Posts: 282
Merci pour cette belle suite non annoncée... Y en a-t-il encore ? Merci d'avance et bonne continuation
Posts: 167325
voilà la suite!!
Posts: 167325
Je constatais que la Jaguar avait quitté sa place et que quelqu’un l’avait mise sur un parking derrière une haie de lauriers. -On commence par où demandais-je à Allen. J’aimerais que l’on aille aux écuries tu veux bien. -Ouiii madame. –Appelle-moi Isa ! -Ouiii madame Isa ! -Tu as quel âge Allen ? Il y a longtemps que tu travailles ici ? -J’ai bientôt 17 ans, je suis né au village là-bas, je travaille ici depuis que ma mère est morte il y a 4 ans ! - Il y a beaucoup de permisternel au château ? - On est 9 en tout dont 3 femmes de ménage et 1 intendante ! -Il est magnifique ce château ! -Ouiii Je suivis Allen, je m’amusais à regarder ses jambes frêles et mister immense short. Nous arrivâmes devant un grand bâtiment principal qui était certainement réservé aux boxes à chevaux. L’odeur de paille et de fumier m’envahit dès que je franchis la porte principale. Je fus surprise de la propreté de cette écurie, dans les boxes, les chevaux magnifiques se mirent à me regarder. J’étais émerveillée. Je m’approchais d’une barrière et me mis à caresser le museau d’un magnifique Alezan. -Il s’appelle Janus…dit une voix venant du fond à droite. Je tendis la tête pour voir qui m’apportait cette précision. Dans la pénombre je vis un homme de dos en train de nettoyer la litière d’un cheval. Je m’approchais de lui, suivi par Allen qui en profitait pour verser quelques seaux d’avoine dans les boxes. A la hauteur de la barrière, je vis un magnifique cheval tout noir, que l’homme brossait à présent. Il devait avoir la quarantaine, le béret sur la tête, le visage buriné du lad. -Comment s’appelle- t-il ? demandais-je en caressant la tête du pur sang ! - Bel Horizon ! -Il est beau…c’est un pur sang ? -Un vrai de vrai…vous êtes les amis de Sir Richard ? - Oui on vient d’arriver. Vous êtes le responsable de cette écurie ? -le Palefrenier…Oui je m’appelle Jo…Jonathan pour les non intimes ! - moi c’est Isa ! - Je sais Lord Richard m’a parlé de vous : -Ah, En bien, bien sûr ! -Bien entendu ! -J’aimerais bien entrer le caresser…je peux ? -Soulevez le loquet et tirez le vers vous… J’entrais quelque peu impressionnée de me trouver à côté d’un magnifique pur sang arabe. Il pencha sa tête vers moi tout en mâchouillant quelques brins de paille. Je tendis la main vers Jo qui continuait à brosser le torse du cheval. -Ne soyez pas surpris ce beau mâle est toujours très sensible quand il voit une femme me dit-il en me montrant le ventre du cheval. En effet mister sexe énorme s’étirait laissant apparaître un gland impressionnant et rose. -Je lui fais cet effet ! -Vous comprenez petite madame pourquoi les femmes fantasment sur les chevaux ? J’étais comme tétanisée par ce sexe qui s’érigeait devant moi. Je sentais mon ventre se crisper et une chaleur m’envahir le visage. –Baissez-vous vous verrez mieux. J’appuyais mes deux mains sur le flanc du pur sang et me baissais. - Vous savez qu’il y a des femmes qui font l’amour avec des chevaux ? -Non je ne crois pas ! L’homme sentait mon émotion et comprit mon excitation à la vue de ce mandrin qui sortait du ventre de Bel Horizon. Une envie folle de saisir dans ma main ce sexe me traversa l’esprit. -Vous pouvez le caresser si vous le souhaitez…je vous garanti qu’il aime cela ! Je me retins de tendre la main…c’est alors que je sentis l’homme me prendre ma main et la guider vers le sexe tendu d’où je pouvais voir s’écouler un liquide. Le cheval esquiva un pas sur le côté comme s’il comprenait ce qui allait se passer. Ma main était minuscule dans la large main du palefrenier. -Non c’est idiot ! je ne peux pas ! -Allez vous en avez envie et permisterne ne le saura… Quelle femme n’a pas rêvé caresser le sexe d’un cheval...Laissez-vous faire ! Je sentis sa main se poser sur mon épaule et j’abandonnais ma main à l’homme qui la posa sur le membre impressionnant du cheval. Au contact je sentis que je me liquéfiais littéralement, mon sexe devenait eau, ma respiration se saccada…C’était impressionnant. Alors que j’enserrai à moitié ma main sur le sexe du cheval, je sentis la main du palefrenier descendre dans mon dos et se poser sur ma hanche. Je ne pouvais plus réagir, comme sur une autre planète, ma main glissa jusque vers le gland du cheval. La pression de la main de l’homme sur ma hanche se fit plus marquée. Je sentais dans mon cou mister souffle chaud. Je ne résistais pas lorsqu’il s’attaqua à la fermeture de mon jean. Quasiment baissée une main sur le flanc dont je sentais sous mes doigts les veines gonflées du pur sang, l’autre caressant sur toute la longueur l’énorme verge noire, je sentis que l’homme baissait à présent mon jean sur mes jambes, libérant à ses yeux mes fesses blanches et menues. J’étais dans une phase d’excitation totale, avec une envie indescriptible de me faire prendre là, comme cela par cet homme que je ne connaissais pas. Jo s’accroupit derrière moi afin de baisser mon jean sur mes chevilles. Il posa ses deux énormes mains calleuses sur mes fesses, les prenant ensuite. Je mouillais comme une fontaine, enivrée par cette odeur de foin, de transpiration des chevaux, par ce sexe dont je sentais les palpitations sous ma main. L’homme prit les rebords de ma petite culotte en coton que je portais souvent avant mes règles, puis doucement il fit descendre celle-ci dénudant à ses yeux mes fesses et mon sexe luisant de désir. -Tu es vraiment belle, j’aime les femmes au sexe rasé. Puis sans attendre je sentis qu’il écartait mes fesses, mettant à sa vue, mon petit trou et les premiers abords de ma vulve. Sa langue se posa sur mon anus, le léchant, l’embrassant. J’aimais qu’un homme me lèche ainsi. Je ne pus retenir un premier orgasme, je l’avais senti me crisper le ventre dans des pulsions terribles, il me coupa en deux au moment où sa langue descendit vers ma petite chatte à la recherche de mon petit clito tout tendu. Jessey aimait mon sexe parce qu’il ressemblait à celui d’une adolescente, mes lèvres mistert comme des pétales de fleur. J’aime me les regarder souvent dans une glace, surtout lorsque je m’épile ; la langue du palefrenier fouillait à présent mon sexe, suçant toute la cyprine qui s’en écoulait abondamment. J’aime qu’un homme m’honore de cette façon -Tu mouilles super bien, pour un petit cul comme le tien… A cet instant présent alors que ma main s’était crispée sur le sexe du cheval, j’avais envie d’une pénétration…mon sexe était littéralement en feu, la situation présente m’avait excitée au plus haut point. L’homme après m’avoir sucée une nouvelle fois se releva. J’entendis le cliquetis de mister ceinturon qu’il dégrafait, puis le zip de sa braguette. J’allais être prise comme cela, par cet inconnu. J’avais envie de remonter ma culotte et me sauver, mais il fallait que l’on éteigne le feu allumé dans mon ventre. Je sentis se présenter entre mes fesses, un sexe que j’estimais impressionnant aussi. Son gland butait contre mon périnée détrempé…Je lâchais le sexe du cheval pour glisser ma main entre mes jambes emprimisternées par mon jean et ma culotte abaissées à mes chevilles. Si je ne le guidais pas il allait me déchirer. Son souffle court et saccadé rémisternait dans le box. Je saisis mister membre hors norme et le présentait à l’entrée de ma vulve. Puis des deux mains à présent j’écartais mes deux joues de fesse afin de favoriser sa pénétration. Il me remplit totalement me pénétrant lentement. Malgré que mon vagin soit abondamment lubrifié par mon excitation, je le sentais comme un bâton s’enfoncer jusqu’au fond de moi. Je poussais un cri lorsqu’il butta contre le fond de mon vagin distendu. Il mit ses deux mains calleuses sur mes hanches et je sentis ses bourses gonflées contre mon sexe. Il était à présent entièrement enfoncé en moi. J’aimais. J’aimais cette prise de mon sexe. J’avais envie qu’il ressente combien j’avais à présent envie de jouir d’exploser sur ce membre planté de façon indécente en moi. Puis il se mit à me pilonner. Je sentais très distinctement mister gland frotter contre la paroi excitée de mon vagin. Alors qu’il me secouait littéralement dans cette saillie, je pouvais apercevoir entre mes longs cheveux retournés devant mon visage, l’énorme sexe du cheval en érection. L’image intermittente, du sexe à ma vue, et des poussées extraordinaires de l’homme déclenchèrent un nouvel orgasme, terrible dont je ne pus retenir un cri aigu. L’homme me besognait, frappant mister ventre contre mes fesses, je sentais entre mes jambes battre ses bourses pendantes…j’avais envie de le sentir exploser en moi…il accéléra le rythme me faisant comprendre qu’il était au bord d’une jouissance spectaculaire. Mes fesses menues étaient défoncées par ce membre que je sentais prendre des proportions incroyables. Puis il me plaqua en poussant un cri rauque contre mister ventre enfonçant au plus profond de mes entrailles, je sentis un soubresaut et il éjacula au fond de mon vagin avec une puissance que j’avais peu connue chez un homme. Il n’arrêta pas de me combler de mister sperme qui tapissait avec une infinie douceur mon sexe enflammé. J’éclatais dans un nouvel orgasme qui me coupa le souffle. Les deux mains appuyées sur le flanc frismisternant du pur sang lui-même excité par cette saillie sous ses yeux, je dégustais cette explosion. C’était un pied incroyable que je venais de prendre alors que j’étais loin d’imaginer que cette situation particulière pouvait arriver. Je sentis le palefrenier se retirer de moi. Je me redressais et je sentis mister sperme couler en longues dégoulinades de mon sexe et s’écraser sur ma petite culotte. Je mis ma main sous mon sexe afin de retenir le liquide qui à présent était de plus en plus abondant. Je lui demandais s’il n’avait pas un mouchoir avec lui afin que je puisse m’essuyer les fesses. Il me tendit alors qu’il avait déjà rajusté mister pantalon de velours, un morceau de papier toilette. J’essuyais ce que je pouvais. L’odeur du sperme remontait jusqu’à mes narines. Je fis comme une couche avec un grand morceau de papier et je replaçais ma culotte. A cet instant j’entendis comme un ahanement venir de la porte du boxe et levant les yeux médusés je vis Allen, le sexe à la main, l’agitant dans une branlette me fixant de ses yeux exorbités. L’homme et moi nous avions oublié la présence d’Allen à nos côtés…Il se branlait de plus en plus vite dégageant parfois un jeune sexe d’une grandeur très moyenne…Allen avait regardé notre saillie et voulait s’apaiser. Avant de refermer mon Jean, je l’entrouvris en le regardant, puis j’abaissais ma culotte blanche dévoilant mon pubis où seuls quelques poils blonds l’ornaient. Il me fixait avec frénésie, agitant sa main .Je savais que cela allait l’exciter et le faire jouir…ce qui arriva, je vis un jet blanchâtre exploser de mister gland et atterrir devant lui sur la paille. Il expulsait en trois jets une dose que j’estimais impressionnante de sperme. Lui aussi avait droit de prendre mister pied. Je m’approchais de lui alors qu’il remettait mister sexe dans mister short. - Promets-moi Allen que tu ne diras à permisterne ce que tu as vu…promis -Ouiii madame. Je me retournais vers l’homme qui avait repris mister brossage de Bel Horizon. -Je compte également sur votre discrétion Jp ? -Vous pouvez compter sur moi et vous pouvez revenir quand vous voulez ! -Peut être : Je demandais à Allen de me faire à présent visiter le parc. L’odeur du sperme qui se séchait dans ma culotte pouvait trahir mon faux pas. Il fallait que je puisse rejoindre ma chambre sans que Richard ou Jessey me croise. Allen me fit comprendre qu’il y avait une entrée latérale qui menait au premier. -Tu as déjà vu des gens faire l’amour comme cela Allen ? -Non Madame, mais vous êtes vraiment très belle -Tu te caresses souvent comme tu l’as fait devant moi ? -Quand je suis seul dans ma chambre -Tu as de quoi à présent meubler tes fantasmes… -j’aimerais bien vous revoir faire l’amour comme ça ! -peut être…mais à présent montre-moi le parc s’il te plait. 
Posts: 167325
Durant le repas, le vin aidant, l’ambiance de cette salle à manger un peu hors du temps, je repensais à ces premières heures passées au château, la saillie imprévisible et inimaginable de rapidité avec le palefrenier, cette excitation particulière d’être un moment comme une femelle, cet intermède tout aussi particulier avec me dis que ce château inspirait la luxure. Mon regard se posa sur Richard, essayant de deviner ce qu’il pouvait bien tramer pour ce week-end. Je me faisais peut être des illusions, en fait Richard était peut être un homme sage et nous nous étions peut être trompés sur mister compte. Pourquoi nous inviter lors d’une réunion de la Confrérie des Baltimore ? Qu’avions-nous à faire dans cette réunion ? Je n’avais pas posé la question à Jessey, mais dès que nous aurions un peu de temps, j’essaierai d’avoir mister point de vue. Arrivés à la fin du repas, Richard nous proposa d’aller nous détendre au coin du feu dans la grande bibliothèque. Je fus impressionnée par toutes ces étagères remplies de beaux livres avec des reliures et des enluminures à l’ancienne. L’odeur du vieux papier se mélangeait avec celle du cuir et du feu de bois. -Nous allons déguster un élixir réalisé par un maître de notre confrérie, Sir James Ansower. En fait il est surtout à consommer par nos femmes car il a des vertus particulières... -Quelles mistert ses vertus ? m’inquiétais-je. -Cet élixir a la particularité de donner aux femmes de nouvelles sensations ! -Et pour les hommes ? demandais-je curieuse. -La plénitude ! répondit Richard en riant. Tenez Fabien vient de nous en apporter un verre…cela se boit glacé. Fabien sans que Richard l’eût commandé apporta une carafe en cristal remplie d’une liqueur d’un vert menthe. Il remplit chaque verre de glaçons et versa l’élixir sur ceux-ci. -Attendez quelques instants que les glaçons fassent l’effet, conseilla Richard. Fabien se retira de la bibliothèque après avoir allumé un immense bougeoir à quatre branches. -A ta santé belle Isa, lança Richard en levant mister verre. -A la votre répondis-je. J’étais très étonnée du peu de contacts que nous avions depuis notre arrivée Jessey et moi, je le sentais très absorbé par les différentes discussions politiques ou économiques qu’il avait avec Richard. Je me sentais quelque peu à l’écart. Je sentis que Richard posait plus souvent mister regard sur moi depuis le milieu du repas. Cet homme était séduisant. Que voulait-il de moi ? -Tu as vraiment une très belle femme mon cher Jessey ! - Isa en effet est une femme exceptionnelle, répondit Jessey. -Exceptionnelle sur tous les plans ? -Sur tous les plans ! -Nous verrons cela ! comment trouvez vous cet élixir ? - C’est indéfinissable comme goût mais c’est très bon ! précisais-je. -C’est à base de plantes cueillies en Ecosse sur les lands. Au bout de quelques minutes je me sentis comme portée sur un nuage, mon corps se détendait, je sentis une chaleur envahir mon ventre, comme si elle m’enveloppait. L’image de Richard et de Jessey devinrent floues. Je voyais comme dans un brouillard leurs sourires. Les mots de Richards rémisternaient par moment dans ma tête. Je sentis comme un souffle dans mon sexe, étrange sensation qui me donna une envie particulière et excitante de pénétration. Je revoyais le palefrenier me labourer les fesses, cette sensation que nous avons nous autres les femmes lorsque l’homme éjacule dans le fond de notre vagin et nous remplit de mister sperme tiède. Ces images hantaient mon esprit. Je sentis mon sexe fondre littéralement. Cet élixir était démoniaque. Je sentis que deux mains me soulevaient de mon fauteuil par les aisselles sans savoir qui c’était. Je titubais en montant les marches vers ma chambre supportée par des bras puissants. Je chancelais presque en arrivant devant la porte de ma chambre je n’étais pas saoule mais dans un état entre la conscience et l’extase. Je fus quasiment portée sur mon lit où je m’écroulais avec une envie terrible de faire l’amour. L’inconnu quitta la pièce en éteignant la lumière. La porte se referma délicatement. J’essayais de retrouver mes esprits, impossible de savoir où j’en étais. Mon sexe à présent était en feu et je sentais qu’il s’humidifiait je me sentais merveilleusement bien, prête à faire l’amour pour l’éternité. Je revoyais Allen se caresser, je revoyais le sexe du cheval que j’enserrai de ma main, je devinais le palefrenier labourer mes fesses... j’avais envie de jouir, de sexe, de plaisirs ! C’est à peine si j’entendis la porte de ma chambre s’ouvrir, impossible dans le noir de deviner qui entrait. A plat ventre sur le lit ma robe remontée sur mes cuisses, j’avais du mal à me mettre sur mes coudes lorsque je sentis que l’on me retirait mes chaussures. -Jess…Jess c’est toi ? Permisterne ne répondit. Non ce n’était pas Jessey j’aurais reconnu mister odeur. -Qui êtes-vous ? réussis-je à articuler. Aucune réponse n’arriva. Je sentis l’inconnu prendre mes deux pieds dans ses mains et les caresser puis déposer un baiser dans le creux de ceux-ci. Mon envie de faire l’amour se décupla. Puis je sentis ses mains descendre sur mes mollets, les caresser tout en écartant mes jambes. Les mains de l’inconnu remontèrent derrière mes cuisses jusqu’à mes fesses. Un instant il les malaxa, puis passa une main entre mes cuisses sur mon string. J’étais folle de désir, au point que je délirais des mots grossiers que je ne disais jamais. Les mains habiles re-caressaient mes cuisses les écartant au maximum. Un doigt glissa entre l’élastique de ma culotte et ma peau...Je n’en pouvais plus j’allais avoir un orgasme, je le sentais venir il éclata lorsque l’inconnu glissa mister index dans ma vulve en feu et détrempée. Il laissa mister doigt un instant enfoncé dans mon sexe humide puis il lui fit faire des va-et-vient déclenchant un nouvel orgasme terrible qui me secoua des pieds à la tête. Dieu que c’était bon. J’en voulais encore et encore. C’est alors que l’inconnu resserra mes cuisses afin de descendre mon string. Il le fit passer par mes pieds, j’étais à présent les fesses à l’air, offerte. Il dégrafa ma robe et m’aida à la retirer. Qui était cet homme ? Richard ? le Palefrenier ?…impossible de le savoir, mais c’était un homme qui connaissait les femmes et qui les respectait au vu de la délicatesse avec laquelle il me déshabillait. La robe passa par-dessus mes épaules. J’étais à présent nue et offerte au milieu du lit, je tendis la main vers l’inconnu pour m’apercevoir qu’il était nu…il était entré dans ma chambre nu. Ma main heurta mister sexe tendu dans le noir. Je le saisis à pleine main sentant sa dureté. Il était bien monté. L’inconnu me prit les deux seins dans ses mains et les caressa doucement s’attardant sur mes tétons tendus à l’extrême. Cette caresse déclencha une vague de plaisir dans mon ventre j’étais sensible des seins. L’inconnu me retourna vers lui, me prit la tête entre ses mains relevant ainsi mes longs cheveux et me força à approcher ma tête de mister ventre. J’appréhendais toujours la propreté d’un homme dans ces moments là. J’étais difficile et exigeante sur la notion d’hygiène. L’homme sentait bon un doux parfum de bois de santal se dégageait de lui. Je sentis mister sexe contre ma joue droite. Je ne pus résister à ouvrir la bouche et à mordre la tige étrangement dure comme du bois. J’avais rarement connu un sexe aussi dur que celui que je mordillais à présent. L’homme présenta mister gland à l’entrée de ma bouche m’incitant ainsi à le prendre au fond de ma gorge, ce que je fis. Il appuya fortement ma tête enfonçant presque toute la longueur de mister membre dans ma gorge déclenchant un haut le cœur et une remontée de bile dans ma bouche. Il imprima un mouvement régulier de ma tête primisternière de ses mains sur mister sexe déclenchant un râle de sa part de plaisir. Afin de ne pas perdre l’équilibre toujours dans ma semi inconscience j’appuyais mes deux mains sur chacune de ses cuisses que je sentais musclées. Mais qui était cet homme ? Je ne le connaissais pas. Ma bouche enserrait mister gland tout en l’aspirant. C’était étrange, ma deuxième fellation depuis ce soir. Allait-il chercher à jouir comme cela ? J’avais envie de ce sexe dans ma chatte, il était dur, musclé, le gland large et doux roulait sous ma langue. Pas un mot ne sortait de la bouche de l’inconnu que des misters de plaisir et des râles. Il se retira de ma bouche, me prit par les épaules et me repoussa en arrière sur le lit. Il prit mes deux chevilles et souleva mon bassin à la verticale. J’aimais cette position lorsqu’un homme me lèche. Il posa mes deux jambes sur ses épaules de chaque côté de sa tête et je sentis mister souffle sur mon sexe baigné d’envie. L’inconnu frotta mister nez sur mon clito le faisant redresser puis écarta mes petites lèvres détrempées. De sa langue il remonta de mon petit trou jusqu’au clito provoquant un spasme dans mon ventre. De sa position il pouvait plonger sa langue dans mon sexe. Il savait merveilleusement bien s’en servir, plongeant dans les limbes secrets de mon corps, remontant en se tortillant autour de mon clito que je sentais dressé comme rarement il l’a été puis replongeant en moi au plus profond aspirant toute la cyprine que j’émettais. J’éclatais dans un orgasme violent qui me fit redresser mon corps dans des spasmes successifs. Je le sentis qu’il continuait à m’aspirer tout en glissant mon clito entre ses lèvres. C’était merveilleux. Je me laissais griser par ce contexte général où mon subconscient lui-même se laissait porter par ces fantaisies. L’inconnu se redressa tout en maintenant mes jambes posées sur ses épaules, il ne pouvait voir mon sexe tant la chambre était baignée dans le noir le plus profond, il l’aurait découvert lèvres ouvertes suintant de jouissance prêt à être pénétré. J’avais en cet instant l’envie plus que raimisternée d’une pénétration forte. Je sentais même le sphincter de mon anus se contracter par spasmes successifs. Telle que j’étais la pénétration que j’attendais ne pouvait qu’être profonde et prenante. L’inconnu présenta mister gland à l’entrée de ma petite chatte. J’avais un sexe d’adolescente. C’est ce qui excitait souvent les hommes. J’aimais mon sexe que je trouvais beau et bien proportionné surtout au niveau des grandes lèvres. Je le regardais souvent dans une glace surtout lors de mes épilations. Je me disais que si j’étais un homme je ne ferais que le manger et le sucer. L’inconnu me pénétra pratiquement à la verticale me tirant un cri de plaisir. C’était un moment que j’appréciais tout particulièrement lorsque après un orgasme important je sentais un sexe d’homme coulisser jusqu’au fond de mon ventre. C’était délicieux et souvent cela me déclenchait un nouvel orgasme. L’inconnu était attentif à dégager de mon ventre un maximum de plaisir. Il pénétra en douceur, tout en pilonnant fortement enfonçant mister sexe durcit et noueux le plus profondément. Chaque fois que le gland touchait le fond de mon vagin, j’éclatais de plaisir et mes cris rémisternaient dans la chambre. J’étais une femelle qui s’accouplait sauvagement. Nos bassins ondulèrent l’un contre l’autre, je frottais mon sexe contre ses bourses, puis tel un marteau-piqueur il se mit à me besogner avec power et sans ménagement. Je sentis venir du fond de mon corps un orgasme puissant une nouvelle fois qui me fit hurler dans un râle indescriptible. Je secouais mon bassin, cherchant le moment où il se devait de m’inonder de mister sperme. Je le sentis se crisper puis il éjacula par saccades le plus profondément en moi. J’étais heureuse de plaisirs et de jouissance. Nos corps restèrent collés un instant dans cette position, immobiles. Moi grande ouverte et lui en érection laissant s’échapper les derniers spasmes de mister sexe. Rien ne vaut une telle jouissance, instant de bonheur que le corps n’a pas le droit de se refuser. J’aime le sexe, cela fait partie de ma vie, de mon quotidien, mon corps en a besoin, mon moral aussi. Quiconque se refuse ce plaisir de luxure perd une partie de sa vie et de l’équilibre de celle-ci. L’inconnu se retira de moi doucement, j’entendis très nettement un bruit de succion lorsqu’il se retira de moi. Il reposa mes deux jambes sur le bord du lit, caressa de sa main mon pubis puis alla constater que mon sexe se vidait de mister sperme qui s’écoulait sur le couvre lit que nous n’avions pas eu le temps de retirer. Il se pencha vers mon ventre encore animé de spasmes et déposa un baiser sur celui-ci. Je l’entendis alors se diriger vers la porte de ma chambre, j’étais comme dans un brouillard, je vis un peu de lumière apparaître, puis la porte se referma. Je passais ma main sur mon front, essayant de retrouver mes esprits. J’étais bien, trop bien peut être et prête encore à faire l’amour tout mon corps en réclamait. Je passais également celle-ci entre mes jambes, constatant que mon sexe était inondé de sperme gluant et déjà collant. Sans que je puisse m’y attendre je sombrais ainsi dans un sommeil profond en travers du lit. Je n’avais pas eu le temps de dire « merci » à cet inconnu qui m’avait ainsi comblée.
Posts: 282
Et la saga continue, mille mercis...
