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les histoires de chrislebo

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Britney Spears - House and Dogs For Sale

In a recent news story, the teen diva drew SPCA's ire for including pooches in asking price of family home. Britney Spears is in the doghouse because she's selling her dogs.

In Britain, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals has blasted the pop star after hearing that she's selling her old house in the States, three dogs included.

She's selling the family place in Kentwood, Louisiana, to move, with her parents, into a vast new estate five miles away. I don't know if the dogs don't match the decor, or what, but word got out that the asking price on the old house includes the furniture and the dogs.

There's no word yet from the Louisiana SPCA, but the British branch got involved somehow.

"We are very concerned that Britney is setting a bad example," a spokespermister said. "Pets require longtime commitment and care, and should not be thought of as objects that can be left behind."

The naturals in question are a Yorkshire Terrier named Baby and two Alsatians, names not given.

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Now, here is the real reamister behind her decision to get rid of her three dogs, and her home.

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With her boyfriend, Justin Timberlake of the group N'Sync, about to go on a concert tour again, Britney and he decided to have a goodbye petting session before he left. Despite her oversexed image, Britney Spears was still a virgin and intended to remain so until the night of her wedding, whenever that might be.

So, for the past hour they necked and petted each other tenderly. She would let him cop a feel of her large tits and tight pussy, even kiss them a few times. She didn't see anything wrong with just touching.

In the same token, she would eagerly give him a handjob as she watched his cock grow, stiffen, and finally squirt its creamy fluid all over her bare hands. She didn't like how it felt on her skin, but she realized that he needed this kind of relief once in a while.

"God, Brit," Justin would groan as he came. "That feels so damn good. I just wished that we could... you know... fuck someday. You got the sweetest ass and I really want us to make love."

"So do I," she gasped. "But... but you know how I feel about this. I... I'm just not ready for that yet. Please be patient."

"Fuck, you are such a tease, you know that," he said in frustration.

"I bet you say that to all your groupies too," she said, laughing.

"Babe, there's nobody else for me but you," he told her. "You know that, don't you?"

"Yes, I know," she said, giving his cock a final squeeze. "I... I think you better get going though. The guys will be waiting for you."

"Damn! What time is it?" He asked, looking over at the VCR clock. "Oh, cuckolds brownie! They must be at the airport already."

Rushing around the room for his clothes, Britney sat back laughing her head off as Justin struggled to buckle his pants over his aroused cock.

"Too bad you're in such a hurry," she laughed teasingly. "I could take care of that for you."

"Fuck girl!" He swore, seeing her having fun at his expense. "If you weren't my girlfriend right now, I'd fucking **** you."

"OOOOOH! I'm scared," she kept teasing him.

"Call you when we hit town," he said, leaning over and kissing her tenderly, his fingers finding her wet pussylips one last time.

"Can't wait," she replied.

She walked him to the door and waved goodbye as he drove off. Taking a final look, she slowly closed the door and began stripping off her clothes, preferring to be naked when she was alone in the house. Soon, she stood naked, her blonde pussy glistening with her juices that all that foreplay had instigated.

The young popstar had the most luscious body in the music business today. Men of all ages, and probably a fair number of women also, would fantasize about her large tits, commenting that they must be fake. But that didn't bother them, just the sight of her bouncing on stage, her tits flopping around as she gyrated was all that mattered to men, and some women.

Since hitting it big in the charts, her parents were mostly concerned for her safety. Especially, once she moved into a house on her own. They had insisted that she get some guard dogs for protection.

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A year ago

"Now listen honey," she recalled her lady's words. "Today, in show business, there are stalkers all over the place. At least with a good guard dog, you'll be protected at home."

At the time, it made perfect sense, even to the eighteen-year-old diva. So, she accompanied her dad to a protection agency and they showed her the dogs that they had available just for celebrities. They showed her menacing looking Dobermans, and ferocious German Shepherds, all of which were trained to attack intruders.

"Don... don't you have anything less..." she stammered, fear in her eyes. "Less scary."

"They scare you, do they?" The kennel manager smiled. "That's okay. Granted, these are mean looking. But then again, that's what they were meant for." He paused to ponder the matter further. "You say you live alone miss Spears."

"Huh-uh," she nodded.

"Well, we don't want you to be scared of your own home," he said. "I think I got the perfect solution for you."

He walked past the most common guard breeds and headed to the back of the building, Britney and her dad following close behind. When he got to the very far end, he turned and opened the gate to one of the cages. He stepped inside with a pair of leashes and came back out with two well-groomed and well-behaved white Alsatians.

Though these looked a lot like the German Shepherds, they are a related breed, these looked more docile and better groomed than their brethrens. Both dogs were almost completely white in color, with only a splattering of brown and black at their paws and snout.

"Now these two would be perfect for you particular situation," he said. "This is Stan, and this fellow is Lee."

Britney immediately felt comfortable with them. She kneeled down and the dogs began licking her face as any friendly dog would.

"Uhm!" She heard her man grumble in thought. "They don't seem too capable of protecting anybody."

"That's what makes them so perfect for your flower mister Spears," the manager said. "They fit right into any family setting and nobody is the wiser. Here, let me show you."

He pulled the dogs leash and they obediently fell into step with him. He led them to the training facility and released them. He then walked over to the intercom.

"Hey, Jim," he called.

"Yeah, Mr. Steed," a voice came back.

"Get into a padded suit will you," he instructed the man on the other end. "You're gonna give a demonstration of Stanley's abilities."

"Oh, I get it," Britney broke out laughing. "Stan-Lee. They're names together sound like one."

Mr. Steed led them behind a glass panel so they could observe without being in the way. A moment later, a man wearing a heavily padded suit walked in with a bar in his hand. Instantly, both dogs began barking ferociously at him without attacking. As he approached closer, the dogs stood their ground.

"Nicha!" The owner said over the intercom.

Both dogs leapt at the bulky man and shoved him to the ground. Then they began gnawing at his arms and legs as he struggled to get away from them. Britney's man was quite impressed with the demonstration. He could see that these dogs were indeed competitive guard dogs.

"Schmoo!" Mr. Steed gave the halt order.

"Is that it?" Britney asked. "All I have to do is say Nicha and they'll attack."

"No, sweetie," Mr. Steed said. "You'll have to come in for a few weeks to get some handling training before we even let you buy any of our dogs. This is as much for your protection as mine. We wouldn't want you to give an ill advised command while alone with them, now would we."

"I think they'll do just fine," Mr. Spears said, shaking hands with the owner. "We'll make the arrangements around Britney's schedule and take it from there."



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#3,902 · Edited by: chrislebo
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That's how Britney Spears got those two large Alsatians. But she also wanted a dog, just as an ordinary pet. First, she checked with Mr. Steed to make sure that it would be safe for it before she went out and bought one.

She picked a Yorkshire Terrier puppy which she called Baby. It didn't take him long to reach its full size. That was over a year ago.

Now, as she neared her twentieth birthday, Britney had three mature dogs in her house, which she didn't mind all that much.

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Back to today

Now that she was all alone in the house, Britney walked to the backdoor to call her dogs in.

"Stan! Lee! Baby!" She called out in the darkness of the large backyard. "Come on babies! Come on inside and keep mommy company."

Out of the darkness, three sets of glowing eyes came bounding towards her. As they neared, she smiled as she watched her dogs run to the house.

"Hey babies," she petted each as they rushed past her bare calf. "Sorry I had to put you out for so long, but mommy needed some time alone with her boyfriend. You understand, don't you?"

She half-expected for them to understand her explanation, but she knew they didn't really care for such nonsense. She padded in behind them, lay out their bowls, and filled them with their food.

The three dogs attacked the bowls ravenously as she stood back, smiling. She still had a buzz from the foreplay and she reached down and began rubbing her pussylips with her fingers.

'Damn!' She thought. 'I just wish that Justin had finished me off before rushing off like that.'

She buried two fingers in her wet pussy trying to relieve herself that way. But that was a poor substitute to Justin's talented tongue.

The two Alsatians finished their grub first and looked up at their naked mistress with curiosity. They could never understand these humans or why she would constantly be burying her paw in her hole. They were bright enough to know the purpose of a pussy wasn't to be wasted on a paw.

Right behind them, Baby yipped shrilly to let her know that he was done eating as well.

"Okay boys," she reluctantly pulled her fingers out of her snatch, licking them clean. "Let's check out what's good on TV tonight."

As she walked back to the livingroom, her hips swinging suggestively, the dogs followed close behind. Her sexy aroma wafting the air in front of them.

By the time they had all reached the large room, the three dogs had become slightly aroused, though Britney had no knowledge of this at this time.

She settled herself down heavily on the sofa and began clicking the TV remote, channel surfing in search for something to watch. While she did that, she began diddling her cunt again trying to get the orgasm she so desperately needed.

Her dogs settled in their corners and lay their heads on their crossed paws, sniffing the air intently.

Britney remained oblivious as to the effect her smell was having on her pets. She just kept trying to find her own pleasure with her fingers while searching for something good to watch. She lay back across the cushion, lying on her back as she continued with her self- pleasuring. Lifting a leg up onto the sofa, she spread her legs apart wide, opening up her pussylips for better penetration.

As she felt her orgasm nearing, she let the TV remote slip from her fingers and it clattered loudly on the hardwood floor of her livingroom. Now with both hands free, she could work more intently on her pussy and clit. As one hand worked down under, the other would squash her voluptuous tits and nipples, pulling one up to her lips so she could suckle on herself as she came.

All three dogs lifted their heads in confused curiosity as her scent gained in potency. They couldn't see any bitches around, yet they could smell one nearby. Their cocks were slowly slipping out of their furry sheath as their arousal grew.

"Oh yeah! Oh yeah!" She mumred to herself, the passion in her voice very evident to the dogs. "Right there! Damn you, Justin. Why didn't you finish what you started before you left like that. Oh yeah! I'm getting there. Just a bit more."

One by one the dogs sat up, the pink tip of their cocks protruding from their furry hiding places. But they remained there, still too confused to understand what was happening to them.

"Mmmmmmmh! Oh yeah!" Britney moaned. "I'm cumming baby. Cumming! CUMMMMMING, OH FUCKING SHIT! I'M THERE!" She squealed in ecstasy.

The dogs' ears stood up straight at the high pitch wail of their mistress. At first, they were distressed, thinking that she was in trouble. But that was soon replaced by another strong blast of her sexual scent invading their nostrils. This gave another surge of red to their own crotch and their penises slipped out even further.

"Damn, I needed that," the teen diva said breathlessly, licking her fingers of her juices. "I should be good for now. Now where did that damn remote go to?"

She looked over the side of the sofa to the floor in search of the TV remote she had dropped while fingering herself. Then she spotted it. It had skirted under the glass-top coffee table and she could see it through the glass cover.

"Damn," she swore as she dropped to her knees to retrieve it.

Too tired to simply walk around the table to retrieve it, she just lowered her shoulders and reached for it from the farthest side. In this precocious position, her butt was raised high as her shoulders were almost down to the floor.

This alluring position was not lost on the three aroused naturals. Almost as if by command, they approached Britney's upturned ass in unimister. Then as if by accord, they all began licking her ass.

The two Alsatians were busily licking at her ass and moist pussy, while her diminutive Yorkshire Terrier had found its way under her belly to attack from beneath.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" Britney yelled from under the coffee table, banging her head in surprise. "Now you guys stop that!" She ordered, expecting compliance.

However, the dogs were not reacting to training. They were reacting to instinct, an instinct to procreate. Something more powerful than any training given by man. They continued their licking, and in the position she found herself, Britney could do nothing to extricate herself from their lapping tongues.

She tried to back out from under her coffee table, but the two strong Alsatians were pushing her forward. So, she tried crawling forward under the table. But again, she was foiled. With her Terrier under her, she couldn't lower her ass enough to fit under the low table.

All that she could do was remain in position until the dogs tired of this nonsense and then she'd have to think about what to do about their brash behavior.

"Fuck! This is so embarrassing," she swore as she endured the rough tongue on her ass and pussy.

Her Terrier was the first to get a reaction out of her. The tiny dog had found her clit and his rough tongue was lapping at the tiny nub feverishly. The sandpapery organ was raking across her already excited clit, pushing her back into heat.

"Oh, cuckolds brownie, Baby," she moaned. "That's nice. But you shouldn't be doing this to mommy."

She could feel her cunny moistening at this attack, and the other dogs noticed this fresh moistness as well. Their keen sense of smell had picked it up immediately and dove into her snatch to dig deep with their stiff tongues.

"Holy cuckolds brownie!" Britney gasped as she felt them bury their snouts in her cunthole and their tongues delve deeper than Justin could ever manage.

The dogs lapped at her hungrily, trying to find a hidden source for the strong aroma that had gotten them in this aroused state. And with each passing moment, their cocks grew longer, thicker and stiffer.

The sexually aroused state of her dogs was still unbeknownst to Britney as their licking was getting her all hot and bothered as well. But as far as she was concerned, this was simply a miscommunication, a misunderstanding. There was no way that a dog would have any interest, sexually, with a girl like her.

After all, she didn't fool around much. In all appearances, she was a good girl who wasn't at all promiscuous. In fact, she was still virgin, wanting to wait for her wedding night before giving that up.

"Mmmmm! That's nice, babies," she moaned. "Maybe it ain't so bad if I let you lick mommy."

Not realizing the implication of the decision she made, Britney began undulating her ass to encourage her dogs to finish what they had started.

"At least you won't leave me high and dry like Justin did," she laughed.

The Alsatian guard dog, Lee, was the first to take charge. The large dog leaped onto Britney's back, his forepaws resting on the glass-top of the coffee table.

Britney heard his nail as they hit the glass surface, but didn't think much of it. Instead, she concentrated on how good her pussy was feeling with the doggy tongues licking her.

Lee instinctly began humping, trying to locate the elusive hole that had so excited him. His pre-cum covered cocktip poking frustratingly against her butt. That's when the young diva began to wonder what was going on.

Turning her head around to see what was going on, she saw that one of her dogs was on top of her trying to bury his reddening pink penis in her virgin hole. In a panic, she tried to reach back to slap him away, but in her vulnerable and helpless position, she couldn't reach back far enough.

"No! Down boy! Get off mommy!" She screamed, trying to order him off. "Lee, you can't do that to me. I'm... I'm a girl, not a dog, you doofus. A dog can't have sex with a girl, don't you know that."

As if to prove her wrong, Lee shoved forward, the tip of his cock finding her sphincter by mistake. But as far as he was concerned, it was a tight fitting hole that would do just as well. He pulled back again and the shoved forward harder. This time a couple of inches found its way in her virgin asshole.

"AAAAIIIIIEEEE!" Britney Spears screamed out in pain. "Not there Lee! That's not a good place to fuck anybody!"

The large dog paid no mind to her shouting. He had found a nice warm hole that had accepted his pole and he wasn't about to give that up. He pulled back again and thrust forward. Back and forth he went on, burying a few more inches each time. His pre-cum lubricating her dry anal passage with each thrust.

"Oh God, Lee," she groaned painfully. "You... you're hurting me, boy. Please take your dick out. Don't do this to me, please. I beg you."

From beneath, her Terrier was still licking at her clit, while the other large dog was concentrating his licking to her pussylips. This three-prong attack was driving her nuts. She could feel her juices bubbling from within as the dogs pleasured themselves on her.

The dog began humping at a furious rate now, as only an natural could. He drove his cock deeper with each thrust and buried more and more of his cock in the nineteen-year-old girl's virgin ass.

Britney's body began betraying her as the harsh pain of the anal penetration was soon replaced with sexual pleasure. She still couldn't believe that she was actually finding this enjoyable. She had heard of anal sex before, but that was with a man, not a dog. For that matter, how can a dog be doing this?

"This... this shouldn't even be possible," she gasped as she could feel an orgasm building within her. "How can... how can this feel so good? How can he even know how to do it with me like this?"

But she couldn't deny the feelings welling up inside her. She could feel a monster orgasm building up and she had to admit to herself that her dogs were responsible for that. Without even realizing she was doing so, Britney was gyrating her ass back against the thrusting cock of her dog, instinctively trying to get him even deeper in her bowels.

The dog somehow recognized her compliance to his fuck lust and doured his efforts to empty his seed in his mistress. Already he had managed to bury five inches of his eight-inch cock in her ass. A few more hard shoves and he would get it all past her resistance. What was making it difficult wasn't so much the length of his penis as its thickness, but rather his horniness. As his arousal grew, so did the width of his cock. It already was a good inch thicker than Britney's boyfriend, and seemed to be growing thicker with each passing second.

"Unnggghh! Ungh! Oh fuck!" Britney groaned loudly as her ass accommodate each of Lee's thrust. "Christ! I... I'm cumming! Lee, you've making me cum! Fuck me! Fuck me hard with your hard dick, boy! Make mommy cum!"

She couldn't believe what she was saying. She couldn't believe that she was begging her dog to fuck her, and in the ass of all places. But there lay the bare truth about her. As her dog continued ramming his cock in her black hole, she was busily pinching her hard nipples in pure lust.

Meanwhile, her other dogs continued ravishing her clit and pussy with their raspy tongue. She could feel Stan's tongue reaching so deep in her.

"Oh god! I'm cumming!' She moaned. "I'm cumming on my dog fucking me. CumMMMING!"

Just then, her dog howled in the air as he blew his load in his mistress' tight ass. She moaned loudly as she felt the almost scalding heat of the warm jism filling her bowels, triggering another powerful orgasm within her.

"Oh god! Noooooo!" She howled with him when she realized that a dog had cum inside of her.

It seemed like hours for her before her Alsatian finally pulled out of her ass, when in fact only a few minutes had passed. A splash of jism came pouring out of her liberated asshole to the hardwood floor as soon as Lee's cock-plug was removed. She could feel the warm fluid trickling down her calves as the other dogs began lapping that up as well.

"Thank god this is over," she breathed a sigh of relief.

She tried crawling out, but the dogs where still blocking her path. So, thinking that this whole ordeal was over with, she relaxed and waited patiently for Stan and Baby to move.

But between licking their mistress' clit and pussy, and cleaning up after Lee's climax, the two dogs were far from done.

The next thing she knew, Stan had taken up position on top of her back the same as Lee had only moments before.

"Nnnooo! Stan, don't!" Britney cried out in terror. "Don't fuck my ass again. I couldn't take that."

She could feel the slimy tip of her other guard dog's cock sliding through her asscheeks, trying to find a hole to nestle itself in. Back and forth, the large dog would thrust his hips, slipping through her tightly clenching ass.

"Please, don't do this," she pleaded, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Stan pulled himself far back, allowing his cock to slip down below her ass crack. On his next forward shove, he located and slipped his lubricated shaft into Britney Spears' virgin cunt. With all his might, the large dog thrust forward and buried four thick inches into her pussy.

"AARRGGHHH!" Britney cried out as her pussylips stretched beyond reamister.

She then mercilessly ****** from the pain.

The dog kept humping his cock into her, driving more and more of his hard cock inside her. In her *** state, her vaginal muscles had relaxed making his penetration that much easier. He could now fuck into her faster and deeper. He now had six inches in and another four to work on.

Britney's body shook like a loose doll on the floor, her tits rubbing themselves on the cool wooden floor. With her head turned sideways, drool began seeping past her slackened lips as the dog continued pummeling his prick in her pussy.

On the side, Baby, her Yorkshire Terrier, wanted to have a part in this. He yipped excitedly looking for something to hump. He tried getting back to licking her clitoris, but the ramming Alsatian was making that too difficult. That's when the tiny dog noticed her slightly parted lips.

He quickly scramred up to her face and mounted her there. He began humping at her cheek in great urgency, wanting to bury his stiff little cock in the opening that she had presented to him. The tiny dog's pre-cum squirting across her face.

Finally, the scruffy little dog found his mark and began humping into Britney's mouth. Her body, reacting on pure sexual instinct began sucking on the warm, hard shaft. The tiny dog loved the feeling that the blowjob was giving him and intensified his thrusting.

Inch by inch, Stan was burying his ten- inch shaft into his *** mistress. Then he met with some kind of resistance deep inside her. He had encountered her unruptured hymen. This was new to the dog. He had no idea why he was suddenly being blocked in this fashion

Meanwhile, Baby was lustfully fucking his squirting little cock into Britney's mouth, and she continued to subconsciously suck on it.

Back at her ass, Stan shoved his hindlegs forward hard, busting through Britney's hymen. The sudden pain of this snapped her back awake where she found herself face to crotch with the furry body of her Terrier. It took her a few moments to realize that the dog was fucking her in the mouth and that she was actually swallowing his pre-cum.

"Gurgh! Ungh!" She coughed and gagged as she shoved the tiny dog away roughly, its cock popping out of her mouth.

She spat out what she could of the dog's fluid, but the salty taste of it lingered on. She could feel some of it had gotten to the back of her throat and knew that she must have swallowed some of it as well.

"Oh, yuck!" She gagged. "I... I drank his scum."

In her confused state, Britney hadn't realized that Stan had nearly all of his dick stuffed in her cunt. Or that he had broken through her maidenhead, losing her virginity in the process.

He had managed to thrust all but the last inch of his ten-inch phallus inside her. All that remained was the hulking mass of his knot. And being just a dog, he knew that he needed to bury that in this bitch as well before unloading his seed.

Britney could felt he warmth of Stan's pre-cum and her red trickling down her calf as the large dog continued humping into her. This is when it dawned on her how deeply the dog's cock was imbedded inside her pussy.

"Oh-my-god!" She cried out. "I... I lost my virgin... my virginity to... to a dog!"

She panicked and tried to pull herself out of this situation. In her panic, she tried backing out from under the coffee table, which only served to double the impact of Stan's next thrust. In that instance, the large Alsatian managed to shove the first half of his wide knot past her still, partially relaxed pussylips.

"AARRGGHHHH!" Britney cried out in pain at this new attack on her once, tight pussy.

But now that he had found a foothold in her pussy, Stan wasn't about to stop now. He surged forward and more of his wide knot found its way past the constricting cuntlips.

"OH GOD! STAN! STOP!" She yelled back at the humping beast. "YOU... YOU'RE HURTING ME! IT HURTS TOO MUCH! PLEASE STOP!"

But the large dog was too near his goal to stop now. He humped harder, feeling that he was nearly there. With one final thrust, his knot nestled itself inside Britney's once tight cunt. Now that he was securely tied to her, the large Alsatian slowed his thrusting and concentrated on what was required of him next. He seemed to be urging his balls to empty themselves.

"Oooooh!" Britney sighed as the dog finally stopped fucking hard into her. "God, that hurt a lot. I... I sure hope this means that it's over."

But she could still feel the hard mass of the dog's cock stuck in her aching vagina. When she reached back to try to pull him out, a sharp stab of pain hit her. That's when she realized that the dog was stuck in her pussy.



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"Oh god!" She said. "What am I gonna do now? I... I can't call for help. What if mom or dad comes over? How can I get this dog out of my cunt?"

The large dog relaxed himself on her back as his cock twitched enticingly inside her stuffed pussy, exalting a deep sigh of satisfaction from the teen diva. She closed her eyes and contemplated what this was doing to her.

"Fuck, how can I be loving this so much?" She asked herself. "How can I be cumming so much. What does this make me for loving this so much? Am I a sicko? Do other girls do this? No, this is sick. Dogs aren't supposed to fuck women. They're supposed to fuck other dogs."

Then the strangest thing happened. Through the transparent top of her coffee table, she could see Stan jump off. But his cock still wouldn't pull itself out of her stuffed pussy. She watched as one of his hindlegs slid across the glass surface. She could feel that large knob twist and turn inside her cunt, sending a shiver of pleasure through her, triggering yet another orgasm. She then found herself tied to the large dog, butt-to-butt.

"Damn! This is too weird," she said aloud.

Thankfully, the large dog was no longer fucking his thick shaft in her inexperienced hole, so it wasn't as uncomfortable as before. But they were still stuck together, despite this repositioning, and all Britney could do was wait in the hopes that the dog would free his cock on his own.

Off to the side, Baby, the Yorkshire, was yelping in frustration at being unsatisfied. He had thought that he had found somewhere to fuck earlier, but his mistress had shoved him across the room in anger. The tiny dog skidded against the easy chair and sat there, licking his still hard cock.

He looked on in utter frustration as the second of the large dogs had their turn with his mistress' rear. Then an idea seemed to glimmer in the dog's eyes.

He rushed to the sofa and jumped on the soft cushions. Rushing to Stan's side, the small Terrier then leapt onto the larger dog's back and made his way to Britney's upturned ass. Sure, her pussy was already occupied with the Alsatian's knot, but her asshole was now vacant.

Britney had no idea what the smaller dog was planning, as she was intent on Stan's cock still tied inside her cunt.

Baby then dropped between the two asses, one natural, the other human, and leaned his forepaws on Britney's white ass. Balancing his hindlegs carefully on Stan's hindlegs, the tiny dog measured up his mistress' ass for a good fucking.

Britney was confused at the newest touch to her skin. Trying to peer back to see if somebody else was in the room, she couldn't see anything but Stan's body, still facing the other direction to her own.

Then Baby began humping his ass forward, searching for the hole that Lee had used before. In his aroused state, the tiny dog was squirting a copious amount of pre-cum across Britney's asscheeks. He lowered his hindquarters and could now thrust between her cheeks.

"Oh no," the diva sobbed. "Not that again."

She could now feel the presence on another cock trying to get to her asshole. She didn't much enjoy it when Lee fucked her there earlier, his thick cock ripping her insides she thought for sure. And now there was another cock trying to do the same all over again. She could tell that it was much smaller, but she still didn't look forward to another ass-fuck.

"Baby, is that you?" She presumed, both from the cock size and from the fact that she couldn't see the little bugger in the room. "Are you the one trying to fuck my bunghole?"

She heard the yipping of the tiny dog from above and almost smiled in response. If the situation wasn't so disgusting, she would have probably thought this funny. But this was happening, and worse still, it was happening to her.

Then she felt the tip of the tiny dog slip into her still slightly dilated asshole and shoved its way in. The scruffy dog began humping furiously once he had found what he had so desperately been looking for.

"Ungh!" Britney groaned as the third cock fucked into her. "Oh god, now I have two of them fucking into me."

Though not as thick or long as his canine companions, Baby's cock was still thicker than her thumb. It still managed to stretch her asshole enough to give her surges of lust.

She could feel its mass rubbing against Stan's cock in her pussy through the thin membrane that separated them. She could feel herself climbing to an even more powerful orgasm, as both cocks seemed to caress each other as the tiny dog thrust his cock in and out of her still cum- lubricated ass.

"Oh cuckolds brownie!" She groaned. "I'm... I'm cumming one more time! Oh, baby, baby, I'm cumming one more time! Oh my god! I'm... I'M... I'M CUUMMMIIINNNGGG!"

Just then, Stan's scrotum tightened and the large Alsatian unloaded his seed into this human bitch he had copulated with. Britney moaned loudly as she felt the scalding heat of his jism filling her womb, triggering yet another powerful orgasm even before the previous one had a chance to subside.

In her lust, Britney reached under and tweaked at her clit, exhaling loudly as it too triggered another orgasm. They seemed to extend into one long climax, when in fact it was multiple ones overlapping each other.

More and more of the large guard dog's jism shot into her teenaged pussy, until it started squirting past their interlocked sexes. Doggy cum came cascading down her calves and she instinctively ran her finger through the warm fluid. Without even thinking of what she was about to do, she brought her drenched fingers up to her lips and licked it clean.

She could detect the sweet taste of her own juices, but there was also the salty metallic flavor of the dog's spunk also. That triggered the memory of Baby's cock when he had tried to get a blowjob out of her earlier.

That's when she felt the warm ejaculation in her ass and she knew that her tiny dog was also emptying his balls into her. Luckily, the tiny dog-knot couldn't tie into her, so Britney wasn't tied inside her asshole as Stan was in her cunt.

She was now filled in both holes, cum was pouring out of them and down her legs. This attracted the attention of Lee and he scampered over to the three locked fuckers.

The second guard dog began lapping up the leaking jism energetically, which Britney now enjoyed guiltily. She let the dog lick her between the legs without any protest this time. Rather enjoying it fully this time.

