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After The Party

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Posts: 1975
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Hurry up with this poorly written bad dialogue having p.o.s.

Poorly written?? It's one of the few well written stories on here!


Posts: 1459
#92 · Edited by: stormydog
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Al, lkitkinke, and randy - thanks for jumping to my defense, but we'll have to forgive sucky. It's clear from his message that he's a Twit (i.e., one who has never written anything or composed any message longer than a Tweet).
Al, p.o.s. means "piece of cuckolds brownie", and is further proof of his Twitdom - it is the type of abbreviation that true Twits use due to being limited to 140 characters in their Tweets. As far as the horribly grammatically incorrect phrase "bad dialogue having p.o.s." is concerned, you will have to figure that out for yourselves as I have no idea what he means. It would be nice if he could at least complain in English!

Sucky, I didn't mean to confuse you by using i.e. as I did above. It is the abbreviation (you should like that!) for the Latin phrase "id est", which means "that is", or, in this usage meaning "that is to say", or "in other words". The way true Twits love writing in abbreviations and incomplete sentences it may come in handy for you to know that, so please feel free to use it as needed, if you can remember the spelling.

For the rest of you, thanks for reading along. I appreciate that you spend time and effort to read the story and that you take the time to post responses. Why someone like sucky, who apparently does not care for the story, would go to the effort and expense of paying someone to read it to him is a mystery to me. If anyone can explain it, I'm all ears! Permisterally, if I didn't like a story, I'd just stop reading...(or, in his case, stop having it read to me.)


Posts: 1459
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GH, Randy, faraday, Wayne, and sslv, thanks for the kind words. As anyone that writes here or elsewhere will tell you, it means a lot that you take time to comment, even with a brief message. It's always good to know that the effort of writing is appreciated and not just work launched into the ether for nothing!

Baron and cindi, I really appreciate the sentiment and the compliments - you make me blush! I do apologize that I haven't kept up, but I was suddenly and unexpectedly called away on an emergency which has now been resolved (positively), and was 1,500 miles away and where I had no access for the past week or so. I do hope to get back to post another segment maybe later today, but more likely tomorrow. I expect this tale to probably wrap up next week, if time allows.

Trf2 and peak, what can I say? You two and GH (and a few others) are always there to keep me centered and motivated. Your responses are often as much fun to read as the stories posted here (see peak, above), and I always look forward to hearing from you. I count you as friends, and am proud to do so.


Posts: 492
#94 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
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I was going to comment on suckycuck's ridiculous statement but I've chosen not to. I'm guessing he's just on here trying to stir up trouble. 3 posts and he comes up with that piece of crap statement, give me a break. Stormy, you have a large group of followers here who look forward to each and every segment you write. You're one of the hardest working, biggest contributors on here, please just dismiss the negativity as a meaningless gibberish. (I used the word gibberish just to confuse you know who, I'm sure he won't know what gibberish means).

Hang in there Stormy, we love you. Glad to hear that you're wrapping this up, the folks on the houseboat have this big party in the works, and they're just kind of hanging (literally) around waiting. I guess young Trell isn't hanging as much as pointing, what with Kori working him over. Lucky guy I say.



Posts: 2106
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i'd just like to add my compliments on a great, well written story. This is the first story i've read authored by you and i intend to check out any others you have now. Great job. Thank you. priss


Posts: 1459
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Trf2, thanks. I considered just taking the high road and ignoring him as well, then chose not to. It doesn't always pay to ignore bad behavior, sometimes it just facilitates it. I do appreciate what you say, and recognize that most who don't care for a story will just stop reading and go elsewhere - fine, that's their right and they shouldn't waste their time on something that does not bring them any pleasure or joy! Some small few, despite a complete lack of evidence that they could do better (or have even made the effort), always feel obligated to criticize - not in a helpful way, just pissing and moaning.

Anyhow, enough said on that topic. Thanks for your support!

priss, glad to have you along! I know you have followed and supported various writers on here for a long time, and your comments are always well thought out, helpful, and often thought provoking. I look forward to getting to know you better, and thanks for the kind words.


Posts: 126
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Thank you once again Stormy!! Your latest update was well worth the wait. You are taking the reader on a such an enjoyable ride. It's been a pleasure reading every chapter/update. When the ride is over I really think I need to share this story with my wife of 20 years. It's been a few years since I have shared a story with her from the internet and I have a feeling that she will like it. We had one swinging experience a few years back but nothng since.(story for another time) I dont push for reality anymore because it isnt worth screwing up a marriage over however we still engage in fantasy, porn and toy play. I really dont know if we will ever live out those fantasies again but we still talk about it and she certainly knows what turns me on and plays along to some extent. This story turns me on and I think "After the Party" needs to be read in bed with my wife. I have a feeling it will turn her on too. I think it's the love and intimacy between Steffany and Kevin along with the way you write about real sex that will pull my wife into your story. You paint a good picture of the emotions behind the thoughts and actions of both Kevin and Steffany. I figure that's because this is loosely based on your reality. If that isnt the case and you are not writing from a place of experience and this all comes stictly from your imagination.....OMG you need to write a screen play and make a million dude!!