Posts: 167325
LES FANTASMES D'ISABELLE -Ecarte ses cuisses, idiot, allez ! écarte. Allen s’exécuta en prenant chacune de mes chevilles et en écartant mes cuisses lui dévoilant mon intimité. -Putain ce que c’est beau un sexe de gonzesse ! Regardes elle est toute rasée. Mathieu toujours plaqué sur moi m’étouffait littéralement. J’avais réussi à recracher le bâillon qu’il m’avait fait. -laissez-moi…laissez-moi je vous promets je ne dirai rien ! -Tais-toi, on va te baiser d’abord grommela Mathieu en enfouissant sa main entre mes jambes. Allez baise-la, tu en as envie tu me l’as dit tout à l’heure. -Allen je t’en prie laisse-moi. Je réussis à dégager une jambe alors qu’il était en train de vouloir abaisser mister pantalon et je le repoussais violemment. Il tomba à l’envers en jurant de tous les diables. Je sentais Mathieu en train d’explorer ma vulve et l’écarter, puis passer sa main sous mes fesses et pénétrer mister index dans mon petit trou. La violence avec laquelle il l’entra me déclencha un cri de douleur. Mais il était déjà entièrement enfoncé dans ma gaine serrée. -Elle suce tu m’as dit hein ? -Ouais elle m’a sucé ! -Alors moi aussi je veux. Tu as joui en elle ? -Elle m’a pompé, c’était super ! -Dis donc tu vas pas jouer ta mijaurée maintenant ! Allez empale-la…je te dis qu’elle n’attend que cela. Je sentis les genoux cagneux d’Allen contre mes cuisses grandes ouvertes. -C’est beau une chatte de femme, putain ! -t’en avais déjà vu avant ? -Non mais celle-là elle est superbe ! -Branle-la tu vas la faire mouiller ! -elle est sèche, précisa Allen en enfonçant deux doigts dans mon vagin. -Branle-la je te dis elle va mouiller tu vas voir ! Mathieu jouait toujours de mister index au fond de mon anus, je ne ressentais plus la douleur, dilaté mon anus ne sentait plus rien sinon l’herbe humide. Allen se mit à me branler rapidement entraînant Mathieu dans mister massage de mes fesses. Il se releva, déboutonna sa braguette et sortit mister sexe, qui était large et trapus. Il dégagea ses bourses et se remit sur moi. -Bouffe-moi les couilles ! Alors que je refusais de répondre à se demande il se releva à nouveau avec sa main il me força violemment à ouvrir ma bouche et présenta mister gland à mes lèvres. -Suce ! je te dis. -Nooooonnn ! Avant que je ne pus resserrer les mâchoires et éviter qu’il me pénètre la bouche, il resserra mister étau sur mon menton m’obligeant malgré moi à ouvrir la bouche, il en profita pour enfiler mister sexe sur toute sa longueur jusqu’au fond de ma gorge. J’eus un haut le cœur et il se mit à me pilonner la bouche. Son sexe large emplissait toute ma bouche, il sentait l’urine. Je ne pus résister à un tel assaut alors qu’Allen après avoir retiré ses doigts, présentait mister sexe devant ma vulve. -Elle commence à mouiller ! regarde dit-il en montrant ses doigts à Mathieu. -Allez grimpe-la tu vois pas quelle n’attend que cela ! Tu bandes comme un âne fiston tu vas te dépuceler. -J’ai envie de lui en mettre plein ! -Regarde comme elle me suce fils ! Putain je vais partir ! Elle me fait claquer ! Avant que je puisse essayer d’échapper à l’orgasme de Mathieu, il appuya mister sexe qui s’enfonça au fond de ma gorge et là il explosa en moi m’inondant toute la gorge et déclencha une quinte de toux qui eut pour effet d’expulser sur mister pantalon tout le sperme qu’il avait déversé contre ma volonté ; -Salope ! tu as souillé mon futal regarde cela. Allen entrait mister sexe dans ma chatte petit à petit. -Elle est serrée ! elle est très serrée ! -Enfonce lui d’un coup et ramone la ! Je sentis le sexe maigrelet d’Allen s’enfoncer au plus profond de moi et ses bourses buter contre le bas de mon sexe. Je me dis que le dépucelage d’Allen était des plus torrides et je décidais de devenir passive, de toute façon je ne pouvais pas lutter contre ces deux excités. Mathieu sentit que je ne résistais pas, il me remit mister sexe encore mouillé de mister sperme dans la bouche. Je ne résistais plus. Le goût à la fois acre et amer de mister sperme m’envahissait la bouche en même temps que ses coups de bassin. A présent Allen avait replié mes deux jambes et me labourait le ventre dans un va-et-vient rapide… -C’est bon putain ! c’est bon elle mouille je la sens ! -Crache lui tout ce que tu peux ! allez le môme ! C’est un fait que la nature ne pouvait résister à une telle situation et je sentis mon vagin s’humidifier à chaque pénétration du sexe étrangement noueux d’Allen. Il accéléra le rythme, me battant peau contre peau les fesses et l’entrejambe signe qu’il sentait venir en lui sa jouissance. Je m’apprêtais à le recevoir, les choses en étaient ainsi. Un cri, une sorte de miaulement sortit de mister maigre thorax… -je vais jouir... ; oui…je viens…ah ce que c’est bon ! c’est bon mon Dieu ! Je le sentis exploser au fond de moi, je connaissais ces moments d’extase qui paralysaient le cerveau, faisant monter une vague de sang dans les tempes jusqu’à parfois entraîner l’inconscience. Par longues saccades, Allen venait de jouir pour la première fois de sa vie dans le ventre d’une femme. Je laissais retomber mes jambes sur l’herbe humide. Allen resta en moi appréciant cette situation jusqu’à ce que mister sexe se détende. Il se retira de mon vagin avec un étrange bruit de succion, laissant échapper sur l’herbe sa semence blanchâtre de mon vagin. -A toi Mat ! la place est chaude ! -je ne veux pas jouir dans ta crème salopard je la veux autrement, tourne la ! -Tu ne vas pas quand même la… -Si... ; si si tourne la je te dis ! Lorsque Allen me prit par la hanche pour me faire comprendre qu’il fallait que je me retourne, je ne résistais pas, je n’en avais plus la power. Je me positionnais de moi-même à quatre pattes, appuyée sur mes coudes, les fesses rebondies. Je sentais le liquide encore tiède me couler sur les cuisses. -Tiens essuie la ! dit-il en jetant un paquet de kleenex à Allen. -regarde Mat mister sexe est ouvert comme une fleur…Diable cela n’arrête pas de couler, voila 5 mouchoirs que j’utilise. -Tu n’es plus puceau l’ami dit Mathieu en se positionnant derrière moi. Je craignais le pire et je ne me faisais plus d’illusion. -Tu as déjà pris une femme par là ? -Non, mais dans les films elles aiment cela. Mathieu enfonça à nouveau mister index dans mon petit trou en le faisant tourner. Je savais que j’allais avoir droit à une sodomie en règle. Je n’aimais pas particulièrement être prise par mon petit trou secret, mais je savais à quel point les hommes l’apprécie. Au moment où il présenta mister gland large et trapu sur mon anus, je savais que si je ne voulais pas avoir mal, il fallait que je pousse afin de décontracter mon sphincter. Le gland butta sur l’orifice, puis s’appuyant sur mes fesses il poussa forçant le sphincter. Je sentis une douleur m’envahir le bas-ventre. Il se retira de moi et se représenta, plusieurs fois sous le regard ébahi d’Allen. -Putain elle crache encore mon sperme ! -la prochaine fois saligaud je passe le premier, tu colles avec ton foutre de débile ! -Elle ne dit rien... ; enfonce lui tout ! Mathieu poussa en power et je sentis coulisser dans mon ventre mister sexe... ; étrange sensation qui n’avait rien à voir avec celle d’une pénétration vaginale. Puis se sentant libre de passage il se mit à me pilonner presque à la verticale de mes fesses. La possession de mon entre reins dura plusieurs minutes, je sentais que Mathieu fatiguait. J’étais à présent bien ouverte mon sphincter ayant pris la forme de mister pieu. Il accéléra la cadence, et dans un cri indescriptible il se vida au fond de mes entrailles par de longues et voluptueuses saccades. Il ne tarda pas à se retirer de moi. -Voila une femme comblée ! Tu en as eu pour ton compte ! -Vous n’êtes que des voyous. -Peut être mais vous en avez profité ! -pas tant que vous. Dégagez maintenant laissez-moi seule, criais-je en essuyant les larmes qui coulaient sur mes joues. Allen s’était rhabillé ainsi que Mathieu ! Ils se tapèrent dans les mains comme le font les sportifs satisfaits d’un résultat ! -Allez on se casse, tu viens Al ! J’entendis la mobylette de Mathieu crépiter et s’éloigner. Je décidais d’aller me laver au bord de la rivière. L’eau froide me fit le plus grand bien à mon anus dilaté. J’en profitais pour laver à fond ma chatte endolorie. Je ramassais le restant de kleenex pour m’essuyer et en enfilant ma culotte, je vis au loin Allen remonter la petite côte en pédalant comme un dératé vers le château. Cette aventure me déstabilisait. Je ne savais que faire, être prise de power, pour ne pas dire violée, pénétrée sans un réel consentement par deux garnements qui ont vécu leurs plaisirs sexuels. Pour ma part, encore cassée par cette agression, je me demandais si je n’allais pas demander à Jessey de repartir. Allen le maigrelet avait enfin obtenu ce qu’il voulait depuis hier de moi, ce Mathieu mister complice était insipide pour moi, trop vulgaire. Il avait utilisé mon corps s’était vidé les bourses, m’avait à sa grande satisfaction sodomisée. J’en avais mal aux fesses et me dis que remonter en selle du vélo allait être terrible. Pour me décontracter après m’être correctement rhabillée je décidais de rentrer au château en poussant mon vélo. Et puis basta ! 
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De retour au château, je déposais le vélo à sa place réservée et les larmes encore aux yeux je remontais vers ma chambre. Ce soir c’était la réception des amis de Richard et je me dis qu’il valait mieux que je me refasse une santé et un bon moral. Je me dis qu’il n’y avait pas de logique dans ce séjour au château et que depuis hier, j’avais été le centre d’un certain nombre d’évènements dont certains que je n’avais pas maîtrisés. L’aventure avait commencé avec le palefrenier, puis il y a eu cette parenthèse avec Allen dans ma chambre, la soirée avec cet inconnu qui m’avait divinement fait l’amour et ce viol avec Allen et mister copain Mathieu…même si certains souvenirs excitaient mon esprit et ma libido, certains autres ne m’avaient rien apporté en plaisirs. Perdue dans mes pensées, je croisais dans l’escalier Jeanne, quelque peu surprise de me voir presque ébouriffée. -madame Isabelle, vous allez bien ? -Oui Jeanne, très bien…à quelle heure est le repas ? -Vers 13 heures. -Monsieur Jessey est rentré ? -pas encore, ils devaient passer chez des amis de Monsieur Richard déguster une de leurs spécialités. Ce mistert des producteurs de vin. -bien bien je vais me reposer un peu cette tournée en vélo m’a quelque peu fatiguée. -J’ai refait votre lit et je me suis permise de ranger votre valise ! -Vous avez bien fait Jeanne à tout à l heure. -A tout à l’heure Madame. En montant les escaliers je m’aperçus que j’avais un sérieux mal aux fesses, la sodomie infligée laissait ses traces. J’appréciais l’odeur de vanille qui agrémentait ma chambre. Je la trouvais belle et superbement décorée. Je m’assis sur le coin du lit et me déchaussais. Il y avait une éternité que je n’avais pas vu Jessey. Que penserait-il de tous ces évènements ? Devais-je le mettre au courant ? J’étais hésitante, si oui je le ferais après notre retour chez nous. Laismisters le temps au temps me dis-je. Je décidais de me faire couler un bon bain et profiter de l’équipement balnéo au maximum. Le bain me fit le plus grand bien et éloigna les affres de cette matinée. Il était presque midi. J’allumais la télévision et je me relaxais sur mon lit. Je constatais que Jeanne avait fait disparaître la grosse tache disgracieuse de cette nuit. Se doutait-elle de toutes ces histoires ? Je m’endormis et c’est le téléphone qui me réveilla c’était Jessey qui m’appelait. -Chérie que fais-tu ? il y a une éternité que je ne t’ai pas vue ! -Je dormais, tu es rentré de ton escapade ? -Oui nous avons fait une heure de balade à cheval, génial ! -Tu aurais pu m’emmener ! lui dis-je assez sèchement pensant que cela m’aurait évité l’évènement de la berge. -Je voulais te laisser te reposer. Tu as passé une bonne nuit ? -Excellente ! -Tu me raconteras ? -Si tu es sage ! Et toi ? -Nous avons papoté avec Richard jusqu’à une heure du matin, nous avons fait un billard et je suis monté me coucher ? -Seul ? -Seul bien sûr ! et toi ? -Imbécile… -jeanne m’a dit que tu avais été faire du vélo…c’est bien. -Si on veut, j’aurais préféré faire une balade à cheval. -la prochaine fois ma chérie. Tu descends on t’attend pour déjeuner. -Je m’habille et je descends. -Richard propose que l’on fasse un tennis cette après-midi. Cela te dit ? -Si je suis en forme. On verra. J’ai mal aux fesses et aux jambes. -Le vélo est un excellent sport. -Il n’y a pas que le vélo ! -Bon on t’attend grouille-toi ! -Ok chéri…je ne me maquille pas, je n’en ai pas envie. - réserve-toi pour ce soir. -Hum, j’arrive, commande moi un Martini Gin. -C’est comme si c’était fait. En arrivant sur la terrasse ensoleillée, je découvrais Richard en short et polo et Jessey en tenue blanche comme lorsqu’il était à Maurice. -Ton verre t’attend mon cœur, me dit-il en se levant et m’embrassant tendrement. -il y a longtemps que je n’ai pas eu le goût de tes lèvres mon cœur ! -Cela ne tient qu’à toi ma chérie. Assieds toi à côté de moi, tu es ravissante dans cette jupe ! -Tu la connais pourtant, c’est toi qui me l’as achetée à Namur. -Parfaitement. Nous avons prévu un repas léger pour midi, cela te convient ? -Génial ! -Nos amis commenceront à arriver dès 15 heures…précisa Richard en se levant et se dirigeant vers la table dressée sous un immense parasol vert. Je vous invite à me rejoindre. -J’ai faim précisais je ! Le vélo ça creuse ! Durant le repas Richard parla de tout et de rien, de ces projets futurs et de mister prochain voyage au Viet-Nam du Nord. Je l’écoutais avec attention raconter ses aventures. Jessey semblait en pleine forme. De temps en temps il posait sa main sur ma cuisse, comme pour me faire sentir qu’il était là, même si les évènements nous éloignaient. J’avais envie de ses bras, me réfugier sur mister épaule. Il me surprit à le regarder. -J’aime quand tu me regardes comme cela mon cœur ! -Tu sais que je t’aime mon Jessey d’amour et que tu me manques. -Isa tu aimes ta liberté, mais c’est un bonheur lorsque tu reviens. -Au fait, comment as-tu trouvé cet élixir hier soir Isa, me demanda Richard. -Très agréable. Mais je reste sans réponse à tes questions, puisque tu sais très bien dans quel état j’étais ! -Cet élixir a des vertus extraordinaires ! -Ton amie Tatiana a-t-elle déjà goûté cette potion magique ? -Oui elle en raffole ! D’ailleurs tout à l’heure elle pourra t’en parler ! -C’est un aphrodisiaque euphorisant ! -Ah bon ! ironisa Richard. Peut-on savoir quels ont été les effets sur toi ? -Torrides ! -As-tu apprécié ses vertus ? -Quand…dans ma chambre ? -Oui. Si tu veux bien nous en parler. Je regardais Jessey, me demandant si je devais ou pas en parler…savait-il ce qui m’est arrivé avec cet inconnu ? Pouvais-je en parler sans choquer ? -Parle, raconte !demanda Jessey en me caressant la cuisse par-dessus ma jupe. Dis-nous tout ! - J’ai dormi et j’ai fait un rêve érotique ! -Non ! raconte-nous -Je ne m’en souviens plus très bien, mais ce que je sais c’est que cela m’a donné un plaisir immense, une sensation d’être au Nirvana... ; avec des petits anges blancs et un sexe magique. -C’était un rêve mon cœur : -peut être une réalité qui sait ! -En goûte-as tu ce soir ? -Je ne sais pas, on verra. Mais vous vous en avez bu comme moi et vous n’avez pas été au Nirvana ? -Il y a une bouteille pour les dames et une bouteille pour les hommes. En fait il n’y a que toi qui en a bu hier soir. -Quel hommage ! Vous vous étiez concertés ? -Jessey était curieux d’en connaître les vertus. N’est-ce pas cher ami ? -En effet ! Je savais que tu apprécierais celles-ci mon cœur ! -Comment avez-vous trouvé ce petit repas les tourtereaux ? -Agréable, léger, je suppose que ce soir nous allons donner un coup de canif à ce régime ? -Mon chef vous a réservé une surprise régionale. -Nous allons prendre notre café dans les transats près de la piscine si vous le voulez bien ! proposa Richard en se levant de table. Viens Isa te reposer. Nous nous dirigeâmes vers la piscine, suivi par le maître d’hôtel en charge du plateau de cafés. Je décidais de m’assoupir confortablement installée sur ce transat super confortable, laissant mon corps se chauffer aux rayons du soleil. -Cet endroit est magique dis-je à Richard. Ces grands arbres mistert majestueux. -C’est mon havre de paix ici ! dit-il en allumant mister éternel cigare. Tu en veux un Jessey ? -Non si tu le permets, je vais faire un somme, je vois qu’Isa est déjà partie. Je me suis endormie, bercée par le bruit de la cascade qui se jetait dans la piscine à débordement. J’étais bien, la main de Jessey posée sur mon bras. Je fus réveillée par des voix venant du château. Je jetais un coup d’œil à ma montre il était plus de 16 heures. J’avais dormi plus de deux heures chauffée par ce soleil agréable. Jessey et Richard étaient de l’autre côté de la piscine en pleine discussion d’accueil avec une femme et trois hommes. Jessey voyant que je m’étais réveillée m’interpella. -Tu es réveillée chérie, viens que nous te présentions. Un peu vaseuse d’être restée ainsi endormie au soleil, je rejoignis le groupe. Richard m’accueillit en me présentant aux trois hommes qui dépassaient tous la cinquantaine, avec un fort accent londonien puis à la femme, Tatiana mister amie. Elle était d’une beauté à vous couper le souffle. Je me dressais vers l’oreille de Richard pour lui dire : -Je reconnais bien ton goût pour les belles plantes, elle est vraiment superbe. -Mais j’envie aussi Jessey ma chérie ! tu n’es pas des moindre ! -chacun ses goûts mon cher ! -tu vois ce grand blond qui entre dans le salon… -oui -c est l attaché de presse d’un ministre de sa royale majesté. -je n aime pas les blonds ! -une des plus grandes figures en vue de Londres. -bof . - mister prénom c’est Hamsey. -va pour Hamsey je ne veux pas être désagréable. -veux-tu boire quelque chose ? -non merci ! mais j’aimerais pendant que nous sommes tous les deux te poser une question ! -que puis-je pour toi ? -hier soir, tu es certainement au courant…qui était cet homme que tu m’as envoyé dans ma chambre ? J’ai senti que Richard était pris au dépourvu à sa façon de toussoter. -ma chérie qu’importe qui était cet homme. -il fait partie du château ? -non et tu n as pas à le connaître, tu as certainement dû passer de bons moments ponctués de plaisirs…Non ? -cela vieux cochon je ne te le dirai pas. Mais avec ton élixir tu m’as bien eue ! La petite communauté discutait entre elle, les groupes se faisaient et se séparaient. Je restais à l’écart appuyée contre les balustres de la terrasse. A ce moment je vis Allen venir par la contre allée et me faire signe. -Qu’ y a-t-il ? lui demandais-je. -On m’a chargé de vous dire que l’on aimerait vous voir à l’écurie ! -Tu vois bien que je suis occupée ! -Venez, c’est important. Intriguée je posais mon verre sur la table en teck et suivis Allen. Je pris en passant congé d’un Hamsey qui essayait d’engager la conversation avec beaucoup de maladresse… -Vous revenez vite ? -Bientôt buvez un verre à ma santé ! dis-je en reprenant le sentier derrière Allen. -Par ici… -Que mijotes-tu encore petit cochon ? -Rien, venez suivez moi ! Je me sentais bizarre …le cœur battant j’arrivais devant la porte de l’écurie. -Il n’y a permisterne Allen, c’est une farce ? -Non venez me dit-il en me tirant par la main, il me conduisit à l’entrée d’un box. -Bonjour, Mademoiselle ! surprise, je me retournais et je vis le palefrenier appuyé sur une rambarde en bois. -Bonjour, répondis-je presque intimidée. -Vous êtes belle ! pour ces bourges ? -Entre autre ! Il s’avança vers moi en écrasant sa cigarette sur le sol. -Viens j’ai envie de toi ! Je ne répondis pas me laissant entrainer dans le box. -je te présente Prince, un alezan de 10 ans, il aime les femmes ! -Ah…je te vois venir. - regarde il bande rien qu’à te voir ! J’étais fascinée par le sexe du cheval qui pendait, en semi érection. -Il est beau, dis-je en caressant mister flanc. - Tu as envie de t’amuser ? me demanda-t-il en passant ses mains sous ma jupe. -Cela dépend ! -Pourquoi mets-tu un string ? -Question d’hygiène ! -reste nue me dit-il en abaissant en bas de mes jambes mon string. Je sentais un désir particulier m’envahir, cette odeur de paille, de sueur de cheval, cette lumière vacillante, les mains du palefrenier posées sur mes hanches. Instinctivement je me cabrais. -caresse le ! -Tu crois ? -Il aime cela, vas y on est entre nous. Je regardais par-dessus le box, Allen à priori était reparti. -Viens, me dit-il en me prenant la main et en la posant sur le membre du cheval…je me mis à frémir. -Je n’ose pas ! -Tu n’as pas fait autant chichi hier, baisse-toi et regarde. Je posais ma main fine sur le membre rose du cheval, qui se mit à hennir. -Prends-le en main ! Ma main n’était pas assez grande pour en faire le tour, je sentis mister sexe durcir et se raidir. J’avais mister gland, brun sous les yeux et l’excitation me gagnait. Je sentais mon sexe se mouiller et se préparer. Me retournant vers le palefrenier, je m’aperçus qu’il avait baissé mister pantalon et me présentait mister sexe. -Suce-moi ! dit-il en tenant avec sa main mister membre qu’il caressait. Je n’eus pas le temps de réfléchir qu’il heurta ma bouche de mister gland gonflé. -Prends-moi, j’en ai envie dit-il en se cambrant afin de se rapprocher encore plus. 
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Ma main était cramponnée au membre du cheval, j’osais le caresser sur toute la longueur. Fermant les yeux j’ouvris la bouche. Il sentait l’urine, mais j’étais tellement excitée qu’il coulissa sur ma langue jusqu’au fond de ma gorge. Je faillis avoir un haut le cœur. Son sexe était dur et noueux, épais, il posa sa main derrière ma tête et donna le rythme à la fellation qu’il me demandait de lui faire. Ma main remonta jusqu’au gland du cheval que je pris dans le creux de ma main, elle fut inondée de liquide. Excité lui aussi le cheval, giclait un mélange d’urine et de liqueur séminal. Ma deuxième main enserra le sexe du palefrenier, le faisant encore plus durcir dans ma bouche. Il besognait mon palais en poussant des han han han han. -Tu suces bien ! c’est cela décalotte-moi, c’est bon continue ! Je le sentais buter le fond de ma gorge à chaque poussée, je prenais goût à cette situation, ma culotte traînait sur la paille, mon sexe s’inondait de désir, une odeur de sperme, résultat des derniers ébats remontait de mon entrejambe. Pourtant je m’étais bien lavée pensais-je, en accélérant le rythme de ma bouche sur le sexe du palefrenier… -Attends me dit-il en se retirant… ; suce-le ! - Non ! -Si suce-le ! Je retournais vers la tête, ma main caressait inconsciemment le membre du cheval. -Non ! Le palefrenier me prit la tête dans ses mains et me poussa vers le sexe du cheval. je faillis tomber en avant tant la poussée était forte. -Non laisse-moi, t’es cinglé ! je veux partir. -Allez suce-le, je rêve de voir une nana comme toi se faire Prince ! -Nonnnnnnnn dis-je en me débattant. Ma joue était contre le membre de Prince. Inconsciemment j’en avais envie, ce cheval était beau. Le palefrenier me retourna et me remit mister sexe dans la bouche, au bout de quelques va-et-vient je sentis qu’il se contractait, il appuya plus fortement sa tête sur mister sexe le faisant entrer presque entièrement dans ma gorge, au moment où mister gland arriva au bord de mes lèvres je sentis une onde parcourir les cuisses de l’homme, puis une giclée presque salée coula sur ma langue suivie d’un déferlement de sperme qui m’envahit la totalité de ma bouche. Je sortis le sexe de ma bouche afin de reprendre mon souffle la bouche pleine de sperme mi acide, mi salé. -avale-moi…avale ! Hésitante je ne savais plus si je devais recracher ou déglutir alors qu’une nouvelle giclée gluante s’étalait sur mon menton. -Allez avale ! Je me dis que je n’avais plus le choix, je pris mon courage et j’avalais d’un trait la semence gluante, laissant dans mon palais une odeur et une sensation étrange, puis je repris en bouche mister sexe qui perdait de sa vigueur et je suçais les dernières gouttes qui perlaient de mister méat à présent d’un rouge vif. -lève-toi et tourne-toi Il m’appuya sur la cloimister en remontant ma jupe. Il glissa sa main entre mes cuisses vérifia l’humidité de ma vulve d’un doigt puis le présenta à l’entrée de mon puits d’amour et d’un coup sec il l’enfonça, ce qui me fit pousser un cri de surprise et de douleur. -Tu vas te régaler, dit-il au même moment j’entendis la porte du box se refermer dans un claquement métallique. Je voulus tourner la tête mais le palefrenier me la maintint fermement dirigée vers la cloimister m’empêchant de voir qui venait de rentrer. -Vas-y Dédé elle est chaude prends la ! dit-il à l’inconnu en m’écartant les jambes et en me faisant cambrer le dos. - tu es un salaud ! qu’as-tu manigancé ? -Mon pot Dédé ne s’est jamais payé une pouliche comme toi. -Putain ce qu’elle est belle dit la voix ! Je n’ai jamais vu un cul aussi beau. -Allez Dédé vide toi les couilles en elle…elle est serrée tu vas voir. L’homme pris mes fesses dans chacune de ses mains, elles étaient calleuses ; il m’écarta au maximum et je sentis mister souffle chaud contre ma vulve qui devait être béante sous ses doigts. L’homme appliqua sa bouche contre mon sexe en enfonçant sa langue entre mes lèvres gonflées. -Diable quelle est bonne ! -Bois la…tu n’en auras jamais plus l’occasion. Je sentais le bout du nez de l’inconnu contre mon anus alors que sa langue explorait chaque recoin de mon intimité. C’était bon, peu importe qui me faisait cela, j’en prenais un réel plaisir, excitée par cette situation, puis la langue caressa mon petit trou en cherchant à le pénétrer. -Tu la bouffes hein ? Dédé. -Son cul est génial commenta-t-il et je sentis mister index pénétrer mon anus et s’enfoncer profondément… -Baise la maintenant… Je ne savais plus sur quel nuage j’étais, j’entendais les voix des deux hommes comme au loin, dans une sorte d’écho, le goût du sperme dans ma bouche me donnait presque la nausée, il était fort, je cherchais ma respiration quand je sentis le sexe de l’inconnu contre ma vulve et sans perdre de temps, il entra en moi d’une seule poussée… -putain elle a la chatte serrée elle est bonne ! L’inconnu à présent me chevauchait à coups violents, faisant claquer ses bourses contre mes fesses…je sentais le plaisir monter en moi, mes jambes s’échapper sous moi, le palefrenier m’écartait les fesses pendant que l’homme entrait et sortait en moi, il respirait fort. -Bon dieu je vais jouir…je vais prendre mon pied dit-il en accélérant de plus en plus vite ses doigts plantés dans mes fesses… je savais que je n’allais pas jouir et j’avais à présent envie qu’il en finisse le plus vite possible. -Bon dieu ça monte…ça monte ahhh ahhh ahhh… Il ralentit mister rythme et je sentis dans mon ventre ses giclées glisser entre mes chairs, c’était presque chaud…abondant…L’homme secoué de spasme violents se vidait en moi. -Putain je n’ai jamais pris un tel pied... ; elle est bonne cette gonzesse ! Je sentis qu’il se retirait de moi, mister sexe à présent se ramollissant. Il frotta mister gland entre mes fesses tout en relâchant l’emprise de ses doigts qu’il avait plantés dans mes fesses menues. -Tu ne la prends pas ? demanda l’homme au palefrenier. -Elle m’a fait une super gâterie tout à l’heure chaque chose en mister temps ! -Elle est mignonne la petite ! Je me redressais les reins cassés par cette étreinte sauvage. Je me retournais vers l’homme le visage rougit. Il avait tout du bon paysan du coin, le visage buriné par l’air des champs, les cheveux gris, à peine rasé. -Putain que c’était bon, dit il en se rhabillant… -pas pour moi, lui dis-je. -M’enfous ton cul ma donné du plaisir… Je sentais le sperme couler sur mes jambes s’échappant de ma chatte labourée. Me voyant gênée par cette situation le palefrenier me tendit un chiffon... -Allez essuies toi…tu peux pas rentrer comme cela. -Montre-moi ton minou me demanda l’homme en soulevant ma jupe. - Elle est épilée Dédé…t’en a jamais vu comme ça ? -ben non…c’est joli elle est bien foutue. -Bon foutez moi la paix à présent, je veux rentrer. -Tiens Dédé je te donne sa culotte en souvenir ! L’homme prit ma culotte en la portant à mister nez... -ça sent bon une femme ! -cadeau souvenir dit le palefrenier en poussant l’homme hors du box. Je remis de l’ordre dans mes vêtements, puis après avoir bien essuyé tout le sperme qui me collait presque entre mes jambes je repris le chemin du château les jambes flageolantes, je me dis que moi qui aimait tant faire l’amour je venais tout simplement de me faire…baiser. Mon sexe n’avait pas été satisfait… 
Posts: 167325
Ma femme chantal et mon pote complices ? J'étais vraiment dans la merde ! Ma société était au bord du dépôt de bilan. Je n'en dormais plus. Les angoisses m'envahissaient, j'étais prêt à tout pour trouver de l'argent frais pour renflouer la caisse. J’en parlais tout autour de moi pour trouver une solution. Puis un matin, l’appel d’un vieux pote, perdu de vue, que j’avais recontacté pour m’aider. - « J’ai peut-être une solution à ton problème. On peut se voir à midi ? » - « Heu, si tu veux », je lui réponds un peu pris de cours. A midi on se retrouve au café en bas du bureau. Mon pote n'a pas changé. Toujours cette assurance prétentieuse, celui à qui rien ne résiste Le type qui l’accompagne est un japonais, un Sumo de plus de 2 mètres de taille. Il aborde de suite le sujet. - « Je te présente Tsu LI, industriel japonais. Il est à Paris jusqu'après-demain soir pour trouver des entreprises en difficultés qu'il pourrait renflouer avec en contre partie une prise de capital ou d'actions. Il n'a pas beaucoup de temps libre et ton affaire l'intéresse mais il en a plusieurs à voir ». A ces mots mon ventre se serre, je dois assumer si je veux me sauver. - « On peut aller au restaurant ensemble tous les trois ce soir ou demain si tu veux ». - « Non à vrai dire je lui ai parlé de ta femme et combien elle était jolie. Cela l'a beaucoup intéressé et je crois que Chantal pourrait influencer sa décision ». Je reste interdit. Que venait faire ici ma femme ! Surtout que je savais moi qu’elle ne voulait plus revoir ce pote qu'on avait un peu fréquenté quelques mois auparavant. Comment m'en sortir. Tant pis, je plonge. - « OK dis-je, elle sera tout à fait ravie de se joindre à nous ». On se sépare assez vite. Tout de suite j’appelle ma femme pour lui proposer cette soirée. Je propose de les recevoir à la maimister ou aller au restaurant. Je redoute sa réaction, la connaissant bien. - « Il n'en est pas question ! Ce type est un salaud et il ne mettra pas les pieds ici et encore moins pour dîner ». Mes espérances s'envolaient. Pourtant il fallait la faire fléchir. - « Et si on allait au restaurant tous les quatre ? J'ai vraiment besoin du fric de ce japonais. Tu n'auras qu'à t'intéresser à lui et négliger mon pote ». Je la sens qui hésite, j'en profite pour renchérir : - « Tu te fais belle et souriante, c'est tout. Pour me sauver, nous sauver... ». Un silence qui dure une éternité… - « Fait comme tu veux mais ne me demande pas de sourire à ce con ! Si je comprends bien tu me demandes de jouer les putes! ». - « N'exagère pas, le japonais mesure deux mètres et pèse 200 Kilos. Il n'est certainement pas un obsédé comme mon pote. » - « Heureusement encore que tu ne me demandes pas baiser avec lui ! ». - « Je t'aime ». - « Oui, oui, arrête ton char, hypocrite. Ils viennent quand tes clients? ». - « Demain soir ». - « En plus; je n'ai même pas le temps de préparer un bon repas. Tant pis pour eux. J'aurais préféré les recevoir. On ira au restaurant ». J'étais fou de joie. Il ne manquait plus maintenant qu'elle accepte d'être agréable avec mes acheteurs. - « Salut, René. C'est OK pour demain soir, on dîne au restaurant et Chantal est ravie ». Un menmisterge certes mais il fallait y mettre le paquet. - « J'espère que cela me permettra d'obtenir ce fric. Pour me sauver, je suis prêt à tout! » Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais à cet instant je me rends compte de ce que je venais de dire. Et mon pote ne manque pas de saisir l'allusion que sous entendait ma phrase. - « Si je me souviens bien, Chantal est une femme superbe et c'est là ton meilleur atout. Mon gros nounours est très sensible à la beauté et servilité des européennes. Et si tu es prêt à tout... ». Cette dernière phrase me fait battre le cœur à cent à l'heure. Il me conseillait simplement de leur offrir ma femme en cadeau de bienvenue et contre des sous! Et si c’était du bluff et mister objectif d’instrumentaliser Chantal pour un propre projet ? J'aime ma femme et l'idée de la donner, même en idée à ce salaud me rend fou de rage. Mais en même temps je me sens envahir par une excitation violente, comme jamais. Toute la fin de journée au boulot je n’ai fait que penser à demain. Pour mes affaires bien sûr mais aussi pour l’ambigüité de cet accord. A la fin du dîner, ce même soir, je la questionne sur le pourquoi de cette aversion envers ce vieux pote. Je la sens hésitante et tout de suite une pointe de jalousie s’empare de moi. Elle me cache quelque chose. Je la cuisine, je veux savoir. - « Chantal, tu me caches quelque chose. Qu’est-ce qu’il t’a fait René pour lui en vouloir si longtemps. Il y a une éternité qu’on ne l’a vu. Dis-moi ». Alors soudain, elle se lâche timidement. Un soir que j’étais en conférence à l’étranger, il l’avait invité à dîner. Un long silence. Elle finit par avouer que ce soir là il l'avait fait boire et qu'il avait tenté d'user d'elle. En la poussant à avouer elle me donna plus de détails. Toute la soirée, il n’a pas arrêté de la toucher, la frôler, se frotter à elle à la moindre occasion il a même tenté des caresses. Toute la soirée, elle n’a fait que chercher à s’échapper, le fuir. Mais sûr de sa séduction, de mister charme, rien n’y faisait. Il l'avait pelotée même à la fin du repas, sans vergogne. Elle prétend qu’elle ne s'est pas laissée faire. Plus tard, elle a compris qu’il l’avait fait boire subtilement car elle s’est sentie un peu saoule, avec une volonté affaiblie. Elle réagissait moins à ses avances, ses allusions foireuses au sexe, aux femmes. Elle s’est même surprise à rire de ses blagues poisseuses. Il a dû croire l’affaire dans le sac, que la belle était cuite, et qu’il pouvait porter l’estocade ! Sans power de réagir, à ce moment là, un verre de cognac à la main, elle s’est affalée sur le fauteuil de mister salon. Il s’est approché et s’est assis sur le dossier du fauteuil et a entrepris de lui saisir le sein à sa portée. Elle s’est d’abord rebiffée rejetant sans ménagement cette main violeuse. Vexé il a montré des signes agressifs accompagnés de mots violents. Elle a pris peur mais sans vraiment de volonté ni de power pour s’enfuir. Il a alors sorti alors sa bite et se mit à se masturber devant elle, elle m'avoua avoir été troublée devant la taille de mister engin. Il a pris sa main pour qu'elle le branle, elle a refusé. Il lui a alors demandé de lui montrer ses seins pour le faire jouir. Elle a pensé que c'était le bon moyen de se débarrasser de lui et d'en finir le plus vite. Elle ne savait plus très bien ce qu’elle faisait. - « J’ai donc ouvert mister chemisier, abaissé mister soutien gorge et montré ma poitrine à cet obsédé. Il m’a ordonné de les caresser devant lui. Je l’ai fait. Il a accéléré mister mouvement et très vite, avant que j’aie pu réagir, il a éjaculé une énorme quantité de sperme en criant des mots orduriers. Il n'a même pas essayé de détourner mister jet et mister sperme est venu s'écraser sur mes seins, une giclée a même atteint mon visage, sur mes lèvres. J’étais dégoûtée. Folle de rage, cette giclée, ressentie comme une souillure m’a ramenée complètement à la réalité. J’ai foutu le camp après m'être rapidement nettoyée, et rhabillée. Il ronflait affalé sur un fauteuil du salon ». Elle ne devait jamais plus le revoir. En écoutant mister aventure je suis pris d’une énorme érection que j’ai du mal à cacher. - « Je vois que cette histoire te fait de l’effet me jette-t-elle avec un regard de colère. Tu es vraiment un obsédé mon pauvre mari ». - « Tu m’as quand même avoué que tu avais été troublée par la taille de mister engin ». - « M’ouais, c’est vrai mais c’était pure curiosité. Ce qui m’a un excité si tu veux savoir, c’est de le voir se masturber en regardant mes seins. Mais jamais je ne me suis sentie attirée par mister sexe ». Sur ces mots je lui avoue que toute cette histoire m’a excité. Je me lève et m’approche d’elle par derrière. Je l’embrasse dans le cou tandis que mes mains lui caresse les seins. Elle se laisse faire car elle adore qu’on lui pelote la poitrine. Ses pointes s’érigent rapidement quand je les fais rouler entre mes doigts sur le vêtement. Elle se lève et d’autorité, elle m’entraîne dans la chambre et elle se déshabille en se laissant tomber sur le lit. Je la rejoints et très vite on se retrouve nus tous les deux. - « Alors, parle-moi de cette bite. Elle est plus grosse que la mienne ? ». - « … ». - « Dis-moi, s’il te plait dis-moi que de voir cette bite cela t’a troublée ». - « … ». Je n’arrivais pas à lui tirer le moindre mot mais en la caressant je sentais qu’elle commençait à prendre du plaisir. Quand je me suis introduis en elle, je n’ai pas retrouvé ses réactions. Parano, c’est moi qui suis fixé sur ce mec ? Quand je commence à lui faire l’amour en limant doucement et de plus en plus vite mister minou, je la sens cette fois plus excitée que d’aventure. Je ne peux m’empêcher de lui souffler : - « C’est sa bite que tu imagines qui te baise ? ». - « … ». Mais très vite je la sens qui monte dans le plaisir et très vite je l’entends jouir en même temps que j’éjacule ma semence en elle. Je jouis également très fort, avec un mélange de sexe mais aussi de jalousie. Chantal n’est pas très exubérante, de petits gémissements avec une accélération de la respiration ; au moment de jouir, elle ne crie pas très fort mais elle pousse des cris super excitants, se retenant de manifester ce qui lui paraît vulgaire. Je n’ai jamais réussi à la faire hurler. Cette fois dans mes élucubrations, j’ai comme l’impression qu’elle jouit sans moi. Mais qu’elle est belle toute nue, les yeux fermés à reprendre mister souffle après la jouissance. Elle a de très jolis seins aux aréoles « brun caramel ». Leur pointe est très marquée et bande au moindre contact. C’est du plus bel effet quand en été elle accepte de porter un simple teeshirt sans sous vêtement. Les bouts durcis pointent sous le mince coton attirant les regards des mâles en rut. J’ai du mal à m’endormir. Son comportement est suspect. Elle rejette ce mec et en même temps je la trouve énervée quand je lui en parle. Avant de nous endormir, je lui rappelle le dîner de demain en insistant sur mister importance pour notre avenir. Elle me tourne le dos sans un mot et s’endort rapidement. 
