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les histoires de chrislebo

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Je jette un oeil à la fenêtre : Max. Je vais ouvrir.

Les deux blacks, l'un dans la bouche, l'autre dans la chatte, s'énervent sur Virginie, qui manifestement aime de plus en plus ça.
Hakim, caméra au poing, les encourage poétiquement : "allez, défoncez-la, elle aime ça, hein, t'aimes ça, sale pute ?"

'Salut, les mecs" Notre pote Max, un black assez gros et franchement laid, arrive 'super, une blonde, vous l'avez chopé où ?'
' Au boulot, c'est la meuf d'un collègue"
Je repense au téléphone toujours allumé et je le ramasse pour le tendre à Max 'tiens, c'est mister mec"
" Et tu t'es dégoté une sacrée pute, toi' entreprends Max sur le champ puis revient vers nous en me filant le tel de Virginie ' il m'a insulté, ton pote' me dit-il 'alors que je le remerciais de nous filer sa meuf, pas sympa'
' Venges-toi sur elle' lui propose Kader 'tu peux tout lui faire et, en plus, elle prends pas la pilule"
' Génial' il touche sa queue et se joint autour de Virginie.

Kader et moi les rejoignons également.
‘Tiens Virginie, on te présente Max ?’ Je lui précise ‘On lui a parlé de toi avec la petite belge’
‘Ouais, ma petite vache, c’était top’ se rappelle Max avec un sourire vicieux.
Elle le dévisage, le regard fixe malgré les coups de bite qu’elle encaisse ‘Bonjour Max’
Le mec qui est dans sa chatte est clairement en train de gicler abondamment et le fait savoir 'tiens, prends tout ma pute'
Hakim commente ' c'est la règle, ce soir : on finit tous dans sa chatte'
Le mec, qu’elle suçait, se positionne rapidement entre ses cuisses et, en trois coups, crache sa purée 'putain, j'ai failli lui gicler dans la gueule' se marre-t-il en se relevant et en tapant dans la main, high five, d'Hakim et Marco.

Virginie est toujours assise sur le canapé, nue, les seins un peu rougis par les manipulations viriles des mecs, les cuisses complètement ouvertes et la chatte béante, coulant de foutre.
Elle nous regarde en se frottant le clito.
Je précise ‘c’est Virginie qui a voulu qu’on t’appelle, Max, quand on lui a raconté la petite belge’.
Le regard de Max brille. Il sourit méchamment. ‘Elle devait avoir envie de tendresse, pas vrai, chérie ?’ Il lui pince un téton.
Elle gémit ‘ Oui, c’est ça, et d’un peu de cul, aussi’
‘Tu vas pas être déçue, salope, ça va te faire des beaux, beaux souvenirs, tu vas voir’ Il claque mister sein. Il désigne le jus qui coule de sa moule ‘Et fais attention au canapé, cochonne, ramasses’.

Elle sort un peu de foutre de sa chatte et se lâche le doigt 'hum, c'est bon, merci les gars, vous aviez les couilles bien pleines'
' T’aimes bien ça, le jus de couilles, hein, ma pute ?'
' J’adore ça, il m'en faut plein, tous les jours'
' Tu dois le vider, ton Antoine'
' Non, lui, en général, il met une capote' elle sourit méchamment 'et je ne le suce jamais, il m'a demandé mais je lui ai dit que ça faisait pute'
' C’est vrai que c'est un truc de pute'
' Oui, c'est vrai' sourit-elle 'c'est pour ça que j'aime bien le faire'
' Et tu suces beaucoup ?'
Elle reprend une bonne dose de foutre de sa chatte en se pourléchant les doigts.
Kader s'approche, la retourne et commence à la prendre dans la chatte par derrière, ses coudes posés sur le canapé.
Elle continue quand même à chauffer les autres.

' Voui ' admet-elle ' je suce tous les mecs qui me la mettent dans la bouche. A la fac, les mecs du foot m'appellent pipa. L'autre jour, ils mistert passés à la maimister en pleine nuit. Ils sortaient d'une soirée, je crois, ils étaient bourrés, ils m'ont réveillé et ils m'ont dit "on a envie de se vider vite les couilles avant de rentrer voir nos meufs". En vingt minutes, j'ai pris six bonnes doses et ils se mistert barrés'
' Et ton copain, il était pas là ?' lui demande Kader en commençant à lui doigter l'anus.
' Tu veux me prendre par le cul, toi ?' s'interrompt Virginie 'tu peux, t'as l'air d'être un vrai salaud, toi, les salauds, j'aime bien qu'ils m'enculent' elle lui embrasse la main et frotte tendrement sa joue contre "on vit pas ensemble avec Antoine, j'ai un studio'
Elle s'écarte les fesses avec les deux mains 'allez encule-moi vite fait et on va au club, j'ai envie de danser avec plein de beaux blacks, moi'.

Kader prend une bière qui traîne sur la table, lui en renverse sur le cul - elle se marre - et commence à entrer laborieusement sa large bite ' tiens, chérie, puisque tu la demandes"
Un des mecs qui se branlaient debout se rapproche fébrilement et commence à gicler, lui maculant les cheveux et le visage.
' Oh, non, on avait dit dedans. Il faut que vous me jutiez dedans, d'accord ?' Elle halète, pistonnée par Kader.
' Ca t'excite maintenant, hein ? T’as envie de te faire engrosser en trompant ton mec, hein ?' lui dis-je
' Ouais' Elle a un grand sourire rayonnant ' c'est le seul truc que je ne lui ai pas encore fait, une fois, il m'a même nettoyée après, sans le savoir, c'était génial.'
' Ca vient aussi, moi' intervient Hak.
' Passes dessous' lui dit Virginie ' viens me juter dedans, faut que vous me jutiez tous dedans'
Hak se positionne sur le dos, sous elle, et ils la prennent brièvement en double avant qu’Hak lui en remette une dose en grognant.

Max intervient ‘On va prendre notre temps avant de partir, chérie. Faut pas arriver trop tôt, quand c’est pas chaud.’
Elle le regarde, curieuse ‘Et en attendant ?’
‘En attendant, on va s’occuper, chérie. On va discuter cool, s’occuper.’
Kader, qui continue à l’enculer, se marre ‘Eh, moi, je m’occupe déjà’.
‘Tu vois, chérie’ note Max ‘Kader s’occupe déjà. Tu vas voir, on va bien s’amuser.’
Elle se lèche les lèvres. ‘Je ne voudrais pas qu’on s’ennuie’.
‘T’inquiètes pas’ Max continue ‘On va se trouver des petites activités. Tiens, j’ai une idée, filmes Hak’.
Il attend qu’Hak se mette en place puis reprend ‘Alors, Virginie, là, tu te fais enculer comme une chienne, c’est ça ?’
‘Et t’aimes bien te faire enculer ?’
‘Tu sais ce que j’aime bien, moi ?’
‘Moi, j’aime bien me faire lécher le cul. Je suis sûr que t’es une bonne lécheuse, toi, non ? T’as une bonne bouche de lécheuse de cul. Allez, tu vas me le lécher un peu et après, t’auras une bonne sodo en récompense’.
Il s’asseoit sur le bord du canapé, écarte les jambes et empoigne la tignasse blonde de la petite.
‘Vous allez voir les mecs, c’est top, ça fait super bander’ nous explique Max en appuyant la gueule de Virgine dans sa raie.
Elle grogne. Hak continue à l’enculer.
‘Allez, ma pute, lèches, allez, mets la langue. Allez, comme quand tu fais un bisou, allez, penses à ton mec’ Il me tape dans la main ‘C’est bon, ça’.
Il la relève.
‘C’est bon, hein, t’aimes ça ?’
‘Allez, expliques à la caméra, chérie, expliques’
‘C’est bon’
‘Non, expliques : j’aime lécher le cul des mecs’
‘J’aime lécher le cul des mecs’
‘Je veux que vous me fassiez des trucs bien crades’
‘Je veux que vous me fassiez des trucs bien crades’.
‘C’est bien, allez, refais le bisou, mets bien la langue, allez, bien au fond. Allez, entraîne toi, chérie, ce soir en boîte, je te le ferai faire dans les chiottes à tous mes potes. Comment il s’appelle ton mec, déjà ?’
‘Antoine’ elle répond, la voix déformée.
‘Eh bien, t’y penseras, chérie, la prochaine fois que tu l’embrasseras, Antoine, hein, tu penseras à tous les culs de blacks que t’as léchée comme une pute. Et tu prendras bien ton temps, en faisant bien tourner ta langue, hein’
Il lui ressort la tête ‘Tu l’avais déjà fait, chérie ?’
‘Une fois. A un taxi. Pour rentrer de boîte, j’avais plus de thune. Il a voulu ça, ça et une pipe.’
‘Et ça t’avait plu, hein ?’
‘J’ai couru me branler en rentrant, je me suis enfoncé un concombre énorme ; J’étais en feu. C’était trop sale.
‘Et t’aimes ça, quand c’est sale ?’
‘OUI’ Elle jouit sur la bite d’Hak qui l’encule toujours puis la sort et lui asperge le cul.
‘T’en as mis partout, Hak, ça va pas, tiens, chopes moi le marqueur là’ dit Max.
‘Toi, chérie, tu recommences à lécher et toi, Hak, mets un mode d’emploi. Ecris lui sur le cul : ‘tronchage ou sodo 10 euros, 5 euros de réduction en giclant dans la chatte’.
Virginie meugle.
Max lui rebloque la tête avec ses cuisses et ses mains et se marre ‘Mais non, chérie, c’est pas trop cher, t’inquiètes pas, t’auras ta dose quand même’ A Hak ‘Et surtout précises : ‘no kpote’
Il la laisse ressortir la tête ‘Alors tu vois, qu’on s’ennuie pas, je te l’avais dis’


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Merci pour ce long texte... à lire à l'aise... Bonne continuation


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A Change in My Wife

This is the story of how my sex life changed dramatically, thanks to a tenant of ours. My wife, who I will call Sally, is a beautiful woman. She has retained her figure over the ten years of our marriage and is my best friend. Unfortunately, until recently, our sex life stunk. Once a week if nothing else got in the way, roll on her and get it over with. Oral sex was out of the question, and anything more kinky than that was not even discussed. All that changed, thanks to John.

John rented a house from us. It was investment property we were going to resell eventually, but for now, his rent pays the mortgage. Without it, we would be in a bind. I work, so Sally manages the property.

She got a call from him one day telling her the air conditioning was out. Now, in South Georgia, that makes the place unhabitable. After several calls, she found out it was going to be a week before it could be fixed. John said he would withhold rent for that period, which he had a right to do under the lease. So Sally went over to talk to him.

He came to the door in a pair of gym shorts.

"Hi, Sally, come in."

"Thanks. Listen, John, I really need for you to change your mind about the rent. The economy has really hurt us, and without that, we will have a hard time making ends meet."

"I know," he said. "But I can't stay here, and I need the money to pay for a hotel."

Sally told me later she was a bit desperate at this point. We knew John had some money put aside and could afford to be out of the place for a few days. We really could not afford to be without the money.

"Isn't there anything we can do? It's pretty bad."

At this point, John raised an eye brow. "What did you have in mind?"

"I really don't know, John. But I want to be able to buy food this month."

John thought for a moment, then said, "Sally, listen, I have an idea. You may not like it, and I think of you as a friend, so I hesitate to suggest it."

"John, I'm pretty desperate. If you have a way, I'll listen. If I don't like it, we can forget it happened."

John continued to back off, and Sally pressed. Finally he said, "Well, OK. Here's the thing. I have always thought you have a beautiful body. If you will let me see your breasts, I think we can do a no interest loan until you can repay me."

"I'm a married woman!" Sally the prude was genuinely shocked.

"No, no. I don't want you to cheat on Thomas. I just want to see your tits."

Sally thought for a minute. How bad could it be? "Nothing else?"


So, with a sigh, she unbuttoned her blouse, revealing her plain white bra-covered 34Cs. Her hands tremred a bit as she reached behind her and unhooked the bra. She revealed her breasts to another man for the first time since our marriage. She says she began to be a bit excited at this point. Then John reached for the bra.

"Hey! You said nothing else."

"Just let me hold it." So she handed it over, and John dropped the bombshell.

"Now, I have this, and Thomas will never believe nothing happened. So, you are going to do something for me."

"I will not have sex with you!" Sally was genuinely angry at this point.

"Not with me. With Thomas. You are to put on your shirt and go home. When he comes in, show him you are not wearing a bra and tell him you have a surprise. Then give him a blow job and swallow his cum."

"Gross! I've never done anything like that."

"Then it's time you learned. Either that or I go to Thomas with the bra and tell him you came on to me."

Sally shuddered. Although I would not have believed John and probably would have kicked his ass for the suggestion, Sally was under a lot of stress and not sure how I would react. So she sighed again and reached for the shirt.

"When you're done, have him call me and thank me." John leered at her.

So it was that when I came home, my wife called me from our bedroom, "Honey, please come in here. I have a surprise for you."

When I entered the bedroom, she was standing by the bed looking beautiful. Something was different, but I could not put my finger on it. She was blushing deeply when she spoke.

"Take off your clothes and lie down. Don't ask any questions until I have given you the surprise, OK?"

She did not have to ask me twice. Sex on Friday afternoon meant nothing more for at least a week, but if she wanted me naked, the sex could be worth it. I stripped in less than a minute and lay down.

"Now just enjoy," she said. She began to slowly unbutton her shirt, revealing her tits. Now I knew what was different. She was not wearing a bra! Now, I have tried without success to get her to go braless, at least around the house, so she knew this would be a turn on. By the time she got the shirt off and stood there in only her jeans, I was rock hard. She slowly approached the bed and spoke in her most sultry voice, "Just lie back and enjoy, big boy. I am going to do something you have always wanted but never gotten."

With that, she kissed me softly and began to work her way down my body, kissing my neck gently. When she paused to suck on my nipples, I let out a groan. As she continued South, it became obvious what she had in mind. My mind was racing. I had a dozen questions, but she had said not to ask, so I kept my mouth shut. Her mouth felt wonderful on my cock, but it was probably the shortest blow job on record. She had barely begun to bob her head up and down before I called out to tell her I was about to cum.

She looked up at me, lust in her eyes, and said, "I want to swallow it."

She barely made it back to my dick before I erupted with cum. True to her word, she swallowed it all.


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I had John on speed dial on my cell phone. He picked up immediately.

"Hello, Thomas."

"I just called to say thanks. You certainly helped make my Friday interesting."

He chuckled. "No problem. Is she there?"


"Put the phone on speaker."

I looked at Sally. Her face was flushed and her nipples were hard as rocks. She was actually rubbing her pussy through her jeans. I pushed the button that put the cell phone on speaker, and John spoke again.

"You both know Thomas would never have believed me, don't you?"

We agreed together.

"That means that little miss conservative Sally liked giving head and being told what to do, doesn't it, Sally?"

My wife shuddered and spoke softly, "Yes."

John's voice got more assertive, "I couldn't hear you. Speak up!"

Sally flushed even more, but spoke up, "Yes."

"That's yes SIR to you, slut."

Again she shuddered, rubbing through her jeans more vigorously, "Yes, sir."

"Very well. Now y'all can stop this at any time, and we'll go back to landlord and tenant, but it turns me on to tell people what to do, and I think you both enjoyed it. So we can either stop now or see where it goes."

I raised my eyebrows at my wife of more that ten years, our signal that meant I am ok if you are. She spoke again,"I think we would like to continue, sir."

"Good. Understand that you will obey me absolutely. You can refuse, but at that point the game is over. Now stop playing with yourself. The night is young. You are to shower separately, Thomas first. While he's getting ready to go to dinner, Sally is to call me on her cell. I have other instructions for her. Thomas, nothing fancy. Khakis and a polo shirt will do"

"Yes, sir," we both replied. I went to take my shower. When I finished, Sally was still naked to the waist, her nipples standing out like pink erasers. She told me to wait for her downstairs, so I went down and watched Sports Center while she did whatever she had been told.

When she came down, she wore the same button up shirt, now with a matching skirt. Her still hard nipples made it obvious that she was not wearing a bra. She came over and kissed me. I was thrilled with the evening and excited about whatever our new boss might have in store, but I also was concerned about our marriage. Important as sex is to me, our relationship was more vital. I spoke hesitantly.

"Are you OK with this?"

Sally smiled, "I'm more turned on than I've ever been in my life. We can always stop if it crosses the line. So I'm OK if you are."

I kissed her. "I have wanted an improvement in our sex life for a long time, but I didn't know how to go about it. Let's see where it goes."

My cell phone rang. It was John. He told me to go to a restaurant about thirty minutes from the house and that both of us were to keep our cell phones with us. Given our financial circumstances, he told me to send him the bill. We left.

The trip to the restaurant was uneventful. John had sent us to an Italian chain restaurant. When we arrived, we asked for a booth as John had instructed. We both love Italian food, and the meal was wonderful. As we finished our entrees, Sally's cell rang.

"Hello, sir," Sally giggled a bit at the form of address. There was a pause, and she blushed a deep red. Then, "Yes, sir." She hung up and announced that she had to visit the ladies' room. She asked me to order coffee and left.

She returned, still red-faced and clutching something in her right hand. The waitress had just served coffee when Sally sat down across from me. She handed me the item in her hand. I immediately realized that I was holing a pair of panties.

"John said to give you these. They should still be damp," she said breathlessly.

Damp was an understatement. They were soaked. We finished the coffee quickly and paid the bill, keeping the receipt for our new master.

When we got back in the car, Sally's phone buzzed, this time indicating a text. She read it, blushed again, and unbuttoned the third button on her blouse, revealing a curve of breast in the dome light. During the thirty minute trip, her phone buzzed three more times, each time causing my conservative wife to lose another button. By the time we got home, she was sitting with her shirt completely open, exposing her beautiful tits. When we pulled in the carport, she turned to me. "Get me inside now. I need to be fucked." I didn't have to be told twice. We made it to the kitchen, where I bent her over the table, pulled up her skirt, and shoved my cock into her from behind, a new position for us. She was soaking. I rammed her violently. She screamed with pure pleasure as she came, and I followed with my second load of the night, this one deep inside her.


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Friday night's call was uneventful, just insuring that we had arrived at home and telling us to expect more the next day.

The next morning, it was my cell phone that rang. We had gotten out of bed early, at least for us on a Saturday. Saturday was our day to stay in bed and have "roll over on her" sex, but after cumming twice on Friday, something I had not done since our honeymoon more that ten years ago, we got out of bed and went down for breakfast. Sally stayed naked to the waist, something John had told her to do in one of their earlier conversations. In any event, I looked at my cell, and the caller ID said it was John.

I picked up. "Yes, sir?"

John's voice was assertive, more so than I had ever heard from him. "I think today is a shopping day. Do y'all have any sex toys?"

My turn to blush. "No, sir."

"You will go to the adult bookstore on East Main. I have an account there. I will text you a list of what to buy. You will leave immediately upon receipt of the list. Clear?"

"Yes, sir," I was interested. I had driven by the store, but had never been inside. What could he have in store for us now? Things just kept getting more and more interesting.

He spoke again. "While you wait, I think it's Sally's turn for some oral pleasure. Where are you now?"

"In the kitchen."

"Then get under the table and make her cum." He hung up.

I looked at Sally. "I have my instructions," I said. I dropped to my knees and crawled under the table. Sally wore gym shorts. As I pulled them down, I realized that in the excitement of yesterday, I had not realized that she had shaved her pussy, something she had refused to do just a month before. As I began to kiss my way up her right leg, I whispered, "I like the new look."

As I neared her pussy, I heard my wife's breathing grow ragged. I kissed my way around her puss, intentionally avoiding her clit, which, thanks to the new, bald look, was easy to see. When I finally arrived at the spot, Sally shoved her hands under the table and pressed my face into her pussy, which was sopping. The smell was exhilarating. I found myself getting hard again. In a few minutes, she began to hump my face and moan. Like me earlier, the excitement of a new experience made her cum in record time.

