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les histoires de chrislebo

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Le petit bar
C’était la première fois que j’entrais dans ce petit bar à cinq minutes de chez moi pour y prendre un café. Deux hommes discutaient à côté de moi. Le plus jeune, assez grand, d’une quarantaine d’années, brun, le visage marqué et les yeux clairs racontait à mister collègue plus âgé, d’une cinquantaine d’années, plus trapu, légèrement dégarni et bedonnant, une aventure extraordinaire. Il parlait suffisamment fort pour que j’entende ses propos sans le vouloir. Ses yeux pétillaient. Il paraissait tellement enthousiaste que ma curiosité me poussa à tendre l’oreille. C’est bien ce dont je me doutais, il parlait de sa dernière conquête, une petite bourgeoise qu’il avait rencontrée depuis un mois et qu’il avait, selon ses termes « complètement rendu folle ».
Il racontait à mister interlocuteur que, comme toujours, ces bourgeoises, sous leurs airs de grandes dames, se révélaient toujours être folles de sexe et adoraient les hommes virils et légèrement brutaux. Lui-même était électricien et c’était à l’occasion d’un banal dépannage qu’il avait remarqué que sa cliente était particulièrement jolie et qu’elle semblait se sentir bien seule. Son mari était du genre travailleur, probablement responsable d’une grosse société, et consacrait tout mister temps à mister boulot et à gagner de l’argent sans vraiment se soucier de sa femme qu’il laissait seule dans cette grande maimister.
Il devait faire une petite installation électrique il y a quelque mois, un chantier de deux jours. Sur la facture il avait rajouté à la main mister numéro de portable et avait lancé une allusion sur mister entière disponibilité « pour toute urgence » avec un large sourire. Après deux semaines elle avait rappelé, officiellement pour une prise qui s’était descellée…
Tous les mardis à 14 heures c’était un rituel. Il décrivait sa conquête, petite, brune, des petits seins fermes et surtout « affamée, insatiable, délurée ».
Encore des conversations de bistrot, encore un vantard qui tente d’épater mister copain, pensai-je. Je finis mon café et je repris mon chemin.

Deux jours plus tard, je rentrais chez moi, vers 21 heures, après une journée éprouvante. Mon épouse m’avait préparé un petit repas comme d’habitude, elle avait dîné, les enfants étaient couchés et elle regardait une série télévisée. Sonia était d’une douceur incroyable. C’était une femme remarquable. Une mère modèle. Nous étions mariés depuis quinze ans. Elle avait arrêté ses études trop tôt et c’était mister grand regret. J’étais un des premiers hommes de sa vie. C’était une fille sage. Son père très sévère lui avait donné une éducation très stricte. Après quelques années, nos relations sexuelles s’étaient espacées. Les soucis, les enfants, le quotidien, l’émoussement. Une tendresse s’était substituée à notre brève passion. Mais à quarante ans elle était toujours belle, fine et distinguée.
C’est en allumant une lampe dans le salon que soudain la maimister fut plongée dans le noir. Probablement un court-circuit avait tout fait disjoncté. Après avoir débranché la lampe je remis le disjoncteur.
— Il faudrait réparer cette prise du salon, lui dis-je. Depuis le temps…
— J’ai fait refaire l’électricité de la buanderie, je connais un bon électricien.
— Ah bon ? Je ne savais pas que tu avais fait des travaux d’électricité !
— De toute façon tu ne t’occupes de rien à la maimister, il faut bien que je me débrouille toute seule, me dit-elle d’un ton piquant.

Le soir en m’endormant à ses cotés, je repensais à ses propos. La buanderie, je n’y vais jamais, je ne savais pas que Sonia avait fait des travaux. Du coup, impossible de fermer l’œil. Sonia dormait. Je descendis à la buanderie. Effectivement les prises et les interrupteurs étaient neufs. L’image de l’électricien du petit bar me revint à l’esprit. Un affreux doute envahit tout mon être. Plus possible de dormir. Une brune « affamée, insatiable, délurée », ce n’est pas possible. Ce ne pouvait pas être Sonia ! Non impossible ! Impossible !
Et plus je me répétais impossible plus je doutais. Après une nuit blanche, le réveil misterna et réveilla Sonia. Elle se leva comme à mister habitude pour réveiller les enfants. Je ne la regardais plus comme la veille. Elle me semblait différente. C’est une vue de mon esprit ! Rien n’a changé dans la nuit ! Voyons, tu es fou !
Et pourtant l’affreux doute me rongeait. Cela me poussa à acheter une caméra miniature, incorporée dans un petit cadre que je posai sur la cheminée, face au canapé du salon. Un prodige de technologie, détecteur de mouvements et mister intégré sur une carte micro SD.
Il fallait que je sache ! Tout était en place, j’avais tout testé, ça fonctionnait à merveille. Il ne restait plus qu’à attendre le mardi suivant. Le week-end et le lundi furent interminables. J’observais Sonia qui me demanda à de nombreuses reprises ce que j’avais :
— Rien, je te regarde.
— Ça fait longtemps que tu ne me regardes plus… Qu’est ce que tu as ?
— Rien, rien, je te regarde, c’est tout.

Le mardi soir après que Sonia se fut couchée, je récupérai la carte et je visualisai la vidéo sur mon ordinateur. Rien, l’image d’un canapé vide ! Je respirai ! Tout ceci n’était que le fruit de mon imagination.
Pourtant le week-end suivant je remarquai que Sonia semblait impatiente, regardant les heures passer. Le lundi soir Sonia me paraissait différente, dans l’après-midi elle était allée voir mister esthéticienne et chez le coiffeur. Mardi matin en quittant la maimister je perçus une drôle de lueur au fond de ses yeux.
Le soir en rentrant je brûlais d’impatience et d’inquiétude. Sonia paraissait fatiguée. Elle alla se coucher plus tôt. Je me mis à visionner la vidéo. Elle apparut sur l’image, préparant quelques apéritifs vers 13 h 45 et posant des bouteilles d’alcool sur la table basse. Elle portait sa courte robe noire moulante et décolletée, et des escarpins. Elle était bien maquillée, coiffée et paraissait survoltée. J’entendis la misternerie. Elle sortit du champ de la caméra. Elle revint accompagnée d’un homme. C’était l’électricien !
— C’était long, deux semaines ! dit-elle.
— Alors je t’ai manqué, petite salope, lui répondit-il en lui mettant une claque sur la fesse.
— Oui, tu m’as manqué, surenchérit-elle.

J’étais abasourdi ! Ma femme venait de se faire traiter de salope sans broncher et même en souriant. L’électricien l’avait enlacée en posant ses mains sur ses fesses au travers de sa robe moulante. Il malaxait maintenant fermement les fesses de ma femme en relevant progressivement sa robe. Cela fit apparaître la dentelle de ses bas.
— Tu veux que je te baise, hein ma petite cochonne !
— Oui j’ai envie.
— Tu mouilles déjà j’en suis sûr, lui dit-il en la regardant droit dans les yeux.

Elle ne répondit pas mais la main de l’homme s’était insinuée entre ses fesses. Il ramena sa main devant le visage de Sonia en ajoutant :
— Bien sûr que tu mouilles, tu es trempée, ma salope !
— Oui, j’ai trop envie de toi !
— Je vais m’occuper de toi, n’aie pas peur ! Tu veux du cul, je vais t’en donner !

Il poussa ma femme en avant, la plaçant à genoux sur le canapé le torse sur le dossier, mister cul face à la caméra. Il releva sa robe, dégageant la vue d’un string noir. Sonia était à quatre pattes en bas et talons aiguilles en train de se faire malaxer les fesses par cet homme !
— Hummm.
— C’est bon, hein, ma petite bourgeoise ?
— Oui !
— Je prends mon temps. Je vais encore te faire mouiller rien qu’en te massant les fesses. T’as un beau cul de salope. Tu veux un doigt dans ta fente ?
— Mmmm.

Il s’était placé à hauteur de mister cul et insérait doucement un doigt dans sa chatte. J’étais tétanisé et totalement excité ! Mon sexe s’était durci. Comment était-ce possible ? Sonia ! À la fois choqué de voir ma femme, ma douce femme en train de se faire doigter en levrette par un inconnu et excité comme à la vision d’un film porno. Une sensation étrange de colère et d’excitation. Mes yeux étaient rivés sur l’écran de mon ordinateur. L’électricien s’était mis torse nu. Il était assez musclé. Il claqua à nouveau la fesse de Sonia.
— Hummm, gémit elle.
— Garce, tu en veux !
— Ouiii, dit-elle suppliante.

Il activait maintenant deux doigts dans sa chatte trempée. Elle ondulait sous ses caresses. Il faisait durer mister plaisir. Pendant au moins dix minutes il alterna un puis deux doigts. Puis lui léchait le sexe puis la caressait à nouveau.
— Hummmm.
— Tu veux ma queue, salope ?
— Oui je la veux !

Il la retourna, dégrafa mister jean et sortit mister sexe rapidement. Sonia l’avala avidement. Elle paraissait totalement hystérique. Elle suçait goulûment ce sexe turgescent et lui malaxant les couilles.
— Tu es une grande suceuse de bite ! Continue, vas-y ! Ne t’arrête pas ! l’encourageait-il.

Comment était-ce possible ? Sonia ma douce femme, la mère de mes enfants, se faisait traiter comme la dernière des putes, se faisait insulter et dominer par un électricien ! Et elle aimait ça ! Et plus il l’insultait plus elle était excitée.
— Retourne-toi, lui dit-il, je vais te mettre un doigt dans le cul. Tu aimes ça, hein ?

Sonia lui obéit immédiatement et se replaça en levrette sur le canapé. Il lui écartait les fesses. Il enfonça alors un doigt dans mister anus.
— C’est bon, hein ma cochonne ?
— Ouiii !
— Tu veux combien de doigts dans ton cul ?
— Ce que tu veux ! Fais-moi ce que tu veux !
— Bien sûr je vais t’enculer ! À fond je vais te la mettre mais je prends mon temps, je te dilate le cul.

Pendant encore dix minutes il lui lécha l’anus, lui enfonçant alternativement un puis deux doigts dans le cul et dans la chatte. Il faisait durer. Il tenait sa proie. Elle haletait, tremblait, se tortillait sous ses caresses.
— Maintenant je vais te baiser, lui dit-il.

Il enfonça mister sexe doucement, très lentement, dans la chatte de ma femme. Le corps de Sonia s’était raidi. Elle cessa de respirer puis poussa un gémissement interminable. Il allait et venait doucement entre ses reins ; elle suivait la cadence. Il accéléra, elle hurla. Sa jouissance était totale, elle s’effondra sur le côté. Il se retira un instant.
— J’en ai pas fini avec toi, lui dit-il, je t’ai promis de t’enculer et je sais que tu ne refuses jamais une bite dans ton cul.
— Laisse-moi souffler, salaud !
— Rien du tout ! Mets-toi en levrette, sale pute !

J’étais assommé ! Sonia, ma femme, traitée de sale pute ! Tous ces mots crus, toutes ces grossièretés jetées à la face de ma femme. Et elle en redemandait !
Elle se replaça obéissante et soumise en levrette. Il cracha sur mister cul puis enfonça sa queue doucement dans mister anus. Sonia se figea un instant puis à nouveau ondula.
— Salope, tu aimes te faire enculer ! Réponds-moi, salope, réponds quand je te parle !
— Oui.
— Oui quoi ?
— Oui, j’aime me faire enculer, dit-elle d’une petite voix.
— Encore ! Répète-le encore plus fort, dit-il d’un ton autoritaire.
— Oui, j’aime me faire enculer ! Oui, encule-moi, salaud ! Baise-moi !
— Voila, c’est comme ça que je te veux !

Il la labourait vulgarement. Elle jouissait à répétition ; elle hurlait en se tortillant. Il se cambra et grogna en jouissant au fond de mister anus. Ils s’affaissèrent soudés. Il se retira. Et prit une serviette en papier posée sur la table basse pour s’essuyer. Sonia resta immobile, savourant mister orgasme. Rapidement, il se redressa et se rhabilla. Elle rabattit sa robe qu’il n’avait même pas pris la peine de retirer. Elle se recoiffa maladroitement.
— À mardi prochain ? lui lança t-il.

Elle ne répondit pas. Elle semblait honteuse.
— À mardi prochain ? insista-t-il.
— À mardi, dit-elle à voix basse.
— N’oublie pas, ce n’est qu’un début ! Puisque tu aimes le cul, tu vas en avoir. Tu vas être comblée. J’ai plein de chose à t’apprendre, à te faire découvrir ! Tu vas être obéissante, tu vas combler mes désirs ; je vais combler les tiens. J’ai une petite surprise pour la semaine prochaine.
— Ah bon ? Qu’est ce que…
— Tu verras bien ! Je t’appelle lundi.

Calé au fond de mon fauteuil je ne savais plus quoi penser : la rage mais surtout l’excitation. Je visionnais et re-visionnais la vidéo tout en me masturbant. Ma femme est une salope !



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Ma femme Sonia me trompe. Depuis je ne sais combien de temps, elle rencontre chaque mardi à 14h un électricien qui a réalisé des travaux à notre domicile. J’ai installé une caméra miniaturisée qui filme ses ébats dans notre salon. Mon épouse, petite bourgeoise, ma douce femme et mère modèle a décidé de se dévergonder. À ma surprise et à ma colère succède une excitation, une envie de découvrir ma femme et de savoir quelles mistert les limites de ses fantasmes.

La caméra enregistrait. En haut à gauche de l’écran était inscrite la date et l’heure : 12/05/2009 13h52. Sonia préparait quelques apéritifs. Elle portait sa robe moulante et courte, bleu marine avec de gros boutons blancs, probablement des bas, des escarpins. Elle semblait très nerveuse. Peut-être la surprise prévue l’inquiétait-elle. À 14h la misternerie retentit. Dans le champ de la caméra je découvris l’électricien mais aussi un autre homme que je reconnaissais ! C’était l’homme d’une cinquantaine d’année que j’avais vu le premier jour au petit bar.
Ils s’installèrent sur le canapé à côté de ma femme pour l’électricien et sur le fauteuil en face pour mister copain. Le début de la conversation fut banal, mais je sentais Sonia troublée par la présence de cet inconnu. Cet homme était probablement sa « surprise ». Elle leur servit des bières. Ses bonnes manières de femme du monde reprirent le dessus. Sa bonne éducation et mister habitude de recevoir lui donnèrent par automatisme une certaine contenance.
— J’ai tout expliqué à Jean-Paul ! Je lui ai dit que tu étais une petite bourgeoise mais aussi une petite salope, lâcha tout à coup l’électricien.

Sonia se figea. Elle se mit à rougir. Ne répondit pas, toussota. Le temps semblait suspendu.
— Je préfère te le dire tout de suite, Jean-Paul est un voyeur pervers, renchérit l’électricien. Il est venu pour voir te voir nue !

Sonia avait les jambes croisées. Elle essaya de se donner une certaine contenance en se passant la main dans les cheveux et en buvant une gorgée. L’électricien continua :
— Je lui ai aussi dit que je t’avais donné l’ordre de ne pas mettre de culotte aujourd’hui. Il veut savoir si tu m’obéis. Ne me fais pas mentir. Décroise tes cuisses !

Ma femme ne bougeait toujours pas. La rougeur de ses joues s’était un peu estompée. Un grand silence suivit l’ordre de l’électricien. Sonia but encore une gorgée, probablement pour se donner un peu de courage.
— Alors ? reprit-il, je suis sûr que tu as très envie de te montrer à lui. Il en meurt d’impatience. Une petite salope comme toi est probablement aussi exhibitionniste. Décroise tes cuisses !

Sonia respira profondément, sourit et décroisa alors lentement ses cuisses, gardant les genoux bien serrés et resta ensuite immobile. Les deux hommes la fixaient.
— Écarte un peu pour que Jean-Paul puisse voir que tu n’as pas de culotte.

Ma femme écarta alors légèrement ses genoux. Elle ne portait effectivement pas de culotte.
— C’est bien, l’encouragea l’électricien, écarte bien, que Jean-Paul puisse bien tout voir.

Sonia écarta encore ses cuisses, ne cachant plus rien de mister intimité. Elle était belle, désirable et elle le savait. Sa robe courte remontait naturellement sur ses hanches.
— Elle est belle, hein Jean-Paul ! dit l’électricien à mister collègue. Je t’avais dit qu’il suffisait de lui demander. Cette petite bourgeoise meurt d’envie de se dévergonder.
— Maintenant touche-toi, ajouta-t-il.

Après une trop brève hésitation qui me fit enrager, Sonia glissa sa main vers mister sexe et commença à se caresser. S’exhiber devant un inconnu semblait l’affoler. L’électricien ne l’avait pas touchée ! Simplement en lui parlant, en lui demandant, il avait eu ce qu’il voulait. Sonia se caressait maintenant devant un inconnu lubrique.
— Que veux-tu d’elle, Jean-Paul ? demanda l’électricien.
— Qu’elle continue ! lui répondit Jean-Paul.
— Vas-y, mets-toi un doigt bien au fond, ajouta l’électricien.

Sonia obéissait. Jean-Paul s’enhardit :
— Écarte encore tes cuisses ! ordonna-t-il, et montre-nous aussi tes seins.

Sonia baissa le haut de sa robe, dégageant ses petits seins. Ne percevant aucune résistance, les mots de Jean-Paul devinrent plus crus :
— Continue à te branler, ne t’arrête pas, lui dit-il, enfonce deux doigts.

Ma femme s’exécuta. Elle avait un peu glissé sur le canapé. Elle montrait ses seins, ses cuisses étaient largement ouvertes. Avec ses bas et ses escarpins elle était remarquablement excitante. Elle se branlait maintenant profondément sans retenue sous les yeux de ses voyeurs. Jean-Paul souriant s’était rapproché de ma femme pour mieux observer.
— Elle est trempée ! dit-il à mister collègue. Elle adore se montrer ! Tu avais raimister, elle est terrible !
— Tiens, mets-toi ça, dit-il en tendant la bouteille de bière vide à Sonia. Ma femme se saisit de la petite bouteille et se l’enfonça au fond du sexe. La bouteille allait et venait au grand plaisir de ma femme et de ses voyeurs.
— Mets-toi à genoux, que je vois bien ton cul, lui ordonna alors Jean-Paul.

Tous ces mots crus que je n’avais jamais osé prononcer semblaient l’envoûter. Les ordres étaient secs et directs. Sonia s’y soumettait. Elle se mit en levrette sur le canapé, le buste sur le dossier, les fesses dirigées vers Jean-Paul. Elle continuait à se branler avec la bouteille.
L’électricien se plaça de l’autre côté du canapé et tendit la bouteille qu’il avait en main vers mister visage. Sonia se mit alors à lécher la bouteille, puis la prit dans sa bouche.
Jean-Paul s’était saisi de la bouteille et imprimait maintenant un va-et-vient. Sonia gémissait.
— C’est parfait tout ça, dit Jean-Paul. Quel beau cul de bourgeoise ! Je crois que c’est le moment de sucer Marc !

Marc ! C’était donc mister nom. L’électricien dont j’ignorais jusqu’alors le nom se prénommait Marc.
Marc dégrafa mister pantalon et sortit un sexe épais en totale érection que Sonia prit en bouche immédiatement. Il était évident qu’elle avait perdu tout contrôle. Jean-Paul imprimait des mouvements de plus en plus rapides avec la bouteille. Sonia suçait avidement la verge de Marc.
— Mets-lui un doigt dans le cul, elle adore ça, dit Marc à Jean-Paul.

Celui-ci ne se fit pas prier. Sonia eut un sursaut. Elle semblait en transe !
— Mets-lui la bouteille dans le cul, Jean-Paul, ne te prive pas, en plus, ça l’excite un max !

Ces deux hommes sans véritable éducation prenaient plaisir à avilir ma femme. Était-ce la revanche de rudes travailleurs sur ce que représentait la bourgeoisie ? Toujours est-il que cela excitait Sonia qui voulait aller jusqu’au bout de ses fantasmes. Tout cela était pour elle « sa revanche » sur la stricte éducation de sa jeunesse. La grossièreté de ces hommes redoublait ses ardeurs.
Jean-Paul enfonça doucement la bouteille dans l’anus de Sonia et commença un lent mouvement de va-et-vient. Sonia se caressait d’une main et se faisait enfiler l’anus par une bouteille de bière tout en suçant le sexe de Marc. Son excitation était à mister comble. Elle ondulait sous les caresses de Jean-Paul. Ce dernier en profita pour sortir mister portable et prendre quelques photos de ma femme en levrette, en bas et talons aiguilles, une bouteille de bière insérée dans l’anus, en train de sucer mister copain !
— Quelle salope ! dit alors Jean-Paul à mister copain. Tu as raimister, elle est bonne et prête à tout. Elle a dû manquer de bite pendant trop longtemps ! On va lui en donner.

Ils l’allongèrent sur le canapé. Marc commença à la pénétrer vulgarement pendant que Jean-Paul se faisait lécher.
— Donne-lui ! dit Jean-Paul à mister copain, vas-y bourre la, fais-la gueuler !

L’électricien labourait sauvagement Sonia. Elle hurlait de plaisir, ce qui confortait Jean-Paul qui rajouta à l’adresse de ma femme :
— Vas-y salope, lâche-toi, tu en as envie, tu en as besoin.

Je n’avais jamais vu ma femme jouir comme cela auparavant. Elle ne se contrôlait plus. Elle léchait comme une folle les testicules de Jean-Paul. Celui-ci ne tarda pas à éjaculer entre ses seins.
Marc continuait à la prendre rageusement. Jean-Paul lui enfonça deux doigts dans la bouche. Sonia était devenue leur jouet sexuel. Elle acceptait tout. Jean-Paul lui fit lécher la bouteille de bière puis la lui enfonça dans la bouche pendant que Marc continuait à la baiser.
— Mets-toi à quatre pattes, que je te prenne comme tu aimes, lui ordonna Marc.

Sonia s’exécuta. Marc s’introduisit doucement. Pendant qu’il sodomisait ma femme, Jean-Paul prenait des photos et commentait. Le penchant pervers et voyeur de Jean-Paul était évident. Il se régalait à voir cette femme du monde s’avilir et se soumettre ainsi à leur volonté. Il représenta sa verge devant la bouche de Sonia en lui ordonnant de le sucer. Sonia se déchaînait. Elle se révélait très efficace et rendit sa fermeté à la verge de Jean-Paul qui l’encourageait. J’avais l’impression de visionner un excellent film porno, sauf que la star était ma femme !
Au bout de quelques minutes Jean-Paul se retira. Il éjacula sur le visage de Sonia. Marc accéléra la cadence en grognant, arrachant un long gémissement à Sonia dont le visage semblait exprimer une douleur qui était en fait une profonde jouissance. Il se retira et envoya un long jet de sperme sur les fesses de Sonia.
Sonia s’affala à plat ventre sur le canapé.
— Ça t’a plu tout ça, hein ma coquine ? lui dit Jean-Paul en lui donnant une serviette en papier. Sonia ne répondit pas mais le sourire qu’elle rendait aux deux hommes en disait long sur la jouissance qu’ils venaient de lui procurer. Ses yeux brillaient. Elle remonta sa robe sur ses épaules et se redressa. Les deux hommes se rhabillèrent puis l’encadrèrent et la caressaient à nouveau au travers de sa robe.
— La semaine prochaine j’aurai une autre surprise pour toi ! lui lança Marc.
— Oh oui ! reprit Jean-Paul, on en a pas fini avec toi, ce n’est qu’un début, lui dit-il en glissant une main sous sa robe, ce qui fit immédiatement réagir Sonia qui se cambra en fermant les yeux.
— Il va falloir un peu patienter, une semaine, ça peut parfois paraître long, dit Marc avec un magnifique sourire.
— Les photos… bredouilla Sonia en réalisant enfin qu’elles pouvaient être compromettantes.
— Ne t’en fais pas, lui répondit Marc, on va masquer ton visage. Fais-moi confiance ! On veut bien s’amuser mais il n’est pas question de te causer du tort. C’est juste pour la collection de Jean-Paul.

Jean-Paul acquiesça. Il était voyeur, pervers, vicieux mais pas méchant.
Sonia leur fit promettre de masquer mister visage.
Les yeux rivés sur l’écran de mon ordinateur je n’avais cessé de me masturber durant toute la vidéo et j’avais joui quasiment au moment où Jean-Paul avait maculé le visage de ma femme de mister sperme. Mon excitation était extrême. Je ne pouvais plus dormir. Cette nuit-là, allongé à côté de ma femme qui, elle, dormait profondément, je me remémorais toutes les scènes de cette vidéo. Dans la pénombre je devinais mister visage détendu et je repensais à la crispation de celui-ci au moment de mister orgasme et au sperme de cet inconnu dégoulinant sur ses joues. Finalement, dans l’impossibilité de dormir, j’avais à nouveau rallumé mon ordinateur pour revisionner cette vidéo en me masturbant.
J’avais hâte d’être au mardi suivant… Ma hâte semblait encore plus importante que celle de ma femme ? C’était troublant ! Mais j’avais une petite idée…



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Debbie and I looked around for a place to sit together. The larger sofas were taken and the doors to the other rooms were closed, but we found a futon on a frame that was cozy, but worked for us. It was impossible not to have my arm around her and so we got into it pretty quickly. I looked into her cute face for the first time and noticed that even though she wore a lot of makeup (Even in her 40's, Maggie is naturally pretty without makeup)she was basically really cute. Debbie wore a gauzy white blouse that showed the outline of her bra, a tight fitting black knee length skirt and sheer stockings. Her dress was pretty, but not provocative, at least not as much as I would have figured for a place like this.

We kissed seriously now for the first time. Her kiss was genuine and lingering, and I liked it. Breaking the kiss, I looked into her eyes again. Experimentally, I ran my hand down her cheek, then I kissed her again. My hand continued down her neck, and nervously, I touched her breast, cupping it through her blouse. She didn't resist my touch in any way. Quite the opposite, she slid her hand up my thigh, and finding me, she began to lightly massage me through my pants. Needless to say, I responded. Simultaneously, my abs began to tighten and my member began to harden.

She remarked, "You know, you're actually the first white guy I have been this close to since high school."

That made me rear back with surprise. "Really? Never?" I said, and she shook her head.

I figured it must have meant that she and Sean met pretty early.

Debbie thrust her chest forward when I started unbuttoning her blouse. I loved the way her skin looked, the way her bra outlined her smallish breasts. I reached in and she squeezed my cock through my slacks again.

I told her, "I want you, but I don't see a place where, you know...", looking around the room. "How can we...", Where can we.. you know?"

She said, "Honey, I want you too. Look, would you like me to slip into something more comfortable?"

I nodded, and she grabbed her overnight bag and headed off to the bathroom.

That gave me a chance to look around. In one corner, I saw a black couple really getting into each other. Her top was off and he was sucking her nipples long and hard as she reclined back on the sofa. When his mouth came free from them, I saw that they were long and dark and her aureoles were a beautiful dark brown. I began to understand that black women were just as wonderful and any other hue. It was simply that I had been totally blind to it.

Against the middle wall opposite where I sat patiently, a chubby freckled red head, very Irish or German looking, perhaps in her late 20's to mid-30's was sitting fully astride a black guy with salt and pepper hair. They were both partially clothed; her blouse, vibrant red, was open and her bra was pulled down on one side. I could only see the side of one breast from the angle I was sitting, but the guy's hand was massaging her vigorously as they kissed deeply. His pants were open and slid down revealing his erection.

His overall darkness contrasted strongly with her very pale skin, and the pale pink of the nipple I could see moving under his fingers. His other hand moved under her skirt, cupping her ass and I could see the back and forth movement of his arm pulling her close to him. The redhead was moving powerfully against his motion and pushing her tummy against the underside of his exposed member. It looked intense and I felt the heat even across the room.

Back toward the stairs, a black couple were lying across a sofa, actually more the size of a loveseat. She was dressed in violent pink lingerie, which looked great against her skin, a hue between gold and toffee. He was on top of her in simulated coitus, dry humping wildly. It looked pretty hot, and took me back to my own high school days. I had to remind myself that most likely none of these couples came through the front door together. I hadn't really noticed who was with whom originally, but they certainly mixing it up now.

