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After The Party

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One hell of a bedtime story!!!
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 1975
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One hell of a bedtime story!!!

I couldn't agree more!


Posts: 126
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One of the best stories ever!! Thanks for all the regular updates. Amazing story!


Posts: 119
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great story. Thanks for continuing. I'm looking forward to the climax to this short story...


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Posts: 1459
#66 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks all. Sorry this got a little longer than expected, but I'm getting there.
______________________________________________________________________ ______

Stef got up ahead of me on Sunday morning, early, about five thirty. I didn't hear her get up, but I felt her crawl back into bed and heard her groan. "Stef? Are you OK?"

"Uuughh, I've got such a headache. I took some Tylenol - plus I had to pee."

"You're probably hungover babe, and red wine is the worst for that. I've got a bit of that myself, but you drank more than me. Did you take a bunch of water while you were up?"

"Just to wash down the pills. I'm kinda nauseous."

I swung my feet out of bed. "I'll bring you a glass. It will help in the long run." I went in and relieved my own bladder, then popped a couple of Tylenol and drank a couple of glasses of water before taking one back to her. "Drink this."

Quietly obedient, she did so, then laid back down and put her pillow over her head. We both went back to relax, and when I woke up an hour or so later she was still out. I got up and had a light breakfast and was sitting on the deck looking out over the lake and reading the paper when she joined me about nine. "Mornin' hon! Feel any better?"

Her hand went to her head, and she winced. "Sshhh! God,why did you let me take so much?"

My own hangover mostly relieved by a little food and a lot of fluids, I laughed. "Didn't know I was in charge of that - besides, you always do that when KatienotKathy is around, and it seemed like you were having fun."

She shook her head. "Maybe, not worth this though. I feel like crap."

"I have just the thing for that." I sat her down with a soft pillow and a cool washcloth for her head and fixed her a tall banana and strawberry smoothie, extra cold, and by the time she downed it she was starting to feel a little better - at least her nausea had let up.

She looked at me. "Thanks sweety, at least now I feel like I might survive - and I actually want to again!" She shook her head ruefully. "Katherine is a bad influence on me."

I laughed. "I think you kind of feed off each other. Besides, you're a big girl, you can't blame it all on her."

She nodded. "I suppose." She hesitated, then put her hand on my arm. "Remember I was really takes, OK?" I just looked at her, and she went on. "Did I do anything last night that I shouldn't have?"

"You mean besides those last few glasses of wine?"

"Funny guy! No, I mean actually do something, something bad."

I shrugged. "Not that I know of. Like what, for example?"

She shook her head. "I don't know, I just..." Her voice trailed off, and she was silent for several seconds, then she glanced at me before continuing. "Was there a big black guy hanging around with us before we left?"

It dawned on me that she was mixing up fantasy and reality, her holy water-influenced condition having left her a bit unclear on what had actually happened. Knowing it was cruel, I still couldn't let it pass. "There was one guy, a huge black dude. Kind of pissed me off, he kept hitting on you."

She was just looking at me, her eyes wide. I continued. "You were kind of flirting with him, but when you went to the bathroom and were gone so long he must have left. Come to think of it, he went back there to the can too, right after you did. Weird." I acted suspicious. "He didn't follow you into the bathroom, did he?"

She looked horrified. "No, Kevin, I don't...I don't..." her voice faltered.

I couldn't keep a straight face. I laughed. "Relax Stef, I'm only kidding. There was no black guy, I made him up, it was all just a story I told you. You really don't remember?"

She gave a relieved sigh and a small laugh. "Oh, thank god! It's all just kind of blurry, I sort of remember a black man and a bunch of great orgasms, and a big cock... However did you do that?"

"Hey! Thanks a bunch! But you're right, it was just your toy." She laughed, and I looked at her. "So was the story what you wanted?"

She frowned and gave me a quizzical look. "Excuse me?"

"You said you wanted a story about a big black guy with a huge cock, and you wanted him to just take you and fuck you like crazy. Did my story meet your requirements?"