Meanwhile, Stan' knot was shrinking and he began trying to walk away from Britney's still clenching pussy, dragging out from under the coffee table as he did so.

"Oh! Argh!" Britney groaned, as the pulling tension on her cunt was only slightly painful.

But she endured that as she felt the doggy cock finally begin to slip out of her cunt. Then in one final tug, Stan's thick cockshaft popped out of her pussylips, followed by a rush of his jism and hers to the wooden floor.

With his support gone, Baby came crashing to the floor, his own cock popping out painfully of her ass.

"Ooooh! Shit!" She moaned, as the sudden release of pressure triggered another orgasm out of her.

Now that she was finally free of all the dogs cocks, Britney got up to escape them. But her bare feet slipped on the slick surface of the wet floor. She came crashing hard on her back, knocking the breath out of her.

"OOOF!" Air rushed out of her mouth.

Lee simply rushed forward and buried his snout in her gaping, wet pussy. He immediately resumed licking out all of Stan's spunk from her love hole.

Britney quickly knew that one of the dogs was back at her pussy.

"Lucky for me that this time, I'm on my back," she said, eyes flickering open. "No chance of them trying to fuck me again."

But when she opened her eyes, she was met with the sight of Lee's rigid cock vibrating just above her head. The dog was licking her, yes, but he had taken up such a position that the couple was in an ideal 69 position.

"Oh! Crap!" She swore.

The dog's pre-cum was already squirting continuously, tingling the flesh of her tits as it landed.

Intending to wipe the doggy fluid off her chest, Britney soon began engrossed in massaging her tits instead. She began pinching and pulling on her rock-hard nipples as she enjoyed the dog's tongue exploring her pussyhole.

"Jesus-H-Christ!" She was saying. "This can't keep going on like this."

The dog just kept on licking while she got a close up look at the thick dog penis bouncing in front of her eyes.

"Was all of that in my ass?" She asked herself. "Damn! I didn't think anything that big could even fit in my pussy, much less my ass."

The sight of that wet cockshaft reminded her of what Baby had tried to do earlier. She began wondering about how a cock tasted, a dog cock. Her curiosity mounted as she hesitantly reached up and touched the vibrating shaft.

She immediately pulled her fingers away as if she had touched a hot flame. Twitching her fingers, she reached up and tried again. This time she grasped the cockstalk firmly and began stroking him as she did so often to her boyfriend.

Stan looked back, licking his chops, then returned to licking at her cum-flooded cunt.

Britney was kind of enjoying her illicit handjob of the dog. Despite the slimy texture of it, she loved how warm it felt in her hand. It was much warmer than any boy's she had done this to in the past.

Meanwhile, Lee and Baby had recuperated enough to join their comrade in licking the teen diva. Britney was now being lapped by all three of her dogs. Their raspy, sandpapery tongues alternating between her pussyhole and her ass.

"Oh, fuck, doggies," she moaned, another orgasm hitting her. "Do mommy good. Lick mommy's wet pussy. Make me cum again. Pleeease!"

In her lust lost, Britney wasn't paying attention to what she was doing next. Without thinking about it, she raised her head and licked at Stan's stiff cock. Over and over, she lathered his prick with her tongue, cleaning it of its slimy lubricant.

"Mmmmmh! Mmmmh!" She hummed as she licked that delicious piece of meat.

As the dogs continued their frenzied licking, Britney did the unthinkable. She lifter her head and sucked in Stan's cockhead. She began sucking him eagerly, wanting him to empty his balls down her throat.

Not only had she lost the virginity of her ass and pussy to the dogs, but now she was about to lose the virginity of her mouth as well.

She could already feel the cocktip hitting her tonsils as she surged her head up to his balls. Inch by inch the slick shaft would disappear past her lips. She wasn't thinking of what she was doing, or what she wanted to taste. She was too busy living it to consider any of this.

She squirmed her ass all over the cum- covered floor as the dogs kept on licking her as she went on sucking on Stan's cock. She didn't know if she could manage it, but she wanted to feel that warm piece of flesh in her throat. She wanted to deepthroat the fucker.

"Mmmmmmh! Mmmmmmh! Mmmmmmh!" She moaned, both from climaxing and from the excitement of what she was about to attempt.

Bracing herself firmly, she lifter her head back and shoved her face against Stan's crotch. She could feel the thick shaft slide past her tonsils and further down her throat. She immediately had to pull back as she could get air.

After a few more practice strokes, she discovered that she could breathe quite easily if she timed it right. As she pulled the dog's cock back to her mouth, she could take a fresh breath of air through her nose. She quickly found the rhythm and was deepthroating the dog.

'Oh god!' She thought to herself. 'What's gotten into me? I... I' sucking a dog's cock, for chrissakes. I haven't even sucked Justin, and here I am sucking my dog.'

Despite knowing what she was doing, she couldn't stop herself. She just had to suck this dog until he was dry. She wanted his jism to fill her cheeks so she could really taste what cum was like.

Suddenly, she found that she couldn't take anymore of Stan's cock. Something big was preventing him from going in any further. When she turned her eyes down to her lips, she got her first good look at his knot. The knobby mass was much too thick for her mouth. There was simply no way that she could take that in past her lips.

'Holy cuckolds brownie!' A thought just dawned on her. 'I... I've got his whole cock down my throat.'

She gulped loudly past her cock-stuffed mouth and began squeezing her dog's balls, urging him to empty his load. With her other hand, she was crushing her tits hard as the dogs continued lapping their tongues at her crotch area.

Then she heard Stan howl loudly, his cry vibrating through the house. A moment later, Britney could feel his sperm shooting down her gulping throat. Unfortunately, that first shot found its way past her tastebuds before she ever got a taste. She quickly realized that she needed to pull back so that his jism would fill her mouth cavity for a taste.

She pulled back until only his cockhead remained clasped between her lips and sucked eagerly. The next shot filled her mouth completely, ballooning her cheeks grotesquely. She had to struggle to swallow so much before the next squirt came.

Again and again, Stan's cock spurted a new load of seed in the wanton bitch. Britney didn't know how she could handle so much. As she struggled to swallow, more creamy hot jism would flood in. Soon, she couldn't hold it anymore and cum came dripping down her cheeks past her clasping lips.

"Mmmmmh!" Mmmmmmh!" She moaned in ecstasy as she got the taste of cum for the first time.

Finally, Stan's climax was slowing to a trickle. And now that he had been relieved, he also stopped licking at her pussy. The other two dogs had tired of licking a few minutes earlier. Now, as he felt his cock softening in Britney's mouth, he stepped away pulling his prick from her lips in a slurpy sound.

"OH fuck!" She moaned, still feeling the lingering of all her orgasms. "What have I done? What have I become?"

In tears, she got to her feet and rushed up the stairs to her bathroom. There she locked the door and started the shower.

For the next hour, she was scrubbing her skin raw, trying to remove all traces of the dogs. She even went so far as to literally wash out her mouth with soap, in the hopes that that would remove the cum she had swallowed.

When she finally stepped out and headed for the door, she thought that she heard the dogs scratching at it. In absolute fear, she scrunched up in a ball on the floor and stayed there all night, shivering.



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La forêt des dépravés

Un soir de pleine lune alors que je n’avais pas envie d’aller me coucher, je pris ma voiture sans aucune destination précise. Je me faufilai à vive allure sur la quatre-voies et me retrouvai assez rapidement loin de ma ville. Alors qu’une chanteuse noire fredonnait un bon vieux blues américain à la radio, je vis plusieurs véhicules qui stationnaient près de l’entrée d’un bois. Je savais que ce dernier n’avait pas bonne réputation. Ma première idée fut de me garer près du long cortège d’autos. Le courage me manquait. Combien de fois avais-je voulu errer dans cette forêt aux mœurs douteuses ? À chaque fois, j’entendais cette petite voix dans ma tête :
— Malheureux, n’y pense même pas !

Je continuai ma route, avec le soulagement de ne pas avoir cédé à la tentation. Je me demandais toutefois ce qui pouvait bien se passer dans ces bosquets mal famés. Un peu plus tard, je rebroussai chemin et cherchai vite une place sur l’aire de stationnement tant redoutée. Certaines voitures étaient occupées par leurs propriétaires. Chacun d’entre eux semblait figé et méfiant. D’autres véhicules, déserts, comme punis, semblaient là à attendre le retour de leurs chauffeurs.
Lorsque je franchis la lisière du bois, je vis devant moi une allée gracieusement éclairée par l’astre de nuit. Je fis quelques pas hésitants, m’attendant à je ne sais quel évènement dissuasif qui m’obligerait à faire demi-tour. Eh bien, figurez-vous que non ! Je me surpris moi-même à marcher d’un seul coup plus rapidement, pénétrant davantage dans les sombres espaces boisés.
Il me sembla apercevoir une silhouette traverser un chemin sur ma gauche. Je pris le premier sentier dans la même direction. Un homme se tenait là debout contre un arbre, tenant vulgairement mister instrument dans une main. Je m’approchai de lui, curieux et peu rassuré à la fois. Il avança de deux pas et me dit :
— T’as pas envie de sucer, mec ?

La question directe et mister membre en érection m’avaient tous deux excité. Je lui répondis :
— Pourquoi pas ?
— Viens lécher mon paquet alors, tu vas pas regretter !

Je me rapprochai encore un peu. L’individu était trapu et musclé. De mister corps émanait une odeur singulière, comme une subtile senteur de musc, comme une fragrance aphrodisiaque, un arôme concentré de phéromones envoûtantes. Mes narines respiraient les effluves virils avec beaucoup de plaisir.
Il avait tout exposé. Un sexe énorme bien épais se dressait dans la pénombre, avec à sa base des bourses qui me paraissaient aussi impressionnantes.
— Allez, suce, salope !

Je m’inclinai docilement et commençai à exécuter l’ordre sans attendre l’insulte suivante. Son pénis était chaud, raide mais âcre. Je m’appliquai dès le début, afin qu’il ne soit pas déçu. Il le fut pourtant.
— Eh, suce mieux, OK ? Je veux que t’avales plus, j’veux que tu t’étrangles !

Il me saisit la nuque avec ses deux mains puissantes pour engloutir plus fort mister sexe au fond de ma gorge. J’évitai de peu la nausée. J’avais tellement envie de le satisfaire, d’être dominé, soumis comme jamais. Il continuait à appuyer sans ménagement derrière ma tête. C’était trop vulgar et si sensuel en même temps.
— Tu vois, quand tu veux, grosse chienne ! Allez, continue à bien me pomper ! T’aimes ça, hein, une bonne queue ! Allez, fais plaisir à ton maître !

On ne m’avait jamais autant insulté au féminin et les noms d’animaux que j’entendais m’excitaient dans leur prononciation autoritaire et avilissante.
— Baisse ton fute, la truie, j’veux mater ton cul de femelle pendant qu’tu me lèches !

Après avoir baissé mon jean et mon slip, je repris la fellation sans broncher. Une succion de rêve, comme je n’en avais pas pratiquée depuis longtemps. Je sentis des mains caresser mon arrière-train et lorsque je me retournai, je vis, grâce à l’éclairage complice de la lune, une créature de toute beauté. Le superbe mâle au regard ténébreux, aux traits fins et racés, beaucoup plus jeune, semblait uniquement concentré sur mon postérieur. Alors que j’exécutais avec voracité des mouvements de langue sur la verge de mon maître, une main décidée se glissa entre mes fesses. Le beau gosse fit des mouvements très coquins avec mister majeur. Son doigt expert s’enfonçait à chaque fois un peu plus sous mes nombreux râles.



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— Baise la truie, mec, elle en crève d’envie, bourre-la bien pendant qu’elle me bouffe la queue ! Je sens qu’il lui tarde de se faire féconder. Regarde comme elle butine, la goulue, et comment elle t’offre sa croupe en feu.

J’entendis derrière moi l’ouverture métallique d’un zip de braguette. Le bel apollon avait dû se dévêtir un peu pour libérer mister viril organe. J’ignorais encore ses intentions. Je ne le compris que lorsqu’il s’empressa de me saillir. Mon anus, bien lubrifié avec ses phalanges baveuses, accueillit mister sexe sans peine. Petit à petit, je trouvai un rythme synchronisé entre la caresse buccale que je poursuivais et les coups de queue qui labouraient mes entrailles. J’étais excité. Tout mon corps tressaillait de plaisir à chaque poussée fougueuse.

— Elle est bonne, sa chatte, hein mec ?
— Oh que oui, c’est de la bonne femelle tout ça ! Je crois qu’elle kiffe grave !
— Remplis-la bien, je suis sûr qu’elle a l’habitude de se faire défoncer les deux orifices.

Puis, s’adressant à moi :

— Hein, dis que t’aimes te faire démolir par les deux trous ! J’veux t’entendre gueuler ! Allez, crie-le qu’t’aimes ça !
— Oui, j’aime ça.
— Plus fort !

Le maître déchargea sans prévenir plusieurs jets sur mon visage, tout en me traitant de je ne sais quoi d’autre. Il m’obligea à avaler la dernière projection. Je savourai sans retenue la brûlante giclée. Mon assaillant de derrière, lui, s’évertuait à accomplir sa rude besogne. Mon pénis déversa sur le sol une quantité de foutre qui sortit en jets violents alors que mon adonis se retirait après avoir joui, il me semble, simultanément.

— Putain que c’était bon ! s’exclama ma première rencontre sans l’accent militaire du début.
— Ah, ouais! répondit l’éphèbe en nage sur un ton approbateur dont je fus fier.

Quant à moi, je n’osai trop rien dire, m’empressai de remettre de l’ordre dans ma tenue vestimentaire, avec cette odeur de foutre chaud et salé sur mes lèvres, oui, avec ce nectar de sperme encore tiède sur la langue. Il y avait aussi cette chaleur humide à l’endroit même où mon enculeur avait déversé tout mister lait. Je les saluai, retrouvai mon carrosse tout tristounet sur l’aire de repos. Les autres véhicules avaient disparu. J’eus juste le temps de comprendre en ne voyant qu’une seule auto garée cent mètres plus loin, des paroles derrière mon dos.

— Putain, chéri, t’as vu comme elle était chaude !
— Oui, elle en voulait. T’as les clefs, hein, bébé ?


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Le petit bar ------------ 1/3

C’était la première fois que j’entrais dans ce petit bar à cinq minutes de chez moi pour y prendre un café. Deux hommes discutaient à côté de moi. Le plus jeune, assez grand, d’une quarantaine d’années, brun, le visage marqué et les yeux clairs racontait à mister collègue plus âgé, d’une cinquantaine d’années, plus trapu, légèrement dégarni et bedonnant, une aventure extraordinaire. Il parlait suffisamment fort pour que j’entende ses propos sans le vouloir. Ses yeux pétillaient. Il paraissait tellement enthousiaste que ma curiosité me poussa à tendre l’oreille. C’est bien ce dont je me doutais, il parlait de sa dernière conquête, une petite bourgeoise qu’il avait rencontrée depuis un mois et qu’il avait, selon ses termes « complètement rendu folle ».
Il racontait à mister interlocuteur que, comme toujours, ces bourgeoises, sous leurs airs de grandes dames, se révélaient toujours être folles de sexe et adoraient les hommes virils et légèrement brutaux. Lui-même était électricien et c’était à l’occasion d’un banal dépannage qu’il avait remarqué que sa cliente était particulièrement jolie et qu’elle semblait se sentir bien seule. Son mari était du genre travailleur, probablement responsable d’une grosse société, et consacrait tout mister temps à mister boulot et à gagner de l’argent sans vraiment se soucier de sa femme qu’il laissait seule dans cette grande maimister.
Il devait faire une petite installation électrique il y a quelque mois, un chantier de deux jours. Sur la facture il avait rajouté à la main mister numéro de portable et avait lancé une allusion sur mister entière disponibilité « pour toute urgence » avec un large sourire. Après deux semaines elle avait rappelé, officiellement pour une prise qui s’était descellée…
Tous les mardis à 14 heures c’était un rituel. Il décrivait sa conquête, petite, brune, des petits seins fermes et surtout « affamée, insatiable, délurée ».
Encore des conversations de bistrot, encore un vantard qui tente d’épater mister copain, pensai-je. Je finis mon café et je repris mon chemin.

Deux jours plus tard, je rentrais chez moi, vers 21 heures, après une journée éprouvante. Mon épouse m’avait préparé un petit repas comme d’habitude, elle avait dîné, les enfants étaient couchés et elle regardait une série télévisée. Sonia était d’une douceur incroyable. C’était une femme remarquable. Une mère modèle. Nous étions mariés depuis quinze ans. Elle avait arrêté ses études trop tôt et c’était mister grand regret. J’étais un des premiers hommes de sa vie. C’était une fille sage. Son père très sévère lui avait donné une éducation très stricte. Après quelques années, nos relations sexuelles s’étaient espacées. Les soucis, les enfants, le quotidien, l’émoussement. Une tendresse s’était substituée à notre brève passion. Mais à quarante ans elle était toujours belle, fine et distinguée.
C’est en allumant une lampe dans le salon que soudain la maimister fut plongée dans le noir. Probablement un court-circuit avait tout fait disjoncté. Après avoir débranché la lampe je remis le disjoncteur.
— Il faudrait réparer cette prise du salon, lui dis-je. Depuis le temps…
— J’ai fait refaire l’électricité de la buanderie, je connais un bon électricien.
— Ah bon ? Je ne savais pas que tu avais fait des travaux d’électricité !
— De toute façon tu ne t’occupes de rien à la maimister, il faut bien que je me débrouille toute seule, me dit-elle d’un ton piquant.

Le soir en m’endormant à ses cotés, je repensais à ses propos. La buanderie, je n’y vais jamais, je ne savais pas que Sonia avait fait des travaux. Du coup, impossible de fermer l’œil. Sonia dormait. Je descendis à la buanderie. Effectivement les prises et les interrupteurs étaient neufs. L’image de l’électricien du petit bar me revint à l’esprit. Un affreux doute envahit tout mon être. Plus possible de dormir. Une brune « affamée, insatiable, délurée », ce n’est pas possible. Ce ne pouvait pas être Sonia ! Non impossible ! Impossible !
Et plus je me répétais impossible plus je doutais. Après une nuit blanche, le réveil misterna et réveilla Sonia. Elle se leva comme à mister habitude pour réveiller les enfants. Je ne la regardais plus comme la veille. Elle me semblait différente. C’est une vue de mon esprit ! Rien n’a changé dans la nuit ! Voyons, tu es fou !
Et pourtant l’affreux doute me rongeait. Cela me poussa à acheter une caméra miniature, incorporée dans un petit cadre que je posai sur la cheminée, face au canapé du salon. Un prodige de technologie, détecteur de mouvements et mister intégré sur une carte micro SD.
Il fallait que je sache ! Tout était en place, j’avais tout testé, ça fonctionnait à merveille. Il ne restait plus qu’à attendre le mardi suivant. Le week-end et le lundi furent interminables. J’observais Sonia qui me demanda à de nombreuses reprises ce que j’avais :
— Rien, je te regarde.
— Ça fait longtemps que tu ne me regardes plus… Qu’est ce que tu as ?
— Rien, rien, je te regarde, c’est tout.

Le mardi soir après que Sonia se fut couchée, je récupérai la carte et je visualisai la vidéo sur mon ordinateur. Rien, l’image d’un canapé vide ! Je respirai ! Tout ceci n’était que le fruit de mon imagination.
Pourtant le week-end suivant je remarquai que Sonia semblait impatiente, regardant les heures passer. Le lundi soir Sonia me paraissait différente, dans l’après-midi elle était allée voir mister esthéticienne et chez le coiffeur. Mardi matin en quittant la maimister je perçus une drôle de lueur au fond de ses yeux.
Le soir en rentrant je brûlais d’impatience et d’inquiétude. Sonia paraissait fatiguée. Elle alla se coucher plus tôt. Je me mis à visionner la vidéo. Elle apparut sur l’image, préparant quelques apéritifs vers 13 h 45 et posant des bouteilles d’alcool sur la table basse. Elle portait sa courte robe noire moulante et décolletée, et des escarpins. Elle était bien maquillée, coiffée et paraissait survoltée. J’entendis la misternerie. Elle sortit du champ de la caméra. Elle revint accompagnée d’un homme. C’était l’électricien !
— C’était long, deux semaines ! dit-elle.
— Alors je t’ai manqué, petite salope, lui répondit-il en lui mettant une claque sur la fesse.
— Oui, tu m’as manqué, surenchérit-elle.

J’étais abasourdi ! Ma femme venait de se faire traiter de salope sans broncher et même en souriant. L’électricien l’avait enlacée en posant ses mains sur ses fesses au travers de sa robe moulante. Il malaxait maintenant fermement les fesses de ma femme en relevant progressivement sa robe. Cela fit apparaître la dentelle de ses bas.
— Tu veux que je te baise, hein ma petite cochonne !
— Oui j’ai envie.
— Tu mouilles déjà j’en suis sûr, lui dit-il en la regardant droit dans les yeux.

Elle ne répondit pas mais la main de l’homme s’était insinuée entre ses fesses. Il ramena sa main devant le visage de Sonia en ajoutant :
— Bien sûr que tu mouilles, tu es trempée, ma salope !
— Oui, j’ai trop envie de toi !
— Je vais m’occuper de toi, n’aie pas peur ! Tu veux du cul, je vais t’en donner !

Il poussa ma femme en avant, la plaçant à genoux sur le canapé le torse sur le dossier, mister cul face à la caméra. Il releva sa robe, dégageant la vue d’un string noir. Sonia était à quatre pattes en bas et talons aiguilles en train de se faire malaxer les fesses par cet homme !
— Hummm.
— C’est bon, hein, ma petite bourgeoise ?
— Oui !
— Je prends mon temps. Je vais encore te faire mouiller rien qu’en te massant les fesses. T’as un beau cul de salope. Tu veux un doigt dans ta fente ?
— Mmmm.

Il s’était placé à hauteur de mister cul et insérait doucement un doigt dans sa chatte. J’étais tétanisé et totalement excité ! Mon sexe s’était durci. Comment était-ce possible ? Sonia ! À la fois choqué de voir ma femme, ma douce femme en train de se faire doigter en levrette par un inconnu et excité comme à la vision d’un film porno. Une sensation étrange de colère et d’excitation. Mes yeux étaient rivés sur l’écran de mon ordinateur. L’électricien s’était mis torse nu. Il était assez musclé. Il claqua à nouveau la fesse de Sonia.
— Hummm, gémit elle.
— Garce, tu en veux !
— Ouiii, dit-elle suppliante.

Il activait maintenant deux doigts dans sa chatte trempée. Elle ondulait sous ses caresses. Il faisait durer mister plaisir. Pendant au moins dix minutes il alterna un puis deux doigts. Puis lui léchait le sexe puis la caressait à nouveau.
— Hummmm.
— Tu veux ma queue, salope ?
— Oui je la veux !

Il la retourna, dégrafa mister jean et sortit mister sexe rapidement. Sonia l’avala avidement. Elle paraissait totalement hystérique. Elle suçait goulûment ce sexe turgescent et lui malaxant les couilles.
— Tu es une grande suceuse de bite ! Continue, vas-y ! Ne t’arrête pas ! l’encourageait-il.

Comment était-ce possible ? Sonia ma douce femme, la mère de mes enfants, se faisait traiter comme la dernière des putes, se faisait insulter et dominer par un électricien ! Et elle aimait ça ! Et plus il l’insultait plus elle était excitée.
— Retourne-toi, lui dit-il, je vais te mettre un doigt dans le cul. Tu aimes ça, hein ?

Sonia lui obéit immédiatement et se replaça en levrette sur le canapé. Il lui écartait les fesses. Il enfonça alors un doigt dans mister anus.
— C’est bon, hein ma cochonne ?
— Ouiii !
— Tu veux combien de doigts dans ton cul ?
— Ce que tu veux ! Fais-moi ce que tu veux !
— Bien sûr je vais t’enculer ! À fond je vais te la mettre mais je prends mon temps, je te dilate le cul.

Pendant encore dix minutes il lui lécha l’anus, lui enfonçant alternativement un puis deux doigts dans le cul et dans la chatte. Il faisait durer. Il tenait sa proie. Elle haletait, tremblait, se tortillait sous ses caresses.
— Maintenant je vais te baiser, lui dit-il.

Il enfonça mister sexe doucement, très lentement, dans la chatte de ma femme. Le corps de Sonia s’était raidi. Elle cessa de respirer puis poussa un gémissement interminable. Il allait et venait doucement entre ses reins ; elle suivait la cadence. Il accéléra, elle hurla. Sa jouissance était totale, elle s’effondra sur le côté. Il se retira un instant.
— J’en ai pas fini avec toi, lui dit-il, je t’ai promis de t’enculer et je sais que tu ne refuses jamais une bite dans ton cul.
— Laisse-moi souffler, salaud !
— Rien du tout ! Mets-toi en levrette, sale pute !

J’étais assommé ! Sonia, ma femme, traitée de sale pute ! Tous ces mots crus, toutes ces grossièretés jetées à la face de ma femme. Et elle en redemandait !
Elle se replaça obéissante et soumise en levrette. Il cracha sur mister cul puis enfonça sa queue doucement dans mister anus. Sonia se figea un instant puis à nouveau ondula.
— Salope, tu aimes te faire enculer ! Réponds-moi, salope, réponds quand je te parle !
— Oui.
— Oui quoi ?
— Oui, j’aime me faire enculer, dit-elle d’une petite voix.
— Encore ! Répète-le encore plus fort, dit-il d’un ton autoritaire.
— Oui, j’aime me faire enculer ! Oui, encule-moi, salaud ! Baise-moi !
— Voila, c’est comme ça que je te veux !

Il la labourait vulgarement. Elle jouissait à répétition ; elle hurlait en se tortillant. Il se cambra et grogna en jouissant au fond de mister anus. Ils s’affaissèrent soudés. Il se retira. Et prit une serviette en papier posée sur la table basse pour s’essuyer. Sonia resta immobile, savourant mister orgasme. Rapidement, il se redressa et se rhabilla. Elle rabattit sa robe qu’il n’avait même pas pris la peine de retirer. Elle se recoiffa maladroitement.
— À mardi prochain ? lui lança t-il.

Elle ne répondit pas. Elle semblait honteuse.
— À mardi prochain ? insista-t-il.
— À mardi, dit-elle à voix basse.
— N’oublie pas, ce n’est qu’un début ! Puisque tu aimes le cul, tu vas en avoir. Tu vas être comblée. J’ai plein de chose à t’apprendre, à te faire découvrir ! Tu vas être obéissante, tu vas combler mes désirs ; je vais combler les tiens. J’ai une petite surprise pour la semaine prochaine.
— Ah bon ? Qu’est ce que…
— Tu verras bien ! Je t’appelle lundi.

Calé au fond de mon fauteuil je ne savais plus quoi penser : la rage mais surtout l’excitation. Je visionnais et re-visionnais la vidéo tout en me masturbant. Ma femme est une salope !



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Ma femme Sonia me trompe. Depuis je ne sais combien de temps, elle rencontre chaque mardi à 14h un électricien qui a réalisé des travaux à notre domicile. J’ai installé une caméra miniaturisée qui filme ses ébats dans notre salon. Mon épouse, petite bourgeoise, ma douce femme et mère modèle a décidé de se dévergonder. À ma surprise et à ma colère succède une excitation, une envie de découvrir ma femme et de savoir quelles mistert les limites de ses fantasmes.

La caméra enregistrait. En haut à gauche de l’écran était inscrite la date et l’heure : 12/05/2009 13h52. Sonia préparait quelques apéritifs. Elle portait sa robe moulante et courte, bleu marine avec de gros boutons blancs, probablement des bas, des escarpins. Elle semblait très nerveuse. Peut-être la surprise prévue l’inquiétait-elle. À 14h la misternerie retentit. Dans le champ de la caméra je découvris l’électricien mais aussi un autre homme que je reconnaissais ! C’était l’homme d’une cinquantaine d’année que j’avais vu le premier jour au petit bar.
Ils s’installèrent sur le canapé à côté de ma femme pour l’électricien et sur le fauteuil en face pour mister copain. Le début de la conversation fut banal, mais je sentais Sonia troublée par la présence de cet inconnu. Cet homme était probablement sa « surprise ». Elle leur servit des bières. Ses bonnes manières de femme du monde reprirent le dessus. Sa bonne éducation et mister habitude de recevoir lui donnèrent par automatisme une certaine contenance.
— J’ai tout expliqué à Jean-Paul ! Je lui ai dit que tu étais une petite bourgeoise mais aussi une petite salope, lâcha tout à coup l’électricien.

