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After The Party

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You are making it very hard for me to not begin unauthorized stroking of my boi-clitty. Thanks for your great story!
A. Smith


Posts: 79 Pictures: 2 
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Storm I just can not wait to read more.
cuckold sissy wendy white aka tinyboywayne
baron ochs


Posts: 89
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The only thing that might become boring and/or repetitive is the rest of us constantly telling you how much we're enjoying your story.
Another great instalment. Thanks again


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I'll keep this short.

Thanks for another nice segment!!
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 242 Pictures: 4 
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Stormy EXCELLENT work!! don't know what else to say except THANK YOU!!

I guess it is a good thing you and Goodhusband haven't collabarated on a story together, us "little peter" guys wouldn't stand a chance. We would have our little wennies rubbed completed off from the reading!

again excellent work.



Posts: 1459
#246 · Edited by: stormydog
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jj, Nifty, lkit, wayne, C-4-1, baron, and all the others that have said thanks - a group 'you're welcome'! I appreciate the kind words, and your time taken to read and reply.

sslv, behave yourself! DO NOT get me in trouble with your Mistress!

Techcuck, welcome back! Is it actually possible to wear it down to a little nubbin just by over-use? I believe that, like in an engine, lubrication will dramatically reduce wear and tear. Just a thought...

GH, as always, thanks. As far as being a "just a reader", enjoy it - but not for too long! We'll expect you back to entertain us, although Courtesan will be a tough act to follow. I hope to get myself into a 'read only' mode someday soon too, at least for a little while!


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I watched them for awhile, until I began to feel very conspicuous standing alone at the edge of the dance floor. He continued to grope her ass, right out there where anyone could see them, and by the way Stef was pressing herself to him I could tell that she was enjoying it, and was very probably quite sexually aroused. Finally I remembered where I was, and looked around quickly to see if anyone had noticed me. It didn't seem that I had drawn any unwanted attention, so I quietly continued on toward the bar, shaking my head, my heart a heavy weight in my chest.

I slid onto an empty bar stool and waited for one of the bartenders to notice me. Soon the female one did, and approached. She was an attractive woman a few years older than Steffany and me, her dark auburn red hair pulled back into a thick ponytail, and her ample tits pushed up and out of her low-cut green blouse to display impressive cleavage, which I was certain was a sure-fire tip producer for her. My mind could almost envision a couple of tiny skiers on those perfect snowy white slopes..."Hey there partner, name your poimister!" Her voice was another tip-generating asset, smooth and sexy with a light Irish lilt.

"Uh, hemlock? Arsenic, you know, whatever you've got."

She laughed, and the bell-like sound of it made her three for three - or is it four for four? "Well, I don't have those, but I can get you a gin and tonic, which is about nasty enough to ******* you. Bad day?"

I laughed. "You could say that - so you're not a gin fan, I guess?"

"No, it's the tonic. Bad stuff!"

"Oh. Well that's true, but I do like your suggestion, so yes, get me one of those please."

As she bent to retrieve a glass and then turned to the rack of bottles behind her, someone slid onto the vacant bar stool to my right. I glanced in that direction, and nodded at the woman that had taken the seat, a smallish blue-eyed blond, her hair in a short pixie-ish cut. I smiled at her. "Hi. The bartender should be back in a second, she's just getting my take."

"OK, thanks. No rush." She leaned one way and then the other, tugging her short red dress down onto her thighs as she did so. She was cute, in her own way, but I thought maybe her dress was a little young for her. Not that it didn't look good - it did - but it looked like it was meant for someone of the eighteen to twenty five crowd, and she was probably my age or thereabouts, pushng thirty. Still, it did show off her cute figure.

When Irish returned with my take, she looked at the newcomer, waiting for an order. The blond looked at my glass. "Is that a gin and tonic?"

I nodded as the bartender answered in the affirmative. "Oh good, I'll have one of those too please - Tanqueray, if you've got it."

As she turned to fill the order, I sipped my take, then paused to squeeze a little more juice from the lime slice. I like mine limey. Looking down at my take, I watched the blond extend her closed fist out along the bar, stopping right next to my glass, palm down. She slowly opened her fist, and I heard something rattle onto the bar. Just as slowly, she withdrew her hand, and I was left looking down at two round, dark objects. I bent closer, for a better look. They were buttons. I looked at them, and then at her, very puzzled.