If and when I do share this with my lady i will let you know how it works out. Thanks again for the update!


Posts: 32
#98 · Edited by: hornyboyinsd
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Posts: 175
#99 · Edited by: sslv2006
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Glad your emergency was worked out. Many thanks for picking this story up again.

A. Smith


Posts: 1975
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I'm really enjoying this!


Posts: 38
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"What I was actually asking you is why you smoke!" - I thought I hear Adam from the boat over there...

Stormy, the story is really a great one, once more bound to enjoy us readers in the highest possible means. And yes I support the idea that this again is a Hollywood thing. Have them guys make a movie of it, and earn fame as well as top dollar. You would deserve it!


Posts: 14692
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Storm, I just thought I should let you know that I'm not ignoring this story. I'm collecting it on an external HD to be savored in large chunks like I would with a book. My thanks to you for writing it.


Posts: 1459
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A favor to ask: If anyone has saved the most recent chapter of this story, posted 3/15, you may notice that it and everything else on the site from the last 2 days is gone. If you would either A) just re-post that section here for me, or B) IM me with it cut and pasted and I will re-post it, or IM me for my email and we can do it that way. Thanks!
(I don't have it - apparently did not save my doc. file, and don't want to re-write it.)


Posts: 1459
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Thanks MadMac, that is much appreciated, as are the kind words. You saved my sorry butt a lot of work!


Posts: 877
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Great story, love it.


Posts: 275
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Your story is fantastic, and I can't wait til it goes on! Thanks a lot!!!!


Posts: 126
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Posts: 492
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Yeah, what the hell happened? I was unable to log on for two days, I thought the site went belly up. Originally thought it was a virus problem with my computer. Maybe someone hacked it?

Great save Mad Mac, thanks for helping out our buddy Stormy. These stories are hard enough work without having to try and piece it together a second time. Really appreciate your contribution to the effort.

Just a short story, huh Stormy? I'm sorry, I just have to bust your balls a little bit over that statement. Please forgive me.

Thanks as always.



Posts: 1459
#109 · Edited by: stormydog
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Cuckslut, Iadore and lkitkinke, thank for the comments! And now, we've left poor Kevin in suspense long enough...

I was also starting to get very worried. Stef and I really don't go out a whole lot, and when we do we are usually together. It was very unlike her to stay out this late, and all on her own! I grabbed my phone and tried her number again, the result the same as it went straight to her voicemail. I left a brief message telling her I was worried and to please call me, and then, knowing how productive it would be, I began to pace the floors.

I wandered from room to room, up the stairs and down, each time I passed the front window looking outside in hopes of seeing her drive up. I was back in the kitchen, a ways from where I'd left my phone, when I heard it ring. I dashed back into the family room and grabbed it up, realizing at the last second that it was not the ringtone for a call, but instead the one I'd set for an incoming message. I didn't recognize the sender's number, and it was obviously not in my contacts as it brought up no name. Further puzzling me, it was not the text message I had expected (and hoped for), but rather a video, according to what it said on the screen.

I had never received a video on my phone before, and really had no idea how to view it, but I fiddled around with it until I figured it out. I had no idea if it had any audio - if it did I didn't know how to work it, so it was a silent movie. It was also very shaky and jerky with unsteady camera work, poor lighting, and low quality resolution, but despite all that I was able to identify Steffany by her long dark hair, fair skin, and dark royal purple blouse she'd worn that evening. I was also able to identify the object she had in her hand, a long, thick cock, attached to a naked man that stood just in front of her, and I watched as she stroked him a few times before guiding his erect cock past the partially unbuttoned front of her purple blouse and between her full breasts, at which point the camera cut away to a different scene.

I stood there frozen, rooted in place, staring at the scene on my tiny two by three inch screen as the camera panned in a vertigo-inducing manner across the room to suddenly zoom in dizzily on a topless blonde woman, someone I didn't recognize, sucking another large, hard cock, this one thick and black as her hand fondled his huge balls! I expected the video to go back to Stef - indeed, hoped it would, but it ended as he shook a can of what appeared to be RediWhip and squirted a sizable dollop on the head of his cock, and the blonde again took him into her mouth, saliva and whipped cream dropping onto her naked breasts. I grimaced, as I have a strong gastronomical objection to any so-called food which comes out of an aerosol can, but then that wasn't really the point of this video, was it?!