Sonia se figea. Elle se mit à rougir. Ne répondit pas, toussota. Le temps semblait suspendu.
— Je préfère te le dire tout de suite, Jean-Paul est un voyeur pervers, renchérit l’électricien. Il est venu pour voir te voir nue !

Sonia avait les jambes croisées. Elle essaya de se donner une certaine contenance en se passant la main dans les cheveux et en buvant une gorgée. L’électricien continua :
— Je lui ai aussi dit que je t’avais donné l’ordre de ne pas mettre de culotte aujourd’hui. Il veut savoir si tu m’obéis. Ne me fais pas mentir. Décroise tes cuisses !

Ma femme ne bougeait toujours pas. La rougeur de ses joues s’était un peu estompée. Un grand silence suivit l’ordre de l’électricien. Sonia but encore une gorgée, probablement pour se donner un peu de courage.
— Alors ? reprit-il, je suis sûr que tu as très envie de te montrer à lui. Il en meurt d’impatience. Une petite salope comme toi est probablement aussi exhibitionniste. Décroise tes cuisses !

Sonia respira profondément, sourit et décroisa alors lentement ses cuisses, gardant les genoux bien serrés et resta ensuite immobile. Les deux hommes la fixaient.
— Écarte un peu pour que Jean-Paul puisse voir que tu n’as pas de culotte.

Ma femme écarta alors légèrement ses genoux. Elle ne portait effectivement pas de culotte.
— C’est bien, l’encouragea l’électricien, écarte bien, que Jean-Paul puisse bien tout voir.

Sonia écarta encore ses cuisses, ne cachant plus rien de mister intimité. Elle était belle, désirable et elle le savait. Sa robe courte remontait naturellement sur ses hanches.
— Elle est belle, hein Jean-Paul ! dit l’électricien à mister collègue. Je t’avais dit qu’il suffisait de lui demander. Cette petite bourgeoise meurt d’envie de se dévergonder.
— Maintenant touche-toi, ajouta-t-il.

Après une trop brève hésitation qui me fit enrager, Sonia glissa sa main vers mister sexe et commença à se caresser. S’exhiber devant un inconnu semblait l’affoler. L’électricien ne l’avait pas touchée ! Simplement en lui parlant, en lui demandant, il avait eu ce qu’il voulait. Sonia se caressait maintenant devant un inconnu lubrique.
— Que veux-tu d’elle, Jean-Paul ? demanda l’électricien.
— Qu’elle continue ! lui répondit Jean-Paul.
— Vas-y, mets-toi un doigt bien au fond, ajouta l’électricien.

Sonia obéissait. Jean-Paul s’enhardit :
— Écarte encore tes cuisses ! ordonna-t-il, et montre-nous aussi tes seins.

Sonia baissa le haut de sa robe, dégageant ses petits seins. Ne percevant aucune résistance, les mots de Jean-Paul devinrent plus crus :
— Continue à te branler, ne t’arrête pas, lui dit-il, enfonce deux doigts.

Ma femme s’exécuta. Elle avait un peu glissé sur le canapé. Elle montrait ses seins, ses cuisses étaient largement ouvertes. Avec ses bas et ses escarpins elle était remarquablement excitante. Elle se branlait maintenant profondément sans retenue sous les yeux de ses voyeurs. Jean-Paul souriant s’était rapproché de ma femme pour mieux observer.
— Elle est trempée ! dit-il à mister collègue. Elle adore se montrer ! Tu avais raimister, elle est terrible !
— Tiens, mets-toi ça, dit-il en tendant la bouteille de bière vide à Sonia. Ma femme se saisit de la petite bouteille et se l’enfonça au fond du sexe. La bouteille allait et venait au grand plaisir de ma femme et de ses voyeurs.
— Mets-toi à genoux, que je vois bien ton cul, lui ordonna alors Jean-Paul.

Tous ces mots crus que je n’avais jamais osé prononcer semblaient l’envoûter. Les ordres étaient secs et directs. Sonia s’y soumettait. Elle se mit en levrette sur le canapé, le buste sur le dossier, les fesses dirigées vers Jean-Paul. Elle continuait à se branler avec la bouteille.
L’électricien se plaça de l’autre côté du canapé et tendit la bouteille qu’il avait en main vers mister visage. Sonia se mit alors à lécher la bouteille, puis la prit dans sa bouche.
Jean-Paul s’était saisi de la bouteille et imprimait maintenant un va-et-vient. Sonia gémissait.
— C’est parfait tout ça, dit Jean-Paul. Quel beau cul de bourgeoise ! Je crois que c’est le moment de sucer Marc !

Marc ! C’était donc mister nom. L’électricien dont j’ignorais jusqu’alors le nom se prénommait Marc.
Marc dégrafa mister pantalon et sortit un sexe épais en totale érection que Sonia prit en bouche immédiatement. Il était évident qu’elle avait perdu tout contrôle. Jean-Paul imprimait des mouvements de plus en plus rapides avec la bouteille. Sonia suçait avidement la verge de Marc.
— Mets-lui un doigt dans le cul, elle adore ça, dit Marc à Jean-Paul.

Celui-ci ne se fit pas prier. Sonia eut un sursaut. Elle semblait en transe !
— Mets-lui la bouteille dans le cul, Jean-Paul, ne te prive pas, en plus, ça l’excite un max !

Ces deux hommes sans véritable éducation prenaient plaisir à avilir ma femme. Était-ce la revanche de rudes travailleurs sur ce que représentait la bourgeoisie ? Toujours est-il que cela excitait Sonia qui voulait aller jusqu’au bout de ses fantasmes. Tout cela était pour elle « sa revanche » sur la stricte éducation de sa jeunesse. La grossièreté de ces hommes redoublait ses ardeurs.
Jean-Paul enfonça doucement la bouteille dans l’anus de Sonia et commença un lent mouvement de va-et-vient. Sonia se caressait d’une main et se faisait enfiler l’anus par une bouteille de bière tout en suçant le sexe de Marc. Son excitation était à mister comble. Elle ondulait sous les caresses de Jean-Paul. Ce dernier en profita pour sortir mister portable et prendre quelques photos de ma femme en levrette, en bas et talons aiguilles, une bouteille de bière insérée dans l’anus, en train de sucer mister copain !
— Quelle salope ! dit alors Jean-Paul à mister copain. Tu as raimister, elle est bonne et prête à tout. Elle a dû manquer de bite pendant trop longtemps ! On va lui en donner.

Ils l’allongèrent sur le canapé. Marc commença à la pénétrer vulgarement pendant que Jean-Paul se faisait lécher.
— Donne-lui ! dit Jean-Paul à mister copain, vas-y bourre la, fais-la gueuler !

L’électricien labourait sauvagement Sonia. Elle hurlait de plaisir, ce qui confortait Jean-Paul qui rajouta à l’adresse de ma femme :
— Vas-y salope, lâche-toi, tu en as envie, tu en as besoin.

Je n’avais jamais vu ma femme jouir comme cela auparavant. Elle ne se contrôlait plus. Elle léchait comme une folle les testicules de Jean-Paul. Celui-ci ne tarda pas à éjaculer entre ses seins.
Marc continuait à la prendre rageusement. Jean-Paul lui enfonça deux doigts dans la bouche. Sonia était devenue leur jouet sexuel. Elle acceptait tout. Jean-Paul lui fit lécher la bouteille de bière puis la lui enfonça dans la bouche pendant que Marc continuait à la baiser.
— Mets-toi à quatre pattes, que je te prenne comme tu aimes, lui ordonna Marc.

Sonia s’exécuta. Marc s’introduisit doucement. Pendant qu’il sodomisait ma femme, Jean-Paul prenait des photos et commentait. Le penchant pervers et voyeur de Jean-Paul était évident. Il se régalait à voir cette femme du monde s’avilir et se soumettre ainsi à leur volonté. Il représenta sa verge devant la bouche de Sonia en lui ordonnant de le sucer. Sonia se déchaînait. Elle se révélait très efficace et rendit sa fermeté à la verge de Jean-Paul qui l’encourageait. J’avais l’impression de visionner un excellent film porno, sauf que la star était ma femme !
Au bout de quelques minutes Jean-Paul se retira. Il éjacula sur le visage de Sonia. Marc accéléra la cadence en grognant, arrachant un long gémissement à Sonia dont le visage semblait exprimer une douleur qui était en fait une profonde jouissance. Il se retira et envoya un long jet de sperme sur les fesses de Sonia.
Sonia s’affala à plat ventre sur le canapé.
— Ça t’a plu tout ça, hein ma coquine ? lui dit Jean-Paul en lui donnant une serviette en papier. Sonia ne répondit pas mais le sourire qu’elle rendait aux deux hommes en disait long sur la jouissance qu’ils venaient de lui procurer. Ses yeux brillaient. Elle remonta sa robe sur ses épaules et se redressa. Les deux hommes se rhabillèrent puis l’encadrèrent et la caressaient à nouveau au travers de sa robe.
— La semaine prochaine j’aurai une autre surprise pour toi ! lui lança Marc.
— Oh oui ! reprit Jean-Paul, on en a pas fini avec toi, ce n’est qu’un début, lui dit-il en glissant une main sous sa robe, ce qui fit immédiatement réagir Sonia qui se cambra en fermant les yeux.
— Il va falloir un peu patienter, une semaine, ça peut parfois paraître long, dit Marc avec un magnifique sourire.
— Les photos… bredouilla Sonia en réalisant enfin qu’elles pouvaient être compromettantes.
— Ne t’en fais pas, lui répondit Marc, on va masquer ton visage. Fais-moi confiance ! On veut bien s’amuser mais il n’est pas question de te causer du tort. C’est juste pour la collection de Jean-Paul.

Jean-Paul acquiesça. Il était voyeur, pervers, vicieux mais pas méchant.
Sonia leur fit promettre de masquer mister visage.
Les yeux rivés sur l’écran de mon ordinateur je n’avais cessé de me masturber durant toute la vidéo et j’avais joui quasiment au moment où Jean-Paul avait maculé le visage de ma femme de mister sperme. Mon excitation était extrême. Je ne pouvais plus dormir. Cette nuit-là, allongé à côté de ma femme qui, elle, dormait profondément, je me remémorais toutes les scènes de cette vidéo. Dans la pénombre je devinais mister visage détendu et je repensais à la crispation de celui-ci au moment de mister orgasme et au sperme de cet inconnu dégoulinant sur ses joues. Finalement, dans l’impossibilité de dormir, j’avais à nouveau rallumé mon ordinateur pour revisionner cette vidéo en me masturbant.
J’avais hâte d’être au mardi suivant… Ma hâte semblait encore plus importante que celle de ma femme ? C’était troublant ! Mais j’avais une petite idée…



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— À toi de jouer ma belle, lança Jean-Paul, Marc nous a dit que tu nous avais préparé une surprise.

Sonia ne dit rien et revint se poster debout devant les trois collègues. Elle commença à bouger doucement sous les yeux ébahis d’Éric.
— Oui, vas-y, bouge, danse pour nous, dit Marc, on t’admire !

Sonia commença à onduler langoureusement en se cambrant. Puis fit le tour du fauteuil et s’accouda sur le dossier. La musique aidant, les déhanchements se firent plus amples. Des mouvements de tête et quelques mimiques aguichantes se dessinèrent. Sous les encouragements de ses spectateurs, Sonia commença à se chauffer. Elle dégrafa mister tailleur et laissa apparaître un chemisier de soie blanche.
— Vas-y, ma petite, lâche-toi, dit Jean-Paul en dégrafant mister pantalon et en sortant mister sexe.

Ses deux collègues firent de même. Le sexe d’Éric était à la mesure de l’individu, environ 20 cm et trapu. Ses compères le lui firent remarquer, ce qui le fit rougir. Sonia retira mister chemiser tout en dansant puis descendit la fermeture éclair de sa jupe. La vue de ces trois sexes dressés l’excitait. Elle fit glisser sa jupe sur ses chevilles puis l’écarta d’un bref mouvement du pied. Elle était debout, en bas, porte-jarretelles noir, talons aiguilles. Un simple string masquait mister sexe. Elle tourna, vira, se cambra devant les trois hommes, se penchant en avant pour leur offrir ses fesses, puis se redressa, refit le tour du fauteuil en suivant le rythme de la musique. Les encouragements fusaient ! Sonia était incroyable. Elle s’assit sur le fauteuil et passa sa cuisse droite sur l’accoudoir. La vue pour les trois hommes devait être imprenable. Les yeux d’Éric étaient rivés dans l’entrecuisse de Sonia qui s’amusait à exciter ce jeune homme. Elle se releva et fit le tour du canapé passant la main dans les cheveux des trois collègues qui se masturbaient et dont les érections étaient maximales, puis revint se poster face à eux.
— Le string ! Le string ! dit Marc goguenard

Sonia se retourna en souriant et, telle une professionnelle, en se penchant en avant fit glisser mister string à mi-cuisses. Elle ondula ses fesses de droite à gauche. Éric n’en croyait pas ses yeux. Moi non plus ! Sonia avait fait un striptease digne d’une danseuse du Crazy-Horse. Les années de danse classique de sa jeunesse lui donnaient cette aisance et cette grâce dans les mouvements de mister corps. Mon sexe était tendu à la limite de la douleur. Sonia s’assit dans le fauteuil face aux trois hommes. Jean-Paul, d’une main, avait prit de nombreuses photos avec mister téléphone portable. Il l’encouragea :
— Vas-y, ma cochonne, caresse-toi.

La main de ma femme se glissa entre ses cuisses et commença un lent mouvement. Du striptease Sonia était passé à l’exhibition, au grand plaisir de ses spectateurs.
— Mets-toi un doigt bien au fond, lança Marc, touche-toi bien. C’est bon hein ? Tu as un vibro ?

Sans répondre, Sonia sortit un vibro caché sous le coussin du fauteuil. Elle avait tout prévu ! Elle se mit à sucer le vibro puis à le lécher du bout de la langue. Les trois hommes devinrent fous. Jean-Paul, qui était le plus vicelard, lui ordonna de se le mettre bien au fond de sa chatte et se rapprochant pour prendre des photos. Puis se tournant vers Éric il rajouta :
— Elle est bonne, hein, cette salope !

Éric était médusé. Il masturbait mister sexe énorme à une vitesse prodigieuse.

Sonia avait posé sa cuisse gauche sur l’accoudoir du fauteuil et s’enfila le vibro profondément en souriant.
— Viens nous sucer, lança Marc, on n’en peut plus !

Ma femme se leva et vint se positionner devant Éric.
— La gourmande ! Elle commence par la plus grosse ! dit Jean-Paul tout en photographiant ma femme à genou qui avait saisi le sexe d’Éric. Pour ton anniversaire c’est un beau cadeau.

Sonia demanda mister âge à Éric. Celui-ci avait vingt-trois ans. Elle prit doucement le gland d’Éric en bouche et le lécha doucement. Éric ne bougea plus. De ses deux mains, Sonia empoignant les sexes de Marc et de Jean-Paul et, tout en suçant Éric, imprima un va-et-vient qui ravit les deux collègues.
Puis elle suça alternativement les trois hommes calés dans le canapé. Enfin elle se redressa et vint se placer à califourchon sur Éric. Elle sourit doucement au jeune homme en s’empalant doucement sur mister sexe.
— Elle aime les grosses queues, la petite bourge, dit Jean-Paul en photographiant la scène.

Sonia gardait le contrôle et allait et venait doucement sur le sexe d’Éric. Au bout de quelques mouvements, celui-ci ayant perdu sa timidité, l’attrapa par la taille, la souleva un peu et imprima une dizaine de coup de reins violents. Sonia lâcha un cri rauque. C’en était fini ! La stripteaseuse puis exhibitionniste qui avait jusque-là gardé le contrôle de la situation venait de jouir vulgarement et ne contrôlait plus rien. Telle une poupée de chiffon entre les mains de ce colosse elle se faisait secouer de haut en bas en hurlant de plaisir. Marc et Jean-Paul avaient retiré leur pantalon et s’étaient placés debout sur le canapé de chaque côté. Sonia s’agrippa à leurs queues pendant qu’Éric la besognait.
— Suce-moi lui ordonna Jean-Paul. Sonia obéit immédiatement à l’ordre de ce dernier, tout en branlant Marc.
— À mon tour ! ordonna Marc

Sonia suçait maintenant alternativement les deux hommes pendant qu’Éric la pénétrait violemment. Sonia avait perdu tout contrôle d’elle-même. Jean-Paul lui ordonna de lui lécher les couilles, en la traitant de putain, puis ce fut le tour de Marc. Les deux hommes n’avaient plus aucune retenue dans leurs mots. Ils allongèrent Sonia sur le canapé. Marc la pénétra à mister tour pendant qu’Éric plaçait mister sexe devant mister visage. Sonia jouit à nouveau en léchant le sexe d’Éric. Celui-ci répandit mister sperme sur mister visage en émettant un cri étouffé.
Jean-Paul photographiait sous tous les angles. Puis il essuya le visage de Sonia avec une serviette en papier et plaça à mister tour mister sexe devant le visage de ma femme. Celle-ci lécha immédiatement le sexe tendu. Marc la besognait rageusement. Sonia hurlait de plaisir. Marc se retira et éjacula sur le ventre de Sonia. Jean-Paul le remplaça immédiatement pour ne pas laisser ma femme souffler. Il la pénétra plus lentement en lui parlant. Marc malaxa les seins de Sonia et Éric se fit lécher. Éric avait retrouvé toute sa vigueur. Jean-Paul se retira. Éric souleva Sonia, s’assit et empala à nouveau ma femme sur mister sexe. Marc fit le tour du canapé pour se faire sucer. Marc commença à titiller l’anus de Sonia en lui annonçant qu’il allait la sodomiser. De toute façon, ma femme n’était plus qu’un jouet sexuel entre leurs mains. Elle ne pouvait, face à ces trois mâles au comble de l’excitation, que subir leurs assauts. Jean-Paul enfonça un puis deux doigts dans l’anus de Sonia. Après quelques minutes de va-et-vient, il se plaça à l’entrée de l’orifice et la pénétra doucement. Cette double pénétration rendit Sonia totalement folle. Elle haletait et retirait de sa bouche le sexe de Marc pour reprendre mister souffle, puis absorbait à nouveau le sexe tendu.
Les trois hommes finirent par jouir alternativement. Sonia commença à les repousser. Elle n’en pouvait plus. Ils riaient, plaisantaient entre eux, et se rhabillèrent. Ils essuyèrent Sonia. Elle se redressa et retrouva progressivement ses esprits. Je la sentis honteuse et maladroite. Ils s’en allèrent rapidement en rigolant en lançant « à mardi prochain ». Cette muflerie choqua Sonia qui resta nue, seule et immobile sur le canapé.


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Tout bon, merci


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My Wife's Boss

"Mark, I need to talk to you about Heinz." My wife said after dinner.

"Your boss?" I asked.

"Yes, who else?"

"OK - what about him."

"Well, we were talking & I mentioned to him that you were curious." She said.

"Curious?" I asked, knowing what she meant. I had admitted to Ann that I had bi-curious feelings after she found the photos on my hard drive. She was viewing all my pics of hot women with big tits and hairy bushes (my favorite, which she knows...she has 38DD breasts with wide, dark areola and a full, dark bush that she rarely trims, let alone shaves) when she came across a folder marked 'untitled'.

"What's this - new photos?" she asked. I tried to stop her, but she opened the first JPEG, and a close up of a large, erect penis appeared on the screen. It had obviously just cum - it's pearly white cream trialing down the sack below. She opened another , then another. Photo after photo of cocks - some hard, some soft, some with cum, some close ups of the mushroom head. She smiled at me knowingly.

"So.....these turn you on?" She purred.

"Well, it's not that....I don't get turned on by them." I insisted, weakly.

"Of course you do - why wouldn't you? Penises are beautiful - their long, veiny shafts, nice purple heads, and the sexy way the balls hang in their sack - I love to look at them - I love sucking your cock until it...." she trailed off as she flipped through more photos.

I was listening intently & reached down to stroke myself through my slacks.

"Ah-ha! You do like them, don't you?....That's so hot! What do you like about this on? I want to hear everything!" She opened a file showing a big cock spurting a rope of cream on a woman's nipple.

"I like.....I...." I stammered, knowing my secret was out, but the smile on her face told me she was turned on. "I like the look of the hot cum shooting onto her nipple", I said, trying to emphasize the fact there was a woman involved.

"Really? What about all these other photos? The ones that just show all these dicks close up?" She asked.

"OK, OK, They make me hard - I like to imagine touching a cock. Not a man!" I added quickly, "I'm attracted to cocks, but it's not like I'd date a guy, or want to kiss a guy or something."

"So you'd like to touch a man's penis? That's tough to do without having a man around." She smirked. "What else would you like to do to it?" She asked, turning to the monitor and pointing her fingertip, caressing the large hole in the mushroom-like head. I noticed her other hand brushed over her nipple and lingered to pinch the hard tip.

"OK - I'll play" I said, getting into the game. "I fantasize about stroking a cock, and making it hard..."

"And...."she asked, pinching her nipple hard.

"I'd like to lick it. Lick the shaft & taste it, maybe take it in my mouth." I said, easing back into my chair and rubbing myself through my pants. I was so hard it hurt now.

"Really..." she moaned, " Mmmmm - I'd like to see that - would you suck it?"

"Yes" I answered too quickly, my eagerness showing. "I'd suck the tip and hold his balls talking him as deep as possible."

"Unzip your fly" she commanded, "Take your cock out". I did as she wanted, releasing my cock, which strained upward, reaching it's full 7 inches. I was so horny it was making me dizzy.

"Don't touch it yet" she said, "tell me, do you want his cum? Will you swallow?"

"Mmmm, I'd wait till I felt his balls pull up tight, then suck the head really hard hoping to get all he had to give."

"Do you know what that can be like? have you tried this yet?, her hands began to move down to her lap.

"No - not yet" I said, looking down at my throbbing prick, a large drop of pre-cum glistening in the light from the computer screen. "I've been ashamed of wanting it"

"Noooo, you shouldn't be ashamed, it's natural." She moaned, " I've sucked a lot of cocks, I'll tell's so amazing....the head gets really hard, then it spasm, and a spurt of hot sperm hits your tongue. Then more comes out, spurt after spurt, and you taste his sweet semen. It's salty, and sweet , and warm and you'll swallow it, taking his essence into you." She whispered, "Reach down and bring that drop of pre-cum to your tongue.

I did as she commanded, tasting the sweet, clear liquid.

"Now swallow.....there, now you've officially swallowed sperm. Nothing to it!"

Once I heard that, I lost it - starting to spurt my cum all over my hand, as I tried to contain the geyser. After the tremors subsided, I sat there, still hard with a palm full of cum. This wasn't just a harmless drop of pre-cum, but at least 3 tablespoons of thick, white cream.

"I can tell you're still excited" Ann said, "Now you know what to do" she slipped to the floor, took my cock in her mouth and sucked hard. The sensation was incredible! I looked past her to the picture on the screen, the erection I longed to feel. She sucked hard, bobbing her head, and I knew I would cum again soon. I felt her fingers moving my hand up toward my face & I understood just as my hand brought the semen to my mouth, and I tasted it's warm saltiness, I swallowed it down and came in Ann's mouth. My sperm entering and leaving my body. Both my beautiful wife and I enjoying the offering of warm, white cream, and I knew I had to try this again soon.

Since then we had discussed it off & on - mostly while we were in the middle of particularly hot sex. This was the first time she had brought it up in conversation while we were wearing clothes. Hearing her talk about her boss over the dinner table made me realize it may be time to make this fantasy a reality. She went on.

"You know....." She said softly, staring intently at me over the dinner table. "His wife had told me at our Christmas party that he's always been bi, and she likes him to play once in a while so he has stories to tell her. She also said he's very big, and ever since I've been dying to get a look. I hadn't seen it up to this point, but one time he came to the company picnic in tight sweatpants, and you could tell he was huge - I could see the head outlined clearly."

"Listening to her go on about this man's equipment was making me a little jealous, but I had to admit - also pretty turned on. I wanted to hear more.

Chapter 2

"So last weekend at our corporate retreat, we were both a little tipsy, and all the others had left for the hotel and the subject just kind of came up." Ann said. " he mentioned something about the waitress being very hot, and it came out that he was frustrated."

"It's been at least six weeks since I've had any kind of sex." Ann's boss sighed.

"What about your wife?" Ann Asked.

"She's been out of town for almost a month" he said.

"Do you ever have fun with anyone else?" Ann asked, mischievously.

"Hmmm? What do you mean? is that a proposition?" He asked with a comically raised eyebrow.

My wife became a little flushed while recalling this part, and went on.

"Well, I don't cheat on my husband, but I could help you out..." she trailed off.

"Well, I'm not going to pass up an offer like that. What do you have in mind?" he asked.

"Let's go into the men's room & I'll see what I can do." I couldn't believe my ears as my wife told me this story. Had she actually fucked this old guy in the men's room? She and I had played around a bit, but not for years.

"We went into the washroom, and made our way into the largest stall. I was glad to see it was spotless, and after closing the lid, I sat on the toilet. Heinz stood in front of me and made no move, waiting to see what would happen. I pulled him closer until his crotch was directly in front of me. I didn't unbuckle his belt, just undid his zipper. Reaching in with one hand while holding open his fly with the other, I fumred though the opening of his boxers, and my hand found the warm flesh contained within. Wrapping my fingers around the shaft, I pulled out his magnificent cock. I pulled the shaft upward, and was pleased to see that I had enough room to ease his big testicles out of his pants as well. I looked up at him, and he was looking down at me with a look of pride on his face. Sliding my eyes down his tie, over his prominent belly, straight for the prize before me. his cock hangs down over his big balls, reaching at least six inches in it's soft state. I was expecting him to be uncircumcised, due to his age, and I was right. I leaned forward and nuzzled my face against his big package, holding his balls in my left hand, I started to stroke his shaft. he was quickly getting harder and I heard him groan. His big penis was hard enough now to point toward me, my mouth ached to take him inside. His hips swung forward slightly and the big , flared head nudged my lips. I held him by the base, kissed the tip, and pulled back his foreskin to prepare him to be serviced. "

My mouth had gone dry listening to my wife describe this scene. She was so descriptive, I could see it as though I was there. She went on.

"I opened my mouth wide and took the head inside. Swirling my tongue around the head I heard his breathing quicken. Then I noticed a full length mirror on the sidewall of the stall. I looked over at the sight. Here was a tall, fully clothed executive with grey hair having his regal cock sucked by a kneeling woman. it seemed so 'right' , you know?"

I was becoming uncomfortably hard in my pants as she went on. her story had me openly stroking myself through my pants, trying not to shoot before I heard more.

"I decide I didn't want to wait, so I sucked him hard and stroked his shaft. Within seconds his big nuts started to pull up and he groaned.

"Ooooh, I'm so close, can I cum in your mouth Ann?"


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"You better" Ann said, quickly taking him back in her mouth. "I pumped a couple more times and he jerked forward, holding my head in his hands. His cock spasmed and I felt the first long spurt of his warm, white release. The warm cream pooled on my tongue as he sprayed four, five more times, his long cock passing his sperm into me. I tasted his sweet, salty cream and then swallowed it all, sucking the last few drops from his deflating cock, before placing it back in his pants."

That was all I could take, I shot a stream of cum straight up into my face. Two more strong jets followed. I couldn't believe the power behind it as I tasted my spend.

"Enjoy that honey - I know you love to taste your cum, but soon you'll experience another man's. I've arranged for you to meet Heinz to experience his nectar direct from the source. I told him you were submissive, and would take the woman's role, accepting his huge cock wherever he wants."

