Thanks randy, but much like Rodney in the story, you
might have shared too much information

Baron, Nifty, Cuckslut, C-4-1, and lkit, thanks for the comments, glad you are still enjoying it. I never know if I put in too much detail or not - don't want to bore you!
Sillyoldman, no, I'm sure nothing could ever happen at a wedding reception, that would be crazy. But you'd better check back just to be sure! thanks for commenting.
He glanced at me as I finished washing my hands. "Be sure you watch the rest of that video, you'll see what I mean about how hot that little bitch is. I'll be jerking to her for weeks! Man, if my wife loved to fuck like that I'd never let her out of the house! Well, later Kevin - enjoy the reception, and watch out for that little sex toy, just in case she really is here."
"Um, yeah, sure. Thanks. See you later." He left as I stood there, hands dripping, wondering what I was thanking him for. I sighed and shook my head, then bent over the sink to splash a little cold water in my face, as though it might wake me up from a bad dream. It didn't. I dried my hands and face, then bent over and used my paper towels to pick up his, depositing the bundle in the trash. I remembered that I had pissed a bit on the floor while fumbling my cell phone, and so pulled several additional towels, walking back to the stall and cleaning up after myself. I picked them up carefully, by one corner, threw them away, and walked out to find my wife.
I didn't have to look very far. She was waiting for me outside the men's room, in the hall, talking to none other than my new friend Rodney, whom I recognized by his short stature, cheap suit, and the gleaming bald spot on the back of his head. Knowing how embarrassing this would be for all involved, I hung back, hoping he would move along. Unfortunately, my plan was foiled when Steffany, looking over his shoulder, spotted me standing there. "Kevin, there you are! What took you so long? Come on, they're setting up a receiving line, we have to go make nice with everyone."
As she spoke, Rodney turned around to look at me. I could see the realization of what he had done - and said - slowly dawning on him, and his face colored a deep shade of red. Completely flustered, he stammered " is your wife?" He looked at Stef "...and're his husband?"
She laughed. "Not exactly, although you're close. Kevin, have you met Rodney?"
"Mmm-hmm, we met."
He looked horrified. "I...I'm so sorry man, I had no idea!"
I shrugged, trying to feign a casual nonchalance that I did not feel. "How could you? So did you get that autograph you wanted - or that other thing - what was it again?"
His face went from bright red to quite pale, very quickly. "Um, no, just kidding - you know how it is. Hey, listen it was nice meeting you - both of you - but I have to go, my wife is waiting for me." He beat a hasty retreat as Stef loooked at me, clearly puzzled.
"What was that all about?" She pulled at my arm, guiding me toward where the wedding party and families had formed a traditional receiving line.
I glanced at her, seeing her puzzled look. "Oh, nothing. You just met the president of your fan club."
"What? And anyhow, I thought you were the president of my fan club."
"Oh. That's true, I am - so you just met the treasurer. What did he say to you."
She frowned. "Not much, just that he was hoping he'd meet me, and how glad he was really kind of weird. Do we know him?"
I shook my head. "No, but he knows you. He loved your video."
She stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes widening. "Oh my god! So it is out there, for sure?"
I nodded. "Oh yes. For sure."
"Oh Kevin - let's just go home!"
I looked at her. "And do what Stef, board up all the doors and windows and never come out again? We have to face up to it, like we talked about. We might as well start right now."
And so we did, clinging to each other as we went through the receiving line, pretending we did not see the stares or hear the whispers that followed us. It was humiliating, knowing that everyone knew what a horny little slut my wife had been, and that many had seen and heard her obvious enjoyment and pleasure as she was thoroughly fucked by the big, black, well-equipped stripper. But it was also strangely exciting! I was shocked as I found myself enjoying the stares, enjoying that everyone knew my wife had eagerly cuckolded me, and yet here I was, holding her arm and smiling. It was very exciting, and I suddenly realized that I was profoundly erect, my small penis tingling and hard!
When we reached Dave and Katie he exchanged a quick hug and kiss with Stef, and then she moved on to hug her friend as Dave and I shook hands and I congratulated him. He thanked me, then looked me in the eye. "You OK?"
"Fine, thanks. We're fine."
He smiled. "Good, I'm so glad! Hey, let's be sure we all get together, after we get back from our honeymoon. Maybe we can watch some home movies or something." He had a twinkle in his eye, and I was not quite sure what he meant as I moved on to Katie, my mind puzzled by his cryptic comment.
I stashed it away for later, and smiled at Katie. "Wow Katherine, you look stunningly beautiful, just amazing - and congratulations, I hope you two will be very happy together forever."
She seemed to realize that I had called a truce - at least a momentary one - in the constant teasing and ribbing that she and I usually engaged in, and she gave me a brilliant smile. "You called me Katherine! And thank you Kevin - if he's even half the man that my best friend Steffany got, I'm sure we'll be very happy."
It was far and away the nicest (and most grown-up) exchange that Katie and I had ever had, and I leaned in to kiss her. As I did, she turned so that her lips were pressed to my ear, and whispered "Fortunately he's about twice the man in this department", and grabbed my crotch, her move masked from the sight of others by my body and her gown! I stifled a surprised yelp as she squeezed my balls, knowing she had also gotten a good feel of my stiff cock, and backed away. I heard Dave chuckle, as if he knew exactly what she'd done - and, knowing Katie, he probably did! She was laughing as we moved on, he was grinning - as was my wife - and I was blushing.
