fois-ci, je n'ai pas eu mal après. · Et tout simplement, sa présence à mes côtés au moment même où j'en avais besoin, et les moments de répit où je me lovais tendrement contre *** corps. · Et c'est encore meilleur quand on peut se permettre d'éviter les préservatifs. J'ai redouté : · La réaction des voisins à mes cris de jouissance. Heureusement, ils étaient partis en week-end. · Le moment où il a voulu me sodomiser, car je n'ai pas pu, IL était vraiment top gros ! Ce n'est que vers 11 h que je me suis réveillée, les sens totalement comblés, Abou dormant à côté de moi d'un sommeil pour le moins réparateur. *** visage reposé est celui d'un adolescent. Mes draps sentent l'amour, et je me suis souvenue des paroles de la chan*** : « Je l'ai serrée si fort que les draps s'en souviennent ». J'ai contemplé un moment le corps de mon jeune amant, ce sourire satisfait qui semblait flotter sur ses lèvres, l'ébène de cette peau d'homme que je n'aurais jamais imaginé dans mon lit. Lorsque le corps est bien, l'esprit est plus agile. Il me faut coûte que coûte détruire les photos de l'Origine du Monde, du moins celles qui me concernent directement s'il y en a plusieurs. Par ailleurs, j'ai à nouveau craqué pour Abou, mais je ne le regrette pas, j'ai passé une nuit proprement merveilleuse. J'ai l'intime conviction qu'Abou était sincère lorsqu'il m'a raconté l'épisode de la voiture, et donc je dois en faire mon allié, pour récupérer ces photos ; mais il est manifestement sous l'influence de *** cousin (*** oncle ?). Comment m'en assurer ? Une idée germe dans mon esprit... EURÊKA, comme disait l'autre. En me levant doucement pour ne pas l'éveiller, je me rends compte que je déborde de toute la semence d'Abou. Une douche réparatrice, mon déshabillé le plus coquin, et me voilà faisant le café. Heureusement, il me reste deux croissants congelés. J'arrive avec le café fumant et les croissants. Il dort encore. Je repousse le drap et effleure *** Mandrin. Celui-ci se redresse, enfin à moitié, et mon bel étalon noir ouvre un œil endormi. Je joue avec L'Objet, il ouvre le second œil, et *** regard s'allume. Est-ce l'odeur du café, ou mon déshabillé ? Probablement, les deux, car il m'enveloppe la croupe d'une main pour la flatter et attrape un croissant de l'autre. Je lui baise les lèvres en le remerciant pour la plus belle nuit d'amour que j'ai jamais connue, lui tends un café fumant. Il s'étire, me palpe comme un maquignon et découvre ses belles dents blanches d'un ravissant sourire. 
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Après une telle nuit d'amour, nous sommes en confidence ! L'air de rien, je lui suggère que c'est quand même mieux quand on est tous les deux sans Youssef pour me mater et le ***de sans en avoir l'air sur leurs rapports. Tout en continuant à m'effleurer des doigts, il m'explique que Youssef, c'est un peu comme *** père, qui est resté au Bénin, Que c'est grâce à lui qu'il a pu obtenir des papiers et étudier en France, et que, si je le connaissais mieux, je saurais l'apprécier. Je comprends parfaitement le double sens par mieux connaître, mais joue l'innocente (il m'arrive de l'être !). Tout naturellement, cela m'amène à l'interroger ensuite sur les pratiques échangistes dans *** pays. Il me parle de liberté, d'envies, de nature. Mais je devine sans mal que c'est l'homme qui a toute la liberté de mœurs, et la femme celle de ne rien refuser, surtout pas celle de refuser d'écarter les jambes. Enfin, je ne peux pas jouer la féministe avec ce que je viens de vivre. Pendant ses propos, sa main continue à parcourir mon corps, mais j'ai plus le sentiment d'être flattée comme une belle pouliche que d'être caressée comme cette nuit. Ses yeux semblent me dire : cette chair est à moi. Puis j'interroge Abou sur les papiers qu'il m'a fait passer concernant mon style de vêtement lors de mes cours. Il m'avoue naïvement sa fierté de coucher avec une blanche ce dont rêvent nombre de ses concitoyens, et avec une de ses profs en plus ; il me dit qu'il est sûr que la moyenne de la classe serait meilleure si j'attirais un peu plus le regard, me citant la prof de physique, une forte rousse au décolleté débordant. Je reste perplexe, mais ne le fais pas paraître, et lui dis : — Chiche ? — Chiche, mais à propos, ton soutien-gorge qui s'ouvre sur le devant ? Je lui avoue qu'en fait, je n'en ai pas dans ma garde-robe... Il me propose de m'accompagner en acheter un. Pourquoi pas, pourvu que ce soit loin de mon quartier et du lycée pour ne pas être reconnue ? Puis j'interroge Abou sur les photos, il se renferme un peu et me dit qu'il est prêt à voir avec Youssef pour les récupérer. Bien que ma douche soit petite, nous la prenons ensemble, nous savonnant mutuellement. Mon amant est particulièrement préoccupé par ma toilette intime, et je constate que, quand même, quand il bande, *** sexe est un peu moins dur que la veille ! Il est déjà tard quand nous finis***s nos ablutions, et Abou se dirige résolument vers le dressing où il a vu que je rangeais mes dessous. Il farfouille dedans et, après réflexion, me tend mon ensemble coordonné La Perla rouge et noir, en me précisant avec humour que le noir sied à une blonde ! Être l'objet de *** regard pendant que je l'enfile me fait un étrange effet. Un strip-tease à l'envers ! Le voilà devant ma penderie, où visiblement *** aisance est moindre. Il hésite entre ma fameuse petite robe noire et une petite jupe plissée turquoise qu'il choisit finalement, puis me tend un caraco orange. Visiblement, ce n'est pas un spécialiste de l'harmonie des couleurs ! Je le lui fais remarquer, et il opte finalement pour un corsage blanc, très simple, mais que je trouve beaucoup trop transparent vu la couleur de mon soutien-gorge. Il balaye d'un geste l'objection ; il est vrai que j'ai pu constater que les Béninoises ne se souciaient guère ni du mélange de couleurs, ni de la discrétion de leurs sous-vêtements ! Il y a du monde en ce samedi après-midi dans ce grand centre commercial. Dès l'entrée, je suis frappée par le regard des gens sur notre couple. Un sentiment de malaise m'oppresse, et j'ai l'impression, sinon d'avoir la peau noire, du moins d'être regardée comme un ****** sauvage ou une délinquante ; j'ai certes une jupe courte et un corsage assez transparent, mais les hommes me regardent encore plus lourdement, et les femmes chuchotent à notre passage. Une blanche avec un noir ! S'ils savaient qu'il y a l'élève et sa prof d'espagnol ! Abou n'en a cure, probablement habitué à ce type d'attitude et me tient la main en regardant les vitrines. Nous mangeons un sandwich rapide et continuons notre promenade. Abou me pousse gentiment dans un magasin de lingerie. Je demande les modèles de soutien-gorge à ouverture sur le devant. La vendeuse nous propose plusieurs modèles, et j'opte pour un ensemble coordonné jaune transparent, avec un mini string (j'adore avoir des dessous assortis). Lorsque j'entrouvre le rideau pour appeler Abou pour voir le résultat, il arrive tout timidement en s'étonnant de me voir avec le string sur ma culotte. Je dois lui expliquer que c'est ainsi partout lors des essayages, qu'il est interdit, pour des rai***s d'hygiène, d'enfiler le slip directement sur soi ; il me dit que cela me va super et me suggère de garder sur moi le petit ensemble. J'en informe la vendeuse, ôte l'ancien, remets le neuf, mais au moment de sortir, Abou revient avec un shorty noir et le soutien-gorge assorti déniché je ne sais où. — Essaie-les, me dit-il, ils ***t à croquer... Abou m'a trouvé un ensemble digne d'un sex-shop : la culotte type shorty est largement fendue sur le devant et le soutien-gorge s'arrête sous la pointe des seins ! Ne voulant pas le contrarier, je fais un nouvel essayage, dès que la vendeuse apporte les tailles appropriées. *** sourire complice m'incite à croire qu'elle n'est pas étrangère au choix de ce modèle. Abou revient, toujours un peu moins timidement, jette un œil, et je vois sa bouche faire un O de satisfaction. — Garde-les sur toi, me dit-il d'un ton dont la fermeté me surprend. Me voilà devoir régler les deux ensembles, je vais de nouveau recevoir une lettre de mon banquier ! Au moment de sortir de la boutique, je me rends compte que je ne peux pas décemment traverser le centre commercial ainsi habillée, mes seins ***t apparents, alors que je subissais déjà des regards lourds. Je dois retourner en changer. Abou refuse et, grand seigneur, ôte sa veste et me la passe sur les épaules. Me voilà flânant avec sa veste qui ressemble à un grand manteau. Je dois en plus la serrer sur mon buste ! Merveilleux quand on est déjà trop (mal) regardée par les gens ! Je suggère donc à Abou une séance de cinéma qu'il accepte. Nous n'avons pas trop à attendre pour le film, et Abou, dans la queue, fait glisser sa veste sur mes épaules. Je croise *** regard que je trouve particulièrement coquin. Il me glisse à l'oreille : — Quand viendras-tu ainsi faire ton cours au lycée ? Il a décidément l'art de me faire rougir devant tout le monde et, lorsque nous gagnons nos places, je sens un vif intérêt masculin et de la réprobation féminine. Je m'absorbe dans le film, mais rapidement je sens la main d'Abou, passée sur mon épaule, jouer avec les boutons de mon corsage, qu'il ouvre un à un. La salle n'est pas pleine, mais j'ai l'impression qu'un homme qui m'avait précédemment regardée entrer, assis à quelques fauteuils, me fixe avec insistance. Je confie mon anxiété à Abou ; non seulement le manège de ses doigts ne cesse pas, mais je vois un sourire éclairer la blancheur de ses dents. Lorsqu'il ne me reste plus que le dernier bouton, il englobe mon sein gauche de sa main, joue avec mon téton puis avec la pression, qui cède assez vite : me voilà dépoitraillée au ciné ! Il titille mes pointes qui durcissent puis pose ses doigts sur ma cuisse. Je veux me rajuster, mais il arrête mon geste de sa main inactive. Sa paume migre en une douce caresse vers l'intérieur de ma cuisse, puis fait pression pour me ****** à m'ouvrir. Ses doigts remontent maintenant avec lenteur, je n'arrive pas à me plonger dans le film et évite de regarder mon voisin vers la gauche. Il touche maintenant mon shorty et décrit de petites figures autour de *** ouverture. Il doit sentir que je deviens mouillée... Et c'est ma propre main, malgré moi, qui le pousse à entrer dans la fente du tissu. Là encore, avec une infinie délicatesse, il me caresse les lèvres du dos de l'ongle. Je m'ouvre encore plus, ma jupette remonte. Une onde de plaisir me traverse lorsqu'il frôle mon clitoris. Je m'agrippe aux accoudoirs, ferme les yeux, me mords les lèvres pour ne pas crier et un flot vient inonder ses doigts... Je tremble de jouissance pendant un long moment et lorsque j'ouvre les yeux, je vois *** visage tout près du mien, observant mon plaisir. Je dépose un baiser sur ses lèvres. J'ai complètement perdu le fil du scénario du film. Maintenant, il me faut réparer les dégâts. J'ai la chatte toute poisseuse, les doigts aussi, et redoute de tacher mon chemisier en le reboutonnant. J'y parviens presque au moment où s'allument les lumières. Au moment où je me lève avec Abou, nous croi***s le regard du voisin qui nous gratifie d'un grand sourire et d'un geste éloquent... Nouveau fard ! La traversée du mail jusqu'au parking, emmitouflée dans la veste, s'effectue au pas de charge. Alors que je conduis, Abou s'amuse à nouveau à retrousser ma jupe et à jouer avec l'ouverture du shorty qui, décidément, l'excite au plus haut point. Je dois le réprimander sérieusement pour éviter l'accident. À peine arrivés chez moi, alors que je suis encore dans la cuisine, il me saisit par les hanches, m'assois sur la table, place mes mains en arrière, retrousse ma jupe et sort *** gros pénis sans même ôter *** pantalon. Il le glisse à même la fente de mon dernier rempart et entre sans résistance au plus profond de moi... Je me dis que cet investissement aura eu une vie bien courte, puis les vagues déferlent, je suis au nirvana ! Il se rajuste après m'avoir inondée de ses sucs, car il doit partir, il a un match de basket et doit se lever aux aurores. Je regarde les grosses taches entre mes cuisses où se mêlent nos humeurs. C'est impressionnant de voir tout ce que peut cracher mon bel étalon noir. J'ai droit au baiser cinéma, il me demande mon numéro de portable. J'y mets une condition : qu'il s'engage une fois de plus à ne plus tirer sur PC ou papier les photos prises par Youssef avant que nous le rencontrions. Il jure la main sur le cœur, griffonne mon numéro et claque la porte. Après une rapide toilette intime qui me confirme que mon shorty tout neuf n'a pas résisté à ses violents assauts et s'est déchiré sous ses coups de boutoir, je glisse sous ma couette et retrouve le monde des rêves des femmes amoureuses, comblées et épuisées... 
Posts: 167297
Difficile de quitter sa couette en ce dimanche matin pluvieux. Mais je dois aller au marché voir Irma. Elle n'a rien de doux, c'est une vieille femme rabougrie, toujours vêtue de gris, à la voix nasillarde et haut perchée. Elle opère dans une arrière-boutique sombre, où elle exerce à la fois ses facultés de voyance et vend d'étranges mixtures crémeuses et de multiples poudres de toutes les couleurs. La plupart d'entre elles servent à guérir tous types de maladies, même celles de l'âme ; certaines ont des propriétés aphrodisiaques, et elle affirme avoir découvert la magique poudre bleue qui revigore ces messieurs fatigués bien avant qu'elle soit en pharmacie. J'attends qu'elle finisse de tirer les cartes à une ado probablement à la recherche du prince charmant, et lui expose ma requête. Elle lève un sourcil étonné, marmonne et, à l'aide d'une pelle, prend au fond d'un tiroir à même le sol, une poudre marron qu'elle verse dans un petit sachet. — Dix minutes, rappelle-toi, dix minutes tout juste, me glisse-t-elle à l'oreille. Je règle. J'ignore le prix au kilo du caviar, mais ça doit se valoir. Trempée par une grosse averse, je rentre chez moi et m'astreins à ranger le capharnaüm laissé par la tornade Abou dans mon petit appartement en un jour et une nuit. Ce n'est pas Monsieur Propre ! Cela va de tous mes dessous sens dessus dessous (hum !) jusqu'aux serviettes de bain par terre, des draps remplis de souvenirs d'amours, aux taches suspectes et récalcitrantes sur la table de la cuisine. Loin d'être une fée du logis, cela me prend presque tout l'après-midi. J'en sors fourbue. Ma mission de ménagère (de moins de cinquante ans heureusement !) s'achève tout juste lorsqu'Abou m'appelle. Il est de méchante humeur, car il a fait plus de deux heures de bus pour perdre, d'un seul panier, un match qualificatif. (Je ne peux m'empêcher de penser que j'en suis peut-être un peu responsable, vu l'énergie qu'il a dépensée dans mon propre panier la veille!). Il exige que j'aille faire mon cours du lendemain sans soutien-gorge ! *** ton est péremptoire, rien à voir avec l'amant attentionné de la veille, et il raccroche lorsque j'émets les plus vives réserves. Bien entendu, il ne décroche pas lorsque je le rappelle plusieurs fois de suite. Devant un petit verre de blanc (mon remède contre la contrariété), je fais le point. J'ai absolument besoin d'Abou dans l'opération de récupération de l'Origine du Monde, version Youssef. Je n'ai heureusement pas classe avec lui le lundi. Cela me laisse un peu de répit. Il me faut à tout prix l'avoir de mon côté ! Et puis, malgré moi, je l'ai dans la peau ! En m'habillant le lendemain, après une longue hésitation, je cède à la requête de mon jeune amant et passe un ample t-shirt rouge à même mon buste nu. Devant la glace, je dois constater que seul un œil exercé peut deviner mon audace. Je dois surtout veiller à éviter tout mouvement brusque de nature à faire tressauter mes seins. Évidemment, je ne suis pas très à l'aise pour dicter mes deux cours de suite du lundi matin, mais c'est avec satisfaction que je finis le dernier sans encombre et sors de la classe. Soudain, dans l'agitation habituelle du couloir, une main vient se poser fermement sur mon sein. Je me retourne ***********, c'est Abou, il a un regard particulièrement trouble et un grand sourire de victoire éclaire soudain *** beau visage. Il retire sa paluche à regret et s'éloigne sans un mot, comme si de rien n'était. Je reste un moment interdite, quel culot ! Nous a-t-on observés ? Je me sens toute rouge, regagne ma voiture ; heureusement, un après-midi sans cours me permet de digérer l'audace de *** geste. Le coup de téléphone d'Abou que j'attendais malgré moi n'arrive que tard dans la soirée... — Tu n'as pas fait ce que t'avais demandé, Elodie ! — Oh si, tu l'as même vérifié toi-même, devant tout le monde, en plus... — Non, tu as un peu triché, ça ne se voyait pas ! Demain, même chose, mais t-shirt interdit, et jupe au-dessus du genou ! Et quand je te ferai signe, tu t'approcheras de moi ! Jamais Abou ne m'avait parlé d'un ton aussi cassant. Je n'ose lui répondre, et lui rappelle seulement que je suis disposée à rencontrer Youssef pour la photo. Il accepte sèchement et raccroche. Cette nuit-là, j'ai rêvé que je faisais un strip-tease rythmé par les musiciens de Pontoise devant toutes mes classes, les garçons tapaient dans leurs mains, hurlaient des obscénités à mon égard et se ruaient sur moi ! Le proviseur arrivait dans ma classe, me traînait dans *** bureau et voulait m'y violer ! J'ai bien du mal à choisir le corsage adéquat, le lendemain matin. Soit je suis trahie par de la transparence, soit le tissu adhère trop. J'opte finalement pour ce moindre mal, et choisis un corsage en coton jaune, avec une jupe bleue, droite, juste au-dessus du genou. L'atmosphère de mon cours me paraît pesante. Je sens le regard d'Abou, du fond de la classe, peser lourdement sur moi. J'évite, une fois de plus, autant que je peux, de croiser *** regard. Après une demi-heure, je le vois s'agiter. Il met *** majeur dans sa bouche, et mime une fellation obscène, les yeux dans mes yeux. Les battements de mon cœur s'affolent. Je dois garder mon calme. Changeant sans justification le contenu de mon cours, je demande de traduire, chacun pour soi, un passage particulièrement ardu de Cervantès. Ça ronchonne, mais ça suit. J'erre sans but au milieu des élèves en me rapprochant insensiblement d'Abou qui me fixe intensément, sans même avoir ouvert *** livre pour commencer la traduction. Arrivée derrière lui, je me penche, encadrant sa nuque de mes seins, comme si je lisais sa copie par-dessus *** épaule. Il me prend le coude d'une main pour me maintenir ainsi, et de l'autre défait mes deux premiers boutons. Il relâche sa pression, je me relève et croise alors le regard pétrifié de Kamel, *** voisin, sur la naissance de mes seins. Comme un automate, je retourne vers mon pupitre. Kamel a-t-il vu le geste de *** copain ? Jusqu'où voient-ils ma gorge ? Arrivée à mon pupitre, je baisse les yeux. La naissance de mes seins est bien visible. Mais Kamel continue à me fixer, tout comme Abou. Me reboutonner serait un geste d'aveu, visible par beaucoup ! Le pire est que mes tétons ont durci d'émotion et pointent sous mon corsage. Pour éviter les regards, je décide de les laisser plancher plus que le quart d'heure prévu. Ce calcul s'avère assez vite caduc, car lorsqu'ils ont fini, ils relèvent les yeux, et les regards, les uns après les autres, s'accrochent à ma poitrine sans plus la lâcher. Même les filles s'y mettent ! Je décide donc de faire ramasser les copies et finis le cours en corrigeant le texte ventre au tableau. Je ne sors de la classe, reboutonnée, que lorsque mon collègue prof de géo entre et arrive en retard pour mon cours suivant. 
