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les histoires de chrislebo

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L'horrible nain avait dit qu'il allait les aider à fonder leur famille, et c'était bien vrai. Il insistait la baisant à couilles rabattues pour mettre en oeuvre ses désirs.

Chaque jour depuis cet ignoble week-end, le jeune employé recevait des consignes spéciales, il devait partir très tôt le matin pour ne rentrer que très tard le soir.

Jérôme se pointait au domicile du jeune couple dès le départ du mari, il adorait menacer la jeune femme de révéler ses amours avec lui si elle lui refusait mister lit.

La jeune femme et le pervers nain passaient des jours entiers au lit, il cherchait vraiment à l'engrosser.

Il semblait que la simple idée mettre enceinte une jeune femme en par-tageant mister lit conjugal suffisait à le faire bander comme un âne tout en décuplant ses émissions séminales.

Chaque jour, après mister départ Julie se précipitait sous la douche pour y prendre un lavage vaginal.

Par ailleurs elle essayait désespérément de provoquer mister mari pour l'amener à l'engrosser.

Mais ses longs trajets l'éreintaient et il s'avérait incapable de subvenir à ses envies de maternité.

Comme elle ne supportait pas la pilule, la douche vaginale était sa seule alternative pour éviter de se retrouver grosse.

Cela dura les deux premières semaines des visites du pervers nain.

Elle dut reformer totalement mister attitude lorsqu'il la menaça de se faire remplacer par mister chauffeur noir s'il continuait à ne pas atteindre mister but.

De ce moment, elle conserva le foutre chaud et fertile du sale porc dans mister utérus priant pour q'il prenne racine.

Au moins, si elle se retrouvait enceinte, le bébé serait blanc, ce qui ne serait pas le cas si c'était le chauffeur noir qui l'engrossait.

Et comme par ailleurs elle avait mis deux semaines à se remettre de mister enculage, elle avait tout à craindre des initiatives de cet athlétique noir qui devait remplacer le patron de mister mari si leur situation perdurait.

Elle espérait seulement que le bébé serait normalement conformé, que permisterne ne puisse soupçonner quel en était le vrai père


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Jérôme Wills était un fondu de certains jeux et de certains loisirs.

Ce vendredi il se rendait à mister club pour se relaxer.

Il était heureux que ses parents aient fondé ce club de campagne, car il n'aurait jamais pu s'y inscrire sinon, d'autant plus que sa petite stature le lui interdisait presque.

Un vieillard pansu de ses amis le rejoignit à la piscine, il dans l'espoir de lui soutirer des conseils d'investissements bancaires plus que par souci de se montrer sociable.

Ralph Calhoon, dirigeait en temps que directeur une firme de courtage, il avait toujours compté sur Jérôme pour gérer ses comptes d'investissements.

Il avait là une occasion de frapper plus haut. Jérôme lui avait souvent promis :

- "Je penserai à toi dès que tu m'auras procuré un beau cul à baiser, une de ces innocentes pucelles insouciantes convaincues d'être en sécurité....... Et que je ne pourrai jamais sauter autrement! ......."

Calhoon était un vieux schnock de 60 ans avec des appétits de sexe similaires à ceux de Jérôme.

Il décida de voir si le petit homme était sérieux ou s'il badinait.

Calhoon discuta longuement avec le petit homme et apprit que Jérôme viendrait au club dimanche. Il sourit à cette information et lui dit qu'il aurait une proposition à lui faire et qu'il l'attendrait au bord de la piscine.

Jérôme sentait qu'il allait lui proposer quelque chose d'intéressant et il assura mister vieil ami ventru qu'il serait au rendez-vous.

L'infortunée cible n'était autre qu'une jeune institutrice aux cheveux couleur de miel.

Ellen Ryan était mariée à un jeune agent de change nommé Darrin, elle avait 24 ans et était sexy en diable.

Son corps ivoire faisait tourner bien des têtes sur mister passage.

De plus elle était connue comme étant très conservatrice voire naïve et même innocente.

Elle avait rencontre Darrin au collège et ils étaient tout de suite tombés amoureux l'un de l'autre, ils avaient poursuivis leurs amours au lycée puis à l'université ne s'intéressant à permisterne d'autres que leur partenaire aimé, se gardant pur pour le jour du mariage.

Et maintenant après leur première année de mariage les choses se mettaient peu à peu en place.

Elle avait trouvé un poste d'institutrice dans une école primaire locale alors que mister mari avait trouvé du boulot en tant qu'agent de changes.

Ellen et Darrin avaient été invité au "Foxdale Club rural" ce samedi.

Ils en profitaient pour se détendre au bord de la piscine tout en se restaurant.

Cette invitation récompensait le travail fournit par Darrin ces derniers mois.

Ils n'étaient jamais venus dans ce club très fermé, mais ils en avaient beaucoup entendu parler.

Ils avaient souvent espéré pouvoir y entrer et ils y entraient en tant qu'invités spéciaux du patron de Darrin, ils étaient là pour nager et manger.

Calhoon jouait ses cartes maîtresses, il voulait profiter d'avantages fiscaux pour mister entreprise et si possible fourrer sa grosse bite dans la petite chatte de la ravissante femme de mister employé, une telle beauté que sa bite se mettait au garde à vous dans mister pantalon à chaque rencontre.

Le vieux Calhoon avait rencontré la ravissante Ellen Ryan alors qu'elle attendait mister mari au centre social de l'entreprise. Depuis il s'était couché bien des fois en se remémorant le physique de la somptueuse jeune femme.

La bite de Jérôme se mit au garde à vous dans mister caleçon à la vue d'Ellen dans mister bikini noir et blanc.

Son corps couleur de miel était parfait, Jérôme la contemplait la langue pendante.

Il ne parvenait pas à détourner les yeux de sa somptueuse plastique, il se demandait bien qui était cette fascinante jeune femme qu'il n'avait jamais vue en ces lieux.

Soudain il sursauta au mister de la voix de Calhoon qui lui demandait ce qu'il faisait.

- "Bordel de Dieu, je donnerai ma couille gauche pour me faire cette splendide petite salope! ......" lui rétorqua Jérôme égrillard.

Le vieux Calhoon laissa échapper un profond éclat de rire

- "Vous pouvez conserver votre couille gauche, tout ce que je veux c'est votre appui! ......"

Calhoon le renseigna sur les différents invités et lui dit qu'il connaissait parfaitement l'impact de cette splendide jeune femme sur les hommes.

Le vieux Calhoon aurait aimé la sauter mais il mettait un point d'honneur de ne pas mélanger travail et plaisir.

Jérôme apprit qu'Ellen était institutrice, il aurait souhaité être de ses élèves.

Cependant il serait ravi de lui enseigner un chose ou deux! ......"

- "Hemmm....." pensa-t-il au fond de lui-même "et si en plus je peux me faire un peu de fric! ....."

L'heure suivante Jérôme ne quitta guère des yeux les formes parfaites de l'adorable institutrice. Il se marrait au fond de lui-même à la pensée que le patron de mister mari vendait ses charmes en échange de sa caution.

Alors que le jeune couple déjeunait en compagnie de Calhoon et sa femme Jérôme attendait qu'ils en aient fini pour se faire inviter à leur table.

- "Hey Jérôme voulez vous vous joindre à nous? ...... Venez donc prendre un verre! ....." l'invita Calhoon comme convenu.

Il s'assit sur une chaise, ce n'était pas par accident que Jérôme s'était assis à coté de la somptueuse jeune femme qu'il lorgnait depuis deux bonnes heures.

Calhoon les présenta les uns aux autres et ils entamèrent une discussion enjouée autour de leurs verres.

Avant de les quitter, Jérôme invita Darrin à le contacter pendant la semaine ils échangeraient quelques mots au sujet des stocks et des obligations.

Leur plan marchait comme sur des roulettes..

Darrin Ryan avait appelé Jérôme en début de semaine ils avaient partagé un lunch rapide au cours duquel ils purent discuter de différents financements.

Jérôme avait félicité Darrin d'avoir une si jolie femme, qu'il aimerait rencontrer à nouveau.

La pauvre Ellen était loin de se douter de ses intentions, mister mari lui avait juste dit que c'était une grande chance de pouvoir bénéficier de l'appui de cet homme.

Jérôme lui avait annoncé qu'il préférait vivement travailler avec des gens qui avaient une vie de couple saine et de préférence avec des enfants.

Même s'ils n'avaient pas encore d'enfants, Darrin l'avait informé qu'avec sa femme ils cherchaient à fonder une heureuse famille.

Il supposait que le petit homme n'avait pas eu une enfance heureuse, repoussé de tous à cause de sa taille réduite et de sa laideur et que de ce fait il ne travaillait plus qu'avec des permisternes stables en qui il avait confiance.

Du coup Ellen avait invité cet horrible nain à dîner puisque cela aiderait mister mari à se concilier mister appui.

Elle était loin de se douter que cette invitation se terminerait avec l'horrible nain installé entre ses cuisses dans mister lit conjugal.

Ellen n'avait jamais observé les diverses camionnettes qui côtoyaient sa voiture dans le parking de l'école.

Elle ignorait totalement que des gens s'activaient dans ces camionnettes à enregistrer tous ses gestes.

Elle devait être la vedette d'un film intitulé "La prof reçoit une leçon d'une grosse bite noire" elle était splendide en hauts talons jupe et blouse très élégantes, même ses fines lunettes semblaient s'harmoniser avec mister visage avenant.

Jérôme adorait la voir porter ces lunettes et les tenues élégantes qu'elle arborait à longueur de temps.

Les premières images de la vidéo montraient la jeune institutrice dans la cour de l'école entourée de nombreux enfants. Les éventuels spectateurs se rendraient tout de suite compte qu'il s'agissait d'une véritable enseignante et non pas d'une actrice interprétant un rôle. La cassette se voulait le reportage d'un véritable viol.

Jérôme avait informé mister vieux copain Calhoon qu'il bénéficierait bientôt de mister appui.

Jérôme venait tout juste de recevoir une invitation à dîner du jeune couple la semaine suivante en cette fin d'année scolaire, au début de l'été

Le vieux Calhoon devait créer un problème au bureau qui obligerait le mari à s'absenter le soir du repas.

Il devait lui faire quitter le domicile conjugal pur une longue période de temps pour quelle qu'en soit la raimister, après cela l'appui de Jérôme lui serait assuré.

Le plan débuta correctement.

Ils avaient juste terminé le plat principal que le téléphone réservé aux urgences misterna, Ryan devait se rendre dans une ville voisine à l'appel de mister patron.

Jérôme leur proposa mister aide, il appela l'aérodrome et lui réserva une place en première sur un de ses vols, en réalité cette place était retenue depuis trois jours.

Sur le pas de la porte il souhaita bonne chance à Ryan l'avisant qu'il aurait pris le dessert avec sa charmante femme.

Mais Jérôme négligeait de lui dire que c'était mister adorable petite femme qui constituait le savoureux dessert dont il entendait se régaler.

Jérôme se réjouit de se retrouver seule avec cette somptueuse beauté tout en sachant à quel point cela la gênait de rester seule avec lui.

Il lui prit délibérément sa petite main manucurée elle frémit de dégoût à ce léger contact.


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Il sourit en voyant à quel point mister contact la révulsait.

Ellen Ryan aurait déjà voulu être en fin de repas.

Sa grosse bite se mit brusquement au garde à vous dans mister caleçon à l'idée de voir sa petite main manucurée se refermer sur sa hampe raidie.

Ellen laissa échapper un léger soupir alors que le nain disgracieux terminait mister café puis se levait pour appeler sa limousine.

Cette dernière avait été très pénible, elle se rendait parfaitement compte que ce nain répugnant la déshabillait du regard dévorant des yeux chacun de ses appâts.

Ils se dirigèrent tous deux vers la porte en entendant tinter la misternette, visiblement le chauffeur du petit homme était arrivé.

A l'instant où elle ouvrait la porte, Jérôme l'interpella, elle tourna la tête vers le nain et ne vit pas l'imposant noir qui, se tenait sur le seuil.

Elle ne se rendit pas plus compte qu'il avait avancé d'un pas dans mister dos jusqu'au moment où il plaqua sa grosse main sale sur sa bouche.

Le chauffeur du nabot, en fait l'un des loyaux mécaniciens qu'il récompenserait pour mister aide tenait fermement la jeune femme affolée.

Un second employé d'une loyauté sans faille faisait partie de l'équipe.

Ce second noir était sale et graisseux, il avait nettement besoin d'un bon bain, d'autant plus que mister boulot était de collecter des engrais naturels pour les plantes du patron, il était toutefois un de ses exécutants préférés de tâches plus louches.

Jérôme pensait qu'ils seraient parfaits pour dégrader la jeune beauté convoitée.

La voir se faire enculer par deux noirs sous l'œil des caméras, ferait une fortune au box office du porno.

Sous l'objectif de la caméra tenue par Jérôme la jeune femme fut traînée par les deux noirs dans sa chambre.

Elle se débattait de toutes ses powers contre ces deux vils intrus, cherchant à leur donner des coups de pieds de ses talons effilés qu'elle perdit rapidement lorsqu'ils la traînèrent sans tenir compte de sa révolte.

L'une des brutes la tenait aux épaules l'autre saisit avec délice le devant de mister élégante robe et la lui arracha.

Jérôme souriait tout en enregistrant la scène, il adorait cette manière qu'avait l'innocente jeune femme de sangloter alors que le butor déchirait mister soutien-gorge de dentelle dévoilant ses superbes nibards blancs couronnés de petites fraises roses sombres.

Le noir le plus sale lui pinçait ses mamelons qui se raidirent sous cette violente manipulation, la jeune femme se lamentait maintenant honteuse de voir ses tétons darder insolemment.

Puis il filma l'adorable jeune institutrice éperdue, cherchant désespérément à empêcher les deux infâmes bâtards de la dépouiller de tous vêtements, en vain, sa petite culotte tirebouchonnait maintenant autour de ses chevilles.

- "Ohhhh..... Je vous en prie...... S'il vous plait monsieur Wilks, dites-leur d'arrêter! ..... Je vous en prie...... "le suppliait Ellen les yeux rivés sur le cynique nabot.

Ses yeux s'ouvrirent comme des soucoupes en voyant une des deux brutes ôter mister pantalon.


Le regard et le visage de la malheureuse reflétaient mister horreur et sa panique de savoir que la cassette de mister viol pourrait être diffusée sur le marché parallèle du porno.

C'est pourquoi elle se forçait à s'agenouiller sur mister lit conjugal avançait la main et empoignait un gros sexe noir odorant.

Elle le branlait de la main gauche, sa bite se déployait sous ses yeux horrifiés.

Cette scène était enregistrée sur la vidéo, la vue de l'expression hagarde qu'affichait le visage d'Ellen, de sa main flattant la grosse saucisse noire, auraient suffi à faire bander nombre de spectateurs, d'autant plus que l'alliance ornant mister index démontrait clairement qu'il s'agissait d'une jeune femme adultère trahissant ses vœux de mariage.

Quand une grosse main noire se posa sur sa nuque poussant sa tête vers l'entrecuisse de mister agresseur, le corps d'Ellen se mit à trembler, elle était totalement révulsée.

- "Oh s'il vous plait...... Non, je vous en prie...... Ne me faite pas faire une chose aussi dégradante! ....... S'il vous plait, c'est si répugnant! ..... Je vous en prie, je n'ai jamais fait de choses aussi immondes avec mon mari! ......." les suppliait-elle misérablement.

La vidéo montrait maintenant Ellen yeux étroitement clos, les lèvres scellées, tremblante comme une feuille alors que l'infâme assaillant pressait le bulbe de sa pine contre ses lèvres soyeuses.

Elle en ne pouvait reculer sa tête, la main posée sur sa nuque la forçait à garder la pose.

L'autre ignoble salopard était accroupi derrière elle, il tenait fermement ses hanches lui interdisant tout mouvement de retrait, sa grosse bite bandée était pointée sur mister petit trou du cul vierge.

- "Allez, ouvre tes soyeuses petites lèvres, chérie! ....." lui intima le bâtard qui lui tenait la tête alors qu'il promenait sa bite suintante sur mister visage blême.

Des filets de foutre gluant souillaient mister visage.

Comprenant qu'elle se refusait obstinément à enfourner sa bite frémissante dans sa bouche le vil agresseur fit un signe de tête à mister compère embusqué dans mister dos.

Jérôme jubilait tout en continuant à filmer ces scènes d'un haut niveau pornographique.

La brute dans le dos d'Ellen avait empoigné sa bite longue d'une bonne trentaine de centimètres et la promenait lentement dans sa raie culière, s'approchant de plus en plus de mister oeillet encore inexploré.

Puis il pointa mister bulbe contre l'annelet frémissant et poussa de toutes ses powers.

- "Aieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...... nonnnnnnnnnnnnnnn...... Ohhhhhhhhhh...... " hurla Ellen éperdue de douleur.

La grosse bite noire forçait l'accès à mister petit trou du resserré, mister cri fut soudain étouffé, mister assaillant de tête profitait de l'occasion pour enfouir mister épaisse mentule dans sa bouche qu'elle avait ouverte pour clamer sa douleur.

La vidéo montrait la jeune femme bâillonnée par une monstrueuse bite noire qui vomissait mister foutre au fond de sa gorge.

Elle essayait de recracher l'épaisse potion salée, riche en protéines.

Il extirpa sa bite de sa bouche, des geysers de semence lui tapissèrent le visage et la chevelure.

Le second extirpa sa bite amollie de mister trou du cul, la jeune femme s'écroula sur le lit conjugal, folle de honte : elle venait de sucer une bite noire pour la première fois de sa vie, et pire encore un autre colosse noir lui avait casé le cul, déflorant mister anus.

Ayant posé la caméra sur mister trépied, Jérôme commença à se déloquer. Il regardait sa proie effondrée sur le lit, elle ouvrit des yeux comme des soucoupes à la vue de sa monstrueuse mentule déformée.

En fait, bien que doté d'un corps de nain, il était de la queue de la taille de celle d'un âne.

- "As-tu déjà vue une bite de cette taille madame Ryan? .......J'ai entendu Darrin dire que vous vouliez fonder une famille! ....... C'est bien vrai ma chérie, eh bien je vais t'engrosser avec ma grosse pine de cheval! ......." se marrait cyniquement Jérôme alors qu'elle cherchait à fuir mister lit.

- "On va commencer ta petite famille dans le lit que tu partages avec ton cher époux! ...... Je vais t'engrosser, ma ravissante salope! ...... Je me demande bien à qui ressemblera le bébé! ....... Si c'est un garçon peut-être aura-t-il une bite aussi grosse que celle de mister papa, madame Ryan! ......." rigolait Jérôme sarcastiquement.

L'espoir d'Ellen de s'enfuir fut de courte durée, les deux sbires du nain pervers l'immobilisèrent aisément, la clouant sur mister lit, mains tenues au-dessus de la tête, le compas grand ouvert en forme de V.

- "S'il vous plait monsieur Wilks....... Je vous en prie...... Ne me violez pas...... Oh mon Dieu non. Je n'ai jamais couché avec un autre que Darrin ...... S'il vous plait, vous allez me mettre enceinte ...... Oh s'il vous plait arrêtez ......" pleurnichait Ellen les yeux rivés sur l'ignoble nain.

Elle n'aurait jamais cru qu'un homme puisse avoir une bite plus grosse que celle des deux noirs qui venaient de la violer, elle avala sa salive réalisant la vérité des dires de ce sale bâtard, il était doté d'une pine de cheval, et il avait l'intention de plonger cette chose monstrueuse dans sin intimité, il allait la violer d'un instant à l'autre! ......

Elle frémit lorsqu'il s'approcha d'elle, on aurait dit qu'il avait trois jambes, sa bite semblait toucher le sol.

Comme le nain se mettait en bonne position, Les deux sbires lui maintenaient la tête levée en la bloquant entre leurs mains.

Elle eut un sursaut d'horreur lorsqu'elle vit la monstruosité qu'il avait l'intention d'enfourner dans sa délicate petite chatte avait d'éjaculer au fond de mister utérus.

- "Oh mon Dieu...... Ca fait mal...... Awwwwwwwwww, j'ai maaaaaaaaaaal..... Owwwwwwwwwwwwww! ....." s'écriait-elle alors que l'énorme bite frayait mister chemin dans mister fourreau meurtri.

Jérôme prenait grand plaisir à baiser une innocente jeune femme sur mister lit conjugal, de plus il la labourait sous les encouragements chaleureux de ses sbires.

- "Allez-y monsieur Wicks! ......"

- « Labourez cette petite salope! .... »

- "Engrossez-la! ......" criaient les deux lascars alors que le nain la pilonnait furieusement la jeune femme qui gémissait sous ses violents coups de boutoir.

La monstrueuse biroute se trouvait maintenant totalement enfouie dans mister intimité, jamais Ellen ne s'était sentie aussi pleine.

Elle grommelait de honte alors que mister corps commençait à convulser, ses sphincters vaginaux se crispaient sur l'énorme pal qui l'embrochait.

- "Oh non..... Oh, non...... Nonnnnnnnnnn....... " grognait-elle s'arquant sur les talons.

Les comparses du nain lui avaient lâché les jambes et elle les verrouillait dans mister dos le serrant contre elle, l'invitant à s'enfoncer encore plus profondément dans mister utérus asservi.

- "Oh mon Dieu...... Ohhhhhhhh, nonnnnnnn...... Nonnnnnnnnnnnnn... Je...... Je jouissssssss! ........" miaulait lourdement Ellen, alors qu'elle s'arquait l'étreignant de toutes ses powers pour le retenir au plus profond de sa féminité enivrée.

- "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...... Oh, mon Dieuuuuuuuuuu...... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh......" couinait-elle alors que profondément logée en elle mister énorme bite vomissait un torrent de foutre.

Une demi-heure plus tard, les deux noirs gloussaient doucement ne voulant pas que leur patron les voit rire de sa mésaventure.

Elle retenait leur patron captif entre ses cuisses, toujours emboîtée sur mister énorme mentule.

Elle rebondissait d'orgasme en orgasme, elle flottait dans une mer d'extase agrippant de ses jambes et de ses bras mister petit agresseur éreinté.

Finalement, elle relâcha l'étau de ses cuisses, et les deux nervis aidèrent leur patron épuisé à se relever.

Ils se dirent, à la vue du flot de sperme qui s'écoulait de sa chatte béante qu'elle avait toutes les chances de se retrouver enceinte avec une telle dose de foutre dans le ventre


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Le lendemain matin, les sbires de Jérôme les quittèrent pour se rendre à leur boulot, Jérôme, par précaution, leur intima de déposer les cassettes dans mister bureau.

Puisque la jeune fille était en vacances d'été et mister mari au loin il allait lui tenir compagnie.

La menace de diffuser les cassettes relatant mister viol, sa dégradation par deux colosses noirs devait lui assurer sa coopération.

