Posts: 1975
Thanks so much for every instalment!
Posts: 6
Uh Oh! If Kevin takes off his pants, then Steffany will surely see how he reacts to her story of what happened at the party. Oh well, that could be good for us anyway.
Great story, Stormy!
Posts: 126
Thanks Stormy!
Posts: 3581
#124 · Edited by: cuckold4one
OH yes..... the little head always tells the truth!  Nice story..... thanks for posting!! Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 4050
I love Kevin's sudden confusion about his feelings as he realizes that his fantasies have suddenly become reality.
Thank You
Posts: 1459
rub, baron, randy, s.o.m., lkit, and c-4-1, thanks for the very kind words, and for taking the time to drop a note. It is very much appreciated. GH, I think it's always one of those 'be careful what you wish for' moments, isn't it, when the full implication of what's happened begins to sink in?
Now for the bad news - not entirely sure I will keep posting on this site due to the number of problems it has been having the last few weeks. Unable to log on, site unavailable, dropped posts, getting booted off when trying to post or even just change pages, it's just too much hassle. With limited time available to work on the stories I can't afford to waste so much time screwing with the connection.
I know Mr. BigC is trying to get it worked out, so I'll keep trying for awhile and hope it gets better, but man, it's frustrating - and I'm usually pretty patient. I'll miss it a lot if it comes to that, but jeez - this story would probably be done by now except for days I was unable to connect! Let's hope it improves, it's been a great, fun site.
Posts: 4050
I do hope you won't leave. The advantages of posting on this site are many. First and foremost in my mind is that you maintain control over your the segments of the story that you have already posted. In other words you can go back and make changes.
I understand your recent frustrations
I suggest you try what I do. I write my rough draft on the notepad from the accessories section of windows. I save it as I work After it's complete I cut and paste it to a word processor. I use openoffice.org because I'm cheap and it's free, but Microsoft word is better. The word processor gives me a spell check. After that posting to the site is a quick and effortless endeavor.
I actually have all of the rough drafts and polished copies of every story I have ever written.
This system also allows me to work on stories without posting them. I have a number of partially completed unposted stories
Please consider this option before deciding to leave us.
Posts: 126
The site has been "iffy" lately but Goodhusband has a good idea. Write the story in word and copy and paste it here. That was you wont lose anything due to site issues and there will be no wasted time or effort. Dont leave us now Stormy. This story has me back to a 10x a day CP check in 
Posts: 1459
#129 · Edited by: stormydog
"Stef, I don't really want to take my pants off. I mean, it's kind of embarrassing after you've just been out ogling all these guys with their big cocks."
She looked at me, cocking her head to one side. I couldn't help but notice that she looked kind of tired, her eyes heavy, but she put her hand on my leg. "Kevin, whether you have your pants on or not, I know how big your cock is. You do realize that, right?"
I nodded miserably - she had a point. She rubbed my leg gently. "Have I ever complained about it being too small?" I didn't answer, because she never had, but I knew. She didn't let me off the hook. "Well? Have I ever made you feel like you were too small for me?"
I shook my head no. "I guess not, but it just seems like you don't come very often during actual sex."
She laughed, then cut it off. "Actual sex, huh? I call all of it actual sex, but I guess you mean intercourse." She sighed. "I don't Kev, but that's not because of the size of your cock." Before I could breathe a sigh of relief she finished her thought: "It's because you're too fast on the trigger, you know that."
As it turns out, that didn't make me feel any better at all! Who'd of thought? "I know baby. I'm sorry. It's just...you're so beautiful and sexy..."
"I know you say that, and I always try to take it as a compliment when it happens, but sometimes..." she left that thought unfinished. "And you're always very generous about doing me orally, so it's kinda OK." She brightened. "So anyhow, lose the shorts!"
"Stef, you look pretty tired. Are you sure you don't want to just tell me the rest in the morning?" I was hoping for a little action before she went to relax, plus I still wasn't comfortable with her seeing how aroused my little cock was by her story. For her, yes. By the story, no.