Posts: 167297
À midi, je reçois un SMS d'Abou : Elo, bravo, tu as des nibards toujours aussi superbes ! Mes potes n'ont fait qu'en parler pendant la récré. Je suis fier d'eux et de toi ! J'ignore si eux, ce ***t ses copains, ou mes seins ! Mais c'est peut-être un peu déplacé, cette volonté d'enseignante que j'ai de vouloir leur apprendre la précision des mots, dans un tel contexte ! Le soir venu, il m'appelle. *** enthousiasme pour ma prestation n'a pas décliné, et je me bouche les oreilles lorsqu'il me rapporte les commentaires que ses camarades auraient faits au sujet de mon buste. J'ai du mal à ramener la conversation sur le rendez-vous avec Youssef pour la photo. Il me confirme que nous irons samedi soir chez lui, puis m'annonce tout de go : — Pour vendredi, la même chose en haut, une jupe plus courte et surtout pas de culotte. Je te ferai signe quand tu devras t'approcher... — Non, pas ça ! — C'est un ordre ! Et il raccroche... Le ciel m'est tombé sur la tête, ce jeu va beaucoup trop loin. Tout ça est de ma faute, je paie mes excès comptant. En plus, je m'imagine ce qui m'attend si je vais chez Youssef, et mon plan pour récupérer l'Origine du Monde version Youssef tombe à l'eau. Je ******* mes méninges, il doit bien avoir une solution : je vais me faire porter pâle vendredi, et en profiter pour changer le lieu du rendez-vous ! J'appelle le proviseur le jeudi soir, et l'informe que je suis au fond de mon lit avec une forte fièvre. Je n'ai pas coutume de tirer au flanc, et je tourne comme une lionne en cage le vendredi matin. Je reçois un coup de téléphone d'Abou, furieux, le vendredi après les cours. Je me fais très chatte avec lui, lui réitérant l'envie de lui faire des tonnes de câlins et de l'avoir entre mes cuisses, malgré ma prétendue fatigue. Je lui demande même ce qu'aime boire Youssef pour préparer la soirée ce samedi, qui, vu mon état, ne peut avoir lieu que chez moi. J'arrive à l'amadouer, il me rappelle peu après et m'informe que Youssef a finalement accepté de venir chez moi, et qu'il adore la bière. Elodie, tu vas devoir jouer serré ; l'opération de récupération de l'Origine du Monde selon Youssef entre dans sa phase cruciale ! J'ai joué le grand jeu pour les recevoir ! Une caisse de bière au frais pour Youssef (je comprends maintenant pourquoi il a un début de bedaine), des petites bougies parfumées pour tamiser l'ambiance, string et soutien-gorge jaunes achetés avec Abou, porte-jarretelles et bas noirs, jupette noire et le caraco orange ajusté qu'Abou voulait pour notre sortie au centre commercial. Dans la glace, j'ai l'impression d'avoir une fille de mauvaise vie en face de moi. Je me suis maquillée comme un arbre de Noël, et jamais je n'avais eu à porter des vêtements avec des couleurs aussi peu harmoniques. Je m'arrose littéralement d'un parfum lourd et bon marché. Je suis prête ! Lorsque je leur ouvre la porte, mes deux lascars me regardent ahuris, comme des enfants affamés devant un caramel tropical. Leur bouche forme des O, leurs gros yeux roulent dans leur orbite. Je les fais rentrer et prends le bouquet qu'Abou m'a gentiment apporté. Visiblement, Abou avait fait part à Youssef de ma préoccupation concernant la photo et ils s'attendaient à tout sauf à ce type d'accueil torride de ma part. Je virevolte, les frôle, et je leur sers à boire. Ils se ***t confortablement assis dans mes deux fauteuils. Youssef me mange littéralement des yeux et tente de me peloter sans douceur chaque fois que je passe à portée de ses grosses paluches. Sans l'encourager, je n'esquive pas ses gros doigts fureteurs. Je mets de la musique, et esquive des pas de danse lascive. Je mime un effeuillage ! — À poil, à poil, m'intime Youssef. Je mets mes mains en coupe pour leur offrir mes seins, lève sensuellement la jambe pour dévoiler string et porte-jarretelle. J'éteins l'électricité et, à la lumière des bougies, en me retournant, je fais glisser mon caraco, défais l'agrafe de mon soutien-gorge et, sans l'ôter complètement, me retourne vers eux. Ma silhouette se découpe en ombre chinoise sur le mur. Par la fente de ma jupe, très doucement, je dégrafe l'un des bas, et le fais glisser sensuellement sur ma jambe. Pantalon aux mollets, Youssef a sorti sa pine et la tripote. Abou bande aussi à travers *** jogging, mais mon petit jeu le surprend visiblement, et ses gros yeux roulent de surprise dans leur orbite. Ma jupe est maintenant à terre. Youssef a saisi *** portable et me photographie sous toutes les coutures. Abou reste sidéré devant mon manque de réaction devant ce mitraillage en règle. J'ôte mon soutien-gorge et fais tressauter mes seins, puis fais glisser avec lenteur, par-dessus mon porte-jarretelle, en leur tournant le dos, mon string sur mes fesses. C'en est trop pour Youssef, qui le crochète violemment pour m'attirer à lui. Il me fait mal, et sa main empoigne ma vulve, ses doigts me pénètrent sans ménagement. 
Posts: 167297
— Tu vas goûter la bite à Youssef, et tu pourras plus t'en passer ! Abou a lui aussi dénudé *** Engin, il bande comme un taureau. Elodie, attention, tu dois jouer serré ! Le gros black tente de m'asseoir sur sa pine, je l'esquive et m'agenouille entre ses cuisses, une langue avide en avant. Abou m'a contournée, m'a déplié les jambes. Il me caresse la chatte. J'avale le pieu de Youssef avec difficulté. Il est presque aussi massif que celui d'Abou, mais *** goût et *** odeur ***t repoussants. Abou me pistonne à grands coups de SA Queue, ce qui me projette vers le membre de Youssef. Je suis au bord du vomissement, mais LE Membre d'Abou me chauffe délicieusement. Youssef m'a saisi par les cheveux, et s'agite dans ma gorge. *** plaisir monte, le mien aussi... Il m'inonde de sa semence en criant, mais Abou continue d'entrer et sortir de moi. J'éclate à mon tour, puis Abou lâche *** jus et s'affale sur mon dos. Je suis remplie de semence, dans la bouche, dans la chatte... Je ne veux pas avaler la semence de Youssef, et m'échappe à la salle de bain. Nous reprenons peu à peu nos souffles et nos esprits. Je leur propose de manger un morceau, ils acceptent enthousiastes. Toujours vêtue de mon unique porte-jarretelle, je vais à la cuisine en prenant discrètement au passage le portable de Youssef. Je reviens leur servir à boire, Youssef m'assène deux belles claques sur les fesses en me traitant de « salope de petite femelle blanche » et rote en buvant sa bière. Je retourne dans la cuisine pendant que se réchauffent les tranches de gigot que je leur ai achetées. Je vide toutes les mémoires du portable de Youssef (photos, numéros, adresses, etc.), déboîte légèrement sa coque et le mets dans un tiroir. Je mets la table, Chaque fois que je passe à portée de Youssef, j'ai droit à un tripotage en règle. Mes deux blacks devisent vivement dans leur langue. Je devine que ma plastique est l'objet de leurs commentaires salaces et détaillés, car ils jettent des coups d'œil appuyés sur chacune des parties de mon corps les unes après les autres en s'esclaffant ! Rira bien qui rira le dernier ! Je les sers humblement, ils dévorent. Youssef tire plusieurs fois de suite sur l'élastique de ma jarretelle qui claque sur ma fesse, je finis par l'ôter de peur des marques. — Bon, finie la plaisanterie, maintenant tu vas avoir le zob de Youssef dans ta chatoune. Tu ne l'oublieras jamais ! — Heu, vous avez des préservatifs ? Youssef marque le coup, Abou opine dans mon sens. Je me garde d'avouer que j'en ai dans mon sac. — Mais on n'en trouvera jamais à cette heure, tempête-t-il. — Si, à la station-service, dis-je d'une voix soumise. Youssef hésite, me regarde longuement. Il doit se dire que le jeu en vaut la chandelle, puisqu'il enfile *** pantalon sans même mettre *** caleçon et sort. Abou me regarde étrangement et me dit : — Elodie, tu m'étonnes ! J'ignore *** commentaire, range les assiettes et en profite pour récupérer le portable de Youssef et le poser sur ma table de nuit. Je sors ensuite le petit sac de poudre d'Irma. Youssef ***ne, je lui ouvre, il arbore fièrement *** paquet de capotes tout en me pinçant méchamment un téton. Je le regarde de manière très langoureuse et lui propose une bière avant l'effort. Il accepte, surpris de ma docilité apparente. Je la lui sers dans la cuisine en y incorporant la poudre marron d'Irma en regardant bien l'heure. Je me laisse, très soumise, peloter par Youssef qui finit sa bière ; ses mains ***t ******** et douloureuses. Malgré tout je lui propose d'aller dans ma chambre pour la suite avec un clin d'œil allumeur ; bien que dans sa langue natale, je comprends la réponse. Je me déhanche devant eux et leur dis : — Cette fois, l'un après l'autre. — Moi en premier, je ne l'ai pas encore baisée, clame Youssef comme je m'y attendais. Je regarde ma montre, encore six minutes ! Je m'installe en levrette, la tête dans les bras sur l'oreiller, le cul bien haut et bien ouvert, les cuisses écartées. J'entends les réflexions des hommes, et Youssef, capote au bout du mât, m'embroche sans douceur. Il me saisit les seins et les tire *********** comme si j'étais une vache laitière avec des mamelles. Je me dis au fond de moi-même : « La traite des blanches, c'est au propre comme au figuré ! » Sous ses coups de boutoir, mon coude heurte la table de nuit, *** portable s'ouvre et roule à terre en trois morceaux. Plus que quatre minutes, Youssef me pistonne de *** mandrin. Il ne faut absolument pas que mes sens s'échauffent sous ses coups de piston. Je pense à l'enterrement de ma grand-mère, dont j'étais la chouchoute, à mon banquier, toujours menaçant, au gros collègue de chimie à l'haleine fétide, qui me poursuit de ses avances lorsque je suis seule avec lui dans la salle des profs, au jour où j'ai appris que j'étais nommée pour un remplacement dans le 93. Surtout rester sèche et frigide. Et soudain ce que j'attendais tant se produit : les coups de piston de Youssef faiblissent, je sens sa queue qui dégonfle et qui sort piteusement de mon antre, avec un préservatif rose qui menace de tomber au bout : — Mais vous êtes nul, Youssef, vous ne bandez même pas ! *** appendice viril pend de manière ridicule, et la capote ressemble à une baudruche dégonflée qui s'y balance au bout. Un éclair de désarroi sincère traverse *** regard... Je reçois une violente claque sur les fesses, me retourne, il me vise la tête, furieux, mais Abou l'en empêche en retenant *** bras ! Éclate alors une violente altercation entre les deux noirs dans leur langue. Finalement Youssef, hystérique, ramasse *** portable en morceaux sur le sol, se rhabille et sort en claquant la porte. La fesse toute rouge, je me lève, prends dans la salle de bain un tube de vaseline, prends mon Abou par la main, la lui tends en flattant Sa Virilité encore en bon état et lui susurre : — Mon Abou, ce soir, je t'offre la seule partie de mon corps que tu n'as pas encore explorée, car, ce soir, grâce à toi, nous avons réussi l'opération de récupération de l'Origine du Monde selon Youssef ! Épilogue Abou a su se servir de la vaseline. Pendant deux mois, mes folles nuits avec lui ont continué. J'ai pu le convaincre de ne pas être trop exigeant dans les exhibitions au lycée (au moins, car ailleurs, il a continué à me demander des trucs coquins) contre des tenues plus féminines. Puis j'ai été mutée à la rentrée pour effectuer un nouveau remplacement loin dans la banlieue sud. Nos rencontres se ***t espacées, et j'ai noué une liai*** avec un prof d'informatique de mon lycée du type gendre idéal, de trois ans mon aîné ; enfin, idéal le jour surtout, car les nuits, il ne parvient pas à me faire oublier mon Abou. Et je voudrais ici remercier Abou (pardon pour avoir légèrement modifié ton prénom) pour tout ce qu'il m'a apporté s'il venait à me lire, car il m'a révélé ma plénitude de femme. ... Abou, « être une femme sensuelle, tu sais, c'est pas si facile ! » 
Posts: 3113
On en redemande!
Posts: 167297
ma vie de chien Bonjour, je m'appelle Rex ! Rien d'original ! et je n'ai rien à voir avec le Rex de la télé ! moi, je ne passe pas mon temps à courir après les voyous, bien au contraire je n'ai rien non plus a lui envié, je suis largement aussi costaud que lui : un berger allemand magnifique .... J'ai été adopté a trois mois, au début j'en ai voulus un peu a mon maitre de m'avoir arraché a ma mère, et puis au fur et a mesure je me suis sentis bien dans cette famille et de plus en plus je me suis tourné vers ma maitresse, Annie prenais bien soin de moi, j'étais lavé bichonné, la belle vie quoi ! ils ont deux enfants, un garçon de dix huit ans et une fille guère plus âgée, avec qui je m'entend très bien !! Après mes six mois, au cours de ma toilette celle-ci portait un grand intérêt à ce que j'ai entre les pattes arrière bitte ....elle retroussait mon fourreau de poils, jusqu'au renflement que j'ai a la base, celui ci ne tardait pas a prendre une ampleur qu'elle qualifiait de monstrueuse....d'ailleurs mon maitre, Georges, a été chercher un mètre pour le mesurer .... Vingt et un centimètres de long, cinq et demi de diamètre et pour les boules dix centimètres - Ce n'est pas possible, disait Georges tu ne pourras jamais t'en servir!!.... Et une chose m'a marqué, une odeur particulière sortait de dessous sa jupe, une odeur de femelle .... - Branle le, tu ne peu pas le laisser comme çà !! Si je n'avais pas eu de poils on aurait put voir que je rougissais !! Sa main douce et fine glissait sur ma hampe, et, très vite des giclées liquides fusaient du bout de ma queue, çà n'en finissait pas, et, enfin çà dégonflait .... Un soir, leurs enfants étaient couchés, ma maitresse en nuisette assise sur le bord du canapé a coté de mon maitre, a ouvert les cuisses, instinctivement mes oreilles ses sont dressées .... elle caressais un triangle de poils blonds... 
Posts: 167297
- Rex ... vient.... Obéissant je me suis approché l'odeur devenue familière était plus forte que d'habitude ... - Lèche ma chatte... De ses deux mains elle a écartés les poils une fente est apparue, luisante, elle a tressaille lorsque ma truffe froide s'est posée sur cette 'chatte' !! qui n'a rien à voir avec celle après qui je cours dans le jardin !!! J'ai longuement reniflé... et puis je me suis enhardis, ma langue c'est avancée dans cette grotte j'ai trouvé çà super bon, consciencieusement j'ai nettoyé les parois de la chatte, plus de cinq centimètres de langue était entrés, et plus je léchais plus çà devenait liquide, Annie poussait des gémissements de queue gonflait dans *** fourreau ... Elle a relevé mon museau jusqu'à ce qu'il soit en contact avec un petit renflement sur le haut de sa chatte - Lèche bien là, mon bon chien !! Lèche le clito de ta maitresse !!... Ouiiiii va yyyyyy !!! C'est booooonnnnnnn, tu me fais jouiiiiir Elle est retombée sur le canapé heureuse, Georges était nu et caressait une queue différente de la mienne mais pas vilaine pour un humain !!! Et moi, je suis revenu sur mon tapis pour me lécher la bitte qui suintait ... - Demain nous essaierons... les enfants ne seront pas là .... - Oui chéri, j'aimerais bien !! Mais vient me baiser maintenant !!! Je suis trempée !!! Le lendemain ma toilette a été faite avec le plus grand soin, les phéromones d'Annie remontaient à mon naseau .... elle avait l'air fébrile ...excitée ... - Couché Rex ... Je me suis mis sur le dos, les pattes en l'air repliées, Annie est venus sur moi nue, je me suis retrouvé la tête entre ses cuisses, ses poils étaient déjà luisants, elle a retroussé mon fourreau, Sa bouche chaude a pris possession de ma bitte, nous avons entamés un soixante neuf contre nature ... entre une femme et un ****** .... Je l'ai léchée sur toute la surface, du haut de sa fente à un petit trou plus sombre .... - Annie, je crois que c'est le moment, met toi a quatre pattes .... Qu'allait-il se passer ?? ....elle se met comme moi !!!Mais mon instinct de mâle me dit que je vais pouvoir entrer ma queue dans cette chatte .... - Rex !! Vient voir .... Sent mon chien ta maitresse à envie que tu la prennes.... lèche Je deviens tout fou !! Je gambade autour d'elle en poussant des petits jappements de joie - Calme-toi !! Vient là ... Et soudain, j'ai la révélation !! D'un petit bond je ceinture les flancs de ma maitresse, qui a baissé sa tête sur ses avants bras, ma bitte sort et cherche maladroitement la faille, je tape un peu au hasard au risque de lui faire mal.... Mais Georges s'en saisie et me guide, un coup de riens et enfin je me retrouve au chaud dans cette gaine accueillante, mes coups de reins ***t de plus en plus rapides .... - Tu veux tout rentrer chérie ??? - Hoooo Ouiiiii, aide-le .... Et là ... le renflement naissant, à la base de ma bitte est comme aspiré, en quelques secondes il a élargit au maximum .... je ne peut plus bouger, pri***nier de la femme qui hurle de bonheur .... - Chéri !!! Je suis pleine il va me faire craquer la moule !!! Hoooooo c'est booooonnnnnnn !!!! Je suis sa chienne !!! Mes mouvements se réduisent ma queue, commence a gicler dans ce vagin étroit, tellement bien rendu étanche par le volume, que mon liquide fait gonfler la gaine, et se répand autour de ma queue. Mon instinct de bête me dit que je dois descendre du dos de ma femelle, d'un coup de rein je me propulse et je me retrouve cul a cul avec Annie, mes couilles frottent su ses poils, je décharge toujours ... cela dure un temps qui me parait très long, accouplé a cette femme !!! Mais soudain, mon sens de l'écoute me dit que quelqu'un vient d'ouvrir la porte d'entrée, mes maitre n'ont rien entendus et tourne le dos a la porte du couloir.... Une tête apparait ... celle de la fille ....elle observe avec des yeux tout ronds bouche ouverte, elle voit clairement que sa mère se fait baiser par moi ...puis silencieusement disparait .... Est-ce la surprise, je ne sais pas mais en tout cas, la pression qui m'uni a Annie cède lentement, et dans un grand flop je suis libéré, la bitte pendante qui goute encore, tandis que j'entends couler sur le carrelage une rivière de foutre ******, *** vagin se vide. Mais déjà je suis remplacé par la bitte de mon maitre dans la chatte distendue, je vais sur mon tapis pour me nettoyer avec ma langue de toutes les sécrétions mâle et femelle qui ***t présentes .... 
Posts: 167297
Il y a quinze jours déjà que j'ai copulé avec ma maîtresse Annie, pratiquement tous les jours elle me fait sentir *** entre jambes, et si elle a le temps je la lèche, mais elle n'ose pas me laisser la monter lorsqu'elle est seule, comment lui faire comprendre que je serais doux!! Une qui ne me lâche pas beaucoup non plus, c'est sa fille Léa, qui m'a vu accouplé à sa mère, de plus en plus souvent elle aussi me laisse approcher la truffe de sa jeune motte, *** odeur de jeune fille est très agréable .... Et Léa me piste quand j'approche sa maman, pour voir ce que je vais faire .... Hier soir, Annie m'a masturbé et sucé, puis, j'ai à nouveau monté sur *** dos, en présence de *** mari, là j'étais plus décontracté que la première fois, du premier coup je l'ai enfilé, je l'ai besogné un bon quart d'heure avant de rester collé à elle, Georges a même pris des photos, mais je n'aime pas le flash!!, à deux fois j'ai failli sortir intempestivement de ma femelle, au risque de lui ressortir tout *** appareil génital!! Est-ce que la fille a entendu les élucubrations de sa mère?? Mais le lendemain matin elle ne tenait plus en place, très nerveuse elle demande à maman: -- Maman, est ce que je peux emmener Rex en promenade?? - Heu ... oui ... si tu veux, mais tu fais bien attention qu'il ne t'échappe pas et surtout tu ne le laisse pas approcher d'une autre chienne ... - Ha oui?? Et pourquoi? - parce que... parce que s'il sent une chienne qui a ses chaleurs il va la suivre ... et tu ne pourras pas l'en empêcher ... Tien!! Serait-elle jalouse??? Bon, mais une petite sortie va me faire du bien!!Léa prend la laisse et m'attache, deux cent mètres plus loin elle me la sort - Bon!! Rex je te détache mais tu ne t'enfuis pas!! Tu parle si je vais m'enfuir!! Je suis trop occupé à lui sentir *** petit derrière, cela ne la contrarie pas au contraire il me semble qu'elle me le tend, et tout comme sa mère çà commence à sentir la femelle .... Nous arrivons dans un petit bois, elle prend un sentier qui ce rétrécit de plus en plus, moi çà ne me pose pas de problèmes mais pour Léa c'est plus dur, mais elle persiste, enfin nous débouchons dans une petite clairière tapissée de mousses. Tout de suite elle commence à jouer avec moi, ses mains frôlent tout mon corps, dessus dessous, jusqu'au moment ou je la bouscule un peu trop fort!! La gamine se retrouve les quatre fers en l'air, la robe sur le ventre, je vois un bout de tissu gonflé entre ses cuisses avec une auréole humide au centre .... Appuyée sur ses coudes elle me regarde en riant aux éclats - Regarde ce que tu as fait Rex!! Allez viens, approche ....que faisais tu à maman l'autre jour ... ?? Rex lèche moi .... Ici .... 