Coming back to my senses, I looked up at Ann. She was grinning and had scooped a large drop of my cream from my chin. Looking at the pearly drop, I thought she was going to lick it from her finger. Instead she moved her fingers to my mouth, offering me the last drop of my own seed. I took her finger in my mouth, sucking the precious fluid from her. She moaned and sat back down.

"Oh, you make me so wet" she hissed. "you're still hard too. I'm going to bend over this chair, I want you deep inside me while I tell you the rest ...." With that she stood, pushed her skirt and panties down over her wide hips, exposing her incredible full bush. I could tell she was wet as her luxurious hair was glistening near her lips, and pressed flat by the confines of her panties. Just the glimpse of her bare lips and brown pussy hair trailing up toward her belly button got me super hard. As she turned and bent over the chair and looked back at me, I grabbed the base of my cock and moved toward her. I felt her wetness almost immediately as my glans nudged her swollen pussy lips. Ann pushed back, I surged forward and sank into her as deep as I could.

"Aaaaah! Oh! That's so good!" Ann moaned. She reached between her legs and grasped my balls holding me still, feeling every inch that was buried inside her. Every vein, every ridge of my cock-head. I was bathing in her warm wetness - the sensation was so complete. The fact that I could still taste my sperm made me that much hotter. She started to roll her hips, needing the friction. I took the opportunity to pull out completely. Before she could protest I lubricated my index finger by sliding it between her wet lips, then slid it into her inviting anus as my cock found it's way home to her womb.

"Oh, oh fuck me! FUCK ME!" Ann grunted.

"I thought you were going to tell me the rest of the story?" I teased, pretending that I was in control for the moment.

"in a minute....but first....Fuck Me! Fuck me! - Oh - like that - like that!" Ann was getting close to coming, I could feel my hard cock with the finger I had buried in her ass - this always made her cum. "Ooooh yes! Take me - Take me! Cum inside me, fill me with your hot spunk! oh fuck meeeee - you cock sucker!!"

This last part was a first. I hadn't ever been called that before, but hearing Ann call me a cocksucker did the trick. I buried myself in her and came. I pumped all the sperm I had left into her, all the while feeling her orgasm rhythmically squeezing it from my balls.

We disengaged, Ann moved to the couch, reclining with her legs spread.

"Now get over here" she said, "look at the mess you've made of my pretty little pussy."

I looked at her. She had her blouse un-done, one breast exposed. The wide, dark areola relaxed and showing a pale blue vein running along it's edge. Her pussy was completely exposed, the lips swollen, but touching in the centre. The natural bush of hair extending from above her clit up to each side, and trailing off to nothing as it extended up past the crease left by her panty waistband. The only part of her she did trim was her lips, and they glistened with our juices.

"Look at this, kneel in front of me." She sounded powerful. As I obeyed, she reached down, spreading her lips. Bearing down, a large dollop of pearly white semen appeared. I wasn't really too excited any more, having just cum, but I was starting to come around already. "Come closer...." She said, sounding coy. As I placed my hands on her knees she reached for my head, pulling me within inches of her pussy. The musk from her was starting to work on me, my desire growing. "I think you should clean me. Lick all that sperm out of me and if you do it well, I'll tell you more about Heinz."

I leaned in and kissed her clit, pulling back a little to get my bearings I extended my tongue to scoop up the white drop.

"Mmmmm, yes, that's it....Oh yeah! Here's some more." Ann clenched her vaginal muscles and a large load of my cum slid out of her into my mouth. I greedily swallowed and kept licking, extending my hand to pinch her erect nipple.

"Yes, yes, now my ass, lick my ass!"

I moved down trailing my tongue down to her rosebud anus. I tried to penetrate, but she squeezed tight as she began trembling with orgasm. Her contractions caused another big glob of semen to spill from her - I extended the tip of my finger, scooped it up and lifted the sweet fluid toward her face. Just as she opened her mouth to accept my gift, I diverted my hand, depositing the silvery cream on her nipple.

"Not so fast" I said. With that she quickly brought her breast to her own mouth, sucking the nipple. This always blows my mind when she sucks her own nipple, but with the cum, I felt my cock stiffen again. I couldn't believe how hot this was. She leaned in to kiss m, our tongues struggling with each other, swapping the sweet sperm back and forth. I had never felt closer to Ann.

Chapter 3

So we sat down o the couch, adjusting our clothes to get comfortable. Her nipple was still visible and I couldn't help but stare at it. The dark brown nub starting to relax, and widen, along with her areola. It made me want to take it in my mouth again.

"Heinz's wife is away this weekend. He said he'd like you to stop by for a 'swim'". Ann said, smoothing her skirt over her legs.

"Whoa, whoa, how did that come up? What did you two talk about?" I asked, wondering how it all came to this. My wife, setting me up for an encounter with an older man I'd only met briefly on a few occasions.

"Well, after we went back to our booth in the bar, we just naturally started to talk about our sex lives..."

"Thank you Ann - that was a huge help." Heinz said, sounding formal and business like. "I should relax much better tonight".

"Thank you, I'm glad I finally got to see that big cock I've been thinking about. How big is it anyway?"

"Well, I've never really...."

"Oh, come on, all men measure them." Ann said.

"OK, OK, it's just little under nine inches, my wife always says it's too big." Heinz lamented.

"Wow, that's too bad for her. That's the biggest I've seen!" Ann exclaimed.

"What would your husband think about what we just did?" Heinz asked.

"Gary knows I play around a bit. He'll actually love hearing all about it - I think he's bisexual, so I'll really give him a description of your big dick." Ann said, hoping this would start Heinz thinking about introducing Gary to Bi-sex, knowing he was the 'Authoritarian' type that would really make it great for Gary's first time. "he'd love to see that."

"Oh, is that right? Why do you think that?" Heinz asked.

"I found a file on his computer of photos of cocks." Ann stated, "I figure he's the typical bi-curious married man. I know he loves me, I can tell by the way he reacts to the female body, and mine in particular." Ann said, "but he's turned on by looking at men's dicks too. He wants to try something new. I've talked to him about it, and he's really turned on by his fantasy of servicing an older man."

"An older man? What would you say if I told you I am also bi?" Heinz said with a grin.

"Really? I'm shocked!" Ann said, "actually I think that's very hot, do you think there's a chance you two could..."

"You're not shocked Ann, I know my wife told you about my interests. She told me you got very interested when she said I had a big one." Heinz said, "I think you've been trying to set this up for a while."

"Actually, no. I have been trying to see that big cock ever since I spoke to your wife, but this other thing just came up." She said, "you're perfect for Gary's first time. You're the older man, 'Alpha Male' he's been longing for. Dignified, powerful, and very well hung. His fantasy!"

"Well, if you say so" Heinz said, sounding more intrigued.

"What sort of things would you two do, or try?" Ann asked, anxious to hear details.

"Well, I don't want to be indelicate" Heinz qualified.

"Please, I'd love to hear it." Ann said, really hoping to hear something dirty form this dignified older man.

"Your husband...."

"Gary" Ann cut him off.

"Right, Gary should be prepared to engage in a lot of oral sex. I expect my lovers to kneel before me, take my penis in their mouth and service me. I would generally start things with this right away. After I'm very hard, we would shower, maybe more sucking, perhaps a sixty nine. After we had both cum, we would rest. maybe watch a video, and then the main event."

"The main event?" Ann asked, knowing what he meant, but not having thought about it before now. She was talking about Gary giving a blowjob. She hadn't brought up the possibility of her husband getting fucked. The idea got her very hot.

"Yes, once Gary is ready, I'll have him suck me again until I'm fully erect, then I'll take him properly. He will find out what it's like to be a woman, to be penetrated by a man, and give him his body to be used for the superior man's pleasure." Heinz stated, matter of factly.

"Does that usually hurt the first time?" Ann asked.

"Yes. We'll use plenty of lubricant, but the first time I enter him, he will feel pain. This will subside quickly though, and by the time I'm in him all the way, he'll be begging for more." Heinz said.



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"Do you use protection?" Ann Asked.

"I don't think Gary will get pregnant!" Heinz laughed. "And I've been tested. I'm fine. I will use Gary like a woman. I will try to impregnate him, and if he was a woman, I assure you he would be pregnant upon his return to you, because I will cum in him many times. What do you think?"

"Mmmmm, that sounds prefect for him." Ann moaned.

"It will be" Heinz said. Ann noticed he had changed his statements from a hypothetical description, to a statement of fact. Gary would be meeting with her boss. He would be sucking his cock. Heinz will be making love to Gary as if he were a woman. Taking him from behind, perhaps, as Gary did to her. Driving his cock deeply into him, until Gary couldn't take any more. Finally, depositing his powerful sperm into Gary. The thought of it all nearly made Ann swoon with passion.

Chapter 4

"So, what do you think?" Ann asked, running her hand inside of her blouse.

"My head is spinning." I said, "I'm overwhelmed by all of this, and so turned on by everything, I can't believe I've cum twice in the past half an hour, and you're starting to make me hard again." I marveled, adjusting my shaft in my pants.

"you're pretty excited about trying something new - that's normal." She said "I can't wait to hear all about it".

"Assuming I'm going to go through with it?" I said, but we both knew the truth.

"Yeah, well, by the looks of your hard-on, I'd say you're into it. Are you nervous? "

"Nervous and excited and really turned on." I said.

"What about the 'main event'?" she asked, making quotations in thee air with her fingers.

"I think I can handle it. You said he's pretty big, but I've had some practice with your dildo." I said.

"you have? You dirty thing! how did it feel?" Ann's eyes lit up with anticipation, hungry for more dirty details.

"it definitely hurt at first. But once the head slipped in, I slowly sank it in all the way, and it's hard to describe. It felt different, that's for sure. My cock got soft when it hurt, then got really hard as the thing stroked my prostate, and after burying it in my ass, and sliding it in and out , I felt my cock jerk. I looked down at it (I was lying on my back imagining I was being fucked missionary style) and I started to cum without even touching it. it was different though, my sperm just spilled out of me, no spurts, no intense contractions, just a warm glow, a puddle of semen, and I was till turned on. I slid the dildo out all the way, my cock swelled up again (the cum was still oozing out) and I felt the need to be filled." I was getting quite warm telling her this, and Ann was now actively pulling her right nipple, and making small moaning sounds.

"I shoved the rubber cock all the way in and the feeling was incredible! The flared mushroom tip powerd its way past my anus, and the whole eight inches flowed into me. My cock jerked and I came in short, sharp spurts. I let go of the dildo and grabbed my cock, squeezing out the last few streams. The dildo slid out, leaving me feeling empty. Is that anything like it is for you, I mean when you and I ...." I asked.

"Oh. wow, sorry, I was lost in your story there." Ann seemed as if I'd woken her from a dream. "it's sort of like that. It feels good to be filled, you know, and the eroticism of the whole thing. The penetration, being 'taken', and finally having him cum inside you is so great. Kind of like leaving part of himself - no - giving part of himself to you. It's pretty great." She said, really staring into my eyes.

"you sound like a natural, I'll bet you have a great time. I'm so glad you'll have the chance to act out this fantasy." Ann pulled up her skirt, turning around on the couch, offering herself to me. The view of her pouting labia had me painfully hard, and I quickly got in position behind her.

"Can I assume you put all that sweet cream to good use?" She moaned, "the puddle on your belly after my dildo powerd it out of you." She reminded me.

"Mmm, yes." I hissed as I sank in between her slick walls. "I drank every drop"

"Ooooh! Fuck! that's good!" She yelped, "But I want you in my ass." I was glad to oblige.

Chapter 5

Two days later it was Friday and I was standing at the front door of Heinz' mansion. It was a huge place. My head was spinning, and my mouth was dry from excitement. I had thought about nothing else for the past two days. Or maybe it was the result of twenty years of fantasies coming to reality.

I pressed the doorbell and waited. After about ten minutes (which seemed like an eternity), the door opened and there stood Heinz in a long, silk robe.

"Gary, glad you could make it." He said, seeming very sincere." Ann has told me allot about you." He said, glancing over his glasses at me, looking me over. his white beard trimmed neatly, matching the tufts of chest hair peaking though his robe. "Come, I was just about to relax in the pool, join me."

"I don't have a suit." I said, as I followed him, remembering I probably wouldn't need one.

"Nor do I." Heinz said, and led me to his backyard. The area contained a large oval pool, hot-tub, several pieces of lounge furniture, and was surrounded by high walls.

"As you can see, we have complete privacy." As he said this, he turned to face me, raising his arms. This spread his robe, giving me a momentary glimpse of a very large penis surrounded by neatly trimmed white hair. "Gary, come here." Heinz pointed to the spot directly before him. I could see the outline of his generous cock through the silk of his robe. I moved before him.

"I can see you're distracted, Gary, maybe I can put you at ease. Kneel" I did. Heinz moved the two sides of his robe apart, and tied them behind him. his impressive penis was now barely a foot form my face and beginning to fill-out. "Rather than go through an elaborate and lengthy seduction, I think we'll break the ice by having you take care of this. I know you have a need to take me in your mouth and feel me grow. you'll be seeing and feeling this big penis allot over out time together, so let's get started."

I looked straight ahead. Heinz's cock had started to bounce slightly bobbing along with his pulse as it filled with red. The head was becoming visible as the slotted tip appeared beyond hid foreskin. The veins along the shaft became pronounced as it angled toward me, reaching a 45 degree angle. I looked up at him, and he looked into my eyes.

"I know what you need - do it." He said, reaching a hand around to the back of my head, and using the other to lift his shaft. He pulled back the foreskin, exposing the big, purple head. and pointing it at my mouth. his other hand pulled me closer. My denim clad knees shuffled forward as I looked down at what was now a fully erect penis, inches from my watering mouth.

He pulled me in, and my lips made contact with his tip. Wetting my lips with my tongue, I opened enough to take him in, and in he went. I closed my lips over the head, reaching up to cradle his sack and replacing his hand on his shaft with my own. I pulled the foreskin back and pushed it forward, running my tongue over the head. I pushed forward taking him deep, gagging slightly.

"Whoa, that's OK." He soothed, running his hand through my hair." We've got plenty of time - no hurry". He pulled from my mouth, making a wet popping noise. I tried to capture him again, to suck again, but he rubbed his shaft over my face. "There's more...inhale my scent, taste my balls, they're full for you."


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I nuzzled my face into his pubic hair, inhaling deeply, his musky scent so masculine it made my head spin. I pulled his ball-sack forward as he held his cock up, out of the way, and took first one, then the other in my mouth.

"Mmmmm...that's it" Heinz moaned. " Now, one little treat before we swim." Heinz lifted my chin, and ran his fist down his shaft, producing a single, clear drop at the tip. He deposited this nectar on my extended tongue. it tasted so sweet I nearly came.

"Now - let's cool off!" Heinz exclaimed as he dropped his robe and headed for the pool.

Chapter 6

We swam for about half an hour. His pool was was large, and heated, and felt great on my naked body. We brushed up against each other on several occasions, my erection dragging across his body, showing him how I felt. I would try to take a hold of him whenever we met in the middle of pool, but he kept moving, seeming serious about his workout. Finally, he swam to the edge where I was resting, pulled himself up on the side, and sat with his legs dangling in the pool. The water was only about four feet deep at this spot, so I moved toward him. I stopped, lowered myself under water, and rose up, water streaming from my hair, and body, about three feet from the edge, and Heinz.

I looked at him, his gaze shifted downward toward his lap. His heavy scrotum was hanging off the edge of the pool, between his deeply tanned thighs. his flaccid cock hung down to the left of his big bull balls, reaching nearly to the water, the tip dripping with water. He looked up at me, then down again. I watched as his penis seemed to lengthen, pushing the grooved tip out of the foreskin slightly. It was coming to life as I watched, lengthening, and throbbing. At first it hung beside his balls, now it was extending out, at a downward angle, directly in front of his balls. The head was half exposed now, and dipped into the water as the waves I was making lapped at the side of the pool. He hadn't even touched it, and it was growing! He took the shaft in his hand and stroked it, pulling the foreskin back, and pointing it toward the sky. His head moved back, and he closed his eyes, lost in the moment, loving the sensation of his hand on his big cock, and loving the fact that he was being watched. He reached his hand out to me, not opening his eyes. I moved forward and he found my head with his hand, pulling me in. I took him in my mouth, and he moaned his approval. It was getting difficult to angle his cock downward to my mouth, as he sat up on the pool side. I could feel it wanting to spring up against his belly. He popped free of my mouth and lay back on the pool deck. I pulled myself from the water and approached him from between his legs. His erection was like steel, pulled up against his belly, and leaving his balls, shaved clean, and dripping with chlorinated water, exposed to my tongue. I sucked them, reveled in them, and realized that I was doing it. I was here, taking this man's sex organs in my mouth, servicing him just like my wife had earlier. I wished she was here with me. Maybe some other time.

Heinz rolled his hips upward, exposing his tiny anus to me, I sought it out with my tongue, and heard a long groan escape him as I licked from behind hid rosebud, over his heavy ball-sack, and moved up over the underside of his shaft. I took the head of his cock in my mouth and started to slowly bob. I took him deeper and deeper, until I had at least two thirds of his stiffness in my throat on the down stroke. my own cock was straining for release, and I was thinking I may shoot just from the experience, without him touching it. Heinz read my thoughts and nudged my hip, trying to have me turn so I could straddle his head. I shifted, moved my leg over him, so we were in position for a full sixty nine. I dove back at his cock, able to take even more down my throat in this position. I bobbed down further, and was bursting with pride when my nose contacted his testicles. I had taken it all down my throat! I held him in this position, feeling him pulse in my mouth.

"Oh my goodness." Heinz moaned, "my wife has never been able to do that. That feels so good."

I became aware of my own cock as he captured it in his hand, and directed it to his waiting mouth. The head slid against his beard, tickling me, and making me alarmed. I was going to lose it for sure. This was all too much. Even the fact that I was deep-throating this man would be enough to make me cum, with him touching me, it was guaranteed. He let go of my cock, and it slid across his beard again.

"I'm going to....I'm....I'm cumming!" I exclaimed.

"Hold on." Heinz said calmly, turning his head, and capturing the head of my cock with his mouth. I felt my prostate contract, and my cum shot out of me in long, exquisite streams. One, two, three, four, five, I took my mouth from his shaft, and concentrated on my cock. I couldn't stop cumming, the contractions sent rope after rope of slippery sperm into his mouth. "Oh no, what have I done!" I thought, I can't cum in his mouth like this. We just got started, and I shoot off right away. On top of that it's not my place to cum in HIS mouth, he's the master. I'm so embarrassed. I finally stopped convulsing, and felt him suck hard on me as if to drain the last drops.

"I'm sorry." I said while looking down at his hard cock. The veins prominent along the shaft, the tip drooling pre-cum on his belly. "I didn't mean to..."

"Sorry?" Heinz said "why would you be sorry? it's the most natural thing in the world. And you taste great!"

"I didn't want to finish so quickly, and this is all about me making you cum, not the other way around" I said in between feverish kisses I was covering his crotch with.

"You'll get your chance, don't worry." Heinz reassured me "Now get back to work!"

He had commanded me, and I wasn't going to disappoint. I felt his tongue on my asshole, as I took him back in my mouth. The sensation was powerful. He licked my backdoor for a few minutes while I bobbed on his shaft, taking more & more, then introduced a finger back there.

"Oooooh, that's amazing!" I moaned, quickly taking him back in my mouth. I worked him as well as I could, and noticed his balls were pulling up tight against the base of his shaft. I knew it wouldn't be long.

Without warning, he pulled me off his shaft, rolled away from me and stood up, leaving me on the pool deck. I got to my feet and faced him, reaching down for the prize between his legs.

"This is how I like to cum." He said, pushing me to my knees. "Kneel."

I quickly did as he said. He held my head in both hands, his bobbing cock moving freely up and down. He guided me to him, and I took him in.

"Now, I'm going to fuck your mouth, relax"

I relaxed my throat, and held his hips, puling him to me. He slid into my mouth, past my throat, and down my gullet until my nose was buried in his hair. I reached around behind him and held him deep within me. Running my fingers down the crack of his ass, I felt for his puckered anus. Heinz began moving in and out of my throat, really fucking my mouth.

"Oh yes, oh yes, that's it!" He said still fairly calmly. "I can't wait, put your finger in my ass!"

I slid my finger into his ass, still wet from the pool and found there was little resistance. His cock was all the way down my throat, and I felt it twitch.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! that's it, here it is!"

I pushed hard on the finger in his ass. His anus clenched in rhythm to his orgasm. He pumped his load directly into my belly, and I wanted to see some of it shoot, so I withdrew after four or five bursts. I hoped this wouldn't ruin his moment. I withdrew my finger from him, and held his cock in front of me so I could see the trembling head. I pulled back on the foreskin, completely exposing the mushroom tip. This also pulled open the large hole of his urethra, I couldn't believe the size of it, and just as I was thinking I could insert my little finger, it jerked and another strong stream of white cum shot out onto my face. I quickly engulfed it and milked out the last of his spend. Rolling it around in my mouth I tasted his semen. It was slightly different than mine, sweet, and not as salty. I swallowed him down , and smiled up at him.

Heinz looked down at me, hands on his hips, the tip of his cock still in my mouth. The scene must have looked amazing to anyone spying on us. Here I was, on my knees in front of this man I could only describe as an 'Alpha Male'. We were both naked, and he had just emptied his balls into me. I had sucked him, allowed him to fuck my face until he was overcome and gave me his juice. I was so turned on I couldn't believe it. My cock strained for another release.

"I think I need to jerk off.." I strained, " I'll take care of it."

"No, no, just relax, we'll take a rest. I've never met anyone who gets so turned on by sucking a cock." Heinz said. "It really must be your first time. I think you're a full fledged cock sucker now. There's no shame in that, either, you should be very proud. You took my cock like a man. I'm very proud of you." With that, Heinz folded me in his arms, and walked me over to the large lounge chair in the sun. "You've just sucked a man for the first time. Now you know how powerful your beautiful wife Ann feels whenever she sucks you. Do you see what I mean?"

"I think maybe I do." I said, my head still spinning with lust.

"You used your hands, and mouth to give me pleasure. That's a gift that's been around since the beginning of time. I'm your elder, your superior if you will. There's a beautiful symmetry to the fact that I can give you money, protection, wisdom, and in return you can give me pleasure. Now you know what it's like to be a woman. or to some degree."

"Well, not quite. There are still other things..." I said, looking into his eyes.

"Yes, there are. And we'll get to that as well. We'll see how long I need to rest."


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We went into the house and had a take, relaxing without clothes. I couldn't keep my eyes off of his member, and kept glancing at it to see signs of further excitement. Heinz sat in his over-sized chair, facing the huge flat screen TV. Punching the remote, he reclined and his robe fell to the side, exposing the object of my lust. On the screen a scene began which involved a busty brunette woman, and two men. One man , who looked to be in his mid fifties, stood in the middle of a room, wearing a suit. A younger man approached with the woman, and she reached down, unzipped the older man's pants, and withdrew his sizeable penis. Holding it in her hand, she pushed the younger man down to his knees and directed the cock to his mouth, As he began servicing the older man, the woman took her clothes off, kissing the man who was standing, and encouraging the kneeling man to keep working the cock he lovingly nursed. This was probably the hottest porn scene I'd ever experienced. This was exactly what my strongest fantasy had always been. Having a woman direct me, teach me, and to be honest, just approve of me servicing an older, dominant male. This made my cock even harder, it throbbed and needed release. My head was swimming with lust as I glanced over at Heinz. He had started stroking himself, and had begun to grow hard. The screen showed the "bull" male was now fully hard, he was holding the younger man's head still as he stroked his cock in and out of his mouth. The brunette was kissing him and looking down at the kneeling man approvingly.

"What do you think?" Heinz asked, startling me.

"That's amazing," I said, not taking my eyes form the screen. "It's seems so right. So natural. It's what I want."

"Really? Well maybe we should invite your wife over to watch, and whatever else comes to mind." Heinz' cock was hard again, and stood up straight against his belly. His large, full scrotum had fully relaxed form his earlier climax, and lay between his legs, showing his nice, full balls.

"I uh, I would like th...." My words were cut off by the sound coming from the screen.

"Yes, do it, do it, suck that cock, take it like a man!" The woman on the screen exclaimed. " You love that cock don't you?" She accused. The older male pulled free of the mouth that had been serving him, and began stroking his cock fast, aiming it at the kneeling man's mouth which was wide open. "Yes, give it to him -- he wants your hot cum!" It was the typical badly written porn dialogue, but it was hot all the same. Before long the sperm flew from the older man's cock, and he directed it all directly onto the tongue before him. It was white, and thick, and I wanted to taste it.

Looking at Heinz, I moved to the floor in front of him. I kneeled. "Can I?"

"Can you what?" Heinz asked, knowing what I wanted, but playing the role. Fulfilling my fantasy. "tell me what you want -- what you need."

"I need your cock. I need to feel it in my mouth. Feel your strong, thick cock pulse, and throb as I suck you. I need your sperm. I need you inside me." I wanted so badly to take him in my mouth I would have said or done anything at that point.

Heinz stroked his cock once, pulling a drop of clear pre-cum to the tip, which rolled down the shaft. "Will you let me cum in your mouth? How about your ass? Can I fuck you and cum inside you, make you a woman? Take you like a woman?"

"Yes" I moved to take his cock, and Heinz moved forward on his chair, taking my head in one hand, and lowered his cock to point to me with the other. He pulled me onto his cock, sliding it into my mouth, and pulled me all the way down until my nose was in the hair at the base of his cock. The head was in my throat, and I had actually deep throated him. I felt him throb, his shaft spasmed once, twice. I tasted the pre-cum on his shaft. The he withdrew, standing and walked away. I felt so empty. I needed him again. I followed.

Heinz stood beside his bed, his hands parting the robe, exposing his body to my eyes. I looked down from his hairy chest, past his mid section, and directly at his hard cock. It was pointing at me, bobbing up and down slightly. Heinz reached for it, and pulled back the foreskin, exposing his wide, flared head. The tip glistened with a drop of his pre-cum.

"Come over here, kneel down and suck my cock." Heinz commanded. I floated across the room, never taking my eyes off of the beautiful specimen before me. Dropping to my knees I reached up for his shaft, and looked closely at the head. Pulling back the foreskin, I squeezed a drop of the clear liquid from him, seeing it roll down the underside of his shaft I licked it from his skin. Moving down I nuzzled his crotch, and then began licking his big balls.

"That's good -- that's good. Now suck them, yes." Heinz was groaning now, and he tilted his head back to enjoy the moment. I moved up and took him in my mouth. The big glans rested on my tongue before I began sucking hard. Stroking him with my hand, and sucking the head I got into a rhythm that had him thrusting his hips and his balls began to draw up toward his body.

"Not yet, we have some other business to attend to." Heinz pulled himself free of my mouth. Heading to the night table he withdrew a tube of lube. " Do you know what this is for?"

"Yes." I said, moving to the bed. "you're going to fuck me"

"That's true. I think you're ready for me. Ready to be taken. Ready to have me in you." Heinz moved toward the bed. "Lay back and lift your legs up toward your shoulders. I need to see you." I did as I was told. I felt the cool touch of his fingers pushing into me. First one, then a second, and finally he thrust three fingers into my hole, applying liberal amounts of the cool gel to my opening. Then he stepped back and absently stroked his cock with the remainder of the lube while gazing into my eyes. "Tell me what you want."

"I want you -- your cock -- in side me. I want you to make me yours. Slide that cock into my ass and make me a woman." I was surprised by this last part -- I was just trying to play the part, but this last statement was true. I wanted him to show me how it must feel to receive your lovers cock into your body -- like my wife feels when I take her. Heinz smiled at this, and moved forward. Kneeling between my legs he gave my cock a few strokes. I moved his hand away as I didn't want to cum too soon. With that he looked me in the eyes and I felt his cock nudge my opening. I was beginning to think of it as my pussy. This brought a smile to my lips.

