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les histoires de chrislebo

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Un soir, alors que je suis au salon devant la télé, le téléphone misterne. C’est Chantal qui répond. Elle a l’air gênée ; elle parle à mi-voix, et va vite s’isoler dans la chambre. Elle revient au bout de quelques minutes, écarlate, nerveuse, le visage crispé. Sans me regarder, elle passe en cuisine préparer le repas. Quand je l’interroge quelques instants après, elle a retrouvé mister calme. Elle me dit que c’était mister frère. Je n’en crois rien mais je passe. Quand elle me rejoint au lit, je fais une tentative de rapprochement, je la caresse pour faire l’amour, mais elle me repousse prétextant la fatigue !
Je décide de ne rien entreprendre.
Le lendemain soir, elle m’avoue que c’est René qui l’a appelée hier. Je la sens nerveuse, mal dans sa peau. Elle n’ose pas me parler. Je la laisse venir mais je sens qu’elle hésite à m’avouer quelque chose.
Après le dîner, au moment de prendre le café, je lui demande ce que voulait René. D’un seul coup, elle se met à parler, je sens qu’elle a pris une décision.
- « Il m’a demandé de faire un truc impossible. J’ai d‘abord refusé, il a insisté ».
- « C’est quoi ce truc impossible, lui dis-je en essayant de garder la maîtrise de ma voix »?
- « Il veut que j’aille seule le rejoindre au Musée de l’érotisme».
- « Quand ? Maintenant ? Et moi alors » ?
Je me sens me mettre à trembler. J’ai peur, et en même temps un sentiment de jalousie me reprend. Comme toujours alors je sens que ma bite se dresse dans mon pantalon. La dernière fois, on est allés ensembles au restaurant et j’avais participé à l’exhibe dans la rue, en auto puis à la baise avec le japonais. Je n’étais pas exclu alors, et je pouvais jouir de la situation sans danger. Et quel rapport avec le Musée de l’érotisme ? Son histoire avec l’inconnu ? Comment René est-il au courant ? Toutes ces questions sans réponses.
Comme elle ne réagit pas, c’est moi qui reprends la conversation.
- « Alors, c’est pour quand ? Je peux peut-être venir, ou te suivre, juste pour regarder », dis-je d’une voix très mal assurée. Je me rends pourtant compte du ridicule de ma proposition, mais je ne peux rien faire. Je suis drogué.
- « Tu ne penses qu’à toi, dit-elle en criant presque ! Je ne sors jamais indemne des séances de cul où je me laisse entraîner. Je ne peux résister à ce mec, je suis sans défense devant lui ».
- « Il est temps que tu me dises tout sur vos relations, Chantal. J’ai bien vu que l’autre soir au restau avec le japonais il y avait entre toi et René une complicité que je ne m’explique pas. Je crois que tu ne m’as pas tout dit sur votre première rencontre ».
- Je n’ai pas envie d’en parler. Je t’aime et tu dois te contenter de ça ! ».
Plusieurs fois je reviens à la charge et enfin un soir, à peine couchés, elle finit par se confesser.
- « Après cette première fois René m’a plusieurs fois relancée. J’ai toujours refusé mais à chaque j’étais plus troublée. Il me disait au téléphone des mots qui m’excitaient. Puis un jour, il m’a dit que j’allais enfin lui appartenir. Il ne m’a pas donné plus de détails. Et la soirée du restau est arrivée. Quand je l’ai vu mettre ce cachet dans mon verre, je l’ai laissé faire. Je ne comprends pas pourquoi mais sur le moment, je savais que j’étais prête. Pas trop à quoi mais prête. Depuis le restau, il me téléphone souvent et me tient des propos qui m’excitent toujours plus. Il me dit que c’est avec ta complicité et que cela t’excite. J’ai bien vu ton comportement l’autre soir. Tu as bien jouit de me vois baisée par ce porc. Et pour du fric en plus !
Depuis, pourtant, je ne l’ai pas revu. On a simplement échangé des conversations au téléphone quand tu n’es pas là. Il faut que tu saches que quand il me parle au téléphone, sur le moment, je prends du plaisir à me laisser aller à la débauche. Mais au réveil, je ne peux m’empêcher de me dégoûter. Il fait de moi une pute ! Une pute de luxe, mais une pute ! Et c’est cette idée-là qui est mon fantasme, ce qui m’excite immédiatement. Je prends maintenant plaisir quand on me regarde, qu’on me désire. J’ai envie d’exciter les mâles ».
En disant ces mots, je la sens qui éprouve presque du plaisir. Elle se contorsionne dans le lit. Je ne reconnais plus ma femme.
- « Il ne veut pas simplement que je vienne le rejoindre, figure-toi. Il m’a demandé de ne porter que des bas et un imperméable », finit-elle par me dire, d’une voix tremblante. Elle ajoute, comme libérée d’avoir avoué le plus difficile :
- « L’imper ne devra pas être boutonné, simplement retenu fermé par sa ceinture. Pas de culotte ni de soutien gorge. Il veut que je parte de la maimister dans cette tenue, nue et sans la possibilité de me cacher ».
A ces mots, je suis pris d’une énorme érection, et Chantal s’en aperçoit de suite. Elle se redresse et vient s’agenouiller devant moi. Lentement, elle dégage ma queue qui jaillit toute tendue, et sans attendre la porte à ses lèvres. Elle la lèche avec quelques coups de langue et finit par l’engloutir dans sa bouche. Elle se dégage soudain et elle me dit :
- « Cela t’excite, de savoir que je vais m’exhiber. Tu bandes à l’idée que des salauds me touchent et me regardent. Demain, je vais sortir à poil sous un simple imperméable, et des gars pourront me voir, nue, soumise et sans défense ».
En disant cela, je la vois qui porte sa main entre ses cuisses et elle se caresse. Souvent je lui ai demandé de se caresser en la regardant et elle a toujours accepté de le faire pour me faire plaisir. Mais ce soir, c’est d’elle-même qu’elle se branle. Pour mister propre plaisir.
- « Oui, c’est vrai, et je voudrais être là, quand tu vas leur montrer ton cul et tes seins. J’ai envie de sentir l’odeur de ta mouille, quand ils vont te branler, te doigter. Vas y ma belle, laisse toi toucher, peloter, reluquer, ouvre tes cuisses, ta chatte ».
Tout en parlant elle accélère sa branlette et me suce de plus en plus vite. Et d’un seul coup, j’éjacule toute ma semence dans sa bouche et je lui maintiens la tête contre mon ventre pour la powerr à tout avaler. A bout de souffle, on s’affale, l’un contre l’autre, heureux d’avoir jouis ensemble.
Je suis rassuré, car je sens qu’elle a pris du plaisir dans cette étreinte rapide, avec moi, dans nos fantasmes communs maintenant. Je crois bien qu’elle m’aime malgré l’attirance qu’elle a pour ce mec. Et, il faut bien l’avouer, cela m’arrange bien car enfin j’ai, grâce à lui, la femme que j’ai toujours désirée.
Au lit, avant de s’endormir, elle me précise que René doit lui téléphoner demain matin, pour donner des précisions sur sa promenade cul nu dans les rues de la capitale, jusqu’au Musée. Elle m’avoue que cela lui fait peur, mais qu’elle ne se sent plus la power de refuser, pour elle-même, mister amant, et mister mari…
- « Ce type quand il me regarde, j’ai les jambes qui se mettent à trembler, elles ne me portent plus. Jamais auparavant je n’avais ressenti ce malaise. Je suis comme électrisée. Jamais tu ne m’as fait cet effet. Ce n’est pas de l’amour, mais une dépendance, comme une drogue. Je lutte, j’essaye de ne pas y penser mais c’est plus fort que moi. J‘ai peur. Ce type est vicieux et il a très bien compris l’emprise qu’il a sur moi. Il sait que je suis sa chose. Je dois t’en parler ! Toi qui as toujours souhaité me faire entrer dans tes jeux sexuels ! Peut-être comprendras-tu et même être ravi ? Je la sens plus complice, rassurée de ma compréhension, ma coopération. On a maintenant les mêmes fantasmes.
- « Pourquoi il veut que viennes au Musée ? Quel rapport ?
- « C’est moi qui lui ai raconté que tu m’avais amenée au Musée et que certaines images m’avaient troublée. Et comme il connaît bien ce lieu ».
Elle ne me disait pas tout sur mister passage dans cet endroit.
Dès le lendemain, elle m’appelle au travail. C’est pour demain samedi. Elle me dira tout ce soir.
En regagnant la maimister après une dure journée de travail je la trouve toute excitée et sans attendre elle me raconte.
René lui demande de venir la rejoindre en plein jour au Musée, simplement vêtue d’un imperméable court (mi-cuisses), chaussures à talons et bas qui tiennent seuls. Elle doit être toute nue dessous. Il lui demande de venir en transports en commun : métro et finir en marche à pied jusqu’au Musée. Elle ne doit pas se dépêcher, entrer dans une boutique de chaussures de sport, essayer des paires de tennis. Ne rien acheter. S’adresser bien sûr à un vendeur mâle et s’arranger pour lui montrer qu’elle est nue sous mister imperméable. S’il veut un rendez-vous, accepter mais se contenter de prendre ses coordonnées.
Aller dans un magasin de sous vêtements. Montrer dans la cabine qu’elle est nue, en laissant innocemment le rideau de la cabine entrouvert. Repartir sans rien acheter.
Aller et entrer dans le sex-shop en face du Musée. Se montrer intéressée par des objets pour branleuse. S’il y a des hommes, et il y en aura, leur montrer qu’elle est à poil sous mister vêtement. Se laisser toucher mais ne pas toucher. Les seins, les fesses, un doigt dans la chatte, c’est tout ! Si la situation n’est pas trop craintive, ouvrir l’imper et se montrer en les regardant se branler.
Il lui a donné une foule d’instructions précises à suivre. Je la sens excitée et en même temps nerveuse. Elle va franchir un autre pas dans la débauche. Encore plus bas.
Le lendemain, samedi, après le petit déjeuner, elle m’annonce qu’elle va à en ville cet après midi. C’est aujourd’hui que René l’attend.
Après déjeuner elle passe dans sa chambre et je l’entends qui se prépare.
Quand elle vient me rejoindre au salon, elle est superbe. Bien coiffée, légèrement maquillée, elle porte mister petit imperméable simplement attaché par une ceinture. Elle obéit totalement à mister amant.
- « Tu es bien nue en dessous ? » je lui demande, la gorge serrée. Pour toute réponse, elle dénoue la ceinture et me montre sa nudité. Elle s’est coiffé le pubis. Les poils coupés courts mais pas complètement rasés mistert bien arrangés formant un triangle parfait. Ils laissent apparaître les lèvres roses de mister sexe. Je bande instantanément. Elle fait semblant de ne rien remarquer, et tournant les talons, elle me demande de l’accompagner à la gare du RER en voiture.
Sur le chemin elle fait exprès de laisser s’ouvrir l’imperméable pour me montrer combien il ne cache rien de sa nudité. Elle sait que cela m’excite, elle me fait plaisir.
- « Je t’aime tu sais, ne t’inquiète pas je te raconterai tout avec les détails que tu attends » me souffle-t-elle.
En sortant de l’auto, elle s’arrange pour exhiber ses jambes nues qu’un type ne manque pas de mater. Elle s’éloigne alors que mister train entre en gare. En rentrant à la maimister, seul, la jalousie et l’excitation mistert au maximum. Je ne puis résister à l’envie de me branler en imaginant ma femme nue sous un simple vêtement dans les rues de la ville pour rejoindre mister amant.
J’ai passé l’après midi et la soirée à attendre mister retour. J’ai du mal à me concentrer pour faire quoi que ce soit. J’attends, ne sachant qu’imaginer.
Vers deux heures du matin, le moteur d’une auto me sort de mon demi sommeil. Une porte claque et j’entends ses pas qui s’approchent. Elle ouvre la porte et vient tout de suite dans la chambre où je suis couché. Elle a les traits tirés et semble très fatiguée.
- « Si tu veux bien j’aimerai dormir maintenant. Je suis si fatiguée. Je te raconterai tout demain. Je t’aime encore plus ».
En disant ces mots elle enlève mister imperméable. Elle n’a plus ses bas et nue elle se couche et vient se blottir tout contre moi. La forte odeur de sperme qui se dégage d’elle me fait revenir à la réalité. Elle s’est faite baiser et toute pleine encore de la semence de ses amants elle vient se coucher contre moi. Comme je bande, elle me prend délicatement la bite pour la caresser tendrement sans essayer de me faire jouir. Je l’entends qui s’endort presque immédiatement. Doucement, je glisse ma main entre ses cuisses et remonte jusqu’à mister sexe et bien sûr, il est encore tout trempé de foutre et je sens le sperme qui s’écoule encore de sa chatte. Les poils de mister pubis mistert collés par du sperme séché. Et j’imagine qu’elle a dû se faire baiser il y a peu de temps et sûrement même dans la voiture qui la raccompagnait.


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Le lendemain, dimanche, c’est le bruit de la douche qui me réveille. Elle se lave. Je vais préparer le petit déjeuner.
Après un petit baiser tout chaste, on mange sans dire un mot. Je la sens mal à l’aise. Elle sait que je vais lui demander de raconter. Elle se sent mal.
Une fois fini de manger, elle se lève, vient me prendre par la main et me conduit dans la chambre. Elle me fait allonger et vient rejoindre sous les draps. Délicatement elle me prend la bite entre ses doigts et la caresse doucement.
- « Ecoute, dit-elle, je vais tout te raconter et cela va être long ! »
Et tout en me masturbant lentement elle a commencé mister récit.
« Dans le train j’avais la peur au ventre. J’avais le sentiment que tous les voyageurs savaient que j’étais nue sous mon imperméable. Je le tenais fermement serré contre moi. Dans le métro également je faisais attention dans les couloirs et les escaliers. Mais plus je m’approchais du Musée plus j’étais excitée et plus je laissais le vêtement me découvrir. A la première boutique de chaussure que j’ai trouvée je me suis précipitée, tout excitée.
Quand je suis entrée dans la boutique, tout de suite deux mecs se mistert empressés de venir à ma rencontre. Dragueurs. J’ai tout de suite montré que je n’étais pas beaucoup habillée en dessous. Tu aurais vu leur tête !
Il y avait un grand black, très beau mec et un autre type, arabe plutôt rigolo. Je me suis sentie en sécurité car ils étaient très sympas.
Ils m’entraînent au fond de la salle et me font asseoir sur une chaise d’essayage avec un tabouret devant. Il n’y a pas beaucoup de monde dans la boutique. Le grand black s’absente quelques instants et revient avec plein de boîtes de chaussure de sport. C’est vraiment une boutique de mecs ! Je m’assois, le black se pose sur le tabouret à mes pieds. Il me prend une cheville et me lève la jambe. Il l’a fait exprès pour confirmer ce qu’il avait déjà vu ! Je vois mister regard fixer mon entrecuisse. Il doit tout voir. Un troisième vendeur s’est approché, alerté sans doute par leurs copains. Cette situation m’excite et je sens que je mouille. Les deux autres mistert bien en face de moi et visiblement ils matent mon ventre nu. Le pied chaussé, le black le dépose par terre, mais, le vicelard, il s’arrange pour l’écarter de l’autre et m’ouvrir les jambes. Je me laisse faire et même je laisse mes genoux s’écarter naturellement. Je sens alors mes lèvres qui s’ouvrent doucement et l’air frais me fait du bien. Quand il me prend l’autre pied, je laisse s’ouvrir l’imperméable qui dénude mon ventre. Je laisse l’air caresser l’intérieur de mes cuisses. Les trois vendeurs restent interdits. Le jeune arabe rigolo laisse éclater un rire nerveux. Ils ont tous les trois les yeux braqués sur ma chatte. Au fond de la boutique, un client vient d’entrer. Une trentaine, il a dû comprendre ce qu’il se passait car sans attendre il se dirige vers nous. Je me cache de peur du scandale. Mais bien vite il se joint au groupe avec la ferme intention de ne rien perdre du spectacle. Je me rends compte que je prends plaisir à exciter les hommes. Je ne me reconnais plus.
Le grand noir toujours à mes pieds a compris mon envie de me montrer. Il glisse sa main le long de l’intérieur de mes cuisses et s’empare de ma chatte. Un frismister parcourt mon corps. Un instant, je ferme les yeux pour m’abandonner. Je sens ses doigts écarter mes petites lèvres et me pénétrer. Je sens que je vais crier, je prends peur, mais l’excitation est trop forte. Je me laisse faire. Soudain un bruit me rappelle à la réalité. Rapidement je serre les cuisses en signe d’arrêt. Il retire sa main et je me lève rapidement, je fais quelques pas devant la glace pour regarder les chaussures de sport qu’il m’a passées. Je regarde autour de moi. Rassurée, je me rassois en ouvrant bien mes jambes pour reprendre le spectacle. Je lève un pied, enlève lentement la chaussure en m’arrangeant de bien les laisser voir. J’enlève l’autre. Les trois larrons restent devant moi bouche bée, comme magictisés par ma conduite. Je remets lentement mes chaussures et quand je me lève, je fais semblant d’ajuster mon imper, mais en réalité, je l’ouvre rapidement pour leur montrer que je suis entièrement nue. Je les laisse quelques instants mater mes seins, mon sexe, mes cuisses, puis je me retourne en faisant un tour complet rapide sur moi même en levant l’arrière de l’imperméable pour leur montrer mon cul. Ils poussent tous les quatre un sifflement d’admiration. En souriant je me faufile vers la sortie. Ils n’osent pas bouger et en quelques pas je me retrouve dans la rue.
Je traverse l’avenue bourrée de monde en ce samedi après-midi. Il fait beau ; les hommes se retournent sur mon passage. Ils doivent sentir la femelle en chasse. Cette impression me rend comme folle. Je n’ai plus aucune retenue. Je suis devenue une obsédée sexuelle. A chaque fois qu’un homme pose ses yeux avides sur moi je pense à René. Car c’est pour lui que je fais tout cela. Je me sens fière de lui obéir. Crois-moi, je t’aime toujours mais tu es exclu de ces jeux. C’est René qui occupe mes pensées quand je montre mes seins à un étranger et c’est pour lui que je rentre dans cette boutique de sous-vêtements sexy. Je lui obéis tout simplement et j’aimerai qu’il me voie ainsi soumise à ses caprices.
Dans la boutique où je viens d’entrer, il y a quelques permisternes. Des hommes accompagnés de leur épouse. Une vendeuse s’approche de moi et me propose de m’aider. Je lui demande de me montrer des gaines qui laissent voir la pointe des seins. En lui disant cela, je sens comme une onde de chaleur qui monte de mon ventre. Cela m’excite de parler librement de sexe avec une autre femme. Jamais je n’aurais pensé cela. La vendeuse est une femme jolie, la cinquantaine. Elle a une allure un peu vulgaire qui convient parfaitement à ces lieux. Mais cela a le don de me mettre à l’aise sans offusquer mes penchants bourgeois. Au contraire, mes jambes tremblent quand je la suis au fond de la boutique. Les hommes me regardent en coin et me suivent du regard.
Elle me présente deux corsets et m’invite à venir les essayer dans une cabine. Celle-ci est au fond de la boutique. Elle tire un léger rideau rouge et pose les vêtements sur un banc. Elle me fait entrer mais reste sur le pas de la cabine en laissant le rideau ouvert. Nos regards se croisent. Elle soutient mon regard, alors elle tire le rideau à moitié car elle a compris. Elle me tourne le dos comme pour me cacher. Je vois bien d’où je suis que l’on me voit très bien de la salle surtout qu’une grande glace couvre (et ce n’est pas par hasard) la paroi du fond de la cabine renvoyant l’autre face de mon image. L’idéal pour s’exhiber aux clients de la boutique.
Je n’hésite que quelques secondes et rapidement je défais la ceinture de mon imper et me tournant vers la glace, je feins de ne pas savoir que j’expose mon dos et mes fesses nus dressée sur mes hauts talons, aux clients et clientes de la boutique. Mes jambes tremblent encore de plus belle et elles se dérobent presque sous moi. Je suis sur le point de jouir car j’imagine soudain René qui me regarde lui obéir. Je continue de faire semblant de ne rien savoir de ce qui se passe dans mon dos mais j’ai deviné que la vendeuse s’est déplacée laissant le loisir aux clients de me regarder. Je prends mon temps pour passer un corset noir. Il laisse mes fesses nues. Sur le devant mes seins mistert soutenus par un balconnet qui les met en valeur. Je contemple le résultat dans le miroir, ce qui me permet de voir les yeux braqués sur moi. Je tourne sur moi même, me regarde sur toutes les faces. En réalité j’offre mon corps gainé de noir aux yeux cupides de la salle. Je sens ma chatte tout humide de sécrétions. Je mouille à m’exhiber. J’ôte le premier vêtement et au moment où je me penche pour passer le second j’entends la vendeuse qui derrière moi me demande si cela se passe bien. Elle a cette fois tiré le rideau pour l’ouvrir complètement. Je fais comme si rien ne me choquait. Derrière elle je vois les spectateurs qui se mistert rapprochés pour maintenant regarder sans se gêner. Même leurs compagnes assistent au spectacle.
La vendeuse entre dans la cabine et prétextant de m’aider elle ajuste le vêtement sur ma peau. En passant, innocemment elle me caresse les seins puis les fesses. Elle sait que je suis d’accord, et quand elle me prend les seins dans ses deux mains pour cette fois les peloter, je ferme les yeux et me laisse faire. Elle les fait ballotter pour montrer qu’ils mistert fermes, elle joue avec les pointes. Je ferme les yeux, m’abandonne. C’est la première fois qu’une femme me touche en public. Je sens mon ventre qui se comble de chaleur, l’excitation me gagne et je vais jouir. Soudain elle me retourne vers la salle pour mieux me montrer aux autres quand une main quitte la poitrine pour se glisser entre mes jambes et s’empare de mon bouton qu’elle se met à branler doucement. Ses doigts écartent mes lèvres pour montrer le rose sang de ma vulve tout brillante de cyprine. Je ne contrôle plus ma respiration et soudain une décharge de plaisir me submerge et je m’entends crier au milieu de cette boutique en public. La fille me tourne la tête vers elle et je sens sa langue qui power ma bouche. Sans hésiter je lui rends mister baiser et nos langues se mêlent pour un long baiser. Une fois la jouissance passée, je lui souris, elle s’écarte lentement pour me remercier et dire doucement qu’elle également avait jouit. Dans la salle, les hommes qui ont vu s’éloignent discrètement, visiblement comblés par ce qu’ils ont vus.
J’enlève alors le bustier et remets mon imper, montrant que je repars nue comme je suis venue. En sortant de la boutique, la vendeuse dépose un petit baiser chaste sur mes lèvres et m’invite à revenir quand je le désire.
Cette aventure homosexuelle m’a troublée longuement. En marchant dans la rue je pensais que jamais je n’aurais pensé jouir sous les caresses d’une autre femme.
Mais mes pas me rapprochent encore plus de mon amant. Je suis possédée, soumise. Il ne me reste qu’une épreuve avant de le rencontrer.
Le Musée est maintenant visible quand je passe devant un sexe shop. C’est une grande boutique fermée par un rideau qui empêche de voir à l’intérieur. J’hésite car là j’ai peur. Les hommes qui fréquentent ces endroits mistert tous plus ou moins des obsédés sexuels et je ne sais pas encore l’effet que peut leur faire une femme seule dans un pareil endroit. Qui semble peu habillée qui plus est. Je passe devant sans m’arrêter. Après quelques pas, je fais demi tour et devant, je me dégonfle à nouveau. La peur est trop forte. J’ai remarqué qu’un homme d’un certain âge avait remarqué mon manège. Je passe, m’arrête, et sur le point de fuir une nouvelle fois, je me ravise et cette fois je me lance sous le regard de l’homme incrédule.
Je pousse le rideau rouge ; la salle est immense. Sur la droite un homme de type arabe est derrière un petit comptoir. Il lit un livre ouvert devant lui. Il me regarde et m’adresse un sourire courtois en me détaillant ; il me salue d’un bonjour chaleureux et me laisse entrer. Sur la droite contre un mur des DVD vidéo mistert alignes. Sur les jaquettes, des gros seins, des bites, des culs… des consoles mistert placées éparses au milieu de la salle. Des revues pornos, des cassettes … encore des images. Sur la gauche un étalage d’objets sexuels divers s’étend sur deux ou trois mètres. Certains mistert en boite, d’autres exposés. Des fouets, des cravaches, des godes de toutes les couleurs, de toutes les formes, de toutes les tailles, des sous-vêtements, des menottes, des liens. Il y en a pour tous les fantasmes.
Je repère tout de suite deux hommes en train de choisir des revues. Au fond de la salle, un panneau propose de visionner des films pornos pour cinq euros les dix minutes. J’aperçois par une porte entrebâillée, un homme assis sans doute en train de visionner un film. Il se balance sur sa chaise à un rythme régulier. Je devine rapidement qu’il doit se branler.
Tout en faisant semblant de flâner, je passe devant les cassettes, les revues. L’homme de la caisse ne me quitte pas des yeux. J’ai les jambes qui tremblent et malgré les aventures que je viens de subir je me sens à nouveau en état d’excitation. Je ne suis pas sevrée, au contraire, cette atmosphère glauque de sexe, de perversion, de vice m’excite. Et je pense encore à René !
Soudain le rideau de la boutique s’ouvre laissant entrer vulgarement le soleil qui éclabousse les rayons de la boutique. C’est l’homme de la rue qui a repéré mes hésitations pour entrer. Il me fixe sans vergogne, mais reste à distance ; mon cœur se met à battre à deux cents tant je suis excitée, je me sens rougir sans rien pourvoir empêcher. Mon trouble bien visible est remarqué par le propriétaire. Il me sourit et me demande si j’ai besoin d’aide. Sa voix a pour effet de faire tourner la tête de l’homme de la cabine de visionnage. Il me voit, fait un geste rapide que j’interprète comme le fait qu’il rentre sa bite dans mister pantalon et sans même refermer sa braguette, il sort et vient tout près de moi. La peur mêlée à l’excitation, mes jambes se mettent à trembler. Sans un mot, il s’approche de moi figée de peur, comme tétanisée. Et là sans rien dire, il écarte les bords de mon imper pour regarder mes seins et constater que je suis à poil. Il se retourne et adresse un sourire gras au caissier qui se lève pour s’approcher. L’homme du trottoir suit le mouvement. Ils mistert maintenant tous les trois autour de moi. C’est l’arabe qui défait la ceinture de l’imper. Je reste immobile consentante. Ils ont vite compris ce que je suis venue faire dans cette boutique. Celui de la cabine s’empare de mes seins qu’il malaxe sans ménagements. L’homme de la rue me pétrit les fesses, je sens mister doigt qui power ma raie à la recherche de mon petit trou qu’il trouve rapidement. Je me surprends alors à me pencher vers l’avant pour faciliter l’introduction de mister majeur dans mon fondement. Très vite il l’enfonce profondément, ce qui me fait un peu mal mais sans attendre il se met à me branler le trou du cul, ce qu’aucun autre homme ne m’avait fait comme cela. L’arabe a glissé une main devant moi et il me fouille sexe par devant. Lui aussi maintenant à introduit mister doigt dans le vagin et il me doigte le con. Ce mistert les mots qu’ils emploient en me travaillant pas les deux bouts. Celui qui s’occupe de mes seins s’est mis à me les sucer. En même temps, il a sorti sa bite et se branle. Son gland vient plusieurs fois frapper la peau de mon ventre en y laissant des traces de mouille. J’ai peur mais je suis sur le point de jouir sous leurs attouchements. Et soudain j’ai envie d’une bite, de la toucher, de la sentir. Je me surprends à saisir celle de l’homme qui se branle devant moi et j’entreprends une fougueuse masturbation. Mais cela ne me suffit pas j’ai envie de faire baiser. Et c’est l’arabe qui s’est placé derrière moi qui a maintenant sorti sa bite qui me semble énorme. Il me penche vers l’avant et je me trouve nez à nez avec la bite du branleur qui me prend par les cheveux et me la colle contre les lèvres. Je l’entends dire d’ouvrir la bouche et de le sucer. J’hésite, il me caresse le visage avec mister gland tout luisant de sécrétions. Plusieurs fois il essaie de powerr ma bouche mais sa bite sent très fort et cela me dégoûte. L’arabe par derrière me caresse le cul avec sa bite. Il écarte les fesses pour contempler mon orifice. Le troisième homme s’occupe à mister tour de mes seins qui ballottent sous moi, penchée en avant. L’homme derrière moi glisse un pied entre mes jambes pour les écarter. J’ai peur de me faire baiser. Je résiste mais il power tout en me travaillant le con. Ils égrènent des mots salaces qui ne font que m’exciter encore plus. Soudain je pense à René et je suis sûre qu’il souhaite que je me fasse baiser ici en ce lieu public par ces inconnus. Alors soudain je cède, j’engloutis le sexe devant moi et laisse celle derrière moi me pénétrer d’un seul coup. Mon amant se met à limer violemment, sa bite est grosse et me fait un peu mal. Mais l’idée qu’elle me remplit entièrement ajoute à mon plaisir. Le type que je suce se cabre soudain et je sens le sperme se déverser par saccades dans ma bouche. Il me maintien fermement la tête contre lui par les cheveux et quand il a fini de jouir il se maintient en moi pour m’obliger à avaler sa semence. Alors seulement il s’écarte. L’homme derrière se met à râler à mister tour et sa jouissance déclenche la mienne et je me surprends à crier en même temps que lui se vide les couilles dans mon ventre.
Me voilà souillée maintenant, mon corps est rempli de sperme par les deux bouts et cette semence je vais la garder en moi longtemps avant de pouvoir me sentir purifiée. Cela m’excite encore plus.
Les deux hommes qui ont joui, repus s’écartent. Le monsieur âgé de la rue a sorti sa bite et se caresse en me regardant. Timidement, il me demande simplement de me montrer et sous ses ordres je prends des poses vulgaires ; je lui tends mes seins, m’ouvre devant lui les fesses, la vulve. Le caissier m’apporte un gode et me demande de me l’introduire. Je n’aime pas beaucoup cela mais cette fois avec cet homme qui se branle en me regardant c’est différent! Je me l’introduis dans le con, me branle puis comme le vieux me le demande, je me retourne et me le plante dans le cul. Je me branle en même temps que lui et je sens une jouissance m’envahir à nouveau. Je jouis en même temps que lui et il éjacule contre mes seins et mon visage.
Je suis crevée. Le patron nous propose de boire un verre. Je me rhabille, je bois rapidement et je les quitte sans dire un mot.
Je suis fière de moi et je suis impatiente de tout raconter à René. Lui dire que j’ai fait tout cela pour lui, que je lui suis soumise et que cette pensée m’a aidée à chaque pour jouir encore plus. Je veux qu’il sache que je suis sous mister emprise et que je ferais tout ce qu’il voudra.
Il est bientôt 19 heures et je vais le rejoindre au Musée comme il me l’a demandé