"They're buttons, Kevin, I found them in the bathroom sink. You know, where they landed when he ripped your wife's blouse open to get at her tits. Last night. While he was fucking her." She laughed coldly. "I thought she might like them back."

Irish brought the woman's take, and, glancing down at the buttons and seeing us intently focused on each other, beat a hasty retreat. I think she may have caught part of what the blond woman had said.

My mind whirling, I looked from her to the buttons and back, several times, unable to think of anything whatsoever that I could say. Finally, she shook her head in disgust. "You don't remember me at all, do you Kevin?"

I took that to mean that I should, but for the life of me I didn't! The fact that she knew my name was probably a bad sign. She prodded. "I've lost a few pounds." Still nothing. She shook her head. "Does the name Cheryl help at all?"

That got a little jingle in my memory, but I could still think of only one Cheryl that would have known both Stef and me. Surely this couldn't be her! "Cheryl Wisniewski? From college?" She nodded. "Wow, you really have lost a ton of weight!" That came out somewhat awkwardly, and there was no way to suck it back in. I quickly tried to cover up. "I really like your hair, have you lightened it?" She had been a dirty dishwater blond when I'd known her, but now it was a perfect golden yellow, with pale highlights.

She nodded. "It's Cheryl Carlmister now - I'm divorced, but I sure as hell didn't want to go back to Wisniewski - and yes, I had my hair colored, lost a lot of weight, got my nose fixed...oh, and had a boob job. What do you think?"

"I think you look great - all of it, very nice!"

"Gifts from my ex-, about the only good things he ever did for me. I guess if I'd looked like this in college you might have noticed me, huh?"

"Oh come on Cheryl, I noticed you! We talked all the time, whenever we all went out!" It was true. Cheryl had been a sort of 'poor sister' of their sorority. Not that she was actually poor, just that she didn't fit in with the other girls. She was a year younger than me and Stef, and had been mousey quiet, significantly overweight, shy to the point of being a total introvert (worse than me, even), and had dressed down and made little attempt to fit in and display the flash, beauty, and fun-loving attitude her sisters were so well known for.

When I was included in their group for an evening out takeing or whatever (always thanks to Steffany), they always dragged Cheryl along, and while they were all dancing, or flirting, or just having a rowdy good time and meeting men, Cheryl and I would sit and talk. She had been very sweet, to sit and talk to me that way so that I wouldn't get lonely, and she had also been smart, and funny, and caring, a side of her that others rarely saw. Now I was really ashamed of myself for not recognizing her!
"Gosh Cheryl, it's really good to see you! I just can't believe how different you look - most of us just get older, but you got smokin' hot! I mean, seriously!"

She smiled, pleased at the flattery, but it seemed sad. "It's me, it was always in there Kevin, you just couldn't see it. You could never see much beyond Steffany's big tits! Just like most guys."

She sounded angry, almost spiteful, and I was shocked! "Cheryl, what...I mean, what's going on?"

"You could never see that either Kevin, the way she treated you like dirt, and walked all over you. She'd be making out with other guys, and there you were, waiting like a faithful little puppy to lick her feet - or whatever. She'd be out fucking the football team, and you just blindly waited for her. God, Kevin!"

I was stunned, and was becoming angry! "Cheryl, that's enough! I don't want to hear any more." Her characterization of Stef was totally unfair. I mean, I knew she wasn't faithful to me, but at that point we really hadn't been a true couple, just good friends. And the football team crack was way out of line!

"I would have been faithful to you Kevin. I never would have cheated on you. I know I wasn't pretty, and I didn't have the tight little butt and big tits like she did - umm, does - but I also wouldn't drop and spread 'em as soon as some guy wagged his big wiener at me!"

I tried to clear my head, which seemed to have gone foggy. "Cheryl, come on, that's not fair! And anyhow, what the hell are you talking about?"

"Us Kevin, I'm talking about us! Why didn't you notice me? Why didn't you love me?"

I was stunned into silence, and I just sat and looked at her. I'd had no idea! I was just some nerdy little red-haired guy, plugging along, happy that Stef had taken notice of me and was willing to let me ride along in her wake, enjoying the rarefied air of her crowd. How was I supposed to know that this other girl, this quiet, shy, doormouse, sweet, gentle Cheryl, had been interested in me? No women were ever interested in me!

