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After The Party

Rating: 95
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Posts: 1975
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more please!


Posts: 3550
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Great work, cant wait to see what happens next


Posts: 1459
#33 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks for the comments guys! Looks like I've left Stef and Kevin hanging long enough!
______________________________________________________________________ ___

I leaned close and put my lips to her ear. "You just came, didn't you?" She nodded just slightly, barely perceptible, and I went on "Just from watching him stroke, huh?" She nodded again, but did not try to meet my eyes. I think she was embarrassed, or maybe ashamed, that her body had responded so powerfully to the visual stimulation - but hell, I had almost come myself!

I nudged her. "It's OK." I felt her relax slightly, but she still had her eyes locked on his hand as he slowly pumped his cock. I again got close to her ear. "You want to touch him, don't you?"

She stiffened again, and glanced quickly at me and away again before she shook her head no. I pressed on, fully expecting her to demand to leave at any second. "Go ahead, it's OK. I'm sure he won't mind."

She turned and hissed at me "Kevin, stop it! Just stop!"

I shut up, and she went back to watching. I tried to touch her breasts again, but she pushed me away. Same result when I tried to slide my hand up her leg and under her skirt, but I had expected that. After all, he would be able to see me reaching under her skirt, while he couldn't see my hand on this side of her, touching her tit. From the corner of my eye I caught motion behind us, so I turned enough to see that at least one guy to our rear was jerking off too, leaning forward to see what developed between Stef and her anonymous neighbor. Thus far I'm sure he was disappointed - yet aroused, judging by his erection!

About that time the guy next to Steffany quit stroking and just let his cock stand straight up in the air, just the glistening tip peeking out from under his foreskin. He put both hands on the arms of the theater seat, his right one, the one he had been masturbating with, on the arm right next to Stef. She leaned harder against me, her elbows drawn in, hands in her lap.

He sat like that for maybe a minute, possibly more, his cock staying rigidly erect and on display, occasionally moving, bobbing around as he would tighten his muscles. What he did next had both Stef and I holding our breath. He moved his arm toward her, casually, lightly stroking her arm and then the back of her hand with his knuckles. He drew his knuckles slowly up her arm, to the inside of her elbow, then let his hand wander to her breast where he dragged the backs of all four knuckles across her jutting nipple!

She gasped and shuddered, almost coming out of her seat as she pushed against me and away from him. I was amazed that he had the balls to do something like that, and even more so that she didn't bolt from the theater! He shook his head and went back to masturbating, slowly manipulating himself in a way designed more to show his cock and balls to Steffany than to make himself come.

She continued to watch, fascinated by the scene. Gradually she relaxed, her left hand settling on the arm of the seat where his just had been and her right going to my lap and squeezing my hard cock. She allowed me to begin playing with her right breast again, and I was enjoying that when I saw her hand slowly slip off the arm of the chair - toward him! She moved so slowly, as if by sneaking up on him he wouldn't notice, and I saw that her hand was shaking badly. In fact, her whole body was shaking as if caught in an endless shiver, from arousal and excitement, or from fear, or, more likely, from some combination of all three.

As her small, pale hand neared his erection he moved his out of the way, touching her arm instead, and when she lightly stroked the top of his thick, hard cock with her delicate fingers I began to come in my pants! Stef was still gripping me with her right hand, so I'm sure she felt my orgasm as I pulsed and spurted, but she gave no sign.

I stared, gasping from the suddenness of my ejaculation but not blinking, as she ever so gently wrapped her fingers around his thick shaft and began to slowly masturbate him! I pinched and tugged at her nipple and felt her body tighten up in a small orgasm, a quiet moan escaping her lips, and I knew that she had squeezed his cock hard as she came when I heard him gasp loudly.

I was suffering that almost painful post-ejaculatory sensitivity as Stef continued to squeeze and tug at my cock through my pants, unmindful of the growing wet spot around her fingers. I couldn't tell her to stop - not as long as she was still stroking him. I didn't want her to leave me out of the action completely, or to announce my rapid climax to the room, although the dark wet mark on my faded jeans was doing that for me.

I watched her hand on him, noticing first that her fingers and thumb just barely touched where they wrapped around his thick cock, a marked contrast to the one inch overlap they have when she grips mine! I also noticed that she had begun to pay a lot of attention to the head of his cock, sliding his supple foreskin back and forth over his shiny, swollen glans, her fingers slick with his secretions.

