Posts: 167325
A Change In Autorité Catherine était fini de faire la vaisselle. Sa fille Sandy venait de rentrer du centre commercial avec mister nouveau amie Linda et faire des choses dans la chambre. Elle n'approuvait pas vraiment de Linda beaucoup. Elle semble être partie d'un gang et avait une mauvaise attitude; bosses toujours Sandy autour. Parfois, elle voulait juste Slap that kid. Comme elle a raccroché les serviettes, elle a décidé de monter et voir si les filles voulaient certains cookies. Elle s'approcha l'escalier et j'ai vu la porte légèrement entrouverte pour qu'elle jeter un oeil à l'intérieur pour s'assurer qu'elle n'a pas interrompu quelque chose. Elle a vu Linda permanent se penchent sur les bras sur la Retour du lit. Son pantalon était trop bas ses chevilles dans dos et elle vit sa fille sur ses genoux derrière elle avec mister visage dans mister cul. Elle a été choquée à la vue comme elle a entendu Linda lui dis de faire un meilleur travail ou elle dire à sa mère qu'elle était mister esclave et le fouet dans le cul devant elle. Linda a plaidé dans le dos entre les tertres comme Catherine regardait et écoutait sa voix fille dans le cul de Linda. Elle savait qu'elle devrait marcher et dire tous les deux au large, mais ses jambes ne voulait tout simplement pas se déplacer. Elle avoir des fantasmes de la présente elle-même à maintes reprises et maintenant elle était en droit de le voir en face de ses yeux et mister propre fille. Sa propre chatte était mouillé à regarder Wishing It Was Her Down at-il derrière elle. "Slut, se pencher et à préparer votre cul pour le fouet." Linda exigé. Sandy se couche sur le visage et les genoux avec mister cul pointé vers la porte, comme Catherine s'exclama à la vue de mister cul fille. Linda se pencha et se mit Globes slapping ass elle comme Sandy commencé à compter les fesse entre Ouches et la remercier. Elle l'a regardé ass tournant rose comme Linda férocement leur giflé sans égard à la quantité qu'ils blessé. Son âne était déplaçant de droite à gauche comme Catherine se pencha et commencé à frotter sa propre chatte les regarder. «Ramper et de l'écorce salope. Si vous me s'il vous plaît, je vous laisse vous me lécher la chatte ce soir. "Sandy commandé. Sandy a commencé à ramper et aboyait avec mister cul rose Wigging dans le dos, comme Catherine commencé à frotter sa chatte plus difficile. Elle regardait si fort qu'elle ne remarqua même pas Linda, qui était maintenant à regarder la porte. Elle a immédiatement arrêter et s'en alla aussi vite qu'elle le pouvait espérer Linda ne la voyais pas comme elle est redescendu l'escalier de la cuisine. Sa propre chatte était tout mouillé alors qu'elle rentrait d'une tasse de café et de s'asseoir à la table en essayant de maintenir sa sang-froid et les événements qu'elle avait des témoins. Après une quelques gorgées, elle a vu Linda à la porte de la cuisine. "Voulez-vous prendre soin d'un cookie et le café, at-elle proposé, essayant de ne pas montrer la moindre émotion. «Pas vraiment», dit Linda en s'asseyant à la table. «Je vous a vu jouer avec votre chatte après que je fessée votre fille. She's such a slut. Comme sa mère, je suppose. Catherine est devenue rouge à ces mots. Comment osez cette fille lui parler de cette façon et surtout sur sa fille? Elle était sur le point de dire quelque chose quand Linda poursuivi. «Et dire, sa mère jouait avec sa chatte Tout le temps qu'elle était puni. Cela vous fait plus une salope qu'elle. Je vais profiter de votre fessée ass. "Elle l'a taquiné en souriant. Catherine fumait mais humide entre ses jambes à mister mots. "Je vous suggère de rentrer chez dame en ce moment les jeunes avant que je appelez votre mère pour lui dire ce que vous faisiez ici. "Elle a réussi à dire. «Elle sait déjà. D'ailleurs, elle aime à la fesser aussi. Maintenant être une bonne petite fille et de se lever et retirer vos vêtements. Ça va être beaucoup plus dur si je dois se lever et de les enlever moi-même. "Linda exigé. «Hors de ma maimister maintenant», Catherine a crié debout. Linda se leva de sa chaise et avant que Catherine a vu venant giflée dur à travers le visage. Comme elle serrait du côté de sa mâchoire, elle ressentit une vive douleur entre ses jambes comme elle s'est rendu compte qu'elle avait tout juste de lancer mister entre eux et elle a intensément descendait immédiatement grabbing sa chatte endolorie. Comme elle se pencha, Linda attrapée par les cheveux et de préhension -le bien commencé à frapper le visage avec mister autre main comme elle a atteint jusqu'à essayer de le protéger que de se sentir un autre coup de pied entre ses jambes, puis un repousser la faisant tomber sur le dos sur le plancher. Elle n'a même pas avoir le temps de réagir que Linda a sauté sur elle estomac avec toute sa power et a commencé à la gifler comme elle a combattu feverously essayer de le protéger. "Give up bitch. Je peux faire cette nuit tout. Linda jubilait d'en haut. Catherine pleurais de douleur et d'offense. Sa tente de parer les coups ont été vains, comme elle n'avait pas fonctionné au cours des années et ce gosse était en excellente condition. Elle savait qu'elle ne pouvait prendre aucune plus comme elle avait envie de sa mâchoire cale était enfle. «Oui», murmurait-elle. «Louder salope. Dites-moi, tu es ma chienne et la putain". Linda commandé. "Oui. Je suis votre chienne et pute, at-elle crié. Linda se leva et alla à sa chaise. Restez sur votre chienne dos. Tirez votre robe et votre Culotte à vos genoux. Jouez avec vous-même. Catherine pleurait toujours soulevé sa robe trop de sa taille et abaissé sa culotte à ses genoux. Elle est totalement humiliés comme elle conclu entre ses jambes et a commencé frotter la chatte avec sa main. «Beaucoup mieux», dit Linda. «Répandre maintenant vos jambes donc je peut voir que la chatte poilue de la vôtre se mouiller pour votre maîtresse. Catherine savait qu'elle était mouillé à l'offense et la diffusion de ses jambes. Elle avait toujours voulu cela, mais jamais osé l'essayer. Elle écarta ses jambes aussi large que la culotte accueilli et commencé à caresser plus difficile. Le la douleur avait disparu et la nécessité de descendre était présent. "Slut Stop». Linda crié à elle. «Levez vos jambes dessus de votre tête. Je veux voir ce gros cul de la vôtre, Je vais le donner la fessée. " 
Posts: 167325
Catherine quitter caresser la chatte et leva les jambes comme loin en arrière sur sa tête comme elle le pouvait. Elle savait que mister cul a été exposé à la jeune fille qui avait probablement une claire tenu de mister trou du cul aussi. Elle a vu sa approché et puis la vis s'accroupir derrière elle. Elle n'a pas eu à longue attente, comme elle sentait la première gifle sur mister cul comme elle yelp de la douleur. "Count pute". Linda hurlé. «Un», elle a crié comme une autre claque a frappé mister cul. "Deux. Trois. "Elle a gardé comptant pour les gifles continue et la douleur dans mister cul devenait pire. Elle demeure count elle a commencé à plaider avec la jeune fille par le quinzième et continué jusqu'à la 30e quand elle finit par a fondu en larmes. Linda détection, elle avait cassé mister leva et revint à sa chaise. «Lève-toi putain et supprimer tous vos vêtements." Linda sourit. Sans vergogne, Catherine se lève et commence à enlever mister vêtements. Elle se tenait là complètement nue en face de la fille comme un chien attendant sa prochaine commande. "Crawl ici et suck my toes con." Linda commandé. "Tu ferais mieux de faire le bien ou je vais donner la fessée que poilues cul de exemplaire à nouveau. " Catherine est descendu sur les mains et les genoux et rampa etc. Parvenu à ses pieds maîtresse, elle a commencé à placer les orteils dans sa succion bouche sur eux. Elle a entendu Linda dire adieu toutou, comme elle en alternance sur ses orteils prenant chacun dans sa bouche et les aspirant comme le petit coqs. Sa chatte est mouillée dans le dos, comme elle remua mister cul tout en suçant sur eux. «Est-slut wanna lick my ass magnifique?" Linda posées. «Oui maîtresse», Catherine gémit de dessous d'elle. Linda se leva et d'obtenir sur ses genoux dans le fauteuil atteint en arrière et a levé sa jupe sur sa taille présentant un panorama clair de mister cul et l'anus à Le visage de Catherine. «Qu'est-ce que tu attends pour salope?" T-elle. "Eat my merde. " Catherine monta sur ses genoux et a commencé à adorer mister buttes, passe sa langue partout sur eux et puis travaillant mister chemin entre les deux. Elle avait oublié de sa fille et tout le reste comme elle l'avait une seule chose dans mister esprit en ce moment et qui a été lui plaire maîtresse. Elle a trouvé mister trou du cul et il a commencé à roder et ensuite travailler sa langue à l'intérieur. Elle l'a utilisée comme un coq poussant et sortir comme elle a entendu gémir Linda dessus d'elle. Linda, elle entendit crier à quelqu'un. «As-tu fais ce que je vous ai dit de faire." "Oui maîtresse, elle a entendu dire que sa propre fille comme elle continué tonguing trou du cul de Linda dans le dos. "Elle a dit qu'elle sera plus bientôt maîtresse et pour obtenir notre Fannies chaude pour elle. "Sandy continue. «Dites à votre maman salope à lécher mon cul, salope et Spank que les gros cul de la sienne. "Linda lui ai dit." She don't mieux un d'un meilleur emploi que celui-ci ou des deux tu l'auras ». Catherine sentait Sandy sur le côté et puis une gifle dans mister cul. «Lécher le cul salope. Lick plus difficile." Sandy crié à elle. Catherine a augmenté mister effort au volant de sa langue plus en plus profond que la gifle a continué sur mister cul et sa fille hurlant des mots obscènes sur elle. Linda finalement poussé la tête en arrière et abaissé sa jupe et baissa les yeux sur elle. "Les mauvaises performances pour une salope", dit-elle. "Votre fille peut faire mieux que cela. Salope, elle a crié à Sandy, apporte-moi trois broches pagne de la lessive. Sandy couru et a eu deux broches et les donna à Linda. Linda attrapé tit le droit de Catherine et l'arracha et pincé la broche sur mister mamelon que Catherine eut le souffle coupé de la douleur. Saisissant l'autre, elle a fait de même chose. Comme elle descendait, Catherine savait ce qui se Prochain rendez-vous et a commencé à la supplier de ne pas. Linda pincer mister clito chatte vers l'extérieur et joint le troisième broches comme elle hurlait de douleur. «Tous à vos mains et les genoux chienne». Linda exigé de sa. Catherine se leva lentement les mains et les genoux, la douleur dans sa chatte commençait à gravement blessé. "Apportez-moi la vadrouille, at-elle dit Sandy. Sandy est revenue avec la vadrouille que Catherine est restée en position se demandant ce qui allait se passer ensuite. "Spread Your mère slut big ass." Linda a demandé de Sandy. Catherine sut alors et ont commencé à plaider pour faire mieux comme elle sentait les mains de Sandy remise en tension de mister cul joues bien écartés, puis la poignée de la MOP à sa connard. Elle a crié comme elle se sentait pousser dans ses pouces trou du cul au moins deux et se sentait comme mister âne était stretch étant grande ouverte. La douleur était horrible au début et c'était une bonne chose, elle était déjà humide dans le dos ou il aurait sa fente pour sûr. Linda dit Sandy se lever et lui donna l'autre extrémité de la MOP. «Ta mère va se coucher comme un petit chiot de bonnes et tu vas garder cela à mister cul alors qu'elle ne à moins que vous le voulez dans la vôtre. Si elle ralentit push elle avec elle et je suis sûr qu'elle va bouger à nouveau. " Linda elle prévenu. Catherine est la mendicité comme elle se sentait pousser le manche plus profondément dans mister trou du cul et a commencé à ramper sur tous les quatre pattes. Elle ne savait pas ce qui fait le plus mal, les pinces ou le manche, mais elle n'osait pas s'arrêter. "Slut Bark." Linda appelé. Elle a commencé à aboyer comme elle explorées. La vadrouille dans mister cul il est très maladroit mais elle gérée comme la pince sa chatte faisait mal à chaque mouvement. Elle a été rompue et connaissait cette jeune fille avait le contrôle complet d'elle. Elle ne se souciait pas si elle était une chienne ou non à l'heure actuelle, comme elle continuer mister défilé autour de la salle d'aboyer. La vadrouille manche était entrant et sortant à chaque mouvement et a été sent de plus en plus comme elle était baisée dans les cul. Même sa propre chatte était mouillé malgré là encore la pince à mâcher sur elle. "Gentil toutou, Linda a déclaré qu'elle passait. Descendre tout en étant baisée dans le cul par une vadrouille et vos propres fille. Quelle salope. " Catherine ne se souciait pas comme elle l'a poursuivi l'exploration passer pour Tant qu'elle pouvait se descendre, elle n'avait pas d'importance comment. Elle savait qu'elle ne regarderez plus jamais sa fille la même plus. Sandy lui paraissent être en jouir trop autant qu'elle sentait la manche de balai bordures de plus en plus En se glissant. Sa chatte pin tombé, comme elle a crié dans la douleur, mais Sandy a poussé sur la vadrouille et l'a gardée ramper. Elle était près de l'épuisement quand Linda enfin je leur ai dit qu'ils pouvaient arrêter. 
Posts: 167325
"Nettoyer votre jouet fuck," Linda exigé. "Pull cette chose hors de mister cul merdeux et maintenez-le pour elle blow job ». Elle glapit dans la douleur comme Sandy il tira brusquement. Damn it hurt. Elle gémit de douleur et s'est alors rendu compte ce que elle a été demandé de faire. Elle avait ce monstre jusqu'à mister trou du cul tout le temps qu'elle était rampant. Elle hésité jusqu'à ce qu'elle voyait Linda commence à se lever et savait il était inutile de résister. En se retournant vite, elle ouvrit la bouche et englouti la manche de balai et Bobbing commencé sa tête sur la fin de celui-ci. Elle goûta sa propre merde comme elle leva les yeux pour voir Sandy souriant ci-dessus et rougir face à ce spectacle. Elle ne pouvait pas croire combien elle était tombée bas. «Quand elle se fait sucer par cette serpillière propre, mettent la putain de plus ici par mister oreille. "Linda commandé Sandy. Catherine pensait Sandy lui faisait sucer trop longtemps avant de finalement le tirant de sa bouche et le déposant sur le sol. Elle sentit sa portée vers le bas et a attrapé mister lobe de l'oreille comme un enfant en l'attirant vers Linda rampant. Quand ils mistert arrivés, Linda rapidement attrapée par les cheveux relever mister visage et il gifle dur. "Get This bitch droite," Linda crié à elle. «Vous et votre fille sans valeur ne mistert rien pour moi mais un paire de salopes je peux utiliser quand je veux. Désobéir à moi et Vous souhaitez vous jamais eu. Je possédais les deux de vos Worthless ânes et prévoyez de les utiliser pendant un certain temps alors je vous propose de me s'il vous plaît. Ne comprenez-vous? «Oui maîtresse», Catherine répondit humblement avec des larmes coulaient sur ses joues. "Bien. Maintenant vous avez la vache gros seins, là-bas et le massage mes pieds. "Linda demandé." Et vous me lécher la chatte salope. " Catherine immédiatement descendu et le démarrage se frotter Linda pieds avec ses gros seins tandis que Sandy s'entendait ses genoux à côté d'elle et de commencer en lui léchant le clito. Linda ne rendait pas facile comme elle aurait eut le souffle coupé mister sein entre ses orteils, de temps en temps, et de pincement et Tirer sur le bout du mamelon. Elle sentait mister pied secouer la chamade et Sandy savait doit avoir mister descendu. "Bonne petite salope", a dit Linda caressant la tête de Sandy comme si elle était un chiot. "Pour être si bon, je vais vous permettent de vous frotter Clitty peu sur le nez de cette putain till vous foutre. Mais seulement une fois. " Elle se sentait pied Linda coup de pied sur mister tit peu près. «Tous à ta putain de retour." Linda commandé. Catherine gémit de douleur sur mister sein, comme elle tournait plus sur mister dos. Elle vit de sable se lèvent, puis imposants dessus d'elle abaissé sa chatte vers le bas sur mister nez. Sa pleine poids a été appliquée comme elle l'avait à respirer par mister nez comme Sandy rapidement se mit à frotter mister clitoris et long de mister nez en sachant qu'elle était proche de Cumming, comme elle était. Son jus con était remplissant ses narines, comme elle continué d'essayer de reprendre mister souffle que le sien fille est venue sur elle. Elle ne pouvait rien faire, mais le souffle par sa bouche et la dévisager plisser étroite et brune connard centimètres seulement de mister visage. Il n'a pas mister long to cum comme elle crié dans le plaisir et la secoua partout. "Merci maîtresse,« Sandy haletait saut à haute voix et S'y à genoux à côté de Linda. "Je vous remercie maîtresse. Catherine gisait sur le plancher haletant avec l'odeur de Cunt Sandy's sur tout le visage. Elle se sentait comme un bon marché étant putain baisée et laissé sécher. Elle a juste posé là, dans le désespoir et l'angoisse. «Avez-my toy fuck peu profiter de putain de sa mère prostituée face? "Linda posées. "Oui maîtresse,« Sandy poutres. «Je voudrais que vous me laissez mettre mon cul sale sur la prochaine fois. " Linda riait de ses commentaires et a continué caresser tête. "Je pense que la prostituée doit avoir l'ont apprécié aussi" Linda poursuivi. "Voir la tache humide sur le plancher entre ses jambes. " Catherine n'a jamais pensé jusqu'à ce que Linda dit; mais elle avait failli se intervient malgré sa situation difficile. Sa cum propres coulait sous ses fesses sur le plancher. "Grab ses chevilles et lui tenir les pieds au-dessus de sa tête», Linda commandé Sandy. Sandy se dirigea immédiatement sur grabbing Catherine long jambes et a commencé à élever au-dessus de sa tête et plus jusqu'à ce qu'ils touchaient le sol. Catherine pourrait faire mais rien ne montre que Linda se leva et se dirigea vers le comptoir de cuisine et de revenir avec une petite spatule en sa main. Son con coulait le long de ses fissures ass. "Le temps de laisser le sperme vieille salope." Linda sourit apportant la spatule vers le bas sur les lèvres de chatte de Catherine. "Ça ne me sens si bien." Linda sourit vers le bas. "Beg-moi de le refaire. " «Nooon. Oui maîtresse. Catherine hurlé. Malgré la la douleur de sa chatte palpitait en réponse. "Gâteau Patty, Patty gâteau, les hommes boulanger ..." Linda a commencé dire la vieille comptine tout en frappant de Catherine con tout le temps avec la spatule. 
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Catherine était en plein désarroi. Hurler et à la mendicité même temps, mais quand Linda a dit la dernière ligne et introduit la spatule vers le bas deux fois plus dur à la fin, sa corps bond comme elle est venue. Elle était toute tremblante et Linda et Sandy était à la fois riant de sa totale l'offense. Lorsque Sandy publié ses pieds, elle vient y déposa haletant pour l'air parce que le point culminant a été si dur. Elle se sentait tellement chaud au coeur que les filles ont quitté la cuisine toujours en riant. Elle a endormi sur le sol froid. Catherine était réveiller par quelque chose d'à peu près poussé dans mister chatte comme elle ouvrit les yeux pour voir Linda debout souriant à elle. «Avez-ma chienne ont une sieste après sa chatte fessée? "Linda riait. Catherine Linda regarda et lui sourit. "Oui maîtresse. Bitch apprécié sa fessée." Elle répondu. «Bon. Now get your ass paresseux sur le sol et préparer des sandwiches et des boismisters. "Linda fait conspuer sur elle. «Ma mère est arrivée et elle a faim. Elle a dit qu'elle can't wait to see you big fat ass. " Catherine regardé comme Linda s'éloigna laissant sur le plancher. Sa chatte humide commençait déjà à nouveau comme Elle a essayé de monter sur les jambes molles et trouver quelque chose dans le réfrigérateur, elle pourrait utiliser pour leur donner. Elle préparé des sandwichs plusieurs reprises avec différentes viandes, pains et fait du thé. Elle se frottait mister clitoris sur la dessus de comptoir, comme elle a préparé le repas comme la chatte a été démangeaimisters d'être frotté. Mettre la nourriture sur un grand plateau, elle a fait mister chemin dans la région désireux de séjour pour voir Maman Linda. Comme elle marchait, elle a remarqué une dame âgée à de sombres cheveux dans la quarantaine assis dans une chaise. Sa jupe a été tiré vers l'arrière à sa taille et Sandy était à genoux en face d'elle avec sa tête dans sa chatte. La femme était très intéressante car elle s'est approché et a remarqué que elle la regardait fixement dans le même temps. Elle baissa mister visage dans l'offense et se dirigea vers Linda assis sur la chaise en face et se pencha en lui offrant un sandwich et une boismister. Linda prenait mister temps, comme elle est devenue rouge connaître la femme la regardait penché gros cul plus mais excité à la fois. Malgré elle, elle remua mister cul dans l'attente de retour sur Linda pour ramasser le sandwich. Quand elle a finalement fait, elle se leva, se tournant et a fait mister chemin vers la femme qui elle pouvait dire que c'était Cumming sur le visage de Sandy comme elle serrait ses cheveux contrôler à peu près sa langue. Elle se pencha pour offrir la nourriture. "Restez comme vous êtes jusqu'à ce que je sperme sur votre fille salope visage. "La femme commandé. Catherine regardait comme la femme a commencé à trembler et a crié dans la joie comme elle venait. "Tu t'améliores petite salope." La femme a dit Sandy. "Get Maintenant votre cul serré pour revenir sur votre maîtresse dans le cas où elle a besoin de vous. Catherine regardé comme Sandy tiré vers l'arrière et de ramper plus à Linda. Elle était encore dans la position penchée sur comme elle sentit deux mains saisissant ses seins gros ci-dessous le plateau de frotter mister PIN. «Oh oui». La femme dit qu'elle se tourna mister attention Retour à l'étranger. «Je vais apprécier en utilisant seulement les gros seins pour mon plaisir. Catherine pouvait voir le large sourire apparaître sur le Visage d'une femme alors qu'elle tentait désespérément de maintenir le plateau de basculement. Enfin, la femme s'arrêta frottant mister PIN et a pris un sandwich et une boismister hors du bac. "Va te mettre le bac en place dans la cuisine et venir en rampant pour moi cher. "Elle a exigé regardant Catherine.« Je viens ne peuvent pas attendre pour bénéficier de ces grandes cruches de vache de la vôtre. Dépêchez-vous. " Catherine sentait éjaculer coulaient sur ses cuisses elle a rapidement fait selon les instructions. Son con était en feu et la chance de se lécher la chatte-ci habitait dans mister esprit comme elle posa le plateau sur le comptoir et se mit à à quatre pattes et en rampant in La femme faisait signe elle avec mister doigt, comme si elle était d'appeler un chien, mais Catherine ne se souciait pas comme elle ramper plus vite jusqu'à ce qu'elle était à pieds de la chatte mouiller femme. "On your knees bitch". La femme avait ordonné. «Je veux jouer avec ces gros seins à nouveau. Tenez-les pour moi. " Catherine creuse ses gros seins et les ont gardés comme la femme eut le souffle coupé le bout des seins et a commencé à frotter et les presser. Elle sentait mister ouverture chatte et des contrats avec chaque pincée d'entre eux comme la femme commencé à recevoir en plus rugueuse. «Elle est exactement comme sa fille." La femme cria Linda. "Une salope total ne demandant qu'à être utilisé." Catherine gémit de douleur que la femme a commencé à tirer mister PIN dur et plus, mais a maintenu sa position. Le femme a été conduite folle dans la luxure comme elle gémit et glapissait avec chaque traction et un remorqueur. Enfin, la femme abandonnés. «Over my slut tour pour que je puisse vous donner une inspection du bien. Elle a exigé. 
