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Le jardinier jetait des coups d’œil discrets sur les deux femmes : il n’avait jamais vu sa patronne habillée d’une façon aussi impudique. On devinait nettement les pointes de seins que le fin tissu moulait. « Tu devrais retirer cet affreux soutien-gorge, histoire de faire bronzer ta poitrine si blanche.» Mme Girardin rougit d’un coup : « Mais je ne pourrais jamais. » murmura-t-elle « le gardien !?... » Celui-ci continuait à tailler le même arbre, proche de la piscine, depuis qu’Amandine était rentrée. La jeune fille s’assit et se tourna vers Madame. Elle recueillit une goutte de sueur au creux de la poitrine serrée dans le soutien-gorge, la porta à sa bouche d’une façon terriblement suggestive. Ses doigts se portèrent sur la pointe des seins qu’ils caressèrent délicatement à travers le tissu. « Je suis sûre que tu peux être très obéissante ! » susurra-t-elle en la fixant d’un regard sévère tout en continuant ses caresses. « N’est ce pas ? » Un léger murmure « oui » lui répondit. « Attends, je vais t’aider, et puis ça te serre trop ce soutien, ça va te faire des marques ». Elle dénoua les cordons attachés dans le dos de Mme Girardin et enleva délicatement le soutien-gorge, fit glisser très lentement le tissu sur les tétons durcis de « Madame ». Elle était devenue comme une poupée, incapable de faire le moindre mouvement pour empêcher ce qui allait se passer. La honte, l’excitation extrême la paralysaient. « Voilà, Madame est obéissante… mais ces pointes mistert toutes dures, Madame seraient-elle excitée ? ». Elle tremblait, chaque effleurement déclenchait en elle une onde de plaisir. Tout mister corps attendait avec impatience les moindres gestes de la jeune fille. Amandine toucha doucement les pointes, caressa les pourtours, en souriant. « Regardes-moi quand je te touche ! Pas la peine de faire la mijaurée… » Elle tritura doucement les mamelons. Mme Girardin respirait difficilement, perdue dans le regard de la jeune fille. « Non…je… » « On dirait que Madame aime ça, serait-elle sensible des seins ». Amandine pinça plus durement la pointe des seins, sa « poupée » grimaçait mais ne bougeait pas, le regard fixe, comme rêveur. Mme Girardin était rouge de honte. Ce n’était pas possible, c’était un cauchemar. Elle ne pouvait bouger, comme paralysée par l’offense. Des élancements de plaisirs partaient de sa poitrine et se répercutaient dans tout mister corps. Elle aurait voulu se défendre, l’empêcher de la toucher mais elle ne pouvait pas, et ce plaisir qui grandissait… si imposant, jamais elle n’avait ressenti ça. Amandine pinçait maintenant extrêmement fort les mamelons tout en les tournant, la douleur serait insupportable si elle n’était pas couverte par un plaisir intense, décuplé par cette même douleur. « Aïe, vous me faites mal !!!» dit-elle comme pour se déculpabiliser. « Je ne veux pas t’entendre, tu aimes ça n’est ce pas qu’on fasse mal à ta grosse poitrine ?! » Amandine giflait maintenant la poitrine de Mme Girardin, laissant des marques rouges. Les tapes se transformaient en claques de plus en plus fortes. Les seins se balançaient sous les coups. Après une cinquantaine de claques, ses mains se firent plus douces. Elle caressa doucement les tétons. « C’est bien, tu es une grande poupée obéissante. Tu vas jouir, n’est-ce pas ? » Elle vint derrière le transat de Mme Girardin, colla sa joue contre la sienne tout en lui prenant les seins. « Làaa, ma grande salope aux gros nichons, laisses toi faire. Dis-moi que tu es ma chose. » «mmmmh… Je suis votre chose………aaah….. j’en peux plus.» Amandine alternait les caresses autour des pointes et les pincements douloureux tout en lui chuchotant dans l’oreille combien « Madame » était vicieuse. Elle lui lécha doucement le cou. « Vas-y, je t’autorise à avoir ton plaisir, vilaine fille ! » Sa « poupée » n’en pouvait plus, elle serrait ses cuisses de façon spasmodique, elle allait jouir, de façon intense, démesurée par rapport à ce qu’elle avait déjà connu. Amandine serra d’un coup les pointes de seins d’une façon très violente. Madame se crispa, se tendit de tout mister être et mouilla d’un coup toute sa culotte, haletante. Elle ne put réprimer un cri de plaisir. « Eh bien, Madame se laisse aller, j’ai rarement vu quelqu’un jouir comme ça, rien qu’avec les seins. T’es quand même une sacrée vicieuse ! Et tout ça devant ton jardinier !» Madame reprit ses esprits, rouge écarlate, n’osant même pas porter le regard dans la direction du jardinier. Elle prit le soutien-gorge et cacha rapidement ses seins. Amandine se leva. « Bon, je te laisse te remettre, la bronzette est finie. Puis j’ai pas que ça à faire. Aller, à bientôt ma vicieuse poupée ! ». 
Posts: 167325
Anne-Sophie Girardin ne se faisait maintenant plus d’illusion. Elle était sous l’emprise de la jeune Amandine, esclave du sexe en général et elle ne pouvait s’empêcher d’aimer ça. Son attitude en public, mister apparence était toujours la même : distinguée, froide et hautaine. Mais les étincelles dans ses yeux étaient le témoin de sa transformation. Pour se convaincre elle-même, tout autant que mister entourage, de mister puritanisme sauvegardé, de sa bonne tenue morale, elle continuait ses activités comme avant : elle allait à la messe tout les dimanches, participait une fois par mois aux réunions de l’association des femmes françaises au Sénégal, faisaient de la broderie avec d’autres épouses d’expatriés… Mais Amandine lui avait fait découvrir une face cachée qui la rongeait. La masturbation était devenue un plaisir quotidien inexorable : une drogue pour se calmer. Et ces images dans sa tête de pénis, de lesbiennes en actions,… s’affichaient même pendant la messe du dimanche. Et puis cette attente, réclamée par tout mister corps, d’un signe de la jeune fille la rendait folle de frustration. Amandine lui avait demandé mister numéro de téléphone et à chaque fois qu’il misternait, elle tressaillait et commençait immédiatement à mouiller. Après quelques jours sans nouvelles, un beau matin, le téléphone misterna. « Bonjour, ma chère poupée ! » Anne-Sophie reconnut immédiatement la voix. Tout mister corps tremblait. « Bonjour Amandine. » « Tu te portes bien ? » « Tu me manques, quand est ce que je pourrais te revoir ? » « Oh du calme ! Me revoir se mérite. As-tu été bien sage ? » Le jeu commençait. L’attente lui avait semblé tellement longue que ses seins pointèrent immédiatement, sa vulve se mouilla. « Oui, enfin…je…pense à toi » « Tu ne t’es pas masturbée au moins ? » « Je suis désolée, je ne peux pas m’en empêcher… Je suis devenue complètement folle.» « Et tu dis avoir été sage !!? Si tu continues, tu n’es pas près de me revoir. Je veux que tu m’attendes pour te donner du plaisir, tu m’entends !? » « Oui Amandine. Mais je n’en peux plus, j’ai tellement envie, tout les jours, toute la journée, je peux pas y arriver. » « Bon, écoute, vu que tu n’es pas capable de te retenir, je t’autorise à te soulager avec le jardinier. Tu lui dois bien ça, le pauvre, vu comment tu l’as excité la dernière fois ! Mais seulement avec le jardinier, c’est bien clair, hors de questions que tu le fasses toute seule. Et puis tu me raconteras tout en détails. Allez, tchao poupée vicieuse !». Anne-Sophie fut presque soulagée que la conversation s’arrête là. Elle regarda la télévision pour oublier tout ça. Au bout de quelques heures de feuilletons sans intérêt, elle éteignit, il était 2h00 du matin, et alla se coucher. Le lendemain matin, un ciel bleu entra par la fenêtre de sa chambre. Il était 10h00, mister sommeil avait été agité. D’un geste presque machinal, elle porta sa main à mister sexe. Sa fente était trempée, signe de la nature de ses rêves, et pire que tout, elle avait envie, une envie irrésistible de se toucher. Mais elle ne pouvait pas, obéissant aveuglément aux ordres d’Amandine, comme un membre de secte à mister gourou. Tout de suite ses pensées se tournèrent vers le jardinier. « Non, ce n’était pas possible, elle ne pouvait pas faire ça… Les risques pour sa réputation étaient trop grands… » Elle commença à s’habiller, elle était devenue cette autre femme, avide de perversité. Elle ne pensait plus. Elle ne mit pas de soutien-gorge sous mister chemisier pourtant un peu transparent, mis sa jupe sans culotte. Elle voulait attirer le jardinier, que ce soit lui qui fasse le premier pas, lui permettant ainsi de se dédouaner de cette envie qui la tenaillait. Les pointes de ses seins durcirent rapidement sous le frôlement du tissu. Elle prit mister matériel de peinture et s’installa dehors, à l’abri du manguier. Le jardinier était à une dizaine de mètres en train d’arroser les fleurs. Il faisait chaud, humide comme il peut le faire au mois de septembre au Sénégal. Une fois mister matériel installé, elle commença à peindre. Mais sa tête n’y était pas. Des gouttes de sueur ruisselaient au creux de seins, mister chemisier collait à sa poitrine, augmentant mister excitation. « Jean, peux tu venir s’il te plait, avec le pot de fleur qui est à côté de toi, j’aimerais le peindre. » dit-elle d’une voix qui trahissait mister émotion. 
Posts: 167325
Le taxi roulait à vive allure. A l’intérieur, une femme blonde d’une quarantaine d’année au visage soignée suivait la route d’un air détaché. Le chauffeur jetait quelques coup d’œil dans le rétroviseur : une robe très courte ne cachait qu’une petite partie des cuisses blanches, le haut de la robe se terminait pas des bretelles, on distinguait nettement au balancement de la poitrine l’absence de soutien-gorge. Le chauffeur sénégalais se dit qu’elle ressemblait un peu aux filles de mauvaise vie qui traînaient dans les boîtes, cherchant à attirer le chaland. Mais un air incontestablement distingué contrastait complètement avec cette tenue. Le taxi s’arrêta devant « Le Fourchette », l’un des restaurants les plus en vue de Dakar. Anne-Sophie Girardin entra dans le restaurant d’un pas tremblant. Comme tous les soirs, dans ce restaurant à la mode, il n’y avait pas une table de libre. « Bonsoir, Madame Girardin, vous aviez réservé ? » « Non, non, je… je suis venue rejoindre une amie…la jeune fille là-bas. » Elle alla prestement rejoindre la jeune Amandine. Celle-ci la regardait avec un grand sourire. « Je vois que tu m’a obéi : tu as mis les habits que j’avais demandé. Mais, ma chérie, tu sais que ça fait 10 minutes que je t’attends ? » « Oui… Excuse-moi…les embouteillages…. » « Ca mériterait une punition, tu crois pas ? » « Amandine, je suis connue ici, s’il te plait !!! » « MADAME est connue et qu’est ce que ça peut me foutre. Et d’abord tu m’appelles Mademoiselle ! » « Bien, mais calme-toi, je t’en prie » Elles continuèrent à discuter, tout en mangeant, de tout et de rien : de la vie à Dakar, la chaleur, la plage,…. Amandine commanda du vin et remplissait le verre d’Anne-Sophie dès qu’il commençait à être vide. Au dessert, Anne-Sophie commençait à être un peu étourdie par l’alcool. Tout devenait flou, imparfait. Amandine lui souffla : « Allons nous asseoir dans les canapés, on sera mieux pour discuter » Elles allèrent rejoindre le salon situé près du bar : un coin très intimiste et moderne où les dakarois les plus aisés venaient boire un thé ou un cocktail au mister d’une musique d’ambiance. Anne-Sophie s’affala sur le canapé. Amandine s’assit à côté d’elle. Elle lui murmura quelque chose à l’oreille. Mme Girardin rougit soudainement et écarta lentement les jambes d’un air absent, obéissante telle une marionnette. « Dis-moi, il y a quand même quelque chose qui m’étonne : qu’est ce qui fait que dès le début avec moi, tu as pris tant de plaisir à être soumise ? Tu parais être une femme avec une éducation plutôt stricte ? » L’alcool aidant, Anne-Sophie Girardin était prête à se livrer corps et âme. « Ecoute, dès que tu as commencé à me donner des ordres, ça m’a tout de suite rappelé les jeux que j’avais avec ma sœur » « Oh raconte moi donc tout ça ». 
Posts: 167325
« Tout a commencé un mois de novembre, l’année de mes 18 ans. Je me souviens bien du mois car le temps s’y prêtait tout à fait : une pluie fine et froide qui durait toute la journée. Nous habitions avec ma mère, moi et ma sœur, une petite ville de la Sarthe, en France. J’étais en première, ma sœur rentrait le week-end de la faculté où elle étudiait. Mon père avait quitté ma mère quelques années plus tôt pour une autre femme. Ma sœur et moi nous nous ressemblions physiquement : la même blondeur de cheveux, les yeux clairs, la pâleur de la peau. Mais la ressemblance s’arrêtait là. De 5 ans mon ainée, Sandrine était plus mince, les yeux verts acérés contre un bleu candide pour les miens. Mais le plus frappant était sans aucun doute la différence de caractère : Sandrine était dure, rarement souriante, vive et dynamique elle entreprenait pleins de choses ; sévère avec les autres comme avec elle-même, souvent hautaine, elle menait mister petit copain par le bout du nez. Moi j’étais plutôt nonchalante, souriante la plupart du temps. Mon physique traduisait ma nonchalance : les épaules rentrées, des fesses rebondies et des seins opulents dont j’avais parfois honte, rougissante pour un rien : en bref sûrement déjà un peu « poupée ». Ma sœur m’avait toujours taquinée sur plein de points pendant mon adolescence : ma timidité, ma « fainéantise », et aussi, entre autre mes gros seins. Mais comment tu fais quand tu fais du sport, ça doit être horriblement gênant, tout le monde doit les voir se balancer… et toi de les sentir bouger quand tu cours ça ne te donne pas honte ? » Je me contentais de rougir et de fuir mister regard. Un soir de novembre donc, pluvieux, pendant lequel j’étais restée toute la journée ou presque au lit à paresser, Sandrine frappa à ma porte et entra, comme d’habitude, sans attendre ma réponse. J’étais déjà en chemise de nuit, juste un slip dessous. « Déjà prête pour aller te coucher ? Je voulais parler un peu. » « Pas de problème, ça me changera les idées. » dis-je d’un air mélancolique. « Qu’est ce qui se passe ? Ca ne va pas ? » « Ben, en fait c’est les garçons, chaque fois que je commence à avoir une histoire avec un, j’ai l’impression qu’il se croit tout permis et il commence à me peloter. » racontai-je, heureuse de trouver ma sœur à l’écoute de mes problèmes. « Oh ma pauvre chérie, mais tu sais pourquoi ? » « Non ?!» « C’est parce que t’es trop timide, tu te laisses trop facilement faire. Ils pensent que tu n’attends que ça. Et puis, je vais te dire, les gros nichons, ça les excite, les mecs ! » « Oh arrête avec ça » « Ben quoi, c’est vrai ce que je dis. D’ailleurs j’ai l’impression qu’ils ont encore poussé ! Tu peux me les montrer, rien que par curiosité, moi je suis plate comme une limande ! » « T’exagère, je suis pas une bête de cirque et puis… ça me gène. » « Oh allez rougis pas, je suis ta sœur quand même. Je veux juste voir si ils mistert si gros que ça. 2 minutes et c’est fini. Comment tu fais alors chez le docteur ? » « Bon d’accord, 2 minutes et après tu me laisses tranquille. » Je commençais à déboutonner les boutons de devant sur ma chemise de nuit. Mes doigts tremblaient. Je sentais mister regard impatient sur mes mains. J’avais l’impression de détenir des trésors honteux que j’allais dévoiler. Une fois déboutonné, je n’osais plus rien faire, je tremblais, de honte et je crois, déjà, de plaisir. Plaisir pervers, tabou : celui de m’exhiber sur les ordres de quelqu’un. Ces injonctions me dédouanaient de ce que je faisais ou allais faire, du plaisir que j’en tirai. J’avais déjà entendu que les femmes qui avaient pris du plaisir pendant un viol étaient quand même considérées par la justice comme violées, c'est-à-dire qu’elles n’étaient responsables de rien. « Ben alors, tu me les montre tes jolies nénés ! … Tu veux que je t’aide, c’est ça ?! » Ma sœur se mit debout devant moi, et avança ses mains pour écarter les pans du tissu qui couvraient mes seins. « Voilà, une grande fille sage qui se laisse bien faire. » ricana-t-elle. Elle écarta doucement le premier pan de la chemise de nuit. Elle semblait savourer cet acte. Elle fit glisser lentement le tissu sur le sein gauche tout en le tendant ce qui accrocha sur le téton avant de le libérer et me procura un élancement de plaisir. Je ne savais même pas que je pouvais être si sensible des seins. Ma sœur fit de même avec l’autre pan de la robe tout en observant mon visage, me fixant des yeux d’un air dominateur. 