A 40ish black woman, lushly built with very dark skin, dark eyes and a smooth, straight hairstyle, had come downstairs and was walking casually toward me. She stopped in front of me and smiled broadly. She had on a very sheer white lingerie set, and I could see her gorgeous dark brown nipples standing out, erect and pushing against the gauzy material.

My wife and I are naturists; we know that nude is not the same as sexy. Clothing provides the sexiness by hiding and revealing. Her wide hips and full legs were swaying silently back and forth, and I saw (or imagined) a bushy dark thatch of her pubic triangle beckoning me. My mouth watered and I swallowed hard, trying to decide; I could easily have been swayed, if Debbie wasn't intending to come back, but the decision was made for me.

Debbie walked back and silently approached from the darkness of the other side of the common area, dressed in an almost transparent pink lingerie top, tied behind her neck, with darker pink flowers printed on and frilly panties. All I could say at the time, and all I can think of even now, was 'Wow!'

I felt like a million bucks when she smiled and told the black woman, politely "Hey sweetie, tonight he's all mine."

They kissed lightly on the lips and then she smiled at me, did a little twirl and asked me if I liked.

"Oh god yes," I replied, really meaning it.

She sat in my lap and felt the spread of her ass cheeks heating up my lap. I practically sladyed her with hungry, open mouthed kisses and she invited even more as our tongues moved over each others. Her top was open at the sides revealing the gentle curvature of her breasts. Her nipples poked lightly forward, constrained only by the flimsy material of the lingerie. I could hardly control my hands as they reached into her top, massaging her breasts. At that moment, I wanted her desperately, but felt really self conscious going further virtually in front of an audience of strangers (who in reality were so involved that they probably wouldn't have noticed.)

I whispered to Debbie that I was about to explode with desire, and wished we could fuck.

She said, "Mmmmm, honey, that sounds fine to me. Let's go into that corner over there. Believe me, I have fucked in places a lot more public than this."

I looked over to the furthest corner and thought about it. It was certainly darker than anywhere else in the basement, but there was no place to lie down.

I asked simply, "How?"

She said, "Standing. C'mon. It'll be fine."

I was overcome with lust for her, and that overcame my reluctance to have sex with others nearby.


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I should mention that I am in my 50's and Debbie was (I estimate) late 20's to mid 30's. I really don't know, but that's my estimate from memory. She felt really firm and taut and her breasts, partly because of their small size, and partly because of her youth, hardly bounced. I reached under her negligee top and cupped her in the heat of my lust. She was obviously incredibly excited. Her nipples were taut, standing straight out and slightly toward her chin, and as I walked behind her to the corner I stretched them.

She said, "Gentle, sweetie. I am pregnant and they are sensitive as cuckolds brownie."

You could have knocked me over with a feather. She sure as hell did not look pregnant to the untrained eye.

I said, "What??" and she replied that I was getting lucky as this was the only way that Sean would ever let her be with a white guy, and he was bending his rules only because she was already pregnant. This was after she had told me after that I was the only white guy she had been with as an adult, so I felt a lot of what you might call 'performance pressure.'

She rightly reminded me to use a condom. In the corner, we kissed as she unzipped me and reached in.

Squeezing me, she said only, "Nice!"

As a concession to the 'public' nature of the setting, I pulled my pants and my boxers down just enough to accommodate our activity. As I fished a condom from my right pocket, she had already turned, and was bracing herself, palms against the wall, legs spread, facing away from me.

I quickly rolled the condom onto my stiff cock and pulled her frilly panties down, not removing her top, trying I suppose to preserve some sense of modesty. I am 5'10" and she was perhaps 5'7", so it was easy for me to enter her just by bending my knees a little and pushing upwards. My body tensed with excitement as I spread her ass cheeks with both hand. She lifted on her toes a bit and with her helping hand, I was quickly inside her. Once my head spread her lips, She pushed her rump back against my pelvis hard, locking our bodies together in intimacy.

As those of you who read my earlier posting (The Eye of the Hurricane) may remember, I have only been with one other woman than my wife in 20 years of marriage. This young woman was incredibly (!) wet and willing more so than anyone I have ever been with. Fucking her was so easy, her pussy was surprisingly accommodating for such a young woman; her bun muscles so tight that I came in ten minutes very much against my own will.

I tried like crazy not to cum, but her movements against me felt so wonderful that I was completely out of control of my own will. Each time she pushed against me, the thrill of feeling both the softness of her ass against my pelvis and the smoothness of her pussy made me moan and clench my jaw. With every push into her, it felt as if my shaft was engulfed in velvet fire. I rocked against her body in wave after wave of pleasure.

When I came, my body was still bucking violently and Debbie, who was massaging her own pussy and clit was breathing hard. I don't know if she came, but I really do think she enjoyed the experience. I paused in my motions, resting my face against feel of her back and shoulder through the fabric of her negligee top and consumed in the scent of her perfume and the natural perfume of our coupling.

As I softened and slipped (***ly) out of her, she pulled her panties up and smiled, saying "Thanks, That was nice. You're pretty good-for a white guy."

I raised an eyebrow in a mock leer and both of us laughed. She turned around with both arms around my neck as I pulled my pants up, still wearing the condom.

We went into the bathroom, me to slide off the condom and her to pee. I cleaned my cock off with a wet pad of toilet paper and watched her pee, the lights were stronger there and I looked at her, appreciating her beauty.

I asked, "So, are you 're really pregnant?"

She responded, "Yes, due in June."

I said, "My god, you don't look it at all."

She laughed and said, "Come back in a month and see if you can still say that!"

I told her, "I would enjoy that very much, seeing you in a month--or even a week."

I winked at her. She smiled back, saying that she already had a little boy, now 3, by Sean.

I asked how long they had been married, but she shook her head and sighed, "No, not married. And that's probably not going to happen."

At last she said, "Anyway. Next month. It's a date for sure. Let's go up and see what my crazy man is up to. He loves white women. It's a little bit of a 'thing' with him.

"He likes to well, to 'train' white women, right? He's really into domination, but trust me, it's totally just role playing really," she explained.

Then she offered, "Still, your wife is probably happy; probably being driven crazy. First time with a black guy?"

I said, "Yeah, as far as I know, yes."

She said that an interracial encounter can be very intense, when a woman first experiences it.

She chuckled and shook her head. "Sure you want to walk in on that?"

My curiosity was getting the better of me, so I just shrugged and nodded. She pulled up her panties and I saw for the first time, or imagined I saw, a little tummy bulge. It was nice I thought; very sweet. In a way, just then, I wished we hadn't been intimate. It seemed somehow wrong, but obviously, Sean was putting her out there as his ticket to this lifestyle. And just as obviously, she did enjoy what we had done.


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We started to ascend the basement stairs. As I looked back over my shoulder, I saw that redhead and her older salt'n'pepper black partner were now locked in coitus. He sat back on the sofa and she was astride him, rocking lazily. Her panties were still on one leg, and she leaned backwards, steadying her hands on his knees, trying to maximize his penetration. He groaned with each of her downward thrusts.

"Yeah, that's it. You my greedy little bitch? You want all of this?" he said.

She just moaned and kept meeting his thrusts with abandon. I watched the muscles in her ass tighten and release rhythmically as she fucked herself on his black cock. I made a mental note to talk with her at the next visit.

We went up the stairs, again holding hands, Debbie steadying herself on me as we ascended. She still had on the lingerie she fucked in, and I carried her overnight bag over my shoulder.

We drew some stares from a couple guys as we passed through the kitchen area. They looked through me, but consumed Debbie with hungry eyes. Knowing smiles passed between Debbie and each of the men. Clearly, Debbie was a regular here, and undoubtedly had been a partner with each of them as well.

I wondered idly how many guys she had been with and how I measured up.

I shook my head and told myself, "Chill Jack. Don't be a complete ass. This is a playground, for heaven sake. People are supposed to by fucking each other here."

Perhaps I felt more protective since learning of her pregnancy.

When we went up the next flight of stairs to the bedroom level, it then occurred to me that I didn't know which of the bedroom Sean and Maggie were in. Then I saw there was a little sign up sheet on the floor by each room, I looked down and the names and I finally saw something that looked like Sean scrawled on one.

I timidly knocked on the door, and I heard Maggie stammering "Y-y-y-esss. Come in."

I opened the door and saw them on the bed, the room lit by a single bedroom lamp. I could see Maggie lying on his left side, one leg stretched out, the other bent, half laughing, smiling; half crying, her hand on her forehead, saying "Oh Fuck, Oh Fuck! That was fucking intense"

Sean was lying by her side, laughing too.

He said, "Just in time, homey. Come on in y'all."

He looked at me then turned to Maggie saying, "Now you know, don't you."

She just kept saying, "Oh Fuck, oh fuck Yessss"

He said in reply, "Now you train your boy here. Do what I told you. You a black man's woman now."

She lifted her hand from her head, opened her eyes looking at him. "No Sean, Really no. Really."

He told her simply but powerfully, "Do it, now. My women don't ask why."

I replied angrily, "Back off, man. Who the fuck you think you're talking to?"

He said, "Sorry dude. My bad. Maggie, you don't have to do anything you don't want to."

She looked at him, considered a moment, then held out her hands to me, sighed and said, "Ok. Come here, honey. Please."

The bed was tall with a deep mattress, which brought it nearly waist high for me. "I need your kisses, desperately," she said.

I approached her; she was still lying back and now rested her left leg on Sean's right thigh. We kissed and she gave me the most intense kiss I have gotten from her in a long while.

She held my face in both hands and said, "Honey, I'm still so hot. I need you to kiss my breasts so bad. Show Sean how good you are. How you turn me on."

I kissed and sucked each nipple. They were already raised to a level of tautness that showed she was still intensely aroused. Then she pushed my head with both her hands down her chest to her tummy.

Maggie moaned, saying, "Baby, kiss my tummy, pleeease..."

I was game for it. I think that Debbie went over the other side of the bed to stand by Sean, who by this time leaned to his right and was deep kissing my wife again.

Maggie kept guiding me downwards with her hands until I reached her usually downy pubic hair, now matted and gooey. I suddenly pulled back sharply as I felt and tasted not just her but something else as well. I think I knew by then what it was from the few times we had made love and I had gone down on her afterward. Hard to tell though, as she was a mix of scents and taste, mostly a salty little sweat beaded up on her skin.

I started to pull back even further, and I felt Sean lie back and say, "Girl ... Do like I said ...," again in a commanding voice.

Maggie looked up into my eyes and pleaded with me to go back down on her. I decided that I would kiss her tummy but stop there. Putting my lips back on her tummy and circling her belly button. She moaned loudly, opened her legs wider, resting the one higher on Sean. She lifted her hips and pushed me powerfully to her pussy. I tried pulling back, but her hands around the back of my neck assured that was not going to happen. She moved -- squirmed really -- to keep my mouth planted on her.

Slightly pissed off at the little game going on here, but becoming aroused despite it, I began to lick her, trying to ignore the mixed taste of her juices. She moved up and down, first in a slow rhythm, then steadily faster, urging me on, saying "Yesssss darling. Eat me, eat me so deep."

As I began to satisfy her lust, she let up the pressure and instead simply stroked my hair lazily, moving her hips up and down slower as well. My head was down but I love to look up at her over her mound and her fine pubic hair (now matted with cum) into her eyes when I eat her. Sean was smiling and whispering something in her left ear and pinching her nipples with his free hand.

After he finished, she nodded and told me quietly, "Oh yes, that's it. Get it all, honey. Deeper. Get it all. Please." With her right hand she stroked my hair and with her left she stroked Sean's face as he whispered to her and kissed her ear and nibred her neck. She giggled and her mouth sought his for a deep kiss.

I felt the bed sink downward with the pressure of Debbie getting on the outside of the bed next to Sean and looking over, saw her starting to lick her man's wet member and his pubic hair, wet with Maggie's and his cum. While she did that, she scooted between his legs. Debbie's hand was on my buns, and she reached between my legs, gently squeezed my cock, and then cupped my balls.

Sean moaned for Debbie and told her to get it all. Sean 'out-loud' whispered to Maggie, "Look at your man, licking our cum off your cunt. Looks right, don't it" While my cheeks burned with anger, but still she urged me on. She sucked Sean's tongue and rubbed his abs wile Debbie continued to suck him harder. His right hand held Debbie on his cock while his left was busy twisting Maggie's left nipple.

Maggie seemed to grow more insistent, telling me sharply, "Use your tongue for fuck sake. Deeper, deeper."

My jaw was beginning to hurt from the pressure and from having my tongue so deeply inside her now circling her pussy, which was decidedly more swollen now, actually pulsing.

Sean said to Maggie "That's it. It's all about controlling your hubby."

After 10 or so minutes, Maggie lifted her hips and pushed the lowest reaches of her pussy into my face. I noticed the translucent fluid, and clearly understood what it was. I balked strongly, but she wouldn't let me pull back, trapping me with her thighs.

She moaned, "Make me cum, honey. Make me cum again."

I was torn between revulsion on one hand, and seeing Maggie in the throes of the most intense sexual heat I had ever seen in our years together. I loved seeing her body wracked with the pain of erotic abandon.

I said to myself, "Screw it," and licked her clean, emulating what Debbie to my right had done.

Yes, I understand now as I write this that I had become a part of Sean's domination of my wife, but how could I argue with the fact that I was also giving Maggie more pleasure than I had in years. This was the tradeoff knew I would have to accept. My love for Maggie made it a no-brainer at the time. Still, there was a quiet voice in my head that whispered this experience could signal some kind of change in our relationship and the way we saw each other. I knew that the less Sean in our lives, the better.


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What lessened the shame and annoyance for me was that Debbie, having finished cleansing Sean with her mouth, scooted under my bent knees and was starting to suck my cock as it hung, partly erect. Clearly, this was turning Sean on again, as for the first time I saw his cock beginning to stand up. He stroked himself a few times and then pushed me (gently but insistently) out of the way. I leaned back on my knees at the foot of the bed. Maggie threw her legs wide open, pushing her thighs down toward the mattress and then, licking her lips, reached up with open arms to accept him again (this would be the third time of the night she informed me when we discussed it three days later.)

"You ready for your man again, girl?" he asked, already knowing the answer.

"Oh God Yes, YES... YES..." she replied without the slightest hesitation.

I had thought she might be slightly inhibited with me watching them so closely, or at least toned down her obvious passion a bit, but no. He moved between her open legs on bent knees and kissed her deeply. She thrust her chest up toward him, pulling him toward her. The contrast between them was stark in the dimly lit room. His darkness complemented her milky Irish skin.

I watched, absolutely spellbound as he entered her. Teasing her (and perhaps also to show me that Maggie was 'his' now), he lazily moved his cock head between Maggie's pussy lips. I watched from behind him, still at the foot of the bed and could see that he had not fully penetrated her. She looked up at him with furrowed brow.

Sean now pushed her to commit to him further, saying, "Now tell your cuck boy to go sit down over there."

Maggie, burning to climax again, looked at me and said sweetly, "Honey, would you mind watching us from over there?", waving toward the arm chair.

Sean instantly pulled his cock back, protesting, "No way, not like that. Tell him and say the words. Tell him he's your cuck now. I need to hear it and you need to hear yo'self say it."

She frowned, conflicted. After an awkward silence, she said quietly, "Be my sweet cuckold Jack. Show me how much you want me to make love to Sean... please show me." Then her eyes welling with tears, she added, "Oh, I love you Jack, really I do."

I was floored by her presentation to him, but there was still a part of me that thought this was simply Maggie role playing. There wasn't an easy way to put a halt to the action at this moment, so I slowly backed away and became a spectator.

Sean said, "Riiiight... Perfect... Now, Beg me bitch."

Biting her lower lip, Maggie said, "Please? Please be inside me?"

Sean replied quickly, "Uh-uh. Not enough. Tell me you'll do anything for me."

Maggie frowned, glancing over at me, but decided: "Anything. ANYTHING... YESS... ANYTHING.... EVERYTHING...." Now I was far less certain this was play acting. Maggie was an assertive, sometimes domineering woman. To see her like this, supplication in her eyes, begging for this man was utterly foreign to me. Still, it was clear t everyone in the bedroom. She had made the decision.

And so had Sean, who decided that was sufficient for now. I watched as he thrust deeply into her, this time sinking his entire cock into her. This was territory he had not yet penetrated tonight, and as he stroked her savagely, it brought alternating looks of pain, then ecstasy to her face. With each thrust, she spread her thighs to maximize the depth of his penetration, and I could see her pussy stretching wide to accept his huge cock. On the quick following upstroke I watched her inner pussy lips, now stretched by his size, cling to his cock.

I noted with sharp irritation that they were not using a condom; clearly they hadn't used a condom while they were alone either.

It confirmed my already strong suspicion that when I went down on Maggie ten minutes before, that I had tasted more than my wife's juices alone. Oh well, fuck it. What's done is done. Still, I was annoyed, thinking that it was part of Sean's 'deal' as Debbie had put it. It really pissed me off, as Maggie and I agreed it would be a hard and fast rule. My face reddened to know that Maggie had surrendered everything to him.

(Three days later, when enough anger drained from me to talk with her about it, Maggie said that he was just so powerful and persuasive about how much stronger he would make her cum without one that she couldn't resist.)

Taking my right hand, Debbie pulled me from the bed, saying, "Come over here and sit. I'll make you feel very nice!"

She led me to a red and white checkerboard wingback chair that was positioned so that Maggie and Sean were about 6 feet from me and at a 45 degree angle. Their bodies moved in a magictic rhythm. Sean's mouth never left hers, and she held him intently, caressing the backs of his arms over and over, occasionally running her hands down his back and squeezing his dark ass passionately, before moving back to squeeze his arms over and over.

Maggie was clearly enraptured and not conscious of anything outside of Sean. While the tops of their torsos seemed moulded together, half dark brown and half milky white, Sean moved upwards a good 8" every time he pulled back before the next thrust. From my perch at an angle from them, I could see his shaft glistening, and got slightly jealous that he was raising such an extreme reaction from my sometimes lukewarm wife, to the point that I began to lose my stiffness.

Debbie pulled her mouth gently away, letting my foreskin slide back over the head of my penis, looked up and asked, "What's wrong, sweetie?"

I stroked her hair, smiled and said softly, "It's ok. You're fine. It's me."

She scooted further between my legs, pulled my face down to look into her eyes, saying, "I told you that you might not be able to this, remember? Let's use the bathroom in the hall, and I'll finish you."

I shook my head and simply continued to stare across the room.

Sean was pumping her fast and hard now and this continued several minutes. Maggie locked her ankles around him, just at his waist and her arms held onto him on either side of his back. Maggie's pussy was making sweet little pussy farts and her eyes were closed in total rapture. Suddenly, on the upward stroke, he stopped, rested on his locked arms again.

Maggie, surprised, said, "NO, NO, NO.... Please... Don't stop... PLEEEASE... Oh Sean, Oh Sean".

"Look at me, girl" he said. She opened her eyes and looked deeply into his.

Sean said something like, "From now on. Only black, only me, right?" and Maggie pleaded with him to continue, raising her hips to power him deep inside again.

He resisted her thrust, telling her, "Say it, bitch."

She looked deep into his eyes, bit her lower lip, then nodded and said, "Only black... only you... Anything for you.... Whatever you want; just fuck me please! Please... God please ..."

He sunk slowly into her, Then rose and stroked her deep and hard, resuming his pace. Debbie, looking at them over her shoulder abandoned me, her lost cause. She braced herself on my legs as she stood up. She turned her back on me as if I no longer existed. In a set of quick motions, she pulled her lingerie top over her head and pulled her panties down. I watched as the top fluttered down to the floor as if in slow motion.

Now, for the first time I saw her completely nude. She was really a really beautiful young woman. and clearly aroused by her man's domination of my wife's body and soul. I could see from the way she moved that she longed for Sean, and she too had the look of a woman willing to do anything for him.

She walked hesitantly to the side of the bed, and saying nothing, climbed up and lay on her side next to them. She began to caress his back and his ass longingly as he fucked my wife. At a couple points, as he slowed to change the rhythm and further enthrall Maggie, Debbie worked her finger in between his ass cheeks, and into him. The first time she fingered him, he flashed a smile, leaned over and kissed her. With her left hand she moved inside him and with her right, moved two fingers in and out of her womanhood, breathing heavily.


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Over on the armchair, without understanding why or how, I became incredibly hard. I watched this trio and became more turned on than I thought I could ever be, even to the point where my legs were trembling. I started to work my member back and forth with one hand, while reaching to the side table for a wad of tissues with the other. I knew I needed to climax, and I couldn't stop myself from doing this.

I thought enviously how much I wanted to be riding either Maggie or Debbie, but the night was lost to me for that. Maybe even more than the night.

Sean kept saying softly to Maggie (but loud enough for me to hear), "You mine now. From now on, I say come, you say yes sir. Understand?"

To which Maggie always responded, "Yes, anything. Anything."

Sean added, "Sir...".

Maggie hesitated more, and still more. To her, this may have gone beyond role playing.

Finally, Maggie closed her eyes and said, "Sir," and reached up around his neck and pulled him down to kiss her neck. In return, he sucked on her neck, leaving more of the marks that would persist for the next seven days. At least for this night, she was his -- submissive to his wants and desires.

At first, I was sure this was just role playing, but now, not that sure. I wondered if, to Maggie, this was somehow more than a surrender to the lust of the moment. I admit even now to being confused.

Sean resumed fucking her rapidly. In thinking back about it, the guy had stamina, I have to admit. Maggie resumed moaning loudly suddenly cried out, and both Sean and Debbie muffled her, so as to not alarm the rest of the establishment. Obvious to everyone in the room, she was cumming and cumming hard. Even from 6 feet away, I could see that Sean and she were sweating like racehorses and her body bucked violently upwards as she gripped Sean's arms tightly. Exhausted, she fell back.

Sean said, "I need to finish, baby. This might take a while, understand?" I didn't wonder, as they had certainly already climaxed together previously.

She nodded and then he lifted her left leg over his right shoulder.

Pumping her that way, I heard her saying, "Oh oh god, sooooo deep!"

Watching her man, Debbie stroked her own mound with delicate hands in and out so fast, I could hardly follow her motion. Sean continued almost 5 minutes more.

I heard Maggie say, "Hurts, it hurts.... So deep.. Too deep... God, I can feel you hittin' my womb, baby... Ohhh....." once, but still making no motion to stop him.

Sean replied, "Yeah, I know. B'leive me, you'll get to love that feels sugar. An' any man you can't feel in your womb ain't worth yo' time. "

As I watched, Sean went about fucking Maggie with renewed intensity; the back of his head was now covered in tiny beads of sweat, and likewise his powerful black butt as he moved swiftly forward and backwards. Next he gripped Maggie's ass with both hands, tilting her crotch for even deeper penetration. As he moved onto his knees, he rested her butt cheeks on his thighs. For my vantage point, I could now see his cock penetrating Maggie, pounding her pussy. His balls, which had been hanging low for the last several minutes began lifting and tightening in preparation for pumping sperm into his partner, my wife. His cock was so long that every stroke took more than a second to complete.

Maggie's moans of pain now turned simply to moans and little purrs. Her breathing grew short and from my vantage point, I could see her right breast and nipple showing renewed excitement. Maggie began rocking and pushing her hips upward rapidly to meet his thrusts. Suddenly, Sean's face was screwed into that face all men make during orgasm as he came in cascades, grunting loudly. On his rising strokes I could see streams of cum coating his cock.

He shoved deeply a few more times as his shaft lost its red. Finally, he pulled Maggie's leg off his shoulder, pushed himself from between her wobbly parted legs and lay back contentedly at the side of the bed with Maggie between himself and Debbie. Debbie licked her fingertips and playfully reached over to twist Maggie's nipples. To my complete and utter surprise, she simply lay back and let this happen, not moving to push Debbie away; rather she lazily watched Debbie through half opened eyes, then reached out to stroke Debbie's blond hair. Debbie sucked her nipples, not deeply but in an almost younglike fashion. I had never seen Maggie show the slightest interest in another woman, and yet tonight, she had no problem with it at all. I guess there's a first time for everything.

Sean finally opened his eyes to look over in my direction. He caught me as I stroked my own shaft with urgency, nearly at the point of no return.

He nudged Maggie's right shoulder with his left elbow and said, "Hey look over there. See that. See how your man gets off from watching us. Tha's how you treat a white hubby. Look at him - he's lovin' this."

She simply nodded with a look of disgust, then quickly looked away from me.

At that point, I felt both ashamed but beyond the point of no return. I exploded into the tissue and bit my lower lip, wanting to blend into the wallpaper.

Sean lay back and finding Maggie's dress by the side of the bed used it to wipe the sweat from his torso and neck. Looking over at Maggie, he said, "It's time now Maggie. Do that thing we talked about"

Maggie, now sated sexually, and very much in awe of Sean, complied to her lover's demand without hesitation.

"Jack, please come over here and join us," She said softly, "Show me that you liked me making love with Sean... please... show me."

Then her eyes welling with tears, she added, "Oh, I love you so much tonight Jack, really I do."

I moved slowly to the bed as if under a spell. I have never been able to say no to Maggie.

Sean laughed and shook his head then said to me, "I DID tell you not to bet against me. Alright, let's do this thing. Maggie, grab your man's dick, shove the head up against my head - like docking two boats."

She pulled me by my dick, which had lost its erection and then touched my pale head against his much larger dark chocolate one, lining up our slits.

"A'ight, now slide my foreskin all the way down over his dick; Tha's it sugar. Go ahead, cover as much of his little dick as you can. Tha' shouldn't be hard." Sean explained, moving his body to face me.

Sean winked in a 'just kidding' way. I didn't think it was particularly funny.

Sean said, laughing heartily, adding an aside to me, "I'm jes messin' with ya. No Hard feelings, dawg. Right?"

Maggie did as he instructed, as I watched his foreskin cover my flaccid penis almost completely. Maggie stroked his foreskin back and forth over mine, as if instinctively knowing what Sean wanted. I felt a creepy chill up my spine, and almost wretched convulsively. She continued to stroke several more times as I watched my penis disappear, engulfed by his loose foreskin. Finally, he pulled her hand off, broke the contact, then lay back on the bed, his phallus growing in size again.

At the time, I didn't understand the symbolic significance of his action; I thought it was just some creepy spur of the moment thing he dreamed up. Only days later did I 'get it'. For one thing, Sean didn't intend the 'sharing' as a once-in-a-lifetime event (again I didn't understand this in the heat of the moment.) More than that, Sean was showing Maggie that he was now taking charge of her sexually. By making my dick literally 'disappear' he was sending her a not so subtle message. And finally, by making her cover my penis with his using her own hand, then watching as she stroked, Maggie was actively agreeing to the conditions he laid down. In the symbolic language of interracial domination, Sean had 'mounted' me and become the alpha male in my wife's eyes.

"Listen Jack, you are a terrific husband to yo' woman. Thank you for sharing your wonderful wife with me. She is without a doubt the hottest white pussy I have ever had. That little cock slut over there could take a few lesmisters," he said looking over at Debbie whose face had turned a crimmister red. He added, "Maggie, you should thank Jack for sharing you. He's a very rare man, and you should show your appreciation to him."

He stuck out his big paw to shake my hand. I didn't know whether to take it or swing at him. I decided on the former and simply shook his hand.

Maggie and I both dressed hastily. Sean asked her - politely - whether he could keep her panties. Blushing, she obediently handed them to him.

By this time it was nearly 3 AM, and very clearly the house wanted to close down for the night. In-ceiling lights, which I had never noticed before, flicked on and off a few times rapidly. I collected my clothes, and dressed, wiping my shaft one last time. We both said our goodbyes right then and there.

Sean told me, "That was for rizzle, You're alright, for playing along Jim."

And then, as Debbie walked over to me, I looked at her leggy form appreciatively. She sat astride my legs, kiss me and give me a passionate hug. It felt so good to have her bare breast against my chest, that my spirits and my sense of my own manhood started to revive.

While Debbie and I hugged, I saw Maggie kiss Sean, his thick full lips covering hers completely.

Debbie whispered into my ear my cell number is "___ ___ ____. Let's give Sean a little payback? I really want to hook up with you alone; not here; my apartment and soon. And I promise I am going to fuck your brains out!"