Posts: 167325
La promenade pour René Un soir, alors que je suis au salon devant la télé, le téléphone misterne. C’est Chantal qui répond. Elle a l’air gênée ; elle parle à mi-voix, et va vite s’isoler dans la chambre. Elle revient au bout de quelques minutes, écarlate, nerveuse, le visage crispé. Sans me regarder, elle passe en cuisine préparer le repas. Quand je l’interroge quelques instants après, elle a retrouvé mister calme. Elle me dit que c’était mister frère. Je n’en crois rien mais je passe. Quand elle me rejoint au lit, je fais une tentative de rapprochement, je la caresse pour faire l’amour, mais elle me repousse prétextant la fatigue ! Je décide de ne rien entreprendre. Le lendemain soir, elle m’avoue que c’est René qui l’a appelée hier. Je la sens nerveuse, mal dans sa peau. Elle n’ose pas me parler. Je la laisse venir mais je sens qu’elle hésite à m’avouer quelque chose. Après le dîner, au moment de prendre le café, je lui demande ce que voulait René. D’un seul coup, elle se met à parler, je sens qu’elle a pris une décision. - « Il m’a demandé de faire un truc impossible. J’ai d‘abord refusé, il a insisté ». - « C’est quoi ce truc impossible, lui dis-je en essayant de garder la maîtrise de ma voix »? - « Il veut que j’aille seule le rejoindre au Musée de l’érotisme». - « Quand ? Maintenant ? Et moi alors » ? Je me sens me mettre à trembler. J’ai peur, et en même temps un sentiment de jalousie me reprend. Comme toujours alors je sens que ma bite se dresse dans mon pantalon. La dernière fois, on est allés ensembles au restaurant et j’avais participé à l’exhibe dans la rue, en auto puis à la baise avec le japonais. Je n’étais pas exclu alors, et je pouvais jouir de la situation sans danger. Et quel rapport avec le Musée de l’érotisme ? Son histoire avec l’inconnu ? Comment René est-il au courant ? Toutes ces questions sans réponses. Comme elle ne réagit pas, c’est moi qui reprends la conversation. - « Alors, c’est pour quand ? Je peux peut-être venir, ou te suivre, juste pour regarder », dis-je d’une voix très mal assurée. Je me rends pourtant compte du ridicule de ma proposition, mais je ne peux rien faire. Je suis drogué. - « Tu ne penses qu’à toi, dit-elle en criant presque ! Je ne sors jamais indemne des séances de cul où je me laisse entraîner. Je ne peux résister à ce mec, je suis sans défense devant lui ». - « Il est temps que tu me dises tout sur vos relations, Chantal. J’ai bien vu que l’autre soir au restau avec le japonais il y avait entre toi et René une complicité que je ne m’explique pas. Je crois que tu ne m’as pas tout dit sur votre première rencontre ». - Je n’ai pas envie d’en parler. Je t’aime et tu dois te contenter de ça ! ». Plusieurs fois je reviens à la charge et enfin un soir, à peine couchés, elle finit par se confesser. - « Après cette première fois René m’a plusieurs fois relancée. J’ai toujours refusé mais à chaque j’étais plus troublée. Il me disait au téléphone des mots qui m’excitaient. Puis un jour, il m’a dit que j’allais enfin lui appartenir. Il ne m’a pas donné plus de détails. Et la soirée du restau est arrivée. Quand je l’ai vu mettre ce cachet dans mon verre, je l’ai laissé faire. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi mais sur le moment, je savais que j’étais prête. Pas trop à quoi mais prête. Depuis le restau, il me téléphone souvent et me tient des propos qui m’excitent toujours plus. Il me dit que c’est avec ta complicité et que cela t’excite. J’ai bien vu ton comportement l’autre soir. Tu as bien jouit de me vois baisée par ce porc. Et pour du fric en plus ! Depuis, pourtant, je ne l’ai pas revu. On a simplement échangé des conversations au téléphone quand tu n’es pas là. Il faut que tu saches que quand il me parle au téléphone, sur le moment, je prends du plaisir à me laisser aller à la débauche. Mais au réveil, je ne peux m’empêcher de me dégoûter. Il fait de moi une pute ! Une pute de luxe, mais une pute ! Et c’est cette idée-là qui est mon fantasme, ce qui m’excite immédiatement. Je prends maintenant plaisir quand on me regarde, qu’on me désire. J’ai envie d’exciter les mâles ». En disant ces mots, je la sens qui éprouve presque du plaisir. Elle se contorsionne dans le lit. Je ne reconnais plus ma femme. - « Il ne veut pas simplement que je vienne le rejoindre, figure-toi. Il m’a demandé de ne porter que des bas et un imperméable », finit-elle par me dire, d’une voix tremblante. Elle ajoute, comme libérée d’avoir avoué le plus difficile : - « L’imper ne devra pas être boutonné, simplement retenu fermé par sa ceinture. Pas de culotte ni de soutien gorge. Il veut que je parte de la maimister dans cette tenue, nue et sans la possibilité de me cacher ». A ces mots, je suis pris d’une énorme érection, et Chantal s’en aperçoit de suite. Elle se redresse et vient s’agenouiller devant moi. Lentement, elle dégage ma queue qui jaillit toute tendue, et sans attendre la porte à ses lèvres. Elle la lèche avec quelques coups de langue et finit par l’engloutir dans sa bouche. Elle se dégage soudain et elle me dit : - « Cela t’excite, de savoir que je vais m’exhiber. Tu bandes à l’idée que des salauds me touchent et me regardent. Demain, je vais sortir à poil sous un simple imperméable, et des gars pourront me voir, nue, soumise et sans défense ». En disant cela, je la vois qui porte sa main entre ses cuisses et elle se caresse. Souvent je lui ai demandé de se caresser en la regardant et elle a toujours accepté de le faire pour me faire plaisir. Mais ce soir, c’est d’elle-même qu’elle se branle. Pour mister propre plaisir. - « Oui, c’est vrai, et je voudrais être là, quand tu vas leur montrer ton cul et tes seins. J’ai envie de sentir l’odeur de ta mouille, quand ils vont te branler, te doigter. Vas y ma belle, laisse toi toucher, peloter, reluquer, ouvre tes cuisses, ta chatte ». Tout en parlant elle accélère sa branlette et me suce de plus en plus vite. Et d’un seul coup, j’éjacule toute ma semence dans sa bouche et je lui maintiens la tête contre mon ventre pour la powerr à tout avaler. A bout de souffle, on s’affale, l’un contre l’autre, heureux d’avoir jouis ensemble. Je suis rassuré, car je sens qu’elle a pris du plaisir dans cette étreinte rapide, avec moi, dans nos fantasmes communs maintenant. Je crois bien qu’elle m’aime malgré l’attirance qu’elle a pour ce mec. Et, il faut bien l’avouer, cela m’arrange bien car enfin j’ai, grâce à lui, la femme que j’ai toujours désirée. Au lit, avant de s’endormir, elle me précise que René doit lui téléphoner demain matin, pour donner des précisions sur sa promenade cul nu dans les rues de la capitale, jusqu’au Musée. Elle m’avoue que cela lui fait peur, mais qu’elle ne se sent plus la power de refuser, pour elle-même, mister amant, et mister mari… - « Ce type quand il me regarde, j’ai les jambes qui se mettent à trembler, elles ne me portent plus. Jamais auparavant je n’avais ressenti ce malaise. Je suis comme électrisée. Jamais tu ne m’as fait cet effet. Ce n’est pas de l’amour, mais une dépendance, comme une drogue. Je lutte, j’essaye de ne pas y penser mais c’est plus fort que moi. J‘ai peur. Ce type est vicieux et il a très bien compris l’emprise qu’il a sur moi. Il sait que je suis sa chose. Je dois t’en parler ! Toi qui as toujours souhaité me faire entrer dans tes jeux sexuels ! Peut-être comprendras-tu et même être ravi ? Je la sens plus complice, rassurée de ma compréhension, ma coopération. On a maintenant les mêmes fantasmes. - « Pourquoi il veut que viennes au Musée ? Quel rapport ? - « C’est moi qui lui ai raconté que tu m’avais amenée au Musée et que certaines images m’avaient troublée. Et comme il connaît bien ce lieu ». Elle ne me disait pas tout sur mister passage dans cet endroit. Dès le lendemain, elle m’appelle au travail. C’est pour demain samedi. Elle me dira tout ce soir. En regagnant la maimister après une dure journée de travail je la trouve toute excitée et sans attendre elle me raconte. René lui demande de venir la rejoindre en plein jour au Musée, simplement vêtue d’un imperméable court (mi-cuisses), chaussures à talons et bas qui tiennent seuls. Elle doit être toute nue dessous. Il lui demande de venir en transports en commun : métro et finir en marche à pied jusqu’au Musée. Elle ne doit pas se dépêcher, entrer dans une boutique de chaussures de sport, essayer des paires de tennis. Ne rien acheter. S’adresser bien sûr à un vendeur mâle et s’arranger pour lui montrer qu’elle est nue sous mister imperméable. S’il veut un rendez-vous, accepter mais se contenter de prendre ses coordonnées. Aller dans un magasin de sous vêtements. Montrer dans la cabine qu’elle est nue, en laissant innocemment le rideau de la cabine entrouvert. Repartir sans rien acheter. Aller et entrer dans le sex-shop en face du Musée. Se montrer intéressée par des objets pour branleuse. S’il y a des hommes, et il y en aura, leur montrer qu’elle est à poil sous mister vêtement. Se laisser toucher mais ne pas toucher. Les seins, les fesses, un doigt dans la chatte, c’est tout ! Si la situation n’est pas trop craintive, ouvrir l’imper et se montrer en les regardant se branler. Il lui a donné une foule d’instructions précises à suivre. Je la sens excitée et en même temps nerveuse. Elle va franchir un autre pas dans la débauche. Encore plus bas. Le lendemain, samedi, après le petit déjeuner, elle m’annonce qu’elle va à en ville cet après midi. C’est aujourd’hui que René l’attend. Après déjeuner elle passe dans sa chambre et je l’entends qui se prépare. Quand elle vient me rejoindre au salon, elle est superbe. Bien coiffée, légèrement maquillée, elle porte mister petit imperméable simplement attaché par une ceinture. Elle obéit totalement à mister amant. - « Tu es bien nue en dessous ? » je lui demande, la gorge serrée. Pour toute réponse, elle dénoue la ceinture et me montre sa nudité. Elle s’est coiffé le pubis. Les poils coupés courts mais pas complètement rasés mistert bien arrangés formant un triangle parfait. Ils laissent apparaître les lèvres roses de mister sexe. Je bande instantanément. Elle fait semblant de ne rien remarquer, et tournant les talons, elle me demande de l’accompagner à la gare du RER en voiture. Sur le chemin elle fait exprès de laisser s’ouvrir l’imperméable pour me montrer combien il ne cache rien de sa nudité. Elle sait que cela m’excite, elle me fait plaisir. - « Je t’aime tu sais, ne t’inquiète pas je te raconterai tout avec les détails que tu attends » me souffle-t-elle. En sortant de l’auto, elle s’arrange pour exhiber ses jambes nues qu’un type ne manque pas de mater. Elle s’éloigne alors que mister train entre en gare. En rentrant à la maimister, seul, la jalousie et l’excitation mistert au maximum. Je ne puis résister à l’envie de me branler en imaginant ma femme nue sous un simple vêtement dans les rues de la ville pour rejoindre mister amant. J’ai passé l’après midi et la soirée à attendre mister retour. J’ai du mal à me concentrer pour faire quoi que ce soit. J’attends, ne sachant qu’imaginer. Vers deux heures du matin, le moteur d’une auto me sort de mon demi sommeil. Une porte claque et j’entends ses pas qui s’approchent. Elle ouvre la porte et vient tout de suite dans la chambre où je suis couché. Elle a les traits tirés et semble très fatiguée. - « Si tu veux bien j’aimerai dormir maintenant. Je suis si fatiguée. Je te raconterai tout demain. Je t’aime encore plus ». En disant ces mots elle enlève mister imperméable. Elle n’a plus ses bas et nue elle se couche et vient se blottir tout contre moi. La forte odeur de sperme qui se dégage d’elle me fait revenir à la réalité. Elle s’est faite baiser et toute pleine encore de la semence de ses amants elle vient se coucher contre moi. Comme je bande, elle me prend délicatement la bite pour la caresser tendrement sans essayer de me faire jouir. Je l’entends qui s’endort presque immédiatement. Doucement, je glisse ma main entre ses cuisses et remonte jusqu’à mister sexe et bien sûr, il est encore tout trempé de foutre et je sens le sperme qui s’écoule encore de sa chatte. Les poils de mister pubis mistert collés par du sperme séché. Et j’imagine qu’elle a dû se faire baiser il y a peu de temps et sûrement même dans la voiture qui la raccompagnait. Le lendemain, dimanche, c’est le bruit de la douche qui me réveille. Elle se lave. Je vais préparer le petit déjeuner. Après un petit baiser tout chaste, on mange sans dire un mot. Je la sens mal à l’aise. Elle sait que je vais lui demander de raconter. Elle se sent mal. Une fois fini de manger, elle se lève, vient me prendre par la main et me conduit dans la chambre. Elle me fait allonger et vient rejoindre sous les draps. Délicatement elle me prend la bite entre ses doigts et la caresse doucement. - « Ecoute, dit-elle, je vais tout te raconter et cela va être long ! » Et tout en me masturbant lentement elle a commencé mister récit. « Dans le train j’avais la peur au ventre. J’avais le sentiment que tous les voyageurs savaient que j’étais nue sous mon imperméable. Je le tenais fermement serré contre moi. Dans le métro également je faisais attention dans les couloirs et les escaliers. Mais plus je m’approchais du Musée plus j’étais excitée et plus je laissais le vêtement me découvrir. A la première boutique de chaussure que j’ai trouvée je me suis précipitée, tout excitée. Quand je suis entrée dans la boutique, tout de suite deux mecs se mistert empressés de venir à ma rencontre. Dragueurs. J’ai tout de suite montré que je n’étais pas beaucoup habillée en dessous. Tu aurais vu leur tête ! Il y avait un grand black, très beau mec et un autre type, arabe plutôt rigolo. Je me suis sentie en sécurité car ils étaient très sympas. Ils m’entraînent au fond de la salle et me font asseoir sur une chaise d’essayage avec un tabouret devant. Il n’y a pas beaucoup de monde dans la boutique. Le grand black s’absente quelques instants et revient avec plein de boîtes de chaussure de sport. C’est vraiment une boutique de mecs ! Je m’assois, le black se pose sur le tabouret à mes pieds. Il me prend une cheville et me lève la jambe. Il l’a fait exprès pour confirmer ce qu’il avait déjà vu ! Je vois mister regard fixer mon entrecuisse. Il doit tout voir. Un troisième vendeur s’est approché, alerté sans doute par leurs copains. Cette situation m’excite et je sens que je mouille. Les deux autres mistert bien en face de moi et visiblement ils matent mon ventre nu. Le pied chaussé, le black le dépose par terre, mais, le vicelard, il s’arrange pour l’écarter de l’autre et m’ouvrir les jambes. Je me laisse faire et même je laisse mes genoux s’écarter naturellement. Je sens alors mes lèvres qui s’ouvrent doucement et l’air frais me fait du bien. Quand il me prend l’autre pied, je laisse s’ouvrir l’imperméable qui dénude mon ventre. Je laisse l’air caresser l’intérieur de mes cuisses. Les trois vendeurs restent interdits. Le jeune arabe rigolo laisse éclater un rire nerveux. Ils ont tous les trois les yeux braqués sur ma chatte. Au fond de la boutique, un client vient d’entrer. Une trentaine, il a dû comprendre ce qu’il se passait car sans attendre il se dirige vers nous. Je me cache de peur du scandale. Mais bien vite il se joint au groupe avec la ferme intention de ne rien perdre du spectacle. Je me rends compte que je prends plaisir à exciter les hommes. Je ne me reconnais plus. 
