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An Unwanted Affair Life is strange. So many things happen in our lives over which we have no control. Sometimes, these events are so unplanned, so unintentional, that they leave you baffled. I went through some strange events that threw my life into an endless wave of lust and debauchery. I had a nice loving husband who loved me a lot, and five beautiful kids whom I adored. I had everything that a woman needs to call herself happily married. Even in my wildest dreams, I couldn't have imagined having an affair with another man. However, it happened and I couldn't stop it. My licentious affair began with my own man-in-law. Here, I would like to add that it was kind of powerd onto me initially, but later, I must admit, I too began enjoying it. My relationship with my man-in-law is continuing. Now my husband also knows about it. I have been regularly relaxing with two men in a single house: with my lawfully wedded husband, and when he's not home, with my horny man-in-law. I was only seventeen when I got married. My husband Adeel, who is just one year older than me, was the only mister of a wealthy sweets shop owner. Adeel was not good in studies. He floundered repeatedly in his exams. When he failed thrice in his class, his man Rashid Khan, a shrewd businessman, withdrew him from school, and hired him in his own sweets shop. Adeel liked working at the shop more than adding two plus two in school. He soon learned most of his man's successful business secrets. However, he had a major weakness: he was extremely bad with numbers. For some time, Rashid Khan entrusted him with all the responsibilities of running the shop, but soon realized his mister's inability in handling finances. He went back to looking after the sales himself, and Adeel was assigned the task of supervising the production of sweets. Adeel, a meek and introvert youth, never expected more than that. He was content with what he got, and never complained about playing second fiddle to his man. My man had a small grocery shop at the outskirts of the city selling daily goods and utility items. Earnings weren't very good to support a family of six, my parents, my three sisters, and myself, but we were managing somehow. Abbu (Father) knew Adeel's man, he was just an old acquaintance, nothing more than that. One fine day, Adeel's man visited our house looking for abbu. They met and talked privately. After Adeel's man left, abbu came inside and happily announced that Rashid Khan was asking my hand for his mister. Everyone was surprised. Why would a wealthy permister like Rashid Khan like to marry his only mister to the flower of a poor shop owner? The news spread like a jungle fire in the small town. My neighbors and relatives received this news with contempt and disbelief. But, once they realized that it was true, there were mixed reactions. Some were genuinely happy, while some were very jealous. One of my relatives even suggested that there might be some problem with Adeel, and my man should not accept this marriage. However, abbu had met with Adeel once at their shop, and he didn't find any abnormality in him. He considered it as a blessing from Allah. He was very happy that at least his eldest flower was getting married to a rich family where she would lead a comfortable life. Nobody really knew why Rashid khan had chosen me for his mister. I was too young to understand the intricacies of marriage. Marriage was not a subject in which girls in an orthodox family like ours had any say. All I knew that one day abbu would arrange my marriage with some suitable boy, and I would spend my entire life with him; no questions asked. Therefore, when my lady gave me the news, I didn't respond very eagerly. Two days later, my younger sister took me to a corner and handed me a photograph. It was taken in some marriage ceremony. It showed a group of teenage boys. She pointed to a frail but handsome looking boy standing in the center of the group. I stared at the picture of my future husband, suddenly overwhelmed with a strange emotion. I had never felt like that before. I didn't realize then that I had fallen in love with the shy looking boy smiling in the photograph. A month later, we got married in a lavish ceremony. After the marriage, I got my first taste of sex. We couldn't meet on the first night as the ceremonies continued until dawn. When I was finally taken into our bedroom, my eyes were drooping with exhaustion. Adeel was no better than me. Both of us were dead tired. Adeel hugged me on the bed. He kissed me; we talked in slow whispers for some time until we fell arelax. For the first time in my life, I slept on the side of a man whom, only a day ago, was a complete stranger to me. It was the second night of our marriage, when Adeel made love to me for the first time. I still remember the feeling of utter shame when he began to strip me. I made him switch off all the lights before he proceeded to undo my clothes. After removing my clothes, he stripped hurriedly. In the complete darkness of our bedroom, I heard the rustling of his clothes and felt his presence only when he got between my legs. Then his cock poked at my virgin pussy. Both of us were virgins. Neither of us had any prior exposure to the opposite sex. A married friend of mine had given me some mushy insight about this night. She had especially asked me not to stop my husband. She had also told me that it would hurt the first time but would be great fun later. Adeel tried to insert his cock into my pussy clumsily. After some fumbling, he was able to insert his cock head into my pussy. It tore my virgin hymen, and I cried with pain. He stopped pushing further, but didn't pull his cock out of my pussy. After waiting for my pain to subside, he began to move his glans gently in and out of my pussy. Adeel fucked me with only his cock head inside my pussy. It was painful at the beginning, but soon the pain began to recede, and an unusual feeling of rapture began to overwhelm my body. Adeel didn't push his cock further. I could feel his cock head moving in and out of my cunt and then all of a sudden he erupted. His hot cum spilled mostly over my cunt lips and soaked my thick bush. It was a thick hot sticky liquid, and on that first occasion, it didn't appear very pleasant. Adeel immediately withdrew his cock and rolled off me. I grabbed my clothes and rushed to the bathroom. I washed the thick gluey liquid that was sticking to my pussy and my dense bush. There was also some red mixed with the cum that oozed out of my pussy. My friend had warned me about it so I didn't panic. Before coming out, I put my clothes back on. Adeel was waiting outside, still naked. He had switched on a night lamp. My face turned crimmister with shame, but I could not avoid having a good look at my husband's depleted cock which, only minutes ago, had taken my maidenhood. He stepped into the bathroom shutting the door behind him. Adeel came out of the bathroom, with a tahmed (sarong) around his waist. We then slept in each other's embrace. Next morning, my cunt was sore. I felt a little discomfort while walking. However, as the day progressed the pain was replaced by a gentle tenderness. Even after the painful experience of last night, I eagerly waited for the next night. I was longing to go through that experience again, wanted to feel my Adeel's cock sloshing in my tender pussy and then ejaculating his seeds inside my depth. As I waited eagerly, I sensed a wetness seeping between my pussy lips. It was very strange; I had never felt like that before. I was dying to get laid again. I felt ashamed of my lustful thoughts. That night, I took the entire length of his cock inside my pussy. My cunt was still sore from the previous day's adventure, but I didn't stop Adeel. He continued ramming his cock into me and after some effort; it was completely buried in my hungry depths. Adeel fucked me in a slow rhythm until he erupted inside my cunt, filling it with his hot seed. This time, his hot thick cum didn't feel bad inside my cunt, I rather liked the feeling of his hard cock jerking and erupting inside me. After that day, we fucked almost daily. With time, we lost our inhibitions and indulged in sex more often. As a result, I was pregnant after two months and became a lady within a year of my marriage. I always considered Adeel to be the perfect man for me; but he had a very meek disposition. He was completely overshadowed by his man's towering permisterality. Rashid Khan, though loved his mister, was a very dominating man. Throughout, his younghood he had been critical of his mister and as a result, Adeel's permisterality remained subdued. He could never face his man for anything whether it was right or wrong. He silently accepted any commands given by his man. Adeel once told me that he hadn't even seen my picture before our marriage. His man arranged his marriage and informed him. I was chosen as his mister's wife because Rashid Khan believed that a girl from a poor family would always be at his mercy and would never pose a threat to him. I also feel that to some extent, my man-in-law was right in this belief. I was brought up in a family where women had no say in the day to day functioning of the household, and no surprise that I too believed that. As time passed, Adeel got busier with the shop. The old man began to give him more responsibilities. However, he kept the final control in his hands and never let my husband take full responsibility of his business. I had nothing to complain about. Adeel was his only mister and the rightful heir. Above all, I was leading a life I could never have imagined in my life. I had a loving husband and a beautiful young. I couldn't have asked for anything better from life. After the birth of our first mister, the frequency of sex dwindled as I became a busy lady tending to the needs of a tiny tot and Adeel got busier in the shop. Over the years, the frequency of our sexual encounters dwindled further. Adeel and I never observed any kind of protection during our lovemaking, and so, by the end of tenth year of my marriage, I was lady to five beautiful youngren: three misters and two flowers. Many things had changed over the last ten years. I was now a fully grown woman in my late twenties. I was no more a cute, skinny petite dove like the one I used to be at the time of my marriage. I had put on some weight. My tits had lost their original firmness and had begun to sag a little. Bearing youngren had left some scars and a fleshy hump around my tummy. My small taut buttocks became somewhat swollen, and my thighs appeared fleshier. Nevertheless, I was happy and contented with my life. My husband still loved me very much, and he never failed to praise how beautiful I looked. I had every reamister to believe him. I loved my husband very much and no thought about any other man ever occurred to me. Not until I began to notice changes in my man-in-law's behavior. My lady-in-law died many years before my marriage. Therefore, I was the only woman in my house other than a maid who visited our house in the morning and afternoons to clean the house. My man-in-law was very fond of me. He took good care of me, and my family. He played with my kids, bought them gifts and toys, paid for their school, and their other expenses. He did everything a good grandman would do for his grandyoungren. Unlike my man, my husband's man was quite liberal and he let me enjoy lot of freedom in the house. I too treated him like my abbu. Father-in-law was fifty, but appeared much younger than his age. I must admit that he was good looking and well maintained for his age. I could never guess why he didn't get married again after the death of his wife. He could have easily found a much younger and beautiful wife for himself. Adeel once told me that his man loved his lady very much, and probably he lost interest in sex after the death of his beloved wife. I really admired him for being so devoted to his dead wife. However, his recent activities revealed a darker side of him. He had been entrusting more and more responsibility to my husband. His business was flourishing; the shop was doing very well. Father-in-law saw the opportunity and opened a branch of his shop in another part of the city. It increased Adeel's workload as he was looking after both establishments. It kept him busy with little time for the kids and me. Adeel's man stopped visiting his shop altogether, and began to manage his affairs from the home itself. He appointed a cashier at the shop to help Adeel with the finances. Father-in-law began spending more and more of his time at home. He didn't have much to do, so he began spending more time with the kids. When they weren't home, he spent his time sitting in his room watching some television program or some movie on his player. He was very fond of Bollywood and Hollywood movies. 
Posts: 167471
Recently, he had purchased a brand-new DVD player. Every other day, he would bring home some borrowed disc from a nearby shop and watch it with kids, or sometimes with the whole family. He had a good collection of DVDs of his own. He had given me his old DVD player. Often, I used the player during the afternoons for watching movies while waiting for the kids to return from school. Although it started with subtle hints, I began to notice the way Adeel's man looked at me. I caught him, a number of times, staring at me in a peculiar way. He began to seek excuses to visit the kitchen every now and then. I normally spent most of my time in the kitchen or in my bedroom. Often, I found him coming to the kitchen on one pretext or another and trying to talk to me. At times, I found him staring at my bosom with a lecherous look in his eyes. One day, he accidentally kept his hands over my shoulders. He immediately withdrew it, but such accidents began to happen very often. There were certain occasions when I felt his eyes boring into my cleavage. Sometimes, when I passed near him, I had a strange feeling that he had been ogling my buttocks. He started bringing gifts for me very often, sometimes rather expensive gifts. Initially, I was happy with his gestures, but later I got suspicious. He was very careful about his actions. Whenever Adeel or the housemaid was home, he kept himself confined to his room, pretending to be reading some magazine or watching a television program. As soon as the kids were off to school and the housemaid left for another house, he would appear at the kitchen door asking for something. We live in a spacious three room house that my man-in-law built long ago. The front door opens to a wide corridor, which passes between two big facing rooms, one is my bedroom and other belonged to the kids. The corridor opens into a spacious veranda and to an open courtyard after that. The kitchen is situated after my bedroom and its doors open to the veranda. Facing the kitchen, on the other side of the open courtyard, lies Father-in-law's bedroom. My bedroom initially belonged to my man-in-law, however, after my marriage, he gave us his bedroom and he took another bedroom. The two bedrooms in our house have attached bathrooms. There is also an additional bathroom situated just after the youngren's room. It opens to the veranda. The common bathroom is a small one. Usually, it was kept locked and was rarely used. The other major change I noticed in my man-in-law was that he stopped using his own attached bathroom. He began taking his showers in the common bathroom. It was very strange. It gave him ample opportunity to roam around the house wearing only a towel around his waist. Often, I found him deliberately lurking here and there in the veranda in his seminude state, especially when we were alone at home. I found his actions little suspicious but tried to ignore him. I never expected that a man of his age, and his reputation could be harboring ulterior motives about his own flower-in-law. I was more confused because for the last ten years he had been a perfect gentleman, never giving me a chance to doubt his intentions. One afternoon, after the housemaid left, I was alone at home. I fed the two young kids and left them relaxing in my bedroom. After a while, I heard him calling me from his room. When I went there, he was lying on his bed in a vest and a tahmed (sarong). He told me that he was feeling some pain in his back and asked me to rub a pain reliever on his back. He gave me a tube of pain reliever. I took the tube. He immediately got up and removed his vest. He was now half-naked standing in front of me. I had seen him roaming around the house, wearing only his tahmed; but never before had he taken his vest off in front of me. My face turned scarlet with embarrassment. Notwithstanding a small potbelly, he had a rather good physique for a fifty-year old. Father-in-law didn't seem to notice it. He lay on his bed on his stomach, and pointed to a region in his lower back and asked me to apply cream to it. I sat at the edge of his bed. I squeezed the tube, took a large gob of white cream between my fingers and began rubbing it over the affected area. Father-in-law closed his eyes and rested his head over his folded hands. I rubbed the paste over his aching back in silence. Then I noticed that his tahmed was tied in such way that a small part of the crack of his ass was visible. I began feeling uncomfortable. My face turned red but out of respect for the old man, I continued rubbing the cream on his back. It went on for about five minutes. Finally, he asked me to stop and told me that his back felt better. I got up from his bed and proceeded to go out of his room when he turned on the bed. Even in my rush to leave his room, I didn't miss the massive tent formed in the front of his tahmed. Ashamed and terrified, I rushed to my bedroom, locked the door, and sat on my bed. I was stunned. My heart was beating fast. I could hear my heart beats hammering in my ears. I was now sure about my man-in-law's intentions towards me. The old man wanted me. I was horrified at the thought. I was brought up in a very strict and conservative family. Although my parents let me study, my education was in an all-girls school. My lady never let me out without wearing a veil. I wasn't allowed to talk to any boy from the neighborhood. The only man in my life was my husband Adeel. I loved him; although at times, I felt sad for him not being so smart like his man. All ten years of my marriage, Adeel had been a very good husband and I never felt any inclination to think about any other man. Now, after a long period of a happy married life, things were beginning to change. My man-in-law was trying to seduce me. I was afraid and perplexed by his behavior. I didn't know what had gone into his head. He had always been a man figure to me. It's true that he never gave Adeel full power over the shop, and he remained in control of all affairs and showed no intentions of retiring. However, he did everything that a good man could do for his family. He looked after all of us very well. At times, he got upset with Adeel, sometimes even lost his temper but he never said anything to me. He helped me in every possible way to make my life comfortable. I didn't know why he was behaving in such a manner now. I thought about telling Adeel about the incident, but later decided against it. I didn't know how he would react to this news. He was very afraid of his man, and I had never seen him taking a stand against his man, even when he was not wrong. I was afraid that man-in-law would call me to his room the next day, therefore, when he informed us that night that he would be out of the city for some days, I was relieved and happy. I was probably imagining too much, and everything would be fine after his return. He was visiting a nearby city to attend some marriage ceremony in his friend's family. Father-in-law returned three days later. The youngren were at school and Adeel had already gone to the shop. After freshening up, he called me into his room. I was a bit apprehensive, but I went. He was standing by his bed with his briefcase lying open on the bed. He was rummaging through its contents. I used my chunni (a scarf) to cover my head and went near him. Father-in-law took the clothes out of his briefcase and produced some small packages. "For the youngren," he said as he handed me the packages. I took them. Then he pulled a few DVD cases out of his bag. "I've brought some new movies, like to watch?" "No... I'm not free now." I was eager to get out of his room. "I'll watch later." "I'm not asking you to watch it now." He smiled. He handed me one DVD from the pack and put the others into his TV cabinet. "Keep it... watch it when you're free. I know you like movies." I silently took the DVD, left his room, and took a deep sigh of relief. Maybe I was wrong about my man-in-law. I went to my room and put the DVD in my cupboard. I decided to watch it later in the afternoon. Father-in-law took his shower. Surprisingly, he didn't use the common bathroom. He washed in his own bathroom. When he came out of his room, he was fully dressed. I was in the kitchen cooking lunch. "I'm going to the shop." He spoke from the kitchen door. "Is lunch ready?" "Yes." He sat at the dining table. I served him food. He ate ravenously. He looked happy. Once or twice he looked at me but didn't talk much. He seemed to be preoccupied with something. When he left after lunch, I locked the door. I fed Rehaan and Shama, and left them playing in the veranda. My other three kids, Shahid, Sakina, and Parvez, were at school and were not expected until three. I looked at the wall clock; it was showing 1:00 pm, enough time to straighten my aching limbs. I thought I would take a brief nap. I slipped in my bed and closed my eyes. Suddenly, I remembered the DVD that man-in-law had given me. I am a big movie fan also; therefore, I dropped the idea of relaxing. I took the DVD out of my cupboard, switched on the television, the DVD player, and inserted the disk into it. I took the remote and settled on the bed. I adjusted the pillows beneath my back to put myself in a comfortable, reclining position and then pressed the play button on the remote. The television screen flickered for a few seconds; then it began to show the legal warnings. I pressed the fast-forward button, waited for few seconds and again pressed the play button. My eyes went wide open with shock and disbelief. Along with the credits, the screen showed a naked white woman lying on a sofa. A black man with a gigantic cock was fucking her hairless pussy while she was gripping, and sucking the cock of another white male. In my panic, I simply forgot to use the remote, immediately jumped off my bed and switched off the television. Then I stood there shivering violently. I had never seen such a wanton display of sexual acts before. I had heard about porn movies; and I was vaguely aware of the fact that in such movies, fucking scenes were shot from very close quarters. However, what I just saw appeared simply disgusting. Gradually, the trembling was replaced by anger. I was furious with my man-in-law. The old man was playing games with me. He had deliberately handed me a blue film DVD. Bastard... Seething with anger, I decided that I would confront the old man, and if he refused to mend his ways, I would report the incident to Adeel. I could not let this go on forever. After making up my mind, I took the disk out of the player and put it back in my cupboard. My youngren arrived from school, and I got busy with them. The kids ate their food, and then all of them went out of the house to play with their friends, leaving Shama, the youngest one, and me alone in the house. Father-in-law arrived at about five in evening. When I opened the door, he smiled at me, and then went directly to his room. I waited for some time. I was furious with him, but now when I was about to face him, I started feeling nervous. I went to my room, took the CD from my cupboard, waited there for some time, breathing heavily, trying to overcome my nervousness. Finally, I came out of my bedroom. I crossed the veranda and the open courtyard and knocked on his door. "Come in." He asked from inside. I went inside. He was sprawled on his bed, the remote was in his hand and he was continuously changing channels. He looked at me. "What's this?" I asked angrily showing him the DVD. He stared at it then looked at me, puzzled. "What did you give me?" "A movie..." He tired to smile. His smile made me even angrier. I had never been so angry in my whole life. I could feel tears swelling in my eyes. "You call this a movie?" I threw the DVD on his bed. He picked up the disk in his hand. His face wore a look of deep surprise. Again, he stared at me as if he couldn't understand why I was shouting at him. Then his eyes went wide. I had enough. I could not control my tears. I knew I would start crying, so I immediately turned and began to walk out of his room. "Nilofer please stop." He called me as he jumped off the bed. I didn't stop and walked hurriedly toward the door. He rushed close to me and held my hand firmly. "Let me go." I cried trying to release my hand from his firm grip. But, I was no match for his strength. "Look Nilofer." He said apologetically. "It's just a mistake. I didn't give it to you deliberately." "Let go of my hand." Angrily, I tried to free my hand from his grip, finally succeeding in getting out of his clutches. I ran out of his room, and scurried to my room. Father-in-law followed me. I quickly locked my room from the inside. I heard his footsteps approaching the door. Then he knocked lightly. I didn't reply. "Nilofer, please listen to me." He was almost pleading. "I didn't do it knowingly." "I don't want to listen to anything. When Adeel returns, then we'll talk." "Please... Nilofer... don't tell anything to Adeel. Believe me, it was not intentional." "Please go," I shouted from inside. "I don't want to talk to you." There was a silence for some time. "Look Nilofer... your lady-in-law died thirteen years ago. I miss her so I bought it for myself. I gave it to you by mistake... you must believe me." I realized that if I continue answering his calls he would not go away. I kept silent. Finally he spoke. "Okay... if you don't want to listen... I'll go. But please don't tell Adeel about it." I heard him move away from the door, and then there was silence everywhere. I was in no hurry to open the door. I rubbed my eyes to wipe the tears. I remained in my room until my youngren returned. Father-in-law was locked inside his room. I washed my face and began preparing dinner. I pondered what had happened this afternoon. I didn't know whether my man-in-law was telling the truth. But, after much deliberation I decided to give him a chance. 
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"I... I... will tell Adeel." As a final resort, I tried to threaten him hoping that it would work. It made him even angrier. "Listen you slut," his voice suddenly filled with menacing tone, "Do you really think Adeel can save you from me?" I gave him a terrified look; nothing came out of my lips. Father-in-law retorted. "Don't have any misgivings... I can kick you all out of my house... right now. What would he do then?" A morbid fear began to grip me. "Adeel's good for nothing, you know that; you know it very well," Father-in-law chewed every word he spoke. "If I kick you out, do you think he'll be able to look after you?" Tears began to stream down my cheeks. "Please let me go, I'm like your flower." I pleaded. "If I had a flower like you," his eyes were burning with an unfathomable lust, "I would've fucked her too. God knows how long I've been dreaming about you, from the day I first saw you naked." I stared at his lust filled face. I didn't know what he was talking about. When did he see me nude? I couldn't recall. "Listen... Nilu..." His voice was suddenly softer. "Just give me what I want. I'll give you everything you need." "No, I can't." I sobbed. "Please let me go." Deep in my heart, I was aware that he was probably correct. My introvert and meek husband was no match for his man's dominance. With his delicate disposition, I doubted that he would be able to look after us if thrown out of his man's house. I dared not think what would happen if I had to move out of the house. He sensed my resignation. "What's your decision?" "What do you want?" I gave him a resigned look. His lips spread in a leering smile. "Still pretending... bitch." He pushed me back on the bed. He reached his hand between my legs. I felt his hand groping between my thighs, roaming over my pussy. He fumred to locate the cord of my salwar (a traditional loose pant like dress worn by women) and when he found it, he undid it. He then grabbed the cloth and pushed it off my thighs. "No... please don't." I cried in shame. I closed my eyes in utter shame. Tears rolled out of eyes and disappeared into my hair. He pulled the salwar off my leg and tossed it aside. His hand was now moving over my naked thighs. I felt it groping at my knickers. Without waiting, he pulled them off too. He then lifted the hem of my kurta (a long shirt) and exposed my naked cunt. My most intimate and private part was exposed so brazenly to the leering eyes of my man-in-law. I opened my eyes for a fraction of second. His bulging eyes were glued to my exposed pussy. He was slowly wetting his lips with his tongue. My face turned red with utmost shame and disgust. I had never been so lecherously exposed even to my husband in my ten years of married life. We fucked mostly with all the lights off. Adeel liked it that way and I never thought beyond that. I couldn't recollect many occasions when Adeel had seen me completely naked. I was lying on my man-in-law's bed with my lower half completely bare, my man-in-law lustily gazing at my hairy pussy. He had taken his cock out of his tahmed and was stroking it with his left hand. My heart was beating like a drum. I crossed my legs in a vain attempt to hide my hairy cunt from his lecherous gaze. He watched this with an amazed look in his eyes. His left hand still stroking his cock, he undid his tahmed. It fell on the floor. He climbed on his bed and settled near my thighs. I closed my eyes again. I felt his hand roaming over my pussy slowly. He powerd my legs apart and spread them wide. Then his fingers touched my pussy. He spread my cunt lips. My body twitched when his index finger touched my inner labia. "Come on... enjoy it Nilu." I felt his hot breath over my cheeks as his lips touched my lips. "I'm sure you're not getting it for the first time." He whispered in my ear and then laughed lecherously. His fingers continued rummaging through my bushy cunt. "Oh... gawd... what a pussy!" He muttered to himself. He withdrew his hand from my cunt and positioned himself between my wide spread legs. He took his cock between in his fist and began running the inflated head over my slit. My mind began to revolt again. This place was reserved only for my beloved husband, and now it was being ***d so wantonly by none other than his own man. "No!" I tried to push him back. He laughed like a maniac and grabbed me again, pinning me on the bed. I continued struggling but soon realized that I was no match for his vulgar strength. With my arms pinned with his hands, he positioned himself between my thighs. I felt his cock head nudging between my pussy lips. He leaned forward, brought my both hands together over my head and grabbed them with his right hand. His left hand was now free. His powerful legs pressed my struggling legs relentlessly, stifling my resistance. With his free hand, he gripped his cock, and placed the tip at the entrance of my cunt. I felt my pussy lips spread to accommodate the intruding organ. He pushed forward. His cock entered mercilessly inside my cunt. I felt a sharp twinge of pain between my thighs; and I cried loudly. His cock must be thicker than Adeel's tool. The pain caused my eyes to open. I found his face just above mine, staring into my eyes. When he found me looking in his eyes, he smiled lewdly and gave a massive thrust. His mammoth hardness tore into me. It felt like a burning rod entering between my thighs. "No... please," I wailed with pain. "please take it out... it's hurting." He laughed triumphantly, happy for his prized win. "Stop crying, it's already in dear." I then realized that his tool was completely buried inside my hurting pussy, his balls touching the back of my ass. He bent his head and kissed me. He held still for some time enjoying the feel of his long thick tool resting inside my smarting pussy. Then he withdrew his cock until only the tip remained inside. The pain eased a little. He pushed again ramming his massive hardness deep into my pussy. I yelled again. "Aah... Nilu... what a tight cunt." He gave me a lecherous grin. He began fucking me with long strokes. Realizing that he would not listen to my cries; I resigned myself to my fate. He didn't relent and continued plundering my pussy with hard strokes. With every passing second, his humping got wilder. He fucked me harder and harder. Slowly the pain began to ease off; my cunt got adjusted to his savage thrusting. His rough thrusting cock tickled some unknown nerves and my pussy began to lubricate. I didn't want to admit it, but my body began to respond to his humping. He was still plundering my cunt mercilessly, but now his massive cock was moving smoothly in my velvety depth. He had a kind of strange raw natural energy, which I had never felt before with Adeel. He was groaning and panting with effort. His face and body were covered with perspiration. Yet, he showed no sign of relenting. He continued fucking my pussy, with every stroke, his humping got more and more ferocious. Finally, he cried loudly, and plunged his cock all the way inside my pussy. I felt his cock swell inside me, jerk violently and spurt his hot molten seed inside the soft folds of my cunt. It felt like a hot geyser opening inside me, inundating my soft enclave. Completely spent, he slumped over me; his face pressed between my breasts which were still hidden beneath the kurta. He was panting with the effort. Surprisingly, I could also hear my own heavy breathing. His cock began to deflate inside me, but he made no attempt to take it out. When he didn't try to move away, I pushed him back. His cock came out with a loud plop sound. His thick cock juice that was 'till now trapped inside began to ooze out of my hairy cunt. He collapsed on my side. I got off his bed hurriedly. He looked at me with half opened eyes; did nothing to stop me. I picked up my salwar and knickers from the floor. Before coming out of his room, I turned back and looked at him. His eyes were open, and he wore a lazy look. His lips were spread in a winning smile as he watched me go out. 