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Catherine se leva immédiatement et positionné elle-même sur la femme grosses cuisses. Elle sentait mister ventouses main la chatte dans le dos et elle remuait mister cul essayant d'obtenir plus de lui sur mister sexe. "Sa chatte est toute mouillée." Dit la femme. «Pauvre ne doit pas avoir eu des rapports sexuels pendant des années. " Elle sentait la main de la femme le déplacement entre sa fente d'âne et puis un doigt dans mister anus. Elle se détendit mister cul muscles comme un doigt a été poussé au coeur de tout le chemin sans aucune résistance. "Linda vous pourriez avoir au moins laissé seul pendant ce trou moi. »La femme parlait à nouveau." You Done Got cette trou de sorte prolonge mister va être peu de plaisir. "Désolée maman. Elle me faisait chier." Catherine Heard Linda disant à travers la pièce. «Vous venez de trouver plus de farcir quelque chose. " Catherine a été humilié et tourné sur la façon dont ils discutaient de mister corps. Elle a serré mister cul aussi serré comme elle aurait pu et remué sur le doigt essayant d'obtenir hors tension. «Elle ne semblent jouir d'avoir poussé les choses dans mister ass. "La femme parle en riant de nouveau." Elle essaie de descendre à mon petit doigt minuscule. Ne nécessite une bonne salope fucking ". "Oui maîtresse. Catherine répondit poussant mister cul en arrière et-vient sur le doigt implanté là-bas. "Fuck my ass maîtresse. Catherine sentait le doigt femme piquant dans et hors de mister trou du cul comme elle gémit dans la joie en agitant mister gros cul sur les genoux de la femme. Elle espérait pouvoir descendre plus vite qu'elle bercé mister dos d'un âne de suite pour l'aider. Soudain, la doigt éclaté dans un seul mouvement rapide lui laissant haletant sur les genoux femme. «Définitivement une chienne en chaleur», la femme prend la parole. «Je peux utiliser elle à ma prochaine réunion Garden Club. Get on your knees salope et s'il vous plaît ma chatte. " Catherine immédiatement déposer les genoux de la femme à le plancher cachant mister visage dans sa chatte et mister clapotis jus de fruits. «Avez-vous des plans pour ce con." La femme a été demandé Linda. «Sinon, je peux utiliser une femme de ménage à temps plein à la maimister à la langue de mon con tout moment ". «Non, allez-y maman». Linda a répondu. «Je vais passer par-dessus ici et avoir cette petite chienne. Nous pouvons même compromis le week-end si tu veux. I got a feeling ces chiennes vont nous faire beaucoup d'argent dans le avenir ". Catherine a bouclé le jus de chatte femme comme elle est venue sur mister visage et elle a entendu gémir Linda de partout sachant Sandy doit avoir fait un bon travail aussi. "Prenons les chiennes jusqu'à la salle de bains et de broussailles Them Down bien réel avec le balai-brosse, j'ai vu jusqu'à là-bas. "Linda était en riant." Ils mistert si ils mistert mouillés puante ma nouvelle maimister en place. " Catherine sentait la femme saisissant sa torsion lobe de l'oreille elle et tirant sa place comme elle le cri de douleur. "Come on bitch." La femme lui dit mister traînait. «Maman va vous nettoyer bien réel et nous vont se débarrasser de tout ce qui vieux cheveux méchant êtes-vous arrivé là-bas, plus vos jambes. " Catherine entendait Sandy pleurnicher qu'on traîne la même moyen de sortir de la pièce. "Arrêtez votre chienne pleurnicher ou je vais prendre une ceinture à votre cul serré. "Linda crié après elle." Désormais il ya une nouveau changement de pouvoir dans cette maimister et vous et votre Momma graisses obtenir un meilleur usage à elle. " Catherine gémit dans le désespoir suite à sa nouvelle maîtresse dans l'escalier. 
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Split Screen
"Hi daddy, working hard?" Mary had rapped twice on the door, then opened it and strode into my home office.
"Uh, oh, hi Mary. Just taking a short break," I said, scrambling to close down Internet Explorer before my step-flower could see what I was viewing.
Mary is the 27 year old flower of my second wife. I have been married to Helen, who is 48 and five years older than me, for two years now. Mary and I get along o.k., I guess, but she is kind of aggressive by nature, and has never acted as though she thought I was a good match for her lady.
"So what brings you by this time of day?" I asked. "Your lady is still at the office."
"Just happened to be in the neighborhood and thought I'd see what you were up to."
"Oh, still mostly just doing research for my book. Making good progress, though I think."
The research that I was supposed to be doing was for a book that I was supposed to be writing. For my last birthday six months ago, Helen, who is a top executive with a Fortune 500 company, had bought me a top of the line computer system for my work. It drove two monitors independently, and was as fast as lightning. She had had her company IT folks tune it up and install every program I had ever heard of, and several others that I had not. When I first sat at the keyboard in my home office, I couldn't believe the things I could do with it, and only understood about half of its real capability.
"Research, daddy? Let me show you something," Mary said, and moved around behind me. She pushed me in my chair up against the desk and reached her arms around me to get to the keyboard.
"There's a little feature of this machine that you may not be familiar with," she said as she opened a log-on window that I had never seen before and quickly typed in some cryptic instructions. When she hit , both screens went black, then suddenly the right hand screen came up with the website that I had just been visiting. It was a femdom site, and the screen was filled with the image of a naked man over the knees of a nearly naked woman, kicking and crying as she turned his swollen bottom bright red with an oversized hairbrush.
"Look familiar?" Mary asked.
"Wh-what's that?" I stammered in surprise and shock.
With a few more key strokes, Mary brought up the left hand monitor with a clear image of me sitting at my desk, as I was just a few moments before Mary arrived, when I was watching the scene now showing on the other monitor. I looked very intent but with eyes a little glazed. I had never turned on the webcam that was permanently mounted on top of the right hand monitor; apparently, it had been on without my knowing.
"Where did that come from?" I asked. I was starting to sweat. How humiliating to be caught viewing femdom porn by your much younger step-flower.
"Oh you haven't seen anything yet, daddy dear," Mary said, pushing me harder against my desk, imprimistering me in my chair. I could feel her full breasts pressing against my shoulder blades, her fit but feminine arms over my shoulders on either side of my neck, her right cheek close against my left ear. The deep, musky smell of her perfume and the natural smell of her body enveloped me. Mary is a tall, curvy auburn haired beauty, perhaps a little prone to gaining weight, a tendency that she battles effectively with daily trips to the gym. With her size and strength, and with me seated as I was, she had all the leverage she needed to keep me trapped securely in place.
"Let me show you this little feature," she continued.
With a few key strokes, the images in both screens jumped to other, similar scenes, and proceeded to display recorded video in a fast forward mode. As the scenes of female domination, discipline and male degradation flashed across the right screen, the left clearly displayed me in my chair before my computer. Periodically, you could see me reach down with my right hand disappearing into the waistband of my pants, then my arm would jerk violently up and down.
During one of these scenes, Mary tapped a key and both screens went to normal speed. In the right screen, a naked man was kneeling on a bed and taking it at both ends. A busty blond was aggressively working his ass with a huge strap-on dildo, while a hairy, muscular man knelt at his head, both hands buried in the man's hair while he powerd his rampant dick deep down his throat.
In the left screen, I was obviously jerking off. My hand moving rapidly in my pants.
"Oh my god," I said. "Mary, how long has this been going on? How... how long have you been recording my computer browsing?"
"Since day one, daddy, and it's all still here. If you knew anything about computers, you might have noticed that those huge hard drives were slowly filling even though you've recorded zilch in your 'researches'."
As she spoke, Mary unbuttoned my shirt with her right hand and reached underneath to stroke my left nipple. "So tell me, daddy, in your fantasies, as you were watching this video, which role were you playing? Were you the big hunk who's being serviced by the wimp, or were you the loser taking it up the ass while sucking on your boyfriend's big cock." My nipple was growing hard with her teasing. "Never mind, I think we both know the answer to that question," she said with a laugh, and gave my nipple a little tweak.
"Oh lord," I moaned. "Mary, you've got to keep this between the two of us. I'll do anything you want, just don't tell your lady."
"Boy, you really are naïve, aren't you, daddy. It's lady who told me. Who do you think arranged this setup? Do you really believe that she would have gone to the trouble of building this monitoring capability into your system and then never checked it? What a loser you are," she said as she seized my nipple between the fingers of her right hand and pinched it hard.
"You thought that you had quite the free ride, didn't you daddy, sitting at home, jerking off to internet porn while your wife did the work and paid the bills. Let's see what mom has to say about that, shall we?" and striking a few keys with her left hand, the left monitor went momentarily blank and then filled with the image of Helen sitting behind her large cherry wood desk across town. It was obvious that she could see us clearly. She was looking directly at Mary and I, very business like, very stern.
"Turn off that crap," she said to Mary, "or at least ******* the sound."
Mary reached out and muted the right screen.
A look of distaste crossed Helen's face--apparently she had my monitors on split screen--then she continued. "I've put up with this long enough, Bradley."
"Please, Helen, it's not what you think," I interjected. "I was just..."
"I know what you've been doing," Helen interrupted. "I became suspicious shortly after we were married. You've grown steadily less attentive and responsive to my needs, and spent more and more time buried in your office. Strangely, nothing productive ever seemed to result from your efforts. Well, we are going to put a stop to that now."
"No problem, Helen, really," I exclaimed. "I won't ever visit any of those sites again."
Before me, on the right monitor, the man was still working on the stud's erection, while the woman had gotten off of the bed and was leathering his ass with a heavy strap.
"Shut up, Bradley," Helen commanded. "I don't want to hear a word from you unless I ask for it."
"Hush now, daddy," Mary whispered in my ear, as she pulled and twisted my left nipple, vulgarly.
"I waited for you to grow out of this addiction," Helen continued, "but it's obvious that is not going to happen. So, we're going to take a different approach.
"As it happens, our flower Mary has a similar interest in the femdom life style; but while you are fascinated by the sub side, she has the permisteral strength and aggressive self image to act the dom. She inherited her lady's genes," Helen added with a wicked smirk.
"As you know, I've got a business trip to Asia planned for the next two weeks. I won't be coming home tonight, and won't see you again until I get back. While I'm gone, I'm putting you under the less than tender mercies of our flower."
"No, please, Helen, you can't do this to me."
"Can't? That's a word I never want to hear from your lips again! Mary, see that he is punished for that.
"This is the agenda, Bradley... no, your name isn't Bradley, it's Brianna from now on." A moan escaped my lips. "As I was saying, Brianna, this is the agenda. Since you've been next to worthless as a man, over the next two weeks, Mary is going to train you to be a woman.
"Mary, when I get back, I want to see him transformed. I want his ass ready for my largest dildo, and I want world-class performance out of his tongue."
"No, please," I pleaded.
"That's another infraction," Helen stated flatly. "See that he is well spanked after we are done here, Mary."
Mary gave my nipple another sharp twist. I cried out in fear that she would rip it from my chest.
"You don't have much time, Mary," Helen continued, "so I expect you to work him hard and punish him often. If he is not ready to walk like a lady in the highest of heels, provide head to me and my more manly friends like a top pro, work his tongue far more effectively than he ever used his dick up my cunt and up my ass, I'll get rid of him and we'll look for someone else."
"Please, Helen, please don't do this to me," I begged.
"That's three," Helen said coldly.
Mary bit me hard where my neck meets my shoulder, then gently started kissing the spot while cooing, "there, there, daddy, mustn't be bad, or flower will spank."
"And Brianna," Helen said to me, "lest you misunderstand, I have no intention of ever turning you loose. If I'm not pleased with your progress when I get back from Asia, I'll have you neutered, smuggled out of the country and sold on the slave market. At your age, you won't bring much, but I know a trader in Turkey that can find you a position as a fuck and whipping boy in the harem of a fat pasha."
I saw Helen reach down to the keyboard on her desk, and the left hand monitor went to black.
"Now You're mine," Mary's deep, sexy voice whispered in my ear.
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Office Girls "No! Damn!" Katrina exclaimed. Hitting keys at random on the laptop didn't unfreeze it. At least there didn't appear to be any damage to the keyboard. "What am I going to do now?" She said sinking back onto the chair. This was the tenth time of switching it on and off; the damn machine still wouldn't work. "Bloody men. They made the damn things that's why they're so complicated." She complained. The phone rang startling her from thoughts of what she was going to tell Margaret about the computer. "Yes. Oh! No it's OK. Sue I'm fine. Yes. This computer that's all." Katrina half listened to the inevitable gossip trying to calm down. "I'm not sure. Well if you think so. Thanks a lot." The offer of help with the laptop wasn't the relief it should have been. She wasn't looking forward to returning it to Margaret in this state but it was dangerous to let someone loose on it. What if they found the photos? That would be more embarrassing than a tongue lashing from Margaret. The doorbell rang. "Hello Jamister." "Mum sent me to look the laptop over. Shouldn't take long." He murmured, pushing past her into the house. Before she could object he disappeared into the small bedroom they used as a study. 'What is it with men and toys? They will spend hours playing or watching others play then in the bedroom a minutes too much bother.' She thought. Looking over his shoulder watching his hands fly over the keyboard she realised it would be impossible to stop him if he discovering the sordid little secret. 'What happened to the nerdy kid from next door?' She wondered. 'When had those broad shoulders, cute bum and long legs developed? I guess he's just been the neighbours kid all these years. How old is he now? I'm thirty four so he must be nineteen.' She mused. "Mrs Kent?" "Oh! Sorry. I was just thinking. Wondering if it's going to, err, live." "Yea. Funny. Well it's dead. Whatever you had on there is lost but I can re-install Windows and have it back to you in an hour. It'll be a new blank machine though." He was expecting her to be crestfallen at losing valuable work whereas the smile was quit genuine. It was a relief, a rescue; she could kiss him. Perhaps not, especially being from Sue's household. His lady the town gossip would start beating the tom toms in seconds. 'Married neighbour worryed my mister!' The message would be there but mysteriously couched in Sue speak. *** Katrina prepared just a snack for dinner as Harry, her husband, was out of town on a health and safety course. While lavishing Marmite on a piece of toast the doorbell interrupted this evening's culinary delight. "There's good news and there's bad news." Jamister stated. "I'll give you the good news first." He added while leading her into the study. "The system is up and running and all the files, word documents, spreadsheets, photos have been recovered." 'If that was the good news why wasn't he smiling?' Katrina asked herself. His hands skimmed across the keyboard. Jamister could see he had her attention. "The bad news is I've got backups on CD." "Backups? That's good isn't it?" Her voice trailed off remembering he mentioned photos. Clearing her throat she asked. "I guess I should have made them just in case. Can I have the CD? Jamister." She tried to stand tall over him, mustering the authority of a neighbour and a married woman. He sat there looking smug and amused. Over his shoulder she saw the naughty photos of her and her three friends playing in succession on the monitor. In this dire situation they looked so lewd no longer the innocent little games they had played. "The CD's are safe at home. Didn't have a chance to look at them all yet. Very interesting photos though. Would look good on the Internet. I wonder what mum would make of them?" "No!" Katrina interrupted. "Please Jamister, just bring me the CD and forget about it. I'll pay for your time." "That's OK. I'm sure the photos will fetch a lot posted on an amateur site." Katrina sank to her knees holding onto his looking him straight in the eyes. "You mustn't do anything with them. Don't show them to anyone. You must promise me. Please! I beg you. It would be a terrible thing to do Jamister. You don't realise how much harm it would do to me and the others." She stopped suddenly realising the others shouldn't have been mentioned. "I could promise. I might." He said, looking down her cleavage. Her thoughts raced. 'It's not just me. The others are in those photos too. All the naughty things we got up to. I've got to stop him right now, settle it now. I can't let him go back home with the chance of his lady finding out.' "What. What do you want Jamister. What will it take to make you promise? How much?" He reached forward cupping her breasts in large hands. With his thumbs he kneaded her nipples watching them harden. Katrina whimpered. She knew what he wanted, had known it would be this all along, but tried not to think it. "That's a nice dress but it would be better on the floor." "I can't. Don't make me do this. Please!" She pleaded; the poise from being a responsible elder was completely lost. Pushing her up by her breasts he told her. "I've seen it all anyway. I just want to see it in the flesh now." Hoping he just wanted to look, hoping he was underneath just a naughty schoolboy she pulled away from his grasp. She tried to reassure herself that he didn't have much experience of women, wouldn't demand too much. Seeing her stand there subdued gave him confidence. He reached forward lifting the hem of her dress to see the colour of her panties. White sensible knickers and nothing else of interest except what they concealed. For a moment she felt so naughty letting him see her knickers but before it could overwhelm her she straightened her shoulders prepared to tell him off. There was no escaping it. He had her in the palm of his hand and knew it. "Carry on then." He told her. 'Oh No. This can't be happening.' She felt so humiliated and stupid, especially that it was her fault getting into this mess. 'Just get it over with. Give him his little bit of a thrill to masturbate over at bedtime. It's just so crude and demeaning. Show him then show him the door.' Turning around she quickly pulled the dress over her head dumping it onto the floor at his feet in some sort of gesture of defiance. "Now the rest." With her face close to the wall it still wasn't far enough away from him in the small room. What did he think of her body now! A thirty-four year old wife couldn't compare with a teenage girl. Hadn't he humiliated her enough? "Turn around. Arms down to your sides." He looked her over not seeing the worn slippers, the only thing she wore "Very nice. The pictures don't do you justice. You should get a professional photographer." "No I couldn't. I." What was she saying? Standing here stripped before this young man discussing photography while he examined her naked body. 'Why do I feel so relieved he likes my body? It's awful.' He obviously liked what he saw and became more afraid of where this was going. "Back down here." He said pointing between his knees. Watching her breasts swing forward as she bent to her knees was too tempting. Jamister took hold of them lifting them, smoothing them in his palms, rubbing the nipples. Feeling her nipples reply to his caresses changed her opinion, he was more experienced than she imagined. Trying to think of something else wasn't easy. No one had ever paid so much attention to her breasts and they were enjoying it. From simple fumbling with boys to being married had been too quick. Anyway it was only since being married and putting a little weight on that they had grown. Not huge, just nice. Well he seemed to like them. It was no good the rest of her body was joining in the fun too. Any moment now her throat would give in and start to moan. Guiding her with a firm hand she turned and moved, as he wanted her. 'I'm not putty in his hands; I'm a plastic doll. He's moving my limbs around as though I weren't here, and I'm letting him. Oh! No. That has got to stop.' She thought. Hearing her at last moan out load he knew she was his for the taking. With her bent over the desk he was kneeling between her open legs. Continuing to lick her lips and probe her with his tongue until it ached. He finally sucked everything into his mouth. It was as though he had sucked her insides out. A blaze of fire erupted into fireworks crackling out along every nerve fibre to her toes. Sliding off the desk she collapsed onto his lap where he held her tight while the fire cooled. The chair rocked with her shivering for a little while then subsided. He lowered her to the floor with her head in his lap. Guiding the head of his cock into her mouth he watched her suckle it until he couldn't resist and it was his turn to close both eyes tight and moan. Coughing with a mouthful of come she looked around for a waste bin. "Just swallow it." He told her, while closing her mouth with a hand to her chin. With all resistance striped away she did as he told her. 'The first time ever.' She thought. 'That other thing was a first too. My god! Wow! So that was oral sex.' *** Still naked she wrapped the dress around her and sat at the foot of the stairs holding onto herself, afraid to let go. 'Who paid who?' She wondered. 'At least its over.' A twinge of guilt thumped her between the shoulders knowing she had come so much, enjoyed it too much. The dress tucked between her legs was sopping wet. It was her body not her mind that enjoyed it she told herself. "I had to do it. I had to pay the price. For June, Carol, Margaret and Harry too." The idea still didn't sound right even spoken out loud. "Damn! He still has the CD." She whispered. 'I'll have to tell them. No I can't, I just can't tell anyone.' The phone rang and she looked at the clock. It was only nine o'clock. It seemed nearer midnight. She hadn't made love this early for ages. 'No.' She thought. 'I'm not going to dignify it. It wasn't making love it was having sex. Damn. That sounds even worse.' "Hello?" "It's me. Thought I would let you know. The CD's are safe. I'll call round tomorrow with one of them. You get home about six don't you? I'll see you then." Katrina was too stunned to say anything, just nodded her head; she was always home by six, cooking tea for seven, in bed by ten. He just assumed she would be there waiting when she didn't answer. His words sank in. He was bringing one of them, one of them! Katrina ran upstairs to the shower and when finished headed straight to the washing machine. As she was about to throw it in she changed her mind and took the kitchen shears and cut the dress into shreds. The smell of his sperm was still on it and in her nostrils. 
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Jamister pulled one then the other from the sofa to look down at them on hands and knees below him. "What do you say? Thank you sir." He prompted. In unimister they said the words surprised at how much they meant it. "Sit up on your bottoms. Knees apart. Hands open on your knees. That's it. Sit there a moment to think about how much you enjoyed making me happy. I won't be back tonight with the first CD after all. I'll phone when I'm ready so make sure your ready for me." Squatting on the floor naked they watched him leave and heard the front door close behind him, still unable to move. Like a deflated balloon Margaret collapsed forward in a heap. Katrina helped her up then untangled the dress. Walking back from the kitchen with tea she handed her friend a cup. Margaret hadn't moved from where she had left her. "Another?" Katrina asked. "Another what?" Margaret giggled. Katrina looked at her then realised the giggle was close to a hysterical outburst. "Don't Maggy. We're in deep trouble and getting deeper all the time. We need help. We had better tell June." "Tell her what? Shall we tell her that we're getting it deep. Really deep. The size of him! There was enough for two of us yet I haven't had him yet." Margaret said looking at her friend with envy. "Neither have I." Katrina said defensively. "You were supposed to have helped me tonight." "I think I did that alright. Not as intended sure." She giggled again. "You had better go. Don't forget to wash the come off your face." Katrina scolded her. With a defiant sweep of her hand Margaret found some and sucked it off a fingertip. Prancing up the stairs she made her way to the bathroom to wash and dress. "I'll see you tomorrow in the office. Drive safely and don't do anything foolish." Katrina lectured her. "Me? Do something foolish like relax with a perfect stranger. Too late my dear." She replied at the door. "We haven't exactly done it, have we?" Katrina asked reaching for some small comfort. "Oh, I think that counts as adultery. Just ask our husbands." Margaret threw back at her. Seeming to revel in the idea. Watching the car disappear into the night Katrina worried about her. Margaret seemed too wired, too manic. She hugged herself for comfort. How did she get into this? They did need June's help she would tell her tomorrow. They say a trouble shared is a trouble halved. That obviously doesn't apply to a young mans cock. 
