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les histoires de chrislebo

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Vol en l'air

C'était un avion très spécial, à chaque vol une per***ne de la classe régulière était choisie pour aller en classe supérieure. Le vol commença et le pilot débuta ***t annonce. « Mesdames, Mesdemoiselles et monsieur, notre vol en direction de Montréal sera d'une durée de 6 h. Notre arrivée devrait être vers là 9 h ce soir. De plus, nous avons choisi l'un d'entre vous pour bénéficier du traitement spécial Vol 3694. Et notre grande gagnante est Monique Duprés. »

L'intéressée se trouvait assise au milieu de la 4ème rangé. Surprise elle se leva lorsque la serveuse arriva à coté d'elle pour l'escorter jusqu'à la première classe. Ravie de cette sorte de promotion elle prit *** bagage à main et suivi l'hôtesse.

Monique était une femme avoisinant la trentaine pesant environs 250 livres et mesurait 5'9. Ces mensurations lui donnaient une allure grassouillette, mais ses somptueux 38D ajoutaient à l'envie.

« Bienvenue dans la classe supérieure madame » dit l'hôtesse de l'air qui l'accompagnait. Tous les gens étaient assis et formaient une ronde. Au centre de la pièce, il n'y avait pas de table juste un grand espace vide. Monique s'installa, un peu mal à l'aise de sentir tant de regard sur elle.

« Bonjour Monique, vous voici maintenant en première classe. Vous allez recevoir un traitement très spécial, cependant peut-être pas dans le sens dont vous le voulez. Vous devez tout d'abord savoir que les portes ***t verrouillées et que tous les membres de l'équipage ***t derrière ceci. Si vous refusez de collaborer, nous vous injectons avec la drogue du viol, ********* de vous et vous éjecterons hors de l'avion ». Dit un homme dont la voix était très calme en dépit ce qu'il annonçait.

Prise de peur par ces déclarations, Monique ne savait pas trop comment réagir. Elle ne voulait pas être catapultée hors de l'avion mais elle ne voulait pas non plus que la situation lui échappe. N'ayant pas vraiment d'autres choix pour le moment, elle acquiesça timidement et resta assise en attendant de voir la tournure que prendraient les événements. . Le même homme que tantôt se releva et prit la parole. « Bonne décision Monique, maintenant que vous comprenez la situation votre première tache est de vous mettre nue. »

Choquée et terrorisée, la jeune femme tenta tant bien que mal de discuter l'ordre donné. « Mais... mais... non je ne vais pas me mettre nue devant tous ces gens. » À peine avait-elle fini sa phrase que deux serveuses s'avançaient vers elle, une seringue à la main et une paire de menottes dans l'autre. Voyant bien qu'elle n'avait décidément pas le choix, Monique se repentit et s'exécuta.

Habillée d'un complet-veston-jupe elle commença par enlever *** bla***. Puis lentement, elle défit un à un les boutons de *** chemisier. Elle n'osait pas regarder les spectateurs qui la fixaient des yeux. Une légère larme s'écoule le long de sa joue. C'était un des moments les plus humiliants de sa vie. Elle retira finalement *** chemisier. Levant les yeux quelques secondes, elle remarqua, avec une sorte de soulagement, que les per***nes qui la fixaient étaient un peu moins nombreuses qu'elle le pensait. Ils étaient à peine 10, homme et femme confondus. Une fois *** chemisier au plancher, elle défit d'un mouvement de hanche sa jupe qui tomba au sol.
Tentant tant bien que mal de cacher sa semi-nudité avec ses bras, Monique refusait de continuer à se dévêtir.

Quelques seconds passèrent dans le silence jusqu'à ce qu'un des passages se frustre. « Allez salope, a poil ou on te catapulte dehors nue comme un ver. Ne nous ***** pas, tu ne serais pas la première. » Ces paroles lui glacèrent le sang. Avaient-ils déjà mis leurs plans à exécution auparavant? Monique décide de ne pas tenter sa chance sur ce point et continua à de déshabiller lentement tout en tentant de cacher la honte qu'elle ressentait. Elle défit lentement *** soutien gorge, le laissant tomber au sol avec le reste de ses vêtements. « Allez tourne qu'on voit tes nichons la grosse! " lança une femme assise dans *** dos. La jeune femme se tourna lentement sur elle-même laissant ces gros seins tomber sur sa poitrine, à la vue de tous. Elle sentait le regard de ses pervers lécher chaque centimètre de *** corps exposé et cela la dégoutait prodigieusement. Des bruits de sifflement retentissaient de tous côtés. « La vache elle est fournie, t'avais bien rai*** Raymond, bon choix. »
Morte de honte, elle s'accroupit en position ******* et commença à pleurer malgré elle. Elle ne voulait pas faire cela, mais c'était plus fort qu'elle. À peine s'était-elle accroupie qu'un une main la gifla. « HEY! Qu'est-ce que tu fais là? Debout et déshabille-toi entièrement maintenant ou tu seras punie comme la chienne que tu es. Et crois moi ... tu ne veux pas qu'on te punisse ! » Murmurait l'homme qui venait de la gifler. Il affichait un sourire malsain qui laissait à penser que, non, effectivement Monique n'aimerait pas du tout ce qui pourrait suivre si elle ne faisait pas ce qu'on attendait d'elle.
Elle ne put cependant s'empêcher de penser : Comment cela pouvait-il être? Alors qu'elle était perdue dans sa réflexion, elle sentit la morsure d'une seconde gifle « Bon tu l'auras voulu sale pute. Tu vas recevoir ta punition. »



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Plusieurs mains l'entourèrent soudainement, la forçant à se lever. L'homme qui l'avait frappée à deux reprises déjà la regardait dans les yeux avec un regard pervers et sadique. Il mit sa main dans ses poches et en sortit un couteau. Terrorisée, Monique commença à trembler de la tête aux pieds. Il avança la lame vers elle, tranquillement lui laissant le temps de voir les reflets brillants de la lame et d'imaginer ce qu'il pourrait lui faire. Ne pouvant pas croire que sa vie allait finir comme ça, elle ferma les yeux et marmonnait des prières. Lorsqu'elle sentit la lame glacée sur sa peau, elle hoqueta de surprise en la sentant glisser contre sa chatte. La lame venait de se poser tranquillement sur sa culotte a quelques centimètres a peine de *** clitoris. D'un geste brusque la lame déchiqueta les tissus, frôlant la peau de la pauvre Monique et déchira le tissu jusqu'à *** cul. Puis deux autres coups, un sur chaque hanche la culotte tomba au sol, rejoignant ainsi le reste de ses vêtements.

Elle était maintenant totalement nue exposée au regard sans pitié de ses tortionnaires. Elle ne pouvait pas croire que ceci lui arrivait. « Maintenant tourne à nouveau sur toi et obéi cette fois!» Retentit une voix forte et sans appel. Morte de honte la jeune femme commença à tourner sur elle-même les voyant la dévorer des yeux. On pouvait voir ses gros seins se balancer sur *** ventre. Les surplus de gras de *** bide tombaient sur ses cotés et cachaient partiellement sa chatte. Celle-ci était pourvue d'une belle grosse vulve épaisse et dodue. Totalement rasée, on voyait ses lèvres et ***t petit clitoris à peine sortir de sa grosse chatte qui l'entourait. *** gros cul était aussi large que le reste de *** corps pour le plus grand plaisir de ses spectateurs qui le giflaient et l'empoignaient sans douceur.

Une des femmes se leva et la poussa vers l'avant la forçant à rester penchée dans cette position présentant ainsi une vue imparable sur grosse vulve qui commençait à baver de honte mais aussi d'excitation au grand damne de Monique. « Regardez moi ça, la grosse vache, elle mouille déjà. » Sur ces paroles elle lui enfonça ses doigts lui fouillant sans répit le vagin, elle entrait et sortait ses doigts les enfonçaient dans *** cul, la giflait et recommençait. Elle lui prit le cul et de l'autre main lui écarta la chatte afin que tous puissent bien y voir l'intérieur. C'est dans cette position, prise et exposée qu'elle la fit marcher à reculons devant chacun des passagers assis dans la salle.

À tour de rôle ils lui observaient la vulve, largement étirée par la femme. Lui entrait quelques doigts violemment puis lui lançait un bon gros cracha au fond de *** trou ouvert (je dirai plutôt dans sa chatte ouverte et humide. Monique était morte de honte, se sentant souillée jusqu'aux plus profonds de *** intimité. Une fois le tour fini, la femme la relâcha finalement.
Pensant sa punition finalement terminée la jeune esclave s'assit au centre et se mit en position ******* à nouveau tentant de cacher un peu *** corps.

La voyant ainsi assise, le premier homme qui l'avait « préparé » à ce qui allait suivre, s'avança vers elle en riant. Elle redoutait ce qu'il allait dire à présent. Se tournant légèrement elle le regarda s'approcher d'elle. « Regardez ça, elle pense qu'elle vient d'avoir sa punition. » Puis il s'éclata de rire. Il s'arrêta soudainement devenant sérieux et menaçant. Il prit Monique par les cheveux et la força à se lever. Monique laissa échapper un cri de douleur avant de se relever maladroite et tremblante. Elle aurait voulu que *** calvaire prenne fin mais il semblait que l'homme n'en avait pas fini avec elle. Il la regarda droit dans les yeux et annonça d'une voix triomphante : « Ta punition n'a pas encore commencée chienne. Ce n'était que notre apéro ce petit strip-tease. Vu que tu as désobéi, tu vas subir ta punition, maintenant! Et C'est sans appel! »



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Amanda-Christina's Misadventures

Amanda Rivers and Christina Flood were both kindergarten teachers in the Midwest. The girls often ate lunch together and they really enjoyed each other's company. Amanda and Christina went out to dinner or went shopping with one another, but they were conservative girls that didn't frequent the local hot spots.

There was a three-day holiday weekend early in the school year and Christina convinced Amanda to take a trip with her. Since the girls were schoolteachers, they didn't have an overabundance of money, but they wanted to go somewhere that they'd never been before. Neither girl had ever been to Mexico so they got on the Internet and found a very inexpensive package that included airfare and hotel accommodations. The girls weren't familiar with Los Cufrado, but it had a beach and also claimed to have great restaurants and night clubs. Amanda and Christina agreed that the price was right, so with the click of a computer mouse it became their vacation destination.

Since the girls were going to be far away in Mexico, Amanda suggested that they get a little wild for once in their lives. Christina was hesitant at first, but eventually she agreed and the girls went shopping for clothes that showed a little skin. They purchased a variety of short skirts, see-through dresses, skimpy underwear and barely-there bikinis. It was very uncharacteristic for the pair of kindergarten teachers, but the adventurous duo wanted to experience some excitement while they were still single and young.

After landing in Mexico, the girls had to take a bus to their hotel. The bus driver stood outside and watched as the passengers climbed the steps to board the bus. The driver smiled as Christina got on the bus because her black panties and black bra were clearly visible beneath her light pink dress. Christina was so meek and reserved that she didn't even notice how intensely the bus driver was staring at her.

Amanda, on the other hand, was well aware of the way that the bus driver was watching her. She could feel the waistband of her skimpy white panties hanging out above her low-riding black miniskirt. Amanda also sensed that a tiny bit of her butt crack was showing as well. However, Amanda vowed to loosen up this weekend so she fought the urge to pull her skirt up. When Amanda looked back, she even caught the bus driver sneaking a peek under her short skirt, but he quickly looked away.

It was very embarrassing for Amanda to have the bus driver checking her out, but Amanda knew she only had herself to blame. After all, she was the one that suggested the girls buy skimpy outfits for the trip. Unfortunately, Amanda wasn't accustomed to wearing such revealing clothes in public and she was having a little difficulty getting used to men staring at her.

Neither Amanda nor Christina were party girls. They lived at home with their parents while they were in college and there's never been a video entitled "Kindergarten Teachers Gone Wild." However, both girls were in their mid-twenties and agreed to only wear the skimpy clothes they specifically bought for this trip. Actually, the girls had no choice because the new revealing clothes was all they brought with them. Therefore, Amanda needed to get used to men gawking at her because she was going to be scantly clad for the rest of the holiday weekend.

There wasn't much to do during the long bus ride so Amanda found herself gazing at Christina while she read a magazine. Although Amanda felt it was ********, she couldn't help sizing herself up to Christina. Christina was around five-foot-three with dark hair cut just above her shoulders. Amanda was a couple inches shorter than Christina, and Amanda had reddish-brown shoulder-length hair. Christina had a firm body and rather large breasts considering her small stature. Christina also had a very cute face and an innocent charm about her.

As Amanda continued comparing herself to Christina, she concluded that they both had similar features, although Amanda was more petite with medium sized natural breasts. Christina's melons were slightly bigger than Amanda's boobs, but Amanda always felt that as short as she was, her breasts didn't have to be very big to look good. Amanda was proud of the full set of titties she had, which offered a fair amount of cleavage. Besides, Amanda considered herself to have a great butt. Then again, so did Christina!

When they finally arrived in Los Cufrado, the girls got off the bus and Christina declared, "I wore the thinnest dress I own and I'm still hot."

Amanda said, "I've already noticed your thin dress. That's why I'm hot!"

Amanda blushed because she couldn't believe she made that statement out loud. Christina giggled and gave Amanda a big hug. She assumed Amanda was just kidding. Sure Amanda liked guys, but she always had more fun teasing the guys than actually ******** with them. However, Amanda often wondered what the gentle touch of a sweet soft girl would feel like and her fantasies usually focused on Christina.

After getting off the bus, the driver merely opened the cargo bay and dropped everyone's bags on the sidewalk. Christina immediately bent over to pick up her bag, giving the bus driver a clear view of her deep cleavage revealed under the low neckline of her dress. Amanda had her back to the driver when she picked up her bag. In her bent over position, she could feel the hem of her miniskirt rise up in back, so she was pretty sure the driver got a glimpse of her white panties.

When the girls entered the lobby of the plush hotel, they welcomed the relief that the cool air-conditioning provided from the unseasonably warm weather. Their clothes were actually sticking to them from the long hot bus ride and the girls couldn't wait to take them off. Christina didn't want to use the restroom on the bus so she quickly took the key from the front desk and headed for their hotel room.

As soon as they entered the room, Christina declared, "These clothes gotta come off!"

Christina immediately unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor as Amanda watched. Then Christina unhooked her bra and set her titties free. Amanda was very impressed by Christina's full firm breasts and enjoyed the view of Christina's precious pink nipples. Christina saw Amanda staring at her and began to blush, but then she teasingly pushed her big melons together.

Christina giggled and asked, "Do you like 'em?"

Amanda replied, "You bet! Bring 'em over here," but Christina said, "Sorry...still gotta pee."

Amanda also began disrobing. She pulled down the zipper of her miniskirt and stepped out of it. Next she pulled her white cotton top over her head. As Amanda stood there wearing only her skimpy bra and panty set, she watched Christina try to slide her black panties off while walking towards the bathroom at the same time. With Christina's fingers still in the waistband of her underpants, she suddenly came face to face with a boy exiting the bathroom.

Christina shrieked and the boy mumbled, "Sorry...I'm very sorry."

Christina demanded, "What are you doing in here?"

The boy replied, "I work here. I was just making sure you had all your towels and toiletries in the bathroom."

The boy was quite handsome, probably around nineteen years old with jet black hair, a hard body and a great tan. Christina was topless and her panties had already reached mid-thigh when she spotted the boy. He stared in shock at Christina's magnificent bare breasts and dark hairy triangle. The boy was initially as embarrassed as Christina was, but he couldn't bring himself to look away from Christina's nearly naked body.

Amanda had to laugh as she watched Christina stumble into the bathroom. Christina tripped, which caused her panties to bunch up around her knees, thus making it harder for her to get away from the young hotel worker. Christina's perky round breasts swayed from side to side as she hobbled into the bathroom. Her face was bright red with shame because she was ****** to pass right in front of the boy and Christina's big boobs, soft bush and smooth butt were all on display for the boy to see.

After entering the bathroom, Christina bent forward and pushed her underpants all the way off. She must have thought the hotel worker could no longer see her because of the way Christina was bent over right in front of him. In her bent over position, Christina's beautiful butt was fully exposed and pointed right at the young hotel worker. He tried to turn away, but Christina's nude backside was truly a sight to behold.

As the guy examined Christina's smooth bare ass, he said, "I heard you come in, but I had no idea you were taking your clothes off."

Amanda thought to herself, "Sure you didn't!"

At first, Amanda and the boy looked at each other and tried not to laugh as they listened to Christina's pee gush out. Then his eyes moved up and down Amanda's petite figure and she felt a wave of embarrassment wash over her body. Amanda suddenly became aware of the fact that she had been caught in just her bra and panties.



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Since Amanda's underpants were not completely see-though, her neatly trimmed auburn bush was hidden from the boy's eyes. However, Amanda's bra was rather flimsy and her nice pink nipples were visible through the lacy material. The boy had finished his work in their hotel room, but he made no attempt to leave. Then Amanda realized the boy was waiting for a tip so she turned around and spotted her purse lying on the floor.

Amanda thought to herself, "Oh no, my purse is on the floor and all I have on is my underpants. I'm going to have to bend over right in front of the boy."

Amanda paused for a moment, then she bit her lower lip and bent over to reach for her purse. She couldn't help giggling as she bent over because she imagined the view that she was presenting to the boy. Even though he couldn't see through her panties, they were still high-cut and much of her round butt cheeks were hanging out below. An inch or so of Amanda's butt crack was showing above the waistband as well.

Exposing her ass to the boy caused Amanda to blush, but she wasn't finished yet. When Amanda turned around, she was still leaning forward as she rummaged through her purse and her titties threatened to spill out of her flimsy bra. The cleavage between Amanda's breasts was on full display as she handed him the tip. Amanda's face turned an even deeper shade of red when she looked and saw that the boy was staring down at her barely covered breasts.

As the boy took the money, he said, "Thank you very much and welcome to Los Cufrado. My name is Cortez. Please let me know if you need anything...anything at all!"

Amanda noticed a big bulge in Cortez's pants as she smiled back. He was five or six years younger than Amanda, but she was impressed by his broad shoulders and well-defined arms. He appeared to be a nice boy, but Amanda had her doubts. Amanda watched him walk down the hallway and decided that during the weekend, she'd try to find out just how nice Cortez really was.

After both girls showered, Christina and Amanda sat on the bed and laughed about the whole Cortez experience. They both agreed that the boy was cute, but Amanda could tell that Christina was still uptight about the episode. Christina explained that she lived a relatively sheltered life and wasn't accustomed to exposing herself in public.

Amanda said, "You just need to get over it so it doesn't spoil our weekend. Besides, the boy saw me in my underwear."

Christina said, "Underwear? So what! He saw my boobs and I didn't have anything on at all!"

Amanda sarcastically added, "And yet you didn't make any attempt to cover those big titties of yours."

Christina responded, "How could I? I had both hands in my panties...which were halfway down my legs! I'll bet he saw my butt and, well...everything."

Amanda giggled and said, "I know I did!"

Christina looked at Amanda timidly and said, "You're not making this any easier."

Amanda started rubbing her fingers up and down Christina's back in an effort to comfort her as Amanda said, "You have no reason to feel ashamed. It was an innocent accident. We should just go to bed and forget about it."

The girls were ready for bed, but they looked around and suddenly noticed that there was only one bed in the room. With no other choice, Amanda and Christina crawled into the queen-sized bed together. Christina, who was wearing a short T-shirt that barely covered her panty-clad ass, smiled as she watched Amanda get comfortable. Amanda had on a slinky pink shoe-string top, which left her flat tummy completely exposed. She also wore a pair of matching silky pink panties that provided less coverage than the top.

As soon as Christina thought Amanda was a*****, Christina slid her hand down between her legs and touched her panties. All that talk about showing their naked bodies to a complete stranger and exposing themselves in public had an overpowering affect on Christina. She couldn't help pleasuring herself and Christina pushed her little underpants down her smooth legs. Amanda was sure it would have embarrassed Christina if she knew Amanda was watching her, so Amanda kept one eye closed and remained motionless while Christina massaged her pussy.

Christina's moans were muffled, but there was no hiding Christina's finger as it plunged deep into her moist pussy. After kicking her panties all the way off, she pulled her short T-shirt up above her beautiful breasts. Christina continued fingering herself and teasing her hard nipples until she reached an explosive orgasm. The whole bed shook when Christina finished herself off, but Amanda continued pretending as if she was a*****. Christina even looked over to make sure Amanda was ********, which almost made Amanda laugh. The girls finally went to ***** for real and had a very restful night.



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Amanda and Christina got into their bikinis the following morning and looked forward to a day of lazy sun tanning on the beach. Amanda covered her bikini with a long sundress that was held up by straps tied behind her neck. Christina wore a pair of tight denim shorts over her bikini panties and draped a towel over her shoulders. When the girls entered the breakfast room, everyone's head turned towards Christina's awesome cleavage, which was jetting out from under her tiny bikini top. It was so embarrassing for Christina to have everybody staring at her boobs that she returned to the hotel room ten minutes later to put on a T-shirt. Apparently this city didn't share the "anything goes" atmosphere that the girls expected from a resort town in Mexico.

At breakfast, the girls met another American couple who were on their honeymoon. The couple told the girls that there were some beautiful secluded beaches not far from the hotel. They suggested that the girls rent a motor scooter and check out the areas nearby. Amanda and Christina took the couple's advice and walked to the scooter rental stand.

When the girls got to the motor scooter stand, they were surprised to find Cortez working there. His brother owned the business and Cortez often worked there when he had a day off from the hotel. When Cortez looked at Christina, she blushed knowing that the boy had seen her naked. No other guy, except for an ex-boyfriend, had ever seen Christina in the nude before.

Christina was particular about not showing off her body, especially since she was a kindergarten teacher. She felt that it was her moral obligation to set a good example for the ********. However, Amanda convinced Christina that they were on vacation, and they chose Mexico so they could let their hair (and panties) down for once in their life. After talking to Amanda, it didn't take long for Christina to loosen up.

Amanda and Christina agreed to rent a motor scooter, and then Cortez offered them a couple of potent tequila ****** for the road. He smiled when the girls accepted the ******. A half hour of tequila shots and margaritas later, Cortez volunteered to lead the girls on his bike so the girls would not get lost. Cortez said he would take them along the coast on the scenic route. He also wanted to get close to the girls so he addressed Amanda, sensing that Christina was still a bit embarrassed in front of him.

Cortez asked, "Amanda, why don't you ride with me?"

Cortez smiled confidently as Amanda smiled back, taking in his sharp features and muscular build. She hadn't had a guy in a long time and this one grabbed her attention from moment she saw him. He was almost six feet tall with broad shoulders and six-pack abs. Amanda would never throw herself at a guy back home, but she wouldn't ***** so much ******* back home, either.

He took off his shirt and left it at the scooter stand before climbing onto the motor bike in just his beach shorts. Then he asked Amanda to remove her yellow sundress.

"Your dress could get caught in the wheel during the drive so you may want to keep it in your handbag," Cortez advised.

Amanda smiled at the lameness of his excuse, but she complied all the same and loved the flirting. Christina shook her head in mock dismay as she watched Amanda climb onto the back of the scooter in only her bikini. Amanda had never worn such a skimpy bathing suit in public before, but she was determined to live differently in Mexico.

Christina was a little concerned when she saw Amanda's full titties pressed against Cortez and her crotch pushed tightly against the small of his back. This was not typical behavior for the young school teacher. However, Christina got on the other bike and followed close behind.

During the drive, Cortez asked Amanda whether she and Christina were in Los Cufrado for some sort of modeling assignment. Amanda chuckled because a pretty face means nothing in modeling when you're only a little over five feet tall. Then Cortez asked if Amanda had a boyfriend. He was happy when she replied that it wouldn't matter if she did.

A short time later, Cortez slowly let his left hand ride on Amanda's thigh. He told her that his girlfriend recently ended their relationship after he had hoped to marry her. Amanda had her arms wrapped around his chest and she tightened her grip with her right hand while letting her left hand slide harmlessly down to his navel for the rest of the ride. She also made flirtatious conversation with Cortez during the drive through the howling wind and sea spray.

Cortez was rock hard throughout the rest of the ride with the feel of Amanda's breasts pressed against his bare back. He also enjoyed the smooth soft skin of her arm against his stomach and the fragrance of her perfume. He knew that she was reciprocating his interest and although he'd never had trouble attracting female attention before, he was thrilled at how insanely hot this little redheaded girl was.

When they finally found a deserted beach, Cortez and Amanda climbed off the scooter. Cortez immediately grabbed Amanda's hand and pulled her along with him as he ran to the water's edge. Cortez had an erection that was glaringly obvious. Amanda studied the tent in his shorts while he gazed at her full firm boobs, which swayed from side to side as she jogged alongside him. After splashing into the water, Cortez moved close enough for Amanda to feel the tip of his hard cock against her belly.

Amanda smiled broadly at Cortez as she put the palm of her hand on his erection and said, "Down boy!"