Le matin-même, Darrin appela chez lui pour prendre des nouvelles de sa petite femme chérie, l'informant que mister intervention durerait sure ment plus longtemps que prévu, mais mister patron lui avait promis une large prime.

Par ailleurs Calhoon venait de lui apprendre que le nain avait investi dans la firme et qu'ils allaient toucher une importante commission.

Darrin s'étalait et s'étalait se réjouissant d'entendre le mister de sa femme adorée, et comme Ellen lui faisait remarquer que la facture de téléphone allait se monter à une grosse somme, il lui dit de ne pas se tracasser pour ça, Calhoon lui ayant assuré qu'il prenait à sa charge les dépenses annexes.

Mais le coût de la communication n'entrait pas en jeu, Ellen voulait abréger la conversation parce que le pervers nain installé dans mister entre cuisse la rendait folle, il, avait décidé qu'elle jouirait sous les caresses habiles de sa langue.

Le lendemain matin, Darrin reçut un appel dans sa chambre d'hôtel, il fut tout surpris d'avoir Jérôme Wiks au bout du fil, lui disant qu'il avait vraiment passé un bon moment avec sa femme.

Le nain lui dit que le repas était excellent et qu'il avait adoré le dessert que sa femme lui avait offert. Il ajouta que c'était mister patron qui lui avait donné mister numéro pour qu'il puisse le féliciter de leur accueil.

Darrin avait appris, par mister patron que le nain avait investi une forte somme dans la firme, investissement sur lequel il allait toucher une importante commission, il remercia donc Jérôme à profusion.

- "Darrin mon ami, votre femme est vraiment épatante... j'aimerai vraiment en trouver une comme elle....... " le félicita Jérôme.

Darrin fut secoué de rire en imaginant une femme telle que la sienne avec quelqu'un d'aussi ventre que lui, le nain avait encore plus de chance de trouver chaussure à mister pied que mister patron de voir mister rêve se réaliser! .....

Si seulement Darrin avait su qu'à cet instant même sa petite femme chérie était accroupie sur leur lit conjugal, taillant au nain la pipe de sa vie.

Avant de terminer la conversation, Jérôme ajouta :

- "Darrin, la prochaine fois c'est moi qui vous invite tous deux à dîner! ..... Je connais un dessert spécial que votre femme adorera! ......"

Darrin aurait rugi de fureur s'il avait su que sa femme testait justement ce fameux dessert, elle avait la bouche pleine de foutre du nain qui venait tout juste de se vider les couilles dans sa gorge.

Le mois suivant, Ellen resta chez elle à la maimister, à la merci du pervers nain.

Ellen ne comprenait pas que l'on puisse toujours avoir envie de baiser, elle était lasse de subir les assauts continuels de ce bâtard.

Chaque nuit mister mari l'appelait, elle ne savait pas comment elle était parvenue à s'en sortir lors de mister dernier appel, alors qu'à quatre pattes sur leur lit conjugal le pervers nain la défonçait sans merci.

Elle ne comprenait pas pourquoi mister corps répondait à chaque fois à ses assauts se pliant voluptueusement à sa volonté.

Son épaisse et longue bite la faisait jouir follement, la faisant rebondir d'orgasme en orgasme, elle n'avait jamais eu autant de plaisir avec mister mari.

Elle ferma les yeux se rappelant leur dernière séance de baise, elle avait verrouillé ses cuisses sur mister torse et le suppliait :

- "Oh baisez-moi..... baisez-moi monsieur Wicks...... Oh oui... labourez-moi...... Oh ouiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii... baisez-moi..... Encore...... faites-moi un enfant! ......"

Jérôme ne quitta la maimister des Ryan que le jour du retour du petit mari

Ellen l'accueillit chaleureusement, après un dîner de fête il était impatient de se retrouver en tête-à-tête avec sa bien-aimée.

Darrin fut fort surpris de la façon dont elle noua ses cuisses autour de mister torse l'étreignant de toutes ses powers.

Abasourdit de la voir aussi agressive sexuellement parlant, il attribua cette attitude à la frustration, ses six semaines sans faire l'amour avaient du décupler ses envies, cependant il ne put totalement satisfaire ses appétits éjaculant précocement en elle laissant Ellen s'acharner sur sa bite mollissante.

Deux semaines plus tard façon de l'aimer ne s'était guère améliorée, Ellen devenait folle, se demandant pourquoi l'ignoble nain la faisait tant jouir alors que mister mari était incapable de la faire vibrer.

Elle repensa au coup de fil que Jérôme Wicks lui avait passé dans la matinée lui intimant de le rejoindre à mister bureau le lendemain à 11 heures si elle voulait goûter à nouveau à sa bite de cheval.

Elle se mordait les lèvres se demandant ce qu'elle allait faire, il ne lui avait pas ordonné de le rejoindre mais invitée à profiter de sa bite.

Le lendemain à 11 heures pétantes, Jérôme sourit à sa ravissante visiteuse et l'escorta jusqu'à mister bureau.

Il savait pertinemment qu'elle viendrait et ce n'était pas parce qu'il possédait des vidéos compromettantes d'elle en pleine action.

Elle ne protesta pas lorsqu'il glissa sa petite main potelée sous ses jupes lui caressant la croupe.

Il aimait la tenue qu'elle avait adoptée, elle était si belle dans sa robe blanche d'été, juchée sur ses hauts talons.

Un quart d'heure plus tard, la voix de la secrétaire sortit de l'interphone :

- " Monsieur Ryan... Votre rendez de 11 heures et quart est arrivé! ....."

- "Faites là entrer! ...." répliqua vivement Jérôme enchanté de sa ponctualité.

- "C'est bon de vous revoir Darrin! ... "le congratula Jérôme.

- "Je voulais juste faire le point sur mes investissements et discuter un peu avec vous... " l'avisa-t-il chaleureusement.

- "J'ai fortement apprécié la confiance que vous m'avez manifesté monsieur Wicks en me confiant la gestion de vos investissements dans ma firme... répondit Darrin les yeux rivés sur le petit homme qui se balançait légèrement dans mister fauteuil.

Ayant évoqué rapidement le fruit de ses investissements, Jérôme détourna la conversation sur les femmes.

- "Eh bien mon cher Darrin, vous ignorez votre veine d'avoir femme aussi gentille et jolie qu'Ellen...... C'est vraiment une beauté! ...... J'ai beau fouiller mes souvenirs, je n'y trouve pas trace de femme comme elle! ....." le félicitait Jérôme.


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Darrin demeurait interdit, ne sachant que répondre pour contenter le vieux et laid nain :

- "Merci monsieur Wicks, je dois admettre qu'Ellen est adorable et que j'ai beaucoup de chance d'avoir une femme aussi jolie et fidèle....."

Puis la conversation se fit plus convivial et Darrin se prit à rire des boutades de cet important investisseur.

- "Darrin vous ai-je parlé de cette ravissante jeune femme que j'ai rencontrée au club rural? ..... Mon vieux elle ne se lasse pas de moi! ..... Un vrai renard au lit... Une fellatrice accomplie! ...." Darrin eut un léger frismister de dégoût en se représentant une ravissante jeune femme se donnant à ce répugnant permisternage.

Puis Darrin pensa qu'il, avait vraiment de la chance d'avoir trouvé une salope qui lui fit des pipes, il n'avait jamais eu un tel plaisir, Ellen s'était toujours refusée à le prendre en bouche pour accomplir un acte aussi dégradant.

Darrin se levait pour partir, il tendit la main pour serrer la menotte de Jérôme lui répétant :

- "Je vous remercie encore de m'avoir choisi veiller sur vos investissements monsieur Wicks! ....."

Jérôme lui sourit en retour en lui serrant la main.

- "Darrin je sais que vous faîtes de votre mieux! ..... Dites à votre adorable petite femme que j'ai vraiment apprécié le dîner et le dessert... J"ai hâte de lui faire goûter mon dessert spécial : un fameux pudding au tapioca, je pense qu'elle l'adorera! ......"

En cet instant même, l'adorable femme de Darrin était accroupie sous le bureau de Jérôme, elle savourait les jets de pudding au tapioca qu'il lui injectait dans la gorge.

8 mois plus tard naissait le petit Darrin, il pesait 5 livres et demi. Ellen assura à mister mari, que c'était tout à fait normal, puisque le bébé était prématuré de quelques semaines.

Mais la ravissante jeune femme savait très bien que le bébé était né à terme, en dépit de ce qu'elle racontait à mister mari, elle priait pour mister bébé soit petit, mais pas un nain à l'image de mister géniteur.

Darrin embrassa sa femme et avança que mister fils ressemblait surtout à mister père, un peu gros pour sa taille.

Darrin senior rit sans prêter attention aux frismisters de sa femme qui affichait une moue désabusée en écoutant ses dire, il lui paraissait évident que mister fils était l'image même de mister géniteur.

Il pensait qu'il avait un sacré veine d'avoir rencontré ce nain qui était devenu mister principal client, il l'avait félicité dernièrement lui claquant le dos d'une tape amicale.

Darrin senior avait reçu une sacré prime au retour de sa dernière absence de six semaines, il voulait maintenant rester le plus possible avec sa petite famille.

Toutefois mister patron venait de lui demander de repartir 6 semaines loin de la ville et de mister foyer, il hésitait, ne voulant pas laisser mister adorable petite femme seule alors qu'elle venait d'accoucher.

Mais Darrin n'avait pas besoin de se tracasser, mister adorable petite femme ne serait jamais seule pendant ces six semaines.

L'aide domestique fournie par l'entreprise pour assister sa femme lors de mister absence consistait en une aide de vie, une femme de ménage et un cuisinier.

Tout se mit en place avant même le départ de Darrin, apaisant ses craintes, plus important encore, l'adorable Ellen ne manquerait pas de compagnie.

Darrin avait pris un taxi pour se rendre à l'aéroport, il ne voulait surtout pas troubler sa jeune femme et surtout il voulait lui permettre de terminer sa sieste dans mister grand lit.

Une heure plus tard, mister adorable épouse se trouvait toujours dans mister grand lit mais elle ne se relaxait plus.

Agenouillée au beau mitan du lit elle léchait et suçait consciencieusement la grosse bite déformée du nain contrefait.

Tandis qu'elle satisfaisait les appétits lubriques de ce maudit salaud, Ellen ne s'était pas aperçue de l'arrivée d'un autre homme, le patron de mister époux qui en fait, avait été, le principal artisan de sa dégradation.

Et cet homme l'observait attentivement accordant ses faveurs à mister meilleur client, il dévêtit prestement impatient de se mêler à l'assaut.

Alors que la grosse queue allait et venait dans sa petite chatte, les mains du petit homme lui tenaient fermement la tête.

Soudain, Ellen effarouchée sentit des mains étrangères se poser sur ses hanches, alors que le lit ployait sous le poids d'un nouvel intervenant.

Elle chercha à se débattre, tentant vainement de se redresser, désespérée, elle sentait quelqu'un s'installer entre ses cuisses.

Un tiers se préparait à la posséder.

Elle pensa que le vieux nain décrépit avait invité l'un de ses employés à partager ses charmes pour le récompenser d'avoir mené à bien une tâche délicate.

- "Vas-y Calhoon, je sais depuis combien de temps tu attends pour fourrer ta grosse bite dans sa petite foufoune! ....." éclata de rire Jérôme.

- "T'as raimister j'en ai mal aux burnes d'avoir tant attendu pour lui foutre ma bite dans la chatte! ...." grasseya le vicieux patron de mister mari.

Elle reconnut tout de suite sa voix.

- "Viens Calhoon, montre-nous si ru parviens à faire un petit frère ou une petite sœur à mon fils..... Un petit bébé qui viendrait jouer avec lui! ...."

- "Bordel tu ne peux pas savoir ce que le temps m'a paru long de pouvoir poser mes mains sur ton ravissant petit cul madame Ryan! ..... J'ai regardé maintes fois ta vidéo, éjaculant à chaque fois... " ricana grossièrement. Calhoon.

Il commença à caresser les soyeuses cuisses et le cul bien ferme de la jeune femme affolée.

Sa bite se promenait le long de la fente de la foufoune de la jeune femme de mister employé.

Arquant le dos Calhoon donna un bon coup de rein, enfonçant profondément sa bite dans l'objet de ses rêves.

De grosses larmes ruisselèrent sur ses joues, elle était honteuse de sentir sa fentine lubrifiée par mister propre jus faciliter les coulissements de la bite du pervers patron de mister mari qui venait frotter rudement mister clito exacerbé.

Son corps s'affolait, alors qu'il forait aisément mister chemin dans mister fourreau accueillant.

- "Ohhhhhh... " grommela-t-elle la' épaisse bite toujours en bouche, alors que le patron pervers de Darrin enfonçait sa vieille flamberge au fin fonds de mister utérus.

Haletant, le vieillard n'en croyait pas ses yeux, il se faisait la plus belle paire de fesses qu'il avait jamais vue.

- "Oh madame Ryan, ton mari pense que je l'ai envoyé en mission pour mister expérience, mais c'est toi la véritable raimister de mister éloignement! ...." l'informa-t-il grossièrement tout en se logeant au fin fond de la chatte de la jeune femme horrifiée par tant de machiavélisme.

- Eh oui ma chérie...... A mon tour de t'engrosser! ..... Tu vas être ma petite pute pendant les 6 semaines à venir...... Jusqu'au retour de Darrin! ......"

- "Oh oui..... Ce que t'es bonne ma petite pute! .... Je... Je jouisssssssssssss...... " grognait Calhoon tout en enfonçant mister salami aux confins de mister utérus.

Le corps d'Ellen était secoué de spasmes in contrôlables tandis qu'elle succombait à un orgasme fulgurant, bloquant ses cuises autour du torse de ce vieux pervers de Calhoon, qui lui envoyait une bonne pinte de foutre dans sa chatte fertile.

C'est à cet instant même que la monstruosité de l'horrible nain explosa dans sa bouche lui tapissant le palais et la gorge de mister épaisse crème.

Un an plus tard, Darrin senior jouait allégrement avec ses deux garçons.

Il était extrêmement fier d'avoir conçu ces merveilleux petits bébés avec mister adorable femme.

Il avait était tout surpris, lors de la naissance que mister patron lui accorde une semaine de congé le félicitant :

- "Un bon père se doit de prendre grand soin de ses fils! ....."


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Toujours de très bons textes et je vous en remercie, toutefois le problème signalé précédemment subsiste, voir "Enfin cocu". Que cela ne vous empêche pas de continuer...


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oui je comprend mais j'ai pas la suite alors si quelqu'un nous lis !!


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Brie Falls Behind the Eight Ball

Brie could not be happier. She sat next to her brand new husband Billy as
he drove their convertible sports car down the highway. She admired her
husband's handsome face and hard athletic body for probably the millionth
time. She was very much in love and she felt lucky to have snared such a
handsome guy.

Brie shouldn't have worried about finding a husband. She had the pick of a
long list of men and Billy was very grateful to have been at the top of the
list. Any man would have died to be with a woman like Brie. Her body could
only be described as luscious, her face bordering between beautiful and
cute. Cute was more a description of her manor. She was young, 19 years old
and naïve. It would only be time before the experiences of life turned her
into a sophisticated beauty.

They had been on the road for about an hour. It was Saturday and they had
been married shortly after noon. They attended the reception after the
wedding and then hit the road. Their honeymoon plans took them from their
home town in Louisiana to Florida with a stop somewhere in Mississippi.
Billy couldn't wait for that night when he could introduce his virgin bride
to the joys of sex. Billy, who was two years older than Brie, was not
greatly experienced sexually himself but he had learn a few of the finer
points from his best friend's older female cousin.

Brie was not totally ignorant of sex herself although she had insisted that
she and Billy wait for their wedding night to have intercourse. At Billy's
constant badgering she did concede to give her husband to be oral sex
although she wouldn't allow him to go down on her. Over the year before the
wedding Brie had demonstrated a natural ability at oral sex and had found
that she loved to perform it on Billy any chance she got.

That was precisely what popped into Brie's mind as they sped along down the
highway. Billy had suggested they take the back roads so that they could
enjoy the countryside. Brie was now glad he suggested that for a different
reamister. The road wasn't very crowded so Brie figured she could have a
little fun with Billy. She slowly leaned across the console putting her
left hand behind Billy's neck. While she scratched his neck with her
manicured bright red nails she snuggled her cheek against his.

Billy turned and smiled at his beautiful new wife. Brie gave Billy a quick
peck on the lips before he had to return his attention to the road. She
wasn't finished with him yet. Brie began to nibble at Billy's face and
neck. She hoped that she could distract her husband while her right hand
began to work on his zipper.

"What are you doing babe?" he asked sweetly.

"You'll see," was Brie's reply.

Soon she had her right hand in her husband's pants. With s*******ed hands she
guided Billy's rapidly hardening cock out of his pants. In the year that
she had known Billy's cock she had fallen in love with it almost as much as
she loved its owner. To Brie it was huge. To many women it would be
considered large at seven inches. For Brie, it was all she knew and she
couldn't imagine a cock larger than her husband's cock. This added to her
attitude of being a lucky girl to have married Billy. Not only did she love
his company but she loved his body as well.

Brie kissed her way down to Billy's lap. He straightened in the drivers
seat to give his bride more room to work. She quickly latched onto the
object of her desires. Billy had already hardened to full length and Brie
went right to work on her deep throat technique. She knew that this really
turned Billy on to have his cock buried deep in her throat. Brie had
learned over the months that she seemed to have a natural talent for taking
Billy's cock down her throat without gagging. At first she gagged a bit but
her enthusiasm and plenty of practice had resulted in a very good technique
and plenty of pleasure for Billy.

It didn't take Brie long to put Billy over the edge. Plenty of licking and
sucking, not to mention that exquisite feeling of Brie's throat clutching
his cock started Billy's cum on its journey from his large balls to his
wife's warm and inviting mouth. Brie excepted the load with glee. She was
amazed at first when she found that she loved the taste of sperm. She had
heard from her older sisters that sperm was foul tasting. That may have
been their experience but Brie was happy to learn that they were wrong in
her case. She sucked down all Billy had to offer. She then worked the tip
of her tongue into the piss hole of his cock looking for leftovers.

Having accomplished her task she licked Billy's cock clean and tucked her
favorite part of her husband back into his pants. Billy was grateful to his
wife for her service. He was also grateful that he had managed to stay on
the road during her expert blow-job. He looked at her with a mix of
adoration and admonishment. He said, "Baby that was great but next time let
me pull off. It was all I could do to stay on the highway."

Brie dropped her head and said, "I'm sorry, Billy, but I just couldn't help
myself. I'm so happy now that we are married. I just wanted to make you
feel as good as I do."

Billy returned, "Believe me baby, you've made me feel like I'm in heaven. I
get turned on just looking at you, you're so gorgeous. I'm a very lucky
guy." He added, "I'm looking forward to tonight when I can return the favor
and give you the pleasure that you've given me for so long."

Brie blushed, "I can't wait for that myself. I'm sure that it will be


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Billy said, "Baby, you are wonderful. I'll probably have to spend the rest
of my life keeping guys away from you."

Brie smiled sexily and said, "Billy, you don't have to worry about other
guys. This woman is all yours and I'll do anything to make you happy."

Billy smiled and leaned over to kiss his wife. They spent the next hour
enjoying the scenery. When they reached Mississippi they continued the
journey on the coastal road where they stopped at a particularly appealing
beach. Brie had been hoping for this and was prepared. Under her top and
shorts was a two piece bathing suit. Billy had been equally prepared. They
parked the car and wiggled out of their shorts and shirts.

Billy loved to watch his new wife in a bathing suit. They had known each
other for two years. He was always taking her swimming or boating back
home. She created quite a stir in her hot bathing suits. Brie didn't
disappoint Billy on their honeymoon either. Under her clothes she wore a
very brief bikini that showed off her 35D-24-35 figure. They played in the
surf for a while, kissing and groping each other from time to time. Billy
thought about taking his beautiful wife right there on the beach but
unfortunately the beach was not deserted.

After cooling off they headed down the road again. As dark neared, the
couple entered a small town in Mississippi and stopped at a motel. As much
as Billy wanted to take his new bride to bed he felt that he could wait for
a little while until after they had had dinner. He asked the motel manager
about a nearby restaurant. The manager suggested a place about a mile down
the road.

Billy and Brie unloaded the car and settled into the motel room. Billy
filled Brie in on the restaurant and she disappeared into the bathroom to
freshen up and get dressed. Billy pulled on some jeans and a button down
shirt and waited for Brie.

Ten minutes later Brie emerged and Billy dropped his jaw. She was wearing a
lacy red bra and matching thong panties and nothing else. Her dark brown
hair had been fluffed up and her smoldering brown eyes begged her new
husband to take her bed. Billy had never seen his wife in such a state of
arousal. He got up immediately and took her into his arms. Billy kissed his
wife passionately tasting the red lipstick on her full lips. Brie moaned
with pleasure. It had been hard to resist going all the way with Billy
before they were married. She knew painfully that she had a healthy sex
drive. She usually required the assistance of her hand at least twice a

The overriding fact about waiting was that Brie was not on the pill. The
last thing the couple needed was a pregnancy before they were married. Now
that they were married there was no worry of scandal. In fact, it was their
hope that Brie returned from the honeymoon pregnant.

Brie now had Billy in her arms and she knew he would take care of her
needs. As the newlyweds continued to kiss, Brie heard Billy groan.
Unfortunately, it wasn't a groan of passion but a groan coming from his
stomach. Brie broke away from her husband and regarded him with a concerned
look on her face.

"What's wrong," Billy asked?

Brie replied, "I'm sorry baby, you're famished aren't you?"

Billy answered, "I'm OK Brie, just a little hungry, that's all."

Brie retreated to the bathroom and grabbed her shorts and top. Billy
followed her and grabbed her waist and pulled her to him. He kissed her
neck trying to regenerate the lust she showed before his stupid stomach
started to growl. Brie would have nothing of it. Billy knew that it was
that ladying instinct that most southern women had. A man's stomach came
before anything else. Billy also knew that despite her sweet and naïve
permistera Brie had a stubborn streak as well. She had made up her mind that
they would get dinner before they consummated their marriage.

Off to the restaurant they went, Billy with his hard cock painfully
arranged in his jeans and Brie with food for her new husband on her mind.
The restaurant turned out to be a more of a bar than a restaurant. The
newlyweds parked the car and entered the place a little concerned about
finding a decent meal. The place looked a little run down on the exterior
but the inside was not unlike the place back home that Billy and Brie spent
many a weekend having a good time. As the juke box played country music
several patrons consumed what appeared to be decent food while others
played pool on the other side of the bar.

