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On retrouve Mélanie avec *** amant, dans l'ascenseur. Elle vient juste de se donner une nouvelle fois à lui.) L'homme la possède, elle est prise, baisée une nouvelle fois par cet inconnu qui la fait délirer. La queue la pistonne, s'enfonce en elle et la fait sienne. Elle se sent remplie, possédée avec bonheur, envahie par cette queue étrangère. Le plaisir vient, monte dans *** corps, dans *** ventre, rapidement. Elle a soudain un flash, une fraction de seconde: l'image de Jean-Paul, *** mari, s'imprime dans ses yeux, furtivement, mais suffisamment pour la mettre dans tous ses états. Paradoxalement, cela la trouble et l'excite furieusement. Elle a l'impression, l'espace d'un instant, qu'il la regarde se faire pénétrer. Alors elle part, elle crie *** plaisir, râle à pleins poumons en pensant à lui, comme s'il était présent. - Oh ! Ouiiii !! Mon chéri... oui... c'est bon... il me... baise... fort ! Encore. Profond. Baise-moi... Prends-moi... Fais-le ! C'est... fort ! - Oui, Mélanie... prends-moi... Tiens ! Tiens ! Oh !! Je vais... te la mettre... et te remplir... ma chérie ... - Oui... oh oui... mets-moi... profond... mets-moi... Oh ! Je ... je viens... je viens... ouiiii ! Oh oui... prends-moi... L'homme ne peut se retenir plus longtemps. Mélanie sent la verge durcir, se planter au fond d'elle. Elle sait qu'il vient, qu'il va décharger dans *** ventre. Cette idée la transporte complètement. Elle rue, se pâme, sa tête roule de droite à gauche, et puis ... c'est l'extase... L'homme se plante en elle et explose dans *** corps. Il se vide et la remplit une nouvelle fois de sa semence. C'est chaud, c'est fort, c'est excitant, c'est bon ! Les deux amants finissent de jouir ensemble. Mélanie se cramponne et se retient à la rambarde. L'homme se plante une dernière fois en elle, comme s'il voulait la transpercer. Elle crie sous la poussée, râle une dernière fois puis se relâche, repose sa tête sur ses bras, alanguie, bouillante du plaisir qui vient de la terrasser. L'homme se retire d'elle. Elle le sent farfouiller derrière elle, il lui remonte lui-même *** slip et rabat sa jupe. L'ascenseur repart. C'est alors qu'ils entendent la ***nerie. Quelqu'un appelle désespérément la cage, ce qui a déclenché la ***nerie d'alarme. Au redémarrage de l'appareil, l'alarme stridente s'arrête. Complètement partis dans leur jouissance, aucun des deux ne l'avait entendue. La porte s'ouvre, l'homme sort. Précipitamment, Mélanie se retourne et sort à *** tour, en croisant une vieille femme, qui la regarde étonnée. Mélanie ne se rend pas compte de sa tête. Elle transpire, est complètement décoiffée, *** corsage est complètement ouvert sur ses gros seins laiteux, le soutien-gorge pendant sur *** ventre. L'homme se retourne, se rend compte de la situation et la prend dans ses bras. La porte de l'ascenseur se referme sur la vieille dame décontenancée. L'homme prend Mélanie par les épaules puis lui remet *** soutien-gorge. Alors seulement, Mélanie réalise la situation. Le chemisier enfin remis en place, elle le regarde, blottie dans ses bras. - Je... Je ne sais pas qui vous êtes, mais... c'était bon... Pourquoi ? - Parce que tu en avais envie Mélanie ! Tu en avais envie... - Mais... pourquoi ? Comment vous avez fait pour...? - Je te connais, Mélanie. C'est tout ce que tu dois savoir. Ne te pose pas de question. Prends le plaisir comme il vient. Vis ta passion à fond. Profite de la vie Mélanie, prends du plaisir chaque fois que tu peux, autant que tu veux. Tu as vibré, tu en as joui Mélanie, et tu t'es donnée, sans restriction. Tu as aimé, aimé faire l'amour, aimé être prise, ne freine pas ta passion ! - C'est vrai, j'ai... j'ai aimé. Je sais pas comment mais... J'aime ce que vous me faites. Vous m'avez fait... jouir ! 
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Sur cette déclaration bouleversante pour elle, l'homme la serre dans ses bras. Elle approche sa tête de celle de *** amant. Leurs lèvres se soudent. Mélanie ouvre la bouche et reçoit le baiser, pour la première fois, goûtant la langue dans *** palais. Elle est prise de fris***s, tandis qu'une main prend possession de sa poitrine. Mélanie se laisse embrasser, rendant le baiser d'une langue avide, tournoyant dans le palais de *** amant, puis elle cesse à bout de souffle, le regard trouble, laissant la main parcourir ses seins dans un nouvel émoi. Mélanie reste confondue, étonnée de la facilité avec laquelle il l'amène à se rendre, à s'offrir à ses caresses. - Oh ! Comment vous faites... je ne... comprends pas. Pourquoi ? - Je te l'ai dit, ma chérie: ton corps a besoin de caresses. Tu débordes de désir. Le désir d'être caressée, aimée, le désir d'être prise et d'offrir ton corps. La pénétration de ton ventre n'est que l'aboutissement de tes fantasmes, de tes envies. Laisse parler ton corps. Donne-toi chaque fois que tu en as envie. - Qui êtes-vous ? - Tu le sauras bien assez tôt. Ne pose pas trop de question. Va, ma chérie. - Mais... pourquoi ? Pourquoi moi ? - Parce que... je t'ai choisie, Mélanie, et parce que... tu en avais besoin, toi aussi. Un jour, tu sauras qui je suis. Un jour ! - Je... je vous reverrai ? - Si tu le désires, Mélanie ! Uniquement si tu désires poursuivre ce que tu recherches, ces contacts charnels que ton corps réclame. Je suis ton amant, Mélanie, je pourrai devenir ton maître si tu le désires. - Je... je ne sais pas ... je ne comprends pas ... - Si, tu comprends, Mélanie. Si tu ne comprends pas tes envies, ni pourquoi, tu sais maintenant que tu ne peux les contenir, que tu as besoin de ressentir toute la sensualité de ton corps. C'est pour cela que je suis là, pour t'apprendre à découvrir cette sensualité qui déborde en toi, et t'apprendre à la reconnaître. Si tu veux poursuivre cet apprentissage de l'amour, le vrai, celui du désir pur et de l'extase charnelle, alors je serai ton maître autant que ton amant. Je sais que tu le veux. Troublée, Mélanie tente d'analyser les paroles de cet homme, sachant qu'elle finira par se laisser aller à cette domination mentale et érotique qui l'attire comme un aimant. Elle ne sait pas pourquoi elle l'écoute, elle ne sait pas pourquoi elle se rend et se donne à cet homme dès qu'il apparaît, mais elle sait qu'il dit vrai, qu'il a rai***. Tout cela n'est que la vérité, une vérité qu'elle se refusait à entrevoir jusqu'ici, et pourtant ... Elle le regarde, de plus en plus troublée, vaincue par ces déclarations. De quelle manière cet homme envisage-t-il de la conduire ? Jusqu'où va-t-il la mener ? Elle s'interroge, déjà rendue à ses arguments, elle ne peut que constater qu'il a rai***, qu'elle le désire aussi. Tout cela la trouble, lui fait perdre la tête. Mais... comment veut-il la prendre, quelles ***t ses intentions... La question lui brûle les lèvres... - Mon maître ? Je ne comprends pas... c'est ... - Si, Mélanie. Tu me comprends. Je sais que tu me comprends. - Je... je ne sais pas... Comment vous voulez... ? - Si tu le désires, c'est simple. Il te suffit de faire ce que je te dirai. Te laisser conduire est la seule solution Mélanie. Est-ce qu'il t'arrive d'aller au cinéma ? - Heu ... oui, des fois. - Seule ? - Non, avec Jean-Paul. - Alors, vendredi, Mélanie, vendredi, je veux que tu ailles au cinéma. Seule ! Ce sera notre secret. Tu y seras rejointe, comme tu le désires. Tu te laisseras conduire dans la découverte de tes sens. - Mais... je... - Chut ! Je ne t'oblige pas Mélanie. C'est simplement un conseil auquel tu vas réfléchir. Je te laisse avec ta conscience, tes envies et tes besoins, ma chérie. Si tu ne le veux pas, c'est simple, il te suffira de rester chez toi, mais, je sais que tu viendras, je te connais. Tu ne pourras pas résister à la tentation qui t'attire vers le plaisir et l'extase. Si c'est le cas, à la séance de 16 heures, tu iras salle 11. Tu monteras jusqu'au dernier rang et tu te mettras juste sous la lucarne du projecteur. Arrange-toi pour que per***ne ne vienne s'asseoir à côté de toi jusqu'au début du film. A ce moment-là, une main viendra caresser la tienne, que tu auras posée sur l'accoudoir. Alors tu sauras que ton amant vient s'asseoir à tes côtés. Tu sentiras ses mains, tu t'abandonneras au plaisir. Tu connaîtras la volupté, je te promets que tu ne le regretteras pas. - Mais ... au cinéma ? Vous voulez me faire... des choses au cinéma ? C'est çà ? Ce n'est pas possible... - Tu verras bien, Mélanie. Tu verras bien ! Mais, quoi qu'il se passe, laisse-toi aller. Laisse le plaisir t'envahir. Donne-toi, comme tu sais te donner. - Au cinéma ? Vous allez... venir pour... me toucher et... Oh là, là ! Je ne sais pas si ... je ne sais plus. Tout ça va trop loin pour moi. - Je suis sûr que non. Vendredi... N'oublie pas ! - Mais ... il y a plein de monde au cinéma ! - A ces séances, il n'y a jamais grand monde. Et puis, les rangées du haut ***t pour les amoureux, ceux qui ont envie de câlins. - De... de câlins ? Des amoureux ? Je... je suis amoureuse de... mon mari. Juste de mon mari... - Oui, Mélanie, je sais. Mais tu es aussi amoureuse de ton corps, de tes sensations. Et je sais que ton corps réclame mes caresses. Tu viendras Mélanie, je sais que tu viendras, car tu en as envie ! - Bon... Je ne sais pas... Je ne sais plus. - A vendredi, Mélanie. - Au revoir... et... merci. Sur le départ, Mélanie se retourne, étonnée et inquiète, en regardant *** amant s'éloigner, en cherchant à comprendre, mais en n'y comprenant plus rien. Une moue comique sur les lèvres, elle le regarde, puis tourne les talons et reprend l'ascenseur. Une fois chez elle, elle se dirige directement dans sa chambre et s'allonge, pensive, prise de fris***s de volupté en mémoire de ce qui vient de se passer. Elle ne cherche plus à analyser, s'abandonne au délice qui parcourt *** échine, sans remords. Cet homme, elle ne le connaît pas, et pourtant... elle a éprouvé beaucoup de plaisir à se donner à lui, beaucoup de plaisir à sentir ses mains sur *** corps. Une énorme excitation l'étreint au souvenir de ce qu'elle vient de vivre. Elle ressent encore la pénétration de *** sexe par cette verge inconnue. Au retour de *** mari, Jean-Paul, Mélanie le rejoint au salon, se jette à *** cou et se colle littéralement à lui. Jean-Paul la regarde, pas très étonné de ses débordements de tendresse devenus habituels depuis qu'elle est enceinte, et surtout depuis quelques semaines. Cela n'est pas pour lui déplaire. 
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La semaine passe, lentement, trop lentement pour Mélanie. Elle a l'impression que le temps s'est arrêté, comme suspendu par *** secret. Elle y pense et repense, sans arrêt. Il lui arrive de culpabiliser mais, vite, très vite, l'excitation reprend le dessus. Elle ne sait plus quoi penser. Maintenant, il est trop tard pour faire marche arrière. Elle a trompé Jean-Paul et ne peut revenir dessus, c'est trop tard. Elle ne sait comment elle en est arrivée là, ni comment elle a pu, elle, si fidèle, si amoureuse, se laisser faire, succomber aussi facilement. C'est ce qui l'étonne le plus. Comment elle, future maman, enceinte de 6 mois, a t elle pu se donner à un inconnu rencontré dans un ascenseur, (voir ENCEINTE, L'ascenseur I et II). Elle aimerait se confier, partager *** secret, essayer ainsi de comprendre pourquoi, mais à qui se confier? *** amie Michèle a une trop grande langue, et elle ne connaît per***ne assez intimement pour se confier. Vendredi: ah! Vendredi! Se dit-elle ...Elle s'y voit déjà, à ce vendredi, car elle sait. Elle sait maintenant, qu'elle va y aller, qu'elle ne fera ni ne pourra faire marche arrière. Cet homme, cet inconnu qui l'a prise, qui l'a tant fait jouir. Cet homme si beau qui la fait fondre dès qu'il apparaît. Elle ne sait pas ce qui va se passer mais ... 16 H 00. La salle indiquée par *** "amant" est là, devant elle. L'affiche ne l'interpelle pas, elle n'y prête même aucune attention. L'obscurité de la salle la saisit. Elle s'est attardée et la salle est déjà plongée dans l'ambiance. Elle monte les marches, jusqu'en haut. Dernier rang: un couple s'y trouve, mais en début de rangée. C'est gênant, mais, elle n'a pas le choix, passe devant, s'excuse, puis rejoint le centre. Tout le reste de la rangée est vide. Mélanie s'assied, le cœur battant la chamade. Çà y est, elle est prête, se demande ce qui va arriver. *** amant lui a dit qu'il viendrait mais est resté secret sur ce qui allait se passer. Elle est assez anxieuse car elle ne se trouve plus dans la cabine exiguë de l'ascenseur, dans cet espace étroit et intime. Là, elle est dans un espace libre, public, avec des gens autour. Cela fait dix minutes qu'elle est assise, mains sagement appuyées sur les accoudoirs, quand enfin un homme s'assoit à sa gauche. Elle tourne la tête vers lui mais dans la pénombre, à part la stature, elle ne peut rien identifier. Une décharge électrique la parcourt, une main vient de se poser sur la sienne. Çà y est, c'est lui! Mélanie ne bouge pas, se laisse aller, le visiteur s'est contenté de lui faire signe de se taire en mettant un doigt sur ses lèvres: Chut! Le cœur battant, elle s'enfonce dans *** siège et fixe l'écran, sans rien voir de ce qui s'y passe d'ailleurs. Elle est ailleurs, elle est toute à ses émotions. Une main se promène déjà sur *** genou, remonte lentement sur sa cuisse, soulevant sa robe. *** pouls s'accélère, *** cœur bat plus fort. Elle jette un coup d'œil sur le couple, au bout de la rangée, mais ils ne font pas attention à eux. La main se faufile entre ses cuisses. Mélanie se détend, se laisse aller, laissant passer la main qui la caresse maintenant, à toucher sa culotte. Ses cuisses blanches ***t visibles dans la pénombre mais elle n'en a cure, l'excitation la gagne, l'excitation est la plus forte. L'adrénaline monte à *** cerveau et annihile toute volonté. L'homme se penche légèrement pour placer sa main plus loin entre ses cuisses. Des doigts touchent sa peau, glissent sous l'élastique. Tétanisée par l'émotion, Mélanie en oublie l'endroit où elle se trouve, écartant légèrement les cuisses, laissant passer les doigts fureteurs dans sa toi***, entre ses lèvres intimes. Mélanie a soudain un spasme, *** clitoris vient d'être débusqué et l'homme s'en amuse. Des fris***s la parcourent. Mélanie rejette sa tête en arrière, elle écarte encore un peu ses jambes, remontant légèrement ses genoux. Aussitôt, un doigt la pénètre. Elle se sent enfilée. Profondément. Mélanie étouffe un râle, les yeux fermés depuis un moment. Elle sent soudain une main glisser le long de sa cuisse droite. Mélanie met un certain temps à réagir à l'incongru de la situation. Puis, tout à coup, *** cerveau se remet à fonctionner. On la touche à sa droite. Elle ouvre les yeux, tourne vivement la tête, et là ... elle le reconnaît! C'est lui! Mais alors? Qui est à gauche? Qui la caresse et lui doigte la chatte depuis tout à l'heure? Avant qu'elle n'ait eu le temps de se relever ou de crier, *** amant la rassure, lui prend la main, lui demande gentiment, doucement, de se laisser aller: - Ne crains rien Mélanie! Ne crains rien, je suis là. N'aie pas peur, tout çà était prévu. Chut! ne fais pas de bruit. Laisse toi aller, je suis là. - Mais ... essaye-t'elle, parlant le plus bas possible, chuchotant pour ne pas se faire remarquer. - Mais ... c'est qui? - Tu ne l'as pas reconnu? J'en étais sur. Tu verras, c'est une surprise. Laisse le faire, laisse toi caresser. Il est là pour toi, pour te donner le plaisir que tu attends, et je sais que tu en as envie Mélanie. Je connais tous tes secrets. - Mais c'est qui? Il va pas ... - Chut! Fais moi confiance, d'accord? - Je ... je sais pas si ... ben, bon ... Mélanie, effectivement, ne sait pas, ne sait plus. Elle ne sait pas qu'une énorme surprise l'attend. Pour l'instant, l'homme à sa gauche a repris ses investigations. *** sexe est à nouveau visité. Mélanie, déjà passablement excitée depuis *** arrivée, mouille énormément, sa chatte coule littéralement. Ce n'est plus un, mais deux doigts qui l'explorent, tandis que *** amant, à sa droite a entrepris de défaire les boutons du haut de sa robe pour lui caresser les seins. En quelques minutes, c'est une bouche avide qui se pose sur ses mamelles de future maman et qui gobent ses tétons. Les caresses conjuguées des deux hommes ont vite rai*** de ses émotions. Mélanie se tend d'un coup, levant ses fesses de *** siège. *** amant de droite n'a que le temps de lui prendre la bouche dans un baiser fougueux qui la muselle au moment où l'orgasme arrive. Elle se tend violemment, puis retombe, souffle bruyamment. *** cœur est parti à cent à l'heure. Elle se radoucit enfin, écroulée au fond de *** siège. Mélanie n'en revient pas, elle s'est laissée emporter dans une jouissance provoquée par deux inconnus. Mais comment est ce possible? Que lui arrive-t-il? Toute à ses émotions, la tête remplie de questions, elle se laisse tirer par la main. *** amant de droite, celui de la cabine d'ascenseur, la tire par la main et l'oblige à se lever, à le suivre. Ils quittent la rangée, repassant devant les deux amoureux enlacés. Mélanie se retourne brièvement pour voir l'autre homme sortir par l'autre bout. - Ou va-t-on? - Suis moi Mélanie. Il nous attend! - Hein? Mais ... qui? Où? - Suis moi et tu verras. Un peu inquiète, Mélanie choisit cependant de faire confiance à cet homme, à qui elle s'est donnée à deux reprises, à cet homme si beau qui lui rappelle *** père. Avec lui, elle se sent en confiance. Ils sortent de la salle alors que le film n'est pas terminé, mais cela leur importe peu. Dans le couloir, l'homme s'arrête, se tourne vers elle et la regarde. Mélanie surprise, le dévisage. Admirative, elle le trouve séduisant. - Mélanie ... me fais tu confiance? - Oui! Oui, bien sur. Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais ... oui ... - Très bien. Mon nom est Etienne. - Heu ... oui. Je, je me demandais ... Et vous êtes qui? - Le reste, tu vas le savoir bientôt, patience. 
