Posts: 79
Posts: 2106
superb segment, stormy! you paint a marvelous picture with your words. Thanks. priss
Posts: 492
Hey Stormy. I've finally caught back up. Work obligations had me so frazzled the last couple of weeks, I barely had the time to turn on my computer. This story is progressing nicely, and once again, I'm so glad that it's just a short one. You are funny.
Some of us are longing for you to return to the boat. I left a little message for you over there. Hope you will consider throwing us houseboat people a bone once in a while, we're going through withdrawal over there.
Take care and thanks as always
Posts: 126
Hey Stormy- As soon as you say 'that's a wrap" on this story I will print it out, share it with my wife and give you her take. Your last update was aprimne example of why i think she is going to like your story more than the typical story. The depth of the characters and the non sexual stuff related to emotions- both positive and negative- fear- regret- ect ect- are the reamisters this story is so good. Not just the sex stuff. In my opinion your sotry is the TP- Total Package!!
Posts: 1459
Thanks peak! I think you said something about me and GH being able to write out the yingyang, which I guess is a good thing, right? Also, glad you enlightened me about the fishing village. I thought pathos was one (or two) of the Three Musketeers. GH, randy, Wayne, and priss, thanks for your support. Glad your drive went OK, GH. Trf2, enjoyed the message at the other spot. Not sure how it snuck in before my post and I didn't see it, must have forgotten to refresh again. Very funny - oh, and I did do the bone thing you suggested! Thanks again. Thanks lkit, I will be interested in her response. Glad you're enjoying it! ______________________________________________________________________ _______
She was relaxing fitfully when I rejoined her in our bed, tossing and turning, moaning softly, her body overly warm and bathed in a light sheen of perspiration. The room smelled of sex and of *****, tequila, which seemed to ooze from her pores. I got up to get a glass of cold water and woke her long enough to take most of it, which seemed to help, and she settled down a little as her skin cooled.
As she rested, I lay next to her, admiring her naked form. She had shed her bra before falling arelax, but taking off her stockings had seemed like too much trouble for her, and she wore them still, cum stains and all. She was breathtakingly beautiful, but she looked so vulnerable and so small laying there, and so innocent, despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I loved her so much - I do love her so much - that I had to touch her, so I leaned in and kissed her shoulder, and her neck, and softly grazed my lips over hers.
When I did, it seemed to awaken something in her, and when she moaned next it was a different sound entirely, not one of pain or restlessness as before, but one of arousal. Her nipples hardened as I watched, and one hand strayed to her breasts while the other drifted slowly and sensuously across her stomach, stopping when it rested on her pubic mound, her fingers bent into her cleft to touch her most sensitive spot. Her hips rose and fell slowly, gyrating to the thrusts of an invisible lover, and she gasped softly in her relax. I'm pretty sure that I knew exactly what she was dreaming about, and it wasn't me.
I'm not sure if she came or not, although I don't think so, but the moment passed quickly and she soon lay quietly gain, her erect nipples slowly relaxing. It was probably about a half hour later, during which time I continued to just look at her as I waited for my erection - inspired by her vivid dream - to subside, that she began to wake up. As unwelcome consciousness began to set in, she groaned. "Oh god, my head! Oh cuckolds brownie, I don't feel good at all." She suddenly began to thrash about as she tried to rise. "I think I'm going to be sick!"
She managed to make it to her feet in time to stumble into the bathroom, and I followed to see if I could help her in any way. By the time I got there she was on her knees worshipping the porcelain god, her body racked by retching. I leaned over her and held her hair back as she lost what little was in her stomach, probably mostly the water that I had brought her shortly before. When things seemed to settle down I wet a washcloth with cool water and wiped her lips, rinsed it, and gently wiped her face, pushing her hair back and letting the coolness of the cloth soothe her pounding head.
She rose and sat on the edge of the bathtub, head in hands. "Oh cuckolds brownie, I haven't done this to myself in years! And now I remember why."
I laughed. "Yeah, I know. Not worth it, is it?"
She shook her head no as I again rinsed the cloth, cooling it down, and used it to gently wipe her face and neck, trying to be helpful. She looked up at me, and then away, but not before I saw the tears spring to her eyes. "You're too good to me. You should hate me after what I did."
"So you do remember all that."
She nodded. "Oh god yes. I'll never forget that."
I wasn't at all sure how to take that statement, so I let it pass. "Stef, listen...I've thought about it, a lot. All night, actually, and it's all my fault. I was the one that pushed you, that made you think it was a good idea. I know you never would have done that kind of thing on your own, without me bugging you..."
She looked up at me, tears wetting her cheeks. She groaned as the light hit her directly in the eyes. "Oh god...hand me a glass of water, will you?"
I did, and she drank about half of it before thanking me, then she slowly shook her head. "That's just the thing Kevin, I don't know that. I'm not as sure as you are. I mean, I got very aroused when the strippers were doing their thing, and touching their big hard cocks, god, I got so horny, and then with the takes..." she hesitated, as if not sure she should go on. She sighed. "Kevin, you don't necessarily know this, but if I take too much it usually leads me to make bad decisions. Sexually, I mean. I tend to get aroused very easily, and just sort of lose all judgement, and..." She again trailed off, not sure what to say next.
What she had said already pretty much confirmed what Big Prick Paul (I had decided to change his moniker from Pickled to one that was completely appropriate no matter which way one interpreted it) had said, that when she drank she was not only loose and easy, but eager and enthusiastic. I had been hoping he exaggerated, but apparently he hadn't. "Well, I don't know, maybe. But I still say it's my fault - and anyhow, you don't take like that very often, so we'll just have to be more careful."
