Posts: 167471
(CHEERING from crowd) I watch the woman open the kennel and the Doberman walks over to where I am in the middle of the floor. He smell's my ass and turn's away and lay's down. The crowd starts yelling, "Get up dog!!! Come on your bitch is right there waiting for you." The man in charge yells to the men next to me, "You two men help the dog learn what he needs to do." The man to my left walks over and brings the dog back to me. And the man on my right lifts his paw's up onto my back. The dog seems to be resisting some, but as the man on my left started stroking the dog's cock. He stop's resisting and starts pumping his pelvic bone towards my ass. The man to my left puts the dog's cock to my ass and with one thrust I can feel his cock enter my ass. (CHEERING from crowd) He starts to fuck my ass hard, and I can feel myself getting weaker and weaker. I try to tell the men but they just keep looking at the Doberman with amazement. All of I sudden I feel really strange. (Black out from exhaustion.) (Comes to again) I am really feeling sore now from all these dogs fucking my ass. And for some reamister this Doberman feel's bigger now then when he first started. He seems to be fucking me harder then ever now. Even his cock feel's bigger. Then all of a sudden I can feel his knot trying to enter my ass. It seems really big for a dog as small as this Doberman is. I scream out in pain as the knot very slowly enters into my ass. It seems to be taking forever for it to get all the way into my ass. Now that the knot is all the way in my ass I feel relieved. Now I starts to think as the dog really starts fucking me. Man this dog learns quick. He seems to have really gotten into this and has for gotten he has never done this before. A few minutes later the dog stops and I can feel his cum flowing into my ass. Then he pull's his paws off of my back and stand's there. I think he is trying to be good and not hurt me, or maybe he knows we are locked together and he can't move. A few minutes later I can feel his cock fall from my ass and I look back to see why things felt differently at the end. To my surprise I think to myself, he has changed breeds. The man in charge yells, "Round 8 is now over, He lasted 22 minutes. We have 5 winners. Bids for round 9 to start in 30 seconds. Round 9 will be the Saint Bernard." I look at the man not expecting to get an answer and ask him. What happened to the Doberman and the rest of round 5? How did the dog change breeds like that? Do you people use magic? Are you skipping round's 6 and 7? Why did he call this round 8? Did I miss something? To my surprise the man on my left look's at me and says, "You blacked out for 57 minutes. At the end of round 5 the Doberman lasted 16 minutes. Round 6 was a Rott, he lasted 15 minutes. Round 7 was a German Shepard, he lasted 17 minutes. and you came to near the end of round 8, which was the Great Dane. I can't believe they kept going with me out cold like that. While I try to figure out why they didn't stop when I blacked out the man in charge yells, "Bet's for round 9 now closed. Release the Saint Bernard." (CHEERING from crowd) As I watch this huge dog emerge from his kennel I think, there is no way in hell I am going to make it threw this one. He will surely tare my ass open. I yell out, PLEASE LET ME GO!!! NO MORE, PLEASE NO MORE!!! But my pleading does not stop them. The dog walk's over and jump's onto my back, and hits his mark on the very first try. It hurts so bad and he is so heavy, he presses my chest into the wooden block and makes it very hard to breath let alone able to yell out from the pain of this giant dog. He must weigh 200 LBS. and his cock feels like its 4 inches thick. But even with his size he doesn't seem to have any problem's fucking me in my ass. He has been pumping my ass for 10 minutes when his knot start's to slide in. But it feel's much too small for this dog, especially with a cock as big as his is. But I feel relieved it's not too big. Now that it is in I can feel it growing larger and larger. All of a sudden he stop's pumping and I can feel him cumming. It feel's as if he has cum so much it is entering my stomach. This makes me feel like I want to puke. Then he jump's down and turn's around where someone has put a bowl of water to help keep him from walking away while we are tied together. We are like this for 6 minutes until his knot is small enough, and his cock falls from my ass. He walks away. The man in charge yells, "Round 9 is now over. He lasted 27 minutes. e have 12 winner's, Prepare the bitch for his whipping. He will be receiving 9 lashing's, one for each round. All bet's for round 10 will start in 1 minute." (CHEERING from crowd) The two men untie my hands from my ankles and help me to my feet. My legs are very weak from being tied down like that for so long, and there is a red mark on my chest from the block. I want to run but my legs are to weak, and I know I would not get very far. Two new men come from the crowd and walk over to the table I had seen earlier. They pick it up and bring it to where I am now standing. As I look at it I notice the top is covered with a cushion. And on two of the legs at one end of the table there are 3 sets of straps. On the other two legs there are 2 sets of straps. I wonder what this is for. The two men who moved the table, get in front of it as the two men holding my lay me face down on the table. My arm's are pulled down the legs and strapped to them. One strap above each elbow, one below each elbow, and one on each wrist to prevent me from moving my arms or rolling over. Now the two men holding me start to strap my leg's down. They put the top straps around my thighs and the lower straps around my ankles. After they are sure I can't move the two new men return to the crowd. That's when the man in charge say's, "Bring on The Artist." (The Artist enters) I think to myself why do they call him "The Artist". As he walk's out I notice he is a well-built man. He is 6'1" or 6'2" and looks to be about 210 to 215 LBS and very muscular. He is clean-shaven and has many tattoos. He has on black jeans and a black leather vest that is hanging open. In his right hand he has a large black case, and in his left hand a bull whip. When he reaches the table he puts the black case under it. Then he takes the handle of the whip in his hand and let's the rest of it fall to the floor. (CHEERING from crowd) He walks around to the end of the table and awaits his orders. That's when the man in charge say's, "The Artist will now whip the bitch 9 time's." (The crowd goes quiet) The Artist raises the whip and as I hear it crack I feel it across my back and I yell out in pain. But this does not make him stop. He crack's the whip over my back again and again as the crowd counts them out loud. "Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, NINE!!!" (CHEERING from crowd) (The Artist walks away) All I can do is lay here with tears running down my face. And I can feel red rolling down my sides as the man to my right lay's a towel over me. Then the man in charge yells, "Bet's for round 10 now closed. Bring out the Black Stallion." (CHEERING from crowd) I think what the fuck. 8 dogs, one man, and 9 lashing's wasn't enough for these people now they want to use horses!!! The woman walks over to the first stall door and opens it. She reaches into the dark, and when she pull's her hand back out she has the rein's of the biggest black stallion I have ever seen. She lead's him around the room, and everyone cheer's. Then she lead's the horse to where I am. She places him behind me and hands the reins to the man on my left. He gives the rein's one good tug and the horse puts his front hooves on the table, one on each side of me. (CHEERING from crowd) The man to my right moves back to the stallion who now stands over my ass. He begins rubbing the stallion's sheath to get his cock to emerge. I yell out, WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING THIS TO ME? WASN'T THE DOG'S AND THAT ENOUGH FOR YOU? I can now feel the stallions cock against my ass and I try to move away but the straps are too tight. The man from my right then puts the stallion's cock to my ass again, but this time the man on my left pull's on the rein's causing the stallion to move forward pushing his cock right into my ass. I scream out in pain. Then the horse starts fucking me, he is slow at first but a few minutes into it he starts getting faster. The man from my right stays next to the stallion to keep him from moving to far forward. The black stallions cock must be about 5" thick and I can feel about 15" of the shaft buried in my ass. I can feel it all the way into my stomach, and it feels like someone is running me threw with a very large knife. Every time the stallion thrusts his cock forward I yell out in pain. I feel like I just want to lay here and die. The Stallion moves forward and it feel's as if he has torn my stomach open. The man on my right moves the horse back again, and the stallion starts fucking me faster and harder. Even though there is so much pain with each thrust a new sensation from my ass overwhelms me. A feeling I have never felt before. With each new thrust the sensation becomes more intense and for some reamister I can feel my cock growing hard. I start moaning with each thrust of the stallions cock. The it happens, my ass feels as if it is cumming. I yell out, OH FUCK I AM CUMMING!!!! And the crowd goes wild. As the stallion keeps pumping my ass it feels as if my ass is constantly cumming. Even with all the pain I am in I think if I push the pain aside this time, they will let me go after the stallion have finished. So I start yelling, OH YES, FUCK ME, FUCK ME HARDER, OH YES!!! (CHEERING from crowd) The man to my left leans down to may ear and say's with a smile, "That's what we like to see. I knew you would enjoy being fucked you bitch." I just smile and let them see what they want. The stallion starts making a strange noise. All of a sudden he thrusts his cock hard and deep into my ass, and I can feel his huge cock pulsating in my ass. I can feel his cum shooting all the way up into my stomach. He cam so much I can feel it seeping out of my ass and running down the back of my legs. Then he the stallion steps back and I feel his cock fall free from my ass and he jumps down from the table. He was then lead back to the stall. (CHEERING from crowd) The man in charge yells, "Round 10 is now over, it lasted 46 minutes. We have 19 winners. Bet's for round 11 will start in 30 seconds." (CHEERING from crowd) I feel so exhausted and don't feel I can take anymore. I am starting to feel like I did just before I blacked out when the dog's were fucking me, but I just keep telling myself I am not going to black out again. The man in charge yells, "All bets for round 11 now closed. Bring on the Arabian." (CHEERING from crowd) The woman walks to the next stall gate and opens it, she walks in and I can hear the horse stomping his hoof on the ground. A few second's later she comes out, walking a very dark brown Arabian stud. He is the tallest horse I have ever seen in my life. She walks him over and hand's the reins to the man on my right and the horse stops right in front of my face. On examination of the horse I notice the head of his big cock protruding from his massive sheath. I am surprised when they don't walk him behind me and have him start fucking me right away. Instead the man on my right had the stud put his front hooves on the table in front of me, so that his cock is lined up with my mouth. I think surely they are not thinking about putting his cock in my mouth. The man from my left grab's my balls and makes me open my mouth. As soon as my mouth opens the man on my right puts the horse's cock in my mouth. The horse slowly starts fucking my mouth and I can feel his cock expanding. Every once in a while he push's his cock to far and I fetish on it. A few minutes later the man on my right has the horse get down. I look at his cock, that I was just powerd to suck. It is huge, it has to be more then 6" thick and 22 to 24 inches long. I know it is too big to fit in my ass so I know I have to be done. The man on my right hands the rein's to the man on my left. He leads the horse around to my ass and has him put his front hooves back on the table. The man from my right then grab's the horses cock and holds the head of it to my asshole. With one swift move the horse rams his cock as deep as he can into my ass. He starts working his cock back and forth in my sore ass, and I can feel his large cock stretching my ass to its limits as he fuck's me. He fuck's me harder and faster with each thrust and I can feel my ass wanting to cum again. This time I try to keep from cumming for as long as I can, but it was feeling to good and before I knew it my ass was cumming again. The harder he fucks my ass the more I cum. Before long I can feel my own cum flowing from my ass around the horses cock. (CHEERING from crowd) As my cum roll's down my leg's I can feel the man from my right scooping it into his hand's. He walk's around to my face a powers me to take it into my mouth. It tastes strange but I take it. I am unable to spit it out so I swallow it. The crowd goes wild when I do this so the man from my right decides he will have me do it again. This time he gets even more, he feel's his hands with as much of my cum as he can get, brings it back and fill's my mouth as full as he can get it. He puts his empty hand over my mouth and I swallow all of it, and as soon as I finish he puts the last of the cum in my mouth so I can finish it all. By the time I finish swallowing all of my ass cum, I must have drank a half cup of my own cum. By the time I finish my cum I can feel the horses large cock throbbing, and I know he is ready to cum. I then feel him thrust his cock as deep as he can into my ass. (Blacks out a second time from exhaustion) (comes to) (Moaning and CHEERING from crowd) What is this horse doing my ass feels as if someone has put a very hot pan on it? I yell out, OUCH. WHAT THE FUCK. THAT HURTS. What are you doing? I notice the case The Artist brought out was now open and full of needles and colored inks. I ask again, what is going on? And the man on my left say's, "You blacked out again just as the Arabian cam in your ass. He lasted 42 minutes. And now the Artist is branding your ass with a tattoo." What tattoo? I ask, and he says, "A tattoo that says, Animal Bitch Only. We think it is the right thing to brand our bitch with." The man in charge then say's, "Get the bitch ready to leave." They now let my legs free, and then my arms. They stand me up and retie my hands behind my back. They put the blindfold on me and take me back to the van. They put me in the back again and we leave. They drive for about an hour before they stop on a dirt road. They open the back and help me out, then they walk me away for a few minutes. When we stop they remove the blindfold. I look around and ask them where we are, but they just turn and start walking away. I yell to them, WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES? AND WHAT ABOUT UNTYING MY HAND'S? But they don't listen. A few minutes later they were gone and I am alone, naked, bound and lost. I start walking down the dirt road where I have been dropped off. I don't know where I am or how to get home again but I know I have to try. I must have been walking for an hour when I saw the headlight's coming down the road. I walk into the road to get them to stop thinking they can help me get home. One of the men gets out and opens the back door for me. Leaving my hand's tied he grab's me and throws me into the back seat of the car... 
Posts: 167471
Our main character has now been taken by a gang of men who use him however they want. *** I'm walking down the dirt road where I have been dropped off. I don't know where I am or how to get home again but I know I have to try. I must have been walking for an hour when I saw the headlight's coming down the road. I walk into the road to get them to stop thinking they can help me get home. One of the men gets out and opens the back door for me. Leaving my hand's tied he grab's me and throws me into the back seat of the car. As I lay in the back seat, I wonder if this two men can tell me where I am. I ask the driver and he says. "You don't need to know where you are. The only thing you need to worry about is what's going to happen to you. For the only people we find on this road are left here by people we know. And seeing that your hands are tied, and you have no clothes on, you have met our friends already." I ask, "You're not like those people who left me out here are you?" "That is for us to know and you to find out!" said the passenger. I try to sit up just to find myself being pushed back down again. Not knowing where I was being taken to this time. I just watch the sky fade from dark to light out the window of the car. About 40 minutes after sunrise the driver stops outside a big warehouse and honks the horn. A few minutes later we pull into the building. I could see a few lights on inside, but it was not very bright so I couldn't see very well. Then the car stopped again but this time the engine was shut off. As the driver gets out the door at my feet is opened by another man and I am pulled from the car. As they stand me up I take a look around. I see a painting of two men fucking on of the walls. And what looks to be gang writing on the other walls. Behind the car is a large garage door where we entered the building. At the other end of the building I can see a dark hallway. I can hear lots of men screaming and yelling, and dogs barking as one of the men take me towards the dark hallway. As we enter the hallway I notice several doorways. Many of the doors are broken or missing and a few of the doors are closed so I can't see into the rooms. But the rooms I can see into I stop at to see what the people in them are doing. I stop at the first door to my right to see what was going on in this room. As I look inside I can see a man bent over a table, and another man fingering his ass as he sucks on a female dog pussy. I quickly move on to the first door on my left and I'm afraid to look in for what I might see. I slowly peak around the door to see if anyone is inside. At first I can't see anyone so I take a step towards the doorway so I can get a better look. I look around and I see two men on the floor sucking each other's cocks, and playing with each other's assholes. To my surprise I find myself getting turned on and I try to rub my cock, then I remember my hands are still tied. The man who has been walking with me looks and sees my cock standing straight up and he grabs my cock in his hand and I jump. As he starts to kneel down he says. "You have a great looking cock. It looks good enough to suck." He runs his tongue across the tip of my cock and my cock starts seeping pre-cum. The man quickly licks it all off and says. "Man you taste sweet. God I want to suck your cock. By the way around here I am called Duke." I want Duke to suck my cock, but I just pretend I didn't hear him and start walking again. The next two doors I come to are closed. I can't stop thinking about how good I would feel if I give in and let Duke suck my rock hard cock. I stop at one of the closed doors and think for a moment. Then I move on to the next open door, which is on my left. Inside I see a man on his hands and knees, he looks like he is feeling really good. So I move to where I can see why the man is feeling good. I see a man lying under him sucking his cock. I watch his mouth sliding up and down the shaft getting faster and faster. Then I look up to see a man with his hand inside the ass of the man on his hands and knees. And I can feel my cock grow even harder as I watch this. Duke reaches for my cock and instead of pulling away I push my cock into his hand. He starts stroking my cock slowly and then I lean my chest on his chest, and I start fucking his hand with my hard cock. I start moving faster and faster fucking his hand. Then Duke says, "Can I suck your hard cock." I tell him only if he will untie my hands so I can stroke his cock when he is finished. He agrees and gets down on his knees as I lean on the wall for support. He takes my cock into his mouth and slowly starts sliding his mouth up and down my long shaft. I start to fuck his mouth with my cock and he reaches up and puts his hands on my hips to help him take my cock deeper into his throat. The faster he sucks the more I feel like I want to cum. I start telling him harder, harder, and harder, come on make me cum. He starts sucking my cock harder and I can feel my cock getting harder. Then I shoot my cum down his throat, and to my surprise he swallows it all. He gets up and turn's me around and unties my hands. Then he pulls his green pants down to reveal his big hard cock. I take his hard cock firmly in my right hand and slowly start to stroke it. As I am stroking his cock he starts rubbing my balls and running his hand down my shaft. I can feel my cock getting hard again. I decide I want to suck Duke's cock so I slowly move down to my knees and slide his cock into my mouth. Duke grabs my head with both hands and starts powering me to suck his cock hard with my mouth. Pushing my mouth down his shaft and then letting me slide back again, but every once in a while he push's my mouth down on his cock and holds me there for a minute until I start to gag then he lets me slide back again. It doesn't take long before Duke starts to cum in my mouth. When he has finished he helps me back to my feet, and says, "You are good. I have never cum this soon after someone started sucking my cock. Do you do this often?" No, I have only had a man's cock once. Last night was the first time. But are you going to tie my hands behind me again Duke? "No, I think I can trust you. You didn't try to get away after I untied them so I will let you stay untied for now. But you must be a fast learner when it comes to giving a man pleasure. You suck cock like a pro dude." says Duke. Duke pulls his pants up and we move on to the next open door on the right. Inside I can see a man on his hands and knees while another man is ramming his cock deep into his ass. I move just a little so I can see better and I can now see the man fucking the man on his hands and knees and he is getting fucked by a huge male dog. As Duke and I are watching I start to stroke my cock as it grows hard. As I am stroking my cock Duke reaches out and starts rubbing my asshole with the tip of his index finger. Once in a while I can feel him pressing his finger harder onto my asshole, and I can't help but want his finger to enter me. As soon as I feel his finger start to press on my asshole again, I thrust my asshole back onto his finger and I can feel it enter my ass. Duke is a little surprised at first but then he starts to fuck my asshole with his finger as I stroke my very hard cock. As Duke starts putting a second finger into my ass I notice his cock has also gotten hard again, so I reach back and pull his pants down and stroke his cock, as I am stroking my own cock. A few moments later Duke steps behind me and I feel him pull his fingers from my ass. I start to ask him not to stop when I feel the head of his huge cock slipping into my asshole. As soon as the tip is in I lean forward and push my ass as far as it will go onto Dukes cock. As he starts moving his cock back and forth in my asshole I begin to rock my ass harder and harder on his cock. The harder I rock my ass on Dukes cock the faster he pumps my asshole. A few minutes later I feel my asshole begin to cum around his cock and Dukes cock starts to throb. He starts to moan and I push my asshole deep onto his cock as he starts to cum. I feel his cum shoot all the way into my stomach and then he pulls out. I feel his cum and my ass cum start to run down my legs as he is licking it off. He starts at my calves and works his tongue up the back of each leg all the way to my asshole. As soon as he reaches my asshole I can feel him suck the rest of the cum from my ass. Once Duke has made sure he has gotten all the cum from my ass he says, "Now that was great. Now I want you to fuck my asshole just like I did yours. Don't worry you wont hurt me." Hearing Duke say this, my cock grows very hard. I walk behind him and slide my middle finger into his asshole and start moving it in and out. This makes my cock even harder, so I slip my index finger into his ass with my middle finger and move them in and out for a few minutes then pull them out. Right after I pull my fingers from his ass I push my cock as hard as I can into his asshole. I place my hands on his hips and start fucking his as like I have never fucked anyone before. I start pulling my cock out of his ass and trusting it back in as hard as I can. I feel my balls hit Dukes ass with every thrust. As I thrust harder and harder Duke leans forward and I grab his shoulders so I am able to push my cock deeper into his ass. As he spreads his ass cheeks so I can go even deeper I feel his ass cumming all around my cock so I fuck him as hard as I can. I can feel my cock filling with cum, then I start filling his ass with my cum. I continue fucking his ass until my cock goes limp and falls out. Duke reaches back and catch's as much as our cum as he can and takes it from his hand as I clean the rest on it from his ass with my tongue. As soon as I have cleaned his ass he pulls his pants back up, and pulls a half smashed pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his pocket and says, "Damn man you fucked my ass like a pro, fuck I have never felt this damn good in I don't remember how long. I need a ciggy, you want one man?" Normally I don't smoke but sure I'll take one. You know Duke I don't think I would have done any of these things that I have been doing with you willingly if you hadn't been so nice to me. Hell, you have been treating me like a real permister, not like someone you just want to use, like the people did last night. "Well, I like you and I am treating you like I would want to be treated if I were in your shoes. I don't believe in using people. By the way you never told me your name." Oh, I am sorry, my name is Ron Greenslade. I feel so much better being around you compared to where I was last night. The people last night just used me and didn't even act like I existed. We finish our cigarettes and start walking to the next open door on the left. Inside I see a man covered in tattoo's fucking a female redhound in the pussy while he is sucking another mans cock. While we watch Duke slips behind me and caresses my body in his arms. He slowly starts kissing the back of my neck as he slowly moves his hands down my stomach. As he kisses my neck and shoulders he presses his body to mine and starts to fondle my cock and balls, I can feel his cock growing hard as he presses it to my ass. I slowly turn so I am face to face with Duke and wrapped my arms around him. I known I should be very uncomfortable but for some reamister I am not, I actually feel that this is the right thing to do. As we stand here face-to-face Duke pulls me closer and slips his left hand behind my head and his right hand around my hard cock. He pushes my head towards him as he tilts his head a little to the left and starts kissing me slowly. As he is kissing me I feel his tongue touch my lips so I let his tongue enter my mouth, and I take my right hand and slowly start pulling his pants down so I can get to his cock. I start stroking his cock slowly as he strokes my cock as we kiss. It doesn't take long and we both start cumming again, so Duke stops kissing me and gets down on his knees and cleans the cum from my cock. Once he is finished he gets up and I get down on my knees and lick the cum from his cock. Duke then says, "You know Ron, we have been going at it off and on for over 4 hours now? I have never done anything like this for as long as we have been doing it, that I can remember." WOW. That is a long time. I have never willingly done anything like this before, but I am really enjoying it with you Duke. Hey can I get another smoke from you? "Sure!" says Duke. We sit down on the floor and have our cigarettes, I ask Duke, What is going to happen to me while I am here? "I don't know. Big Dawg doesn't tell us what is going to happen until just before he has us get started. But I can tell you in the past 3 years that I have been here he has never done things the same way twice. Big Dawg like to keep it interesting for the people who pay him to watch us," says Duke. "Pay to watch?" I ask him. "Yes, people pay to come watch what goes on here. Some people will even pay more if Big Dawg will let them join in on the activities. It's been like this since before I joined the gang when I was brought here like you have been." says Duke. They made you stay after they were done with you? I asked. "No, I came back a few months later when I heard they were looking for new members to join their gang. I had found that the except me here and I can be myself," says Duke. We get up and put out our cigarettes I feel relieved and we start walking towards the last open door on the right. We get to the door and I look in and watch for a minute. I see a naked man chained to a wall in a standing position with his cock and balls pierced and 2 to 3 pounds hanging from his cock and each of his balls. Then I hear a whip crake and I see another man whipping the man who is chained to the wall. I turn away and ask Duke if we can move on? Duke says, "If you like I can show you where you can get some relax. I don't blame you for not liking what you seen in that last room." I would love to get some rest Duke. I say and he takes me to the room at the end of the hall and opened the door. Before I enter the room Duke says, "You can get some rest in here. You will find a bed, clean blanket, and pillow to use while you relax, and a bar of soap and washcloth on the sink so you can clean up, and a toilet with fresh toilet paper. Its noon now someone will wake you at 5:00pm. And Ron thanks for a wonderful morning, I hope we can spend some more time together." Hey Duke before you go can I get a few cigarettes and a lighter? And hope we can spend more time together too. "Sure, I'll leave the rest of this pack for you. There are 6 or 7 left, and I will just get a new pack. And I'll talk to you after while," says Duke. I start to turn to go into the room Duke grabs me and starts kissing me again. Then Duke says, "By the way what would you like for dinner when you wake up?" "Can you bring me some fries, a double quarter-pounder, and a large root beer, and maybe 2 packs of smokes?" "Sure, I can do that for you. I will have it here when you get up at 5:00pm," says Duke. "Thanks Duke." "No problem, everybody needs to eat," says Duke. I enter the room and Duke shuts and locks the door behind me. I sit on the edge of the bed and light a cigarette. I start thinking about everything that Duke and I have done, and how strange it has been, and yet how much I enjoyed every minute of it. I have always been afraid of another man touching me the way Duke and I have been touching each other, but now that it has happened I find that I really enjoy having another man pleasure me the way Duke has been. I wish Duke was in here with me now. I have only been away from him a few minutes now but I really want him inside my ass right now. I start stroking my cock as I sit here thinking about Duke putting his cock into my asshole and fucking me as hard as he can. With the thought of having Duke inside of me fresh in my mind it doesn't take long before I start to cum. Instead of wiping my cum off onto the side of the bed I use my hand and clean it from my cock and eat every drop of my cum. After I have eaten all of my cum I get up and go to the toilet and piss, then I sit down and take a cuckolds brownie to clean any cum from my ass that Duke was not able to get. Now I get up and go to the sink and clean my self up and then go back to the bed. As I lay down and grab the blanket I feel something fall out of it and hit my leg. I sit up to see what it is. To my surprise I find a 9- inch long by 2 1/2 inch thick dildo. So I pick it up and get comfortable on my bed. I start rubbing the tip of the dildo on my asshole and find that it feels really good, so I put it to my mouth and spit on the tip. Then I put it to my asshole and with one hard push it goes deep into my ass. I start fucking my ass with the dildo as I fall arelax. (Falls arelax) (Wakes up) 
Posts: 167471