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Mélanie ne répond pas. L'homme se sert contre elle, la prend dans ses bras et un baiser passionné les unis. La langue de *** amant s'enroule autour de la sienne tandis qu'une main part à l'aventure sous sa robe, juste entre ses cuisses. Encore une fois, Mélanie en est toute retournée. Etienne l'invite à la suivre à nouveau. Ils entrent dans une petite pièce dérobée, une sorte de réduit où trônent des caisses de films, du matériel de cinéma, et un gros fauteuil rouge. A peine entrés, Etienne éteint la lumière. Un peu de jour filtre par une petite lucarne éclairée par la lumière des escaliers. Juste de quoi s'orienter. Mélanie est contre *** amant. Ce dernier entreprend aussitôt de la déshabiller, déboutonnant sa robe qui tombe au sol, puis c'est le slip qui suit le même chemin. Mélanie est choquée par cette soudaine attitude mais se laisse faire, passive, comme elle a toujours été passive entre les mains de cet homme. Il lui demande de s'asseoir dans le fauteuil, elle s'exécute. A peine assise, il lui prend les jambes et les relèves en les écartant. Mélanie, offerte, sait déjà ce qui va se passer. Excitée d'être traitée de cette façon, elle ferme les yeux. Une bouche chaude, des lèvres douces entrent en contact avec ses parties intimes. Etienne prend *** clitoris entre ses lèvres et l'aspire littéralement. Une décharge électrique irradie *** ventre, elle crie. - Oh! noooonnn! Mélanie se tend sous l'excitation. Une langue agile entre et sort de *** vagin mouillé. L'homme sait y faire. Un doigt, puis deux viennent la visiter, s'agitant en profondeur dans *** ventre secoué par les spasmes. Mélanie sent le plaisir monter. Etienne s'en est aperçu. Il se retire et la fait se retourner. - Mets-toi à genoux Mélanie maintenant. Je t'ai promis une surprise, tu vas l'avoir. Je veux que tu me fasses confiance, je veux une confiance parfaite, sans équivoque. Dis-le, si tu es prête, si tu es d'accord. Ou alors, rhabille-toi. - Je ... j'ai confiance. - Bien! A partir de maintenant, tu te laisses faire, tu ne dis rien, tu te laisses aller. Je te promets que tu ne le regretteras pas. Ensuite, toutes tes questions auront une réponse. - Bon! - Je vais te mettre un foulard sur les yeux. Ne bouge pas. Mélanie acquiesce sans rien dire et prend position à genoux sur le fauteuil, s'appuyant des coudes sur le dossier tandis qu'Etienne lui noue un foulard de soie sur les yeux. Mélanie est intriguée mais pas inquiète. Aussitôt, les mains de *** amant commencent une sarabande sur *** corps, décrivant des volutes sensuelles. Ses fesses, ses seins, ses cuisses, tout *** corps est parcouru par ces caresses, tout *** corps est parcouru par des fris***s. L'homme passe sa main entre ses fesses, puis dans sa fente complètement trempée. A nouveau, des doigts l'introduisent dans *** ventre. Mélanie ferme les yeux, savoure l'instant, ne pense plus à rien. Elle perçoit un bruit léger sur sa droite mais n'y prend pas garde. Les caresses se font plus profondes, plus sensuelles, puis s'arrêtent, quelques secondes. A nouveau, les mains, sur *** dos. Mélanie réagit. Étrange! Elle a l'impression que ce ne ***t pas les mains de *** amant, elles ***t plus nerveuses tout à coup, plus froides aussi. Etienne a guetté le changement d'attitude de sa jeune maîtresse. - Laisse-toi aller Mélanie. Je suis là. Laisse toi faire, tu as promis. Tu ne risques rien. Je suis là et je suis avec toi. - Mais ... qui ... - Chut! Ne crains rien, c'est la surprise. Mélanie se rend, vaincue par cet homme une nouvelle fois. Les mains qui la touchent n'ont pas cessé leurs caresses. Pas de doute pour elle, un autre homme est entré. Elle se doute qu'il s'agit de *** "tourmenteur" du cinéma. Mélanie se détend à nouveau, emportée par *** excitation. Elle sait déjà que cet homme est là pour la prendre, pour la posséder, comme Etienne, comme elle sait qu'elle ne résistera pas, qu'elle va se donner à lui, pour *** plaisir, pour celui de *** amant. Décidément, sa grossesse l'emmène dans des chemins bien tortueux. Elle ne sait pas qui il est, elle ne l'a pas vu, elle n'a même pas entendu le *** de sa voix, et pourtant, elle va se donner à lui, lui laisser prendre *** corps, sans résister. 
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Doucement, les mains se posent sur ses épaules, la poussent en avant. Mélanie se laisse conduire, baisse les épaules et pose sa tête sur ses avant bras. Les mains se saisissent de ses hanches et la tirent légèrement, la forçant à relever les fesses. Mélanie tend sa croupe à cet inconnu. L'instant est imminent. Quelque chose de doux et ferme à la fois, de chaud aussi, se pose sur ses lèvres, glisse dans sa fente. Par réflexe, Mélanie s'ouvre légèrement, facilitant la pénétration. La colonne de chair s'enfonce en elle, d'un coup, profond, violent, comme si l'homme cherchait à la perforer. - Aahhh! Ohhh! Mélanie pousse un cri, à la fois de surprise et d'émotion. L'homme est en elle. Elle le sent bien. Il la prend, la fait sienne, se propulse plusieurs fois au fond de *** ventre, rageusement. Mélanie râle à chaque coup de boutoir. L'homme tape, pousse, s'enfonce encore et encore. Elle crie à chaque poussée. - Ahh! C'est ... fort ... ouiii! Des mains se promènent sur *** ventre rond, sur ses seins. Les deux hommes prennent *** corps. L'inconnu la prend de plus en plus vite. Elle sent ses couilles battre contre ses fesses. Elle a soudain un flash devant les yeux. Une fraction de seconde, elle voit Jean-Paul, *** mari. C'est lui qu'elle sent en elle. Puis à nouveau, cette queue qui la prend, qui la *****. Elle perd pied. Une vague déferle dans *** ventre. Etienne l'a senti. - Jouis ma chérie, vas-y, jouis! - Oh! Oh nooonnn! Qu'est-ce qu'il me met! Etienne ... je ... je viens ... Ouiii .... Pour éviter qu'elle n'ameute d'éventuels clients perdus dans les escaliers tout proches, Etienne lui met la main sur la bouche, l'empêchant de crier. Mélanie rue, souffle, parcourue de spasmes. Elle sent l'homme se raidir en elle. Elle se rend compte qu'il vient, qu'il va décharger en elle. Elle n'a ni la *****, ni la volonté de se rebeller, de se refuser. Elle va se laisser remplir par ce nouvel amant, cet inconnu. La première décharge la surprend, la tétanise. Puis les autres se succèdent, finissant de la faire jouir, puis elle se calme d'un coup, vaincue par la jouissance. L'homme se retire mais elle n'a pas le temps de réagir. Des mains la prennent à nouveau par les hanches. C'est Etienne, elle l'a reconnu, elle l'a senti. Il se présente derrière elle et l'enfile à *** tour, d'un seul coup. Çà glisse tout seul tellement elle est lubrifiée. Elle est heureuse de le recevoir. Il la prend, la caresse en même temps, elle retrouve ses mains douces sur *** ventre qu'il aime à caresser. - Deuxième surprise Mélanie. Je veux que tu te laisses faire et que tu me fasses confiance. Je sais que tu pratiques peu la sodomie. Je te veux comme çà. Je veux que tu me donnes ton cul, et tu vas t'offrir à moi. - Non! Pas çà ... j'veux pas!! - Calme toi. Tu vas voir, tu ne vas rien sentir. Fais moi confiance, tu vas aimer. - J'ai ... j'aime pas ... - Laisse toi aller. Donne ton corps, en entier. Tu aimes les caresses, tu aimes être prise, tu vas connaître d'autres sensations. A nouveau Mélanie se rend sans presque combattre, vaincue par les paroles apaisantes de *** amant, par la douceur de sa voix. A nouveau, elle fond pour cet homme. Il pourrait faire d'elle ce qu'il veut sans qu'elle réagisse. Etienne sort de sa chatte et promène sa verge sur le petit trou, étalant la mouille, lubrifiant le passage. Il replonge dans le vagin accueillant puis à nouveau se présente devant l'œillet. - Quand je te le dirai Mélanie, tu pousseras légèrement, tu vas voir, çà va rentrer tout seul. - Humpfff! L'homme s'agrippe aux hanches et commence à pousser. Mélanie se crispe légèrement. Le gland pousse sur la rosette, qui résiste. - Ne résiste pas Mélanie. Maintenant, pousse, vas-y, pousse. - Hummpppfff! Mélanie s'exécute, bonne élève. Elle pousse légèrement, souffle en même temps. Le gland ***** le temple et le pénètre. C'est passé. Mélanie surprise, ne l'a même pas senti. Etienne pousse à nouveau, lentement mais fermement. L'anus s'élargit, se détend. Mélanie est surprise de constater que la queue de *** amant rentre en elle comme dans du beurre. Çà y est, il est au fond. Doucement, Etienne ressort, puis revient en elle, puis à nouveau la reprend. Mélanie commence à s'habituer au calibre qui lui perfore les intestins. Elle n'a que très peu pratiqué la sodomie avec Jean-paul, et chaque fois, elle a eu mal. Là, au contraire, elle commence à ressentir un grand bien-être. Puis d'un coup, la houle s'empare d'elle. La jouissance la surprend, fulgurante, violente. Elle va crier mais une main se plaque sur sa bouche. Elle ne réagit pas, ne remarque pas que l'autre homme est resté, que c'est lui qui l'empêche de crier. *** ventre se tord, elle transpire. Etienne se raidit à *** tour et lui asperge le fondement de plusieurs traits, la faisant se pâmer encore et encore. Puis le calme revient. Tous deux s'affaissent. Lui sur elle, elle sur le fauteuil. Ils reprennent doucement leur respiration. Etienne lui enlève le foulard. La porte s'ouvre. Mélanie tourne la tête, juste à temps pour voir l'inconnu sortir, un chapeau mou sur le crâne et un drôle d'imper, bien trop grand pour lui. Elle sursaute: - Il ... il était là? - Mais oui Mélanie. Il t'a fait l'amour, et tu as joui! - Je ... je sais, mais ... après ... il était là? Il est resté? - Hé oui. Il voulait te voir jouir d'un autre. Il voulait te regarder te faire sodomiser, c'était *** souhait. Alors, il est resté. - *** souhait? Je ne comprends pas. C'est qui? - Chut! Tu vas comprendre. Rhabille-toi. Je te ramène. - Mais ... - Chut! 
Posts: 167325
Mélanie ne dit plus rien, rassemble ses affaires, se rhabille. Tous deux sortent. Il lui prend la main et la ramène sur le parking, jusqu'à sa voiture. Mélanie est surprise et inquiète. - Mais, je ... j'ai un bus. - Viens, je te raccompagne. - Bon Le trajet est assez court. Mélanie n'a pas dit un mot. Devant l'immeuble, Etienne se gare et la fait descendre. Il prend l'ascenseur avec elle. Alors qu'elle s'attend à ce qu'il descende à *** étage, Etienne s'arrête à celui du dessus. - Mais, vous ne descendez pas ... en dessous? - Pourquoi faire? Je n'habite pas cet immeuble Mélanie. Les autres fois, c'était pour te laisser rentrer chez toi tranquille. Aujourd'hui, je viens avec toi. - Mais, c'est ... chez moi. - Je sais! Entre, il y a une autre surprise pour toi Mélanie. - Mais je... il y a mon mari ... Vous pouvez pas. - Mais si. Je sais qu'il y a ton mari, mais ne t'inquiète pas. Il nous attend. - Hein? Qu'est-ce que vous dites? Mais ... vous le connaissez? - Je te dis de ne pas t'inquiéter. Il nous attend. - Mon Dieu! Complètement perdue, prête à éclater en sanglots, au bord de la crise, Mélanie regarde la porte s'ouvrir sur *** appartement. Ses jambes se dérobent sous elle. C'est Etienne qui ***ne, elle n'a même plus la présence d'esprit de sortir ses clefs. La porte s'ouvre sans bruit. Etienne la pousse et la fait entrer devant lui. Là, c'est le choc. - Ah! C'est pas vrai! Vous! Non! Au fond du couloir, en contre jour, l'inconnu à l'imperméable se tient de dos. Mélanie manque de se sentir mal. Etienne la soutient. - Calme toi Mélanie. Cet homme te connaît, et ... tu le connais aussi. Parfaitement. Regarde le bien. Tu ne le reconnais pas? - Reconnu? Et là, stupeur, soudain elle comprend. L'homme se retourne, enlève *** chapeau, puis l'imperméable. - Jean Paul! Jean Paul? Mais ... - Oui ma chérie. N'aie crainte. C'est bien moi. - Jean Paul? C'est toi! Et ... mais c'était toi? - Au cinéma? Oui, c'était moi. Je te demande pardon, mais, c'est moi qui ai organisé tout çà, avec Etienne, mon patron. - Ton ... ton patron? Etienne est ton patron? - Oui. Je te présente mon patron. Il sait tout de toi, et c'est un peu ma faute. - Mais, c'est toi qui ... - Oui. C'est moi. C'est moi qui lui ai demandé de te séduire, puis c'est moi qui lui ai demandé de te prendre. - Toi? Mais, pourquoi tu as fait çà? - Pour toi ma chérie, pour ton plaisir. Tu te souviens, tu m'avais parlé une fois, de ton fantasme, et je sentais que tu avais besoin de beaucoup, beaucoup de passion et un besoin extrême de sexe depuis que tu es enceinte, alors, j'ai imaginé tout ce scénario, en espérant que tu y prennes plaisir. Je ne regrette pas, je sais qui tu y as pris beaucoup de plaisir, et je te remercie, car moi aussi, tu m'as permis d'accéder à mon fantasme. J'espère maintenant que tu ne m'en voudras pas, je le souhaite. Revenant lentement de sa surprise, Mélanie analyse, revoit tout ce qui s'est passé, les scènes où elle s'est donnée, puis ses jouissances. A cet instant, elle sait qu'elle ne lui en veut pas. Elle vient de vivre des moments inoubliables, grâce à lui, elle qui pensait avoir commis un adultère, l'avoir trompé, avoir trahi celui qu'elle aime. Elle respire à présent, et elle sait qu'elle ne regrette rien. - Mon chéri! C'est incroyable. Si je m'étais doutée. - Bon! On va arroser cela alors! - Jean-Paul ... Merci! Etienne ... Merci! Quelques mois plus tard Mélanie accouchera d'une adorable petite fille, qui, n'en doutons pas, sera aussi belle, aussi sensuelle que sa maman, et aussi aimante que *** papa. Devinez qui est le parrain ? 