Amanda continued holding his big boner and that was all the stimulation Cortez needed. He pressed his mouth against her wet inviting lips and put his hands on her breasts. Amanda pulled Cortez's penis out of his shorts and she was thrilled by how long and thick it felt in her soft hand under the water. Cortez pushed his shorts all the way off and held them as he lifted the perky redhead out of the water and headed towards the beach.

Christina was standing at the shoreline and holding both of the girls' bags as she watched Amanda emerge from the waves with her boobs bouncing gently under the skimpy bikini top. Cortez dropped his shorts and after the naked boy set Amanda down, Christina watched Amanda wrap her fingers around Cortez's long hard dick. Within earshot of Christina, Amanda asked Cortez if he had a condom. Cortez said that he had one in the storage compartment of his scooter. Then Amanda and Cortez walked towards the scooters where Christina was standing.

As they approached Christina, Amanda untied the strings of her bikini top behind her neck and back. Her top fell to the ground, revealing a set of firm natural breasts with delicate pink nipples to Cortez's hungry eyes. Cortez smiled sheepishly, but he was a bit embarrassed to be naked right between the two girls. His cock was stretching and twitching uncontrollably as he watched Amanda's breasts spring free from the confines of her bikini top.

He put his hand in front of Christina's eyes to block her view of his exposed penis. He was embarrassed to make eye contact with her while his boner stood straight out in front of him. His erection was still twitching at the thought of Amanda's nearly naked body behind him. Cortez was equally stimulated by the sight of Christina in just a scanty bikini.

Cortez turned around and witnessed Amanda bending over to peel off her bikini panties. At the sight of Amanda baring her entire body in public, Cortez couldn't control his cock from twitching even more wildly than it already was. Amanda left her bikini lying in the sand as she walked towards Cortez and Christina with pure lust in her eyes.

Christina laughed and declared, "Amanda, you're out of control! You'd better lay off the tequila because I've never known you to act like this before. Aren't you guys afraid of getting caught doing this in public?"

Amanda said, "We're in Mexico. Anything goes!"

Cortez smirked at her statement. He knew that public nudity was against the law and strictly ******** in the area. However, he figured that nobody was there except the three of them. Therefore, he kept his mouth shut as he struggled to put the condom over his hard throbbing prick.

Christina switched on her video camera and followed the couple as they walked about fifty feet away to the sand at the ocean's edge. Amanda laid down and spread her legs apart while wagging a finger at Cortez, who was struggling to control his raging hard-on. Amanda's auburn bush and bare breasts were totally exposed to the camera until Cortez laid down on top of her.

After using his finger to get Amanda's pussy nice and wet, Cortez carefully inserted his stiff rod into her pleasure place. Once he was inside her, the couple made out with an ********** ferocity, moaning loudly and smacking their bodies into each other with wet noisy sounds. Then, after what seemed like an hour to Christina, Cortez finally pulled out of Amanda, ripped off the condom and shot four long spurts into the sand. Cortez immediately put his shorts on and then, like a gentleman, he helped Amanda to her feet.

Then disaster struck. Christina watched in horror as shadows emerged over the dune. Two cops appeared behind Christina and started running towards Amanda. Amanda was stark naked and her bikini was lying in the sand almost fifty feet away from her. Sensing that she was in trouble, Amanda tried racing towards her swimming suit, but the police were much closer to her bikini than she was. The police quickly scooped up Amanda's tiny bikini before she could get there.

Since Cortez had already put his shorts on, Amanda was the only naked person on the beach. Amanda tried to make a dash towards Christina and the motor scooters, but the cops were too quick for her. The police officers, one male and one female, ****** Amanda's hands off her breasts and away from her bush. Then the cops handcuffed Amanda's wrists behind her. With each officer holding an arm, they lead Amanda towards the Police Jeep.

Amanda was still trembling in utter shock when she was suddenly hit with a wave of shame. As Amanda was escorted over the seclusion of the dune, she was met by more than twenty onlookers that had gathered on the street of the small beach town. Amanda was ****** to cross the road to get into the Police Jeep and her bare body was almost at touching distance from the motley crowd. Her arms were securely fastened behind her so she couldn't cover her jiggling breasts and reddish-brown pussy hair.



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Amanda demanded, "What the hell is going on? Nudity is legal here, isn't it?"

The female cop chuckled and said, "Heavens no! We have strict rules against public nudity. This is a peaceful town and we intend to keep it that way. If you wanted to run around naked, you should have gone to Cabo!"

Amanda begged, "Can't you wrap something around me? I'm naked and all these people are looking at me!"

The female cop sarcastically asked the other officers, "Hey guys, you got anything for this girl to put on?"

The guys all shook their head no, so the female cop turned to Amanda and said, "Sorry girl, no got. Looks like you'll have to grin and bare it," which was followed by laugher amongst the crowd.

Amanda gasped in shock at the news. She started screaming frantically because she was not allowed to use her arms to cover her bouncing breasts, smooth butt and soft pussy hair from the crowd. Unfortunately, her shrieks of terror just drew the attention of more bystanders to her naked predicament.

She also suffered from the discomfort of the burning hot road tar against her bare feet, which made her jump up and down. The jumping motion caused Amanda's medium sized, yet full firm titties to bounce uncontrollably, much to the delight of the all-male crowd. Cortez tried reasoning with the cops, especially the female cop because she couldn't take her eyes off the still semi-erect penis in his shorts, but the cops would not listen to him. They merely pushed Amanda up into the Jeep.

Stepping up into the back of the open-top Jeep ****** Amanda to spread her legs wide, putting her pretty pink pussy lips on display for everyone to see. There was no way for Amanda to cover herself as two male cops waiting in the front seat of the Police Jeep stared intensely at her bare body. They gazed shamelessly at the humiliating beaver shot Amanda was ****** to give them.

While the two officers helped pull Amanda into the Jeep, the female cop took the liberty of placing her hand on Amanda's bare ass. Then she gently pushed from behind. Amanda squealed when she felt the female cop's finger slide up and down her sensitive butt crack. Amanda wanted to object to the fondling of her ass by the female cop, but she was too horrified by her situation to complain about it.

Amanda looked back and saw the mischievous grin on the Mexican girl's face. The officer appeared to be even younger than Amanda and she looked very fit in her tight starched police uniform. It seemed as though the female cop was enjoying Amanda's embarrassing situation even more than the male cops, so Amanda refrained from lashing out at the girl. Amanda was afraid the female cop would take even more liberties with her bare body if she confronted the girl. After all of the cops were seated, they drove off with Amanda's naked body on full display in the back of the open-top Jeep.


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Pas tant que moi! Lol!
Ceci dit, mille mercis pour ton assuétude à nous régaler régulièrement en "french stories"


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crois moi les anglaise *** top en crisssss


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As the Police Jeep slowly drove away with poor naked Amanda seated up in back like the Homecoming Queen in a parade, Christina asked Cortez for help. Unfortunately, Cortez did not want to get involved. Fearing that he could get arrested for his part in the scandal, Cortez came up with a pitiful excuse.

Cortez said that having him plead Amanda's case could make things even worse for the girl. He said the police would assume that a local, such as himself, would have explained the public nudity laws to Amanda as soon as she tried to remove her bikini. Therefore, the cops would accuse Amanda of knowing the law and ignoring it, whereas if Amanda was there by herself, she could argue that she didn't know it was illegal to be naked in public.

The excuse Cortez gave was ridiculous, but Christina actually bought it and hurried off to chase the Police Jeep on her motor scooter all by herself. She had butterflies in her stomach as she imagined what it would feel like to be in Amanda's humiliating predicament. In the Jeep, Amanda's stomach was also doing flip-flops. She was sitting up high in the back of the open-top Jeep with her wrists handcuffed behind her. There was a cop sitting on each side of her, while two cops rode in the front seats. Three of the four cops were men, but all four cops seized the opportunity and thoroughly examined Amanda's fully exposed breasts and bush.

As they drove through the middle of the town, the officer slowed the Jeep to a crawl. Amanda was mortified as all the people on the street pointed and stared at her nakedness. She was also getting angry because the cops sitting beside her casually leaned back so that they would not block the crowd's view of their naked prisoner.

Amanda urged, "Can't you go any faster?"

The driver replied, "The speed limit is twenty-five miles per hour and we always abide by the law!"

Then the other cop in front said, "With so many people lining up on the sidewalk, maybe we should slow down to ten miles per hour."

Amanda begged, "No, please don't slow down. You'll just make it easier for them to see me!"

The driver chuckled and said, "Well I think it's a good suggestion. It's better to be safe than sorry," and then he slowed the Jeep down to ten miles per hour.

Amanda was already frustrated because the Jeep was barely moving, and then they came to a stop.

Amanda yelled, "What are you stopping for?"

The driver said, "There's a group of people waiting to cross the street and I'm stopping to give them a chance to cross."

The other cop in the front seat said, "But we have the right of way."

Then the two cops looked back at the naked girl, laughed and the second cop said, "You're right. We'd better let them cross!"

All of the cops laughed as the driver remained stopped so that the group of people could cross in front of the Jeep. The police had the right-of-way, but the driver couldn't resist stopping for the crowd. It allowed the people on the street to get a good look at the poor naked girl.

The people moved very slowly while crossing the street, thus prolonging Amanda's embarrassment. The group also got as close as they could to the Police Jeep in order to get the best view possible of Amanda's bare titties. Amanda squeezed her legs together, but a portion of her auburn bush still showed and there was nothing she could do to hide from the crowd. Her round rosy nipples were right out in the open for everyone to see causing Amanda's face to turn crimson red.

As the Jeep proceeded onward, the cop in the passenger seat said, "Hey, you just passed up the police station."

The driver chuckled and said, "You're right. I guess I was so distracted that I drove right past it. Oh well, we can go around again and catch it next time."

The second cop said, "That's fine. We're in no hurry. I don't mind driving through town again."

Amanda screamed, "Through town again? Please don't make me go through town again. I'm naked! Everybody will line up to get a look at me again."

The officer in the passenger seat said, "She's right. The crowd might be even bigger this time."

The driver chuckled and said, "Then we'd better slow all the way down to five miles per hour!"

That made all of the cops in the Police Jeep laugh as Amanda began to shake from nervous frustration and public ***********. Amanda was mortified by the number of people that were treated to a view of her totally nude body as the police slowly paraded her through town. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity to Amanda, the Police Jeep arrived at the Los Cufrado Police Station. Amanda felt light-headed from fear and embarrassment as the cops pulled her out of the Jeep in the parking lot of a large police station.

Then Amanda's heart sank when she heard one of the cops say, "Wow, it's a busy day at the station today. Look at all the people."

The female cop added, "Yeah. I'd sure hate to be caught naked in front of this crowd," and then she looked at Amanda and laughed.

There were at least fifty men standing outside the building as well as inside the lobby. The men were surprised to see the cops parade a sweet innocent girl around stark naked, right before their very eyes! Amanda's arms were still handcuffed behind her back, so her perky breasts, round rosy nipples, smooth firm butt and auburn pussy hair were total exposed for everyone to behold. A short time later, Christina showed up and tried to give Amanda some clothes, but she was forbidden from doing so by the cops.

A cop explained, "She was happy to flaunt her naked body in public, so she will remain that way in here. Plus, we need a witnesses to sign and confirm what they saw before we can allow her to cover herself."

Christina said, "I'm a witness."

The cop countered, "You're also a friend so we'll need to speak to someone else."

Christina said, "But the only other witness isn't coming to the station."

The cop chuckled and said, "Oh, that's most unfortunate. Well then, I guess she's gonna be naked for quite a while!"

Christina knew the cops were just making excuses to ***** Amanda to remain nude in front of all those men. Christina pleaded with the cops to allow Amanda to get dressed. She even pulled the sundress from Amanda's bag to show that she'd brought clothes for Amanda to wear. Unfortunately, the cops wouldn't listen. They even confiscated Amanda's dress and all her belongings.

It seemed to Christina that the cops enjoyed humiliating the poor naked girl. Amanda began to beg for something to wear, but her begging was dealt with by a firm slap on her tight bare butt cheek. It was administered by the cute female cop who appeared to really enjoy her job.

Amanda yelped, "Ouch, that hurt!"

The female cop said, "Open your mouth again and you'll get another one!"

Christina went into the Police Chief's office and tried to pay the fine of two-hundred dollars to get her naked friend out of jail. However, the Chief declined her offer figuring that Christina would offer a bribe after watching her friend suffer a fair amount of *********** at the hands of the cops. Besides, most tourists know about the strict anti-nudity laws in the town so the cops didn't get the opportunity to embarrass a nude young girl very often. They planned to exploit Amanda's situation as long as possible.

The Chief called out, "Please bring the naked girl in here."

Two male officers took Amanda by the arms and led her to the entrance of the Chief's office.

The female officer stopped them at the door and said to the cops, "You know the drill. We need to search her for weapons before she enters the Chief's Office."

As the cops gave a condescending laugh, Amanda cried out, "Weapons? I'm naked! Where could I possibly hide a weapon?"

The girl said, "It's standard procedure, ma'am," and then she began caressing Amanda's back with her soft hand.

The female cop was already popular in the station because of her good looks and great body. Knowing how much the male cops enjoyed watching the *********** of a female prisoner, she figured that an enticing performance with the nude beauty could make her even more popular. The female cop also hoped that exploiting the poor naked girl in front of her male coworkers would show how invaluable she was to the department and it could possibly put her in line for a promotion. With that in mind, the Mexican girl moved her hand up and down Amanda's back, and gradually worked her way down onto Amanda's bare ass.

As all of the men in attendance watched, the girl softly said, "We need to do a thorough inspection," and then she gently dragged her fingertip up and down Amanda's sensitive butt crack.

Amanda begged, "Please don't touch me there," but the Mexican girl ignored her.



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She softly slid her finger up and down the crack of Amanda's bare ass, and then she instructed Amanda to lean forward and spread her legs. Amanda refused, but the two male cops holding her arms made sure that Amanda complied with the request. With Amanda secured in the vulnerable position, the female cop stepped to the side so that everyone could watch as she separated Amanda's tight butt cheeks and probed the young girl's ass. It caused Amanda to squeal, which made the presentation even more enjoyable for all the male cops and local criminals in attendance.

Amanda was still bent over slightly as the cute Mexican girl began caressing the insides of Amanda's legs. The female cop would go down to Amanda's ankles and then slowly move up until her hand was high on Amanda's inner thigh. Amanda quivered nervously when the girl would get close to Amanda's totally exposed pussy, but the cop would stop before making contact with Amanda's sweet snatch.

Soon the men in the lobby began yelling, "Go for it," so the female cop smiled back at the crowd and then she moved her hand all the way up to Amanda's pretty pink pussy lips.

Amanda pleaded, "No, not my pussy! Please don't touch my pussy in front of all these men. Please, I'm begging you."

The female cop giggled and called out, "She's begging for it boys!"

Amanda sighed, "Oh no," as the Mexican girl slid her finger back and forth across Amanda's bare beaver.

The cute Mexican girl knew exactly what she was doing as she paused briefly and made little circles over Amanda's love button. Amanda was so embarrassed that she wanted to die, yet she couldn't help moaning from the gentle touch of the female cop.

The female cop sadistically said, "You're wet little girl. You like it, don't you! You like it when I touch you between your legs. You want me to touch your pussy, don't you? Yes, yes you do! You're a bad, bad little girl," and then she slapped her hand across Amanda's bare butt cheek.

The Chief gave the female cop an approving smile as she instructed the cops to turn Amanda around. Now Amanda was facing the crowded lobby and everyone's eyes were focused on her. The female cop used both hands to caress Amanda's upper body and they quickly landed on Amanda's firm round breasts. After massaging the beautiful globes of flesh for awhile, the female cop began rolling Amanda's precious pink nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. Once Amanda's nipples were as hard as they could get, the girl started pinching and tweaking them.

Amanda was mortified, but she couldn't fight the feeling. All of the sexual stimulation combined with the public *********** was more than Amanda could withstand and she felt her love juices begin to build heavily between her legs. Then the cop moved her soft hand down so that she could caress Amanda's inner thighs and moments later, the girl inserted her finger deep into Amanda's wet waiting pussy.

As the cute Mexican girl gently moved her finger around inside Amanda's tight love hole, Amanda begged, "Please stop. You know I don't have any weapons in there. don't know what you're doing to me."

The female cop said, "I know exactly what I'm doing to you, and so does everyone else in the room!"

Then one of the cops holding Amanda's arm said, "Don't forget about the chemical test."

Amanda asked, "Chemical test? What's that?"

The male cop said, "We have to make sure your body isn't contaminated with dangerous chemicals that could harm the Police Chief. It's a simple taste test," and then the male cop smiled at the cute Mexican girl as she moved forward and began licking Amanda's hard nipples with her tongue.

As the female cop licked and sucked on Amanda's pert nipples, she continued moving her finger in and out of Amanda's wet pussy. The cute girl occasionally paused to move her fingertip in soft circles over Amanda's love button, but she never stopped kissing and teasing Amanda's precious pink nipples. Amanda gasped for air as she look around at all the male eyes upon her.

Then Amanda closed her eyes and begged, "This is too much for me to take. I can't hold back much longer. So many, so humiliating! Please don't make me cum. Please don' in front of all these men," but that only inspired the female cop to work harder.

Tears welled up in Christina's eyes as she watched along with the men in the lobby. She could tell by the expressions on Amanda's face that it wouldn't be much longer before Amanda erupted with a very public orgasm. Then it happened. Amanda's face tensed up, and then her body started to shutter wildly. Every man in the Los Cufrado Police Station was gawking at poor naked Amanda as she climaxed right in front of them.

Amanda called out, "Oh no...I'm...I'm cumming! I'm cumming. many men watching. But...but it feels...feels so good...mmm, I'm cumming...cumming!"

Amanda couldn't take it anymore and begged the female cop to stop, but she wouldn't listen. The cute Mexican girl continued thrusting her finger in and out of Amanda's over-stimulated pussy until the female cop was good and ready to quit. She finally pulled her finger out of Amanda's dripping wet pussy after which, Amanda broke down and cried. Seeing Amanda's tears caused Christina to cry. After Amanda finished sobbing, moaning and twitching, she was finally lead into the Police Chief's office.



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Amanda, who was still stark naked, shivered as she stood in front of the Police Chief's desk. Two male cops were holding Amanda's handcuffed arms and positioned Amanda so she had her back to the open doorway. As the Chief examined the poor girl's breasts and pussy, her bare ass was still on display to all the people in the lobby. Then Christina entered the office and stood next to the Police Chief.

As the Chief gazed at the naked beauty, he said to Christina, "We'll have to detain this young lady until she signs a confession."

Amanda spoke up, "Give me the damn confession. I'll sign it!"

The Chief said, "Oh, I'm sorry. The attorney needs to be here to watch you sign it so it's all legal and everything."

Christina asked, "How long will that take?"

The Chief replied, "Since it's a holiday weekend, you may be here until the middle of next week."

Amanda shrieked, "The middle of next week? It's not even a holiday in Mexico. It's only an American holiday!"

The Chief grinned and said, "Regardless, you're stuck here until the attorney arrives...and you'll be naked the whole time!"

Christina asked, "Isn't there anything we can do?"

The Chief said, "Well, if you pay an additional five-hundred dollars to cover expenses and attorney fees, we might be tempted to drop the charges and release her."

Christina said, "Five-hundred dollars? That's extortion! We're kindergarten teachers for heaven's sake. That's all the money we have!"

The Chief said, "I'm sorry you feel that way," and then he nodded to a cop in the lobby.

The cop came into the office and said, "Ma'am, we need you to come with us and sign a document."

Amanda asked, "Can't you bring it in here?"

The officer said, "Sorry. Rules are rules."

Then Amanda was escorted back into the lobby where everyone could see her. She had to bend over in front of a desk, which left Amanda's bare ass pointed directly at all the men standing behind her. Amanda was so embarrassed that she started to shake, but when she discovered that she couldn't sign the form with her wrists handcuffed behind her back, Amanda's situation quickly went from bad to worse.

Amanda said, "You'll have to un-cuff me if you want me to sign the form."

The cop said, "Sorry. We can't do that."

She asked, "Why not? There are men in here that look like ********* and they're not handcuffed."

The cop said, "Just turn around and sign the form."

Amanda reluctantly turned around. She was now facing the crowd. With her beautiful breasts and reddish-brown bush on full display to all the men in front of her, she leaned back to sign the form. However, she couldn't reach up high enough to sign it because of the handcuffs so she shimmied up onto the desk with her legs held tightly together.

The male cop immediately said, "Please place one foot on the floor ma'am. It's a safety regulation."

Amanda tearfully pleaded, "No...please, no! You can't expect me to put my foot on the floor. It's humiliating enough to sit up here stark naked in front of all these men without spreading my legs, too!"

The two male cops holding Amanda demanded, "Spread your legs or we'll spread them for you!"

The lobby of the Police Station went silent as Amanda placed a foot on the floor. She was now sitting up on a desk with her pink pussy lips fully exposed to everyone in attendance. Then she was humiliated even further when she discovered that the pen was out of ink. The cops laughed and told Amanda to remain seated while they looked for another pen. She tried to close her legs, but the male cops standing beside Amanda held her in place and prevented Amanda from hiding her sweet snatch from the crowd.

Amanda looked out at the crowd and was horrified to see them move closer, which afforded them a better view of the beaver shot she was exhibiting. After ten minutes, a pen finally arrived and Amanda was able to sign the document. Then her bare body was paraded past the crowd again as she was lead back to the Chief's office.

When she got to the doorway of the office, the female cop stopped Amanda as if she was going to search her for weapons again. However, as soon as the cute Mexican girl reached down and touched Amanda's tender pussy, the Chief commanded her to stop. He stated that another cavity search was not necessary. This was a welcomed relief for Amanda.

The Chief asked Christina, "Are you ready to part with the money now or do you want to watch Amanda sign another document?"

Christina looked at Amanda as if they were deciding what to do when the Chief added, "You know, your school district back home may not like finding out that your naked friend here was arrested for indecent exposure and lewd behavior, especially since she's a kindergarten teacher."

The girls looked at the Chief and in unison they said, "You wouldn't!"

The Chief grinned and called out, "Boys, have her sign another form...and photograph her this time!"

Christina said, "Okay, okay. Here's your money."

With that, the handcuffs were removed from Amanda's wrists.

Amanda asked, "What about my clothes?"

The Chief said, "Sorry. We need to keep those for evidence."

Amanda asked, "Even my dress? That shouldn't be considered evidence. You didn't even know I had a dress until Christina brought it to the Police Station!"

The Chief said, "That makes it evidence. And if you try to leave the station without clothes, we'll arrest you again!"

Amanda nervously asked, "What do you expect me to do...stand in the lobby stark naked in front of all those men while Christina goes back to the hotel and gets me some more clothes?"

Christina said to Amanda, "Don't worry. I have a solution. I'll give you my shirt and shorts, and then I'll ride home in my bikini," and then Christina slipped off her T-shirt.

The Chief commanded, "Do that in the lobby, please."

Amanda said, "The lobby? In front of all those men? Haven't they seen enough already?"

Christina said, "Come on, Amanda. Let's just get this over-with," and then she pulled Amanda out amongst the crowd of men.

Amanda quickly pulled the T-shirt down over her head. Without a bra, Amanda's nipples poked out against the front of the thin shirt and the short T-shirt only came down to her bellybutton. However, after all she'd been through, any coverage at all was a welcomed treat.

Then Christina unbuttoned and unzipped her shorts. She started working them down, but the denim shorts were so tight that Christina was having trouble taking them off.



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Amanda was still bottomless and with all the men looking at her, she urged, "Come on, Christina. Hurry up!"

Christina said, "I'm trying, but..."

Christina was going to say that the shorts were so tight her bikini bottoms were being dragged down, too. Unfortunately for Christina, Amanda didn't wait for her to finish the sentence. She reached her fingers into the waistband of Christina's shorts and yanked them all the way down to her ankles. Christina was mortified because her bikini was pulled down as well, and now both girls were bottomless in front of the large group of men.

Christina screamed, "Amanda, what are you doing? You pulled my bikini off. My butt and bush are showing, and all these men are looking at me! Quick, help me pull it back up."

Realizing her mistake, Amanda tried to pull the bottoms to Christina's suit up, but Christina had stumbled forward and was now standing on it. Amanda yanked hard and both girls cringed when they heard the material rip apart. Christina stepped out of her shorts and what remained of her bikini bottoms.

The bottomless girls looked at each other and said, "Oh, no. Now what do we do?"

There was a roar from the crowd and Christina quickly found out what it felt like to be naked in front of all the men. Her beautiful bare butt and dark hairy triangle were totally exposed to the cops, criminals and locals in attendance, and she almost fainted out of shame. With the denim shorts still in her hands, she quickly slipped them back on, protecting her butt and bush from the crowd.

Amanda slipped what was left of the bikini bottoms up her legs and said, "I'll hold onto the side that's ripped. Let's get out of here!"

After jumping on the motor scooter, the girls zoomed away. Amanda rode on the back of the bike and couldn't hold the torn bikini together and Christina at the same time. She was ****** to let go of her panties and allow the ripped side to flap in the wind. With the shredded material whipping around, Amanda's right hip and the top portion of Amanda's butt crack were exposed to anyone following behind their scooter.