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René s’est approché, il m’a pris dans ses bras, m’a caressée la nuque et les cheveux pour me calmer et doucement il m’a dit d’être gentille, qu’il attendait de moi d’être docile. Ce monsieur représentait gros pour lui et qu’ensuite je serais entièrement à lui.
Ces mots m’ont calmée, René caressait mon dos. On s’est approché d’une table et là, il m’a retournée et m’a fait poser ma tête sur mes mains devant moi. Il m’a fait reculer les pieds et me cambrer pour faire ressortir ma croupe. Je l’ai entendu s’adresser à l’allemand en lui montrant mon cul et combien il était beau et rond ; j’ai senti qu’il écartait mes fesses pour exhiber mon petit trou et en même temps il me disait des mots doux pour me calmer et me soumettre : « calme toi, sois gentille, laisse-toi faire ». Et moi je n’avais qu’une seule envie, lui faire plaisir. Alors il m’a demandé d’ouvrir moi même mon cul pour le montrer aux deux autres ; après une hésitation, j’ai passé mes mains derrière moi et j’ai écarté mes fesses. C’est alors que j’ai senti un doigt qui me pénétrait et me fouillait le sexe. René m’a encore demandé de me laisser faire. Maintenant il savait que j’accepterais tout, s’il me le demandait. Je le confortais que j’étais devenue mister esclave, comme il me l’avait crié lors de notre première rencontre au moment même où il déchargeait sa semence sur mes seins et mon visage.
Le jeune artiste s’était approché à mister tour et je sentais sa bite tout près de mon visage. Il se branlait presque sur ma joue. J’entendais derrière moi le vieux qui disait : « je vais te baiser ma petite salope ; je vais te faire jouir ». Et ces mots me faisaient mouiller. Quand j’ai senti mister gland à l’entrée de mon ventre, je ne l’ai pas refusé, au contraire, j’ai fait reculer légèrement mes fesses pour l’aider à me pénétrer. Je mouillais, Arsène tellement j’étais excitée. Les vapeurs d’alcool s’étaient dissipées et dans la salle régnait une forte odeur de sexe, de mouille et de sueur. L’homme derrière moi s’est mis me limer avec power, longtemps ; il prenait mister temps le salaud. Il a commencé par des coups lents puis il a accéléré progressivement. Les autres regardaient.
Pendant ce temps René m’a fait descendre la tête jusqu’à sa braguette et m’a présenté sa queue qu’il avait sortie auparavant. Je l’ai engloutie entièrement dans ma bouche et me suis mise à la sucer sans hésiter. Je prenais un plaisir fou de me sentir baisée et sucer en même temps cette bite que j’aimais déjà. L’autre mec, le plus jeune me pelotait les seins et frottait sa bite sur mes bouts durcis.
Soudain, l’allemand s’est mis à râler et accélérer mister va et vient. Je l’ai entendu crier qu’il allait lâcher la « purée » et d’un seul coup, j’ai senti les giclées de sperme chaud envahir mon ventre. Il était très chaud et abondant. J’avais l’impression qu’il ne s’arrêterait pas de me remplir. Ce signal a également amené René à la jouissance et par longues saccades il s’est déversé dans ma bouche. J’ai avalé jusqu’à la dernière goutte sa semence salée : je l’aimais d’amour à cette seconde. Le troisième homme, lui, a éjaculé sur mes seins et le sperme chaud s’est étalé sur ma poitrine et mon ventre. J’étais crevée.
René m’a prise dans ses bras et m’a allongée sur une table basse ; il a ouvert largement mes cuisses pour y recueillir le sperme qui s’en échappait. Il a pris un mouchoir et a essuyé les souillures de semence. Il ne cessait de répéter que j’étais bonne et qu’il m’aimait. C’est à ce moment que j’ai revu Gérard qui me filmait au fond de la pièce. J’ai eu un peu peur mais je n’ai rien dit. Le gros bandait à nouveau et il revenait me caresser les seins. Il a passé une main sous mes fesses pour les malaxer sans douceur. J’ai eu un sursaut quand il a fait pénétrer un doigt dans mon cul. Il s’est empressé de crier que j’étais étroite en cet endroit et qu’il aimerait y aller voir. Je refusais d’abord, comme je n’avais pas souvent été prise par là, mais René encore a insisté. Il m’a fait mettre à quatre pattes sur la table basse, s’est placé derrière moi et m’a ouvert les fesses pour montrer mon petit trou. La lumière violente qui venait du plafond devait bien éclairer cet endroit d’habitude caché. Là, il m’a demandé de pousser pour ouvris la corolle ; je l’ai fait et j’ai senti mon trou s’ouvrir. Un doigt s’est vite introduit dedans. A l’entrée d’abord, puis au fond. Au début j’avais un peu mal mais bientôt, le plaisir m’a envahi ; je trouvais du plaisir à me faire branler le cul. Mélange de honte et de plaisir.
Puis, il a enlevé mister doigt et j’ai senti un jet de salive qui se posait sur mon trou, puis le doigt qui l’étalait pour lubrifier l’entrée. J’aimais soudaine toute cette saloperie. Et quand l’allemand a pointé sa bite à l’entrée de mon anus, là encore je ne l’ai pas refusé et je suis allé à sa rencontre. Il a eu du mal à entrer au début et j’avais très mal. J’ai crié et l’homme a retiré mister membre. René s’est enduit le doigt de salive et doucement il a commencé à écarter les chairs de l’anus. Il a pris un gode que je n’ai pas vu venir et il l’a introduit doucement entre mes reins et s’est mis à me masturber le cul. Les deux autres étaient penchés sur moi et mataient. Ce faisant il me demandait si cela me donnait du plaisir. Sans hésiter je disais oui, alors il enfonçait encore plus profond mister objet. A un moment je l’ai entendu dire à l’allemand que j’étais prête, que mon cul était assez dilaté et ouvert. Alors l’autre a pointé mister gland et d’un coup de reins il s’est introduit dans moi sans aucune résistance à la place de du gode. Toute la colonne de chair m’a pénétrée sans douleur. Quand il a commencé à limer, j’ai senti comme une chaleur violente envahir mon corps et la jouissance est venue d’un seul coup, forte comme jamais je ne l’avais ressentie. Je sentais bien mister gland buter contre les parois de mon ventre. Je me sentais souillée, salie mais heureuse. Pendant que le gros me besognait, René me maintenait et m’embrassait avec douceur et l’autre se branlait encore sur mes seins en regardant. J’ai joui par le cul en me faisant enculer. Jamais j’aurai pu imaginer me laisser aller si loin dans la débauche. A peine quelques secondes après moi, le gros a déchargé dans mon cul et j’ai encore nettement senti les giclées de sperme envahir mes reins. Il a vite quitté sa place quand la dernière goutte s’est échappée de mister gland et avant que j’ai le temps de souffler, l’autre homme s’est mis en place derrière moi, encouragé par René. D’un seul coup il m’a pénétrée à mister tour. Il a commencé des vas et viens très rapides. Je me laissais faire, sans plaisir cette fois. J’étais un ventre servant à assouvir le plaisir de cet homme inconnu de moi quelques heures avant. Heureusement très vite il a joui et m’a remplie à mister tour de mister sperme.
Après cet épisode, je me suis réfugiée dans les bras de René, fatiguée mais comblée. En même temps je prenait la mesure de ce qui venait de se passer. Les deux hommes nous ont quittés. Je me suis rhabillée. Il était deux heures du marin. Je m’étais faite baiser pendant plus de deux heures par deux inconnus. Voilà.
Ensuite René et Gérard m’ont félicités sur ma beauté et la sensualité. Gérard m’a avoué qu’il avait tout filmé. René m’a promis de me revoir, il attendait encore plus de moi ! C’est tout ce que j’espérais à cette minute ».
Quand Chantal eut terminé de parler, un grand silence s’est installé dans le lit. Je me suis mis à réfléchir. Chantal restait silencieuse. Ma bite dans sa main était dure et me faisait mal. Elle prenait la mesure de l’effet de sa conduite sur moi.
Elle venait tout bonnement de m’avouer qu’elle m’avait trompé sans vergogne. En plus d’avoir pris mister pied, elle s’était amourachée d’un mec, un gigolo qui ne devait pas trop s’encombrer de scrupules. Mais je bandais ! Et ma bite me faisait mal. Jalousie, honte, excitation, douleur, tout cela se mêlait dans ma tête.
Je devais reconnaître qu’elle avait été franche pour tout m’avouer. Elle risquait gros ou bien elle se foutait maintenant de moi.
Les jours à venir devaient permettre d’éclaircir l’avenir de notre couple.


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My Mother in Law

It all started shortly after 9/11. I couldn't get into my office in downtown Manhattan for a few months and had to use my in-laws computer every weekday because they had very fast Internet access. Of course, without a boss looking over your shoulder every day, I got pretty bored and decided to surf the Internet to explore my fetishes-bondage, domination and offense. I went on a number of sites and saw some really exciting pictures, and read some great stories.

After 2-3 weeks of this, I came over to my in-laws one morning to get to "work" and there was a note on my seat that read "come upstairs when you get in". I went up to the master bedroom where my lady-in-law, Barbara, was lying in her housecoat in bed, as usual. She coolly looked at me as I entered the room and started "I saw the disgusting websites that you visited-is that why you come here every day?

To contaminate my computer with this filth? There were websites with dominatrixes using and a***ing men, men being used in every way for the pleasure of strong beautiful women. What are you some kind of sissy? Do you like this crap? How would you like me to tell Allimister (my wife)?"

At this time I soaked my clothes in sweat and was shaking. I was so colossally embarrassed, I didn't know what to say or do. Barbara screamed "well? Are you some lowly man just looking to serve women and do anything they say?" I answered, "well, I was intrigued by some of these things, but it's just a fantasy, never was supposed to come true. Sometimes I fantasize that Allimister is my dominatrix and that she uses me as her sex slave, but I've tried to bring up the subject and she won't go anywhere near it. I beg for permission to go down on her and she won't let me and she thinks that bondage and leather are kinky and just for disgusting people."

"Well, she's right!" exclaimed my lady in law. "I can't believe that you have these horrible fantasies and that you used my computer to pursue them".

"Please don't tell Alley. I promise I'll never do it again, not on your computer or anyone else's. My days of dreaming of sexual slavery are over. I'm really sorry. Just please keep this between you and me-I'm really, really sorry"

Barbara chuckled. "Well, I don't know David. I guess that you'll have to do whatever I say, won't you?"

"Sure" I said, "anything at all".

Barbara looked at me for a second in silence. After a pregnant pause, she tilted her head and asked "why would you want to lick a woman where she pees? It's smelly and absolutely disgusting not to mention demeaning--don't you have any self-respect?

I answered "Alley used to let me do it but hates being touched or licked so she told me to stop a few years ago and I keep begging her to let but she never does."

"But why do you WANT to do it?" she asked.

"There's nothing sexier or more fulfilling than knowing that you've pleased your woman and seeing her writhing around the bed in pleasure. When Alley and I have sex she never makes a sound or a move for that matter and she just tells me to finish up as quickly as possible, which often takes a while since her vagina is so stretched and she's pretty big. I've felt her abdomen shaking from orgasm a couple of times when we're at it for 30 minutes of straight sex, but she never makes a sound, plus it's pretty seldom. I want a woman to be uninhibited enough to thrash around the bed and show me how much she really enjoys things."

"You seem to think you're quite the lover, David. I bet you have a really small penis which doesn't fulfill my flower and she has no interest in having your fat smelly body on her." "look, I will do you a favor and let you go down on me--I always see you looking up my skirt and your little weiner always tents your pants when I'm around so I'm guessing that you'll like it.

But listen to me, no touching me and you have to do exactly what I say, or I call your wife and tell her about the websites and that you sexually assaulted me."

I dove between her legs, pleased to see that she was not wearing panties beneath her house coat. She relaxed, lied back and spread her legs back. I inhaled her aroma and got to work, living my very fantasy. I licked her thighs up to her whole, circled around the hole and then up to her clit. I started licking the alphabet but then Barbara started moving around, up and down, humping my tongue and I lost track of the letters. It was a struggle just to lick back and forth over the nub. Barbara was definitely not her flower--she was thrashing around on the bed, screaming.

This went on for 7 or 8 minutes and then she grabbed my hair and pulled me closer. She started humping my face hard and fast and nearly strangled me with her legs closing tightly like a vise around the sides of my neck. After a few more throaty screams Barbara pushed me away and exhaled a long, post-orgasmic breath. I had my lady in law's juices all over my face and was incredibly excited but waited for her next command.

After 20 seconds of awkwardness, Barbara told me to strip. I did in a hurry, really excited to make love to this beautiful intoxicating woman. She got off the bed and told me to close my eyes. I did and and suddenly heard two clicks. Barbara had handcuffed my hands behind my back.

When I opened my eyes, she attached a dog collar to my neck and pulled me over to her bed. She tied my leash to her headboard and reached into her dresser drawer. She pulled out a digital camera and began taking pictures--about a dozen of them, zeroing in on my ass and cock as well as my face.

I screamed "what are you doing?"

Barbara answered, "I just want to capture the moment," and then put the camera back into her lingerie drawer. She then dug into her housecoat pocket for the key to my cuffs and let me go with the warning never to go on those websites again. I eagerly said, "no, no, of course not. I'm really sorry I did in the first place and very ashamed." Barbara then dispatched downstairs to get back to work.

My lady in law was beautiful for her age--58 years old, thin, smooth face, luscious lips and always stylish hair and clothes. Her ass and hips were a bit wider and her boobs a bit smaller and looser than I would have ideally liked, but it made her that much more real and as a result sexy, to me.

I was thrilled to have realized my fantasy of going down on her--I dreamed of it thousands of times before and it was great sticking my tongue inside of her and getting that wonderful reaction. Of course, sucking a beautiful woman off doesn't exactly reduce your desire; it increases it and after a few minutes of work, the moisturizer on my man-in-law's desk was looking very inviting. I put a little in my hand and started jerking off, figuring I could quickly throw my sweater over my crotch as soon as I heard footsteps.

I was really getting into it, with my eyes closed, lightly whispering, "Barbara, oh Barbara as my body started going into spasms. Just then, I heard a click and saw a bright light threw my closed eyelids. Barbara was there with that damn camera capturing the moment. I stopped right away and threw the sweater over my hard flagpole but way too late. Also, I went 2-3 strokes too far and my cock started convulsing and leaking cum.

Barbara looked angry and yelled "this is what you do? What are you some horny teenager you have to jerk off as soon as you have a free moment? I'm beginning to regret what I let you do earlier--I let you fulfill your fantasy and then you continue your disgusting lifestyle 10 minutes after you promised to stop it? You are disrespecting me in my house, lying to me and showing me that you are no better than a dog!"

I answered "Barbara, I wish this day never happened. I'm so embarrassed, can I just go clean up for a second and then we can talk?"

"NO!, we deal with this now. Your discomfort right now is nothing compared to my rage and fear that I have an out of control horndog in my house every day when I'm alone. I want you to go upstairs to my bedroom right now." I quickly headed upstairs when Barbara said-- "cuff yourself into the handcuffs hanging from my bedpost." I did. She then put a scarf around my eyes to blindfold me and took some of my man-in-lawsí neckties and tied each ankle to the legs of her bed. She then left the room for a second and when she returned started cutting all of my clothes off.

She cut my expensive sweater, pants and underwear and removed them all. She then stuck a dirty stocking in my mouth and used another to tie it in there. She did this all quietly as I pleaded with her to forgive me. Then she left for a long time-maybe 2, 3, 4 hours or so-- I had no way of telling since there was silence for the longest time.

Then, I heard the garage door open and Barbara's car drive in. 3 minutes later I heard her walk in with some paper and plastic bags. I heard a lot of rustling and some noise and then felt Barbara climb onto the bed. I felt her thin feminine hands grab my sticky cock and squeeze my balls. There was intense pressure on my balls by some hard thing and Barbara was pulling my balls. Then, I felt a cold hard thing close over my penis and heard a click.

All I could do was moan into the stocking and Barbara said, "there, now there will be no more masturbating in my house!" I have the key and am going now to the bank to store it in my safety deposit box along with some jewelry. Barbara returned sometime later and said, "OK, here are the new rules. You dreamt of pleasing me, you will.

You fantasized about sexual slavery--you'll have it. I have some very damaging photos on my camera of you--pictures that can ruin your career, you marriage, your entire life. I will do that if you continue to be a caveman--jerking of whenever you want, looking at pornography, demeaning women and the process of lovemaking--from now on you will live a clean life, always respecting women and you WILL do EVERYTHING I ever say.

You will go 2 months with this chastity device on you--you will not be able to have sex, jerk off, even get an erection. But, the desire and inability for all those things will make you hornier than you can imagine. Whenever Alley tells me that her period is over, I'll unlock you and you can make love to my flower, but after 10 days of freedom, you will return to me for your chastity device. If you do not come when I command, I will release the pictures immediately. Is this understood?"

I nodded yes and moaned through the gag.

I couldn't move and was so scared, I promised myself I'd do anything she wants because she totally had me by the balls (no pun intended). Barbara then removed my gag and straddled my face--I licked her for a long time all over and she came several times--great physical reactions but not a word was said. She then dismounted my face and continued. "You are my slave for the rest of your life, or at least until I decide I don't want you anymore. You were right, oral sex is the best and you will be giving me plenty of it.

After those orgasms I'm feeling a little more charitable so here's the deal. If you're a good little slave and keep me really happy at all times, at some point, I'll let you have sex with me. Now, donít get excited--you have a lot of learning to do and nothing is certain but it's normal after having your pussy sucked and licked to want to be filled by some hot hard cock. Of course, after seeing what you have to offer, you probably won't do, but even the lowest dog needs his occasional reward." "From now on you will refer to me as Mistress when we are not with friends and family and you will do everything I ever say no matter how demeaning or disgusting you think the task.

If I'm ever disappointed with you, I reserve the right to refuse you sex and if you ever upset me, you're in some serious cuckolds brownie. Since Alley is nearing her due date, you probably wont' be having sex with her for a while, so you can stay locked up and she shouldn't be any the wiser."

Mistress unlocked me and told me to get dressed in her husband's clothes and get back to work. She went in to take a shower. It was pretty hard to concentrate on work, while in the same house as my Mistress. After she exited the shower, she called me upstairs. I entered the room sheepishly and said, "yes Mistress?"

Barbara was wearing just a towel. She told me to lie down on the floor on my back. I did and she stepped over my head and lowered herself onto my face. She said quietly "lick" and I did. After a few minutes, she got really into things and totally shifted her weight from her legs to lean completely on my face, sladying me.

But, I continued licking her as she gyrated her pussy all around my mouth and face. After she screamed for a few seconds and squirted some of her juice down my throat, she got up and went into her dressing room--no "thank you" or "that was great" or "goodbye"--she just used me like a toy or a piece of furniture.

I went downstairs back to work, wondering when I'd be used again.



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Supergirl and the Imp's Masquerade

It was All Hallows Eve when Mr Mxyztplk found his way back to his permisteral pleasure park, the planet Earth. As he observed invisibly his favorite playground he saw heroes and heroines making ready for a charity costume ball and had an inspiration for impish fun. It was a simple matter to magically enhance the costumes for many the hero and heroine that he played with this time around. For each the story was worth the telling in and of itself, but for now we will have to concentrate just one.

Supergirl had been looking forward to this ball for some time now. She rarely had the time to have fun as Supergirl and as Linda Danvers it was just too hard to keep any relationships going for long. Batgirl had went shopping for costumes with her earlier that day and when she saw this one, she knew it was meant for her. A pink ballerina's costume, authentic down to the white slippers.

Linda had always been fascinated by ballet. The grace and the strength that these men and women were capable of was almost as amazing as her own powers. But ballerinas accomplished their feats with training, discipline and Earth born talent. If she could be one thing as an ordinary human, this would be it.

While making his way through all his favorite playmates, Mr Mxyztplk arrived just in time to see the Maid of Might tying her shoes tightly. Invisible and unhearable, even to a Kryptonian, Myx said to himself "You are way too much like your ******* joy cousin Supes. That is the costume of a little girl, but don't worry! *I* know exactly how to spice it up." The Fifth Dimensional imp smiled with glee as he worked his magic on the costume changing it from a beautiful ballerina to an ultra slutty stripper. Her delicate slippers were replaced with 6" red stiletto pumps and her legs were encased in sheer black fishnet stocking the ran up to her cherry red garter belt. Her tutu was replaced with a matching red thong and sheer white see through tube top. Her hair was tease up an flowed wildly over her shoulders and her face was heavily painted with deep shaded eye makeup and ruby red lip gloss making her lips seem in a perpetual pout.

Not only did the Girl of Steel not notice the change, the costume began to change her perceptions as well. Now she admired strippers, whores, and porn stars more than any other women on the planet. No one else could so completely mesmerize men to their will. Look how many men sit in the exotic dancers' audiences watching them perform... waiting for the chance for a treasured lap dance. How many men spend their savings to experience the sexual expertise that only a professional prostitute can deliver? And above all, look at the billions of dollars that people spend to buy porno movies so, just for a few minutes, they can live the fantasy of being with these irresistible sirens. It was as if this was always her fascination, but now she realized as she looked in the mirror that this was something well within her grasp.

Just the month before, Supergirl had busted a particularly vile strip club in Gotham City. The place was not just a club, it was also a bordello that picked up runaway girls and made them strippers and prostitutes. The most talented girls were used in porn flicks and a few even became porn stars, if the club owner, Jake Slone, could find a film company interested in them. Of course, the place had the best lawyers in Gotham City and they got the charges dropped in less than a week. The last thing the owner said was "Don't come back babe until you are ready to put out."

Just minutes ago, that place was the vilest place on the planet to the Maid of Might and the comment was a humiliating joke at her expense. Now it was an irresistible job offer. The thought of working there became the most important thing in her life. She could mesmerize men with her dancing, and entice them with lap dances. If she were *real* good, they might even let her be one of the hookers or even *better*, work on some of the porn films. She would do *anything* if they could make her a *porn star*!

Dressed in her stripper costume, Supergirl flew to the establishment and entered through a back door. The guard there recognized her as the babe that threw him 50 feet like a rag doll and gave her plenty of room. Supergirl burst into Jake Slone's office door and smiled like the cat that ate the canary. Slone just looked the heroine over and said "Taking time off from trick or treating or have you come to work, Super Slut? I *know* after the talk my lawyers gave you last time you would not be stupid enough to mess with me again."

Supergirl gushed enthusiasm at the club owner. "Its for my job interview, silly. You still want me to work for you, don't you?" Supergirl teetered on her tip toes in excitement praying for acceptance.

Jake's jaw hung down as if he had lost muscular control. When his lit cigarette burned a hole in his pants, he snapped back to reality. After extinguishing the smoldering cloth, he addressed the heroine "Yeah, like *I* am falling for that you stupid cunt. You are just looking for dirt to use against me. What, you think i was born yesterday? Why the hell should *I* trust *you*?"

Supergirl was crushed. After a couple stuttering starts she begged him "Please Mr Slone! I will do *anything* to work for you. I just want to dance for men and feel them rub against me. It is all I ever wanted. Tell me what I can do! Please, *please* give me a chance!"

Jake's eyes narrowed as he looked the young woman over. There was no denying that she was hot. She would make a great stripper and an even better whore. He could make millions on her in porn flicks too, but this had to be some kind of trick, right? Then he thought of something that she would never do unless she was serious about working for him. "OK Supes. Here's the deal; I want you to tell me your secret identity *and* give me proof of it. Now, what you gonna do?"

Supergirl began jumping around like an over excited kid. "Oh, Oh I have just what you are looking for!" Out of her g string she produced her wallet for him. "There, I am Linda Danvers. All my information is in there." She smiled broadly for her perspective employer.

She was right. It was all there for him... her license, college ID, voter's registration, and even her social security card. Jake looked over the information in her wallet carefully. She obviously had a wig on in the pictures and had done some simple things to look different, but someone that crafted erotic fantasies on film could spot the real Supergirl in the pictures. He quickly checked the Internet to see if there were occurrences of Linda Danvers and her school with his favorite search engine and found three links to charity web pages. There was the girl in front of him, dressed as her now blown secret identity in pictures with school professors and even the dean. The pornographer and pip returned her broad smile. "I *own* your ass now 'Linda'!"

Linda clapped her hands together and excitedly exclaimed "You mean I've got the job?"

"Oh you got more than that babe." He said. "You are going to strip and whore yourself for me day and night. I can't wait to put you in my porn flicks too. You are going to make me a mint."

Supergirl was thrilled and shrieked in joy. This was the happiest moment in her life, thanks to Myx's playing, but soon another thought crossed her mind. She looked a little embarrassed when she replied. "I can't wait to get to work boss, but I *am* still a superheroine. As much as I want to work night and day for you, I still have my responsibilities."

Jake growled at her "OK, understand this little girl. This is your *job*! The other crap is just a hobby and there are plenty of heroes out there to do it *without* you. You can do that when you have spare time *if* you want to, but you work when I tell you and like it. Got it!" In her current frame of mind, Linda couldn't risk losing this job and nodded in agreement. Jake smiled again at the former heroine and continued "And from now on, you only do rescues and emergencies as a heroine. If you bust someone, you only bust the people *I* tell to, got it?"

Linda smiled and agreed with her boss. Now that she had agreed to his terms, Myx's enchanted costume made some more changes to her. It began working on her permisterality again, making her more like both a stripper and a whore. in an instant she was filled with bad girl attitude and habits as well as the best tricks of all her new trades.

Jake nodded and said "Ok, one more thing, I want you to do a nice strip tease for me like you are on stage." Linda gives him a sultry smile and begins her dance. Her timing is precise and her movements impeccable as she slowly takes it all off... piece by piece. The stripper's costume becomes her erotic toy to entice her new boss and she easily finds her mark with the increasingly aroused man. Just for try outs, Jake has a performers bar there in his office and Linda uses it better than any ever had before. But to be fair, she is the first performer he had that could actually fly. Still the illusion is flawlessly erotic. Before long, she is utterly naked and still gyrating and contorting erotically for him. He can't believe his luck. Not only has this hot bitch fallen into his lap, it is like she has been performing for years.

Jake is on the verge of blowing a load just watching the former heroine dance. When she is at the end of her number he claps and says "Great baby. Now put on your clothes and give me a lap dance." At super speed, Linda puts her clothes back on in perfect erotic fashion and straddles the mans lap. "Topless dances cost extra, so be sure to ask when you are working the floor. Now take off your top and give me your best lap dance. "

As Linda smiled and proceeded to give him the dance of his life, in her mind a piece of her consciousness seems to split off and look at her actions and feelings with surprise. To herself, this part of her mind looks just like the uniformed heroine. The mental image of Supergirl speaks "I... I can't believe I am doing this. I can't believe how much I seem to be enjoying this...*filthy* behavior!. What is the matter with me?"

From behind her a voice chimes in, "Not a thing babe!" She turns to face another avatar of herself. This version of Supergirl is dressed in tight revealing clothes that are easy to take off quickly for professional reamisters but still show her exquisite body. Her make up is heavy and slutty. Her hair is big and teased up. She moves with a feline grace that exudes sensuality and dominance. When the slutty avatar takes a drag off her cigarette and seductively exhales, Supergirl feels herself getting wet. "That's all my doing. I'm the new you!"

Supergirl shook her head weakly and said "No! I... I'll fight you!"

The slutty version of her just smiled seductively and said "No sweetie, you won't! You want to be me and you know it, don't you" Supergirl nodded her head without even realizing it. "That's right baby, I'm you and you need to be me. Forget everything else. I am just the kind of slut you always wanted to be." Supergirl seemed mesmerized as she smiled slightly and repeated her doubles words silently. The two versions of the Girl of Steel reached out as if they were going to hug, but instead they merged into one consciousness. The heroine was utterly gone from her mind, replaced by the perfect slut for her new identity.

In the real world, Jake was breathing heavy as the young woman that only weeks ago tried to send him to primister succeeded in sending him to nirvana. When the music stopped, Jake pulled out another cigarette and offered her one. She accepted readily and did an exotic French exhale for him and smiled. She purred in his ear "Should I show you my other talents or do you need a couple minutes baby?"

Jake Slone may be a low life pip and pornographer, but he was no fool. He had seen enough stories about these costumed bitches getting mind controlled and a day or two later, mopping up the floor with the poor schmuck that took advantage of the situation. As he saw it he had days, maybe only *hours*, to make his hold over this cunt unbreakable and there was *no* time to waste. The tools he used to keep control of the runaway girls would serve him well now. While a topless Supergirl sat in his lap snuggling with him, he reached into his desk and brought out some legal papers. He then called a bouncer on the floor with his secured walkie talkies and asked him to send some specific guests into his office.

Supergirl purred in his "What's the paper work for baby?" Before he could answer, a couple bouncers and four clients came into the office. Linda looked puzzled at the new comers and asked "Who are they? Why are they here?"



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"Well 'Linda', these men are going to help make you a great exotic performer and maybe even a porn star. First thing you have to do is fill out some paperwork for me. The first makes me your manager and financial advisor. The second changes your name legally to Celeste L. Body. Now I need you to fill in your name, social security number, signature, and todays date here in this form and there on that form." Supergirl hesitated for a second, but in her frame of mind she quickly agreed and filled in the paper work. "Good girl Celeste. Now Judge Parker will sign both forms and Mr Lawrence and Owens will sign as witnesses. And finally Mr Hayes here will rush the proceeding through channels and get your new identity cards through his connections in the witness protection program. By the time you finish your shift tonight, every piece of identity you have and in the world will be as Celeste L. Body, not Linda Danvers." Within five minutes all the paperwork was signed. After collecting all Celeste's old cards and the original signed documents, Mr. Hayes collected his $500 bribe and took off for his office to officially change her identity. "Well, now that Mr Hayes has been compensated, its time to compensate the good Judge and the witnesses along the lines that they prefer."

The men each put on face masks and moved over to a couch on the other side of the room. "OK Celeste, show us what you can do as a stripper and as a porn actress." Celeste gave an evil grin to the men and began to dance as she stripped for them. Jake smiled broadly too as he knew he already had captured on the hidden camera Supergirl's entire visit including her telling him her identity. This impromptu porn screen test, added with her early strip tease and lap dance would help to keep her in line as will the complete power of attorney she signed on tape. By morning not only would she have a new identity, but every family member and friend would have been identified and cataloged. If she did anything to Jake or failed to live up to her agreements, which are as close to legal slavery as possible, their information would be sent to all of her enemies along with her original identity. Of course selected portions of his tape collection would also be sent to media world wide as well. As Celeste began to give him a blow job, he looked down at the eager slut and thought 'You will never escape me now bitch.'

In the haze of lust and filled with the obsessive desire of her boss and his corrupt friends, the costume made its final changes. Celeste practically forgot about being Linda Danvers and anything about heroics. She still remembered her powers and even found ways to enhance her performances with them, but she could care less about anything that happened more than half an hour ago. That evening she wore all four men to the point of ***ness before she took her place on the club stage performing. They were not the last men to taste her wares that night either.

Within a day, Jake had two major adult film companies interested in Celeste and signed one year, renewable contracts for 150 film appearances each by his latest starlet. Within a week, her first projects for each company were added to dvds that were almost ready to ship and she became an over night hit. Already Jake opened up a pay web site for pictures of her working as well as live web cams. Of course, with complete power of attorney every cent she made went to him. He also had specially made tattoo equipment with Kryptonite in the needle handle brought in to add some body art to the performer. On her leg was a trail of kittie tracks up to her pussy and the caption "Wild Thang" along side it. On her right upper arm he had her likeness smiling wickedly with the caption "Celeste L Body - Born for Porn" circling it. Other tattoos of roses and birds adorned her arms, legs, and back as well as a small red heart on one breast and ruby red lips on the other. He made very sure if she ever put on a costume again, the body art would easily identify her as the porn star.