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Father-in-law moved his hand over my buttocks and pulled my soft body into his masculine body. He brought his lips down and kissed me. I readily accepted his advance and returned his kiss. His tongue probed my mouth as his hand kneaded the big halves of my ass. We kissed passionately. I had forgotten that it was totally forbidden for me. If the truth came out, I would have no place in this society. I would lose my husband, youngren... everything that life had given me so far. I would become a pariah. Nonetheless, in the heat of the moment, none of this came to my mind. All I wanted was that magnificent cock plundering my hungry pussy. Father-in-law seemed to understand my desire. He took my hand and placed it over his cock. Under the falling water from the shower, it felt like a burning rod of steel, strong and thick. His hand moved between my thighs, and his fingers explored my soaked hairy pussy. He inserted a digit into my cunt. I moaned with delight. He fucked me with his finger. His finger was thick, almost like a cock. My cunt willingly accepted the intruding digit and clasped it in its velvety enclave. I was breathing hard with passion. His moving finger inside my cunt was doing miracles, causing my cunt to beg for more. I felt my warm cunt juices soaking his finger. He drove me crazy with desire. I desperately wanted his thick rigid tool between my pussy lips. I tightened my fingers over his cock and rubbed it against my pussy lips. Father-in-law brought his mouth to my soft nipples. He took one between his lips and sucked it hard, making me whimper with lust. I was still a lactating lady. He sucked milk from my breast hungrily. I realized that if I didn't let him fuck me, I would die of my extreme desire. "Ahhhhhhhhh..." I heard myself moaning. I wanted to tell him that it felt so good, but the words got stuck in my mouth. Father-in-law alternated between my tits, sucking both nipples one by one, enjoying my ladyly milk. He gave equal attention to each of my tits. His sucking became rougher. I began to whimper and squirm; my hand tightly squeezed and released his cock. He let go my tits and began kissing me on my stomach. I felt his tongue probing into my belly button. His tongue moved further down toward the hairy mound of my pussy. Then I felt his tongue sliding over my bushy cunt lips. It was an entirely new experience. For a second, I thought that I would die with rapture. Adeel had never kissed me down there. I had never enjoyed the bliss of oral sex though I was vaguely aware of the fact that some people do things like that. "What... what are you doing?" I moaned-- never wanting him to stop. Father-in-law spread my fleshy thighs and began licking my dripping pussy. I felt his tongue exploring my inner cunt lips and my tiny bud protruding at the top. His tongue flicked rapidly over my inflamed clitoris. He began to eat my pussy heatedly. He slid his tongue deep into my juicy cunt, and then pulled it out slowly. He pinched my clit and then tried to take it between his lips. My clit is very small so he powerd his lips over it and sucked it sharply. My body shuddered as a sudden flash of pleasure shot through my body. I arched my back and cried out. My thighs were trembling violently. My hand fumred to hold something on the wall to prevent myself from collapsing. I raised my hands and groped for the shower's pipe. I grabbed it with both hands. Supporting my load against the pipe, I spread my legs further providing his probing tongue further access to my dripping pussy. I became aware of my hairy armpits, realizing that I hadn't shaved them for almost six months. Father-in -law was pretty occupied with my cunt. He sucked my cunt lips into his mouth and flicked my clit so wildly with his tongue that I was afraid I might come before he even started fucking me. I squirmed my thighs against his tongue. As if he understood my desperation, man-in-law withdrew his tongue from my dripping pussy. I wondered how he would fuck me as there wasn't enough space in the bathroom. I expected him to take me out to his bedroom. However, he had other plans. He pushed the bucket and a small plastic tub to one corner, then grabbed me by my hips and helped me settle on the limited space on the bathroom floor. It was an awkward position as my legs were high and resting against the wall. He positioned himself between my legs and lowered himself. I watched deliriously as he lowered his waist. I felt his fingers holding his cock as he fumred at the opening. He found the right place and planted the tip. Then he pushed forward. His thick cock moved easily in my dripping cunt. He didn't have to make any further efforts as my cunt was well lubricated. He lowered his hips until the entire length of his cock was buried inside me. Intuitively, I wrapped my legs around his waist. He buried his face between my undulating tits and started fucking me with his massive cock. His movements were slow at first probably because of our awkward position, but he soon found his rhythm and began fucking me harder and faster. I could feel his gigantic prick fucking deeper and deeper into my dripping cunt hole. With every stroke, it was driving me nuts. I clasped my thighs tightly around his waist and tried to wiggle my hips, trying to get his raging cock even deeper into my willing cunt. His face was buried in my tits. His lips were mercilessly kneading my soft flesh. He was groaning loudly with lust. "Nilu... what a cunt." He was out of breath with exertion. He pounded my pussy relentlessly. His lewd words worked to aggravate my longing for his ferocious cock. I began working my cunt muscles over his cock. I tried to hold his cock tightly inside by squeezing my cunt muscles. Father-in-law moaned with pleasure. Both of us had completely forgotten the water that was continuously falling over our burning bodies. "Aaahhhhh... aah... aah..." I realized that I was actually moaning with lust with every plunge he made into my hungry cunt. My pussy was dripping profusely under his onslaught. Over and over, man-in-law fucked his mammoth cock deep into my wet slick pussy. I couldn't take it anymore. My orgasm hit me like a flash of lightening. "Aahhhhhhhhhhh..." I moaned shamelessly, completely oblivious to the fact that I was actually coming while fucking my man-in-law. I enjoyed my orgasm with wild abandon. Father-in-law sensed my orgasm. He began pumping my pussy even harder. "I'm coming... Nilu... its coming." He moaned and fucked his cock all the way into my ravenous pussy. He cried loudly as his cock began shooting inside me. Wads of thick sticky cum spurt from his massive fuck tool and gushed into my ravenous pussy. He pressed my body against the floor. I put my arms around his neck and enjoyed the hot molten seed erupting from his rigid shaft. Slowly, the throbbing subsided and his cock began to soften inside me. My legs were still clenching to his waist. He rested his face over my tits, desperately trying to control his erratic breathing. We remained there in that position, trying to catch our breaths. Then I lowered my leg on the floor. He got up. His limp cock slipped out of me. His cum oozed out of my freshly fucked pussy, dribbling along the crack of my ass, mixed with the water pouring from the shower. The water helped in rinsing a part of our fuck juices from our bodies. Father-in-law gave me a satisfied grin. "God knows Nilu," He smiled. "I never fucked a cunt like yours." After so recklessly enjoying a mind blowing fuck with my man-in-law, I suddenly found myself turning red with shame and embarrassment. Father-in-law helped me in washing my cunt. He took his time in working his fingers up my pussy and cleansed every drop of cum deposited. Still, he was not satisfied. We showered together and only then, he relented and released me. I hurriedly fled to my room, naked, leaving my drenched clothes lying on the bathroom floor. I closed the doors from the inside and grabbed a towel. I stood in front of my dressing table; dried my soaked body and began drying my wet hair with the towel. I looked at my naked reflection in the mirror. My body was glowing with the aftereffects of my shower fuck with my man-in-law. I found myself turning crimmister. I had cheated on my loving husband. I wasn't fully responsible for the last day's incident. However, I couldn't deny that I had seen it coming, yet didn't do much to stop it. Perhaps I should have informed Adeel about his man's overtures much earlier. Now, it was too late. The thin line separating my relationship with my man-in-law had been crossed. The truth was that I had enjoyed it; in fact, I rather waited for it to happen today. By succumbing to the temptation, I had lost any moral ground that I had before starting my lustful relation with my man-in-law. I saw my flower stirring in her bed. Afraid that she would wake up at any moment, I dropped the towel, and hurriedly took a new pair of bra and panties from the dresser and slipped them on my body. I was about to put my salwar and kurta on when there was a knock at the door. "Who's there?" Although, I knew who it was. "Nilu... open the door," The horny old man was gain back, "wanna show you something." "Not yet." I replied, again feeling a sudden rush of excitement running through my body. "I'm still undressed." Immediately, his lecherous laughter remisterated from the other side of door. "Still have something to hide? Please open... I've got something for you." I thought for a moment, and then opened the door. Father-in-law stepped inside. He was in his usual dress; his upper body bare and a tahmed carelessly wrapped around his waist that did nothing to hide the bulge in front of his crotch. When he saw me standing in only in a bra and panties, his eyes opened wide in admiration. "It's for you." He gave me a lewd grin. He brought his hand from behind his back and presented me with a box. I reached out and took the box in my hand. I lifted the lid and slowly opened the box. Nestled in the blue velvety cloth was a beautiful pearl necklace. He removed it from the box and held it up. 
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"It's for you." He whispered. "No... I can't take it." I refused. "What am I gonna tell Adeel." "Don't worry about him." He handed me the necklace. "Just give him any cock and bull story... he'll believe it." He moved behind me, took the necklace from me and slipped it around my neck. Then he took me in front of the mirror. "Nilu... you're gorgeous." He spoke as he slipped his arms around my waist. I felt his hardness pressing into my back. His hand slipped inside my panties, and his hand touched my juicy, swollen cunt lips and quickly found my clit. He began to rub my tiny love-button. "No... please stop... not anymore." I resisted, but he didn't listen to me. In a flash, he slipped my panties off my legs. Then he unhooked my bra and dropped it on the floor. "Now look," Said the horny old man. "so... beautiful." I stared at the petite naked woman, with only a pearl necklace around her neck, staring at me from the mirror. A pair of hands were working over her hairy pussy from behind. I had never been in such a position. A sudden wave of arousal rushed through my body. I felt his cock poking into my ass cheeks. Then I realized that man-in-law had already dropped his tahmed, and he was standing completely naked behind me. Father-in-law grabbed me from behind and powerd me to bend forward. "No... not." I tried to stop him. "What're you doing?" He didn't listen and pushed me. I bent forward and grabbed the edge of the dressing table. I was now on all fours with my ass high in air and my hands gripping the dressing table. He positioned himself behind me. I held my breath as his mammoth manhood touched my glistening pussy. He took the cock tip between his thumb and index finger and planted the tip at the opening of my scorching pussy. My entire body shivered with strange anticipation. I was never fucked from behind before. Although, Adeel and I were aware about many positions of fucking, but we had never given it a try. It was mostly done in missionary position. Adeel never liked to experiment; and I was too prudish to ask for any such thing. I waited with bated breath. "Sorry Nilu... can't stop now." I felt his cock head gently opening my inflamed cunt lips. He gripped my hips and gave a massive push. His cock began its journey into my already creaming pussy. In one stroke, it was completely buried into me. His crotch banged against my ass. "Ahhhhhhhhhh..." Father-in-law cried in excitement as his cock plunged into my cunt. He began fucking me vigorously. I waited for a moment and then began responding to his strokes. Father-in-law fucked me harder and faster. I was surprised at his energy. Only fifteen minutes ago, he had fucked me in the shower, and now his cock was again buried inside from behind and he was pumping my pussy like a madman. I could never recall being fucked by Adeel twice in one day. Probably during the initial years of our marriage, he had fucked me more than once but such occasions were very rare. I had a sense of exhilaration for being such a turn on for my man-in-law. His cock was moving in and out of my ravenous cunt like a piston. With every stroke, he was pulling his cock completely out of my pussy and then immediately ramming it back into my horny depths. I began to squirm. I lifted my head and stared at the woman at me from the mirror. Her face contorted with lust; she was groaning, moaning, begging the old man to pump her pussy harder and harder. It was entirely a different woman. The simple homely housewife was lost somewhere, and I was looking at a cock hungry whore who was so lecherously enjoying her ordeal. Father-in-law was groaning with effort. His movements were increasing with every passing second. His strong thighs slapped against the back of my thighs again and again. My whole body reveled with the exquisite feeling. "Aarhhhhhhhhhhhh..." He moaned loudly as he plunged his hard on into my pussy. I sensed his impending orgasm and thrust my ass to take his plunge. His cock exploded like a massive volcano, releasing a big load of thick fresh cum deep inside my pussy. I felt his jerking within the velvety folds of my pussy and releasing gob after gob of fresh cum. It triggered my own orgasm. My pussy twitched violently around his cock. I forcibly squeezed my thighs trying to milk his shooting cock. His cock jerked inside me for the final time, and then his ejaculation stopped. He withdrew his slick cock out of my cum filled pussy. Father-in-law slumped over my back, breathing heavily. I felt his cum oozing out of my pussy and slowly trickling along my inner thighs. Finally, he got up releasing his grip on my hips. I got up and turned to face him. I looked at his cum soaked cock that was fast shrinking in size. He gave me an exultant look. Lovingly, he put his had over my dripping pussy and gently ran his fingers over my slit. I closed my eyes and reveled in a wanton abandon. "Nilu..." He spoke. I opened my eyes. "You should take care of yourself." He pointed toward my hairy underarms. "Go to a parlor and get this removed." He gave me warm smile, and went out of the room, gently closing the door behind him. I staggered to my bed and collapsed over it. I got back to my senses only when my one year old flower woke up and began crying. I suddenly felt ashamed of my nakedness in front of my toddler. I slipped a sheet, covered my naked body, and took her in my arms. That afternoon, I visited a beauty salon to get a complete makeover. 
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IV We never know what life has in store for us. We start doing something that we don't enjoy, but end up liking it. Something similar happened to me. My amorous relationship with my man-in-law started as a non-consensual one. I hated my man-in-law for taking advantage of my vulnerability. He threatened me and then fucked me against my will. However, once I took his cock into my pussy, I forgot everything. It was a strange kind of love-hate relationship. I still hated him secretly for what he did to me, yet I longed to feel his cock fucking into my horny pussy. I never realized when I was transformed from a simple housewife to a cock-hungry slut. There were brief spells of righteousness, when I thought that I should stop screwing my man-in-law. But they were short-lived. Father-in-law successfully thwarted any such attempt. He cajoled me, brought me new gifts and if that didn't work then he threatened me; he did everything to get inside my panties. And he succeeded every time. I was aware that I had been cheating on my faithful husband. It always kept nagging in the back of my head. In moments of solitude, I always felt overwhelmed by a deep sense of remorse. Yet, I couldn't resist the carnal pleasure that I enjoyed in the company of my man-in-law. After many years of marriage, I began caring for my looks. I started dressing nicely, and enjoying the frequent gifts my man-in-law had been bestowing upon me. I was sure Adeel must have noticed those changes. He appeared surprised at times, but he never mentioned it. Father-in-law was an extremely horny old stud. He fucked me everywhere in the house; on his bed, on my bed, on the dining table, in the shower, even in the open courtyard. I can't recall if there were anywhere left in the house where we didn't fuck. Once I lost my reservations, I began to explore every facet of lovemaking with my man-in-law. I did many things with him which I could never have dreamt of doing with Adeel. I began watching porn movies with my man-in-law. I found it repulsive initially, but later I started enjoying it. Often, when we were alone at home, we watched movies together. Then he would fuck me in the various styles shown in the movies. I loved the way he sucked my cunt. Father-in-law was an ardent cunt licker. Every time he went down on me, he drove me crazy with pleasure. One day, he asked me to suck his cock. I was reluctant at first. After some coercion, I agreed with a condition that he would not cum in my mouth. He agreed, and I took his cock in my mouth and sucked it. He kept his promise and when he was about to shoot, he took it out and spurted all over my tits and belly, the same way as it was done in one of the porn movie. I found it highly erotic. Slowly, I began enjoying taking his cock in my mouth and sucking him hard. I was also aware that it would be very difficult to keep our relationship secret for a very long time. One day Adeel would come to learn about it. It finally happened. It was an early October cool morning. My affair with man-in-law had already entered its third month. The housemaid finished her daily chores; I quickly walked her to the door. I had already fed Shama, and she was fast arelax. As I locked the front door, man-in-law was already behind me clad in only his trademark tahmed. He grabbed me. His hardness pressed into my ass. By the time we reached my bedroom, I was completely naked. My clothes were lying carelessly in the corridor from the front door, all the way to my room. Father-in-law pushed me onto the bed. He undid his tahmed and dropped it on the floor. He hurriedly got between my legs. In a moment, he was between my legs, with his face buried between my thighs and his hungry tongue lashing over my already dripping pussy. He tongue fucked my horny pussy to an orgasm. My body was writhing with lust. I was dying to feel his massive cock plundering my ravenous pussy. Father-in-law gripped his cock between his fingers and rubbed it along my wet slit. He didn't attempt to slide it inside my pussy; he just continued rubbing it over my slit. "Fuck me." I said irritably, gyrating my inflamed cunt lips over his cock head. "Don't make me wait." "Okay." He leered still running his cock head along my cunt slit. "Please!" I wriggled my ass trying to get his cock inside me. "Really? You want it?" he teased me. "Yes, please don't tease me," I begged, "fuck me hard." "As you wish my love, here it comes." Finally, he relented and eased the fat head of his cock into the entrance of my cunt. He then stopped again! "Fuck me!" I cried like a slut, lifting my ass off the bed. Father-in-law laughed triumphantly, gripped my trembling legs and lunged. His cock pierced my spongy cunt. "Aaaaaahhhhhhhh!" I moaned as I felt his cock moving deep inside me. My head snapped back. I reveled in the feeling of his massive cock resting inside my scalding pussy. Father-in-law moved his hips, gently eased his cock from my hungry cunt until only the cock head was still inside. Then he powerd it back into my eager pussy, causing me to moan with ecstasy. He repeated his action again and again, driving me crazy with his passionate thrusts. A thundering spasm rippled through my pussy each time his cock plunged in. My pussy began dripping profusely with his lustful strokes. "Like it?" Father-in-law asked as he pumped his cock in my pussy. "Ahh... ahhh... yes... abbu (daddy)... yes... aahhh..." I murmured between my moans of ecstasy. "Don't call me abbu." He drove back his cock into my ravenous depth. "How many times do I have to tell you?" "You're my man-in-law," I teased him, enjoying the way he plundered my pussy mercilessly. "What else should I call you? Adeel will be suspicious." "Okay you slut... you're teasing me." He drove in his cock with a massive thrust. "Ahhhhh... ahhhhh!" I wailed in extreme pleasure. Father-in-law moved his hips faster and faster, driving his cock into my scorching depths. The room was filled with liquid squishing sounds as his cock mercilessly plundered my drooling pussy. He had started panting with the effort. I moaned loudly as my second orgasm hit me like a lightening. I bucked my hips up to receive his deep thrusts. My body went rigid with my orgasm. Father-in-law didn't stop pumping. He fucked me even harder. His cock sloshed into my dripping pussy like a piston, with every in-stroke powering a fresh spasm of pleasure in my body. "Ohhhh... it's coming Nilu... it's coming." Father-in-law was fast approaching his own orgasm. I could sense his cock starting to swell inside me. "Ahhhhhh!" He finally thrust his cock all the way into my willing receptacle and released his hot cum inside my hungry depths. His cock jerked inside me releasing a fresh load of hot jism. I closed my eyes and enjoyed his hot juice flooding my cunt. A long shrilly sound suddenly filled the silence of the house. We stopped in stunned silence, completely oblivious of what was happening. Then he realized it first. "Shit! Someone's at the door." Father-in-law exclaimed. Someone was pressing the doorbell. Startled, man-in-law immediately rolled off me. His throbbing cock popped out of my pussy. Still squirting, it jerked violently and deposited a few more drop over my dark wet bush. Father-in-law jumped off the bed, grabbed his tahmed from the floor. "Check who's there Nilu." He whispered and rushed out of my bedroom. I quickly got off the bed, picked my clothes spread all over the corridor and then quickly dressed. There was no time to clean my pussy. I just pulled my panties on. I glanced at myself in the mirror to make sure that I looked presentable, and I went over to the front door. The bell rang again, this time for a much longer duration. "Who's there?" I asked trying to control my erratic breathing. "Adeel." My heart leaped to my throat. My husband was standing on the other side of the door. I opened the door immediately. "Where were you?" He looked at me questioningly. "I was relaxing." In my rush, I couldn't think of a better reply. "At this hour?" He frowned. "Where's abbu?" "Don't know; might be relaxing as well." "Strange... everyone is relaxing." He babred to himself; suddenly he stared at me. "What happened to you? You don't look fine." Color drained from my face. "Nothing..." I stammered, not knowing what else to say. He said nothing, and went into the bedroom. I followed him hurriedly, silently praying. He went near the bed and turned toward me. I saw his nostrils flaring. 