Posts: 167297
J'ai très bien reçu le message, mais entre les cuisses de sa mère il n'y avait pas d'étoffe. Mais bon ... j'ai léché un peu le tissus, *** odeur de femme est très douce, et pour aller plus loin, je ne vois qu'une solution.... délicatement je prends le bord entre mes dents et je tire d'un coup sec!! Voilà!! Sa chatte est nue!!! - Hoooooo! Tu es fou?? Qu'a tu fais Rex, tu as déchiré mon slip ....tu es fou, je vais me faire gronder, bon çà ne fait rien ... aller, mange moi ma petite chatte maintenant .... Je m'allonge pour être à la portée des lèvres entrouvertes, des gouttes de mouille ***t accrochées à ses poils bouclés, ma langue avance doucement pour essuyer ce duvet clairsemé, je trouve l'entrée de la grotte humide, tout comme sa mère elle mouille abondamment les gouttes n'en finissent pas de perler sur la cloi*** vaginale - Hoooo Rex que me fait tu ... c'est booooonnnnnnn Ouiiiii enfonce ta langue encore .....Plus loin Ouiiiii!!!!! Je Jouiiiiii!!!! J'ai du mal à tenir mon museau sur sa motte tellement elle gigote!! Mais au moins çà fait plaisir, elle part vite!! - Viens là Rex couche toi, montre moi ta ... queue...Mais tu bande ... hoooooo, c'est çà que ta as mis dans la chatte de maman??? Elle a tout pris ....mon dieu çà dois faire mal.... mais je veux essayer tu veux bien Rex?? Aller je me mets comme elle; voilà viens sur moi ... mais doucement hein!!! La gamine est à quatre pattes, je viens derrière pour la lécher encore et pour voir si cette petite vaginette peut absorber ma bitte pointue et dure ... - Va y Rex monte sur moi vais te guider dans ma fente, attend ne pousse pas encore ... Elle est bonne elle!! Si je ne pousse pas çà ne va pas rentrer tout seul, aller un petit coup ... là... elle s'ouvre de deux doigts, j'ai trouvé l'orifice mais c'est très étroit... elle gémie, de peur ou de joie??? De toute façon je ne peux retenir mon instinct bestial, mes pattes avants enserrent la taille de Léa, je la secoue comme une poupée de chiffon, la chatte s'ouvre sous les coups, l'excroissance de ma hampe butte sur les lèvres bien lubrifiées en corolle ... çà y est!!!Elle vient de me prendre entièrement en elle, je suis plus à l'étroit que dans sa mère!! - Nooooonnnn... Rex!!! Sort tu me fais mal!!!! Tu vas m'éclater ma moule ...hoooooo mon dieu je suis complètement remplie Ouiiiii c'est booooonnnnnnn Hoooo là là!!! Aller sort maintenant ....Rex!! Sort!!!! Mon dieu non ... je suis collée ...que faire .... Je suis perdue .... Ma petite il fallait y réfléchir à deux fois, moi je fais mon boulot de baiseur de femme!!! Tient, voilà je me tourne dans l'autre sens, nous sommes cul à cul!!! Il n'y a plus qu'à attendre ....en tout cas je lui rempli le ventre, j'ai l'impression de lui déverser des litres de sperme ****** ....elle ne laisse rien fuir le joint est encore plus efficace qu'avec Annie - Rex ... c'est bon ... tu me fais jouir... çà me percute le fond de mon utérus... tu va me faire un petit??? Haaa... je crois que çà dégonfle tire un peu ....Houaaaaa!!!! Dans un bruit de ventouse énorme je suis éjecté du vagin ... je me retourne, çà lui coule le long des cuisses, j'ai pitié d'elle et à nouveau je lèche tout ce que je peux récupérer, çà suffit à la faire jouir une nouvelle fois!!! Elle a la chatte à vif!!! Précautionneusement, elle finit de s'éponger avec ce qui reste de sa culotte et le jette!!! - Hé bien mon vieux Rex avec maman et moi tu n'as pas finit de nous baiser!!!! En arrivant je suis allée directement sur mon tapis!!! Crevé!! - Léa, tu as fait courir Rex?? Il a l'air fatigué 
Posts: 167297
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Life Changes Cindy and I met while we were both working for a small company just a couple of years out of college. She was a cute little brunette, about 5'5", with a tight body. She had B-cup breasts and a nice little bubble butt. I was smitten quickly. Our relationship started slow, but once it got physical, it was fast and furious. We both really enjoyed sex and, although we considered ourselves open-minded, we did not push the limits of our physical relationship. We had vaginal and oral sex several times a week and we were satisfied with that... I thought. We were married within 18 months and had now been married for 7 years. We didn't have any kids because we were just too busy with our work. It was at this point that our lives changed. Or should I say this is when I discovered that it had already changed. "Honey, I'm heading to the mall. I've got a few things to get. You need anything?" My wife was yelling over the top of her car at me. I had been cutting the grass in the front yard and had to stop the mower once she got my attention. I was getting ready for a cookout that we were planning. "No, I can't think of anything." I yelled back across the yard. "Okay. Bye." She said as she climbed in and left. I completed the front yard, moved to and finished the back, and was working on trimming a couple of branches in the back when Cindy appeared in the door from the back of our garage. She signaled me over to her and I put down the tree trimmers and headed that way. By the time I got there, she was gone. I looked around, saw that the door to the house was not completely closed and entered the house from the interior garage door into the kitchen. There was Cindy, standing about 5 feet inside the door, looking hot and flushed like she had been exercising. I looked at her questioningly. She grinned, turned around, and bent over from the waist. As she did, she raised her skirt up and displayed her gorgeous, well toned ass to me. She had no panties on so I could also see her pussy lips winking at me. I was a little shocked, but instantly hard. I stepped up behind her and put my hands on her ass. I grinned, ran my hands over that little bubble butt of hers, and said in a tantalizing way, "Can I help you with something, hun?" "Oh, god. I'm so horny, just fuck me John. I gotta have some dick, now!" Although we had always had a great sex life, this was completely new and different. I was even more shocked than I was initially, but decided to play along, thinking this was a new game that she had come up with to put some pizzazz into our sex life. "I'm sorry, did you want something from me?" "Please, John, fuck me, pound me, spank me, ***** me, just give me some fucking dick!" Now I was flabbergasted. But my little head was starting to take control so I immediately dropped my shorts and started rubbing my right hand down her ass crack, over her little asshole, and onto her pussy. My god! She was already soaking! She groaned when I did it and arched her back, giving me more access to her shaved lips. I decided to tease her a little more. "Well, let's see. What have you done to deserve this?" Her face turned and she looked at me in a pleading way. "Nothing, sir. But I need to cum. Can you please fuck me and make me cum?!" This just kept getting stranger and stranger... and more torrid! Did she actually just say "sir"? Was she getting some ideas from someone at work, the internet, where? I was not thinking about that too closely with my wife's beautiful ass in my hands and my now extremely hard and leaking dick sticking out towards it. I just leaned forward and started sliding my sword into her hot, wet sheath. "Oh, fuck yes. Pound me!" she uttered while moaning. I was lost in the sex now. I started pounding her. I grabbed her hips roughly with my hands and pulled back on them at the same time as my hips thrust forward. I was burying my dick in her with each stroke, my balls slapping against her until they began drawing up, ready to spew. She kept moaning and I kept pounding. This was not making love; this was pure unadulterated sex for pleasure. She loved it and I did, too. I suppose I should have thought more about her actions at the time, but I was horny, too, and was enjoying the completely physical encounter. She stayed in that position, her hands on her knees, as I slammed my dick into her. I looked down at how hard I was holding her hips where my fingers were gripping tight enough that there might even be marks left on them. Her beautiful moon globes were bouncing against my thighs as I watched how her lips were stretched around my dick. It seemed like I was pounding her for about 30 minutes, but it had probably only been about 10. She started bucking and I knew her orgasm was approaching. "Oh, fuck. I'm going to cum!" She yelled. "Please, may I cum?!" I hesitated for a second, not sure I heard this correctly, then finally said, "Yes, babe, cum. Cum all over my big, hard dick!" And she did. She bucked and moaned and screamed about how great my dick was. It was such a turn on; I blew my load immediately after her, burying my dick as deep as I could with each spurt. When I was finally done, I let my dick slip out of her and went and sat down on a kitchen chair. I looked back at her, still standing there, bent over, with her hand on her knees. "That was amazing!" I said to her. "What was that all about? You called me 'sir', pleaded with me to fuck you, and then asked permission for an orgasm. Have you been reading up on ********** or something?" Cindy finally stood up and looked at me with something strange in her eyes for a moment. Was she ashamed of it? Was she just reticent to reveal it? "No, I heard about it and decided it might be interesting to try it." There was something about the way she said it that was not quite right, but I couldn't put my finger on it. I guess I decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth, as they say, and just let it drop. I had satisfied my horny desires and my wife had turned me on beyond belief. I had just gone back outside to work on the branches when I heard a loud commotion from across the street. It sounded like yelling and shouting. I walked to the front of my house and looked across the street at the house belonging to Emily and Robert, two acquaintances of ours. They were not really friends. They had moved in about 6 months ago and we had not really socialized much with them yet. Emily was yelling and throwing something at Robert's car as he backed out of the driveway really fast and sped off down the street. She was standing there in shorts and a tank top, her thick mane of auburn hair disheveled, red-faced, and drawing great deep breaths. She was definitely worked up about something. I crossed the street and tried to be neighborly. "Are you okay, Emily? Did something happen over here?" It took her a second to focus on me. She was still so worked up that she took a couple more deep breaths to calm herself, looked at me, and said "No, everything is not alright. Come, I'll show you what's wrong!" I wasn't sure I really wanted to get involved, but she led me into her house and I followed, trying to be supportive. It was already obvious that she and Robert had had a very nasty fight from what I saw outside. Once in the house, I could see that some things had been thrown around the room. I continued to follow her past the living area and down the hall to what I assumed was the master bedroom. She led me in and pointed to the bed. It was almost completely stripped, with sheets lying all over the floor and the sliding glass door to the backyard that they had in their bedroom stood open. I looked at her for further information. It was a messy bed and the door was open. Did she get that worked up over that? She could see my confusion, I guess, because she started into her explanation. "I started to go shopping this morning and forgot my wallet. I had taken it out of my purse earlier. I came back and heard moaning back here. I thought Robert was... well, you know, taking care of business. Instead as I flung open the door, I see that there is a woman on her hands and knees on the floor and he's fucking her. My husband is on the floor fucking another woman in my bedroom! Fucking bastard. All I could see was his ass as he flexed it to bury that little dick of his in her. At first, they were so worked up and fucking so hard, they didn't even notice me. I stood there, unable to make a move, as I watched my husband of 9 years fucking the **** out of some home-wrecking bitch! I decided to slam the door and I did. He looked up when he heard the door slam and he and the woman both jerked, although I didn't get to see her face. He immediately pulled out and turned to grab me. The woman's clothes were on the floor right next to her and she grabbed them and ran out the sliding door. She was a small shapely woman and she got out of here quickly and naked. Robert held me long enough to let her get away or I would have strangled the little bitch. Then, when he let me go, I started hitting and kicking him. He took off; trying to dress as he left, but I kept throwing things at him. By the time he got in his car, I think I got a couple of good shots in." She then turned to me. I was standing there in shock. I couldn't believe the story she told me. I didn't know what she expected me to say, so I said what I thought was the safest thing, repeating her comment, "Yeah, fucking bastard!" She smiled a little at that. "I didn't even get to see who the little bitch was, but she ran out the back and had to get dressed somewhere. Maybe someone saw her. I'll find out who it is. I'll also make that bastard pay for all this. I'm not letting that fucker back into this house... ever!" "Okay." I tried to start extricating myself from the scene. I hated getting involved in domestic disputes. "If you need help with anything, let me know." She turned and smiled just a little, trying to be nice, her voice returning to a normal volume. "Thanks, John. I appreciate your concern. And if you hear anything about a naked woman running through the yards, trying to get dressed, let me know. I want to find out who little horny bitch was. She was in such a hurry; she did leave her panties behind. Little bitch had worn some fancy lace panties over to entice my soon-to-be ex-husband. Here, look at this." She held up some very see through red-lace panties. They had the words 'It's all yours' embroidered on the front. My eyes got very large and I stared at them. She looked at me funny. "What is it?" I just kept staring at panties that were exactly like the ones my wife had worn for me last Valentine's Day. 
Posts: 167297
I just kept staring at the panties that were just like the ones my wife had worn for me last Valentine's Day. They were in the hands of our neighbor Emily from across the street. She had found them when she caught her husband fucking a woman in their bedroom. She had only seen the woman from behind, but had just finished telling me what had happened in her home when she caught her husband fucking the woman. I had to think clearly about this. I had been married to my wife for seven years and there was no indication of this kind of activity. Was this the only pair of panties like that? Or was it a common item that was available in some local store? If so, what were the odds that a woman with the same pair would end up fucking the guy directly across the street from me? Was that why my wife was so fucking horny and without panties when she came home and asked me to fuck her hard and nastily? Was she really cheating on me? I had a zillion questions and no answers, but I was determined to get some... just not from Emily. "What's the matter?" Emily asked me. Her eyes narrowed as if she knew what I was thinking. Or at least she had an idea that maybe it was my wife who was over here. "Do these look familiar to you?" she finally asked accusingly. "No." "I don't know what your wife looks like naked from behind, but if these were her panties and she was fucking my husband, you'd tell me right?" Her tone was getting nasty. I figured I'd better at least try to get the upper hand until I found out what was going on, so I responded quickly and harshly. "Yes, I would tell you. My wife came home from shopping a long time ago, so it's not her. Don't even think such a thing!" That seemed to placate her a little and I knew I had to get out of there. "Well, I'm really sorry about what you found out about your husband, but I should get home." She had softened a little and was starting to look depressed. "Okay. Thanks for coming over. I just can't get over the whole thing. Sorry to bring you into it." "That's okay. Call me if you need anything." I said as I moved quickly, but not too quickly towards the door. I wanted to ask her if she had family in the area or a close friend she could call, but I was afraid that it would start a new conversation and I needed to get home. She let me go and stood there in the doorway watching me as I went home. I know because I turned to look back after I crossed the street. She was still standing there, looking very forlorn, her eyes staring at nothing. I was stricken by the fact that I may have just lied to her while she was in such a terrible state, but I had other more pressing things to deal with right now. I threw open the door and rushed into the house. "Cindy! Where are you?!" I yelled as soon as I had closed the door. "Right here!" she said as she came down the stairs from the second story. She was wearing her robe and her hair was wet. She had just finished a shower. "I want you to do me a favor." I said, firmly, but no longer yelling. "What?" She eyed me suspiciously. I didn't want to give her too much time or room for evasion so I just said it straight out. "I want you to go up and get those red lace panties that you wore for Valentine's Day and that say 'It's all yours' on the front." She tried not to show it, but the recognition was there in her eyes. She had been caught. My pretty little wife was a cheating, home-wrecking, slut. She finally answered me, but I already knew the truth by her hesitation and the way she looked at me. "I don't know where they are, but I can go see if I can find them." "Don't bother. I know where they are." I said in a defeated manner. "You do?" she asked me quietly, her eyes widening. "Yes. I just saw Emily and Robert having a big fight and him driving away. I went over to make sure she was alright. She told me she had caught her husband in the act of fucking some woman. A woman who, in her hurry, left a pair of red lace panties with 'It's all yours' stitched on the front." I was continuing to get louder and madder and I could see her shoulders start to slump and sag. I had her now. "The pair that you wore for me on Valentine's Day is now in the hands of Emily across the street. Now tell me why I shouldn't kick your ass out right now!" Cindy looked up at me. She was completely defeated. She said "It's a long story about how it happened, and you have every right to kick me out." She turned toward the stairs. "I'll go get dressed and leave." What?! I was so angry I could strangle her. She was just going to leave? No fight? The way she said "long story" made me want to know more. What exactly happened and how did this come about? I had to know. "Wait!" She turned. Tears were rolling down her face and she wouldn't look up at me. She just stood there, sobbing gently and waited. I was very angry, but I've loved this woman for most of my adult life and now I couldn't just let it go at that. "Come down here. I want to know this long story." She trudged down the stairs like a lost waif. I was still angry, but I felt sorry for her. I was hoping that she was not just playing to my love for her; that she was really sickened by all this. Finally, once she was sitting she started talking. The damn burst and the words spilled out, washing over me. I couldn't even think to ask questions or anything until she was done. She overheard a woman at work talk about doing it for her husband where she was his slave for the weekend. Over the next year she started surfing the net for people who did dom/sub for a short time so that she could understand how they did it. She claimed she was just curious at first. But soon she became enamored with trying it. There was something drawing her in; leading her to take whatever chances she had to take to try it. The hard part was how. She learned from the internet that there were more serious people who actually lived the lifestyle full time, but she didn't want that. She just wanted a taste; a chance to test how she liked it; to push her limits and see what it was all about. Her main problem was how to introduce the idea into our relationship. Since we had an established relationship with how we treated each other, she wasn't sure that would work and she claimed to have hinted at it with me, but that I didn't seem interested. (I was completely unaware of these hints.) So next she searched and found a place on the net where people advertised for doms or subs for some temporary play. She had studied them for quite some time and had joined a site to find someone to "test" it with. She was very nervous about it, but after finding there was someone in our town, she was tempted. She exchanged emails with him over about three months, until finally submitting (so to speak) to his request to get together and do it. The most coincidental thing was that the guy turned out to be Robert, right across the street. They met the first time for lunch in order to set the ground rules and the first time they had decided to "play" had been today. It turned out that all he wanted to do was fuck her and as soon as they started and he had told her to undress he put her on all fours and started in. It had only been about 2 minutes before Emily came through the door. She was completely humiliated, scared, and horny as hell; hence her desire to get fucked as soon as she walked in the door here at home. By the time she was done, she had stopped crying a little and I was still stunned. I was stunned at both the story and at her description. The logic did not make sense to me, but it must have to her because she appeared to be pouring her heart out and there was no hesitation or appearance of trying to moderate the story. She had been looking down the entire time until she stopped. She looked up at me to see my reaction. I was unable to say anything immediately. I just stared. She erupted into tears again, placing her head in her hands and sobbing heavily. The only words that came out now were "Oh, my God!" in amongst the sobs. I was hurting for her. I was furious with her and wanted to toss her out, but at the same time I wanted to take her in my arms and comfort her. I was confused by my conflicting feelings, but then I figured that if we were going to get on with our lives, separately or together, we had better stop the crying and come to a resolution. Wait! Did I just think about a life together still? Could I actually forgive her this kind of transgression? She finally stood up; shoulders slumped, head down and started for the stairs. I couldn't face seeing her like that, so I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around her to try to provide some comfort and at least get her calmed enough to face the rest of the day. She flinched. Maybe she thought I was going to take out my anger on her right there. When she realized I was trying to hug her, she plastered herself to me and kept sobbing, throwing in "I'm so sorry!" every minute or so. I just stood there and held her; 110 pounds of sobbing, quivering flesh. I was going over in my mind all the things that had happened and where I really wanted this to go. End it? Continue it? I was so conflicted, but I could not see myself without her. The fabric of our lives were so interwoven that I wasn't sure I could identify myself without her. Finally, I pushed her back away from me and lifted her chin up so that our eyes met. I tried to calm and steady my voice. I took out as much of the anger and recrimination as possible. "Look. Just go upstairs and take a hot bath and we'll talk about this after we are more rational." The small ray of hope in her eyes, or maybe it was just thankfulness that I was not yelling and screaming any more, was all I needed to know. She was still in love with me. She was just obsessed with this idea. I had heard that many people today were obsessed with internet porn to the detriment of their entire lives. Some ideas, they just couldn't get out of their heads. So if I was going to have any type of relationship with her that meant dealing with her obsession. She headed upstairs to do what I had suggested and I was left alone with my thoughts. I never remembered any hints about developing a little dominate/submissive relationship with her. I knew this because I kind of liked the idea, but would never have done it without her and I had not planned on bringing it up. It was one of those things that I had determined would be one of those lifelong unfulfilled fantasies. But maybe things could change. Could we change our relationship like that? Did people who did this kind of thing start it at the beginning of their relationship, or did it develop and grow slowly? I didn't know for sure, but I was thinking of a way to arrange for her to have her submissive fantasy come true, and maybe push her a little outside of her comfort zone. That would either cement the idea in her that she loved the **********, or get her over it. I went upstairs after a while and she was just getting out of the tub. I looked at her beautiful slim body, and decided what I was going to do. I walked slowly over to her while she wrapped the towel around her and stared at her. She started to cower a little and I stopped. I reached out, took her hand and pulled her into an embrace. I hugged her and she hugged me back... hard. I leaned down and whispered in her ear. "Okay, my little slut, you will not get dressed for the rest of the day. You will remain naked at all times. Now finish drying off, go lay face down on the bed, and prepare for your punishment." She stiffened a little, but said "Yes, sir." I realized how much I loved the sound of that and how much it meant to me this morning during our passionate fuck in the kitchen. I was going to push her and see if she really wanted it and if I did, too. I walked up to the bed and sat down. My wife was lying there face down, naked, scared, and completely at my mercy. I was already enjoying it. I could see that she was trembling slightly. I didn't know if that was because she was cold from being naked with wet hair, or in anticipation of what was to come. I reached out and placed my hand on her ass. She flinched a little. It was so smooth and gorgeous. I loved her ass. It was probably her best physical asset. 
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"Are you ready for the first stage of your punishment?" "First stage?" She tried to turn and look at me. I smacked her ass hard enough to make a loud slapping sound. "That was a yes or no question, my little slave girl. Now answer it!" "Yes, sir." I turned and straddled her, sitting on her calves. I stared at her ass some more, doing nothing, letting the anticipation rise. "I want you to count out each stroke of your spanking, saying the number and 'Sir' after each one. Is that clear?" "Yes, sir." She responded meekly and started to visibly tremble. Smack! I struck her and she responded "One, sir." I then started laying them on her ass; striking hard enough that her ass turned to a blazing red and I gave her enough time to count them out until we got to 25. She was not crying, but whimpering with each count now. I was enjoying spanking her and I was hard as a rock. I could not tell if she was enjoying it, but at this point, I was taking out some of that anger that I still had from finding out that she was being fucked by the neighbor. After 25 swats, I decided that the next level of punishment was going to be a little different. I got up and stood by the bed. She didn't move. I loved the feeling of control that she was giving me and that I was enjoying. "Now get up, go downstairs and get me a beer and meet me in the den." She immediately obeyed. My dick stayed very hard watching my beautiful wife get up, her tits bouncing nicely, and then walk downstairs with her fire-engine red ass. I followed her to make sure I could see it all the way down until she disappeared into the kitchen. I went to the den and sat down on the couch. She joined me in the den and handed me the beer. She remained standing after handing it to me to see what was next. I was impressed. I was thinking that she would sit down and I would have to correct her. I smiled up at her and noticed that she was staring at the floor, her eyes downcast and not even trying to look at me. "You may sit on the floor next to me." I thought I might as well enjoy this sexually so I said. "Take my pants off and suck my dick until I cum in your mouth. But don't just suck it... worship it." There was no hesitation on her part. She immediately starting undoing my pants, removed them, and then kneeled down in front of me. She slowly licked up my shaft and took a good suck on the head. She pressed it against my stomach and started licking and sucking on my balls. She was doing very well and I was already leaking pre-cum. She was never a bad cocksucker, but this already felt a little different as she put more effort into it. She licked back up to the head and started fondling my balls while she started sucking my cock. She took me down as far as she could, then came back up, using her tongue to tickle the tender spot just under the mushroom head. She rolled her tongue all the way around the head and then slowly took the whole thing into her mouth again. After three round trips like this, I knew that I was going to come soon. I had been hard for a while and the spanking had been quite thrilling. She knew it, too, so she started bobbing on my dick and I grabbed her head and started helping. "Don't spill a drop!" I managed to say right before I came, holding her head still as I thrust and spasmed, shooting several big loads into her hot mouth. And she didn't. She kept milking my dick until she had gotten all my cum and sucked me dry. When she came off my dick, she looked up at me and smiled. She looked perfectly content. "How was that blowjob, sir?" "That was fucking wonderful!" I replied. "Now lay down here on the couch with your head on my lap while I ***** this beer and watch TV." She complied. I watched a little TV and just ran my hand over her back and ass, occasionally running my finger down along her ass-crack and across her tightly puckered anus. It had never been penetrated as far as I knew. I was going to do that in a while, but after about an hour of her getting comfortable and her ass color slowly fading, it was time to push her limits another way. I got up and told her to get on the floor on all fours, face on the floor and ass high in the air. She did it immediately. I told her to wait there. I walked out the front door and across the street to see if Emily was still home. She was. I had contemplated what might happen when I told her the truth, but I had to take this step. She answered the door and I could tell she had been crying. "Oh, hello." She seemed very depressed. "How would you like to get back at your bastard husband?" She looked at me for a few seconds, trying to ascertain my meaning or where I was going with this. Then she narrowed her eyes and stared at me closely. "I would love to. What did you have in mind?" "First, I have discovered it was indeed my wife who was fucking your husband." Her eyes went wide and she set her mouth grimly. I continued before she could say anything. "When I found out, I was going to throw her out, but it appears that the only reason she was doing it was because she thought your husband would teach her a little about domination and **********. It's a long story, but all he really wanted to do was fuck her, which he had just started for the first time when you showed up." She finally spoke one word. "Bastard." "Yes, well, I have made my little bitch wife my slave for now and I paddled her ass for it. Now she's in the den, on her hands and knees, naked, and awaiting my next command. I thought you might want to come over and assist me on disciplining the little slut." She got an evil grin on her face. "Definitely." We slowly walked back to my place and I told her my plan. She made a recommendation that shocked me and almost made my dick hard just thinking about it, so we decided to go with her idea. When we got in there, Cindy was still there, ass up high. Her little rosebud was showing and her pussy wet and ***** engorged. She must be turned on by all this or she was playing with herself or both. She couldn't see Emily at first, but when we got around to the couch and we both sat down, she turned her head that direction and saw Emily. Her eyes went wide and she started to say something, but to her credit, she held it back. She looked at me and it appeared that she might start crying again. "Okay, Cindy. I want you to come over here on your knees and ask for forgiveness from Emily for fucking her husband." She crawled over, already starting to sob, placed her head in Emily's lap and starting sobbing. She kept repeating "I'm so sorry, Emily." Emily looked a little shocked. I reached over and slapped her ass hard. "Tell you what you are sorry for!" "I'm so sorry I was fucking your husband." Cindy seemed really upset now. "Are you really sorry?" Emily lifted Cindy's head and looked at her. "Yes, Emily, I am very sorry." She was calming down a little, seeing that Emily was not overly angry. "Okay. Thank you for apologizing. My husband will not get off so easily. He's the one that swore an oath. Now I want you to help me get even with my husband." Cindy looked at her questioningly. She looked over at me, too, and you could see she was waiting for the other shoe to drop. Emily stood up and said to Cindy. "Undress me and your husband and get him ready to fuck me." Cindy stared for a second, and then looked at me. I nodded. She pulled down Emily's shorts and underwear in one pull. I could see her glance at Emily's shaven pussy, the lips clearly visible. Then she stood up and lifted Emily's tank top over her head. Finally, she removed Emily's bra and I got to see this auburn haired woman in the altogether. She was about 5'8", auburn hair, pale skin that didn't seem to take to the sun much. Her tits had a little sag, but that's because they appeared to be large and heavy. You couldn't tell in the bra she was wearing today because it was a heavy-duty bra to be used when exercising. Her ass was larger than my wife's but still in good shape. Her pussy, being completely shaven, looked delightfully edible. 