Now, hearing the pain and anguish in her voice, I felt awful for being so stupid, and so blind, but the fact remained, Stef and I loved each other. The empathy I felt for Cheryl almost overcame me though, and the guilt for my own stupidity, and I felt my eyes well up. "Cheryl, I'm sorry. I didn't know, I had no idea. I didn't mean to hurt you. Girls never cared anything about me - I was just happy to have you as my friend!"

"Your friend... Thanks, Kevin, but that really means nothing to me!"


Posts: 3550
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Interesting episode Stormy, you have got me wondering where this is going now, I've been looking forward to when the the dancing started and the wine started to flow down the sexy Steff's neck


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Hmmmmmm...... looks like we found the villen who sent the video, and the reamister behind the assult. ???
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 38
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Hi Stormy

just caught up after a couple of days I wasn't around. Earthshaking developments, wow! - Any chance to post this video somewhere? Im sure I'm not the only one who'd love to see it


Posts: 4050
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Isn't this an interesting twist.

Nice work Storm



Posts: 6
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Wow, I think this last segment took a few of us by surprise. Seems for a shy little guy, Kevin has (or had) lots of options and now I don't know what will happen next. I know who I'm rooting for but I'll have to wait and see. Good thing we have you, Stormy, to lead the way.


Posts: 126
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Meanwhile as Kevin is talking to Cheryl I wonder what is happening on the dance floor.....or in the men's room Cool twist Stormy!


Posts: 1459
#254 · Edited by: stormydog
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Dave, C-4-1, Cliffa, GH, SOM, and lkit, thanks for the responses! And yes, yet again I deviated from the sex part of the story. Guess I'm just a deviant. Cliffa, I'm sure that video is out there still, on some website, somewhere, but you'll have to find it on your own!

Now it was my turn to feel hurt. "But I thought we were good friends! I mean, we hung out, joked around, had some laughs - jeez Cheryl, we told each other almost anything, good stuff, bad stuff, problems, all that crap!"

She shook her head. "No Kevin, I told you my problems, but you never really opened up to me. It was you and Steffany that shared all of your secrets, all your troubles and problems."

Thinking back, I realized she was right. I had spent a good deal of time as a sounding board for her, but had not dumped my troubles on her back. It had just always struck me that she had enough of her own. The one thing she said that didn't ring true was the bit about Stef telling me her troubles. She rarely had back then, although we share more equally now. "Actually Cheryl, Stef never told me much about her worries - I'm not sure she had any back then."

She snorted. "Yeah, that figures. She wouldn't, would she - not little Miss Perfect."

"That's not fair! She was the one that always made sure we got included in stuff - and not just me, both of us! Cheryl, she was the one that always stopped to ask you along when everyone else was going out the door. Stef just never liked the idea of anyone being left out, whether it was you, or me, or whoever."

She shook her head stubbornly. "No Kevin, she's not as perfect as you think! Nobody can be as good as you make her out to be, the one everyone liked, the prettiest, the smartest, the most caring and generous one that looks out for everyone else first."

I just looked at her for a moment, still at a loss to figure out what was going on in her head. "Well Cheryl, you know what they say - one out of every three people is well adjusted. Maybe she's our one." She just stared at me, so I shrugged and continued. "You know. Normal. Healthy - not like us."

She continued to stare at me, then a small snicker escaped her lips. Soon she smiled, then began to laugh out loud. "Oh Kevin, you always could make me laugh, no matter how sad or upset I was. I see you haven't lost your touch."

"Well, you know me - court jester, funny shoes and all. It's good to see you laugh, it goes much better with your new look."

She looked down at her body. "Why couldn't I have looked like this back then? Maybe then you would have noticed me."

"Oh come on Cheryl, we were college kids. That means both that I was too stupid to see a good thing right in front of me, and college kids can't afford stuff like those!" I pointed at her aftermarket tits. "I mean, you know, not that they weren't a great investment!"

She laughed again, and touched my arm. "You always were a boob man. I guess some things never change."

I laughed. "I'd like to think that I'm a little deeper than that, but since you've seen Stef I sort of lack plausible deniability. Speaking of which, have you seen her lately?"

She glanced toward the dance floor. "She's dancing with Dave right now. At least he's not groping her like ol' Paul was - didn't that piss you off?"

I looked and sure enough, she and the groom were dancing to a slow, mellow tune, all instrumental. They were very close together, but he was not fondling her. "Mmm, sort of, I guess. I suppose it was all pretty harmless, and Stef has the ability to stop it whenever she wants. She's a big girl."