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I panicked. I shouldn't have let him in. He must have smelled the fresh fragrance of cum that permeated the air. My eyes glanced over the bed; in my hurry, I had forgotten to adjust the bed cover. It was a complete mess; the bed cover was completely crumpled. There it was, a small wet spot on the sheets, almost an inch in diameter. For a moment, I felt that my heart would stop beating. I moved to the bed quickly and sat so my body hid the spot from Adeel's view. Adeel looked at me, suspiciously. "Who's here Nilofer?" All of a sudden, man-in-law asked from outside my door. Adeel's attention was immediately diverted toward him. Father-in-law is a shrewd man. He didn't enter my room. Adeel went out to talk to him. I took a deep sigh of relief. Quickly adjusted the bed sheets and covered the wet spot with a pillow. Then I sat on bed and prayed that Adeel wouldn't decide to stay back. Adeel talked with his man about some matter regarding the shop. He finally took instructions from man-in-law and then came inside after few minutes. "I'm going with abbu." He informed me. "Lock the door." As my husband and his man went out together, I quickly locked the door from inside, came back to my room and collapsed on the bed. I just had a very narrow escape. I was lucky that Adeel didn't notice the wet spot on the bed. I realized that I would have to be very careful in the future. Father-in-law and Adeel returned together late in the night. During dinner, Adeel appeared lost in his thoughts. After dinner, he immediately went to our bedroom. I finished all routine work and went to the room around ten. Adeel was still awake. He was sitting on the edge of the bed. I stared at him and immediately realized that something was terribly wrong. "Come here." He said to me solemnly. Mortified, I sat beside him. He looked me straight in the eyes. "What's going on between you and abbu?" I had never expected that he would ask so bluntly. All color drained from my face. My whole body shivered with fear. "Nothing...nothing." I stammered. "Don't lie to me; what were you doing in the morning?" I stared at him with frightened eyes. Nothing came out of my mouth. "I want an answer." His voice was sharp. "I...I...don't know what you're talking about." I didn't know what to say. A morbid fear gripped my heart. Deep inside, I had a hunch that my secret was no longer secret. "Should I tell you?" He retorted. I tried to speak, but nothing came out of my throat. I knew my gut feeling was correct. "Okay tell me," his eyes were suddenly burning with anger, "since when it's been going on?" "What... I don't understand... what you mean." I wasn't yet ready to accept my infidelity. "Do you think I'm an asshole?" he roared, "I saw it last night... abbu was pinching your ass in the kitchen." I thought I would faint. "And you were laughing." He finished. His eyes never stopped looking at me. I cursed man-in-law for his stupidity. Yesterday, while I was cooking dinner, he sneaked into the kitchen. Adeel and the kids were in my room at the time. Finding me alone, he put his hands over my ass and squeezed my cheeks. I had immediately removed his hands and warned him. But, I didn't know that it was also seen by Adeel. "What was happening today?" He asked again. "He was fucking you... am I right?" Tears welled in my eyes. I knew that it was useless to pretend anymore. I told him everything, from the very beginning. How his man threatened me and powerd me to relax with him. Adeel listened silently; I could see his anger growing in his eyes. Finally, he rose from the bed. His eyes were burning with anger and hatred. He walked over to the door. "Where are you going?" I asked anxiously. He didn't reply and went out of the room. I hurriedly went to the door and watched him going toward his man's room. I didn't have the courage to follow him, so I shut the door and sat behind it praying silently, tears streaming down my face. For the next half hour, I heard the shouts and sharp voices emanating from man-in-law's room. I could hear Adeel shouting at his man, and his man was replying with equal tenacity. Slowly, man-in-law's voice became stronger and stronger. Adeel's voice almost ceased to exist. Finally, everything fell silent. I heard the door open. I quickly moved to my bed. Adeel came in. His face was pale like a ghost's. He stared at me for a moment and turned his gaze. I could see defeat in his eyes. I felt hurt. Although I had been cheating on him, I still loved him. He was my first love. However, I didn't have the courage to ask about what happened in his man's room. Adeel avoided my gaze. He silently got on the bed, moved to near where Rehaan, our mister, and Shama were relaxing. He lay beside them and pulled the covers to hide his face. My husband had again failed to stand up to his man. I turned off the lights and tried to relax. I couldn't relax that night. In the morning, Adeel got up early and went to the shop without eating his breakfast. He didn't even talk to me. Father-in-law was again leering at the kitchen door. The memories of last night were still alive in my mind. He looked unfazed despite everything. He barged into the kitchen and grabbed my waist. "No..." I said angrily trying to get free from his clutches. "Not today..." "Why? Now there's nothing to be afraid of." He said happily, powering his hand between my thighs and caressing my pussy. I recoiled back, trying to avoid his pressing palm into my pussy. "I've explained everything to Adeel. He won't trouble you now. Now you can enjoy without any fear." He powerd his hand inside my salwaar; pulled the cord and undid it. Then he let it fall of the floor. "No... No... I can't." I cried again fumbling in his hands. "Come on darling, now I can fuck you openly." He said hoarsely as his hands pushed my panties down my thighs. He powerd me to bend forward a little and pushed his hand between my naked thighs from behind feeling my trimmed cunt. I squirmed as his index finger entered my pussy. He began to move his finger in and out of my pussy. I thought about Adeel; the way he looked after returning from his man's room. I felt pity for him. Father-in-law began finger fucking at a harder pace. My body began to melt under his antics. A wave of lust began to descend upon me. I could feel my pussy starting to flow. The thought of Adeel disappeared from my mind as I began to moan under his manipulation. Father-in-law smiled sensing my arousal. He withdrew his finger from my pussy. He dragged me with him to the veranda; near the dining table. He undid my kameez and bra and made me completely naked. He lifted me in his hands. My ass gently touched the edge of the dining table as he lowered me on it. I leaned back slightly, causing my tits to jut up. Father-in-law bent his head and eagerly began to lick and suck my tits. He squeezed my nipple with his lips causing the milk to flow out of it and into his mouth. He feasted on my milk hungrily. My pussy gushed with a fresh release of my juices. I closed my eyes and moaned loudly. I had completely forgotten about my husband and eagerly enjoyed his man's lips over my tits. He sucked my nipples, alternating between them, driving me crazy with lust. I wriggled my ass over the table. All of a sudden, Father-in-law released my tits and dropped to his knees burying his face into my exposed dark haired pussy. I bit my lips to keep from screaming with pleasure. Father-in-law lifted my legs and placed them over his shoulders to get a better access to my dripping pussy. He shoved his tongue deep into me. I shuddered with pleasure, arching my body a little more. I grabbed his head in my hands powering him deeper into my steaming pussy. Father-in-law hungrily drank my pussy juice while his tongue fucked my cunt. Father-in-law lapped at my dripping pussy. His tongue continued to send wave after wave of rapture through my body. I came loudly, powering his face deeper into my cunt and deluging his fucking tongue with my fresh juice. My cunt violently throbbed around his tongue. He removed his tongue out of my pussy and stood up. He grabbed my ass pulling me to the very edge of the table. He grabbed the bulbous head of his cock and guided it to my dripping opening. He lunged forward and powerd his massive cock deep inside me. I squealed with pleasure burying my face into his shoulder. Father-in-law grabbed my ass firmly and started fucking me. His hips were moving as fast as he could move them. My cunt was on fire, with every massive thrust making me even hornier, demanding more and more. Over and over, he pumped his cock into my inflamed pussy. Beads of perspiration began to trickle down his neck, yet he continued ramming his cock into my pussy ever faster. Harder and harder, He fucked me with all his might. As his orgasm neared, man-in-law even furthered his humping. He was groaning and grunting incoherently. Finally, he bucked his ass muscles, powerd his cock deep into my pussy and began to plant his seed into me. I felt his cock throb and throb inside me and gob after gob of cum inundated my cunt. I dug my nails into his back and clutched his waist between my legs to hold every drop of his semen. Father-in-law buried his sweat covered-face between my tits as he tried to catch his erratic breath. His cock ceased spurting but it remained buried inside me. 
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Finally, he straightened up, and pulled his cock from my pussy, slick with his own cum and my pussy juice. Father-in-law left me in a dazed state as he moved back. His fuck cream began to seep out of my freshly fucked cunt. I slipped off the table and stood by it. Father-in-law took his tahmed from the chair, and I stared as his cum slick flaccid cock disappeared behind the veil of his tahmed. His fuck cream was still oozing out of my pussy. I felt his cum over my thighs. Father-in-law pointed at the puddle of cum on the table that had oozed out of my pussy. "Don't forget to clean that." He smiled with satisfaction. I looked at him with delirious eyes but said nothing. He went back to his room. I stood near the table, looking at his back. Slowly, I got back to my senses. The handsome face of my husband again appeared before my eyes. A deep sense of self loathing began to descend upon me as I began to dress. V Adeel arrived late in the night. When I served him dinner, he ate silently. After dinner, he went to the bedroom immediately. I stayed in the kitchen, finished my work, and went to the room very late. Adeel was lying on the bed, his face hidden under the covers. I locked the room and was about to switch off the lights when there was a knock on the door. "Adeel..." Father-in-law called from the other side of the door. Adeel lifted the covers off his face and looked at the door but didn't reply. "Adeel..." Father-in-law called again. He stared at me, but remained silent. I stared at him not knowing whether to respond to man-in-law's call or not. An unusual silence filled the room. I didn't know why his man was calling him at such late hour, yet my heartbeat began to quicken. "Send Nilu to my room." Father-in-law shouted from behind the door. "I need a massage." Stunned, I looked at my husband. He was also staring at me, still motionless. It was a strange request; no, it was not a request; it was an order. My man-in-law was asking my husband to send me to his room. I hadn't any doubt that my husband understood very well what kind of massage his man wanted from me. "I... I can't come." I stammered looking at my husband. "Adeel..." Father-in-law shouted again, this time little louder. "Go..." Adeel said. "What did you say?" I looked at him, completely taken aback by his words. "I said go." He said angrily, and turned his back towards me. I stared at his back in disbelief. My husband was asking me to go and relax with his man. "Nilu... are you coming?" Father-in-law spoke again from behind the door. "I'm waiting in my room." He must have heard what Adeel had just said. I thought for a moment, and then looked back at my husband. He was lying with his back towards me. He didn't have anything to say. "I'll be there in a minute." was all I could utter. I heard his footstep as he moved away from the door. Again, I turned back, and stared at my husband. His face was now hidden under the covers. In a daze, I opened the door and went out. Father-in-law was standing at his door waiting for me. He smiled and gestured to come to his room and he went inside. I closed my bedroom's door gently, crossed the open courtyard to his room. I pushed the curtains and looked inside. Father-in-law was sprawled on his bed, stark naked, playing with his dick. His lips were spread in a lecherous smile. "Come on Nilu, take off your clothes and join me." He winked at me. "We'll massage each other the entire night." I watched him incredulously. I was still unable to believe what was happening. "I... I..." I didn't know how to ask him. My mind was perplexed with the course of events. "What is this?" Father-in-law gave me a lecherous grin. "I told you in the morning... Adeel will never stop you now. I've explained everything to him." I stared at him incredulously. Screwing man-in-law was somewhat okay when Adeel was not home. I had been doing it for the last three months. But now, my husband was lying wide awake in our bedroom; how could I do it? "Hurry up." My man-in-law turned on the bed, impatiently. "But... I... I..." I stammered, not knowing what to say. "Stop worrying; Adeel won't disturb us." He gave me a winning smile. He knew what he was talking about. His fist moved rigorously over the length of his cock. "Lock the door and come here. I'm gonna fuck you this whole night." I stared at him, and then looked back toward my room with its doors partially closed. I looked back to my man-in-law. He smiled and gestured with his eyes to join him on the bed. I took a deep breath, closed the door, and began to strip. Father-in-law watched me all the while stroking his massive cock. When completely naked, I walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. Father-in-law took my hand and gently placed it over his hot rod. I wrapped my fingers around the girth of his cock, letting my hand move up and down along his hard on. "Suck me Nilu..." Father-in-law shifted on the bed making room for me. I climbed on and settled beside him, my hand still gripping his cock. I got on all fours and brought my head to his cock. I stuck out my tongue and flicked at the droplet of precum oozing from the tiny hole. Father-in-law squealed with delight. I stopped sucking and looked into his eyes. "I still can't believe..." "What?" "Adeel himself told me to come here." I flicked my tongue over the tiny pee hole. "I told you he won't stop you." He said triumphantly. He put his hand over my upturned ass and began running his fingers over my anus. I lowered my head and took the bloated head of his cock between my lips. His finger poked into my sphincter. "He knows that I'm the boss here." I ran my tongue over his cock head, and I felt it twitch. "Now you're my whore Nilu; now I can fuck you anytime." Father-in-law was smiling. "Even in the front of Adeel." He pushed his index finger deep into my sphincter making me whimper with a mild pain. He powerd his finger up to his knuckle and started finger fucking my ass. It was a completely new feeling. He had touched me there before, but never inserted his finger into my anus. As his finger began moving in and out of my anus, lust slowly began to overtake my body. By now, I had his cock in my mouth and was deeply sucking on it. Father-in-law groaned with pleasure. I sucked the swollen crown and then started licking along the length of his pulsating shaft. I moved my tongue up and down the length of his engorged manhood, feeling excited with every horny stroke of my tongue over his cock. I could feel my pussy heating up, and my cunt juices began to flow. Any thought of my own husband, wide awake in my bedroom, evaporated from my mind. All I was aware of was a mammoth hardness so lovingly trapped between my soft lips, a thick index finger moving in and out of my ass, and a growing itch between my cunt lips. 
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My tongue was licking the base of his cock, slowly licking the thick bush at the joint and the heavy sack dangling beneath. Finally, I took one of his balls between my lips and sucked it hard. Father-in-law groaned and writhed on the bed with rapture. "Niluuuuuuuuuuuuu... ahhhhhhhhhh..." He placed his hand over my head and powerd it into his crotch. He pulled his finger out of my anus. Then he grabbed my waist and pulled it towards his face. "Nilu, get on top of me." He groaned heavily. I didn't exactly understand what he wanted and stopped sucking his cock. He reached for my legs and helped me settle my lower body over his face. Now my face was directly over his cock, and my dripping cunt was above his face. I resumed my work and gobred up his cock-head between my greedy lips. Father-in-law caressed my full ass with his fingers, and then explored my pussy. He grabbed my ass and pulled my hips down. He kissed my inner thighs gently, licking my cunt juices sticking there. Finally, he planted a deep kiss directly on the fat lips of my creamy cunt. "Ahhhhhh..." I moaned as I felt his slick tongue making its way into my ravenous fuck hole. I sucked his cock wildly, trying to take most of it inside my mouth. The head of his cock touched my throat, and for a moment I was afraid that I might gag. I eased it out a little and sucked it hard. I would have loved to take his full length inside my hungry mouth, but it was too big for me to take it completely. Anyway, later, my cunt would take his complete length with much ease; I thought with relief. I began humping my hips up and down on his mouth enjoying the feel of his tongue licking my slit and sucking my juice. He took his tongue out of my dripping pussy and licked my anus. My ass muscles twitched with excitement as I felt his tongue over my virgin ass. I never knew that a tongue would feel so good over my wrinkled hole. Father-in-law licked my anus, coating it with his spit in a continuous up and down motion. I forgot what I had been doing and enjoyed the new feeling... so terrific it was almost mind-boggling. Every flick of his tongue generated a fresh wave of pleasure that radiated through my body. My ass muscles twitched constantly. I lowered my head and resumed sucking his cock more fervently. Father-in-law was gyrating his hips below me. He began pumping his cock into my mouth as if fucking a pussy. His motions were gaining momentum as he fucked his cock into my mouth harder and faster. His fluttering tongue also matched the rhythm of his hips, and he licked my anus with an equal tempo. I knew if he continued like that, I wouldn't be able to stop my climax. All of a sudden, he changed gears. He took his tongue out of my anus and powerd it back into my pussy. He drove it in and out of my pussy, taking me to the verge of cumming. I felt my climax building up and knew that soon I would pour my fresh juice into his sucking mouth. I sucked his cock harder and harder. Without any warning, his cock swelled inside my mouth, and before I could react, he exploded releasing the first load of his cum into the back of my mouth. There was no time to back out. I gagged for a moment but couldn't stop his hot jism from making its way to my stomach. It was an entirely new experience; I liked sucking his cock but could never dare to take his cum into my mouth. So far, he also had refrained from cumming in my mouth. It was quite contradictory to his nature. But, he never powerd me to take his cum. With his first load down my belly, I realized that my fears were unfounded. It was a sort of tasteless thick liquid. I didn't find it disgusting; I rather liked the taste. I made no attempt to withdraw my lips off his cock. His cock erupted again and again, sending load after load of hot cum in my mouth. I tried to suck every drop of it, but a part of it oozed out and dribred along his cock length. That very moment, my orgasm struck like a lightening. My whole body went rigid with rapture. I could feel my cunt muscles twitching violently around his tongue as my horny cunt deluged his lips with my cunt juice. Father-in-law eagerly sucked all the juices that he could lap from my dripping cunt. I forgot about sucking his cock. It slipped out of my lips, spewing few final drops over my lips. I rested my head over his crotch feeling his semierect, slick cock pressing against my cheek. I stuck my tongue out and licked his balls. Father-in-law was still busy takeing my pussy nectar. His hungry tongue was still exploring my dripping pussy. Gradually, his flickering tongue stopped its movement. I rolled off his body and slumped beside him. Father-in-law got up and changed his position. He was now facing me. His lips and chin were completely soaked with my juices. I became aware of my own condition. My lips were also coated with his cum. The finals drops of his thick cum were still sticking on my lips and cheek. Father-in-law smiled at me. I could see lust in his eyes. He didn't waste any time and immediately slipped between my legs. He got on all four, lifted my legs and placed them over his shoulders. He began kissing the inside of my thighs, running his tongue over my wet thighs. Occasionally, his tongue flicked over my slit but he focused mainly on licking the juices sticking to my inner thighs and bush. Finally, he attacked my cunt. I could feel the lustful heat searing my body again. My cunt began to lubricate with anticipation. My heart began to work faster and faster as his tongue worked its way into my slit. He rolled his tongue and powerd it into my pussy like a tiny cock. Over and over, his tongue slashed into my pussy. I moaned loudly crossing my legs over his neck, drawing his head harder against my cunt. Then I felt his hand touching between my ass cheeks gently and his finger gently probing into my sphincter. He rubbed his index finger over my puckered hole and powerd it inside my rectum. I bucked my hips under this sudden onslaught and screamed as it hurt a little. He pushed his finger deep, up to his knuckle. His index finger was buried to ass for the second time. He began moving his finger in and out of my ass. My mind was going crazy with the two way pleasure, his tongue in my pussy and his finger sliding in and out of my ass. I was so lost in my pleasure that I never realized when he took his tongue out of my cunt and jabbed into my ass. Now his tongue and finger both were working on my ass hole, his finger fucking my ass mercilessly while his tongue licked and dabbed the surrounding area with his saliva. Father-in-law worked his finger and tongue over my ass for a while, and then withdrew. He positioned himself between my spread legs and placed the swollen knob of his cock at my cunt opening. With a fierce lunge, he buried his cock deep into my pussy. He fucked my pussy hard, grabbing my thighs with his hands, he turned me to my side. He then left my thighs, and his finger again moved to my back side. He searched for my anus and again jabbed his finger deep into my ass. I wailed with lust. "Liked it?" He asked as he fucked me both ways with his cock and his finger. "Ahhhhhhhhh... ya... yeah... ahhhhhhhh..." I bucked with pleasure. He smiled and withdrew his cock out of my pussy. I stared at him with disappointment. He also withdrew his finger from my ass and turned me to my back again. I felt his cock head moving, and then his knob was pressing against my anus. I was terrified. I had never been fucked in my ass before, and my instinct told me that it would be painful. "No..." I cried trying to push him away from me. He had no such intentions. He pushed forward, and his cock head, which was slick with my own juices, worked its way into my virgin ass. My sphincter muscles resisted a little but then gave way to his vulgar strength. His cock head entered my rectum. "Ahhhhhhhh..." I moaned loudly, pretty sure that Adeel might have heard me in the other room. "No... it's hurting." I felt tears welling in my eyes as the fear and pain gripped my body. Father-in-law was relentless. He continued pushing his massive organ into my tight ass. I tried to push him back, to prevent him from pushing his cock into my virgin ass any further. He grabbed and powerd my hands above my head. He then pushed again, and the rest of his cock length began to slide into my ass. He worked the entire length into my ass slowly. I felt his balls slowly coming to rest against my ass cheeks. Once his cock was fully embedded inside my rectum, he stopped. He let my body get used to the new feeling. I could now feel the stretching and fullness in my sphincter muscles, but the twinge that occurred when he entered me subsided. It was an entirely new experience, and although it was hurting, I liked the feel of his cock inside my rectum. Father-in-law pulled his cock out of my rectum until only the tip was gripped by the tight ring of muscles. The pain eased, but not for long as he rammed it back all the way in a single thrust. "Ahhhhhhhhhh..." I shrieked. He began sawing his cock in and out of my rectum. Gradually, the pain eased away completely, and all I could feel was the stretching of my anal muscles as his massive organ moved to and fro inside my rectum. My ass muscles gripped his sawing manhood tightly, feeling every curve of his gigantic cock as it moved in and out of my rectum. Soon, his every thrust drove me to the verge of ecstasy. I could feel my cunt lips swelling with excitement and fresh cunt juice starting to flow out of my slit. I didn't realize that I was moaning nonstop under his onslaught. "You've got a very tight ass Nilu." Father-in-law whispered as he rammed his cock back through my sphincter. Father-in-law lowered his head, took one of my erect nipples between his lips, and began sucking hard. He bit the nipple, held it and rolled it between his teeth sending sparks of lust running through my body. "Ahhhhhhhhh... yeah." I whimpered as I sensed another orgasm approaching. It was unbelievable. I had never imagined that I could reach an orgasm this way, but it was happening right there with me. I could feel the pressure building inside my pussy. I grabbed his head between my arms powering it onto my tits, wrapping my legs around his waist. I felt his cock fill my ass nicely. "You like it Nilu?" Father-in-law rammed his cock into my rectum mercilessly. "You like my cock in your ass?" "Yes...yes...please fuck me...ahhhhhhhhhhh..." I wailed begging him to fuck me harder, feeling my body reach the point of no return. Father-in-law fucked my ass harder and harder. "I'm gonna fill your ass with my cum Nilu..." "Yes... give it to me..." I moaned thrusting my ass up to meet his ploughing tool. "Fuck me... fuck me... fuck my horny ass. Give me all of it." Father-in-law pumped his cock into my ass harder and harder. I begged for more and he obliged with increasing his rutting. "It's coming Nilu..." He groaned as he bore into my ass again. "I'm cumming... cummming... ahh... ahhh... here it comes... ahhhhhhh." Father-in-law cried and slammed his cock deep into my rectum. I felt his cock swell inside my rear canal, and then the whole canal was filled with his hot cum. It triggered my own orgasm. I cried loudly, completely oblivious to the fact that my cries could be heard by my husband in the other bedroom. I had already crossed the line, and nothing could have stopped me from enjoying this blissful moment. My entire body jerked and twisted beneath his and then went rigid with passion as my orgasm hit me. His cock spurted repeatedly, flooding my rectal passage with his thick hot juice. I clasped his cock tightly with my ass muscles trying to milk every drop of cum out of his shooting dick. Father-in-law let out a deep breath and collapsed over me. We clung to each other, reveling in the aftermath of our passionate anal adventure. Gradually, the throbbing stopped and his cock ceased deluging my anal passage. I squeezed my anal muscles and sensed his cock slowly losing its hardness. Finally, he withdrew his cock out. My rear entry felt empty, and I became aware of a thin stream of hot sticky cum oozing out of my freshly buggered hole, slowly making its way along my crack and then soaking the bed sheet underneath. Father-in-law lifted his body off me and slumped on one side, breathing heavily. I looked at him; he was smiling with satisfaction; his eyes still filled with lust. I smiled back at him and got off the bed. He didn't try to stop me, just kept watching me as I put my clothes back on. My ass and cunt, were both feeling slippery as I walked out of his room. When I reached the door, the lights were still on in my bedroom. As I opened the door, Adeel, still wide awake, lifted his head from his pillow, looked blankly into my eyes and then closed his eyes again. His face was emotionless. If anything were going through his mind, he hid it successfully. 
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I felt embarrassed and guilty. After all, he was my husband and no husband would agree to his wife relaxing with somebody else. I didn't know what was going on inside his head. All I knew was that I couldn't help it anymore. I was now a permisteral whore for my man-in-law, and I enjoyed fucking him. In a way, Adeel was also responsible for it. He could have stopped me tonight from going to his man's room. But he didn't. Now he couldn't complain. I went to the bathroom, stripped and took a shower. I washed my cum soaked pussy and ass. I changed my clothes and came out of the bathroom. I turned off the lights, and for a moment, I stood in the darkness wondering where to relax. Finally, I made up my mind and slowly slipped beside Adeel. We lay side by side; neither of us uttered a word. It was a very strange feeling. I was lying beside my husband who knew that I had just fucked his man. Perhaps, he also heard my cries of passion all through my fuck session with my man-in-law. I didn't know whether I should love or hate my husband for letting me go and fuck his own man. We lay silently in the darkness. My mind was in turmoil. I heard Adeel tossing around; and probably he was still tossing in bed when I dozed off. VI My relationship with Adeel as a man and wife virtually ceased to exist. Although he didn't divorce me, but after that night, there was no physical relationship between Adeel and me. We still shared the same bed; every night we slept side by side, but Adeel never tried to touch me. Even if I tried to encourage or seduce him, he simply brushed off my overtures, and turned his face away. Every effort I made to seduce him bore no result, and finally I had to give up. He talked very little with me; only when it was utmost necessary. He began spending most of his time with our kids and ignored my presence altogether. His attitude made my life miserable; I lived with an overbearing feeling of guilt, which was amplified every time I faced my husband. I felt bad for him, and felt hurt by his neglect; but, I hadn't the courage to face him. Adeel never talked about my amorous relationship with his man, nor did he try to stop it. My daily fuck sessions with my man-in-law continued unabated. Father-in-law was insatiable, always ready to stuff his cock into my horny pussy. After that first time, he became even more daring. Whenever he felt horny, he would simply called me; day or night, it didn't matter to him. My pussy was getting more fucking than it could bargain for. I was a reluctant partner in his horny game. Like a have addict who wanted to quit his habit but he couldn't, I too wanted to stop my wanton relationship with my man-in-law, but miserably failed to do so. It was a weird kind of addiction, born out of fear of man-in-law, but so overwhelming, that I found it hard to say no to him every time he put his hands over my pussy. I liked the feel of his throbbing cock plundering my pussy, and even longed for it whenever he was out of town. I had been converted into a cock hungry whore. My longing for a cock was so intense that it always overtook the feeling of remorse that I had about my husband. Many nights, after screwing my man-in-law, I laid awake in my bed beside Adeel hoping that he would get up and shove his cock into my cum filled pussy. Although I was getting a regular dose of fucking from Adeel's man, I still missed Adeel badly. I desperately wanted him to make love to me. Was it due to my love for him or was it due to my feelings of guilt, I couldn't say. I probably longed for his acceptance. His continued neglect of me made me crazy about him. Although Adeel was keeping a distance from me, I sensed the struggle going inside him. Often, I found him tossing in bed late in the nights. Whenever I returned from his man's room after a prolong session of fucking and sucking, I could feel that Adeel was awake waiting for me to return. Sometime, in the nights, I woke up and found gentle stirring under the covers. It didn't take me long to realize that my husband had been whacking his cock. Perhaps there was some hope. On one such night, I tried to take advantage of his vulnerability. When he began whacking his cock, I reached out and placed my hand over his naked belly. Startled, he jumped off the bed and scurried to the bathroom. I watched him go in utter frustration. My heart was broken. It was too much for a cock hungry slut like me; but, I hadn't the courage to ask. After that, he stopped masturbating in bed. Instead, he started visiting the bathroom regularly late at night, staying there for long durations. After every such visit, I found handkerchiefs or small towels among the dirty clothes in the washing machine; each of them with a big dry spot. Time flew, and I never realized that almost two years had passed since Adeel stopped making love to me. I had resigned to my fate and lost any hope of reviving my marriage again. However, things took a surprising turn after the month of Ramadan. Two days after Eid, it was almost ten thirty at night and I was getting ready for bed. The kids were already arelax. Adeel was sprawled on the bed, eyes closed; he was pretending to be arelax. Father-in-law was not in the house. He had gone to visit some relatives in a nearby town. I undid my clothes, vaguely aware that Adeel was staring at me with his half-closed eyes. It was a ritual that I performed almost regularly ever since Adeel stopped having sex with me. I never wasted any chance to let him see me naked or semi-naked, always hoping that one day my husband would start taking interest in me again. I deliberately stripped to my bra and panties, waited for my husband to savor my semi nude charms. It was weird. I was trying to seduce my own husband who seemed to have lost interest in me completely. Adeel kept his eyes closed. I gave him a glance, and finally put on a loose fitting gown. I switched off the main light leaving only a small night lamp on. I was about to slip in bed beside Adeel, when he opened his eyes. "Nilu..." I couldn't believe my ears. He hadn't addressed me by Nilu for almost two years. I felt my eyes turning wet with happiness. Adeel got off the bed. He walked close to where I was standing near the foot of the bed. "Nilu... sit here." I stared at him silently. He took my hand, and helped me sit on the edge of the bed. I offered no resistance and settled down. Adeel sat close to me. "Wanted to ask you something," he began, then stopped, looking somewhat unsure. I was suddenly very happy. My husband had approached me after almost two years. I suppressed my tears of joy. "What do you want?" "I don't know how to ask you. Are you... do you..." He fumred for words. "Actually what I wanna know that are you happy with abbu?" I didn't understand what he meant; I stared him questioningly. "I... I mean," he stammered, "do you like relaxing with abbu?" So that was his intention: he wanted to know whether I liked fucking my man-in-law. I wanted to tell him yes, but knew that it wouldn't be good to say so. It was probably not the right time to accept that fact. "What do you think?" I retorted, feigning little anger. "I'm happy relaxing with him? I relax with him because I care for you and our kids. You know very well if I don't do that he'd throw all of us out of this house." "I know... I know." He said awkwardly, feeling little hurt. I realized that he too was carrying guilt for not being able to protect me from his man. I felt pity for him, but also realized he was vulnerable at that moment. Perhaps I could use this opportunity. "I did everything for you and the kids." I gripped his hand. "Do you hate me for that?" "No," he replied immediately, "I don't hate you." "Then why don't you talk to me? Why don't you make love to me? Why don't you act like my husband." "I can't." "Why not?" "Because you're my lady now." I looked at him incredulously. "I don't know what you're talking about." "Any woman..." he fumred, "who relaxs with my man got to be my lady only. You can't be my wife now." It was the most preposterous logic I had ever heard in my life. "And what about the twelve years we spent together as husband and wife?" My voice was suddenly sharp. I felt tears begin to swell in my eyes. He gawked at me. "What about our youngren, do you think your abbu is their man?" "No, they're my kids." He was on the back foot. "But now I can't be your husband." "Why not?" I rasped loudly. "I'm still your wife. Don't you love me anymore?" "I still love you, and I know that you didn't do it willingly the first time. But now, we can't live like husband and wife anymore." "Because you think that I'm your lady now. Is that why you didn't fuck me for the last two years?" I dropped all modesty and asked him crudely. "Yes." He said slowly. His eyes went wide with my use of the word 'fuck'. I felt exasperated. It was a strange situation. My husband was avoiding me because he believed that I was his lady as I had been screwing his man. 