She shook her head. "I'm still pretty buzzed right now, and pretty horny, which is the only way I can tell you about this. In the morning I expect to be really hung over, and so not at all horny. If you still want to hear what happened, it needs to be now - or never." She suddenly moved her hand grabbing my still-rigid penis. "I knew you'd be hard!" She stroked me. "Wow, really hard! Take off your pants, pleeease?"
I pulled away from her grasp, knowing that if she stroked me just a few more times I'd come, and spoil everything. I stood and dropped my shorts and stepped out of them, and she stared at my erection. "You are really stiff! What a handsome little guy!"
I winced at the word 'little', but she had said it in all innocence I think, just a throwaway adjective. She pulled me toward her and leaned forward. "You're so turned on you're actually leaking!" She took me into her mouth just long enough to suck the tiny ooze of clear pre-cum off of me, but I almost came, and I shuddered as she released me from her suctioning lips.
"Ohhh god, stop, stop!"
She giggled. "It's amazing how totally different two cocks can feel in your mouth!"
Still stuck on my feelings of inadequacy, I was focused on the fact that she meant that mine felt smaller. Accordingly, it took a few seconds for the real impact of her words to hit me. "Two..? In your mouth..."
She looked up at me, seemingly puzzled. "Well, yeah - I mean, with all the whipped cream and, you know, stuff all over my blouse, I figured you knew that..."
I shook my head, and she seemed surprised, pausing to push her shining dark hair back from her face. "Oh. Well all the girls were doing it, I mean, it's just for fun, they squirt the whipped cream from cans onto their cocks and sort of challenge you, to, you know, lick it off of them. Everyone was doing it Kevin."
"Everyone?" My voice squeaked, and I hated it. I sat down beside her on the bed, heavily, my shoulders slumping.
"Well, OK, not absolutely everyone. But most were. Just a few, umm, abstained. Cowards!"
I thought "yeah, cowards like me! Or maybe just women that were *** to play around behind their husbands' backs", but I kept the thought to myself. Out loud I said "So you sucked on a guys cock?"
"Well, yeah...just a little. Hey, you said you wanted to hear this!"
"Was it the white guy or the black guy?" I don't know why I asked that, except that it just struck me as even more taboo - and thus more arousing - if it had been the black guy. Plus, when my stories that I told her involved blacks it always seemed to get her extra hot.
She frowned for a moment, as if deciding what to say. "Promise not to get upset?" I nodded. "Actually it was both white guys. When the one off-duty guy saw how much fun we were and how wild we were getting he joined them, so we ended up with all three guys dancing around naked, but the black guy never made it to my part of the room."
I thought back to Raven's - sorry, Mandy's - words about how, for the guys, it was all about the pussy, not the money. Apparently she had been right. "So you sucked off two guys tonight? Unbelievable!"
"No Kevin, I didn't! The one guy was barely letting us suck on him at all, he kept moving from one of us to another. He did stick his cock down between my boobs though. I think he was a boob man!"
I nodded. "Yeah, well. With you, who's not?" I figure that this must have been the guy in the short video I'd received, and wondered again who had sent it.
She giggled. "He did have a very nice cock. It was the least I could do!" She said it very matter-of-factly, as if saying 'oh well, it happens every day!' She looked down at my cock, still hard as a steel bar, and laughed. "You are such a perv! You're totally getting off on this, aren't you?" She touched me, and I jerked as though I had received an electric shock.
"Don't Stef, just don't! God!"
She laughed. "You're about to come, aren't you? Poor baby!"
I ignored her taunt. "What about the other guy?"
"What other guy?"
"Steffany..." She was into it now, teasing me, knowing she had me by the balls. My arousal, her own, and her tipsiness had combined to make her more bold.