When he touched her leg, moving to slide his hand under her short skirt, she quickly pulled her hand from me and pushed him away. He quietly acquiesced and began to stroke and squeeze her tit instead, which she allowed him to do. She didn't bring her hand back to me, instead turning toward him slightly and reaching it down to fondle his balls, his sack dark and heavy looking where it filled her pale hand.

I was leaning forward slightly now, still squeezing her right breast while he fondled her left, my eyes locked on her hands in his lap, the sudden glimmer of her wedding ring as she stroked his big cock causing an unexpected catch in my breathing. Too aroused to stop, I shook it off and dropped my hand to her leg, pushing her skirt up roughly as I sought out her center. I felt her legs move apart for me, and I quickly pushed her sopping wet panties to one side and pushed two fingers into her molten vagina. She shuddered and gasped as I entered her.

With both of her hands fondling him as he touched her and watched me finger her pussy, it quickly exceeded his limits, and he groaned and began to come, his first spurt shooting six inches above his cock and spattering down onto his bare thigh before her fingers covered his opening, catching the ensuing spurts and smearing his creamy white load all over his dark cock and wrinkled scrotum, his semen gleaming wet and white in the flickering light from the screen - the screen which nobody had even glanced at for the last several minutes!

The feel of his cock bucking and spurting in and on her hands, his warm and slippery cum greasing her fingers, coupled with my fingers in her pussy and touching her erect clit and his at her breasts suddenly became too much for Stef, and she uttered a simple, high pitched "Oooohh, god!" as she came, her dripping pussy clamping tightly on my fingers in a series of spasms.

I was astonished to realize that I was hard again, just minutes after spilling my load, but I could feel my stiff little pecker pressing into the cool wet spot on my pants! She slumped back in her seat, her body limp as her contractions subsided and her orgasm faded, and she pushed my arm away. I slid my fingers from inside of her and drew back my arm, intensely aware of the wet slick of his semen on my forearm where she had touched me, and of her slick wetness and sweetly musky scent on my fingers.

She slid up slightly in her seat, holding her hands up and looking at them with evident astonishment at the fact that her fingers were slathered in cum, his thick and heavy load completely covering her hands! She turned to me, whispering. "Kevin, give me your handkerchief!"

Sure, she always made fun of me for being old-fashioned and carrying a handkerchief, but now she wanted it! I pulled it from my back pocket, thankful that I had taken a clean one that day, and handed it to her. She opened it and carefully and meticulously began to wipe his surprisingly large load of cum from her fingers, one by one, completely unmindful of the peanut gallery watching her every move! I knew more than just the three of us had come during that action, because we'd had a number of onlookers, but still she held their attention.

Finished drying her hands as best she could, she started to hand the wet hankie back to me, then hesitated and glanced at his cum-smeared cock, laying semi-flaccid, wet and satiated in his lap. To my amazement, she reached over and began to clean his cum from his genitals with my handkerchief as well!

She carefully wiped him off, even retracting his foreskin so she could clean his sensitive cock head. I heard him groan as she handled his organ, manipulating it about as she sought to wipe him as dry as possible before wiping off the big splash that had landed on his thigh. She wadded the soft cloth as she again dried her fingertips on it, then held it out to me. I stared at it, then at her before I hissed "Just throw it on the floor!"

"No, just take it! Put it back in your pocket."

"No thanks!" I leaned away from her.

"C'mon Kev, take it and let's go, OK?" While we were arguing over who had to take the semen saturated handkerchief, he had stood and pulled his pants up, and he now stepped past her, pausing between us.

He bent forward and whispered "Thanks you guys, that was amazing! I enjoyed that."

Steffany glanced at him. "Yeah, we know!"

He laughed as he put one hand on her shoulder for a second, then stepped out and headed up the aisle and out of the theater. Stef again pushed the cum cloth at me. "Here, keep it for me. My wet panties were your souvenir, and this is mine. Put it back in your pocket!"

Stunned to hear that she actually wanted to keep the cloth that was soaked with his cum, I took it and crammed it back into my back pocket, wiping the spermy traces from my fingers onto the legs of my jeans. I could feel the wetness soak through my jeans and the seat of my underwear almost at once as we headed out of the theater ourselves, probably leaving me with a wet spot in back to match the one in front.

Self-conscious again about my large wet stain, it didn't help when Stef looked at it and laughed. "I told you to take it out! You knew after the last time that this would happen." She turned and headed to the front counter, with me following. I looked at her from the rear, admiring the view, then grabbed her arm and stopped her.

"Stef, wait! You have cum in your hair!" She stared at me, confused. "One of those guys behind you, he must have jerked off and cum in your hair."