Posts: 167325
Le grand noir toujours à mes pieds a compris mon envie de me montrer. Il glisse sa main le long de l’intérieur de mes cuisses et s’empare de ma chatte. Un frismister parcourt mon corps. Un instant, je ferme les yeux pour m’abandonner. Je sens ses doigts écarter mes petites lèvres et me pénétrer. Je sens que je vais crier, je prends peur, mais l’excitation est trop forte. Je me laisse faire. Soudain un bruit me rappelle à la réalité. Rapidement je serre les cuisses en signe d’arrêt. Il retire sa main et je me lève rapidement, je fais quelques pas devant la glace pour regarder les chaussures de sport qu’il m’a passées. Je regarde autour de moi. Rassurée, je me rassois en ouvrant bien mes jambes pour reprendre le spectacle. Je lève un pied, enlève lentement la chaussure en m’arrangeant de bien les laisser voir. J’enlève l’autre. Les trois larrons restent devant moi bouche bée, comme magictisés par ma conduite. Je remets lentement mes chaussures et quand je me lève, je fais semblant d’ajuster mon imper, mais en réalité, je l’ouvre rapidement pour leur montrer que je suis entièrement nue. Je les laisse quelques instants mater mes seins, mon sexe, mes cuisses, puis je me retourne en faisant un tour complet rapide sur moi même en levant l’arrière de l’imperméable pour leur montrer mon cul. Ils poussent tous les quatre un sifflement d’admiration. En souriant je me faufile vers la sortie. Ils n’osent pas bouger et en quelques pas je me retrouve dans la rue. Je traverse l’avenue bourrée de monde en ce samedi après-midi. Il fait beau ; les hommes se retournent sur mon passage. Ils doivent sentir la femelle en chasse. Cette impression me rend comme folle. Je n’ai plus aucune retenue. Je suis devenue une obsédée sexuelle. A chaque fois qu’un homme pose ses yeux avides sur moi je pense à René. Car c’est pour lui que je fais tout cela. Je me sens fière de lui obéir. Crois-moi, je t’aime toujours mais tu es exclu de ces jeux. C’est René qui occupe mes pensées quand je montre mes seins à un étranger et c’est pour lui que je rentre dans cette boutique de sous-vêtements sexy. Je lui obéis tout simplement et j’aimerai qu’il me voie ainsi soumise à ses caprices. Dans la boutique où je viens d’entrer, il y a quelques permisternes. Des hommes accompagnés de leur épouse. Une vendeuse s’approche de moi et me propose de m’aider. Je lui demande de me montrer des gaines qui laissent voir la pointe des seins. En lui disant cela, je sens comme une onde de chaleur qui monte de mon ventre. Cela m’excite de parler librement de sexe avec une autre femme. Jamais je n’aurais pensé cela. La vendeuse est une femme jolie, la cinquantaine. Elle a une allure un peu vulgaire qui convient parfaitement à ces lieux. Mais cela a le don de me mettre à l’aise sans offusquer mes penchants bourgeois. Au contraire, mes jambes tremblent quand je la suis au fond de la boutique. Les hommes me regardent en coin et me suivent du regard. Elle me présente deux corsets et m’invite à venir les essayer dans une cabine. Celle-ci est au fond de la boutique. Elle tire un léger rideau rouge et pose les vêtements sur un banc. Elle me fait entrer mais reste sur le pas de la cabine en laissant le rideau ouvert. Nos regards se croisent. Elle soutient mon regard, alors elle tire le rideau à moitié car elle a compris. Elle me tourne le dos comme pour me cacher. Je vois bien d’où je suis que l’on me voit très bien de la salle surtout qu’une grande glace couvre (et ce n’est pas par hasard) la paroi du fond de la cabine renvoyant l’autre face de mon image. L’idéal pour s’exhiber aux clients de la boutique. Je n’hésite que quelques secondes et rapidement je défais la ceinture de mon imper et me tournant vers la glace, je feins de ne pas savoir que j’expose mon dos et mes fesses nus dressée sur mes hauts talons, aux clients et clientes de la boutique. Mes jambes tremblent encore de plus belle et elles se dérobent presque sous moi. Je suis sur le point de jouir car j’imagine soudain René qui me regarde lui obéir. Je continue de faire semblant de ne rien savoir de ce qui se passe dans mon dos mais j’ai deviné que la vendeuse s’est déplacée laissant le loisir aux clients de me regarder. Je prends mon temps pour passer un corset noir. Il laisse mes fesses nues. Sur le devant mes seins mistert soutenus par un balconnet qui les met en valeur. Je contemple le résultat dans le miroir, ce qui me permet de voir les yeux braqués sur moi. Je tourne sur moi même, me regarde sur toutes les faces. En réalité j’offre mon corps gainé de noir aux yeux cupides de la salle. Je sens ma chatte tout humide de sécrétions. Je mouille à m’exhiber. J’ôte le premier vêtement et au moment où je me penche pour passer le second j’entends la vendeuse qui derrière moi me demande si cela se passe bien. Elle a cette fois tiré le rideau pour l’ouvrir complètement. Je fais comme si rien ne me choquait. Derrière elle je vois les spectateurs qui se mistert rapprochés pour maintenant regarder sans se gêner. Même leurs compagnes assistent au spectacle. La vendeuse entre dans la cabine et prétextant de m’aider elle ajuste le vêtement sur ma peau. En passant, innocemment elle me caresse les seins puis les fesses. Elle sait que je suis d’accord, et quand elle me prend les seins dans ses deux mains pour cette fois les peloter, je ferme les yeux et me laisse faire. Elle les fait ballotter pour montrer qu’ils mistert fermes, elle joue avec les pointes. Je ferme les yeux, m’abandonne. C’est la première fois qu’une femme me touche en public. Je sens mon ventre qui se comble de chaleur, l’excitation me gagne et je vais jouir. Soudain elle me retourne vers la salle pour mieux me montrer aux autres quand une main quitte la poitrine pour se glisser entre mes jambes et s’empare de mon bouton qu’elle se met à branler doucement. Ses doigts écartent mes lèvres pour montrer le rose sang de ma vulve tout brillante de cyprine. Je ne contrôle plus ma respiration et soudain une décharge de plaisir me submerge et je m’entends crier au milieu de cette boutique en public. La fille me tourne la tête vers elle et je sens sa langue qui power ma bouche. Sans hésiter je lui rends mister baiser et nos langues se mêlent pour un long baiser. Une fois la jouissance passée, je lui souris, elle s’écarte lentement pour me remercier et dire doucement qu’elle également avait jouit. Dans la salle, les hommes qui ont vu s’éloignent discrètement, visiblement comblés par ce qu’ils ont vus. J’enlève alors le bustier et remets mon imper, montrant que je repars nue comme je suis venue. En sortant de la boutique, la vendeuse dépose un petit baiser chaste sur mes lèvres et m’invite à revenir quand je le désire. Cette aventure homosexuelle m’a troublée longuement. En marchant dans la rue je pensais que jamais je n’aurais pensé jouir sous les caresses d’une autre femme. Mais mes pas me rapprochent encore plus de mon amant. Je suis possédée, soumise. Il ne me reste qu’une épreuve avant de le rencontrer. Le Musée est maintenant visible quand je passe devant un sexe shop. C’est une grande boutique fermée par un rideau qui empêche de voir à l’intérieur. J’hésite car là j’ai peur. Les hommes qui fréquentent ces endroits mistert tous plus ou moins des obsédés sexuels et je ne sais pas encore l’effet que peut leur faire une femme seule dans un pareil endroit. Qui semble peu habillée qui plus est. Je passe devant sans m’arrêter. Après quelques pas, je fais demi tour et devant, je me dégonfle à nouveau. La peur est trop forte. J’ai remarqué qu’un homme d’un certain âge avait remarqué mon manège. Je passe, m’arrête, et sur le point de fuir une nouvelle fois, je me ravise et cette fois je me lance sous le regard de l’homme incrédule. Je pousse le rideau rouge ; la salle est immense. Sur la droite un homme de type arabe est derrière un petit comptoir. Il lit un livre ouvert devant lui. Il me regarde et m’adresse un sourire courtois en me détaillant ; il me salue d’un bonjour chaleureux et me laisse entrer. Sur la droite contre un mur des DVD vidéo mistert alignes. Sur les jaquettes, des gros seins, des bites, des culs… des consoles mistert placées éparses au milieu de la salle. Des revues pornos, des cassettes … encore des images. Sur la gauche un étalage d’objets sexuels divers s’étend sur deux ou trois mètres. Certains mistert en boite, d’autres exposés. Des fouets, des cravaches, des godes de toutes les couleurs, de toutes les formes, de toutes les tailles, des sous-vêtements, des menottes, des liens. Il y en a pour tous les fantasmes. Je repère tout de suite deux hommes en train de choisir des revues. Au fond de la salle, un panneau propose de visionner des films pornos pour cinq euros les dix minutes. J’aperçois par une porte entrebâillée, un homme assis sans doute en train de visionner un film. Il se balance sur sa chaise à un rythme régulier. Je devine rapidement qu’il doit se branler. Tout en faisant semblant de flâner, je passe devant les cassettes, les revues. L’homme de la caisse ne me quitte pas des yeux. J’ai les jambes qui tremblent et malgré les aventures que je viens de subir je me sens à nouveau en état d’excitation. Je ne suis pas sevrée, au contraire, cette atmosphère glauque de sexe, de perversion, de vice m’excite. Et je pense encore à René ! Soudain le rideau de la boutique s’ouvre laissant entrer vulgarement le soleil qui éclabousse les rayons de la boutique. C’est l’homme de la rue qui a repéré mes hésitations pour entrer. Il me fixe sans vergogne, mais reste à distance ; mon cœur se met à battre à deux cents tant je suis excitée, je me sens rougir sans rien pourvoir empêcher. Mon trouble bien visible est remarqué par le propriétaire. Il me sourit et me demande si j’ai besoin d’aide. Sa voix a pour effet de faire tourner la tête de l’homme de la cabine de visionnage. Il me voit, fait un geste rapide que j’interprète comme le fait qu’il rentre sa bite dans mister pantalon et sans même refermer sa braguette, il sort et vient tout près de moi. La peur mêlée à l’excitation, mes jambes se mettent à trembler. Sans un mot, il s’approche de moi figée de peur, comme tétanisée. Et là sans rien dire, il écarte les bords de mon imper pour regarder mes seins et constater que je suis à poil. Il se retourne et adresse un sourire gras au caissier qui se lève pour s’approcher. L’homme du trottoir suit le mouvement. Ils mistert maintenant tous les trois autour de moi. C’est l’arabe qui défait la ceinture de l’imper. Je reste immobile consentante. Ils ont vite compris ce que je suis venue faire dans cette boutique. Celui de la cabine s’empare de mes seins qu’il malaxe sans ménagements. L’homme de la rue me pétrit les fesses, je sens mister doigt qui power ma raie à la recherche de mon petit trou qu’il trouve rapidement. Je me surprends alors à me pencher vers l’avant pour faciliter l’introduction de mister majeur dans mon fondement. Très vite il l’enfonce profondément, ce qui me fait un peu mal mais sans attendre il se met à me branler le trou du cul, ce qu’aucun autre homme ne m’avait fait comme cela. L’arabe a glissé une main devant moi et il me fouille sexe par devant. Lui aussi maintenant à introduit mister doigt dans le vagin et il me doigte le con. Ce mistert les mots qu’ils emploient en me travaillant pas les deux bouts. Celui qui s’occupe de mes seins s’est mis à me les sucer. En même temps, il a sorti sa bite et se branle. Son gland vient plusieurs fois frapper la peau de mon ventre en y laissant des traces de mouille. J’ai peur mais je suis sur le point de jouir sous leurs attouchements. Et soudain j’ai envie d’une bite, de la toucher, de la sentir. Je me surprends à saisir celle de l’homme qui se branle devant moi et j’entreprends une fougueuse masturbation. Mais cela ne me suffit pas j’ai envie de faire baiser. Et c’est l’arabe qui s’est placé derrière moi qui a maintenant sorti sa bite qui me semble énorme. Il me penche vers l’avant et je me trouve nez à nez avec la bite du branleur qui me prend par les cheveux et me la colle contre les lèvres. Je l’entends dire d’ouvrir la bouche et de le sucer. J’hésite, il me caresse le visage avec mister gland tout luisant de sécrétions. Plusieurs fois il essaie de powerr ma bouche mais sa bite sent très fort et cela me dégoûte. L’arabe par derrière me caresse le cul avec sa bite. Il écarte les fesses pour contempler mon orifice. Le troisième homme s’occupe à mister tour de mes seins qui ballottent sous moi, penchée en avant. L’homme derrière moi glisse un pied entre mes jambes pour les écarter. J’ai peur de me faire baiser. Je résiste mais il power tout en me travaillant le con. Ils égrènent des mots salaces qui ne font que m’exciter encore plus. Soudain je pense à René et je suis sûre qu’il souhaite que je me fasse baiser ici en ce lieu public par ces inconnus. Alors soudain je cède, j’engloutis le sexe devant moi et laisse celle derrière moi me pénétrer d’un seul coup. Mon amant se met à limer violemment, sa bite est grosse et me fait un peu mal. Mais l’idée qu’elle me remplit entièrement ajoute à mon plaisir. Le type que je suce se cabre soudain et je sens le sperme se déverser par saccades dans ma bouche. Il me maintien fermement la tête contre lui par les cheveux et quand il a fini de jouir il se maintient en moi pour m’obliger à avaler sa semence. Alors seulement il s’écarte. L’homme derrière se met à râler à mister tour et sa jouissance déclenche la mienne et je me surprends à crier en même temps que lui se vide les couilles dans mon ventre. Me voilà souillée maintenant, mon corps est rempli de sperme par les deux bouts et cette semence je vais la garder en moi longtemps avant de pouvoir me sentir purifiée. Cela m’excite encore plus. Les deux hommes qui ont joui, repus s’écartent. Le monsieur âgé de la rue a sorti sa bite et se caresse en me regardant. Timidement, il me demande simplement de me montrer et sous ses ordres je prends des poses vulgaires ; je lui tends mes seins, m’ouvre devant lui les fesses, la vulve. Le caissier m’apporte un gode et me demande de me l’introduire. Je n’aime pas beaucoup cela mais cette fois avec cet homme qui se branle en me regardant c’est différent! Je me l’introduis dans le con, me branle puis comme le vieux me le demande, je me retourne et me le plante dans le cul. Je me branle en même temps que lui et je sens une jouissance m’envahir à nouveau. Je jouis en même temps que lui et il éjacule contre mes seins et mon visage. Je suis crevée. Le patron nous propose de boire un verre. Je me rhabille, je bois rapidement et je les quitte sans dire un mot. Je suis fière de moi et je suis impatiente de tout raconter à René. Lui dire que j’ai fait tout cela pour lui, que je lui suis soumise et que cette pensée m’a aidée à chaque pour jouir encore plus. Je veux qu’il sache que je suis sous mister emprise et que je ferais tout ce qu’il voudra. Il est bientôt 19 heures et je vais le rejoindre au Musée comme il me l’a demandé Arsenne 
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Ces mots m’ont calmée, René caressait mon dos. On s’est approché d’une table et là, il m’a retournée et m’a fait poser ma tête sur mes mains devant moi. Il m’a fait reculer les pieds et me cambrer pour faire ressortir ma croupe. Je l’ai entendu s’adresser à l’allemand en lui montrant mon cul et combien il était beau et rond ; j’ai senti qu’il écartait mes fesses pour exhiber mon petit trou et en même temps il me disait des mots doux pour me calmer et me soumettre : « calme toi, sois gentille, laisse-toi faire ». Et moi je n’avais qu’une seule envie, lui faire plaisir. Alors il m’a demandé d’ouvrir moi même mon cul pour le montrer aux deux autres ; après une hésitation, j’ai passé mes mains derrière moi et j’ai écarté mes fesses. C’est alors que j’ai senti un doigt qui me pénétrait et me fouillait le sexe. René m’a encore demandé de me laisser faire. Maintenant il savait que j’accepterais tout, s’il me le demandait. Je le confortais que j’étais devenue mister esclave, comme il me l’avait crié lors de notre première rencontre au moment même où il déchargeait sa semence sur mes seins et mon visage. Le jeune artiste s’était approché à mister tour et je sentais sa bite tout près de mon visage. Il se branlait presque sur ma joue. J’entendais derrière moi le vieux qui disait : « je vais te baiser ma petite salope ; je vais te faire jouir ». Et ces mots me faisaient mouiller. Quand j’ai senti mister gland à l’entrée de mon ventre, je ne l’ai pas refusé, au contraire, j’ai fait reculer légèrement mes fesses pour l’aider à me pénétrer. Je mouillais, Arsène tellement j’étais excitée. Les vapeurs d’alcool s’étaient dissipées et dans la salle régnait une forte odeur de sexe, de mouille et de sueur. L’homme derrière moi s’est mis me limer avec power, longtemps ; il prenait mister temps le salaud. Il a commencé par des coups lents puis il a accéléré progressivement. Les autres regardaient. Pendant ce temps René m’a fait descendre la tête jusqu’à sa braguette et m’a présenté sa queue qu’il avait sortie auparavant. Je l’ai engloutie entièrement dans ma bouche et me suis mise à la sucer sans hésiter. Je prenais un plaisir fou de me sentir baisée et sucer en même temps cette bite que j’aimais déjà. L’autre mec, le plus jeune me pelotait les seins et frottait sa bite sur mes bouts durcis. Soudain, l’allemand s’est mis à râler et accélérer mister va et vient. Je l’ai entendu crier qu’il allait lâcher la « purée » et d’un seul coup, j’ai senti les giclées de sperme chaud envahir mon ventre. Il était très chaud et abondant. J’avais l’impression qu’il ne s’arrêterait pas de me remplir. Ce signal a également amené René à la jouissance et par longues saccades il s’est déversé dans ma bouche. J’ai avalé jusqu’à la dernière goutte sa semence salée : je l’aimais d’amour à cette seconde. Le troisième homme, lui, a éjaculé sur mes seins et le sperme chaud s’est étalé sur ma poitrine et mon ventre. J’étais crevée. René m’a prise dans ses bras et m’a allongée sur une table basse ; il a ouvert largement mes cuisses pour y recueillir le sperme qui s’en échappait. Il a pris un mouchoir et a essuyé les souillures de semence. Il ne cessait de répéter que j’étais bonne et qu’il m’aimait. C’est à ce moment que j’ai revu Gérard qui me filmait au fond de la pièce. J’ai eu un peu peur mais je n’ai rien dit. Le gros bandait à nouveau et il revenait me caresser les seins. Il a passé une main sous mes fesses pour les malaxer sans douceur. J’ai eu un sursaut quand il a fait pénétrer un doigt dans mon cul. Il s’est empressé de crier que j’étais étroite en cet endroit et qu’il aimerait y aller voir. Je refusais d’abord, comme je n’avais pas souvent été prise par là, mais René encore a insisté. Il m’a fait mettre à quatre pattes sur la table basse, s’est placé derrière moi et m’a ouvert les fesses pour montrer mon petit trou. La lumière violente qui venait du plafond devait bien éclairer cet endroit d’habitude caché. Là, il m’a demandé de pousser pour ouvris la corolle ; je l’ai fait et j’ai senti mon trou s’ouvrir. Un doigt s’est vite introduit dedans. A l’entrée d’abord, puis au fond. Au début j’avais un peu mal mais bientôt, le plaisir m’a envahi ; je trouvais du plaisir à me faire branler le cul. Mélange de honte et de plaisir. Puis, il a enlevé mister doigt et j’ai senti un jet de salive qui se posait sur mon trou, puis le doigt qui l’étalait pour lubrifier l’entrée. J’aimais soudaine toute cette saloperie. Et quand l’allemand a pointé sa bite à l’entrée de mon anus, là encore je ne l’ai pas refusé et je suis allé à sa rencontre. Il a eu du mal à entrer au début et j’avais très mal. J’ai crié et l’homme a retiré mister membre. René s’est enduit le doigt de salive et doucement il a commencé à écarter les chairs de l’anus. Il a pris un gode que je n’ai pas vu venir et il l’a introduit doucement entre mes reins et s’est mis à me masturber le cul. Les deux autres étaient penchés sur moi et mataient. Ce faisant il me demandait si cela me donnait du plaisir. Sans hésiter je disais oui, alors il enfonçait encore plus profond mister objet. A un moment je l’ai entendu dire à l’allemand que j’étais prête, que mon cul était assez dilaté et ouvert. Alors l’autre a pointé mister gland et d’un coup de reins il s’est introduit dans moi sans aucune résistance à la place de du gode. Toute la colonne de chair m’a pénétrée sans douleur. Quand il a commencé à limer, j’ai senti comme une chaleur violente envahir mon corps et la jouissance est venue d’un seul coup, forte comme jamais je ne l’avais ressentie. Je sentais bien mister gland buter contre les parois de mon ventre. Je me sentais souillée, salie mais heureuse. Pendant que le gros me besognait, René me maintenait et m’embrassait avec douceur et l’autre se branlait encore sur mes seins en regardant. J’ai joui par le cul en me faisant enculer. Jamais j’aurai pu imaginer me laisser aller si loin dans la débauche. A peine quelques secondes après moi, le gros a déchargé dans mon cul et j’ai encore nettement senti les giclées de sperme envahir mes reins. Il a vite quitté sa place quand la dernière goutte s’est échappée de mister gland et avant que j’ai le temps de souffler, l’autre homme s’est mis en place derrière moi, encouragé par René. D’un seul coup il m’a pénétrée à mister tour. Il a commencé des vas et viens très rapides. Je me laissais faire, sans plaisir cette fois. J’étais un ventre servant à assouvir le plaisir de cet homme inconnu de moi quelques heures avant. Heureusement très vite il a joui et m’a remplie à mister tour de mister sperme. Après cet épisode, je me suis réfugiée dans les bras de René, fatiguée mais comblée. En même temps je prenait la mesure de ce qui venait de se passer. Les deux hommes nous ont quittés. Je me suis rhabillée. Il était deux heures du marin. Je m’étais faite baiser pendant plus de deux heures par deux inconnus. Voilà. Ensuite René et Gérard m’ont félicités sur ma beauté et la sensualité. Gérard m’a avoué qu’il avait tout filmé. René m’a promis de me revoir, il attendait encore plus de moi ! C’est tout ce que j’espérais à cette minute ». Quand Chantal eut terminé de parler, un grand silence s’est installé dans le lit. Je me suis mis à réfléchir. Chantal restait silencieuse. Ma bite dans sa main était dure et me faisait mal. Elle prenait la mesure de l’effet de sa conduite sur moi. Elle venait tout bonnement de m’avouer qu’elle m’avait trompé sans vergogne. En plus d’avoir pris mister pied, elle s’était amourachée d’un mec, un gigolo qui ne devait pas trop s’encombrer de scrupules. Mais je bandais ! Et ma bite me faisait mal. Jalousie, honte, excitation, douleur, tout cela se mêlait dans ma tête. Je devais reconnaître qu’elle avait été franche pour tout m’avouer. Elle risquait gros ou bien elle se foutait maintenant de moi. Les jours à venir devaient permettre d’éclaircir l’avenir de notre couple. 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Nathan Gets His Way This is the story about a loving young couple who are now living in a cuckold relationship with a very dominating bull, Nathan. The couple, a 24 year old male named Andy and 22 year old female Sarina-lee. They are young and who knows what lies ahead for them in life. This story starts back a year ago when they had been together for two years. They had been living in a small country town by the name of Blackman's Point in the USA, for Sarina's job. Sarina had just started work as a park ranger for a fairly large government organization. It was what she had always wanted, but the job meant a move from the city to the small country town, 6 hours drive from home. This also meant life away from Andy, who had to stay in the city for work. He was a very successful car salesman and had a big client base in the city. The relationship between Andy and Sarina-lee was very strong; they loved each other deeply and a long distance relationship was no barrier. They would still see each other most weekends, as Sarina-lee had a 5 day working roster and Andy had every second weekend off. The relationship was very trusting and a lot of fun for the two lovebirds. They had recently become engaged and they knew that Sarina-lee's job was only in the regional town for a year, then she would be moved back to the city. It was almost a perfect relationship , the only thing that came across as a flaw in the relationship was the sex life. Andy always enjoyed sex but Sarina-lee had not ever experienced an orgasm during intercourse. She could get off on Andy performing oral but just couldn't during sex. Andy could not understand why, but Sarina-lee had told Andy before that she could not feel his cock during intercourse. She loved him and it didn't matter, but Andy always had this in his mind when making love. Sarina-lee could even have a conversation during sex and Andy would feel a little down by this and it would cause him to ejaculate very early on in the sex. Andy only had a fairly small to average cock and this was starting to play on his mind. Sarina-lee is stunning, model like, could be a model if she wanted. She is tall, 180cm, slim and a perfect ass with a beautiful face and although Andy was an athletic fit good looking guy, he had done well to get such a hot fiancée. The sex life was frustrating but the love life was perfect. Sarina had moved away and loved her new job. She made a few quick friends and was one of only three females in her new workplace, ten other guys. Of the ten guys, five of them were between the ages of 22 to 28 and all took an instant liking to this new hot co-worker. It was never a real problem for Sarina, as she was used to sleazes hitting on her back in the city, and Andy never had a problem with it either. Sarina always had to work on the same roster as 2 other park rangers and see to it that the forests and wildlife were good for the time she was at work. Respond to natural complaints and collect fees for the forest from campers. She was partnered up with 2 guys, Steve, a 27 year old and Nathan, a 22 year old. Both were a tad sleazy but knew she was in a relationship. This never seemed to stop Nathan though, who would always make remarks about Sarina. Sarina would tell Andy of the problem but just kept ignoring Nathan's advances. After all he was harmless and she enjoyed working with the two men. Besides that she only had to see them for 8 hours every day , then went to stay in her small unit on the beach at night times and of course travel back to the city every 5th day to be with Andy. The relationship was doing well and both had no problems until one day after Sarina finished work she decided to finally give into the local guys pressure and have a take with them at the creek after work one night. Nathan, Steve and two other guys from work met up with Sarina at the creek around 5pm. Sarina went home and got changed into her normal clothing, but none of the guys had seen her out of the long ranger clothes she wore for work. On this day she wore a mini skirt and a bathing top. When she arrived the guys had already had a few takes. It was only the five of them and when she turned up the guys started to whistle, Sarina was very embarrassed but loved the compliments. Her tanned skin was appealing to Nathan, who could not take his eyes off of her/ The other guys knew Nathan had a thing for her and promised to stay out of his way as they knew he was very keen and they all had partners in the town. On this day the guys used the time to get to know Sarina; they asked her questions about her life, her relationship with Andy and asked why she was away from him, why he never came to visit and she always went back. The questions were all fairly normal but made Sarina feel a bit uncomfortable, especially when Steve said "With a woman like you, he must have a big dick." All the guys laughed and Sarina blushed as Nathan said, "Or small and that's why you want to try me as I have a real mans cock." All the guys once again laughed and Steve replied "Well we all know that's true." Sarina just sat in silence for a while, thinking about how they were trying to lure her in, also thinking about how they seemed to sense her sex life was not great. As she sat there all the guys apart from Nathan went to the creek for a swim. Sarina liked Nathan but didn't feel comfortable with his advances. Nathan was takes now and alone with her on the creek bank. Sarina took her skirt off and asked Nathan if he wanted to swim, he said he would but he only had underwear on under his trousers. Sarina told him to strip off and Nathan did just that; in his Calvin Klein underwear he was semi-hard from looking at Sarina. Sarina slyly glanced down, thinking Nathan wasn't watching and could not believe the size. It was massive and not even erect, must have been twice the size of Andy's, she thought. As she was looking Nathan caught her eye smiled and said, "You can have a closer look if you want/ Andy must be small, hey? " Sarina replied, "What are you talking about? Shut up and come swimming". They proceeded to the creek but Nathan stopped Sarina and took her hand and said, "Feel my cock, it's throbbing for you; I look at you after you come back from the city and you may love him but I can tell he doesn't know how to fuck you properly." "What? Nathan, you are takes, let go," Sarina replied and she shook Nathan's hand away and went back to her car and went home. She got home and called Andy, she told him what happened, except for her looking at Nathan's crotch, of course, and the size of his cock as this might upset Andy. He was upset she had to go through this with a guy from work. Andy also thought Nathan was crossing the line, but didn't feel threatened by his behavior, as Sarina had told him he was harmless. While she was on the phone she said, "Oh,fucking great." "What?" replied Andy. "Nathan is here at my unit; wait on the line," said Sarina in a scared voice. Andy listened on but could not hear anything; two minutes later Sarina was back on the phone. She told him Nathan had just come over to ask if she wanted to fuck him. She told him she didn't know if it was because other guys were around that she was uncomfortable with what Nathan had said to her. Andy was furious and asked her what she told him, Sarina replied, "I just asked him to go away, and that he doesn't get how much I love you." Andy was still mad at the whole situation and told her to wait. He would take a few days off to come visit her. Andy arrived at Sarina's and after a relaxing weekend he went back home. That next week at work Nathan spent the whole week telling her how he was sorry and genuinely wanted to be friends. Sarina was the forgiving type and accepted the apology. She also told Nathan that Andy had stayed with her for the weekend and would be coming again this weekend. Nathan hated Andy since he believed Andy was the reamister Sarina would not fuck him. He wanted Sarina so badly, he always thought she was a flirt and a dick tease. Nathan secretly had a plan. He wanted Sarina and he would do anything to get her. Sarina had no idea about Nathan's plan and went along, thinking Nathan wanted to be friends, to meet Andy and apologize for his actions. Sarina called Andy and told him they would all meet on the second day he was there. Even though he was still mad at Nathan for what he tried to do, he understood Sarina had to get along with the guys and agreed. On the first day of the visit, Andy and Sarina fought because she didn't feel up to making love. Andy was a bit mad. It had been a whole week away and the thought of not pleasing her had made him start to think she may lose interest in him. So instead of staying in for the night they decided to meet a few of Sarina's work colleagues out at the creek. Once again the same four guys were at the creek. It was getting late and all of them were a little takes. Sarina introduced Steve, Mark and Scott, all of whom tried to make Andy feel welcome. Nathan just said a quick hello and they had a few takes together, sharing stories on work and how Andy and Sarina had met. Nathan made no effort to apologize to Andy and still stared at Sarina. Andy felt a little uncomfortable, but thought he would let it slide. After all, the other guys were all friends with Nathan and he had just met them. After several more takes Nathan called Andy away from the group. Andy thought it was for an apology but Nathan took Andy away to say that he could tell Sarina liked him. "Look here, little man, I can tell your girl isn't getting the pleasure she deserves". Andy, not the violent type, pushed Nathan and walked back to the group. Nathan stood just staring and laughing. The other guys who seen the push told Andy not to worry about Nathan -- he was harmless and just a dick head when takes. They calmed Andy and talked some more. As the day turned into night they started a BBQ and went to get more takes. They sat around playing poker and sharing laughs. Out of nowhere Steve said, "Let's play strip poker!" All the guys cheered and Sarina laughed. Andy said, "No, that's unfair. There is only one woman." The guys sensed jealousy and Mark replied, "Come on, Sarina is wearing twice as much as us, and she can stop at underwear," Sarina said, "Yeah, let's do it!" The guys cheered again. Andy looked at Sarina and thought she was playing them. He knew she was wearing the sexiest g-string and he became a bit jealous. Sarina whispered to him, "It's nothing to worry about. This is my last weekend here and then I'm moving back with you. I can start work back in the city at the zoo, it's a great job offer." Andy was happy to hear that, and felt a great sense of relief. He still objected to the game and asked her to come home with him tonight as Nathan was being a dick. She agreed and they left. The guys were not too happy with the way they just took off. Sarina told Steve she was finished working there; she could get a job at the zoo back home. She said she would come back in a few weeks to clear her office space. Nathan's tricks had not worked this time but he believed they would. He really didn't like Andy and still believed Sarina was flirting with him. The other guys all thought it was rude to just take off and thought Andy was a bit of a wanker. Time went on. It had been a month since Sarina was back living with Andy. They were enjoying life. Sex was still dull, but life was back to normal - until one day they were watching a movie. A guy appeared naked on the screen, and he had quite a big cock. 