She laughed again. "Oh, him! The guy with the whipped cream! He had a really big cock Kevvy, bigger than the first guy, really long and thick. And huge balls too, all totally shaved so smooooooth..."
I whimpered, and she giggled. "He was squirting the whipped cream on, and I was trying to lick it off of him, but it melts so fast when it gets warm and it was running down...I was licking it off his balls, but it dripped all over my top." She leaned back so that I could again see the stains on her clothes. I bit my lip, and I could feel my nails digging into my palms. "So I just took his big cock into my mouth Kevvy, but I didn't really expect him to come, at least not so fast! That took me totally by surprise!"
"He..." My voice sounded fetishd, and I tried again. "He... came? In your mouth, just like that?"
She nodded. "Almost gagged me, I wasn't ready for it. I swallowed a lot, but the rest...well, you can see where it went."
"You swallowed..."
She nodded, looking at me with a very serious expression, then she leaned over and put her hand behind my head and pressed her lips to mine, and pushed her tongue into my mouth, and when her hand found my throbbing little cock, I came instantly! She felt the spurt of hot semen over her hand and arm and squeezed me hard, milking me furiously. I groaned and squirted, unable to stop spurting, the feeling as intense as any orgasm I'd ever had.
By the time my spurts faded to dribbles I was gasping for air. "Uhhhh, fuck, oh my god! Oh god Steffy, stop, stop, ohhh fuck!"
She looked down at the mess I'd made and laughed. "Wow! That was productive - I guess you really do like me to be a bad little girl, don't you?"
"Ohhh cuckolds brownie, that was intense! But I'll bet you're as horny as I am - or was."
She looked again at the amount of semen I'd sprayed. "I don't know if I'm that horny! I've never seen you come like that before." She raised her hand to her lips and took a long lick of cum where it was running down her arm, then held her hand to my lips to finish cleaning up, which I obediently did.
I put my hand on her thigh. "Admit it Stef, you're horny too."
She put her hand on mine and held it. "Of course I am, that's the fourth cock I've touched tonight!"
It didn't register. I tried to move my hand up to her crotch, but she stopped me. "No Kevin, not now."
"But you said you were horny." I pushed forward again, and she clamped her thighs tightly together.
"No Kev, maybe later, OK?"
"OH come on, I just want to see how wet you are from all this eye candy. Plus, you always get really wet when you suck on me, so I figure, with his big cock..."
"I'm wet Kevin, OK? I admit it, I'm really wet."
"Let me feel!"
"Kevin... come on, you're all done..."
"Oh come on! I can still do you with my mouth you know."
She looked at me strangely, then sighed. "OK."
She let her legs fall slightly apart, and I ran my hand up her sleek thigh to her panties, bumping over the lace strip at the top of her stockings. Her panties were silky smooth, and warm, and very, very wet. "Wow, you really are wet! That must have made you so horny!"
I slid my fingers past the edge of her panties and felt her, her skin slippery with fluids and hot, almost feverish. As my fingers slid into her folds I was astounded by how wet she was, her juices were literally running out of her! "God, you feel good, so wet and slippery!"
I looked at her face. She had a very odd expression, hesitant, her eyes worried, biting her lip as she stared at me, and in that instant I knew!
Posts: 275
Awesome.... I really had difficulties not to cum... you write great!!!
And please don't let the technical problems bother you... don't let us hang without your story!
Posts: 275
Awesome.... I really had difficulties not to cum... you write great!!!
And please don't let the technical problems bother you... don't let us hang without your story!
Posts: 125
great story Storm.....sounds like someone is in for a surprise!!!!!  sallyann
Posts: 11
So sad to hear that you might stop posting here storm. This story has the potential of becoming the greatest ever! Will you be posting on some over site?
Posts: 3581
I'm loving it!! Looks like he'll be getting his creampie treat after all. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 126
Awesome Stormy!! I have a feeling Kevin is going to recover quickly and be hard again soon......