She looked aghast. "I said that?"

"Mmm-hmm. Maybe not your exact words, but close enough!"

She shook her head. "That's embarrassing. Apparently it was fun though, I do seem to remember coming - a lot!"

"You did. You also said I was 'an incredible lover' - those were your exact words - but now I'm not sure if you meant me or your hung black stud."

She hugged herself and shivered slightly, and I noticed that her nipples were stiff and erect beneath her thin shirt. "Kev, you were both incredible! You worked my mind while he worked my pussy, and I came like a tidal wave! It doesn't get any better than that."

"Oh, thanks! Maybe next time he and I will trade places."

"Mmmm, just stick to your specialty and we'll be fine."

I laughed. "Listen to you! You satisfy one enormously hung black stud, and now you're all arrogant and cocky! Next thing you know you'll want to take on a whole theater full of dirty old men!"

Her face instantly fell, and her voice instantly went from fun and playful to dead serious. "Kevin, don't."

"What, I'm just teasing you?"

"It's not funny. This was all just fun and fantasy, but that was real. I never should have touched that guy, that night at the theater. That was stupid."

I looked at her, surprised at her tone. "Oh come on Stef, there was no harm done. Besides, you enjoyed it at the time."

"Still, I never should have done it."

I noticed that she hadn't denied enjoying it. "It's OK Stef, I didn't mind. And we have proof that he enjoyed it!"

She stared at me. "I'm supposed to be your wife!"

I shrugged. "You are, but that was no big deal."

"It is to me."

"It was just a handjob! I thought it was pretty hot."

She shook her head, just once, angrily. "You know what Kevin? Fuck you, that's what!" She stormed away, and I heard the bedroom door slam, not something she'd have done in her condition unless she was truly angry. Now I was really confused.


Posts: 1975
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good to see you back!


Posts: 38
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Oh, my, Stormy. Sounds like trouble coming up. No idea how you'll get Kevin out of that again. Will he get Stef to more theater action eventually? - Great developments, thank you for entertaining us so much!


Posts: 4050
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Wonderful job.

Extramarital sex is such a guilt ridden complex pleasure for a woman. I love the way that Sef is vascillating between excitement and guilt. Life would be so much easier if we could all just embrace our fantasies, but of course that is very difficult.

Again, thanks for writing



Posts: 1459
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Thanks guys, appreciate the comments. Randy, I didn't realize that I was gone THAT long!

Cliffa, good to hear from you again. I think you're right, Kevin is in a hole and digging furiously.

True GH, it seems most pleasure has to be accompanied by at least a little guilt. (and I'm not even Jewish!) Makes one wonder why we do that to ourselves, doesn't it?
______________________________________________________________________ ___

I had time to think and try to sort out my thoughts and feelings though, because Stef stayed holed up in our room for the next several hours. Finally, the noon hour long past and my stomach grumbling furiously, I wandered out to the kitchen to fix myself a sandwich. On a whim I fixed a second, put each on a plate with some chips, and carrying both plates and a couple cans of icy cold Pepsi walked back to our bedroom. I tapped on the door with my toes, my hands full. "Stef? Hey baby, open the door - I have a peace offering."

I was greeted first with silence, then a tentative "It's not locked."

"OK, but my hands are full. Can you please let me in?"

Nothing for a few moments, as if she was still considering if she wanted to see me, then I heard the bed squeak, and a few moments later the knob turned and the door slowly opened. She stood there, tiny and beautiful in the same thin t-shirt - her only garment - that she'd worn earlier. It hugged her curves closely and reached just below her hips, like a very short dress, and was an incredibly sexy look on her, but now she just looked sad and vulnerable. I could see that she'd been crying. She looked at the plates in my hands. "I'm really not all that hungry Kevin."

"Well, we need to eat something. Plus, it will help your stomach if you're still a little queasy. C'mon Stef, we need to talk anyway, OK?"