We found a spot at one of the tables in the large banquet hall, and sat through a number of champagne toasts and speeches, and then the staff of the country club served a surprisingly good dinner, a choice of Cornish game hens or Chateaubriand. Stef had the Cornish hen, while I had the beef, and we shared bits and pieces so that we could each enjoy both. I stuck with my red wine, a Zinfandel from Sonoma, while Stef enjoyed a tasty Chardonnay from a small winery we'd once visited near Santa Rosa. She'd been very pleased to find it on the club's extensive wine list.
Throughout the meal people kept interrupting the bride and groom, tapping on glasses in order to make them stop eating and kiss each other. They didn't seem to mind. The other thing people kept doing was looking at Stef, the nudges and craning of necks about as subtle as a hurricane. Again, it was exciting, and I wondered how many of the gawking men were as erect as I was - and, for that matter, how many of the women were wet and aroused, wishing they had a well-endowed black stud of their own! But that was probably just me - I'm sure women don't think that way.
As the meal wound down and the plates and debris were cleared by the quietly efficient staff, and the bride and groom cut their cake and watched it served, the open bar and the dance floor quickly became the two most popular points of focus in the room. Dave and Katie went through the traditional ceremonial first dance, then shared dances with various family members before the dance floor really began to fill up.
I hadn't thought this far ahead - and if I had I probably still would not have anticipated what happened next - but soon Steffany became very much in demand as a dance partner! She got an endless string of requests, and rarely made it all the way back to our table before being sidetracked by yet another eager male. Even when I did get up to dance with her someone soon asked to cut in, this time a tall, broad-shouldered blond guy probably five years younger than us. He pulled her close, and whispered something in her ear.
As I walked away, somewhat disconsolate and upset, heading for my seat, KatienotKathy grabbed me. "C'mon Kev, you owe me a dance!" She tugged me out onto the floor.
As she pressed her long, lean body against me, I noticed that, in her short heels, she was my height or slightly taller. I also noticed that she felt good, firm and lithe, and she smelled wonderful. My reverie was interrupted as she spoke into my ear. "My god, you're still hard! Are you always hard?"
I was embarrassed that she could so easily feel my little poker pecking her. Or vice-versa. I groaned. "Seems like it."
She giggled. "That's a very admirable quality in a man - shame it's so little!"
"Hey, not everyone has screwed the entire NBA - it's big enough for most women!" We were very much back into our teasing and taunting mode, which was good. It was where we were both most comfortable with each other.
She sniffed. "Not sure where you got that little tidbit of information, but you know how some women say size doesn't matter?" I nodded, knowing what was coming next. Sure enough; "Kevin, old buddy, they lied."
"I know Katie - and it holds true for boobs too." She laughed. Although much smaller busted than Stef, she had a nice figure and was very comfortable with her looks, but it was our familiar routine.
She became suddenly serious. "Kevin, about're not mad at her, are you?"
I shrugged, and she felt it against her. "I don't know Katherine. I'm not mad, I'm just...I don't know, confused, I guess."
"Have you seen the video?"
"Mmm, just a few seconds. You?"
"Oh yes! Watch it all Kevin. Watch how much she enjoyed it, and ask yourself if you can deny her that. She's been totally faithful to you up 'til now, but I don't know how she did it. Steffany and me...we're just not one-man women Kev, never have been, never will be."
I looked at her, astounded! "But just married Dave!"
She smiled, then kissed my cheek. "That's because I love Dave, just like Steffany loves you, Kevin. But Dave knows. He knows about me, and he's OK with it - but then he likes to play a little too, so we're perfect for each other. You don't do that, do you?"
I shook my head miserably. "No. Not...well, you know. Stef has always been more than enough woman for me."
"That's for sure!" She giggled. "Sorry, I couldn't resist. But Kevin, she'll do whatever you ask her to. If you say quit, she will, because she loves you so much. But think about what you'd be asking of her Kevin, that's all I ask. Think about what you'd be asking her to give up, OK?"
I nodded. "I'll think about it - and thanks Katherine - I think."
She kissed me again. "Good for you Kev, that's all I ask. But you know what? I think you'll find out you like it too, being her horny little cuckold hubby. I know you Kevin, and that's what I always saw you as. You're perfect for her, just perfect - now that you know what you are. You'll see."
We parted ways then, her off to dance with another friend, me to the bar, and then back to my table. As I left the dance floor I looked around for Stef, finally seeing her dancing with a guy that looked vaguely familiar to me, though his back was toward me. As they spun, holding each other tightly, I got a look at his face and realized it was Paul - Pickled Paul, Big Prick Paul, whatever - it was the guy that had so eagerly told me of my wife's sexual appetites and proclivities just last night at the bachelor party!
Now he was dancing with her, their bodies pressed closely together, and his hand - his right one, if it matters - was cupping her buttock, squeezing and fondling, his fingers straying dangerously close to the gap between her legs, the narrow space where I knew she'd be very warm, and very wet - a by-product of all the cocks that had pressed against her this evening, including his - and a spot which I remembered was unencumbered by any underwear of any kind. It was just his hand, that thin dress, and her pussy. Her wet, horny pussy.