Posts: 492
#136 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
Ruh Roh, who was the mystery man, man #3? The man who left the big mess in Stef's pussy? She said it wasn't the black guy, but we know she hasn't been completely honest about everything. Maybe it was more than one other guy, who knows? That load might have come (cum) from multiple guys.
Who cares, just get down there Kevin and eat your creampie before it loses it's consistency-much better when they're thick and gooey, not all runny. So get with it, less talking and more tonguing. Is that a word, tonguing? How about lapping? You get my drift.
Stormy, leave it to you to shroud this story in mystery. You just love to do that don't you?
Love it, thanks. Sure hope you change your mind about leaving the site, or at least let us know where we can go to keep up with your stories if you do decide to leave.
Posts: 79
#137 · Edited by: slavedogwayne
Ok this story is great cuckold sissy wendy white aka tinyboywayne
Posts: 79
#138 · Edited by: slavedogwayne
cuckold sissy wendy white aka tinyboywayne
Posts: 79
#139 · Edited by: slavedogwayne
cuckold sissy wendy white aka tinyboywayne
Posts: 79
#140 · Edited by: slavedogwayne
stormydog this is a great story I can't wait for more cuckold sissy wendy white aka tinyboywayne
Posts: 3550
Fantastic, just gets better and better, well done
Posts: 877
Great story, please don't stop!
Posts: 492
#143 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
Cuckoldslavedogwayne, I'm sure if Stormy wanted pictures to go along with his story, he's resourceful enough to be able to find his own. Your pictures are great, but there's a special place on this site to post them. Don't you understand how rude it is to hijack someone's story after they've worked so hard on it?
We all like to have fun here, but what you did just isn't fair to Stormy, at least not without his permission.
Have a great day.
Posts: 1914
#144 · Edited by: peakmb
Stormy, Your second best story on the site is still pretty good isn't it. I am liking your approach with this new band of brothers (and sisters).
Posts: 14692
Peak I agree. The pictures need to go. If Storm doesn't want pictures in his story than that's the way it should be. This not much different to the other guy taking over the story that got GH so upset.
Posts: 79
sorry guy first I did not post them but I removed them and I need to change my password this is the third time someone has put up photos under my name I think that use teamview or something like that. cuckold sissy wendy white aka tinyboywayne
Posts: 1459
No problem wayne, I appreciate you taking them off. I don't have real strong feelings about it, except that peak is right about the photos intruding upon the images one may have formed in their mind, plus they do clutter up the post. Plenty of places for photos on this site already! Pain in the ass that somebody is screwing around under your name, hope you can get that corrected. Trf2, Timmy, & peak, I appreciate you monitoring that for me. I hadn't looked here for a couple of days and have had no time to post or respond, so hadn't noticed that. I hope to get back by Mon. or Tue. to reply to comments and hopefully post a new segment. In the interim, thanks to all for reading and for the great comments!
Posts: 1975
lkitkinke: I looked at her face. She had a very odd expression, hesitant, her eyes worried, biting her lip as she stared at me, and in that instant I knew! Wow, what a statement to finish on, that's what you call a cliff-hanger! Please MORE!
Posts: 1459
Thanks for all of the nice comments! Iadoreher, sallyann, henke, C-4-1, lkitkinke, wayne, davesgfdates, Trf2, cuckslut, Timmy, randy, and peak, I very much appreciate y'all reading along and taking the time to drop me a line. Hope I didn't miss anyone, that was quite a response! Trf2, I believe that both 'tonguing' and 'lapping' are valid words, though lapping sounds a bit canine in nature. I prefer tonguing - both giving and receiving! Oh, and as a useful verb as well. Again, thanks all for the comments, and for keeping an eye on things while I was unavailable! ______________________________________________________________________ ___________
I felt as though I'd been hit by a truck! The breath went out of me and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, and when I tried to speak it felt as if my throat had closed up. My voice came out as a fetishd whisper. "Stef...?"