Cheryl snorted again. "One thing she is not, Kevin, is a big girl! I used to be a big girl - Steffany is as tiny and gorgeous as she ever was. I used to hate her so much for that!"

I let that go, not knowing how to respond. "That's all in the past Cheryl, and you look great now - and I mean really spectacular, gorgeous and sexy! Isn't now all that really matters?"

She shrugged. "I suppose, but it was hard. Well, I should let you get back to your wife."

"Have you talked to her - does she even know you're here?"

She glanced over at Stef, than back to me. "I saw her at the bachelorette party, but I don't think she recognized me. I didn't introduce myself."

I grabbed her hand. "Well come on then, you have to come and say hi. She'll be thrilled to see you!"

She pulled her hand away. "No Kevin, I don't think so. I should just go."

I objected. "No way! You at least have to come over and show off the new you. She wonders about you sometimes, you and a couple of the others she's lost touch with."

She looked surprised to hear that, shocked, almost. "She thinks about me?"

"Sure! You haven't seen each other in years, and she always thought the world of you. Come say hi - see if she recognizes you."

She shook her head and looked at the floor, her face going pale. "No Kevin, she'll hate me. I should go."

Now it was my turn to be shocked. "Hate you? Why in the world would she" Very slowly the little light bulb in my head began to glow, then brighten, then blaze. "The video...Cheryl, you took the video?"

She continued to look at the floor, unable to meet my eyes, but she gave an almost imperceptible shake of her head. "No...well, yes. I mean, I didn't shoot the video, that was one of the others, but I took it. I stole the memory card out of her camera after I saw what Steffany did. So you already know about it? You've seen it?"

"Yes. Well, no - that is, I know about it, but I haven't seen it, not really. Damn, Cheryl, why..."

"I swear I was going to just destroy it, honest I was! I didn't want it to get out, just because I didn't want you to get hurt - but then I started to think that if you saw it, and you got mad and maybe even divorced her..."

I groaned. "So you're the one that put it out there, in emails, and the phone text video thingys?"

She nodded miserably. "And on the internet, I posted it at a couple of those sites. The things I sent are just links. While all the other girls were watching the strippers - or maybe I should say sucking the strippers - I snuck out and got in their purses and copied a few of the phone directories and stuff from their cells. You'd be amazed how much information people have in their phones! And then, well, you know... I didn't set out to hurt you."

"Well, you did." I left out the part about how much it also excited me. "Jeez Cheryl, I mean, what did you expect? You sent it to everyone!"

"I wanted to embarrass her, Kevin. I wanted to hurt her. I guess I didn't think it through very well."

"No, you didn't. You should go apologize to her."

She recoiled. "No! I mean, I can't! I can't face her, not after what I did, especially since you reminded me of what a nice permister she really is!" She paused. "Did I make you hate her, Kevin? I hope I didn't make you hate her, even though that's what I thought I wanted."

"No. I mean, I was hurt, and humiliated of course - I mean, look at him versus me - but what Stef did...well, it's mostly my fault anyway. It's hard to explain." Doubly hard, since I had no desire to do so, and the additional offense was not something I wanted right now.

"Your fault? How could it be your fault?"

"Trust me, it is. It's very complicated, and more than a little weird. I'd rather not talk about it. But come on, talk to Stef for a minute - you'll see, it's gonna be all right."

"Kevin, no. I can't." She looked around. "And where did she go, anyway? I don't see her now - Dave is over there by Katherine, but she's not with them."

She was right, no sign of my wife on the dance floor, or at our table, and she had not joined us at the bar. I looked toward the rear of the room, and spotted her near the corner, where a hallway led off into another part of the club. When she saw me looking, she smiled, and crooked her finger at me, indicating that she wanted me to join her, then turned and disappeared down the hall.

I looked at Cheryl. "Hey, listen, I have to go for a minute, but promise you won't leave, OK? First, you need to talk to Steffany." She started to object, but I held up my hand. "Uh-uh, no excuses. But also, if you're feeling lucky - or wearing steel-toed shoes - you need to save me a dance, OK?"

Her eyes started to tear up. "Kevin, don't be so nice. Just yell at me, or hit me or something, so I'll feel better."

"Hit you? Not a chance! No, you just go ahead and feel like crap for awhile, you earned it - but promise you'll wait, OK?"