She looked horrified, and I had to laugh. "Hands OK, hair not so much, huh?"

"That's gross, Kev, get it off me!"

"I don't have anything! Come on, it's way down near the ends, I think we have some kleenex in the car."

We picked up our bags and left, and with her big nipples peaking her large breasts under that thin shirt, I don't think anyone even noticed my wet spot or the pearly streaks of cum in her dark hair. At the car I said "Take off your panties again."

She looked at me for a second. "I will if you will! Take off your pants - and underwear!"

""No way, I have to drive!"

"You don't need pants to drive."

She had a point. Plus, we have a garage door opener, so we can pull straight into the garage without getting out. She sweetened the pot. "I'll give you a blowjob on the way home if you take off your pants."

Sold! I glanced around the lot, not seeing anyone but knowing there could be faces behind the tinted glass of some of the cars. We were out a ways, in a dark spot, so I stripped off pants and underwear and jumped in quickly, tossing them in the back seat. She cheated, putting our bag in the back and climbing in before sliding her panties down her legs and placing them in the pocket on the door.

It was then that I realized I had put the keys back in my pocket, which was now in the rear seat. I glanced around and then made a quick pivot for them, hoping nobody was eyeing my ass and testicles through the windshield as I felt about for my pants. Stef didn't help, laughing and groping my nuts while I was vulnerable.

Keys recovered, I pulled out of the lot and drove carefully, definitely wanting to avoid any encounters with the police. Stef was good to her word, sucking me off as I drove us home. Of course, I still had quite a ways to drive after I quickly came, not more than seven or eight blocks away from the adult store. She swallowed it all, as she likes to do. I never did tell her about the guy in the red pickup that was next to us at the light, staring at her cute little bottom and wet, aroused pussy, displayed in the window as her head bobbed up and down in my lap and I squirted into her mouth.

Mostly I didn't tell her because I didn't want her to stop at that key moment, and after we got home, by the time my mouth was free and I could talk again, it didn't seem all that important.


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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That was a really hot segment with a great view of all the action!

Looking forward to the next show.
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 14692
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Storm, I'm facing east and bowing deeply. Keeping two stories going is already a feat BUT keeping them good at the same time is pure genius. Thanks for all your efforts.


Posts: 1975
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Fantastic, thanks, and keep up the good work!


Posts: 126
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Posts: 1459
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Thanks again guys, nice of you to drop a note! And just think C-4-1, that wasn't even a front row seat!
Thanks Timmy - I really hadn't intended for this to get even this long, but you know how it goes. I keep adding too much detail! Looking forward to getting back to UCUB soon, on a more regular basis. Not sure I'll ever tackle 2 at once again.
______________________________________________________________________ ___

After we were finished, and Stef was fully satiated, I lowered myself to the floor alongside the sofa and wiped some of her moisture off my face with my sleeve. "Wow, you were really wet! I'm going to take that to mean you enjoyed this evening's activities."

She ruffled my hair. "When have I ever not enjoyed your tongue on my pussy?" She was sprawled back on the sofa, languid and sexy the way she is after a good orgasm, her legs wide apart and her top pulled up where she had been playing with her nipples while I did my thing lower down. My eyes were drawn to her wet and open sex.

"Well, yeah, that too, but I was actually referring to the stuff earlier, at the theater. Did you enjoy that?"

She smiled enigmatically, and didn't answer. "Why don't you fix us each a brandy?"

Instead, I reached down and slid my middle finger into her, enjoying her velvety wet heat. She groaned. "Ooooh, god, don't let you fingers write checks your cock can't cash, buster! Now take that amazing finger out of my vagina and do what I asked, OK?"

I laughed as I slid out of her. "Listen to you, all demanding and bossy! It's like you think you can make me do whatever you want!" She just raised her eyebrows and stared at me. I shook my head. "Which, of course, is true. You want just a little bit, or a double?"

She considered that. "Double, I think. I feel like indulging myself."

I crossed to the cabinet and got out two snifters, pouring a couple ounces of the rich amber liquid in each, then returned to her. I was still in my shirt, but no pants, the way I'd come in from the car. As she took her brandy with one hand, she took the head of my penis between her thumb and index finger with the other. "Look at this poor little thing! It was so big and hard in my mouth, but now it's so tiny - did I wear it out?"

"You did - but it was never all that big in the first place. Not nearly as big as the guy tonight, right?"

She didn't answer me right away, and when she did respond it was not an answer. "Kev, don't, OK? Don't spoil things."