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Cindy then took my clothes off quickly. I was already hard, so getting me ready to fuck Emily was a moot point, but she sucked my dick a couple of times and jacked it to make sure. Then she looked up at the two of us expectantly. I looked at Emily and she got down on all fours and pointed her ass at me. I stared at it hungrily, the first new ass and pussy in my life in over 8 years. Cindy also seemed to be amazed at this and stared openly. I got down on my knees and right behind Emily. "Cindy, check to make sure that Emily is ready to be fucked. Make sure she is wet. If she isn't, make her wet." I thought that would be a push too far, but Cindy nonchalantly put her hand up to Emily's pussy and ran her fingers through the pink gash. I was a little shocked, and my dick twitched at the sight of my wife touching another woman's pussy. It appeared that this scene had been having an effect on Emily, too, because my wife's fingers slid easily along the gash and came back wet. "She's ready, sir." Cindy stated quickly, looking up at me. I thought I might still see some hesitation in her face, but she was ready to serve. "Now guide my hard cock into Emily's wet pussy." Cindy obeyed. And she didn't just aim it and let me push it in, but she actually reached with her left hand and parted Emily's lips while with her right she pulled my dick forward to put it in. I pushed and it started to enter slowly, but Emily was so fucking tight! "Fuck, Emily, your pussy is small! You are so tight!" "That's because my husband has a long, but skinny dick. You are much larger around." I looked down and watched as I worked it all the way into her. It was glorious. I noticed that Cindy was watching, too. I slowly pulled all the way out and turned a little towards Cindy. I pushed on her head and she knew exactly what I wanted. She dove down and engulfed my dick. Emily turned her head and watched. Cindy licked it clean and seemed more intent on sucking my dick than I had ever seen. Hmmm! Maybe she likes the taste of pussy on my dick... or maybe just pussy in general! I pulled away from her and placed my dick back into Emily. I started fucking her pretty good. She was rocking into my thrusts and moaning. Suddenly, Cindy reached under us and started rubbing Emily's clit. "Oh, fuck yes, baby. Rub my clit. Make me cum all over your husband's fat dick." Cindy took that as a command and seemed to increase her ministrations. Emily began to groan and finally came in great shudders. "Hmmm. Oh! Yes! Fuck! Don't stop!" Emily was muttering just loud enough to be heard. When she finally stopped cumming I was close so I whipped it out of her pussy and jacked it off for a few seconds until I shot a big load of cum all over her ass and asshole, and dripping down onto her pussy. I sat back on the floor and looked at Cindy who was sitting there watching the whole thing. "Clean up my dick." She did so with gusto. Then I got a better idea seeing that Emily was still there on all fours, except she had leaned forward to put her head on top of her hands on the floor. Her ass and pussy were on display with cum running down her legs, so I lifted Cindy's head from my dick and commanded . "Clean my cum off Emily." Cindy looked at me, then at Emily's cum-covered ass, and finally back to me. I pointed and she obeyed. She crawled over to Emily's fantastic behind and bent over. She started licking where the drips were running down Emily's legs. Emily flinched, having not heard me give the command. She lifted her head up and looked over her shoulder. I'm not sure who she thought it was, but her eyes got big when she realized it was Cindy. In the meantime, Cindy licked up to Emily's pussy and licked the cum off and continued up across her asshole, eliciting a moan from Emily. She finished by cleaning up Emily's ass and then turned to me and said "Thank you, sir, for your cum." I chuckled at that and was amazed that she had sexually touched another woman. She seemed to really enjoy being ordered around. We had never even discussed her touching another woamn and here she was doing it. My anger over her earlier transgression was forgotten at that moment. Then Emily got up and turned around. She looked at Cindy and said to her in graphic terms "Thank you for cleaning your husband's hot cum off my pussy and ass. You can clean the cum off my pussy and ass any time." Cindy looked down, blushed slightly at what she realized she just did, but then said "You are welcome, Emily. I'm sorry I fucked your husband, but you can have mine any time." I gaped at that. I stared at Emily and she stared at me. Wow! This day has been one surprise after another. Emily finished dressing and leaned over to kiss me. "Thanks for that. I'll be sure to tell me husband about it... after the divorce!" Then she leaned over and tweaked one of my wife's nipples. Cindy squeaked, but appeared to enjoy it and smiled. Emily just laughed, looked at me and said "Well, good luck with this one!" After Emily left, I pulled Cindy up next to me on the couch. I held her face, looked directly into her eyes, and asked her how she felt about what had happened. She looked down sheepishly, finally looking back up directly at me. "I loved every minute of it. I even loved it when you ordered me to lick your cum off Emily. I have never touched another woman's pussy, or licked her pussy or ass, and today I did. It actually turned me on to know that you were making me do it. It was something that I previously considered 'forbidden', but you ordering me to do it meant that I had to. It wasn't my decision." "I'm still a little shocked, too." I responded. "Is this something you want to continue?" Cindy looked at me and smile. "Yes. I was so turned on knowing that I was doing it for you. It was not only fulfilling my fantasy of being dominated a little, but it was by someone that I love and enjoyed doing it for. I want to do it whenever you want... sir." She added the last after a wry smile and a pause. 
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I sat there and reviewed the day's events. I had found out that my wife Cindy had been searching elsewhere for someone to dominate her, afraid to try it at home with me. After poking around the internet, it turned out that our neighbor across the street had "volunteered", but had only wanted to try to fuck her. They were caught by his wife and then I found out. I was going to throw her out on her ass, but something about the idea appealed to me; and then there was the fact that I still loved that damn woman! Instead, partly because I wanted to try it and partly just to get back at her, I spanked her, made her blow me, ****** her to help me fuck our neighbor Emily (the one whose husband had volunteered to dominate her), and even had her lick my cum off Emily's body. She had stated that she loved every minute of it. Apparently, it had been one of her secret fantasies that she felt we could not do. However, once we had been through her punishment, she was looking to continue her temporary "enslavement", and I was willing to try to learn, too. We were still sitting on the sofa and she had admitted her desire to continue, so I asked her who at work she had heard describe it. She admitted that it was a woman named Jennifer who lived a couple of blocks away. Jennifer did not discuss it with Cindy, but she overheard her telling another woman about it. I considered having her ask Jennifer over, but thought that it would have to wait. For now, it was approaching 3pm and we had 6 guests arriving for a cookout at 6. It was three couples that we had known for a while and used to work with before changing companies. Since they were not current fellow employees and they didn't live right next door, I decided to push Cindy some more. "Are you sure this is what you want?" She looked directly at me for about 30 seconds, and I could see the wheels turning. "Yes. I am completely enthralled with what just happened and I am going to put myself in your hands for this. I know that you love me, because you didn't immediately throw me out. I also know that what we just did was partly to make me do it just to get back for me fucking with Robert. I'm okay with that. For some reason, every part of it excited me more than I have ever been before. I want to do whatever you want to do and I hope that we can stay together and enjoy this." I looked at her closely. I was mulling what to do next and decided that we'd start by seeing how far she would go with some friends. "Do you know that little yellow sundress that you have?" "Yes, sir." She said, returning to the submissive talk. "I want you to wear it tonight for the party... without anything else under it." She looked at me and I could see what she thought of that. It was fairly thin. Not transparent, but thin enough and tight enough that everyone would know that she had nothing on. However, to her credit, she did not consider it for long. "Yes, sir." I smiled and got up. "Now come into the shower with me and get me ready for the party." She followed me upstairs, prepared the shower, got in with me, and washed me very thoroughly. I let her wash my ass and dick, but I kept her from spending too much time on it as I wanted to recover from the afternoon and be ready for some evening fun. Finally, at 6:15, a little late, the guests started arriving. Cindy was a vision in the yellow dress. She didn't look slutty, but if you looked closely, you could see her nipples poking against the fabric and tell that when it stretched over her ass that there was nothing underneath. I couldn't wait to see her backlit by the sun outside. I knew that it would be easy to see a perfect outline of her body. I started the grill and cooking and the guys gathered with me while Cindy discussed work and other things with the women in the kitchen. There was nothing but small talk and finally the food and ****** were all ready and we sat down on the deck to enjoy the meal. I watched Cindy closely to see how she looked. She looked fantastic to me, but then she always had. In that little sundress you could see that there were no underwear lines and if you looked closely, that her nipples were noticeable. I was watching my guests to see who was checking her out. The guys were just checking her out briefly, but nothing too obvious. However, one of the women, Sam (Samantha), was almost staring every time Cindy was near her. I could see her making sure that she and Cindy touched and rubbed against each other. This was a very surprising development. I didn't know what to think of it at first. I looked at her husband Bill and he was chatting with the others, not really paying attention to Cindy or his wife. Nobody was paying attention to me, so at one point, when I was standing behind most of the folks retrieving beers, and Sam was ogling Cindy, I stared at her until she noticed it. She looked at me, knowing she had been caught staring at Cindy, and blushed... deeply. There was definitely something going on there. I went back to the normal banter and every once in a while looked up at Sam. She would glance up at me periodically and then look away quickly. I decided to push it. I noticed when Sam finished her wine and since the wine was in the house, I waited until she went inside to go get more. I immediately stood up and asked if anyone else needed anything from inside and followed closely on her heels. She turned her back to me and proceeded to pour the wine, trying to ignore me. For a second I took in her physique. She was tall and thin, with probably A-cup tits. She was above average looking, but she and her husband always seemed to hint of being a little staid. She was wearing a jean skirt that went to her knees and a white buttoned princess blouse that showed a hint of her skin colored bra. I decided not to let her ignore me. I walked up directly beside her, put my arm around her shoulders and said, "Cindy really does look ravishing tonight, doesn't she?" Sam almost dropped the bottle of wine. "Sorry. I didn't mean to stare. I was trying to figure out if she was wearing anything under it, and I guess I stared too long." Push, push. "I thought maybe you were checking out her assets." I said it with a chuckle like I was kidding; but of course I wasn't. "And just to verify it for you, yes, that dress is the only thing she is wearing. Anything else you'd like to know?" She just looked at me, apprehension on her face. I continued on. "She sure does look good in it, doesn't she? You can see her nipples all the time... and her ass is just too perfect." Sam blushed and looked up at me. "She always has been a beautiful woman. I would never have the nerve to go without a bra or panties in front of a bunch of people." "It wasn't her choice or decision." Now Sam looked at me closely. "You made her do it?" "Yes. I ordered her to and her submissive side agreed." Sam's eyes widened a little and she looked at me with her eyes downcast a little. "Are you guys doing a dom/sub thing now? "Yes." I answered. I looked at her and she suddenly was extremely attractive to me. I think it was the way she had lowered her eyes; like she wanted me to dominate her as well. I decided at this point I had nothing to lose. "And while we are on the subject, I want you to remove your panties, too. Right now. Right here. Give me your panties." "Wait a minute. I don't know what you think...." She started talking but I interrupted her. "You know you want it. I could see it in your eyes when you asked about me and Cindy. Yes, we are doing the dom/sub 'thing'. So please remove your panties before I punish you for disobeying." Sam stared at me. I could see her hesitation, but this was a good thing. She wasn't screaming at me or pissed off at me making such an assumption. She just looked a little unsure about it, and I gave her a second and then snapped my fingers. "C'mon. Get on with it." Without another word, Sam looked around to make sure she was out of sight of the others, and then raised her skirt up to reach her panties. I was standing next to her and could see her tight little ass and the hint of her sex as she reached for the sides of her panties. She instantly pulled them down to the floor, letting her skirt slide back down before I saw very much, and stepped out of them. She stooped down, picked them up , and handed them to me. They were just a bit damp. I didn't know if that was sweat or she was getting turned on, so I slowly raised them to my face to smell them. Sam watched, enraptured by this. When I got them to my nose I took a good whiff and said "Hmmm. Your pussy smells very good. I think you are getting turned on by this, aren't you?" "No!" Sam answered me quickly. I raised my eyebrows at her questioningly and held her panties up to my nose. She lowered her gaze and said quietly. "Yes." "Are you turned on by the fact that you gave your panties to me? That someone ordered you to do it? Or were you already turned on by my wife's predicament?" "Yes... to everything." She whispered, her eyes still downcast. Outstanding! I was going to push this to the limit, but first I wanted more ****** to flow. She watched me closely as I put her panties into my pocket and grinned. "I see you poured yourself another glass of wine. ***** it all right now and pour yourself another." She obeyed and I knew I was going to get her ***** to push her. I also had to work on her husband. 
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We went back outside and the party continued; nobody else even aware of my exchange with Sam. I noticed that she was ******** pretty heavily and getting *****. I also noticed that Bill was ******** heavily. Finally, as the party was winding down and folks started to leave, I made sure that Bill and Sam were the last two left by keeping Bill busy discussing baseball. We went inside and I asked them to sit when we got to the den and also asked if they wanted anything else to *****. Everyone said yes, including Cindy, who I also noticed was a little *****. I came back in with the ****** and handed them out. Bill was sitting in the easy chair, leaning back, and the two women were sitting on either end of the couch. I sat between them, Cindy on my left, and put my hand on Cindy's leg. She looked at me, smiling and blushing a little. She already had an idea of what I was going to do. I slowly pulled her upper leg off the lower one because she had sat with them crossed. She put it down next to the other one, but I pulled them open a little. Not much, but enough so that there was some room there. Bill didn't seem to notice. He was jabbering on about something with his favorite team. When I turned to Sam, however, she looked right at me and then looked down at my hand, which I had left on Cindy's leg. I moved Cindy's legs a little further apart without taking my eyes off Sam. She watched intently. I then looked down at Sam's legs and smiled at her. She knew what I wanted and she did the same as Cindy; she opened her legs to about the same width... and blushed. I didn't hear anything from Bill, so I looked over and I could see that he was a little more interested now in Cindy's legs. He couldn't see up between them, but I knew that he was aware of her lack of panties. I'm sure everyone had been all night. Now, as I slowly opened her legs a little more, her dress started riding up. All that was hidden now was her pussy because it was still in shadow. Bill had completely stopped talking. He was mesmerized by Cindy's display. I looked at Sam and she was watching the display and looking up at her husband. She said nothing. I then took my right hand and put it on Sam's leg, just above the knee where there was bare skin. She flinched, but didn't say anything or move. I started pulling on her leg, too, and after some initial resistance, she started opening her legs as well. Soon, I had hers as wide as Cindy's and her pussy was just out of sight. I looked over at Bill and he was staring at what I was doing. "So, Bill." I said. He looked up at me. "Did you know that both our wives are without panties?" He stared at me for a second. Then he licked his lips and looked from one to the other. "Sam?" He turned his eyes toward his wife. "Do you have any panties on?" "No." Sam answered, lowering her eyes. "John ordered me to remove them earlier." "Oh." That was all Bill said for a while. I let the tension build a little longer, trying to see how far they would let me push it. "Why? Did you tell him about us?" "Bill!" Sam blurted out. I jerked my head toward her and looked at her stricken expression. This was obviously something that was not supposed to be known. I turned back toward Bill and eyed him closely. He wouldn't meet my eyes. I turned back toward Sam and said "Tell me now what you are talking about or I'll punish you right here and now." Sam lowered her eyes for a moment and then looked up at me with her head still tilted down. She spoke so softly, I could barely make out what she was saying. "Bill and I wanted to try what you and Cindy are doing, but we both found out that we like to be dominated and neither of us is very good at dominating the other." I was shocked for a second and then I smiled. "Well, Sam, Bill, I'm not very good at it either. Cindy and I just started today." They both looked at me a little surprised. "For me right now, it's purely a voyeuristic and sexual thing. I haven't gotten too far into it, but I think we will try a little something tonight." I looked at the three of them. Bill looked stricken, Sam looked resigned and had lowered her eyes, but Cindy was smiling and almost glowing. "Cindy and Sam, bring over one of the dining room arm chairs. Then undress Bill and put him in it." I saw them get started and I went out to the garage to get my duct tape and some clean rags. I was going to tape Bill up, but the duct tape would be tough on the skin without some padding. When I came back the two girls were just finishing getting his boxers off. He was not very big, but he was hard already, apparently enjoying the attention. Once they sat him down in the chair, I ordered them to get undressed. Cindy only had to raise her dress over her head, but Sam took her time, seemingly a little embarrassed. With Bill I wrapped a small rag around his left wrist and duct taped it to the arm of the chair. I did the same with this right wrist, and both ankles. He didn't even try to move or say anything as I did it. As I undressed I had the women sit on the couch and told them not to touch anything. Once undressed, I decided that we should tease Bill a little. "Sam, Cindy, come over here." I stood a couple of feet in front of Bill. "Take turns sucking my dick." Cindy immediately dropped to her knees on my left, but Sam hesitated. She was now naked in front of a friend and her husband and had been ordered to suck the friend's dick. I could tell that she was trying to look to Bill for approval. "Don't look at your husband. I'm your master and you will do what I say, when I say to do it!" I smacked her on the ass with my hand, the flat slap resounding loudly. She whimpered a little and kneeled in front of me on the right. I loved it! Cindy, after having sucked my dick a few times, pulled it out and turned it toward Sam. Again she hesitated. I grabbed her head and pushed it onto my dick. She opened her mouth and took it in. Once she started, she seemed to try to do a good job, but was still a little tense. I could see Bill staring, watching closely, but he still had an erection sticking straight up. I was ready for the next step soon. "Sam, stand up in front of me, facing Bill." She obeyed very quickly that time. Cindy tried to grab my dick and start sucking again. "Just a second Cindy." I said as I pulled my dick back. I was going to have to pace myself if I was going to last very long. "Sam, bend over from the waist, putting your hands on Bill's arms." She did so, and seemed to be looking more at his dick than his face. I took my right hand and ran my fingers down her ass, across her asshole, and onto her pussy. I let them glide through her swollen pink slit and found that she was as excited as the rest of us. She moaned her approval. It was time to fuck! "Cindy, guide my dick into Sam." She did the same as before, holding Sam's lips open as she guided my dick to Sam's personal oven. Sam jumped a little at Cindy's touch, but stayed in place. I slowly eased my dick forward and Sam moaned. "Sam, I want you to describe exactly what is happening and what you are feeling to your husband." She moaned again. "He's fucking me!" she said to her husband. "No, describe it like an erotic novel." I prompted. She got better real fast. "His big, hard dick is slowly sliding into my soaking wet pussy. Oh, it feels so good." She was going to make me cum as well, because this talk was really turning me on. I then grabbed her hips and started taking long, hard strokes. "Oh, Bill, now he's taking his cock and burying it deep into my pussy. He is pounding me!" I loved it. I noticed that Cindy was just watching, so I had her get involved. "Cindy, move under Sam and suck her tits." Cindy immediately crawled under Sam and started sucking on her nipples like a nursing ******. I could hear her slurps. "Oh, Bill!" Sam was really into it now and getting ready to cum. "Oh, fuck, she's sucking my tits, pulling on the nipples and John is hammering my pussy. My clit is on fire... oh, ****, I'm gonna cum! Oh, fuck, don't stop fucking and sucking. I love it, fuck yes, I love it! FUCK! ARRRGGGHH!" And when Sam came, it was like holding a vibrator on the end of my dick. She shuddered so much and so fast that I thought she was vibrating her whole body. It was too much for me and I exclaimed "I'm cumming, too!" and thrust and shot, thrust and shot, and thrust and shot some more. I came for like a minute, just thrusting in for each spurt. Sam was almost collapsing under me and Cindy and I were holding her up. I looked over Sam and could see that Bill was watching her closely, his eyes were as big as melons and his dick was wet and leaking pre-cum. I finally pulled out and Cindy came out from under Sam. Sam slowly rolled onto the floor, gasping for breath. I looked at Bill and could see that his dick was hard and leaking pre-cum. He looked like he needed to cum badly after watching his wife get fucked. I was going to go easy on him this first time. I saw Cindy looking at his dick and decided that she should be able to enjoy some, too. "Cindy, Bill looks like his dick is about to explode, don't you think?" "Yes, sir, I think so." "Do you want to relieve his pressure?" Cindy looked up at me. "Yes, sir." "Okay. Suck his dick, catch his cum in your mouth and then give it to Sam." Cindy immediately crawled over to Bill to start sucking. Sam looked shocked at what I had asked Cindy to do. She didn't say anything, just watched as my wife took only two sucks before her husband groaned and shot his load into Cindy's mouth. I knew Cindy could take a load because she had proven able to hold an entire load in her mouth before and showed it to me. This time she stayed on Bill until he was done and then pulled off, her mouth closed and her cheeks puffed out. Bill looked like he was more relaxed now that he had cum, but he was staring at Cindy, watching her crawl over to Sam. She pushed Sam flat onto her back and got over her mouth. At first, Sam appeared to not want to participate and wouldn't open her mouth. But I cleared my throat and she knew that she had no choice. She opened her mouth and Cindy opened hers and let the cum pour out into Sam's mouth. Sam flinched and closed her eyes. I didn't know if she even regularly tasted cum, but she was now. With her eyes closed, Sam didn't see Cindy lowering her face to hers. Suddenly, Cindy smashed her mouth onto Sam's sharing the cum and kissing her deeply. Sam's eyes flew open and she seemed shocked by being kissed by Cindy. Bill was staring. He had a great view of Cindy as she kneeled over Sam and I'm sure he could see all of her ass and pussy. I smiled broadly, seeing that Cindy was really beginning to open up. Then Sam reached up and grabbed Cindy by the neck and started really making out with her. My dick started rising at the sight, even though I had just cum. I loved this turn of events. 