She took her plate and one can from me, and I followed her back to the bed. She curled her legs beneath her as she sat on her pillow, her back against the headboard. I sat on the edge of the bed, our plates between us and our takes on the night stand. We ate in silence, the atmosphere strained and uncomfortable in this place where we had always shared so much pleasure and intimacy, a painful distance where before had been a loving closeness. She did in fact turn out to be completely ravenous, quickly devouring her sandwich, and when we were finished and our plates stacked aside we just looked at each other. Or rather, I looked at her. She would look at me, then away, then back, her eyes searching my face as if seeking something before again lowering her gaze.

My heart ached with her beauty, and for her obvious suffering. Finally I couldn't take it anymore. "I'm sorry."

At last her eyes met mine. "Are you?"

"I am Stef, I really am. I'm not even sure why this all bothers you so much, but it does, so let's drop it. I won't ever talk about the nights at the theater again, and won't bug you about going back, ever, unless you decide you want to." I hesitated, giving her an opening to respond, but she just continued to study me. I pushed on. "We don't have to play the fantasy games anymore either, if you don't want to. I just... you know, I guess I thought you were enjoying it! You seemed to be." I shook my head. "I mean, it's a fun fantasy for me, something I thought we enjoyed together, but the last thing I want to do is hurt you. I love you too much to knowingly do that!"

She looked at me for a long time as my words trailed off and the silence resumed. Finally she gave me a small, enigmatic smile. "We don't have to stop everything Kev. I enjoy it, I do, and you know that. I'm just afraid..."

She paused, and I prodded. "What?"

"Well, it's sort of like a gateway have, isn't it? I mean, we enjoy the fantasy and the role playing, it's exciting and fun but then that gets a little old. So we go to the theater and we watch that guy jerk off - which was fine, it's just a little voyeurism - but then we want to push that envelope too and I wind up, the next time, playing with another man's cock until he comes on me. Where does it end?"

I was a little fetishd up - and a little aroused. "Where do you want it to end?"

She turned that question back on me. "Where do you want it to end?"

I had to stop and carefully consider my answer, I knew that, but I also wanted to be honest with her before forever slamming the door on this aspect of our lives. "I don't know. Wherever you do, I guess. I mean, I find it arousing, intensely so, to think of you making love to other guys. I know you think that's sick, or weird, or whatever, but I can't help it and I'm just telling you the truth. But none of that matters if you don't want the same thing, because mostly I just want you to be happy, OK? It's just not important enough to me to risk losing you, I love you too much to endure that, so if you say end it, we end it."

She touched me softly on my knee. "Thanks Kev. I just needed to hear you say it. I wasn't sure you still loved me."

I stared at her. "What?! Of course I do, more than anything! This has nothing to do with that, I just see the way you respond, so hot and sexy, you get so turned on...I thought you wanted it too."

She laughed. "Oh Kev, I guess I sowed my wild oats already! I have my memories. Now I have you."

"Pretty weak substitute, huh?"

"Oh, just stop it! I'm very happy."

"But you miss it, don't you? Being able to have fun with anyone you want."

She raised her eyebrows playfully. "Not when I'm sober. But that guy you created last night was a stud, he wore me out!" She giggled. "You can invite him back anytime - but get me takes first or I might be too shy to cooperate!"

I laughed, relieved that she wasn't ending the sex play that we both enjoyed so much. I had some ideas for hot stories to tell her, all of them involving her screwing another man - or other men - before coming home to me, and I didn't want them to go to waste. We made love that afternoon, no stories, just a sweet enjoyment of each other's touch, and she made me feel good about myself, as if I was an adequate lover.

The next couple of weeks went that way, no extra hot and intense sessions juiced up with dirty stories, but a few nice, sweet interludes with lots of touching and whispering, lots of caressing and intimacy. We worked, we slept, we ate, and we made love, and the days passed.