She still sat huddled on the edge of the tub, silent. Slowly she began to roll her left stocking down her leg. It had left a pink mark where the elastic lace top had gripped her thigh, and it looked like it would take awhile to fade out. "I can't believe I slept in these - no wonder I was so hot." She slid it from her foot and started on the other one. Somehow, even in her bedraggled and recently vomiting state, she made removing her hose look sexy. She paused. "What did I get all over my stock...oh, never mind." Realization had dawned, and she glanced quickly up at me.
I nodded. "Yeah, it's cum, Stef." She raised her eyebrows, and I shook my head. "No, not mine. It was like that when you came home from the party."
"Oh." She sighed again, and resumed removing her other stocking. "I'm such a slut."
"Stef, you're not! Don't say that. You just made a mistake, that's all." I looked at her, her remorse a visible entity in the room. "Stef... I don't think.. I mean, I'll stop bugging you about all of that, sex with other guys and all, you know, the cuckold stuff. I don't want to do it anymore."
She looked at me, not speaking for the longest time, and then: "So you hated it. Do you hate me?"
"No! Of course not! I mean, I'm not even sure that I can say I hated what you did, not since I got so turned on by it, but...well, the fantasy was just better. The reality feels too, I don't know, dangerous. Hurtful, or painful - I don't know how to express it."
"But you did get very aroused, didn't you?" I nodded. "Kev, I don't know. Maybe we should do it again."
I stared at her, and she smiled. "Well, we both enjoyed it, even if we do feel like crap after the fact. Maybe it's just buyer's remorse, you know? I mean, it was a lot of fun at the time..."
"Stef, no. I think it would be a real bad idea."
"Well, promise to think about it. We can discuss it later. Hand me some aspirin, would you?"
I did, and she swallowed them, then turned the water on to warm up for a shower. "If you'll get me some juice or something, you can join me in the shower. You know, if you want to."
I did. I went down to the kitchen and fetched her a glass of cranapple juice, holding it for her as she leaned out of the shower and downed half of it. I climbed into the shower with her then, standing behind her as she stood under the spray, wetting her hair. I shot a generous helping of her shampoo into my hand and, when she tilted her head back toward me, began to slowly and gently shampoo her long, dark hair. I did this for her on a somewhat regular basis, ever since I had surprised her by doing it the first time. She called it seduction by shampoo, and, even in her hungover state, she seemed to enjoy it immensely.
I massaged the slippery suds into her hair and scalp, enjoying the shudder of pleasure that went through her. "God Kevin, this is better than sex."
"Better than the sex you had last night?"
"Mmmm, maybe a close second. Your tongue doing magic things to me..."
"I didn't mean the sex with me."
"Oh. Well..."
"Be honest."
"OK then, this is a close third."
"Which one is in second place now?"
"I'll never tell. Kevin, you're all hard again."
I was. Even talking about it, despite my claims of never wanting to do it again, had made my cock rigid, and her perfect, soapy, slick little butt touching me wasn't helping. "I'm sorry."
"I'm not. I'm flattered - but I'm also way too hungover and crappy feeling to be interested. Just do my hair, OK?"
So I did, massaging her head, enjoying the sensuous feeling of her, and the shampoo, the warm water, her long hair, just everything. My earlier angst eased just a little. I finished and had her lean forward, under the water so tha I could rinse out the suds. This position pressed me to her back and nestled my exceedingly erect little penis into the tight crack of her ass. She wiggled just a little bit, teasing, as I rinsed her hair, and I groaned as I suddenly squirted my little dab of semen onto the small of her back. "Mmmm, god, ohhhh Stef!"
She laughed. "That was easy. And fast - you're such a good boy to not make me work for it. You know what you need to do now..."
I did. I dropped to my knees behind her and began to lick up my tiny spill before the water could rinse it all away. It tasted like me, and a little like shampoo. It had trickled down between the cheeks of her ass, so I parted them with my hands and chased down every bit, my tongue sliding up and down the valley and darting over the tight pucker of her little rosebud, so as not to miss anything. She moaned. "Ooooh god, don't! I told you not to start anything. Maybe later, OK? You can pick up where you left off."
We finished washing each other, her hands paying special attention to my groinal region and one soapy finger darting quickly into my bottom as payback for teasing hers. My tiny dicklet was done and shrunken, no way she was getting a rise out of me at that moment, so we finished and dried off, touching and teasing.
After some breakfast - Stef could only manage half a banana, but it was fun to watch her eat it - we took stock of our day, and talked about the wedding that afternoon, and the possible video. The dreaded, awful, horrifyingly embarrassing video, if it existed.
baron ochs
Posts: 89
Another terrific instalment Stormy. I love the dialogue; it gives the characters depth and teases us at the same time. Thank you
Posts: 3581
Very good stuff........ I like the way his stif little cock keeps telling the truth about what he wants! Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 4050
stormydog: "But you did get very aroused, didn't you?" I nodded. "Kev, I don't know. Maybe we should do it again." I love it. Be careful what you ask for. Another great segment Thanks Storm GH
Posts: 175
Thanks Stormy! A. Smith
Posts: 1459
Baron, C-4-1, GH, and sslv, thanks for the comments. It is appreciated. ______________________________________________________________________
I lobbied hard for skipping the wedding, even tossing out a few alternative activities that I knew she would enjoy, like a picnic in the mountains, or a trip to the museum to see the new IMAX movie, but she was having none of it. I had to admire her loyalty to her friend Katherine - she'd promised she would be there at the wedding, early even, to help out with getting ready - and neither hell, high water, nor embarrassment and offense were going to stop her. My backup position was to strongly hint that maybe I should stay home and let her go unaccompanied, but that too was a non-starter.