I was shocked by the invitation. Apparently, Debbie was also not impressed by Sean's performance tonight and didn't like his attitude any more than I did.

I thought to myself, "Sean, my friend, paybacks are HELL. And I can't wait to start making some deposits."

We passed our black hostess (still looking wonderfully sensual,) while putting on our coats. In the inrush of air from the open front door, I caught her scent which was an erotic mixture of musk and sex. Clearly, she had been making love tonight, and for a moment, I envied the man (or men.) My penis twinged once in an involuntary reaction to her. My body was already thinking about its future agenda.

She said heartily, "I hope you enjoyed yourselves. Please come back again real soon."

I was discovering what a lot of others swinging novices generally discover quickly, which was that swingers are some of the most outgoing and friendly people anywhere.

We walked out into the night and toward our car. There was only one other house even remotely close (perhaps a half mile toward the entrance of the dead end road); I figured the neighbors either had to be heavy relaxers or deaf not to notice this pattern every Friday and Saturday night.

Maggie and I didn't say a single word to each other for fifteen minutes.

Finally, I broke the ice saying, "Well, that was sure intense!"

She was looking out the passenger window, and replied simply, "Uh-huh, intense," without ever looking over at me. I felt that she was ashamed of me for making myself climax while I watched her fuck. For my part, I was even more ashamed that I had allowed her lover to symbolically mount me as well.

When we reached our townhouse, she showered quickly and threw on flannel pajamas, still not talking. I took a quick shower, jumped into bed and quickly fell arelax.

The next morning, I awoke with a raging erection, and began waking Maggie with little kisses and reached under her top to caress her.

She said simply, "Jack, are you crazy? Not now baby; I am so fucking sore. He stretched me so wide, I could probably give birth to a pony."

I laughed, then she laughed and said, "I think I need a couple days to recover. Maybe Tuesday or Wednesday?"

I asked whether all that domination game was real or simply play, and she said, "Honey, you're the only one I care about. Just a game, sweetie."

I asked, "What was all that weird crap at the end? A game too?" She laughed and said, "of course honey!"


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January 21

On Wednesday night, Maggie still said she wasn't ready but then mentioned that she had really loved watching me stroke myself to a climax last weekend.

"I love watching you cum that way, sweetie. Do it for me again, please...?" she said with a sad puppy face.

We kissed warmly and my erection began to rise, but she took my hands off her breasts, when I cupped them, remarking that they were still too sore. I asked her to suck me for a while, and she did that lightly for a minute or so, then put her hand around mine which she then moved onto my dick. Together, we stroked my shaft for a few times, then she laid back to watch me. I closed my eyes thinking of how much I would rather be inside her than this. I began to flag a bit, but then strangely, as thoughts of Maggie with Sean started creeping into my head and again I got intensely erect. Five minutes later, I came explosively.

Maggie tousled my hair and kissed my cheek warmly. "That's my good boy," she said, cuddling close to me.

"Were you thinking about me when you came?" she asked, still caressing my face, "Or were you thinking about Sean inside me, and how you liked seeing it?"

She raised and eyebrow, as if already knowing my answer.

I lied telling her, "I was thinking of you, only you honey. I would rather have been inside you though."

Without thinking, she blurted out, "well if you were 10 shades darker, and 5 inches longer, and twice as thick, you would have."

A stone silence hung in the air for a few seconds and then we both laughed so hard there were tears in both our eyes.

January 30

It's Friday now, over two weeks later, we still haven't been intimate; I am waiting for her to be ready for me to try a little of the old magic on her. I have made moves but either got the old headache response or no response at all. Her sexual appetite seems to be pretty sated still. Three or four times more she has laid with me watching me masturbate myself to climax, starting me off with her hand over mine then lying back to urge me on, again telling me how much she enjoyed watching me play with myself while Sean fucked her. I hate knowing that I came while thinking about Sean mounting her, and remembering her explosive orgasms with him. In my mind's eye, I could sometimes see her begging Sean to fuck her, stroking his neck and wrapping her legs around his waist. One of the times, I caught myself thinking how much I wanted to see her responding to Sean again. Since the night he first fucked her, my only release of sexual tension has been through masturbation, with Maggie afterward tousling my hair and telling me how much that turned her on.

Later that day, after we saw our flower off to school for the start of Spring semester, I tried to arouse Maggie as we lay in front of the fireplace. I pulled her panties down intending to go down on her. I noticed bruises on the inside of both her thighs and started to comment. She abruptly pulled her panties back up, telling me that she wanted me to eat her out later, and promised the weekend would be special for us both.

January 31

I got the credit card statement in yesterday's mail, and noted two extremely large items, a bill from Victoria's Secret and another from Macy's. It puzzled me and when I quizzed her about it, she blushed and said, "Oh gosh sweetie. I suppose I DID go a little overboard. But now that I have not one but TWO hot stud muffins to dress for and seduce, I need to spend a little more."

I looked incredulous, and blurted out, "what the ... what the.. two??"

"Jack, you know that you are and always will be my number one stud muffin, silly," she smiled at me and took my hand asking me to sit with her in the family room.

"And of course now that you agreed to share me with Sean, I want to look nice for him too, honey. Honey, don't be a cheapskate about this," she said, patting my face.

Maggie gently took my hand and stroked it gently.

"Jack, there's something I need to tell you, and I don't want you to get upset," She said in a gentle voice, biting her lower lip and looking at me apprehensively.

She continued, "As I said, I love you very much. Of course I do. And I know I haven't been very, well responsive to you lately, and well I don't want to be dishonest, honey. I haven't been aroused by you because, well... well, the thing is I can't get Sean out of my head. Every time I daydream, I can almost feel his thick hot lips on my body, feel his hands, smell his musky scent. When I dream, I can see his naked body standing over me, waving his cock back and forth and telling me to suck it.

I replied, "Maggie, I think you're probably just fantasizing. That's ok."

Maggie looked away from me, staring blankly into space and continued, "Jack, Sean called me two days after we played with him, and well to make a long story short, he asked me out on a date tonight. I know you don't mind, but I just felt awkward bringing it up."

I shook my head angrily and replied, "Don't mind? Like hell! What gave you that idea?"

Maggie dried her eyes, and steadfastly held her ground. Frowning crossly she said, "Now wait just a minute, Jack. You were the one who wanted me to try a black guy in the first place. You challenged him to take me away from you; don't say you don't remember that!"

My jaw dropped as she continued, "So you don't go blaming me for getting hooked on the experience. And furthermore, you really got off on it too - and we BOTH know you did. I will never forget the sight of you stroking your own little peenie as you watched him make love to me. Don't you think that made an impression?"

Then she dealt the trump card, "Well, and of course the other thing, you let me crown him. Didn't you understand what that meant?"

I looked quizzically, "Crowned? I don't understand. What the hell is 'crowned'?"

She looked angrily at me, "When I slid his cock over your dick, remember? That is giving a woman's black lover explicit permission to take her. Whenever the woman does that with her own hand and her man lets her, it's like, I dunno, giving him permission or something. D'uhhh... Don't pretend you weren't there or that you didn't understand that!"

She pounded me on my chest, adding, "After seeing the way that Sean's cock completely engulfed your dick that night, I felt it deep inside - we both accepted him as my lover; didn't you feel that too? And another thing - I know you really enjoyed watching us fuck, didn't you? Didn't you?"

My face turned red and the veins in my forehead stood out, "No way. Absolutely not, Maggie. That's a lie!"

She smiled at me, sarcasm dripping from her lips, "Oh really?"

At that I blew up. For one thing, For nor thing, I knew nothing about the symbolic meaning of the crowning thing. For another, I now noticed that she was calling my once proud cock a 'peenie' now, while she referred to Sean's member as a cock. Where the hell did that come from. Was she reacting to what she perceived as a 'shortcoming' on my part or to the strength of Sean as a superior lover?

She folded her arms and sat back. Then she massaged my right leg. "Jack I need you to understand that I love you dearly and I always will, but Sean really drives me wild sexually. He touches me in places that you just can't. But Jack, I want you to be a part of it and enjoy this new experience WITH me."

"Be a part .... I don't understand what you want from me? How can I be a 'part' of something I don't even understand; what does that even mean," I challenged.

"Honey, we have just been through this. Secretly you DO approve and we both know it. Admit it, every time you jerk off now, you think of him inside me. I can see it in your face. Can't we both be honest about that? Be supportive of me honey, and I promise you will come to enjoy this even more than you do now. Together we'll go places you never knew you could go." She smiled and stroked my cheek.

My face burned with embarrassment, and I refused to admit even a little bit of truth in what she said.

She moved closer and then, taking my face in her hands kissed me deeply, her tongue found mine and we were kissing hotly. Her hand slid over my thigh. when she found my dick, growing erect from our deep kissing, she looked into my eyes and said, "I know what's wrong with my tiger. You're probably really horny, baby."

Damn right I was horny. No sex for weeks will do that to a man. We moved toward the long sofa, and she turned up the radio. It was tuned to a local hip hop station, which confused the hell out of me as Maggie had always disliked rap music intensely; in the last week or so though, she had been listening to it exclusively.

"Maggie, you hate that kind of music," I said, shaking my head in disbelief.

"Nuh-uh, baby. Not anymore. I am only now beginning to listen to the lyrics. Really powerful stuff. Kind of keeps me turned on, ya know? Besides, the beat is great to fuck to. Anyway, come on over here."


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As she started to unzip my jeans and release my aching penis, she pushed me gently down onto the sofa and I scooted back until I was lengthwise on it. My dick sprang up hard and she appraised it with a smile. She sat on the floor next to me and tenderly kissed one side of the shaft. Taking a single deep breath she then engulfed my entire penis with her mouth, something I never knew she was capable of. I could feel my whole member deep in her mouth and throat as she went down and then up on me repeatedly. I was in heaven, feeling her soft lips and the liquid heat of her mouth. I moaned out loud and she hummed, "mmmmmmmmm."

After a bit, she disgorged me and started to stroke me with her free hand.

"God, Maggie, where did you learn that?" I asked, knowing that she had never taken me that deeply in all our years.

She smiled wickedly and said, "Mmmmmm ... I'm glad you liked it. I have been practicing -- now that I have my other stud muffin to please, I need to be able to suck a much much larger cock."

Maggie winked at me and, kissed my abs, then purred in a sweet low voice, "Yummm... My sweet tiger is soooooo hard. lie back and close your eyes, babe. Tell me what you're thinking of. Can you think of me with Sean?"

Closing my eyes, at first I frowned, not wanting those images to come but then nodded my head. As a journalist with an eye for detail, I could easily see them with my eyes closed, just as they were two weeks ago.

Maggie continued to stroke my shaft, and then picking up my hand and covering with hers, put it on my shaft and together we stroked my erection.

"Tell me, tiger, what do you see. C'mon, don't be shy. Tell me everything," she said sweetly.

I really didn't want to play this game, but she insisted, "You know you can't forget it. I want to know everything you saw and felt, sweetie."

"Ummm... Well, I can see Sean's dark skin against your milky whiteness... Your legs bent at your knees.... I can see him pushing your legs apart and moving between them. I can see ...", I squinted harder behind my closed eyelids, "Now I can see him rubbing the head of his cock up and down against the slit of you pussy. His head is really huge and your lips are swollen for him."

"Mmmmmmmm. Yesssss..... So hot. I can remember that too; tell me more, darling," she said, urging me on.

"Now... now you take his shaft and guide it to your pussy. I can see him thrust in a few inches to lock into your vagina. You gasp and pull on his arms," I continue.

Maggie removed her hand from mine, and I continue to stroke as she massaged my chest. "Tell me more, my sweet stud guy."

I power my eyes closed and recall more details, "I can smell his musky odor all the way across the room. I see you breathing deeply and as he pushes his cock in you, I can see how much your pussy is stretched by him. Looks like it must hurt."

"Oh god yes, Jack. It hurt soooooo good. You have no idea how good it felt," she said excitedly.

Continuing to stroke myself rhythmically, I continued, "Now I can see how he leaned down and tugged on your nipple with his bare teeth. i see the pain in your face, but you hold his head in place and scream for him not to stop. It's so hot for me to see you begging him."

"Oh Yesss. It just intensified the pleasure of being fucked by him. I could feel him filling my vagina through the whole length of it. Ohhhhh... Go on Baby, go on," she begged me.

By this time, my penis was stretched to an erection so large it was almost painful. I didn't want to cum, but I couldn't stop myself from stroking my cock faster and faster.

"What else... I can see him sucking all around your breasts, leaving welts... You had hickeys there for a week... Now, he's moving to his knees. You're scooting under him," I continued, reliving the night.

Maggie sat on the floor next to me, reliving the experience dreamily, "Yessss... I remember.... I remember him on his knees, moving my hips so that he could penetrate me so deep. I felt his cock reach me EVERYWHERE in my vagina. Every time I felt him thrust, a huge thrill ran all through my body. "

By this time, my abs were churning, my dick aching to ejaculate, and my balls were tightening, ready to pump out my cum.

I stroked furiously as Maggie encouraged me, "Feel it with me. Feel Sean make my body tremble with ecstasy. He's ready to pump so much hot cum in me... cum with him, baby. I can feel the heat of his cock and now his cum filling me. Oh yes.... stroke your little peenie and cum, honey."

I couldn't hold back a moment longer. My cock was aching and ready to explode. In a split second, my balls pulsed sending a huge spurt of my cum almost all the way up my chest.

Again and again I spurted, my body responding to the memory of Maggie writhing in ecstasy, clutching at Sean's body, grasping him tight against her. I collapsed, nearly exhausted from the incredible strength of my self induced orgasm. Maggie told me to open my eyes; I did that and saw her big smile.

"That's my sweet guy. See how great that was, honey?" Maggie said, then continued to stroke my face tenderly, "See how good that made you feel?"

She patted the sofa space between us, and said, "Look I know this is coming at you fast and it's all a bit of a blow to your pride - why do you guys always feel like you have to be so macho? Why don't you put your head down on my lap and let me stroke your hair while you fall arelax baby."

Exhausted and tired of fighting what seemed to be a lost battle, I succumbed to her invitation. I put my head down and she smoothed my hair and caressed my face for several minutes.

I fell into a restful relax, having given up, or perhaps just settling into the role my wife had defined for me. Several minutes, perhaps a half hour later, I heard to soft gong of her mobile's ring tone and felt her slide out from under my head.

I drifted in an out of relax for a few more minutes, then woke lazily, missing the warmth of her thigh under my head. From the kitchen in the distance, I heard the murmur of conversation. Maggie was talking on the phone. In my bare feet, I moved silently across the carpet and stood out of sight, listening and catching snatches of the discussion. The hip hop continued to drone on the FM so that the noise covered my movement.

"...No, no problems... ...uh huh, yeah; doing everything just like the manual explains... ...I keep making him jerk off and think of us. He just did it again now and -- oh my god -- it works just like it says it would. Holy crap, he practically hit the ceiling with his load a few minutes ago...", she said on her side of the conversation, then laughed suddenly. I could hear a deep laugh on the other end of the call, muffled by Maggie's cheek against the phone.

"I have to tell you though, his cock looked soooo good, I was tempted to cave in on this whole thing; just strip off and ride him like a cowgirl... ....Mmmmmm, he still gives me shivers, Sean... ...huh?... ...NO! Of course I didn't let him fuck me... ... that's page one of the manual baby... ... in big bold type... 'Deny your cuckold all sex unless it involves dreaming about you and your lover'... ... Sean, I AM reading the manual ...", Maggie continued talking.

And now I knew who was on the other side of the phone call. Suddenly I shifted my weight and a floorboard creaked. Maggie let out a little scream and fumred the phone, almost dropping it. She put it back to her ear, saying, "You still there? It was just my very wonderful husband creeping up on me... ...really... ...are you sure... ...Ok, sure ..."

Maggie turned to me, offering me the phone, "Honey, It's Sean on the line. He would like to talk with you. Here."

I took it from her, looking at it like it was an alien artefact. I stared at it for a few more seconds then lifted it to my ear, then said, "Uh yeah... What..."

On the other end of the call, I heard his voice speaking in a friendly tone, "Hey dawg. How you been. Ain't talked in -- what -- a couple few weeks now."

I said absolutely nothing. An uncomfortable silence of several seconds followed.

Sean picked up the conversation, not taking my hint that there was nothing to talk about, "Listen, bro. I really want to thank you for rizzle for sharing Maggie. It takes a real confident man to be able to do that. I get it how hard it is. But dig, they ain't hardly a white gal that don't rather have a black man. Together, we givin' Maggie everything she needs. From me, she get what she need in bed, from you all that respectability and cuckolds brownie. So everything be cool, right?"

More silence on my side of the phone. Unhampered, Sean, plunged forward, "Look, I want to ask you to understand something Jack. Maggie's shy to ask this, but I asked her on a date tonight and she really wants to come out wif' me. Only with yo' permission of course. And I want to show her some 'preciation, you know? You don't mind right, bro? We cool?"

I balled my free hand into a fist. In the corner, Maggie stood, nervously nibbling her fingernail.

Finally, I spoke. "Sean, whatever. If that's what Maggie wants."

Sean's voice was suddenly cheery, "Great, can you just tell her I'll pick her up at 9? And tell her to dress sexy!"

"Uh, yeah. Wait, you know our address?" I asked.

"Ummm, well, I think I maybe can find it. Thanks. You da man," he offered, terminating the conversation.

I turned to Maggie, hanging up the phone. "Your other 'stud muffin' says he'll pick you up at 9. And be sure to dress like a slut. Shouldn't be hard."

Maggie smiled like a schoolgirl, "Oh thank you my sweetest love. Thank you so much. I promise this is going to work out baby, and I want you to be my partner in everything. You are a wonderful husband."

She threw her arms around me and for the first time in a long while she gave me a long passionate kiss. "I love you honey, but I really need this too. We both know it."

She smiled warmly and then offered, "Oh Jack sweetie, you look dejected. There's no reamister to worry about being excluded. Honey, there's a place for you in this relationship, I wouldn't leave the love of my life out! You're very important to me, and even to Sean believe it or not."

Looking into my eyes, she continued, "I promise to help you enjoy this new open relationship honey. let's start right now. I want you to help me get ready for my date. And I want you to help me get ready for all my dates with Sean. And another thing. I want to feel your wonderful tongue on my pussy whenever you want -- especially after Sean and I make love. You soothe me so much after he ravages me. And I just you know that you loved the taste of our cum. Come on now, my sweet stud muffin, admit that much at least!"

Seeing that I was still resisting, she added, "Oh, and of course, Sean will let you watch sometimes. You just have to promise not to interfere. You can just watch to your hearts content and stroke your peenie, while I watch you lovingly. Doesn't that sound great?"
I listened patiently, then my curiosity got the better of me. "Maggie, I thought I heard you mention something about 'the manual' or something? What were you talking about?"

Maggie chewed on her lower lip, looked thoughtful and said, "Oh that. That's nothing sweetie. Just a book Sean gave me; it's about having an open relationship, like ours. it has advice for me about helping you to accept and enjoy things. Nothing to worry about. Now help me get ready baby?"


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January 31 (9 PM)

Maggie has been like a nervous teenage schoolgirl for the last couple hours. Not entirely into the spirit of the evening, I nevertheless love my wife loved seeing the transformation the excitement had made. I fixed her a warm bubblebath infused with mango oil, and she luxuriated in that until she got 'prune fingers' and toes. As she was drying off, she did a couple spins in front of the mirror and then stopping in mid twirl, looked at her pubic area and then asked me whether her bush needed to be trimmed I said it looked fine to me (and it did). Maggie on the other hand had a more critical opinion of her looks. She frowned and sitting on the edge of the tub handed me the shave gel and razor, asked me trim her landing strip. I knew how important it was to her, so I lavished extra time and attention to getting every stray hair and making both sides even. I leaned back to admire my work. Her pussy looked frankly gorgeous to me and caught in the moment I leaned forward and spreading her legs I started to tongue her labia.

Maggie leaned back a bit and pushed her pussy lips and clit toward my lips. My lips were hungry for her and sinking low on my knees, I dove in passionately devouring her freshly bathed pussy, takeing in the fragrance of her arousal. Her labia started to swell and as I looked up from my kneeling position I could see her nipples pushing out from her naturally uptilted breasts. Encouraged, I redoured my efforts, pushing her thighs apart, ignoring the bruises I saw there. Obviously, passion marks are a mark of ownership for the giver and an acknowledgement of presentation by the receiver -- I had a strong suspicion where those hickeys came from but didn't really want to know the truth then and there anyway.

I was determined to make Maggie appreciate my abilities, and my tongue was all over her pussy, here circling her clit, there diving deep between her lips to touch her vaginal walls as deep as my determination would take me. The results were nothing short of stunning. Maggie hands were clenched, gripping the edge of the tub for support, writhing in joy, and alternating between moaning loudly and screaming my name. She held my head deeply between her thighs and I continued to lick her labia from south to north, teasing her clit with every upstroke. After several minutes, the pace of her breathing quickened dramatically. She pulled my head into her soaking crotch with both hands, holding me tight as she came in multiple shuddering waves.

After several long seconds, she released me, still breathing heavily, saying, "Oh my God, you're so wonderful, so incredible. That was the biggest orgasm I have had in like forever. My sweetest husband, I love you so much. I had forgotten how wonderful and talented you are."

I can hardly express how much her orgasm and those words lifted me, then she added, "I hope you're awake when we get home. I can't wait to feel your talented mouth on me again."

This brought me down immediately and reminded me of my place in the new order of our evolving sexual relationship. I continued to help Maggie prepare consisted by doing her nails, top and bottom in a vibrant crimmister. She asked for my opinion on which dress to wear, modeling both for me. I was shocked at how over the top both were. One was a black chiffon, trimmed in silver below her breasts and extremely open at the back, right down to the curve of her buns; the other was a very revealing red satin number, barely covering her breasts above her nipples, and almost all the way up her thighs. The latter was in my opinion far too slutty, so of course that's the one she chose.

She decided on real nylons and shimmied into a lace-trimmed black garter belt, one of the items she had just gotten from Victoria Secret. She asked me to straighten her stockings and fasten them to the belt. I knelt down and as I ran my hands over her legs, my dick began to stiffen. My heart raced with excitement from the closeness of her. Her scent, the curve of her hips, the feel of her body heat were intoxicating to me. My loins ached with desire to be inside her. Then I felt gut wrenching angst as I realized her pussy was off limits to me tonight; that I was helping her prepare for a date with a man I could barely tolerate.

Maggie is a shoe-a-holic, so selecting a pair was a major effort. When she finally selected a pair of white 4" heels, she sat down on the edge of the bed and told me to fasten them for her. As I held each of her thighs, my erection grew and a tiny leakage of pre-cum lubricated the head of my phallus. I ran my hands up and down her legs, feeling her curves. Maggie sensing my excitement and desire, pushed me aside saying, "Easy tiger."

I noticed that she wasn't wearing panties and asked her about it. She said she hadn't decided whether to go with panties or not. She liked the smooth look of having no panty line to spoil the close-fitting dress she had on. I fumed inside at knowing that she would be even more easily available to Sean. Still I had to face facts that this was not a 'date' in the old school sense of the word. She WOULD wind up being fucked by him tonight at some point, and probably multiple times.

When she was finally ready, she spun around and asked me, "How do I look?"

I replied without hesitation, "Good enough to fuck!"

She laughed, replying, "I hope so sweetie."

That hurt me more than I can find the words to express. A part of me was incredibly jealous, but another part of me understood that she was a black man's woman now. Her body, her libido, and her desire were all tuned to a higher state of pleasure than she would be able to achieve with me. Like an addicted permister, she could not be satisfied with me as an equal partner in bed.

The door bell rang and Maggie, still applying lipstick asked me to answer it. Sean was on the porch in a slick silver-grey suit with a shirt open half way to his waist, looking every bit the pimp I felt that he was. He walked right in and held out a hand for me to shake. I looked at him as if he was from Mars and luckily Maggie walked down the stairs just in time to break the icy tension.

"Girl, you look good enough to eat. And believe me I will," he said laughingly, then added, 'Did you pack a toothbrush?"

Maggie blushed, but said, "In my purse. Can we go now?"

"Not yet, baby. Don't you have some words for Jack?" then he added, "I hope thas' all y'all packed. You ain't brought them nasty pills did you?"

I looked at them both, "Pills?"

Maggie cleared her throat explaining, "It's nothing Jack. Sean wants me off birth control, and I have explained to him that it's a very serious commitment for a woman to carry a man's young. Way beyond having fun in bed. Rest assured I am still protected."

She patted her purse as if to emphasize the point.

Sean moved into her grinding his crotch into hers, "Baby, after you feel this inside you a few mo' times, you be beggin' me to breed you."

As he grabbed her ass, powering her dress to ride up to her pubic area, he felt her bare skin.

"Oh girl, you ain't wearin no drawers?" he remarked lifting an eyebrow.

Maggie thought about it a few seconds, then told me, "Jack, be a sweetie and get me a white thong from the middle drawer."

I scurried up the stairs to fetch a pair, noticing from the corner of my eye that they had already started kissing. Feeling around in her ligerie drawer, I pickes a sheer, transparent white pair at first, then decided on a slightly more modest opaque synthetic set. As my hand withdrew, I knocked aside her tampon box and noticed the thick magazine style pamphlet for the first time. I picked it up, and saw the cover, which read:

"White Wife. Black Lover. White Husband. A Complete Guide to Managing Your Cuckold."

The cover photograph showed an obviously very pregnant blond, standing with her back against a tall black guy. His coal black hands were cradling her belly and her pale white hands happily covering his. In the background was a middle aged white guy, smiling happily at his wife and her lover.



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My jaw dropped in disbelief. So this was the 'manual' Maggie had been talking about to Sean during their 'phone conversation. I started leafing through and stopped at the table of contents. the chapter title was very suggestive. Suggestive enough to explain what Maggie had meant about 'doing everything the manual explains.'

There was a chapter on "Channeling and Redirecting Your Hubby's Sexual Energy," and another explained how to prepare a husband emotionally entitled "From Hubby to 'Gal Pal'." There were several others, one called "In Praise of His Talented Tongue: Finally a Use for Hubby," and one particularly disturbing in view of the discussion he just heard focusing on "Black-Bred: Dealing With Pregnancy, Planned and Unplanned."

I quickly flipped to Chapter 1 and started scanning. It began:

"Face facts. You've 'gone black' (or you're seriously thinking about it) and you already know you're not going back. Every time you daydream or squeeze your thighs together, you can feel that big fat cock pumping inside you, touching you in places hubby can't even dream of. When you close your eyes, you can smell his funky musk; you salivate thinking of taking his cock in your mouth. You got it bad, white sista. So have the authors of this Guide. Between the two of us, we have been black bred five times and still we're 'married' to white hubbies!

How did we manage it? How do we use hubby to provides us financial security and the social status that a white man brings and still fuck a real man every night in the comfort of our own beds? This guide will reveal all the secret techniques, known by an increasing number of happy white wives, for turning your white hubby into a willing cuckold; someone who will help you get ready for a date, cheer you on from the sidelines, and lick your pussy clean the next morning.

In this Guide, we'll take you step by step to managing the new freedom and power that being a black man's woman gives you. You already sense the change in you, now create the change in him, your hubby. The first rule we're going to give you might seem crazy at first, but it's critical:


Trust us! If you backslide, if you have a weak moment, if you break his training you'll have to start all over again. If he insists, always remember, you can use the trusty standby, 'Darling he left my pussy so sore it hurts. Let's wait a few days.' The second rule is also critical:


We will explain 'channeling' and use it over and over (and so will you!)"

I was so absorbed in reading this that I almost didn't hear Maggie calling insistently from the foyer, "Honey, where are we with those panties?"

I shoved the book back under her box of tampons and sauntered back downstairs. Sean was standing behind Maggie, holding her in an eerie echo of the book cover.

Maggie asked me sweetly, "Could you slip them on me darling?"

Even though I had an inkling of the game being played on me, I was too shell shocked to do anything but comply. As she spread her legs, I knelt down at her feet. Putting one hand on my head to steady herself, she slid one foot into the leg hole. As I looked up, I saw them both staring down on me, smiling. She stepped through the other side, and I slid them up to her hips, straightening them.

I stood up just as Sean said, "I don't see why you bothered. She will be beggin' me to rip 'em off her ten minutes after we leave."