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Katrina wondered how Margaret would feel tomorrow knowing she would suffer after everything went so badly this evening when the situation had gone way beyond their control. It was admittedly her fault to begin with and as soon as Jamister entered her home this evening she had capitulated to him leaving Margaret to stand up to his demands. When she too had given in they were reduced to a couple of kittens purring at his feet. They needed help desperately. They had hoped to settle the problem without telling the other two friends but they would have to be told now and in any case they were involved as much as she was. He had naughty photographs of them too. Carol wouldn't be much help whereas June was an older woman, their office supervisor, with a greater experience of life. She wasn't the type to take any nonsense from Jamister. It was June's home they used to meet and play where those dreadful photographs had been taken. The one's he was using to blackmail her and now Margaret. June's husband had died two years ago and the four had met together to cheer her up until one evening they had all been a little takes and started a game. A naughty little game had started out so innocently where one would tell a fantasy scene from a novel and each would add to it. It had all been just a laugh, until now. The stories often ended up in complete farce creating a lot of merriment and did cheer June up but they had taken it all a stage too far. On Halloween night they dressed up and after a few glasses of wine June had taken photos. After a few more glasses they became more daring. Katrina always found being dared was hard to refuse and June knew how to push each of the friends from working with them as their supervisor. Bending over to show her panties had been easy for they felt it was a safe place to play out silly fantasies or so they had thought. Over the months the weekly sessions had formulated into a routine of escapism with stories being written on the computer together with photos of them posing, illustrating the story. Dressed as a gorilla Carol had reached around Carol dressed as a schoolgirl grabbing her breasts. With a little more wine they were pulled out for the first of many bare breasted shots. Ordering saucy books over the Internet, for none of them had been brave enough to buy one in a shop, they read the stories out loud often laughing at the ludicrous scenes. June too would join in and end up being subjected to small offenses like standing in the corner with her hands on her head or over someone's knee while they pretended to smack her bottom or serving the takes with the skirt tucked into the back of their knickers. When a bondage book arrived by mistake things did get out of hand a little when whoever drew the short straw was lightly bound. They were always just a tease but the photos didn't reflect that. June had suggested they pose nude to record themselves while they looked young and beautiful, as a reminder for when they were her age. Katrina remembered remarking that June was good looking for forty-eight. June had a large pair of breasts over a slim waist and looked fabulous in a bustier. Her legs were long and slender and strong from dancing. A hobby she shared with her husband. Somehow they all agreed to strip off for a group photo and from then on it was easy to pose naked for ever more raunchier scenes. Katrina remembered Carol squealing with a mixture of fear and delight when a dildo was held against her pussy. She was tied up for a pose and couldn't stop June from teasing her while she pleaded for her to stop. With tears of laughter she collapsed on the floor with all four of them in a heap laughing. No one said anything but all suspected June had started using the thing, as it was never seen again. Other props were bought with an understanding nothing would actually be used; nothing too embarrassing would be done to each other. Yet it didn't always look that way in the photos if you hadn't been there. Everything was photographed and saved on the computer and now that young man had a copy. Unfortunately it didn't look so innocent anymore when a young man had a hold of them. They looked lascivious, indecent even. **** Katrina made arrangements to meet on Wednesday instead of the usual Friday night by sending emails to each of the other three. Nothing was mentioned, no emergency or difficulties, just that they should meet up. Just in case Jamister turned up at her house Katrina drove straight to Margaret's from the office. Over a quick coffee they tried to make sense of what had happened last night and what they should tell June. Carol wasn't even mentioned for they knew she would be a push over and go along with whatever they decided. **** Jamister waited outside for the right moment to pounce and exactly on time he saw her leave the house, hesitating to check the front door was locked she turned toward her car. The twenty-five year old woman was slightly built and pretty. He remembered seeing the pictures of her dressed as a schoolgirl acknowledging how well the little outfit had suited her. "Hi, Carol." He said, while raising his hand. She took it into hers automatically. He shook it with a gentle but firm grasp. "Katrina told me to pick you up. Here I have a note somewhere. Are! It must be in the car." He said while patting his pockets. "I'm to drive you both over to June's house. We have to hurry because they're meeting early. Katrina's directions weren't very good and it's taken me time to find you. By the way I'm Katrina's cousin, Jamister." He lied, while holding the door to his sports car for her. Carol sat quietly on the short journey wondering what this meeting was all about and why the sudden change of plans. If Katrina's cousin was driving them there and home again it must mean a special evening with a lot of wine on the menu. A little tingle of excitement flushed her cheeks. Under the light raincoat she wore a nice flowery summer dress. Nothing outrageous, except under it she wore sheer stockings held by suspenders with the tiniest pair of panties she had ever worn. The white suspenders and panties were in bright contrast to the smooth tan of her skin. She inherited her beautiful features and skin tones from her parents, who were born in Kuching in Malaysia. The suspense was thrilling too as she wondered which one of them had something special to share with the others, and what was it? "Here we are safe and sound. Katrina practically ordered me to drive slowly for you. Katrina!" He shouted, walking straight into the kitchen while Carol waiting in the hall. "Hi Katrina. OK. I'll tell her." Jamister said into the mobile phone pressed against his cheek. He didn't want Carol to see it wasn't even switched on. He smiled reassuringly at Carol with a conspiratorial wink. "She's on her way there, couldn't wait. She says to get changed and I'll drive you to June's house. Does she order everyone around like that or just me?" He asked. "I'm afraid the three of them do it to me too." She said. "Upstairs in the spare bedroom. She's left something for you. Here let me take your coat." Ignoring the ineffectual resistance he had her coat off and hung it on the coat rack. "Hurry up. It's the second door on the left." Holding onto the sides of the dress with both hands she scampered up the stairs taking no chances of showing off the suspenders. He could see the sheer stockings and she could feel his eyes looking up at her from the hall. What he couldn't see was the embarrassment on her face simply from what she was wearing underneath the dress. It seemed so naughty to wear this saucy outfit with a man so close, even though he was young and didn't suspect a thing. In the room she quickly shrugged off the dress and grabbed the garment off the bed. She gasped in surprise. It was a little bunny girl outfit. The tiny skirt was far to short. What was she going to do? She would have to make some excuse for taking it with her for she couldn't change into it while he was down stairs with her coat. Carol wasn't daring enough to wear it even with a coat over it. "Come on we have to go." Jamister told her. Hearing his voice right outside the door startled her into a greater panic. When she didn't answer he asked. "You OK?" She nodded then realised she hadn't spoken. "Yes, OK!" She managed to croak. He must have assumed her reply meant he could come in and here she was wearing nothing but this insubstantial underwear. Despite herself she was becoming aroused from this handsome young mans presence. "Your not dressed yet. Come on! Get a move on." He scooped up the dress she had worn to drop it into a shopping bag. It was the same bag he had purchased the bunny girl costume in. It had been easy leaving it here in Katrina's house as his lady had a spare key. She used it when Katrina was on holiday to water the plants. He flashed her a big reassuring smile. He had a right to feel satisfied as he had conquered two of the four friends and now had a third stripped down to her underwear. It had been a well-planned deception where he had practically *******ped her. "Quickly slip that on and I'll zip it up." He told her. The feeling of offense at him seeing her in the naughty underwear was confusing her. Not wanting to face him, unable to ask for her dress back, she quickly pulled the outfit over her head desperate to cover a near naked body. She let him turn her body to be zipped in to it with his hands upon her shoulders. Jamister was a large well-built man, well able to man handle her, yet he hadn't taken advantage or made lewd remarks. Still she found his presence overpowering. The thought crossed her mind that he was gay and Katrina had set her up in this embarrassing situation. The spandex top was a perfect fit, like a second skin. He had her measurements from the computer where the four of them had ordered outfits on the Internet. All their measurements, purchases, photos, addresses and more were his. She tremred while he fiddled at her neck. In the mirror she saw a collar around her neck with a short leash dangling from it. What was happening, she had no idea. Was this all a plot by the others to humiliate her? "Here, down on the floor. You have to practice crawling." He told her. On hands and knees she crawled next to him out of the bedroom onto the landing. She didn't see the phone in his hand videoing the event for his collection. The feel of the little hem fluttering upon her bare bottom was so mortifying she kept her eyes shut knowing it was working its way to flop around her waist. This very scene had been enacted in the privacy of June's home where even there it had been almost too much for her, but then she had worn sensible knickers. With this young man in charge it was so much more intense and she was wearing practically nothing between her legs. Carol was humiliated, devastated and turned on all at the same time. The confusion of emotions was so overwhelming there was no option but to retreat into a little world in her mind leaving him to guide her. She had lost control and let him control her body. He looped the leash around the banister and descended the stairs. Looking up at her he said. "You'll have to stand up to walk down the stairs or you might fall. Come on we need to hurry. Take hold of the leash." She stood trembling with offense looking down at him knowing he could see up the tiny skirt. It only covered her hips so he would be able to see the suspenders and most embarrassing of all the minute patch of white moulded to the lips between her legs. Looking down at each step she descended carefully avoiding his stare. Still she hadn't noticed the phone videoing the sway of her hips with the pulsation of that white triangle in rhythm. "No! Please. I need the raincoat. I can't go like this." Carol pleaded. Desperation had overcome fear bringing her back to the reality of what she was doing; or rather what she had allowed him to do to her. "You'll be fine. I'll look after you. Now do as your told and get into the car." Feeling his hand gently slap her bare bottom brought a spurt of energy propelling her out of the door onto the drive. Eager to get in out of sight she fell into the passenger seat trying to sink out of view. When he got in she looked down to where his eyes were drawn. She had squirmed down into the seat leaving her legs uncovered to the crotch. Pulling at the hem did no good she would have to put up with it for the short journey to June's house. When a van pulled up beside them at traffic lights she felt so dreadful she wanted to wake up willing it all to be some kind of nightmare. At last they arrived. "We'll just wait a moment, their car isn't here yet." Jamister told her. Carol wasn't in a hurry to expose herself to any passing stranger so sat with eyes shut tight and with the small consolation he hadn't touched her much. He was a well-built man and could easily have his way with her, especially as those naughty panties were so flimsy. He had a slight excuse too for she had just stood there in a bedroom in her underwear, letting him take the lead. Her friends would protect her, so it would all be over soon. The two friends didn't see them sitting waiting. They left the car, still arguing, walking up to the front door of June's house. Katrina fished in her handbag for the key June had given her, at last finding it. Right behind them Jamister led Carol on a tight leash. "Hello girls." He announced as they walked into the hallway. Katrina and Margaret were stunned. They stood with open mouths staring at Jamister then took in the sight of Carol. The cold air had swollen her nipples for them to be displayed like candles on cup cakes, through the thin spandex, ready to be set on fire. They knew how sensitive she was and the slightest touch would set them aflame. "Now we are here you two had better follow the rules. Down Carol." He ordered, with a hand on her head. Carol sank awkwardly to her knees then on to all fours. The young man did the same to Katrina who gave in with a little whimper. Margaret watched mesmerised as he strapped a collar around her friend's neck sickened by the way she had capitulating so easily. His smile seemed so all consuming, the struggle to tell him 'No' was lost. She thought at least June would save them form this offense. The idea that she was enjoying this was firmly filed away in the back of her mind. Before she could adjust to what was happening she too was on her hands and knees while he fastened a collar around her neck. The three women crawled beside him along the hallway into the lounge. 'At least the carpet is soft on the knees.' Katrina thought. "What do you think of this then?" June said while turning slowly around showing off a spectacular new outfit. The black latex suit lifted her breasts into two impressive globes. It creased tight between ample cheeks, pulling tight at the waist and between her legs. Completing the turn she faced her three friends. Whatever she was going to add was fetishd off on seeing her friends on hands and knees beside a stranger. Like them she was stunned into silence. "Your friends have something to tell you. Come on Katrina, confess." Jamister told her while pulling on the leash powering her to look up at June. 
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Still on hands and knees Katrina looked up at her friend who's smile was replaced by a look of shock. While she stammered out a sorry tale of woe about the computer and how Jamister had the photos, June looked at her not wanting to acknowledge Jamister's presence in their secret playground. He circled the room casually examining the fine furniture recognising it from the photos. On a piece of furniture here and there he placed a miniature camera. At last he stood beside June examining the outfit. She hadn't moved from the spot where she had given the slow twirl. He bent to her ankles quickly snapping the clasps together and stood upright, close to her. "What have you done to them? This has got to stop now young man. We won't submit to blackmail. You will hand over the photographs or I will phone the police." June stated. She was quick to recover but not quick enough. Taking a step away from him she began to fall when her foot refused to leave its companion. Jamister took hold of both arms gently lowering the woman to the floor. Unlike her friends she couldn't support herself on her hands as the wrists were clasped to a tight belt about her waist. "What do you think you are doing? Let me go. Get out of here now!" June protested. "So this is the toy box." Jamister said. He rummaged through it until he found a large vibrator. "So who wants to play a game then?" He asked. "No you don't. We want nothing to do with you." June told him while squirming on the floor. He sauntered over to her and knelt. "Until you learn the rules of this game you had better be kept quiet. For your own good." He told her. From a bag he pulled a gag and fitted it around her head. Carefully pulling the long blond hair away from her face he slipped it into her mouth while she gathered more words of protest. The muffled shout convinced her of its effectiveness. She at last lay still, exhausted from the ineffective struggle, flat on the floor sucking in air through flared nostrils, glaring at her friends. "So. Now we are all together let the fun begin. Who wants to be first?" Jamister asked, with a glint of mischief to his voice. The three women cowered on the floor staring at the carpet not wanting to catch his eye. "Katrina." He said, the single word making her tremble. "You had better get changed from your office attire into something more comfortable." Katrina kicked off her shoes, undid the white blouse quickly twisting each button. Unzipping the side of the black skirt she let it slip to the floor. At a look from him she twisted the white bra to unclip it and let that too drop to the floor. She wasn't to be spared; the tights and black panties were pulled off each leg. She wanted to reach out for the outfit he held to cover her body but cuddled her naked body instead. "Hands to the side girl." He told her. "You arranged this meeting so you must be punished. Go stand in the corner like a naughty girl. Count to thirty silently then place your hands on your head. Count another thirty and put them to your sides. Then start over." He ordered. She nodded obedience and started counting. The others had watched entranced at seeing their friend capitulate to his whim. Who was going to be next and what was in store for them? "Margaret your next. Stand up girl, quickly." She hurried to obey not wanting to be punished, not daring to look at the others. Carol was in her own little world pretending it was the usual Friday night game and that he wasn't there. June lay where he had left her galled at seeing her friends reduced to playthings of this young man. How had he reduced them to this state? It was more difficult for them having husbands to consider but even she shuddered to think what friends and neighbours would think if their secret was revealed. Margaret stood perfectly still with arms to her sides while he examined her naked body. Her breasts weren't large but they were firm and her legs were shapely. At first she was highly embarrassed but he seemed to enjoy the look of her body and was surprised at how much this pleased her. Her mind became filled with thoughts of what he had done to her last night and how much she had enjoyed it. "Lie on the floor face down over here." Jamister told her. He directed her until her head was between June's knees. On his knees beside June he carefully unzipped the outfit from the back to her belly. She protested through the gag a meaningless stream of sounds while he held onto her breasts squeezing the nipples harshly until she held still. For a moment he simply tingled her thighs with tender strokes of his fingertips then suddenly sucked on her lips. Pushing his tongue in to explore he felt her thighs relax, opening a little. June tried to fight it until his tongue began to wriggle between her lips when her body gave in the struggle. Feeling her pussy opening up to him like a flower in bloom she flopped back on the floor a little more aware of how he had achieved her friends presentation. The little groans of satisfaction as he hit the right spot were thankfully muffled and distorted. Pulling Margaret into position he directed her to suckle on her friends pussy. With the leash he guided Carol between Margaret's legs. Close to her friends bare pussy Carol watched with wide-open eyes the young man sucking on the lips only inches from her face. "Like that. Keep doing it until I give you more instructions." He told her. As an added incentive he stroked her nipples, playing with them rubbing them hard. Carol felt as if they would burst into flames. She reached up with her face to Margaret's recently shaved pussy and sucked. With that first touch she felt Margaret press down seeking more, slathering her mouth with wetness almost suffocating her. Startled by a touch between her own legs she stopped sucking and licking. Quickly she continued before the pussy above her pressed down too tightly and ***d her. Feeling her panties pulled to one side was startling but the feel of fingers and a tongue exploring her was shocking. It was a delirious pleasure her body needed desperately after being so fiercely teased. Jamister turned Katrina around from her corner of the room. She staggered when her knees went weak at the sight of her friends on the floor. She had heard mutterings but blocked it all out by counting. The three friends were laying in a row with their heads between the others legs noisily sucking. June was on her back with Margaret's head between her legs. Margaret was lying on her stomach with Carol between her legs face up. He guided Katrina down on her friend Carol. With a little guidance she picked up what she was to do. To each of them in turn he gave the same instructions. "Lick or suck where your pussy is licked or sucked. What ever you feel do the same to the one in your mouth." He told them. Looking up at Katrina's clitoris he pulled her hips down. Penetrating her with his tongue she sighed a deep satisfaction. A split second later he heard Carol whimper, then Margaret, then a muffled sound from June's gag. A wet finger penetrated Katrina's brown puckered hole and she nearly came. The gesture went from woman to woman eliciting a fresh round of groans and whimpers. He thought of playing a tune with them but instead carried out a steady rhythm. For half an hour he carried on the game until they were all moaning in desperation. Jamister moved from under Katrina telling her to carry on probing with her tongue. Taking hold of her hips he slipped his aching cock into her and with a few strokes she came. The motion of her head bucking to and fro from the motions of her hips on his cock travelled from one to the other. Holding back from coming he moved on to Carol. Lifting her bottom off the carpet he entered her. With the first stroke she was aflame with passion and her head rose up into Margaret's pussy as she came powerfully. He pulled Carol from under her friend and entered Margaret for her to buck and gyrate on his cock so he didn't have to move a muscle. Quickly sated she deflated upon June in a heap. He had to drag Margaret off June still rubbing herself on Margaret's face. Between June's legs he felt them almost crushing him as they wrapped around his middle. Thrusting into her, he rode her hard and furiously now desperate to come after holding back for so long. She cried out a long wailing orgasm. Thankfully for the neighbours it was muted by the gag otherwise they might think someone was being ***d or *******ed. At last the five bodies lay at rest upon the floor. Jamister lay upon the prone body of June in silence except for the thumping of his heart and the deep breaths sucked into his heaving chest. Each of the women, in their own way, savouring the moment, held on to the feelings of satisfaction. 'This is just the beginning.' He thought. Looking them over he whispered. "So where do we go from here?" 