After cleaning, I checked my cell. The list was there. I dressed in jeans and a polo shirt and called to Sally, "I have to go out. Instructions."

She met me in the foyer and kissed me. "Don't be too long." It came out as a purr.

I drove to the store, about twenty minutes from the house. I did not check the text until I was in the parking lot, conveniently located behind the shop. The text message contained several items that shocked me; still, things were going too well to stop now. The list told me to buy the following items:

1. Large bottle of lubricant

2. Anal training butt plugs

3. Medium size vibrator

4. Nipple clamps

5. Handcuffs

6. Collar

I was pleasantly surprised at the anal training kit, although I suspected that that was where Sally would draw the line. She did not even like me to brush my finger there during sex. But it was John's money. It was the clamps. Cuffs and collar that shocked me. I had never really been into bondage, but the thought of my lovely wife bound and totally at my disposal was too good to pass up.

The store was well lit and well organized. It did not take me long to find the items John had told me to buy. The assortment of other items they carried was amazing; I could have spent a fortune if I did not have specific instructions. I paid for the list and left, storing the bag in the trunk. I had visions of being pulled over and trying to explain butt plugs and nipple clamps to a police officer.

I got home, pulled into the carport and got the bag out of the trunk. When I went through the kitchen door, I found my wife kneeling nude in the middle of the floor. She looked up at me, her eyes full of lust, and said, 'I got a call."

She dropped to her hands and knees and crawled to me. She sat up, undid my jeans, and pulled them and my shorts to the floor. I was already hard, a state that now seemed constant, and Sally put her hands behind her back and leaned forward. She kissed the head of my cock lightly and licked her way down the underside to the base. Then she took my balls, one at a time, in her mouth and sucked lightly on each. After kissing her way back to the head, she engulfed my dick and began to blow me in earnest. This time I was able to hold out a bit longer, but soon I felt the pressure build and shot my load in her mouth. She swallowed and smiled.

"What did you bring me?" She asked.

"Can't tell you," I replied. "You'll have to wait on another call."

It was a call that seemed forever in coming. I straightened myself up, and Sally put on panties and jeans. We spent the afternoon straightening the house and taking care of weekend business. About mid afternoon, Sally put on a blouse and went to the grocery store. When she got home, she was flushed and her nipples were prominently displayed through the blouse.

"What?" I asked.

"He's coming over for dinner."


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He's coming over? What the hell? One of John's first conditions had been that he would not touch Sally; he did not want her to cheat on me, he just wanted control over our sex life for a time. I raised my eyebrows. When you have been married as long as Sally and I, sometimes that is all that is required.

Sally spoke, "I know. I'm not sure what's going to happen. But he said we can stop anytime. Plus, he's already seen my tits."

Now that in and of itself was a change. For all the time I had known her, Sally had referred to her breasts. I had never heard the word "tits" from her before. And she had a point. We could stop at any time. Still.

She rose from her knees and went to get her panties and jeans, all that John allowed her to wear around the house. This kept both of us in a state of almost constant arousal.

I spoke again. "What if he wants to go further?"

She looked over her shoulder at me, Further?"

"What if he wanted to touch your tits?"

Sally paused for a moment. Clearly, she was considering how to phrase her response. Finally, she said, "I would probably be OK with if you were. I don't want to do anything to cause problems between us. But before this weekend, I never realized how much I could enjoy sex. Frankly, I would do just about anything he wanted right now."

"Anything?" I asked. "What if he wants to fuck you?"

"I think I would draw the line there," she said. "But anything else you're OK with I would do."

The next question and answer was really the turning point for us in our sex lives. I asked, "Would you suck his cock?"

Sally looked at the floor and blushed. "If you told me to."

I was surprised, but began to see where this might lead. I pushed, knowing what was in the bag in the corner. "What if one of us told you to put plugs in your ass so it would get stretched out to be fucked?"

Again, the language was new to us. But I wanted to push her; to see if she really would do what I told her, not just John. Again, her response surprised me.

"Not if John told me. But I would if you did."

"So you really want to take orders from me?" I held my breath.

"Yes," she almost shouted. "That's what I've learned since Friday morning. I do want to take orders sexually, but not from John. From you."

I made a decision. "Good. Then we don't need to wait for John. I'll tell him tonight. I do think he deserves a reward, though, don't you?"

"Whatever you say, sir." I got a tingle at the word "sir."

"Go take a shower and shave everything. I will be up shortly."

To tell the truth, I needed some time. All this had happened very quickly, and I needed to consider my position. Did I really want Sally to do anything with John that she had not already done? How would we both feel about it? Really, though, those were secondary questions. The real issue was me. Could I give her what she so obviously needed? In the end, I had to try.

I heard the shower stop and made myself wait half an hour before heading up to the bedroom. When I got there, Sally was sitting on the edge of the bed, naked. She looked up at me happily.

"I wasn't sure how you wanted me, sir."

There was that word again. I began to feel myself stir again despite the recent blowjob. But now was not the time. We did not have all that much time; it was already late in the afternoon. I turned to my wife and brought out the bag.

She raised her eyebrows. "We're going to owe John some money."

I nodded and brought out the cuffs. I attached them to her wrists and ankles, then I brought out the collar. When I spoke, I tried to sound authoritative.

"When you wear this, you belong to me. In the future, I may direct you to get it or you may put it on yourself. Once it is on, however, it stays on until I remove it. Understood?"

"Yes, sir." Sally lifted her hair so I could place the collar around her neck. I caught my breath. She was stunning, standing there in a collar and cuffs and nothing else. I took a moment to enjoy the view.

There was, of course, another reamister as well. I was about to put the first plug in her ass. While she had simply refused to blow me in the past, her back door had been most definitely off limits. I had tried to play with it a couple of times, but on each occasion, she had become furious and the sex had stopped. This would be the ultimate test. I took a breath.

"I am now going to begin to prepare your ass to be fucked, slave. In order to make it as pleasant as possible for you, we will spend a few weeks stretching you out. You will wear the plug for at least an hour each day, on your own time, moving up once a week under my supervision. Am I clear?"

There was a pause. I expected some resistance, but she simply nodded and bent forward over the bed, reaching back to spread her cheeks. John was really onto something. I applied a generous amount of lube to the plug and smeared it over her virgin hole. Then, slowly and gently, I pushed the plug into place. There was a gasp at first, then Sally relaxed and let me complete the task.

Now she was really hot. I was ready to take the next step when the doorbell rang.


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Bigger, Better, And Black!

"Brian, I am sorry to have to say this, but I need to be fucked by a
real man with a decent sized cock who can last more than two
minutes. I am sick and tired of your tiny dick, and if we are going
to stay together, you are going to have to accept being a cuckold in

These words from my bride of six months cut through me like a
knife. I always knew that I was smaller than other men, but I
thought that she was happy with me.

To give some background, I met Jane just under a year ago at a
party. She is 5' 5" tall, a pretty redhead with a figure men drool
over. I fell for her the moment I saw her, and asked her to marry me
within a month of our meeting. We did not have sex before our
marriage, because to be honest, I was a little self conscious about
the size of my cock, and did not want to lose her.

It seemed that my deception was about to rebound on me.

"Well?" snapped Jane, "what do you have to say?"

"I love you so much" I replied, "and I want you to be happy, but I
can't bear the thought of you with another man."

"It's either that, or I pack my bags" she said, with a finality that
I could not argue with.

"No, please don't leave" I pleaded, "I will accept anything you say."

"Good," she replied, "because I already have the man lined up, and
can't wait to get started."

I felt sick. "Do I know him?" I enquired pathetically.

"Yes, it's Jamister, the big black guy I work with."

I did remember him from her office Christmas party. A huge, good
looking man of 23, the same age as Jane. He treated me quite
contemptuously when I was introduced to him, I got the impression
that he considered me a wimp, which I have increasingly found that I

"Has he....?" I began to say, but was cut off by Jane.

"No, he hasn't fucked me yet, but we have had some heavy petting
sessions in his car, and I have sucked him off."

"But you have always refused to do that" I said, "you told me you
didn't like it."

"Well you see Brian" she laughed, Jamister is a real man, a dominant
man who gets what he wants. And when I was on my knees in front of
his thick 12" cock, I wanted it deep in my mouth. I wanted to suck
all his come out of him and swallow it to please him."

This was all a huge shock to me, and tears began to run down my
face, much to Jane's amusement.

"If you are crying now" she laughed, "I have a feeling you will be
crying an awful lot more in the future at the things I intend to do.
You deliberately kept from me the fact that you have a little boy's
cock, and I intend to make you pay for that."

I had never seen this side of Jane, she was obviously furious that
she had been landed with a husband totally unable to satisfy her
sexual needs, and wanted revenge.

"Now that we have sorted things out, I can start making
arrangements" continued Jane. With that she picked up the phone and
dialled the number of her future lover.

"Hello Big Cock" she laughed when he answered, "the wimp knows the
score, let's meet up tonight so I can start being your slut whore
properly. "How did he take it? The pathetic little cunt burst into
tears like a little girl, but who cares?" She laughed again. They
arranged to meet at seven that night.


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Jane came downstairs after having had her bath. She was dressed in a
tiny black dress I had not seen before, which showed a lot of bust
and a lot of leg. She also wore black high heeled shoes which
accentuated her beautifully shaped calves. She looked absolutely
gorgeous, and my little cock began to stir.

"How do I look?" she asked, "do you think Jamister will want to fuck me?"

"You look wonderful" I said dejectedly.

"Good" she replied, and then whispered in my ear "I have left my
underwear off so he can get at me that much quicker".

I thought of begging her not to go, but I knew it was useless.

"Don't wait up" she shouted on her way out, "I won't be home until
morning. Have a wank imagining Jamister's cock deep inside me if you
like." Her laughter as she walked out cut through me again.

I slept very little that night. The thought of her in bed with Jamister
making me feel sick. At about eight next morning, I heard the front
door open, and Jane coming up the stairs singing to herself.

"Hello my little cuckold" she laughed, "isn't it a lovely morning?.
Boy, I had a wonderful night with my big black stud. He fucked me
like I have never been fucked before. He had me crying out and
coming until I thought it would never stop".

"He's a good lover then" I said rather superfluously.

"Good? She exclaimed, sliding off her dress, "look what that big
black bastard has done to your wife!"

She had love bites all over her tits and on the inside of her

"He fucked me four times last night" she went on, "and he made me
suck him off twice. He says I am now his cock sucking slut to do as
he pleases with, and he is right!"

To my shame I began to cry again, and told her I would do anything
for her, to try to keep her.

"What you can do right now my weepy little sissy boy, is get on your
knees in front of me and lick my lover's beautiful black cum out of
my cunt to show your acceptance that he has taken me from you."

Totally beaten, I knelt before her and began to lick her.

"Get used to the taste, wimp" she spat, "you are going to be eating
a lot more of that in future".

When I had finished, Jane had a bath, and caught up on some relax.
When she got up later on, she called me into the living room to
discuss the future.

"Brian" she started, "now that I have sampled Jamister's big cock, I
have to tell you that you will never be allowed sex with me again.
Your role will simply be that of cum-sucker. I intend to make things
as humiliating as possible for you, you will be powerd to watch me
being fucked on occasion, and made to perform acts that you will no
doubt find distasteful. Jamister has decided he wants to fuck me in our
bed, to show you that I belong totally to him, so he will be coming
round tonight. I shall require you to prepare a nice meal and wait
on us""

Not having a choice, I agreed to this, and awaited the evening with
a certain amount of dread.


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I was finishing cooking the meal, and Jane was upstairs getting
ready, when the doorbell rang at 7 o'clock. I answered it, and Jamister
swept past me without a word. Jane came down the stairs wearing only
a skimpy black nightie which left little to the imagination. She
threw her arms around Jamister, and they kissed passionately.

"I have been soaking wet all afternoon, thinking about you" she said
breathlessly, "come and sit down while the wimp fixes us a take".

"Good idea" replied Jamister, "get me a large scotch boy, and the same
for your wife"

"Certainly" I replied, smarting at the use of the word "boy" from a
man younger than I.

"Brian" Jane cut in, "I think you should call Jamister "Sir". After all
he is my master, and he will now also be yours".

"Certainly Sir" I corrected myself, and went into the kitchen with
their derisive laughter ringing in my ears.

When I returned with the takes, they were sitting on the sofa, with
Jamister's hand up under Jane's nightie, playing with her pussy. For
her part, Jane had released Jamister's monster cock, and was stroking
up and down the very erect shaft. The sick feeling in my stomach

"Doesn't he have a magnificent cock Brian ?" cooed my wife.

"Yes" I mumred grudgingly.

"Tell him then" she snapped.

"You have a magnificent cock, Sir" I told him feeling totally

"Thank you" he replied mockingly, "and later on it is going to be
sliding into your wife's cunt right up to the balls, while you stand
by watching helplessly". This caused them both to roar with

After the meal, Jamister said "I think it's showtime, let's all go

They walked upstairs hand in hand with me following, head bowed,
dreading what was to come.

Jane told me to strip, while they began to undress each other
lovingly. Jamister took charge.

"Right boy, you kneel down and get Jane's cunt ready for me while
she sucks my big black cock". I did as I was told, and after a while
Jamister told me to have a good look at my wife's mouth sliding up and
down his cock.

"She is a terrific cocksucker isn't she?" he asked. "Oh of course,
you have never had it have you?"

"And never will" my wife cut in spitefully, before returning to
worship his magnificent prick.

When they were ready, Jane told me to bring over a chair and sit by
the bed to get a good view of what was to happen. I sat down feeling
very nauseous as Jane lay down on the bed. Jamister got on top, and she
wrapped her arms round his neck and her legs round his back.

"I know it's too late for you Brian, she said to me, "but watch and
learn how a women needs to be fucked""

With that Jamister rammed his cock into my wife with one thrust.

"Oh Jamister" she cried out "That feels so fucking good, you donkey
cocked black bastard! You show him how it's done while I show him
what he is going to be missing in the future"

All the time Jamister was pounding into her, Jane kept eye contact with
me and taunted me the whole time.

"Oh Brian, he has really mastered me, he has made me addicted to his
cock. I am his cock sucking slut, and he is my black Master. I will
do anything he wants, I am going to take his cum into my belly, and
you are going to see it happen!"

Once again, I began to cry uncontrollably, as she begged him to fuck
her harder and never stop. After what seemed like an eternity, Jamister
tensed, and emptied his balls into my willing wife. She sobbed with
pleasure, and thanked her Master for a wonderful fuck.

After they had calmed down, Jamister grabbed me by the hair and pulled
me towards Jane's cum-filled cunt.

"Lick it out of her wimp" he shouted, "get her clean, ready to take
the next load".

"Yes, come on cum-sucker" my wife added, "show Jamister that you accept
that you are beaten, that I am his alone. This is all you are good
for now, this and licking my arse!"

When I had cleaned her, she told me to kneel in front of Jamister and
clean his cock with my mouth. I protested that I was not gay, and
found the idea disgusting.

"You are a sissy boy" she spat back, and this is your life from now
on , a cum-takeing cock sucking sissy boy cuckold."

With that, she grabbed my head and pushed it into Jamister's groin, to
add a further offense on a night that had been full of them.


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Je suis devenue une chienne

J'étais partie de la maimister familiale depuis 2 ans, après avoir trouvé du travail, je louais un appartement du centre ville. Agée de 21 ans et célibataire depuis quelques temps ma vie sexuelle était monotone j'avais eu très peu d'expériences, pourtant je suis une fille plutôt mignonne, blonde, fine avec de jolies formes et je plais pas mal aux mecs.
Je revenais passer les vacances de temps à autre, au calme dans la maimister de mes parents où j'avais encore ma chambre afin de me ressourcer et de penser à autre chose.
Mes parents possèdent une grande maimister ainsi qu’un terrain d’un hectare, isolé à plusieurs centaines de mètres du premier voisin.
J'étais donc arrivée deux jours auparavant et ce matin là, je faisais une grasse matinée, étant seule à la maimister pour toute la journée, mes parents étant partis toute la journée, rafraîchie par l’agréable air frais du matin.

J'étais nue sous mon drap, m'étant laissée aller à la masturbation la veille au soir en repensant à mon ancien copain pour qui j'avais encore quelques sentiments ou plutôt une attirance physique. Je m'étais donné beaucoup de plaisir avec mes doigts.
j'étais encore dans endormie lorsque, me tirant de mes rêves, je sentis un frismister de plaisir me traverser de part en part, je sentais comme une langue entre mes cuisses, je mis quelques secondes à émerger et je fini par m'apercevoir que c'était Onyx, notre labrador noir qui me lapait, sa langue parcourait toute mon intimité. Je sursautai, le repoussant vivement de mes deux mains, je restai sur le coup de l'émotion un instant, assise sur mon lit, puis je repris mes esprits, j'enfilai une culotte et un tee-shirt que j’avais sorti de mon armoire et je descendais à la cuisine préparer mon petit déjeuner. Ma mère avait m'avait laissé du café, je m'en servais une tasse avec du lait et je m'asseyais à table. Pendant que je portai la tasse à ma bouche, Onyx revint à la charge, il colla sa truffe sur ma culotte et me renifla.
-Onyx, va t'en! m'écriais-je.
Je le repoussais une nouvelle fois, puis je me demandais pourquoi il me était aussi excité alors qu'il m'avait vu des dizaines de fois. Je me disais qu'il sentait peut-être l'odeur de ma masturbation de la veille et que ça lui donnait des envies. Mon petit déjeuner fini, je n'y pensais déjà plus, je me levais de table pour aller prendre une douche rafraîchissante devant Onyx qui était toujours assis dans la cuisine et qui me fixait.
La douche me fit un bien fou, je restais sous l'eau ruisselante pendant un long moment.
Je sortais de la douche, une serviette autour de moi, que je fis glisser par terre, puis je remis ma culotte et mon tee-shirt.
Je regardais au loin par la fenêtre de ma chambre, le jardin donnait sur un bois dont la lisière était à cent bons mètres de la maimister, je vis au loin Onyx couché au soleil, juste à côté de Banjo, le tout jeune berger allemand du voisin qui venait souvent jouer avec mister copain.

Plus tard dans la matinée, je me suis mise devant la télévision, je zappais sur toutes les chaînes pour finir par m'arrêter sur une chaîne musicale. Assise sur le canapé, j'étais perdue dans mes pensées.
Le passage d'un clip à un autre me sorti de mes misterges, face à moi je vis Onyx, je ne l’avais ni vu ni entendu arriver, il était assis et me fixait, je baissais le regard vers mister ventre, je vis mister sexe en érection, il était tout rouge, d'une taille... impressionnante, je n’aurais jamais pensé pas qu'un chien pouvait avoir un sexe si gros, comparable à celui d'un homme. Je repensais à ce qu'il m'avait fait ce matin et sans que je ne puisse m'en empêcher, un tas d'images me venait en tête, me voyant faire des choses avec mon chien. Je tentais tant bien que mal de me sortir ces idées de l'esprit, je me levais prestement et je filais à la cuisine, laver ma tasse à café, je n'avais pas vu qu'Onyx m'avait suivi.
Alors que j'étais au dessus de l'évier, je senti à nouveau le museau du chien venir se poser sur ma culotte, il enfonça mister museau et huma fortement mon odeur. Je le repoussais une nouvelle fois et il passa un grand coup de langue sur ma culotte. Je me retournais vivement, Onyx se coucha sur le côté, mister sexe toujours en érection, toujours en me fixant. Je le regardais un court moment, les images revenant dans ma tête, je me décidais à m'accroupir à côté de lui.
Je caressais mister poitrail, et je descendais lentement, malgré un moment d’hésitation, je passais doucement mes doigts sur mister sexe, puis je saisis mister fourreau entre mes doigts et je me mis à faire des va et vient. Le chien ne bougeait pas hormis mister bassin qui faisait de légers mouvements, il se laissait faire, je continuais de le branler lorsque très vite il éjacula, une bonne quantité de sperme gicla de sa bite si fort que j’en avais sur mes doigts, sur le pied, sur le mollet et même sur la cuisse sans compter ce qui avait atterri sur le carrelage. J’eu un instant de dégoût, puis je retournais à la salle de bain me laver la jambe laissant Onyx où il était.
Toute la journée des pensées honteuses me vinrent à l’esprit, je me revoyais masturber mon chien et le faire jouir et je l’imaginais même en train de me faire jouir également j’étais complètement déconcertée et je me trouvais dégoûtante par le fait que ça ne me dérangeait pas plus que ça, je me demandais même si je n’avais pas perdu la tête.



