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les histoires de chrislebo

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Ecole de Dressage

Lila James comptait bien dire au petit ami de sa fille ce qu'elle pensait de lui. L'homme enseignait à une école d'élevage canin assez tard au centre communautaire local, et cela, pensât-elle, était un aussi bon endroit pour discuter que n'importe où.Mark Jessup ne prononçât pas un mot lorsqu'il vit la marâtre entrer. Il lui indiquât juste qu'ils pourraient parler lorsqu'il aura finit et continuât mister cours, avant de guider Lila jusqu'a mister bureau. "Puis-je vous offrir une tasse de café?" Demandât-il, cherchant à paraître magnanime.

"Bien sur, pourquoi pas." Répondit elle, patientant jusqu'à ce que la tasse soit dans ses mains.

Lila bue une petite gorgée de la tasse. "Je suis venue te demander de rester loin de ma fille," commençât la femme. "Tu n'est pas mister type, elle mérite mieux que ça. Je sais qu'elle t'apprécie, et je sais qu'il en va de même pour toi, mais je sais que tu la quitteras. Les gars dans ton genre le font toujours, et je ne veut pas voire ma fille anéantie." Mark Jessup se contentât de rester assis et écouter la vieille bique. Il avait déjà entendu de tels mots de sa part auparavant, cependant bien moins qu'il en était le cas à présent, et à vrai dire, d'après ce que Kaylee lui avait dit, il l'avait plutôt prévue de la part de sa mère. Eventuellement, elle s'essoufflât. "Et bien, j'ai dit tout ce que j'avais à dire, je vais donc y aller. Mais j'insiste. Reste loin de ma fille." Le jeune homme sourit doucement.

"Je ne pense pas que vous aller quelque part, Mme James, au moins pas avant de vous être assise et d'avoir écoutée ce que j'ai à dire."

Lila s'était déjà relevée, mais elle se rassit à nouveau, et Mark sourit. Le calmant faisait effet. Il le gardait pour les chiens à problèmes. C'était un sédatif puissant, mais il avait aussi ses effets sur le mental. Il n'était pas sur que cela fonctionnait sur les humains, mais il ne tarderait pas à le découvrir.

"Tu n'est qu'une vielle garce inutile," Commençât-il. "Permisterne ne t'aime. Tu intimide et effraie la plupart des gens et tu aimes tyranniser. Ces soi-disant permisternes que tu appelles amie ne mistert en faite que des gens qui ne peuvent se défaire de ton influence, et ce qu'ils mistert réellement, c'est effrayé. Ta propre fille ne t'aime pas non plus. Tu es une ville chienne manipulatrice qui cherche à contrôler toute sa vie. Tu tentes de lui dire quoi faire et penser, et lorsqu'elle ne le fait pas, tu la sermonnes. Ton mari ne pouvait plus supporter tes attitudes hautaines, c'est ainsi qu'il est parti. Je vais le redire, Mme James Permisterne ne vous aime."

L'home continuât a frapper la pauvre dame de ses mots. Si elle avait été elle-même, elle aurait répliquée depuis longtemps, mais à présent, elle restât immobile et encaissait ce que Jessup lui disait. Etait-ce une larme, pensât-il, en continuât de la rabaisser. C'était effectivement une larme, et cela ne fit que le rendre plus agressif encore.

"Permisterne ne t'aime." Répétât-il, "Mais je vais t'aider. Je vais te contrôler. Il n'y a guère de différences entre les chiennes récupérées ici et celle qui est devant moi. Elles veulent toutes de l'attention et si on le leur donne, alors on peut en faire ce que l'on veut. Tu as besoin que je te contrôle parce que si je le fait, cela signifie qu'il y a au moins une permisterne qui te porte de l'attention. Comprend-tu?"

Lila James se contentât de hocher la tête, engourdie.

"Ouais." Reprit-il. "Tu n'est une vieille chienne inutile. Permisterne ne t'aime et c'est la vérité. A présent, ne serais-ce pas l'heure de commencer ta formation?"

A nouveau, Lila James acquiesçât. Elle n'arrivait à croire que cela lui arrivait vraiment.

"C'est bien," Dit-il en se levant de sa chaise et s'approchât de mister bureau. "Tu est une bonne, petite chienne, n'est ce pas?" il tapotât la tête de la femme. "Tu est une bonne fi-fille." Déclarât-il. "Oui, tu l'est. Tu est une bonne fille n'est ce pas... Une bonne fille..."

Lila restât immobile alors qu'il continuait de tapoter le haut de mister crane. Elle voulut résister mais savait qu'elle ne pouvait pas.

Mark Jessup lui sourit. "Oui, c'est une bonne, très bonne fille. Maintenant, il est temps de te dresser, n'est ce pas?" Il tapotât a nouveau sa tête. "Ouais, tu est une bonne, une bonne fille."

Lila ne pouvait s'en empêcher. Elle était immobile alors que le petit ami de sa fille commençait a déplacer ses mains sur mister corps. Il lui défaisait ses vêtements et la mère ne pouvait rien y faire. Elle ne pouvait que laisser l'homme continuer.

Il la laissât en sous-vêtements, passant sa main dans le dos de Lila, continuant de lui dire a quel point elle était une bonne fille, alors que sa main défit l'agrafe de mister soutien-gorge, et le lui retirât.

Puis Lila sentit le jeune homme passer un collier de chien en cuir par dessus sa tête jusqu'à mister cou. Elle pouvait sentir le métal froid contre sa peau, avant de sentir l'homme serrer fermement le collier. Elle le sentit alors attacher une laisse au collier. Puis il tirât sur la laisse.

"Debout" Ordonnât-il, et lorsque Lila fut trop longue à obtempérer, il donnât au collier un coup plus ferme.

Presque contre sa volonté, Lila se retrouvât sur ses jambes.

"C'est une bonne fille sa." Remarquât-il, et lorsque Lila sentit la main de l'homme glisser sa culotte le long de ses jambes, jusqu'a ce qu'elle soit totalement nue. Elle ne pouvait le croire. Elle était nue, et étrangement, au fond d'elle, elle savait qu'elle aimait cela.

Lila James pouvait sentir les mains du jeune homme sur mister corps, alors qu'il continuait inlassablement de lui rie combien elle était une bonne fille.

"Assis" Ordonnât-il ensuite, et lorsqu'elle mis trop de temps a obéir, elle sentit l'homme pousser sa tête vers le bas et sentit mister corps glisser sur la chaise.

"Debout" Dit il encore, et encore, Lila fut propulsée sur ses pieds par le collier.

"Assis" Dit il alors, et a nouveau, Lila repris sa place dans le siège. Sursautant, la pauvre a me réalisât qu'elle réagissait vraiment à ce dressage. Lorsque le petit ami de sa fille lui ordonnât de se lever a nouveau, elle le fit, et lorsqu'il lui répétât "assis", elle le fit, également. Elle réalisât qu'il était de plus en plus improbable qu'elle puisse jamais lui résister.

"Assis" Dit il, et a nouveau elle fut assise face à ce démon, sauf que cette fois, elle se retrouvât devant le sexe du garçon. Elle se demandât a quel moment il l'avait sortit.

"Ouvre la bouche" Ordonnât il, et a nouveau, laquelle mis trop de temps a se conformer à ses exigences, Mark tirât sur mister collier, et presque instinctivement, elle ouvrit la bouche.

Lila haletât lorsqu'elle sa bouche pris le phallus, puis lorsque cette dernière partit s'enfoncer profondément dans sa bouche. Se fut plus fort qu'elle, et en plus, cette queue était bonne.

Lila James se contentât de sucer ce membre rigide alors qu'elle avait toujours cru que c'était répugnant, mais plus elle le faisait, plus elle voulait continuer. Elle réalisât soudainement qu'il était prêt a jouir, et que lorsqu'il le ferait, il se rependrait dans sa bouche, et pourtant, pourtant... Elle ne pouvait rien y faire. Elle continuât de rester assise et de faire aller et venir sa bouche sur ce bâton de chair.

Mark Jessup le savait également. 'C'est une bonne fille." Dit il a Lila. "C'est vrai, tu est une bonne, bonne fille. Continue simplement de me sucer ainsi."

Lila obéit servilement. Elle savait que c'était alors inévitable, et incroyablement, elle attendait avec impatience. Elle voulut que cet homme jouisse. Elle le voulait en bouche.

"Bonne fille." redit Jessup, et au fond d'elle, elle le cru. Elle n'avait jamais sucer un homme auparavant, mais elle était heureuse de sucer celui-ci. Elle était contrôlée et d'une certaine façon, cela semblait correct pour elle.

"Il est temps de continuer ton dressage n'est il pas?" Lila ne put se powerr à s'offenser.

"Je pense qu'il est temps que tu apprenne à te tenir debout." Lui annonçât-il.

Etranger, pensât-elle, n'avait-ils pas déjà maitrisé cela. Elle découvrit rapidement que ce que Mark avait en tête était largement différent. Cette fois, lorsqu'il lui donnât l'ordre d'être "Debout", il voulait que Lila se mette à quatre pattes, et qu'elle le reste jusqu'a ce qu'il la libère.

Elle résistât encore un peu au début, mais quelques coups sur la laisse la convaincu qu'il était mieux de faire ce qu'il voulait, et rapidement, elle fut dressée à se mettre a quatre pattes à mister ordre.

Lila se tenait sur ses genoux et ses mains sur le sol tandis que Mark lui tournait autour. Elle pouvait le sentir l'inspecter, et elle savait qu'elle aurait du s'offusquer, mais elle en était incapable. Ce qu'elle voulait c'était mister approbation. Elle faisait de la gymnastique trois fois par semaine et pensait mister corps en bon état, mais elle voulait vraiment mister approbation.

L'homme tapotât a nouveau la pauvre femme sur les cheveux. "Tu est une bonne fille," La complimentât-il. "Tu te tiens vraiment bien."

Lila aurait remuée la queue si elle en avait une, mais comme ce n'était pas le cas, elle le laissât l'observer sans rien dire Après tout, il ne l'avait pas autorisée à bouger.

Elle sentit alors sa main glisser sur mister corps. Sa paume fit mister chemin jusqu'au dos de Lila puis sur ses fesses Elle le sentit les presser puis glisser entre elles, et elle sut que cela ne devrait pas arriver.

"Bouge plus." Ordonnât Mark lorsque le corps de Lila commençait à se tendre, et il dut redonner l'ordre. Lentement, mister corps finit de trembler et s'immobilisât. Elle le laisserait faire tout ce qu'il voudrait.

"Bonne fille," Dit il avec délice. "Sa, c'est une très bonne fi-fille..." Et Lila rougit alors que la main recommençât a la caresser possessive ment.

Mais alors sa main commençât à glisser entre ses jambes, et l'instinct de Lila s'alarmât, lui disant de fuir à toute jambe, mais c'était avant d'entendre Mark lui ordonner a nouveau de ne plus bouger. Dès qu'elle l'entendit, ses instinct de survie disparurent peu a peu. Elle aller rester la où elle était, et si Mark voulait toucher mister minou, cela devait lui convenir.

Elle sentait un doigt glisser entre ses cuisses puis il le pressât contre sa chatte. Elle soupirât un peu lorsqu'elle le sentit aux porte de sa féminité, mais elle savait ce qu'elle devait faire, et restât docilement immobile même après qu'il eu glissé mister doigt en elle.

Lila James se mit à gémir alors que le doigt de Mark misterdait sa chatte, mais elle restait la où elle était comme il l'avait dressée.

"Tu est une bonne fille" Redit il alors. "Et tu à une chatte si belle et humide. Maintenant tu vas rester la ou tu est. Bouge pas."

Lila gémit faiblement. Instinctivement, elle savait ce qui allait arriver, mais elle fut tout de même surprise lorsqu'elle le sentit la chevaucher par derrière.

Ses gémissements se firent plus intense lorsqu'elle sentit le petit ami de sa fille pénétrer sa chatte, et encore plus pendant qu'il allait plus profondément en elle. Elle ne devait laisser cela se faire, se dit elle a nouveau, et pourtant, elle se sentait forcée de rester la ou elle était. L'homme commençât à aller et venir en elle.

"Ohhh..." Elle aimait cette grosse queue et se mit a gémir a tout vas. Elle resterait. Elle aller le laisser la prendre comme une femelle en chaleur.

Lila sentit les mains de Mark sur ses hanches alors qu'il misterdait sa chatte avec mister membre. Elle haletait vivement en le sentant aller et venir en elle, puis elle le sentit. Le plaisir grandissait en elle. Non, se dit elle, cela ne doit pas m'arriver. Elle était incapable de résister cependant. Cette bite continuait de la baiser et elle ne faisait rien pour l'en empêchera, et le laissât la prendre.

Lila se mis a grogner. Il ne pouvait y avoir de doute sur ce qui arrivait en elle. Elle allait jouir. Elle allait jouir si fort, et elle ne pouvait rien faire contre.

Lila haletât intensément lorsque sa chatte ruisselante succombât à mister membre dominant. Le garçon se mit profondément en elle et y restât, alors que sa chatte l'enserrait doucement. "Tu est une bonne fi-fille." Dit il alors qu'elle continuait a jouir. "Une très bonne fi-fille."


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"Tu as une bonne petite chatte" Lui dit il alors, et cela fit plaisir a Lila. Elle avait besoin de mister respect, de mister avis.

Mark sortit de sa chatte et sourit méchamment. "A présent, on va te dresser pour autre chose. Tu vas apprendre à te coucher."

Lila ne savait ce qu'il entendait par la.

"Couchée." Dit il, et cette fois, il posât sa main sur le bas du dos de Lila. "Couchée." répétât il, et cette fois, ses jambes cédèrent lentement sous elle jusqu'a ce que mister corps glisse au sol.

"C'est une bonne fille. " Lui dit il encore en caressant ses fesses. "Tu est une très bonne fille."

Lila se tenait à plat ventre contre le sol et il se pressât contre elle. Elle le sentit écarter ses jambes et pousser sa queue entre ses fesses. Il était sur le point de la baiser a nouveau. Elle gémit d'envie.

Elle avait raimister. Sa queue glissât entre ses jambes et il la pénétra à nouveau. Elle rallât de plaisir tandis que sa virilité passât entre ses lèvres puis en elle. Elle geignant doucement. Elle adorait déjà la sensation de cette bite en elle.

Il continuant à aller et venir en elle et elle adorait cela. Elle voulait lui plaire, elle avait besoin de lui plaire. Elle gémit encore et encore. C'était si bon. Elle le voulait, elle en avait besoin.

Elle sentit alors mister corps bouger sur les siens et enfoncer mister marteau plus profondément encore. Elle aimait cette bite. Elle avait besoin de mister sexe.

Une douce chaleur repris possession de mister corps et sa petite chatte serrât le gros membre pendant qu'elle eut un nouvel orgasme. Elle n'arrivait pas a croire qu'un homme puisse la faire jouir ainsi, mais elle en avait tellement besoin.

Mark se retirât a nouveau de sa chatte accueillante. "Je pense qu'il est temps d'une nouvelle commande. N'est ce pas?"

Lila se contentât de rester sur le ventre, laissant le dernier instant de mister orgasme faire trembler mister entrejambe. Elle essayera tout ce qu'il voudrait. Elle obéirait.

"Essayons celle-ci. Roule."

Lila grognât avant de lui obéir. Elle roulât sur elle-même et levât les yeux vers lui. Elle regardait Mark et mister gros, grand pénis et soudainement, Lila savait ce qu'il allait faire.

Pour la troisième fois, Mark glissât entre ses jambes et commençât à la posséder avec power. Cet homme ne s'arrêtait donc jamais? Elle espérât alors qu'il ne le ferait jamais. Elle aimait trop mister membre pour cela.

Mark s'occupât de mister entrejambe asservi, allant aussi loin qu'il le pouvait alors qu'elle était pantelante de désir.

"Ouais, tu aime sa. " Se moquât-il, en sortant mister sexe rigide. "Et bien, je suis sur que tu vas adorer sa." Dit il au même moment ou mister sexe s'enfonçât puissamment, rapidement au fond de sa cave inondée

Lila criait pendant que mister minou se soumettait à mister engin. Elle voulait plus encore. Tellement plus.

Mark allait et venait puissamment en elle alors qu'elle restait pantelante, soumise à un plaisir intense. La regardant, il dit "Parle."

Ce ne fut qu'a cet instant qu'elle réalisât qu'elle n'avait dit un mot. Il la manipulait. Comment pouvait il lui faire cela. Elle levât les yeux vers lui. "Pourquoi tu me fait sa?" Demandât-elle

Mark sourît "Pourquoi? Parce que je le veux. Parce que je veux et que je le peux. Et parce que tu aime sa, toi aussi."

"C'est faux..." Gémit elle.

Son sourire s'élargit. "Si, tu aime. Et si tu veux, je peut le prouver."

Elle le regardât dans les yeux alors qu'il restait immobile en elle.

"Implore." Ordonnât-il

Pour un moment, elle se demandât si elle avait bien compris, puis s'aperçut que oui, et sut ce qu'elle devait dire.

"Faites-le." demandât-elle. "Prenez moi. Baisez moi."

Ses gémissements empliront la pièce lorsqu'il recommençât à la baiser avec puissance. "C'est une bonne fille sa. Implore." Ordonnât il ensuite.

"Hohe..." Elle en avait tellement envie. "Pitié, baisez-moi avec Votre grosse bite..."

"C'est une bonne fi-fille." L'encourageât il, continuant à la besogner. "Mais t'arrête pas. Continue. Implore."

Grognant de désespoir, elle se mit à supplier encore et encore, implorant le petit ami de sa fille de la faire jouir, de se rependre dans sa chatte. Elle le voulait vraiment. Elle voulait qu'il jouisse en elle, et savait que si il continuait encore un peu, il le ferait, il lui donnerait ce dont elle avait tant besoin.

L'homme était proche, si proche, et une femme entrât dans mister bureau. "Mark," Criât-elle. "Que fait tu?!" Puis elle vit la femme sous mister petit ami. "Maman! C'est toi?!"

Lila ne pouvait se Controller. Elle savait que sa fille regardait. Mais c'était plus fort qu'elle. Elle continuât. "Baisez moi... Prenez-moi..."

Mark ne s'arrêtât donc pas de défoncer sa chatte et elle n'arrêtait pas de le supplier et de gémir de bonheur. Elle le voulait. Vraiment.

Il poussât sa queue dans la chatte affamée de Lila et elle grognât de plaisir, sentant mister sexe se déverser en elle. Elle savait très bien qu'elle ne devrait pas, mais elle le voulait. Elle aimait le sentir jouir en elle, elle aimait le sentir la remplir de sa semence fertile.

Et puis, tout en jouissant en elle, Lila entendit l'homme lui donner un autre ordre. "Jouie." Elle sentit alors sa chatte se presser fortement contre cet imposant pénis, et avant qu'il ne finisse de se rependre, elle sentit sa chatte se détremper et jouir a nouveau.

Lila James était extrêmement gênée. Comment pouvais elle avoir laissée sa fille la surprendre ainsi? Elle voulait lui dire quelque chose, mais il n'y avait rien à dire.

Mark Jessup laissant la femme jouir fortement puis poussât mister sexe en elle pour attirer mister attention.

Lila James gémit lorsqu'elle sentit à nouveau cette queue dans sa chatte. Oh ça alors, pensât-elle, c'était si bon.

L'homme regardât la jeune femme toujours dans l'encadrement de la porte. "Au pied." Lui dit il.

Lila James relevât les yeux de stupéfaction alors que sa fille entrât dans la pièce, puis s'approchât respectueusement de mister petit ami.

"C'est une bonne fille," Lui dit mister petit ami avant de pointer l'index à côté de Lila. "Couchée." Ordonnât-il.

Lila regardât alors sa fille commencer à retirer doucement ses habits, puis elle commençât à réagir plus vivement. Sa propre fille se fut bientôt dévêtît de ses vêtements, puis, sa mère regardant, la jeune fille retirât ses sous-vêtements, pour enfin être complètement nue, se couchant à côté de Lila et écartât les jambes.

"C'est une bonne fille," Répétât Mark à l'adresse de la fille de Lila. "C'est une très bonne fi-fille. Maintenant, implore."

"S'il Vous plait," Suppliât-elle." S'il Vous plait baisez-moi avec Votre grosse longue queue."

Lila regardât bouche bée sa fille, puis le regard de marque se tourner vers elle. "C'est ton tour. Implore."

"S'il Vous plait," Geignant la femme, "Baisez-moi à sa place."

"C'est une bonne fille," Dit Mark, "Voila deux très gentille petite chiennes."

Et ce fut tout ce qu'elle serait depuis lors, réalisât Lila. Elle et sa fille n'étaient à présent que deux chiennes en chaleur, bonnes qu'a supplier d'être baisée, et c'était tout se qu'elle seraient dès lors...

Et ce fut dès lors tout ce qu'elles furent, deux chiennes en chaleur, bonnes a supplier pour être baisée...



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Primister Cuckold

The primister bars that separated Jeff from the outside world were very real, even as surreal as the situation commanded itself to be. Jeff's eyes started to tear. ---- But let's back this story up.

They say that primisterers are the product of their environment, as was Jeff. He had never suffered any consequences for his actions. He never had to work a day of his life, due to funding from his family fortune and "trust-funds" that he never earned. He was a dirtball of a husband, to his wife Kim whom he mainly married for one of his trust-funds. He was a cuckolds browniety mister to his parents who he had stolen from and lied to numerous times. To total strangers, he was just a prick that alienated anyone and everyone.

From old southern money, and proud of it Jeff became a permister who took things and people for granted. Most people who met him would regard him as "self-entitled" and "pretentious". However, a quality that set him apart from most of his social group was what they called his "Napoleon Complex" or "Little Man Syndrome".

In fact, Jeff was a little 31 year old man with shaved head. He stood only about 5'4 and weighed about 120lbs. His arms and wrists were small, as were his little chicken-legs. Even his wife Kim use to call him "bird-chest" teasingly, which would fuel Jeff's complex.

However, Kim was in love with Jeff because he did what he wanted, when he wanted; he said what he wanted, when he wanted; and usually got what he wanted when he wanted. She thought he was a genuine "bad-ass"; and also she knew he would do anything for her and she could easily manipulate him to do so.

However, nobody understood the relationship due to Kim's mere beauty. She had dark raven hair, olive skin, succulent lips, seductive green eyes and the perfect white smile to match. She was about 5'7, and would tower over Jeff when should would wear high-heels. She worked out constantly, leaving her thighs and ass voluptuous and a flat and tight tummy. However, the first thing from far men noticed was her large DD tits, that were always on display somehow. She didn't need a push-up bra, being only 22 years old. The only man to ever see them were her husband Jeff. He wasn't fond of her medium-sized nipples who preferred tinier-nipples.

The most common thing that Kim hears is that she looks like a younger Megan Fox/Sofia Vergara-porn-star version due to her physique. For some reamister, they always say she looks like the porn-star version.


Jeff sat there silently crying in the dark, sharing the cell with three other inmates. Due to the recession, primisterers were being powerd to have 4 inmates to a cell. The cell had three bunks (usually only two could fit, but they manage to fit three, making it tight for all primisterers. One permister would be relaxing on a cot.

The situation of having to share the cell with three violent men was horrifying to Jeff in itself, not to mention that they were black. But there was a large lists of fears on his mind. The other thought was how the Judge would react to his inappropriate behavior in the court room. While at court, Jeff was throwing his family name around under the assumption that would mean something and yelling at the judge to "Go back to Africa to be with your coon-nigger brothers and sisters!" after hearing the verdict of guilty (identity theft of his own parents). The next fear was using Kim as an accomplice... he loved Kim, and he couldn't bear anything to happen to her. He wondered where she would go, after the local women's correctional facility had been shut down. The pain he had felt, not seeing her for the past few months and psychological and physical use he had been put through while in primister was exhausting. He fell arelax.


"Wake up, bitch... I want to relax up here.", a low tone came from aside the bunk. Jeff woke up, dazily looking over up at his inmate Travis. Jeff, acted as though he didn't hear him. *Smack* "Get the fuck out the bed, cracka'". Travis used his large hand to grab Jeff's tine wrist to pull his small frame off the body. Travis, 6'5 and 245lbs of pure muscle was a reamister not to make a fuss about it. Marcus, another large man at 6'2 and 205lbs was standing there watching the situation unfold, as he laid stood laying against the three bunk beds.

Marcus spoke, "You're gonna' be relaxing in the middle bunk, foo. Travis is too big to relax in the middle, and smashes me. So, you should be a buffer between us." Marcus nodded, as Travis laid where Jeff was relaxing.

Timmy, also known as "Tiny Tim" giggled as he was laying on the cot, which he preferred. Timmy spoke in a higher pitched tone, "Your bed just got jacked, homey." Timmy was about 5'7 and 160lbs, but was wiry and athletic and use to box for a few years winning the Golden Gloves.

Jeff laid down in the middle bunk, with Travis laying on the top. The bed caved in from above, which would barely allow Jeff to turn over. From then on, Jeff slept in the middle bunk, because he soon realized he was the lowest on the food-chain. It was a humbling experience, but probably some survival mechanism going off in his brain. His little body was a threat to probably only 3%, and out of them, half are over the age of 60 years old. The only reamister he wasn't a bitch, was because Travis, Marcus and Timmy hadn't let it happen.

Another week went by and soon Jeff was having to give up things to his cell mates. Marcus liked cigarettes and Timmy got his dessert during meals. But Travis got something that Jeff really hated giving up, and that was the letters that Kim would write. In fact, she even would include very graphic photos of herself nude in different outfits. Travis started to steal photos from Jeff and when Jeff asked for them back, he told him to get more from her. Soon, Travis would just make Jeff write back to his wife to have her send more pictures and more graphic photos. Travis accrued many photos that Marcus and Tim would use. In fact, they would use them as currency in the primister. It was estimated that about 10% of the primisterers were jacking off to Jeff's wife.

One day, Travis walked up to Jeff with a big grin on his face. "Hey, boy, I've been keeping this letter a secret from ya... decided it was a good time to give it to ya." He tossed the envelope at Jeff, which hit him in the forehead. Jeff picked up the envelope and took out the letter.