Posts: 167471
"So it means that you're happy with what your man did to your wife." "No, I hate him for that." His eyes were suddenly burning with hatred. "I want to ******* that bastard." "Why didn't you ******* him then?" "I don't know." He said meekly. "I don't know. Perhaps I don't have the courage to do it. But I hate him." A thought suddenly occurred to me. "I'd be happier if you can avenge my offense." I feigned a sarcastic look. He stared at me and then diverted his gaze. "I... I don't know... how?" He babred. "You really want revenge for your man taking your wife away from you." "Yes." He said painfully. My heart began to melt. "How will you do it?" "I don't know." He shrugged his shoulders. "I know I'm no match for him." The thought that was ticking in the back of my mind grew stronger. I didn't know whether he would accept my logic, but I decided to give it a try. "There's a way." "How?" His eyes were suddenly lit. "You sure think I'm your lady?" I quizzed him. "I already told you that." "And you hate your abbu for fucking me, and taking me away from you?" "Yes," he spoke with irritation in his voice, "how many times do I have to tell you that?" "You can take your revenge." I gave him a mischievous grin. "How, how?" He asked impatiently. "By fucking your lady." He looked at me clumsily. "Do to him what he did to you." I wished that he would take the bait. "He fucked your wife and made her his permisteral whore. Do the same to him. Take his wife... fuck her... make her your slut." He stared at me, silently, lost in his thoughts. I prayed silently. After a while, he said. "I don't know... ugh... I'm confused... you may be right." He was vulnerable; it was time to take the initiative. "If you want to get even." I stared at his crotch. I could feel gentle stirring there. I knew that he never wore underwear under his tahmed. "Do what he did to you... fuck his wife... your lady." He stared at me incredulously. I didn't waste any time, slipped my hands inside his tahmed and caressed his cock. His body twitched at the sudden touch, but he made no move to remove my hand from his cock. His cock began to swell in my hand. That was a very positive sign. "I'll tell you everything he does to your wife." I began massaging his cock, feeling the girth slowly getting bigger and bigger. "And you do the same to his wife..." "Yes... yes..." He moaned, enjoying my hand caressing his cock after such long absence. "Ahhhh... it feels good." My heart jumped with delight. At last, my patience was about to pay off. A sudden realization came upon me; in my twelve years of married life, I had never taken the initiative in a sexual act with my husband. It was Adeel who always initiated our lovemaking. But, things had changed now. My man-in-law had converted me into a brazen slut. Adeel's cock grew to massive proportions slowly. I undid his tahmed and let his cock free. I lovingly stared at beautiful piece of meat rising so magnificently from his crotch. The purple coloured swollen head of his circumcised cock had a tiny drop of precum glistening at the tip. I suddenly realized how much I've missed it; I had not seen it in action for the last two years. But, today it was ready, ready only for me. I just wanted to take that cock in my mouth and suck him hard. I controlled my urges. I let his cock free from my hand and got off the bed. Adeel looked at me disappointed. "Strip me." I asked him. I could feel that I was breathing heavily. He stared me awkwardly. "Your abbu strips your wife himself. He likes to watch your wife as he removes her clothes one by one." He understood and got up. As he stood, his tahmed slipped along his leg to the floor. He paid no attention to it; instead, he turned and started towards the light switch. "No..." I guessed his intentions. "Don't turn off the lights. Your abbu fucks your wife with all the lights on." He stopped in his way, turned and looked at me. He was a little surprised with my brazenness. "Come here and strip your lady." He walked over to where I was standing. Lustily, I watched his dangling cock as he walked. My pussy began to cream. Reaching over, he unbuttoned the top two buttons of my gown. Then he gripped the hem of my gown and slowly pulled it over my head. I helped him by lifting my hands over my head. He took the gown off my body and tossed it aside. I stood there, in front of him, wearing only my bra and panties. His eyes wore a delirious look. I could see lust in his eyes, as he stared at my semi nude body. "Remove these also." My voice was hoarse with passion. "Make me completely naked." He gave a faint lascivious smile, and began to remove my bra and panties. Within seconds, my undergarments were lying on the floor, and I was standing naked in front of my husband. He gazed lustily at the nicely trimmed bush covering my swollen cunt lips. It was really a bizarre feeling. I was acting like a different woman in front of my husband. After an abstinence of almost two years, we were like two strangers meeting for the first time. I reached out, took his hand and placed it over my pussy, which by now was dripping profusely. "Feel my pussy Adeel, feel it." He caressed my hairy pussy gently, running his fingers along the wet slit. Meanwhile, I took off his vest. Both of us were now completely naked, his hand playing with my pussy. "Do you want me to tell you," I grabbed his cock and squeezed it tightly. "how your abbu fuck your wife?" "Yes... Nilu..." He groaned. "No... don't call me Nilu," I corrected him, "call me ammi (lady). I'm your lady now." "Ammi..." He muttered with lust, running his index finger over my dripping slit. "Do you like your lady's pussy?" My legs were shaking; I was finding it hard to remain standing. "Yes... ammi." He replied hoarsely. "Feel it... it's wet... very very wet. It wants your cock inside. Ammi wants your cock in her pussy... my mister." "Yes." "Do you really want to fuck... your ammi?" My voice was quivering with excitement. I enjoyed my command over him. "Ahhhh..." Adeel moaned as I played with his cock. "Please let me fuck you ammi." I smiled at him. He was supposed to take his revenge by power fucking me. Instead, he was begging me to let him fuck me. Anyway, I was enjoying playing his lady. Although I felt crazy behaving like that, but, playing a new woman to my own husband was driving me nuts with pleasure. "Not so soon mister." I had other plans. There were so many other things that he could do before actual fucking. "Your abbu doesn't fuck Nilofer so early." "Then what does he do?" He ran his finger over my slit, feeling the wetness clinging to my bush. "First, he powers your wife to suck his cock." I watched as his eyes went wide. "Then he shoots his cum in her mouth." He stared me unbelievingly. Adeel and I had never indulged in oral sex before. "Really?" "Yes dear..." I enjoyed his predicament. "Your man is a bastard, and he does all sort of dirty things with your wife. If you want your revenge then you must do everything your abbu does to your wife. Do you want me to suck your cock?" "Yes... yes." He groaned with pleasure. His fingers brushed my wet slit, now with more eagerness. "Then ask me." "Suck my cock... Nil... ugh... ammi." He said clumsily. "Please suck my cock." In a flash, I was kneeling before him. My lips were now in line with his swollen cock. I lovingly stared at the deep purple head inches away from my lips, and the drop of juicy precum that had grown in size by now. Staring at his cock, I became aware that I had never seen his cock from such a close distance before. We never tried giving head. All these years, I had only touched, caressed and fondled his cock in darkness. His cock looked much different from his man's tool, it was long, perhaps longer than his man's, but had less girth. 
Posts: 167471
I stuck my tongue out and licked the drop with the tip of my tongue. As my tongue touched his cock head, his thighs twitched violently. He moaned loudly. I looked up, into his dazed eyes. "You'll love it... mister... ammi gonna make you very happy." I licked the drop of precum from the tip. After the accidental shooting of man-in-law's cock in my mouth, I hadn't any reservation about swallowing cum. Over time, I began to enjoy the taste. It was difficult for me to recall how many times I had swallowed the jism from my man-in-law's cock. At that moment, I was dying to taste my husband's cum. I swallowed the tiny drop greedily, relishing the first taste of my husband's precum. Then I began licking his cock gently along its length. I started from the tip and slowly licked down to his hairy sack. I licked his balls with my moist tongue. Adeel moaned loudly and his legs began to tremble. He could not remain standing and slowly settled on the edge of the bed. I let him rest his ass on the edge before resuming my job. I went lower and licked his heavy balls. Slowly, I took one in my mouth and began sucking it. I could feel from his response that he was enjoying my oral manipulation of his tool. I sucked his ball feverishly. I wanted to please my husband by all means. "Do you like it mister?" I released his ball from my mouth and asked him. "Do you like your ammi's tongue over your balls?" "Yes... ammi?" He moaned. "Please don't stop." I smiled at the eagerness of my prudish husband. "I'm gonna suck your cock now." I brought my lips closer to his cock head. "When you feel like cumming... don't pull it out... just shoot it in my mouth." Bemused, I watched his eyes widen again but paid no attention. I opened my lips a bit wider and took his cock head between my greedy lips. His entire body shuddered violently. Gripping his cock's base with my hand, I began sucking his cock like a tasty lollipop. Playing a new game with my husband was also having an effect on me; I could feel my cunt going wild with lust and my juices running down my legs. Adeel gyrated his hips, thrusting his cock in and out of my hungry mouth. I raised my eyes and looked at him. He was staring at me. "Ahhhhhhhhh... Nilu... ugh... ammi," he groaned with pleasure, his eyes burning with lust, "never knew it could be so much fun. Please suck... ammi please suck my cock... ahhh... ahhhh... ahhhh." I sucked my fancied mister's cock harder and harder, hearing him groan and moan louder with every passing moment. I swirled my tongue over his saliva coated head causing him to whimper louder. His hips began to move at a frantic pace, the throbbing and twitching increasing with every fresh stroke of my tongue over his cock. I could feel his climax approaching. I continued sucking his cock, eagerly waiting for him to begin shooting in my hungry mouth. I wanted to take every drop of his hot cum, wanted to feel his thick jism splashing against my cheeks and then slowly going down my throat. I wanted to suck him dry and then again make him hard and have him fuck me wildly with his long sleek cock. He was my husband and he probably had fucked me uncountable number of times. At that moment, I felt as if I were going to fuck him for the first time. I was his man's wife sucking her mister's beautiful cock. My pussy was dripping with excitement and I could feel my juice oozing out of my cunt lips. "Cum...mister cum..." I moaned silently. "Cum in your lady's mouth." He gave a long yell, and his body went stiff. His cock puffed up in my mouth. He grabbed my head pressing my lips into his crotch and his cum began to erupt. I felt his first spurt shooting down my throat straight to my stomach. The very moment, my orgasm hit, sending my body reeling with immense pleasure. My pussy jerked repeatedly sending tidal waves of rapture shooting up my spine, my juices flowing down my thighs in abundance. His dick erupted over and over depositing loads of fresh cum inside my mouth which I willingly swallowed. It poured like a floodgate filling my mouth with his tangy, tasty cum. It was thick, hot with a kind of taste that was difficult to explain. I eagerly drank every drop of jism he spurted in my mouth. Slowly, the shooting stopped. I pressed my lips on his still inflated cock, forcibly sucking any remaining drop of cum left inside, enjoying its taste and texture. Only when I drained it completely, I allowed it out of my mouth. Adeel collapsed on the bed, breathing heavily. I got up from the floor and slipped beside him. "Did you like it mister?" I whispered in his ear, gently running my cum soaked tongue over his earlobe. "You liked when ammi drank your cum." "Yes... ammi." He stared at me with his lustful eyes. "I've never done that before." "I know mister... I know! Ammi's gonna teach you many new things." I got up and straddled his body. He stared at me in amazement. I slowly lowered my ass over his chest. I felt my cunt lips touching his chest. I reclined my body backward, reached out my hands and gripped his slick flaccid cock between my fingers. I gently began rubbing my cunt over his chest while my hands began to massage his cock. I ground my pussy over his chest in a to and fro motion, sliding it to his naval and then again sliding it back to his chest. My pussy juices poured out of my dripping pussy, wetting his chest and part of his belly. I felt the tiny patch of sparse curly hair in the middle of his chest getting soaked with my cunt juice as my ass moved over it. I spread my leg further causing my swollen clit to poke out and rub against the wet hair. Adeel stared me with a lewd surprise. He had never seen me so horny before, never acting so lasciviously. He appeared a little confused, but he was enjoying what I was doing to him. He enjoyed it as I pleasured myself by rubbing my cunt over his chest. I began moving my hips farther, with every end stroke almost touching his chin with my cunt lips. After one such push, I stopped with my cunt touching his chin and gazed at him lovingly. I desperately wanted him to touch my pussy with his tongue. But, I didn't want to rush him. Adeel had never sucked my pussy before and I wasn't sure how would he react to that idea. Again, I slid my ass to his belly and brought it back to his chin, this time letting my wet pussy grind against his chin. His eyes glinted with lust. "Like it?" gently grinding my hairy crotch up and down his chin. He gave me a lustful gaze, took his tongue out and licked his lips nervously. I could guess what was happening in his mind. I was sure that he could smell the strong aroma of my aroused pussy very well, a sweet smell that could drive any sensible man crazy with lust. Slowly, I moved my hips forward a little more, my cunt almost reaching his mouth. Adeel opened his lips again, stuck out his tongue and lightly brushed the tip against my wet bush. I held my breath and waited, not moving a bit. Then he moved further and planted his lips over my hairy pussy lips. My whole body shuddered with rapture. It was not a long kiss; he immediately withdrew it. He stared into my eyes, little awkwardly, as if looking for my approval. I didn't say a word but gave him an encouraging smile. His lips showed a trace of my pussy juice. I moved a bit farther and brought my cunt just above his lips. Slowly, I lowered it over his mouth. I heard a gulp from his mouth as his tongue tried to push through my slit. I felt his lips cupping my dripping pussy and his tongue entering inside me. It was more than enough for me. As he took his tongue out of my slit and flicked it over my engorged clit, I came with a shattering orgasm. All I could remember was that I was moaning and writhing violently, grinding my cunt over his lips as my cunt deluged his mouth with a fresh load of my pussy nectar. If Adeel had any reservation against takeing my juice, he didn't show it. He drank my juice, even boring his tongue into my pussy licking any trace of honey left inside. After I got back to my senses, I slid my cunt off his face. My poor husband was short of breath, gasping for air. I smiled at him and slid my ass to his crotch. My hands were busy manipulating his cock while I teased him into sucking my pussy. His cock was hard again, rising like a thick piece of salami in my hands. I lifted my ass off his body, gripped his cock with one hand, and placed the tip at the opening of my slick pussy. With a gentle shove, his cock began to move inside me. Slowly, it was completely embedded inside me, my wet bush coming to rest against his thick, coarse thatch. Adeel groaned with lust as he felt his cock moving inside me, the same soft enclave which he had invaded numerous times for many years before he stopped fucking me. I made no attempt to start fucking him. Instead, I bent my head and kissed him on the lips. They were soaked with my pussy juice. As I licked his lips, I could taste my own juices. Then I let my tongue trail over his chest, licking the wet tiny strands of hair. Slowly, I took my tongue to his tiny nipple, licked it, then took it between my teeth, and began nibbling the tiny bud. Adeel moaned loudly, lifted his ass off the bed and thrust his cock deep into me. I squatted over him, my cunt in a way hovering over his cock, giving him enough room to start pumping me. He got the cue and began humping me from beneath. Adeel gripped the bed's headrest, and began fucking my famished pussy. I enjoyed his fucking while licking my own spending from his nipple and chest. With every plunge, he was driving the entire length of his cock deep into my pussy, each time generating a shuddering spasm radiating through my cunt. I stopped licking his chest and clutched the wooden headrest. I lowered my tits and let them dangle erotically. As he fucked me from beneath, my tits undulated in a rapid and random motion over his lips. Adeel opened his mouth and gripped my left nipple between his lips. He sucked hard making me cry with lust and pain. He pumped even harder... his face twisted in a blissful delirium. 
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"Ahhhhhhhhhh..." My body began to shake. My nipple hurt as he sucked greedily on it. His hands left the headrest, grabbed my ass, and parted my ass cheeks. My ass muscles flinched as his index finger touched my anus. Ripples of passion began to travel through my entire body. I concentrated on the delightful feeling which his cock was imparting into my body with every thrust.
Adeel sucked my tit even harder while driving his cock in and out of my begging pussy. He began to pant with effort. His breathing became harried as he tried to pump me harder and faster.
I started gyrating my hips, moving my cunt up and down on his cock. "Ohhhhhh, God, fuck me faster." I pleaded. "Please fuck me hard."
He seemed to be pleased by my wanton desire as his lips spread in a wide grin. He pulled out, the tip of his cock just touching the opening to my fuck hole. He grinned again as he saw disapproval on my face then he rammed it back into my ravenous cunt. He fucked me hard and deep.
"Oh...yesssss...yessss..." I realized that I had never behaved with my husband in such a licentious way. But, I could not stop myself from doing it. I had longed for his cock for almost two years, and now it was ripping through my pussy; I wanted it so badly. My pussy juice was pouring out of my cunt, dribbling along the length of his cock. His crotch was thoroughly soaked with my juice, and every time he rammed his cock fully inside me, I could feel the wetness against the back of my thighs. He was driving me crazy with his s*******ful ways.
"Yesssssss..." I mashed my tits against his sucking lips, pumping my pussy up and down on his shaft.
Bending my head, I kissed him on his lips. His face was showing the signs of his effort, and beads of perspiration began to appear on his face. He stopped sucking my tits and was gasping for air. I licked his sweaty cheeks enjoying the salty taste.
"Adeel...ahhhhh...please make me cum." I moaned lewdly, completely oblivious of my wanton behavior. "Ammi wants you to fill her pussy with your juice."
My body twisted in ecstasy; the inflamed desire began to climb higher and higher towards an explosive orgasm. I fucked back onto his plowing cock and screamed. The throbbing in my cunt began to escalate.
"I'm cuming... yes... I'm cuming." I wailed as my cunt began to tighten about his cock. My body stiffened, and the maddening rush of tidal waves of intense pleasure drove me insane. Adeel was well aware of my condition. He squeezed my ass cheeks between his fingers and drilled his cock deep into me. His groin smacked against my spread ass. His face contorted with lust, his mouth went agape with the expectation of the inevitable as he gave a loud groan and his balls exploded in a massive eruption. A deluge of hot thick jism shot from his cock and sprayed the smoldering depth of my pussy.
He continued slamming his cock back into me, while it spewed wads of hot cum deep inside me. My cunt hungrily gulped every drop that his prick deposited. I continued rocking back and forth on his cock, feeling the strength of his ejaculation slowly subsiding.
He finally ceased to erupt, but I continued fucking him, rocking back and forth on his cock. Finally, everything became a blur as I collapsed over his sweaty chest, heaving and panting vigorously.
I lay over his chest, our bodies slick with sweat. His cock was still buried inside me, though it was shrinking fast. I could feel the mix of our juices slowly seeping along the length of his shaft. I tried to squeeze my throbbing pussy to stop the juices from escaping, unsuccessfully. It oozed out and slowly began to deposit at our groins where our bodies were joined. I closed my eyes and rested my head over his chest.
I don't know how long we stayed like that. I came back to my senses when Adeel began to stir beneath me. I opened my eyes and found him staring directly into my eyes.
"It was fantastic." He was smiling. "I must be a stupid for not doing it for so long."
I was pleased with his comment.
"So you liked fucking your lady." I said, immediately realizing the stupidity of my question.
His eyes narrowed. My heart began to sink. I cursed myself. 'Did I say something wrong?'
Slowly, his face became normal; he was smiling again.
"Yes...more than my wife...I love you...ammi." He kissed me on my lips.
I could feel my eyes becoming wet with emotion. I bent my head, and our lips locked in a long lingering kiss.
Finally, he broke the kiss and pushed me off. I rolled to his side; his cum slick cock came out of my pussy with a plop.
"Look the mess you've created." He pointed toward his groin with a mischievous grin.
I looked at his crotch; it was drenched with our juices. His dark thatch was soaked with a mix of his cum and my juice. I turned my gaze to my pussy; my bush was also matted with our fuck juice.
I slipped off the bed.
"Don't worry," I took his hand and pulled him off the bed, "come, I'll take care of it."
I led him to the bathroom. First, I used my tongue to lick his crotch clean; then thoroughly rinsed his cock and thatch and dried them with a towel. He watched me doing it with a grin on his face. Finally, I kissed the tip of his cock and let it go. Adeel kneeled immediately before me; he took water from the bucket and carefully soaped my cunt. Then he rinsed it. He dried my bush and in the same way kissed my cunt; his kiss was longer and lingering as his tongue explored my moist slit. Finally, he let me go.
We came out of the bathroom. We were lost in our amorous reunion. We didn't bother to put our clothes back on and slipped naked under the covers.
With my back against him, I snuggled against his body. His semi-tumescent cock gently rested against the crack of my ass. I felt his hands roaming gently over my naked body.
It was a feeling of great elation for getting back my husband's love. I had always loved him despite his shortcomings, even when my amorous affair began with my man-in-law. My mind went back to the events that changed my life forever. I thought about his abbu. I doubted that my relationship with Adeel's man would ever stop. Abbu would never let me go; and I too was in a way enslaved to my own lust for his mammoth cock. I knew that even with all my love for my husband it would not be possible for me to stop fucking my man-in-law.
I would have to make adjustments so that I could successfully manage my two lovers. Now with Adeel accepting the fact, it shouldn't be much difficult.
For a moment, my thought diverted to my man-in-law. I visualized his massive cock ripping through my pussy, driving me crazy with every thrust. My pussy began to cream again.
Suddenly, I came out of my trance; a hand was slowly exploring my cunt. My husband's manhood, which was showing signs of new awakening, was pressing against my ass. I spun around and faced him.
"I thought you're relaxing." Adeel was smiling as his fingers caressed my pussy again.
"I think," I took his growing cock between my fingers and wagged it lovingly, "your friend is still hungry."
His smile grew larger.
"I don't think I can relax tonight," he brought his lips closer to my ear and whispered, "why don't you teach me what else you've learned?"
I looked at him in surprise. He was still smiling mischievously.
"Are you serious?" I asked incredulously.
"Why not? Teach me."
"Who would you like to fuck this time... your wife or ammi?"
He laughed gently. "My ammi of course. She's gonna teach me new things."
"Okay then... mister," I threw the covers off our bodies and sat beside him. "We'll start with a new way where we can explore each other's bodies at the same time."
I flung my leg over his body and straddled his face. I lowered my cunt over his mouth, and bending my body forward, brought my lips closer to his cock and kissed his semi-tumescent shaft.
I didn't have to tell him what to do next as his tongue immediately flicked over my cunt lips, gently lapping up the moistness. Then it was powerd inside my pussy.
'He would be a good learner.' I thought as I lowered my head and swallowed his cock.
My mind started reeling again, partly with lust, partly with anticipation.