Posts: 167325
La guide, une femme pas comme les autres. Je venais de divorcer et devais prendre mes vacances et heures supplémentaires, ce qui me faisait prendre 7 semaines. Je suis un homme à 100% hétéro, mais ces vacances ont transformé ma vie. Je me prénomme Denis et j'ai 51 ans, je décide d'aller dans une île tropicale. A mon arrivée, je suis reçu et transféré à l'hôtel que j'avais réservé, accompagné d'une femme métisse d'une beauté à couper le souffle. En arrivant à l'hôtel elle me demanda si j'avais encore besoin d'elle, je répondis que non, vu que nous étions en fin de journée, et fatigué par les 9 heures de vol, elle me dit alors à demain matin quelle heure ? Je lui dis à 008h00 pour le petit déjeuner j'aimerais que nous parlions des excursions, et j'ai pris ma chambre, un junior suite dans un hôtel 5*. Le lendemain, bien reposé je suis aller au petit déjeuner et la guide était déjà là, je me suis installé à la table, et fut surpris par la question de la guide, « vous avez passé une bonne nuit tout seul, dommage que vous ne m'avez pas invitée, nous aurons pu avoir de bon moment », j'ai bégayé un « ah bon » et elle m'a dis : « j'aimerais bien que vous m'invitiez pour tout votre séjour, je ne vous demanderais rien, juste de passer de bons moments avec vous. Si vous êtes docile, je dormirais dans le même lit que vous.« Alors j'ai fait appeler une per***ne de la réception pour changer ma réservation de single en double, et elle dit de porter le petit déjeuner à la suite, et elle me pris par la main et en arrivant à la suite, elle me dit : « je me prénomme Nasty, et tu vas me déshabiller, je veut être nue pour prendre mon petit déjeuner, et toi tu te mets à genoux sous la table et tu me lèches le minou petite salope », je perdis tout mes moyen et lui ai dit « oui Madame », moi qui est plutôt du genre macho, je ne me reconnaissais pas, et obéissais sans rien dire. Après elle alla prendre une douche et m'ordonna de rester sous la table et que je pouvais manger, en revenant, elle m'ordonne de me mettre totalement nu et me caressa l'anus, j'ai adoré, et je me suis cambré en soupirant fort, alors elle enfonça *** doigt dans mon cul, et je me laissais faire sans protester, cela dura plus de 30 minutes et je faillis jouir, c'est trop bon d'avoir un doigt dans le cul ! Puis elle me dit : tu mets juste un pantalon et une chemise, et on va faire du shoping. Arrivé en ville elle me dit devant d'autre per***ne « Tu n'as rien mis sous tes vêtements j'espère », et elle insiste pour que je réponde que je n'ai rien sous mon pantalon, et elle dis à 2 hommes qu'elle connais « voyez mon mari ne s'habille pas pour sortir avec moi, prenez le et allez aux toilettes le punir, et toi mon chéri, tu obéis sinon je te quitte», et je les ai suivis, ils m'ont enlevé chemise et pantalon et mon donné chacun une paire de claque sur les fesses en m'ordonnant après de sortir leurs bites et de les sucer, ce que je fis sans discuter. Je ne me reconnaissais plus, car en plus j'aimais me sentir humilié par cette femme, je reçu leur sperme sur le visage et ne dus pas l'essuyer. Lorsque je suis revenu à la table de l'établissement j'avais le visage couvert de sperme, et elle sourit en me tendant un mouchoir et dit « essuie toi ma salope » et nous sommes partit dans un magasin de lingerie, et elle demanda de lui montrer les dessous les plus sexy et provocateur. Quand la femme lui apporta des modèles, elle dit que pour la taille ce n'est pas pour elle mais pour *** mari et elle me désigna... J'étais rouge de honte et en même temps je frémissais de plaisir, je me suis retrouvé dans un état d'excitation en passant ses dessous que je me suis retrouvé en érection au milieu de la boutique, avec une guêpière seins nu, des bas à couture et elle me mit un rouge à lèvre très vif. En me regardant dans un miroir, je me fis pensé à une vielle pute du bois de Boulogne, Nasty me dit de les garder et de mettre mes habits par-dessus, et nous sommes partit chez elle, là elle me dis « Je veux que tu m'appelles Maitresse et que tu dises que tu es ma salope et ma pute, et tu fais tout ce que je te dirai de faire, tu dois oublier le mot NON, et toute les phrases négatives, tu dois et devras toujours dire Oui Maitresse avec plaisir, si tu dis rien c'est que tu as compris et que tu acceptes d'être et de faire la salope et la pute pour moi » Et je ne dis rien, je suis resté muet, et pourtant je voulais dire non, mais rien ne sortais de ma bouche, alors elle pris le téléphone et fit plusieurs téléphone, «moins de 10 minutes plus tard, un homme se présenta, et Nasty me dit d'aller avec cette homme et de le sucer à fonds en bonne pute, avant de rentrer à l'hôtel, j'ai du satisfaire avec ma bouche encore 5 hommes, j'étais couvert de sperme et elle n'a pas voulu que je prenne une douche, en arrivant à l'hôtel j'ai pu prendre ma douche et du rester nu, elle voulait s'occuper de mon cul comme elle a dit, en sortant de la salle de bains, je vis Nasty avec deux autres femmes grandes, physiquement très agréable, et Nasty me dit de me mettre à 4 pattes puis sortit un gode qu'elle lubrifia et me l'enfonça dans mon anus. 
Posts: 167325
Elles se sont relayées toutes les 3 pendant un peu plus d'une heure, j'avais l'anus brulant et un peu mal, elles se sont mise à m'embrasser et me caresser avec douceur, et quand Nasty me dit « Tu as aimé, j'ai vu que tu soupirais puis gémissais comme une femme », je l'ai regardée et dis « oui Maitresse j'ai aimé votre douceur et aimerais encore me faire enculer si c'est avec douceur » et elle regarda ses 2 amies qui se sont déshabillées, c'est alors que j'ai vu, pour la première fois de ma vie des travestis, 2 femmes d'une grande beauté avec une bite entre les jambes, et j'ai compris, je du les sucer et quand une bandait dur, elle me sodomisa nature, pendant que je suçais l'autre. Nasty en profitais pour faire des photos, et j'eu ma première jouissance de l'anus, c'est trop trop bon et merveilleux, et lorsque les deux jouirent : une au fond de ma bouche et l'autre au fond de mon cul, je jouis une seconde fois, et j'en ai remercié Nasty, car le sperme c'est un vrai délice, et la sensation de le recevoir au fond de mon cul est une sensation incroyable. Malgré la douleur j'avais envie qu'elle continue et Nasty le remarqua, elle me dit à l'oreille « demain tu en auras plus soit patiente petite salope ». Voilà ma première journée du changement de ma sexualité, la suite prochainement, et n'hésitez pas à me laisser vos avis. 
Posts: 282
Toujours excellent, merci
Posts: 3113
Un récits érotique à la fête de l'huma, je pouvais pas laisser passer çà, lol!!!!
Ça s'est passé dans le TER. Au petit matin de septembre, gare St Charles à Marseille, le groupe, une vingtaine de permisternes plus ou moins jeunes, mais jeunes, a pris place, direction Paris, la fête de l'Humanité. J'ai voulu m'asseoir à côté de Carole mais un grand black tout en muscles et tatoué sur le biceps m'a devancée. Bonne perdante, j'ai trouvé place juste derrière eux, près de la fenêtre, sur un vieux siège au revêtement élimé, râpé, collant. Je ne suis pas restée seule longtemps, un garçon d'une vingtaine d'années, j'ai calculé à vue de nez qu'on avait à peu près le même âge, s'est installé sur le siège vacant à mes côtés. — Laurent... Il a dit dans un sourire. — Laurence, j'ai répondu, c'est rigolo, on a le même prénom. Et puis dans un roulement lourd, fastidieux, le train a démarré. En TGV c'était plus cher, comme c'était le MJC (Mouvement des Jeunes Communistes) qui offrait le voyage, on allait pas poser des impératifs de confort et de gain de temps. — Eh bien c'est parti ! a clamé Guillaume, le dirigeant de la section, avant de s'affaler dans mister fauteuil. J'ai regardé Laurent en faisant mine de m'intéresser aux propos de Guillaume. Grand, les cheveux noirs un peu fous, les yeux clairs, peut-être bleus, le jeans troué de circonstance, le tee-shirt à l'effigie du Che, le bras plutôt musclé. Faut croire que les hommes jeunes aiment se prouver que l'intérêt qu'une femme leur porte tient dans le gonflement sous la manche. Lui aussi m'a observée, mais bien plus franchement. De la tête aux pieds, sans se presser. — Dis donc, ma voisine, t'en jettes, t'es mignonne ! Ben voyons, j'ai pensé, comme t'es sûr de toi. Moi je le sais que je suis bien gaulée et que j'ai une tête de salope sous mes longues mèches brunes. Alors ton compliment du dimanche... enfin, du samedi... — Oh merci, j'ai répondu. Et j'ai pris un air timide pour lui faire croire que j'avais compris qu'à côté de moi trônait le roi du monde. Du coup, ça lui a donné de l'assurance. Avant qu'il ne passe au plan d'attaque, j'ai eu le temps de constater qu'entre Carole et le grand black la conversation allait bon train. Laurent ne m'a pas laissé le temps de saisir des bribes de ce qui se disait devant moi. — Laurence, je dis sans doute une bêtise, mais j'ai l'impression qu'on se connaît... Où nous sommes-nous rencontrés ? Je me suis dit qu'il manquait pas d'air le beau brun. C'est sûr qu'avec des cils pareils et des pupilles comme des agates... C'était quand même pas une raimister pour déployer des plumes de paon et se la péter comme ça. Alors pour le troubler et je savais que je le troublerais, j'ai ôté mon petit pull et il a découvert mon tee-shirt noué au-dessus du ventre et mon piercing. La vache, ses yeux comme ils ont fait le parcours du pull enlevé jusqu'au nombril ! Ça lui a fait faire une minute de silence et j'ai apprécié cette petite victoire volée au guerrier de l'amour qu'il semblait être. J'ai su d'entrée de jeu à qui j'avais affaire, un serial lover, j'ai su aussi que je voudrais savoir quel goût avait ce garçon. On est salope dans l'âme ou on ne l'est pas. Ça risquait d'être long ce Marseille-Paris en TER et je n'avais emporté ni livre ni ouvrage genre crochet ou tricot... C'était le genre devin qui perce les pensées parce qu'il a dit : — J'ai pas prévu d'occupation et on n'est pas rendu... Et toi ? Me suis demandée quel effet ça devait faire de poser des questions dans le vide vu que je prenais pas la peine de répondre. Mais j'ai souri, dans le vague. Et j'ai pris un regard de tragédienne, histoire de déstabiliser Laurent. — C'est pas pour te flatter ma belle mais des avions de chasse comme toi, on en voit pas beaucoup dans le ciel... Voilà, un comme lui quand ça commence, ça peut pas s'arrêter et pour emballer le tout il était d'une poésie... Malgré ce déballage inepte, j'avoue que mister corps exerçait sur moi une attirance folle. Dommage, je m'étais imaginée que si je rencontrais quelqu'un d'intéressant pendant ce trajet, il aurait lu au moins le Manifeste de Marx. Ça semblait pas le cas et il portait le Che sur le torse comme il aurait pu porter le logo d'une marque fashion. Le truc de circonstances. Je savais pas quoi faire de la petite laine chiffonnée entre mes doigts. Alors je l'ai posée sur mister jeans. Je me suis étirée. J'ai regardé par la fenêtre. Il a saisi à pleines mains le pull. Il l'a porté à mister visage. Il l'a humé, fort. Puis abandonné sur mister pantalon, à la place que j'avais choisie pour le vêtement. Me suis demandée à quel concert on aurait droit, là-bas, à la fête de l'Huma. Est-ce que ça serait à la hauteur de Lavilliers... Laurent a pris ma main dans la sienne et l'a enfouie sous mon pull. Posée sur mister sexe. Il a défait la braguette. Sa queue était chaude et charnue. Je l'ai empoignée, limite par automatisme, je voulais juger de la solidité du renflement. Dans ma main, nichée dans la paume, jouant contre mes doigts, elle prenait vie. C'était une histoire entre elle et moi. Elle devenait mon natural domestique. J'avais l'impression que c'était elle qui me caressait, qu'elle quémandait mon attention. Je n'avais pas à la dompter, elle était maîtrisée d'avance, offerte, acquise. Ça m'était bien égal qu'à l'autre bout d'elle les yeux bleus n'aient pas lu Karl Marx. Toute chaude, elle se mettait à danser, tendue, arrondie, parfaite. Une queue d'exception. — Tu l'aimes, hein, ma bite, elle te plaît, pas vrai... Pouvait pas s'empêcher de la ramener. J'avais pas envie qu'il la retire de mes mains, alors j'ai dit oui, oui, oui, je l'aime ta queue, je vais la prendre en bouche, la lécher, saliver dessus. J'ai dit ça très doucement, en le regardant dans les yeux, je sais pas si dans le wagon y en avait qui nous observaient, je pense que non, mais ça n'avait pas d'importance. J'ai vu passer la joie, la reconnaissance, dans mister regard. Mes doigts ont pris la forme d'un rond de serviette et avec un savoir-faire que je ne leur avais jamais connu auparavant, ils se mistert mis à danser autour de la bête. Ma chair moite épousait cet natural prêt à se rendre d'un instant à l'autre. Le grand sauvage dans ma main petite sursautait, tremblait, se débattait. J'ai regardé le visage de Laurent et j'ai vu couler une larme le long de sa joue. Un pleur de bonheur. J'étais fière de moi. Alors j'ai astiqué mister engin de plus belle, le geste énergique. Je me sentais frénétique. Sous mon pantalon je portais le petit short rouge qui me sert pour le footing l'été sur la plage. Le short bordé de blanc sur les coutures, le short avec écrit sexy en grosses lettres sur le cul. Je me sentais puissante parce que je mouillais ma culotte et que ça débordait sur le short de coton. J'étais humide, ça collait et entre mes mains se trouvait le levier de vitesse d'une bien jolie machine.
Laurent s'est tourné vers moi. Il a posé sa bouche dans mon cou avec une délicatesse inattendue. Il a plaqué ses doigts entre mes cuisses et juste par la pression de cette main j'étais au bord de jouir. J'ai dégagé mon visage et je me suis inclinée. Ses doigts ne pouvaient plus exercer la même pression. J'ai repris le contrôle. Sa bite a tapé contre ma joue. Elle est venue se loger dans ma bouche et j'ai craché un gros flot de salive. Je l'ai sucée avec tout l'amour que je sais mettre dans ces moments-là. Il y avait la bite et moi. La bite et ma bouche. Laurent, Guillaume, Carole, le grand black, le groupe, je m'en foutais. C'était moi la plus belle fille du wagon, moi, la plus belle pute du Marseille-Paris. Je me sentais glorieuse de ça. J'y ai mis tant de cœur qu'il a éjaculé un monstrueux jet de sperme au fond de ma gorge. Et sans bruit. Sans le moindre râle. Juste les frismisters et les soubresauts. J'ai avalé d'une traite. J'ai passé ma main pour essuyer ma bouche. Je me suis relevée. J'ai regardé par la fenêtre. Direct. Pas un regard, rien, pour lui. On a laissé passer une dizaine de minutes comme ça. Je suis sûre qu'il y avait eu quelques voyeurs pour mater la scène. J'espère qu'ils en avaient eu mal à la queue d'envie. Laurent s'est penché vers moi et il m'a dit qu'il avait envie de pisser, qu'il voulait que je vienne avec lui, pour le regarder et puis que si moi j'avais envie, il allait me regarder aussi. Il s'est levé et s'est dirigé vers la cabine de toilettes à l'arrière du wagon. Même pas une minute après lui, j'ai fait de même. Il faisait plus sombre à cet endroit du compartiment et on n'intéressait plus qui que ce soit. La suspicion nous concernant n'avait plus lieu d'être. Il est entré le premier et j'ai suivi. On s'est serré afin de fermer la porte. Je me suis collée contre la paroi et il a déboutonné mon jeans. Il a passé ses mains sous le short et la culotte pour les faire glisser. Il y avait une cuvette, ce qui est rare dans ce genre de trains souvent équipés de vieux toilettes à la turque, plus hygiéniques mais pas très pratiques. Et puis c'était propre. J'ai eu l'idée de provoquer le grand garçon aux yeux clairs. Je me suis assise pour pisser. Il m'a regardée. Il m'a dit de ne pas m'essuyer. Il m'a dit de me relever. De mettre mon bon petit cul contre le mur. J'ai obéi. Il s'est agenouillé devant moi. D'abord j'ai senti sa respiration contre ma chatte glabre. Puis il a passé sa langue le long de ma fente. Une grosse langue gourmande. J'ai senti ses lèvres charnues prendre possession de mon bulbe suintant. J'ai écarté les cuisses parce que je voulais plus de sensations. Il lapait mon sexe, il avait lapé mes gouttes d'urine. Il a aspiré ma chatte tout entière et sans presque toucher mon clitoris, il m'a fait jouir. Je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher de gémir. J'ai déchargé comme rarement dans ma vie. Tant bien que mal, je me suis réajustée. Bien sûr, c'est le moment que Guillaume a choisi pour vouloir utiliser les lieux. Quand on a ouvert il attendait sagement derrière la porte. Laurent était gêné, l'embarras le faisait transpirer. Ça m'a agacée ce manque d'aplomb. Moi, je me suis pas démontée. J'ai regardé Laurent dans les yeux et je lui ai offert un sourire plein de promesses. Après tout, un chef, ça a des prérogatives. Avant d'entrer dans les toilettes, Guillaume s'est mordillé la lèvre supérieure, genre, c'est quand tu veux ma belle. Mais je voulais, ça tombait pile poil, on aurait tout loisir de combler le roi des révolutionnaires à la fête ou dans sa chambre d'hôtel ou sur le trajet retour. Lui, il aurait le choix. On s'est remis à nos place. Devant, Carole s'était endormie et le grand black était perdu dans ses rêves. Je l'y aurais volontiers rejoint. Quelle sotte cette Carole. Un modèle si appétissant. Mais je me réservais désormais pour Guillaume. Je ne voulais pas me disperser trop. Laurent collait mister bras contre le mien mais j'en avais rien à faire de mister bras. Lui et moi c'était une histoire de fellation et de lèche qui allait s'arrêter là. À cet instant, j'étais juste la seule à le savoir. Il a dit que ça serait cool de recommencer à Paris. J'ai pas répondu. Quand Guillaume a traversé à nouveau le wagon, j'ai regardé ses fesses et comment il marchait. C'était pas une gravure de mode mais il me plaisait. Il me plaisait davantage que mon voisin. Dimisters que lui je l'avais pas eu, pas encore. Dimisters qu'avec lui j'envisageais de coucher mais c'est sûr que dans une chambre d'hôtel par exemple, ça s'y prête plus facilement que dans un compartiment de TER ! J'ai fermé les yeux. On allait pas tarder à arriver à Paris. J'ai pensé à mon petit ami qui n'était pas du tout de gauche, lui, qui avait une belle situation, qui avait toute confiance en moi et viendrait me chercher, sur le quai de la gare St Charles, à la fin du week-end. J'ai pensé à Guillaume et j'ai espéré très fort qu'il m'invite le soir dans mister lit. Sinon je dormirais sous une grande tente prévue pour nous recevoir et dans mon sac de couchage et ça j'en avais vraiment pas envie. Guillaume, en dignitaire, avait une chambre réservée, je le savais. J'ai pensé à Che Guevara et j'ai déploré qu'il soit contre le torse de Laurent parce que je les trouvais pas assortis. Peut-être que je me trompais mais j'en doute. Je me suis dit qu'il me faudrait trouver une phrase inoubliable à dire à Laurent en descendant du train. Le temps n'efface pas les phrases et avec le temps il oublierait le goût de ma fente. Bonne ou mauvaise, j'ai toujours eu le sens de la formule. J'ai pensé qu'en quittant le train, quand le groupe à nouveau se mélangerait, Laurent me dirait une phrase du genre : — À plus tard ma coquine, ma terrible Laurence... On se retrouve ce soir... Je me suis dit qu'il y avait pas trente-six mille mots qui feraient mouche, qui seraient parfaits dans ce contexte, j'ai pensé que je lui répondrais alors : — Hasta siempre, Laurent... Histoire de botter en touche et de passer à autre chose...