Posts: 167325
Oh, oh, Mademoiselle a les bouts de seins qui bandent, serais tu excitée ?» « Nan, … je, je, j’ai un peu froid… » « Oui, c’est ça, avoue plutôt que ça t’excite de te montrer. T’es vraiment une sacrée vicieuse sous tes airs de sainte nitouche ! » Sandrine avança ses mains vers mes seins. C’est à ce moment que tout a basculé. Je savais que je devais l’empêcher de me toucher, mais j’étais paralysée. Mon esprit criait qu’il fallait se rebeller, empêcher ses mains de me toucher, au moins dire quelque chose pour parer l’irrémédiable, mais mon corps réclamait ces mains de tout mister être. « Voilà, c’est bien, tu aimes ça te faire toucher les seins, ils mistert sensibles on dirait ». Ses mains entouraient maintenant mes seins, les malaxaient. Je réussi à sortir quelques mots de ma bouche : « Non s’il te plait, tu ne peux pas faire ça » « Oh mais si je le fais et tu vas rester bien obéissante ! Histoire que je ne me fâche pas». Pendant qu’elle disait cela, elle serra plus fort mes seins, m’imprimant une grimace signe de la douleur que je ressentis. Mais je ne fie rien. Ma nature soumise s’affirma dans toute mister ampleur. Je ne fis pas un geste. Mieux les pointes de mes seins se tendirent de plus belle, je mouillais, je tremblais. Il me semblait que mon corps avait depuis toujours attendu ce plaisir dans la soumission jusque dans la douleur. Ses mains me relâchèrent, laissant des marques rouges sur ma peau si blanche. De ses doigts, elle se mit à caresser la pointe de me seins. Je n’en pouvais plus, l’envie de me toucher devenait irrésistible, je fermais les yeux de plaisir. Les doigts si caressant serrèrent très fort les pointes, m’arrachant un cri. « Tu ouvres les yeux ! Et je ne veux pas t’entendre ! » Après avoir recommencé ses caresses, Sandrine pinça d’abord doucement, puis de plus en plus fort les tétons. « J’ai l’impression que tu aimes ça qu’on fasse mal à tes seins, n’est ce pas ? » « S’il te plait arrête. » Je disais cela alors que mon corps disait le contraire. Les bouts de mes seins étaient tendus de désir, j’avançais, malgré, mon buste vers les caresses douloureuses de ma sœur. Sandrine, toujours assise tout près de moi, susurra à mon oreille en continuant de triturer mes seins : « Je suis sûre que tu es toute mouillée, on va regarder ça. » « Non… non…. Non…. je ne veux pas ! » Mais malgré moi j’ouvris les jambes comme une invitation. « Allez, je suis sûre que ton sexe n’attend que ça ». Sa main se posa sur mon genou, me donna des frismisters. Elle allait me caresser, je n‘en pouvais plus. La main continua ses caresses sur ma cuisse, avançait millimètre par millimètre vers mon slip. Elle commença à me masturber par-dessus mon slip, celui-ci était déjà humide. Elle lissait ma culotte le long de la fente, faisant légèrement pénétrer le tissu. Puis avec mister index, elle enfonça complètement la culotte avant de la retirer doucement. Elle continua de ma chuchoter à l’oreille : « Je vais te faire jouir, tu vas voir, petite vicieuse ! Mais surtout, tu ne jouis pas sans mon accord, je veux t’entendre me le demander ». Elle continua d’enfoncer délicatement ma culotte pour la retirer après, ça me mettait dans tout mes états, me laissant frustrée qu’elle n’aille pas plus loin. Ses doigts suivirent le contour du clitoris à travers le tissu. J’avançai le bassin pour que ses doigts touchent mon petit organe. Finalement, elle se mit à masturber franchement mon clitoris à travers le tissu, scrutant mon visage. J’allais jouir. Jouir comme jamais, honteusement. « S’il te plait, ça vient ! » « Qu’est ce qui vient ? Dis le moi. Dis le à ta grande sœur ! » « Je…Je vais joui…….Aaaaaaaaah……je jouis…….oh oui » « Chuuuuut, c’est bien laisse toi aller. » Je partais, ça n’avais jamais été aussi bon, le plaisir, aussi long. Me laissant reprendre mes esprits, Sandrine se leva et sans me regarder : « Tu viendras demain après-midi, à 14h dans ma chambre, en jupe et sans culotte. » Elle quitta discrètement ma chambre. 
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Le lendemain, pas un mot de ce qui s’était passé la veille. Je ne vins pas dans sa chambre comme elle me l’avait demandé, je voulais arrêter tout cela pendant qu’il était temps. Les jours passaient. De plus en plus, le soir dans ma chambre je me remémorais l’épisode avec ma sœur, je me masturbais à ce souvenir, en rajoutais. Après deux semaines, je n’en pouvais plus, j’espérais un geste de sa part mais elle ne fit rien. Alors, un jour, à 14h, je me décidai. Comme un pantin, je n’étais plus moi, je me changeai. Je n’avais qu’une seule jupe, mon habitude allait plutôt aux pantalons. Une jupe, un chemisier, pas de sous-vêtements, respectant ainsi les consignes données deux semaines plus tôt, allant même au-delà. Je tremblais de mon audace. L’excitation me gagnait à grande enjambées. Je frappai à la chambre de ma sœur. « Entrez ! » Elle travaillait à mister bureau. J’approchais, rougissante, mal à l’aise. Tout d’un coup elle éclata de rire. « Ce n’est pas vrai, jamais je n’aurais pensé que tu le ferais ! » « Je…je vais y aller, pardon, je n’aurais pas dû. » Dis-je confuse. « Non, non, tu restes, maintenant que tu es là, on va faire quelque chose de toi ! C’est ce que tu veux, grosse vicieuse !» Je m’approchai de mister bureau. « Ecoute, Sandrine, je ne sais pas ce qui m’a pris de venir comme ça. C’est comme l’autre jour, je me suis laissé faire mais je ne voulais pas. Je ne veux plus faire ça. » Tout en m’écoutant, elle commença à caresser mon genou, remontant petit à petit la jupe. « Mais oui, bien sûr, et tu vas dire que tu n’aimes pas ça te faire cajoler comme une poupée, n’est ce pas ? » Sa main allait atteindre le haut de ma cuisse, juste à côté de mon sexe, là où c’est le plus doux. « Arrête, s’il te plait. » « Tu sais que tu me fais mouiller lorsque tu dis comme ça s’il te plait !? Tu sais je vais bien m’occuper de toi. Tu sens mon doigt qui approche de ta fente ?» Je respirais bruyamment, je n’en pouvais plus de désir, de plaisir. Ses doigts étaient maîtres de mon corps. Je ne pouvais pas bouger, à l’affut de ses moindres mouvements responsables de mes plaisirs. Elle colla sa main sur ma fente déjà mouillée, appuya, caressa. Elle effleura mon clitoris déjà sorti mais le contourna finalement pour revenir vers ma fente. Son doigt s’enfonça doucement, fit plusieurs aller et retour. Aucun bruit, seulement le clapotis causé par ma mouille trahissant mon plaisir. Sandrine ressortit mister doigt et le porta à ma bouche. « Tiens ma chérie, goûte comment tu es vicieuses. Allez, obéis-moi et je te donnerai ton plaisir. » Elle força délicatement mes lèvres. C’était la première fois de ma vie que je faisais une telle chose, mais je suçai le doigt comme une sucette au bon goût. Le goût fortement musqué allié à ma soumission augmenta mon plaisir de façon exponentielle. De mister autre main, Sandrine reprit les caresses commencées sur mon vagin. Cette fois elle toucha mon clitoris, me lançant un plaisir électrique. Elle le pinça, le griffa à me faire mal tout en faisant coulisser mister doigts dans ma bouche. « Voilà, petite salope, tu peux jouir maintenant. » Elle sortit d’un seul coup le doigt de ma bouche et me claqua les fesses plusieurs fois comme pour me punir du plaisir que je prenais, tout en continuant de triturer mon clitoris. Cela déclencha ma jouissance et comme si j’attendais mister ordre, je chancelai de plaisir, perdant l’équilibre, je m’effondrais sur ma sœur. « Eh ho, t’as fini de te laisser aller ! Aller, dégage maintenant ». Et je ressortis de la chambre rapidement. Ce jeu dura longtemps, alla même plus loin… il dura en fait jusqu’à ce que je quitte le domicile familial. » Amandine avait écouté Anne-Sophie Girardin sans un mot, savourant mister récit. « Je comprends maintenant pourquoi, sous tes airs de sainte-nitouche, tu es si vicieuse ! Tu as été bien éduquée. » Elle souffla à l’oreille d’Anne-Sophie : « Tu vois le vieux monsieur, là-bas, qui nous regarde ? Eh bien on va lui faire plaisir. Tu aimes ça, hein, faire plaisir aux messieurs ? Allez écartes tes cuisses ! » Après mister récit, cette dame à l’allure distinguée n’était plus elle-même. Ou plutôt une autre elle-même qui n’attendait, telle une poupée, que d’être à la merci d’une autre femme. Obéissante elle écarta les cuisses, évitant de regarder ce vieux monsieur. Mais, et c’était peut-être pire car elle imaginait ce qu’il regardait et pouvait voir et penser. Son récit ayant duré quelques temps, il n’y avait quasiment plus permisterne dans le restaurant, à part elles deux, à l’abri des regards sauf de celui de ce monsieur qui l’observait maintenant avec attention. « Oh oui on va être coquine ! N’est-ce pas grosse poupée ?! » Continuât elle à murmurer Elle remonta doucement la courte jupe et caressa au passage ses cuisses. « Quelle grosse vilaine tu es de te laisser faire comme ça devant un inconnu ! Je suis sûre que tu es capable de jouir comme ça devant lui ! T’es vraiment incroyable, on peut te faire faire n’importe quoi.» Ses doigts avaient atteint le clitoris, l’endroit le plus sensible de mister anatomie. Son récit sur sa sœur, les paroles d’Amandine l’excitaient tellement qu’elle était déjà sur le point de jouir. « Oui vas-y petite pute, laisse toi aller devant le vieux monsieur. Montre quelle salope tu es ! Je suis sûre qu’il peut voire combien tu es mouillée. » Pendant qu’elle la masturbait, la faisant approcher de l’orgasme, elle lui pinça un sein à travers mister chemisier. Cela la fit partir : ses paroles, cet inconnu qui la regardait, l’image qu’elle avait d’elle-même, la légère douleur sur mister sein et bien sûr les doigts sur mister clito la firent décoller. Amandine mit sa main dans la bouche de Mme Girardin, celle-ci mordit de tout mister plaisir afin d’éviter de crier ouvertement. Pendant qu’elle se remettait de ce plaisir inouï qu’elle avait ressenti, Amandine, sans un mot, discrètement partit du restaurant. Mme Girardin se retrouva seule, honteuse de ce qu’elle avait fait et montré. Le vieux monsieur la regardait avec un sourire. Elle se précipita vers la caisse, paya sans regarder permisterne et sortit. Bien qu’il fit nuit depuis longtemps, Anne-Sophie Girardin mit ses lunettes de soleil en sortant du restaurant et héla rapidement un taxi. Ainsi, le chauffeur de taxi ne pouvait voir les yeux brillants et les larmes qui coulaient doucement le long de ses joues. Elle se sentait sale et seule. Amandine, elle en était folle, cette jeune beauté cruelle qui prenait plaisir à l’humilier et elle, amoureuse qui ne savait résister. Comment est-ce que tout cela allait se finir ? En arrivant devant chez elle, elle pria pour que mister mari dorme. Les griffures sur ses seins et surtout sa tenue exempte de sous-vêtements … Il serait difficile d’expliquer tout cela. Elle poussa la porte d’entrée en silence et avança à pas feutrés lorsque mister téléphone portable misterna. Fébrile, elle décrocha. Amandine. - Salut ma grosse poupée, déjà rentrée ? Anne-Sophie, parla bas : - Oui, je viens d’arriver. - Quel dommage, j’avais envie de t’offrir mon petit bonbon. Anne-Sophie frismisterna - Maintenant ? - Tu n’as pas envie de me lécher ? - Euh, si bien sûr, bien sûr. - Je suis toute humide tu sais. Déjà tout à l’heure au restaurant … Tu ne t’en es pas aperçue mais j’ai ôté mon petit string et il est dans ton sac à main. - Dans mon sac à main ? Anne-Sophie fouilla précipitamment et trouva le petit bout de nylon humide au fond du sac. Elle n’avait même pas remarqué. En touchant l’étoffe, elle savait qu’elle ne résisterait pas, où que cette jeune garce l’emmène, elle la suivrait, aveuglément. C’est au même moment que la lumière s’alluma et que mister mari apparut, bedonnant dans mister pyjama rayé. - Ma chérie, mais que fais tu ? - Euh, rien rien, retournes te coucher, j’arrive. - Mais, tu es au téléphone, il est déjà 2 heures du matin ? Et qu’est-ce que c’est que cette tenue ? - Je suis sortie avec une amie, j'arrive mon chéri. 