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Finally, the two women came up for air. They looked at each other closely and smiled. Then they looked at me. "Crawl over here." I ordered them. They both turned and crawled over to sit at my feet. I was amazed and enjoying this immensely. I figured, who wouldn't? "How are you two feeling, now?" "Fantastic!" Cindy immediately answered. "Sam, tell me the truth, how do you feel?" She raised her eyes to mine slowly. "I feel so good, I don't know what to say. I've never had a woman give me cum and kiss me and I loved it. I loved it when you were fucking me. ****! I loved it all!" I smiled and looked at Bill. "Bill?" "I'm okay. I'm still a little shocked, but I think I liked it." I grinned at him. "You know you loved it! Don't lie to me!" He looked away. "Okay, ladies, take the duct tape off of Bill and everyone get dressed. Bill and Sam, I want you to go home, but there are two conditions. First, you two cannot have sex or make yourself cum in any way this week. I want you back here on Friday having not cum at all this week. If I think you have disobeyed me, I'll take a strap to you. Now, go!" Everything was accomplished quickly and after Bill and Sam left I looked at Cindy. "That was fucking amazing!" Cindy smiled. "I'm glad you liked it, Master. That's the first time I've heard you use that term, and I think it scared Sam a little." "Good! We're going to play with her a little this week, okay?" "Yum! I'd like that, sir." We headed up to bed and I was planning the next event in my mind. Hmmm. Maybe I needed to do some research into this stuff! 
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I decided I couldn't wait until Friday and I had an open afternoon at work on Thursday, so I called Cindy in the morning and told her to call Sam about lunch. I wanted them both to meet me at the Italian restaurant in the mall between our home and office. I told her that she and Sam were to wear skirts with light colored blouses and were forbidden from wearing bras and panties. She giggled. She was happier than she had been in a while. After admitting her desire to be dominated, we had played at it for the first time last weekend. After that, even without the domination, she had been insatiable all week. As soon as I got home, she would greet me in the nude and attack me. The last two nights she had immediately given me a blowjob, and then after dinner we fucked like rabbits until we were exhausted. Did I mention that I was deliriously happy, too? No need. I got to the restaurant at 11:45, the reservation was for 12:00, but the table was ready so they showed me to the table. It was near the back, set up against the wall and was a small semi-circular booth. I sat on one side and waited for my ladies. When they showed up I wasn't disappointed. Cindy had worn a short plaid skirt that was about mid-thigh and a white button down blouse. It was almost the school girl look and I could just make out her areolas showing through the material. Sam had worn a calf-length peasant skirt that had a slit in the side and a thin dressy t-shirt. When she came in and the air-conditioning hit her, I could see her nipples extend immediately. They looked scrumptious. I rose to meet them and greeted Sam first. "Hello, gorgeous." I managed to get a slight blush out of her with that. "You get in first and sit in the back." Then I turned my attention to Cindy and gave her a quick kiss. "Hello, my sweet wife. How are you today?" "I'm great!" Cindy grinned and sat down next to Sam. I sat on the other side of the semi-circle so that Sam was between us. "Should we have some wine?" I asked them both. "Yes!" Cindy responded immediately. "I'm not sure. I have to go home and fix dinner for Bill tonight. I usually cook a big meal on Thursdays." Sam said. I could see she was wondering what was going to happen this afternoon. She had followed my directions on the manner of dress, but the dress was a little longer than I wanted. "No problem. It's only noon. You can handle a little wine. I'll call Bill later and tell him if you can't get home to fix him dinner." She voiced no further objections so I ordered a bottle of wine, and then we ordered our lunch. As soon as the waitress was gone I said to Cindy. "Unbutton some more buttons. I want to see some cleavage!" Another one of my fantasies that I thought would always remain a fantasy was to make my wife flash a little. She had voiced the same desires this week for the first time, and I thought I would start working on this. Cindy laughed and immediately opened three buttons. Now her blouse was open to the middle of her breasts and you could see her cleavage. I could see Sam checking it out. "You like her breasts, Sam?" As soon as I asked that, she blushed again and looked down. "Don't worry. They are, after all, fabulous tits." My wife beamed and made sure she sat up straight. "They are really firm and the nipples are fantastic. Go ahead, feel them!" Sam hesitated, but she looked directly at Cindy's tits and Cindy pushed her chest out a little. "Sam, what did I just order you to do?" She started to reach for Cindy's tits. "No, first tell me what I said. Then do it." "You told me to feel Cindy's tits." "Good girl. Now do it, but not for too long. We don't want Cindy to get too carried away." Cindy chuckled at that, and Sam reached over and stuck her left hand into Cindy's blouse, feeling her right breast. She squeezed the entire thing and then ran her fingers across the nipple as she withdrew her hand. Cindy moaned a little and both her nipples hardened and poked out against her blouse. Just then the waitress brought lunch. Sam jerked her hand back and looked away. The waitress put the plates on the table and when she met my eyes she smirked. She must have seen what was going on. I just smiled. When she walked away, I checked her out more closely; a little chunky, but nice tits and ass. She was wearing a white shirt and black skirt. It seemed that that was the standard restaurant dress as everyone was in white on black. I leaned over a little to watch her go and Cindy followed my eyes. She smiled at me. "See something interesting, sir?" She got into her sub role very quickly. "Yes, as a matter of fact, I do. That waitress seemed to know what was going on over here and I think she likes it." Sam looked a little stricken. "I don't want her to think that I'm a slut!" "Sam... Sam." I turned to her and patted her hand on the table. "You are a slut, my dear. My personal little slut." She looked at me a little shocked, her mouth open. Then she closed her mouth, lowered her eyes, and said, "Yes, sir." "Sam, look at me." She raised her eyes and looked at me. "Sam, after the other night, I thought being controlled like this turned you on and it was something you liked. Are you not turned on right now? Aren't you enjoying this?" "Yes, sir." She lowered her eyes again. "I like it." She hesitated, searching for the right words. "It's humiliating and scary, and I sometimes want to protest against it, but at the same time, I want you to make me do it. I can't really explain it, even to myself; except that I want you to make me do things that I'm uncomfortable with and sometimes humiliate me. I find that even when I'm scared and humiliated, I'm so turned on that I get soaking wet." She put her hands over her face. "What's happening to me?" "Nothing's happening to you." I tried to calm her fears. I put my hand on one of her hands and Cindy put hers on the other as we soothed her fears. "There are people like this all over the world, and just because you are a little different from the boring folks doesn't make you a bad person. It just means that other things turn you on." She looked up at me, with a pleading look. "Really? It's okay?" I couldn't believe how innocent and naïve she seemed. "Yes, Sam, it's okay. There's nothing wrong with you. Some people like dark beer and some like wheat beer, and some don't like beer at all. It's the same with sex and everything else. Everyone is different and that's what makes the world interesting and exciting!" She managed a little smile. "Okay, thanks... I think." After we had finished our food, I decided to turn up the heat by making her more uncomfortable. "So tell me Sam, did you like it when Cindy kissed you and swapped Bill's cum with you last Saturday?" She didn't raise her lowered eyes, just meekly said. "Yes." "Have you ever had any experiences with a woman before?" "No." Sam said it quickly, but the way her eyes started to look up at me and by the surprise on her face, I could tell that maybe that wasn't the complete truth." "C'mon, Sam. You can tell Cindy and me. After all, we're all fuck buddies here." She hesitated, glancing at Cindy, who was grinning widely, then me, and then around the nearby vicinity. "It was when I was in college. My roommate and I were out bar-hopping. She met this guy and we were all ******** heavily. When we got back to the room, I kind of stayed out of the way because I could tell that she wanted to... you know... fuck the guy. They were just getting ready to have sex when he got sick and ran into the bathroom and threw up. That kind of killed the mood for them and he staggered out of our place to go home. My roommate came back and said she was still very horny. I didn't say anything, but then she was suddenly cuddling up to me in bed. She started running her hands all over me, and I was ***** and horny, too. The next thing I know, she is going down on me. The next morning I woke up and we both acted like it didn't happen. We never did anything like that again." "Did you have an orgasm from her?" "Yes." I could barely hear her answers. "Did you return the favor?" "No, we were so ***** that after that we both just crashed." Just then the waitress came to clear the dishes. She asked if we needed dessert, but we all declined and I asked for the bill. Before she came back with it, I decided to play some more. "Cindy, unbutton one more button. Then open your blouse so that both tits are on display. Sam, reach over and hold her left tit until the waitress brings the bill back. I want her to see you fondling Cindy." Cindy just beamed her approval and complied immediately. Sam hesitated, but then, after looking at me, did as I commanded. When the waitress returned, she hesitated when she first saw what was going on. Then she grinned and put the bill on the table. Before she could leave I spoke to her. "Don't you think my wife has great tits?" I said it quietly, but loud enough for her to hear. She turned and stared directly at Cindy's tits and Sam holding the left one. "Oh, yeah! Those are some really good tits!" Then she reached out and tweaked Cindy's right nipple! Cindy squealed a little and smiled. The waitress looked back and me and then Sam. Sam blushed and looked down, but didn't remove her hand. The waitress then turned to me and said. "You should see my little bitch. She has large double-D tits and I love to make her show them off." I was a little startled, but I think I recovered nicely. I looked at her nametag. "I would love to see that, Christina." She reached down and picked up the bill and my credit card that I put on top of it. "I'll be right back." Hmmm. I thought she was going to say something else, but she didn't. What did that mean? I was hoping she was going to get involved with us, but there was no hint of it. "Okay, ladies, that's enough." I wanted them on display for the waitress, but somebody less understanding may wander by. Sam immediately put her hand in her lap and Cindy closed her blouse. "But don't button up." I told Cindy. Cindy smiled at me. Her beautiful tits would be barely contained this way, but she was really enjoying her new found freedom. Of course, so was I. 
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Christina brought my credit card and the bill back for me to sign. I signed it and took my credit card. Christina stayed there waiting. Then, after I had signed, she handed me a slip of paper. I opened it and it had her name and phone number on it. I looked up at her and smiled. "Thank you, Christina. I look forward to seeing you again." She looked at me and smiled. "How about this afternoon? Today is my early shift and get off at 2. My roommate Josie will be home." I looked at Sam and Cindy. Cindy was smiling and nodding her head. Sam still refused to meet my eyes. "We'd love to. Just tell us where." She took a pen and wrote down an address. It was only a couple of miles away. "We'll be there." I said. "Make sure you bring the shy one." Christina said looking at Sam. "I like 'em like that." Sam suddenly looked up and met Christina's eyes. Christina blew her a kiss and Sam blushed more than I could believe and then looked down again. "She'll be there." I said to Christina. "I can't wait. These two look delectable." She turned towards me. "And I think you will be fun as well." We still had some time to ****, so I decided to have some fun with the two beauties at my disposal. I asked Cindy to go into the ladies' room and make sure there was nobody present so that I could sneak in there with them. Once she had checked, and smuggled me into the ladies' room, we all went into the handicapped stall. I pulled out my cell phone and smiled at Sam. "Sam, what's Bill's cell phone number?" She provided it to me and I entered it into my phone. "Okay, Sam. Take off all your clothes. Cindy, you get undressed, too. I want you both naked." They undressed and I pulled out my rapidly hardening dick. "Sam, get down on your knees and place my cock on your tongue." She did, very obediently. I was impressed at her quick response. I then took a photo and handed my phone to Cindy. Sam's eyes blinked, a look of shock and dismay in them, but she said nothing. "Sit back and relax, Sam. Cindy, send this photo to Bill. We'll give him a couple of minutes and then call him. When we get him on the phone, I want you to describe everything that Sam does to me in graphic detail." Cindy looked at me lustily and sent the photo. I made Sam stay there, sitting back on her heels, waiting my next command. After we waited for a couple of minutes, I had Cindy call Bill. "Hello, Bill. Did you see the photo?" He must have said yes. "Pretty good wasn't it?" She paused for a response. She looked at me and said to me. "He loves the photo. He's sitting at his desk in his office." Then back to Bill she said. "Okay, Bill, now I'm going to describe the blowjob that Sam is going to give my husband while we are in a public bathroom in a restaurant." I provided further instructions. "Bill, John wants you to make sure you sit with your lower body under the desk because he wants you to jack off to your wife sucking his dick and cum at the same time he does. Got it?" She turned back to me. "He said he's ready." That was pretty quick. I looked at Sam and said loudly so that Bill could hear it. "Okay, slut, give me a nice, sloppy blowjob." She looked up at me with some trepidation, but also with a newfound lust. She immediately went to work on me and Cindy described it to Bill. "Hmmm. This really looks good, Bill. She's slowly licking around the mushroom head, teasing my husband's very hard dick. He really likes your slut's mouth. Now she's licking down along the bottom of the shaft to his balls. She wants to lick those cum-buckets so that she can get a big load. She's getting his entire crotch wet with her saliva. Now she's coming back up his cock, which is dripping pre-cum, and taking it into her mouth. She is bobbing her head up and down like a good cock-sucker. She was only taking the head at first, but is slowly allowing it deeper and deeper into her mouth. My husband likes this a lot. Now he's putting his hands on her head so that he can just fuck her face like the little whore she is. I can see her swirling her tongue under the head trying to get him to dump that big load of jism into her cute little mouth. I bet she just loves swallowing cum. I bet we could get her to suck off a bunch of guys in here if we wanted to. Oh, boy, she is really going to town now, trying to get my husband to give it to her. She must be really hungry for his spunk. Oh, my, here it comes. My husband is really thrusting his cock into her mouth and I can see him clenching his ass to shoot his cum into her. There it is... oh, yes, he just keeps cumming and cumming. Wow! Sam is swallowing and swallowing. She keeps sucking and licking it, trying to get every drop of cum out of my husband's balls. She must be addicted to cum. Whew! She can really suck a cock! Now my husband is letting go of her head. She just let his cock pop out of her mouth. I can see that she swallowed it all; her mouth is empty. She looks so happy there on her knees with a big load of cum in her belly. Does she suck your cock like that, Bill?" I was catching my breath. Between the blowjob and the verbal description, I was so fucking turned on! I couldn't believe how well my wife described it to tease Bill. He must have cum buckets, too. "She doesn't suck your cock like that? Well, Bill, maybe we'll let her suck you next time... but, then again, maybe not." I took the phone back from my wife. "What did you think of that?" "That was unbelievable!" "Did you cum all over the floor and the bottom of your desk? "Yes, I did. A lot." "Good. See you later." I hung up the phone. I was still in the women's bathroom with two beautiful naked women. Then we heard a voice. "Okay, guys, this is Christina. I suggest you get yourselves together and get out of here. A woman came in here to go to the bathroom while you were in here and complained to me that someone was describing a blowjob out loud. You'd better find a more discrete place for this party. I'll see you at 3pm." We scrambled for our clothes. I was laughing and Cindy was giggling. Sam was almost in shock. She couldn't believe that she had given a blowjob to me while it was described to her husband and overheard by a stranger. Finally, she got dressed as well and we slipped out individually and made our escape. It would soon be time to be at Christina's house. 
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On the way to Christina's I mentioned our luck to Cindy. "It's amazing isn't it?" Cindy responded. "I think we've been to that restaurant before and had Christina as our waitress before, but never even noticed her until today. Of course, we still probably wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't made me show my tits and make Sam feel them!" She giggled. Sam stayed mum. "Sam." I looked at her in the rear view mirror. "Do you like sucking dick and ******** cum?" She looked down, a little embarrassed smile drifting across her face. "Yes, sir." We arrived at the address and it was an older 1930s era home. It had a large square-columned porch that went completely across the front of the house, and two large window gables poking out on the front side. How she could afford this place on a waitress' salary, I had no idea. We parked on the street right in front and made our way to the front door. As soon as we got to the porch, the front door opened and a completely naked woman stood there. She was about 5' 5", with large pendulous breasts, a small waist, and nice size hips. Her pussy was shaved to just a small landing strip above it; the lips clearly visible. "Good afternoon. My name is Josie. Please come in and make yourselves at home." She said as she stood to the side and waved us by. "Mistress Christina has asked me to take care of any of your needs while she gets cleaned up from work." I let Sam and Cindy go first. I noticed that Sam tried not to look, but Cindy was openly staring at Josie and checking her out. As I passed Josie, I reached out and pinched her right nipple. She gave a little squeal and smiled. "I am available in any capacity while we are in the house as long as Mistress has given her permission." Sam, Cindy, and I sat down on the couch, Cindy in the middle. There was no coffee table, so Josie kneeled down in front of the three of us and sat back on her heels. "Would anyone like anything to *****?" We all decided that we didn't need anything at the moment, and then Christina came in. She was fucking hot! She was wearing a leather-like corset that went from the top of her hips to just under her tits. Her pussy was on display, another one with just the small landing strip, her generous hips shaking back and forth as she walked. Her more than generous tits were jiggling all over the place as she came in wearing three inch heels. I couldn't believe how fucking torrid this woman's body was. She looked a little heavy in her work uniform, but out of her clothes, she just looked voluptuously edible. "Hey, all. I hope Josie has been a good hostess. Did she offer everyone ******?" We all replied affirmatively. "Good. Josie, please stand the two women up and undress them. Ladies, after you have been stripped, please remain standing." At that Josie immediately rose and took Cindy's hand first. She stood up and didn't move while Josie removed her blouse and skirt. Josie smiled when she saw there were no undergarments. Then she took Sam's hand. Sam looked over at me and I nodded. She stood up and let herself be stripped. Then I felt Christina in front of me and turned to look at her. "Let's get you undressed as well." She stripped me in no time. Once I was naked, she took my almost completely erect penis in her hand. "I think this will be perfect." She smiled up at me and I laughed. She then asked me to introduce everyone and I did. "Josie, show these ladies my favorite position. Ladies, I expect you to get into the same position immediately." Josie turned her back to the couch, went to her knees and then bent over and placed her face on the floor. She reached back and spread her cheeks so that her ass and pussy were on obvious display. Sam and Cindy watched closely. As soon as Josie spread her cheeks, Cindy copied her. She looked fantastic in that position. God, my wife was so hot! Sam, however, hesitated. That was not acceptable to Christina. "Sam, assume the position immediately. You will get disciplined for not reacting immediately. Do it now!!" Sam dropped into the position, but her last look at us showed her fear at succumbing to this stranger. Christina walked over to her and felt her ass. Then she suddenly drew back her hand and smacked her hard on the left check and then the right cheek in quick succession. Sam let out a large gasp each time and then seemed to whimper a little. Christina looked at me. "Is she usually disobedient or was she just a little scared by the new place and people?" I told Christina that we had only begun this routine last weekend and that Sam was just now finding out that she wanted to be controlled in this manner. "Well, it's best that she learn to obey immediately." She turned back to the three women, rudely displaying their assets. "This is quite a smorgasbord. Josie is the voluptuous type, Cindy is tight bodied, but womanly, and Sam is thin and model-like. I think I'm going to enjoy this." She turned to me. "Make yourself comfortable, John. I have a little show for you." Christina then left the room. I sat down, my dick as hard as it had ever been. I was looking at three gorgeous, dripping pussies and three tight little anuses. I wondered how long before Christina was going to involve me in the action. Christina came back in with a small bag and wearing a large strap-on. It was very lifelike and looked about 8-inches long. She got down behind Josie and said to me. "Okay, John, I'll need your assistance over here." I got up and joined her, kneeling behind Cindy, my dripping dick just brushing her delectable ass. She tried to push back against it. I looked down and saw that Christina had taken a small tube of lube out of the bag. She handed it to me. "Rub some of this over my strap-on and this." She held up a small butt-plug. I put some lube in my hand and first did the butt plug and then her strap-on. She eased her fake dick toward Josie's pussy. As she started to slowly push it into the pussy, she also took the butt plug and began pushing it into Josie's asshole. I watched closely as it swallowed up the butt plug until it was completely seated. Josie let out a little moan. Then Christina fucked her for about 20 seconds before pulling out. "Move over." Christina was ready to do Cindy. I didn't say anything, but I knew that Cindy had not had anything but my finger in her ass, and that was not very often. The butt plug was not overly large. I just knew that it would surprise her and couldn't wait to see Christina shove it in my wife's virgin ass. Once again Christina lined up the dildo on a pussy, while I lubricated the butt plug. As she slowly sank the dildo into Cindy she also began inserting the butt plug. Cindy flinched a little. Christina grabbed Cindy's hips with her left hand while she kept up the pressure on the butt plug with her right. She was also flexing her hips and pushing the dildo into Cindy. Cindy was starting to squirm, but I could tell that she wanted to play along. Finally, her ass opened up enough to let the largest part of the plug in and it slipped completely into place. Cindy moaned loudly and Christina gave her a few fuck strokes with the strap on. Then she pulled out and we moved on to Sam. As Christina moved behind Sam, I could see that Sam was trembling. Christina put her hand on Sam's lower back and said. "Sam. Relax. I am going to put a small butt plug in your ass and fuck you a couple times with my dick. Nothing too difficult. Just relax and enjoy the sensations. Once you get used to it, you'll love having something in your ass... including John's dick." She looked at me and grinned. Then she did the same thing to Sam that she had done to the other two. Sam didn't say a word and actually took it pretty easily. By the time Christina had finished all three women, just watching had my dick on edge. I thought that I would come as soon as I put it anywhere. So did Christina. She looked at my dripping dick and said. "John, I don't think you are going last very long the first time. We'd better get this first one over quick. Have you ever fucked anyone in the ass?" "No." "Well, judging by the way Cindy and Sam took the butt plugs, neither have they. Let's get you off in Josie's ass first. I made sure that she was clean before you came, and she likes being fucked in the ass. Right, Josie?" "Yes, Mistress, I love being fucked in the ass." We moved over behind Josie and Christina removed the butt plug. She lined my dick up with Josie's ass and pushed me on the butt. I thought I would slowly ease it in, but she shoved me from behind and my dick buried itself into Josie's ass in one thrust. Josie moaned and said, "Yes, fuck my ass!" Christina moved around to the side and smiled at me. "She just loves to be ass-fucked." Then Christina turned to the other two and gave more orders. "Cindy, get over here and get your face under your husband. I want you to lick his balls and Josie's pussy. Have you ever tasted pussy before?" Cindy scrambled to get under me. "I have tasted it, both my own and Sam's from my fingers and John's dick, but I've never actually eaten a woman's pussy before." "Well, time to get busy. Get under there and pleasure them." I was holding still, waiting for her to get into position. Christina had other ideas. "Let's go, John. Start fucking that ass." Then she turned to Sam. "Sam, get over here. I want you to put your face on Josie's back and get ready to take his load. John, when you are ready I want you to pull out and let Sam suck your load out of you. Sam, you are then going to hold it until I tell you otherwise." Sam, not wanting any further smacks, hurried into position. She looked up at me and managed a small smile. I just started pumping. I was now pumping my dick into Josie's ass, using long strokes. Even though it had been fucked before, it was still very tight. My wife was underneath me, licking my balls, and then up across my dick and onto Josie's pussy. It felt wonderful to have that attention as well as fucking my first ass. Sam was kneeling next to Josie, her face on her back and turned towards me, watching up close as I buried my dick into Josie's asshole. With all of this going on, I knew I wouldn't last long, but then Christina leaned over and ran her finger up across my ass and against my asshole, teasing it. That was it, I knew I was going to cum. I lunged a couple of more times and then pulled my dick out of that tight fucking ass. The first spurt was already spewing when Sam got it into her mouth. It had arched up over her face and left a stream from her hair down across her cheek. I moaned and kept pumping my load into Sam's mouth. She just kind of stayed still while I fucked her mouth. I think she couldn't suck because the size of my load was filling her mouth too full. When I finally finished, I pulled back and sat on the couch. Christina took charge. "Sam, sit on the floor and lean back against the couch." Sam obeyed. "Now lean back against the couch just a little more. Good. Now let all that cum dribble out of your mouth and down across your body." Sam followed the instructions to the letter. I watched closely. Sam was sitting there with the butt plug still in, sitting on it, and letting my cum dribble down across her tits to her belly in long streaks. My wife was sitting on the floor watching closely. Josie had not moved, probably because she followed Christina's instruction to the letter. It appeared that all the cum had been drizzled across her body, and Sam was awaiting further instructions. Christina gave them. "Okay, Josie, you can get up now. I want you and Cindy to clean every drop of cum off Sam. Sam, I want you to slide down until you are flat on the floor so that they can clean you properly." 