"Dear Jeff,

I don't have much to say. I guess that little stunt you pulled in the court room, and our current economy is powering us to rot in hell together. Don't tell me how this is even legal, but our lawyer is on it. Jeff... I am scared. I am scared of primister and what is going to happen. The judge said that he was going to have us bunk together. I don't think I'll be the only woman coming there... they have a few other buses. But the judge is allowing me to punk with you and your cell-mates, thanks to Travis. Anyway, I will be seeing you soon... hopefully this will all be resolved soon. Tell Travis thank you.

Love Kim."

Jeff lost his breath. His eyes couldn't focus, the letter dropping. "What-----did----you----do?" Jeff sat down on Timmy's cot.

Travis stepped right in front of Jeff's sitting body. He stepped a bit closer so that he was standing over him and crossed his arms, looking down at him with his chin up a bit. "I got connections in this place, boy. I know what happens and when it happens. The fact is... Kim is the only woman comin' here. Looks like my uncle... who you might know as "Judge Coon Nigger" is teaching you a lesmister."

Jeff then looked down at the date of the letter, which was about a month ago. Jeff lost consciousness.

He later woke up, jumping in his relax, to the sound of something clicking against the ground. Travis must have placed him in the middle bunk. His nose hit the bottom of the mattress that caved in on him every night because of Travis and his large frame.

The bars open, and a primisterer was thrown in, there was the sound of clicking as she entered. Sounded like high heels. Jeff looked over... he was frozen; it was Kim.

Kim stood there in the pair of clear plastic heels, a pair of daisy dukes that were ripped through the back pocket to expose nearly half of her ass, and a tight white wifebeaters, that didn't cover her flat stomach due to her massive DD tits. Her dark hair covered her scared face, as she covered her unprotected body.

Jeff slid out the bed, slowly, and was noticed by Kim who was looking around the cell. His finger slid to his lips and she nodded. Jeff crept slowly towards his wife, and was going to manage to slip her back to his bunk. He was so happy to see her. She looked so fucking hot too. Jeff knew he was going to try and fuck her as soon as possible, he need to release some tension, and she looked like she could do it. Jeff hadn't had sex for a long time and needed to be consoled physically by a woman. The sound of Kim's heels woke up Marcus.

"Hey. What the fuck is goin' on?" Marcus rolled over, looking at Jeff quickly and then rudely staring at Kim.

Jeff was frozen. Here he was, with his wife who he has been waiting to fuck for months, looking like a stripper or a prostitute and a large naked man who has pent up regression and tension between his legs.

"This is my wife, Marcus." Jeff spoke softly. Marcus motioned Jeff over, in which he obliged and kneeled down to the bottom bunk. "Why is she here, Jeff?"

"Because she was an accomplice... this whole mess is going to get fixed... just for the time being... she will be here, I guess. I'm talking to my lawyer as soon as possible. Didn't Travis tell you?"

"That nigga' Travis was serious?" Travis then looked over to Kim. His eyes made him look like a wolf as he stared at Kim, making it obvious that he had ill intentions towards his wife. Jeff's heart began to pump. Travis spoke up, "Alright then, I want to meet her have her meet me."

Jeff waved over to knee next to him. She got on her knees and leaned against Marcus' bunk. Her leaning over caused her cleavage to practically to spill out of her top. "So you're Kim?" Marcus spoke matter-of-factly. "Sexier than your pictures..." Kim looked at Jeff, obviously angry but speechless.

"Well check it out, Jeff. I'm gon' be real honest with ya'... your wife is about to suck my cock, because it hasn't been sucked for a long time. And since Travis decided to keep this a secret, I think I get something." That was Marcus. Always finding a way to get a hustle. "Early bird catch the worm!"

This was the pivotal moment. The covers were thrown back along with the musk of a bull and its powerful member, and a large naked man laid before them. His muscular body proving to be barely enough room for him on the bed. Marcus' obvious endowment was limp, but had surpassed Jeff's thin 4 1/2" cock. Both Kim and Jeff were mesmerized for a brief second. Jeff had never see any of his cell-mate's cocks before. Jeff became instantly sick to his stomach.

"Well..." Marcus looked at Kim impatiently. His hand gripping at her hand and powering her dainty fingers around the base of his fat cock.

"No!" Kim squealed as softly as she could. She attempted to pull away, but Marcus overpowered her easily. "Stroke and suck, bitch."

Kim looked over at Jeff, "Aren't you going to do something?" She whispered.

Jeff tried to refocus, and looked down at Marcus, who was powering his wife to stroke his cock to rock hard. Marcus grinned, and used his other hand to open palm slap Jeff, "Don't say a word, bitch, or you'll wake up Travis and Timmy and you don't want none'a dat."

Jeff was stunned for a second. Then gently tried to pry his wife fingers off of his cock.

Kim became impatient with Jeff's unassertive attempt to get her hand off a stranger's hard cock. A very large hard cock at that. The thing was about 8" inches long, with a very large purple mushroom head. The veins that pulsated through his cock made her hands melt as she began becoming wet through her shorts.

Marcus gripped at Jeff's wrist and managed pulled him away from his wife's hand, pinning it behind his back. Kim noticed how easily her husband had been pinned into presentation by this large man, who's large cock she was now stroking without being powerd to.

She even used her opposite had to stroke at the tip as she stroked at the base. Marcus groaned a bit, as the sound of pre-cum and her jacking his cock off could be heard.

Jeff didn't know what was going on... how this happened so fast and what to do. He didn't want to wake everyone up... what would happen then? He attempted to get out of the presentation hold.

Marcus spoke up loud, "Bitch.. .I'll break your arm. Settle down for a minute... enjoy the show."


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"Oh, I bought them a couple of days ago" she replied breezily. "I got them for you honey" she said innocently, "but I wanted to try them on tonight."

That made a lot of sense, I thought to myself. After she put on her makeup and arranged her hair carefully, she gave me a peck on the cheek and waltzed out the door, looking like she was ready for a hot date. I lay around watching TV while she was gone. 12 o'clock came and went with no sign of her. I was dosing lightly when the telephone rang. I looked at the clock; it was 1 in the morning. I answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Shut up and just listen, cuckold" the voice on the phone said abruptly.

I recognized Jack's voice. There was silence for a few seconds, then I heard voices and laughing getting closer. I thought I heard the sound of kissing and giggling.

"Oh Jack, you've been teasing me all night. I'm so horny."

It was the voice of Angela!

"What's the matter, honey? Doesn't your hubby take care of you?" It was Jack teasing her.

"Are you kidding?" she laughed incredulously. "His dick is so small I can hardly feel it! I need a big dick like yours lover." Then I heard the unmistakable sound of a belt being unbuckled and a zipper being pulled down.

"Take off your clothes, Angela. I want you naked when you suck me" Jack commanded her. I heard the sound of more clothes being taken off and falling to the floor, along with kisses.

"Oh yes Jack, suck my breasts. God that feels so good." She continued moaning, and after a minute I heard her say, "I want to suck on your dick" It sounded like they laid down on the bed, and then I heard her slobbering over his cock like a cheap whore, telling him how your cock is so big and delicious and so on. I was sick with offense, but I listened in silence to the sounds of my wife sucking off my worst enemy.

"That's a good little cocksucker," Jack said. "Are you my cocksucker, little girl?" Jack asked her.

Between mouthfuls of his giant cock, she mumred, "yes Jack, yes, I'll be anything you want."

"Are you going to be my slut?" he continued to humiliate her.

"Yes, oh yes. I'll be your slut," she answered. I couldn't believe that my sophisticated wife was being so submissive, letting him debase her like some cheap whore.

"Are you going to be my sex slave, and let me take you anytime and anywhere I want?" he continued to tease her.

"Yes Jack," she answered passionately. "I want to be your sex slave, your cocksucking slut. Just let me suck your big cock."

For a few minutes, the only sound was the sound of my wife's mouth on Jack's cock.

"OK slut," Jack proclaimed. "Here comes your reward. Are you ready to take my come?"

Her only reply was "mmmph ummm hummn" because her mouth was obviously full.

Jack let loose a yell, and said, "Oh yes, suck it, you little slut, take it all down." With disgust I could imagine my wife sucking down his come.

"Keep sucking little girl," he ordered her. "Get me hard again." Apparently she kept sucking as I continued to hear the sounds of her blowing him.

After a minute, my wife said in amazement, "Oh my god! You're hard again already!"

I heard them rearranging themselves on the bed, and then my wife begged him to fuck her. "Fuck me Jack. Fuck me now. Yes, oh yes. That's it. That's just what I want." He apparently complied, because then I heard the bedsprings setting up a steady constant motion, the sounds of my wife getting pounded by that asshole Jack! She continued to talk dirty to him, begging him and so on. He responded by calling her "a good little slut."

The rhythm increased, and then my wife yelled "Oh, Oh, Jack, Yes I'm cummminngg! Don't stop. Fuck me. OHHHHH yes. It's so good Jack." She was obviously getting off on his big dick.

After they both finished coming, I heard someone get up. "I'm going to the little girl's room. I'll be right back Jack. I want to fuck you all night long."

Then Jack picked up the phone and said to me, "Are you satisfied now cuckold?" He put down the phone, but he didn't hang up. I wanted to hang up, but somehow I couldn't stop listening.

Angela came back in, and I could hear them kissing each other noisily.

"I just had a funny idea Angela" Jack said with a laugh.

"Tell me lover" she replied.

He chuckled softly for a few seconds, and then he said, "when you get home to your cuckold husband, why don't you let him eat you out and he can clean up all our come!"

Angela exploded into laughter. "That's so perfect! That's just what I'm going to do. He's such a little perv that he'll probably enjoy it. But first you have to fill me up again with some more of your come. I want little hubby to get his face covered with your jism when he goes to eat me. What a surprise he'll get!"

They continued fucking for a couple of hours, as I listened helplessly. Somehow I was fascinated. About 4 in the morning, Angela finally left Jack's house, and I hung up the phone. A few minutes later, I heard Angela pull up in her car. I turned off the lights and pretended to be arelax.

She came into the bedroom and got undressed for bed. She had taken now to relaxing nude every night. She crawled into bed and when I tried to kiss her and touch her breasts, she took my head roughly and pushed me down to her pussy, powering me to lick her. I couldn't believe what a sloppy mess her cunt was! I got a faceful of come, a combination of her juices and a man's cream, but I licked eagerly, even knowing that I was eating the jism of the man who had cuckolded me. Her pussy was all stretched out from fucking such a huge cock all night.

She locked her warm thighs around my head so I couldn't escape even if I wanted to, and she moaned with pleasure. After a few minutes, she came with a passionate groan, and her pussy squeezed out even more come all over my face. It was the first orgasm I had ever given her. Jack had definitely cured her of her frigidity.

I continued sucking her and after half-an-hour, she came again. Finally I cleaned all the come out her used pussy. After she had used me to clean her cunt, she pushed me aside impatiently and turned over. I was so horny now that my balls ached. I tried to turn her over and mount her, but she pushed me aside angrily, and went to relax. I had to go to the bathroom to jerk off.

A few days later, at the locker room again, Jack told everybody what a cocksucking slut my wife was, and then he demanded his money.

"I have no proof that you fucked my wife," I said defiantly.

"What?!" he said incredulously. "But you heard it with your own ears over the phone in my bedroom." He explained to the guys in the locker room how he had called me, and then left the phone off the hook so I could hear them fucking.

"I heard you fucking someone, but it wasn't my wife. It was probably some whore you picked up off the street." For some reamister, I felt compelled to lie shamelessly. I couldn't stand the idea of Jack getting over on me.

"Well, where was your wife while you listening on the phone?" Jack asked.

"She was out with some girlfriends from work" I replied.

Jack sighed and shook his head. "Do you want to see me fuck her again? Is that it?"

"No, because I know you can't. The only time you touched her was when she was takes, and that doesn't count," I answered stubbornly.

"OK cuckold. I'll prove it to you, but you're not going to like it."

Then he turned away from me and spoke to some of other guys from work. The four members of his sales team were there; together they covered the northeastern part of the state. "Guys," he said ostentatiously, "you've been working hard and bringing in lots of contracts. For that, you deserve a reward. Come to my house this Friday night, and I've got a surprise for you." The guys wanted to know what it was, but he refused to say, just that they "wouldn't be disappointed." Then he winked at me and walked out of the locker room.

Sure enough, that Friday Angela said that she was going out with her girlfriends again. She put on yet another new outfit, including new sexy underwear. This time she wore a short black miniskirt and a see-though white blouse. Her tits could be clearly seen through the thin fabric of her bra. She practically looked like a whore! She had never dressed like this before. She kissed me on the cheek, and said, "don't wait up hubby."

I lounged around the house, wondering if Jack was going to call me again. But he didn't. I didn't hear anything until Angela came home around 3 in the morning. When she stripped off her clothes I could see that she was covered with sweat and come, her breasts were bruised, and her pussy was a mess. She came to bed and powerd me to eat her out again. I licked and sucked her for an hour and she came twice. After I had sucked all the jism from her pussy, she rolled over and went to relax.

On Monday morning, I found an unlabeled DVD in my mailbox at work. I went to my office, locked the door, and put it in the drive on my computer. Soon what was obviously a homemade movie began playing on the screen.

It was Jack's living room, and Jack and his four sales associates were sitting around takeing beer. There was a knock on the door; Jack answered, and in came Angela, wearing high heels, black stockings, a tight black miniskirt and see-through blouse. She was obviously surprised to see so many guys there. Jack stood behind her and reached around to fondle her ample breasts, showing them off to the appreciative gaze of his co-workers. She seemed uncomfortable, and whispered to Jack, "Not in front of all these guys. What are they doing here?"

Jack ignored her, and told the assemred guys, "You guys have been working hard, and now, as a reward, Angela here is going to service all of you." The guys cheered, and Angela looked shocked. She obviously didn't know how to react, and she just stood there looking bewildered. Jack put on some sultry music, and said, "OK, Angela, why don't start things off with a little striptease for the guys." He sat down in a big easy chair and waited for her to obey him.

There was an awkward pause, and my sophisticated European wife stood there looking around. "I don't know Jack. I wasn't expecting this," she said.

"Come on you slut," he told her vulgarly, "you know you want to show off for everybody. Just do what comes naturally for you."

She looked at him in silent amazement. She seemed strangely passive, completely unlike her professional permistera, or the way she was around me at home. She obeyed him submissively. Slowly she started dancing sensuously to the music and unbuttoning her blouse, revealing her large soft breasts, barely restrained by the thin sexy bra. She discarded her blouse, letting it fall to the floor. As she danced, she unclasped her bra, letting her luscious breasts spill out. She held them up for everyone's gaze, and she turned around the room, bouncing her tits in the face of each guy individually. They grabbed at her breasts, but she teased them by pulling back before they could reach her.

The guys clapped and urged her on. She smiled sexily in response to their encouragement. She undid her tiny miniskirt, wiggled her butt provocatively, and her miniskirt fell to the floor. Now she was wearing only her black stockings, high heels, a garter belt, and a black thong, a tiny triangle of thin fabric that barely covered her furry mound. Wisps of soft black hair poked out from the edges of the tightly stretched fabric, tantalizing the men with what was surely to come. I hated to watch her performance, but I couldn't stop watching in fascination. This was a completely new side of Angela's permisterality. Apparently, she secretly enjoyed exhibiting her body for men.

The men called for her to take off her panties, yelling, "Let's see that pussy." She responded by undoing the garter straps and belt, discarding them. Slowly and sensuously, she peeled off her thong, revealing her neatly trimmed bush, while the men watched in eager anticipation. Her pussy slit was clearly visible through the thin wisps of her black pussy hair. She was naked now except for her black stockings and heels, and she danced seductively for the watching men. The men were obviously getting excited, and their hardons tented their pants. She went around to each guy individually, dancing for him, and then sitting on his lap while he fondled her breasts and pussy. She responded by rubbing his hardon through his pants with her hands.

"OK," Jack pronounced to the eager men, "Peter has the best sales record of our team, so he gets the first piece of Angela's slutty ass." He pointed to one of the men sitting on the couch. Angela went over to him, sat down on his lap, and they started kissing passionately as he rubbed his hands all over her curvaceous naked butt and tits. She rubbed her naked ass against his hardon as if she couldn't wait to fuck him. Then she got down on her knees in front of him and undid his belt and pants. She pulled down his pants and boxer shorts to his ankles.


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#4,685 · Edited by: chrislebo
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"Oh, I bought them a couple of days ago" she replied breezily. "I got them for you honey" she said innocently, "but I wanted to try them on tonight."

That made a lot of sense, I thought to myself. After she put on her makeup and arranged her hair carefully, she gave me a peck on the cheek and waltzed out the door, looking like she was ready for a hot date. I lay around watching TV while she was gone. 12 o'clock came and went with no sign of her. I was dosing lightly when the telephone rang. I looked at the clock; it was 1 in the morning. I answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Shut up and just listen, cuckold" the voice on the phone said abruptly.

I recognized Jack's voice. There was silence for a few seconds, then I heard voices and laughing getting closer. I thought I heard the sound of kissing and giggling.

"Oh Jack, you've been teasing me all night. I'm so horny."

It was the voice of Angela!

"What's the matter, honey? Doesn't your hubby take care of you?" It was Jack teasing her.

"Are you kidding?" she laughed incredulously. "His dick is so small I can hardly feel it! I need a big dick like yours lover." Then I heard the unmistakable sound of a belt being unbuckled and a zipper being pulled down.

"Take off your clothes, Angela. I want you naked when you suck me" Jack commanded her. I heard the sound of more clothes being taken off and falling to the floor, along with kisses.

"Oh yes Jack, suck my breasts. God that feels so good." She continued moaning, and after a minute I heard her say, "I want to suck on your dick" It sounded like they laid down on the bed, and then I heard her slobbering over his cock like a cheap whore, telling him how your cock is so big and delicious and so on. I was sick with offense, but I listened in silence to the sounds of my wife sucking off my worst enemy.

"That's a good little cocksucker," Jack said. "Are you my cocksucker, little girl?" Jack asked her.

Between mouthfuls of his giant cock, she mumred, "yes Jack, yes, I'll be anything you want."

"Are you going to be my slut?" he continued to humiliate her.

"Yes, oh yes. I'll be your slut," she answered. I couldn't believe that my sophisticated wife was being so submissive, letting him debase her like some cheap whore.

"Are you going to be my sex slave, and let me take you anytime and anywhere I want?" he continued to tease her.

"Yes Jack," she answered passionately. "I want to be your sex slave, your cocksucking slut. Just let me suck your big cock."

For a few minutes, the only sound was the sound of my wife's mouth on Jack's cock.

"OK slut," Jack proclaimed. "Here comes your reward. Are you ready to take my come?"

Her only reply was "mmmph ummm hummn" because her mouth was obviously full.

Jack let loose a yell, and said, "Oh yes, suck it, you little slut, take it all down." With disgust I could imagine my wife sucking down his come.

"Keep sucking little girl," he ordered her. "Get me hard again." Apparently she kept sucking as I continued to hear the sounds of her blowing him.

After a minute, my wife said in amazement, "Oh my god! You're hard again already!"

I heard them rearranging themselves on the bed, and then my wife begged him to fuck her. "Fuck me Jack. Fuck me now. Yes, oh yes. That's it. That's just what I want." He apparently complied, because then I heard the bedsprings setting up a steady constant motion, the sounds of my wife getting pounded by that asshole Jack! She continued to talk dirty to him, begging him and so on. He responded by calling her "a good little slut."

The rhythm increased, and then my wife yelled "Oh, Oh, Jack, Yes I'm cummminngg! Don't stop. Fuck me. OHHHHH yes. It's so good Jack." She was obviously getting off on his big dick.

After they both finished coming, I heard someone get up. "I'm going to the little girl's room. I'll be right back Jack. I want to fuck you all night long."

Then Jack picked up the phone and said to me, "Are you satisfied now cuckold?" He put down the phone, but he didn't hang up. I wanted to hang up, but somehow I couldn't stop listening.

Angela came back in, and I could hear them kissing each other noisily.

"I just had a funny idea Angela" Jack said with a laugh.

"Tell me lover" she replied.

He chuckled softly for a few seconds, and then he said, "when you get home to your cuckold husband, why don't you let him eat you out and he can clean up all our come!"

Angela exploded into laughter. "That's so perfect! That's just what I'm going to do. He's such a little perv that he'll probably enjoy it. But first you have to fill me up again with some more of your come. I want little hubby to get his face covered with your jism when he goes to eat me. What a surprise he'll get!"

They continued fucking for a couple of hours, as I listened helplessly. Somehow I was fascinated. About 4 in the morning, Angela finally left Jack's house, and I hung up the phone. A few minutes later, I heard Angela pull up in her car. I turned off the lights and pretended to be arelax.

She came into the bedroom and got undressed for bed. She had taken now to relaxing nude every night. She crawled into bed and when I tried to kiss her and touch her breasts, she took my head roughly and pushed me down to her pussy, powering me to lick her. I couldn't believe what a sloppy mess her cunt was! I got a faceful of come, a combination of her juices and a man's cream, but I licked eagerly, even knowing that I was eating the jism of the man who had cuckolded me. Her pussy was all stretched out from fucking such a huge cock all night.

She locked her warm thighs around my head so I couldn't escape even if I wanted to, and she moaned with pleasure. After a few minutes, she came with a passionate groan, and her pussy squeezed out even more come all over my face. It was the first orgasm I had ever given her. Jack had definitely cured her of her frigidity.

I continued sucking her and after half-an-hour, she came again. Finally I cleaned all the come out her used pussy. After she had used me to clean her cunt, she pushed me aside impatiently and turned over. I was so horny now that my balls ached. I tried to turn her over and mount her, but she pushed me aside angrily, and went to relax. I had to go to the bathroom to jerk off.

A few days later, at the locker room again, Jack told everybody what a cocksucking slut my wife was, and then he demanded his money.

"I have no proof that you fucked my wife," I said defiantly.

"What?!" he said incredulously. "But you heard it with your own ears over the phone in my bedroom." He explained to the guys in the locker room how he had called me, and then left the phone off the hook so I could hear them fucking.

"I heard you fucking someone, but it wasn't my wife. It was probably some whore you picked up off the street." For some reamister, I felt compelled to lie shamelessly. I couldn't stand the idea of Jack getting over on me.

"Well, where was your wife while you listening on the phone?" Jack asked.

"She was out with some girlfriends from work" I replied.

Jack sighed and shook his head. "Do you want to see me fuck her again? Is that it?"

"No, because I know you can't. The only time you touched her was when she was takes, and that doesn't count," I answered stubbornly.

"OK cuckold. I'll prove it to you, but you're not going to like it."

Then he turned away from me and spoke to some of other guys from work. The four members of his sales team were there; together they covered the northeastern part of the state. "Guys," he said ostentatiously, "you've been working hard and bringing in lots of contracts. For that, you deserve a reward. Come to my house this Friday night, and I've got a surprise for you." The guys wanted to know what it was, but he refused to say, just that they "wouldn't be disappointed." Then he winked at me and walked out of the locker room.


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"Yes, Yes," she moaned. "Fuck me, Fuck me hard with your big cock. I love it. Fuck me hard and fast. I need it so bad. I love your big dick."

He responded by pounding her soft, well-rounded ass unmercifully. She pushed back against him in time to his thrusts, her heavy breasts swaying with the motion of their fucking. Jack kneeled down in front of her and stuck his massive cock into her face, and she immediately started sucking him. Back and forth she swayed as they fucked her between them. They were using her like some kind of cheap slut, and she was clearly enjoying it.

With her mouth on Jack's huge penis, she mewed with pleasure, "Huuuummmnnn, Muuuummnnn." Taking her mouth off Jack's cock momentarily, she yelled with passion, "OOOHHHHH, YESSSSSSSS, YESSSSS, I'M COMMMMINNNG. FUCK ME, FUCK ME HARDER!" She pushed back insistently at the long hard cock pounding her from behind. Then, when Jack kept poking against her lips, she opened wide and starting sucking him again. Soon, Tyrone came with a yell, pumping her full of his thick cream. I could see the come dripping down her legs. Then Jack got off also, filling her mouth with his juice. I remembered then how I had eaten out her pussy after she had come home from this very gangbang.

For a girl who seemed frigid, having never had an orgasm, she was certainly making up for lost time, I thought to myself with disgust. The DVD went on for several hours, and the men took her in every imaginable position, each of them coming in her at least 3 times. Angela seemed to enjoy being used like a cheap whore, and she came innumerable times through the night. Finally the DVD was over. I was shaken, and I tried to go back to my work, but the images I had seen kept appearing in my imagination.

That evening in the locker room, I wrote Jack a check for a thousand dollars while he gloated in triumph, and then I left in disgust. I still couldn't believe that my conservative oh-so-professional wife had turned out to be such a slut. But I was resigned now to being a "cuckold" as Jack called me, since there was nothing I could do about it.

I thought that since my wife had gotten over her frigidity, at least we could enjoy some good sex now. But what was even worse than being cuckolded, she refused to have sex with me at all, except for letting me eat her cum-filled pussy after she went out with Jack. In fact, she treated me quite arrogantly, calling me a "little boy." When I tried to have sex with her, she told me, "I don't want your tiny penis in me. Go jerk off in the bathroom little boy." I was humiliated at home as well as at work.


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A few weeks later, Angela and I were getting ready to go out for dinner and a musical on a Saturday night. We had planned out the evening well in advance, since it was a very popular musical, and the tickets were quite expensive and had to be purchased way ahead of showtime. As Angela was putting on the last touches of her makeup, I waited patiently by the door. Then the phone rang. I answered, and the voice on the other end said, "Hi cuckold. Let me speak to Angela."

It was Jack, and I replied angrily, "Go to hell asshole," and hung up.

A minute later, Angela's cell phone rang and she answered. She nodded, listening intently to whoever was talking to her. "OK, sure. When? Yes, I'll be there," she said. Then she hung up, and told me that her sister needed her to baby-sit that night.

I was astounded. "But we've been planning this night for weeks Angela!" I protested.

"Sorry," she said brusquely. She finished touching up her make-up, and walked out the door in her elegant dress and heels, shutting the door in my face. I heard her start up her car and roar off into the night.

I had heard her mention the name of a motel at the edge of town on the phone, so I decided to hop in my car and see what was going on there. I raced over there as fast as I could. It was the kind of motel that has little cabins in the woods, just off the road. I found her car parked in front of one of the cabins, right next to Jack's car! I parked down the road, and then snuck around to the back of the cabin. There were only trees behind the cabin, so no one could see me.