Maggie interjected, "Hey wait ... twenty minutes at least!"

A complete and utter silence filled the foyer, and then all three of us simultaneously broke out into heady laughter despite the awkwardness of the situation. Some things are just funny no matter what.

With that, Maggie pulled me aside, and said, "Don't play with that little thing while we're gone. I have big plans for that."

She cupped my balls and even though I knew now it was a lie, I still hoped anyway. Giving me a little peck on the cheek, she turned to Sean and said, "Ready baby?"

Sean looked at me and said, "Don't worry 'bout nothin' Jack, I will have her back tomorrow undamaged..." then thinking for a moment added, "Well, I'll be doin' some major damage but Maggie won't be complaining!"

With that, they strolled toward his pearl white Lexus, and I could hear the high pitched lilt of her laughter as she responded to his conversation. In a few more moments, they were out of sight.

Some things were suddenly becoming painfully clear to me. One of which was that Maggie and Sean were not strangers and that meeting them a few weeks ago was no accident. Another was that Maggie and Sean had been planning to transform the dynamics of our relationship, perhaps for more than the few weeks that I had assumed Sean had been in our life. Finally, there was the issue of Debbie and what I should do about her open invitation to become a bigger part of her life.

Against that was the fact that I am flat out in love with Maggie, and have always been enchanted by her, and would do anything not to lose her. More than anyone or anything else she is my reamister for living. I hope those of you going forward with reading these entries from my journal to understand this simple fact.


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His coal black hands and fingers, his vibrant pink palms stood out in stark contrast to Maggie's white skin as he continued to tug on her nipples and make hickeys on her neck. Her right arm was trapped under his, but with her left she reached back and caressed his black face and neck.

Sean pushed her upwards and the two of them rose to stand. Maggie turned to face her black lover and as their lips meshed, his thick negroid lips completely covering hers, Maggie tugged at his belt. I could see his thick tongue completely filling Maggie's mouth as she sucked on it hungrily. She continued to work his pants off, unzipping them and pulling desperately to get at his manhood.

As they continued to kiss with the passion of highly committed lovers, She finally managed to pull his pants off and his small thong as well. His cock sprang free and banged against her, high up on her belly with a resounding thump. Instantly, the area was filled with an natural musk that was just this side of unpleasant, but I could tell Maggie was really entralled by it as she began to breath more deeply and grind her belly against his huge cock. Although he was still only partly erect, I reckoned that he already dwarfed my on member in size.

Sean broke the kiss reluctantly, still working his thick lips over hers as he backed away. He looked at her then me and said, "Wait suga' one more thing we gotta take care of. Jack come over here. Maggie tells me that you didn't understand the meaning of this the first time you did it. Now you need to do this of yo' own free will. You need to see it and feel it once and for all and so does Maggie. She already knows her master in her head, but I want her to know it in her belly. You dig?"

I moved toward them, Maggie standing on Sean's left side, close to him. His big arm around her waist and his left hand running over her belly. He tummy glistened with a trail of pre-cum. He spoke firmly now, "Maggie, tell him to drop his pants and face me."

Maggie followed his instructions. I found it strange that he no longer addressed me directly, but I pulled my pants and my boxers down.

For the second time now, Maggie 'docked' my penis with his cock and pulled his foreskin over my smaller penis. I hated the hot, clammy feel of his foreskin covering me, but Maggie's hand massaging our shafts back and forth felt so good. Again, I was amazed as she worked his foreskin down my shaft that his excess skin alone was able to cover my penis. I felt his large head against mine and my face wrinkled in disgust.

Sean told Maggie that it was done now and broke away from the obscene 'crowning'. I backed away as well, then Sean reached down into his pants pocket on the floor, pulled out a silver ring and thrust it on Maggie's left thumb. He told Maggie, "We all understand what this means. Now tell him. tell him who he is now."

Maggie hesitated, then stammered, "Jack, now you're .. you're ..."

Sean frowned and then insisted "No bitch. You still need to learn. Tell him -- say the words. Tell him he's your cuck now. I need to hear it and you need to hear yo'self say it."

She frowned, conflicted. After an awkward silence, she said quietly, "Jack, you're my cuckold now. You can lick my pussy when I tell you, or help me get ready for Sean or his friends. And I don't fuck you. I only take black cock now. But darling, you want that, don't you? I know you do. Show me how much you want me to be with Sean... please... show me."
Stroking her pubic hair with his left hand and touching the top of her mons with his middle finger, he whispered, "From now on, tha's the way you want to keep him. Baby, I take care of this from now on."

Pulling on her pubic bush, he said aloud, "This is mine now. Sometimes, we'll let him watch, but from now on he takes care of his own self, and only when you let him. If he gets too spunky, we might have to put a chastity tube on that little thing."

Sean winked and smiled at me as if we were sharing a conspiratorial moment.

I was mesmerized by the ceremony of the moment, unable to control either my thoughts or my actions. I looked into Maggie's eyes and said, "Please take your man and make love in our bed. I will only be there if you tell me. If you ... if you ... want me. I want you to be with a superior man and take him to our bed."

With that, Maggie looked into Sean's eyes, her lust was obvious. As they started to walk toward the stairs to our bedroom, Maggie looked back at me and said quietly, "Thank you darling. I love you so much. You have no idea how much this excites me. You can come watch up in a few minutes, ok?"

She blew me a kiss, but Sean would have none of it, saying, "Bitch, you ain't got to thank yo' cuck for nothing. He's just yo' cuck boy now, no mo' than a eunuch. get yo ass up those stairs."

As they moved out of sight, I reflected on the last several minutes. I had, as Sean had requested politely 'gone along to get along,' but now his entire demeanor had changed, all the kindness, the niceties removed and I no longer saw how this would bring me closer to returning to intimacy with my wife. I pulled up my pants, and slowly went up the stairs, the musky scent of both their arousal still lingering in the stairwell.

I quietly entered out bedroom and moved silently to the reading chair adjacent to the foot of the bed. Sitting down, I could see Sean to Maggie's left, lying on my side of the bed. His legs were open and Maggie lay on her left side, her right leg on top of his right leg. They kissed for several minutes and her soft white hand massaged his chest and his left arm. Under her back, is right hand played all up and down her right side. Her bush was visible and it was easy to see how swollen and pronounced her labia had become.

She looked into his eye and they began to speak softly, to each other and ignoring me as if I didn't exist (indeed after the ceremony a few minutes earlier, I didn't exist for all intents). Maggie said to Sean, "Baby, one small thing. I really need you to pull before you cum honey. Saturday night at the club, remember my purse got stolen. My ortho-cyclen -- my birth control -- was in there. I haven't been on the pill for 5 days now. So please? can you?"

Sean began to move her on her back and onto his knees, to position his huge cock between her as she opened her legs wide for him. He looked down at her, then spoke softly, "Yeah, sure baby. Don't worry 'bout nothing."

Both of Maggie's pale white arms were now around her lover's neck as she pulled him closer. I saw the ring on her left thumb glint in the light of the bedside lamp, reminding me, and after tonight announcing to the world, that she was cuckolding me. I could see his big black ass and his balls as he began to rub his cock head over Maggie's mons, teasing her slit open to receive him. She moaned with the purest sound of pleasure I had ever heard from her, and even Sean moaned, obviously carried away with fulfilling his fantasy of fucking Maggie for the first time on our matrimonial bed.

He moved his cock around her labia with his right hand slowly, very slowly opening her pussy lips. As his head entered her for the first time, my own dick jumped in my pants. the homework Maggie had done to 'train' me for this was obviously working. I was channeling all my own sexual desire into the pair fucking on the bed where I used o relax with my wife, and I was ragingly, painfully hard. Sean's ass now moved in strong slow circles as he stretched Maggie's pussy open to accommodate his huge size. She was gasping with a steady, "Unhh.. unhh.. unhh.." sound coming from her open mouth. He continued to circle around her vagina, touching ever bit of her sensitive passage as he slowly pushed forward, deeper into her.

Seming to notice my presence for the first time he called back over his left shoulder, "See Jack, this is why you can't fuck this pussy no mo'. She gettin' so stretched out now, only a black cock will satisfy this cunt."

Looking down on his conquered white 'bride' he added, "ain't that right bitch."

Maggie was too far gone to say anything, continuing to mouth a steady, breathy, "Unnhh... Ummmm... Unnhh..."

Suddenly, Sean thrust a single very deep thrust and Maggie gasped sharply as his cock bottomed out in her womb. Then he began a steady thrusting in and out of her pussy that sounded like the steady 'wap...wap... wap..' of a wash cloth beating against flesh. Obviously, Maggie's vagina was stretch enough by weeks of steady penetration that he easily slid in and out of her drenched pussy.

Maggie was turned on and quickly coming to he first climax beneath him. Sean accentuated her excitement by talking dirty to her, something which in our marriage had even worked for me.

They began a back and forth question and response that was almost a catechism. He asked her, "You my black cock slut now?" and she responded, "Oh yes, I am so your slut."

He asked, "Who owns yo cunt, bitch?" to which she responded between moans, "Mmmmmm... Oh you own it baby. You do."

He followed with, "You do anything fo' me, cunt?"

Sean was knocking the air out of her lungs with every powerful thrust to her belly, but she managed a breathy, "Oh yessss, Sean. Unnhh... Anyyyyything..."

This last ended in a scream as she climaxed powerfully, bucking her hips up to mate in rhythm with his thrusts. Her face was tightly drawn in the act of orgasm and her arms tightened around him. her legs which had gripped his ass tightly went completely limp now as the aftershocks of her powerful spasms rippled from the front of her vagina into her womb, the natural reaction of a woman's climax designed to pull sperm into her uterus.

Sean did not slow his pace, but changed his lovemaking technique to arouse her again. He covered her mouth with his thick lips and they kissed with a fervour I had never experienced with my wife. I could see his tongue moving side to side in her small mouth and her cheeks constricting to suck it.

In the few gaps I could occasionally see between her pale white breasts and his much darker chest, I noticed that her nipples which had gone soft after her orgasm now began to stiffen again. She was becoming aroused by him a second time and hungry for another orgasm. I could smell her musky, sweat tinged pussy smell scent which was the unique signature of her coupling with Sean as it wafted across the room. I knew that every couple had a unique scent they made as their bodies mingled with repeated lovemaking and I knew that I would experience this particular one over and over.

Sean slowed his pace as sweat poured from him. He stroked slowly but deeply, asking Maggie again, "You do anything fo' me, woman?" and again Maggie responded, "Oh yes, yesss Sean. Anything, anything...."

I could see his balls rise and tighten as his own climax neared. He spoke deliberately, "You ready to take my black seed, baby."

Maggie was biting her bottom lip, her arms and hands playing over his shoulders and back, She opened and lifted her legs to maximise the depth of his thrusts.

Sean asked her between thrusts, "you still want me to pull?"

Maggie was clearly climbing to the point of no return for another rapid orgasm, could only manage, "N-N-noooooo... noooo... oh noooo... Stay... stay.... Cum in me..."

Sean pumped faster now, the wap, wap, wap of their bodies meshing perfectly a steady rhythm in the room. He asked, "You ready for me to breed you, girl? Fill you with my black seed?"

Maggie right on the verge of climax cried out, "Yes, Oh god yes, breed me... yes... put your black seed in me... Ohhhhhh..."

This last was delivered in a rising crescendo as she climaxed and nearly screamed. She held him inside her by cupping his ass until he at last spasmed visibly. I could see his cock, slick and wet with Maggie's cum, surrounded by the froth of his cum as some of it leaked from her pussy with his repeated stroking and withdrawal. Maggie moaned with the rippling aftershocks of her own climax and again her vagina efficiently moved his sperm deep within her fertile womb.

He gradually rose and dismounted her, his cock head making a small pop as he pulled from her. Maggie's pussy made little air farts and a large rivulet of his sperm ran down the crack of her ass onto the sheets.

They cuddled tightly, and after several minutes in which they kissed and Sean stroked Maggie's belly, told her, "have your cuck get a couple towels for us."

Maggie, now more comfortable in her role as a dominant black man's woman looked lazily over to me and said as if ordering a servant, "Jack, bring us some towels."

I did as I was asked, and they both took them without thanks or acknowledgment.

They fucked twice more that night as I fitfully drifted between relax and fevered excitement sitting in the side chair across from the bed. Sean never offered to pull before depositing more of his potent sperm in Maggie's belly, and Maggie didn't even bring up the subject again, each time holding him tightly to maintain the deep connection as he came. Maggie's resolve had obviously melted in the heat of several orgasms.

In the morning, I woke stiff from sitting across from them all night and rubbed relax from my eyes in time to see Maggie wake Sean with a sensuous blow job, deep throating him for minutes at a time, before pulling from him to stroke him to completion. She lay back, wiping a rope of his cum from her cheek onto the sheet. He moved to rest on his right side and faced Maggie, lazily playing with her nipples, alternately flicking and tugging them. She started breathing harder as he rubbed her tummy. I cleared my throat trying to catch Sean's attention in hopes that he would understand my urgent need and suggest to Maggie that she satisfy me. Smiling, he turned to Maggie and asked, "Baby, don'cha want to take care a' yo' cuck over there; he been waitin' so patient and all."

Maggie looked over at me, smiling lazily like a playful kitten. She reached her arms out and said, "Sweetie, come on over here. My poor neglected baby."

I walked eagerly to the bed, and Maggie reached out and dragged me down to her, opening to a deep passionate kiss. My chest rested against her naked breasts and I could feel her warmth even through my tee shirt. She reached down caressing my aching penis, squeezing it softly. She looked earnestly into my eyes, and said in baby talk, "My sweet baby need to cum?"

I nodded as she smiled and whispered, "Why don't you pull those pants down, and let me see how hard you are for me."

I quickly did that, showing her what I hoped would be exciting to her. I climbed on the king sized bed beside her. I started to get between her legs to mount her,but she held me back, "Oh no no darling. Remember, this is Sean's now. Don't worry though, I'll help you get started."

True to her word, she leaned over and took my hard shaft in her mouth. The liquid heat and wetness of her mouth made me moan sorry. My hips started bucking as Maggie moved my hand to my dick and removing her mouth from me, she lay back beside me, and for a while reached over and stroked me with he left hand. I watched her hand and felt the thumb ring pressing into my flesh. I knew I would have to get used to seeing and feeling that. She whispered in my ear, "That's it my sweet cuckold. Dream about Sean's big black cock fucking me, and stroke your peenie. Stroke it honey."

She continued to encourage me, whispering and cupping my balls. After several minutes of this, I could hold back no longer. Looking over at Sean rubbing Maggie's belly, I could see her complete comfort with his owership over her body. I shot several hot ropes of cum high from my hips. Maggie smiled and said, "Good boy. Happy now?"

I laid back, not completely happy with the way things now were, but at least sexually satisfied.

Maggie turned to Sean and said, "Baby, why don't you shower while I cuddle with Jack."

While Sean took a shower in our bathroom, Maggie cuddled close to my left side, caressing my face. "I'm sorry I can't give you more honey, but I can see that you're getting used to things and that's good."

We lay there for a good twenty minutes and I felt so good in the closeness of her, and the warmth of her body next to mine. When Sean dressed and left, Maggie kissed him devotedly. She looked intently into his eyes, saying worriedly, "You're coming back tonight right honey? I really need you. I need you again already."

She smiled girlishly, her face downcast. Sean looked down at her and said simply, "Yeah, I be back wif' some of my cuckolds brownie. Have your cuck clear space for me."

With that, he was out the door and his car sped away.

April 18

Sean has been the master of my house and my wife for months now, to say that our lives have undergone a change of style would be an understatement.

In the month to come, even more dramatic changes would be noticeable in my wife and in me. Some readers of this journal have asked why I haven't taken advantage of Sean's other woman, Debbie and her offer to hook up. You may rely that I did and I have. In fact, I was there to see Sean's baby emerge from her womb, and for months after. But that's another set of journal entries for another day. I will tell you that much of what I have written here is factual. Where I have added to the story, it has been more because deep, emotional, permisteral experiences sometimes blur in the remembering than from a need to invent. This has not been an easy story to tell. I thank you for allowing me to share it.


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Office Naughtiness

"The stupid thing has crashed again Erica," Paul said, pressing the intercom button on his phone.

Paul Andermister was the Sales Manager for Infinity Systems Computing. He'd joined the company straight out of high school and had been there ever since. Paul was in his mid thirties, was unmarried and rather average in weight, height and appearance. Despite working for an IT company he knew very little about computers and often relied on his pretty young secretary Erica to fix his problems.

"Have you tried rebooting?" asked Erica with her usual businesslike professionalism. Erica was a gorgeous young twenty one year old blonde, who'd been working for Paul for only a couple of months. Her trim, tight body was currently encased in a tight fitting black business skirt that clung to the beautiful round curves of her ass, and a crisp white blouse that was buttoned up over her expansive bosom.

"I don't want to lose the document I'm working on, it's not saved," Paul said, gesturing irritably at the screen. "Come round here and fix it, babe."

Erica sighed and moved around Paul's desk to stand beside him. As she bent forward at the waist to tap at his keyboard Paul pushed his chair back a little to give her more room. His re-positioning also gave him a much better view of his lovely secretary's delightful posterior. Bent over, with her ass jutting out towards him, it was a mouth watering spectacle.

"No idea what you've done here," muttered Erica under the breath as she tried to fix his computer problems.

Erica abruptly tensed, pausing her typing as she felt one of Paul's hands stroke over the lush curve of her right buttock. The beautiful young blonde grimaced slightly, but resuming her typing without saying anything to her boss about his straying hand.

"Come in a little closer," instructed Paul as his other hand came up to her ass. He gave the tight mounds of Erica's bottom a firm squeeze through her skirt, a firm round buttock filling each of his palms.

"I think that's it," said Erica after a moment more, during which Paul's groping hands squeezed at her round ass.

"Thanks babe," replied Paul with a grin as he gave her a pat on the bottom.

Erica quickly disentangled herself and moved out from behind Paul's desk. If she didn't need this job so bad there was no way she'd put up with her lecherous bosses wandering hands.

"I think Ms Chessman wanted to see you," said Erica as she left Paul's office.

"Ah cuckolds brownie," cursed Paul. He grabbed a file off his desk and hurried out of his office. Maria Chessman was his boss, the branch manager and Paul had a good idea what she wanted to talk to him about. He quickly made his way across to the other side of the sprawling office where Ms Chessman's corner office was located.

Sitting at a large desk outside Maria's office was her permisteral assistant Jennifer Malone.

"Hi there good looking," said Paul with a wide grin as he stepped up to Jennifer's desk. If it was possible, Jennifer was even more beautiful than Paul's secretary Erica. The tall, leggy blonde was flawlessly groomed, her shining golden hair tied up in a tight bun and her makeup faultless. The gorgeous permisteral assistant always wore a deep red lipstick that for some reamister drove Paul wild. It was probably the thought of having those full, pouty red lips sliding down his cock that turned him on.

Jennifer was wearing a pale blue dress that was delightfully low cut, revealing an impressively deep cleavage and the upper swells of her plump, ample breasts. The angelic blonde was certainly blessed with an impressive rack.

"Ms Chessman will see you now," said Jennifer as soon as she saw Paul approach.

Paul paused a moment. "Have you reconsidered my offer for dinner?" he asked her, flashing his most winning smile.

"Not interested," replied Jennifer haughtily. On her very first day on the job Paul had asked her out on a date and he'd been after her ever since. Unfortunately for Paul the busty blonde was well out of his league and she'd always refused, but to his credit that didn't stop him from constantly trying, much to Jennifer's annoyance.

"Maybe next week," said Paul. He didn't give Jennifer a chance to reply however, stepping into his boss's office and tapping lightly on the door.

"Come in," called out Maria Chessman, her tone stern, it didn't sound like she was in a good mood.

Paul took a deep breath and opened the doors, stepping into Ms Chessman's office. His manager was seated behind her desk.

"Take a seat Mr Andermister," Maria instructed him. The dark haired executive was actually very attractive, Paul would have called her beautiful if she was not such a constant bitch. Her long black hair was fastened behind her head in a tight ponytail, and she was dressed in an equally stern black business skirt and crisp white blouse. The blouse was buttoned all the way up, Paul wished she had missed a couple of buttons to display some of that abundant cleavage she doubtlessly possessed. The front of her blouse swelled out considerably, containing a pair of very healthy Double-D's that every man in the office yearned for a peek of.

Paul's eyes flickered up from Ms Chessman's chest, to her perfectly made up face and the fiery glint in her eyes. He wasn't quite sure if she was just mad about his work or if his gaze had lingered a little too long on her bust. He didn't say a word and just sat down on the chair in front of her desk.

"I'm sure you can guess why I've asked to see you Mr Andermister."

Paul nodded, "The latest sales figures?"

"Bingo," said Maria, reaching for a manila folder from the desk in front of her. She opened it up and read from it. "Sales down 47%, and margins on the few sales we did actually make were less than 15%. This is the worst month we've had all year. You do realise you're supposed to running the sale power Mr Andermister?"

"Yes Ms Chessman," Paul replied glumly. He felt like a school kid getting told off by the principal.

"So what do you have to say for yourself?"

"I'm sorry Ms Chessman. It's the economy at the moment, no one's interesting in investing in new software." he said.

"So should we be cutting back on the sales power?"

"It's not that, we need all the sales people we can get just to bring in any business at all," Paul tried to explain, but he knew she wouldn't listen. He couldn't really blame her though, the sales power was hardly paying for itself.

"That's not good enough, Infinity System's share price will suffer because of this Paul." she was getting quite worked up as she told him off. "You've got to do something to turn things around, we can't have another dismal month like this."

"I know," he replied with a sullen nod. "It won't happen again."

"It had certainly better not! This won't look good on your annual performance review Mr Andermister, you can be assured of that."

Great, there goes my bonus, Paul thought to himself, what a bitch. "I understand," he said out loud, nodding again.

"You're just lucky that Mr O'Reilly hasn't heard about this," Maria told him, referring to her boss, Jim O'Reilly, the national manager.

Paul actually found Jim O'Reilly to be a rather reamisterable manager, open to explanations, unlike Maria Chessman. He didn't say anything however.

"Okay Mr Andermister, I want to see you pick up your act. Next month things had better be looking a whole lot better," Maria reached for a second folder and picked it up, starting to scan the contents and signalling an end to their meeting.

"Is that business over?" Paul asked, standing up and stretching.

"Yes, thank you Mr Andermister," Maria replied with a curt nod.

"Great," Paul said with a sigh of relief as she walked around to the side of the desk. "Cause I could sure use a blowjob," he said, unzipping his fly as he moved around to stand beside his boss Ms Chessman.

Maria rolled her eyes and put down the folder. "Very well," she said, obviously not too happy about the chore as she swivelled her chair to face towards where Paul stood.

The lecherous sales manager had pulled his soft penis out through the fly of his pants and offered it up towards his boss's mouth.

"Just try and be careful of my makeup," Maria said, reaching out and taking Paul's penis from his hand and giving it a few gentle strokes. She then leant forward in her office chair and ran her tongue along the length of his soft penis, swirling it around the head before finally opening her lips and taking him into her warm mouth as if it was a simple, everyday occurrence.

"Ah, that's better," groaned Paul softly, closing his eyes and arching his back to luxuriate in the blowjob his boss was giving him.

Maria's cheeks hollowed as she sucked powerfully on her subordinate's cock, her mouth working up and down the length as it began to grow and thicken in her mouth.

"Mmm, you're a great cocksucker Maria," moaned Paul, stroking the top of his manager's head.

About two and a half months ago Paul had stumred across some very incriminating evidence of a business transaction that Maria Chessman had been part of. If word of the dodgy dealing had got out, it would have ruined both Maria's reputation and that of the entire company.

Rather than going to the police, or even to Mr O'Reilly, Paul, who always tried to make the most of any situation and turn things to his permisteral advantage, had gone directly to Maria and used the information to blackmail her. At first he'd tried to get a promotion and pay rise, but unbelievably Maria had refused him. Something about business ethics, which was a bit rich, coming from someone who'd done what she had.

So instead it came down to sex. Paul had at first wanted to fuck her, but the Ms apparently did stand for Mrs and Maria refused to betray her husband. Paul had to settle for free blowjobs whenever he felt the need. Which, in hindsight was not such a bad deal, he thought to himself as Maria's warm, wet mouth bobbed over his now fully erect cock.

The only thing that Maria insisted on was that when it came to business they were completely professional, which is why Paul had been powerd to wait until their meeting was over before requesting his blowjob. And he knew a good thing when he was onto one and had no intention of rocking the boat.

"Mmm, man that's good!" gasped Paul, his hips rocking gently as Maria sucked on his dick. He reached down below her bobbing head to cup one of his boss's big tits and give it a squeeze through her blouse. Maria also refused to let him see her naked, but she didn't seem to mind when he played with her tits while she was sucking him off as it helped him cum quicker. So long as he did it through her clothing and didn't try to slip his hand up her top or anything.

Paul briefly wondered what the rest of the guys in the office would think if they could see him now. Here he was, groping her big tits as Maria Chessman, the bitch, was sucking his hard cock. Man, would they be jealous! Paul gave a groan as Maria took his cock deeper into her hot mouth, the tight seal of her lips almost working its way to the base of his hard shaft. She was definitely talented.

Paul gave her big tit one last squeeze and then shuffled forward so that he was standing right up against her chair and her head was pressed back against the chair's headrest, her face pretty much impaled against the chair by his dick. He pushed further forward, burying more of the length of his cock in her mouth, the head of his hard organ pressing right into the back of her mouth.

He then reached up and grabbed the back of her chair in both hands and began to rock the tilting office chair back and forth. The movement caused her mouth to slide up and down his cock as he rapidly rocked the chair. Paul groaned in pleasure, his hips starting to thrust forward to meet her bobbing mouth so that he was practically fucking her mouth.

"Oh yeah, that's it Ms Chessman, take that cock!" he grunted, his balls slapping against her chin as his cock pushed right into her throat. Fortunately for Maria it was not the first time she had deep throated her young blackmailer so she was able to take his hard length without gagging or obligation.

Paul moaned as he rocked Maria's chair faster and faster, his cock humping deep into her inviting throat. The whole time she never relented with her skilful suction, her tongue fluttering along the underside of his shaft as he face fucked her.

Paul felt his balls churning as his orgasm approached, but he didn't slow down the movements of his hips and the chair. Once in the past, he had pulled out of her mouth and cum on her blouse, secretly hoping it'd cause her to take it off so he could get a peek at her spectacular naked tits. Instead she had angrily thrown him out of her office and it had taken him almost an entire week of begging and threats to get back in her mouth. Cumming on her face had also proved equally unpopular.



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"Oh cuckolds brownie!" grunted Paul, his knees almost buckling as he exploded; unloading his creamy seed into Maria's sucking mouth. The raven haired manager's eyes widened slightly as her employee came in her mouth, and she immediately started to swallow, taking down his whole load as he pulled the chair forward, pressing her face against his lower stomach.

"Fuck! You are so good at that Ms Chessman," Paul murmured softly when he finally slipped out from between her full lips, his load spent. "Thank you."

"I would say my pleasure, but that's hardly the case," Maria remarked dryly in reply as she took a quick suck on the end of his penis, slurping up the last few drops of his semen.

"You know I'm ready to rock your world anytime you say the world baby," Paul replied with a smirk.

Maria rolled her eyes and she stuffed his cock back into his pants and zipped him up. "I think we're done here."

Paul knew better than to argue, he merely reached out with both hands, giving her big tits a quick grope through her blouse, then gave her a wink and hurriedly left her office.

With an extra skip in his step he headed back to his desk. On his way past Erica, who was bent over trying to retrieve some jammed paper out of the bottom tray of the photocopier, he gave her a pinch on the ass, causing her to straighten up with a yelp of surprise.

All in all, as far as Paul Andermister was concerned, life was great.


"I just can't stand it any more," said Erica in dismay. She had just told Maria everything about her harassing boss. "The other day he even grabbed my boobs while I had my hands full with two cups of coffee!"

Maria nodded thoughtfully. She was tapping her lower lip with the end of a pen as she considered the situation. "I know you've come to me with this before Erica, but like I said then, the situation is more complicated than you think. I can't do anything about Mr Andermister's groping. Perhaps you could go directly to Mr O'Reilly?" Maria hated being so powerless.