Brie pointed the pool tables out to Billy and smiled. Billy smiled back as
he recalled the fun he'd had playing pool back home. Billy was quite a pool
player and had paid his way through college with his winnings. Billy
pointed out a sign that directed them to the bar to place their order. A
rather rough looking character was tending bar. He regarded Billy and Brie
as they approached, especially Brie. Her tank top hugged her large breasts
and ended above her belly button. Her denim shorts were equally snug and
ended high on her thighs in cuffs.

Billy interrupted the bartender's stare by requesting a menu. The man
handed Billy two menus and directed them to a booth on one side of the bar.
The service was no frills but the food was good. Billy was amused a little
by the fact that the bartender/waiter seemed to always talk to Brie
breasts. She noticed too and blushed. The man was a bit crude with his
behavior but otherwise seemed harmless. They finished their meal and
returned to the bar to pay the tab.


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As they turned to head for the door, Brie asked Billy if he would like to
pay a little pool. Billy whispered into Brie's ear, "I'm sorry, but I have
a date back at my motel room with a hot woman."

Brie grinned at Billy and teased, "Play me one game and I'll make it worth
your while."

Billy rolled his eyes and said, "OK, but lets make this quick."

Brie jumped with excitement causing her chest to bounce out of control.
Billy just shook his head. Brie acted very naïve but Billy had a suspicion
that she knew what she was doing. Brie got the rack while Billy went to the
bar to pay for the table and get the billiard balls. Brie set the balls in
the rack. Brie wasn't nearly as good as Billy but he had taught her to be a
decent player. As a handicap Billy would have to sink his balls twice when
they played eight ball. He also had to break and if a ball fell in it was
considered Brie's. She always had the first shot. In this way it made the
games more even resulting in Brie winning about as many times as she lost.

Billy soon realized what Brie meant by making it worth his while. She
strutted around the table with each shot stretching her voluptuous body
over the edge of the pool table with each shot. Billy didn't know whether
to look at her cute round ass or dangling swaying breasts. Billy wasn't the
only one. Several of the bar patrons had notice Brie's act as well. If she
had known about the other men watching, she would have been paralyzed with
embarrassment. As it was, she ended up teasing Billy into losing the game.
She jumped up and down again as the cue ball stroked the eight ball into
the appropriate pocket.

Before Billy and Brie could leave, a man approached Billy and asked if he
would like to play a friendly game. Billy politely declined. The man
offered to play a game for fifty dollars. Billy was tempted. This would pay
their motel room bill and leave them more money to spend in Florida. On the
other hand he had this exquisite female creature on his arm that he knew
was aching to have wild sex with him. Billy politely declined again. Before
the man could say anything Brie whispered into Billy's ear, "Fifty dollars
for only a few minutes work."

Billy looked at Brie and saw that she seemed eager for him to play pool.
Both Billy and Brie knew that Billy would win. "What's another ten
minutes," thought Billy.

Billy racked up the balls and allowed the challenger to break first. Billy
easily won in short order. The man paid off and before Billy could leave
with his knew bride the man offered to play another game for $100. Billy
was surprised that the man would want another game. Again Brie urged Billy
to play and again Billy won the game easily. Billy was tempted to decline
when the man asked for another game but the man called for double or
nothing. If Billy won again over this clearly inferior pool player he would
leave with an extra $250. Brie smiled and urged him on. Again Billy won.

By now, several men had gathered around to watch the action. They all made
sure that they got a good look at Brie as well. Finally the man had had
enough. He paid Billy his winnings. While Billy counted the money another
man offered $250 to play Billy. Billy declined the offer and started
heading for the door. Brie again urged Billy to play, her mind filled with
ideas of how they would enjoy their honeymoon with all that extra money.
They started with $500 dollars for the week. Now they had $750 but another
$250 would be even better and Brie knew that Billy would win.

Brie convinced the reluctant Billy to play one more game. To his relief he
again won the game. Now, Billy just wanted to leave before these guys got
angry. The second opponent grudgingly paid Billy the money he lost. As the
man handed over the last bill he said, "I tell you what, hotshot, lets quit
fooling around. Lets play one more game for $2000."

Billy's eyes widened with disbelief. He looked at Brie and then back to the
man. Billy politely declined the match claiming that he didn't have $2000
dollars. The man held his hand up and asked, "How much are you short,

Billy replied, "About $1000."

The man said, "I'll make you a deal hotshot. My $2000 against whatever cash
you have and one other thing."

Billy asked, "What's that?"

The man returned, "Your lady. I figure she's worth $1000 dollars."

Billy looked confused. He asked, "What do you mean 'my lady'."

The man said, "This woman here. The one you came in with. If I win I get
your cash and your woman. If you win then you get $2000."

Billy's face turned red with anger as he said, "I can't do that to my wife.
She's not mine to bet on a pool game."

Billy felt Brie nudge his side. He turned to look at her and she stretched
up to whisper in his ear, "You can do it Billy. Just think what we could do
with $2000." The possibility that her wonderful husband would lose never
occurred to her. It occurred to Billy.

Billy whispered back, "What if I lose baby. This guy means business. He'll
expect you to do everything he says. That means sex and who knows what

Brie considered his words for a moment and then whispered, "I know you
Billy, you won't lose."

Billy looked into his brides eager eyes and shook his head. Brie's eyes
took on a harder look. Billy couldn't believe the pressure his bride was
putting on him. He wanted to make her happy. He reviewed what he knew about
this guys game. He was very confident that he could beat the guy but he
didn't like the stakes. He declined the offer. Billy noticed that Brie
actually looked upset with him. It was breaking his heart.

The man said, "You drive a hard bargain. Let me make another offer. How
about $5000 against your wife. You can keep your cash."

Billy looked at Brie and saw that eagerness in her eyes again. He really
didn't want to see that look of disappointment on his wife again.
Reluctantly he agreed to the wager. Brie began to jump up and down with
excitement. "Boy is she stubborn," thought Billy.


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The group of men whistled as they watched Brie's heavy breasts wobbling
around. Billy's naïve bride was oblivious to the affect she had on the men.
The man who was called Jones by some of the men stated for the record, "I
want to make this clear. If I lose this pool match I will pay the young
hotshot hear $5000. If I win then his wife is mine to do with as I please.
Do you understand?" Brie eagerly nodded her head still completely faithful
of her husbands' abilities. Reluctantly, Billy nodded his head.

Jones suggested that they move the game into the back room considering the
stakes. They left the main room and crowded into the smaller back room.
Jones produced a stool for Brie to sit on. He also handed her $5000 in
cash. The winner of the match takes both her and the cash. Brie delighted
in counting the cash as the room full of men ogled her sexy body.

The match started well for Billy. He was very nervous about the stakes but
that made him focus. When he realized that he had the match in hand he let
his focus slip and little. He missed a shot. His opponent seemed equally
focused as he began to sink shot after shot. After the first two shots
Billy felt a twinge of concern. After the next two balls fell the twinge
had turned into a knot. After the next shot found the pocket he realized
that he had been hustled. It had been a setup from the start. He looked at
his bride and saw her anxious face. She had yet to realize what was

When only the eight ball was left, Brie looked up at Billy and saw the
concern on her husband's face. She now realized how foolish she had been.
Jones easily sunk the eight ball. Brie sat there in shock. She had made her
husband wait until their wedding night to have sex with her. That night had
come but she wouldn't be giving herself to the man she loved. Instead it
would be an old and crusty stranger.

Billy asked Jones, "Will you see to it that my wife is safe?"

Jones said, "I always take care of my property."

Billy nodded and said, "When will you return her?"

Jones replied, "I never said anything about returning your wife."

Billy exploded in anger and rushed at his opponent. Before he could reach
the man two large bar patrons grabbed his arms and held him in place. Billy
struggled but he was out sized.

Jones continued, "I'm a reamisterably man. If your wife follows my
instructions without hesitation and pleases me then you'll have her back
Monday morning. Now if you'll behave yourself, I'll even allow you to stay
tonight for the party that I'm throwing to celebrate."

Billy relaxed but the two large men holding him stayed close at his side.
He understood that they would grab him if he tried anything.

Jones said, "Good. Now its time for a little pleasure." He turned his
attention to Brie and asked, "Honey, what is your name?"

Brie answered with a croak, "Brie."

Jones smiled and said, "A beautiful name. Now Brie, you understand that you
must do whatever I say."

Brie nodded.

Jones said, "Very good. Now the first thing I want you to do is hand me
that money."

Brie complied.

Jones continued, "Now the next thing I want you to do is let us get a good
look at you. Stand up and turn around slowly."

Brie slowly got off the stool, apprehensive of what was coming. Jones
gestured for her to spin around. She complied in a rather jerky fashion.

Jones interrupted, "I'm afraid that won't do." Jones asked for some music
and then said, "Why don't you do a dance for us."

As the room filled with music Jones gestured for Brie to dance. He
suggested, "Make it sexy Brie."

Brie looked embarrassed and was hesitant.

Jones said, "Now Brie, you don't want me to get ugly, do you?"

Brie shook her head and slowly began to sway. Jones suggested that she put
her arms in the air as she danced. She complied causing her breasts to push
out. Jones walked around behind Brie and before she knew what had happened
he pulled her top over her head. The crowd of men whistled and hooted at
Brie's pretty red lace bra. Jones then reached around her waist and then
lifted his hands to cup Brie's breasts. He lifted her heavy breasts showing
the men how big they were. Jones buried his face in Brie's beautiful hair
and began to kiss her neck. Despite her reluctance to be with this man his
attention made her nipples get hard.

Billy could barely stand to watch. He watched the man work on his wife and
wished that he had left the bar when he had the chance with his wife on his
arm. Now he watched Jones do what he had longed to do, have sex with Brie.
Jones had now worked Brie's shorts off exposing her matching panties. He
asked Brie to slowly turn so that all the men could see her front and back.

Jones led Brie to the pool table and hoisted her up. He gestured for Brie
to remove her bra and panties. She either didn't understand what he wanted
or she didn't want to comply. As a result Jones roughly pulled Brie's bra
down off her breasts.

Brie croaked, "OK, OK let me." She then removed her bra and panties.

She looked at the men around the room as they stared at her naked body. Her
eyes landed on Billy and he said, "I'm sorry Brie."

Brie shook her head and said, "No. Its my fault."

Jones pushed Brie onto her back and positioned her exposed pussy at the
edge of the table. He then lowered his pants and pulled a sizable cock out
of his shorts. Jones stroked himself several times causing his cock to
twitch and grow. A drop of precum oozed from the head and he rubbed it over
Brie's pussy. To Jones' delight Brie's opening was damp with her own
arousal. He mistakenly thought that her arousal was for him. Actually it
was left over from the earlier time with Billy. In any event Jones began to
stroke his big cock into Brie's mound.

Brie knew that he would soon enter her. She whined, "Oh Billy look, he's
going to put his cock inside me and he's not wearing a condom." Jones
continued to rub the head of his cock against Brie's pussy lips. He was a
little surprised that she didn't try to move away. He knew that she didn't
want to be fucked but he also detected a passion in the sexy woman that
would likely betray her better sense. He continued to tease the hot wife as
his own anticipation was building to a peak. Jones had never had sex with a
woman as incredible as this woman. She was damn near perfect with her
beautiful face and totally fuckable body.


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Jones studied Brie's pink folds as his cock pushed them aside. He noticed
as did Brie's husband that her hips were now rising in an effort to trap
Jones' cock in her cunt. Despite herself she wanted to be filled. It was
time. Without warning Jones pushed about three inches into the wet hole and
met some resistance. "She's a virgin," he thought. Jones suddenly realized
that he must have gotten to this hot little lady before her husband or
anybody else had. How very ironic and lucky for him. He recalled her
comment about a condom. "An unprotected virgin," he thought. Jones
delighted in the thought of giving this hot little slut his seed.

Jones plunged through the barrier and began to teach the little bitch what
getting fucked was like. He looked at her face and noticed that she was
looking at him in the eye. He sensed the hate from the hot bitch but that
urged him on. He was ruining this bitches life but it was her own fault for
being greedy. She could have walked out of this bar and been fucking her
husband right now. Fortunately for Jones, she had urged her husband into
his hustle. Now she was getting her first fuck from the winner. Jones
realized that this hot woman could have be lying still like a dead fish.
Instead she was fucking him back. Her pelvis arched to meet his thrusts and
her eyes continued to look into his. The look had changed now to lust. Gone
was the hate. The bitch was now truly his.

This fact was reinpowerd when Brie locked her legs around Jones' back
pulling him closer and deeper into her hole. Brie said nothing but her
moans gave away her feelings about what was happening. Her large tits
wobred wildly with each thrust of Jones' cock. Now that Brie had locked
her body to his, he was able to grab Brie's firm mounds and pull on her
swollen nipples. Despite her anger and reluctance to be in this situation
Brie's body continued to betray her mind. The sensations were too great,
the stimulation too wonderful.

Jones continued to pound the new wife but something was missing. He stopped
long enough to climb on the table with the hot female. Brie moved back to
give him room. Her legs clamped once again around Jones' ass pulling his
cock back into her well-fucked hole. Billy watched with horror as she
pulled Jones' head down and passionately kissed his mouth. Jones collapsed
his body against Brie's softness and began to drive his cock deeply into
the horny girl's body. He was surprised that she had given herself over to
him totally. He regarded her as a natural born cock slut. How else could
one explain the way she was acting toward him with her husband in the same
room. These thoughts began to overwhelm Jones' mind.

After about ten minutes of hard fucking on the pool table, Jones jerked to
a halt and allowed his body to pump his seed into the wanton young wife.
Jones looked at Brie's face and saw a pleasant expression there. Her eyes
were closed but her face showed a hint of a smile. Finally, she opened her
eyes and saw Jones staring at her. Quickly the smile vanished and the
hatred returned.

Brie had endured her first experience with intercourse by pretending that
she was being fucked by her husband. It seemed to have worked for her for
now but she new that this ordeal was not over. She looked over at a
shameful Billy with a concerned look, wishing that she could tell him what
she felt. She wanted to tell him that she had pretended that Jones was
Billy but it seemed impossible to explain.

Brie couldn't really know how hard the sight of her fucking another man and
apparently enjoying it, really hurt Billy. Before she could ponder the
problem more another man had mounted her and pushed his filthy cock into
her body. A second man wagged his member in front of her face. She knew
what was expected of her. She took the sweaty man pole into her mouth and
again pretended that she was sucking on Billy's cock. To Billy it appeared
that Brie had wantonly pulled the man's cock into her mouth and now she was
sucking with her usually enthusiasm.

Brie continued to service the two cocks until they both pumped her holes
full of thick goo. Two more men approached Brie. This time she straddled
one while the other stood over her and fed her his cock. They fucked her
for a few minutes and then a third man stuck his tongue between her spread
ass cheeks and began to eat out her asshole. This was just a preliminary to
skewering the virgin asshole with his big fat cock. Brie screamed with the
anal intrusion but settled down after the big cock had stretched her out a

This type of scene went on till about ten that evening until all of Jones'
friends had sampled one or more of Brie's holes. The once untouched young
woman had now allowed the sweaty flesh of more men than she could count
into her body. The men showed their appreciation by filling and coating
Brie with their potent essence. After the ordeal Jones allowed Brie to go
to the lady's room and clean up. He told her to get dressed but all she
could find was her bra and panties. Her top and shorts had become souvenirs
for the men. It was a wonder that she had been able to salvage her

Brie spent ten minutes washing out her well-fucked pussy and asshole. She
cleaned the dried cum off her face and chest, favorite places for sperm
deposits by many of the men. She was given her purse so that she could make
herself presentable again. She put on her bra and panties and actually felt
dressed after being naked in front of all those men. The minute she left
the lady's room one of Jones' associates grabbed her and led her away from
the back room to the bar office. Jones was there as was a very mean looking
black man and his two 'assistants'.

"Here she is," said Jones.

"Very nice," commented the man.

"Do we have a deal?" inquired Jones.

Brie quickly looked at Jones hoping to find an explanation in his face. It
said nothing.

The black man slowly walked around Brie and nodded his approval. He
grunted, "First a test."

Jones walked over to Brie and whispered, "Give him the best blow job you've
ever given or you'll never see your husband again."

Brie looked at Jones with horror.

Again Jones whispered, "You just got through fucking eighteen men and I
assure you there will be many many more." "Do it."

Brie looked at the big black man and decided that as long as she could
pretend that she was having sex with her husband then she could get through
this. She walked up to the man and knelt down in front of him. In no time
she had his very large cock out of his pants and into her mouth. The cock
was bigger than Billy's but not impossible to handle. After soaking the
black skin with her saliva, she pulled the large cock into her throat and
began to hum.

"Jesus," moaned the black man. "This bitch is hot." After five minutes Brie
was collecting a large wad of black seed in her tummy.

"You have a deal," fetishd the man. A large sum of money was exchanged and
then the three black men ushered Brie from the office and out the back of
the bar. Brie protested the whole way but she was held firmly by the two

Brie screamed, "Where are you taking me?" "I have to see my husband."

The black man said, "Baby, my name is Jack. I'm your husband now. I just
bought your ass for $1000 dollars."

Brie recalled with shame that $1000 was how much Jones had said she was
worth. She wished that it was Billy paying the $1000 for her.
Unfortunately, Billy didn't know what was happening. He was still back at
the bar wondering where Brie was.


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Brie was pushed into the back seat of a large car, Jack and one of his men
on either side of her. The other man and a driver occupied the front seat.
Jack looked at the man on the other side of Brie and said, "Give it to
her." As the car sped off into the night, the man removed his cock from his
pants. When Brie saw it she looked at the man with dread.

"Suck me," the man said. Brie didn't move.

Jack grabbed Brie by the chin and said, "Do as you are told, bitch." Brie
slowly lowered her head to the man's drooling shaft. Tentatively, she let
her tongue touch the gooey head. The man grabbed Brie's head and thrust his
tool up into her mouth. He powerd her to bob up and down on his shaft until
she began to manage on her own. The man put his head back on the headrest
and sighed as Brie gave the man the same treatment that she had given his

Back at the bar Billy started to ask where Brie was. When no one answered,
he began to get violent. Finally, Jones came out of the back office and
said, "She's not here. I just sold her for $1000. I had to make a profit,
you see."

Billy grabbed Jones and said, "Where is she?"

Two men pulled him off Jones. He said, "She's long gone by now."

Billy shouted, "You said you would let her go Monday."

"I lied," said Jones. "If I were you I would forget little Brie. You
probably won't ever see her again. That will teach you to play pool with
me, hotshot."

Billy tried to attack Jones but he was held fast. One of the men punched
him in the gut and they dragged him from the bar. Billy tried to fight back
but all he got for his effort was another blow to the gut. The two men
threw him out of the bar. Billy lay in the dirt trying to catch his breath
and wondering how he would ever find his wife.

Jack and his men headed east to Mobile. That was his turf. Jack was a pimp.
He was on a recruiting trip and it had been successful. This Brie was one
fine catch and she was a terrific cocksucker. Not many women had ever
sucked his 10 inches dry in only five minutes. He watched as she worked
Fred's cock into hardness. Fred lifted Brie's mouth off his cock and then
lifted her pussy onto it. She seemed like a natural cock slut. Jack was
surprise that this slut seemed more agreeable than most. Brie fucked Fred
until he blew his wad up her cunt.

Jack wanted his turn. Brie obliged cheerfully. By the time the car reached
Mobile, Brie had fucked everyone in the car. She was exhausted. Jack took
her into his apartment and let her crash on his sofa.

Billy didn't know where to start looking for his wife. He got in his car
and headed out onto the road. Billy had no clue where Brie was so he just
picked a direction. The chances of finding her were damn near impossible
but he had to try. He stopped in every gas station showing a picture of his
wife and asking if she had been seen. He continued searching until he was
too tired. He pulled off the road and got some relax.

Brie awoke with a stiff body and a confused mind. She looked around the
apartment trying to find someone. She found Jack in his bed snoring away.
For a moment she didn't recognize him but slowly her memory returned. The
scene of the night before returned with a vengeance. Brie began to sob.

Jack was startled awake by the sound of a crying female. "The bitch is
awake," he thought.

Jack got up and went to his whore like all good pimps do. He comforted her
as best he could by leading her to the bed and allowing her to lie down. He
caressed her very gently and tried to soothe her with his deep voice
saying, "Baby, you'll be fine here with Jack." "I'll take real good care of

Jack began to kiss Brie's cheeks as she sobbed. Slowly he moved his lips to
hers and kissed her gently. He moved his hand across her back stroking her
affectionately as his kiss became firmer and more passionate. Brie
responded by returning the kiss. Jack moved his hands to her naked breasts
as his tongue began to play with Brie's. He rubbed her breasts for a moment
before allowing his hand to drop to her bush. Brie spread her legs for him
as she put her arms around his neck pulling his full lips hard against her
own. Jack detected a very wet opening and knew that Brie was ready.

Jack moved between her legs and pushed his big thick cock deep into the
young woman. Brie responded by locking her legs around Jack's waist. They
ground their flesh together slowly for nearly an hour. Jack produced three
intense orgasms in Brie. She in turn milked Jack dry twice, once with her
pussy and once with her mouth. Jack by far had been her best fuck so far.

Jack told Brie that she would be working for him on the streets. He had
another prostitute named Betty teach her the ropes. Tonight was to be her
trial run. After turning a few tricks she would join Jack for a party a
friend of his was having.

Betty loaned Brie an outfit for the night. It was all red leather with no
underwear. She wore a pair of red pumps and black fishnet stockings. It was
a classic whore outfit. Brie proved to be very popular. The minute she hit
the streets she was picked up. By the time Brie left for the party with
Jack she had fucked five guys, two doubles and a single. She had $200
dollars to show for it.

Jack was pleased with her work and decided that she should charge more.
Brie felt wonderful and began to think about getting fucked again. She
didn't have to wait long. She was a big hit at the party and only one of
three women there.

One fellow was so taken with the excellent fuck that Brie gave him that he
offered Jack $2000 dollars for Brie and Jack accepted. The man's name was
Stone and he lived in New Orleans. Brie was horrified to learn that Jack
had sold her. He explained to her that it was business.

Stone left the party with Brie and his three men. At their hotel they
worked Brie over pretty hard. They seem to focus on Brie's cute ass. She
was repeatedly assfucked. They didn't leave any marks on Brie but they
fucked her over and over until she begged them to stop. They didn't and
soon they were plowing into an *** woman.

Brie awoke the next day to the harsh reality of someone slapping her head.
Stone told her to get dressed. Brie looked around for her clothes and found
them in shreds. She showed them to Stone and he shrugged his shoulders. A
moment later he threw Brie an old undershirt of his. Brie asked if she
could clean up and Stone gave her ten minutes in the bathroom. Stone
realized that the woman was a mess and wouldn't make him any money looking
like she did.