Dave's brother Daniel had called me about the bachelor party, and had emailed me a map to Todd's house, where it was to be held. On the Friday before the wedding, maps in hand, we set out after work in the late evening to attend our parties. Stef was going to drop me at Todd's and go on, because Katherine's bachelorette party was several miles further away, but in more or less the same direction. We agreed that neither of us was much interested in staying at our respective parties too late, and that she would call me sometime before eleven to arrange to pick me up.

Still with considerable trepidation about partying with a bunch of strangers, I kissed her goodbye, waving as she drove away, and walked up to the door. It was open, loud music blaring within, and I walked inside. There was a pretty good crowd there already, probably close to twenty guys, but no familiar faces. On guy crossed to me and greeted me, introducing himself as Dave's brother Daniel. I recognized his voice from the phone call, and could see a definite resemblance to his older brother. He dragged me to the iced keg and drew me a beer before introducing me around.

It was like a typical frat crowd, just a little older. Most of the guys were big and boisterous, each trying to out-lie and out-take the other. I could easily envision them in frat still, though there were a few too many facial creases and incipient paunches. Dave said hello, and that he was glad I had come, but was very involved with his former frat brothers. It was early, and not too rowdy yet, but beer and stronger takes were flowing freely and it was apparent that it would get wild before the night was done. Daniel introduced me to KatienotKathy's brother Steve, and then to Steve's friend Paul. Other than Dave, Paul was the only one here that looked even remotely familiar to me, but I couldn't place him. He also seemed to have gotten a head start on the takeing and was already fairly hammered, which should have rung a bell in my head. Steve asked me how I knew Dave.

"Oh, I don't know him really. We had dinner with them a couple of weeks ago, but it was through my wife. She's a friend of Katherine's."

Paul perked up. "Really? I went to school with Katherine."

I smiled. "Me too, and my wife. That's where they became friends, they were in the same sorority."

"No cuckolds brownie?" He laughed. "Small fucking world, huh? What's your wife's name, I bet I know her - I knew all of Katherine's sorority friends."

It slowly dawned on me why he looked familiar! A few pounds heavier, a touch of gray now in his hair, but this was Pickled Paul, one of the guys that had frequently hung out with Katie and Steffany and their friends - and me, occasionally - when we would all go out as a group. He had earned his nickname by virtue of being the one that showed up for an evening of bar-hopping already takes. Also for footbll games, basketball, rafting on the river through campus, whatever. If there was to be any takeing happening, Paul was always out front leading the way.

I looked at him. "Paul, I remember now where I've seen you! I'm Kevin - I used to hang out with you and the group sometimes."

He looked at me closely. "Mmm, sorry, not ringing a bell. Who's your wife?"

"Steffany, Katie's friend. I'm married to Steffany."

He frowned, then I saw it dawn on him and his eyes widened. "You're cuckolds brownietin' me! Steffy, the gorgeous little brunette with the great tits, that Steffany?" I nodded, and he laughed again and looked me up and down. "Holy cuckolds brownie, I can't believe you're married to Steffy! Way to go dude!" He held up his hand, and I realized he was looking for a high-five. Unaware that guys still did that, and wondering even more if it was appropriate to high-five someone over who I had married, I slapped his hand.

He grabbed Steve's arm and pulled him back over near us. "Hey, dude, have you ever met your sister's friend Steffany?"

Steve nodded. "Yeah, she's a knockout. So?"

Paul laughed. "This is her husband! And she's no knockout, she's fucking gorgeous. And man, did that girl ever love to fuck!!"


Posts: 1975
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keep it cummin!


Posts: 4050
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Paul laughed. "This is her husband! And she's no knockout, she's fucking gorgeous. And man, did that girl ever love to fuck!!"

Those are the words that both terrify and excite every burgeoning cuckold.

Thanks, another great segment.



Posts: 3
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You're doing good on this story. Wonder how you will have the creative stamina to keep it going? thanks from all of us, good work!!


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Sounds like it's heating up to be a wild evening!
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 126
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Gonna be a good night. What time is Stef coming to the party- 11pm? That's if she ever makes it. Who knows what's going on at the bachelorette party


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Nothing like a great stag party. I'm already looking forward to the next installment.