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I watched closely as Josie and my wife went to work. They both started at the bottom of the streaks of cum, which were near Sam's belly button. I could hear both of them licking and slurping up the cum as they worked. It was making my dick stir. It was almost mesmerizing watching my beautiful wife do this. I would have never even considered this a couple of weeks ago. Now she was slurping my cum off of one of our friends Sam, along with a busty women we just met, at the instructions of another woman we just met. Wow! She had worked her way up to Sam's tits and started smiling and looking at me while she did it. She appeared to be in heaven! She loved it. It made my dick jerk a little and it started growing larger. Finally, they appeared to have cleaned off Sam's body and Josie moved in to kiss Sam and lick her lips and chin. That was exciting as well, and my dick continued to grow. Christina just watched with a knowing grin. "Okay, ********." Christina clapped her hands like an old-fashioned schoolmarm. "Time to take care of momma!" She walked into the dining room and crawled up onto the table there. She scooted right to the near end so that her ass kind of hung over the edge. Then she pulled her legs up in the air and held them with her hands. "Sam, I want you to worship my tits. Cindy, you get my pussy. Josie, my ass." The ladies all scrambled to make sure they were not perceived as lollygagging. Sam licked and sucked Christina's tits and nipples like a starving ******. Cindy stood between Christina's legs and bent over at the waist to perform her very first woman-only cunnilingus. This allowed Josie the ability to get under her and try to get her face and/or fingers into Christina's ass. When Cindy went up to the top of Christina's slit to work on her clit, then there was just enough room for Josie to try to get her head in there and tongue-fuck Christina's ass. They finally settled on Cindy attacking the entire region with her mouth while Josie shoved two fingers into Christina's ass. I moved closer, my dick once again swollen and leaking. It was a scene out of a lesbian porn film. It took only about two minutes before Christina was screaming out her orgasm. She let them work her thru a major, muscle-clenching, orgasm and then asked them to back away. She sat up, the three women all anxiously awaiting her next command. Christina looked at my dick and said, "Your turn. Get up here on the table." I clambered up and lay down, my dick sticking up in the air, begging for attention. The three "slaves" all licked their lips like starving lionesses looking at a wildebeest. "Okay, ladies. Make him cum. I want to see you make him cum, but when he does, let him cum up into the air. I want to watch it." The three women attacked my body. Cindy, still standing at the end of the table pushed my legs up and to the sides. She started licking my balls and rolling them around with her tongue. Sam started kissing me, hard. Josie took the first turn at just plain sucking my dick. I was in sensory overload! I knew that even after cumming twice today, this would not take long. Sam let up and I looked over at Christina to see that she was watching me, her arms crossed just below her fabulous tits, a pleased smile on her lips. I felt a change in positions and I looked down to see that Josie had given up my dick and now my wife was sucking it like a seasoned pro. She was always good, but seemed to have an increased desire to prove how good she was. Josie and Sam got alongside and watched her, each waiting their turn. Sam then tapped Cindy on the head and Cindy backed off and let Sam have a turn. Then Cindy did something unexpected. She pushed my balls up out of the way and started tonguing my asshole. She teased the rim and ran her tongue all around it while Sam was licking the head. Then Cindy tried to push her tongue into my ass. This was a first. We had both played around with each other's ass, but she had never tried to tongue-fuck my ass. While the other two were busy below my waist Josie starting licking my nipples. I'm not all that turned on by that, but she seemed to like it. Finally, as I was approaching orgasm, Christina could recognize the signs and suddenly yelled "Stop!" Everyone stopped and looked at Christina, including me. "Back away, ladies, I'm going to finish this myself." The other three backed away, the reluctance showing in their faces. Christina stepped between my spread legs, grabbed my dick in her right hand, my balls in her left, and lowered her mouth to my dick. She slowly lowered her mouth over it taking more and more in, moving her hand and swallowing until she had it lodged in her throat and her nose was buried against my pubic hair. Damn! She was good! She also knew I wasn't far from cumming. She started going up and down on the top half of my dick, once again grabbed the lower part with her right hand, and suddenly shoved a lubricated finger into my ass. She knew that would be the final straw and pulled her mouth off just as I started thrusting toward an orgasm. She held my dick tight in her right hand and let me thrust into it. I finally jerked and came. The first shot went only about a foot up and landed on my stomach. She let the rest come out and dribble all over her hand. I knew there would not be much after two orgasms already today. Christina released my cock. "Sam, you're my cum-lover for today. Come over here and clean up John." Sam moved in and went to town licking and sucking my cum from my belly and dick. While Sam was cleaning me up I watched as Christina put her right hand, still covered in my cum, up to my wife's face. Cindy immediately grabbed her by the wrist and starting cleaning up Christina's hand. Within a couple of minutes, both Christina and I were clean. "That was amazing!" I said to Christina. "Not bad for our first romp." She replied matter-of-factly. "It's still early, so I think we should go somewhere a little more fun." She turned to Josie. "Josie, see if we have a schoolgirl uniform that will fit Sam. Cindy, put on what you came in. Josie, put on your schoolgirl uniform,too. We have someplace to go." The other ladies left the room. Christina looked at me. "Let's get dressed. I think you will like my next stop. It will be good for both Cindy and Sam. Oh, yeah. You'll like it, too." I just remembered Bill. "Christina, Sam's husband Bill is also a bit submissive and will be off work soon." "Outstanding!" Christina was excited by this. "Call him and tell him to meet us here. I need to make a quick phone call and then we'll leave as soon as he gets here." I called Bill. He was petrified... and excited. I got dressed and was greeted by a picturesque scene when the ladies came back in. Josie, Sam, and Cindy were all wearing the "schoolgirl" look. I couldn't wait to see what Christina had planned for the group. 
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Cindy, Samantha (Sam), and I had just finished our first sex session with Christina and her sub Josie. It was fun, but it was still just sex. I didn't know what else Christina had planned for today, but I was definitely interested in continuing with her games. When Bill finally arrived, Christina got the gang together and led us out to her car. She had a minivan that could seat seven. Since they had no ********, I had no idea why she had one, but she did. So we all got into the van, with the three slaves in the very back. Bill and I sat in the second row and Christina took the wheel. "Okay, just relax; we'll be going to a very fun destination." She put the car in reverse and took us quickly out of her driveway and on our way. I think everyone was a little apprehensive but turned on. I turned and asked Sam and Cindy about the butt plugs and sure enough, they still had them in. They had been told to leave them in. Bill's eyes got big and he looked back at Sam when she said that. I also realized that Sam and Cindy had been turned on for most of the day and hadn't cum yet. I had cum three times and wasn't sure I had much left. After about an hour drive, Christina pulled into a strip mall in a small town that was about 30 miles from where we lived. I could see the sign for some kind of adult store and for a small strip club. The area looked run down and very seedy. Christina pulled up in front and told everyone to get out. We were at our destination. We piled out and I think we all thought we were going to go into the strip club; but Christina had other ideas and took us into the adult store. As we entered, I noticed that it was in pretty fair shape. It wasn't a dark, dingy place, but was well lit and clean. There was a magazine area, a toy area, and a peep-show area. Christina waved to the guy behind the desk. "Hey, Bob, how's it going?" Bob smiled at our group and gave Christina a wicked grin. "Well, hello, Christina. I haven't see you and Josie in a while. I was wondering when you would come back." "We're back!" Christina waved her arms around. "How many around today?" "About 4 total. A couple is over in the porn movie area and two guys are just looking. There are a couple of guys in the peep-show rooms, but they may not be aware of it unless they come out while you are here. Number 3 is empty." He grinned again. "Outstanding!" Christina then turned and introduced us. Bob looked us over and lingered on Cindy. I knew my wife was looking fantastic in her schoolgirl-like outfit. Even after three orgasms during the day today, I wanted to throw her down and fuck her. Christina then led us all back to peep-show room number 3. It wasn't big, but big enough for all of us to get into. I looked around. The window in the front was shuttered from the inside. I could see a coin slot where the tokens were placed to open it. You had to buy tokens from the machine on the wall in order to get the shutter to rise. There was also a TV mounted on the right hand side that was playing a porn film. Christina then turned to the women. "Okay, girls... strip!" They were all three used to her commanding them by now and complied. In a minute they were naked. Christina looked at Sam. "Okay, my little cum slut; come with me and let's drum up some spunk!" Sam hesitated. She looked around. Christina grabbed her hand, spun her around and slapped her on the ass. It was pretty hard, too. "I didn't give you an option, bitch. Now let's go!" At that Sam acquiesced and Christina led her out of the room, shouting over her shoulder. "The rest of you stay here." I wasn't about to miss what was happening outside in the shop, so I followed. Christina led Sam into the shop. Sam kept her head down and tried to look inconspicuous, but to no avail. She had to be almost 5' 9". Her tall skinny body looked pretty good though. Her ass was firm and well-rounded, with a large red hand print on it. Her tits, A-cup though they were, were large enough to enjoy and had scrumptious nipples that stuck out like pencil erasers. Christina went up to a couple of the shoppers who were near the checkout counter and announced loudly. "Hey, everyone. I have a submissive cum slut who needs some spunk. Anyone who wants to make a donation, come back to peep-show room three." She then led Sam back to the room and I followed, checking to see who was going to come back here. The two guys near the checkout counter immediately followed. I saw the couple in the porn movie section both stick their heads out and look. The guy behind the checkout counter, Bob, locked the register and followed us back. When we got back to the room, Christina lined the girls up with Josie on the right, Cindy on the left and Sam in the middle and told them all to kneel. She also directed them not to touch themselves or cum. The door was open, so the first three guys, including the cashier, gathered outside and watched. Christina turned to them. "Bob, you go to the woman on the right. Next guy." She pointed to a left-most guy of the group outside. "You go to the girl on the left." The two men approached. "Okay, girls, get those dicks out and get 'em ready to pop. As soon as the guys let you know that they are about to cum, turn and point their dick at Sam and jerk them into her mouth. Sam, this is your dessert today, so enjoy!" Cindy was the girl on the right and Bob approached her. She immediately dropped both his pants and underwear. I was standing to the side so I could see everything. His dick was average size and his pubic hair trimmed, but not shaved. That was like mine and I knew that Cindy liked the hair at least trimmed back. The guy in front of Josie, on the left, I could see was a little scummy and had never cut his pubes. It was extremely hairy. It did not seem to matter to Josie at all and she began to fellate him immediately. Cindy was working on Bob pretty well. She was licking up and down the shaft and then sucking on the head while teasing the underside with her tongue and she seemed to be enjoying it. Josie was deep-throating the other guy and he was moaning loudly. He was the first to say that he was cumming and as soon as he said that, Sam turned toward Josie and Josie pointed the dick at her mouth. The guy came with a couple of short spurts and then just dribbled. Not much in the way of cum there. Sam swallowed and looked up at Christina who just smiled and nodded. Josie cleaned him off a little and he pulled his pants up. Christina pushed that guy out and grabbed the next guy by the arm and led him into the room. Josie went to work again. Bob was finally reaching his orgasm and announced it. Cindy pulled him out and turned his dick toward Sam. Bob came in several large spurts, producing more cum than Sam could handle without swallowing. After the first three spurts, she closed her mouth to swallow and he spurted all over her face. She opened and got the last couple of spurts. Josie's second guy was a little larger and she was really working on him while Bob got dressed. Christina looked out in the room and there was nobody else waiting. She left for a minute while Josie worked on the third guy. She had him moaning in no time. She licked down his dick and bagged his balls, getting them extremely soaked. Then she went up to suck on the head and he announced he was cumming. She directed him towards Sam and he shot several good spurts, all of which she swallowed. Of course, by now, I was turned on and hard as a rock. I looked over at Bill and he was rubbing his dick through his pants. Finally, Christina returned with the couple from the porn movie section. The guy was about 6', 190, in pretty good shape, and was wearing dockers and a polo shirt. The woman was about 5' 6", with slightly larger than normal breasts, a small waist and a nice set of hips and ass. She was showing them off with a short jean skirt and a polo shirt herself. Christina smiled. "This is David and Joanne. I talked her into letting you blow her husband, Cindy. She said he's large and she wants to see another woman suck his dick, so here we are." She led the man into the room in front of Cindy and Joanne came around to stand next to me and watch. I had to move over a little to make room for her. She smiled and looked down as Cindy took out her husband's dick. She dropped his pants and it flopped out. It was almost hard already and was about 8" long. But it was probably half again as thick as any we had seen. 
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"It's pretty big, and especially fat." I announced. Everyone looked. Joanne looked at me and smiled. "You should try to get that into your ass!" "No, thanks." I said. Everyone giggled except Cindy and Sam. Cindy was working on David's balls and Sam decided that she was going to provide assistance on this one. She leaned over and took the head into her mouth, looking up at the guy and smiling while sucking it. He moaned. I was watching closely and my dick was hard as a rock. Josie was watching closely, Bill was rubbing his cock through his pants and watching, while Christina was just looking from person to person enjoying her little show. I suddenly felt another hand on my dick and looked down to see Joanne gripping me through my pants. I decided to take my turn and slid my hand up under the skirt she was wearing to her ass. She was wearing a thong and her firm ass felt great. I took the liberty of running my fingers down under her thong to her asshole. I ran it around the rim and she moaned. She then turned to her husband. "David, this is so fucking hot, I'm going to suck this guy's dick!" David just stared, rolled his eyes, and moaned at the ministrations his cock was getting from the cock-sucking brigade. Joanne got on her knees and managed to get my pants down. My dick was standing straight out and was hard. I just wasn't sure what I had left after what had happened earlier today. She started sucking and bagging my balls and then worked her way up to the head. She licked around it, placed it in her mouth, and started sucking. She was good, but I was not going to cum too soon. I looked over and watched as Cindy and Sam continued to work on her husband. It had only been about 5 minutes, but I could tell he was ready to blow and I was not. I heard him exclaim that he was cumming and I watched as Sam took just his head in and jacked the rest of his dick. Joanne continued to work on me, but I knew it wasn't going to happen soon. Finally, David jerked a few times and I could see that he was filling Sam's mouth up pretty well. She was having a hard time holding it all. When he finished, Sam started swallowing and some was dripping down her chin. Cindy started lapping it up and sharing it with Sam. This was a fucking erotic site for me. I was really starting to enjoy this new lifestyle. Finally, Joanne gave up and looked up at me. "I don't think you're going to cum, are you?" "I want to, but it doesn't feel like it right now. It's not your fault. I've already cum three times since lunchtime." She looked at my hard dick for a second and then smiled. "I bet I can get you off in my ass!" That made my dick twitch and she laughed. "Yeah, I think that will work." Joanne looked at her husband, who was pulling his pants back up. He just smiled and shrugged his shoulders, indirectly giving his approval. I noticed that Bill had stopped rubbing his cock and Christina had taken control of him as well and was holding his hands behind his back. She had dropped his pants and his dick was standing straight up, but she was not going to let him cum. Joanne was now bending over in front of me and had nothing to hold on to, so Christina told Cindy and Sam. "Get in front of Joanne and let her use you guys to brace herself. I think John is going to pound that tight little ass!" I grinned. Joanne put her hands on the kneeling Cindy and Sam and told me. "C'mon, John. Get to work." I looked down and slowly pulled her skirt up over her ass. It was delicious. Her ass was firm, round, and there was a thong tan line that I could make out just around her thong panties. I yanked them down and took a look at her pussy, too. It was red and swollen. I lined my dick up with her pussy. "Just going to get some lubrication." I plunged in and she was as hot as molten lead. It felt like she was setting my dick on fire. I only made about five strokes and then pulled it out and lined it up with her beautiful asshole. She moaned. I starting pushing and her hole slowly started opening and allowing me entry. I eased in, my dick feeling the squeeze. I wondered about her husband getting his dick in there since it still felt so tight, but there was little time for that thought. I started slowly pumping in and out, feeling her tight little hole grab the skin of my dick as I sawed back and forth. With all my orgasms today, I knew I could last a while, but I didn't want to. I just wanted to let it go and fill Joanne's ass with cum. Joanne was moaning and enjoying it. She finally looked back over her shoulder and said, "Pound me, baby. I need to be pounded hard!" I complied. I grabbed her hips and started ********** thrusting my dick into her; burying it to the hilt and then pulling out until just the mushroom head was left inside. She kept moaning. I could feel someone playing with her pussy, rubbing her clit to get her off. I couldn't tell if she was doing it to herself, or if it was Sam or Cindy. Suddenly she shouted "Oh, fuck!" and started cumming. My wife reached up and grabbed her face and started kissing her furiously. That was all it took for me. I exclaimed that I was cumming and started my thrust and spurt, thrust and spurt, until I was done. By the time I finished, Joanne had calmed down and was now resting her head on Cindy's shoulder; Cindy looking at me with a smile. My dick was slowing shrinking and extracting itself from Joanne's ass. Finally, with a small sucking sound, it dropped out. I hadn't been paying attention, but Christina had led Sam around to kneel right next to Joanne's ass and now pushed her face toward Joanne's ass. Sam knew what to do. She immediately started lapping at the cum leaking from Joanne's ass. Joanne moaned again and finally collapsed onto all fours on the floor. Sam was kneeling there, licking her lips, and suddenly spotted my dick. She was in cum addiction mode and went after my dick to clean it up. I was not upset about it at all. "Well, wasn't that great!" Christina finally spoke after everyone had calmed down and was quiet for a moment. "Okay, sluts, get dressed. Bill, pull your pants up, but don't touch your dick. You are not allowed to cum." The three sluts she was referring to put their clothes on. I got myself straightened out, and David helped Joanne get up and regain her balance. She was a little worn out. When we were all dressed, we exited the adult store and got back into the van for the trip home. On the way home, Christina reminded the sluts and Bill that they were not allowed to cum. They all smiled. They were a little frustrated, but not desperate yet. Then Christina asked Bill where he worked. He told her the name of the company where he was an accountant. Christina smiled. "Do you know Ruby Johnson?" Bill stared at her for a second. I could see his hesitation. "Yes. She's the Executive Vice President for my division. I haven't met her, but I know who she is." "I know her pretty well." Christina answered. "Maybe I'll introduce you two." Bill blanched and I wondered where that was going to go. 