Her eyes met mine, darting quickly from one to the other, then she looked down and away, an expression of genuine pain on her beautiful face. "Kevin...I'm so sorry. I didn't want you to know - I tried to stop you!"
The way she said it I wasn't entirely sure if her apology was for having another man's semen inside of her, or for letting me find out about it, but at that moment I was so much in a state of shock that I wasn't sure of a whole lot of things. The thing was, I didn't pull my hand away. Instead, I kept stroking her hot, slick, tender pussy, enjoying the erotic, illicit feeling of her soft folds and hot velvety tunnel slippery with cum. My cock was getting hard again already, without ever having gone fully soft - not something that usually happens to me!
"Steffy, wha...what happened?"
She shook her head, still looking at the floor as if ashamed to meet my eyes, but I felt her hips begin to move in response to my touch and her vagina clamped tightly on my finger for a moment, squeezing a small gush of fluid onto my knuckles. "Oh god, I was so stupid! I drank way too much baby, and I know better, I do. I never meant for this to happen. Oh Kevin!" She had tears on her cheeks, her eyes pooling and overflowing.
"Ssshhhh, baby, it's all right. I know you didn't mean to do it, but what's done is done. Why don't you tell me whay happened, OK?"
Finally, she looked at me. "Are you sure? I mean really sure?"
I nodded, miserable but incredibly, disgustingly aroused! I knew I sould be upset, and hurt, and angry, and I was - but the arousal was stronger. "I...I need to know Stef. I need to know what happened, how you ended up fucking someone else."
To me my voice sounded defeated, like that of any pitiful cuckold upon discovering his wife's infidelity, which was entirely appropriate. She heard it too. "Kevin, god! It sounds so awful when you say it like that!"
I nodded. "Well, it's true."
She sighed, and her eyes dropped to my groin. "You're hard, Kevin. You're totally hard - and you just came!" She seemed very surprised. "This is really getting to you, isn't it? God, I can't believe this is making you so horny! It's just like in those stories you like to tell me, the ones where the wife cheats and the husband finds out - you really like that kind of stuff! And here I thought it was just stories to get me all hot and aroused!" She touched my cock, still wet and sticky with my earlier ejaculate, and she giggled. "My poor little cuckold baby, all hot and bothered because I was a bad little wife. Just look at your hard little penis, all stiff and nice! You can't act like you're upset with that sticking out, now can you? It's just like your fantasies, isn't it?"
I groaned. "Steffany, please! I don't know what I am, if I'm upset, or mad, or hurt, or what! I just know that I need to know what happened, OK? Please, just tell me how it happened."
She nodded. "OK, I guess. If you're sure."
I nodded again, then shrugged. "As sure as I can be."
"OK then. Let's see." She moved her legs farther apart. "Don't stop playing with me and I'll tell you."
I had no intention of stopping, she just felt so good inside! She went on. "Well, after Travis came in my mouth he stepped back to clean up a little, and Katherine was blowing Rudi, so we were all watching her. Derek - that's the black guy - was circulating around, letting all the girls get their hands and lips on his big cock, when Rudi and Katherine started really going at it! He had her legs up over his shoulders and was totally giving it to her..."
I interrupted, my voice shaky with arousal. "He... he was fucking her? Right there in front of all of you? Shit!"
Steffany giggled, again. "It was Katherine, Kev, it's not like it was the first time most of us had seen her do that. Except for maybe a few of the girls that were not in our sorority. Katherine always did like to be on display, and she's always horny you know."
Thinking of the things that had gone on at their sorority house, I couldn't help but recall Paul's words about Steffany and her own needs and desires, especially when she drank - and the way that he had mimed taking her doggy style, with his big cock... My balls ached with arousal, and my fingers in her slippery pussy only exacerbated the situation!