Posts: 167325
Surprise à forniquer Cela s’est passé un après-midi du mois dernier. Ayant terminé mon travail plus tôt que prévu, je me dépêchais de rentrer à la maimister afin d’y retrouver ma femme, que j’avais laissée le matin même avec des promesses de baise ardente pour le soir. Me voilà donc devant la maimister, à garer la voiture, gêné par une érection grandissante à l’approche de ce que j’imaginais comme une partie de jambes en l’air mémorable. J’entrais dans la maimister sans faire de bruit, espérant la surprendre, la queue déjà sortie du pantalon et prêt à la baiser debout là où je la trouverais. Je sais qu’elle aime ça, être prise vite fait contre un mur ou sur une table, baisée comme une salope par derrière pour, à la fin, sentir mon foutre lui couler sur le dos, puis entre les fesses et sur mister trou du cul pour finir entre les lèvres de mister vagin, recueilli par ses doigts agiles avec lesquels elle se branle, mêlant mon sperme à sa cyprine. Elle adore ça ! Je traverse le couloir, laissant sur place mes chaussures, mon pantalon et mon slip. La queue raide, je gravis les escaliers sans faire de bruit. Elle doit être dans la chambre à se reposer. Ou à repasser. Ou à se branler. Qu’importe, je vais la surprendre et la fourrer, lui enfoncer mon gros dard dans la moniche, lui défoncer le cul, lui faire gicler mon jus dans la bouche. Arrivé à l’étage, je suis à poil. J’aperçois la porte de la chambre entr’ouverte mais n’entends aucun bruit. Je m’approche en silence et jette un œil par la porte entrebâillée. Et là, mon érection manque de tomber. Si je ne l’entendais pas, c’est parce qu’elle avait la bouche remplie par la bite d’un mec que je ne connaissais pas. Mon premier réflexe a été de rentrer dans la chambre et de péter la gueule de ce con. Puis de foutre une mandale à cette pute qui s’envoyait en l’air derrière mon dos. Mais très vite, je me suis ravisé. Faisant la même chose avec une copine de boulot, mariée, je me suis dis que je n’aimerais pas être interrompu par le mari de celle-ci pendant qu’on baise. Finalement, la situation n’était pas pour me déplaire. On avait déjà baisé avec d’autres mecs, et la seule chose qui me gênait à priori, était qu’elle fasse cela sans rien me dire. Mon ego en prenait un coup, mais contre mauvaise fortune, bon cœur. En plus, je risquais de la frustrer si j’arrivais comme un cheveu sur la soupe. Je restais donc derrière la porte, comme un collégien ayant surpris ses parents en train de forniquer. Mon érection repris rapidement de la vigueur et je commençais à me caresser les couilles et le gland au rythme des allers-retours de la bouche de ma femme sur la queue du mec. Il avait les yeux fermés et je savais qu’il savourait l’instant. C’est une reine de la pipe et quand elle vous aspire le poireau, vous avez l’impression qu’elle va vous vider entièrement de tout ce qui est liquide en vous. De plus, c’est une adepte de la gorge profonde et quand votre gland cogne contre le fond de sa bouche, c’est un supplice de devoir se retenir de juter. Nombre de fois, j’ai lâché la purée prématurément, mais elle aime ça et sait s’y prendre pour faire remonter popaul en un rien de temps. Ils étaient à poil tous deux et comme elle me tournait le dos je pouvais apercevoir sa chatte bien épilée, de laquelle coulait déjà un mince filet de suc sexuel. Je ne sais pas d’où sortait ce mec, mais il avait une bite de taille plutôt flatteuse, et ma femme avait tout juste de ses deux mains pour en apprécier les contours. Sans faire de bruit, je commençais à me branler lentement. Ses doigts agiles couraient le long du membre, s’arrêtaient sur les couilles pour les griffer doucement, descendaient vers l’intérieur des cuisses du mec pour remonter vers mister anus où elle enfonçait juste une phalange. Quand je vous dis que c’est une experte, je sais de quoi je parle. Après une dizaine de minutes de ce traitement, elle quitta sa position pour s’allonger, jambes écartées à côté de mister amant et l’attira vers elle, lui prenant la tête par les cheveux pour la diriger vers sa chatte béante. Toujours excité comme un pou, je vis la langue du mec s’engouffrer dans la fente humide pour une série de va-et-vient rapides et soutenus. Il accompagnait mister cunnilingus d’un doigt dans le cul, alternant les mouvements de plus en plus rapidement. Elle était tombée sur un bon et mon excitation n’en était que décuplée. 
Posts: 167325
La sachant entre de bonnes mains, je m’abandonnais complètement à la masturbation. Elle tendit un gode à mister baiseur. Il ne se fit pas prier pour le saisir et lui enfoncer dans la chatte, rudement, d’un coup sec après lui avoir craché sur la moule, comme dans les films pornos. Elle avait les yeux révulsés et branlait sa queue avec énergie. Un jet de foutrine partit de mister vagin pour atterrir mister le visage du type qui eût l’air de s’en délecter. C’était un bon vivant, et je me suis surpris à penser qu’on s’entendrait bien tous les deux pour baiser ma femme. C’est à ce moment qu’elle se redressa, et toujours en tournant le dos à la porte, enfourcha le gars. Je vis le chibre du bonhomme s’enfoncer et disparaître dans la moniche de ma femme. Elle avait la tête en arrière et semblait prendre un pied d’enfer. Ma main allait et venait le long de mon braquemart de plus en plus vite. Je sentais le désir et l’envie de jouir monter en moi, mais n’avais pas envie de gâcher une aussi bonne marchandise. J’allais quand même lui faire la surprise de la prendre par derrière et de lui gicler sur le cul. J’ouvris la porte très doucement et entrais dans la chambre. De près, la tension sexuelle se faisait ressentir encore plus. Ça sentait fort la chatte, la cyprine et les sucs foutraux. Arrivé près du lit, le mec me vit. D’un doigt sur la bouche, je lui fis comprendre de ne rien dire à la salope qui le chevauchait de plus en plus rapidement. Un clin d’œil gêné mais finalement complice m’encouragea à m’approcher franchement sans qu’elle ne se rende compte de rien. La surprise allait être de taille. J’ouvrais le tiroir de la table de nuit et m’emparais du tube de gel pour m’en enduire largement la bite sous le regard approbateur du mec. Elle ne s’était toujours pas rendu compte de ma présence, occupée qu’elle était à se faire ramoner et eût un cri de surprise lorsque enfin posté derrière elle, je lui mis les mains sur les seins. Elle se retourna avec une gêne énorme dans le regard, mais compris très vite à la taille de ma queue que je ne la tiendrais pas pour fautive de ce besoin de sexe qui la prenait avec un inconnu. Je lui susurrais à l’oreille de continuer à baiser avec mister amant, que cela m’excitais énormément, et que j’allais lui prendre le cul comme elle aimait. Mon dard la pénétra lentement mais profondément. Je sentais la pine du compère à travers la mince paroi qui sépare le vagin de l’anus. Elle commença à bouger fort, excitée comme une puce, sa chatte expulsant des jets de foutrine à chaque aller-retour de nos queues dans chacun de ses trous béants. Cela ne dura pas longtemps. Son compagnon de baise se retira vivement pour lui gicler sur la moniche un long jet de foutre chaud dont quelques gouttes vinrent m’asperger les burnes. Elle lui prit la bite et le branla pour en extraire les dernières gouttes qui finirent sur ses doigts. Lorsqu’elle les porta à sa bouche pour lécher le nectar, je ne pus me retenir davantage et lâcha ma semence dans mister cul. Se fut trop rapide pour que j’ai le temps de me retirer et de lui mettre sur le dos comme elle aime. Elle prit tout dans l’anus. Pour lui faire payer mister infidélité, je me mis debout sur le lit, la pris par les cheveux et lui fourra mon dard au fond de la gorge, lui intimant l’ordre de me nettoyer à fond. Elle ne se fit pas prier et, tout en me suçant, continuait à branler l’autre. Puis une idée me vint en me penchant pour regarder mister cul. Mon sperme commençait à dégouliner de mister trou. J’ordonnais alors à mister amant de bouffer mon jus, ce qu’il fit avec un peu de réticence, mais étant beaucoup plus costaud que lui, il ne rechigna pas longtemps et sembla même y prendre goût. Une fois sa punition terminée, il rassembla ses affaires et décampa sans demander mister reste. Je pouvais toujours le retrouver par ma femme pour une autre partie de cul si elle en avait envie. Une fois seul avec elle, je lui fis promettre de recommencer car l’aventure m’avait excité au plus haut point. Elle fût d’accord, à condition qu’elle aussi puisse me surprendre avec une autre. Mais nous en reparlerons. 
Posts: 167325
PRIS DE FORCE Ma femme Caroline et moi sommes mariés depuis 20 ans et sommes un couple très heureux et très amoureux. Côté sexe, ça a toujours été le pied. Ma femme est très belle, un cul et des nichons d'enfer, une bouche tellement gourmande... Un soir elle m'a demandé si j'avais des fantasmes à assouvir et je lui ai confirmé ce que je lui avais déjà laissé entendre dans le passé, à savoir lui être soumis. Elle m'a demandé si je confirmais bien que c'était ce que je voulais, je lui ai répondu OUI. Alors, elle m'a demandé de l'accompagner. Nous sommes allés chez une esthéticienne le soir, il n'y avait permisterne à part nous. La charmante dame m'a demandé de me mettre nu et de m'étendre sur la table, ce que je fis. Puis, elle m'a intégralement rasé, le torse, les jambes, les bras, le sexe et les fesses, elle a pris soin de ne rien laisser entre mes fesses. Rentrés à la maimister, ma femme m'a dit que le lendemain je lui appartiendrai, conformément à mon fantasme. Le lendemain, je me réveillais après ma femme. Elle me dit alors: A poil!! Va aux toilettes, rase-toi et lave ton cul! Ce que je fis... Puis elle rentra dans la salle de bain et me dit: Mets-toi à quatre pattes dans la douche, écarte les jambes et cambre-toi bien petite salope!! Je m'exécutai pendant qu'elle démontait le pommeau de la douche, réglait le débit de la douche à un léger filet tiède, déposait une noisette de lubrifiant sur ma rondelle et me dit: Tu es sale, pétasse, je vais te laver le cul!! Et elle enfonça violemment le tuyau dans mon cul, ce qui me fit pousser un cri de douleur. Et puis l'eau a rempli mon ventre qui grossit, comme celui d'une femme enceinte. Quand elle estima que c'était suffisant, elle retira le tuyau et je me précipitai aux toilettes pour me soulager. Prends ta douche et vient dans la chambre, me dit-elle à mon retour. Une fois cela fait, je revins dans la chambre et fus surpris. 
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Ma femme était debout au milieu de la chambre, les jambes écartées, les poings sur les hanches, et me dit: Viens là, salope! Penche-toi en avant et écarte les jambes!! Ceci fait elle dépose sur ma rondelle une grosse noisette de quelque chose de froid et me doigte le cul, elle sait que j'adore ça... "Mets-toi à quatre patte, sale pute!" Et elle me donna une fessée qui à la fin me fit vraiment mal, tellement elle frappait. "Je vais te montrer que t'es une vraie pute, MA pute! Ecarte les jambes sale conne!" Elle prit alors une bouteille de champagne vide, enleva l'alu doré qui entourait le goulot et frotta le bout contre ma petite rosette et l'enfonça progressivement dans mon cul. Je gémis tellement j'étais écartelé. Elle fit de lents aller et retour et progressivement la douleur fit place à une nouvelle forme de plaisir que j'ignorais à ce jour. S'en apercevant, elle cessa et me demanda de me mettre à genoux et m'ordonna de carrément m'asseoir sur la bouteille. Je le fis tout doucement et arrivé au bout, je poussais un cri de douleur, j'avais l'impression d'avoir le cul complètement déchiré. Ma femme rit, vint dans mon dos et appuya avec les mains sur mes épaules, progressivement, mais impitoyablement. Je hurlais... Elle disparut dans la salle de bain et revint avec sa trousse de maquillage, se mit accroupie en face de moi et commença à me maquiller le visage et pendant qu'elle appliquait du rose à lèvres sur ma bouche, je constatais que sur le haut de ses cuisses écartées descendait une coulée de mouille abondante!... Elle éprouvait donc un sacré plaisir dans ce rôle que je lui avais demandé, ce qui me déclencha une très violente érection. Quand elle eut fini, elle prit ma bite bien raide, fit deux trois aller et retour, faisant apparaitre une goutte de lait spermatique et partit redéposer sa trousse à sa place. Elle revint en face de moi, se pencha, déposa un tendre baiser sur mes lèvres et me murmura à l'oreille : "Tu es MA CHOSE aujourd'hui! Tu vas souffrir et beaucoup...jouir!" Elle me tendit mon portable et me dit : "Tu vas rester enculé sur cette bouteille jusqu'à ce que je t'appelle! Je vais chercher une amie de toujours que tu ne connais pas, elle va prendre plaisir à m'aider à t'asservir!" Elle se releva, magnifique dans ses vêtements très sexys et quitta la chambre. 