There was small high window in back. It was too high for me to see into, so I found an old card table that I set next to the wall. Standing on the table, I could look right through the window into the main room of the cabin, which had a bed right in the middle. The window was open so I could hear and see everything easily; but since the window was high up, they couldn't see me.

Angela had apparently just entered the cabin; she was kissing Jack. There was another man in the room, sitting down in a chair, a scruffy looking older guy with a beard and greasy, red, long hair.

Jack turned Angela around to face the stranger, and started massaging her breasts in full view of the other man. Angela looked uncomfortable about being exposed to this scruffy looking stranger and she tried to stop Jack. She whispered to him, "Who is he? I thought we would be alone."

Jack replied, "I promised Tony that if he gave me the sales contract, you would suck his cock."

Angela's eyes widened in surprise. Our company sold truck parts to large trucking companies, and most of our customers were old truckers like Tony. Apparently, Jack had offered up my wife as a whore in order to secure the contract. I could see that my wife did not relish the thought of servicing this rough looking man. He was probably in his late forties, with a beer belly. He wore an old T-shirt, and his arms were covered with tattoos of dragons and naked women and devils dancing around. It was one thing to be gangbanged by Jack's sales associates, who were all clean-shaven young men, but it was something entirely different to suck the cock of this dirty old trucker.

She said slowly, "I don't know Jack. I wasn't expecting this."

Jack impatiently pushed her towards Tony, and said, "C'mon you slut, you know you like it. Suck his cock, and if you're good, maybe we'll fuck you."

Angela walked reluctantly across the room on her high heels, and kneeled down submissively in front of him to unbuckle his pants. She pulled his cock out of his boxer shorts. Still soft, it was easily 9 inches long and thick, very thick. She stroked him with her soft, delicate fingers, and it grew and grew and grew, until it was at least 11 inches long and probably 3 inches in diameter. His dick was rock hard, and Tony smiled in anticipation.

"Suck it now, you slut," he commanded her. He grabbed her long dark mane and pushed her face down to his long pole. Her lips were pursed and she tried to resist, but he kept pushing her down until she finally opened up to take him into her mouth. His cock was huge, and it stretched her mouth and face. It was all she could do to take even the head of his massive cock into her full sensuous lips. Her red lipstick, which she had so carefully applied, was now smeared all over her face and his dick. Tony clamped his hands around the back of her head and steadily pushed her face onto his huge cockmeat. She gagged and struggled, trying to pull back, but there was no escaping his strong arms.

What a sight, to see my sophisticated young wife, always so professional and proper, powerd to suck the dick of this gross trucker like a cheap two-bit whore. Holding her head, he powerd his pecker down her throat; inch-by-inch, slowly but surely, his dick pushed its way down her smooth white neck. I couldn't believe that she could actually take it, but somehow she did it. The whole length of his cockmeat was lodged in her mouth, and her nose was pushed firmly into his bush of red pubic hair. I wondered how she could even breathe! But apparently her throat was becoming stretched now to accommodate his thick cock. She moved her head up and down on his cock obediently, as he groaned in pleasure.

While she was kneeling down to give Tony a blowjob, her well-rounded ass stuck out behind her. Jack moved behind her, and pulled her dress up, revealing her white nylon stockings, and her white, tightly stretched little bikini panties. The fabric was very thin and delicate, and he simply grabbed her panties and ripped them off, exposing her neatly trimmed pussy and ass.

He pulled down his pants to reveal his hard and long penis. Kneeling down behind her, he rubbed his cock up and down her wet pussy slit, and she moaned with pleasure as she sucked on the cock in her mouth. He pushed his cock into her tight little slit. Apparently she hadn't had sex for a while, for it took 3 or 4 hard thrusts before the hilt of his cock bumped her soft plump ass, and his heavy balls slapped against her warm thighs. He pumped her hard and fast, and she was clearly enjoying it, pushing her ass back in time to meet his vulgar thrusts. They both fucked her unmercifully, buffeting her back and forth between them like a rag doll. Jack's thrusts became even more hard and urgent as he came closer to his climax.

In response to the hard pounding she was receiving from behind, Angela started coming, moaning loudly with her mouth still stuffed with cock. "MMnnnnph, MMnnnph, Uhhnnnph, Nummmnnph" she groaned like some wild natural in heat. Jack body suddenly stiffened, and then he slammed into her full power, filling her used young pussy with his come. From my vantage point, I could see clearly his come oozing out from her widely stretched pussy and down her thighs, running all over her sheer white nylons.

Angela reached up then and squeezed Tony's balls gently, bringing him off immediately. Tony pumped his come directly down her throat, until she pulled her head off his cock, whereupon he pumped out the rest of his load all over her beautiful hair, eyes, cheeks and mouth. Her make-up and hair, so carefully prepared, were completely ruined. Her face was covered with cum, and cum oozed out her pussy down her legs.

Shakily she stood up and waited to see what was next. Jack ordered her to take off all her clothes. She obeyed, unzipped her form-fitting dress and peeled it down to reveal her firm round breasts, free for the appreciative gaze of the men. Then she pulled her dress the rest of the way down, letting it fall to the floor. There were no panties, since Jack had already ripped them off her.

Naked now except for her white stockings and high heels, exposed and defenseless before the strange trucker, she lay back on the bed and spread her legs wide, offering up her pussy to be fucked, just waiting to be mounted. Tony stripped off his clothes, revealing a hairy body with many tattoos, and a beer belly that hung down unappealingly. His cock was becoming hard again already, at the sight of my gorgeous naked wife. He got in-between her legs and rubbed his massive cock against her wet and hot pussy. He asked her, "Do you want my cock?"

"Yes, yes, please fuck me with your big hard dick. Oh, I love it so much. Don't tease me. Fuck me hard and fast. I need it so bad. I can't get enough of your giant cock. C'mon, baby, use my cunt, fill me up with your cum," Angela answered.

I couldn't believe that she was acting so slutty for this guy who was so repugnant to her refined sensibilities.

Tony plunged his cock into her wet pussy in one long thrust, and started fucking her hard and fast. Soon she wrapped her legs around him and even sucked on his lips and tongue, like she was passionately in love with him. She begged him to fuck her harder and faster.

Soon she started coming, and she yelled so loudly that probably every cabin at the motel could hear her. "OOOOHHHH YESSSSSSS! I'M COMMMING. OOHHH, DON'T STOP! YESSSS, THAT'S IT" She bucked up against his cock like a wild bronco and thrashed and moaned and tossed her head back and forth. He slammed into her with equal passion, and soon he exploded into her pussy. I could see clearly the cum oozing out from around his dick so tightly embedded in her pussy, as she took yet another load of warm manly cream.

Jack and Tony continued fucking for several hours, taking her in every imaginable position. Each of them filled her pussy with come at least twice, and came in her mouth at least once. I watched helplessly, mesmerized by the sight of my wife being used as a receptacle for their jism. Finally, they finished with my wife, and she put on her clothes, except for her panties, which had been shredded.

I hopped down from my perch and walked back to my car. I drove hastily back home, to get there before my wife. I climbed into bed and turned off the lights, pretending to be arelax. Soon my wife arrived home and came to bed. She took off all her clothes, but instead of taking a shower, she crawled into bed and pushed my head down to her come-drenched pussy. I obediently licked and sucked her clean; she came twice before I was done. Then she pushed me away and went to relax.

The next day, she said we were going shopping. We went to the mall, and she led me to Victoria's Secret. I assumed she was going to buy some nice lingerie for herself. Instead, she led me to the section with little French maid's outfits, and started picking out an outfit for me! She took some items and checked them against my body, and then she went to the dressing room.


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#4,688 · Edited by: chrislebo
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"Come on, hubby. We have to see if these fit you before we buy them."

Meekly I followed her to the dressing room. We went in together, and she watched while I tried on the black stockings, garter belt and straps, the tiny bikini panties, a frilly skirt which hid nothing, a bib with white lace, and as a final touch, a bonnet for my head. She stood back to look at me, and seemed satisfied. Of course I was completely humiliated, but somehow I felt powerless to disobey her.

"Stay there for a minute," she told me and left me alone. A minute later she came back with the young salesgirl in tow. They both entered the dressing room, and the sales girl stifled a giggle when she saw me.

"I want to get your opinion on this outfit" Angela said seriously. "Do you think this is a good fit?"

The girl replied, grinning widely, "Oh, he looks marvelous. It's just the right outfit for him, and he looks so sexy."

"Yes, but do you think the panties could be a size smaller? You know how important it is to have tight panties," Angela commented with a straight face. My panties were already strained so tight they practically cut off my circulation.

"Well, yes, of course you're right about that. But those panties are pretty tight right now. I think if they were any smaller they might rip," the salesgirl said knowledgably.

"OK, hubby, let's buy this outfit," she said to me. Then she and the salesgirl walked out leaving me alone to change back into my regular clothes. As soon as they left the room, I heard them explode into gales of laughter at my offense.

I took the maid's outfit to the front counter and paid for it while my wife waited out in the hallway. The sales girl smirked at me, and said as I left, "Enjoy your new outfit."

Then Angela took me to the shoe store where she picked out a matching pair of high heels for me. Again the sales girls were entertained by watching me tottering around the store as I tried on the high heels. I would have to get used to walking in these things, I thought to myself.

Every weekend now, I was ordered to stay home wearing the maid's outfit and clean the house while she went out shopping with her friends. If she found one spot when she came back, she put me over her knees and spanked me while I was wearing the maid's outfit. That always got my penis very hard, so then she ordered me to go to the bathroom and jerk off. Sometimes she came into the bathroom and watched me jerk off, giggling at my offense. At night she would dress up and go hit the clubs, coming home late with her pussy filled with come, which she always made me clean up.

A few weeks later, I was cleaning up around the house, wearing the maid's outfit on Angela's orders while she was out shopping. She pulled up in her sports car, and came inside with her packages. To my surprise, however, she brought company, a young kid who looked like about 19 years old. I didn't expect any guests, but since he had already seen me wearing the maid's outfit, it was too late to hide. So I stood there stupidly, dressed in my frilly skirt, black nylons, high heels, bib, and silly bonnet. Her guest was about 6 foot tall, tan and buff, wearing a t-shirt and jeans. She introduced me to Stewart and we shook hands briefly, while he seemed to chuckle to himself at my humiliating outfit.

"Stewart is my new boyfriend Tom," she informed me brazenly. "I know you don't mind. We met on one of those internet permisteral services," she said casually, as if telling me about some new shoes she had picked up at the store. I was shocked. This was the first time she had openly discussed her affairs with me. Then I got the real shocker when she continued, "Since you like being a cuckold so much, I thought you might like to watch this time." She laughed loudly at the shocked expression on my face. But there was nothing I could say. "Well, don't just stand there with your mouth hanging open Tom, get Stewart and me some takes."

Somehow, I felt compelled to obey her. I asked what they wanted. Stewart wanted a gin and tonic and Angela the same. I mixed their takes for them while they sat chatting and laughing on the couch. Occasionally they kissed and fondled each other with ardent desire. I served them their takes, and Angela ordered me to finish cleaning the house.

They continued talking and making out on the couch, as I could see when I passed through the living room. Angela got up to use the bathroom, and when she came out, she told me sternly that there was a water spot in the sink. "You'll have to punished little girl."

She had taken to calling me "little girl" when I was wearing the maid's outfit. She sat down on a chair, and ordered me to lie down on her lap. I lay down with my face almost touching the floor, and my panty-covered butt exposed to her view as well as Stewart's. She started slapping my butt as hard as she could. Then she pulled down my panties, and spanked my bare butt.

Finally she said, "Stewart, I'm not strong enough to punish this little girl the way she deserves. Come here and give her a few good whacks with your strong arms dear." Stewart got up with a grin, and came over to where Angela was sitting. He reared back and started hitting my ass with the full power of his strong muscles. It hurt so bad that tears came to my eyes, and I found myself crying and begging for him to stop. Angela laughed as he continued to hit me, and then she asked me if I had learned my lesmister.

"Yes mistress" I answered meekly, tears of pain streaming down my face.

She pushed me off her lap and I fell heavily onto the floor. I stood up, and pulled my panties back up. My hard-on was clearly visible through the thin fabric of my panties. With a laugh, she said to Stewart, "Look, our little girl is excited. Why don't you go masturbate in the bathroom, little girl?"

I was always so hard after she spanked me that my balls ached, and I had to jerk off. I went off to the bathroom, and she followed me. "Stewart," she said, "let's see the little girl touch herself." They came into the bathroom with me, and laughed while I masturbated to a climax. I was so excited from the spanking that I came almost immediately. As I cleaned myself off, she ordered me, "OK, little girl, come to bedroom now and you can watch your wife get fucked by a real man."

They went off to the bedroom and I followed, still wearing my maid's outfit. They laid down together and starting making out, while Stewart fondled her breasts and ass. They both stripped off their clothes, and my wife lay on her back with her legs spread and her knees up, while I watched submissively in the corner.

As Stewart got in-between her legs, and prepared to mount her, she said, "Wait a minute lover, I just had an idea. Come here little girl, and put my lover's cock in me. You can help out." I sat down by the side on the bed and reaching in-between them to grab Stewart's massive hard cock. I then inserted his cockhead into my wife's pussy, as she moaned with pleasure. I could see a close-up of my wife's pussy filled with his huge cock as he pushed his way into her tight snatch.

"That's a good little girl. Now I want you to put your head under Stewart's ass and suck his balls while we fuck," Angela ordered me. At the foot of the bed, I lay on my back and slid in-between his legs as they fucked noisily. My head reached his huge balls, and I took them into my mouth one at a time, first one and then the other. My nose was pushed up against the base of his cock, as he plunged back and forth into my wife's pussy.

It was an uncomfortable and awkward position for me, but I persevered in sucking on his balls while they fucked. Just inches from my eyes, I could Stewart's huge dick plunging in and out of my wife's slit, so tightly stretched around his giant hardon. Finally, their movements increased in tempo, and I heard my wife moaning as she came, urging him to fuck her harder and faster. Then his balls tightened up against the base of his cock as he came, filling my wife with his come. My face was so close to her pussy, that when his come oozed out from her tiny pussy, it dripped onto my face, and I licked up his cream with my tongue.

They disentangled themselves and then my wife ordered me to clean off Stewart's cock with my mouth. I obeyed eagerly, licking the juices from his long smooth cock and balls until he was completely clean. Then I was ordered to clean up my wife's pussy while she and Stewart fondled each other. When I was done, she pushed me off the bed with her feet, and I fell to the floor clumsily. I sat on the floor, awaiting her next order while she made out with her new boyfriend.

"You know, Stewie, I just had a funny idea," Angela said.

"What's that?" he asked.

"Well, I think our little girl is old enough to become a woman. Would you help her out?"

Stewart laughed and agreed.

"Little girl," she said, "come up and get on my lap again." She sat on the edge of the bed, and I bent over her lap again ready to be spanked. But she had something else in mind. She pulled down my panties exposing my bare ass, and then she told Stewart to come over. She stroked his big cock until it was rock-hard. From the nightstand, she took out a jar of vaseline and smeared it all over his massive dick while he stood in front of her. Meanwhile I was bent over her lap with my bare ass in the air and my face practically to the floor. She took Stewart's huge cock in her hands, and pushed it into my virgin asshole.
"Now you're going to become a woman, little girl," Angela told me.

He pushed forward vulgarly, and I cried with pain and offense as he ***d my tender ass. He plunged his huge cock into me all the way to the hilt, and then started pumping his rod in and out. The pain was excruciating, but I didn't say a word as he roughly fucked my ass. The ass fucking seemed to go on forever as I whimpered helplessly. Finally he increased his tempo as he got ready to come.

My wife said, "Wait lover, I think the little girl wants to swallow your cum. Do you want to swallow his cum, little girl?" she asked me.

Tears of pain streaming down my face, I said, "Yes."

"Yes what, little girl?" she reprimanded me.

"Yes, please" I answered.

She pushed me off her lap, and I kneeled down in front of Stewart, still wearing my French maid's outfit. She took his cock in her hand, and started pumping it with her tiny fist. I put my lips around his huge cockhead, as big and hard as a large apple. He started coming and Angela pumped his thick cream into my mouth. He came so much I couldn't swallow fast enough, and the cum dribred down my chin onto my frilly blouse.

"Now what do you say?" Angela asked me.

"Thank you Stewart," I answered meekly, his come dripping down my chin.

They both laughed at my offense, and Angela said, "Well I think our little girl is finally a woman."


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Merci pour ces deux histoires... une déjà publiée ici... Bonne continuation


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J'avais ramené mon copain Arthur à la maimister, ma mère et mon beau-père n'étant jamais là l'après midi. On s'était installé dans le salon et de baisers en caresses nous nous étions retrouvés tous les deux nus, lui assis sur le canapé et moi à genoux entre ses cuisses suçant sa jeune queue avec gourmandise tout en caressant la mienne.

Un peu hors du temps on n'a pas entendu mon beau-père qui rentrait. Quand on s'est rendu compte qu'on n'était plus seuls, il était à la porte du salon avec un air furieux.

Je vous passe les "à c'est du beau, je serais curieux de ce que vont penser tes parents Arthur et autres amabilités du genre petites pédales" qu'il nous sortit. Penaud, Arthur se rhabilla en quatrième vitesse et sortit de chez nous alors que je restais là, nu, rouge de honte, ne sachant que faire.

Mon beau-père s'assit sur le canapé et me demanda ce que ma mère penserait s'il l'informait de la situation dans laquelle il m'avait trouvé. Je me mis à pleurer le suppliant de ne rien lui dire, j'adorais ma mère et je ne voulais pas lui causer de peine.

Mon beau-père est une espèce de montagne de muscles, velu, genre ancien rugbyman. Rien à voir avec moi qui ressemble beaucoup à ma mère et qui suis très fin. A 18 ans j'ai encore le corps d'un gamin.

Ce gros salaud commença à passer sa main sur sa braguette en disant que si je voulais qu'il garde le secret je devrais être très gentil avec lui. Je fis celui qui ne comprenait pas et je lui promis d'être un bon fils...

Ce à quoi il répondit que puisque j'aimais la bite il allait m'en donner et pas de la petite bite de pédé. Il me dit d'approcher et de me mettre dans la même position, que celle où il m'avait trouvé. Comme je refusais, il m'annonça qu'il parlerait à ma mère dès ce soir.

Je m'approchais, toujours tête baissée et je vins me mettre à genoux entre ses jambes. Je glissais un regard sur sa braguette qui était maintenant tendue et je me rendis compte qu'elle était sacrément tendue. Il défit sa ceinture, souleva ses hanches et d'un seul coup baissa mister pantalon et mister caleçon. J'avais devant le nez la plus grosse bite que je n'ai jamais vue, même en photo, avec des poils partout, un truc immonde.

Il attrapa ma tête en me disant : suce salope. Je ne voyais pas comment je pourrais faire entrer dans ma petite bouche cette chose horrible mais manifestement lui, il n'avait aucun doute de la faisabilité de la chose.
Il mit une main sur ma nuque et de l'autre il attrapa mister chibre qu'il présenta sur mes lèvres. Pour m'inciter à ouvrir ma bouche, il me rappela que ma mère pouvait être très choquée d'apprendre que je suçais les bites de mes petits camarades de classe et je cédais.

J'ouvris la bouche et il commença à baiser ma bouche avec power. Chacun de ses coups me faisait monter les larmes aux yeux tellement mes lèvres étaient distendues. Touchant ma luette j'avais des hauts le corps mais il n'en avait cure, il me pilonnait en me traitant de salope, de bouche à pipe, de petite fiote.

J'avoue que ses mots et le fait de me sentir contraint me firent bander. Il s'en aperçut et là, il profita de mister avantage. Tout en me défonçant la bouche il me dit que si je ne voulais pas qu'il informe ma mère, chaque fois qu'il le voudrait, je devrais le sucer, n'importe quand, n'importe où et que j'avais intérêt à y mettre du cœur.

Ma bouche s'habituait à mister énorme mandrin et je commençais à le trouver bon, je me mis donc à lui caresser les couilles tout en le pompant. Je salivais abondamment et il était de plus en plus ordurier : tu es une bonne petite pute à bite, je vais t'éclater la bouche et te défoncer ton petit cul de pédale, salope. Tu vas traire ma queue chaque fois que je le voudrai.

Il enfonça sa bite au fond de ma gorge, pris ma tête de chaque côté et m'envoya mister sperme chaud directement dans la gorge. Je n'eus pas d'autre alternative que d'avaler. Il resta de longs instants en moi attendant de s'être vidé jusqu'à la dernière goutte.
Puis il me fit coucher sur le canapé, sur le dos, jambes remontées et bien écartées. Cette position humiliante me fit bander encore plus et il me dit de me masturber pendant qu'il reluquait mon anatomie intime. Il palpa mes bourses petites et lisses puis il me fourra mister majeur dans la bouche en me disant de le sucer? Je n'eus plus aucun doute de ses intentions. Quand mister majeur fut bien lubrifié il me l'enfonça dans l'anus d'un coup ce qui m'arracha un cri de douleur : mais tu es vierge du cul ma salope, tu es serré comme une vierge. Il continuait à me doigter et moi à me branler. Il accéléra mister mouvement dans mes reins, moi sur ma queue. Quand il sentit que j'allais bientôt jouir, il continua de sa main droite à me limer le cul et de sa main gauche qu'il posa sur ma queue il se mit à me branler avec power : ouvre la bouche que tu goûtes ton jus de salope. Il dirigeait ma queue vers ma bouche et quand j'explosais d'une jouissance phénoménale je reçus mon sperme partout sur mon visage et dans ma bouche.

Je ne le savais pas encore mais j'allais devenir la chose de mon beau-père. Le chantage qu'il exerçait sur moi et le plaisir qu'il me donnait m'y conduisit sans coup férir.


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Du fantasme au réel par power

J'avais 22 ans, et toujours puceau ! Probablement un peu "coincé" avec les nanas ? Je me satisfaisais de films pornos que j'allais voir le samedi soir dans le quartier de Pigalle à Paris. Pour ce faire, je prenais le train et j'arrivais à la gare St Lazare.
Après avoir vu le film de la séance de 22h je reprenais le dernier train vers 0h 30,et il m'arrivait de me masturber dans le wagon, vu qu'il n'y avait pratiquement plus permisterne à cette heure. Je fantasmais souvent sur l'idée d'être agressé par un homme, qui m'aurait obligé à le sucer et ça m'excitait assez, sans avoir vraiment l'envie de vivre cette situation.
Ce soir là, j'étais seul dans le wagon quand le train quitta la gare St Lazare. Le voyage durait environ 45 minutes pour rejoindre la gare où je devais descendre. Je commençais à me caresser au travers du pantalon, assez excité par les scènes du film que j'avais vu le soir même. Je baissais ma braguette et commençais une masturbation à travers mon slip. Préoccupé à ce que je faisais, je n'ai pas vu arriver dans mon dos, un homme qui venait probablement de changer de wagon pendant le voyage. En s'adressant à moi il s'assit sur le siège d'en face : alors mon mignon, on fait joujou avec sa queue ?
J'étais rouge de honte et fermais précipitamment ma braguette en disant une banalité : non, mais ça me grattait, c'est pour ça que. !!
Tu ne me prendrais pas pour un con, me dit-il, tu étais en train de te masturber puceau ! Sur ce, il sort un couteau à cran d'arrêt et me dit : tu vas me sucer la bite comme une salope et je te laisse tranquille !
Sur ce, il se lève, défait sa ceinture et baisse un peu mister pantalon avant de se rasseoir en slip sur la banquette.
Tu n'as pas compris ? Précise t-il en approchant mister couteau.
Mets-toi à genoux, tu vas me sucer la bite !
Mon fantasme allait se réaliser et j'avais vraiment très peur de la situation. Comprenant qu'il ne plaisantait pas, tremblant, je me suis mis à genoux devant lui. Allez, embrasse la doucement sur le slip, tu vas la sentir grossir sous peu ! Je me suis approché et posé mes lèvres sur le slip qui puait l'urine et la sueur et j'ai commencé à embrasser la zone où j'imaginais sa bite que je n'ai pas tardé à sentir se grossir. C'est bien petit PD me dit-il, ne me dis pas que tu n'as jamais fait ça !
Si je vous le jure... Bon pasmisters aux choses sérieuses, baisse-moi le slip, tu vas découvrir ton sucre d'orge !
Il s'est levé légèrement et j'ai tiré sur le haut de mister slip. Descend-le un peu plus bas que tu puisses me caresser les couilles pendant que tu vas me sucer la bite. J'avais une honte incroyable, mais en même temps je sentais une excitation imprévisible. Sa bite tendue, faisait au moins 20 cm et très épaisse, avec un gland énorme. J'ai approché ma bouche ouverte et j'ai commencé à le sucer comme je voyais dans les films porno que j'allais voir.
Elle est bonne, hein ? Dis-moi qu'elle est bonne !
Ne disant rien, il me donna une claque en me répétant la même chose : alors elle est bonne ?
Oui elle est bonne votre bite, et je reprenais sa queue dans la bouche.
Je bandais comme un dingue et j'espérais qu'il ne pouvait pas le voir ! Mais assis ainsi devant lui je ne risquais rien.
Je le suçais déjà depuis 5 bonnes minutes quand le train s'est arrêté. J'allais me relever mais il m'a plaqué la tête sur sa bite en me disant : t'occupe pas de ce qui se passe et continue à sucer, je ne vais pas tarder à me vider les couilles dans ta bouche de pipeur, et tu vas tout avaler comme une salope que tu es ! J'ai entendu le bruit d'une porte qui s'ouvrait et des voix de permisternes qui montaient dans notre wagon. La honte totale pour moi !
Continue à sucer salope ou tu vas morfler ! J'ai senti qu'il se raidissait puis des giclées de sperme mistert venues inonder ma bouche. Avales salope, avale tout !
Oui, c'est comme ça, c'est bon hein! Tiens encore une petite giclée et puis tu vas bien me lécher le gland.
Je suivais tout ce qu'il me disait à la lettre, et en ouvrant les yeux, j'ai vu que 4 jeunes beurs d'une vingtaine d'année nous regardaient. Je ne savais plus quoi faire ni dire; jamais je n'avais eu aussi honte de ma vie. Pris en flagrant délit de tailler une pipe à un homme.
Le gars commença à se rhabiller et en s'adressant aux autres il leur dit : je vous le laisse, il est bien bon ce petit PD? Salut petite salope, je te laisse entre de bonnes mains !
Je me suis essuyé la bouche et me relevais honteux, j'allais descendre à cette gare, sans même savoir où j'étais.
Mais où elle va la tante dit un des beurs ? Attends, tu vas t'occuper de nos bites. J'ai voulu passer entre eux pour m'enfuir, mais l'un m'a attrapé et m'a ceinturé par derrière.
On le fout à poil, comme ça il aura moins envie de se barrer dit un autre. Deux autres m'ont attrapé par les jambes et le dernier m'a arraché la chemise et le tee-short, puis m'a descendu le pantalon et s'est écrié : regardez les mecs, il bande !
Il m'a baissé le slip et enlevé même les chaussettes ; j'étais complètement à poil dans ce train de banlieue et j'allais me faire violer sans aucun doute par ces 4 gars.
L'un a ouvert une fenêtre et a balancé toutes mes fringues.
Mon fantasme était dépassé !! et j'allais en voir de toutes les couleurs