"Those two act like best buddies," complained Erica. "If I go to Mr O'Reilly I'm more likely to lose my job than stop Mr Andermister."

Maria sighed. She could see the desperation in the young secretary's eyes. "Look, let me think about things over night. I'll talk to you tomorrow."

Erica stretched, holding the heavy box of files above her head as she tried to place it on the high shelf. The pretty young secretary was about an inch short of reaching.

"Here, let me help you," said Paul Andermister, her boss. He stepped up behind the beautiful blonde, placing his hands around her slim waist to offer her support. As she reached for the shelf again he tried to lift her up. Instead, his hands slipped up off her hips, slithering around the front of her torso and sliding up over the underside of her heavy breasts, cupping the ample melons through her top.

Erica gasped as her boss squeezed her large, full breasts through her top. She felt him press up against her from behind, the clearly discernable bulge of his crotch rubbing up against her ass.

"Wh...what are you doing Mr Andermister?" Erica stammered as he thoroughly groped her big tits.

"Oops, sorry babe, my hands slipped," he apologised, giving her nipples a tweak through the thin material of her top before he finally released her breasts and stepped back. "Why don't you let me put that box away."

Erica wordlessly handed him the box and hurried off, biting down an angry comment as she made a bee-line for the corner office where Maria Chessman, the branch manager was located.

"He's impossible!" she furiously declared as she entered Ms Chessman's office and took a seat in front of the attractive brunette's desk without being invited.

Maria glanced up in surprise. "Hello Erica."

"We need to get rid of that slime-ball now!" snapped Erica, still raging from the groping she'd just been on the receiving end of.

Maria nodded and smiled. "I've got an idea about that. We've simply got to get some evidence of Mr Andermister's bad behaviour, then you can take that to Jim O'Reilly. I won't be involved at all."

Erica nodded slowly in response. "What sort of evidence?"


"Just set up a camera by my desk and I'm sure we'll get some groping footage," said Erica bitterly.

Maria shook her head. "Not enough. We need something really powerful if Jim is going to fire Paul. A little groping won't cut it."

"Like what?" asked Erica uncertainly.

"My plan is to entrap him. We've got takes tonight. If he sees a lovely takes beauty such as yourself ****** in the sick room he won't be able to resist. I'll arrange for a surveillance camera to be set up to capture all the evidence."

"You want me to pretend to be takes and then let ******* me?" asked Erica, visibly whitening.

Maria nodded.

"No way!" said Erica, refusing adamantly. "I'd rather put up with the fondling."

Maria frowned. "I want him gone just as much as you do."

"You do it then!" shot back Erica.

"I know," said Maria, "Jennifer will do it. Paul has a real soft spot for her anyway, it's perfect."

Erica looked surprised. "Do you think she'll agree to do it?"

"She will if she wants to keep her job," retorted Maria brusquely.

They were interrupted by the sound of Jennifer's voice on the intercom. "Hi Maria, Paul Andermister is here to see you."

Erica jumped, feeling like she'd just been caught out in a guilty secret.

"Fine show him in, we're done here," Maria said.

Erica nodded, still a little pale at thought of what Maria was proposing. She turned and let, meeting Paul in the doorway. Paul turned sideways to let his pretty young secretary past. The gap was quite small and Erica had to turn sideways herself to slip past. As she squeezed by him, Paul thrust forward with his crotch, rubbing himself across her firm posterior as she pushed past. He was clearly hard.

Erica scowled, her guilt at the plot against her boss suddenly gone as she headed back to her desk.

Paul grinned as he kicked the door closed and walked over to Maria Chessman's desk and unbuckled his belt. "B.J. time," he announced as he dropped his suit pants to the floor and stepped out of them. His fully erect penis was jutting out of the fly of his boxers.

Maria grimaced as the horny sales manager moved in front of her chair and sat on the edge of her desk. She gave a sigh as she reached out and took hold of his throbbing erection in one soft hand. With any luck this would be the last blowjob she was powerd to give him.

Maria swiped her tongue around the head of Paul's erection, then gave the tip of his dick a tender kiss, leaving a slight smear of lipstick. She ran her tongue down along the underside of his shaft and then swiped her tongue across his scrotum, teasing his testicles.

"Don't tease me, just suck it," instructed Paul.

Maria reluctantly moved back to the end of his cock, slipping her warm lips down over him and sucking his stiff erection into her wet mouth.

"Oh yeah!" Paul groaned with obvious relish. "I really needed this!"

Maria's cheeks hollowed as she powerfully sucked on him and her head began to bob over his lap. The office filled with the sounds of her slurping, her pouty lips sliding up and down the thick pole of his cock.

"That's it, suck that cock like you mean it!" said Paul with a loud groan as Maria's pace picked up. With each bob of her head the tip of his cock was nudging right against the very back of her mouth causing her to gag slightly.

"You look beautiful with my cock in your mouth," Paul told her as she sucked him off.

Maria's mouth popped off the end of his dick and she looked up at him. "Why don't you keep the commentary to a minimum and just let me get on with this?" she snapped irritably.

Paul grinned mischievously. He held his cock by the base and slapped it against Maria's closed mouth. "Whatever you say, you're the boss."

Maria scowled up at him. If it wasn't for the fact that this was hopefully the final blowjob she had to give him then she would probably have thrown him out.

Paul spanked his erection against her forehead. He was certainly pushing his luck.

Maria reached up and smacked away his hands, holding his dick firmly around the base as she put her mouth back over the head of him. Paul gave a moan as Maria resumed her blowjob, rapidly bobbing her head over his cock as she sucked.

He reached down and took hold of Maria's sizeable boobs, squeezing them through her blouse as she blew him. He could feel the stiff lacy texture of her bra as the large melons overflowed his groping hands. He still wished he could get those puppies out in the open one day.



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"Oh yeeeaah!" Paul gave a long groan of pleasure as his cock jolted between Maria's lip. He moaned as his salty seed exploded, filling the gorgeous brunette's diligently sucking mouth. Paul squeezed down tight on Maria's titties as he spurted, his erection flexing in her mouth.

Maria swallowed, quickly takeing down all of Paul's load without spilling a drop. The last thing she wanted was her office stinking of cum.

"Mmm, that was amazing as always," murmured Paul in appreciation as Maria sucked him clean.

She sat back, grabbing a glass of water off her desk and taking a long swallow.

"Maybe we could have a repeat performance after takes tonight?" suggested Paul hopefully.

"No. I'm leaving early today," Maria curtly replied. "I'm going to dinner with my husband."

"Fine," replied Paul with a shrug. "Make sure you give the old man a big kiss from me," Paul added with a wink.

Maria shook her head as Paul left her office. The man was definitely an obnoxious asshole.


For some reamister, Friday takes always brought out the worst in Paul. He was all over the ladies of the office, hitting on them, making lewd comments and plenty of touching.

Glenda from accounts seemed to bear the brunt of it this week. Neither Maria nor Erica, his usual victims had shown up for takes and Jennifer seemed to be staying well clear of the lecherous sales manager that evening.

Glenda wasn't quite as pretty, and certainly not as stacked as Maria, Erica or Jennifer. But the thirty three year old red haired accountant was a keen jogger and kept quite fit. Paul was standing uncomfortably close to the relatively shy office worker, one hand resting on the small of her back as he told her an inappropriately sexual and racist joke. Every so often his hand would wander down from Glenda's back and slide over the taut round swells of her buttocks, which were perfectly encased in a pair of slim fitting black suit pants.

"...a donkey's dick!" announced Paul, reciting the joke's punch line and roaring raucously with laughter at his own joke.

Glenda smiled politely as Paul pinched the well toned accountant's bottom once again.

The slender accountant had clearly had enough as she began to politely excuse herself, claiming an early morning run the next day.

Paul barely even heard her as his attention was suddenly caught by the sight of Jennifer across the other side of the office.

The gorgeous permisteral assistant was swaying as she walked, clearly quite inebriated. This was rather unusual, as Jennifer almost always maintained control. She was dressed in a pretty, charcoal grey dress which was quite tight fitting across the upper half, nicely displaying her expansive bosom. The lower, skirt part of the dress, was short and flared slightly as she walked, giving Paul a great view of her long, tanned legs.

As Paul watched, the takes blonde staggered through the door into the sick room, disappearing from sight.

Paul frowned in thought. He glanced around the room to see if anyone else had seen Jennifer depart, but no one seemed to be paying any attention to her.

Paul hesitated about another minute and then followed Jennifer, slipping quickly into the sick bay without anyone noticing. His heart was rapidly beating as he quietly closed the door behind him and then looked around the room. Jennifer was lying face down on the small single bed that filled the far side of the room. The hem of her dress was up around her sleek thighs, inches short of revealing the swells of her buttocks. She was snoring softly.

Paul let out a quivering breath and walked softly across the room. He reached out a shaking hand towards Jennifer's pert ass and then stopped, thinking better of it.

"Jennifer?" he said, reamisterably loudly. "Are you okay?"

He reached down and prodded her shoulder. "Jennifer?" he repeated, more loudly. The relaxing beauty still did not stir.

Paul shook Jennifer's shoulder to try and wake her up, but her takesen dream could not be interrupted.

"Thank you God," he whispered.

Still a little cautious, Paul reached down and touched the back of Jennifer's thigh, right down by her knee. He gave her leg a gentle squeeze, glancing up towards her face to make sure she was still arelax. Paul traced his palm up the back of his boss's gorgeous permisteral assistant's slender thigh, enjoying the incredible feel of her smooth, soft skin. Inches away from the hem of her dress he stopped again.

Paul turned and moved back to the sick-bay door, locking it. It would be bad if someone from the office stumred in on him while he was worrying the *** woman.

He grinned to himself and rubbed his hands eagerly together, before moving back across the room and sitting on the edge of the bed where Jennifer was dreaming.

This time he laid both hands on the back of Jennifer's smooth thighs. As he ran his hands up the back of her sleek thighs he pushed the hem of her skirt up. His hands slid up the swells of Jennifer's beautiful round buttocks, cupping one taut mound in each palm. Jennifer was wearing the skimpiest of g-string's beneath her dress, leaving her lovely ass pretty much bare for Paul to grope.

"Gorgeous," he murmured in admiration as he squeezed and kneaded the firm cheeks of her ass. This was a dream come true for the sleazy sales manager.


Paul gave Jennifer's ass a hard slap, watching the quiver of flesh. He grinned and slipped one hand up between the lovely blonde's thighs, rubbing his fingers across the crotch of her g-string and feeling the heat of her pussy.

Paul unzipped his fly and pulled out his now erect penis, stroking it as he rubbed the gorgeous blonde's crotch. He briefly considered just jerking off, but realised that this was an opportunity not to be missed. Instead, he climbed up on the bed, straddling the back of Jennifer's thighs.

Holding his cock in one hand he rubbed it over the firm spheres of Jennifer's ass, using his shaft to slap her butt. Paul then leant forward, leaning over his sexy colleague and rubbing himself against her ass, humping her from behind as he ground himself into her perfect bottom. It would be so easy to just pull aside her g-string and slip into her.

"What the hell," said Paul with a shrug. "You only live once."

He reached down and tugged aside Jennifer's g-string. With his other hand he guided his erection into Jennifer's pussy.

As Paul thrust into the sexy blonde from behind, she lay there motionless, still fast arelax lying face down on the bed.

"Oh yeah!" groaned Paul as his hard erection slid smoothly into her pussy and his hips ground against her ass. Holding his weight on his elbows as he lay over top Jennifer, the horny sales manager began to fuck her from behind, driving his cock into her clutching pussy.

"This is much better than a blowjob or a quick grope," he murmured, thinking of Maria and Erica.

Paul humped against Jennifer for a few minutes, pinning her down on the bed with his thrusting penis. The whole forbidden, non-consensual element to the sex was turning him on and his balls were churning in no time.

Paul wasn't sure if the beautiful blonde was on the pill and he certainly didn't want to knock her up so he pulled out before it was too late. He wasn't about to finish off using his hand however, so instead he moved up towards where Jennifer's head lay.

Paul rubbed the tip of his cock over Jennifer's angelic face, leaving a smear of pre-cum over her nose, cheek and lips. He then grabbed her head in both hands as he stuffed his erection into her *** mouth, spearing her full lips open with the tip of his penis.

"Fuck!" he grunted as his hard cock thrust into Jennifer's mouth. He gripped her hair tightly and began to quickly saw his hard cock in and out between her full, pouty lips. It perhaps wasn't as nice as Maria's oral talents, but the workout he'd had in her pussy had him close to the edge anyway.

With a few vigorous thrusts, he gave a fetishd grunt of pleasure and blasted his sticky wad of jism into Jennifer's relaxing mouth. "Oh yeah!" he groaned as he emptied his load across Jennifer's tongue. He pulled out and sat back on the bed, breathing heavily.

"Thank God for Friday takes," he murmured with a satisfied grin.


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"We need to talk," said Paul Andermister as he barged into his boss's office, slamming the door shut behind him. There had been no one to stop him from entering as Maria's permisteral assistant, Jennifer, was off sick today.

"Mr Andermister?" said Maria in surprise, looking up at him. "What's the problem?"

"Don't worry," snapped Paul as he strode up to the beautiful brunette's desk, "I'm not after head this time."

He threw a manila folder down on her desk and a couple of grainy photographs spilled out. They were shots of him lying on top of a ****** blonde and a few of him with his cock stuffed into her mouth.

"He's got video footage as well apparently," Paul told her, sounding rather desperate.

"He?" asked Maria, opening the folder and flicking through the rather incriminating photographs.

"O'Reilly," explained Paul, referring to the company's national manager. "I'm done. You've got to help me."

"Help you? I don't think so," Maria curtly replied.

"Look," said Paul, leaning over her desk. "If you don't make this go away then I'll be powerd to give O'Reilly the stuff I have on you." Paul had been blackmailing his beautiful boss for the past few months.

Maria frowned, clearly not happy. "You can't do that, we had a deal."

Paul shook his head. "The deal's changed. I'm in the cuckolds brownie here and you can help me. If you do this then I'll destroy all the evidence I've got. No more blowjobs."

"No more blowjobs?" repeated Maria. Clearly the idea appealed to her.

"We'll be even," Paul assured her.

Maria considered for a moment. "Okay," she finally agreed.


Jim O'Reilly frowned calculatingly at his attractive subordinate. "What's in this for you Maria?" he asked her. Jim O'Reilly was the National Manager of Infinity Systems Computing. He was in his mid fifties and had short white hair and an expansive, barrel like belly. His jowly face was usually bright red and he actually looked a little bit like Boss Hog from the Dukes of Hazard.

"I'm not at liberty to say," Maria replied. The raven haired branch manager was dressed in a light grey skirt and jacket suit, with a bright red blouse. The blouse unbuttoned more than usual and she was giving Jim a clear view of her impressive cleavage.

"This evidence is very compelling, and the charges are serious," said Jim. "And we are talking about your assistant Jennifer here."

"I realise that," said Maria, hating what she'd been powerd to do. "But I have to get rid of this matter once and for all."

Jim seemed to consider matters for a moment. After a long pause he replied. "I'll let you what Maria. I like you, and we've worked together for a couple of years now so I'm willing to help you out. I'll destroy this evidence against Paul...if you agree to fuck me."

"What?" blurted Maria in surprise. That had been the last thing she'd expected. From Paul maybe, but from Jim O'Reilly her boss?

"We have sex. Then I'll make all this go away," explained Jim.

Maria still looked in shock. "But I'm married!"

Jim shrugged. "It's pretty straight forward here Maria. You're asking me to do something very unethical. So in return I want something of value. That hot body of yours is valuable to me."

Maria grimaced. Even with Paul's blackmail she hadn't let him have sex with her. "How about I suck your cock instead?"

"Not good enough," replied Jim immediately. He was used to negotiating multi-million dollar deals and he knew how to bargain. "You've got a nice big pair of boobs that I've wanted to get my hands on for years, and I bet you're a fantastic fuck."

"I give fantastic head," said Maria.

"I'm sure you do, and I intend to find out," Jim replied calmly. "But I also intend to shoot my wad in that sweet pussy of yours."

Maria was looking very uncomfortable. But perhaps relaxing with the boss would help her career as well. "You'll destroy the photos?"


"Okay," she agreed. "I'll do it."

Jim's grin was a mile wide. "Excellent. Well let's start with that head you were talking about."

"Right now?" replied Maria in surprise, glancing nervously around the National Manager's office.

Jim merely nodded and stood up from his chair. He unzipped his trousers and pushed them down around his knees. His blue cotton boxer shorts followed, revealing a soft, limp penis dangling between his legs, framed by a pair of saggy balls, covered in a light fuzz of grey hair. It was not the most attractive sight that Maria had laid eyes on.

Jim sat back down in his chair and gestured for Maria to come around the desk to him. The buxom brunette executive reluctantly did as she was instructed, kneeling in front of the chair of her trouser-less boss.

"Let me just have a feel of these puppies before you get started," said Jim, reaching out with both hands and grabbing Maria's large tits through her blouse.

"Oh yeah!" he gave a groan of approval as he squeezed Maria's plentiful jugs through her top. The ample melons filled his palms as his fingers sunk into the firm flesh. "These are great," he murmured, reaching up and grabbing the top of Maria's blouse. With a harsh yank he ripped open the kneeling woman's shirt, buttons flying off and material tearing.

"Hey! That was expense!" complained Maria as Jim reached inside her ruined blouse to grope at her bra-clad breasts.

"You'd better get them out before I rip this bra then," said Jim, releasing her tits temporarily.

Maria quickly shrugged of her torn blouse and then unclasped her bra, letting her big breasts spill free. They were large and firm, topped by already hard nipples.

"Lovely," murmured Jim as he took hold of Maria's bare breasts, one in each hand. "Did I ever tell you that I'm a tit-man?" he asked her as he began to squeeze and knead her gigantic hooters. "These fun bags are the reamister I promoted you to Branch Manager." Jim pinched Maria's stiff nipples between his fingers, giving them a quick twist before once again cupping and squeezing her magnificent jugs in his palms. "I'm just glad this opportunity to actually touch them has come up."

Jim fondled Maria's perfect boobs for a few more minutes. "Okay, time for some sucking I think," he said, releasing her breasts and leaning back in his chair.

Maria reached up into Jim's lap and took hold of his old cock in her soft hand. It appeared to have been brought to life from the titty groping and was thick and stiff in her hand. The reluctant executive bent forward, dipping her head down into her bosses lap and gingerly taking his hard cock between her lips.

"That's it, suck that cock," moaned Jim as Maria's warm lips slid down his erection, his cock lodging deep in her hot mouth. "After all that talk, you'd better be as good as you said you were."

Jim groaned as Maria's talented mouth slid back up to the tip of his cock, her agile tongue swiping around the head of Jim's penis. She moved lower, her tongue lapping nimbly at Jim's hairy scrotum, teasing each of his testicles briefly before she moved back to his cock, plunging her mouth back onto him.

Jim gripped the top of Maria's head, holding her by her dark locks. "Put your hands behind your back," he ordered.

Maria obeyed as Jim immediately began to fuck her mouth, bouncing her head in his lap as his hips repeated hunched up off his chair, his hard cock pumping rapidly in and out of her sucking mouth. With her hands behind her back, Maria now had no control over the pace and depth of his plunging cock, but fortunately her experience blowing Paul Andermister had well prepared her for getting face fucked and she effortlessly took her bosses hard length as it slammed between her plump lips.

Jim humped Maria's face for about six or seven minutes, showing surprising stamina for a man of his age. His penis was hard as a rock, clearly highly aroused by the opportunity to blackmail his beautiful underling.

He thrust into Maria's mouth a few final times and then lifted her head up out of his lap. As the beautiful, topless brunette caught her breath, Jim once again groped her big tits, eagerly massaging the ample orbs.

"I think I need to fuck these puppies before we get down to business," he announced, shuffling forward in his chair so that his stiff erection nestled into Maria's considerable cleavage.

Jim kept a firm grip on Maria's boobs as he wrapped them around his cock, forming a snug, tight sheath for his cock to thrust into.

Maria's big boobs jiggled delightfully as Jim fucked them. Each thrust of his cock, caused the tip of his penis to bob up from the depths of Maria's cleavage, glistening with pre-cum. While his old hips pumped up off his chair, his hands kept a tight grip on Maria's breasts, keeping the fleshy mounds pressed tight around his thrusting manhood.

"Time to fuck," said Jim after titfucking her for a couple of minutes. "Stand up and bend over my desk."

"I can't convince you to finish off in my mouth, or between my tits?" asked Maria, trying one more time to delay cheating on her husband.

Jim didn't reply, instead grabbing her by the arm and powering her to bend forward over his desk. He ran one hand across the smooth expanse of Maria's skirt-clad posterior, squeezing the firm cheeks of her ass. Jim then tugged up the back of her skirt, revealing her g-string panties and perfect, nicely toned buttocks.

Not wasting any time, Jim tugged aside the back of Maria's g-string and urgently thrust his rock hard cock into her tight snatch. Maria cried out at his sudden entry, his erection sinking right to the hilt into her pussy.

"Ah, that feels so good!" moaned Jim, pausing for a moment and enjoying the feeling of having his cock buried in the beautiful, buxom brunette. He rocked his hips slightly back and forth, exploring the depths of Maria's clutching pussy.

Jim moved his hands to Maria's curving hips, getting a firm grip as he started to fuck her in earnest, his hard cock pumping against her pussy from behind as he drove her into the desk. The sound of their flesh smacking together filled the large office as Jim slammed his erection repeatedly into Maria's pussy.

Maria moaned and pushed back with her bottom to meet her bosses thrusting cock. She was eager to get him off as quick as possible.

Jim was groaning noisily as he humped the busty brunette bent over his desk, he clearly wouldn't last very long. "Fuck!" he groaned as he arched his back and lifted himself up on his tip toes, stuffing his cock deep inside the gorgeous executive. His cock bottomed out in her cunt and he gave another loud groan. Jim's balls churned and his cock spurted, his thick, ropey seed spilling powerfully into Maria's grasping vagina.

"Oh yeah!" the older executive gave a long moan of pleasure as he pumped the brunette fill of his sperm. He fell forward, the weight of his bulk leaning on Maria's back as he spent himself. "That was perfect," he whispered into her ear as his cock slipped out of her pussy.


Paul Andermister smiled contentedly to himself as stood behind his beautiful blonde secretary Erica, massaging her shoulders intimately as she typed on her computer. As his hands slipped down from Erica's shoulders and artlessly crept to her chest, cupping her full and firm tits through her blouse, his smile got even wider.

'I love my job,' Paul thought to himself as he groped Erica's glorious breasts and the pretty young secretary did nothing to stop him.

Not only had Maria been able to make the incriminating footage of him powering himself on her sexy assistant Jennifer go away, but Paul had also discovered some rather enlightening video footage of Maria fucking Jim O'Reilly. The new footage had restored Paul's access to Maria's lovely mouth and also given him some leverage against O'Reilly should Paul run into any future problems himself.

'All in all, life is good,' Paul decided as he dreamily kneaded the firm mounds of Erica's world-class knockers in his groping hands.



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Cathy's Mistake

My story started last July when I had just finished my finals at the local College of Education. I'm 22, tall and slim, gym four times a week and I'm often told that I'm a very pretty brunette: I took the decision a while ago not to have casual boyfriends due to one or two unfortunate relationships and I had resolved to take care of my physical needs myself.

I live with my parents in an upper-middle class suburb and that morning, my lady knocked and opened my bedroom door to tell me that she was off to town, asking if I wouldn't mind looking out for the photographer from the estate agents at around eleven o'clock as we were looking to sell the house in favour of something larger. This being nine fifteen, I waited impatiently a few minutes until I heard the click and clunk of front door closing and jumped out of bed in my T-shirt and relax shorts.

Impatience played a role because I'd been waiting for days to indulge my new toy and I didn't often get the opportunity living with my parents, what with the risk of being caught and not being able to make any tell-tale noises, but now was the perfect opportunity: an empty house and, I calculated, a good hour and three quarters before the estate agent called around. I went straight to my wardrobe and, rummaging amongst the neat pile of sweaters, I pulled out my butt-plug, the new toy which I'd purchased on-line and a small jar of Vaseline.

As I pulled my T-shirt over my head and peeled down my shorts, I could already feel myself tingling with anticipation, particularly as it was a lovely summer's day and the gentle breeze flowed in through the window of my warm room and out by the open door. This, I thought, was going to be bliss!

Taking the butt-plug, I dipped the tip into the Vaseline and rubbed it all over with eager fingers. I must say, buying on-line has its drawbacks: it really seemed far too big for a slim, athletic young girl like me, even though, when it was in, it made me feel very nicely opened up which was quite sexy. Anyway, I made a mental note to buy something a little smaller.

I got up onto all fours on the bed and, kneeling, I opened my legs wide so I could reach back and gently work it up my bum. I bit my lip as I remembered from last time just how big and uncomfortable it was at the start, but having persevered for what seemed like ages, eventually I'd managed to work the whole thing in, right up to the hilt so that just the base was showing. I wriggled somewhat delicately and it made me feel very vulnerable but kind of nice at the same time.

That done and naked as the day I was born, I next flipped over onto my back and, spread my toned but slender thighs as wide as was still comfortable. Feeling how moist I had become, I teased myself with my fingers for quite a while: in and out, up and down and all around, allowing myself to tickle and strum my soon-aching clitty just very occasionally as my lathers worked up and my heartbeat increased. I was getting very, very wet and, safe in my solitude, began to moan quite loudly as the cool breeze drifting across my warm skin gave me goose-bumps. Then I reached for my brand new, out-of-the-box, wiggly wabbit.

I'd fantasised about seeing how it would feel to have, simultaneously, the plug up my bottom, the wabbit's big, knobbly shaft in my pussy and the wabbit's clitty-stimulator buzzing around on my itching bud. Gagging for it by now, I pretty much guzzled the shaft into my eager, dripping snatch and somewhat shakily varied the stimulator control. I certainly wasn't disappointed as I squealed with delight at the sensations coursing through me. The butt-plug felt like it was splitting me asunder, and the vibrator immediately hit sync with my throbbing clitty so hectically that my lithe body started convulsing, with me riding and thrusting as hard and as high as my hips would allow, and as I clenched my bum cheeks, the butt-plug reminded me it was there. The power of my climax was so great that I went dizzy and light-headed as I shuddered to a seemingly interminable orgasm, bucking so hard that I thought I might injure myself. Thrashing around helplessly, I found myself moaning, panting and calling out in what was, without doubt, the best sex of any form I had ever had.

I lay back with an enormous sigh of satisfaction as I recovered. I was right, it was bliss. As my pulse rate returned to near normal, breasts heaving, through the peace that had descended upon me, I felt sure I heard a click.


A click and a cough. Opening my eyes, I saw to my horror that there was a tall, young man standing in the corner of the room.


"What am I doing here?" He offered. I nodded, panic-stricken, grabbing at the damned duvet which had evidently caught on something and didn't seem to want to partake in my efforts to cover myself up.

"Your mum let me in as she went out. I'm from Edwards and Edwards, the agents. Bit late for that, isn't it?" He added as he motioned towards me desperately trying to hide my nakedness.

"But you weren't due until..."

"...eleven o'clock? Had a cancellation. Lucky, really. Or should I say, 'really lucky'," he grinned. By this time, I'd succeeded in drawing up the duvet. He was very tall and about two or three years older than I was. I recognised him as Terry Fisher's older brother. Terry was in the fifth form at the local school where I'd been doing some teacher training. I'd seen him lounging around town with a group of local lads who invariably embarrassed me with their graphic comments whenever I happened to walk past them.

"You're Mickey. How..."

"Hmm. Your mickey, I'd say miss," he quipped, clearly enjoying his impromptu survey of the area south of my carefully-trimmed landing strip. "How long have I been watching you? All the time darlin', since you got out of bed and stripped off your shorts and T-shirt. Dear, oh dear: you really should be more careful -should have closed the door at least, I'd have though, miss? Anyway, couldn't believe my luck -caught the whole show on this little baby..."

" filmed me?"

"Yep, 'fraid so, darlin' -all in glorious high definition on the company camcorder complete with anti-shake and zoom. Wanna see?"