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Le soir, mes parents débarquèrent juste pour le dîner, je tentais tant bien que mal de cacher mon trouble.
Ils me demandèrent si ma journée s’était bien passée, je ne savais pas quoi leur répondre de peur qu’ils ne se doutent de quelque chose même si il aurait été impensable qu’ils ne s’en doutent vraiment.
Je vérifiais régulièrement du regard où se trouvait Onyx et la plupart du temps il était assis ou couché à quelques mètres mais toujours en train de me regarder.
Exténués par leur journée mes parents allèrent se coucher assez tôt, moi j’étais allongée sur mon lit, je regardais un jeu à la télévision tout en me caressant par dessus ma culotte. Je ne pus m’empêcher de repenser à cette journée, je me touchais en m’imaginant caresser mon chien, j’écartais ma culotte et glissa un doigt à l’intérieur de mon sexe, rapidement rejoint par un second. Je fermais les yeux après un moment de plaisir, pour me réveiller le lendemain matin, relativement tôt. J’étais déjà pleine de pensées malsaines, je fis le tour de ma chambre du regard, Onyx n’était pas là.
Je me levais après avoir rêvassé un moment, pour aller illico m’affaler sur le canapé, mes parents étaient déjà partis travailler.
Onyx arriva quelques minutes plus tard, il s’élança vers moi et me fit la fête quelques dizaines de secondes comme il le faisait souvent. Son museau se dirigea d’un seul vers le bas de mon ventre, il reniflait mon odeur avec insistance. Assise sur le canapé, je repliais mes jambes contre ma poitrine, j’enlevais ma culotte que je jetais à terre et je présentais mon sexe au chien. J’écartais mes lèvres de mes doigts et Onyx, vint y poser sa langue, il me lécha m’arrachant un gémissement, sa langue parcourait tout mon sexe, allant même jusqu'à frotter mon petit trou. Je gémissais de plus en plus et je mouillais abondamment, je me cambrais à chaque fois qu’il titillait mon clitoris, Ses coups de langue s’insinuaient partout, jusque dans ma fente que j’ouvrais des mes doigts.
Le chien se régalait de ma cyprine qui coulait de ma chatte sur mes fesses, n’en laissant pas échapper une goutte.

Après avoir pris un immense plaisir, je me relevais et me baissais à côté d’Onyx qui se coucha sur le côté, je saisissais sa pine entre mes doigts et je recommençais à le branler. Bientôt j’eu envie d’y goûter, j’approchais alors prudemment ma bouche, je déposais ma langue sur le bout rouge vif que mes lèvres vinrent ensuite encercler. La bite de mon chien était presque entièrement dans ma bouche, je m’appliquais à lui prodiguer une fellation comme je le ferais pour un homme, aspirant bien mister membre.
J’étais à genoux près de lui mister sexe maintenant au complet dans ma bouche autour duquel je serrais bien mes lèvres. Il ne mit encore que très peu de temps à jouir, sans que je le sente venir, mister liquide se déversa à flots dans ma bouche, j’en avais tellement que j’en avalais une partie pendant que le reste dégoulinait de mes lèvres. Je dois bien avouer que la chose me plut ainsi que le goût que j’avais maintenant dans la bouche.
De plus en plus folle d’excitation, je restais à genoux en posant mes mains sur le sol et je me présentais comme ça face au chien, il ne mit pas longtemps à comprendre ce que j’attendais de lui, il remit sa langue un instant sur mon sexe et s’éleva pour poser ses pattes sur mes épaules. Je tournais ma tête pour le regarder, il faisait des petits mouvements de bassin dans le vide, d’une main, j’attrapais mister pénis que je guidais jusqu’à mon vagin. Dès l’instant où il senti mon trou devant mister sexe il entama de grands mouvements, il me pénétra d’un seul coup et s’enfonça jusqu’au plus profond qu’il pouvait, j’émis un cri de plaisir qui aurait alerté tout le monde s’il y avait eu quelqu’un dans la maimister.
J’étais devenue une chienne, Onyx me limait à une cadence infernale me faisant gémir bruyamment à chaque aller retour, je mouillais comme jamais, j’étais tellement lubrifiée que mister pénis sortait plusieurs fois de mon antre pour s’y renfoncer toujours plus fort à chaque fois.
Son sexe était encore plus gros que la veille, écartant bien mes parois vaginales à chaque passage et me procurant probablement le plus grand plaisir que je n’ai jamais eu. J’atteignis l’orgasme au moment ou il déchargea tout mister sperme chaud à l’intérieur de mon vagin, encore une quantité impressionnante de liquide qui remplit mon ventre. Il eut un peu de mal à se retirer après avoir éjaculé et lorsqu’il y parvint le liquide s’échappa de mon sexe et coula par terre, moi je roulais sur le côté et m’étendit au sol, complètement nue, après m’être offerte à mon chien, un filet de sperme coulant encore de mon sexe qu’Onyx vint nettoyer de sa langue pour finir le travail.

Je me relevais et ramassant ma culotte, je prenais la direction de la salle de bain pour me nettoyer, une main sur mon sexe pour ne pas laisser tomber des traces douteuses au sol.
Après la douche je m’étendis sur mon lit puis je m’endormis pour me réveiller en début d’après midi.
Lorsque je redescendis, Onyx était couché dehors, Il courut vers moi lorsqu’il me vit et se coucha sur le côté à mes pieds qu’il lécha, visiblement il n’était pas rassasié.
Je me baissais à ses côté et mis ma main sur mister fourreau, mister sexe n’était pas encore en érection, mais le contact de ma main refit émerger cet énorme pénis rouge.
Je le branlais lentement, je voulais qu’il tienne un peu plus longtemps sous mes caresses. Je me mis à genoux et j’avalais délicatement sa bite, que je me mis à sucer lentement.
Je sentis tout à coup une autre langue se poser sur ma culotte, prise par surprise, je me suis mise à pousser un cri, en me retournant je vis que c’était Banjo, le chien du voisin qui à mister tour était venu, probablement par attiré par l’odeur du sexe.
Sans même y réfléchir, je fis descendre ma culotte jusque sur le bas de mes cuisses et retournais à la fellation que j’avais entreprise.
Le berger allemand ne perdit pas une seconde pour me monter, il s’écrasa de tout mister poids sur mon dos, ses griffes me faisant mal sur les épaules puis il commença à avancer mister bassin lui aussi dans le vide, jusqu’au ce que seul, il trouve mon entrée déjà prête à l’accueillir.
Je me rendis vite compte que mister sexe était encore plus gros que celui de mon chien, Banjo me pénétrait de mister long et épais membre, il me faisait prendre mon pied pendant que j’avais le pénis d’onyx dans la bouche.
De nouveau, tellement mon vagin était lubrifié, la queue de Banjo sorti, et lorsqu’il entreprit de me pénétrer à nouveau, c’est contre mon anus qu’il buta. Sans faire la différence, il s’appuya une fois puis une deuxième fois sans succès, la troisième fois, quand il appuya plus fort, mon petit trou céda et libéra le passage à ce gros pénis.
Je relevais d’un coup ma tête, hurlant de douleur, je tentais de faire descendre Banjo en le repoussant de mes mains, en tentant de me redresser, mais rien n’y faisait, il était trop lourd et il s’accrochait. J’avais si mal, mon anus n’avait encore jamais été visite et le dépucelage était violent, je criais encore de douleur, commençant même à pleurer en continuant à essayer de faire descendre le chien.
J’abandonnais finalement et acceptais ma soumission, je le laissais me sodomiser, sa queue s’enfonçant entièrement dans mon petit trou beaucoup plus étroit que cette dernière. Il faisait de puissants va et vient, poussant à chaque fois sa queue aussi loin que possible, ses testicules butant sur mon vagin.
Peu à peu, je cessais de crier, la douleur commençait à disparaître, je recommençais à sucer Onyx qui n’attendait que ça, Banjo me prenant toujours par derrière à une cadence infernale ce qui commençait à me donner un léger plaisir.
Onyx fut le premier à jouir, malgré tout ce qu’il avait lâché comme liquide auparavant, il remplit une nouvelle fois ma bouche, suivi peu de temps après par Banjo qui déversa tout mister sperme dans mon anus, limant encore quelques coups après quoi il descendit de sur mon dos.
Je mis ma main sur mes fesses, examinant les dégâts, mon anus était bien ouvert, laissant échapper du liquide blanc, j’en recueillis un peu sur mes doigts que je portais à ma bouche pour voir si le goût était différent, ensuite je remis ma culotte et je filais dans ma chambre examiner une nouvelle fois mon petit trou, j’étais rassurée car il avait commencé à se resserrer. Je glissais un doigt à l’intérieur, ce qui me procurait un plaisir jusqu’alors inconnu et ce qui malgré la douleur récemment ressentie, me donnait envie de recommencer.



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Ce soir là, ma tante et ma cousine arrivèrent plus ou moins à l'improviste, peu après que mes parents ne rentrent du boulot. Alors que j'avais déjà en tête ma journée du lendemain que je comptais passer avec les chiens, mais mes plans étaient maintenant contrariés puisque je ne serais pas seule à la maimister. Le soir, ma cousine entra dans ma chambre alors que j'étais assise sur mon lit.

-C'est moi Chloé, je peux entrer ?
-Bien sur Laure, entre.

Elle me rejoignit et s'assit sur mon lit. Nous commençâmes à discuter de tout et de rien, de nos copains, de nos boulots, jusqu'à ce que la conversation en vienne au sexe.

-Depuis combien de temps tu n'as plus couché avec un garçon ? Me demanda laure
-Plusieurs mois, depuis que je me suis séparée de mon mec et toi ?
-Ca fait juste quelques jours, j'avais rencontré un mec au boulot, il m'a invité à boire un verre et il m'a ramené à mister appartement. Et sinon, qu'est ce que c'est le truc le plus fou que t'aies fait sexuellement ?

Je me gardais bien de lui révéler mon secret, pour la peine, je lui en avouais un autre.

-Le truc le plus fou, je ne sais pas trop, mais une fois j'ai couché avec un prof qui m'avait mis une mauvaise note et pour ne pas rater mon examen je suis rentré dans la salle quand il était seule et il m'a sauté sur le bureau.
-Ah pas mal, et il a remonté ta note ?
-Bien sûr, j'ai même du être un bon coup puisqu'il m'a mis un 20. Et toi qu'as tu fait ?
-Une fois j'ai recouvert mon sexe de miel qu'un mec à léché, j'ai aussi laissé deux mecs mes sauter dans un train régional en rentrant un soir, et une fois au boulot, j'avais emmené un gode et je me suis masturbée alors qu'un collègue était assis en face. Tu as déjà essayé la pénétration anale ?
-Non jamais, j'ai peur que ça fasse mal.
-Crois moi, si le mec s'y prend bien ça ne fait pas mal, ou alors juste un peu au début et après tu prends ton pied, c'est super.

Bien qu'elle soit encore assez jeune puisqu'elle venait à peine de fêter ses 19 ans, elle avait déjà beaucoup d'expérience, plus que moi même.
Nous avons continué à discuter pendant une partie de la nuit, jusqu'à ce que nous finissions par être trop fatiguées. Laure devait dormir avec sa mère dans la chambre d'amis, mais finalement elle est restée dormir dans ma chambre, mon lit étant suffisamment grand pour toutes les deux.
Quand je me suis réveillée, Laure dormait encore, je me suis lever doucement pour ne pas la réveiller, puis j'ai enlevé ma nuisette et ma culotte. Pendant que je m'avançais pour prendre mes sous vêtements dans ma commode, je sentis une drôle de sensation. En me retournant je vis que Laure était éveillée, elle me regardait attentivement.

-Je ne t'ai pas réveillé ?
-Non ne t'en fait pas. Tu sais que tu as un très beau corps.

J'étais tout de même un peu gênée, même si elle m'avait déjà vue nue auparavant c'était il y a longtemps, quand nous étions encore petites filles.
J'enfilais mes sous vêtements quand elle me dit :

-Tu as de super belles fesses, les mecs doivent être dingues que tu ne les laisse pas en profiter.

Je souriais toujours en étant gênée. Laure s'est ensuite levée et nous sommes allées prendre notre petit déjeuner dans la cuisine, ma tante était déjà là.

-Alors les filles, bien dormi ?
-Oui très bien. Lui répondis-je.
-Vous avez encore bavardé toute la nuit je suppose ?

Nous la regardions en souriant, même pas la peine de répondre tellement c'était une évidence.
Alors que je prenais mon café, je vis Onyx qui passait dans le jardin, je ne pus m'empêcher de jeter un regard sur sa bite, rangée dans mister fourreau. Décidée à ne pas changer mes plans, je dis à ma tante :

-Je vais aller voir une amie au village tout à l'heure, j'en aurais pas pour longtemps.
-D'accord, je vais aller me laver. Me répondit ma tante.

Je remontais dans ma chambre et enfilais un petit short en jean ainsi qu'un tee-shirt, ma cousine était derrière moi à ce moment là.

-Je peux t'accompagner ?
-Oh non, tu va t'ennuyer, c'est une vieille dame chez qui je passe de temps en temps pour lui faire des courses.
-Ok, je vais rester là. Me répondit Laure visiblement déçue.


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Mon menmisterge semblait marcher, je ne pouvais vraiment pas l'emmener mais peut-être que je lui raconterai un jour mon secret. Je mis mes chaussures et sortai de la maimister, je m'avançais dans le jardin en direction du bois, j'appelais Onyx qui me suivit immédiatement, tous deux bientôt rejoints par Banjo que je n'avais pas vu arriver. Je pensais dans ma tête qu'il avait du apprécier la fiesta de la veille.
J'arrivais à la lisière du bois vers lequel je m'enfonçais, déjà la tête à mes pensées cochonnes.
Je ne voyais plus la maimister, avançant toujours dans le bois, je choisis de m'arrêter sur une petite parcelle d'herbe au milieu de nulle part où je ne risquais pas d'être dérangée.
A peine assise par terre, les deux chiens tournèrent autour de moi, je caressais leur pelage puis mes mains descendirent chacune sur une bite. Les deux chiens se couchèrent au même moment, chacun d'un côté, mes mains faisaient leur travail, les deux sexes étaient déjà bandés bien durs.
Je m'arrêtais un instant, le temps d'enlever mes habits, que je déposais au pied d'un arbre.
Pour la première fois, j'étais complètement nue dehors, je m'abaissais alors à côté des chiens et reprit la branlette que je leur faisais.
J'approchais lentement ma bouche d'Onyx que je commençais à lécher tout en continuant de branler Banjo, puis je me tournais de façon pouvoir sucer Onyx pendant que j'offrais mon sexe aux coups de langue de Banjo qui ne tarda pas à se mettre au travail et fourra sa langue entre mes cuisses me faisant encore trembler de plaisir.

Un bruissement m'interrompis, je relevais ma tête, persuadée d'avoir entendu un bruit, terrifiée à l'idée que quelqu'un me surprenne. Je fus incapable de bouger, prise de panique lorsque je vis ma cousine sortir d'un bosquet en souriant, elle venait de me surprendre, la queue d'un chien dans la bouche pendant qu'un autre me faisait un cunnilingus.

-Ah ben ça, c'est un truc que j'ai jamais fait ! me dit elle en rigolant.
-Je. Je., pitié. Ne dis rien, je t'en supplie.

J'étais complètement abattue, la tête basse, je n'attendais que ses moqueries, ou pire qu'elle coure prévenir tout le monde.

-Tu me montres comment on fais ?

Je relevais la tête, elle avait déjà posé sa main sur le sexe de Banjo, je repris le sourire immédiatement et je la laissais faire en la regardant quelques instants.

-Quel goût ça a ? me demanda t'elle
-Tu peux essayer, tu verra ce n'est pas désagréable.

Lui répondit-je tout en mettant ma main sur sa nuque et en dirigeant sa tête vers la queue du berger allemand.
Arrivé à quelques centimètres elle sorti sa langue puis elle lécha timidement le bout du sexe.
J'appuyais une nouvelle fois sur sa nuque, l'invitant à prendre le bout entier dans sa bouche, ce qu'elle fit immédiatement.
Pendant ce temps je recommençais à branler Onyx, en prenant un certain plaisir à voir Laure sucer l'autre chien.
Il se passa moins de deux minutes lorsque Banjo éjacula, Laure recula de dégoût et recracha le liquide par terre.

-Tu dois bien faire les pipes, il a joui rapidement !
-A toi, essaye sur l'autre ! me dit elle.

Je baissais ma tête et pris le pénis d'Onyx d'un seul coup dans ma bouche puis j'aspirais mister sexe, une fois sa bite dans ma bouche je la léchais avec ma langue.
Onyx aussi mis moins de deux minutes à jouir, il lâcha une rasade de liquide blanc dans ma bouche, en me relevant je montrais à Laure que j'avalais tout.

-Enlève tes affaires, ils vont te lécher si tu veux !

Laure s'exécuta sur le champ, laissant tomber ses habits un par un sur le sol, en finissant par baisser un joli string noir, qui cachait sa chatte, fine, arborant un joli buismister de poils noirs.
Elle se coucha sur le dos, je saisissais ses jambes que je relevais légèrement puis que j'écartai.
Sa vulve était complètement offerte, Onyx s'approcha et enfourna sa langue entres les cuisses de Laure, il se mit à la lécher comme une friandise, la faisant gémir fortement, elle se tortillait dans tous les sens à chaque lapée, elle finit même par expulser un puissant jet de cyprine qui mouilla la tête d'Onyx. J'en profitais pour caresser ses seins, qui étaient magnifiques, deux beaux obus bien fermes que je malaxais avec plaisir. Je la fis pivoter légèrement sur le côté, ce qui mit mister anus juste en face de la truffe de Banjo qui ne perdit pas une seconde pour passer sa langue dans la raie de ma cousine.
Je regardais la scène avec envie, ma cousine sur le côté, léché des deux côtés par les chiens, prenant un plaisir monstre.
Je m'allongeais à mon tour sur le dos, jambes repliées, Onyx approcha immédiatement et colla sa langue sur mon sexe, et le parcouru en entier. Pendant que mon chien me faisait du bien, je regardais ma cousine, aux anges, pendant que Banjo lui faisait un anulingus de folie.
Elle était en train de se caresser en même temps, insérant ses doigts dans mister vagin et le donnant à lécher au chien.
Laure se releva, et vint s'agenouiller à côté de moi alors qu'Onyx était toujours occupé à me lécher, tout naturellement elle glissa un doigt dans mon sexe, puis elle le ressorti et le lécha.
Elle reprit la même opération plusieurs fois puis elle s'approcha de ma poitrine, qu'elle caressa à mister tour.
Elle n'avait pas remarqué qu'elle était en position idéale pour Banjo, à quatre pattes, comme la veille il ne manqua pas l'occasion présente, je le vis s'approcher, se relever sur ses deux pattes et s'appuyer sur Laure.

-Ah !! mais qu'est ce qu'il fait ! Dit lui de descendre, il est trop lourd!
-Non attends tu va voir c'est bon .

A peine ai-je dit ces mots que Banjo enfourna mister pénis dans le vagin de ma cousine qui couina de plaisir. Elle se laissa prendre, comme une petite chienne et elle semblait adorer, tout en faisant monter mon envie de me faire prendre également. Je me mis également à genoux, la tête posée sur l'herbe et j'invitai onyx à venir me prendre. Je n'eu pas besoin de guider mister sexe qui trouva l'entrée immédiatement.
Les deux chiens étaient en train de prendre leurs femelles, toutes deux jouissant à l'extrême, faisant un bruit pas possible.