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Je me retrouvais donc complètement à poil dans ce wagon avec les quatre beurs. Qu'allais-je devoir faire, ainsi dénudé avec même plus de vêtements à me mettre puisqu'ils les avaient jetés par la fenêtre.
Le premier s'avança : alors tu aimes sucer des queues ? A genoux, tu vas commencer par moi !
Que dire, ils m'avaient vu et il était inutile de discuter!
Sur ce, il baisse mister pantalon et le slip et sort une bite encore plus impressionnante que celle de mon agresseur.
Deux des autres me powernt à me baisser à la hauteur de sa queue et me plaquent le visage sur mister bas-ventre ; Je la prends dans ma bouche, n'ayant pas d'autre choix, et entame ma seconde pipe de la soirée. Le troisième passant derrière moi me relève un peu en me disant, je vais t'enculer petit PD et tu as intérêt à te laisser faire sinon ça va être ta fête!
Je sentis sa bite se plaquer contre mes fesses et commencer à me powerr le cul ; Il me pénétra doucement, mais n'ayant jamais eu de rapport il appuya un peu plus fort et j'ai senti qu'il avait déjà passé mister gland et continuait à pousser pour progressivement m'enfiler toute sa bite. Puis bien calé jusqu'aux couilles, il commença des va-et viens dans mes fesses. J'étais pris des deux côtés à la fois, par des inconnus dans ce train de banlieue ! Puis les deux autres ont sorti également leurs bites et m'ont imposé de les branler.
C'était un vrai viol collectif.
Celui que je suçais m'a dit qu'il allait décharger et que j'avais intérêt à tout avaler mister sperme. Et j'ai senti à nouveaux des giclées qui coulaient dans ma gorge. J'ai tout avalé et un de ceux que j'avais branlés à tout de suite pris sa place et j'ai du reprendre une troisième pipe, puis une quatrième pendant que l'autre me défonçait le cul, jusqu'à qu'il décharge également.
Après m'être fait enculer et sucer trois bites, ils descendirent à l'arrêt suivant, me laissant plein de sperme et complètement à poil.
Sans vraiment comprendre pourquoi, je bandais comme jamais et je me suis branlé ; quelques secondes après je jouissais comme ça ne m'était jamais arrivé ! J'avais aimé ce viol collectif, c'était sûr, et aimé sucer toutes ces bites ! Je n'étais devenu qu'une petite salope !
Mais que faire maintenant pour sortir du train ainsi dévêtu ?
Celui-ci arrivait au terminus et je ne savais toujours pas quoi faire. Après le dernier arrêt, au bout de quelques minutes j'ai entendu une des portes du wagon qui s'ouvrait.
C'était un contrôleur qui venait s'assurer que tout le monde était descendu.
Il m'aperçut et me dit : qu'est-ce que vous faites, le train ne va pas plus loin, il faut descendre.
En s'approchant, il vit que j'étais à poil. Mais qu'est-ce que vous faites dans cette tenue ?
Je lui expliquai que j'avais été victime d'une agression et que l'on m'avait laissé ainsi sans vêtement.
Bon, tiens! Tu vas mettre ma veste, et suit-moi, je dois avoir quelques fringues dans une baraque de chantier qui est un peu plus loin.
Je passais la veste et le suivais ; il n'y avait plus permisterne sur le quai à mon grand soulagement.
Vas-y, entre ! Me dit-il. Nous étions arrivés à cette baraque.
Alors, raconte-moi un peu ce qui s'est passé !
J'ai abrégé et simplifié en lui disant simplement que j'avais été obligé de tailler une pipe à un inconnu sous la menace d'un couteau.
Je trouvais qu'il me regardait bizarrement ! Puis il ouvrit un casier. J'ai pas grand chose en vêtement, mais ce sera toujours mieux que rien ; Et il me sort une jupe et un chemisier.
Je ne vais pas mettre ça lui dis-je !
Ecoute, je n'ai rien d'autre ! Alors c'est ça ou tu repars à poil !
Je passais donc les vêtements et mister regard changea à nouveau. Je le vis fermer à clef la porte d'entrée et il me dit : tu sais que tu es bandant ! Tourne-toi pour voir !
Contre mon gré, je me tournais et il en profita pour me mettre une main sur les fesses. Ça aller recommencer !
Soudain, il me dit : ton histoire m'a excité, tu vas me sucer et je vais bien m'amuser avec toi avant de te laisser partir. Allez, reprend la position et suce-moi bien la bite, tu as une vrai bouche à sperme !
Je me baissai, le déboutonnai, descendis mister pantalon et mister slip et me jetai sur cette nouvelle bite énorme et circoncise. Il ne tarda pas à jouir dans ma bouche et j'avalais tout.
Puis il me tourna et m'encula comme un dingue. Il me défonçait carrément le cul en s'accrochant à mon bassin pour me rentrer à chaque fois sa bite jusqu'aux couilles.
Il déchargea à nouveau et m'obligea à lui lécher la bite puis le trou du cul. Quelques minutes après il bandait de nouveau et j'ai du remettre ça encore une fois !
Il m'a baisé pendant plus de 2 heures avant de me laisser partir, ainsi habillé.
La réalité de la soirée avait dépassé de loin le fantasme que j'avais depuis des années ! J'en avais eu de la bite, surtout pour une première fois !
Depuis j'ai souvent repris le train, mais sans jamais rencontrer hélas de situation similaire ! Alors je me branle souvent en repensant à cette nuit complètement dingue.


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A Slut Awakens

The day began like any other; I woke up, showered, wrapped my towel around myself and sat down to begin applying my makeup. I stared at myself shocked at the transformations I had undergone the past few weeks, my beautiful feminine body so smooth and curvy it could put even the most finely molded hourglass to shame. My black hair fell down my shoulders accenting my naturally puckered red lips as the tips stretched out to embrace the tops of my budding breasts, tickling my tender areolas and nearly sending me into a horny little fit.

I grabbed my comb and began styling my hair in an attempt to both distract myself from the sensation as well as move the offender from the region. As I sat there I couldn't help but reminisce about how it had all begun.

I am not a girl by birth. This is a fact. I was originally a 19 year old male fresh out of high school, and although I was what most considered average I thought myself to be very much unlike most the boys my age. I was very frail; I stood maybe 5'7 on a good day, and maybe weighed all of a hundred and ten pounds when I wasn't too busy worry about feeding my sister to eat.

My parents had just gone through an ugly divorce around the time I turned twelve, and while my man had vanished to parts unknown my lady had decided to keep the house and raise us just to spite him. So she took me and my litter sister and raised us all on her own, paying the bills, buying our clothes you name it. She worked every day for long hours and when she was at home she generally spent her time working out and keeping her body as youthful as possible.

Our lives were pretty much the same every day, I'd wake up take care of my little sister until it was time to go to school and then come home to find mom working out in her back room until it was time for dinner. After dinner she would usually pass out on the couch still in her work out clothes leaving me to put my sister down and get myself off to bed.

This regiment continued pretty regularly until the day I turned seventeen and she had decided she couldn't take being alone with the kids anymore. She began to separate from us, finding herself a new boyfriend and eventually vanishing for the most part from our home life. Eventually I took up the reigns of the parent and saw my sister graduated and moved out on her own. With my sister gone and my parents god knows where I found myself rather alone and bored in our house. I had from early younghood embraced my shortcomings as a man. I had found a strange joy in looking at pictures of gay men once we had gotten a computer. The discovery of the internet had awoken something strange inside me, I had always considered myself straight and had even dated a few girls, branching out as far as kissing and getting handjobs, yet I couldn't help branching out into the things I was finding on the internet.

I remember the first time I found shemale porn, I couldn't help myself the feeling in my stomach burned like sun itself as I ran my hands up and down my body. It was the most amazing feeling, the guilt at watching something homosexual, the joy of defying the establishment and unnoticed at the time my joy in pretending I was them as they got dominated by men. It fascinated me; boys like me could turn from nearly unwanted twiggy jokes to one of the most beautiful and desirable creatures alive.

It was unfair! All I wanted was to be one of them, I would never admit it to myself but eventually it consumed me and before long I found myself sneaking into my lady's room during those beautiful moments of solitude to dress in her lingerie and insert her vibrator (which I had found under the couch one fateful afternoon) into my ass hole. I would savor the vibrations as they racked my insides. I would shove it in and out pretending it was one of the men in the videos and I was the black haired vixen he so desperately lusted for, occasionally crying out "Daddy!" a little too loud for safety. I kept this routine up for a long time, waiting for each moment to come and reveling in the feeling of how naughty the things I would do when the door closed behind my family. Eventually I grew older and found less time to enjoy my hobby as my mom began to grow distant. Now she was gone and I was all alone, bored and completely lonely. I decided then and there I knew exactly what I wanted to do and without a moment's hesitation I turned and trod proudly into my lady's room and began once again going through her things.

"This time will be special!" I hummed to myself as I selected a short white skirt and a pink tank top decorated with the ever so flattering "Slut" embroidery that had become common in women's casual wear at the time. I flung them onto the bed and began riffling through the panty drawer selecting a black thong and bra. I threw them down on top of the skirt and shirt and dug through her closet for quite some time before I found a pair of those high heeled platform sandals I see girls wearing around pools at parties and such. They were pink with a see through pink rubber strap to hold the shoes down against my toes. Little yellow flowers peeked out from several places around the strap giving the illusion daisy had taken root amongst my dainty toes.

I smiled deeply as I looked over the clothes spread out on the bed, deciding the illusion wouldn't quite cut it I grabbed a pink and white striped hair band, some small diamond earrings as well a few rings and the coup de grâce a sexy gold waist chain. I gathered up my goodies and headed off to her bathroom. I sat the clothes in a pile on a stool near the mirror she often used to hold similar objects as she went through the motions of preparing herself for society.

Long ago I had become a master of this process. I mean in a house full of women how was a boy not to notice his mom getting ready every now and then? I started the routine as I had seen her do hundreds of times by plugging in the hair straightener as I let the shower water heat up. If I was lucky it would be ready by the time I got out of the shower.

My hair was naturally long and curly, my mom had spent years complaining about her own. I learned pretty quickly after a few attempts on my own when she was absent and now I was well aware that I had the same problem. So doing as my lady before me I grabbed one of her shower caps before I stepped in knowing even the slightest bit of water on my hair and this session would quickly turn nightmare.

After lathering up and making sure I was clean I began shaving my body. As I said before I am very small and petite for a boy, I've been told by lots of girls that when women say they have a butt like a twelve year old boy and are meaning it as a compliment they are referring to a bulbous example such as mine.

Others had told me they would die to have my slim waist and smooth hairless body. I had even been accused by one of my girlfriends in high school of taking estrogen pills! If only she could have seen what I was like with estrogen in my system... I can't even begin picture how shocked she would have been! Regardless as I was naturally I was unbelievably feminine and once dressed I had fooled myself into thinking I was really a girl everytime.

Clean and Hairless I stepped from the shower making my way to the vanity and removing the shower cap as I sat in her throne like makeup chair. I look at myself in the mirror marveling at how I had never managed to sprout a single bit of facial hair. It was almost like god himself was mocking me, telling me I may be a man but I would never look like one. I guess he had other plans in mind for me...

I brushed, styled and straightened my hair after putting on my bra and panties. I had learned to instinctively tuck my tiny little penis (more proof towards the sick joke god was playing on me) and balls behind my legs and up into my ass crack, allowing the thong to slide up and provide the little bit of pressure that would be required to hold them in place. I stuffed the bra with a little bit of tissue and slid the shirt over my head making sure it rode a little higher than usual in order to hide the unnatural look of tissue sticking out of my bra.

Half dressed I got to work on my hair, pulling the long black tresses through the heated straightener and down past my shoulders until every last lock was nice and straight. I gave myself a little "white girl poof" for added measure, tucking it into the hairband as I moved on to makeup.

I started with foundation layering it on before adding a nice reddish purple blush to my cheeks and opting for the candy apple red lipstick I tended to favor. As I mentioned I had mastered the art of makeup and I wasn't kidding, my mom herself would have been jealous of how I was starting to look as I began gliding the mascara brush along my eyelids. My eyebrows were next, the one contradiction to the previous tricks god liked to play on me. Instead of being next to nonexistent like the rest of my body hair they grew out bushy and were always threatening to bridge the gap to for a uni-brow.

I fought them for what felt like hours before I was finally satisfied, running an eyebrow pencil over them to fill in whatever gaps may have sprouted during my haste, finally standing up and sliding the skimpy little slut skirt up to my waste, clasping it shut at the waist and stepping into the sandals. I marveled as a breeze blew beneath me, tickling my ass. (That sensation is without any doubt one of my favorite things about skirts!)

I twirled in the mirror satisfied with how I looked, it was like staring at a 19 year old spicy latina college girl the ones you see on tv that lounge about on the coach and wait for her friends to come over so they could enjoy a friendly pillow fight. Giggling at the thought of being a college girl I set about my tasks for the day.

Unknown to me at the time I had been being watched throughout the entirety of my transformation. You see just before my mom's disappearance we had been subject to a new addition to our neighborhood after our long time neighbors the Dawmister's (a lovely elderly coupled) had moved. Well it was really just Mrs. Dawmister, Mr. Dawmister had died of a heart attack during the night and overcome with grief she had stopped taking care of herself.

Eventually her kids had been powerd to come down from the city to deal with her; they promptly packed her up and shipped her off to a home. They sold the house to a very domineering African man named Sam, and after that and my mom feeling spiteful (I starting to think she believes we stole her youth) decided to power us to have him over for dinner.

He had taken a profound interest in our family, in no time at all he was suddenly dropping by to help around the house and sometimes when no one was looking I could swear he was watching me.

I felt like he followed me around the house, especially when my mom and sister would step out. Once I was almost sure he had said something along the lines of "Slut" to me as he was repairing the washing machine one day. Thinking it was ridiculous for a man to call another man a slut I shrugged it off and went about my business. What



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Boy was I going to be suprised when I would find out that Sam had turned out to be more interested in our family then I originally suspected. It turns out When my mom had run off with her new boyfriend she failed to tell any of us that he was a very high ranking official within the Mafia. Let alone that Sam had not moved in by coincidence, but was actually hired to watch over our family for somewhere close by.

The real reamister he had been helping around the house was so that he could secretly hide cameras, so that he could monitor us and keep us safe. Instead he had ended up recording and watching every second of film he had of me dressing up and masterbating.

Sam had become infatuated with me, to him I was better looking than my lady and sister combined, and once I had transformed he knew was going to have to have me one way or another. As It happened to be today was the day he would finally strike. He turned off the monitor of the screen he was watching me walk out into the backyard on and made for the door. Grabbing his keys off the counter he smiled inwardly as he locked up and made his way over to my house. Today he would make a boy into a woman, his woman.

The knock on the door startled me and I dropped the glass of juice I was carrying across the kitchen floor. I stood there in panic trying to decide what to do. It couldn't be my mom she wouldn't bother knocking and my sister had her own place now, she rarely showed up around the house unless it was a holiday

Deciding it was probably nothing more than a delivery guy or something and that it was better off to just ignore it I plucked a paper towel off the roll and got down on my hands and knees and began scrubbing up the wreckage of my beverage. It was then I heard the door shut from the living room.

My heart leapt to my throat as I jumped to my feet and found my black neighbor Sam staring straight at me. Staring is probably too soft a word, it was more like he was leering his eyes straying up and down my body as his tongue flicked out of the side of his mouth and traced his lips.

"You look so good in that outfit I couldn't help but think to myself; Sam old buddy, a little girl like that one shouldn't be in a house all by herself, it's simply not safe not with all the sexual predators out there these days." he quipped smiling broadly as he closed the distance and came up to the bar that separated the kitchen from the living room.

"Mmmr...wwwoodssmister!"I stammered, "What are you earth talking about!? What are you doing here!? I...I... I think you should leave!" "Now now that's not a very polite way to treat guest's young lady! Your lady would be so upset to hear about how you are behaving. Did you know she begged my boss to have me look over you all this time, fix things around your house and make sure it's nice and quiet so you can dress up like the little girl you are?" He laughed, "Well granted she doesn't know you dress up but that can be our little secret can't it?" I stood there aghast, frozen in fear as I digested his words. He had been watching me dress up! How long had this gone on... had he seen me with the dildo? Oh no! What was I going to do if he saw me panting and screaming out for my daddy as I fucked myself relentlessly with that vibrating wonder machine? I was caught and I knew it so I decided to make the best of it. "What would you like to take then Mr. Woodmister!?" I cooed softly, getting a little more practice with my feminine voice.

"A Jack and Coke would suit me nicely and for you I'm thinking something more girly is in order. How do you feel about a pink pussy, know how to make one of those?"

I nodded my head and he stood from the bar and made his way towards the sliding glass doors leading outside to our pool.

"Good that kind of take suits the new you. I'll be outside having a swim, bring it to me when it's done."

I nodded my head and got to work about the kitchen making our takes. After I finished I went outside and found him lounging in nothing but his swim trunks (apparently he had worn them under his clothes? How well prepared for this was he?) He took his take and swiftly finished it. Looking up at me and my half finished glass he sighed unpleased.

"Now now, that's a pink pussy you should be able to finish that before I even get halfway done. I think you better pick up the pace or your lady might learn you have been stealing her ***** as well."

I scoffed at this for a second but the look in his eyes suggested that even now the cameras were rolling and he had all the evidence he needed to have my mom back here in an instant. Giving up I downed the glass and he sent me off to get more. A few hours later I was feeling really takes as Sam insisted we go inside and watch some TV. He had me sit down on the couch as he walked up to the DVD player and inserted a Disk he had pulled from a secret compartment inside the entertainment center. Had he installed that for just this occasion I wondered as my suspicions became verified when the movie finally started. It was a porno! Not only that, it was one I had recently watched (he was watching me on my computer too!) and showcased a very beautiful black haired Tranny named Carla Novaes (I always thought I looked like her so it made it easier to pretend to be her when I played around) as she sucked and fucked a large black man very similar looking to Sam now that I thought about it. Sam seemed to be reading my mind as he sat down next to me and placed his arm around my shoulder. "I think you look just like her." He said solemnly "I am sorry for being so powerful earlier, but I knew it was the only way to get you to lighten up a little. That and a few takes!"

He laughed awkwardly as I sat there silently as he waited for me to say something. He was right in a sense, after the third or fourth take I'll admit I started REALLY loosening up and accepting what was happening. I had even begun acting a little girly, giggling at his jokes and letting my eyes linger on his swollen chest and the surprisingly girthy bulge straining to escape his swim trunks.

"You see I do think you look a lot like her and well to be honest she is my favorite. I have been in love with her for a long time and obviously I would never get to know her. I've dated others like her but I felt like you would be quite the catch if I pulled it off, so please, I don't want to have to power you..."

It was then I realized what he was after as his lips met mine and his tongue slithered into my mouth. I pushed him away gasping for air. "We can't!" I stammered "I am a boy!"

"Not to me you aren't" he said running his hands along my side and sending a shiver down my spine. "Look at you even your body can't lie about what you are! So why do you keep fighting it!?" He was right, I was enjoying this. I felt his hand stop and clamp onto my ass as he began kneading it gently. I was fascinated at how my hips moved in rhythm with his hands, completely on their own and I knew it was time. I lunged forward my lips practically crashing into his as my tongue thrashed about inside his mouth. His tongue met mine and I felt nothing but bliss as we sat there making out lustfully, his hands travelling up and down my sides, my hips bucking to the motion started by his hands.

His hands found my nipples under the bra and stuffing so suddenly I couldn't help but moan (amazingly girly) and plunged my mouth upon his one more. Before long my curiosity and lust were beyond my control as my hand found the button to his pants. I unfastened the strings and pulled the button free allowing enough room for my hand to slide down his stomach and into his drawers. It was there I found my new best friend. I pulled his cock free and began to run my hand up and down the long ebony shaft, my fingers lightly circling the top as I plunged my hand up and down his huge member. It had to be at least 10 inches and wider around than a good sized carrot. The weight felt just right in my hand and the heat it generated was somehow comforting.

I wanted to get to know it better! My mind made up I broke our passionate embrace and slid down past his knees my face now eye level with his massive cock.

"Suck it Carla." He grunted staring me straight in the eyes.

"What did you call me!?" I said staring shocked up at him.

"I can call you Carla can't I? I figured your real name wasn't very fitting after all and well you look like a Carla..." he pushed his cock towards my lips "please my darling Carla?" I was sold, it was like those feelings I had had watching shemales on the internet only better, 10x no 100x better. I was finally Carla, a girl, one of those beautiful radiating creatures and here before me was the big black man I had always secretly wanted to covet me. My head dropped and the tip of his cock passed my lips hitting the back of my throat.


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"Wait a second now..." he said as his dick hit the back of my throat. "I appreciate your dedication but you don't need to go so fast, here take it slow."

He ran his right hand up until it rested on my lovely soft black hair. He then applied pressure, guiding my head slowly up and down on his cock. "Twirl your tongue a little, yes like that, oh god you are a natural."

This was all I needed, my previous gusto returned, coupled with my newfound knowledge of cock sucking I began to really work it. I cupped his balls and began playing with them with my left hand as my right hand slid up and down his shaft in constant pursuit and retreat of my lips. He groaned loudly and began thrusting upwards to meet me as sweat began to trickle down his forehead.

Suddenly while I was mid stroke I felt his hands leave my head and he bent forward to slap my ass. I had been so shocked I had completely forgotten about my gag reflex, instinctively I had let his cock slip past my lips and down my throat. I gagged lightly as I focused on breathing through my nose.

"Well I'll be damned; you are the first one to ever do that on the first try. I'm impressed!" he said staring down at me glowingly. I couldn't help but feel honored by his compliments and shook my ass a little to his pleasure as he slapped my ass once more, all the while looking up at him, his dick in my mouth and a smile on my face.

My actions prompted Sam to finally take up the initiative to do what he had been planning from the moment he had slapped my ass. At first he had intended to startle me and see just how slutty I could be before he showed me true pleasure. Satisfied with his findings he effortless grabbed each side of my waist and spun me his dick still in my mouth so that I was lying on his chest facing down towards his cock. My skirt fell down revealing my puckered ass hole and barely visible boy clitty (I had decided I wasn't a boy anymore at this point) I felt his tongue slam against the outside of my asshole and by the time his fingers had taken its place I had lost it completely. I was grinding my asshole into his face as I vigorously sucked his cock. We kept at this pace for a good twenty minutes or so before I slid his cock down my throat one last time, just in time I might add for his orgasm. His cum shot directly down my throat, unhindered by lips, tongue or gag reflex and made its way to my belly adding to the lusty heat that was growing from that region as it was. I gasped as his cock flopped out of my mouth and he spun me once more, now I was sitting on his lap staring him straight in the eyes.

Instantly we began kissing and I felt his member begin to stir once more beneath me, before too long it was poking up past my skirt and he began banging it aggressively against the back of my ass. Completely turned on at this point I began to shimmy and slither on his lap, enticing his penis back to its fully erect state.

"Fuck me." I said so bluntly I surprised even myself.

"You think you are ready?" he said a bit shocked at how well things were proceeding.

I nodded my head and smiled holding me against him as he reached around and pulled my panties off, flinging them like a kid shooting a rubberband off his finger tip across the room and onto the TV. He didn't however get started right away as I had assumed, instead he lifted me off him and bent me over the arm of the couch with my ass facing him.

I couldn't help think how I must look, sitting there like a takes and horny college girl bent over her own couch with a huge black man tonguing her ass hole like it was some sort of tasty treat. Then it hit me, all of this was being filmed. Like it or not he had me and I was about to become a porn star in one sense or another. Feeling really turned on by becoming a porn start just like Carla I began to really act the part, living it up as I moaned and wailed bucking and letting the feelings take me completely. Sam took this as a sign that I was ready and before I knew it he had stopped licking and had positioned his dick against my asshole. I heard a squirting sound as something cold and wet was slathered onto my asshole and most likely onto his cock judging from the continued slathering sound after he had finished with me.

"You're are going to have to guide it in honey." He said as he placed my hand on his cock "It's your first time you have the right to set the pace. That's it nice and slow... oh god you are so warm and tight!"

I moaned loudly when his balls slapped against my thighs and the bulk of him had filled me. It was incredible, I had never felt this great in all my life. It was as if ever pulsation of his cock rocked my body sending sensations that powerd me to move with them and in turn starting the process all over.

"What now?" I asked, feeling somewhat silly at the question.

"I told you to set your own pace sweetie, move it in and out on your own and get a feel for It." he said slapping my ass playfully. Doing as he said I rocked forward on the palms of my hands and then slowly pushed myself backwards feeling his member slowly slide up and down my insides sending shockwave after shockwave through my body before my hands gave out and I collapsed onto my face.