I could see my image on the pop-up screen as he clicked the play button and could hear my voice over the playback. Whipping out the wabbit and diving out of the bed all in one movement, I ran across the room at him. I drew up pretty quickly as the butt-plug reminded me of its presence and tall for a girl, though I am, I was no match for Mickey who kept me at arm's length by placing his hand on my forehead whilst at the same time holding the camera out of my reach.

"Now, now," he said, he said grinning at me. "Not very nice language for a lady, is it?" He remarked as some of my ecstasy-related swearing poured out of the speaker. "Choice, that is, darlin'."

"Give me that, I yelled."

"Calm down, miss, I wouldn't think you'd want to attract attention."

I stopped in my tracks. He was right. There I was, naked in front of him, with no realistic chance of reaching the camera with a huge butt-plug up my bum. Imagine if someone had come in to investigate. Not a good place to be. I withdrew.

"That's better," he said.

"Please give me the DVD." I tried a different approach, trying to appeal to what sense of chivalry he may have.

"All in good time, I'll have to have a think about that."

"What do you mean?"

"Well. I mean a gorgeous babe like you on film doing what you've just been doing would be worth a fortune in the right hands: to you, the internet, my little brother and his friends at the school, my mates at the pub, for example..."

" wouldn't!"

"Wouldn't I? I don't know. As I said, I'll have to think about it."

"I beg you, please..."

"Well, that's a good start..."


"Come on, now, do as you're told or the film gets released."

My heart sank.

"Stand over there with your hands on your head and your legs apart."

I shuffled reluctantly across the room.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked, fearing the worst and full-frontally naked at the mercy of this scruff.

"Well, aren't you a bit uncomfortable with that huge butt-plug rammed up your pretty little arse? Why don't you reach behind yourself and pull it out."

I did as I was told, gripped the base, and eased it out. I held it in my hand.

"Now lick it clean."

"Oh! No..."

"Uh- uh, darlin'. Are you quite sure you don't want to? Remember the DVD."

Humiliated and with no choice as did as I was told.

"That's a good girl. Keep going."

I continued until he told me to stop.

"Okay, now turn away from me."

Again, I did as I was bade.

"Mm-mmm! Me and my mates always remark what a gorgeous arse you've got. If only they could see me now, eh, love?" I could feel myself blushing from head to toe. "Now reach for the sky, arch your back and get up on your toes so I can get a really good look."

He was treating me like a piece of meat.

"That's it, now open your legs and really stick it out." I did. "Gorgeous," he enthused, insisting that I didn't look back.

"Er... you're not filming this are you?" I ventured.

"What? Me, miss? Oh, no, miss," he sneered. He sounded closer. And I realised just how close when I felt and heard a resounding slap across my bottom which made me yelp from a combination of shock and the sudden sting. I spun round, rubbing my smarting bottom.

"How dare you!"

"No, miss. How dare you turn around without being instructed to."

I turned my eyes downwards, beaten again.

"On your knees."

"Oh, please, no..."

"Listen, you just don't get it do you, darlin'," he said. "If you don't do as I say, I will publish this little DVD high, wide and handsome. So for once and for all, do as you're told, you silly girl."

I nodded meekly and dropped to my knees. He walked towards me and stopped right in front of my face.

"Now unzip me."

Knowing what was probably coming, I reluctantly gripped the bras zipper on his jeans and drew it down.

"And the button." I wrestled and released it.

"Now pull down my jeans and pants."

I edged them side-to side down his slim hips and, inevitably, his erect penis sprang out almost into my face.

"Kiss the end."

I looked plaintively up at him, hoping for a reprieve but none came. Mortified, I kissed.

"Lick it slowly, the whole length from my balls to the tip."

Horrified, I licked, as he wrapped my hair around his hand and pulled my head into him.

"Now take it in your mouth."

I parted my lips and placed my mouth over his shaft.

"Come on. Blow me, you horny bitch." He was gasping now and his penis was twitching. I had an idea that if I worked fast, the quicker my ordeal would be over, so I expertly gave him what he was asking for.

After a couple of minutes of me sucking and licking and him gripping my head and thrusting into my mouth, frequently making me gag, and all the while saying the crudest things to me, he suddenly pulled it out of my mouth.

"Now, wank me off over your tits." He was bright red and obviously highly aroused. I didn't argue. Relieved though I was to have his smelly erect penis away from my mouth and tongue, I didn't much relish the prospect of him depositing his sperm over my pert 35Bs. Anyway, I thought, best to just get it over with as I gripped his shaft in my right hand and masturbated it vigorously as if I was shaking a tomato sauce bottle.

Within a minute, he clenched his tight buttocks.

"Oargh!" He made a deep, rasping, carnal groan and before I knew what was happening, my breasts were covered in his thick, gooey cream which was dripping off and trickling all the way down my stomach to the well of my body.

"Euch!" I cried, standing up at last but he pressed back down on my shoulder.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?"

"Well, you've finished, haven't you?" I replied.

"Maybe I have, but you haven't. Lick me clean."

Resigned to my fate, I started to clean-up the salty mess with my tongue.

"Every last drop."

When he decided he was finally finished, he simply pulled up his pants.

"I'll be off now," he said. "Give me your number and I'll be in touch."

"But the DVD!"

"We can negotiate that the next time, darlin'."

"Next time? But you promised..."

"No I didn't and this is way too much fun. What's your number?"


"...your number!"

"07889 543211," I murmured.

"Thanks, I'll save it under "Sex Slave." And with that, he simply walked out, leaving menaced, dishevelled and saturated with his sperm. I heard the door clunk-click one more and simply wondered what on earth would happen next.



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The stress and suspense I endured for the days following my unfortunate encounter with Mickey Fisher, culminating with him walking out of the house with a DVD of me masturbating and, as I suspected, posing nude for him on tip-toes with my bare bottom pushed out, was unbearable. I'd racked my brains trying to think of an escape from my predicament but to no avail. Mickey had me cornered, where he wanted me, and there wasn't a blind thing I could do about it nor even anybone I could ask for advice for fear of my most private activities being exposed, in his words, "high wide and handsome".

The only positive event that gave me some respite that miserable week was learning that my application for employment at the local high school had been successful and that I was to start there teaching gym, dance, drama and English at the beginning of the new academic year in September which was only a couple of weeks away now. My first career job and first income would normally have been a time for celebration but Mickey having that damned DVD had put an insurmountable damper on everything.

Finally, the stress became unbearable and, taking courage in both hands, I plucked up the courage to contact him via the estate agent where he worked.

"Edwards and Edwards, good morning," came the sunny response from the receptionist.

"Could I speak to Mickey Fisher please?"

"Oh, I'm afraid Mr Fisher is at a client's, could I give him a message?"

"Yes, please tell him to call Cathy Matthews... er, he has my number."

"Certainly, I'll tell him when he comes in."

During the intervening hours, I mooched around the house, trying to read a novel, unable to concentrate until, towards lunch-time, my phone finally rang.

"Cathy Matthews," I answered.

"Hello, darlin'," he replied, cheerily. "What can I do for you, today?"

"Listen, Mickey," I hissed so as not to be overheard, "you know damned well why I phoned you. This has gone far enough and I want that DVD."

"Certainly, miss."

"You agree, then?" I asked incredulously but hugely relieved.

"Sure, no problem."

"Good," I said. Mickey was vaguely attractive in a rough kind of way so I was glad that common sense and decency had apparently prevailed. "When will you bring it around?"

"Ah, I'll get back to you with that, miss. I'm flat out at the moment so I'll ring you again when I have a gap," he pondered. "Give me twenty minutes."

"Alright," I replied, somewhat surprised but very grateful that retrieving the DVD had been so easy.

I waited, on edge, for fully half hour, poring over the phone and praying that he didn't change his mind. My lady, who looked and behaved like my blonde sister rather than a parent, walked past.

"Waiting by the telephone, eh? --New boyfriend?" She asked, hopefully, as she seemed disappointed that I didn't bring a steady flow of the male sex through her front door.

"No, definitely not," I answered, curtly.

"Now don't bite my head off..."

But before she could go any further, my phoned beeped to announce the arrival of a text message. It wasn't a number I recognised so I guessed it was Mickey's mobile.

"... okay, sorry mum," I snapped. "You'll have to excuse me for a moment," and I went to my room to read the message.

"For the DVD, be at my place, 10 Wordsworth Avenue, this afternoon at 3:30."

Result! He'd kept his side of the bargain, restored my faith in human nature and I allowed myself a satisfied, audible sigh of relief.

Also, the timing was perfect for me as I had a hair appointment at two and could call in to pick it up on my way home.

It was very a warm and sunny afternoon, so I donned my powder-blue flared mini dress with a pair of white shoes and, save for a white, lacy thong, that was about all. I eyed myself in the mirror and was pleased with the result --contrasting the golden brown tan I had lazily been building up in the garden over the summer holiday.

Raymond worked his usual magic on my shoulder-length hair and I flounced out of the salon immaculately groomed, feeling and looking a million dollars and skipped into my car to drive the short distance to the seedy council estate and then the run-down semi that was the Fishers' residence. I parked outside the rusty front gate and negotiated a gang of urchins who wolf-whistled and made crude comments as I made my way to the gate.

Closing the gate behind me, I walked briskly up the path to a chorus of little brats remarking about my breasts, bottom and what they'd like to do to me --needless to say, not exactly in those terms. Feeling my colour rising, I remember thinking how advanced kids are for their age, these days.

Before I could get to the front door, the Fishers' drooling bull terrier pounced seemingly from nowhere and took great delight in jumping up my leg and under my skirt, sniffing embarrassingly. As hard as I tried to push him down, this solid ball of muscle pushed back harder and I simply did not have the strength to bring him under control. I lurched to the doorbell and rang it with an outstretched arm to an urchin chorus of "Oooh-ooh! White knickers!" as my skirt rode right up to my waist because the damned hound had entangled me, shoving his cold, moist nose all over my thighs, leaving horrible, gooey tracks on my lovely tan.

Mercifully, the door opened, Mickey answered and seeing the dog, who had apparently decided that the foreplay was over and was now gripping my leg like a vice with its front paws, shouted sternly at it.

"Pricky!" Well, the name was apt, at least.

"Er, come in, miss," he said as the dog skulked awayed whence it had come looking thoroughly disappointed to have been interrupted. And in we went.

If the garden was strewn with litter, and broken machinery, then the Fishers' house was a positive health hazard, I observed, picking my way through the beer cans and discarded food packaging.

"After you, miss. Don't worry, there's no-one else in," he ushered me into the front room, and gave me an inappropriate little pat on the bottom as I entered. "You look stunning today, darlin'." I paid scant notice to his unwanted attentions.

"Thanks, I've just had my hair done," I humoured him with the sole objective of securing the DVD.

"Nice place," I enthused, falsely.

"Shit-hole," he said. "Now to business."

"Yes," I offered, "the DVD please."

"Well, not quite that easy, darlin'," he said.

"But we had a deal," I said, somewhat bewildered.

"We still do, darlin', but there's a condition attached."

I didn't like the way this was going.

"C-condition?" I stammered.

"For sure! You didn't think I was just going to hand it back to you for nothing, did you? I thought I told you it would be worth big money."

I had that sinking feeling again but had to stay cool and friendly to have any chance of securing the disc that I so desperately wanted. He was now standing in front of me playing with a strand of my hair as if I was his property.

"You want money? I could..."

"... Not money, miss. There are other ways."

"Please say what you mean, Mickey." I said, tired of these double entendres.

"Áh, miss. All, as they say, shall be revealed."

And with that, he took my hand and half led, half dragged me through the passage and out of the back door behind him.

"Put this on," he instructed, grabbing a crash helmet from the kitchen porch as I noticed his motorcycle outside.

"I'm not going on that thing," I said, horrified.

"You'll do exactly as you're told," he hissed, menacingly.

"But, I'm hardly dressed for..."


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"...Get on!" He said impatiently, then he started his machine, revved up and I tentatively took the pillion seat, clinging on to the grab rail for grim death. My head was flung back with the acceleration and my confounded skirt blew upwards in the wind exposing far more than I'd like of my rear view to the cars we passed as a thousand cc's throbbed smoothly between my thighs.

We rode out of town for a few miles until we pulled in at what I recognised as The Hideout, a notorious bikers' pub with a fierce reputation at which no respectable girl would be seen dead. Ordered to get off and dragged once more by the hand by Mickey, my grooming and powder blue and white outfit looked hopelessly out of place. As indeed did good hair and teeth...

"Now you go along with everything I say, darlin'," hissed Mickey, "or your precious DVD hits the streets before you can blink those pretty, doe-like, big brown eyes of yours."

We approached a table full of scruffy, greasy bikers who evidently knew Mickey.

"Hey Mickey, that's quite a number! Who've you brought this time?" Said the leader of the group, who looked like a cross between Meatloaf and Mike Tymister.

"This is Cathy," he answered. "What do you think?"

"Well, I'd say you've outdone yourself," said the leader, eyeing me up and down appreciatively, "absolutely fucking gorgeous -classy too! -Nice of her to dress up for us."

I blushed and looked down to avoid the leers of the dozen or so bikers seated around the table as their leader spoke.

"What say you we have a take missy, before you start?" He continued.

"Start? Start what?"

"Your show." This was not good. I turned to Mickey, demanding an explanation.

"What the hell is he talking about?"

"Feisty, too!" Roared the leader. "We like that." Mickey grabbed my hand, taking me to one side.

"Just excuse us for a second."

Away from the table, he whispered firmly.

"Now listen, darlin'," he continued. "If you want that tape, you'd better provide the afternoon's entertainment for my mates. Believe me, it's a lot better than having that DVD released onto the internet, particularly as our Terry tells me you have a new job to consider at his school."

"Entertainment?" I asked, fearing the worst.

"A full-on striptease for my friends, inside the bar -private-like. They're paying me a tenner a head for your services, so you'd better keep them sweet"

I felt the colour drain from my cheeks.

"You can't be serious, you wouldn't dare," I hissed back at him.

"Listen, miss," he said firmly, "it's up to you if you want to try me, but I wouldn't. Your career would be ruined before you start, not to mention the explaining you and your parents would have to do. Just one little dance with no record of it and your troubles are over."

Until then, I hadn't even considered the scandal the disc may have brought to mummy and daddy. The atmosphere was electric during that pause as my indignant glare locked with his impudent gaze but finally looked down submissively in defeat. I knew then that he was serious in his threat.

"Now can I tell my friends that you are going to dance for them?"

"One dance and I get that DVD back?"

"Just one dance. You teach dance, don't you? -So it shouldn't be too difficult. Now come and be sociable and have that take you were offered and relax a little. They may look a bit rough but they're just pussycats, really."

Grasping my hand once more, he took me back to the table. I glanced from one to the other, greasy hair here, an eye patch there, leathers, studs and riding boots everywhere, a feint smell in the air mixed with holy water... Pussycats, most definitely not.

A pint of lager, foaming furiously, appeared through the crowd and was banged down on the table in front of me spilling part of the contents.

"Drink," commanded the leader.

Under protestation but aware of the consequences of upsetting Mickey, I drank as deeply from it as I could as the biker gang roared its approval as well as a growing chant of "get 'em off" amongst other observations as I was undressed by a dozen pairs of hungry, appreciative eyes.

"Right," said Mickey, "let's get you into the bar and get this show on the road." And he dragged me off once again, promising to call them in when the show was about to start.

The stage, which faced the packed bar, was makeshift and full of dust and grime. To my consternation it was surrounded by around thirty more bikers who had grabbed the tables nearest the stage. Inevitably, there were raucous cheers as they caught their first glimpse of me being ushered in by Mickey for their entertainment like a lamb to the slaughter.

"This is it, darlin'," there's your stage, the music goes on in a minute, do your best, and don't forget that disc. I'll go and collect the others, when the music starts, make your way to the stage and do your thing."

My thing? I thought, hardly. My stomach was a bag of nerves and I was mortified by the prospect of 'entertaining' this low-life scum but I knew I had no choice. The disc, the internet, my new job, my family.

Meatloaf and the boys loomed large as they came in from the beer garden, cutting much of the natural sunlight from the doorway as the music struck up with a bass that rattled every glass in the bar. There was nothing for it but to edge my way through the crowd to the filthy stage. As I did so, I was man-handled, groped and grabbed more often than a fur coat in a winter sale.

Having finally made it to the stage, I stood at the front. One thing I could definitely do was dance so, I thought, if I danced nicely for them, perhaps it would distract them and possibly, I could sneak away without revealing too much. However, after five minutes of bump and grind, which was initially well received, and during which time some pretty crude, though appreciative cat-calls were yelled about my figure and form, the rabble began to grow impatient and it became evident that it would not be enough to satisfy them.

"Cut the crap and take it off, you bitch!" Shouted one of their number who seemed to have the knack of making himself heard clearly over the pounding music and the rest of the gang bayed in agreement. "We didn't pay a tenner for this cuckolds brownie!" The roar grew and they wanted more.

I caught sight of Mickey near the door who simply held up the disc to encourage me. I needed no further bidding and would have to go through with it. Swaying my hips seductively, trembling, I undid the bow of my cloth tie-belt and began to slowly, reluctantly undo the front of my dress which buttoned along its full length. Quite suddenly, I felt unusually dizzy, warm and quite euphoric and I remember wondering at the time whether something had been slipped into that take --I can usually take at least a few glasses of wine before it affects me seriously, so I couldn't understand why a single beer should do this to me and it was getting progressively and rapidly worse.

"Hurry the fuck up," came the new call, as I felt my inhibitions ebb away from me.

I had unbuttoned as far my navel by this time and hesitated as I reached this point of no return: nxt button I undid would put my breasts on full view and start to expose my panties. Boos and jeers rang around the bar as I froze but they were soon stifled as, completely uninvited, the leader and one of his gang sprang onto the stage. I tried to push them away as they snatched at my dress but was becoming increasing giddy and less resistant.

The powerful leader grabbed me from behind and simply ripped open my dress with one smooth, powerful action, the buttons pinging and flying all over the bar. I had little time to dwell upon the fact that my classic, designer outfit was ruined -the least of my worries as I stood before the mob with my dress wide open and my breasts exposed with only my flimsy thong providing any modesty.

The roar from the crowd was deafening as the second biker grabbed the waist-band of my panties. I tried in vain to stop him but the leader gripped my arms and held them firmly at my side. My squeals of objection seemed only to encourage the second biker and after jokingly gaining approval for what he was about to do from the rabble, he simply yanked the flimsy waistband and wrenched the ripped G-string away from my body to give everyone in the bar an uninterrupted view of my perfectly manicured pussy. Meanwhile, whatever it was in the take had now taken a serious hold and I lost balance, ending up on all fours on the stage.

The front row of bikers, getting in on the act, hurled their beers all over me, the sticky mess ruining my freshly done hair and combining with the filth on the floor to leave me filthy dirty and matted, scrambling on the ground.

I heard a clunk and, glancing upwards through my hazed eyes, I could make out the leader and his friend removing their boots and jeans enthusiastically. I wanted to try to make a run for the door but by limbs were like lead and my sense of co-ordination and balance had gone completely.

The situation was as out of control as myself as I seemed to drift in and out of consciousness. I can dimly recall the leader and his companion fondling and kneading my breasts, my own hands being clamped around hard flesh and uninvited horny fingers being pushed deep into me as well as a few stinging slaps on my exposed bottom to rapturous applause and cheers. There seemed to be quite a few more than two of these thugs on the stage by the time I could focus no more and mercifully ****** amid the cacophony and mayhem, the last sketchy image I recall was of the leader pinning my helpless arms to the dusty floorboards, while his foul friend was rubbing his stinking member into my face. I felt hard thrusting into my helpless, tingling body, though I could not swear to this and suppose I could have been hallucinating. I could feel a rocking which seemed to go on forever and a smile crossed my lips as I sank into a deep relax.

"Miss, miss," I came to groggily in a strange, spinning room. Panic-stricken, I looked up at Mickey.


" place, darlin'," he said. "You ****** so I got you a lift home from the pub."

With some trepidation, I lifted the covers to see my open, buttonless, tattered dress and my panties thankfully on but inside out.

"I must go," I said and shakily made my way to my feet. My shoes must have been lost along the way and I made to leave somewhat unsteadily.

"Aren't you forgetting something, miss?" I looked at him quizzically.

"This!" And he handed me the disc as nausea and headache overcame me.

"Thanks," I managed.

"That's the one you asked for," he grinned. "But of course I have a couple of copies."


"See you next time, miss," said my tormentor, "I'll be in touch."

"You bastard," I replied, just wanting to get home and with no energy to argue with him.

As I walked down the path to my car, the urchins were there again.

"Oooh-ooh! Look at her tits!" As my dress hung open, torn and tattered upon my grimy, sticky skin. All I wanted to do was to get home and bath.

"Oh, Shut up!" I turned, irritated, on them, and got into my car.

"Oooh-ooh!" They replied.


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A Surprise for John

For years my girlfriend Michelle and I have a normal, healthy sexual relationship. Don't get me wrong we have always tried new things and very often things get kinky in the bedroom but we never do anything that you would call "wild" in the bedroom. I don't mind at all that she is the dominant one in the bedroom, I kind of enjoy letting her be the aggressor. How can I refuse to let her be kinky with such a petite tight body as hers? But I never knew how dominant she could be until the other night.

I came home from and set my things down on the kitchen table. Michelle was in standing in the kitchen in her big terry bath robe. I walked over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi baby," she said as she turned around to greet me. "How was your day?"

"Same as usual," I replied." I'm going to jump in the shower."

"Ok, when you get out of the shower I have a surprise for you."

"Oh, really, care to give me hint?"

"Now John, baby you know better than to ask me that, you can wait and find out later." She replied with a sly grin on her face.

I smiled back, gave her a quick kiss and went off to take my shower. I took my time in the shower enjoying the heat from the water. I kept thinking of what surprise Michelle could have in store for me. With her it could a number of things, she always comes up with some good surprises, like the time I came home and found dressed in a latex bodysuit... That's another story though.

I came out of the bathroom and made my way back to the kitchen, still drying myself off with a towel and naked, to see if Michelle was going to tell me what her surprise was.

"So, are you going to tell me what my surprise is now?" I asked as I walked up to her.

She turned around with a smile on her face. "On your knees and I'll show you." She said.

I was a little reluctant at first, but I did drop to my knees in front of her. She untied the sash on her robe and let it drop to the floor. I knelt in front of her in shock, Michelle had on an 8 inch strap on. Her petite body made it larger than it actually was. She stood in front of me for a moment with her hands on her hips and a broad smile on her face.

"Surprise baby, "she giggled, "now, I want to see you suck my cock."

Before I could protest, she grabbed the back of my head with her hands and pushed her strap on into my mouth. My muffled voice didn't stop her from pressing deeper into my mouth.

"Come baby, suck my cock," she moaned. "I want to see you take it all in your mouth."

I was still in shock and trying to pull my head back but she held my head in place as she moved her cock in and out of my mouth. I had no choice left but to do what she told me to do.

"You look so hot baby with my cock in your mouth, suck it, suck it for me baby." She moaned.

I slowly started to suck on her cock as it slid in and out. I really wasn't getting turned on by sucking her cock but I was getting turned on knowing she was getting excited seeing me sucking on her. It took me a couple of minutes to get the used to something that big sliding in and out of mouth, but once I did I noticed, as well as Michelle that my own cock was getting hard. I began sucking more and without encouragement from her I began taking more of her cock into my mouth.

"Oh, baby, I knew you would like this, you are doing so well! You're making me wet!" she said as she started moving her hips faster.

Pretty soon she had most of her cock in my mouth and I was sucking on it hard. I had to admit it was different but I was starting to get into this.

"That's it baby suck daddy's cock." She moaned out.

After sucking her cock for about 10 minutes she pulled my head back and slid her cock out of my mouth. She told me to stand up and led me to the bedroom where she had be lay down on my back with my ass near the edge of the bed. By this time I was so horny that I didn't even stop her as she moved between my legs and rubbed her faux cock against my ass. It wasn't the first time she had played with my ass. Usually during sex she has fingered my ass. I like the feel of having her fingering my ass so I was kind of prepared for this, or at least I thought I was.

"Are you ready for daddy's cock?" She asked me as she rubbed so lube on her cock.

All I could do is nod as I watched her rubbing her cock against my ass.

"Answer me! Are you ready for daddy's big cock?" She demanded.

"Yes," I muttered.

She pressed the tip of her cock into my ass just slightly. "Doesn't sound like it to me, say it like you mean it."

"Yes," I said louder.

"Yes what?" She asked.

"Yes daddy I'm ready for you cock."

"Are you sure about that baby?" Michelle questioned. "Because there is more that goes with this?"

"Like what?"

"Just answer my question. I'll tell you everything once you answer my question." She pressed just a little further in.

I was so hard and horny that right now I would be willing to do anything she told me to do just so I could be able to cum. "Yes daddy I'm sure, I'm ready for anything." I moaned out.

"Good! Now take this." She said as she pushed her cock all the way into my ass, it made me yell out in pleasure. It was a first for me to do this with her but it felt so good. In seconds she had set a steady pace and was fucking my ass with deep long strokes.

"Yes, that's it, take all of daddy's cock, I just knew you would love this bitch."

Between the thrusts I looked up at her. It was the first time I had ever heard her talk this and it was the first time I had her call me a name like that. I couldn't help but admire her petite body moving back and forth as she fucked my ass. Her large tits bounced with each thrust and a soft came from her. She was getting turned on just as much as I was.

She looked down at me with a curious look on her. "You like my big cock fucking you bitch?"

"Yes, I love it." I moaned back, "but baby why do you keep calling me bitch, you..."

"Because that is what you are now." She shoved her cock in even deeper. "I told you there was more to this, well from now on you're my bitch, in every sense of the word. From this moment on you are the one that is going to be getting fucked, not me."


"Oh are we having second thoughts now? Tell you what, if you don't want to keep going just say so, I'll stop but if you do want to keep going then fine."

I tried to clear my mind and try to think straight. It was not easy with her fucking me so deep and hard. It felt so good that I was having a hard time wanting her to stop but I was worried about what she had planned. What if this was too wild for me? What if she decides to have me do things that I have never done before and never wanted to do. I just couldn't make up my mind.

"You have 10 seconds to decide bitch," she said as she started fucking me harder. Make up your mind, all you have to do is say the word and I will stop. If not you are going to have to accept what ever happens."

I opened my mouth to say something but all that came out was a moan. She began to count down and I kept trying to tell her what I wanted.

" feels too good for you..."

"Wait a second, let's talk about this, please."

"7...just say the word and I'll stop bitch..."

"Michelle...please stop, I can't think!"

"6...come on, just say so..."

She grabbed my legs and raised them up as she started ramming her cock in harder and deeper into my ass, making me moan even louder. I could feel every inch of her cock sliding in and out of my ass. I never felt something this good before.

"5...listen to yourself bitch, you sound like a fucking slut, you want this too much to stop me..."

"Please Michelle wait." I panted out.

"'re going to love being my bitch so much that you're going to bend over and beg me to fuck this tight ass all the time...."

"This is so unfair Michelle."

"3...come on, time is running out. Stop laying there on your back getting fucked like a cheap whore and stop me bitch....:"

"M-Michelle I..." aren't going to stop me, just look you're taking all of my cock already..."

I muttered away but couldn't get the word "STOP" to come out of my mouth. I knew I was in for it but it felt so good and Michelle looked so hot fucking my ass.

"1...quick bitch say the word, it's just one little word but you can't say it because you are getting off on me fucking your ass..."

Without my knowing it I had started to move my hips and press against her as she rammed her cock into my ass. "Come on John, just say the word, don't let this get out of hand. Think, you can do this and stop her." I kept thinking to myself.

"0...time is up bitch! You're mine now!"

With that she pulled my legs up higher and buried her cock deep in my ass, making me cum so hard all over myself. Cum kept shooting out of my cock for the longest time.

She leaned down and gave me a deep kiss. "My little fucking whore loved daddy fucking her, didn't she?"

I smiled at her and kissed her back.



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Ever since the night that Michelle used her cock to fuck me, our relationship has been different. She's now in charge of my life and I do whatever she tells me to do.

Like last night after dinner, we were sitting on the couch watching TV when Michelle pulled open her robe and looked over at me with a big smile on her face. She was wearing her strap-on which she wears regularly when we are at home alone.