Celeste loved her new life. She worked the club floor from noon until 2 AM every day stripping, dancing, and more often than not taking guests to the 'special' back rooms for whatever sexual fantasy floated their boats. After that, she would fly to LA to work late night on the film projects to fulfill one of her contracts and then at 7 AM flew back to Gotham to film another. Fortunately for her, Kryptonians don't need relax. Still, it was a glorious 3 weeks for Celeste before things changed.

As always, someone eventually finds Mr Mxyztplk's hand in the ensuing mischief and finds a way to trick him into saying his name backwards. Some would even argue that he eventually gets bored with the worlds his magic crafts and wants the heroes to deal with the memories as he goes back to his normal life and plots his next pleasure trip in 90 days. This time, ironically, the permister that caught on to his presence had been turned evil by his magics and simply tricked him into leaving just to keep him from interfering with their plans for world domination. As usual, when Myx was powerd back to his home, the effects of the costumes on the heroes and heroines permisteralities were reversed. However this time the effects of their acts under his influence remained as well as any talents they gained by his magic. Magic and Golden Lassoes were in high demand to right the wrongs committed over the weeks of Myx's fun.

Celeste was having a blast lap dancing for a huge longshoreman with a dick as big and long as a night stick trying to free itself from his pants. She was positive that he would go to a back room with her and she knew he would get her off several times before she worked every cent he had from him. Suddenly she felt faint as familiar thoughts crossed her mind. It all became clear to her. She was heroine. She helped women like this escape the vile traps of men like Jake Slone. How could she be a stripper... a *porn star*... for gods sake a *prostitute*. What had happened to her?

Supergirl felt weak for some reamister as she started to rise off the mans lap, but he quickly pulled her back down and planted a kiss on her lips. As surprised as she was by the kiss, it was even more surprising that she could not break his grip. After a second, she realized the best way to get out of this situation was to give in for the short term. As she returned his embrace she played with his nipple through his shirt. When she got a chance she worked her way up to his ear and said "Baby, the signal that a raid is in progress is flashing now. Don't make any quick moves, but when I get up, make your way to the back door and for *God's* sake, don't say a *thing* about it to anyone, ok?" The huge man's eyes were wide as saucers and he started to speak. "Shhhhh. It will be ok. Just leave quietly and remember to ask for me next time you show up, OK?" The man calmed a little and did as she asked.

Supergirl quickly made her way to Jake's office. The whole time she felt ill. It was hard to place where the feeling was coming from, but her strength of will propelled her up the stairs and into his office.

Jake looked up at his prize employee and smiled. "Celeste baby! What brings you up here mid-shift? It isn't like you to let a guy like that longshoreman get away without a roll in the hay, let alone paying for the lap dance." Again another wave of nausea flowed through her and a slight stinging started in her extremities. "You are looking a little green around the gills sweetie. Everything OK?"

Supergirl growled "My name is *not* Celeste... ARRRR!" The stinging became a full fledged burning throughout her body. "I... I am Supergirl!" Another cry of pain escaped her lips as she dropped to her knees and her body convulsed with agony.

"Well I see that whatever screwed with your mind in the first place has wore off, but I think you are figuring out that I have no intention of letting my property walk away." Jake said as he approached her smiling. "You see, you *are* Celeste L. Body legally now and as the permister with complete power of attorney over you who also knows everything about your former life, family, and friends, you will do exactly as I say."

Supergirl looked up at him and growled "Never!" Her defiance was short lived as she was wracked with even more pain leaving her convulsing on his carpet.

Jake laughed at her pain. "Ahh sweetheart, that little collar of your was designed by a buddy of mine you arrested a couple years ago. He use to work for Star Labs until you busted him for fencing hardware. His specialty was in advanced training techniques. After studying Kryptonite and using some alien metals, he made a training collar just for you. As soon as you even thing of straying from my orders, your powers are gone. If you try to escape, act against me, or continue your disobedience, the pain starts. You try to remove the collar, you go right to this level of pain. Of course the *fun* starts when you obey." He lifted her head and looked into her agonized eyes. The heroine was in so much pain she could hardly think straight. "Now, what is your *legal* name?"

Supergirl snarled out the answer almost against her will. "Celeste L. Body" Immediately the pain dropped back a level.

"Very good Celeste." Jake continued "And who do you work for?"

The pain started to mount again until she answered "You! Jake Slone... I work for you." As galling as it was, the pain receded even more.

"Excellent Celeste!" Jake then passionately kissed her and she was overwhelmed with pleasure. The contrast from agony to pleasure numbed her mind. For a minute she could do nothing but answer his questions. "And what do you do as my employee Celeste?"

Her senses started to come back into focus but not in time to stop her answer "I am your stripper, whore, and porn actress." Now the flood of pleasure enveloped her as if she were about to have the orgasm of a lifetime. The need and desire built and built as she screamed in ecstasy but never arrived.

Jake let the mechanism in the fetishr do its work, first drowning her in pleasure before the enormous pressure of her need for release nearly drove her insane. "Is there something you want Celeste? Something I can do for you?" The heroine nodded fervently. Supergirl hated this man, but her need far outweighed any emotion. "Well tell me Celeste. What can I do for you?"

For a moment her thoughts fought with each other, but in the end there was only madness or release. Supergirl screamed "Fuck me damn it. I need you to fuck me now!" Her face was red with offense, but she could not face her need anymore.

"Well, sure I can do *that*, but I don't want to have to have this conversation with you again. Now do you remember what you agreed to when I hired you?" Supergirl nodded impatiently. "Will you follow *all* the commitments you made then and since?" Again, she had no choice but to agree. "Good girl Celeste. Now you will never think of yourself as anyone other than who you are; Celeste L. Body, stripper, whore, porn star, and *my* employee, right?" She would agree to anything to get release now. "One more thing. you will obey me without question, right?" Tears flowed freely down her face as she agreed. "OK Baby, I think you have had enough." Jake pulled her thong down and she quickly sprung up to unzip his pants. As he embraced her the pressure of desire and please welled up even more, but when he entered her pussy with is throbbing erection, she got her orgasm. This orgasm was like being caught in a tidal wave of pure lust and joy. She lost any semblance of coherent thought as she rode her master's erection like a bucking bronco. She endured three more mind numbing orgasms before he got close to coming himself. Jake whispered into her ear "You love my cock in you don't you baby?"

Her mind completely snapped by the manipulation, Celeste purred back "God yessssssss! You are the greatest fuck ever Jake!"

"Ok baby, I am ready to pop." He pulled his cock out of her soaking wet pussy and unloaded on her lovely tits a huge creamy shower. Celeste squealed in joy as she rubbed in into her tits and sat up to clean his cock with her mouth. They both enjoyed a cigarette together before they put their clothes back on.

Jake could see the old Supergirl starting to wake back up in her eyes and chuckled. "So what do you think of that collar now? In a couple more weeks, you'll be so tamed you won't be able to even remember being a heroine. By the way... Ummmm" Jake snapped his finger and pointed at her as if he couldn't remember her name.

Supergirl responded with urgency "Celeste! My name is Celeste." After the last half hour, she didn't even want to think about who she use to be.

Jake smiled evilly "You sure are Celeste. Don't forget it. Now get back to the floor. You have another 6 hours on laps and dicks until you fly to LA."

Supergirl blushed as she quickly moved for the door. She now knew she wasn't getting out of here without help and with the collar reinpowering her professional behaviors, if she didn't get out of here soon, she never would.


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Enculée dans mon parking

Lundi dernier, avec un de mes contacts msn. Un jour où je n’avais pas voulu qu'il vienne, il m'a dit que la prochaine fois, il me baiserait dans mon parking, comme une salope. Faut savoir que ce n’est pas un parking souterrain mais juste un terrain autour de l'immeuble où on gare les voitures. Il m'a appelé pour me dire qu'il venait, et que je devais l'attendre en bas. Je suis sortie en robe de chambre et en pyjama, c'était 21h et il faisait déjà nuit. Je suis allée dans ma voiture et je me suis déshabillée, j'ai juste gardé ma robe de chambre.

Il est arrivé et s'est garé pas loin de moi, juste à côté d'un camion. il m'a appelé sur mon portable pour me demander où j'étais, je lui ai dit que j'étais dans ma voiture. Alors il a fait des appels de phares pour que je voie où il était (j'avais pas vu que c'était lui, dans la nuit). Il m'a dit : "viens me rejoindre toute nue !". J'ai dit : "non, quelqu'un peut me voir dehors, c'est que 21h et y'a pas mal de monde qui promène leur chien". Alors il m'a dit : "si tu ne viens pas toute nue, t'auras pas de baise ce soir ! Je te laisse 1 mn pour réfléchir !" et il a raccroché.
Je ne savais pas quoi faire. C'est chez moi, et j'avais quand même pas envie que quelqu'un me voit. Mais ma famille venait enfin de partir et j'avais trop envie de me faire mettre par une grosse queue. Alors j'ai enlevé ma robe de chambre et j'ai marché (rapidement !) vers sa voiture.

Il m'a dit : "c'est bien ma salope ! T'as encore une punition à faire avant que je te baise, pour te punir de l'autre fois !". Je lui ai dit que c'était ça ma punition : me faire baiser dans mon parking ! Il m'a répondu : "ta gueule, salope ! Tourne toi !" . Il m'a attaché les mains, et m'a fait sortir de la voiture. Je devais aller devant sa voiture, me pencher en 2 jambes écartées, en tournant le dos aux gens qui pouvaient venir, et dire tout haut : "je suis une pute ! je vais me faire enculer comme une pute !". Et je devais le rejoindre en marchant jambes écartées et toujours penchée en 2, pour ne pas voir s'il y avait quelqu'un qui m'aurait vu. Je ne voulais pas mais il m'a fait du chantage. Il avait mes clés dans la voiture, et moi j'étais toute nue et les mains attachées dehors. Alors j'ai fait ce qu'il m'a dit. Au moment où je me suis penchée devant la voiture, il a allumé ses phares. Je me suis redressée en partant mais il a juste ouvert sa vitre en m'ordonnant, en colère : "RETOURNE LA-BAS, SALOPE, OU JE PARS EN TE LAISSANT CUL NU DANS TON PARKING !". Alors je me suis remise devant la voiture et je me suis penchée en avant, jambes écartées. Il a remis ses phares et a klaxonné. Après il m'a dit : "vas-y salope ! Dis ce que tu dois dire !".

C'est la chose la plus humiliante que j'ai fait. J'étais toute nue dehors, penchée en 2 avec les mains attachées, et les jambes écartées, dans la lumière des phares d'une voiture, et j'ai dit : "je suis une pute, je vais me faire enculer comme une pute !".

Il a enfin éteint ses phares et est sorti de la voiture en se mettant derrière le camion à côté, et m'a ordonné : "reste penchée en 2 ma pute ! Ne bouge pas ! Je veux que tes voisins qui mistert à la fenêtre te voient faire la pute !". Je n’osais pas bouger, j'avais peur qu'il remette ses phares et qu'il klaxonne. Il m'a enfin dit de le rejoindre, j'ai marché, toujours penchée en 2 et on s'est retrouvé à l'ombre du camion. L'ombre car mon parking est éclairé de lampadaires. Il m'a mis comme un collier de chien autour du cou avec une laisse au bout, et il m'a attachée au grillage, pour m'obliger à rester penchée en 2. Il me disait en même temps :" alors, t'as voulu faire ta salope l'autre jour et t'as pas voulu m'ouvrir chez toi, hein ? Ben tu vas vraiment te faire baiser comme une pute, espèce de chienne !". Il m'a bâillonnée avec une sangle avec une boule dans ma bouche et m'a attachée les jambes écartées au grillage. "Là, tu ressembles vraiment à une grosse pute !".

Puis il a donné plusieurs coups de téléphone, je l'entendais dire : "... j'ai attachée une grosse pute, elle adore se faire niquer, t'as qu'à venir... " Et il donnait mon adresse. Après il est revenu vers moi et il m'a claqué les fesses plusieurs fois et m'a enculé d'un coup ! J'ai crié mais j'avais le bâillon dans la bouche. Il m'a bourriné le cul vulgarement, en me pinçant les seins, il me traitait de chienne, de grosse salope, que je devais lui obéir et que je devais recevoir des corrections comme une chienne. Il continuait à me bourrer le cul, je poussais des petits couinements et tout d'un coup, je l'ai entendu dire : "j'vais te jouir dans le cul, j'vais te jouir dans le cul !". Il s'est retiré, et s'est enfoncé d'un coup juste après et est resté bien au fond de mon cul. AIIIIIIIIE !!! J'ai senti mister foutre qui me coulait à l'intérieur pendant qu'il râlait de plaisir ! Il s'est retiré après en me disant : "voilà ma pute, comment on dresse les putes comme toi ! Je te laisse là, c'est ta place de pute !". Et il est parti. J’étais paniquée, attachée toute nue, et je venais d'entendre sa voiture démarrer. Je sentais mister foutre qui me coulait sur les cuisses. J'ai commencé à réfléchir rapidement sur l'explication que je devrais donner aux permisternes qui me trouveraient là le lendemain matin....

Et au bout d'un temps qui m'a paru interminable, j'ai entendu des voix qui cherchaient un endroit, un camion, un grillage et ils m'ont vue. "Ah regarde, la salope ! Il avait pas menti ce con !". Ils se mistert approchés, m'ont mis leurs doigts partout, et je me suis fait enculer par leurs grosses queues, aïïïïïïïïïïïe ! aïïïïïïïïïïïe ! aïïïïïïïïïïïe ! Mon trou s'était un peu refermé, ils m'ont enculé comme une bonne salope, et d'autres mecs mistert arrivés. Je me suis fait enculé par je ne sais pas combien de queue ce soir là, j'avais du sperme partout sur les cuisses, le cul rempli de jus, parce-que les mecs qui m'enculaient appelaient d'autres mecs, etc.

Mon contact msn est revenu, il a laissé les mecs décharger dans mon cul et m'a dit : "Alors ma pute ! Voilà comment je dresse les chiennes désobéissantes comme toi ! Maintenant, je vais te ramener chez toi, comme une pute !". Il m'a détaché la laisse mais l'a rattachée à mes chevilles pour me garder penchée en 2, et il m'a enculé encore, et il a noué une corde autour de nous pour garder sa queue bien enfoncée dans mon cul. Il m'a ordonné de marcher comme ça jusqu'à chez moi. C'était 2h du matin passé, heureusement on n'a croisé permisterne, et une fois chez moi, il m'a bien défoncé le cul encore une fois et à déchargé dedans, en me disant que j'étais qu'une grosse pute et que je devais lui obéir !

J'étais pas très fraîche le lendemain, et la prochaine fois qu'il vient, je ne vais pas le faire attendre, ça c'est sûr !


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Avec un jour de retard... merci pour ces bonnes histoires...


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Minnie and the Newlyweds

Peter and Angie were in love with life. At 20 years and 19 years respectively, they had made the crazy madcap decision to elope, against their parents wishes, move from rural Southern California where they were both raised and travel overseas. They had dreamed of travelling to New Zealand, and shortly after their Las Vegas matrimonial ceremony they flew out from LAX for the 12 hour flight, cuddling and kissing like two young kids on an exciting adventure, which is not far from the truth.

Having arrived in New Zealand, Peter and Angie headed to Lake Taupo where they knew they could find work in one of the many cafes or tourist activities that are abundant in this popular holiday destination. Having spent the first two weeks in backpackers' accommodation they searched around Lake Taupo for a more permanent place to live. Responding to an ad in the local Taupo Times newspaper they were delighted to rent a large room in an upmarket apartment close to the lake.

Their new landlady, Minnie Davies, was a delight. A single lady in her mid-40's, she welcomed Peter and Angie with open arms, and treated them both as if they were her own youngren. In fact, on occasions, Minnie would admonish them as if they were her younger *****s, but she would always do if with a twinkle in her eye and loving smile, so that the newly weds would happily oblige by tidying up the dishes they had left in the lounge, or whatever their misdeed was. Anyway, coming from rural California, they knew they had a lot to learn about life. They never dreamed how much they were about to learn of life, what hidden desires one may harbour, and how these may be fulfilled.

Like any newly weds, Peter and Angie loved sex. Peter knew very little about the intricacies of foreplay, preferring to quickly ram his eager penis into Angie's sweet, moist vagina. Angie would respond with powerful, noisy moans that built to a shuddering orgasm. It was quick and passionate, as may be expected from two young lovers.

It was Friday night and Peter and Angie were looking forward to the weekend after a long week working in the Replete Café. For once they both had the weekend off. After watching a movie on television with Minnie, the newly weds decided to head off to bed for a much needed relax.

"Off to bed, then?" Minnie fixed her engaging smile on both of them. They both nodded and bid Minnie goodnight.

"I hope you are not planning to have sex tonight?"

Minnie's statement stopped both of them mid step. Had they heard correctly?

"What do you mean?" Angie managed to stutter.

"My dear, if they gave out Oscars for the noisiest orgasm, you would win hands down. Even the porn queens couldn't compete with you."

Angie could feel her face blush bright red. It was true. She knew she screamed while in the throes of orgasm. The noise came from deep within and she just couldn't control herself. It was a primal scream of deep satisfaction.

"Well?" Minnie directed her question to Peter. Peter responded with a dumbfounded expression.

"Are you planning to have sex?" Minnie pressed the point

Peter shrugged shyly. "I'm not sure," he managed to whisper.

"Come here and stand in front of me." Minnie beckoned to Peter.

For a moment he stood his ground before shuffling over to Minnie, his hands in his pockets and his head looking at his feet. He looked every bit the young lad about to get a scolding from his lady.

"Come closer" Peter stepped forward and now stood directly in front of Minnie.

Without warning Minnie reached out and unbuckled Peter's belt.

"What are you doing?" Peter exclaimed anxiously, but made no attempt to move away.

Minnie ignored him. She proceeded to unzip his jeans. Angie's mouth hung open in disbelief at what she was witnessing. With aggression Minnie pulled Peter's jeans to his knees, exposing bright blue boxers covered in pink hearts.

Minnie couldn't help but smile. "What lovely boxers. So....tastelessly youthful"

Peter was more embarrassed than he had been in his life. He knew he could stop it all by moving away, but his feet felt anchored to the floor. To add to his utter offense his penis was reacting to the situation in a way it never should, and he knew his erection would be obvious to all to see.

With a wicked glint in her eye Minnie roughly pulled the boxer shorts down. Peter's erect penis sprung into view. Peter did not dare to glance at his beautiful young wife. What must she be thinking?

" This delightful little fella is much too full of life," Minnie stared into Peter's embarrassed face, "which for me means another night of disrupted relax while your darling little wife screams her orgasmic heart out in blissful ignorance of others in the house. Angie was angry. She was being treated like a young, and this woman had no right to be embarrassing her husband in this manner. She was about to mutter her disgust when events took a turn for the worse. Minnie brazenly reached out with her hand and wrapped it around Peter's penis, then proceeded to stroke it, slowly at first before increasing the rhythm. Peter let out a low groan. He knew it was so wrong, but he was powerless to stop the events that were engulfing him. His legs begun to buckle as he felt his orgasm build. His fit young body shuddered as the orgasm hit him like a sledgehammer. Minnie had placed her other hand over the end of his penis and he ejaculated into her palm. Minnie continued with long strokes until Peter was well and truly spent.

Minnie squeezed her hand into a fist. The sperm squelched between her fingers. She turned to a horrified Angie, and gave one of her charming smiles.

"Perhaps now I might get a good night's relax."

Embarrassed beyond belief at what he had allowed to happen to himself, Peter pulled up his boxers and jeans and began to sidle out the room.

"Not so quick, the two of you," Minnie's voice carried authority. "Do either of you own pyjamas?"

Both shook their heads from side to side.

"I thought as much." Minnie reached for her purse and took out $60. "Tomorrow I want both of you to go out and purchase some modest flannelette pyjamas."

"We don't want your money, and we don't want pyjamas!" Angie whimpered petulantly.

"You will do want Minnie requests, because I know you are both lovely young people who want to please, but just need some guidance. You are, after all, both very young." Minnie placed the money in Peter's hand. "Now run along, and tomorrow night I want you both to report down to me, in your nice new pyjamas, before you go to bed."

The newly weds quickly retreated, both in a state of shock. One of them was very angry, the other acutely embarrassed.

"How could you?" Angie could hardly bring herself to speak. Peter could only shrug. He had no understanding of why he had let himself be humiliated in such a manner.

It was a very quiet night, and needless to say there was no sex.

It was Saturday morning and Angie and Peter were surprised they had slept in late. After dressing they quietly made their way down the stairs, hoping that they may avoid the embarrassment of coming into contact with their landlady. To their surprise Minnie was in the kitchen and had breakfast and coffee ready for them. She was her normal bright and cherry self and chatted as if nothing had happened. Her only reference to the previous night was an offhand comment that she had had such a good nights relax. Angie could not help but blush. After breakfast the newly weds ventured into town to purchase some groceries for Minnie. As they strolled down the street they came across a shop that sold pyjamas. Both looked at each other. They had not discussed Minnie's request.

"What harm is there?" Peter pleaded. "If we don't do as she asked we risk offending her and will then be out in the street. It is such a lovely place, and the rent is very cheap. We will never find anything near as good."

"Whatever," was Angie's petulant response. The truth was she was so confused she did not know what to think.

However she did not resist when Peter led her into the shop, and they soon departed with what Angie thought were unflattering, baggy, striped, flannelette pyjamas.

That night they decided to take in a movie. There was nothing that either of them particularly wanted to see, but to Angie it was preferable to spending the evening with their landlady. When they got home they were dismayed to see that Minnie was still up. Silently the trudged up the stairs to their bedroom. As they undressed, Peter did not hesitate to put on his pyjamas. Angie frowned in anger and stormed into the bathroom, but when she returned a few minutes later she was wearing her new pyjamas, the cord around her waist pulled tightly as she feared her pyjama bottoms would fall down. Silently they made their way down the stairs.

They stood at the doorway to the lounge where Minnie was sitting.

"Night," they both mumred, and tried to beat a hasty retreat.

"Come in here and show Minnie your sweet pyjamas." Reluctantly they both obliged, standing awkwardly in the middle of the room.

"Come over to me, Peter," Minnie beckoned with her finger.

Peter hesitated, and glanced over to his darling young wife. 'No', she silently mouthed to him. Peter looked back at his landlady.

"Now, young man! Don't make me come over and get you."

Peter's resistance evaporated. Before he knew it he was standing perilously close to the seated figure of his landlady.

Brazenly she reached out and grabbed Peter's penis through his pyjamas. "How is my favourite little penis tonight? Is it going to behave itself or does it need some relief to ensure I get a good nights relax?"

Peter tried to stammer that he was fine, but his penis quickly betrayed him. Minnie could not suppress a wry smile.

"Please drop those pyjama trousers now," Minnie spoke quietly, as if her request was nothing more than asking him to pass the salt.

"No!" Angie cried out, "don't Peter"

"Now, don't be jealous young lady. I'm not about to steal your man. As charming as Peter is, he's not my type. I like to swing the other way, if you know what I mean." Minnie was staring directly at Angie with piercing blue eyes. "But you, my dear, I would love to eat." Minnie laughingly licked her lips seductively.

Angie felt a shiver go up her spine. They had never seen their landlady with a male companion, but it had not dawned on them that she may be gay.

Minnie quickly turned her attention back to Peter. "Drop them."

Nervously he obeyed. When he loosened his pyjama bottoms they quickly fell to a heap on the floor, revealing his semi-erect penis. Minnie enveloped his member with her hand and squeezed tightly. Despite Peter's discomfort his penis swelled to its full potential. It only took a few deep, hard strokes by his landlady before he erupted in orgasm. Peter groaned in deep satisfaction. Minnie again captured the squirting sperm with her free hand.

Turning to Angie she opened her hand and gazed down at the sperm, almost as if she expected little tadpoles to be swimming about.

"Go and fetch me a tissue, sweetie." Minnie directed her request at Angie. Angie responded with a look of absolute disbelief. Her landlady had not only just masturbated her husband, but now was expecting her to fetch a tissue to clean off the sperm.

Despite her outrage, Angie found herself going to the kitchen and fetching the box of tissues. She threw them onto her landlady's lap.

"Pick up the tissues, take one out, and wipe up your darling young husband's sperm, unless you would rather lick it off my palm!"

Angie rapidly recovered the box of tissues, removed one and quickly began wiping up the sperm. She froze when Minnie reached out and grabbed her wrist.

"You really are a beauty." Minnie made it sound like a genuine compliment, and Angie could not help herself from blushing. "I really mean it. You are very beautiful."


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That Saturday night had set the scene for what was to become a nightly ritual for the next 2 weeks. At bedtime Angie and Peter would shower, put on their pyjamas, and descend the stairs into the lounge, where Minnie, their landlady, would be sitting, either reading a book or watching television. By now Peter knew the routine. He would paddle over to Minnie and stand patiently beside her chair. Angie would stand at the doorway, projecting her best frown. She was a reluctant spectator in this whole charade, and she despised the hold that Minnie had over her husband (a hold, both figuratively and literally!).

Nonchalantly Minnie would reach out and grip Peter's penis over his pyjama bottoms. If it failed to respond, she beamed them her best smile and bid them both goodnight. If his penis did respond, which was more often than not, Minnie would tilt her head and nod. She didn't have to say anything. Peter would untie the cord of his trousers and let them fall to his ankles. His landlady would squeeze tight and then pump him. Sometimes she was gentle, other times she pumped so hard that his eyes watered.

Even though he would try to hold back, he would ejaculate quickly into Minnie's hand. Angie knew it was her task to fetch the tissue, and even though she hated doing it, she knew that the quicker she did her little job the sooner they would be able to say goodnight to their landlady.

Angie could not believe that her love life was disappearing into the palm of her landlady's hand, all apparently for the sake of a good nights relax. She had no desire to live a life of celibacy. Minnie had already informed them several nights earlier that when she felt they were ready for it she would allow them to have sex, but they must seek her permission before hand. Angie almost screamed in disbelief. 'The cheek of the woman,' she silently fumed. 'She might have a hold over my husband, but she won't control me!'

Two weeks after the nightly ritual had begun Angie saw her chance. For one of the few times Minnie had ventured out for the evening and had not returned by 10.00pm. Angie and Peter were in the lounge watching a movie. Angie went to the window and peered through the curtains. No sign of Minnie's car in the driveway. Hastily she turned off the television, which caused her husband to protest that he was watching the movie. Angie ignored him, instead grabbing him by the arm and hauling him upstairs.

By the time they reached the bedroom Angie had reached under her dress and wrenched off her knickers. She felt so damn randy as it seemed like an age since she had had sex. She threw herself onto their bed and tried to haul her resisting husband down on top of her

"No honey, we can't," Peter protested, "Minnie told us we can't have sex without her permission."

"To hell with Minnie." With that Angie sat up and pulled her dress over her head and quickly removed her bra so that she was totally naked. She well knew that her husband was always totally turned by the sight of her naked body. She had been a competitive swimmer until recently and had the characteristic broad shoulders, beautifully formed, petite 32 inch breasts, narrow waist and long muscular legs that seemed to go forever. Her blond hair was layered and shoulder length. Angie was rightly well proud of her body.

Predictably, Peter's resistance quickly melted away. He swiftly removed his jeans and boxers, and laughingly threw himself on the bed. He quickly entered his wife and could not believe how wet she was. He realised how tough the past two weeks of deprivation must have been on her. In no time they both erupted in a noisy chorus of groaning and moaning, both wishing the ecstasy of their orgasms could last forever. Afterwards they climbed under the sheets and enjoyed the feeling of relaxing naked, without the hindrance of their flannelette pyjamas.

The next morning, which was a Sunday, Angie awoke late, and peered over at her still relaxing husband. She smiled to herself. She felt good, especially about the fact she had got one over her landlady. It felt like a great victory, akin to when she won a race at a big swim meet. She was tempted to awaken Peter and have sex with him again, but decided not to push her luck. Instead she showered and dressed, and went downstairs for some breakfast. When she came across Minnie in the kitchen she couldn't help but give a self-satisfied smile.

"You look like the cat that just got the cream," Minnie chirped.

'If only she knew,' Angie thought smugly to herself

Following a day spent at the beach and a cheap meal at a local restaurant the newly weds returned. Minnie was snuggled up in her favourite chair reading a Jeffermister Parker novel. Peter and Angie showered, reluctantly put on their flannelette pyjamas, and ventured back downstairs to say goodnight to their landlady. Awkwardly Peter went and stood in front of his landlady. He was pretty sure that following last night's sex that his penis would behave and remain flaccid.

He stood in front of his landlady, but she made no move to reach out and grip his penis. In fact she totally ignored him. Peter glanced over at Angie and frowned. Angie shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, but underneath her calm veneer she was becoming concerned. Something was up, and it made her nervous.

After what seemed like an eternity Minnie put her book down and looked up at Peter, before slowly shifting her gaze to Angie. Angie could feel herself beginning to sweat, and cursed herself for not being stronger.

"Come over here, Angie." Minnie beckoned for her to stand in front of her beside Peter.

Angie briefly flirted with the thought of refusing, but instead found herself shuffling across the carpet to stand beside her husband. She was so close she could smell Minnie's perfume, but didn't have the courage to look her in the eye. Again she cursed her own weakness. It shouldn't be like this. She was a proud, independent woman, well able to stand up for herself. She had been the main instigator in persuading Peter to elope and travel to New Zealand. She saw herself as strong and independent, not weak and subservient.

"Look at me, Angie," Minnie's voice was quiet but carried authority. Angie powerd herself to look up at her landlady.

"You had sex last night." It was not said as a question, but a statement of fact.

Peter opened his mouth to utter a denial, but Minnie raised her hand. "I am talking to Angie. Please don't lie to me, young lady."

"What if we did," Angie suddenly responded petulantly, "you might think you control our sex lives, but you don't, you know."

"Did I not say to you that you needed my permission before you could have sex?"

"I'm not asking you if I can..."

Minnie interrupted her mid sentence and patiently repeated her question.

Angie wanted to be strong but she could feel her resistance melting away like ice on a hot day. She had this horrible feeling of inevitability in her gut.

"Well, did I?" Minnie continued to push for an answer

"Yes," Angie responded in almost a whisper.

"Go to my bedroom and get the wooden hairbrush off the top of my dresser."

Angie's eyes opened as wide as saucers and she stared at her landlady incredulously.

"Now, girl! If I have to go and get it myself you will certainly regret it."

Angie whimpered and her bottom lip pouted. The walk to the bedroom felt like a trip to the gallows. The hairbrush sat on the dresser. It looked huge and foreboding. 'Surely she is not going to do what I am fearing she might do,' Angie's mind raced. She had been smacked by her stepman as a thirteen year old when she had sneaked out of her bedroom one night to go to a party she had been forbidden to attend, but she was only a girl then, not the full grown adult she is now. 'Adult woman don't get spanked,' she rationalised to herself.

"Hurry up, young lady!"

Minnie's voice made her jump. She had been staring at the hairbrush in a trance. With great reluctance she picked it up. It was heavy in her hand. Slowly she made her way back to the lounge. She tried to muster her courage; the inner strength she felt she possessed, but it had abandoned her. Resuming her place beside Peter, she held out the hairbrush which Minnie took from her and placed on her lap.

"Take down your pyjama bottoms."