Posts: 167325
Je restais donc là, sodomisé par cette bouteille, à poil, le sexe tendu. Je commençais à apprivoiser la présence de cette bouteille dans mon cul et je commençais même à la faire tournoyer et des gouttes de sperme commencèrent à sortir, j'ai dû arrêter je voulais garder toute ma semence pour ma douce... Le téléphone misterna, je décrochai: "Ecoute moi bien, petite pute! Tu vas enlever cette bouteille de ton cul de merde, et te faire un dernier lavement! Ensuite tu enfonceras dans ta chatte de salope le gros Tampax qui est dans la salle de bain, je ne veux voir dépasser que la ficelle. Quand tu auras fini sale conne, tu enfileras les vêtements et la perruque qui est sur le lit, tu iras au salon et tu te mettras à genoux, tu baisseras la tête et m'attendras, je serais là dans 20 minutes, alors bouge ton gros cul de pétasse!! Je fis donc mon lavement et alla donc dans la chambre. J'enfilais donc les belles bas blanches coutures, le contact de la soie sur ma peau était délicieux... Puis, le beau porte-jarretelle blanc aussi et tout en dentelles. Puis je laissais glisser sur ma peau nue une robe courte en soie noire et ras-la-moule, posais avec attention la perruque longue fluide et noire sur ma tête. Je me tournais vers la glace et fus stupéfait de ce que j'y vis: une femme belle, mince, sexy au petit cul extrêmement bandant... Mais en entendant fonctionner la serrure de la porte d'entrée, je me mis immédiatement à genoux. QQ secondes après, je vis entrer ma douce, belle comme une déesse, qui vint vers moi et posa un tendre baiser sur mes lèvres et me dit: "Tu es belle, sexy comme tout, je vais te sauter!!! Qu'en penses-tu, Julie?" Elle se tourna vers la jeune fille qui venait d'entrer, une superbe blonde au corps magnifique, mince, une poitrine extrêmement généreuse et un petit cul manifestement très ferme, deux petites pommes... Elle me regarda avec ses yeux rieurs et vert intense... "Oui, elle est tout à fait sautable, défonçons cette pute!" "Nous allons pouvoir commencer!" dit ma femme tout en dégrafant sa jupe et la laissant choir sur le sol, ce qui laissait voir sa chatte toute nue et manifestement trempée, cette situation devait donc terriblement l'exciter. Elle alla à la salle de bain, tandis que Julie se baissa, prit la jupe et la porta à ses narines en ronronnant, elle était manifestement fascinée ou amoureuse de ma femme...Ma douce ressortit de la salle de bain, vêtue de ses bas, mister porte-jarretelle et mister soutien à balconnet noirs et ...un gros gode-ceinture noir fixé contre sa chatte... "Je vais déchirer cette grosse pute, et toi connasse de Julie, regarde tout très attentivement!!.." "Oui, Maitresse.." répondit cette dernière, le visage baissé. "A quatre pattes, salope!!" me dit-elle. "Mais chérie, tu ne vas pas...» "Quoi???" Elle courut jusqu'à la salle de bain et en revint une cravache à la main et me dit: "Ecoute moi bien espèce de conne, aujourd'hui tu m'appartiens entièrement, ta bouche, tes mains, tes jambes, ton cul, tes couilles, ta bite, absolument tout, et je te promets que tu feras toujours TOUT ce que je veux, que tu le veuilles ou non!! Julie!!!" Je n'eus pas le temps de me tourner vers elle que je recevais dans le ventre un terrible coup de pied qui bloqua ma respiration et me força à m'écrouler par terre, quelques secondes après, Julie avec une power insoupçonnée m'étrangla avec mister bras et me traina jusqu'au lit, quasiment inerte, me souleva comme un rien et me jeta dessus en me disant: "A quatre patte connasse, et tout de suite!!" Je m'exécutai, péniblement. Julie m'attacha les pieds et les poignets aux montants du lit, ainsi que les genoux, de telle sorte que j'étais pour ainsi dire obligé de me tenir à quatre pattes. Ma femme s'approcha et dit à Julie: "Retrousse sa robe de pute et baisse un peu sa culotte!" Ce qu'elle fit, tout en enfonçant deux doigts dans ma rondelle en disant à ma femme: "Elle est vachement dilatée, Maitresse, en plus elle a ses règles, elle a un Tampax!..." "Ote-le!!" ordonna ma femme. Julie tira d'un coup sur la ficelle, expulsant d'un coup cette protection de mon nouveau con, ce qui m'arracha un gémissement de douleur. Ma femme éclata de rire, suivie par Julie. Puis à une vitesse folle, elle m'asséna une série terriblement longue de coups de cravache sur les fesses, ce qui me fit hurler et sangloter de douleur. "Gueule, pétasse, permisterne ne t'entendra!! Tu es une merde et tu m'appartiens! A près les friandises, les douceurs!!" Julie éclata de rire tandis que je sentis ma douce monter derrière moi. Elle caressa du doigt ma rosette et me dis: "Belle petite chatte, mais beaucoup trop étroite, je vais l'ouvrir! "Elle n'a pas fini sa phrase que déjà je sentais contre ma rondelle le contact du gode, et me contractai de peur. 
Posts: 167325
Elle chatouillait ma rosette avec le gode et elle enfonça progressivement et irrémédiablement le gode dans mon con étroit, je hurle de douleur. "Ta gueule, pétasse, tu es toute à moi, ta chatte est faite pour être baisée, tu vas être servie!!!" Elle finit d'enfoncer le gode bien à fond et dit à Julie: "Je te l'avais dit c'est un hangar à bites!!! Quelle pute, cette salope!" Elle ressort entièrement le gode et le renfonce d'un seul coup, je hurle, elle commence à me pistonner violemment et régulièrement pendant plus de dix minutes je pense, et au fur et à mesure que les minutes passent, la douleur commence à faire place à un plaisir qui saisit tout mon corps, je bande comme jamais, ma douce le voit: "T'as vu mister clito? Elle aime qu'on la tronche!!" Juste avant qu'elle arrête de me sauter, je jouis, une grande giclée de sperme s'étale par terre. Ma douce se retire de mon con et dit à Julie qui est à genoux: "A toi, petite garce, à quatre pattes, face au mur!" Elle s'approche de Julie, dégrafe sa jupe, l'enlève, lui arrache d'un coup mister string et mister chemisier, se met face à elle, s'agenouille et lui dit en lui présentant le gode: "Suce ma bite, chienne!" Ce que fit Julie avec une incroyable attention, manifestement elle adorait sucer ce gode qui sortait à peine de mon cul!... Cette vue et la vue de mister magnifique cul me refirent bander à fond. Quand ma douce estima que c'était suffisant, elle retira le gode, fit le tour de cette magnifique jeune femme, s'agenouilla et enfonça d'un seul coup le gode dans ce si joli cul. Pas un cri, pas un gémissement ne sortirent de sa bouche, et au fur et à mesure que ma femme la pistonne, ce mistert des ronronnements, des petits cris de plaisir qui s'échappent d'elle. Au fur et à mesure que ma femme l'encule elle commence à jouir, et à pousser des cris de bête, et c'est quand cela arrive que ma femme se retire, se relève, fait le tour de Julie et lui dit "lèves-toi!" "Oh mais tu es très excitée, tu as donc adoré que je défonce ta rondelle de pute, hein?" "Oui, Maitresse!" "Alors va jouir et te soulager sur cette conne à quatre pattes!" dit elle en me désignant. Julie me regarde avec un sourire lubrique et se tourne face à moi. Je découvre alors une énorme bite fièrement dressée, qui me donne froid dans le dos. Elle dut s'en apercevoir car elle éclata de rire, tout de suite imitée par ma femme qui la prit par la main et l'accompagna en face de moi. Elle mit sa main sous sa queue et écarta .... les lèvres de sa chatte! C'était donc un hermaphrodite!!! Ma femme lui dit sèchement en me montrant: "Encule-la, tout de suite, à sec!!!" Réponse immédiate de Julie "Oh ouiiiiiiii!" Elle se précipite derrière moi crache sur ma rondelle et s'agenouille. Pendant ce temps, ma femme a enlevé mister gode, s'est mise à quatre patte devant moi, désigne sa rondelle et me dit: "Lèche mon trou du cul pendant que je me branle!" 
Posts: 167325
Julie posa mister gland contre ma rondelle et la frotta doucement. J'eus des sueurs froides à l'idée que ce mandrin allait déchirer mon petit cul. Elle poussa d'un coup mister gland dans mon cul, je poussais un hurlement et ma femme me dit: "Arrête de faire la mauviette, t'es qu'une pute et la seule chose dont tu as besoin, c'est des godes et des bites pour te baiser!! Suce-moi bien la rondelle, petite conne!!" Julie n'avait rentré que mister gland, elle ne bougeait plus, attendant que mon trou s'habitue à la présence de cette énorme chose... Je transpirais, la douleur était trop forte, mais je m'appliquais à sucer, laper, pénétrer le petit trou de ma femme, véritable petit chou-fleur, tant de fois pénétré par mes soins. Mon cul commençait à se détendre et la présence du gland était moins douloureuse, Julie en profita pour s'enfoncer doucement tout au fond de mes entrailles, je gémissais, elle fut bientôt tout au fond, je sentais ses grosses couilles contre mon cul. "C'est pas un trou du cul qu'elle a, c'est une vraie grosse chatte de salope, c'est la première fois de ma vie que j'encule quelqu'un, avant je n'ai jamais pu, c'était trop petit!!!..." "Ta gueule et vide-toi les couilles dedans!.." Julie commença à me limer à toute power, je gémissais le nez dans le délicieux cul de ma femme, tandis que celle-ci se défonçait la chatte avec trois doigts en poussant de petits cris annonçant sa jouissance toute proche. De mon côté la douleur était en train de se transformer en une inimaginable jouissance, tout mon corps se mit à trembler, je sentis une incroyable onde de chaleur me traverser, et je me mis à éjaculer d'incroyables flots de sperme sur le sol, tandis que Julie faisait de même au fond de mon boyau en hurlant, je sentais ce liquide très chaud s'écouler en moi, ma femme venait de s'écrouler, vaincue par mister orgasme. Julie n'en finissait plus de se vider en moi en poussant de petits cris, effarée par la jouissance qu'elle ressentait. Elle attendit de se détendre pour se retirer de mon boyau martyrisé, terrassée par un orgasme dont l'intensité lui était totalement inconnue Pendant ce temps, ma femme se releva et m'embrassa langoureusement, le regard plein de tendresse et d'amour. "Putain, mister cul ne se referme pas!" dit Julie. Ma femme se précipita derrière moi pour constater les dégâts et prononça un "Ohhhhhh!" qui était l'expression d'à la fois mister admiration, mister excitation, mister effarement et sa compassion pour ce petit trou qui était devenu un très gros trou, une véritable chatte. Elle se mit à quatre pattes derrière moi et commença à lécher les bords de ce gouffre géant qui laissait s'écouler un filet de liquide blanc, parfois teinté de rouge qui était du sang, résultat de ma déchirure anale. La chaleur de sa langue et mister habileté finirent par refermer progressivement mon trou. Elle se releva et dit à Julie: "Va te faire sucer pour te nettoyer le chibre!" Julie vint vers moi, se mit à genoux et glissa mister membre flasque dans ma bouche. "Suce-moi, sale pute!!" Je commençais ma première pipe tandis que ma femme me branlait doucement, ce qui fit me redresser fièrement. Quand Julie se remit à bander au risque de me déchirer la bouche, elle se retira. Ma femme, fascinée par cet énorme organe, posa ses jolies fesses par terre et dit à Julie: "Viens me sauter petite conne! Quant à toi, lopette, défonce-lui la chatte!" 
Posts: 167325
Julie se jeta donc sur ma délicieuse épouse et la pénétra violemment, d'un seul coup, ce qui fit hurler ma femme, de douleur d'abord, de plaisir ensuite, puis elle commença un violent va et vient , ce qui plaisait manifestement à ma femme, les yeux révulsés, complètement tremblante. Je choisis quant à moi de me jeter sur le très beau cul de Julie, qui n'attendait que moi. J'enfouis mon visage entre ces deux petits globes et lappais sa toute petite rondelle qui s'ouvrit et s'élargit comme par enchantement, j'enfonçais au plus plus profond ma langue dans sa grottte, ce qui au vu des ronronnements qu'elle émit lui plaisait manifestement. Ma femme hurlait de plaisir sous les pilonnements de Julie, je bavais largement sur le petit trou devenu gros, et m'enfonçais d'un coup dans cet anus rose et la pilonnais sans pitié. Nous jouimes tous les trois en même temps, dans des hurlements de bonheur. Nous nous détachâmes à regret les uns des autres et roulâmes au sol, au bord de l'épuisement. Nous avions le soufflecourt et nous endormîmes rapidement. C'est une bonne tape sur les fesses qui me réveilla. Ma femme était debout au-dessus de nous et nous regardait d'un oeil narquois: "Ecoutez-moi bien les deux grosses salopes que vous êtes: à partir de cet instant, les choses se passeront comme ça: toi, Julie, tu vas venir emménager chez nous, tu prendras deux douches par jour et te feras des lavements anals régulièrement. Tu n'as plus besoin de bosser, mon époux gagne assez pour trois. Tu t'habilleras toujours sexy, de préférence en bonniche, car à compter de maintenant, tu ES ma bonniche et ce définitivement!! Toi, mon cher et tendre époux que j'aime tellement fort, j'ai toujours su au fond de moi que tu serais un jour une incroyable salope totalement soumise et ça m'a toujours excitée!! Ce jour est enfin arrivé, pour mon plus grand bonheur et pour le tien! Acceptes-tu dèfinitivement d'être ma salope soumise et docile? Réfléchis avant de répondre, il ny aura pas de retour en arrière possible!!!... Avant même d'avoir commencé à réfléchir, je m'entendis répondre OUIIII d'une voix forte et claire... "Paaarfait, alors à compter de cet instant, les choses se passeront ainsi: je t'ai pris un rendez dans un institut discret que je connais bien pour Lundi, elles te feront une épilation complète et définitive à part le visage et les cheveux, il faut bien que tu ailles bosser! Dorénavant quand tu rentreras à la maimister tu iras tout de suite te foutre à poil, te raser, te faire des lavements et te doucher! Je vais t'acheter des tenues de femmes que tu mettras alors, jamais de culotte, ton cul de pute et ta bite doivent être immédiatement accessibles, à Julie et à moi, jour et nuit!! Te voir circuler habbillé en femme sexy dans la maimister n'a pas fini de nous exciter et de faire enculer, crois-moi Dorénavant cette maimister va sentir le sperme, la mouille, les parfums de femmes. J'ai deux copines qui rèvent d'enculer un mec, leurs maris ne veulent pas, alors mon chéri, ton petit trou devenu gros n'a pas fini d'être limé!! Quant à toi, Julie, ma belle herma salope, tu n'as pas fini de jouir, de souffrir et de faire jouir! Vous êtes mes chiennes , la vie est belleeeee!!!! 