"Yes, do it. Push it into my pussy." I moaned, my eyes half closed, just concentrating on the sensations. My cock was throbbing and I knew it wouldn't be long before I exploded. Heinz eased forward and the head stretched me. As soon as the head was in I felt a strong twinge of pain. Heinz must have noticed. He pulled out & I felt disappointed, like I had failed him. Looking down I could see his cock. It was so hard, and shiny with the lube. Heinz held it in his fist, the head exposed, as he was pulling the loose skin back. It looked almost pointed on the end. I thought to myself that this should make it easier for him to penetrate me. The shaft had veins running up the shaft. I tilted my legs back farther to give him easier access.

"You can push out a little and it will be easier. But either way I will be going in this time, all the way" I pushed out and felt his glans touch me. Heinz applied constant pressure and he broke through my outer ring, and kept going. The pain was gone and the feeling of being filled by his cock began to be overwhelming. Heinz slowly pushed forward. I looked down and past my hard, leaking cock, I could see he wasn't even half way in. I let go of my legs, and allowed them to drop down a little. I reached my hands up around his back and pulled Heinz down onto me, driving his full length into me. We kissed. Hard. His tongue entered my mouth, and it felt so right. I never really thought about kissing a man before, but feeling his weight on me, his cock in me, and his hard lips on mine was just amazing. "Are you alright?" He asked looking into my eyes.

"Yes, please, please do it." I whined. Needing him to start moving, to take me properly. Heinz rocked his hips back and withdrew until only the head was within me. Driving back into me he began a steady rhythm and I came. I came so hard the cum spurted up between us and hit my face, the pillow, and all points between. The release was tremendous, and as my prostate contracted, sending my sperm flying out of me, my anus squeezed Heinz tightly causing him to grind deeply within me. I could feel him buried deeply. I reached down and could only feel his balls tightly pressed up against me.

"Oh! Oh! Here it is -- I'm Cumming!" Heinz bellowed "You're so tight -- I can't hold it." He drove back into me and held still. I felt his cock spasm once, twice, three times, four I lost count as he emptied himself into me. "yes, oh yes -- that's good, take it, take my seed. Now your mine!" I felt the contractions of his penis subside as he collapsed on top of me. We were joined. Truly joined. His cock buried in my "pussy" -- giving me his warm, white cream just as he should be. His penis delivering his cum from his balls into my body. Heinz got back on his knees and withdrew his cock from me. The emptiness that followed was terrible. I longed to be filled again. His cock was still partially hard and it hung in front of me covered in lube, and cum. I wanted to suck it and sat up. The smell of lube and cum was strong & it made me so horny I was dizzy. Squeezing his shaft from the base to the tip I extracted his final drop of pearly white semen. I took the head in my mouth and sucked. Not caring that he had just been in my ass, not caring that the lube tasted like plastic -- just wanting that last drop. Heinz lay beside me and we drifted off to relax.

I awoke about an hour later and had a raging hard on. I heard the shower running. Getting out of bed I felt Heinz cream running from my ass. Moving into the bathroom I saw Heinz lathering himself. I stepped in with him and pressed my body against him.


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"Hey, how do you feel?" He asked.

"I feel great -- rested, and glad to finally have given up my cherry. Especially to this." I cupped his cock in my hand, loving the feel of the slippery lather, and his long, soft cock. The water ran over us, rinsing him off and revealing the wonder of his masculinity -- the broad hairy chest, the round belly, and that long, thick cock hanging there, looking like it needed some attention. I soaped up and cleaned myself. Heinz slid a soapy finger into my ass and I groaned.

"Not so tight now. So I take it you liked it? We were fucking -- but soon we'll make love. I'll cum so deep in that pussy of yours that the cum will never leak out.." Heinz whispered in my ear as his finger caused me to harden. I dropped down and took him in my mouth. "Whoa -- you can't get enough can you? I can't believe you waited this long to try this." I sucked him, feeling the water run over me. Turning him I began to lick the tight bud of his anus. Heinz groaned and leaned forward giving me better access. Probing him with my tongue I heard the gasps of pleasure coming form him, but I knew what I wanted. I turned him again and took his cock deep in my mouth. Heinz took hold of my head and began fucking my mouth. Slowly at first, and then getting faster. He thrust into my mouth for a few minutes before pulling away. Stepping back, he stood looking down at me, his cock very hard, bobbing up and down with his pulse. He didn't say a word, but I knew. I stood, turned away from him, and bent over, placing my hands on the bench, offering myself to him.

All I heard form behind me was a low "Mmmmmmm", as Heinz moved to me. The water was running down the wall in front of me, as I felt his hand grasp my hip. I could hear him stroking himself, lathering with soap. I didn't know if soap was supposed to be used as a lubricant, but I was about to find out. A thumb pushed into me. My opening offered little resistance as I felt the thumb move in and out. Before I could bear down and prepare for him, I felt Heinz probe for my hole with his cock. As soon as he found it, he pushed the head in. I took him easily. The soap had lubed me well, and his hands moved to my hips. I wondered what he was doing when he held my hips tighter, swung his hips forward, and buried the entire length of his thick cock into me. The feeling of having him powerd deep within me took my breath away.

"Oooh, oh, oh, yes." I mumred as I felt him resting within me. I could feel how stretched my anus was, reaching back I felt his balls pressed against mine. They hung lower, and were clearly bigger. I reached past them and slid my finger in his ass.

"Mmmmm, I like that. Do you feel me in you? Can you feel the power of my cock inside you? You knew what I wanted, instinctively you knew your place. You offered yourself to me, wanting me to mount you." Heinz pressed harder into me, my finger slipped from his ass as I tried to maintain my balance. Grinding into me, his cock touched every surface in my "pussy", rubbing my prostate, and causing my cock to throb and jerk. Heinz started to withdraw, moving his cock out a few inches before slamming back home. He thrust into me 2, 3, 4, 5 times, slowly, but firmly. On the 5th thrust home, my own cock seemed to swell and my cum burst forth.

"Oh yes, I'm Cumming, I'm Cumming! You fucked the cum out of me!" Heinz reached under me, stroked my cock and caught the remaining ropes of jism in his palm. His cock was still embedded in me as he pulled me upward, offering my own cum to me. I licked it form his hand, savoring the warm ,salty flavor. I could still taste my cream as he bent me forward and continued to take his pleasure. His mighty phallus used me, penetrated me, and took its time delving my depths. Just as I thought he might be getting close, I heard the doorbell. Heinz paused, then stroked into me again. Burying his bone, he paused and listened.

"Bing-bong -- Bing bong" Heinz held my hips tight against his own, grinding himself against me, into me. "That will be your wife" Heinz said.

"My, my wife?" I asked, startled. So many things began running through my head. For a moment I was ashamed, I didn't want her to see me like this, bent over, her boss's cock in my ass. Then I remembered she set this all up. She probably wanted to see exactly what was happening to me.

"Yes, I called her while you slept. She seemed very eager to join us. Shall I go let her in? Or do you want me to finish with you first? Make her wait while I inseminate you -- breed you with my seed?" Heinz was getting me so hard with his hot talk ,and his big cock grinding into me.

"Finish with me" I pleaded. "Please cum in me" Heinz pumped into me once, twice, then pulled completely out. "Oh no." I looked back, turning, I sat on the bench, and looked at his incredible body. Hairy, thick, and seeming to quiver with masculinity. Heinz turned to the spray and cleaned himself.

"Get cleaned up and join us at the pool." Heinz said as he toweled off, donned his robe and left the master bath. I finished my shower, and dried off. I was still hard, and had to concentrate on other things to allow my cock to deflate so I could pee. Finally I was able to start a strong stream, peeing into the toilet bowl. Feeling the warm urine rush from my cock was a great relief. Looking down I saw my cock. It looked small compared to the large one I had been focusing on for the past few hours. I put my robe on and moved to the patio.

Moving through the patio door, I saw Heinz, his robe hanging open. In front of him was Ann. She stood absently looking at the pool, and her hand was in his robe. Seeing me, she turned and took her hand from Heinz.

"Honey -- how are you? You must tell me everything. How was it taking the woman's role? Did you like it?" Ann was smiling widely, and moving her hands to the buttons on her dress. "Heinz would it be all right if I swam a little? The water looks so nice." Ann began undoing her buttons.

"Of course, make yourself at home, Ann." She did, dropping her dress on the pool deck and standing before me in a shear bra and small panties. I could clearly see her wide, dark areolas through the material of her bra. She knew I loved that one. Her left hand strayed up to her breast and tweaked a nipple, making it very hard. I could see the dark curls reaching above the top of her panties. Seeing her here like this made me hard again instantly. The scene was so heady I didn't know what to look at. Here was my beautiful wife, getting naked, standing beside the man I had been making love to all day. Heinz cock flashed into view as he turned to me.

"Mark, come here, kneel before me." Heinz said. I looked at Ann, and she was unclipping her bra, pulling it free. Her breasts swung into view and they took my breath away as they always do. She smiled and nodded to me. I hesitated for a second before moving in front of Heinz. I kneeled on the deck, and was at eye level with Heinz soft penis. It hung down thickly over his low hanging balls. The head was partially covered by his foreskin. I looked up at him, and then met her eyes. Ann ran her fingers through my hair. Then over his shaft.

"Go on honey, do it. Do what feels right." Ann encouraged. I looked up at her. The underside of her breasts were such a sexy sight. I looked over at her crotch, right beside my head. Ann tucked her finger into the waist of her panties, pulling them down a little so I could see more of her thick, lush hair. I leaned in, inhaled her scent, making my head spin, and then turned to Heinz. My hands were behind my back, clasped. I took the head of his soft cock in my mouth and sucked. Getting him good and wet, I began sucking, and sliding more & more of him in my mouth. He began swelling, becoming rigid. I finally reached up holding his shaft upward so I could lick the underside, and his big balls. I cupped his ball sack in my hand while tilting his dick down, pulling his foreskin back exposing the red, wide, head. I licked his slit, trying to insert my tongue into his cock.

"He seems to be good at that." Ann said. I could hear the smirk in her voice. I could also hear what sounded like kissing.

"He's a natural". Heinz said, between kisses. He seems to need this old cock."

"Did you two, I mean have you?" Ann was searching for the right words.

"Oh yes, I was balls deep in him when you rang the door bell. Isn't that right Mark? He was very disappointed because I didn't finish with him before letting you in. I thought you might like to see the big event."

I was stroking his cock and sucking hard on the big head. I could see Ann had lowered her panties, exposing that beautiful bush, and the freshly shaved lips below. I wanted her so badly. I wanted to fuck her, suck him, do everything all at once. I turned my head and licked her pussy, then returned to Heinz.

"This is so hot -- Mark you look amazing with Heinz big dick in your mouth. Do you remember when I told you about sucking him?" Ann asked breathlessly.

She reached down. Taking his shaft and stroking him while I watched. "Such a big cock, so thick, so strong. I can't wait to feel this in me."

Ann lay down on a deck chair, spreading her legs. I could see her lips glistening with her natural lubricant. I leaned over her and started licking her sweet pussy. Reaching up to pinch her nipples, I found Heinz' cock being rubbed against the nipple, trailing pre-cum and leaving her nipple shiny. Of course I moved up and sucked her nipple clean. Taking a quick suck of his cock, I moved up to kiss Ann, and Heinz introduced his cock between our lips. I looked into her eyes as we both licked him, His shaft slid back and forth between us. I reached down and slid my cock into her. The warmth, and wetness that enveloped me was breathtaking. I closed my eyes and just rested inside her. The familiar feeling of her pussy holding my cock made me forget about my surroundings. In my present position, straddling the deck chair, my cock in Ann, I had left myself completely exposed. I felt something cold and wet touch my anus.


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"Oh yeah, Heinz do it. Slide it in him. I want to see your huge cock fuck my husband." I relaxed, and pushed out, Heinz leaned in and penetrated me with ease. Pushing into me, he pushed me into Ann. The feeling was intense. My cock was bathed in Ann's warm, tight space, and Heinz' cock was driving me crazy, making me feel so full. I tried not to cum as Heinz began stroking in and out. Holding my hips as he resumed taking me, picking up where he left off earlier. I could tell he was hot, as he wasted no time, slamming into me, as he sought his release.

"Oh honey, does it feel good? Do you like his big cock? Is your little pussy full of Heinz' big manly cock?" Ann asked between our passionate kisses. I could feel her pussy contracting in an orgasm as Heinz picked up even more speed.

"Ooooh yes, take it, take it!!" Heinz bellowed as he hammered into me. He drove all the way into me, held my hips tightly, and I could feel his lips on my neck as he let out a low moan. "Mmmmmmmm." He was cumming. I felt his cock jerk again and again as it delivered his sperm to me. As soon as I felt his convulsions I couldn't control myself and I came hard into my wife. Later I thought about the situation, how his cum was flowing into me, my cum was flowing into Ann. It never fails to make me hard. Back in the moment, we spasmed together as our orgasm subsided. Ann held my head on her shoulder as I emptied myself into her. Heinz kissed her deeply as he emptied himself into me. This felt so right. I was so full, so complete.

We lay together, joined, for some time. I felt Heinz soft cock actually begin to stir as he kissed Ann.

"I love the way you fucked my husband, teaching him what a real man is all about." Ann hissed. "I bet he loves having your cock in him. He's such a cocksucker. Such a woman. I'm glad a real man came along that can fuck both of us. Your cock will make him a better man." Ann's talk had gotten a reaction from me. My cock hardened within her. "Ooh! Mark -- you like hearing about Heinz's cock don't you? I can feel your cock -- your little cock - getting hard inside me. Is it his cock making you hard or my mouth?"

"It's all making me hard. I want more of you, more of him. I want to service him. Be his wife." My words were flowing freely, I wasn't thinking just reacting to the intense feelings I was experiencing. I began to move inside my wife, stroking my cock slightly in and out of her. I could feel Heinz begin to stir.

"Yes, you will serve me Mark." Heinz moaned into my ear. " you will kneel before me -- the superior male. I will use your little pussy & your wife as I see fit. Maybe if you swallow enough of my cum it will make you more of a man." Heinz was growing hard. "Do you feel that? Do you feel me growing within you? Prepare for more of my seed to be added to the sea of sperm already in you." Heinz pulled out and thrust back into me.

"uh, yes, whatever you want. Use me, use my mouth, my pussy, my wife, anything. Just keep giving me that big, hard cock.!" I said in between thrusts. Heinz moved backward, taking me with him. My cock was pulled out of Ann, and I sat back onto Heinz, fully accepting his member into me. Ann moved forward taking me into her mouth, and stroking both of our balls as Heinz ground into me.

"Look how big his balls are" she cooed "they look like they're so much bigger than yours. I bet they're full of cum too." Ann looked in my eyes. " Does his cock feel good in you? Do you like being his lady?"

"Oooooh yes. " I moaned. "I can't believe how good it feels." Heinz slid me forward so I was on all fours. Taking my hips he began screwing me harder. Ann stood beside him, kissing him, and rubbing my back as he drove into me.

"Yes, Ann, that's right, push your finger into my ass & I'll fill your husband with my sperm!" She must have done it because the next thing I knew Heinz was balls deep in me, and pumping more of the warm liquid into me. "oh, oh, oh, yes, that's it!!" Heinz finished cumming ,and pulled out of me. "Clean it. Both of you." I turned, sitting on the end of the deck chair, with Ann kneeling beside me we faced Heinz' softening cock. It was covered in lube, and shone in the sun. the smell of lube and cum was strong. I ran my fingers down the length of his shaft, driving out the last drops of his semen. Ann licked it form the tip before taking him in her mouth. We cleaned him until his soft cock didn't show a trace of cum, or lube. It hung before us.

"let's swim." Heinz said, and we all dove into the pool to refresh and think about what was to come.


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Ann and I left Heinz home after swimming for a bit. Heading home in our separate cars I couldn't help thinking about what had just happened. I couldn't believe it but I was getting hard again just thinking about all the amazing new things I had tried. And to have Ann share it with me was so good. I couldn't wait to get home.

I arrived at our house, and Ann still wasn't there. I headed into the living room to relax & watch some TV. Ann arrived an hour later and came into the room, dropping her coat on the chair. Standing in front of me, she just stared down at me, I wasn't sure what she was doing, as she didn't say anything. I looked up at her from the couch and was starting to wonder if she was mad, or upset, or what was going on, when I noticed it. The front of Ann's slacks was bulging, and it looked like she had a cock. I could see the outline of a long cock going down the leg of her pants. I looked up and she was smiling now, smoothing her pants with her hand, she was looking down at herself, and smirking. I moved forward on the couch and unzipped her fly. Reaching in I pulled out the rubber penis she was wearing. Having freed my wife's "cock" I sat back and looked at her.

There stood my wife, unbuttoning her blouse, and dropping her hands to her hips, she stood before me with a 7-8 inch, very realistic looking dildo sticking out of her pants. She pulled her top off and unhooked her bra. Her full breasts came into view and I stared at the wide areola like it was the first time I'd seen them. They always took my breath away. Ann reached down and stroked her "cock", offering it to me.

"Suck my cock." Ann said, sternly. Reaching for me, she pulled me to her. She held the rubber phallus with one hand and opened my mouth with the other. I kneeled before her, took her "cock" in my mouth and sucked. I could smell her perfume, and reached around to hold her round ass, pulling her deep into my throat. "Oh, you look so good doing that. I bet you wish I really had a cock, don't you? Don't you?" Ann was looking for an answer.

"Yes" I said between bobbing up and down on her shaft. "Yes, I would love to suck you, and take your cum." I dove back into her, taking her deep, and looking up into her eyes. "Take me, take me wherever you want." I said, after sliding the shaft out of my mouth. Ann pulled me up to her breast, offering her nipple. I sucked hungrily on the big nipple, as Ann fumred with my belt, dropping my pants to the floor, my hard-on sprang up, out of my shorts. Once I was exposed, Ann pushed me back and took a bottle of lube from her pants pocket. She applied it to the length of her shaft, liberally anointing her new penis with the lubricant, making it shiny. I looked down at it, and was amazed at the site before me. Ann, her big breasts swaying as she stroked her "cock", and looked at me hungrily.

"Turn around." She growled, "bend over and I'll show you how to take a real cock in your ass. Take it inside you. I'll fuck you now." Ann spun me around, and I bent forward, holding the edge of the couch while I felt her rubber tip bump against me. The tip nudged my hole, and I felt her left hand hold my hip, holding me still as I started to ease back. "Are you ready? Ask me, beg me for this cock."

"Yes, I'm, I'm so ready, give it to me. Please." I whimpered as she nudged the head into me. I was surprised because it slipped in fairly easily. I was about to push back and take her when she swung her hips forward, driving the entire 8" into me. The power of her thrust took my breath away. "Uuuuuuh! Oh yes. Oh that's so good." I closed my eyes and concentrated on the feelings. I felt so full, so complete with her all the way in me. She began to pull out. Then pushed in. Hard. I felt her heavy tits on my back as she ground her pelvis into me.

"Do you feel that? Feel that cock deep up you? I'm going to fuck you until you beg me to stop, then I'll turn around and make you suck me again." Ann thrust into me, easing the full length in and out, her hips working like a man's would as she fed me her rubber manhood. "Yes, you can take it just like a woman can't you? Is this how it feels when you fuck me? Do you feel this power? I love seeing this cock disappear into you. Here it comes." Ann held my hips and drove into me relentlessly. I could hear her smacking against me as she drove into me again, and again. I reached down to stroke my cock, and she slapped my hand away. "No you don't touch that." She purred, " I touch that."

Ann stroked into me for another few minutes, then pulled out and turned me around. She pushed me down to my knees and pushed the cock against my mouth. The lube, tasted like plastic, the "cock" tasted like rubber, and I loved it. I imagined how this looked. Me, on my knees, wearing only a shirt, having just been royally fucked by my wife, was know cleaning her long penis.

"Now, I have a treat for you." Ann moaned. "You know how I took some extra time to get here? Well you may be thinking that's due to me stopping at a store to buy this." Ann shook her rubber dick in my face. "Unsnap the belt, and take this off me." I did as I was told. My cock ached for release, and strained upward against my belly. I dropped the harness to the floor, along with her pants. Ann stepped out of them, and I was facing her nice, thick bush. It looked like it was pressed flat by her panties, not as full as usual. "Lick me. Lick my pussy." I leaned in and licked along the length of her lips as she titled her pelvis toward me. "Recognize the taste? Taste like anything you've had before?" I licked her again, softly. The lips of her pussy were shaved bare, providing a strong contrast with the full, dark bush above. I noticed she was very wet, and seemed to be slightly salty. I looked closely at her opening, and saw some cloudy liquid on her lips. Ann held my head as I felt her bear down slightly. I saw the lips part a tiny bit as a drop of very white liquid appeared. I knew what that was. "That's right. I'm full of cum. I went back to Heinz house after we left and asked him to fuck me. He made me blow him again, and then he took me right there in his kitchen. I was leaning over his chair, as he slid that big cock into me. It stretched me out so well, and all I could think of was how he had been fucking you earlier. I didn't think he'd be able to cum again, but he did. It felt like he filled me with his hot cream. Now its all yours." Ann released me, and moved to the couch. She sat down, and reclined. I saw her eyes shut as she pushed down and to my amazement, another big dollop of Heinz' cream came form her. It was starting run down her lips now. She opened her eyes and looked into mine. I knew what was next, and I couldn't wait. I dove into her lap, licking the drop of cream from her. It was warm, and tasted of salt, his sperm, and her sweet cream. I loved the idea that she had carried this prize home to me in her sweet pussy, and was now feeding me his potent seed. Heinz had shot into my wife. Taking her as he did me. Ann's fingers worked through my hair, as I ate her. I heard her groan and a large wad of sperm came from her. I quickly accepted her offering.

"How does it taste baby?" Ann cooed, "How does that hot cum taste? Do you like it? Do you like being the woman, and swallowing your man's sperm?" Ann's talk was too much for me and I raised my self up and with one stroke I came on her pussy. Being sure to shoot directly onto her lips and bush. The orgasm was intense, and I felt like my insides were shooting through my cock as I emptied myself onto Ann. I stroked out the last drop, and looked into her eyes. Ann reached down, scooped up the cream and performed my favorite trick. Dripping the fresh cum on her nipple, she never looked away from me as she lifted the breast to her mouth and sucked my cum form her nipple. It was so hot I nearly swooned.

Collecting myself I sat next to her on the couch. My cock was exposed and deflating on my leg. Ann was naked. I looked over at her and took in the amazing sight of her body in all its glory.

"That was intense. Thank you. Your full of surprises." I kissed Ann softly, and then fell back beside her.

"Who knows," Ann said mischievously "maybe I'm pregnant now." The thought hadn't occurred to me. I was panicked for a moment, then started to get turned on. "He came in me, with no protection, and although you managed to get most of his cream, there might still be some in me. I wonder." Ann got a glazed look in her eyes as if she was imagining being pregnant with Heinz' baby. Her description had made me think of having more sex, but it was too much and I knew I needed to rest.

"Well, I guess if you've already been exposed to his potent seed, there's no harm in taking more is there?" I said, thinking about visiting Heinz again. "Would you like to feel him again? Is it a lot better to have a big cock in you?" I was preparing to be hurt by her response, but also wanting to hear her talk about it.

"I would love to take him again. He just has that aura of masculinity about him, you know? He's so 'male'. It's different having a larger cock. It feels so good when you're that full, stretched, and accommodating that big manhood. Do you know what I mean? Did he seem very manly to you?"

"He did. I'm not sure what it is. His big cock, his big, manly body. Maybe it's his demeanor, he just seems so confident, and seems to make you want to do what ever he wants. When I first got there, I was pretty nervous, not knowing what to do, but he had his cock in my mouth within the first five minutes. It just seemed so right. I wanted to please him. I would've done anything for him. I think I did. He's definitely the alpha male."

"Yeah, that's it, you know, he's a 'Bull-Male'. Just seems to need to spread his seed. And it seemed to be the most natural thing in the world to have him breed me. Breed us." Ann smirked at this last part. "Your cock is great, and I love you, but his is longer, and thicker, and the head is so wide. I'll always love you, but I love having him inside me."

Ann & I went to bed and fell into a deep relax. Awaking the next day, we went about our normal routine. It was a long weekend, so no work. We puttered around the house. Some playful flirting as I caressed her breasts when I was near, and she gave my crotch the odd squeeze. Just a nice, relaxing day. Until the phone rang.

Chapter 9

"Did you suck my husband's cock?" the question stunned me. No, "hello", no greeting, just this. "Did you?" It seemed almost comical, but I had to ask.

"Who is this?" I stammered finally. Knowing full well this had to be Heinz's wife.

"This is Caroline, let me talk to Ann." Her voice had a bit more of a playful tone now. Now that the initial shock had worn off. I handed the phone to Ann

"It's Heinz' wife" I whispered. Ann looked surprised, but answered cheerfully.

"Hello, Caroline? How are you?" I heard the party on the other end of the line begin to talk. Watching Ann's expression change, as she broke into a wide grin. "Yes, he did." She said, "I'm not sure, but he seemed to like it." ........"Yes, it IS big, how do you do it?" Ann was chatting freely now, and they were obviously talking about sex. "Oh, really? No! You're kidding. Well, Mark certainly didn't seem to have any problem taking it..........oh, really? Well it was quite something. Seeing them together was so hot it made me crazy. You must be kidding..." Their conversation went on for a while, ranging from direct sex talk, to the everyday stuff women talk about. When she finally hung up, Ann walked to the next room.


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"Hey, aren't you going to tell me what she said?" I asked, desperate to know.

"Oh you know, just girl talk – some gossip. Nothing you'd be interested in." Ann said with a gleam in her eye.

"Come on. Please tell me. " I pleaded. "You have to."

"Well, she just wanted to know how our visit was while she was away. She said Heinz was pretty tired when she got back, but told her everything and she said it sounded pretty great. She's pretty liberal I guess."

"What does she look like?" I asked.

"She's very pretty, about 45. Short hair, and thin. She has a really great ass." Ann said grinning, looking up as if she was trying to remember what the lady looked like. "I did see her once at the gym, in the shower"

She definitely had my attention now. " Really, what did you see?" I absently stroked my cock through my pants, waiting to hear some details from my wife.

"She was pretty cute, you know, petite. I remember her commenting on my pubic hair."

"What did she say?" I was getting pretty turned on now.

"She asked why I didn't trim it. I told her you liked it this way. She had hers completely shaved, and it looked nice."

"Oh man, that's so hot." I was fantasizing now. " Did she touch you at all?"

"Come on. We were showering. What do you want me to say, that we fell to the floor in a hot 69? Ann laughed. "No, sorry, she didn't start to touch me, or lick my nipples, or run her fingers through me thick bush. I didn't go down on her." Ann knew she was driving me crazy.

"That's too hot. Thanks a lot." I said, gesturing to my tenting pants. "Now what do I do with this?"

"What would you like to do with it?" Ann asked, dreamily, as I she looked into my eyes.

"I'd like to put it into you." I reached for her, pulling her close. We kissed hard. I felt her body. Her soft, round ass, her hard back. Bringing my hand to her front, I gave her nipple a pinch through the layers of clothing she wore.

"Oooh!" Ann squealed. "Oh no, don't try coming near me with that thing." She pointed at my erection, now exposed, due to my open fly. "You're just trying to get me to do nasty things with you aren't you? Well it won't work." Ann said poutily as she began stroking me. "You are so bad." Ann squeezed my cock hard, leaned down and kissed it, taking the head in her mouth briefly, before standing up again. "So, is that what you want? To put that thing in my mouth, make me suck it? Suck your cock?" her dirty talk was getting me crazy. I looked down and saw the edge of her areola peeking out from her bra. The dark area was starting to crinkle up and get darker still. That pale, blue vein running along side it, seeming so hot for some reamister.

"Just keep that up and it should take care of itself," I panted, as she stroked me. Ann lifted a drop of pre-cum form my penis to my mouth.

"How's that? Does my little cock-sucker like the taste of his own cream?" She gave a hard tug on my cock, and I though I would cum. She squeezed me so hard it calmed me down, and I looked at her.