AH ! AH ! OH, c'est bon! Mmmmhhhh le bon chien, encore, baise moi !

Laure exprimait vraiment mister plaisir

Laure fut la première à avoir un orgasme, elle se crispa au sol et expulsa une nouvelle fois du liquide vaginal. Les deux chiens déchargèrent leur semence presque au même moment au fond de nos vagins.
Laure s'allongea dans l'herbe, sa belle touffe engluée dans le mélange de sperme et de mouille, que je vins lécher, puis elle fit de même avec moi et nettoya tout le contour de mon sexe.

-Oh, c'était vraiment trop bon ! je regrette pas. Me dit Laure
-Oui, j'ai adoré aussi !
-J'ai déjà envie de recommencer !
-C'est vrai ? Remets toi à quatre pattes, c'est Onyx qui va te prendre !

Laure s'exécuta, une fois offerte, j'appelais Onyx qui approcha rapidement, il comprit aussi vite ce qu'il devait faire et d'un mouvement vif du bassin s'enfonça dans mister sexe en entier.
Il la lima de longues secondes, lui faisant prendre beaucoup de plaisir, puis je mis ma main sur le bassin du chien pour l'arrêter, je pris mister pénis en main afin de le diriger droit vers l'anus de ma cousine.

-Non Chloé p...

Elle n'eut pas le temps de finir sa phrase, le sexe d'Onyx s'enfonça dès qu'il senti la résistance du petit oeillet, il s'enfonça même sans problème, le sexe anal était certainement pratiqué plus d'une fois par Laure.
Le pénis allait jusqu'au bout quasiment sans diffiucltés, je voyais Laure prendre mister pied comme une folle, elle haletait, donnait des petits coups de bassin vers l'arrière pour faciliter la pénétration.
Le chien ne tarda pas à déverser mister jus dans le cul de Laure, il se retira et s'éloigna, laissant ma cousine dans sa position, l'anus plein de sperme bien chaud.

-Oh Chloé, si tu savais comme j'ai aimé!
-Ne t'en fait pas, j'ai vu ça. Et les chiens ont aimé aussi!
-A toi, mets toi par terre qu'il te sodomise!
-Non, Banjo me l'a fait hier, c'était ma première fois et j'ai encore mal.
-Alors la prochaine fois promis?
-C'est d'accord.

Nous nous rhabillâmes puis nous nous mîmes en route vers la maimister.

-Tout va bien les filles? Nous dit ma tante
-Oui, très bien!
-Allons qu'avez vous encore fait, c'est quoi ces mines réjouies?
-Oh rien, on s'est juste promenées...

Nous nous sommes regardées toutes deux d'un air malicieux et nous sommes montées jusque dans ma chambre.


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Plus tard, lorsque tout le monde était à table, ma mère nous annonça que Camille, notre autre cousine, allait nous rejoindre, mister train arrivait le lendemain en fin de matinée.
Camille. que ce soit laure ou moi, nous ne pouvions pas la supporter, elle se prenait vraiment pour une princesse, elle nous montrait tout le temps sa supériorité, en classe ou elle avait de meilleures notes, puis dans la vie professionnelle qu'elle réussissait à merveille, sans compter le nombre d'ennuis qu'elle nous avait causé alors que nous étions plus jeunes, nous dénonçant à chaque fois non seulement pour nos bêtises mais aussi pour celles qu'elle avait faites et pour lesquelles nous étions punies.

Le soir venu, Laure et moi nous sommes retrouvées dans ma chambre, assises sur mon lit à discuter jusqu'à ce que la conversation arrive au sujet de Camille.

-Chloé, je sais que nous ne sommes plus des gamines mais nous devons quand même nous venger !
-Tu sais elle a probablement changé, nous ne sommes pas comme elle, on ne va pas la faire souffrir maintenant pour ce qui s'est passé il y a 10 ans.
-Tu as peut-être raimister, n'empêche qu'elle .
-Stop, ne dis plus rien, nous avons toutes grandi, on en reste là.
-D'accord, je n'insiste pas, tu dois avoir raimister.

Laure s'aperçut que je regardais entre ses cuisses avec insistance.

-Qu'y a t'il ?
-Tu n'as pas eu mal quand le chien a pénétré ton petit trou ?
-Un petit peu au début, mais c'est pas la première fois, ça m'a donné beaucoup de plaisir. Pourquoi tu n'as pas essayé aujourd'hui ?
-Hier j'y ai eu droit, c'était ma première fois et je l'ai senti passer.
-la première fois c'est normal, après le muscle s'habitue, regarde.

Elle termina sa phrase en baissant sa culotte puis elle écarta ses fesses de ses deux mains.

-Tu vois, il s'est déjà resserré.

Je constatais la chose en y posant mon index et en appuyant légèrement, je vis qu'effectivement mister anus résistait.
Nous nous sommes couchées peu de temps après, toujours à partager le même lit.
Au réveil alors que Laure dormait encore, je suis allée me doucher, elle était réveillée en sortant de la douche, elle me regardait m'habiller puis m'imita, elle laissa tomber ses fringues par terre et fila à la douche.

Seul ma mère était allée chercher notre cousine, dès mister arrivée, nos poils se mistert hérissés,
Elle nous est passée devant en disant à peine bonjour, mais en demandant qu'on l'aide à porter ses valises, la réalité étant, qu'on lui porte la totalité de ses bagages, il y en avait pour une tonne.
Nous avons ensuite passé le repas de midi, nous regardant sans arrêt avec Laure, complètement abasourdies par mister ego démesuré. Plusieurs fois encore, nous lui servions de boniche, en devant lui apporter telle ou telle chose.
Je pense que Laure a vu rouge au moment ou Camille a alors rappelé à toute l'assemblée, une vieille bêtise, la vaisselle en cristal en mille morceaux au sol, une bêtise qui nous avait coûté une sévère punition alors qu'elle en était la responsable.
J'ai compris dans le regard de ma complice qu'elle préparait quelque chose.
L'après midi même nous sommes parties joyeuses et bruyantes toutes les deux, persuadées que Camille nous suivrait, ce qui s'est effectivement produit.
Nous nous sommes enfoncées dans les bois, suivies par Onyx et Camille qui tentait de nous suivre discrètement de plus loin.
Nous nous sommes dissimulées derrière un bosquet et avons sauté sur elle dès qu'elle est passée, sans aucun mal nous avons pu la maîtriser au sol.
Elle braillait, Laure lui a alors enlevé mister shorty et retiré mister string, qu'elle lui a mise dans la bouche pour la faire taire, ce qui fut très efficace.

-T'as vu Chloé, elle en a un joli string !

Camille ne bougeait plus, complètement à notre merci, sa chatte totalement glabre à l'air libre.

-Tu va payer pour tout ce que tu nous a fait ! lui dit Laure.

Laure fit approcher le chien du sexe de notre cousine, qui écarquillais les yeux, elle recracha mister string et hurla.

-Pas ça, vous avez pas interêt !
-Chloé, remet lui mister string dans la bouche !
-Arrêtez s'il vous plait.

Je n'eu pas le temps de la rebailloner, Onyx venait de poser sa langue sur le vagin de Camille, qui poussa un gémissement de plaisir incroyable.
Le chien s'affairait à lui lécher la moule, sa langue passait et repassait inlassablement, Camille, mister string dans la bouche tentait de se débattre mais se fatiguait un peu plus à chaque mouvement, pendant que le chien continuait de lui faire mouiller sa petite chatte.

-La langue ça suffit, on va passer aux choses sérieuses ! me dit Laure.

D'un habile mouvement, elle saisit les jambes de notre cousine et la retourna sur le ventre, comme elle refusait de lever mister bassin, Laure et moi lui pincèrent les tétons, elle refusait toujours malgré la douleur, J'appuyais plus fort encore mais elle résistait toujours.
Laure pinça alors mister clitoris, apparemment assez fort, puisque brusquement Camille se releva, offrant alors sa croupe à Onyx qui ne se fit pas prier, il se hissa sur elle et fit mouvoir mister bassin. Laure guide mister sexe jusqu'à la vulve qu'il commença immédiatement à pénétrer,
Camille pleurait, elle avait une nouvelle fois recraché le string, nous implorant d'arrêter.
A mesure qu'elle se faisait prendre, pendant que Chloé la traitait de petite chienne, Camille abandonnait ses pleurs pour des gémissements, très faibles au début, puis rapidement ils devinrent plus expressifs.

-T'as vu Chloé, elle aime ça on dirait.

Je la regardais se faire baiser par mon chien et ça me donnait vraiment envie.
Laure lui mis un petite claque sur la fesse.

-Allez ! dit le que t'aimes ça !
-Mmmmhhhh, oui j'aime ça !
-Dit que t'es une chienne !
-Oh oui, je suis une chienne mmmhhh. encore.

Ce n'était pas de la simulation, Camille commençait à apprécier le traitement et gémissait toujours, elle alla même jusqu'à se tortiller et a pousser un cri aïgu au moment ou Onyx lui donnait un orgasme.
Le chien éjacula quelques instants plus tard toute sa semence à l'intérieur de sa chatte.
Laure inséra deux doigts à l'intérieur et récolta un maximum de liquide sur ses doigts puis elle les donna à lécher à Camille, qui ouvrit la bouche sans broncher et lui nettoya.
Camille s'apprêtait à se relever mais Laure l'en empêcha.

-Attends, tu ne va quand même pas partir alors que Banjo vient d'arriver, il te veut lui aussi tu sais !

Elle se retourna et vit le berger allemand à côté d'elle, la queue bandée.

-Non, celle là est trop grosse !
-Ca va passer, ton vagin n'est pas si étroit ! lui répondit-je
-Non, Banjo il préfère la sodomie ! répliqua Chloé en me faisant un clin d'oil.

Chloé se pencha immédiatement au dessus du petit trou de Camille qui semblait extrêmement étroit et lâcha sa salive dessus, puis elle l'étala avec mister doigt.
Banjo lui avait compris, il mis ses pattes sur le dos de Camille.

-Non attendez, pas par là, je vais avoir trop mal !

inattentive aux suppliques de notre cousine, Laure dirigea le sexe en érection vers l'anus de Camille. L'énorme verge pressa contre le petit anneau qui tenait bon, il retenta sa chance plus fortement et s'enfonça d'une seule traite au fond, Camille hurla de douleur mais le chien n'y prêta pas attention et se mit à limer le petit anus hyper serré de Camille.
Banjo se donnait à fond, ses coups de reins étaient puissants et rapides, Laure et moi étions en train d'assister à la scène, notre cousine, à quatre pattes en train de se faire littéralement défoncer le cul. De peur que ses cris n'alertent la maimister, je plaquais mister string contre sa bouche, Laure elle, avait baissé mister petit short et commençait à se masturber, je l'imitais peu après, rapidement aidée par Onyx qui vint me lécher.
Pendant ce temps là, Banjo se déchaînait toujours dans l'anus de Camille, se queue sortait complètement de temps à autre pour se renfoncer immédiatement toujours aussi violemment.
A un moment le chien déjà à une cadence folle, accéléra encore, puis dans un grognement sourd déversa tout mister sperme dans le cul de Camille qui tomba à terre.
Elle s'était mise sur le côté, haletante, la raie de ses fesses laissant un long filet se liquide s'écouler à terre.

Laure et moi nous remîmes en chemin vers la maimister, laissant Camille par terre, les deux trous pleins du sperme chaud des ses amants.


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Camille revint à la maimister plusieurs minutes plus tard, sans un mot elle monta jusqu'à sa chambre.
Dans la soirée, alors que Laure et moi discutions, Camille entra dans la chambre et s'assit sur le lit.

-Pourquoi vous m'avez fait ça ?
-Tu as toujours été méchante avec nous ! lui répondis-je
-Mais. vous m'avez laissée me faire sodomiser !
-Tu as mal ? demanda Laure
-Oui, je n'avais jamais essayé la pénétration anale.
-Montre nous ton cul. Lui dit Laure.

Camille s'exécuta, elle s'allongea sur le ventre et baissa sa culotte à mi-cuisse.
Laure écarta délicatement ses deux globes puis nous examinions ce petit trou qui s'était assez refermé mais qui était encore endolori.
J'ai regardé dans mon tiroir de table de nuit et en ai sorti un baume apaisant, j'en ai mis sur mon doigt puis j'ai commencé à le passer sur le petit trou qui se contracta au passage de mon doigt. Je continuais l'opération quelques secondes, puis Camille remonta sa culotte et resta près de nous.

-Tu as aimé pas vrai ? lui demandais-je
-Allez, tu peux le dire que tu as aimé ! lui dit Laure
-Oui, c'est vrai, à part la sodomie, sinon c'était trop bon.
-Tu voudra recommencer ? lui demanda Laure
-Je ne sais pas. répondit timidement Camille.

Laure me fit un clin d'oil, visiblement, les choses n'allaient pas en rester là, tant mieux pensais-je au même moment car moi aussi j'en voulais encore.
Camille, probablement exténuée par sa partie de jambes en l'air canines s'endormit presque immédiatement, nous l'imitâmes peu après, les trois dans le même lit, un peu serrées mais ça ne nous empêcha pas de dormir.
Nous nous sommes levées toutes trois au même moment, nos parents partaient rendre visite à une vieille connaissance, nous préférions bien sûr rester à la maimister.
Au moment où nous sommes allées prendre nos douches, Camille se déshabilla et inspecta mister petit trou, il ne lui faisait plus mal et s'était complètement rétracté, je pus constater par moi même qu'il était aussi étroit qu'avant.
Plus tard, alors que nous étions sur la canapé à regarder la télévision, Onyx fit mister apparition, faisant la fête comme à mister habitude.
Chloé s'exprima :

-Ah ! je crois qu'il veut une petite pipe, Camille tu n'as jamais essayé, c'est ton tour !

elle jeta un oil sur le pénis d'Onyx et fit une mimique de dégoût.

-Allez ma vieille, c'est meilleur que ça en à l'air. Lui dis-je

Elle se pencha sous le ventre du chien et toucha le fourreau, ce qui fit sortir la bite du chien comme une fusée.
Elle approcha sa tête et le prit à pleine bouche, puis se mit très vite à nous démontrer ses talents de suceuse, elle était évidemment vierge de la rosette mais en revanche elle avait du en sucer des bites vu la façon magistrale dont elle s'y prenait, Onyx ne s'y trompa d'ailleurs pas et ne mit que quelques secondes pour lui envoyer la purée au fond de la gorge.
Elle recracha immédiatement tout au sol, ce qui fit réagir Laure :

-Hola ! pas de gaspillage, lèche ce que tu as fait tomber !

Camille regarda Laure puis me regarda, devant nos airs insistants, elle se baissa et lapa tout le sperme sur le carrelage.

-Chloé, je vois dans ton regard que tu meurs d'envie de te faire prendre ! dit Laure

Je la regardais, l'air approbateur.

-Allez, baisse ton short, tu vois bien que lui aussi il veut te baiser !

je baissais mon short comme ordonné par Laure, puis je me couchais sur le dos, le bassin près du bord du canapé, les jambes grandes ouvertes.
Onyx, maintenant rôdé à nos folies, s'empressa de me monter, il trouva l'accès sans problème et enfonça sa longue et épaisse tige dans mon vagin. Il commença les va et vient, sous les yeux ébahis de Camille, Laure elle s'éclipsant pour une raimister inconnue.
A une cadence toujours aussi rapide, Onyx me limait et je gémissais autant que je pouvais, devant Camille qui assise à côté de moi avait fait volé ses vêtements et rentrait ses doigts dans sa chatte.
Laure revint quelques minutes après mister départ, elle était allée chercher Banjo, Camille étant déjà dans la tenue adéquate, Laure la fit mettre dans la même position que la mienne et aida Banjo à se mettre sur elle.
Nous étions côte à côte, en train de nous faire sauter en même temps, poussant de bruyants gémissements toutes les deux, Camille avait même mister deuxième orgasme avec un chien, la chanceuse.
Banjo sembla tout à coup changer d'envie, il descendit du ventre de notre cousine aussi vite qu'il était monté pour se diriger vers Laure.

-Je crois qu'il veut que je participe aussi ! dit laure en rigolant

elle retira ses habits et se mit en levrette, à peine en position le chien grimpa sur elle.

-Camille, je crois que Chloé veut sa pine entre les fesses, aide la !

Camille arrêta Onyx et le fit descendre.
Ne sachant pas comment s'y prendre elle demande l'avis de Laure, qui se faisait pénétrer par le berger allemand.

-Je dois faire quoi Laure ?
-Mouille mister cul ensuite tu prends la bite et tu l'emmènes vers mister trou !

Camille obtempéra, elle mouilla deux doigts de salive qu'elle mélanga à la cyprine qui coulait de mon sexe, elle m'en tartina la rosette puis rappela Onyx, qui remontait immédiatement sur moi.
Elle se saisit de sa queue et me l'introduisit dans l'anus. Le chien commença ses mouvements aussitôt, une légère douleur revint mais rapidement estompée par le plaisir.
Je prenais un plaisir maximum, couchée sur le dos, le chien avec sa tête sur mes seins en train de me sodomiser avec entrain.
Mon conduit anal très serré lui procura un tel plaisir qu'il ne se retint pas plus d'une minute de jouir en moi, pendant que Laure était toujours en train de se faire prendre par Banjo, notre cousine attentive au spectacle avait une vue imprenable sur le vagin de Laure s'écarter au passage de l'énorme pénis du chien, qui lui aussi ne put se retenir et envoya une puissante et abondante giclée de sperme dans le ventre de Laure.

Nous sommes ensuite allées ensemble à la salle de bains nettoyer nos orifices encore remplis.


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Summer Holiday in Sweden

I'll tell you about a holiday my wife and I had in Sweden a couple of years ago.

My wife and I were on a camping trip to Sweden, we had tent and all our needs in our station wagon, and were driving up in the middle of Sweden; we drove through some large forest areas. It was a fine trip and we fucked many time in the deserted forests, and we had a swell time.

Then one day in the middle of a big forest our engine died, I tried to start it, no luck, I checked the petrol plenty enough. Then I tried to call for help with my mobile phone, no luck we were out of signal.

I said to my wife: "Lene I saw a house a couple of miles back, I'll go back there and see if they have a phone I can use to call for help."

She wants to join me, later we find out that it was disastrous. We walked along the road, the sun was shining and we enjoyed the walk in the fine weather. 1/2 an hour later we knocked at the door of an old forest workers house.

A man about 60 years old opened the door, he looked at us and said: "What do you want?"

I said to him: "Our car broke down a couple of miles down the road, do you have a phone I may use to call for help?" The old guy looked at us, and I should have been warned by the lusty looks he send my wife, he had a strange smile when he said: "I have not a phone, but my mister Bengt is coming home in about 1/2 an hour, then he can drive you to the nearest village to get help, come in and have a cup of coffee while you are waiting!"

I said: "That sounds just great, thanks!" I would regret that later.

He made the coffee and put the cups with coffee on the table, we sat down and drank the coffee. The same strange smile was on his lips all the time. The coffee tasted bitter but I would not offend him and drank it, which should be my second mistake.

I looked at Lene my wife, she began to get blurry, and then she dropped forward on the table. I tried to speak, but could not get the words past my lips. Then I realized, he had haveged the coffee, the last thing I saw was his lusty grin.

The next I saw was that there were 2 men in the room now, the old one Erik and another one, obvious his mister Bengt, they have dropped their trousers, and presented 2 very large horse cocks, and right in front of them were Lene my wife kneeling, her hands behind her back and handcuffed. They powerd her to suck their big cocks in turns.

I tried to get up from the chair, but they have tied me real good, I was totally helpless. I yelled: "What the fuck is the meaning with this, release us now!" Erik said: "Shut the mouth on that fool, I don't want to hear more of his complaints!"