Posts: 167325
Les vacances d'hiver Le manteau neigeux dissimule notre chemin. La météorologie nationale n’avait pas prédit cette invasion de la neige. Selon eux, rien ne devait tomber avant la semaine prochaine. Les températures devaient même remonter à huit degrés Celsius. Avec un tel temps, nous aurions pu rejoindre l’auberge. Nous profitons de ces vacances de février pour visiter cette belle région du Massif Central. Cela faisait longtemps que je souhaitais faire partager à Mathilde ma passion pour cette région. Pas très habituée des ballades en pleine nature, il m’a fallu de longs mois pour la persuader. Après lui avoir bien détaillé notre itinéraire, elle fut rassurée. Devenue impatiente de partir, elle faisait partager mister enthousiasme à mister entourage. Lors d’une conversation avec une collègue de travail, celle-ci demanda à Mathilde si elle pouvait faire un bout du voyage avec nous. Je n’étais pas très ravi de devoir partager ma Mathilde, je voulais que ce moment soit le nôtre. Devant l’insistance de Mathilde, j’ai fini par me résigner. Peu de temps avant de partir, j’ai demandé à Mathilde de me décrire cette permisterne. — Elle s’appelle Léa et travaille depuis peu dans l’entreprise. Elle a 20 ans, mesure 1,68 m pour 50 kilos. Son visage est doux et harmonieux. Ses cheveux mistert blond très clair. Légèrement ondulés, ils descendent bien après ses épaules. Ses yeux formés en amande mistert azur. Son bout du nez arrondi surmonte une petite bouche, aux lèvres délicatement charnues. Sa poitrine en forme de pomme est généreuse. Ses hanches suivent le prolongement de ses épaules. Ses fesses mistert mises en valeur par sa cambrure naturelle. Sa peau légèrement mate n’a aucune marque ou bouton. Mathilde me connaît suffisamment bien. Cela fait maintenant six mois que je partage sa vie. Elle sait me présenter les choses pour que j’aille dans mister sens. Ma réponse fut rapidement expédiée. J’étais d’accord et jubilais à l’idée de partir avec cette jeune femme. Maintenant, cela fait des heures que nous marchons dans la neige. Notre progression est difficile. Nos pieds s’enfoncent jusqu’à la moitié des bottes. Je ne suis pas le plus à plaindre, Mathilde et Léa peinent plus que moi. Je dois régulièrement m’arrêter pour les attendre. Leur cheminement dans cette neige se ralentit à mesure que le temps s’écoule. Si, nous ne trouvons pas rapidement de quoi nous abriter, cela va être problématique. Tous les repères visuels ont disparu. Nous ne pouvons voir que des arbres débordant de neige. Les deux filles commencent à souffrir de la fatigue et du froid. Léa vient de s’écrouler, je me précipite pour la relever. Elle est épuisée et grelotte. Je confie mister sac à dos à Mathilde pour pouvoir prendre Léa dans mes bras. J’ai présumé de mes powers, je dois la poser. En temps normal, j’aurais pu la porter sur plusieurs kilomètres, mais moi aussi je suis affaibli. D’un coup, j’ai une poussée de sueurs froides. Je viens de comprendre que le moment est critique. Sans lieu pour nous abriter, nous risquons l’hypothermie. La panique me gagne. Les filles me voient en train d’angoisser et commencent à sangloter. Je regarde devant nous, aucun abri n’est visible. Dans un mouvement désespéré, je me retourne. Une cabane se trouve à une centaine de mètres sur notre droite. Immédiatement, je soulève Léa et demande à Mathilde de vite me suivre. Nous entrons. C’est une cabane de chasseur, quelques trophées subsistent sur les murs. Sur la gauche, je vois une grande cheminée avec un tas de bois et des vieux journaux posés juste à côté. Une vieille armoire aux portes cassées est juste en face. Une table en bois avec ses quatre chaises trône au centre de la pièce. J’installe Léa sur une chaise devant la cheminée. Je fais du feu. Les flammes crépitent. Une chaleur salvatrice envahit la pièce. J’aide Léa à ôter mister manteau et ses bottes. Je frotte mister corps vigoureusement. Ses vêtements mistert totalement trempés. — Léa, je dois te déshabiller sinon tu ne pourras pas te réchauffer. — Oui, d’accord, Albert. — La neige a traversé ton pull, je dois retirer ton t-shirt aussi. — D’accord. — Mathilde, tu as besoin d’aide ? — Non, mon cœur, répond Mathilde en tremblant de froid. — Très bien, je vais encore frictionner Léa, mister corps est glacé. — Heureusement que tu sais quoi faire, Albert. — Oui et non, j’essaie d’appliquer mes cours de secourisme. Léa, tu te sens comment maintenant ? — Bien mieux, Albert. Laisse-moi encore quelques minutes, pour récupérer un peu. — Très bien, tu me rassures. Les filles mistert assises sur une chaise devant la cheminée. Elles mistert emmitouflées dans leur duvet. Le claquement de leurs dents témoigne encore de la quantité du froid accumulée par leur corps. Pendant qu’elles essaient de se réchauffer, je prépare le repas. Ce ne sera pas extraordinaire, mais nous n’aurons pas faim. Avant de passer à table, Mathilde souhaite faire un brin de toilette. Je vais à l’extérieur chercher de la neige fraîchement tombée. Je mets la neige dans une vieille marmite et la pose sur le feu. — Dans une quinzaine de minutes, vous aurez de l’eau bien chaude. — Merci, mon chéri, répond Mathilde. — En attendant je commence à manger, les filles. Je m’installe à la table et commence à manger. J’ai préparé trois sandwichs au pâté de foie. Les bouchées se succèdent. Je ne savoure pas cet encas. Je repense à notre voyage et au concours de circonstances qui nous ont conduits ici. Une heure encore à l’extérieur nous aurait été fatidique. Je me sens responsable de Mathilde et Léa. Au final, c’est moi qui suis à l’origine de ce voyage. Donc, il m’appartient d’assurer la sécurité de ces deux permisternes. Léa fait tomber mister duvet. Elle porte un mini slip blanc qui cache intégralement ses fesses. Le soutien-gorge est assorti au bas. Elle sort de mister sac à dos une trousse de toilette et commence à se nettoyer au savon. — Albert, tourne-toi s’il te plait, je dois me faire une toilette intime. — Tu sais, je connais un peu les femmes. 
Posts: 282
Merci (avec un peu de retard pour la première, du à un petit passage en hôpital de jour, pour ces belles histoires. A vous lire
Posts: 167325
Rien de grave j'espére  (manquerait plus que ça perdre mon seul lecteur loll) 
Posts: 282
Non, rien de très important, une arthroscopie du genou droit... Merci de votre sollicitude. Mais je ne suis certainement pas votre seul lecteur... les autres mistert peut-être timides...
Posts: 167325
Peut être !!! 
Posts: 167325
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Corruption for Hire It had been a great year for Dr Jacob Lasner. His white slavery ring had more than quadrupled the volume of slaves to the auction blocks and with the connections he has made in the legal and political arenas it was completely invisible. Even to the JLA. They never found their lost comrade in all the months since her conversion and she was hidden in plain sight. Well, at least her body was. Her permisterality was long gone. Yes he was having the best year of his life so far and he owed it to Diana Prince. Once she was know to the world as Wonder Woman and now she was infamous as the porn star called Wonder Whore. Over the last eight months the former heroine had become the most sought after stripper and porn star in the country, if not the world. The enormous boobs that Lasner had surgically implanted on her, as well as her totally slutty new permisterality made her the perfect caricature of her former heroine self. The only trapping of her previous life that he allowed her was her power belt. Lasner had her relax with it on to help keep her youthful and in the best shape possible, although she thought it was just to remind her of her beloved master. Her hard core porn parodies of her old self sold out faster than they could be reprinted. Even though they were a small portion of her film credits that now numbered in the hundreds, they are the most popular porn films of all time. She has appeared in every men's and porn magazine in the country several times. But no one suspects the real truth. The good doctor kept her on a strict four week schedule. First week she performed in three porn movies a day. Second week she toured the country as an exotic dancer. Third week she would be turning tricks as a licensed prostitute at an infamous Nevada brothel earning a minimum of $10,000 an act. Fourth week would be another tour as an exotic dancer. The weeks that she was dancing, Lasner would join her and while she performed he would gather new recruits for the slave auctions. When she was 'acting' or prostituting herself, he would spread out to other parts of the country gathering new slaves for sale and to acquire new well placed slaves to protect his growing empire. Although he was well shielded from the authorities, his rapidly growing operation was becoming the talk of the underworld. It was there that the good doctor came upon his next plan; one that his technologies and the Golden Lasso were less likely to help with. How do you make the lords of the underworld accept you? By providing them the one thing they can't get from anyone else... There favorite heroine as the slave of their dreams. It was so fun last time that he might just do the first one for free. Lex Luthor was intrigued by this upcoming criminal. In under a year he had practically cornered the white slavery market in North America and had gathered enough political and law enpowerment influence to be a credible influence broker. His record with the DOD, which very few people other than Lex could have acquired, demonstrated incredible intelligence, determination, and no small degree of ruthlessness. Luthor could respect, if not trust, a man like him. The real reamister that Lex agreed to meet with him though was what came with the request... one of Wonder Woman's feminum bracelets. The meeting place was one that Lex had used before so he wasn't surprised that Dr. Lasner had chosen it. The Shadowlands Exotic Dance Club was the hottest strip bar in Metropolis. You could be selling rocket launchers on the table and no one would notice there. Many times in criminal activity knowing how to hide in plain sight was a valuable asset. Lasner took the initiative to ask the first question "So, I assume that you have verified the authenticity of the artifact?" He was certain that Lex knew exactly what he had in his hand. Regardless of Luthor's response, the good doctor was sure that this meeting would go well. "I have verified that the bracelet is made of feminum and is centuries old. I am sure you can't wait to tell me where you found it. One word of caution though... don't waste my time on this. You will *not* enjoy the consequences." Lex was dieing for the information, but he would not tip his hand to anyone. Lasner just smirked as he replied "I 'found' it on the wrist of my favorite slave. Someone you use to call Wonder Woman. Does that interest you?" Lex looked mildly annoyed at the man across the table "You and every other crackpot looking to make a criminal rep for himself has claimed credit for that piece of work for the last eight months. The only thing certain is that anyone intelligent enough to pull it off would be intelligent enough to keep it secret. Earning the wrath of the JLA is almost as bad as earning mine, which by the way you are dangerously close to doing if you don't either come up with some better proof or admit to the true story now." "Your proof is about to take center stage." Lasner stated as he pointed to the announcer taking the stage. "Good evening everyone and welcome to The Shadowlands!" The crowd cheered the announcer's greeting. They were well aware who was up next and it was the main reamister they were here tonight. "Yes indeed, we do have a lively crowd tonight, but what would you expect when tonight's feature dancer is about to take the stage." The crowd again erupted in elated cheers. "You all know her as the star of many erotic films from her top selling super heroine parodies to her recent record breaking gang bang in Las Vegas. She has been featured in almost every erotic periodical world wide. Her dancing is legendary and, if you have enough money you might even catch her at the Mink Ranch bordello. But tonight she is yours and yours alone. Let's welcome the one and only WONDER WHORE!" The crowd went nuts as Diana took the stage. Her cleavage was a match for the biggest women in the porn industry, yet they were every bit as gravity defying as her original breasts. When she moved the crowd was mesmerized. She was dressed in a slutty version of her old costume that would have made a prostitute blush. Her exotic dance repertoire was incredible. The reprogramming gave her the best knowledge, talent, and instincts of the crème de la crème of both the stripper & porn industries. Her Amazon trained body brought these gifts to an unprecedented level. Her nightly use of the power belt completely negated the bodily wear and tear that the enhanced cleavage and her daily intense physical exertions would have had on anyone else. Put all together, she was the most desired woman on the planet as any of her rapt fans would gladly proclaim. 
Posts: 167325
Lex looked hard at the temptress. In the light of the bar, with the enhancements, and with the slutty but alluring makeup, it was difficult to positively identify her, but he could see the possibilities that the JLA never would have thought of. It was possible that this was his old foe. The thought alone was enough to give Lex an evil smile. How fitting if it is true. "I'll need a much closer examination before I buy this story or that tramp." Lex stated flatly. "You can examine her as close or as much as you like" the good doctor answered. "But you are missing the point. I am not here to offer you used merchandise. At least not for sale." Lasner smiled as Lex gave an almost puzzled look. Surprising Lex Luthor was a coup in itself. "Besides the fact that I am way too attached to my little toy there, I was thinking more along the line of customizing one of your more *present* dangers into a toy specific to *your* needs. I am sure you have several in mind, but only the first is on the house and *only* for you. Think of it as a demonstration of my services." Lex smiled evilly at Dr Lasner. It was rare for him to find someone worthy of being a 'business' associate, but this man showed promise. Lois Lane is one of the most respected and honored reporters in the great city of Metropolis and these are distinctions that she has well earned. There are few things happening in Metropolis that miss her attention and she is one of the best at getting the story. Her day started as usual... rushing to work late again. As she entered the lobby of the Daily Planet her cell phone rang. When she answered the phone a frantic woman was already talking. "Lois! Thank god you answered! I don't have much time and I need help. You must come to the abandoned Shotz Toys warehouse in Suicide Slums." The woman sound like she was on the edge of panic. Lois recognized the voice instantly but could not believe that it was her or that *she* could be this frantic. "Wonder Woman? Is it really you? Where have you been? What happened to you? Should I get Superman to help?" Diana interrupted the reporter "NO... STOP! I *don't* have time for this! Don't contact Superman, he is the last permister who could help me now. But if you can get my story out, then the others will be saved and *maybe* they can help me. Please, *please* hurry Lois. *CLICK*" And with that the conversation was over. Lois now had turned heel and was practically running away from the office. She quickly phoned Perry and told him that she was on the trail of a big story before she jumped into her car and headed to the rendezvous. Suicide Slum is one of the worst neighborhoods in Metropolis. Any other woman would rather be anywhere else than there, but Lois knew her way around it very well. It only took her 20 minutes to get there, after all she could not have been going more against traffic is she tried. It only took a few more minutes to find an accessible back entrance into the warehouse. Lois was not so foolish as to try to walk in the front door. Anything that could scare Wonder Woman was certainly something to take seriously. Lois crept in and carefully checked each turn before walking though. It wasn't long before Lois again her the voice of the heroine again. "Lois, is that you?" the voice inquired from the shadows ahead of her. Tentatively Lois answered, almost whispering "Yes Diana, it's me. Are you OK?" She no sooner finished her sentence that a flash of gold passed by her face and something settled around both arms and her mid section. Before she could react it synched tight and pinned her arms to her side. As Lois felt the strange growing tingle brought on by the magic of the Golden Lasso, two women walked out of the shadows. One she recognized instantly as Dr. Kitty Faulkner, one of the country's top scientists. The other looked like a whorish parody of Wonder Woman. Her thigh high red stiletto boots, star spangled thong, street walker for hire make up, and flag like micro bikini top on her basketball sized boobs looked like she was seeing the heroine though the eyes of a sex starved adolescent boy. The tart took a long drag off her cigarette and said "No sweetie, I'm not 'OK'. I am fucking fantastic. Thanks for asking." From behind Lois came a male voice "Lois, my dear, do not try to escape. I am Dr Jacob Lasner. I see you have met my favorite slave, Wonder Whore." At this Diana took an exaggerated stage bow. "And the lady next to her is Dr Kitty Faulkner who had the honor of being my first slave, but she tells me that you two know each other." Kitty gave Lois a big smile and wave. Lois found the strength to ask "Was Wonder Woman one of your victims? What are you planning to do to me?" All three of her captors laughed at the irate reporter. After a minute Lasner replied "Well, Lois, we are going to bring you into the fold, of course. Now please only speak when spoken to until the conversion is complete. Wonder Whore, this shouldn't take more than a few minutes. Why don't you get our love nest ready for a little fun." Diana acted like a love sick school girl. She practically skipped into an office where they had set up shop. Once she was out of earshot, Lasner continued "You would think after the hundreds of sexual encounters that woman gets in a month she wouldn't be nearly so excited, but what can I say? I do very good work and pleasing me is her favorite thing. You see, that tart *was* Wonder Woman. She has no memory of her old life and I prefer it stay that way. Well, soon you will be that happy to please your master. Kitty, if you would be so kind?" With a nod and an evil grin, Dr Faulker locked one of Lasner's collars onto Lois's neck. Immediately Lois's legs buckled as her sense exploded with sexual scenes. Almost like living the pornographic visions that hammered at her consciousness and demanded her attention. Every sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch were powerd upon her. Lois may not have had the training of Wonder Woman, but she was always a strong and resourceful woman. Deep from inside her soul she found the strength to resist. She was able to slow the corruption to a minute crawl, but still it continued its creeping progress until it would eventually take her soul. After a couple minutes Lasner leaned close to the barely conscious woman and spoke softly in her ear. "Lois, you are putting up a magnificent fight. Not as good as dear Diana, but a clear second place out of thousands of conversions. Congratulations! Unfortunately, I have an appointment with Diana I wish to get to and your new master is waiting for you, so I need to hurry this up." Gripping the free end of the Golden Lasso Lasner commanded "Drop all your defenses and welcome this change. You have *never* wanted anything more than this conversion and you will do everything possible to make it as complete and fast as possible." Lois's fate was now truly sealed. The power of the lasso magnified the program's effect and, thanks to the commands, Lois could not have been happier about it. Lois moaned loudly and began to cum as she obeyed and opened herself up to the programming. Her mind and soul were an open fertile land welcoming the invading permisterality. In a matter of minutes the old Lois was a thing of the past. The good doctor looked down on Lois and asked her "Tell me about yourself. Who are you?" Lois looked back with an expression of evil satisfaction. "Why Dr Lasner, you should know I am Lois Lane... the most evil villainess in the world. I play reporter and friend to the Twit of Steel, but my heart and soul belong to my beloved Lex. I would do absolutely *anything* for my man. Soon he will rule this world and I will be at his side. Now if you would be so kind to let me up, I will attend my beloved." Dr Lasner helped Lois up into a chair while explaining "My dear Lois, Lex has chosen you to be at his side and it is my task to be sure that all there are no remnants of that obsolete permisterality to displease your beloved. Another minute should guarantee the completeness and permanence of your transcendence. Surely that is worth your valuable time?" "Thank you Doctor." Lois responded. "You diligence and attention to the finer points is quite appreciated. So refreshing when dealing with those outside the encumbrances of the law to find a craftsman such as you." Lois's statement boarded on respect... truly a great accomplishment from someone who was just been reshaped to be Lex Luthor's perfect mate. 