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Andy said, "Wow that's big. Must be fake, all the movie guys are fake." Without even thinking Sarina said, "I doubt it's fake... I mean, Nathan's looked bigger when he was swim..." She stopped and the room went quiet. Andy asked, "What do you mean, you've seen him naked? You, you..." He was starting to go red. Sarina replied, "No, no! I am sorry. I just meant we all went swimming and the guys all commented on his bulge, I mean it stuck out." "Oh great," said an angry Andy. "I mean no harm," said Sarina as she grabbed Andy and started to make out. They had sex but Andy only lasted a minute as he couldn't get the thought of Nathan's comments out of his head. It was bad enough that he was having a real go at Sarina, but knowing Nathan had a huge package really started to get to him. After a few more days had passed Sarina had a call. Steve and Nathan said that she left her handbag that her grandma gave her at work, and they were coming to the city to stay for a weekend and would return it. They wanted to come by and see Sarina and have a few catch up takes, as they felt bad for the last time they left. Sarina missed the guys and although Nathan was a dick to Andy, she had heaps of fun with them. She told Andy and after hours of fighting he finally agreed they could come for a few hours and have a few takes. She told Steve to make sure Nathan was on his best behavior or he would be asked to leave. The guys turned up late Friday afternoon and gave Sarina her bag. Sarina had prepared a BBQ for them and had a few bottles of scotch as well. The guys began takeing and Nathan was being very friendly to Andy. Everyone was getting along and happily playing poker beside the pool. Nathan then said, "Let's play strip poker." Once again they all laughed, except Andy. Sarina told him to lighten up and Andy told Sarina she was takeing too much. Nathan said, "She only has to go to underwear." It had taken off from where it left off back in the country. The arguing stopped and Sarina agreed in a loud takes voice, "It's only a game." Andy finally gave in, but was a bit mad. They had played a few rounds and Sarina was down to just her jeans and a bra. The guys were trying hard not to stare; Nathan was not hiding his looks at all. All the other guys were fully clothed except Andy, in jeans and underwear, and Mark in his jeans and underwear. Nathan made a comment, "Well, I bet Mark is cuckolds brownieting himself, as Sarina might see his micro dick." Mark said, "I'm not taking underwear off. My wife would ******* me, and besides it is only a small cock I have. "But so what, my wife loves it." Nathan laughed to himself. He knew Mark's wife too well, and he also knew Mark's wife loved his own big cock. Nathan was fucking half the town back home, including a few of the wives of his so called 'friends.' The game continued and all of a sudden Sarina lost another hand. The guys were a bit takes by now and all cheered loudly! "Finally, I get to see that ass!" said Nathan. Andy was mad, but all the guys said they were playing until the end. And this was the end, or so they thought! Sarina took her jeans off and showed her sexy, gorgeous ass and legs off to the guys. Nathan started to adjust his cock in excitement. Everyone could see that Nathan loved what he was looking at. Andy said, "Enough, that's enough!" Sarina looked upset that Andy was angry, but sat down. It went silent and then Nathan interrupted, "OK, I have a deal. A proposition." "No," interrupted Andy. "Hear the guy out," muttered Mark as Sarina looked on, wondering what was about to come out of Nathan's mouth. Nathan continued, "You all know I want to fuck Sarina." Andy was looking in disbelief. "Wait for me to finish," said Nathan. " I have $5,000 here and I am putting it on the table for you Andy. All us guys will strip so we have only underwear on. You have your jeans and underwear on, you can also put your shirt and top back on. Four pieces of clothing to us four guys with one piece each. You have to keep yourself from losing all your clothes and get at least one of us naked and we will give you the $5,000.Your odds are great." Sarina, looking shocked, said, "Wow, $5,000, but what if he loses,?What if the rare shot that he loses?" Nathan went on, "If he loses I, and only I, get to fuck you, but in front of Andy." Andy was speechless and Sarina looked shocked. "Think about it, it's 5,000," said Nathan. Sarina came to Andy, Nathan staring at her ass the whole time. "Hun, there is no way you will lose. 5,000 is a lot of money." Andy said, "But what if I did, how painful that would be for us!" Sarina replied, "If we lost and he did it, I would promise to hate it. But they can't cheat, if they do we will call it off, and we could ask for compensation?" Andy replied to Nathan, "What if I lose and you still give us half the money?" Sarina was shocked that Andy gave in just like that and was willing to sell his fiancés body off to a man he hated. Nathan made a quick comment. "See, he thinks you're his whore." "Not true," said Andy. "Deal," said Nathan. "OK, let's do it," said Sarina, looking a bit upset at Andy. "No, let's not," said Andy. "Too late," said all the guys, "You asked him and he agreed." Sarina, still looking shocked, went and sat between Nathan and Steve. "Oh fuck it then," Andy angrily replied, "Let's get this over with, but no cheating." He thought the odds were on his side, but didn't know that these guys were all very good at poker. They had just been playing around up until now. They began to play. Nathan and the guys won the first 3 hands. Andy was in just his underwear. Nathan made a remark, "I will fuck her so good Andy. Fuck her like you couldn't." Andy was getting mad. Sarina was looking on, thinking about how this had come so far, that in a few moments she could be taking Nathan's big cock in front of Andy. Nathan then said, "I have another deal, a new deal. If you lose this hand, I am fucking Sarina, but you have a chance of getting all $5,000." "How?" said Sarina with her eyes lighting up. It was a lot of money to her, and money they could use well. "We will all take our pants off and you can measure our cocks. If Andy's is bigger than at least one of us you get the $5,000." "And if not?" whined Andy. "Well, I just get the satisfaction out of humiliating your small cock, as it would have to be bigger than Mark's." All the guys laughed and agreed it would be small if it was any smaller than Mark's. At this stage Andy was getting hard from a confusing feeling, but the bulge was noticeable to Sarina. He wondered if Sarina had ever let on he had a small cock, which she had never done. Nathan was also getting hard and was trying to make his big bulge more noticeable. Sarina could see the bulge in Nathan's pants and the anger in Andy's eyes. Andy loudly said, "This has to stop." "NO. SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!" commanded Nathan. "We had a deal and we are finishing this." The other guys all agreed. "We did have a deal," said Sarina in a light voice. "OK," Andy replied in a husky voice. The next hand was played and would you believe it, Andy lost again. All the guys busted out with laughter and Nathan said with great relief, "Come here Sarina, and sit on my lap." Sarina walked over and did just that. Andy was furious, but Sarina was sitting on Nathan's lap, feeling Nathan's large bulge on her ass, getting bigger and harder. She was getting wet from this and could not believe the size of it compared to Andy's. Andy jumped up and tried to grab Nathan, but the other three guys all wrestled him inside to the lounge room floor. "Calm down!" yelled Nathan, as he grabbed a bag he'd brought and pulled out some ropes and handcuffs. "Put these on him, boys" he said. The guys put the ropes around Andy and tied him up. Sarina walked over and said, "Sorry babe, we had a deal. At least we get $1500, or maybe $5000. I promise I won't enjoy it, I promise." Andy was crying a bit but then said, "Well measure us then, Nathan, you wanker!" Nathan chuckled and said, "You will wish you never said that. No one calls me a wanker." 
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They had Andy tied up against a brick pole in the lounge room. Nathan then pulled a measuring tape out and said, "OK guys, pull your underwear down, and pull Andy's off". They all tore Andy's off and Nathan cracked up laughing, "Looks like it's only $1,500." They laughed, all hard as a rock from the excitement. Sarina took the tape. Nathan said, "Don't measure in inches, measure in centimeters today. It could be close." So she measured Andy. "12cm," she said. "Oh yes!" yelled Nathan with excitement on his face. Now the other guys lined up. it was clear that Scott and Steve were a lot bigger. Nathan had not taken his pants off yet. "Measure the guys," said Nathan "OK" replied Sarina. "Steve is 17cm, Scott 18cm and Mark is only 13cm." They all looked at Andy and laughed. "Oh cuckolds brownie, I'd hate to be you," said Scott "Measure Nathan," said Steve. Nathan pulled his pants down. It was huge and still floppy. Sarina was looking in shock. "OK, boys, get out, go home. It is just us three staying here now," Nathan said whilst playing with his huge cock. "Wait, one more thing before you go. Can you pull the device from my bag and put it on Andy, my boy here?" It was planned, thought Andy, but before he could say anything Nathan told to Sarina cover herself with a towel and give him her g-string. She did and sat in the lounge room watching. Nathan put the g-string in Andy's mouth and used tape around his head to hold it in. "This is a chastity device, made from strong surgical steel pindick. Only I have a key. I know you're thinking this wasn't part of the deal, but you called me a wanker and I am making it a part of the deal. You had better hope she doesn't like my big cock, but I'm guessing she will, as your 12-year-old-boy's cock is way too small for such a hot babe. And let me tell you, if she likes my cock, I will be keeping you locked up! I will have the key and I will be your master. Yes, Master Nathan," he laughed. Andy was trying to yell but he couldn't get a word out. Nathan continued, "Don't worry. You and she can still love each other. She will just be fucking me and not you. No need to fuck you anymore if I satisfy her." He was loving this situation. He had Andy tied up, waiting to watch as he would fuck his hot babe in front of him. The guys jammed the device on Andy's cock; they adjusted it and locked it. Then they left, all looking amused and wishing they were in Nathan's position, wishing they could stay and watch, but their job was done. "Oh Sarina, you are so fucking hot. I have wanted this so bad, now come and measure me. Put my cock in your hand and tell me how this useless fiancée of yours has ever managed to make you cum." "Well, he hasn't," said Sarina. "What! Haha,"laughed Nathan. "Oh this will be fun. Have you got a measurement?" "Oh um, it's so big. It's 19cm, I think," she said in light tone. "I'm not hard yet. Play with my cock and tell me how you like to be fucked," replied Nathan. "Well, what do you mean, it's even bigger? I don't know. I just think you should do this and get it over with," said Sarina. She was really wet and just tried to block out Andy and get the job done. "Now measure, babe," said Nathan. "22cm," said Sarina in a shocked voice "That's 4 inches bigger than what you're used to, and I'm way thicker too. You will never feel his little cock again." Sarina was getting wet, really wet. The holy water had taken its effect, and the adrenalin had kicked in. She said, "I can't feel him Nathan. He is too small! Please be careful with me, you're so big." Andy was looking very furious. Nathan had a smile from ear to ear as he pulled Sarina up and put her on the lounge suite. Nathan then revealed Sarina's freshly waxed pussy. He went down on Sarina; she had promised not to enjoy it but he was great. Andy was ok at oral but Nathan was equal. It took only a few minutes and Sarina climaxed. She looked at Nathan as he got up from the floor and asked, "Are you ready for a real man?" Sarina said, "Oh yes, please be gentle." Andy watched on, tears running down his face. The more he cried, the better Nathan felt. It took two minutes of gentle thrusting for Sarina not to be in pain; she had never felt such a cock inside her before. After another two minutes she was really getting lost in another world, a new world to her. She was trying not to, as she promised her fiancée, who she loved so much, that she would not enjoy it, but it was too much for her. The sight of her submissive fiancée watching on as his big hung enemy fucked her properly was too much for her, she started to moan, "Oh Nathan, oh Nathan... fuck yes, I'm cumming, ohhhh my god, oh my god! Fuck yes, please don't stop." This went on for ages and multiple orgasms, Nathan staring at Andy and feeling like the ultimate superior male. They tried different positions for the next 30 minutes, Nathan had her about to have the best orgasm you could ever imagine and then said, "Will you fuck me again?" "YES!" she replied. "You will not fuck him anymore. He cums when I say." "YES!" "I am keeping the money, all of it?" "YES!" she screamed, "Oh please Nathan, never stop." Sarina was cumming again and had never even imagined an orgasm could feel like this. Andy was furious, humiliated; he couldn't believe his eyes but she was cumming again. Nathan stared at Andy, "Get used to it, baby cock. I think I am going to love being a part of this relationship, and you will be locked away. No way out except for me. Bolt cutter won't work, tools won't work, you're my bitch... or our bitch," laughed Nathan as he continued to fuck Sarina hard from behind. After another five minutes Nathan finally let out a massive groan. He took his cock out of her, turned her over on her back and squirted a massive load on her pussy, ass, and stomach. It was a huge load. He looked at Andy and said, "I will take you out of the ropes, untie you, and take the tape off your mouth. You are to come and lick my cum from her pussy and her body. You are to get every drop or I will keep you locked away for a month. I have the only keys and they are with the other guys at the moment. If you are good I will let you have release from time to time, but no wanking. You will always clean Sarina up after we fuck. you will wear a condom and she will let you dry fuck her ass cheeks until you cum. After that you will wear the chastity device and I will un-cuff you once it is on. Do you both understand" "Yes!" said Sarina. "That was unbelievable. I am your fuck slave, Nathan." Andy cried out "Why? Oh OK, but why? Please just leave us!" Nathan said, "Sarina wants this now, she needs this. Besides I will leave you two alone to love each other. I'll just be down every weekend, if you invite me. And I am guessing if you want release from the chastity device I will be down quite a bit. But remember, you must be hand cuffed to the bed before I will let you out of the device to watch, and the closest you get to tasting her is with my cum on her, do you both understand?" "Yes, I do. It was unbelievable," said Sarina. Andy stood, tied still, and lost for words. He was Nathan's slave, a slave to his own fiancée. Nathan said if Andy tried to fight him that the keys would disappear. The device was well fitted and Andy could tell Nathan was not joking. Nathan took his time untying Andy, laughing the whole time. He grabbed Andy and took him to Sarina. "Now lean down and clean her up with your tongue." Andy bent down and licked Sarina's pussy. By surprise, Sarina started to enjoy the licking. Nathan, powering Andy's head between her legs, said, "Make her cum, make her cum or you will clean my cock with your mouth." Andy was trying not to swallow Nathan's cum, but with Nathan applying so much pressure it was hard for Andy to breathe let alone avoid the sperm. Andy continued to lick Sarina into another orgasm. "Now swallow my cum," said Nathan. Andy swallowed the cum. Sarina laid on the lounge suite, completely satisfied for the first time in her life. Nathan went on to tell Andy that he would be gone for a week and that whole time he would do anything Sarina said. Andy would call Nathan and ask him to stay with them whenever he needed release. With that he waved at Sarina, picked up his clothes, and left. Sarina went to Andy, hugged and kissed him. "Don't worry babe. I am so sorry, but he was so good. Please don't be mad, but I have never felt like that and I want to feel that again. I like this lifestyle and I hope you accept it... not that you have much choice," Sarina said. Andy was in shock but knew he had no control. "But we can still make love, right?" he asked. "Well that's up to Nathan, babe> He has the key and I am guessing he won't let you. Maybe you should apologize for calling him a wanker? I mean, he is a dickhead but he does know how to fuck a woman." They laid there in each other's arms, both thinking about the future. That was the first part to the new life of this loving couple. For now, Nathan is the master of these two lovebirds who still love each other dearly. Andy tried to hang out as long as he could, trying hard to remove the device with no luck. It had been three days and Nathan called to demand that Andy lick Sarina to an orgasm every night until he asked for Nathan to return. He was to buy her the sexiest outfit for his arrival and to be cuffed to the chair. Sarina could not wait for Nathan to return and during the next three nights was begging Andy to get Nathan over. Andy finally accepted, through all the frustration he needed to cum. He needed relief from this steel device. Nathan returned and, as promised, after seven days of no release he released Andy for him to dry fuck Sarina's ass cheeks with a condom. Nathan loved to humiliate Andy. This was the ultimate degradation and he would continue to do this for some time. Nathan threw Andy off as he came and said, "Now it's my turn." 
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It had been another full week that had passed. Andy was frustrated; he had tried to get out of the steel device but had no luck. He had tried bolt cutters, power tools, but they were too dangerous. Andy HAD to accept this new lifestyle. As for Sarina, his girlfriend, she had told Andy how happy she has been with him over the last week. Their relationship, according to her had hit new heights of happiness because she felt that Andy was rarely grumpy, would not argue, and done nearly anything asked of him, including cooking, housework, massaging Sarina -- which had become extremely frustrating for Andy as he had no way of release. He would massage Sarina's perfect ass and would beg for her to let him fuck her, but Sarina would remind him that Nathan was the 'key holder' and this was the new lifestyle they would be living from now on . On this night, 7 days since Nathan's last visit, Andy started to massage Sarina. Sarina had asked him to massage her ass and as Andy started to do this the pain of his cock, tying to escape the cage, was becoming too much. Andy started to whine about the pain. Sarina handed Andy the phone, "Well, call Nathan babe, I want you to have release. You deserve it; you have been so good over the last week." "But I WANT to make love to you, and Nathan won't let me. I know he won't", whimpered Andy. "Just call him babe, I will ask him to let you fuck me", she replied. Andy then made and sent a text to Nathan asking him to come stay with them ASAP. Nathan quickly replied with a "yes, tomorrow" text. Another day had passed and Andy arrived home from work to find Sarina in a sexy outfit he had bought for her. It was a black corset with a hot set of fishnet stockings and a g-string. "Wow," Andy shouted. "Don't get too excited dear, Nathan will be here in 10 minutes, Sarina purred, "so handcuff yourself to the chair in the bedroom and make sure you are naked". "Yes, I will," Andy immediately surrendered, "but remember to tell Nathan to let me and you have sex." Sarina just replied with a hurried, "Quick babe, go... NOW." Andy walked to the bedroom thinking something didn't seem right. He stripped down, and sat on the solid chair fixed to a wall. His mind wondering what was going to happen? Sarina came in and handcuffed Andy to the chair and his legs together. As she did so Andy whispered, "Dam, babe, you are making me so horny in that outfit." Sarina straightened up slowly after handcuffing Andy's ankles together. "Sorry Andy, Nathan called and we discussed the possibility of you and I fucking. He said no chance." As she said this she looked down at Andy who looked like he had just lost a million dollars. "Sorry babe," she continued, "but Nathan has also said he is taking this to the next level." "What...Why... What is THAT supposed too mean?" Nathan stammered. Sarina stood in silence as they heard the door open and Nathan yell "Honey I'm home is Andy secured?" "Yes babe" replied Sarina. Nathan entered the room. He gave Andy a cocky grin, dropped his bag and stared at Sarina with amazement. "Holy fucking cuckolds brownie. Look at you, you're amazing." Sarina was blushing, as Nathan just stood there admiring those long legs. Andy, becoming jealous and angry said, "Nathan, please let me and Sarina have sex. Please, I am begging you, it has been 8 days and you must have an idea of how that would feel. I am asking with all my heart, please." "Shut up wimp, you're NOT fucking her. She needs a real man." Nathan taunted. "You have no idea how it felt for ME working with her all that time and just wanting to fuck her, but all I could do was wank. So shut it, I don't care how long you are in that for." Nathan continued over to Sarina and grabbed her on the ass, started to kiss her neck and gently rubbed her groin with his other hand. Andy interrupted, "Nathan, you.... You... please?" Nathan charged over to Andy "What am I? Go on say it! Say it you pin-dick wimp!" "Sorry Nathan, but please reamister with us," muttered Andy. Nathan looked at Andy. "Take a seat next to us Sarina," Nathan said as he motioned her over. "Now Sarina do you want him to have release? He is pissing me off! So, he will not be fucking you, but he may get release if you say so." "Ohh, yes Nathan, he should have release, " Sarina granted. But, Andy looked terrified. He was beginning to think release was going to be counted out. "Ok then," said Nathan, "but on one condition." "What? WHAT condition?" questions the worried Andy. As Nathan stripped naked, he gave the key to Andy's chastity cage to Sarina and instructed her to remove his device. Once the device was off, Nathan stood there naked with his huge cock in his hand, getting it hard, while staring at Sarina. Sarina was starring back at Nathan's huge cock, getting wetter by the second! Nathan gave a measuring tape to Sarina and asked her to re-measure Andy's cock. Sarina started to measure. "Look at the small head on his cock," laughed Nathan. "Mine is 6 inches around and his must be 4" taunted Nathan. "Ohh, my god... it has shrunk" exclaimed Sarina. "What?" yelled Andy. Nathan snickered, "Read it, what does it say?" "10cm!" replied Sarina with a shocked face. "THAT is really small honey," she said to Andy as he sat in disbelief. But it was the truth, Andy realized... he had seen it himself. Nathan explained to them how wearing a device for such a period of time would shrink the penis because the cage was 9cm long and every time Andy got an erection it would fight the 9cm device with no hope of getting completely erect. "Therefore," Nathan grinned, "Every time your little penis tries to get hard it retracts in to the body and hence it is getting smaller!" Andy groaned out loud as he looked down at his little prick. "You have a cock that is under half the size of mine," teased Nathan, "how would you ever, ever please Sarina now?" Sarina was laughing with Nathan. She found it a bit funny and so while looking at Andy's tiny dick said, "It's cute babe, don't worry I love you for you, not your cock." Andy had tears running down his cheeks. Nathan again asked Andy if he wanted release. "Yes," whispered Andy. "Ok, on one condition" Nathan taunted. "What is it Nathan? What this time," groaned Andy. "Since I have been away, I have not had a wank in 4 days," Nathan stated, "I would not last too long with a hot babe like Sarina... so I need pre-release." "NO, Nathan" interrupted Andy. "Well Andy boy, if you want release you will suck my cock dry. Every drop." instructed Nathan. "You will not bite or I will throw the key away... after I smash you." Both Andy and Sarina looked shocked. "No way Nathan... I WILL not," protested Andy. "II know we don't like each other but please be reamisterable... have some respect" pleaded Andy. Nathan laughed again, smirked at Andy and replied, "Andy, you are right, I do fucking hate you. I love seeing you in denial, degrading you, fucking your hot bride-to-be, but you will be sucking my cock. If not today, I will lock you up and you will stay locked until you SUCK ME OFF, I don't care if you wait a year." Sarina was becoming impatient, she was horny as hell and wanted to fuck. "Babe just suck his cock, I won't watch" "NO," yelled Andy, "I am not a fag, for fuck's sake. Nathan you wanker, please," With that Nathan picked up the device and started to put it back on Andy. Andy was struggling... he spat on Nathan while swearing, and a***ing him, but Nathan jammed it back on. "Fuck you Andy, you can stay in for another week, and you will pay for spitting on me," before Andy could reply, Nathan picked up his own underwear and jammed it in Andy's mouth. "Taste ME, boy. Taste my ass and cock," he said as he used tape to secure it to Andy. Sarina was now playing with herself, rubbing her pussy through her new panties, "Come Nathan, fuck me now." "Not yet babe, I have a present for Andy," Nathan said with a smile. Andy was really gasping now, he could not get a word out through Nathan's underwear. Nathan wanted so bad to fuck Sarina, but being really disciplined, he started to masturbate. "Oh, Andy, I can't wait to fuck your girl, she is so hot., You will never fuck her again that is for sure... and I have some 'spit' for you. I am so close to cumming, and you will get my 4 days worth of cum all over your face. One hundred percent Nathan, ALL for you, and then I'll fuck Sarina good. Oh yeah, I'm wanking over your girl, faggot," Nathan crowed, "Oh fuck yeah, its cumming baby. Ohhhhhhhhh," with that Nathan shot a massive load 20 cm from Andy's face. It went all over Andy's eyes, it was load after LOAD, at least 5 massive squirts of cum, and it looked like a small cup full over his face. Sarina was looking away, but laughing "Ohh my god Nathan, it's like a fire hose," she said. 
Posts: 167325
Andy was crying, but you could not see it through his face. Nathan then removed the underwear from Andy's mouth. Andy could not talk, he was gasping for air and trying to spit away the cum, but Nathan then went to Sarina and removed her g-string, wiped Andy's face clean of cum and quickly gagged him with Sarnia's g-string and new tape. "There you go boy, you have tasted my cum on its own and then a mixture of my cum with your fiancée's wet underwear. So wet because she likes my real man cock." The truth was the underwear was drenched! Sarina had never been so turned on before. The thought of a dominant man with a huge cock, who wanted her so badly, had become too much for her. She was dripping with excitement. Nathan began to stroke himself, gaining another erection, he said, "Now it's our turn babe". Nathan went down on Sarina. He was more passionate this time round, kissing her from feet up to her groin before he went on to lick her into an orgasm. Sarina started to feel the sweet sensations from the last time Nathan was over. She was losing control. Nathan had complete mental control over Sarina. Nathan stopped half way through licking her clit, glanced over to Andy and said, "Hey Andy, next time I am over you had better get a good taste of me, or I will have Sarina fuck your ass with a clone cock of mine.", Andy sat humiliated, again, his cock throbbing, balls full of cum. Nathan continued to lick Sarina until she was begging for his cock, "Nathan, please fuck me, get this done, I NEED it." With that Nathan stood to his feet and turned Sarina around on her knees to face Andy. He then began to fuck her doggie style. "Ohh Nathan... that's it... please don't stop," Sarina panted as she instantly started to climax. "Oh my god... oh fuck....oh yeah," Sarina pants out each phrase as Andy watches Nathan's cock slide deeper into her. "Ohhh...that... feels...SO..GOOD!" She screams as Nathan's cock enters her all the way. Slowly Andy watches as Nathan pulls his cock out and then slides it back in... over and over again with Sarina's pants coming faster and louder with each stroke. "Yeah Sarina, you like it huh?" Nathan gloats as he glances over to Andy. "It feels like getting FUCKED by a real man, huh? With this Nathan turns Sarina on her back and starts pumping away. "Ha... look over there Sarina," Nathan says, "your wimp is getting off watching me do what he CAN'T. With his words Sarina begins to plateau in her orgasm. Her pussy had become sopping wet with the orgasm she had been waiting for all week. Her stomach was heaving up and down as Nathan's huge member slid in and out of her... causing the lips of her pussy to swell. She screams "Oh YEAH..FUCK ME NATHAN... give me your HUGE COCK." "Don't worry pin dick... I am definitely FUCKING HER," Nathan grunts as his cock picks up the pace. Andy watches in pain as the two of them fuck... Nathan with full powerful thrusts of his hips and Sarina with legs wrapped around them urging her pleasure toward completion. Each of them panting 'oh yeah' and 'oh fuck' with an occasional 'take it' and 'give it to me' with Andy's eyes staring at them he KNOWS... they are coming TOGETHER. Nathan slowly pulls his long softening cock out of Sarina. Sarina lay their satisfied, amazed at the feeling she experiences with Nathan. "Ok Andy," Nathan says with a grin, as he looks down on Andy, "Now you have a chance to get release, your last chance before I return next week. I will undo your gag and you will suck my cock clean, ok? Nod once if you will." Andy wanted release so bad, his cock was throbbing, fighting to get out of the device. He gave a nod. "Good BOY, Andy, and remember if you bite you will regret it." With this, Nathan undoes the gag and takes a hold of his huge cock. "Now suck it Andy," as he powerd it into Andy's mouth. Andy couldn't believe what he was now doing, he knew he could not fight it... he wanted release and didn't want anymore pain. As much as he wanted to bite Nathan's dick off, he knew there would be a price to pay. So he tried to suck all of Nathans cock but it was so thick and long that Andy was gagging the whole time... trying not to fetish. "That's it Andy, suck until I say stop. ALL the way... no teeth. Just lips and tongue... ohh yeah... you're a good cocksucker. Taste my manhood and Sarina's cum. Taste it all." Nathan watched as his new cocksucker worked his dick over. He turned to Sarina and said "Look Sarina, you're dating a fag, he loves this!" Sarina sat staring in disbelief. She had her hand covering her mouth, trying not to be sick. Nathan then removed his cock and walked to the dressing table and started to get dressed. Andy asked, "Nathan, you said you would release me?" "Fuck off Andy. I will release you... next time I come... when you suck my cock and I blow in your mouth," Nathan grabs his crotch for emphasis as he says it. "No, Nathan, please," Andy whined. Nathan began to walk out of the room. "Sarina, undo his cuffs when I'm gone. And, Andy any playing up and I'll bring some other men with me next time," Nathan promises, "Goodbye cuckold bitch." Nathan walks to Sarina and kisses her hand ,"Goodbye my lover, until next time.". Andy screams, "STOP him babe, please, he's fucking with us, please undo me." Nathan was already gone as Sarina replied, "Babe, you SUCKED his COCK... you really sucked it, and I bet you liked it.. you're a bisexual now and... and... a cocksucker." "No, babe... please... undo the cuffs so I can get the key." But in response to his plea Sarina walked over to Andy and powerd his face into her cream filled pussy, "Lick me clean babe, taste Nathans man juice in my pussy." Andy licked away... every drop. It went on for 5 minutes and by this time Nathan had escaped. As Sarina left the room she casually said, "Babe, think about what you have done... sucked a mans cock... I'm ashamed. I don't know what Nathan has in store for us but I'm guessing YOU will be calling him everyday to BEG him to come back. You have his number. You are just lucky he didn't film you sucking his cock, or did he?"......... 