As I wake up I see Duke and I can feel him fucking my ass gently with the dildo. "How did you relax Ron?" says Duke. I slept well, I must have dosed off while I was fucking my ass with the dildo I found in my blanket. I wanted your cock but you weren't here so I had to use the dildo. "That's good. When I came in I saw the dildo in your ass so I though I would wake you by gently fucking your ass with it. Oh by the way I brought you your food and smokes," says Duke. I really enjoyed you waking me up like that. It feels really good, and I feel even better seeing you again. Thanks for getting the food and smokes for me. Suddenly my ass starts to cum as Duke pulls the dildo from my ass. I pick up the cigarettes and light Duke left for me and pull two of them out. I light them and hand one to Duke and I start to smoke the other one. We sit here and smoke our cigarettes and I ask Duke if he will let me fuck his ass when we are finished and Duke says, "Sure Ron we can do that after you eat as long as I can fuck your ass once you have finished with mine." Sure Duke. We finish our smokes and Duke hands me my dinner and I start eating. As I eat Duke goes to a dark corner and gets a chair and brings it into the light. He starts taking his clothes off. He removes his bright yellow T-shirt and I find myself starring at his muscular chest. After he folds his shirt and sets it on the chair he takes his shoes off and sets them under the chair. Then he starts taking his green pants off. I can't help but notice how sexy his legs are. He folds his pants up and places them neatly on top of his shirt, and he pulls off his black boxers and folds them in half and places them on top of the rest of his clothes. As I finish my food Duke comes over and sits next to me. I reach over and start stroking his cock he lays back. I start kissing his body and slowly start working my way down to his cock so I can start sucking it. Once my mouth reaches his cock I open my lips and slide his cock all the way into my mouth. I take my right hand and move it down to Dukes asshole. I start rubbing my fingers on his asshole as I suck his hard cock. Duke lifts his legs and says, "Oh god this feels good Ron. Please finger my asshole for a few minutes then I want to you ram your hard cock as hard and deep as you can into my ass." I slide two fingers into his asshole and slowly start finger fucking his ass as I suck his cock. He moans out in pleasure so I press a third finger into his asshole and he moans louder. Duke says, "OH FUCK YES RON. Put your cock in. OH FUCK, Put your cock into my asshole now." I pull my fingers from his ass as I get onto my knees, and set his legs on my shoulders and put the head of my cock against Dukes asshole. With one quick hard thrust I ram my cock deep into his asshole. I start fucking Dukes ass as hard and as fast as I can, and one in a while I pull my cock from his ass and then thrust it deep into his ass again. I can feel his cock growing hard against my belly with each thrust. I fuck him harder and harder, and then all of a sudden I feel his ass start cumming all over my cock. I fuck him faster and faster and then a few minutes later I feel my cock start to fill with cum, then I explode deep inside his asshole. I fuck him for a few more minutes until my cock goes limp and falls free from his ass. Duke then says, "You are getting better at this. You seem to really enjoy fucking my ass. Would you like me to fuck you like you just fucked me or would you rather be on your hands and knees Ron?" "You can fuck me while I am on my hands and knees if you like Duke." "Okay Ron, lets get started so we have time to finish before Big Dawg comes and gets us." says Duke. I get on my hands and knees as Duke starts licking my asshole. While he is licking me he starts fucking my asshole with his tongue. I can feel my cock getting hard again so I reach down and start to stroke it. Duke now gets up on his knees and puts the head of his cock to my ass and with one swift thrust he buries his cock deep inside my ass. He starts thrusting his cock harder and deeper inside me and he gets faster and faster with each new thrust. (The door opens) Duke and I look up to see Big Dawg and about 9 or 10 other gang member standing in the door way. We just keep fucking like no one was around but Duke and I. I find that Duke seems to fuck me even better with these people watching and a few minutes later my ass starts cumming on his cock. As he feels my ass cumming on his cock he loses control and cums inside my ass. He finishes cumming and pulls his cock from my ass. "You two much have really enjoyed that. Maybe I should let you stay with him Duke, since you get along so well," says Big Dawg. "I would really like that Big Dawg. Ron seems to enjoy my company and since I have been with him he seems to have really come around." says Duke. "Very well, it is up to you to keep an eye on him and make sure he does everything I say to do. But if he gets away or doesn't listen it will be your ass Duke." says Big Dawg. "I understand Big Dawg, and I will make sure everything goes smoothly." says Duke. "You will bring Ron to room 2 in 10 minutes. I will give you my instructions once you are there. Oh and Duke go ahead and leave your clothes here you wont be needing them for quite a while." says Big Dawg. (Big Dawg and other gang members leave) Hey Duke you don't have to worry I wont let you down dude. I will do everything I am told to do so you wont get in trouble. "Kewl, thanks Ron. Lets have a smoke before we have to go to the room Okay?" Duke says. O.K. I get out two cigarettes, and light them both. Then I hand one to Duke and we sit on the edge of the bed while we smoke. Hey Duke are you going to have to do everything I have to do? "Yeah it looks like that is what Big Dawg wants. If I don't do what he wants me to do I will get in big trouble so yeah." says Duke. It makes me feel a little better knowing I wont be alone. But you might have to help me with some of the things we will have to do. "No problem. If there is anything I can do to help, feel free to ask. I will help you in any way I can," Duke says. We finish our cigarettes and Duke says, "Okay we better get to the room Big Dawg will get very pissed if we are even one minute late. And if he gets pissed we are sure to pay for it." We head down the hall until we reach room number 2, and Duke says, "Here is the room Big Dawg wants us to start in. If you get nervous or don't know exactly what to do, just do what I do. After a while you will get the hang of things." We enter the room and I look around. Hey Duke what are all those windows around the top of the room for? "That is so people can watch what we do and not get in the way. People pay big money to watch us. That is why Big Dawg wants us to do only our very best. If we don't do a good job the spectators wont come back, and Big Dawg looses money. And if Big Dawg looses money we get punished big time." says Duke. He seems to be tuff on you guys. "He can be but it only helps us do our best all the time. He is only tuff on us because he cares about us, and he will never make us do anything that would put us at risk," says Duke. "That's good." "You will 69 in this room while getting each others ass's ready for deep penetration." Big Dawg says over the loud speaker. "Okay we have our orders. We better get started so Big Dawg does not get mad." says Duke. Will you be starting this with me Duke? "No, I will be the second one to do this with you. Durk will be starting with you but I will be right there helping you." says Duke. Duke walks me over to a mat in the middle of the floor and helps me lay downs so that I am now on my back. Durk comes in and walks over to where Duke and I are at and says, "You better make this look good and you better make it feels good as well." "Don't worry Durk he will do just fine. You just worry about yourself Durk. Ron is very good at this and will not disappoint Big Dawg." says Duke. Durk puts his right foot over me so he is now facing opposite of my face and lowers his to cock to my mouth. Then he leans over and takes my cock into his mouth. I reach up and put his cock into my mouth and slowly start to suck on it. Soon after I start sucking his cock he starts to fuck my mouth really hard. So I reach up with my left hand and slowly start fingering his asshole. And then Duke says, "Hey Durk don't forget you have to penetrate Ron's ass with your fingers as well." Durk pushes two fingers as hard as he can into my asshole and I moan, but I continue to suck his cock and finger his asshole. I notice that Durk's cock is much smaller then Dukes cock. Durk begins to moan and I can feel his ass starting to cum. SO I finger his ass harder and faster as I suck his cock. I can feel my own asshole as it starts to cum as well. As soon as Durk feels my ass cumming on his fingers he looses control and cums in my mouth. As soon as he has finished cumming Durk try's to get up just to be pushed back down by Duke. "You are not done yet Durk you have to make Ron's cock cum as well." Duke says. Durk gets back down and starts sucking my cock again, and it doesn't take long before I start cumming in his mouth. Durk gets up and stomps out of the room and says, "Are you fucking happy now Duke?" "Sorry about that Ron, sometimes he forgets what he is supposed to do. Sometimes I think he has been hit in the head one to many times with a brick." says Duke. That's okay. "Would you like to be on top this time or would you rather stay on the bottom Ron?" Duke asks. I'll take the tops this time. I get up and Duke lays down on the mat. I get over Duke and lower my cock to his mouth and lean over and quickly take Dukes cock all the way into my mouth. As I start sucking Dukes cock he finds my asshole and puts a finger deep inside. He finger fucks my ass as hard as he can and I feel my cock growing hard again. So I slip two fingers into Dukes asshole and slowly start moving them in and out as I suck his hard cock. I start deep-throating Dukes cock and I can taste his pre cum as it falls on my tongue. So I suck his cock harder and faster and I sink my fingers deeper into his ass. As I drive my fingers deeper and deeper I feel his ass cumming all over my fingers. As soon as Dukes ass cum's he starts fingering my ass faster and harder. With Duke sucking my cock and fingering my ass I feel my self becoming more relaxed and soon I feel my ass start cumming again. As soon as my ass cums I can feel my cum in my cock wanting to shoot into Dukes mouth. But I hold it back as I work Dukes cock until he starts cumming in my mouth. As soon as I feel his cum running down my throat I can't hold my own cum back any more so I let it flow. As soon as Duke tastes my cum he grabs my hips and pushes my cock deeper into his mouth so that my cum is going right into his throat. Once I am finished Duke lets me go and I get up and help him to his feet. "You did very well Ron. Big Dawg should be very happy with you." says Duke. "You did very well. You will both come to room 6 in ten minutes." says Big Dawg over the loud speaker. "Hey we have ten minutes lets go have a smoke and rest for a few before we have to go to room 6." Duke says. We go back to the room where I had slept and sit on the bed, and Duke picks up the cigarettes and lights us both one. Hey Duke is this going to go on for a while? "Well, maybe but they will only have you do half tonight and half tomorrow night. Big Dawg feels its best not to push one to far all at once." says Duke. That's cool. Last night the only brakes I got were the two times I blacked out but that didn't stop them. They just kept going even while I was blacked out. "That must have sucked. At least Big Dawg ain't like that," Duke says. We finish our smokes and we go to room 6. Once we are inside a big man walks over to us and extends his hand and says, "Hello dude my name is Rob. It will be a pleasure working with you tonight." "Pleased to meet you Rob I am Ron." "Let the fucking begin. Ron will start us off by fucking Rob," says Big Dawg over the loud speaker. Rob gets on his hands and knees and I get behind him. I start fingering his ass to get him ready as I stroke my cock to get it hard. Once my cock is hard I pull my fingers from his ass and ram my hard cock deep inside him. Rob lifts his head and moans out in pleasure as I lean over him placing my hands on his shoulders and start fucking his ass. I get faster and harder with each new thrust and I can't help wanting Duke inside my ass right now. I start pulling my cock out and slamming it back in again getting deeper and deeper with each thrust. Then at almost the exact same time I start cumming in his ass I can feel his ass start cumming as well. I keep fucking his ass until my cock goes limp and falls from his ass then I stand up. "Okay Ron now get down on all fours so Duke and I can fuck your ass." says Rob. As I get onto my hands and knee's another man brings in three very large dogs. A golden Chow, a Golden Retriever, and a Russian Shepherd. I wonder what these dogs are for? I think to myself. Rob gets behind me and licks my asshole, then presses his cock to my asshole and with one swift move I feel his cock enter my ass. But he does not start fucking me yet. The man who brought in the dogs hands Duke a leash, which is fastened to the Golden Chow. Duke walks him over behind Rob and says, "Get to it boy." The Chow jumps up on Rob's back and starts thrusting his cock at Robs ass. Duke grabs the dogs cock and guilds it into Robs ass. As soon as the cock is in Robs ass the dog begins to fuck Robs ass. A few seconds later Rob starts to fuck my ass hard. Every time the Chow thrusts his cock into Rob's ass Rob thrusts his cock into my ass. The faster and harder Rob fucks me I find myself wanting more. Rob really seems to be enjoying being fucked my the dog as he is fucking my ass. He keeps moaning more and more as he is getting faster and faster, then he pulls his cock out and thrusts it back in again. This makes my ass cum hard, and Rob continues to fuck my ass hard and all of a sudden I can feel him cumming in my ass. Then he suddenly stops moving. I look under my body to see why and I notice that the dog has turned around and he is tied to Rob's ass. A few minutes later the dogs knot slips out and he walks away. Rob gets up and puts the leash back on the dog and takes him from the room. As soon as Rob returns Duke gets behind me and starts rubbing the head of his cock against my asshole. As soon as his cock is hard he pushes it into my asshole and starts to fuck me. After a few minutes he stops and Rob brings over the golden retriever and puts his front paws on Dukes back. The dog starts thrusting his cock towards Dukes asshole, and sometimes when his cock would miss I can feel it hit my balls. Rob watches for a minute the he walks over and helps guild the dogs cock into Dukes ass. As soon as the dogs cock enters Dukes ass Duke starts fucking me harder then ever. As Duke fucks my ass I reach under my belly and start stroking my hard cock, and I start rocking my ass on Dukes cock. The faster I rock my ass on his cock the harder and faster he fucks me. And every time Duke thrusts his cock into my ass his balls hit mine getting me hornier and hornier every time. I start telling Duke, "HARDER FUCK ME HARDER!" 
Posts: 167471
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Pain and Pleasure This story is about a man who is *******ped while on his way home from work. He's taken to a place where he is tied up by a group of men. They who power him to have sex with natural and watch, betting on how long he'll last. *** I was walking home from the bar where I had stopped on my way home from work to have a few takes with some buddies, and I didn't feel safe to drive the six blocks home. It was going on 7:30pm and my wife had asked me to be home by 7:15pm for dinner so I thought I had better take the short cut threw the alleyway that came out just two houses down from mine. (Little did I know I would not be making it home tonight, do to what was ahead in the alley). It was very dark and I could not see anything, but I could hear what I thought to be a dog or a cat moving around in the shadows about 50 feet away. I knew I was already late so I decided to go ahead and walk threw the alley. I felt it was safe to make it threw to the house, so I kept going. As I passed the area where I thought the dog or cat was I heard a man yell, "Get him guy's!!!" I tried to run but before I knew it I was being pushed face down into a pile of garbage. I could hear the voices of 6 or 7 men as I was being tied up and blindfolded. Then I felt them lift me up and start walking. I was scared for my life so I started to scream when I was silenced by one of the men putting a piece of cloth into my mouth. A few seconds later they stopped and I could hear them open the doors on a vehicle. They then tossed me into the back of what I thought to be a van or cargo truck. Then the men all got in and I heard the engine start. We were on our way to where ever they were taking me. I was tied up and blindfolded so I couldn't move too much or see where we were going, but I could hear things clanging together. It sounded like tools and other metal objects. The whole time we were moving I kept wondering what they wanted with me, and if they had planed on *******ing me. I thought about my wife and kids and how worried they must be by now. The men drove for what must have been about 3 hours when they finally stopped and shut the engine off. They all got out of the vehicle and I guess when to do something. It was quiet for what seemed like an eternity. After a while they returned, and dragged me out of the vehicle. Once outside two men held me up and another one started cutting my clothes off of me. Then they untied my legs and guided me to where the rest of the men had gone. Once outside of a building the man who seemed to be in charge ordered another man to remove the blindfold from my eye's. Once the blindfold was taken off I began to look around to see where I was and who had brought me here. As I looked around I counted ten men who were joking and laughing. And there only seemed to be one building for as far as I could see in any direction. The building looked to be very old and needed to be painted, for most of the paint had chipped away except a few patches of white here and there. After I took a good look around I thought about running but I was afraid if I ran they would ******* me for sure. Just then the man in charge hollered to some men inside the building, "Are you ready for the bitch yet?" "Not yet sir," said one of the men inside. The man in charge walked over to me and started inspecting my body. Once he moved into the light I got a good look at his face. I did not know him nor did I recognize any of the other men. The man in charge then removed the cloth that had been put in my mouth to keep me from calling out for help. I then asked him who he was, and why they *******ped me and brought me here? The man laughed and said, "My name is not important here, but I am called the Boss or the man in charge. And the reamister you are here is because you were in the wrong place at the right time. You are also here to be a bitch to those inside who you will meet very soon." I then asked him if they were going to ******* me? "No. We don't do things like that. We will let you go when we have finished with you." said the man in charge. I let out a sigh of relief after he said that, but I still didn't know what to expect when they take me inside. The man in charge said I was going to be a bitch. I wonder if he means they're all going to fuck me. Just then a man from inside came to the large door way and said, "Everything is ready sir." "Okay, get the bitch inside men." said the man in charge. Then all the men entered the building. The two men that had been holding my arms and I were the last to enter the building. Once inside the doors were closed and locked to prevent me from getting away. Inside it was dark at first but I could hear lots of people around me. I was walked about 60 feet when all of a sudden we stopped. Then the man holding my right arm yelled, "Hit the lights guy's. Lets get this bitch ready." Just then the lights came on and a roar of cheering, whistling, and clapping over took me. I looked around the room where they had brought me. I could see what looks to be 60 or 70 men standing behind a wall that was only 3 feet high, 4 feet away from 3 of the main buildings walls. The 4th wall had 5 horse stalls, I could see horses in 2 of them. There were also 7 or 8 very large dog kennels along the walls that were 3 feet high. From what I could see all of them have large dog's in them. Next to me on the ground was a wooden block covered with a cushion on it. In one of the other corners was a table. I started to think, what are all these naturals for? Surely they aren't going to have them fuck me. Just then the two men pushed me down to my knees, untied my hands from behind my back. Then they moved the wooden block under my chest to hold me up, and they tied my hands to my ankles. I could hear the man in charge calling for all bets. "All bet's here! Place your bet's here! 5 minutes until all bet's close." I wonder what they are betting on, was there going to be a race of some sort? A few minutes later a woman walked out and stood next to the row of dog kennels. I noticed her right away do to the fact that she was the only female in the whole place. As I was looking at her the man in charge yelled out, "All bet's are now closed. Let the bitching begin." (CHEERING from crowd) The woman opens the first of the kennels and a large black dog moves out. He looked to be about 90 LBS, he was a black lab mix. He ran over to me and started smelling my ass. I tried top move but before I could do anything the dog jumped up on my back and started thrusting his hips towards my ass. I could feel his dewclaws digging into my sides. Then all of a sudden I felt the dogs cock hitting my ass. He was trying to fuck me but he couldn't get his cock into my ass. Just then the man on my left kneeled down taking the dogs cock in his hand he guided it straight into my ass. I started screaming. STOP! PLEASE MAKE HIM STOP!!! But everyone just cheered louder. This seemed to excite the dog and he started fucking me faster and harder. With tears running down my face I begged them to make him stop. Above all the pain I could feel something very hard pressing against the outside of my asshole. I thought, is he all the way in? Just then the hard thing started moving into my ass and I started screaming again. HELP ME PLEASE! HE IS RIPPING MY ASS OPEN!!! The dog then stopped all of a sudden and I could feel something warm oozing into my ass as the dog's cock jerked a few times. Then with the knot like thing and his cock still in my ass he turned around so that we were now with our asses together. It felt like he was ripping my ass off. The man on my left then went and held the dog so he wouldn't try to walk away. About 5 or 6 minutes later I felt the dog's cock fall free from my ass. (CHEERING from crowd) The man in charge yelled out, "Number of minutes from cock in to cock out was 15 minutes. We have 4 winners for round 1. Bet's for round 2 to open in 30 seconds." I said, What round 2? I wont let you keep having dog's fuck me. One was bad enough. "New bet's now open. You have 2 minutes to place all bet's from round 2." yelled the man in charge. I struggled to get free but at no prevail. The ropes had been tied to tight. I was begging the two men next to me to untie me, but they just pretended I was not here. Then all of a sudden the man in charge yelled, "Bet's for round 2 now closed! Release the husky." The woman next to the kennel's then locked the door on the black lad mix's kennel and opened the next kennel. Out walked this big gray and white husky. His belly had been shaved and the tip of his bright red cock was protruding out of his sheath. The husky walked over to my ass but instead of jumping on my back he walked around to my face. He stood with his side to me right where his cock is. Then he laid down on his back and growled. The two men picked him up and moved him closer to me. They laid him so that if I was to drop my head my mouth would be on his cock. The man on my right then said, "Suck his cock bitch!" (CHEERING from crowd) I locked my mouth shut and shook my head no. The man on my right said again, "We can do this the easy way or the hard way." I still refused. Just then the man on my left walked behind me and squeezed my balls causing me to yell out. As soon as my mouth opened the man on the right shoved his fingers between my jawbones so I could not close my mouth. Then he powerd my mouth down toward the dog's cock as the man on the left held the cock up so my mouth would slide over it easily. I was trying to close my mouth but it was to late. I could feel the husky's cock hit the back of my mouth. The man on my right then pulled his fingers from my jaw and began powering me to slide my mouth up and down the dog's shaft. He kept this up for 5 or 6 minutes then I felt the same hard knot as before hitting my mouth. They then pulled my mouth off of the husky's cock. The husky just laid there for a moment and the jumped to his feet and walked to my ass. He smelled my ass a few times, then I could feel his wet tongue licking my sore asshole. And with out warning he jumped up on my back and began thrusting his cock toward my asshole. He missed it about 5 times, But as the man on my left went to help him guild it into my ass I felt the husky hit his mark on his own and I let out a yell. 
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The husky's cock seems to be much bigger then the lab mix's cock had been. The husky dug his dewclaws deep into my sides and started pumping my ass harder and faster. I keep yelling for the men to make him stop but they don't listen to me. The crowd just kept yelling, "MORE, MORE, MORE!!!" Then I could feel the husky's knot starting to enter my ass. It must been 3 times larger then the last dog's knot was. It seems to be taking longer to get his knot in but finally I feel it enter my ass, and he pumps even faster now. The then stopped pumping and I can feel his cock jerking in my ass then all of a sudden I felt his cum filling my ass. When he was done he just laid on my back and rested for a while. I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck as he laid here panting. Just as fast as his cock entered my ass it feel free and he walk back to his kennel and laid down inside. The man in charge then yells, "Round 2 is now over. Minutes from cock in to cock out was 17 minutes. We have 7 winners. Bet's for round 3 open in 30 seconds." "I bet I can fuck his ass for 40 minutes non stop without cumming." a man in the crowd yells, "I'll take that bet." "Bet's, Bet's, Place your bet's. Can he make it 40 minutes without cumming?" say's the man in charge. People started making their bets as the gentleman started getting ready. He walked into an empty horse stall and began removing his clothes. When he had taken everything off he came out. The only thing he had on was a condom. I looked at his cock, and it looks to be about 2 1/4 inches thick and 8 or 9 inches long. I look up at the man in charge and say, please god no. Please don't let him fuck me the dog's were bad enough. Please don't let this man fuck me. The man in charge just looks at me and say's, "All bet's are over, and all bet's are final. We will start the watch as soon as the gentleman's cock enters the bitch's ass." (CHEERING from crowd) The gentleman walks over to where I am tied down. Now that he is closer to me I could see what he looks like. He is about 6'5" or 6'6" and looks to be about 225 LBS. His arms and hand's are covered in motor oil and dirt. He look's as if he works in a junkyard or around cars. He is very scruffy looking and he smell's really bad, as if he hasn't taken a shower in months. When he smiles I noticed he has some teeth missing and he needs to brush really bad. As he turns to the crowd and raises his arms I can see his tan line that runs right across his ass crack. As he raises his arms the crowd starts to cheer. As he turned around and got behind me and ready to put his cock in my ass I ask him to change his mind. He then ram's his cock as hard as he can straight into my ass. I scream out in pain yelling for him to stop, but he just starts fucking me harder. All I can do is lay here in pain while this man fuck's my ass. The man in charge yells, "5 minutes down, 35 minutes to go." The crowd cheer's him on. With tears now running down my face I am trying to deal with all the pain. Then all of a sudden the man pull's his huge cock out of my ass. I think, good it's all over. Just then he slam's it right back in. He keeps pulling it out and ramming it back in for a while. The man in charge then yells, "10 minutes down 30 minutes to go." The crowd starts going wild as they watch this man fucking my ass. They seem to enjoy watching this happen. I think to myself, they wouldn't like this if it were them here instead of me right now. This man seems to really enjoy what he is doing and I can't help but wonder if he has ever been with a woman, for he seemed to eager to want to fuck me. Then all of a sudden I can hear the man in charge yell, "15 minutes down 25 minutes to go." Every once in a while the man fucking my ass seems to slow down. I guess he keep's trying to stop himself from cumming. But then he pick's up speed again. Then he moan's out with pleasure and all I can do is yell out in pain. And sometimes I can feel him reaching under me and stroking my cock. This make's me feel uncomfortable and yet at the same time very strange. Then he leans over and whispers in my ear, "I'm going to suck your cock until you cum when I am finished with your ass you bitch." I say to him, No you are not. But he just laughs and say's, "You have no choice in the matter you bitch." Just before I am able to say anything the man in charge yells, "20 minutes down 20 minutes to go." All I can do is hang my head and cry because my ass hurts so bad. I keep thinking, when will this end. But I know this will only end when the man in charge say's it's done, and nothing I can do or say will make any difference to him. But still I know I can't give up, I have to keep trying. I decided to try and push the gentleman's cock out by pushing as if to take a cuckolds brownie. I push as hard as my tired body will let me push. But this only makes him start fucking me harder. I don't know what else to do but to lay here and take it. The man in charge yells, "25 minutes down 15 minutes to go." (CHEERING from crowd) By now the gentleman is struggling to keep himself from cumming early. I know he wont last the whole 40 minutes, and that he will stop fucking me soon. I can feel his sweat dripping on to my back from the gentleman's face. I can feel his legs begin to tremble as they weaken. His breath seems to be getting heavier with ever thrust. I can feel his cock throbbing in my ass as he is getting ready to cum. The man in charges yells, "30 minutes down 10 minutes to go." (CHEERING from crowd) All of a sudden the gentleman just starts moaning really loud as he starts cumming. I can feel his cock slipping from my ass now, and I know he just cam. I am happy to know he failed. He has cum 10 minutes to early. The man in charge now yells, "Take the condom from his cock and hold it high for everyone to see how much he has cum." As the man to my right does this the man in charge say's, "He has only lasted 30 minutes. We have 2 winners. Bet's for round 4 will start in 1 minute. Bet's will last until the bitch cum's in the gentleman's mouth." The gentleman now slides under my cock and puts his lips to the head of it. As I am asking him to please not do this he suck's my whole cock into his mouth. Even though I am feeling appalled at having the gentleman sucking my cock I can't help but feeling really good. As I start to moan I find that I can no longer control myself and I start fucking the gentleman's mouth with my cock, and the crowd begins to cheer. But at the moment I have for gotten about the crowd and enjoying having this gentleman sucking my hard cock. I haven't even given any thought to the naturals these people are using to fuck my ass. All of a sudden I start feeling like I want to cum in the gentleman's mouth as the crowd yells, "CUM, CUM, CUM, Give all of your cum to him you bitch." As they are yelling this I find I can no longer contain myself and I start to cum in the gentleman's mouth. As the gentleman slides out from under me the man in charge yells, "All bet's for round 4 are now closed. Release the Dalmatian." (CHEERING from crowd) As I look up the woman opens the kennel and out darts this big black and white Dalmatian. He run's right to my ass and jump's up on my back and starts thrusting his cock at my ass. The man on my right grab's the dog's cock and push's the tip into my ass. I ask him to stop but still they act as if I am not here. The Dalmatian starts pumping my ass with great power. But all I can do is lay here while he does what he wants to. He seems to be fucking my ass harder then the other 2 dogs before him. But as I feel his knot going in it felt much smaller then the other two dog's knot's before him, but it still hurts just as bad. Once his knot fully enters my ass he jumps down and tries to move away from my ass. I yell out, OH GOD HELP ME PLEASE!! HE'S RIPPING MY ASS OPEN!! Just then the man to my right grab's the dog and pushes our asses together while we are tied together. The Dalmatian show's his teeth and growls at the man holding him. I am afraid they are going to let him go and he is surely going to rip my ass open if they do. But all of a sudden I can feel his knot diminishing and his cock slips out. The man let's him go and he returns to his kennel. The man in charge yells, "Round 4 is now over. The Dalmatian lasted 14 minutes. We have 6 winners. Bet's for round 5 to start in 30 seconds." After hearing this I can't help but feeling exhausted. I keep feeling really weak and at time's I feel as if I am going to black out. While I try to keep myself from blacking out the man in charge yells, "Bet's for round 5 now closed. The dog for round 5 will be the Doberman Pincher. But please bare with us, He is new to this a may require some help. Release the Doberman." (CHEERING from crowd) I watch the woman open the kennel and the Doberman walks over to where I am in the middle of the floor. He smell's my ass and turn's away and lay's down. The crowd starts yelling, "Get up dog!!! Come on your bitch is right there waiting for you." The man in charge yells to the men next to me, "You two men help the dog learn what he needs to do." The man to my left walks over and brings the dog back to me. And the man on my right lifts his paw's up onto my back. The dog seems to be resisting some, but as the man on my left started stroking the dog's cock. He stop's resisting and starts pumping his pelvic bone towards my ass. The man to my left puts the dog's cock to my ass and with one thrust I can feel his cock enter my ass. (CHEERING from crowd) He starts to fuck my ass hard, and I can feel myself getting weaker and weaker. I try to tell the men but they just keep looking at the Doberman with amazement. All of I sudden I feel really strange. (Black out from exhaustion.) (Comes to again) I am really feeling sore now from all these dogs fucking my ass. And for some reamister this Doberman feel's bigger now then when he first started. He seems to be fucking me harder then ever now. Even his cock feel's bigger. Then all of a sudden I can feel his knot trying to enter my ass. It seems really big for a dog as small as this Doberman is. I scream out in pain as the knot very slowly enters into my ass. It seems to be taking forever for it to get all the way into my ass. Now that the knot is all the way in my ass I feel relieved. Now I starts to think as the dog really starts fucking me. Man this dog learns quick. He seems to have really gotten into this and has for gotten he has never done this before. A few minutes later the dog stops and I can feel his cum flowing into my ass. Then he pull's his paws off of my back and stand's there. I think he is trying to be good and not hurt me, or maybe he knows we are locked together and he can't move. A few minutes later I can feel his cock fall from my ass and I look back to see why things felt differently at the end. To my surprise I think to myself, he has changed breeds. The man in charge yells, "Round 8 is now over, He lasted 22 minutes. We have 5 winners. Bids for round 9 to start in 30 seconds. Round 9 will be the Saint Bernard." I look at the man not expecting to get an answer and ask him. What happened to the Doberman and the rest of round 5? How did the dog change breeds like that? Do you people use magic? Are you skipping round's 6 and 7? Why did he call this round 8? Did I miss something? To my surprise the man on my left look's at me and says, "You blacked out for 57 minutes. At the end of round 5 the Doberman lasted 16 minutes. Round 6 was a Rott, he lasted 15 minutes. Round 7 was a German Shepard, he lasted 17 minutes. and you came to near the end of round 8, which was the Great Dane. I can't believe they kept going with me out cold like that. While I try to figure out why they didn't stop when I blacked out the man in charge yells, "Bet's for round 9 now closed. Release the Saint Bernard." 