"No Kevin, you need to come along. I don't want to go alone - plus, there will be dancing and all at the reception afterwards, so I need a partner."
I started to say "You know you wouldn't have any problem finding a partner" but had the sense to bite back the words before they could leave my mouth. On any previous occasion I would have said just that, teasing and complimenting her at the same time, but now, after last night, there was no humor or playfulness left in it. Her reminder that I was expected to suffer through not only a wedding, but a reception as well, was most unwelcome.
"Stef, I just really don't want to go. Everyone will stare. I don't want everyone staring at me...I mean at us."
She looked at me for a moment before speaking. "Are you that ashamed to be seen with me?"
Miserable, I shook my head no. "That's not it, you know I've always loved being seen with you. It's just..."
"What, Kev?"
"It's humiliating, Stef. Everyone will know. They'll know that you weren't getting what you needed at home."
"Is that what you think?"
I shrugged. "It doesn't matter what I think - it's what everyone else will think." She has more balls than I do, obviously. She seemed to be little concerned about what her friends, or anyone else that knew, might think. Of course for her it was more a case of vicious gossip, of being called a slut and worse, but that gossip would, in many cases, be covering up envy. Many of her female friends and acquaintances might speak poorly of her to each other, while in their little heart of hearts being envious, wishing that they had been bold and daring enough to do exactly what she had done. I think a lot of them would have enjoyed a bite of the forbidden fruit, craving the excitement and adventure, but were just too timid or too cowardly to step up. Kind of like me when I could have had some fun at the party with the beautiful little Raven.
When the same people looked at me, on the other hand, I knew that I'd see nothing in their eyes but pity or contempt, and I wanted neither.
Steffany tried to reassure me. "Kev, sweety, not that many people will even know. And most of the ones that do are my friends. Come on, say you'll come along! For me? I promise to make it worth your while."
I looked at her, knowing full well she was playing me, wrapping me around her little finger like she so easily does. "Well, OK. But I don't want to go early and hang around the place to be stared at while you're helping Katie. And I don't want to stay long at the reception, we can pop in just long enough to make nice and then leave, OK?"
She smiled, knowing she'd won. "Mmm, we'll see. So what do you want to do, drive over separately?"
I nodded. "Yeah. Then I can bail if it gets too bad."
She laughed. "Oh, Kevin! You will come though, right?"
I nodded again. "I said I would."
"Good. Thank you. Oh, and Kevin?" I looked at her. "I am getting everything I need at home - you know that, don't you? This was just a case of...oh, I don't know, maybe a mistake. Mis-interpreting what you wanted, too much to take, too much touching and getting aroused, too much flashback to the old me, before we were married. I'm sorry." She paused, and I looked at her, thinking about the fact that she had said maybe it was a mistake. She wasn't definite about that.
As we searched each others eyes, looking for something, she gave me a sexy, teasing smile. "It was a lot of fun though, I came so good." I groaned, and she giggled. "My girl parts are little tender today, they're not used to something so big that lasts so long. Would you like to kiss them and make it better?"
My groan turned into a moan as my body ***ly responded to her teasing, and she laughed. "You're so easy Kevin! I guess I just know you too well, but then you have told me all of your deepest, darkest secrets and desires, so whose fault is that?"
"Stef, please don't, OK? Not right now." I paused, knowing I needed to say more, to explain. "It's just that, yeah, I still enjoy the idea, the fantasy and all, but the reality...I guess I never stopped to think about the offense, the jealousy. I don't want to ever, ever, go through all that again." At first I couldn't mention my biggest fear, which was that she'd find somebody better, someone she loved more, and would leave me. I knew I wouldn't be able to stand that. As the silence stretched, finally I said "Stef, I don't want you looking for a new guy."
She looked puzzled. "A new guy? For fun and games?" I shook my head, and as realization dawned on her she looked shocked. "Oh Kevin, I'm not! I don't want any new guy - I love you! That guy last night, I don't even know his last name - I'll never even see him again! Oh Kev, baby, he was just for fun! I mean, I was there, I was takes, he was there..."
I snorted. "and mayhem ensued. It sounds like a write-up in TV guide. So you had fun?" She nodded hesitantly. "And now you're satisfied, and I'm, uh, chagrined, I guess, and we know better. No more, right?"
She looked at me, and I could almost see the wheels in her head spinning frantically. "Kevin, I think I'd like to explore it a little further." She took in the shocked look on my face. "Seriously! You've wanted it forever, but right now you're having doubts, but they might pass. I just...well, it was like it awakened something in me. I used to be very sexually adventurous - you know I dated a lot of guys - and I didn't realize how much I missed it! It felt good Kevin."
I started to make a comment, but she held up her hand. "Wait, let me finish. Yes, it felt good because... what's the sports analogy you always use?"
"He carried a big bat?"
She giggled. "Yeah, that one - and he knew how to swing it! It was wonderful. But mostly it felt good because it was exciting, and new, and naughty, nasty, illicit, and dirty, and all that stuff. Even now, even with my headache and my bad stomach, it makes me tingle. It was fun Kev, it was just fun. It made me feel very sexy, and desirable."
" are. I mean, really, look at you! All the guys do." I was miserable, but still excited. "Let's not, for awhile at least. Let's hold off."
She stood and came over to stand behind me, putting her hands on my shoulders. Starting to slowly massage my neck, she said "You'd like it, I know you would. Maybe we'd even let you watch. You'd like that, seeing me suck a big, thick cock, I'd get it all wet and hard..."