The girls heard the honks of a few horns, but they managed to make it back to their hotel without any further incidents. Amanda went directly to the hotel room while Christina returned the scooter. Cortez did not charge the girls for the bike rental after everything that had happened to them. Christina thanked him for his generosity even though she felt that he received more than he deserved earlier on the beach from Amanda.

Once Christina returned to the hotel room, Amanda gave Christina a big hug and said, "Thanks for rescuing me," as the ripped bikini panties gave way and fell to the floor rendering Amanda bottomless once again.

Amanda slipped off her T-shirt and stood naked before Christina. Then Amanda looked into Christina's big brown eyes and stepped forward to give Christina another big hug. Christina didn't back away. In fact, Christina welcomed her totally nude friend into her arms.

Christina didn't understand why, but having Amanda's perky breasts pressed against her own bare flesh made Christina tingle all over. She wanted to reciprocate the feeling so Christina quickly removed her bikini top, but before she could wrap her arms around Amanda again, the naked girl announced that she was going to take a much needed bath. All Christina could do was watch Amanda's smooth firm ass disappear into the bathroom.

Christina moved to the doorway of the bathroom and caught Amanda bending over to turn on the faucet in the bathtub. She was fascinated by the sight of Amanda's bare butt even though she'd seen Amanda in the nude for most of the day. As Amanda lowered herself into the warm water, Christina fixed a couple of ******. After Christina returned to the bathroom, the two kindergarten teachers quickly downed a few shots of Tequila. Then the girls switched to Mexican beer in an attempt to wash away the terrible memories of their day in the Los Cufrado Police Station.

The ******* quickly took affect and the girls began to relax. Without asking, Christina took the bar of soap and lathered up her hands. Then she began caressing Amanda's back. Amanda's hand was resting on the side of the tub and when Christina leaned forward to give Amanda a friendly kiss, Christina's bare breast ended up on top of Amanda's hand.

The simple friendly kiss evolved into deep passion and Amanda couldn't resist taking Christina's massive melon in her hand. Their embrace was spontaneous and unexpected for Christina, but for Amanda, it was a dream come true. Although Amanda had never been with a girl before, aside from her humiliating experience with the female cop at the police station, she'd always fantasized about making love to another woman and her fantasies usually revolved around Christina. Now Amanda was close to having her fantasy become reality!


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After over-indulging in beer and tequila, Amanda and Christina were suddenly opening their minds to things they'd never considered before. Amanda was naked in the bathtub and passionately kissing Christina, who was kneeling beside the tub. Christina was topless, but she was still wearing her tight denim shorts. Amanda had her hand on one of Christina's full firm breasts as Christina massaged Amanda's back with her soft soapy hand.

As the girls pushed their tongues into each other's mouth, Amanda continued squeezing and massaging Christina's big boob. Then Amanda paused to softly caress Christina's delicate pink nipple. Christina scooted forward on her knees to get closer to the tub while Amanda applied soap to her fingers. Then Amanda reached out with both hands and used her soapy slick fingers to make gentle circles over Christina's round rosy nipples.

The sensation of Amanda's fingertips teasing Christina's nipples was exquisite and it sent chills up and down Christina's spine. Christina had never in her life imagined making love to another girl, but after the traumatic experience that the girls shared together earlier in the day, she felt a strong bond to Amanda. Christina also had a tremendous sexual yearning for her cute little redheaded friend.

Amanda said, "You know, Christina, we should both take a bath after being in that dirty police station all day."

Christina's eyes got big as she asked, "You mean together?"

Amanda replied, "Sure. There's room for both of us in the tub."

Christina had a big smile on her face as she stood up and unbuttoned her shorts. Amanda watched as Christina unzipped her tight shorts and pushed them down her smooth shapely legs. Since Amanda was sitting down in the tub, Christina's hairy triangle was at eye level to Amanda. Then, after stepping out of her shorts, Christina lifted her leg over the side of the tub and dipped her dainty little toes into the warm water.

From her sitting position, Amanda was able to look right up between Christina's legs and see her pretty pink pussy lips. It took all of Amanda's might to keep from reaching up and touching Christina between her legs, but she contained herself. This was new to both of them and Amanda didn't want to spoil the mood by rushing things.

Not a word was exchanged between the two girls as they caressed their soapy hands all over each other's body. There was plenty of kissing and breast fondling, and Christina was in heaven because Amanda couldn't stop playing with Christina's delicate pink nipples. Christina loved the gentle touch of her friend's fingers on her nipples and Amanda was more than happy to do it.

Then Amanda poured a cup of water over her head and asked Christina to wash her hair. Christina applied a dab of shampoo to Amanda's reddish-brown hair and then she gave her friend a terrific scalp massage. Amanda's eyes were closed, but Christina's eyes were opened wide and focused on Amanda's bare titties. She loved the way Amanda's breasts wobbled as she rubbed shampoo into her friend's head.

After rinsing her hair, it was time for Amanda to return the favor. Amanda rubbed shampoo into Christina's hair, but Amanda had a slightly different technique. She leaned forward just enough to let her erect nipples softly rub against Christina's bare chest. Christina loved having Amanda run her fingers through her hair, but it was nothing compared to the sensation of having her stiff pink nipples gently caressed by Amanda's sweet soapy nipples. The nipple rubs ended much too soon for Christina as Amanda poured cups of water over Christina's head to rinse out the soap, and then Amanda announced that it was time to wash her butt.

Amanda turned her back to Christina and got up on her knees. With her bare ass right in Christina's face, Amanda began rubbing her soapy hands all over her butt cheeks.

Then Christina asked, "Was it embarrassing?"

Amanda said, "Huh...what?"

Christina asked, "Was it embarrassing when you were standing there, stark naked in front of all those men, and that cute Mexican girl did this," and then Christina took her soapy finger and started sliding it gently up and down Amanda's sensitive butt crack.

Amanda said, "Mmm...that feels good."

Christina asked, "Well...did it feel good when that chick cop did it?"

Amanda said, "Not like this. That Latino bitch was trying to humiliate me in front of all those men, but I feel like you're doing it out of love."

Christina leaned forward and kissed the small of Amanda's back, but never stopped toying with Amanda's butt crack.

Christina said, "Yes...yes, I guess it is love. I felt so bad for you today that I wanted to cry."

Amanda said, "Yep, it was terrible all right. All those men looking at me, leering at me, wanting to touch me and I was naked, stark naked, and powerless to hide my body from them."

Christina added, "It must have been horrible. Those men could see your perky breasts bouncing as you walked and they watched your nipples stiffen under the cool breeze of the air conditioner. They saw your beautiful bare butt when the cops made you bend over in front of them, and then they turned you around so that everybody could see your girl fur."

Amanda said, "And they didn't stop there. I wanted to die when the cops spread my legs apart so that all the men could see my pussy lips. Those men saw everything and there was nothing, but lust in their eyes. I was mortified...humiliated beyond belief!"

Christina hugged her friend from behind and pressed her big breasts into Amanda's back. Then she reached around and grabbed Amanda's firm titties while giving her a nice hug.

Christina said, "You might have wanted to die, but I'm glad you didn't. If you had, then I wouldn't be hugging your bare body right now. When I saw you standing there naked in the police station, I was filled with anger and rage, but when I look at you in the nude's me with lust in my eyes!"

Tears began running down Amanda's cheeks as she turned around and passionately kissed Christina. Both girls were kneeling in the tub and as they kissed, the girls found each other's love holes with their fingers. Amanda easily slid her finger deep into Christina's wet waiting pussy and began making little circles inside of her.

Christina loved what Amanda was doing to her so she mimicked everything Amanda did. When Amanda worked her finger in and out of Christina's pussy, Christina did the same thing between Amanda's legs. When Amanda paused to gently caress Christina's love button, Christina followed suit and massaged Amanda's little clitty. Soon the feeling began to build inside each of the kindergarten teachers' bodies, and it kept building stronger and stronger as the girls massaged each other's pleasure places.

Then Christina called out, "Oh, oh my, I can't believe you're making me feel this way. I can't hold back much longer. have have to cum."

Amanda said, "Me too! Me too!"

Then, almost simultaneously, the girl's bodies stiffened up and started to shutter as Christina let out a big groan.

Christina yelled, "I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cumming!"

Amanda begged, "Don't stop, baby. Please don't stop what you're doing. Almost there...almost, yes! I'm cumming, I'm cumming, good...mmm...yes, yes, yes!"

Then the girls collapsed into each other's arms. They could almost feel one another's heart beating fast because their bare chests were pressed tightly together. Amanda and Christina laid back in the tub until they could regain their composure.

Eventually Amanda and Christina washed each other off again to make sure that they were squeaky clean, and then they stepped out of the tub and toweled themselves off. The girls now had a common bond. They had both enjoyed their first girl-on-girl experience together and it was a memory that neither girl would ever forget.

With bath towels wrapped around their naked bodies, Christina and Amanda took a seat on the bed. As Amanda searched for a TV show that wasn't in Spanish, Christina called to have a pizza delivered to their hotel room. Amanda found a chick-flick that no guy would ever want to sit through, which was precisely the type of movie she was looking for. Then Amanda fixed a couple more tequila ******.

Christina asked, "Don't you think we've had enough Tequila?"

Amanda said, "Come on, baby. One more...just one more. We're on vacation!"

Christina reluctantly said, "Oh, okay."

Then Christina asked, "Shouldn't we get dressed?"

Amanda replied, "No. In my opinion, we're wearing too much!"

Christina giggled and said, "Maybe for the two of us, but the pizza man is coming."

Amanda said, "So what! I was naked in front of a hundred men today, not counting all the people on the streets. One more man seeing me without my clothes is no big deal."

Christina laughed and said, "That's just the tequila talking. You're a kindergarten teacher, remember?"

Amanda said, "And you showed your butt and bush to the men, too, remember!"

Christina said, "Sure do...and I was horrified. I don't ever want to go through that again."

Amanda said, "Then keep your towel on. Personally, I think turning men on and then turning them away is the best punishment I can give long as I've got you by my side after they leave."

Christina smiled and said, "I've always got your back...and your front!"

With that said, there was a knock on the door. The girls grinned mischievously at each other as Amanda reached for the door. The girls weren't sure how they were going to do it, but they both knew that the pizza delivery man on the other side of the door was about to get flashed and teased!


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Christina kept a hand on her towel as she walked towards the door, but Amanda let her towel hang free, almost daring the towel to fall off. Then Amanda opened the door and a man, who appeared to be in his forties, entered the room carrying a pizza. His eyes opened wide at the sight of the two beautiful young girls.

He said in a heavy accent, "A tasty pizza for lovely ladies," and then he smiled and handed the pizza to Christina.

Christina held the large pizza box with both hands, leaving her towel totally unprotected. The towel was riding low on Christina's big boobies, putting plenty of cleavage on display. Christina blushed because of the way that the man was looking at her. She was so worried about keeping her breasts covered that she didn't realize the towel was slightly separated down below. A tiny bit of Christina's dark pussy hair was peeking out between the separation in the white towel, which did not go unnoticed by the pizza delivery man.

Then Amanda asked, "What do we owe you?"

As she spoke, Amanda gave her body a little shake and the bounce of her boobs almost caused her towel to fall off. The man gasped when he saw the towel shift, and then he started breathing heavily when he noticed that Amanda's towel was beginning to come untucked.

Christina said, "Be careful, Amanda. Your towel is about to fall off."

Amanda looked down, and then she turned towards the man and said, "I think my towel will stay on. What do you think, Mr. Pizza Man? Do you think I should tighten my towel?"

As the man started to perspire, he said, ", your towel looks fine to me!"

Amanda said, "See, Christina? He thinks my towel is just fine."

The Pizza Man watched as Amanda's towel slowly began to drift down her bare tits and his breathing rate increased dramatically when the tops of Amanda's round rosy nipples began to show.

Again Amanda gave her body a little shake and asked, "Well, what do we owe you?"

The man didn't answer. He just stood there staring at Amanda's barely covered breasts.

Christina said, "Amanda, you're upsetting the man. There's sweat running down his face. I think you'd better check your towel."

Amanda looked down and it was clearly obvious that her nipples were partially exposed. However, Amanda didn't bother to adjust her towel. She was having too much fun tormenting the Pizza Man as she pushed the issue even further.

Amanda turned towards the Pizza Delivery Man again and asked, "I still think my towel will stay on, but my friend disagrees. Be honest, Mr. Pizza Man. Does it look to you like my towel is going to fall off? If you think it's gonna fall off, then I'll tighten it. I'll leave it up to you."

The man stammered, "No, don't touch the towel. It's fine!"

Amanda grinned, pushed her chest out and asked, "Are you sure?"

The man tried to speak, but nothing came out of his mouth. All he could do was gasp for air because Amanda twitched again and the fidgeting caused her towel to drift down even further.

With even more of Amanda's precious pink nipples on display, the man stuttered, ", yes. I'm sure. I don't think your towel is going to fall off at all."

Amanda teasingly said, "That's good because I'd be really embarrassed if my towel fell off. I'm naked under this towel, as you probably know. Now, what do we owe you?"

Amanda took another step towards the man and gave her body a firm shake in the process. This time, when Amanda shook her body, she successfully caused her towel to come undone and it dropped to the floor.

Amanda put her hands on the sides of her face and shrieked, "Oh no, look what happened. My towel fell off! I thought you said my towel wouldn't fall off, Mr. Pizza Man! Were you lying to me just so you could see me naked?"

The man couldn't answer. He just stood there, gazing at Amanda's bare breasts and auburn bush. Amanda was now standing with her hands on her hips and her legs spread shoulder length apart. She wasn't hiding anything from the man. One day earlier, Amanda would have been mortified if this had happened, but today Amanda almost acted like she was enjoying herself. It seemed as though the traumatic experience at the police station desensitized Amanda to the degradation of being stripped naked in public.

As Amanda simply stood there with her firm titties and hairy triangle right out in the open for the man to see, Christina said, "You'll have to excuse us. We just took a bath and we didn't have time to get dressed."

As she bent down to get her towel, Amanda said, "That's right...and she's naked under her towel, too!"

Then Amanda reached out and tugged on Christina's towel. With both hands holding the pizza box, Christina didn't have a free hand to grab her towel and it fell to the floor, rendering Christina helplessly naked in front of the pizza delivery man.

Christina yelped, "Amanda, my towel! You made my towel fall off. Now I'm naked and I'm holding this pizza box so I can't pick my towel up. How could you embarrass me like that?"

As Amanda picked up her own towel, she giggled and said, "I'm sorry. It was an accident."

Christina responded, "Accident my ass," but she merely remained standing there in all her glory.

After Amanda picked up her towel, she held it loosely front of her, but Christina made no attempt to retrieve her towel. Her massive melons, round rosy nipples and the dark curly hair between her legs were all complete exposed to the pizza man.

Amanda was holding her towel in front of her with one hand. Her hairy triangle along with one breast were hidden from the man, but much to Amanda's surprise, Christina continued standing in front of the pizza man completely nude. It was very bold and brazen of Christina, but there was no mistaking the redness of embarrassment on Christina's face.

Finally, the man told Amanda what she owed for the pizza and Amanda told him to wait while she looked in her purse. Christina turned and bent over to set the pizza box on the bed while Amanda bent over to pick her purse up from the floor. With both girls bent over, their bare asses were fully displayed to the man's hungry eyes. The girls glanced over at each other and giggled, while holding their positions to give the man a nice long look at their firm smooth butts.

Then Amanda turned around and acted as though she couldn't hold her towel and her purse at the same time. She let her towel drop to the floor, leaving both Amanda and Christina completely naked as they approached the middle-aged Pizza Delivery Man.

After digging around in her purse for a while, Amanda looked at the man and said, "I'm sorry, but we had a little trouble today and we spent all our money."

The man said, "That's okay. You can charge it to your hotel room."

Christina asked, "But what about the tip?"

Amanda smiled at the Pizza Delivery Man and said, "Yes...what about the tip?"

The man looked at the naked girls and said, "My wife used to be beautiful, but now she has a butt the size of Texas. You would make an older man very happy if one of you...or both of you...would make love to me."

Amanda said, "Hmm, why don't you wait outside while we discuss it."

The man stepped into the hallway and the girls shut the door. He waited anxiously for a moment and then Amanda cracked the door with the safety chain fastened.

Amanda peeked out and said, "We discussed and we've! Go home to your fat wife," and then Amanda slammed the door as both girls laughed hysterically.

After the pizza man left, Amanda and Christina watched a romantic movie while they ate the pizza and drank a couple of beers. The girls were naked when the pizza arrived and they stayed that way for the rest of the evening. After their tear-jerker movie ended, another movie started. The hotel did not show X-Rated movies, but this one definitely came close.

Neither Amanda nor Christina would have watched a movie like this at home. Then again, they wouldn't have drank tequila or made love to another girl, either. Therefore, the girls went ahead and let the movie play. The movie was predominantly a compilation of sex scenes, but the man's penis was always hidden from view and merely implied. However, the movie showed plenty of female butts, boobs and bush.

Christina was especially intrigued when she watched two girls go down on each other. It really got her juices flowing. Christina hadn't dated much and no guy had ever done that to her before so she was very curious about it. After the movie ended, the girls brushed their teeth, and then they turned the lights out and crawled into bed together.

Still naked, Amanda and Christina hugged each other and shared a goodnight kiss. Amanda was worn out from the eventful day, but Christina's mind was still racing as a result of watching the risque movie. As the girls kissed each other, Christina reached between Amanda's legs, but Amanda stopped her before she could do anything.

In a disappointed tone, Christina asked, "What's the matter? Are you tired of me already?"

Amanda responded, "Oh heavens no. I've just had a hard day...literally! I had Cortez's rubber coated dick in me, and then I had the Latino bimbo's finger inside me followed by the tender love we shared. I'm just a little worn out down there, but I'm sure I'll recover by tomorrow morning."



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Christina said, "Then you should get some rest. I was just..."

Amanda asked, "You were just what?"

Christina answered, "Well, I saw what those girls were doing on the screen and..."

Amanda stopped her and said, "Say no more. I know exactly what you want," and then Amanda rolled her totally nude body up on top of Christina.

First Amanda started kissing and licking one of Christina's delicate pink nipples while massaging Christina's other big breast with her hand. Amanda was relentless as she alternated her lips and fingers between Christina's two nipples until they both poked out nice and hard. Then Amanda slowly moved down over Christina's flat tummy, making little kisses along the way. Amanda even tickled Christina's bellybutton with her tongue before sliding her tongue down into the moist pink slit between Christina's legs.

Amanda used her tongue to separate Christina's pussy lips and then her tongue found it's way onto Christina's love button. Christina squealed with delight when Amanda started wiggling her tongue around on Christina's little clitty. It was nothing like Christina had ever experienced before. While continuing to stimulate Christina's love button with her tongue, Amanda slipped her finger deep inside Christina's pleasure hole, which made Christina squeal again.

As Amanda rolled her tongue back and forth over Christina's little clitty, she used her finger to make gentle circles inside Christina's tight wet pussy. Christina moaned with bliss when Amanda moved her free hand up to playfully tease Christina's round rosy nipples. Her nipples were already hard, but the stimulation generated from the soft caress of Amanda's fingertips over Christina's delicate pink nipples caused Christina's love juices to flow like rain.

Christina called out, "Oh Amanda, that feels incredible. Have you done this before?"

Amanda replied, "I've never performed it, but I received it once from a guy. Am I doing it right?"

Christina replied, " must be! This is the best thing anybody's ever done to me. I feel...feel like...mmm...I feel like I'm not going to be able on much longer."

Amanda whisper, "Just relax and enjoy it."

Christina gasped, "Can't...can't relax. Mmm...gotta...gotta cum!"

As Amanda continued licking Christina's little clitty, she started thrusting her finger in and out of Christina's pussy. The tension was building stronger and stronger inside Christina's body, and then Amanda began twisting and pulling on Christina's precious pink nipples with her other hand. Christina was about to go out of her mind as the tension inside her tight body almost reached a fever pitch.

Christina yelled, "Amanda...mmm...Amanda, don't stop, don't stop! Feels so good, so so good!"

Amanda began making little circles over Christina's love button with her tongue as she wiggled her finger in and out of Christina's pussy. Amanda simulated a side-to-side vibrating motion inside of Christina's pleasure place with her finger, which was almost overwhelming for Christina. Christina pushed her big breasts together, making it easier for Amanda to alternate her fingers over Christina's nipples.

Finally Christina reached the point of no return and she called out in ecstasy, "Amanda, Amanda...that's it, that's it. You did it! I'm cumming, I'm cumming...mmm...I'm cumming!"

Amanda kept licking and stroking Christina's wet pussy until Christina couldn't take it anymore, and then she pushed Amanda away. When it was over, both girls laid back in the bed. Amanda could feel the bed shaking as Christina's body shuttered from the aftershocks of her incredible orgasm. Finally Christina was able to relax and she pulled Amanda close. Amanda put her head on Christina's shoulder and Christina ran her fingers through Amanda's hair until both girls fell fast asleep.


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The following day, Amanda and Christina slept until noon. The girls enjoyed a leisurely brunch and intended to spend the rest of the day as quietly as possible, allowing them to recover from the turmoil of the previous day's events. Their plan was to lounge around the hotel pool, followed by a nice peaceful dinner.

Amanda and Christina had exhausted all of their funds and needed to rely on their credit cards for the remainder of the holiday weekend. Since the only clothes the girls brought with them were the skimpy outfits purchased specifically for the trip, that's what Amanda and Christina were ****** to wear.

Before heading to the pool, Christina slipped into a pair of low-cut bright yellow bikini panties. There were little plastic clips on each side that held her bottoms on. Next Christina put on a matching yellow top that consisted of two small triangles which barely contained her big boobies. The top was buckled together behind her back by a small plastic clip and it also had a clip connecting the straps around her neck. The tiny top left Christina's majestic cleavage on full display.

The only swimming suit remaining for Amanda was a white bikini with tiny triangles on top tied together by strings around her neck and behind her back. The matching white bikini panties were tied high on Amanda's hips and the high V of the material in back left most of her butt cheeks exposed. It was a daring bathing suit, but it did a better job of concealing her body than Christina's bikini did.

Amanda and Christina walked out into the hallway and pulled the hotel room door closed behind them. Then they suddenly realized that they'd left their handbags and towels lying on the bed in the room. They couldn't go back inside because their room keys were in their handbags so they walked down to the hotel lobby.

As Christina walked through the lobby, she constantly had to pull her bikini top together. Walking caused her ripe melons to wobble and when they did, the tiny top shifted and allowed her pretty pink nipples to pop out where everyone could see them. It was quite embarrassing for Christina because her breasts were like magnets to all the men's eyes. Every guy she passed seemed to look directly at her breasts.

Christina's bikini bottoms shared a similar issue. Since they rode so low on her hips to begin with, as Christina walked, her panties worked their way down even further and she could feel her butt crack hanging out. As embarrassing as it was for Christina to have her butt crack exposed in back, it was even more embarrassing to have her pussy hair exposed in front.

As Christina's panties drifted down her hips, a small portion of her girl fur would hang out above the waistband of the low-cut bikini panties. The contrast of Christina's dark bush against the bright yellow bikini called extra attention to Christina's misfortune so she constantly had to check the position of her bikini as she walked.

Amanda giggled as she watched Christina fight with her tiny yellow bikini. Amanda enjoyed the fact that Christina was showing more skin in public than she was, especially after the horrifying experience Amanda had at the Los Cufrado Police Station the day before. It was uncharacteristic for Amanda to let her butt cheeks hang out, but after being naked in front of around a hundred men for most of the previous day, the skimpy panties Amanda had on today felt like they offered plenty of coverage.

Christina finally said, "This bikini feels like it's falling off. I wish it had ties instead of clips so I could tighten it."

Amanda said, "Too bad we forgot our towels. Otherwise you could wrap one around you. Hopefully they'll have some at the pool."

When the girls stepped onto the pool deck, there were two American couples floating around in the water. The men looked like they were in their forties while the women only appeared to be in their early thirties. The designer sunglasses and expensive bikinis that the women wore combined with size of the diamonds on the girls' wedding rings implied that both couples were rather wealthy.

The couples were floating on blow-up rafts in the pool. The wives were very attractive, but that didn't stop their husbands from eyeing Amanda and Christina. Amanda and Christina were not intentionally flaunting their great bodies in front of the men, but their skimpy bikinis made it appear that way.

As Amanda and Christina sat down on chairs near the edge of the pool, Amanda said, "Oh darn, Christina. We also left our suntan lotion in our hotel room."

One of the women in the pool said, "You're welcome to use some of ours."

Amanda and Christina stood up and walked to the edge of the pool as Christina said, "Thanks!"

As Christina reached for the lotion, her barely-covered breasts hung down in front of both couples. When the women in the pool noticed how intensely the guys were staring at Christina, they laughed and told the men to offer their rafts to the girls. Amanda and Christina said that they didn't want to impose, but the men insisted so Amanda and Christina walked towards the steps leading into the pool.