Posts: 167471
As I watch this huge dog emerge from his kennel I think, there is no way in hell I am going to make it threw this one. He will surely tare my ass open. I yell out, PLEASE LET ME GO!!! NO MORE, PLEASE NO MORE!!! But my pleading does not stop them. The dog walk's over and jump's onto my back, and hits his mark on the very first try. It hurts so bad and he is so heavy, he presses my chest into the wooden block and makes it very hard to breath let alone able to yell out from the pain of this giant dog. He must weigh 200 LBS. and his cock feels like its 4 inches thick. But even with his size he doesn't seem to have any problem's fucking me in my ass. He has been pumping my ass for 10 minutes when his knot start's to slide in. But it feel's much too small for this dog, especially with a cock as big as his is. But I feel relieved it's not too big. Now that it is in I can feel it growing larger and larger. All of a sudden he stop's pumping and I can feel him cumming. It feel's as if he has cum so much it is entering my stomach. This makes me feel like I want to puke. Then he jump's down and turn's around where someone has put a bowl of water to help keep him from walking away while we are tied together. We are like this for 6 minutes until his knot is small enough, and his cock falls from my ass. He walks away. The man in charge yells, "Round 9 is now over. He lasted 27 minutes. e have 12 winner's, Prepare the bitch for his whipping. He will be receiving 9 lashing's, one for each round. All bet's for round 10 will start in 1 minute." (CHEERING from crowd) The two men untie my hands from my ankles and help me to my feet. My legs are very weak from being tied down like that for so long, and there is a red mark on my chest from the block. I want to run but my legs are to weak, and I know I would not get very far. Two new men come from the crowd and walk over to the table I had seen earlier. They pick it up and bring it to where I am now standing. As I look at it I notice the top is covered with a cushion. And on two of the legs at one end of the table there are 3 sets of straps. On the other two legs there are 2 sets of straps. I wonder what this is for. The two men who moved the table, get in front of it as the two men holding my lay me face down on the table. My arm's are pulled down the legs and strapped to them. One strap above each elbow, one below each elbow, and one on each wrist to prevent me from moving my arms or rolling over. Now the two men holding me start to strap my leg's down. They put the top straps around my thighs and the lower straps around my ankles. After they are sure I can't move the two new men return to the crowd. That's when the man in charge say's, "Bring on The Artist." (The Artist enters) I think to myself why do they call him "The Artist". As he walk's out I notice he is a well-built man. He is 6'1" or 6'2" and looks to be about 210 to 215 LBS and very muscular. He is clean-shaven and has many tattoos. He has on black jeans and a black leather vest that is hanging open. In his right hand he has a large black case, and in his left hand a bull whip. When he reaches the table he puts the black case under it. Then he takes the handle of the whip in his hand and let's the rest of it fall to the floor. (CHEERING from crowd) He walks around to the end of the table and awaits his orders. That's when the man in charge say's, "The Artist will now whip the bitch 9 time's." (The crowd goes quiet) The Artist raises the whip and as I hear it crack I feel it across my back and I yell out in pain. But this does not make him stop. He crack's the whip over my back again and again as the crowd counts them out loud. "Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, NINE!!!" (CHEERING from crowd) (The Artist walks away) All I can do is lay here with tears running down my face. And I can feel red rolling down my sides as the man to my right lay's a towel over me. Then the man in charge yells, "Bet's for round 10 now closed. Bring out the Black Stallion." (CHEERING from crowd) I think what the fuck. 8 dogs, one man, and 9 lashing's wasn't enough for these people now they want to use horses!!! The woman walks over to the first stall door and opens it. She reaches into the dark, and when she pull's her hand back out she has the rein's of the biggest black stallion I have ever seen. She lead's him around the room, and everyone cheer's. Then she lead's the horse to where I am. She places him behind me and hands the reins to the man on my left. He gives the rein's one good tug and the horse puts his front hooves on the table, one on each side of me. (CHEERING from crowd) The man to my right moves back to the stallion who now stands over my ass. He begins rubbing the stallion's sheath to get his cock to emerge. I yell out, WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING THIS TO ME? WASN'T THE DOG'S AND THAT ENOUGH FOR YOU? I can now feel the stallions cock against my ass and I try to move away but the straps are too tight. The man from my right then puts the stallion's cock to my ass again, but this time the man on my left pull's on the rein's causing the stallion to move forward pushing his cock right into my ass. I scream out in pain. Then the horse starts fucking me, he is slow at first but a few minutes into it he starts getting faster. The man from my right stays next to the stallion to keep him from moving to far forward. The black stallions cock must be about 5" thick and I can feel about 15" of the shaft buried in my ass. I can feel it all the way into my stomach, and it feels like someone is running me threw with a very large knife. Every time the stallion thrusts his cock forward I yell out in pain. I feel like I just want to lay here and die. The Stallion moves forward and it feel's as if he has torn my stomach open. The man on my right moves the horse back again, and the stallion starts fucking me faster and harder. Even though there is so much pain with each thrust a new sensation from my ass overwhelms me. A feeling I have never felt before. With each new thrust the sensation becomes more intense and for some reamister I can feel my cock growing hard. I start moaning with each thrust of the stallions cock. The it happens, my ass feels as if it is cumming. I yell out, OH FUCK I AM CUMMING!!!! And the crowd goes wild. As the stallion keeps pumping my ass it feels as if my ass is constantly cumming. Even with all the pain I am in I think if I push the pain aside this time, they will let me go after the stallion have finished. So I start yelling, OH YES, FUCK ME, FUCK ME HARDER, OH YES!!! (CHEERING from crowd) The man to my left leans down to may ear and say's with a smile, "That's what we like to see. I knew you would enjoy being fucked you bitch." I just smile and let them see what they want. The stallion starts making a strange noise. All of a sudden he thrusts his cock hard and deep into my ass, and I can feel his huge cock pulsating in my ass. I can feel his cum shooting all the way up into my stomach. He cam so much I can feel it seeping out of my ass and running down the back of my legs. Then he the stallion steps back and I feel his cock fall free from my ass and he jumps down from the table. He was then lead back to the stall. (CHEERING from crowd) The man in charge yells, "Round 10 is now over, it lasted 46 minutes. We have 19 winners. Bet's for round 11 will start in 30 seconds." (CHEERING from crowd) I feel so exhausted and don't feel I can take anymore. I am starting to feel like I did just before I blacked out when the dog's were fucking me, but I just keep telling myself I am not going to black out again. The man in charge yells, "All bets for round 11 now closed. Bring on the Arabian." (CHEERING from crowd) The woman walks to the next stall gate and opens it, she walks in and I can hear the horse stomping his hoof on the ground. A few second's later she comes out, walking a very dark brown Arabian stud. He is the tallest horse I have ever seen in my life. She walks him over and hand's the reins to the man on my right and the horse stops right in front of my face. On examination of the horse I notice the head of his big cock protruding from his massive sheath. I am surprised when they don't walk him behind me and have him start fucking me right away. Instead the man on my right had the stud put his front hooves on the table in front of me, so that his cock is lined up with my mouth. I think surely they are not thinking about putting his cock in my mouth. The man from my left grab's my balls and makes me open my mouth. As soon as my mouth opens the man on my right puts the horse's cock in my mouth. The horse slowly starts fucking my mouth and I can feel his cock expanding. Every once in a while he push's his cock to far and I fetish on it. A few minutes later the man on my right has the horse get down. I look at his cock, that I was just powerd to suck. It is huge, it has to be more then 6" thick and 22 to 24 inches long. I know it is too big to fit in my ass so I know I have to be done. The man on my right hands the rein's to the man on my left. He leads the horse around to my ass and has him put his front hooves back on the table. The man from my right then grab's the horses cock and holds the head of it to my asshole. With one swift move the horse rams his cock as deep as he can into my ass. He starts working his cock back and forth in my sore ass, and I can feel his large cock stretching my ass to its limits as he fuck's me. He fuck's me harder and faster with each thrust and I can feel my ass wanting to cum again. This time I try to keep from cumming for as long as I can, but it was feeling to good and before I knew it my ass was cumming again. The harder he fucks my ass the more I cum. Before long I can feel my own cum flowing from my ass around the horses cock. (CHEERING from crowd) As my cum roll's down my leg's I can feel the man from my right scooping it into his hand's. He walk's around to my face a powers me to take it into my mouth. It tastes strange but I take it. I am unable to spit it out so I swallow it. The crowd goes wild when I do this so the man from my right decides he will have me do it again. This time he gets even more, he feel's his hands with as much of my cum as he can get, brings it back and fill's my mouth as full as he can get it. He puts his empty hand over my mouth and I swallow all of it, and as soon as I finish he puts the last of the cum in my mouth so I can finish it all. By the time I finish swallowing all of my ass cum, I must have drank a half cup of my own cum. By the time I finish my cum I can feel the horses large cock throbbing, and I know he is ready to cum. I then feel him thrust his cock as deep as he can into my ass. (Blacks out a second time from exhaustion) (comes to) (Moaning and CHEERING from crowd) What is this horse doing my ass feels as if someone has put a very hot pan on it? I yell out, OUCH. WHAT THE FUCK. THAT HURTS. What are you doing? I notice the case The Artist brought out was now open and full of needles and colored inks. I ask again, what is going on? And the man on my left say's, "You blacked out again just as the Arabian cam in your ass. He lasted 42 minutes. And now the Artist is branding your ass with a tattoo." What tattoo? I ask, and he says, "A tattoo that says, Animal Bitch Only. We think it is the right thing to brand our bitch with." The man in charge then say's, "Get the bitch ready to leave." They now let my legs free, and then my arms. They stand me up and retie my hands behind my back. They put the blindfold on me and take me back to the van. They put me in the back again and we leave. They drive for about an hour before they stop on a dirt road. They open the back and help me out, then they walk me away for a few minutes. When we stop they remove the blindfold. I look around and ask them where we are, but they just turn and start walking away. I yell to them, WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES? AND WHAT ABOUT UNTYING MY HAND'S? But they don't listen. A few minutes later they were gone and I am alone, naked, bound and lost. I start walking down the dirt road where I have been dropped off. I don't know where I am or how to get home again but I know I have to try. I must have been walking for an hour when I saw the headlight's coming down the road. I walk into the road to get them to stop thinking they can help me get home. One of the men gets out and opens the back door for me. Leaving my hand's tied he grab's me and throws me into the back seat of the car... 
Posts: 167471
I'm walking down the dirt road where I have been dropped off. I don't know where I am or how to get home again but I know I have to try. I must have been walking for an hour when I saw the headlight's coming down the road. I walk into the road to get them to stop thinking they can help me get home. One of the men gets out and opens the back door for me. Leaving my hand's tied he grab's me and throws me into the back seat of the car. As I lay in the back seat, I wonder if this two men can tell me where I am. I ask the driver and he says. "You don't need to know where you are. The only thing you need to worry about is what's going to happen to you. For the only people we find on this road are left here by people we know. And seeing that your hands are tied, and you have no clothes on, you have met our friends already." I ask, "You're not like those people who left me out here are you?" "That is for us to know and you to find out!" said the passenger. I try to sit up just to find myself being pushed back down again. Not knowing where I was being taken to this time. I just watch the sky fade from dark to light out the window of the car. About 40 minutes after sunrise the driver stops outside a big warehouse and honks the horn. A few minutes later we pull into the building. I could see a few lights on inside, but it was not very bright so I couldn't see very well. Then the car stopped again but this time the engine was shut off. As the driver gets out the door at my feet is opened by another man and I am pulled from the car. As they stand me up I take a look around. I see a painting of two men fucking on of the walls. And what looks to be gang writing on the other walls. Behind the car is a large garage door where we entered the building. At the other end of the building I can see a dark hallway. I can hear lots of men screaming and yelling, and dogs barking as one of the men take me towards the dark hallway. As we enter the hallway I notice several doorways. Many of the doors are broken or missing and a few of the doors are closed so I can't see into the rooms. But the rooms I can see into I stop at to see what the people in them are doing. I stop at the first door to my right to see what was going on in this room. As I look inside I can see a man bent over a table, and another man fingering his ass as he sucks on a female dog pussy. I quickly move on to the first door on my left and I'm afraid to look in for what I might see. I slowly peak around the door to see if anyone is inside. At first I can't see anyone so I take a step towards the doorway so I can get a better look. I look around and I see two men on the floor sucking each other's cocks, and playing with each other's assholes. To my surprise I find myself getting turned on and I try to rub my cock, then I remember my hands are still tied. The man who has been walking with me looks and sees my cock standing straight up and he grabs my cock in his hand and I jump. As he starts to kneel down he says. "You have a great looking cock. It looks good enough to suck." He runs his tongue across the tip of my cock and my cock starts seeping pre-cum. The man quickly licks it all off and says. "Man you taste sweet. God I want to suck your cock. By the way around here I am called Duke." I want Duke to suck my cock, but I just pretend I didn't hear him and start walking again. The next two doors I come to are closed. I can't stop thinking about how good I would feel if I give in and let Duke suck my rock hard cock. I stop at one of the closed doors and think for a moment. Then I move on to the next open door, which is on my left. Inside I see a man on his hands and knees, he looks like he is feeling really good. So I move to where I can see why the man is feeling good. I see a man lying under him sucking his cock. I watch his mouth sliding up and down the shaft getting faster and faster. Then I look up to see a man with his hand inside the ass of the man on his hands and knees. And I can feel my cock grow even harder as I watch this. Duke reaches for my cock and instead of pulling away I push my cock into his hand. He starts stroking my cock slowly and then I lean my chest on his chest, and I start fucking his hand with my hard cock. I start moving faster and faster fucking his hand. Then Duke says, "Can I suck your hard cock." I tell him only if he will untie my hands so I can stroke his cock when he is finished. He agrees and gets down on his knees as I lean on the wall for support. He takes my cock into his mouth and slowly starts sliding his mouth up and down my long shaft. I start to fuck his mouth with my cock and he reaches up and puts his hands on my hips to help him take my cock deeper into his throat. The faster he sucks the more I feel like I want to cum. I start telling him harder, harder, and harder, come on make me cum. He starts sucking my cock harder and I can feel my cock getting harder. Then I shoot my cum down his throat, and to my surprise he swallows it all. He gets up and turn's me around and unties my hands. Then he pulls his green pants down to reveal his big hard cock. I take his hard cock firmly in my right hand and slowly start to stroke it. As I am stroking his cock he starts rubbing my balls and running his hand down my shaft. I can feel my cock getting hard again. I decide I want to suck Duke's cock so I slowly move down to my knees and slide his cock into my mouth. Duke grabs my head with both hands and starts powering me to suck his cock hard with my mouth. Pushing my mouth down his shaft and then letting me slide back again, but every once in a while he push's my mouth down on his cock and holds me there for a minute until I start to gag then he lets me slide back again. It doesn't take long before Duke starts to cum in my mouth. When he has finished he helps me back to my feet, and says, "You are good. I have never cum this soon after someone started sucking my cock. Do you do this often?" No, I have only had a man's cock once. Last night was the first time. But are you going to tie my hands behind me again Duke? "No, I think I can trust you. You didn't try to get away after I untied them so I will let you stay untied for now. But you must be a fast learner when it comes to giving a man pleasure. You suck cock like a pro dude." says Duke. Duke pulls his pants up and we move on to the next open door on the right. Inside I can see a man on his hands and knees while another man is ramming his cock deep into his ass. I move just a little so I can see better and I can now see the man fucking the man on his hands and knees and he is getting fucked by a huge male dog. As Duke and I are watching I start to stroke my cock as it grows hard. As I am stroking my cock Duke reaches out and starts rubbing my asshole with the tip of his index finger. Once in a while I can feel him pressing his finger harder onto my asshole, and I can't help but want his finger to enter me. As soon as I feel his finger start to press on my asshole again, I thrust my asshole back onto his finger and I can feel it enter my ass. Duke is a little surprised at first but then he starts to fuck my asshole with his finger as I stroke my very hard cock. As Duke starts putting a second finger into my ass I notice his cock has also gotten hard again, so I reach back and pull his pants down and stroke his cock, as I am stroking my own cock. A few moments later Duke steps behind me and I feel him pull his fingers from my ass. I start to ask him not to stop when I feel the head of his huge cock slipping into my asshole. As soon as the tip is in I lean forward and push my ass as far as it will go onto Dukes cock. As he starts moving his cock back and forth in my asshole I begin to rock my ass harder and harder on his cock. The harder I rock my ass on Dukes cock the faster he pumps my asshole. A few minutes later I feel my asshole begin to cum around his cock and Dukes cock starts to throb. He starts to moan and I push my asshole deep onto his cock as he starts to cum. I feel his cum shoot all the way into my stomach and then he pulls out. I feel his cum and my ass cum start to run down my legs as he is licking it off. He starts at my calves and works his tongue up the back of each leg all the way to my asshole. As soon as he reaches my asshole I can feel him suck the rest of the cum from my ass. Once Duke has made sure he has gotten all the cum from my ass he says, "Now that was great. Now I want you to fuck my asshole just like I did yours. Don't worry you wont hurt me." Hearing Duke say this, my cock grows very hard. I walk behind him and slide my middle finger into his asshole and start moving it in and out. This makes my cock even harder, so I slip my index finger into his ass with my middle finger and move them in and out for a few minutes then pull them out. Right after I pull my fingers from his ass I push my cock as hard as I can into his asshole. I place my hands on his hips and start fucking his as like I have never fucked anyone before. I start pulling my cock out of his ass and trusting it back in as hard as I can. I feel my balls hit Dukes ass with every thrust. As I thrust harder and harder Duke leans forward and I grab his shoulders so I am able to push my cock deeper into his ass. As he spreads his ass cheeks so I can go even deeper I feel his ass cumming all around my cock so I fuck him as hard as I can. I can feel my cock filling with cum, then I start filling his ass with my cum. I continue fucking his ass until my cock goes limp and falls out. Duke reaches back and catch's as much as our cum as he can and takes it from his hand as I clean the rest on it from his ass with my tongue. As soon as I have cleaned his ass he pulls his pants back up, and pulls a half smashed pack of cigarettes and a lighter from his pocket and says, "Damn man you fucked my ass like a pro, fuck I have never felt this damn good in I don't remember how long. I need a ciggy, you want one man?" Normally I don't smoke but sure I'll take one. You know Duke I don't think I would have done any of these things that I have been doing with you willingly if you hadn't been so nice to me. Hell, you have been treating me like a real permister, not like someone you just want to use, like the people did last night. "Well, I like you and I am treating you like I would want to be treated if I were in your shoes. I don't believe in using people. By the way you never told me your name." Oh, I am sorry, my name is Ron Greenslade. I feel so much better being around you compared to where I was last night. The people last night just used me and didn't even act like I existed. We finish our cigarettes and start walking to the next open door on the left. Inside I see a man covered in tattoo's fucking a female redhound in the pussy while he is sucking another mans cock. While we watch Duke slips behind me and caresses my body in his arms. He slowly starts kissing the back of my neck as he slowly moves his hands down my stomach. As he kisses my neck and shoulders he presses his body to mine and starts to fondle my cock and balls, I can feel his cock growing hard as he presses it to my ass. I slowly turn so I am face to face with Duke and wrapped my arms around him. I known I should be very uncomfortable but for some reamister I am not, I actually feel that this is the right thing to do. As we stand here face-to-face Duke pulls me closer and slips his left hand behind my head and his right hand around my hard cock. He pushes my head towards him as he tilts his head a little to the left and starts kissing me slowly. As he is kissing me I feel his tongue touch my lips so I let his tongue enter my mouth, and I take my right hand and slowly start pulling his pants down so I can get to his cock. I start stroking his cock slowly as he strokes my cock as we kiss. It doesn't take long and we both start cumming again, so Duke stops kissing me and gets down on his knees and cleans the cum from my cock. Once he is finished he gets up and I get down on my knees and lick the cum from his cock. Duke then says, "You know Ron, we have been going at it off and on for over 4 hours now? I have never done anything like this for as long as we have been doing it, that I can remember." WOW. That is a long time. I have never willingly done anything like this before, but I am really enjoying it with you Duke. Hey can I get another smoke from you? "Sure!" says Duke. We sit down on the floor and have our cigarettes, I ask Duke, What is going to happen to me while I am here? "I don't know. Big Dawg doesn't tell us what is going to happen until just before he has us get started. But I can tell you in the past 3 years that I have been here he has never done things the same way twice. Big Dawg like to keep it interesting for the people who pay him to watch us," says Duke. "Pay to watch?" I ask him. "Yes, people pay to come watch what goes on here. Some people will even pay more if Big Dawg will let them join in on the activities. It's been like this since before I joined the gang when I was brought here like you have been." says Duke. They made you stay after they were done with you? I asked. "No, I came back a few months later when I heard they were looking for new members to join their gang. I had found that the except me here and I can be myself," says Duke. We get up and put out our cigarettes I feel relieved and we start walking towards the last open door on the right. We get to the door and I look in and watch for a minute. I see a naked man chained to a wall in a standing position with his cock and balls pierced and 2 to 3 pounds hanging from his cock and each of his balls. Then I hear a whip crake and I see another man whipping the man who is chained to the wall. I turn away and ask Duke if we can move on? Duke says, "If you like I can show you where you can get some relax. I don't blame you for not liking what you seen in that last room." I would love to get some rest Duke. I say and he takes me to the room at the end of the hall and opened the door. Before I enter the room Duke says, "You can get some rest in here. You will find a bed, clean blanket, and pillow to use while you relax, and a bar of soap and washcloth on the sink so you can clean up, and a toilet with fresh toilet paper. Its noon now someone will wake you at 5:00pm. And Ron thanks for a wonderful morning, I hope we can spend some more time together." Hey Duke before you go can I get a few cigarettes and a lighter? And hope we can spend more time together too. "Sure, I'll leave the rest of this pack for you. There are 6 or 7 left, and I will just get a new pack. And I'll talk to you after while," says Duke. I start to turn to go into the room Duke grabs me and starts kissing me again. Then Duke says, "By the way what would you like for dinner when you wake up?" "Can you bring me some fries, a double quarter-pounder, and a large root beer, and maybe 2 packs of smokes?" "Sure, I can do that for you. I will have it here when you get up at 5:00pm," says Duke. "Thanks Duke." "No problem, everybody needs to eat," says Duke. I enter the room and Duke shuts and locks the door behind me. I sit on the edge of the bed and light a cigarette. I start thinking about everything that Duke and I have done, and how strange it has been, and yet how much I enjoyed every minute of it. I have always been afraid of another man touching me the way Duke and I have been touching each other, but now that it has happened I find that I really enjoy having another man pleasure me the way Duke has been. I wish Duke was in here with me now. I have only been away from him a few minutes now but I really want him inside my ass right now. I start stroking my cock as I sit here thinking about Duke putting his cock into my asshole and fucking me as hard as he can. With the thought of having Duke inside of me fresh in my mind it doesn't take long before I start to cum. Instead of wiping my cum off onto the side of the bed I use my hand and clean it from my cock and eat every drop of my cum. After I have eaten all of my cum I get up and go to the toilet and piss, then I sit down and take a cuckolds brownie to clean any cum from my ass that Duke was not able to get. Now I get up and go to the sink and clean my self up and then go back to the bed. As I lay down and grab the blanket I feel something fall out of it and hit my leg. I sit up to see what it is. To my surprise I find a 9- inch long by 2 1/2 inch thick dildo. So I pick it up and get comfortable on my bed. I start rubbing the tip of the dildo on my asshole and find that it feels really good, so I put it to my mouth and spit on the tip. Then I put it to my asshole and with one hard push it goes deep into my ass. I start fucking my ass with the dildo as I fall arelax. (Falls arelax) (Wakes up) 
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As I wake up I see Duke and I can feel him fucking my ass gently with the dildo. "How did you relax Ron?" says Duke. I slept well, I must have dosed off while I was fucking my ass with the dildo I found in my blanket. I wanted your cock but you weren't here so I had to use the dildo. "That's good. When I came in I saw the dildo in your ass so I though I would wake you by gently fucking your ass with it. Oh by the way I brought you your food and smokes," says Duke. I really enjoyed you waking me up like that. It feels really good, and I feel even better seeing you again. Thanks for getting the food and smokes for me. Suddenly my ass starts to cum as Duke pulls the dildo from my ass. I pick up the cigarettes and light Duke left for me and pull two of them out. I light them and hand one to Duke and I start to smoke the other one. We sit here and smoke our cigarettes and I ask Duke if he will let me fuck his ass when we are finished and Duke says, "Sure Ron we can do that after you eat as long as I can fuck your ass once you have finished with mine." Sure Duke. We finish our smokes and Duke hands me my dinner and I start eating. As I eat Duke goes to a dark corner and gets a chair and brings it into the light. He starts taking his clothes off. He removes his bright yellow T-shirt and I find myself starring at his muscular chest. After he folds his shirt and sets it on the chair he takes his shoes off and sets them under the chair. Then he starts taking his green pants off. I can't help but notice how sexy his legs are. He folds his pants up and places them neatly on top of his shirt, and he pulls off his black boxers and folds them in half and places them on top of the rest of his clothes. As I finish my food Duke comes over and sits next to me. I reach over and start stroking his cock he lays back. I start kissing his body and slowly start working my way down to his cock so I can start sucking it. Once my mouth reaches his cock I open my lips and slide his cock all the way into my mouth. I take my right hand and move it down to Dukes asshole. I start rubbing my fingers on his asshole as I suck his hard cock. Duke lifts his legs and says, "Oh god this feels good Ron. Please finger my asshole for a few minutes then I want to you ram your hard cock as hard and deep as you can into my ass." I slide two fingers into his asshole and slowly start finger fucking his ass as I suck his cock. He moans out in pleasure so I press a third finger into his asshole and he moans louder. Duke says, "OH FUCK YES RON. Put your cock in. OH FUCK, Put your cock into my asshole now." I pull my fingers from his ass as I get onto my knees, and set his legs on my shoulders and put the head of my cock against Dukes asshole. With one quick hard thrust I ram my cock deep into his asshole. I start fucking Dukes ass as hard and as fast as I can, and one in a while I pull my cock from his ass and then thrust it deep into his ass again. I can feel his cock growing hard against my belly with each thrust. I fuck him harder and harder, and then all of a sudden I feel his ass start cumming all over my cock. I fuck him faster and faster and then a few minutes later I feel my cock start to fill with cum, then I explode deep inside his asshole. I fuck him for a few more minutes until my cock goes limp and falls free from his ass. Duke then says, "You are getting better at this. You seem to really enjoy fucking my ass. Would you like me to fuck you like you just fucked me or would you rather be on your hands and knees Ron?" "You can fuck me while I am on my hands and knees if you like Duke." "Okay Ron, lets get started so we have time to finish before Big Dawg comes and gets us." says Duke. I get on my hands and knees as Duke starts licking my asshole. While he is licking me he starts fucking my asshole with his tongue. I can feel my cock getting hard again so I reach down and start to stroke it. Duke now gets up on his knees and puts the head of his cock to my ass and with one swift thrust he buries his cock deep inside my ass. He starts thrusting his cock harder and deeper inside me and he gets faster and faster with each new thrust. (The door opens) Duke and I look up to see Big Dawg and about 9 or 10 other gang member standing in the door way. We just keep fucking like no one was around but Duke and I. I find that Duke seems to fuck me even better with these people watching and a few minutes later my ass starts cumming on his cock. As he feels my ass cumming on his cock he loses control and cums inside my ass. He finishes cumming and pulls his cock from my ass. "You two much have really enjoyed that. Maybe I should let you stay with him Duke, since you get along so well," says Big Dawg. "I would really like that Big Dawg. Ron seems to enjoy my company and since I have been with him he seems to have really come around." says Duke. "Very well, it is up to you to keep an eye on him and make sure he does everything I say to do. But if he gets away or doesn't listen it will be your ass Duke." says Big Dawg. "I understand Big Dawg, and I will make sure everything goes smoothly." says Duke. "You will bring Ron to room 2 in 10 minutes. I will give you my instructions once you are there. Oh and Duke go ahead and leave your clothes here you wont be needing them for quite a while." says Big Dawg. (Big Dawg and other gang members leave) Hey Duke you don't have to worry I wont let you down dude. I will do everything I am told to do so you wont get in trouble. "Kewl, thanks Ron. Lets have a smoke before we have to go to the room Okay?" Duke says. O.K. I get out two cigarettes, and light them both. Then I hand one to Duke and we sit on the edge of the bed while we smoke. Hey Duke are you going to have to do everything I have to do? "Yeah it looks like that is what Big Dawg wants. If I don't do what he wants me to do I will get in big trouble so yeah." says Duke. It makes me feel a little better knowing I wont be alone. But you might have to help me with some of the things we will have to do. "No problem. If there is anything I can do to help, feel free to ask. I will help you in any way I can," Duke says. We finish our cigarettes and Duke says, "Okay we better get to the room Big Dawg will get very pissed if we are even one minute late. And if he gets pissed we are sure to pay for it." We head down the hall until we reach room number 2, and Duke says, "Here is the room Big Dawg wants us to start in. If you get nervous or don't know exactly what to do, just do what I do. After a while you will get the hang of things." We enter the room and I look around. Hey Duke what are all those windows around the top of the room for? "That is so people can watch what we do and not get in the way. People pay big money to watch us. That is why Big Dawg wants us to do only our very best. If we don't do a good job the spectators wont come back, and Big Dawg looses money. And if Big Dawg looses money we get punished big time." says Duke. He seems to be tuff on you guys. "He can be but it only helps us do our best all the time. He is only tuff on us because he cares about us, and he will never make us do anything that would put us at risk," says Duke. "That's good." "You will 69 in this room while getting each others ass's ready for deep penetration." Big Dawg says over the loud speaker. "Okay we have our orders. We better get started so Big Dawg does not get mad." says Duke. Will you be starting this with me Duke? "No, I will be the second one to do this with you. Durk will be starting with you but I will be right there helping you." says Duke. Duke walks me over to a mat in the middle of the floor and helps me lay downs so that I am now on my back. Durk comes in and walks over to where Duke and I are at and says, "You better make this look good and you better make it feels good as well." "Don't worry Durk he will do just fine. You just worry about yourself Durk. Ron is very good at this and will not disappoint Big Dawg." says Duke. Durk puts his right foot over me so he is now facing opposite of my face and lowers his to cock to my mouth. Then he leans over and takes my cock into his mouth. I reach up and put his cock into my mouth and slowly start to suck on it. Soon after I start sucking his cock he starts to fuck my mouth really hard. So I reach up with my left hand and slowly start fingering his asshole. And then Duke says, "Hey Durk don't forget you have to penetrate Ron's ass with your fingers as well." Durk pushes two fingers as hard as he can into my asshole and I moan, but I continue to suck his cock and finger his asshole. I notice that Durk's cock is much smaller then Dukes cock. Durk begins to moan and I can feel his ass starting to cum. SO I finger his ass harder and faster as I suck his cock. I can feel my own asshole as it starts to cum as well. As soon as Durk feels my ass cumming on his fingers he looses control and cums in my mouth. As soon as he has finished cumming Durk try's to get up just to be pushed back down by Duke. "You are not done yet Durk you have to make Ron's cock cum as well." Duke says. Durk gets back down and starts sucking my cock again, and it doesn't take long before I start cumming in his mouth. Durk gets up and stomps out of the room and says, "Are you fucking happy now Duke?" "Sorry about that Ron, sometimes he forgets what he is supposed to do. Sometimes I think he has been hit in the head one to many times with a brick." says Duke. That's okay. "Would you like to be on top this time or would you rather stay on the bottom Ron?" Duke asks. I'll take the tops this time. I get up and Duke lays down on the mat. I get over Duke and lower my cock to his mouth and lean over and quickly take Dukes cock all the way into my mouth. As I start sucking Dukes cock he finds my asshole and puts a finger deep inside. He finger fucks my ass as hard as he can and I feel my cock growing hard again. So I slip two fingers into Dukes asshole and slowly start moving them in and out as I suck his hard cock. I start deep-throating Dukes cock and I can taste his pre cum as it falls on my tongue. So I suck his cock harder and faster and I sink my fingers deeper into his ass. As I drive my fingers deeper and deeper I feel his ass cumming all over my fingers. 