I pulled away and stood, clearing my throat, my heart pounding. "Stef, don't! Just don't! I...I have some chores to do, I'd better get busy." Before I turned to leave I saw her eyes drop to my crotch, where my slender, stiff little penis had found its way out through the fly of my boxer shorts. It stood straight up, achingly hard, pointing at my chin, and as I angrily tugged my shorts back in place to cover my shame I saw a small smile tug at the corners of her lips.
Posts: 126
Posts: 4050
#192 · Edited by: goodhusband
stormydog: "Stef, don't! Just don't! I... I love it. I'm quite certain that we could go back to the early segments of this story and find the same statement, only from Stef to Kevin rather than Kevin to Stef. Storm. as I said earlier, this is turning into another great story. I suspect that you have several more tucked away in your brain. I hope you keep writing because I would be very happy spending the next several years reading those stories. You do have to get those poor people off the lake. Pops will not be a happy camper if they run out of food. Thank you GH
Posts: 12
What a great story - so well written!! Stormy, is there any chance of incorporating a little foot play/tease between Steph and Kevin? Thanks.
Posts: 119
Great story, I'm loving it. Thanks for posting and please continue.
Posts: 1459
#195 · Edited by: stormydog
lkit & faraday thanks! Thank you too GH, that's a nice compliment coming from an accomplished writer! I do plan to get back to the lake soon - my tan is starting to fade. I think you're right about this story circling back on itself too. The shoe is now definitely on the other foot.
Buzzski, I don't suppose that last previous statement will, you say? Ok then, we'll see. I appreciate the kind words, and am glad you're enjoying the story, but it's tough to add a whole new twist to established characters, especially one that can be such a powerful part of one's sexual makeup. Plus, I just don't know a whole lot about the topic. Maybe though, it's an interesting idea!
Thanks all, hope to post another chapter later today!
Posts: 1459
I slipped into some cargo shorts and an old t-shirt and got busy doing a few things I'd been putting off, like cleaning up the garden out back and moving some boxes of old records from our office out to the shelves I'd built in the garage. The wedding wasn't until two that afternoon, although Stef was planning on going over to the church at about noon. I had a couple of hours to ******* before she left.
As I lifted the first archive box onto an upper shelf, something jingled in my mind, something that wasn't right. Pushing the box back until it was secure, I turned. It had just dawned on me that there was only one car - mine - in the garage. I hit the button to raise the door, expecting to see that she'd left her car in the driveway, but no - nor was it out front at the curb.
I walked back into the house, where Stef was singing 'Crazy', along with Patsy Cline on the classic country station, while she sorted through some photos. "Stef, where's your car?"
She stopped singing and turned to me. "What?"
"I said, where's your car? It's not in the garage, or out front."
She looked very puzzled for a moment, then realization dawned. "Oh, that's right! I left it there, someone took my keys 'cause I maybe drank a little too much."
I chuckled. "Yeah, maybe just a little. That was probably a good thing, but how did you get home?"
"Oh, I...uh, got a ride."
"Well, at least you didn't have to call a cab, like a certain husband you know."
Her hand flew to her mouth. "Oh Kevin, I was supposed to pick you up!"
"Uh-huh, I remember. Never mind though, because I'm here already - and you don't have a car anyhow."
She giggled. "I can't believe I did that! I'm so sorry!"
"Yes, I can sense that by the way you're laughing. At least my cabbie was very cute."
"Oh, really?"
"Oh yeah! Fat, hairy, three-day beard, smelled like goats - just the way I like 'em."
She was laughing at me, which was good. It seemed to ease some of our earlier tension. "Oh Kevin, he was not! You're making that up."
I laughed. "You're right, he was fine. Still not my type though - and I did have to wait for a cab." She seemed about half-apologetic, and half-amused. I went on. "So who dropped you off, one of your friends?"
"Uhh, no..." she hesitated, looking at me from under her long, dark lashes. "The guys dropped me off Kev, they said it was on their way."
"The guys..." it gradually dawned on me that 'the guys' were the strippers. They had been the only guys there, as far as I knew. "The strippers? The strippers brought you home?"
She nodded. "But before you get all upset and weird, nothing happened! All they did was drop me off and make sure I got inside. They were complete gentlemen."
"Oh, well that's special. So now they know where you live!"
She frowned. "Yeah, I suppose so. Why?"
"I don't know Stef, it just seems wrong. Three guys - all of whom you basically had sex with, one way or another - and now they know where you live. Where we live. That's just wrong!"
She shook her head, and I could see that she was beginning to get angry. "Oh come on Kevin, that's just silly! They don't care, I'm sure. By now they've forgotten all about me."
"Yeah, sure. Did you even think about what could have happened to you when you climbed into a car with three perfect strangers?"
"Oh, well..." she smiled teasingly at me " that time they really weren't strangers anymore, were they? They were just about perfect, though."
"That's not really all that funny Stef. You were lucky nothing happened."
She laughed, her brief temper flare apparently past. "Oh come on Kev, by that time they were all down for the count. They shot their load - or loads, rather. I doubt any of them could have gotten it up again if their lives depended on it."
"Yeah, but you still don't get in a car, in the middle of the night, with three men you don't know! I mean, that's crazy!"
She sighed. "Kevin, come on! I was takes, but not totally stupid. Everyone saw me get in the car with them, everyone knew they were taking me home. They would have to be insane to try anything in those circumstances."
"The possibility that they're all insane doesn't make me feel better, if that's what you were going for. Neither does the fact that all of your friends watched my wife climb into a car with three male strippers and drive away into the night. What do you suppose they all think happened?"