Posts: 1459
#77 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks for the comments, it is appreciated. Glad you're along for the ride!
______________________________________________________________________ ___

As things heated up and tip money began to flow, the girls became more open to touching and being touched, and lap dances were much in demand. As I watched the more petite raven-haired beauty grind her cute little bottom against one guy's crotch, I kind of wished I could partake in that guilty pleasure myself, but I knew what would happen. My quick trigger would leave me embarrassed and wishing I had never tried it in the first place - so I didn't!

I eventually found myself standing next to Daniel as we watched the statuesque black girl straddle another guy's lap, her arms around his neck as she pulled his face tightly into her impressive cleavage and ground her pussy, now covered only by a tiny g-string, against the bulge in his pants. Daniel glanced at me before returning his gaze to the couple. "That looks like fun, huh?"

I nodded. "Yeah, but if I started with that I'd just want more! You know how it is." That was just macho bullcuckolds brownie of course, but what was I supposed to say - that I'd be all done before she even got started? No way I was telling him that!

He laughed. "Hey, who's to say that you couldn't have it?" He nodded toward the corner of the room. "That's entirely on your nickel, of course."

I turned and looked in the direction he'd indicated, and was shocked to see one of Dave's frat buddys sprawled back on a small sofa, his pants around his ankles and the leggy blonde stripper on her knees between his legs, avidly sucking his cock! He - and a group of other guys nearby - were mesmerized watching her go at it. I think my mouth dropped open for a second. "Holy cuckolds brownie! Jeez Daniel, are these girls strippers or hookers?"

He laughed again and slapped me on the back. "Good one! You say potato, I say potahto, if you catch my drift. Let's just say they have many talents, and are fully capable of multi-tasking."

I shook my head. "Still, amazing! I can't believe he's doing that right here in public."

"Shit, man, you ain't seen nothin' yet! Speaking of which, we're taking up a collection to get the girls to totally embarrass my brother - you want to kick in a few bucks?"

"Sure, no problem!" I retrieved a twenty from my wallet and handed it to him.

He took it and waved it at me. "Thanks Kevin. We have to get him good tonight, because after tomorrow he's officially put out to pasture. Hey, listen, have fun! I have to go mingle - and fundraise."

He wandered off, and I turned back to watch the guy getting the blowjob. I moved a little closer, trying not to be too obvious, although nobody seemed to care in the least. In fact, some of the guys surrounding them were cheering him on! I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised that the blonde girl was doing this, she had kind of looked the sluttiest of the three - not that any of them could have been mistaken for a paragon of virtue! As I watched, she slid his cock out from between her lips with a wet, sucking sound, and began to lick his shaft and balls. His cock wasn't huge by any means; it was considerably bigger than mine, but that's just damning it with faint praise. He was very average, and I admired his courage in whipping it out in a crowd - no way my little guy, even at full extension as he stood right now, was seeing daylight in front of this many people! But then, I'd never even been comfortable in locker rooms.

She resumed sucking him, her hand sliding up an down on his wet, saliva-slick cock at the same time. In very short order, she expertly released him from her lips just in time as he bucked spasmodically and jetted into the air, his semen splashing down onto his bare thighs, balls, and all over her hand and forearm. Cheers and jeers from his friends met his orgasm, and he good-naturedly flipped them off, two-handed style.

Someone tossed them a roll of paper towels, and she tore off a couple to dry her hands before dropping the roll on his stomach. Clearly his cleanup was to be his own responsibility! As I turned to move on, I realized that a couple of the watchers had their own erections out of their pants and in hand, masturbating as they watched, and the blonde now approached on of them to offer her services.