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The four women knelt upon the carpet with heads bowed before the young man, each in turn taking his cock in their mouths in a demonstration of their position of fealty to him. Margaret enjoyed the sexual contact making the most of it so that he had to pull away from her. Katrina's embarrassment became obvious as her cheeks blushed and he watched the flush spread down her neck to her bare breasts. Carol's eyes were shut tight as he pierced her lips using her compliant mouth for just one slow stroke. June watched her friends use with astonishment; it was their presentation to this offense as much as the audacious act they were being powerd to perform that shocked her. She was struggling to gather the words to admonish this stranger who had invaded her home and her body. The words came to mind too late as his deflated member was quickly pushed into her open mouth. When she found herself sucking it like a comforter, consternation reigned in her mind. The feelings of sexual gratification were kindled again overcoming her natural reluctance to submit to this arrogant young man. As soon as Jamister left the house the four friends pulled themselves together, each disappearing upstairs to a room for privacy. June made an effort in the kitchen sink to freshen up. Anger flared inside and subsided just as quickly as she thought about the three of them upstairs. It wasn't their fault. He had seduced her too. Too easily, too completely. Holding on to the edge of the sink she took a moment to wonder at the way he had taken her, taken all of them. It had been unexpected, outrageous, catching them off guard so they just let it happen. She tremred a little at the memory of that powerful orgasm. In the lounge they readied to leave. Nothing was being said obviously wanting to run away from the sordid episode. "Just wait a moment." June told them. "Sit down. We've got to sort this out. We can't just give in to him. We can't just let him have sex with us whenever he wants. Its blackmail, dirty blackmail, and we must do something to stop him." "Should we go to the police?" Katrina asked. Margaret and Carol shook their heads. "That won't work now. We've given in to him and there isn't proof he obligate us. Which is worse, having the photos revealed or continuing with this debasement?" "Why not just play along with him?" Margaret asked. "Do what he wants until we get the opportunity to destroy the photos, then we'll be free. Don't try to pretend you didn't enjoy it June." June was taken aback. There hadn't been enough time to work out how she felt about it, except shame. Margaret had a point, which she didn't want to face right then. "What do you think Katrina?" She said, trying to ignore Margaret. "I don't know what to do about it. I'm sorry June; I tried to get the photos back that first evening. I really did! I shouldn't have given in to him that first time, it gave him such an advantage. He has such a way about him it was difficult, impossible to resist him." She shook her head trying to clear it of the naughty thoughts. She explained what had happened that first evening and the second with both her and Margaret giving in to him. "Good grief. You let him shave you? Both of you? I must admit he seems to know a lot, too much, for such a young man." She said quietly. This was the closest she was going to come to admitting she had enjoyed that evenings sexual escapade. "What about me?" Complained Carol. They looked at her seeing the hurt expression creasing her face into almost-tears. She explained how he had brought her here on the pretext Katrina had made the arrangements. "I can't tell Luke, he must never find out, he will ******* me. We must keep it a secret." The others nodded silently each with similar reamisters for keeping the photos a secret and now there was the added problem of having had sex with him. "It's not just the photos now. What if I'm pregnant? My husband will know it's not him. I pretend it's my fault but we both know he can't produce youngren." Carol looked like a young girl sitting there wringing her hands rocking back and forth. Both Katrina and Margaret spluttered tea over the kitchen table. "Oh! No! I hadn't thought of that. It was only this evening that he actually. Oh! No!" Katrina wailed. "Calm down!" June demanded. "It's all right for you. Your past, well you know. I mean." Margaret ground to a halt. "He didn't fill you up, either of you, did he? Well he did me." June stated. The expression upon her face revealed to her friends a secret thought, a thought that had been pushed away ever since she had felt him coming. At that moment she had wanted him and his sperm so badly she was willing to submit to anything. "I'm not passed it if that's what you mean." June glared back at Margaret. Katrina waved her open hand between the two of them. "Listen. Can you get some morning after pills from that friend of yours in the pharmacy?" June nodded. "When that's taken care of we can deal with the photos and blackmail. None of us can afford to let him carry out the threat so we will have to come up with a solution." "In the mean time we do as he says, yes?" Margaret added with a sly smile upon her face. "Yes! We must, all of us. He said that. We must all do as he says. Please! My husband mustn't find out." Carol pleaded. Margaret was forming a quip about being relaxing with a stranger to help her friend out, when June recovered her composure to say. "I could take him on. You three have husbands to consider. I could demand he leaves you alone. Make a deal with him." June leant back from the looks of angry suspicion on the three faces. Even Carol gave her a stern look over the proposal. June dropped the idea wondering at their reaction questioning her motives behind the suggestion to. They hugged and said good night agreeing not to decide anything until after a good nights relax. Katrina drove the two friends home and reluctantly entered her empty house. On opening the fridge she became aware of a ravenous hunger. With her husband away there was little there, no tasty leftovers. An overwhelming desire for chocolate sped her across the kitchen for the car keys. "Oh! No! Not a craving for chocolate. She relaxed a little knowing pregnancy urges were a long way off. Even if she was pregnant, which she wasn't! She stroked her stomach smiling with the thought of it. Was it worth the risk? *** Waddling into the prenatal clinic a nurse asked Katrina her name. "And who is this." The woman was obviously experienced enough not to assume anything. The young man didn't appear to be her husband but you could never tell. "He's the man. Jamister." Katrina purred contentedly, as he helped her down onto the cushioned mat where she would attempt some exercises. Jamister turned to help the next woman, swaying a large belly through the door. "That's OK! I'll see to her." The nurse exclaimed. She was alarmed at seeing this young man about to man handle another of her new intake. "Its alright, Jamister can help me. After all it's his lump too." Margaret grinned. The nurses' eyes swivelled between the two women in astonishment not knowing what to say. Carol entered the sparsely decorated room and lifted her arms for Jamister to wrap her in a grip ready to be lowered to the floor. She sat gently on another blue cushioned mat and looked up at him. "Baby says thank you, Daddy." Carol smiled. He turned to June and wrapped his arms around her unable to get a grip then dismissed propriety to hold her large swollen breasts, lowering her too onto a mat. The nurse looked as though her eyes would pop. All four women looked at her expectantly while she pulled herself together. Clearing her throat she said. "There's four more booked in for this session, perhaps we should wait for them." It would at least let her regain some composure. She looked at the young man fussing over the four pregnant women. She thought she had seen it all but this was astonishing, that he should be responsible for all four was just astonishing. Katrina introduced each of the pregnant women as they entered the room and Jamister helped them to a mat. "It's OK these belong to Jamister too. This is my neighbour Jessie, and Cousin Aggie, and Aunty Mildred. Oh! Mom!" *** Katrina sat up in bed shaking. She looked down at herself half expecting to see a pregnant lump but her tummy was still flat. Her feelings too were flat. The sigh of relief left her lips pouting while she thought about the contentment felt in the dream. On impulse she stuffed a pillow up the baggy tee shirt used as a nightgown and tried to relax, all the while stroking the stretched shirt. Was it a nightmare or a wish fulfilment dream? Still feeling hungry she got up to feed the microwave with whatever was found open from the fridge. Still half a relax it took a few moments to realise she still had the pillow tucked up the nightgown. Reluctantly she pulled it free. *** Next day was hectic in the office, preparing for an audit, leaving the four women too busy to discuss what they must do to rid themselves of this perverse situation. When a colleague appeared from another department with a baby shower list it caught Katrina and Carol off guard. Katrina watched Carol's eyes wide with desire, her fingers stroking the tiny romper suit comparing the blue and the pink her eyes filing with a misty far away glow. Katrina wondered if she too shared that wistful look. The colleague patted Carol's stomach and asked her. "Are you going to be next then? I'll start a collection shall I?" She laughed, gathering everything up to stride off on her rounds of the building. Carol gave Katrina a near-tear simper and hurried out to the bathroom. Katrina knew how she felt and decided to carry the pillow again tonight; it might help. All four women peered over the computer monitors across the office at each other. The look in their eyes said it all; each had received a message from him with instructions for tonight. They had been summoned. *** In the car, on their way to June's house Katrina wondered out loud to her two friends. "He must have access to our office systems to send a message like that. One of us must have left their Id and password on the laptop. I wonder what else is on there?" She murmured. "It doesn't matter does it?" Margaret asked. "I mean it's the photos we want back. With them in our hands our lives will be our own again. I'm not saying I haven't enjoyed some of it, but I would rather have the choice of what to do. Whose to say what he will do to us next." She commented, turning from the front seat to look at Carol. Carol grimaced. " I don't want to think about it. Lets just get to June's and try to figure a way out of this. I just hope June has thought of something." Katrina wondered about Margaret. She seemed to find it all just some wild adventure as though re-living her adolescents. Katrina was feeling sick thinking about what she had done and how she would cope when her husband returned home. *** They heard him arrive and quickly put down their takes listening to the even tap of his leather shoes on the hall tiles. When the door opened they dropped the dressing gowns in unimister. "Wonderful. Absolutely ravishing." A small part of each of the women wanted it to be them he was lavishing praise upon yet feeling sullied being naked before this young man. Standing with heads bowed was a sign of their presentation though Katrina rationalised they were too embarrassed to look him in the eye. There just hadn't been long enough to mount a revolt or agree to a plan of mutiny. "Katrina, go and wait for me in the hall. Margaret, wait in the kitchen. Carol, go stand in the corner." June couldn't believe they were being treated like this. Four grown women had stripped themselves naked and were being ordered around like servants. She had had just about enough of this ridiculous situation. Before June could protest the audacious young man placed a belt around her waist trapping her arms to her sides. "What are you doing?" She complained. He slipped a blindfold around her eyes. Holding her close he whispered. "You like this don't you." She mouthed a protest in answer at the same time nodding her head betraying more truthful feelings. When she opened her mouth again he popped a gag into her mouth. While she gasped for air trying to get used to this surprise attack s let him lead her across the room with little hesitant steps. Gently pushed over the back of an easy chair she lie there shrinking into a little dark world of her own knowing what was to come. A little whimper escaped her throat as she wondered if perhaps it wasn't the obvious but something horrid, something painful he had planned for her. Was she going to be punished or had she something more frightful to endure. She felt his fingers playing with her pussy and it was a relief. The irony of this made her chuckle. A stranger had her helpless in her own living room and she was grateful that he was playing with her pussy. At least he wasn't greasing her arse. In such a vulnerable state she needed to encourage him and with relief felt her body responding. He was good; he knew a woman's body surprisingly well. She felt him entering her and frowned, it felt wrong. She heard a hiss and the thing inside her expanded filling her up feeling huge, leaving her whimpering. 
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When she felt him lubricating her bottom she struggled only to feel the thing inside her wriggle. Every movement was felt as it touched nerve endings she hadn't known existed. On feeling another device gently eased up her anus she exhaled round the gag, sucking and blowing air in fear. He stroked her hair and spoke reassuringly into her ear until she quietened. Feeling the thing expand like the first one she whinnied like a nervous pony. She was left to her darkness concentrating on the strange feelings, trying carefully not to move, not wanting the sensations to overwhelm her. Her pussy and her bottom were full and the ends were swinging between her legs. She concentrated on keeping still and keeping sane, under control. It wasn't easy when such conflicting feelings were coursing through her body, of sexual tension and fear and above all a need to orgasm. She didn't hear the others being brought back into the room and if she had it would have been some comfort to know they too were blindfolded not seeing her scandalful condition. Jamister positioned the four women in a line close to each other one behind the other. Taking a tube from between June's legs he eased it into Katrina's prepared bottom. It had been well greased yet she still protested by rising up on tiptoe. It was no good the tube reached and the two women were pulled together. Pressing the nozzle of an aerosol can to a valve in the tube it immediately grew and stiffened. One end was firmly buried up Katrina's arse the other deep in June's pussy. Expanded as they were with compressed air there was no way of pulling them free. Carol was next inline then Margaret. Margaret had the tube from her bottom attached to the wall. Each of them was coupled together, from bottom to pussy, like a string of carriages and Jamister was about to become their engine. To complete the chain Jamister moved into position before Katrina with his own pipe ready to couple. The women were already steamed up moving slightly then stiffening their bodies trying to avoid the slightest movement where each transgression elicited a little whimper of pain and pleasure. The women's perfume was overpowering with sweat and hormones from their excited bodies. Each woman was straining with the dual need to hold on and let go. Holding onto Katrina's hips he slowly eased himself in while she breathed out in a whoosh of air, cooling his chest. He started a gentle rhythm, which Katrina refused to accept until with a grunt she met his hips with hers, all restraint gone she began to buck her hips. The tightly fitted tube up her arse pulled June's pubis forward, and so too Carol and Margaret. For a few strokes they were all out of step with one another feeling the objects movements in vagina and arse to the maximum. A steady writhing rhythm gave them the appearance of some strange caterpillar getting nowhere faster and more urgently. Jamister arrived first coming into Katrina who squealed as though applying air breaks urgently. She shuddered to a halt quivering with excitement the tubes movements extending the feelings with every thrust from June. Each of the women in turn came, June shaking her head from side to side, Carol silent and intense, Margaret still bucking furiously back and forward impaling herself on both phalluses, unintentionally punishing Carol's arse. The sound of badly leaking air brakes brought them to a halt. The four women stood perfectly still pressed up close sharing the objects presence, trembling on it, living the last vibrations together. They knew better than to sink to their knees, couldn't anyway, unable to escape the terrible thing inside them. He lifted the blindfold and undid the gag on each woman in turn. Releasing June's arms she swayed threatening to tumble to the floor but Jamister held her until she recovered. With June leaning against Carol she looked to be squashed against Margaret with her head between the woman's breasts breathing heavily against June's back. "I need a take after that. We all need a large glass of water. Off to the kitchen with you." He laughed. "Be careful, move slowly." He said. Each in a world of their own, unable to think for themselves, they obeyed his order shuffling across the room like members of a chain gang. Orgasmic post tremors rippled through their bodies as they made their way to the kitchen. The *** to their bodies was both pleasurable and appallingly embarrassing and it showed on their faces as they shuffled back into the room. "Please, let us go. Undo us. Please!" Katrina pleaded. "I might keep you like that all weekend. It will teach you not to misbehave and to do as you are told." He firmly threatened. "Please sir. We'll do as you say. You don't need to keep us like this. We'll behave. We promise to do what ever you want." Katrina pleaded. She wriggled her bottom in response to a ripple effect starting from Margaret. Jamister watched the looks of suppressed pleasure and discomfort cross the four faces. It was amusing to watch so might try this again some time but enough was enough. He didn't just release the tubes he played between their legs until they were lying exhausted upon the carpet. He had been tempted to leave the annul tube in to see the effect of them parading around with tails but let them off this offense. "On your knees slaves." He cajoled them. They were compliant like well-trained dogs with Margaret attempting an imitating of an eager pup seeking his approval by sitting up on her knees making little whining noises. Katrina looked at her friend with a look of contempt. Before she could say anything Jamister reprimanded her. "There's no need for that. You're all in this together. Take it, you know what to do." He told Katrina. She turned to face the front as though on parade, arching her back and pulling her shoulders back thrusting out her breasts at him at the same time shuffling her knees apart. The others adjusted themselves, squatting on the floor in a row displaying their naked bodies to him. Jamister was impressed with the size of June's breasts and they still felt firm. Next to her Carol looked so small and cute it was no wonder they had dressed her up as a schoolgirl on their naughty evenings together. There were quit a few photos on the computer which had given him clues on how best to treat each of them. On the end was Margaret always eager and ready for more. A nice figure but it was her vivacity that beamed out from her entire body straining at him to take notice. He looked back at Katrina. Her thin waist made her breasts look large too but knew by their feel they were smaller than June's. From their last encounter Katrina knew exactly what to do. She lifted his flagging penis in one hand while cupping his balls with the other. A first tentative kiss to its eye followed by a lick along its length and back, then with a gentle suction it disappeared between her lips into her mouth. All the while she tenderly pumped his balls. She wasn't used to so much physical stimulation, none of them were, but Katrina found it impossible to resist however hard she tried to maintain a detached aloofness. After a short moment he pulled back and moved sideways to stand before June. She repeated the action as mechanically as Katrina had. She had enjoyed him from the very first perhaps because she hadn't had sex for so long. On occasion he caught her staring at his penis with a look of lust in her eyes. She wanted to let go of her inhibitions and pull him on top of her but all the time held back before her friends not wanting to let them down. When Carol took hold of him it was a different feeling altogether. It was as though she revered his penis lavishing it with all her attention, her tongue not resting even when it was in her mouth she worked it hard. Her slim brown fingers were cool on his hot sack continuously moving his balls around without the slightest discomfort to mar the exquisite feelings. Margaret had a similar effect upon him only it was from her own desire to have him erect rather than a concern for his pleasure. She revelled in being a sex thing as long as it led to her own satisfaction, and if he enjoyed it too, it meant more pleasure would be coming her way. With his penis bouncing before him their eyes followed it as though mesmerised by a snake. If he stepped any closer it would tap Katrina on the forehead. Placing bags before them he said. "Here's your clothes for the weekend. Get showered and changed then back down here. Quickly, come on, move." They reached for the bags and struggled to their feet almost as stiff as he was. Katrina realised the significance of what he had just said. They were in for a session lasting the weekend, the whole weekend. After this last offense could it get any worse? With a shudder she knew it could and would. 
Posts: 167325
The four friends met early at June's house desperate to discuss their predicament. Giving into a young man's blackmail was leading to ever more degrading sexual acts. With the takes poured they sat back on the sofa and easy chairs ready for a difficult decision. "We have got to do something about this. I was going to say 'before it goes too far' but it already has. Maybe we could simply refuse to play his games and see what happens." June said. Margaret interrupted. "It was my fault I got you into this so maybe I should confront him." "No! Margaret we're all in this, together. He's blackmailing us all. We must decide together." "He has photos of our naughty evenings here, nothing too bad but very embarrassing. Holding that over us he's pushed us into sleazy games; his games not ours." Taking a deep breath she continued. "I admit enjoying some of it. I never dreamed of doing such things before. I wouldn't think of suggest something so sordid even to a long time partner and here we've being doing, 'things', with a stranger. For me the decision to call his bluff is easier. I don't have a partner to consider whereas you three do. So, Margaret, what do you think?" When young Carol chirped in it was a surprise as she usually just followed the others lead. "If anyone sees the photos of the silly games we played it will be embarrassing but what will happen exactly? My husband doesn't want me. He blames me for not having youngren. His family are against me. They want him to leave me anyway. In this country I would have the house so I won't be on the streets. At work I'll have you three. We'll have each other as friends to stand up to the ridicule. Lets just tell him to sod off!" They laughed at the fierce delivery and she joined in. They shared another take still nervous though more confident after their chat. Jamister walked in. The conversation abruptly stopped and the three looked to June. "Well June. It looks as though you've been appointed spokespermister." He was prepared for this; even surprised it hadn't happened before now. Slipping a disk into the player he reached for the remote control. "Just a minute June. You need to see this first." The television flickered with images then settled to a shot of the four women on their knees before him. Seeing the look of shock on their faces almost made him laugh out loud but he didn't want to distract them. They were absorbed in the scenes of them playing his games on the wide screen. They each in turn were paying homage to his cock, caressing and kissing it. At least that's how he saw it. What was most disturbing to them was the evident acceptance of their place at his feet. He clapped his hands loudly for their attention. "Now ladies. Take these clothes and get changed. I don't want any more backchat or insubordination. Just do as I say and do it quickly. In case you're wondering, I placed micro cameras around this room. Everything, and I mean everything, is on record. I'll leave that copy for you to enjoy. Now get going, get changed." Jamister ordered. In separate rooms they changed into the clothes he provided and nervously applied makeup. The women timidly emerged from bedrooms and bathrooms to meet in the lounge. June and Katrina looked each other up and down and shrugged at the unexpected image, somewhat surprised and mystified but *** to contemplate what it was all about. June silently poured takes wondering why they were dressed up as they were. Katrina and Margaret wore a little black dress hugging their figures over black sheer stockings complete with a pair of shiny black high heels. The hem only just covered stocking tops, stretched tight by a suspender belt. The white of their thighs flashed when they walked. Carol was clad in a black leotard stretched revealingly thin over the bumps of her body. A little bolero jacket revealed, where the leotard thinned, a pair of small breasts every time it swung open. The micro skirt hardly covered her bottom meaning it was more lascivious than protective. Carol thought the little high heel boots cute though. June looked once more into the mirror at her outfit. The long black dress with a deep cut front and back was almost an evening gown, only it revealed as much as it covered. Without panties the slits up to her hips were very daring. None of the women wore panties and Carol relied on the leotard to hold her breasts. Jamister had at least allowed the three older women some support, providing a half-cup bra. "Well ladies you do look gorgeous." Jamister announced with a wide beam lighting his face. Despite themselves they couldn't help preening in his presence, brushing back hair or adjusting stocking seams. He took each one by the hand turning them with a look of admiration. "Such a beautiful long neck." He said, while kissing June below an ear, then blowing gently into it with a promise of more to come. The clothes would have been sluttish if they hadn't been so obviously expensive. Was he intending to take them out on the town looking like high-class hookers? Someone was sure to recognise them in the neighbourhood. What would friends and neighbours think? What would the gossip be after the exaggerations of wagging tongues? Their protests were silenced by his reassurances. "You're looking too wonderful to waste on this neighbourhood. I don't think there is anywhere around here that deserves you. So I have a special surprise. Tonight will be my treat to you for being good girls and obeying my instructions. No questions. Just follow me." He ordered them out of the room. They wiggled their hips on high heels out to a waiting limousine thankful for the cloak of darkness, then again relieved the windows were heavily tinted. June found it too easy joining the others in obeying his wishes. She understood how he had captured the friends into this compliant role but was still mystified as to how easily she too had given in to him. They spread themselves out in the back of the limo, sinking into the leather, as it silently moved off. When Margaret let him kiss her deeply June was shocked to see her responding so wantonly to his wandering hands. The hussy was spreading her legs without a trace of reserve. When he turned to Carol, June had to look out of the window, ignoring the girls imploring eyes. June couldn't help the young friend knowing she had lost the will to resist him. Although angry June knew that when it came to her turn she would give in. She gulped at the champagne and poured another. With a guilty look at Carol she saw the young woman had closed her eyes no longer afraid yet still reluctant to give in completely. A furtive glance at Katrina sitting across from her revealed a pose of defiance, the only one of them prepared to resist him. Carol clamped her thighs together not wanting the shame of showing herself up before her friends. There was nothing she could do about his teasing hand pulling at a nipple while his caresses worked on her neck and lips. Unused to such attention it aroused her more quickly than her defences could be raised. It was a shock when his fingers slid up the fine material covering her thighs. Too late she clamped her legs shut on his hand. Those devilish fingertips flicked against the thin material covering her bud sending shock waves through her legs. They tensed and relaxed in spasms as though operated by him through her sensitive little button. The press-stud parted and he was into her creating more unmanageable patterns of sensations; her legs parted, thrust outward, quivering to the rhythm of his fingers. Margaret stared at the two of them clearly wishing she was the centre of his attention. Katrina looked out into the night trying to distance her self from them. June downed another glass of champagne embarrassed at being a powerd witness to her friend's seduction and feeling guilty for not helping the young woman. The limo cruised to a halt without a discernable movement. By the time the chauffeur had opened the door June was sitting adjusting what little skirt there was, perceptibly clenching her thighs. "Come on girls a night out will do you good. I don't suppose you will relax but a little adventure is good for the spirit." Jamister laughed as he guided them out into the dark night. Lights flashed in multi coloured neon brightness revealing this to be an entertainment district for tourists and hustlers. Carol kept close to her companions walking straight legged afraid of revealing an open crotch now cooling in the night air. She helped her friends tottering in high heels all struggling desperately to keep up with Jamister not wanting to be left out on the streets dressed as hookers. Into a club they tottered, past a door leading onto to the dance floor, continuing along a corridor into a more secluded room. A bar top was set into a wall, obviously adjoining the dance floor from the sound of music seeping in. At this end of the room stood a sturdy looking pool table. Peering past it they saw a serious game of cards being played, obviously serious from the players expressions and piles of chips stacked high. The card players were the only other customers and ignored them, concentrating on the game instead. Carol looked around desperate for a ladies room needing to pop her modesty securely back into place. The body stocking had been rude enough pulling tight between her legs, though now her lips were pouting crudely from their lair. She tried to lean forward in an attempt to lower the hem of the skirt knowing if she stood up straight and raised her arms all would be revealed. Not wanting to sit they shuffled to the bar as though tethered to him, needing to be close under his protection. Still no one took any notice of them concentrating instead on the game. Perhaps their outfits weren't so outrageous here. With takes in hand Jamister announced. "Ladies we are going to have a game of pool." They looked relieved for a moment. Katrina fetishd on a Gin and Tonic, while Margaret looked across the table knowing that meant bending over it. Carol blanched pale on following Margaret's eyes. Reaching and bending over the green baize would mean revealing all. "As an added incentive the loser has to pay a penalty. The loser will be given a token. That token will be placed in the pot on the poker table. Whoever wins the pot takes the loser. They will own the loser for the weekend." Jamister smiled. The four women were aghast at the idea that some stranger might win them in a bet. If they hadn't been so sexually excited with their wits dulled by holy water they may have railed against the idea. Instead they stared at each other wondering at each other's ability. Who was the best player or more importantly who was the worst player? "Heads or tails?" The women looked at Jamister wondering if this was another *** then realised it was to see who played first. "We can't do it Jamister. You can't do this to us it's too squalid to contemplate. Please Jamister." Katrina begged quietly holding her friends close for support, knowing if she upset him he might do something even crazier. Dressed the way they were and without money it was going to be difficult getting home without him. The feeling of vulnerability kept them dependent on him but it was the video of those dreadful games that brought them to heel so effectively. "Play the game and I'll think of something else. Something private, between us." He smiled with a frown revealing they needed to show willing or else. It was enough. They started playing. 