"What, I'm just saying, is all..."

"Well, you know then. I mean, you could see that his cock was much bigger than yours, so what is it that you want me to say?"

I hesitated, breathing in the aroma of the brandy as I swirled it in my glass. She sipped hers. "You enjoyed touching him, I guess."

She looked at me. "Yes. It was very exciting."

"Were you scared? I could feel you shaking."

"No, not scared - it's not like he was holding a knife, or a gun or anything. It was just a big hard cock, after all. I was awfully nervous."


Sorry all, have to run a quick errand. Maybe more later!


Posts: 492
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Just a short story, huh? I was laughing when I read that line, doubtful that you would hold true to your original plan. This is very hot, but I'm not at all surprised. I'm also not surprised that you tackled this particular subject, I believe I noticed some comments from you over on the "Theater Wives" thread in this forum. Apparently a subject near and dear to your heart.

Theater wives are an amazing bunch of women, not afraid to put it out there and let things happen. I have a strong admiration for any man who is married to one of these ladies. In another time, in another universe, far, far away, I was married to a woman with a very strong libido, who would try most anything. Unfortunately, I could never convince her to give this a try, the closest we came was to visit an adult book store that I knew had gloryholes. I got to watch her service a variety of cocks one night, a memory that will remain with me forever.

Great story Stormy, much appreciated.



Posts: 1459
#40 · Edited by: stormydog
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Turned out to be a longer errand. Had to beat the snow, before it got too deep.
Trf2, I know, huh? It expands on me. I always forget in writing fine literature (HA!) how long it takes to set the scene! I am heading downhill and picking up speed now though.
______________________________________________________________________ ________

I sipped my take and enjoyed the sweetness and warmth as it worked it's magic in my mouth and throat, blending perfectly with the musky, feminine taste of my wife. For some reamister that first sip of the smooth cuckold water, with the taste of Stef's arousal still in my mouth, is an intense pleasure for me every time. I swirled my take gently in my palm as I looked at her. "Nervous, but aroused, right?"

"You know exactly how aroused I was, you just felt it. Why do you need me to tell you?" She paused. "Did you hear him ask me to suck his cock?"

I was stunned! "No! He actually did that? What did you do?"

She looked at me like I was a moron. "Did you see me suck his dick? I shook my head no, of course! He didn't push it."

I laughed. "Of course not. Why would he? I mean, you were jerking him off, I'm sure he didn't want to scare you away by being too demanding. You know the old saying, never look a gift horse in the mou.. well, you know it."

She giggled. "You're an idiot. So now I'm a horse, huh?"

"Mmm-hmmm, a beautiful little chestnut filly. One that likes to be ridden."

She giggled again and ruffled my hair. We sat silently for several minutes, just enjoying the warmth of each others company and our takes. I studied her, admiring her dark shining hair, long lashes, and full lips, her flawless ivory complexion, her graceful neck and large perfect breasts peaked with their big rosy nipples, her flat stomach and the way it narrowed to her mound, drawing the eyes down. And there, where stomach met thighs, her beautiful sex, wet now and open, her lips pink and puffy with the afterglow of our activities, her usually erect and jutting clit hidden, retracted for now beneath its fleshy hood.

Unbidden, a picture of her formed in my mind, this time wet and inflamed with lust as she sucked his big cock and he spurted in her mouth. I tried to shake it off, but couldn't. "Why didn't you suck his cock, Stef?"

She was shocked out of her reverie. "What? Are you out of your mind? We don't even know him, who he was or anything." She shook her head in amazement. "Would you have wanted me to do that?"

I knew the true answer, but I also was not too far gone to know what she wanted to hear. "No. No, I guess not." There, I'd answered in the politically correct way. Unfortunately, I was too dumb to leave it. "I mean, you know, not unless you really wanted to."

"God Kevin, that's sick! You'd have sat right there and watched me suck another man's cock? And probably come in your little panties again?" She shook her head. "God! Just quit, let's talk about something else."

Instead, we didn't talk at all for a long time. I was stuck on the image of her sucking him, and that she'd made the comment about me coming in my "little panties again". Where had that come from? Gradually we drifted to other topics, talking about work, what we'd do over the weekend - it was a Friday night - and from there to the fact that we were supposed to be having dinner with KatienotKathy and her fiance' Dave the following evening.

Steffany finished her brandy and asked for another, something she never does. She rarely takes at all, and when she does, one of anything is her limit. Now she requested another - and another double, at that! I took her empty snifter and looked at it dubiously. "Are you sure?"