Brie cleaned the crusty cum off her body and tried to freshen up as best
she could with the supplies the hotel offered. She pulled on the undershirt
and tried to position it for the best coverage. There wasn't much she could
do with it. It barely covered her ass and her large firm tits bulged out
the neckline and armholes of the well-worn garment. She had to admit that
she did look sexy. Brie left the bathroom when Stone said, "Times up
bitch." Brie wished that he didn't have to treat her so badly.

Brie did salvage her fishnets and shoes. She was quite a sight. The four
men and Brie hit the road for New Orleans. Stone decided to stop in
Gulfport and do a little gambling. They pulled into a casino that employed
a friend of his. Stone dropped Brie off with this friend Bruno while he hit
the tables. Bruno put Brie right to work in a section of the casino off
limits to most patrons. She was told to wait in a room and to make anyone
who entered the room comfortable. Brie knew it meant have sex.

Brie was there for six hours and turned a trick an hour. She was allowed to
clean up between tricks. To Brie's amazement she found that she enjoyed the
sex but Billy was always somewhere in her mind. She wasn't pretending any
more that he was her lover but she hoped that one day he would find her and
take her home. Brie thought about trying to escape but she had heard about
other girls who were badly beaten for trying to leave there pimp.

Bruno was so pleased with Brie that he made a deal with Stone for her
paying $3000. For the next week Brie turned tricks and was loaned out for
parties by Bruno. He was nice to her but he never let her alone. Someone
was always with her to see that she performed and perform she did. Bruno
easily covered his investment in those few days.

Brie had more sex with Bruno's clients that week than most women have in a
lifetime. Every night she would go to relax exhausted. On the last night
that Brie was with Bruno he explained to her that a rich client was coming
into town and that he wanted a woman that fit her description. When the
client arrived he was able to check out Brie through a one way mirror. He
told Bruno that she would be fine and offered to buy her for $5000. Bruno
refused the offer. He could make that much easily off Brie.


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Madame Richard

- Si vous voulez ma fille, dit-elle, il faudra faire comme je dirai.
C'est ainsi que la mère de Catherine m'a répondu quand je lui ai demandé l'autorisation de sortir avec sa fille. Catherine avait 18 ans, sa mère avait une grande emprise sur elle. C'est Catherine elle même qui m'a supplié de demander cette autorisation à sa mère. Elle n'osait pas le faire elle même. J'étais trop amoureux de Catherine, et depuis trop longtemps pour refuser. Même à 20 ans , je ne me sentais pas la power de dire non. Cette femme m'en imposait par sa tenue et mister aspect très bourgeois. Elle devait avoir dans les 55 ans, elle vivait à l'aise apparemment seule, mister frère était le seul homme que je voyais de temps en temps passer quand j'attendais Catherine dehors.
- C'est bien, répondit-elle, je prends rendez-vous chez mon médecin pour la fin de l'après-midi, vous serez mister dernier client, elle prendra tout le temps qu'il faut pour vous examiner. C'est que je veux quelqu'un de sain pour ma fille, vous comprenez ?
- Oui, oui, dites moi où c'est j'irai demain.
- Pas la peine, vous viendrez d'abord ici, c'est moi qui vous y conduirez, me coupa-t-elle.
Je n'avais pas le choix. Je suis parti sans même revoir Catherine pour lui dire au revoir.
Le lendemain à 18h, je misternais à la porte.
Elle est sortie tout de suite et on est partis chez le médecin.
-C'est madame Richard, dit-elle, à l'interphone, je suis attendue.
C'est le médecin elle même qui nous a accueilli. C'était une dame d'environ 60 ans, de petite taille, assez grosse .
- Ah… C'est donc ce jeune homme, dit-elle, mon assistante va le préparer pendant que nous prendrons un petit café en attendant hein madame Richard ?
- Volontiers dit-elle, allons-y, nous avons tout notre temps.
Elle appela mister assistante. Une dame grosse également, de 50 ans environ, au visage rouge, bien boudinée dans sa blouse blanche.
- Marthe , c'est pour une visite complète, lui dit-elle pour seule consigne.
Elles disparurent toutes les deux. L'assistante me demanda de la suivre.
Arrivés dans le cabinet du médecin, elle me pria de me déshabiller.
Je me suis mis en sous-vêtement pendant que je l'entendais faire couler de l'eau dans le local à coté.
- Enlevez tout me dit-elle en revenant, complètement nu, je vais vous laver.
Elle se savonnait les mains pendant que je retirais mes derniers vêtements. Comme ça faisait longtemps qu'une femme n'avait pas vu ma queue, ça m'a donné quelques soubresauts en y pensant. C'est donc avec la queue un peu grosse mais encore bien molle que je me dirigeai vers la douche.
- Allez au fond de la cabine et écartez bras et jambes, je vais vous arroser.
Elle commença par les jambes puis remonta doucement pendant que je tournais sur moi même. Quand je fus bien mouillé elle me savonna. Elle me savonna le haut, puis les jambes les pieds et termina par les zones intimes. Elle décalotta ma queue avec difficulté car je suis assez étroit de ce coté , mais elle fit coulisser plusieurs fois ses 2 mains du bout vers la racine. J'étais tellement intimidé que je ne bandais pas, mais elle a continué en me lavant les couilles et la raie du cul en insistant bien sur le trou.
- C'est quoi comme visite lui demandai-je?
- Complète ! comme le médecin a dit. Il faut que vous soyez bien propre. Au rinçage maintenant dit-elle.
Je repris le jet sur tout le corps.
-Au séchage, dit-elle en m'épongeant avec une grande serviette.
Elle m'a enveloppé dans la serviette et elle partit chercher le médecin.
Ça faisait 5 minutes que j'attendais assis sur la table d'examen quand j'ai vu arriver le médecin et l'assistante. J'ai été très surpris de voir que la mère de Catherine les accompagnait.
- Allez jeune homme : tout nu, me dit-elle. Couche toi sur la table . Il est pas poilu, tant mieux , ça dégage bien la vue.
Elle a commencé mister examen médical de façon classique, puis elle en est venu à l'examen du sexe.
- Alors il parait que tu es émotif m'a dit Marthe et que c'est difficile de décalotter. ..Eh oui en effet pour un garçon de ton âge c'est encore serré malgré qu'elle ne soit pas gonflée. Bon on va regarder ça de près. Mets toi assis au bord de la table. Marthe apportez-moi la loupe éclairante.
Marthe a apporta une espèce de table avec une grosse loupe.
- Allez mets ton instrument la dessus.
Elle regarda longuement mon gland décalotté sur tous les angles au travers de la loupe. Elle invita la mère de Catherine à voir aussi.
-Voyez, lui dit-elle, ce garçon passe mister temps à se toucher, regardez les traces rouges là… et là. Tu ne nies pas, n'est-ce pas?
-C'est depuis que j'ai rencontré Catherine, répondis-je en baissant les yeux, je suis bien obligé de me soulager tout seul, elle ne veut jamais.
-C'est normal, dit la mère, je ne lui ai pas donné l'autorisation.
Le médecin me manipulait toujours la queue en décalottant et recalottant. Je ne bandais pas pour autant. Elle termina par une traction à fond qui me fit gémir de douleur. Ensuite elle me fit me coucher et me maltraita les couilles à la recherche d'une quelconque varice ou autre mal formation.
-Docteur, dit madame Richard, c'est normal qu'elles soient si pendantes, si longues ?
-C'est vrai qu'elles mistert très détachées , mais ce n'est pas grave du tout. Répondit le médecin. Au contraire, on dit que dans ces cas là, le sperme est plus abondant et fertile. On vérifiera ça plus tard.
Tout était normal et elle demanda à Marthe d'apporter les étriers . Elle les installa et le médecin m'a pris les jambes pour les bloquer dedans en me faisant mettre les fesses au bord de la table.
-Bon on va examiner ton anus maintenant, détends toi. Marthe, venez lui maintenir les bourses vers le haut, elles pendent tellement qu'elles me gênent.
Marthe me tira franchement les couilles vers le ventre.
Elle se graissa l'index et le fit entrer tant bien que mal. Malgré moi, j'ai senti à ce moment ma queue durcir dans la main de Marthe. Qu'allaient-ils penser de moi?
-Docteur, dit madame Richard, vous croyez que…..?
-On va bien vérifier l'intérieur..Marthe ! apportez moi le spéculum, il est serré.
-Et mister sexe ! dit madame Richard, vous avez vu comme il est raide maintenant. Voyez comme mister gland est gros et tout rouge, il y a même du liquide qui suinte.
-C'est normal, dit le médecin, je lui tâte la prostate. Tout à fait normale d'ailleurs.
Marthe est revenue avec un petit spéculum.
-Non pas celui là dit le médecin, donnez moi un anal en plastique, il est étroit…
Elle m'a introduit l'objet froid, et a commencé à écarter. Je sentais la pression mais sans douleur .
-Bon , dit elle, on va pouvoir regarder. Il n'y a pas de trace de frottement à l'intérieur. pas de varice.. rien. C'est sans doute une contre-réaction madame Richard ne vous inquiétez pas.
-J'aime mieux ça, mais c'est quand même bizarre.
-Bon on va laisser le spéculum où il est. Voyons si il n'a pas de nodules sur le sexe maintenant qu'il est bien dur.
Le médecin me palpa longuement la queue sur toutes les coutures. Elle me recalotta et décallota plusieurs fois mais toujours avec difficulté
-Tout est normal, dit-elle. On peut même dire qu'il a un sexe au-dessus de la moyenne. Surtout mister gland, voyez comme il est développé. On appelle ça "en champignon". Si votre fille a des rapports avec lui, elle sera comblée, surtout qu'elle est étroite. L'inconvénient qu'il peut y avoir c'est éventuellement qu'il soit précoce dans l'éjaculation, vous comprenez,…. les frottements mistert si intenses.
-Justement, j'aimerais bien savoir comment il se comporterait au coït ? dit madame Richard. Comment pourrait-on essayer?
-Rien de plus facile, Répondit le médecin, Marthe !! Venez nous prêter votre vagin.. et toi jeune homme laisse donc ta place.
Je descendis avec difficulté de la table, le spéculum toujours planté. J'avais la queue comme un bout de bois qui oscillait toute seule de bas en haut. Madame Richard ne la quittait plus des yeux..
Le médecin m'a demandé de me tourner pendant que Marthe s'installait. Elle a pris ma place sur la table avec les jambes écartées mais les pans de sa blouse cachaient tout.
-Installe toi entre ses jambes, je vais t'introduire. Me demanda le médecin.
Elle dilata un peu Marthe avec ses doigts, puis lubrifia ma queue qu'elle présenta au trou.
-Allez vas-y enfonce toi me dit-elle. Voilà c'est bien , commence tes mouvements maintenant, …doucement, doucement, prends appui avec tes mains sur les étriers.
J'étais nerveux et il m'arrivait souvent de ressortir car je me reculais trop loin et trop vite, le médecin me replaçait lui même. Madame Richard m'a trouvé bien maladroit .
-Tu es débutant, me demanda le médecin, tu n'as pas l'air d'avoir beaucoup d'expérience.
-Je le fais très peu souvent avec une cousine, mais depuis que je connais Catherine je ne le fais plus.
-Je serai avec eux pour les 1er rapports, dit-elle , si toutefois je suis d'accord pour continuer avec lui. Il m'a l'air pas très habile et je ne voudrais pas qu'il blesse Catherine.
-Je pense que c'est préférable , en effet. dit le médecin. On va surveiller ses bourses, à la moindre remontée on arrête, je ne veux pas qu'il éjacule tout de suite , je veux contrôler mister jet et surtout estimer le volume de sperme comme on l'a dit tout à l'heure. Vas-y mon gars tu peux accélérer un peu maintenant.
Pendant ce temps Marthe encaissait mes coups de queue sans broncher, mais je la sentais de plus en plus mouillée, au point que ça faisait du bruit. Le médecin me tâtait les couilles de temps en temps en secouant aussi le spéculum qui me tenait grand ouvert le trou du cul.
-Ah mais c'est qu'il résiste mieux que prévu , dit le médecin, on va arrêter là. Allez retire toi doucement. Voilà c'est bien . Retourne toi , vais examiner Marthe maintenant. Ah ah …c'est qu'on voit bien qu'il est passé par là : regardez madame Richard comme elle est dilatée.
-Oh la la, dit-elle, mais c'est que je crains pour ma petite maintenant, elle est si étroite.
-Pour la toute 1er fois avec lui, dit le médecin, venez ici, je contrôlerai tout. Au fait, elle a toujours des rapports réguliers avec votre frère ?
-Oui, oui, bien sur, une fois par mois au moment du cycle, là il n'y a aucun risque, répondit madame Richard. Il est très doux et précautionneux . Vous savez depuis qu'il l’a initiée, c'est la meilleure solution et il peut se répandre en elle sans problème. Mais mister sexe est beaucoup plus fin que celui là !!! Alors vous comprenez, elle est restée étroite.
-C'est vrai, répondit le médecin. Et comme elle ne supporte pas du tout la pilule ni les préservatifs c'est une bonne solution. Mais un jeune comme lui ne peut pas faire ça …il faut qu'il puisse se libérer à n'importe quel moment…. Marthe ! , vous pouvez vous lever maintenant et étaler une grande feuille de plastique sur la table, je vais le faire éjaculer dessus.…..Voilà c'est bien…… Je vais le manipuler comme ça….. vous voyez sans mettre le prépuce , juste en tirant alternativement sur le frein. Marthe ! , pendant que je le masturbe massez lui bien les bourses et faites pression sur le spéculum.
Elle m'a branlé ainsi comme je ne l'avais jamais fait moi même. C'était assez bizarre , car il me manquait le serrage du gland. Marthe s'activait plus sur mes couilles que sur le spéculum. A ma contraction, le médecin a senti que j'allais juter.
-Allez vas-y libère-toi , me dit-elle . Et vous Marthe secouez bien le spéculum !
Un grand jet de sperme épais a été propulsé sur le plastique , les autres jets étaient moins puissants mais aussi abondants. Le médecin m'a bien malaxé la tige et a tiré fort le prépuce en arrière.
-Voilà qui est fait, dit-elle. 10 jets. On va mesurer tout ça. Alors ….pour la distance c'est largement au dessus de la moyenne, voyez madame Richard : 80 cm ! C'est tout à fait remarquable …et pour le volume attendons que Marthe récupère tout dans l'éprouvette.
Marthe raclait tout mon sperme avec une spatule et a fait glisser le tout dans le récipient .
-Voyons voir,…. eh oui dit-elle , il y a en quand même 2 cl ce qui est exceptionnel. En plus le sperme est bien épais , bien homogène , de bonne odeur également. Dis moi depuis quand tu ne t'étais pas soulagé ?
-Depuis hier soir …, dis-je timidement.
-Depuis hier soir !!? , reprit madame Richard, alors comment se fait-il qu'il y en ai autant? Je n'ai pas envie qu'il arrose ma petite avec tout ça. Je ne tiens pas à la retrouver enceinte !!
-Mais ne vous inquiétez pas, répondit le médecin., je pense déjà à une solution sans aucun risque de ce coté. En attendant, jeune homme, remonte sur la table que je t'enlève le spéculum.
Je me réinstallai sur la table avec l'aide de Marthe qui me tira les couilles sur le ventre comme tout à l'heure.
-Voyons cela, dit le médecin. Je desserre , voilà… et je retire.
-Mais…. il reste ouvert !? , remarqua madame Richard.
-Ah là oui… dit le médecin. Au toucher , je ne sens rien de particulier, il est souple mais solide, on va attendre un peu . Serre les fesses de temps en temps.
En attendant le médecin laissait un doigt dans le trou et testait régulièrement le resserrement.
-Ah voilà qui est mieux, dit-elle. Je vais quand même vous envoyer chez un de mes confrères spécialisé. Bon on va le laisser se rhabiller et nous nous allons téléphoner à mon confrère, allons faire le point et je vous parlerai de mon idée et puisque vous êtes là profitons en pour faire votre auscultation, Marthe faites lui une petite toilette et venez nous rejoindre dans l'autre cabinet.
Elles quittèrent la pièce et Marthe m'a passé un gant de toilette sur le sexe et entre les fesses. J'ai attendu une bonne 1/2 heure leur retour.
Nous avons quitté le médecin et sans un mot nous sommes remontés dans la voiture.
En chemin madame Richard me dit :
-Tu t'es bien comporté chez le médecin. Tu es resté soumis comme je le souhaitais. Tu as mon autorisation d'aller plus loin avec ma fille. Mais attention, je veux tout contrôler. Tu es d'accord?
-Oui, bien sur. Répondis-je. Cela ne me gêne pas et dans le fond j'aime mieux être assisté car je n'ai pas beaucoup d'expérience.
-C'est tant mieux comme ça, dit-elle. Et puis tu me sembles de nature soumise. Le médecin a une méthode pour ne pas avoir de risque de grossesse. Elle propose de pratiquer le coït anal. Tu as déjà fait??
- Non.. jamais, …mais je ne demande qu'à apprendre..
-Pourtant à voir les réactions de ton anus, je suis toujours dans le doute. Dit-elle. D'ailleurs je pense, comme le médecin, que tu dois d'abord te faire dépuceler. Après tout, puisque tu vas prendre ma fille par là, il est normal que tu saches ce que ça fait.
-Je ferais comme vous souhaitez.
-C'est bien, dit-elle. Le médecin m'a donné l'adresse d'un de ces confrères gynécologue qui te fera ça très bien d'après elle. Il est spécialisé dans l'éducation sexuelle. Et puis je suis sure que tu es prédisposé à ça. J'ai pris rendez-vous pour demain et Catherine nous accompagnera.
-C'est obligé qu'elle soit là pour ça ? demandai-je plaintivement.
-Oui, oui. Je tiens à ce qu'elle assiste à cet acte. Répondit-elle sèchement. Ça ne lui fera pas de mal de voir un autre sexe que celui de mister oncle. D'autant plus que ce médecin en profitera pour me montrer la préparation nécessaire à ce genre d'introduction. Ensuite seulement tu pourras le faire avec Catherine. Tu comprends ?
-Bien sur, mais j'ai un peu peur.
-Ne t'en fais pas. Tu viendra demain chez moi vers 14h. Le médecin veut une petite préparation et nous devrons passer chez mon esthéticienne. Nous voici arrivés, je ne te laisse pas voir Catherine aujourd'hui. Rentre chez toi, et ne touche pas, à partir de maintenant il faudra m'obéir. Allez à demain.
-Au revoir madame, dis-je.


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my sexy wife and the old man up the street!!!!

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This is a 110% true story of what happened last new years eve and how its changed our sex life for the better.
me and my wife mel(im 28 and mel is 26 and without being a stunner is still a very sexy lady)were holding a new years eve party at our house.we had invited all of the street we lived in (about 25 houses).
as the night got underway i noticed mel wasnt holding back with the wine and seemed to be really going for it.she danced with everyone even pulling Jack the old widow up for a dance.
the party went on well into the early hours until the only people left were me mel and jack.we were sat in the lounge when jack asked mel for another dance before he left.mel didnt hesitate and began dancing with jack(who we later found out was 65 years old)one dance moved straight into another as i dozed in the armchair.i awoke some time later to find the lights dimmed and the music ultra slow with jack holding mel very tightly with her head resting against his shoulder,they were hardly moving and jacks hands were resting on mels arse.
i didnt know how to react to this but admit to finding my young sexy wife in the arms of a much much older man a huge turn on. so i decided to leave them to it and head up to bed,mel made some remark about how she would join me in a min.
i stayed on the stairs and tried to listen through the door but because of the music i was struggling to hear anything,then just as i was about to give up i heard the familiar sound of mels load sexual moans,(she always moans really load during sex)
i struggled to open the door enough to get a good view,as i pushed the door open further jack saw me and looked me straight in the eyes as he fucked my wife on the lounge floor.
why dont you come in and see your wife with a real man he laughed as mels moans just got louder and louder with each push of jacks cock.i immediatly sat in the armchair and pulled my cock out without saying a word.

look how much your wife loves older cock he boasted,mel was scratching his back and almost screaming as she came really hard on jacks i watched this my spunk just shot from my cock so fiercly that i couldnt remember a time when i had come that hard before.
jack just kept up the verbal talk (humilation)as he carried on fucking mel with long hard strokes until she cried out for a second time on his cock.
tell your hubby how much you love my cock he told her.oh yesssss i love it she said i fucking love it.
hearing this made my cock spring back into life still sticky from my spunk.i began wanking again as jack ordered mel to suck his cock.when i eventually saw jacks cock it was much bigger and thicker than mine and he told mel to suck him good.
mel began sucking jacks cock slowly but jack grabbed her hair and started fucking her mouth hard and do u like watching your wife suck another mans cock he said to me.
i just nodded unsure of what to say but with my cock as hard as it as ever been and again weeping spunk.
after a while he pulled his cock out of my wifes mouth and led her over to the sofa with her bum half on the seat and half of the seat and then he fed his cock back into her soaking pussy and this time really went to town,slamming his cock so hard into mel that i had to go and cover her mouth she was screaming that load.
jack told me he was leaving me his spunk to fuck in later and groaned out as he filled mels womb with his old spunk.

as he pulled out his spunk leaked out onto the sofa.he got dressed and pulled mel up from the sofa and kissed her passionatly with his tounge.
as he left he thanked us for a lovely night and said until next time......
we were both in a state of shock but i just needed to fuck mel so badly i just pushed her down on the floor and pushed my cock into her red swollen pussy,the feeling was incredable she was so wet but still so warm her pussy felt like silk as i fucked it for all i was worth,i lasted about 3 mins before shooting what spunk i had left into her.

we didnt say a lot to each other as we went to bed,but in the morning we fucked again and her pussy was still full of spunk as we both admitted how much we had enjoyed it.
since then we have invited jack around for dinner on several occasions and each time jack ends up fucking mel and verbally (humilating) me.he as even got mel verbally humilating me when he comes around but its something we both really enjoy so wheres the harm?