Bengt took something from the floor, he walked over to me and powerd my mouth open and put my wife's panties in my mouth, and then he tied an old necktie around my head to keep the panties in my mouth. He got back to Erik and my wife and said; "That will shut his mouth!" I saw how the two rough Swedes were powering my wife to suck and lick their cocks, while they were kneading her tits. When they cum they squirted all over her face and tits.

After that they dragged her over to a big old bed and chained her to the bedposts with 2 pair of handcuffs. They grabbed a leg each and pulled them wide aside and tied them to the bed.

She was now totally open and helpless. Bengt powerd her to suck and lick his cock again, until it was ready for work again. When it was all hard again, he kneeled between her legs placed his big cockhead between her moist cuntlips and said: "Now you are going to get so much cock as you never had before!" Lene sobbed: "Ooooh nooo it's much too big, noo stop don't!" Bengt laughed at his farther and said: "The bitch don't want an honest Swedish cock, but that is exactly what she is going to get now!"

Slowly he powerd his big cock to the bottom of my wife's pussy, while she screamed: "Noooo stop, I wont allow it stooop, ooooooooh nooooo stop it, stop it, ooooooooh ooooooooh yes ooooooh!"

Her protest slowly died and was changed to lusty moans and sighs. Bengt laughed and said to his farther: "Her protest did not last for long pa, she is a real horny bitch, that's really great!"

He fucked her hard and deep, but sometimes he pulled the big cock out and rubbed his cockhead against her clit, he did that until she begged him: "Oooh nooo don't tease me, fuck me real hard again!"

He did just that long, hard and thorough, Erik stood beside her kneading her tits and pinched her nipples, his horse cock was big and hard again now, and it was even a big bigger than his misters. He groaned: "Hurry up a bit Bengt, I want to fuck her too!"

Bengt increased the speed and power, my wife screamed and sobbed, and suddenly her body tightened in a curve, her body was trembling in orgasm cramps, while she screamed loudly and mournful: "Oooooooh yes oooooooooh I'm coming ooooooooo yyyyyeeees!"

Bengt groaned: "Ooooh you horny bitch, you are milking my cock with your cunt, I'm coming now oooooh!" His body was hard and stiff when he filled her with his sperm. She just lay there and took all he gave. Erik was beginning to get impatient, he said: "Get a hold on your self Bengt, get of her now I want to fuck her now!"

Bengt pulled his soft dangling and slimy cock out; the sperm was making a long string from the tip of his cock, and poured from Lene's wide-open pussy.

Erik placed his big cock in the slimy hole and powerd the cock to the bottom in one hard thrust. My wife moaned. Erik groaned: "Ooooh great, what a cunt she have, right Bengt?" Bengt answered: "Yes Pa she is a real good fuck, and I'll fuck her again when you are finished."

Erik fucked her with long slow moves, much more slow than Bengt. But it looked like the effect on my wife was just as big as the effect Bengt had on her. She lay there screaming and moaning: "Oooh yes fuck me with your big fat cock, fuck me real hard!" She was captured of the situation; she only sensed the big fat cock in her pussy.

Bengt came over to me. He unzipped my jeans and pulled my cock out, it was real hard, he looked at my 7 inches and said with a scornful laughter: "Look here Pa, now I can understand why the bitch is so crazy about our cocks, with that little prick her husband have!" Erik groaned: "Is that all you are use to my girl, we better give you so much cock that you are satisfied for the next year, and if you need more, then come back next summer!"

He continued without any mercy: "Is it good with a real Swedish horse cock in your horny cunt?" My wife moaned: "Oooh yes it's really good oooh yes!" He kept on mocking me: "It is better than that little prick your husband is running around with isn't it?" My wife moaned I couldn't hear what she said. But that was Bengt not satisfied with he said: "Speak up girl, louder so your husband and Bengt can hear it too!" Lene nearly screamed it out: "OOOOH YES YOUR BIG COCKS ARE SO GOOD, MUCH BETTER THAN MY HUSBANDS OOOOOOOH!"

Bengt looked provocative at me and said: "Now she is finished, she will NEVER forget that treatment we are giving her, listen hear how she is enjoying it!"

My wife Lene moaned and screamed, while the old man fucked her and she got two orgasms before he had to surrender and release his big load deep in her pussy. He groaned: "Ooooh you horny slut now it comes oooooh yes!"

A thought was racing through my head, thank good she was using a coil, or else that fucking she was the object for would nearly certainly have made her pregnant, she was just at her most fertile period right now.

When Erik pulled his soft cock out, Lene just lay flat on her back moaning and breathing heavily. Bengt said: "I think we can release her Pa, she is not going anywhere, I'm certain she wants more!"

I saw like in a haze, how Lene very willingly, walked over to Bengt, kneeled between his legs and sucked on his soft cock. It was not soft much longer. Bengt got up from the chair and Erik sat down. Bengt said: "Now Lene suck on my Pas cock, then I'll fuck your horny cunt from behind!"

Lene kneeled in front of Erik and sucked his cock. Bengt kneeled behind her and hammered his big cock up in her pussy.

Lene moved her head from Erik's cock and screamed loud: "Oooooooh yes fuck me oooooooh ooooooh!" Then she continued to suck Erik's cock, while Bengt fucked her hard from behind, her tits were swinging concurrently with his hard thrusts and it gave a loud "smack" every time their sweaty bodies meet.



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It was extremely horny and naughty; I quite forgot the offense from sitting helpless and look at my wife willingly being fucked by two big horse cocks. Erik's cock was now so hard and thick that she couldn't swallow it any longer, just lick on it. And she did just that, and he sounded real satisfied.

She was all crazy now, she meet Bengt's thrusts for to get so much of his big cock up in her horny cunt as possibly.

Bengt adjusted his fucking, so she was kept on the edge of a big orgasm. When he was ready to cum, he fucked her hard, fast and deep again. When he came with a roar, her body exploded in a big orgasm, her body were shaking in cramps and she moaned and screamed.

He had a good grip at her hips, so she didn't collapsed on the floor, and Erik hold her with a tight grip on her tits.

When she regains her full consciousness they change places. Erik fucked her from behind, while she was cleaning Bengt's cock from sperm and pussyjuice with her tongue. When Bengt was satisfied with her work, he got up and put some clothes on, he said: "I guess you can handle her Pa?" Erik smiled and said:" Oh yes mister, don't you worry, first I'm fucking her out of her mind, and after that she can cook us something to eat!" Bengt laughed and said: "That would not be too much as a payment for all the hard work we have done for her!" He closed the door and disappeared.

Erik just kept on fucking her for a long time, then he pulled her over on the bed and said: "Spread your legs and put them on my shoulders!"

My wife acted like an obedient little slut and did just as he said. A moment after his big fat cock disappeared up in her horny soaking cunt.

The old guy fucked her hard and the bed creaked so loudly that I thought that it would collapse under them. Suddenly she got another big orgasm and her lovely body were shaking. Erik groaned: "Oooh yes my girl, I love when your cunt is milking my cock in that way, ooooh yes now it comes oooooooh!"

He hammered the cock to the bottom of her pussy and filled her with his sperm again. Then he pulled his cock out with a loudly pop and said: "Now get out in the kitchen and make dinner, yes get going now!" When she left the room I saw how the sperm was running down the inner side of her thighs.

A ****??? She had been very willing and horny, and did just exactly what she was told with no resistance!

Shortly after a car stopped in front of the house, I hoped that we could get help, but was disappointed Bengt came in the door. He said: "Now your car is fixed honey, your engine is running smooth!"

He had fixed our car and brought it back with him.

He continued: "That smells delicious Lene, I'm happy to get something decent to eat instead of my mans cooking!" He came in the room and removed the tie and Lene's panties and said: "Are you hungry and do you want some food?"

I didn't use my head and began to curse them for the treatment they have been giving us. The only result was, that I a couple of minutes later were sitting with Lene's panties in my mouth and a tie tightened around my head, and listened to Lene, Erik and Bengt having their dinner.

I heard Bengt say: "Pa some people don't know how to behave, we are fixing both his wife and his car, and he just complaints!"

When they have finished the dinner they took turns on my wife in the kitchen, I could not se what they were doing, but after the sounds, there were no doubt about what they were doing and she enjoyed it.

After what felt like 8-10 hours, but properly only were 2-3 hours, they all came in the room, Lene with a satisfied smile on her lips, she had got just what she wanted, hard and rough sex!"

Bengt untied the tie and removed the panties. Then he held my head like in a vice. Erik powerd my mouth open and poured a bitter fluid down my throat, I had to swallow or else I would have ***d.

I looked at Lene's face, it became blurry, I tried to curse them, but the words would not leave my mouth. Then the darkness came, I heard dim voices and then I ******.

The next thing I realized was that I was in the back of our Station Waggon and Lene lie beside me and shake my arm. When I opened my eyes she whispered to me: "Don't tell what had happened, I don't want to go through a trial in a foreign country!" Se had a begging expression on her face. Then I saw the police officer outside the car. I opened a window and said: "Yes is something wrong?" He asked me; "What are you doing here!" I said; "We got real tired last night and decided that it would be dangerous to drive on, then we slept in the back of our car!"

He saw my driver's license and drove on.

Lene gave me a big hug and a kiss and said: "Thanks darling, no harm was done, and I have to admit that I enjoyed their treatment a lot, and by the way Bengt fixed our car for free!" A bit ***ly I had to admit that it had turned me on to se her get their horse cocks.

On our way home a week later we drove by the house again. Lene asked if we could make a stop. I gave in but there were nobody at home.

The next day we returned to Denmark, and many times since that holyday Lene have begged me to take a new trip to Sweden. I don't really know, but in the end she always get what she wants.


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My Wife & the Old Arab

My lovely horny wife had during a period of time been in contact with a Swedish man. He had told her about how his wife had met an old Arab with a giant cock, which wanted to fuck the Swedes wife and he asked my wife if she think he should allowe him to do so.

After what she had learned about the Swedes wife during the time she had been in contact with the Swede she told him that she was sure that his wife want to get fucked by the Arab. The result was that the old well-hung Arab fucked the Swedish wife several times and ended by making her pregnant. The Swede put my wife in connection with the Arab; she too wanted something thick and coloured between her legs.

The Arab told her that he wanted to come and fuck her with his big thick cock and put a Muslim baby in her horny belly. My wife told him that it was impossible because she was using a coil as protection. The old naughty Arab replied, that when he should fuck her, then she would have no coil, and he sure would make her pregnant, he already had done several married Swedish girls pregnant already, so he wanted her to have his baby in her belly too, or else he could see no reamister for fucking her. He also told her that hers and the Swedish girls behaviour was to compare with whores and it was obvious that was no difference between Swedish and Danish girls.

No married Arab girl would behave in that way. He told her that he would come around and fuck her, when she had her coil removed. She was not sure, how I would react on that, she had a lot of lovers in the time we had been married, but until now no one who wanted to make her pregnant. She was sending him a lot of mails telling him intimate things about her self, and telling him how much she wanted him to come and fuck her, she also told him that she had to talk me into her having her coil removed.

By accident I came home earlier than she expected and found her writing a letter to Ali, (that's what I'm calling him here, I wont use his real name). She was blushing and said; "Darling it's not what you think it is!"

I looked at her and said; "Now tell me what it is I'm thinking!"

She stuttered; "I don't know darling!" She was embarrassed over being caught in that way. She told me that she would have told me about it soon. She let me read all of hers and Ali's mails. I read about how he told her that she was a Danish whore and told her about all the Swedish married girls he had impregnated and that she was going to be the next. I looked her in the eyes and asked her!

"Do you really want him to fuck you that way?" She looked down and said; "Darling you know how much I love you, but you also know that I from time to time just have to get a big fat cock to fill and stretch my pussy!" I said; "It seems to me that his wishes to fuck you unprotected is a final demand, then get rid of your coil and write to him. But I have a demand too, I want to watch, Ali can decide if I can take pictures or if I shall be tied up and gagged, but it's my demand that I'll look at you. That is my final demand." She kissed me and went to the phone and talked to the doctor and got an appointment to get the coil removed. When that was done she wrote a mail to the old Arab. Rather naughty and inviting, now we are waiting for him to reply...

* * * * *

The rest is yet fantasy, but we hope the fantasy come true. Maybe he will even see this story on the net, or maybe my naughty wife will write and tell him about it.



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One Thursday I came home from work, Lene came and kissed me, and she was really happy and cheerful. She told me that she had got a mail from Ali and he would come Friday evening, and stay for the weekend, she said; "I'm so exited, finally I'm going to feel that big cock of his. By the way we have decided, that I shall tie you up before he arrive, he will phone me from his car 10-15 minutes before he will arrive, then I'll have the time to tie you up. What do you think about that darling?"

I said; "Sounds great love, but now I want you." I fucked her on the kitchen table, but was told to use a condom, she had promised him to have the first unprotected shot in her pussy, I would have to wait with that until he had left again, and it was MY WIFE! Who would be the man we would find out after 9 month?

Friday evening. 7:10 Ali called, he talked with Lene in a couple of minutes, and her cheeks were blushing. Then she hung up and said; "Come here darling and sit down." In a couple of minutes she had done a good job. My arms were handcuffed behind the chair, my legs were tied to the legs of the chair, and she had tied me with a rope around the chest and the chair. She kissed me deep and placed a rubber gag in my mouth, a leather strap was locked behind my head, now I was completely helpless. She lifted her light dress and showed me her pussy, she had tiny panties with an open slit on, her pussy was soaking wet. Then I heard a car in front of the house, and she left me. Shortly after I heard voices in the living room behind me.

I heard Lene ask Ali if he wanted a cup of coffee, he don't waste any time he said; "Later!" And grabbed her right in front of me. He said; "Now you naughty whore, let me see if you are wet enough for my big cock." He pulled her dress up over her head and she stood in tiny panties and a black bra with holes for the nipples. He kissed her hard as he pressed a finger up in her pussy. He looked at his finger, satisfied, and said; "Yes you naughty married whore, your cunt is dripping wet, but the slit in your panties are not big enough for my big cock, take them off now."

Lene did just as he asked, while he took his clothes of. He hadn't been boasting about the size, his cock was the thickest I ever had seen live; I have seen Lene get another big one that was longer, but not as thick. Lenes eyes grow big when she saw the big monster and said; "It's not a cock Ali it's a monster, it's much bigger than I think it would be." Ali said; "It's too late to regret it now Lene." He placed her on our dining table right in front of me. She lay down on her back and willingly she spread her legs wide aside for Ali. Ali placed his cock in the right position and let it slide up and down in her horny opening.

Lene moaned; "Oooooooh Ali oooooooh fuck me now fuck me!" Ali pressed his cock an inch into her pussy and said; "You are going to get it now you horny whore!" He pressed the cock slowly all the way up in her lovely tight pussy now. I could se how the big monster cock stretched the pussy while she moaned and whimpered. At last it reached the bottom. Ali stood still for a moment then he fucked her hard without any mercy. He said naughty words and called her a whore a slut and told her how he would make her pregnant.

She got 2 orgasms before he began to breeze heavily, then suddenly he came with a roar; "Now Lene you get my seed you are going to have my baby!" He pressed the cock to the bottom of her pussy and filled her unprotected belly with his white thick slimy juice. I knew how easily she got pregnant and knew at that time that she was going to get pregnant this weekend, Ali had all the advantages, his sperm would have a great head start over my, I would first be allowed to fuck my own wife when he was leaving Sunday afternoon.

The result was nearly certain, that was if he was that big stud he claimed to be. When he pulled his half stiff cock out, the sperm was flowing from her stretched pussy; it passed her ass and makes a puddle on the table before splashing down on the carpet. Ali said; "Well Lene now I'll have the coffee," she slides down from the table and the sperm was running down her inner thighs. When she had left the living room Ali said; "Well do you like what you see, that was only the beginning, she hardly will be able to walk when I'm finished with her, and I'm sure she will have my baby in her womb before I leave you, she will have a lovely dark skinned baby boy when 9 month are gone. You have no chance of beating me, but feel free to try, I know the result already. By the way, it's a lovely whore you are married to, just made for breeding, broad at her hips so she better can have a young inside her."

Lene returned with the coffee, poured a cup to Ali and one for her self, I looked at her thighs; she had cleaned her self a bit before returning. His cock was still hard, he pulled his chair a bit further away from the table and said; "Lene impale your self on my cock, and sit on it while we take our coffee." Lene looked at me with a teasing smile and straddled over Ali, slowly she lead the big cock at place and lowered her pussy down over it. Her eyes turned the white out as the big monster disappeared up in her belly and she moaned highly; "Ooooooooh Ali it's so big oooooooh!"

Ali said; "Well Lene is it better than your husbands!" He looked at me with a mocking smile, really satisfied with him self, he gave her a hard thrust with the monster and she moaned; "Ooooooh yes Ali your cock are so good, I can hardly take it ooooooooh!" She sat there on his lap, totally impaled on the monster while they drank the coffee. When they had finished the coffee Ali said. "Now you are going to take a ride on my cock whore, if you do it real good I'll fill you with my sperm again."

My lovely wife Lene was now riding his big black cock in front of me, her eyes were closed and she moaned; "Oooooh Ali your cock is so good so big and fat!"

Ali looked at me and said; "It's a really horny whore you are married to, and I'm going to fuck her out of her mind this weekend, she will be soaked in sperm and after this weekend, she will never be able to feel your little dick any more." He grabbed her at the waist and increased her movements, pulled her a little longer up and pressed her even harder down over the big shaft. It was an awful naughty sight, but the needles was working deep in my chest, what if it was true, what if she no longer would be able to feel my cock in her pussy when the weekend was finished.

I knew it was not true, she have been giving birth to 3 youngren before, and shortly after the birth her pussy was fine and tight again. But his mocking was hurting me, but at the same time the excited me in a strange way, my cock was all hard and ready to burst, but for me there was no relief in sight, only mocking words and further offenses. Lene moaned and whimpered and suddenly she came in a big orgasm, she was captured by her desires when he a moment after groaned; "Take this whore, it's coming now oooh yes!" He breezed heavily when he filled her with his sperm. He told her to sit down on her knees on the table in front of me with her legs spread.

I had a good look at her pussy and could see his white creamy sperm pouring from her pussy and make a big puddle on the table. When it stopped, he told her to lick the table clean. She first refused, but a couple of blows on her buttocks started her. When she had cleaned the table he said; "Don't you think your husband wants some coffee Lene, if he behave you may untie him for now, and we will have a cup of coffee before I fuck you some more."

Lene untied me; it was good to get rid of the rubber gag, even if it was for a short period of time. Lene poured the coffee and we sat at the table takeing it, me alone on the one side and Lene and Ali at the other side. His hand was placed between her legs and he played with her pussy. He looked at me and said; "Well, have you ever seen a bigger cock fuck your wife before?"



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I said; "I have seen her get a longer cock, but never one as thick as yours."

He turned his head and put his hand on Lenes belly and said; "Well Lene do you think you are pregnant now?" She smiled and said; "No Ali, certainly not yet!" She smiled when she said it, she know that he was going to fuck her many times before the weekend was over. Ali looked at her and said; "Well then I better fuck you again, tie your husband beside your double bed, he deserves to have a good look at our fucking."

Lene pulled me after her into the bedroom and placed a chair beside the bed, a moment later I sat helpless on the chair, tied and gagged, just waiting for the "show" to begin. My lovely wife lay down on her back with her legs widely spread, shameless she called; "Ali I'm ready now!" He came into the bedroom, he rubbed his big cock, it was all hard and ready for fucking. He kneeled between her legs and told her to lift her ass, he placed a pillow under it, so her cunt was raised against him and more open. He turned his head against me and said; "Now my seed will stay in the right place to do its work properly. She surely will be pregnant after this."

He placed his big dickhead between her wet cuntlips and with a quick and powerful thrust he pushed his big cock half way into her pussy. Lene moaned; "Ooh yes fuck me Ali fuck me hard now oooooooh!" Ali pushed the cock to the bottom and fucked her real hard; the bed creaked when he pushed his big cock hard up in her. This time the worst pressure was released, so he fucked her for a long time until he with a roar filled her pussy with his sperm. She lay flat on her back with her pussy higher than the rest of her body. He groaned; "Now you are going to have my baby, I will fill your horny cunt and womb with my precious seed, and it will swell in your womb, until you give birth to my baby, you just wait and see."