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pas déjà poster cette histoire là ?? 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Becoming Her Bitch "You're holding back from me. There's something you're not telling me," she had said. That's how it started. The whole long strange trip to where I sit now. Or should I say kneel now? Dressed in a black lace teddy, black thigh highs, heels, pigtails and a strangers cock fucking my mouth. I feel her nudge me with her heel. Her heel that is stuck in my asshole. I'm thankful for the blunt steel tip. It must be inside me a good 3 inches. I lean forward on my knees and suck faster, arching my back even more to make sure she has access to my sissy hole. We had been seeing each other for several months. I had screwed up the courage to tell her how I felt and we quickly became lovers. Although she never loved me. I was her little sex toy. Big dick, long hair, muscular yet thin. We played out of her biker fantasies. She would call in the middle of the night and whisper into the phone, "Wanna come over and play?" She stood 5'9", thin, nice ass, blonde hair cut shoulder length and straight. Blue eyes. The coldest blue eyes I have ever seen. We did it all, except for anal. She said I was too big. How funny is it now that I'm the one getting fucked in the ass for her? "You should really try fucking his ass," she tells the cock in my mouth. "We have a special little trick to tighten him up whenever you're ready to cum." Yes, we certainly do. The cock in my mouth withdraws with a pop. I wipe the strands of drool from my chin and pick up the condom she has tossed onto the floor beside me. I pick it up and begin putting it on the cock in front of me. It's a nice cock. Thick. Really thick. My jaw hurts. It stands erect at about 8 inches. Clean shaven, black as night. I slide the condom on and assume the position. I scoot back so that Mistress doesn't have to move any. My balls hang over her high heel shoe, the other heel slides out of my ass as she makes way for the big black dick to fuck me. I knew she had been getting bored with fucking me. I knew it wasn't just me either, there was some super sadistic side of her that I hadn't seen yet. A hungry side that needed to be fed. One night after a mind blowing orgasm, she had leaned forward and whispered into my ear, "Lick me." I had just come in her but I've never been squeamish. And it actually turned me on. So I had dropped down and begin to gingerly lick the outside of her pussy. "Lay down on your back," she had said. I did. She mounted me fast and contracted her pussy muscles squeezing my own load into my mouth. "Now lick it you little slut," she had commanded. The authority in her voice had struck a chord and I ate her till my jaw hurt that night. After she had come a couple of times, she dropped off of my chest and snuggled up next to me. "That was fun," she cooed. "So you'll eat your own cum... I wonder what else you'll do for me?" "What do you want," I had asked. "Go to ******" she said. "We'll worry about that later." Later came the following weekend. I knew something was up when I walked in. She was wearing a bathrobe but had something on underneath. She had kissed me deeply but kept my hands pinned to my sides. "Such long pretty hair," she said as she ran her fingers through my waist length hair. "I want you to do something for me. Will you do it?" "Do what?" I asked. "Just say you'll do it." "Fine." I had learned that when she wanted something, it was just easier to give in. Besides, how bad could it be? She smiled and led me into the bedroom. On the bed were a very large set of 5" stiletto heels, a pair of white stay up thigh highs and some matching frilly panties. "I want you to wear these tonight." I picked up the thigh highs and the feeling of the material against my hand gave me an instant erection. Her hand snaked down the outside of my pants to rub my stiffening cock through the material. "Me thinks you like, yes?" "Soooo..." I stammered. "What are we gonna do if I put these on?" "Well," she smiled in my ear, "I've always wanted to experiment with my lesbian side so it won't be much different than any other night. You'll just look... well... hot." Her hand grabbed the end of my dick and squeezed. "Now get dressed, slut." With that she left the room. I had always wanted to try this but I had been too afraid to ever ask. And now the opportunity was here... it was what she wanted... so why wouldn't I? I stripped down and began by putting on the thigh high stockings. The material felt so go against my legs. Next the panties which just felt silly as my cock and balls wouldn't even begin to stay inside. And then the shoes. The ends came to a point and I wondered how women ever wore them and walked anywhere. Standing uneasily, I teetered over to the full length mirror and shook my head. What the hell was I doing? Mistress came in that night wearing almost exactly what I had on except in black. God she looked hot. She came up behind me and began to caress my aching cock through the panties. "Lay down," she said. Didn't have to tell me that twice. I laid back and let my legs splay across the bed like some kind of cheap hooker. Mistress dropped to her knees and began to expertly suck my cock. Taking it all the way to the base while needing my balls with her hands. Every so often the tip of her finger would graze my asshole making me moan. Mistress let my cock slide out of her mouth, "Like that do you?" she said and began working her finger into me. I didn't say anything. I just closed my eyes and let her have her way. One finger became two, two worked up to three. My breathing was shallow and I thought I would cum as her free hand began pumping my dick. "I want to try something," she said after a while. I opened my eyes to look at her. What was I going to say? "Okay." "Get on your knees and put your wrists through the middle around your ankles." I was in a trance. So close to cumming. I didn't even bother to ask why or what. I just assumed the position as she stepped to the closet and brought something out. 
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"Now, don't move while I slide this on," she laughed. Her laughter made me feel foolish. It also made me harder. I felt the first leather cuff slide around my ankle just above the little strap of the heel. Next came one wrist, then the other. With a tug and a giggle, she yanked my other leg over to the last cuff leaving me as a spread open and vulnerable as a Thanksgiving Day turkey. She worked my panties down a few inches completing my **********. After securing me in place, she left again to the bathroom and was gone for several minutes. The full sized mirror that served as her headboard afforded me a good view of my situation. I had to admit, I looked pretty hot. Being naturally not hairy, my ass looked pretty good in the air. Mistress entered the bedroom wearing a strap on. I felt a twitch in the end of my cock and a precum spasm in my balls. "Oh my god," was all I could mutter. It was big. Not crazy huge but at least 8 inches long and a good couple of inches thick. She had already put a condom on it and it bobbed crazily in the air as she walked. She walked to my boy clothes piled in the corner and slid the belt out of my jeans. Without saying a word, she walked behind me and took a batter's stance and let fly with one hand. "Ohhh," was all I was able to grunt. The next few strokes fell one after the other. I buried my head in the sheets and clenched my fists strapped in to the spreader bar. My feet danced in place in their high heels but could find no escape. I thought she was going to tear the skin before she stopped. My ass was on fire and several of the blows had come dangerously close to my balls. Tossing the belt into the corner and breathing hard, she came to me on the bed and whispered, "That's what happens to bad girls. But you're going to be a good girl, yes?" "Yes," I said through gritted teeth. Her hand rubbed my red ass. "Wow," she said in genuine amazement, "you should feel the heat coming off your ass right now. But," she paused tapping a finger on my asshole, "I guess you can." The bed jiggled as she moved off and behind me. I felt something cold and wet being smeared on my ass. Fingers invaded me again spreading the lube far inside. My balls ached they were so full and as she hit the back of my prostate with her fingers, my cock would twitch and threaten to cum. Satisfied with the lube job, she withdrew her fingers and rather unceremoniously started feeding the big dildo into my ass. With all of the fingering to stretch me, it slid right in. It was so big. I let out another gasp. But it was soft and feminine. I was dropping into the role she wanted me to play. My balls hurt from the pressure, my cock strained for release. I had gone insane with lust and existed only to do what she wanted. "Tell me you want it sissy," she sneered. "Ask me to fuck you." "Please fuck me Mistress," I said in a little girl voice. "Please fuck my ass." I looked up into the mirror and saw her grinning. With the end of her cock in my ass, she moved her hands around to hold my hips and slowly feed the monster into me. I felt so full. It went so deep that I didn't think I could take anymore. She withdrew and began to rock back and forth, fucking me slowly. "That's it baby," she said softly. "Take that cock." I put my head back down and closed my eyes. She was picking up speed but the pain was subsiding. I was so hot. And then without any warning, I came. Each stroke of her cock in my ass produced another long spurt of jism across the sheets. After a while, I stopped but Mistress didn't. She continued to pummel me and I could do nothing to stop her. "Like that baby? Wait till we go get you a real cock." My heart skipped a beat. I felt cold and clammy. Slowing suddenly, she moved up closer and reached underneath to feel the sticky mess I had shot onto the bed. Her cum covered fingers found their way to my mouth as she slowly fucked me now. "Looks like you enjoyed this tonight." Her fingers smeared the cum over my lips. "Lick those off now," she commanded. I did. My own cum was cold and tasted like nothing it had before when I licked it out of her pussy.. "Better get used to taste of cum baby," she said. "I've got plans for you." 
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I can feel the toe of her high heels sliding under my balls. I'm on all fours positioned right over it. The big black cock is lubed up and pressing against my back door. I try to relax. I try to let it in without clenching up. It'll hurt if I clench before he's in all the way. "Don't worry about being careful," Mistress tells the cock. "She loves it rough." He. She. It. I'm not sure what I am anymore. Big hands wad my pigtails up into reins. My head is pulled back and I let out a slow exhale. The big cock rams into me in one fluid motion. My back comes up from it's arch as the pain shoots through me. Mistress gives me a small kick in the testicles with her foot. It's nothing compared to what is coming when the cock starts cumming. I think back to our first night out. She had on her big flat silk hat and sunglasses. She was even smoking that night. A ridiculously small cigarette stuffed into a long black holder. It was her movie. And I was merely a prop. She had led me in with a leash around my cock. The chain trailed up and under the front of the dress. I was getting better at walking in heels by that point but I still teetered around like a ******* prom date. We took a booth in the back. There weren't many people there. A couple of guys at the bar, a creature of indeterminate sex behind the bar. A fat man in a bad suit had turned around to watch us come in. I saw Mistress wave at him as our ****** arrived. I gulped mine down as she motioned him over. He was repulsive. In every way. And obviously *****. He thudded down in the booth next to me, his hand immediately shooting up my dress to caress my stocking covered thigh. "Hiya," he said to Mistress. "I'm Larry." "Hello Larry," Mistress replied. She was at her condescending, hateful best. Larry was too fucking stupid to notice. "Tryin to get one of these fags to give me head," Larry announced. Mistress smiled and held up the leash. She gave it a small yank, "Get busy," she said without looking at me. Larry looked at me and fumbled with his fly to get his dick out. It was small. Like Larry's brain. Mistress gave my leash another tug, sharper and with the threat of harm. I leaned over in the booth and took Larry the idiot's cock into my mouth. I couldn't really move because of Larry's belly. I felt another tug on my leash and sat up. "Get under the table on your knees." I slid under the table as ordered. At least from down here, I didn't have to look at Larry, just his dick. I began to suck it in short fast strokes to keep from hitting my head on the table. Above me, I could hear Mistress and Larry talking about something. God knows what. As they spoke, Mistress's foot found my it's way up my leg. The tip of her heel found the middle of my panties and with a long scratching raking motion, she lowered my panties to half staff around my thighs. This was a first but I was in too deep at this point. Whatever she wanted, she would get. The heel came back up my ass and began probing for my asshole. I stopped sucking for a moment and waited. Larry must have told her I had stopped because her foot left and then came flying up to crush my balls. I moaned loudly into Larry's cock and I could feel his belly shake with laughter. I began sucking again hoping to just get this idiot off and get rid of him. Mistress must have looked under the table as her heel now found it's way to my asshole without any problems and began to slide in. Her heel slid in out of me while I sucked Larry's dick. It wasn't long before I felt the dick in my mouth get harder. The table bumped slightly as a large load of cum shot into my mouth. I held it there and let him shoot rope after rope of jism into my mouth. Larry zipped up and hurriedly left. I remained under the table and let the cum leak out of my mouth and onto the floor. Mistress's heel remained in my ass as I watched a pair of cowboy boots walk towards the table. It was to be a long night. It seems so long ago. But here I am now, on all fours getting my brains fucked out. I've relaxed now and the big black cock is sliding smooth and fast. My neck is still craned back as the reins of my pigtails are clenched tighter. He's about to cum I figure. A wave of anxiety runs through my stomach. "Ah yeah," the cock says. "Here it comes baby... here it comes." "Tell me when you're close," I hear Mistress say. Tears run out of the corners of my eyes. "Oh yeah... oh **** yeah... here I cum," the cock moans in a howl. The tip of Mistress's show leaves my balls and I can hear her shift her weight. Her foot flies up and kicks me hard. My stomach muscles contract, my asses clinches tighter and the big cock in my ass explodes a fountain of cum into my sissy hole. Again the foot flies and my ass tightens again. My legs are shaking with spasms, the big cock buried to the hilt. I begin to recover and relax. The big cock slides out of me. Mistress calls it her 'double tap'. "Clean it," I hear Mistress command. 
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I turn and the big slimy cum covered cock is shoved back in my mouth. I taste my own ass and the big cock's cum. I lick the balls. I clean the sweat off of his taint. He offers his ass to me and I clean that also. I don't know what I've become. The cock leaves. Mistress smiles down at me. "You did will dear. Now you can have your reward." More degradation. More ***********. I begin stroking my cock with my panties still around my knees. Mistress offers her foot and within seconds, I cover it with my own cum. "That's a good girl. Now clean it off." I bend and suck my own spew off her foot. My ass is sore. My balls ache. I am hers now. The point of no return was long ago and now there is only the freedom of doing her bidding and forging into darker depths. God knows where this road will take me but there is no leaving the path now. 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Creampie Delivery Jan,the pretty, muscular mail carrier, walked down the street in regulation postal summer gear that looked better on her than any other woman in the history of postal service. The short-haired blonde was an athlete, and it showed, mostly in her lower body. Jan was possessed of calves so thick her short black socks couldn't come up above the jagged bulge of them. On her titanic thighs, the gray shorts that were baggy on most carriers, were skintight and rode high, exposing tons of sleek, creamy muscle between the hem of her shorts and those short black socks and black shoes. Jan was a perfect letter carrier, always on time, always out no matter the weather, always bright, pleasant and cheerful. And oh yes, she was very fond of delivering creampies. One ******** hot summer day, Jan rang my bell and I answered, licking my lips at the sight of her sweaty, gorgeous body. "Creampie delivery," she said cheerfully. "Creampie?" I asked, confused. "I didn't order any creampie. And besides, creampies wouldn't hold up well in this heat." "Well, these do," she said, smiling. "I just picked them up a few houses down, from four teenage boys. Took me only about 15 minutes. You know the young ones, they, uh, donate really quickly." "Uh, I'm not sure I follow," I said, shaking my head and trying not to be obvious as I tried catching a glimpse of her sweaty, muscular legs. "What do you mean?" And Jan explained exactly what she meant in a way that would change my life forever. "I fucked the four boys, took their cum internally, in my cunt, which is called a 'creampie' in sexual slang," she said, calmly sorting through her mail and handing mine to me. "I've noticed you checking me out for months now, especially these big, muscular legs. I like people eating my creampies and you like my legs, sooooooooooo - I'm gonna scissor you in my big legs and MAKE you eat my creampies!!" Before I could react, Jan swung the heavy mailbag and belted me over the head with it, knocking me back inside, stunning me. I hit my knees and she stepped inside, closing the door to the apartment building. As I knelt, my head was easy prey for her huge legs. She stepped over it and closed my neck between the steel rollers of her humungously muscled calves, standing now on crossed feet and putting incredibly painful pressure on my neck. I screamed in agony and she laughed, recrossing her socked ankles and crushing me anew. "I suggest we get upstairs where people won't hear you screaming," she said, letting me go and grabbing my hair to walk up the stairs behind her. As I walked, she purposely stepped on each stair slowly and carefully, the huge muscles of her gargantuan calves rising up like fleshy fists out of her falling black socks. "You like those legs, doncha?" she hissed over her shoulder. "Well get a good look, sucker, you'll see a lot of them in the next few minutes. And that's all I have, a few minutes, so you won't suffer long." Inside my apartment, she hiprolled me to the floor and threw down her heavy bag. She was standing now in a long overcoat, gray; it had been raining earlier and despite the heat, she wore the flimsy gray parka to keep dry. On her head, she wore a jungle-style hat, the kind postal workers wear. She looked institutional yet stunning at the same time. Then she pulled aside the long coat, like a gunslinger getting ready for battle. Those immense thighs were bursting at the seams of her tight, short-shorts, thick rivers of muscular flesh threatening to explode the hem of her shorts. She smiled and wobbled one giant thigh and then flexed down hard, thundering the muscle to a steely stop before my stunned eyes. "Creampie delivery!" she yelped, hooking her shorts waistband with her thumbs and pulling them down. "Check it out, those young studs come gallons, I swear!!" She leaned against my kitchen counter and spread her legs as much as the shorts around her ankles would allow. Her blonde cunt hair was profuse and thick, and also completely matted with moisture, most of which I assumed was the steaming spunk of the boys down the street. I gulped and begged for mercy. "Jan, please, I don't know why you think I'd like to eat someone else's cum from your pussy..." I began. "...and asshole," she corrected. "One of them came up my ass." I gulped again. "And besides, I didn't ASK you if you'd like to," she hissed, pulling apart her gummy cunt lips, thick strands of teen spunk strung between them. "I'm TELLING you!!" She quickly kicked off her shorts and laid down on the floor, at the same time grabbing my ears and ramming me face first into the clammy well of her fucked cunt. As promised, she scissored me and scissored me hard, her huge, muscular thighs ribboning like fleshy steel around my ears, her socked calves locking up above me as she squeezed hard, sending the ropy adductors of her inner thighs crushing into my head. I screamed in agony and in doing so, opened my mouth - which was immediately flooded with a thick wad of teen boy spunk. I gagged and tried to spit it out, but Jan's hands held my face fast to the gooey mulch of her cunt. "Mmmm, that's it, that's the way, you try to spit it out and I just milk my cunny tunnel harder to wash the spew out of my pussy and right down your fucking throat," she cooed, undulating her mammoth gams as she did, scissoring my skull tightly and at the same time rhythmically ******* out seeming gallons of teen boy goop. My eyes crossed in pain, disgust and *********** as I gobbled and swallowed as best I could to keep from drowing in the sea of sperm bubbling out of her spongy snatch. "Fuck, yeah, that's it, that's it...just like that..." Jan hissed, eyes closed, head back as she rubbed her clit on my nose while my mouth remained prisoner of her spunky gash. "Gonna fucking cummmmmmmmm..." And she did, in a hip-snapping, thigh-thundering frenzy that damn near dislocated my jaws and neck, rippling her scissoring legs onto my head and sending the last few pints of boy cream cascading down my gullet. I swallowed hard but still missed some in the violent wrenching of her legs, the ***** of them causing my face to be nearly erased in the snapping roughage of her cunt. By the time she stopped, I had cum, some hers, mostly the boys, all over my face, top to bottom, forehead to adam's apple. She finally unlatched her huge thighs and I gulped in mouthfuls of air. She quivered her rippling thighs on my face and looked down at me, laughing. "Hey, how about some dessert?" she giggled. "Remember, one kid gave me a buttblaster, so how's about you go trolling for some chocolate spunk??" I was too weak to resist as Jan rolled me over and squatted, like she was taking a **** inthe woods, right over my face on the kitchen floor, her huge, squatting thighs and calves creased deep in muscle. She leaned over a bit to balance herself on my chest and grunted, a thick river of boy goo sluicing down the muscular channel of her **** chute and bubbling creamily into my mouth. She ****** wide open her anal ring, the o-shaped lips distending, and crapped out a sizeable wad of sperm, mixed with the tangy brew of her ass walls, the funky spunkshake blasting down my throat on the winds of a ******, spew-laden fart. She laughed and rotated her lush hips, effectively wiping her cummy asshole on my face. I cried real tears of shame and disgust as she dismounted me and stood on huge legs. "Hey, just so you don't think I'm heartless," she laughed, pulling her short-shorts back on and sitting down near my waist. "Have a little calf fucking!" With that, Jan tugged down my pants and started stroking my cock, which was half hard throughout the disgusting en****** cum-eating extravaganza. She smiled at it. "Funny, even those who complain the most about eating my creampies, if they could talk with their mouths full of cum and all, even they get a little hard...and in your case, I do mean, LITTLE!" I blanched at the description, but she was right and as I looked down at my now fully erect cock, I could barely see the mushroom cap in the fiercely pumping grip of Jan's strong hand. Once I was hard, she stopped handjobbing me, reached up and wiped some still hot cum off my face and slathered it over her socked calves, finally sitting back and plopping her huge lower legs around my dick. She scissored it in the clamp of her velvet-skinned calves and took to fucking my cock with it. I'd never felt anything so heavenly in my life. I looked down to the creased sidemeat of those amazing lower legs, hunky and muscular, smooth and creamy, and couldn't find even the head of my cock, so great was the scissoring girth of the calves fucking my dick. Jan leaned up on her elbows and casually blew a strand of sweaty blonde hair from her face as she fiercely milked the scissored calf clamp, vibrating the locked-up meat on my prick. "This usually does it, my vibrato cock scissor," she growled as she grit her teeth in concentration. "C'mon, don't make a liar out of me..cum in Jan's big..fucking...CALVES!!!" And I did, with a howl and a hip-snapping motion of my own, cumming from the bottom of my soul and feeling an endless supply of nutsauce ribboning out of my balls to be buried in the comfy clamp of Jan's monstrous calves. I came for what seemed an eternity before it finally stopped and Jan relaxed her humungous lower legs, letting my shrunken, cum-coated cock flop out. Inside those gigantically muscled calves was thick gobs of still steaming spunk. But not for long. She winked at me and reached up with those legs to scissor my face and jaws with them, *****fully and violently rubbing off all my hot cum onto my lips, mouth, up my nose, in my eyes, as she quiver-scissored me hard. Then she held first one cummy calf up, then the other, and ordered me to eat. "Suck up that cum, you put it there, you eat it," she hissed. "Go on, I gotta get back to work and I don't want cum all over my legs! EAT IT!!" I obyeyed and when she was sufficiently pleased with my cum-eating job, she jumped up, pulled up her short socks on those ridiculously muscled calves and started for the door. "Hope you liked my creampie delivery today," she growled over her brawny shoulder. "I'll drop more off at least once a week." My cock twitched. I couldn't wait. 