Angie's heart began to beat even more frantically. She tried to muster her courage.

"No, I won't. You can't make me!" Even to herself her voice sounded like a petulant whine. She felt like the 13 year old all over again.

It all happened so quickly that Angie did not even have time to react. Minnie bounded to her feet, hairbrush firmly gripped in her left hand. With her free hand she took hold of Angie's arm and swung her side on. Without any hesitation Minnie took to the young lady's backside with the hairbrush. The smacking noise filled the room, followed quickly by Angie's howls of shock and pain. She began prancing up and down and frantically tried to pull away but her landlady held her firmly in place with surprising strength. Peter had stepped back in surprise, his mouth wide open. He had never witnessed anything like this before.

After a flurry of spanks on her backside, Angie began sobbing real tears. She pleaded with Minnie to stop.

"Will you do what you are told?" Minnie demanded.

"Yes, yes!" Angie blurted out between sobs and screams.

"Say 'Yes, Mummy'" Minnie continued to spank her.

"Yes, Mummy!" Angie didn't care what she said if it would stop that wicked hairbrush reigning down on her poor bottom.

The spanking stopped, and Angie wiped the tears rolling down her cheek. She could not believe what had just happened to her. Minnie sat down and crossed her arms, a satisfied look on her face. She stared patiently at Angie.

Angie could not believe the act of undressing could be so gut wrenching and humiliating. She was use to being nude, and in fact sometimes liked to flirt her nude body in the women's dressing room when she was at a big swim meet. Most of the girls would go into the shower cubical to take off their swimming suits after a race, but Angie would strip off at the far end of the dressing room and brazenly stroll down to the shower. She liked the feeling of some girls stealing an admiring glance at her body as she passed by.

But this situation was far different; being powerd to take off her pyjama bottoms while standing directly in front of a relative stranger was so humiliating. It was then that Angie remembered that her landlady had professed to being gay and she had to power herself not to run away in shame.

With great reticence she untied the cord to her pyjamas, took in a deep breath, closed her eyes, and then let her trousers fall to the floor. She was thankful that her pyjama top was long and would cover her pubic triangle, but her landlady was not about to let her off so easily.

"Lift your pyjama top up to your waist and hold it there."

"Noooo!" Angie pleaded

Minnie picked the hairbrush up from beside her chair and began to stand up. This quickly sprung Angie into action. She gathered her pyjama shirt and lifted it up slightly.

"Higher," Minnie demanded.

Angie could feel herself blushing with shame. She lifted her shirt higher and knew that her pubic region was totally exposed to her landlady.

Minnie sucked air in between her teeth, obviously enjoying the sight that had been reluctantly revealed to her. "How delightful. Delicate milky skin topped off with a thick thatch of beautiful pubes. I would have taken you for being blond all over that sweet body of yours."

It was true. Even though the hair on her head was naturally a light blonde, her pubic hair was pitch black. She thought it was pretty neat to be a bit different, but right at this moment all it did was add to her embarrassment.

"Get over my knee."

"Please don't punish me again," Angie pleaded, "my bottom is so sore. Please!" Angie remembered how Minnie had asked her to call her Mummy when she pleaded for the spanking to stop. "Please...please Mummy, don't spank me again. I realise I have done wrong."

The use of 'Mummy' made Minnie smile, and obviously caused her to reconsider. "Alright my little darling, I won't spank you again tonight"

"Oh, thank you, Mummy," Angie decided to reinpower the good impression she had made by addressing Minnie in the same manner again. Even though it felt totally weird, she would say anything to avoid the hairbrush.

"Not tonight, But you are still owed a spanking and you will receive it tomorrow night. Now off to bed the both of you"

Angie's heart sank, but she did not have the courage to protest unless her landlady changed her mind and decided on further punishment tonight.

When the newly weds got to bed they spoke very little. Both were too shell shocked to try and rationalise what had happened to them in recent weeks. They knew they could pack their bags and go to the backpackers until they found somewhere else to live, but for some bewildering reamister neither of them raised the subject. Peter reached over and sympathetically rubbed her tender bottom as they drifted off to relax. Any thoughts of further illicit sex were well and truly off the menu.

The following day, Monday, both Peter and Angie were working at the café. Angie was thankful of the distraction as it took her mind off the spanking Minnie had promised her. Her mind kept straying back to the events of the night before, trying to make sense of it, but it was too bewildering for her to comprehend so she powerd herself to think of other matters. She found herself thinking of her own Mother, Stepman and her younger sister. Her Dad, who was an holy wateric and violent when takes, had thankful left when Angie was nine, and her Mum had remarried a couple of years later. Her Step Dad was strict, but very fair and loving. Angie knew that her family would be worried about her. She had never said goodbye, but had left a note to say her and Peter were eloping and going to New Zealand. For the first time she felt guilty, and just a little homesick.

The day dragged by for the newly weds, and in the evening that sat silently in their bedroom and read. Both avoided any conversation of what had happened the night before, or what was likely to unfold tonight.


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Angie reluctantly looked at the clock on the wall. It was passed 10.00pm and she knew she could not put off the inevitable any longer. Both had already showered and changed into their pyjamas. With a heavy sigh, Angie stood, took Peter by the hand, and led him down the stairs.

With great trepidation they snuck their heads around the doorway into the lounge. They half hoped their landlady may have gone to bed, but there was to be no such luck tonight. She was seated in her favourite chair, deeply absorbed in her book.

Without looking up Minnie spoke quietly, "Come in my darlings, take off your pyjama bottoms, and stand in front of me."

"Both of us?" Peter enquired

Minnie looked up from her book and smiled, "Yes my dear, both of you."

Neither thought of refusing her request. For some totally weird reamister it seemed as if they had no choice other than to submit. Quietly they both removed their pyjama trousers, and then stood awkwardly, covering their pubic regions with their hands. Peter took the lead and walked over to stand in the front of Minnie. Silently Angie followed.

For what seemed an eternity they were left standing in front of her, naked from the waist down. Finally Minnie exaggerated the act of closing her book and with a big sigh putting in on the table beside her.

"Right my dears, who is to be first?"

Peter's jaw dropped. It had not occurred to him that he was also to be punished. He just assumed it was going to be Angie, and he was going to have to endure the agony of watching. He now realised he was going to experience the agony first hand.

"No volunteers. Right, Peter you are up first. Go and fetch my hairbrush."

Peter did not have it in himself to protest. He also knew that he was equally to blame for them having had illicit sex. Meekly he shuffled to the bedroom and returned with the hairbrush. Now that he was holding it for himself, it looked to be even more of a fearsome object than the last time he had seen it.

With great difficulty he handed over the hairbrush. He had never been punished like this before, by being spanked. Up to now his experiences at the hands of his landlady had been pleasurable. More pleasurable than he could ever bring himself to admit to Angie. Even though he was as humiliated as hell by submitting to Minnie's fondling of his penis, in some way it made his orgasms even more intense than ever. He couldn't even begin to comprehend it.

Before he had a chance to even think about it, Minnie had hold of his arm and pull him over her thighs. He could not believe how vulnerable he felt. Just as quickly the smacks of the hairbrush starting reining down on his exposed rear. He yelped like a puppy, from the mixture of surprise and pain. He had never experienced anything like it before. He tried to be a man and hold back the tears, which he managed to do just, but could not suppress his loud sobs. In no time at all his backside felt like it was on fire, and he found himself pleading to his landlady for forgiveness.

Finally the spanking ceased and Peter tenderly pulled himself off his landlady's lap. He tried to contain his sobbing, while at the same time rubbing his backside in a futile effort to dull the pain

Minnie looked over at a very apprehensive Angie, gave her an engaging smile, and then patted her lap in a clear sign that it was now Angie's turn to take her punishment.

Angie felt small and vulnerable, like a young young. She did not want to be spanked, but despite her apprehension she was surprised that the thought of being smacked was not as abhorrent to her as she felt it should be. These conflicting emotions confused her, however she was given no time to dwell on it. Before she knew it she was lying across Angie's lap, and after having her position briefly rearranged so her buttocks were nice and high in the air the smacks began to rain down. For what seemed like an eternity to Angie her rear was pummelled with a flurry of strong blows.

She quickly gave up any pretence of being a mature adult, and she let her tears flow freely as she howled in pain. Just when she felt it would never end, it did. Angie allowed herself to slide off her landlady's lap and onto the carpet, while clutching her battered buttocks.

After being given a few minutes to compose themselves, Minnie made both of them stand in front of her. Secretly she could not help but admire the sight before her. Two gorgeous young adults, tear-stained faces, naked from the waste with glowing red buttocks.

"Have you two learnt your lesmister."

The newly weds both nodded without hesitation.

"I can't hear you," Minnie held her hand to her ear to emphasise the point.

"Yes," they chorused

"Yes, what?" Minnie persisted.

After a brief hesitation Angie responded, "Yes, Mummy."


"Yes, Mummy."


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Despite the incredible offense and very real pain from the spanking by their landlady, Minnie, neither of the newly weds gave consideration to packing up and walking out, which to many would have seemed a very obvious course of action. For reamisters that neither of them could yet begin to fathom, they rationalised that they deserved to be punished for their behaviour. But underlining this simplistic rationalisation of their situation, both knew that there was something emotionally deeper that was keeping them from moving out of the apartment.

The evening after the spanking Peter and Angie changed into their baggy, stripped flannelette pyjamas and gingerly went downstairs to the lounge to say goodnight to Minnie. When they entered the room Minnie looked up from her book and beckoned them both over to stand in front of her.

"How are those cute little buttocks of my darling young ones?" Minnie seemed sincere in her concern. "Still tender?"

Angie and Peter both nodded.

"Better than last night", Angie spoke shyly, "but still a little sore."

"I think of have got something that will definitely help." With that Minnie reached over and picked up a bottle of some type of creamy lotion.

"Turn around and drop your pyjama bottoms."

Angie and Peter turned away from their landlady, untied the cords of their pyjamas and let them fall to the floor, exposing their pinkish buttocks.

"Now kneel down." Both complied without question.

"Now put your heads on the ground and push those beautiful pink rear ends in the air."

Peter complied without question, but Angie was reluctant to follow suit, only too aware of how exposed she would be. She knew that in that position, no matter how tightly she kept her legs together, that at the very least her vagina would be partially exposed to her lesbian landlady.

"Perhaps Angie would care for another spank?" There was no anger in Minnie's voice but the implied threat was very clear.

With a deep sigh of defeat Angie placed her head in her hands on the floor, while at the same time doing everything she could to clench her buttocks and keep her legs firmly together. She was red faced with shame, which matched the colour of her cute rear end that had Minnie almost licking her lips at the perfect sight. She could not believe how the two of them were prepared to be so submissive in her presence. It was as if all her erotic dreams had come true at once.

Minnie dipped her fingers into the cream and slowly massaged it into Peter's buttocks, before repeating the process with Angie. Both of the recipients groaned with the relief they were receiving from the soothing cream being gently applied by their landlady.

Minnie continued to apply the cream for many minutes, alternating between each set of buttocks. She could sense that both of them were beginning to relax and be less conscious of their vulnerable and submissive posture. As she continued to apply the cream in a circular motion she worked closer towards their anus, and finally let her fingers stroke over the top of both of their puckered entrances.

Peter and Angie both instantly tensed, and tried to clench their buttocks. Angie began to sit up.

"Get your head down, and arch your back," Minnie spoke with quiet authority. "Mummy demands your respect and obedience, and if you do you may be amazed at the pleasures you can feel."

Reticently Angie resumed her position, and arched her back as commanded. She was puzzled by her landlady's comments, which left her both frightened but excited. She was well outside her own comfort zone, but it was not a totally unpleasant experience.

Minnie turned her attention to Peter. "Open your legs."

Gingerly Peter opened his legs as requested. Minnie continued to manipulate his anus, applying more pressure as she did so. Peter let out a low moan as he felt her finger begin to penetrate. At the same time he felt his landlady's other hand reach between his legs and take a firm grip of his testicles and penis. As the finger penetrated further, Minnie began to stroke her other hand up and down while keeping a firm grip around the testicles and penis. Peter's groans became loader and more urgent.

Curiosity was getting the better of Angie and she could not resist swivelling her head slightly so that she could observe what was happening. The sight seemed so surreal. From the glazed look she could see coming over Peter's eyes she knew he was in pleasure land.

From the tone of Peter's groaning it was clear he was getting very close to coming, but at that point Minnie let go of the captive penis and withdrew her finger. Peter again groaned, but this time it was definitely in frustration.

"Don't either of you move a muscle." With that Minnie left the room briefly to wash her hands before returning to the newly weds who had clearly not moved, which did not surprise her.

Taking another blob of cream she rubbed it over her hands and then turned her attention to Angie.

"Open your legs, darling."

Angie grimaced in shame. "Please Mummy, don't make me do that. I will be so embarrassed."

Minnie could not help but smile to herself. "But why darling?"

Angie felt humiliated by both her potential exposure and the tone of the conversation.

"Because you will see my private parts," she whispered.

"You mean I might see your vagina?"


"Your little Pussy?" Minnie purred like a cat.


"What about your little clit. Will I see that as well?"

Angie was dying with offense. "Yes, possible that as well. Please Mummy, I beg you."

"Well, my darling little one, I have news for you. I have seen it all before. In fact I sort of consider myself a bit of an expert. Sort of like a lesbian amateur gynaecologist." Minnie couldn't help but chuckling to herself. Angie didn't share her joke.

"However, never let it be said I am not fair," Minnie continued, "You don't have to open your can elect to take a spanking instead."

"Noooo!" Angie groaned, "Please mummy."

Minnie's hand rested on Angie's buttock. "Your choice darling."

For not the first time over recent weeks Angie briefly reflected on how she had allowed herself to be drawn into such an utterly, totally, humiliating situation. All that Peter and she had to do was pack up and walk away. No one was making them stay. They weren't victims. As difficult as it was for Angie to accept, they were willing participants. Why they were allowing themselves to be degraded in such a manner was something she could not begin to fathom.

Through all this turmoil in her mind, one thing was clear; her landlady's hand was resting on her buttock and she needed to make an important decision. But she knew there was only one option she was always going to take. Despite the gut wrenching offense of exposing herself in such a manner, Angie moved her knees apart.

"Wider, darling," urged Minnie, smiling to herself at her nubile tenant's presentation. She was afraid that if she pinched herself she would awaken from one of those erotic dreams you wish would never end.

Angie's knees slide wider apart.

"Arch your back."

Angie complied, knowing that by doing so she was exposing her most intimate parts even further to her lesbian landlady.

Minnie soaked up the gorgeous sight presented to her. She could not help but reflect that it was possibly the most perfect vagina she had ever set eyes on, Angie's labia were full and swollen, with a surprising large clitoris pocking out proudly as if seeking attention. It was clear to Minnie that despite her tenant's protestations she was clearly sexually stimulated, which was no surprise to her. She prided herself in her ability to recognise those people that were natural submissives.

Now that Angie was positioned to Minnie's satisfaction she began to apply the cream to her buttocks. Angie was initially tense, but gradually Minnie could feel her relaxing. Slowly she worked her fingers toward her anus, and although Angie stiffened she did not attempt to pull away this time. Gently Minnie massaged her cute tight anus until she could feel the entrance begin to soften.

As she applied further pressure her finger easily began to slide in. At the same time Minnie reached between Angie's legs and gently stroked her labia. Angie emitted a long sigh of deep pleasure. As Minnie's finger sunk further into her tenant's anal cavity the fingers of her other hand moved expertly to her clitoris. Angie pushed backwards towards the invading fingers as Minnie stroked her clitoris as if it was a small penis.

Angie was soon very wet and highly aroused. She began to breathe deeply and rotate her hips as she felt her orgasm building within her. She felt desperate given the lack of sex she had experienced in recent weeks and she could hear herself groaning very loudly.

But just as she was about to reach the point of no return the fingers withdrew, causing Angie to howl in frustration. She was vaguely aware of movement going on behind her but was too agitated to take it all in. Suddenly she felt the familiar feeling of her husband's penis easily penetrating her vulva. Surprised, she swung her head around, and realised that Minnie had taken hold of Peter's penis and manoeuvred him behind her. She had then guided his penis into Angie's vagina so that Peter was fucking her doggie style. Minnie was crouched beside them so that she could fully view her two tenants having sex.

Angie's conscience told her it was wrong to be having sex in front of her landlady, but this did not stop her pushing backwards to meet the urgent thrusting of her husband. In no time Angie was screaming her pleasure as they both experienced powerful orgasms that lasted a lot longer than they had ever experienced before.

Once the pleasure subsided they both collapsed on the carpet in exhaustion. They were vaguely aware of Minnie kissing both of them on the cheek before leaving the room.

"Goodnight, my darling youngren," she whispered to them as she left the room.


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The following day nothing was mentioned of the previous evening's antics. Angie and Peter were initially deeply embarrassed when they came down the stairs for breakfast, but Minnie was her usual cheerful self and acted as if nothing had happened. But to Peter and Angie something had happened. Something that was totally humiliating but also sexually powerful. As much as they tried to deny it, both knew it was the most erotic experience they had encountered in their lives to date. They also sensed they had reached a tipping point, and their lives were not going to be same from now on.

That evening, after a busy day's work at the café, Peter and Angie watched television with Minnie. There was only sporadic conversation, yet the air was full of tension, mixed with anticipation. When 'Dancing with the Stars' finished on TV the newly weds politely excused themselves and went up to their room to shower. As they dressed in their flannelette pyjamas, both starred at each other with an awkward air of embarrassment. On a number of occasions they had attempted to discuss with each other what had happened, and how they felt. But embarrassment, combined with a lack of understanding of how to express their own feelings on their submissive behaviour, meant that the conversations had been brief and superficial.

As they exited their room to walk down the stairs to the lounge where they knew their landlady would be waiting, Peter took hold of Angie's hand and they walked down together. It was a silent show of support that Angie appreciated. It was recognition that they were aligned in whatever fate awaited them.

As they entered the room Minnie turned off her TV and beckoned Peter and Angie to stand in front of her. Nervously they shuffled over, Angie almost tripping on her pyjama bottoms, causing them fall down her hips. She quickly gripped them just has her pubic hair peaked into view. Angie could not help but blush with embarrassment.

"From tonight my dears," Minnie smiled, "The rules are going to change. Not a lot. Just a little."

Both Peter and Angie sucked in air in anticipation.

Minnie continued. "From now on before you enter the lounge you will go into my bedroom and fetch my hairbrush. When you come into the lounge you will stand before me, remove your pyjama pants totally, and hand me my hairbrush."

Angie's bottom lip dropped, and Peter could not help but wince.

"It does not mean I am going to punish you every night. If you have been well behaved and do as I ask, you will not receive a spanking. However, if I decide you need to be punished, for whatever reamister, then you will be soundly spanked. You must do as I ask without question or comment. If you don't I will double your punishment. Are all my requirements crystal clear to you?"

"Yes," they both chorused without hesitation

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, Mummy," Angie whimpered.

Minnie stared at Peter.

"Yes, Mummy," Peter stammered.

Minnie continued. "When you are in this lounge with me you must always address me as Mummy."

Angie opened her mouth to enquire as to why they had to address her as 'Mummy'. Their experiences with their landlady were humiliating enough without them being further demeaned by having to address her as if they were a couple of her young youngren, not the adults they really were.

"At all times!" Minnie's stern response made it clear that any comment was not welcome, and likely to result in a sound spanking.

Angie closed her mouth and looked down at the floor as if she had found something fascinating in the pattern on the carpet.

"Have I made myself clear?"

"Yes, Mummy," they chorused without hesitation.

"Right. Now, have you forgotten something?"

The newly weds looked at each other, bewildered, then turned to Minnie.

"Pardon....Mummy," Peter stammered.

"The hairbrush, my little darlings." Minnie rolled her eyes as if she was explaining something to young youngren. "Fetch it."

The newly weds quickly scampered out of the lounge and into their landlady's bedroom. The hairbrush was perched ominously on the dresser. Peter and Angie hesitated, neither keen to pick it up. Peter, trying to look braver than he actually felt, finally reached out and took the heavy wooden object in his hand. The hairbrush was no longer just a hairbrush, but an instrument capable of dishing out severe punishment. He looked at it briefly before quickly retreating from the bedroom, his wife silently following.

They shuffled back into the lounge and assumed their position in front of their landlady, Peter awkwardly holding the hairbrush in front of him. For a moment they stood silently while Minnie gazed at them from the comfort of her arm chair. Angie then realised what her landlady was waiting for. Quickly she elbowed Peter to get his attention, then untied the cord holding her pyjama bottoms up, letting them fall to the floor in a heap around her feet. She easily stepped out of them so that she was naked from the waist down, although her baggy pyjama top did at least afford her a modicum of modesty as it covered much of her pubic region.

Angie glanced over at Peter and found that he had also followed suit and removed his pyjama bottoms.

Minnie reached out and took the hairbrush form Peter.

"Lie down on your backs with your feet facing me."

Both were surprised by this request, especially as they were expecting to have to adopt a position that exposed their buttocks. They quickly complied, lying down with their arms at their side.

"Now bend your legs and lift them above your head and hold them there, keeping your knees wide apart." Minnie smiled, knowing the impact her request would have on her tenants' modesty.

Angie's eyes widened in horror. They were indeed going to have their buttocks exposed, and in the most degrading manner that she could ever imagine.

"Quickly my young ones," Minnie urged, "or the punishment will be doured."

With great reticent both of them lifted their legs and pulled their knees to their heads. Angie was sure the shame was going to crush her, but with a deep breath she managed to find the courage to pull her knees apart. She had never felt so exposed.

Minnie stood up and looked down at her two totally exposed tenants. She could not believe the wonder of the sight before her. The power she had over the two of them was thoroughly intoxicating.

"Get those cute little butts of yours higher in the air," she commanded, "And open those legs wider."

She got the total compliance she wanted. The buttocks were raised higher and the legs pulled further apart to expose themselves even more obscenely.

"You are both going to be spanked ten times, and you will count each spank and say 'thank you, Mummy.' Is that clear?"

"Yes, Mummy," echoed back. "And if you move or fail to count, I will start from the beginning. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Mummy."

The first spank landed sharply on Angie's raised buttocks, causing her gasped in pain.

"Owww! One, thank you, Mummy," she managed to grunt.

The next blow connected with Peter, and the intensity of the pain surprised him. It took him a moment to catch his breath before uttering "One, thank you Mummy."

Peter and Angie were both reduced to tears by the time they had received their full complement of ten spanks on their totally exposed buttocks. But despite the pain they both bravely held their positions, their legs pulled above their heads and knees spread wide apart.

Minnie placed the hairbrush on the table. "Don't either of you move, or I will repeat your punishment."

With that Minnie reached over between Peter's legs and gripped his flaccid penis. It only took half a dozen long hard strokes of Minnie's expert hand before Peter was fully erect. A dozen strokes later and he was grunting with ecstasy. When he came his sperm pulsed out from his penis in long hard spurts. Minnie used her hand to direct the flow of the sperm so that it landing humiliatingly on Peter's own face. Peter was wide-eyed with shock but was far too gone to be able to do anything about it.

With his orgasm completed Minnie directed him to hold the position, his face awash with his own sperm.

Minnie then turned her attention to Angie. "Now, how is my little Angel? Keep those legs nice and wide for Mummy."

Despite her discomfort from having held the position for so long, Angie managed to open her legs wider. She felt so degraded as her landlady knelt before her, obviously taking in the sight of her total exposure. But despite the offense, Angie also knew that she was wet with sexual excitement.

Angie's arousal was quickly confirmed by Minnie as she ran her finger along her tenant's slit, and then held it up so that Angie could clearly see just how wet she was.

"My little girl gets very wet when being spanked by Mummy, doesn't she?" Minnie moved her finger closer to Angie's face.

Angie's response was to pout her bottom lip and screw up her face in embarrassment.

"Open up your mouth and suck on Mummy's finger."

Reluctantly Angie slowly opened her mouth to allow her landlady to insert her finger. Angie instantly tasted the saltiness of her own cum.

"Suck harder," Minnie directed, inserting her finger even further into the mouth of her hapless tenant.

As Angie sucked noisily on the finger, Minnie reached down with her other hand and thrust several fingers deeply into Angie's vulva. Angie's eyes bulged wide with shock at the sudden invasion, but she continued to suck hard on the finger.

As Minnie stroked her fingers quickly in and out, she used her thumb to encircle Angie's clit. Very quickly Angie was panting with excitement, struggling to take in breath because of her posture and the fact that she was sucking on the finger that was still inserted deep in her mouth. Angie's orgasm hit her like a giant tidal wave cascading onto a beach. Unable to scream as she normally did when in the froes of orgasm; she emitted long hard grunts of total ecstasy, breathing noisily out of her nose. The waves of pleasure just kept blasting through her like nothing she had ever experienced. By the time her orgasms subsided Angie was near collapse.


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For Peter and Angie each evening was now full of anticipation. As the evening progressed they could feel themselves becoming excited by what was going to happen. The unpredictability of what they would encounter was an intoxicating mix of dread, offense and anticipation.

Each night after showering they would fetch the hairbrush then present themselves to their landlady; pyjama bottoms in a heap at their feet. They never knew quite what to expect. Sometimes they received the full treatment; a spanking followed by being brought to orgasm by the skilful hands of their landlady. The spankings could be delivered in a number of ways, either over the knee, doggie style, or diaper style on their backs with legs raised.

Once a week Minnie would allow the newly weds to have sex after being spanked. The sex always took place in the lounge in full view of Minnie, and it was always her that would dictate what position they would have sex in.

On other evenings there would be no spanking or sex. Minnie would simply reach under Peter's pyjama top and grip his penis. If it did not response she would kiss them both on the cheek before sending them to bed. These occasions were always a bit of a let down for the newly weds, as they had built up their anticipation of what the evening may hold for them.

This afternoon when they arrived home from work at the Taupo café they could hear voices in the kitchen. After changing out of their work clothes they went back downstairs and into the kitchen where they found their landlady sharing a coffee and a laugh with a strikingly attractive young lady with dark olive skin. Minnie introduced the young lady as Alice, her 18 year old niece, who was going to be staying with them for 2 weeks. Angie and Peter shared a quick glance of concern between them. No one had ever been to stay before in all the time they had been living in Minnie's apartment on the lake. After sharing polite conversation for a few minutes the newly weds excused themselves and returned to their room.

Once in their room Angie and Peter discussed the matter of having a visitor staying in the house and quickly came to the conclusion that their nightly ritual would simply be put on hold for the duration of the niece's visit. In truth, they resented the intrusion, and hoped that the niece would at least occasionally go out partying or something in the evenings so that they could still fit in some of their 'private' time with Minnie.

That night the newly weds played cards with their landlady and her niece. They found that not only was Alice a very attractive young lady but also very pleasant, and being of a similar age to Peter and Angie, who are 20 and 19 respectively, they found they had a lot in common. Alice was fascinated by the story of how the newly weds secretly eloped to Las Vegas before flying to New Zealand.

Once the card games were finished, Peter and Angie stood, kissed their landlady on the cheek, and said goodnight to Alice.

Just as they were disappearing out the door, Minnie's comment sent a chill down both of their spines. "I don't believe that is the way we say goodnight in this house. When you have showered you come down and do it in the manner that Mummy expects."

Peter and Angie were mortified, but then relaxed a little when they rationalised that Minnie would no doubt send her niece to bed before they had showered and returned to the lounge. With excited anticipation they quickly showered, put on their pyjamas, and ventured downstairs. It was Angie's turn to collect the hairbrush and so she did a quick detour into Minnie's bedroom to collect it, before rejoining her husband at the doorway to the lounge.

As the newly weds popped their heads around the corner they were mortified to find that Alice was still in the lounge talking to her Aunty Minnie. They quickly pulled their heads back, but Minnie had already spotted them.

"Come in my darlings," Minnie invited them cheerfully.

With huge reticence Peter and Angie entered the room, feeling stupid dressed in only their flannelette pyjamas. It was okay when it was just Minnie, but downright embarrassing when there was a stranger present, especially someone of their own age. Awkwardly they stood in the centre of the lounge. Angie was suddenly aware she was holding the hairbrush in front of her and quickly put it behind her back. Alice was wide-eyed at the proceedings unfolding before her and was clearly intrigued.

"Have you two forgotten what is required of you, or perhaps you are just trying to make me angry so I will double your punishment, Is that what is going on here?"

"Nooo," Angie pouted. Peter just stared at the floor.

"No, what?" Minnie reprimanded.

Angie fidgeted with her fingers behind her back and blushed with embarrassment. She could not believe her landlady was going to get her to say that word with her niece present.

"No......Mummy," she managed to mumble.

"Well hurry along the two of you as you are certainly trying my patience. What must Alice think of your poor behaviour?"

Minnie's reminder to them that Alice was present caused even Peter to blush. He dreaded how his penis might behave if he was powerd to expose himself in front of the beautiful Alice.

Neither Peter nor Angie could make eye contact, and studied their feet as they slowly shuffled forward until they were standing in front of their landlady. Alice was seated beside her Aunt and had clearly been positioned there by Minnie to ensure she could get a good view of proceedings.

The newly weds stood silently and unmoving.

"Well?" Minnie's voice broke the silence.

Angie looked up and realised that Minnie had her hand out waiting to be handed the hairbrush. Angie quickly brought the hairbrush from behind her back and handed it to her landlady.

"Ohhhh, that's a big hairbrush," Alice cooed provocatively.

The comment only served to increase the offense that Angie and Peter were both feeling. Minnie knew that having Alice present was going to be a big test for her tenants. Her plan was to up the stakes, so to speak, to find out what the limits were for their submissive behaviour.

Once Minnie had taken the hairbrush she placed it on the table beside her chair, and then returned her gaze to Peter and Angie. It was clear what she was waiting for.

Angie couldn't believe what she was about to do. She knew no matter how she rationalised the situation, or no matter how humiliated she felt, the result was going to be the same. She was going to drop her pyjama bottoms and expose herself to her landlady and her 18 year old niece.

Since it was pointless torturing her emotions by delaying the inevitable, Angie closed her eyes, took a deep breath, untied her pyjama chord and let her pants fall to the floor. It was a gut wrenching experience for her, but so had been many of the things that had happened to her since her and Peter shifted in.

The tension in the air was like an electrical current running through everyone in the room. Angie final got the courage to open one eye and peek over at her husband. Much to her surprise Peter was still fiddling nervously with the chord of his pyjamas. When her eyes lowered to his groin the reamister for his reluctance became clear; his penis was already fully erect and pushing against his pyjama bottoms like a serpent trying to break free. Finally with a big sigh of resignation Peter untied his pyjama chord and let them fall to the floor. For a brief, embarrassing moment his pyjamas hooked up on his erect penis and he had to flick them off.

With his pyjama pants on the floor his penis was in clear view of all to see, pointing ramrod straight towards Minnie and her niece.

"Oh my god!!" Alice stared disbelievingly at the sights that confronted her. Her Aunt Minnie had in fact told her about the newly weds submissive behaviour, but she had not believed they would actually go this far.

"I just don't believe it," Alice shook her head, "they actually willingly take off their clothes for you."

"Aren't you embarrassed doing this?" Alice directed her question to Angie.

"Yes," pouted Angie.

"Are you exhibitionists?" Alice was clearly very fascinated.

"Nooo," Angie pouted again.

"No?" Minnie interjected herself into the conversation, "I think you darlings are exhibitionists."