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Becoming A Slut Wife: Mickey Everything has to start somewhere and that includes becoming a slut. I was thirty-four years old and had only had one man in my life. I was a virgin when my husband carried me to our marriage bed and in the eleven years we had been married he was the only man to ever touch me and in the space of forty-eight hours he went from the only one to just one of many. ++++++++++++++++++++++ My name is Mihalea. I'm named after my maternal grandlady who immigrated to the United States from Russia in 1917. She and my grandman saw what was coming and were smart enough to get out before the October Revolution. Early on some of my schoolmates had a hard time with Mihaela and they started calling me Mickey so I have gone through most of my life answering to Mickey. I met Gary while I was still in college working on my degree in Finance. I needed a part time job and I saw an ad in the paper from a dentist who was looking for a part-time office assistant who could do bookkeeping. I thought about it decided to give it a try. I was studying to become a CPA and while I had a ways to go I was certainly knowledgeable enough on accounting practices to be able to do simple bookkeeping. I answered the ad and got the job and although I didn't know it at the time it would make a major change in my life. It was four hours a day on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and I was told I could vary my hours to fit my class schedule. Dr. Herme's practice grew so fast over the next year that he took in a partner. Even though I was a virgin, the first time I saw Gary my pussy started dripping. I don't know if you would want to call it love at first sight or lust at first sight, but the moment I saw him I wanted him. Fortunately -thank God- he seemed to feel the same way about me. During his second week there he asked me out to dinner and that dinner date led to more dates and four months later he asked me to marry him. I said yes and three months later we were married. Ten months after that we were blessed with Jamister and two years after that the twins, Terri and Toni, arrived on the scene. I never did become a CPA. I became a stay at home mom. One night as I was dressing for a party I found that I had nothing to wear. Oh I had a closet full of clothes, but three kids had taken their toll and I couldn't fit into anything. I patched together an outfit for the evening and the very next day I joined a gym and got to work at getting myself back into shape. In a year I was able to put on clothes that I was wearing when Gary and I met and started dating and I promised myself that I was going to stay in that shape from then on. It was a decision that was to have some unforeseen consequences. ++++++++++++++++++++++ You don't go to school, get your degree in dentistry and then just spend the rest of your life staring down into mouths. There are constant advances in equipment, techniques, materials and the like. As a result Gary attended two or three conventions, conferences or symposiums every year to stay current and up to date. Gary always asked me to go with him and I always said no. I didn't want to be away from Jamister and the twins, but as they grew older my parents (my mom really) wanted to take them for the weekends and she would baby-sit at the drop of a hat. So, when Gary came home one day in May and told me that he was going to Ft. Lauderdale for a symposium I said: "Great! I'll go with you on this one." Gary got a real funny look on his face and I saw it and said, "What?" "You never go with me." "So? There is always a first time for everything. What's the matter Gary, don't you want me to go with you?" "No, it's not that." "Then what is it?" "You never go so when Carl Akers told me he was setting up a three day deep sea fishing trip I told him to count me in." "So?" "Sweetie, you were sea sick five of the seven when we went on that cruise two years ago and that was on a large cruise ship on a basically calm sea." "So you go fish and I'll lay on the beach and get a simply marvelous tan." "You sure? You won't get pissed at me for going away and leaving you alone for three days?" "I'm a big girl Gary, I can handle time alone." ++++++++++++++++++++++ Grandma was tickled to death to be able to have her 'babies' for a week, even though babies they certainly were not. Jamister was ten and the twins were eight. We dropped them off at mom's and then caught our flight to Florida. The first two days were given over to the symposium and after dinner each night we went dancing. And then, since I rarely went more than two days without sex, we hurried back to our room so I could fuck Gary's brains out and get enough to hold me until he got back. On the third day Gary kissed me goodbye, climbed on a boat and went out to do battle with groupers, flounders, minnows or whatever. I waved bye-bye from the dock and then went back to our room to change for the beach. I put on a bikini, grabbed a blanket and a towel and headed for the beach. It was the tail end of Spring Break and there were still a lot of bikini clad young girls on the beach and as I looked at them I was glad once again for the time I spent in the gym. Even after three kids I looked good enough to give any one of them a good run for their money. There was a lot of activity on the beach, but I managed to find a place to spread my blanket. My closest neighbors were a man and his wife sitting on beach chairs about six feet away. They looked to be in their late forties or early fifties. She was reading a book and he was looking out to sea with a pair of binoculars. I put my blanket down and got to work on my tan. I don't know how long it was after I lay down that the man got out of his chair and came over to me. "I see that you are alone and you really need to get some lotion on your back. I can do it for you if you would like." If he hadn't been there with his wife I would have thought for sure that it was a pick up line. I looked over at her, but she was buried in her book and not giving me any dirty looks so I said: "Thank you. I would appreciate that." I had untied my bikini top so I wouldn't have a tan line across my back when I wore one of my 'little black dresses' so he had an open back to work with. He started on my shoulders and worked his way down until her reached the bikini bottoms and then he said: "I already have lotion all over my hands so I might as well do the backs of your legs while I'm at it." A quick glance at his wife showed she wasn't concerned so I didn't say no and he moved his hands to my feet and started working his way up. The man had a 'touch'. His hands felt so good and relaxing that if I'd have been a cat I would have been purring. As his hands moved higher I had to resist the urge to spread my legs wider so he could do my inner thighs. He finished up and I thanked him and he went back to his chair. Not wanting to overdo it I got up after another half hour or so and went back up to the room. I showered, dressed and then went shopping. That afternoon I was back on the beach and about half an hour after I laid down on my blanket the man walked up to me and asked me if I was ready for him to do my back again. I looked around and didn't see his wife, but it was a public beach and there were people all over the place so I felt safe and I told him I'd love it. He told me his name was Dan and he was from Cleveland and on vacation and I told him my name and the story of how I came to be in Lauderdale. He laughed and said: "Your husband must be crazy to go off and leave you alone. A gorgeous lady like you, alone on this beach with all the college boys looking at and lusting after you. He'll be lucky if a couple of them don't scoop you up and run off with you." "What? An old hag like me?" "Don't kid yourself. The boys haven't taken their eyes off you since you have been out here. I think that the only reamister they haven't made a move on you is that they saw me with you this morning and now and they think I'm your husband or boyfriend." "So, besides being a spreader of lotions you are also my protector?" "It would seem that way. I haven't misread things have I?" "In what way?" "Maybe you don't want to be protected from the studs." He said it in a joking way and that is the way I took it and I said, "No, I don't need any young studs in my life right now." By the time he finished with my legs I was feeling all warm, fuzzy and relaxed. He wiped off his hands and then asked: "Since you are all alone would you like to join me for dinner tonight?" Since watching TV alone in my room is all that I had to look forward to and figuring that I'd be okay with his wife there I said that I would like that. He told me to meet him in the hotel restaurant at seven and then he wandered off. I looked around and saw that he had been right about one thing - I was the center of attention for quite a few of the young studs and for some reamister that thought made my pussy tingle. ++++++++++++++++++++++ When I got to the dining room at five to seven I saw him sitting in a booth along the back wall. He was alone and when I slid in on the seat across from him I asked him where his wife was. "Wife? I'm not married. Whatever gave you the idea that I was married?" "I saw you sitting on the beach with a woman this morning." "The woman on the chair next to me?" I said yes and he said, "I've no idea who she is. She just happened to be sitting in a chair next to an empty one when I came out on the beach. I asked her if it was taken, she said no and so I sat down." I had no real reamister to be nervous, after all, he had been a gentleman both times I had seen him during the day, but somehow it just didn't seem right for me, a married woman, to be having dinner alone with another man. But I was already seated and even if I got up and moved away from him I still had to eat dinner so I stayed. Dan ordered a carafe of red wine with dinner and we sat, ate and talked. He told me all about his life as a single guy in Cleveland and I filled him in on the trials and tribulations of bringing up three kids. When dinner was over he suggested that we go into the lounge to listen to the live band. I really wasn't ready to go back up to my room so I told him to order me a margarita and that I'd meet him there and then I headed for the ladies room, took my pee, refreshed my make up and went and joined him. The band was pretty good and we got to talking about music. He was a big fan of Dixieland jazz and country/western and I liked modern pop and we were arguing about the relative merits of each when I began to feel funny. The room seemed to be spinning. My margarita glass was in my hand and I dropped it. Dan asked me what was the matter and I'm not even sure that I was coherent as I tried to explain it to him. "Sounds like you are having an allergic reaction to something from dinner. We need to get you up to your room and call the hotel doctor." I didn't protest when he helped me up and supported me as he took me from the lounge to the elevator. My memory faded as we left the lounge and I don't remember anything of the next couple of hours. 
Posts: 167471
I have a vague recollection of male voices sayings things like, "That's it, fuck her ass" and "Cum in her mouth" and other things like that. Once I heard, "Damn, but she sure can fuck" and another time I heard, "How long have we got her for?" None of it made any sense to me when I heard it. I remember hearing a familiar voice crying, "Fuck me, please fuck me, somebody please, somebody fuck me" and "Do it, do it to me, do it." And then gradually, like I was coming out from under an anesthetic, I became more aware. Everything was foggy; my mouth had a dry cottony feel to it. Something was rubbing my lips and suddenly the dry mouth was wet and salty tasting and nothing was rubbing my lips anymore. I heard moans and it was a minute or two before I realized they were coming from me. My body was on fire and I felt the tingle of a departing orgasm. The haze was clearing and I found myself looking down into the face of a man I had never seen before. His eyes were closed and he was moaning: "Ride me honey, ride me. Make me cum honey, make me cum." I tried to lift myself up, but I was being held down by something pushing at me from the back. I felt a hot, burning, but somewhat pleasurable sensation in my ass and I felt like I wanted to pass gas or go to the bathroom. Something moved in front of my face and I saw the head of a cock coming toward my mouth. Somewhere back in the recesses of my mind a faint voice was saying, "No, I don't want that," but my mouth opened of it's own accord and the cock slid over my tongue and I started sucking it. My head was clearing and I finally realized that I had a cock in my ass and a cock in my pussy. I was pushing back at the man behind me while the man in my pussy was just pushing up hard into me and holding his cock there. My pushing back at the man in my ass was moving me on the cock in my pussy and the man under me was still moaning: "Ride me, like that honey, just ride me." I felt sudden wet warmth in my ass and then the full feeling went away and I farted. Someone laughed and said, "You packed her full of air Ed." Another voice said, "I'm next" and I felt something start to push it's way past my sphincter. I pushed my ass back at whoever was behind me and he said: "Damn! She still is tight and she wants it." I did! I did want it, but I didn't know why. Gary and I had never done anal. Gary! Where was Gary? I took my mouth off the cock I had been sucking and I looked around the room. I didn't see Gary. I saw seven naked men. I saw Dan pointing a video camera at me, but I didn't see Gary. Why was Gary letting these... and the thought was interrupted when the man whose cock I had been sucking grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my mouth back onto him. I was buffeted back and forth between the three men and I felt the familiar warmth of an orgasm wash over me as the cock in my ass sawed back and forth. "Here it comes sweetie" the man behind me moaned as he rammed me hard and I felt the wetness of his spend. "Who gets her next?" the man said as he pulled his cock out of my ass and the man under me said, "No, I can't hold off any longer, I have to get my rocks off" and he wrapped his arms around me and rolled me over onto my back. I had been sucking on the cock in my mouth and when I was rolled my mouth was pulled off the cock and there was a 'pop' sound. The man looked down at me and said: "You want this, don't you?" I did, but I didn't. My head was full of conflicting thoughts. Part of me wanted to say, "Get away from me, leave me alone," but another part was crying out, "Do it! Do it." My body made the decision for me as my legs spread wide. The man grinned and said, "I thought so" as he slid his cock into me. I moaned, my legs came up and clamped on him, my nails dug into his ass as I pulled him into me even as I pushed myself up at him. He started slamming his cock into me and I moaned. "Like it? Like my cock? You like dick, don't you?" "Yes" I moaned, "Oh God yes. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me." "Don't you worry your pretty little head about that sweetie. You have a lot more cock coming at you before this night is over." "Just fuck me" I whined, "Just fuck me, please, just fuck me." He slammed his cock into me hard several more times and then I felt his hands go under me and cup my ass cheeks and he shoved hard into me as he pulled me tight against him. I felt his hot fluid spash against my insides, but I was not ready. I was close, but I was not ready and as he tried to get up I tried to hold him, to pull him back into me. "No" I moaned, "Not yet, not yet, I'm close, I'm close. Don't stop, please don't stop." He pulled away from me and I whined, "No, please, no" and someone laughed and I felt another hard cock drive into me. And then another, and another and another as I lost all track of the cocks that probed my pussy, ass and mouth. ++++++++++++++++++++++ The sunlight was streaming in the window when I woke up. I shook my head as if to clear away the erotic dream I'd had. As I came fully awake my body was telling me that Gary must have really done a fine job on me the night before. My pussy was sore. My jaw ached. My ass felt ass? Gary never did my a... and then I remembered that Gary wasn't there. What had happened? How had it happened? I remembered going to meet Dan for dinner, but what had happened after that? I sat up and swung my legs off the bed and put my feet on the floor and as I did that a voice said: "Good morning Sunshine." I looked and saw Dan sitting in the chair. I stared at him for several seconds before saying: "What happened? What did you do to me?" "I haveged you sweetie, and then I gave you to some of my friends and business associates. They were quite pleased with you. A couple of them would even like to see you again." I stared at him for several more seconds and then I got up and padded into the bathroom. As I sat on the toilet random memories of the night came into my mind. One of them the image of Dan pointing a video camera at me. Oh cuckolds brownie! What did that mean? I walked back into the room and saw my clothes in a pile on the floor and I suddenly realized that I was naked and my arms and hands automatically went to cover my pussy and my breasts and Dan laughed. "A little late for that Sunshine. I've already seen everything you have and I've seen you use it. Sit down. I've got something I want to show you." I sat down on the bed and he picked the video camera up from the floor and came over and sat down next to me. He handed me the camera and told me to watch the little view screen. He pushed a button and there I was on my hands and knees being fucked by a man from behind. I was slamming my ass back at him and another man stepped in front of me and I leaned forward and clamped my lips on his cock. Dan took the camera back and said: "I have four hours of footage like that Sunshine. You get to be the one who decides if anyone gets to watch your porn video. Call the cops, cry **** and everyone will see you begging for it. Say nothing, go on home with your husband and all it will ever be is a pleasurable memory. And it was pleasurable for you. I'll give you a copy of the tapes if you'd like so you can see for yourself." "Why? Why did you do that to me?" "Because you were a sexy woman, all alone, and I knew I could get away with it." I knew he was right. I knew that I couldn't let anyone see that tape. Without another word I dressed and left Dan's room and went to mine. ++++++++++++++++++++++ I took a long, hot bath and then napped until noon. After a light lunch I took my blanket and a towel and went out to the beach. There was a difference that day. The previous day I hadn't paid much attention to what was going on around me, but that day I was aware of everything. I watched the mating dance between the young hard-bodied males and females enjoying Spring Break. I noticed the bulges in their Speedo swimming suits. Everywhere I looked I saw something sexual going on. I noticed one young man looking at me and the bulge in his trunks looked huge. I wondered how big it really was and I wondered if it would fit in my mouth. He was looking at me, I was staring at his bulge and then the mood was broken when some sixteen or seventeen year old sexpot grabbed his arm and pulled him away. I saw other bulges and had similar thoughts before I finally said, "Get a grip Mickey!" and I grabbed my blanket and towel and went back to my room. I was stressing and so I did what I normally did when I'm stressing - I went shopping. Bad move. Everywhere I went I saw overtones of sex. Young girls flaunting their bodies, hunky studs checking out anything female to see if it had bed potential. I saw them looking at me and I saw, or thought I did, the desire in their eyes. Several I saw I wondered about; what would they be like. I was in a boutique looking at some bras and panties and one young man walking through stopped long enough to say: "The black lace ones would look great on you," and then he was gone leaving me to look at his back with the image in my mind of me standing in front of him in those black lace panties and stroking his cock. Even the most common place and minor things made me think of sex. I was walking past a gas station and saw a man take the filler hose from the pump. The metal filler tube had the same downward curvature as one of the cocks I had sucked last night and when the nozzle went into the car receptacle I remembered the same cock going into my pussy. A man was straddling a motorcycle at a stoplight, motorcycle throbbing between his legs, and it made me think of the throbbing cocks from the night before. Everywhere I looked I saw something that pulled up an image from the night before. And I could not - could not! - get rid of the image of me pushing back at the cock fucking me from behind and then leaning forward, actually stretching, to get at the cock in front of my face. I headed back to the motel and took a cold shower. I ordered dinner from room service and sat down with a book, but I couldn't concentrate and I set it aside and turned on the TV. I jumped channels for half an hour before turning it off. ++++++++++++++++++++++ He answered the door on the third knock. He smiled when he saw it was me and I said: "You said something this morning, something about a couple of your friends wanting to see me again?" He opened the door wide, stepped aside and I walked in. 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Beware Of Tijuana Cheryl and I liked living in San Diego. Not only did we have all the wonders of the best city in the country, the climate and weather in San Diego are the best in the world! Neither of us were native San Diegans. We moved there when I got a job with the San Diego Police Department. I paid my dues as a motor officer in chilly Minneapolis and landed a cycle-cop's slot in San Diego. After a day chasing the bad guys, Cheryl and I literally wallowed in the wonderful advantages of the place! Went to the beach so often, I constantly had sand between my toes. Rode the trolley so often we memorized the routes. Ate so much Mexican food, I was becoming bilingual. And Cheryl blossomed into Superwoman. Without telling me, she took a California Cuisine cooking class, and suddenly I came home every night to a dinner that made me wonder if she'd hired Wolfgang Puck as a caterer. And the tanner she got, the slimmer she got, and--how can I put this?--the "more interested" she became, to the point that both of us stopped wearing anything to bed. Didn't want to waste any time undressing. I started buying lube in the big tubes, and she put a rubber cover over the mattress to save it from constant seepings. She often rolled over to me and purred that she loved to lie in the wet spot. "I want to wallow in your jizz until I'm coated in it!" That, of course, led to another round, more leakage, more wet crotches, and a bigger wet spot. One day on one of our exploring trips, we drove to Chula Vista and on down the 5 to the Mexican border. "What the heck, let's visit Tijuana!" Strike one. Wow, what a place. Amazing, really. Tijuana, south of the border, is as big as San Diego is north of it, but Tijuana is like a third-world city. The tourist part is garish and Viva Zapata-looking, but it's surrounded by depressing slums. We drove away from the touristy area--Strike two--into what we supposed was a middle-income area, not a slum exactly, but hardly a rich neighborhood. For all that, we never did see anything in Tijuana that could be taken as a mansion or an expensive neighborhood. Anyway, we stopped on a hill overlooking the city and got out to take some pictures. Strike three. We were out. "Oye, what you doing?" Shit. Right off, my cop-instincts told me this was not a friendly Mexican offering us help. "Taking pictures of the city." "Señor Taquadama don't like gringos taking pictures of his house." Fuck. Not the slightest friendliness anywhere. This guy was dangerous. Sure enough, before I could call to Cheryl to get back in the car, we were jumped by what looked like eight guys who came from behind us. After a pitifully short struggle, during which one of them yanked my wallet out of my pocket, they piled us into our own car, bound and gagged, and drove down the hill, through a gate, into a walled-off area. It was a courtyard with a large house at the far end. They pushed open the big door, an ornate thing in hardwood deeply carved with tropical motifs: palms, orchid blossoms, birds, and beyond was a beautiful antechamber. Pink marble floors. Finely crafted leather chairs. A huge couch upholstered in appliquéd silk. I was agog. I looked over, and so was Cheryl. A man walked down staircase. I blinked. He looked like a movie star. Antonio Banderas, maybe. A big man, broad-shouldered, he didn't look like the popular image of a Mexican thug. Not even as dangerous as an American Mafioso. I couldn't help it--I had to give it to him--the guy was handsome! But when he opened his mouth, it was pure Mexican thug: "I am Arturo Taquadama. They tell me, Gringo, you are taking pictures of my house." He held up my wallet. "And you are a fucking policeman from San Diego? This is not a polite thing to do in my country, culo!" He walked over to Cheryl, reached out, and fondled her breasts. I lurched and struggled against the goons holding me. "Get away from her, you bastard!" "Oh, I'll get something more than 'away' from her." He pulled open her blouse. Cheryl screeched and struggled, but she, too, was held securely by Taquadama's thugs. He brought her beautiful breasts out into the open air, and I heard gasps of appreciation from the Neanderthal gallery. The bastard rubbed them, kneaded them, teasing her nipples. All the while Cheryl struggled and screamed, but he got her--her nipples stiffened up into aroused points, and I knew she was fighting a growing horniness. I knew my Cheryl. I could always turn her on by teasing her firm, luscious titties. He addressed his men. "Strip her!" "Hey, you bastard! I'll ******* you!" "Oh, my big, tough, American cop, I think you're the one looking down the barrel of a gun." He turned back to Cheryl as they pulled off her slacks, then her panties. She was naked. Blushing all over. "Me, Gringo, I think I will look down her barrel." He turned to her. "Do you like to suck cock, baby?" With that, he pulled down his zipper and fetched out something I didn't think was possible. What a cock! The shaft was like a waterpipe, and hardening, the damned thing was so heavy, it sagged a good foot away from his body but in a huge arc up to the level of his belly-button! It was inhuman. Like a horse. The big cockhead was a fucking planet, a moon in fixed orbit! I watched stunned--an itchy little thought in the back of my mind was, in a strange, eerie way, glad I got a chance to see it. Biggest fucking cock in the world, probably. And Cheryl is going to suck that. Fuck! I snapped out of it! They're going to make Cheryl suck that! As he lowered his pants, the thing swelled even bigger, if that were possible, and like it vacuumed the air out of the room, I couldn't breathe. Poor Cheryl! Look at that thing! I watched as it jerked and jumped while Taquadama's goons pushed Cheryl down to her knees and her face closer to it. He stepped out of his pants and lurched his hips toward her--and the huge cockhead touched her lips. She made a face, no doubt smelling the maleness of the guy, and I fought against the guys holding me. "You let her go, you ladyfuckers! I'll come back here with the whole goddamned US Army!" "Oh, I don't think so, Yanqui." I heard one of the men holding Cheryl hiss to her, "Open up, baby--that's it." Then to the other, "Sí, he's got her now." The poor woman breathed what I figured was the rotten-crotch smell of the man, and Cheryl appeared to weaken (sickened, probably) or at least realizing the hopelessness of her situation. Her tongue darted out to explore him. She tried it again, and a crystal-clear drop of precum appeared at his piss-slit. Unable to see it with her mouth so close, she scooped up the drop with the next touch of her tongue, and I saw her gasp and back off, astonished. Then, incredibly, she opened her mouth and tasted him, completely spreading her jaws. So wide it had to be painful. I felt a lurch in my own crotch as Cheryl took Taquadama's huge cock into her mouth. She let out a moan! Was that a moan of distress--or of pleasure? I bit my lip. For some reamister my cock was hard in my pants, and to my discomfort and fury, that magic pleasure-spot just under my cockhead rubbed up against a fold in my underwear, stimulating me dizzy. Cheryl's first taste of Taquadama was unbelievable. She looked like she was going crazy over it. Sucking and slurping, moving all over it. It was too big, impossible for her to get into her mouth, but she licked and slurped over every inch, teasing his foreskin forward and back with her teeth, licking inside it, teasing his piss-slit. My own cock slimed the inside of my underwear. Cheryl was hot. Taquadama lunged his cock harder in her mouth as I struggled against the thugs holding me--but at the same time, as the precum-wet fold in my underwear continued to rub the crown of my cockhead--the uncontrollable rubbing driving me crazy--one side of my mind was desperate to save my wife from the degradation, the other side was aroused, fascinated at how fucking lucky she was to lick up the man's cappuccino from a rod so huge. I was desperate. How could she not want a huge package like that? I could only stare. Taquadama was hung better than any man I'd ever seen. Legs like a bull. Buttocks like light brown footballs. Hard. With that sexy little dimple at the top of each one. "Try harder, baby," he crooned to Cheryl, and I suddenly realized he was trying to deep-throat her! And a thrill shot through me when I realized she was trying, too! With a new effort, fighting her gag reflex, Cheryl managed it! I was in a world of madness! Like a snake's jaws unhinging, Cheryl's mouth spread out to an insane size, and she swallowed it!! I was astounded! It was impossible! She was swallowing a cock as big as my forearm! And for as distended as her mouth looked, Cheryl didn't seem to be in pain. She was enjoying it! Taquadama sank the huge cock all the way down her throat! Jesus, that must stick all the way down to her stomach! "Yes, baby, that's it! Now with affection," he purred, and he pulled the giant organ back out. Like pulling out an elephant's trunk. The smell of sex was so strong I breathed it in from where I struggled in the grip of the goons. Spicy tang, the odor of balls, of sperm--and of pussy! My heart sank. She does like it. "Again, baby." Once more the giant cock sank down Cheryl's throat. She had learned how to do it. "Good, honey, that's good." I was aghast. "Ohhh, enough of this, baby." Taquadama breathed harder as he pulled out the big, brown cock. "I want to get to know you better." My testicles hurt so bad, I shifted from one foot to another. I'd never seen anything so erotic in my life. But I still yelled, "Wait! Please! Don't!" "Don't you worry, cop. Bring her over to the couch, Miguel. I'm getting more of this gringa bitch!" Fuck, he's going to **** her. Really fuck her. And she's not on the pill--we'd been trying to have a baby--and he'll surely get her pregnant. Exactly how I knew that, I didn't know, but I was desperate. I had to do something! I sighed. Since the goons held my arms, my hands were free, so I reached up to pull open the buttons of my shirt then down to unbuckle my belt. I powerd myself to speak. "Taquadama, let me--offer you a chance to--experience something--different." I can't believe I'm saying this. "What, you a horny cop? You want this big chorizo, too?" "Just--just leave her alone!" "Hey, cop, maybe this will work for me." He grinned. "Come on, cop, show me how horny you can make me!" In the rather dim--suddenly erotic and sexy--light from the lamps around the room, I let my pants drop. "That's it, Gringo, widen my horizons!" My face hot with shame, I stepped out of my pants and peeled off my shirt. Then, biting my lip, I sank to my knees. "No, no, no, pichi puto, you don't get the prize from the first!" Taquadama gloated down at me. "First you do the fuck-me dance. Dance for me, puto-cop!" Oh god, I'll never live this down! Suddenly some steamy misterg with a slow beat throbbed through the room--some mister of a bitch put on a CD!--and with no other choice, I began to swing and sway a little, like I was in a disco or a nightclub dancing by myself--in just my underwear. Taquadama spoke low. "Okay, puto, strip off the underwear." Damn! Shit! Hell! But helpless to stop the situation--and still keeping to the rhythm of the music--I jerked down my tighty-whities. I heard whoops of laughter and shouts from the assemred hoods. My face blazed hot with shame. But my cock stood up hard and throbbing. Oh, god, it can't get worse than this! It got worse. "Hey, man, with a little dick like that, no wonder, man, your woman wants to suck mine!" Taquadama chuckled. "Man, put that little chiquito away! Put your underwear back on!" More laughter. So humiliated I thought of throwing myself out the window, I looked around the floor for my shorts, but, "Hey, no, man, not your own! García, give him your underwear!" "My underwear? Hey, vamos, Arturo!" "No, is good! Let chiquito cop dance around in a real man's underwear"--he looked over at me--"or maybe we get back to business with his woman." I stood in total humility, betrayed even by my own body. As I burned with shame, my hardon jutted out even harder, thriving on my destruction. A few moments later, the big thug García shucked down his own briefs, threw them at me, then pulled his pants back up. Abashed, wishing I were dead, I stepped into the stranger's white briefs and pulled them up! Oh. My. God! The pouch was cold inside. Wet! My cock is covered with that guy's precum! Something snapped inside. The heat from all the shame and offense fused somehow into an arousal the likes of which I'd never felt. Suddenly I was hornier than ever in my life! García's shorts were a little small for their owner, so they clung to my hips enough, and I began to move again. 