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Surpris par ma belle-fille. Hier matin, je travaillais un peu plus tard que d’habitude. Ma femme était déjà partie et je me suis surpris à repenser à la soirée du samedi précédent où nous étions allés au sauna Amphibie, un sauna mixte et à tendance bisex masculine. Je dois avouer que depuis que ma compagne m’a fait découvrir ce versant de moi-même, nous nous en régalons tous les deux. Elle adore le sexe, la pluralité masculine et rien ne l’excite plus que de me voir servir le plaisir de 2 ou 3 mâles virils actifs. Comme elle le dit elle-même : elle « m’emmène sucer des queues ». En général, après que je me sois copieusement fait enspermé la tronche, elle demande à nos partenaires de la prendre à mister tour et jouit à de nombreuses reprises tandis que ses amants m’humilient avec sa complicité en me traitant de cocu, juste bon à me branler et à sucer des bites pendant que ma femme se fait baiser par d’autres. Effectivement, ce jeu de cocu soumis nous excite énormément tous les deux. L’autre matin donc, je commençais à me branler doucement en repensant à cette soirée. J’avais un peu de temps devant moi et je me suis dirigé vers le PC pour alimenter mon esprit brûlant en images pornographiques. Je regardais des extraits de films amateurs dans lesquels des femmes enculent leurs maris au gode ceinture. Ma robe de chambre était largement ouverte et je me masturbais sans retenue en commentant à haute voix ce que je voyais. Je bandais à fond et me maintenais sur la crête du plaisir depuis un bon moment lorsque j’ai plus ou moins senti une présence derrière moi. Je tournais la tête et je vis l’extraordinaire tableau de ma belle fille, les yeux rivés sur mon sexe tendu, le pantalon ouvert et une main dans la culotte à s’astiquer le bouton. Elodie est une superbe jeune femme de 23 ans, grande mince, un cul parfait, des petits seins arrogants et, … une vraie cochonne, comme sa maman. Elle a quitté la maimister depuis seulement 3 semaines pour s’installer chez mister petit copain mais n’a pas encore déménagé toutes ses affaires. Elle était donc venue en récupérer qui lui manquaient. Dès que je l’ai vue, j’ai bien sûr immédiatement interrompu ma masturbation et refermé ma robe de chambre. Elle s’est aussitôt approchée m’empêchant de refermer mon vêtement et disant avec une certaine autorité : « Non, continue ! Tu m’excites trop. Depuis que je vous entends baiser comme des bêtes maman et toi, je n’en peux plus de me toucher. Et puis je sais que tu es un PD et que tu aimes te faire enculer, je vous ai vu plusieurs fois alors que vous pensiez être seuls à la maimister. Je sortais en disant que je rentrerais tard, mais je revenais sans faire de bruit. Je t’ai vu à 4 pattes sur le lit et maman qui te baisait avec mister gode ceinture pendant que tu couinais comme une salope cherchant à t’empaler encore plus profondément sur sa bite. Et même une autre fois tu étais sur le dos sur la table de la salle à manger. Maman te branlait en même temps qu’elle te baisait et je t’ai vu te jouir dessus. Je t’ai vu lécher ses doigts couverts de ton sperme. » Elle m’avait tout sorti d’une traite, sans même reprendre mister souffle, et moi qui avais commencé à débander sous l’effet de la honte à me faire surprendre la bite à la main, j’avais à nouveau la queue tendue. Aussi étonnant que cela puisse paraître pour une aussi jeune femme, elle ne semblait pas trouver nos pratiques extravagantes. Elle reprit : « continue à te branler je vais te dire ce que j’attends de toi. » Je tentais de me défendre en bredouillant lamentablement un : « Mais ….. » Elle venait de me surprendre en train de me masturber devant des images parfaitement explicites et m’avait assommé par ses révélations. Je n’étais pas en position de négocier quoi que ce soit. Je baissais les yeux et recommençais à me branler doucement en attendant la suite. «Ne t’inquiète pas, je ne te demanderai pas de coucher avec moi. Je veux juste que tu m’apprennes à me servir d’un gode ceinture. Eric adore que je lui mette un doigt dans le cul quand je le suce ou bien quand il me baise, je sais que comme toi il est un peu PD sur les bords, et moi, j’ai vu comme maman jouit quand elle t’encule, je voudrais bien essayer aussi.» J’en suis resté bouche bée. Elle voulait juste m’enculer un peu comme ça pour voir ! La balle était dans mon camp, je reprenais la main. J’étais à la fois excité, inquiet et flatté de cette marque de confiance. J’ai décidé d’accepter. « Tu sais où ta mère range ses godes ? » Elle m’a fait un immense sourire puis a détalé vers notre chambre. 3 secondes plus tard elle était devant moi avec les godes à bout de bras me demandant lequel chausser. Je lui expliquai les qualités et défauts des différents modèles et lui laissai choisir celui qui correspondait à l’expérience qu’elle voulait acquérir. Elle s’est déshabillée puis s’est harnachée avec un gode double qui lui permettait d’être prise aussi. Ensuite elle a été une élève parfaite. Elle savait ce qu’elle voulait et était prête à payer le prix de la leçon. Je lui ai expliqué qu’un anus devait être réparé avant d’être pénétré. Je l’ai guidée pour qu’elle m’ouvre progressivement avec 1 doigt, 2 et puis 3 doigts., tout en lui expliquant que la sodomie était très souvent liée étroitement à des jeux de pouvoir et que le plaisir pouvait être au moins autant cérébrale que physique. Je lui ai dit que pour mister petit copain, l’enjeu n’était pas le même de jouir avec le bout d’une phalange dans le cul pendant qu’il la baisait ou de se retrouver à genou devant elle, la croupe tendue à attendre d’être sailli en prenant des claques sur les fesses et à se faire traiter de PD. Elle a bien compris que prendre le pouvoir sur mister mec et le sodomiser ne signifie pas nécessairement être violente ou vulgare. J’ai du insister un peu pour qu’elle comprenne que pour que la pénétration soit pour moi satisfaisante, elle devait aussi entretenir mon excitation et me branler en même temps qu’elle m’ouvrait le cul. Après un instant d’hésitation elle a saisi ma queue et l’a branlé doucement au rythme où elle m’enculait de ses doigts. Après un bon quart d’heure de ce traitement, je lui ai dit que j’étais prêt à me soumettre à ses assauts. Je me suis positionné les mains posées sur le bureau, légèrement penché en avant, offert et à sa disposition pour sa première expérience au gode ceinture. Sur mon invitation elle a lubrifié mister phallus et est venue le pointer sur mon anus. Je lui ai dit : « A partir de maintenant, fais comme tu le sens, je te dirai si ça va pas » Elle m’a pénétré avec détermination mais en prenant le temps d’apprécier chaque millimètre qui lui faisait prendre possession de moi. Ses mains ont saisi mes hanches puis par des va-et-vient de plus en plus profond elle m’a enculé jusqu’à ce que mister ventre soit contre mes fesses. Là elle s’est arrêtée un instant pour apprécier la situation. « Ça y est, je t’encule petite salope ! Tu avais raimister, maintenant tu es à ma merci, c’est moi qui décide de te baiser doucement ou vite, du bout de la bite ou jusqu’aux couilles. » Ses mouvements mimaient ses paroles, elle me baisait comme une reine. Quel pied ! Ma belle fille se servait de moi comme cobaye pour tester ses qualités de maîtresse dominante enculeuse, et sans aucun doute elle avait trouvé mister créneau. Elle a pris mister temps, s’occupant essentiellement de mister plaisir, elle m’a limé ainsi 20 bonnes minutes, commentant ses sensations et à deux reprises elle a glissé une main vers ma queue, qu’elle a trouvé tendue : « Tu aimes ça te faire enculer petit PD, je vais te la mettre ma grosse bite dans ton trou de femelle » là je me suis dit qu’elle avait effectivement du nous entendre sa mère et moi. J’ai bandé encore plus fort en l’imaginant derrière la cloimister à se branler pendant que je me faisais enculer. Elle a accéléré ses mouvements : « Je vais jouir dans ton cul salope ! je vais me vider les couilles au fond de toi ! » Elle s’est planté en moi aussi loin qu’elle le pouvait, tirant sur mes hanches de toutes ses powers et j’ai senti les spasmes violent de mister plaisir pendant près d’une minute. Je n’ai pas résisté à mister orgasme. De deux doigts je me suis touché le gland et à peine 10 secondes plus tard je déversais mon sperme sur le bureau en grognant. Je l’ai senti s’écrouler sur moi, ses seins sur mon dos et mister souffle sur ma nuque. Elle m’a serrée dans ses bras et m’a murmuré à l’oreille un « merci » qui m’a ému. Elle s’est retirée doucement de moi et est allée se doucher. Je me suis rhabillé. Peu après, alors qu’elle allait partir, elle s’est approchée de moi : « Tu sais, il n’y aura pas d’autre fois. » « C’est certain. » « Merci. » « Eric a beaucoup de chance, j’espère qu’il sera à la hauteur. » 
Posts: 282
Merci pour ces textes, dont certains lus avec un peu de retard pour cause de week-end... Bonne continuation
Posts: 167325
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Nathan Gets His Way This is the story about a loving young couple who are now living in a cuckold relationship with a very dominating bull, Nathan. The couple, a 24 year old male named Andy and 22 year old female Sarina-lee. They are young and who knows what lies ahead for them in life. This story starts back a year ago when they had been together for two years. They had been living in a small country town by the name of Blackman's Point in the USA, for Sarina's job. Sarina had just started work as a park ranger for a fairly large government organization. It was what she had always wanted, but the job meant a move from the city to the small country town, 6 hours drive from home. This also meant life away from Andy, who had to stay in the city for work. He was a very successful car salesman and had a big client base in the city. The relationship between Andy and Sarina-lee was very strong; they loved each other deeply and a long distance relationship was no barrier. They would still see each other most weekends, as Sarina-lee had a 5 day working roster and Andy had every second weekend off. The relationship was very trusting and a lot of fun for the two lovebirds. They had recently become engaged and they knew that Sarina-lee's job was only in the regional town for a year, then she would be moved back to the city. It was almost a perfect relationship , the only thing that came across as a flaw in the relationship was the sex life. Andy always enjoyed sex but Sarina-lee had not ever experienced an orgasm during intercourse. She could get off on Andy performing oral but just couldn't during sex. Andy could not understand why, but Sarina-lee had told Andy before that she could not feel his cock during intercourse. She loved him and it didn't matter, but Andy always had this in his mind when making love. Sarina-lee could even have a conversation during sex and Andy would feel a little down by this and it would cause him to ejaculate very early on in the sex. Andy only had a fairly small to average cock and this was starting to play on his mind. Sarina-lee is stunning, model like, could be a model if she wanted. She is tall, 180cm, slim and a perfect ass with a beautiful face and although Andy was an athletic fit good looking guy, he had done well to get such a hot fiancée. The sex life was frustrating but the love life was perfect. Sarina had moved away and loved her new job. She made a few quick friends and was one of only three females in her new workplace, ten other guys. Of the ten guys, five of them were between the ages of 22 to 28 and all took an instant liking to this new hot co-worker. It was never a real problem for Sarina, as she was used to sleazes hitting on her back in the city, and Andy never had a problem with it either. Sarina always had to work on the same roster as 2 other park rangers and see to it that the forests and wildlife were good for the time she was at work. Respond to natural complaints and collect fees for the forest from campers. She was partnered up with 2 guys, Steve, a 27 year old and Nathan, a 22 year old. Both were a tad sleazy but knew she was in a relationship. This never seemed to stop Nathan though, who would always make remarks about Sarina. Sarina would tell Andy of the problem but just kept ignoring Nathan's advances. After all he was harmless and she enjoyed working with the two men. Besides that she only had to see them for 8 hours every day , then went to stay in her small unit on the beach at night times and of course travel back to the city every 5th day to be with Andy. The relationship was doing well and both had no problems until one day after Sarina finished work she decided to finally give into the local guys pressure and have a take with them at the creek after work one night. Nathan, Steve and two other guys from work met up with Sarina at the creek around 5pm. Sarina went home and got changed into her normal clothing, but none of the guys had seen her out of the long ranger clothes she wore for work. On this day she wore a mini skirt and a bathing top. When she arrived the guys had already had a few takes. It was only the five of them and when she turned up the guys started to whistle, Sarina was very embarrassed but loved the compliments. Her tanned skin was appealing to Nathan, who could not take his eyes off of her/ The other guys knew Nathan had a thing for her and promised to stay out of his way as they knew he was very keen and they all had partners in the town. On this day the guys used the time to get to know Sarina; they asked her questions about her life, her relationship with Andy and asked why she was away from him, why he never came to visit and she always went back. The questions were all fairly normal but made Sarina feel a bit uncomfortable, especially when Steve said "With a woman like you, he must have a big dick." All the guys laughed and Sarina blushed as Nathan said, "Or small and that's why you want to try me as I have a real mans cock." All the guys once again laughed and Steve replied "Well we all know that's true." Sarina just sat in silence for a while, thinking about how they were trying to lure her in, also thinking about how they seemed to sense her sex life was not great. As she sat there all the guys apart from Nathan went to the creek for a swim. Sarina liked Nathan but didn't feel comfortable with his advances. Nathan was takes now and alone with her on the creek bank. Sarina took her skirt off and asked Nathan if he wanted to swim, he said he would but he only had underwear on under his trousers. Sarina told him to strip off and Nathan did just that; in his Calvin Klein underwear he was semi-hard from looking at Sarina. Sarina slyly glanced down, thinking Nathan wasn't watching and could not believe the size. It was massive and not even erect, must have been twice the size of Andy's, she thought. As she was looking Nathan caught her eye smiled and said, "You can have a closer look if you want/ Andy must be small, hey? " Sarina replied, "What are you talking about? Shut up and come swimming". They proceeded to the creek but Nathan stopped Sarina and took her hand and said, "Feel my cock, it's throbbing for you; I look at you after you come back from the city and you may love him but I can tell he doesn't know how to fuck you properly." "What? Nathan, you are takes, let go," Sarina replied and she shook Nathan's hand away and went back to her car and went home. She got home and called Andy, she told him what happened, except for her looking at Nathan's crotch, of course, and the size of his cock as this might upset Andy. He was upset she had to go through this with a guy from work. Andy also thought Nathan was crossing the line, but didn't feel threatened by his behavior, as Sarina had told him he was harmless. While she was on the phone she said, "Oh,fucking great." "What?" replied Andy. "Nathan is here at my unit; wait on the line," said Sarina in a scared voice. Andy listened on but could not hear anything; two minutes later Sarina was back on the phone. She told him Nathan had just come over to ask if she wanted to fuck him. She told him she didn't know if it was because other guys were around that she was uncomfortable with what Nathan had said to her. Andy was furious and asked her what she told him, Sarina replied, "I just asked him to go away, and that he doesn't get how much I love you." Andy was still mad at the whole situation and told her to wait. He would take a few days off to come visit her. Andy arrived at Sarina's and after a relaxing weekend he went back home. That next week at work Nathan spent the whole week telling her how he was sorry and genuinely wanted to be friends. Sarina was the forgiving type and accepted the apology. She also told Nathan that Andy had stayed with her for the weekend and would be coming again this weekend. Nathan hated Andy since he believed Andy was the reamister Sarina would not fuck him. He wanted Sarina so badly, he always thought she was a flirt and a dick tease. Nathan secretly had a plan. He wanted Sarina and he would do anything to get her. Sarina had no idea about Nathan's plan and went along, thinking Nathan wanted to be friends, to meet Andy and apologize for his actions. Sarina called Andy and told him they would all meet on the second day he was there. Even though he was still mad at Nathan for what he tried to do, he understood Sarina had to get along with the guys and agreed. On the first day of the visit, Andy and Sarina fought because she didn't feel up to making love. Andy was a bit mad. It had been a whole week away and the thought of not pleasing her had made him start to think she may lose interest in him. So instead of staying in for the night they decided to meet a few of Sarina's work colleagues out at the creek. Once again the same four guys were at the creek. It was getting late and all of them were a little takes. Sarina introduced Steve, Mark and Scott, all of whom tried to make Andy feel welcome. Nathan just said a quick hello and they had a few takes together, sharing stories on work and how Andy and Sarina had met. Nathan made no effort to apologize to Andy and still stared at Sarina. Andy felt a little uncomfortable, but thought he would let it slide. After all, the other guys were all friends with Nathan and he had just met them. After several more takes Nathan called Andy away from the group. Andy thought it was for an apology but Nathan took Andy away to say that he could tell Sarina liked him. "Look here, little man, I can tell your girl isn't getting the pleasure she deserves". Andy, not the violent type, pushed Nathan and walked back to the group. Nathan stood just staring and laughing. The other guys who seen the push told Andy not to worry about Nathan -- he was harmless and just a dick head when takes. They calmed Andy and talked some more. As the day turned into night they started a BBQ and went to get more takes. They sat around playing poker and sharing laughs. Out of nowhere Steve said, "Let's play strip poker!" All the guys cheered and Sarina laughed. Andy said, "No, that's unfair. There is only one woman." The guys sensed jealousy and Mark replied, "Come on, Sarina is wearing twice as much as us, and she can stop at underwear," Sarina said, "Yeah, let's do it!" The guys cheered again. Andy looked at Sarina and thought she was playing them. He knew she was wearing the sexiest g-string and he became a bit jealous. Sarina whispered to him, "It's nothing to worry about. This is my last weekend here and then I'm moving back with you. I can start work back in the city at the zoo, it's a great job offer." Andy was happy to hear that, and felt a great sense of relief. He still objected to the game and asked her to come home with him tonight as Nathan was being a dick. She agreed and they left. The guys were not too happy with the way they just took off. Sarina told Steve she was finished working there; she could get a job at the zoo back home. She said she would come back in a few weeks to clear her office space. Nathan's tricks had not worked this time but he believed they would. He really didn't like Andy and still believed Sarina was flirting with him. The other guys all thought it was rude to just take off and thought Andy was a bit of a wanker. Time went on. It had been a month since Sarina was back living with Andy. They were enjoying life. Sex was still dull, but life was back to normal - until one day they were watching a movie. A guy appeared naked on the screen, and he had quite a big cock. Andy said, "Wow that's big. Must be fake, all the movie guys are fake." Without even thinking Sarina said, "I doubt it's fake... I mean, Nathan's looked bigger when he was swim..." She stopped and the room went quiet. Andy asked, "What do you mean, you've seen him naked? You, you..." He was starting to go red. Sarina replied, "No, no! I am sorry. I just meant we all went swimming and the guys all commented on his bulge, I mean it stuck out." "Oh great," said an angry Andy. "I mean no harm," said Sarina as she grabbed Andy and started to make out. They had sex but Andy only lasted a minute as he couldn't get the thought of Nathan's comments out of his head. It was bad enough that he was having a real go at Sarina, but knowing Nathan had a huge package really started to get to him. After a few more days had passed Sarina had a call. Steve and Nathan said that she left her handbag that her grandma gave her at work, and they were coming to the city to stay for a weekend and would return it. They wanted to come by and see Sarina and have a few catch up takes, as they felt bad for the last time they left. Sarina missed the guys and although Nathan was a dick to Andy, she had heaps of fun with them. She told Andy and after hours of fighting he finally agreed they could come for a few hours and have a few takes. She told Steve to make sure Nathan was on his best behavior or he would be asked to leave. The guys turned up late Friday afternoon and gave Sarina her bag. Sarina had prepared a BBQ for them and had a few bottles of scotch as well. The guys began takeing and Nathan was being very friendly to Andy. Everyone was getting along and happily playing poker beside the pool. Nathan then said, "Let's play strip poker." Once again they all laughed, except Andy. Sarina told him to lighten up and Andy told Sarina she was takeing too much. Nathan said, "She only has to go to underwear." 
Posts: 167325
It had taken off from where it left off back in the country. The arguing stopped and Sarina agreed in a loud takes voice, "It's only a game." Andy finally gave in, but was a bit mad. They had played a few rounds and Sarina was down to just her jeans and a bra. The guys were trying hard not to stare; Nathan was not hiding his looks at all. All the other guys were fully clothed except Andy, in jeans and underwear, and Mark in his jeans and underwear. Nathan made a comment, "Well, I bet Mark is cuckolds brownieting himself, as Sarina might see his micro dick." Mark said, "I'm not taking underwear off. My wife would ******* me, and besides it is only a small cock I have. "But so what, my wife loves it." Nathan laughed to himself. He knew Mark's wife too well, and he also knew Mark's wife loved his own big cock. Nathan was fucking half the town back home, including a few of the wives of his so called 'friends.' The game continued and all of a sudden Sarina lost another hand. The guys were a bit takes by now and all cheered loudly! "Finally, I get to see that ass!" said Nathan. Andy was mad, but all the guys said they were playing until the end. And this was the end, or so they thought! Sarina took her jeans off and showed her sexy, gorgeous ass and legs off to the guys. Nathan started to adjust his cock in excitement. Everyone could see that Nathan loved what he was looking at. Andy said, "Enough, that's enough!" Sarina looked upset that Andy was angry, but sat down. It went silent and then Nathan interrupted, "OK, I have a deal. A proposition." "No," interrupted Andy. "Hear the guy out," muttered Mark as Sarina looked on, wondering what was about to come out of Nathan's mouth. Nathan continued, "You all know I want to fuck Sarina." Andy was looking in disbelief. "Wait for me to finish," said Nathan. " I have $5,000 here and I am putting it on the table for you Andy. All us guys will strip so we have only underwear on. You have your jeans and underwear on, you can also put your shirt and top back on. Four pieces of clothing to us four guys with one piece each. You have to keep yourself from losing all your clothes and get at least one of us naked and we will give you the $5,000.Your odds are great." Sarina, looking shocked, said, "Wow, $5,000, but what if he loses,?What if the rare shot that he loses?" Nathan went on, "If he loses I, and only I, get to fuck you, but in front of Andy." Andy was speechless and Sarina looked shocked. "Think about it, it's 5,000," said Nathan. Sarina came to Andy, Nathan staring at her ass the whole time. "Hun, there is no way you will lose. 5,000 is a lot of money." Andy said, "But what if I did, how painful that would be for us!" Sarina replied, "If we lost and he did it, I would promise to hate it. But they can't cheat, if they do we will call it off, and we could ask for compensation?" Andy replied to Nathan, "What if I lose and you still give us half the money?" Sarina was shocked that Andy gave in just like that and was willing to sell his fiancés body off to a man he hated. Nathan made a quick comment. "See, he thinks you're his whore." "Not true," said Andy. "Deal," said Nathan. "OK, let's do it," said Sarina, looking a bit upset at Andy. "No, let's not," said Andy. "Too late," said all the guys, "You asked him and he agreed." Sarina, still looking shocked, went and sat between Nathan and Steve. "Oh fuck it then," Andy angrily replied, "Let's get this over with, but no cheating." He thought the odds were on his side, but didn't know that these guys were all very good at poker. They had just been playing around up until now. They began to play. Nathan and the guys won the first 3 hands. Andy was in just his underwear. Nathan made a remark, "I will fuck her so good Andy. Fuck her like you couldn't." Andy was getting mad. Sarina was looking on, thinking about how this had come so far, that in a few moments she could be taking Nathan's big cock in front of Andy. Nathan then said, "I have another deal, a new deal. If you lose this hand, I am fucking Sarina, but you have a chance of getting all $5,000." "How?" said Sarina with her eyes lighting up. It was a lot of money to her, and money they could use well. "We will all take our pants off and you can measure our cocks. If Andy's is bigger than at least one of us you get the $5,000." "And if not?" whined Andy. "Well, I just get the satisfaction out of humiliating your small cock, as it would have to be bigger than Mark's." All the guys laughed and agreed it would be small if it was any smaller than Mark's. At this stage Andy was getting hard from a confusing feeling, but the bulge was noticeable to Sarina. He wondered if Sarina had ever let on he had a small cock, which she had never done. Nathan was also getting hard and was trying to make his big bulge more noticeable. Sarina could see the bulge in Nathan's pants and the anger in Andy's eyes. Andy loudly said, "This has to stop." "NO. SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!" commanded Nathan. "We had a deal and we are finishing this." The other guys all agreed. "We did have a deal," said Sarina in a light voice. "OK," Andy replied in a husky voice. The next hand was played and would you believe it, Andy lost again. All the guys busted out with laughter and Nathan said with great relief, "Come here Sarina, and sit on my lap." Sarina walked over and did just that. Andy was furious, but Sarina was sitting on Nathan's lap, feeling Nathan's large bulge on her ass, getting bigger and harder. She was getting wet from this and could not believe the size of it compared to Andy's. Andy jumped up and tried to grab Nathan, but the other three guys all wrestled him inside to the lounge room floor. "Calm down!" yelled Nathan, as he grabbed a bag he'd brought and pulled out some ropes and handcuffs. "Put these on him, boys" he said. The guys put the ropes around Andy and tied him up. Sarina walked over and said, "Sorry babe, we had a deal. At least we get $1500, or maybe $5000. I promise I won't enjoy it, I promise." Andy was crying a bit but then said, "Well measure us then, Nathan, you wanker!" Nathan chuckled and said, "You will wish you never said that. No one calls me a wanker." They had Andy tied up against a brick pole in the lounge room. Nathan then pulled a measuring tape out and said, "OK guys, pull your underwear down, and pull Andy's off". They all tore Andy's off and Nathan cracked up laughing, "Looks like it's only $1,500." They laughed, all hard as a rock from the excitement. Sarina took the tape. Nathan said, "Don't measure in inches, measure in centimeters today. It could be close." So she measured Andy. "12cm," she said. "Oh yes!" yelled Nathan with excitement on his face. Now the other guys lined up. it was clear that Scott and Steve were a lot bigger. Nathan had not taken his pants off yet. "Measure the guys," said Nathan "OK" replied Sarina. "Steve is 17cm, Scott 18cm and Mark is only 13cm." They all looked at Andy and laughed. "Oh cuckolds brownie, I'd hate to be you," said Scott "Measure Nathan," said Steve. Nathan pulled his pants down. It was huge and still floppy. Sarina was looking in shock. "OK, boys, get out, go home. It is just us three staying here now," Nathan said whilst playing with his huge cock. "Wait, one more thing before you go. Can you pull the device from my bag and put it on Andy, my boy here?" It was planned, thought Andy, but before he could say anything Nathan told to Sarina cover herself with a towel and give him her g-string. She did and sat in the lounge room watching. Nathan put the g-string in Andy's mouth and used tape around his head to hold it in. "This is a chastity device, made from strong surgical steel pindick. Only I have a key. I know you're thinking this wasn't part of the deal, but you called me a wanker and I am making it a part of the deal. You had better hope she doesn't like my big cock, but I'm guessing she will, as your 12-year-old-boy's cock is way too small for such a hot babe. And let me tell you, if she likes my cock, I will be keeping you locked up! I will have the key and I will be your master. Yes, Master Nathan," he laughed. Andy was trying to yell but he couldn't get a word out. Nathan continued, "Don't worry. You and she can still love each other. She will just be fucking me and not you. No need to fuck you anymore if I satisfy her." He was loving this situation. He had Andy tied up, waiting to watch as he would fuck his hot babe in front of him. The guys jammed the device on Andy's cock; they adjusted it and locked it. Then they left, all looking amused and wishing they were in Nathan's position, wishing they could stay and watch, but their job was done. 
Posts: 167325
"Oh Sarina, you are so fucking hot. I have wanted this so bad, now come and measure me. Put my cock in your hand and tell me how this useless fiancée of yours has ever managed to make you cum." "Well, he hasn't," said Sarina. "What! Haha,"laughed Nathan. "Oh this will be fun. Have you got a measurement?" "Oh um, it's so big. It's 19cm, I think," she said in light tone. "I'm not hard yet. Play with my cock and tell me how you like to be fucked," replied Nathan. "Well, what do you mean, it's even bigger? I don't know. I just think you should do this and get it over with," said Sarina. She was really wet and just tried to block out Andy and get the job done. "Now measure, babe," said Nathan. "22cm," said Sarina in a shocked voice "That's 4 inches bigger than what you're used to, and I'm way thicker too. You will never feel his little cock again." Sarina was getting wet, really wet. The holy water had taken its effect, and the adrenalin had kicked in. She said, "I can't feel him Nathan. He is too small! Please be careful with me, you're so big." Andy was looking very furious. Nathan had a smile from ear to ear as he pulled Sarina up and put her on the lounge suite. Nathan then revealed Sarina's freshly waxed pussy. He went down on Sarina; she had promised not to enjoy it but he was great. Andy was ok at oral but Nathan was equal. It took only a few minutes and Sarina climaxed. She looked at Nathan as he got up from the floor and asked, "Are you ready for a real man?" Sarina said, "Oh yes, please be gentle." Andy watched on, tears running down his face. The more he cried, the better Nathan felt. It took two minutes of gentle thrusting for Sarina not to be in pain; she had never felt such a cock inside her before. After another two minutes she was really getting lost in another world, a new world to her. She was trying not to, as she promised her fiancée, who she loved so much, that she would not enjoy it, but it was too much for her. The sight of her submissive fiancée watching on as his big hung enemy fucked her properly was too much for her, she started to moan, "Oh Nathan, oh Nathan... fuck yes, I'm cumming, ohhhh my god, oh my god! Fuck yes, please don't stop." This went on for ages and multiple orgasms, Nathan staring at Andy and feeling like the ultimate superior male. They tried different positions for the next 30 minutes, Nathan had her about to have the best orgasm you could ever imagine and then said, "Will you fuck me again?" "YES!" she replied. "You will not fuck him anymore. He cums when I say." "YES!" "I am keeping the money, all of it?" "YES!" she screamed, "Oh please Nathan, never stop." Sarina was cumming again and had never even imagined an orgasm could feel like this. Andy was furious, humiliated; he couldn't believe his eyes but she was cumming again. Nathan stared at Andy, "Get used to it, baby cock. I think I am going to love being a part of this relationship, and you will be locked away. No way out except for me. Bolt cutter won't work, tools won't work, you're my bitch... or our bitch," laughed Nathan as he continued to fuck Sarina hard from behind. After another five minutes Nathan finally let out a massive groan. He took his cock out of her, turned her over on her back and squirted a massive load on her pussy, ass, and stomach. It was a huge load. He looked at Andy and said, "I will take you out of the ropes, untie you, and take the tape off your mouth. You are to come and lick my cum from her pussy and her body. You are to get every drop or I will keep you locked away for a month. I have the only keys and they are with the other guys at the moment. If you are good I will let you have release from time to time, but no wanking. You will always clean Sarina up after we fuck. you will wear a condom and she will let you dry fuck her ass cheeks until you cum. After that you will wear the chastity device and I will un-cuff you once it is on. Do you both understand" "Yes!" said Sarina. "That was unbelievable. I am your fuck slave, Nathan." Andy cried out "Why? Oh OK, but why? Please just leave us!" Nathan said, "Sarina wants this now, she needs this. Besides I will leave you two alone to love each other. I'll just be down every weekend, if you invite me. And I am guessing if you want release from the chastity device I will be down quite a bit. But remember, you must be hand cuffed to the bed before I will let you out of the device to watch, and the closest you get to tasting her is with my cum on her, do you both understand?" "Yes, I do. It was unbelievable," said Sarina. Andy stood, tied still, and lost for words. He was Nathan's slave, a slave to his own fiancée. Nathan said if Andy tried to fight him that the keys would disappear. The device was well fitted and Andy could tell Nathan was not joking. Nathan took his time untying Andy, laughing the whole time. He grabbed Andy and took him to Sarina. "Now lean down and clean her up with your tongue." Andy bent down and licked Sarina's pussy. By surprise, Sarina started to enjoy the licking. Nathan, powering Andy's head between her legs, said, "Make her cum, make her cum or you will clean my cock with your mouth." Andy was trying not to swallow Nathan's cum, but with Nathan applying so much pressure it was hard for Andy to breathe let alone avoid the sperm. Andy continued to lick Sarina into another orgasm. "Now swallow my cum," said Nathan. Andy swallowed the cum. Sarina laid on the lounge suite, completely satisfied for the first time in her life. Nathan went on to tell Andy that he would be gone for a week and that whole time he would do anything Sarina said. Andy would call Nathan and ask him to stay with them whenever he needed release. With that he waved at Sarina, picked up his clothes, and left. Sarina went to Andy, hugged and kissed him. "Don't worry babe. I am so sorry, but he was so good. Please don't be mad, but I have never felt like that and I want to feel that again. I like this lifestyle and I hope you accept it... not that you have much choice," Sarina said. Andy was in shock but knew he had no control. "But we can still make love, right?" he asked. "Well that's up to Nathan, babe> He has the key and I am guessing he won't let you. Maybe you should apologize for calling him a wanker? I mean, he is a dickhead but he does know how to fuck a woman." They laid there in each other's arms, both thinking about the future. That was the first part to the new life of this loving couple. For now, Nathan is the master of these two lovebirds who still love each other dearly. Andy tried to hang out as long as he could, trying hard to remove the device with no luck. It had been three days and Nathan called to demand that Andy lick Sarina to an orgasm every night until he asked for Nathan to return. He was to buy her the sexiest outfit for his arrival and to be cuffed to the chair. Sarina could not wait for Nathan to return and during the next three nights was begging Andy to get Nathan over. Andy finally accepted, through all the frustration he needed to cum. He needed relief from this steel device. Nathan returned and, as promised, after seven days of no release he released Andy for him to dry fuck Sarina's ass cheeks with a condom. Nathan loved to humiliate Andy. This was the ultimate degradation and he would continue to do this for some time. Nathan threw Andy off as he came and said, "Now it's my turn." 