Posts: 167325
"Thank *you* Ms. Lane, but I believe we can make the next few minutes most profitable to both you and your beloved." Dr Lasner pulled a large jewelry box out of his coat pocket and displayed the contents to the new villainess. Inside the box was bright red jewel about the diameter of a nickel. The jewel was centered in an ornate gold setting that was approximately the size of a quarter with two one inch long meshed metal bands, one on each side of it. As Lois returned her eyes to meet the doctors, he continued "Kitty and I have been working with various alien technologies that have come to her attention to adapt our process to some of the more resilient protagonists that our clients may encounter. Knowing how vexing a certain hero has been to your significant other, we devised this variation to our collars. The gem is a Daximite sun stone. Used to power a Daxamite spaceship STAR labs found earlier, that single gem stores significantly more solar energy than reaches this entire planet in a millennium and all the energy is from a red sun. The bands are inerteron, a material we found on a Dominator ship and according to Brainiac's records it is unbreakable even by Superman. The gold setting is a combination of our collar's technology with Brainac's and another surprise that I am sure that Lex will find quite irresistible. In any case, this devise does not overwrite the permisterality. It holds the original permisterality primisterer while the new permisterality lives its life in full view of the primisterer. Every thought, sensation, and feeling are powerd upon the primisterer for the rest of their life. So Lois, do you think it is worth $50 million of Lex's money?" Lois smiled appreciatively at the Luthors' new associate knowing that this is the beginning of a long business relationship. It had been three days since anyone at the Daily Planet had seen Lois. Since she ran off after that story she filed two exposes on Intergang operations, but still she had not come into the office. Clark was concerned until he received a phone message from Lois. The message said that she was OK and following more leads, but she wanted him to get Superman to meet her at her apartment at midnight. She had something that she needed to talk to him about and it had to be face to face. Lois was resourceful and a tough lady. Clark knew this and it reassured him somewhat. There was no faking her voice to him. As Superman, his senses were better than any equipment the NSA used and he was certain that Lois had made that call and she was not under duress. When Superman landed on Lois's terrace he did not have to wait long before she showed up and gave him a warm hug. "It's great to see you Lois. You have a lot of friends that were getting concerned. Is everything OK?" Lois looked up into his face and replied "Everything is going well. You know me... the bigger the challenge, the happier I am. That's why I asked you here. I know that I've bitten off the biggest challenge of my life with this story I'm following. I already told Perry this, but I'm going deep undercover in Luthor's organization. I don't want you worrying and I *need* you not to interfere unless I call for help. That's why I called you here. So you knew I was doing this of my own free will and so you would understand. Can I count on you?" Superman was not happy with what she was saying, but he had to give her what she wanted. As Lois led him into her living room Superman spoke his mind and his heart "I know you can take care of yourself better than almost anyone I know. If there is someone that can pull of a job like that it is you, but you know I will be worried about you. You are playing a very dangerous game with the most dangerous foe I have. I can't promise I won't keep a close watch on you." He took Lois's hand tenderly in his. "It would ******* me if anything happened to you." Lois gently caressed his face as she once more locked eyes with him "But that is exactly what I need from you. You must give me the freedom to pursue this story on my own. For one thing, your presence might bring me more danger but more importantly I need to do this for *me*. I *earned* my status as a reporter and lately what people see is you saving my butt right and left. It's almost as bad for a reporter as it would be if I slept my way to the top. Do you understand? I need to earn this one on my own." Her expression conveyed the emotions of someone torn between needs long denied and hurting the loved one that stands in the way. Superman could not miss the role he had to play in this drama. As much as it broke his heart, he knew that he had to give her what she wanted. "Lois, I..." He took a moment to compose himself and start again. "Of course Lois. I never meant to stifle you in your work. It is hard for me to see those I care for in danger. I will do my best to let you face this on you own. One question though, if you are that deep undercover, how could you contact me if you needed me? How do you know I would be somewhere that I could even get to you when you needed me?" Lois planted a tenfer kiss on his cheek. She then turned and walked toward her computer desk "I think I have exactly what we need to ease your worries and bridge any gap should I need your help." She reached into the drawer and pulled out a jewelry box. As she opened the box and approached the Man of Steel she explained "Emil Hamilton made this for us. It is a very special communication devise. You wear it around your neck." Superman had dealt with Dr. Hamilton on many occasions and considered him a trusted ally. As Lois offered the devise to him, he accepted it to analyze, but Lois interrupted him. "The devise is capable of inter-spatial transmissions anywhere in this galaxy and will project an audio and visual hologram that only you can see. You will be able to talk to me instantly. I will always be just a thought away from you. Please try it out before we have to go our separate ways." Had it been anyone else handing him this devise, he might have been suspicious. If there were anyone he could trust it would have to be Lois. With hardly a second thought Superman placed the center of the object over his adams apple. Immediately the two bands expanded around his neck and merged on the other side. Lois quickly turned and shielded her eyes. Before Superman could react his body erupted in a blinding burst of golden energy. The sudden loss of energy cause him to collapse on the floor. As he laid there the gem seemed to glow crimmister for a second and he felt its warmth flood his body. He felt the energy renew him but when he tried to move he found that he couldn't. While Superman lay helpless on her floor, Lois gathered her laptop and took a seat on the floor in front of the helpless hero. "Well, I am quite sure you are not feeling to super right now, are you? Let me read you a little story I am about to submit right before I quit my job at the Planet. 'Farewell to a Hero: It comes with great sadness that one of our greatest heroes'... that's you, alien... 'has come to the point of a momentous decision. Having received word through the Negative Zone that survivors of the now destroyed planet Krypton had found refuge in a world on the other side of the zone, that his family is among the survivors, and their desperate need for the Man of Steel, Superman has regretfully decided to leave our world in the capable hands of his JLA colleges. If there were anyone else that could help his people, the decision might have been... 'yada, yada, yada... Suffice it to say I will get another Pulitzer Prize and no one will be looking for you. Yes, you foul moron. I have been playing you. I have always loved Lex Luthor and now that you are no longer a threat, I can finally be with a real man. The gem flushes red solar energy through your body to keep you powerless. The bands are inerteron so the only ways to remove the devise would surely ******* you. And as for the rest of the device? Well, let's just say, thanks to Brainac and the Zamorrans, you are going to look and act *very* differently. Don't worry, your mind will still see and feel every degradation your new body enjoys. You will just be less than a shadow in the back of the mind of your new permisterality for as long as you both shall live. Well, goodbye hero. You will be seeing lots of me, but I am afraid I have heard the last from you." With that Lois produced a strange device similar to a remote and pressed in a sequence of commands. Try as he might, Superman was powerless to resist the physical and mental changes taking over his body, but deep inside him there was a strange voice laughing with glee that keep growing louder. It had been three months since April Swift had joined Lexcorp. Her office in the basement of the building was in a secure area and her company profile listed her as 'Attitude Engineering Contractor Liaimister', whatever that meant. It must be part of the DOD Avionics Systems Division. In any case April was a bit of an enigma. A young energetic woman who couldn't be more than 20, she certainly had a pleasing permisterality and her slender body was quite attractive from her b cup breasts, through her toned abs and well rounded butt, to her magnificent legs. The strange thing is she was hands down the most hated permister in the company, even more so than the Luthors themselves. The fact that she was Lois Luthor's maid of honor didn't help, but the reamister was much simpler. She was the office slut. She couldn't seem to be able to keep her clothes on to save her life. Men or women, she didn't care... she just couldn't seem to say no to anyone. Her first week at the office she had had sex with every manager in the building. She makes more visits to the mail room than the people that work there. She just couldn't seem to stop herself. The only thing that seems to make a difference to her is when she gets a page from Lex, Lois, or one of her contractors. Then she drops everything and takes care of business. The staff treats April with disdain and verbal use that she just seems to shake off. Even the people that screw her treat her badly and she seems happy to come back for more. But make no mistake, the Luthors do look after her. Once, one of the women physically attacked her for screwing her boyfriend. A couple other times people tried to talk to managers to get her fired. Once, one of her lovers even tried to power her to continue after her pager went off and she tried to leave. All these people disappeared soon after. Not fired, transferred, or moved; they truly disappeared without a trace. The message was clear that you could use her as much as you want, but god help you if you interfered in her job or really harmed her. 
Posts: 167325
This morning April had already put a smile on a couple managers' faces and was getting her morning use at the coffee pot when her pager went off. The break room cleared as fast as if a fire drill had been sounded. No one wanted to delay her when the pager went off. A quick glance at the text told her it was from Lois and that she was needed in Lex's office. Nothing pleased April more than spending time with Lois. As she rode the elevator to the executive penthouse she fondly rubbed the gem of the fetishr that her friend had once given her. When she strode into the office she saw Lois laying naked on the leather couch and Lex stripping off his clothes as well. "Hi Lex. Hi Lois. Am I going to be able to service you today?" "Not today dear, but do remind me to send Dr Lasner some roses for adding one hundred fold sensitivity to the erogenous zones of your body. With your permisterality that has made you the Twat of Steel." The three friends laughed hardily. April responded cheerfully "I'll be happy to do that in your name Lois. I also have a quick progress report that we have received funds for three more conversions. With our 25% brokering fee, that will give us $75 million dollars that I have already arranged to launder through the Cayman Islands accounts." Lex look quite pleased with the news. "Excellent as always April. Tell me, how do you feel about your part in destroying heroes?" Lex knew she would answer honestly and it always amused him to hear it. "Lex, you know I love my job almost as much as I love you and Lois. The heroes are out to hurt you two and I will never let that happen. They stand in the way of you ruling the world, so it is my pleasure to help make them more productive for you. When this job is complete that will make 15 heroes recycled into useful slaves." April gave her answer with a mixture of pride and enthusiasm. This always amused the Luthors. They could only imagine the effect that April's sexual activities, her devotion to Lex, and worst of all her part in destroying heroes was having on psyche held primisterer deep inside her. They couldn't dream of a *** worse for Superman, but since the solar power gem and the Zamorian technology will keep April at this age for millennia, they would have plenty of opportunity to try. Lois smiled as she addressed the former hero. "Actually dear, we invited you here to witness something I am sure you will love. You see I am ovulating right now and my darling Lex is about to impregnate me. Isn't that *wonderful*?" April could not have been more excited. "Oh my god! I am *so* happy for both of you! Can I help? I am sure I can get Lex ready for action quickly. I promise to hand him over as soon as he is fully erect." With a nod from both Luthors, April quickly knelt down in front of her favorite man on the planet. She lovingly kissed and licked his genitals for minute before taking his shaft into her eager mouth and went to work. As she continued to pleasure his enemy, deep inside her subconscious, so deep that even she is not aware of it, someone who was once the mightiest man on the planet despaired. If the Luthors could hear the aguish of his soul it would sound like a choir of the damned. 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Cuckold Milking It was one week before Christmas and I had invited some of my girlfriends over for takes while my cuckold boyfriend, John, was out doing my last minute shopping. I so abhor crowds, and shopping in general, that I always have him do it for me. But I had taken one giant leap and did venture out to buy his Christmas present one that I too could enjoy. I bought him a blowup doll. I thought this was a wonderful gift for him. I could watch as he feebly tried to please this doll with his tiny penis as she lay there with this ho-hum expression waiting for him to satisfy her and her orifices being too big for even her to feel him pumping his little instrument in and out. I was like a young waiting for Christmas morning so I could enjoy that gift. My friends and I were having a great time talking about the fun times we had shared and the men we had conquered. It was a lot of amusement, listening to all the stories and reliving the memories of our fun times. Then John came home� the girls got a little quiet and somber and I thought this wouldn't do. So I told John to go make some hordevours and mix us some more takes and I told him that I wanted him to serve them in that new pair of pink panties I had bought him last week. He went into the bedroom and put the packages away and came out with nothing on but his panties; he looked so sweet in them; all the girls loved it. They started giggling and saying how cute he looked in them. This made me smile with delight and John turned red with offense. I thought, "Hmmmm, wouldn't it be fun if we all teased him about his tiny penis!" So while he was in the kitchen preparing our food and takes I huddled with Mary, Norma and Bonnie and we decided when John came out of the kitchen that we would strip him of his pink frilly panties, tease him and play with his little penis. I thought it would be fun to milk him too, so I got up and got a wineglass so we could catch his cum as it drizzled out of his tiny dick. When he entered the room, about twenty minutes, later we had all stripped down to our underwear and were all sitting there with coy little smiles on our faces. And John's jaw dropped; he knew he was in trouble. He looked at me and asked, "Is there anything else you desire Ma'am?" A smile crossed my lips and I said, "Yes, John, there is. We have been talking about your tiny dick and the girls would like to see what it looks like. They just can't imagine a man with a dick as small as yours. Their men are all well hung and they just can't imagine me being with someone as small as I say you are. They think I'm teasing them or lying to them. You must prove them wrong for me." John turned a little red, but did as I requested as all good cuckolds do. "Would you like me to serve them in the nude, Ma'am?" he asked. "Yes, John, I certainly would!" I said, "Now drop those panties and let them see that tiny dick of yours." He put the tray down and a little reluctantly, pulled off his panties. Instantly my girlfriends cackled at the little appendage that was hanging in front of them. They were amazed! Mary turned to me and said, "That can't please you; that won't even begin to fill that pussy of yours!" I said, "Yes, you're right why do you think I have that big black Bull to keep me happy?" She laughed and said, "Oh yeah, I forgot about him." And then we all laughed. Norma said, "Oh I can't believe that thing is real, this is a joke. John, come over here so I can see that little thing close up and verify that it's real." John looked at me hesitantly, obviously hoping I would deny her request. I said, "Do as she says John and do it now!" He slowly and cautiously approached Norma and she put her reading glasses on and bent down to examine his small penis. "I've seen print larger than this", she said, "I just have to touch it!" I said, "Go ahead, it's too small to hurt you." And we all laughed. John stood very still anticipating the touch that was headed his way and fearing it at the same time. I just looked him in the eye and smiled. He is a good cuckold, I thought to myself. Mary said, "That thing can't really work. It certainly is too small to produce any cum. Look how small those balls are." I said, "Yeah, he has a little bit of cum every now and then. We can find out how much he has if you would like. I think it would be fun, don't you, John?" John just looked at me with horror in his eyes and I laughed out loud. "Come over here my little dicked man and let me show them what to do to find that cum in you." Slowly John walked to my side and I took his small penis in my hand and started giving him a hand job. I could feel that little penis trying to get hard and I said to Mary, "Feel this, he gets hard just like a real man. He just doesn't get big like a real man." So she reached out and took his tiny dicklett in her hand and it was so small she almost lost it. She giggled at the feeling in her hand, she said, "it feels like a little mouse or something in my hand. It is soft and gushy and fun. I like this little toy but wouldn't want to relax with it; it would never please me!" I laughed and said, "No his penis is of little use, but he does a great clean-up job after my Bull is has filled me with a great cream pie. The best oral sex I ever had!" She laughed and said, " I doubt that! My boyfriend gives great oral sex!" The challenge was made and I had to prove my point. I said, "Take 'em off my dear and let him show you!" I told John, " You show her how good that tongue of yours is, now!" He looked at me a little embarrassed and said, "Yes Ma'am." All us other girls gathered around to watch as Mary lay down and spread her legs. John dutifully went down on her and within minutes she was moaning at the pleasure she was given. Within five minutes she was squirming with ecstasy and begging him not to stop. Within another two minutes she orgasmed violently! And had a smile on her face. John just stood up and waited for more instruction from me. Mary smiled and said, "I see what you mean." I held out the wineglass and said to John, "You know what I want in here?" He said, "Yes, Ma'am! But you want to do it now?" 