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#519 · Edited by: chrislebo
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Black ****
My wife, Shirley, and I were married on a small island in the mid-pacific in the early 1990's. I was working for a private defense contractor at the time I met her. I was instantly infatuated with her from the time I met her. Her long black hair, curvaceous body and pouty lips were enough to make most men go crazy.
We returned to the States in the late '90's and I began my career in nursing at a large hospital in California. Shirley took classes in business at the local college and began her career a couple of years later at a black-owned enterprise.
She had been working there about a month, when she came home on day and announced that the company was having a party at a local hotel. It was $50 per couple and included the hotel room. Sounded good to me. So I said, "Yes, of course, sweetheart." She smiled demurely as I gave her the check.
The party happened about two weeks later. Shirley dressed up in a tight mini skirt with plenty of cleavage. Her firm breasts looked like they were going to bolt out of her tight blouse. I always liked the way she wore her make-up when she knew she was going to a party. She finished dressing and putting on her make-up and we were off.
We arrived at the hotel reception room and I was amazed at how many people there were. I hadn't spoken to Shirley much about her job, but I took it for granted that the business was a small enterprise. Such was apparently the case. We checked into our hotel room. I could tell that she was in the mood to party. We freshened up a bit then went downstairs to the reception room. She introduced me to her boss and co-workers.
I was mildly surprised that there was not one Black woman to be seen, only Oriental and White, for the most part. We traded some small talk then sat down at a table and ordered a couple of takes. We finished those quickly and ordered two more and two more after that. I could tell that she was beginning to feel her oats. One of her co- workers, a tall, muscular Black fellow asked her to dance. She accepted, with my permission, and started shaking her booty like I had never seen her do before when I danced with her. She was gyrating all over the dance floor.
After a few dances her partner escorted her back to the table. She was breathing heavily and smiling at the same time. I asked her partner if he would care to have a take with us and he accepted. His name was Jamal and he worked in the same office as Shirley. We engaged in some small talk and he again asked me if it would be ok to dance with her again? I nodded in the affirmative. This dance was a slow one. I watched as she put her arms around his neck and drew closer to his muscular body.
I found myself getting turned on by watching the two of them. I passed it off as the holy water working. I watched as their bodies gyrated against one another. I could tell she was turned on as she kept pressing into him. Again I dismissed that as the holy water working. They returned and we talked more.
I noticed their eyes meeting on several occasions and exchanging smiles. I also found myself thinking strange thoughts. I was thinking of the three of us going to the hotel room together. The more I thought about it the more turned on I became. I finally blurted out, "Jamal, would you like to join Shirley and I in a few takes in our room?" He appeared to be taken aback by what I said, but shook his head in the affirmative.
By the time we reached the room, my cock was so hard I couldn't control myself. We had stopped by the store on our way to the hotel and had picked up some brandy. We had a couple of takes and then I suggested that we all make ourselves "more comfortable."
Shirley and Jamal looked at me in a questionable way. I explained that the sight of the two of them together aroused me and I would like to carry it further. I then asked them to tell me what was on their minds, no holds barred? Both of them said that the thought was inviting.
I found myself also blurting out, "Jamal do you think you could persuade a friend of yours to join us?" He found that totally astonishing but said that he would go back downstairs and find someone. I also found myself setting up a scene. I wanted Jamal and his friend to knock on our door. When we answered they would barge in and power themselves on Shirley, tying me up in the process.
About a half hour later there was a knock on the door. I answered it and Jamal and his friend did exactly what I had requested. They barged in grabbed me and tied me up. Then they moved toward Shirley and grabbed her powerfully, ripping off her clothes as she pretended to fight them off, finally submitting. They were kissing her all over. Running their long black fingers over her breasts and down her firm stomach to her wet pussy. There they stuck their long fingers into her twat and began massaging.
When she was on the verge of cumming, they withdrew. One of them began to flicker his tongue down her firm belly finally reaching her aching pussy. He tongue entered as she screamed out. Jamal's friend, Bobby, was kneeling over Shirley as she fumred with the zipper on his pants. I could see the huge bulge and was really turned on when she finally unzipped it and took it out. It was huge! Probably way over 10 inches. She grabbed it and began stroking it as Jamal continued to dart his long tongue in and out of her hot, wet pussy. She was moaning loudly.
I was growing harder as the action intensified. Bobby grabbed her long hair FORCEFULLY as she wrapped her big, firm lips around his massive black cock. Taking in more a little at a time. Finally only a couple of inches were showing. She sucked it furiously. She had never done this to me before and now I was watching as two total strangers were fucking my wife!
Bobby pushed her away powerfully and verbally used her. She moaned with pleasure at this use. Bobby got between her legs and started massaging her rock-hard clit. She was moaning loudly now.
Finally he started sliding that black massive cock into her. Her moans turned to screams as he started pumping her rhythmically like only Blacks can do. She screamed like a banshee when he shoved it hard and deep into her, her fingernails clawing his back. Pumping her harder and harder. I could not believe how long this fine Black specimen of a man could fuck my wife. I was just as turned on as she was.
Then Bobby rammed his whole cock into her as both of them screamed in ecstasy. He withdrew and Jamal now got between her legs. She pushed him away playfully and gestured for him to lay an his back, which he did. She put his Black manliness into her mouth and sucked him until his cock was hard. Although he wasn't as long as Bobby, he was massive.
She then mounted him and started gyrating around his big black cock, sinking deeper into her. Her long black hair was flying as she started pumping him. She altered her circular gyrations with a hard up and down motion. She was screaming wildly as she pumped him. Bouncing on his hard Black cock, harder and harder until both of them came.
It has been a few months since that night. Jamal and Bobby have since moved in with us as Shirley found she couldn't live without their massive black cocks, and neither could I.
I am now the cuckold husband serving their every desire and loving it.
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Her Master Her Master's early arrival caught her completely off guard. Not only was she wearing clothes, but also her Master's home was a mess, and she was lying on the couch smoking a cigarette and reading a book. The empty pint of ice cream, full ashtray, empty DP cans, and discarded burger wrappers spoke volumes about what she did not do during his weeklong absence. He was to be gone for two weeks but there he stood, in the flesh, and looking coldly at her. If this was the first time, which it wasn't, and maybe he had not left written instructions that she had sworn upon her virginal ass, she would abide by, she could hope to get out of this one easy. But she knew better judging by his lack of expression. Panic seized her immediately and she gave into her flight instincts. She knew her Master to be loving and caring, but she also knew it took a week to fully recover from the last time she had done something like this. She ran for the bathroom like an idiot and locked the door. That delayed the inevitable for about 4 seconds. Crash, the doorjamb splintered under the weight of his foot and the door swung wide open; there she stood in his dress shirt cowering in the corner by the shower. He stood before her for a few minutes, his breathing even and calm as if he was deep arelax, watching her and waiting for her to try and bolt again. She did not disappoint his anticipation. She jumped up and tried to jump over the toilet and break for the door. He caught a handful of hair midair and yanked her back to earth. She landed on her back with a thud, and was briefly stunned by the power with which she landed. Gasping to try and catch her breath, yet refusing to open her eyes, she wondered what would come next. She knew his face was close and she heard him sniff. "You smell of junk food and cigarettes, and what's this," she gasped as his fingers roughly penetrated the moist folds between her legs, " you came while I was gone." The terror struck deep in her. She had broken his cardinal rule, she came without his permission. She kept her eyes closed tightly as she felt his hands move to the collar of the shirt she was wearing. He picked her up roughly and she landed firmly on her feet. The red rushed to her head and her scalp throbbed where his hand had been holding her hair. He turned her around suddenly and bent her over the toilet she had just tried to escape over and she heard his pants unzip. She tried to relax as much as possible because she knew there would be nothing gentle about this. "I had gotten pretty hard on the trip here thinking about walking in and surprising my darling slave, and making her cum again and again for being a good baby girl while I was gone. But no! I am greeted by a mess, you in clothes, and you have cum without me here to approve." She felt a hand in her hair and the other positioning the head of his cock at the opening of her slit and she tried harder to relax. Her Master continued, "I had been tempted to relieve my tension, but the thought of your surprise at me getting home early and the gratitude you would surely show me with that sweet mouth of yours, I waited for you." And with that he entered her with such power and swiftness she screamed as he bottomed out and lifted her off the floor at the same time. He withdrew almost completely and paused. "I have thought about nothing for the last week besides my poor baby at home all alone and naked, working hard to take care of that which I entrusted to her. I almost called last night to tell you to cum for me on the phone, but stopped knowing I would be home today and I wanted to taste your first orgasm in a week. I wanted your hot," He sank into her again quickly and roughly and withdrew almost completely again. "Tight," he repeated the same vulgar stroke. "Pussy, on, my, face, and, your, juices, running, down, my, chin." With each word he repeated the swift harsh stroke in and out of her ill prepared, now aching, hole. No matter how many times her Master took her, she always had a hard time adjusting to his size. Finally he quit speaking and just pounded her mercilessly. He bottomed out most strokes and the screams came from her lips with no thought to what she was saying. She begged for forgiveness, she apologized with such repentance in her cries, but all this fell on deaf ears. He continued to pound her pussy like a jackhammer on pavement, and her screams turned to cursing and threats. By the time she realized what she had done it was too late. 
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He stopped pounding her hole immediately. The once tender, bare folds of her female core now felt like hamburger meat, worse yet, flaming hamburger meat. He withdrew from her completely and she felt the tip slide out and graze her aching swollen clit. As much as she protested, she loved it when he took her roughly. The evidence of such now slowly traced it's way over the contours of her inner thigh. She held her breath and gripped more tightly the toilet seat. She thought for sure she would find most of her nails broken off in the underside of the white ring. She felt a shiver travel through her body as she heard him exhale slowly, almost whistling as the air escaped his lungs. His hand, still in her hair, tensed suddenly and powerd her to turn and drop to her knees all in the same movement. His other hand touched just under her chin and pushed her gaze to his. He grinned, cold and cruel, the kind of grin that needs no words to explain the evil intent behind it. He let go of her hair but never broke eye contact. He grabbed the braided cord that was used to tie the shower curtain back and it slid easily from its hook and lay limp in his hand. It's pretty burgundy twists looked harmless, but she knew all to well how it bit into her wrists when she was tied with it. Refusing to bow her head but not liking the coldness in his gaze she closed her eyes and waited for whatever was to come next. The on thing she knew for certain, it wouldn't be her. He looped the rope around her throat and then down her back to her wrists. She had to bend and arch till her shoulder blades resemred small wings in order to keep the pressure off her throat. The feel of his hand applying pressure to her throat was a thrill but this, he knew all to well, she did not like at all. He stood back and examined her as if admiring a sculpture. He finally settled on the first flaw to correct. He reached down and with lightening speed ripped the shirt open in the front. He examined her, this time walking around her in slow circles trying to make up his mind what to add or subtract next. First came the blindfold and then the nipple clamps biting into her aching erect nipples. He tightened them down till she whimpered. She may have been blinded but the rest of her senses became very attune to everything around, trying to find a hint as to what was in store next. She heard the metal slide from its leather sheath and found herself unable to swallow or breath from the wave of erotic fear that swept over her. He took his time cutting a little of the shirt off here, dragging the cold metal edge over bare flesh there, tormenting her most sensitive areas by poking them with the tip of the blade and dragging it around the area. He took his time slicing, and ripping the shirt from her body, because he took pleasure in her fear, but also in her obvious arousal. He leaned in close to her shaking form, "I can smell your fear. I can almost taste your hesitant arousal in the air. My little fraidy cat is turned on by me doing this. ADMIT IT!" She remained silent while he shoved her face down into the floor, held her by the rope between her tormented shoulders, and the first lash of his belt found the smooth skin of her ass. Then she simply answered with her cries and squirming. She moved trying to avoid the lashes and only succeeded in the strap finding it's way between her legs. When her cries subsided to short quiet sobs, he rolled her over and powerd his rock hard tool between her lips and resumed the pounding motion he had given her twat. Watching his cock disappear in and out of her mouth. He pulled her arms down so that her oxygen was cut off for a second and then let them go so she could catch her breath quickly only to repeat it again, and again, and again. He felt himself getting close and his little gasping slut did too. She opened her mouth wider and doured her efforts as best she could considering his rhythm. He was on the verge and she arched her neck so his load would glide down into her throat easily. He grabbed her throat and held it firmly as he pulled his cock out from between her swollen lips and shot his release all over her face. He released her throat, wiped his cock off in her hair and left His slave lying in the bathroom floor until he finished his plans for her for the weekend. 
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She lay in the bathroom floor, cold, blindfolded, and scared. Her throat was dry, almost every orifice of her body was painfully swollen from her Master's use and she had no idea what her beloved yet harsh Master would do next. Time was her worst enemy as she mulled over in her mind the infinite possibilities of what he might do. She finally found the least painful position to lie in and drifted off to relax for a while. She awoke later, still unsure if she had taken a catnap or slept through the night. She was too sore before she drifted off for that to be any indicator, she heard nothing outside the bathroom, and there was no way for her to tell if it had been an hour or many hours since her Master had left her. She missed him and the tears that filled her eyes now reassured her she would do whatever her Master wanted to get back in his good graces. She feared the possibility he was packing her bags for her above any other form of punishment. He came into the bathroom a short time later and began removing the cord that bound her. He gave her some water and some food, removed everything from her body, and then bathed her head to toe. He dried her hair, applied scented oil to her body and then replaced the blindfold. He placed a leather collar around her throat and replaced the nipple clamps on her nipples. He hooked the leash onto her collar and had her crawl beside him blindfolded to the coffee table. "Crawl up on the table," he instructed calmly. She did as she was told and waited on all fours for her Master to instruct her next. He moved her around to where her ass and slit faced the couch and he instructed her to reach back and masturbate for him. She hesitated for a second and felt the sting of the cane on her back. She reached underneath and quickly started to work her finger in and out of her pussy. He continued to work the cane over her back while encouraging her to work her fingers harder and faster. She was very close to an orgasm when he instructed her to stop and roll onto her back. He tied her ankles to something above her and double-checked to make sure they were securely bound. He left her hands free and she felt something nudging her hand. "I want you to use both hands this time, one for the small vibrator and one for the dildo I am going to give you." She accepted these and went to work putting on a show for her Master. She again came close to orgasm and he had her stop. She waited until he told her to start again. "Take the dildo from your slit, and lick it clean." She did, and savored the taste of her own juices on the silicon toy. She finished and waited for further instructions. "Now stick it in again and get it nice and lubed, and then I want you to carefully, without stopping, push it into your ass." She knew from holding it and licking it that it was no small toy, she also knew that her ass had never been used before. Determined to do whatever her Master wanted to gain his forgiveness, she slowly moved the fake phallus into her wet core, moving it in and out a few times to insure it got very wet. She moved it down until she felt the cold wet tip of it at her virgin opening. She took a deep breath and started pushing it in as she exhaled. It hurt so badly but she couldn't stop no matter what. No stopping, no screaming, just one fluid movement. She felt it push past the ring of muscles and the tears started to form in her eyes. She took another deep breath and pushed very quickly and very hard the rest of the toy up her ass. When her fingers made contact with her ass cheeks she stopped and held it there trying not to whimper or cry. "Very good sweetness. Now take the vibrator and cum for me. I want you to cum very hard for me and you may scream if you like when you do it." She turned the vibrator on and started working her clit over with it. Her asshole was still throbbing but the sensations of her building orgasm quickly replaced the pain she felt in that orifice. Her orgasm grew until she was writhing and screaming with her final release. She felt herself just keep cumming and cumming, she had begun to work the dildo in and out of her backdoor without even noticing. She finally started to drift back down from the most intense orgasm of her life. The vibrator fell from her right hand and the left had gone limp and ceased to hold the dildo in place. She started regaining total awareness when her legs were released and she was led off the table by the leash. He led her just a few feet away and removed her blindfold. Her eyes took a minute to adjust but she immediately recognized her suitcases. "You have a choice to make my little slave. You can leave and return to the life you once had, or you can do everything I tell you for the next 2 days, without question or hesitation. If you balk or say a word that is out of line, if you so much as whimper without my permission, I will throw you into the streets myself." He waited to let his words sink in before continuing. "If you choose to leave your clothes wait for you in the bathroom, if you want to stay, take your punishment and be my sweet girl forever then simply kiss my left boot." He released the collar she wore from the leash and waited patiently for her answer... 
Posts: 167471
Un Pari Stupide Je me présente Michel, 26 ans, je travaille chez EDF comme ouvrier de maintenance sur les lignes électriques. J’ai eu la chance de séduire et épousé la plus belle femme au monde(selon mes critères bien sur) Elle est très élégante, féminine, la classe en quelque sorte. Elle est issue d’une famille bourgeoise, pratiquante, voir hyper catholique. Lors que nous sortions ensemble avant notre mariage, c’était pelotage, roulage de belle et petite branlette pour moi. Les parents lui avaient rentré dans le crane qu’il ne fallait rien faire avant le mariage. Et oui ça existe encore ! Je l’avoue après nos fiançailles nous avons fauté une ou deux fois. Le mariage était réservé et toute la machine en route pour la cérémonie dans l’église saint Bernard a Paris. Je l’aime à la folie. Sauf que niveau cul c’était très calme. Petite levrette par la, missionnaire par ici. C’est tout. Le hic, c’est que moi depuis ado, j’adore le sexe. Mes ex peuvent en témoigner. Mais bon il n’y a pas que le cul dans la vie. Je me suis adapter aux mœurs bourgeoises ni pipes, ni sodo. D’ailleurs j’ai même pas osé lui demander. Mais après 6 mois de mariage heureux le naturel revient au galop. J’étais en manque de cul. Je l’aimais trop pour la tromper donc je me suis rabattu sur les films x et Internet en cachette bien sur. C’est d’ailleurs comme ça que j’ai trouvé ce site. Plusieurs récits de cocu m’ont passionnés. Surtout ceux ou la femme se transforme. J’aimais imaginer que c’était ma femme dans les récits et moi le cocu. Ca me faisait fantasmer grave. J’avais un collègue célibataire, genre don juan qui se levait une meuf a chaque fois qu’il sortait en boite. De 18 a 63 ans (c’est mister record comme il dit) rien ne l’arretait. L’aillant deja vue a poil sous la douche apres une partie de foot, je pu constater qu’il etait bien membré. Au moins 20cm au repos. Moi qui arrive à 12 voir 13 devant un bon film de cul…pardon je voulais dire avec ma femme. Je me faisais discret et petit sous la douche. Evidement un jour en discutant cul avec lui, je lui dis que ma femme était très coincée au niveau cul. Il me répondit que c’était un peu de ma faute, qu’il fallait juste trouver la clé pour la decoincer. Que je savais pas y faire. En rigolant, il me disait même que s’il voulait, il pouvait la faire craquer, qu’elle ne pourrait résister à ces charmes. Un peu vexer mais sure de mois je lui pariais 2 week-ends de garde qu’il se prendrait un râteau. Pari tenu me repondit-il. Et il élabora mister plan. Je devais l’inviter chez nous pour un dîner. A 23h un autre collègue devait appeler mon portable pour simuler un dépannage d’urgence pour me faire absenter une parti de la nuit. J’étais content de mettre dans la combine un autre collègue Nous serions deux a le vanner sur le râteau qu’il allait prendre. Ensuite le matin il me ferait le compte rendu. Confiant pour notre couple je cru bon de lui préciser quand même de ne pas oublier les capotes car ma femme et moi essayons à cette époque d’avoir un enfant. Le dîner était prévu pour dans une semaine. Contrairement au scénario je voulais observer la scène et je trouva ma solution. Habitant un petit pavillon, il me serait facile de simuler mon départ et revenir par le derrière du jardin ou donnait la fenêtre de la chambre et du salon. Le matin du repas je démontais tous les volets en bois pour les peindre et les laisser sécher pendant deux jours. J’étais fier de mon excuse pour laisser les fenêtres dispos a mon regard. Mon collègue ignorait cette parti du plan. Il pensait que j’étais en vadrouille pendant la nuit, me conseillant même de dormir au formule 1 du coin. Pourquoi donc ? Il allait se prendre un râteau. La soirée venue, il se présenta à 20h comme prévu. Ma femme portait une robe d’été a fleur avec dessous des slips et soutiens gorges 100% coton rien de sexi j’avoue. Moi un bermuda classique avec un polo. Je fut surpris de le voir arrivé en survet et marcel. Tout de blanc vêtu, le tout assez moulant, je l’avoue. Alors que j’étais seul dans la cuisine pour préparer les gâteaux apéritifs, il me rejoignit, laissant ma femme seule dans le salon. Fier de lui il me demanda si j’avais réserver l’hôtel car il allait gagner le pari. Me faisant même remarquer qu’il n’avait pas mis de caleçon pour gagner du temps. Le repas se passa bien même si je remarqua que mon collègue avait tendance a toujours remplir en vin le verre de ma femme. On discutait de tout, politiques, société, vacances etc. et de file en aiguille ma femme parla de mister club de danse. Il était 23h le téléphone misterna, je m’excusa et laissa ma femme aux joues rougies par le vin avec mon collègue Avant de partir, je laissa la fenêtre du salon et de la chambre ouverte. Je revint par derrière 15 mn après pour me cacher derrière la fenêtre du salon. La nuit aidant j’étais bien caché. Je pouvais tout entendre Mon collègue fit part à ma femme de sa passion pour la danse aussi. Je voyais bien que ma femme était pompette lorsque mon collègue mis lui même un disque dans le lecteur. Ils voulaient danser. C’était un cd de Sade. Danser sur de la saoul, voir un slow ; c’était pas bien compliquer. Au début ils se regardaient droit dans les yeux en discutant et fur a mesure ; ils se resserrèrent. Coller l’un contre l’autre. Mon collègue les mains sur le dos de ma femme tandis qu’elle avait posé sa tête contre la poitrine de celui ci. Mon collègue se sépara pour baisser le volume de la musique et je pu découvrir qu’il pendait à mort car sa bite était dresser droit devant lui sous mister survet. Je compris pourquoi il n’avait pas mis de slip maintenant. Ma femme devait le sentir contre elle et ne disait rien !! Ils se rapprochèrent pour de nouveau danser lentement. Je vis nettement le sexe de mon collègue se redresser contre le ventre de ma femme. Elle ne s’écartait pas dut tout. Lentement les mains de mon pote descendis sur les fesses de ma femme pour devenir immobiles. Puis il commença à caresser le cul de ma femme ; glisser ses mains sous sa robe. Ma femme ne disait toujours rien. C’est elle-même qui commença à l’embrasser. Il l’a fit se retourner pour danser coller contre mister dos. Il avait sorti mister sexe pour le glisser entre les cuisses de madame. Elle se laissait toujours faire quand je le vis descendre sa culotte, pour la ôter complètement. Ensuite tout en dansant, il s’attaqua aux nichons de ma femme. Pour les sortir 1 par 1. Ma femme dansait les seins a l’air dans mon salon avec mon collègue Il allait gagner mister pari ! En dansant ils se dirigent lentement vers la table ou ma femme mis ses mains. Mon collègue remonta sa robe qui était maintenant enroulée autour de la taille. Il la doigta rapidement pour ensuite se dévêtir complètement, enlevant mister survit et mister marcel. C’est vrai que ça queue était énorme une fois bander. Bien plus longue et large que la mienne. Il enfila une capote et lorsque que je vis mister gland entrer dans le minou de ma femme ; ma première réflexion fut que j’avais perdu mon pari. Il coulissait en elle lentement pour l’habituer ; puis fur a mesure sur toute la longueur. Apres quelques mouvements il l’a fit se retourner pour l’allonger le dos sur la table ; lui écarta les jambes pour de nouveau la pénétrer doucement puis de plus en plus rapide. Ma femme qui ne disait rien, couinait juste sous les coups de bites. C’est elle-même qui se pencha en avant pour embrasser mon collègue D’où j’étais, je pouvais les voir de profil. Mon collègue se redressa et je compris qu’il était entrain de jouir dans sa capote. J’étais cocu mais je bandais grave. Ma femme semblait culpabiliser car elle demanda à mon cocufieur de partir et de ne surtout rien dire. Ayant peur d’être vu, je me cacha au fond du jardin pour le laisser partir. Au bout d’une demi-heure, je trouvai le temps long, trouvant surprenant que mon collègue soit partir alors que je n’ai pas entendu de voiture bouger. Soudain j’entendis ma femme crier comme quand elle fait l’amour avec moi ! Sauf que j’étais dans le jardin. Mon collègue était encore la et ils avaient remis le couvert. Je me déplaça vers la fenêtre du salon mais permisterne ; Me dirigea ensuite vers celle de notre chambre pour les voir entrain de copuler dans notre lit conjugal. Au début je fut choquer car mon collègue dépassait les limites ; Notre pari consistait à une fois. Car je n’en voulait pas a ma femme. J’étais excité et me branlais alors que ma femme prenait mister pied dans mon lit avec mon collègue Je ne voyais pas en detail mais ma femme allonger sur le dos avait ses jambes enrouler dans le dos de mon collegue. J’avais du louper une bonne parti de l’épisode car il joui rapidement en restant enfoncé dans ma femme. Ils restèrent l’un sur l’autre toujours emboîté et s’embrassèrent. Ma femme lui dit -Tu baise comme un dieu mais c’était un accident, j’aime mon mari. Je fut soulager d’entendre ça. Mais qu’elle fut pas ma surprise lorsque mon collègue se retira de ma femme. Il ne portait pas de capote. Il avait joui dans ma femme, elle qui ne prenait plus la pilule pour avoir un enfant avec moi. J’étais effondré. J’avais perdu mon pari, il l’avait baisé une fois puis deux. J’avais jamais autant joui en me branlant mail ce sale con la deuxième fois ne c’était pas protégé. Je le vis partir ensuite, le suivant de peu pour me trouver une chambre au formule 1 pour revenir à la maimister vers 7h30 avant que ma femme ne parte au boulot. Elle était déjà habiller, et eu juste le temps ne m’embrasser et me dire que mon collègue dansait bien mais était parti une heure après moi. Une fois parti, aillant la journée libre comme d’hab. après une nuit sur le terrain ; j’allais me recoucher. Elle avait changé les draps. Aucune trace de mon cocufiage. 