"Kevin, come on, what was I supposed to do, drive myself home takes? Would that have been better?"
I blew out my breath in frustration that she couldn't see it. "No, of course not! I called a cab - that might have been one option." I shook my head and walked away from her before I said anything I'd really regret. The tension that had eased earlier was back, in spades!
About thirty minutes later, she came and found me. "You're right, I was stupid. I'm sorry. But really, nothing happpened! They tried to talk me into going out clubbing with them, but I said no. I really didn't feel all that good by that time anyhow."
"Or you'd have gone with them?"
"No!" She hesitated. "I don't know. Maybe. But listen, how are we going to go in two separate cars when I don't have mine?"
"When you're ready I'll drive you to your car and drop you there, then come back home. I really don't think I'm going anyway." My mind was toying with images of my wife out dancing and takeing with three buff strippers, three guys that were gradually getting their libidos back after an evening of fucking and sucking. I was really glad she'd come home instead, but she might have gone with them if things had been just a little different.
"Oh Kevin, come on! You promised!"
I shook my head. "No, not really. I just agreed. Look Stef, it was bad enough with them knowing what you did at the party, and the possible video, but just think what they imagined you were doing after you left! I don't want everyone looking at me after all of them were thinking that you were know, getting drilled and filled by three hung guys."
She slapped my arm, hard, the sound of the slap ringing in my ears. "Kevin, that's gross! Nobody but you would think that! And nobody is going to stare at you - if they stare it will be at me, I'm the slut - but what do you care anyway? We don't know most of these people, we're not going to run into them on the street, we never see any of them. It's basically anonymous for you - the few we do know are my old friends, not yours. So why do you care?"
"It's just...the principle, I guess."
She touched me, gently. "But you've wanted this for so long."
"I didn't think it through." I looked at her, her soft beauty making my heart ache. "Steffany, in my fantasy it was all about the act, the sex. I never thought about what comes after. The offense, and the pain, regrets...I don't think I like that part."
"You'll get used to it, baby." She turned toward the stairs. "I have to go get ready - come up in a few minutes and you can help me with a couple of things, and we can talk more. If you want to. And come to the wedding Kevin, OK? I need you with me, now especially. Don't desert me when I need you, please?"
I nodded miserably as she turned to go, knowing I loved her too much to let her face any possible scorn or embarrassment alone, but my mind kept turning it over and over again, what she'd just said, my stomach aching but my heart pounding with excitement. "You'll get used to it baby."
Posts: 3581
stormydog: "You'll get used to it baby." Mmmmm.... reminds me of my first creampie! Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 12
I think I'm addicted to this story! I check out the site several times a day looking for a new installment. Please keep it going Stormy!!
Posts: 39
great story Stormy!!!! Keep it up!!!
Posts: 3550
"You'll get used to it, baby."
I love that line, well done again Stormy, this is a wonderful story and the 1st thing I look for when I log in
Posts: 1459
#201 · Edited by: stormydog
Ah yes C-4-1, you never forget your first pie! buzzski, the Surgeon General warns that reading stories on this site may be habit forming - you must have missed the little black box. Thanks to both of you, intooit, and Dave for the comments! ____________________________________________________________________
I couldn't decide whether I was excited or upset about the changes that seemed to have come over my wife, but I was certainly surprised! Maybe even shocked - I was so sure that the woman I'd married never would have done the things she'd done, the takeing, the public sex, getting in a car with three strange men - she'd said it was like something had awakened in her, and I felt like that something was a totally different permister!
My mind whirling with these thoughts, I hardly even realized what I was doing as I walked to the kitchen and poured a tall glass of Pepsi over ice. I carried it upstairs with me, and into our room, where Steffany sat in front of her vanity applying her makeup. I set it in front of her. "Here, take this."
She looked up at me, surprised, and I shrugged. "I figured if you were still a little headachey or queasy the sugar and caffeine might help. Plus, you should take stuff - a big part of hangovers is just dehydration from the holy water, which is a diuretic. So's the caffeine of course, but there's not that much in there and it's a stimulant which will help perk you up."
"Thank you Mr. Science!" She grinned at me to take the sting out of her words took a quick sip. "I like it when you look out for me, it makes me feel loved."
"Yeah, well, you know."
She smiled. "Hey, get my new dress for me, OK? I want your opinion. It's on the back of the closet door."
I obediently fetched the hanger from the hook on the back of the door, the dress covered by a light blue plastic bag with the name of the retailer emblazoned on it. I was pullling the bag off as I re-entered the room, exposing her dress. I heard her say "What do you think?", and looked up to see her standing, stark naked, looking at me.
I whistled, long and low. "I think that's the most beautiful sight a man could hope to see."
She giggled. "No, silly, I mean the dress. What do you think?"
"What dress? Oh, this dress!" I pretended to be interested - I mean, it looked nice, but it wasn't the most interesting thing in the room at that moment. "Um, nice, I guess. You know me, I have to see it on you to tell anything. The fabric is really soft and flowing - what's it called?"
"Um, challis, I think. It feels sexy, doesn't it?"
"It's gonna feel even sexier when you're in it. This stuff is gonna just hug your every curve - and you have lots of those!" She smiled at me, pleased with my flirting and flattery. My wife is an an incredibly beautiful woman, with a body to die for, and while I'm sure that she is secure in her beauty, she enjoys knowing that others appreciate it as well. I think we all have some degree of vanity in us, and while hers tends to be very mild, it is present.