"No, Mummy," was Angie's quick denial.

But Minnie was not about to let her Angie off the hook. "Then why is Peter standing before us with a huge erection? And I bet if I run my finger through that cute little slit of yours I am going to find you are all wet?"

Angie bit her lip. She was mortified. But she also knew that her landlady was right. Despite the total offense of the situation she now found herself, she knew she was sexually excited. What deviant genes does she possess that make her become so stimulated when she is treated in this manner.

"Well, my darling, is Mummy not correct?"


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Angie could feel a tear rolling down her cheek. It was tough openly admitting how turned on she was, when she felt she should be anything but.

"Yes, Mummy. I think I am a little wet down there." Angie couldn't think of any other way to say it.

"Just a little wet?" Minnie queried

"I might be a bit more than just a little wet," Angie confessed. "Why don't you move over and stand in front of Alice so that she can see first hand just how much my little darling enjoys exposing her most private parts."

Angie groaned as her embarrassment was further intensified. She took the couple of sideway steps to stand directly in front of the landlady's niece. Alice continued to be wide-eyed with excitement.

"Now lift up your pyjama top so that Alice can get a good view of that pretty thatch of black pubic hair you have," Minnie directed.

Blushing profusely, Angie gripped her top and pulled it up to her waist, fully exposing her pubic region to the niece.

"Now open your legs, darling," Minnie prompted.

Angie complied. Without hesitation Alice reached out and ran her finger over her vulva. Angie had to bite her lip to stop her from groaning at the pleasure of being touched in this manner. A wave of eroticism surged through her body.

"Oh my god, she is soooo wet!" Alice exclaimed, looking at the dampness on her finger.

"She also loves sucking her own juices off your fingers," Minnie smiled, and turning to Angie, "Ask Alice nicely if you can suck your juices off her finger."

"Please Alice, can I suck my juices off your finger," Angie murmured.

"Too cool," Alice responded excitedly, "but let gets my fingers really wet so you can have a good taste."

With that Alice reached her hand out and suddenly thrust two fingers deep into Angie's moist vagina. Angie felt as if her legs were going to collapse, so intense was the pleasure. Alice intensified the pleasure by thrusting her fingers in and out three or four times before withdrawing.

However rather than hold her fingers in the air, Alice placed her hand on her lap, with her damp fingers resting on her knee. Angie realised what was expected of her and lowered herself to her knees, put her head on Alice's lap, and opened her mouth. Alice inserted her two fingers that were covered with the girl's juices, and Angie began sucking noisily.

Angie was overcome by an unfathomable sense of contentment as her head lay in Alice's lap, sucking at her own juices. As she glanced upwards she was briefly shocked to find that Alice had lent forward and taken her husband's penis into her mouth and was now deep throating him, something that Angie herself had never done despite repeated hints from Peter in the past. Angie's initial reaction was a mixture of anger and resentment, causing her to stop sucking on the fingers inserted in her mouth.

Alice looked down at Angie with smiling eyes, and begun thrusting her fingers further into Angie's mouth in a clear indication that she was to continue sucking. Angie relaxed her head back on the lap and resumed her noisy sucking. For the next brief while the only noise in the room was the slurping from Angie's finger sucking and Alice's deep throating. Soon Peter was groaning in ecstasy as his sperm erupted into beautiful Alice's mouth. Peter was incredibly impressed at the way she sucked him dry.

As soon as Alice withdrew the now limp penis from her mouth, Minnie grabbed Peter's hand are jerked him over her knee, picked up the hairbrush, and in very quick succession delivered 20 hard spanks to his exposed buttocks. Peter yelped with pain.

Once she had finished delivering the spanks to Peter, Minnie kissed him on the cheek and told him it was time for him to go to bed.

"But Mummy, what about Angie?" Peter whimpered.

"She will be along shortly, now off to bed before I decide to well and truly blister that backside of yours."

Peter hurriedly retreated, although he did give a quick look of concern towards his wife before he disappeared out the door. Angie suddenly felt very vulnerable. She had never been alone before with her landlady, and now found herself in the room with two women who clearly were out to dominate and humiliate her. Nervously she rested her head on Alice's lap, continuing to suck her fingers as if she was a baby suckling her lady's nipple. Alice gently stroked Angie's hair with her other hand for several minutes, causing Angie to be enveloped in an erotic cocooned of warmth.

"Stand up, my little darling," Minnie's voice interrupted the serenity.

Angie pulled herself to her feet, suddenly feeling very vulnerable standing in front of her landlady and her niece.

"Why don't you remove your top for Mummy and show both of us your lovely nude body?"

Incredibly in all the time Angie had been submitting to her landlady, never once had she been totally naked. Her pyjama top had always remained on, which had pleased Angie for she was conscious of the fact that she had very small breasts for a 19 year old. In comparimister, Alice clearly had much fuller breasts, even if she was only 18.

"Can't I please leave my top on, Mummy?" Angie pleaded.

"No, darling, it has to come off. We want to see you totally nude so we can admire your entire body."

With fumbling fingers Angie began unbuttoning her pyjama top. When she was finished she held the top closed with her hands, and looked pleadingly at her landlady. When it was clear there was going to be no reprieve she took a deep breath, opened her top and let it fall from her shoulders to the floor. Angie could not believe how much more she felt exposed by her total nakedness. Every part of her body, no matter how intimate, was now open to scrutiny by her landlady and her niece.

"Your boobies are small," Alice chirped, "but I think they are delightful in a little girl sort of way."

Angie smiled sheepishly, not sure if Alice's comment was a compliment or not.

"Put your hands on your head and slowly turn around so that we can soak up the sight of your gorgeous little body," Minnie prompted.

Angie slowly turned around several times, very conscious of both females eyeing her from head to foot. When she had her back to them Minnie commanded her to stop.

"Now open your legs wide and bend over at the waist."

Angie obeyed, sliding her feet wide apart, and bending at the waist while keeping her hand on her head. She knew only too well how totally exposed she was.

"Hasn't she got the most delightful cunt you have ever seen," Minnie asked of her niece. "Look at the way her gorgeous big clit pokes out delightfully."

"Mmmm, I'll say," Alice responded, licking her lips seductively, "Looks good enough to eat."

Both ladies laughed heartily at the comment, but Angie just blushed profusely. She was made to hold her position for several minutes. When she was final told to stand and turn around, her mouth dropped wide open in utter surprise. Both her landlady and the niece were totally naked. Angie could not help admiring both of their bodies. Despite her age, Minnie's body was curvy, with full firm breasts and a small triangle of perfectly trimmed pubic hair. Alice's body was just riveting, and Angie thought it was almost the most perfect body she had seen.

Angie was shaken out of her trance by Minnie who had seated herself in her favourite armchair and was tapping her lap and beckoning Angie towards her. Awkwardly Angie advanced towards her naked landlady. Gently Minnie took her hand and seated her on her lap. Angie was immediately aware of the soft warmth of the naked body against her own. Minnie placed her arm around Angie and pulled her to her chest. Angie did not resist, closing her eyes and nuzzling into the warmth that enveloped her.

After several minutes Angie was aware of Minnie slowly turning her head, and then something soft pressing against her lips. Hazily she opened one eye to find that she was starring straight at Minnie's breast, and her landlady had manoeuvred her nipple to her mouth. Even though Angie knew it was wrong, she opened her lips and pulled the engorged nipple into her mouth. She then began to eagerly suck on it while Minnie gently rubbed the back of her neck. Angie felt as about content as she has ever felt and her whole body had a feeling of heightened sexuality about it. She knew that any sort of stimulation to her vagina would instantly result in an orgasm. Her wetness was being secreted onto Minnie's lap in a clearly obvious display to her landlady of her high state of arousal.

For several long minutes Angie suckled contently to her landlady's breast before she became aware of Minnie slowly pulling it out. Angie opened her eyes and found Minnie gazing seductively down at her.

"Would you like to be a good girl and suck Mummy's pussy," Minnie purred.

Even though Angie considered herself as having no lesbian tendencies, at that very moment she felt as if nothing was taboo. It felt natural for her to submit to her landlady's request. Angie slowly nodded her head, and then felt Minnie opening her knees so that she could more easily lower herself to the floor. As she slid off her landlady's lap she could not believe how damp Minnie's thighs were from Angie's own vaginal secretions.

Once kneeling on the carpet she found herself gazing at the widespread legs of her seated landlady. Angie felt awkward as she had never done anything like this before, and hoped she would not disappoint her landlady. Hesitantly she licked her way up Minnie's thighs. As she got close to her pussy she could see just how aroused Minnie also was. Inwardly Angie felt pleased that Minnie was enjoying herself and getting so much pleasure.

Angie stretched her tongue out and got the first taste of Minnie's juices as she caressed her swollen labia. The taste was pleasant, but quite distinctively different to her own secretions. This surprised Angie as she had naively assumed that all females tasted the same.

Minnie emitted a low groan of contentment as the invading tongue licked her slit with increasing vigour.

To Angie's surprise she felt a pair of hands gripping her hips and lifting them upwards. She realised that Alice was now positioned behind her. Angie positioned herself on her knees and eagerly arched her back so that her buttocks were positioned seductively in the air. When she felt a hand tapping the inside of her knees she slid her legs open as wide as she could. All the while she kept licking at her landlady's vagina.

Suddenly Angie felt an explosion of pain on her left buttock causing her to jerk forward, which had the effect of pressing her tongue deeply into her landlady's pussy. Angie's yelp of pain was matched by Minnie's groan of pleasure.

Alice's second smack with the hairbrush landed soundly on Angie's right buttock, causing Angie to quiver with pain. Alice was showing no mercy on her poor backside, and she was finding it difficult to breath with her face buried in Minnie's pussy.


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Alice continued to alternate her smacks between each buttock. Angie's tears were rolling down her face, but she was determined to service her landlady and powerd herself to keep licking.

As the 20th blow rained down on Angie, Minnie exploded in pleasure. Angie could feel her landlady's vaginal muscles contracting as the orgasm ripped through her.

Angie sat back on her haunches, exhausted, and her buttock aflame. But her work was not done. Alice seated herself in the chair beside Minnie, opened her legs wide and winked seductively at Angie. Despite her weariness Angie eagerly crawled over to Alice and knelt before her like an obedient puppy. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever imagine that she would willingly have oral sex with an 18 year old woman. In fact she had never dreamed of having oral sex with any woman, regardless of her age.

From her kneeling position she was looking straight into the wide open vaginal lips of the beautiful, exotic 18 year old niece who was obviously very aroused. Moisture was dripping from her swollen vulva. It was an intoxicating sight and she willingly lent forward to taste the nectar in the honey pot. She tasted as wonderful as Angie knew she would.

Angie was awakened from her rapture when the hairbrush smacked noisily on her already tender and inflamed buttocks. The smacks from her landlady were not quite as hard as her nieces, but they were coming in more rapid succession. As Angie continued to eagerly give oral sex to Alice, she was surprised that along with the pain in her buttocks there was also a radiance of pleasure building deep in her belly. She could not believe that she was building to an orgasm of her own, even though her vagina had received no tactile stimulation. Surprising even her self, Angie arched her back and pushed her buttocks up higher towards the source of her smacking.

The quick-fire smacking continued until Alice started gasping with pure pleasure as her orgasm engulfed her. The sensation of Alice's orgasm was the catalyst to send Angie into the throes of her own intense climax, despite the fact that her bottom continued to receive its punishment. The screams of both young ladies echoed throughout the room.

After the waves of pleasure stopped cascading through her young body, Angie collapsed on the floor in utter exhaustion, thankful that the spanking had also finally ended. After several minutes she pulled herself to her feet, and found that both Minnie and Alice had collected up their clothing and before leaving the room they both imparted a kiss on her cheek. Angie managed to pull on her pyjamas and took the flight of stairs back up to her bedroom where she found Peter waiting expectantly on their bed.

"What happened?" Peter enquired, concerned for his wife, "Are you okay? What did they do to you?"

"Oh, nothing," Angie gave a weary smile, "Just girl talk."

Peter frowned, disbelievingly. But it was wasted on Angie; she had already collapsed on the bed with exhaustion.


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Not surprisingly Angie slept very well the night after she was spanked and had oral sex with her landlady, Minnie, and her niece, Alice. By the time she awoke, her husband, Peter, had departed for work. It was Angie's rostered day off at the cafe so she was grateful for the opportunity to relax in. However her dream was rudely interrupted when her bedroom door swung open.

"Come on relaxy head, it's time to get," chirped Alice, dressed only in her bra and skimpy panties.

"But it's my day off," Angie pleaded.

"Oh, come on, I'm taking you shopping." With that Alice flung back the sheets revealing a pyjama clad Angie.

Angie was in two minds. She was deeply embarrassed by the way she had acted last night and allowed Alice to dominate her. However the thought of going shopping with the beautiful, vivacious 18 year old was appealing.

Despite her reservations she smiled and informed Alice she would come shopping and was just going to quickly dive through the shower. As she swung her legs out of bed, Alice took hold of her hand and led her through to the bathroom. Awkwardly Angie allowed herself to be led into the bathroom.

Once in there Alice began to unbutton the pyjama top of Angie. When Angie put her hands up to undo her own buttons Alice smacked them away as if Angie was a misbehaving young.

"Keep your hands at your side," Alice demanded.

Angie opened her mouth to protest, but then thought better of it. She had visions of having her bottom smacked while leaning over the side of the bath.

Deftly Alice unbuttoned the pyjama top and slipped it off Angie's shoulders, once again revealing her deliciously small breasts.

For a moment Alice's eyes focused on the breasts. "You have pretty little boobs," Alice smiled, sounding sincere.

Angie blushed at the compliment.

Alice unbutton the chord of Angie's pyjama bottoms and lowered them so that she could step out, leaving her totally naked. Alice reached into the shower cubicle and turned the water on.

"Shower time, little one," Alice cooed while holding her hand under the water to feel the temperature.

"But I need to pee," Angie pleaded.

"Well then, pee," Alice pointed to the toilet that was in the bathroom, "but hurry up as we have not got all day."

"Can you please go out while I pee?" Angie pleaded.

"No, I can't go outside while you pee," Alice mimed in a voice like a whining young, "and if you don't hurry up you will get a damn good spanking for wasting our time."

Despite her intense embarrassment Angie lowered herself onto the toilet, but in front of an audience she could not relax enough to allow her urine to flow.

Alice tapped her foot impatiently. Angie tried desperately to relax and finally, to her great relief, she began to pee, her urine splashing noisily into the toilet bowl. When she had finally finished she went to take some toilet paper to wipe herself, but again Alice spanked her hand away.

"I'll do that, little one. Now stand up and open your legs." Alice was standing in front of Angie, toilet paper in hand.

Humiliated beyond belief, Angie stood up and opened her legs slightly.

"Wider, darling. We want to make sure I wipe you properly."

Angie slid her legs wider, and she gasped when she felt Alice's hand rub the toilet paper between her legs. Alice wiped several times, in long exaggerated sweeps up and down Angie's slit, causing her to emit a low groan.

"Is my little darling enjoying that?" a smiling Alice asked.

Angie pouted, "Yes, Mummy, I mean.... Alice." Angie cringed at her mistake.

Alice tapped her playfully on the bottom. "Enough playtime. Now into that shower."

Once in the shower Angie began to soap herself. All the while Alice stood at the shower entrance, watching her every move, and reminding her to make sure she washed herself well around her private parts.

When Angie had finished her shower she stepped out to a waiting Alice who immediately begun to dry her with the towel she was holding. Alice made sure she was well and truly dry, especially between her legs which Angie had to keep open. To Angie's relief she was finally able to disappear back to her bedroom to dress in a tee shirt and jeans in preparation for their shopping. However Alice stood at the door and casually observed her as she dressed. Angie felt as if Alice didn't even trust her enough to be able to dress herself properly. Being treated like a little young was doing her head in. She could not rationalize why, as a mature adult, she was allowing Alice to treat her in such a manner. Why didn't she simply say 'no'?

Nevertheless she willingly took Alice's hand as the two of them walked from Minnie's apartment on the lake to the Taupo shopping centre. The two of them had a great time walking around the shops, and stopped in to have a coffee at the Replete Café where Peter was working.

Afterwards Alice insisted they go into some of the fashion clothing shops, which Angie was reluctant to do as she was on a strict budget and had no spare cash for new clothing. However she did not need too much persuasion and was soon happily sorting through the racks of tempting clothing.

Eventually Alice led them to a department store that had a large selection of clothing from tiny tots to adults. Angie was surprised to notice that Alice was searching through racks that contained the clothing that was clearly more suitable for girls in the 12 to 14 age group. Even more surprising was the fact she was selecting some items of clothing and placing them over her arm. Once happy with what she had selected, Alice walked over to the changing cubicles, at the same time beckoning Angie to join her. Angie strolled over, curious as to why Alice would be trying on such clothing.

Alice selected a cubicle and hung the clothing on the hook inside. But then she stepped out of the cubicle, took Angie's hand and ushered her in. Angie frowned at Alice in total bewilderment.

"I don't understand," Angie protested, "what are you doing?"

"I have selected some lovely clothes for you to put on. So come on, darling, get undressed."

"By I haven't selected these. Why should I be trying them on? They are far too young for me," Angie continued to protest. "They are for little girls and won't fit me."

"I have selected big sizes, and you have such little boobies I am sure you will squeeze into them."

Alice was speaking quite loudly and Angie was acutely embarrassed about the reference to her breasts.

"I won't," Angie stomped her foot, "and you can't make me. I am an adult."

Angie was determined to stand her ground. This was going too far.

"Do you want Mummy to spank your bottom.....again?" Alice's comment reverberated through the changing rooms. Several people glanced her way in astonishment.

Angie's mouth dropped open in shock and embarrassment. "Stop it," she pleaded, then added more defiantly, "you wouldn't dare spank me in here, anyway."

"Oh, believe me I will, young lady, and on your bare bottom as well."

People kept glancing at them, fascinated at the verbal exchange that was taking place. Angie cowered back further into the cubicle so she could not be seen so clearly. Her mind was in turmoil. From the glint in Alice's eyes she could tell that she was enjoying putting Angie in this predicament, and Angie suspected she would probably have the audacity to spank her right in front of all those people. Angie also knew she could just walk straight out of those changing rooms. But she choose not to. Instead she let her shoulders drop in defeat.

"All right then," Angie whispered, "but I am just going to try them on quickly."

With that, Angie reached up to close the curtain of the cubicle, but noisily Alice slapped her hand.

"Leave the curtain open so Mummy can get a good look at how the clothes fit," Alice demanded.

"But people will see me," Angie pleaded, "can't you come into the cubicle with me and close the curtain. I don't mind you being in here, Mummy."

Angie hoped that by referring to the 18 year old Alice as 'Mummy' that she would relent on her demands, but to no avail.

"Hurry up my girl, I am not going to wait all day," Alice had her hand on her hip, looking as if she had run out of patience.

It was, of course, one big charade, and Alice could not believe how compliant the 19 year was being. Alice thought that Minnie described her correctly when she described her as a 'delightfully sexy submissive like nothing she had seen before'. When Minnie had first told Alice of her American tenants and their incredibly submissive behaviour Alice had been immediately excited. The thought of dominating someone totally had been something she had fantasized about when masturbating herself in bed. To now get the opportunity was something she was not about to pass up. She was determined to see how far she could push Angie and her husband.

Reticently Angie kicked off her sandals and removed her jeans. She was about to remove her tee shirt when to her horror she realized she had been in such a hurry to get dressed that she had not bothered to put on a bra.

"I can't take my tee shirt off, Mummy," she whispered quietly in the hope no one would hear, "as I am not wearing a bra."

"That's all right, my darling. Little girls don't need bras anyway. Now quickly off with that tee shirt." With that Alice stepped forward and gripped the bottom of the tee shirt.

"Arms up."

Almost without thinking Angie raised her arms, allowing Alice to roughly pull the tee shirt up over her head and off. At that moment a woman with a teenage girl walked pass the cubicle and both peered in. Angie realized she was dressed only in her brief lacy knickers, and quickly tried to cover herself up with her hands. The woman scowled in disapproval, while the teenager smirked.

"Panties as well." Alice quickly gripped the waistband and jerked them down. "Lift your feet up."

Like a robot Angie lifted her feet so Alice could remove her panties, leaving her totally naked so that anyone in the dressing room that walked past the open cubicle would have a clear view of her whole body. The realization caused Alice to blush in acute embarrassment.

Quickly Angie reached for the clothing that was hanging in the cubicle, desperate to put on something that would hide her nakedness. The first item of clothing was a simple orange dress with short sleeves. It seemed much too small for Angie but Alice insisted she try it on. She got it part way over her head but then it would budge no further. To Angie's mortification she realized she was stuck with her arms above her head and totally exposed, with no way to protect her modesty. To make matters worse she could hear a couple of young girls giggling at her predicament. She pleaded with Alice to help her pull it off, but it was a good minute or so before she came to Angie's assistance, slowly pulling the garment back up over her head.

Angie glared at Alice. "I told you they would be too small for me. Now can I please get dressed back into my own clothes?"

"Not yet, young lady, the others I have selected are a larger fit. They are for big little girls," Alice smirked, while handing Angie another dress.

Petulantly Angie snatched the pink dress from Alice and threw it on the floor of the cubicle. "I don't want to try anything else on," she protested, "I don't want to play your stupid game anymore."

"Right young lady, you have earned yourself ten spanks," Alice was waving her finger and speaking louder than was necessary. "Now pick it up and put it on or you will get twice as many, and right here, now, where everyone can see what a naughty girl you are."

The chatter in the changing room ceased as everyone tuned into the very unusual conversation coming out of the cubicle. Angie was flushed with total embarrassment. Quickly she reached down, picked up the pink dress and pulled it over her head. Even though it was a tight fit, and made her small boobs even flatter, she did manage to get it on. But to her consternation the dress was so short it came down below her hips, just barely covering her pussy and buttocks.

Next Alice took a pair of youngish panda bear cotton panties and held them open for Angie to step into. Once the panties were on Alice stepped back to admire the finished result.

"Perfect," Alice purred, and before Angie had time to protest she gathered up Angie's discarded clothing, bundled it into her bag, took hold of her hand and dragged the wide-eyed girl out of the dressing room, Angie was mortified to think that she was going to be seen in public in this ridiculous pink dress that was obviously designed for someone much younger than herself, and to make matters worse when she walked she knew that her panda cotton panties would be exposed.

Alice dragged Angie over to the male shop assistant so that she could pay for the items. Alice removed the label off the dress, and then further embarrassed Angie by lifting up the front of her dress so that she could take the label off the panties. The shop assistant looked on in amazement at the exposed panda panties.

Once the items had been paid for Alice took hold of Angie's hand again and almost had to drag her through the store to the Department store toilets. With her free hand Angie desperately tried to hold her skirt down as people stared. Most of the women frowned disapprovingly, while the males unabashedly stared at her as she passed by.

Once inside the ladies washroom Alice let go of her hand.

"Pull your panties down to your knees," Alice demanded.

Angie stood there shocked. Even though there was no one in washroom, a couple of the toilet doors were closed so they were obviously occupied.

"No, Mummy," Angie desperately pleaded.

"I promised you ten spanks, and you are going to get them now young lady. I suggest you get those panties down quickly while there is no one here, otherwise your spanking will be very public."

With genuine tears welling in her eyes, Angie reached under her ridiculously short and youngish pink dress and quickly lowered her panties to her knees.

"Hold your skirt up." Alice was determined to maximize the offense.

With tear streaked cheeks Angie lifted her skirt exposing her bare buttocks. She gasped with shock as Alice gripped her by the arm to hold her steady, and then with the other hand began to spank her vigorously. Angie tried to be brave but by the time the tenth spank had landed she was openly begging 'Mummy' to stop.

When she realized the spanking was over she opened her eyes and was mortified to see that one of the toilet cubicle doors had opened and a woman was staring at her open mouthed. Angie quickly reached down and pulled up her panties.

Alice just smiled politely at the woman. "Children!" she said despairingly, rolling her eyes, "Sometimes only a damn good spanking will do." Alice then grabbed Angie firmly by the hand and led her out of the washroom.


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Angie had to suffer the ignominy of being dragged back through the department while still trying to pull her panda panties up properly and at the same time trying to keep her ridiculously short dress covering her buttocks. It was an almost impossible task and she continued to draw stares from passing shoppers, especially males of all ages.

Once outside the store Angie was led compliantly around the corner and before she knew it she was being dragged into the Replete Café again where her husband Peter was working. Angie cringed yet again with intense embarrassment as she knew all the staff in the café. A couple of them raised their eyebrows in obvious surprise at her choice of clothing, but politely said nothing. Angie quickly seated herself at the first table she could find, thankful of the protection it afforded her from prying eyes.

Peter had notice Alice and Angie enter the café and his mouth dropped open when he noticed what his wife was wearing. He knew it was not something she would ever choose to wear. It was outrageous, but heavens he had to admit it made her look very sexy. Quickly he made his way over to the table to take their order. Alice ordered trim lattes for them both before enquiring whether Peter liked his wife's new outfit. Peter smiled and nodded that he did. Angie stared aghast at her husband. How could he think such a ridiculously youngish outfit looked nice on her?

Alice smiled her agreement at Peter. "I knew you had a great fashion sense. The skirt is not too short on her, is it?"

Peter had noted his wife's glare and was wary of what to say. He decided to sit on the fence. "I am not really sure. I didn't really see the length," he lied.

"Oh, that's a shame. Stand up Angie and give Peter a good look. I value his opinion."

Angie bit her bottom lip, and didn't want to risk making a scene in the café so reluctantly stood up, at the same time tugging on her skirt to ensure it covered her cotton panties.

Peter was awestruck by his wife's gorgeous long legs that looked great in the short skirt. She normally wore jeans and a tee shirt so to see her dressed like this was a real turn-on.

"It's not too short," he mumred, being careful not to catch his wife's eye.

Angie was finally allowed to sit again and quietly sipped her coffee, trying to remain as inconspicuous as she could.

After finishing the coffees Angie pleaded with Alice to head back to Minnie's apartment, but Alice insisted she had to collect something for Minnie before they went home. Angie had to suffer the stares of astonishment as she was dragged for two blocks by Alice to the shop that sold fancy dress costumes. She was then made to wait outside while Alice went into the shop to select some fancy dress items off the racks. Angie tried to peer in but could not see past the window display. When she turned around to look at the people in the street she felt as if everybody was staring at her with a mixture of bewilderment and contempt. She blushed profusely and wished the ground would literally open up and swallow her.

Finally Alice emerged from the shop with several items in a big shopping bag. With a sly smile she grabbed Angie's hand and headed off walking towards Minnie's lakeside apartment.

Curious as to what was in the bag, Angie enquired but was met with a firm, "You will see, my little sweetie."

Angie endured the walk back to the apartment in embarrassed silence. People openly stared at her youngish clothing and provocatively short dress. Some youths in a car slowed right down and gave her a wolf whistle and made rude comments about what they would do if they had a 'little sister' like that. Angie kept her head down and blushed with shame.

Back home the two shoppers entered the apartment and could hear conversation in the lounge. Angie tried to pull away but Alice kept a firm grip of her hand and led her into the lounge where they were greeted by Minnie, who had returned home in their absence. To Angie's utter dismay there were also two other women in the room, both mature ladies in their fifties. Angie tried to hide herself behind Alice so that her ridiculous clothing could not be seen, however Minnie was having none of that.

"What a delightful outfit you are wearing, my little darling. Stop being a silly little girl and come over here so Mummy can get a good look at you." Minnie beckoned her over.

Angie could not believe that her landlady used the "Mummy" word in front of her guests, as well as calling her a "silly little girl". To make matters worse she did feel like a young being admonished by her lady, which created a pot pourri of confused emotions in her head. Although embarrassed beyond belief she also felt a strange, exciting warmth in her belly.

With a deep breath she stepped out from behind Alice and stood in full view of her landlady and the two female guests. She was so embarrassed she could not bear to look them in the eye.

"Where are your manners," Minnie admonished, "Look up and say hello to my good friends, Jane and Bev. You can call them Aunty Jane and Aunty Bev."

Angie powerd herself to look up at the smiling faces of the two ladies. "Hello Aunty Jane and Aunty Bev," Angie managed to mumble.

"Such a nice outfit," Jane responded, "I bet you think you look really pretty."

"No, I don't think she does think she looks pretty," Alice interjected. "She has done nothing but grizzle and told me she does not like the clothing because she thinks it makes her look like a young. I even had to take her into the washroom and give her a damn good spanking on her bare bottom."

Minnie raised her eyebrows and smiled at the antics her 18 year old niece had been up to. She was obviously a chip off the old family block, and clearly was adept and confident at dominating people with a naturally submissive permisterality.

Minnie then turned her attention to Angie, and her smile quickly turned to a look of mock dismay. "So you don't like your pretty clothes that Alice so kindly purchased for you?"

Angie pouted defiantly, "No I don't. They are youngish and everyone stares at me. My dress is ridiculously short and I have to hold it down so my stupid cotton panties can't be seen. What must everyone think of me?"

"Well I would say they look at you and think what a naughty little girl you are and they would be right," Minnie responded, "What do you think Jane and Bev?"

"I totally agree," Bev responded, trying hard to contain a smile, "Naughty and ungrateful I would say."

"Absolutely agree," reinpowerd Jane.

Angie bit her bottom lip. She wanted to protest how unreamisterable they were being. She is a 19 year married woman and she should not be made to wear clothing that was totally unsuitable for someone of her age and maturity. But she suspected she had opened her mouth too much already, and to further protest her innocence would only worsen her situation. Little did she know that it was already too late for these sentiments.

"Well, if you don't like the clothing, naughty little girl, then take it off." Minnie wagged her finger at Angie.

Angie looked up hopefully. "Yes, Mummy," she responded, and quickly turned to make a hasty retreat to her bedroom.

"Where do you think you are going?" Minnie's voice boomed out, stopping Angie in her tracks.

"To take my dress off," Angie responded quietly, fearful of what might come next.

"Yes, take it off. But I didn't say you were to leave the room. You are to stand in the middle of the lounge and remove your clothing. If naughty, ungrateful little girls do not like their clothes then they can remove them. Since you obviously prefer to show off your nude body rather than your pretty dresses."

Angie's mouth dropped open in horror. "No, please Mummy," she pleaded, "I am sorry. I do like the dress and I promise I will wear it all day."

"I see your naughty girl also tell lies," commented Bev.

Minnie let out a deep sigh. "She is indeed very naughty, and I believe naughty girls learn their lesmister better when they are punished totally naked. Nothing like the offense of nudity to reinpower a spanking, don't you agree Jane?"

Jane looked back at Minnie with a serious frown. "I could not agree more."

Despite their outward display of indignation over Angie's naughty behaviour, both Jane and Bev were in reality excited by what they were witnessing. They were both lesbians and had been together for over 20 years. They had met Minnie several years ago through the local gay community. Minnie had told them all about the young submissive American newly weds who were staying at her apartment, but they honestly believed she was only spinning them a yarn as the story seemed too far fetched to be true. But now to their total delight they were about to find out that the truth can sometimes be stranger than fiction. The thought of seeing this beautiful young American girl naked was already making them squirm in their seats.

"Please, Mummy," Angie pleaded despairingly, "Don't make me take my clothes off in here."

"Get undressed right now young lass, unless you want to make your punishment far worse," Minnie wagged her finger again.