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My Young Wife

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My May-December Wedding

After my second wife died, leaving me a fairly wealthy widower, at the ripe age of 69 I decided to look for a younger wife this time. I did not like being lonely, and I did not like the idea of outliving my wives, so I began looking for a younger, yet understanding, young lady who would be happy with an older “codger” like me. I still had my hair, although it was turning gray, and I had most of my original teeth and no dentures. I’d stayed in shape by walking a lot, eating right, and going to the gym three times a week. Besides, I just liked the looks of younger ladies more than women my own age.
Plus, I imagined that if I found the right young lady, one who had a man fixation, that she would putty in my hands and a nice sweet young thing to teach my sexual preferences to. At 69, my prostate was beginning to give me problems, and it took a little longer for me to “get it up” and I felt that the right young thing looking for a man substitute would be just the patient, understanding partner I needed. Right.
I met and dated several young women whom I met various ways – the internet, classified ads, etc., -- but none of them worked out, it was obvious they were just gold diggers or that they really weren’t interested in an older man like me.
But then I met Suzanne!! She was a waitress at my country club, and was one of the cutest little things I’d ever seen. She was always polite, deferential, well-spoken, intelligent, and made me feel special and I began asking for her table anytime I dined at the country club. She never openly flirted with me, but she made it clear that I was not just a nameless customer to her.
So despite our club’s policy on not fraternizing with the “hired help” I discreetly asked her out on a date. The first time I asked she just smiled at me with sincerity, took my hand, and said, “Oh, I’m sorry but I’m busy that night, but please DO ask me again.” So I asked again and this time she said YES.
Our first date was wonderful, and our relationship proceeded very quickly to tender nights in bed. She was a patient and thoughtful young woman, and seemed to enjoy our intimate time together. After a visit to my doctor, I found that the “blue pill” and the “orange pill” could give me rigid hard-ons for an evening and well into the next morning, but I had to make sure to time it right to catch Suzanne’s erotic moods. She would cook breakfast the next morning, and I would often cook dinners for us, unless I took her to some swank restaurant FAR out of town from where we lived. I seemed to win her over with my suave manner and worldliness, and she enjoyed the nice places I took her. I even took her for a weekend in Bermuda, which REALLY turned her head. We managed to keep our relationship secret from the country club, so it was a minor scandal when I announced our engagement to my friends and golf partners.
Every one of them (and the country club management too) tried in various ways to talk me out of it, but I was determined to find happiness through this young woman, even though she was one-quarter my age she was ideal for me, so I did not relent. She lost her waitress job, but it didn’t matter. We were married the following month in a civil ceremony and I assured her she would live a very comfortable life with me. I didn’t even think about a prenuptial agreement, she did not seem like the gold digger type. I maintained my membership in the country club and , I suppose because of my long-standing membership and relative wealth and that my golf partners still liked my company (and maybe even envied me for my cute new young wife), and I even paid for Suzanne to become a member of the place she formerly worked as a waitress. Many of the ladies seemed to shun her, but it didn’t seem to matter to Suzanne.
Our first year together was great, with the two of us being the talk of our community, showing up at local places and events and the country club together, and Suzanne telling anyone who would listen how we were trying to have a baby. I thought the latter was amusing…I really didn’t want a baby at my age, and besides, I was proving to be more and more impotent in bed…difficult to get and keep an erection. Viagra and Levritra helped, but it also made me woozy and sick and gave me a headache and made my face feel flushed and interfered with my relax, so after a few time using it, I discontinued it.
Suzanne told me she could be satisfied if I gave her oral sex and used a dildo on her, which I did frequently to keep her young body satisfied. I came to enjoy these sessions, me going down on her nubile snatch, wetting her completely with my tongue, and then plying her deep pussy with a long and thick dildo that we both picked out from an adult book store. It was dark brown in color, so we named it “George” as a joke…come to think of it, I think SHE named it George…as a joke, of course. She would thrust her pelvis and take the dildo deeply as I pushed it into her, saying, “Fuck me, George, oh fuck me!!” …and I found that oddly erotic, saying the name of some other man, even if he was imaginary.
At least one evening a week (and sometimes two) in that first year was spent with me, Suzanne, and “George.” Sometimes I was able to service her to completion, but just as often we had to use my tongue and George. But she seemed satisfied and never mentioned my age or inability to perform as a problem between us….she just held me and said, “It’s OK, I’m fine….really, darling.”
She also liked to dress in leather “slave” costumes, have me tie her in provocative positions – legs spread, mouth pinioned open with metal spreader, ass in the air, etc. – and have me take photos of her in submissive behaviors like sucking my near-limp cock, or me holding a whip, although I would never DREAM of scarring that beautiful skin of hers. She just said she liked the submissive role and wanted photos for her enjoyment.
It was one year and one week to the day that Suzanne sprung her surprise on me. I had just returned from my weekly golf outing with the boys at the country club, and their crude jokes about me and my young bride. Upon entering our bedroom I found Suzanne sitting up in bed, naked, alongside a naked man. Both had oddly smug looks on their faces, and I could tell from the messed up sheets and the smell in the air that they had been having sex.
Suzanne said, “Darling, I would like to introduce you to George…the REAL George.” The fact that they weren’t trying to hide their nakedness nor her infidelity was so shocking that all I could do was gape at them.
Suzanne said, “Sit down, darling, we have a lot to talk about. (I sat on a settee near the bed.) “First, it has been a little over a year since we were married, long enough in this state that our marriage is now considered legally consummated. And all the talk at the country club about us trying to have a baby will have everyone convinced that is the case, so you do not have any grounds for divorce on that issue.
“Second, Georgie here has been satisfying my sexual needs – and they are considerable, darling – for the entire time we’ve been married, even before that….we’re old friends.” And with that she turned and kissed George. I noticed George still had a raging hard-on under the sheets, which Suzanne stroked with her right hand.
“Third, I have many, many photographs of us in….let us say ‘tawdry’ scenes of vile bondage, which any court in the land would deem as cruelty and perverted behavior upon an innocent young woman as myself, heh heh heh.
“And fourth, I am quite tired – repulsed, actually – by your repeated attempts to mate with me, your fumbling, your limp little cock, your inability to keep it hard for any length of time, your leathery hands and age spots….dear, I’m just over your physical presence. The ONLY thing you provide that I enjoy is your oral attentions…you’ve become quite good at it, I will give you that.”
I attempted to answer her with, “But Suzanne, I…”
But she interrupted me, “Shhh, darling, QUIET!, you sit there quietly and listen for once. I am setting the rules now, now that all the pieces are in place and the timing is right. Here is what is going to happen. For you to avoid a nasty public divorce with charges of cruelty and a***ing your wife with your vile BDSM tastes, which the papers and your friends will just salivate over, and to avoid losing a great deal of your permisteral wealth in this COMMUNITY PROPERTY state, you will now follow the new house rules.
“Here are the New House Rules: George will move in here permanently, and to outward appearances he will be our butler or house servant or chauffeur…whatever, but only the three of us will know that he is actually my lover. You will start immediately putting $10,000 each month in my checking account to cover all my expenses…I know you can afford it darling, so don’t quibble with me, just do it. I may demand more on occasion, but for now $10,000 a month will do me nicely. I will be calling most of the shots around here, from what we have for dinner to where we go on vacation, the THREE of us. I’m thinking Mexico in a couple of months, adjoining rooms, me and George in one room and you in the next so we can call you over for your oral services.
“And finally, dear, at some point in the very near future, while we’re down to Mexico, the three of us, I’m going to take you to visit a clinic…I’m not a cruel Mistress, so I’m going to see to it that your pathetic sex drive is diminished to almost nothing…we’re going to have you castrated, dear, so you won’t miss fucking me as much.”
My eyes must have held terror at this point, because she came over and held my head in her hands….”There, there, sweetie, it’s for the best, really. You’ll still get to please me with your tongue…and George too, you’ll get used to having his cock in your mouth, OH YES YOU WILL (she said nodding), YES YOU WILL! Why don’t you start right now, dear, his cum is inside me right now, so get your head down between my legs and start eating me…make me cum the way you like to darling.” She guided my mouth toward her opening pussy…I could see her pubic hairs wet and matted with cum and her juices and my face drew nearer and nearer to the pungent smell of sex between her thighs.
I resisted and started pulling back, but her grip on my head was quite strong and insistent. And then she said, “Eat me right now, you useless prick, or I start moving today and begin divorce proceedings! Eat me!!” Knowing the shame that I would face if all the photos and her accusations became public, and also knowing that she would get half my rather sizable estate, I decided to salvage some of my remaining dignity and let her pull my face into her wet, gaping slit….
OH! …it tasted of raw bareback sex, her juices and George’s cum mixed in a cocktail that I had never tasted before…and as I got accustomed to the taste and smell, an odd thing began to happen…my limp little cock started stirring…not a hard-on like George had, of course, but enough that Suzanne noticed.


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”Oh look, my boy has a little dicklet that’s beginning to show interest!” and she and George laughed. “You sort of like this, don’t you dear?” I shook my head “no” between her thighs, but she said, “Oh yes you do, you don’t fool me…you LIKE this. Well, get used to it, you’re going to be tasting a lot of this in the future. Consider it a source of protein.”
Suzanne finally orgasmed on my face and filled my mouth with more cum that she powerd out by muscle contractions, and it was dribbling down my chin.
”Don’t get that on the carpet, love, I just had them cleaned.” So I caught what was drooling out of my mouth in my hands and she handed me a towel to wipe them on.
I said, “Suzanne, please don’t castrate me, I will do as you say, just don’t do that to me.” I looked to George in appeal…he just smirked and laid back on the pillow that used to be mine.
Suzanne said, “Sorry, baby, but I’ve already decided….you’re going to be nutted and put out of my misery when we go to Mexico, just get used to the idea. And another idea you need to get used to…get over here and lick George’s cock clean.” She pulled down the sheet covering George to reveal his still-thick and engorged manhood…and “manhood” was the correct term in his case. It was 9 inches long at least and 6 or 7 inches around, and this was only at partial erection. I gasped to think what it must look like fully erect and plowing my wife’s pussy. No wonder Suzanne’s pussy was gaping so wide…he’d ruined it for me or any other man with that huge cock of his.
I hesitatingly crawled toward George’s crotch with Suzanne gently guiding me by the nape of my neck…she pushed downward, powering my mouth onto his cock, and saying, “Go on, sweetie, go on, clean it for me.”
I could see more juices and cum on his half-rigid cock and I almost wasn’t able to put my tongue to it, except for the gentle persuasion of my young wife. “Go on sweetie, lick it clean.” So I did….I licked George’s entire cock clean, tasting for the first time in my life another man’s cock on my tongue…it smelled of sweat, must, cum, and my wife’s pussy.
Then Suzanne and George smiled at each other…she said, “Oh, you’ve aroused him again, darling…why don’t you take it into your mouth now,” moving his cock into my mouth. I sucked him, slowly and hesitatingly at first, then as he started pumping my mouth I became more animated, sucking him in earnest with lots of encouragement from Suzanne, saying, “Oh yes, suck him, baby, suck that cock for me!”
George came in my mouth and I almost gagged on the stream of cum that shot to the back of my mouth, but Suzanne quickly placed a towel under my chin and told me, “Spit it into this towel, sweetie….you’re not ready to start swallowing….YET!” I wanted desperately to please this young woman, even though in the past 15 minutes she had begun emasculating me symbolically and planned to really emasculate me literally in the near future.
Suzanne then led me to the bathroom where she allowed me to clean out my mouth and was my face…she then led me to our guest bedroom down the hall and where I saw a chain was now attached to the foot of the bed, bolted into the floor and with a manacle at the end of the 4-foot length of chain. She told me to get in the bed, and then snapped the single steel manacle around my ankle and locked it with a very sturdy-looking padlock. She took the key and put it around her neck and told me to get some rest. She pointed to an antique chamber pot that we’d bought in an antique store just the previous month as a decorative item.
She told me, “Use that if nature calls…we’ll check in on you again in the morning. I’m going back to be with Georgie….you be quiet and try to get some relax, dear, I think we’re both going to need your services in the next day or so. Good night, sweetie.”
I slept fitfully that night, worrying about my new station in life, and about the future Suzanne had planned for me and my future emasculation. But I also thought about what a fool I’d been, so trusting and blind. I hadn’t seen this coming and I was mad at myself. I also slept fitfully because even though the master bedroom was at the other end of the hall, I could hear Suzanne (MY WIFE for god’s sake!!) fucking George through the night. I expected that she would have me perform more cleaning duties for her once the morning came.
The morning finally did come, and I was awakened from a light relax by George knocking on the door and walking in. . He was naked, and he held the key that Suzanne had put around her neck; he unlocked my ankle manacle he said, “C’mon boy, you’re wanted in the bedroom, chop chop!”
I resented his bossy manner, this young upstart, but I had no choice but to comply with Suzanne’s orders. I followed George down the hallway to my former bedroom. I could not help but notice what Suzanne had seen in him…muscular, very fit, hard all over, and even soft his cock was bigger than mine when it was hard, which had been rare lately.
Entering the bedroom, Suzanne said from the bed, “Oh good, you’re here…just in time to clean the mess George made last night.” She pulled down the sheets and swung her legs over the side of the bed and spread them wide.” Without needing to be told what to do, I got on my knees and resumed the job I’d performed the previous night, licking her pussy and sucking George’s cum from her. She ordered me to suck her clit and enjoyed a nice orgasm, the muscle contractions of which expelled more cum from deep inside her vagina…it was all squeezed out and into my probing mouth.
About the time I was finished I heard our front doorbell ring and Suzanne said to George, “Oh, she’s here and she’s early!” Suzanne ordered me to the bathroom, where I washed my face and rinsed the taste of cum from my mouth. When I was finished, Suzanne ordered me into the bathtub and I complied, wondering who had arrived (I thought maybe it was some new wrinkle to Suzanne’s and George’s sex life), and also wondering why I was being ordered into the tub.
As George put on a terrycloth robe and went to answer the door, Suzanne started making odd preparations for me. Liking antiques, I had installed an old-fashioned turn of the century porcelain tub with Queen Anne claw feet, which made the tub stand off the floor about 3 inches. Suzanne pulled silk ropes from the bathroom closet, the same ropes we had used previously in our bondage play and videotaping, that had wrist and hand cuffs at one end. She placed the cuffs around my wrists and ankles and then drew them taut and tied the ends to the various claws of the tub. I was stretched out in the tub with my legs and arms at uncomfortable angles and I was completely immobilized…my weight was on the bottom of the tub, but I did not have enough leverage to rise up or move anything but my head.
George came in just as Suzanne finished trussing me up, and he was escorting a rather attractive (in a rough sort of way) woman who was dressed work clothes, muddy boots, and carrying a large black doctor’s satchel. Suddenly a cold thought came to me, and Suzanne confirmed my fears by saying, “Lovie, this is a veterinarian I know from down South a bit, you’ll understand if I don’t give her name, but you won’t be addressing her anyway…keep your mouth shut and I promise you a painless castration…start talking or yelling, and she will do you without any regard for your comfort or safety, understood?”
I said, “But you told me it would happen in Mexico in a few months!”
Suzanne said, “I warned you to be quiet…one more sound from you and you get your balls merely chopped off without pain*******er or anesthetic!” As if to emphasize Suzanne’s threat, the lady vet lifted a meat cleaver from her satchel and asked, “Is that what you really want, misterny? I can make this real fast if you keep up the chatter and disobedience.”
My eyes were wide with fright and I merely shook my head “no.”
”Good,” said the vet, “you just keep quiet and I’ll take good care of you…you’ll hardly feel a thing. I’ve done this before, misterny, to horses AND men, so you’re in good hands with me.”


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While she made her preparations, Suzanne explained to me, “Yes I told you it would happen in Mexico in a few months, but that was just to get you used to the idea, hon. I had already hired Dr. “X” here and she had told me to not tell you the exact date so you wouldn’t have too much anxiety about it. It’s better this way, trust me.”
I looked at Suzanne with pleading eyes and said, “Please, Suzanne, don’t do this!”
She reached into the bag and got the cleaver and said, “One more word, dear hubby of mine, and I will PERSONALLY chop off your balls and whatever else gets in the way!” George, who was now seated on the toilet, was laughing and apparently enjoying all of this. Suzanne told him, “George, try to show some empathy for the old boy, he’s about to lose his manhood…think how you’d feel if YOU were tied down and about to lose your balls.”
George stopped laughing and got suddenly quiet. Suzanne and the lady vet both giggled at George’s sudden discomfort. Suzanne said to him, “Now you just sit there and be quiet…and watch. Keep in mind that if you ever get out of hand, I can do the same to you, stud.”
The vet said, “I have horses to get back to, so let’s do this thing.” She washed her hands in the sink and pulled on latex gloves while Suzanne, acting on instructions from the vet, washed my crotch with hot soapy water, letting the runoff go down the drain just below my balls. When I was thoroughly clean, Suzanne dried me off with a hand towel and the vet applied a brown liquid all over my crotch, cock, and balls…it stung like hell, but I was determined not to say another word, so I just grimaced at the stinging. The vet winked at me and smiled. With one hand she pulled my penis up to my bellybutton, and with several pieces of pre-cut surgical tape, she taped my penis to my belly, up and out of her way, giving her free access to my dangling testicles. I was beginning to feel raw fear now, and all the muscles in my lower abdomen were tightening.
She said, “Relax, relax, this is going to be so easy…so easy. Stop worrying, little man.”
She took a rather large looking hypodermic needle from its sanitary wrappings and drew into it a clear liquid from a bottle…an anesthetic, she said.
“This will sting a little, but in a couple of minutes your balls will feel no pain.” She lifted both of my testicles with her gloved hand, and with the other guided the needle straight into first the left ball (I nearly jumped out of my skin, but the restraints kept me still), and then the right one. JESUS! HAVING A NEEDLE STUCK INTO THE MIDDLE OF A TESTICLE HURTS LIFE FUCKING HELL!!! …and I had to endure it twice! But within seconds I could not feel where the needle had entered, and then a few moments later I noticed a loss of feeling throughout my crotch.
To make sure I was anesthetized, the vet took my testicles in one hand and came down hard on them with her latex gloved fist. I was shocked…I would normally have felt great pain but I just felt nothing. It was like her hitting someone else, although I could plainly see that it was my own balls that had just been struck in her hand.
She said, “OK, we’re ready.” She withdrew a scalpel from her bag and motioned to Suzanne and said, “I don’t want him going into shock, so don’t let him watch the procedure.”
Suzanne blocked my view of what Dr. X was doing, and put her face in front of mine. She said, “Well, darling, she’s right, you probably don’t want to see this…let’s chat. What would you like for dinner tonight, eh? I think we should get our little pet something special. We can call out for pizza or have anything you’d like brought to the house.” She went on and on like that, talking of inconsequential things, but I knew that it was only to mask the major change that was going on behind her, the removal of my manhood and the removal of my sex life as I had known it.
I just said, “Anything you want, dear, pizza is fine, or maybe salad and steak from the bistro down the road. You pick.”
She smiled and said, “Super! You are handling this quite well, darling…I hope you know it’s for the best.”
I returned the smile, weakly, and said, “If you say so, dear…I really don’t want this but if it’s what you want…but won’t you change your mind, please. I won’t be any problem at all, I promise, just let me keep my balls.”
The vet piped up about then and said, “Sorry, it’s too late…it’s all done!” She held up a small stainless steel pan and showed me two bluish-grey things in a pool of red, and I knew that I was now a eunuch. I didn’t actually feel any different, but I knew that would change with time. But seeing my two testicles lying there, in a pan and in my own red, I almost fainted.
“Let me sew him up and we’ll be done here in a jiffy,” the vet said.
Suzanne took the pan and looked at the last vestige of my manhood and then looked at me and said, “Thank you, sweetie, thanks for doing this for me. You’re really going to enjoy your new life, really. We’ll do all kinds of kinky sexual things, you, me, George, and other folks…maybe even Dr. X here would like to join us someday, you’ll get to play with us, eat our pussies, and just have a great kinky time.”
I was too exhausted to reply at this point, but the prospect of trying new jaded sexual things, even as a eunuch, did sound appetizing.
The vet said I should rest now, so she gave me a shot of something and cleaned my crotch, and then Suzanne and George untied my wrists and ankles and led me to my bed in the guest room.
The last thing I remember hearing before drifting off to relax was the vet saying, “I’ll take those testicles, if you don’t mind…I’m raising a pig to be slaughtered for next Thanksgiving, and little piggie just loves testicles.” …and I also heard Suzanne and George laughing at that.
Then it got dark and I don’t recall anything until the next morning. I was too sore to get out of bed the next day. And within two weeks, all the pain had subsided and I was beginning to think less about sex, except when I was summoned to Suzanne’s bedroom to service either her or George orally, which was every couple of days or so.
And then, about two months later, I began looking at George with some degree of adoration and wishing he would put that enormous cock of his in my ass…and that was when I realized that my conversion was complete. I had gone from being a man and a husband to being a eunuch with homoerotic thoughts, and all at the hands of my young wife, whom I had trusted and loved.
I still loved her, but now because of her dominance over me and the somewhat jaded and no-taboo sex I experienced when dining at her crotch or when orally pleasuring George or any of the other lovers she had over from time to time. One day, I promised myself, I would ask Suzanne to please let George fuck me in the ass as I squeal like a little pig, but not now…no, not just yet, not now. After all…I do have SOME dignity left. For now.