Lene was moaning and breezing heavily when he slowly pulled his big fat cock out, while he filled her cunt with white creamy seed. He pressed her cuntlips together with thumb and index finger, he massaged her belly and said; "This way my seed will easier find the right way up in your womb Lene, just you relax now. And you don't have to worry Lene; I'll fuck you many times again this weekend Lene." While massaging her belly he "powerd" her to lick and suck his soft cock. It was quickly big and hard again. Ali said; "Well now I have a perfect piston to press the seed further up in your womb Lene, are you ready now!" Lene gasped; "Oh yes Ali do it now!"

He let go of the cuntlips and pushed his big cock hardly up in her pussy. She moaned; "Oooooooh Ali it feels like I'm going to burst, oooooooooooh!" The sperm squirted with great pressure out between her pussywalls and the big fat "piston", I wondered if it was filling her womb in the same way. He fucked her again just as hard and fast as before, she whined and moaned and was nearly *** when he at last filled her again. This time he placed another pillow under her ass and said; "I want to have a break now, you just lie there relaxing Lene and let my seed do its work." It oozed from her sperm filled pussy; Lene obeyed him and lay there in bed waiting to see what the next thing would be. His hands were caressing her while he said; "You are a really good whore Lene, be sure I'll come back and fuck you when your belly has grown big with my baby."

It was getting late and Ali said; "Lene do you have a spare room with a bed?"

Lene said; "Yes Ali, but there is enough room in the bed for you too!"

Ali said; "That was not what I have in mind Lene, it's for your husband, so he won't sneak him to fuck you when I'm arelax." Lene released me and said; "Did you hear that darling, you have to relax in our guest room tonight!" I kissed Lene goodnight and left the bedroom, my own bedroom. The door was closed and I heard the key turn in the lock.

Shortly after the fucking noises started again, the bed creaked, Ali called Lene dirty words and she moaned and screamed. I stand there alone, and went upstairs to the guest-room just above our bedroom. I was alone with the noises from downstairs and my imagination and my right hand. It took quite a while before the noises stopped and the house were quiet. At last I feel arelax, dreaming strange dreams. Next morning I woke up early, I have maked some coffee and went to the baker for some fresh bread.

When I returned they were awake, outside the house I could hear her moaning screams. When I have done the table the noises have stopped. I knocked at the door and Ali opened it, Lene lay on the bed with two pillows under her ass and the sperm oozing from her stretched pussy. Ali asked me; "What do you want?" I told him that the coffee and bread was ready. They came out in the living room where I have the coffee ready. Lene sat down with her thighs tightly pressed together, to hold the sperm in her pussy. Now Ali found out that I should be placed under the table looking up. Lene got up and I saw the big puddle of seed on her chair, the old guy had a lot of sperm in his old body. I was tied to the table with my head just outside the end.

Lene was placed straddling over my head, her legs were tied to the table and Ali powerd her down on her belly at the table, her hands were tied to the opposite legs of the table. I have a free view up in her stretched pussy it was dripping with pussyjuice and sperm. Ali said; "Now watch closely how my big cock are going to fuck your whore, and be sure that I'll fuck her more than one time this way, just watch me now!" He followed his word by pushing his big fat cock up in her pussy so only his big heavy balls were outside. She moaned; "Oooooooh Ali fuck me oooooh yes fuck me noooow!"

Ali smiled and said; "Listen, hear how your whore begs me to fuck her, this here is more than she is use to get, she told me last night, your tiny dick can't compete with my big fat Muslim cock. Soon I have made a Danish whore pregnant too, I have 16-18 kids in Sweden with the same number of married Swedish whores. Your friend AK is one of them now, she is getting bigger and bigger every day now, and it isn't her wimp of a husband who have done it. It was you Lene that have told him to let me fuck her, so it's only fair, that you got the same treatment now."

I stared at the big fat cock working deep in my dear wife's pussy, while she was moaning and screaming, his heavy balls were dangling between his legs. After a short while he began to tell her what a cheap whore she was, and that she should be ashamed, letting another man fuck her right in front of her own husband.

It hurt a bit, but at the same time it was the most exiting "live show" I ever had seen. Suddenly he pushed the cock hardly to the bottom of her pussy and gasped; "Now it comes Lene ooh yes I'm coming now!"

He pulled his big cock nearly out and I could see the contractions every time he squirted. It began to ooze between his cock and her pussy, but it was nothing compared to what happened when he pushed the cock to the bottom of her pussy. Lene screamed and her legs were shaking. Suddenly she was quiet, I think she fainted.

The sperm splashed out at the side of the big fat cock and splashed down her thighs and down in my face. Ali stood still with his cock in her pussy for about 5 minutes; he pulled it out when it had gone soft. It still was a big cock, bigger than mine when it is hard. I was beginning to have my doubts about the whole business, what was it I have been giving my wife permit to do? Would I ever be able to satisfy her again, like Ali mocking has been indicating? It was hurting deep in me, but I have not the heart to tell her to stop it, it was very strange, at the same time with my doubts, it was very exiting, my cock was hard and was throbbing in my jeans, but for me there was no relief. Ali sat down on a chair without releasing Lene.

He said; "I'm not finished with your whore yet, in a moment I'm going to fuck her again." He sat on the chair playing with his big soft cock and slowly it grows big and hard again. He walked over to her head and said; "Suck it whore, I'm going to fuck you again when it's hard again."

I heard the noise of her sucking and licking his cock and heard Ali sigh; "Ooh you are such a great whore Lene!" A moment after he stood with his big hard cock at the entry to Lenes pussy, I saw how it slowly went up in her soaking pussy. Lene moaned when it reached the bottom; "Oooooh Ali I can't take much more right now!" Ali laughed and said; "That you have to my love, I'm going to fuck you again, and nobody can stop me now, when I'm finished with this time I'll let your cunt rest for a couple of hours." Again Ali fucked her real hard, she screamed, moaned and sobbed all the time. At the end she only moaned while his big cock worked deep in her pussy. Suddenly she screamed loud and moan full and her body was trembling; "Oooooh noo stop Ali I can't take any more noooooooo, oooooh I'm coming ooooooooh!"


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That was too much for Ali; he slammed his cock all the way up in her pussy and groaned; "Ooooh you dirty slut, now it comes oooooh!" He filled her with his sperm. It poured down the inner side of her thighs and splashed down in my face. He stood still with his cock as a plug in her pussy. When it went soft he pulled it out and the sperm poured out, my face and beard was covered with his sperm. Then he released us both.

We took a long break from the fucking and had some lunch and played a game of card. Ali told Lene to write a mail to her Swedish friend and telling him, how Ali had fucked her, telling him how great it had been. She went upstairs and wrote the mail and called at Ali, so he could approve the mail before she sends it. We took a long break Lene said that her pussy was sore and needed a rest if he intended to fuck her in the evening and night. We got a great diner with wine, and talked a lot, Ali was bragging about all the married Swedish girls he had been fucking.

Some time later Ali looked at Lene and said; "Are you ready again, my cock are craving your cunt now Lene?"

Lene smiled at him and said; "I'm as ready as I can be Ali, I'm only a little sore now." We went to the bedroom and the tied me to the chair again the rubber gag completed the work.

Ali looked at Lene and said; "I'll like to fuck you in your ass Lene, what do you think about that?"

Lene looked at him and said; "No Ali your cock is much too thick, I don't think I can take it!" Ali looked disappointed and said; "Haven't you got any lubricating jelly Lene? I really like to fuck a whore in her ass, so why not you?" Lene looked a bit doubtful, I know she like it in the ass, but the size was too much. Ali continued; "Come on Lene find the jelly so I can fuck you in the ass."

Lene said; "OK but you must promise that you will be real gentle with me!"

Ali smiled and said; "OK Lene I promise, now you find the jelly Lene!" Lene took a tube with jelly and Ali said; "Love you rub some on my cock, and then I'll put some in your ass!" Lene put a big amount of jelly on his cock and spread it all over his cock.

Then she handed him the tube and went down on all four, she spread her legs a bit and Ali put a big amount of jelly on the surroundings of her asshole and ended with pressing some jelly up in her ass. The tube was nearly empty. Now she was ready. Ali placed his big slimy cockhead against her tight little asshole and began to increase the pressure. Lene moaned; "Now come on Ali before I regret it." Slowly Alis big cock vent inside her ass, he stopped a bit when all of the head had disappeared.

Lene moaned and sobbed and her ass had a tight grip around the fat cock right behind the head. She moaned; "Ooh Ali stop a bit so my ass can adjust to your big cock."

Ali said; "OK Lene but not for long!" He squeezed her buttocks and let his hands caress her back and thighs. Lenes eyes were closed and she was breathing heavily. Then Ali got a better grip around her hips and slowly he pushed his entire big fat rod up in her ass. Lene moaned; "Oooooooh noooo Ali don't do it stooop ooooh yes ooooooooh it's great, but you are too big but fuck me ooh yes fuck me ooooooh!"

She screamed and moaned while Ali fucked her in her tight ass, she was all in his power. The only thing in her mind was the great monster working deep in her ass. At last her heads and shoulders lay flat on the bed while Ali had a good grip around her hips so he could fuck her. When he roared and filled her ass with his sperm she only sobbed and breezed heavily. Ali let go his grip at her hips and she fell flat on her belly on the bed. Ali's big cock popped out of her ass. Ali lay down beside her and caressed her relaxed body. A moment after she turned against him and gave him a big kiss and said; "It was great Ali, but no more assfucking this weekend, my ass is sore and there are not enough jelly for one more time."

They took a bath before they continued. When the returned Ali tied Lene to the bed, her arms was stretched down along her sides and tied to the foot of the bed, her legs were powerd up over her head and spread, they were tied to the headend of the bed. She lay there totally open for him to use as he pleased. Ali's cock was ready again and he fucked Lene hard and deep, she got a really big orgasm before he was ready to cum. He played with his cockhead on her clit and when she began to breeze heavily and moan loud, he hammered his big cock to the bottom of her pussy 4-5 times, and then they both came at the same time.

When Ali pulled his cock out, he came over and released me and said; "Come now and see all my sperm in your wife's cunt, you don't have a chance, I have made her pregnant before you even get the chance, she will give birth to my baby in nine month, you can count on that."

Spellbound I looked at her stretched pussy, it was full of white creamy sperm, I knew deep inside that he was right, with all that sperm he had poured into her womb in the past 24 hour and the weekend was not finished yet. Ali would first leave us Sunday at 2 in the afternoon. Ali said; "Now you leave the bedroom and go to your guestroom. But don't you worry I'll keep your wife warm." The door was closed behind me and the key turned in the lock. Again I was left alone with my fantasies and the horny sounds coming up through the floor from downstairs. My only friend was my right hand.


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Ali fucked her several times before the noises stopped, finally the silence surrounded me, but I could not fell arelax, thoughts were turning in my head, would our marriage ever be the same as before after that heavy fucking Ali had done to her this weekend? At last I fell arelax. Next morning when I had made coffee I knocked at the bedroom door. Ali came out in the living room, there he let a bomb explode, he said; "I'm sorry to tell you, but I'm taking your wife with me back to Sweden, she will get a little flat there so I can fuck her when I feel like it, she desperately wants to come with me."

I was in chock, the tears were near to break through, but I was raised with the words, big boys don't cry. I managed to hold them back. A moment after Ali laughed and said; "Just kidding, she will stay with you it was just a joke." (A rather sick joke I think.) Lene went into the room and kissed me before she sat down beside Ali. I was beginning to look forward against 2 o'clock, and then it was my turn to fuck my own wife again, and how I would fuck her. I would not surrender without a fight, even if it were lost even before it started.

After breakfast Ali got an naughty idea, he would fuck Lene in the middle of our lawn, I was not pleased with the thought at all, what if the neighbours saw what happened, fortunately we have a tall hedge around our garden. Lene was so horny that she agreed without second thoughts. It was too much now, what if somebody saw a stranger fuck my wife in our garden. What would the think about us? And me for letting him fuck her? I took a walk down the road, I had enough by now, I would be mocked as a cuckold if anybody find out. Maybe not in my face, I'm a rather big guy, but they would talk behind my back.

The gossip would be all over the county! I turned back against the house, and when I was about 150 yards away I could hear her horny moan fully screams, I looked around at the nearest houses, nobody was out in their gardens fortunately. Just as I reached the driveway, Lene and Ali came naked from the garden, Allis big soft cock hang dangling between his legs and the sperm was pouring down the inner side of Lens thighs. They vent free-and-easy through the driveway and into the house. I had enough for now; I saw for my eyes how he fucked her for god knows how many times.

I turned around and walked around until 1:45 then I headed against our house. Just as I reached the driveway, Ali's car came out, he stopped and said; "Thanks for letting me fuck your wife, you have been a good sport, I'll come back and fuck her again when her belly is big with my baby, just phone me and I'll be there." He drove of and I went inside the house.

Lene lay on the bed, her legs were widely spread, and Ali's sperm was pouring from her pussy. She smiled to me and said; "Oooh what a wonderful weekend, this I can think of a long time. Thanks darling fir being so sweet and understanding." Now it was my turn.

I said; "Now I'm going to fuck you Lene." She looked at me and said; "I have promised you that darling, but my pussy and ass are really sore right now, can't you wait until tomorrow?"

I looked at her and said; "Shall I let his sperm have a longer time to work in you, no my darling I'll fuck you now."

She sighed and said; "Realize it darling you have no chance already, I'm quite sure I'm pregnant already now, but if you insist, cant I suck you until you are ready to cum, then you can squirt in my pussy, is that OK?" I think it was better than no sex, and I could easily understand if her pussy and as was sore right now. I squirted deep in her 5 times that afternoon and evening. The first times I could hardly feel her pussy, but the next day it was back to normal size again. Now it's just to wait and see if there was a result, Ali had promised her that he would return in a month and fuck her again if it was necessary. But I don't think that will be necessary.

* * * * *

That was my fantasy about my horny wife and the dirty old Arab with the big cock. Half true and half fiction (yet), we have been sending him mails, but the Swede had told my wife he is a trip in his home country right now. Maybe he read this and is even more eager to fuck her when he returns. Now he knows that I have accepted that he fuck my wife with no protection. When this is on the site, my wife will be without her coil and ready for him to fuck. If it is a success I send you the real story. Written by a Danish married man who loves to see his wife gets a stranger big fat cock.


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piégée par la télé surveillance

Marc et Pascale mistert en couple depuis vingt ans. Ils ont respectivement quarante et trente huit ans. Ils ont un fils Thierry, âgé de dix huit ans. Marc est à le tête d'une importante société de surveillance. Pascale, elle, s'occupe de l'immense villa. Elle est très belle, elle le sait, mais d'une fidélité à toute épreuve. Il lui arrive d'aguicher les hommes lors de soirées, mais par jeux. Un soir, ou elle avait un peu plus bu que d'habitude, elle s'était faite draguer par Kader, un jeune très beau maghrébin âgée de vingt ans, copain de mister fils. Elle avait, à regret ,repoussé ses avances. Puis elle avait sèchement rejeter une sculpturale rousse, qui l'avait saisit par la taille. Il n'est pas question pour elle d'avoir une aventure sexuelle avec une femme.Autant de souvenirs qui reviennent aujourd'hui, et qui font naitre une agréable chaleur au creux de mister ventre. Mais les temps ont changés. Pris par mister travail, Marc l'a délaisse sexuellement., et à mister âge, mister corps a encore de l'appétit. Il demande qu'on s'occupe de lui. Demain, elle doit mener mister mari au centre commercial, puis a rendez-vous avec Kader dans le parking du super marché. C'est la première fois depuis la fameuse soirée qu'ils vont se rencontrer. Mais Kader à affiché ses intentions. Après mure réflexion, elle a accepté, mais en mettant des balises. C'est pas une pute de luxe. Elle est tirée de ses pensées quand on misterne à la porte. Il es dix neuf heure. Pascale ouvre.
-Tiens, bonsoir mon chéri, çà va
-Très bien maman, répond Thierry. Je te présente Catie, ma copine. Elle fait un stage
informatique dans la société de papa.
Catie, brune de dix huit ans, est d'une beauté à couper le souffle. Des yeux impénétrables. Avec un regard malicieux qui vous pénètre. Elle est bisexuelle. Pascale se sent mise à nue par ce regard, mal à l'aise.
-Bonsoir, répond Pascale, c'est bien. Vous êtes très belle vous savez..
-Merci madame, vous aussi, vous êtes superbe.
Pascale rougit en baissant la tête.
-On s'arrête pas man, on a rendez-vous. Je venais juste voir si tu pouvais me dépanner
d'une bouteille.
Pascale va au bar, et revient avec une bouteille de Bourbon.
-Doucement avec l'alcool les enfants, promis?
Les deux jeunes gens prennent congés. Catie fixe Pascale, et lui serre mollement la main.
-A bientôt Madame.

La direction du super marché vient de faire installer un nouveau de télé surveillance. Marc, le directeur, a convoqué un comité restreint, pour que rien ne filtre de ces nouvelles technologie. Les essaies se portent sur le parking souterrain. L'image est d'une qualité surprenante. Les visages, les immatriculations des voitures mistert d'une netteté extraordinaire. Sur invitation du directeur, le permisternel se rend dans la salle de conférence pour sabler le champagne.
-On visionnera la suite après, dit-il.
Ils reviennent un quart d'heure plus tard, plus rien sur l'écran. Ils appuie sur éject, plus de CD. C'est l'affolement général.
-Mais enfin, gronde Marc, qui a accés à ce local?
-A part nous, je ne vois pas, répond un employé.
En dérobant le CD dans le local de surveillance, ou elle a accés , Catie ne sais pas encore qu'elle détient la de quoi faire chanter la permisterne qui l'intéresse. Elle appuie sur play, et là, surprise. Pascale, la femme du directeur, et ère de mister copain apparait sur les images. Elle est en traine de se faire prendre par derrière par un jeune maghrébin, sur le capot d'une voiture. On voit nettement sa jupe enroulée autour de ta taille, et mister chemisier largement ouvert. Ses yeux mistert mi-clos, sa bouche entre ouverte. Ses seins frottent sur la carrosserie. Sous un autre angle, on voit également l'énorme queue du jeune beur ouvrir la chatte de Pascale pour l'a pénétrer. Ses couilles frappent contre ses fesses. D'un coup, l'arabe se retire, power Pascale à se retourner, et à le prendre en bouche pour finir en se faisant tailler une pipe. On voit leurs corps se raidir. Aucune goutte de sperme ne s'échappe. Elle avale tout. Elle s'emploie à nettoyer le gland. Le maghrébin la relève et l'embrasse violemment. Elle passe ses bras autour de sa nuque, Puis ils se séparent.
Pascale monte dans sa voiture et s'en va. La scène a durée à peine un quart d'heure. Catie est scotchée sur mister canapé. Une fois remise de ses émotions. Elle réfléchit comment tirer profit de cette situation. Dans un premier temps, elle décide d'extraire des photos de la scène à partir du CD.
Marc rentre de mister travail vers vingt heure.
-Alors mon chéri, ta journée s'est bien passé. Je te sens nerveux.
-M'en parle pas. On a, dans le plus grand secret installé un nouveau système de surveillance, le temps de boire un coup, on nous à fauché le CD.
-A bon,poursuit Pascale, et comment allez-vous faire pour le récupérer.
-J'espère que la sauvegarde aura fonctionner, dit-il.
Le lendemain, Pascale trie mister courrier. Une lettre attire particulièrement mister attention. Elle l'ouvre, et là, stupeur. Une photo d'elle en train de se faire niquer sur le capot d'une voiture. Derrière un numéro "un". Un petit mot accompagne le cliché.
"Surveillez vôtre courrier, demain vous aurez a photo numéro deux"
Pascale s'effondre sur le canapé, une main devant la bouche. Elle a tout compris.
"Mon dieu, se dit-elle, qu'est-ce-qu'il m'arrive. Qui a pu prendre ces photos.Et Kader quand il va savoir çà"
Elle a peur, mais impatiente d'être à demain pur découvrir la suite. Elle espère aussi que la sauvegarde n'aura pas fonctionner. Le lendemain, Pascale reçoit une autre photo, aussi évocatrice que la première. L'angle a changé. On voit bien la queue de Kader enfoncée dans sa chatte jusqu'au couilles.
La troisième l'a montre la bouche ouverte, certainement en train de hurler de plaisir.
La quatrième, en train de tailler une pipe.
La cinquième photo montre Pascale se laisser embrasser fougueusement. Derrière, un petit mot.
"Si vous ne voulez pas que ces photos finissent sur le bureau de vôtre mari, je vous conseille de m'obéir au doigt et à l'oeil. Demain, quatorze heure, je veux que vous m'attendiez chez vous, en tenue d'Eve. Si vous êtes d'accord, collez une feuille sur vôtre vitre. Sinon....Une fille qui vous aime bien"
"Quoi, se dit Pascale, il n'en est pas question. J'ai toujours été contre le lesbianisme"
Le lendemain, elle ne colle pas la feuille.
Marc rentre vers dix neuf heures. Ce n'est pas la tête des grands jours. Mais bon, on a connu pire.
-C'est pas la grande forme on dirai, dit Pascale.
-Non, répond-il, cette histoire me travaille. Qui a pu s'introduire dans le local de contrôle.
Tiens, j'ai trouvais çà sur mon bureau. Encore une connerie, comme si j'en avais pas
Pascale saisit le document. C'est une photo couper en deux montrant les avants bras d'une femme appuyer sur le capot d'une voiture. Au dos, un petit mot.
"Demain, vous recevrez l'autre moitié"
Pascale reconnait la photo. Elle est prise au piège. Elle risque gros. Elle a avertit Kader, qui lui a fait comprendre gentiment de se démerder. Elle décide d'accepter l'ultimatum de l'inconnue. Mais comment l'avertir.