Posts: 167325
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Don't Bet on It! Angela was lying on the bed, her legs spread wide for the next man to enter her. Brad was watching from the chair. His hands were tied behind the chair with Angela's bra, her panties were stuffed in his mouth, and his pants and underwear were pulled down to his ankles. Two hours ago, they had received a knock on their door. Brad knew it would be the casino, wanting to know how he would pay his losses. He had no idea. He had won over $10,000 the night before and Angela and he celebrated big time! They felt sure that they could take the $10,000 and double or triple it. Earlier that day, they were doing well, up over $5,000. They felt so confident that they bet it all on a chance to double their winnings. They lost. Because they had done so well earlier, they were able to get house credit to add to the $3,500 they were able to advance from maxing out their credit cards. The afternoon went up and down, and they kept getting in deeper, just knowing they would be able to get 'just a little luck' and regain some of their losses. Then came the final hand and they lost all, all their winnings, all their credit, all their cash, to sum up, everything they could scrape together. The house terms were to pay up when they cashed in. Problem was, they had nothing to cash in. In fact, they owned the casino $27,569. They were packing to leave when the knock came. When Angela opened the door, four rather large men entered, followed by an older man in a suit. One of the men held a video camera and was filming. "We are here to collect your debt," he said calmly. "You must pay up now in cash, that's the deal you made." Brad was nervous and upset, he opened his wallet and took out all his cash. "Here, it's all I have!" Brad blurted out. It was less than $20. Brad realized that he didn't even have enough money to take a bus to the airport to go home. "That's funny, isn't it funny?" The man in the suit looked to the men. "You owe almost $30,000 and you give me pocket change!" Angela began to cry, "We're sorry. We'll pay somehow, we promise." Brad replied, "It's going to be alright, when we get home we'll send you the money." The man in the suit laughed again, "If we let you go home, you will never pay. You don't have enough to pay anything. We researched your credit application, it seems you lied about some things. You don't have $30,000 equity in a house, you rent a house. Your credit cards are all maxed, you have a less than $1,000 in your bank." "Do you have family who will wire the money tonight?" the man asked. Both Brad's and Angela's families were fairly poor. He knew that there was no way. "No," answered Brad. "But we will do what it takes to pay you back. We promise." "Oh, yes, you will," the man in the suit replied. "Sometimes, in special cases like this we can give you a job so can pay us back." "I can't take a job here," Brad responded. "But when I get home I will send you money from each paycheck." "You are not going anywhere until I get all that you owe me," the man in the suit firmly stated. The men moved in close to both Brad and Angela. Two of the men held Angela and two others held Brad's hands behind his back. "So you will work for me?" the man asked. "I guess I will if I have to," Brad replied. "And you little lady, you will work for me?" Angela looked down and shook her head 'yes'. "I didn't hear you, will you work for me?" "Yes," Angela replied, looking at the man. "Leave her out of it," Brad said loudly. "We must have you both," the man replied. "But what can she do?" Brad questioned. "You may be surprised, you may be surprised," the man replied. "Bring me the contracts," the man in the suit said. The largest black man took some papers out of his jacket and handed them to the man. He laid one of the contracts on the desk. He then called Brad over and told him to sign at all the highlighted "x"s. "What am I signing and what will I do?" Brad almost yelled. "You are signing a legitimate emmployment contract, and you will do whatever I tell you to do. The contract will end when you pay everything you owe. Do you understand?" the man in the suit looked angry and two large men stood by his side as Brad signed the contract. "And now you, little lady," the man in the suit said with a coy smile. Angela walked over to the desk, sat down, and signed the contract at all the highlighted "x"s. "Very good, and now you will get to work," the man in the suit said eagerly. Brad didn't like the way the men were looking at Angela. Angela didn't either. In fact, she felt something was wrong and she was fighting back tears. The man in the suit walked up to Angela. Angela was a pretty woman, 5'9" tall, blonde hair that flipped up at her shoulders, 36C breasts, he guessed, a good figure, curving down to her waist, and hips that were in perfect proportion to her breasts. She was wearing black slacks that she had just changed into for the airport, and a white stretch top that showed just the least bit of cleavage. Her black shoes had just the slightest heel to them. "Strip slowly," the man said to her as he stood so close his chest was almost touching her breasts. "What the hell!" Brad moved forward, but the two men grabbed him by his arms and shoved him into the chair. "Let's get a movie on," the man said. One of the men turned on the TV and found a pay per view porno. A blonde woman was lying on her back while a large black man was penetrating her pussy. Another man, this one white was making her suck his dick. Other men stood around the bed, slapping their dicks on her tits and slowly jacking waiting their turn. "I said strip. Do it slowly," the man repeated to the young wife. Angela shook her head as she looked down, "I can't, please don't....." It was all she could get out. The man took her by her chin and lifted her face. "You will do it and more. If you know what's good for you, don't make me mad. You don't want to make me mad." Brad was saying something, but Angela couldn't hear. She was standing between two large men who would enforce everything the man looking her in the face said. She reached down to the bottom of the white stretch top, crossing her arms, she took hold of the top and slowly began to raise it up. When it reached to the top of her bra, the man stopped her and had her hold the top there. He stared at her breasts, he fondled them, he pulled the top of the bra down and suckled her nipples, one by one. He would savor this newest conquest, this wife, this beautiful woman, this innocent, who he would turn into a whore, a slut, a working prostitute, and more. He thought to himself as he fondled her tits, groped her ass, pulled her cunt into his now hard cock, "I am going to enjoy this." "You may continue," he said to Angela. Angela slowly pulled her top over her head, held it in her hand and then dropped it to the floor. The man had her turn around slowly so all the men could see well. "Continue," was all he said. Angela's entire body shook as she fumbled with the zipper to her new slacks. The man was patient. He loved to see the inner turmoil. Angela managed to get the zipper down, and taking the waistband in her hands began to pull her slacks off. "Slowly," he said again. Angela stopped for a moment, then afraid she couldn't start again, with shaking hands she slowly pulled her slacks down over her ass, almost past her panties. "Stop," the man wanted to savor her panties and ass. Pink lace, I like it, he thought. Nice ass, as he fondled it, squeezed each globe, savored the moment. Firm, but still soft, he thought as he jiggled her ass cheeks in his hands. "Continue," Angela felt tears run down her face as she lowered her slacks below her panties. She expected it. "Stop," the man in the suit spoke. As she stood with her slacks just below her panties, the man rubbed his index finger along her slit, pushing into her pussy. He kept rubbing until he could feel wetness. He bent down and kissed her pussy through her panties, then began to lick as he pushed her panties with his tongue into her hole. He stayed there for a while licking her through her panties. The woman in the video was moaning and the sounds of sex seemed all around her as the man stood up and Angela stepped out of her shoes, slid her pants down to the floor and took them off. She had to hold the men's arms as she did. They enjoyed it, a very little precursor to what they would have. "Soon I will be fucking her. Soon she will be sucking my cock. Soon I will be taking her, shattering any innocence she has, and she still has plenty, more than she thinks. But I will take it all. She will be mine," the man in the suit thought to himself as he salivated. 
Posts: 167325
Brad was telling Angela not to do it, not to strip. But she couldn't hear. It was as if she were in a trance, a bad dream that would just go away. The moans, the men, the sex, the man, all she could hear was his voice as he commanded her. Maybe if she listened well it would all soon be over. "Continue," the man was eager for more. Angela slid her bra straps off her shoulders and reached behind her to unclasp the bra. As she did, she managed to hold the cups over her breasts. She shook her head 'no' and looked down. The man took her by the chin again and repeated, "continue." "Now!" he demanded. Angela held on to her bra. "It will be a $1,000 fine each time you tell me 'no'," the man continued, "How many men will she have to do for $1,000?" One of the men responded, "Gee, boss, I'm not sure." "Let's see," the man in suit was figuring. "After our cut, she will get $50. That will be 20 men." "How many men do you want to fuck? You have told me 'no' twice now, that's 40 more men and your debt is now $2,000 more!" the man in the suit laughed. "Tell me 'no' again and it will be worse. I'm being nice to you since it's your first day." Angela moved her hands and her bra dropped to the floor. The men gasped as they ogled her beautiful tits. "Pink lace panties, plain white bra," the boss thought as he said to Angela, "Continue." She hooked her thumbs under the waistband of her panties and looked the man in the eyes as she slowly started to lower her panties. When she felt them begin to slide over her ass, she began shaking again. "I can't," she was crying. "That's $1,000 more and that means 20 more fucks. You must want to fuck a lot, Mrs. Scott. And if you don't continue now, you will also fuck my dog! I mean it." The man in the suit looked Angela straight in the eye. He was serious. As Angela slowly slid her panties down, she began to cry. As she was led to the bed, she whimpered. She was silent as she undid the man's belt, zipper and helped him take his slacks off. As she pulled down his boxers and his hard cock sprang out, she tried to look away. The man grabbed her by the hair and pulled her face into his cock. "Look at it, get to know it well. You will pleasure it. You will service me. You will make love to it. Now, suck it!" Angela opened her lips slightly as the man pulled her into his hard cock. As his cock penetrated her lips, she opened her mouth to take him in. He held the back of her head and said, "get it wet, very wet, use your tongue and flick my cum hole as you suck me." Brad lunged forward, but the men pulled him back to the chair. "Tie his hands to the back of the chair with her bra and stick her panties down his throat," the boss directed. The men also tied his legs to the chair, using the legs of Angela's slacks. They ripped her top into strips and used them to tie around his mouth and hold the panties in. Angela continued sucking the man in the suit's cock. It had a large purple vein running down the left side, it had a helmet head, it was a little shorter than Brad's, but thicker. She licked it up and down as the man in the suit asked and even blew on and then sucked each of his balls. Angela managed to hold it all together through the cock sucking, even when the man said to Brad, "Your wife is a very good cocksucker. She must suck a lot of dick!" The man laughed as Brad struggled to get free. The two men just pushed him down, undid his pants and pushed them along with his boxers down to his ankles. The man pushed Angela away as he pulled his cock out of her mouth. She had already tasted his precum and hoped she could end it here. But when he pushed her down on the bed and the two large black men held her arms and moved her to the middle, she lost it. Angela began sobbing, please, I'm a new bride, another way.....She did her best not to say 'no'. The man moved between her legs as the men held her open. He licked her pussy, tongued her hole, chewed her hood, and flicked her clit with his tongue. He finally tasted her juices before placing the head of his cock to Angela's pussy lips. He liked the V trimmed blonde bush that ended just before her pussy began. He looked Angela in the eyes. Tonight would break her, he knew that. Then he would make her into his whore, his slut, she would do anything he asked of her and do it his way. He spoke up, "Now you will be mine," as he pushed his cock all the way in her pussy. He pulled it almost out again and then thrust it in as hard as he could. He knew the men would fuck her harder, but he would be the first and he would fuck her as hard as he could. Angela gasped as his cock plunged into her. "Like that whore? Take it all you fucking slut. You whore. I have taken your innocence, you slut, whore! I hope you like cum, you're going to get a lot of it!" The man raised up, grabbed her tits and held them tight as he pumped hard into her. "Fuck me, whore!" The man said as he pumped his cock into her married pussy and tightly squeezed her married tits. "You better fuck me well!" Afraid of what he might do, Angela raised into the man, meeting his thrusts. "Tell me you want me to fuck you! Say it! Say 'Fuck Me'! Say I'm your whore! Say it! Say I'm you slut! Say it all now you fucking slut whore wife!" The man spat on her face and then said, "say it you slut, say it all!" Angela quietly said, "fuck me". "Say it louder and keep repeating it!" The man slapped her face. "I want you to fuck me! Fuck me! I'm your slut, your whore! Fuck me!" Angela repeated. The man repeated it to her and she kept saying it, over and over. She soon felt his cock jerk inside her and his cum enter her pussy. His foul cum was now deep inside her pussy. She was committed to her husband. She had just been married. Another man had just shot his seed inside her. As the man in the suit's climax settled, he stayed inside Angela, now sucking her tits for all he was worth. "Tell me," he said to Angela. "You're married. Your husband has just seen his bride fucked by another man on their honeymoon and my cum is now inside you. How do you feel about all this Mrs. Scott?" Angela began to cry again, whimper, and then sob quietly, her body literally jerking with each sob. "I guess that says it all, doesn't it?" The man was enjoying this *******. "You know it all could have been prevented, don't you? It's your fault. How long have you wanted to be a prostitute? Are you just a natural slut?" He looked Angela straight in the eye, "You little whore, you liked this didn't you? And you are really looking forward to these other men fucking you in front of your husband, aren't you?" He leaned into her and whispered in her ear. "You better answer me the way I want you too!" "Are you a slut?" the man said to Angela. "Yes," she replied as she knew she should. "Are you a whore? Tell me the truth!" "Yes," the young wife answered. "Are you going to make your husband watch all these men fuck you?" "Yes," Angela looked down toward Brad. "Do you want all these men to fuck you, to cum all in you and on you, you little slut whore wife?" "Yes," Angela's lower lip was quivering. "One last question, do you really want to be a working prostitute?" "Yes," the newlywed bit her lips. "What are you?" the man in the suit asked. He whispered in her ear, 'a slut'. Angela responded, "A Slut!" "What else are you?" The man again whispered, 'a whore'. "A Whore!" Angela said. "Who are you?" The man whispered one more time, 'a prostitute'. Angela looked at the man. His eyes were menacing, "A Prostitute!" she replied. "Alright then," the man said as he began to pull his cock out of her, "if that's the way you want it." As he raised up off her, he looked at her right tit. A large red hickey marked it. His mark. He was proud of his accomplishments for the evening. "You should thank me for fucking you, you little slut. I am Mr. Palmer," the boss told her. He waited. "Thank you for fucking me, Mr. Palmer," Mrs. Angela Scott replied. "Boys," the boss said. "She's all yours." Brad watched as Angela was taken by the men. The large black man was the first to have Angela suck him. One of the men who had held Brad said to Angela, "Spread your legs, bitch." She did. Glad the boss wasn't an ass man, the man penetrated her pussy first and then, applying lube to his cock and her ass, took Angela'a ass cherry through her pain and tears. One by one the men used her body and continued to fuck her mind. "Do you want my cum? You a little cum slut aren't you whore?" "Fucking men right in front of your new husband. You are a born slut. Ain't never seen such a whore before. I'm surprised this cunt ain't already worn out." The large black man had a dick that looked to be 11" in length and big around as a beer can. Angela looked frightened to take it. "Don't worry whore, the way I figure it, you get $50 a fuck, course that don't count us, we're free," he laughed. "But, hell", he continued. "You owe almost $30,000. That's 50 into 30,000. **************** a whole lot of fucks. You ain't never gonna be able to stop fuckin. I'll just stretch out that fine little white pussy for ya. You should thank me too." As he shot his cum deep inside Angela's stretched pussy, he told her, "I'll be the last one to fuck your ass. We planned it that way, smallest dick up to the biggest! Boss wants you to be able to work tomorrow." 