The dress was almost white, maybe just the slightest hint of ivory, with small vining flowers all over it in green and pale blue, a slightly larger, beautiful deep red flower repeating in the pattern every couple of inches or so. It looked very springy, and very innocent, almost girlish. I knew it would look good with her dark hair and eyes.
She interrupted my reverie. "Just lay it on the bed Kev, spread out flat so it doesn't get all wrinkled, and you can hook my bra for me."
"I'm better at unhooking them."
"Just reverse the procedure - you'll figure it out." She slid her arms into the straps and turned her back to me, and I managed to get the two tiny hooks into the loops. She turned around to face me.
"Hello!! Wow, that's nice, it really puts the girls on display! Have I ever seen it before? No, I'm sure I would have remembered."
She giggled. "No, it's new. So you approve?"
"Boy howdy! It's my next favorite after what you were wearing a few seconds ago." It was tiny and lacy, the front barely rising high enough to cover her nipples, which were jutting out, enjoying being admired, their rosy color showing through the lace. Somehow this tiny, delicate bit of lace incorporated some kind of engineering magic that lifted her boobs and thrust them together, her glorious tits threatening to spill over the front and into the world. I mean, seriously, it looked as though, if she moved too suddenly, there would be nipples everywhere! I loved it!
Somehow this miniature marvel of modern engineering managed to contain her as she bent and slid her tiny white satin thong panties on, and even as she pulled on a pair of light taupe stockings and rolled them up her perfect legs, one at a time, slow and sexy! I was sure NASA must have had a hand in the design of that bra, and the technology of the thing must have cost thousands, but at that moment I could not have cared less.
She next put on her new dress. It was some sort of a wrap arrangement, something only a woman could wear because a man would never have the patience to figure it out. It went around her, then one piece wrapped in front of the other, a long belt-like strip of the same fabric wrapping back to another that fell in just the right place to tie at the small of her back. I tied it for her, making a small, nice-looking bow which hung just to the top of the swell of her petite derriere. I could see immediately that I had been right; the fabric molded perfectly to the lush curves of her body.
She turned back to face me, and I whistled again. "Well, I can see why you needed the new bra!"
The front of her dress - the bodice, I guess - swooped low, showing just almost as much cleavage as the bra alone had. I'm not sure, but I think that much cleavage will probably get you arrested in several states. She looked at me. "So, what do you think?"
"I think that nobody will be looking at the bride. Is that what you were going for?"
She laughed. "It would serve Katherine right - she's upstaged me enough times! Besides, all of us will be doing something like this, it's always been a competition with us girls for who can get the most attention." She moved to the mirror and began to brush out her long, dark gleaming hair.
"You'll win."
"Thank you!" She set down the brush and did a slow twirl in front of me, the skirt of her dress flaring slightly before the soft fabric once again settled on her curves, smoothly outlining the swell of her breasts, her tight, narrow waist, and the swell of her hips and magnificent bottom before hanging in soft, loose folds to just below her knees. "So you approve?"
"Absolutely! I knew I needed to see it on you, no way that hanger was going to make it do all that stuff." I indicated her body with an up and down sweep of my hands, and she smiled.
"Help me with my shoes, OK?" I bent and retrieved a pair of open, strappy shoes, with impossibly high heels, from a box on the floor. The pale tan leather of the straps was incredibly soft, and the perfume of the new leather wafted from the box. She sat on the edge of our bed and extended her right foot to me, pointing her toes.
I held up one of the shoes. "Nice! Are they Manolo's?"
She laughed delightedly. "Do you even know what Manolo's are?"
"No, not really. I heard it on TV. I gather they're something expensive."
She laughed again. "No, they're not Manolo's. Actually, they're Kohl's, buy one pair get one for half price. Do you still like them."
"Mmm-hmm, even better! Were these the full or half-price ones?"
She giggled. "I don't know! Just help me, OK?"
I kneeled next to the bed, taking her foot in my hand, and gently slid the shoe onto it. A narrow strap wrapped up over her instep and around her ankle, and I fumred with it for a moment before getting it right and lined up with the tiny buckle. I fed it through and fastened it, then turned her foot slowly in my hand, admiring the look. "Will you really be able to walk on these heels?"
"Sure, I do it all the time."
"These look so skinny! Don't walk on the lawn, or you'll sink right in."
"Warning noted. Just do the other one, OK?"
I did, taking a little longer, and letting my hands feel her foot, her ankle, even letting one trail up to touch the oh-so-sensitive spot in the hollow at the back of her knee. She wiggled. "Mmmm, stop! You're just going to get me all hot, and we don't have time for you to do your thing to me. I don't want to have wet panties before I even leave the house!" Permisterally, I thought that would be only fair since my tiny penis was throbbingly hard, but I didn't say so.
Instead, I laughed as I buckled her other shoe around her ankle. "Well, you already know my solution for that problem."
"Yes, I do, and no, I'm not going without! We're going to a church, for Christ's sake!"
I laughed. "Funny, but not exactly true. We're just going for a wedding."
She looked puzzled, then gasped. "I can't believe I said that! I'm going to go to hell now for sure!"
"Maybe, but probably not for that. Wherever you wind up I'm sure I'll be there too. Wouldn't have it any other way!"
"Don't be morbid!" She crossed and stood in front of the window, so that she was back-lit. "Do you think I need to wear a slip under this?"
My breath caught in my throat. Her body was gloriously on display in silhouette, the light flowing through the thin, light colored fabric in a way that left out almost no details. The perfect form of her thighs and hips, the smooth, flat plane of her satin-encased pubic area between, even the narrowing of her stomach just above her hips, where the dress tied. The fabric of that dress turned to gauze in the sunlight, and the effect was awe-inspiring! I know I stammered. "N-no, I... I think it looks fine. Leave it just like it is."