The men watched every step the girls took as Amanda and Christina slowly entered the pool. The wives were amused by the behavior of the men and didn't seem to be threatened by Amanda and Christina in the least. The girls finally made it over to the rafts, which were floating in four and a half foot deep water. Since the girls were only a little over five feet tall, they had to bounce up and down to keep their heads above water.

One of the women said, "Hi, I'm Deanna and this is my friend, Randi."

Amanda said, "Nice to meet you. I'm Amanda and this is Christina."

As Christina waved hello, Randi added, "And this is my husband, Alex, and Deanna's husband James."

As the men nodded, Randi added, "You'll have to excuse the way they're staring at you. They can't help it...they're perverts!"

Amanda sarcastically said, "Aren't all men?"

The four girls laughed at that statement, and then James said to Amanda, "Let me help you get on the raft. I'll hold it while you jump on."

Amanda said, "Thank you," and then she jumped up so that her butt landed in the middle of the raft.

Amanda laid back and stretched out on the raft, and then Christina declared, "Whoa, Amanda! You should have tried that suit on while it was wet."

Amanda asked, "Why?"

Christina answered, "Look down and see!"

Amanda glanced down at her skimpy white bathing suit and she was shocked to discover that the tiny bikini became transparent when it got wet. The cool water made her pink nipples poke right through the gauze-like material and her reddish-brown bush was totally exposed beneath the disappearing fabric. It almost looked like Amanda was naked and she suddenly had flashbacks to the previous day. Amanda quickly threw an arm across her chest and put a hand between her legs as her face turned bright red.

Deanna said, "Relax girl. These men aren't going to bother you all here to have fun, right?"

Amanda giggled nervously from embarrassment as she said, "Sure, I guess so," but Amanda was in no hurry to remove her hands.

Alex held the other raft in place and said, "Okay, Christina...your turn."

Before hopping up on the raft, Christina bounced up and down a little to insure that her bikini did not become transparent from getting wet. When Christina bounced up out of the water, she couldn't see through her bikini. However, the ***** of the water caused her big titties to spill right out of her little top. Alex smiled at Christina to let her know that he got a good look at her round rosy nipples, which made Christina blush.

Christina declared, "I'd better hold onto my top when I jump up to get on the raft or you'll be able to see my boobs...again!"

With a hand holding each breast, Christina hopped up on the raft and landed on her stomach. As Christina wiggled to get up on the raft, she could feel that something was wrong...really wrong! When she heard everybody laughing, Christina was mortified because she knew exactly what was had happened.

Since both of Christina's hands were holding onto her top, there was nothing securing the bottoms of her bikini. The ***** of the water pushed Christina's bikini panties almost all the way down to her knees. She was lying on her stomach and her beautiful bare butt was pointing up in the air. Christina's smooth firm ass was completely exposed with Alex and James standing right beside her.

Christina fought to pull her swimming suit up as she simultaneously flipped over onto her back. When she turned over, Christina's breasts wobbled and caused her tiny top to shift. Now both of her precious pink nipples were hanging out of her top and her hairy triangle was showing, too.

Amanda called out, "You'd better cover up, Christina. We don't want to end up in jail like we did yesterday!"

Amanda was laughing because Christina managed to divert everyone's attention away from her own see-through bikini problem. Christina was finally able to pull her bikini bottoms up and adjust her top to cover all of her private places. Then the curious women asked what Amanda meant when she said that they didn't want to end up in jail again. As the men brought over some tequila ****** for all of the girls, Amanda began sharing her embarrassing story.

Amanda was still holding an arm across her chest, but she had to relinquish the hand between her legs in order to hold her *****. Deanna could tell that Amanda was very embarrassed because she was trapped in a public swimming pool wearing a tiny bikini that became transparent when it got wet, and now there was no way for her to hide her auburn bush from the guys in the pool. After watching Amanda suffer the *********** of having Alex and James relentlessly gawk at her, Deanna finally got off her raft and waded over to where Amanda was floating in the pool.

With a tube of suntan lotion in her hand, Deanna said, "Since you don't have a free hand, I thought I'd come over and put a little lotion on you before you burn."

Amanda smiled and sweetly said, "Thank you."

Deanna instructed Amanda to roll over so that she could work on her back first. Amanda rolled over, giving everyone peek at her pink nipples and a better view of her reddish-brown bush, which was visible beneath the veil-thin fabric of her bikini. Once she was lying on her stomach, Amanda reached back and pulled the bottoms of her bikini out of her butt crack. Even after making the adjustments, Amanda's bikini bottoms still didn't hide much because there was just a narrow strip of see-through material running up her backside. It wasn't a thong, but the high V cut panties still left most of Amanda's butt cheeks hanging out and longing for suntan lotion.

Deanna began applying a liberal amount of lotion onto Amanda's upper back. Amanda turned her head sideways to get a good look at Deanna. Deanna had blonde hair, a pretty face and a warm inviting smile. She was taller than Amanda, but at only five feet tall, almost everyone was taller than Amanda. The bikini Deanna wore offered much more coverage than the suits Amanda and Christina were wearing, but her shapely thirty year old body filled it out well.

Then Randi floated over near Amanda and said, "So tell us more about the naked adventure that sent you to the police station yesterday."

As Deanna gently rubbed lotion on Amanda's back, everyone listened as Amanda told of how she shed her bikini on the beach and made out with a total stranger. Then she explained how the police swooped in, confiscated all her clothes and marched her across a busy street in the nude with her wrists handcuffed behind her back. Amanda described how humiliating it was to be naked and handcuffed in front of a crowd of people. She said that it was so embarrassing because the handcuffs prevented Amanda from shielding her breasts and pussy from all of the onlookers.

Amanda expected sympathy from the couples as she told her story, but listening to the details of the previous day's events had a different affect on the couples. Both the men and the women began imagining what it would have been like to witness Amanda being humiliated in public. The thought of seeing Amanda naked was very enticing to both the men and the women. As Amanda explained how the police paraded her totally nude body through town in the open-top Jeep, a hotel worker entered the pool area and announced that the boat was ready.

Christina asked, "Boat...what boat?"

Randi said, "The boys chartered a fishing boat and we have to leave...and just when the story was getting good!"

Alex suggested, "Why don't you bring Amanda and Christina along? Since you girls aren't interested in fishing anyway, you could have a few ****** and allow Amanda to finish her story."

Amanda and Christina accepted the invitation and followed the couples to the beach. Everyone had to wade out into the ocean to get on the boat and the water went all the way up to Amanda's chin. When she climbed up the ladder to get into the boat, the Captain's eyes bulged out because the ocean water made Amanda's suit wet again, which made the bikini so transparent that it looked like she wasn't wearing anything at all.

The Captain also watched as Christina climbed the ladder. As he looked down at the beautiful brunette, he feasted his eyes on her deep cleavage. When Christina pulled herself up the ladder, the ***** of the water pulled her bikini bottoms down just as it had done when she jumped up on the raft in the pool. Now the Captain was treated to a view of Christina's dark bush as half of her hairy triangle was hanging out above the waistband of her tiny panties. The men also got another look at most of Christina's bare butt as they looked up at her from the water below.

When Christina finally made it up on deck, she quickly adjusted her bikini so that all of her girlie parts were covered, but Amanda wasn't so lucky. Her wet swimming suit was still practically transparent and she quickly became the focal point of everyone on the boat. Eventually everybody got onboard and the boat was ocean bound.


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The Captain had plenty of beer and tequila onboard so the men made everyone few ****** as they headed out to sea. As the boat rolled over the waves, it made Christina's huge breasts bounce up and down. The guys stared at Christina's big boobs with great intensity hoping that the boat would hit a wave big enough to make Christina fall out of her top. Unfortunately, before Christina's breasts were ever bared to the men, the Captain stopped the boat. He dropped anchor not far off-shore and then he joined the men in the back of the boat to start fishing.

After downing a few Tequila Cocktails, Deanna said that she wanted to finish rubbing suntan lotion on Amanda because there was an even greater chance of getting sunburned out in the ocean. There were two fishing chairs in the back of the boat, a bench seat near the helm and a carpeted area in between. The floor appeared to be the only place that the girls could stretch out, but Amanda had reservations about lying on the floor of a fishing boat.

Amanda looked at the floor and asked the Captain, "Do you have any towels to lay on?"

The Captain, an older Mexican man with weathered skin, chuckled and said, "This may be a fishing boat, but I keep it ship-shape. In fact, I just vacuumed the deck before I picked you up."

Amanda and Christina glanced at each other, and then they stretched out on the floor of the boat. Deanna immediately untied the strings on Amanda's top and pulled it out from under her. Amanda was relaxed because of all the tequila she had consumed, but she was still uneasy about giving up any clothes in public.

As Randi unhooked Christina's top, she said, "Don't worry, girls. We're out in the ocean. No one's here except our husbands and the Captain...and he looks pretty harmless."

Deanna added, "Besides Christina, you were falling out of your suit in the pool and Amanda might as well not even wear a suit since everyone can see right through the one she has on."

Christina reluctantly said, "I guess you're right, but I want you to know that we don't usually dress like this in public."

Randi said, "Yeah, whatever," as she unhooked the top of Christina's bikini.

Deanna dropped both of the bikini tops on the bench seat, which was well out of the girls' reach. Then Deanna and Randi straddled the girls and began massaging suntan lotion into the girls' backs. As she rubbed her hands over Amanda's soft smooth skin, Deanna asked Amanda to continue with her story.

Amanda explained how humiliating it was to spend the afternoon in a crowded police station without a stitch of clothing on. She told of how frustrating it was to have her wrists handcuffed behind her back the entire time with no way for her to shield her bare breasts, naked bush and exposed butt from all the cops, criminals and locals in the lobby of the police station. Amanda went into great detail when she described how the female cop touched every inch of her bare flesh, and Amanda gave even greater detail when she told of how the cute Latino cop slipped a finger into Amanda's pussy and gave her an explosive orgasm while all the men in the station watched.

Christina added the part where she was ****** to remove her clothes in the lobby of the Los Cufrado Police Station. She said that it was very embarrassing for her to strip naked in front of all those men, but she had to do it in order to give half of her clothes to Amanda. She further explained that giving Amanda half of her clothes was the only way the police would permit them to leave the police station. Christina said she still felt ******** because there was no reason the police needed to humiliate her by making her take all her clothes off right out where everybody could see her.

Amanda and Christina were so mortified by the experience that merely talking about it made their faces turn red. However, everyone else on the boat was aroused from listening to the tale of the girls' public ***********. They were all trying to picture the girls naked in front of a room full of men and the very thought of it was getting everybody on the boat excited.

Alex leaned over and whispered to Deanna, "Are you as turned on by this story as I am?"

Deanna whispered back, "I'm dripping wet between my legs!"

Then Alex and Deanna walked to the back of the boat where they were out of earshot of the girls.

Alex declared, "I'd have paid money to watch what those girls went through yesterday."

Deanna said, "Me, too! These girls are gorgeous. I'm no lesbian, but I'd love to have been the one who got to search that hot little redheaded girl in public and made her cum!"

Alex said, "Your husband and I would **** to watch you and Randi go at it with these girls. We'd reward you big time if you made that happen."

Deanna said, "Well, those girls keep saying that they can't control themselves when they ***** tequila. I think if they have a few more ******, we can get 'em naked."

Deanna paused for a moment and continued, "Although that wouldn't be anywhere near as exciting as it would to watch the girls be humiliated at the police station. Could you imagine seeing those cute young girls naked in handcuffs and squirming from embarrassment in front of all those men?"

Alex replied, "Yeah, I can imagine it...and it's making me as hard as a rock. It's a shame we can't make it happen again."

Deanna looked at the tent in Alex's shorts, thought about it for a moment, and then she said, "Maybe we can make it happen again!"

Deanna and Alex called Randi and James over while Amanda and Christina remained on the carpet. As the innocent girls laid on the floor soaking up the sun, the wealthy couples began plotting against them. The couples were accustomed to getting what they wanted through the exploitation of others and right now, the couples agreed that they all wanted to see the sweet kindergarten teachers stripped naked and humiliated in public at the police station.

Alex and James wanted to know what their wives planned to do and Deanna replied, "Randi and I are ready to do whatever it takes!"

Alex ran his fingers through Randi's hair and said, "You're a good wife. I see a big diamond necklace in this for you."

Randi put her finger in the waistband of her bikini, stretched it out in front of her and said, "If you put a big diamond around my neck, then you can also put something big in here, too!"

That made Alex smile as James leaned over to peek down into Randi's outstretched bikini panties. Alex didn't say a word as James peeked down into the front of Randi's bikini. It appeared as if Alex was proud to show his wife's pussy to his friend. Then Deanna and Randi returned to where Amanda and Christina were lying on the floor.

Amanda looked up at Deanna and Randi as she asked, "Where'd you girls go? You're not finished with us are you?"

Deanna winked at Randi, and then she replied, "We went to get you girls another *****...and no, we're far from finished with you!"

Deanna set down a couple of tangy tequila fruit ****** in front of the girls, and then Deanna and Randi kneeled down next to them. The men went back to fishing, but they kept a watchful eye on the girls. Amanda sipped her ***** while Deanna gently rubbed suntan lotion into Amanda's back. As Deanna rubbed Amanda's back, she gradually slid her hand further and further down until Deanna slipped her fingers under the waistband of Amanda's panties.

Amanda didn't object so Deanna continued working her fingers around over Amanda's butt crack. Deanna pushed her hand deeper into Amanda's bikini bottoms and in the process, she pushed Amanda's panties down, too. Soon almost all of Amanda's fine ass was showing, much to the delight of the men. When Deanna noticed a sudden look of concern on Amanda's face, she immediately pulled her hand out of Amanda's bikini bottoms and began caressing Amanda's butt cheeks from the sides. Amanda relaxed again, appearing as if she was completely unaware that most of her butt crack was on display for the men to observe.

While rubbing the sides of Amanda's butt cheeks, Deanna carefully began pulling on the strings that held Amanda's bikini bottoms on. Deanna smiled at the men, who eagerly anticipated the removal of Amanda's panties. After a few minutes of careful manipulation, Deanna was finally able to untie the bottoms of Amanda's bikini. Amanda wasn't even aware of what was happening until Deanna yanked Amanda's panties out from under her.



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When Amanda finally realized that Deanna had removed her bikini, Amanda yelped, "What are you doing? You pulled my suit off! I'm naked and all the men are looking at me! Please give it back!"

At that exact moment, Randi had reached her hands into Christina's panties. When Christina heard Amanda scream, she got startled and lunged sideways to see what had happened. With Randi's hands inside Christina's bikini bottoms, the waistband became overstretched and the plastic clips holding Christina's panties together snapped. Even Randi was shocked as she held up the remains of Christina's swimming suit. Now both Amanda and Christina were lying on the floor of the boat totally naked.

Randi said, "What a shame, Christina. Your panties are ruined."

Deanna took Christina's bikini bottoms from Randi's hand and said, "We'll have to find a way to fix these later."

Amanda and Christina were now lying face down on the deck of the boat with their hands behind them in an attempt to hide their bare butts from the men. Deanna took the bottoms of the girls' bikinis and tossed the on the seat with their tops. Then Deanna and Randi kneeled down next to Amanda and Christina, and they started applying suntan lotion to the girls' legs.

Amanda spoke up, "You can't just leave us lying here naked! We'll get arrested."

At that moment, the Captain got up and stood above the girls as he explained, "They can arrest you for being naked in town, but there's no law against being naked on a boat. You girls are safe out here."

Deanna said, "See girls, there's nothing to worry about."

Amanda responded to Deanna, "If there's nothing to worry about, then you and Randi should take your swimming suits off, too. Otherwise, Christina and I are going to put our suits back on."

Deanna said, "It's not necessary for us to be naked. Besides, Christina's bottoms are ruined."

Christina said, "I'm sure I can fix them with some fishing line."

Amanda said, "There you go. She can fix her bottoms so once again, either your suits come off or our suits go back on. It's up to you."

Randi said, "But then I'd be naked in front of Deanna's husband. I don't know if I want James to see me in the nude."

Alex spoke up, "Remember, said you'd do whatever it takes!"

Christina asked, "What's he talking about?"

Deanna intercepted, "Oh nothing. Just a little inside joke."

Then Randi looked at Deanna and said, "We did say that, but do we really have to go through with it?"

Deanna and Randi looked at their husbands' stern expressions and answered, "Yes, I guess we do."

That put big smiles on the men's faces. James had always wanted to see Randi naked and Alex often fantasized about seeing Deanna in the nude. Originally the men just looked forward to watching the girls strip Amanda and Christina in public, but now it appeared that all of the girls on the boat were going to be naked. The men didn't know how the afternoon was going to end up, but they sure liked the direction it was headed!


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Deanna's plan of removing the girls' bikinis was successful. Amanda and Christina were now lying face-down on the deck of the boat stark naked with Alex, James and the Captain as their captive audience. However, neither Deanna nor Randi had envisioned themselves losing their swimming suits, too. The couples had been friends for years, but the girls hadn't even bared a breast in front of each other's husband, much less stripped completely naked. Some poor planning and an overindulgence of ******* was about to change all of that in a hurry.

Deanna and Randi stood up above the girls and scanned the horizon to insure that there were no other boats nearby. Then the two housewives nervously looked at each other as they slowly reached behind their backs. The husbands and the Captain watched as Deanna and Randi unhooked their bra straps. Amanda and Christina wanted to see what was going on so they both flipped over on their backs. Now, right there in front of all the men, were the outstretched naked bodies of Amanda and Christina. Their full firm breasts and hairy triangles were out in the open for everyone to see and the girls made no attempt to hide their naked bodies from the men's hungry eyes.

The straps on both of the wives's bikini tops were now unfastened, but the women were still holding their bra cups over their breasts. Deanna and Randi were about to drop their tops, but they paused briefly to check out Amanda and Christina in all their glory. Even Deanna and Randi were impressed by the cute bare bodies that the kindergarten teachers were shamelessly flaunting in front of everybody on the boat.

Then Amanda urged, "Come on. I want to see some tits!"

Christina added, "Yeah, me too!"

Alex looked at the other men, and then he said, "So do we!"

Deanna and Randi let out a nervous laugh, and then they allowed their bikini tops to fall to the floor of the boat. The girls proceeded to shake their bare breasts at their husbands as the men clapped and cheered. Alex always wanted to see Deanna naked and he was thrilled to see her bare titties displayed right before his very eyes.

Deanna's breasts were about the same size as Amanda's breasts and Deanna had the most mouthwatering nipples Alex had ever seen. Randi had the smallest breasts among all of the topless girls, but they were firm with pretty pink nipples poking out. Alex and James appeared to be in a trance as each of them admired the bare breasts of their friend's wife, but Amanda wanted to see more.

She called out, "Pull down those panties. We want to see some pussy hair!"

Christina chimed in, "Show us bush!"

Deanna and Randi looked like they were stalling, as if they were debating whether or not they could go through with it. Amanda didn't want the women to turn back now so she took matters into her own hands. She sat up and put her fingers inside the waistband of Deanna's panties. The sandy-brown haired girl was mortified by the whole experience, but she didn't push Amanda's hands away. With what appeared to be the green-light signal to Amanda, she pulled Deanna's bikini bottoms all the way down her legs.

When Deanna's panties reached her ankles, she nervously stepped out of them revealing her neatly trimmed light brown bush to the men. Deanna didn't know what to do next, so she just stood there with a blushing face as the men admired Deanna in all her glory. The Captain was overjoyed to have the opportunity to freely gaze at such a beautiful naked woman, but Alex was thrilled beyond belief.

Alex had fantasized about seeing Deanna in the nude many times, but never in his wildest dreams did he expect her to have such an exquisite body. There wasn't a blemish to be found on the thirty year old's soft skin, and her breasts were natural and perky. Deanna's delicate pink nipples were perfectly shaped and so was her hairy triangle. The light sandy-brown hair between Deanna's legs was trimmed to perfection and it was obvious that Deanna sunbathed naked in her backyard pool because she had absolutely no tan lines.

Deanna fidgeted nervously as she stood there totally nude in front of the men, and then Christina yelled, "Let's not forget about Randi's pussy!"

Amanda blurted out, "Yeah, bare your bush girl!"

Randi didn't have the nerve to show her pussy all at once, so she turned her back to the men before slipping her thumbs into the waistband of her bikini panties. She slowly inched her bikini bottoms down and treated the men to a view of her fine ass. Alex smiled proudly as more and more of Randi's butt crack came into view. He could tell that the other men were impressed with Randi's perfect ass and he never realized how exciting it would be to have other men admire his wife's naked body while he watched.

Pulling her panties down ****** Randi to bend over. She didn't bend her knees when she pushed her bikini bottoms all the way down to her ankles, so her bare ass was pointed right at the men. While she remained bent over, Randi lifted her leg to the side so she could kick her panties off and when she did, Randi unknowingly flashed her precious pink pussy lips to the men from behind, too.

Bending over put Randi in a vulnerable position and Deanna couldn't resist reaching over and running her finger up and down Randi's ticklish butt crack. That made Randi giggle and she quickly stood up. Then it was time for the tall blonde to show everybody her pussy. Randi nervously turned around and presented her bare body to the small group of people.

When Randi turned around, Deanna gasped and said, "Whoa, Randi! I had no idea that you shaved down there. I can actually see your camel toe!"

Deanna slipped her hand between Randi's legs and gently caressed Randi's pussy, right in front of everyone. Randi was totally embarrassed, but she spread her legs a little anyway. Deanna used her fingers to spread Randi's moist pussy lips so that she was showing everything Randi had to the men.

Deanna said, "Wow, smooth as a baby's butt...and you're wet, too! Is this getting you excited girl?"

Randi blushed crimson red. She wanted to put her bikini back on, but Deanna snatched it away from her. All Randi could do now was stand there and let everyone see her bald beaver. There was a period of silence as the men thoroughly examined every inch of the naked blonde beauty. Alex even nodded at Randi, secretly instructing her to spread her legs a little wider, affording the men a better view of smooth snatch. Randi obliged, but it only intensified her embarrassment.

Randi stood there motionless for the longest time, but when she could no longer withstand the *********** Randi said, "Well, I guess I'd better finish putting suntan lotion on Christina."

Then Randi kneeled down beside Christina so the men could no longer see her pretty pink pussy lips.

Deanna added, "Amanda still needs lotion, too," and then she kneeled down beside Amanda.

It was really difficult for the men to fish with four naked girls stretched out on the floor of the boat right beside them. Especially since the girls were rubbing suntan lotion all over each other's exquisite bare body. In fact, it was so difficult that the men didn't even bother to bait their hooks. They just pretended to fish while they watched the girls rub their hands all over each other's exposed flesh. The show that the girls were putting on was so erotic that the men weren't sure which was bigger, the rods in there hands or the rods in their pants!

The men couldn't believe how exciting it was to watch their wives caress another woman. Even more amazing was the fact that their wives couldn't believe how much fun it was to caress another woman. It was making for a very interesting afternoon and a very memorable fishing trip.

As the men watched, Deanna continued putting suntan lotion on Amanda's naked body. Amanda was lying on the floor face up when Deanna straddled her and squatted down. Deanna ended up sitting on top of Amanda and Deanna's bare pussy was resting directly between Amanda's legs. Their pussy lips were almost touching each other.

Deanna didn't want to go right for Amanda's breasts so she started on Amanda's shoulders and worked her way down. Soon Deanna had both hands on top of Amanda's bare titties and Deanna could feel Amanda's hard nipples pressing against the palms of her hands. Amanda looked up at the sandy-brown haired beauty and stared at Deanna's firm bobbies dangling above her.

She admired Deanna's perky breasts for awhile, but eventually Amanda couldn't hold back. She scooped up some excess lotion from her own bare flesh and began rubbing it into Deanna's breasts. Deanna closed her eyes, moaned and licked her lips to show how much she enjoyed Amanda's soft touch on her bare titties. The men found the expression's on Deanna's face almost as exciting as her completely nude body.

As Deanna and Amanda fondled each other's breasts, Randi and Christina were taking it a step further. Randi was straddling Christina and as she applied lotion to Christina's big titties, Christina couldn't stop looking at Randi's shaved beaver. Christina was intrigued by Randi's hairless pussy and she wanted to know what it felt like to touch Randi's smooth pleasure place.

Overcome by curiosity, Christina reached out and touched Randi's bald beaver. Randi's face turned bright red as she faced the men that were watching her. Although she was highly embarrassed, Randi didn't stop Christina from exploring her smooth hairless pussy. Christina was like a kid on Christmas as she toyed with Randi's bald beaver.

Christina said, "Wow, Randi. Shaving your pussy makes it easy to find your little clitty. See? My finger's on it right now."

Randi squeaked, "Umph,, I'm well aware of where your finger is."

Christina added, "And shaving makes it so easy for me to slide my finger between your pussy lips. I can easily feel how wet you are. Can you feel my finger rubbing back and forth between your legs?"

Randi took a deep breath and replied, " Yes, I can feel your finger."

Christina continued, "And shaving makes it so easy for me to slide my finger in your love hole. Can you feel that? Wait, let me move it in and out a few times. There, now it's really up in there. Can you feel it?"

Randi moaned, "Yes...oh, yes. I can feel it. Mmm...I really like the way you're wiggling your finger around inside me. It feels really good!"