The entire video had been less than a half a minute long, Steffany's part in it maybe only six or eight seconds, but I stood stock still for some moments afterward just staring at the blank screen before realizing that I was gripping my phone so hard that my knuckles were white and my entire arm was shaking. I made a conscious effort to relax my grip, but it didn't stop my arm from shaking. I played it again, and then again, aware that my palms and my armpits were sweating and wet, but I didn't realize how hard I was until probably the fifth or sixth viewing. My slender little cock was throbbingly rigid, small electric shocks going off in my groin just above my balls, and so deeply aroused that I ached for release.

It didn't occur to me to wonder who had sent it to me, or why; at that moment it just didn't seem important, although that might come later. Instead I watched it yet again, looking at Stef, remembering how sexy she had looked when she left for the party. She had worn a fairly conservative charcoal gray suit to work that day, a trim skirt which came just below her knees but which had a deep slit up the back to facilitate easier walking, and a matching jacket of the same gray worsted wool, with narrow lapels and a tailored fit. Her blouse - the same dark purple she wore in the video - had been buttoned all the way up, leaving only the collar open. A small gold necklace, matching earrings, dark taupe pantyhose, and black two inch heels in a style she called Mary Janes had completed the look for her workday.

After work, for the party she had simply lost the jacket, changed into a black push-up bra and unbuttoned her purple blouse an additional button or two to show a little cleavage (OK, a lot of cleavage), swapped the pantyhose for a pair of black thigh-high stockings and black lace panties that matched her bra, and grown a few inches taller in a pair of four or five inch high black heels that she called mules. What the hell is it with the dopey names for women's shoes, anyway? I don't know how she balances on those things - they don't even have a back on them - but they do make her legs look very, very nice!

Anyhow, remembering how sexy she had looked, I watched yet again as her hand guided another man's thick, aroused penis between her luscious breasts, and as he leaned forward to push himself further in, and the camera cut away. My mouth had gone very dry, and it hurt a little when I tried to swallow. I ran the video yet again, this time figuring out how to pause it just as she placed the head of his cock between her big tits. Even in the grainy video I could see that her lips were parted in evident arousal, a small smile playing across them, and her eyes were sparkling. I imagined that her face and neck were flushed too, and her lips puffy with need, but that had to be just my imagination - the video far too lousy to actually see that!

As I stood staring at the image, my cock throbbing, I thought I heard the front door open. I stood very quietly and cocked my head, and was sure that I heard it being closed very softly, very surreptitiously. I walked into the living room and across to the base of the stairs just in time to see Steffany's heels - shoeless - disappear around the corner at the top of the steps. "Stef, is that you?"

No answer. "Stef? Are you there?" Again no answer, and now I was starting to get scared. "Steffany, are you OK?" I bolted up the stairs, two at a time, and walked quickly down the hall to our room. "Stef? Stef, where are you?"

As I entered our room I saw her at once, across the room in front of her dresser, her back to me. She looked all right, and I let out a sigh of relief, her antics with the stripper momentarily forgotten. Her shoes were on the bed, and she had her arms up, elbows out, as if she had been unbuttoning her blouse. "Steffany, are you all right?"

"I...I'm OK Kev. Why don't you go fix us some hot chocolate while I get changed, and I'll be down in a minnt... minute."

She was swaying on her feet and she slurred her words slightly, pronouncing 'fix' as 'fiss' and 'chocolate' as 'shoglit'. I laughed. "Did one of us have a little too much to take?"

I crossed to her and put my hands on her shoulders. "Come on, I'll help you get changed. You probably shouldn't try the stairs again without me there to catch you anyhow."

She pulled away. "Kevin, please!"

I put my hands on her shoulders again, and her hands dropped to her sides as her shoulders slumped. "Please Kev, jusht let me do this my way!" She seemed almost angry - or at least hurt.

I slowly turned her to face me. "Hey, what's wrong..." My words died in my throat as I caught sight of the front of her purple blouse. It was mostly open, a couple of the buttons missing, and it was smeared with streaks and droplets of whitish stains, some slightly crusty looking, others of a more greasy nature. Her exposed bra, formerly a shiny black, had similar stains on it. My breath caught in my throat, and all of the images from the video came crashing back into my head.

It was my turn to stammer. "Wha...what happened to your blouse?"

She looked down at the floor, unable or at least *** to meet my gaze. "I...I spilled something on it." That didn't explain the missing buttons of course, but I was too numb to notice.