Posts: 167471
En revenant travailler le lendemain je croisa Antoine, mon cocufieur et Arnaud le complice du téléphone. Je jouais l’innocent quand Arnaud demanda qui avait gagné le pari. Antoine avait ramené la culotte de ma femme et déclara avoir gagné en ayant baisé ma femme sur la table à manger. Toutefois il me rassura en me disant qu’il s’était protégé ; Qu’il était parti aussitôt après. Il mentait à moitié. C’est vrai il avait baisé ma femme avec capote sur la table mais il a oublié de précisé la deuxième fois sans capote dans mon lit. Il rajouta que derrière mister apparence bourgeoise coincée se cachait une vraie femme en chaleur ; qu’il fallait juste trouver l’interrupteur. Sur quoi je répondis qu’il avait réussi une fois à se faire ma femme parce qu’elle était bourrée mais que qu’il n’arriverait sûrement pas une autre fois. Il me promit qu’il pouvait lui faire l’amour toute une nuit sans une goutte d’alcool et qu’elle ne pourrait rien lui refuser à power de jouir. J’avais totalement confiance a ma femme, qui n’avait cédée qu’à cause de l’alcool. Il me proposa un plan fou de venir un soir chez moi pendant qu’officiellement je travaillerai pour la faire jouir toute la nuit. Devant ma confiance il me proposa même de me cacher derrière la fenêtre avec Arnaud pour observer la nuit de folie qu’il allait lui offrir. Confiant j’accepta la proposition. Le fameux soir, alors que je me glissais discrètement dans le jardin avec Arnaud ; Antoine arriva. Décidément il était encore habillé sport. Short d’athlétisme blanc et large avec un tshirt sans manche rouge. Il vint nous saluer avant comme il dit mister entrée en scène. On pouvait voir mister gros paquet sous mister short. Il ne portait encore rien. Il ne manque pas de culot. Il fit le tour pour misterner à la porte. Ma femme qui était prête à se coucher le reconnu dans le judas et ouvrit la porte en peignoir avec en dessous une nuisette. Il s’excusa pour mister passage improvisé mais comme il faisait un footing il en profitait pour dire bonjours. Ma femme le fit rentrer et s’asseoir sur le divan qui se trouvait en face de la fenêtre, donc en face de moi et Arnaud. Ma femme qu’en à elle, pris le fauteuil dos a la fenêtre. Antoine était assis jambes écartées ; ce qui laissait dépasser le bout de mister gland par une des jambes. Faisant semblant de rien ils discutaient de tout et de rien mais ma femme ne pouvait louper ce spectacle. Puis Arnaud engagea la conversation sur la soirée de l’autre jour ; qu’il avait adoré lui faire l’amour. Ma femme lui repondit que c’était un accident, qu’elle m’aimait trop. Arnaud continuait sur le sujet. Il décrivait comment il avait aimé la prendre sur la table, lui peloter ses seins … Il était très précis dans mister récit et cela le faisait bander car mister gland ressortait d’au moins 10cm de mister short. Il fit semblant de s’en apercevoir et en remettant sa bite en place, s’excusa. Il se leva, sa bite au garde a vous sous mister short blanc et se dirigea vers ma femme toujours assise ; Il la remercia pour le café mais il devait partir. Tout en parlant, il remettait de nouveau sa queue en place. Il rajouta que vu mister état, il ne pouvait pas courir ; que c’était elle qui le rendait comme ça, que je devais avoir de la chance d’avoir une jolie femme comme ça. Au moment de lui tourner le dos pour partir, ma femme le rappela pour li demander l’invraisemblable. Elle avait trouvé sa queue énorme par rapport à la mienne et voulait juste la voir avant de partir. Antoine s’exécuta et descendis légèrement mister short pour sortir sa grosse bite bandée. Il pris la main de ma femme et la posa dessus. Antoine prévoyait tout, il savait que l’on ne pouvait rien voir car ma femme était de dos ; il tourna donc le fauteuil pour être de profil a la fenêtre. Il enleva complètement mister short et se laissa branler par ma femme. En même temps il rapprochait sa bite de la bouche de ma femme qui faisait tout pour empêcher ça. Elle lui dit qu’elle n’avait jamais fait ca, de plus elle devait s’arrêter car elle ne voulait pas me tromper. Antoine lui qu’elle devait essayer une fois dans sa vie, que sucer n’ai pas trompé. Elle le branla avec ses deux mains pendant 5mn puis Antoine mis une main derrière sa nuque et lui demanda d’ouvrir sa bouche. Ce qu’elle fit sans protester. Il y glissa sa bite ; pour la première fois de sa vie ma femme taillait une pipe. Mais ce n’était pas avec moi ! De plus mon collègue pouvait voir le spectacle aussi. Au début timide, elle prenait ensuite de l’assurance. Lui léchant ses bourses ou en le suçant sur toute la longueur. Je bandais en voyant ma femme sucer une bite pour la première fois de sa vie. Elle avait l’air d’aimer ça en plus. Sucer mon collègue dans notre maimister ne lui posait aucun remord apparemment. Apres 10 bonnes minutes de traite Antoine était près a jouir. Ma femme voulant se retirer mais Antoine la maintint avec ses deux mains et au bruit que firent les deux je compris qu’il était en train de jouir dans sa bouche. Pour un baptême, elle avait la totale. Et je fus surpris de voir qu’elle avala toute la semence de mister amant sans aucun problème. Elle rajouta même que c’était délicieux et regrettait de ne pas y avoir goutter plutôt. Ma femme réussie à dire qu’il fallait arrêter, que ce n’était pas correcte vis a vis de moi. Elle proposa à Antoine e partir et se leva en face de lui. Je les vis se regarder yeux dans les yeux ; puis comme s’ils craquaient sous la tentation, se jeter l’un cotre l’autre pour se rouler des pelles. Elle se retrouva vite nue devant Antoine qui dirigea sa bite dans la caverne de ma femme. Le salaud, il ne portait pas de capote ! Il la baisait debout devant nous. Elle avait craqué de nouveau. J’étais surpris, déçu mais aussi excité de l’ exsiber devant Arnaud. Au bout d’un certain temps, Antoine fit mettre ma femme a 4 pattes pour la prendre en levrettes justes devant la fenêtre ou nous étions cachés. Il la chevauchait violemment alors qu’elle gémissait. Je l’avoue, il était très endurant. Je voyais en même temps qu’il doigtait le cul de ma femme. Descidement il lui faisait franchir un autre tabou ; moi qui n’ai jamais reussi une seule fois a lui toucher sa rondelle. Il sortit de la chatte de ma femme et dirigea sa grosse queue sur l’œillet. Elle ne se laissait pas faire malgré les encouragements d’Antoine. Il n’insistait pas. Je le vis se diriger vers le mur et décrocher notre photo de mariage pour la donner à ma femme et il lui de penser à quelque chose d’agréable, notre mariage, notre nuit de noces. En disant cela il se remis derrière ma femme pour lui reprendre sa chatte alors que ma femme tenait notre photo. Puis alors qu’ils commentaient notre mariage, Antoine dirigea sa bite sur la pastille de ma femme et poussa. Je vis le gland passer sa petite porte. Ma femme disait qu’elle avait mal, de s’arreter. Ce qu’il fit en laissant le bout de mister gland dans mister cul. C’était presque comique, installer de cette façon, ils discutaient de notre couple. Sans que ma femme sans rende compte, il s’enfonçait fur et a mesure dans mister cul pour finalement lui mettre la totalité de mister chibre. Ce qu’il lui fit remarquer et il commença à bouger de plus en plus vite, faisant même ressortir sa bite pour mieux lui renfoncer. Je bandais grave de voir ma femme se faire enculer devant moi et mon collègue Alors que ma femme semblai jouir du cul, je devinais Antoine decharger mister sperme tiede dans ses intestins. Ensuite Antoine s’allongea sur le dos pour se reposer et je vis ma femme, sourire aux lèvres, elle aussi se reposer en posant sa tête sur le ventre de mon collègue, et s’amuser avec sa bite qui restait à moitié dure. Elle réussit à le faire bander de nouveau et sans que Antoine la pousse, elle commença à le sucer, goulûment. Je la vis même lui sucer mister petit trou en glissant sa langue. Ma petite femme bourgeoise me surprenait encore. Elle stoppa pour venir s’empaler sur la bite et dicter le mouvement. Elle l’embrassait avec passion. Je voyais entre ses jambes la bite l’écarter. Antoine se crispa et en hurlant joui dans mister utérus fertile. Arnaud et moi les vîmes baiser toute la nuit. Antoine lui arrosa de mister sperme aussi bien la bouche, sa chatte que mister cul. Vers 8h du mat elle lui ordonna de partir car je devais revenir bientôt mais rajouta qu’elle aimerait bien le revoir. 
Posts: 167471
Ca m’excitait de voir ma femme comme ça. De devenir assoiffée de sexe avec une autre permisterne. Certes j’étais cocu mais je prouvais à mes deux potes que ma femme n’était pas si coincé que ça. Depuis mon mariage, mes collègues, comme mes amis me demandait ce que je faisais avec une femme comme ça. Ils la trouvaient toute gentille mais trop coincée, trop bourge. Et ce ne mistert as ses tenus vestimentaires qui pouvait dire le contraire. Jupe plissée en dessous des genoux, chemisier blancs ; cheveux longs mais toujours avec un chignon ou en natte. Genre grenouille de bénitier comme j’entendais certaines fois. Je savais que pendant mes week-end de gardes, Antoine continuait de voir ma femme. Cela se passait toujours chez moi. De ne rien voir, cela me rendais un peu jaloux. Même si ce n’est pas moi qui faisais l’amour(voir baiser) a ma femme, lorsque je les voyais j’avais l’impression de profiter de ma femme quand même. J’ai bien sur parler à Antoine pour qu’il arrête de voir ma femme, qu’il en avait assez profité. Mais il n’était pas d’accord avec moi, me disant que ma femme était devenue accro a sa queue (c’est vrai qu’il y avait une belle différence de taille par rapport à moi) qu’il pouvait en faire e qu’il voulait d’elle. Comme il me le dit, elle était sous mister emprise, comme dominé. De plus, je pense qu’il avait raimister, en arrêtant leur manège, elle pouvait devenir triste et me quitter. Apres 2-3 jours de réflexions, je revins le voir et proposer comme un contrat. Il pouvait profiter de ma femme mais je voulais aussi ma part du gâteau. Puisqu’elle me trompait, je voulais un peu me venger. Je demandais à Antoine de pousser mister jeu encore plus loin, de la dévergonder encore plus. Mais je n’assistais pas a la scène, je voulais qu’il me raconte tout. Mon premier plan fut de l’exciber encore plus. Je la savais très pudique et je voulais transgresser ses limites. Mon premier projet fut qu’Antoine baise ma femme dans le jardin, qu’elle se fasse mater à mister insu par le voisin et par un livreur. Pour le voisin se fut facile de trouver comment.. Nous avions une tondeuse a gazon en commun et je lui demandais donc de me la rapporter vendredi a 16h car ma femme serait la, sûrement entrain de jardiner ses fleurs. Pour le livreur, facile aussi, on fait nos courses sur et je précisais l’heure entre 16h30 et 17h. Bien sur Antoine était dans la combine et au courant de tout. Le lendemain, il me fit un compte rendu, la mission avait été accomplie. Il était arrivé à 15h30 et avait décide de pimenter ses ébats avec un foulard noir. Ma femme avait été réticente a être nue dans le jardin mais céda à ses avances. Apres l’avoir déshabillée, il la fit mettre à genoux sur le transat. Il a commencé à lui baiser la chatte puis c’est arrêté, pour lui bander les yeux. Ensuite il l'a laissée comme ça sur la chaise pour faire le tour de la maimister et observer le voisin. Lorsqu’il le vit arriver avec la tondeuse, il couru vers ma femme pour la prendre de nouveau. Sauf que cette fois ci, il commentait mister action. Il avait aperçu le voisin caché au coin du mur et les observer. Il demanda a ma femme bien haut si ça lui plaisait de se faire enculer par le collègue de mister mari. Sur quoi elle répondit oui. Alors qu’il lui enfonçait la totalité de sa bite dans mister cul. Il la traitait de tous les noms alors qu’il lui défonçait mister petit trou. Il l’a fit s’asseoir pour poser sa queue sur ses lèvres et jouir dans sa bouche. Il me rajouta qua ce moment la, il croisa le regard du voisin, qui partit aussitôt. Après quelques minutes de repos, il recommença à la baiser en prenant mister temps. Le livreur arriva dans le jardin alors que ma femme était assise sur la bite d‘Antoine. Elle voulu se dégager mais il l’en empêcha et lui ordonna de signer le bon de livraimister encore embrocher sur sa queue. Le livreur bien sur n’en perda pas une bouchée. Après mister départ, elle fut très gêner mais finalement super excité car c’est elle-même qui baisait maintenant. Elle donnait le rythme, prenant l’initiative de s’enculer elle-même. Le récit d'Antoine m’a beaucoup excité même s’il refuse toujours de mettre des capotes. Je voulais encore pousser le bouchon plus loin 
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alors là Chrislebo, chapeau pour cette histoire! vite la suite!!!
Posts: 167471
Je crois que se sera tout 
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KKK, Grand Wizard
I couldn't believe that this was happening to me, I'd only wanted to see my pretty wife being fucked by one of those niggers, and now here I was getting my just due. Why, oh why had I ever gotten myself into this in the first place.
If anyone else in the Klan ever found out about this I'd be ruined, no I'd be dead. Fuck what now...?
"Give him to Mo," said the man in my wife's ass, "and see what he can do with a foot of Alabama black snake."
The small black guy who was called Karl shoved me towards the man who had first grabbed me and who now sported a 12" cock that was as big around as a coke bottle.
"He's always wanted to fuck my ass," said my wife, "now ya'll can show him what it feels like for me. Put him up on the bed beside me so I can see you do it."
I was shoved roughly onto the bed and Mo grabbed me around the throat. "I'm feeling generous so if you want to wipe some of the cum off of your wife and spread it on your ass-hole then do it quick, it might make this easier."
The idea made sense to me since I had no desire to have my ass torn open so I ran my hand across my wife's stomach where there was about a 1/8th inch layer of cum and ran it over my anus.
"That's a good boy," said Mo and he pressed the head of his cock against my ass. It felt like a fucking orange pushing up against me and I knew that there was no way that I was going to be able to take it in. Just then the cock that had been in my wife's ass pulled out and began to spray cum like a water hose. It was every bit of 15" long and as big around as a coke can. I had no idea that a human cock could be so big, it was almost scary to think that my wife had taken it. I just prayed that he wouldn't try for me.
My wife laughed out loud as she reached down, grabbed the monster and pointed it at my face. I reflexively jerked back from the torrent of cum just as Mo pushed forward into my anus.
"SHIT!!" I screamed as half his cock entered my virgin ass-hole.
"Thanks Horse," Mo laughed to the mammoth cock wielder, "I needed a little help to get into this pussy ladyfucker."
The guy in my wife's mouth moved down to her pussy as the big man called Horse rolled out from under her and Karl moved his 13" into her mouth. I almost forgot about the cock in my ass as I saw my wife begin to deep throat him, until Mo began to pump into me violently.
"Damn," said Mo, "You're tighter than your whore wife was when we first started with her." His dick must have rubbed my prostate (or so I wanted to believe) because I began to cum like a madman. The special nut that I had been saving for the last three months was now spewing all over my bed as a huge nigger fucked my ass.
I was ashamed, angry, and ready to die from embarrassment, I was also the center of attention. "Look at all the cum that tiny thing is shooting," said my wife as her mouth came free of Karl's cock, "he must really enjoy you Mo. He's taking you like a natural."
I couldn't believe that my wife was enjoying my offense so much. Suddenly the guy in her pussy began to shout "I'M CUMMING WHORE!! TAKE MY FUCKING LOAD!" and he began to ram harder into her. My wife began to buck wildly on his 10-inch cock as he came.
As he pulled out he said "Karl, this cuckolds brownie is so full of cum I can hardly feel anything anymore."
"Well," said the big man called Horse, "her husband should do something about that since he is our host."
Horse grabbed my wife by her 24-inch waist and shoved her pussy under my face. "Clean that cuckolds brownie up you cock loving faggot," he growled.
I could see cum pouring out of her twat and I thought to myself, "There is no way I'm eating that cuckolds brownie!" Suddenly Mo shoved hard into me as he began to fill my ass with cum and powerd my face into her twat. I heard a muffled voice say "Eat or *** lady fucker." and laughter filled the room.
I had lost all thoughts of pride or manliness and I began to lap the cum out of my wife's pussy.
"That's it honey," said my wife, "dig that tongue deep up inside and get it all out."
While I was eating what seemed like gallons of sperm from my wife I felt Mo pull out of my ass only to be replaced by another cock. "Well since her pussy is in the shop for maintenance," Horse's voice said, "I guess I'll have to use this pussy instead." And he shoved his giant cockhead against my ass.
I didn't even protest as his fist sized cockhead moved deep into my anus, I just continued licking my wife's swollen cunt.
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!"No rent again." The deep, booming voice of the landlord seemed to fill the tiny apartment. "This is the third month in a row, Mr. Burnside." "I know." Steve Burnside answered his voice small in the wake of such a huge man. "Well then you should also know that you'll be on the street by the end of the week." There seemed to e in the large man's eyes even though there was none in his voice. "I've given you and your wife more than enough chances to make things even." "Please, sir." Steve said in a soft plea. "We've got a sick baby and my job is barely paying enough to cover all of her doctors' visits." "I'm sorry, Mr. Burnside." The landlord didn't seem sorry. Not at all. "I'll do anything, sir." "Anything?" The landlord's tone of voice sent chills of regret and fear down Steve's spine. "Maybe we can work something out after all." "Thank you, sir." Relief rushed through out Steve's body and a small, hopeful smile began to spread upon his lips. "Don't thank me just yet, Mr. Burnside." The landlord chuckled. "I think we'll be taking your rent out of your flesh." "What?" Confusion filled Steve's mind. "You want me to work for you?" "Sort of." The grin on the landlord's face seemingly grew cruel. "I'm a man of certain appetites, Mr. Burnside. My taste's run deep and varied." "Ok?" Steve said looking for any sign of hope on the large man's face. "What do I have to do?" "Mr. Burnside, I have an itch that I haven't scratched in quite sometime, and I'm hoping that you could scratch that itch for me." "You want me to scratch your back?" A chuckle passed the landlord's lips. "No." He smiled his large mouth reminded Steve of a shark's. "I want you to relieve me." "How?" "Sexually, Mr. Burnside." The man let loose a cruel chuckle. "I want your body in exchange for letting you stay in my apartment." "That is crazy." Steve said, anger mixing into his voice. "That is a sin, and illegal." Steve felt his religious roots flaring up inside him. Years of Sunday school telling him that the very thought of such an act would surely doom him to Hell. The landlord seemed unfazed by Steve's fears. "It's that or the streets, Mr. Burnside." The landlord spoke these words softly, but the cruelty was still there. "And what of dear little Abigail? A sick baby won't last on the streets, especially during a cold winter." "Sir, please." Steve whimpered. "Only one thing that I'll take instead of cash. Your body." "Sir," Steve started to say something but stopped well aware that his pleas would fall upon deaf ears. "I don't know, sir." "Well, Mr. Burnside, you are going to have to make a decision." "I'll do it." Steve said with a sigh. He decided that maybe God could understand this act of sin if he knew it was to save his precious young. "We'll start slow, Mr. Burnside." The land lord was working at his belt buckle. Steve cringed knowing that he was going to perform a disgusting act of sin right there in the kitchen of his and his wife's apartment. "Consider this a down payment on a promise." The landlord let his slacks drop to the floor and Steve was surprised to see that the man was not wearing any underwear at all. "You can suck my cock right now, and someday soon you can come down to my place and I'll take your rent out of your ass." Steve cringed. Thinking of a future payment was cringe worthy, but he knew that this was probably the only way to stay in the apartment. "Sir, I've never done anything like this before." Steve said knowing that his voice was soft, pathetic. He felt like a stranger in his own skin. The landlord smiled his cruel smile and motioned for Steve to come closer. Steve crossed his kitchen as slowly as he could, but the trip was still too short for his liking. Finally in front of the landlord Steve stopped. "On your knees, Mr. Burnside." Steve sighed and got down onto his knees slowly. "Take my cock into your mouth." Steve looked at his landlord's penis for what felt like an eternity. It was bigger than Steve had expected, far larger than his or any other he had ever seen. He slowly reached a finger out to touch it, and felt a little piece of his soul die. "Put it in your mouth." The landlord's booming voice carried a tone of annoyed anger. Steve opened his mouth and took the hard cock into with all the enjoyment of a kid at the dentist. His wife rarely performed oral sex on him, and he had only ever seen one pornographic film when he was thirteen. He knew so little about the act of oral sex that he was sure he would fail in the one task that could save his family from the cold streets. He took as much of the landlord's penis into his mouth as he could, and when he felt it on the back of his mouth he nearly gagged. The taste and smell of the man's penis was not entirely unpleasant, but it was defiantly not something that Steve found himself enjoying. "You're doing fine for your first time, Mr. Burnside." The landlord said his breath now heavier than before. "Soon you'll be a pro at sucking my cock." Steve continued what he was doing mimicking what his wife had done the few times she had ventured down on him. After what felt like ages the landlord finally said something. "I think I might be getting close, Mr. Burnside. I expect you to swallow all of my jizz." Steve sighed inwardly, his mouth was growing tired, but the fear of a mouthful of this man's seed had him begging God to prolong the even as long as possible. "You really are doing an amazingly good job for your first time." The praise seemed genuine. Steve felt the man's body twitch, his penis seemed to throb inside of Steve's mouth. Quite suddenly Steve felt his mouth fill with a rush of warm seed. The taste was unlike anything that Steve had ever had in his mouth. He swallowed hoping to please the landlord enough that the man would leave his family only for a while. He was pleased with himself when all of the warm seed was gone from his mouth and the landlord pulled away. "Thank you, Mr. Burnside." The landlord said softly. He pulled up his slacks. "I guess I'll see you in a week for the next rent payment." Steve felt like he might cry, but lifted himself off the ground to stand in the kitchen that he had earned for another week. The landlord smiled at Steve and then let himself out. Steve knew that there would be a next time, and for just a moment Steve let himself cry. 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Blackmailed by a Teenager LeAnn watches through the kitchen window as her neighbor Kim sunbathes in the backyard. LeAnn cannot believe the teenager's boldness. Only 18, Kim frequently lies on a towel in the backyard, completely nude. LeAnn has caught her husband Brian about six months earlier staring at Kim's shapely body at the local hamburger joint where she worked. LeAnn, a Mother of three, committed herself to increasing her aerobic workouts and dieting. At 33, and 5 feet tall LeAnn possessed a great body. Her tight, pear-shaped ass was the results of the aerobic workouts. LeAnn's 36C tits were firm, and did not reflect the sagginess of three pregnancies. Still, as LeAnn looked out the window she resented Kim's taut 18-year-old stomach and thin waist. Kim was about 5 foot 7 inches and her 36D breasts stood straight up with areolas the size of quarters and topped with small, nubby nipples. LeAnn admired Kim's long, blonde hair, which she always wore up when working. LeAnn mentally compared her own light brown hair to Kim's and decided it was just a touch longer. LeAnn always heard rumors about Kim in high school, that Kim was not only the prettiest girl in school, but also the high school slut. As LeAnn watched Kim through the window she was shocked to see Kim's hand slide down between her thighs. LeAnn could see that Kim's cunt was completely shaven as Kim slides her finger between her meaty cunt lips. LeAnn blushed even though no one was at home as Kim worked her finger around her clit. LeAnn could not turn her eyes away as Kim quickened her pace of rubbing her clit, occasionally finger-fucking herself. She felt her heart rate increase with her breathing as Kim arched her back and was having an obvious orgasm. This infuriated her even more. She was very conservative in her sex life and never masturbated. Her and Brian enjoyed "straight" sex about once a week. LeAnn did not even owe a pair of sexy underwear although Brian would occasionally encourage her to buy some. LeAnn sighed slightly as Kim stood up, stretched, her tits sticking out more; swollen from the sexual excitement, and walked into the house. LeAnn continued to prepare dinner, as Brian would be home soon. After LeAnn was fast arelax her and Brian were awakened by the thumping of a bass guitar coming from outside. LeAnn got up and put on her terry cloth robe and looked out the window. Next-door it was obvious that Kim was having a party. There were several young adult hanging around outside. To add insult to injury, they appeared to Kim to be takeing. The thumping continued loud enough that it vibrated the walls of Brian and LeAnn's room. "I'm going to put a stop to this," LeAnn said to Brian and started downstairs. Brian begged LeAnn to let it go, but LeAnn insisted on calling the police and complaining. After about 15 minutes, the police arrived. LeAnn watched from her bedroom window as the young adults tried to hide their beer. Some leaped over the fence and ran away. Three of the men were taken into a police cruiser. LeAnn stared as Kim was led into a cruiser in handcuffs. LeAnn saw Kim staring up at their bedroom window. LeAnn was sure Kim knew who called the police. LeAnn took in a deep breath enjoying the quiet and returned to bed. "I hope that doesn't come back on you," Brian said and they both fell arelax. Kim was very angry as her lady arrived to post her bail. Kim's lady and LeAnn were good friends so Kim was "grounded" for a week by her Mother. Even though Kim was 18, since she was still in high school, she was considered a minor. Kim knew who turned her in and silently started to plot her revenge. Kim knew that LeAnn and Brian frequently came into the restaurant where she worked. Kim always thought LeAnn was a bit of a prude. She noticed that Brian always was checking her out and decided that she could get her revenge on LeAnn through blackmail. Kim thought about her plan on the way home and remembered that sometimes LeAnn would come into the restaurant for a burger on Friday nights by herself. "That will be perfect," Kim thought and an evil grin ran across her pouty lips. About a month later Kim was ready to hatch her plan. She checked the schedule at work and was happy to find Johnny and Carlos working. Johnny was a huge guy who dropped out of high school a couple of years back. Kim thought he had spent time in the county jail for robbery. Carlos was President of the local Latino gang and was 19 and a senior. Kim found them both in the back when she arrived for work that night. Kim explained her plans to Johnny and Carlos. Carlos was all for it, but wanted to be paid. Johnny wasn't sure. Kim rubbed her tits against Johnny's chest as she whispered into his ear. "I'll suck you off here and down if you'll do this for me," Kim offered. Johnny laughed and agreed and pushed Kim onto her knees. Carlos leaned against a counter, lit a cigarette and watched. "Self-service, bitch," Johnny ordered. Kim flushed red with anger; no one talked to her that way, but wanted to teach Mrs. LeAnn a lesmister so ignored him. Kim unzipped Johnny's jeans and worked her hand inside until she found his already hard cock. Kim gasped as she wrapped her hand around it. Johnny's cock was at least three inches around. As Kim pulled the thick tool from Johnny's pants she stared down at almost twelve inches of hard cock. Kim was experienced at blowjobs, but she had never been with anyone with a cock that size. Kim swallowed hard and wrapped her lips around the head of Johnny's cock. "Ummm, that's great, a little tongue, then take it down your throat," Johnny moaned. Kim did not believe she could take the cock in her throat. Using her tongue to wet the hard cock, Kim worked about four inches into her mouth before she felt the urge to gag. Johnny reached down and grabbed a handful of Kim's hair and shoved her head down on his cock. Kim tried to struggle free, but quickly Carlos was behind her helping Johnny hold her. This is not what Kim had in mind and tried to protest as she fought Johnny's cock. "All right, bitch, take it all," Johnny laughed and shoved his hips forward. 