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Le lendemain, une fois que mister mati est parti au bureau, Pascale colle la feuille contre la vitre. Elle espère que la fille qui l'a fait chanter l'a verra. De temps en temps, elle surveille la boite aux lettres par la fenêtre. Rien. C'est en revenant des toilettes, qu'elle aperçoit une lettre glissée sous la porte. Elle se précipite pour l'ouvrir.
"Cet après midi quatorze heure. Dans les mêmes conditions qu'hier, sauf que je veux que
vôtre minou soit épilé. Il n'y aura pas d'autre ultimatum"
Une larme apparait sur le visage de Pascale. Elle décide de se soumettre à cette inconnue. Elle a peur, mais elle est curieuse aussi, de savoir à qui elle a à faire. Elle prend une douche, s'épile, et passe un peignoir. Elle baisse légèrement les stores pour être dans la pénombre. Elle attend, bras croisés, appuyée contre la table.
Il est quatorze heure, elle quitte mister peignoir. Elle se retrouve toute nue. La porte s'ouvre. Pascale est prise de tremblements. Elle distingue la silhouette à contre jour, mais ne voit pas mister visage. La fille est vêtue d'une minijupe. Elle a des jambes interminables. A vue de nez, elle doit être magnifique. Elle s'avance au milieux de la pièce.
Par pudeur, Pascale met une main devant sa poitrine, et une devant mister pubis.
-Bonjour, dit-elle, on va pouvoir s'amuser toute les deux.
-Catie, c'est pas vrai, mais que voulez-vous.
-Ben! vous ma chère. Vous jouez les pudiques aujourd'hui. C'était pas le cas dans le
-C'est la première fois que je trompais mon mari. Qu'attendez-vous de moi? s'inquiète
Catie s'avance, et fait courir une main sur mister corps. D'abord la joue, glisse sur les épaules, les hanches, puis épouse les fesses. Pascale est prise de frismisters.
-Je veux vous voir vous caresser, là, sur le fauteuil.
-Mais çà va pas, se révolte Pascale, vous me prenez pour qui. Hors de question. Sortez.
-Oh, oh, çà va . Je pars.
Pascale se ravise. Elle fait une énorme bêtise en la laissant partir.
-Non, non, ne partez pas, c'est d'accord.
-La prochaine fois que tu me désobéis, je m'en vais, compris. Allez, assise.
Catie est passé au tutoiement. Pascale obéit. Elle écarte légèrement les jambes, et fait courir un doigt sur sa fente. Catie est installée en face, sur le canapé. Elle reste impassible devant la scène, un sourire vainqueur au coin des lèvres. Pascale évite le regard de cette gamine qui l'a domine. Mais petit à petit, elle se laisse prendre au jeu. Elle se pince les lèvres. Elle s'ouvre d'avantage pour laisser la place à un deuxième doigt, et fait des va et vient entre ses lèvres humides. Puis elle remonte en haut de la fente, caresse mister clitoris qu'elle décalotte. Elle commence a gémir de plaisir. Elle passe ses jambes par dessus les accoudoirs du fauteuil, et enfonce ses doigts dans sa chatte. De sa main libre, elle se caresse les seins.
Catie constate que la chatte de Pascale est pleine de mouille. Elle savoure sa victoire.
-Qu'est-ce-que tu me fais faire, soupire Pascale. Tu te régales de me voir dans cette
position, hein?
-Putain; si tu savais comme tu m'excite. Tu as bien décalotté ton petit bouton j'espère?
Pascale ondule du bassin. Son majeur s'accélère sur mister clitoris. Sa bouche est grande ouverte.
-Viens vérifier par toi même, gémit Pascale. Il est gros et dur ce salaud.
Catie se lève, et vient se planter, jambes écartées devant Pascale. Elle se penche, et lui prend les lèvres. Instinctivement, les langues se nouent. L'orgasme de Pascale se déclenche en plein baiser. Elle souffle littéralement dans la bouche de Catie.
-huuummm...ouii...mon dieu, c'est pas vrai, je joui. C'est ta faute cri Pascale.
Catie lui prend la main, et l'a place entre ses cuisses, sous la minijupe. Elle n'a pas de string.
-Et toi,salope, regarde dans quel état tu m'a mise. Ma petite chatte est toute mouillée à
cause de toi. Viens sur la canapé. Je veux que tu me chattes, que tu me bouffe le clito.
-Mais je n'ai jamais fais çà, pleure Pascale. Qu'est-ce-que tu vas me faire faire après.
-Mais ton activité première ma chérie, la pute. Et après, la gouine.
Catie prend Pascale par les cheveux, et la power à pencher mister visage entre ses cuisses. Pascale garde la bouche fermée. Une petite claque sur les fesses, l'a ramène à la raimister. Elle sort timidement la langue, et commence à lécher les lèvres trempées de mouille de Catie. Maladroite au début, Pascale se montre plus entreprenante, plus vicieuse. Du bout des lèvres, elle titille le clitoris entièrement décalotté, et investit la chatte avec deux doigts. Elle arrive a tirer des râles de plaisir à la jeune fille.
-Oh le con, gémit Catie, tu es bonne toi. Tu vas me faire jouir là. Vas-y, mord le, oui...oui.
Son corps est pris de spasmes. Elle maintient la tête de Pascale contre sa chatte, jusqu'à ce qu'elle est fini de se vider. Les deux femmes roulent sur la moquette. C'est Pascale qui, la première , engage la conversation.
-Tu vas profiter de moi maintenant. Tu as vu comme j'ai joui, comme j'ai aimé ce que tu
m'as fait. Je dois m'attendre à quoi la prochaine fois. tu vas me faire chanter.
-Non, répond Catie, j'ai eu le coup de foudre quand je t'ai vu. J'ai tout de suite eu envie de
toi. Mais je savais pas comment m'y prendre. Le CD est tombé à point nommé. Je ne te
powerrai en rien. C'est toi qui décide. Si tu veux qu'on se voit, tu m'appelle. Tiens le CD.
On s'embrasse.
Pascale s'avance de Catie, lui prend tendrement les lèvres.
-Tu es pressée, viens au lit, s'il te plait. J'ai l'impression que tu as réveillée la gouine qui
dormait en moi.
Pascale va volontairement se donner. Catie va jouer avec elle une bonne partie de l'après midi. Elle va l'a faire hurler de plaisir. Epuisée, Pascale se blottit entre les bras de sa maitresse.
-J'ai décidé. Tu viens quand tu veux ma chérie. La porte sera ouverte. Tu m'avertis juste
pour savoir dans quelle tenue tu veux que je sois.

Le lendemain, Catie se pointe à l'improviste. Elle rentre, et va directement à la chambre. Pascale est allongé sur le ventre, une jambe repliée à l'équerre, apparemment assoupie.
"Quel canon, se dit Catie"
Elle se déshabille et s'approche sans bruit. Elle glisse deux doigts entre les cuisses offertes. Elle caresse les lèvres, et remonte jusqu'au bouton bien au chaud dans sa capuche. Elle gratte ce point sensible avec mister pouce. Pascale se cambre sous la caresse, et dresse les fesses.
-Hum..hum..roucoule-t-elle encore endormie. hum...
Catie se penche, l'embrasse dans le cou, et lui mord l'oreille.
-C'est bien mouillé tout çà, sourit-elle, c'est quoi?
-C'est ma petite chatte qui a besoin d'un bon câlin, murmure Pascale. Et mon petit machin,
décalotte le s'il te plait. Doigte le, crève moi.
Pascale se retourne, jambes écartées. Catie plaque sa chatte contre la sienne. Les deux femmes envoient des coups de reins. Elles se baisent. Mais à ce jeu, Pascale est novice. Catie l'a malmène. Joue avec elle comme avec une poupée. Pascale est à deux doigts de s'évanouir.
-Tu fais pas le poids, ironise Catie. Je te nique salope. Allez viens ma chérie. Lâche toi.
-Ha oui..oui..que c'est bon, vas-y mon amour, ma maitresse. Mon corps t'appartient
Le corps de Pascale explose. Elle hurle de plaisir. C'est en larmes qu'elle prend les lèvres de Catie.
-Reste avec moi cette nuit, supplie Pascale. Aime moi encore, s'il te plait, dis oui.
-Mais chérie, il n'est que dix huit heure. Et ton mari va rentrer. S'il nous surprend.
-Je m'en fou. Jamais permisterne n(a utilisé mon corps comme tu l'a fais. Je veux apprendre
encore. Allez, ne me fais pas râler.
-D'accord, mais tu seras sage et obéissante, OK?
-Oh que oui, je serai sage mon amour.


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Impregnorium - No Condoms, No Pills, No Pulling Out!

My wife Catherine and I have been together for almost a year. She is 5-5 with a curvy figure, and she still drives me crazy. I often get turned on just thinking about her, and we make love nearly every night. The only thing I don’t like about my sex life with her is that when I am fucking her I have to wear a condom, because she doesn’t want to take the pill. Once I tried to talk her into taking it and she just said ,”If you don’t want to fuck me with a condom on I’ll find someone who will.”

Even though I love my wife and our sex life is great I sometimes surf the net for porn. The pictures that turn me on the most are the ones where two guys are fucking a girl. I love to look at the pics where the woman fucks one guy while she sucks the other one off. I also like to read erotic stories about group sex.

One day I was sitting at my desk at home looking at porn and I didn’t hear my wife come in. She walked into the room and I was sitting in front of my computer with my dick out stroking. I tried to put it away quick, but I looked ridiculous with my hard dick poking out through my underwear.

I thought my wife would be mad, but instead she laughed and walked in and looked at the computer screen. She wrapped her arms around me, then reached into my underwear and pulled out my cock. She whispered in my ear,”I want you to surf through the porn like you usually do, and I will look over your shoulder and hold your cock.”

I thought this was odd, but I was really turned on. Cathy wet her hand with salavia and put it on my dick and started to stroke up and down. I clicked on a mpeg of a large breasted blonde woman sitting on one guys lap while she sucked off another guy. The picture came to life with the woman bouncing up and down on the mans dick while she sucked the other one off.

“What’s on the other screen,” my wife whispered into my ear. I clicked on a screen that I had minimized and it was an erotic story I had been reading. “Read it to me.”

She was slowly stroking my dick and I was hard as a rock, but she never stroked fast enough for me to come. I could feel her breath on my neck and her breast pressed against my back. I read her the story so she wouldn’t stop stroking, but I didn’t think about what was in the actual text. The story was about a guy who was cuckolded by his wife and friend. The wife gets so horny that she powers the guy to come in her and she gets pregnant.

As my wife is stroking me I am getting harder and harder and she starts to whisper in my ear,”Wouldn’t you like to watch me fuck some body?” and she started to stroke me faster. I was lost in the fantasy and said yes. Then she ask me to tell her about it.

“You’re having sex with someone we know and I’m watching you be seduced. You try to resist, but you just get carried away.” I’m breathing hard. Then she whispers in my ear,”Is he wearing a rubber.”

“No.” I say and I feel myself start to cum. Almost immediately after I come I say,”I’m sorry, I got carried away.”

She gives me a kiss and then she says,”It’s okay, you can’t help what turns you on.”

I was thankful to have such a hot and kinky wife.


It was about a week later that Cathrine called to tell me she had invited a friend from work over for dinner. I didn’t even know the friend was a man until I got home and met Tom. Tom was about my height and skinny, he was a young, black professional that worked at my wifes office. He was wearing a tie and pants.

As my wife made us a spagetti dinner I talked to Tom about his work and life. He was a really polite guy and we were getting along great. We were both fans of the New York Yankees and we both agreed they would turn it on at the end of the seamister. Then dinner came out and we sat at the table and my wife poured us all a glass of red wine. My wife was delighted that Tom and I were getting along.

After we ate my wife poured another glass of wine and walked into the living room. My wife put on some jazz music and I sat down on one end of the couch and Tom sat at the other. My wife sat in the middle. We made some meaningless conversation, and then my wife said,”It’s been a long day, I need a foot rub.” My wife got up and poured some more wine in the glasses, and then she laid down on the couch with her head in Toms lap and her feet on my lap,”You guys don’t mind do you?”

I knew my wife was playing games with me, because she knows her feet turn me on. So I start to rub her feet. “Mmmm. That feels good,” she said. “I’ll pay you back later tonight.”

Tom broke in,”Sounds like you guys are going to have some fun.”

Yeah, I said, playing along,”We know how to have a good time.”

The tension in the room had started to get thick, and I felt the red rushing to my penis. My wife took her toe and ran it along the outside of my pants, feeling my shaft beneath. Tom looked at my lap, and I was thinking he would excuse himself.

“Am I making you guys excited?” my wife said, I looked at her and realized she must be able to feel tom’s penis through his pants. I wondered if he was hard and turned on like me. Tom looked at me to see how I would respond. I thought back to the evening when Cathrine had found me with the porn, and I knew I was in dangerous territory, but I also felt like Tom or Cathrine wouldn’t do any thing that made me uncomfortable.

“I’m getting exciting, what about you Tom.”

Tom said,”Actually, I hate to admit this, but I can see down the top of your wifes shirt.

Cathrine was wearing a tight white shirt and tight black pants. It was a sexy outfit, but one she could wear to work. I felt her foot stroke my cock a little more, and I could tell she wanted to experiment so I said,”What about you sweet heart?

“I’m getting my feet rubbed by one hansom man and I feel another hansom man’s cock swelling under my head. How could I not be turned on?”


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My wife then sat up and said,”I think we should have a little fun. We’re all a little tipsy, and anyone’s welcome to stop it all at anytime, but I’m feeling a little wild.” Then she pulled her shirt over her head and ran her hands over the outside of her bra. She was wearing a shear bra and her nipples were visible through the lace. My penis almost hurt with the strain under my pants, and I thought Tom’s must be the same. Then Cathy said,”I’m going to suggest that you two take off your clothes.

Tom looked over at me and I shrugged. I got up and started to unbutton my shirt. Tom got up and did the same. I was a little intimidated, because when Tom and I got our shirts off it was obvious he worked out and I didn’t. His body was not big, but was well defined while I was white, skinny and undefined. Then we both dropped our pants and we sat down and took off our shoes. Last we both stripped off our underwear.

I had never seen a black man’s penis before, so I was curious and I had to look. His penis wasn’t behemoth, but it was a little bit larger than my 7 inch rod. I guessed it was about an inch longer. We were both hard, although I think I was a little more excited as my penis really stuck straight up and looked like it was about to explode.

Then Cathy said,”good boys.” She slowly pulled down her pants and then she said,”Now, I’m going to lay down the ground rules. First, only my husband can remove my bra and panties. My tits and my pussy belong to him, and only he can give others access. However honey (she looked at me with serious, but sultry expression) if the panties come off then I get to decide where my pussy goes. The second rule, if one of you comes, the other one comes too. I want everything equal. So if you come you have to sit in the time out chair and watch until the other permister gets a chance to come. And the third rule is that you have to wear a condom to put your dick in me. It’s been about two weeks since my period, and I don’t want to get pregnant. Honey, go get the condoms.”

I got up and went into the bedroom to get the condoms. I opened the drawer and there was only one condom left. I was upset, but I grabbed it and went back into the living room. “Only one,” my wife said. I nodded,”then I guess only one of you will get to fuck me, or else I might get pregnant. I wonder which one of you it will be?”

I sat on the couch and my wife started to kiss me and she touched my cock. I started to feel her breast, but Tom’s hand was there, so I put my hands to the side. Then my wife turned and she started to kiss Tom and she reached into his lap and started to slowly squeeze his cock. I looked for a moment and thought I would come. It was really hot seeing my wife touch another man. Tom’s black hands created a contrast against my wifes white skin that was striking.

It occurred to me that I should remove her bra, so I reached around the back and unhooked it. She lifted her arms and she gave a slight moan as I removed it. Then I leaned over and started to kiss her breast. She moaned again. I opened my eyes and I had a perfect view of her hand gripping Toms cock, a drop of precum already formed on the tip.

I reached between her legs and felt her damp panties. I ran my hand up and down the length of vagina with only her panties between my finger and her cunt. I thought about removing them, but then I remembered the rules and I was afraid if I removed them now she would fuck Tom, and with only one condom I wanted to fuck her, although I thought about how great it would be to watch. Cathy then started to kiss down Tom’s chest and I pulled back to watch as she kissed down his abs to his cock. She kissed all around the sensitive tip and I saw Tom close his eyes and moan. Cathy turned and got on all-fours while she was sucking Tom.

My wifes panty covered pussy was directly in front of me, and I was so horny I was about to come. I knew it was risky, but I wanted to make sure I got to use the condom to fuck her with. I thought about how nice her wet pussy would feel and I could think of nothing else. I decided to pull off her panties and to fuck her. First I opened the condom and slowly unrolled it down my penis. I was so turned on I thought I would come. Next I started to pull down Cathrines panties and she turned around and said,”Are sure honey, once those come off my pussy goes where ever I want it to go.”

After the warning she turned back around and lowered her lips back on to Tom’s cock. My penis was throbbing inside the condom, and I could smell my wifes pussy. I touched it and I could feel the warmth and I was filled with the need to have it. I wondered why she had warned me, and I considered the idea that she would fuck Tom, Even though I had fantasies about her fucking someone else I wasn’t sure that I wanted it to go that far, especially since I had already put on the last condom.

Then I looked down at my cock and I could think of nothing but sinking into my wife. I pulled her panties down and off, and then I mounted her from behind. She moaned and I started to fuck. Almost immediately I felt my balls start to tense up and I knew I couldn’t last long. At first I tried to slow down, but it was too late so I thrust two times quickly and I felt myself give way to an orgasm. I closed my eyes and pushed deep inside my wife filling the condom with a large load of my semen. Then I slowly pulled out and Cathy pointed to the time out chair. I went to sit in it and I pulled the condom off of my dick.

It hit me then that I was sitting in a chair looking at my wife naked with a black man. I realized I had been tricked by my wife, but I took solace in the fact that she said that he would have to put on a condom to put our dick in her, and we were out of condoms. I thought I might enjoy seeing her suck him or jack him off, and at least I could handle it.