Posts: 167471
Not long after I'd begun--what, two hours?--there was a knock at the door. It was Cheryl. She didn't say a word. Neither did they. As I lay on the couch in my eleventy-leventh double-fuck, she looked at me, peeled off her T-shirt (no bra) and her shorts (no panties). Without a word, she took on two of the men who had been waiting for another go at me. We spent the whole night there. I didn't blow any of them, but I got so much sperm pumped into me, I swear I could taste cum in the back of my throat. At sunrise, Taquadama himself wandered into the room in a bathrobe takeing a cup of coffee. "You two a good pair of bitches, no cabe duda." Still panting from my last orgasm, "Not--my fault--your sex potion--powdered sperm all over me--what else--could I do?--" He smiled and sat down. "How did you know it was my sperm?" "What else--make me so fuck-takes?--" "Gringo, you are a natural whore, ¿no es asi? Deal with it, bitch." He leaned down to me, lowering his voice. "You wanted to be my whore so bad, your mind grabbed any handle, man." He smiled. "That stuff they threw on you? Vanilla cake mix, man. They threw flour and sugar over you." Huh? "You are a cum-slut, man. Face it. You wanted to get fucked so bad, your head let you believe you'd been haveged." He chuckled. "You fucked all my men with only a mouthful of cake mix!" And so collapsed the last shred of my self-respect. I looked over at Cheryl, wriggling under her two lovers, and I realized we'd hit bottom. They let us go, of course. Taquadama told me to tell him of border raids I might hear about but especially to "happen by" the border crossing when his shipments came over. I did. I was his bitch. On those days when I "happened by" the border crossing, I waited until I spotted the red Chevy panel truck, the green Toyota pickup, or whatever in the distance. Then I slapped the chief inspector on the shoulder. "Hey, let me buy you a cup of coffee. I want to ask you about blah-blah..." He was the guy who always found the stuff, and I kept him diverted until the shipment had passed through. Cheryl and I had other duties. One of the bennies of working for the Tijuana gang was freebie fucks of a San Diego policeman and his wife at their home. I began to buy tequila by the case and sex-lube by the truckload. I got double-plugged at least four times a week, and Cheryl got it even more. Life became sorta normal. She cooked the California Cuisine meals. We went to the movies. Went to the beach. Rode the trolley. But we never fucked again. Couldn't please each other. I couldn't fill both her holes, and she couldn't fill mine. We were helpless. Two stretched-out, double-craving, horny whores who lived mainly in anxious waiting for our next horny visitors. Then one morning it happened. "Good morning! Our KFMB News Flash this morning is a report of a massive gang assassination in Tijuana! Our reporter Rick García has the story!" "Hi, Bill, it's true. Mexican authorities in Tijuana report that nearly the whole Taquadama Gang has been wiped out in an overnight slaughter." Cheryl and I raced to the television! "According to sources, the massive hit was in revenge by the Sinaloa Gang, who have been trying to cut into Tijuana for many months. The bodies of Arturo Taquadama and four of his chieftains were identified among the dead..." I looked at Cheryl. Her face was white. I figured mine was, too. "What are we going to do??" Her voice was a desperate hiss. It's been weeks now, and we're going insane. PLEASE HELP US! If you've got a big cock, and you have a buddy with a big cock, we'll come to you! Anywhere in California! CALL (619) 555-6969 . 
Posts: 167471
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Beware: The Taxman Cometh There aren't many things more terrorizing than a tax audit by the IRS. Yet my prim and proper wife Tiffany and I recently found ourselves in that intimidating situation. We were, indeed, terrorized. From the moment we arrived at the cold, old stone Federal building we had a feeling of doom. We patiently sat in the waiting room, across from each other, barely talking, with our hands folded and heads staring at the drab carpeting. Things did not get better when we finally were ushered into the small drab office that was piled high with papers. The frowning IRS representative, Mr. Johnmister, did little to help our disposition, either, merely grunting a hello as we sat on hard metal chairs. The fifty something man with the graying hair and paunch around the waist settled into his seat on the other side of the desk, glanced over our tax returns, shook his head, and looked me straight in the eye. "We've gone over your tax returns for last year, both by computer and by hand, and to be frank with you it isn't pretty," he said with a gruff voice. "What were you thinking?" I knew immediately that my little plan to shift one column of numbers to another was found. But what could I do? I was desperate. There was no way I could come up with the money we owed because of my stupidity. I worked for a highflying dotcom company, at least it was high flying when I exercised some incentive stock options and decided to hold the stock. I was greedy, I thought it would appreciate more and more and make us zillionaires. When the rug was pulled out of the stock market, Tiffany and I found our plan to "retire-at-35" was unraveled. We owed Uncle Sam more in taxes than my stock was worth. To top it off, even if we liquidated everything we had, the house, the cars, you name it, we would still several hundred thousand dollars short. Dollars we didn't have, couldn't get, nor were able to wipe out by bankruptcy. Our goose was cooked, and that led me to get creative on my tax accounting. I had discussed the problem with Tiffany, not letting her know the full scope of our problem, but told her we would make our way through it...somehow. "You owe the United States Government, by our calculations, $687,700 in back taxes and penalties," he sternly said, eying our tax return. "Oh my god," said 26-year-old Tiffany, tears starting to flow from her pretty blue eyes. "I knew it was a lot, but not that much. We'll lose our house, everything. It isn't fair." "Fair doesn't matter, ma'am, you earned the money, you bought things with it, you did all these nice things and then you didn't pay taxes. It's people like you," he said, pointing at each of us, "who make me sick." The room quieted, it was an eerie kind of quiet as I stared at Tiffany, she tearily at the floor, and the taxman at us. After a while I attempted to reamister with Mr. Johnmister. "Look, we are short of cash right now, but if there is a payment plan of some type we will do our best to make good on this," I innocently said. "My company stock is bound to rebound, and we'll be able to work it out over time. We've learned our lesmister." "That's all well and good, but since this is a willful *** I believe the federal attorney will be involved," lamented Mr. Johnmister. "We audit people like you all the time, and your behavior has serious consequences. "Federal attorney? But why?" I asked in amazement. "He's the permister will decide on prosecution," replied the IRS man, matter-of-factly. "You are looking at a minimum of a year, maybe as much as two, in federal primister for this little bit of tax evasion. I hope it was worth it." Tiffany started bawling her eyes out, and I felt a bit of a tear coming on myself. We were doomed, set to lose everything we had and had worked so hard for, and then spend time apart in primister as well. Mr. Johnmister stood, shook his head, and left the office as we squirmed and cried and hugged each other. We attempted to talk, but words couldn't be found. When he returned, he said the prosecutor was still uptown and wouldn't return for about two hours. The room was silent as he glared at the two of us. A few minutes passed before he said: "Well, I guess we could negotiate this little problem. Maybe reduce the debt to society with a little give and take." The way he suggestively said those words didn't at once ring a bell, but when I looked at him staring at Tiffany I quickly got the idea of what he wanted given and what he wanted to take. I grimaced as he never moved his eyes away from Tiffany's young body. I have to tell you that Tiffany has never been with another man besides me. Oh, she was a handjob terror in high school, so she tells it, but she never had any other kind of sex with anyone in her 29 years. She was a virgin on our wedding night, and while not a pin-up beauty she was very attractive. Her pouting lips seemed to draw men's attention, and her cute little ass constantly drew stares. But this was serious business, and our negotiating posture was clearly bad. Tiffany looked at me with quizzical eyes. "Honey, what's he saying? What can we do, pay in installments?" Mr. Johnmister laughed at her gullible remark, shaking his head once more. I couldn't get the words out of my mouth to explain what he meant, though. Mr. Johnmister could. "We all have needs, young lady, and from the looks of it you two don't have much to negotiate with. I think if I were to receive, say, a little more understanding of how remorseful you felt about the matter, I might take things up with my superiors. We could see what we can do about at least getting the willful part of this problem taken care of, which would of course eliminate the need for the prosecutor." Her quizzical look turned into shock as a light went off in her brain. "You mean, I would have to ...." Mr. Johnmister tugged at his pants, looking down at the beginning of a bulge. "Well..." I looked at her and said she didn't have to do anything she didn't want to do. She sat, her pleated dark skirt riding up her legs, crying, thinking, and a jumble of emotions. Mr. IRS again stood and walked to the door. "Why don't you two talk it over while I get something to take. I will be right back. Oh, and it won't be long before the prosecutor will be on his way here." Tiffany looked daggers at me. "You can't possibly think I would put out for him, can you?" "Of course not, Tiff, but we are in a whale of trouble. They have us over the barrel. Heck, we might lose everything and rot our asses off in jail too. Honey, treat him right and we can get out of here with something. I know it is a lot to ask, but it wouldn't be like cheating, cause I will be here. And I love you. Now and after. Just think about it." I have to admit I never thought she'd go along, but the thought of losing our house, our savings, our car, and spending time in jail did not agree with her. When Mr. Johnmister returned and asked, "Well..?" Tiffany slowly made her reply. She turned, gazing at me, disgust in her eyes, then turned back to look at Mr. Johnmister. She quietly said she was willing to negotiate. There was a quiet hush in the office as she stood and walked over the desk. She looked once again at me, told me to lock the door, and then dropped to her knees. Slowly, she lowered Mr. Johnmister's zipper, reached through the opening of his boxers, pulling out a semi-hard cock. I looked on, spellbound, as she looked at his expanding dick. Tiffany hardly ever blew me, heck our sex was usually on Saturday and maybe once on a weeknight, and normally involved me getting on top of her in the missionary position. Now she looked like a porno star as she started licking his hardening cock from top to bottom. She sucked the tip, slipped her tongue down near his balls, then moved her mouth up and took his dick in her wet, hot mouth. After holding it inside for several seconds, she began to suck him like a professional hooker. "Oh yes," he sighed, his cock hardening right before my eyes, making Tiffany's cheek bulge out. "Yes, suck it you whore!" After a bit of sucking he pulled out his dick and began rubbing it back and forth on her face, looking at me all the while, as a smile grew on his face. "She's a natural cocksucker, man." Tiffany sucked his cock for what seemed like hours, but lasted only 15 minutes. He delighted at her lack of comfort, he deliberately thrust deep to nearly gag her. It wasn't a pretty sight, but luckily it did come to an end. He grabbed the back of her head, gave a final push, and spurted his creamy cumsauce hard into her mouth. He kept his dick securely in her mouth, and I saw the throat muscles swallowing it down her throat. Along the way he kept fucking her face while his dick softened, and all I could do was hate him more and more. "Hey slut, not a bad job," he spat at my wife, who quickly slapped his face. "Well, well, well, a frisky one," he laughed, holding Tiffany's shoulders as she tried to get up off her knees. "Whoa, wait a minute, honey. Just calm down a bit. You still have some work to do? She gave him an incredulous look. "What do you mean? You said that if I blew you you'd help us." "That's not exactly correct, my dear," said Mr. Johnmister. "I said we could negotiate. Now that was a good faith effort, but we are talking a major problem here. And that little performance was just the beginning of our negotiation. Now, clean my cock off, make it squeaky clean." Tiffany resigned herself to a long afternoon. She stared at me, then told me she hated me, and began to say something else when there was a knock at the door. Mr. Johnmister zipped up, then unlocked the door, letting in a younger man. "Hi Johnny," the newcomer said. "I see from the looks of things the Benedict's have decided to negotiate." "That they have, Billy, that they have," said Mr. Johnmister with a smile. The man called Billy smiled back, and said he was in a hurry and wanted to get started. Tiffany turned a little on her knees toward him, but he held up his hands. "Whoa, Miss, what are you doing?" "Just what I did to Mr. Johnmister," she replied, licking a bit of leftover sperm from her lips. "And what was that?" said Billy. "I gave him a blow job," she said. "And a good one at that," added Johnmister. "Well, a blow job sounds really great right now, it really does. I love hot lips around my cock," said the blond-haired man named Billy. "And that's just what I think I need right now." With that he turned toward me, unzipped his pants and began reaching into his underwear. "Down on your knees, buddy," he said to me. The gasp that came out of my throat had to have been heard several floors below. My head snapped back as my eyes bugged out, yet words couldn't escape my lips. Women give blowjobs, not men, and surely not me. Tiffany broke the tension when she suddenly smiled and said to me, "We are in a whale of trouble. We might lose everything. Treat him right and we can get out of here with something. I know it is a lot to ask, but it wouldn't be like cheating, cause I will be here." The words spat out of her mouth at me, the same basic words I had said to her less than a half-hour before. I knelt in front of Billy, his cock already hard, and asked what to do. "Suck my dick, bitch," he said, waving his meaty wand at my shocked face. "Get going already, I don't have all day. I have work to do." I know I turned beet red, I know there was a smirk on Tiffany's face, and I knew I had no choice in the matter. I knelt, looked up at Billy, and then down at his dick. It appeared huge pulsating in front of my eyes. I reached out to grasp his dick but he pulled back. "No hands," he simply said. I groaned at first, but pushed forward on my knees and opened my mouth, extended my tongue, and began licking the monster dick in front of me. It was a big one, it had to be at least nine inches, and he took pleasure at smacking it against my face. Humiliated, I still attempted to lick it as best as I could, and ultimately ovaled my lips around it. I began sucking cock, deliberately at first, getting into the slow rhythm. Somehow it seemed like the monster kept growing, and while it might have been just my imagination, it did fill my mouth. I gasp for air until I found that my nose was the best place to oxygen while my mouth was full of cockmeat. It was not a loving effort on my part, and clearly not on his as he made no effort to make my first cocksucking experience at least bearable. It was as though he was trying to hurt me, but I took whatever he gave, thinking that a blow job, as distasteful as it was, couldn't anywhere near as bad being behind bars. It was humiliating, degrading and downright nasty sucking his cock, so when he pulled the dick out of my mouth and told me to lick the tip again I did just what I was told without any hesitation. I greedily slurped up all the pre-cum that was gradually sliding out of the cockhole in an effort to speed up his impending climax. Eventually I reached around and grabbed his ass with both hands, hoping to control his nasty thrusts, but he countered by holding my head against his expanding dick. All of a sudden he groaned and his cock nearly broke my jaw as it exploded into my wet but *** willing mouth. I nearly fetishd as his slimy, sticky sauce as he continued to thrust his cock into my reddened mouth of a cockpit. His movements slowed as he continued to rock into my mouth, spewing forth more disgusting cum which made its way slowly down my throat. When no more was to be had, he pulled his dick out of my mouth. "Not bad," he said, zipping up and leaving the room, as Tiffany attentively watched his departure, relieved she did not have to perform. Mr. Johnmister quickly grabbed our attention when he said how pleased he was that we were being cooperative. "This really helps your predicament," he commented. We nodded our heads in unimister, wondering if our ordeal was over. There was quiet in the room as we all digested the situation, but the still was broken when a newcomer entered. She was a big woman, as in heavy. Nearly disgusting actually, with huge hanging breasts and a wide ass to boot. "Hello, Greta," Mr. Johnmister said, quickly introducing the woman as a clerk with a need. My initial thought was to stay on my knees and perform some mouth magic on her, and that thought quickly became reality as she hunkered down on the edge of the desk in front of me, lifted her skirt, and told me to take down her massive panties and pantyhose. Before me was a pussy that hadn't been bathed in a week, or so it seemed. The hairiest pussy I had ever seen, yet like a lemming I tilted my head forward and began licking. 
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I licked her pussy, and when she lifted up a bit and told me to lick lower, I licked all the way down to her stinky fat ass. I have done nasty things in life, but this was the nastiest...even more displeasing than the blowjob I had just performed. Her heavy thighs tightened like vice grips around my head, and I did my best to quickly have her cum. Needless to say I was shocked when she said, "This just isn't doing it, Johnmister, he's not any good a it." Now, I'm not bragging, but I never had any complaints in the sucking pussy department. But this amazon was complaining. Then I was shocked even more my her next demand. "Get down here, lady, and help this poor boy out." I looked at my wife, and she was mortified at the thought of going down on another woman. She started backing off until Mr. Johnmister emphatically told her that it wouldn't be a good idea. Seconds later a terrified Tiffany was kneeling right next to me. I watched as she slowly, almost as if thinking it would bite, extended her tongue out and carefully began to cautiously lick a pussy for the first time in her life. Thinking back, I believe that put us both over the edge. At this point, we had degraded ourselves into the lowest of low, and we would do anything to get out of our taxing predicament. Luckily, the moans we heard from above came quickly as the woman grasp both of our heads in her hands. First she would pull Tiffany against her pussy, then me. We both took turns licking the wet hole as she got closer and closer to orgasm. That moment came, and she came all over Tiffany's virgin like mouth. "Yes, yes, yes, suck it," she groaned. "Yeeessss." The woman's eyes were under her eyelids as she rocked against my wife's chaste mouth. It wasn't long before she shook and came on my wife's face. The deed was done. Tiffany and I hugged, holding on for dear life and wondered again if our ordeal was over. The woman left the room, calling us "assholes", and we remained on the floor like naturals. After regaining our composure, we looked up. There was Mr. Johnmister with a huge smile upon his face. In front of him were several Polaroid shots of Tiffany and I in various stages of debauchery. "Well, Mr. and Mrs. Benedict, I believe you drive a hard bargain! I think you can kiss that indictment away," he said with a smile, picking up the telephone. We both let out a sigh of relief. "Do me a favor," Mr. Johnmister said. "Before I call the prosecutor to tell him it was a false alarm, I'd like a little memento for myself. Tiffany, come here and suck my dick, and Rob, take a picture of her with my dick in her mouth." There was no resistance left. Tiffany dropped to her knees and munched on his semi-erect cock. "Smile for the camera, Tiffany," said the bastard taxman. I took several photos, no questions asked. Then he patted her on the head and told her to get up. "That's enough for now, Tiffany, my dear. Uh, Rob, it's your turn. Tiffany, take the camera and get a couple shots of your husband showing off his new s*******." I needed no further prodding as I knelt before the older man and began sucking cock. It wasn't easy to get him to cum for the second time that day. Heck, it was downright ***, but I did it. This time there wasn't much sauce, but I did what I had to do, swallowing all he had to give. "I think you two made the right decision," said Mr. Johnmister, zipping up his pants. "It's been a great negotiation, I think you two have earned some goodwill. I guess you can go now." We smoothed down, buttoned up, and generally got out clothes presentable. Once done, we got up to leave. "Oh, one thing," he said, as we prepared to open the door. "I will expect you back here in two weeks with a plan on how to pay off the $600 grand you owe Uncle Sam." "But you said..." cried Tiffany. "Madam, I said we could negotiate, and we negotiated away the jail time. I will see you in two weeks when you can tell me how you are going to pay off the money you owe," growled Mr. Johnmister without an iota of regard for our feelings. "Now get out of here, and remember, I have these photos, so don't get any ideas about blabbing anything to anyone. Do you hear me?" Reality is a bitch. We respectfully nodded our heads in unimister, two used and used souls without much self-respect nor dignity. Beaten, so to speak, and humiliated to no end. On the way home we saw a prostitute showing her wares on a street corner. We wondered out loud how much sex services were going for these days. Even if it were a princely sum, our knees would be wearing a hole into the carpet to pay off this whopper of a tax bill to Uncle Sam. Some have said the government constantly tries to screw the taxpayers. Tiffany and I know first hand that the government can do it in more ways than one. 
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Neither my pretty wife Tiffany nor I spoke on the drive home from our first humiliating meeting with the IRS agents. The drive, which normally took 25 minutes, took nearly an hour as my mind wandered back to the happenings at the Federal Building. I missed several turns, drove like a Florida senior on Sunday, yet throughout the trip not a word was uttered. Whenever I looked at my wonderful wife Tiffany, all I could see was her blankly staring out the window. My mind was totally jumred. Here we were, two people in a predicament with no easy way out. Our huge tax burden loomed over our heads like a guillotine. I thought of our actions in the IRS building, and how we spent the better part of two hours prostituting ourselves to stay out of primister. It has been said the end justifies the means, but I'm not sure that sucking our way to freedom was the way we should have gone. On one hand we had brought it on ourselves, having cheated the government out of more than a half million dollars in taxes by cooking our tax return books. We, or should I say I, should have gone straight from the get go, but I felt pressured into crossing the line because I didn't want to give up all those material things which my beautiful wife Tiffany and I had bought when we were riding high on the money train. While all good things invariably come to and end, those niceties which money can buy are hard to give up. Now, even though the tax official, Mr. Johnmister, took us off the primister hook, we still owed the government more than we could possibly pay. And given our actions of this afternoon, it appeared that we'd be working out debt off for a long time to come. We finally entered out five bedroom colonial. We lived in an upscale neighborhood not far from the dotcom where I worked. Keeping up with the Benedicts had been the favorite game in the neighborhood. "How could you do this to me," spat Tiffany. "Today you made me a whore, a good for nothing, piece of cuckolds brownie whore." The words cut sharply. I had, of course, by messing with the books, but her spending habits also played a part in this nasty business. Now we were paying the piper. "Now hold on just a second! Who was the one who maxed out our credit cards buying things for this house? Who had to have a Lexus instead of a Honda?" I snapped. "What about the Longaberger baskets in every room? The marble tiles you just had to have? Twice-a-week massages? You spend more money than a Rockefeller." I won't bore you with all the details, but suffice it to say we both said a lot of things we shouldn't have. Bottom line: I fixed the returns, and she had spent too much. We were both to blame for our financial mistakes. We stared each other down for a while, alternating sulking with despair. "Honey, we are in a fix, and today we did what we had to do. That prick Johnmister would have sent us up the river fast...if we hadn't decided..." I couldn't continue that train of thought. "He has all the cards. You heard him; we were going to jail. You would have been the pride and joy of every lesbian at Eastern State while I would have been some big guy's bitch. Given the choice, I would much rather be at home, with you, than a boy toy of some monster ***er who wants a taste of white meat." Tiffany dried her eyes and shook her head. "I know, I know, it's just that what we did today was horrible," she said, tears welling up once again as she thought of the unpleasant sex she had endured. "It was humiliating. Johnmister is a major league asshole, but he knew what he was doing. He knew what buttons to push. The things he made us do whores wouldn't stand for. And it's only the beginning. Did you see the look in his eyes? He was enjoying each and every minute of our discomfort, our pain." I nodded. Yes, Johnmister did appear to enjoy himself. I don't know which he liked more: Tiffany giving him a blow job right in front of me, or me sucking his dreadful cock right in front of my loving wife. I guess it didn't matter, we were just pieces of human meat to him. Utensils for his sexual urges. We spent the better part of the next three hours downing two bottles of wine and scheming on how to get out of our predicament. We thought of going to his superiors and turning him in, but what would that get us? Yes, he'd probably be fired, along with his horny hooligan friends, and wouldn't that be sweet. But we'd still be up for a primister stretch for cheating the government. More than a half million bucks we didn't have. We might win that battle, but not the war. Besides, he had all the cards; the bogus tax returns, our admission of guilt, and he had the Polaroids of us willfully performing all kinds of sex acts. With our luck, he'd use the photos to prove we were trying to blackmail them. We crawled off to bed at 2 a.m. and snuggled. As we held each other close we murmured "I Love You" before finally falling arelax from exhaustion. What seemed like minutes later the phone rang. It was that prick, Johnmister. And it was only 8 a.m. "Well good morning," he sang, "You two lovebirds relaxing late? I guess so, and such a wonderful house to be relaxing in! It sure would be a shame to have to give up that wonderful house to the government, now, wouldn't it?" Johnmister's tone changed from blowing sunshine to total scorn. "Just keep that in mind when you start cooking up some lame brain scheme to try and weasel out of your little problem." The line was quiet, as I couldn't talk. It was as if he knew we were hoping to find out a way to evade returning to Mr. Johnmister's little office of ill repute. "I know you guys had a rough time here, but it would be a lot rougher up at the federal penitentiary, and don't you forget it," said the nasty tax officer. "You kids play your cards right and you will keep your house and reputation in the community. Pull something stupid and you will be doing hard time in primister. All your neighbors will know you as the people who swindled the United States Government. The Poloroids will be posted on a website dedicated to you. I will mail copies to your family and friends. Won't they be shocked to find out about your bisexual interests and swinger lifestyle? Is that what you want?" And here I thought matters couldn't get any worse. "No sir, we don't," I quietly replied. "We agreed to your offer and we will fulfill out responsibilities to you. But we are not whores, we are not scum." Mr. Johnmister's voice rose. "You are whatever I want you to be, dammit. Haven't you figured that out yet? You WILL be what I WANT you to be. WHERE I want you to be. WHEN I want it. The sooner you understand that, the better. I have had enough of being patient, you get no more slack. Remember, I AM IN CHARGE." He had the hammer and all the nails. Our best plan would be to do what he wanted and then move on. We couldn't possibly be the only ones he had over a barrel. We had to take him at his word that when we had worked off our debt we would be free to go. Getting out of his clutches was a dream but there still could be a happy ending. "Mr. Johnmister, I'm sorry. Of course you are right." Words were hard to come by, but they had to be said to let him know we would keep our end of the deal. "Sir, we appreciate the opportunity you are giving us to work our way out of this problem without having the law involved." "Now that's more like it, I knew you two would be reamisterable. You won't regret the decision," he said, and abruptly hung up. I crawled back into bed as Tiffany guessed it had been Johnmister on the line. "He wanted to make sure we were going to keep our end of the bargain. I assured him we would." Tiffany sighed, and turned away from me, crying once again. I rubbed her back, slowly working the tension out, before reaching around to caress her breast. "Not now," she said, but I continued to stroke her while rubbing what had grown into a hard cock against her ass. "Honey, I love you, and you feel so sexy. Nothing you did yesterday or will do with those naturals in the future will stop the way I feel about you," I said. "I know deep inside you know that. I really love you." She turned and gave me a long, passionate, wet kiss, grasping my cock with one of her hands as her lips locked against mine. "Really, Rob, do you love me? Really? After all I did with those pigs?" "Honey, of course I do, and I have done some bad things, not the least of which was my idea to play with the tax returns," I lamented. "If I had it over to do again I'd just sell everything and start all over again." Our kissing continued for a while before I began massaging her back. Then stroking her body all over. After a bit of hand play I casually pulled her panties down her legs and began caressing her mound. She moaned when I fingered the outside of her cunt lips, then slowly dipped two fingers inside her wet pussy. She began to rock in tandem with my hand, and by the time I bent over her waist and began licking her sex he was mouthing inaudible sounds of love. "Oh, yes! Yesss! Yeesssss!" she cried, moving my head to her burning love nest. "Yes...yes...yes!" Tiffany began to shake while banging her pussy against my mouth. I was fucking her with my tongue while she was taking everything I had to give her. Suddenly she shook and then began an explosive cum. I took my head away from her pussy and looked up at her. She smiled at me and mouthed the three magic words I needed to hear: "I love you," she softly said. "I do love you, Rob. You make me feel so good, and make me forget that bastard Johnmister." She slid onto her back, a contented look on her face, and slowly opened her legs to me. She looked beautiful laying there, a smile upon her lips. "Do me, honey, do me." It only took a minute for me to slide on a rubber, get on top, and slowly slip inside her soaking wet pussy. My arms extended, in push-up fashion, while my lower half began to piston my cock into her wetness. I looked into her eyes, which were staring intently at me, and told her she was the most beautiful woman in the world, and that we'd get out of our predicament. "I know," she said. "Now fuck me hard." I did, rutting into her like there was no tomorrow. I pounded her pussy, feeling her body pound back against me. With all the sexual excitement that had overcome my body and mind over the last 24 hours, cumming wasn't a problem. "Oh, God, I'm Cumming!" I cried, finishing inside her then passionately kissing her as she caressed my head. It wasn't our longest, lengthy or most erotic lovemaking session, but it was just what we needed to remind ourselves of our love. At least that's what I thought. "Honey, I'm so very sorry about what has happened, I didn't ever think it would come to this," I lamented. "Oh, Rob, I know you didn't, but didn't you think we'd be caught up with? I feel like such a whore. I mean, I blew some obnoxious asshole then sucked a pussy like a seamistered lesbian. That's obscene, it's foul. And you did it to us. I know you thought it was the right thing, but it was stupid." I knew she was right, and sat back, quietly attempting to think of a way out of our predicament. There was none. We were finished. Tiffany looked me in the eyes then said: "Well, you are wrong if you think I'm going to be that bastard's fuck toy, I'm not going back there. There has to be a way out. I'm not going back to see Johnmister again, and I'm not going to jail." "Suit yourself, but it's not like you can leave the country. This guy is serious, and unless you plan on disappearing into thin air you will be tracked down and we really will have the book thrown at us," I sternly said. Tiffany pouted off to relax, as did I. We spent the next several days ignoring each other, barely speaking. And with each day of silence we found ourselves a day closer to our next meeting with the Tax Man. Tiffany awoke early that morning. She stared at me as I shaved, then quietly said she would be going with me. "There is no other way out," she admitted. As we drove to our meeting, Tiffany emphatically stated she would not screw anyone, no matter what. "I will suck their foul dicks, but no sex. No way." Once inside the Federal Building she pulled me aside and repeated that nobody would be fucking her. I wasn't too sure of that, because Mr. Johnmister was not one to be denied, but I didn't dispute her comments. Again we sat in the lounge, awaiting our fate. When Mr. Johnmister greeted us, he did so with a large smile. "Why, so good to see you two," he said with a jovial tone. "Come back to my office." After we entered the office and he closed the door, a different Mr. Johnmister appeared. "So what's this I hear about you wanting to disappear? I wouldn't try it. The IRS has ways of tracking down malcontents." Looking at my wife, he continued. "Well, Mrs. Benedict. Cat got your tongue? What's this I hear?" "I don't know what you are talking about, Mr. Johnmister," she replied. "I know our deal, I agreed to your terms." 