She went on. "Well, anyhow, listening to her orgasms was making all of us very horny, so the girls were really grabbing at the other two guys, touching and playing, and when he started groaning and came inside of her everyone was clapping and cheering, and Katie was just loving it!"
"That's wild Stef, I can't believe she - all of you - did that! But what does that have to do with you..."
"Shush Kevin, I'm getting to that! Well, when he came and was done there seemed to be a lull in the action, and that was when I noticed what a big mess I was, with cum and whipped cream all over me. Even takes - which I was - I knew I had to try to get cleaned up a little bit, so I went upstairs to the bathroom."
I waited silently while she seemed to pause momentarily to organize her thoughts - or to consider how much to say at all. Finally she went on. "I got a washcloth andd wet it, and was trying to clean some of the mess off my blouse. Which, as it turns out, is not a good way to remove greasy stains or semen." She looked down at her dark top. "I thought I had gotten most of it, until it dried out and showed back up again."
I was aching for her to hurry up, to move on with her story, and she kept dawdling over details. At first I thought maybe she was trying to avoid having to tell me what had happened, but then I began to suspect that maybe she knew exactly how much I wanted to hear the details and was intentionally teasing me. When she took my hard little cock between her thumb and fingers and softly stroked it, I knew. ""You're really hard! Am I driving you crazy yet? Your little stiffy is giving you away Kevin, you are such a perv!"
I groaned and nodded, her fingers setting all my nerves tingling again. "Yes, you are making me crazy! And I'm a perv. Please Stef, just tell me!"
She giggled. "My poor, poor baby! Well, I had left the door open because I was just trying to clean up a little, so he walked right in."
"Oh yeah, I left that out, didn't I? Derek came in, he had come upstairs to try to clean up too. He had that sticky whipped cream all over him, just a big mess, so he takes a cloth and starts washing off some of the glop."
I nodded shakily. "So you and this Derek guy are all alone in the bathroom - wait, wasn't he the black guy?"
She nodded. "Oh yes! And he was so hot! He has this beautiful body, all big and muscle-bound like, and just a huge cock, and he's right there, holding it in his hand all hard and thick while he washes it..." her voice trailed off, and from the glazed look in her eyes I knew she was seeing him all over again in her mind. She seemed to almost have to physically shake herself out of her trance. "But anyhow, then it just...happened. I was there, all horny and pretty takes, and he was there all horny and hard, and the next thing you know..."
"Right there, in the bathroom?" My voice cracked and went up an octave, which was embarrassing enough, but then I should have already been humiliated by the way my body was reacting; my cock hard, my balls aching with arousal, my breathing fast and erratic.
She nodded and began to stroke me, and I knew she was fully into teasing me now. "He just stepped behind me, pushed my skirt up and my panties down, and bam! He was in me! I wanted to tell him to stop, I really did, but I was already so wet and ready, and he just bent me over the sink and took me. It was like it was too fast for me to even think about stopping him, and then..." She paused and looked at me. "And then, Kevin, I didn't want to."
"You didn't even tell him no?"
She shook her head. "No, I couldn't. I came, Kev. I came as soon as he put that big cock in me - almost as soon as the head of it was in! God, it felt so good!"
I was in agony, tears in my eyes despite the arousal I was feeling, the realization that he had so easily given her something that I was so rarely able to cutting me deeply. "God Stef, you just let him? And you came with him, just like that?"
She nodded. "And when he just kept going, pushing that big cock way up inside of me it felt like I was so full, so, just, right, you know? I came again, really hard. Really hard Kev, a huge orgasm. What do you think of that?"
I couldn't speak. I couldn't tell her what I thought of it, but my body showed her. I came again, my cock bucking and spurting at the thought of my sweet little Steffany with a big black cock inside of her, her body in the throes of a powerful orgaasm as he took her and she cried out, like she does. I knew exactly what it had sounded like, and I wondered how many of her friends had heard her.
baron ochs
Posts: 89
Absolutely brilliant Stormy!