I shook my head, amazed by the display, and moved on. At about that time I heard a loud voice calling for a wet clean-up on aisle three, amidst laughter and catcalls. It seems the lap dance recipient had been guilty of doing what I had been so afraid of doing, and was now trying to extricate himself from beneath the black stripper as a significant wet spot blossomed at his crotch - to the jeers of his friends and frat brothers! Where I would have been totally humiliated, he took the use with a laugh and hurled epithets right back at them as he headed for the bathroom to try to clean up a little. He just seemed satisfied to have gotten his rocks off, despite the consequences - not sure why I can't be so laid-back and unconcerned about it like he was.

I crossed to the bar, leaving my empty plastic beer glass in favor of a Margarita, several of which somebody had fixed and left lined up along the counter. The salt burned slightly on my dry lips, but the take was tart and good, the tequila strong, and I took a big swallow.

A wooden chair from the kitchen had been dragged into the middle of the living room floor, and Daniel and another guy - I'd met him, but couldn't recall his name - were leading Dave over to it. It was apparent that Dave's friends had been actively plying him with strong take, and he was a little unsteady on his feet, as well as flushed and perspiring slightly. He was laughing and seemed to be having a good time though. When they got him to the chair they pushed him back onto it, and the dark-haired little stripper approached him. Everyone was calling her Raven, but I'm fairly sure that "Raven", "Diamond" (the blonde), and "Ebony" were not their real names. Of course, I could be wrong!

She bent over him, letting her long, black hair fall all around his head and face, hiding from view what they might be doing. After a few moments of that, and of moving her hands suggestively over his chest and stomach as she rubbed her body against him, she let her fingers drop to his belt. She deftly unbuckled it and ripped it quickly out of his belt loops, snapping it theatrically in the air. She then moved behind him and began to secure his hands to the rungs of the chair behind his back with his own belt!

Guys were cheering and riding him mercilessly, calling out all kinds of lewd and obscene suggestions as Raven touched and teased him, rubbing her breasts in his face and gyrating between his legs. Soon Diamond approached, carrying a second belt which she had pulled from somebody, and tied his legs to the lower rungs of the chair in similar fashion before she too began to focus her attention on him. When Ebony joined them, it was clear that Dave was in serious trouble! He didn't seem to mind terribly much.

Only Raven had any clothes on at all by this point, and she had on only a tiny black g-string, dark against her pale skin. They each had on several pieces of jewelry - multiple earrings, bracelets at wrist and ankle, gold chain around Diamond's waist, barbells through Ebony's big nipples, various necklaces - and each had tattoos on various parts of their bodies although none of them were heavily inked.

They all took their time touching and arousing poor Dave, individually and en masse, and by the time Raven bent and unfastened his pants, the tent in his boxer shorts sprang upright. She tugged his pants down to his knees, and began to fondle the tent pole while Ebony fed her big brown pierced nipple to his hungry mouth. Diamond pinched his nipples and rubbed her breasts against the back of his head and neck while they did this.

I'd have been done, long since, but he seemed really into it, and when Raven slid his boxers down to join his pants and took his cock into her warm, wet mouth, he just groaned and tried to lift his hips up to give her more! He was reamisterably hung - I'd have expected no less from KatienotKathy's choice for a mate - probably almost eight fairly thick inches, and Raven seemed to be completely enjoying it. Clearly Dave was.

Diamond stepped away for just a moment, going to where they had left their purses and returning with a condom. She opened the package, and then she and Raven, together, slowly rolled it down over Dave's rigid penis. It was, without a doubt, the most erotic condom installation I'd ever seen - not that I've seen many! A lot of the comments and cheers had died off by now as everyone watched the show, and more than a few guys' hands strayed to their own groins to touch and fondle aroused parts.

For some reamister I had expected Diamond to hop aboard, but instead it was Raven that stepped over his legs and bent to kiss the side of his face before reaching down and pulling her tiny panties aside with one hand while she guided him into herself with the other. My heart was pounding with arousal, my cock rock hard as she slowly pushed down onto him, very slowly taking him deep into her body! When she was all the way down, her tight little ass pressed to his bulging scrotum, she lowered her head to his shoulder and a series of shudders rocked her perfect little body. I really think she had just had an orgasm!