Posts: 167471
"Uh huh. Well, let's get to it then. Did you bring a check for the money you owe Uncle Sam?" he asked "No? Huumm? Well, is there any reamister I shouldn't have foreclosure procedures start on your house? Maybe we could repossess your cars. We can auction them off to pay some of your debt." I quizzically looked at the Tax Man. "Look, we told you last time we were willing to go to whatever means to take care of this situation. Please don't make it any more humiliating than it already is." "Really? Mr. and Mrs. Benedict, I know you hate me, but I really am in your corner here. Remember that I could have turned you over to the Feds. We said we had an agreement. So, I guess the question is whether you are going to honor that agreement or pay off your delinquency?" Tiffany looked him straight in the eyes. "You know we can't pay it off, but we aren't whores. We'll do what we have to do, but that's it." Mr. Johnmister looked at my wife, then at me. He sort of smiled, nodded his head, and then stood up. "Whatever, doesn't matter to me at all. Just remember the trouble you're in. It only takes one word from me and you two will be in jailhouse stripes, complete with numbers on your back and fun-loving cellmates. You need to understand, I am your best friend." Mr. Johnmister paused, probably more for effect than reamister, then sternly looked at my young wide. "Tiffany, come over here. Now!" My strawberry blonde wife hesitantly rose and started over toward the taxman. He gave orders in quick succession. "Bend over the desk. Lift your skirt. Pull down your panties...and make it snappy." He looked at me, and ordered: "Mr. Benedict, take this ruler and teach your insolent wife a little bit of a lesmister about respect." I stopped in my tracks, afraid to move. Tiffany slithered over to the cold desk, reached up under her skirt, and slid her skimpy black panties down her legs before kicking them off. She looked disgustedly at Mr. Johnmister, then at me, before hiking her skirt up around her waist and bending over the desk. Mr. Johnmister sat in a chair next to the desk. After my wife's bare ass was bent over the desk, he held his ruler out for me to take. The wooden ruler slid into my hand, and I merely nodded at the obnoxious man. I raised it, then brought it smartly down on Tiffany's sweet soft ass, bringing forth both a welt on both ass cheeks and stout "ouch" from her lips. "Twenty swats sounds about right. That was one," he snapped. I ignored his comment, and smacked her ass with the ruler as she cried out in pain. After 10 whacks he rose and took the ruler from my hand, choosing to give 10 much harder smacks in quick succession. Tiffany's cries were loud, and I wondered why nobody came to our rescue. "This used to be an interrogation room. Isn't soundproofing wonderful?" Mr. Johnmister asked. "You were pretty easy on her. I'm going to give her 10 more swats, just because I can." "Noo, please stop," pleaded my wife, whose ass was bright beet red. "Stop." Mr. Johnmister ignored her, slamming the ruler on her ass 10 more times. Then, unzipping his pants, he pulled out his hard cock and pulled Tiffany by the hair around toward him. It didn't take long for her to realize what he wanted, and she quickly opened her mouth to suck the dirty dick of the man who was taking control of us. "Ohh, Tiffany, you have suck a sweet mouth, you suck like a pro," said the Tax Man, pulling her head onto his rock hard cock, pulling it back, then slamming it back down the shaft. He was using her mouth as a fuck toy, and I looked on hoping he didn't hurt her. Tiffany bobbed her head up and down his cock, spit cascading down her cheeks, sucking it with abandon until startled off of it by a knock on the door. "Sit down an make yourself presentable," said Mr. Johnmister, tucking his tool back into his pants. My wife smoothed down her skirt and then sat at the table across from Mr. Johnmister. I sat beside her as the door opened. Neither of us noticed her panties on the floor by the side of the desk. A tall, lanky black man entered. He appeared to be in his 40s, graying around the edges. "Oh, Mr. Johnmister, I didn't realize that you had clients in here." "Uh, yes, Mr. Smith, this is Mr. and Mrs. Benedict, and they are attempting to negotiate a settlement of their 2000 taxes," said Mr. Johnmister. "They are in a little trouble." It was clearly a charade. I knew it. Tiffany knew it. Mr. Johnmister and Mr. Smith, if those were their real names, knew it to. But we didn't have a leg to stand on, and merely nodded to the men when necessary. Mr. Smith asked Mr. Johnmister if we needed a secretary to record some of our comments. "Why that would be excellent," said Mr. Johnmister. "Is Mrs. Gordon available?" The newcomer stepped to the telephone, smirking when he saw the panties on the floor, and called a number. Soon after there was another knock on the door, and a primly dressed elder woman entered. "Good morning," she said, rising hopes in my mind that this woman would actually be someone that could calm the situation and get Tiffany and I off the hook. We were obviously apologetic, we didn't mean to evade taxes, we want to pay our debt. We just don't want to do it in jail. "Mrs. Gordon, the Benedicts here have a little problem with their taxes, to the tune of owing the government more than a half million dollars. We have talked about their options, we have decided we do not need to involve the federal prosecutors. Now are just talking about their payment schedule. They have been very agreeable to nearly all we have asked, and are very repentant," explained Mr. Johnmister. "That's excellent," she said, "because there is nothing I hate more is tax evaders...I assume they brought a check for what they owe?" "Not exactly, Mrs. Gordon, they are quite short, even if they liquidate all of their holdings," said Mr. Johnmister. "But over the long term they have good jobs and should be able to pay back the debt. Only..." "Only what?" "Well, I think Tiffany here is a little rebellious, and sometimes needs a little reminder of what kind of trouble she is in. We have had to remind her of the situation a couple times," said Mr. Johnmister, gracefully tapping his wooden ruler against his hand. "That is unacceptable. That's why just before you came in I was reminding her of her situation." "Well, don't stop on my account," said Mrs. Gordon. "I think I know just what she needs, and someone has to give it to her." Mr. Johnmister handed over the ruler, smiled, and said, "You do the honors, Mrs. Gordon." She looked at Tiffany, pointed at the ground, and told Tiffany to get on her hands and knees. My wife started crying, but did as she was told. She knelt as Mrs. Gordon lifted the skirt of my wife, baring her red ass to all in the room. "My, my, my, she has been corrected a bit, but I think those were just love taps." As Mr. Johnmister moved into position in front of my wife, unzipping and slipping out his hardening cock, Mrs. Gordon slapped my wife's ass with the ruler. "OUCH" yelped Tiffany before the cock filling her mouth subdued her cries. Tiffany didn't suck his dick; she merely opened her mouth and closed her lips around Mr. Johnmister's cock. He was using her as a receptacle for his manhood while the older women were beating Tiffany's ass. It was not a pretty nor erotic sight for my eyes, Tears began to slip down my cheeks as I watched my wonderful wife being spanked and powerd to suck first one, then two, cocks. Mr. Smith had moved into position next to my wife's face. The procedure was simple. Tiffany would suck one cock, then the other, with a hard blow to her ass by Mrs. Gordon whenever a cock wasn't inside her wet mouth. After a bit Tiffany got the idea of things, and blew each cock longer to keep the ruler off her ass. At one point she kept the massive black cock in her mouth while grasping the second and slipping it inside her mouth as well in a double sucking. That kept the ruler away for a while, but when both cocks popped out of her mouth Mrs. Gordon tore into Tiffany's ass with seven consecutive hard spanks. Sans cock, Tiffany screamed out in pain. Ignoring the cries for help, Mr. Smith said to Mr. Johnmister words which sparked Tiffany's head off his dick. "White women are suck good cock suckers, aren't they!" I think that somehow she hadn't given the black dick much thought, but when the man made a point of emphasizing it she was taken aback. But not for long, as he inserted his 10-inch dick deeply in between her wet lips. He fucked her mouth for a while, then let Mr. Johnmister do the same. The foursome of activity continued for several minutes until both men neared their climaxes. I snapped out of my trance when Mrs. Gordon spat my name. "Mr. Benedict, you are needed. Get on your knees." The lemming in me allowed me to rise from my chair and kneel at the feet of the two men. I opened my mouth, and a cock was quickly inserted. I didn't know which man it was, but I did immediately feel the cock grow and then being to spurt a copious amount of slimy sperm into my waiting mouth. I sucked the cock, drawing more and more cum from it, swallowing as much as I could while more coated by face. The second cock merely erupted on my face, as the man jerked off on me. "You're digusting," said Mrs. Gordon to me. "You are scum. You suck cocks and allow your wife to be used, you are a poor excuse for a man." Mrs. Gordon smacked me on the face. I knelt on the floor, totally humiliated. Tiffany by my side, rubbing her beet red ass. I started to wipe the cascading cum from my face but was ordered by Mrs. Gordon to leave it there. "It will help your complexion," she joked at my expense. "Us girls have to keep our looks up." Girls my ass. I was an all-American male. One who now knows more about cocksucking than ever before, but still a male. I looked at her with disdain as I put my arm around my wife in a feeble attempt at a hug. Tiffany sobbed as she mumred under her breath. "What's wrong, Tiffany, are you upset nobody has fucked you yet?" said Mr. Johnmister. "You deserve a good humping after all the sucking you have been doing. I bet your pretty pussy is soaking wet right now. Why don't you lay down over there and let me screw that hot snatch?" 
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"Noooo," she cried. "No way, I am not fucking you or anyone else. That wasn't part of the deal." Mr. Johnmister didn't miss a beat. "Well, then, I guess your husband won't be getting laid, either. Darn, he looks so horny, too." Tiffany and I looked at each other, surprised that Mr. Johnmister wanted us to put on a little sex show for him. Tiffany quickly got the idea, and said she'd love to fuck me. "I wouldn't want to put you out, Tiffany, you're too late. Your precious tight pussy is safe for now. I'm sure we can find a willing woman to take care of your husband's dick...Mrs. Gordon, would you like to help Mr. Benedict get his rocks off?" The old woman smiled. "Of course I would. Come on, Rob deary, I feel sorry for you having to put up with that poor excuse for a girl. Give it to me." With that Mrs. Gordon bent over the desk my wife had spent much of her time over. The woman lifted her pleated skirt, putting her fatty ass on display. It wasn't the most beautiful ass I had ever feasted my eyes on, but it was exciting to have the woman be so brazen as to simply walk over to the desk and show me all she had. Her ass sort of wiggled a willing invitation to me, and I felt my dick hardening as I stared at her bright white ass and puckered brown asshole. Then I was snapped out of my trance when she surprised me with her words. "Fuck me up the ass, and make it snappy." I couldn't believe the words. I had never done anyone up the chocolate speedway, much less my wife Tiffany. Now the IRS lady was asking me, no, ordering me, to do it to her. Despite the situation, my dick jumped to rock hard attention in seconds. I lubed it up with some KY jelly from a tube handed me from Mr. Johnmister, and then started fingering the small opening with my greased finger. After a bit I realized she was fingering her pussy while I fingered her ass, our fingers separated only by a skin membrane. After a bit of foreplay, she turned, pulled her skirt higher up her back, coyly smiled at me, then emphatically demanding I do her up the ass. I sort of fumred my way around her backside, missing the mark a couple times before she reached around and rubbed my cock against her tight puckered opening. She pushed back against me, and after a short pause grunted and pushed harder, her anus stretching before taking my dick into her ass with a groan. "Ooh, easy boy," she cried out. All of a sudden I glanced at Tiffany, who was staring daggers at me. As I fucked the woman in the ass I moaned to my wife that I had to do it. I don't think she bought my reluctance, because I was all over the woman, starting slowly and then pounding into her tight ass. That pounding brought a grimace and moan from her lips, but soon we started rocking together. My wife has a tight pussy, and I remember the women I slept with, and even deflowered, but nothing was as tight as Mrs. Gordon's hairy asshole. Making it more pleasurable was her rutting back against me, as if she enjoyed backdoor humping better than anything else did in the world. As I fucked her I reached around and felt her sagging tits, massaging more than caressing them. Her head was on a book on the desk, and I felt her middle rise as she moved one of her hands under us. I realized she was fingering her pussy while I pounded into her cuckolds brownie chute. Her ass muscles squeezed my cock and gave me feelings I had never felt before. "Ohh, fuck me up the ass, you bastard, fuck me up my stinking ass," said Mrs. Gordon. "Pound into me, let me feel your balls bounce against my pussy." She asked, I pounded, savoring the sweet sensations of taking her as hard as I wanted into her tight hole. I wanted to punish her and every other IRS agent for their treatment of Tiffany of me, but I think the rutting was anything but punishment given Mrs. Gordon's moans and groans. Even Mr. Johnmister, who had remained quiet throughout most of the scene, could only shake his head as he watched us screw. "Tiffany, I think your husband is enjoying this!" Tiffany merely looked disgustedly at me called me a bastard. Mr. Smith sauntered over toward my wife and told her to get back down onto her knees. "Watching your husband do Mrs. Gordon has got me hot, Mrs. Benedict. I would suggest you suck my dick." I glanced at Tiffany and saw her recoil before closing her eyes and sliding down onto her knees. Her willpower gone, she opened her mouth and began licking the agent's hardening black monster cock. She reached up to grasp the dick, jerking it in and out of her mouth while sucking the tip. I could tell by the look in her eyes that the blowjob was a chore, something she had no real desire to do, but the resignation of our predicament powerd her to proceed. She bobbed her head onto the pulsating dark dick while I pounded the tight ass of Mrs. Gordon. The older woman soon tensed up and went limp, quietly cumming. That sparked me to begin firing gobs of thick slimy cumsauce deep inside her, rutting harder and harder and releasing every dollop of sperm into her willing bowels. I have to admit it was an excellent feeling, shooting off my seed in her ass. It was made especially good since she had obviously enjoyed herself. My mind quickly stopped wondering when I heard Mr. Smith tell my wife to open wide. I turned and looked as he pulled his cock out of my wife's mouth and began jerking his big black dick off right at her face. Within seconds his cock erupted onto my wife, hitting her eyes, nose and mouth. It was surrealistic, sexual sight. Mr. Johnmister broke the silence. "Well, well, Tiffany, it appears you have gotten a faceful of facial should do wonders for you complexion like it did for your husband. But I see a problem here. You husband's dick is dirty. Be a good wife and clean it off. Tiffany reached for a Kleenex on the desk, but Mr. Johnmister had other ideas. "Clean it with your mouth," he demanded. "Suck his cuckolds browniety dick, and make it pronto." Her eyes looked first at me, then my darkened cock. "Absolutely not," Tiffany yelled. "No fucking way I am sucking that." "You don't have a choice, Tiffany, so get to it." "Nnnnoooooo!" she said, attempting to rise to her feet and flee the room. Mr. Smith was in front of the door, and there would be no exiting before the IRS agents were through with us. Like a caged natural looking for a breach in security, she quickly glanced from side to side. There was no escape. Mr. Smith pulled Tiffany over his knees. Mr. Johnmister cracked his ruler first against his hand, then swatted Tiffany's still red ass. Tiffany quickly opened her mouth as if in a trance, then let out a scream. To stop the process I stepped up to her and wormed my stinky dick into her mouth. Beaten, Tiffany sucked my semi-hard and cuckolds brownie-stained cock. Tears streamed down her face as she gagged on the dick, not from size but the kind of disgust that comes with takeing cod liver oil. To fully humiliate her Mr. Johnmister smacked her bare ass a few more times while she sucked the dirty dick, not stopping until my cock was clean of the dirty residue of cuckolds brownie and KY jelly. "Well, Mr. Smith, it appears Tiffany her is having cuckolds brownie for lunch, which goes right along with her cuckolds brownie for brains," laughed Mr. Johnmister. Upon completion, Tiffany slipped down to the floor, rolled into a ball, and sobbed. Mr. Johnmister made me kiss my wife, and I tasted the disgusting and still smelly residue of Mrs. Gordon's ass. I attempted to console my wife, but she quickly pushed me away. "You are a bastard, and I never want to see you again." Later that day, after Mr. Johnmister reminded us of our predicament and set up our next appointment, we left the room and the office building after making ourselves presentable. Several people watched us walk away from the office, and I could swear each and every one knew the foul things we had done. We entered the parking lot, got quietly into our car, and then rode home in silence. We slept in separate bedrooms, and when I awoke she was gone. Over the next several days I called her parents, friends and other family members, but Tiffany was not to be found. I told that to Mr. Johnmister at the end of the week when he called to set up our next appointment and he sternly reminded me about the deal. "You better find her so that the two of you can continue paying off your interest, or bring with you a check for the taxes owed when you get here next week," he demanded. "It would be a shame if she doesn't appear soon." The next several days saw me liquidating as much of our assets as I could, but could only find a mere fraction of what we owed. On Wednesday, when I arrived at Mr. Johnmister's office he was on the telephone. He pressed the speaker button. "You want to talk to her?" "Rob, you are a bastard. You will never find me. So go screw yourself," Tiffany cried before slamming down the phone. Mr. Johnmister asked if I had the money. I gave him the check for what I had. He laughed. "No money, no Tiffany, no deal." With that he buzzed someone outside, and soon the Federal Prosecutor was in the room reading me my rights. I didn't have much to say, especially since I had the right to remain silent. I couldn't make bail, and six months later earned a three-year vacation in the Federal Pen. There I met some interesting roommates, but that's a story for another day. With my guilty plea Tiffany was let off the hook, her attorneys arguing successfully that I was the real culprit and she only signed what I told her to sign. She sold what was left. She paid off more of the tax bill, and moved in with her parents. Ironically, I heard that Tiffany had replaced Mrs. Gordon when the woman retired a year later. 
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Rien, toujours rien à l(horizon... cela en devient désespérant... Bien à vous
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oui dsl grosse série anglaise  pourvu que la française soit aussi bien pourvu 
Posts: 167471
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Big Bill & Little Sue Tom came home excited. "Sue, I got the promotion!" he yelled as he ran into the house. "Great!" she called to him from the kitchen. "I'll be out in a second and you can tell me about it." Tom had worked in the music business for 14 years. He started at the bottom and worked his way up as far as he could, but hit a wall. At a crossroads in his career, this was his last chance to make it, and he did. Now at 36, all the parties he and his wife had thrown and functions they attended were finally paying off. Sue was a petite woman, the same age as Tom. Only 5-2 and not much more than 100 pounds, she still looked the same as the day she graduated from college. Slender figure, long golden hair and pretty face. Sometimes, because of her ample breasts, Tom wondered how she packed all that body into such a small and light frame. "Yeah, finally," he said, a big smile on his face. Vice-president in charge of production. We'll be meeting a lot of stars, the pay will be great. It may mean some travel and I'm going to need you with me on some of the trips." She was happy for her husband. At the same time, a little nervous. Her husband was outgoing and gregarious. Sue was timid and shy, but always did her best to support her husband. "Sounds great, honey, it really does!" she told him, trying to act as excited as he was. Tom spent the next couple of hours on the phone telling friends and family about the break that finally came. She watched him talk on the phone, truly happy for him. She was proud of her husband. He had worked so hard and now, after all of these years, it was finally paying off. Maybe she would get used to it but, right now, as he talked excitedly on the phone, the idea of traveling and even more entertaining scared her. The next day after Tom had gone to work, still giddy with his new promotion, Sue settled in for a day at home and later, shopping with some friends. About noon, as she was getting ready to leave, the phone rang. The voice on the other end identified himself as "Bill". From the night before, she knew this was the man responsible for Tom's promotion. All she really knew was that he was new to the company. She politely thanked him letting him know how happy Tom was and how happy she was for her husband. "I think he really deserved it," she told him. "Yeah, he's a good man, but that's not why he got the promotion," Bill responded to her cooly. "Fact is, you got the job for him and if he keeps it, well, it'll be you that keeps it for him." "What, what are you talking about?" she asked. "What I'm talking about is you and me, we gotta meet and discuss your husband's future." "I don't understand, I don't know..." "I'm on my way over right now, couple blocks away, see you in five," he said hanging up. Sue frantically pushed the buttons on the phone to call her husband. She was clueless as to what was going on. Her first try was a wrong number and as she tapped out the number again, she heard a car pull in the driveway. Dropping the phone, she ran to the window. A white Corvette sat in driveway and she watched as the front door opened. A large, very tall black man emerged from the small car. The man towered over the car. From her vantage point he looked to be twice the height of the car and almost twice as wide. He was dressed in a business suit and wearing a pair of sunglasses. She watched his long strides as he made his way to the front door and then heard the doorbell ring. Putting a smile on her face, she opened the door saying hello to the stranger. "I'm sorry, I don't think we ever met," she said. "I was just getting ready to leave to meet some friends." The man just looked at her and laughed. Fear ran through her body as he picked her up and swung her around wildly. "Guess you're gonna have to change those plans," he laughed some more putting her back down. "Geez, woman, you are a short one!" Sue tried to regain her composure. "Listen, I don't who you are or what you're doing here, but get out, get out now!" she screamed. "Now, now, settle yourself down, little Sue. Everything's cool." "Listen, I don't even know you. You say you work with my husband, but I don't know you-never seen you before. If you don't get out of here right now, I'm calling the police!" He looked at her more sternly now. "Yeah, well you listen to me, sweetheart; your husband knows I'm here and what I'm here for." His coal-black eyes looked like they were on fire as he spoke. "Now go sit down and I'll tell you about this and how it works!" Sue listened to the man, Bill, as he called himself. He had just been brought on as a consultant to "fix" the struggling small company her husband worked for, to try to save it from financial disaster. "Yeah, your husband can probably do the job, okay," he told her. "But, I was going to have him let go. I told him about it in his office. You know what the little bastard did, he offered you to me. Showed me your picture and I'm like damn, look at the tits on that girl, ya know, so I let him stay on, gave him a promotion but, you know, I can always let him go." Sue had tears in her eyes. She couldn't believe this was happening. She certainly didn't believe it was true. "You're lying!" she blurted out. "Call him, call him yourself. He'll tell you." Sue started to pick up the phone, more as a bluff, but when the man made no move to stop her, she put it back down. Keeping her eyes downward, she talked to Bill as he sat in the chair on the other side of the room. His legs were spread slightly apart and the hardness of his cock was readily apparent through his pants. Finally, she asked him, "So, now what?" "Now we get down to some serious tit-fucking and cocksucking-ever suck a black cock before, little Sue?" he asked in a taunting manner. Sue squirmed uncomfortably on the couch across from the big man not saying a word. This wasn't happening, it couldn't be. "Didn't think so," he finally answered for her. Unzipping his pants, he pulled his turgid black cock out. "Now, crawl over here and take a look at it," he said tersely. She crawled over on her hands and knees to the big man sitting in her husband's favorite chair. Once there, she raised up to her knees but kept her eyes averted from his. "Look at it," he said. His voice sounded angry, but she sensed a certain pleasure in it at the expense of her discomfort. Following his instructions, she looked right at it. She could smell the musky odor of his cock so close to her face. The large black shaft looked monstrous to her as it stood pointing toward the ceiling. There was no way of knowing for sure but it must have been nine inches long. The head was thick and had a menacing purplish tone to it. Several veins protruded from the sides running the full length of his cock from the base to the head. She studied it for what seemed like an eternity to her before hearing his voice again. "Touch it," he commanded her. Finally looking up at him, she adamantly responded, "No, I don't want to look at it. I don't want to touch it. Please, don't make me do this." "Fine by me," he said. "I'll get going. Your husband should be home soon. Reduction in power and all that, you know how it is." Bill started to move like he was going to get up. "Wait," she said. Her small white hand went to the black monster in front of her. Tentatively, she started to wrap her fingers around the giant black shaft but her fingers wouldn't stretch all the way around it. "Yes," he growled in a low voice. "Much better. Look at what you're doing. Move your hand up and down. That's it, yes, now squeeze a little and keep moving your hand." She listened to and followed his instructions. The whole thing was repulsive to her. Her hand slid more easily as the precum oozed out of the top and down the shaft. She had done this many times with her husband, but the wet gooey substance sickened her now. She wanted to jump up and run to the bathroom to wash her hands but knew she couldn't leave. "There, now take my big ol' cock in your mouth," she heard him say. Sue knew the words were going to come sooner or later. She looked one more time at his lathered up dick and taking a deep breath, place her mouth over the large mushroom head of his cock. Her mouth opened as wide as she could get it. She had to struggle to get more than a couple inches past the head into her mouth. She could hear him still giving her instructions as she licked and sucked the head and what little of the shaft of his cock she could get into her mouth. The precum seemed to fill her mouth. Without warning, he grabbed her and with his great strength, pulled her with ease up and off of him letting her fall to the floor. 