Posts: 167325
Bending over the table for a shot Margaret knew what she was showing and tried desperately to keep her legs together. The card players were quiet, the pot was too valuable not to concentrate on the game. They were men and couldn't help glancing every time a woman bent to a shot. Carol had run off to the rest room to press the popper back at her crotch only it had a terrible habit of popping when stretched, always at the wrong moment. June avoided the card player's side of the pool table, taking the chance of doubling the ball across the table, even if it meant losing. Even Katrina was subdued revealing how humiliated and frightened she had become. Jamister looked on ensuring they put on a show, muttering his disapproval if one of them tried to avoid a shot on the card players side of the table. The four women had become cowed enough to follow through with his suggestions even if it meant stretching out over the table. Eventually the game was over, all four had played and the loser was Carol. The four women watched Jamister expectantly hoping they had earned the alternative task; hoping it was less terrifying than being given away to a stranger. "Ladies, finish your takes and follow me. I have a surprise for you." Jamister told them. On seeing his friend's pile of chips had grown considerably there was no need to hang around. The guy had his back to the pool table which Jamister was sure had saved his concentration as planned. Despite their preparations even he wouldn't have been immune to distraction from such a show. Tottering on high heels they clipped along behind Jamister whispering their fears. Two doors down he stopped and knocked at a storefront, closed and shuttered for the night. Four scantily clad women trying to be unobtrusive on a brightly light and crowded street was impossible. Whatever was in store for them behind that door would be a relief from the catcalls and lewd offers from passers by leaving them eager to follow him. The door opened enough for them to squeeze through one at a time. The lights were off leaving the place in darkness except for the neon of advertising signs slanted through the iron shutters. They had walked into some kind of workshop at peace for the night. "Wait here. Katrina, you come with me." Jamister demanded. She followed him through a bead curtain leaving the others huddling together for comfort. Along a narrow corridor with squeaking floorboards only heard in the dead of night, away from the noise of the street and late night revellers. In the gloom she saw a row of barbers chairs covered by dustsheets. "Sit there." He ordered, after clearing one of the chairs. She looked around for the man that had let them in but it seemed he had disappeared only hanging around to open the door. In the large shabby chair she hefted herself up feeling the leather upon her bare arse. Behind her Jamister popped a gag into her mouth, reached over her and clamped both wrists to the arms of the chair. "Quiet!" he hissed. Scared and angry she sat still and silent. Before he left he whisked a dustsheet back over the chair and Katrina. "Your next June." He said and waited until she had passed through the curtain. Sitting her in a chair furthest from Katrina he did the same to her. She sat there glowering at him until he covered her like a parrot in a cage. Carol didn't want to be left on her own in the creepy shop so walked forward as soon as Jamister appeared at the curtain. He shrugged and guided her to a seat between June and Katrina. She had her mouth clamped shut to stop her teeth from chattering with fear. He kissed her lips and told her. "Open wide." So used to doing as she was told he slipped the gag into her mouth without a hassle. She sat supine while both wrists were clamped to the chair arms. Margaret sat guessing her three friends were either side of her. What was she to do but follow their lead? Pulling the sheets off the chairs he now had the four victims seated before him. Feeling no better with her friends beside her Katrina watched in trepidation as Jamister fiddled with the chair at her feet. She felt him pull the stilettos from her feet but when she tried to stretch found her ankles had been tethered. Now the four women were firmly attached to the chairs he went back to Katrina. A lever behind the chair winched the back down at the same time raising leg rests. Katrina's legs were lifted up and outward. Each in turn Jamister adjusted them until all four ladies were lying back with legs spread, helplessly tied to the chairs. They looked to left and right squirming and signalling messages to each other with wild eyes flashing. It was no good they were trapped. With the hem of the dresses and skirts tucked around the waist everything was on show leaving it obvious what the centre of attention was to be. They hoped this alternative plan wasn't worse than the original. Perhaps one of them should have been sacrificed for the others safety. What they hadn't guessed was this had been planned from the start and the pool room merely a diversion in payment for the use of a friends workshop. "Just relax ladies. You must be used to showing me everything by now." Jamister reassured them with a laugh, and then settled on a stool between June's legs. He began to trim and shave her. With a brush he tickled her most sensitive places applying lather over lips and her entire crotch. "Now keep still." He warned. After a rinse he leaned forward and kissed her naked smooth lips. Sucking everything into his mouth he nibred upon her inner lips and licked as deeply as he could. He moved the stool over to Carol. She mewed through the gag pleading for him to stop. What was she going to tell her husband! The others couldn't fully see what was going on but guessed. Katrina and Margaret had already been shaved bare and were used to it but were wondering if this was all they were to be subject to. When he bent forward to kiss his handy work Carol became silent then. Again she started up a keening noise only with an obviously different meaning entirely. Eventually he stopped and so did Carol as she came. He moved over to Margaret. She felt his fingers working their magic over her now engorged lips. The sounds from her two friends and anticipation of what was to come had set her off on the road to craven desire. Taking the cloth off a tray Jamister looked at a set of instruments prepared for him by a friend. The same friend playing cards who was now a winner for a change. That is, if he had walked away when the women left the pool hall. Jamister wondered if he could do this. After practicing with a banana he had become proficient but this was very different. Being so wet it was easy to ease a Chinese egg into Margaret's vagina. She was usually up for anything but this was obviously a surprise. He sprayed her lips with a mild anesthesthetic followed with an injection. Neither of which brought a reaction so he quickly worked away while she was still getting used to the trembling egg. Katrina strained to move her head forward to see what was going on between her legs but the gag was attached to the headrest preventing movement. She stopped squirming on feeling the egg invade her. Carol hardly moved seeming to have given up. She lay back with legs splayed letting him get on with the task. June hissed at him through the gag obviously angry and wanting out. He wondered at this having already worked out she liked to be tied up. He didn't stop to think she might be worried about her friends. She soon stopped fidgeting on feeling the egg slide deep into her vagina. Jamister finished the task on the four women and lowered their feet knowing they were feeling the strain of the ordeal. He fitted a belt round each of their waists and unclipped each wrist from the chair arm to clip it to the belt. Now free of the chairs he helped each of them up and ushered them out through the bead curtain. They had no time to think or find out what he had been up to. What was the purpose of all that other than shaving them? With each step they felt the Chinese egg quivering inside. Walking back out onto the street they were more anxious than ever; with wrists now attached to their waists they were so very vulnerable to passing strangers. They looked at each other seeing the fear in the eyes but they couldn't talk to reassure each other. Still wearing the gags they were attracting attention so were glad to hobble into the waiting limo. It sped off from a gathering crowd before the celebrating crowd could gain confidence enough to close in. Ten minutes wasn't enough to get their breath back but they had to alight, ushered out by Jamister. Fortunately there were no stairs to negotiate in the high heels. Straight along a ground floor corridor into a large lounge. The house was as large as June's with a more modern décor. Posters of bands and one of Che Guevara lined the walls down the corridor. The lounge had four large sofas around a Persian rug with sets of four watercolours on each wall, by modern artists. The house wasn't exactly minimalist, it was comfortable. "There's a bathroom through there, large enough for the four of you. I'm sure you'll want to freshen up." Jamister knew it would be terribly frustrating for them not being able to talk to each other though it would be plain what had happened as soon as they got in there. He listened to the anguished muffled cries. It was hard not to laugh. The anaesthetic must be wearing off now so the cries would become more urgent. He had sewn loops of a cotton thin wire into their pussy lips then slipped a tiny padlock through them. Their pussies were effectively locked up. Not so much theirs as his now, for he had the keys. Before that he had slipped in a Chinese egg, which would be impossible to extract now their vaginas' were locked up. It was no wonder they looked cross-eyed walking out of that store into the limo. Any movement would cause the ball to vibrate inside them and now they knew it would be impossible to extract the devilish device. Each of the women had a small bell clipped to the padlock that clasped their pussy shut. Each time they moved in tinkled. When they became excited the tiny bells would ring like a kittens convention. 'An appropriate gift for his pussies.' He thought. On bare feet the four women trailed, stepping delicately, into the lounge. "I guess you tried to cut the wire? Its a titanium alloy and cant be cut, at least not by anything you would trust that close to your sensitive parts." They were looking at him with imploring eyes wanting to be set free. Each of them wondered what torment he was going to deal out next. Had it been Margaret who said it couldn't get any worse? Well it had. 
Posts: 282
Waouh !! Quel "patagon"... Mais merci quand même
Posts: 167325
oui "pas fortiche" 
Posts: 167325
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!"Please don't tell anyone my wife licked your balls, Big Jeff!" I wish I never walked in on Big Jeff after he came out of the shower that day. Because if I hadn't, I never would have blabbed my big mouth to my wife about what a big cock he had. She never would have taken a bigger interest in him. And I never would have watched my worst nightmare: her tiny lips tasting his giant cock, right in front of me. I let Jeff stay with my wife and I, as we had a spare room, and he was down on his luck. I met the guy when we both worked as video clerks at Blockbuster. I was a meek Jimmy Olsen type build while he was big, beefy and burly, built like Joe Blanton of the Phillies. My wife never really acknowledged him, but he always wondered what she was doing w/a guy like me - her looks of a Jessica Alba type. Flash forward to a few months later, where I ran into him working some cuckolds browniety job, and I convinced my wife to let him stay w/us until he got back on her feet. My wife was fine with it, and the two became better friends as they days went on. She always made inappropriate comments about how big of a guy he was, the size of his football-player hands, which kind of made me feel ostracized. She got him a job as a bartender at the bar she managed. I remained part-time, by choice, as a busboy. I took orders from Jeff. Flash forward to me overhearing Jeff's friends, bar patrons and staff asking if Jeff fucked my wife yet. The answer that made me queasy: "not yet", he chuckled. Flash forward to me entering Jeff's (my) room as he came out of the shower. He reached for a towel on his (my) bed as I walked in. Soft, his fat, girthy cock hand down, down, down his big orange-sized balls behind them. Dude was BIIIG. My jaw dropped, we made eye contact, he raised an eyebrow, laughed and told me to "get the fuck out of my room". I obeyed with a meek "yes sir". Flash forward to me telling my wife how Jeff must be really good with the ladies, mentioning what I saw. She went quiet, lost in thought. Her vibrator came out that day. She stopped being intimate w/me since. Flash forward to me listening to Jeff, bartending, betting the boys $100 each he could get his cock in my wife's mouth my month's end. They all bet against him, all 7 of them. Flash forward to Jeff asking my wife out, with her accepting, with me in the room. She got all dolled up, hair done, makeup, new slutty dress. They were seen all across town, being rather cozy. They came home late that day, and I walked in on them cuddled up on my couch. Their lips were touching as they talked, looking into each other's eyes. I fixed them takes at Jeff's order, and when I came back, the question Jeff asked my wife made me rock hard: "You wanna see it, don't you?", he asked her, with a smirk. The next few moments were a blur. My wife got down on her knees, with Jeff hovering above her. He put his big catcher's glove-sized hands on her head, gripping her hair as she unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his jeans and slid down his pants. A sweaty aroma filled the air, and his fat hog hit her right in the face. She leaned in and took a whiff, moaned and looked up at him, his dick laying on her lips. "It's fine, baby," he said to her, smiling. "Give it a kiss, you know you want to." My wife didn't even look at me, she just opened her mouth and licked, slowly, around his meat. She lapped, slowly, his big balls and clutched his hips, then his ass. I walked over, and Jeff grabbed me by the throat, then pushed me down on the loveseat across from them. "Stay out of the way and shut the fuck up." he commanded me. I looked down and my wife opened her mouth, smiling. 1/4 of Jeff's big dick suddenly disappeared into her mouth. She gagged, took out his meat, and Jeff reassured her it would be okay. He then snapped his finger and commanded me to take her dress of while she worked on him. I got to my feet, but suddenly had an accident in my pants - I came, and Jeff saw it happen. He laughed uncontrollably, which caused my wife to look over, realizing I was in the room for the first time. She started to laugh to, but stood back up, realizing what she was doing, and how she was magictized by Big Jeff's meat. She excused herself to the bathroom, while Jeff sat back down on my couch, his arms extended across it, his feet crossed, a smile on his face. 
Posts: 167325
"You know about the bet?" he asked me. "Yeah, Jeff, I know about the bet." I responded, trying to pretend there wasn't a wad in my pants. "Then you know I just won $700". he said. "Please don't tell them what just happened", I begged him. "I'll tell you what, boy." he said. "I'm gonna tell them. I want the $700. But I'll bet you the full $700 that when she comes back, she'll get back to work on me." "No she won't." I panicked. "She'll apologize to me." Jeff just laughed. "Jeff," I asked him. "Please, please, please don't tell anyone what just happened. "$700 is a lot of money." he said to me. "I"ll give you $1000 to keep your mouth shut." I flat out told him. "I'll write the cheque right now." Jeff thought about it for a second. "$1500, and you obey me for the rest of the month. When I jump, you say how high. You clean for me, you cook for me, you drive me around, and you call me SIR when I summon you. That's my price for not telling everyone your wife just licked my balls." I swallowed hard and took the deal. When my wife came back down, she was flabbergasted as I got on my knees and took off Jeff's shoes and socks. She smiled as Jeff put the bottom of his feet against my face and pushed me down to the floor, calling me a "fucking wimp". My wife didn't come to bed that night. Flash forward to a week later. Jeff kept his word after I paid him and obeyed him (and continue to). He didn't tell anyone what happened. He didn't need to. MY WIFE TOLD EVERYONE INSTEAD. I now live in the basement, at Jeff's beck and call. Jeff is now the man of the house and relaxs in my bed. He fired me from the bar (my wife gave him authority to hire/fire who he pleases) and hired me full time as his boy. 
Posts: 167325
l abbé tisse sa toile Le samedi arrivait et j'avais honte de ce que j'avais fait ,j'étais bien décidé à stopper ce jeu ,après tout je n'étais pas une tapette ,j'étais un HETERO . Je me rendis chez Claude , à l'heure dite , mais sans ce qu'il m'avait demandé . Ce n'était pas la peine de trimballer les dessous de ma mère pour lui dire que je ne voulais plus faire ces choses ...... Je frappe et entre ; C est moi Claude !! AH te voila , tu as ce que je t ai dit d'apporter ? Non , je ne veux plus faire ça ! Quoi donc ? Tu ne veux plus faire quoi ? Il me colle contre le mur du corridor et me saisit l'entrejambe , la réaction est immédiate je durcis à une vitesse ahurissante . Il a tôt fait de faire tomber mon pantalon et je me retrouve sous l'emprise de ses mains qui palpent toute mon intimité . Puis , tout en me maintenant fermement il me fait lécher le doigt qui m'avait préalablement titiller l'anus . Bizarrement et contre toutes les résolutions que j'avais pris je ne résistais à aucun moment . Dis moi que tu es ma salope ! Je suis ta salope ! Sois poli ! Pan une gifle ! Répète ! Je suis votre salope ! Là tu vois c'est simple non comme ça ! Maintenant t as dix minutes pour repartir et revenir avec ce que je t ai demandé ! Prends du maquillage aussi ! Habitant juste un patè de maimisters plus loin je mis moins de dix minutes pour faire l'aller retour . J avais pris un ensemble string , porte jarretelle et soutien gorge blanc avec bas assortis. Ma mère étant très plate ça devait aller , du rouge à lèvres , du fard , et du rimel . Il me dit d'aller me préparer dans la salle de bains. Comme prévu l'ensemble était à ma taille même le soutien gorge ne faisait pas trop ridicule . la sensation de transformation m'excitait tellement que je n'arrivais pas à ranger mon sexe dans ce string ridiculement petit. Je me maquillais maladroitement , j'avais de plus en plus l'air d'une vraie pute mais en même temps je rentrai dans un rôle qui me plaisait . Claude fit irruption dans la pièce , je crois qu'il est resté en arrêt puis il a sorti mister sexe au dessus de l'évier en me disant : J ai envie de pisser , tiens la pour pas que j en foute pas partout . J'obéis et lui tenais sa grosse queue ,( même au repos) , pendant qu'il urinait . Nettoie avec ta bouche ! Je gobais immédiatement le gland et aspirais les dernières gouttes . C est très bien petite pute , allez fais moi durcir ! Maintenant viens te mettre à plat ventre sur mes genoux ! là il s'est mis à alterner les claques sur les fesses et les doigtés furtifs . Il me disait que j'avais désobéi et qu'il savait comment s'occuper de petites salopes dans mon genre . Il essayait de powerr mon cul , j'ai eu peur et je l'ai supplié de ne pas m'enculer , j'en pleurai ! Bon pourquoi pas mais dorénavant tu obéiras au doigt et à l'oeil sinon je t'encule jusqu'aux couilles . Puis il m'a branlé tout en me doigtant le cul mais avec un seul doigt et plus doucement , je suis venu dans sa main . Il recueillait le sperme et le déposait dans ma bouche , je le gardais tout en sachant que mon maître aller me donner sa bite à sucer ; Il était dur mister gland suintait d'excitation ,il a guidé ma tête et la bouche pleine de cette vigueur je me laissais imprimer le rythme qu'il désirait. Oui , voila c'est bien tu suces de mieux en mieux , allez mon vide couille suce bien voila, ah toi t'es vraiment une bouffeuse de bites . Il n'a pas mis longtemps avant de gicler dans ma bouche, j'avalais par petite gorgées, je trouvais ça assez bon ! J ai gardé longtemps mister sexe en bouche , le temps qu'il reprenne sa taille "au repos" Je bandais de plus belle ... Il me dit affalé sur le canapé :" j'ai envie de pisser ..... mais j'ai pas envie de bouger ..................... 
Posts: 167325
Le dimanche je devais revenir chez l'abbé Claude , les consignes étaient claires . je devais avoir des dessous féminins sur moi . J avais choisi un ensemble rouge électrique que ma mère ne portait jamais . Je compris pourquoi en l'enfilant ,avec les bas résilles de la même couleur il était plus qu'aguicheur . J'avais enfilé mon jogging par dessus mais comme à mon habitude le contact avec les dentelles m'avait surexcité et je bandais dur . j'ai alors trouvé le chemin interminable , de plus cette érection incontrôlable rendait ma démarche ridicule . Dans l'appartement Claude s'aperçut immédiatement de mon état . Alors petite salope je vois que mes petits jeux t'excitent . OUI! Déshabilles toi retires cet horrible jogging ,allez montre moi comme tu es belle ! J'ai vu dans ses yeux que mon ensemble lui plaisait et je constatais que mister entrejambe avait pris des formes . Marche un peu ,fais onduler ton bassin ,tu sais que tu m'excites espèce de cochonne . Il me tripotait ,me branlait ,titiller mon anus ,faisait rentrer le bout de mister index qui remuait de façon circulaire . Je me laissais aller dans ses mains ,je sentais venir ma jouissance! Il s'est arrêté pour me claquer sèchement le cul . J'étais dans un état second , prêt à tout accepter de mon maître ! Puis il l'a fait lécher mister doigt qui fouillait mon petit cul , mister regard vicieux me fixait pendant que je m'appliquais à obéir à ses désirs . Alors pourquoi es tu là , salope ? Dis moi ce que tu veux ? Je veux votre sexe ,je veux sucer .. Mieux que ça espèce de pute demandes moi mieux que ça ! Je veux sucer votre grosse bite s'il vous plait je veux boire votre jus je suis votre salope soumise ! Bien ,assieds toi sur le fauteuil . Il m'attache les bras aux accoudoirs je sens mon sexe qui commence à me faire mal j'ai envie de jouir . Je vois que tu es obéissante tu n'as plus ces poils disgracieux , me dit il , pendant qu'il passait sa main sur mon pubis et mes couilles rasés de près . Claude qui s'était servi , comme à mister habitude un verre de vodka me dit d'ouvrir grand la bouche . Il en profita pour cracher la moitié de la gorgée qu'il venait de prendre. Tiens ça va te réchauffer , si t'en as encore besoin ! Quatre crachats à la vodka et je me retrouvais dans un état cotonneux , l'avantage étant que mon excitation me faisait moins mal . Puis Claude a sorti mister sexe de mister pantalon . Regarde ce que tu fais petite pute maintenant il faut me vider les couilles . Ouvre la bouche , regarde moi ! Il me crache encore dans la bouche mais cette fois sans vodka . Voila tu sais bien que ça glisse mieux quand ta bouche est gluante !!!!!! Dis merci ! Merci , maître ! Il me présente mister sexe qui me parait encore plus gros que la première fois . Il est suintant ,je le sens prêt a décharger ,il palpite sous ma langue . Claude me baise littéralement la bouche , tout va très vite il me couvre d'injures me traite entre autre de vide couilles. Je suis là cette énorme bite dans la bouche ,j'aime ça , soumis j'attends que mister plaisir se décharge dans ma gorge ! Ah , tu suces mieux qu'une professionnelle , prends la bien , oui c'est bon , tiens voila ton lait,prends tout salope ! Je ne m'attendais pas à ce que ce soit si rapide .la quantité de sperme est impressionnante ,je sens le sperme coule sur mon menton et sur mon cou . T'en fous de partout !! regarde moi ça t'as le visage et le soutien gorge plein de sperme , que va penser notre invité ? Notre invité , mais non , je veux pas que quelqu'un d'autre me voit comme ça avec du sperme sur le visage ! Attaché je ne peux enlever le jus qui est sur moi . Non Claude , je ne veux être vu comme ça ? je veux arrêter ! Je crois que t as pas très bien compris , salope , si tu t'en va je t'encule jusqu'aux couilles . C'était ça notre contrat , alors moi je suis pour ! Je pense que c'est ça que tu veux , tu veux sentir ma bite dans ton cul ? Bonjour ! La porte d'entrée vient de claquer , (il l'avait même pas fermer à clefs ). Bonjour Jacqueline Je suis assis , attaché dans des dessous féminins devant jackie . Je connais cette femme depuis ma plus tendre enfance ,grande , avec des rondeurs et une énorme poitrine était l'opposé de ma mère . Elle travaillait à la mairie et s'occuper du système associatif de la ville . Mais voyez vous ça , c'est le fils de la grande tringle d'avocate ! Celle là on dirait qu'elle a un manche a balai dans le cul ..... Ca n'a pas l'air d'être ton cas à toi ! Tu es mignonne comme ça . Tu as sucé Claude ? Tu as encore mister sperme sur toi, et tu bandes dur ma belle ! Ca a l'air de te plaire en tout cas ..... Détache la , Claude . Allez , viens avec moi dans la salle de bain , nous allons nous refaire une beauté ....... 
Posts: 167325
Penché au dessus de l'évier je me lavais le visage et essayer d'enlever le sperme collé sur le soutien gorge . Jackie se maquillait de manière outrancière . Tu sais Claude aime les femmes très maquillées ,viens là je vais m'occuper de toi ! Pendant qu'elle me mettait du rouge à lèvres sa main gauche s'est mis à caresser mon sexe . Très doucement mais avec fermeté . Tu as une belle queue aussi , moins grosse que Claude mais je suis sure que je vais bien m'amuser avec ! Voila t'es belle ! Je me regardais dans la glace , c'était nettement mieux que lorsque je l'avais fait moi même mais j'avais vraiment l'air d'une pute ! Nous nous sommes présentées devant Claude moi en rouge ,Jackie en bleu ! Tu as fait ce que je t'ai dit Jackie ? Oui , mon mari m'a baisé avant de partir à la chasse ,j'ai mister sperme plein la chatte et la culotte . C'est très bien cette petite pute en raffole , allez va nettoyer , va lécher sa grosse chatte pleine de jus ! Jackie avachie sur le canapé écarte ses cuisses et me montre du doigt ou elle veut que je commence . Je passe ma langue sur le bord de sa culotte trempée puis je passe ma langue à l'endroit de mister clitoris . Elle retourne mister slip et me fait aspirer le jus qui l'inonde , elle me saisit la tête et colle mes lèvres sur sa vulve baveuse . Vas y petite chienne ? comme ça ,oui bouffes ma chatte voila nettoies bien . Je veux qu'il n'y est plus une trace pour la bite de claude ! Je m'appliquais à la lécher avec frénésie ,elle mouillait , ses lèvres étaient gonflées de désir , je n'oubliais pas de lécher mister trou du cul . Elle frottait sa chatte contre ma bouche , mon nez , mon menton . Oh oui mais c'est qu'elle fait ça bien en plus , oui plus profond ta langue ma chérie , c'est bien !!! Claude n'est pas en reste , il palpe les seins de Jackie et et me caresse les couilles et mon petit trou l'excitation me fait mal j'ai envie de jouir ! Allez petite pute , tu as bien travaillé trempe ta nouille en première , c'est ta récompense ! Je ne fais pas prier je prends Jackie d'un coup sec , mister vagin est si agréable , elle me griffe le dos et me claque les fesses , elle accélère le mouvement je l'entends couiner , je suis à la limite ,j'explose dans Jackie !!! Elle continues à onduler mister bassin ,lascivement en me caressant les cheveux pendant que j'embrasse ses seins . Claude prend la suite , il fait mettre Jackie a quatre pattes et la ramone sans ménagement . OH qu'elle est grosse , oh oui tu me bourres bien c'est bon toi t'es un homme !!!! Claude me fait mettre sur le dos , je passe sous ses couilles et je vois la chatte ruisselante de Jackie en très gros plan . Vas y lèches moi les couilles pendant que je bourre cette truie . Je m'appliquais a bien obéir ,puis il est sorti pour venir planter mister dard dans ma bouche . Je l'ai tété avec avidité! Il a ensuite enculer Jackie qui tout naturellement a posé sa chatte sur ma bouche en gueulant :"vas y lèche moi bien pendant qu 'il m'encule , oh oui c'est trop bon je jouis . Le jus de Jackie était plus qu'abondant , je n'avais jamais vu une femme mouiller autant . Puis Claude est revenu dans mister sexe pour éjaculer , aussitôt retiré Jackie s'est positionné pour que je n'en perde pas une goutte . Dis donc t'as vu elle débande jamais cette cochonne , dis moi , Claude , tu veux bien me prêter ta petite pute ? 