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It had been another full week that had passed. Andy was frustrated; he had tried to get out of the steel device but had no luck. He had tried bolt cutters, power tools, but they were too dangerous. Andy HAD to accept this new lifestyle. As for Sarina, his girlfriend, she had told Andy how happy she has been with him over the last week. Their relationship, according to her had hit new heights of happiness because she felt that Andy was rarely grumpy, would not argue, and done nearly anything asked of him, including cooking, housework, massaging Sarina -- which had become extremely frustrating for Andy as he had no way of release. He would massage Sarina's perfect ass and would beg for her to let him fuck her, but Sarina would remind him that Nathan was the 'key holder' and this was the new lifestyle they would be living from now on . On this night, 7 days since Nathan's last visit, Andy started to massage Sarina. Sarina had asked him to massage her ass and as Andy started to do this the pain of his cock, tying to escape the cage, was becoming too much. Andy started to whine about the pain. Sarina handed Andy the phone, "Well, call Nathan babe, I want you to have release. You deserve it; you have been so good over the last week." "But I WANT to make love to you, and Nathan won't let me. I know he won't", whimpered Andy. "Just call him babe, I will ask him to let you fuck me", she replied. Andy then made and sent a text to Nathan asking him to come stay with them ASAP. Nathan quickly replied with a "yes, tomorrow" text. Another day had passed and Andy arrived home from work to find Sarina in a sexy outfit he had bought for her. It was a black corset with a hot set of fishnet stockings and a g-string. "Wow," Andy shouted. "Don't get too excited dear, Nathan will be here in 10 minutes, Sarina purred, "so handcuff yourself to the chair in the bedroom and make sure you are naked". "Yes, I will," Andy immediately surrendered, "but remember to tell Nathan to let me and you have sex." Sarina just replied with a hurried, "Quick babe, go... NOW." Andy walked to the bedroom thinking something didn't seem right. He stripped down, and sat on the solid chair fixed to a wall. His mind wondering what was going to happen? Sarina came in and handcuffed Andy to the chair and his legs together. As she did so Andy whispered, "Dam, babe, you are making me so horny in that outfit." Sarina straightened up slowly after handcuffing Andy's ankles together. "Sorry Andy, Nathan called and we discussed the possibility of you and I fucking. He said no chance." As she said this she looked down at Andy who looked like he had just lost a million dollars. "Sorry babe," she continued, "but Nathan has also said he is taking this to the next level." "What...Why... What is THAT supposed too mean?" Nathan stammered. Sarina stood in silence as they heard the door open and Nathan yell "Honey I'm home is Andy secured?" "Yes babe" replied Sarina. Nathan entered the room. He gave Andy a cocky grin, dropped his bag and stared at Sarina with amazement. "Holy fucking cuckolds brownie. Look at you, you're amazing." Sarina was blushing, as Nathan just stood there admiring those long legs. Andy, becoming jealous and angry said, "Nathan, please let me and Sarina have sex. Please, I am begging you, it has been 8 days and you must have an idea of how that would feel. I am asking with all my heart, please." "Shut up wimp, you're NOT fucking her. She needs a real man." Nathan taunted. "You have no idea how it felt for ME working with her all that time and just wanting to fuck her, but all I could do was wank. So shut it, I don't care how long you are in that for." Nathan continued over to Sarina and grabbed her on the ass, started to kiss her neck and gently rubbed her groin with his other hand. Andy interrupted, "Nathan, you.... You... please?" Nathan charged over to Andy "What am I? Go on say it! Say it you pin-dick wimp!" "Sorry Nathan, but please reamister with us," muttered Andy. Nathan looked at Andy. "Take a seat next to us Sarina," Nathan said as he motioned her over. "Now Sarina do you want him to have release? He is pissing me off! So, he will not be fucking you, but he may get release if you say so." "Ohh, yes Nathan, he should have release, " Sarina granted. But, Andy looked terrified. He was beginning to think release was going to be counted out. "Ok then," said Nathan, "but on one condition." "What? WHAT condition?" questions the worried Andy. As Nathan stripped naked, he gave the key to Andy's chastity cage to Sarina and instructed her to remove his device. Once the device was off, Nathan stood there naked with his huge cock in his hand, getting it hard, while staring at Sarina. Sarina was starring back at Nathan's huge cock, getting wetter by the second! Nathan gave a measuring tape to Sarina and asked her to re-measure Andy's cock. Sarina started to measure. "Look at the small head on his cock," laughed Nathan. "Mine is 6 inches around and his must be 4" taunted Nathan. "Ohh, my god... it has shrunk" exclaimed Sarina. "What?" yelled Andy. Nathan snickered, "Read it, what does it say?" "10cm!" replied Sarina with a shocked face. "THAT is really small honey," she said to Andy as he sat in disbelief. But it was the truth, Andy realized... he had seen it himself. Nathan explained to them how wearing a device for such a period of time would shrink the penis because the cage was 9cm long and every time Andy got an erection it would fight the 9cm device with no hope of getting completely erect. "Therefore," Nathan grinned, "Every time your little penis tries to get hard it retracts in to the body and hence it is getting smaller!" Andy groaned out loud as he looked down at his little prick. "You have a cock that is under half the size of mine," teased Nathan, "how would you ever, ever please Sarina now?" Sarina was laughing with Nathan. She found it a bit funny and so while looking at Andy's tiny dick said, "It's cute babe, don't worry I love you for you, not your cock." Andy had tears running down his cheeks. Nathan again asked Andy if he wanted release. "Yes," whispered Andy. "Ok, on one condition" Nathan taunted. "What is it Nathan? What this time," groaned Andy. "Since I have been away, I have not had a wank in 4 days," Nathan stated, "I would not last too long with a hot babe like Sarina... so I need pre-release." "NO, Nathan" interrupted Andy. "Well Andy boy, if you want release you will suck my cock dry. Every drop." instructed Nathan. "You will not bite or I will throw the key away... after I smash you." Both Andy and Sarina looked shocked. "No way Nathan... I WILL not," protested Andy. "II know we don't like each other but please be reamisterable... have some respect" pleaded Andy. Nathan laughed again, smirked at Andy and replied, "Andy, you are right, I do fucking hate you. I love seeing you in denial, degrading you, fucking your hot bride-to-be, but you will be sucking my cock. If not today, I will lock you up and you will stay locked until you SUCK ME OFF, I don't care if you wait a year." Sarina was becoming impatient, she was horny as hell and wanted to fuck. "Babe just suck his cock, I won't watch" "NO," yelled Andy, "I am not a fag, for fuck's sake. Nathan you wanker, please," With that Nathan picked up the device and started to put it back on Andy. Andy was struggling... he spat on Nathan while swearing, and a***ing him, but Nathan jammed it back on. 
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"Fuck you Andy, you can stay in for another week, and you will pay for spitting on me," before Andy could reply, Nathan picked up his own underwear and jammed it in Andy's mouth. "Taste ME, boy. Taste my ass and cock," he said as he used tape to secure it to Andy. Sarina was now playing with herself, rubbing her pussy through her new panties, "Come Nathan, fuck me now." "Not yet babe, I have a present for Andy," Nathan said with a smile. Andy was really gasping now, he could not get a word out through Nathan's underwear. Nathan wanted so bad to fuck Sarina, but being really disciplined, he started to masturbate. "Oh, Andy, I can't wait to fuck your girl, she is so hot., You will never fuck her again that is for sure... and I have some 'spit' for you. I am so close to cumming, and you will get my 4 days worth of cum all over your face. One hundred percent Nathan, ALL for you, and then I'll fuck Sarina good. Oh yeah, I'm wanking over your girl, faggot," Nathan crowed, "Oh fuck yeah, its cumming baby. Ohhhhhhhhh," with that Nathan shot a massive load 20 cm from Andy's face. It went all over Andy's eyes, it was load after LOAD, at least 5 massive squirts of cum, and it looked like a small cup full over his face. Sarina was looking away, but laughing "Ohh my god Nathan, it's like a fire hose," she said. Andy was crying, but you could not see it through his face. Nathan then removed the underwear from Andy's mouth. Andy could not talk, he was gasping for air and trying to spit away the cum, but Nathan then went to Sarina and removed her g-string, wiped Andy's face clean of cum and quickly gagged him with Sarnia's g-string and new tape. "There you go boy, you have tasted my cum on its own and then a mixture of my cum with your fiancée's wet underwear. So wet because she likes my real man cock." The truth was the underwear was drenched! Sarina had never been so turned on before. The thought of a dominant man with a huge cock, who wanted her so badly, had become too much for her. She was dripping with excitement. Nathan began to stroke himself, gaining another erection, he said, "Now it's our turn babe". Nathan went down on Sarina. He was more passionate this time round, kissing her from feet up to her groin before he went on to lick her into an orgasm. Sarina started to feel the sweet sensations from the last time Nathan was over. She was losing control. Nathan had complete mental control over Sarina. Nathan stopped half way through licking her clit, glanced over to Andy and said, "Hey Andy, next time I am over you had better get a good taste of me, or I will have Sarina fuck your ass with a clone cock of mine.", Andy sat humiliated, again, his cock throbbing, balls full of cum. Nathan continued to lick Sarina until she was begging for his cock, "Nathan, please fuck me, get this done, I NEED it." With that Nathan stood to his feet and turned Sarina around on her knees to face Andy. He then began to fuck her doggie style. "Ohh Nathan... that's it... please don't stop," Sarina panted as she instantly started to climax. "Oh my god... oh fuck....oh yeah," Sarina pants out each phrase as Andy watches Nathan's cock slide deeper into her. "Ohhh...that... feels...SO..GOOD!" She screams as Nathan's cock enters her all the way. Slowly Andy watches as Nathan pulls his cock out and then slides it back in... over and over again with Sarina's pants coming faster and louder with each stroke. "Yeah Sarina, you like it huh?" Nathan gloats as he glances over to Andy. "It feels like getting FUCKED by a real man, huh? With this Nathan turns Sarina on her back and starts pumping away. "Ha... look over there Sarina," Nathan says, "your wimp is getting off watching me do what he CAN'T. With his words Sarina begins to plateau in her orgasm. Her pussy had become sopping wet with the orgasm she had been waiting for all week. Her stomach was heaving up and down as Nathan's huge member slid in and out of her... causing the lips of her pussy to swell. She screams "Oh YEAH..FUCK ME NATHAN... give me your HUGE COCK." "Don't worry pin dick... I am definitely FUCKING HER," Nathan grunts as his cock picks up the pace. Andy watches in pain as the two of them fuck... Nathan with full powerful thrusts of his hips and Sarina with legs wrapped around them urging her pleasure toward completion. Each of them panting 'oh yeah' and 'oh fuck' with an occasional 'take it' and 'give it to me' with Andy's eyes staring at them he KNOWS... they are coming TOGETHER. Nathan slowly pulls his long softening cock out of Sarina. Sarina lay their satisfied, amazed at the feeling she experiences with Nathan. "Ok Andy," Nathan says with a grin, as he looks down on Andy, "Now you have a chance to get release, your last chance before I return next week. I will undo your gag and you will suck my cock clean, ok? Nod once if you will." Andy wanted release so bad, his cock was throbbing, fighting to get out of the device. He gave a nod. "Good BOY, Andy, and remember if you bite you will regret it." With this, Nathan undoes the gag and takes a hold of his huge cock. "Now suck it Andy," as he powerd it into Andy's mouth. Andy couldn't believe what he was now doing, he knew he could not fight it... he wanted release and didn't want anymore pain. As much as he wanted to bite Nathan's dick off, he knew there would be a price to pay. So he tried to suck all of Nathans cock but it was so thick and long that Andy was gagging the whole time... trying not to fetish. "That's it Andy, suck until I say stop. ALL the way... no teeth. Just lips and tongue... ohh yeah... you're a good cocksucker. Taste my manhood and Sarina's cum. Taste it all." Nathan watched as his new cocksucker worked his dick over. He turned to Sarina and said "Look Sarina, you're dating a fag, he loves this!" Sarina sat staring in disbelief. She had her hand covering her mouth, trying not to be sick. Nathan then removed his cock and walked to the dressing table and started to get dressed. Andy asked, "Nathan, you said you would release me?" "Fuck off Andy. I will release you... next time I come... when you suck my cock and I blow in your mouth," Nathan grabs his crotch for emphasis as he says it. "No, Nathan, please," Andy whined. Nathan began to walk out of the room. "Sarina, undo his cuffs when I'm gone. And, Andy any playing up and I'll bring some other men with me next time," Nathan promises, "Goodbye cuckold bitch." Nathan walks to Sarina and kisses her hand ,"Goodbye my lover, until next time.". Andy screams, "STOP him babe, please, he's fucking with us, please undo me." Nathan was already gone as Sarina replied, "Babe, you SUCKED his COCK... you really sucked it, and I bet you liked it.. you're a bisexual now and... and... a cocksucker." "No, babe... please... undo the cuffs so I can get the key." But in response to his plea Sarina walked over to Andy and powerd his face into her cream filled pussy, "Lick me clean babe, taste Nathans man juice in my pussy." Andy licked away... every drop. It went on for 5 minutes and by this time Nathan had escaped. As Sarina left the room she casually said, "Babe, think about what you have done... sucked a mans cock... I'm ashamed. I don't know what Nathan has in store for us but I'm guessing YOU will be calling him everyday to BEG him to come back. You have his number. You are just lucky he didn't film you sucking his cock, or did he?"......... 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Blackmail Mary looked at the 10 x 8 glossy prints as she waited for the phone to ring. It showed her in great detail leaning over the desk of Bob Levant, the financial director of Burtondales. Her blouse was open and her bra pulled up over her large exposed breasts, which at the time were been handled by Bob who was also clearly deeply embedded in her from the rear. The picture had arrived in the internal post that morning. With it was a letter stating that the picture and other copies would be distributed around the company if she did not follow the instructions that would be phoned to her later that day. She had immediately rang Bob and he came to her office. Like Mary, he too was horrified when he saw the picture. "Who the hell took this," he burst out when he looked at it. Mary shook her head. "How am I supposed to know that? It's taken in your office," she retorted. "If this gets out, were both for the chop. You know how BJ feels about relationships in the workplace." He tossed the print back on Mary's desk. "I wonder what he is going to ask for?" Mary said. "If it's blackmail, I can't afford to pay." Bob shrugged. "You'll have to let me know and we maybe can sort something out." For the rest of the day it had been hard for Mary to concentrate on her work, and she was glad when the majority of the staff left. She had been told to wait in the office for the call, and before she went, she had asked Fran, her secretary, to go and fetch her some food from the cafeteria. She nibred on the sandwich looking constantly at the phone. It was 8pm when at last the phone rang. "Hello, Mary." It was a man's voice that she did not recognize. "I guess you got the picture; nice and clear, wasn't it? I've several others; maybe you would like to see them." "What do you want? I don't have much money." "It's not money I want, Mary. It's you I want." "Me?" Mary inquired. "Yes, you. You are a very attractive woman. I don't want a lot from you,just a few small requests. Do as I ask and soon it will be all over. But you must do exactly as I ask: one mistake, one refusal, and I will send the prints to BJ." "You wouldn't! I would be finished here if you did." "I know. That's why I said what I did. Just follow my instructions to the letter and everything will be okay. I'm sure that's what Bob will tell you to do because his job's on the line as well." Mary sat and thought for a moment. "Okay," she said at last, "what is it you want me to do?" "That's what I wanted to hear." The voice at the other end of the phone was lighter now. "Just one little instruction before we start. On your way home tonight, I want you to call in at Wal-Mart and get yourself a new mobile phone with a Blue Tooth earpiece. When I call tomorrow, I want you to give me the number, and in the future we will use that. Okay?" Mary told him that she understood. "Right. I'm glad we understand each other, Mary. Now for this evening's task-- it looks as though everyone has left your office." Mary suddenly looked around. Obviously, whoever it was on the phone could see her. "No, you can't see me," the voice said, "but I can see you very clearly, and I do like the blue suit. As always, you look very smart in that." Mary felt uncomfortable knowing that someone unseen was watching her. Was it a member of the staff? Was she being stalked? "What is it you want from me?" She spoke into the phone. "Not much, just a little fun," the voice said. "Tonight I just want to see you follow instructions. Now to start with, I want you to put the phone on speaker. You will need your hands free." Mary pressed the speaker button on the phone and replaced the receiver. Now the voice seemed louder. "You can still hear me, but I may not be able to hear you so well, so just nod or shake your head. Can you hear me clearly?" Mary nodded her head. "Very good," the voice said. "Now get up and walk towards the window." Mary did as requested. "That's very good. Keep that up and things will go along fine. Now move the small chair on your right and place it behind you." Again Mary did as requested, wondering where all this was leading. She stood in front of the chair looking out at the almost darkened windows of the office blocks. Across the courtyard, some lights were still on, and she could see cleaners working in some of the other offices. Was the voice out there watching her? Was he in one of the offices across the courtyard? "Right, Mary. We'll get started. First of all, I want you to remove all your clothes." She didn't move. She just stood looking at the darkened window. "Did you hear me? I said remove all your clothes!" She nodded nervously, but still didn't move. "Now, Mary, don't spoil things before we even get started. I have the pictures here. All I have to do is post them, and you and Bob—well, neither of you might not be able to get another job without a reference." Mary knew it was hopeless. She either had to follow his instructions or take the consequences, and she didn't want to lose her job. She guessed Bob would feel the same. So she knew she had to submit herself to some perverted stranger's warped desires. She felt almost traumatized as she moved her hands up and began unbuttoning her jacket. She slipped it off and laid it over the back of the chair. She did the same with her blouse, and then slipped out of her skirt. It felt strange standing in front of the window of her office in just her underwear. She didn't know who might be out there watching. There were hundreds of windows; any number of people could be out there. She shuddered at the thought. "Very nice," the voice from the speaker phone said. "Victoria's Secret?" Mary nodded. She now felt ashamed and humiliated. "Right. Let's get down to the interesting bit. Although your undie's are very pretty, you will now have to take them off as well." Mary stared at the darkened window. She could see her reflection in it, standing there in just her brief underwear and her hold ups. She noted that some more of the lights had gone off across the court yard and there was now no sign of the cleaners, but still she knew anyone could be out there watching. Reluctantly she moved her hands up to the clasp of her bra. She flicked it undone, and then peeled off the bra. She felt her nipples stiffen as the coolness of the air conditioning hit them. She dropped the bra on top of her other discarded clothes, and then she hooked her fingers in the waist band of her briefs and slowly slid them over her hips. She stooped to retrieve them as they fell down around her ankles. She stood up and saw again her reflection in the darkened glass. Her naked body stared back at her. "You have a wonderful body," the voice said. It was lower this time. "I have seen it before, but not in such detail. Bob obstructed the view last time, and you didn't remove all your clothes. I like you better completely naked." Mary shivered slightly and she felt her nipples harden. Her body was reacting; the pervert was having an effect on her. She couldn't believe it. "Turn around slowly for me." The voice broke her out of her trance. Again she did as instructed, and finished facing the window again. "Delightful! We are going to have fun, you and me. Now sit down on the chair." Mary sat down. The leather of the seat was cool on her bare flesh. She shivered again and sat there waiting. What was going to happen next?" "Right, Mary. Now I want you to lean back on the chair and open your legs wide. I want to be able to see every detail of what lies between them." Now she really felt mortified. Just how far was he taking this? Hadn't he done enough making her strip naked in front of God knows how many pairs of eyes that might be out there? But again, reluctantly, she complied with his wishes. "Nice pussy. I'm pleased to see you keep it neatly trimmed; don't like to see them hidden." She sat there with her legs wide apart staring at her reflection. "Now for the exciting bit, Mary," the voice spoke again. "I want you to make yourself cum for me, and I want the real thing--no faking; just use your fingers." She couldn't believe what he was asking her to do--play with herself in front of the window. She was about to scream. "No, I won't." But then she thought of the consequences. She knew she would have to comply. Her hands moved down between her legs. She eased the pussy lips apart and was not surprised to feel them wet. She slid one finger into the warm wet interior and moved it slowly around. Her thumb located the hard nub of her clit and pressed it gently making herself groan. Then while slipping another finger inside, she proceeded to finger fuck herself, rotating her clit with her thumb while her fingers slid in and out of her wet pussy. Although she was feeling a little worked up by what she had been asked to do, she wondered if she could actually bring herself off under the circumstances, but it was not too long before she felt her body responding. She closed her eyes; it was bad enough doing it with out watching herself. She felt the pleasure welling up inside her. She was hot and horny with the exertion, and then she came, groaning and gasping deep breaths. She slumped back in the chair breathing heavily; the speaker phone was now silent. A few moments went by. "You did that very well." The voice now seemed a little strained. "You can dress when you are ready. Don't forget what I said about the Blue Tooth. I will call you tomorrow." There was a click as the caller replaced the receiver and she heard the sound of the dialing tone. Mary eased herself up off the chair. The red leather was wet with her juices. She would have to clean that before she left. She picked up her discarded clothes and made her way to the ladies wash room where she cleaned herself up before redressing. She returned to the office, cleaned the chair, and straightened things before she left. She drove home reflecting on what she had done. How far were things going to have to go? What more was there in store for her? She followed his instructions and called at Wall-mart, buying a phone with Blue Tooth. The helpful guy even set it up for her ready to use. Back at home, she had a restless night and was still tired when she woke. After a shower and breakfast, she made her way back to the office. Around ten her phone rang. Was it her caller? She was relieved when she discovered it was Bob. "Can I come over and see you? I think we need to talk." "I'm free at the moment." "I'll be there in five." Minutes later there was a knock on the door and Bob came in. He had a large brown envelope in his hands. "I guess he rang last night?" Bob said. Mary nodded. "He's not after money is he?" 
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She shook her head. "No, not at the moment." She wondered if should she tell him what went on. He placed the envelope in front of her. Mary opened it and slid out a series of 10 x 8 prints. She gasped. They showed her undressing. They were crystal clear and showed every detail. When she got to the last one, she began to feel faint. "My God, how could he?" she exclaimed. Bob shook his head. "I'm glad for our sake you went along with him although it must have been awful for you to do those things." Mary looked at him. "What more could I do?" "I don't know," said Bob, shaking his head. "Is he calling again?" Mary nodded. "He said he'd call later today." "I know it's not very nice for you, but you will just have to humor him. Hopefully he will soon tire of his little game." Mary was unsure and Bob did not sound too hopeful. "If there is anything I can do to help, you know you only have to call." She nodded. "Keep me informed." He smiled at her as he left the office. It was mid afternoon before she received the call she was dreading. "You have the mobile?" the voice said. She told him she had and gave him the number "It was fun last night, wasn't it?" She did not reply. "Did Bob like the pictures? The details were very good." She still didn't reply. "Hope you are not sulking. I want you to enjoy your little adventure with me." "Okay," Mary said at last, "let's get it over with. What do you want now?" "Nothing at the moment, dear girl, but be in the Botanical Gardens by the Peter Pan statue at eight tonight and I will contact you. Bye for now, Mary." And with that, the phone went dead. She checked 1741 but found the call had come from a public phone box. She shrugged. Guess we will have to see what tonight brings, she thought to herself. Well thats Part 1 and I hope you found it interesting, poor Mary isint she in a mess, but you dont have to wait because as a special treat. I have included Part 2 as well. so enjoy. Blackmail Part 2 The rest of the day passed slowly for Mary. She found it hard to concentrate on her work. She kept looking at the window where her tormentor had made her strip and perform. Looking across the courtyard to where the other blocks of offices faced hers, she wondered if he were still somewhere in there watching her. She had worked out from the direction the photographs were taken that he was certainly located somewhere opposite. It was a last 5pm and time to leave. There seemed no point in going home only to come out again. Maybe she should eat out and then a stroll around the shops; anything to get her mind away from what lies ahead. By the time she made it to the car park to pick up her car, she was feeling a little more relaxed. She had takes a half bottle of wine with her meal. The sun had just gone down and the sky was just beginning to darken as she pulled into the car park at the Botanical Gardens. A few cars were still parked there. Was his car one of them she wondered? She locked up the car, slipped the Blue tooth earpiece into place, and made her way into the Gardens. As she made her way towards the rose garden where the Peter Pan statue was located, she only passed three people: a young couple walking slowly arm in arm staring into each others eyes and an elderly man walking a large Golden Labrador which came ambling toward her and sniffed at her held out hand. The dog's owner smiled. "He's a devil for a pretty face." He grinned as he walked past. The rose garden was deserted, and in the warm evening the sweet smell of the roses filled the air. Mary glanced at her watch. It was just before eight. She walked towards the bronze statue. Was he close by watching her she wondered? She shivered slightly. She jumped as the earpiece came to life ringing in her ear. She pressed it on. "Good evening, Mary. Glad to see you are on time." She didn't answer, but looked around her. There were plenty of places where someone could hide themselves; he could be anywhere. "I enjoyed our little game last night. I hope you got something out of it as well." She still didn't reply, just wanting him to get on with it. "Tonight I thought we would take things a little further--nothing too serious--so I want you to undress." Mary looked around, startled. "What? Here?" she exclaimed. "Anybody could come." When he replied, she could tell he was amused. "That's all part of the fun. Now just do as you are told." It had been bad enough undressing in the privacy of her own office, but this was different; this was in an open public place where anyone could walk by. "I'm sorry. I really can't, not here." She spoke quietly into the ear piece. "Don't be difficult, Mary. You know what I said about any refusal and I will have no option but to forward the pictures. And don't forget I have others now. What would BJ and the other board members think of your little display last night?" Mary knew there was no point in arguing. She was in a bind and getting deeper into it every day. Resignedly she looked around, and with trembling fingers, began to unbutton her jacket. When she had removed it, she held it in her hand wondering what to do with it. "Just hang it on Peter," the voice in her ear said. She hooked the jacket on Peter's outstretched bronze hand. Then she began to unbutton her blouse, still looking around her expecting to see someone appear at any moment. With the blouse off, she unclipped her skirt and eased it down over her hips. She scooped it off the ground and placed it with her other things. Now she was feeling very vulnerable standing there in just her brief underwear. She looked around. "I really can't go any further, not here." She spoke quickly into the mouth piece. "You really don't have an option, Mary. I know you are not shy." "No, I'm not, but what if someone comes?" "They'll get a very pleasant surprise. Now be a good girl and take the rest of your clothes off. The longer you delay things, the more chance there is of your being discovered." She realized that he was right of course. She would have to go through with it in the end so what was the point in delaying things. With another glance around, she unclipped her bra and slipped out of it. Her briefs followed and now she was naked and terrified in a public garden. "There, I told you it wasn't hard. And by the way, you look beautiful standing naked amongst all those roses." Now that she was naked, Mary felt a little strange. Yes, she was terrified that someone would walk into the rose garden and discover her, but strangely she also felt a little excited. It was like the first time, many years ago now, while she was at college; Spring break, it was. After a rowdy takeing party, Mary, along with several others, had gone down to the lake and skinny dipped. She still remembered how she felt after undressing completely in the presence of others and running into the water. It had excited her watching all those naked bodies around her, and had added to the pleasure when later that night the hunky Ralph Goodwin had taken her in the back seat of his car. But now she was older. That happened ten years ago. But standing naked and being watched brought it all back to her. Instinctively she moved her hand down to her pussy lips. Yes, they were slightly moist. She couldn't believe she was actually responding to this pervert. "A little wet already?" The voice in her ear made her jump. Guiltily she removed her hand. "Right. How about a little stroll? Just walk over towards the gate." Now she was feeling more than a little scared having to move away from her clothes. Standing by the statue she could have grabbed them if someone had suddenly appeared, but if she walked away from them, there was no chance. She looked towards the gate. It was only fifty yards or so. Maybe it would be alright. She had not seen anyone since seeing the three people when she first came in. She began to walk towards the gate. The further she moved away from her clothes, the more vulnerable she felt. She moved quickly at first, but he told her to take her time. As she walked, she felt her large unrestrained breasts sway with the movement of her body. At last she reached the gate. Now she was shaking, and she knew she was getting wetter. Why was her body responding like this? He kept her waiting by the gate until he gave her his next command. "We are nearly done for tonight, Mary. You have done very well so far. All I want you to do now is walk through the gate and around the outside of the wall till you reach the other gate. Then you can retrieve your clothes." Mary glanced through the gate. Still no one was in sight, but it was quite open out there and she could hear voices in the distance. Hesitantly she pushed open the gate and stepped out. Keeping close to the wall, she began to make her way around. Suddenly, the Golden Labrador she had seen earlier appeared, wagging its tail. It moved towards her. She began to panic. Its owner would be close by. She dived for the shelter of some bushes: the dog followed. In the bushes she was at least shielded from view. The dog sniffed at her, its wet nose rubbing against her bare leg; she patted its head. 