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Life Changes, Chapter 7. Bill gets owned... It was about a week later that we heard from Sam and Bill again. We had been busy working and I was enjoying my newfound freedom with Cindy. She was enjoying being ordered around, being made to flash in public, and ****** to do other things that were a bit out of her comfort zone. Sam called and came over to the house the next Friday. She had been forbidden to have any sexual contact with Bill for the week and was so horny that she practically begged me to fuck her and let her suck my dick. Apparently, she was going thru a spunk withdrawal. I was happy to oblige. But... "Okay, Sam. If you really want to fuck and suck my dick, I have some required activities first." She smiled and blushed; like she already knew what was coming. "Strip!" She took off the nice dress she had on to reveal that she had not another stitch of clothing on. She was looking pretty gorgeous. Cindy was sitting on the couch watching, naked as she was required to be in the house, and rubbing her pussy lightly. "Now tell me why you are not allowed to have sex with Bill." "His mistress won't let him." "Christina is his mistress now and restricting him?" "No." Sam looked at the floor. "Mistress Ruby owns him now." I remembered now that Christina said she knew a senior person at Bill's company named Ruby, but this was a new development. "Tell me everything you know about this." She relayed the story as best she could. Here is what happened to Bill. -------------- Bill was at work on Monday when he got a phone call from his Exec VP, Ruby Johnson. He didn't think about anything but it being work related. He went up to her office and approached her assistant. She was a cute young thing of about 23-25 and told him to go right in. She followed him to the door and then closed the door behind him. Ms. Johnson was nowhere to be seen. Then, to his right, a door opened and she came out of what appeared to be a bathroom. He didn't realize that these offices provided the upper management with their own bathrooms. Bill took a look at her as she came out. She was about 40, still in pretty good shape, albeit gaining a few pounds. He liked women more like Sam, who were tall and skinny, but he could appreciate a voluptuous redhead like Ruby. Ruby told him to sit and then sat herself. She looked at her computer for a minute, obviously checking for any new email, letting Bill sit there and get apprehensive. Finally, she looked up at him and smiled. "So, Bill, I understand we have a mutual friend in Christina?" No last name was given. None was needed. Bill knew exactly who she meant and a chill ran thru his body. All he could do is now is sit and see where this went. She continued. "She tells me that you are obedient, but in need of a permanent mistress. Is that correct?" "I don't know what you mean. I know Christina. We met this past weekend. I don't know what you are talking about when you say mistress. I'm not that type." "Of course you are, Bill. I know all about you and your wife, Sam. Christina tells me that Sam is quite the *********** slut!" Bill gasped and blinked, trying to figure out what to do about this. "Now that we know all this, I should tell you that Christina received her initial mistress training from me. I am very good. I can make your life here much easier professionally, but I am afraid that I am going to have to demand that you be my slave. Now before you say another word, come over here, crawl under my desk, and suck my pussy until I tell you to stop." Bill stared at her. One part of him wanted to go immediately to HR and file a sexual harassment complaint. But his dick was instantly hard at the thought of this and the obedient part of his brain kept him in his place. "Bill!" Ruby said it loudly and Bill jumped. "Do you need some help finding my pussy? Or do you need some discipline?" Then Ruby reached over and punched the intercom. "Jessica! Come in here at once." Bill's eyes widened as Jessica flew into the room, her skirt flying. "Lock the door and assume the position." Jessica strode quickly to the door and locked it; then went to the center of the room and stripped; and finally walked over to the couch and kneeled down on it, thrusting her ass up into the air, her ass and pussy on display. There was absolutely no hesitation. She had her face down on the couch and turned so that she was looking at Bill. Bill stared back. "So Bill, do you see the sort of obedience I demand out of my slaves?" Bill looked over at Ruby. "Yes, I think so." Ruby walked around to the front of her desk and stood directly in front of Bill. She stared at him, holding his gaze until he looked away and down at the floor. Then she slapped him. "The correct answer is 'Yes, Miss R'! You see, in the office we don't use Mistress Ruby, so the shortened version 'Miss R' will suffice. Now, I ask you again, do you see what I demand?" "Yes, Miss R." Bill was toast. "Good. Now go over and tongue-fuck Jessica's ass while I get ready." She turned and strode out of the room. Bill approached Jessica. Jessica didn't move a muscle. She was obviously very obedient or very used to this sort of activity... or maybe both. Bill took a second to admire the gorgeous ass on this little minx. He didn't want to take too long, so he leaned over and started licking her ass, working up some saliva so that he could try to thrust his tongue in there. She must keep herself very clean. He was prepared to be disgusted by licking this woman's ass, but she was very clean and there was no indication of any feces. He was just getting his tongue to start working in there when Ruby reentered. He wanted to look up, but his face was still stinging from the slap and decided he'd better not make any moves until told. "Okay, Bill. Move out of the way and get undressed. I got some fucking to do." Bill moved to stand back and remove his clothes. When he did, he could see that Miss R was wearing a harness with a nice sized fake dick on it. As he undressed, she moved to Jessica and started sliding the dick into her ass. Jessica moaned. "Tell Miss R what you want Jessica." "Please, Miss R, please take your big hard dick and fuck my cute little ass with it. Pound me hard and use me as you will." Ruby turned to Bill, who was now naked. "See Bill. If you are obedient and respond like that, I might even let you cum today." She never stopped her thrusting of Jessica, who appeared to be enjoying the ass-fucking. "For now, I want you to come over here and stick two fingers in my ass and fuck me in time to the pounding I'm giving Jessica. But you cannot under any circumstances touch your dick." Bill immediately responded, now wanting to please Miss R. He knew he was going to obey her completely. He had always wanted this, but he couldn't understand why it had taken him so long to realize it. Suddenly, Miss R stopped. "Okay, Jessica, lay on the floor. Bill, take your fingers out of my ass. I want you to watch how real men are supposed to fuck a bitch like this, but not slaves like you." Jessica was on the floor in a second. Bill stood back and watched. His dick was hard, leaking, and begging for attention. But he obeyed Mistress and watched. She kneeled and placed the fake dick into Jessica's pussy and began pounding hard against her. Jessica started moaning. Miss R was kneeling, pulling Jessica's hips against her, and started slapping and pinching Jessica's tits. Jessica started thrashing around. "Please, Mistress, may I cum?" Jessica begged. Miss R looked down at her and then up at Bill and smiled. "When did I last let you have an orgasm, Jessica?" "Last... Monday... Miss R." "Well, I suppose a week is a long time for a young slut. Okay, you can cum today." That was all it took. "Thank... you... Miss... R." she stammered as she reached the top. "Oh, fuck... oh, god... harder, Miss R... Uhgghhhh!" Jessica's body jerked and spasmed many times. Miss R stopped fucking her, but kept slapping and pinching her tits. It seemed to keep Jessica cumming for about a minute. When she finally slumped back, exhausted, Miss R pulled her dick out and kneeled up over Jessica's face. Jessica obediently cleaned off the phallus. Miss R stood up and said to them both. "My turn." She removed the strap on harness, knelt over Jessica, and placed her cunt right over Jessica's face. Jessica immediately began slurping at the very wet pussy. "Two fingers in my ass." Miss R commanded and Jessica shoved two up there immediately. It appeared that Miss R loved ass play. She was squatted over Jessica, rubbing her cunt over Jessica's face, her big tits flopping around, and moaning loudly. Jessica was almost ********* by the woman's ass and pussy. Miss R then stopped. "New position." She announced. She lay down and raised her legs up in the air. Bill and Jessica looked on expectantly. "Bill, kneel between my legs. You are not allowed to fuck me and you cannot touch your dick, but I want you to cum all over my pussy. Jessica, I want you to jack him off so that he squirts into my cunt." Bill knelt down between Miss R's legs and Jessica got on his right. She reached between his ass with her left hand and started tickling and playing with his balls. He had been hard for a while, so he knew it wouldn't be long before he came. Jessica then grabbed his dick with her right hand and started jacking it lightly, a sort of final tease to Bill's poor dick. Miss R watched closely and then said, "Okay, Jessica, make him cum now." And with that Jessica started teasing Bill's ass, jerking him in earnest , and Miss R reached down and pulled her cunt lips apart, exposing the bright pink inside. Bill felt it coming and knew it was going to be a big one. He started moaning and closed his eyes. He started thrusting hard and then came. He came in large spurts, again and again, emptying the built up jism in his balls. He couldn't stop cumming and Jessica kept jacking him. Finally, he felt it subside, Jessica let up, and he opened his eyes. Miss R's cunt was covered in spunk. Apparently, one of the squirts was not controlled by Jessica as well as expected and a long stream had gone all the way up to Miss R's tits. She looked so hot laying there like that, spunk all over her gaping hole. "Okay, Jessica, Bill. Good job. Now clean me up, Jessica." Bill moved out of the way and Jessica went to town on Miss R's cum-covered body. She licked and sucked and ended up at her pussy, sucking on the clit. Miss R grabbed her head and used it as a battering ram on herself. Jessica made her tongue hard and Miss R started shoving it against her pussy and clit, jerking herself off with Jessica's head. She worked and worked and Bill could tell that Jessica was tiring. But still Miss R kept it up. Finally, with a big scream and shudder, Miss R came. She held Jessica there on her clit for a long time and shuddered against her. When she finally released Jessica, Miss R lay there with a big smile on her face, eyes closed, basking in her orgasm. Bill was entranced by this entire event. Jessica just looked tired and was laying there catching her breath. "Okay, slaves." Miss R was getting up. "Get dressed. Instructions are no sexual contact with anyone else until further notice. I will let you know when I need your services again." 
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When Sam finally finished that story, I could tell that she was sexually frustrated. I looked over at Cindy who had two fingers in her pussy, slowing bringing herself to full arousal. My dick was so hard it hurt, being restricted in jeans. "Okay. Cindy, go get jumbo." I used her nickname for the large 10", real looking dildo that she had. "Sit on the couch, Sam." Cindy came back with the dildo. "Okay, Cindy, fuck her with that until she cums." Cindy kneeled in front of Sam and rubbed the dildo head against Sam's slit. She was soaking, so it was wet immediately. Then she slowly inserted it into Sam. It was very large and Sam started moaning loudly. Cindy started a slow back and forth thrusting once she got three inches into Sam's cunt. She started making sure that an additional inch went in each time. Sam was beside herself. Suddenly, Cindy shoved it all the way in and held it, and at the same time bent over and sucked Sam's protruding clit. Sam went off like a rocket, jerking and thrashing around. She finally stopped and Cindy pulled her mouth back. She looked up at me. "Again." She did the same thing again, bringing Sam to another strong orgasm. Cindy looked up at me again. She smiled. "I like eating pussy. I like fucking women. Why did we wait so long for this John?" I smiled. "I have no idea, honey. I'm glad we finally figured it out, though. Now I need to give Sam her reward." I climbed over the top of Sam, who was just opening her eyes from her last orgasm, and pointed my dick at her face. She said something like "Fuck, yes." I wasn't sure because she suddenly put a lip lock on my dick and started sucking me hard. I knew after the story and watching Cindy fuck her, that I wouldn't last too long, but I wanted to enjoy this a little. I stayed still and let her do all the work on my dick. Suddenly I felt Cindy's tongue coming up my thigh and licking my butt crack. It gave me a great idea. I yanked, literally yanked, my dick from Sam. She looked up in shock as I took away her candy. I sat down on the couch next to her and scooted my ass to the edge. I pulled my right leg up into the air, baring my balls and ass to the kneeling Cindy, and leaving my dick pointing at Sam, sitting next to me. "Okay, Sam, you can go back to work on my dick. Cindy, I've wanted to feel you worship my ass and balls. Now's the time." I watched as Sam bent over while still sitting on the couch and swallowed my cock. Then I felt Cindy's tongue lick from my asshole up and across my balls. She did it slowly and tortuously. Then she went back and started teasing my asshole. Sam, meanwhile, was jacking the lower part of my cock and licking all around the head. I had never had so many nerve endings firing and overwhelming my senses. I just couldn't last long and I announced it. "Ladies, I'm going to cum." And then I did. I came and came, filling Sam's mouth with everything I had. I think it was one of my larger loads and she was taking it all. Cindy kept licking my ass and balls while I came, making it last for a long time. Finally, my body slumped back from all the muscle spasms and I was done. I looked down and could see Sam rise up from my dick. She looked at Cindy and Cindy knew immediately what was going on. They kissed, sharing the last part of my cum that Sam still had in her mouth. They kissed and kissed. These two were really getting into each other. When Sam and Cindy finally stopped, Sam looked up at me. "Thanks, John. I really needed some cum today. Thanks, Cindy, for fucking me with your new toy. I may have to get me one of those. But I'll have to ask Miss Chris." She had certainly changed in the few weeks since that first night that I had made her strip and fuck me. She was becoming a regular cum dump. I couldn't wait to think of a way to get her a bunch of guys to suck. I kissed Cindy. "You were fantastic, my sexy, slutty wife." She smiled. "And you Sam, when we were young, we used to describe women who gave good blowjobs as 'sucking like a Hoover', but I think you are approaching Kirby status." She laughed. She had a fancy Kirby vacuum and knew what I was talking about. Sam put her dress on, which was her only clothing and was exiting the door when our neighbor, Emily, from across the street showed up. It was her husband who actually started this current situation by looking for someone to dominate, picking my wife as his first subject. Emily caught them, then I ended up fucking Emily and it was the first time that Cindy and I had played together. Emily looked closely at Sam as she went by. She came up to me, still glancing back at Sam. "Who's that long, tall woman?" "That's our new cum slut, Sam." I said matter-of-factly. Emily stared at me. "I can see things have changed over here... really changed." I followed her eyes and could see that Cindy was standing there naked. "Yes, they have. You seem to be in good spirits. How are you doing?" Emily smiled. "Why don't you two come over to my house and find out." 
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Emily has a surprise... Emily had come over just after Samantha had visited for her weekly cum swallowing and asked us to come back to her house. I think both Cindy and I were intrigued by this. I told Cindy to just put on one of her long bathing suit cover-ups. She giggled and ran upstairs to get one. Emily looked at me and smiled. "I see things are getting as interesting over here as they are at my house." "Yeah. I'm getting into having her wait on me and service me and do what I say, but we really haven't approached anything painful or degrading. What's going on over at your place?" "I understand. I guess it's something we have to take slowly. Most of the time...." She let that last part hang; smiling at me as Cindy came bounding down the stairs, her tits bouncing wildly under the shirt and her nipples poking out strongly. We followed Emily over to her house and inside. She led us down to the basement where we had never been before. As we descended, I could see that it was not completely finished; the ceiling studs were visible. When we got to the bottom, we could see some temporary walls had been erected to divide the basement into smaller rooms, but there was no real finishing of the floor or ceiling. Emily led us around into one of the small rooms. There was a bed in the room and a couple of floor lamps. There was a roughed in place where a bathroom could go eventually, but it was as yet still unfinished. There was a makeshift shower head pointing down at a floor drain. Lying on the bed, bound to the four corners was Bob. He was naked and sporting a hard-on. Cindy giggled. "He came back and said he wanted to work something out, so we are working it out. You see, I was always the dominate one in this house, making the decisions and deciding what we should do; and he would let me. When he came back I figured out that since he would let me dominate him in that manner that he would actually like me to dominate him this way, too." I looked more closely at Bob's condition. He was sweating and looked like he had been there a while. He also looked dirty, had a large collar around his neck, and had a gag in his mouth. He was looking at us intently, but was not struggling. I looked up at Emily and she was watching me closely. "He's been tied to the bed for four hours right now. I tied him up for four last night, too. I let him loose last night and this morning to eat and relax and watch some tv, but I keep him chained to that big bolt in the corner using his new collar." Emily walked over and removed the gag. Bob said "Thank you, honey." Emily turned back to us. "He agreed to accept whatever punishment I came up with in order to come back and he has to stay here until Sunday noon as my slave. Then at noon, he gets to get cleaned up and spend the afternoon watching football. After that, we'll just have to see how it goes." She turned to Bob. "Don't you have something to say to our guests?" "Yes, dear. Cindy, I'm very sorry about what happened between us and if you want to take it out on me right now, you may. John, I'm sorry I tried to fuck your wife and you can take it out on me, too." Emily turned to us and smiled. "See? He's already well trained. And I think this is secretly what he always wanted. Watch this." Emily went over to the corner of the room and picked up the large, long chain there. It had a snap link on the end. Then she attached it to the side of Bob's collar and started undoing his restraints. She freed his arms and legs and then stood him up. He was a little unsteady, so she pushed him to his knees and then grabbed some handcuffs and cuffed his hands behind his back. She pulled him up, walked him over to the corner where there was a basement drain and pushed him back to his knees. "Sit back on your heels, you know the drill." Bob obeyed. Then Emily lifted and pulled her dress all the way up and off, revealing that she was wearing nothing underneath. She squatted right in front of Bob and stared at him. Finally, she let loose a stream of piss that was hitting him in the stomach and running down all over his genitals. I heard Cindy gasp. I was dumbfounded. I had never imagined that these two could get to this point, although I never knew them very well. Emily pissed for a while, the whole time staring right into Bob's eyes. When she finished, she turned to us. "Need to piss, Cindy?" Cindy stared at the sight of the two of them. She looked at me and I shrugged. Finally, she smiled and ripped off her cover-up. She walked over to Bob and Emily. Emily moved back and went to a small basin on the floor where she washed what had splashed onto her legs and feet. Cindy seemed to be thinking about it, teetering on the edge of doing it or not. Finally, she moved directly in front of Bob and got into position to piss on him. We all watched... nobody moving. Finally, she let loose a small stream, which only lasted a few seconds, but she did actually piss on Bob. Bob just sat there, saying nothing. Emily clapped. Cindy smiled and backed up. "Wow. I've never done that or even seen it done. It felt weird." Emily stood up and led Cindy over to the basin. She then personally, washed Cindy's feet and legs, seemingly enjoying the contact. Finally, she stood up and kissed Cindy lightly on the lips. "Thank you. I wanted you to do that to get back at Bob." Cindy looked over at Bob. "He still has a hard-on. Is he excited by this?" Emily chuckled. "I don't know. I wanted the two of us to fuck him until he cried for mercy, so I gave him a Viagra that one of my girlfriends stole from her husband. He's been hard for two hours and should stay hard for a while longer, so let's clean him up, get him on the bed and fuck him." Cindy looked at me. I smiled. She had sucked other folks, but had not yet been fucked by another man since our games began. "You have my permission." I said. Cindy beamed. She appeared to like this arrangement with Emily. The two women stood Bob up and took the portable showerhead that was just over the drain. They then proceeded to soap up and wash Bob. Emily was doing his front and every time she came across his dick he moaned. Cindy was doing his back and she was working on his ass. She starting pushing on his upper shoulders and he started bending over, getting her intent. Once he was bent over Emily moved around behind him with Cindy and watched as she soaped up his ass and shoved her index finger into his ass. He bucked and moaned. Emily looked at me and smiled, the two of us enjoying how my wife was acting. She then moved right next to Cindy. Cindy was finger-fucking him with her index finger so Emily grabbed Cindy by the hair and turned her face toward her so that they could kiss. They kissed fiercely for a minute and then Emily turned back toward Bob. She put her hand down next to Cindy's and started working her index finger in next to Cindy's. Bob just groaned and suffered, not saying anything. Suddenly, Emily said, "Okay, enough. Let's get him dry and on the bed." They made sure they had all the soap off him and then dried him with some towels that Emily had placed on a table in the corner. Cindy led Bob back to the bed by his dick. As soon as they had him back on the bed, Emily removed the long chain and reattached the four restraints so that Bob was once again on his back with his dick sticking up. Emily looked up at Cindy. "You want to fuck him first or ride his face?" Cindy thought about that for a second, and then said, "Ride his face!" Emily smiled and grabbed her by the hand. She led Cindy up onto the bed and turned her around so that she had her back to the headboard. Cindy squatted down over Bob and started rubbing her pussy on his face. Bob started licking and sucking, lapping at Cindy's apparently wet pussy. He kept lapping at her pussy and Emily started attacking Cindy's tits. She was sucking on the nipples very hard, making Cindy moan and groan. Emily seemed to enjoy working hard on Cindy, as well as Bob. After only a couple of minutes, Cindy screamed she was cumming and came all over Bob's face. She was never a squirter, but she did provide a lot of juices when cumming. Emily helped her up and looked at Bob's dick. It was hard as a rock and throbbing. She looked up at Bob and smiled. Then she reached down and slapped his dick hard, causing it to slap against his thigh and rebound against the other. It was not pleasant for him, but he didn't say anything. He just closed his eyes and took it. Emily looked over at me. "C'mon John, let's show him up close and personal what it looks like for his wife's virgin ass to get fucked!" I grinned. I was all for fucking her delectable ass! I stripped. By the time I was naked, she was kneeling up over Bob, her ass over his chest. "John, there's some lube over on that little work table." I went over, grabbed the lube and came back to the bed. "Start working on my ass until you get two fingers in easily and then climb up here and butt-fuck me." What man, with a raging hard-on, could argue with that? I put some lube on my right index finger and started working it in. It went in easily. I rubbed the lube all over her tight little sphincter. One finger was no problem for her, so I started working the second one in. In no time, I had two fingers going in and out of her. She was much looser than I would have thought. Cindy, meanwhile was sitting on the bed next to Emily's head, feeding Emily her tits and Emily was greedily sucking on them. Emily was bent over, but she was trying to avoid contact with Bob's dick, teasing him for a while longer. I first lubed my dick a little with the stuff she had provided, and then I got up on the bed behind her. I went into a semi-squat behind her. I looked at her tight little pucker and slowly guided my dick toward it. Everything was well lubricated and my dick starting slipping in. It was still very tight, but she pushed back and the head popped in. She moaned. I started up a slow rhythm, but I knew I was going to be a goner too soon. Emily turned her head to say something to Bob. "Well, Bob, what do you think? Is it hot seeing your wife get her ass fucked right over you?" "Yes, dear." Bob answered breathlessly. I think he had been hard for so long that he was in pain. "C'mon John, fuck my ass!" Emily started egging me on. "I want your hot cum all over my ass. When you get ready, pull out and let your dick spurt its spunk all over my fucking ass!" That dirty talk and her tight ass put me over the top. I moaned and yanked my dick out. I grabbed it and jacked it as several long spurts flowed all over her ass, dropping down across her pussy and some of it onto Bob's chest. Emily moaned and kept sucking on Cindy's tits. Cindy moaned and kept her hold on Emily's head as I came. Finally, I had finished cumming, stood up straight, and clambered off the bed. Emily raised her head from Cindy's tits. "Cindy, be a dear and clean up some of that mess your husband made on my ass." Cindy smiled and went around behind Emily. She started at her lower back and upper ass, where my first few squirts went. Then she licked and loudly slurped up my cum, Emily lightly moaning how good it felt. When Cindy was done with Emily, she stood up and Emily got up from over Bob. Emily turned back toward Bob. "Ready to cum, dear?" All Bob could do was groan. Emily continued. "Cindy, you wanted to fuck him, so get up here and see how long it takes for your pretty little pussy to make him cum. But don't let him cum in you. I want to see it spurt." Cindy climbed up over Bob and immediately sat down on his dick, facing away from him. She stayed in a squat, placing her hands on his thighs, allowing her to push up and down on his dick. Emily got behind her and readied herself for Bob's orgasm. Cindy only got about five pumps before Bob indicated that he was going to cum. She pulled herself up off Bob and Emily immediately started jacking his dick. He came in several long spurts, groaning like he had been waiting all his life for this. Apparently, it felt like that to him. Emily let him cum all over his own chest and stomach. When he finished, she let go and his dick flopped wetly against his belly. I was almost hard again just watching this. Emily then looked at Cindy. "He's still a little hard, so let's make him cum again." She said it gleefully, like a mischievous ***** would. Cindy grinned. Emily continued. "Get the washcloth. I want to wipe up his cum around his dick. I don't want to eat his wimpy cum." Cindy fetched the cloth and Emily cleaned up Bob's dick, but left the cum drying on this chest and stomach. When she was done, she went to his legs and unfastened the restraints. "Cindy, stand up over him and hold his legs." Cindy stood up over Bob's face, giving him a fantastic view of her ass and pussy and then took hold of his legs and Emily pushed them up to her. Emily then crawled between Bob's legs and looked up at him. "Ready to cum again, dear?" Bob looked tired, sore, and a little mortified, but answered anyway. "Whatever you say, dear." Emily smiled and grabbed his dick with her left hand. She began running her hand up and down it's length, which appeared to be a little red and sore. Bob groaned. Emily then smiled up at Cindy as she ran her right hand down over Bob's balls to his ass. She took her index finger and shoved it into his ass. Bob moaned and jerked and Cindy held on to his legs tightly. Emily started working her finger around in his ass, searching for the right spot on his prostate. Evidently, she had studied it, because she found it right away and Bob immediately went rigid. He moaned, stiffened, and his dick became very hard. Emily just worked on his prostate and jacked his dick until finally he came again. This time there was not much jism, but he still came all over her hand and his stomach. Emily smiled. "That was fine, dear." Emily said to Bob. She removed both her hands and Cindy got down off him as he lowered his legs to the bed. He was completely exhausted. Emily got up and attached the long chain to his collar again and then removed his arm constraints. He was free to at least stretch out again. He did and I could tell that his dick was sore. Emily just grinned. Emily turned toward us. "Well, I think he's had enough for today. I'll walk you to the door." We all got dressed and headed towards the door. Emily spoke again when we got near the door. "I think I'm going to have more parties now that things have changed around here. I'll send you guys some invitations. I think we will have lots of fun." Emily then kissed us both strongly and we left. As we were headed home, Cindy looked over at me. "I really liked that. I wonder what it feels like to be restrained like that?" I smiled. "Well, dear, I think you will find out soon enough." Cindy laughed. "Yes, dear." 