The other two girls went back to their own activities as Raven began to seriously ride Dave, sliding up and down on his latex-encased cock, expertly pumping her hips to get and give maximum pleasure. I hated knowing that I couldn't do what he was doing, but I also was amazed that a guy that was to be married in about fifteen hours was doing this at all!

Steve was next to me, and he must have seen the look on my face. He leaned in, speaking loudly to be heard over the music. "Don't worry! Him and my sister have an agreement - enjoy themselves tonight, because tomorrow they're done!"

I looked at him. "Done?"

"Yeah - you know, marriage, where sex lives go to die!" He laughed at his own joke. I shook my head, grinning, amazed that anyone could be so cavalier about their imminently intended fucking another permister! Plus, I couldn't imagine that anyone marrying someone as blatantly sexual as Katie would ever expect their sex life to falter, much less die. Katie would never allow that, although I could see her possibly needing more than one guy at some point.

I was wondering how Dave might feel about that when Raven let out a small cry and her back arched, her body shuddering and bucking through what had to be an intense orgasm. Or else she was a very talented actress, because it was a very convincing imitation if it wasn't real! When she'd caught her breath she lifted off him momentarily, allowing his cock, slick with her fluids, to spring free. She turned around and again lowered herself onto him, her eyes closed as she enjoyed the sensation of his big cock filling her. Her fingers lightly fondled his balls as she bit her lower lip, her face intent on her pleasure, and when her brilliant blue eyes opened she was looking directly into mine!

I'm not sure she was even seeing me, but I stared into her eyes as she bounced up and down on his cock, her lips parting with a gasp and a deep moan as she came again, and when she thrust down hard on him and squeezed his balls in her hand I knew he was coming too and she was feeling his cock buck and swell inside of her. She hunched into it, squeezing him with her legs and riding her hips back and forth rather than up and down, keeping him deep inside as he came.

Her eyes searched my face momentarily and she gave me a small, crooked smile and a playful wiggle of her eyebrows. She pursed her lips and blew out her breath as she lifted herself off his softening cock. "Wheeew! Well, that was fun, hubby-to-be! I should pay you for that one." She bent and kissed him on the cheek again, looking down at his thick, semi-flaccid penis, the bedraggled condom with a huge pool of white cum in the tip. "Tell your bride that I said she's a lucky girl - you've got a great cock!"

Dave laughed. "Yeah, I'll be sure to mention that!" Several of the guys started razzing him about that, suggesting that maybe a t-shirt emblazoned with those words would be appropriate honeymoon wear. I turned away, needing to head for the bathroom to dry the minor leakage of pre-cum I'd been suffering and maybe even take a piss.

Passing the stairs I couldn't help but notice that Ebony was involved in a sex act with somebody, bent over the steps going up as she was being plowed from behind. The guy was naked from the waist down, his muscular ass flexing and pumping as he thrust into her, and she was squeezing her own breasts as she pushed back against him, meeting his thrusts. His big balls were swinging back and forth between his legs, slapping wetly against her pussy with each forward plunge, and both of them were totally, almost violently, involved.

I slowed, staring - I wasn't the only one - and just as it dawned on me that the guy was Paul, Pickled Paul, he pulled out of her and she spun quickly to take him in her mouth. His cock was enormous, easily nine inches or more, and at least as thick as Ebony's wrist as she grabbed him and pumped him, her lips over his knob as he began to spurt. His first blast of white cream covered her lips and chin, and she stroked his big shaft, her fingers not close to encircling him as she milked his cock. He spurted again, his thick jizz startlingly white against her rich chocolate skin as it dripped from her chin onto her big tits. Four or five more spurts onto her face, neck, and chest, and he seemed to be done - at last - and she slid her lips over his thick cock and sucked the last little bit out of him before swallowing what had gone into her mouth.