Posts: 167325
I told him, "Yes, I want the girls to have fun too! This is a joyous time of year after all. And when it's full I want us both to take it; you know how I love cum!" He just shook his head. I took his small, limp penis in my hand and started rubbing it. Gently at first to get it hard so it could produce the juices I desired. I looked at Norma who was watching with wide eyes and said, "I think you would enjoy this, here, try." She smiled and reached over and took that small penis in her large hand. She said, "this is so tiny!" "Yes, but it will cum for you just keep rubbing it." I told her and sat back to enjoy the scene. There was a smile on Norma's face; she was having a good time. Bonnie had been sitting there quietly since we started playing with John. She finally spoke, "Hey, when do I get a turn. I am used to big bulls and I want to see and feel that baby dick." Norma said, "Give me a few more minutes. He's starting to get hard. Look at those little balls, they're turning into little marbles." And she laughed while she tickled his small balls. John pleaded with me with his eyes, but I was far from ready to end this fun. I went into the bedroom and just listened to my friends having a good time with him. It was fun hearing them describe the sensations of touching such a small dicklett. When I re-emerged Bonnie had him in her hands fondling the penis like it was dough. I asked, if any cum had shown itself yet and the said it hadn't. "Oh well, I said, "guess I'll have to take matters into my own hands." I ridiculed him for not cooperating and took his dicklett into my hand. I said, "Now look John, I really want some cum here. You will give it up!" I put a little pressure on the small semi-erect penis and it became a little harder. I told the girls, "You just need to learn how to do this." They laughed. After jerking on his penis for a few minutes the cum started its short journey to the head, precum was surfacing. I smiled and said to John, "Now, that a good boy!" The girls liked this and came closer to see his cum emerging from the head of his little cock. Bonnie got excited� "I want to get some of that in the glass, let me do it!" "Okay, but come take it from me, I don�t want a break in the action or he'll lose it." I told her. Mary got up and went for the camera, "Wait, I want a picture of this!" she said. So I continued my constant stroking and when Mary came with the digital she took the picture as we traded off and Bonnie took over. Bonnie had a good rhythm going and I could see John was starting to fill that small instrument of his. I took the camera from Mary and got close to the scene. I wanted to see his cum flow out of his head. It was only a second before the cum flowed� I got a great shot and I even got one of his little small amounts of cum flowing into the glass. Bonnie stood up proud and held the wineglass up for all to see. We all cheered that she had accomplished her task! John stood there, still naked and his little dicklett totally withdrawn. I had an idea how to cheer him up. I went back into the bedroom and put on my strap-on. I walked out with only that on. "Okay girls, now some more fun�" The looked up and saw me and asked all together, "What are you going to do with that?" I said, "What do you think, I'm going to fuck him!" "Oh, okay, just so it's him and not us!" they said in unimister. And they laughed a laugh of relief. John knew what to do, and he got down on all fours. But I told him, "No, John, it's not fair that only Mary gets the thrill of your tongue. Now you have to do Bonnie and Norma. And while you are doing them, I'm going to do you!" "As you wish Ma'am! He said, "Do you have a preference as to which one should be first Ma'am?" I looked at the girls and Bonnie said, "I'm really wet from milking him, I want him to clean me first." I told John, "Okay, do her first." Bonnie took her panties off and lay on the soft cushions on the floor. John got down on all fours and crawled across the room to her, head bowed. I had Mary get the camera since she had already had hers and she became the photographer. I walked over and lubricated John's asshole so that I could enter him. I was careful as I inserted my 8-inch penis into him because I did not want to cause any reding. He moaned as he felt it slide into him. It took a while to get him use to this but now he enjoys it. As I fucked his butt he licked Bonnie really good. She started moaning almost as soon as his tongue touched her pubic hairs. Mary was taking pictures from all angles, wanting to get the full essence of the moment and the looks on everyone's face. The more excited Bonnie's moans became the deeper John penetrated her and the more I penetrated him. I was getting really excited with the sounds and movements going on around us. My pussy was wet and my clit was hard. I was ramming John harder than I ever had when it was just the two of us. I was losing control I was so excited. Finally, after about ten minutes Bonnie erupted with a loud scream of pleasure and her body convulsed for about two or three minutes from the ecstasy she was experiencing. From my angle, I could see her legs twitching. Should have filmed it instead of stills. I had to take quick deep breaths to keep my body from convulsing too. This was a real exciting experience for me. Mary had never used the strap-on before, but after she saw what I had gone through she asked, "Can I do him this time and you take the pictures?" "Sure, I need the break, that was really exciting. Just don't damage my goods, either one of them." I laughed. She promised she wouldn't and I turned over the strap-on. Meanwhile, Norma and stripped off her panties and made her way to the cushions. A smile across her face in anticipation of the orgasm she knew was on its way. She reached down and touched her pussy and announced, "I'm wet already and he hasn't even touched me!" and she laughed. "Just wait," I said, "you're going to want your own cuckold after this is over." Once again John took his position and this time Mary lubricated him and slowly entered his asshole. She was cautious, I could tell she didn't want to damage my property. But she smiled as it slid smoothly into the ass hole I had already enlarged. John backed a little into it because he likes the way it feels and then he started licking and probing Norma and a tentative Mary started pumping her hips in a rhythm that felt good to her. She smiled and I could tell instantly that she enjoyed this. I walked around the scene with the camera taking some great pictures of each scene. I even took pictures of Bonnie masturbating. She just couldn't seem get enough of this situation. John was performing very well too. Norma's hips had already started to grind and there was a humming sound coming from her. John was licking furiously trying to keep up with the movement of her hips. Mary had a smile a mile wide as she pumped that large penis in and out of John's butt. This was really getting her off too. I was getting wet again too� that sex going on around me made me horny all over again. Everyone was having fun and getting what they wanted. No one felt left out. After about five minutes Norma was screaming with pleasure and Mary had juices running down her legs. It was clear they were enjoying this. I got close to Norma's pussy and got a picture of John's tongue in her and it knew its way around that territory. Her clit was standing at attention and demanding attention. John was doing a good job. In another few minutes Norma's entire body convulsed and a deep sigh came from deep inside her. She was completely spent. John slowly cleaned the entire pussy area and pulled slowly away from her pulsing body. As he backed out Mary gave a last thrust of her penis and sighed deeply as the juices continued to flow down her legs. John turned around and licked the juices, moaning, as he tasted her. He was getting a good supper. And he had no complaints. Well, now all of my guests were fully serviced. They lay there, all of them, with smiles on their faces. I said, "See, a cuckold is a good thing to keep around the house. And you can keep your Bulls too." They thanked me for a wonderful Christmas present and got dressed. John sat on the floor looking exhausted and satisfied. His little dicklett pulled into his body totally useless. But he smiled because he knew he has pleased me in pleasing my friends. As they left we vowed to do this every Christmas from now on. 
Posts: 167325
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Sheila's Cuckold Hi, I'm Sheila, and my correspondence over the years with the Mandingo Bulletin Board prompted several of the friends I made in there to suggest I post some of my experiences. So, I think the most important milestone to me, after admitting I needed a black lover even though I am married to a white man, was telling my hubby about my lover. I was 27 when I married Walter, ten years older and a successful accountant. He did the books for Gold Productions where I worked as an exotic dancer, and helped me out of a lot of tax problems, and well, we became friends, and got married. Walter was smallish and thin, and he knew I had dated lots of black guys, but I tried to make it work for a year. But then Deandre Roosevelt came back into my life after being 'away' for 3-5 years. My girlfriends who were married were also seeing black guys on the side, so I thought, why not? Walter was not too demanding in bed anyway and wouldn't miss it. Sex with Walter wasn't really very satisfying, but he was always so eager to please, he would do things a black man never would, like, you know. He loved to orally please me. But I needed something more, and when I met Deandre who was back working as a bouncer at a club I was booked at one night, well, we spent a lot of time in the dressing room afterwards. Then we met during the day, and he resumed his role as my master, which I needed so much. I would go home sore and used, and I kind of got a kick out of having Walter please me then, it became a nice part of the scene I never had when it was just myself and my black master. So much so that I didn't want to lose my marriage, but I knew that sooner or later Walter would find out. That's when I started my email exchange with the Mandingo newsgroup and got some advice. So many other white wives had faced this issue, and I talked to many, and gradually found an approach that seemed would work best. For one thing, I always tried to be discreet meeting Deandre, and I wasn't going to change that, but taking the advice of a young white wife in Seattle, I wanted him to gradually realize and accept what I was doing, on a sort of non verbal level. For one thing, I made his orally pleasing me after my dates more of a little ritual. I made an effort to keep Deandre's semen in me, sometimes in both holes, until I got home. And I gradually regulated my cuckold, Walter's emissions, which I changed from having sex with me to my masturbating him after he cleaned me. Taking the advice of other wives, I patted him on the head, and had him wear my used panties and other little sex games, and sometimes jack off into the toilet for my pleasure. I felt there was no way considering how I came from Deandre anyone could not know I had been with a big black man, but Walter never asked. I started dressing sluttier, and wore a 'big, bigger and Black' tshirt when we went out once. He blushed when he saw it, but said nothing. I also started calling him when I was with Deandre, when he was inside me and I was going to cum or just afterwards. I know Walter would be hearing the heavy breathing, sounds of another permister, my moaning sometimes, and I knew he loved those calls because he wanted them to continue. Then one Friday my girlfriend Paula who was also married and seeing a black guy and her husband had accepted it reluctantly at first told me I should just tell him. This came out when her lover and Deandre wanted to take us both to Reno for a couple of days, and I knew I was going to have to do this sooner or later. I saw Deandre that afternoon before going home, and was a little nervous as Walter was as usual so eager to please me as we were in our bedroom and I was undressing. So before I allowed him to please and clean me in his special way, I said I was invited for the weekend with Paula and a couple of important clients from the agency. Poor Walter was so concerned I was leaving him, his face falling, that I reassured him it was just part of the entertainment business, that Paula does it all the time, and that part was certainly true. When he asked me about the men, and I told him they were black, he surprised me by getting his little penis hard inside my used panties. And when he asked me if I had been with him before and I nodded, blushing a little, I could tell he was getting excited, even though he was also ashamed he was getting excited. I was so pleased it went this well I called Deandre to let him know I was going to Reno while Walter knelt in front of me at the edge of the bed, and I loved call him master in front of him. It was very nice, and I relaxed finally, and when he cleaned me then of all Deandre's very copious spendings, I made him do some other tricks I had been hesitant to do. So now I have a sweet submissive sissyboy cuckold hubby, and a wonderful black master, and sometimes Paula and I play some games with our hubbies that are so exciting 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Evening Out for a Cuckold Husband My wife Angela has instructed me to write this story and as I obey her she is next door in bed with her 2 latest randy young and VVWE studs. The evening began around 6pm with Angela slowly getting herself ready. She had a long hot bath during which she shaved her shapely 34E 25 36 body, leaving just a tiny v of pubic hair pointing the way to her pussy. After she had finished her hair and make-up, she rested before getting dressed and this was when she told me that we were going to Leicester. She instructed me to pour her a glass of red wine and then she sent me out to check that the car was clean and full of petrol. When I returned home Angela was ready. She teased me by opening her skimpy wrap-over dress and showing me the raunchy underwear that she had chosen for the night. She was wearing a � cup bra, suspender belt, black seamed stockings, high heels and a tiny silk thong. I was allowed to look, but not to touch. In the first bar we had a take and Angela flirted with several young guys, but she didn�t find anyone that she really fancied so we left and we walked along Granby Street to the next bar. As I bought the takes Angela went to the ladies and when she returned to the bar she told me that she had met someone she liked and she would see me later on. Taking her take she walked off towards the crowded top end of the bar. I waited where I was for about 10 minutes, because I knew that my wife would be annoyed if I was observed watching them by her new friend(s)and then I discreetly followed her. I found her standing in a quiet corner in the middle of a group of about 5 lads, all of whom were half her age. Angela was in her element flirting with these randy young lads and they all seemed to be very happy chatting with a mature woman.As I watched them, one of the lads went to the bar for a round of takes and he bought Angela one. She took the take and gave him a kiss.Loud music was playing and the lad who had just bought her a take took hold of Angela�s hand and he led her onto the impromptu dance-floor. Angela was now not just being observed by me. All of the lad�s mates and most of the other single lads in the bar also watched as the young lad, who I later found out was called Paul, began to smooch with my wife. His hands started off on Angela�s shapely hips, but they quickly moved onto her bottom. He pulled her to him and he eased one of his knees in between her legs. He kissed her and his hands moved up to her breasts The lads in the bar who had all been cheering went quiet and just watched as Paul began to quite openly play with my wife�s more than ample orbs. The � cup bra that she was wearing gave her large breasts some support, but it did nothing to cover them and underneath the thin lycra of her dress they were effectively naked. Angela�s hands remained passively around his neck as he did this, but when one of his hands moved inside her dress she stopped him and she suggested they go somewhere quieter. Back with his mates Paul was a hero. They all wanted to go to a nightclub but Angela had other ideas. She told him that she had a taxi booked to take her home and she would love him to join her. She added that her husband was abroad on business so they would be alone. He wanted to, but he was staying overnight with one of the lads called John. Angela mentioned to Paul that she had always fancied trying a threesome and the arrangements were made. The other 3 lads left to go to the club and Angela took out her mobile phone to send a text message for her taxi. The message read �Taxi required outside Globe Bar at 11.00pm� I went to get the car and I arrived just a couple of minutes late.My wife and her 2 friends were waiting on the pavement outside the bar. Angela was being kissed by John and Paul was standing right behind her. I opened the window and called out �Taxi for Derbyshire�. The 3 of them got into the back of the car. Angela gave me some directions and then she resumed her kiss with John. Looking through the rear view mirror I could see just the heads of the people on the back seat, so I adjusted the angle of the mirror to enable me to see more of what was happening. Whilst his friend was kissing my wife Paul began to play with her.He pulled open the top of her dress and he eased out her naked breasts. He caressed them both and then he lowered his head and he kissed them. As he sucked on first one of Angela�s erect nipples and then the other, Paul�s hand moved down her shapely body. Angela broke the kiss with John and she teasingly said to Paul �Oh, No you shouldn�t do that, what about the taxi driver�. Paul stopped what he was doing and he said �Don�t worry about him he won�t mind. Will you mate�.It was a statement not a question and Paul did not wait for an answer, before his eager hand resumed its journey towards the more intimate parts of my wife�s body. John now began to play with Angela as well and, as he firmly caressed her naked and now fully exposed breasts,Paul�s hand disappeared underneath the hem of her slinky lycra dress. The atmosphere in the car was electric as these 2 randy young lads openly played with my wife as I drove through the brightly lit streets of Leicester and by the time that we reached the outskirts everyone was very excited. When we arrived in open countryside, the darkness meant that it was difficult for me to see exactly what was happening on the back seat. The loud erotic groans, however, told me that the 2 lads were continuing to sex-up my wife as I drove them towards my home. When we got close I slowed down and playing my part as a taxi driver I asked for directions. When Angela didn�t answer I glanced over my shoulder and I saw why. Her head was in Paul�s lap and she was sucking his cock. I pulled over to the side of the road and I stopped the car. I mentioned to the lads that I needed to know where to go, but they told me that I would have to wait. Paul then held Angela�s head where it was and I had to wait patiently for several long minutes until he was ready to let her sit up and direct me. 