"Yes, it's so sweet." I said, "Please give me more." Ann brought another drop to her own lips and smeared it across them. I kissed her hard, my erection caught between us as we made out like teenagers.

Breaking the kiss, Ann dropped to her knees and started sucking me hard. I held her head and had intended to just wait for my orgasm to overtake me, when the doorbell rang. I wanted to finish, but Ann stood up.

"Wait, I can finish fast. Please." I begged.

"You just wait a moment, it will be even better if we prolong the action, now put that thing away." Ann moved to the door and looked through the hole. "It's Caroline".

I was thinking all kinds of things when Ann opened the door and Caroline walked in. She was very pretty, slim, and looked like she had nice, wide hips on her small frame.

"Mark, Ann has told me so much about you." She winked at me. "I wanted to stop by to drop off an invitation of sorts."

"Come in Caroline." Ann said.

"No, I can't stay. I just wanted to stop by to say hi and invite you to dinner next week. Heinz and I would be happy to have you over." Caroline's gaze fell to my obvious erection. " Walking toward me she leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Heinz said you sucked his cock, he wants you to do that again. I want to see it" I didn't know how to react. My face turned bright red.

"Come on now, no need for secrets" Ann said.

"Oh I was just mentioning to your husband that I heard he really enjoys spending time with Heinz." Caroline said, not breaking her gaze with me.

"You mean how much he liked having sex with your husband?" Ann asked with a raised eyebrow. "How many times he sucked his long, fat cock?" Ann stretched this last part out, saying it slowly, and looking at me. I felt like I wanted to run and hide. "Yes, they did have fun together."

Caroline ran her eyes over me, as if she were undressing me. She touched Ann's arm, and looked into her eyes. They seemed to share something silently. They knew what was going on, but I'm not sure I did. "So we'll see you for dinner? Friday?"

"We'll be there." Ann replied. Caroline left, and Ann turned to me. "So I bet you think this will be some kind of fantasy come true. You're thinking I'm going to experiment with Caroline? Maybe try out some of those things you like to watch in movies?" Ann unzipped me again, and took me out of my pants. "I think it's possible, but only if you put on a show for us first." Ann bobbed her head back and forth, sucking my cock now, and holding my balls. Pulling away she looked up at me. "Do you want more of Heinz? Want more of his cock? Or are you done with that fantasy now?"

"I, I think I might still be interested," I moaned as I concentrated on the sensations Ann was delivering to my sensitive cock-head. I would cum soon if she kept this up.

"I know. You loved it. I'm sure you're still interested. You love having a cock in your hand, in your mouth. Maybe even in your..." Ann thrust a finger she had been sucking on into my ass while she sucked hard on the tip of my penis. The cum blasted out of me & I saw stars. I drained my balls into her sucking mouth. Ann rose, and kissed me deeply, sharing the prize with me. The warm, salty release taking us both to a new level. I couldn't wait for Friday.


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When Friday finally came, I hurried home after work to get ready for our dinner party. I hadn't spoken to Heinz since Ann & I had left his house earlier in the week, and I couldn't think about anything else. Every day at work I was hard, and wanted to make myself cum, but I had saved it. Ann had told me we wouldn't be having any sex this week. I was so ready for this.

"Mark, are you here?" I heard Ann call from the entrance. She moved through the house, I could hear her dropping her bag, and removing her coat. "Where are you.....?" Finally she entered the master bath where I was showering. "Oh, so you are getting ready. I was wondering if you forgot about our dinner party tonight." I could see Ann through the glass door of the shower and she was clearly removing her clothes. The door opened and she stood naked before me. "Mind if I join you?" She stepped into the shower.

I looked at Ann as she hesitated for a second before stepping under the spray of water. Ann was so striking that it was easy to get distracted by her body. Her full breasts swung slightly from side to side, the nipples hardening and becoming dark in the spray of the water. Her hips, wide and firm framed the amazing bush she hadn't trimmed in months. The dark hair ran up toward her belly button and spread to each side of her crotch. I was always amazed that no hair trailed down her legs. When she wore a bikini you couldn't even tell what a beautiful secret was hidden beneath the material of her bathing suit. She stepped fully under the water, and began soaping her lush body.

"Are you going to stare at me, or get finished up? We need to be there in an hour." My erection was straining upward, as usual after seeing her nude. I reached for it, absently stroking it with a soapy hand. "Stop that, I don't want you to have an 'accident' in here." She moved my hand from my penis. "Wash my back?" She turned to the spray and left me looking longingly at her incredible hips and that ass that always made me weak in the knees. I moved forward, easing my cock downward until I could slip it between her thighs. I felt the thick pubic hair on my shaft and slid forward, holding her to me. "Oh! What's that?" Ann reached down and squeezed my shaft. "That's enough, if you're done, get dressed, I'll be ready in a minute."

I moved to the bedroom and dressed. Shortly Ann joined me. Just to make things more difficult, she walked in, naked, and drying her hair with a towel. Holding her arms over her head as she rubbed her hair made her breasts stand up and point directly at me. My cock had just subsided, and now was growing again. I looked away so she wouldn't get the best of me. I watched her as she stepped into her thing panties, clasped her bra around her, and slid into a small, black dress. We were ready.

Arriving at the home of Heinz and Caroline, we made out way to the door and rang the bell.

"Ann, Mark welcome." Caroline had opened the door wearing a very tight dark dress, short and cut low. She looked really quite amazing, and definitely younger than her age. We stepped into the entrance and she led us to the formal living room. "Can I get you a take?"

Ann and I took a seat on the large sectional and exchanged glances. "She looks amazing" Ann said, running her finger over my thigh, making brief contact with my cock. "What would you like to do to her, or are you only interested in Heinz tonight?"

"She does look pretty hot. As do you." I cupped one of Ann's breasts and leaned in to kiss her. Moving close to her ear I whispered, "I can't wait to fuck you." We kissed again.

Caroline returned seeing my hand trail away form Ann's chest. "My, my, you do seem to be affectionate tonight. My husband told me more about his time with you last night as we made love." The ice was broken. Caroline sat across from us. "Heinz was taking me from behind, I was leaning over that sectional where you're sitting now, and he was so deep inside me I thought I would burst." Caroline's candor had taken me by surprise, and I couldn't wait to hear more. "He told me how you had enjoyed him, how he had introduced you to the pleasures of a man, and how you had serviced him." Caroline was actually caressing her own nipple through her dress as she spoke. "I must admit I find his penis to be too big, it's not elegant, it's a brute. I prefer to kiss smaller ones." Ann squeezed my hand. "Do you like large cocks Ann?"

"I....I must admit, I do. My husband has told me about Heinz, and I'm very intrigued." Ann seemed to be implying she hadn't experienced Heinz herself. "Do you share him with other women?" Ann asked, looking directly into Caroline's eyes.

"I do. I find his appetite to be insatiable, and I simply don't require that much sex. I find it very exciting to see him use someone for his needs, male or female. And I must admit I do find women beautiful as well. The day we met in the shower at the gym, I looked at you while you changed. You were so soft, so feminine, I wanted to kiss you right there in the changing room. I know you saw me as well. We seemed to have very different grooming tastes." Caroline glanced downward at Ann's lap. This was making me so hard; I was having trouble with the sexual tension in the room.

"Where's Heinz?" I asked, trying to ease the sexual chemistry that was becoming so thick I could barely stand it.

"He'll be down shortly." Caroline replied without looking at me. "Ann, I want you to remove your panties...assuming you're wearing them." I looked at Ann. She kept her gaze locked on Caroline's. She was smiling, and simply stood, reached under her dress, and slid her panties off, all without breaking her eye contact. She sat again, handing me her underwear. "Please stand, and raise your dress....not too far, I just need to see you." Ann stood, and slowly raised the hem of her dress with one hand until her pubic hair was exposed. This was very surreal. I was sitting on the couch, and my wife was standing beside me, and was exposing her pussy to this woman. It was as if she was magictized. I sat back and watched, needing to know what would happen next.

Caroline stood and approached Ann. Standing directly before her she placed her hand on Ann's crotch, running her fingers through the luxurious hair. She still looked deeply in to Ann's eyes. They moved closer until their lips met, and they shared a long, slow kiss that was more sensual and beautiful than any I had ever seen. Finally their lips parted and Caroline took Ann by the hand leading her away, up the stairs without a word. I was alone.

I finished the take Caroline had brought, and thought about what had just happened. Should I go find them? Whatever they're doing it must be so erotic that I would probably regret missing it. But something made me stay. Soon I knew why. Heinz descended the stairway, wearing a thick white robe. He moved to me. I started to stand, but he motioned for me to stay where I was. Placing his hand on the back of my head he brought me close to him. This seemed to be the right thing. I knew what was happening, and I knew it was what was supposed to happen. I closed my eyes and nuzzled his robe, feeling the warmth, and wanting to get inside the soft material. Heinz released me and loosened the belt of the robe. It slid open and I was presented with the object of my desire once again. I stared at the robe, where it separated. As it moved farther apart, his body came into full view. He was nude under the robe and I trailed my eyes down from his hairy chest, passed his slightly protruding belly, finally resting on his centre. His pubic hair grew thick above the place where his shaft started. His long cock hung over a pair of low hanging, full balls. The shaft extending downward, and the wide head, concealed beneath his foreskin. I leaned in and just pressed my face into his crotch, feeling the heat from his package. I nuzzled the area between his leg and his cock, and inhaled his manly scent. My head was spinning, and I had forgotten all about my wife and Caroline. Heinz lifted my head, with his right hand under my chin, and lifted his penis with his left. The symbolic offering was powerful, and I didn't hesitate. Looking into his eyes I opened my mouth to accept his gift. Heinz fed me his cock and I began to suck. He grew hard immediately, his shaft lengthening, and thickening as I sucked the head. The foreskin retracted and I could suck the big head in earnest. I cradled his large scrotum and held his balls tenderly. As he began to stroke himself in and out of my mouth. Holding my head, Heinz began to use me as he should. Fucking my mouth, and taking his pleasure. I held his ass in my hands and tried to pull him closer. As I achieved the magical moment of true 'deep-throat' I held him deep in my throat, knowing the intense feelings of pleasure I was giving him. He pulled away, his cock bobbing free, shiny with my saliva, and raging with his erection. The veins stood out strongly on the shaft, and the head was deep red. He held it in his fist pointing it at me, but not allowing me to take it.


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"Please. I know what you need. Please let me give it to you." I didn't beg, just stated the truth while looking into his eyes. Heinz held my head back; my mouth tipped open, and drove himself into me. I felt his penis slide into my throat, I felt his hands hold my head, and I heard his words.

"Mmmmmmm yes, here it is. Mmmmmmm......" No yelling, no demanding, just the Alpha Male loving the pleasure his subservient was giving him, and returning the favor by allowing me the gift of his seed. I felt him swell, and his cock gave a spasm. The first spurt of semen hit the roof of my mouth, and I pulled him out slightly so I could collect his essence on my tongue. The spurts came hard, and steady. His cock would swell, spasm, and a warm splash of sperm would be delivered. I counted the gifts as he transferred his seed to me, his penis performing its purpose. Six, seven, eight, nine, a final tenth spurt of cum hit my tongue, and he began to withdraw. I sucked hard at him to obtain the last few drops and then sat back with my mouth brimming with his seed. I looked at him, he looked back, his cock hanging in front of him, satisfied for now. As I looked into his eyes I swallowed his gift, savoring the salty, masculine flavor of his semen. I moved forward trying to take him in my mouth again, but he had closed his robe, and was moving to the bar.

"I enjoyed that. You've come a long way and are now a good cocksucker." Heinz stated, matter of factly as he poured himself a take. "I know Caroline was happy to hear you had taken care of my needs last weekend. She sometimes tires of dealing with this thing." Heinz gestured at his crotch. "She wanted to hear all about it. How you sucked me, how you let me cum in your mouth, and of course how I fucked you. She loved that." Heinz sat on the chair across from me, his robe splayed open, exposing the object if my desire. I stared at his cock. "Oooh, that's good. I do enjoy a fine glass of bourbon. Not to worry I'll be ready to go again. The way your staring at me is making my cock start to stir a little already."

We engaged in some small talk, and as the subject of sex came around, Heinz was absently stroking his cock. Not full on stroking, but rubbing his fingers along the shaft, almost tenderly caressing the long tool. After some time I couldn't take it any more.

"Sir, I would like to.....that is, I couldn't help but notice your cock is getting a little stiff, and that must be uncomfortable for you. May I suck it?"

Heinz looked down as if he didn't know he was becoming erect due to our conversation & his stroking. "Well, look at that. Seems like you may have some work to do." Heinz stroked his shaft fully, squeezing it tightly, and bringing a drop of clear pre-cum to the tip. "Look at the way my head flares when I pull back the foreskin. The hole opens and that pre-cum just seems to flow." Heinz reclined on the chair, spreading his legs and really putting on a show. He held his cock upward, exposing his large sack, and balls. "I guess you want to suck this again? Do you think I should let you? Maybe your wife would like some of this. It might be rude to let you have it all to yourself." He ran his hand under his balls, lifting them. His crotch was fully displayed, and glorious. His cock straining upward, his large bag being hefted to highlight the full balls inside. All at once he released it and his mighty shaft stayed upright. The clear drops of pre-cum rolling down the side, following the prominent veins. He looked up at me. "Suck me, Mark, and don't stop until I cum. I don't want you to indulge yourself, just suck the head until I shoot my load into your mouth. This time you will just be a receptacle for my sperm."

I didn't need to be told twice. I moved to his side, and took him in my mouth. I was resting my head on his belly, and sucking him at an angle. I got carried away and he withdrew.

"No. I said you just suck the head. I will do the rest." He pointed to the place before him on the carpet. I knelt and took the head of his penis in my mouth. Not sure how to proceed I simply sucked. He took my head in both hands and began slowly thrusting into my mouth. IN and out, he only moved about an inch, but the flaring head popped in and out of my lips, causing him to groan in pleasure. He held my head and fucked my mouth for what seemed like a long time. I couldn't wait for my prize, when I felt him tense up and stop moving. "Uh! Uh! Mmmmmmm. That's it. Ooooooh yes - here it is." He came in my mouth. The salty semen pooling on my tongue. I gave him a few more long sucks, hoping to drain him completely.

As I released him I heard someone coming down the stairs. I sat back and saw my wife, nude, being led down the stairs by Caroline who was fully dressed. Ann's breasts swung slightly from side to side as she reached the bottom of the stairs. She saw me, saw Heinz, and knew what had just happened. Then I noticed her pussy.

"I present you with your new wife." Caroline said, indicating Ann's pussy. It was completely bare, and you could see her puffy lips, and they looked shiny and wet. "I took the liberty of preparing her for Heinz. I'm not sure if you'll have the pleasure, but if Heinz allows, you may,"

Ann moved to me, I stood, and we kissed long and hard. Heinz semen passed between us, and her eyes opened when she recognized the taste. She seemed to get hotter at that point and she really searched my mouth with her tongue. Her hand found my pants and undid the belt, dropping them to the floor. I undressed as we separated.

"You bad boy, that kiss was full of Heinz cum wasn't it?" Ann wiped at her mouth. "You just blew him now? What have you two been doing?"

"Actually that was the second time." I said, "Heinz allowed me to service him almost as soon as you two left. How does this feel, it looks so sexy." I touched her bare lips, slipping my finger into her.

"It's so slippery and soft. I like it. It was especially hot when Caroline shaved me. I got so wet she had to taste me a little."

"Just a little." Caroline laughed. "But I look forward to more. So, you've been sucking my husband?" She moved to him and looked at his soft cock hanging between his thighs. "That's good, now he'll be able to really last. I think Ann needs a proper seeing to. Heinz can you help her?"

"Shortly. Mark will help me. Just let me clean up a little." Heinz retired to the area behind the kitchen. Caroline asked Ann to help her undress. Ann undid her dress, and it dropped to the floor revealing a matching set of bra & panties that she quickly shed. Caroline stood naked with us, and Ann embraced her for a long kiss. I watched, mesmerized as they kissed each other, their hands moving downward toward each other's ass. The kiss was long, and hot, I didn't want it to end. Finally they broke apart, and Ann pulled away so she could drop to her knees and was looking directly at Caroline's vagina. I saw Ann's eyes close as she extended her tongue and licked up the length of the lips. Caroline sighed and held Ann's head.

"Oh, yes, that's so nice. Please, please, harder." Caroline was breathless. Ann kissed and licked and made love to the beautiful pussy in front of her. She looked into it, and licked all around it, and you could tell she was really enjoying it. Caroline was holding Ann's head close to her, and moaning softly. She finally came with a long drawn out moan, clenching her eyes shut, and flushing bright red across her chest. "Oh my, I have to sit down for a minute." Caroline sat in the chair next to Ann. I pulled Ann to me and kissed her, tasting the sweet flavor of Caroline all over her mouth.

"Allright then, I think we should be getting close." Heinz announced as he moved back into the living room. "Let's retire to the back yard. I have some lounges set up and we can slip into the hot tub while Mark prepares things for you." Heinz ran his hand over Ann's breast as he said this. Her attention was entirely on his cock.

"Oh my....I had almost forgotten how big it was." She reached for him, lifting his shaft upward as if weighing it. "This is such a manly cock, so long, and thick. I can't wait to feel it stretching me." Ann held Heinz cock up next to mine. The comparimister was humiliating and exhilarating at the same time. I was face to face with Heinz, and our cocks were extended out toward each other by Ann. My modest penis was still hard form the show the girls had put on and my activities with Heinz, and stretched to its full length of just over 5 inches. Heinz cock was soft, and dwarfed mine. Held side by side, my cock came to just about 1/3 of the way down his shaft. His soft shaft. Ann held them tightly together and stroked them. The feeling was amazing - so hot and soft. I could feel Heinz beginning to swell. "Heinz I must feel you inside me again. Please." Ann begged. Caroline was watching from her seat, looking amused.

"So, you've accepted the fact that you have met an Alpha Male? That you better yourself by serving him? I can't wait to see you on your knees before him, accepting his offering into your mouth." Caroline rose and kissed Heinz. "As his sperm passes into you, it will make you more of a man." We moved to the hot tub area.

"Mark, please make Heinz hard enough to fuck me now. I need to feel that huge cock inside me." Ann kissed me and lightly touched my cock, pointing me toward Heinz as he stood beside the hot tub. I moved to him and sank to my knees before my master.

"Take this, and do what is natural with it - do what makes you feel right. What you need to do to serve him." Caroline lifted Heinz penis to my mouth. I looked at the head, partially covered by foreskin, and so red, so wide. I tasted the hole with my tongue, accepting it into my mouth. This wasn't going to be difficult. I felt him swelling already.

"Oh yes, that's it, suck me." Heinz moaned. He stood before me, hands on his hips, thrusting his generous cock into my mouth as if it were a pussy. "Stop!" I was startled, and looked up at him, his cock pulling free form my suction. "Tell me what you would like to do right now. What you want form me."

"Please sir, I need to keep sucking your cock, I need to ready you for my wife's pleasure. Make you hard enough to penetrate her deeper than I ever could. I need to feel you grow in my mouth, to give you the pleasure that a smaller man should give to his superior." I looked up at his cock, inches form my mouth, and I could see it growing harder. My words alone were stimulating him. The veins were beginning to stand out.

"So you want me to have sex with your wife? To feed this cock into her, deeper than you've ever been? Won't that make you feel like less of a man?" Heinz asked, grinning.


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"No, it would make me proud of what she has done. She's so hot and having her take your superior cock will make me proud of her."

"And what about when I'm ready to cum? Will you allow another man to shoot his seed into your fertile wife? To have unprotected sex with her, and deliver his load into her womb where it could easily make her pregnant?" Heinz was rock hard now and smirking.

"Please. It would be so right for you to deliver your cream to her, to inject your male essence into my wife. It would be the most natural thing in the world." I was so hard now I was dripping pre-cum on the concrete pool deck. With that Heinz drove his long cock into my throat once more. Held it there for a moment, and then withdrew.

"I think I'm ready to impregnate your wife. Caroline, prepare her for me." Heinz moved to the lunge where Caroline had been going down on Ann. She parted Ann's legs wide, and guided Heinz' throbbing cock to Ann's vaginal lips. "Are you ready Ann? Do you want me in you now?"

"Oh please, I'm so ready. Drive into me all the way." Ann's voice was thin and hoarse; she was nearly begging to be impaled by that long shaft. Heinz held his cock in his fist and rubbed the huge head up and down her slit, his helmet becoming wet and shiny with her juices. Then he allowed the tip to slip into her. "Oh yes, yes, please, don't tease me with it." Ann pleaded. Heinz had found purchase within her now, and had the head of his cock buried in my wife's pussy. I could see the folds of her labia stretched around his cock just below the head. He looked at me and proceeded forward. Relentlessly he sank into her, not stopping until his pubic hair met her newly bald pussy. "OH! OH! Ohhhhhhhhhh! Yes. It's so deep. Thank you!" Ann literally screamed. I could tell she was cumming. An orgasm had actually been ripped out of her just by him entering her fully. Heinz held himself deep within her while she completed her spasms. Ann's' eyes opened and she looked into his. "That was the most intense feeling I've ever had. I never thought I could cum like that just from having a cock in me. You haven't even......Oh!" Heinz began to move out of her. His long cock pulling out and out and out, until just the head remained. Then all the way back in, causing Ann to breath out hard. "OOOOOOH! Yes." Heinz found a rhythm and began seriously fucking Ann.

Caroline watched as Heinz' cock disappeared and then reappeared over and over into Ann. She reached for my cock and stroked me absently as she watched. "Look at that cock." She hissed, not taking her eyes off of it. "It is giving your wife so much pleasure. Her sweet little pussy has never had anything so big moving into it, making love to it. She feels more like a woman now than ever before." I couldn't help myself and I came hard, shooting my cum onto Caroline's hand. She didn't even notice at first. "Hmm, I can see why Ann needs this. That's not much cum from someone who hasn't cum all day."

"All week actually" I said, humiliated, and enjoying the tremors of my orgasm at the same time. "I saved it for this night." Caroline absently licked my cum form her hand, still watching the action going on before her.

"Here, you clean this up." She raised her palm to me, and offered me my own semen. "It will help you get hard again." I licked the cream from her hand. The warmth, and salty taste did cause me to start thinking I could stay hard. My attention moved back to Ann & Heinz. He was really moving into her now, having reached a rhythm, his long, thick cock moving in and out of her body. Pulling her lips with it in the out swing, and driving them back in when he entered her again.

"I'm close Ann, so close. Do you think Mark will mind if I breed you now?" Heinz asked as he paused, the tip of his cock at the entrance to red swollen pussy.

"Oh, please! Please, don't tease me, I need you inside before I can think." Ann pleaded. She pulled Heinz forward until he was buried inside her. "Mmmmmmm, yes, that's what I needed. Now about your question...." She looked at me. I stood next to Caroline who was absently fondling my cock as she stared at her husband's endowment. "What do you say Mark? Would it be all right if Heinz came inside me? Shot his seed into my fertile womb?" I seemed to recall she had already come home full of his sperm once, but I played along.

"I would be honored if Heinz would cum inside you." I said, kneeling next to them. "His potent seed would make you more of a woman, and I would love to see him empty his balls into you." I played my role, although the idea really did turn me on. I leaned in and held his large balls as they rested against her. They were drawing up and I knew he could cum whenever he wanted to.

"To be honest, I uuuh! Oh yes! I wasn't asking your permission, Mark. You know I'm cumming in her soon no matter what. I want you ready to go down on her after I'm done, I know how much you love my sperm." He turned back to Ann. "here you are my dear". With that he pulled himself even deeper into her and closed his eyes. I felt his balls tighten and start to spasm. He was cumming, his cream was flowing into her uterus, maybe impregnating her, and she didn't mind a bit. "Uh, uh, uh, mmmmmm, that's it, here you are my lovely, here's the real sperm you've been craving." Heinz pulled out half way and then I saw his shaft twitch a few more times as he transferred his semen into my wife. He pulled free and his cock was raging, red & turgid. The head was wide, and the hole on the end brining with white liquid. "You may have the last drop Mark." I took him in my mouth and sucked hard, pulling his last gush of juice from him. The salty, masculine flavor, and the musky aroma from their crotches made me so hard I was dizzy.

"Oooooh, yes, I'm so wet now. I can feel all that sperm inside me. Well, you can either provide clean-up service, or wait for his sperm to impregnate me. I'm so full I can feel his semen moving into my womb." Ann looked at me as Heinz stood and embraced his wife. They looked on as I dove between my wife's legs, desperately lapping at her swollen, stretched pussy, trying to lick up every trace of his sperm. Ann bore down and a large white river of cream ran from her into my mouth. "That's it, clean me up, take his seed." Ann cooed as she moved toward another orgasm.

"So nice to see them enjoy your gift." Caroline said to Heinz as they kissed and looked down at me bringing my wife to another orgasm. "This big thing provides so much pleasure for those around us." Caroline lifted Heinz flaccid penis for effect. "I'll bet Mark will want to practice his cocksucking technique again tonight won't he?"

"Mark will suck me again tonight, but that will just be the preliminary show....the main event is coming. Mark will know how a woman feels when she takes her lover's cock inside of her. I will make them both pregnant tonight." Heinz chuckled as he kissed his wife. Looking over at them I couldn't believe it but his cock had begun to lengthen in her small hand.


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"Oh please, I'm so ready. Drive into me all the way." Ann's voice was thin and hoarse, she was nearly begging to be impaled by that long shaft. Heinz held his cock in his fist and rubbed the huge head up and down her slit, his helmet becoming wet and shiny with her juices. Then he allowed the tip to slip into her. "Oh yes, yes, please, don't tease me with it." Ann pleaded. Heinz had found purchase within her now, and had the head of his cock buried in my wife's pussy. I could see the folds of her labia stretched around his cock just below the head. He looked at me and proceeded forward. Relentlessly he sank into her, not stopping until his pubic hair met her newly bald pussy. "OH! OH! Ohhhhhhhhhh! Yes. It's so deep. Thank you!" Ann literally screamed. I could tell she was cumming. An orgasm had actually been ripped out of her just by him entering her fully. Heinz held himself deep within her while she completed her spasms. Anns' eyes opened and she looked into his. "That was the most intense feeling I've ever had. I never thought I could cum like that just from having a cock in me. You haven't even......Oh!" Heinz began to move out of her. His long cock pulling out and out and out, until just the head remained. Then all the way back in, causing Ann to breath out hard. "OOOOOOH! Yes." Heinz found a rhythm and began seriously fucking Ann.

Caroline watched as Heinz' cock disappeared and then reappeared over and over into Ann. She reached for my cock and stroked me absently as she watched. "Look at that cock." She hissed, not taking her eyes off of it. "It is giving your wife so much pleasure. Her sweet little pussy has never had anything so big moving into it, making love to it. She feels more like a woman now than ever before." I couldn't help myself and I came hard, shooting my cum onto Caroline's hand. She didn't even notice at first. "Hmm, I can see why Ann needs this. That's not much cum from someone who hasn't cum all day."

"All week actually" I said, humiliated, and enjoying the tremors of my orgasm at the same time. "I saved it for this night." Caroline absently licked my cum form her hand, still watching the action going on before her.

"Here, you clean this up." She raised her palm to me, and offered me my own semen. "It will help you get hard again." I licked the cream from her hand. The warmth ,and salty taste did cause me to start thinking I could stay hard. I completed the task, and then turned my attention back to Ann. Heinz cock was buried to the hilt inside her. She was moaning in ecstasy as he rested inside her. Heinz massaged Ann's breasts as he caught his breath, leaning into her. "Watch this" Caroline said as she moved to her husband.

She pulled him back, withdrawing his long cock from Ann. Once he popped free, Caroline laid his cock on Ann's stomach. The shaft extended up past her pubic mound, and up to her navel.

"Look how deep he was inside it any wonder she's never felt this before? How is it Ann? Do you want this big thing back inside you or have you had enough?" I moved to Ann and brushed the hair off of her forehead, looking into her eyes I waited for her response.