He laughed a little from behind me and I felt his hands run up under my stomach and up to my chest, lifting me upright until my back was against his stomach. I turned my head and our mouths met again as he slowly began to fuck me at a pace similar to what I had been doing myself. "Get ready girl, this is where it gets good." With that he began to pick up the pace, truly fucking me for the first time. I had thought I had lost control of myself before but it was nothing like what was happening now. I threw my head back and screamed like a girl every time his cock hit the back of my ass. I bucked my hips, I slithered, I gyrated and I even fell back down onto my face, my ass sticking straight into his giant cock as I gripped the cushions for dear life. Then suddenly he stopped and his dick fell out of my ass with a pop. He got up and sat down on the couch and beckoned me over to him, pointing playfully to his lap. I didn't need any prodding at this point I happily sauntered over to him, climbing onto his lap and reaching back to guide his dick into my ass as if I had done it a hundred times before in my life. We resumed our previous pace as we locked eyes, his hands gripped my waist and he began slamming me down into his cock as I held my girly arms up like I was walking like an Egyptian, letting their flop there for added effect as he pummeled my ass.

"Scream for me like you do in the videos." He said suddenly stopping "tell me how much you want it."

I knew what he wanted to hear, I had feared it at first but now I was looking forward to it. As far as I could ever tell the best porn were the ones where they begged for it and like it or not at this point I was nothing more than a beggar.

"GIVE IT TO ME DADDY!" I screamed as I began fucking myself despite him. "I need your dick, I am your woman, oh please daddy fuck me until I can't walk"

"That's what I like to hear, keep it up." He said as he began to fuck me in earnest once more.

"OH MY GOD! Yes please! Yes! Yes! Fuck me! Ride me you black lady fucker you aren't doing it hard enough! Oh god ya, Like that! MOOOOOOORE!!"

Then it came, the greatest most powerful orgasm I had ever felt. My clitty began spouting its load all by itself (it had never done that before!) and my body shuddered like I had epilepsy but he never once stopped and the more he went the better it felt. I came three more times before he finally pulled his dick out of my ass sometime after we had switched to over to missionary.

"Open your mouth bitch!" he yelled as his cock came to my face.

"I know already!" I yelled back playfully as I engulfed his cock and took his whole load into my mouth, swallowing gleefully until every little bit was gone.

We spent the next few hours cuddling until I fell arelax. I awoke in my bed by myself, on the desk was a note and a bottle of pills. I picked it up and read.

You are to take these pills everyday for the next three months, I will be away on business but when I get back I know you will be seeing the effects. Keep yourself pretty for me while I'm away, I can't wait to see you again my beautiful Carla! -Sincerely Sam


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So there I was four months, 12 days and 15 hours after finally becoming a girl. There I was, sitting in front of my new vanity and humming sweetly to myself as I did my hair and makeup. It was needless to say this was the happiest I would ever be in all of my life. I was beautiful! My long black hair was now down past my shoulders and now hung in sexy ringlets. My pale ivory skin had grown softer, paler, more effectively highlighting my cherry red lips which also seemed fuller now, giving the illusion I was perpetually pouting. My cheeks and jaw line had softened (not that they were very firm to begin with!)and when framed by my lush hair made me look so far beyond gorgeous. Then to top it all off was my new green contact lenses, a wonderful gift from Sam that left me looking like a forest goddess.

Finishing up the last application of my mascara, I stood up to admire the finished product as I giddily giggled to myself. I then tightened the straps on my garters. The feeling of silk stockings had become an addiction for me now like never before. Sure they had been wonderful before but that was back when I was still a boy, before I understood the truth behind their luxuriousness. Back then I had worn them because they made me feel like I was doing something naughty, something forbidden and wrong. Back then I had worn them to make myself look like a woman, to feel sexy as I thought about what it would be like to be one, to feel a man inside you and love it. Now I wore them because I was a woman, because they let me become ever more arousing for my man and because they felt right, were right.

The same could be said about the deep black and purple lined corset, garter belt, panties and heels. They were the clothes of a sexy woman, a slut sure but a sexy one none the less. The black fabric was my favorite and the purple lace and ribbon that offset it was divine, rendering upon admirers the impression that an angel had surface from the depths of hell to fulfill their wildest dreams. Tasting those dreamy flavors was of course a privilege reserved solely for Sam, but that didn't mean I couldn't enjoy the thought of what others might do to me... but Sam would always win out in the end.

Thinking of Sam was getting out of hand, I already was starting to feel the immense need building up inside me. It had become so strong that sometimes I would let my imagination run wild and would start to feel a phantom cock pounding into me as I paced around my room. This of course stirred me into finding my dildo and destroying myself for a few hours until I curled up into a ball and fell arelax.

Running my hands up the black silky fabric I found my wonderful breasts and began working my nipples. The feeling was to say the least, incredible! I had never imagined simply touching my chest would ever feel so good, but after my constant regiment of medications my body had begun to drastically change. I now had a pretty decent sized pair of B cups. My waist had begun to shrink inward while my hips and ass had flared out even further beyond my already unnatural curvature and my skin had become baby soft, even without the use of lotion.

"Oh god" I moaned as I ran my other hand down between my legs.

No! I had to control myself, Sam would be home soon and this was no time to be playing with myself. Reluctantly I pulled my hands back and walked into my closet, selecting a short plaid skirt, a white blouse and a pair of stiletto heeled platforms, putting them on over my lingerie and stepping back for one last look in the mirror while I attacked my earrings and made a few minor adjustments.

The Alarm went off and I nearly leapt out of my heels. I forgot to turn the damn thing off! I ran down the stairs as fast as a woman in heels could but halfway down the alarm went off and I could hear the sound of the front door close. Stopping, I collected myself and waited patiently for him to come around the corner before I began to descend the stairs as sexily as I could, swaying my hips and pushing out my chest as he rounded the corner.

He smiled upon catching sight of me and throwing his arms out to his side he said "Come here my beautiful, beautiful Carla!"

"Sam!" I practically shrieked as I leapt into his arms as our lips met and our tongues lashed about one another like snakes entwined in a pit.

His hands crept up my legs and rested on my ass for a brief moment before he squeezed, pulling hard and lifting me up off the ground. I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist and began slowly writhing against his crotch.

We broke our kiss.

"Did you miss me?"

"Oh god... Sam. Right here, right now. I need you!"

He laughed.

"Oh sweetie, You don't know how long I have waited for you to say that. But first you know what you need to do don't you?"

I nodded and he lowered me to the ground where I immediately fell to my knees, reached out and began to undo his pants. I quickly fumred at his zipper and finally the button closing his boxers before finding my prize. His coal black monster reared forth from his boxers and I immediately engulfed it with my mouth. The texture, the flavor, everything I had missed for so long came rushing back to me as I began to bob up and down, sliding my tongue around the head and length of his shaft. The salty taste of his pre-cum was like lady's milk to me now, I stopped for a while with my lips wrapped around his cock head, furiously sucking every last drop as my hands slowly worked his shaft and his balls.

He was clearly loving what I was doing because before too long he and his hands wrapped up in my beautiful black hair and was ever so powerfully fucking my face. We did this for a relatively long while, alternating between me willingly attempting to swallow ever last inch of his cock and him slamming the wonderful appendage down my little whore throat.

"Oh god Baby that is wonderful." He said as he pulled me off of his cock with an audible pop, the purest of testaments toward the power of suction I was using to please my man. "Come here on the couch, I want to take care of you while you take of me."

"Anything for you Daddy." I said as I crawled up next to him on the sofa and once again swallowed his member.

I began sucking again with renewed vigor, running my tongue up and down his cock as his hands were massaging and kneading my lingerie clad ass. Slowly he began running one of his hands down between my cheeks, running lightly from my buddy cherry to the tip of my little clit. Each pass of his hand made me shudder, nearly coming from the contact as I moaned like a little whore around his cock. I pulled my mouth of his cock and lunged for his mouth when he slid one of his fingers inside of me, our tongues raced together as I wildly sucked on his mouth. I was in heaven, his finger slid slowly in and out until there became two, then three and I couldn't hold back anymore. I flung myself from our embrace and literally attacked his cock with my mouth, I was amazed to find that my gag reflex had completely disappeared as I took the whole length of his cock deep into my throat.

This was what I wanted, I wanted him as deep inside of me as possible and with his cock lodged in my throat I knew, I knew that all it would take would be a little more and I could have his seed pumping directly into my belly. I was motivated and that motivation brought about something completely un-thought of by me before, I literally tried to swallow his cock. I did it over and over, the muscles of my throat undulating as they pulled his member deeper and deeper, trying to get the whole thing into my belly like a slab of black steak. This drove him mad, he began cumming almost immediately, I could fill his seed filling my belly and I could do nothing but keep trying to swallow, over and over again until he was spent.

"Oh my god Carla... that was fucking amazing." he said as he lifted me up and laid me on my back before crawling over top of me and staring me in the eyes. "I have never felt anything like that before... you are fucking minx girl. Damn. C'mere let me do something for you baby."

I merely whimpered as he unbuttoned my shirt, pulling it open and then bringing his mouth down on my budding breasts. He squeezed them softly as he alternated between left and right, flicking his tongue out over my nipples before sucking each one for a time. Meanwhile I was screaming and screeching like the little sissy bitch I had grown to be, and when he finally dropped down between my legs I was certain anyone within a five mile radius could hear me moaning when his tongue finally entered my puckered hole.

"Oh god yes Sam, baby please don't ever stop"

He moaned up at me, a smile in his eyes.

"Oh my god... yes! Deeper, oh god I love you, please take me. I need you to fill me with your seed Daddy. Please. I am yours forever baby." I cooed as he rose slowly, smiling ever so sinisterly as he grabbed me by the hips and lifted me into the air. I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist as he got to his feet. Once he was standing firm on his feet and had a strong grasp on my ass I reached back with my left hand and grasped his wonderful cock. Lining the behemoth up with my cherry I began to push his member inside of me.

Of course I had been training with dildos and the like for weeks but this was Sam after all and it took a little spit, some pressure and I am not going to lie a lot of pain before that monster finally made its way inside me, but once it did I was in heaven. There was nothing greater than feeling that massive warmth inside me, pulsating time and time again against the quivering lining of my pussy. I began pulling him in deeper with my ass muscles, moaning weakly as he came to rest up against my love button. It was magic, no matter what every time Sam's perfect cock found my button and would stay there the entire time we fucked, so it was no surprise when I began leaking from clit the instant Sam began to walk around, each step eliciting a spurt of my little girly cream as he slid in and out of my pussy.

I cried out with lust and began trying to fuck him back until he finally sat down on the couch. Once seated I began to furiously ride him as he sucked on my tits. I writhed in his lap, shaking my hips and bouncing interchangeably while my little clit spewed and spurted my girl seed. Sam of course was not one for waste and quickly began cleaning my dribbles up with his fingers and feeding them too me one finger full at a time. I gobble down the cum madly as I slammed my ass up and down on his cock, because this is what women do, they service men and when they service men they do everything that makes them feel good, they cherish their cum because it is the physical manifestation of their love and even if it was originally from me, it was a gift from him and I would never turn down a gift from my beloved Sam.

After a while he finally flipped me over and got me up on my hands and knees hanging over the side of the couch before he re-entered me and began to seriously just fuck the living cuckolds brownie out of me. This was when I lost control entirely, I began panting and moaning and screaming and shrieking, my arms gave out and I fell onto my face biting down against the couch cushions while I moaned and hung on for dear life. Once, twice, three times he impaled my button powering me to see spots before my eyes and I nearly thought I would pass out before I began to tremble uncontrollably. I came then more than I have ever before in my life, back to back orgasm before collapsing into a heap of sweat and cum as he finally came inside me.

I lay there for a moment, lost in bliss before I realized there was something wrong with Sam. He wasn't moving and was staring directly in front of us... a look of pure shock in his eyes. It was then that I heard a familiar voice.


I gasped in shock and embarrassment to see my lady standing before me, shopping bags dropped haphazardly on the floor as her soon lay beneath a sweating black man, covered in cum and dolled up like a two bit school girl prostitute. This wasn't going to be good.


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Comment je suis devenue une moins que rien

Je m'appelle Magaly, jeune lycéenne blonde, jolie mais pas exceptionnelle.
Je vais reprendre cette histoire à mister début. Je sortais depuis 4 ans avec un homme plus âgé que moi (25 ans), Emeric, chez qui je vivais depuis le décès de mes parents 2 ans auparavant. Je l'aimais profondément, il était mon pilier de soutien, je dépendais complètement de lui (à la fois émotionnellement et matériellement, car ma tante était en réalité ma tutrice légale mais n'avait jamais voulu s'occuper de moi) ; lui par contre, depuis le temps que nous vivions ensemble, semblait s'éloigner de moi, je ne devais surement pas être assez « mature » pour lui, pas assez ouverte sexuellement, et il devait s'être lassé de moi, il voulait connaître d'autres filles...
Ainsi, il ne me touchait plus, et mes petites attentions n'y faisaient rien (petits cadeaux, repas bien mitonnés...). Lui d'ailleurs ne faisait plus rien pour moi, et j'en étais désespérée. Il me faisait sans arrêt des reproches, m'insultait même parfois, mais j'espérais toujours que ça lui passe.

Jusqu'au jour où, rentrant du lycée, je le retrouvai sur le canapé embrassant et pelotant une autre femme en sous-vêtements, une bouteille de champagne était ouverte et deux coupes encore à moitié pleines trônaient sur la table. Il n'avait pas fait les choses à moitié (il n'avait jamais fait ça pour moi !), et il avait tout prévu : il savait à quelle heure je rentrais et voulait que je les découvre dans cette situation. Il voulait me faire du mal.
Je sentis les larmes monter et reculai d'un pas quand il m'interrompit :
- Qu'est ce que tu fous salope ?! Ramènes toi ici !
Complètement désemparée, j'obéi. Je pus mieux voir la maîtresse de mon copain : sans conteste beaucoup plus belle que moi, je n'étais pas étonnée qu'elle lui plaise plus. Elle devait avoir à peu près mister âge, 23/24 ans ; brune aux cheveux courts, bouche pulpeuse, regard magictique, et côté corps pas très grande mais un bon 90D, une taille fine et de belles hanches : elle incarnait parfaitement le fantasme d'Emeric, sa « femme parfaite », ce qui me rendit encore plus jalouse ! Et pour couronner le tout, elle me regardait d'un air goguenard, très méprisante.
Me voyant la regarder d'un air renfrogné, Emeric me lança :
- Elle est belle Sonya hein ? Bien mieux foutue que toi qui ne dépasse pas le bonnet B ! Et elle, elle a du caractère, pas comme toi qui te conduis comme un vrai chien-chien ! D'ailleurs puisque tu te comportes comme tel, on va te traiter comme tel ! Commences par te foutre à poil, tu ne mérites pas d'avoir de l'intimité devant des permisternes qui te mistert largement supérieures !
J'obéi, mais il ne me regardait même plus, ils avaient recommencé à s'embrasser et il lui avait enlevé mister string pour pouvoir caresser sa chatte déjà toute luisante. Moi je commençais à avoir froid et mis mes bras autour de mes épaules pour me réchauffer. Je ne voulais pas voir ça et détournai les yeux, mais Emeric me regarda à ce moment là et m'ordonna :
- Toi tu regardes ! Tu n'aimes pas voir l'homme que tu aimes faire l'amour à une vraie femme ? Tu as pourtant beaucoup de choses à apprendre !
Me voilà obligée de les regarder faire, ce qui me brisait le cœur. J'aurais pu profiter des moments où ils ne s'occupaient pas de moi pour regarder ailleurs mais j'étais malgré moi beaucoup trop docile pour ça.
Elle était maintenant assise sur le bord du canapé, lui était devant et la pénétrait largement, elle gémissait de plaisir. Lui ne m'avait plus fait l'amour de cette façon depuis plus d'un an !
De temps en temps, Sonya ouvrait les yeux et les plantait dans les miens en poussant un hurlement de plaisir déchirant. Elle se moquait ouvertement de moi et cela lui procurait de toute évidence un grand plaisir !
Moi, je sentais le rouge me monter aux joues, par la honte, la jalousie, et... le plaisir qui commençait à monter en moi à mon grand étonnement.
Sonya me matait en long et en large, comme jaugeant la qualité d'une bête, augmentant mon offense. Elle m'ordonna d'écarter les jambes et de mettre mes bras dans mon dos pour pouvoir mieux m'observer.
- Quelle salope ta copine ! Elle n'a pas honte de se montrer comme ça devant nous !
Et mister regard s'attardant sur mon intimité, elle s'exclama :
- Et on dirait que ça lui plait à cette traînée ! Elle mouille !
Effectivement, je sentais un liquide chaud couler le long de mes cuisses...
- Cette salope n'est pas bonne à baiser mais ça serait dommage ne pas profiter de cette mouille !
Ajouta Emeric.
- Approches toi que tu puisses enfin te rendre utile ! Sonya aime se faire prendre par le cul mais on va avoir besoin de plus de lubrification pour ça...
Je ne comprenais pas vraiment ce qu'il voulait dire, mais je m'approchai pendant que Sonya se mettait à quatre pattes au bord du canapé.
Emeric récupéra un maximum de ma mouille avec sa main (me faisant frismisterner lorsqu'elle passa sur mon sexe) et l'étala sur l'anus de Sonya en la doigtant doucement pour la dilater, puis sur sa queue tendue à l'excès, qu'il présenta devant sa rondelle en pressant doucement (jamais il n'avait pris autant de précautions avec moi, la seule fois où il avait voulu me prendre par derrière, il y était allé violemment et depuis je n'ai jamais aimé la sodomie ; je ne devait pas valoir les attentions qu'il avait pour Sonya). Il rentra lentement mister sexe dans mister cul mais il s'arrêta :
- Ca ne va pas être suffisant, il faut plus de lubrification ! A genoux salope !
Je m'agenouillai devant lui et il sortit sa queue de Sonya pour me la mettre dans la bouche. Il du powerr l'entrer car j'étais dégoûtée : sa bite sortait à peine du cul de Sonya et en avait encore le goût âcre ! L'offense était à mister comble : mon copain ne voulait pas de moi, il couchait avec une autre DEVANT moi, et pour couronner le tout, Je lui servais à mieux LA baiser ! J'en pleurais pendant qu'il m'ordonnait de saliver au maximum pour bien lubrifier sa bite.
Cela dura un moment : il rentrait sa bite dans le cul de Sonya, puis la sortait pour la remettre dans ma bouche :
- Tu comprends, je ne peux pas mettre ma bite salie dans la chatte de Sonya, ce n'est pas hygiénique, ELLE ne mérite pas ça !
Sonya ri d'un rire sadique avant de reprendre ses cris de plaisir. Emeric prit bien soin d'elle avant de sortir une dernière fois sa queue et la diriger vers moi pour éjaculer sur mon visage.
Je restais comme ça, sans bouger, sans savoir quoi faire, alors il me dit, l'air désespéré :
- Et bien, laves-toi donc, petite souillon !
Et alors que je faisais mine de me lever pour aller à la salle de bain :
- Non non, tu m'as mal compris ! Tu devrais être fière de recevoir ce sperme sur ton visage et ne pas vouloir le gaspiller, alors tu vas tout manger !
Je du donc récupérer toute la semence avec mes doigts avant de me les mettre en bouche.
Ils parurent satisfaits et en rire avant de s'embrasser passionnément. Puis ils s'éloignèrent, me laissant là, où je pu me laisser aller à pleurer... alors même que j'avais le sexe en feu...


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Dimanche, 9h du matin. Un réveil misterne sur la table de nuit à côté de moi. Pendant un instant j'ai du mal à réaliser où je suis : c'est la première fois que je dors dans la chambre d'amis, et je n'avais réglé aucun réveil ! Apparemment, Emeric s'en était chargé pour moi. De toute évidence, il voulait que je me lève pour leur préparer un petit déjeuner. Je ne savais pas à quelle heure ils allaient se lever, je ne pouvais pas prendre le temps de me laver, d'autant plus que le frigo étant vide, j'allais devoir faire quelques courses pour pouvoir préparer un petit déjeuner digne de ce nom (digne que je ne sois pas réprimandée). Heureusement, une petite supérette de mon quartier ouvrait le dimanche matin. Je m'habillais donc rapidement et sortis faire des emplettes.
Une fois rentrée, je n'oubliais pas d'enfiler ma tenue de bonne (je n'avais pas envie de me faire gronder) et je me m'attelais à préparer un bon petit déjeuner, avec café chaud, croissants, jus d'orange, toasts...
Emeric arriva dans la cuisine le bras autour de la taille de Sonya alors que j'étais en train de mettre la table.
- Bien, je vois que tu as compris le message !
- Il n'y a que du café ? Je ne bois que du thé ! Tu aurais dû te préparer à toutes les possibilités ! Qu'est ce que je vais prendre moi maintenant ?
- Magaly, je suis très déçu... A l'avenir tu feras attention de faire faire ce qui plait à Sonya, afin de la servir au mieux ! En attendant, je vais devoir prévoir une punition pour cette erreur. Il ne faudrait tout de même pas que tu oublies ton rang !
« Mais c'est MOI, ta copine ! ». Je gardais cette réflexion pour moi. Elle ne lui aurait pas plu, bien sur. Je n'en étais pas moins blessée.
- Au fait, ton repas d'hier t'a-t-il plu ?
- Ou... Oui.
- Oui Maître ! A partir de maintenant, nous allons instaurer quelques règles. Je suis ton Maître, et Sonya ta Maîtresse, tu ne devras donc nous appeler qu'ainsi. En ce qui concerne ton repas, j'étais sûr que ça te plairait ; qu'est ce qui peut mieux convenir à une chienne que de la pattée pour chien ? A partir de maintenant, tu ne mangeras plus que ça. Ah, et tu n'iras pas en cours la semaine prochaine, nous allons avoir besoin de toi ici : j'ai pris une semaine de congé.
- Mais... Je ne peux pas rater des cours comme ça !
- Ne proteste pas ! Et ne t'inquiètes pas, je règlerai ça avec ton proviseur...
Pendant cette discussion, ils avaient tout deux entamé leur petit déjeuner, pendant que moi je restais servilement debout devant eux, à les regarder manger. Mon estomac gargouilla.
- Ah, tu as faim ?
Il venait de finir de manger et se leva, dans un grand sac il prit une boite de pattée pour chien et... une gamelle. Il vida le contenu de la boite dans le récipient qu'il posa par terre :
- Tu es une chienne qui mange de la nourriture de chienne, comme une chienne.
Je me mis donc à quatre pattes et entrepris difficilement de manger ma pattée. Cela les fit beaucoup rire.

Le reste de la journée se passa calmement. Ils devaient être fatigués par leur soirée passée, et je l'étais également.
Je dus leur préparer leurs repas de midi et du soir, et le reste du temps je restais debout à leurs côtés, prête à obéir au moindre de leurs ordres. Ce qui m'était très difficile, c'était de les voir se faire des papouilles, se dire des mots doux, toutes ces petites attentions que j'avais longtemps attendues sans jamais y avoir droit.
Cette nuit-là fut plus calme que la précédente, et je pus mieux dormir.
Le lendemain, lundi, fut identique, je me levai le matin tôt pour préparer le petit déjeuner, et me tenait disponible toute la journée.
Après le déjeuner, une fois que la table fut rangée, la vaisselle faite etc... Pendant le café, je me tenais debout près de la table à mon habitude, lorsqu'Emeric rompit le silence :
- Sonya, mon amour, j'ai un cadeau pour toi.
Mon amour ? Un cadeau ? Ca allait trop loin ! Il L'aimait et LUI offrait des cadeaux, alors qu'il ne m'en avait plus fait depuis au moins deux ans. Je voulais crier « JE suis ta copine, tu M'aime, fais MOI des cadeaux !!! ». Mais je pouvais rien dire, et du me contente de ravaler mes larmes, tandis qu'il ouvrait devant moi un écrin contenant un magnifique collier. J'en aurais rêvé !
- Qu'est-ce que tu en penses ma chérie ?
- Il est magnifique ! Merci mon cœur, tu sais toujours comment me faire plaisir !
- Magaly, viens donc lui mettre ce bijou ! Et fait bien attention, c'est précieux ! Et fais aussi attention à Sonya, elle est encore plus précieuse !
Rouge de colère, je dus obéir, je saisis le collier sertis de diamants et le portait au cou de Sonya, un cou fin et délicat, qui porterait bien mieux que moi un tel bijou.
Sous un ordre d'Emeric, j'allais chercher un miroir pour qu'elle puisse s'admirer.
- Il est vraiment superbe ! Il a dû te coûter une fortune ! Tu es un ange !
Et elle se leva pour l'embrasser. Il la prit sur ses genoux, une main derrière sa nuque, l'autre descendant le long de mister dos, jusqu'à ses fesses qu'il caressa au travers du tissus de sa robe, puis sa main alla de la nuque à la poitrine, qu'il caressa également. Cela commençait à devenir érotique, et je savais comment ça allait se finir. Effectivement, il ne tarda pas à la soulever et la pencher sur la table, il souleva juste sa robe : elle ne portait pas de sous-vêtements, il pu donc directement atteindre mister vagin déjà humide pour aller vers le clitoris qu'il caressa attentivement. Elle gémit.
J'étais face à eux et ne pouvait donc voir que leurs expressions, mais ça ne suffisait pas à Emeric : il m'invita à venir derrière afin de ne pouvoir rater aucun détail.
Il caressait toujours le clitoris de Sonya, et parfois mister majeur retournait dans sa grotte humide pour revenir de plus belle tourner autour de mister bouton de plaisir. Son autre main, pendant ce temps, avait baissé mister décolleté pour pouvoir caresser ses seins, titiller ses tétons. Sonya gémissait, soupirait. Elle était étonnante de sensualité, prise ainsi, dans le moindre de ses soupirs, le moindre de ses mouvements... Pour ne pas avoir à cesser de s'occuper d'elle, Emeric me demanda de sortir sa queue de mister pantalon, ce que je fis. Il bandait comme un âne. Il accélérait ses mouvement avec sa main, et lorsque Sonya s'écria :
- Je viens !!!
Il m'ordonna de rentrer sa bite dans cette chatte trempée. Quand je pensais être arrivée à un extrême d'offense, Emeric poussait les limites encore plus loin : aider mon copain à pénétrer sa maîtresse ! Bien sûr, j'obéis rapidement et alors que je faisais rentrer mister sexe tout raide dans le vagin de Sonya, celle-ci hurla de plaisir en jouissant dessus. Je ne manquais rien du spectacle : je pouvais voir mister vagin se contracter et décontracter autour de cette grosse queue, tandis qu'elle continuait de crier mister plaisir. Rien qu'en voyant ça, en entendant ces cris, je failli jouir sur place. La mouille coulait à flots le long de mes cuisses, ce qu'Emeric remarqua, et ramonant sa maîtresse, il commentait mon comportement :
- Espèce de chienne, ça t'excite de voir ton copain faire l'amour à une autre femme devant toi hein ? Un super canon, tu n'arriveras jamais à sa cheville, toi qui es une petite putain, qui mouille devant un tel spectacle, qui se plait à se faire humilier, hein salope ? Ca te plait ça !
Alors qu'il prononçait toutes ces insanités, mister rythme s'était accéléré. Je ne l'excitais pas. Ce qui l'excitait, c'était de me dégrader, de m'insulter, de me rabaisser au plus bas niveau. Il se délectait. Et ma mouille n'en coulait que plus. J'avais du mal à tenir debout tellement j'étais excitée.
Soudain, il sortit et, dirigeant mister sexe tendu vers moi, il s'écria :
- Tiens, prends ça, salope !
Et il éjacula de longs jets de sperme sur ma tenue en poussant de puissants râles de plaisir.
Il redressa Sonya et l'embrassa tendrement, puis s'adressa à moi :
- Tu laisseras ta tenue telle qu'elle est, ça te va bien. Et tu ne te doucheras pas aujourd'hui, tu vas assumer ton comportement en gardant tes saletés sur toi, ça t'apprendra !
Ils allèrent se doucher, et je m'effondrai sur le sol. Je n'en pouvais plus. Si cette nuit ils remettaient ça, je ne pourrai pas me retenir.
Le reste de l'après-midi il ne se passa rien, ils s'étaient tous les deux installés devant la télé, enlacés. J'avais envie moi aussi, de recevoir un peu d'affection. J'avais aussi besoin de me soulager ! Mais je devais rester à les regarder, comme toujours.
Après le dîner, ils allèrent se coucher et m'ordonnèrent de faire de même. Je m'allongeais donc, priant pour qu'il ne leur prenne aucune envie sexuelle. Mais comme je m'y attendais, ce ne fut pas le cas, et encore une fois je dus supporter leurs cris, leurs gémissements, leur plaisir, leur jouissance... J'entendais tout, et encore mouillée et excitée par la scène de cet après-midi, cela ne m'aidait en rien. Ils jouirent, j'étais en sueur, je m'étais dénudée tellement j'avais chaud et j'étais à nouveau en train de me caresser la poitrine. Je me forçais à attendre, jusqu'à ce que je n'entende plus un bruit afin d'être sûre qu'ils dormaient, pour enfin, me masturber.
C'était la première fois, mais Dieu que c'était bon ! Ma main droite faisait des allers-retours entre mon vagin et mon clitoris, pendant que ma main gauche tâtait mes seins, avant de rejoindre sa sœur pour l'aider dans sa tâche. Je ne pouvais retenir mes soupirs, mes gémissements, et lorsque j'arrivai à l'orgasme, c'est un cri qui s'échappait de mes lèvres, à peine étouffé. Il y avait longtemps que j'en avais besoin. Enfin j'étais soulagée.
Je restai là, transpirante et essoufflée, exténuée, vidée.