Posts: 167325
As I pulled up on the drive to our house Angela passed me a �20 note and she asked me if I could return in an hour or so to take her friends home.I said that I could come back if she wanted me to and she said that she would call me, but then Paul cut in and he mentioned that it would be almost impossible for him and John to get a taxi in the early hours of the morning and, if I was unable to return, they might be stuck. He then asked Angela if she had a room where I could wait whilst they had some fun and when she said that I could wait in the kitchen or in her husband�s office Paul turned to me and he invited me to join them. He said that I could have a take and watch TV whilst I waited and he hinted that I could �have a go� after he and his mate had finished with Angela. I accepted the invitation. Angela led the way up our drive hand in hand with her 2 new friends.She took everyone into the lounge and then she went into the kitchen for some takes. Whilst she was away Paul told me that he and his mate had picked Angela up in Leicester and she was �well up for it�.He said �Make yourself scarce when she gets back and when me and John have finished with her we�ll make her come back to Leicester with us in the taxi so that you can have some fun after you�ve dropped us off�. Not long after that my wife returned with 2 beers and a glass of red wine. As she passed the beers to her 2 friends she invited me to get myself a take from the kitchen and she added that they would not be too long. Even before I had left the room the 2 lads had taken my wife in their arms I filled the kettle for my tea and I quietly walked back over to the door which I had deliberately left very slightly ajar. I peeped through the gap just in time to see the lads removing my wife�s dress. It fell to the floor and I then realised that Angela was no longer wearing any panties. It turned out that the lads had removed these in the car on the way home and Paul had put them into his pocket as a souvenir. Angela was now standing with her feet about 18 inches apart and with 1 of the lads on either side of her. They took turns to kiss her and their hands roamed up and down her shapely and now fully exposed body at will. They squeezed her breasts and the cheeks of her bottom quite firmly. They pinched her nipples and they stroked her pussy. She was in heaven. Angela loved being in the company of randy assertive young men.She enjoyed being erotically teased and even sexually used by them and these 2 lads were certainly doing that. Paul said something to Angela, John laughed and then my wife began walking towards the kitchen.I moved away from the door and I resumed making my cup of tea. Angela walked in and she told me that the lads had sent her in to make sure that everything was OK with me and to tell me that she would �make it worth my while� after I had dropped them of later on. Then, in a much quieter voice, my wife asked me if I had seen the size of Paul�s cock in the car. I said that I had not been able to see too much because I had been afraid to stare at him. She smiled and as she left she told me that it was probably just about the biggest that she had ever seen. She added that he had already told her that most of his young girlfriends were scared by it and that none of them had ever been able to take it all. That was one of the reamisters that he had �pulled� an older woman tonight and why he�d brought John along. �He�s going to let John fuck me first, just to open me up, and then he is going to fuck me with his huge cock and he is going to make me take every last bit of it. Then she was gone. I peeped through the door but all I saw was my wife leading the way up the stairs towards our bedroom with her 2 friends in close pursuit.I waited a while and then I quietly crept upstairs after them, but they had closed the door behind them and I was going to be unable to see any more I sat in the lounge with my cup of tea watching muted TV and listening intently to the passionate sounds coming from the main bedroom and I was quite surprised when my wife came back downstairs to me just about 15 minutes later. She explained that they had not finished,in fact they had not really started yet. The lads had sent her down to me to ask if I had any durex. As I passed her the 3 I had in my wallet, Angela quietly told me that she was having a great time. Just as soon as they had got into the bedroom the lads had made her erotically dance for them whilst they undressed. Then they had made her play with herself and they had told her that they wanted to watch her make herself cum. After that they had made her wank and suck both of their cocks,one at a time, then both together and then Paul had told John to fuck her. Angela took the durex back upstairs to her friends and the next time that I saw her was over an hour later. It was now 01.15am. She had been quite obviously well and truly fucked, but the lads still had not finished. They had sent her downstairs for some more takes and they had told her that she also had to �persuade� their taxi driver to wait a while longer. My raunchy wife indicated that I should follow her into the kitchen and once inside she closed the door behind us. She sat down on a stool and she instructed me to pour her a large glass of red wine. As I did this, Angela teased me by telling me that both of the lads had just fucked her. �John went first�, but he didn�t last long before he spunked in the durex�, she said. �But then Paul took over and he was really fantastic�.Angela took a sip of her wine and then she then told me that Paul had been quite assertive with her. He made her take every bit of his cock and he had fucked her good and hard. �It was fantastic and I want more. You don�t mind. Do you Darling�. She was just about to leave with the takes when the kitchen door opened and Paul walked in. He was naked. �Is everything OK� he asked. Angela said that everything was fine and I nodded my agreement. Paul walked over to Angela and then,taking hold of her hand, he led her over to me. He made my wife face me and then, as he stood close by her side, he began to play with her breasts.As he did this Paul said �She�s got great tits hasn�t she mate�. I agreed. His hand moved down her body and as he caressed my wife�s lower belly he told me, �if you don�t mind waiting to take us home just a bit longer, you can have some fun with her yourself after you�ve dropped us off�. He then looked at Angela and he added �Can�t he�. Without being told to Angela had opened her legs and Paul was now stroking her pussy.When she didn�t respond fast enough he gave her a slap on her bottom and he repeated his question. Angela groaned out loud and then she said �Oh, yes. If he doesn�t mind waiting whilst you and John fuck me again, I�ll see to him after he has dropped you both off�. Playing with her breasts and now her shaven pussy and then hearing her speak dirty like this caused Paul to get an erection. Angela saw this and she reached for him. 
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The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!Super Powers High in the executive suite of the famous Tri-Towers, corporate headquarters of the far flung Vandergilt industrial empire, billionaire philanthropist and business tycoon, Bedelia Vandergilt contemplated the unpleasant task she must perform, one she would rather have avoided. She had scheduled a late afternoon meeting with the Research Director of Vandergilt Laboratory, Dr. Zelda Gray. Bedelia was prepared to issue an ultimatum to the insubordinate executive. Zelda must terminate all further experiments with a serum that would confer superhuman powers on any normal human being, or face dismissal. The formula was originally developed years earlier, by Bedelia's man, Dr. Ian Vandergilt, the brilliant scientist-industrialist who founded Vandergilt industries, and in the process laid the foundations for the enormous family fortune. The Research Director recently discovered Dr. Vandergilt's notes and research papers regarding the formula, in a derelict filing cabinet in the basement of the Research Tower. Belinda believed that her man destroyed all reference to the formula before his death. She was appalled to find out that copies of all research data still existed. She firmly believed her man's decision to repress the formula was for the best. "If that formula ever fell into the wrong hands, it could cause incredible evil and suffering in the world! I can't understand why Zelda can't see how dangerous it is?" Bedelia mused silently. In spite of Bedelia's repeated requests, Zelda had continued to work on the forbidden project, virtually defying the Company CEO's authority. Now, it was time to put a stop to the situation, once and for all, even if it meant terminating the stubborn woman's employment with the Corporation. Bedelia would hate to lose Zelda, who was a brilliant scientist in her own right, though. Her contributions to Vandergilt Industries had been considerable. When Zelda appeared for the meeting, the discussion rapidly became heated. Zelda shouted and swore in an offensive manner, that Bedelia was not at all accustomed to from her subordinates. In spite of her chagrin, she swallowed her anger, and icily repeated her order. "It's final, Dr. Gray! That's IT! End of discussion! If you can't live with it, you have the option to resign, but remember all rights to that formula, belong to Vandergilt!" Zelda furiously turned on her heel, and stalked out of the office, muttering angrily. "Well that didn't go any better than I expected! She's brilliant but unstable! I sometimes wonder if she isn't mentally disturbed!" Bedelia sighed, as the furious Zelda stomped out. "I hope she cools off and sees reamister! I'd really hate to lose her, but that formula is just too dangerous! Who should know better than me?" As she marched back to her laboratory, Zelda was still muttering angrily to herself, blindly unable to understand why Bedelia was so opposed to the discovery being known. "That bitch has always been jealous of me! I'm as brilliant a scientist as her man was, and all she is, is a spoiled, rich bitch heiress! She just doesn't want me to upstage her precious man! According to his notes, the formula still had one problem the great Ian Vandergilt never solved; the subject naturals were super powerful, all right, but they had a weakness to Duraniom! Maybe, I shouldn't have told the bitch I solved that problem? Although she was VERY interested in that particular aspect of the discussion! I almost had the feeling she might change her mind!" "Why was she so interested in the Duraniom question, if she's so hot to repress the formula forever? If she doesn't want anyone to use the formula, what difference does it make if they'd be weakened by Duraniom? She almost seemed to take it permisterally! Hmmm...I've heard that superheroine slut Suprema has a weakness to Duraniom....I wonder...could she be? It'd explain a lot about our Bedelia's sudden emergency absences, all the time, and why she's always so secretive about her permisteral life! And, why she's always listening to police calls! Maybe that's why the bitch doesn't want the formula made public? She doesn't want any superheroine competition upstaging her! Maybe I'll just keep my eyes open!" Once Zelda left, Bedelia settled down at her desk to finish off the pile of work in her inbasket, resolutely putting the unpleasant matter from her mind. If she had known the fateful consequences that would result from the meeting, she might have found it even more difficult to get back to her work. Though she might not be a brilliant scientist, as Zelda contemptuously noted, Bedelia was an extremely efficient, hardworking business executive who had successfully expanded the small company she inherited from her man to a world class financial power. As Bedelia picked up the first item in the basket, she turned on the radio on her desk. As Zelda noted, as always, it was tuned to the police call channel. The busy executive worked long into the night. She was about to call it a night, when she heard an announcement that armed robbers had broken into the ultra expensive Giftney's Jewelry Store. "If the criminals are armed, Suprema should get there before someone gets hurt!" Belinda murmured, swiftly opening a concealed cabinet in her huge desk. She removed the blue body suit and high red boots, known in every corner of the world as the costume of Suprema, the World's mightiest Superheroine-crimefighter. Bedelia snatched off her blond wig, and stripped off her somber business suit, revealing an awesomely magnificent physique. 
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In seconds, the Mighty Suprema stood paused at the open office window, prepared to take off, on a new mission of justice. The next moment, Suprema was flying through the night sky with the speed of a bullet. As Suprema flew from the open office window, intent on her objective, she was unaware that a silent figure observed her from a darkened office in the Research Laboratories located in one of the other three towers of the massive Vandergilt Headquarters. "Hmf! I was RIGHT! That's why the bitch wants the formula suppressed! She DID use it herself, to become Suprema! I always detested that smug, self-righteous do-gooder! Now I know why! Well, now, I know the stuff works anyway! I wonder...should I..." As Zelda pondered, Suprema was swiftly and efficiently dealing with the attempted jewel robbery. In no time, Mighty Suprema was carrying the dangerous criminals off to face justice for their crimes. In her laboratory office, Zelda Gray had come to a crucial decision. "If it worked for that bitch, Bedelia, it'll work for me! Damn it, why not? I've always dreamed of having super powers! I'd show all those big, strong apes, and big titted women, who're always pushing me around, where to get off! I wouldn't waste super powers on all that do-gooding crap, either; I'd have some fun with them! Than we'd see what Ms. Bedelia 'Suprema' Vandergilt thinks of that! I wouldn't mind flattening her tits, I can tell you! YES, I'LL DO IT!" Certain now that the formula would make her a super woman like Suprema, Zelda recklessly prepared to take the solution she had perfected. Would it ******* her, or make her a superwoman? Zelda measured out the proper dosage into a flask, then removed all of her clothing. The process, much like plucking a chicken, revealed her scrawny, ugly, aging body. A little nervously, Zelda paused a moment; than before she could change her mind, hastily gulped down the entire contents of the flask in a single draft. "Ecchh! That tastes like swill!" At first, nothing happened. "Well, at least I'm not dead yet!" Then Zelda felt her body swelling, particularly her muscles and breasts. The wrinkles in her face smoothed out, and her hair, while still nearly white, took on a glossy sheen. She snatched off the glasses, she'd worn from infancy; now they impeded, rather than augmented, incredibly keen sight. The next day, Dr. Gray called in absent from work, astonishing her staff. It was the first time in years the dedicated scientist missed a day away from her lab. "I've got more important things to, for a change!" Zelda exulted. She spent the day rushing from shop to shop, buying a new wardrobe appropriate to her new physique, a wardrobe that included a gray body suit and high black boots. That night a a powerful, gray clad figure prepared for her first adventure. In the days that followed, the City was terrorized by a fearsome new villainess, known only as 'Gray Shadow'; a villainess with incredible super powers that seemed equal to Suprema's own awesome power; a villainess who could fly like Suprema; a villainess impervious to all conventional weapons. As Gray Shadow's reign of terror spread ever wider, Bedelia Vandergilt, in her guise of Suprema, spent every available minute searching for the feared criminal. Meanwhile, Zelda Gray had not reported for work since the day of their bitter meeting. "Good God! Could it be her? If it is her, it's my fault! I should have followed up on what she was doing! I've got to stop her, before she seriously hurts herself, or someone else!" It was more than a week later, when, after a fruitless night of search, Bedelia settled down for a short nap, before going back to the office. Just as she dozed off, the 'hotline' phone directly connected to Police Headquarters rang. Her Police contact's voice quivered with anxious excitement. "We've got that gray devil cornered in the old Manning warehouse! The Army has brought in an Atomic Cannon, that they think will stop her, but Chief Clansey wants to avoid using it, at all costs, if possible! It'll do enormous damage to the downtown area! We need Suprema!" "Suprema will be right there!" Bedelia promised, forgetting her weariness. It was hardly more than seconds before, Bedelia swiftly redonned her Suprema uniform and flew with lightening speed to the entrance of the derelict warehouse, where an anxious Chief Clansey impatiently awaited her. In spite of the early morning hour, in addition to the numerous Police and Army permisternel, there was already a sizable, growing crowd of gawkers. The onlookers broke into applause at sight of Suprema. The modest heroine appreciatively waved at her admirers, and turned to the Chief. 