Posts: 167325
Angela's ass was stretched beyond what she thought she could take as Duke fucked her. She thought she would be split in two as his 11", beer can thick cock took the young wife's ass. It was getting late, and he was the sixth man to fuck her that fateful night the casino knocked on their honeymoon suite door and demanded payment for the nearly $30,000 they owed. Her husband Brad was still tied up. ****** to watch the his bride being gang-fucked, he felt humiliated and angry. His pants were pulled to his ankles and the men continued to laugh at his small dick, telling him that his wife deserved their bigger black dicks. "She'll never go back to your candy-ass dick. 'Once she goes black, she'll never go back,'" the men chanted in unison as Angela was getting her ass pounded by the biggest cock in the room. Angela's body betrayed her as the men fucked her. She moaned and panted as she kept cumming from the mens thrusts. Brad's body betrayed him, too. In spite of it all, the sight and sounds of his beautiful wife's body being fucked over and over, her lily white skin against their black skin, their black dicks shooting their cum in his bride's white pussy, ass, and mouth.........well, it got to him. His dick was hard. He had already cum once and now he was hard again, harder than ever, even though he tried to will it not so. Angela saw it. Her husband was harder than he had ever been before watching his new bride being fucked against her will by other men. He couldn't control his arrousal. He even came without touching his dick. Angela turned her face away from Brad, looked Duke in the eye and they kissed. When Duke began to cum, shooting deep in her ass, Angela shook and moaned with her own orgasm. Each of the men took another turn with Angela before leaving. Brad was untied and taken to another room as the men left. Four ladies from the casino came up to the honeymoon suite and drew a bath for Angela. They bathed her in the large tub and then drained the water and filled the tub with bath oils. One of the women lit candles and set them around the tub. Two of the women joined Angela in the tub, one was white, the other black. They kissed and played with each other and gently carressed Angela. The other two women changed the sheets. They would lovingly caress Angela when she was brought from the bath, kissing her all over. Angela was surprised when she felt an orgasm building from their ministrations. The five women slept together in the large bed, welcoming their new co-worker to Mr. Palmer's stable. They all slept late the next morning. When they awoke, they began teaching Angela the skills and duties her new job demanded. "Whore Training 101" they called it. Angela learned that she would be expected to pleasure both men and women as she would supply their every whim and wish. She would sell her body to be used five to six days a week, always being allowed at least one day to relax and do as she pleased. Never having been with a woman before, the ladies took great care to teach Angela just how each of them liked their pussies and asses eaten. Angela was restrained at first, but as each of the women sucked and licked Angela to orgasm heaven, she demonstrated that she had learned well as she brought each of the women to orgasm, one at a time. Later that day Angela was dressed in an extremely short red latex skirt, black lace stretch top, and red high heels. Her nipples prominently stood out through the top, and without any bra and panties, she would be ready to easily service her tricks. Angela was let out on a street corner. She had been instructed how to make eye contact, talk to the tricks, and then to go with them in their car, or if necessary take them to alleys or wherever she could find for a quickie. Her first customer was an older man who took her to his house. One of the whores with her told her she knew him and assured her it was OK. He lived in a small ranch house not far away. She made him wear a condom as she lay naked on his bed. He kissed and slobbered all over her, but he "got his nut" quickly and took her back to her street corner. She had made $75. The ladies had told her that the average for street walking was $100, and as she got her "Ho on" she would graduate to having a room or taking outcalls where she could make up to $500 a trick. Her first evening, Angela managed to hook 11 tricks and took in $1,150, all of which she handed to Duke. She learned that he was in charge of all Mr. Palmer's girls and that he and his friends also provided protection for them as needed. Angela hadn't seen Brad since the first night when he was taken to another room. As she retired to her new quarters, a large dorm like room she shared with the four other ladies she had met, she wondered how his day had gone. 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Close to the Phone "I want you to come over here and suck my dick." Tony's voice, even across the phone lines, had an air of authority. My hands and feet got cold and my stomach and chest got tight. I could feel my heart beating. I was alone in my apartment on a lazy Saturday morning in October. My wife had driven up to North Carolina to visit her ****** and sister over her fall break. I was on a different schedule from her, being in graduate school, and I had stayed behind. I was in my late twenties, and life had taken a turn toward the interesting a few months earlier. "I don't do that," I managed to croak. "You do now." My palms began to sweat. "I don't think I can do that." "Yes, you can." I didn't reply. "Let me put it this way. Do you want me to keep fucking your wife?" Now my chest was really tight. I began to feel weak in my legs. "Yes," I whispered. "Then come over here and suck my dick." I had to sit down. This was not a situation I'd anticipated. "Are you hard?" he asked. I realized I was semi-erect, which surprised me. I had never been interested in doing anything with another man. But when he brought my wife into the mix, it changed the dynamic considerably. "Yes," I breathed. "I figured as much." He wasn't cruel, just matter of fact. "If you do a good job, I'll let you look at some of the pictures I took of Janie. You'll like them a lot." I didn't say anything, but I felt my erection press harder against my jeans. He gave me directions without asking again if I was going to come over. He knew I would. *** I tried to read. I tried to take a nap. But all I could do was watch the clock. Tony had a naturally dominant personality; I was naturally submissive. I didn't have those two words -- dominant, submissive -- back then. But I sensed it. He had a powerful presence. His voice resonated within you. It was almost as though he was bigger than life. The entire time I kept thinking about how large Janie said he was. She had been with one well-endowed man during an affair earlier in our marriage. She said Tony was much larger than that guy. My cock got hard as I thought about tall, fit Tony thrusting inside my 5' 2" wife, and then it softened when I thought of putting him in my mouth. This cycle repeated until about four o'clock when I finally decided to take a shower. I was ready to go well before five. Tony was expecting me at six. I left the apartment and walked slowly through the golden brown leaves to my car. The married student housing complex was deserted. I was glad. If anyone had asked me where I was headed, I might have lost it. When I got in my car, five minutes had passed. I had fifty-five minutes to go ten miles. Tony's directions were easy to follow. He lived in a nice middle-class neighborhood with lots of family vans and sedans in the driveways. My four inch cock pushed hard against my seat belt when I realized my wife had driven this car down this street a couple of dozen times on her way to be fucked by him. I drove past his house and back out to the main road to waste some time. I turned the radio to NPR. I almost topped off the tank but I suddenly decided I didn't want to have the smell of gasoline on me when I got to Tony's place. That didn't strike me as peculiar at the time, although it did years later when I was thinking about the entire experience. Garrison Keillor finished his Lake Wobegone monologue, and there were still ten minutes to burn. I felt it was important to arrive exactly at six, because that was the time he specified. He affected me that way. I pulled up into his driveway and listened to a bit more of the Prairie Home Companion. I got out of the car at 5:58, and tapped on the door of his house at exactly six. Tony opened the door wearing a faded tank top. and nylon gym shorts. He towered over my 5'6" body. His shoulders were broad; his arms were muscular. He had a full head of wavy blonde hair like a surfer god. He was a little red from the sun and had a day's growth of beard on his strong chin. I couldn't bring myself to make eye contact with him, so I looked past him at the sparsely furnished living room. Tan carpet, tan walls, tan sofa, tan chair and ottoman. A nondescript coffee table with sports magazines and a couple of empty diet soda cans. "Come on in," he said. "I'm going to take a shower. Have a seat over there." He nodded at the sofa. I couldn't speak, so I just shuffled awkwardly past him and sat down on the sofa's edge. I put my elbows on my knees and intertwined my fingers in front of me. I hoped that would hide the fact that I was shaking. Now I could see a prefab computer desk, the kind you put together yourself. His computer was on and the AOL connect screen was up. A box of 3.5 diskettes was spilled over on the shelf above the monitor. On the wall opposite me was a television on a milk crate. A cable box on top of it was half covered by an HBO guide. "I'll be right back." He walked down a hallway and I heard water start. A door shut, then the shower turned on. I wondered if my wife had used that shower after one of their dates. She had never slept over, but she had stayed well into the morning hours on quite a few occasions. I wondered if they had showered together. I don't think I moved the entire twenty minutes he was in the back of the house. He came out wearing a clean t-shirt and a pair of baggy khaki shorts. "It's funny seeing that car in the driveway without Janie being here," he chuckled. "She makes that sofa you're on look mighty good when she's laying on it naked. I've fucked the hell out of your wife on that sofa." I tried to smile, but I think it was more of a grimace. Janie didn't like to be around our apartment naked. The thought of her walking around naked for him, fucking him wherever, whenever, made me squirm in place. He knew that was the kind of thing I liked to hear. "Do you want to look at some pics I have on the computer? To get into the mood?" he asked. "No, I'm good." I still hadn't moved. He nodded, then sat down in front of the computer. He clicked the mouse a couple of times and brought up some jpegs. "This is what I like to look at," he said with a disturbing amount of gusto. "Women sucking cocks." He clicked through a few images and made some commentary on a few of them. "Your wife is as hot as any of these women. Hotter, because she's just so damn horny, you know?" I nodded. I did know. "Come over here, Jim." I almost fell as I stood up. "Kneel on the floor right here beside me." I shuffled numbly over and knelt next to his computer chair. Now there was no hiding the fact that I was trembling. "Look at that..." He brought up another picture of a porn star with obviously fake breasts holding a huge cock in her hand. Her expression was supposed to be one of surprise, but the garish makeup gave her a clownlike look that ruined the effect. "Put your hand right here," he told me. I moved my hand toward the front of his shorts. He took my cold, trembling hand in his. His hand was huge and hot. He pressed my hand against his crotch and rubbed it back and forth. "Can you feel that?" I tried to answer, but I just coughed instead. He was very thick. "Keep doing that." I silently obeyed. It was my first time to touch another man like that. Under any other circumstances, I wouldn't have done it. He looked at some more pictures and I felt his cock untwist and lengthen as I rubbed. "Okay, enough of that." He closed the pic and stood. He walked over to the tan chair and pushed the ottoman out of the way. "Now it's time to get down to business, Jimmy." I hated being called Jimmy. He had no way of knowing that unless Janie told him. "Kneel down here, Jimmy, in front of my chair. I want you to undo my shorts." I fumbled with the button and the zipper. My heart was pounding and my head was starting to spin. "Pull them down. Now rub the front of my boxers." At this point, I could see the swollen cock underneath through the front slit. It was brown and purple and pink. And it was massive. "Now my boxers. Ease them down, Jimmy. Nice and slow. Not too rough." It took several tries for me to get the waistband over him. And it just sprang out like a snake from a trick can, falling over my hands as I lowered his boxers and he stepped out of them. His semi-erect cock was dangling in front of my face. I could feel his body heat on my face. He scratched himself a little and held it out for me so I could see it all. "This is what I've been fucking your hottie wife with, Jimmy. See why she keeps coming back for more?" I nodded. At the mention of my wife, I felt a stirring down low. My libido rose. "Did she tell you how big it was? Did she tell you how she squeals when I fuck her with this?" I hardened as the thought of my tiny petite wife with her legs wrapped around this big man. At how she must have sounded as he pierced her with that enormous cock. I wanted to look down, but I couldn't take my eyes off him. I had never been that close to another man's erection. There was a surrealness as his manhood bobbed in front of me. "Put your hands on it. Feel it. Feel how thick it is, Jimmy." I hesitated. Touching another man had never been a fantasy of mine. Many fetishes intrigued me. Gay sex was not one of them. "Feel it, Jimmy, or she'll never get it again. How pissed off will she be at you if that happened? And what would you have to think about when you jerked off?" I put a hand on it. It twitched at my touch and startled me. He laughed. "Both hands, Jimmy. That's the way. Now go back and forth. Just like you do by yourself at home while Julie is over here." I was half disgusted at what I was doing and half in disbelief. I looked at the purple veins that were emerging as I stroked him, mesmerized. "Your wife's mouth has been on that cock, Jimmy. She loves to suck it. She begs me to let her suck it." My breathing got a little more shallow and I could feel his words turning me on. "Beg me to let you suck it." I met his eyes for the first time. They burned into me like jets of flame. "Beg me, Jimmy. Beg me just like Janie does." He mimicked my wife's voice. "Pleeeze, Tony, pleeeze, baby." Half whining and half sultry, just like Janie when she asked a really big favor. "Please..." The rest of it stuck in my throat. "Please what, Jimmy? What do you want?" "Please let me..." Tony laughed. "You'll have to do better than that." He mimicked Janie again, "Pleeze, baby, let me suck your big fat cock..." "Please, let me suck you," I breathed. Hearing Janie's words was really getting me going. He was beginning to get to me. "Please, baby," Tony prompted. I closed my eyes and I felt myself squeezing his cock a little tighter and stroking a little faster. "Please, baby..." "Please, baby, let me suck your big fat cock," he prompted again. I swallowed. "Please, baby, let me suck your big fat cock." I was very hard now. "Say it again, Jimmy." I could hear him smiling as he said it. "Please, baby, let me suck your big fat cock." He laughed and eased himself down on the chair. "She told me you wouldn't say it." I looked confused. "Janie said you'd never say that. I told her you would. I wish I'd bet her an ass fucking like I wanted to. I've been wanting to bust that ass of hers wide open." He sat on the edge of the chair. "Come on up. Closer. Closer. Just your hands now. Nice and slow. No hurry, Jimmy. You're going to be here awhile. We might be here all night." I got up against the chair, between his tan muscular legs. I used one hand and then the other. He was so long that, even rigid, he had to be held up. "Now, put the tip in your mouth." 
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I could feel the precum oozing out of my little cock, soaking into my whitey tighties. I was filled with all sorts of mixed emotions. "You really haven't sucked a cock before have you?" I shook my head. I wondered what he meant by that. "Just like in the movies. Open up, Jimmy." I opened my mouth and he guided the tip to my mouth. I felt it bump against my lips. It was burning hot. "Now close. Mmmm... That's right, Jimmy. Get it all wet now. Oh, God, I didn't realize how horny I was. You're going to have to come over here every time your wife is out of town, Jimmy. I'm about to pop one in your mouth right now before we even get started." My eyes were closed. I was working my mouth around the big mushroom shaped glans, wetting it all over. I wondered where the rest of his cock was going to go if my mouth was already full. I reached down with one hand to adjust my raging hard-on that had grown quite uncomfortable. "Jimmy, you're hard? Good boy! But no touching. Get that hand back up here." He eased his t-shirt up and over his head. His stomach was flat and tan, covered with light hair, and his nipples were brown. His pects were just visible. He eased himself back in the chair. I had to raise up to keep the tip of the staff in my mouth. "Now, just suck it. Nice and slow. Keep that hand moving." I did as I was told. He made various satisfied noises as I did so. "You're as good as Janie, Jimmy. You both are naturally talented cocksuckers." Again, the reference to my wife raised my state of arousal. My hard cock ached, but I dared not touch it. Something about Tony prevented me from even thinking of disobeying. As I began to relax, I noticed for the first time Tony's smell. Being so close to him, between his legs, my face in his crotch, I could smell him. It was very pleasant. It smelled of soap and something musky. I experimented with letting a little more of Tony inside me. And I began to turn my head back and forth a bit. He moaned softly. His clean skin tasted good. I began to bob my head up and down slightly. "Oh...yeah..." My tongue found the soft spot on the bottom of his cock's head where Janie's tongue had touched me so many times. " are a real cocksucker, Jimmy..." His cock became even more rigid, and I saw the flat of his stomach start to tense. I moved my hand up and down his shaft a little faster, squeezed a little harder. He lifted up just a bit and put his hands on the back of my head. I thought I was going to cum without touching myself at all. The thought that I was making him so excited was turning me on more than I would have believed. Now he pressed down with his hands. His hips were moving beneath me. I was trembling all over. He was throbbing in my mouth. The heat coming off the head was intense. "Ohhhhh.... Ohh, God..." His voice was low and husky. I tasted a familiar saltiness in my mouth. I had often tasted my precum over the years, and I recognized his now. His stung my tongue a little, burned me... He was pulling down hard on my head now. The big fat head banged all the way to the back of my throat and I gagged hard. I tried to spit him out. But he held on tight to my head. He began fucking my face, ramming his cock as far as he could get it into my mouth that was trying to expel it. "Oh, hell, ********, yeah! Suck it, goddammit!" I opened my tongue and let him in. I ******. Tears came to my eyes. Suddenly, urgently, "Sit back, sit back..." I moved back and he sat up. He grabbed his nine inch cock and started pumping it. He put his hand behind my head and pulled me forward. "Oh, fuck, yeah...Oh, fuck..." Big spurts of warm wet cum sprayed across my neck and shirt. I was amazed at the volume of each spurt, and of the number of times his cock spat them onto me. He slowed down. His face was a little red, and he was breathing sort of heavy. He grinned at me. "Janie likes me to shoot on her tits," he said. "Unless I'm shooting inside her, of course. Then she licks it up. You want a little lick, Jimmy? Taste it?" I was still very hard. I nodded slowly. "Come here." He pulled my face close and he wiped the dripping head of his softening cock on my lips. "There you go. What do you think?" I had not tasted cum, mine or anyone else's. I wasn't sure if I liked it or not, but I nodded as if I did. "Have a little more, then." He wiped his head on my lips again, and I licked it up, as well. "That was damn good for a first time, Jimmy. You and Janie really are two natural born cocksuckers." I didn't say anything. "You know that next time she goes to visit her ******, you're going to do this again." I half-shrugged. I was more interested in getting home and jerking off my hard-on than listening. "I let you off easy this time. Next time I'm going to cum in your mouth. You have a sweet mouth, Jimmy boy." The phone rang, and I was left with several moments to ponder those last words. Tony picked up his clothes and stepped over me. His limp cock bumped against my head. "No, I'm not doing anything. I have a couple of minutes. What's up?" He headed toward the back, and I looked at the magazines on the coffee table. A small dark circle marked the front of my shorts. My precum had soaked through. The magazines were all sports, fitness, tennis. I heard Tony pass behind me as he went into the kitchen, still talking. He dropped an envelope on the table in front of me and went to the back again. My heart skipped a beat when I thought they might be the pictures he'd mentioned. Tony had never let me watch him with Janie. He didn't want me watching. He had me listen over the phone while he pounded Janie one night. He wanted me to get all the details afterward. He even called the day after when I was home for lunch to fill me in on the previous night's activities. But I'd never watched, only fantasized. I opened the envelope. A medium sized stack of color photographs spilled out onto my lap. The very first one was Janie wearing a bra and panty set I'd bought for her. She was laying on the sofa, his sofa, and she was wearing a huge smile. I wanted to jerk off so badly my teeth were clenched. I flipped through the other pictures quickly, furtively, as if I thought he would take them away before I could see them all. Some were taken at what appeared to be a lakefront cabin. Janie was wearing her bikini. There was another couple there, as well. Several pictures were of Janie and Tony sitting together, cuddling, kissing, talking. One showed Janie in a serious lip lock with the other guy. Another showed her in a serious lip lock with the other girl. There were some taken in a hotel room. She was wearing a teddy that I didn't recognize. And there were pictures of her in various stages of undress. She was holding her breasts with her hands, nipples stategically covered, presenting them to the photographer. Had he shared these with anyone online? I grabbed my cock and started jerking through my shorts. I felt like an ****** in a frenzy. "What do you think, Jimmy?" I snatched my hand away, but he'd already seen me. The dark spot on my shorts had grown. "I...I like them." "I thought you would. Now, would you like to go home and jerk off?" I nodded. "Can I take this picture?" I showed him the one with Janie pressing her breasts together, holding them up for the camera." "Nuh uh. They stay here. You can look at them next time I call you over." There didn't seem to be any point in asking again. He had given his answer. I walked toward the door. "Drive safely, and don't jerk off while you're driving. When Janie calls me tonight, I'll tell her you did a real good job for your first time, Jimmy boy. She can be real proud. " I didn't turn around while I fumbled with the car door latch. "Oh, and Jimmy? It's going to be a long weekend. Stay close to the phone." 