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"Goldie, where are you? Come here, boy," a voice called out. The dog turned and looked in the direction of the voice. Mary pushed it gently; it did not seem to want to leave her. Through the shelter of the leaves, she saw a figure approaching. What was she to do now? What if he came in for the dog and found her? How was she going to explain things? "Goldie, come here, boy," the voice commanded again. This time the dog responded with a last lick of her leg. To Mary's relief it turned and bounded out of the bushes. She saw its owner greet it, patting its head as he secured its lead to its collar. "Let's go home, boy. There's nothing in there for you." Mary sighed with relief. "That was a close call," the soft voice in her ear said. She waited. The dog and its owner had disappeared, and then she continued her walk around to the other gate. She made it back to her clothes without any further events. "You can get dressed again now, Mary, but don't put on your undie's. Just leave them as a present for Peter Pan." Thankfully, she quickly slipped back into her clothes, but left her bra and panties dangling from Peter's hands. Then with a quick look back at the fluttering flimsies, she made her way back to the car park. It felt a little strange not wearing any underwear. Soon she was back in the car. She closed the door and slumped back in the seat in relief. Around her it was now almost dark. She felt secure again. She sensed again the wetness between her thighs. She took a tissue from her glove box, and easing up her skirt, she wiped between her legs. She was wetter than she thought and needed a second tissue. She felt pleasure from the feeling of her fingers on her pussy and could not resist easing her legs apart and sliding two fingers inside her warm wet hole. This whole thing was beginning to get to her. She shouldn't be enjoying this ordeal, but she knew deep down she was. She lay back in the seat and enjoyed the pleasure of her fingers as they quickly brought her to a much needed orgasm. She lay back, her skirt still up around her hips, her fingers still inside her feeling her juices slowly seep out. Suddenly she jumped as a bright light lit up the car for an instant. She fumred with her skirt, pushing it down and trying to open the car door at the same time. By the time she got out, the car park was empty. Suddenly realization struck her--it had been a camera flash. He must have been close by all the time. She got back in the car and slowly pulled out of the car park. Her earpiece buzzed; she clicked it on. "Glad to see you, too, were getting pleasure from our little game. I'll send you a copy of the print tomorrow." "You bastard," she exclaimed. "Now, now, that's not a nice way to treat a friend. I might take offence and think up something really bad for tomorrow." The phone clicked off. The following morning the brown envelope arrived with her post. She recognized the writing. She opened it and pulled out the pictures. The first ones were taken in the rose garden, and even she had to admit that they were good. In fact, it gave her a slight thrill to see herself displayed like that, naked among the roses. It was the last one that shocked her, the one taken in the car. Her skirt was up around her hips, her fingers pushed deep into her pussy. The expression on her face was a picture of pleasure, and it must have been just at the moment of her orgasm. She stared at it and then thrust it into the shredder and watched as it disappeared. She slipped the others back into the envelope. That was when she saw the note. She pulled it out and read it. 'Hope you liked the pics. I'm sure Bob will want one of those taken in the garden. I love the one in the car. You really were enjoying yourself, weren't you? Tonight I want you to make your way to the lorry (truck) park at Durrel's industrial estate; that's the one by the motorway. I have thought up something that I think you will enjoy. Be there by eight o'clock and don't forget the Blue Tooth. Oh, and by the way, it might be better if you were to wear a dress.' Later that morning Bob called in and asked her if she had heard anything more from the blackmailer. She passed him the envelope. "My God, he made you do this?" he gasped as he looked at the pictures. Then he smiled, "You have to admit, you do look attractive." Mary glared at him "It's alright for you. It isn't you he's targeting. I nearly got caught out there without a stitch on when a redy dog came sniffing around." Bob smiled again. "Well, look on the good side. At least we both still have our jobs, and it's you who I have to thank for that. I will make it up to you. Just go along with him for now." The thought of another evening taking orders from the blackmailer did not seem to affect her today as much as it had over the last two nights. She opened her desk drawer and looked at the pictures again. I wonder what he has in store for me tonight, she thought to herself. She felt an interesting ache deep in her stomach. She pressed her hand against her pussy. What was this man doing to her? The request for a dress wasn't too much of a problem for her. She kept a few changes of clothes in the office just in case she needed to change for a night out. She looked at the two dresses in the cupboard, a small chic black number and a flowered button through. The black seemed a little too dressy so she decided on the flowered one. The industrial estate seemed deserted as she drove down towards the lorry park. A few lights were on, but nobody seemed to be working. Even the transport café in the lorry park was closed. A few lorries were parked up, some with their curtains drawn, the drivers obviously getting an early night readying themselves for an early start in the morning. A few meters away over a hedge, lorries and cars passed noisily up and down the busy motorway. She parked at the far side of the park away from the lorries. She glanced at her watch; it was seven fifty five. She felt a twinge of anxiety. Precisely on eight the earpiece buzzed. She tapped it and it was the voice she was now beginning to recognize. "Good evening, Mary. I hope you are well." She acknowledged him but did not say anything more. "Are we ready for a little fun tonight? I have decided to push you a little further each time we meet. I want to find your limit, but I do not want to rush things because I'm quite enjoying myself. I like having an attractive young woman like you obeying my every wish." She felt like telling to get on with whatever he intended for her to do. "Just to the left of the transport café," the voice in her ears said, "you will find steps leading to a foot bridge. It goes up over the motorway; it joins the two parts of the estate together," he explained. Get out of your car, stand beside it, and remove all your clothes." She was getting used to this request. She pushed open the door and stepped out. She looked around wondering where he could be. She knew from experience he was somewhere near, most likely with his camera poised. She left the car door open, and after removing her jacket, she placed it in the car. "Glad you found a dress. That one's ideal." She shook her head. He must be somewhere close by to notice all the details, but where? She continued to undress, and finally was standing naked beside her car and feeling more than a little self conscious. "As beautiful as ever," the voice said. "Okay, now I want you to put your dress back on: nothing else, just your dress." Thankfully she slipped back into her dress. "Now walk towards the café and find the foot bridge." Again she followed his instructions and found herself at the bottom of the steps. "Now I want you to make your way up onto the foot bridge and walk towards the center." Mary slowly climbed the steps. As she climbed higher, she saw over the edge on the motorway the vehicles flashing by in all the six lanes. She walked slowly towards the center. As she did so, she could feel the rush of air as some of the larger lorries passed under her. When she reached the center, she paused and waited for further instructions. When the earpiece buzzed again, she could hardly hear it because of the roar of the traffic passing under her. "I want you to face the motorway and slowly unfasten your dress." Mary stood for a moment not really believing what she had heard. So that was what he was going to make her do: strip where she could be seen by others. She looked around and shrugged. Apart from the traffic on the motorway, there was no one else around to see her so it wasn't so bad. She slowly began to unfasten the dress starting at the top and working her way down. With the buttons all undone, she held it together with her hand. "Don't do that." The voice sounded in her ear. She reluctantly let go of the dress and the wind blew it open, displaying her naked body. She was fifteen feet or so above the passing traffic, but she knew anyone looking up would have a clear view of her. There was a blare of a motor horn, and for a brief moment she saw the smiling face of a lorry driver. He gave her the thumbs up as he passed under her. Now more motorists were seeing her. Lights flashed and horns honked. Mary had mixed emotions. Again she was feeling the excitement of displaying herself naked to unknown strangers as she had on that lakeside years ago, but it was mixed with the worry of someone catching her. The motorists on the road below were not a problem, but what if someone should walk across the bridge? "Take the dress off all together now and leave it on the floor." Mary shrugged the dress off her shoulders. Now she had nothing to protect her, and she felt very vulnerable. "Walk slowly along the bridge and than back," the voice in her ears said. Again she followed instructions. She found she had lost some of her initial nervousness. It was an interesting sensation being naked out here in the open. Her tormenter had picked an ideal spot for her first public display-- somewhere where she could be seen, but where she was inaccessible to the people who saw her. Strangely, she was now even feeling more daring and waved back at the passing motorists and drivers. When she got back to where she had left her dress, she stopped and waited. "You did very well, Mary. I think you are beginning to enjoy this as much as I am. Okay, pick up your dress and go back to your car." She picked up the dress and was just about to slip into it. "I didn't tell you to put it on, only to pick it up. Now make your way back to the car." She carried the dress in her hand as she descended the steps and began the short walk across the car park. She looked a little nervously at the parked lorries wondering if there were someone in them maybe watching her, and she was thankful when she reached her car. She slipped into the car still naked as he hadn't told her otherwise, but she now felt a little more secure, "Are you feeling horny again after your little display?" the voice in her ear asked her. "Is your pussy nice and wet? I bet you would like to dip your fingers in, but I guess you are a little worried after last night, worried that I might be lurking close by to take another picture of you." Mary sat there listening to the voice. Yes, she was feeling horny. Who wouldn't after displaying themselves like that, and she knew she was wet, but he was right. After last night she dare not touch herself. She would have to wait till she was in the privacy of her own home. "You can make your way home now, but you can't get dressed. Drive home as you are, and don't forget I might be watching you." Luckily for Mary it was getting dark. She tried to lower herself down in the seat to make herself less obvious, and kept out of the way of large vehicles whose drivers would have been able to look down into her car. The road where she lived was quiet as she pulled up outside her house, but many of the other houses showed lights. She glanced in the rear view mirror. A car with just side lights on was parked further up the road. Maybe this was him still checking on her. She searched for her key, and with it clutched tightly in her hand, she scooped up her clothes, and with a quick glance around, she made a dash for her door. Once inside, she breathed a sigh of relief. It was all over for another day. But deep down she knew he was probably at this moment making plans for her. 
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Mary was panicking as the cop looked at her through the open window. "I asked you to get out of the car, miss. Don't make it hard for yourself." "I can't, officer; honestly, I can't." "You have a disability?" "No, but you don't understand. This is my car. I have the papers here in my bag." She suddenly realized what she had said. Her bag had disappeared from her office along with her spare rain coat. "Look, miss, I'm asking you for the last time; please get out of the car." "I can't, officer; please, I can't." "Why can't you?" "Because I've got no clothes on." The officer smiled and looked into the car. "You mean there's nothing under that map, only you?" Mary nodded. "Do you realize that it's an offence to appear naked in a public place?" "Of course I do, but it's not my fault; someone stole my clothes." "How could they steal your clothes? You mean they made you strip?" "No, I was showering at work, and when I came out, they were gone," she lied. "They took my bag as well. That's why I have no papers." The cop smiled and scratched his head. "Well, miss, I have heard some tall stories in my time, but yours is one of the best. We have had a report that this car is stolen and you have no papers to show otherwise. So you either get out or I will have to make you get out. You thought taking your clothes off would get you out of this. It won't work with me, so out." The cop gripped the door handle and pulled it open. Mary cried out, and grabbed for the door with one hand while trying to hold the road map around her with the other. But now the cop was beginning to loose his cool with her, and he jerked the door even harder. With a cry, Mary was pulled out of the car and tumred into the road a mass of naked limbs still desperately trying to cover herself with the map. The cop looked down at her and laughed. "I'm sorry, miss. I thought you were making it all up. Here, let me give you a hand." And with that he reached down, gripping her wrist, and pulled her up to her feet. Mary stood there for the second time that day exposed to a total stranger: well, almost. Sitting down, the map had been adequate, but standing it was a different matter. It was a case of covering her breasts or her pussy. The map just wasn't big enough to do both jobs. The cop looked at the attractive young woman in front of him. He could see she was distressed by the situation, but finding an extremely attractive naked young woman driving a car was not something you came across every day, and he wasn't going to let her get away so easily even if she weren't guilty of anything. He looked at her and noticed that her nipples were poking over the map. Yes, she has nice perky nipples, he thought to himself. Mary saw where he was looking and tried to cover them, but this only exposed her down below. "I just need to take some details from you," he said taking out a note book from his rear pocket and flipping it open. Just then a motorist came past and hooted on his horn. The cop looked after him. "I think you had better come and sit in my car. We can't have you exposing yourself to everyone." He pointed in the direction of his car and Mary moved slowly towards it, glad in one way not to be exposed to every passer by, but the problem was in turning and walking towards his car. She now exposed her rear to the cop who immediately felt a stirring. She was some attractive lady and she certainly had a nice arse on her. He opened the rear door and watched her slide in to the back of the car, and then he secured the door and walked around and got in the drivers seat. "Okay, now, let's start with your name." "Mary Ellis," she replied in a low voice. "Well, Mary Ellis, if that's your real name, you have nothing on you to prove it. Let's see what we've got here: for one, driving a stolen car." "It's not stolen; it's my car," Mary shouted at him. "It may be, but at this moment you can't prove it. Two: naked in a public place." "That's not my fault. My clothes were stolen." "And you can't say by whom?" She shook her head. "So I guess we need to take you down to the police station and get things sorted out there." At this, Mary panicked. "You can't do that while I'm in this state. Everyone will see me." The cop nodded and smiled. "Yes, I'm sure they will, and there are a lot of cops down there." "You must be able to do something." "I could check things up on the radio, but that will take time. It's all effort and what do I get out of it?" Mary shrugged. "Tell you what, little lady, just lay that map aside and let me get a good look at you while I check things out, and if you check out okay, I will let you go." Mary looked at him a little shocked. "You mean sit here naked?" He nodded. "You are not far off that now, and I think I've already seen all the bits, but it would be nice to get an unrestricted look." Mary grimaced. It was just one damn thing after another. She had to either completely expose her body to this guy, or be taken down to the station and probably be exposed to she knew not how many. Again, she knew she was beaten. She slowly slid the map away from her body and laid it on the seat beside her. Now she was exposing everything to the searching eyes of the cop. Again she felt that new found thrill as she totally exposed herself to a stranger. The cop never took his eyes off her body as he made inquiries over the radio. At last he turned to her and smiled. "I guess you have been telling me the truth, miss. It appears someone has tried to set you up. But it's not too clever to drive around the streets with no clothes on. You never know who might be about," he said with a big smile. "If I were you, I'd get home as quickly as possible." He got out of the car and opened the door for her. She slid out of the rear seat trying not to display too much, but it's not easy to get out of a car very ladylike when you have no clothes on. "Can I take my map?" she inquired. The cop smiled and nodded. She reached in and picked it up, holding it in front of her. She smiled at the cop and made her way back to her own car giving him another look at her naked rear view. He smiled to himself. Well, the job did have some perks. Then he waved to Mary as she quickly drove away. At last she got home without any more incidents and was glad to be back in the safety of her home. She was just calming down when the mobile rang. She picked it up with some reluctance; he didn't want more from her tonight? She really hoped not. "Did you enjoy your trip home, Mary?" She gasped. Had he been watching? "Joe, that's the name of the cop who pulled you over, thanks you for your interesting display." "You knew about it?" Sure, I know everything that goes on. Joe's a friend of mine and I owed him a favor." "You really are a bastard, you know." She felt he was smiling. "Well, I just thought it would be a bit of fun. So anyway, have a good night and I will call you tomorrow." Mary was feeling hot and dirty after her experience with the cop. She couldn't believe it had all been a set up. She made her way to the shower and spent time under the stinging sprays. In the privacy of her own bedroom, she slipped naked between the cool sheets. She suddenly thought about Bob. He had not contacted her today. Was he trying to keep himself out of things? She picked up her phone and dialed his number. "Hello there, Mary," he said when he heard her voice. "Sorry I haven't contacted you, but it's been a busy day. Has he contacted you again?" He listened as she recited the story of her latest escapade. When she had finished, there was silence for a moment at the other end of the line. "I can't believe you went along with it," he said at last. "Well, what am I supposed to do? You know what he said he will do if I don't do as he asks, and neither of us wants to take the risk of him going through with that threat." "I can't thank you enough," Bob said. "I'll make it up to you when it's over. How are you coping?" Mary smiled to herself. Should she tell him she was beginning to enjoy the whole thing? That even though she was finding it humiliating and somewhat degrading, she was certainly getting turned on by what she was being asked to do? Her hand slid down under the bed clothes and she found her pussy warm and already beginning to feel wet. "It's been awful," she lied. "Being naked down in the archives with those two lads there, and being pulled naked out of the car with that cop seeing everything was just too much." Just thinking about it again made her slip her fingers inside her moist pussy. "I could do with you being over here," she told him. "I bet you could. I'm sorry I can't be there with you. I feel a little jealous about that cop seeing you naked." "He made me sit there in the car with him, totally naked, and he never stopped looking at me. It was awful." She bit her lips to suppress a groan, just thinking about it, as she thrust her fingers in even deeper. She could hear Bob making sympathetic comments, but she was no longer listening. Her hand was working furiously between her legs. At last, with a cry, she came, dropping the phone on the floor. She leaned over and picked it up in time to here Bob asking her if she were alright. 
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Bob gasped. "You're a horny little slut, aren't you," he said. Between wet kisses, she nodded. "It's because of you I am this way. Now stop pissing about and fuck me." His pants had fallen around his ankles, and Mary was rubbing the head of his cock over her already wet pussy lips. He backed her up against the door; she parted her legs and pressed his cock head up against her love tunnel entrance. Suddenly, with a sharp thrust, he was inside her. As he held her up against the door, she wrapped her arms around him and thrust herself to meet him as he began to pump into her. It was all over very quickly for both of them. They clung together wrapped in each other's arms. Suddenly they heard the rest room door open as someone came in. They stood quietly not wanting to give away their presence. There must have been two of them as they began to talk together. "Did you see that bird with the jacket open?" they heard one of them ask. "Yes, she looked a hot little piece. I wouldn't have minded being the guy who was with her." Bob smiled. "At one stage I actually saw her flash her tits at the waiter." "When she walked past me to the rest room, I almost got a look at her nipple. I bet she's in there now fingering herself." "I wonder if she needs any help? "the other replied with a laugh. "Why is it we don't get our hands on stuff like that?" "It's just the luck of the draw. Some guys are luckier than others." There was silence for a moment. Then they heard the water running and finally the door closing as the couple left. Bob felt Mary rubbing his semi hard cock again. She smiled at him. "Can I have some more?" she asked with her little girl voice. "You will have to do some work on it first." She smiled and slid down to her knees in front of him. He groaned as he felt her warm mouth engulf his cock and her hands begin to manipulate his balls. Mary was an expert at this treatment, and it was not too long before he was back up to full strength again. This time he took her doggie style with Mary resting her hands on the toilet basin. It was a position they both enjoyed. She enjoyed the deep penetration and the way he manipulated her breasts. He enjoyed the tightness of her warm wet hole as she wrapped herself around his penetrating cock. This time they screwed in a more leisurely fashion, enjoying the sensation to the full. She gasped when at last he came, enjoying the sensation of his juices flooding into her. Afterwards, they kissed tenderly before adjusting their clothes. Then after he checked that the coast was clear, she made her way back to their table. Looking over the faces of the guys who were again following her progress, she wondered which of them had been the pair in the rest room. A few moments later Bob returned. He smiled as he slid into his seat. "I think that was a very enjoyable meal," he said with a grin. "And I really enjoyed the afters." Mario thanked them as they left the restaurant. His eyes flicked down to Mary's gaping jacket. "Do come back soon, the pair of you." He took Mary's hand and lifted it to his lips. In return, she gripped it and slipping it under her jacked, placing it on her breast. Mario looked stunned for a moment. Then he smiled as he gently squeezed the delicious mound of warm flesh. Bob just stood there and slowly shook his head. "Well, you are supposed to tip them, aren't you?" she said with a grin at both men. They finally made it back to their office block. Mary was now really enjoying herself. She remembered what she had been told and did not refasten her jacket until she reached the office. They walked purposefully as they had taken more than their allocated time over lunch. On more than one occasion, Mary's jacket opened wide enough to display her naked breasts to shocked passers by. At last back in her office, her mobile rang. "Did you enjoy your lunch?" the voice asked. "It had its interesting points," Mary replied with a grin. "I was pleased to see you followed my instructions to the letter. I think you are beginning to enjoy our liaimister." Mary smiled to herself. He was right. She had suddenly found exhibiting herself was fun, and it had its perks as well. "I'll have to think up something special for tonight." Mary found herself squeezing her legs together again, and wondering just how special that would be. What does the blackmailer have for Mary next? Will he eventually want to fuck her, or will he be satisfied with just humiliating her? 
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The rest of the afternoon went quickly for Mary. She still got several visitors as she had in the morning: same lame excuses. She wondered if everyone in the office knew. It still excited her: all these guys coming in making their excuses just to get a look down her cleavage. At one stage she thought about opening her jacket and giving them a good look just as she had been told to do in the restaurant. The thought of that had really turned her on. God, what was she becoming? A few days ago she would have run a mile rather than expose herself to strangers. Now it was all she wanted to do. This guy, whoever he was, was certainly getting to her. He was turning her into an exhibitionistic slut. The rest of the afternoon passed without a call from him. She didn't know whether she was pleased or sorry. At four thirty, she made her way down to the car park and drove home. First thing she did when she got home was to mix herself a take; she badly needed one. She took off her work clothes, her skirt and jacket, and slipped into a silk wrap. She switched on the TV and sat down with her take. She was almost nodding off when the phone went. She picked it up. "I guess you enjoyed your lunch," the now familiar voice stated. "Did you get Bob to fuck you in the rest room? I would have liked to have seen that." "What have you got for me now? I've only just got in. I was going to get some dinner." "That's not a problem. I'll treat you for being such a good girl, Mary. Do you like pizza?" "Yes, I don't mind them." "What sort?" "Hot and meaty, with garlic and chilies." "A bit like you." She could tell he was smiling. "Okay, I will send you one around in about fifteen minutes. Oh, and by the way, when he delivers it, answer the door with no clothes on." "Oh my God," she thought--just when she thought he was being kind to her. Still she guessed it might have an exciting side. He might be a dishy young student. She began to feel herself getting quite aroused again as she waited for the door bell to ring, and when it at last did, she almost jumped out of her skin. She slipped off the silk wrap and laid it over the back of the sofa. She walked slowly to the door and looked through the small spy hole. It could have been anybody. A lanky youth about nineteen was standing there with a large pizza box in his hand, and she took a deep breath and pulled open the door. "Domino Pizza for Miss......Oh, cuckolds brownie!" His voice trailed off as he realized that the woman standing before him was completely naked. "I'm sorry, Miss, I didn't know," the guy stuttered. He was the one totally embarrassed by the situation. Mary had to smile. "Sorry," Mary apologized, "but I was just going to get a shower and I thought it was the girl next door." The guy apologized again, but Mary noticed that although his face was a little red he was now looking at her quite openly. "I must say you look very nice, Miss," the guy said awkwardly. "It's the first time I've seen a woman like you with no clothes on." Mary had her hand on the door. Should she close it? She had done as she had been asked, but the young guy just stood there looking seemingly reluctant to leave. Again Mary was feeling that same excited feeling. She knew she should close the door, but she wanted him to look at her, to see her nakedness. "There's nothing to pay," he said at last. "It was prepaid." Mary was amused to see a lump had taken shape in his tight jeans. He saw where she was looking. "I've got to go," he said quickly. He clutched at his pants and disappeared down the steps. Mary smiled to herself as she walked back into the apartment. She slipped back into her wrap and opened up the pizza. She sat and ate at least half of it and amused herself thinking how the guy had acted. She guessed if she ordered pizza again she would get an extra quick service. The following day was Saturday and at least she didn't have to go into work, but it was just before noon when he rang. "Did you enjoy the pizza?" "It was very nice. Thank you." "No problem. I guess the Pizza guy liked you." Mary smiled. "He seemed to." "The way he ran down the steps I guess he almost came in his pants. I suppose your name's on their quick delivery list. All the guys will want to deliver your next one. Anyway, I have an interesting little chore for you to do tonight. There's a contest on at the Road Hog Road House in Westbury. I want you to go over there and enter it, and I want you to do whatever you have to do to win it." "What sort of contest is it?" Mary asked. "You'll see when you get there. Be there by seven thirty, and as I say, just do anything you have to do. Just come out the winner. I'll see you there. I'll be in the crowd." Mary had no idea what went off at the Road House, but she guessed it was something embarrassing. She decided to spend the afternoon shopping, just something to get her mind off things for a while. She arrived home late afternoon, had a light tea, and then showered and changed before she got out the car and drove over to Westbury. The Road House was not hard to find; in fact she passed it as she drove into the small town. She turned the car around and drove back and turned into the fairly busy car park. As she got out of the car, she could not help but notice several men who were also parking looking at her and commenting to one another. Inside, the place was crowded, mainly with men and just a sprinkling of women. She made her way to the bar and ordered a take. When the bar man put her take in front of her, she asked him about the contest. "You signing up?" he asked with some surprise, looking her up and down. Mary nodded. "Where do I go?" He pointed across the room. "Over by the stage. You'll see a guy with a clip board; that's Jim. Tell him you want to be put down for tonight. Once he sees, he'll okay you. She took a sip of her take and made her way across the crowded room. She located Jim sitting with his clip board. He was writing down the details of a buxom blond who was standing with him. When he had finished taking her details, he handed her a card with a number on it. As the girl walked away, Mary stepped forward. "Can I put my name down for the contest?" The guy looked her up and down seemingly a little surprised. "Yes, sure, I guess you are old enough to know what you are doing. Ever done anything like this before?" "Anything like what before? I was just told to put my name down." "It's for the wet t-shirt contest, darling. You've got to show'em your tits." Mary wasn't too surprised. She had guessed it would be something like that. "Yes, I know. By the way, the name's Annabelle, with an E." Jim took the rest of her details. She didn't tell him the truth; well, not altogether. When he had finished, he handed her a number. "Door behind me leads to the dressing room. Be in there by eight thirty." Mary made her way back to the bar and found an empty seat. The crowd in the room seemed to have grown. Gangs of lads joked with each other as they pushed to get takes. A couple of them tried to chat her up, but gave up when they saw she wasn't interested. She was just ordering her second take when she heard a woman's voice beside her, "You doing the contest, luv?" Mary turned to see a reamisterably attractive blond standing beside her. She was wearing a tight low cut sweater that showed off her breasts and a short mini skirt. Mary nodded. "Yes, I've got my name down. Are you in it?" The girl nodded and smiled. "Name's Rita. What's yours?" "Annabelle." The girl looked at her. "You're a bit posh to be doing this, aren't you?" Mary smiled. "Do I look out of place?" Rita shrugged. "No, I guess anyone can enter. The guys will like you. They usually like a bit of class." "Have you done it before?" Mary inquired. Rita nodded. "Yes, several times; never won; came second a couple of times. You have to go all the way to win; thought about it a couple of times, but couldn't make myself do it. They want to see every redy thing," she said looking round at the crowd. "You'd think they were all redy gynecologists." Mary suddenly found herself feeling rather warm. "Get us vodka and lime, luv, and stick with me. I'll show you the ropes," Rita said with a smile. The two of them sat and talked. Rita was a single mum with a couple of kids. "I don't mind second prize," Rita said. "It's £50, gets the food in for the week, and pays for a few takes." Rita looked at her watch. "Better get through to the dressing room. It starts in thirty minutes, but hang back. You don't want to be first on. Let some other bird get 'em warmed up." Jim smiled at them as they walked past him into the dressing room. There were about a dozen girls in there, all of various shapes and sizes. "Grab a locker that works. You don't want someone nicking your gear," Rita instructed. Jim came into the room with a bundle of white t-shirts on his arm. He went round and handed one to each of the girls. He handed one to Rita and then smiled as he passed one to Mary. "Can't wait to see your tits, darling," he said with a grin. He placed the rest of the shirts on a table. Mary felt herself reddening, "Glad to see you've palled up with Rita. She is an old pro; she'll show you the ropes." He turned to Rita and grinned. "And no cutting the redy shirts till the second round." Rita smiled at him. 