Then Christina looked over at Amanda and she was shocked to find Deanna's face down between Amanda's legs. Amanda's eyes were closed and her fists were clenched. She was obviously experiencing some intense sexual tension.

Randi asked, "Would you like me to do that to you?"

Christina replied, "Would I? You bet!"

Randi simply smiled at Christina's eager response and then she moved down as Christina spread her legs wide apart. For the men, it was truly a sight to behold. Amanda and Christina were lying on the carpeted boat deck with their boobs exposed and their legs spread wide as Deanna and Randi buried their tongues deep into the kindergarten teachers' pussies. Deanna and Randi were on their knees with their backs arched and the men walked around behind them to check out the view. Their wives's beautiful butts were up in the air and with their knees somewhat spread apart for leverage, Deanna and Randi were displaying their pretty pink pussy lips from behind, too.

The Captain looked at the two men and said, "I don't know how you can resist that!"

Alex and James glanced at each other and said, "We can't," and then the men simultaneously dropped their swimming shorts, freeing there rock hard rods.

The men were about to mount their wives, but then they paused for a moment and looked at each other. Without saying a word, both men knew exactly what the other was thinking. Alex quickly got down behind Deanna and inserted his manhood into her wet waiting pussy. James followed suit and pushed his erection into Randi's smooth bald beaver.

Amanda reached up and began caressing and pulling on her hard nipples as Deanna moved her tongue around over Amanda's love button. Deanna also slipped a finger inside of Amanda's pussy and began moving it in and out. Deanna's finger followed the rhythm of Alex's strokes as he made deep thrusts into Deanna's pleasure place. Alex wondered if Deanna knew who was behind her, but Deanna knew exactly who it was. Alex was considerably bigger than her husband and she thoroughly enjoyed the sensation that a big cock gave her.

Randi was wiggling her tongue around as far in Christina's pussy as she could and it was driving Christina wild. Christina's moans almost turned to screams when Randi used her fingertip to rub Christina's little clitty. The sexual stimulation went on for a while, but then, one by one, the girls began reaching orgasms. Amanda climaxed first, followed by Christina which permitted Deanna and Randi to stop what they were doing and concentrate on what was going on inside them.

The guys reached around and grabbed the girls' boobs as they continued slamming their erections inside Deanna and Randi's pussies from behind. The next girl to have an orgasm was Deanna, who's pinnacle of pleasure was met with loud screams. A few seconds later, Alex let out a big grunt as he pulled out and sprayed all over Deanna's back.

Randi looked like she was ready to cum, but she wasn't quite there yet. Christina was still lying below Randi and when she noticed that Randi was on the edge of an orgasm, she reached up with her fingertip and started massaging Randi's love button. With James still pounding away behind her, Randi couldn't hold on any longer and experienced an earth shaking orgasm. James continued slamming up against Randi's bare ass while he pushed his penis deep into her pussy from behind. Then, a few seconds later, James shot his load inside of Randi.

At that very moment, Randi was thinking, "That felt really good," while James was thinking, "I sure hope she's on the pill."

The Captain looked down as the naked couples untangled from each other. He hoped that this wouldn't bring an end to all the public nudity. While the Captain wasn't a mathematician, there was one equation that he was very familiar with...girls plus tequila equals nudity! The day was young, the girls were hot and the tequila was plentiful. Therefore, the Captain assured himself that there would be more nakedness before this fishing trip was through!


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As Alex and James slipped on their swimming shorts, Amanda looked at Christina and said, "I guess we should put our bikinis on, too."

That's what the Captain did not want to happen. He desperately wanted the girls to remain in the nude.

Thinking quickly, the Captain said, "Hey girls, the men haven't caught any fish all day. Maybe you should give it a try."

Amanda said, "Okay, but let us get dressed first."

The Captain leaned over the side of the boat and said, "No, you'll have to come quickly. There's a school of fish right below us!"

In their ******* state, Amanda and Christina rushed over to the fishing chairs without even checking to see if there really were any fish in the water below. After the girls took a seat in the fishing chairs, the Captain buckled leather belts over their shoulders. The belts were designed to hold the girls in their seats in case one of them hooked a big one.

The Captain took the liberty of sliding his fingers over the girls' breasts and intentionally touched their hard nipples while he secured the straps. Amanda and Christina were in giddy moods, so they merely laughed at the Captain's advances. The girls didn't object at all as the Captain continually made contact with their bare titties. Christina even pushed her massive melons out proudly to insure that the Captain paid close attention to them. When the Captain was finished, the straps hid the girls' boobs, but left their pussies right out in the open for everyone to see.

As the Captain baited the fishing hooks for Amanda and Christina, he tossed a few pieces of shrimp into the air. Out of nowhere, some seagulls flew by and snatched the shrimp right out of the air. Deanna noticed that the seagulls were hanging around waiting for more shrimp and it gave her an idea. After everyone was finished getting dressed, except of course for Amanda and Christina, Deanna shared her idea with Randi and the guys.

Deanna said, "Those seagulls are hungry for shrimp. If I hook a few shrimp to the girls' bikinis, the seagulls will fly away with them and the girls will think we had nothing to do with it."

Alex added, "And if the police are waiting at the hotel, the girls will get arrested and our plan to see the girls get hauled off to the police station in the nude will come full circle!"

James said, "I've got a better idea. If the Captain lets us off at the marina, there are always police in the area so our plan couldn't fail."

Randi asked, "Why would he take us to the marina?"

James thought about it for a moment and replied, "Because that's where they'd tow us if we had engine trouble."

Randi said, "But we don't have engine trouble."

James said, "Sure, we'll all know that, but the girls won't know that!"

Deanna asked, "Do you think the Captain will go for it?"

James said, "I guarantee it! You just make sure Amanda and Christina don't suspect any tampering with their bikinis when the seagulls fly off with them. If we want to watch them being humiliated at the police station, they'll have to believe we're their allies."

Deanna put her arm around Randi and said, "You can count on us!"

After hearing the plan, the two couples looked at each other and let out a soft menacing laugh.

Alex and James walked over to discuss their plan with the Captain, but he was too busy with the girls to listen. Amanda and Christina were securely strapped into the fishing chairs and holding the oversized fishing poles out in front of them. For leverage, the girls had their feet planted firmly on the floor with their legs spread. They were offering a clear view of their bare pussies to the Captain, who was standing right between the fishing chairs and staring down at Amanda and Christina. The Captain did not want to walk away from the naked girls, but when Alex flashed a roll of cash in front of him, the Captain was quick to listen to what the men had to say.

Alex pulled the Captain aside and asked, "What would you do if you had engine trouble?"

The Captain said, "I'd radio my brother and he'd tow me back to the marina."

James gave the Captain some cash and asked, "Is this enough to pretend you have engine trouble?"

The Captain counted the money, smiled and said, "It's more than enough!"

Then Deanna walked up to the Captain and added, "One more you have any towels or T-shirts on the boat?"

The Captain replied, "There's some in the seat locker over there."

Deanna glanced at the naked girls, turned back towards the Captain and said, "Make sure anything the girls could cover up with stays locked in there."

The Captain grinned deviously at Deanna and said, "I could do that, but the men offered me cash for my help. What are you going to offer me?"

Deanna looked at over at her husband, who made a fist and moved it up and down in front of him. Deanna smiled back at James to let her husband know that she understood what he wanted her to do.

Deanna squirted some suntan lotion into her hand and said, "I can prevent you from getting a sunburn."

The Captain laughed and said, "My skin's like leather. I don't need any suntan lotion."

Deanna smiled at the Captain, put her finger in the waistband of his shorts and then she pulled them down. The Captain's big boner sprang free and stood up like a flagpole.

Deanna stated, "It looks like you could use some lotion right here," and then she gripped the Captain's erection with her creamy hand and began sliding her fist up and down his raging hard-on.

The Captain nearly fell over as he leaned back against the railing of the boat for support.

Then the Captain said, "I was wrong. I really do need suntan lotion and you found the place that needs it. I wouldn't want to get burned there!"

With Deanna's soft hand gliding up and down the Captain's rod, Deanna said, "Don't worry, I'll make sure you won't get burned. I'll put plenty of lotion on you," which made the Captain smile.

As Deanna continued stroking the Captain's manhood, she said, "You're really hard! Did we get you all excited when we made love in front of you? I'll bet you took a good look at me while I was naked! Did you like looking at my breasts and my pussy? Maybe you're an ass man. Maybe you were more interested in my bare butt."

Then Deanna glanced up and noticed that the Captain was looking over at Amanda and Christina.

While still stroking the Captain, Deanna said, "Oh, I see. You like looking at those girls. Well, that's okay. They're both very pretty. I love Amanda's breasts. They're so round and firm, and look at Christina's breasts. They're so big and her rosy nipples are so cute."

Deanna could feel the Captain's erection getting even harder in her hand, so she kept talking to him as she gripped his boner a little tighter.

Deanna continued, "If you lean over a little bit, you can see right between their legs. See? Look at Amanda's soft red pussy hair. Don't you just love it? Or maybe you like brunettes. Christina's dark pussy hair looks good, too. And the girls have their legs spread so far apart that I can even see their pussy lips. Can you see their pretty pink pussy lips, too?"

The Captain muttered, "Yes...yes I can."

Deanna squirted a little more suntan lotion on the Captain's hard member without ever stopping her hand from sliding up and down.

Deanna said, " it's really slick!"

Then Deanna glanced up and noticed that the Captain's eyes were focused directly between Amanda's legs, so she said, "I see you're taking a good look at the redhead's hairy bush. Did you watch me when I licked and touched that pussy? Her pussy was really tight and wet! Mmm...I loved making out with her. Did you watch us? Did you watch me tease her pussy? I'll bet you did! I'll bet it really turned you on!"

The Captain moaned, "Oh yes. I watched...I watched!"

With the naked girls right under his nose and Deanna sliding her soft hand up and down his rock hard rod, the Captain was breathing heavily, but he still managed to add, "What you did to that little redheaded girl was great, but what you're doing now is even better!"

Deanna said, "It must be. You're as stiff as a board. I'll bet you're about to cum."

Then Deanna stopped what she was doing and the Captain yelped, "What's going on? You can't stop. Not now!"

Deanna said, "Then will you help us with our plan to publicly humiliate Amanda and Christina?"

The Captain replied, "Yes...yes. I'll do anything you want. Just please finish me off!"

Deanna smiled and said, "Okay, I will," and then she took the Captain's massive manhood in her hand again.

This time, Deanna gripped the Captain's boner a little tighter and she stroked him a little faster as the Captain stared down at the naked girls sitting in front of him. The Captain was positioned to the side of Amanda and the girls were having so much fun fishing, they didn't even notice that the Captain was having his weenie whacked. Moments later, the Captain began firing his missile and he launched steady streams of bodily fluid all over Deanna.

When the Captain was finally done shooting his cannon, Deanna chuckled and said, "Alex's cum is still dripping down my back and now I have the Captain's cum running down the front of me."

As the Captain fought to catch his breath, he said, "Sorry about that, but you can rest assured that the girls will find nothing on the boat to cover up with. I'll even make sure that there's nothing available on my brother's rescue boat, too."

Then Deanna stepped off the back of the boat and lowered herself in the water. She proceeded to wash the cum off her body.

The Captain said, "Again, I'm really sorry about that."

Deanna giggled and said, "Don't worry about it. I had to pee anyway!"

While still in the water, Deanna waved her bikini panties over her head, showing everyone that she was bottomless. Then she tossed her bikini bottoms up onto the boat deck. Deanna took a deep breath, and then she smiled with a look of relief on her face."

Deanna said, "Going pee feels so good after ******** beer and tequila all day."

When she was finished in the water, Deanna climbed back into the boat, but her panties were still lying on the floor. After giving Alex, James and the Captain one last look at her sandy-brown pussy hair, Deanna picked up her bikini panties, stepped into them and pulled the panties up her legs. When Deanna's hairy triangle was finally hidden from view, Amanda and Christina were once again the only naked girls on the boat.

With Deanna no longer distracting the Captain, Alex and James were able to confirm that the Captain agreed to go along with their plan to publicly humiliate Amanda and Christina. Then all the men went over to where the girls were fishing. Alex gave a thumbs-up to Deanna, which was the signal for her to implement the second phase of the plan. Alex gave Amanda and Christina another shot of Tequila as Deanna took fishing hooks and attached a few shrimp to the girls' bikinis. Then she walked over next to the girls.

Deanna said, "Girls, I don't know how to tell you this, but while you're sitting there fishing, the men are gawking at your pussies."

Amanda giggled and said, "We know, but what can we do about it?"

Deanna said, "I brought your bikinis with me. You should put them on right away."

Christina smiled and said, "After that shot of Tequila, I'm not even sure I can stand up."

Amanda added, "Besides, the Captain has us strapped in."

There was a guide wire leading from the back of the boat where the girls were fishing to a radio antenna on the top of the boat. Deanna spotted the wire and knew instantly that it would work perfectly for what she had planned. Deanna draped the girls' bikinis loosely over the guide wire, making sure that the shrimp hooked to the suits were facing away from the girls.

Then Deanna said, "I hung your bikinis on this wire over here, girls. They're hanging here waiting for you."

Amanda said, "Thanks a lot, Deanna," and Christina added, "You're a doll for taking such good care of us!"

Then Amanda looked at Christina and said, "Maybe we should put our bikinis on."

Christina said, "I guess you're right."

Then Christina looked over at the Captain and asked, "Hey Mr. Captain, can you free us from these bondage straps?"

The Captain said, "Sure," and then he slowly began unbuckling the leather straps over Christina's big bare breasts while seizing the opportunity to once again gently run his fingers over her round rosy nipples.

As the Captain toyed with Christina's ripe melons, Randi called out, "Hey, this," and then she started throwing shrimp up in the air to attract the seagulls.

Randi changed her aim so that she was throwing the shrimp right next to where the bikinis were hanging on the guide wire. Then, just as Christina was set free and turning to reach for her suit, the gulls swooped in and snatched the shrimp laced bikinis off the guide wire. Amanda and Christina watched in horror as their only source of clothing flew away.

Amanda shrieked, "Our suits...there gone! How could that happen?"

Deanna rushed over, put her arms around the naked girl and said, "I don't know, honey. I guess you've just had some bad luck the past couple of days, but don't worry, we'll take good care of you."

As Amanda hugged Deanna, she pushed her bare chest up against Deanna's mid-section and said, "I'm so glad we have you to protect us."

From the way Amanda and Christina were reacting to their naked dilemma, it was obvious they had no idea there were shrimp attached to their bikinis. Amanda and Christina felt secure knowing that Deanna and Randi were there to comfort them. Unfortunately, everyone else knew that Deanna and Randi were the source of the girls' public nudity predicament.

Then the Captain spoke up, "Don't worry, girls. I'll take you back to your hotel right away so you can get some clothes."

That put a look of relief on the girls' faces, but moments later, the Captain returned and announced that the boat wouldn't start. When he said that he needed to call another boat to give him a tow, the look of relief on the girls' faces instantly turned to fear.

Christina yelped, "Another boat? With men on it?"

The Captain responded, "Just my brother...nothing to worry about."

Amanda asked, "Do you have a T-shirt, a towel, anything we can put on?"

The Captain winked at Deanna, and then he replied, "Sorry girls...not a thing."

Amanda looked at the others on the boat. Deanna and Randi were both wearing conventional bikinis and neither of them had a cover-up to wear over their suits. The three men were shirtless. All they had on were swimming shorts. Amanda and Christina were doomed. It appeared they were destined to stay naked for the remainder of the fishing trip!


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Everyone on the fishing charter knew that the engine trouble they were experiencing was just an act to help publicly humiliate Amanda and Christina. However, as far as Amanda and Christina knew, they were really stranded at sea. The girls lost their bikinis because of a prank played on them by another girl onboard the boat. Unfortunately for Amanda and Christina, the prank was so successful that they didn't even know Deanna was behind it. The girls were actually turning to Deanna for help with their naked dilemma when Deanna was actually the mastermind that caused Amanda and Christina to end up nude in the first place.

With nothing else to do, the couples and the Captain sat with the naked girls and drank a beer. Even though everyone had already seen Amanda and Christina totally nude, the girls suddenly felt great shame because they were the only ones among the group that had nothing to wear. While the others on the boat were able to sit back and relax, Amanda and Christina struggled to hide their breasts and bush from the men as they waited for help to arrive.

Seeing how uncomfortable Amanda and Christina were, Deanna and Randi decided to make it even more uncomfortable for the girls by reminding them of their naked encounter from the day before. They asked how it felt to be naked and paraded through the streets, and they also asked what it felt like to be completely nude and handcuffed in front of a roomful of men. They continued their inquisition by asking how it made the girls feel to know that their entire body was on display and they were helpless to hide it from all the men in the room. Plus they wanted to know what it felt like to have a strange girl make them cum in front of a crowd.

Since most of the questions were directed at Amanda, she answered them in great detail. Unfortunately, memories of the previous day in the Los Cufrado Police Station flashed back vividly in both of the girls' minds as the questions were answered, which was very distressing for the girls. It made their faces turn red and caused butterflies to dance in their stomachs. However, their *********** was quite entertaining to the other people on the boat as they watched the naked girls blush, squirm and fidget while responding to the questions.

When the Captain's brother finally showed up, the girls were relieved that he was the only one in the little rescue boat. Unfortunately for the girls, he was shirtless and also did not have a towel or anything else onboard that would allow the girls to cover their bare bodies. The man acted quickly, even though it was difficult for the Captain's brother to take his eyes off the naked beauties. Moments later, the boats were moving. The girls watched nervously as the boat approached the shoreline, but when Amanda and Christina noticed that the boat was heading away from their hotel, they began to panic.

Amanda screeched, "Where are we going? The hotel is that way!"

The Captain said, "We have to go to the marina for repairs."

Amanda yelped, "The marina? We can't go to the marina. We're naked! Everyone will see us!"

Deanna said, "Don't worry. There are plenty of places to shop at the marina."

Christina sarcastically said, "Sure, we'll go the nude! That's a great idea."

Deanna chuckled and said, "Yeah, that may be a problem. Well, don't worry girls. We'll think of something."

Alex said, "You'd better think fast. The marina is coming up on the left."

Amanda and Christina hugged each other in fear as they looked out at all the people walking on the docks. Then the Captain threw a rope to the dock so that the deckhands could guide the boat into the slip. The two men up on the dock were shocked to find two beautiful naked girls on the boat. Amanda and Christina had an arm across their chest and a hand between their legs as the deckhands offered to help the girls step up onto the dock.

Amanda begged, "Please don't make us get off the boat. We don't have any clothes to wear."

The Captain commanded, "I'm terribly sorry girls, but the men have to work on the boat so you'll have to leave."

Deanna said, "You heard the Captain. We have to get off the boat. Come on, girls. I'll take you over to the T-shirt Hut."

Christina whined, "But the T-Shirt Hut is right on the main street."

Deanna said, "Well, it's your choice...T-shirt Hut or total nudity."

Amanda said, "Come on, Christina. We don't have a choice."

Amanda and Christina were almost in tears as they climbed up out of the boat. The girls had to reach up with their arms so the deckhands could help them step up onto the dock. With their hands stretched out in front of them, there was no way for the girls to cover themselves. Therefore, everybody in the dock area was treated to a clear view of the kindergarten teachers' firm breasts, smooth butts and hairy triangles.

To exit the boat, Amanda and Christina had to swing their legs up over the side of the boat. In their vulnerable position, each girl gave the deckhands a beaver shot. Then Deanna took Amanda by the arm while Randi grabbed Christina's hand to lead the naked girls off the dock. Everybody turned and stared as the totally nude girls passed by. Alex and James followed close behind, staring at the exposed asses of the kindergarten teachers the whole way.

There weren't many people on the docks, but when they reached the street, there was a fairly large crowd on hand. Everyone turned to look at the naked beauties, and Amanda and Christina were once again embarrassed beyond belief. People were pointing and laughing as several men held their camera phones up to get a picture. The girls finally reached the T-shirt Hut, and Amanda and Christina quickly picked out a couple of T-shirts.

Deanna stopped them and said, "Not so fast. The locals in this town will try to take advantage of you. Let's make sure we're getting a good deal."

Amanda screeched, "A good deal? I don't care about a good deal!"

Christina added, "Yeah. Everyone is looking at us. I just want to put something on...anything!"

Deanna said, "Okay. Go ahead and pick out a T-shirt. I'll be waiting across the street."

Amanda nervously said, "But we don't have any money. You said that you would buy us a T-shirt."

Deanna said, "Okay, okay. I'll buy each of you a T-shirt, but if I'm paying for it then I want it to be a nice one. Now let's see what they have to offer."

Deanna moved slowly as she sifted through the T-shirts, thus prolonging the agony of the girls' public nudity. At that point, Amanda and Christina were totally embarrassed. However, they were afraid to say anything out of fear that Deanna would walk away and leave the naked girls to fend for themselves among the crowd of onlookers.

Then Christina meekly said to Deanna, "I know you're trying to help us and everything, but is it possible for you to hurry up. There's a lot of people looking at us and in case you've forgotten, we're still naked!"

Deanna paused, looked around and said, "You're right. You girls are drawing quite a crowd. I guess we'd better hurry up and buy a couple of T-shirts."

Amanda sarcastically said, "Ya think?"

Then the worst thing that could possibly happen to the girls happened...again! Two cops pushed through the crowd to see what was going on and they found Amanda and Christina in all their glory. Even worse, one of the cops was the female officer from the previous day.

The female cop said, "Well, well, well! If it isn't the Los Cufrado nudists. Didn't you girls learn your lesson yesterday? We have laws against flaunting your tits and asses in this town."

Amanda said, "This isn't our fault."

Christina added, "Yeah, little birds stole our bikinis."

The male cop asked in disbelief, "Little birds?"

Amanda said, "That's right. Little birds grabbed our bikinis and flew away with them, leaving us with nothing to wear!"

Behind the girls' backs, Deanna mimicked a ******** motion with her hand to imply that the girls were *****. The female cop nodded at Deanna as if she understood what Deanna was trying to say.

Then the female cop said, "I've heard enough. You girls know the drill...hands behind your backs."

In shock, Amanda screeched, "You're arresting us?"

The cop said, "That's right, now put your hands behind your back so I can cuff you."

With the large crowd in front of them, there was no way for Amanda and Christina to run away. Therefore, the girls simply gave up and put their arms behind their backs. Amanda and Christina were terrified because they were about to be taken to jail in the nude for the second day in a row!

Amanda nervously called out in disbelief, "This can't be happening again. It just can't," as the female cop cuffed Amanda's wrists behind her.

While the male cop put handcuffs on Christina, she begged, "Please don't do this to me. I'm naked! Everyone is looking at me. How can you be so cruel?"

The male cop smirked, "You were naked before we got here, so what's the big deal?"

Teary-eyed, Christina whined, "Because I'm naked. That's what the big deal is! This is all a big misunderstanding."

The insensitive male cop responded, "Well, if it's just a misunderstanding, then you'll be able to clear this all up at the station."

Then he chuckled and added, "Of course, you'll be naked during the ride to the station...and you'll be naked when you get there!"

A second Police Jeep arrived and two male cops got out to help clear a path for the girls. With their breasts and hairy triangles completely exposed in front of them, and their wrists handcuffed behind them, Amanda and Christina were pushed through the crowd. Some sleazy men, and even a few women, reached out and touched the girls' bare boobies. One man even put his hand down between Amanda's legs and ran his fingers through her reddish-brown pussy hair. The cop casually told the man to remove his hand, but that was as much effort as the cop made to protect Amanda from the crowd.

As Amanda and Christina were escorted towards the Police Jeeps, Deanna, Randi, Alex and James were all watching from the sidewalk. Everyone was running out of the nearby shops and restaurants to watch the girls step up into the Police Jeeps. Many of the people had camera phones, and some even had regular camcorders to record the event. That made Amanda and Christina very nervous because they had no idea where those videos would end up.

Christina had to lift her leg up high to get into the Jeep, which ****** her to spread her legs wide apart. As Christina stepped up into the Police Jeep, she was mortified because a man with an elaborate camera was down low and filming the beaver shot she was providing. When Christina leaned forward to climb into the back of the Jeep, her bare butt was pointed right at the filmmaker, giving him a terrific view of her butt.

Christina was finally able to sit down, but the officer instructed her to scoot over so he could sit down beside her. This ****** Christina to spread her legs again, giving the filmmaker another clear beaver shot. After Christina was finally situated, the officers said that they had to wait for the officers to load Amanda into the other Police Jeep. As they waited, the cameraman continually scanned Christina's blushing face, bare boobies, round rosy nipples and most of her dark pussy hair. With her wrists handcuffed behind her, there was no way for Christina to hide from the filmmaker. Therefore, all she could do was sit there and pose for the camera.

The guy with the camera finally left when he saw the treatment Amanda was receiving. When Amanda tried to step up into the Jeep, the female cop reached between Amanda's legs from behind and tickled her pussy. Amanda stepped down and turned to yell at the cop, but she slapped Amanda on her bare butt cheek and ordered Amanda to climb up into the Jeep.