She nodded. "I promise. You'll come find me?"

I assured her that I would, and then headed toward where I'd last seen Steffany.


Posts: 79 Pictures: 2 
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Stormydog this story is great and it has made me think about my true life story 30 years ago and how if my ex wife will allow me I will make a story out of it.
cuckold sissy wendy white aka tinyboywayne


Posts: 38
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Stormy, this very last instalment had me. I'm falling for Cheryl. She's so outright honest, pissed with her plump past shape, and still hating from the experience of being not wanted back then. Now, hatred as well as second thoughts about her recent actions move her. And she's into Adam, err, Kevin, for sure. Wow. Even better than the hooker with a heart of gold. No - not better, quite as interesting, just in an other direction.

Miraculous, your writing s*******s. I'm adoring every word of yours. Even without the Merlot I'm enjoying right now, waiting for my wife to return back from her Paris trip tomorrow...


Posts: 492
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Good stuff Stormy, thank you. We do miss you on the boat however. Pops is getting cranky. Please hurry back.



Posts: 877
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Stormy, this just gets better and better, thanks.


Posts: 1459
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Thanks Wayne, I hope they were happy memories!

I appreciate the kind words Cliffa, and don't knock the Merlot - it makes anything look better, and I'll take all the help I can get!

Trf2, thanks. And tell Pops to relax - I have it on good authority that the girls are planning a little surprise for him. I appreciate you holding down the fort. Hope they haven't worn you out. Wear sunscreen.
______________________________________________________________________ __________

I managed to slalom my way through the milling crush of bodies, but when I reached the end of the hall she was nowhere in sight. The hallway was wide and seemed dimly lit, dark walnut wainscoting on the lower part of the wall with upright timbers and a buff-colored rough plaster finish above and between, all very Tudor-ish. The restrooms were near this end, but I couldn't imagine she had gone in there. No reamister she would have wanted me for that!

I slowly made my way down the hall, passing a couple of closed, locked doors, one of which was signed 'Manager', another 'Member Services', on stylish brass plaques. The third door I came to, about halfway down the hall, stood an inch or two ajar. I approached it and leaned in close, trying to peer around the edge of the heavy wood door. I couldn't tell anything - other than that there were lights on in the room - but I had moved far enough from the crowded banquet hall that the noise had fallen to a low roar, so much so that I could hear voices from within the room.

I slowly pushed it open until I could see the owners of the voices. Near the far end of the room, past a long conference table and several chairs, stood Steffany and Paul, his arm around her shoulder as he pulled her close and bent to kiss her! She stretched up to kiss him, but broke it off suddenly as she caught sight of me. "Kevin, come in! Close the door - oh, and lock it!"

I heard her, but was unable to comply. My feet seemed to be frozen in place - in large part by the sight of my wife kissing dopey old Paul - but also by the fact that she had her left hand on his crotch, groping his package through his pants! As I stood stupidly staring, she prompted me again, louder now. "Kevin! Close the door!"

"Uh...yeah, umm, OK." I pushed the door shut behind me and turned back to them.

"Did you lock it?"

I looked back. "Um, there's no lock."

She frowned. "Oh. Well crap!"

Paul spoke up. "No big deal, there's no reamister anyone would come in here today. Hey, Kevin, buddy! How's it hangin' dude?"

I was still more than a little bit in shock. "I, um, it's... fine. Uh, what's going on?"

He laughed. "Me and your wife are just sort of renewing an old friendship, and she didn't want you to feel left out. You know, just like it always was. Hey, remember how I asked you last night if she still had that great little ass?" He laughed again. "Well, never mind!"

Stef laughed, and slapped him on the arm. "Oh stop it! You're still just as bad as ever." She looked at me. "I told Paul all about your fantasies, while we were dancing, and he offered to help us out. So what do you say Kev? It's now or never." As she spoke she was sowly sliding his zipper down, the slider hitting bottom just as her words ended. She stopped there, looking at me, waiting to see if it was a go, or a run screaming from the room response. It was touch-and-go, and could have gone either way, but I just stared at the pull of his zipper, clutched between her thumb and forefinger, his fly pushed slightly open by the bulge underneath.