Angie rolled her bottom lip and looked as if she was fighting back a tear. She knew that to continue pleading was only going to be to her detriment. Awkwardly she gripped the bottom of her pink dress and tried to pull up over her body. Despite several attempts to pull it over her head she realized that for the second time today she was stuck, and no one seemed to be willing to help her.

I desperation she turned to Alice, "Please Mummy, help this naughty little girl take her dress off."

For a long while Angie was left standing there in embarrassed silence, her dress stuck around her mid drift and her panda bear panties exposed to the onlookers. Finally Alice stepped forward and roughly pulled the dressed over the shoulders of the hapless Angie.

When the dress popped off her head Angie staggered backwards and fell awkwardly into Jane's lap. Embarrassed she quickly stood up, and modestly placed one arm in front of her breasts. She knew her breasts were small for her age, but having worn the tight fitting dress for the past two hours they felt as if they were flattened down to almost nothing. It made her feel even more like a naughty little girl standing in front of fully grown adults.

"As delightful as those panda panties are, they need to come off as well," Minnie smiled.


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With a sigh of resignation Angie reached her fingers around the waistband of her panties and quickly lowered them to the ground. As she stood up she quickly placed one arm over her breasts again and the other in front of her pubic region. She stood there in awkward silence, feeling the eyes of the four women in the room focused on her nudity.

"Is that how you normally stand when in this room?" Minnie enquired.

"No, Mummy," Angie's voice was barely a whisper. Slowly she lowered her arms to her side, totally exposing herself to those present in the room.

The excitement in the room was palatable as everyone soaked up the sight of the slim but very pretty 19 year old American. Bev and Jane had never witnessed anything like it before. They did not really consider themselves as kinky and weren't into the discipline scene at all, but what they were now witnessing was exciting them more than they could ever imagine.

"She is truly a sight to behold," Bev complimented. "She almost is a woman in a young's body. That thatch of pubic hair is the only thing that tells you she really is a young lady."

"I know," Minnie responded," I have thought of getting her to shave it all off so she is smooth as a baby down there, and I might one day. But on the other hand I like her to see her pubes as a constant reminder that she is indeed a woman who loves to be treated like a naughty girl."

Angie blushed even more profusely as they openly discussed her naked body. She was also crushed by the knowledge that she knew she was becoming sexually excited by the degrading manner in which she was being treated. Desperately she kept her legs firmly together to hide her arousal.

"I just love those tiny boobs she has," Jane purred in a husky voice, struggling to conceal her excitement. "I think I will call her Miss Tiny Tits."

They all laughed, except Angie who just continued to blush with shame.

"Don't you think that is a pretty name?" Jane directed her question to the hapless Angie.

"No!" Angie pouted.

"Well we could call her Miss Puffy Pussy," Minnie interjected with a laugh, "Cause you can guarantee her pussy will be nice and swollen."

Bev and Jane looked at each other in mock indignation.

"No, surely not," Bev responded.

"It is so very true," young Alice interjected, "Being humiliated like this gets her so hot. She gets all swollen down there and has a cute little clit that pokes its head way out."

Angie's mouth dropped open in shock. She could not believe Alice was being so graphic in her description.

"This I have got to see," Jane exclaimed, wide-eyed and flushed with excitement.

"Open your legs, honey, "Minnie urged, "and show Auntie Bev and Auntie Jane that pretty little pussy of yours. Because I bet you are all wet and swollen, aren't you?"

Angie just hung her head in offense.

"Well?" Minnie pressed for an answer.

"Yes, Mummy, I feel like I am all swollen." Angie whispered.

Not wanting to prolong the embarrassment any longer, Angie slid her feet open to reveal her pubic region to the women in the room. But she didn't just open her legs slightly. She wanted her degradation to be complete. She splayed her legs as wide open as she could. Angie felt her swollen labia open up and she knew her clit would be on display for everyone to see.

For what seemed an eternity there was a deadly silence in the room as the women soaked up the incredibly erotic sight.

Finally Bev spoke, her voice raspy with excitement, "That is the nicest little honey pot one could ever hope to see."

"And she is so swollen her juices are beginning to run off the end of her clit," Jane chimed in.

Minnie smiled with pride at the submissive behaviour of her protégé. "Go and fetch the hairbrush for Mummy," she urged.

Without hesitation Angie quickly departed the room and returned with the heavy wooden instrument held securely in both hands. As she had been taught to do, she stood in front of her landlady and held out the hairbrush.

Minnie did not take the hairbrush from her. "You have behaved very poorly today and have been a naughty little girl. And what happens to naughty girls?"

"They get spanked, Mummy." Angie grimaced.

"Indeed they do. And since you have been so naughty for Alice I think you need to go over to her and apologise and ask her to spank you for being such a bad girl."

Angie took a moment to compose herself. It was going to be gut wrenchingly tough to ask a girl even younger than herself to give her a spanking. With a deep breath she turned and shuffled over to Alice.

"I am sorry I have been such a bad little girl," Angie whispered, "and I deserve to be spanked."

Alice smiled gleefully. "And where do you deserve to be spanked?"

"On my naked bottom," Angie blushed.

"Very well," Alice reached out and took the hairbrush from a nervous Angie. "I want you to stand in the middle of the room, open your legs wide, and bend over and grip your ankles."

Angie quickly complied, splaying her legs open and bending over so she could take hold of her ankles. Alice took hold of her shoulder and made her shuffle around until her grossly exposed buttocks were pointing directly at Minnie, Jane and Bev. Alice then stepped back out of the way to ensure that the ladies could fully take in the view. Bev and Jane could not believe that Angie's vulva looked to be even more swollen than it was a few minutes previously. Juices were flowing even more freely from her vaginal orifice. This was clearly one very excited young American lass who was getting off on the way she was being treated.

Without warning a sharp smack of the hairbrush landed firmly on Angie's left buttock. Angie gasped in shock, and even Bev and Jane jumped in surprise. They had never witnessed a grown lady being smacked before. Up until now they had never had the desire to be involved in any sort of discipline activity, but witnessing it for the first time they were enticed by the sheer eroticism of what was unfolding before them.

Alice continued to administer the punishment in hard rhythmic smacks, alternating between buttocks. By the twentieth smack Angie was sobbing loudly but continued to hold her position. When the fortieth smack was delivered Alice finally relented. Angie's buttocks were aflame in bright red.

"Go and stand in front of Aunty Jane and Aunty Bev," Minnie directed, "Put your hands on your head and open your legs."

Angie did as requested, resisting the desire to give her very tender bottom a rub with her hands. She stood in front of her 'Aunties' and again opened her legs as wide as she could.

"Ask your Aunties to put a finger inside your pussy so they can see for themselves how wet you are," Minnie requested.

"Please Aunty Jane and Aunty Bev, will you put a finger in this naughty little girls pussy and see if I am wet?" Angie pleaded, her face flush with desire.

For a moment Bev and Jane were almost overcome by erotic overload. They were exploring territory way beyond their normally staid lesbian lifestyle. But they were having so much fun that it was easy to throw off the shackles. Bev reached out a finger and tentatively wiped it along the ridges of Angie's swollen labia, causing her to swoon with pleasure. Jane quickly followed suit, and circled her finger around Angie's swollen and protruding clit.

Angie was so aroused she desperately needed more stimulation of her vagina. She bent her knees and arched her pelvis towards her 'Aunties'. Seeing the obvious pleasure the young American girl was getting from their touches made Bev and Jane bolder, and both of them began to work a finger into the depths of her vagina. Angie groaned louder and began to rotate her hips.

With a smile Bev and Jane both proudly withdrew their fingers and held them up on display. They were coated liberally with Angie's juices.

Angie's eyes were glazed with pleasure. "Please Aunty Jane can I suck your finger while Aunty Bev sticks her fingers deep inside this naughty little girls pussy." Obligingly Jane held her moist finger up to Angie's mouth. Angie closed her mouth over it and began to suck noisily, and at the same time arching her pelvis towards Bev in a clear message that she wanted to be penetrated. Bev boldly rammed three fingers deep into Angie's vaginal canal. It was as if she had lighten a fuse. Angie's hips instantly began bucking wildly and she breathed loudly through her nose.

Angie's orgasm came like a charging horse, nostrils flaring, hips bucking. When it hit her she arched back her head and screamed as she was overcome with pleasure.


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The following day was Saturday and both of the newly weds, Angie and Peter, were scheduled to be working at the Replete Café. Peter had tried to enquire from Angie as to what had happened the previous day but she seemed embarrassed so he did not press for the details. As they were about to leave the apartment to walk to work, Minnie poked her head around the corner.

"Don't be late home my darlings as I am having a party tonight," Minnie chirped.

"A party?" Angie responded.

"A fancy dress party, actually."

"A fancy dress party?" Angie repeated.

"Yes, my little parrot. A fancy dress party. Guests are to come dressed as a nursery rhyme character and you are both invited."

"But we have nothing suitable to wear to a fancy dress party." Angie was almost apologetic.

"Oh don't worry, I have already chosen something special for you both." With that Minnie disappeared back into the kitchen.

Peter and Angie glanced at each, a little surprised. It was nice that Minnie had invited them to her party, and even though they weren't really into fancy dress parties it did sound like it could be fun. Angie informed Peter how, the day before, Alice had made her wait outside the shop while she collected fancy dress costumes from inside. For the rest of the day they speculated on what the costumes might be that Minnie had got for them. They tried to recall all the nursery rhyme characters they could think of.

By the time the newly weds had finished their day at café they were full of anticipation. They arrived back at the apartment just before dinner time and quickly tracked down Minnie in the kitchen and excitedly asked if they could see their costumes. Minnie laughed at their enthusiasm but told them they would have to wait. She informed them that once they had finished dinner they were to take a shower and wait in their rooms until Alice came in with their costumes.

Like youngren eager to open their Christmas presents, Peter and Angie quickly ate dinner with Minnie and Alice before disappearing to have a shower. While they were in the shower Alice brazenly entered the bathroom and began putting on her makeup. This embarrassed the newly weds who were reluctant to exit the shower while eighteen year old Alice was in the bathroom. They tried to wait her out but clearly Alice was in no hurry. Realising they could not stay in there forever, Angie quickly stepped out of the shower and hurriedly reached out for her towel. However she had no sooner taken it off the rail when Alice stepped over to her and took the towel from her.

"Mummy can do that," Alice smiled, "Now lift your arms up above your head so I can give you a good rub down."

Angie was embarrassed by the close attention from Alice, especially as her husband was watching intently from within the shower. Obediently she put her arms above her head as requested, and Alice proceeded to dry her off with over-vigorous rubbing with the towel. Alice paid special attention to Angie's pert small breasts, massaging the towel across them several times until her nipples were firmly erect. Alice then tapped the inside of Angie's thighs so that she opened her legs, and then began to rub the towel over her buttocks and pubic region. Not surprisingly, she also paid special attention to these regions, making Angie hold her buttock cheeks apart while her anus was dried, and then crouching down while the towel was rubbed vigorously across her vulva.

Angie could feel herself becoming flush with all the intimacies, but finally Alice gave her bottom a tap, told her she was all done, and then turned to beckon to Peter to exit the shower. Peter stepped out and stood obediently beside young Alice. He was embarrassed by his nakedness, and also embarrassed by the fact his penis was semi-erect.

Alice then proceeded to give Peter a repeat performance of the towel rubbing, making him stand with his hands held above his head. She systematically dried him from head to foot, and when she got to his pelvic region she brazenly took the tip of his penis and lifted it up before vigorously drying his scrotum. By the time she let go of his penis he was almost fully erect, and when she began stroking it with towel he had to close his eyes and power himself not to cum.

Although she tried to tell herself not to be silly, Angie could not help feeling jealous at the liberties Alice was taking with her husband, but she also knew there was no way she was going to complain.

Finally they were both dismissed by Alice, and told to wait, naked, in their bedroom until she came with their costumes. The newly weds darted down the hallway to their room, desperately hoping that no-one would see them in their naked state. Silently they sat on the bed, saying very little but both full of anticipation.

They were kept waiting for what seemed a very long half an hour before Alice eventually entered, holding a shopping bag. She was dressed up as a princess and looked totally gorgeous. With a smile she tipped the contents of the bag onto the bed beside the naked newly weds. To their dismay there only appeared to be a few items of clothing and what looked suspiciously like a diaper. Nothing like the elaborate princess outfit that Alice was wearing.

Peter was made to stand up and Alice handed him a blue shirt and matching blue shorts which she told him to put on. He asked if he could put his underwear on first but Alice declined the request. The shirt fitted, but the shorts were tight and made of thin satin material which did little to hide the outline of his penis.

Peter felt ridiculous and frowned at Alice. "I don't understand. Who am I suppose to be?"

Alice gave him a condescending smile, "You are little boy blue."

Peter continued to frown, "Little boy blue?"

Alice sighed, "Yes, silly. 'Little boy blue, come blow on your horn, the sheep's in the meadow and the cows in the corn'. Don't you Americans know your nursery rhymes?"

Peter didn't respond. He still felt ridiculous.

Alice now turned her attention to Angie, who was silently eyeing up the items of clothing left on the bed, which seemed to consist of very little. With a cheery grin Alice picked up the small pink tee shirt and made Angie hold out her arms so that Alice could pull it over her head. The tee shirt was several sizes too small and barely came down to Angie's navel. On the front of the tee shirt there was a Barbie doll picture, and it was obvious to Angie the tee shirt was meant for a young.

Alice then patted her hand on the bed and gestured for Angie to lie down on her back. To Angie's horror Alice then reached over her prone body and picked up the oversized diaper.

"No, please," Angie groaned in genuine dismay and offense.

But Alice ignored the cries of protest and instead gave Angie a light smack on her leg and told her to lift her buttock off the bed. With great reluctance Angie powerd herself to obey, and as she lifted her hips Alice slid the diaper underneath her and deftly sealed the velcro tabs on the sides. Angie was then directed to sit up, and Alice picked up the final item, a matching Barbie doll bib, and tied it around the 'baby's' neck.

"Now stand up and let me admire the both of you," Alice could not contain her smile. She was having so much fun.

Embarrassed, the newly weds both stood beside the bed in front of an admiring Alice.

Angie finally overcome her shock enough to find her voice. "But I am dressed as a baby," she protested petulantly, "I can't go to a party dressed like this. I feel so stupid."

"Well you don't look silly. I think you look like the pretty little baby you really are," Alice responded.

Angie stamped her foot angrily. "I don't feel pretty. Who am I suppose to me anyway?"

Alice sighed and rolled her eyes. "Rock a bye baby, in the tree tops, when the wind blows the cradle will rock. Don't you know that nursery rhyme?"

"Yes I do," Angie agreed reluctantly, "But I can't go to a party dressed like this. I look ridiculous."

"So do I," Peter chimed in.

"Oh, stop being so silly and ungrateful. Minnie has put a great deal of thought into your costumes. You don't want to upset her, do you?"

Peter and Angie both hung there heads, feeling bad about their petulant behaviour.

"Besides, everybody will be wearing silly costumes. I bet no one will even notice you." With that reassurance Alice departed the room, confidently smiling to herself that she had set the scene for what was sure to be an entertaining party.

Left alone in the room, Peter and Angie both sat down on bed, bewildered and with mixed emotions. Despite Alice's reassurances, they knew they both looked ridiculous. They could hear all the guests arriving but decided to wait a while longer until the party was well underway in the hope that they could slip in unnoticed.

Eventually they could wait no longer and, hand in hand, they walked down the stairs and attempted to sidle into the lounge without attracting attention. However their attempts failed and the raucous conversation in the room tailed off markedly as people began to notice the new arrivals. Shyly Peter and Angie glanced around the room. Everyone was dressed magnificently as kings or queens, princes or princesses. No one was dressed in a costume that was even remotely embarrassing, with the exception of themselves. Both blushed with embarrassment as they felt all eyes focus on them.

Eventually Minnie sauntered over, looking very regal in her costume, and offered both of them a welcome glass of wine. She then turned to her guests and introduced them.

"These are my lovely tenants, the American newly weds I was telling you about, Peter and Angie. Aren't they just delightful?"

Much to Peter and Angie's continued embarrassment there were murmurs of approval from most of the guests. Several of them then came over and began to engage them in conversation. Gradually they began to relax, but both had this constant feeling that the guests were eyeing them up and down. Peter was conscious of his penis being barely contained in his blue satin shorts, while Angie was aware that her erect nipples were protruding through the thin material of the tee shirt. She tried to adjust the baby's bib so that it covered both of her nipples but it was nowhere near wide enough. She didn't dare look down at her diaper as she was mortified at how she looked down there. Her slim, attractive tanned legs looked so incongruous poking out from a pair of diapers.



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For the next couple of hours Peter and Angie tried to mix and mingle as best they could, despite their self-consciousness, and both drank a few too many wines to try and overcome their embarrassment. It was clear that many of the couples that were present were gay couples, both males and females, ranging from late teenagers to mature permisters in their sixties.

The relative harmony of the evening was eventually broken when Jane and Bev, who had been on the other side of the room chatting to another female couple of similar mature age, made their way over to the American newly weds.

"Well, hello my darling Miss Tiny Tits," Jane greeted rather too loudly, her words slightly slurred from all the wine.

Angie hung her head, embarrassed at the reference to her small breasts that many of the guests heard. "Hello Aunty Jane," she responded shyly.

"And this handsome fellow must be Peter." Jane turned her attention to Peter.

"Hi," was all Peter could think of saying, not knowing who this overbearing woman was that his wife referred to as 'Auntie Jane'.

By now all casual conversation in the room had ceased and Peter and Angie were again the centre of attention. There was a palatable air of anticipation filling the room. Minnie and Alice came over to join Bev and Jane beside the newly weds. Peter and Angie quickly exchanged glances. They sensed events were about to take a turn for the worse.

"So you have met my little boy blue," Minnie joined the conversation.

"Little boy blue," Jane pondered.

"Little boy blue, come blow on your horn, the sheep's in the meadow..., you know the nursery rhyme."

"Indeed I do, but I don't see his horn," Jane added mischievously.

With everybody watching, Minnie let her eyes deliberately stray down Peter's torso until she fixed her gaze on his crotch. "I think I might have spotted something. Naughty little boy blue is hiding his horn in his pretty blue shorts."

All eyes were now focused on poor Peter's crotch and he squirmed at the unwanted attention. To his horror he could feel his penis becoming erect and pushing out the bottom of his shorts. In desperation he tried to nonchalantly place his hand in front of his crotch, but Minnie quickly spanked his hand away, admonishing him like a naughty young. This caused laughter to erupt amongst the guests, which only served to increase Peter's embarrassment and at the same time increasing the hardness of his erection. His penis was now clearly visible poking out beneath his tight blue satin shorts.

"I think it is time Mummy removed those shorts of yours so everyone can see the horn of little boy blue, don't you?" Minnie's licked her lips seductively, resulting in a further chorus of laughter to ripple through the room.

"No, Mummy, please don't." Peter felt that his voice sounded like a youngish whine.

"Now, Peter is it not true that you love to drop your pyjamas in front of Mummy so that she can give your naughty little horn pleasure."

Peter screwed up his face in shame. It was true. So very true. He derived intense pleasure from being made to exhibit himself and then allowing someone to power him to orgasm. Slowly he nodded his head, acknowledging to Minnie that he knew she was right.

With a knowing grin Minnie gripped the waistband of the satin shorts and slowly began to lower them. Once Peter's penis was free it sprung upright to attention. It was rigid hard and pulsing. You could have heard a pin drop in the room as everyone's attention was firmly locked on the submissive young male. Minnie had promised all her guests that she had entertainment planned that was guaranteed to make their pulses race, and she was not wrong.

Minnie lowered the shorts to the floor and made Peter step out of them. She then unbuttoned his blue shirt and removed it, leaving him totally naked.

"Now my little boy blue, put your hands on your head and I want you to walk around the room and proudly display your horn to our guests."

Peter had never felt so humiliated, but found himself doing what his landlady had requested. With his hands on his head he walked over to the first group of guests. He couldn't believe it when they all took turns at reaching out and touching his penis. Some just stroked it lightly, while others squeezed him so tightly he winced.

Peter continued to move around the room, and he could feel himself beginning to sweat as all the manipulation of his penis was making it hard for him to fight off the urge to cum. The final group in the room consisted of six males, of which a two of them were acting overtly homosexual. Peter suspected they were probably all gay, and the thought of standing naked in front of them with a penis crying out for relief was almost unbearable.

Expertly each of them began flicking their fingers at Peter's penis, causing him to squirm in discomfort. They knew he was on the verge of coming but by just flicking his engorged member he was not getting the stimulation he needed to orgasm.

"Arch your back and stand on your toes," one of the men commanded.

Peter obliged, arching his back and thrusting his penis forward. He managed to go up on his toes even though it was hard to balance. He felt he was displaying his body in the most obscene way possible. Yet he had never felt so exhilarated and so fulfilled sexually.

One of the males stepped forwarded and roughly gripped Peter's penis, squeezing it tightly, causing Peter to groan with the mixture of pain and intense pleasure. Continuing to hold it tight he quickly stroked it several times with long hard strokes that stretched the foreskin to its maximum. Suddenly the male released his grip and sperm immediately began pulsing from Peter's penis, arching out over the carpet in a series of waterfalls. Peter tried to contain himself but he was beyond having any control as the intense orgasm ripped through his body. There were gasps of astonishment from the guests.

"What have you done, you naughty boy, Peter," Minnie's voice quickly brought Peter back to earth. "You are a very naughty little boy blue. You need to be punished. Now go and get Mummy's hairbrush."

Peter grimaced, then quickly left the room and returned a few seconds later with the hairbrush.

Minnie snatched it from him, feigning anger, and took the hapless Peter by the ear to the middle of the room. "Now open your legs and bend over."

Peter quickly obliged, bending himself over like a staple. What followed was a prolonged assault on his buttocks that lasted the next fifteen minutes. Minnie started the spanking but then invited guests to step forward to take their turn. Peter was reduced to tears and sobbed loudly as the each guest eagerly took their turn. Some of the guests were relatively gentle on him but, but others clearly did not know their own strength and caused Peter to scream out at the pain. When it finally ended Peter was ready to collapse on the floor in exhaustion. Minnie kissed him on the cheek and suggested it was time he went to bed. Peter did not protest.

Angie felt a lump in her throat as her husband shuffled out of the room, rubbing his tender buttocks. She felt for sure that the attention would now turn to her. But to her surprise Minnie informed her guests it was time for more takes, and conversation began to return to the room. Alice thrust a large glass of water into Angie's hand which she was thankful for as her mouth was dry and she had already consumed too many wines.

Minnie seated herself in her favourite chair and beckoned Angie over to join her. Angie giggled as she felt unsteady on her feet. Her head was swimming with a warm fuzzy fog, partly due to the wine, and partly due to the eroticism of what she had witnessed happening to Peter.

Minnie indicated for Angie to sit at her feet. Angie knelt down, glad to be seated, and rested her head on her landlady's lap. Gently Minnie ran her fingers through Angie's hair as she conversed with the other guests. Angie felt secure and contented. Her embarrassment over being dressed in only a diaper and a thin pink tee shirt was dissipating. She wasn't sure if it was the wine, but in a weird way her situation almost felt natural. When she tried to rationalize her situation it just confused her, and it was just so much easier to accept the inner feelings of contentment that radiated through her body.

Angie had drifted off into her own little world as she rested her head on Minnie's lap, only vaguely absorbing all the conversation that was taking place around her. She was aware that Minnie was talking to someone seated beside her, and could hear a strange noise that sounded like a baby crying. Angie turned her head slightly so she could see who Minnie was talking to. To her surprise it was a woman who was cradling a young baby who looked to be a few months old. The woman was an attractive, dark skinned Pacific Islander of a similar age to Angie.

The woman was trying to get the baby to stop crying, but then decided it was obviously hungry. Angie gazed up in fascination as the woman began to unbutton the top of her dress and reached in to fondle with her bra. She then exposed one of her very full breasts and Angie was surprised at how large and dark her nipple was. The woman gently cradled the baby in her arm and guided its mouth onto the nipple, whereby the baby instantly stopped crying and began sucking hungrily.

Angie gazed contently at the sight of lady and young, and couldn't help imagining herself as the baby, suckling contentedly on the breast. Minnie glanced down at Angie and smiled when she saw the envious look on her face. Moving her hand from the top of Angie's head she slid it down to touch her lips. Almost as if by instinct, Angie parted her lips slightly and allowed her landlady to insert a finger into her mouth. Without hesitation she began sucking, keeping her eyes locked on the baby and the lady's breast.


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When the baby had finished feeding from both breasts Angie heard the lady comment to Minnie that she was just going to pop out into the bedroom to change the baby's wet diaper and would then be right back.

As the lady stood up to leave she reached down and stroked her warm hand over Angie's face, before commenting, "Aren't you a delightful little one."

Angie felt a warm glow of pleasure as she continued to suck on her landlady's finger.

Minnie leaned forward and put her mouth to Angie's ear. "Has my little baby wet her diaper?" she whispered.

Angie stopped sucking and stared back open aghast at her landlady. "Ov cauth not," she mumred, finding it difficult to speak with Minnie's finger still inserted in her mouth. "I wuv neva do dat."

Minnie made no further comment and stroked Angie's head with her free hand and after a short while Angie resumed sucking the finger. For several minutes Minnie conversed with another guest who was milling about close by, wanting to get a closer view of the delightful American woman dressed in a diaper and sucking on her landlady's finger. After the conversation was finished Minnie leaned forward again to whisper in Angie's ear.

"Mummy wants you to wet your diaper, just like a baby."

Angie's eyes widened in shock and she pushed the finger out of her mouth. "I could never do that," she pleaded, "Please don't make me."

Minnie patted her head. "My little darling, does Mummy make you do anything you really don't want to? You always have a choice. Mummy is just saying it would make her very happy if her little baby wet her diaper."


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Angie's mind was awash with confusion. All these conflicting emotions were dancing around inside her. At one extreme she felt ashamed and humiliated that she was allowing herself to be demeaned in such a manner, but offsetting this was the warmth and contentment that flooded her whole body. Yes, she was allowing herself to be degraded by parading herself in front of a room full of people dressed only in a diaper, a tee shirt and a bib. She was, after all, an adult and a married woman, not a baby. And now, to add further insult to her predicament, her landlady has whispered in her ear that it would make her happy if she wet her diaper.

Angie knew Minnie's request probably had nothing to do with a desire to see a wet diaper, but was purely a way of demonstrating the total dominance she was able to exercise over her. It would be an act of pure presentation from Angie. It would be a clear indication Minnie had control over her and Angie would submit to almost anything.

Still kneeling on the floor and with her head on her landlady's lap, Angie closed her eyes to try and block out the contrasting emotions swirling around in her head. She just wanted to focus on the warmth and contentment she felt at that moment. She liked being with Minnie, and she liked being under her control. That much she clearly knew.

Almost ***ly she found herself relaxing her urethra and felt the wet warmth of the first few drops of urine escape from her bladder and dampen the diaper. However it felt so unnatural to be urinating anywhere other than the total privacy of a toilet that her muscles clamped up and the flow stopped after the first small squirt.

As if sensing Angie's inner turmoil, Minnie stroked her fingers through her tenant's hair and down the back of her neck. Angie felt herself drifting back into her relaxed state, and as she did her urine began to trickle out again. Before she knew it the trickle turned to a flow. She really didn't intend to fully wet her diaper. She only intended to make a small wet spot to make her landlady pleased, but her bladder was so full that once the urine began to flow out of her she just couldn't seem to stop it. As she glanced down she was mortified to see a big yellowish wet spot clearly visible on the diaper, and as she watched the wet spot continued to expand.

Angie couldn't help but groan in dismay at her predicament. She glanced around at the door to see if it was going to be possible to surreptitiously sneak out before her embarrassing situation could be spotted. At that moment she felt she would die with shame if anyone were to notice what she had done. She was a grown woman, yet she had just wet her diaper in a room full partying people.

Minnie couldn't help but notice her young tenant's distress, and as she glanced down she smiled in surprise and disbelief. She could not believe the submissive young American would actually go so far as to urinate in her diaper. She felt Angie trying to get to her feet but kept her hand firmly on her shoulder so she could not get up. Angie apprehensively glanced up at her landlady.

"Please Mummy, I desperately need to go to the bathroom," she pleaded.

Minnie smiled. "I think it might be a little late for that, my darling."

"But I have to get changed," she continued to plead.

"But I think you look just lovely. Let's see if the others agree."

Before Minnie's comments even had time to register, Angie found herself being dragged to her feet and being led by the hand to the centre of the room where most of the guests were standing, takes in hand and engaged in chatter. As Minnie and a very reluctant Angie joined them the conversations continued. Angie desperately tried to put her free hand in front of her damp diaper, but Minnie noisily smacked her hand and berated her for her naughty behaviour. The commotion attracted the curious attention of a number of the party goers.

"Oh, my heavens!" It was Jane who first noticed the wet diaper. "Has my little angel peed in her diaper?"

Angie blushed brighter than she ever had before. She felt so ashamed, and could only glance down at the carpet. She was suddenly aware of a room full of eyes focused on her, and she just knew what they would be staring at.

"Well, Miss Tiny Tits?" Jane continued to seek an answer to the obvious. "Have you peed your diaper?"

"Yes, Aunty Jane," Angie mumred, mortified at having to admit to it in front of a room full of people.

"I think you need to walk around the room and show everyone your big wet spot, honey," Minnie commented as she let go of her hand and gave her a gentle nudge forward. "And be sure to hold your tee shirt up so everyone can get a good view."

Angie glanced tearfully back at Minnie. "Please Mummy, I don't want to."

"You are right. Why should you have to hold up your tee shirt. Just take your bib and tee shirt totally off. That way everyone can have good look at your delectable boobies while you show them your wet diaper."

Angie was even more horrified. "No, Mummy, that's not what I meant," Angie pleaded, "I don't want to....."

Minnie curtly interrupted. "Do you want to make Mummy angry?"

"No," Angie pouted.

"Then you had better remove that bib and tee shirt quickly and do as I asked."

Still blushing bright red she quickly removed her bib and tee shirt so she was only left with her soaken diaper. To add to her embarrassment the nipples on her small breasts were erect and hard as pencils. She couldn't believe that, despite being totally humiliated, she was still aroused. And everybody could see this was the fact.

Once she had discarded her tee shirt she slowly made her way around the group. The smell of her urine was clearly evident in the room. She was mortified that a number of the guests actually wanted to touch her wet diaper, and Minnie made sure she opened her legs so they could get a good feel of her sodden crotch.

Angie was left entertaining her guests for half an hour before Minnie took her hand and guided her to a clear space that the guests had made in the centre of the room.

"Lie down on your back, honey," Minnie requested.

Angie was apprehensive as to what might happen next, but did as she was requested. As she lay down she noticed her landlady hand a clean diaper to the Pacific Island woman who had been nursing the baby earlier. The attractive young Pacific Islander knelt down beside Angie and began laying out the diaper. She also had a container of wipes with her and talcum powder.

"Hi," she smiled, "I am Tania and I am going to change baby's very wet nappy."

Angie's total offense continued. Tania was very similar in age to Angie's nineteen years, and she was about to change her diaper. All the guests were now gathered around in a circle, totally fascinated by the events that were unfolding in front of their eyes.

Tania reached over and undid the Velcro strips that held the wet diaper in place. Without being asked, Angie raised her hips off the carpet so the diaper could be slid out from underneath her. Tania then removed a wet wipe from the container.