"What? I mean, what did you spill?"

She hesitated. "Umm, I think whipped cream, mostly."

The scene of the woman sucking whipped cream off of a big black cock played through my mind, over and over on fast motion, and I felt like I was suffocating. "Were you..." my voice sounded strangled, and I cleared my throat and started over. "Were you having sundaes or something?"

She looked up then, and her eyes met mine, and as she stared boldly into my face I realized that she knew that I knew. Her voice more steady, all traces of slurred words gone, she said "No Kev, we didn't have sundaes." She paused for a moment. "You know how you've been bugging me to have sex with another man, or at least suck one off, like you did that night we went to the adult theater?"

I nodded silently, my heart pounding and my cock stiff. I was unable to form words, and I felt a little dizzy. She went on. "Well, I hope you were serious and all of your fantasy stories weren't meant to stay just fantasies, because most of what you see on my blouse isn't whipped cream."

I reached out and touched one of the stains with my figertip. "It''s.. "

She nodded. "It's cum, Kev. A lot of it is cum."


Posts: 3550
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wonderful installment stormy........can't wait for the next one


Posts: 4050
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Just got caught up with this story. It started out very hot and keeps getting hotter. I am very eager to read the next segments.

Again thanks for writing



Posts: 126
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What can i say that I havent already said other than thank you again for your efforts and things sure seem to be getting "sticky" for Kevin


Posts: 2106
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Awesome segment, stormy. Even though one fantasizes for months or years, when it finally does happen your stomach still does a flip and you get a sick feeling. Nice job. priss


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Mmmmmmmm.......... very exciting!! I sure hope Kev finds more hiden treasure.

Thanks Stormy!
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 1975
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Very good work!


Posts: 274
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Just caught up with your great story.
Absolutely terrific writing, very sensitively created.
I also noticed what sucky wrote earlier.
Perhaps he has just escaped from Literotica!!!
Looking forward to reading more.



Posts: 877
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Great story, will Kevin's life change the way he wants or are there other suprises for him?


Posts: 1459
#118 · Edited by: stormydog
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DavesGF, GH, C-4-1, lkitkinke, Cuckslut and Randy, thanks for the comments. It is always a pleasure to hear form you, and I'm glad you're enjoying it!

Priss, I think that fantasy and reality in general have a tendency to turn out to be 2 completely different things, and probably nowhere more so than in relationships. It can be such a gut-churner! Thanks for the kind words.

Greenman, thanks. I'm glad you are reading along, and I am interested in hearing your opinions, as I know you have written some great stories yourself, and I'm still relatively new at this - despite the longevity of Unwitting, it is still just one story! Apparently you and I have the same opinion of the trolls at Lit already!
______________________________________________________________________ _________

I was unable to speak, my heart pounding in my chest as I looked at her. Her gaze was direct now, almost challenging, as she looked into my face to see how I would react to her words. My eyes dropped to her chest, taking in the mess on her bra and blouse in a whole new light now that I knew what it was.

She didn't wait too terribly long for me to collect my thoughts and speak, instead challenging me. "So is this what you've always wanted?"

I would have thought so, had she asked me at a time when I wasn't staring at the evidence. Now I just felt as if I'd been punched in the gut. I couldn't seem to catch my breath. "I don't know Stef, I just... I mean, how...what..."

"Oh come on Kevin! Aren't you going to ask me a million questions? I probably drank little more than I should have, and everyone was playing around and laughing and having fun, and stuff happens - you know. I figured you'd be OK with it, the way you always talk." She seemed almost angry with me, which I couldn't understand. I mean, if anyone should be angry, it was me, right? She went on. "So is it as great as you always imagined? Is it exciting - are you excited? Well, are you?"

I was spinning. I hadn't had a chance to figure out what I felt, if that was even possible. Was I excited? Yes, I'm ashamed to say I was, my little cock so hard it was tingling with arousal. But I was also hurt, and embarrassed, a little angry and more than a little scared. Right now the word upset encompassed my feelings better than anything, or perhaps upset and confused. I said nothing.

She sat down hard on the bed, bouncing up after landing, her breasts bouncing as well beneath her stained and damaged blouse, her shoulders slumping. "Damn it Kevin, don't you go changing your mind on me now! I mean, yes, I drank too much, and that's my fault, but I wasn't too takes to know what was happening - just enough to start thinking maybe this was what you really wanted. Stupid me, huh?"

I came out of my fog enough to hear the pain in her voice, and when I looked at her face, her beautiful golden-brown eyes were glistening with tears. I slowly sat next to her, but we didn't touch. I wanted to put my arm around her, but I just didn't. I don't know why not. "Stef,'s OK, don't cry, all right? Why don't you tell me what happened?"