"OK, great! I'm ready then, I just need to swap a couple of things into a smaller purse. Why don't you go back your car out and I'll meet you out front?"
I headed down, grabbing my keys on the way and doing as instructed. I wound up waiting a few minutes for her, but when she came out and got in the car I knew why. First, she had put on just the slightest hint of an incredibly sexy perfume, or cologne. In the enclosed space of the car it was detectable, but in open space I had a hunch you would need to be very close to her to smell it - which was a good thing, because any male within range was going to have a throbbing erection. Second, she had donned her ruby jewelry, the sparkle of the red rubies at her throat, ears, and finger picking up the theme of the red flowers on her dress. It all worked incredibly well together, and the poor, ill, little hungover girl that had been crouched over the toilet just hours before had completed her metamorphosis into a stunning beauty, one that could make grown men weak.
I whistled as I backed out of our drive, and she smiled. "So I look OK?"
"You look amazing. All of your friends will be jealous, you don't look like you've aged a day since college." A thought popped into my head. "Speaking of which, do you remember Paul?"
"Mmm,, not really. Why?"
"We called him Pickled Paul, remember?"
"Oh! Oh yeah, that Paul. I do sort of remember him - again, why?"
"He was at the bachelor party last night."
"Really? And you recognized him?" I nodded, and she went on. "Did he remember you?"
I shook my head. "Not at all - but he sure remembered you."
A note of caution entered her voice. "Really? Why, what did he say?"
Posts: 125
love this story. keeps me checking back very often. i know 1 is hard work but 2 at the same time has to be
difficult keeping things straight. looks like a very interesting wedding and reception.
thanks for your hard work.
Posts: 2106
i'm enjoying this story very much. Nice job, stormy. Thanks, priss
Posts: 4050
The excellence continues. I am very curious to see what happens at the wedding. You have all of us on the edge of our seats.
Great work
Posts: 492
Good Stuff Stormy. Kind of brings to mind the age old phrase "be careful what you wish for".
Thanks for all your hard work
Posts: 12
I really like the direction the story is going! Kevy is one lucky cuck - I think. Nice tease with the footplay with Steph getting dressed - hope there's more to come! Thanks Stormy. Great story!
Posts: 877
stormydog, once more you are excelling in the way this is going, please keep it going.
Posts: 2117
PLease continue 
Posts: 3550
Just keeps getting better and better, think Steff is well in control now, love it....well done
Posts: 1459
sallyann, thanks. Two at once is a challenge - and probably not one I'll take again! Priss, GH, Trf2, buzzski, Cuckslut, brainbox, and Dave, my thanks to all of you for the comments. It is good to see that the story seems to have been well-received! _____________________________________________________________________
I glanced at her, to find her watching me from the corner of her eye. "Oh, not much really" I lied. "He just said he knew almost all of the girls in your sorority, is all. But he described you to a 'T'. You must have made an impression on him, huh?"
She tried to act very noncommittal. "I don't know, maybe. Hey, remember how he used to show up for everything already half-smashed? He'd even have a few takes first just to get ready to go takeing!" She laughed.
"I remember. I always thought he was a little loud and obnoxious, but otherwise pretty harmless."
She smiled. "Yeah. Pretty good guy, really, he'd give you the shirt off his back. He just had a tendency to take a bit much."
I chuckled. "He didn't have to give you the shirt off his back - usually he was so hammered you could just take it and he never would have noticed. Did you ever date him at all?" I hated myself for throwing that last bit in, as if trying to trap her into lying to me, but I just needed to know what she'd say.
She suddenly seemed to need something from the bottom of her purse very badly, and as she dug she focused her eyes there, carefully avoiding looking at me when she answered. "Oh, I don't know that you'd call it dating. We probably went out dancing a couple of times, and had a few takes. Paul's very nice when he's sober. He's one of those weird guys that likes to go dancing, and you know me..."
I do know her. Stef loves to go dancing almost as much as I don't, so we didn't go often, and when we did she would often spend as much of the evening dancing with other guys as she would with me. There never seemed to be a shortage of dance requests for her. "Uh-huh. And did those evenings of dancing ever lead to anything more?"
She gave an exasperated sigh. "Kevin, why do you seem to have such an insatiable curiosity about my past sex life, especially since we really weren't even dating then? And why do I have a feeling that you're asking me questions that you already know the answers to? Did Paul say something to you?"
Uh-oh, busted! "Well, he just sort of intimated that you two might have, you know, had a little fling."
She laughed. "Had a fling? How quaint! No, Kevin, we'd dance, and whenever it was a slow dance I could feel his big cock pressing into my belly - it seemed like he was always hard - and feeling that big thing, and knowing he was horny, that would make me yeah, you could say we flinged. Several times, but it was just sex, and he was just a friend."
"OK." I was ready to let it drop, once again feeling a bit gut-punched - but then I was the one that had gone there, so it was entirely my own fault.
Unfortunately for me, Stef was not quite as ready to change the subject as I was. "Do you remember when you asked me a while back if I'd been with guys with bigger cocks than yours?" I nodded silently. "Well, Paul was one of them. Paul is hung Kev, seriously, and it seemed like he could always get it up, even when he'd been takeing. He has a very nice package Kevin, I won't lie to you about that!"
I nodded. "Yeah, I know."
"You know...what, that I wouldn't lie to you, or that Paul's got a great cock?"