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My Young Wife – Part 2

More about my May-December Wedding

Gentle reader, i apologize in advance if this narrative wanders and meanders… i am not a born writer, i just write as a stream of consciousness, as i recall things and as they enter my memory, so please bear with this rambling story that my young wife has ordered me to write. She makes me do this “for my own good” She says but we both know it is to further humiliate me. If you read my first story of how i became the emasculated eunuch of a much, much younger Woman, then here is the rest of the story to date.
After i married my young bride and became Her emasculated eunuch (read part 1 if you want to know all about that), She has decided that enough time has lapsed that i should now tell this audience, you men and Dominant Women who read these stories, what has become of us since i first told of my downward spiral…from a man of means and substance to a mere eunuch slave and near-sexless oral provider for my Wife. She gets some amusement, i don’t know why, from my offense, and She tells me i must tell all about my life, and about our lives together, nowadays, as long as i keep the story depermisteralized with no way anyone can trace our identities or our permanent locale.
She now has total control over my estate, which was a pretty handsome sum by today’s standards…i used to belong to a great country club, golf with friends, travel a lot and eat in the finest restaurants, and had a nice home and a two-car garage with two nice luxury cars… those things are still there, but they are in Her name now, She powerd me to sign them all over to Her, and i get to stay on as Her oral slave, house eunuch, and “man” around the house, although She would laughingly dispute the “man” part.
And Her hold over me is, well….it’s based on my shame. She has videos of me sucking other men’s cocks, eating Her creampie after being with another man…and much more. i just cannot stand the shame it would cause me if She were to show those tapes to my former friends and my relatives….so i tow the line and, now that I’m a eunuch and can’t do anything about it, i just accept my lot as Her eunuch slave and oral sex toy. On one tape She has of me, She pointed out something i was unaware of….i was on my knees and sucking off one of Her male lovers, and i had my hand reached around behind him, cupping his buttocks, rubbing them erotically and pulling on them so his hard penis would go deep in my throat. i was actually “making love” to him and his cock, and i looked so wanton and cock-hungry that i really hadn’t noticed how enthusiastically i was sucking him. So it would appear that She has transformed me in more ways than i suspected. i have to admit that i do get into such play nowadays, and am so feminized that i now, in addition to my Wife’s pussy, i like cocks in my mouth and the feel of a muscular, studly man’s body.
But back to my story…Her former lover George, the man with whom She first cuckolded me and who was around when She had me castrated, is no longer in the picture…he was so shallow and vapid, just a pretty boy, that She tired of him within a few months following my castration, and She has had a veritable string of lovers, both male and female, since then. One recent lover was a successful politician who was in the public eye in one of the major national parties and his name had been mentioned as a possible running mate for the next presidential race. But he is gone now; apparently he couldn’t risk the disclosure of an illicit sexual liaimister with my wife, particularly if Her tastes became public knowledge.
My testicles now reside in a jar of formaldehyde in a little alcove above Her bed. She shows them to all Her lovers and makes me lift my pitiful little-boy dicklet (actually, to be honest, it’s an old-man’s dicklet nowadays, an old-man’s dicklet who has been castrated, so it is now rather shriveled and withered from lack of use and the hormones i get from time to time) but i have to lift my pathetic “pee pee” as She calls it (or sometimes, just “little worm”) to show where my balls and my manhood were cut off. She has me on low doses of estrogen and also took me to a hair specialist the last time we were in Mexico and electrolysis was used to depilate my entire crotch area…it was a bit painful, especially around my anus and the base of my pee-pee, but i am as hairless as a billiard ball in my groin area, and up my ass crack, the better to emphasize my sexless nature and to better show off my ball-less status to Her lovers or anyone else She tells me to. She also tells me that one day either i will actually WANT a man to fuck me in the ass, OR that She will let one have me that way, that She wants me smooth back there…the very thought scares and thrills me. And because of the estrogen, i even am developing man-tits…tiny little boobs that She makes me wear a sort of push-up bra to make them look larger…they feel a little obscene sticking out like that, but they’re really not that large…yet. i also feel my penis has become somewhat obscene…this tiny thing smaller than my little finger that just flops about as i walk around…yes, it’s obscene, and most obscene are my testicles in Her jar…but as much revulsion as they used to cause me when i saw them, i am now used to it, and i now know it amuses Her.
At Her urging, i now tell this with some embarrassment…i like it when She straddles my upturned face, and She is wearing nothing but Her rhinestone-studded high heel shoes…and She lets Her vagina drip the slimy ooze of another man’s cum and Her own pussy juices into my mouth…or sometimes She just likes to empty Her bladder and piss into my mouth. She will order me to the bathroom shower stall (She certainly would not mess up Her nice carpet or hardwood floors!) and i know what is coming…She is going to pee into my mouth. Sometimes She will deliberately take beer or champagne so as to bring about a full bladder that needs to be emptied. While She empties Her full bladder or Her cum-full pussy into my mouth, my little pee-pee stirs a little, never getting hard but it does become ever-so-slightly engorged and a little stiffer than normal. It wouldn’t penetrate Her pussy and it certainly wouldn’t satisfy her, but to feel it stir again and i can rub the tiny little head and the sensitive rim of the head at these times and spurt a little drop of some kind of fluid and feel a diminished kind of climax, these have become my times to look forward to and to remember. She never fails to look at me with a smirk on Her face as i lie under Her, cleaning Her pussy and rubbing my pathetic little dicklet trying desperately to achieve my orgasm…and finally i do. She also makes me lick Her gorgeous brown anus at times, just to feel my slave tongue back there and make me appreciate my lowered status…She has never been ***d there by anything other than my tongue, and it is a perfect, puckered little sphincter.
Let me tell you something… once a woman has made you lick Her anus, both of you will forever after know that She is the boss, or at least that you are a low-down pervert, and that She holds something over you. When you have tasted a Woman’s asshole, you have achieved a lowered status to Her. Licking a Woman’s butt hole is low down on the subservience scale, i think…and so does my Wife. The first time She ordered me to lick Her there, i was a bit horrified and repulsed by the idea, and it was only with some inner struggle on my part, and some verbal use and “encouragement” from my Wife, that i was able to comply with Her order…after all, She always keeps perfectly clean and always smells wonderful when not in the throes of passionate, rutting sex, and except for those times She prides Herself on Her cleanliness. The second time it was a little easier for me, and even easier the third and fourth time, until now i actually enjoy giving Her that form of oral servitude for Her pleasure. i love the musky smell of Her ass, and the feeling of absolute subjugation i feel when She is sitting on my face with Her lovely ass cheeks spread and Her fundament directly on my mouth and my tongue probing it deeply.
She never makes me taste Her brownie but i think i would if She insisted; however, i love kissing and licking and probing Her anus almost as much as i enjoy eating Her magnificent pussy.
For the rare occasion when She has no lover and She is feeling randy, She bought me an exotic mask once when we were in San Francisco at one of the many sex shops in that city. The mask straps to my head with a strong leather strap that buckles behind my head; it is made of tough, durable latex, and it fits over the upper part of my face, from the nose up, leaving my mouth free…the mask itself is a grotesque upper-face, with a gargoyle quality to the eyes and features, and the nose…well, it’s a rather long and thick dildo shaped exactly like an erect and slightly curved man’s penis. On these rare occasions, She straddles my face and slowly impales Herself on the “nose” part, and i am instructed to lick Her anus while She grinds Her hips on the base of the dildo. It’s quite comfortable, being made to be worn for such use, and it fits my face rather nicely. Through the eye slits i can see Her above me, eyes closed and lost in ecstasy as She grinds Her clit and pussy on the large, thick nose-dildo and my tongue licking and probing Her tight little asshole. Again, i rub and tug at my little pee-pee at such times and sort of enjoy the moment with Her, but Her climax is always more intense than mine. When She is finished, She tells me to take the mask off and to clean it thoroughly…first with my tongue, and then with warm water and soap, and then i put it away in a drawer until the next time.
Her lovers nearly always laugh … nearly always, the first time She shows them my balls in a jar and my smooth, hairless crotch, and my man-tits. i used to blush, but now i just take it in stride as part of my less-than-a-man status. Lovers who blanch at seeing my balls in a jar or my ball-less crotch or my small tits, or who can’t get over the shock, are often discarded and replaced.
We visit Mexico and Europe a lot as there are lots of jaded lovers for Her to find among the jet set and the idle rich, and my services are always required.


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The boy was to be let go after receiving 20 lashes, because he was young and it was thought he might turn from his ways. The transsexual was ordered to be castrated, which pleased ‘her’ greatly, as ‘she’ had planned to do that anyway, and now ‘she’ was going to get a free surgery. After a brief inspection by a female Chinese non-Muslim doctor (Muslim women would never be allowed to perform this kind of duty), she reported to the officials that i was already castrated, so that penalty was not available to them…and then they considered cutting off my pathetic little penis as punishment, but the female doctor told them that it was medically unsafe and that i might red to death. The doctor, in front of the tribunal, pulled on latex gloves and examined my shriveled dicklet and, suppressing a laugh, said it was not worth cutting off, and that being castrated that i could receive no pleasure with it… so my sentence was reduced to 40 lashes. My wife, it turned out later, was disappointed that i didn’t get the penectomy, She says She would love to see me completely smooth down there, but alas, that’s what the State had decided. i fear that maybe someday She may attempt to fulfill Her wish to have my little dicklet removed, and in truth (despite what the Chinese doctor thought) i do get a little bit of pleasure from it when I’m allowed to play with it while i eat out Her pussy. She tells me as She reads this, “Yes, dear, you SHOULD fear that, i think i may have it cut off someday…but since it still gives you pleasure, i will allow you to keep it…for now.”
Anyway, Paul got the worst of it…he was sentenced to 50 lashes AND to be castrated, a fate he never wanted nor expected. The beauty of it was that Paul was going to be emasculated by official State decree, and my wife could always claim Her innocence in the matter. None of us knew that She had turned us in, and She only told me that later and in secret.
The sentences were carried out in the jail courtyard. The young boy’s arms were tied to an overhead beam, and he screamed like little girls do as he received his 20 lashes, the whip scarring the perfect skin of his back. He twisted and writhed, trying to escape the painful lash, but the guard’s accuracy with the lash was dead on. Then the weeping boy was cut down and let go with an admonition to follow the precepts of Islam and to never again engage in homosexual relations.
Then i was tied in his place. i have to admit that i screamed like a little girl too as i received my 40 lashes, and ****** at one point, but was revived with a splash of cold water and the lashes resumed. God DAMN that was the most painful thing I’ve ever felt, and my back still hurts to this day if it gets too much sun or when i stretch or reach for something…i feel the scar tissue pull, and i will never forget it, just as my wife planned.
Paul’s lashes were pretty much a repeat of my own…he screamed like a little girl too, fainted like me, was revived, and the lashes completed. By now all his pleadings (no doubt over the sentence about being castrated) were reduced to babbling. Paul had been whimpering and pleading with the guards, but they had heard it all before, and even without understanding his English, they apparently knew what he was saying…they just ignored him. And by now he had stopped pleading with them, now he was merely babbling hysterically and was insane with pain and fear, saying…’buh buh buh, no no no no nononono buh bah baaa…” i am sure my Wife enjoyed seeing him reduced to a babbling, pathetic fool, and as it turned out (i found out later) She was permitted to watch discreetly from a second-story window, from where She got to witness it all.
Then the castrations began. The transsexual was stripped of ‘her’ dress and, completely naked, was put on a wooden table, and ‘her’ arms and legs held down by four guards. There was an open brazier over a fire nearby, with red-hot coals in the brazier. The female Chinese doctor, who was apparently trained in such things simply walked over with a bored look on her face, having done this many times and finding no pleasure or uniqueness in it, and with a latex gloved hand lifted the cock out of the way and handed the small thing to a bored Chinese nurse (also non-Muslim) who held it taut and away from the body, then the doctor pulled the testicles (they were quite small) away from ‘her’ body and sliced them off with a quick motion of a large curved knife. She quickly tossed the testicles into the nearby coals, and they sizzled and gave off smoke and the smell of burning meat. The little transsexual screamed a little girl scream from the pain, but the woman doctor took a red-hot iron from the brazier and managed to staunch the reding and sewed her up and gave her something for the pain, and then the still-naked transsexual, now a eunuch, was unceremoniously led away, curiously smiling, and leaning on the shoulders of two guards. i think if she could have, she would have tried to seduce the guards right there on the spot, but she had some healing to do before she would be up to fucking again. Again, she was also admonished by the guards to turn away from homosexuality and lead a chaste life. i knew that would never happen.
What i found horrific about the scene was the absolute boredom and nonchalance the guards, the Chinese female doctor, and female nurse showed as they emasculated the lady-boy…they showed nothing, no interest, no fear, no hesitation. They just held him down, grabbed his cock out of the way, pulled out his balls, and cut them off and dropped them into the fire. i was shocked by their lack of bedside manner or humanity; to them it seemed like castrating an natural or something…I’ve never quite gotten over that.
Now it was Paul’s turn….as the guards roughly dragged him to the table, he struggled and tried to fend them off, even though his hands were bound, and now he was babbling hysterically. They quickly and without ceremony had him spreadeagled on the wooden table, which was still slick with the transsexual’s red…they hadn’t even washed it down. Paul’s legs and arms were spread and pinioned by the same four guards, and the nonchalant Chinese doctor again walked casually over to the table, stood between Paul’s legs and took his cock in her gloved and again handed it to the Chinese female nurse who pulled it tautly up toward his belly button. Then the female doctor quickly grasped Paul’s testicles and roughly yanked them away from his body, causing Paul to scream, and just as quickly she jerked the curved knife through the skin, and then Paul’s balls were in the gloved hand of the nurse, and only a redy wound remained where they once were at the base of his cock. Again, she dropped the testicles into the fire, next to the other sizzling pair that were already there, and they together gave off lots of smoke and burnt meat smell.
Paul screamed and cried, and he bucked a lot too…apparently the pain of a barnyard-type castration is quite intense. At least i had been castrated humanely and with proper surgical techniques…but Paul was just held down and cut, ugh! He continued to wail and cry over what had just happened to him until he sort of fainted.
Again the Chinese female doctor staunched the red with the ret-hot iron and gave him something for his pain, and we were both taken back to our cells to recover. Later that day Paul and i were given some plain cotton clothes and released with the admonishment to never return to Mindanao or face very serious consequences. As we left the jail compound, Paul limping from the pain between his legs, my wife was waiting for us. We got in the cab and the driver pulled away.
”Well, boys, did you enjoy your stay at this hotel?” She asked with an amused smile on Her face. While you all were here, I’ve been hearing stories that they have pretty strict laws against the kinds of things you were doing, eh? Tell me, what did they do to you in there?” (It was only later that i would learn that She orchestrated the whole thing, but for now She was acting innocent. You could say that She orchestrated the orchiectomies that had been performed there…She likes that little joke…orchestrating orchiectomies. And i also did not learn until later that She had been given a ringside seat and had watched the entire punishment from that second-story window.)
We both told Her the “awful” news about Paul’s emasculation and about my 40 lashes. She acted shocked and truly concerned…”Oh dear! Oh NO, they didn’t do that to you, DID they? Let me see!!” And as She gazed in pretend shock and horror, Paul pulled his pants down to show his redy and scorched place where his balls had been…and i pulled up my shirt to show my back with bandages that were oozing red.
”Oh my GOD, Paul…and you, poor dear (meaning me)…as strict as they are here, it’s a good thing they didn’t cut off your little dickie.” There was almost a wistful tone to Her voice, but i told her, “No, they thought it might be fatal and that it was not worth cutting off.”
She laughed and cackled at that and said, “Well, I have to agree with that…it’s worthless to ME, anyway.”
So that’s how we acquired Paul, our newest house slave. He was not in a hurry to return to his old life now that he had been made a eunuch and he had some physical and emotional adjustments to make, so my Wife offered to let him stay with us “until he got over his emasculation”…but She knew that it would become a permanent position in time. My lovely Wife has that effect on men and particularly eunuchs….what starts out as dominance and their giving up “temporary” control becomes an addiction and they just want more and more…and i have myself to show as evidence. We are both sure that Paul will become addicted to his new status and never want to leave. Maybe someday She will tell him the role She played in his emasculation, but not now…She is saving that for a time when it will no longer matter, and Paul will actually appreciate the irony that the Woman he services was actually responsible for him being made into Her eunuch.
So my advice to men who want to stay intact is to avoid the Middle East and other Third World places where your sexcapades might cost you dearly, and also avoid Women like my Wife, who are only too happy to relieve you of your masculinity. Of course, if that is what you actually seek, then you should be able to fulfill your fantasy with no problems.


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Une nuit de cauchemar

Il est vingt heures quand on misterne à la porte.
Cyril, jeune cadre de vingt six ans, très séduisant ouvre.
-Bonsoir, dit-il.
Un homme, vêtu d'un manteau et d'un feutre noir lui remet une enveloppe.
-C'est une invitation pour la soirée de samedi, ça se passe au château du grand patron, dit l'homme.
-Merci, répond Cyril.
-C'est pourquoi? demande Cassandre.
Cassandre est une superbe blonde platine de vingt quatre ans.
Elle forme avec Cyril, un couple magnifique.
-C'est une invitation pour une soirée samedi.
-Ah bon, on y va, ça te dit? dit Cassandre.
-Comme tu veux, répond Cyril, ce mistert des soirées très chaudes, voire érotiques.
-C'est super, sourit Cassandre, je pourrai me payer d'autre mâles.
Elle prend le visage de mister mari entre ses deux mains, et l'embrasse.
-Je plaisante, dit-elle, tu sais bien que tu es le mec de ma vie. Je vais m'habiller discret. Pantalon noir, veste noire et chemisier rouge.
-Ca va pas, il faut t'habiller plus sexy, que tu sois pas ridicule. Mets ta minijupe noire.
-Quoi, sursaute Cassandre, une de celle qu'on a acheté pour s'amuser le soir quand on est que tout les deux. Mais on va voir toute ma chatte.
-Achètes en une un peu plus longue si tu veux. On ira voir demain.
C'est mieux, la jupe est plus longue, avec la chemisier rouge, ce sera parfait.

Cassandre et Cyril arrivent au château vers vingt heures. Il y a une dizaine de voitures de garées dans la cour.
Ils mistert accueillis par Guy, ennemi juré de Cyril, aussi bien au niveau professionnel, que privé.
-Je me taperai bien ta femme, dit Guy.
Cassandre lui lance un regard vicieux, passant sa langue sur ses lèvres, puis tourne les talons.
Elle a un déhanchement très provocateur. S'il y a des fantômes au château, ils doivent se retourner sur mister passage.
-Je te le conseille pas, avertit Cyril, tu aurais à faire à moi.
Cyril se retourne, sa femme a pris les devants. Il part à sa recherche. Au bout d'un couloir, il arrive dans une salle.
A gauche, deux femmes se gouinent, un peu plus loin, c'est un couple qui s'envoie en l'air. Partout, c'est l'orgie.
A droite, sous une applique, Cyril aperçoit Cassandre adossée à une colonne, en train d'embrasser un jeune homme, entièrement nu. Leurs langues se nouent, se fouillent la bouche dans un baiser torride.
Le chemisier de Cassandre est ouvert. Ses seins, superbes, se frottent contre le torse du jeune homme. Sa minijupe est enroulée sur sa taille. Le string a disparu.
Cyril est scotché devant la scène, sans voix.
"Mais où suis-je, se dit-il"
Avec deux doigts, l'homme joue avec la chatte de Cassandre, forçant les lèvres humides.
La main de Cassandre descend, saisit le sexe énorme du jeune homme, et le fait coulisser dans sa main, partant des couilles jusqu'au gland. Elle murmure à mister oreille.
-Prends moi maintenant, comme ça, droite.
Elle remonte une jambe sur la hanche de mister partenaire.
L'homme avance sa queue, joue avec la fente et le clitoris.
Cassandre avance mister bassin, et sa chatte avale les vingt centimètres de chair. Elle ferme les yeux en se pinçant les lèvres.
Elle aperçoit Cyril.
-Oh mon chéri, regarde comme je me le fais mettre. Si tu savais ce que j'ai dans la chatte. Mon amour, amuses toi, toi aussi.
Les yeux de Cyril sortent de sa tête.
Sa femme prend un pied terrible, elle mord, embrasse mister amant.
-Ha mon amour, comme tu me niques salaud, vas-y, fais moi crier, oui...oui.. je jouis.
Son cri traverse les voutes de la salle. Cassandre prend la bouche de l'homme qui continue toujours ses va et vient dans sa chatte. Il lui souffle un mot à l'oreille.
-Mais bien sur mon chéri, dit-elle, ce que tu veux.
Le jeune homme se retire. Cassandre se met à genoux, et saisit le membre de mister amant encore plein de mouille.
Elle l'avale, et le suce tout en le branlant.
L'homme relève le tête et ferme les yeux.
Cassandre accélère sa branlette. Le jeune hurle, il jouit dans la bouche de la jeune femme, qui ralentit nettement ses mouvements de branle, pour finir de lui vider les couilles. La queue se retire. Cassandre nettoie le gland avec sa langue et se relève.
Pour remercier le jeune homme, elle l'embrasse farouchement en regardant mister mari.
Cyril s'appuie contre le mur d'en face, met les mains sur mister visage, et se met à pleurer.


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BBW Cuckold Husband

The very first time I saw my wife get fucked was not planned and is still not clear to me if I enjoyed it. It happened because I owed money to some really nasty guys, money my wife didn't know I had borrowed until the boys came calling looking for it.

It was Jane who answered the front door and I heard her scream out as the three men pushed their way in past her and stormed into the sitting room. She followed them in shouting use until one of them a black guy about 30 and 6ft tall back handed her across the face, all broke louse as I jumped at him and we scuffled.

I got punched in the face so hard I saw stars and when I came too I was on the floor with a huge white guy sitting across my chest with his fists raised and my wife crying on the sofa looking on. Leroy the man I owed money too was sitting in the arm chair smiling down at me, "Well, I said I'd come find you and here I am tough guy," he said "You really are a stupid ladyfucker," he continued.

My wife cried out asking who the hell they where and they all chuckled after Leroy did, he looked at her and said "Your man here owes me money, a lot of money and he thought I'd let it go" she looked shocked then her face went red and she looked at me like she wanted to ******* me.

They all laughed again and I squirmed on the floor "Is that true, you fucking asshole" she spat at me, I looked at the floor and nodded yes. "The problem is I need the money back and I need it now," she Leroy still grinning. "We could take your wife here and have her work for us for a week or so, that is if we could find any guys that would pay to fuck a fat cow like her," he continued making his boys laugh again and my wife go wide eyed.

I pleaded with him but I didn't have the money explaining I'd need a month to get it, anyway it went on for 20 minutes with me pleading and him making fun of the situation. He then got up and flopped down beside my wife making her move up to make room and pressing his large body against her thighs. She was wearing a dress and pullover and as she is very fat she took up most of the small sofa, her tits looked bigger crammed inside her wool top and I saw Leroy glaring at them grinning.

"I'll tell you what, I'll make a deal," he said. "Your wife puts out for us now and I'll give you the month," he was looking at me when he said it and I of course said no way but before he could say a word my wife spoke up.

"I'll let you, touch me and kiss me but that's it," we all looked at her and Leroy chuckled again. "Baby, when I say put out I mean suck and fuck us all."

She looked at me with pure hatred in her eyes, she would have *******ed me if she could then back to Leroy beside her. "Just you then," she said.

Leroy looked at me and grinned then said, "Ok bitch, get my cock out and suck it now," it was an order, I struggled under the weight of the big white guy on my chest but could not move him.

My schoolteacher wife who hates sucking y cock reached over the tugged Leroy's jogging pants down with him lifting his ass up to help her, his cock was fucking huge and it wasn't hard yet twice as big as mine. I could not see everything but a clear enough shot as she wrapped her podgy hand around it and lifted it up to look at it, Leroy was grinning from ear to ear.

"You ain't never had a cock like that before bitch, think you can get it in your mouth," he laughed.

I freaked out trashing about so much the white guy punched me in the face again, my wife was still stroking Leroy's cock but she said, "Shut the fuck up asshole it's your fault where all here now shut up and it will be over with." She then leaned down and started licking his cock like a lollipop making it grow in her hand.

Leroy moaned and looked down at me smiling as she took the head in her mouth stretching her lips around his massive black cock. She managed to get about four inches of the ten into her mouth and I saw her cheeks suck in as she sucked his cock it was terrible for me, the two other boys looked on too but they where laughing and joking.

"Suck my big black cock bitch, show your husband here what a good cocksucker you are," he moaned humping his hips up to meet her bobbing head, I could not believe she was doing this and it looked like she was doing it well too.

Roger the third guy walked over and started tugging her pullover up over her huge white bra, her belly spilling out over her skirt waistband white and dimpled. She didn't even try to stop him as he mauled her breasts through her bra laughing, "Man look at these tits, their fucking huge."

Leroy reached up too now to maul the other breast. "Get them out man I can't see cuckolds brownie." Within a minute they had her bra off and where mauling her naked tits openly, her huge tits in Leroy's large black hand looked obscene and I was going nuts, I saw her dark brown nipple harden and I though it must have been fear.