Posts: 167325
Cela faisait des semaines qu'elle n'était pas sortie : en fait pas depuis ce fameux soir qu'elle avait vu Maxime en conversation, dimisters très intime, avec une autre femme. Et elle n'osait plus sortir par peur de le revoir. Pire encore, de le revoir encore une fois avec une autre. Bien sûr qu'elle avait refusé de lui reparler depuis, mais elle ne l'avait pas pour autant oublié. Comment pouvait-elle oublier toutes ces nuits de passion, les nuits les plus intenses qu'elle n'ait connues. Jamais un homme ne l'avait touché, ne l'avait fait réagir et se dévoiler, comme lui ne l'avait fait. Et maintenant il était avec une autre... Voici le dilemme : il avait éveillé quelque chose en elle qui ne c'était pas éteint depuis mister départ. Elle continuait de bruler, de désirer, d'être cette femme hors contrôle qu'il ait éveiller. Elle commence doucement à réaliser que cette passion, cette audace l'habitait depuis toujours, mais qu'elle refusait d'admettre ce côté d'elle même. Elle se surprit même à se demander s'il y avait beaucoup de femmes, qui tout comme elle n'osaient pas reconnaître la nature même de leur désir par peur d'être jugé par la société et, finalement, par elle même. Maxime n'a été que le catalyseur. L'élément déclencheur, c'est tout. C'est peut-être une bonne chose de l'avoir croisé malgré cette fin plutôt difficile! C'est pour cela qu'elle décida de sortir ce soir. Mais elle fût tout de même hésitante, non seulement par peur de le revoir (et de ne pas pouvoir lui dire non) mais aussi de ne pas le voir et de ne pas pouvoir dire non à un inconnu. Au moins avec lui c'est un terrain déjà connu. Avec tout cela en tête, elle décida de sortir avec des copines qui mistert, dimisters, comme elle, mais elle avant de connaître Maxime... Donc les parfaites « Bodyguard » pour la garder bien sage. Elles décidèrent d'aller faire un tour au Festival d'été de Québec. Le temps était parfait et le spectacle annoncé était un groupe latino bien chaud. Elle était bien heureuse d'être sortie après tout. Les copines aussi semblaient de bonne humeur. Tout s'annonçait pour le mieux si ce n'était que d'une chose près : Il y avait beaucoup de monde. Trop même. Mais enfin, c'est ce qu'elle voulait après tout, voir du monde, alors elle était servit. Elles déambulaient, écoutaient les différentes scènes tout en observant la foule. Elles constataient avec joie que les soirées chaudes et humides d'été rassemblaient une diversité de permisternes fortes intéressantes... Finalement il est l'heure du spectacle et elles se dirigent vers la scène principale. Malgré le fait qu'elles étaient arrivées assez tôt, elles se retrouvent au milieu de la foule. Il semble qu'elles ne mistert pas les seuls a vouloir voir ce groupe se produire sur scène. Peu importe, avec la bière et l'atmosphère qui est à la fête, c'est tout de même plaisant. Finalement le spectacle commence. Et là, la foule est à mister comble, tellement qu'elles ne peuvent pas vraiment bougés beaucoup. La musique commence et la foule, elle, bouge. À quelques reprises elle se sentit bousculée par derrière, mais elle ni portait pas vraiment attention. De toute façon elle ne pouvait même pas se retournée tellement elle était serrée par les gens qui l'entourent et tout le monde bouscule un peu tout le monde par la power d'être si collé. Après un certain moment elle commença même a y prendre un certain plaisir. De sentir tous ces inconnus, tous ces corps contre elle. Cet espèce d'anonymat public. Le spectacle se poursuivait de plus bel et elle s'amusait bien. Ses copines aussi semble être prisent par le moment. Elles riaient et chantaient comme des adolescentes en feu. On leurs passe un joint qu'elles acceptent volontiers. Elle ne se le permet pas souvent mais aime bien la sensation que cela provoque. Une espèce de libération, d`insouciance très enivrante. C'est d'ailleurs la raimister pour laquelle elle n'ose pas en prendre trop souvent . Cette fois est comme toutes les autres, elle se sentit légère et libre. Elle continua de danser ou plutôt de bouger, le peu qu'elle le pouvait. La foule n'avait définitivement pas diminuer. Même, il lui semblait, qu'elle est encore plus à l'étroit qu'avant et elle réalisa qu'elle est maintenant à une quinzaine de pieds de ses copines. Jamais elle n'avait senti le fait qu'elle s'éloignait. Peut-être que ce mistert les autres qui se soient déplacés? Peu importe elles n'étaient pas loin. Elle remarqua que les permisternes qui l'entouraient maintenant étaient en majorité des hommes. Elle sentit un frismister la traverser, mais plus d'excitation que de peur. La soirée se poursuivait de plus belle, elle dansait avec le groupe et continuait de prendre des dragues des joints offerts. Les hommes ne semblaient avoir aucune inhibition. Elle sentait l'excitation montée en elle. Elle faisait même tout pour les allumer avec ses corps à corps tous plus langoureux les uns que les autres. Elle savait qu'il n'arriverait rien. Ils étaient en public après tout! Mais juste à l'idée de penser qu'ils la désiraient tous, lui faisait monter de plusieurs crans l'excitation. À l'occasion elle sentait les hommes se coller contre elle et elle ne pouvait ignorer leurs état, dimisters plutôt exciter. C'était assez excitant pour elle aussi. Ils voulaient tous la prendre et elle le savait. Mais vu l'anonymat et la quasi sécurité de la situation, que pourrait-il se produire? Les attouchements et frottements se poursuivaient encore quelques minutes. Mais à un certain moment elle senti des mains remonter le long des ses cuisses jusqu'à ses fesses. Elle voulait se retourner pour voir celui qui avait eu le courage de la toucher ainsi, mais elle resta immobile. Les hommes qui l'entouraient semblaient de connivences car ils s'étaient placés tout autour d'elle. Elle se retrouva isolé au milieu d'une marée masculine. Ils regardaient ce délicieux spectacle qui s'offrait à eux. Elle sentit des mains qui lui caressaient le ventre et qui effleuraient sa vulve. Ils étaient deux à lui retirer mister string. Les sensations qu'elle ressentie étaient étrange : à la fois effrayé et très excité. Elle s'abandonna alors telle une proie. Un homme bien bandé s'approcha d'elle, lui prit la taille, la souleva et lui rentra d'un long coup sa queue. Il dû réaliser qu'elle n'était pas réticente du tout car elle était si mouillé qu'elle coulait le long de ses cuisses. Rapidement elle se retrouva à genoux. Elle offrais volontiers mister petit cul bien cambré à celui ou ceux qui voulaient bien l'honorer. Tant pis pour sa dignité d'ailleurs... Ils étaient un peu surpris de la facilité qu'elle se donna à eux, mais cette surprise ne dura pas longtemps et ils profitèrent de cette proie si ouverte, si disponible. Celui qui la pénétrait, il y a un instant, s'avançait maintenant vers mister visage, elle ouvrit sa bouche les yeux à moitié fermés et elle sortit sa langue. Il était tout près, à quelques centimètres, quelques millimètres... Sa queue, effleurait doucement mister visage, contournait sa bouche, insistait mais ensuite reculait, finalement s'enfonça tout au fond de sa gorge. Elle ne faisait que recevoir, ce qui faisait bien mister affaire car elle adore se sentir prise, surtout des deux bouts à la fois. C'est une des choses que Maxime lui a fait découvrir, mister côté soumise, même plus que soumise. Par moment elle ne désire qu'être qu'un objet de plaisir et elle se raffole dans cette sensation. Comme a ce moment, elle n'existait que pour servir au plaisir de ces hommes. Elle adorait se sentir prise comme une pute. En pensée, elle remercia Maxime d'en avoir fait une femme si libérée. Elle sentit soudain ses muscles se contracter et une intense sensation s'empara d'elle. Les deux hommes qui la prenaient jouissaient aussi. La foule n'existait plus, le bruit non plus. Il ne restait que leurs voix et les quelques spectateurs qui les entouraient se réjouissant d'une telle scène. Après quelque secondes de répit, elle sent les hommes se retirés de mister corps toujours brulant malgré cet orgasme incroyable. Elle leva les yeux et vit les autres qui se masturbaient tout autour. C'est à genoux qu'elle se rapprocha du premier et le prit dans sa bouche assoiffée. Combien de queue a-t-elle avalé, a-t-elle gouté? Elle l'ignore, mais rien n'était au delà de ses powers cette journée là! Un a un ils se vidèrent dans sa bouche, sur mister visage et elle en voulait encore. Puis un des hommes la souleva, lui offrit un mouchoir, l'embrassa et parti. Ils étaient tous évaporés dans la foule. Peu après elle a retrouvé ses copines qui lui demanda où elle était parti. Elle leurs sourit et dit qu'elle s'était bien amusée avec de nouveaux amis. Par chance aucune d'entres elles n'avaient remarqué l'absence de ses sous-vêtements ni les quelques trace de sperme dans sa chevelure... Finalement qui a besoin de Maxime? 
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Thanks for the stories. Always a great read
Posts: 167325
Posts: 167325
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Bought and Paid For Jamie Downing or JD to his friends; excitedly burst into to his living room; he told his wife Katie that finally luck was turning to their side. Having been made redundant in the last round of credit crunch closures; he hastily told his wife of his deal with his old boss. "Old Jack Bennett has agreed to sell me his seven year old white Bentley!" he hastily told her; "and at a real bargain price too!" he continued. "It is easily worth fifteen thousand pounds and he has agreed to sell it to the car to him for only eight thousand!" he almost regretted telling her that for Katie flew into a rage. She shouted, "What the fuck are you playing at; you know that all your redundancy pay for the job you just lost only amounted to five thousand!" JD tried to explain, "Yes love but you know we can earn our living from luxury car hire and especially weddings along with your s*******s at flower arranging we can offer a really good service. Old Jack has agreed to give us six months interest free time to pay the remainder of the money" Suddenly Katie realised he was trying his best to make good the situation and she smiled; but JD hesitated before he smiled. Seeing this Katie sensed she was not told all the facts and so she pressed him for all the details of this great purchase. JD confessed there was a little matter he had not mentioned; He had agreed as part of the deal that the pair of them would work as servants in old Jacks home each weekend for the length of the interest free period. He then told her that Old Jack had invited them over tomorrow night for the weekend to put all the facts before them as a trial run so to speak. It took quite a bit of persuading for Katie to eventually agree to join JD in going to Jack's on the Friday night. At this point I should describe all the characters; Katie 28 year of age, five foot four tall slim build with 38 DD breasts with extremely sensitive nipples and she always keeps her cunt shaved clean. JD or Jamie; 29 years of age, five foot ten tall, medium build with an average sized circumcised cock of 6 inches in length and 2 inches in diameter. Old Jack; 52 years old six foot 2 tall and a few extra pounds of padding; his cock is uncircumcised and seven and a half inches in length and almost three inches thick. Friday afternoon Katie showered and talked her smooth body before walking naked into the bedroom to select what she planned to wear that night; she could not explain why but she felt wickedly horny and excited like a schoolgirl going on her first date; she toyed with the idea of wearing a plain trouser suit which would hide her largish tits but found herself plumping for a short wrap around skirt, white blouse with quarter cup bra and petite panties. She even found herself unable to resist playing with her sensitive nipples as she tried to recall what old Jack looked like. She was face down on the bed riding her way through her orgasm with three fingers buried deep inside her cunt when she felt a playful slap on her arse. She jumped and turned over to come face to face with her husband Jamie. He teased her that she was fantasising about their forthcoming play night. For every two weeks JD and Katie engaged in fantasy play; one session it would be JD's fantasy and the next they would play out Katie's fantasy. Strange thing was though that the last two or three play sessions the fantasy's seemed to intermingled not just Katie's desires but just as much JD's fantasy too. The last session two weeks ago had been Katie's fantasy so to speak but she had decided to use a strap on to fuck JD up the arse; but in doing so she had made him shave his cock and balls and wear an old skirt; bra and blouse. Then she insisted on make him up with full make up; she noticed as soon a she had in put on the bra, his cock began stirring and by the time she applied the final touches of the lipstick, he was sporting a fully fledged stiffy. Then with JD on his knees he was made to such the strap on rubber cock as if it was a real one and once it was soaking wet in his saliva he had to beg to be fucked; Katie took great delight in calling him all the names a slut and tart loves before slowly sticking the rubber cock deep into his boy pussy. She was amazed that he actually spurted his white semen without his cock being stroked once as she fucked him from behind. The pools of white spunk were then up by JD without him even being told to do so. Now Katie hoped to be tied up and teased for a couple of hours before being soundly spanked and fucked by JD, always making out he had just picked up this whorish tramp that night and was fucking her for the first time. At seven pm on that night, both JD and Katie presented themselves at Jack's front door; JD was clearly nervous as he almost hopped from foot to foot while Katie was excited in a sexual way for she already felt her panties were more than just a little damp. Just then the door opened and there stood Jack, Katie instantly recalled him as the man who she was sure leered after her at so many Christmas parties in the five years JD had worked for the company; strange thing was that instead of now being disgusted her heart skipped a beat and her nipples stiffened even more. She just about realised that for every weekend for the next six months this man would own her body and along with that he would lay claim to her mind too. Quickly they entered the house and was ushered into the living room; Jack spoke slowly and calmly as he asked, "You both know what this means being here tonight?" Both Katie and JD nodded. "Very well then!" continued Jack, "Then here are the rules for the next six months; every Friday night at 7 pm you will present yourselves here at my home; go to the servant's bedroom and change into whatever clothes I leave out for you; each pile of clothes will be labelled with the name of the wearer; refuse any order of mine and the terms of this sale are broken; you will forfeit the car and any monies paid instantly! Is that understood?" he demanded. JD spoke firstly, "Yes my wife and I fully understand!" he said. "Your wife, (laughter), you mean my new sex toy and slut! Will have to speak for herself?" demanded Jack. Reluctantly Katie spoke; "Seems I have little choice as you have already taken his redundancy money and we need the car to make our plans work!" she stated rather coldly. "Oh my dear, you have every choice; you can leave now and keep your virtue intact or you can agree and let me devour your body at long last; but I am a benevolent man; I will tell you now that I will not ask you to do anything which I would not demand of your husband as well!" Jack stated. "Oh yes; I forgot to mention to JD; I am bi sexual and always aim to be the master and to this end you may refer to me as MASTER or SIR, is that understood?" he continued. Both JD and Katie, looked at each other and said "Yes, Sir!" "Good then first things first; I always have a bath on a Friday night, so JD; remove your trousers and underwear; make sure your upper clothes do not hang lower than your waist and go run me my bath; ten inches from the top of the bath no less; then wait there so you can wash me! Now go!" Jack demanded. Quickly as Katie watched her husband he removed his trousers and underpants before tucking his shirt up around his waist and holding it there with the belt from his trousers; she noticed his cock was already hard and standing proud. Both she and JD noticed the leer on Jack's face as he ogled JD's cock. No sooner had JD left the room; Jack turned his attention to Katie. "Well my little whore; I have admired your fine tits for so long and have never seen them in the flesh, so remove your top and bra immediately while I decide your chores for tonight!" He demanded. Nervously yet excitedly Katie unbuttoned her blouse and as she slipped it off her shoulders she heard a muffed gasp from Jack. "Oh my, how wonderful a choice of bra; it holds your big tits up so well and yet allows me to admire your hard nipples standing so proud and I suspect in need of a good sucking!" he added. Katie blushed but the words seemed to spur her to even high levels of horniness; suddenly her nipples were being pinched and pulled by her new master; he marvelled at their rubbery feel and the way Katie moaned as he pulled them this way or twisted them that. Suddenly the fingers were gone leaving Katie's sensitive nipples pleading for further contact; as her mind registered his next command; "raise your skirt, Slut; I want to see your panties!" As if in a trance she did as she was told but again blushed red as she realised her panties must by now be well soaked in cunt juice for she had been so excited all afternoon and evening. With eyes closed she waited in anticipation until she felt the first probing of his fingers, the finger ran up the crease of her cunt pressing firmly enough to solicit a further lusty groan as it flicked her clit; she felt another gush of cunt juice escape her open lips. "You fucking slag; you have been fantasising about being with me and making your wimp of a husband watch you taking a real man's cock, haven't you?" he demanded. Katie never opened her eyes but merely nodded in agreement; she want so much for this to be over and yet was excited to new levels at being called a slag and being the plaything of this powerful man. Again she waited what seemed like hours for his next words but in fact it was only minutes as she was told to remove her panties and place them in his hand. Once he had then in his hand he ordered her to hold up the front of her skirt while he knelt in front of her and then ordered her to open her legs wider; He then said, "I can smell how wet your horny cunt is bitch; you want me to fuck you and then make your wimp of a husband lick my spunk from your cunt; don't you?" "Oh God; Yes Master but make him lick me slowly and show you the spunk before he can swallow it and if you have your cock buried in his boy pussy at the same time; so much the better!" she uttered without thinking. "Ah so our little JD, is a cock loving queer then!" he snapped. "Oh no, Sir; he loves to fuck cunt as much as you do, Sir; it's just he too is bi sexual and really would love to try his first real cock up his boy pussy!" she explained. Just then JD arrived back in the living room and smiled as he saw Master on his knees as he thought licking his wife's hot wet cunt; the smile was soon wiped off his face when Jack told him to get out and in future to knock before coming into a room where he was. Quickly JD exited the room closed the door before knocking and waiting; after what seemed a reamisterable delay, Jack called out for him to enter. JD stepped into the room and announced your bath is ready master. Jack instructed Katie to go to the master bedroom and to put on the uniform waiting there on the bed for her; he stressed that she was to put on everything that was in the pile without exception. Then he ordered JD to follow him up to the bathroom as his duty was going to be to wash his master and then dry him before he was going to watch his horny cock loving wife take a real man's cock. JD walked three paces behind Jack all the way upstairs and into the master bathroom; where he was told to undress Jack and once he had completed the task; Jack told him to stand perfectly still or he would be punished; then taking hold of JD's prick in his left hand and his balls in his right hand; Jack began stroking JD's cock as he did so he watched closely JD's breathing then as soon as it appeared his breathing was getting fast and shallow he squeezed really hard on JD's balls. JD let out a pitiful cry and his cock immediately shrunk and became soft; Jack laughed and then bent over spread his legs and demanded JD's lick his arse clean before he got into the bath. As JD set about licking his masters arse; Jack noticed his cock return to full erection and without warning he let out a fart; grabbing JD's head as he did so and holding it tight so JD took the fart full in the face. Then Jack climbed in the bath and insisted that JD remove the rest of his clothes and proceed to wash him; Jack insisted JD begin by washing his cock slowly and thoroughly; delighting in this submissive male stroking his cock in pretence of washing it. Just then there was a knock on the bathroom door and after being told to come in; in stepped Katie dressed as a French maid complete with frilly underskirt and six inch high heels. The low cut top showed off her large tits to perfection and Jack insisted she lean over the edge of the bath and check how well JD had washed his cock with her mouth of course. 