Posts: 167471
Kim swallowed and gasped trying not to throw-up as the giant cock slide down her throat. When Carlos and Johnny holding her tightly, Kim had no choice. She concentrated on relaxing her throat. Kim was experienced at deep- throating, she just never done one this large. Slowly, Kim's throat relaxed and Johnny started a slow fucking of Kim's face. "I want this cunt," Carlos spat and started pushing Kim's skirt over her hips. Kim shook her head in protest, but her words were just muffled behind Johnny's cock. Kim felt the cool air of the restaurant on her ass as Carlos pushed her skirt over her hips. Johnny held Kim's head tightly and step backwards powering her onto her knees. Kim heard the zipper on Carlos's pants and his hand on the thin strip of cloth that protected her cunt. Carlos pulled the thong to one side. "This bitch's cunt is shaved, I luv 'em that way," Carlos told Johnny. Kim tried to concentrate on the cock in her throat as she felt the other dick spreading her cunt lips. With one thrust, Carlos shoved his cock deep into Kim's cunt. Kim grunted around the dick in her throat. Johnny and Carlos got into a rhythm bouncing Kim between them. Kim was now actually starting to enjoy being used as Johnny quickened his pace. She sucked harder on Johnny's cock and swirled her tongue across the end every time Johnny pulled out of her throat. Suddenly Johnny stiffened and pushed his cock down Kim's throat. Kim could feel the globs of sperm running into her stomach as Johnny shot his load. He held Kim's head in place until his cock went limp, then pulled out. "Thanks, you're a great face fuck," Johnny commented. "You bastards," Kim spat as Carlos thrust quickly in and out of her cunt, "I never said I would do this." "You'll do whatever we want bitch," Carlos laughed and pounded Kim harder. As the orgasm washed over Kim Carlos pulled out and laid his cock between Kim's asscheeks. Kim felt the spurts of sperm land in the crack of her ass even through her own orgasm. Carlos and Johnny each lit a cigarette and told Kim they would be happy to help her with her plan. Kim cursed under her breath as she started for the restroom to clean up. "You bastards, you're damn right you'll help me," Kim said as she past. Carlos and Johnny laughed and watched Kim's ass as she walked away. Johnny felt his cock getting hard again. LeAnn entered the restaurant just as usual and ordered ice tea. She smiled as Kim took her order and Kim smiled back. Kim hoped the have she bought worked as she sprinkled the powder into the ice tea. The man told her it would remove inhibitions while impairing the memory. Kim paid him over two weeks salary for just one dose. Carlos and Johnny watched from the kitchen as Kim spiked the tea and took it out to LeAnn. LeAnn placed her order and Kim left and hid in the kitchen with Carlos and Johnny. The man who sold her the have told Kim that once her victim took three or four sips, the have would work quickly. Kim waited anxiously and counted each sip LeAnn took. LeAnn thought the tea was a little bitter as she sipped again. She found Kim to be very contrite and was pleased. LeAnn was a little disappointed that Brian did not comment on her new outfit before she left. LeAnn though she looked good in the black slacks and sweater. After a fourth sip of tea LeAnn felt lightheaded, then everything went black. Kim, Carlos, and Johnny worked fast. Carlos and Johnny pretended to be carrying out a takesen customer as they walked LeAnn into the back and through a rear exit to the van waiting. LeAnn weakly struggled as she was powerd onto the floor of the back of the van. Carlos and Johnny crawled into the back of the van with LeAnn and Kim hurried back into the restaurant. Kim went to the boss and told him she had to leave and clocked out. Returning to the van, Kim started it and drove to the clubhouse of Carlos' gang. "Look at the tits on her," Johnny said as he reached down and squeezed LeAnn's breasts through her sweater. LeAnn's protests were like whispers. LeAnn knew that someone was a***ing her breasts but did not have the desire or strength to stop them. When they arrived at the clubhouse, Carlos and Johnny helped LeAnn to her feet. "Where am I?" LeAnn weakly asked and was told by Carlos a party. LeAnn nodded and walked with the two men into the clubhouse with Kim closely behind carrying a large bag. Once inside it was better than Kim expected. There were at least four other gang members present. "What have we got here," one of the gang members asked Carlos. Carlos informed him that LeAnn was a gift for the gang and they all laughed. LeAnn could hear the comments and wanted to run, to protest, but no words came out of her mouth. LeAnn was led by Carlos into the center of the room while Kim set up a video camera and put film in her still camera. "Okay, I'm ready," Kim announced. "Fresh meat," Carlos yelled to the gang members present, "but I get her ass." LeAnn wondered whom the man was talking about until she felt hands all over her. The gang members pulled LeAnn's sweater off and quickly removed her pants. LeAnn stood numbly in the center of the room clad in only her white bra and panties. LeAnn vainly tried to slap hands away as she was spun around and shoved from gang member to gang member. Finally her bra was pulled off and LeAnn fell to the floor. Hand pulled her tits and pinched her nipples. LeAnn felt a hand on each of her ankles and her legs spread lewdly apart. Someone grabbed her hands and pulled them above LeAnn's head. "Noooo," LeAnn managed to squeal as her panties were pulled off leaving her naked and defenseless. "Look at that, she hardly shaves at all," Kim laughed and pointed as she started the video camera and grabbed her still camera. "I'm first," said Johnny who stood between LeAnn's legs. LeAnn saw Johnny's pants drop to his knees. The flashes blinded her and when her eyes adjusted again he was shoving his massive tool into her dry cunt. LeAnn wiggled her ass on the concrete and tried to pull away as Johnny attempted to shove his dick into her dry hole. "She's rubbing me raw," Johnny complained, "let me get her wet." 
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With those words LeAnn felt the pressure leave her cunt. Suddenly something soft flick across her clit and LeAnn looked down between her legs and saw Johnny's head buried into her cunt. LeAnn felt strange needles of pleasure coming from her cunt. As Johnny licked and lapped at her clit, LeAnn sorry started moving her hips. LeAnn's lips were pursed as she closed her eyes enjoying the pleasure Johnny's tongue was giving her. Brian rarely licked her pussy and LeAnn now was wondering why as she slowly approached orgasm. Just as she was close to cumming, the licking stopped. "There, wet as hot butter," Johnny said with pride and pointed his massive dick at LeAnn's opening. Johnny easily shoved his entire 12 inches into LeAnn's cunt. LeAnn moaned in pleasure as she felt the walls of her cunt stretched beyond belief. Johnny pushed himself up so someone could suck LeAnn's tits while he fucked her. Two other gang members took a one tit each in their mouth. LeAnn arched her back and bucked her hips to meet the cock fucking her. She never felt so full and with each stroke, Johnny was rubbing her now hard clit in a way LeAnn never experienced. The two sucking her tits got into a rhythm with Johnny and this sent LeAnn over the edge. LeAnn did not even realized no one was holding her as she wrapped her legs around Johnny's back and shoved her hips upward to meet his thrust. The orgasm swept through her like a tidal wave and LeAnn heard someone begging to be fucked harder. "God, fuck me harder, harder," LeAnn moaned. Kim smiled, her plan was working. She flashed pictures while the video camera caught the action on the floor. Prim and proper LeAnn fucking like a whore. For the next hour LeAnn was fucked by each of the gang members in various position. In addition, she sucked all of them off at least once. At one point, LeAnn was being fucked doggy style and begged to have someone stick a cock in her mouth and suck her tits. She must have experienced twenty orgasms as the gang members used her holes for their pleasure. Carlos and Johnny had fucked LeAnn twice in the cunt and once each in the mouth but now plotted something even better. Carlos explained to Kim who agrees excitedly. Johnny laid on the floor, his cock sticking straight up. Carlos picked LeAnn up and asked her if she wanted to fuck Johnny. LeAnn licked her cum drenched lips and nodded yes. Carlos helped LeAnn straddled Johnny's cock. LeAnn slowly lowered herself, took Johnny's cock in her hand and guided it into her well-used pussy. This time LeAnn easily accommodated the size as she dropped down onto Johnny's cock. LeAnn started rocking up and down while she rubbed her owe tits and pinched her nipples. "Finger yourself," Kim directed. LeAnn immediately complied. As she bounced up and down on Johnny's cock, she pulled her cunt lips apart and stroked and pulled on her swollen clit. LeAnn felt a hand pushing her forward and she lowered herself down onto Johnny's chest. She felt Johnny's arms around her crushing LeAnn's tits against him. Tightly held, all LeAnn could do was wiggle her ass on his cock. She stopped when she felt two hands pulling her asscheeks apart. LeAnn tried to rise up, but Johnny held her tight. LeAnn felt a finger inserted into her ass and started to panic. She twisted from side to side trying to escape the grasp of Johnny, but to no avail. LeAnn felt a second finger and started to whimper. "Hold still and you'll enjoy it," Carlos admonished. LeAnn heeded his advice and stopped struggling. She felt the intense pressure of a cock trying to push into her ass. LeAnn started to move, but Carlos must have anticipated it as he held her ass firmly in place. "Open up and say 'Ah,'" Carlos said with laughter then slammed his cock into LeAnn's ass. "Let her loose." As Carlos plunged his cock into LeAnn's ass, Johnny released her. LeAnn bucked and tossed herself as Carlos held her hips. "God, you're splitting me in half," LeAnn wailed and struggled. Carlos remained still holding her hips until seconds later LeAnn collapsed on top of Johnny. Then he pulled his cock out about half way and LeAnn started to struggle again. Suddenly she felt a hard slap on her ass. "Move again and I'll beat your ass till it reds," Carlos shouted. LeAnn froze. Carlos pumped in and out of her ass and LeAnn groaned in pain. As Carlos worked a froth from his precum and LeAnn's moisture, her ass started to relax. Just as LeAnn was adjusting, Johnny started fucking her again. As Carlos would pull outward, Johnny pushed into LeAnn's cunt. LeAnn flopped like a rag doll between the two boys as they fucked her with a fury. LeAnn became alive as the most intense orgasm of her life hit her like a sledgehammer to the head. "God dammmm, I'm cumming, fuck me, fuck me, fuck my ass, fuck my pussy," LeAnn shouted over and over... LeAnn raised her head from the table and look around. Kim was standing there beside her. "LeAnn, are you okay," Kim asked. "What happened," inquired LeAnn, "what time is it."? "You fell arelax," Kim told her trying to hide the smile, "You were only out a few minutes. "But it's been over two hours," LeAnn said as she hurriedly gather her things to leave, "my family will be worried." "No, LeAnn," Kim corrected, "You put your head down for just a few minutes." LeAnn rushed out of the restaurant. As LeAnn went through the door, Kim glanced back at Johnny and Carlos and winked. LeAnn found the package on her steps with an envelope. On the outside of the envelope were the instructions "WATCH TAPE THEN OPEN." LeAnn opened the package and found the videotape. She walked over to the VCR and popped it in and sat down. LeAnn's hand went over her mouth at the first scene. It was her, LeAnn herself, with a stranger's cock in her mouth and her hand around it. Another stranger stood behind LeAnn obviously fucking her. To LeAnn's further surprise, she could tell that she was enjoying herself. LeAnn shut the tape off and put her head in her hands. "When, how," LeAnn wondered silently and started to cry as she switch the VCR back on. LeAnn watched the entire tape in horror. There she was, lady of three, fucking and sucking the strange men, some boys. LeAnn counted herself having several orgasms. At one point she was sucking one cock, being fucked in her cunt by another while two men sucked her tits and she jacked them off. At that point LeAnn shut the VCR off and torn open the envelope. Inside the envelope were still pictures of LeAnn in various stages of fucking with different men and boys. LeAnn was still confused and she looked at the noted. "LeAnn," it read, "you will follow these instructions to the letter or your videotape and pictures will be sent to the President of the PTA, your kids' teachers, and your husband's boss." LeAnn read the instructions as tears flowed from her face. The final line revealed everything. "Saturday night you will come to my house promptly at 8pm for more fun and games, Kim." LeAnn shook her head in offense. She was being blackmailed. Clearly she was haveged, but you could not tell from the tape and pictures. It looked to LeAnn like she was enjoying herself. LeAnn thought about the police, but Kim's note pointed out that some of the boys fucking her were younger than 18 and LeAnn would be charged with statutory ****. LeAnn was beside herself as she took the pictures, tape, and note upstairs to hide in the closet. LeAnn knew she had no choice. Tomorrow was Saturday; there was not enough time to plan an escape. LeAnn tried to think of some way out and decided she would plead with Kim to destroy the pictures and tapes. However, LeAnn was unsure if she would succeed so she went into the bathroom to comply with some of Kim's instruction. LeAnn sobbed as she lathered her cunt and started shaving her pubic hair. "What will I tell Brian," LeAnn worried, as she finished her cunt and started shaving her ass. "I'll have to buy the things she wants me to wear, I have nothing like that." LeAnn shook her head and tried to stop the tears and think. How did she allow herself to get into this situation, when, who? How could she allow herself to be blackmailed by a teenager? 
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"What do you think you're doing," LeAnn demanded rubbing her buttocks with her hands. "Whatever I want, bitch, and you'll address me as Mistress Kim," she continued, "the one with the tapes and photos of you fucking and sucking boys. Now bend over!" LeAnn was stunned as she allowed Kim to push her back over, hands in the chair. LeAnn braced herself as Kim delivered ten more blows to LeAnn's ass. When Kim stopped tears were formed in LeAnn's eyes and her ass burned. LeAnn remained still as Kim backed away. "Now stand up bitch, and we will try again. Let me check you out." Kim ordered. With tears dropping from her eyes, LeAnn stood in front of Kim with her skirt pulled up so that Kim could see LeAnn's naked privates. "Spread your legs," Kim snapped, "wider!" LeAnn spread her legs apart. She almost stuck her hands down to cover herself as Kim approached inches from LeAnn. LeAnn gasped as Kim's hand went down between LeAnn's legs and squeezed her cunt lips. Almost simultaneously Kim inserted her middle finger into LeAnn's cunt. "Please, don't touch me there, this is not right," LeAnn pleaded. LeAnn could not believe as a mid-thirties woman she was being so humiliated by this teenager. "Shut up, bitch," Kim responded, "and you'll call it what it is or I'll make you bend over again. Now, what is it?" LeAnn stammered and tried to respond but was not quick enough to please Kim. After twenty smacks across her ass, LeAnn was standing again with her legs spread. Kim ordered LeAnn to beg to be checked out. LeAnn's face was now streaked with tears and her ass felt as if it was on fire. "Please, Mistress Kim, put your finger in my pussy," LeAnn whispered her head hanging down. Happy with the woman's progress, LeAnn pushed two fingers into LeAnn's cunt. She was surprised to find LeAnn's cunt soaked with juices. Kim smiled, removed her fingers and then powerd LeAnn to clean them with her mouth. Satisfied she was in control, Kim took a leather mask from a drawer and ordered LeAnn to straighten her head. LeAnn did not protest as Kim pulled the leather hood over LeAnn's head and zipped it closed. Only LeAnn's mouth and eyes were exposed. As a final touch, Kim snapped a wide dog collar around LeAnn's neck. LeAnn just stood, shaking, while Kim explained the rest of the night. Kim informed LeAnn that the hood was so no one would recognize her. In addition, to keep LeAnn's identity a secret, she was not to speak. Kim explained that LeAnn would be called "bitch" or "slut." Kim tells LeAnn she will serve food, takes, and allow Kim's friend to do anything they want to her without protest. "Your tits, ass, mouth, and pussy belong to us for the night," Kim shouted and then showed LeAnn the tray of hor-de-vours and ordered her to start working. Kim exited into the part of the house where the party was in full swing leaving LeAnn standing in the hood and collar around her neck. LeAnn did not think she could be more humiliated. She was thankful for the hood so no one would recognize her. LeAnn signed heavily and took a tray full of snacks and went through the same door as Kim. Inside the house LeAnn saw that there were several men and women in various stages of making out, dancing, or just talking. LeAnn did not recognize any of them and realized that they were not from the high school. The men were white, black, and Hispanics and some wore bananas around their heads consistent with one of the gangs in town. Kim came to LeAnn and walked her to the center of the room. Kim announced to the group that LeAnn was her property, but that she was the entertainment for the night. Kim continued by explaining that the only rule was that no one could remove LeAnn's hood. Kim told her friends that LeAnn's would respond to either "bitch" or "slut." The introductions were met with a round of applause as Kim ordered LeAnn to serve the food. LeAnn walked gingerly on the high heels painfully aware that her skirt would slide up and expose the black garters with each step. As LeAnn walked past a sofa went three men seating, each grabbed her ass and squeezed it as she walked by. LeAnn tried not to react to being groped. Just as she walked to another group of men LeAnn heard someone call out for her. "Come here, bitch," the man yelled at LeAnn. LeAnn turned and walked over to the large, black man that called her. He took her tray of food and handed to a woman standing beside him. LeAnn stood waiting. The man reached out with his hands and began unbuttoning LeAnn's blouse. LeAnn looked around for Kim to rescue her before her skirt came off, but Kim was busy making out with a Hispanic man with the name "Carlos" tattooed on his arm. LeAnn fought back tears as the black man jerked her blouse off of her then reached behind her an unclasped LeAnn's bra. "Take it off, bitch, let me see those tits," the black man ordered then went back to talking to the girl standing next to him ignoring LeAnn. LeAnn debated for a moment and then let the bra drop to the ground exposing her tits. The black man turned back around and whistled. "Damn, nice tits bitch," he said then reached out and pinched LeAnn's nipples. LeAnn grimaced both from the pain and the touch of the strange man. "Now we got us a topless waitress," to he black joked, "serve us bitch." With those words he handed the tray back to LeAnn and grabbed up her bra and blouse. LeAnn watched, as the black man smelled the clothing then threw them like a basketball into a trashcan. Topless, LeAnn walked slowly through the room. LeAnn was acutely aware that a small crowd of men were gathering around her staring at her tits. Before too long LeAnn was surrounded by about twelve men with their girlfriends standing behind them. One of the girlfriends whisper something into her man's ear. LeAnn heard the word "striptease" and her worse fears were realized. "Put some music on and let's see this bitch strip," came the words LeAnn dreaded. Within moments a rock misterg was playing on the stereo and the tray was taken out of LeAnn's hands. She was led into the center of the living room and the crowd of men and women all found places to sit leaving LeAnn standing along. As Kim walked past LeAnn she whispered, "Make it good, there are worse things," and then Kim joined two men on the couch. LeAnn closed her eyes tightly and tried to sway to the sound of the music. Someone yelled "shake your tits" and LeAnn moved her chest from side to side feeling her breasts bouncing around. LeAnn tried to remember what she had seen on TV in documentaries about strippers. Brian always wanted to watch them and now the information was saving LeAnn from something she was sure would be more humiliating. As she started dancing, LeAnn moved just out of reach of the men and women seated around the living room. She finally went back to the center of the room and turned her back to the ground. LeAnn hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her skirt and slowly lowered it down over her hips. LeAnn could hear the hoots, hollers, and obscene suggestions as she lowered her skirt exposing her shapely ass. LeAnn pushed the skirt down to her feet then stepped out with her back still to the group. The yelling for her to turn around was getting louder and LeAnn took a deep breath, shut her eyes tightly, and turned around continuing to dance. LeAnn was dancing in nothing but black garters, stockings and heels before a group of strangers. Although she was terrified, LeAnn felt a strange excitement at shouts of the men wanting her. The misterg ended and LeAnn stop dancing and started to pick up her skirt. "That want be necessary, keep it off, bitch and come over here" the man with Carlos on his arm ordered. LeAnn turned and walked slowly toward Carlos. It was not fast enough for the men who jumped up, grabbed LeAnn and powerd her onto her hands and knees on a coffee table at the center of the couch. Before LeAnn could utter a single protest hands were all over her tits, ass, and cunt. LeAnn felt fingers in and out of her cunt and groaned as a mouth clamped down over one of her tits. She tried to move away when she felt a finger probing her ass but caught Kim standing in the corner with a scowl on her face and remained still. LeAnn's body continued to be use. Another mouth covered her other tit and started sucking hard. Someone had three fingers in her cunt while someone else had worked two fingers into LeAnn's ass. LeAnn felt little twinges traveling from her cunt through her body. The constant sucking on both of her breasts were also having an effect. "Alright, the bitch is wet, let's line up and get started with a train," Carlos announced. 
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LeAnn heard zippers being pulled down from all directions. Without warning, LeAnn felt her cunt lips parted by a huge cock and then felt the cock rammed into her pussy. LeAnn started to protest, but was faced with another cock at her lips. LeAnn tried to put her head down when the man in front of her jerked her head up by the mask. LeAnn was looking at a black, uncircumcised cock pointed directly at her lips. She held her mouth closed tightly and refused to allow the foul smelling cock to pass. The man said something she could not believe to the two men sucking her tits. She felt the pain in both of her nipples as the men did as requested and started to chew on them. LeAnn bit her lower lip and tried not to scream, but the pain in her nipples was too much and finally she opened her mouth. The black man slide the foreskin back and shoved his cock into LeAnn's mouth and down her throat. She was being pushed back and forth with the man fucking her mouth and Carlos fucking her cunt. The biting on her nipples subsided, but LeAnn still was experiencing to men sucking her tits. LeAnn started to feel those needles of pleasure and tried to concentrate on other things. "Watch this," LeAnn heard Kim say as the men continued to fuck LeAnn's mouth and cunt. LeAnn felt the slap on her ass from Kim's hand just as the man pulled his cock almost out of her cunt. There was laughter as Kim got into a rhythm with the men. As the man in LeAnn's cunt pulled almost out, the man in her mouth pushed his cock down her throat. As the same time Kim slapped LeAnn's ass with the flat of her hand. LeAnn was in frenzy. Her tits were swelling with pleasure from the sucking and the slaps on her ass were giving her stranger sensations. When the man in her cunt tensed and LeAnn felt the first spurt of sperm bathing the walls of her cunt, Kim slapped LeAnn's ass hard. She responded by exploding into a tremendous orgasm and sucking the man's cock in her mouth with such determination the slurping filled the room. As the black man shot his load into LeAnn's mouth she was lost in orgasm and swallowed every drop. Her orgasm continued even as the cock in her cunt was replaced. She shook her head from side to side, her entire body trembling from the intensity of her orgasm. "God, I need a cock to suck," LeAnn screamed against Kim's instructions not to speak. LeAnn only asked once and someone immediately shoved a cock into her waiting mouth. Again LeAnn was pounded aft and stern with fury. LeAnn could hear the women talking about what a slut LeAnn was and how they hoped their men would fuck her senseless. Six more men fucked LeAnn before they took a break. However, LeAnn was not allowed to move from where she was on all fours on the coffee table. Her knees and wrists hurt from supporting her weight on her hands and knees. She could feel cum leaking out of her cum and running down the inside of her thighs. Men and women talked, ate and drank around her as if LeAnn was not in the room. LeAnn was not allowed to move. It had been almost an hour since the last cock was pulled from her cunt and LeAnn desperately needed to relieve herself. Her eyes searched for Kim, but found her half-dressed making-out with Carlos. Finally, LeAnn started to slide off the coffee table. "Where the hell do you think you're going," a voice said. LeAnn turned and tried to plead with her eyes. "Get back on that table," he ordered. LeAnn pointed to her bladder and looked over in the direction of the bathroom. "I'm not going to tell you again, slut, back on the table." Kim came over to see what the commotion was and looked harshly at LeAnn. "Do as your told or I will take you into the kitchen, bitch," Kim ordered LeAnn. LeAnn leaned forward and whisper to Kim her need to go to the bathroom. Kim ignored her and took LeAnn by the collar and pulled her back onto the coffee table. "Everyone gather, we have a new game," Kim yelled to the group, which brought the crowd back around LeAnn. Kim explained that LeAnn needed to urinate. So Kim suggested that they take bets on how long LeAnn could hold out before she urinated on herself. Everyone agreed and a piece of paper was found and times written for LeAnn. By now LeAnn was almost bursting to urinate, but she would not do so in front of this crowd. The crowd started shouting at LeAnn, some encouraging her to hold out longer, others trying to get her to pee now. After about 15 minutes LeAnn started crying. The crowd gather around and LeAnn could hear the laughter at her tears. LeAnn could not hold out any longer and the urine flowed from her cunt onto the coffee table and down onto the carpet and LeAnn's stockings. There was applause, handshakes, and laughter all around. LeAnn was so humiliated. Her tits moved up and down with her sobs. LeAnn was lifted effortlessly from the table jerking her back to the reality of the situation. One of the larger black men carried her over to where another black man was sitting, his enormous cock sticking out of her pants. LeAnn was lowered onto the man's cock and ordered to fuck herself. LeAnn started bouncing up and down actually enjoying being filled so completely. Her tears were gone as she forgot about being humiliated with urinating on herself. The pleasure building again, she started bouncing faster and faster. The man in front of her grabbed her tits and used them to hold onto LeAnn. LeAnn was just about to cum again when the man released her tits and pulled her against his body, holding her tightly. She was frustrated, she wanted to cum, and squirmed to free herself. LeAnn felt the dick at the entrance to her ass and now understood while she was being held. Not wanting to be punished, she stopped squirming and held as still as possible while the man behind her worked his cock into her ass. The pain was incredible, yet LeAnn felt so full as the man's balls came in contact with her ass as he shoved his dick into LeAnn's rectum. LeAnn remained very still until she heard Kim's voice. "Now, bitch, continue fucking yourself," Kim ordered. Slowly LeAnn started rocking her hips back and forth taking the dick in her ass in and out while doing the same with the cock in her cunt. The man in front of LeAnn resumed his use of her tits while the man in her ass held onto LeAnn's hip. Within moments, LeAnn exploded again in a second orgasm, ten-times more intense that the first. The men struggled to stay inside LeAnn and continued pumping their dicks into her cunt and ass. Just as LeAnn's orgasm was subsiding, the men exploded in her ass and cunt at the same time sending her into a third orgasm. The man pulled his limp dick from LeAnn's ass. The man LeAnn was sitting on lifted her off and pushed her onto the floor. She writhed on the floor in the after shocks of her orgasm while the party continued. As she regained herself from the three orgasms, she saw Kim standing over her. "You need to get up and clean up your piss," Kim said. LeAnn went into the kitchen, still naked, and found a brush and bucket. While she was on her hands and knees, two more men fucked LeAnn in the ass and cunt. The remainder of the night LeAnn was passed from man to man. Her ass and cunt were used so much that the cum just leak out of both holes as she walked. The corners of her mouth were cracked from giving blowjobs to so many men. Finally, it was early morning and everyone was gone from the house. LeAnn was lying bent over the couch with cum dripping slowly from ass and cunt making a small puddle on the floor. LeAnn was almost ***. Kim walked up to a small closet and spoke to someone inside. The door open and there was Johnny. "Did you get everything?" Kim asked. "Yeah, two tapes full," Johnny responded. Kim looked at LeAnn bent over the couch. Kim knew that with these two tapes the uppity bitch would be her slut for a long time. Kim walked over and jerked LeAnn's head up by the mask. LeAnn moaned. "Please, no more," LeAnn pleaded with Kim. Kim held up the two tapes so that LeAnn could see them. "You belong to me now, bitch," Kim said with laughter. LeAnn started to cry weakly as she realized her blackmail would not end. 