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Jumping up off the chair, he moved quickly to the floor and rolled her over face down. "Your husband said I could do anything I wanted except fuck your pussy," he said. "He didn't say anything about your ass though. I don't know, maybe what he doesn't know won't hurt him." Sue shuddered in terror at the thought of the massive cock punishing her ass. "No, fuck my pussy, I won't say anything...fuck my pussy, please!" she cried out. Pushing her dress up, he rolled her again shoving her on her back. She looked up into his dark eyes. They appeared dead and without pity. Spitting on his fingers, he jammed them into her pussy. "What's wrong, little Sue, you don't seem to excited," he said laughing at her. "Maybe once I get this big black machine going in and out of your tight little white pussy you'll loosen up some." Suddenly he stood and removed his clothes. She looked up at him. He must have stood 6-7 she thought. As she looked up at him standing above her, she couldn't help but see his one most dominating feature-the large black cock she had just had in her mouth jutting out from his large frame. It stood out so long and so thick. Panic set in as she thought about it penetrating her little pussy. She closed her eyes and tried to focus her energy on relaxing her body. She felt his body coming in contact with hers again. His wet fingers made their way into her pussy again, pulling, pushing and spreading her little lips getting her ready for the assault about to take place. Bill spread her legs wide apart as he hovered over her small body. Pulling her butt up off the floor, he put the head of his cock against the entrance of her pussy. He looked down, laughing quietly, at the contrast between the small, pink pussy and the large, black head of his cock pushed against it. With one shove, he drove the length of his cock deep inside of her. She had tried to relax her body as much as possible to ward off the pain she knew would be coming, but it hadn't worked. The hot black shaft felt like a searing rod pushing deep inside of her. She screamed out in pain and writhed on the floor trying to free herself from him. Keeping one hand under her ass for control, she felt his other huge paw grasping at her delicate breasts. He grabbed roughly at her nipples pulling, pinching, twisting and jerking them. She looked up at him as he continued the relentless fucking. Beads of sweat formed on his forehead and his muscular black arms glistened with sweat. Her pussy felt battered and torn as he continued moving in and out of her with reckless abandon. Finally, he let his cock slide all the way out of her. Now, she thought, he's done. Tears rolled from the corners of her eyes and down her cheeks. Still on his knees, he pushed her down lower under his hips and shoved his big black dick between her creamy white breasts. Pulling them tight around his cock, he shoved it up and down between them. With each upward thrust between her tits, the head of his cock pushed against her lips. His eyes blazed with fury and she could hear his low guttural sounds emanating from deep within his throat as he fucked her tits. "Look at me, look at me, bitch!" she heard him scowl at her. "Open your fucking mouth, open it wide. Now!" He was breathing heavily now. She opened her mouth like he told her to. His upward thrusts were higher now. The head of his cock entered her mouth each time and then slid back down between her ample breasts only to rise again and dip into her mouth. She could tell he was close to coming. She wanted him to. Anything to get this over. He pulled his cock from between her breasts and moved up over her. His black cock pointed down at her face, he shoved the head back in. Jacking himself off with one hand, he grabbed her behind the head with the other. The hot cum from his cock splashed out with tremendous power into her mouth and gushed back out over her face. Grabbing her head, he pulled it up burying his cock in her mouth as the second and third blast of the sticky cum poured out of him and into her mouth. "Kiss it, suck it, lick it up!" she heard him yell. He started sliding one hand up and down his cock trying to milk out the last of his cum into her mouth. Finally spent, she felt the weight of his body crash down on her. He rolled to one side still breathing heavily. Feeling humiliated and degraded, Sue cried softly at first, then openly sobbed. Bill said nothing to her. After he regained his breath and she regained some of her composure, he got up and dressed silently. Now ready to leave, he looked down at her on the floor one last time. "Your husband can keep his job, at least for now," he said coldly. "As far as the future, well, that's up to you!" he said walking out the door to leave. 
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He knelt down behind her. She felt his large hand slap down hard on her ass causing her to lurch forward. A small yelp escaped her mouth. "Next time, you do what I say, no questions and quickly; we understand each other!" A few seconds passed and then she felt the hand slap again, this time harder. "I asked you a question," he said. "Yes, yes, I understand!" Sue felt a sense of trepidation. He was behind her. Surely he wouldn't try to put his big black monster in her tiny white ass. The prospect of being powerd to suck his cock didn't seem so horrible now. With his huge, powerful hand, he spread her ass cheeks apart. With the thumb of his other hand, he tried to power it into pink little asshole, but she clamped her small passage tight. He pushed harder inserting the tip, but it was too tight. Taking his thumb out, he moved his long arm the length of her body holding his thumb in front of her mouth. "Lick it, get it good and wet,' he told her. She was sickened by the thought, but terrified. Opening her mouth, the thumb jammed powerfully into her mouth. She licked and sucked until he removed it leaving a putrid taste in her mouth. She felt the thumb again prying at the little hole, pushing in. He slid it around stretching her for what she knew would come next-the black monster between her legs. She lowered her head to the floor. Her small cries of pain and offense could be heard but fell on deaf ears. She fought back moving her ass from side to side trying to escape, but it seemed the more she struggled the more aroused he became, driving the thumb in deeper and moving it from side to side faster. Failing in her feeble effort to fight, she tried to relax. She could feel his hard cock rising up against her body between her legs. If his thumb hurt this much, she could only imagine the pain of what was to come. "Gonna do you a favor, bitch!" she heard him say. "Gonna slime my cock up to make it easier for you." With that, he probed his hard cock against her pussy trying to ram it in. This turned out to be difficult. Expecting her to be wet, she wasn't. As he pushed in and out of her, it didn't help. Finally giving up, he turned her around roughly shoving his cock at her face. "Get it good and wet," he told her. She took his cock in her mouth. It was just as repulsive to her now as it was the day before. She stuffed the head into her mouth and then took it back out. With her tongue, she slobbered over the length of his shaft. Shoving her back around, he placed the head of hard black cock against her pink little asshole. With a shove, it entered her. The pain, hot and searing, engulfed her. "Yeah, baby, you don't think you want it now, but you will!" she heard him cry out. "Feel it, feel it!" he yelled as he pushed slowly in and out at first and then increased the speed and depth. "Move your ass, girl, move it back and forth." Sure, she thought to herself. The sooner he comes the sooner it'll be over. Fighting her sense of degradation, she began to push back. She moved her ass back slightly at first trying to get a feel for his rhythm then raised her ass up as he thrust again. With deeper and faster thrusts he fucked her little ass harder with his big black cock. She could hear his breathing get heavier as he ripped away at her tight canal. She moved her hips back and forth faster and faster meeting the pounding cock hoping he would come more quickly. A loud moan filled the room as he came squirting his hot load of cum deep inside of her. She could feel his cock start to soften and then he backed away pulling out of her. A loud popping sound resounded in her ears as the large head of his cock sprang lose. She could feel part of his load of creamy cum running down her thighs. He grabbed her body with his muscular arms and turned her around like a rag-doll. "Look at it, look at my cock!" he yelled at her. Although not as hard, it still looked huge in front of her face. "Lick the rest of the cum off it!" She shuddered at the thought but obeyed. Flicking her tongue tentatively at the head as he laughed, she cleaned the head off. Trying hard not to swallow, her saliva ran down the length of his black dick. Taking it in his hand, he rubbed it back and forth against her face. Then grabbing her long hair, he wrapped it around his cock wiping it off. "Next time, get yourself cleaned up and ready for me," he told her. Bill stood up towered over the little woman on her knees, her battered butt resting on the back of her legs. As she looked up at him slowly dressing, he smiled down at her. "Probably see you tomorrow," he told her. "I hate you!" "Yeah, so. You want to hate somebody, hate that wimpy ass husband of yours." "I do, I hate him more than you. I'll get him and somehow I'll get you." "Ooh, your scaring me bitch. Get to the john before you piss yourself. I'm outta here." 
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Sue's short 5-2 body laid quietly on the floor waiting for the inevitable. The 6-7 black giant towered over her. Bill slowly stroked his long, black cock as he looked down at her. Suddenly his voice boomed loudly sending a cold chill through her. "Play with yourself, you little white slut," he commanded. It had become almost a ritual over past few months, but still his piercing voice still caused her to shudder. Although he had never harmed her physically, she remained fearful of the large man and had become more docile as time had marched on. He had a threatening manner and the things he said to her were just as harsh as those he did and the prospect of harm was one she believed could become a reality. She quickly moved her hand between her thighs and began rubbing her clit. "Get up on your knees and keep playing with your white cunt!" he shouted at her. She jumped quickly at the sound of his voice from her prone position to her knees. Her fingers never left her clit as she continued moving her fingers across it. He squatted in front of her finally lowering his body down until the back of his massive thighs rested on his calves. On her knees, his giant black cock stuck out toward her face. Leaning forward trying to balance herself on her knees and one hand, the other one still working hard just above the opening of her pussy, she felt like an off balance tripod. She felt his huge hands grab at her long, golden blonde hair jerking her face forward. Her mouth opened slightly taking the large, purplish head of his dick in her mouth. His hands pushed and pulled her head up and down the top of the shaft. She could get his cock further into her mouth than that first time he had come to her home unannounced, but not much. Her mouth moved up and down the half of his shaft she could take as fast or as slow as he moved her head. "You're quite the little cocksucker, aren't you?" The tone of his voice always distressed her. "You love sucking this big black cock of mine, don't you, bitch!" She wanted to scream out, to let him know how much she hated him and what he was doing, but the feeling of hopelessness made the thought of any protests impossible. Bill didn't care and after all of these months, she knew her husband, Tom, wasn't about to jeopardize his new job by coming to her rescue. It was her husband that had given her over to him to service his black boss to advance his career in the music entertainment business. To both of them, she now was nothing more than a piece of meat to be used by Bill whenever the whim struck him. It was like being on call 24 hours a day and with no job she saw no way out even though she plotted so many times in her mind a way to get back at both of them. Instead, she felt isolated and trapped. Not knowing when Bill would show up but knowing she would have to be available when he did, she had become a primisterer in her own home. All she could do in response to the vulgar question was let out a whimpering, "Mmmm," like she enjoyed his crude treatment of her. It always seemed to appease him. Sue continued working her swollen clit. She was approaching orgasm. She hated Bill and what he was doing, but the friction of her finger against the little white nub still excited her physically. Sexually, nothing else did, but she did what she had to do to survive the ordeal. Sensing she was about to come, he pulled her long blonde hair powering her head up and off his cock. It was a time for pleasure, but not for her. Bill stood up. Again he towered over her. Her finger stopped and she shuddered. She knew what was next, or believed she did. He was either going to fuck her small white pussy or come on her face. She stared up at him, a vacant look in her eyes. She could see a scowl on his face. It pissed him off. His hand reached down and grabbed the sides of her face, squeezing in on each cheek until her scrunched up lips popped out. His fingers released their pressure. She smiled up at him now. He wanted a lusty cockslut to take care of him, not a zombie-like woman. The indignant look on his face disappeared and he smiled back at her. She found it ironic though. To him, she was nothing more than tits and a pussy with an ass and mouth on the one hand, but he wanted passion from her body parts that couldn't respond with emotion. For months now, her only emotions, except the fear she felt when he was around, were anger and bitterness that had turned to hatred for the two men. "That's a good little cocksucker!" he laughed, patting her on the head. He was standing right in front of her. She lifted up body straight up remaining on her knees. He hunched his body forward positioning himself so his cock was closer to her face and moved one hand under her chin, he took the base of his cock in the other and pointed the head toward her upturned face. "Jack me off, whore!" his voice boomed out. Sue's hand moved to the thick black shaft. She was disgusted but managed an animated look of excitement for him and moved her hand eagerly to jerk his cock up and down. Her finger started moving again between her legs rubbing her swollen clit. Her hand was too small to wrap all the around his thick shaft, but with her thumb underneath the shaft and her fingers above it, her hand glided the length of his cock until she could feel it start to pulsate between her gripping fingers. His hands grabbed the sides of her head. She tightened her grip on the throbbing cock and kept it pointed toward her upturned face. Her eyes instinctively closed as her hand moved faster over his cock and the other faster against her clit. His cock jerked in her hand, almost out of it at first. She felt the first hot splash of his cum hit the side of her cheek. Her head, in a reflexive action, started to turn away, but he held her head tightly in place. She felt the second spurt of his cum hit the upper part of her face and skim across her forehead into her hair. He was coming on her face again and she felt repulsed by it. His hot slime covered her face as he shot again. It was the ultimate degradation for her. She could withstand a lot, but always felt like the slut he said she was when he did this to her. Soon, she knew, he would fuck her. As degrading as the cum covering her face was, the maddening pace of her finger brought her to an orgasm. It ripped through her body as his hot cum dripped from her face to her ample tits. She couldn't help herself as she groaned feeling the ecstasy of her orgasm course wildly without control through her body. She fell back on the floor, the muscles in her body tensing as she came. For her, it was almost the final, ultimate offense. Bill looked down at her. There was scornful laugh coming from him now. He had a feeling of power. To him, she was a little slut that came from the dripping cum covering her face and being powerd to finger herself for his pleasure; another white bitch getting not only what she deserved, but secretly wanted. Still, coming to her home several times a month was starting to bore him. Even getting a good blowjob from what he perceived was now his little white slut was losing some appeal to him. Either he needed to get rid of her husband and find another man willing to turn his wife into a whore for him or try something different. Sue was still lying on the floor with Bill looking down at her. Her orgasm was subsiding. Her cum-soaked face and hair excited him always causing a stir in his loins. Yes, he knew she was a slut and she was his permisteral slut. Sue knew what he was thinking but powerless to stop him from he was doing physically, or from what he thought about her. Her breathing slowed and her large, heaving breasts slowed with it as she opened her eyes again. Her eyes pleaded with him to leave the house, to leave her alone. Bill misread the blank look on her face and seeking eyes just as he had done so many times in the past. Both registered a loathing feeling by her and to him, an natural-like lust. He really did believe she liked all of this and any attempts by her to show displeasure were just that, for show. "You want me to fuck you, don't you, bitch!" he yelled loud enough she wondered if the neighbors could hear. "Well, fuck you...get your little white ass into the bathroom and clean yourself up, and especially that little cuckolds browniehole, you cocksucking slut!" Sue cringed at the thought of the words and what was coming next. She could remember vividly each time his giant black cock pierced her ass and how she felt like it was splitting her in two. Still, she could never be sure. He played so many mind games with her saying one thing and doing another, except for certain things, she could never be sure what was coming next. She started to get up slowly but he yelled again, ordering her to crawl to the bathroom. The cheeks of her face turned crimmister, but she did as she was told. She could feel his coal-black eyes burning into her wiggling ass as she made her way out of the living on her hands and knees and into the bathroom. Sue walked back out into the living room. Still naked, her slightly more than 100 pound body moved next to the tall man. "Now what? she asked. "You know exactly," he laughed at her again. "C'mon, say it, say it for big Bill!" She knew this part of the routine. It almost never varied, but he got some kind of a thrill out of each time she said the words. "I'll do anything you want," she said. "I'm be your white, cocksucking whore, your little fuck slut," she kept talking, "anytime you want to fuck me or you let me suck your cock and shoot your cum on my face or down my throat." she lied, but with as much of a seductive look as she could muster up. "I love your cock, Bill. I worship your big black cock...I wish it could be in my mouth, pussy and ass at the same time, all the time." He could see her shudder as she stammered out the words he wanted to hear. "Tell me, Bill, what do you want. Tell me what you want me to do," she said sounding like she was pleading and, expecting the worst, she was surprised by his response. "I want you to get dressed up and come to my office tomorrow, sometime early in the afternoon," he said with a sense of satisfaction in his voice at her complete presentation to him. 
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She had a look of resignation on her face. She knew she would see her husband there. "Fine, Bill, I'll be there." Bill left only to return to the front door. With his key, he opened it and handed her a package. "This is for tomorrow," he told her turning again to leave. Once she knew he had pulled out of her driveway, she took a long shower to cleanse herself before putting on a robe, getting a take and sitting down on the couch. Opening the package, she saw clothing inside and what appeared to be a necklace. Holding it up to examine it, she felt a feeling horror and then anger. Jumping up and running to her phone, she frantically dialed Bill's cell phone. "What the fuck!" she screamed in the phone. "Is this some kind of a fucking joke!" She could hear him laughing. "No joke my little white piece of cuckolds brownie! And don't yelling at me like that. In fact, when you come down to the office tomorrow, take the bus. Now get off the fucking phone!" She could hear the anger in his voice. This was a time she wished she could talk to her husband, but knew it would be pointless. He had essentially sold his wife to the man and turned a blind eye to what was going on. Still, she thought to herself, tomorrow would have to be the last time. Her life was spinning out of control and she knew she needed to regain what she had lost. She wasn't sure what to do or how to do whatever she came up with, but the next day she would have to put some kind of plan into action. # The next day came all to soon for Sue. She showered late in the morning and picked up the package. She dressed in the clothes he had picked out for her. Looking in the mirror, she liked the sexy look her reflection cast back. A black, short and tight skirt, thin, red, frilly blouse and matching pumps made up her ensemble. Her long blonde hair fell over her shoulders. Her sky blue eyes looked warm and sexually inviting. She applied red lipstick and painted her fingernails the same color. It was the pumps she wore though that she really noticed first. Despite her short stature, the high heels made her legs look long and shapely. With her back to the mirror, she turned her head and looked down at them. She loved them. Turning to the face the mirror again, her large breasts pushed against the thin material of the blouse. Even though she was 36 years old, they still lifted and pushed out in a flattering way. Her narrow waist was accentuated by the thin metal belt cinched tightly at the top of the skirt where the blouse was tucked tightly under it. She knew she looked gorgeous and men would desire her, but there was one more item. Not a bra or panties, those items had no doubt been deliberately left out of the package. It was the necklace, really a collar. Small, bright metal studs on the left side spelled out "BLACK COCK" and the on the right, "WHITE SLUT". In the center, in smaller letters, she saw another word small studs spelled out and words, "LOVES". The lettering was small, maybe not even noticeable unless someone looked closely, but to her, they stood out more than anything else. The words may has well have been plastered on billboard announcing her plight to the world. She knew she could put it in her purse, maybe put it on when she arrived at the office building, but wondered what Bill's reaction would be if he discovered she had done that. Besides, her husband had done this to her and people there knew she was his wife, but she was sure the other employees knew nothing of what he had done to her to move ahead of them at the agency. Fine, she thought to herself, let them see the white cuntslut come in and let her husband explain it when she went into Bill's office. She hadn't been to the office for months. Everyone there would know he had traded his wife for the job promotion and if she didn't know anything else, she knew she would be embarrassed but he would be humiliated. For the first in months, thinking about her husband brought a smile to her face. Maybe this would be the beginning of the end for him. # The bus ride over made her nervous. She saw men staring at her. Probably at her tits and legs, or so she wanted to believe, but her thoughts always turned to the collar she wore. Surely they couldn't see the words from a distance, but she still felt it was the focus of their attention. At one stop, a young black man got on the bus and stood next to her. Out of the corner of her eye she knew he was looking at her. Maybe it was her imagination or maybe he was just being friendly, but when she turned her head slightly and seeing a broad grin on his face, she snapped her head back quickly and looked forward. Finally the bus got to the downtown office she used to frequent. Making her way inside she took the elevator to the fourth floor and entered the lobby area of the large office complex, she was met immediately by Amy, the receptionist. "Gosh, Sue, it's been so long," Amy said, seemingly excited to see her. "You want me get your husband, I think he's in his office." Sue knew when she saw Bill she would be terrified not knowing what he would make her do. She still didn't have a real plan, but something came over her and she couldn't believe the words as she spoke them. "No, Amy," she said, "I'm here to see Bill actually." She actually giggled as she continued, "Didn't you notice my little necklace; here, take a close look at it!" Amy mouthed the words as she read them and gasped when she understood their meaning. She buzzed the boss to let him know Sue was there to see him. Although on the phone, Sue could hear Bill's deep, loud voice telling Amy to have her wait and buzz her husband out front. Another call and a short time later Tom amred down the hall, stopping almost dead in his tracks when he saw his wife dressed in the slutty little outfit. Sue walked over to him and stared at him. Her piercing eyes glowered at her husband. "So, Tom, surprised to see me?" she asked him, almost nonchalantly. "By the way, do you like the necklace Bill got me?" she asked him loud enough for most of those around to hear. "Says 'WHITE SLUT LOVES BLACK COCK' right on it," she said in a high pitched voice, squealing at his discomfort. "It's kinda pretty don't you think, Tom?" "Sue, quiet down, everybody can hear you," he whispered. "But Tom, Bill likes my while little cunt and you wanted me to his little white cockslut, remember!" Sue was laughing as she continued to speak loudly. Before Tom could say another word, the door to Bill's office and he stepped out. "Sue, Tom, both of you come to my office. I want to talk to both of you." It wasn't what Sue expected, but she felt safe and confident all of a sudden. Her hips swayed like a hooker on the prowl looking to find her next john as she walked toward the big, black man with her husband following sheepishly behind her, his head down avoiding the stares of the other workers that had gathered in the large reception area. They entered the office and Bill called out to Amy not to put any calls through as he closed the door and followed them in. Inside the huge office, Bill looked at Tom. "You know, Tom, I gotta tell you thanks for letting me use your wife the way you have." Tom stood quietly. "I mean it, Tom," Bill continued. "I was getting tired of running to your home so often to have her suck my black cock or let me fuck that tight little ass, but I got to thinking, maybe she could be my permisteral secretary. Second income wouldn't hurt you any, would it?" "Bill, I don't know that it would be a good idea..." "No, Tom, you don't know," Bill interrupted him. "That's your problem, you don't know nothing. You got this good-looking woman here and what, when's the last time you fucked your wife, Tom?" Bill howled with laughter as he looked at Tom cowering in front of the man that held his future in his hands. "Bill, we had a deal, she shouldn't be here, not like this," Tom replied, a hint of exasperation in his voice. "Listen Tom, first, that's not your decision and second, we have a lot of black entertainers that come in and out here. Your wife here loves black cock and she'd be great asset for us," he said, his voice sounding threatening to Tom now. "Yeah, but..." "No, watch, just watch you little wifey!" Bill retorted as he unfastened his belt and looked over at Sue. She immediately dropped to her knees helping him with his belt and unzipped his pants for him. Pulling them open, she looked up at her husband as she fished the big black cock out of Bill's pants. Looking at the hardening cock, she glanced back toward her husband and licked her lips before turning her attention back to the cock pointed directly at her face. She still didn't want to do it, but knew she would have to regardless, so she would at least act, in front of her husband, like she enjoyed it. 