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About two weeks after our little rendezvous with Emily and Bob, we got party invitations. However, it was not from Emily, as we suspected, but from Ruby Johnson, Bill's boss and mistress. Cindy and I discussed it. The interesting thing was that it was addressed to me and my "slave" and asked if she could be used for the party. Cindy was a little scared, but extremely excited by the offer. We sent our positive RSVP. The party would start at 7pm, but I had to have Cindy there by 5. I verified what it was all about with Ruby and agreed to everything, but told Cindy nothing. At 5pm the day of the party, we arrived at Ruby's house. It was in a very good part of town. The house was large with a brick front and a nice circular drive. It had to be a seven-figure home. I parked along the circular drive, pulling almost back out onto the road since I was the first one there. We walked to the front door. I was wearing only what Ruby had said was the dress for the evening, three pieces of clothing. For me it was a pair of dockers, a shirt, and sandals, nothing else. Cindy was wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and sandals. I rang the bell and Ruby answered in a big, fluffy robe. "Great!" Ruby ushered us in. "I'm glad you're here on time. Sam and Bill got here about 2 minutes ago to join my 'personal' assistant , Jessica. She grinned and giggled while she said the last part, her emphasis on the 'personal' part of personal assistant obvious. She let us ogle the entranceway for a couple of minutes, the huge two-story hallway and semi-circular staircase to the second floor impressing us. Then she led us down the hallway to the basement door. We all went down the basement and it was not disappointing. We came down into a small den-like area. Off to the left was a door to another part, but she led us to the right to a large entertainment room with a poker table, large seating area in front of a very large flat screen TV, and a bar. "John, you can stay in here. The remote control is on the couch and the bar is stocked. Or you can play pool... whatever you want. I'm going to take Cindy into the other part of the basement to get ready." She turned to Cindy. "Are you ready, dear? I mean are you really ready to do this?" Cindy held her gaze for a moment, then dropped her eyes. "Yes, Miss R. I understand that I will be a slave at the party and I want this." Ruby smiled when she dropped her eyes and it opened into a full nasty grin when she agreed. She grabbed Cindy by the hand and led her from the room. I just looked around and decided to get a beer and watch an afternoon ballgame. About an hour later, Ruby came into the room and I couldn't help but go wide-eyed. She was wearing, from bottom to top, a pair of 3 inch heels, a skirt so short that it seemed to barely cover her crotch, and a see thru blouse that put her voluptuous tits on display in all their glory. I was checking them out when she laughed. I looked up and she was looking at me. "I guess I still have it! I'm 45 and here you are, barely 30, and you can't help but stare." "Well, you are dressed like a slut!" I said, trying to make sure it sounded good-natured. Ruby smiled. "That's the point. This is a fuck-party, so there's no reason to hide anything. My girlfriends will be here soon and they will NOT be dressed conservatively! Get used to it!" "I think I can get used to that!" Ruby then got a little serious. "I understand that this is all pretty new to you and Cindy and Sam. I've been working on Bill, but as you are new to this, if you ever want any dom training, just let me know. Tonight is just good fun, but I have trained several serious doms and a few who are just in it for some role-playing and fun. Christina is one of those just in it for fun. If you ever want to get serious, let me know." I looked at her. I wasn't sure if that's where Cindy and I were heading, or if our relationship, first based on friendship, then love, could develop into that. "Okay. Right now, Cindy and I are just having fun with it, but I'll let you know if I change my mind." Ruby smiled and took my hand. The seriousness was gone and the sexy grin was back. "C'mon, stud. Let's see what's shakin' with the preparation of our beautiful little slaves." She led me to the other side of the basement and we went thru the door. The other side had three rooms off a little hallway we entered. The first was a large bedroom... empty. The second was a large workout room... empty. The third was a very large bathroom with a sunken tub, separate shower, and plenty of room for all the people that were in there. Bill and Sam were there, in robes, sitting on chairs, watching the action of a tiny Asian woman. Cindy, also clad in a robe, was standing next to her assisting. Jessica was rude and nude. She was kneeling on what looked to me like a massage table, bent forward with her face on the table, her scrumptious ass sticking up into the air. The Asian woman was just finishing a Brazilian wax on Jessica, cleaning up the hair around her ass. She turned as we entered and Ruby introduced us. "John, this is Kimiko. She is one of my friends and she learned how to do the Brazilian wax so that she could keep us all nice and smooth." I shook hands with her. Her hand was very warm and smooth. Ruby waited while we shook and then turned toward Kimiko. "Well, K, are they all waxed?" Kimiko smiled "Yes, they are all waxed. I was wondering about Bill a little. All the women have at least experienced some sort of bikini wax, but it was a first for him. He took it pretty well and I let all the ladies put some lotion on him. I think he is still hard and probably won't last long. Next we'll do the enemas and then I'll call you for the insertion of the butt plugs." I knew this was coming, but except for Jessica, the slaves did not. They all looked a little wide-eyed, especially Bill. I was wondering how he was going to take it when Ruby spoke again. "Okay, good. Don't worry about Bill. I butt-fucked him last week with my small strap on and he took it well." All eyes turned toward Bill and he looked down and blushed. Ruby took my hand. "Let's go play pool while we are waiting for our guests." She led me out of the room and into the entertainment room. We began playing pool while Kimiko was giving all four of them enemas. We were into our third game and I was having a hard time concentrating with Ruby dressed as she was. I was supposed to be getting used to being around naked people, I thought. But there was something about this older voluptuous woman bending over and flashing her ass and having her tits on display that was giving me a really good boner. She noticed, too. She looked over at one point during the game and stared at my crotch. "Having trouble controlling your cock?" I smiled. "It's tough being around a beautiful woman who's flashing me such great tits and ass." She laughed. "Thank you. You know how to make an older woman feel good." Kimiko came in soon after that. "Ruby, it's time for the butt plugs." Ruby looked at me and smiled. "C'mon. You can assist." She took my arm and I couldn't help but notice that her large breast was rubbing against my arm. I was definitely fully hard now. I didn't know how long I could hold out, but it was going to be sweet heaven being teased like this. When we got into the room, all four of the slaves were standing in a line awaiting our appearance. They all had complete bare crotches from the waxing. It looked very strange to me to see Cindy's pussy without any hair on it. She had never completely shaved before and now looked like a 12 year old. Bill also looked funny to me since he was also completely bare. He was hard as a rock and dripping. Ruby went to Bill, who was first. She felt his cock and balls. "Very smooth. Good work, Kimiko." She rubbed her thumb over the head, distributing his pre-cum all over it. "Looks like you are pretty worked up." Kimiko spoke up. "I thought he was going to cum when I put the enema nozzle in him." Ruby smiled. "Well, maybe we'll have to relieve the pressure so that he can last a little longer. First things first. Bill, turn around, bend over, and spread your cheeks." Bill complied immediately. I could tell that he was used to obeying Ruby completely. Kimiko handed Ruby a small red butt plug, which she had already lubricated. Ruby took the plug, aimed it at Bill, and slowly inserted it. His ass opened up pretty easily and it seated quickly. "Stand up and turn around Bill." He did so and Ruby looked down at his cock. It was throbbing. "I think he likes things in his ass." She turned toward the women. "Sam, how long has it been since I let you suck your husband's dick and swallow his cum." Sam spoke without even looking over. "Three weeks, Miss R." Ruby smiled. "Well, since you two have been so good lately I want you to come over here and suck his dick. We need to get his first load out of the way." Bill smiled in relief and Sam rushed over, her eyes big. She dropped to her knees and immediately buried his dick in her mouth. She took it all the way to the bottom on the first try. Bill closed his eyes and moaned. Sam had become really proficient at milking a cock and she went to town on Bill. She came back up and licked around the head. She was about to dive back down on it when Ruby grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head up. "What do you think of the waxing? Does he feel smooth?" "Yes, Miss R." Sam was breathing hard and could barely get the words out. Ruby smiled. "You are really enjoying this, huh? I guess you miss your husband's dick. Tell me, how many other dicks have you sucked since you last had Bill's? "Four, Miss R." "Is that all? John, you are going to have to get some more guys that will offer up their dicks to Sam. I'm sure there are many out there who would volunteer to shove their cocks into this mouth." She reached down and ran her fingers over Sam's mouth. Then she released her hair. "Okay, finish him off while John and I plug these other holes." Sam immediately went back to sucking Bill's dick. She had become very good at this and I knew he wouldn't last long. Ruby led us to the next individual, Cindy. She looked at me. "Would you like to do the honors to your wife-bitch?" "Sure." I grabbed the pre-lubed plug from Kimiko. Without being told, Cindy turned around, bent over, and spread her cheeks. I ran my hand over her visible pussy lips and asshole. It was extremely smooth. I liked the feel of the smoothness back there, but I think I still preferred at least a little landing strip over the pussy. I didn't like the little-girl bare look. I took the plug and aimed it at Cindy's ass. I pushed and she was getting used to things in her ass, because she relaxed and it went right in. "Okay, stand back up and turn around." Cindy turned around and smiled at me. She was still the most beautiful woman in the room. Ruby then moved us to Jessica, who immediately assumed the position. While she was getting into place we heard Bill moan and turned to see that he was holding Sam's head and jerking and spewing his cum into her hot little mouth. She swallowed it all and then let his dick go with a plop. She smiled at him and then got up to join the end of the line for her butt plug. We finished plugging Jessica and Sam. Ruby turned to Kimiko. "Okay, get them dressed. The guests should be here soon." We left and went into the entertainment area and the doorbell rang. I stayed in the room while Ruby answered the door. When she came back downstairs, she was trailed by three women. She introduced them to me as Julie, Jeri, and Jasmine. Hmmmm. All Js. I wasn't sure if those were their real names or just for use at this party. But at least they were attractive. Julie looked to be 40, 5'8", still in good shape, and had blonde hair, an enchanting smile, and a lithe body that it appeared she worked on religiously. Jeri was a short robust brunette who couldn't have been over 30. She was probably only 5'1" tall, with a rounded body. Her tits looked too big for such a shorty, but her entire body was all curves. Jasmine was the epitome of sultry. She looked to be 5'10", almost as tall as me, about 35 years old, and about 130 pounds. She had an olive complexion, with large almond eyes, a tight, sensuous body, a 200-watt smile, and a tempting husky voice. With these four women and the slaves, I was wondering how I was going to maintain my cool and not be completely drained within an hour. After the introductions, Ruby asked me what I thought. I figured she meant her friends. "They are all beautiful." She smiled. "What other kind of women would I invite to a fuck-party?" 
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Just as she finished, Kimiko led the slaves into the room. They were all wearing nothing but different colored masks and thongs. Ruby directed the slaves to sit on the bar stools. They did. She took the rest of us over to the poker table. There were now six of us there. She pulled out a deck of cards, a stack of papers, a stopwatch, and some kind of old ********* game spinner with 6 numbers on it and laid on the table. We cut for the first deal, which went to Kimiko, and she explained the game. "Okay, everyone. Straight poker, all bets are one piece of clothing per hand. Top three hands keep their clothes, the lower three take something off. Once naked, losers have to draw from the so-called Community Chest and spin the spinner. There is something described on the paper and you have to do it for as many minutes as results from the spinner. Any questions?" There were none. The game began and within three hands two people, Jeri and Kimiko were naked. On the fourth hand, Kimiko was the only naked loser and now two other people were naked. Kimiko drew the paper and spun the spinner. The spinner said "2". She read the paper. "Eat a slave's ass." She smiled. "I almost did that already during the waxes. They were all so delectable, I could barely keep from diving in." She looked over the slaves. "Blue mask. Kneel on the couch with your ass up in the air. I've been wanting you." I watched closely. It was my wife, Cindy. I had to say that it was an excellent choice. Cindy has always had a well-shaped delectable ass. Cindy knelt on the couch and bent over, exposing her beautiful ass and butt plug. Kimiko slowly removed the butt plug. She took Cindy by the hair and pulled her face around towards her. "Open." Cindy opened her mouth. "Hold this." She put the butt plug into Cindy's mouth and Cindy closed and held it. Then Kimiko looked over at Ruby, who was holding the stopwatch. "Ready." "Go!" Ruby said. And Kimiko did! She started licking and tongue-fucking and slurping at Cindy's ass like a starving man at a food trough. Cindy could not do much moaning because of the butt plug in her mouth, but she did moan some thru the plug, and she squirmed and jerked all over the place. She was really turned on by it. Me, too! But two minutes went fast and Ruby called time. Kimiko stood up, took the butt plug out of Cindy's mouth and put it back into her ass. She then slapped her on the ass and told her to go back to her seat. We dealt the cards again and the other two naked people, Jeri and Julie, lost, but Kimiko won. That meant that another person, me, lost their last piece of clothing. It left only Ruby and Jasmine with one piece of clothing. Jeri drew and spun first. She got a five and then read the paper. "Pick two slaves. Sit on one's face while the other rims you." She smiled. "Fucking right!" She looked at the slaves. "Black mask (that was Bill) lie on the floor. Green mask (that was Jessica), you get my ass." Bill hustled over to lie on the floor and Jessica got up to come over. As soon as Bill lay on the floor, Jeri went to sit on his face. I thought she was going to sit facing us, but she sat facing away from us and leaning over Bill's body. I could see Bill staring up at what looked like a very wet and edible cunt. "Ready." "Go!" Ruby said again. Jeri plopped herself right on Bill's face and he went to town on her. Jessica kneeled behind Jeri and started licking and rimming her ass. That left her beautiful derriere pointing our direction. Her pussy looked soaked. The butt plug was staring at me and I looked around the table and the other women were as anxious as I was. "Ruby..." I started to say something to her, but she interrupted me. "Yeah, fuck the card game, let's get to fucking!" As soon as she said that Jeri yelled. "Fuck,yes!" and dropped her face immediately down on Bill's dick. Bill jerked at the contact and moaned into her pussy. I was the closest one to Jessica, so I immediately kneeled behind her and eased the large butt plug out. She had the largest one and was obviously the most used to having something in her ass. So I replaced it with my hard, leaking dick. It was still a little tight, but her ass opened up nicely and I started a slow rhythm, hoping to last a while. I saw Jasmine leading my wife over to the couch and laying her down the length of the couch. She immediately pushed Cindy's legs apart and started eating her pussy. Kimiko took my wife's free mouth and sat on it. From my vantage point I could just make out Jasmine eating Cindy's pussy and I stared at Jasmine's very fine ass and long beautiful legs. I could also see, since Kimiko sat facing away from me, my wife's tongue as she worked on Kimiko's ass and pussy. I had been hard for a while, so all of this was putting me in overload. That left one slave free, Sam, and I looked around behind me to see that Julie was sitting at the table, one leg on the floor and one up on the table while Sam had her face buried in her cunt. Behind Sam, Ruby was lining up a very large strap on to plunge it into Sam's pussy, while leaving her butt plug in. I wondered if Sam was going to be able to take it. It was no surprise to see her raise her face from Julie's crotch and groan "Fuck yes!" as Ruby slowly ran the length of the dildo up into her. She had to be completely full. I was reaching my peak fast and when I got close I started saying so. "Oh, fuck, I'm going to cum!" At that, Jessica suddenly pulled forward, leaving my dick wagging in the air, just at the point of no return. I gasped at the sudden loss of her ass, but she replaced it with her mouth, sucking me over the top and taking my cum down her throat. She kept sucking and sucking and I kept pumping, grabbing her by the hair and fucking into her mouth to get the last bit of the orgasm over. She finally released my dick, looked up at me sheepishly and said, "Sorry, sir, but madame doesn't like me to waste cum. She says I must always swallow cum from anyone fucking me." I smiled. What a great idea! I sat back and watched the orgy around me. There was nothing dom/sub about this right now, it was just pure sucking and fucking. The only thing different was that the slaves were not allowed to direct the action. But they were definitely getting in on the action and being satisfied. Things were happening so fast that I was in visual overload as well. I couldn't keep up with all the switching and changing going on. My dick was once again hard and there were so many gorgeous women around that I didn't know who to fuck or suck. My mind was finally made up for me. I was looking to the right when I felt a soft, warm hand close around my dick. I looked to the left and it was the sultry Jasmine. She smiled. "I've been wanting you since we first met." I stared into her beautiful, dark eyes. "Me, too. I think you are fucking gorgeous." She laughed a deep throaty laugh. "And am I also gorgeous when fucking?" "Absolutely!" I answered. She stopped jacking my cock and looked around the room. "Is Cindy your wife?" "Yes." "I thought so. You have a beautiful wife. Maybe I could come over some time and help you with her. I love her pussy and I bet I could think of some fun things to do with you two." She grinned conspiratorially and then looked to her left. "Cindy, come here." My wife hurried over to us. "Turn your back to John and sit on his dick." Cindy complied and immediately moaned. So did I! Jasmine ran her hand down over Cindy's ass to her butt plug, which was still in. It was making her so tight I could barely get my dick in her. Jasmine twisted the butt plug, causing further moans from both of us. Jasmine then slapped Cindy lightly on the ass. "Stand up." Cindy immediately rose. Jasmine looked down at my dick. It was soaking wet. She leaned over and licked me clean. "Hmmm. Her cunt tastes delicious on your cock." My cock jerked at her dirty talk and Cindy looked at both of us hungrily. Finally, Jasmine had decided how she wanted this to proceed and asked Cindy to lie on the floor. She squatted over Cindy's face and lowered her pussy onto it. Cindy immediately went to work on her, causing her to closer her eyes momentarily and smile a large, happy smile. I could see that her lips were much darker than Cindy's. Cindy was pale all over and her lips were very pink, but Jasmine's were almost a dark brown with a very pink vagina. She looked up at me. "Okay, now pull out that butt plug and fuck your wife's ass. When you cum, I want it." Who was I to argue with this arrangement? I knelt down and slowly removed the butt plug. My wife moaned into Jasmine's pussy and she moaned at the vibration on her clit. Jasmine pulled Cindy's legs back under her arms and took hold of my dick. She guided it into Cindy's ass and I eased it in. Once I was buried in there, I started a slow fucking of her ass, watching as it clung to my dick, not wanting to let it go in or out, gripping it tightly. Jasmine watched for a second and then took two fingers and rubbed Cindy's clit. Cindy, who may or may not have had much opportunity to cum, suddenly orgasmed. As soon as Jasmine felt that, she shoved two fingers into my wife's pussy and thumbed her clit, prolonging the orgasm and making her jerk. I was loving the feeling of her ass flexing on my dick. Then Jasmine started feeling my dick from inside Cindy's pussy. It felt wonderful. She was actually massaging my dickhead as I moved it into and out of Cindy's ass. Jasmine was also close to cumming and Cindy must have felt it. She suddenly nipped at Jasmine's clit which caused Jasmine to cry out. "Oh, fuck, you bitch! Fuck! Keep biting my clit!" Cindy did, and Jasmine kept cumming for a long time. Looking at that vision meant I was done. I knew I was going to cum, so I announced it to Jasmine. "Pull it out and spurt that cum all over my face." She leaned over toward Cindy's cunt, giving me the target. I pulled out at the last moment and shot three or four good spurts right on her face. When she looked up at me, her nose and mouth were covered and the left side of her face was full, too. She smiled. "I guess it's a good thing you had already cum today or I would have gotten it in the eyes!" She laughed and got up off Cindy's face. Jasmine had cum so much that Cindy's face had that glazed donut look. Jasmine turned and looked around the room at the unadulterated display of sex. Finally, she saw who she wanted. "Sam!" Sam looked up from the pussy she was eating. "I understand you are the cum slut. Come over here and clean up this mess!" Sam scampered over and slowly and sensuously started cleaning Jasmine's face. Jasmine seemed to purr as she did that. Then Jasmine pointed down at Cindy's stomach where it had dripped. Sam cleaned that up, too. Finally, she turned and cleaned up my dick without being told. I looked around and things were very relaxed now. Everyone was getting tired. I sat on the couch and Cindy and Sam kneeled at my feet on either side of my knees. I was impressed with their desire to appear so obedient. The others were all using some towels that Ruby provided to clean themselves of the many different kinds of fluids that were all over their bodies. Finally, Ruby went to the center of the room. She was wearing the strap-on. 