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LeAnn finally stumred through the front door of her house at around four in the morning. She walked gingerly as each step brought a sting to her used pussy and ass. LeAnn finally made it to her bedroom upstairs and started to remove what little clothing was left. Basically, she only had her blouse, skirt, garters, and shoes. She was unable to find her bra and someone removed her stockings after she urinated on them. When LeAnn got all of her clothes off, she stood in front of the mirror and examined her body. There were small bruises on her breasts in the shape of fingertips and LeAnn's nipples were still rock hard. LeAnn raised her hand and lightly touched her nipples. She gasped as the little shots of pleasure it sent into her breasts and body. LeAnn was confused about how this could be possible. She was being powerd to have sex against her will, yet strangely, she was experiencing some of the most intense orgasms in her life. LeAnn turned and looked at her ass. There was a single, small red handprint across her right cheek. She touched her ass where the handprint was and found that it produced a stinging pain. She felt something wet on the inside of her thigh and looked down to see more cum dripping from between her swollen cunt lips. She scooped the cum up in her hand, looked around as if checking to see if someone was watching, and then LeAnn licked it from her fingers not knowing why. Disgusted with herself, she rushed to the bathroom and spit the salty liquid into the sink, the vigorously brushed her teeth. She ran a hot bath and lowered herself into the water. LeAnn awoke with the sun shining through her bathroom window. She looked at the clock and shiver from the cold water surrounding her. It was almost eight in the morning. "I must've fell arelax," LeAnn thought as she tried to clear her head. LeAnn dried her body and noticed the handprint on her ass was almost gone. However, her breasts still bore the bruises left there by the men at Kim's house. LeAnn knew she would have to stay away from Brian or he would ask questions. LeAnn crawled into bed naked, something she never did, and fell into a deep relax until late in the afternoon. She awoke about three in the afternoon, showered, and dressed in a conservative sweater and slacks. Brian and the youngren would be home soon and LeAnn wanted to appear as normal as possible. After dressing, LeAnn glanced out of her window at the backyard next door. There was Kim, naked, sunbathing again. LeAnn remembered the tapes and started to turn just as Kim held her glass toward LeAnn's bedroom window. Obviously, Kim saw LeAnn at the window. Disgusted by Kim, LeAnn went downstairs and waited for Brian. Brian and the kids returned from his lady's house late in the evening. LeAnn acted as if everything was normal. She fixed dinner; help the kids get things ready for school the next day, and her and Brian were in bed by ten. LeAnn undressed and put on her pajamas in the bathroom for fear Brian would see the bruises on her breasts. Once in bed, LeAnn pecked Brian on the cheek and turned over to relax. Brian snuggled up behind her and LeAnn could feel his erection pushing against her through the pajamas. "Not tonight, I'm tired," LeAnn lied. Brian huffed and turned over leaving LeAnn alone. LeAnn wept silently to herself as she listened for Brian's breathing. After about thirty minutes, she was satisfied he was arelax. LeAnn slide her hand down between her legs and felt her swollen cunt lips. She was not surprised that there was wetness there. Although LeAnn had never masturbated, she clit was erect and easily found by her fingers. LeAnn started a slow massage on her clit using her owe pussy juices to lubricate her finger and clit. It only took a few moments and LeAnn suppressed any sound in response to the orgasm she produced. While she was cumming, LeAnn used her other hand to pinch and pull her nipples drawing out the orgasm. LeAnn fell arelax wondering what had happened to her. Monday morning brought the routine of family life. LeAnn made breakfast for Brian and the kids. Brian left for work still a little put out about LeAnn's rebuff the night before. LeAnn loaded the kids into the car and drove them to school returning about 30 minutes later to an empty house. Just as LeAnn returned to the house, the phone rang. "Hello, bitch," Kim's voiced said. "What do you want," LeAnn demanded. "Does it matter, bitch, I have the tapes, I know what kind of slut you are," Kim responded. "No, I guess not," LeAnn said, her tone more submissive. "You are to strip, completely naked except for your high heels. Leave the front door unlocked. I will be over in a moment. Now do as you're told bitch." Kim commanded then hung up the phone before LeAnn could protest. LeAnn held the phone for a few moments. She tried to figure out what Kim wanted. LeAnn hoped that Kim was not going to bring over a bunch of men, not in LeAnn's owe home. LeAnn hung up the phone and mechanically walked upstairs to the bedroom and removed her clothing. Once naked, LeAnn slipped into the black hi-heels with ankle straps and went back downstairs to wait for Kim. LeAnn only waited a few moments when Kim walked into her home without even knocking. LeAnn noticed that Kim was wearing shorts and a bikini top. LeAnn could see that the triangles of the top only covered about a third of Kim's 36D breasts. In Kim's hand was an ominous looking duffel bag. "You learn well, bitch," Kim barked, "now, assume the position bent over the couch." LeAnn hesitated and Kim reminded her about the tapes. Kim also told LeAnn if she pause again that the tapes and photos would be mailed without argument. LeAnn knew there was no choice and leaned over the couch with her legs spread. Kim walked behind LeAnn and pulled LeAnn's cunt lips apart with one hand and inserted three fingers with the other. "Damn, you are the little slut," Kim commented, "You are soaking wet." Kim sawed her fingers in and out of LeAnn's cunt making lewd wet noises with each stroke. Satisfied that LeAnn was sufficiently aroused. Kim sat down on the couch and patted her lap. At first LeAnn just stare at Kim until Kim told her to lie down over Kim's lap. 
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LeAnn saw Kim's shaved cunt over her face and knew what Kim wanted. As Kim lowered her cunt onto LeAnn's mouth, LeAnn darted her tongue out and found Kim's hard clit. LeAnn concentrated on pleasing Kim, running her tongue over Kim's clit and sticking her tongue into Kim's cunt. LeAnn could hear Kim's breathing increasing and the low groans that meant Kim was enjoying LeAnn's work. In a strange way, this encouraged LeAnn.
LeAnn was so involved in what she was doing she did not hear Brain come into the house. Brian stood in the doorway watching his innocent wife giving oral sex to their teenage next-door neighbor. Brian was trying to figure out why Kim called him and told him he needed to come home when this was going on.
However, Brian didn't say anything. Here before him was every man's fantasy. His young, beautiful wife was getting it on with this 18-year-old girl. Brian felt his cock hardening and tried to hide it with his hand. Brian noticed that Kim's cunt was shaved, but then saw that so was LeAnn's. Brian saw LeAnn's usually tight cunt wide open with her pussy juices flowing freely. His eyes fell onto the enormous strap-on dildo lying on the floor. Brian wondered how long his wife was living this secret life.
"Oh, hello Brian," Kim said when she noticed him.
LeAnn was snapped back to reality by the mention of Brian's name and the fact that he was in the room. She tried to extricate herself from Kim, but Kim held her tight between her knees.
"No one told you to stop, bitch," Kim yelled at LeAnn.
LeAnn tried to turn her head and let Brian know she was powerd, but Kim held her tightly.
"You'd better get to work, bitch, or I'll have Brian punish you," Kim said with laughter.
"My God," LeAnn thought, "she's going to tell Brian everything."
"Oh Brian, I see you need some relief, is wifey not fucking you properly lately?" Kim asked.
Brian could not speak. His cock was rock hard and there was no need to try and hide it anymore.
"Bitch, tell Brian, no beg Brian to fuck me," Kim commanded LeAnn.
LeAnn tried to protest and Kim pushed her weight downward covering LeAnn's mouth with her cunt. Kim reached underneath and twisted the clamps attached to LeAnn's nipples and whisper into her ear.
"You want me to show him the tapes, or do you want to beg him to fuck me," Kim asked.
LeAnn only had to think for a moment and started lapping at Kim's clit again. Kim knew that LeAnn would do as she said so she raised her hips up to give LeAnn the opportunity.
"Brian, please fuck Kim," LeAnn whispered.
"What? Are you sure?" Brian said not believing his luck.
"Louder," Kim ordered.
"Brian, yes, I want you to fuck Kim, please fuck her," LeAnn repeated.
Brian was already undressing. His cock looked like a small flagpole sticking out from his pubic bush. Kim raised her ass into the air just above LeAnn's head. LeAnn realized that she was to continue licking Kim's cunt while her own husband fucked Kim. Brian, not aware of what was going on, straddled his wife's body and directed his cock at Kim's waiting cunt.
From underneath Kim, LeAnn watched her husband's cock slid into the teenager's waiting cunt, his balls just inches from her mouth. Tears formed in LeAnn's eyes as Brian started fucking Kim.
"No one told you to stop, bitch, and don't forget your husband either," Kim reminded LeAnn.
LeAnn started licking Kim's clit again. LeAnn's tongue would stroke the shaft of Brian's cock as it moved in and out of Kim's cunt. LeAnn wondered why Brian was lasting so long. LeAnn saw in shock as Brain wrapped his hands around Kim's chest and took two handfuls of her tits. Brian was enjoying a fantasy come to life as he slammed his cock into this 18-year-old pussy.
Kim was grunting and moaning as she pushed back against Brian with each stroke. LeAnn continued to lick and lap at Kim's cunt and Brian's cock. Kim squealed as she exploded in orgasm. Kim felt Brian tense up and ordered him to cum in LeAnn's mouth cause she was not on the pill.
Brian pulled out of Kim's cunt and easily put his dick in LeAnn's mouth and immediately shot his load. LeAnn struggled to swallow all of Brian's cum as it seemed his balls contained gallons. Kim rolled onto the floor and watched as Brian continued to face-fuck his wife until his balls were drained dry. Brian collapsed atop of LeAnn and never noticed the tears streaming down her face.
Kim stood up, naked and took Brian by the hand.
"Where's your bedroom," she cooed to Brian then spoke to LeAnn lying on the couch exhausted from another orgasm. "LeAnn, you don't mind if Brian and I go into your bedroom and fuck our brains out do you?"
LeAnn bit her lower lip and slowly moved her head back and forth.
"Great!" Brian explained and led Kim away into the bedroom leaving LeAnn outside.
LeAnn remained still on the couch trying to figure out what happened to her simple life. She looked down at her nipples that were now purple and numb from the clamps and LeAnn looked at her still gaping cunt and sighed heavily.
"Hey, bitch," Kim shouted from the doorway of the bedroom, "fix us some lunch."
The words stung in LeAnn's ears as she stood up. LeAnn could hear the sounds of sex flowing from her upstairs bedroom. LeAnn was shocked at herself, she should be angry, but instead, she was jealous that Kim had not invited her.
"Perhaps if I make lunch quickly, she'll let me fuck Brian," LeAnn thought with a smile and quickly went into the kitchen to accomplish just that task. "Maybe being blackmailed is just what I needed," LeAnn thought as she toyed with her nipple clamps with one hand and removed the mayonnaise from the refrigerator with the other. LeAnn could feel her pussy growing wet again in anticipation.
Posts: 167471
"Fuck me, I still feel fucking horny." the boss said, "Lift up that faggot's legs for me so's I can fuck his ass." They did as he said and I felt the boss's cock slide easily into my cum-filled ass, his balls slapping against my ass-cheeks as he pounded into me. Over the next hour, they all fucked and filled me and Anne with their cum, both of us having our ass, cunt and mouths filled several times. "I need a coffee." the boss said when he'd fucked himself dry, "Let's get one before we have some more fun. I've gotten something really special lined up for these two." "What's that boss?" one of them asked. "Never you mind. You'll soon see. Just tie them to those branches over there so's they're on their hands and knees." he replied. "Y'mean like they were when we just fucked them?" he asked. "Just like that." the boss grinned, "Just like when we fucked them." Anne and myself were both dragged to the fallen tree and tied down to the branches, the boss supervising the others and making sure we couldn't move from the position they'd tied us in, us kneeling on all fours, but with us down on our elbows so's our asses stuck up in the air. They left us like that for over 1/2 an hour while they drank our coffee, us being unable to see them but able to talk to each other. "How d'you feel, my darling?" I asked her. "Alright actually." she replied softly, "Like I said before, if the circumstances were different, I'd be really enjoying it - but I'm not telling them that." "I feel exactly the same." I replied, "Looks like they're gonna fuck us again with the way we're tied up, doesn't it?" "I don't know. I've a nasty feeling that bastard has something up his sleeve." she said, "Don't ask me what though." We soon found out. Next thing we knew, there was some noise behind us and I felt a tongue licking at the cum as it oozed out of my ass. It was then that I suddenly realised that it was a dog's tongue. "Remember when I called you a bitch? Well that got me sort of thinking, and I thought it only fair that the dogs here should have some fun as well as us." he told me as he squatted in front of us, his cock now erect again and his balls dangling down between his legs, "And while they're both fucking you, you can both suck us all off again before you both suck on their cocks after they've pulled out of you." This was something neither Anne or myself had bargained for. I looked across and saw the look of terror in her eyes again when she realised she was about to be fucked by a German Shepherd's cock. "And just to make it worthwhile..." the lanky one sneered at me, "I'm gonna make sure both dogs knot with you as well. Boy, are you two gonna be fucked proper?" A moment later, I saw one of the German Shepherds jump up and wrap it's paws around my wife's waist, and saw her mouth drop open and her eyes suddenly widen as it humped it's hips back and forth and it sank it's cock deep inside her cunt. Then, looking round, I saw the lanky guy with his hand between the dog's hind legs as he pushed the knot firmly in between my wife's already stretched cunt-lips so's it slid all the way inside her. He then held his hand behind the swelling knot and stopped it from pulling out again until it had swelled and knotted inside her. "Oh my God." Anne gasped, "He's knotting with me." "Your turn now, you faggot." I heard him say as I felt the other dog's rough paws wrap themselves around my own waist, "Join your wife in having a great fuck." The dog's cock stabbed excitedly at my ass, trying to find the entrance but splattering my ass-cheeks with pre- cum before the lanky guy took hold of it and directed the tip into my ass-hole, the dog then lunging forward and burying it's full length in me. I then felt my ass stretching as the dog's cock swelled and fucked deeper into me. It felt as though my ass was being torn open as the dog's cock not only considerably lengthened, but swelled thicker than any guy I'd taken inside me. And then I felt it's knot starting to swell, soon with me being aware that it was becoming too big for it to be pulled out, and swelling all the time. Christ, it felt as though I'd a cricket-ball wedged up inside my ass, but before I could cry out, a rigid cock was stuffed into my mouth and pushed halfway down my throat. Gradually, I felt my ass stretching to accommodate the bulk of the massive knot that was so very firmly wedged inside me, and I actually started to enjoy the feeling, especially as the guy fucking my mouth had pulled most of his cock out and decided to toss himself off whilst leaving only his knob-end inside my mouth instead. The dog's cock spurted deep inside me, filling me so's it's cum was now flooding from me and running down my nylon-clad thighs, soaking my nylons through as the guy in my mouth suddenly came and spurted his thick jets of cum into my mouth and ordered me to swallow it while he watched. As soon as he'd finished, another cock took his place and I greedily sucked on it as the dog locked inside me, humped once or twice, and completely filled my ass with his massive cock and knot. It was a good 1/2 hour before the two dogs started to get restless, the boss untying our wrists and telling us to get ready to suck the dog's cocks because they'd be pulling out of us very soon. To make sure we did as he ordered, the rifles were pointed in our direction again. Sure enough, the dog fucking Anne suddenly pulled free and a torrent of cum gushed from her gaping cunt as one of the guys turned her over and laid her on her back, the other stuffing the dog's still spurting cock into her mouth. I was surprised by the fact that she almost seemed to be eager to suck the dog's cock, not moving her head from side to side to resist sucking the spitting cock, but instead, reaching up and holding behind the dog's knot with one hand whilst bobbing her head back and forth with her lips clamped round the massive red and purple weapon. My thoughts about my wife's apparent eagerness were interrupted by a sudden 'shooting' pain in my ass, as 'my' dog pulled from me and I was rolled over to suffer the same fate as my wife. As I had the hard and yet spongy dog-cock thrust into my mouth, I felt a wicked feeling of lewdness running through me that was hard to explain. Here I was, outdoors and semi-bound whilst dressed in a bra, suspender-belt and nylons in front of perfect strangers, sucking on a dog's spurting cock and swallowing it's cum for the first time in my life - to find that I was actually enjoying it. Going off the slurping sounds that my wife was making as she sucked her dog's cock, she too was enjoying herself as well - especially when one of our captors got so aroused at watching the erotic sight of her lying there, he knelt between her splayed thighs and fucked his cock into her cunt, filling her with cum once more. It was with a certain sense of regret that the dogs were finally taken from us and I was made to kneel with a rifle to my head, as I 'endured' the sight of my wife being fucked once more by each of our captors, as she knelt on all fours in the sand. They then saw it as the final indignity by telling Anne to squat over my face so's she could let their cum drain from her cum-filled cunt and into my mouth for me to take. Finally, having emptied the contents of their balls into us, and having obviously satisfied their lust, we were told that they were now going to leave us, but that they'd leave us with the dogs knotted inside us once more so's we couldn't follow them. "When the dog's have finished fucking you, they'll pick up our scent and follow us home." the boss told us, "Have a nice day." With that, the dogs mounted us once more and the four guys got on their horses, riding off once they were satisfied that both dogs were securely knotted inside us. With 'my' dog's knot making my ass bulge, it's cum streaming down my nylon-clad thighs, I slowly shuffled over to my wife and reached out to hold her hand. "Promise me one thing, my darling." she gasped as 'her' dog once or twice humped into her even deeper, her cum- filled cunt making lewd squelching sounds. "Anything, my love. What is it?" I asked. "When we get back home - you'll buy us a dog like these two." she smiled, "This is fucking beautiful - and I definitely want to try it again." "You took the words out of my mouth." I told her truthfully, "I especially liked it when I'd to suck mine off. It made me feel so horny, I almost came." "And I'll tell you something else." she added, "The only reamister I'd chase after those guys - would be to thank them for such a great morning's sex." "And introducing us to doggy-fucking." I reminded her. She reached forward and kissed me before asking me if I'd like to have a look at her cunt with a dog's knot wedged inside it? I told her that I'd love to, so she shuffled round slightly so's I could take a look. What I saw made me feel really horny, and my cock immediately stiffened as I took in the sight of this thick purple cock that was impaling her, her cunt-lips stretching and bulging alarmingly with the sheer size of the knot that was buried deep inside her, cum-filled cunt and the copious amount of thick and whitish cum that was oozing past her cunt-lips and flowing down her nylon-clad thighs. "Let me reach over to toss you off while you watch me being fucked by him." she whispered, "I can see it's made you fucking horny." Her fist wrapped around my throbbing cock and she slid it back and forth, my cum soon spurting onto the sand in thick and powerful jets. Feeling my ass contracting with my spurts of cum, the dog that was wedged inside me humped itself even deeper into me, a flood of cum seeping from my cum-filled ass and flowing onto Anne's hand. Without another moment's thought, she raised her dog-cum-coated hand to her lips and licked it clean. "Beautiful." she said softly, "Truly... beautiful." It was ten minutes later when the dogs grew restless, one eventually pulling out of my wife's cum-filled cunt and making a delicious 'suctioning' and 'glooping' sound as the dog's still semi-swollen knot slid from her flooding cunt to dangle obscenely, spitting and jerking between it's hind legs - it's tip almost reaching the ground. A moment or two later, Anne crawled over to me and kissed me again, asking me if she could '69' with me so that she'd be ready for when the dog pulled out of me, and so that she could suck it's cock and thereby get some more 'doggy-cum' to swallow. I readily agreed and she slid underneath me, clamping her lips over my dangling cock as she waited for a bigger and far juicier prize to suck on. A few minutes later I felt my ass stretching slightly and 'my' dog pulled its massive cock and knot free, this time with only a little discomfort. Anne immediately grabbed the dog's cock behind it's knot and stuffed the spurting shaft into her mouth, sucking noisily and lewdly as I clamped my mouth over her oozing cunt, both of us now greedily swallowing our second helping of dog-cum. "That was fucking fantastic." Anne sighed contentedly, as she finally removed her lips from around the dog's cock and laid back in the sun with her knees splayed wide apart, "D'you know something? All the time that both dogs were knotted deep inside me, I was having an orgasm. It wasn't the usual 'mind-blowing' sort I have when you fuck me my darling. No, it was more of a mini one that made my whole body buzz and tingle - like a mild but continuous electric shock." "I know just what you mean. I've never been so well fucked in my life." I replied. "I just want to lie here as I am, and have a wank as I relive those last doggy-fucks." she said contentedly, "Is that okay with you, my darling?" "Mmmm, of course it is." I replied, "And I might just join you and suck your clitty for you as you start to come. And then I'm gonna sit back and have a coffee while I make plans to buy our own German Shepherd when we get back home so's you can be knotted with him, whenever and for as long as you want. How does that sound?" She didn't answer, instead I heard her catching her breath as she drew up her knees and neared her orgasm, her fingers busy between her thighs as she wanked herself. Seeing that she was surprisingly near to an orgasm, I quickly moved between her splayed knees and slid four fingers into her gaping cunt and started finger-fucking her, she then suddenly reaching down with her other hand and pushing my fingers deep inside her sticky cunt. Groaning loudly, she lifted her ass off the sand and thrust her hips forward so's her whole body arched upwards as her orgasm raced through her. I felt her cunt-muscles tighten on my hand as she made a series of strangulated grunting and gasping sounds - her orgasm now so intense and powerful that she actually found it difficult to take a breath, instead making these 'natural' type noises that came from deep down in the back of her throat. With a final and prolonged, "Ahhhhhhh." she slowly lowered her hips back onto the sand, closed her bulging eyes, and appeared to fall into a state on ***ness. It was five minutes before she finally stirred, groggily sitting up and telling me that she'd just had the most intense orgasm of her life. "Fucking hell. What hit me?" she asked with bleary eyes, "I feel so fucking weak." "You were wanking yourself and had a really violent orgasm." I told her. "Oh yeah." she said dreamily, "I could feel those delicious dog-cocks knotting inside me and imagined that I was sucking you off at the same time. Mmmm, it felt good." 
Posts: 167471
"She must've seen it Suzy." Anne whispered excitedly as she moved away and went back to the bar, "Hell's teeth. I keep catching a glimpse of it from where I'm sitting." "I don't know, my darling? But I'll tell you what... she sure kept a straight face if she did." I replied, "Perhaps she couldn't see in these lights?" We found out a few minutes later when the waitress returned to empty our ashtray and wipe our table. As she finished cleaning and moved to the next table, she casually place a scrap of paper underneath our ashtray. "What does it say?" Anne asked excitedly, "Tell me - I'm dying to know." I took the note from under the ashtray and read the message written on it. "It's a message from her - let me read it to you. 'Hi. I couldn't help noticing the nice view when I brought your takes just now. In case you're interested, I get off work in half an hour and would love a closer look at what I saw a few moments ago.' It's signed, Debbie. Well, I guess she did see it after all." I said in a hushed voice. "Wow. And are we gonna let her have another look-see?" Anne asked me. "Why not? I think you want to fuck her as much as I do." I laughed. "As if I'd want to do a thing like that? Well - okay then." Anne giggled. A few moments later I saw Anne nod her head and smile. "She was looking this way as she stood at the bar, and so I nodded at her to let her know that we want to meet her." she explained in a whisper, "Christ. I can actually feel myself juicing up right now with just thinking about it." We waited until Anne saw her taking her apron off before deciding to go outside and wait in the car for her, Anne winking at her as we passed the end of the bar on the way out and saying 'goodnight' to her and the barman. "She shouldn't be long." I whispered to Anne as we sat outside in our rented car, "I'll flash the lights when I see her coming out." Five minutes later, Debbie came out from behind the building and looked around as she walked to her car. I flashed my lights and she walked towards us, smiling as she squatted alongside my open window. "Hi. I'm Debbie." she said, "I guess you read my note?" "We sure did." Anne said from the passenger seat, "I'm Anne, and this is Suzy." "Hi Anne, hi Suzy. Hmmm, Suzy with that little bit extra, eh? Well. Can I have a closer look at what I saw earlier then?" she smiled. "Sure. C'mon Suzy, don't keep the lady in suspense." Anne replied. With no more ado, I lifted my ass off the seat and slid my dress all the way up my thighs, exposing my aching cock to her. "Very nice." she said slowly as she gazed at my cock and reached inside the car to lightly trace her fingers up my throbbing shaft, "And what about you Anne?" My wife copied my move and slid her skirt all the way up her nylon-clad thighs, to totally expose her thick bush to Debbie. "Fucking hell." she gasped as she looked between Anne's splayed thighs, "What a beautifully hairy snatch you've gotten there. I thought mine was hairy - but you beat me hands down." With that, she stood up and quickly looked round before she slid her own skirt up her thighs to reveal a beautifully hairy cunt, but not quite as hairy as my wife's. I reached out and traced my finger the full length of her juicing slit before licking it clean and smiling at her. "Have you somewhere to go, or would you like to come back to our motel room?" Anne asked her, "Either way, we don't mind." "I'll follow you back to your place if that's okay with you guys? The neighbours might see us and say something to my husband, and I'd have trouble explaining things because he doesn't know I'm bi." she replied, "He works nights, so he won't know I've stopped out late after work." "Okay, just follow us." I told her, "It's not far away." I waited until I saw her lights go on and then drove off towards our motel, Debbie following behind us. "She was certainly impressed with your hairy cunt, my darling." I said as we drove along with Debbie's headlights in my mirror, "And she's already admitted that she's bi - so you'll be alright for some cunt-licking as well." "That's what I'm looking forward to." she replied, "And going off what she told us just now, she's obviously still 'in the closet' and isn't on the bi scene - otherwise her husband would've suspected something by now." As we parked up at our motel, Debbie pulled in alongside us and us followed into our room, sitting on the bed. "So Debbie, what d'you like doing?" Anne asked her. "Anything really, anything at all." she replied, "But I've only been with two other women before, and I'm pretty new to being bi, so I might need some guidance." "No problems there, Debbie." Anne replied, "Perhaps me and Suzy could start with each other, and you can join in whenever you want?" "Yeah, that'd be okay." she replied, "I just wished I'd known about meeting you guys tonight, I'd have worn some sexy undies instead of my pantyhose." "That's okay." Anne told her as she reached into her suitcase and threw her a bra, suspender-belt and some nylons, "Here, try these - we're about the same size." "Oooo, thanks. Now I'll not only feel the part, I'll look the part as well." she smiled, "D'you mind if I take a quick shower first, and put these undies on in the bathroom? I've been working all evening and could do with freshening up." "Go ahead. I'll pour you a take for when you come out." Anne replied. She disappeared into our bathroom for her shower and left us to slip out of our outer clothes, re-emerging ten minutes later, wearing Anne's black 1/2 cup lacy bra and matching suspender-belt with a pair of black nylons. As she wasn't wearing panties when she came back into the room, even by the light of the bedside lamp, I noticed that when she'd shown us her hairy cunt in the dimly-lit car park, you could see that her pubic hair wasn't quite as thick as my wife's, but you couldn't see that it covered a lot more area. But now, as she strode across the room and took her take, I could plainly see that her pubic hair grew up past the top of her suspender-belt, across her flat belly and up to her belly-button, and also down the insides of her nylon-clad thighs - disappearing under her stocking-tops. "Wow. You've a great growth of pubic hair down there Debbie." I told her, "It's not thick or bushy like Anne's, but it covers more of you." "My husband likes me this way." she said, "He says it turns him on." "Just like Anne's thick bush turns me on." I told her, "I love to suck the cum from it after she's just been fucked by me or someone else." "And what is it about Suzy that especially turns you on, Anne?" she asked. "Amongst other things, it's got to be her firm titties." Anne smiled, "Why don't you undo your robe and show Debbie your beautiful tits and nipples, my darling?" "Sure." I replied, undoing my dark blue satin robe and letting it slip off my shoulders to the floor and reveal my partially exposed tits as they peeped over the lacy 1/2 cups of my blue basque, "Well, what d'you think, Debbie?" She took a step towards me and reached out to stroke my erect nipples, instantly drawing back as though she'd gotten an electric shock. "Fucking hell." she gasped, "They're... they're real." "Mmmm, I know." Anne grinned, "Aren't they beautiful?" "Wow. They sure are. Are they silicone Suzy?" she asked as she once again stroked them and cupped each one in turn to feel their weight. "No, I've been taking some hormones actually." I replied, "And I must admit, having a nice pair of tits does make me feel more feminine." "I can sure see why they make you feel that way - you certainly look feminine to me." she breathed as she looked me up and down, but stopping when she saw my cock, "That is, apart from your cock - speaking of which..." Debbie couldn't finish her sentence because she'd squatted down and was now busy sucking my cock and stroking my suspenders and thighs as Anne squatted behind her and slid her arm round her waist, between her splayed thighs - and finger-fucked her. "Mmmmmmm." she breathed as she sucked on my cock and felt my wife's fingers slipping into her cunt before Anne started sliding them back and forth inside Debbie's juicing cunt, "Mmmmmmm." I could hear the obscene 'suctioning' sounds of my wife's fingers as they slid in and out of Debbie's oozing cunt, the aroma of musk heavy in the air as her cunt-juices drooled onto the carpet in sticky strings. "Hey Debbie, how about us '69ing' with each other on our bed?" Anne asked her, "I can't wait to take some of your cunt-juices." Debbie then pulled off my cock and kissed my knob-end before standing up and putting her arms round Anne's slim waist, rubbing her hairy cunt up against Anne's. Mmmm, I'd love to Anne." she breathed. A moment later, Anne was lying on her back with her knees splayed and bent, her head at the foot of the bed and Debbie on all fours above her, both women's mouths and tongues now busy between each other's thighs. I now had a grandstand view of Debbie's hairy cunt and thighs, and couldn't resist stepping up behind her and slowly pushing my knob-end up against her partly opened slit, sliding it up and down the full length before sinking my rigid cock into her juicing cunt until my balls rested up against her glistening cunt-lips. "Oh yeah, Suzy. Fuck me." I heard Debbie whisper lecherously, "Shove your hard cock deep inside my itching cunt - and fuck me." Holding onto her hips to steady myself, I slid my cock in and out of her oozing cunt, making her grunt loudly each time I sank all the way into her, my knob-end butting up hard against her cervix. I continued to fuck all the way into her for over five minutes, after which I couldn't hold back any longer and warned her that I was very near to coming. "Inside me." she gasped earnestly, "I want you to come deep inside me." She'd no sooner told me to, than I actually did. My cock jerked and throbbed as my thick and creamy cum spurted deep inside her oozing cunt, jet after powerful jet blasting against her rubbery cervix until I was spent. When I pulled my limp cock from her, a few moments later, I watched my viscous cum ooze out from between her cunt- lips to slither along the length of her slit, and drip into my wife's waiting mouth. It was only when Anne sucked and licked Debbie's oozing cunt, and I saw Debbie's thighs start to tremble, her also catching her breath several times, that I knew that she was having an orgasm. For the next 90 minutes we fucked, sucked, fingered and caressed in every position and combination possible, all of us finally lying entwined on the bed as we smoked a cigarette and recovered. "D'you guys want to know something? Debbie asked as she snuggled up against Anne and idly traced her fingertip round Anne's erect nipple, "Apart from my husband, I've never been with another guy before. I've been faithful for the last 9 years and have never even thought about fucking with another guy." "I feel honoured." I told her, "But what made you decide to let me fuck you?" "Possibly because you look like a woman?" she explained, "Seeing you two for the first time tonight aroused the 'bi' side of me. And then, when I saw Suzy's cock as I served you your takes, I guessed you were a couple that had something special. Even though I knew Suzy was actually a guy, it didn't feel as though I'd be being unfaithful to my husband if I fucked with him. I don't class me fucking with other women as being unfaithful, and it somehow seemed the same with Suzy. Perhaps the fact that me and my husband haven't fucked for over 6 months has something to do with it as well? Whatever the reamister, I know that I've certainly enjoyed myself tonight and that I don't feel guilty in the slightest about anything. In fact, I'd like us to do it again - if that's okay with you?" "We'd love to see you again Debbie." Anne told her, reaching over and kissing her right nipple, "We're stopping here until the end of next week, so there'll be plenty of times for us to fuck again. Now you know where we are, you can phone us and arrange to come round after work if you'd like?" "That'd be great." she smiled, "Living here, I don't get to meet many bi women, and I'm finding that making love to another woman is becoming more exciting and more special to me - I include you in that as well, Suzy." "I know what you mean Debbie." I replied, "I'm fast coming to think of myself as being more female than male - not only looking more like one, but thinking and acting more like one as well." "That's why I want you to spend more time as Suzy." Anne said, "You seem more relaxed and at ease somehow. Perhaps it's those hormones?" "I'm certainly glad you took them Suzy." Debbie said, "Seeing you standing there in your sexy undies with that beautiful pair of tits and that rock-hard cock jutting out from between your thighs, is everything another woman could wish for. Because I see you as another woman and not a guy, I feel safe somehow. And then there's the added bonus of you having that marvellous cock to fuck me with - without the pressures of trying to 'please' you as a man. Having said all that, I'd really love it if you could fuck me once again. When I go home, I want to lie alone in my bed, and still be able to feel your cum deep inside me while I dip my fingers inside my cunt and lick your cum off them as I have a wank." "I think Suzy can mange that for you." Anne said, "How about Suzy lying on the bed while she licks me out and you sit on her cock until she comes deep inside you." "A perfect end to a perfect evening." she smiled, "Is that okay with you, Suzy?" "Why don't you two beautiful women climb aboard and I'll show you?" I replied. 