My wife then sat up and started to kiss Tom again. His hand roved gently over her breast and nipples and then down to her vagina. He started to move his hand around and she started to moan. He picked up the pace and she started breathing harder. She stopped kissing him and spread her legs and laid back on the couch. Tom moved around and dropped between her legs. I watched as he started to give her oral sex. She moaned and touched her head and then her breast. “Oh god, I’m going to come oh god.” She started to moan. After about another minute Cathy yelled,”Oh fuck yes!” and I could see her toes tighten and I could feel the waves of pleasure going through her body. I was amazed at how quickly she had come and how strong it had been. I wasn’t sure I had ever managed to get her that turned on. I felt a little inferior, but my own erection had already returned. I wanted to join in again, but the rule was that I had to sit in the time out chair until Tom came.

Cathy then pulled Tom into the chair and slowly started to suck his cock. The she pulled her head off revealing his rock hard member. Now it looked a good bit bigger than mine, and I was afraid that if she felt it inside of her she would realize how much smaller I was. Cathrine turned around and sat down in Tom’s lap. She was facing me and she was stroking his cock which was between her legs. Her pussy lips were kissing the top of his cock as she looked me in the eyes and said,”This is your fantasy baby, Do you want me to fuck it?”

“You don’t have a condom.” I replied weakly. I didn’t want her to fuck it because his dick was so much bigger than mine, and because I didn’t want her to get pregnant with a black baby.



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“That’s not what I asked sweetheart. This is like the stories you read. I want to fulfill your fantasies.” Her voice started to grow impatient and powerful,”Do you want me to sit on his cock and ride it? Do you want to see it going in out of me? Do you want me to fuck it?”

She continued,”If you’re a man you can end this right now. I’ll just jack Tom off and tell him to go home. But if you want me to fuck it, just touch your dick. If you don’t have enough control over yourself to keep from touching your dick I’ll know you want his dick inside of me.”

I watched as she rubbed the outside of her pussy up and down his cock. She moaned and held his dick close to her pussy. I could hear him breathing heavily and I saw the look of ecstacy in her eyes. I could also feel my own penis getting harder. I could feel the horniness rising to the top of my penis and I wanted nothing more than to touch it. Only the thought of my wife getting pregnant by another man was holding me back.

“It looks like you like what you see sweetheart. It looks like you want me to sit on his cock. Why don’t you touch your dick?”

“ I don’t want you to get pregnant. I’m not sure I want this.” Those words were hard for me to say, but I powerd my self to say them. Even though I wanted to see them fuck, I wasn’t ready to be humiliated with a black baby.

“Okay sweetheart, but I have to make him come. His dick feels really good between my legs. What if I sit on it for just a second? What if he promises not to come inside of me?”

Then Tom said,”Man, touch yourself. I won’t come inside her unless I see you come. If I see you come though I know you must really be turned on by seeing my dick in her, and I’ll do you the favor of knocking her up.”

“See sweet heart, just touch yourself. It will feel so good and it would be so naughty to see him inside of me. Just touch yourself.”

I looked at my wife sitting on his lap with her legs spread and her pussy rubbing the top of his cock. I felt my hand reaching for me penis. “Good boy, good naughty boy.” My wife said., I watched her and listened and then I felt my hand wrap around my penis.

Then my wife rose up and ran the tip of his dick along her pussy and then she slowly lowed herself down on to it. “Oh god, that feels so good. It’s so much bigger than yours baby. This is so naughty.”

She moved slowly sliding up and down on his cock. She was breathing deeply and disjointly at first, but she grew more ecstatic. She didn’t seem to know what she was saying, but she started to speak,”Oh yes, naughty husband,,you want to see me fuck this big black cock. Oh god it feels so good. I’m not sure I can stop. I bet you want him to come inside me too. I bet you come all over yourself.”

I had never heard her talk like that before, but I had read it in stories. I realized she must of read some more of my stories. I watched as she picked up the pace, and with out thinking I was picking up the pace too. Then she said,” I feel his dick growing inside of me, It’s so big. I think you want him to come inside me.”

Then it hit me, this would be a black baby and I would be humiliated. I let go of my penis even though I was on the verge of coming and I breathed deep to fight it off. I really wanted to finish myself as I looked at my penis throbbing in front of me, and I knew if I grabbed it right now cum would shoot into the air and down my fingers, but instead I said,”We should stop now, this is going to far.”

“Come here.” She motioned for me to come stand beside her. She continued to rock slowly on Toms cock and she motioned for me to stand on the couch beside them. My penis was sticking straight out just below her mouth and I could feel her breath on it and I was afraid I would come, but I was to excited to step away. In an out of breath voice she whispered“Come on my tits baby.” And as she spoke her lips gently rubbed against my cock.

“No, I don’t want you to get pregnant.” I said, but I didn’t move away. I left my penis in front of her, at her mercy. I was beginning to want her to pull it. I wanted to come and part of me wanted Tom to fill up me wife.

She then grabbed my cock and started to pull it. She stroked it gently and then she put it deep in her mouth and got it wet with her spit, and then she pulled it close to her chest and rubbed the head of cock against her nipple. “Come on my chest. This is your fantasy, to be cuckolded. Make it come true baby. I see your balls getting tighter. I know you want this. Come on my tits.”

She was bouncing up and down on his cock and she was stroking me quickly. I felt waves of pleasure building inside of me stronger than anything I had felt before. I knew I shouldn’t do this and I started to pull away and Cathy’s hand slipped off of my cock, but then I felt the orgasm. I closed my eyes and I felt the thick stringy liquid shoot from the end of my dick on to Cathy’s chest. It started to run down over her nipples. When Tom saw it he said,”Oh fuck, yes. Finally” And I could see him thrust hard upward. Cathy let out a yelp as my cum fell on her chest and I knew Tom was coming deep in her pussy.

“Oh god, it feels so good. I feel him coming in me,”She screamed as she closed her eyes and had an orgasm of her own.

She continued to slowly rock on Tom’s cock, and then gently she lifted herself up. His cock fell flatly to the side, and it was wet with the mixture of there orgasms. Cathrine laid down on the couch exausted.

I got down off of the couch and Cathy told me to sit down. “You can go home Tom.” She said and he started to get dressed. When he was dressed he leaned over and kissed her, then he turned to me and said,”I’m glad I could help you.” Then Tom left.

When Tom got dressed and left Cathy laid in the middle of the floor and spread her legs. “I want you to eat me out.”

“Tom just came in you, I don’t want to do that.”

Cathy reached between her legs and started to masturbate with one hand while she rubbed my cum over her nipples with the other. I was thinking about what had just happened and I expected to worry. I felt myself start to get hard again. “It looks like you want to taste baby, why don’t you taste.”

I felt as if I was acting compulsively, as if I had no control. I dropped to the floor and started to gently kiss Cathys cunt. Then I put my tounge out and tasted. It was slightly bitter but not bad. Cathy put her hand on the back of my head and gently pulled me toward her. She held me close and I felt myself getting aroused so I kissed her and started to explore her with my tounge. I now tasted her and Tom mixed together and it aroused me more. She started to come again and I felt more of Toms come and I swallowed. After two orgasms I was rock hard again.

Cathrine pulled me up and kissed me and I tried to enter her, but she pushed me off. “Your not wearing a condom.” She said. Then she grabbed my cock and started to stroke me off. She took her finders and dipped them inside of her cunt and used the juices to massage my cock. I was again really turned on and my cock was wet with come and spit. She started to lick my nipple and then massage my balls as she stroked me. In just a few seconds I had come again. She then pulled her come covered body close to me and she whispered in my ear, “I love you. I’ll fill any fantasy for you. As soon as I find out I’m pregnant with Tom’s baby you can fuck me all you want with out a condom. I wanted to protest, or ask her not to have the baby, but with the thought of her growing stomach and with her naked body next to me I was starting to get hard again.


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marie-rose 65 ans

Au travail, je suis délégué syndical, dans le cadre de cette responsabilité je me suis occupé du grief de Marie-Rose.
Marie-Rose 65 ans , grassette, une paire de tétons volumineuse et pendantes.
Moi,46 ans, séparé depuis 7ans de la femme qui m'a dépucelé a 32 ans. Depuis ma séparation je me branle régulièrement.
Haaa l'internet !

Pour me remercier d'avoir sauvé mister emploi, elle m'a invité plusieurs fois pour souper. Étant a cours d'excuse j'acceptais finalement mister invitation. Avant d'aller plus loin , je vous précise que je parais plus jeune, facilement 30 ans, je suis chatain, pratiquement pas de barbe, et de plus je suis petit et plutot maigrichon.
Je me présente chez elle à l'heure convenue avec une bouteille de vin et des fleurs. Elle me reçoit en m'embrassant sur les joues et je sens sur ma frêle poitrine ses tétons, surtout lorsqu'elle se frotte carrément en changeant de joue. Je sens un début d'érection. On se calme. Elle porte un chemisier blanc ample me laissant mister soutien-gorge ouvert. Je constate qu'elle n'a pas le haut de la poitrine ridée. Elle porte une jupe jusqu'au genou.

Elle ne se gène pas lors de l'apéro pour se pencher en m'exposant ses seins et croiser les jambes hautes me laissant voir le haut de ses cuisses toutes blanches.
On mange,on boit du vin, beaucoup de vin, la discussion change. Elle me parle de mister mari décédé il y a environ 10 ans de ses copains depuis et des fantasmes de ceux-ci.
Son histoire me fait bander et lorsqu'on passe au salon pour le café, en me levant elle constate mon état. Elle me dit :
- Tu bandes à m'écouter et toi tu dis rien.

Je reste silencieux, elle me caresse les cheveux et je pose ma tête sur sa poitrine. Tout de go je lui dit que ca fait des années que je masturbe et que l'entendre me raconter ses histoires me donne envie de me branler. Elle me met debout et me déshabille, je suis nu, bandé, elle enlève mister chemisier et mister soutif . J'ai jamais vu d'aussi gros tétons. Elle me prend la main et m'assoit sur ses genoux et tranquillement me masturbe, puis remplace sa main par la mienne en me disant de me branler. Je me branle sans retenue, je mécartille, lève les jambes, je prends mes deux mains et pendant ce temps Marie-Rose m'insulte en me traitant de petit branleur et ajoute que les branleurs on les guérit par une bonne fessée. Elle enlève sa jupe, me couche sur ses grosses cuisses, une cuisse c'est ma taille. Elle me corrige, ça fait mal mais j'aime . J'éjacule sur sa cuisse, elle est fachée et je suis à genou au coin. Elle s'approche de moi, elle a mister portable, je regarde, elle a tout filmé, je suis à sa merci.


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Les fortes pluies et la neige, en dehors de leurs graves inconvénients, ont eu le mérite de réalimenter la source... Merci


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More Surprises at the Resort

Hi. My name is Tina. I am 41 years old and have been married to my current husband since I was 28. I have 2 boys from a previous marriage ages 21 and 17. This is my second story ever to be put on line. I will say now that I am sorry if my choices offend some of you. Just to paint an accurate picture, I am 5'2" tall and weigh 135 pounds- not fat really but not skinny. I still wear a 2 piece to swim and I look great in jeans. I am a brunette and yes, I color it a bit now.

My hair is generally worn straight and it goes just past my shoulders but I will wear it up or in a pony on occasion. My eyes are brown. I am Italian but more fair skinned than you might think. I have D cup boobs (which usually get me into these kinds of situations) but they have seen some wear with 2 kids and gravity. I had liposuction done 6 years ago. I have a flat tummy and good shaped thighs and butt – although I have added about 10 pounds since. I need to work on that.

I work full time in an office and my husband is in sales with a good income and lots of travel. I go whenever I can get off work and when he goes someplace good now that the boys are older. He goes on fishing and hunting trips with his friends a few times a year. I go with my friends a few times a year for a long weekend and one trip to Mexico for a week – just the girls for a week of shopping, takeing, sun, and more shopping and takeing. We have made it an annual even now and go to wherever we can find a good deal on an all-inclusive resort. Let me say here that I am no prude. I enjoy many sexual activities but being a mom and a bit older, I don't usually talk about them with people and there are a few fantasies I keep to myself. I do enjoy reading the explicit stories on line and imagining myself there but some of them go a bit too far. Also after 13 years of marriage, our bedroom activity has slowed a bit but not too much.

In my first story, I explained my discovery of my submissive side and the guys we met in Mexico. This story explains the rest of the week I had after that first takes and wild night. The next day, I slept well past noon with my head and body aching from rough fun and way too many margaritas.

I finally made my way to the chairs at the pool at 1:30 PM where my girlfriend was waiting with a big cheesy grin. She knew I had fun last night but she did not know everything. We ordered some food and chatted but I was not about to tell her the details. She only knew I was very bad and went to a guy's room –and returned to our room at 5:00 AM.

Later that afternoon, I was feeling better and the free margaritas began to flow. That's what you do at an all-inclusive resort. Eat, take, relax, and start over the next day. Suddenly, I saw a shadow and turned to see the guy approaching that I spent the last night with. I had mixed feelings. He was a beautiful young man and very sexy but I felt a little scared and betrayed by his actions the night before. I decided to put that night behind me and move on with my life. I could live with myself for having only one night of takes passion.

"Good Morning Sunshine" he said as he pulled up a chaise lounge chair and sat facing us. I said hello distantly and looked away. He asked, "What's the matter? Aren't you happy to see me?"

I replied, "It was very fun last night, and disturbing at the same time. Thank you for everything but I need to put that behind me now and move on. I am a married woman and need to remember that. You understand I hope,"

He said he did and with a long face he walked away slowly. My fiend asked what happened and I said I really did not want to discuss it so we ordered more takes and laid back in the sun. About 10 minutes later, I felt a shadow again and looked up. He was standing above me, blocking the sun and grinning from ear to ear.

He said, "I have something to show you." He handed me my drivers license and said, "this must have fallen out of your purse. I wrote down your home address in case I ever get to the Chicago area."

I snatched it from him and said, "please don't joke around. You know I am married and we cannot see each other any more. Please don't ever call or show up in Chicago."

He sat down then, still smiling and pulled some papers out of his pocket and unfolded them. He said, "I printed these on the hotel computer this morning. Sorry for the poor quality but at home I can print them on photo paper." He handed them to me and I was paralyzed when I saw 2 photos of me laying naked with my legs apart and smiling on his bed from last night. I did not remember a camera but I was so lost in passion, I probably missed a lot more than that. I sat there, speechless and he then said, "it would be a shame for the wrong permister to ever see these." And then said, "so what time will you be over tonight? 7:00 or 8:00? We have a big night planned." I was still stunned when he said, "Oh I have your passport too. I picked it this morning but it is in a drawer somewhere. I'll find it and give it back to you when you come over."

I finally regained enough composure to speak and said, "I will be there at 8:00 if you promise to never tell my husband a thing."

He laughed out loud and said, "Of course I won't tell him. See you tonight sweety." He turned and walked away, looking over his shoulder saying, "wear something sexy for me."

Alice just stared at me. I said, "I have no choice. What have I gotten myself into?" She apologized too for taunting me into this last night. I said, "Don't worry. I did this to myself. It's not your fault." I ordered another take and laid back in my chair to contemplate my mess.

I showered and dressed sexy for an early dinner with Alice. I told her I was sorry but she was on her own that night. She joked and said that maybe she could find a nice muscle man to play with too. I said, "Don't joke about that. You don't know what they are like."

"They?" She said, "who is they?"

I broke down and told that both of the guys were in the room last night and that I really did not want to talk more. She just smiled, understanding. We finished dinner and I headed for cottage 1022. At 8:00 sharp I knocked on the door, wearing a strapless blue dress and high heels. My hair was up in a more formal style. I wanted to look my best. I did not wear any jewelry so I would not have to worry about losing anything.

John opened the door wearing a Hawaiian shirt, baggy shorts and sandals. His muscles showed through even the baggiest clothes. He was smiling as he asked me in where I saw his friend Mike sitting at the small table filled with cuckold water bottles, mixers, and an ice bucket. Can I offer you a take?" he asked.

I said, "yes and make it strong."

They both laughed and John said not to worry. "We won't hurt you."

I asked for my passport back and he said he would find it later. He then sat down in the only other chair by Mike, leaving me standing. As Mike mixed my take, they both stared at me with elevator eyes, looking up and down the length of my body.

John said, "let your hair down Tina. You look like you are going to a ball." I reached up slowly and unpinned my hair, letting fall to my shoulders. I shook my head a few times to give my hair a wild look.

"Is this better? I asked. They both smiled and nodded as Mike handed me a big glass of mostly tequila and I think some lime and orange juice. I slammed about half of it and set the glass on the table.

As I stepped back, John said, "take your dress off Tina." Well that didn't take long, I thought to myself. I reached back and unhooked my clasp and pulled my zipper down. Ever so slowly, I pulled my dress down exposing by breasts, my belly and my tiny thong. As my dress hit the floor, I just kicked it aside as the two men just stared at my chest.

"Now your thong," he said. I did as I was told. Somehow, I enjoyed taking orders and doing as he wished, even if I was feeling tremendously guilty for being here and scared what might be coming next. Last night, I was loaded beyond belief. Tonight, I was buzzed but I knew exactly what I was doing. My logical side still had some control telling me to grab my dress and run. But I knew I could not. I knew I had to see this through. He had my address and photos of me. I was going to comply.

I stood there nude I front of two leering men – beautiful, young, well built men. I felt ashamed but excited at the same time. "Turn around slowly," one of them said. I slowly turned letting them view my entire nudity. I felt it happening again, I was already slipping into a dream state, not paying attention to them but focusing on my own desires and fantasies. I did not even notice who spoke to me.

"Kick off your shoes," one said. "They are very sexy but you won't be needing them." I bent over and unfastened both straps to step out. John got up and walked toward me, cupping my breasts in his hands and kissing me. "Now lay on the bed," he instructed. I complied and situated myself in the middle with my head on a pillow and my arms at my sides. Mike got up and walked over. Both men were still completely clothed, looking down at my naked body on one of their beds. Mike opened a travel bag and pulled out a large coil of white rope.

I snapped back to reality and bolted upright. John pushed me back down and held me pinned with a big hand on my chest applying pressure. He said, "Don't worry. We won't hurt you. This is just a game we like to play." I objected but they were insistent. I knew I was not going to win. Mike cut several lengths of rope and began tying my wrists and ankles. He pulled my wrists tightly to the upper corners of the bed. I don't know what he tied them to but he was reaching under the bed. He pulled my feet very hard pulling my body against my wrist restraints.

He and John then each took a rope attached to my ankles and spread my legs as far as they would go---and then a little more than that until I whimpered. They tied them off and stood to admire their handy work. I had never been tied before and I was so exposed, so vulnerable, so helpless. I knew they were going to take their pleasure with me but this was unexpected and scary.

I begged them not to hurt me and they just laughed and toasted each other before downing their cocktails. I watched as they both took off their clothes. Their bodies were fabulous and the hard penises were more beautiful than last night. Where my husband has a hard one that is only kind of hard and sticks out and down. Both of these guys were big and they pointed straight up. They were beyond hard. But I was still scared and helpless. John took out a camera and started snapping photos. I knew I was in for more trouble but there was noting I could do now.

Both men came over to the bed and began touching me—mostly my boobs—rubbing, kneading, pulling on my nipples, each with two hands on my boobs and massaging. It was nice and scary at the same time. I closed my eyes as hands roved over my boobs, my neck my face, my belly, my legs, and then my crotch. They were gentle but firm. I felt fingers entering me as I slowly moved into my haze again. I would enjoy this if I must.

Then John crawled up above my face with knees planted on either side of my face. I snapped out of it again as he powerd his hard penis down toward my mouth. I had sex last night but tonight we are going farther. I am not a big fan of giving oral but I wanted it then. I wanted to please him. I wanted him in my mouth. I even wanted him to finish right there in my mouth. I knew that but I did not say it.
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