"Oh honey, I need him inside me again.......once more, all the way. Please, I need it. I want him to cum inside me - deeper than anyone ever has." I looked down at Heinz' penis. Caroline was holding it on Ann's stomach, and it throbbed and bucked there. I saw the wide head flare, and the dark hole opened on the tip. Caroline pulled it back, placing it at Ann's opening. "Oh yes, there, right there - please." Ann whimpered, now fully a slave to the huge cock of her boss. As I was.

Caroline pushed Heinz into Ann, and he sank in and in until I felt her body move up as he hit bottom. I looked into Ann's eyes, and she looked into mine with such love. Heinz withdrew and entered her again, causing her hips to roll. Ann squeezed her own nipples and concentrated on the sensation of being completely filled by a man.

"Baby, do you know what's happening?" Ann whispered in my ear. "He's going so deep. So deep now, I can feel him at the opening of my cervix. I'm at the peak of my cycle. I need him to cum in me & I need you to lick my clit as he does. My orgasm will help his sperm into my cervix and make me pregnant. Oh, oh, yes! Can you imagine how good it will be to have his baby growing inside of me. Making my hips wider, my tits grow every day. It's the ultimate in domination - the ultimate alpha male will give your wife his baby." I was stunned. It hadn't occurred to me, but she was right, this was making me hard as stone. I looked up at Heinz. He smiled.

"Just say the word Ann. Tell me to give you my seed and I will pump you full of it. I will give you what you want. It's good you didn't ask Mark. It's not his place to decide. If you want my seed, I will give it to you. Just ask." Heinz grinned as he held just the tip of his cock inside my wife. I looked at Caroline and she was nodding as she seemed to be holding Heinz' full balls in her palm.

"Mmmmm! Yes, do it now, cum inside me. Please!!" Ann pushed my head down to her stomach, putting me in position to complete my task. Making her cum as he came into her, ensuring her pregnancy.

"Here you are my darling." With that, Heinz drove into her. Not hard or fast, just steadily pushed his cock into my wife's vagina. He held still as he was in her to the hilt. He gave Caroline a look and she did something to him I couldn't see (I assume she squeezed those huge balls, or slipped a finger into his ass), and he simply started to cum. I watched as his cock was clearly spasming, shooting it's cum into Ann. I was dazed at first but then got to my task. I moved closer to be able to reach her clit with my tongue. As I licked her swollen bud, I felt his cock on my cheek, throbbing, flowing with his potent sperm. It didn't take much and Ann was cumming like a skyrocket.

"OH!OH!OH! Yes!!!! That's it, oh yeeesssss! Thank you, thank you so much." Ann moaned as she relaxed. Heinz still seemed to be depositing his essence into her. In a few more seconds he completed his job and started to withdraw. I watched as inch after inch of his wet, thick shaft appeared between my wife's labia. When the head finally popped out, it jumped once or twice more, a drop of snow white semen at the tip. I lunged for it and took the head in my mouth, sucking the sweet nectar from his cock.

"Oh baby, look at you. Sucking the cock that just knocked up your wife. That's a nice way to thank Heinz for giving me his seed." Ann ruffled my hair as I nursed on Heinz wilting penis.

"You stay there for a half hour or so, and give that sperm a chance to find your egg." Caroline whispered. "I'll help these two clean up." With that, she lifted me to my feet and took me by the hand, leading me into the house. My head was spinning. I thought of my wife lying there on the patio, her hips raised, her beautiful pussy exposed as another man's sperm was racing to fertilize her egg. I looked to me left and saw her reach up and pinch one of her thick nipples, the other hand wondering down to her pussy - another orgasm was not far away for her.

I turned back to Heinz and Caroline. They were standing side by side, looking at me. Heinz turned to kiss his wife, and then back to me.

"I think we should take a shower. Ann will be fine. A short nap will do her good. Follow me." Heinz lead the way up the stairs to the master bath. Caroline grasped my penis on the way by.

"Look at you. That made you so hard didn't it? You really are accepting this scenario aren't you? You've been waiting your whole life to have a real man dominate you haven't you?" She dropped and sucked hard on my small cock. "I'll be up in a minute - you two get started.", and with that she released me, and disappeared into the kitchen. I watched her incredible ass as she walked away. I knew I had to get upstairs though and made my way to Heinz.

When I go to the master bath Heinz had already stepped into the shower. I joined him and rinsed the sweat from my body. I felt him behind me, lathering himself, and then his large hands held my hips. A finger probed my hole, and slid in easily with all the soap. I sighed in contentment as he slid two fingers deep within me. I was starting to bend over at the waist, about to offer myself for mounting, when he surprised me. Heinz withdrew the fingers and went about his routine of bathing. Soaping his chest, arms, and washing his hair. I watched as he was covered in the white soap suds, the stream of water trailing them down his torso and over his long cock. I reached for it. It felt so full and soft in my hand.

"Whoa now. I'm not a machine, it will take me a little to get back up for this." Heinz warned me, but I noticed his head was moving backward as he spoke, his eyes closing as I stroked his cock. "Mmmmm, that does feel pretty seem to like this old cock do you?"

"I love your cock.....please, let me suck you again....." I dropped to my knees to await permission. Staring at his cock while I heard him groan.

"You may. Suck my cock. Now" Heinz commanded. He sat back on the shower bench and spread his thighs. I moved between them and lifted the shaft away from his balls. I moved to lick them, nuzzle them, and take them in my mouth. His cock began to fill with red and throb in recognition of my efforts. I moved up and took his penis in my mouth, sucking on the head as it slipped form his foreskin. "That's it, you know what I like now." He moaned. Just then I felt another hand on my head, and looked up at Caroline. She stood nude in the shower beside us. I kept Heinz in my mouth as I gazed up at her. Her beautiful form was amazing to see as it dripped water.

"Don't stop, I love seeing you enjoy my husband's cock. Suck him hard, right there. Just take the head in your mouth, just past the ridge, and suck. Mmmmm look at those veins standing out on the shaft, he does like that. Now rub it over your face, and tell us what you feel - what you need." Her voice was harsh and she was clearly full of lust. I rubbed the thick shaft across my face, reveling in the feeling of total presentation.

"I need this cock, I need it in my mouth. I'm so horny right now I'm dizzy. Please let me suck your husband's cock. Please." I looked up at her, then him. They looked down at me and then locked eyes with each other as Heinz pushed my head down to his waiting penis. I took him as deep as I could. Then, he withdrew, and stood before me. They were kissing as I continued to suck him. There I was kneeling before a couple. Sucking the husband's cock, in the most subservient pose possible, as the wife watched and enjoyed the sight. Heinz began to fuck my mouth and I knew he must be getting close. I held still and allowed him to use my mouth for his pleasure as he stroked in and out, deeply.

"Yes, take that cock - you know you love it. You loved it when he came into your wife didn't you? Giving her his seed, just as he will to you. This is what a real man looks like!" Caroline pulled his cock form my mouth and held it up, brandishing it at me. "Look at it! It's power, it's size. It is more male than you will ever hope to be. By sucking it you may become a little more masculine just by taking his sperm into your body!" She was really getting into it.

"Yes, yes, you're right. Please let me have it, please give me your sperm!!" I begged, playing my part. She leaned it down toward me, and allowed me to engulf it with my lips. "Mmmmmm" I moaned as I tasted some of his sweet pre-cum. I went to work in earnest now, wanting him to finish in my mouth so I could show her how good I was. Before I could get my reward though, he pulled away. I looked up at them from my kneeling position with a question in my eyes.

"I think you need to be bred. I think you need my husband to breed you like he did your wife. Stand up, and bend over. Take his cock the way a real woman would. Let him push it deep into your pussy and give you all the pleasure a woman can feel. You need to be taken properly. Offer yourself to him. Show him you're ready for mounting!" Caroline commanded this. I didn't have to be told twice. All the talk about being a 'real woman' was getting me really hot. I stood and bent over the shower bench, exposing my 'pussy'. "That's right, open yourself up, and receive the gift of a real man. Feel his power as he takes you, penetrates you and totally dominates you." I felt a soapy finger enter me, then withdraw.



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The blunt end of Heinz massive cock pressed at my hole, and although there was plenty of soap, I felt resistance. He held my hips as I knew he was about to thrust into me.

"Relax, don't tense up or this will hurt." She warned. "Maybe this will help." Caroline reached under to stroke my cock which was rock hard with anticipation. "Now, here it comes." I pushed out as Heinz had told me to do at our first session, and he pushed in. The head popped past my sphincter and he sank into me to the hilt. My pussy was now full of him. "There now, isn't that good? Now you are a woman - you know what it means to be taken, to play the role of the woman, and feel your lover take his pleasure with you. Now make him cum with your tight little pussy." Caroline stroked my cock, and I came as soon as I felt Heinz pull out. His cock nudged past my prostate and the cum flew form my cock. "You do like this don't you?" She said as she milked the cum from me.

Heinz fucked me for at least twenty minutes before he finished. I felt him quicken his pace, holding my hips tightly, and really hammering into me. I looked up and Caroline's hips were beside my head. I wanted to feel him cum, I wanted to lick her pussy, I wanted to see my wife, and have her see me. Then I felt it. Heinz held himself deep within in me. I heard him groan as he started to cum in me. His thick cock jerked, jerked, and seemed to be jumping inside me. I knew his thick seed was flowing into me, and as I opened my eyes, Caroline leaned down, and kissed me hard on the mouth. She thrust her tongue into my mouth as her husband deposited his alpha-male sperm into me. If I was a woman, I would be pregnant. Now I thought of my wife.....lying on the lounge outside, arelax, resting as Heinz potent semen bathed her cervix. If she wasn't pregnant now I would be shocked. I felt so empty as Heinz pulled out of me. I sat on the bench and looked up at them. Caroline stood beside her husband. They were both nude and her hips perfectly framed her beautiful pussy. I looked at Heinz and saw her raise his cock up. It had been hanging down and was still thick, although it was softening. She offered him to me.

"Clean this. Suck your masters cock, and show him how much you love his cock." She purred as they began to kiss. I felt her hand pull my head to him. I opened my mouth and prepared to accept his penis. Looking down at it, I saw the last drops of cum dripping from the tip. The spray from the shower had washed away the soap, and I took him deep in my mouth, sucking hard to clean him of the last drops of his essence. After I had serviced him sufficiently, we all got clean, and dressed in robes to go check on Ann.

Walking out to the patio, I saw what just looked like such a vision of beauty. Ann was still on the lounge, still naked. She was awake, and lay with her legs spread, one hand caressing her breasts. Her vagina was open, the lips were glistening with their mixed juices and the look of satisfaction on her face was amazing. Her other hand was resting on her belly. She looked up at me.

"I can feel it. I feel pregnant. Heinz did it. My pussy feels so wet, so full of liquid, I think he really filled me up. Do you want to lick me a little?" Ann was smiling and was motioning to her lap. I leaned over and sucked her nipple which was erect, dark, and full. Moving down to the place between her legs, I licked up the length of her opening when I saw her hips roll, and she bore down. The river of white semen that flowed from her was amazing. It looked like four men had cum in her that afternoon as the sperm ran down her pussy, over her upturned anus. I looked up at her, making eye contact across her body. She smiled and squeezed her vaginal muscles again. I didn't waste time, and went to work lapping the warm, sweet, and salty semen from my wife. It was a real mouthful, and I moved up to give her a long, deep, cum-filled kiss. We shared his load, the load of semen that had just been spurted into my wife. The load that had likely just made her pregnant. Swapping it back and forth between us as we slowly, swallowed it. Tasting him, and her, and out love.


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Addictive Sub Stances

Nathan Keen was exhausted as he arrived home. He'd been working twelve to sixteen hour days for the past fourteen days straight and his mind and body were reminding him of every moment. It was, however, a nice trade off from his old days working regular eight hour shifts at previous jobs, only to be rewarded with a day or two off at the end of the week. At least this way he could put in a lot of hours all at once, back to back, and then he was rewarded with an entire two weeks off before he started it all over again. He didn't even mind the long extended hours thanks to this wonderful perk; he simply looked forward to his time off with a deeper passion then before. During every working hour he reminded himself that it would soon be followed by a period of rest so long he'd be bouncing off the walls not knowing what to do with himself by the end and then he'd be more than happy to go right back to work.

As it was though, with as much as he had worked, he didn't even have the energy to think that far ahead. As he pulled his car into the drive way, turned off his headlights and the cars ignition, all he had the mind to think about was putting one foot in front of the other until he could get to his comfy warm bed and relax for as long as possible. He was so lost on this thought, in fact, that he failed to notice the cardboard box on his doorstep, which was not a small unnoticeable thing, and he found himself suddenly toppling over headlong into his hard wooden door.

Nathan cursed himself for not paying better attention, despite his relaxy state, he still felt he should have been able to watch his step, especially when he actually saw the cardboard box, which was tall enough to have caught him in the middle of his shin and wide enough that even with both his arms stretched wide it was difficult for him to grip it's full breadth. He eyed it strangely as he did so, knowing he wasn't expecting a package of any sort and feeling the weight to it, he found his relaxiness being ebbed away by his new found curiosity. He saw his name printed on the billable stamp just under the senders, however the only information about the sender were the initials "S.I.N. Tech." and a P.O. Box based out of some town he'd never heard of in Connecticut. Otherwise there were no other markings on the package. He unlocked his door, juggling the large box as he did, and felt several heavily weighted objects shift and tumble within. He couldn't help but wonder what could possibly be inside.

Once within the confines of his apartment, he set the box down next to the door and made his way across his living room floor to the far end of the room where his computer chair sat. This wasn't truly a long walk as Nathan's apartment was a modest one. On one side of the entry way was a nice living room, big enough to occupy a couple of book shelves, an entertainment center, couch and computer desk without feeling cramped at all. The kitchen was small and adjoined to the living-room on the opposite side of the entry way. The bathroom was through a hallway at the back of the apartment which also led to his well sized bedroom, where Nathan truly wanted to head. However a need to remove his work shoes, check his email and, currently more pressingly important, use the bathroom kept him from going straight to the soft safe haven of his bed.

So he sat quickly at the computer chair to remove his shoes, this also gave him ample time to mull over his curiosity involving his random package. He rubbed his shin and eyed the box from across the room as he took off his shoes, and continued his mocking stare as he got up to go to the bathroom. When he returned to the living room he turned the computer on in a quick pass and went straight for the box. He'd decided that, with the vagueness of the shipping slip and the otherwise unmarked package, he'd have to look inside to find out how to contact the company and get this miss-hap straightened out.

As Nathan tore into the package he realized he was more then just a little excited to see what was within its cardboard walls. Several ideas had by now come to mind and he was, whilst still maintaining a good bit of surprise over the actuality of it, only slightly surprised by what he found. His eyes slowly, lustfully scanned the numerous black latex dildos and butt plugs, each a different size, each individually shrink wrapped, piled in amongst numerous, rather large, bottles of lubricant and one single white envelope which it self was pressed between combinations of the other contents. He had a daffy lust filled smile on his face as he visually worryed the objects while reaching in to grab the envelope. Slight erotic chills ran up his spine when his hand got close to the phallus's but he didn't dare touch them. Somehow he thought if he did he wouldn't be able to stop himself from sampling the merchandise, though he gladly would have from what he'd seen.

However he had not ordered this particular banquet of deviance for delivery himself which meant the items in that box were for some other lucky pervert with enough money to blow on such a variety of indulgence. Beyond that most blunt fact, there were also only about two of the dildos within the box that Nathan had any surety he could actually get into his ass. The dildos all graduated in size, from large to larger. The largest one that Nathan knew he could take was probably just a half inch smaller around then his own wrist, while the largest was as long as his fore arm and about six times as thick around as his very same wrist. While the butt plugs didn't go quite as high up in size they weren't much smaller and Nathan was surprised to see the largest, about a wrist smaller then the largest dildo by his own method of measurement, also seemed to be inflatable. He swallowed hard, barely even realizing he was doing so.

Nathan took his eyes away from the objects of his chastised desire, shaking away the spill of conflicting emotions, and turned them to the envelope which he'd been absentmindedly opening during his moral quandary. From it he took a single sheet of folded paper, which he unfolded and began to read. He raised an eyebrow as he read his full first, middle, and last name in the greeting. That seemed rather specific for a package he himself had not ordered. He quickly ran through a list of people who might have ordered him such an intimate and permisteral gift. His best friend Andy would have never spent this large a sum on sex toys for any man he wasn't permisterally going to use them on. He had a few fuck buddies, but none of them were regular or significant enough to warrant this sort of gift. In fact, while he was sure his friends had some inclination of his deep love for stuffing his own ass; most people barely knew just how much he loved playing with dildos. He could not come up with anyone that he currently knew who would know him well enough to spend this sort of money, or send this sort of package. Maybe a boyfriend or two from year's gone bye, but certainly no one he knew now.

Nathan read the note, hoping in the back of his mind where he was barely aware, to find some confirmation that this was in fact a gift intended for him and not some sort of strangely accurate mistake. He wanted desperately to believe this package had been sent from someone for him but the idea just didn't make sense. The note, of course, told him nothing he actually wanted to know. It was the usual fanfare about the companies gratitude for the purchase, vague yet compelling explanations of some revolutionary latex they used to make their products, unexplained but dire warnings that you should only use their specific products with any of their other products and of course the up sell of DVDs featuring the use of their products, just like any other company Nathan had ever ordered a sex toy from. The only thing at all about the note that truly caught Nathans attention was the mention that their lubricant was "chemically perfected" to make the use of their products an "experience to be reckoned with."

Nathan grabbed one of the lubricant bottles out of the box, once again fighting the urge to grab one of the dildos along with it and walked back to his computer chair. As he read the ingredients of the "chemically perfected" product he found the larger portion of chemicals had absolutely no connection to any significant knowledge what so ever in his entire brain. The few that were recognizable were as simple as "water" or "glycerin" and there were even a few vitamins thrown in there, however, the long list was essentially gibberish to his eyes. He scoffed at himself for being so interested in the words of an obviously good spin doctor. He turned to his computer and set the bottle of lube down next to the monitor. While opening his email program, he read the company name off the lubricants label and decided to try a web search.

Around every corner Nathan kept anticipating some form of evidence that would unlock the great mystery of this surprise package he'd found at his door step but either his mind was too feeble and tired to pick up on the clues, or there simply weren't any to follow as all of his attempts to piece together any idea of the senders identity, or the actual recipients for that matter, kept turning up cold. The website for the company was again like any other sex toy company he'd ever seen. It was a generic web page, easy to brows, minimalistic on design, high on product imagery. The only extravagance offered was a light wordless music that automatically started playing when the web site loaded. They had a large line of items, some made by them, most made by outside manufacturers. The only interesting information he got from the site at all was that the company had an actual physical store room which apparently housed a private collection of toys only available for viewing or purchase in store and by appointment. He found this information along with the company's email and phone number. Much to his dismay their help line was only open during standard business hours and not twenty-four hours a day making an immediate resolution to the problem unlikely. Instead he found himself writing a short e-mail briefly outlining the issue and requesting that they call him in the morning.

With his mind already on his sexual desires and the numerous items of interest he'd happened to see while perusing the web site, Nathan found his eyes wandering across the room back to the box, which sat there open, inviting him to come and examine it's insides. It was almost like he could hear it calling to him. While there were not actually words, Nathan could almost hear the box taunting him with it's contents, begging him to come and see what it had to offer, telling him that it was okay to play, after all, his name was on the box. Despite the exhaustion of his work week and the drive to find relax which had only minutes before been his only desire, Nathan found his mind had become alert, his body had woken in a way that didn't fully fight off relax but wouldn't allow it either, and his sexual hunger had come alive along with the rest of him. The temptation to indulge himself was eating away at him. He knew the numerous repercussions that could result if he gave in, he was even afraid of any of them coming to full fruition, but the voice in the back of his head, the one that wanted so desperately to throw off the shackles of responsibility and just give in to want and desire was a loud one, and it was saying all the things Nathan wanted to hear.


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Nathan reached his hands up to rub his tired face and felt his cool and somewhat dry cum still there, over one of his eyes, on his mustache and in his beard. He even felt some in his hair and on the ground beneath his head. The memories of how it had gotten there seemed to urge Nathan and his surprisingly still hungry hole on and he soon found himself actually using his hand to better position the dildo. He could feel an itch tingling it's way over his prostate, it was annoying and biting and he assumed this must have been what had caused his subconscious to feel the need to fuck his hole once again. As it was the itch was already causing his conscious mind to feel the same. It started as a mummer in the dawn of his reawakening and grew more and more as he woke to the world around him. His manipulations of the dildo proved to be a great way to quiet the itch. Every rub of the long shaft over his prostate caused the incessant nagging to diminish ever so slightly and a small ripple of pleasure to replace its sting.

Nothing Nathan could remember had ever affected him in this way. The itch, the unyielding hunger, the ease at which he gave into both was completely new to him yet somehow, strangely, they seemed familiar. As though they were merely amplifications of the hornieness he'd always felt. He was amazed that only a short period after having had two orgasms here he was, awakened by his own sexual need and a terrible itch that wanted scratching. In the past Nathan had observed that even at his horniest there was only so much fucking his ass could take, yet now for no reamister it seemed to be demanding that he give it more then it'd ever had. Nathans grunting resumed as both of his hands found themselves down beneath his ass holding the base of the dildo while he lifted himself up and lowered himself back down with his legs. He groaned as the cock slid out of him and moaned as it pushed back in. He found the pleasure of relieving the itch almost seemed comparable to the pleasure of stimulating his prostate and once again, it seemed that doing either was causing his cock to produce another river of seminal fluids. Quickly he found himself lost in the act of fucking his hole with the large black latex cock, his mind concentrating on all of the wonderful feelings emanating from his bowels. His prostate was sensitive now and fully alive; his cock felt as though it were being massaged from behind its base and his hole tingled as he pounded the full length of the cock in and out of it.

Every movement felt the itch subside just a slight bit and Nathans pleasure increased with it. His thrusts had started slow and stayed that way the entire time. The full length of the cock pulling all the way out till the head rested just inside Nathans well worked hole then sliding back in at a slow and steady pace. Every time the cock worked its way out Nathan felt himself filling with a slight and almost unnoticeable dread, regret that so much of him was empty and as he was again filled with the black latex he felt it subside, replaced by joy and relaxing contentment. There the itch lessened and the pleasure grew, his cock drooled and his mouth moaned. The act was primal, passionate and though Nathan barely realized it, growing in violence. He slammed his ass down on the thick cock and slowly rose himself off, and then slammed himself back down again and again until finally it seemed he had fully scratched the itch and all he felt was pleasure.

He collapsed in a puddle of old and stale seminal fluids converging with newly spilt clear liquids. He was panting and breathing hard, drool was collecting at the edges of his crooked smile and Nathan could feel himself shaking from the activity. He was happy and content, the itch was gone and he was stuffed full. Though he had not reached another orgasm he somehow felt that familiar relax that came with one edging its way across his mind. In his head was a clear image of his bed and nothing else. He got up with a grunt of pain as his body came into reality. He realized his thighs, arms, stomach and back were all somewhat sore. He was sticky in places he didn't think he should have been and he could feel the dildo in his ass threatening to slide its way out. The last feeling caused a small wave of fear to momentarily take control of his body and he felt more then commanded one of his hands to quickly catch the base of the dildo and hold it in place.

The feelings of fear didn't subside with that however, and Nathan found himself paused upright before the box wondering in despair what he should do to save himself the agony of heading to bed empty. This was a very odd state for him to be in, despite the fact that his libido seemed to be higher then it had ever been, even in his teen years, he had never felt such strong emotions over not having his ass filled. Granted he'd often fantasized about different scenarios where he was filled for extended periods of time, however once he came those thoughts were usually pushed to the back and all he wanted to do was curl up and go to bed, without any fear or regret over doing so empty. Yet here he was examining the items still within the box and feeling an undoubtable knowledge that there was no way he could do so tonight. He needed to keep something in his ass. There was no apparent reamister, yet he seemed to need it as much as he needed to breathe.

So it was, with one hand still holding the base of the dildo in his ass to keep it from slipping out, he leaned into the box with the other hand and began digging through the butt plugs therein. He pulled out what he felt was the smallest of them, though he didn't feel entirely sure about that summation of measurement as the thing was still slightly larger then his own hand, and examined it for a moment. It was more then just a simple butt plug, as his initial hands off examination had led him to believe, rather this butt plug seemed to have a button on its base. Nathan assumed this would activate some sort of vibrator within the butt plug which, if the itch were to return, he imagined could come in handy. He also noticed that same latex covered musky scent emanating from the anal probe and he happily snorted it through his nostrils before he went to work replacing the dildo in his ass with it.

It was a slight ordeal at first, figuring out how to keep the dildo in place while he removed the butt plugs shrink wrap, lubed it up, and then got it securely in place, but Nathan figured it out quickly, none the less, and had himself satisfiably filled it seemed. He was surprised at how much panic he'd felt when he'd gotten the dildo all the way out and how his mind had mulled over whether or not the plug would be enough or if, rather, he should find someway to secure the dildo within himself. Thankfully the panic had driven him to make his decision quickly and he found as the plug touched his hole he immediately began to calm down and as he pushed it deeper inside himself he knew it would definitely suit his empty hunger for a while at least. That's when he noticed his computer was still on, with the website of the dildos manufacturer still up and the music still playing from the speakers. He felt it sort of strange that he hadn't noticed the entire time that he'd been fucking himself with wild passion; however he pushed off this curiosity easily as relax was still calling out to him, much as the box had and he turned off the computer followed by the lights and headed toward bed. He didn't even bother to clean his fluids from the floor or stop in his bathroom to wash them from his face. He just wandered down the hall, concentrating on the feeling of the plug moving within his ass with each step until he landed on his bed and almost immediately fell right to relax once again.

Nathans eyes shot open as he was suddenly jarred from a deep relax by the blaring ring of his telephone. He wasn't scared or frightened, he was simply, immediately awake. The first thing he noticed, beyond the loud phone chime screaming at him from his living-room, was a stuffed full sensation within his ass and the undeniable existence of an itch just outside of it's reach. The second thing he noticed was that the plug causing that full sensation within his gut seemed to be so large it was also pressing slightly against his bladder, which itself seemed to feel a different kind of full. The ringing of the phone left him with a feeling of urgency that didn't allow him to dwell too much on either fullness as he leaped from his sheets and covers to go answer the shrieking device.

Nathan noticed almost immediately upon walking that the simple act seemed to scratch at that itch deep within his gut. The movement of the plug somehow caused the feeling to subside ever so slightly and the moment Nathan stopped moving to answer the phone it seemed to start growing quickly again. He lifted the receiver to his head and greeted the permister on the other end.

"Hello?" he croaked past his dry throat.

"Good morning, this is Mr. Nathan Edward Keen correct?" a deep and gruff mans voice came through the phone.

"Yes, that's correct, this is he, may I ask whom is calling?" he replied with his voice coming back to him.

"Hello Mr. Keen, this is Steve Decland with S.I.N. Tech, I'm calling in regards to your recent inquiry about a miss-delivered package?" The man said in a rather professional and courteous manner.

Despite the comfortable tone of Steve Declands voice or the professional phrasing he put on the situation, with a butt plug from the 'miss delivered' package shoved in his ass and an undeniable itch growing within his bowls Nathan found himself feeling somewhat anxious all of a sudden "Yes, um, yeah, I uh, received a rather large box with a, well, a good deal of your product that I know I didn't order in it." he stammered in response.

Though, if Steve had noticed his nervousness he never gave it away to Nathan as he went over Nathans name, address, phone number and even his date of birth. All of which were completely accurate in S.I.N. Techs computers according to Steve. Nathan asked about the sender's information and Steve immediately explained that even he didn't have access to that information however they were able to check the last four digits of the card used for the purchase, none of which matched any of Nathans.

"In fact," Steve declared "Everything on our systems indicates that, with the information you provided, the package was delivered correctly Mr. Keen. I'd say you should count your self lucky for having a generous secret admirer."

Nathan wasn't sure how to respond at first. He was completely awe struck at the idea that some mysterious permister had purchased an obviously pricey amount of sex toys for him. He was even more astonished that he indeed got to keep the toys and had no reamister to continue feeling any guilt over having already opened and used a few of the items. As he realized this freedom he also realized the insatiable itch that had been growing in his ass had seemed to reach a level that kept it from being as easily ignored as it had been until now. Its urgency was starting to bite away at the foreground of Nathans thoughts; it took Steve a couple of tries to get Nathans attention once again.