She looked at me. "Are you sure?"

"No, not really. But I guess go ahead anyway. Tell me."

"Well..." she hesitated, as if considering where to begin, or possibly if she should, and then "you knew there were going to be strippers there, right? I mean, we talked about it..." I nodded, and she continued. "Well, we'd been there about an hour or so, everyone was laughing and having fun. It was so good to see all of my old friends, all my sorority sisters again, and we were just, you know, catching up. Almost all of them are married now, a couple are divorced already even, and several of them have kids. But anyway, we were all takeing..."

She trailed off, and I filled in. "Hey, anytime that group was together the ***** always flowed. I've seen it with my own eyes, remember?"

She smiled softly and nodded. "Well, we do tend to feed off each other. That always got us in a lot of trouble. But anyhow, we'd had some takes and were starting to get a little rowdy, and then the guys showed up. There were supposed to be two of them - the girls that set it up paid for two strippers - but three came. We found out later that one was off that night, but they were all going to go takeing later so he tagged along."

I thought of the symmetry of the two parties, each with three strippers, each in front of a crowd entirely made up of the opposite sex. No limiting factors whatsoever, and I'd seen what happened at the bachelor party. My stomach clenched, but I nodded. "Uh-huh. And so...?"

She took a deep breath and went on. "Well, they gave us a CD to put in, and when the music started they both started going through the group, slowly taking off their clothes until they were both down to just their underwear, teasing all of us, bumping and...well, you know."

I didn't know, not really, but I waited.

"So they get us to point out Katherine to them so they could pick on the bride." She smiled. "I don't know what they expected - maybe they're used to sweet, innocent little virgin brides - but there was no way they could embarrass Katie! She starts grabbing at them, slapping their butts and trying to pull their underwear off, and finally she gets hold of the black guy's pants - did I tell you one of them was black?"

I'd known that of course, but I shook my head no, and she continued. "Well, he was. But Katie pulls off his underwear, and under it he has on this stupid thong thingy. It was bright red, but it was supposed to look like an elephant's head, with big ears, and those plastic sew-on eyes, and its head is this pouch, you know, for his, uh, balls, and a big trunk. A really big trunk." She shook her head and giggled. "He pulls away from her and starts dancing around her, pumping his hips so his thing, his trunk, is flopping up and down and smacking into his stomach, this long red trunk, which is really his cock, just flopping all over! It was naughty, but so funny!"

I smiled. "Uh-huh. And what did Katie do?"

"Well, all the girls were trying to grope him, and stuffing dollars in his thong and stuff, tugging on his trunk, and the other guy, well, he sits on Katie's lap and starts rubbing his butt against her, and she reaches around him and pretty soon both of her hands are in his pants and she's just having a great time, and the black guy is hanging his cock - I mean his trunk - over her shoulder from behind, and rubbing it on her face and neck..."

I interrupted, getting into it now and still very aroused. I mean, after all it was KatienotKathy being bad, not my wife, right? Although she had said all the girls were groping him, without saying what she herself had been up to. "So this guy was pretty hung, huh?"

She nodded. "Oh yeah, totally! They all were - it's probably a requirement, right?"

I shrugged. "I'm sure I wouldn't know."

She giggled at that, although I had not been trying to be funny. "So finally Katie gets the pants off the other guy, the white guy, and he's got on this black leathery-looking thong, with silver studs on it, and it's really overstuffed, if you know what I mean."

"Mmm, I think I can figure it out. Go on..."

"And it's got this zipper down the front of it, so Katie unzips him and next thing we know she stroking his cock! It was a very nice cock too Kev, thick and long, and he was getting hard... this is turning you on, isn't it?"

I had expected her to tell me what had happened between her and the stripper, not to get a whole blow-by-blow (if you'll pardon the expression) of the evening, but I nodded, a little ashamed to admit it. "Yes. You too, I'll bet."

She nodded. "Oh yes, I can't deny that! There were a whole lot of wet panties in that room by that time!"

I had meant her re-telling of it was turning her on, but her instant admission that the strippers had so quickly made her wet and horny sent a powerful thrill through me. Her answer to a question I hadn't asked made my balls ache, and what came next was even worse. "Kev, why don't you take your pants off so that I can see you while I tell you about the party?"


Posts: 32 Pictures: 2 
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You're *******ing me! I haven't checked the thread in a couple weeks, and now you leave us hanging just as he finds out what he is.
baron ochs


Posts: 89
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This continues to be enthralling, Stormy. Well done. And please don't rush; far better that we wait for a quality instalment.
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After The Party
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