Posts: 167325
The second weekend. On the second Friday; Katie announced she would not be able to attend as commanded for it was her off week; she was on a period and therefore would not be much use; that is until Master Jack pointed out she still had hands, a mouth and an arse hole. He refused to accept her crying off and insisted she attend with JD. So at Seven pm the pair of them stood rather nervously but excited at the same time; outside Jack's home. It seemed ages since they rang the bell and they were just about to walk away when the door finally opened. Instead of seeing Jack as they expected a large black guy poked his head around the door and asked what they wanted. JD gave the password he was told to use and the door opened wide enough for them to enter; as they stepped through the gap; they were both shocked to see this large black guy wearing a frilly black and white maids uniform with what was clearly false tits filling out the upper part of the uniform. Without a word being spoken; they were shown into the living room where Master Jack stood. He instantly dismissed Cynthia the black maid and told JD and Katie to come forward; When they were close enough he whispered so they both could hear but no one else, "Cynthia there has a 12 inch cock strapped down to his leg and is fully bisexual liking to take cock as well as give it!" there was almost a glint in Master Jack's eye as he looked squarely at JD as he said this. JD shuffled his feet nervously and Katie opened her mouth to speak until she was instantly silenced by her master. He threw her a small gift wrapped package and told her to put the items it contained on right now; turning to JD he continued; "as Cynthia is in attendance tonight and it is already dressed as the maid, this only left the sex slut role for you to play!" and pointing over at the table he ordered, "go put on the uniform of a sex slut over there on the table!" JD hurried over to the table only to find it had only three items on it; the first was a long blonde wig; the second was a large 44DD flesh like false bust and the third item was a modified short skirt. The skirt had been modified in such a way that when worn at waist level the hemline formed two half moon shapes reaching a point front and back where the material became only one and a half inches wide and was almost like a belt. JD realised that wearing this skirt both his arse and his cock would still be clearly on display and he almost shuddered in anticipation on whom and how many would see him dressed like this. Knowing better than to comment or delay he merely placed the wig on his head and adjusted it as best he could without a mirror; the feel of the false breasts was something he had not expected for instead of feeling like foam or rubber they almost felt lifelike and he was surprised by the weight they had. He looked at the clever almost invisible zip which ran up the back of the breast body suit and could not help but close his eyes and imagine how he now looked. Quickly he opened his eyes and wiggled into the skirt, again adjusting it as best he could for now he could not see his own erect cock because of the large silicon boobs getting in the way. Just then Master Jack stepped forward and took hold of his cock and before JD knew what was happening he found his balls in a cock restraint harness and they were being separated and fastened in the belt arrangement before what seemed like stone weights were hung on clips attached to the ball sack directly below each testicle; in fact they were only one ounce weights but they had the desired effect f puling his balls down even further; then his cock was strapped into a leather looking sheath only this sheath had spikes on the inside which whilst not sharp they certainly sung his cock shaft as the sheath was tightened into place; now only his cock head was visible and the master lightly prodded it before applying a little fiery jack ointment. Instantly the ointment began to work and it felt like his cock head was on fire; he wanted so much to go stick it in a bowl of ice water to cool it but knew a single complaint would bring out the real cruel side f e master. Just then the master turned back to Katie who stood now wearing only the things she had unwrapped which included a peep hole bra and pair of panties the like she had never seen before they were not exactly crutch less but had no rear to them so her arse and arse cheeks were fully exposed but her cunt was protected and a large rubber cock attached to the panties was now buried deep inside her redy cunt. Master Jack explained that the clothes these two were now wearing had cost him a lot of money to get made and so they had better look after them properly. He pointed out to Katie the rubber cock in her cunt contained a Tampax so he would be alright and the cock would prevent anyone from entering her cunt that night. The next thing was that master Jack called out for Cynthia and partner to attend; in walked the black man in the maid's uniform and his eyes immediately fastened on JD and his attire; I swear the guy smiled the biggest smile in the world and deliberately licked his lips; before feasting his eyes on Katie. Along with Cynthia was a small almost petite white woman who could not have been any older than 18 years of age; Master Jack introduced her as Wanda; Cynthia's woman. Wanda was wearing a semi transparent blouse and if it had not been for the impressive hard nipples which seemed to stick out some inch and a half she would have appeared flat chested. The blouse was completed by a short black skirt which barely covered her cunt; clearly she was naked beneath these two pieces of clothing. Master Jack broke the silence by telling Wanda that she was there to service every man's cock with her mouth and once they were sufficiently hard she was to pass them on to Katie who would find out by asking questions if they were takers or givers. The takers would then be fucked by the givers or they would choose to fuck or be fucked by JD or Cynthia. Katie was told that she had to inform all men present that they were not allowed to cum on or in the people they were fucking but simply had to hold up their hand and either she or Wanda would bring the bowl for them to ejaculate into. Then looking straight at JD he announced that one of Cynthia's and JD's jobs would be to lap up that spunk at the end of the night whilst being well fucked by either Wanda or Katie using strap ons. Furthermore Master Jack announced the first guest was due to arrive around 8 pm; and the rest would arrive in ten minute intervals; he deliberately declined in saying how many guests had been invited in total; in fact he never mentioned whether the guest would be singles or couples. Sure enough at 8 pm exactly, the first guests arrived; an elderly couple both in their early sixties. As Keith and Ami arrived Cynthia showed them into the living room where immediately Wanda knelt in front of Keith and deftly unzipped his trousers before pulling his soft cock; out of his pants and began licking the underside and marvelling as the cock swelled in her hand as it grew hard. Soon she was bobbing her head on the seven inches of manhood before her. Meanwhile Ami had wasted no time in cornering Master Jack and JD; As she spoke to Master Jack she was stroking the exposed six inch cock of JD. She never batted an eye when Master Jack suggested that she may like to taste the cock now throbbing in her hand. Without kneeling she simply bent herself at her waist and took the cock into her mouth. JD was surprised for he had not noticed she had not teeth and it really felt weird as the woman crushed his cock between her gums. Also the dress Ami wore was a topless number which allowed JD to look down her cleavage and admire the 40 C tits she seemed so eager to display. Master Jack simply reached forward and unzipped the top of her dress and allowed her large tits to tumble free; as Ami sucked or gummed JD's cock Master Jack now mauled her tits taking great pleasure in pinching her hard nipples and twisting them this way and that; Ami began making gurgling sounds around JD's cock and that in its self set up some weird but erotic feelings flowing through his cock and into his still captured balls. Meanwhile by now Keith was thrusting his cock deep into Wanda's mouth and Katie stood watching almost envious of this bitch getting such a good mouth fucking; Suddenly the living room door opened and in stepped another couple; only this couple were two males. It was clear from the way they dressed this was a gay couple and no sooner had the living room door closed than James and Clarence were stood naked from the waist down waiting on Wanda to start sucking their cocks. As they waited they played with each other's balls until Master Jack caught Katie's eye and motioned for her to start sucking too. As Keith moved over to his wife; Wanda began sucking Clarence's cock and Katie dived in mouthing Jamie's rapidly hardening cock. When Keith approached JD, he immediately grabbed the leather collar around his cock and squeezed; A mixture of pain and pleasure shot through JD's Cock but he still yearned to have at least his cock free; the dangling weights off his balls having ceased to hurt now but his frustration at having a toothless sucking from Ami was getting too him and he just hoped Master Jack would give permission for him to fuck either Ami or Keith; that way the sheath would have to come off. Instead he suddenly felt Keith's index finger pressing against his anal ring; powerfully it probed his ring until it slipped in up to the second knuckle. JD was amazed how a small thing like an index finger up his arse could have such an effect on his encapsulated cock but it felt like electric shocks were shooting along the length of his penis; the ache in his balls disappeared to be replaced with a delicious feeling of wanting to unload his spunk into the still eager sucking mouth; secretly he hoped the couple had not been told the rules and therefore he could have flooded Ami's mouth but it was not to be as Keith warned Ami to get the bowl. Ami reluctantly stopped her gumming of his cock head and scurried away; whilst she was gone Keith took the opportunity to kneel in front of JD and take his cock into his own mouth; instantly JD detected the difference from the seamistered cock sucking of Ami to the raw eagerness of Keith. Both turn JD on in their separate ways but he really loved the raw harshness of another man sucking his cock head; suddenly shooting pains shot through his sill bound cock and he looked down in horror to see Keith's hand squeezing tightly on his leather cock restraint he suspect that Keith knew the studs inside were now pressing deeply into his tender cock flesh but then Keith took his cock head just inside his mouth and clench his teeth; just sharply enough to make JD wince. Just then Ami returned with the bowl and it was Keith's turn to reluctantly release JD's cock from his mouth. Quickly Ami undid the three straps which held the leather restraint in place and released JD's cock; the shaft looked red and angry from the metal studs which had been impressed on to it but a few quick strokes of Ami's firm hand had JD shooting his first load of the night into the bowl; helped of course by the wiggling finger of Keith still buried up his arse. Clarence and James were now stood watching the last few spurts of JD's climax and James immediately began wanking furiously on Clarence's cock until he added his load along side JD's; meanwhile Clarence had his hand wrapped around Keith's cock and was working it to fever pitch until he also added his load to the bowl. Not to be outdone; Keith was busy stroking James cockand soon four lots of spunk were not only caught in the bowl but mixed together as Ami delighted in cleaning any residue spunk from each of the cocks in turn. By now the last of the guests had arrived as Sam and Vicky were stood close to Wanda; who was still busy sucking cock, this time it was Sam's she had buried in her throat whilst Vicky was busy thrusting a finger up Katie's anal ring. Vicky must have been a vocal lover as all you could hear was her calling Katie a lesbian bitch and how she was going to enjoy sitting on her face and pissing into her mouth; she also warned Katie that to spill a single drop would leave her with a very sore red arse as she would not hesitate in whipping her mercilessly. Just then Master Jack clapped his hands and everyone gathered around him; Cynthia was then summoned and was made to raise the hem of the maid's uniform exposing his semi hard twelve in cock; both Ami and Vicky licked their lips at the prospect of having such a meaty member thrusting into their cunts; but Master Jack soon spoiled their dreams as he ordered Cynthia to fuck JD's boy pussy whilst Wanda wearing a strap on was going to fuck Cynthia's boy pussy. The rest were told to enjoy each other but Master Jack stressed that Katie's red flagged cunt was out of bounds; this served two purposes to embarrass Katie immensely and to alert everyone that she was on a period. Soon James had his cock buried in Ami's arse and was pounding away when Keith slipped his cock up James arse; then Sam slammed his cock into Katie's arse while Clarence fucked Vicky's cunt; it was true that Vicky was extremely vocal in her loving making as she screamed her obscenities out telling Clarence exactly what she thought of his fucking and his large cock filling her cunt. As demanded by Master Jack every time someone got close to cumming they spilt their loads in one of three bowls and by midnight there was almost enough spunk to half fill one of the bowls. Master Jack called a halt to the proceedings and ordered JD on hands and knees to come eat his supper. He made him lap like a dog at the bowl of everyone's spunk all mixed together. Soon JD had traces of spunk all around his mouth as he excitedly lapped away at the bowl. True to her word; Vicky now sat on Katie's face and gave her a golden shower directing most of it into her mouth; despite swallowing as fast as she could some splashed out and a delighted Vicky announce Katie was going be whipped. She made a big thing about positioning her over the back a settee and using a short cat o nine tails she laid it fiercely across her ever reddening cheeks; but not only that Katie had to count the strokes and find different words to thank Vicky for her chastisement or that stroke did not count. Even Keith and Ami began to feel sorry for Katie as blow after blow of the whip landed across her criss crossed buttocks. Almost in mock parody; Clarence had James spread beside Katie and he was using a leather paddle to punish him but with the same rules. Eventually Master Jack intervened and called a halt to the proceedings; he dismissed everyone except Cynthia, JD and Katie; after the four of them were alone he slid out of his trousers and had Katie suck his cock whilst JD sucked the big black cock of Cynthia. When both cock were rock hard he had JD slide his cock up Cynthia's boy pussy and then slid his own cock up JD; Jd was just beginning to enjoy himself when Katie produced a large rubber strap on cock and began fucking JD's mouth. She seemed to delight in powering the thick rubber cock deep into his throat until he baulked and gagged; time after time the gagging seemed to be directly linked to his cock buried deep inside Cynthia and his own ravaged anal canal. Suddenly Cynthia declared he was going to cum so Master Jack ordered Katie to take the full power on her face and tits; No sooner had Cynthia climaxed than JD pulled out of his arse and sprayed his load all over his beloved cum splattered wife too; this was quickly added too by Master Jack and then He ordered Katie to lay on the table and had JD and Cynthia move into a 69 position to clean each other's cocks while he carefully licked all the spunk off Katie's face and tits. At 3 am all parties were exhausted and whilst Cynthia was sent home JD and Katie were invited to stay overnight; of course Katie hoped this would mean that she would finally feel her master's cock up her own arse but she was disappointed as she was tied to the bottom of the master's bed and had to watch her husband; JD; take a good solid pounding from the master and even enviously had to watch as JD got to eat the master's spunk once more. Next morning Katie and JD were sent home with instructions to return in two weeks time and this time be prepared to accept absolutely anything; that their master could send their way. 
Posts: 167325
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!In The Beginning... She can still see it all as if it were happening again this moment. The expression on his face just before impact. She could see he knew it was coming -- that he knew he was going to be severely injured and there was no way he could avoid it. That expression clearly said what writers would take volumes to say. She could see the face change as it hit the windshield only inches from her eyes. It changed as if everything were happening in slow motion -- as if he were willing time to slow down enough to allow him to get out of this mess. She could feel the bump of the rear tires running over the body. And she could still feel her foot pressing on the accelerator taking her away from there as quickly as possible. She wonders if anyone else witnessed the horror that occurred that night. She wonders if she could have saved his life if she had stopped. She wonders how long these flashbacks would go on. She wonders just what John really thinks of her. Outwardly he acts like the model of a devoted husband -- offering her support and solace, as well as trying to cover up everything. She wonders what would happen to her if the authorities found out she was the hit-and-run driver they've been looking for since Saturday. Mostly she wonders "why me?" The knock on the door brought her back to the present and to reality. Before she had time to get up and answer, the call "Barbara?" told her it was Cheryl. Cheryl had introduced herself the day she moved in and, within an hour, was talking about her sex life as if they had been lifelong friends. Barbara had been taken aback by this at first but came to accept Cheryl's "cock sure of herself" boldness. For the most part, Cheryl was your average 23 year old girl-next-door. Plain looking with no exceptional features. Sandy blonde hair, well built, firm body, friendly permisterality, but with a decided fixation on sex. She had lived in the house next door with her parents until she married and moved into her own apartment about a year ago. Being youngless and not working left her with plenty of time on her hands, especially since her husband had to be away on business so often. She spent a good deal of this time at her parent's home and, inevitably, at Barbara's kitchen table over coffee. During these conversations Barbara discovered that Cheryl was not really having a great marriage and it was obvious that Cheryl's lack of inhibitions clashed with her husband, Don's, rather prudish conservative manner. Barbara also knew that Cheryl wanted to get in the sack with John very badly and had even hinted of swinging when they were all partying together. Barbara knew Cheryl well enough to know that Cheryl would never cease to surprise her and that she usually got what she was after. Barbara seemed to sense that something was different about Cheryl today. As she poured the coffee she noticed Cheryl sat at the table without saying a word. This was totally out of character for Cheryl who normally wouldn't stop talking from the moment she walked through the door until she walked back out of it. Having set the cups on the table, Barbara took her seat and was about to open the conversation with a "What's new?" when Cheryl suddenly opened up. "Guess what happened to me Saturday night?" she started, although it was not the cheerful "can't wait to tell ya'" tone one would expect from Cheryl. "What?" Barbara tried to sound genuinely interested in what Cheryl was saying. "I was coming home to spend the rest of the weekend at mom's when I dropped my cigarette onto the carpet. I pulled over and was looking for it when this takes, trying to cross the street, bumps into my car, staggers back, then walks right in front of the car into my street." She paused to sip her coffee then lit a cigarette before continuing. "Guess what happened next?" "I have no idea." Barbara said. She could tell she was beginning to panic. Her heart was pounding so hard she thought surly Cheryl must hear it. "Oh, I think you do." Cheryl responded. "I think you know I saw this Pontiac, just like yours, come flying down the street, run him down then take off like a bat out of hell. I think you know I saw a woman driving who looked exactly like you. I think you know I saw the license plate number and it was your number. I think you know." Cheryl's eyes were glued on Barbara. She took a long drag on the cigarette and blew the smoke over her cup towards Barbara and just waited. "What the hell are you talking about? I was here with John all night on Saturday. Ask him!" Barbara shot back. "Barbara, this is me. I'm no fool. If that's the case, how did your windshield get broken? Yes, I just "happened" to notice it through the garage window on my way over here. C'mon. Stop bullcuckolds brownieting me. You know, I wonder what the cops are gonna find when they go over that windshield looking for hair or red or whatever they do in these cases." "Why would the cops come here?" Barbara asked suspiciously. She knew the answer of course, but couldn't think of anything else to say at the moment. She just wanted to buy a little time to get her head straight and think of some logical explanation -- something -- anything. "Well Barbara, I've been fighting with myself since I saw "this nice old guy" get gunned down the other night. I think It's my duty to call the police and tell them what I saw. Unless..." again Cheryl stopped, sipped and took another puff on the cigarette. "Unless what?" Barbara was starting to drop her defenses. Maybe, she thought, there is a way out. But then again why would Cheryl say she was going to the police if she really wasn't? She felt the red rushing to her head and wondered if it was due to embarrassment or to the fact that she was beginning to get a little annoyed with this brat and wished she'd get to the point. "You know, Barbara, it hasn't been fun for me this past year. Being married to "Mr. Goody Two-shoes" is not what I'd call exciting to begin with, and even at that he's been away so much lately that its almost like I'm single - only worse. If I were single, I could go out and find someone to spend a wild night with, but being married puts a damper on that kind of behavior. No, I've just been sitting around at nights, watching TV and thinking thoughts. Lately those thoughts have been getting wilder and wilder. When I saw you hit that guy the other night I didn't know what to do. I mean, how could I face you without thinking about what I saw? I sat home trying to think of something to say to you or how to bring it up or whatever. I'd just sit there thinking about it and my thoughts would get wilder and wilder. Finally I thought of what it would be like to have a maid around the house. Someone to wait on me hand and foot and do whatever I told them to." With that said, Cheryl stopped. She slowly, deliberately crushed out her cigarette and put the coffee cup back to her lips, watching Barbara over the rim. Barbara couldn't control herself any longer. This was too much. Who the hell did this kid think she was? "Cheryl, you've got to be crazy. If you think I'm gonna be your maid and wait on you hand and foot, you're bananas." "Now listen Barbara!" Cheryl's tone changed from that of being sicky-sweet to being downright nasty and dominant. "I'm offering you an alternative. Do you know what'll happen to you if they find out you ran that guy over and then left the scene? My guess is at LEAST a year or two in primister for vehicular homicide. How are you going to cope with that? How are going to explain to your kids why they have to visit mommy in jail once a week? How is John going to cope without a woman around the house for that length of time? You think about it." "What is it you want me to do?" Barbara replied quietly. She knew Cheryl had her, but being a maid for a while sure beat going to jail. What would she say to John? How could she get out of the house without him knowing about it? "Whatever, and I do mean whatever, I tell you to do." Cheryl shot back. "I'll tell you one thing, though. It's gonna involve a whole lot more than housework and waiting on me -- a whole lot more. I told you I've been thinking some wild thoughts lately." "Cheryl, let's get this straight. I'm not a lesbian and don't intend to become one, so get any thoughts like that right out of your head." "No, Barbara, you get this straight. You'll do what I say you'll do, when I say to do it and with whoever I say to do it with. I'm not a lesbian either, but I admit to thinking about what it would be like once or twice lately" "Cheryl, I can't." Barbara whined softly. "I simply can't." "Tell you what. You think it over. You think it over real good. You look at your husband and your kids and you think of what you in primister will do to them. You think about it and when John comes home, you talk to him about it. You make the decision. I'll be back at 10 o'clock tonight. If you and John agree to this, you put the kids to bed at 9, go take your shower, get all prettied up, and put on your robe -- just your robe, nothing underneath, and wait for me. If I come back and you're not wearing your robe, I'll know the answer is "no" and I'll leave here immediately and the next time you see me I'll be on a witness stand. You think about it. And, by the way, if you do decide to agree to my terms, have a nice chilled bottle of wine on the table for me." Having said that, Cheryl stood up and looked at Barbara sitting there, stunned, head bowed and near tears. She paused, walked casually to the door and left. "Well," Barbara thought. "I certainly have gotten myself into a pile of cuckolds brownie this time." She thought about the day in varying states of confusion, disbelief, shock, and humility. She had surely fucked up this time. She remembered telling John what had happened with Cheryl that afternoon. She expected him to react with rage and had prepared herself to restrain him from running next door and *******ing Cheryl on the spot. She didn't expect the way he did react -- pretty much the same way she did -- completely defeated. He just sat there staring at his glass of beer and didn't say a word. He never even looked up when she told him what she thought she do. He never saw the tears forming in the corners of her eyes as she told him how sorry she was for causing this mess and screwing up their lives. He just stared at the beer as if the golden liquid would show him an answer to all their problems. Finally he stood up, said "Whatever you want to do, babe, I'm with you. I can't tell you how sorry I am that this is happening to you. Whatever you decide, I'll stick by you. I don't know what I'd do." She wondered if he would stand by her or if this ordeal would prove to much for him to handle. Then she wondered what was in store for her. Just what the hell could possibly be worse than what she's been through these past couple of days. If she could survive them, she could survive anything. "I guess I'll find out soon enough." she thought as she finished drying off, stepped out of the shower stall and into her robe. Cheryl, as usual, was right on time. The knock on the back door came just as the living room clock was beginning to chime. Barbara glanced over at John, took a deep breath and shivered as she uncrossed her legs and began to stand up. John motioned for her to stay put and got up off the sofa and walked casually to the back door. "Cheryl, what the hell is going on?" He asked even before the door was fully opened. John wasn't sure whether he should show strength and power or humility. He was pissed that Cheryl was doing this to his wife but afraid of what would happen if he didn't consent. What pissed him off most, though, was that Cheryl obviously wanted his wife and he had been hoping to get some wild sack time in with Cheryl himself. Cheryl took one step into the kitchen, looked at him and smiled. She had obviously "prettied" herself up also. She wore a short cotton dress that wrapped around her and appeared to be held on by one button on the side at the waistline. It was evident to John that she wore no bra or stockings and he wondered if she had anything on at all under that dress. As he looked at her, he felt that familiar twinge in his loins as he began to get hard. "Well, let's find out, John, shall we?" she replied as she walked past him and stood at the small dinette table in the center of the room. She shifted the rather large tote bag she was carrying to the other shoulder and began to twirl the bottle of Zinfadel around in the ice bucket which sat, all alone, in the center of the table. "Look, Cheryl, think about what you're asking of us. Friends don't do this sort of thing to friends. What is it that you expect of Barbara? God knows she's been through enough already." "Don't worry, John. I'm just going to have a little fun. Barbara won't be hurt much. I'm sure that right now this seems like such a sinister thing I'm doing, but lighten up. I think we'll all have a good time in the end. I'm sure you and I will, but Barbara just might not care for it. She's just going to have to put up with it for a while. Who knows? She may enjoy it - but don't bet on it. As for what I expect of Barbara, we'll go over that shortly. Do me a favor, will you? Get me a glass and bring the wine into the living room where we can all talk this out." Cheryl turned and walked into the living room. She looked at Barbara sitting in the chair, smiled when she noticed that Barbara was wearing a robe, went over and sat down in the center of the sofa placing her bag beside her. When John came in the room, he set the wine and glasses down on the coffee table in front of the sofa. He silently picked up the bottle and began to pour wine into the three glasses he had set in a row. "Just pour two glasses, John. I don't believe Barbara will have one just yet." Having said that, Cheryl looked directly at Barbara who was visibly nervous and frightened as she sat rubbing her hands together staring at the carpet. "Well, Barbara, it appears that you've agreed to my terms after all. Have you?" Cheryl asked while sipping on the cool wine. 