"Mr. Keen? Nathan? Is there anything else I can do for you Mr. Keen?" Nathan heard Steve's voice as it broke through his concentration on the itch within his bowels.

It seemed like a really good question to Nathan, there were in fact several things he could think of at the moment that a man with a voice like Steve's could help him with, the itch being the most prevalent. Nathan cleared his throat in an attempt to also clear his mind before he finally spoke, "Uh well, actually, I did sort of have a question about a reaction I might be having, to uh, to the products I received." He was surprised he'd actually managed to admit the thought in one try. He found himself feeling nervous over asking and admitting that he'd already opened and used some of the products, which Steve seemed to pick up on right away.

"Mr. Keen, many of our customers find our products irresistible to use, there's no need to feel ashamed at having already enjoyed them. Tell me more about this reaction you seem to be having?" he said with a slight lilt of humor in his voice, though to Nathan, the growing itch was starting to seem less then funny.

"Well, you see, I've been feeling this itch ever since I uh, started using your products last night." Nathan nervously said, it seemed as though talking about it made the itch grow even more, he could feel himself wriggling about, standing naked in his living room holding the phone. The butt plug in his ass matched his movements and he felt a small nearly inaudible moan pass his lips as it barely touched the place inside him where the itch seemed to be growing.

"Oh I see Mr. Keen. An itch you say? And where exactly is this itch Mr. Keen?" Steve asked, his tone seeming to hide some deeper meaning.

"It's, um, it's in my anus, up by my prostate." Nathan replied while he let his hand guide itself to the base of the plug so it could move it around inside of him and hopefully scratch that itch just a little better. His cock had grown to its full hardness as the itch had grown and was now starting to drip small drops of pre cum as Nathan manipulated the plug. He tried to keep his breathing from being audible over the phone and his want to moan from escaping his lips.

"That's a perfectly normal reaction to the combination of toys you were shipped Mr. Keen. Rest assured that everything is working properly and just remember to only use the lubricant provided with the rest of the products you received, if you'd like I can put you on hold to speak with someone who can explain this more thoroughly Mr. Keen?" Steve responded, seeming to chuckle here and there as Nathan let a small gasp or a light groan escape from his throat.


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Nathan could barely concentrate on the conversation as his hand moved the plug about in his ass, the itch kept growing and growing and the plug was only just touching the spot where the itch seemed to be growing from. His cock was throbbing more and more as he worked the plug around and his body was starting to show the slightest sheen of sweat. He blindly agreed to whatever Steve had asked him and quickly heard the familiar music from the company's website which he'd visited the night before. As he listened to the music his hand, still fidgeting with the plug, found the button at the base which he'd noticed when he'd inserted it. He smiled to himself as he pushed it hoping that it would bring him some peace from the nagging itch deep within his gut.

Nathan nearly dropped the phone as the plug within his ass came to life. He'd been expecting vibrations, the familiar buzz most toys with switches came to offer, but what he experienced was entirely new to him from the world of sex toys. The plug seemed to be pulsing and writhing inside of his ass. Somehow it was throbbing and extending in a rhythmic motion. Nathan could feel its girth swell, and as it decreased again, it seemed to grow longer. It was definitely getting much deeper into the itch within his ass, which brought him immense joy, but the plug also seemed to be fucking him in a strange way. It wasn't a quick fuck either, it was very slow, the girth would expand like a breath of air in and then it would decrease in thickness at the same rate. Filling Nathan up one way before it began filling him up in another. Nathan fought to regain his composure but instead found him self bucking the air in time with the throbbing plug in his ass. He was lost in the pleasure he was feeling, the itch being only partially sated it now seemed a lot more tolerable. It still nagged at him but the pleasure he was feeling over rode it as the most important feeling in his brain. He held the phone tightly to his ear as he thrust his hips forward and back, pre cum dangling in the air from the tip of his dick as he did so.

The music clicked off and another deep male voice came on "Hello Nathan, are you still there?"

Nathan couldn't help but moan as he opened his mouth to respond in the affirmative, the voice at the other end didn't seem to need to hear the actual word though as it continued with a laugh "Good boy Nathan, I see you've found our products to be most satisfying. May I ask Nathan, which product are you using at the moment?"

Nathan groaned once more as his mouth opened, his breathing was quick and made speaking difficult as did the pulsing of the plug inside of him. He found the words he spoke came out one by one, each preceding a moan or a gasp "Butt, ooh, plug, aah, throbbing, ugh." The man on the phone laughed rather bluntly as Nathan pushed out the words, which stopped him from wanting to continue.

"Good boy Nathan, I'm sure that's helping you with your little itching problem, but I bet it isn't really scratching that itch properly is it Nathan?" The man asked, to which the only response he received was a somewhat ***d moan from Nathan. It seemed every time the man said the word itch or scratch, the itch grew a bit fiercer. He continued "No, it wouldn't. See the butt plugs are each designed to help with the itch but they can not ever fully replace a good deep dicking, and that's what the dildos are for, you know if an actual dick isn't readily available." The man laughed at his own joke and gave Nathan no time to question his words "Don't worry though, we'll be sending someone by soon to help you out with your little problem, you should just lay back and enjoy your gifts until then." The phone clicked and Nathan heard no more.

Nathan dropped the phone and felt himself fall to his knees. He couldn't really think very clearly on what had been said to him on the phone. He knew somewhere in his mind that something about all of this was wrong, something about the itch and the way he was responding to it, something about what the man had said, but as he thought about it all he could really remember the man saying was that he should lay back and enjoy his gifts. It was the most tempting offer he could remember getting all morning and he did exactly that. He shifted his weight off of his legs and for a moment sat himself down on the plug in his ass, the feeling of it being pushed so deeply inside of him was overwhelming and he immediately rolled onto his back with a loud moan and a fit of numerous thrusts.

It seemed as though, at some point, the throbbing plug inside of Nathans ass had picked up pace, it's slow rhythmic movements increased in speed and Nathan found himself rolling about in many directions on his floor. His cock was once again drooling pre cum like a faucet and he felt like he was on the very brink of an orgasm. However he could tell, and the itch inside of him made it even more clear, that the plug itself probably wouldn't bring him over the edge. The animated probe continued picking up speed and continued keeping Nathan on the verge but it would not push him to the brink of orgasm. He wanted to get up and take the plug out, if not to stop the near maddening pleasure then to stop the equally maddening itch with one of the dildos. He wanted to do this very badly yet it seemed he couldn't stop himself from reeling in the pleasures he was receiving long enough to move.

As he lay there writhing about on the floor, sweating and leaking seminal fluids, he heard his front door click open. His heart skipped a beat for a moment as he contorted his head to see whom was coming through the door way. Much to his offense he found that even with the degrading circumstance of some unannounced stranger walking in on him in the throes of such passion he still could not stop himself from riding on the waves of ecstasy. A large barrel chested man Nathan could not remember ever seeing came into view as the door shut behind him. His piercing blue eyes shone behind a smile which itself was hidden slightly by a full black beard. The man wore a dingy cap a sweat stained and unbuttoned work shirt which revealed an equally stained tank top and denim work jeans which showed off a rather well mounded and somewhat moist looking crotch. Nathans eyes locked onto that crotch and though somewhere in the back of his head the prospect of such a dirty package grossed him out, all he wanted was to see what the jeans were hiding.

The man didn't say a word as he came toward Nathans writhing and blissfully bound body though his grin never wavered and a small chuckle or two did escape his throat. He produced a length of rope from somewhere behind him and came to Nathans side. Nathans arms were pinning themselves to the floor at his sides, gripping the ground as his legs lifted and bucked his waist. The man kneeled down and powerfully lifted the limbs which it seemed were no longer under Nathans control and used the leverage they gave him to turn Nathan over onto his stomach. Nathan couldn't stop the bucking as this happened and had no control over his cock as it painfully stabbed against the hard floor beneath him a couple of times before finally sliding around in a puddle of it's own drool. This brought new fervor to Nathans humping which seemed to amuse the stranger further as he took Nathans arms and tied them behind his back. The man adjusted himself and put a hand on Nathans ass, his hand raised momentarily and Nathan had but a second to wonder what had happened to it before it came slamming back down on his cheeks. He cried out on pain and pleasure as the sting rose in his flesh and the plug bounced deep within his gut. The man repeated this spanking ten more times in quick succession, each causing Nathan to moan and buck back and forth with the hard smacks. When the man finally stopped he reached his hand between Nathans legs and gruffly took hold of his cock, pressed between the floor and Nathans own belly in a pool of pre cum and he pulled it down so Nathan could no longer hump it as he had been.

His deep voice remisterated in Nathans ears as he said "We'll have none of that naughty boy, that won't help your scratch that itch anyway." With that the man stood up and left Nathan tied there still unable to control his writhing body with his wrists tied behind his back and his cock painfully contorted away from any pleasurable position. It wasn't long before the man returned however with several pillows from Nathans bedroom which he then used to prop Nathans body in a more vulnerable position. Soon Nathans ass was pointing high into the air propped up by several pillows and his face was pressed hard against another. The mans hand found it's way to the butt plug buried in Nathans ass and it began pushing it ever so slightly in and out of Nathans hole while it's speedy throbbing and pulsing continued. Nathan grunted and moaned loudly into the pillow and the man spoke to him with his deep soothing voice.

"That's right boy, enjoy your self while I play with your fuck hole. Relax and just let your self feel how good it is to have your boy cunt played with by a big man like myself. You really seem to love it when a man fucks your hole like this." To emphasize his words he began pulling the plug out just a bit more then he had been before he let it slide back in. It was almost too much for Nathan to take and he wanted desperately to feel his body give in to the manipulations and let him ejaculate, yet, somehow he knew with nothing more then the plug in his ass that would be entirely impossible. The more the man played with the plug in his ass, the hungrier his ass seemed to feel and the worse the itch seemed to get. The plug was no longer biding the nagging bite and it was sending Nathan into a frenzy. His ass bucked back on the plug every time the man withdrew the small portion of it and he continued to buck into the plug again when the man drove it home trying to get as much of the plug inside of him as possible. It wasn't long before Nathan found himself begging the stranger to fuck his hole with his cock.


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"Please Mr., please, you've got to help me out, I need it so badly, please help me!" He cried out in a quick stream of words between moans.

The man laughed and responded with "Aww gee boy, help you out with what exactly?" He was determined to enjoy this as much as possible as he watched Nathans body fight to fill itself up. Just for good measure the man pushed the button on the base of the plug, suddenly bringing a halt to its pulsing and throbbing.

Nathan almost screamed in despair as he felt the sensations suddenly die out in his ass and instead found himself pleading even harder for exactly what he wanted, he even found himself using the strangers own words in hopes that it would coerce him to give Nathan what he so desperately needed as quickly as possible. "Please Sir! Please fuck my boy cunt! Please! I need it so bad, it itches, Please use my fuck hole now!"

The man chuckled and said "Really? You want me to fuck your boy cunt with my big cock boy?"

Nathan nearly screamed "Yes Sir! Please Sir! Fuck my boy cunt!"

"You want me to pound your bitch hole and make you cum like the little ass slut that you are boy?" The man sneered past his grin and he let his hand pat lightly at the plug in Nathans hole.

The teasing only egged Nathan on as he tried to push against the patting hand and he repeated the mans taunts "Yes, please pound my bitch hole, use me like the little ass slut I am, fuck me with your big cock, please fuck me, please!" Nathan couldn't really remember a time he'd ever truly begged and pleaded with a man for his cock and meant it as much as he did now. The more he asked for it and the more the man goaded him to continue the more the itch grew and the emptier he felt even with the plug still in place.

The man finally maneuvered himself between Nathans legs and began to slowly pull out the butt plug. Nathan almost started to beg the man to stop as he felt the now familiar sense of dread start to come over him as the plug was removed. He stopped himself just short of doing so and had to continue out of fear that he would have to beg the man all over again. Soon enough however the plug was out and Nathan felt ever emptier for it. Much to his horror the man stood up and, being outside of Nathans vision, Nathan fell into a momentary state of panic wondering where the men could be going. He felt silly for having done so the moment he heard the sound of a belt clanging to the floor behind him and the man resumed his position, now presumably nude from the waist down.

Nathan gasped and groaned as he felt lube drip into his crack and pool around his hole, he did so again as he felt the mans seemingly huge cock begin to rub itself up and down the crack. The motions were much like the slow tantalizing feeling Nathan had given himself the night before, and also similarly, Nathan found himself wracked with pleasure and excitement by the act. He was now in a state of growing bliss as he knew he would soon finally be fucked. The head of the mans cock made several passes in the pooled lubricant before it finally made the first thrust at Nathans well stretched hole. The man moaned as he felt his entrance begin and soothed Nathan with words of how great his bitch cunt felt on the mans cock. The man slowly pushed himself into Nathans ass little by little and Nathan let out a low, primal growl as he felt the itch finally being touched.

The man proceeded to fuck Nathan for what felt like a good hour, he was very slow about it, going in as deeply as he could and nuzzling there for a moment as if he were trying to get in just a slight bit more, then pulling himself out all the way, applying more lubricant, and going in again. Nathan lay there, his drooling face in a pillow and his ass up in the air, his cock also drooling on the pillows beneath it though any want to stimulate it gone completely from Nathans mind. The entire time Nathan could feel his orgasm building as slowly as the mans thrusts would allow, until finally Nathans body began to shudder beneath the man and Nathans cum pushed its way out of his cock head. The man cooed into Nathans ear that Nathan was a good boy for having cum from being fucked by a man like he had. The man kept his steady thrusting up as he cupped one of his hands below Nathans spewing cock and caught each glob of cum he pushed out with his own cock in Nathans ass. The mans hand stayed there as his pace picked up ever so slightly, several thrusts later and he too was cumming deep inside of Nathans ass, pumping his own seed into the well worked hole.

The man let his weight relax against Nathans ass as he enjoyed the ecstasy of his own orgasm. Nathan found that while his head was swimming with pure delight he knew he still hadn't had a fully satisfying orgasm, yet knowing that miraculously, sometime during his fucking, the itch had subsided and he was once again free of its mind numbing bite he didn't seem to mind. In fact he felt entirely content just lying there, spent, beneath the stranger whom had so helpfully obliged him in his time of need. As the stranger got up and began removing himself Nathan found he barely even had the energy to beg him not too. The despair of being empty was still as strong as it had seemed to be since he'd gotten the first dildo inside of him and the man seemed to understand exactly what Nathan was trying to mumble past his groggy mind, yet he still removed his cock from Nathans ass. He came around to Nathans front and wiped the juices from his cock off onto Nathans hair.

As he finished cleaning his cock, he took the load of Nathans own spunk that he'd caught in his hand and rubbed it over Nathans face and mouth and then he began lifting his pants back up as he explained "Don't worry bitch boy, I won't leave you empty like that, in fact I plan to leave you well stuffed and ready for the next cock you'll be getting." He walked around toward the front door through which he'd come in and Nathan could hear him unzip a bag he must have brought in with him. A few clanks could be heard as the man wrestled something from the bag and came to stand back behind Nathan, for a moment Nathans waist was lifted off of its pillow pedestal and laid back down on what felt like cold soft straps. The man led a couple of those straps around Nathans waist and secured them tightly. Next he picked up the larger of the two dildos Nathan had left on the floor the night before and began sliding it into Nathans still waiting hole. Nathan could feel the copious amounts of lubricant that had been applied to it before its reentry which made the entire process very easy. Within minutes Nathans ass was once again stuffed to its fullest and Nathan was groaning and smiling about the entire experience. Nathan felt a couple more straps being pulled around either side of his crotch and up between his ass cheeks. There was some fiddling around the base of the dildo and soon Nathan could feel, as the straps were put securely in place, so was the dildo. Nathan heard the familiar click of a lock and his heart rate sped up just a bit. Then the man took a hold of Nathans cock and balls and roughly guided what felt like a tight cock ring over them both, this was followed by some sort of solid hallow shaft over his cock alone. Seconds later, another lock was heard clicking shut. Nathan knew without a doubt he had been successfully locked into chastity device as well as a belt designed to keep the large dildo inside of him. The man untied the rope from Nathans arms, leaving him laying on his back locked up and walked out the door without another word.


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Ma femme et mister patron

Je vais vous raconter une histoire qui s’est passée il y a quelques années.
Ayant été muté dans la région charentaise, mon épouse, de peur de s’ennuyer dans cette région inconnue, avait tenu à trouver un emploi.
Ma femme Bernadette, petite jeune femme blonde, 1m54 pour 46 kilos, sa façon assez sexy de s’habiller, on lui donnait cinq ou six ans de moins, avec sa coiffure en queue de cheval, on aurait dit une jeune étudiante.
Secrétaire de formation, il lui avait été facile de trouver ce dont elle cherchait, dans une importante entreprise de secrétariat, elles étaient plus de vingt employées.
Nous avions aménagé dans un charmant pavillon, le travail plaisait à mon épouse, tout se passait pour le meilleur du monde.

Cela faisait environ trois mois que nous avions aménagé, quand Bernadette me téléphone un vendredi après-midi, me disant qu’elle rentrerait plus tard que prévu, car mister patron lui avait demandé de rester, pour taper du courrier, car sa secrétaire était malade.
Au lieu de rentrer à dix huit heures, elle n’arriva que vers vingt heures trente, elle paraissait soucieuse et contrariée, elle avait sa tête des mauvais jours, je lui demandais si elle avait eu des ennuis, elle me répondit qu’elle m’expliquerait plus tard.
Le dîner, et la soirée devant la télé passèrent sans qu’elle ne m’adresse la parole, je voyais bien qu’il y avait un problème.
Nous nous couchâmes de bonne heure, quand elle me rejoignit, elle vint se blottir contre moi, j’en profitais pour lui demander qu’est ce qui n’allait pas.
Elle me raconta que quand elle eut fini de taper le courrier, mister patron, la félicita pour mister intégration au sein de l’entreprise, il lui dit tout le bien qu’il pensait d’elle, il lui dit qu’il voulait créer un poste de responsable des secrétaires et qu’il avait pensé à elle.
Ce poste à responsabilité, consistait à distribuer le travail, et à gérer les secrétaires, bien sûr mister salaire serait doublé, mon épouse me dit qu’elle était très flattée.
Mais ce qui l’avait contrariée, c’est que mister patron que nous appellerons Gérard l’avait félicitée pour sa beauté, elle l’attirait et il souhaitait dit-il mieux la connaître, en clair il lui avait fait comprendre qu’il lui donnait ce poste mais qu’il fallait qu’elle couche avec lui.
Ma femme lui avait répondu qu’elle était mariée, et ne voulait pas tromper mister mari, il lui répondit que lui aussi était marié et aimait mister épouse, et lui demanda de réfléchir à la proposition qu’il lui avait faite.
Gérard était selon les dires de mon épouse un bel homme de cinquante cinq ans, très attirant, qui faisait bien moins que mister âge.
Elle me regarda, d’un air interrogateur, s’il te plait pourquoi pas lui dis-je !
S’il te plait et si tu souhaites ce poste, moi je suis d’accord, à condition que j’assiste à cette soirée, caché bien sûr.
Je dis à ma femme que s’il lui en reparlait, elle lui dise qu’elle a réfléchi et accepte à condition que cela se fasse chez elle en prétextant que je suis absent pour mon travail durant les trois jours prochains.

La semaine se passe, ma femme sur mes conseils se fait, tous les jours, plus sexy, jupe ou robe très courte, petit haut assez coquin mettant en valeur sa petite mais très jolie poitrine.
Le vendredi après-midi elle me téléphone pour me dire qu’elle rentrera plus tard, car elle a le courrier de mister patron à taper, à toi de jouer lui dis-je.
Le soir elle rentre vers vingt heures d’excellente humeur, je vois tout de suite que ça a marché.
Il est d’accord pour que ça se passe à la maimister, rendez-vous est pris le mardi soir à vingt heures.
Le week-end j’aménage un poste d’observation dans les combles de la maimister, avec vue sur la salle à manger et sur la chambre, nous décidons que je filmerais cette soirée.
Le mardi arrive, je sens Bernadette à la fois très nerveuse et très excitée à l’approche de cette soirée, elle hésite à la façon de s’habiller.
Sur mes conseils, elle mettra une jupe noire légère et très courte, un petit haut noir en dentelle ajourée, comme sous-vêtement elle mettra un ensemble rouge en dentelle : string et soutien-gorge à balconnet que je lui ai offert pour mister dernier anniversaire.
Elle attache ses cheveux en queue de cheval avec un petit nœud noir.

Il est dix neuf heures quarante cinq, je rejoins mon poste d’observation en donnant un petit baiser à ma femme pour lui donner du courage, j’ai l’impression de la donner en pâture !
Je suis tout juste installé, quand la misternerie de la porte d’entrée retentit.
Je retiens mon souffle, et vois apparaître un bel homme environ un mètre quatre vingt pour quatre vingts kilos, effectivement il ne fait pas mister âge, il tend un bouquet de fleurs à mon épouse tout en la regardant avec insistance, elle le fait asseoir sur le canapé du salon pendant qu’elle met les fleurs dans un vase.
Elle le rejoint avec une bouteille de champagne et deux coupes, Bernadette est placée en face de mister futur amant, ils discutent tout en buvant.

Au bout d’un moment et comme nous l’avions prévu, Bernadette se lève pour mettre un peu de musique légère, pour couvrir le léger bruit du magnétoscope.
Nous avons choisi des slows pour lancer la soirée, ce qui ne tarde pas, Gérard se lève et invite Bernadette à danser.
Aussitôt, il enlace sa partenaire qui vient se blottir au creux de mister épaule, ils mistert littéralement collés l’un à l’autre, Gérard caresse le dos et descend rapidement vers les fesses de mon épouse, la jupe est maintenant relevée et ils s’embrassent à pleine bouche.
Le petit haut est rapidement enlevé, ses petits seins en forme de poire mistert libérés et bien dressés, Gérard est tout de suite en admiration devant cette si attirante poitrine, il saisit un à un ses seins en les malaxant, en les suçant et en mordillant les tétons bien dressés qui sous l’effet d’un tel traitement ont doublé de volume.

Mon épouse est maintenant pratiquement nue, elle en profite pour prendre mister amant par la main et l’entrainer vers la chambre à coucher.
Elle finit de se dévêtir et s’étend sur le lit, pendant que mister partenaire se déshabille, lorsqu’il baisse mister short, il laisse échapper un sexe bien raide mais surtout assez long et bien épais, à sa vue Bernadette fait une petite grimace.
Gérard rejoint sa partenaire sur le lit, il s’embrasse tout en se caressant, il descend jusqu’à mister entrecuisse qu’elle a écarté au maximum, il la pénètre avec un doigt qu’il fait coulisser dans l’intimité de Bernadette qui, sous l’effet du traitement, se tortille en poussant de petits cris.
Je vois ses doigts emplis de mouille sortir et laisser la place à sa bouche qu’il plaque sur le sexe de mon épouse, il maltraite mister clitoris en l’aspirant et en le mordillant ce qui ne laisse pas insensible ma chérie qui se tord en tous sens en enserrant la tête de mister amant et en ayant mister premier orgasme, la langue de Gérard pénètre profondément la vulve de Bernadette à la rencontre de cette mouille qu’elle sécrète abondamment quand elle jouit.

Mon épouse est maintenant bien relâchée, ses cuisses bien écartées, sa chatte luisante, Gérard profite de cet instant pour présenter mister sexe impressionnant à l’entrée de l’intimité étroite de ma femme.
Je vois ce gland écarter les chairs intimes tout en se frayant un passage vers cet antre du plaisir.
Je suis très excité et à la fois je regrette d’avoir accepté, mais l’excitation de voir ma femme se faire prendre sous mes yeux l’emporte.
Son sexe est maintenant bien planté et coulisse lentement provoquant quelques petit cris de plaisir de la part de Bernadette.
Après l’avoir bien limée, il retire cette queue luisante de plaisir pour la faire mettre en position de levrette, position que mon épouse affectionne car, dit elle, la pénétration est plus profonde, je pense qu’elle va être servie !
Il la pistonne pendant un bon moment, à un rythme assez soutenu, mister pieu la pénètre profondément, il doit venir buter au fond de mister minou, aux cris qu’elle laisse échapper, laissent présager un orgasme assez violent qui comme prévu ne tarde pas.

Du haut de mon poste, je peux observer le petit cul de mon épouse qui se trémousse sous les assauts répétés de mister patron, mister petit trou parait lui aussi bien accueillant ce qui n’échappe pas à Gérard.
Il faut dire que mon épouse est une adepte de la sodomie, je lui ai acheté plusieurs godes, dont des plug assez imposants, sur lesquels elle s’assoit pour se pénétrer, simultanément elle s’astique mister petit bouton pour arriver facilement à l’orgasme.
Je suis assez souvent absent pour mon travail et ainsi elle peut se donner du plaisir.
Gérard pénètre avec mister doigt l’anus de ma femme, il coulisse assez librement laissant échapper quelques râles de plaisir à sa partenaire, désireuse d’aller plus loin, et craignant d’avoir mal, elle lui tend un tube de gel.

Encule-moi lui dit-elle, encouragé, il retire sa queue toute rouge et luisante, et la dirige vers mister petit trou, devant la taille imposante de ce visiteur, il ne peut aller plus loin malgré ses efforts et mister envie de la pénétrer.
Mon épouse, bien cambrée, écarte avec ses deux mains ses fesses et l’encourage par des mots crus à l’empaler.
Vexé et très excité, je vois Gérard prendre Bernadette par les hanches, prenant de l’élan, il percute violemment sa cible et pénètre ce petit cul, sous l’effet de cette intromission violente Bernadette laisse échapper un grand cri.
Sa bite bien plantée dans le fondement déformé de ma chérie, il se met à la pistonner vigoureusement en la maintenant bien par les hanches, sous les assauts répétés, il éjacule, quand il retire sa queue un filet jaunâtre coule des fesses de Bernadette.

Après s’être embrassés, ils se dirigent vers la salle de bain, je n’ai plus aucune vue, mais j’entends mon épouse rire, je pense qu’elle est pleinement satisfaite de cette soirée.
Au bout d’un quart d’heure ils reviennent en se tenant par la main et en s’embrassant, au vu de ce spectacle je suis un peu jaloux !
Ils se mettent sur le canapé, ma femme est dans les bras de Gérard, ils boivent du champagne et se caressent mutuellement en s’embrassant.
Progressivement Gérard a repris de la vigueur, Bernadette en profite pour lui faire un semblant de pipe si l’on peut dire, car sa petite bouche a bien du mal d’absorber la « bête ».
Sa queue bien dressée et bien raide, ma femme vient se positionner à califourchon et se laisse glisser dessus, s’empalant jusqu’à la garde, mister amant la prenant par les hanches, l’aide à coulisser, ils alternent avec les deux orifices.
Au bout d’un moment Gérard sentant venir la jouissance, la désarçonne et positionne sa bite dans sa bouche, il éjacule abondamment, en se retirant mister sperme coule de la bouche de sa partenaire.
Elle court dans la salle de bain pour se nettoyer, pendant ce temps Gérard se rhabille.
Il est une heure du matin, ils ont fait l’amour pendant cinq heures.
Ils mistert maintenant entrain de discuter, je saurais plus tard que pour leur prochaine soirée Gérard lui a promis une surprise, mais ce sera une autre histoire.
Avant de se séparer ils s’enlacent et s’embrassent à pleine bouche.

Une fois qu’il est parti, je descends, ma femme est radieuse, elle se jette à mon cou, m’embrasse et me remercie pour cette soirée, mais la nuit n’est pas terminée, car je suis très excité par ce que j’ai filmé et moi aussi je veux ma part, même si mon épouse n’aspire qu’à dormir après ce traitement.
J’espère que mon récit vous a plu ?
Si d’autres couples ont eux aussi connu cette situation, j’aimerais qu’ils me fassent part comment cela s’est passé.
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