The cameraman was able to assume a low position, shooting up at Amanda when she tried to get up into the Jeep again. This time, with Amanda's legs spread and her pussy vulnerable, the female cop slid her finger back and forth over Amanda's slick pussy lips, separating them for the camera. One again Amanda stepped down and yelled at the cop. This time, the female cop spanked Amanda on both cheeks of her bare bottom, which generated laughter from the crowd.

With pink marks on Amanda's backside from the spanking she received, Amanda decided that she was going to climb into the Jeep this time regardless of what the Latino bitch cop did to her. As she stepped wide to get into the Police Jeep, the filmmaker got a great shot of Amanda's auburn bush and her pretty pink pussy lips. Then the cameraman panned up to Amanda's bare ass where the female cop took the liberty of tickling the kindergarten teacher's exposed butt crack with her fingertip. Amanda had to awkwardly lean forward in order to get into the back of the Jeep and when she did, the female cop spread Amanda's butt cheeks apart as the cameraman got a close up.

After all the humiliating treatment, Amanda was ****** to sit up in the back of the Jeep and allow the filmmaker to video her perky breasts, erect nipples and reddish-brown bush. As the Police Jeep finally pulled away, the Latino bitch even tweaked Amanda's nipples as she smiled for the camera.

Then the female cop yelled out to the cameraman, "Come down to the station. You'll get some great shots there!"

The filmmaker gave the female cop a thumbs up and Amanda's stomach sank knowing that there was more *********** in store for her at the police station.

As the Jeeps drove down the street, Deanna called out, "Don't worry girls. We'll get you out of this mess."

With sad eyes, Amanda replied, "Thank's Deanna, but please hurry," still unaware that Deanna was actually the cause of the girls' unfortunate situation.


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The two open-top Police Jeeps cruised through town at the slowest of speeds with the naked girls sitting up in back like they were in a parade. The driver in Christina's Jeep tried to hit every bump so the men could watch Christina's ripe melons bounce. Christina was thoroughly embarrassed because there was no way for her to escape the cold stares and devious grins of the police officers. Her wrists were handcuffed behind her back so there was no way for her to cover her naked body from the officers, as well as the people watching from the sides of the street.

Amanda was suffering an even worse fate. The seat in the back of the Police Jeep that Amanda rode in was hard. It also vibrated terribly from the engine and from the tires running over the rough pavement below. Since Amanda was completely naked, her little clitty was pressed directly into the seat and the sensations that the vibrating seat created was incredible.

The female cop sitting next to Amanda could feel the buzz from the seat through the stiff material of her uniform so she was certain that the vibrations had to be affecting Amanda. The cute Mexican girl decided to intensify Amanda's sexual stimulation by putting her hand on Amanda's legs, just below her pussy. Then she pressed down so Amanda could not avoid the tantalizing vibrating sensations against her love button.

Amanda asked, "Could you please move your hand? I'm not comfortable."

The female cop said, "I can feel the vibrations through my thick pants and it's getting me excited, so it must be driving you crazy."

With a surprised look on her face, Amanda asked, "So you're pressing down on my legs on purpose?"

The Latino cop said, "Of course. I don't want you to raise up and miss out on a good thing. Can't you feel the buzz against your pussy?"

Amanda admitted, "Yes...yes I can, but I don't want to."

The female cop asked, "Why not? Being naked like you are, the buzz must really feel good against your little clitty. It's like riding a washing machine during the spin cycle, if you know what I mean."

Amanda gasped and said, ", I know what you mean, but I don't want to cum in public so please move your hand."

The female cop responded, "Nonsense! You should relax and enjoy it. I mean, sure it might be a little embarrassing because we're only going ten miles an hour and there's dozens of people watching you from the sides of the street, but you gotta admit it feels good."

Amanda begged, "Of course it feels good, but it's so embarrassing. Please move your hand. I don't think I can fight the feeling much longer. Please don't make me cum in public. That would be so humiliating," but the cute female cop showed no mercy.

The Latino cop said, "Maybe you'd enjoy it more if I caressed your nipples," and then she reached out with her free hand and began toying with Amanda's bare titties."

Amanda begged, "No...oh, no. Please don't do that," but the cute Mexican girl persisted.

Amanda saw the driver adjust his rear-view mirror so that he could watch all of the action taking place in the back seat. With her exposed pussy stimulated by the vibrating seat, Amanda could feel her love juices beginning to build. To make it worse, the female cop licked her fingers and softly caressed Amanda's delicate pink nipples. It sent chills up and down Amanda's spine.

The female cop leaned over and softly whispered into Amanda's ear, "There now, doesn't that feel good? Your nipples are nice and hard so you must like it. It feels good, doesn't it? You like the way I touch your breasts, don't you? You're going to cum, aren't you?"

Amanda couldn't hold back any longer and started screaming, "Yes, I'm...I'm going to cum. I don't want to cum, but I just can't resist it. I can't hold back any longer. I'm going to...going to...cum. I'm gonna cum. I'm cumming, I'm cumming!"

As Amanda's earth shaking orgasm erupted, the female cop called out, "Look everybody. She's cumming. She's having an orgasm right here in the back of the Jeep!"

Amanda could hear people laughing and making comments about her. It was so embarrassing that she wished she could crawl in a hole and die. What was even worse for Amanda was that she couldn't stop cumming. It felt so good to have her pussy massaged by the vibrating seat that the sexual stimulation between her legs just wouldn't stop.

The female cop could tell that Amanda was having trouble repressing her sexual energy so she decided to prolong Amanda's public ***********. The cute Mexican girl continued to play with Amanda's bare titties while everyone watched from the sides of the street. The female cop teased and tormented Amanda's stiff nipples, which helped intensify Amanda's already over-stimulated sexual awareness. Amanda's bare body was tense and twitching as she moaned and purred right in front of everyone. Her orgasm lasted until the Jeep stopped at the station.

Amanda was so distracted by her explosive orgasm that she was unaware the Police Jeep had pulled into the Los Cufrado Police Station parking lot. When Amanda gasped for her last breath, she heard applause and opened her eyes to the sight of at least thirty men watching her. This was by far the most humiliating moment of her life, and she'd had plenty of humiliating moments over the past couple of days!

When Amanda finally got up to exit the Jeep, the driver shouted, "Look what she did to the seat. It's all wet!"

The female cop said, "You deserve a spanking for that little girl," and playfully slapped Amanda across her bare ass.

Amanda yelped from the sting on her butt, which made everyone laugh. Amanda was reunited with Christina and the two naked beauties were escorted across the Police Station parking lot. As the girls suffered from the pain of walking across a gravel lot with bare feet, they saw the Captain from the boat and his brother arrive in a pickup truck. Deanna, Randi, Alex and James were in the back of the open bed on the pickup so Amanda and Christina breathed a sigh of relief.

Unfortunately, a small car pulled up at the same time and that filmmaker guy got out with his elaborate camera. The female cop waved to the man so Amanda suspected that the two were friends. That caused a bit of distress for Amanda. She was afraid the female cop would go out of her way to humiliate the naked girls so her friend could capture it all on film.

As they entered the station, one of the cops chuckled and said, "We're not very crowded today. There's only about thirty guys that are gonna see you naked."

That was thirty more guys than Christina wanted to appear naked in front of so the statement made her heart race. After entering the lobby of the Los Cufrado Police Station, the naked girls were ****** to stand while two officers stood beside them and held onto their arms. The girls were mortified because they were surrounded by criminals, locals and other policemen. With their wrists handcuffed behind their backs, Amanda and Christina were powerless to stop the men from examining their full firm breasts, delicate pink nipples, smooth round butts and soft hairy triangles.

The Chief demanded to see the girls in his office immediately, but when the female cop approached the girls to frisk them, she declared, "I don't want to touch these girls. They smell like fish!"

In anger, Amanda responded, "We smell like fish because we've been on a fishing charter all afternoon!"

Then the officer that was driving the Jeep Amanda rode in said, "That must be why the back seat of the Jeep smells like fish!"

Amanda's face turned red because several cops knew that the officer was referring to the love juices Amanda left on the seat as a result of her public orgasm.

The Chief barked from his office, "Stick the girls in the shower and clean them up, and then bring them to me."

The female cop replied, "Yes sir," and then she went into the girls' shower room.

Moments later, the cute Mexican cop emerged from the room in a one-piece swimming suit that accentuated the curve's of the female cop's tight young body. There were a few catcalls from her fellow officers, but she just smiled and dismissed their comments as friendly banter. It appeared as though the female cop enjoyed the attention she received from her male co-workers and she was about to become the center of attention as she motioned for the cops holding Amanda and Christina to lead the naked girls into the girls' shower room.

The girls' shower room was not much larger than an average bathroom and it only had one large shower stall. The male cops lead Amanda and Christina into the stall, and then they unlocked the handcuffs behind the girls' backs. Amanda and Christina felt relieved believing that they were no longer required to wear the handcuffs, but then the girls were ****** to stretch their arms up over their heads so the male cops could cuff the girls' wrists to a steel bar mounted above the shower stall.

There must have been strict rules of conduct restricting the male cops from coming into contact with female prisoners because over the past two days, Amanda was never blatantly fondled by a male officer. However, while the male cops secured Amanda and Christina in the shower room, the men couldn't help touching and probing the naked girls' bodies. One cop pulled on Christina's pink nipples while another cop actually pushed his finger inside Amanda's exposed pussy.

He said, "I just wanted to see if you were still wet from the ride over here."

Amanda called out, "Bastard," as she attempted to squeeze her legs together.

The cop simply smiled at Amanda, patted her on her bare ass and said, "Yep, still wet."

Then the female cop, clad in just her one-piece swimming suit, tried to enter the girls's shower room, but it was too crowded.

One of the male cops holding Christina said, "We all won't fit in here. Will you be okay alone with the prisoners?"

The female cop replied, "I'm sure I'll be fine, but just to make sure, I'll leave the door open so you can keep an eye on us."

Christina whined, "You want to leave the door open? But it faces the lobby. Everyone is looking at us."

The female cop said, "I'm sorry. I don't have a choice. It's a safety precaution."

The male cops left the room, leaving the female cop alone with the girls, although everybody in the lobby was able to watch. That included the filmmaker, who positioned himself so that he had a birds-eye-view into the shower stall. Christina was five foot three so she was able to stand flat-footed inside the shower. However, Amanda was even shorter so she had to stand on her tip-toes to reach the bar above her head. The precarious position that the girls were in made for a great video opportunity as the cameraman panned up and down the girls' bare bodies.

The girls never felt so vulnerable in their lives. With their arms outstretched above them, there was nothing they could do to protect their bare bodies from the vultures peering in at them. There were other cops in attendance, criminals waiting to be processed, and even a few local residents that wandered in off the street to watch the festivities. Amanda and Christina also spotted Deanna, Randi, Alex and James amongst the crowd, which made them angry. Amanda and Christina couldn't understand why their friends were just standing there watching the all-girl shower scene instead of working to get the girls released.

Then Christina asked the female cop, "Could you please release me?"

She replied, "I'm sorry, but I can't do that."

Christina said, "But it's an emergency. I have to go to the bathroom."

In a tormenting tone, the female cop said, "Sorry. You'll just have to hold it."

Christina said, "But you don't understand. We've been ******** beer and tequila all day and I really have to go bad! Also, being nervous makes it even worse."

The cute Mexican girl chuckled and said, "Why in the world would you be nervous?"

Christina sarcastically replied, "Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm naked and half the town is staring at me!"

The female cop laughed and said, "Well you'll just have to hold on a while," and then the cute Mexican girl decided to further torment Christina by pressing her hand against Christina's lower belly.

That was all Christina could take. She couldn't hold it any longer so she spread her legs and let the yellow stream pour out of her. Christina's pee was shooting out right in front of everyone, including the man with the camera. Once Christina began to pee, she couldn't stop. She kept going and going as a yellow river squirted out from between her legs and ran down the drain in the shower.

When Christina heard laughter from the lobby, she hung her head in shame and said, "It just keeps getting worse and worse. First I was stripped naked on a boat, then I was paraded through town in the nude and now I went pee right in front of everyone."

Amanda said, "Trust me...going pee in front of a crowd is not as bad as having an orgasm in front of them!"

Christina said, "Yeah, I guess I should be glad that hasn't happened."

The cute female cop didn't say anything, but she wore a mischievous grin. From the look on her face, it appeared as though the Mexican girl was going to make sure Christina experienced every form of public *********** possible before the day was over. Therefore, it looked like having an orgasm in front of the crowd was in Christina's not so distant future!


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The door to the girls' shower room in the Los Cufrado Police Station was wide open. Everyone in the lobby had an unobstructed view into the shower stall as the police officers prepared Amanda and Christina for a shower. Now the girls were really on display for everybody to see. With their wrists handcuffed to a steel bar attached to the ceiling above their heads, there was no way for the girls to shield their naked bodies from all the onlookers. That included a filmmaker with his elaborate camera.

The filmmaker positioned himself so he could capture the entire shower stall. The cameraman recorded everything, including Christina as she went pee right in front of all the people in the lobby. Christina was extremely embarrassed, but the female cop didn't make a big deal about it. The cop simply turned on the hand-held shower nozzle and washed the pee down the drain in the shower stall.

After the last of Christina's yellow river disappeared down the drain, the female cop pointed the nozzle towards Christina's chest. Unfortunately for Christina, the water was ice cold. Christina's round rosy nipples became rock hard when the cold water was sprayed on them. The cute Mexican cop noticed that Christina's nipples were standing up so the cop playfully tweaked and twisted them while she smiled for the camera.

Then the cop giggled and said, "Sorry about that. It takes a few minutes for the water to warm up in here."

As she waited for the water to warm up, the female cop stood with her back to the camera. Before entering the shower room, the cute Mexican girl removed her starched police uniform and put on a one-piece swimming suit. Her suit had a high neckline that didn't offer the slightest glimpse of cleavage, but the chill in the air made her nipples poke out like headlights against the thin dark material. The sides of the suit were cut high so the female cop offered plenty of bare ass to the camera. However, the cop didn't offer nearly as much ass to the camera as Amanda and Christina did because they were completely naked!

Once the water was warm, the female cop got behind Christina and held the shower nozzle over Christina's head. Then she applied some shampoo to Christina's hair. With the cop positioned behind Christina, everyone in the lobby could see Christina's ripe melons, which wobbled and bounced as the cop vigorously massaged Christina's scalp. When she was finished, the cop used the nozzle to rinse Christina's hair and then she instructed Christina to turn around.

With her back to the lobby, and to the cameraman, Christina waited patiently as the female cop lathered up her hands. Then the cop washed Christina's outstretched arms and underarms before sliding her soapy hands over Christina's sides. Christina squirmed because the touch of the cute Mexican girl's fingers on her sides tickled Christina. That prompted the cop to tickle Christina several more times before moving to Christina's back.

If this had been a private shower, Christina would have been enjoying herself because the cop really knew how to give a good back massage. Unfortunately, there was a cameraman, along with a roomful of people watching, so it was not easy for Christina to relax. Then came the moment that Christina was dreading. The female cop's hands slid down Christina's back until they reached her bare ass, and the cop was just as thorough with Christina's butt as she was with her back.

The cop stood to the side of Christina to insure that she did not block the view of the cameraman or anybody else in the lobby. Then the cute female cop began caressing and kneading her soapy hands all over Christina's bare butt cheeks. The cop spent a good deal of time on Christina's outer ass before gently sliding her soapy fingers up and down Christina's sensitive butt crack. After probing Christina's ass a few times, which made Christina squeal, she spread her butt cheeks for the camera, and then proceeded down the back of Christina's legs.

Once the female cop was finished with Christina's backside, she instructed Christina to turn around and face the lobby. Christina slowly turned around and with a blushing face, she pointed her big boobies and brunette bush at the crowd. Then the cop began lathering up Christina's flat tummy. There was silence in the lobby as the men intensely watched the shower scene being played out before them. The cop ran her fingers all over Christina's mid-section, and she even dipped her finger into Christina's bellybutton, which made Christina giggle.

Finally the cute Mexican girl moved her hands up to Christina's full breasts, which was what the crowd really wanted to see. The cop moved behind Christina and reached around with both hands as she massaged the large globes of flesh before using her soapy fingers to gently caress Christina's delicate nipples. After making soft circles over Christina's pert nipples to make sure they were nice and hard, the female cop began rolling them between her thumbs and forefingers before tweaking and pulling on them as the cameraman zoomed in for a close-up.

As she played with Christina's nipples, the female cop whispered, "You like this, don't you? Admit it, you like it when I play with your nipples."

Christina replied, "No! No, I do not like it at all."

The cop said, "Well, you may not like it, but everyone else does. Just look out at all the happy faces of the men watching you. Besides, I'll find out in a few minutes whether you really like it or not. Your pussy juices can't lie!"

Christina begged, "Please stop. I don't want you to do this anymore."

The cop replied, "I can't stop now...I'm not finished. You went pee down your legs, remember? I have to make sure you're all clean down there," and then the cop squatted down so she could wash Christina's legs.

The cute female cop ran her soapy hands down the front of Christina's legs, and then she slid her hands up Christina's inner thighs. A collective gasp could be heard from the lobby as the Mexican girl's hands approached Christina's pussy, but the girl's fingers always stopped just before making contact with Christina's pleasure place. Then the girl turned Christina so that she stood sideways to the crowd.

Christina asked, "What are you doing?"

The female cop replied, "I need to wash your feet."

Christina bent her knee and lifted it behind her, but the Mexican girl grabbed her foot and said, "No, I need it out to the side."

With her foot in the female cop's hand, Christina was powerless to stop her and the cop lifted Christina's leg out to the side. Since she was standing sideways to the crowd, Christina was now showing her pink pussy lips to everyone in the lobby. She was so embarrassed as the cop took her time washing Christina's dainty foot. The cute Mexican girl made sure she carefully washed between each toe while Christina provided a beaver shot to all the guys in attendance, including the filmmaker who zoomed in between Christina's legs for a close-up of Christina's most private area.

When the cop was finished with Christina's left foot, she moved over to the right foot. Christina did not put up a fight when she lifted her leg for the cop because her right leg was facing the back of the shower stall. Unfortunately, the cop took the liberty of rotating Christina so that her pussy was once again on display for the crowd to see. Many of the guys were hunched over so they could look up between Christina's legs at her pretty pink pussy lips, which mortified Christina.

Then some guy called out, "Tickle her foot!"

Christina became very uptight because her feet were very ticklish, but the female cop yelled back, "That wouldn't be very nice."

Christina was relieved momentarily, but then the female cop continued, "I don't think she'd like it very much if I scratched my fingernails up and down the sole of her foot like this," and then the cop proceeded to move her fingernails around on the bottom of Christina's foot.

Christina wiggled around and yelled, "Stop, stop, please stop. That tickles, that tickles! I can't take it much more."

The cop loudly asked, "See, I was right. She doesn't like it when I do this," and then the cop moved her fingernails around on the bottom of Christina's foot again.

Then the cop raked all of her fingernails up and down the sole of the poor naked girl's foot. Christina squirmed in anguish as she tried, but could not escape the tickle ******* administered by the female cop. She begged the cute Mexican girl to stop as she hopped around on one foot, which caused her big boobs to bounce for the crowd. It was pure ******* for Christina as the female cop relentlessly tickled Christina's foot.

Eventually, the cute Mexican girl allowed Christina to put her foot down and then she declared, "The only place left that needs to be washed is between your legs."

The crowd began to cheer as Christina begged, "Please don't touch me down there. This is so humiliating."

The cop replied, "I have to wash you down there. You're the one that went pee on the floor. I have to make sure you're nice and clean after pulling that stunt, don't I?"

Christina answered, "No, no you don't," but the cop didn't listen.

The female cop merely lathered up her hand once again and stood to the side of Christina as she applied the soapsuds to Christina's dark bush. She shampooed Christina's hairy triangle for a long time before sliding her fingers down between Christina's legs. Then she teasingly separated Christina's pink pussy lips as the camera zeroed in on the action.

The cop moved her finger up and down Christina's sweet snatch several times, paying close attention to Christina's little clitty. Having her love button touched by the cute Mexican girl's soft fingertips made Christina moan and wiggle. Christina's moaning seemed to excite the men watching from the lobby and when Christina wiggled her body, it made her ripe melons wobble in front of her. The crowd loved watching Christina's bare breasts bounce and bobble, so the female copy continually made contact with Christina's little clitty until Christina begged her to stop.

Christina pleaded, "Please stop. I can't take it anymore!"

The female cop asked, "What's wrong little girl? Am I getting you all excited? Am I making you wet?"

Christina wouldn't answer, so the female cop moved her finger down between Christina's legs and pushed her finger deep into Christina's wet waiting pussy. The cop proceeded to move her finger around inside Christina's love hole as Christina's body tensed up and twitched right in front of all the people in the lobby. Christina was totally humiliated, yet she could no longer hold back the sexual tension that was building inside of her.

The female cop said, "Just as I're nice and wet down here, but I want to make sure it's really you and not just the soapsuds."

When the cop pulled her finger out of Christina's sweet snatch, Christina whimpered. It was as if Christina didn't want the cute Mexican girl to stop what she was doing because Christina was too close to climaxing. Unfortunately, the cop stepped away, leaving Christina standing there totally nude and sexually frustrated. As the naked beauty stood there helplessly, about thirty men and also a few women waiting patiently to see what the female cop was going to do next. They didn't have to wait long as the Mexican girl returned with the shower nozzle.

As the cop began spraying warm water between Christina's legs, she said, "I'm going to rinse away the soap from between your legs and then I'm find out for sure if you're enjoying this."

The shower nozzle was actually a shower massager and after all the soap was rinsed away from Christina's body, the female cop set the massager to "pulsate" and then she pointed the water flow right between Christina's legs.

Christina called out, "Oh, oh my, you don't know what you're doing to me."

The cop asked, "Does it hurt?"

Christina moaned, "No...doesn''t hurt."

Then the female cop asked, "Do you want me to stop?"

Christina said, "Um,, don't stop."

The sadistic little Mexican girl said, "I think I should stop," and then she pointed the nozzle to the floor."

Christina pleaded, "Oh no...don't stop. Please don't stop!"

The female cop said, "Then you have to beg me to make you come. Beg me loud so everyone can hear you."

Christina's face turned an even deeper shade of red as she moaned, "This is so embarrassing. You're humiliating me, but I want it...I want it so bad."

The cute Mexican girl said, "What, what was that? I can't hear you."

Christina called out, "Cum...I need to cum. I'm begging you, please make me cum!"

Then the female cop said, "That's more like it," as she directed the pulsating water onto Christina's exposed and obviously aroused little clitty.

Christina's eyes were closed and she was gasping for air as the water stimulated her love button in the most pleasurable way. Then the Mexican girl reached under and began thrusting her finger in and out of Christina's wet pussy. While the cop moved her finger around deep inside Christina's love hole, she continued to direct the water at Christina's little clitty, which made Christina moan loudly.

Then the female cop whispered in Christina's ear, "You're wet little girl. Your pussy is nice and wet. I knew this was turning you on. I knew you'd like it. Now cum...cum for me little girl!"

Christina wasn't exactly young. She was in her mid-twenties, but at only five-three, she definitely qualified as a little girl. And the little girl was about to cum. The cute Mexican girl had a finger wiggling around inside of Christina while the water sprayed onto Christina's love button. Then, as an added bonus, the female cop began kissing and sucking on Christina's delicate pink nipples. When she did that, it was all Christina could take and she called out in pleasure.

Uncontrollably, Christina yelled, "Oh...oh my. I'm...I'm cumming, I'm cumming. Don't stop...please don't stop. I'm cumming, I'm cumming...mmm...I'm cumming!"

Then Christina's bare body when limp and she just hung there from the handcuffs attached to the steel pipe above her head. The female cop used the shower massager to rinse Christina off one last time time so that she was squeaky clean before they removed her from the shower room.

Then the female cop called out, "I'm done with this one. You can take her away!"

Amanda, who was standing there on pins and needles, knew what that meant. She knew that it was time for the female cop to go to work on her naked body, and that's exactly what the female cop did!


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After Christina experienced an earth-shaking orgasm in the girls' shower room of the Los Cufrado Police Station, she was left standing in the shower stall with her wrists handcuffed above her head as a crowd of over thirty people stared at her naked body. Then two male cops came into the shower room and unlocked her handcuffs. They cuffed Christina's wrists behind her back and then they lead her out into the lobby amongst the crowd of onlookers. This was quite embarrassing for Christina since she was still totally nude as she was paraded through the crowd.

Two other cops cleared a path for the naked girl as the cops escorted Christina into the Chief's office. Christina's eyes were closed because she couldn't bare to face the people that had just witnessed her public orgasm. It was truly the most humiliating moment of her life, yet it was also the most intense and satisfying orgasm she'd ever experienced.

When they finally reached the Chief's office, Christina was permitted to sit in a chair. Her wrists were handcuffed behind the chair, which was bolted to the floor, so there was no way for Christina to escape. Although the door to the office remained open, Christina felt like she had more privacy now than she'd had all day. Christina was finally able to relax so she made herself as comfortable as she possibly could under the circumstances.