"Now open your legs wide so I can give baby a good wipe down. We don't want you to get a nasty rash or anything, do we?"

"No, Mummy." Angie grimaced as she realised how instinctively she referred to Tania as 'Mummy'.

"My, oh my, our baby has a very cute little bush of pubic hair. I am surprised your Mummy hasn't shaven it off yet." Tania playfully rubbed her hand over the hapless American's pubes.

"I know I should," Minnie responded. "And I probably will soon. But I also like to remind her that she is a woman allowing herself to be treated as a young. I think it is sweet and adds to her offense."

Tania nodded in agreement as she raised Angie's legs, one at a time, and vigorously began wiping her inner thighs before moving to her labia. Angie closed her eyes as she knew for sure her arousal would be clearly evident to Tania, and probably everyone else in the room.

Tania wiped extensively around Angie's vagina, and then made it even worse by lifting Angie's legs higher up her chest and proceeding to wipe around her anus. When she was satisfied it was clean she took a fresh wipe and moved back to Angie's vagina, this time opening her labia and wiping her inner flesh. Angie could not help but groan from a mixture of offense and intense arousal, which provoked sniggers and smiles from the onlooking partygoers.

As Tania continued to caress her vagina Angie began to rotate her hips, fighting a losing battle to keep a lid on her building orgasm.

"You are not going to cum in front of all my party guests, are you?" Minnie stated in mock indignation.

"No, Mummy," Angie panted unconvincingly.

"Cause if you do you know that Mummy will spank you in front of all my guests?"

"Yes, Mummy," Angie mumred, desperate for Tania to stop rubbing her so vigorously.

Angie breathed a huge sigh of relief when Tania finally let go of her labia, and for a brief moment felt she was safe from further intense shame. But then to her horror Tania took a fresh wipe and began encircling her clit, before squeezing the extended hood in the wipe and stretching it. At that point Angie just lost all ability to control her emotions any longer. With a loud scream she erupted in one of the most intense orgasms to have ever ripped through her young, delicate body. The spasms of pleasure continued for so long she felt sure she was going to pass out.

When Angie did eventually open her eyes again she briefly hoped it had all been a dream and she would wake up in her own bed with husband, Peter, tucked in beside her. But as her eyes refocused she saw the smiling faces of all partygoers peering down at her, the looks on their faces varying from slight amusement to utter disbelief. Her landlady, Minnie, stepped forward and assisted Angie to her feet.

"I thought I asked you not to cum in front of my guests?" Minnie reprimanded her.

Angie blushed and hung her head. "I am so sorry, Mummy. I tried not to but being touched like that on my pussy was too much. I know I have been naughty."

"And what happens to naughty girls?"

"They get their bottom spanked," Angie shamefully responded.

"Indeed they do. I think you had better fetch the hairbrush and give it to Alice."

Angie cringed at the thought of having to give the hairbrush to her landlady's eighteen year old niece. It was going to be humiliating enough being spanked, but the thought of being punished by a girl even younger than herself just added to the embarrassment, which she assumed was why Minnie was handing the task over to her young niece. However she knew better than to protest so meekly went and fetched the hairbrush from the side table where it had been left following her husband's spanking earlier. With her head down she shuffled over to Alice and held out the hairbrush for her to take.

"Will you punish me please, Mummy Alice? I have been a very naughty girl and deserve to have my bottom thoroughly spanked."

"Indeed you do," Alice smirked. "I want you to stand in the middle of the room, bend over at the waist and hold your ankles. And of course I want those legs of yours as wide as possible."

Angie was not surprised she was being asked to display herself in such a lurid manner, but it still took all her courage and she had to fight back the tears as she walked to the centre of the room, slid her legs wide open and bent over at the waist. Alice left her positioned like that for a full fifteen minutes while she fetched herself another glass of Chardonnay and chatted with the party goers.

Finally she walked back over to the hapless Angie and placed her hand on the American's bare buttock, caressing it and in the process brushing her fingers over her anus and vagina.

"Such a delightful little butt and twat," Alice sneered. "So utterly fuckable. I think we should invite the men over to fill those inviting holes with some big hard cock. What do you think?"

Alice gestured to the guests and there was widespread agreement."

"Even Michael fancies you," she continued, "And he's gay."

"You bet your ass I do," he responded to widespread laughter.

"Nooooo!" Angie pleaded. She had been bent over for so long she was feeling lightheaded but she dared not straighten up in case it made her predicament worse.

"But your pussy lips are so swollen and wide open that I think a big old penis could slide in their and do its thing without you hardly noticing." Alice continued to wind up poor Angie.

"Nooooo!" was Angie's moaned response again.

"I really am not sure if we should spank you or let the men fuck you?"

"Please Mummy, just spank me. Spank me as hard as you want. I promise to be a good girl." Angie sobbed.

Alice took time to consider before responding. "All right. As a favour to you it will just be a spanking. Are your legs spread as wide as you can get them?"

"Thank you Mummy," Angie responded gratefully, and powerd her legs even wider.

Alice showed her no mercy, with a prolonged and severe spanking that had the American crying and groaning loudly each time the hairbrush impacted on her buttocks. When it was finally over Angie was made to stand up, keep her legs open, and put her hands on her head. She asked if she could wipe away the tears and snot that were running down her face but was told she could not. The guests were all then invited at their leisure to wander over and touch the flaming red buttocks of the American tenant. Unfortunately for poor Angie many of the party goers wanted to touch more of her than just her buttocks. She groaned as she felt yet another orgasm welling up inside her.

Two further orgasms ripped through her body before all the guests had finally finished their intimate caressing of her body. Angie was then directed to lie down again, and Tania took the fresh diaper and placed it under her. Talc powder was then liberally poured over her before the diaper was pulled into position and secured. After kissing Minnie, Alice, Tania, Jane and Bev goodnight a sore, but very contented, Angie skipped off to bed to join her beloved Peter.



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After informing me I had to return at 6.30 p.m. for dinner and a 'chat', Jane made me remain naked in the corner for an agonising 20 minutes before dismissing me curtly.

"We will see you at 6.30 p.m. sharp." It was a command, not a question.

"I will be here Jane," was my subservient response.

"Under the current circumstances, I think I prefer it when you call me Ma'am."

"Yes, Ma'am." Could the offense get any worse? It was probably just as well that I was totally naive as to how much worse matters were going to get for me.

I picked up the dressing gown, placed it over my shoulders and beat a hasty retreat to the guest bedroom. During my corner time Jane had made my bed and neatly laid my clothes on a chair. I quickly dressed and disappeared down the stairs and out of the front door. I was too embarrassed to face my Mother in Law again at that moment. Once outside I realised I had no means of transport. Pride would not allow me to re-enter the house to ask for a ride home, so I set off on the 30-minute walk despite wearing my high heels from last night.

Once home I lay down on my own bed and tried to take in the events of the past few hours. What had just happened to me? Why did I submit? A 29-year-old woman does not get put over the knee of her Mother in Law and get spanked. Yet that was just what had happened to me. It was all too much for my brain to absorb, still fuzzy from my previous night's over-indulgence. I closed my eyes to block out the thoughts and emotions swirling around in my mind.

Slowly I re-opened my eyes, and realised I had fallen arelax. I glanced at my bedside clock. 6.20 p.m. What!!! I rechecked on my wristwatch. 6.20 p.m. No! No! No! How could life be so cruel? Hastily I threw on a change of clothes and combed my hair. No time for make-up. 6.30 p.m. Where are those damn car keys. Fortunately we had taken Colleen's car last night so mine was parked in the garage.

As I backed down my driveway I glanced at my watch. It was already after 6.40 p.m. and I still had to drive the 7 or 8 minutes to my Parents in Law's home. I berated myself continuously on the drive over, cursing my ineptitude. I could see any small respect that Jane and Ben may still have for me flying out the window. Add tardiness to my list of sins. My self-esteem was at an all-time low.

Once at their home I dashed up to the front door and rung the bell.

No response. I waited. Rang the doorbell again. Still no response. I could hear movement inside the house.

'Please answer,' I silently begged to myself.

Finally the front door swung open, and there stood Jane, clearly far from happy.

"I am sooo sorry," I found myself pleading, not for the first time. "I fell arelax and did not wake until....."

"Come inside," Jane cut me off mid sentence. "Your dinner is already on the table getting cold. We have started without you."

A part of me wanted to run away and hide in embarrassment. But I knew for the sake of my marriage to Michael I had to continue on and face the music.

I followed Jane into the dining room where Ben was seated, silently eating. Normally Ben would always greet me with a welcoming hug and a huge smile. But not today.

He glanced up, acknowledged me with a brief greeting, and then returned to the task of eating his meal.

In silence I seated myself and begun picking at my meal. Somehow I had lost my appetite. I felt I needed to say something. Perhaps if I showed Ben my sincere gratitude for saving me last night he would warm to my presence.

"Ben, I cannot thank you enough for coming to my rescue last night. You are the greatest Father in Law a girl could wish for. I cannot thank you enough." Somehow my words seemed insincere and empty, despite my genuine gratitude.

Ben looked up at me with sad eyes. "I was hurt by your behaviour."

Despite myself I felt tears welling up in my eyes. Yet again I reflected on how badly I had let everybody down. Nothing I could say would change matters, so I returned to picking at my meal.

Finally Jane spoke. "Kym. Ben and I have discussed the situation. We genuinely believe you have the potential to mature into a fine wife for our mister. As your Parents in Law we are going to ensure you fulfil that potential, no matter what it takes."

"Thank you, Ma'am", was all I could bring myself to say.

"Clearly words are not going to have the necessary impact. You will be punished like a young until we feel you have matured into the young lady we desire."

"Yes, Ma'am"

"We will be the sole judge of when you need to be punished, and what form that punish will take. If you co-operate fully we will keep all matters between the three of us. If you fail to co-operate we will inform our mister of your behaviour, even though I know it will break his heart. Do you understand?"

"I think so, Ma'am."

"Do you understand?" Jane barked with such ferocity that I jumped in my chair.

"Yes, Ma'am" Silence followed.

"May I ask a question, Ma'am?" I sounded like a contrite young.

"Yes," Jane responded without warmth.

"I understand you may punish me if I ever misbehave, but please tell me that Ben will not be present. I swear I will die with shame."

"My darling Daughter in Law," Jane responded with the hint of a smirk, "Shame is an important part of the punishment. We intend to shame you out of your poor behaviour. Ben will indeed be present. In fact he will administer the punish you are going to receive tonight."

"Tonight." I responded in horror. "But you have already punished me severely."

"Darling, I have dealt with you for your behaviour last night. But Ben needs to seek forgiveness. And then there is the none-to-small matter of you arriving late for dinner despite my request for you to be here at 6.30 p.m. sharp. What if Michael had been having an important dinner engagement."

I sensed Jane was almost enjoying the situation as I squirmed shamefully in my chair. I looked to Ben pleadingly. He had said little to date, and I hoped this meant he was reluctantly involved in this whole crazy thing.

"Ben, I have really, really suffered. I know I have done wrong, and I promise I will not disappoint you in the future. Please do not go through with this. I do not deserve to be humiliated or punished further than I already have." Tears rolled down my cheeks as I struggled to maintain my composure, and what was left of my dignity.

"Kym," Ben spoke softly but firmly while looking me directly in the eye, "We want you to go into the lounge, undress so that you are totally naked, and stand in the corner you are now familiar with until we are ready to administer your punishment."

My jaw dropped in utter horror. "Ben, Jane, please," I pleaded tearfully, "Do not make me do this."

"Kym, Kym, Kym," Ben responded, "You have a choice. It is our way, or deal with Michael directly. Perhaps, on second thoughts, we are being foolish to try and deal with this matter ourselves. You are our mister's wife, and he should rightfully sort out matters affecting his marriage."

My resistance evaporated in an instance. I quickly went into the lounge, but just stood there foolishly, feeling my heart beating rapidly. I cannot do this. I just cannot do this. But even as my mind was screaming these words out to me, my hands were unbuttoning my blouse. I then noticed that one of the window blinds was still open so quietly went to it and began closing it. I tried to do it noiselessly but somehow my Parents in Law heard me.

"If you try to close that blind you will receive a double dose of punishment," Ben's voice boomed out.

Quickly I reopened the blind and walked to the corner of the room where I had stood naked for my Mother in Law after receiving a severe spanking. Huddling close to the corner so I could not be seen by anyone passing the window, I removed my clothing. Humiliation building with the removal of each item of clothing. My face was flushed with shame, and my body shook with the dread of what was to come. I could not believe I would have to stand naked in front of my Father in Law. And with my pubic hair shaved off so that my nether lips would be in clear view. I hung my head against the wall and quietly sobbed.

I could hear Jane and Ben talking casually in the dining room, as if it was an evening like every other. Time seemed to stand still for me.

Finally I heard noises in the room but dared not turn my head for fear of making my predicament worse.

"Keep your hands at your side, and come to the middle of the room." It was Jane's voice.

Briefly I hesitated, took a deep breath, then turned and walked to the centre of the room. I stared at the carpet but was aware of the two figures seated in the lounge chairs to my right.

"What a delightful figure," Ben admired, "Such pert little breasts."

Under different circumstances I might have been flattered, but at this very moment I was totally humiliated. Could it get any worse? I was about to find out it could.

"Look at her pubes, Ben," Jane goaded, "The shameless little hussy has shaved them totally off. Obviously modesty is not her strong suit. Clearly she wants everyone to see her little cunt."

The use of the 'c' word caused me to sob loudly in shame.

"Come closer girl so I can get a better look." Ben took over the role of humiliator.

I shuffled one step closer to my seated in-laws.

"You get over here now or I will tan your hide so that you cannot sit down for a week."

With the greatest reluctance I shuffled closer, then closer again, fearing I might not be close enough for their satisfaction.

"She wants to put it in your face now," Jane laughed, clearly enjoying the control she was exhibiting over her Daughter in Law.

I just stood there, tears now rolling in a steady steam down my cheeks onto my breasts, dripping off the end of my nipples.

Ben's eyes were fixated on my naked pussy. I stole a glance at his face and could swear I saw a look of lust in his eyes. To my absolute horror I felt familiar tingling warmth in my vagina. I could not believe it. You redy slut, my mind screamed out at me. I was such an emotional wreck, being constantly bombarded with emotions I had never felt before in my whole life. I had never been degraded in such a manner.

Again, I almost felt relieved when Ben's big muscular arm pulled me over his lap, even though I knew I was about to be spanked. As I lay across his lap I was shocked to feel his rock hard penis pressing against my belly. My Parents in Law were getting it off at the sight of my offense. The thought just added to my emotional turmoil.

The spanking began, and unlike Jane, Ben's spanks did not alternate between buttocks. They were not a lot harder, but he spanked continuously on one buttock until it was on fire before switching to the other side. Needless to say I cried out a lot, but was always aware of keeping my legs locked firmly together. I was sure I would die if I gave my Father in Law an eyeful of my vagina. And what would he think of me if I did? Would he think I was getting some sort of pleasure out of my shameful situation?

Finally Ben's spanking stopped, and I immediately slid off his lap to the floor, feeling I could retain my modesty better down there. I curled into a ball and tried to stop sobbing. 'Be a big girl, be a big girl,' I chanted to myself.


I looked up at Jane who had quietly uttered my name.

"You still need to be punished for being late to dinner, however I believe you have been punished enough for one day. When does Michael return from his business trip?"

My lip quivered as I tried to be stoic. "He has a meeting on Monday morning therefore will be away all weekend and flies back in Sunday night."

"Oh goody." Jane seemed almost delighted. Perhaps she was. "We have all weekend. Fortunately for you Ben and I have plans tomorrow, but we will be back in time for dinner. We will see you here at 6.30 p.m. sharp. And I strongly suggest you not be late."

I briefly thought of informing my Mother in Law that I had plans for Saturday night and could we arrange another time, but I think I was wise to keep silent on the matter and instead reschedule my commitments.

"Yes, Ma'am. I will be here."


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After informing me I had to return to their house again the following night for dinner, my Parents in Law told me to get dressed, and suggested I go home and get a good nights relax. I respectfully asked if I could go into another room to get dressed, but somehow was not surprised when they told me to get dressed in my special little corner of the lounge while they watched.

I quickly dressed, tried to think of parting words to say to my Parents in Law, but ended up just giving them an embarrassed glance as I beat a hasty retreat to the front door.

Once home I sat in my favourite chair and covered my face with the palms of my hands. I was aware I was being bombarded by an array of physical and emotional sensations. My buttocks felt warm and were tender, but surprisingly not as painful as I would have expected given my two severe spankings I had received today. My mind tried to grapple with the events of the day, and make sense of it all. It helped if I reduced events to their most simplistic base. I had foolishly misbehaved and had been punished. End of story. I tried not to think of my Parents in Law deliberately humiliating me, making me strip naked, and having to display my shaved pubic area to them. My Parents in Law surely had my best interests at heart, didn't they?

I also dare not try to make sense of the fact that my clit was swollen and sensitive.

I ran a bath and attempted to block all thoughts of the last 24 hours out of my head. I thought of Michael. My wonderful husband. I must call him as soon as I am out of the bath.

After chatting to Michael for 45 minutes on the phone I felt relaxed, although I must admit I felt a smidgen guilty when he asked me how my day had been. I told him I had had a wonderful dinner with his parents, and he commented how pleased he was they were looking after me. If only he knew!

I was tired but could not relax. My mind kept flashing back to the day's events. I saw myself naked, humiliated, and felt the sensations of being thoroughly spanked by my Parents in Law.

My clit continued to throb unabated. I tried to ignore my need, knowing there was no rational association between the horrors of my day and sexual arousal. But in the end I consoled myself that I had already totally humiliated myself, so completing the day by masturbating was not going to make me feel any worse.

I turned on the light, climbed out of bed, and stood in front of my full-length mirror. I pulled my tee shirt over my head so that I was stark naked. I walked closer to the mirror, as if my Parents in Law were beckoning me forward for a closer look. I could now clearly see my shaved pubic region, with my swollen lips protruding underneath. I visualised the look of lust I had seen in Ben's eyes.

I reached down and easily slid my fingers into my moist inner sanctum. It took only a few short thrusts before my body shuddered with a powerful orgasm. My legs briefly buckled and I had to put my hand on the mirror to support myself.

The strength of my orgasm shocked me, and I took awhile to come back to earth. I staggered back to my bed, as confused as ever but at least the tension within my body had been released. Finally I slept.

The following day, Saturday, I tried to focus on the tasks to be done around the house. I moved mechanically from one menial task to the next. I fought to keep my mind focused on what I was doing. I tried to banish all thoughts of what had happened to me yesterday.

But despite my very best efforts I found my mind wandering back, reliving the offense. At times the shame made my eyes teary, but I refused to cry. As the day wore on I found myself reflecting more on my upcoming dinner engagement that night with my Parents in Law. Jane had made it clear I would be punished for being late.

'Was that fair,' I asked myself. Probably not, but I am not sure fairness has a lot to do with my situation. If my Parents in Law feel they must punish me to make me a good wife to Michael, then that is the fact of my predicament. I may not understand it, but I will submit to it. Michael would be back in two days. I will have made my peace with my Parents in Law, and I can get on with my marriage as before.

If only I knew the truth. My life was changing forever.

As the afternoon wore on I began to nervously look at the clock. At 5 p.m. I showered and by 5.30 p.m. I was ready. There was no way I was going to run any risk of being late. Time dragged by, minute-by-minute.

I began to worry if I had worn the right clothing. What does one wear when you know there is a damn good chance you may have to strip in front of your Parents in Law? Most of my bras and panties had been bought with the thought of being sexy for my husband. They were skimpy and lacy. But I was sure my Parents in Law would just see them as reinpowering my sluttish behaviour. In the end I selected a white cotton matching set that seemed to me to be the most conservative lingerie I owned.

Shortly after 6 p.m. I could stand the tension no longer and set off on the short drive to Ben and Jane's. I arrived at their home before 6.15 p.m. so drove around the block twice until it was almost 6.25 p.m. I parked the car and strode up to the doorway. I glanced at my watch. 6.28 p.m. I rung the doorbell. I was proud of myself. Finally I had completed a task successfully. I had turned the corner. I would be a great wife for Michael.

My Mother in Law, Jane, answered the door. She welcomed me with a big smile.

"Right on time. Aren't you the organised one", she joked playfully

"Yes, Ma'am", I responded, a beaming grin on my face Once inside Ben greeted me with his usual hug. The three of us stood in the kitchen exchanging conversation, laughing and joking.

The meal was served and the open, friendly conversation continued throughout. I felt relaxed and welcomed in the home of my Parents in Law. It was such a stark contrast to the reception I had received yesterday. I began to believe I had been forgiven. Ben and Jane had reconsidered my situation and decided I had suffered enough. Thank heavens.

Once the meal was finished I helped Jane clear the dishes (like a good Daughter in Law should). We all then returned to the dining table and I began chatting again, but soon became aware I was the only one talking. Ben and Jane were both staring at me intently, and my heart began to sink. I stopped talking. The mood had changed.

After an extended silence Ben spoke. "It is time Kym. Go and prepare yourself. I think you know by now what is expected of you."

"Please, please," I begged, my voice sounding like a young girl, "I have been punished enough and have really, really learnt my lesmister."

My Father in Law's response could have not been more direct. "Kym, by continuing to disobey us you are only going to increase both your offense and punishment. If you are ever going to mature into the young lady we desire to see as our Daughter in Law you must obey us without question."

Even I could not misinterpret a statement like that. Without hesitation I rose from the table and walked around the corner into the lounge. I had seen a lot of this room in the past couple of days, and it did not hold pleasant memories.

I walked to my corner. That dreaded blind was wide open again, but I knew I dared not make any attempt to close it. Huddled tightly in the corner my fingers fumred as I began to undress myself. Despite having some past experience at doing this the task was not any easier. My heart was beating so rapidly I felt faint.

Once totally naked I faced the corner and rested my head against the wall. It helped to steady my nerves. Again I was made to wait for an extended period, but I knew by now this was part of punishment. By standing naked in the corner my offense and shame were being magnified.

Finally I heard them enter the room, and take their seats.

"Come here Kym," Ben spoke quietly but authoritively.

I turned to see Ben's finger beckoning to me. I walked to the centre of room, taking two big strides as I passed the open blind.

Ben continued to beckon. I walked closer to my Parents in Law, then closer again as Ben was continuing to beckon with his finger. When he finally stopped I was only a couple of feet away from them. I could not help but feel deeply embarrassed.

"Kym, we are going to introduce some rules that you must follow." Jane was now speaking. " These rules are designed for no other reamister than to increase your offense. We do this with great reluctance, but feel by doing so there will be greater incentive for you to improve your behaviour."

I dared not speak, but I was full of dread. What could possibly be more humiliating than what I had endured yesterday and today?

"The first rule is you must keep your pubic hair shaved. This is obviously of great embarrassment to you, and not surprisingly. It also makes you look like the naughty little girl you are."

I couldn't help but look down at the carpet in shame.

"Secondly, when we call you over to stand in front of us you will put your hands on your head and open your legs wide."

I gasped out loud. I was mortified. I began to cry, despite my best efforts to hold back the tears.

"Please do not make me do this, I beg of you. Anything else but this."

"Kym, I know this will be very difficult for you, and will take extreme courage on your part. However we have deemed it to be essential to your rehabilitation and you will obey. Assume your position now."

I did not move. I could not move. I tried to summons up the courage. Tears continued to flow. Ben and Jane were patient. They could see the intense inner turmoil I was going through. This was a pivotal moment. Could I abandon everything I had been taught about decency and how to act as a lady.

Time seemed to stand still for me. Even to this day I do not know how I found the courage to deal with this situation. Somehow I found the strength to lift my arms and place them on my head. I was aware of how it lifted my pert breasts and made them stick out. But my legs would not move.

My Parents in Law continued to be patient. They clearly had sympathy for my dilemma, but had no intention of changing the demands they had placed upon me.

Finally, somehow, I found the strength to begin opening my legs. My feet slid along the carpet until they were shoulder width apart.


I slid my feet out a little wider


My feet were now so wide I could feel my labia being pulled open. I could only imagine the view I was affording Ben and Jane. "You really do have a delightful cunt", Ben commented with a smile, "Michael is indeed a lucky man."

My Mother in Law gave her husband a playful dig in the ribs, but was obviously in no way offended by his comment.

I glanced briefly at Ben's crotch and caught a glimpse of the obvious bulge. My cunt began to tingle in that manner familiar to me when it was becoming sexually aroused. I could not believe it. I could not understand it.

'Please body, do not betray me,' I silently pleaded to myself.

Fortunately at that moment Jane reached up and grabbed my arm, pulling me forward. Because of my splayed legs I fell awkwardly over her lap, and was sure Ben briefly had a full view of my pussy before I was able to bring my knees together.

"You know why you are to be spanked?" Jane enquired of me.

"Yes, Ma'am."


"Because I was late, Ma'am."


With that the spanking commenced. Despite having been spanked twice yesterday, Jane showed my backside no mercy. I was sure she was spanking with more vigour this time, or perhaps my poor bottom was just more sensitive. I tried to be brave, but was soon reduced to tears. I think I had cried more tears in the past 48 hours than I had in the past twenty years.

To make matters worse, she not only spanked my buttocks but also my upper thighs, which were also sensitive. Jane continued to spank me way longer than she had yesterday. I was squirming and begging for mercy, but none was forthcoming.

Eventually, finally, it came to an end. I lay on her lap, utterly exhausted. I felt Jane's hands reach under me and pull me to a seated position on her lap. She then hugged me close to her. I put my head on her shoulder and felt strangely comforted, despite the ordeal they had just put me through.

"You have been a brave girl tonight and Ben and I are both proud of you. You have a long way to go, but tonight was a big step on your journey."

Despite my weariness I managed a small smile of appreciation.


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For a long while I sat on my Mother in Law's lap, seeking the comfort of her shoulder. I felt strangely comforted, despite the events of the past two days that had been decidedly uncomfortable. Eventually Jane suggested it was time for me to get up and get dressed. I walked to my corner where I had deposited my clothing, but Jane suggested I stand in front of them while dressing.

I scooped up my clothing and walked back over to Jane and Ben, stealing a glance out the open window as I walked past, however it was too dark outside to see if anybody could see my nakedness.

As I stood in front of Jane she took my bundle of clothing off me. She searched through them until she found my bra. She held it up as if inspecting it, before passing it to me. Getting dressed in front of somebody I found to be almost as embarrassing as undressing. After putting on my bra I realised my boobs were not positioned correctly in their cups, but I was too embarrassed to do anything about it. However Jane was clearly not going to let the opportunity pass. She beckoned me to stand closer and bend forward. She reached into my bra cup and grabbed a hold of my left breast. Holding firmly she repositioned my bra so the breast was secure.

I was too shocked to move. I could not believe my Mother in Law was handling me in such an intimate manner. I guess I should not have been surprised, given the developments over the past two days. I felt like a youngster being dressed by her Mum. Jane then reached over to my right breast and repeated the dose. She then sat back and inspected her work. It obviously met her satisfaction as she then rummaged through my clothing until she found my panties.

I expected her to hand them over to me, but instead she put her hands in the waistband and held them out in front of me, clearly expecting me to step into them while she held them for me. Oh, the shame. I put my hand on her shoulder to steady myself, and then lifted each leg into the panties. Jane slowly slid them up my thighs and pulled them into position. I was relieved my private parts were now clothed. I was worried that my slight arousal would be obvious to them.

Jane then handed me the rest of my clothing, piece by piece, and I finished dressing.

Incredibly we then returned to the dining table and drank coffee as if nothing had happened. It was so weird and confusing.

After my second cup of coffee I excused myself and left, receiving parting kisses from both of my in-laws. As I drove home I felt surprisingly buoyant. Although I had been punished, I felt I had pleased my Parents in Law. I had not always obeyed their commands promptly, but I felt they understood how hard it was for me to put my pride and dignity aside. I hoped so much I could become the Daughter in Law they wanted me to be.

I had been very surprised my Parents in Law had made no request of me to return the following day, Sunday, as Michael was not due home until Monday. Had I redeemed myself in their eyes? I had a nagging doubt this was not the case. I half expected to find a message from them on my answering machine when I arrived home, but this was not the case. Was there a very small part of me that was hoping there would be a message? Either Jane or Ben commanding me to be at their house at a certain time, and don't be late young lady.

At that moment the phone rang and I put it tentatively to my ear. Would it be Jane or Ben? I felt foolish when I heard Michael's voice on the other end.

Michael was delighted I had been to his parents for dinner for the second night in a row. He was clearly impressed with how well they were looking after me in his absence.

After chatting with Michael I retired to bed, but again relax would not come to me. I was not sexually aroused in the same manner that I was with Michael when we were making love. This was more of a deep throb that excited my senses. And I did not need to touch myself to know I was swollen.

Again I climbed out of bed, turned the light on and stood in front of my full-length mirror. I was wearing a tee shirt that came down to my belly button, so my pussy lips protruded clearly underneath. For a long while I stared intently at myself. Then I heard the silent commands of my Parents in Law. Slowly I pulled my tee shirt above my head and off. I placed my hands on my head and admired how my breasts thrust forward, nipples rock hard. I scanned my naked body from my head to my toes.

Slowly I began to slide my feet apart. 'Wider,' 'Wider,' came the silent commands from behind the mirror. Soon my legs were so wide the muscles on my inner thighs were straining. I could not believe how obscene I looked. And to think Jane and Ben had observed me like this. I held this position for as long as I could, until my legs began to shake and ache. I took one hand off my head and without ceremony thrust three fingers deep into my vagina. I was immediately rocked by an explosive orgasm that sent me to my knees.

On Sunday morning I rose after a sound relax, feeling surprisingly at peace with myself. I busied myself with the housework, wanting everything to look nice for Michael when he returned the next day. I am not really the housework-type of permister, but today I felt motivated. Later I did the supermarket shopping, then stopped in to see my friend Colleen, who I had only spoken to briefly since my takesen episode at the bar. She had seen me leaving the bar with my Father in Law, and had tried to follow but by the time she had made her way outside I had obviously been bundled into Ben's car and exited the scene.

Colleen had asked me what had happened afterwards and I wanted to tell her the truth, for her to help me make sense of it. But would she understand my presentation to my Parents in Law. Being naked, humiliated, and spanked. I had many doubts of my own, and suspected she would be mortified. Therefore I remained silent on my subjugation.

When I arrived back home late afternoon I took a peep at the answer phone to make sure there were no messages, and then began preparing my dinner. More and more I was feeling off the hook with my Parents in Law. Could I put the whole humiliating experience behind me and get on with my marriage?

As I went to pour myself a wine the phone rang. For a moment I just stared at it, letting it ring. Then realised I was being stupid. It could be anyone. Including my darling Michael. At this thought I picked up the phone hastily. It turned out to be one of my supervisors from work enquiring as to my health, and whether I would be at work Monday. I reassured her Friday's illness was just a 24-hour virus and I was fully recovered and would indeed be at work. I felt more than just a touch guilty.

As I hung up the phone I noticed my answer phone blinking. There had been another call. It was from Ben. The message was short. Call him immediately. As I lifted the receiver I noticed my hand was actually shaking. I put the phone down and took a couple of big mouthfuls of wine in an endeavour to steady my nerves. With a deep breath and a steely resolve I phoned the home of my Parents in Law.

Ben answered. My voice was weak, and all I managed to say was "Hello, this is Kym."