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Ten minutes later, I'd two horny women sitting over me, each having an orgasm as one mashed her drooling cunt into my face, and the other one repeatedly impaled herself onto my throbbing cock as I spurted my cum deep inside her. * The following afternoon, Anne was lying on the bed whilst reading about some local attractions. Meanwhile, I'd gone out to our rented car, which was parked outside our room, to look for a map and a brochure from the Tourist Bureau. Because our room was part of a block of four and was situated at the back-side of the motel, it meant that the small car-park was bordered on three sides by the woods that surrounded the complex - the front of the motel opening up onto the main road. It was a really 'heavy' afternoon and I'd taken a take and a sandwich out to the car with me, leaving the door of our room wide open, which allowed us to hold a conversation as I read out several places of interest that Anne might want to visit? Perhaps because of the sultry weather, today was a particularly quiet one and nobody seemed to be about - us both assuming that everybody else had gone out for the day, because our car was the only one that was parked up outside the rooms. "Christ, it's humid today, my darling." she called from inside, "I think I'll take a cool shower before we go down to the shopping-mall, if that's okay?" "Yeah, no problem." I called back to her, my nose still stuck in the brochure, "I'll just read through this and finish my sandwich, then I'll have one when you come out." "Okay, I won't be long." she replied. A few minutes later, something caught my eye and I looked up to see a dog of 'doubtful parentage' up on it's hind legs as it explored the contents of one of the motel rubbish-bins. I called it over and threw it a piece of my sandwich - the dog trotting over and gulping it down. I then tossed it another piece, this time a bit nearer - the dog once again walking up to it and eating it. Next, I threw a piece about two feet from me and the dog walked up and ate that as well. I then held out my hand with another piece and called the dog again. Without hesitation, it walked right up to me and took the bread from my hand, wagging it's tail as it stood at the open car door. "Good boy." I said as I stroked it's head - not knowing whether it was actually a dog or a bitch - "There's a good boy. You want some more food then?" I threw it the last piece and stroked it's head and it's back as it ate the bread, quickly looking round to check there was nobody about before sliding my hand along it's flank and between it's hind legs. My fingers curled round a heavy cock. Unable to believe my good fortune, I slowly stood up and quietly closed the car door before crossing to our room and quickly getting another sandwich, squatting down in the open doorway and offering my new friend another tasty morsel. "C'mon boy, here's some more." I called as the dog stood alongside our car. He slowly walked right up to me and took the bread from my hand, eating it as I once again reached down between his hind legs and curled my fingers around his furry sheath - this time gently sliding it back and forth. "Good Boy." I praised him as he looked up at me but made no effort to resist my advances, "There's a good boy." His tail wagged and I dropped another piece of sandwich between my feet - the dog taking a step forward and eating it. Slowly, I shuffled back into the room and dropped another piece of bread, the dog walking inside and eating it without hesitation. I then tore off another piece and dropped that between his paws before I reached over him to swing the door shut as he ate it. The door closed behind him and I gave him the rest of the sandwich before I stood up and pushed the door completely closed, locking it before I squatted beside him and reached for his cock once again. I slid his furry sheath back and forth a few times, his pink cock sliding out and slowly thickening as I continued to slowly wank him. Feeling more brave, I wanked him a little faster and smiled as I watched him hunch his back and hump his hips back and forth - his pink cock getting thicker and longer as it started spitting it's pre-cum onto the floor. I took my hand away and praised him - patting his back and rubbing his head as he slowly stopped humping his hips and bent round to lick his cock before looking back at me and wagging his tail. The final test was when I wanked him once more - this time pushing his sheath right back and exposing his knot before I got down on all fours to see how he'd react? I wasn't disappointed and felt him immediately jump up on my back and wrap his fore-paws tightly around my waist, him 'air-fucking' me with his spitting cock. I pulled away and sat on the floor beside him, wrapping my hand around his swollen knot and swelling cock, his furry sheath now unable to slide back over them due to them having swollen so large. Pre-cum continued to spurt from the darkening tip of his pointed cock and he stood there panting as his semi-hard, purple cock, slowly shrank and eventually slid back inside his sheath. "Boy, are you gonna have some fun today." I said as I patted his head after he'd finished licking his cock again before lying down and wagging his tail - obviously very much at home, "My wife's gonna cream herself when she sees you." "You're fucking right about that." I turned round to find her standing in her towelling robe by the bathroom doorway, "Where the hell did you find him?" "Outside, just now as I was sitting in the car." I explained. "Well who's is he?" she asked, "Who does he belong to?" "I dunno." I replied, "He was looking in the rubbish bins and I called him over by offering him some of my sandwich. Then I enticed him in here with some more of my sandwich, and closed the door behind him." "Wow. And d'you think he'll... y'know?" "Better than that." I smiled, "I know he will. I wanked him for a few seconds just now, and then got down on my hands and knees to see if he's perform - he was on me like a shot, trying to fuck me." A broad and lecherous grin spread over Anne's face as the realisation of what I'd just told her, sank in - her hand dropping to her hairy slit and rubbing up and down it. "Ooooo, come to mummy." she squealed as she ran over to him and squatted down in front of him, her robe falling open to expose her hairy cunt to him, "Are you gonna be mummy's little friend?" His answer was to reach out and lick up her exposed slit. "I think he's gonna end up by being your big friend." I corrected her. "Tell you what." she said excitedly, "Why don't we let him fuck me this afternoon, and then you can drive down to the shops afterwards and pick up some food for us all while I suck him off when he's finished fucking me? That way, we can keep him here and he should be okay to fuck both of us tonight. I'd like him to fuck me while we're both wearing our undies, but it's too redy humid to wear them this afternoon." "Sounds like a fucking good idea, my love." I replied as I watched her squatting there and him still licking her widening and juicing crack, "I'd sooner be wearing my undies as well. How about throwing a hand-towel over us so's he doesn't scratch our waists with his front paws though? I wouldn't want to see you scarred by them." "Good idea." she replied, "I'll get one now from the bathroom." She stood up and walked to the bathroom for the towel, the dog trotting behind her and jumping up at her waist - obviously keen to explore her twat in more depth. "Wait a minute lad." she scolded him, "I want a ciggy before you fuck me." He followed her back into our room and she laid on the bed, the dog jumping up and pushing his head between her splayed thighs, his tongue straight between her cunt-lips and probing inside her juicing cunt. "Oooo, that's nice, boy." she smiled as she reached out and held his cock, "You can fuck this into there in a minute or two. How would you like to do that?" He was too busy trying to wrap his fore-paws around her leg several times to answer her. "Right, when I get down on all fours, will you throw the towel over my back, my love?" she asked, "I think it'd be best if he fucked me on the floor so's his cum doesn't leak out of me and soak into the bed." "Hmmm, try explaining that to the manager." I replied with a grin, and then added in a 'false' voice, "Sorry Mr Manager, our bed's soaked through with doggy-cum." "Just throw the fucking towel over my back and leave the jokes to the comedians." she said in a mock, bored tone as she got off the bed. Luckily, I managed to throw the towel over her waist just as she was getting down on all fours, the dog instantly jumping up and wrapping his paws around her as soon as her hands hit the floor. He humped his hips furiously at her, his cock already partly out of it's sheath and spitting pre-cum over her ass and thighs before I'd a chance to reach under him and guide his pointed cock in between her cunt-lips. Like the two German Shepherds before him, as soon as he felt the heat of her cunt around his cock, he quickly sank all of his cock and his partly-swollen knot into her, stabbing it into her as he danced around between her legs while I kept my hand behind it to make sure he knotted with her successfully and he didn't accidentally pull it out. "Oh yes. Fuck me, boy." she gasped as she felt the full length of his cock ramming even deeper into her drooling cunt, "Go on, fuck me and knot inside me." I knelt beside him and kept my fingers pressing either side of his embedded and ever swelling knot until I could feel my wife's cunt-lips starting to stretch and bulge outwards, removing them and going round to her head so's she could suck my cock, only when I was sure that they were well on the way to being knotted. "Jesus." she breathed excitedly as I knelt down in front of her face, my knob-end only an inch from her lips, "He's definitely larger than those other two were." By now, his humping had changed from a series of quick stabs, to a succession of deep and powerful thrusts, each one making my wife grunt out loud and rock forward onto my cock with the sheer power of them - even though he was firmly clamped around her waist. I fucked my cock into her mouth as I reached under her and rolled her erect nipples between my fingers and thumbs, so turned on by seeing a dog knotting with her again, that I felt my cum rising and warned her I was about to come. She responded by sucking me harder and reaching up with one hand so's she could toss me off, moaning loudly as the first spurt of my cum hit the roof of her mouth. She swallowed as fast as she could, and just as my orgasm was reaching it's end, she pulled off my throbbing cock and sank down until her shoulders and face rested on the carpet. Her eyes and mouth were wide open as if she was screaming silently - her orgasm now racing through her body as the dog's cum escaped from her cum-filled cunt and flowed down the insides of her thighs. Feeling her change position, the dog humped his engorged cock and knot even deeper into her already overstuffed cunt, pushing her whole body back and forth and making her cunt squelch loudly with the cum that filled and overflowed from it. It was another five minutes before she could speak to me and only then as though she was in a daze or a dream. "Oh my God." she moaned softly, "What a fucking cock he has. I can feel it jerking and spurting his cum really deep inside me. Christ, he's big, my darling - much bigger than those two German Shepherds were. We've got to get a dog as soon as we get home for me to be fucked by - promise me you'll buy me one." "I promise." I whispered as I stroked her face, "As soon as we get home." Another twenty minutes passed and I was greedily sucking the dog's cum from my wife's hairy cunt as it oozed past her bulging cunt-lips when Anne whispered that she could feel him shrinking and for me slide from underneath her so's I could catch hold of him when he pulled out of her, because she wanted to suck him off while I went to the shops for his food and left them alone. "You'll love the taste of his cum, my love." I told her as I sat up and wiped some off my chin, "It tastes far better than the others did." "I'm gonna find out for myself in a minute, my darling." she replied, "He's gonna pull out of me any second now." She was obviously an authority on doggy-fucking by now, because he suddenly stepped back and his knot slipped out of her bulging cunt with a 'glooping' sound, a torrent of his creamy cum flooding out of her gaping cunt and running down her thighs so's she was actually kneeling in two sticky puddles of it. Driven on by the sheer lust of takeing dog-cum, Anne swivelled round and laid on her back to reach up and replace my hand behind his still swollen knot with her own, guiding the tip of his large, purple and red, spongy cock between her lips and clamping them around it as she sucked on it and gulped on the sticky cum that spurted from it, filling her mouth. "Well, as you're gonna be 'busy' for the next few minutes, I'll go down to the shops and get some food for us all." I told her, "See you in twenty minutes." She waved with her free hand, moaned, and I went out to the car, locking the door behind me. I didn't return with the things I'd bought until 45 minutes later, the traffic around the mall being so heavy. And when I unlocked the door and quietly looked inside, I found my wife fast arelax on the bed with her new friend curled up beside her, also arelax. Cautiously, I moved round behind her and bent down to lick up the cum that was slowly oozing from her slightly gaping cunt, my wife moaning slightly and lifting her thigh so's I could move closer and clamp my mouth over her cunt and suck her clean. "Mmmm, that feels beautiful." she sighed, "I must've drifted off to relax." "You're not the only one." I smiled, "Your furry fuck- friend has as well." 
Posts: 167471
At just after 7 0'clock, Anne came out of the bathroom wearing her lilac basque and white lace-top nylons, ready for another fuck with our furry friend. She'd already warned me about the size of his cock and knot, and so I'd been lying on the bed in my blue basque and nylons for an over an hour, with one of her dildoes sticking in my ass to open me up for him, as she told me that it could've been really uncomfortable for me to have that huge knot inside me without first dilating my sphincter-muscles. "You should be okay now, my love." she said as she leaned over the bed and worked it in and out of my ass again, "The one that's in you now is 2 inches across and you said that you're taking it easily with no discomfort." "I'd almost forgotten it was in there actually." I told her, "So I guess I'll be okay one he's inside me - especially as he's gonna fuck you first and he won't be quite as big the second time round with me." "He'll still be quite a size though, so just be ready for him." she warned me, "Now, let's pull my vibro from your ass and have some of that delicious doggy-cock. I'm aching to have that massive lump of doggy-gristle knotted up my cunt again." She slid the vibro out of my dilated ass and threw it on the bed before calling the dog over and squatting down so's she could wank him, the dog humping her arm. "C'mon doggy, give me what I want. Give me that massive cock of yours - right up my cunt so's it knots deep inside me." she said as she got on all fours for him. As though he actually understood her, the dog immediately mounted her and rapidly fucked his swelling cock and knot at her, finding the entrance to her cunt first time and burying it all the way inside her. "Oh yesssssss." she hissed as the dog rammed his spitting meat deep into her cunt and successfully knotted inside her within seconds, "Fuck me." I slid underneath her and '69ed' with her, wanking on her clitty and watching the dog's massive knot making her cunt-lips bulge alarmingly as it firmly wedged itself deep inside my wife's hairy cunt. Rivers of doggy-cum were already seeping from her and running up her distended gash to drip off her now erect clitty and into my mouth as she clamped her lips over my cock and sucked me. "Oh yesssss." she hissed again, "Wank my fucking clitty for me and make me come, you fucking cum-slut. My orgasm's building rapidly, my love. Don't stop, just keep wanking me - I'm nearly there. Oh yesss! AAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHH!!" A flood of sticky dog-cum was powerd out of her overstuffed cunt as she violently orgasmed, her outer cunt-lips stretching and peeling back even more to reveal her bulging inner cunt-lips and her cum-filled cunt squelching loudly. "AAARGGGHHH!!" she screamed, "SWEET GOD IN HEAVEN, FUCK ME!! OH YEESSSS!!" The dog gave her every inch of his massive cock, ramming it into her before slowing to a stop and lying on her back, panting loudly. "Oh my God." she moaned softly, her orgasm subsiding as she flopped to the floor, fucked into oblivion, "Sweet fucking Jesus." I pulled myself from under her and took in the sight of my darling wife kneeling there with her face and shoulders lying flat on the carpet, her ass being held high in the air by this dog's massive cock that was firmly knotted deep inside her cunt, his cum oozing past her bulging cunt-lips and running off her erect clitty and onto the carpet. Then I'd an idea. Why the hell hadn't we thought of filming Anne being fucked by the dog? I quickly set my video camera up on the tripod and started filming. Ten minutes later she was still moaning softly, when the dog slipped off her back and dragged his leg over her, turning himself round so's they were ass-to-ass and lifting her knees completely off the carpet. To this day, I've never seen such an erotic sight as my wife being literally suspended in mid air in her sexy undies, with her knees completely off the ground as she hung by her cunt from the massive dog's cock that was knotted deep inside her, his copious cum literally flooding from her bulging cunt. Unable to stop, I straddled her waist and tossed myself off, looking at her bulging inner cunt-lips as I spurted my cum over the crack of her ass before sliding two of my fingers deep inside her cum-lubricated asshole, finger- fucking her and rubbing hard up against that massive and throbbing knot that was wedged in her cunt, my finger separated from it only by the thin internal membrane that divided her ass from her cunt. I was further surprised when the dog took a couple of steps forward and dragged my impaled and suspended wife across the room by his cock in her cunt, her limp arms trailing out uselessly behind her. Thank God I'd started my camera, because Anne, at this time being completely out of it, simply wouldn't have believed what happened to her if I hadn't had the foresight to film it. But even the powerful dog couldn't hold her off the floor for too long. He spread his hind-legs slightly and her knees once again were lowered onto the carpet, her ass still held high in the air. Grabbing the camera, I got the most marvellous shot of the dog's knot as it was partly exposed between her inner cunt-lips and made them grotesquely bulge outwards, her hairy outer cunt-lips perfectly framing her inner ones as they peeled back like a split tomato. I then moved down to take a close-up shot of her erect clitty, splayed-open slit and cum-soddened pubic hairs, doggy-cum rapidly dripping off her and running down her nylon-clad thighs. It was another 15 minutes before I filmed him finally pulling out of her. His massive cock suddenly pulling out and letting her slump onto the floor, her gaping cunt now totally exposed to the camera as she lay there with his already ejaculated cum flooding from her gaping cunt. The dog remained standing over her limp body with his massive purple and red cock jerking obscenely between his hind-legs, spraying her cunt and thighs with cum, as if she was his bitch and he was her absolute and triumphant master. Leaving the camera running, I quickly slid between the dog's legs and crammed the spurting tip of his cock into my mouth, sliding my lips along the length of his jerking weapon and feeling the spurts of cum hitting the back of my throat. Then for the camera, I took his purple cock out of my mouth and held him behind his still massive knot as I directed the steady spurts of cum directly into my mouth and swallowed them, 20 seconds before the camera 'beeped' and the film was used up. Moving over to Anne's head, I cradled her in my arms and gently kissed her. "C'mon my darling, wake up." I said softly. She slowly came to and opened her eyes, weakly smiling at me as she struggled to sit up. "Christ, what happened?" she asked. I told her that I'd filmed everything and that I'd show it to her later, when she'd recovered. "Don't let him fuck you, my darling." she begged me, "He's far too big for you." "Okay, you know best." I replied, "I won't argue with you." Ten minutes later she was sitting on the bed with a take, a towel under her inflamed cunt to catch the still escaping cum and cunt-juices that flowed from her. "Here." I said, "Have a look at what happened to you after you ******." I set the film running and she looked at the LCD screen to see herself well and truly knotted by this monster dog-cock and her limp body being lifted off the carpet. "Fucking hell. I'm... I'm hanging off his cock." she gasped, "I'm actually hanging off his fucking cock by my cunt. I'm actually hanging by my cunt on his cock and knot. No fucking wonder I feel as though I've just been fucked by a runaway train." She carried on watching the film and gasped again when she saw him pull from her and the camera move down to film her gaping cunt with his cum flooding from it. What I hadn't realised was, when I'd filmed the inside of her gaping cunt, I'd actually filmed right up inside her, and a load of doggy-cum was plainly visible as it formed a white pool below and in front of her dark red cervix. "That's... that's my cervix." she gasped in astonishment, "And look at all that cum that's still sticking to my cunt-walls. Look, there's a pool of cum deep inside me." We both then watched me sucking him, Anne squeezing my cock and smiling at me as she saw me taking his cock from my mouth and the spurts of cum filling it to overflowing before I swallowed the whole lot. "When the feeling returns in my cunt, I'm gonna wank myself off and watch this film again." she said, "I've never seen anything so fucking horny as this." "And you were the star." I smiled. "And him." she replied, "Don't forget him." "Speaking of which, we'd better let him go home." I told her, "It's late and his owner might be wondering where he's gotten to." I got off the bed and called the dog over to the door, bending down and patting his head before he walked outside and casually cocked his leg, pissed on the open door and disappeared into the night. * "That was Debbie on the phone just now." Anne told me as I came in from the bathroom the following lunch-time, "She said she wanted to come round for some more fun with us tonight, but she 'came on' this morning." "I hope you told her that her 'being on' doesn't matter to us?" I replied. "She'll be round after work." my wife grinned, "Wearing some of her sexy undies." At 11pm, I was watching my wife's still slightly inflamed, suspender-framed hairy cunt-lips trailing along the length of my shaft as she lifted her hips up and down, repeatedly impaling herself on my cock. There was a knock at the door and Debbie called from outside that it was her and could she come in? Raising herself up, Anne slid off my glistening cock and kissed my knob-end before she went to unlock the door, peering round it to let Debbie in. "Hi you horny guys." Debbie beamed as she came in and saw me lying on the bed wearing my lacy black basque, with my terrific hard-on sticking up from between my nylon-clad thighs, "Ooooo, can I come over and suck on that, please?" "You can come and sit on it, if you want Debbie." I told her, "Anne's just gotten off it to let you in, and it's getting cold." "Ah, I'd love to." she replied, "But there's a slight problem. Like I tried to tell Anne this morning, I 'came on' today, so I'm afraid I can't." "Why ever not?" I asked, "When Anne's 'on' we fuck like bunny-rabbits." "You guys still fuck when she's 'on' then?" Debbie asked, "I'm usually 'on' with a really heavy flow for 3 days. By the time I finish, my husband will be on his '4 nights off' work, so I came round tonight to tell you that I wouldn't be able to come round for a fuck any more before you guys went back home." "We can still have a fuck." Anne answered her, "When I'm 'on' my cunt itches like fuck and I feel horny as hell. Christ, Suzy even goes down on me then, as well." "I know what you mean about feeling horny, Anne. Jesus. When I'm 'on' I feel so fucking horny, I'd even let a stray dog off the street fuck me. Unfortunately, my husband seems to think I've gotten a fucking curse or something for 3 days every month, and won't come anywhere near me." At Debbie mentioning that she'd let a stray dog off the street fuck her, Anne smiled knowingly, but only said... "Look. You want to fuck - right?" "Ooooo, yes. More than anything." Debbie replied. "Well what's stopping you Debbie? Neither of us are bothered about you being 'on' and we both want you to fuck with us tonight. C'mon, say you will." "Well... I don't know. I mean... I'd feel so embarrassed. Even my gyno' or husband has ever seen me wearing a Tampax." she said, "Besides, I'm not wearing my sexy undies, as I didn't think I'd be doing any fucking or anything else tonight." "You borrow ours again, no problems. Listen, if all you're bothered about, is us seeing you wearing a Tampax, you don't have to worry. Why don't you get on the bed and lie next to Suzy while I go into the bathroom for a moment? At least we'll be able to have a kiss and a cuddle." Anne said. Reluctantly, Debbie agreed to Anne's suggestion and climbed up to lie beside me, Anne soon returning from the bathroom. "Here you are." Anne said as she stood alongside the bed in her black 1/2 cup lacy bra, matching lacy suspender- belt and black lace-top nylons, splaying her knees to show us the little white string that now dangled from between her cunt-lips, "Now, what's embarrassing about that? We're all friends and we've seen a lot more of each other." Debbie looked down between Anne's thighs at her Tampax string and then smiled. "I guess you're right, it's not that bad." she said, "Okay, I'll strip off." "Here. Go in there and put these on Debbie." Anne said, throwing Debbie her red basque and a pair of nylons, "You might feel embarrassed for a minute or two, but it'll soon pass." She disappeared into the bathroom, returning five minutes later to see Anne lying on her back, her knees splayed wide open with the little white Tampax string plainly visible as it dangled from between her cunt-lips and me straddling her shoulders so's she could suck my cock. "Come and lie up here beside me." Anne said to her, "I want to kiss and cuddle you." Debbie climbed onto the bed and laid beside my wife, both embracing each other and caressing as the passionately kissed. "Mmmm, that feels so good Anne." Debbie breathed, "I've really missed the feel and touch of another woman. Suck my nipples for me, will you?" Anne rolled her onto her back and dropped her head to kiss each nipple in turn, her hand straying down to caress Debbie's flat and hairy stomach and slowly nearing her hairy bush with every caress, finally cupping her entire hand over Debbie's cunt-lips. "Oh, that's nice." she whispered, "My cunt's on fire and that feels so fucking good." 