I froze. I totally froze, knowing this was what I had always wanted, but remembering how horrible the night before had been, and how hurt I'd been by the knowledge of what she'd done. I also remembered the intense arousal, however, and how it had lingered into today, how I couldn't even start to think about it without becoming aroused all over again. And I noticed how aroused I was at that moment, my cock erect and throbbing, my breathing heavy, my heart pounding in my chest and echoing in my ears. I felt a small trickle of perspiration run from my armpit down my ribs, and I shivered, and with butterflies in my stomach I simply nodded.

Someplace deep inside I hated myself with a white hot burning ember, but right at that moment it didn't matter. What mattered was watching her hand as she smiled softly and reached into his pants, finding him and lifting him up and out, until she stood there, in front of me, holding his long, thick, uncut cock in her hand. He was mostly flaccid at that point, maybe just a bit of incipient arousal, but still his cock was big - bigger than my own even when fully erect!

She cradled it in her hand and looked down at it, smiling, softly stroking the top of his shaft with her thumb. It overhung her small hand, easily six or seven inches of thick, soft meat. She probably could have closed her fingers around it at this stage, but not by much. It looked heavy, and...well, manly. It just looked like a man's cock is supposed to.

She smiled at me, and wiggled her eyebrows mischeivously, then plunged her hand back into his open zipper, withdrawing it cradling his hefty ball sack. He grinned, looking down at himself as she lifted his scrotum clear of the zipper, then she pushed his pants back and let him just hang there for a moment. It was an almost surreal feeling, the three of us in the rich, quiet, dimly-lit conference room, Stef in her light spring party dress, me in my nice blazer and tie, dress slacks and freshly shined shoes, Paul in his light gray worsted suit, tie pulled tight at his neck - and his big cock and balls dangling from his open fly, a grin on his dopey face and his arm around my wife.

He had undeniably large balls, and they hung heavy in his sack, suspending slightly below the crotch of his pants. His cock also hung down, but arched just a little bit with arousal, not totally flaccid. Stef looked at me. "He has big balls, doesn't he Kevin?"

I nodded mutely. She smiled and went on. "And a beautiful cock. It is a beautiful cock, isn't it Kevin?"

She was talking to me like I was three years old - or mentally retarded - or possibly both, but I just nodded again. She was right, he had a great set, but it just seemed too weird to praise his package out loud. I couldn't bring myself to do that.

Paul saw me nod, and smiled. "Thanks guys! I raised it myself you know, with proper care and feeding, regular exercise...why, when I first got it it was no bigger than that!" He held his hand up, an inch between his fingers. We both laughed, which seemed to ease the tension, and he went on. "Took the blue ribbon at the county fair when I was fourteen. Sure seemed to take that old woman a long time to tie it on me though."

Steffany made an exasperated sound. "Will you stop clowning! Do we want to play, or not?"

Paul said "I sure do!", and they both looked at me.

When I nodded, Stef said "Good!", and dropped to her knees in front of him, then looked at me. "Come closer Kevin, you're too far away."

As I stepped around one of the dark leather chairs and crossed to join them, obeying her order, Steffany leaned forward and took his cock into her mouth. She moaned softly and took him in, all the way down to the base of his thick shaft, her lips brushing his pubes. As her hand came up to cup his enormous balls, I swallowed, and it went down like a brick, hurting my throat.


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Looks like our new cuck will be getting a good show!

I look forward to your next instalment.....

Thanks Stormy!
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 4050
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The paradox of being a willing and knowing cuckold, pain and excitement.

Nicely done, but part of me is aroused and part of me wants Kevin to storm out of the room.



Posts: 126
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A weekend cliffhanger. Not much left to say Stormy- wow!


Posts: 125
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very nice the way you show the conflicting emotions of kevin. it make you want to come back to see what is happening. that is the mark of a good story....not just reading it if it was posted but comming here to see if it was updated today........well done

baron ochs


Posts: 89
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Excellent. What more can be said?
Am now on tenterhooks awaiting the next instalment. Thanks again.


Posts: 3550
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Thing are hotting up, looks like our Kevin is in for a good show and more mental turmoil, well done stormy


Posts: 6
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Steffany and Paul will, I expect, put on a show that will have Kevin thinking that video really wasn't so bad afterall. Hope Kevin is guarding that door.

Very exciting, Stormy.


Posts: 1459
#267 · Edited by: stormydog
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Cuckslut, thanks! Missed your comment before, you must have put it in as I was posting the next part.