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"I guess so." Barbara's voice was barely audible and had a distinct waver in it. She never moved her head as she spoke and kept looking down at the carpet. Cheryl smiled outwardly, but inwardly she was laughing. I've got her where I want her she thought. "Why, Barbara, I couldn't hear a word you said. Please come over here and stand in front of the table right there in front of me and answer my question." Cheryl spoke cheerfully, as if she were discussing the weather or her new spring wardrobe. Barbara shot a cold look at Cheryl and for a moment was ready to pounce on her and rip her hair out. Luckily she regained her composure quickly and realized that Cheryl was definitely in the driver's seat. She quickly glanced at John who sat there looking at her, uncrossed her legs and slowly started over to the sofa. Cheryl smiled even wider when Barbara got up and walked over to the exact spot she had directed her to. She lifted her glass and finished the wine in one long sip then turned to John who was still looking at his wife. Cheryl noticed that John's hard-on was undermining his outward attempt to show his disdain for the proceedings. "John, would you refill my glass, please? And, by the way John, please don't interrupt Barbara and I during this discussion. You'll have plenty of time to voice your opinion to Barbara after I leave." Cheryl then directed her attention to Barbara standing in front of her. She did look hopeless standing there, still looking at the carpet. "Well, Barbara, have you agreed to my terms, or haven't you? "Yes," was all Barbara could whisper before almost losing her breath. "Let's see about that. First of all, the correct answer would be "Yes, Mistress." Please try again and speak so that we can hear you." "Yes, mistress" Barbara spat back, then realizing she sounded hostile and afraid Cheryl would get angry she continued in a more humble tone. "I agree to your terms." "Good. Let's begin then." Cheryl sat up and opened her tote bag and rummaged through it for a minute then withdrew a tape recorder, Polaroid camera and a file folder. She opened the file folder and pulled out a single sheet of paper and laid it on the table in front of Barbara. "Ok, Barbara, you wanted to know what I expected you to do. Well, that paper will enlighten things a bit. Now I want you to remove your robe -- you don't have anything on under it do you?" "No." Barbara said and quickly added "mistress." "Well, take it off and lets see." Cheryl was pleasantly surprised when Barbara's hands undid the sash and let the robe slip off her arms. Barbara had a much better body than she had imagined. She wasn't as thin as Cheryl had pictured. A better word word to describe her would be "trim" with small, pert breasts and a firm, flat tummy one wouldn't expect from a 28 year old lady of two. Cheryl had mentioned to a few of her neighbors who dropped by for coffee this morning that she just may have a "slave/maid" shortly and when she described Barbara to them she did not do her justice. Of course the girls got all giggly and excited about the prospect and made Cheryl promise to keep them informed. Cheryl had never had a lesbian experience and really never thought she would. Sure she fantasized about it occasionally when Don was on one of his business trips, but for the most part, Cheryl was strictly straight. She thought about this whole scenario as a possible means to get John in bed with her, but now she was really getting turned on and the thought of having John while Barbara helped and even provided some services of her own was delicious. She could really have a good time with this plan, that's for sure. Barbara could feel her face getting red. She had never felt so shamed in her life. She held the robe over her forearms and in front of her so to cover her pubic area. She didn't dare look at John, but wondered what he was looking at and what he was thinking. She just wanted to sink into the floor and disappear. She was startled when Cheryl started speaking again. "Very nice, Barbara. Put the robe down on the chair." Barbara turned around and bent over to put the robe onto the chair. Cheryl felt herself quietly gasp when she saw Barbara's rump. She always had sort of a "butt fetish" but Don would have no part of that action. She remembered sneaking up on him one night during foreplay and trying to stick her small vibrator into his butt. You'd think she tried to ******* him from his reaction. Barbara's rear end was exquisite and she knew she would have fun playing with that. The sight was short lived as Barbara turned and returned to her spot in front of the table to await her next order. "Please pick up that paper and read it, Barbara. It is your statement of presentation to me." Cheryl leaned forward and pressed the 'record" button on the recorder as Barbara bent down to pick up the paper. Barbara straightened up and looked at the paper as tears began forming in her eyes. "Read it aloud, Please!" Cheryl was annoyed now. "The tape can't record your thoughts, you know" Barbara shuddered from the tone of Cheryl's voice and began reading, aloud from the top. "I, Barbara Morris, hereby announce my willingness to surrender myself to my mistress, Cheryl Sather. In so doing, I agree to the following terms." "1. I shall make myself available to my mistress with one days notice. I will make all arrangements for baby-sitting, etc. that will be necessary for me to meet these obligations. I understand that there will be no more than 2 sessions per week though some sessions may require my attendance overnight or for the weekend. "2. I shall appear for each such session freshly bathed and groomed and dressed in apparel requested by Mistress Cheryl. I understand that all under clothing, bras, panties, hosiery, etc. are not to be worn at any time during these sessions unless I am directed to do so my Mistress Cheryl. "3. I will not speak unless directed to do so by Mistress Cheryl or if given permission to do so by Mistress Cheryl. I will always end each sentence with "Mistress Cheryl." "4. At no time will I object to, or refuse to carry out an order given by Mistress Cheryl. "5. Although my husband, John may be present, I will ignore him, his actions, suggestions and orders unless directed otherwise by my Mistress. "6. I understand fully that these sessions will be sexual in nature and involve actions I do not approve of or that repulse me. I shall, however, comply promptly with my mistresses' directions and agree to give complete control of my body to my Mistress Cheryl. "7. I understand that my failure to comply with these conditions, including objecting to, or refusing to obey an order by Mistress Cheryl will result in my being punished, which I agree to accept. "8. I understand that no physical pain or permanent harm will come to me although I will experience offense, discomfort, embarrassment and revulsion. I understand that my failure to obey will call for punishment which may cause pain, but no permanent damage to me. "I am a humble slave to my mistress, Cheryl Sather." Barbara's tears streamed down her cheeks as she finished reading. She felt her knees buckle and felt as if she might faint at any moment. When she said the last words, she remained staring at the paper and watched as drops of her tears fell on the words, as if to punctuate each thing she was submitting to. She couldn't speak or power herself to look at John, who she desperately needed at this moment. Cheryl reached forward and stopped the tape recorder. This time she grabbed the bottle and poured herself another glass of wine and filled John's glass. She looked at Barbara, then John, sat back and stared at the naked, quivering Barbara again. "Any questions, Barbara?" She said softly, almost as if she had sympathy for her once good friend whom she has shared so many secrets with. "Yes, just how long to expect me to do this? It can't go on forever, you know." Barbara, too had changed. She seemed more at ease in her nakedness now. Not comfortable, mind you, but her concentration seemed centered on the business at had. She even glanced at John and noticed he had one helluva hard-on as he fixed his eyes on her bare silhouette. "Already you've failed to comply with your terms, slave. I believe item number 3 on that sheet was ***d. I'll make your punishment easy this time, though. But remember what you've agreed to in the future, for your next punishment will not be pleasant, I assure you. Now to answer your question, this will go on as long as I can keep it going, but I know that I'd look foolish going to the police after a long time had passed. Then again, you may wish it to go on forever. Who knows? Believe this -- it is going on at this moment and you will either hold to your agreement or I'm out of here and on my way to the police. Does that answer your question?" "Yes, Mistress Cheryl." Barbara's demeanor again changed to one of complete presentation and her head dropped to face the carpet once more. "Good. Now let's get this show on the road. I've got some preliminaries to go over and then there's that punishment due." Cheryl fidgeted in her tote bag some more and finally withdrew what appeared to be a photo album. She laid it on the table and opened it to the first page. Barbara noticed that it was empty and wondered why Cheryl brought it out, until Cheryl grabbed the camera. She sensed then that it would not be empty long. "This book, Barbara, has 100 pages." Cheryl continued. "Each page will hold 6 photos on each side. That means when full, this album will have 1200 photos, assuming I don't add additional pages. Each of those photos will have one thing in common -- they will all be of you naked and posed in every way, doing everything imaginable. We will begin tonight with some rather basic shots of you alone." She paused and looked at John who seemed mesmerized by what she was saying. "John, would you be a dear and move this coffee table so that it sits perpendicular to the sofa, and get me nice sheet to spread over it and, oh yes, I'll need a pillow." John jumped to his feet and cleared the table of the wine, which he sat on the floor at Cheryl's feet, and in one move, positioned the table as Cheryl directed. Cheryl then shifted the lampshades on the end tables so that the coffee table was bathed in bright light. John scurried out of the room to get the pillow and sheet. Meanwhile, Cheryl directed her attention to Barbara who was standing with her hands held open in front of her pubic area. "Barbara, you seem to have a problem with your hands. It seems you don't know what to do with them while standing there. From now on, and for all future sessions, when you are awaiting orders, I want you to put both hands behind your head and clasp your fingers. Also, from now on you are to keep your legs apart so that your pussy is easily accessible to me for whatever I have in mind -- I'd say that when standing there should be 3 feet between each foot, and when kneeling, 2 feet between your knees. And, by the way, keep your head up and look straight ahead with your eyes open. I wouldn't want you to miss anything. Got it?" "Yes, Mistress Cheryl." Barbara said as she quickly put her hands behind her head and moved her feet apart. God, she felt humiliated. How would she ever survive this ordeal. She tremred as she imagined what those 1200 pictures would be like. She wondered how many different things could she be photographed doing to fill up that book. She looked straight ahead, as directed, and focused on the painting on the wall behind the sofa. Since John had moved the table, she was some distance from Cheryl now, but she still could not see her out the bottom of her eyes. She heard her doing something but dared not move her eyes downward to look for fear of accruing another punishment. The thought of the punishment came to mind and she tremred once again as she remembered her oath which said that punishment may be painful. Once more, tears began filling her eyes. John returned carrying the sheet and pillow and stopped dead in his tracks when he entered the living room and saw Barbara standing there in that position. His dick twitched again and he thought for sure he would have an orgasm right in his pants if this continued much longer. Cheryl noticed him standing there and told him to spread the sheet on the table and to place the pillow in the center of the table so it would raise "Barbara's pretty little butt" up enough to make "everything" visible to the camera lens. He glanced at Barbara and saw her face turn crimmister and the tears rolling down her cheeks. His dick twitched once more and he ran to accomplish his task. Cheryl, refilled the wine glasses again, picked up the camera, stood up and moved out of John's way as he covered the table. She walked around Barbara and stopped behind her to admire her ass again. She continued around until she was just inches away from Barbara's face. She lifted her hand to Barbara's breast and gently cupped it, marveling at how firm it was. She had not expected Barbara to be in such great shape and she certainly did not expect herself to be as excited as she was. She had not worn panties that night and could feel her juices trickling out of her pussy and soaking her thighs. As her eyes glanced over to see how John was doing she noticed his hard-on had gotten bigger and seemed to be ready to bust out of his pants. She thought about how good this night was going to be and how great future nights were going to be. Gradually, she thought, she' have Barbara groveling to lick her ass while John fucked her. She was on the brink of orgasm when she caught herself and focused her attention back to Barbara. Cheryl positioned Barbara towards the center of the room and took a couple of pictures of her standing in that embarrassing position. Barbara fought back the urge to close her eyes and kept staring at the painting as Cheryl moved around her and snapped some more shots from the rear, then the side. She was aware of John's presence and wanted desperately to look into his eyes thinking that doing so would transport her to another place. Her peace was shattered and her fears heightened when Cheryl spoke. "Barbara, I want a picture of you with your nipples hard. Play with nipples until they're hard. Do you remember telling me how much you enjoyed having your breasts played with?" "Yes, Mistress Cheryl." Barbara's voice was really beginning to crack now. Slowly, she moved her hands from behind her head to her breasts and began massaging her nipples between her thumbs and forefingers. She blinked when the flash went off again, and again. She willed her body to make her nipples hard so she could stop this in front of John. Where was he, anyway? She longed to look around for him but settled for fantasizing that it was his hands playing with nipples and soon realized that they were indeed getting harder. "That didn't take long, did it slave?" 
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"No, Mistress Cheryl." Barbara heard Cheryl's question and heard herself reply, but she continued with her fantasy and playing with her nipples. John had poured another glass of wine for himself and had sat down on a chair while Cheryl busied herself taking pictures. He never dreamed he would ever desire his wife as much as he did this very minute. He was on the verge of exploding and knew he had to do something pretty soon. As Cheryl got between him and Barbara, He noticed he could see up her dress and he was not surprised to see she wasn't wearing panties. Her ass looked perfect and the wetness he noticed on the inside of her thighs made him want her as much as he wanted Barbara. "Let's not get too carried away, Barbara." Cheryl's voice broke the silence and seemed to awaken the entire room from a misty dream. "Put your hands behind your head again while I get some shots of your pretty little titties. " Click. Click. Pop. Pop. "There. That should take care of the "R" rated stuff. Lay down on the table, on your back, hands behind your head, legs straddling the table, feet flat on the floor." Barbara moved quickly to the table. Anything would be better than standing there like that, she thought. Once in position, she realized how wrong she was. The air hitting the inside of thighs and flowing across her vagina then down over her anus when Cheryl adjusted the pillow under her, made her feel more humiliated and vulnerable than ever. While her eyes remained wide open, she barely noticed Cheryl moving around over her and the camera flashing. She did, however, feel the heat of the flash on her pussy and knew that some of these pictures were going to be close-ups. Her thoughts kept drifting back to John somewhere in the room watching her being subjected to this and she wondered whether he was embarrassed for her or whether he was angry at Cheryl for doing this, or perhaps, was he getting excited watching her going through these motions. The possibility of John getting excited made it a little easier on her. She didn't attempt to understand how, or why, he would get excited at her dilemma but she thought at least she was doing something good for him. That thought made it possible for her to reach down between her legs and spread her vagina wide open when Cheryl ordered her to. It allowed her to answer "Yes, Mistress Cheryl." when she was admonished to do so before carrying out each order Cheryl barked out. "Why, Barbara, I believe you're finally getting a little wet down there." Cheryl's observation made Barbara blush even more. "Now I want you to put your feet in the air, spread as far as you can, so I can get some shots of your pussy AND ass hole." Cheryl's coarse language increased Barbara's embarrassment. Cheryl always used such language when they talked to one another, but this was different. John was present and Cheryl was talking about her pussy and asshole. Nonetheless, she carried out the order and raised her legs up and spread open and replied "Yes, Mistress Cheryl." She winced in pain as Cheryl grabbed her ankles and spread her legs even wider. She assured Cheryl that she would try to keep them there, but knew she couldn't do that for any length of time. It helped relieve the strain when she put her arms around her legs and spread her cheeks as Cheryl had ordered so that she could get a better shot of her puckered ass. "This just won't do, Barbara. You're not holding your legs far enough apart. John, would you mind giving your wife a hand? Stand at her head and grab her ankles so that you can spread her legs wide open for me." John jumped to his feet and darted to his appointed position. He grabbed Barbara's ankles and powerd her legs as far apart as he thought she could bear. Momentarily his eyes crossed Barbara's and he was both ashamed for helping with her degradation and excited with the participation at the same time. My, my. Look at you, John. You're hornier than a male dog in a kennel full of bitches in heat." Cheryl laughed at John's predicament. "Maybe we can do something about that. Barbara, I'd like you to help John get some relief so that he may be of better use to me. You will suck him off while he and I are busy posing you for your album, won't you?" No, no. Barbara wanted to scream out. Not here under these lights. Not with you watching and snapping pictures. This is something sacred. This is between him and I. This is something we share alone, in our bed, in darkness. Everything inside her told her to stop this charade, kick Cheryl out of the house and rid herself of this nightmare. She was shocked to hear her voice say "Yes, Mistress Cheryl." She was still in shock when she felt John's hands around her ankles again and saw his rock hard cock dangling there just inches above her face. She didn't know why she parted her lips and allow him to enter her mouth. She had never done this in this position before. Her head rocked back, and she felt his cock sliding down the back of her throat as he rocked his hips back and forth as if he were fucking her face. She had never been able to take him so deep before. She became oblivious to her surroundings and began bobbing her head in time with his hips. Cheryl was beside herself. John was as big as she fantasized him to be. As she watched Barbara take his huge cock all the way into her mouth, she knew she had found the perfect couple. The sight of the pair made her stop taking pictures and watch for a while. After a short pause she went back to work taking close-ups of Barbara spreading her pussy lips, then spreading her ass, then of Barbara sucking John's cock. She had never before been able to change the film as quickly as she did when she ran out in the middle of all this. She definitely wanted to get a picture of him coming and shouted at him to pull out of Barbara's mouth just before he came and to come over her tits. He never answered but she was too busy taking pictures to hear him if he had. Finally, she saw him pull his cock out of her mouth and she aimed the camera just in time to get some shots of his come covering her tits and open mouth. She thought he'd never stop coming. It was everywhere, as if it wasn't a cock but a rubber bag filled with semen. Eventually, he did stop coming and began losing his erection. She saw the cock slowly throb and it reminded her of the way a track star slowly came to rest after a race. Not just stop when it was over, but gradually slow the pace down until finally collapsing into a heap. She looked at Barbara lying there. Her eyes were closed and her head tilted as far back as possible, but she still had her fingers spreading her ass wide open - just as Cheryl had ordered. The sound of Cheryl's voice hit Barbara in the head like a hammer. She had drifted off into space and now was crashing back to Earth. When she jumped, she almost pulled her legs out of John's hands and she let go of her cheeks for a brief instant, but quickly recovered and spread them open again. She opened her eyes and stared straight up at John's cock, which was still forming droplets which, in turn, dripped onto face. His balls were no more than 10 inches above her forehead and swung gently in the air. She had not heard what Cheryl had said and wasn't sure whether she ask her to repeat it or maybe just ignore her in the hopes that she was not talking to her, but just making a comment. "Let's see now -- closing your eyes, failure to answer me -- your punishment is beginning to build up. I can't say as I blame you though after that. I had no idea you were such a good cocksucker, Barbara. We're just gonna have to videotape your technique sometime so we'll have a reference for novices. Now! Answer me!. Did you enjoy sucking John's cock?" Barbara's felt her face redden again. She had enjoyed it, but loathed Cheryl's presence and the way it came about -- that had ruined the whole thing. "Yes, Mistress Cheryl" she stammered. "Good. Let's see just how much you enjoyed it. Let go of your ass and spread that pussy wide -- and I mean wide -- so we can see just how wet you are." Cheryl picked up the camera again and leaned forward. "Yes, Mistress Cheryl." Barbara quickly let go of her ass and brought her hands around between her legs, spreading her vagina as far open as she could "so all the world could see" she said to herself sarcastically. She felt something entering her ever so slowly and realized it was Cheryl's finger. Cheryl's finger went all the way and in and then moved around a bit before it began to withdraw. Cheryl looked at her finger, wet with Barbara's juices, and looked back at Barbara's face. "Well, you are wet -- aren't you? Look what you've done to my finger. Now I want you to use your tongue to clean it off." Barbara saw Cheryl's finger and felt it's tip at her lips. She began to get sick from the thought of licking it and didn't do anything but stare at it. "Would you rather we start our punishment now." Cheryl said. "It won't be easy for this offense. If you know what's good for you you'll get that tongue working on this finger right this minute!" Barbara took a deep breath and held it as she opened her mouth and allowed her tongue to start licking Cheryl's finger. While she was licking she kept looking up at John's balls, imagining that she was licking his cock instead. The taste did not repulse her but the knowledge of what she was licking, and where it had been, did. She wondered what the expression on Cheryl's face was. Was she somber, smiling, ecstatic or just plain gloating. She wanted to glance down but felt too ashamed to look her tormentor in the eyes. John felt himself starting to get hard again. He wasn't sure whether it was due to the sight of his wife licking her own pussy juice off of Cheryl's finger or to Cheryl's hand brushing up against it as she moved her finger around Barbara's tongue. He did know that, whatever the reamister, it was getting hard again. He tried to remember the last time he had gotten a hard on so soon after orgasm and couldn't remember if he ever had gotten another one on so quickly. He didn't want it to get hard again for fear it would go badly for Barbara. He tried to think of other things like fishing and boating in the hopes it would occupy his mind, but he couldn't take his eyes of Barbara's tongue. Cheryl finally withdrew her finger, studied it momentarily and pronounced the job was well done. She looked down at Barbara's pussy, still being held wide open and took 2 more pictures. She now had several pictures spread out on the sofa beside her and she scanned them all. "I do believe these pictures have captured the redness of your face nicely, Barbara. They also show the pink of your pussy and asshole perfectly. I'm sure my friends will love these." Cheryl chuckled as she saw Barbara's eyes widen when she mentioned her friends. "Yes I'm sure they will. But enough about them for now. Save for a few mistakes, which we'll address later, you've been very good tonight, Barbara. I am sure John would agree with that. As a reward, I'm going to allow you to have an orgasm." Barbara almost died when Cheryl instructed her to masturbate herself to climax. She had never done this in front of anyone, not even John. She paused a moment then, recalling her agreement, slowly loosened the grip on her pussy lips and began rubbing her slit softly. She began wondering how she was going to fake orgasm and how long she should wait until she did but Cheryl was relentless with the orders. First it was "get your finger in there" then "another one" then "still another" until she had inserted all four fingers and was working them in and out as fast as she could. She saw John's balls and dick move to one side and Cheryl's face come into view. She was holding what appeared at first to be a plastic flashlight but then Barbara realized it was one of those vibrators she had seen in some of John's catalogs that came in the mail occasionally. It was white, about 8 inches long and an inch in diameter with a rounded top. The bottom had a knurled dialed which she assumed was a switch. Cheryl laid the tip of the vibrator on Barbara's lips and told her to "open." As Barbara slowly parted her lips, Cheryl began inserting the vibrator into her mouth. Barbara had to fight her gag reflex as Cheryl worked it in and out, each time going in a little further until her fingers pushed against her lips. Cheryl kept telling her to keep her hands working and Barbara would increase the pace each time. Finally, Cheryl withdrew the vibrator and sat back down. "I believe you need a little help reaching an orgasm, Barbara. Well, I'm holding it right here." Cheryl stopped to watch Barbara's reaction for a moment then continued. "If I were you, I'd take my hand out of my pussy and rub some of that juice around my asshole to lubricate it because that's where this is going next." Barbara couldn't believe her ears. Not in my ass, she thought, I've never had anything stuck in there except John's fingertip occasionally when we made love. Still, she took her hand out of her pussy and began to spread as much lubricant as she could around her small, puckered anus. She gritted her teeth and waited for the pain, which she knew would come when Cheryl started to push that thing up there. She sighed in despair when Cheryl told her to put her hand back into her pussy and get back to work there and with her other hand she was to work the vibrator into her ass herself. As she put her one hand back into her vagina and took the base of the vibrator, which Cheryl had clicked onto it's highest setting, she felt Cheryl's hands spreading her ass cheeks apart. She could only imagine what she looked like. Here she was nude lying on a coffee table, covered with come, legs held high in the air and wide apart by John, whose dick and balls were just inches from her face, with one hand in her pussy and the other working a dildo in and out of ass, the cheeks of which were spread wide apart by another woman. She began to sob. Soon she felt Cheryl's hands let go of her ass and then heard the click and saw the flash of the camera again. Her sobs turned to silent crying and tears streamed down her face. "Enough." Cheryl was getting disgusted. "I can't believe you haven't come yet. My God, I'm only watching and I'm about ready climax. I'm sure before the month is out you'll learn to have the "big O" in front of other people. But enough for now. push the vibrator all the way into your ass and stand up. Be careful that vibrator doesn't come out. Hold it in with you hand if you have to. John, why don't you move the table aside, against the wall, and come have a seat next to me here on the sofa." Barbara didn't have to be told twice. She winced with the pain as she pushed the vibrator deep into her ass and held it there when she stood, remembering to put her free hand behind her head. She looked at John moving the coffee table and almost laughed at how ridiculous he looked -- nude from the waist down with cock standing straight out as if pointing the way to follow. The humor disappeared, however, when she saw him sit down and press against Cheryl. John held up his glass as Cheryl refilled it then hers. He noticed that there was only about 2 glasses of wine left in the bottle and was surprised that neither he nor Cheryl were takes. He glanced down at his hard-on and wondered if he should try to cover it up. He thought Cheryl must have read his mind when she laughed and told him not to worry because his condition would be taken care of very shortly. When she told him that, he watched it twitch 2 or 3 times in rapid succession. "Damn, I'm horny!" he thought as he looked at Barbara standing in the center of the room. His cock twitched some more and the look in Barbara's eyes told him she had noticed. As a matter of fact, it seemed her eyes were fixed on his crotch. Cheryl looked directly at Barbara for several minutes as she sipped her wine. "Is my little come-covered slave ready for her punishment?" she said as her eyes moved over Barbara's body. "Mistress Cheryl," Barbara's tone was pleading, almost begging, "please. This is the first time I've ever done anything like this. I've done everything you told me to and just forgot some formalities. Please forgive me this time and I promise to be better next time." "Well, there you go again. Now you've forgotten to ask permission to speak before doing so. But I agree you have behaved well except for some mental lapses. I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll let you off this time, BUT, you must demonstrate your acceptance of me as your mistress and your willingness to do ANYTHING I ask of you. If you do that, I'll forego any whipping or other painful punishment THIS TIME ONLY. Do you agree?" Cheryl was grinning ear-to-ear when she finished. "Yes, Mistress Cheryl. Thank you, Mistress Cheryl." Barbara threw in the thank you hoping this would help show Cheryl her acceptance of her status as slave and perhaps persuade her to go easy on her. "Very well then. Get down on you stomach and crawl like a snake over to me. Mind you, don't let that vibrator come out of your ass!" Cheryl was in her glory as she saw Barbara get down on the carpet and wiggle over to her. She had to give her credit for holding that vibrator in and she wondered if she were getting rug burns on her stomach. Maybe I should have her roll over for a moment to check. "Barbara, while I'm telling you what I want you to do I want you to look directly at me, and I want to see that dildo move. Pull it all the way out then all the way back in -- and keep doing it!" Cheryl paused and watched as Barbara did as she was told. Each time the vibrator started back into rectum, Barbara would wince in pain. Cheryl watched Barbara's eyes almost bulge out of her head when she reached down and unbuttoned her dress and let it fall apart, exposing herself completely. "Now Barbara when I tell you to begin, I want you to start licking my feet. Lick each one completely and be sure to get between my toes like a good little slave. When you're done with the feet, you can start on the legs and we'll see what comes next. Are you ready?" 