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A photocopied journal article about insect population and rainfall lay across my knee. I picked it up and reread the same page for the dozenth time. Distraction kept the words from sinking in. I finally laid the papers on the sofa beside me and let my head fall back against the cushion, my eyes closed. For the dozenth time that evening, my hand drifted toward the front of my shorts. I rubbed myself through my pants, idly, thinking about where my wife was and what she was doing. For about seven months, my wife Janie had been seeing a lover named Tony. For about six months, I'd known it was going on. Once they told me, they were rather open about the whole thing. I didn't try to stop it. I got as much excitement out of their activities as my wife. For some reason, knowing that my wife was having sex with another man -- a handsome, tall, strong, well-endowed man -- was an unbelievably intense turn-on for me. His powerful personality contributed heavily to him getting what he wanted from Janie, and occasionally from me. Tonight was one of Janie and Tony's date nights. That's what we called them. They usually involved the two of them going to Tony's house and having sex. Lots of sex. Sometimes they'd go to an upscale strip club where Tony made Janie tip the dancers. Occasionally they'd go to the local meat market dance club where he made Janie, scantily dressed, grind with him and the other men (and women) on the dance floor. I shivered as I imagined Janie brushing her hand against a stripper's thigh, tucking a folded bill into a garter. The thought of her pressing her tiny, perfectly shaped ass against Tony, or some other man or woman, was equally titillating. Her inhibitions and hang ups from an ultra conservative upbringing were melting away under his direction. His commands. For that matter, so were mine. The married student apartments where I attended graduate school had a free basic cable that had ten or so channels. We rarely turned it on, but I thought it might get my mind off their date long enough that my cock would stop aching. I leaned forward to turn on the television, but I was interrupted by the ring of the phone. It was after ten PM, the time I usually had the phone line tied up with the modem, so it wasn't anyone who knew me well. "Jimmy?" Tony was at the other end. He had only called me once before during one of their dates. That time, he had me listen to the noises Janie made while he pounded away at her. It was tremendously exciting. I felt a rush of adrenaline. I thought I was about to listen again. My lovemaking with my wife was wonderful, but she never made those sorts of sounds with me. "We're going to need your assistance. I want you to stop feeling yourself and come over." I'd been to Tony's house before. A few times, when Janie wasn't available, he had me come over and give him oral. I didn't especially enjoy the act; but, in some perverse way, I enjoyed being told what to do and the feeling of helplessness in front of his commanding presence. He had a lot of pictures of Janie doing various things with him, and even a few pictures of Janie doing things with a married couple Tony knew. After I performed for him, he always let me look at the pictures. The images of her doing with them things she'd never done with me drove me to new heights of sexual arousal. It made the cocksucking bearable. I didn't question his request. His order. His unspoken "or else..." "Your house?" I assumed. "No. We're at the Hampton Inn just south of the airport. Room 131. It's on the ground floor. It'll take you about fifteen minutes, so leave now." He hung up. There was no need to wait for my answer. He was confident that I would comply. My hands were shaking as I brushed my hair and splashed water on my face. The keys jingled as I clumsily locked the sliding glass door. He had that effect on me. He had that effect on Janie, too. I didn't know the words submissive or dominant back then -- we were in our late twenties at the time -- but that's the relationship he had with us. I'd wanted to watch the two of them together since I first learned he had taken my wife as his lover, his submissive. I say the word 'take,' because that's what he did. That was part of the thrill for Janie and me. My interest grew when Janie first told me about his huge cock, and the intensity and duration of their fucking. The mental picture of the tall, well-muscled man thrusting into my petite, slim wife was my primary masturbation fantasy. As with most weekends, the parking lot was lightly populated. I dropped the keys twice while unlocking our ten year old, 1980 Monte Carlo. For a moment, I thought the old car wasn't going to start. The thought of calling the motel room and telling him I couldn't make it was frightening. A black cloud belched from the exhaust pipe, and I breathed a sigh of relief. The hand-me-down car sputtered to life. Janie had the good car. Since she didn't *****, she was the designated driver for date nights that involved out. He had a straight shift Jeep Cherokee, and she couldn't drive it. That was okay with me. I didn't go anywhere when they were together. I enjoyed being alone and fantasizing about the two of them. I enjoyed the anticipation of the great sex we'd have when she got home. I wasn't allowed to touch her during the day of one of their dates, but we were free to do whatever we liked once she got home. Knowing I was getting Tony's seconds was a big plus for me. I waxed philosophical during the drive to the motel. What parts of the brain were at work causing me to tremble? Was this kink, this fetish, a bad thing? Had social evolution promoted monogamous marriage? Were we going against human nature? How different were our behaviors and feelings from the normal population? However, all those questions evaporated when I saw Janie's car in the motel parking lot. I felt the thrill I'd felt when Tony first called me to tell me he was ******** with my wife, and I felt my cock stiffen for the hundredth time that night. I heard talking, laughing, and music through the door of room 131. It sounded like more than two people. Maybe I would get to see Janie in action with that other couple, too. I smiled at my good fortune. From the pictures, the couple was very attractive. Maybe I'd even get a little action. I was in good physical condition. Why not? The voices stopped when I tapped quietly on the blue metal surface. Tony opened the door with the chain on, saw me, and then opened the door the rest of the way. "Jimmy! My man!" I hated being called Jimmy. I suspected he had figured that out during my solo visits to his place. Janie was sitting on the bed, naked. Her breasts, large for her small frame, were exposed; erect pink nipples signaled her state of arousal. The sheets were pulled up to cover her from the waist down. A black man, as tall and muscular as Tony, stood between the two beds. I was stunned. Had he watched the two of them? Tony's big hands were on his hips, and his intense blue eyes bore into me. He wore boxers and a faded yellow T-shirt with some gym's logo on the front. His hair was disheveled; from his and Janie's lovemaking, I guessed. "We need your help, Jimmy. Your wife, Janie, just isn't into black guys. Or anal. I haven't been able to threaten or bribe her into even considering either of them." This did not surprise me. Janie could be firm, and she had refused to even discuss those two things with me the couple of times I'd brought them up. "My friend Derek here came over tonight expecting a little action along those two lines. And I just can't stand the thought of him leaving disappointed." The excitement that had been building for the past thirty minutes instantly vanished, leaving a sub-zero vacuum in the pit of my stomach. Derek smiled. It was an extremely predatory smile. I started shaking my head. There was no way that I was going to do what I believed he was about to request. I grew up in rural Alabama. Homosexuality and interracial dating were two of the strongest taboos in that region. I arrived at college a homophobe, and left only slightly less so. I had enjoyed looking at pictures of black men with white women, but I had never looked at any pictures of two men together. I just wasn't interested. I had convinced myself that I wasn't gay or bi for going over to service Tony; I was straight and very kinky, I told myself. The corners of Janie's mouth were tight; a sure sign that she was trying not to smile. Our eyes met, but I wasn't able to hold her gaze. Her eyes flicked nervously over to Tony, waiting to hear what he'd say next. Tony was grinning, nodding slightly, as if to confirm my unspoken suspicions. His white teeth were a marked contrast to his tanned skin and his sun bleached hair. "No," I said. "No way." "Oh, come on, Jimmy. We're just having a little fun." He used the smooth salesman tone I had heard at our very first meeting months ago. He made it sound like we were playing a board game. "No way in hell, Tony." "Janie," Tony said, "Tell Jimmy to help us make Derek feel better about missing out on a fabulous piece tonight. Use your womanly charm, your feminine wiles." "James, he drove a long way." She looked at Derek. He winked at her. I backed toward the door. "Be reasonable, Jimmy," Tony added. "We're all adults here, buddy. We're just having a little fun. A few laughs. Don't be a baby." I put my hand on the doorknob. Tony put his hand on the door. "What if...," I mumbled, " let me know." Tony shook his head. "Nope. We're not going to go through that discussion again. That's a non-negotiable." "Pictures? Let me have some of the pictures of you and Janie." I was grasping for something, anything. I knew I wouldn't be successful. "I tell you what," he said. "I will, if you do this for me, fix you up with a great girl I know. She's just your type. Cute face, brunette, big boobs. Same height as Janie. She is always telling me how she wishes she could find a nice guy for some no strings attached sex. She wants a friend with benefits. She's local. And she's always horny." I blinked a lot, but didn't say anything. Billy Joel filled the awkward silence, singing it was still rock and roll to him. Janie clapped her hands together. "Yes, James, doesn't that sound great? It's only fair that you get a chance for some extracurricular activities. Do it, James. She sounds perfect!" Tony took my hand off the doorknob and turned me around. His grip was firm. I didn't try to pull away. "What do you say, Jimmy? Do me a favor tonight, and my horny lady friend will repay you as often as you like. I'll make sure of it. You can't beat that, can you?" "I don't know." It was hard to concentrate. My head was swimming. Janie got out from under the covers. Her untamed wavy blonde bush had dried semen in it. She stood up and came around the end of the bed. "Just tonight, James. Just this once." She pressed her nude body against me. I felt her breasts, her hardened nipples, firm against my chest. 
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"Kiss me," she said. I turned my face downward. She was so damned beautiful. Her face, especially her eyes, was girl-next-door gorgeous. And her lips were so delicious. She stretched upward to meet me. I kissed her. She was so warm, so soft, so gentle. She smelled of her favorite perfume -- the perfume I'd bought her for Valentine's Day. I almost forgot there was anyone in the room other than the two of us. A hint of a familiar taste to me, Tony's cum, was in her mouth when our tongues entwined. I felt a tingle in my groin. She sensed it, because she reached down and rubbed me through my shorts. I kissed her more passionately. I was going to take her right here in front of the two men, I was so aroused. She fumbled with my belt, then unbuttoned and unzipped my shorts. For a moment I was self-conscious, but I was so aroused that I quickly pushed that feeling aside. The shorts fell to my ankles, and I stepped out of them, shedding my shoes in the process. My four inch cock stood at attention as she slipped my shirt up and over my head. Tony and Derek were about to see that it didn't take a monster cock to please a woman. I was primed and ready to plunge into her. Janie backed toward the bed using baby steps, pulling me along with her. Our lips and tongue never untwined. I grabbed her firm little ass cheeks and squeezed. She giggled. I smiled into the kiss. She got up onto the bed, sitting on her knees. She draped her arms around my neck and moaned as I cupped her breasts and ran my thumbs across her rigid pink nipples. I felt a pair of huge hands on my bare ass cheeks. I tried to protest but Janie held tight and kissed even harder. She bit my lower lip and redoubled the passion she poured into the kiss. The skin on those palms was rough. The hands, presumably Derek's, started squeezing hard. I winced. He kneaded my ass, testing the consistency and firmness. Tony and Derek were murmured something behind me. I caught the word 'condom'. Suddenly, I felt something cold and wet dripping onto the skin at the top of my ass crack. My breath caught in my throat. "James, please..." Janie whispered through a brief break in the kiss. Thick, hot fingers rubbed the wet substance down my crack toward my anus. My kiss became less passionate, more automatic, but Janie was still coming at me like a lioness. I felt the tip of the big finger press against my anus, and suddenly it was inside me. I gasped and broke the kiss. Janie dropped her hands from around my neck and grabbed my upper arms. My legs were shaking. "You can do this, James," she said. My eyes were wide open, my mouth gaping. My breathing was ragged and shallow. Tony appeared at my side. His shirt was off. His flat, tanned stomach was covered with fine blonde hair. "Relax, man," he said in a soft tone I'd not heard him use before. "Just relax and let everything go." I found that was easier said than done. My sphincter was very tight, and every time Derek moved his finger my entire abdomen contracted. He slipped it deeper; I cried out softly. "I can't..." "Yes, you can, James." Janie was smiling reassuringly. "I love you. I have always loved you. I will always love you. Thank you for doing this for me. For Tony." I closed my eyes. Big hands, Tony's hands, one on my stomach and one on my back, bent me forward a little more. Derek's finger slid even deeper. I gritted my teeth. It was so deep at that point, I had to relax to lessen the pain. "Yeah, that's more like it." Derek's baritone voice was rich and sonorous. "That is tight, man. This is gonna be good." He chuckled. He eased his finger out. More goo dripped onto my ass and was rubbed into my crack. Tony beside me, and Janie in front of me, held me still. They were looking behind me, and their eyes suddenly widened. "Damn," Tony breathed. A second later I felt a gigantic fleshy knob making its way between my cheeks. Derek moved it up and down, spreading the goo even more. Once he was satisfied that everything was well greased, he pressed the tip of his cock hard against my anus. I cried out as a red hot poker slid deep within me, gloving itself in my newly opened territory. *** When Derek finished with me and withdrew, I collapsed onto the bed. Everyone was quiet. Janie held my head. My face was in her bush, but it didn't get my attention like it normally would. My ass was burning too badly. Something dripped down my leg. Maybe it was the lubricant. Maybe it was something else. Again, Tony said, "Damn." The tone was very different. Incredulous, rather than impressed. I glanced sideways and could see that he was now totally naked. And erect. Janie stroked my hair. It felt good. She said something, but I didn't really hear it. I wasn't sure if she was talking to me or not. "C'mere, baby," Tony said. I did know who he was talking to. "Just a minute," Janie said. She caressed my cheek and ear, and leaned over to kiss my head. Her sweet smelling breasts pressed against my face as she whispered in my ear. "I love you. You are my husband. I will never leave you. Ever." "Come on," Tony insisted. He took her hand and tugged. She gently laid my head on the bed. "Do you want to get up on the bed, James?" I shook my head the best I could. I just wanted to lay there, half on and half off the bed, until I quit hurting. She left me there. Behind me, I heard Tony slap her ass, and she giggled. The bed made the noise of a couple falling on it. Tony and Janie made lusty noises. I heard Derek chuckle again; he might have been sitting on the bed beside me. But my cock didn't stir. Soon, I heard the regular rhythm of a man coupling with a woman. I couldn't stay awake. I fell asleep to the music of Tony's accented grunts and Janie's high pitched whimpers of pleasure. *** I woke up to an insistent tapping on the motel room door. "Housekeeping," a woman warned. I was fully on the bed, nude, covered up to my shoulders with a sheet and blanket. "Just a minute," I responded. The clock radio said eleven AM. Thank goodness it was Sunday and I didn't have any duties at the university. I started to rise, but the slightest movement renewed the fiery pain from last night's violent treatment. "Can you come back later?" I tried hard to use a normal tone of voice rather than groan. "Check out time was ten-thirty." "I'll be right out. Thanks." I heard the cart roll to the next door. Putting on my clothes was excruciating. I left my tennis shoes untied. As I shuffled to the door, I saw a note on the desk. "]James, I love you. Meet us for breakfast at the IHOP next door if you get this in time. Your wife, Janie. P.S. Thank you for last night. You really pleased Tony.' The time on the note was nine AM. I didn't think I could have eaten anything, anyway. Next to the note was a three quarters full bottle of silicone based lubricant and a package of three extra large deluxe condoms. The package of condoms was unopened. I picked up the bottle and put it in my pocket. The bed where Tony had fucked my wife a few hours earlier was a jumble of sheets and pillows. I picked up a handful of bedclothes, held them to my nose, and breathed deeply. I could smell Tony. I could smell my wife's perfume. My cock stirred for the first time since Derek had taken me. I considered stealing a pillowcase, but remembered the cleaning lady was next door. I headed for my car, still tingling from the mingled aromas of my wife and her dominating lover. A business card waited for me under my windshield wiper. It was Tony's. On the back, he had scribbled the name "Daphne" and a phone number. His part of the bargain, I supposed, but I wondered what Daphne was really like. I suspected the sort of trickery from the Jacobs short story, "The Monkey's Paw". Or, worse, "The Crying Game." I would find out soon enough. I drove home berating myself for not taking the chance to watch Tony with my wife. If I had let Janie move me onto the bed, I'd been in the idea spot to observe. Maybe I'd been in a little bit of shock. I shrugged for my own benefit. At least I had at least another year in graduate school. There would be more opportunities, I reassured myself. So, in the meantime, I would stay close to the phone. 
Posts: 3113
chrislebo: pas déjà poster cette histoire là ?? si, sur mon topic je crois, mais j'ai pensé que cette histoire avait sa place ici. 
Posts: 167325
c'était pas un reproche je te rassure  j'adore relire les bonnes histoires 
Posts: 167325
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!"The Secretary" Julia Richards had been as surprised as her husband when Donald had asked if she would like the job as his secretary. Of course the company had rules about husbands and wives working in the same office, but they could get around that by using her maiden name, Franklin. That way the big shots wouldn't know that she and Reggie were married. Donald told them to think about it because his secretary was leaving at the end of the month. Reggie was more dumbfounded than surprised, since the night of their sixth month anniversary Donald had seemed a little distant at work, while at other times he couldn't be reached because he was out of the office. But Julia was floating on air, now she would be with him every day not just a couple of hours three times a week. Of course, she still loved her husband but, since that night with Donald and the other two, Tom and Paul, she couldn't stop thinking about sex. Even her dreams were filled with visions of the three men with her small body sandwiched between them. Since that night each of them had visited her several times at home while her husband was working and she had been like a kid in a candy store. She had even bought several very sexy negligees that left very little to the imagination. Reggie finally agreed that taking the job might be a good idea, more money, as well as the chance to be close to him. He could stop by every so often, maybe even go out to lunch sometimes. 