Christina sat back with her bare breasts right out in the open for everyone to see. Her pretty pink nipples were poking out and there was nothing she could do to hide them from the people in the lobby. Also, Christina's legs were spread far enough apart to give anyone that peered into the Chief's Office a clear view of her soft dark pussy hair. Normally the kindergarten teacher would be screaming from sheer panic over this kind of treatment, but Christina was exhausted so she just sat there quietly and closed her eyes.

Amanda was not so fortunate. She was still waiting for her shower to begin. Unlike Christina, Amanda was brought to an incredible orgasm on the way to the police station, so she was afraid it would take longer for her to reach fulfillment again. Amanda was worried that the sadistic female cop would keep Amanda in the shower until she had another orgasm so Amanda was prepared to fake it if she had to.

The Chief was in the lobby and standing next to Alex when he mentioned to another cop, "I guess we'll have to lock these girls up for a few days until the attorney decides what to do with them."

The cop responded, "We really don't have separate facilities for women here. Do you plan to just throw them in with the male population?"

The Chief replied, "We can put them in their own cell, but they'll still have to put up with all the men leering at them."

The other cop chuckled and added, "Yeah, especially since the girls will be naked!"

The Chief said, "Well, they brought it on themselves."

After Alex heard the conversation, he realized that Amanda and Christina were truly just victims here and he decided to have a little talk with the Chief. The Chief motioned for Alex to step over to the other side of the counter so that they could talk privately yet still be able to see inside the girls' shower room. The other side of the counter was a restricted area for police officers only so the Chief was surprised to find Deanna on that side of the room. He saw that Deanna was clad in just a bikini so he figured that one of the cops allowed her on that side of the counter to protect her from the crowd.

Alex said, "I just want you to know that these girls really are innocent. They were on a fishing charter with my wife and another couple."

The Chief interrupted as he pointed at Deanna and asked, "Is that your wife?"

Alex said, "No, that's my buddy's wife, but she's a real cutie, isn't she?"

The Chief smiled and said, "Yes she is!"

As the female cop washed Amanda's hair in the shower, she made sure that she bounced Amanda's bare boobies a few times for the crowd's enjoyment. Deanna appeared to be getting excited from watching the treatment that Amanda was receiving and she casually slipped her fingers into her bikini top so that she could caress her own nipples. At the end of the counter, it was more like a four and a half foot partition dividing the room. Deanna ducked down below the short wall so that no one could see her playing with her own nipples.

The Chief motioned for Alex to step back behind a large pillar that held up the roof. From their position, it was difficult for Alex and the Chief to see inside the shower room, but it offered a clear view of Deanna. As Deanna rubbed her breasts, she casually looked around to make sure nobody was watching her, and then she turned her attention back to Amanda.

Alex said to the Chief, "As I was saying, these girls are innocent. They made the mistake of leaving their bikinis near the bait and some seagulls really did fly off with their suits. That's why they were naked."

The Chief asked, "And why did they take their suits off in the first place?"

Alex replied, "It is permissible to be naked on the ocean, is it not?"

The Chief said, "I suppose so."

Alex said, "Then the girls were not breaking any public nudity laws."

The Chief began to speak, but Deanna was moving her hands around so much under her bikini top that the clasp in back accidentally came apart. At first she put her hands over her bare breasts and looked around to see if anyone was watching her. The Chief quickly pulled Alex behind the pillar to make sure that Deanna couldn't see them. After assuring herself that the partition blocked her from everyone's view, Deanna began massaging her bare breasts without re-fastening her top. Deanna simply allowed her bikini top to hang loosely from her neck as she pulled and teased her round rosy nipples.

The Chief was highly distracted by Deanna, but he continued the conversation with Alex by asking, "Again, why were the girls naked?"

Alex didn't know what to say so the Chief said, "You were having fun at the girls' expense and it got out of hand, didn't it?"

Alex nodded yes, so the Chief said, "I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to release the girls, but I'm going to make you pay the fine."

Alex said, "Okay, that seems fair enough. By the way, how much is the fine?"

At that moment, Alex and the Chief heard the female cop call out from the shower room, "This girl's got a great ass, doesn't she guys?"

The guys yelled, "Hell yes," and then the female cop turned her attention to Amanda and said, "You love it when I touch your butt crack, don't you? You love it when I tickle your cute little ass like this, don't you? Yep guys, this girl loves having her butt crack tickled. Just look at her squirm around. It's so cute the way she squirms around, isn't it guys?"

The guys applauded as the female cop said, "Tell the guys how much you like it."

When there was no answer from Amanda, Alex and the Chief heard a smack followed by a cry of "Ouch" from Amanda.

Then the female cop again asked, "You love it when I caress your bare butt, don't you? You love it when I tickle your butt crack, don't you little girl?"

Amanda replied, "Yes...yes I do," hoping to avoid another spanking.

Alex and the Chief noticed that Deanna was now sticking her fingers into the back of her panties. She apparently wanted to tickle her own ass the way that the female cop was tickling Amanda's ass. With her hands in the back of her panties and her bikini top hanging free, Deanna was no longer blocking the view of her beautiful breasts. Although he only had a side view, the Chief was thrilled by what he could see. Deanna's boobs were not particularly big, but they were firm and her nipples were as cute as they could be.

As the Chief stared at Deanna, Alex said, "Um...the fine?"

The Chief replied, "Oh, yes. I haven't decided on an amount yet."

Then the Chief added, "You don't mind that we're having a little harmless fun with the girls, do you?"

Alex replied, "Of course not. Besides, they really did smell like fish."

The Chief said, "Then you won't mind if we toy with them a little longer. After all, you had your fun with them today."

Alex said, "By all means. Do whatever you want. A little public *********** would be good for them. Besides, we're in no hurry."

The Chief said, "I'm sorry, but Carla, our resident female cop..."

Alex interrupted, "And a cute one, too."

The Chief said, "Yeah, she is. Anyway, Carla is a bit of a dominatrix with other women. She rules the roost here and we don't get to see this too often. Besides, it's kind of fun watching a girl get humiliated in front of a roomful of men, isn't it?"

Alex smiled and said, "It sure is!"

Then Alex and the Chief looked over at Deanna and saw that she was pushing her hands deeper into the back of her panties. With each push of her hands, Deanna worked her bikini bottoms further and further down her backside. Soon almost her entire butt crack was on display. Of course Deanna thought no one could see her, but the Chief was mesmerized by Deanna's beautiful bare bottom.

Alex asked, "I wonder how far she'll go?"

The Chief responded, "I was wondering the same thing," and then he lifted his pocket radio to call another officer.

He radioed, "Get a message into the shower room. Tell Carla to keep that little redhead in the shower until I say she can come out."

There was a "Yes sir Chief" reply over the radio, and then the Chief looked over at Alex and said, "I'll bet your friend over there will continue touching herself as long as that redhead is in the shower. That's why I made sure Carla keeps her in the shower until I say she's done."

Alex chuckled and said, "Great plan. I guess that's why you're the Chief!"

The Chief asked, "How much tequila did that girl have?"

Alex replied, "Deanna? Um, a lot I guess. All the girls drank a lot. Why?"

The Chief said, "Tequila is a powerful *****. It makes girls lose there inhibitions. In my estimation, more girls end up naked after ******** tequila than any other *****."

Then, in a startled voice, the Chief said, "Oh wow, look at that! Your friend is working hard to prove my point."

Deanna pushed her panties all the way down to her knees because she thought no one could see her. With all of Deanna's attention directed into the shower room, she had no idea that Alex and the Chief were staring at her bare ass. Then the guys heard Carla call out that she loved Amanda's boobies. Apparently Carla was playing with Amanda's titties in the shower, which prompted Deanna to reach up and play with her own breasts. However, her loose bikini top was getting in Deanna's way and it seemed to be annoying her.

As they watched, Alex heard the Chief say under his breath, "That tops in your way. You don't want that nasty ole top on. Go ahead...take it off. Come on, you can do it...take the top off!"

Alex was amazed. As if she was under the Chief's spell, Deanna lifted the top over her head and dropped it on the floor. Then she quickly scanned the perimeter of the room to see if anyone was looking at her. Again Deanna believed that no one could see her so she directed her attention back into the shower room.

Alex couldn't believe it. Deanna was topless in a police station with her panties down around her knees and they were threatening to fall off. Alex and the Chief didn't have a clear view of Deanna's breasts, but they could easily see her bare butt, and it was truly a sight to behold. Deanna was really going to town on her bare titties as she massaged them before stopping to tweak and twist her nipples, and Alex and the Chief were able to see everything!

Alex got up on a chair so he could see inside the shower room, yet still remain hidden from Deanna behind the pillar.

The Chief looked up and asked, "What's going on inside the shower room now?"

Alex replied, "Carla is making Amanda spread her legs apart as wide as she can and Amanda doesn't seem to be putting up much of a fight. Now Carla is reaching down between Amanda's legs and shampooing her pussy hair. This is really hot!"

The Chief watched as Deanna reached down to touch her own pussy. Unfortunately, she couldn't spread her legs with her panties down around her knees so Deanna carefully looked around to see if anyone was watching her. Then Deanna put her legs closer together allowing her bikini bottoms to drop on the floor.

Deanna's panties were still hooked to her ankle so she kicked her leg to make them fall off. When she did, her toe caught the top of her bikini, which was already lying on the floor. As her panties shook free, the bottoms of Deanna's bikini went sliding across the floor along with her bikini top. Both the top and bottom of Deanna's bikini were a good five feet away from her, but she didn't bother to retrieve it. She was too interested in satisfying her desires to worry about her only source of clothing, much to the delight of Alex and the Chief who couldn't wait to see what she was going to do next!


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It was quite an evening at the Los Cufrado Police Station. Amanda and Christina were once again being held for violating the strict public nudity law in the town. After showering in front of around thirty people, which were almost all men, Christina was now handcuffed bare-assed naked to a chair in the Chief's office with the office door wide open. While Christina waited patiently with her breasts and bush on display to anyone that poked their head into the office, it was Amanda's turn to receive a shower at the hands of Carla, the resident female cop. Carla was often referred to as a dominatrix to other females that invaded her domain and Amanda was currently her target for public ***********.

Deanna, on the other hand, was not being ****** to humiliate herself in public. She was doing it by her own free will. Deanna was so turned on from watching the two girls in the shower that she was unable to control her own emotions. As she stood in the lobby, Deanna began doing to her own body what Carla was doing to Amanda's body inside the shower room.

As Deanna watched Carla rub her soapy hands all over Amanda's bare body, Deanna rubbed her hands in a similar fashion over her own body. There was a four and a half foot partition wall hiding Deanna from the crowded lobby of the police station, so Deanna assumed that nobody could see her. However, Alex and the Chief were hiding behind a pillar and watching every move Deanna made.

The two men saw Deanna remove her bikini and casually push it away, nearly five feet from where she was standing. Alex climbed up on a chair allowing him to see inside the shower room while still keeping an eye on Deanna. The Chief stayed on the floor, keeping both of his eyes on beautiful Deanna as she toyed with her bare titties with one hand while rubbing her pussy with the other.

Alex called down to the Chief, "That Carla really knows what she's doing. She's standing to the side of Amanda, tickling Amanda's butt crack with one hand while using the other hand to play with Amanda's pussy. Now Carla's kissing and licking Amanda's nipples, too. That girl's putting on quite a show!"

The Chief replied, "I'm satisfied with the show your friend is putting on in the lobby. She's really hot!"

The Chief was right. Deanna could no longer stand up and look into the shower room. She needed support so she leaned against the partition wall. That made the Chief very happy because Deanna was now facing him. The tequila must have really been working it's magic on Deanna because she had her legs spread, offering a clear view of her sandy-brown pussy hair to the Chief before slipping her finger deep inside her wet waiting pussy. Deanna began to moan as she played with her bare titties while working her finger in and out of her pleasure place.

Suddenly Deanna's moans were drowned out by Amanda screaming, "Yes...yes, I'm cumming...I'm cumming."

It was followed by a loud whack and a cry of, "Ouch, that hurt!"

Carla commanded, "You're not cumming. You're faking."

Amanda whimpered, "No, I had an orgasm."

Carla said, "You're not even breathing hard. If you don't want another spanking, then you'll give us a real orgasm, got it?"

Amanda sighed, "Yes ma'am."

Amanda may have been faking, but Deanna wasn't. She was completely naked with one hand teasing her nipples and the other hand going to town on her pussy. Soon Deanna's body tensed up and moments later she let loose with what appeared to be a powerful orgasm. Deanna's finger was pumping furiously in and out of her pussy as she fought to catch her breath, and then her whole body went limp. After climaxing, Deanna leaned up against the wall in utter exhaustion.

The Chief sent a radio message to his staff, "Okay, you can end the shower theatrics whenever you're ready."

The message was relayed to Carla in the shower room, and then the two male cops that delivered the message walked into the partitioned area. They quickly spied Deanna nearly passed out against the wall with her bikini lying on the floor several feet away from her. The bare-assed naked beauty was leaning up against the wall with her eyes closed as she tried to recover from her explosive orgasm. She had no idea that the cops were standing there staring at her.

When Deanna opened her eyes, she spotted the two guys positioned in front of her and she didn't have a stitch of clothing on. Deanna was thoroughly embarrassed, but she began to panic when she saw that one of the cops was holding her bikini. Alex wanted to rush over and help Deanna, but the Chief stopped him. He wanted to see what was going to happen next.

Deanna said, "Okay, you caught me. I'm naked. You want to look at me, that's fine. Here's my breasts, here's my bush and back here is my butt. There, that's all there is to see. Now can I have my bikini back?"

The cop said, "Your bikini? This is your bikini? I thought it was trash."

Deanna said, "Whatever. Can I have it back?"

The cop said, "I don't think so. We're going to do with it what we do with all our trash."

Terrified, Deanna meekly asked, "And what do you do with your trash?"

The cop smiled and said, "We shred it!"

Then the cop dropped Deanna's bikini into the paper shredder. Deanna ran over with her bare breasts bouncing, grabbed her bikini and began to pull. She yanked hard, but she was no match for the industrial strength paper shredder. With one last pulled, a piece of the material came out, but it was only half of a bra-strap. Deanna's bikini was destroyed and she was now totally nude in a crowded room.

As she held the tiny piece of fabric that used to be her bikini, Deanna whimpered, "Oh, no! Look what you did to my bikini. Now I'm naked! You've got to give me something to wear. Please, I'm begging you. I'm naked and all those people over there can see me. You've got to give me something to cover up with!"

The cops looked at each other, and then they laughed as one of the cops said, "Sorry, babe. This ain't a clothing store. It's a police station."

The other cop added, "And it's a crowded police station!"

Then two more cops entered the restricted area as several people peered over the partition wall. Deanna put and arm across her chest and a hand between her legs in an attempt to block everyone's view of her bare body as Deanna quickly came to the realization that she was now discovered by the crowd. After Carla finished showering Amanda, many of the people watched as Amanda's nude figure was paraded through the lobby en route to the Chief's office. However, at least fifteen of the men were now trying to get a look at the newest naked beauty in the room.

Deanna whimpered, "This can't be happening...this just can't be happening," as a few cops moved behind Deanna to get a look at her beautiful bare ass.

Then a call came over the police radio. The Chief leaned over the radio desk to take the call and there was a look of concern on his face. A bar fight had erupted on the outskirts of town and all available officers were being called to the scene.

The Chief stood up and yelled, "Fun's over guys. Let's get moving."

One of the cops that was staring at Deanna's bare ass asked, "Why do we all have to go?"

The Chief replied, "It sounds dangerous. They have guns and one guy has a broken bottle up to a barmaid's throat."

The Chief quickly took charge instructing the officers to clear the lobby. He said to take anyone waiting to be processed down to the holding cell and told the officers to clear everyone else out of the lobby.

Alex asked the Chief, "You're leaving?"

He replied, "Yeah. There's a motorcycle gang that comes down from Los Angeles and every time they get ******** up, all hell breaks loose."

Alex asked, "What about the girls?"

The Chief thought for a moment and then he said, "Carla's still in the shower. When she comes out, tell her to set the girls free."

Alex added, "And the fine?"

The Chief smiled, looked over at Deanna and said, "Your naked friend already paid the fine!"

In a matter of minutes, the police station was cleared and the front door was locked. All that remained in the station were Alex and Deanna along with Amanda and Christina, who were naked and handcuffed to chairs in the Chief's office. Deanna was also naked, but she was not in handcuffs. Alex stood for a moment and stared at Deanna's bare body, which thoroughly embarrassed her. She put an arm across her chest and a hand between her legs in a vain attempt to block his view from her breasts and bush, but Alex gawked at her anyway.

In a frustrated tone, Deanna said, "Go away, creep!"

Alex replied, "There was no one plotting against you, Deanna. You brought this on yourself," as he casually circled Deanna to get a look at her mighty fine ass.

Then Deanna asked, "Where the heck did Randi and James disappear to?"

Alex looked around and then he heard noises coming from the men's room. He walked over to the men's room door with Deanna following right behind him and then he threw the door open. There was Randi and James! Randi was naked with her bikini lying on the restroom floor. She was bent over the sink and James had mounted her from behind. James was slamming himself up against Randi's ass, causing her firm titties to bounce back and forth with each thrust.

The couple was surprised by the sudden intrusion, but they were too close to satisfying themselves to stop. As James pushed his rock hard penis in and out of Randi's pussy, Deanna reached down and snatched Randi's bikini off the floor. Randi was unable to stop Deanna from running off with her bikini, and she was so busy moaning and gasping for air that she couldn't even say anything.

Alex followed Deanna as she made a beeline for the shredder. Deanna quickly fed Randi's swimming suit into the machine and watched as it chopped the little bikini into tiny pieces.

Alex put his hands on Deanna's shoulders and said, "You have no reason to be mad. We traded wives on the boat, remember? James screwed Randi right next to you and you didn't say a thing then."

Deanna responded, "But that was spontaneous and impulsive. This is more like cheating."

Alex asked, "Is that why you shredded her bikini? Is that why you ruined something that you could have put on to hide your own nudity?"

Deanna looked down at her bare body, blushed and said, "That was pretty stupid, wasn't it?"

Alex replied, "Yes, it was. You're really just frustrated because you were caught naked in public by all the people that were in the lobby and you took it out on Randi."

Then Alex reached out and held Deanna in his arms to comfort her. That's when James and Randi emerged from the men's room.

Randi demanded, "Where's my suit?"

Deanna replied, "Um...well, there's been a little accident."

Randi shouted, "An accident? That's all I had to wear! What happened to it?"

Deanna pointed to the shredder and said, "It sort of fell in there."

Randi yelled, "You shredded my bikini? You bitch! What the hell is wrong with you?"

Then Randi looked at Deanna and asked, "Wait a minute. You're naked, too. What happened to your suit?"

Deanna replied, "It suffered the same fate as your suit did, only it was worse for me. The place was packed when I lost my bikini."

The girls glanced down at each other's bare body, and then they broke down and hugged each other. Their tempers cooled quickly as the women concluded that they were both naked in public.

James asked, "So what do we do now?"

Alex said, "We're free to go as soon as Carla gets out of the shower."

James asked, "Carla?"

Alex replied, "Yeah, she's that cute female cop."

Deanna said, "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go get her."

Randi, Alex and James followed as Deanna headed towards the girls' shower room. She quietly opened the shower room door and there stood Carla, standing under the shower totally nude. Carla was rinsing the soap from her body and didn't hear the door open so she didn't know that anyone was watching her.

Carla's back was to the door as she held the shower nozzle over her tight ass and rinsed the soap suds out of her butt crack. Then she rinsed her breasts as she turned around to face the door. Carla's eyes were closed as she allowed the water to pulsate over her neatly trimmed brunette bush. After her dark hairy triangle was thoroughly rinsed, Carla raised a leg and pointed the water directly at her pretty pink pussy lips. Suddenly, Carla opened her eyes and spotted the couples staring at her.

Carla screamed, "Who are you? What do you want?"

Alex said, "The Chief told us to inform you that you're to release the girls."

Carla put her hands over her firm titties and asked, "Where did everyone go?"

Alex replied, "There was a bar fight and the Chief left you in charge."

Carla said, "Okay, leave me alone for a few minutes so I can get dressed. Then I'll release everyone."

Deanna looked up, saw Carla's uniform on a hanger and said, "I could use this!"

Carla yelled, "Oh no you don't," and then she chased Deanna across the lobby.

Alex and James found the chase very exciting because both girls were naked and their breasts bounced around freely as they ran through the room. Finally Carla caught up with Deanna and pulled Deanna down by her hair. There was a brief struggle, and then Carla straddled Deanna and sat on her chest.

Carla's legs were apart with her dark pussy hair less than six inches away from Deanna's mouth. It looked like a perfect opportunity for Carla to punish Deanna for her misbehavior. As Carla scooted her bare butt forward over Deanna's topless breasts, Alex and James moved into position to witness what was shaping up to be the most exciting action of the day!


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Deanna was totally nude and lying on the floor of the Los Cufrado Police Station with the naked female cop sitting on Deanna's bare chest. Carla was straddling Deanna with her brunette bush a mere six inches away from Deanna's mouth. With the position that the girls were in, Alex and James became hopeful that Carla's next move would be to sit on Deanna's face. The tension in the room intensified as Carla slowly began to scoot forward over Deanna.

Deanna waited nervously as she felt Carla's smooth naked butt cheeks slide forward over her bare breasts. Then Carla leaned forward and her curly pussy hair rubbed up against Deanna's chin. The guys were really getting excited as they watched Carla slowly move up until her precious pink pussy lips actually made contact with Deanna's mouth. They assumed Carla was going to make Deanna satisfy her desires, but Carla only moved forward so she could reach out and grab her white uniform shirt.

Carla slipped the shirt on and fastened a couple buttons as she said to Deanna, "Don't mess with me or I'll make your life a living hell!"

With her pussy lips still pressed against Deanna's mouth, Deanna managed to reply, "Okay, okay. Get off me and I won't touch your uniform."

Carla asked, "What did you say? I couldn't understand you."

Deanna replied, "You can't here me because you're covering my mouth with your pussy. Please get off me!"

Carla said, "Okay, okay. I'll get off you," and then she slowly slid forward, dragging her pussy all the way across Deanna's face.

Deanna's little nose actually slid right between Carla's wet pussy lips. Even after she was released from Carla's grip, Deanna could still smell the fragrance of Carla's pussy on her face. The essence of Carla's sweet nectar was a constant reminder to Deanna of who was in charge.

Alex and James watched as the pretty Mexican cop stood up and draped the rest of her uniform over the partition wall. All Carla had on was her white uniform shirt. Carla fastened one button about an inch below her breasts and another one right over her bellybutton. She didn't bother to fasten the rest of the buttons. The cute Mexican girl retrieved the handcuff keys from her uniform pocket and then she turned to face the guys.

Carla said to Alex and James, "I'm an officer of the law, so don't let me catch you guys trying to sneak a peek under my shirt!"

In unison, Alex and James said, "Yes ma'am," even though the cute young officer was just daring the guys to try and steal a glimpse of her fantastic naked body barely concealed by her starched white uniform shirt.

The shirt stopped right at the bottom of Carla's soft dark pussy hair and as she walked, the shirt would separate in front and expose a little bit of her hairy triangle to the guys. In back, the shirt didn't cover Carla's entire ass and a portion of her tanned butt cheeks hung out below. Carla was still wet from her shower when she slipped the shirt on and the shirt became even more enticing when Carla's damp skin made the shirt wet in front. The thin white material became semi-transparent where her firm breasts pushed out against the front of the shirt, allowing Carla's dark nipples to show through.

Alex and James thought Carla was even hotter in her shirt than when she was stark naked. The guys followed Carla while she walked to the Chief's office to free Amanda and Christina. They watched every step the cute Mexican girl took because with each step, the back of her shirt flipped up and allowed a few inches of her perfect butt to peek out below. Carla had a great body because she worked out with her cop buddies all the time and she wasn't afraid to flaunt her firm tight figure in front of the guys. She loved teasing all the men in town and since Carla was a cop, she always had a gun by her side in case things got out of hand.

As Alex and James stood behind her, Carla leaned over to unlock Amanda's handcuffs. The handcuffs were down low behind the chair so Carla had to lean way over to unlock them. When she did, her white shirt rode up in back exposing much of her bare butt cheeks to the boys. Carla knew that Alex and James were looking at her. She was also well aware that the hem of her shirt was riding up and exposing her fine ass to the guys.

Carla acted like she didn't know Alex and James were behind her, which actually enhanced the teasing experience for the guys. Alex and James tried to be nonchalant as they peeked under the cute girl's shirt and took a nice long look at her smooth firm butt cheeks. Unfortunately for Carla, she couldn't reach Amanda's handcuffs so she had to bend over a little more. Over half of Carla's butt crack was hanging out now. Carla also had to spread her legs apart to reach the cuffs. Alex and James seized the opportunity and crotched down to get a closer look. From their vantage point, the guys were able to see Carla's pretty pink pussy lips, too.

