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Our first MFM--went a little wrong

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#1 · Edited by: wifeysbooty
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It was a great experience.. we met a guy from aff.. we did a webcam play night with him and she felt comfortable to meet.. We have been married 5 years and together for 10 years...

We met and everything went great.. I am 7x6 1/4, id say he was probably 8x6.. He fucked her good and she loved the extra size.. I videotaped and it was a night to remember... Problem is, he and she broke the one rule that i had.. I said that she was never to meet him alone, and she did about a week after meet him and fucked him alone.. We are worrking through this but now she says she doesnt want to do mFMs anymore... How do i get her to feel comfortable to get back into this... I love this lifestyle.. Im not really a cuckold because i am not small and dont want to be humiliated, but i love seeing my wife with a bigger man..

Heres a few pics of her amazing booty..

Helloooo.. looking for big cock for wifey
Mike W


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You get her back into this by apologizing for getting mad at her, tell her she can meet him anytime and anyplace as long as she tells you afterwards. Dont ruin it. She is smoking hot.


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Rules are part of the lifestyle. Any problems we have had have been with people that have a lot of rules.

I think too many rules could be an indication of a lack of trust.

I wonder how you found out she met with him alone a week later. I assume she told you. So she shared the experience with you and you got mad. Well if she does cuckold you again some day you better hope she shares it with you instead of keeping it secret.

It seems to me that a lot of rules in a cuckolding relationship is like topping from the bottom.


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I happen to think rules are important. I don't think "no playing alone" is "a lot of rules" and certainly not "fifty million rules." However, it sounds like you are at a crossroads. You have to pick which is more important. Having her playing around and doing it alone, or not having her playing around at all. Sounds like she's not going to let you have it both ways.


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Things do go wrong. The rule of no secret meets is a huge one. Stick to it or you will be miserbale. Go slow, plan ahead, get a well hung stud and have him unknown to her show up at a bar or club, plan a seduction, it can work.


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Thanks Ted and derrin... I agree, that is a huge rule... Weve spoken about it and i will do another mfm, if she will, but it can only be together..
Helloooo.. looking for big cock for wifey


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Let us know how it goes!


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To start you are realy a cuckold because your wife has sex with other men, cuckolding has nothing to do with small penises, offense or any other side kink. Im not sure if that plays a part in your mind set but its worth noting.

Cuckolding is about two people and only two people, and each should have an equal say in how this will work. You are taking some big risks when you allow, encourage you wife to relax with other men and if your commitment to each other is not strong then you should not do it. You are dealing with the strongest human emtions love, gealousy and to keep you both safe a few rules are a good idea.

Maybe you wife did tell you after she met this fellow allone, she should have told you before.

Although I agree to many rules complicate matters (she is a flesh and red woman who you can not control) set some rules that make you both feel comfortable and safe. This cucolding thing will grow and rules change, communication is the key.

Have fun


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Wives cheat. (So do husbands.) They always have. In fact, wives cheat at least as much as husbands, perhaps a lot more. They are just much better at lying about it and hiding it than their husbands.

You might as well accept your wife's cheating and move on to the next step, as have I: Demand she keep no secrets from you of her fucking around, that she tell you beforehand of her specific plans, or if not possible, inform you during her encounters with other men, or as soon after as possible. (There is nothing more gut-wrenching for a man than being out-of-the-loop while others around you know.) Tell her the consequences of her not abiding by this rule is to find herself buck naked on the curb so fast she won't know how she got there. Tell her you are the sole judge on whether she has complied. Then sit back and enjoy the ride.

Of course, I follow the same rules, too. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. I started playing around after I discovered my wife had been doing it for decades. She was furious at first, of course, but she had no good reamister for complaint. Go figure. Anyway, she got over it.

Actually, I prefer to be there with her. Threesomes are great. Foursomes and moresomes are even better. She says now there is little that is more romantic than being made love to by another man while she is holding my hand, even while I'm making love to the other guy's wife.


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There is an old saying - Experience keeps you out of trouble. You gain experience by getting into trouble.

Reading between the lines, you seem to have a good relationship with your wife. No permister/s, relationship is perfect, and non-perfect people are going to "make mistakes." What is important, which it seems you are doing, is to communicate after and work it out and learn from it - moving forward together.

Yes, I believe, unlike many here, that the prime relationship must be kept strong and workable.

Congratulations and good luck as you enjoy together.
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Our first MFM--went a little wrong
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