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Aire d'autoroute

Entre fantasme et réalité !!
Technicien dans un service après-vente dans les moteurs électriques, je parcourais le 1/4 de la France pour mes déplacements professionnels.
Je vivais maritalement avec une femme de mon âge et tout se passait dans la logique des choses.
Cependant, j'avais souvent envie de me trouver un jour, à genoux devant un type à qui je taillerai une pipe.
Lors des longs parcours en voiture, j'y pensais souvent en imaginant me trouver plus ou moins obligé à réaliser mon fantasme. J'en bandais et je m'arrêtais souvent pour me branler dans un WC sur les aires d'autoroute où je lisais ces annonces évocatrices écrites sur les murs ou les portes.
Une nuit, je rentrais de Lorraine par l'autoroute. Je pensais à ça et bandais depuis plus d'une demi-heure en me caressant de temps en temps. Je n'en pouvais plus, il fallait que je m'arrête !
Première aire d'autoroute, je m'y engage et dirige mon auto vers les sanitaires. Permisterne d'autre de garé. Je sors de ma voiture et je ne sais pas pourquoi, j'ai eu brusquement envie de baisser ma braguette et sortir ma bite. Je me dirigeais ainsi vers les WC, la bite à l'air en me masturbant.
L'excitation étant à mister comble, pour un peu j'allais décharger tout de suite ! J'essayais de me calmer.
Je rentre dans les toilettes et me dirige vers un WC. Je rentre, pas de verrou, j'essaye le second : idem.
Tant pis, je suis seul ; Je baisse mon pantalon et slip et commence à me masturber en lisant les invitations pornos de tous genres.
Dans mon délire, je n'ai pas entendu la porte s'entrouvrir. Un homme d'une cinquantaine d'année, genre costaud était là devant moi.
Je tentais de remonter mon pantalon.
- Alors, on s'excite sur la littérature ? Ne te rhabille pas continue ton affaire, ça m'excite aussi!
Sur ces bonnes paroles il baisse sa braguette, descend pantalon et slip, affichant une bite plutôt imposante, en pleine érection, gland décalotté.
- Çà donne quoi en vrai ? C'est pas mieux que de lire ? Regarde ! J'ai une belle bite ? Hein ? Allez, assied-toi sur le siège tu vas me la sucer.
Toujours plus ou moins débraillé, mal à l'aise, en pleine panique, le voyant, le gars me pousse en arrière et je me trouve sur la cuvette des WC.
Il s'approche et me frotte sa bite contre mon visage.
- Allez mon minet tu vas aimer ça, ouvre bien ta bouche que je te la baise.
J'en avais très envie, depuis le temps que j'en rêve, mais je n'ose pas !
- Monsieur fait le timide ? Un peu de courage, une bite comme ça, avec les couilles bien pleines, on ne trouve pas ça tous les jours.
J'hésitais toujours ! Le gars me tire une claque.
- Bon, il faut que je m'énerve !! Allez, assez discuté ! Tu vas me sucer comme une nana, et jusqu'au bout, je veux te voir tout avaler!! Compris ? Commence par me lécher les couilles et la queue !
Je sortis la langue et commençais à me délecter de cette grosse bite ; Je la léchais de bas en haut, en lui caressant les couilles avec mes deux mains ; C'était hyper génial, mais j'essayais quand même de cacher mes émotions.
Je retardais le plaisir de poser mes lèvres sur mister gland et d'avaler sa queue ! Visiblement il aimait ce que j'étais en train de lui faire ; Je bandais comme un dingue pensant que j'allais décharger dans mon slip, sans même me toucher.
Enfin je pris sa bite dans ma bouche et entrepris un va-et vient lentement. C'était encore meilleur que dans mes fantasmes, pourvu qu'il se retienne pour que j'en profite le plus longtemps possible.
Au bout d'un quart d'heure, il me dit :
- Je vais me vider les couilles dans ta bouche et tu vas aimer mon sperme, alors je veux te voir tout avaler !
- O.K. j'en ai envie, elle est si bonne ta bite, vite, décharge tout ton sperme !
Il se contracta et je reçus d'énormes giclées dans la bouche et il sortit sa queue pour m'en mettre sur le visage.
J'ai tout avalé en rabattant même le sperme qui était sur mes joues.
En même temps, j'avais joui dans mon slip.
- Donne-moi ton téléphone me dit-il, tu as eu l'air d'aimer çà la bite, alors je passe toutes les semaines ! Je me réserverai pour ta bouche. La semaine prochaine je passe mercredi, et je suis même avec un copain, alors si tu vois ce que je veux dire ! On te baisera à deux !
Ciao coquin !
Je me suis masturbé à nouveau, en pensant que j'avais hâte d'être à la semaine suivante.


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J'attendais avec impatience la semaine suivante, et m'arrangeais le mercredi pour avoir un déplacement sur le secteur à proximité de l'aire d'autoroute où j'avais rendez-vous vers 22h.
J'allais avoir 2 bites à sucer, et bien qu'encore timide de cette nouvelle situation, j'en étais déjà tout excité.
Toute la semaine, en repensant à mon aventure, je m'étais masturbé plusieurs fois par jour!
Après avoir dîner dans un Routier, je reprenais ma voiture et j'empruntais l'autoroute. Sortie à l'aire en question.
Arrivé devant les sanitaires, j'avais le cœur qui s'était emballé et je bandais comme un dingue. Une voiture, celle du gars que j'avais sucé, et un poids-lourd un peu plus loin, le copain dont il m'avait parlé Sans doute?
Je sors de mon auto et me dirige vers les WC. Les deux gars étaient déjà là.
- T'en redemande mon minet, puisque tu es venu ? Tu as aimé la bite? Hein ! Et bien on va te satisfaire !
Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais il y avait une certaine ironie dans ses propos ! Mais bon, j'avais tellement envie de revivre l'expérience !
- Tu vas te mettre à poil, O.K. ?
- Vous êtes sûrs ? Mais pourquoi à poil ?
- Histoire de nous exciter un peu plus, allez fout-toi à poil.
Je n'en voyais pas trop la raimister, et comme je discutais à nouveau, ils m'ont empoigné et pendant que le routier me tenait par derrière, l'autre a ôté mes chaussures, m'a déboutonné et baissé le pantalon, puis les chaussettes, slip et le tee-short.
En 30 secondes, je me trouvais totalement à poil dans ces toilettes pour hommes.
Le routier a ramassé mes affaires et les prenant avec lui, il est sorti des WC.
Ça sentait vraiment l'embrouille, et je commençais sérieusement à paniquer !
C'est alors que l'autre gars s'est adressé à moi :
- Voila, on te laisse là, à poil, et tu vas faire la pute pour nous, toute la nuit. T'a aimé la bite l'autre jour ? Alors là tu vas en avoir des queues, de toutes tailles et toutes les couleurs. Mon ami routier a fait passer le message à tous ses collègues avec sa CB, et tu devrais avoir une bonne vingtaine de gars qui vont venir te mettre ou se faire sucer. Plus peut-être d'autres occasionnels ?
- Alors on ne dit pas merci ?
- Et nous, demain matin on viendra chercher le pognon. Rassure-toi, tu auras ta part, mettons 25 % çà te va ? Enfin tout de façon, t'as pas trop le choix ? Et on te ramènera tes fringues. Amuse-toi bien tapette !
- J'oubliais, c'est 20 € la pipe et 50 € pour te faire enculer !
- Avant de partir, tu vas m'en tailler une petite, à genoux, histoire de te mettre en bouche !
Il se place devant moi, sort sa bite et je me suis mis à le sucer, à dire vrai avec beaucoup moins de plaisir, vu la situation. A moment de jouir, il me tenait la tête et il m'a déchargé tout mister sperme dans la bouche, et m'a forcé à avaler.
- Bon c'est pas tout çà, j'ai un métier moi ! Enfin toi aussi maintenant, ah! Ah! Ah ! Et il partit.

Je restais bêtement à poil dans ces WC, et que faire ? Plus de fringue, pas la clef de ma voiture ! Le piège complet.
J'allais tenter une sortie pour me cacher quelque part, mais au moment de franchir la porte, j'ai vu un gars s'approcher.
Je me suis retourné en essayant de me cacher dans un des deux WC, mais ils ne fermaient toujours pas à clef !
- Alors il est là le PD ? J'ai une de ces envies de me faire sucer la bite !
J'entendis le gars qui ouvrait la porte d'à côté, puis celle du WC où j'étais. J'ai eu beau tenté de retenir la porte, elle s'ouvrit sans problème.
- Ah, il est bien là ! Allez, viens me baisser la braguette et le froc, ma bite n'en peut plus ! Et il parait que tu en redemandes ? Tiens les 20 € !
La nuit ne faisait que commencer !!


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Bien... tout bon... merci. A vous lire


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Teaching Teacher a Lesmister

He'd been trying to dig up dirt on the bitch ever since that first F she'd scrawled on top of his blue book. The course was core, he needed it to graduate, and she'd had it in for him from day one. Where did she get off assigning papers in a course that was supposed to be a gut? He was convinced that she was being harder on him than the others. And he was also more and more convinced that something else was going on. Look how she dressed. Short skirts. Tight pants. Look at how she sat down and crossed her legs until he couldn't think of anything else. She was small and supple and fit. He could tell she worked out. He had to admit that he'd like to see her undressed, even if she was a bitch. Maybe just because she was one.

And she mocked him. Every time he tried to smart off she got in a one-liner that set the rest of the class off. There was no winning with her. She had it in for him and it was too late to drop. He'd let himself get so far behind that it was impossible to catch up. All the current material depended on what had gone before. Having blown off the early part of the class, he was in no position to understand what was happening now. He needed some dirt.

He'd begun to follow her a couple of weeks ago, on and off, just to see if there was anything at all that he could use. Then paydirt. The bitch smoked pot. Or at least she bought pot in a state where possession could get you years and years and years. One Thursday night he'd followed her to a quiet spot in the park, hiked silently behind her (keeping well to the shrubbery) and seen the goods change hands, all the while snapping pictures with his cell.

He couldn't remember a happier moment. This was too good to be true he gloated, retreating swiftly, so as not to be spotted, leaving the bitch to indulge in a joint with her buddy. This was perfect. As he reflected on just how perfect it was, he felt himself getting hard. Who said vengeance was a dish best served cold?

As he hoped, she headed back to her office after dark. This was a state commuter school. The building was for the most part deserted. Good. He climbed the stairs two at a time. Again just as he'd hoped, all the offices near hers were dark. They were alone.

He leaned on the doorframe. She looked up. A little red-eyed, but hiding it well.

"Sorry, Neil, these aren't my office hours. I'm just leaving."

"I don't think so."

He blocked the exit as she angrily tried to brush past.

"I have some research to show you. Investigative research. On the purchase of marijuana." He flipped open the cell phone, showing her his first photograph. "I hear the penalties are steep."


She took in his resentment and determination at a glance. Well, he'd never thought the bitch was stupid.

"What do you want?"

"Before you give me the A? I want to pull down your pants, lean you over that big desk, and fuck you until you scream for more." He pushed her back into the room and closed and locked the door behind him. The cell was tossed onto a shelf as he yanked her sweater up, tearing some of the buttons loose. His hands were inside her bra, squeezing and exploring before she had a chance to move. She writhed in his grasp, but he noticed she didn't yell. Right. She knew she had to give in.

"Look. We can work something out."

"I'm sure we can," he said pushing her down to her knees as he unzipped his fly. "I'm sure that once I'm finished fucking your face we can work out even more extra credit for you."

His cock throbbed with a life of its own as he pushed it into her mouth, holding her head steady, sinking into its moist, soft depths. He was rigid by now, loving the feel of her mouth, the feel of her on her knees getting fucked in the face. She was taking him all the way down. Maybe the bitch had practice. He could feel the muscles of her throat contract around the tip of his cock and almost came. Not yet. Too soon. He withdrew reluctantly and pulled her to her feet, spinning her around and leaning her face first over the desk. She was still arguing, but he ignored her.

She was wearing a tight skirt. A skirt within the confines of which he'd observed her ass in class, sitting in angry frustration and being shown up yet again. Wasn't this an improvement? He told her so.

"Never thought I'd have you bent over your desk with your butt the the air, did you?"

He pushed the tight skirt up over her ass and yanked the black silky panties down, ripping them halfway.

"Ooh, baby. You're wet. Those panties are all sticky. Your pussy really likes me."

She writhed and squirmed beneath him, but he held her down easily with one hand in the small of her back. And he liked to watch that little ass writhe. He said that too. Just before he pulled her legs apart and slammed his cock into her slick pussy, making her yowl and buck, finally making her moan with pleasure as he pounded into her, shoving her face into the desk and lifting her feet off the floor with his thrusts, feeling himself fill her so completely that it felt as if he'd impaled her on his cock.

He stopped himself just short of coming, with greater difficulty this time, and leaned over her on the desk, panting.

"Tell me you want it up your ass."

"Fuck you," came the muffled voice from the desk, her face buried in her hair, surrounded by an avalanche of books.

"I'm gonna make you come while I fuck you up the ass. I'm gonna make sure you remember begging me to fuck that little fanny. You'll take it up the ass, once you've begged for it. And you'll love every second." He positioned the camera on the shelf. "And we'll record it for posterity. Just so I have something to remember you by."

Now she was pissed. But it was too late. He strummed her clit with one finger and moved another, wet from her cunt, up and into her asshole.

"Stop it," she hissed.

"Oh now.You like that. I can feel that little clit getting into it." There were two fingers up her ass now.

"You want a big old cock up there just filling up that little fanny, making you squeal. Yes you do. Say you want it."

She was wiggling now, and the wiggles no longer seemed to be efforts to escape.

"You want my big cock all the way up your ass, don't you?" He removed his fingers and positioned the tip of his cock at the crack of her ass. "Push on back, Professor Smith. Take it all. Tell me what you want."

Despite herself, she found that she was pushing back, feeling his cock slowly fill her up, feeling her muscles loosen. It felt so good. How could it feel good? His fingers continued to rub against her clit, blending the sensations until it was impossible to tell which was which.

"I want..."

"Say it."

"Fuck me."

"Fuck you where? Say it for the camera."

"Fuck me up the ass. Please. Oh god. Do it."She pushed her self back onto his cock, moaning, and he felt the indescribable tightness as her muscles contracted.

"Do you want me to give it to you? Do you?"

"Yes! Jesus. Please. I want it. I want it so bad."

With that, he lost all restraint, grinding into her as she squealed and bucked, feeling her clit practically explode as he pumped his orgasm so far up her ass it felt like it ought to be coming out of her mouth.

Collapsed over her on the desk, books hurled all over the floor, he whispered in her ear.

"Same time next week?"



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I fought for breath as Partner hit my left breast, making the clamps pinch tighter. Below, his cock slid in and out of me as I tried to ignore the pain of the double penetration. Finally, he pulled out, cumming hard, his semen coating my pussy and thighs with long white streaks. He leaned backwards, satisfied.

He grinned up at Greg. "She's tight, brother. Tight. She ain't a virgin, but that pussy ain't seen a lot of action." He gestured toward my butt. "And that vibrator's the first thing she's had in her ass."

Greg almost licked his lips. "A keeper, then."

Partner nodded, and the fear that swelled in my chest took on a new meaning. But who would miss me? The boyfriend who stood me up? The parents I hadn't seen in years? The friends who? . . .

"Get that outta her," Greg commanded. "My time."

Partner pulled the vibrator out and returned both to the box. Greg knelt between my legs, and I closed my eyes, expecting pain from the thrust of his engorged cock into me. Instead, his fingers spread the lips of my labia and he began to explore me gently. "Open your eyes!"

I did, looking at him.

"You're a beautiful woman. Tits to die for." His tender probing continued, his fingers cool and affectionate after the punishment of his partner's vulgar thrusts. "I bet you could fuck a man blind. The right man." His fingers found my clit, rubbing it softly as he continued to watch me. "Your clit is larger than a lot of women. You'll be more sensitive, easier to arouse."

His fingers closed around the bud, pinching it, and my breath caught in my throat as arousal swelled in my pussy and chest.

Think about horrible things! Think!

"You love sex, don't you, girl?"

I do! No! Stop!

As I watched, he bent forward. His hands spread me wide, pulling me open, and his lips closed on my clit, sucking it tightly.

I groaned, pushing my hips up toward his face. He moaned as his buried his face into me, moving up and down, his tongue flicking over me, then sucking in turn on my lips and clit. Arousal built in me like a banking thunderstorm, everything swelling as he teased and licked. I strained against my bonds, wanting more, wanting him to stop, STOP arousing me. Not fair!

He straightened, my juices forming a glaze around his mouth. "A beautiful slut, indeed. To fucked over and over."

Before I could react, he leaned forward and pushed the tip of his cock into my swollen pussy. At first, I did want it, pushing up toward him, and he laughed. His hands grabbed my hips as he pushed in farther, however, and the first wave of pain began as his cock pressed deeper, spreading me more than anyone ever had. I felt the first tearing, and more tears sprang from my eyes.

"Oh, yeah," he sighed, and his thrusts picked up speed, going deeper with each one, and he held each inward thrust longer, feeling me tighten and loosen around him.

Partner pushed my head forward, making me watch the action of Greg's engorged cock moving in and out of me, coated with the slickness of our arousal.

With one thrust, he held in, and watched me a moment, then said, "I want her on top."

Quickly, with practiced moves, Partner released the cuffs from the wall and the weight chains from the clips. He cut the ropes that bound my knees to the walls of the game stand, and got behind me, pushing me forward. Greg grabbed my hips and held himself inside as he leaned backward.

I now straddled Greg, but before I could react with my cuffed hands, Partner grabbed them and jerked them upward, fastening them to a chain in the ceiling.

They had, indeed, done this many times before.

My own weight now bore me tight on Greg's cock. Instead of thrusting, however, he licked his fingers and reached between us, finding my clit. He rubbed, massaging me until the arousal returned, full power this time. I moaned through the gag, feeling my cunt tightened around him.

I was going to cum.

He rubbed faster. "You like being fucked, don't you, slut?"

Closer. Closer. My muscles tightened.

I don't want this. No. Not like this!

He rubbed harder. "Tell me you want to be fucked."

Closer. Oh. My. God.

I nodded.

"Again, slut!"

I nodded furiously.

He rubbed and resumed the thrusts, and I threw back my head and screamed through the gag as I came, the climax rushing over me like hot water, my release making my cunt tighten on Greg's cock in rapid waves.

With a roar of pleasure, Greg released the clamps on my nipples at the same moment that Partner released the cuffs from the chain. Fire shot through my chest and I fell forward. Greg caught me, holding my shoulders as his lips found one nipple.

Partner slapped both hands down on my ass, spreading me suddenly, and before I could struggle, he pressed the tip of his cock against my anus.

A flash fire of pain and pleasure consumed me as he entered me, the double penetration like nothing I'd ever felt before. My climax still moved over me in waves of pure erotic exhilaration even as the pain in my ass and tits felt like hot blazes.

Greg sucked greedily on my pain-filled nipples, prolonging my climax a few more moments as they both came, filling my holes with hot semen which leaked down my legs as they pulled out.

Partner dragged me back over to the pile of stuff naturals and fastened my cuffed hands to the wall again. Saliva had soaked the gag and drizzled down my face, and I wanted to curl in on myself and recover. Instead, he pulled me out full length, binding my ankles together with rope and tying them to a hook in the far wall.

Greg stood slowly, cleaning himself with my discarded tank top. He looked down at me. "Definitely a keeper. I'm going to enjoy fucking you for a long time to come."

Partner came to stand beside him. "Think we should let Dave in on this?"

Greg thought a moment, then shook his head. "Not yet. Only when we're ready to watch other men fuck her. Right now I just want to fuck her cunt, ass, and mouth till I can't move and then make her cum till she can't breathe. Till she's addicted."

They turned and left, turning out the light as they did.

The next day, when the carny broke and left town, I was tucked away in the bunk of Greg's RV, bound and gagged, a vibrator on low in my cunt. Waiting for the first rest stop.


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The deep roar of the RV's engine almost matched the low hum of the vibrator in my cunt, which kept me wet and on the edge of arousal. I couldn't see out from the bunk where I was shackled, but I could tell from the feel of the road that we had left the city and hit the interstate. The RV settled into a steady, rocking rhythm, and I drifted close to relax.

The hand in my hair snapped me awake, and Jim slapped my face as he jerked my head toward the side of the bunk. He put his face close to mine. "Did you really think you'd get to relax, slut?" He pulled the vibrator from my pussy, then released the cuff that bound me to the bed and slung my feet to the floor. "Kneel in front of me."

I did, moaning slightly. Every muscle in my body ached, and I didn't know if I had the energy for another blow job. That's when Jim surprised me. He handed me a ponytail holder and pointed at my hair. "Put your hair up. High."

Confused, I ran my hair through my long curls and gathered them into a single rope at the crown of my head. As I did, he slid a leather collar around my neck and fastened it snugly. The soft collar had metal loops attached all around, and Jim cuffed my hands together, then attached the cuffs to one of the loops at the back of my neck.

Pulling me to my feet, Jim sat me in one of the captain's chairs in the dining area of the RV. The two pillows he shoved down behind me made my back arch and my tits bounce harder with each rocking motion of the RV. Pushing my legs apart, he propped my knees over the chair's arms. He held them in place by looping a rope around one knee, running the rope around the back of the chair, through the cuffs on my hands, finishing by looping it around the other knee.

He tugged steadily, spreading my knees and pulling up on my collar until my hips and back ached and I cried out in pain. My legs hadn't been split that wide since cheerleading, and I groaned, barely able to breathe.

He grinned. "Pain is what our customers want, bitch, and we intend to provide it." I must have looked confused because he continued with a sneer. "What do you think all the photos are for? We have a website called Your Sex Slave. Cheap but profitable. They tell us want they want. We do it to you. This is an idea from the site. Today we move to video."

He pulled out the black marker from last night and refreshed S L U T on my chest. He took several close ups of my tits and cunt before pulling a high end video camera from one of the locked cabinets. Locking it down in a mount on the opposite wall, he made several adjustments before stepping back toward me.

"What's your name, bitch?"

There was no way I was giving this asshole my real name. I made one up. "Kitt."

"What are you, bitch Kitt?"

I hesitated, and Jim slapped my face. "It's written right on your chest. Say it."

I shook my head.

Jim seemed to erupt, using his bare hand to slap my breasts, pussy, thighs and face. I screamed, cursing him, but the blows continued to rain down until I begged for him to stop. Tears streamed down my face and I struggled hard against the bonds that held me fast to the chair. My flesh burned with pain, and I pulled hard to get air.

Jim grabbed my pony tail. "What are you, bitch?"

I whimpered. "A slut."


"I'm a slut!" I sniffed, fighting the tears.

Jim stood behind the chair and leaned over me, cupping my breasts, sliding his hands forward, rolling my nipples between his fingers. They responded, growing redder and tighter as he pinched them. "So you like this? Like having your nipples pinched, like a good slut."

I nodded.

"Say it!"

"I like—" My voice faltered, and he squeezed the tightened buds so hard I cried out.

"What do you like?"

I gasped. "I like having my nipples pinched."