C-4-1, lkit, dave, baron, and SOM, thanks for taking the time to drop a line or 2, it is appreciated. Glad you're enjoying it.

Hey GH, just like Kevin! Part of him wants to storm out of the room too, but another little (aroused) part of him very much wants to stay.

Thanks sallyann, that is high praise. I've read books like that, during which time I tend to lose a lot of relax. Maybe it would be better if those came in installments, so that I had to check back instead of sitting up 'til the wee hours reading. Glad you like it!
______________________________________________________________________ __

As Stef slowly slid her lips back up his cock, he groaned. "Unhhh fuck yeah, that's what I'm talkin' about! Your wife's got a great mouth on her!"

I nodded silently, agreeing with him while I listened to the little sounds of pleasure that Stef made as she sucked his cock, her hand busily squeezing and massaging his balls. They were just tiny sounds, small moans and whimpers that came from her throat, her mouth otherwise occupied, and I knew what was happening to her. Steffany loves the feel of a cock in her mouth, especially the sensation of it hardening and growing between her lips. Even with me that experience always turns her on; I could only imagine what her response would be to his thick tool doing the same.

And it was, too, his cock quickly growing in response to her ministrations, becoming thicker, and it had stretched in length enough that she no longer took him in to the base of his shaft as she had at first. Now when her lips slid forward on him they stopped well short of his coarse curls. He began to slowly pump his hips, thrusting his hardening cock into her mouth, groaning. Stef let his thick meat slip from her lips and grinned up at him. "Does that feel good?"

He laughed. "No, no, I'm hating it. Please stop!"

She giggled. "OK." Instead of taking him back into her mouth, she lifted his cock up and out of the way, pumping his now-erect organ with her hand as she leaned in and licked his scrotum. She prodded at his balls with her tongue before bending lower and sucking one of his big, sagging testicles into her mouth. He gasped and leaned back at his hips, thrusting his genitals forward so that she would have better access.

I was shaking with a combination of tension and arousal, watching the oh-so-explicit show right in front of me. If it had been anyone other than my wife I think it would have been pure arousal, and I could have watched with none of the tension of pain, anguish, and self-loathing that I was experiencing - but the fact that it was my wife, as much as I hated it, also increased my arousal ten-fold! I had never felt so aroused, or witnessed anything as erotic in my entire life! So why did a big part of me want to yell at them to stop, or at least to run from the room and not have to see?

As Stef let his big testicle slip from her mouth a long strand of drool suspended from his scrotum to her lips, then parted and dripped to the floor. She wiped her chin with the back of her free hand, then reached behind her and lifted the back of her dress slightly, looking up at me. "Touch me, Kevin. Come here and touch me." With her other hand she continued to slowly pump his hard cock.

Unable to say no to the arousal and desire that I had heard in her voice and seen in her eyes, I dropped to my knees alongside of her. My hand found the back of her thigh and followed it up, my fingers feeling the taut nylon of her stockings, and then the slightly rough band of elastic lace at the top before finding her silky smooth skin. She felt unnaturally warm and almost moist, her skin slightly slick, but oh so soft! As my fingers parted her slightly, and I felt the heat of her sex, she moaned, and when I found her dripping wet center she cried out softly and I felt her body spasm with arousal.

In this position, my face almost next to hers, Paul's large erect penis was right in front of me as she stroked him. I stared at it, somewhat self-conscious for doing so, but the truth was I couldn't ake my eyes off my wife's hand wrapped around him, or her tongue teasing at his balls and the base of his shaft before opening her mouth to take his other testicle in to give it the same tongue bath she'd given the first. I couldn't help but notice the way her fingers did not quite encircle his thick shaft, and the image of the way they overlapped each other when she held my cock in this way flashed unbidden into my mind.

As one of my senses was crowded and almost overwhelmed by these images, another was intensely aware of the way she felt, of her soft and swollen tissues, slick with the juices of her arousal, and of the molten heat of her pussy, and yet another was aware of the soft, musky, feminine scent of her aroused sex. That she had found the sensation of his thick cock in her mouth intensely arousing was undeniable, and her body had responded as a woman's body will.

I parted her nether lips and slid two fingers into her, feeling her clamp down on them as she moaned. She was so slick, her vagina so ready for penetration that my fingers slid in easily and her soft, swollen tissues seemed to form tightly around them. Her heat, scent, and sounds, and the sensation of her pussy clutching at my fingers set off fireworks in my groin, and I fumred at my zipper with my free hand, desperate to get my hard and throbbing cock out of my pants before I came on myself, as I knew I would!