They got a big round of applause, and Paul bent and kissed her, right on her cum-smeared lips, before straightening and stretching his arms over his head. Somebody handed her a towel and she began to clean herself up, but he seemed perfectly happy to just stand there, his still mostly erect and entirely enormous cock sticking out in front of him! Apparently fucking in front of a crowd of onlookers was not a new experience for him, and he clearly enjoyed showing off his impressive manhood.

My mind was flooded with his earlier words, about how much my wife liked a big cock in her from behind, and I felt like someone had sucker-punched me in the gut as I realized that he had been inside of her, deep, where I could never go. And what that must have felt like to her, something I could never make her feel. I stared at his huge cock and hated him, at that moment, and when I looked up his eyes met mine, and he just smiled.

Just as an aside, if you have any insecurities about your sexual prowess, any at all, I recommend that you never see any of your wife's former lovers naked. It turns out it's really a bad idea.


Posts: 4050
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I love the angst at the end.




Posts: 1975
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Fantastic, please keep going!


Posts: 119
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great story. Thanks again.


Posts: 79 Pictures: 2 
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love it more please
cuckold sissy wendy white aka tinyboywayne


Posts: 174
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As they say "Don't let the bast.rd's get you down!" Please continue.

sissy emmy
A. Smith
baron ochs


Posts: 89
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I have only just found this thread. I must compliment Stormy; the writing is excellent. And it is appealing to very many of us.
baron ochs


Posts: 89
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Having read the whole story posted so far I want to enlarge on why I think it is so good. Not only is it well written but the story itself is a plausible one and Stormy has made the effort to develop the characters and make them three dimensional. There is also an occasional element of self-deprecating humour which lightens the mood. But the main reamister why it appeals is because it is genuinely erotic. And even if we think we know where it is going it is still a most arousing journey.
Thank you Stormy. I don't need to tell you that I am looking forward to the next instalment.


Posts: 199 Pictures: 3 
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? What happed this is without a doubt one of the best stories on here so hot and you just left us hanging ??
Please continue


Posts: 492
#86 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
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Cindi, give the man a break. These stories take a lot of time and effort and our man Stormy has two of them going at the same time, not to mention a life of his own. Keep your panties on, or not, he'll be back before you know it.


Posts: 1914
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In July 2007, the English comedy actor Hugh Grant was caught getting a blowjob from prostitute Divine Brown. Just a few days later, Grant was scheduled to appear on the Jay Leno show where he talked about the now infamous incident. Leno flashed up a picture of Grant’s then girlfriend Elizabeth Hurley. She looked stunning. He leant across and simply asked, “Why.” Grant stunned Leno by replying, “I guess if you have Prime Rib everyday you eventually want to try a hamburger.”

Stormy, this story is one of the very best on the site. It is without doubt the finest quality hamburger, cooked to perfection. I’d be happy if it was the only thing I ever ate. Unless, that is, I had never discovered the taste of the finest Prime Rib, currently marooned on a boat in a lake. Divine it may be. But it's no Liz Hurley ..


Posts: 3
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Hurry up with this poorly written bad dialogue having p.o.s.
Al Bailey


Posts: 34
#89 · Edited by: Al Bailey
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I rarely post here, but you just pissed me off.

Poorly written bad dialogue? I suggest that you go back and try to finish the 3rd grade. Then again, maybe you're the reincarnation of the bard. If that's the case why don't you step up and show us what you've got. Write a story and reward us with some of your dialogue.

And what the fuck is p.o.s.? I must be an ignorant fool. What the hell, I guess I am. I dropped out halfway through the 2nd grade. (I got my teacher pregnant and had to get a job.)

Sincerely yours



Posts: 126
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Blows my mind that Stormy takes hours....and I mean HOURS of his own time to write this amazing tale that is obviously loosely based in some real life experiences and people complain that he hasnt updated in a week and/or actually bitch about the quality of his writing. WTF? This is by far one of the best stories I have ever read on any site!! Selfishly I hope the story continues cause i would love to read more. Don't sweat the idiots Stormy. Most of us know how much work you have put into this thread and truely appreciate the effort!
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