"Get over here bitch and suck daddy's cock." She said in stern tone.

I slid across the couch and lowered my mouth down on her cock. I slowly let it slide past my lips as I tried to take all of it in. Michelle has made me suck her cock a lot lately so I'm getting better at taking all of it into my mouth.

For about 10 minutes I sucked on her cock while she watched me and made comments about how good I was at sucking her cock. She pushed her cock up into my mouth deeper trying to make me swallow her cock. Then she pushed me away and stood up.

"Bend over the back of the couch bitch. I want to fuck that ass."

I knelt on the cushions and rested my arms on the back of the couch. She came up behind me and without hesitation pushed her cock all the way into my ass. I gasped out loud as I felt her 8 inch cock fill me.

She pulled her cock back and thrust it back in even harder. "Damn bitch I love fucking this ass!" She said. "But I bet not as much as you do, isn't that right bitch?"

"Y-y-yes daddy, I love being fucked by your cock."

"My, my, what a fucking slut you're becoming bitch." She said as she grabbed my hips and started to fuck me harder and faster.

I started moaning louder as I got closer to cumming. She sensed this and rammed her cock deep into my ass over and over. She reached down with her hand and pulled my cock down and back so that I wouldn't cum on the couch. I arched my back and pushed back against her as I cum started shooting out of my cock. I felt my warm cum hitting the back of calves and feet.

She waited until I was finished and pulled her cock out quickly.

"Now go get cleaned up bitch and get to bed."

"Yes daddy." I said as quickly got off the couch and went off to clean myself up.

The next morning I got up and got ready for work. My car was in the shop getting some work done on it so Michelle had to take me.

As we pulled up to the front door of my office building Michelle looked over at me. She had that look in her eyes again.

"I'll pick you up at 5 o'clock bitch, don't be late."

"Yes daddy." I said as I opened the car and stepped out.

I closed the door and began to head to the door.

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you." She said through the open car window. "I have another surprise for you."

Before I could respond to that, the window went up and she drove off.

All day long I wondered about her surprise for me. That last surprise turned me into her bitch. I had no idea what the new surprise was going to be. I had a difficultly all day long focusing on my work.

I kept watching the clock and hoping that it would be 5 PM soon so I could get this over with. It was only 2 PM and already I was going crazy trying to think of what the surprise was. It could be anything, knowing Michelle it would be something else I would never imagine in my entire life.

At 5 PM I grabbed my things and head out the door. Just as I stepped out of the building I saw Michelle pull into the parking lot. I made my way down to the curb, she pulled up and as I stepped up to the car I noticed she was wearing her long jacket. It was chilly outside so I didn't think much about it as I got into the car.

She drove off and exited the parking without saying much to me. It was just the usual small talk nothing that hinted at what her surprise was.

We were half home when she turned into the parking lot of a grocery store and maneuvered her around to the far side of the parking lot.

"What are we doing here?" I asked as I looked around trying to find the answer.

"I stopped here so I could give you your surprise."

She pulled open her jacket to reveal a black latex bodysuit and her strap-on, but this time her cock looked bigger.

She reached down and held it up. "Surprise! I bought a new one for you."

I quickly noticed that it was 12 inches and a little thicker than her other one. It was also a dark blue instead of the red.

Without saying a word I leaned over and started sucking on her cock. I don't know why but I just wanted to get that big thing in my mouth.

"Oh cuckolds brownie! You fucking bitch, look at you, you cocksucker! You're so eager to suck daddy's cock, aren't you?"

A muffled yes came out of me as I tried to take more into my mouth. It was thicker so I had to open my mouth wider and work harder to get more of it into my mouth.

I have no idea why I was so eager to suck on her cock. Something about the size of it thrilled me. I just had to suck on it. Maybe it was because I really wanted to please her and keep her happy by doing whatever she wanted. I don't know but I kept sucking, taking more and more in.

She soon pulled my head back. "We don't have much time bitch so get those clothes off."

I quickly took off my pants and shirt while Michelle moved her seat back and titled the steering wheel up to make more room.

"Good bitch, now come over here and ride daddy's cock."

I maneuvered over to her and with my back to her I straddled her. I reached down and held her cock in my hand, guiding it to my ass. I lowered myself down and felt the tip slide into my ass. It was thicker and I could feel it stretch my ass more than her other one.

She grabbed my hips. "Stop wasting time bitch." She pulled me all the way down on her cock. I moaned out and grabbed the steering wheel.

I started to lift myself up, but she quickly pulled my back down. "Where are you going bitch? I told you to ride daddy's cock. Now do it!"

"Y-y-yes daddy." Her cock was filling me up so much I could barely speak.

I started slowly riding her cock but the feeling soon got to me and I started to really fuck myself.

"That's it bitch, fuck yourself good on daddy's cock. You're getting good at this." She raised her hips each time I pushed down on her cock, sending it in deeper and harder into me.

I held on to the steering wheel and kept fucking myself but I knew it wouldn't be long before I started to cum. I had to admit, her cock did feel good in me.

I started to feel her legs trembling and knew that she was about to have a strong orgasm. I rode her cock even faster, trying to make myself cum. Within seconds we both moaning really loud.

Michelle reached around and stroked my cock as her orgasm struck her. "Cum for daddy, bitch. Do it! CUM!"

I did just that and started cumming all over the steering wheel and dash board.

"That's it! CUM you fucking whore."

"Oh my God! That felt really good, didn't it bitch? You really liked it."

"Yes daddy, it did."

"Gawd, I love this new cock. It made me cum too." She said.

I slowly slid myself off her cock and fell back over onto my seat. Breathing heavy and feeling drained.

It took a few minutes to catch our breathes, then I got my clothes back on and Michelle closed her jacket.

She leaned over and gave me a deep kiss. "You're becoming exactly what I want you to become."

"And what exactly is that?"

"A fucking whore, you bitch." She gave me another deep kiss. "You have more surprises to come before I'm finished with you."

She leaned back, repositioned her seat and the steering wheel. As she started the car she looked over at me with that famous smile on her face. "By the time I'm finished with you, you will know exactly why I make you call me daddy."

With that said she drove out the parking lot and on the ride home all I could do is sit there and think about what she had said. What other surprises did she have in store for me? What is her plan?

I have no idea but I'm just going to go along for ride and find out as we go along.


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It's been months since my relationship with Michelle changed drastically. She now was in control of pretty much everything I did, I mean everything. I do all the cleaning, laundry, dishes, and she now has complete control of the bank account. She doesn't do anything except cook since, I have no idea how to cook.

Do I wish I never let any of this happen? Sometimes, I wish I didn't but what can I do now? Michelle is in control and I have to except it now.

Michelle does keep me on my toes and she always has a surprise for me when I least expect it. She keeps taking things between us further and further. She has taken things to the point where I am only allowed to cum when she says I can and as of a couple months ago when I do cum she makes me eat my own cum.

Just the other night I had a gotten home from work, taken a shower, set the dinner table for us, served Michelle her food , put my food on my plate and was about to sit down when Michelle stood up walked around behind, made me bend over, pulled up her skirt and rammed her fucking big cock right up my ass before I could say anything.

"God, your ass feels good bitch." She said as she started fucking me harder.

I could feel my cock hitting the food on my plate every time she pushed that big cock of hers into me.

She grabbed my hips and started fucking me even harder.

I know what her rule is, I am not allowed to cum unless she allows me. So I placed both my hands and on the table and tried not to think how deep or big her cock felt in me.

"MMM...bitch I love fucking this ass." She reached down and grabbed my cock. "I am so horny bitch, I want to see you cum on your food."

She kept fucking my ass and stroking my cock. I was moaning and pushing back on her cock. "God, fuck me please daddy!"

She pulled her cock back and shoved the whole thing back into me. It felt like her cock was going to come out of my mouth it was in me so deep.

She stroked harder, "Come on bitch cum for daddy, my dinner is getting cold."

I started moaning louder and felt the cum start shooting from my cock straight on top of my food.

"Oh yes bitch! That's it cover your food." She kept stroking my cock hard. I felt her body behind me shivering. I knew that she had just cum to.

Michelle always does cum when she fucks me.

She slowly pulled her massive cock from my ass and went around to the other side of the table. She just grinned at me and we both sat down.

I looked down at my plate and saw that my cum had covered most of the food .

"Well? Don't just stare at your food, you fucking stupid whore, eat it!"

I couldn't argue with her, it would have done me no good. I slowly started eating my food, it was the first time I had tasted my own cum, especially tasting it on my food. I stirred it around a bit trying to mix it in with the food better.

"Look bitch, just eat it, stop playing with your food." Michelle told me.

I did as she told me and began eating the food.

She sat back and watched me. Her left hand dropped below the table and out of sight, but I knew she was playing with herself as she watched me.

I was almost done with my food and looked over at her. I could tell she was close to cumming. "Enjoying your dinner bitch? I am going to make you eat your own cum more often now."

I tried to find the right words to say, "Michelle can we talk about this. I really didn't think this would go this far."

"Oh really? How far did you think it would go?"

"I thought this would be more of a game."

"A game? This is not a game bitch, this is how it is now and I haven't seen making any really attempt to stop me. I mean just look what you just ate, did you really put any kind of argument about not wanting to eating your own cum? No! you just about finished eating all of it. This will be going a lot further than you would ever want and there is not a damn thing you can fucking do about it bitch. Do you know why?"

I shook my head.

"Because I own you now. You are my fucking bitch and I'm the one that does the fucking around here, not you."

"I know Michelle, but..."

"But nothing, you enjoy it just as much as I do. You love me fucking your ass and for months now you have been my whore and fucking cocksucker."

This would keep going unless I stood up for myself and did something now. "I know Michelle but..."

Before I could finish my sentence she leaned back further pulled her cock up so I could see it above the table.

"I really think..." I got up and walked over to her, dropped to my knees and held her cock my in my hand as I started sucking.

"You think what? You fucking cocksucker!"

"I think...' I couldn't finish my sentence because I had her cock deep in my mouth.

I kept sucking for a few minutes before I felt Michelle grab the back of my head and shove her cock further into my mouth. I could feel her shaking and hear her moans as started to have a strong orgasm.

For the past months the only way Michelle cums is when she is either fucking me or I am sucking her cock. I haven't been allowed to lick her pussy, fuck her and I can barely even touch her.

I thought that there wasn't much more I could be surprised with but weeks later, Michelle surprised me a few weeks later with another one of her surprise.

I came home from work on a Friday evening and went through my usual routine before my shower. Everything seemed normal and Michelle hadn't given me any indication of what she had planned for the evening.

I came out of the bathroom to find lingerie and clothes lying on the bed. Michelle was sitting on the edge of the bed, dressed in a black corset, black thong, black stocking and platform heels.

"Good you done bitch, come over here and try these on."

I couldn't help but stare at the clothes and at Michelle. I didn't know if she was joking or not, but she really couldn't serious about this. There was no way I was going to wear woman's clothes.

"Are you serious? You want me to wear this stuff?" I asked as I picked up a bra and held it in front of me.

"Yes I am serious and we are not going to have another argument about this are we?"

"I think we should talk about this."

Michelle jumped off the bed. "You fucking stupid bitch! This isn't a request! I am telling you to try those on."

I was taken back because I hadn't heard Michelle raise her voice at me like that in a long time.

"Now are you going to try them on or do I have to make you?"

I didn't know what to do. I had never done anything like this before. I never once in my life thought about wearing women's clothes. This was something completely new to me.

Before I could answer her, Michelle turned and left the room. I thought it was over and she would be mad at me the rest of the night. Probably the whole weekend and I would be paying for it also. I stood there by the bed and stared at the clothes.

I was wrong she walked back into the room moments later, her cock hanging down between her long legs, but this wasn't the same cock, it was longer and little bit fatter than the one she normal has.

As usual , I walked over and automatically dropped to me knees and began sucking on her cock.

"MMM....that's better, now I don't have to hear you complaining or trying to argue with me bitch." She said as she watched me madly sucking her huge cock. "I'll make you deal if you can take all of my cock without making a single sound or cumming. You won't have to wear the clothes, but if you don't then you will wear whatever I want you to wear for the whole weekend."

I looked at her as I took more of her cock into mouth.

"Now, let's see if you can take it."

She grabbed me hair and pulled me up to my feet. She pulled me over to the bed, bent me over the end and shoved my head down into the clothes.

"I just love this cute ass," she said as she rubbed her cock against my ass. "Now remember not even a peep or a moan from you bitch."

She started to push the tip of her cock into my ass. I could already feel that it was thicker. Slowly inch by inch she pushed deeper into my ass.

"Fuck! This feels good bitch." She said as she grabbed my hips. "Almost half way in."

I started grabbing at the bed and biting my lower lip trying not make a single sound. I could feel her cock moving deeper into my ass.

My face was pressed down into clothes. Smelling the scent of the lingerie was not helping me. It was going to be really hard not to make any noise.

"Oh come on bitch, you want to moan don't you?" Michelle said as she leaned forward driving her cock even further into me. She picked up a pair of red thongs and held them in front of my face. "God, your ass would look so good in these. "

I knew what she trying to do to me, but I kept my cool and bite my lip. So far I hadn't made a single peep.

"Damn, almost there bitch, can you taste daddy's cock yet?" She asked me as she pushed her cock in deeper. It was filling me up so much. I kept hoping that there wasn't more because I couldn't take much more without making a sound.

Michelle slid her cock back almost all the way out and held it there it for a moment. "Hold on bitch, this going to make you beg me to wear those clothes."

She shoved her cock back into me hard.

I almost jumped and let out a loud gasp. I couldn't help it, it felt so good.

Michelle laughed, "That's it my fucking bitch. I am going to love dressing you up to look what you really are."

She gripped my hips harder and fucked me with the whole length of her huge cock until she came. Her final thrust buried her cock all the way into my ass and felt like she going through me.

Needless to say I spent the whole weekend dressed like a slut in tight, very short clothes while Michelle kept telling me how hot I looked or how I looked like a real bitch now.

My weekend ended with Michelle walking up behind me while I was doing the dishes. She pulled up the back of my skirt and rubbed my ass for a few minutes. Then she pushed me up against the counter and shoved her huge cock slowly all the way into me.

Her cock went all the way into me and I felt her body pressed against me. She leaned forward and whispered into my ear.

"How does it feel to be impaled on my cock bitch?"

I felt her body shivering as she came.


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Finally, Friday afternoon had arrived. My neighbors left Friday morning for a two week vacation, and had left me a key so that I could keep an eye on the house. I have been living next to Joe and Kathy for three years, and have gotten to know them quite well. They have two youngren: Larry, 19, who is a freshman at the state university in a neighboring city; and Kate, 21, a senior at a private university in an adjoining state.

I am a 27 year old single male. While I have dated a number of women, I was not at the time seeing anyone with any regularity. All the more reamister for my excitement of two weeks with access to Joe and Kathy’s house. I have developed a strong interest in wearing women’s lingerie, and I was looking forward to exploring Kathy’s collection, which I understood from Joe, during a few evenings of “guys nights out,” was quite extensive.

I was distracted all day Friday at work – fighting erection after erection as I fantasized about what I might find in Kathy’s drawers and closet. The day was finally over. I arrived home, showered, grabbed a few videos, and a chilled bottle of white wine, and walked next door.

I let myself into the house. I immediately went to the family room, where there was a state of the art video and sound system, including a large screen television. I left that evenings video entertainment in front of the TV, and proceeded to the kitchen, where I placed the wine in the refrigerator.

Excited beyond belief, and already sporting a growing erection, I climbed the stairs to the master bedroom. I immediately went to Kathy’s dresser. Mmmmmmmmmmm. Two large drawers full of silk bras, panties, camisoles, and stockings. I ran my fingers through them, bringing a few up to my face to smell and rub.

After a careful review of my findings, I selected a nice pair of white silk panties, a matching bra, and a light blue camisole. Standing in front of the full length mirror in the room, I stripped off my clothes and slowly pulled on my new outfit. As I put on the bra, my nipples hardened at the feel of silk. My cock stretched against the panties as I pulled them on. I looked at myself in the mirror. Not bad, I thought. But it needed something else. A pair of silk stockings. I was careful to take an unopened package – making a note to myself that I should replace them before Joe and Kathy returned.

Feeling sexy, dirty, erotic, kinky, and aroused, I went downstairs to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of wine. I returned to the family room with my glass of wine and the bottle, and looked over my video selections.

I settled on a recent release where a woman encourages her man to experiment with bi sex, and to become a slave to her and her new boyfriend. I have always been intrigued by what it would be like to be with another man – particularly what it would be like to feel the weight and warmth of another man’s cock in my hands, on my face, and in my mouth. And I am even a bit curious about receiving anal penetration, as I love being fingered. I confided to two women who I dated long enough to build up some trust that I was interested in being fingered and spanked – while they obliged me, neither was particularly enthusiastic and I find it less exciting then I had hoped. I still fantasize about finding the perfect partner who will fulfill these and other fantasies.

I popped the video into the machine, took a nice long sip of wine, and began to watch. The movie was great – not much plot, but lots of wonderful slow erotic and explicit sex, including some great male-male scenes, and a wonderful scene where the male protagonist was placed over the other male’s lap, spanked and fingered.

I was very content, stretched out on the sofa, takeing wine, and slowly stroking my panty-encased cock.

About ½ hour into the film, when I was feeling comfortable and relaxed, I heard the front door to the house open. The family room was very close to the front hall, and anyone entering was sure to hear the television. I jumped up from the sofa, convinced that the house was being robbed, and wondering how I was going to explain to the police what I was doing at the house dressed as I was. As these and other thoughts raced through my mind, footsteps approached the family room and in walked Larry.

“What the hell……..” exclaimed Larry, as he took in me and the video playing on the large screen. “Who are you and what are you doing in my house?” he demanded.

“Um, Larry, I am sorry, it is me, Ben, from next door.” I replied, having a hard time looking into his face, and wanting to melt through the floor.

Larry stared at me, and then at the TV, then back at me – his eyes scanning my outfit. All of a sudden his eyes widened a bit: “Are you wearing my lady’s clothes??” he demanded.

“Yes,” I replied softly, still not looking at him. I started to look for the remote to turn off the TV, which now was showing two men in a deep sixty nine, while the woman alternated fingering each ass. Despite my embarrassment, I was still a bit aroused and hard.

Larry stared at me, and moved a bit towards me. “This really turns you on, doesn’t it?” he asked, waving his arm at the TV and me. “You like wearing women’s underwear don’t you?”

I looked up at Larry. “Look, Larry, I know this looks really bad. I am really really sorry. Why don’t we just forget this ever happened?” I began to move towards the stairs leading upstairs to the bedroom to get my clothes.

“Answer me,” Larry said a bit more powerfully. “You get off on wearing my lady’s underwear, don’t you?”

“Please Larry…..” I was frozen, not sure what to do.

Larry walked over to me, a bit more confident than when he first entered the room.

After looking me over some more, he said that he thought we might be able to have some mutual fun – and that if I cooperated he would not tell his parents what I was doing in their absence.

I looked at Larry. He was a mature 19. Self-assured, smart, and physically trim as he worked out regularly. He was just 6 ft tall, about 170 pounds, dirty blonde hair and green eyes. I was not sure if I found him attractive or not – I am not sure what man I would find attractive, never really going beyond thinking of playing with another man without much attention to “type” he might be.

I searched Larry’s eyes, looking for a sign for what he was thinking, and asked what he meant by cooperate.

“Well,” he said, “if you do as I instruct you, your little secret will be safe with me. I have no desire to do something you will not like – but I think you have demonstrated that you are at least curious about many of the things that intrigue me.”

I looked at him, my heart pounding, not sure if I was excited, scared, or something in between. My cock twitched a bit, rubbing against the smooth silk panties. The moans from the TV, as the cocks exploded in each of the men’s mouths, distracted me.

Larry walked up to me, and looked down at my cock. “Yes, I see that this does excite you.”

He was very close to me – he placed his hand on my panty covered ass, and gave my cheek a nice little smack.

“Do we have a deal?” he asked. His voice was much more confident then when he first entered the room.

“Well?” he said as I hesitated, his hand caressing my ass, then smacking my other cheek.

“Yes,” I mumred.

He smacked my ass harder then. “I did not hear you! What did you say?”

I looked at him, and said, “Yes, we have a deal.”

“Good,” he said.

“Now I want you to face the TV and watch while I put my things away. You are not to touch your cock, but you are to play with your nipples – lightly rubbing them, and pinching them. Do you understand?” As he instructed me, his hand rubbed my ass, exploring my cheeks and crack.

I nodded.


“Yes,” I quickly said.


I turned and watched the television. The woman was giving the main character a blowjob, while he tongued the other man. My hands caressed my nipples through the soft silk. I became engrossed in the movie. Watching the three bodies intertwine, imagining I was part of them. My nipples became hard, as I rubbed and pinched them. My cock was so hard now – I could feel it rub against the panties. I so wanted to touch it. I felt so close to cumming.

I heard Larry return. “Ok Brian,” he said, “now turn around.”

“My name is Ben,” I said, as I slowly turned around, my hands on my nipples, my cock projecting out in his lady’s panties.

As I faced Larry, I saw he had a digital video camera and was filming my every move.

He giggled, “Oh yes, you are Ben from next door. Sorry, I forgot.”

I stared at him. “What are you doing?”

“No need to worry, just a little insurance. No one will see this without your permission, so long as you keep your side of our little bargain. I see you are quite aroused. Let’s see you take out and play with your cock now.”

As I pause, he says, “Well, unless you want me to send this to a select group of friends…..”

I blush, and say “Ok, just give me a minute, this is a bit new for me.”

He smiles and nods.

My hands move down to my waist. I close my eyes, averting them from the camera. I pull the panties down and release my cock from the panties. My hand lightly takes hold of my cock. I moan softly – it feels so good. I am so aroused.

“Mmmmmmm,” Larry says. “That looks nice. How does your cock feel, Ben?”

“Very nice,” I whisper.

“I can’t hear you,” he says.

Louder, I say that it feels really nice.

“Do you want to touch my cock?”

I open my eyes a bit and look at him. He has unzipped his pants, and his smooth, 7 inch cock is sticking out. I stare at it.

“Oh yes,” I say as I moan, and stroke myself.

“Yes what?”

“Oh yes, I want to touch your cock. I want to suck your cock. I want to swallow your cum.” I say shamelessly, abandoning my self as I stroke my cock faster and faster.

I can feel my orgasm approaching. I am on tip toes now. The sound of the movie behind me. Larry’s erect cock in front of me. I stroke harder and harder, and moan as I cum in my hand, and on the floor.

“Very very nice,” says Larry, the camera catching my orgasm.

“Now rub your cum on your lips, your face, for me.”

I move my hand up to my face. The smell of my cum is strong. I rub it on my lips – it is warm, sticky, a bit salty. And rub it on my cheeks.

“Good,” he says – moving closer to me, to get a good picture of my cum on my face.

I sigh, and smile at the camera and Larry.



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As Larry circled me with the camera, I could feel the cum drying on my face. I felt so excited and dirty – all of my desires, which I had been so afraid of for so long, were now being realized.

Larry stopped taping me, stepped back, and looked at me.

“Man are you a sight.” He said. I blushed.

“Now come over here right now!” He ordered. He was now sitting on the couch. I immediately walked over to him, standing in front of him. My limp cock twitching a bit, cum drying on my chest and face.

Larry grabbed my hand and pulled me over his lap. I could feel that he was getting aroused by our little game – his erection was resting against my stomach.

He caressed my ass cheeks a bit, then slapped me on my left cheek.

“My lady would insist that you be punished for stealing her lingerie.”

He continued to spank me – first one cheek, then the other. His strokes were getting harder. At first it felt great and exciting. Then the pain grew to take over, slowly shifting to a dull warm glow. I was so aroused. Tears were beginning to form in my eyes, but I would not have him stop!

He slowed down, and his slaps became more like strokes. He began to caress my ass cheeks, feeling their warmth. I could feel his cock against me now, quite hard. His fingers began to play with my crack – running up and down lightly at first, then focusing on my hole.

“You like this, don’t you Ben?”

“Oh god yes,” I gasped.

His fingers focused around my hole now. He took his hand and brought it to my face, sticking his index and middle fingers into my mouth. I sucked at them hungrily.

‘That’s right Ben, get my fingers nice and wet.”

He took them out of my mouth, and began to probe my hole with his fingers. Slowly he entered me. It felt great – the sting on my cheeks combined with the penetration nearly set me off.

“Mmmmmm, you do like this don’t you Ben?”

“Oh yes Larry, please continue.”

“Continue what?” He asked as his fingers stopped.

“Ohhhhh, continue fingering my ass, fucking my ass, doing whatever you want with my ass…..”

Larry laughed. “You are a little slut aren’t you?”

“Yes,” I said, resigning myself to him.

His fingers went back to probing me. Now two, moving in and out. I was so aroused.

All of a sudden he pushed me off of his lap, and stood above me.

I looked up at him. He smiled, and began to unzip his pants. Halfway down he stopped. “You do it,” he commanded.

I moved close to him, down on my knees.

I could see his cock bulging inside his pants. I unzipped his pants, feeling his hard cock straining to get out.

I pulled his pants down, exposing his briefs. His cock was so hard it was sticking out the top.

My hand lightly strokes his length, up to his exposed head. My face is close to his cock – I can smell him, and feel his heat.

I reach up and pull his briefs down. His cock springs out, towering above my face.

I pull his briefs off, then run my hands up his legs to his ass. I feel the weight of each cheek in my hands.

My mouth moves towards his cock. Larry has placed his hands on my head, and slowly started to push me towards him. “That’s right,” he whispers,” suck my cock Ben. Show me how much you like to suck cock.”

His voice is different now – I can tell that he is lost in the moment as well – realizing his own fantasy, as I am mine.

My mouth is near his cock now. My hot breath on his shaft and head, as I take in his scent.

I lightly run my tongue up the underside – then hover at the head. My mouth moves over his head – my hot breath now on the tip. My mouth is wide open, as I slowly take him into my mouth. I feel his warm cock move over my lips, onto my tongue, down over my tongue, and slowly towards my throat.

I am looking up at him as he pushes his cock into my mouth. His eyes are closed and he is moaning. His hands are in my hair, gripping my hair and pushing me into him.

His cock is all the way in my mouth now – his balls resting against my chin.

I almost gag, but then recover. He looks down at me and smiles. I try to smile, and begin to move back and forth on his cock. He begins to move as well. Slowly at first, he begins to fuck my mouth. I am in heaven. His cock feels great. It is warm and smooth, as I had imagined. The feel of it moving over my tongue and in to my throat is even better than I had imagined.

My hands continue to caress his ass, as his cock fucks my mouth. My fingers trace up and down his crack, and Larry moans again. My finger finds his hole, and gently probes it. I can feel him tense up. He must be close to cumming. I can taste a bit of precum in my mouth now. My finger moves slowly into his ass – he moans even louder. He grips my head, looks down at me, and starts to push even harder. I grip his ass, one finger still part way into his hole. He throws his head back, both hands on the side of my head, and I feel him begin to cum. Down my throat, in my mouth, and then trickling out of my lips. I try to keep it all in my mouth, but there is too much.

Larry stops moving. My mouth is filled with his cum, and his cock. I continue to lightly suck him, as I feel the cum swirling around his cock in my mouth. He pulls out, and I start to swallow.

Larry lifts me up and smiles at me. “That was a nice start, Ben”

I can still taste his cum in my mouth. He looks at me. “You did not swallow it all Ben, there is still some on your face.”

He then takes his tongue and begins to lick my face, taking up his cum. He then kisses me, pushing his cum into my mouth. I suck in his cum, and play with his tongue. He grasps me to his body, pushing our cocks together.

He breaks away. “Mmmmmmmmmmm, nice kissing Ben. We are going to have a lot of fun.”

I smile back at him. “I hope so Larry.”

“My sister is coming home tomorrow. She loves to see men in sexy underwear.” He smiles and looks at me. “But first, I think we need to get you some of your own clothes. Mom’s are nice, but they don’t fit you well. We have to go shopping.”