I had no sooner freed my little stiffie than the first spurt landed in my hand, covering my fingers with warm, milky fluid. I tried to direct it away from Stef, not wanting to soil her new dress, and as a result the second spurt splashed across the toes of Paul's dark tassel loafers, showing pearly white on the oxred leather, and the last little dribble fell to the floor between my knees.

I was horribly humiliated at my lack of self-control, by the fact that I had come with no stimulation whatsoever while he was calmly enjoying the sensations of Stef sucking his cock and balls. Any hope that I might have had that he hadn't noticed was quickly dashed as he looked down at me and laughed. "Whoa there partner, didn't you know that thing was loaded? You gotta learn to keep the safety on - especially with those little pocket guns, they can be touchy!" I colored as he laughed at his own 'humor', and it helped not at all when Stef giggled as she let his other big ball slide from her lips.

She looked down at me, taking in the carnage. "Oh Kevin, I can't believe you came so fast! Do I take that to mean you're enjoying this?"

I shrugged. "I...guess so. I don't know. I mean, you know...I guess." It sounded weak and lame even to my own ears. Looking away from her I glanced at his cock, just inches from my eyes, watching his thick foreskin slide back and forth across his swollen glans as Stef continued to masturbate him. He was leaking a steady stream of pre-cum, clear and viscous, and it clung stickily to his foreskin as it drew back, a new droplet squeezing out of him with each upward stroke. Stef followed my eyes, then leaned forward and took him into her mouth, her tongue busily lapping at his clear nectar, cleaning him, sucking at the head of his cock, and his soft foreskin.

She then turned to me and kissed me, thrusting her sticky tongue into my mouth, and before I could think about it I found myself sucking greedily at it, tasting him while noting the swollen heat of her lips, yet another sign of her arousal. She grasped my forearm and raised my semen-covered fingers to her lips, carefully sucking them one by one and lapping at the trails of cum on my palm, wrist, and back of my hand - by then it had pretty much run everywhere, again amazing me at how much ground a little bit of semen can cover! Finished, she pulled my face to hers and pushed the mouthful of fluid - my cum mixed with her saliva - into my mouth.

As I swallowed, her hand dropped to my cock, finding me still rigid. She stroked me a few times, and I knew that she was thinking about the contrast between my little penis, which she held between her thumb and two fingers of her right hand, and his, around which her left was wrapped in a fist, fingers gapped apart, her hand at the midpoint on his almost nine inch cock.

Stef released me, apparently finding the feel of my stiff little cock not nearly as fascinating as the feel of his heavy organ, and she again grabbed my free hand, lifting it, then cupping her hand beneath mine as she pushed it up until I was cupping his balls in my hand! I tensed to pull away, the idea of another man's balls in my hand taboo, and something to be avoided, but I felt her hand tighten on mine, squeezing my hand in, closing my fingers around his heavy sack. Paul just grinned.

"Feel him, Kevin. Doesn't that feel nice, all big and full? His balls are huge, aren't they, all swollen and ready? So do we, Kevin? Do we go on, and let poor Paul get a little relief after all my teasing, or do you want me to stop now?"

Paul didn't seem to like the sound of that! "Hey, what's this talk about stopping? I mean, serious blue balls! Don't I get a vote?"

She looked up at him and smiled. "No. No, you don't. But I don't think Kevin would be so cruel that he would leave you hanging - would you Kevin?"

I looked up at him, softly squeezing his balls in my hand, then at Stef. I slid my fingers out of her as I looked at her face, and her eyes slowly closed. First she gasped, then chewed on her lower lip as my fingers instead found her clit, stiff and slick, erect and begging for attention. It was obvious what she wanted me to say.


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Damn, that's hard to beat anywhere. The closeness with his wife, her encouragement and asking him at each step so he has to admit to himself what he is. The internal struggle before he finally decides to succumb to the pleasure or give in to conventional thought and back out. You can feel how close he is to both, and hope he finally gives in to the pleasure that can come with forgetting the world and surrendering to what feels good for himself.


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Every day I now look for this story wow great job just does not say it. HOW ABOUT OF MY GOOD LORD Kevin is one lucky guy.
cuckold sissy wendy white aka tinyboywayne
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