"Uh, well, both, I guess." She just stared at me. "Look, I know you wouldn't lie, but still I get worried, I can't help it. And as for him, I saw him fucking one of the strippers at the bachelor party last night, so I know what he's got. Jeez Stef, it's huge! I mean, you and him..." My mind again formed an unbidden image of Paul kneeling behind Steffany, slamming that huge cock deep inside of her, the sound of her voice crying out in orgasm...
"You saw him...and what were you doing with the strippers?" My little mental bubble burst as she smoothly steered the conversation to me instead of her.
"Nothing. Watching, talking - you know I wouldn't take my cock out where everyone could see it. I don't want to get laughed at."
"Oh Kevin, nobody would laugh at you, would you stop it! I almost wish you had, maybe then I wouldn't feel so guilty. Were they pretty?"
"The girls?" I shrugged. "I don't know. There were three, and two of them were more sexy than pretty, I guess. One was very pretty, and very sexy. Actually, she looked a lot like you."
She was staring at me. "Really - like me?"
I nodded enthusiastically. "A lot! Her figure wasn't quite as good as yours - her boobs were a little smaller, but otherwise..." I paused. "Oh, and she had blue eyes."
"You got close enough to see her eyes?"
"It was nothing - I'd gone outside for some fresh air, and she came out for a smoke. She's the one I talked to, just for a few minutes. She seemed nice." I wasn't about to tell her that I couldn't get Raven - Mandy - off my mind - or that we had exchanged names and phone numbers!
"What was her name?"
"Just curious. Did she tell you?"
I nodded. "It was Raven. Raven, Diamond, and Ebony."
Steffany laughed. "And let me guess - Ebony wasn't by any chance black, was she?" I nodded, smiling. She shook her head. "How do parents know, when they're putting these names on the birth certificates, that their girls will grow up to be strippers?"
I laughed. "Funny! Hey, where do I have to turn? Aren't we getting close?"
She looked ahead. "About two blocks up - where that red car is pulling out, take a right." She looked at me again. "Are you going to be all weird if Paul is at the wedding, or the reception?"
"I don't know. Probably. But then, you'll have all the witnesses from last night there, and the possibility that the video got out, so I'm thinking it might be just a tiny bit weird whether he's there or not."
She caught the sarcasm. "I'm sorry Kevin, I didn't plan any of this you know." She looked ahead of us again. "Left at the next corner, and you should see my car about a block down. Look, we'll just get through it, together like you said, and then go from there. OK?"
I pulled up behind her car and switched off the engine. "Not a lot of other options, are there? Hey, you know how much I usually hate weddings - at least all of this will take my mind off of that, right?"
"Will you be hard all the way through the wedding, thinking about it?"
"Stef, c'mon..."
"You know that if there's dancing at the reception, and Paul is there, he'll probably ask me to dance. Would that make you jealous?"
"I would imagine so, yeah."
"Would it make you all hard and horny if I was dancing with him, knowing his big, hard cock was pressing into me, that I could feel it?"
I groaned. "Stef..."
"Knowing that it was making me all hot, and wet?"
"Stef, I don't want to think about it, OK?"
"But you will, won't you?"
When I didn't answer, she slid her hand up the leg of my shorts and found my little cock rigid and throbbing. She laughed. "One head says no-no, but the other says yes-yes. That must get very confusing for you, this tiny little head controlling you." As she spoke she was running her finger over the tip of my cock, teasing at my tender opening. "You're leaking Kev, all slippery and nice."
She continued to stroke me, teasing my slit. "The wedding starts at two, so don't be late. I'll meet you at the back of the church so we can go in together. Oh, and wear your navy blazer and the light blue shirt, yellow tie. And your gray pants, I think. I can always tell when you're hard in those, your camel ones are too baggy." She was still stroking my cock.
I nodded. It wasn't unusual for her to tell me what to wear, and I probably would have done something very close to that anyway - except I'd have worn the baggier pants, for the very reamister she'd mentioned.
I tensed up. "You're going to make me come!"
She stopped stroking, and squeezed the base of my shaft, hard. "No coming - and no jerking off when you get home either, promise?"
I nodded. "I'll try. Sure you don't want to just finish me now?"
She gave me an evil grin, and then two or three quick strokes on my penis before releasing me, hard and frustrated. "Very sure. You will have to be careful though, because those light gray pants would really show a wet spot, don't you think?"
"I'll stop and buy some Depends on the way home. A diaper is less embarrassing than a wet spot."
She laughed, which was good - I'd meant it as a joke. "Two o'clock, right? At the Methodist church?"
She nodded as she popped her door and swung her legs out. "Right! Bye hon', see you in a couple of hours."
"Bye babe. I'll be there. Probably."
She slammed the door and bent to smile in at me, knowing I was teasing her. "You have to be there, you're in charge of these." She reached her hand n the open window and dropped her panties on the front seat. "Keep them in your pocket, in case I need them."
I goggled at her tiny white satin panties lying on my front seat. Outside the door, she quickly pulled apart the two sides of her wrap dress, giving me a brief glimpse of her bare pussy, her tiny dark soul patch glistening, before she covered herself just as quickly. Laughing, she turned and walked to her car, her extra set of keys in hand. As she drove away, I looked again at her panties before reaching out and fingering the smooth satin, still warm. I had no idea when or how she'd taken them off without me seeing her, until I remembered waiting in our drive for her to come out of the house.
Obviously she'd reconsidered her position on wearing panties. I was wondering if maybe I should have reconsidered mine on telling her how transparent her dress was in bright light. I wondered if it was too late, or if I could find some way to bring her slip to her at the church. It didn't seem likely.