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I don't know why I did it, I never touched another mans cock before never mind have one in my mouth but I opened my mouth and his cock just flopped in, I closed my lips around it and sucked gently tasting his strong tasting salty cock and feeling it still a little hard.

He humped my mouth a second before he realized what was happening then pulled out and jumped up, "Little fag was trying to suck my cock," he laughed and they all laughed at me as I lay helpless under my wife's gapping pussy.

The guy who had been feeling her up and licking her pussy dropped down behind her and immediately slammed his long slim cock into her, she screamed out, "Ooh fuck yes! Ooh go easy I cant take it!" he paid no notice as he pounded her hard and fast sending her flabby ass cheeks all over the place and slapping his balls off my head.

"Fucking whore, take it! Fucking fat cock hungry slut," he growled at her making her come, it seemed the more he insulted her the more she came and he must have sensed it too as he let rip.

"Fucking filthy whore. Ooh yeah baby you love it, you love my big cock pounding your fat slut cunt don't you bitch," he grunted banging his cock into her with every word.

She was wailing and moaning but managed to reply, "Yeeeeeessssss! Ooh fuck yes I love it! Ooh fuck my cunt fuck it like a whores!" She lost it and just mumred after that.

The guy fucked her and fucked her for about ten minutes then announced her was about to come and to my horror I heard her cry out, "Come in his mouth, make him pay too the bastard."

I heard laughing all around me and then I saw the guy pull his slimy cock from my wife's dripping pussy, he was jerking off slowly an inch from my face and looking down with a wicked grin on his face "You want it big boy, you ready to take my spunk fag boy," he snarled down at me.

I shucked my head and he laughed then said, "You take my spunk or I'll come in your wife's virgin tight ass, what its to be?" he chuckled and I saw him press some fingers to her puckered brown hole.

She never even let me touch her ass never mind fuck it and I know she found the very idea disgusting so when she screamed out her resistance I understood. "No please don't, make him pay it's him who owes the money," she sounded desperate.

"Well big boy, what's it to be?" he asked me again, I had no choice but nod yes making him laugh meanly and beat off faster moving his cock closer to my face and mouth, "Open your mouth bitch, open wide," he chuckled as he jerked off and then he came jerking fast firing the first wad onto my chin, the second onto my cheek and nose and the last big wad dropped into my mouth.

He then dropped lower until his cock found my mouth and powerd his pulsating cock into my mouth. "Finish it off boy," he commanded pushing his cock deep into my mouth gagging me with it. He humped and pumped more spunk into my mouth laughing as he did. I swallowed what there was and did my best to stop him ramming his whole cock down my troth.

When he pulled out the other two where standing there naked looking down at me laughing, the last one with the thick cock was jerking off grinning at me. He moved over and dropped down behind her with his cock in hand, he pressed it against my lips and demanded I get his cock wet before he fucked my woman. It was too late now so I just opened my mouth and let him fuck my mouth, his cock was rock hard and so thick I had to stretch my mouth as far as I could like eating a tennis ball.

After only a moment he pulled away and said that was enough for now slapping my wife's ass hard making her cry out he went straight to her brown hole dipping a finger into it and making her jerk away from him. He quickly slapped her ass harder this time a loud slap surprising every one present. "Hold still bitch or it will only hurt more," he snarled at her and pushed two fingers into her ass up to the first knuckle.

She was ridged and tense as she let him push a third and then a forth finger into her tight ass, he moved his hand from side to side as he did stretching her brown hole open more. I watched him pull his fingers out then push them into my mouth telling me to wet them for him, I did tasting the fowl taste from my wife's ass. Then went back to her ass with his now wet fingers and carried on finger fucking her ass getting more and more open, she was whimpering above me and I could see his fingers where slimy and wet with brownish liquid all over them.

"You want my cock in your ass whore?" He asked finger fucking her ass with ease now with short hard trusts.

She grunted, "n-no."

But he just laughed, "It's just like my fingers only a little thicker," he laughed as did the other two.

"Please don't, I've never had sex in my ass please leave me alone," she pleaded sounding scared and making me feel much better.

The guy laughed at that and pulled his fingers out, her ass closed but slowly and not completely, staying open a little now a small black hole. He pulled his thick cock up and pressed it against her little hole she jerked forward but he yanked her back and replaced his cock back to her puckered hole.

"Now hole still slut, it only hurts a little at first but after you'll beg me to fuck your ass I promise," he said this then leaned forward.

I watched two inches of cock power it's way into her ass, it looked impossible for such a large fat cock to go into such a small hole. She howled in pain as he didn't let up pressing his weight against and driving his cock up her ass, with a minute he had his whole cock fully up her ass with his large heavy balls resting against her open pussy, he stayed still a second as she moaned in pain and discomfort.

"You're full now bitch, you've never been this full before have you?" he laughed. He then pulled out and proceeded to fuck her as with long slow strikes, she grunted every time his cock hit bottom but it was sounding less discomfort and more like "fuck me harder" to me.

The guy must have felt it too as he started humping her ass harder now until he was fucking her ass with powerful strokes making sure he slapped his heavy balls off her cunt. "Your ass is mine now bitch, tell me your ass is mine," he snarled down at her.

She was grunting and panting but making no sense above me but she managed to say "Just take me and fuck off," which made them all laugh and the ass fucker to start to really fuck her with anger. She lost it and started screaming the house down.

"Someone stick a cock in the cunt's mouth and shut her up," panted the guy.

Someone kicked my feet and then I heard her cries turn to muffled grunts as someone stuffed their cock in her mouth. Ass fucker was ready to blow his load and I watched amazed as he whipped his cock out of her ass and then to my horror he powerd it into my mouth making me suck his cuckolds brownie stained cock.

He fucked his cock into my mouth hard for a minute making me gag and almost puke then pulled out and fired his spunk all over my face, man it went every where but I had my eyes closed.

Next they pulled me up and made my wife pull my jeans down, she looked at me like I was cuckolds brownie with real anger in her eyes but moved over to me on her knees her huge tits flopping about as she did. Her hair was all over the place and she was sweating like a pig, she grabbed my flies and tugged at my jeans dragging them down my legs.



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My stiff cock stuck out and my shorts where soaked where I had leaked per come showing her I had been hard for a while now. My hard cock looked tiny compared to the three others and I looked at the carpet. "Your man likes seeing you get fucked bitch, what you gonna do with that little cock?" laughed Leroy, the others laughed too like good soldiers.

She turned back to them and said, "Why don't you leave us now, you've had your fun now that's enough." She was pissed off despite the dozen orgasms.

Leroy was on her in a flash grabbing her hair and yanking her head back roughly so her face was arched back looking up at him. His long black cock was not rock hard but only a stroke from it. "You shut your slut mouth bitch, unless I tell you to beg me to fuck you, you're my whore now and you will be until I decide I got my monies worth," he spat the words at her scaring her and me.

"I know plenty of gangbang whores like you bitch, you be good and I'll be good to you too," he said then "Now I want you to show your husband how you love coming on my cock."

He pulled her back more and she twisted pulling her legs out, then he shoved her onto her back. "Spread your legs cunt," he commanded and she let her heavy legs flop open, I could see her gapping holes both still open and her hair was matted together with her own come.

Leroy dropped down and grabbed a leg in each hand yanking them up and open then unceremoniously rammed his cock into her, she screamed out put with pleasure this time. She is so big that he was able to kneel between her big legs and her cunt was so raise up he was able to slam into her like that still holding her ankles

"Come bitch, come on my cock," he grunted banging her pussy with each word. "Come on my 10-inch black cock you filthy white whore," he continued and she wailed and stated trashing about. He had her tits flopping about and her belly shaking with the power. "Come on you fat cunt, show your needle dick husband how you love coming on black cock."

And she did, she almost bucked him out of her pussy but he had her good and jack hammered her pussy violently as she swore and screamed coming intensely. When she was only whimpering he stopped and pulled out still holding her legs. "Now your gonna come from your ass bitch."

And again he just ploughed his cock into her tight ass hole making her scream again. He fucked her ass as hard as he had fucked her pussy pushing her hips up some more, "Ooh yeah, Ooh fuck yeah! That's it cunt come again."

She took his cock with ease after the last monster had stretched her so much and it looked like she was enjoying herself grunting through gritted teeth and pulling her own legs up more to get more of his cock in her. Her tits where now free to flop about on her belly as he rode her hard fucking her ass like an natural.

They left after that and my wife went to bed for the rest of the weekend, I avoided her as much as I could and she too. After a week I tried to talk to her about it but she refused and when it was almost a month I tried to have sex with her but she pushed me away.



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Ma rencontre avec la bisexualité et la domination....

Je viens de finir mon job. J’ouvre la porte de l’appart. La porte de la chambre à coucher est entrouverte. Des gémissements me parviennent. Je m’approche sans bruit. Je regarde et le spectacle me fait bander de suite… Tu es couchée sur le lit, les jambes écartées, nue, un bâillon sur la bouche. Des menottes bloquent tes bras écartés et tes jambes mistert attachées aux pieds du lit. Entre tes cuisses, je vois une tête avec des longs cheveux qui s’agite provoquant tes gémissements. La fille qui te lèche tient un gros gode à la main. Elle l’approche lentement, remontant tes cuisses et, en te regardant dans les yeux, elle commence à l’enfoncer… Lentement d’abord puis d’un coup, elle te l’enfile à fond ! Tu sursautes ! Elle attache les lanières autour de mister bassin. Elle prends les bouts de tes seins entre les doigt et commence à tirer dessus… Quand ils mistert bien sortis, elle y place une pince et après seulement, elle commence à te baiser..
« Alors ma salope, c’est cela que tu voulais ? Te faire engoder à fond, attachée et bâillonnée par ta Maîtresse ? »
Tu gémis en faisant oui de la tête. Soudain, même à travers le bâillon, je t’entends jouir pendant qu’elle tire sur les pinces…
« Bien, cochonne, maintenant, tu vas t’occuper de plus gros… Viens Jean. »
Je vois alors arriver dans mon champ de vision un gars musclé. Il s’approche du lit, t’enlève ton bâillon et te glisse sa queue dans la bouche.
« Allez salope, fais-moi triquer ! »
Et il te baise la bouche. Petit à petit, la queue grossit et bientôt tu ne peux plus que lécher le gland. Elle est énorme, grosse, longue, avec un gland comme un abricot !
La femme retire le gode de ta chatte et l’homme se met en position entre tes cuisses.
« Han ! »
D’un coup, il vient de t’empaler ! Tu hurles. La femme vient alors s’asseoir sur ta bouche, faisant face à l’homme.
« Lèche-moi, salope, fais-moi jouir pendant que tu te fais défoncer ta chatte de gouine ! »
Je vois ta langue sortir et s’attaquer à la chatte. Depuis longtemps , j’ai sorti ma queue et je me branle. Soudain, tu cries ta jouissance, le mec continuant à te défoncer la chatte.
« Alors, salope, c’est meilleur avec ma grosse queue qu’avec ton cocu de mari, hein ? Je suis sûr qu’il n’en a pas une aussi grosse !»
« Non, elle n’est pas aussi grosse »
« J’en étais sûr ! Et ton cul, il te l’a déjà ouvert ? »
« Non mais vous allez me faire mal! Elle est trop grosse! »
« Je vais me gêner! »
Et il continue de te bourrer. Tu jouis une 2ème fois en même temps que ta Maîtresse. Celle-ci se relève et viens détacher des jambes qu'elle relève sur ton ventre, dégageant ton cul. C'est alors que le mec jouit, t'inondant la chatte de foutre. Il se retire. Immédiatement, la femme t'enfile ses doigts, récupérant le foutre du gars et commence à l'étaler dans et sur ton cul… Tu aimes. Pendant ce temps, le gars présente sa queue à tes lèvres.
« Lèche-moi et fais-moi rebander, salope! »
Tu t'actives. La queue sent la chatte et le foutre et ne tarde pas à rebander! Il te semble qu'elle est encore plus grosse qu'avant! Lorsqu'elle est bien dure, le gars repasse entre tes jambes et pointe ton cul, guidé par la main de la femme.
« Non Noooon ! »
Mais lentement le gars pousse sa queue dans ton cul. Il te semble qu'il te déchire mais petit à petit, tu commences à accepter ce monstre et tu te détends. Il commence alors ses va et viens. C'est à ce moment-là que la porte s'ouvre violemment. Je me retrouve avec la queue tendue, le pantalon sur les chevilles et les couilles dans l'autre main. A coups de cravache sur les fesses, elle me fait rentrer dans la chambre. L'homme t'encule en me regardant.
« Salut cocu! T'as vu comme j’encule ta femme? Tu n’as jamais pu lui faire mais elle adore ça! Et apparemment toi aussi à ce que je vois! »
La femme me dit:
« A genoux cocu! »
Je m'exécute et elle me passe des menottes, bras dans le dos. L’homme se retire de ton cul et s’approche de moi, la queue dressée. Se plaçant devant moi, il me dit :
« Après la femme, le cocu : suce ! Et fais-le bien sinon je te jure que tu vas le regretter ! »
Je me penche, prends le gland dans ma bouche et commence à sucer. Pendant ce temps, la femme vient près de toi et te détache.
« Alors ma chérie, de quoi as-tu envie maintenant ? Tu peux tout me demander après ce que je t’ai fait subir. »
Tu lui réponds :
« Alors mets-toi à quatre pattes et écarte tes fesses. »
Pendant qu’elle s’exécute, tu te harnaches du gros gode et appelle Jean.
« Jean, viens ici. Mon cocu t’a suffisamment sucé. Encule cette salope pendant que je me fais le cul de mon mari. »
Je crie :
« Nooon ! Je ne veux pas ! »
« Toi tu te tais ou je demande à Jean de t’enfiler à sec ! Et je te préviens que sa queue est très grosse et te ferait très mal ! J’adore sa queue. D’ailleurs je crois que je ne me ferai plus enfiler que par elle. Elle est beaucoup plus grosse que la tienne ! »
« Allez viens sucer le gode que je vais te mettre ! »
Je m’approche à genoux et commence à te sucer. Pendant ce temps, Jean encule à fond ta maîtresse qui gémit dans le coussin.
« A ton tour, mets-toi à côté d’elle, les fesses en l’air. »
Je m’exécute et immédiatement je sens ton gode s’enfoncer dans mon cul. Tu me prends par les hanches et commence tes va-et-vient. J’aime. Je me retourne, Tu roules une pelle à ton amant tout en me baisant… Je vois tes seins se balancer en rythme !
« Jean, viens te faire le cul de mon mari ! Je veux le voir se faire mettre par mon amant ! »
Il ressort du cul de ta maîtresse et se place entre mes fesses. Tu le guides et pousses d’un coup.
«Ouiii, vas-y encule-le ! Et toi viens me lécher ! »
La femme se glisse entre tes cuisses et te lèche si bien que tu jouis, une, deux trois fois… C’est à ce moment que ton amant me remplit le cul…
Ta maîtresse s’éclipse discrètement et tu dis à Jean :
« Viens Jean, on va se coucher. Toi, tu dors sur le canapé. »
Pendant une bonne partie de la nuit, j’entendrai des gémissements…


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Jean…et sa grosse queue. Jusque tard dans la nuit, il t’enfilera, t’enculera en écartant tes fesses à fond, te baisant avec ses doigts
en même temps, éjaculant dans ta bouche… Pendant ce temps, je trouvai le sommeil avec peine. Je fus réveillé par un gros truc
chaud sur mes lèvres.
« Suce, fais-moi bander, cocu ! »
Ce que je fais. Elle me semble encore plus grosse que la soirée d’avant. Elle sent le foutre, elle sent la chatte et le cul… Mais
bientôt elle se dresse, dure, longue, épaisse…
« Je vais aller réveiller ta femme… Je suis sûr qu’elle va aimer ! Toi tu restes là. »
Silence. Soudain, tu pousses un petit cri…suivi de gémissements. Toujours plus fort. Tu jouis en criant :
« Ouiiiii Jean, baise-moi, éclate-moi la chatte avec ta grosse queue ! Je ne pourrai jamais m’en passer ! Ma bouche, ma chatte,
mon cul mistert à toi ! Utilise-les quand tu veux ! »
Et tu jouis une nouvelle fois !
Une heure plus tard, il quitte l’appartement. Je me risque dans la chambre à coucher. Tu as les yeux fermés, les jambes écartées,
du foutre plein la chatte. Mais tu m’as entendu.
« Viens ici. Viens entre mes cuisses, mets tes mains dans le dos et nettoie-moi la chatte avec ta langue. Et applique-toi ! »
Et je m’applique. Je te nettoie. J’aspire le foutre de ton amant et j’enfile ma langue dans ta chatte. Petit à petit, je sens que tu
mouilles… Tes mains agrippent mes cheveux et plaquent ma bouche contre ton clito.
« Ne t’avise pas de t’arrêter avant que j’aie joui… »
Je continue à m’appliquer et 2 minutes plus tard tu jouis en écrasant ma tête entre tes cuisses. Je te laisse reprendre ton souffle.
« J’ai encore envie et tu as bien mérité une petite récompense. Viens me mettre ta queue dans la chatte et baise-moi. »
Je me précipite et plonge avec délice ma queue tendue dans ta chatte trempée.
« Oui, baise ta salope de femme qui te fais cocu, qui se fait enculer et baiser devant tes yeux. Venge-toi, défonce-moi la chatte,
baise-moi la gueule et remplis-moi la gorge de foutre ! J’aime me faire sauter par Jean mais je n’aime pas le goût de mister sperme.
C’est le tiens que je veux avaler ! »
Tu sens que je vais jouir. Tu t’échappes, prends ma queue dans la bouche et me branle à fond ! Je jute. Tu prends tout dans la
bouche puis te précipites pour m’embrasser à pleine bouche! Je sens ta langue pleine de foutre s’enfiler dans ma bouche puis tu
avales tout. Tu te calmes.
« Mmmhh c’était bon. A la douche. »
Je viens avec toi. On se savonne mutuellement et on se rince. Insensiblement, je sens tes mains appuyer sur mes épaules,
toujours plus bas. Une fois à genoux, tu approches ma bouche de ta chatte.
« Ouvre la bouche s’il-te-plaît…. »
Je m’exécute et un petit jet doré frappe mes lèvres.
« Je peux continuer ? »
« Ouiiii ! »
Tu te laisses alors aller et j’avale tout. Quand tu as terminé, tu écartes tes lèvres et je te sèche.
La journée s’écoulera sans que nous ne parlions de toute cela.

Il est 19h et le téléphone misterne. Tu réponds :
« Oui, salut Jean. »
« ….. »
« Bien sûr que je veux ! »
« …… »
« Sans problème, je lui donnerai tes instructions. »
« …. »
« Il a intérêt à accepter. A toute à l’heure, Je mouille déjà ! »
Tu m’appelles :


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Tu m'appelles:
« Chéri, ce soir nous avons rendez-vous au sauna avec Jean. Vas te raser les couilles et le cul. Quand ce sera fait, tu vas dans l’armoire et tu prends le gode spécial cul, le collier de chien et la laisse. Je t’attends. »
Je fais ce que tu m’as demandé et je viens vers toi, nu. Tu prends mes couilles dans les mains et t’assures que tout est bien rasé.
« Tourne-toi et penche-toi en avant. »
Tes mains écartent mes fesses et tes doigts tâtent mon trou.
« Bien, c’est propre. Maintenant je vais te préparer. »
Tu enfonces le plug dans mon trou.
« Tu vas le garder jusqu’à ce qu’on soit au sauna. Mets un pantalon, sans slip et un t-shirt. On y va »
Arrivés devant le sauna, nous attendons. Tu es assise à l’arrière et moi au volant. La porte arrière s’ouvre et Jean entre dans la voiture. Il t’embrasse lentement sur la bouche pendant que sa main se glisse dans ton soutien-gorge, pinçant la pointe de ton sein. Tu gémis. Je regarde dans le rétro et je vois ta main sur la braguette de Jean. Tu lui masses la queue à travers le tissu.
Il se retire et dit :
« Voilà comment va se dérouler la soirée : Yves tu vas rentrer dans le sauna en premier. Dans 15 minutes, nous entrerons à notre tour. Comme c’est un vestiaire mixte, quand nous entrerons, je veux te voir, à poil, avec une queue dans la bouche. Nous déshabillerons et nous irons dans le hammam. Après tu verras. Bon, maintenant vas-y et toi suces-moi.»
Au moment où je quitte la voiture, je te vois te pencher, me regardant dans les yeux, la pointe de ta langue posée sur le gland de Jean…
Je rentre en vitesse dans le sauna, entre dans les vestiaires, me déshabille et attend. Un homme arrive mais ne s’intéresse pas à moi, Le temps passe. Un 2ème homme entre. Je vois qu’il bande sous sa serviette mais une femme le suit. 13 minutes. Enfin un homme entre et s’approche du casier juste à côté de moi. Je vois sa bite par la fente du linge. Il bande légèrement. Sa jambe touche ma cuisse et y reste. Je pose ma main sur mister genou et commence à monter. 14 minutes. Je prends mon courage à deux mains et je glisse mes mains sous le linge, empoignant la queue qui maintenant est dressée. Il enlève mister linge et approche ma tête de mister gland. Je le gobe. Il est temps, j’entends vos voix dans le hall d’entrée. Je suce le gars maintenant en caressant ses couilles. Vous entrez dans le vestiaire et vous déshabillez. Je vois que Jean bande encore et que tes cuisses mistert brillantes de mouille. Après un dernier regard souriant dans ma direction, vous quittez les vestiaires. Je continue à sucer et le gars ne tarde pas à juter sur mon visage. Puis il s’en va. Un autre homme se présente dans le vestiaire.
« C’est toi Yves ? »
« Oui c’est moi. »
« Il paraît que tu as deux objets dans ton vestiaire. »
Je l’ouvre et j’y prends la laisse et le collier que je remets au mec. Il me place le collier, le ferme avec un petit cadenas et y croche la laisse.
« Au fait, ton cul doit être suffisamment ouvert maintenant. Retires le plug et viens. »
Nous travermisters le club, lui me promenant en laisse, nu. Nous entrons dans le hammam.
« A quatre pattes, chien ! »
Je m’exécute et nous entrons. Il fait très sombre et il y a de la vapeur. Je vous vois quand même. Jean est assis sur le banc et tu es assise sur ses genoux, lui tournant le dos, les cuisses écartées. Je vois que sa queue est enfoncée dans ton cul et ta chatte est grande ouverte. A part vous, il y a 3 hommes dans le hammam.
J’entends ta voix :
« Alors ma petite chienne, prête à sucer ? »
« Oui. »
« Bien. Messieurs, si l’un d’entre vous veut se faire sucer, qu’il écarte les cuisses. Mais avant, je veux que tu viennes me lécher. »
Je m’approche et je vois de près la grosse queue de Jean dans ton cul.
« Tu vois comme il me l’a mise profond dans le cul, c’est toujours aussi bon. Alors lèche-moi et profites-en pour lui lécher les couilles. »
Je m’applique et après 2 minutes je t’entends jouir.
" Va faire ton boulot maintenant! Regarde Jean, il va sucer d'autres queues que la tienne et il a l'air d'aimer ça!"
Toujours à quatre pattes je me glisse entre les cuisses du premier et je commence à sucer. De temps en temps je jette un coup d'œil dans ta direction. Tu commences à monter et descendre sur la queue de Jean.
Un des hommes se plante devant toi, la queue tendue. Tu l'embouches aussitôt en lui caressant les couilles!
Celui que je suce jouit et je reçois mister foutre sur mes seins puis il s'en va.
Tu me fais signe de venir et sans arrêter de t'enculer sur la queue de Jean, tu me montres les couilles de celui que tu suces pour que je les lèche. Nous nous activons tous les deux. Après quelques secondes de ce traitement, l'homme éjacule. Tu laisses sa queue et m'embrasse à pleine bouche, nos langues jouant avec le foutre. C'est alors que tu jouis.
"Venez tous les deux allons dans la cabine avec les trous!"
Vous marchez devant moi qui vous suis, en laisse. Après avoir fermé la porte de la cabine, Jean nous mets à quatre pattes, la bouche face aux deux trous dans la paroi. Immédiatement, il s'enfonce en moi et me pilonne en me tenant par les hanches. Tu mates en te branlant la chatte. C'est alors qu’une queue sort du trou qui est devant toi. Elle est noire et bande déjà… Tu me regardes et lentement tu l’embouches. Je suis jaloux. Toujours en me regardant dans les yeux, tu lèches, suce mordille.
"Regarde comme j'aime sucer… Je le ferai quand je voudrai, avec qui je voudrai et où je voudrai. "
La queue noire est très dure et longue. Tu te retournes et en me regardant toujours, tu t'empales lentement. Tu la sens écarter tes lèvres et petit à petit progresser dans ton sexe trempé.
"Si tu savais comme elle est grosse! Je voudrais qu'il me prenne en même temps que Jean…"
En entendant cela, Jean sort de mon cul et dit :
"Venez on va lui proposer la chose!"
Je crie:
Mais rien n'y fait. Il ouvre la porte et va trouver le black qui est tout de suite d'accord. Nous allons dans la petite salle avec le grand lit au milieu. Il ferme la porte vitrée pour les mateurs et se couche sur le dos.
"Allez ma salope viens sur moi."
Tu te mets à cheval sur sa queue et le black se positionne derrière toi. Son gros gland rose se pose sur ton anus et il l'enfonce lentement. Une fois bien en place, tous les deux commencent à bouger.
"Oui, baisez-moi, enculez-moi plus fort! Regarde comme ils me défoncent bien! J'aime les grosses queues!"
Je vous regarde. Malgré moi, je commence à me branler tant ma queue est tendue.
"Regardez-le comme il aime voir sa femme se faire mettre par tous les trous! Jean, tu me permets de le sucer? J'ai envie d'une queue dans la bouche!"
"Oui vas-y mais il a interdiction de jouir"
Je me précipite et t'enfile ma bite dans la bouche! Tu suces à fond en léchant mes couilles, sachant très bien que j'adore cela et que je ne pourrai pas tenir très longtemps.
Je me retire au dernier moment. Mais tu en veux encore et tu tires sur mes couilles pour garder ma queue dans la bouche. Et ce qui devait arriver, arrive. Je jute en criant. Tu avales tout en gémissant et en prenant ton pied avec les deux grosses bites:
"Vas t'asseoir dans un coin chien pendant qu'on finit ta gonzesse! Et gare à ta punition."
De ton côté, tu n'arrêtes pas de jouir et après quelques minutes, les mecs jutent dans ta chatte et dans ton cul. Après un peu de repos, tu viens t'asseoir sur ma bouche.
"Vas-y nettoie!"
Ce que je fais. Quand j'ai fini, nous ne sommes plus que les deux. Je lèche toujours. Tu te penches en avant et prends ma queue en bouche. Nous jouirons comme ça en 69…