"And clamped?"

I nodded. "And clamped."

"And spanked?"

"I like to have my tits spanked."

"And your pussy?" He pinched harder, and more tears blinded me. My back arched sorry against the agony in my chest.

"I like having my pussy spanked."

He reached down and massaged my cunt, pressing his fingers in and pulling them out moist, smearing the juices over my pussy and thighs. "You're wet. Do you want to be fucked like the slutty dog you are?"


His fingers dipped in and out again. And again. And again, until I could hear the slick liquid squish as well as feel the growing arousal. "Beg me."

"Please fuck me like a dog. Please."

He rubbed my clit, digging in with his nail, and I cried out. "I don't think you deserved to be fucked. You need to be punished first, for being the perverted slut that you are."

Jim moved away from the chair, and I heard him prowling in a drawer. He returned with the nipple clamps, clipping them to my hardened and sore buds. I squirmed, feeling the juices in my cunt flowing faster as the muscles twitched and my clit swelled. He then pulled a flail from the drawer and began, gently at first.

The blows fell on my tits and thighs, then my pussy. I moaned, startled at how arousing this was. My hips twisted as my body edge closer to climax. He paused, rubbing my cunt hard. "Damn, you're a hot slut! You're soaked. You really need punishing!"

And my world changed. The flail came down hard and fast, steady increasing in speed and heat. I screamed as it left stripes all over my breasts, thighs, and pussy. I bucked futilely against my bonds as he focused on my cunt, giving my spread pussy a thorough beating. My juices flowed down my ass and spread over the seat of the chair. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I sobbed in pain.

He paused, reversed the handle of the flail, and inserted into my dripping pussy. He released the clamps on my nipples, and my cries echoed through the RV as he rammed the flail handle in and out. He furiously rubbed my clit with his other hand until I came, hips bucking, blubbering with pleasure through the pain.

He grabbed my ponytail again. "You loved that fucking, didn't you, slut?"

I nodded, my hair pulling against his grip.

With a quick move, Jim pulled a pocket knife from his jeans and cut the ropes holding my legs and collar. He pulled my head forward and I slid from the chair, collapsing on the floor.

"Oh, no, you're not done yet!"

He grabbed my hair and pulled me to my knees. He unzipped his jeans and pulled a rock-hard cock from within. Yanking hard on my hair, he commanded, "Suck it!"

He pressed my face to his cock, and I opened wide. In full view of the video, his shoved my face toward his crotch. I gagged as the tip hit the back of my throat.

"I love it when a slut gags." He held my face tight against him until I struggled for air. He gripped the ponytail tighter, pulling my face away, then shoving it back and holding it until spit and pre-cum leaked from my mouth. He then picked up the rhythm, the motions of his hand matching the thrusts of his hips as he fucked my face.

Juicy, slurping, noises escaped me as saliva smeared over my cheeks and chin. I gagged repeatedly and tried to cough, but the thrusts of his hard cock to the back of my throat felt endless.

Jim moaned. "Damn, what a slut you are, loving my cock." More thrust, then he pulled away suddenly, leaving me kneeling there, mouth open, drool dripping onto my tits. He slapped me, knocking me to the floor, making my shoulders ache from the blow, the collar tightening around my throat from the awkward position.

"You don't deserve my cum, bitch! Beg me for it!"

I whimpered. "Please let me have your cum!"


"Please let me have your cum!"


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Ecole de Dressage

Lila James comptait bien dire au petit ami de sa fille ce qu'elle pensait de lui. L'homme enseignait à une école d'élevage canin assez tard au centre communautaire local, et cela, pensât-elle, était un aussi bon endroit pour discuter que n'importe où.Mark Jessup ne prononçât pas un mot lorsqu'il vit la marâtre entrer. Il lui indiquât juste qu'ils pourraient parler lorsqu'il aura finit et continuât mister cours, avant de guider Lila jusqu'a mister bureau. "Puis-je vous offrir une tasse de café?" Demandât-il, cherchant à paraître magnanime.

"Bien sur, pourquoi pas." Répondit elle, patientant jusqu'à ce que la tasse soit dans ses mains.

Lila bue une petite gorgée de la tasse. "Je suis venue te demander de rester loin de ma fille," commençât la femme. "Tu n'est pas mister type, elle mérite mieux que ça. Je sais qu'elle t'apprécie, et je sais qu'il en va de même pour toi, mais je sais que tu la quitteras. Les gars dans ton genre le font toujours, et je ne veut pas voire ma fille anéantie." Mark Jessup se contentât de rester assis et écouter la vieille bique. Il avait déjà entendu de tels mots de sa part auparavant, cependant bien moins qu'il en était le cas à présent, et à vrai dire, d'après ce que Kaylee lui avait dit, il l'avait plutôt prévue de la part de sa mère. Eventuellement, elle s'essoufflât. "Et bien, j'ai dit tout ce que j'avais à dire, je vais donc y aller. Mais j'insiste. Reste loin de ma fille." Le jeune homme sourit doucement.

"Je ne pense pas que vous aller quelque part, Mme James, au moins pas avant de vous être assise et d'avoir écoutée ce que j'ai à dire."

Lila s'était déjà relevée, mais elle se rassit à nouveau, et Mark sourit. Le calmant faisait effet. Il le gardait pour les chiens à problèmes. C'était un sédatif puissant, mais il avait aussi ses effets sur le mental. Il n'était pas sur que cela fonctionnait sur les humains, mais il ne tarderait pas à le découvrir.

"Tu n'est qu'une vielle garce inutile," Commençât-il. "Permisterne ne t'aime. Tu intimide et effraie la plupart des gens et tu aimes tyranniser. Ces soi-disant permisternes que tu appelles amie ne mistert en faite que des gens qui ne peuvent se défaire de ton influence, et ce qu'ils mistert réellement, c'est effrayé. Ta propre fille ne t'aime pas non plus. Tu es une ville chienne manipulatrice qui cherche à contrôler toute sa vie. Tu tentes de lui dire quoi faire et penser, et lorsqu'elle ne le fait pas, tu la sermonnes. Ton mari ne pouvait plus supporter tes attitudes hautaines, c'est ainsi qu'il est parti. Je vais le redire, Mme James Permisterne ne vous aime."

L'home continuât a frapper la pauvre dame de ses mots. Si elle avait été elle-même, elle aurait répliquée depuis longtemps, mais à présent, elle restât immobile et encaissait ce que Jessup lui disait. Etait-ce une larme, pensât-il, en continuât de la rabaisser. C'était effectivement une larme, et cela ne fit que le rendre plus agressif encore.

"Permisterne ne t'aime." Répétât-il, "Mais je vais t'aider. Je vais te contrôler. Il n'y a guère de différences entre les chiennes récupérées ici et celle qui est devant moi. Elles veulent toutes de l'attention et si on le leur donne, alors on peut en faire ce que l'on veut. Tu as besoin que je te contrôle parce que si je le fait, cela signifie qu'il y a au moins une permisterne qui te porte de l'attention. Comprend-tu?"

Lila James se contentât de hocher la tête, engourdie.

"Ouais." Reprit-il. "Tu n'est une vieille chienne inutile. Permisterne ne t'aime et c'est la vérité. A présent, ne serais-ce pas l'heure de commencer ta formation?"

A nouveau, Lila James acquiesçât. Elle n'arrivait à croire que cela lui arrivait vraiment.

"C'est bien," Dit-il en se levant de sa chaise et s'approchât de mister bureau. "Tu est une bonne, petite chienne, n'est ce pas?" il tapotât la tête de la femme. "Tu est une bonne fi-fille." Déclarât-il. "Oui, tu l'est. Tu est une bonne fille n'est ce pas... Une bonne fille..."

Lila restât immobile alors qu'il continuait de tapoter le haut de mister crane. Elle voulut résister mais savait qu'elle ne pouvait pas.

Mark Jessup lui sourit. "Oui, c'est une bonne, très bonne fille. Maintenant, il est temps de te dresser, n'est ce pas?" Il tapotât a nouveau sa tête. "Ouais, tu est une bonne, une bonne fille."

Lila ne pouvait s'en empêcher. Elle était immobile alors que le petit ami de sa fille commençait a déplacer ses mains sur mister corps. Il lui défaisait ses vêtements et la mère ne pouvait rien y faire. Elle ne pouvait que laisser l'homme continuer.

Il la laissât en sous-vêtements, passant sa main dans le dos de Lila, continuant de lui dire a quel point elle était une bonne fille, alors que sa main défit l'agrafe de mister soutien-gorge, et le lui retirât.

Puis Lila sentit le jeune homme passer un collier de chien en cuir par dessus sa tête jusqu'à mister cou. Elle pouvait sentir le métal froid contre sa peau, avant de sentir l'homme serrer fermement le collier. Elle le sentit alors attacher une laisse au collier. Puis il tirât sur la laisse.

"Debout" Ordonnât-il, et lorsque Lila fut trop longue à obtempérer, il donnât au collier un coup plus ferme.

Presque contre sa volonté, Lila se retrouvât sur ses jambes.

"C'est une bonne fille sa." Remarquât-il, et lorsque Lila sentit la main de l'homme glisser sa culotte le long de ses jambes, jusqu'a ce qu'elle soit totalement nue. Elle ne pouvait le croire. Elle était nue, et étrangement, au fond d'elle, elle savait qu'elle aimait cela.

Lila James pouvait sentir les mains du jeune homme sur mister corps, alors qu'il continuait inlassablement de lui rie combien elle était une bonne fille.

"Assis" Ordonnât-il ensuite, et lorsqu'elle mis trop de temps a obéir, elle sentit l'homme pousser sa tête vers le bas et sentit mister corps glisser sur la chaise.

"Debout" Dit il encore, et encore, Lila fut propulsée sur ses pieds par le collier.

"Assis" Dit il alors, et a nouveau, Lila repris sa place dans le siège. Sursautant, la pauvre a me réalisât qu'elle réagissait vraiment à ce dressage. Lorsque le petit ami de sa fille lui ordonnât de se lever a nouveau, elle le fit, et lorsqu'il lui répétât "assis", elle le fit, également. Elle réalisât qu'il était de plus en plus improbable qu'elle puisse jamais lui résister.

"Assis" Dit il, et a nouveau elle fut assise face à ce démon, sauf que cette fois, elle se retrouvât devant le sexe du garçon. Elle se demandât a quel moment il l'avait sortit.

"Ouvre la bouche" Ordonnât il, et a nouveau, laquelle mis trop de temps a se conformer à ses exigences, Mark tirât sur mister collier, et presque instinctivement, elle ouvrit la bouche.

Lila haletât lorsqu'elle sa bouche pris le phallus, puis lorsque cette dernière partit s'enfoncer profondément dans sa bouche. Se fut plus fort qu'elle, et en plus, cette queue était bonne.

Lila James se contentât de sucer ce membre rigide alors qu'elle avait toujours cru que c'était répugnant, mais plus elle le faisait, plus elle voulait continuer. Elle réalisât soudainement qu'il était prêt a jouir, et que lorsqu'il le ferait, il se rependrait dans sa bouche, et pourtant, pourtant... Elle ne pouvait rien y faire. Elle continuât de rester assise et de faire aller et venir sa bouche sur ce bâton de chair.

Mark Jessup le savait également. 'C'est une bonne fille." Dit il a Lila. "C'est vrai, tu est une bonne, bonne fille. Continue simplement de me sucer ainsi."

Lila obéit servilement. Elle savait que c'était alors inévitable, et incroyablement, elle attendait avec impatience. Elle voulut que cet homme jouisse. Elle le voulait en bouche.

"Bonne fille." redit Jessup, et au fond d'elle, elle le cru. Elle n'avait jamais sucer un homme auparavant, mais elle était heureuse de sucer celui-ci. Elle était contrôlée et d'une certaine façon, cela semblait correct pour elle.

"Il est temps de continuer ton dressage n'est il pas?" Lila ne put se powerr à s'offenser.

"Je pense qu'il est temps que tu apprenne à te tenir debout." Lui annonçât-il.

Etranger, pensât-elle, n'avait-ils pas déjà maitrisé cela. Elle découvrit rapidement que ce que Mark avait en tête était largement différent. Cette fois, lorsqu'il lui donnât l'ordre d'être "Debout", il voulait que Lila se mette à quatre pattes, et qu'elle le reste jusqu'a ce qu'il la libère.

Elle résistât encore un peu au début, mais quelques coups sur la laisse la convaincu qu'il était mieux de faire ce qu'il voulait, et rapidement, elle fut dressée à se mettre a quatre pattes à mister ordre.

Lila se tenait sur ses genoux et ses mains sur le sol tandis que Mark lui tournait autour. Elle pouvait le sentir l'inspecter, et elle savait qu'elle aurait du s'offusquer, mais elle en était incapable. Ce qu'elle voulait c'était mister approbation. Elle faisait de la gymnastique trois fois par semaine et pensait mister corps en bon état, mais elle voulait vraiment mister approbation.

L'homme tapotât a nouveau la pauvre femme sur les cheveux. "Tu est une bonne fille," La complimentât-il. "Tu te tiens vraiment bien."

Lila aurait remuée la queue si elle en avait une, mais comme ce n'était pas le cas, elle le laissât l'observer sans rien dire Après tout, il ne l'avait pas autorisée à bouger.

Elle sentit alors sa main glisser sur mister corps. Sa paume fit mister chemin jusqu'au dos de Lila puis sur ses fesses Elle le sentit les presser puis glisser entre elles, et elle sut que cela ne devrait pas arriver.

"Bouge plus." Ordonnât Mark lorsque le corps de Lila commençait à se tendre, et il dut redonner l'ordre. Lentement, mister corps finit de trembler et s'immobilisât. Elle le laisserait faire tout ce qu'il voudrait.

"Bonne fille," Dit il avec délice. "Sa, c'est une très bonne fi-fille..." Et Lila rougit alors que la main recommençât a la caresser possessive ment.

Mais alors sa main commençât à glisser entre ses jambes, et l'instinct de Lila s'alarmât, lui disant de fuir à toute jambe, mais c'était avant d'entendre Mark lui ordonner a nouveau de ne plus bouger. Dès qu'elle l'entendit, ses instinct de survie disparurent peu a peu. Elle aller rester la où elle était, et si Mark voulait toucher mister minou, cela devait lui convenir.

Elle sentait un doigt glisser entre ses cuisses puis il le pressât contre sa chatte. Elle soupirât un peu lorsqu'elle le sentit aux porte de sa féminité, mais elle savait ce qu'elle devait faire, et restât docilement immobile même après qu'il eu glissé mister doigt en elle.

Lila James se mit à gémir alors que le doigt de Mark misterdait sa chatte, mais elle restait la où elle était comme il l'avait dressée.

"Tu est une bonne fille" Redit il alors. "Et tu à une chatte si belle et humide. Maintenant tu vas rester la ou tu est. Bouge pas."

Lila gémit faiblement. Instinctivement, elle savait ce qui allait arriver, mais elle fut tout de même surprise lorsqu'elle le sentit la chevaucher par derrière.

Ses gémissements se firent plus intense lorsqu'elle sentit le petit ami de sa fille pénétrer sa chatte, et encore plus pendant qu'il allait plus profondément en elle. Elle ne devait laisser cela se faire, se dit elle a nouveau, et pourtant, elle se sentait forcée de rester la ou elle était. L'homme commençât à aller et venir en elle.

"Ohhh..." Elle aimait cette grosse queue et se mit a gémir a tout vas. Elle resterait. Elle aller le laisser la prendre comme une femelle en chaleur.

Lila sentit les mains de Mark sur ses hanches alors qu'il misterdait sa chatte avec mister membre. Elle haletait vivement en le sentant aller et venir en elle, puis elle le sentit. Le plaisir grandissait en elle. Non, se dit elle, cela ne doit pas m'arriver. Elle était incapable de résister cependant. Cette bite continuait de la baiser et elle ne faisait rien pour l'en empêchera, et le laissât la prendre.

Lila se mis a grogner. Il ne pouvait y avoir de doute sur ce qui arrivait en elle. Elle allait jouir. Elle allait jouir si fort, et elle ne pouvait rien faire contre.

Lila haletât intensément lorsque sa chatte ruisselante succombât à mister membre dominant. Le garçon se mit profondément en elle et y restât, alors que sa chatte l'enserrait doucement. "Tu est une bonne fi-fille." Dit il alors qu'elle continuait a jouir. "Une très bonne fi-fille."

"Tu as une bonne petite chatte" Lui dit il alors, et cela fit plaisir a Lila. Elle avait besoin de mister respect, de mister avis.

Mark sortit de sa chatte et sourit méchamment. "A présent, on va te dresser pour autre chose. Tu vas apprendre à te coucher."

Lila ne savait ce qu'il entendait par la.

"Couchée." Dit il, et cette fois, il posât sa main sur le bas du dos de Lila. "Couchée." répétât il, et cette fois, ses jambes cédèrent lentement sous elle jusqu'a ce que mister corps glisse au sol.

"C'est une bonne fille. " Lui dit il encore en caressant ses fesses. "Tu est une très bonne fille."

Lila se tenait à plat ventre contre le sol et il se pressât contre elle. Elle le sentit écarter ses jambes et pousser sa queue entre ses fesses. Il était sur le point de la baiser a nouveau. Elle gémit d'envie.

Elle avait raimister. Sa queue glissât entre ses jambes et il la pénétra à nouveau. Elle rallât de plaisir tandis que sa virilité passât entre ses lèvres puis en elle. Elle geignant doucement. Elle adorait déjà la sensation de cette bite en elle.

Il continuant à aller et venir en elle et elle adorait cela. Elle voulait lui plaire, elle avait besoin de lui plaire. Elle gémit encore et encore. C'était si bon. Elle le voulait, elle en avait besoin.

Elle sentit alors mister corps bouger sur les siens et enfoncer mister marteau plus profondément encore. Elle aimait cette bite. Elle avait besoin de mister sexe.

Une douce chaleur repris possession de mister corps et sa petite chatte serrât le gros membre pendant qu'elle eut un nouvel orgasme. Elle n'arrivait pas a croire qu'un homme puisse la faire jouir ainsi, mais elle en avait tellement besoin.

Mark se retirât a nouveau de sa chatte accueillante. "Je pense qu'il est temps d'une nouvelle commande. N'est ce pas?"

Lila se contentât de rester sur le ventre, laissant le dernier instant de mister orgasme faire trembler mister entrejambe. Elle essayera tout ce qu'il voudrait. Elle obéirait.

"Essayons celle-ci. Roule."

Lila grognât avant de lui obéir. Elle roulât sur elle-même et levât les yeux vers lui. Elle regardait Mark et mister gros, grand pénis et soudainement, Lila savait ce qu'il allait faire.


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Pour la troisième fois, Mark glissât entre ses jambes et commençât à la posséder avec power. Cet homme ne s'arrêtait donc jamais? Elle espérât alors qu'il ne le ferait jamais. Elle aimait trop mister membre pour cela.

Mark s'occupât de mister entrejambe asservi, allant aussi loin qu'il le pouvait alors qu'elle était pantelante de désir.

"Ouais, tu aime sa. " Se moquât-il, en sortant mister sexe rigide. "Et bien, je suis sur que tu vas adorer sa." Dit il au même moment ou mister sexe s'enfonçât puissamment, rapidement au fond de sa cave inondée

Lila criait pendant que mister minou se soumettait à mister engin. Elle voulait plus encore. Tellement plus.

Mark allait et venait puissamment en elle alors qu'elle restait pantelante, soumise à un plaisir intense. La regardant, il dit "Parle."

Ce ne fut qu'a cet instant qu'elle réalisât qu'elle n'avait dit un mot. Il la manipulait. Comment pouvait il lui faire cela. Elle levât les yeux vers lui. "Pourquoi tu me fait sa?" Demandât-elle

Mark sourît "Pourquoi? Parce que je le veux. Parce que je veux et que je le peux. Et parce que tu aime sa, toi aussi."

"C'est faux..." Gémit elle.

Son sourire s'élargit. "Si, tu aime. Et si tu veux, je peut le prouver."

Elle le regardât dans les yeux alors qu'il restait immobile en elle.

"Implore." Ordonnât-il

Pour un moment, elle se demandât si elle avait bien compris, puis s'aperçut que oui, et sut ce qu'elle devait dire.

"Faites-le." demandât-elle. "Prenez moi. Baisez moi."

Ses gémissements empliront la pièce lorsqu'il recommençât à la baiser avec puissance. "C'est une bonne fille sa. Implore." Ordonnât il ensuite.

"Hohe..." Elle en avait tellement envie. "Pitié, baisez-moi avec Votre grosse bite..."

"C'est une bonne fi-fille." L'encourageât il, continuant à la besogner. "Mais t'arrête pas. Continue. Implore."

Grognant de désespoir, elle se mit à supplier encore et encore, implorant le petit ami de sa fille de la faire jouir, de se rependre dans sa chatte. Elle le voulait vraiment. Elle voulait qu'il jouisse en elle, et savait que si il continuait encore un peu, il le ferait, il lui donnerait ce dont elle avait tant besoin.

L'homme était proche, si proche, et une femme entrât dans mister bureau. "Mark," Criât-elle. "Que fait tu?!" Puis elle vit la femme sous mister petit ami. "Maman! C'est toi?!"

Lila ne pouvait se Controller. Elle savait que sa fille regardait. Mais c'était plus fort qu'elle. Elle continuât. "Baisez moi... Prenez-moi..."

Mark ne s'arrêtât donc pas de défoncer sa chatte et elle n'arrêtait pas de le supplier et de gémir de bonheur. Elle le voulait. Vraiment.

Il poussât sa queue dans la chatte affamée de Lila et elle grognât de plaisir, sentant mister sexe se déverser en elle. Elle savait très bien qu'elle ne devrait pas, mais elle le voulait. Elle aimait le sentir jouir en elle, elle aimait le sentir la remplir de sa semence fertile.

Et puis, tout en jouissant en elle, Lila entendit l'homme lui donner un autre ordre. "Jouie." Elle sentit alors sa chatte se presser fortement contre cet imposant pénis, et avant qu'il ne finisse de se rependre, elle sentit sa chatte se détremper et jouir a nouveau.

Lila James était extrêmement gênée. Comment pouvais elle avoir laissée sa fille la surprendre ainsi? Elle voulait lui dire quelque chose, mais il n'y avait rien à dire.

Mark Jessup laissant la femme jouir fortement puis poussât mister sexe en elle pour attirer mister attention.

Lila James gémit lorsqu'elle sentit à nouveau cette queue dans sa chatte. Oh ça alors, pensât-elle, c'était si bon.

L'homme regardât la jeune femme toujours dans l'encadrement de la porte. "Au pied." Lui dit il.

Lila James relevât les yeux de stupéfaction alors que sa fille entrât dans la pièce, puis s'approchât respectueusement de mister petit ami.

"C'est une bonne fille," Lui dit mister petit ami avant de pointer l'index à côté de Lila. "Couchée." Ordonnât-il.

Lila regardât alors sa fille commencer à retirer doucement ses habits, puis elle commençât à réagir plus vivement. Sa propre fille se fut bientôt dévêtît de ses vêtements, puis, sa mère regardant, la jeune fille retirât ses sous-vêtements, pour enfin être complètement nue, se couchant à côté de Lila et écartât les jambes.

"C'est une bonne fille," Répétât Mark à l'adresse de la fille de Lila. "C'est une très bonne fi-fille. Maintenant, implore."

"S'il Vous plait," Suppliât-elle." S'il Vous plait baisez-moi avec Votre grosse longue queue."

Lila regardât bouche bée sa fille, puis le regard de marque se tourner vers elle. "C'est ton tour. Implore."

"S'il Vous plait," Geignant la femme, "Baisez-moi à sa place."

"C'est une bonne fille," Dit Mark, "Voila deux très gentille petite chiennes."

Et ce fut tout ce qu'elle serait depuis lors, réalisât Lila. Elle et sa fille n'étaient à présent que deux chiennes en chaleur, bonnes qu'a supplier d'être baisée, et c'était tout se qu'elle seraient dès lors...

Et ce fut dès lors tout ce qu'elles furent, deux chiennes en chaleur, bonnes a supplier pour être baisée...