"Kym, I want you over here now." Ben's voice jumped at me down the phone.

Should I tell him I was in the middle of preparing dinner? Could I come later? Instead, my only response was one nervous word, "Yes."

The conversation ended. A few demanding words. No explanation.

I worried about changing my clothing but did not want to risk keeping Ben and Jane waiting, so instead turned off my dinner, grabbed my keys, and set off on the short drive to their home. Within ten minutes of the phone call I was knocking nervously on the door.

Ben answered the door, smiled and gave me his usual hug. With his arm around me we walked into the kitchen. I expected to see Jane but she was nowhere in sight. I sensed she was not home and my nervousness increased significantly.

Ben sat me down at the breakfast bar and poured me a glass of wine. We made conversation, but it was small talk and the atmosphere was thick with tension. Then Ben put down his own glass and looked at me with a small smile on his face. For a moment he searched for his words, but when they came they were direct and to the point

"Jane and I have decided you need to be punished today. We are going out to dinner with friends, but have decided to get the matter dealt with now."

"But why?" I pleaded. What had I done? Had I not suffered for my sins?

"Kym, you need to understand we will punish you when we see fit to do so. There will not always be a reamister. But we want you to be the best Daughter in Law possible, and a great wife for Michael. To reach this goal you must learn to obey. You must learn to trust that we have your best interests at heart."

I just stared at Ben. Frankly I did not understand

Ben continued, "Jane will be home shortly, and I want you undressed and ready for us when she arrives."

At least I felt a little better knowing Jane would be there for my punishment.

"Finish your wine and get ready. I need to get dressed for dinner." With that Ben departed up the stairs.

I just sat there, stunned. The irony of it was not missed on me. He was going to dress for dinner, while he expected his Daughter in Law to undress and submit to a punishment. How dare he. Indignation began to rise up from within. I was a mature woman, the wife of their mister. I would not be treated in this manner. It was unnatural and unwarranted.

I snatched up my keys. I'm out of here. Enough is enough. My hand reached out for the front door handle. But then I froze. Doubt began to replace defiance. What would be the consequences for my marriage if I fled? What of my future relationship with my in-laws?


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My shoulders began to slump in defeat as I realised I had little choice other than to accede to the demands of Ben and Jane. For a while longer I gripped the front door handle, as if I was holding onto the last piece of my dignity. Eventually letting go, I walked into the lounge, holding my head high in a silent, but pointless, act of defiance.

The blinds were all open, as it was only 6.00 p.m. and still light outside. I walked around the room and closed all the blinds. Damn the consequences, as if by this single act of defiance I was proving to myself I was not just a pawn.

Then I found myself standing in the corner. 'My corner', as my Parents in Law quaintly referred to it. I just stood there, hanging onto my newfound courage. Hands on my hips, refusing to undress. I would have looked stupid to anyone witnessing this scene. I was being defiant, stroppy and argumentive. Great, except I was the only one present in the room.

But then I heard noises above my head, which was Ben moving around in his bedroom. I thought I heard a door opening. Was Ben coming back downstairs? Damn. Damn. Damn. Defiance was dead. Quickly I began to undress, throwing my clothing off without another thought. I didn't want to think of the consequences. No more debates with myself. Once naked I turned and faced the corner, closed my eyes, and waited for whatever lay in front of me.

It was a full ten minutes before Ben came down the stairs. I heard his footsteps as he walked into the lounge. I was especially apprehensive being alone, and naked, in the room with Ben. When naked with Jane I knew it was about offense and a prelude to spanking. But with Ben there had been sexual overtones. He was clearly aroused by my nakedness. I conveniently shut out the fact I had also been aroused. Although I did not understand what had caused my arousal, I knew it was not because I was sexually attracted to my Father in Law.

As Ben walked across the room and stopped behind me I was aware I was holding my breath, and could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I heard him doing something in the vicinity of my feet and could not resist opening one eye. Ben had gathered up my clothing and was now leaving the room with them. I was confused and more than a little apprehensive. This had not happened before.

I resumed my corner time and was acutely aware of the silence of the house, save the occasional muffled noise of Ben moving about in another room somewhere.

Suddenly the silence was broken by the noise of the front door opening and I heard Jane calling out to Ben that she had arrived. I almost breathed a sigh of relief knowing I was no longer alone in the house with Ben.

But then to my absolute mortification I heard other voices. Jane had clearly not arrived alone. I began to panic, but could not think of an appropriate action. I wanted to flee, and briefly thought of climbing out of a window. But somehow the thought of being naked on the street did not appeal as a suitable option. There was no other way out of the room, and my clothes were gone. I now realised what Ben had been up to. He had anticipated my reaction and knew I would have got dressed when I realised other people were in the house.

With no suitable options for me to my get out of my predicament I remained huddled in my corner. My mind rationalised that my in-laws would not betray me by allowing someone else to see me naked. If I stay still and quiet the guests, and hopefully Ben and Jane, will leave for their dinner engagement, with the guests none the wiser a young lady was standing naked in the corner of the adjoining lounge.

From the voices I could ascertain the visitors were a couple, and from the conversation I gathered the male was a business acquaintance of Ben's. I had met many of my Parents in Law's friends and tried to place the voices, but couldn't.

They continued to chat in the kitchen and I could hear wine bottles being open and takes served. I was suddenly aware of how dry my own throat was, and realised I was hardly breathing in my attempt to be as quiet as a church mouse.

Then to my horror I heard Jane suggest they would be more comfortable in the lounge. 'No! No! No!' my mind screamed but before I had a chance to react I knew they were at the doorway. Whatever I could have done to prevent my shame, it was now too late. I stood as still as a statue, willing myself to be invisible.

The conversation stopped dead, and I heard the female guest cry out in surprise. "For heaven's sake, there is a naked lady in your lounge."

I could feel the tears of offense well up in my eyes.

"Now isn't that a surprise," Ben responded with a hearty laugh, "Take a seat and I'll do the introductions."

I felt like I was going to faint and tried to take in some deep breaths.

"Now don't be rude, Kym," Ben addressed me, "Turn around so I can introduce you to our guests."

Slowly I turned around to face everybody. One arm was across my breasts, while my other hand was in front of my pubic region. If you have ever wondered whether it is more humiliating to be naked in front of acquaintances or strangers, I can assure you they are equally bad.

The guests were a couple not much older than myself, perhaps in their early-30s. Being so close to my own age just added to my misery. Whilst the male had a wry smile on his face and was obviously enjoying the pleasant surprise of having a naked lady standing in front of him, the female was clearly in shock. Her mouth hung open as if she could not quite believe what she was seeing.

"This is John and Debbie." Jane did the introductions. "They are from Ohio," Jane added, as if knowing they were from out of State somehow made the situation more bearable for me.

Jane then turned to her guests, "And this charming young lady is our Daughter in Law, Kym."

I did not move or utter a sound. Neither did Debbie. The fact that I was the Daughter in Law did little to account for the fact I was stark naked.

"Kym is from New Zealand. Our mister, Michael, met her there while on holiday." Heaven knows why Jane added this little snippet of information. Would the fact I was originally from New Zealand in someway explain my naked state?

"Oh" was all Debbie could add, still in shock, "from the land of the kiwi, Lord of the Rings, and the America's Cup".

Her knowledge was actually only right on two of the three points. New Zealand was no longer the holder of yachting America's Cup, but somehow I did not feel now was the occasion to enter into a discussion on my country of origin.

The brief conversation died and there was an embarrassing silence, broken only when Jane reached out to me with her empty wine glass. "Be a sweetheart and get me a refill."

I now had a real dilemma. To take hold of her glass I had to either remove my arm from across my breasts, or remove my hand from my pubic region. Both were alarming options, but I decided there was no way I wanted to expose my shaved pubes so reluctantly lowered my arm from in front of my crushed breasts.

Hastily I took the wine glass and retreated to the relative safety of the kitchen. My eyes scanned the room for any sight of my clothing, but they were nowhere to be seen. I refilled the glass and tried to pluck up the courage to return to lounge.

"Hurry up there, young lady. I am thirsty," Jane sung out good-humouredly.

Reluctantly I re-entered the room and handed over the glass. For the next 30 minutes I became their naked waitress, fetching takes and nibbles for them. As embarrassing as it was, I was thankful for the opportunities to retreat out of sight into the kitchen. I also stood to the side of them so my nakedness was perhaps not quite so obvious.

Debbie was clearly bewildered by it all and I sensed she wanted to ask me what an earth I was up to, parading myself around naked. While the other three engaged in conversation, I could feel Debbie's eyes following me in and out of the room. She wanted an explanation.

Perhaps sensing this Jane addressed her visitors. " You are no doubt wondering why Kym is naked."

Debbie nodded her head enthusiastically, desperate for an explanation

"Kym is being punished. She has not been a good wife, but Ben and I believe that by shaming and punishing her she will reach the potential we know she has. Is this not so, Kym?"

"Yes, Ma'am," was all I could say.

"And you actually agree to this?" Debbie enquired incredulously.

"Yes, Ma'am" I responded, blushing with embarrassment.

"How is she punished?" Debbie enquired of my Mother in Law

"She is about to be punished now. You and John are welcome to stay if you wish, otherwise we will go to the restaurant and leave Ben to join us after he has punished Kym."

I could not believe what I was hearing.

John was clearly enthusiastic about staying to watch, but Debbie was hesitant. I silently prayed she would turn down the offer. Even though I did not want to be in the house alone with Ben, it was preferable to being smacked in front of strangers.

But Debbie's curiosity got the better of her and she nodded her head affirmatively. My heart sank. This was not going to be good for me. The meaning of offense was about to be redefined for me, yet again.

"Come and stand in front of us in the manner you have been instructed," Ben commanded of me.

"No, not that. Please, not that," I pleaded. I knew the consequences of disobeying but could not help myself.

"You have just earned yourself increased punishment young lady. I suggest you do not push us any further."

Again I felt faint, but somehow shuffled forward until I was standing directly in front of the four, seated permisters.

"Come closer."

I obeyed.

"Assume your position."

Mechanically my arms lifted and I placed my hands on my head. My breasts jutted out, nipples erect. I did not want to endure the slow offense of gradually opening my legs and being further humiliated with requests to open them wider. Therefore in an instance I splayed my legs as wide as I could.

I thought Debbie was going to have a heart attack. She was shocked I could even think of debasing myself in such a manner. Her eyes were as wide as saucers.
All four sets of eyes locked onto my shaved pubic region. I knew from my masturbation session in front of the mirror last night how obscene I looked. My labia were pulled open and I was acutely aware of the cold air hitting me. I prayed Ben or Jane would rescue me by pulling me forward onto their lap.

Then Debbie made a comment that hit me like a sledgehammer.

"She looks like she is swollen. The little slut doesn't enjoy this, does she?"

I could have died. Ben and Jane smiled knowingly. They had known. They knew that some deep, dark, primal urge was being excited by my offense. I could not look at them and closed my eyes

"Well?" Jane taunted me.

"No, Ma'am"

"No, what?" Jane continued to taunt

"No, I am not excited by this in anyway," I lied. "I am totally humiliated."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Ma'am"

Jane knew I was lying and could have continued to pressure me, but she knew she had scored the victory.

"Very well. Get across my knee."

I stood up straight, and then lay across her lap, careful to keep my knees together.

"Since you defied us earlier you will receive an extra punishment."

"Yes, Ma'am" I just wanted to get it over with.

" Your extra punishment will be a spanking on you pussy once your backside has been well and truly dealt to. Now open your legs wide."

The meaning of offense was again redefined for me. I opened my legs, knowing full well that Ben and the visitors would be afforded a full view of my vagina. I could only imagine the look on Debbie's face

What followed was the most intensive spanking I had received so far, which was exacerbated by the fact by buttocks were still tender. I cried and yelped like a baby. Jane alternated methodically from one buttock to another. She was not a big lady but she carried a powerful arm.

She did not stop until my backside felt like it was on fire. I doubted if I would be able to sit for several days. I then felt Jane's hand pushing on my inner thigh.

"Open those legs up wider young lady" I did not realise that with all the squirming and jumping around during my spanking my legs had not remained fully open. I did as instructed, and held my breath for my first pussy spanking (but certainly not my last).

When the first spank connected with my vagina it stung and I cried out in surprise. Jane continued to spank me fast and vigorously. The pain and warmth sensations travelled deep into my stomach. It hurt like hell, but was totally different than being spanked on the buttocks.

Instinctively I would begin to close my legs, but Jane would just stop the spanking, push my legs wide open, and then resume the assault on my vagina.

By the time Jane stopped I was gulping in air between sobs and was covered with sweat. I rolled off her lap and onto the floor. I was vaguely aware that someone was actually clapping. I did not look, but I strongly suspect it was Debbie.


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My Parents in Law thought it would be good therapy for me if I put pen to paper and recount some more of the offense and punishment I have received at their hands. Good for the soul, they said. As if I need to write it down. The images are firmly embedded in my memory bank. And probably on my backside as well.

Well, let me continue. Firstly, my darling Michael did arrive home on the Monday as planned, and seemed none the wiser for the offense and punishment I had received from his parents, Ben and Jane. In fact he was clearly impressed with the amount of time I had spent with them over the weekend.

"Given how well you are getting on with my parents is a great relief to me," Michael commented, "I can relax while I am away knowing you are in good hands."

If only he knew what parts of my anatomy were receiving their 'good hands'.

Over the next week or so Michael and I visited his parents a number of times. Initially I was nervous inside their house. I kept getting distracted by flashback images of standing naked in my corner, or going over the lap of Jane or Ben. It had been an unreal experience that one does not easily erase from one's mind. However I soon relaxed as Ben and Jane behaved as if nothing had happened, and in fact went overboard to make me feel comfortable.

Almost two weeks had passed since that fateful weekend. It was a Thursday morning and I had not been at work long when I answered the phone. I was surprised to find it was Jane ringing me, as she had never contacted me at work before.

"Ben and I are expecting you for lunch. 12.30 sharp. Do not be late." It was clearly a command from Jane, not an invitation. "And tell your boss you are likely to be late back after lunch."

"Jane, I cannot do that," I pleaded, " My boss would be far from impressed."

"You may find him surprisingly agreeable," was Jane's response before promptly hanging up, leaving me dumbfounded. For a long while I held the phone to my ear, playing the conversation back over in my mind. Trying to make sense of it all. But like so much of my recent contact with my Parents in Law, it made no sense at all. Why the sudden lunch invitation? Was I to be punished? What had I done? Why not wait until after work? Why risk me getting into further trouble with my boss, especially as I had missed a day's work two weeks ago and my boss was clearly unimpressed with how late I had phoned up to advise him I would not be in.

My boss, Geoff Swift, is a University graduate who only joined the Company three months ago. I would guess his age at 21 or 22 years old. I am employed as his Research Analyst. To be honest I had applied for his role as I have been with this company for over three years and thought I had the necessary experience. I was hurt when they employed this young graduate instead. To make matters worse he was very good looking and it was sickening to see many of the women in the company making passes at him. As you may have well gathered, I am not a great fan of 'Mr Good Looking, Smarty Pants, Geoffrey Swift'. However I very much value my job, therefore are very careful not to get on the wrong side of my boss, despite my dislike of him.

For the next two hours I tried to focus on my work, but a maddening debate was swirling around in my head. I did not want to ask my boss for time off for a long lunch, but I also feared the consequences of letting down my Parents in Law. I did not know why Jane had phoned me out of the blue to request I be present for lunch, but I rationalised it must be important.

Finally I plucked up the courage to go into Geoff Swift's office. He was busy reading a report and I waited like a nervous young until he glanced up at me and raised one eyebrow in an enquiring manner. So redy smug, I thought. I tried to sound confident as I asked for an extended lunch break

"And may I ask why?"

Why? Why? Bloody hell, I hadn't thought of why.

" I have a Doctor's appointment," I stammered. "Womanly problems," I added stupidly, hoping that would shut him up.

I was staggered when his response was a very big smile. "Take as long as you need to sort out your little problem."

The rest of the morning dragged by, minute by minute. At one point I glanced over at Geoff's office and he gave me a friendly little wave. I pretended I had not noticed him, and returned my attention to my computer screen that I had been staring at blankly for most of the morning. Is that little bastard trying to hit on me, I wondered, with him suddenly being all friendly towards me?

Finally it was midday, and although it was only a 15-minute drive to my Parents in Law's house I did not want to take any risks of being late. I had already suffered the consequences of being late, and I so wanted to impress my Parents in Law that I was well on the road to being the perfect Daughter in Law.

Not surprisingly I arrived at their house early so did my little trick of driving around the block a couple of times until it was almost 12.30 p.m. With some satisfaction I rang the doorbell at 12.29 p.m. Jane answered immediately and greeted me with a warm hug, which was repeated by Ben when I entered the house. I tried to act normal, but as you can well imagine I was confused as to why I was there. Surely they would not think of humiliating me and punishing me in the middle of my working day.

If Jane and Ben could see the confusion on my face they were ignoring it. The three of us made small talk while Jane continued to prepare lunch. Like the dutiful Daughter in Law I offered to help and was given the task of setting the table. Alarm bells rang in my head when Jane asked me to set the table for four permisters. Visions of the humiliating John and Debbie incident flashed before my eyes, but I tried to blank them out. I was about to enquire whom the fourth permister was going to be when the front door bell rang.

Ben answered the door and I heard him greeting a male visitor. I returned to my task of setting the table, and tried to hide my curiosity.

I just about dropped a plate on the floor when I heard a familiar voice greet me.

"Well, hello there Kym. What a surprise."

I swung around in terror and came face to face with......yes, you guessed it. My boss, Geoff Swift, looking all dapper in his designer jacket and trousers. My mouth hung open and I swear my heart stopped beating for several seconds.

"But....but...," was all I could muster. I looked to Ben and Jane for some sort of explanation. For what seemed an eternity Ben and Jane just stared back at me, smiling, and obviously not in a hurry to elaborate on why my boss was standing in the dining room of my Parents in Law.

"Lunch is ready. Be seated," Jane chanted, clearly not about to give any sort of explanation.

As I took my seat at the table I gave a pleading look at Ben, searching for answers. He shrugged his shoulders as if to say, 'Life is just full of its little surprises, isn't it.' That is for sure.

Geoff and my Parents in Law made polite conversation as the salad lunch was consumed. I remained silent, and deliberately focused on chasing my food around the plate. Somehow my appetite had waned. I could tell from the conversation that Geoff was a stranger to Ben and Jane, which only served to increase my apprehension.

"Sorry you are not well today, Kym," Geoff had turned his attention to me.

I looked back at him confused

"The Doctor," he smiled, "Womanly problem."

Suddenly I remembered my lame excuse, and flushed with embarrassment.

"Doctor? Womanly problems? What on earth are you two on about," Ben enquired.

"Little private joke," Geoff responded, looking very much like the cat that had just got the cream.

As we finished our lunch I began to sense an air of anticipation at the table. I suddenly felt like the sacrificial lamb being thrown to the lions. I couldn't help but slump down in my chair in a futile attempt to be insignificant.

"Sit up, Kym," my Mother in Law commanded.

"Yes, Ma'am", I obeyed without hesitation, feeling so embarrassed that I was being spoken to like a young in front of my boss.

"The time you got rotten takes you missed a whole day off work, it that not correct"' Jane continued to address me.

"Yes, Ma'am", I responded, even though she knew the answer to this question.

"You did not give a thought to the inconvenience you caused your boss or your fellow workers?"

"But I did not mean to relax in, Ma'am." I did not like the way this conversation was heading one little bit, and felt compelled to defend myself.


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"You are an adult. Are you not capable of getting to work on time?"

"Yes, Ma'am." My head slumped forward in abject defeat.

"Ben and I have discussed this matter with Geoff, and we have agreed you need to be punished for this behaviour."

"No! no!" was all I could mutter, absolutely mortified at the thought I could be punished in front of my boss; a young man whom I held in contempt. At that moment I was sure I would die from the offense if I were powerd to go through with it.

" It would place a great financial burden on you and Michael if you should ever lose this job. You clearly have not put your marriage first."

I bit my lip in an attempt to starve off the tears welling in my eyes.

"But Kym, you need to understand we are going to give you the choice. Ben and I have discussed this matter and feel it should be best dealt with by you being punished. And since Geoff is the one most inconvenienced by your behaviour, it is only right that he should participate."

'Participate', my mind screamed out, but I dared not utter a word.

"By allowing yourself to be punished we can all put this matter behind us and move on with our lives like mature adults."

'Mature adults?' I mentally questioned. It is easy for her to say. She is not about to have her bottom bared for a spanking.

"Whilst we sincerely believe the punish will help make you a better Daughter in Law, we will not power you to participate. You can choose to leave and we promise you nothing more will be said of this matter."

I sat, stunned. Yet again my Parents in Law had my mind in turmoil. A part of me wanted to race to that front door and beat a hasty retreat. But deep down I wanted to face up to what I had done. This was the new Kym. Taking responsibility. I resolved to try and negotiate a compromise

"Please, if I agree to be punished can it not be in front of Geoff," I pleaded to my Parents in Law.

I then turned to Geoff, and in the most sincere and contrite voice I could muster, addressed him, "Geoff, I am truly so sorry for my behaviour. I realise how much I must have inconvenienced you, and I promise I will never let you down again in the future. But please, I ask that you do not be present for my punishment. The offense would be more than I can bear. I have already suffered terrible embarrassment by having you here, and you knowing I will be punished. But please, not with you present."

"We are not going to bargain with you young lady." It was Ben who chimed in. "It is important we are the sole judges of what form the punishment should take. Make your decision now. Leave through the front door if you wish. Otherwise go to your corner and prepare."

I am glad I was sitting down as I was shaking with nerves, and I was struggling to keep down what little I had eaten of my lunch. I knew I could simply get up and walk away. But deep down I knew that was not going to happen. The big question was whether I could muster the courage.

For a long while we sat in silence, tension filling the air. They awaited my decision. Although I suspect Ben and Jane had little doubt what that decision would be. Finally, without a word or a gesture of any kind I stood, and in the most confident manner I could, walked around the corner of the dining room and into the lounge, making my way to 'my corner'.

As I began to undress I tried to blank out the consequences of what I was doing. I don't think I could comprehend the fact I was going to strip totally naked and let my young boss see the most intimate parts of my body. Then to make it worse, I was going to be punished like a naughty little young. I felt faint, and took in big gulps of air to clear my head.

Finally I was totally naked, and stood silently shaking in the corner, awaiting whatever fate was to befall me. After what seemed an eternity I heard the familiar sound of footsteps entering the room

"You know what to do next," Jane had taken command again.

I took several deep breaths, turned, and with eyes downcast walked slowly over to where the three of them were seated. For once I did not hurry past the open windows. The offense of walking towards my boss stark naked was unbearable. I knew my small firm breasts, with pointed nipples, would be in full view. I knew his lecherous eyes would soak up the sight of my shaved pubic area, with my vaginal lips protruding below for all to see.

I came to a halt in front of them, and without prompting assumed my position. My arms slowly lifted to place my hands on my head, elbows out, breasts thrust forward invitingly. Then the final surrender. I slide my legs wide open, exposing myself luridly to my wide-eyed boss and my smirking Parents in Law.

Nothing was said, as I stood there presenting myself. For the first time I lifted my gaze from the carpet and took in the sight of three pairs of eyes soaking up the sight of my naked body. Despite myself my body stirred, and I felt an inner warmth. It was at this precise moment that a sickening thought hit me, and I could sense myself blushing further with shame. A part of me was enjoying my offense. Up until know I had refused to entertain such a thought. Nobody could enjoy being shamed, humiliated, treated like a young, and then punished until they cried like a baby. But at this precise moment I knew this was not totally true.

I did not enjoy what was happening to me. The offense and pain I felt was very real and ego crushing. But on another emotional dimension I was experiencing a level of sexual gratification I had never felt in my whole life. My emotions were being stripped to their inner core where hidden and primal needs lurk within us. It was a realisation that was very hard to deal with.

My eyes focused briefly on Geoff's crotch. He had a raging hard on and made no attempt to conceal it

"I had no idea you were so beautiful," my boss murmured, clearly appreciative of my bold display of nakedness. "Your bald cunt is a very nice touch."

"Thank you, Sir," I responded with a mixture of embarrassment and genuine gratitude. I may not have been so appreciative if I knew what he had in store for me.

"It is time to move on to your punishment Kym," Jane addressed me. "Since Geoff is the one you offended with your behaviour, he will decide how you are going to be punished."

This was no surprise to me, but the news still hit hard. The ultimate offense yet again redefined for me. To be spanked by my boss who was barely in his twenties.

"I have been giving this great thought." Geoff rubbed his chin ponderously as if to emphasis the brainpower he had put into this. " I think you should both warm her up with a good old fashioned over the knee spanking. I will then punish her for her disappointing attitude towards her employment."

I squeezed my eyes shut tightly at the thought of what I was about to endure.

"Furthermore," Geoff continued, "She will receive additional punishment for lying to me today about the real reamister for needing to take an extended lunch break."

That was grossly unfair I felt, but knew that to speak out at this time would only make matters worse for me.

"That sounds like a very good approach to me. And a very fair punishment. Do you not agree Kym," my Mother in Law enquired.

Reluctantly I agreed, "Yes, Ma'am."

"Good girl, lets get started then."

Without further ceremony Jane pulled me over her knee, taking care to position me so my buttocks were perched at the highest point on her lap. Then her trademark spanking commenced, alternating methodically from one buttock to the next. I tried to be brave, as I did not want to appear to be a crybaby in front of my boss. You would think that with everything else that had happened this day, being a crybaby would not have been a great concern. But a lady has her pride.

I was just starting to sniffle when Jane stopped. It was shorter than her normal spanking, and she was obviously taking into account the punishment I had ahead of me. I slid off her knee and crawled to Ben. His strong arms lifted me up like a hapless rag doll. I was immediately aware of the stiffness of his penis pushing against my stomach. It increased my awareness of my own inner sexual warmth.

Ben did not punish me with the same consideration his wife had. His spanking was vigorous and prolonged. Again I tried to be brave but was soon thrashing around on his lap and kicking my legs in the air. I could only imagine the view I was affording my young boss. I cried out and begged him to stop. Finally he relented, and I slide to the floor in exhaustion, my bottom glowing.

Fortunately Geoff had enough consideration to allow me to lie there for a few minutes so I could at least make a partial recovery of sorts.

It was Jane who reached down and helped me to my feet.

"Assume your position," she requested. Wearily I obeyed, placing my hands on my head, and splaying my legs open in a very unwomanly manner. Jane walked behind me

"Wider," she commanded. I slide my feet out wider. I was mortified when I felt her hand touch my tender backside. She ran her fingernails up and down my left buttock, and then repeated the dose on the other side. She then ran a finger up and down the crack between my buttocks, each time moving closer and closer to my vagina. Her finger stopped at the edge of my pussy lips.

"Will you go wider for me," she whispered gently into my ear.

Without hesitation I opened my legs even wider, straining my inner thighs. I felt the cold air rushing into my vagina as my lips opened. Jane's finger moved to the centre of my vagina, and rested on my labia, pressing gently against my clitoris. I was breathing deeply, and I must admit it was a very intense moment.

"You are wet, aren't you my dear?" she whispered into my ear

"Yes, Ma'am", I responded, barely audible.

"Tell the others so they can hear."

I looked into the eyes of my boss and my Father in Law.

"I am wet."

Such a delicious offense.

I know I am an emotionally mixed up young lady, but I think I was actually disappointed when my Mother in Law removed her finger.

"I think she is ready to continue her punishment, Geoff."

Geoff needed no second invitation to take up Jane's offer. As he stood up I saw Ben hand him a small bag. Geoff removed from the bag what looked very much like a small riding crop that I had seen jockeys use on horses. A shudder went up my spine. Until now I had only been hand spanked, and that was very painful.

"Turn around and go down onto the floor on your hands and knees." He sounded like my boss handing out another work request. I obeyed, and felt extremely foolish. Like a pet dog or something. All I needed was a leash around my neck.

"Rest your head on the floor and stretch your buttocks up in the air."

With great reluctance I obeyed, knowing only too well how exposed I would be to him. No part of my vagina would be hidden from his view. Nor my anus.

"Stretch your buttocks back more," he commanded. I obeyed, arching my back.

I held my position, waiting for the punishment to commence. My senses were heightened. My nose was pushed down against the carpet and I was aware of the odour of dust and grime imbedded in its fibres. I could sense Geoff getting ready to strike the first blow, and tried to prepare myself.


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When the crop impacted my buttocks there was an explosion of pain. I cried out and reflexively reached back to rub my buttock.

"Get back into position." There was authority in his voice.

I lowered my head to the carpet again and arched my back. Geoff spanked me a second time, and although the pain was intense I managed to hold my position.

"Good girl," he commended me. This made me more determined to take my punishment.

He followed up with four further spanks to my very tender backside, and although I cried out with each blow I held my position.

Following the six strikes on my buttocks with the riding crop, Geoff declared, "You have taken your punishment well for being a tardy employee. You are forgiven."

"Thank you, Sir" I responded gratefully, my voice muffled by the fact my mouth and nose were still buried in the carpet.

"Now lets deal with your lying today young lady, then your punishment is finished."

He had a cheek referring to me as young lady, however I was in no position to give him a lecture on etiquette.

"I have decided your poor buttocks have had enough punishment for one day."

"Yes, Sir, they are definitely very tender."

"Therefore your final punishment will be on your upper thighs."

"Yes, Sir," I responded apprehensively. I had not been spanked on my thighs, but I imagined it would not be pleasant.

"Now roll over onto your back."

"My back, Sir?" I questioned, confused.

"Yes, your back girl. You do know your back from your front, I trust." My boss sounded impatient. I was confused and embarrassed by my silly question. I rolled over onto my back

"Lift your legs in the air and grip the back of your knees with your hands."

I could not believe what he was asking of me. To expect me to expose myself in such a manner. My sense of the ultimate offense had been redefined for me several times in recent weeks, and had just happened again for the second time today.

But I didn't refuse. I didn't protest. Instead I lifted my legs into the air and gripped my knees with my hands as instructed.

"Legs straight, toes pointed."

Why do people like to give out instructions that only serve to increase one's discomfort and offense? Perhaps I have answered my own question.

Geoff brought the riding crop down on my thighs, just above my buttocks. It certainly stung and I struggled to hold my position. The second and third blows were higher up my upturned thighs. The fourth blow struck the crease between my buttocks and thighs and I couldn't help but let my legs go, so intense was the pain. As my legs sprung forward I connected with Geoff's groin. Fortunately I did no damage, but was very embarrassed.

"That has earned you one extra spank. Now get back into position."

I hastily obeyed, disappointed with myself for not fully taking my punishment. Geoff gave me two further painful blows with the riding crop, and my legs began to shake.

"Hold yourself steady. Legs straight. Point those toes. You have your one last extra spank for not taking your punishment properly."

I struggled to obey. I was drained of energy and my buttocks and thighs ached. With dogged determination I held my legs up straight so my thighs were fully exposed to him. When the final blow connected it was the most powerful, and I let out a long, low groan of pain. But I held my position, wanting to prove I could take it.

"You have done well Kym." It was my Mother in Law speaking to me, her tone now friendly and supportive. "You can get up and get dressed."

"Yes, Ma'am" I staggered to my feet, feeling like I had been run over by a bus.

"Don't be late back to work" Geoff smirked at me, given me an exaggerated wink.

"No, Sir."
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