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Comment je suis devenue le jouet de mes beaux fils.

Je suis Ludivine, je vais avoir 40 ans et je suis devenue femme objet depuis mon mariage.
J’ai épousé Bruno, il y a maintenant 15 ans et il m’a convaincu, dans un premier temps à l’exhibitionnisme. Dès que je rentrais à la maimister je devais évoluer soit complètement nue sur des talons de 15 cms, soit juste corsetée serrée. Au début j’ai accepté pour lui faire plaisir sans deviner ce qui par la suite allait se passer.
Bruno a 15 ans de plus que moi, des jumeaux d’un premier mariage, comme ils ne m’avaient pas accepté au début, mon mari les voyait en dehors de la maimister.

Dès que nous sortions, Bruno choisissait mes tenues, en général jupe ou robe droite, s’ouvrant derrière et chemise en soie transparente, SG demi balconnets ou porte seins, PJ et minuscule string. Je ne porte pas d’alliance mais mes tétons mistert annelés, il a trouvé cela plus original et m’a offert de superbes anneaux de 3 cms de diamètre.

Un jour Bruno m’annonce qu’il doit partir en déplacement et que pour ne pas que je me retrouve seule dans notre grande maimister il a demandé aux jumeaux de venir s’installer à la maimister, « tu les connaîtras mieux, tu verras, vous devriez vous entendre ».

Ils arrivent, se présentent, bonjour moi c’est Baptiste, lui c’est Bertrand, on s’installe ici et notre père nous a demandé de nous occuper de toi, c’est avec plaisir que nous allons veiller sur la chienne de notre père. J’avais passé une robe légère à bretelles pour les recevoir.
Je croyais que tu vivais nue à la maimister ou corsetée, avec nous c’est pareil, mais viens d’abord nous dire bonjour, correctement, à 4 pattes, robe relevée sur ta croupe et suces nous, allez ne fais pas ta mijaurée, on sait que tu le fais, désormais si nous recevons des copains tu devras leur dire bonjour de cette façon. Pendant que je suçais l’un, l’autre me parcourait avec les mains, joue avec les mamelles, les anneaux mistert superbes et assez larges, sa croupe est généreuse et sa chatte offerte.

Cette visite des lieux dura un bon moment, puisque après avoir dit bonjour à l’un j’ai dit bonjour à l’autre, c’est bon relève toi, pour nous Ludivine n’existe plus tu seras PUTE divine et devra répondre à ce nom.
Prépare nous un apéro, nous le prendrons avant de dîner, je suis là dans le salon, nue dans le salon face à mes beaux fils que je connais à peine, notre père nous a fait un beau cadeau !
Ils mistert assis face à moi et me détaille comme les maquignons détaillent les vaches sur le champ de foire et les commentaires vont bon train.
Au moment de passer à table, l’un des jumeaux, je n’arrive pas à les reconnaître s’absente et revient avec un siège où trône un énorme phallus, voilà ton siège, tu devras toujours l’introduire dans ton petit cul, mange cuisses ouvertes disponibles.
Je m’assois cet énorme engin me déchire, la douleur est telle que je crie, ils éclatent de rire….

Le repas se déroule normalement et pour un premier contact cela leur semble suffisant, je suis autorisée à quitter la table, et après leur avoir dit bonsoir comme je dis bonjour, je file vers la salle de bains et mon lit.
Les réjouissances ne faisaient que commencer, si la suite vous intéresse, n’hésitez pas à me contacter, j’ai pour consigne de raconter tout ce qui s’est réellement passé…


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La bonniche de Madame...

Les cinq jeunes font cercle autour de Marie-Hélène, l’épouse du Maire de la commune…Ils l’empêchent de sortir de la cave où ils l’ont entrainé bien malgré elle…Madame rentrait à mister domicile quand bêtement, elle s’est trompée de route et a atterrit dans cette citée voisine de la ville huppée où elle habite. Forcement, sa BMW a vite été repérée par les jeunes du quartier…Et elle aussi…Une bourgeoise BCBG qui détonne un peu dans ce milieu…Les jeunes s’avancent…On agrippe Madame et on lui soulève sa jupe, les bas nylons apparaissent et le porte-jarretelles…
- Ouah !! Elle est habillée comme une putain, cette salope de bourge ! lance un des jeunes.
- Elle va morfler…
Un doigt s’introduit dans la chatte de Madame qui pousse un cri…

Madame se réveilla en sursaut…Elle regarda autour d’elle se rassurant. Elle est bien dans sa chambre à coucher. A l’abri dans mister pavillon et non pas dans cette cave sordide…Madame soupir…De soulagement mais aussi avec un peu de regrets. Elle fait de plus en plus souvent des rêves érotiques où elle est malmenée par des jeunes ou des hommes ayant un statut social inférieur au sien. Elle se rappelle avec émotion de mister aventure avec les flics de la BAC et sa visite à la caserne des pompiers. A ce souvenir, elle sent mister bas-ventre se réveiller. Son corps s’enflamme... Elle repoussa ses draps avec ses pieds et sa main se dirigea vers mister bas-ventre relevant sa nuisette en satin rose. Elle écarta rapidement mister slip et plongea mister index dans mister vagin en poussant un petit soupir…Son clitoris darde déjà, tout dure…Son autre main remonta et dégagea un de ses seins dont les pointes mistert déjà dressées. Elle s’en empara et les tira violemment lui arrachant un gémissement de plaisir. Dans mister fantasme, elle imagine des dialogues :
- T’es qu’une putain sous tes airs de bourgeoises, une salope qui aime se faire enfiler !
- Une cochonne qui aime la bite, t’en a jamais assez !
Madame gémit, murmurant :
- Oui, Oui, je suis une trainée, punissez moi…
Les doigts de Marie-Hélène s’agitent dans sa chatte, elle ondule du bassin imaginant un sexe énorme la pénétrant violemment. Elle sent le plaisir monter…Elle accélère le mouvement de ses doigts, la mouille coula sur ses cuisses. Elle se tortilla délirant à haute voix :
- Je suis une garce, baisez moi comme une chienne!
Elle poussa un cri quand l’orgasme la submergea la laissant pantelante et apaisée dans mister lit…

Madame sursauta quand elle entendit la porte de sa chambre s’ouvrir ! Elle poussa un cri. Elle reconnut Alexia, mister employée de maimister. Une jeune fille de vingt ans. Elle est vêtue d’un chemisier marron avec une jupe noire très courte sur des collants « léopard ». Elle est perchée sur des bottines à talons…Madame n’aime pas tellement Alexia, elle trouve qu’elle s’habille de manière trop provocante et elle la soupçonne de tourner autour de mister époux. Elle voulut protester lui disant de retourner dans la cuisine mais ses mots se bloquèrent dans sa gorge. Alexia tenait dans sa main une petite camera.
La bonniche regarda Madame avec ironie…
- Madame est très photogénique, elle passerai très bien à la télé…
- Mais...Mais…bafouilla Marie-Hélène, qu’est ce que vous faites Alexia ?
- Je fais un film sur la vie privée de l’épouse du Maire ! Ça marche bien ce genre de truc sur Internet, vous allez avoir des centaines de visiteurs…
Madame crut que mister cœur allait s’arrêter de battre…
- Non…je vous en supplie, ne faites pas ça…
Alexia s’approcha du lit.
- Imaginez que vos administrés découvrent quelle salope vous êtes, Madame. Voila qui ruinerait les chances de votre mari d’être réélu, les élections municipales mistert dans 2 mois je crois, non ?
- Euh …Que voulez vous ? De l’argent ?
- Un peu que je veux du fric, salope ! C‘est pas avec le salaire de misère que tu me donnes que je vais augmenter mon pouvoir d’achat.
Marie-Hélène se leva précipitamment, enfilant machinalement ses mules à talons et prit de l’argent dans mister sac. Elle le donna à Alexia. Cela représentait une coquette somme.
- Ça suffira ? demanda t’elle d’une voix tremblante à Alexia. Celle-ci haussa les épaules.
- Trop facile ! Quand on a du fric, on s’imagine qu’on peut tout acheter…
- Mais…Que voulez vous d’autres ?
Alexia resta mistergeuse quelques instants détaillant le corps de Madame dévoilé par la nuisette. Celle-ci s’en rendis compte et rougis violemment…
Alexia répondit d’une voix douce.
- Je vais te raconter une histoire. Quand j’étudiais dans mon lycée professionnel, j’avais une prof de ton âge, plus âgée peut être. Elle habitait dans un logement de fonction. Le mari n’était jamais là. La prof m’avait pris en grippe et me sacquait en cours. Un jour, avec des copines, on a voulu se venger. On l’a choppé et on l’a gouiné toute la journée avec des godes. Après, on a appelé des copains…Quand j’ai quitté le lycée tous les mecs c’étaient tapés la prof…Elle était devenue Miss PO.
Horrifiée par cette histoire, Marie-Hélène sentit malgré tout les lèvres de mister sexe s’écarter. Ses fantasmes venaient de se réveiller. Elle demanda…
- Ça veut dire quoi Miss PO ?
- T’as jamais assisté à un bizutage ? Ça veut dire Miss Pute Officielle.
Elle s’approcha de Marie-Hélène et posa ses mains sur les seins à travers l’étoffe de la nuisette. Madame sursauta et voulut reculer mais Alexia la rattrapa !
- Ne bouge pas ! laisse toi faire…
Marie-Hélène sent une lourdeur dans mister bas-ventre…Une légère humidité entre ses cuisses.
Alexia soupesa les seins de l’épouse du Maire qui se mit à respirer bruyamment. Elle lui palpa les nichons sans douceur. Madame vacilla sur ses jambes. Alexia enfonça ses doigts dans la chair tendre qu’elle pinça méchamment arrachant une plainte à Marie-Hélène.
- Je dois reconnaitre que t’es bien conservée pour ton âge…Regarde les miens !
Alexia déboutonna mister chemisier. Ses seins nus apparurent. Elle ne portait pas de soutien-gorge…
Il faut dire qu’elle n’en avait pas besoin, privilège de la jeunesse….
Elle agrippa la tête de Marie-Hélène et la pencha vers les pointes de ses seins qui dardaient.
- Suce moi les seins salope ! Et applique-toi.
Madame goba un mamelon et le suça comme un bébé suce la tétine de mister biberon…Arrachant des soupirs à Alexia…

Elle repoussa Madame et lui ordonna d’enlever sa nuisette. Marie-Hélène s’exécuta avec veulerie. Elle resta les bras ballants au milieu de la chambre, perchée sur les hauts talons de ses mules, totalement nue à part mister petit slip qui cachait à peine ses poils. Sa vulve dégoulinante avait laissée une trace d’humidité au fond du sous-vêtement et bien entendue Alexia s’en rendit compte.
- T’es vraiment une salope ! T’es trempée…
Elle joua avec les tétons de la femme du Maire donnant des petits coups d’ongles les faisant rougirent. Madame se pince les lèvres pour retenir ses gémissements. Saisissant les bouts des seins entre le pouce et l’index, Alexia les tritura et les tira vers le haut faisant couiner Marie-Hélène. Elle secoua les seins dans tous les sens avant de les lâcher. Madame halète, elle est toute rouge. Alexia lui tapa sur les cuisses pour qu’elle les écarte. Elle inspecta ses petites lèvres, jouant avec. Un flot de mouille se répandit sur les doigts d’Alexia. Elle pressa le clitoris et Marie-Hélène poussa un feulement rauque. Elle donna un coup de reins.
- Retourne-toi, fais voir ton gros cul de bourgeoise!
Marie-Hélène obéit et pivota sur ses talons. Alexia lui tata les fesses, lui donna plusieurs claques, la faisant crier. Le cul rougit rapidement.
Madame fut de nouveau retournée et Alexia de nouveau plongea ses doigts dans le sexe béant…Elle les remue dans tous les sens…Madame gémit sourdement…
- Non...Je vous en supplie, arrêtez…J’en peux plus…
- Pas question que tu prennes ton pied sans mon autorisation sale vicieuse, viens avec moi !
Alexia entraina Madame vers la cuisine. Elles descendirent l’escalier. Les mules claquent sur les marches. Marie-Hélène frismisterna surprise par le froid qui régnait dans la pièce. Elle dut s’allonger sur la table, jambes à la verticale. Dévoilant sa fente baveuse, comme si elle était dans un fauteuil gynécologique.
Humiliée, la femme du Maire réalisait qu’elle exhibait ses lèvres intimes à sa bonniche…Tremblante, elle respirait difficilement…La jeune fille lui tapota la vulve ce qui fit sursauter Madame.
- Fais pas ta mijaurée, t’es trempée.
Alexia allongea la main et continua de lui triturer les seins tous en lui plongeant ses doigts dans la chatte. Madame faisait grincer la table en gigotant comme une folle. Elle se contorsionna et cria en remuant des hanches. Une de ses mules tomba à terre…Alexia la masturba longtemps prenant un plaisir sadique à s’arrêter des qu’elle voyait sur le visage ravagé de Marie-Hélène qu’elle allait prendre mister pied. Arrachant à la femme du Maire un cri de déception à chaque fois. Elle lui enfonça mister index dans le cul faisant sursauter Marie-Hélène. La bouche ouverte sur un cri muet. Alexia s'accroupit enfonçant sa langue dans l'intimité de sa patronne qui poussa un long gémissement. Elle lui suça le clitoris en grognant, lapant la mouille.Cela dura de longues minutes mettant Madame dans un état de nerfs indescriptible... Finalement, elle pinça violemment le clitoris de sa patronne. Celle-ci eut un orgasme qui agitât violemment mister corps, elle se tordit de jouissance sur la table de la cuisine en poussant un hurlement. Épuisée par la violence de l’orgasme, c’est dans une semi-conscience qu’elle entend Alexia lui dire que dorénavant, les relations patronne-employée allaient radicalement changer. Et qu’elle avait des copines à lui présenter et surtout des copains.
Madame allait devenir la Miss PO de sa bonniche…



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Notre dépravation

Je m’appelle Stéphane. Stéphane Dubois, dirons nous. Et je vais vous conter quelques morceaux choisis de ma vie de couple avec ma femme, Hélène. J’ai 45 ans, et suis chirurgien dentiste. Je suis ce qu’on appelle un homme mûr, mais malgré mon léger surpoids je reste encore pas mal. Enfin, c’est ce que j’entends dire de moi. Je suis grand, 1m85, brun aux cheveux cours aux tempes grimisternantes. Hélène, quand à elle, n’a que 32 ans. C’est un sacré petit lot, je dois l’avouer. Elle est de taille moyenne, cheveux châtain clair .Elle a de jolis yeux verts en amande et un petit nez droit. Elle a une poitrine assez imposante, un 95 D. Bien qu’elle se soit elle aussi légèrement arrondie ces dernières années, ce qui me plaît beaucoup d’ailleurs, elle a toujours de longues jambes galbées et un cul tout à fait adorable. Nous nous sommes rencontrés il y’a dix ans. Elle était en fac de médecine, dans laquelle je donnais quelques cours. Sa réputation sulfureuse, et je suis gentil, était arrivée jusqu’à mes oreilles. Quand je dis que je suis gentil, je n’exagère pas puisque ce qui se disait sur elle en tant que fille plus que facile était assez salé. C’en était assez pour que cela donne l’envie à un queutard comme moi de vérifier cette réputation par lui-même. Je passerai sur les détails de la manière dont je l’ai abordée, mais sachez seulement que quelques heures après lui avoir adressé la parole pour la première fois, cette salope avalait déjà mon foutre avec entrain, les seins à l’air, sous mon bureau. Tout est allé assez vite ensuite. L’année suivante elle abandonnait la médecine pour se consacrer à ma queue, et je dois dire qu’elle était bien plus douée pour ça que pour ses études. De toute façon mes seuls revenus étaient largement suffisants pour faire vivre notre foyer. Elle se trouva tout de même un emploi à mi-temps dans un magasin de décoration.Comment avons-nous décidé de nous mettre réellement en couple et de nous marier? C’est simple. Hélène était une salope, et moi un beau salaud, et nous avions tous deux la même notion de ce que devait être un couple libéré. Au fil du temps, Hélène s'est montrée incapable d'être fidèle, justifiant cela par ses besoins sexuels hors normes .Je me suis fait une raimister, et de toute façon j’ai toujours plus eu envie d’épouser une vraie cochonne qu’une femme fidèle. Bref. Trois ans plus tard nous officialisions les choses, ce qui ne changea rien à notre style de vie. Hélène m’était toujours soumise et de plus en plus dévouée à ma bite et celle des mecs par qui je décidais de la faire baiser, pour mister plus grand plaisir.Ainsi, j'étais cocu jusqu'à l'os, mais au moins avec mon consentement, et ma participation.

Nous avons donc un style de vie assez particulier. D’une part, nous avons des connaissances de confiance qui connaissent tout et participent à notre débauche, et une vie en société des plus respectables d’autre part. Voilà pour les présentations, et le contexte.

Nous sommes un vendredi soir de juillet 2007. Il est 18h00 et je viens de terminer ma dernière consultation. Il a fait une chaleur écrasante toute la journée. Et toute la journée j’ai pensé à ma femme et à la manière dont j’allais la baiser. Je lui passe un coup de fil avant de quitter le cabinet.
-Allo ma chérie ? Ça va ? T’as passé une bonne journée ?
-Ouais…Tranquille…Et toi ?
-Moi j’ai grave envie de te baiser là…Enfile une tenue sexy pour m’accueillir…Tu vas pas être déçue…
Hélène rit.
-Eh !Au cas où t’aurais oublié, y’a Michel qui vient dîner ce soir !
Merde ! Michel ! C’est vrai que je l’avais complètement oublié. Michel est un très vieil ami, rencontré lorsque j’étais en fac. Il fait vraiment partie de mes meilleurs potes. Malgré cela je ne l’ai plus vu depuis deux ans. Il est commercial dans le sud de la France. Il doit venir voir un gros client dans l’est et en profite pour passer chez nous. Bref, Michel ne fait pas partie des types à qui je livre ma femme en pâture, et il n’est pas au courant de notre vie de débauchés. Il connaît bien Hélène mais est à mille lieues de s’imaginer quel genre de salope elle peut être. Une idée folle me traverse l’esprit, et je dis à ma compagne :
-Et alors ? Fais toi belle quand même, ma chérie…On te baisera tous les deux !
-Oui … Bien sûr ! T’as pensé aux conséquences ? Michel est un ami proche…Qui connaît tous nos amis proches…C’est hors de question…Il y’a certaines permisternes aux yeux desquelles j’ai franchement pas envie d’être cataloguée comme une salope !
Elle a raimister. Ce n’est pas raimisternable. Mais je n’en ai rien à foutre, et suis très excité. Je prends un ton qui se veut dur :
-Je ne crois pas t’avoir demandé ton avis…Habille toi sexy, point barre !
Je raccroche immédiatement alors que le combiné me transmet encore ce que j’imagine être des protestations.
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