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Master Tony looked down at me and said, "pig, we are going into the Master bedroom to get comfortable. I want you to get your stash of toys, wait for fifteen minutes precisely and then bring them in to the bedroom."
I blushed as He referred to the sex toys hidden in the old golf bag at the back of the office closet. He knew of them of course because He had used them on me while i served His perverted commands online. Now He was in our house with my wife who had discovered my secrets. And as He had just told me, i soon would be a cuckold pig. From the way my wife looked at Him, i knew that He was right.
"Yes Master," i quickly answered. As i started to crawl to the office, Master Tony said, "Wait pig. I want those pig balls and tiny clit of yours in bondage. Put on the cock ring and ball spreader I usually use on you." My wife snickered, "You certainly know him well Tony." He laughed, "Yes he bought this thing that on a real cock would make it stand tall. But his little clit just gets squished along with his pig balls." My wife laughed again, "I love how you call it his 'clit'. I think mine is bigger hard than his is." They both laughed and Master Tony reached his hand down to my wife's ass, "We'll soon find out about that won't we." "Mmmmmm,"she acknowledged as They walked out of the room and toward the Master bedroom.
i felt miserable as i thought that my wife of seventeen years was soon going to get fucked by a Dom Master totally superior to me in every way. Yet my little 'clit' twitched at the thought. i am impotent and have only a small dick; i never had been able to satisfy Liz, and part of me said that i deserved everything that was happening because i was so inadequate as a man and as a husband.
i crawled into the office as ordered and opened the closet. i fished out the sex toys as ordered; an 8 inch dildo, a bag of clothes pins, a riding crop, a collar and leash, and the cock ring/ball spreader. it was a fairly intricate one that Master Tony had ordered me online to specifically get. It was called an erection maker and Master Tony had laughed as He told me the name. It was a tight cock ring that encircled dick and balls; there was a separate strap that stretched the balls out and away from the body and then yet another strap that separated the tightly stretched balls. At the bottom of that strap was a D-ring for a leash or weights. Even on me it would get my dicklette-- or as i now had to call it my clit-- half hard. And the ball stretcher made my balls ache within minutes of putting it on.
i fastened it as tightly as it would go as Master Tony had always ordered me to do online.
The thought of serving Him in real life, and that He would be fucking my wife with His 9 inch horse cock had me half hard already. With the cock ring on i got almost fully hard--all 4 inches. No wonder my wife had been attracted to Master Tony, i thought as i put the other sex toys in a small bag. i looked at the clock; i had five minutes to go. i crawled into the hallway and from the open door of the Master bedroom i heard my Wife giggling and Master Tony's low laugh. Then i began to hear small moans from my wife. i could only imagine what was causing them.
i waited the five minutes as my wife's moans increased and then crawled into the Master bedroom dragging the bag of sex toys. There on the bed was my wife naked and moaning as Master Tony kissed her deeply and fondled her tits with one hand while He fingered her wet pussy with His other. WHat was incredible was that her pussy was completely shaven. My vanilla wife who never would shave for me, had obviously been told to do so by Master Tony. It was so hot looking especially because her wide open slit was flowing with cunt juice.
"There You are pig," Master Tony said, still fingering my wife's wet cunt. i saw that His big cock was almost hard. It was huge, at least 9 inches and thick. my wife's hand was stroking it and she could not reach all the way around it. "Get over here pig now" ordered Master in a sharp tone. "It is time for you to become a cocksucking pig, and you are going to start with mine." My wife snickered, "You're being too nice to him Master. I want to be the one to suck it."
i was again shocked. Liz had never liked sucking cock and had told me years ago that she would not suck or kiss my dick anymore; no reamister, just, "I don't like it." Now she was like a whore, stroking the huge cock and looking at me with a sneer of contempt.
i knew i had to obey quickly or be punished so i crawled over to Master. "Start sucking the head of it pig," he said in a strict voice. "Earn the title of cocksucking pig that you told me you wanted online."
"Yes Master," i heard myself say and then as if in a trance i lowered my head to His magnificient cock. i smelled the musky odor of a real Man as my moth came within an inch of His cock. "Open bitch; serve Your Master," my wife snarled, kicking me in my exposed and stretched balls.
my mouth opened sorry with the pain of it, and i felt her hand on the back of my head pushing it down onto Master's swollen cockhead.
Master Tony laughed, "Don't confuse it Liz. it is a pig not a bitch, and now it is a cocksucking pig." My wife laughed at that still pushing my head onto the bulbous head of Master's cock. i could taste the sweet taste of His copious pre-cum. He was producing much more of that than i spurted when i came.
Master moaned slightly,"That is it, you cocksucking pig, suck that pre-cum down. Get Me rock hard for Your wife's juicy cunt." i noisily slurped at Master's cock lapping and tonguing its pisshole. i could feel Him shift as He went back to kissing and fondling Liz. her moaning became louder as His big fingers invaded her sloppy wet cunt. This went on for maybe fifteen minutes, my jaw getting sorer and sorer from taking that huge cockhead into it. i could only fit the first three or four inches without gagging.
Master's cock was by now incredibly hard, like a steel rod. Still the heat of His throbbing cockhead filled my mouth along with His pre-cum. i could feel a huge vein in His godlike cock throbbing with red, as my wife moaned and begged Him to fuck Her.
"Stop, pig," He ordered. Reluctantly i pulled my mouth off of His cock. Its head was a dark purple and the size of a plum. The whole rock hard cock must have been almost ten inches long. My wife moaned when she saw it. "Oh Master," she breathed "Fuck me now please I need it sooo much."
"First," He said,
"the cocksucking pig is going to beg Me to fuck You. And pig," He added, "Once I fuck her she is no longer anything of a pig's; she is mine and Your Mistress and pig, refer to Her only as Mistress. Understand." "Yes Master," i said miserably.
My wife laughed, "Look at its clit Master; it is as hard as i have ever seen it." She nudged it with Her foot. "The pig likes sucking cock Master." Master Tony laughed too. "it is going to learn to like much more than that before We are through with it. Now beg pig, beg me to fuck Liz"
i knelt before both of Them, feeling ready to cry. "Master," i said "please fuck Her as She deserves; fuck My Mistress and give Her the pleasure this pig never could."
"All right pig, if that is what the pig wants," He laughed. "Now it is time to become the cuckold pig."


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At those words Master motioned to Mistress Liz, the woman who until an hour or two ago was my wife, to lay back on the bed. She quickly complied sprawling back and spreading her sopping wet cunt wide open like a whore.
"Fuck me Master," she begged. He chuckled darkly and said, "Just a minute, slut, the cuckold pig has some duties here." Master snapped His fingers at me, "Get up here now pig," pointing at the bed next to Mistress Liz's wide open thighs. i quickly complied head down. i could smell her gaping pussy from three feet away.
"I want the pig to guide My cock into your cunt slut. Let it be the tool of Me taking You away from the pig."
Master gave an evil laugh, "Put your head down low pig; I want it to see My cock stretch this cunt that now belongs to Me. And with your pig hand, guide My cock into your Mistress."
Master positioned Himself over Mistress, His raging cock inches away from my face, "Put it in her cunt pig," He barked. i reached and grasped His boiling hot cock; even i couldn't get my hand all the way around it. As He slowly pushed forward i guided His big hard cock into Mistress's waiting cunt.
The purple head of it stretched her lips wide as it slowly pushed into her pussy. i could feel her juices spill over my hand as she arched her back and spasmed. Her neck and shoulders were flushed, her breathing shallow
"Oh fuck," she wailed and began to cum, squirting her juices all over Master's cock and my hand. She shook cumming hard and He only had the first four inches of that big thick cock in her.
Master looked me straight in the eyes. "Well pig, you've earned another name: cuckold pig. How does it feel to lose your wife and gain a Mistress and Me gain a slut."
i lowered my eyes in presentation, watching as He slowly eased another two inches into her waiting cunt. Her pussy lips were spread obscenely wide, clinging to Master's cock. He then slowly drew out before He had put His whole cock in her. She gasped as He pushed forward and shuddered again with an orgasm, screaming as she came.
"Fuck me ohhh fuck me." she cried out. Her body was shaking as i had never seen it and she was flushed a bright red. Master slowly pushed in a little more, than pulled out and slowly pushed back in.
He fucked Mistress this way for twenty minutes slowly stretching her. i think she was cumming continually the whole time. At one point she started to cry uncontrollably as she gripped His wide shoulders. "Oh god it feels so good; so fucking good."
i felt the deepest offense. i had never even come close to making her cum like this, not even once in all the years we were married. And Master had her cumming it seemed on every stroke of His huge cock.
After twenty minutes Master was balls deep into her pussy. It made wet squelching noises each time He withdrew and then her pussy gushed more juice as He pushed in.
He began to pick up His pace and His breath came faster.After another five minutes of pounding her, during all of which she was cumming continually, He suddenly roared and pushed as deep as He could into Her cunt. my face was still only inches away, sprayed wet with Mistress's cum. Now i saw Master's balls pulse and some of His cum spill out of her overfilled cunt. It seemed that He came forever, filling her with His hot cum.
Finally He fell forward kissing her face as she sobbed with pleasure.
After resting a minute or two He slowly withdrew His cock. Incredibly, it was still hard and glistening with both of Their cum and juices. "Quickly," Master said to her,"legs up and scoot down. I want as much of My cum in you for the little cuckold pig to clean up. That's how it will get to earn its next name."
She did as told and then He pulled out the last two inches with a wet sound. "But first cocksucker pig this cock needs a good cleaning--with your mouth and tongue."
For once i did not immediately obey Master. i was just too distracted by the gaping pussy of Mistress Liz, the woman who had been my wife until Master Tony had fucked her into insensible pleasure and taken her as His own slut.. Her pussy was gaping wide, red and swollen and covered with thick white cum--so much cum.Master must have pumped more cum into her cunt than my little balls produced in a year. Her pussy lips were full, engorged and almost purple with red and her clit was bigger than i had ever seen it. it might even have been bigger than my tiny clit (which was my undersized dicklette now was called), as she had sneeringly said before Master fucked her.
Suddenly a voice thundered, "I said clean up my cock cocksucking pig." As Master Tony said this, i felt an excruciating pain in my balls. He had picked up the riding crop i had brought into the bedroom with the rest of my sex toys and had viciously slapped my balls, encased in the ball stretcher.
He hooked a leash onto the D-ring of the ball stretcher and then pulled up on it hard enough that i feared He would rip them off. Very deliberately He said, "You...will...obey...Me... pig." Each word was punctuated by a vicious blow from the crop onto my fully exposed balls; the last word ended with a blow to the tip of my clit.
i wanted to double over and just curl up with the pain, but i knew it would just bring more punishment. "yes Master," i groaned as i lowered my head onto His glistening wet cock, coated with His cum and Mistress Liz's copious cunt juice. The smell was overwhelming: cunt and cck and cum and pussy juice, as i sucked the still hard head of Master's huge cock into my mouth. With a swift movement He pushed my mouth at least six inches down His thick veiny cock, saying, "Suck it get all that cum so you can earn YOor next name--cumpig."
The last word was said with utter contempt, and my wife snickered at His words. i sucked and licked but never got more than the first six inches in my mouth. Every time i tried to take more i gagged, long strands of drooll pouring out of my mouth and out of my nose, soaking His cock further.
"You need work, lots of work on your cocksucking s*******s pig, " He sneered. Finally, He said,"Enough, pig."
Pushing my head down further He contemptuoously dried His cock with my hair. "Now," Master said,"time for some juicy cum filled creampie." Pointing at Mistress Liz, He said, "you will lick and suck every drop of cum out of Her ass and cunt. If you miss a drop, or hesitate, or gag, this is what you will get, pig" Without warning He slashed down onto my balls again with the riding crop.
i moaned as i crawled to Mistress's wide splayed legs and cunt. It was completely coated with a thick layer of Master's cum as was Her asshole, even though He had ordered Her on Her back and legs up so as not to lose too much.
"Start with Her asshole," He sternly commanded. I immediately pushed my face deep into Her ass crack licking and sucking for all i was worth. "Tongue up her asshole too," He ordered, cropping my balls just to encourage me.
i immediately pushed my tongue deep into Her rank sweaty asshole, sucking and slurping as i did. As degrading as all this was, my clit was hard for the first time in years. i sucked more getting every drop. My wife, i mean Mistress, laughed sneeringly,"god it really is a pig. Listen to it suck and root at my asshole." Master TOny laughed as well, "What else did you ever think it was."
Finally He said, Now lick all the cum from Your Mistress's cunt, get every drop pig>" Again He cropped my swollen balls as He said this. There was a huge amount of cum to suck and lick up. i again slurped and licked, tasting and smelling the aphrodisiac taste of cunt and cum aand cock, sucking and slurping as if my balls depended on it, which they did.
After a good ten minutes of this licking, Master said, "On your back now pig; or should i say creampie pig, because that is what you now are, along with all the other things you have become tonight and all you will become."
i quickly flipped on my back, face up, mouth open as Master ordered me. He then helped Mistress to quickly sit up and sit on my face and open mouth. i had begged her for years to let me eat her pussy this way, but she had never wanted to do it. Now she plopped down full weight over my waiting mouth and began grinding her pussy onto my lips and tongue.
As she did it seemed like a gallon of Master's cum poured out. It was a huge amount, so much that at one point i thought i would gag. But then i remembered Master's riding crop and just began to lick and suck even more.
Meanwhile Mistress was moaning loudly grinding her cunt and clit hard as she fucked my face. "Yes, that is it you nasty cumpig; eat me out get every drop of Master's superior cum You cuntlapping swine." WIth the last words she suddenly shuddered and cried out in another orgasm, flooding my mouth with her own copious cum, mixed with the last of Master's jism.
i fetishd slightly. and felt two hard swats on my hard little clit. i moaned into her cunt as Master said, "No gagging or obligation pig. Just consume and feel lucky that you get this task." "Yes Master." i mumred into Her sopping wet cunt.
Mistress finally rolled off of my face, 'That was fantastic Master Tony, she purred. "But now I have to pee so badly I think I will explode" Master Tony laughed wickedly. "Then let's go into the bathroom. i am sure that the pig will make as eager a toilet for us as it was a cocksucker and cuntlicker."
Mistress laughed nastily, "oh it will love it. it is a pig you know and i am sure it will love to wallow in everything We give it."


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Master tugged very hard at the leash attached to the ball spreader that tightly stretched and separated my little balls, making them perfect targets for the riding crop Master had used on them. As he pulled the leash, Master said, "Off the bed and crawl behind us into the bathroom, pig." He turned to Mistress Liz and with a wink said to her,"Come on slut;Your toilet awaits You."
Mistress laughed at that as she rose from the bed, walking into the nearby bathroom with Master while i crawled quickly to keep up. i could not help notice that she walked slightly bowlegged, like a woman who has just received a tremendous fuck. And her hand was all over Master's still hard cock. stroking it even harder, as He tightly wrapped one of His muscular arms around Her waist.
The bathroom had a large jacuzzi style tub. Master pulled sharply on the leash, painfully wrenching my balls, "Get in pig on your back, mouth wide open." i quickly complied hoping to avoid more punishment, but as i crawled in Master cropped me vicious 5 or 6 times on my ass.
When we had put that tub in in, i thought that i would have some sexy baths with my wife that would lead to sex, but she never wanted to do that with me. Now, it looked as if Mistress Liz, as she now was to me, would be getting into the tub with me for a totally different purpose.
"There is Your toilet, slut," Master said with a chuckle, "well, at least its mouth is." She laughed and climbed into the tub straddling my head and then lowering herself until her cunt was only a couple of inches from my mouth. Her cunt was still gaping open, so red it was almost purple, and the smell of it blasted me as i la there. It was pure hot sex--cum and cunt juice and maybe even my spit from licking her clean. Whatever it was it made my clit jump with excitement.
i heard Master close the plug to the tub, then He said, "All right pig I insist that every drop of Mistress Liz's piss get takesen. If any of her pee is missed, there will be punishment."
Mistress was facing my feet and she said contemptuously, "Look at its little clit. it was never that hard in 17 years of marriage; this pervert must love this." Master laughed, "Of course it loves being degraded. You saw how I trained it online. No matter how nasty things got, it begged for more."
He paused and then said, "Oh and I don't think we will be calling it 'he' or 'you'. It has become an object for Us to use and degrade as We please. We will only refer to it as pig or it and that is how it must speak as well." Master slapped my balls hard with the riding crop, "Understood , pig" "Yes Master," i quickly answered. MIstress Liz must have been turned on by this talk, because her pussy juices were starting to flow, and her fingers were fingering her big swollen clit.
"Time to piss, slut," Master chuckled. "I have lots of cums for you left in this," He added shaking His big fully hard cock. "Mmmmm," Mistress moaned gazing with adoration at His godlike cock. Then suddenly she started pissing right into my waiting mouth. i swallowed as fast as i could as the hot salty piss filled my mouth. It burned a little as it went down, but it turned me on even more. i was sure that i might cum without touching my clit, if it were not for the ball stretcher.
Suddenly a searing pain hit the head of my clit making my mouth open even wider as i let out a loud groan. "I said get it all filthy pig," Master shouted. "I will not allow this disrespect of Mistress." As He said this He sharply cropped my nipples and then my balls, making me moan even louder.
Mistress laughed meanly, "I think that helps it keep its mouth nice and wide as I use it." My mouth was gaping wide and i was swallowing as if my balls depended on it, which they might given Master's obvious anger.
Mistress Liz's piss slowed and then stopped.
Without any prompting from Master she barked, "Clean me, with the tongue, pig." i gently began to lick her cunt, cunt lips and clit to get any piss droplets. She moaned slightly as i orally served her and i tasted more cunt juice than piss as i did this.
"Asshole too," Master ordered, jerking on the leash. i quickly moved my tongue to Mistress's asshole, cleaning it and tasting her hot sweaty taste. Finally she said, "Stop pig," getting up with shaky legs. oh god it feels good when its tongue is in my asshole." Master laughed, "oh don't worry it will be spending a lot of time with its tongue in both of Our assholes before We are done with it."
Pulling on the leash, Master said, "On knees pig." i quickly scramred to my knees on the cold wet tub as Master stepped in it. He positioned Himself with His swollen cock an inch or two from my face. i knew enough by now to have my mouth wide open and waiting for Him.
Master handed the leash and riding crop to Mistress saying, "it will never be able to swallow all my piss, though it will learn in time, I assure you. But just in case it does not show enough enthusiasm, use the crop on it." Mistress giggled as She took the riding crop and leash chain.
Master's cock was again fully hard, thick and almost ten inches long , its fat thick head engorged with red. He stroked His big cock an inch from my waiting mouth obviously enjoying the offense. Then a huge jet of scalding acrid yellow piss spurted out of that monster cock.
i desperately tried to swallow but my mouth was filled in an instant. i felt two hard lashes on my balls from Mistress Liz, almost causing me to completely double over. But if i did that the punishment would be horrific, so i gave a gurgling moan and continued to swallow as much as of Master's burning hot piss as i could.
He changed His name aiming the jet at my face and then down my body until He was pissing directly on my hard little clit. i probably would have cum at that if not for the deep aching in my balls. Master laughed to Mistress, "See, its clit and pig balls are only good as a urinal for my piss."
She laughed even more loudly, "the pig's balls don't even deserve that Master Tony."
When He finally stopped the bottom of the tub was almost full with a mix of His and Mistress Liz's piss. He stepped out of the tub and then said, "Let's see the pig wallow in the mess. Pig roll around in the piss for us." i burned with shame as i lowered my body into the tub and then began rolling around in the wet stench of their combined piss.
Both of Them were laughing and Mistress said scornfully, "it really is a filthy natural isn't it. How I wasted my life on it I will never know." Her words cut more deeply than the riding crop, but at that moment i also thought they were true.
Mistress added," Well i guess it has earned the name toilet pig now Master Tony." Not yet," He said evilly, "it is definitely a piss pig but as it will definitely learn it takes so much more to earn the title of toilet pig" He laughed again with the strangest malevolent tone, and i shivered at His words.
After a few moments of making me wallow in the mixed piss of Master and Mistress, Master yanked again on the leash, jerking my balls hard. "Now pig, start licking up every drop of the piss You spilled," He commanded. Mistress laughed at that, "Oh my god, that is so nasty." Master said, "It is its place as our piss pig to make sure it is all consumed."
i got on my knees, ass in the air as i bent my head to start licking up Their combined piss. There was a lot of it but i knew that if i did not comply, i would be punished severely by Master Tony. i started licking it up tasting again the salty and acrid taste of Their urine.
Crack! A hard stinging slash from the riding crop hit my ass, pushing me forward and speeding up my cleaning the piss from the tub. "Hurry up pig," Master barked, We have things to do. And let me hear it when takeing our piss."
i began takeing and licking faster, slurping loudly as i did. Both Master Tony and Mistress Liz were laughing at my sounds. Master Tony snapped the crop against my ass time and time again, "That is for spilling any of our precious piss, pig,' He said. "Whip it harder Master," said Mistress, urging Him on.
The next one was angled to hit my asshole and balls and made me shriek in pain. i was now furiously licking up the mess in the tub, hoping to finish and stop the beating. my mouth tasted like the inside of a sewer but i did not hesitate as my punishment continued.
Finally, after my stomach was filled with Their combined piss, the bottom of the tub was clean. Master must have cropped my ass at least twenty times, very hard and i could feel it was welted and terribly sore.
Master yanked me upright by the leash attached to my balls. "Next time pig, get it all the first time and there will be no need for punishment," He said, "but miss oany of our piss and I will use a cane on that sorry pig ass, and it will make the crop feel like a love tap." i believed Him, but didn't know how i would ever be able to keep up with the massive spray of piss that He produced from His big cock.
"God it stinks," said Mistress with disgust. She was right; even i could smell my self, like an uncleaned urinal at a truck stop. "Of course it does; it's a pig," laughed Master, "But we are going to keep using it today. I intend to break it today; to reduce it to the object that it is, and the more disgusting and degraded it is, the faster it will be broken." Master laughed again, " So i am afraid slut that we both will have to put up with the smell fo this disgusting thing. Don't worry though, I have the most interesting things planned for it and for Us. Now this cock of Mine needs some attention slut, so let's get back with the pig into the bedroom."


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Master jerked the leash attached to my ball spreader to get me out of the tub and following Them back to the bedroom. i felt like a total stinking pig after being used to take Their piss and wallow in it. But much more was yet to come.
Back in the bedroom Master ordered me to kneel on all fours within a few inches of Him. His big hard cock stood straight up, curving back towards His body it was so hard. Looking at me, He said nastily,"Now pig, watch how the slut who used to be Your wife sucks my cock." Turning towards Mistress Liz He commanded, "On Your knees , slut, and suck My big cock as hard as You can get it."
i knew Master was in for a disappointment. Mistress Liz did not like sucking cock and had little experience in it. She had told me that she hated it almost ten years ago when she announced one day out of the blue that she no longer was going to suck mine. When i asked her why, she simply responded that she did not like it or the taste of cock. i wondered what Master Tony would do when she refused to suck Him as He had just ordered.
But i was astonished as Mistress Liz meekly said, "Yes Master," and fell to her knees in front of Him. Without any further orders she began wetly licking His enormous cock, working her tongue from its base to its head. When she got to the swollen bulbous head of that huge cock she began licking wetly around His pisshole which was leaking pre-cum. "MMMMM Master," she moaned, "Your cock tastes soooo good."
Master Tony looked at me with a look of total superiority. Not only had He fucked my wife, He had her now, cock hungry and wantonly licking and sucking His big cock like a street corner whore. And she was loving every minute. As she sucked and stroked His slick wet cock with one hand, she was playing with her hard clit with another, shuddering with little orgasms every few seconds.
"Get on back pig and have mouth open," Master sharply ordered. i quickly scramred to obey, positioning my head close to Master's feet. "Climb on its face slut and let it pleasure You while you suck my cock, He commanded. Without a word and without stopping her cocksucking of Master, Mistress Liz climbed onto my face, planting her juicy wet cunt directly onto my open mouth.
i immediately began licking and sucking her pussy, working my tongue the length of her slit and then swirling it in tight little circles around her big swollen clit. She shuddered as if a jolt of electricity had gone through her. Mistress began grinding her cunt and clit hard against my lips and tongue. i could taste her cunt juice mixed still with the strong taste of Master's superior cum from Their earlier fucking. As she ground her hips and then rocked back and forth, i recognized the signs that she was close to cumming hard. Above me i could hear her loud slurping mixed with gagging sounds as she sucked Master's cock.
"oh god, Master," she breathed, "May I cum now?" "Not yet slut," He responded in a voice heavy with lust. "I want to see at least six inches of cock down Your throat before You may cum on the pig's filthy tongue."
"Yes Master," she moaned as i continued to suck and lick her clit.
i heard more gagging sounds as Mistress Liz pushed her mouth further down Master's big cock. i had sucked it earlier and knew that it was impossible to get His rock hard ten inches all the way down my mouth. Mistress Liz was trying hard however because i could feel her body move as Master fucked her mouth. The gagging sounds increased and i felt big gobs of ropy thick spit hit my chest as she deep throated Master.
i kept licking and sucking her cunt and clit, trying to bring her pleasure as Master fucked her mouth. Twice more she asked if she could cum and both times the answer was a firm no. The second time her ass was swatted by Master's big hand.
Even though she was not having the big shattering orgasm she sought, i knew from the little squirts of her juice into my mouth that she was cumming almost continually with small orgasms. Her body movement and gagging sounds increased as Master fucked her mouth harder. "Good slut," He said in a voice thick with lust, "You have gotten almost eight inches in Your mouth. Now i am close to cumming, and i want you to swallo some of my cum and hold the rest in your mouth until i tell you how to dispose of it. And you can cum when i do."
i started to furiously work and suck her hard clit, getting her as close as i could to cumming. Above me she was doing the same thing to Master's cock, trying to suck the cum out of it. How He had not already cum after what must have been more than twenty minutes of hard cocksucking, i did not understand. But i was a limp dicked cuckold pig; how could i understand a Real man like Master.
Suddenly i heard Him shout, "I am cumming bitch. Suck it hard" At the same time i glued my mouth to Mistress Liz's clit and pisshole and licked them hard with my tongue, flicking my head back and forth almost like a vibrator. i heard her muffled scream around Master's spurting cock, and my mouth was flooded by her cum juice jetting out of her pisshole.
She always squirted when she came hard, but this was like a fountain of her cum. i eagerly slurped it down not missing a drop as she ground her hips hard prolonging the orgasm.
Finally she stopped and pulled her super sensitive clit away from my mouth and tongue. "Get off of its face slut," Master said gently. As she did so, i looked up and saw Master's cock still more than half hard, gleaning with Mistress's Liz's spit. SHe had her mouth closed , but it seemed that it was full of something.
Master looked down at me and said with complete contempt, "Your Mistress is a magnificient cocksucker, contrary to the lies I heard online. She didn't suck the pig's cock because it did not deserve it. But she sucked mine and swallowed lots of My superior cum, pig." Master laughed, "But don't worry pig, there is plenty of my cum left in Mistress's mouth for the filthy cumpig to consume."
"Pig," He ordered, "Open that cumdump mouth wide and swallow every drop that is given." i quickly did as Master ordered. Then to Mistress Liz He said in a much gentler voice, "Slut, get YOur mouth a few inches from the cumdump's hole and drool My cum into its cumdump mouth."
Mistress Liz nodded, placing her lips a few inches from my wide open mouth. i could smell the strong smell of Master's cock and cum on her mouth even before she opened it. "Now, slut, feed the cumdump pig with My hot cum and Your spit."
As Master said that Mistress Liz let a long stream of cum and spit drool into my waiting mouth. It was totally degrading to be a waste receptacle for the Two of Them and yet my little clit was hard and twitching as swallowed noisily to keep up with the thick mixture of cum and spit that was being drooled by Mistress Liz into my mouth.
Finally after what seemed like a quart of cum she stopped, and then without any further command drew back and spit a big glob of cum and spit into my face. Master laughed at that and reached out to pat her head. "Good slut," He said, "You are realizing that You are the pig's Mistress and that it is nothing but a degraded cumdump for Us to use." Master paused and then said, "Climb up into bed with me slut and let's rest a bit. In a little while, We can start to have more fun and pleasure." "Mmmm, yes Master, " she said climbing into the bed with Him. i remained on my back, my mouth full of the taste of Master's cum and Mistress's spit, wondering what would come next.
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