After Amanda was freed, she just sat in the chair rubbing her sore wrists. Then Carla moved over to where Christina was sitting and bent over to unlock her handcuffs. Christina's chair was at an awkward angle which ****** the cute Mexican cop to bend over even further than before. This time, Carla's shirt slid up so far that her entire butt was on display for the guys to observe. Alex and James couldn't help staring at it. Carla's beautiful butt was smooth, round and firm, and there wasn't a trace of tan line to be found.

Then, much to the guys' surprise, Carla spread her legs wide apart. The guys hated to take advantage of the half-naked girl, but the view that Carla offered to the boys was too hard to resist. Alex and James immediately crotched down again and they were amazed by how much of her pussy Carla revealed to them.

As Alex and James stared at Carla's perfect ass and sweet pink pussy lips, Carla called out, "Don't think I don't know what you guys are doing. Go ahead, take a good look at my ass...or whatever else you can see. Then take a good look at my foot as I kick you in the balls!"

Alex and James quickly stood up and turned away from the female officer as Deanna said under her breath, "What a tease," followed by Randi saying, "What a bitch!"

After setting Amanda and Christina free, Carla lead the two clothed guys and the four naked girls to the door.

As the girls walked out of the station, Deanna turned and asked, "Don't you have anything we can wear?"

Carla said, "As a matter of fact, I do. There's plenty of T-shirts and jackets around here."

Deanna's eyes lit up, but then Carla said, "But since you and your friend called me a tease and a bitch, I see no reason to give anything to you."

Deanna spoke up, "But you deliberately teased our husbands. You stuck your ass and pussy right in front of their faces."

Carla said, "Well, I figured the guys deserved to see what a real woman looks like."

Amanda said, "You are a bitch!"

Carla responded, "And you're naked," as she slammed the door shut in Deanna's face and locked it.

Deanna walked over and punched James in the arm for peeking under Carla's shirt. Then she looked out and noticed that there were still a lot of people in the police station parking lot. Deanna quickly put an arm across her chest and a hand between her legs, assuming the position that Amanda, Christina and Randi had already taken.

With all the girls hunched over, trying to hide their breasts and pussies from the crowd, Randi said, "This is so embarrassing!"

Amanda said, "You're not kidding. By the way, what happened to Deanna and you? Where are your bikinis?"

Randi replied, "Destroyed! We're both naked just like you."

James chuckled and said, "Come on girls, it's not that bad. So you're naked. So there's a bunch of people looking at you. So it's a long walk home. So there's a guy with a camera over there. No big deal!"

When Deanna saw that the filmmaker was still in the parking lot, she punched James again and screamed, "It's no big deal because you have shorts on. If you don't want to get punched again, you'd better find a way to get us out of here right now!"

At that moment, James spotted the Captain from the boat and his brother standing next to their pickup truck. They were still hanging around and waved for the group to come over.

James said, "There's our ride home."

Randi said, "But he's parked all the way over on the other side of the parking lot."

Alex said, "It's either walk over there or walk home," as the men began making their way across the lot.

Deanna and Randi couldn't believe how callous their husbands were acting. It was as if the men enjoyed watching the public *********** of their naked wives. However, the girls didn't have time to worry about that now. They had to get across the parking lot to catch a ride home.

Christina went first. She ran with a hand over each boob, leaving her bare butt and dark hairy triangle right out in the open for everyone to see. That got a big cheer from the crowd. Then Amanda followed. She ran with one hand covering her auburn bush and the other hand attempting to hide as much of her bare butt crack as she could. Amanda's style left her titties bouncing as she ran, which got an even bigger cheer from the crowd.

Deanna and Randi stood there for a minute trying to work up the courage to make their jaunt across the parking lot. Finally, Deanna and Randi counted to three and then they took off together. Like Christina, Randi held a hand over each boob to keep her bare titties from bouncing around, but it left her smooth hairless pussy exposed to everyone. Randi had a nice ass, but her shaved beaver attracted all the attention.

Deanna started out with a hand over her soft brown pussy hair and one covering her butt crack, but when Randi got ahead of her, Deanna dropped her hands allowing her to run as fast as she could. Her boobs were bouncing, her ass was wiggling and her hairy triangle was totally exposed, so Deanna ended up getting the biggest cheer of them all!

When the naked girls reached the pickup truck, the Captain told them to climb into the back and he would take them to the hotel. One by one the girls carefully climbed up on the back bumper of the truck and leaned forward over the tailgate. Then they threw a leg over the back of the truck and climbed in. The cameraman assumed a low position for the shot because as each girl climbed up on the bumper and bent over, her bare butt was pointed right at the camera. Then when the girl threw her leg up over the side, it provided the cameraman with a great beaver shot.

After jumping into the back of the truck, the girls put their legs together and crossed their arms over their breasts to block everyone's view of their bare bodies. They still caused quite a stir as they drove through town. Even though their wrists were not handcuffed behind them any longer, the naked girls were still a sight for the people to behold. Like the cops, the Captain drove slowly through town, giving all the tourists and the locals a chance to look into the back of the pickup truck and see all the bare flesh on display.

When they arrived at the hotel, Deanna and Randi took off for their hotel room followed by their husbands. The men looked extremely excited as they chased their naked wives down the hallway, undoubtedly anticipating some great sex once they reached their room. Unfortunately, Amanda and Christina locked their key inside the hotel room before they left in the morning, so they had to stop at the front desk.

The disgusted woman behind the counter looked up and said, "Can I help you?"

As a few hotel workers and guests crowded around to get a look at the naked girls, Amanda said, "We locked ourselves out of our hotel room and we need another key...and hurry, please!"

The woman behind the counter seemed angry to witness the girls strolling through the lobby of the hotel without a stitch of clothing on. Amanda and Christina were turning red from *********** as everyone moved closer to get a better view of their boobs, butts and bush which were open to public viewing. Sensing that the girls were highly embarrassed, the woman decided to extend their public nudity predicament by taking her time while getting Amanda and Christina their hotel room key.

The agitated woman asked, "Do you have any identification?"

In an angry tone, Christina said, "Where would I have identification? In my vagina?"

Some of the guys hanging around laughed as the women responded, "There's no need to be rude. Just wait while I look you up in the computer."

The woman was irritated by the presence of the naked girls and she was annoyed even further by their bad attitudes. To punish the girls for their behavior, the woman decided to type as slowly as possible. She used just one finger to enter their names into the computer and she intentionally made mistakes to provide an excuse for her to start over. It was obvious to everyone that the woman wanted to prolong the girls' ***********, which was deeply appreciated by the guys standing nearby.

Both girls were facing the front desk with their hands over their butts, trying to block the crowd's view of their exposed asses. Then a couple of hotel workers, including a security guard, walked around behind the desk to get a look at the girls' bare titties. Amanda and Christina blushed knowing that they had no choice, but to stand there and let everyone gawk at them.

Amanda and Christina actually became angry when the woman asked them to step back from the counter. The woman claimed that the girls were crowding her. Amanda and Christina knew that the woman just wanted them to step back so the guys behind the counter could get an unobstructed view of their hairy triangles. At first Amanda and Christina refused to back up, but when the woman behind the desk refused to wait on them until they moved away from the counter, the girls had no choice except to step back and let everybody have a nice long look at their firm breasts, delicate nipples, smooth butts and and soft pussy hair.

Finally the woman confirmed their room number and the security guard said, "I'll escort the girls to their room and let them in with my master key," so once again Amanda and Christina were naked and being paraded through a crowd by a man in uniform.

The man was not shy about staring at the girls' bare bodies as he escorted them to their hotel room. A small gathering of men also followed the girls and checked out their bare asses the whole way. Finally, the girls got into their room, showered and went to bed. However, there was no love making this time. Both girls were totally fatigued. They just gave each other loving hugs and sweet caresses as they fell fast asleep.

Early the next morning, Amanda and Christina got on the bus that took them to the airport. On their bed in the hotel room, Amanda and Christina left behind the collection of revealing clothes that they purchased specifically for the trip. Amanda and Christina decided that their old conservative ways suited them just fine, and they were anxious to get home and assume their old way of life again.

Alex, James, Deanna and Randi came out to wish them a safe trip home. Amanda and Christina hugged them and thanked the couples for everything they did. Amanda and Christina never found out that the couples were actually the ***** behind the girls' second day of naked misfortunes, although Deanna and Randi did receive a taste of their own medicine.

At home, the kindergarten teachers' lives returned to normal and Mexico became just a memory. With their revealing clothes left behind in Mexico, there was no hard evidence to remind Amanda and Christina of all the public nudity and *********** that the girls were ****** to endure. It's a good thing that Amanda and Christina didn't make a habit of surfing the Internet for pornography. Otherwise, thanks to that filmmaker guy in Mexico, they would surely stumble upon the popular video of their naked misadventures in the Los Cufrado Police Station!

The End


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Amy and the Doctor

Naked in School

The teacher said, "Amy, it's your turn to come up to the front of the class and read your report."

I reluctantly picked up the report from my desk and slowly walked to the front of the classroom. I nervously raised my report, but when I saw all the eyes of my classmates upon me, I was unable to speak. An eighteen-year-old senior in high school shouldn't be this deathly shy, but a severe lack of self-confidence pretty much destroyed all of my social skills.

Even though I've been told that I have a really cute face, I've never been on a date or kissed a boy. I have a couple of close friends, but most of the kids in school don't even know I exist. However, the popular girls know me very well because they love to bully me. One of those girls is Tiffany, the captain of the cheerleaders, and she was in the classroom staring right at me.

The teacher said, "Amy, either read your report or you'll fail this assignment."

I said, "I'm trying Mrs. Ashford, but I have trouble talking in front of people."

Mrs. Ashford said, "If I knew of a way to cure your shyness, I'd share it with you, but unfortunately I don't."

Then Tiffany blurted out, "I heard that if you read your report in your underwear, you won't be nervous."

Mrs. Ashford said, "No, Tiffany. I believe the saying is...if you picture your audience in their underwear, you won't be nervous."

Tiffany countered, "This isn't a saying. There's documentation on the Internet confirming that addressing a crowd in your underwear helps you overcome shyness."

Some of my other classmates quickly chimed in and said that they'd read it, too. Madison, who is one of Tiffany's followers, added that the top teachers in the country were using this method with great success even though she knew the idea was completely fabricated by Tiffany. Unfortunately for me, my classmates were very convincing and Mrs. Ashford bought into Tiffany's stupid suggestion.

My heart began racing when Mrs. Ashford said, "Well, if it's on the Internet, it must be true."

I pleaded, "No, Mrs. Ashford. Please don't listen to Tiffany. She's making it up!"

Tiffany confidently said, "If you don't believe me Mrs. Ashford, you should look it up for yourself."

Mrs. Ashford turned to Tiffany and said, "The class is only an hour long. We don't have time to look it up. You're a good student and captain of the cheerleaders, so if you say it's true, then I believe you," and then Mrs. Ashford looked at me and said, "Amy, please remove your clothes."

I shrieked, "Remove my clothes? Here? In the classroom? In front of the boys...and everybody?"

Mrs. Ashford said, "Yes Amy, take off your clothes. Tiffany was nice enough find a solution to your problem so the least you can do is give her solution a chance. Now hurry up and take off your clothes. We don't have all day."

I whimpered, "But...but Mrs. Ashford, I can't take my clothes off in front of the class. Please don't make me take my clothes off."

Mrs. Ashford sternly demanded, "Quit your whining and strip! The class is waiting Amy."

When I refused to budge, Tiffany offered, "Amy looks like she needs some assistance. Should we help her?"

Mrs. Ashford gave Tiffany an approving nod, so Tiffany, along with two big football players named Chip and Doug, walked up to the front of the classroom.

I pleaded, "Please Mrs. Ashford, don't let them pull my clothes off in front of everybody," but Mrs. Ashford said, "I'm sorry Amy. You've wasted enough of our time. Now we have to take matters into our own hands."

Chip held my hips while Doug grabbed my wrists and lifted my arms up over my head. Once I was immobilized, Tiffany looked at me with a mischievous grin and pushed my T-shirt up. Doug let go of my wrists one at a time so that Tiffany could get my T-shirt off, but then he grabbed my wrists again and continued holding my arms up in the air.

Tiffany stepped aside so that everyone in the classroom could see my bra. My sandy brown hair is only shoulder length, but Tiffany brushed it back to make sure that everybody had an unobstructed view of my little white bra. Luckily I wasn't wearing a see-through bra, so my nipples were hidden. However, it was still humiliating to lose my shirt in front of all my classmates.

My breasts are only medium sized, but the bra sort of pushed my boobies together. It created the illusion that I had a lot of cleavage to offer, which the boys really seemed to enjoy. I'm also a petite girl, only five feet tall, so I don't know why it took two football players to hold onto me. Regardless, Doug continued holding my arms up while Chip hung onto my waist.

Tiffany said with an arrogant tone, "Now it's time to pull your pants down!"

Tiffany began by raising each of my legs and removing my sandals. Then she held up one of my legs by my ankle and dragged her long red fingernails up and down the sole of my bare foot. My body twitched in agony as Tiffany ******** me relentlessly by tickling my foot.

Tiffany giggled and said, "I think it's so cute when a helpless girl gets tickled!"

Mrs. Ashford sternly said, "Amy is not a play-toy for your amusement, Tiffany. You have a job to do, so do it!"

Tiffany meekly replied, "Yes, Mrs. Ashford," and released my foot.

After removing my sandals, Tiffany kneeled down in front of me, reached up and unzipped my pants. Then she unbuttoned my jeans so that they hung open in front of me. Before continuing, Tiffany moved aside to make sure that she was not blocking anyone's view. She wanted everyone in the classroom to watch me lose my pants.

Then a guy yelled out, "Look, I can see her pussy hair!"

Tiffany added, "Well, you sure can," and then Tiffany began combing her long red fingernails through the little patch of girl-fur that was exposed above the elastic waistband of my skimpy white cotton panties.

I was mortified as the football players held me in place while the rest of the class watched Tiffany play with the little bit of pussy hair that had escaped from my skimpy undies. Then Mrs. Ashford urged Tiffany to continue with the task at hand, so Tiffany moved her hands to my sides and placed her thumbs deep into the waistband of my tight jeans. As Tiffany ever so slowly slid my pants down, I sensed that something was terribly wrong. Unfortunately, it wasn't until my pants reached mid-thigh before I figured out what Tiffany was doing to me, right in front of all my classmates.

I began screaming, "Stop Tiffany, stop! You're pulling my panties down, too," but Tiffany didn't bother to stop until my pants were completely removed from my legs.

Then Tiffany saw my little undies entangled within my jeans and she sarcastically said, "Oh dear, Amy. You were right. I did accidentally pull your underpants off," and then she giggled as she stepped back so that everyone in the classroom could see my light brown pussy hair.

I was mortified. All I had on was my little bra and I was being held in front of the class with my neatly trimmed hairy triangle out in the open for everyone to see.

Thankfully, Mrs. Ashford came to my rescue and said, "Tiffany, please put Amy's panties back on her immediately."

Tiffany said, "But Mrs. Ashford, if giving a presentation in your underwear is an effective cure for shyness, then wouldn't it be twice as effective if she gave her presentation in the nude?"

Mrs. Ashford sat there for a while pondering the question as she stared at my nearly naked body. Unfortunately, the entire class was staring at my nearly naked body, too. While Mrs. Ashford took her time making a decision, my smooth legs, soft pussy hair and flat tummy remained exposed for all of my classmates to carefully examine. I was totally humiliated and I thought that things couldn't get any worse, but they did.

After what seemed like forever, Mrs. Ashford finally replied, "Well, I suppose you're right, Tiffany. Go ahead and remove Amy's bra, too."

I was still held tight by Chip and Doug as I begged, "No, Tiffany. Please don't take my bra off. I'll be completely naked," but everyone else in the classroom started yelling, "Yes! Go for it," so Tiffany gave me an evil grin and unhooked my bra.

She slipped my bra off and I was now totally nude in front of the entire class. I could feel the eyes of my classmates scanning every inch of my soft tanned skin as I was held in place and ****** to let them study my bare body. It was truly the most embarrassing moment of my life!

Tiffany reached out, squeezed my full firm breasts and said, "Wow, they're even bigger than I thought they'd be."

Next Tiffany tweaked my nipples and said, "You've got some nice pink puffies, too!"

Tiffany began making soft circles with her fingertips over my delicate pink nipples, which really embarrassed me because she giggled and said, "Look everybody. Amy must like it when I touch her titties because her nipples are poking out nice and hard," and then Tiffany stepped aside, pointed at my nipples and emphasized, "See?"

Everyone sat in silence for a moment, gazing at my bare breasts and hard nipples, and then one of the guys in the class yelled, "Touch her pussy!"

Tiffany looked me in the eyes, smiled, and then she began sliding her hand down the front of my bare body. Her fingers softly caressed my flat tummy before pausing momentarily to gently tickle my belly-button. Finally, Tiffany's fingers reached the light brown curly hair between my legs.

There was silence in the classroom as Tiffany slowly raked her long red fingernails through my exposed pussy hair. I assumed that Tiffany's goal was to playfully humiliate me, but I started getting extremely nervous because each time Tiffany's hand made a downward motion, her fingers reached further between my legs. My body shuttered when her fingertip finally made contact with my pleasure place. Tiffany managed to elevate my *********** to an even higher level by splitting my pink pussy lips with her finger and rubbing back and forth. She even massaged my little clitty, which sent chills of delight throughout my body.



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Then Tiffany looked up at me and loudly stated, "You must really like this because you sure are getting wet down here, Amy!"

My face turned crimson red because now the whole class knew that Tiffany was actually getting me excited. I took a deep breath the next time Tiffany reached between my legs because it appeared that she intended to slide her finger into my wet waiting pussy.

However, Mrs. Ashford stopped her by commanding, "That's enough, Tiffany. Everybody take a seat and let Amy get up on the desk so she can read her report."

I squealed, "Up on the desk! Why do I have to get up on the desk?"

Mrs. Ashford said, "Because you're short and I want to make sure everyone can see you. Do you need Chip and Doug to help you get up there?"

Not wanting those guys touching my naked body again, I quickly said, "No, I can do it myself."

I turned away from the class and placed one knee up on the desk while my other foot remained flat on the floor. This put me in an awkward position because I was bent over with my butt sticking out and my legs spread. I looked over my shoulder and saw the boy in the front row gawking at me. A wave of *********** flowed through my body because I knew that the boy could see everything I had to offer.

Pulling myself up onto the desk left me elevated on my hands and knees at the front of the classroom with my bare ass pointed right at my classmates. In my vulnerable position, they could even see my pink pussy lips from behind. There were snickers and catcalls from both the guys and the girls as I finally rose to my feet and faced the class.

I put one hand over my hairy triangle and held my paper in front of my breasts, but Mrs. Ashford said, "Hold your paper up higher and put your free hand at your side."

From the expression on her face, Mrs. Ashford looked like she was enjoying the sight of my nude body just as much as my classmates were. My medium sized breasts, puffy pink nipples and sandy brown bush were now all completely exposed to everyone in the classroom, but I still couldn't speak. I kept thinking about the boy in the front row that was looking right up between my legs and gawking at my bare pussy lips.

Mrs. Ashford said to me, "Class ends in a minute. If you don't finish your report, we'll have to do this again tomorrow."

Then I looked to my left and noticed that the door leading to the hallway was wide open. I was so nervous that my paper started shaking, which made it even harder for me to read. Unfortunately, I only managed to mumble two sentences before the bell rang. In no time, the hallway filled with students and my classmates quickly crowded around the desk, making it impossible for me to get down.

There were guys all around me. As I stood on the desk directly in front of them, my bare butt and light brown pussy hair were right at their eye level. It allowed the boys to thoroughly examine the most private and intimate places on my young tight body.

More students began filing into the room for the next class as a crowd gathered in the hallway to get a glimpse of me standing there naked on the desk at the front of the classroom. The boys started touching my bare flesh, tickling my butt crack and running their fingers through the soft curly hair between my legs, and I was powerless to stop them. I looked to Mrs. Ashford for help, but she just sat back and smiled as if she was amused by the whole situation. Tiffany was standing next to Mrs. Ashford and she had a look of superiority on her face as she watched me suffer the *********** of being naked in school.

I panicked and started screaming, "Mom! Mom! Help me mom! Please help me mom!"

My bedroom light came on and my mom rushed into my room. I threw my blanket off and my thin T-shirt was drenched with my cold sweat. My mom sat on my bed and put her arm around me.

She asked, "Another one of those dreams, huh?"

I said, "It wasn't a dream. It was a nightmare!"

She said, "Are you sure? It looks like you were dreaming about boys. Your nipples are poking out and there's a wet spot on your underpants."

I blushed and said, "Stop it, mom. You're embarrassing me!"

My mom hugged me and crawled into my bed next to me. We cuddled until I fell asleep in the safety of my ******** arms.

Before I left for school the following day, my mom suggested that I talk to someone about my nightmares. I was totally against the idea, but my mom insisted. My mom has always been very good to me so I decided to honor her wishes and talk to a *********.

The following evening, my mom found a doctor in a social network on the Internet. There was a picture of the man wearing a lab coat in front of what appeared to be a hospital and that was enough to convince my naïve ****** that the man was a legitimate doctor.

I said, "Really, expect me to talk to a doctor that you found in a social network?"

My mom replied, "I can't ignore the fact that you keep having dreams about being stripped by your classmates, rendering you helplessly naked in school. Besides, the doctor is very good looking!"

Against my better judgment, I agreed to talk to the psychologist. Unfortunately, I had no idea that the doctor was going to make my dreams a reality!

Part 2: My Naked and Humiliated ******

I love my ******, but she has lower self-worth than I do. My mom has been pushed around by men all her life, beginning with her **********. My ****** tells stories of how her ********** spanked her bare bottom for misbehaving as her stepbrothers watched. My mom even received bare-assed spankings while her stepbrothers paraded their friends from school through the house. This made my mom the laughingstock of her high school.

The ***** continued for my ****** after she got married. I was the product of a teenaged pregnancy. When my mom was in her twenties, my ****** began blaming my ****** for tying him down and ruining his life. My ****** never hit my ******, but he sought his revenge by publicly humiliating her, which in my opinion was even worse.

It all started one night when my dad's ******** buddies came over to our trailer home. My dad told my mom to serve his friends their ******, but she refused. This made my ****** angry. Then one of my dad's friends said that if his wife stood up to him the way my ****** stood up to my ******, he would ***** his wife to serve the ****** topless.

My ****** got a gleam in his eyes and told my ****** to remove her shirt. When she refused, my ****** demanded that she take her shirt off or he would kick her out of the house. I remember hearing my ****** beg him not to make her bare her breasts to his friends, but with the threat of being homeless with a *****, my mom gave in and slipped her shirt off. Then my mom removed her bra, but held her hands over her bare breasts in an attempt to hide them from my dad's ******** buddies.

I couldn't resist opening my bedroom door a little bit so I could see what was going on. My dad seemed to really enjoy watching my mom work as a topless waitress. She was red-faced with embarrassment as she tried to hide her bare boobs with one hand while serving ****** with the other. Unfortunately, my mom's breasts were too big for just one hand and they spilled out into the open for everyone to see.

After everybody left, I silently sat in my bedroom and waited to hear what was going to happen next. I expected an argument, but my dad told my mom that he was never so proud of her. He said that my mom made him feel like a king the way she showed off for his friends. It was a thrill for my ****** to watch his friends get so excited from seeing my ******** perfect breasts. Then my mom and dad disappeared into their bedroom and I heard the bedsprings squeaking for quite a while.

My dad's friends began dropping by every Friday night. My ****** appeared to tolerate being a topless waitress in order to make my ****** happy, but after a while, watching my ****** bare her breasts to his ******** buddies didn't thrill my dad as much as it did in the beginning. My ****** determined that he needed to increase my ******** level of *********** in order for him to get as excited as he did the first time he watched my mom appear as a topless waitress.

The following Friday night, my dad gave my mom some new bikini bottoms to wear instead of jeans. My mom put them on, but after she looked at herself in the mirror, she told my ****** that she couldn't go through with it.

My mom said, "You can't expect me to wear these in front of your friends. The front is so small that my pussy hair is peeking out and it barely covers my butt in back. I don't even think I could wear these to the beach."

This infuriated my ****** and he demanded that my ****** wear the bikini bottoms...and only the bikini bottoms when she served ******. A heated argument ensued, which ended with my ****** complying with my ******'s request. My mom was mortified to be in a room filled with men while wearing practically nothing.

To make matters worse, as my ****** had her hands full delivering ******, the men would untie one side of her string bikini bottoms. On several occasions, my mom flashed part of her butt crack or partially exposed her pussy hair to the men, but she always managed to catch her bikini bottoms before they fell all the way off. My mortified mom looked to my ****** for help, but my dad just stood in the background with a big smile on his face while offering no assistance at all.

If that wasn't bad enough, after a month or so of watching my ****** struggle to keep her bikini bottoms on in a room full of men, my ****** found something even more revealing for my ****** to wear. My dad ****** my mom to perform her waitress duties clad only in a pair of tiny see-through panties. The panties were so small that some of her butt crack hung out in back and the material was so sheer that the men could see her hairy triangle showing through the front of the veil-thin panties.

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