Posts: 167325
As she dressed for her first day at the office she tried on several of her miniskirts, even the one she had worn the night of the celebration, the night her husband had passed out and Donald, Phil and George had fucked her. But they weren't what a young woman would wear to her new job so instead she wore the light gray business suit her husband had picked out. The jacket was form fitting, giving it a tailored look, the skirt came three inches above her knees with a two inch slit an the left side allowing her easy leg movement while at the same time highlighting her petite figure. Arriving at the office she went through the usual paper work and forms for new employees and then to her surprise she was told to come back the next day for a three day indoctrination course. She would be paid for the full week but she wouldn't start her job till the next week. For the rest of the week she sat through the classes pretending to pay attention but really daydreaming. Julia wasn't too happy, she radiated sex and nobody was around to appreciate it but the overweight Employment Director Mr. Wills and a couple of new female employees. And she doubted if the ugly man even noticed her body even after she had flashed him a couple of times. On Friday the Director dismissed everyone early but asked her to stay because he wanted to talk to her about something important. As the last person left he walked to the door and locked it, and turning to her began removing his coat and tie. "My dear Julia I think you ought to know that Donald has admitted to me about his affair with you. Ms. Franklin, or should I say Mrs. Richards, wife of Reggie Richards who is the Assistant Manager of our Engineering Department. You see my dear, Donald, well not just Donald, but his two flunkies Tom and Paul just couldn't keep their mouths shut. They talked just one time too many about their work day meetings with you and I overheard them. And now my sweet little pet Donald has been transferred and Tom and Paul have been fired. But what do we do with you. let's see, we can always say that the new man wanted someone else for the position. Someone more mature, or we can say we discovered that you were really Reggie's wife. Of course that would mean you wouldn't have a job and that we would have to let Reggie go, or, help me out here would you, Julia." His pudgy hands rested on her small shoulders and began softly caressing them as he spoke. Then, just as he had gotten to the part about helping him out, his hand slipped from her shoulder and into her blouse to fondle a tea cup sized tit. Julia knew what he meant and knew what she had to do to keep her husband from being fired. She was old enough, even if only 18, to understand that not only would her husband be fired, but that when he found out the reason was because she had been fucking his boss and co-workers, he would leave her and she would have no where to go. Smiling up into the ugly face of Mr. Wills as he told her to get naked Julia stood and slowly removed her jacket and blouse, and then with a seductive wiggle of her hips, slid her skirt down followed by her white bikini panties. Watching as she removed her clothes, Mr. Wills could hardly believe how easily she had given in, his hands roamed over her before pulling her young delicate body into his, kissing her deeply. Her tongue pushed against his as she kissed him back willingly melting her body against him accepting what was about to happen. As he pushed on her shoulders she dropped to her knees, knowing instinctively what he wanted and began undoing his belt, letting his pants fall around his feet. Her hand reached into his underwear freeing his limp penis and began rubbing it over her firm little tits watching it harden and then licking along its length before taking it into her mouth and lovingly sucking it. His hands brushed through her hair as she sucked and nibbled on his pecker and when she touched his nuts he felt them harden and release the pent up load of cum into her willing mouth. Her eyes never left his as she sucked him to full bone hardness and then swallowed his cum. Her small hands caressed him, trying to make him hard again, because she knew he wanted to also fuck her, and when finally Mr. Wills fell between her legs sinking his 5 inch cock into her she moaned and thrashed about as if she was loving his dick. As the man climaxed Julia faked her own orgasm, knowing that this man would think he was a stud satisfying a young 18 year old girl. Pulling his limp cum covered organ from her he told her to lick him clean, and as he watched her kneel between his legs and lick along the sides and over the knob of his cock he fantasized about his new sex toy. Putting her clothes on as the door was unlocked he told her she had the job and would see her Monday morning. And then laughing at his own joke told her that from now on she would be doing a lot of "DICK TAKING". 
Posts: 167325
That night she and Reggie talked about Donald being transferred. He asked where she was going to work. Telling him Mr. Wills had asked for her, he was surprised because there were rumors about sexual harassment against him, telling her that if the fat, ugly prick tried anything to let him know. During the next few weeks Julia was called into the office daily and with only a nod of his head she would drop to her knees, sucking him till he got hard. And then she would lean over his desk as he raised her skirt and fucked her. She did her best to accept her fate knowing that she was saving her husbands job but also sparing him from ***********. She did not know that video cameras had shot her willingly suck his dick and fuck him until the day he bent her over his chair and pushed his cock into her virgin anus. At first the pain had been almost unbearable but as he bent over her small petite form squeezing her firm titties and pinching her nipples while whispering how tight her ass hole was for a slut, something happened that she couldn't explain. At first it was only a slight movement around his hardness as she shifted her legs trying to ease the pain, but as his fat belly continued to pound against her widely splayed buttocks she began pushing back, rotating her ass and moaning for him to fuck her. Her movements became more wanton and her body glistened as if misted by a light spring shower as she bucked and twisted against his thrust, impaling herself as she screamed out her need. His whispers urging her on while calling her a whore, and a cock hungry slut who liked having her ass hole fucked made her want his cock all the more, and then as her climax reached the bursting point and her whole body began writhing in ecstasy, he told her that she was being video taped. Blackmailing her had been easy from the start, and now that he not only had tapes of her sucking his cock and fucking him, but of her going crazy as he fucked her ass. She was his to do with as he pleased. With only his word before, he was surprised that she hadn't resisted, but now, now he had tapes, and there was no way she could fight or resist him for fear of him showing her husband the tapes. Yes, this young auburn hair slut would set things right for him, from now on he would not just be an ugly fat man that people laughed at behind his back. He would still be fat and ugly but now he would have a young auburn hair beauty that men stared at with lust, hanging onto him as if he were the greatest lover in the world. Pulling his soft cock from her tightly clinging asshole he twisted her around and pushed her to her knees shoving his cock against her lips telling her to lick his cock clean. Julia at first hesitated but then opened her lips and began licking the cock clean that had just been in her ass as the thought of video tapes surfaced. This was even better then he had hoped for as he watched her tongue lick his cock clean of her body juices and his cum. What she was now doing was not helping her as she might think, but him, the video cameras were getting everything, pictures as well as sound, showing how much of a slut she was by willingly licking his cock clean and then sucking it into her mouth after he had fucked her asshole. As his body shuddered with another climax, his cock was like an unmanned fire hose filling her mouth and throat with cum. Swallowing every last drop of his sperm and licking her lips she slowly rose to her feet. Watching the tape that evening he started fantasizing about her wearing micro minis with only a garter belt, stockings and heels. He pictured her pert little breasts lightly hidden under the translucent blouses she would wear, walking beside him as he moved about in public, going to places where he had seldom gone. Turning his computer on he scanned the openings his company had, first within North America and then world wide. At last he found what he was looking for. The new offices in Saudi Arabia needed a drafting engineer as dept. head, and pulling up Reggie's personal files he saw that with just slight embellishment, Reggie would be just the man they were looking for. The only problem was he could not take any family, wasn't that a shame. And then laughing until his sides hurt he forwarded Mr. Reggie Richards personal file to the CEO with the recommendation that he be given the job with a salary of $110,000 yearly. An increase of only $30,000 but with the understanding that the $110,000 was tax free and that his families medical insurance would be paid by the company bringing a total outlay of $129,000 saving the company over $40,000 that it could put to use elsewhere. The next day he got a call from the CEO telling him that Mr. Richards file appeared very good and thanked him for saving the company money. Telling him to make all travel and housing arrangements for the young man and that he would start in two weeks as the new Dept. Head in Saudi Arabia. Calling Julia into his office he asked her to get with the Saudi branch and make sure that their was housing for the new Dept. Head of engineering that would be taking over in two weeks, and then to book him a flight no later then 10 days. Smiling to himself at the thought of the young stupid cunt making arrangements to send her own husband away he picked up his phone and dialed the Engineering Dept., asking for Mr. Richards. That evening when Reggie told her of his promotion she gushed with pride and love as well as relief at the knowledge that she would be out of the reaches of that horrible ugly fat man that had been using her body and was slowly destroying her will to fight him. Asking what she should pack as she hugged him, he told her that she could not go, and then Julia remembered that she had only booked passage for one person. Feeling like she had just slapped her she sank slowly to the couch and in a soft whisper asked how he had gotten the job. When he told her that Mr. Wills had recommended him, she burst into tears. She was trapped, alone and utterly trapped Mr. Wills had gotten him the job and she had made the arrangements to send him away. As she continued to cry Reggie, thinking she was worried for his safety, told her not to worry. 
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As Reggie's plane took off his wife was laying across Mr. Wills desk naked with his huge body covering hers as he slavishly once more fucked into her ass calling her a slut and whore, a cock sucker that would never get enough dick to satisfy her. He had told her husband that something had come up and that his wife was needed and then congratulated him on his promotion wishing him well.
Within a week the young wife began wearing miniskirts, and within three weeks was seen with Mr. Wills in restaurants and night spots. Of course people did not know that she was the wife of Reggie Richards who had been transferred with Mr. Wills help, they only knew that this beautiful young girl was his secretary and they found it strange that such a pretty girl of only 18 would be seen in public with him after work, but yet there they were almost every night. Her skirts were now micro mini's leaving very little to the imagination and several men knew that she wore nothing under her skirts except garter belts because they had seen the wispy hairs of her snatch as they had sat across from her.
She was ashamed of what Mr. Wills was making her do but with the video tapes she had no choice. The first time she had closed her legs to keep someone from seeing under her micro mini he had driven into the ghetto telling her that if she ever kept men from looking at her cunt again he would bring her here and give her to any and all black men that wanted her. Several men began stopping by her bosses office and by the end of the fifth week her life had changed so much that she knew that her husband would never take her in his arms again.
They were in a night club with her almost sitting on his lap kissing him when four men from work asked if they could join them. Mr. Wills chest swelled as they praised him for having such a hot young thing as his sex toy as they slid into the booth and as the evening wore on they would dance with her running their hands over her firm tight ass and even slipping their fingers under her skirts as they danced feeling her pussy. When they offered him money to fuck her he told them only if he could tape it.
In disbelief Julia listened as the price was agreed to and the men handed him their money, and then leaving the club went to his home. That evening young Julia Richards was video taped as the four men sank their cock's into her mouth, cunt and asshole some times alone but more often simultaneously. Despite her fear and dread at being used by these four men her body responded to them and before the last foot of film was shoot she was begging the tired, spent men for their cocks.
What little will and self esteem she had remaining up until that evening was now gone and Mr. Wills knew almost the exact moment it happened. He had stepped up to her head twisting his fingers into her hair as two of the men were fucking her cunt and ass hole simultaneously. Turning her face to the video camera he asked if she wanted him to sell her body so that she could fuck man after man and let them enjoy her. "Do you want me to sell you like a common whore? Tell me, slut. Tell me to sell your body, and I'll see to it you get all the cock you want." As she had moaned yes he yelled at her that he hadn't heard her answer. "Tell me Mrs. Richards, do you want me to sell you like a cheap slut." "YES Oh Goddddd YEEESSSSS. Sell me to whoever you want, I'll be your whore. Sell me to as many men as you want. I don't care as long as they want to fuck meeeeeeee."
Still holding her hair he motioned a third man to her head and then ****** her face forward, allowing the 7 inch cock to sink into her throat in one swift lunge. Watching as her hands gripped the mans buttocks, pulling him hard against her face until her lips clasped tightly around the base of his cock.
Mr. Wills was proud of himself. He had turned a young housewife into a common slut who was willing to let him sell her body. Answering the knock on his door he smiled at the five men, telling them to join the fun, and as he listened to Mrs. Richards soulfully moaning around the dick stuffed into her throat, he pictured many more nights like this, of her taking cock after cock as men paid. Yes, oh yes, there would be many nights were she would fuck and suck as many as six to ten men at a time he would make sure of that. And then he pictured the look on her husbands face when he got this video tape, and he laughed with glee.
- The End -
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Taken By Two Boys Tim and Jeff had hated Billy for the longest time. Ever since grade school they looked down on him with nothing but scorn and envy. They were both bitter, hormonal teenagers, 18 and angry at the world. Since he was little, Billy had led a carefree, happy life. Billy's ******, Amy Robert***, was an attractive woman in her mid 30s, who loved her *** very dearly and walked him to school every morning. It was this kind of ********** which led Billy to have quite a sheltered and wimpy per***ality, which Tim and Jeff loathed him for. They had always been bullies and "fish" like Billy were easy pickings to use to feed their feed their ego as well as give them cheap thrills. With her shapely and round behind, Amy attracted the attention of all the boys she walked passed, and a few teachers too. It didn't help that she often wore very tight, constricting clothes which only emphasized her figure. Unfortunately, she was so innocent and naive in nature, she barely realized this. Tim and Jeff loved to eyeball her as she walked by every day and would often make crude gestures behind her back which she often missed but sent knots forming in Billy's stomach every time he saw them looking. Although she was vaguely aware that Tim and Jeff harassed her ***, she wrote them off as nothing more than mischievous teenagers. "Just ignore them, honey." She'd say as she caught Billy cowering from their grinning faces. Tim thought she had great tits, and he was right. She had a pretty face and lovely flowing brown hair. She was about 5'11 and very well rounded with a very shapely figure and was often described as "cute" and "adorable", despite the fact that she was in her mid-thirties. As long as he could remember, Tim wanted to fuck her. Jeff also had an immense desire to have sex with her since the first time he saw her walk Billy to school, which happened soon after he complained of being bullied. The two would alleviate this by regularly jacking off to thoughts about fucking her and often discussed fantasies of what they'd like to do to her. Because of this Tim and Jeff took special delight in tormenting Billy and made it a habit to pick on him. They tormented him relentlessly but there was little he could do without substantial evidence. If he ever cried to the teachers, it would just be dismissed as schoolyard rough housing and boys being boys. Tim and Jeff would take advantage of this and made sure not to leave any obvious bruises or wounds, and made most of their tormenting psychological rather than physical. "Hey Billy, I'd gonna fuck your mom right up her sweet ass." Tim would say. "Yeah, and she'd be sucking my cock at the same time." Jeff would follow, laughing. Since Billy was so utterly afraid of them he didn't know how to respond to this, wishing that they'd just leave him alone. He was protective of his ****** and too much of a wimp to do anything about it. The nature of their bullying was also often mental rather than physical because Tim and Jeff were pretty perverted. They actually got off talking about his ****** in such a derigatory way to her ***. Soon this news got to Billy's ****** and ******, who were obviously upset about these incidents. However, Tim and Jeff always got away without reprehension as they were just 18 year old students. Billy, who had only just turned 18, felt helpless. It became more and more common for his ****** to walk him to and from school to avoid bullying, much to Tim and Jeff's pleasure. Soon she could feel them stare her up and down as she waited for her *** to come out of his les***s, and hated herself for being put in such a submissive situation against her will. What else could she do if her *** faced constant *****? Jeff loved every second of it. "Holy **** dude, my cock gets rock hard every time I see that bitch." He said, adjusting his boner and lying down on his bed. "Even thinking about her is enough to make me blow my load." "I know man," Tim said, turning away from the porn on Jeff's computer momentarily. "You see what she was wearing yesterday? Those fucking tight-ass pants? That bitch knows what she's doing. I bet she fucking loves us staring her down like that. What I wouldn't give to bone her." Jeff sat up grinning. "Tell me about it. I'd fuck her six ways from Sunday!" The two laughed, continuing to look at MILF porn. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head. "You know," Jeff began. "Halloween's just round the corner..." Tim smirked, he had an idea where Jeff was going with this. Every year the two would use it as an excuse to cause mischief and mayhem from a young age, but as they got older their acts became more and more daring. He knew things were gonna be a little different this year. "All we have to do is find out where they live." Jeff said. "Oh man, just thinking about it is making me hard. The things I'd love to do to that bitch." It was hard to believe such words escaped the mouths of these two teens, but the truth is they had always been like this. Surely enough, the next day of school began and they cornered Billy. "Hey Billy, how's it going?" Jeff began, placing his arm around Billy's shoulder, which looked innocent from afar but in actuality was very dominating and frightening to him. "A-Alright. Things are okay, I guess..." He stuttered. "That's good." Tim reassured. "Say, where do you live Billy ol' boy?" Jeff asked, leaning in, unable to conceal his smile at the thoughts in his mind. "Err... why do you want to know that?" Billy stammered out nervously. "What the fuck is your problem?" Tim barked angrily, scaring him. "Here we are, trying to be nice, and you have to give us ****. Just tell us where the fuck you live! " "T-Twelve Roseway Street!" he yelled, terrified. He'd been beaten by these guys before and they always got away with it. "Good." Jeff said, before kicking him in stomach. Tim joined him, cackling as they did so. "That day, they followed him home from school just to make sure he gave the right address. Halloween would be the best opportunity to fuck with him and his mom, and they couldn't blow this chance. As ever, Amy was waiting for him at the front door on the rare days she never picked him up from school. Tim and Jeff grinned at her in a perverted way as she took Billy into her embrace, staring at them with false defiance. As soon as she made eye contact they wolf whistled at her. The truth is they made her nervous. She closed the door and told Billy not to hang around with them anymore. They hung around for a while, scoping out the house and just taking perverse pleasure in knowing where she lived, much to the terror of Billy. No siblings. No wonder Billy was so coddled. Even his ****** only had the courage to frown and glance out of the window a few times, but it was obvious he didn't want any trouble. "What a wimp." Jeff said. "If I was him I'd be banging her every minute of the day, but there he is just reading the paper. Fuck, she's hot. Look at him, he's just some scrawny old dude." He laughed. Now that they knew where she lived, they eagerly looked forward to Halloween. That would be their chance to get what they finally wanted. They were used to terrifying the local kids and vandalizing the houses of people who annoyed them but this year really was gonna be different. As they walked home they discussed perverse things. "You know if we end up breaking in and looking around I'm definitely gonna steal some of her dirty panties. What type you think she wears? Probably granny panties." He laughed. "Nah dude," Jeff said. "I bet she's the type of slut who likes to seem prim and proper but actually wears sexy as fuck underwear. Lacy ****. I guarantee you her dickweasel of a husband doesn't make her feel like a woman." For the next week or so this type of talk carried on and they found the ideas they discussed becoming more and more daring. The only thing they jerked off to now was MILF porn and they could barely contain themselves. They even took following her and photographing her ass with their cameraphones, making no effort to hide it. 