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My Wife is a Bitch

Toutes les maimisters dans notre quartier mistert de style ranch, comme c'est
nôtre, ou peut-être pas. Il a véritablement commencé de cette façon
et il attend toujours de cette façon. Ou ce serait si ce n'était pas
pour une plus petite pour que le propriétaire précédent honoré la
maimister avec une mansarde au deuxième étage qui se trouve comme un
bouton au milieu de la maimister, comme une incongruité en tant que
Top Hat sur un adolescent sur sa marche à l'école.

Mais si l'occasion se présente, vous ouvrez la porte. Dans cette
affaire, on a la chance d'acheter la place de la veuve
après avoir été sur le marché pendant plusieurs mois.
Il y avait des spectateurs, mais curieux pas sérieux. En fait,
certains ont même ri. Ils mistert venus, ils ont regardé, ils conduisirent
parti. Nous avons fait une offre ridicule, du moins c'est ce que
le gars de l'immobilier a déclaré qu'il était. Je ne pouvais pas m'empêcher de
pour lui signaler qu'il était ridicule de la recherche
maimister. La veuve a décidé de prendre notre argent ridicule
et nous étions propriétaires de notre première maimister.

La cour était déjà clôturée de tous côtés et nous pensions
l'aise d'avoir Buddy, notre chien, errent dans les arrière-cour.
Nous avons également apprécié la protection dont un berger itinérant
fournis. Lorsque je viens de classer Buddy était un berger, je
Que voulait dire ce d'une manière générale, il était un chien générique qui
regardé comme si dans mister patrimoine génétique les gènes berger avait
la majorité.

S'il avait des défauts, c'est mister extrême gentillesse.
Il était d'avis que le salut était pas une
Salutation s'il n'était pas accompagné par un baiser et un coup de langue
l'ensemble de votre visage. Naturellement, pour accéder à votre visage, il avait
à se lever sur ses pattes arrière, qui fait de lui instable,
Aussi avait-il lui-même doublé face à la chute de l'avant. Le
meilleure façon de le faire, mister cerveau de chien motivé, a été par
mettre ses pattes sur votre épaule. C'était certainement un
la plupart geste amical, mais nous ne nous rencontrions quelques permisternes qui
sentir autrement.

Que faire avec la salle de spectacle sur le dessus de la maimister était
jamais une énigme. Il a juste crié pour être un repaire d'un
ordinateur et quelques autres accessoires, nous les hommes ont besoin dans
notre vie. Il est même en vedette un petit réfrigérateur donc je n'ai pas
ont de hurler à ma femme de m'apporter une bière, ce qui
signifiait aussi qu'elle n'a pas eu à négocier les raides
des mesures contre la cuisine. J'aime ma femme et je ne
veulent à la charge de lui si il ya une autre façon. Ayant une
Frigo je pourrais garder mes proches de la bière à la main là où il

Maintenant que vous avez rencontré ma maimister et mon chien, je veux que vous
de répondre à ma charmante épouse Susan. Parce qu'elle est mince, avec
une tasse B, elle peut être confondue avec un adolescent jusqu'à ce que vous
se rapprochent. Elle a les yeux perpétuellement souriants, bien faite
De longues jambes, et un cul bien timbrée. Ses cheveux châtains
prononce «Je promets d'être une permisterne fun".

Son caractère est le problème. Même si elle peut avoir un
humeur, elle est généralement calme et stable, avec une
exceptionnellement bien développé le sens de l'humour. Dans d'autres
mots, la femme idéale, l'amoureux, le partenaire, et de mister coéquipier.
Alors, quel est le problème?

Malgré tous les éloges que je amoncelées sur Susan, et que
éloge était bien méritée, malgré tout cela, elle est une
chienne. Je ne sais pas s'il ya un lien avec elle
période de chiennerie et ces jours merveilleux que vous les filles
ont tous les mois, ou est-ce une sorte de frustration, ou
juste orneriness qui vit au fond d'elle et doit
sera diffusé à partir de temps en temps.

Tout ce que je peux dire, c'est qu'elle devient presque impossible de
vivre avec jusqu'à ce que je l'ai mise sur mes genoux et lui donner la fessée
comme un enfant turbulent. Après cela, elle est sa douce
aimable, et d'aimer l'auto de nouveau. J'ai lu sur cette
condition sur l'Internet et il semble qu'il y ait
un assez grand nombre de femmes atteintes de cette condition.

L'été dernier, je travaillais sur un projet dans mon antre tout en
Susan était en bas, attendant sans doute pour moi de venir
Down So elle aurait un objet à jeter mister verbales
au venin. Mais je suis resté dans mon havre sûr et éviter
être la victime d'une autre de ses périodes bitchy. Je
pensé qu'il était temps pour une autre fessée, mais je
figuré que je préfère attendre jusqu'à demain.

Il commençait à faire chaud dans la tanière et je suis allé à la
fenêtre pour l'ouvrir et laisser l'air frais entrer Susan était sur
ses mains et ses genoux sur la pelouse, au boulochage mauvaises herbes. Elle
portait mister sarrau court d'habitude, probablement sans soutien-gorge
ou des culottes comme elle en avait l'habitude à la maimister. Ils mistert trop
bornant elle m'avait dit lorsque nous avons commencé à sortir, et je
ne se plaignait jamais.

Soudain, un chien brun peu apparu de nulle part. Il
traîner une corde longue et mince après lui, ce qui n'était probablement
sa laisse. Il courait avec exubérance le long de la
clôture, à travers la pelouse, puis retour à la clôture, même à
Susan pour une visite fugace.

Elle a finalement retenu l'extrémité de la corde et a appelé
lui. Maintenant, il a commencé à courir en rond, sous sa
ventre, puis à mister avant, puis le plus loin qu'il put,
retourner à nouveau. Susan eut bientôt chaîne enroulée autour de mister
mains et ses poignets et quand le chien a fait un dernier run
loin de Susan, il microgranulée la chaîne serré. Je pouvais voir
que maintenant les deux poignets étaient attachés ensemble, et plus
elle a lutté pour se libérer plus la situation
devenus. Le chien brun était fatigué et flac sur
la pelouse, de maintien de la laisse serrée.

Je regarde avec incrédulité et était prêt à courir vers le bas pour aider
elle quand Buddy est venu d'enquêter et de renifler partout
mister arrière où sa robe était allé jusqu'à exposer sa
cul. Elle tortille mister cul à avoir mis sa truffe humide loin, mais
Il était déterminé et sans doute estimé qu'il s'agissait d'une
invitation. Sa sent la chatte doit avoir été accablante
à lui. Il est devenu évident que ses hormones ont commencé
leur danse parce que je pouvais voir les résultats. Son
érection agité sous lui, long, dur et rouge. Je ne
pas croire que cela pourrait se produire, mais il a fait.


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Buddy ses montées et presque tout de suite trouvé mister
cible. Maintenant il était trop tard pour venir à la rescousse.
Tirant le chien loin aurait certainement été un
traumatisante expérience douloureuse, même s'il aurait
Permettez-moi de lui retirer. J'ai donc assisté, impuissante, comme ma femme
a été baisée sur la pelouse en plein jour, je ne pouvais
espérons que permisterne ne viendrait à travers la porte. Tels que
le lecteur de compteur qui était le jour même. J'ai finalement eu un
idée. J'ai attrapé une couverture et a couru en bas.

Heureusement, j'avais encore un peu de mes facultés mentales
de travail et a saisi notre caméra numérique au large de la vie
table de la salle où nous conservons normalement. Je m'approchai de la
Tableau calmement et lentement. Je ne voulais pas de surprendre
le chien. Comme je me suis approché, je pouvais entendre Susan gémissant,
suivi peu après par mister habituel "Oh mon dieu ... Oui, OUI,
TES! "Que j'ai entendu de nombreuses fois. Il s'agit de mister prélude
à l'acte final. Susan a avoir un orgasme. Je restai
cloué sur place pendant une minute quand elle a commencé à nouveau
sur un autre point culminant. Elle avait ses yeux fermés et ne
ne me vois pas prendre de nombreuses images en succession rapide
sous tous les angles.

J'ai compté quatre temps forts, dans l'attente de Buddy à la fin.
Aster de la dernière vague avait disparu et elle est retournée à
réalité, elle a regardé autour et fut mortifié de me voir.
Je me mis à genoux et j'ai essayé de la réconforter, mais
elle était toute broche et le feu comme si l'affaire avait été mon
faute. Je me taisais, démêlées elle, drapée la couverture
sur elle, et puis montaient la garde devant la porte arrière-cour
jusqu'à ce que Buddy se dégagea. Elle le fit de nouveau dans
la maimister en un temps record. Plus tard, sortant de la
salle de bain, elle se précipite dans la chambre pour changer
ses vêtements.

Quand elle est retournée à la salle de séjour, elle m'a accusé d'avoir
étant resté à côté d'elle tout le temps et pas d'aider
elle, peut-être même d'encourager le chien à sa monture. Après
un court moment, j'en avais assez, je lui ai arrachés à mon
genoux et lui a donné une fessée bien méritée, au cours de
où elle a commencé à se calmer. Quand j'ai eu fini
contrit, elle s'agenouilla devant moi sur le tapis et
m'a dit qu'elle était désolée d'avoir été aussi en colère et
méchant et me demanda de lui pardonner. Ce fut le
routine habituelle.

Ayant vu et entendu dire que spiel plusieurs fois avant que je
ne pouvait que lui dire que je l'aimais. Je lui ai tiré vers
moi et nous étreint et embrassé pendant plusieurs minutes. Ensuite, je
lui demanda: «Savez-vous comment Bitchy vous étiez le dernier
trois jours?

"Oui, je sais, j'étais une vraie salope."

"Tu es sûr que l'étaient. Et maintenant, vous êtes aussi un autre genre
de la chienne. Une vraie salope. Une chienne à un chien de berger. Ainsi
à partir de maintenant je peux vous appeler une chienne tout moment si je veux
à, et ce sera bon. "

Je pouvais voir dans mister visage qu'elle était soulagée que je puisse
blague sur l'affaire. Elle n'était pas très bien comment elle
devraient se sentir sur ce qui s'était passé. C'est elle pris la peine
qu'elle avait été baisé par un chien, elle se sentait sale,
maltraités, et souillée, mais ce qui gênait surtout
était qu'elle avait elle jouissait au point d'avoir eu
plusieurs orgasmes.

Il y avait un accord tacite d'écrire ce large comme un
une seule fois se passe et de ne pas en parler. Mais ce
a été difficile parce qu'il y avait un changement très évident
de comportement dans Buddy. De temps en temps il pester
Susan prise à la légère par sa jambe dans sa bouche et non pas
vouloir se laisser aller quand on lui dit. Susan Envoyé eu à utiliser
la power pour l'en déloger.

Il était environ un mois plus tard, après que Susan l'avait eue
Battre mensuel que nous jouions autour de la
salle de séjour. Susan s'était très excité et corné
et me attaquer et nous avons roulé du divan. Elle
retrouvés avec mister cul en l'air et moi doublé
sur sa tête. Elle tortille pour me libérer et je suis sûr
mister cul remué aussi. En tout cas, il semble que Buddy
rappeler que le signal et a sur elle en un éclair. Il
Tout s'est passé si vite que je ne savais même pas qu'il avait
montée elle jusqu'à ce qu'il était mister buttage.

Il n'y avait pas d'issue. Susan à cette époque avait appris
à la dure environ un pénis de chien excité et le «nœud».
Tout ce que je pouvais faire était assis dans mon fauteuil et regardez le
montrer. Je lui ai aussi dit qu'elle pourrait tout aussi bien laisser aller
apprécier. Plus tard, après nettoyage et un peu de repos, elle
admis qu'il était beaucoup mieux que la première fois,
elle a vraiment amusée. Il ya eu une voix dans
la façon dont elle s'est exprimée, qui a laissé entendre que
un autre accès pouvait être bienvenu.

Une semaine passa sans que Buddy comportement odieux et Susan
espérait qu'il avait quitté mister accaparement par la jambe. Mais elle était
faux. Notre voisin Doug, qui est un vétérinaire,
arrêté par mister épouse Julie Samedi après-midi une
pour prendre un verre avant de retourner à mister bureau pour vérifier
un chien avec une maladie rare. Nous étions debout dans le
cuisine en sirotant notre vin quand Buddy a commencé en sur Susan
à nouveau. Il était vraiment déterminée à peser de mister extérieur.
Doug a eu un regard interrogateur sur le visage et ne font pas
un mister. Nous avons finalement délogés Buddy et se retira dans la
Salle de séjour, en fermant la porte derrière nous. Doug avait encore
ce regard étrange sur mister visage pendant qu'il regardait

Enfin, il a demandé: «le chien ne le faire aussi quand il a été
un chiot?

"Oh non", a lâché ma femme, at-il commencé que seuls
environ un mois, une petite demi. Pouvez-vous me dire ce qui est
passe avec le chien?

Doug ne répondit pas tout de suite, juste continué à regarder
Susan. Le silence a pesé très lourd dans l'air jusqu'à ce qu'il
enfin prit la parole. «Je ne connais qu'un seul cas dans mon propre
pratique. Mais il arrive plus souvent qu'on ne le
mais attendez, il n'est pas parlé Bout sauf chez
professionnels. Cela signifie simplement qu'il juge Susan
sa chienne permisternels, qui ne se fait pas sans une
très, très bonne raimister. Pourquoi ne pas nous attendre à plus tard
et je l'attribue à Susan. "


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«Non, je vais expliquer maintenant." Alors je lui dit que la
histoire, mais pas la réaction de Susan. Je pouvais voir dans la gaieté
ses yeux mais il n'osa pas rire. Julie regarda Susan
avec les yeux grands ouverts, des yeux dont les élèves avaient dilaté
considérablement. Ce fut une semaine ou deux plus tard que j'ai trouvé
la raimister pour cela.

Peu de temps après l'explication de Doug Buddy surpris Susan
nouveau dans la salle de séjour alors qu'elle était sur le tapis
regarder sous le canapé. Elle avait laissé tomber mister crayon et
a estimé qu'il avait roulé là-dessous. Buddy a sauté sur
mister dos avec une grande power, qui lui faisait perdre mister
équilibre. Comme elle a essayé de redresser il monta sur elle, mister
garder mister poids de tenir debout. C'était la troisième
temps et cette fois, elle a présenté et ne lutte pas,
Que pouvait-elle faire. Elle hurla pour moi, quoique, à
lui tenir compagnie.

Cette fois, il n'était pas question, Susan s'est bien amusée.
Elle a fait des misters miaulement, elle glapit, gémit-elle.
Comme sa tension est montée, elle dos arqué au Buddy, elle
serrait les poings, elle jeta la tête de droite à
côté. J'ai observé avec étonnement que tout mister corps
ont commencé à trembler, elle respirait fort, mister souffle
À venir en courtes rafales.

Comme mister apogée d'abord monté elle poussa un grand cri,
gémissait puis un court moment avant d'entrer dans sa
routine standard de «Oh mon Dieu ... Oui, OUI, TES», la signalisation
le début de mister apogée. Comme je me tenais à côté d'elle je
pensé que je sentais une présence, il était juste un sentiment de
premier. Et puis, du coin de mon oeil, j'ai vu
certains mouvements. Je me suis retourné et il y avait Julie permanent
à côté de moi. Elle avait sa main droite sous sa jupe, sa
yeux étaient vitreux et sa bouche était partiellement vide, comme elle
pris dans la scène devant elle.

Je ne sais pas combien de temps elle était debout à côté de
moi. Elle tremblait légèrement et je me sentais désolé
pour elle, alors je suis allé dans la cuisine et lui a fixé
vodka martini, sa préférée, pour calmer ses nerfs. Elle
restés sur place, elle n'a pas crié, elle n'a pas quitté la
Devil's Den comme la plupart des femmes l'aurait fait. J'ai commencé à

Quand ce fut terminé et Buddy déchargés, mais était encore
ci-joint, elle alla se mettre à genoux tranquillement à côté de la
Susan épuisés et tendrement caressé les cheveux de mister amie.
Susan était calme pendant quelques minutes, le repos de mister corps.
Quand elle se tourna vers Julie, elle lui sourit et juste
dit: «Salut Julie, ce qu'est une ride. Permettez-moi de reprendre mon souffle
et je vais vous dire comment Buddy m'a obtenu cette fois. "

Une lumière qui se passait dans mon cerveau. Les filles parlent entre elles
l'autre, et d'après ce que je venais d'entendre, Susan doit avoir
Julie dit tout sur sa rencontre avec Buddy sur le
pelouse. Pas étonnant que Julie ne crie pas. Mais pourquoi
elle tellement bouleversée. Ou était-elle bouleversée? Et une autre lumière s'est
sur. Si la lumière qui se passait était correcte, alors il
Ca expliquerait aussi pourquoi Buddy s'est comporté si étrangement quand
Julie a visité hier.

Puis une autre ampoule qui se passait dans mon cerveau lent. Si mon
femme peut être une chienne à Buddy, je ne peux certainement être un
ami, un copain, de Buddy, et l'aider à prendre soin
de ses deux chiennes.


Ps: dsl j'avais plus l'original


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Elaine Hates Me

My name is John. J'ai 37 ans, et ma femme Elaine est
vingt-deux. Lorsque je me suis marié il ya ses trois ans, elle a
un naïf 19 ans aux longs cheveux de flamme rouge, les grands
seins et de longues jambes galbées. J'ai été ravie quand elle
accepté de me marier, malgré la différence d'âge, et j'ai
été très heureux avec elle. Jusqu'à récemment, ce qui est.

Après l'excitation sexuelle initiale s'établit à un
de routine, j'ai commencé à regarder autour sur l'Internet pour
des choses très intéressantes de la nature sexuelle. Je suis devenu
particulièrement intrigué par des histoires au sujet des hommes qui aimaient
l'idée des autres hommes mieux dotés putain de leurs épouses
tandis qu'ils regardaient le faire.

J'ai commencé à imaginer Elaine dans cette position, et cela se
Je suis très excité. Bientôt, il est devenu une obsession. Enfin
quand j'ai provisoirement abordé le sujet avec Elaine, elle
a rejeté l'idée de dégoût, en disant que je serais
reconnaissant elle n'a pas essayé de trouver un plus grand, jeune homme. Si
elle le faisait, elle, j'aurais sans doute regretter d'avoir
commencé le tout. J'aurais tenu compte de cet
avertissement, mais senti assez confiant en moi-même que notre
mariage a pu le supporter.


Elaine et moi, travailler pour un approvisionnement petite papeterie
maimister gérée par une Mme Andrews, a-year-old 45 jamaïcain
femme. La plupart de mister permisternel mistert noirs, Elaine et I étant le
Seuls les employés blancs dans l'entreprise. J'ai travaillé en tant que Sales
Gestionnaire, avec mon secrétaire Sharon et Lenny, et Mme
Fils Andrew qui avait été mis récemment en tant que mon
assistant, afin d'apprendre le métier.

Depuis que le fils de Mme Andermister a commencé à travailler à la
entreprise que j'ai senti qu'il ne m'a pas montré suffisamment de respect.
Je ne sais pas si c'est parce que j'étais blanc, ou
parce qu'il me considérait comme une sorte de mauviette. J'ai plus tard été
pour le savoir.

Mon épouse a travaillé dans le département de la comptabilité, avec deux 17 --
ans, les filles noires dont les noms étaient Amy et Karen.

Chaque jour, Elaine viendrait à mon bureau pour me recueillir,
et nous allons déjeuner ensemble. Depuis Lenny est arrivé,
elle se mit à bavarder avec lui de plus en plus, et ils mistert devenus
very friendly. Je suis sûr que vous avez mis au point par l'entreprise ce qui
était à venir. Malheureusement, je n'ai pas.

Un soir, nous étions assis à regarder la télévision, hors de la
bleu Elaine a dit: «Tout John droite, si vous voulez encore de moi
pour sortir et se faire fourrer par un autre homme, je le ferai.
Toutefois, je ne laisserai pas que vous regardez, vous donner des détails
par la suite. Je persiste à croire cependant que si je vous ferez
le regrette. "À l'époque, je n'avais pas de soins, j'ai été un peu plus
la lune, qu'elle avait accepté de faire ma fantaisie d'un
réalité. Elle m'a dit qu'elle avait rencontré un homme convenable, et
provisoirement accepté de le rencontrer le lendemain soir.

«C'est votre dernière chance de revenir en arrière, John me dit-elle.
«Les choses mai plus jamais la même entre nous après." Je
refusé de revenir en arrière, et la pria d'aller pour elle.

Je pouvais à peine contenir moi-même le lendemain à la pensée
de ma femme jeune et jolie dans les bras d'un autre homme. Je
se demande à quoi il ressemblait, qu'il serait plus grand
que moi et si elle voulait s'amuser.

Quand nous sommes rentrés du travail, Elaine monta tout droit
prendre un bain et se préparer pour mister homme nouveau. Elle est venue
downstairs trois quarts d'heure plus tard, la recherche
absolument étonnants. Elle avait sur ma robe bleu préféré,
qui a accentué mister buste ample, et était assez courte pour
montrent une bonne partie de la cuisse. Sa coiffure et maquillage avait
été fait à merveille, et à ce moment que je voulais vraiment
de baiser moi-même. Je sentais mon angoisse première jalousie à
ce qui allait se passer.

«Je mai être en retard" dit-elle impérieusement, je ne voudrais pas attendre jusqu'à
si j'étais toi. "Sur ce, elle a balayé hors de la porte.

Je suis allé au lit assez tôt, mais était là dans un état de
grande excitation, mon imagination des heures supplémentaires.
Enfin, vers 1 h, j'ai entendu Elaine clé dans le
porte. Elle monta tout droit et coup de vent dans le
chambre à coucher. Sa coiffure et maquillage ont foiré, et elle avait
un coup d'oeil rouge et une étincelle dans les yeux. Juste ce que vous
droit d'attendre d'une femme qui avait passé la soirée étant
experte baisée.

"Aviez-vous un agréable moment? J'ai demandé à tout excité.

"Le meilleur moment de ma vie, répondit-elle joyeusement. «Je
jamais cru sexe pouvait être si bon. Il m'a fait sentir plus
d'une femme ce soir que vous avez dans l'ensemble de notre mariage.
J'ai eu raimister John, vous allez regretter ce départ.
Ce soir, ne va pas être une seule fois, je vais retourner pour
plus en plus. Mon nouvel amant est plus jeune, plus grand, meilleure en
lit et beaucoup plus beau que vous. Vous aurez de la chance
si jamais vous venez de me faire après lui! "Ses mots me tenait
très excitée, mais sa frayeur a commencé à mettre po


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Chapitre 2

Nous sommes allés au travail le lendemain matin dans la voiture virtuelle
silence, à la fois de penser aux événements de la nuit
avant. Elaine m'avait donné un coup par coup compte de mister
sexe session. Il m'avait beaucoup excité, mais elle avait
a refusé de me laisser avoir des relations sexuelles avec elle, comme elle ne se sentait pas
serait juste après avoir l'autre homme.

Je suis entré dans mon bureau et me dit bonjour à Lenny
et Sharon. Ils ont répondu, avec ce qui me semblait être
un sourire de mépris sur leurs visages. J'ai fait remarquer à Lenny
qu'il semblait être content de lui.

«J'ai eu une merveilleuse soirée, at-il dit. "Ramassé cette
Horny Housewife blanc, et a passé quatre heures putain de sa
cervelle. Elle a adoré!. M'a dit que mister mari était un
tiny wimp armé, qui avait effectivement l'a encouragée à aller
Out et se faire fourrer par un autre homme. Pouvez-vous croire cela?
Je rougis un peu, sachant que j'avais fait la même chose
avec ma femme.

À peu près 11, Mme Andrew m'a appelé à mister bureau et
me dit de s'asseoir.

"Vous n'êtes pas beaucoup d'homme êtes-vous Evans?" était mister
ouverture remarque.

«Je ne comprends pas, répondis-je.

"Encourager ta femme de sortir avec mon fils, et de passer
la soirée étant baisée par lui dans ma maimister. Être baisée
très bien, des bruits que j'entendais. «J'ai été
complètement abasourdi.

"I. .. je ne sais pas, j'ai laissé échapper.

"Stupid ainsi, at-elle craché dos. "Eh bien, si tel est le
sorte d'homme êtes-vous, je ne vous considère pas apte à être mon
Sales Manager. A partir de maintenant, Lenny aura en charge. Tu
prendra vos instructions de lui, et lui donner toutes les
l'assistance pendant que il s'installe po That is all. "Je l'ai quittée
bureau avec ma tête tournait.

Je suis retourné à mon bureau pour savoir ricane à la fois de Lenny
et Sharon. L'enfer, même mon jeune secrétaire savait ce qu'il était
continuer! Vingt minutes plus tard, Elaine est venu dans le
bureau. Je levai les yeux pour lui parler, mais elle totalement
ignoré moi, en courant à Lenny et des caresses et les baisers

«Félicitations pour votre promotion, at-elle criaient:« C'est
merveilleux. Nous devrions célébrer, que diriez-vous je viens ronde
encore ce soir, et vous me baiser insensé? "

"Sounds good to me", rétorqua Lenny, "Rendez-vous à propos
sept ans. "Elaine l'embrassa de nouveau, et encore m'ignorer,
retourné à mister bureau. Je ne pouvais croire que ma femme avait
a agi de cette façon, sachant que la promotion de Lenny a voulu dire
J'avais perdu mon emploi. Mon fantasme était de se transformer rapidement au vinaigre.

A cinq heures d'horloge o Je suis descendu au bureau de Elaine's, comme d'habitude
à prendre chez elle. Seule Amy et Karen ont été dans le bureau.

«Où est Elaine? Demandai-je.

"Elle a quitté un peu tôt pour se préparer pour la date de chaud», a répondu
Amy, dit-elle

elle attendait d'être bien baisée par la fin de la
soirée "

«C'est exact», a ajouté Karen, «Mais elle n'a rien dit
de vous y être! "Les deux jeunes gens se regardèrent
et se mirent à ricaner. Gênée, j'ai quitté rapidement,
se rendre compte que toute la compagnie était au courant de ma femme
infidélité avec Lenny.

Quand je suis arrivé à la maimister, Elaine était déjà prêt à sortir.
Je lui ai dit que j'étais étonné de sa réaction à des nouvelles
que Lenny avait pris mon travail. Sa réponse a été qu'il était
pas sa faute si je suis un perdant. Cela a vraiment fait mal.

"Look" J'ai dit: «Je sais que je suis d'accord avec vous aller avec
un autre homme, mais pourquoi choisir quelqu'un avec qui nous travaillons, et pourquoi
deux nuits de suite? "

"En ce qui me concerne, at-elle répondu," il n'en est pas de
votre entreprise qui je apprendre à me baiser et à quelle fréquence. Tu
a renoncé à tout droit de mon corps quand vous avez accepté de laisser
quelqu'un d'autre de moi. Je vais passer beaucoup de temps
avec l'énorme queue noire Lenny en moi, et je doute fort
beaucoup plus s'il y aura tout quitté pour toi. "

"Vous êtes pas sérieux?" J'ai plaidé.

"John n'a jamais plus graves. Avoir une bonne soirée." Avec cette
elle a quitté sa date.

Là encore, il était d'environ 1 heures avant mister retour. Elle
déshabillée, et avant que je savais ce qui se passait,
à cheval sur ma tête.

"Ouvrez la bouche, dit-elle. Choqué par le ton de
sa voix, je automatiquement ouvert.

"Lenny voulais que vous avez cela, dit-elle, et mister sperme
qui commencèrent à couler de mister bouffi, chatte béante dans ma bouche,
me faire sentir nauséeux. Quand elle eut fini, elle se coucha
baisse de contentement à mes côtés.

«Il va de mieux en mieux, at-elle observé. "Il me l'avait si
chaud, que j'ai accepté de faire tout ce qu'il voulait, des choses que je
ne jamais faire pour vous. He has got me addicted to black
coq, je ne suis jamais, et je veux ne jamais retourner! "Malgré
la misère de ses paroles étaient à l'origine, j'ai été réveillé, et
supplié de me laisser baiser juste une fois.

«Vous plaisantez, dit-elle,« Pourquoi tu crois que je
est rentré? J'avais besoin d'un repos de la constante de battements de
Arme Lenny. Allez dans la salle de bain et se branler si le
la pensée de Lenny, et je a travaillé jusqu'à ce qu'il vous faut. "Laughing
à elle, elle se retourna et s'endormit.
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