"Umm, I'm still a little worked up Kevin, OK? Tonight was very intense for me, I could use the quiet. Just fix it, please?"

I rose and poured her a second, giving myself another bit as well. I warmed the takes slightly in my hands before handing hers back to her, and then we chatted about meaningless, trivial things, the images from the theater whirling in my head the entire time. Eventually, helpless to avoid it, I returned to the subject. "So you enjoyed tonight then?"

I had expected her to object to my questioning again, but she didn't. I'll chalk it up to her cuckold water intake, but what she said shocked me: "It was kind of nice to feel such a big, thick, hard cock in my hands again."

That knocked the air out of me! When I could finally breathe again, I probed a little more, curious how far she would go with the holy water on board. "Did you like it when he came on you?"

She smiled softly as one hand wandered to her right breast, touching her nipple. "God, he came buckets, didn't he?! That was amazing!"

"He came pretty quick, once you started playing with his balls."

"Not as quick as you though. Mmmm, he had a really nice, heavy rack on him. Seriously big balls."

I coughed in surprise, my brandy going down the wrong pipe, then stared at her. "He seemed to like yours too. He came right after he started playing with your tit. I think he really liked your boobs."

She was pinching her nipples softly, and she moaned. "Mmmm! Of course he did - I have great boobies!"

I laughed. "You do have incredible boobies. Would you like me to suck on them for you?"

"No, that's OK, I'll take care of these. But if you wanted to make your magic tongue do its thing one more time down there, I think I could maybe manage just one more orgasm before bed."

I moved between her legs, dribbling the last few drops of brandy from my glass onto her mound at the bottom of her fuzzy little landing strip, then licking it up before moving lower, into her molten heat. She did manage that one last orgasm, a slow, deep, rolling one that made her cry out and clutch my hair, pressing my face into her sex as she came, bucking her hips and thrusting her pussy against my mouth. It was great, except that I went to bed hard and horny.

I woke up in the wee hours to find her stroking me, my little cock rigid, her body pressed to my side and shaking with arousal, her nipples hard. The light was dim in the room, and I touched her hair. "Stef, are you all right?"

"Sshhhh, I was having sex dreams. I need you."


"Sshhh Kevin, don't say anything!"

I didn't, and she wordlessly climbed on top of me, her back to me, and I felt her reach down and guide me into her pussy, hot and almost drippping with arousal. She rode me hard, intensely, and I could feel her need as she bucked and moaned atop my body, and I wanted to please her, to feel her climax around me, but I came. I tried not to, but to no avail, and as she felt me come inside of her she swore and bucked faster, but too soon my flaccid little cock slipped out of her and she gasped in frustration.

Feeling terrible for letting her down, I pulled at her, and she understood, moving back and settling herself over my lips. I reached up along her ribs to squeeze her breasts and roll her nipples in my fingers as I let my tongue part her labia. Her pussy was wet, and I could taste my cum as it flowed from her. There wasn't a lot - there rarely is, and this was my third time in just a few hours - but still it mingled with her fluids and flowed into my mouth, and I swallowed the flavor of us as she rode my face.

She came once, fast and hard, and when she came the second time I felt her body spasm and go rigid and knew it was to be good, an explosive orgasm. She screamed out and slammed down onto my face, the tip of my nose pressing hard into her puckered little anus as she ground herself into my mouth, sladying me, pushing my head down into the pillow. She rode me like a bucking bronc as she came, gasping and crying, her release shockingly violent, then collapsed on top of me gasping for air.

I had a front row seat to her wet pussy, used and open in front of me, and despite the dim lighting I saw just a tiny drop of white semen slip from her vagina and trickle toward her erect clit. I raised my head and caught it on my tongue, and she quivered and gasped as I swallowed. "Mmm, god Kevin, stop! I'm done."

"Me too. Just finishing up."

She rolled off of me and sighed. "Wheew! That was amazing - I needed that!"

"I'm sorry I let you down again..."

"Kev, sweety, you didn't. You never do, you always see to my needs. That was great."

"Still, I know you wanted..."

"Kevin, please? Just drop it."

"OK." I laid silent for awhile, her feet still near my head, her head at the foot of the bed. I kissed her ankle. "What were you dreaming about that made you so horny?"

"Oh, just, you know, stuff. Sex stuff."

"Like what?"

"I'm so tired and relaxed, let's not waste it. Go to relax, OK?"

"OK, I guess. Are you coming back up here?"

"No, too tired. Goodnight lover."

"G'night baby. Sleep good."

Within what seemed like seconds she was arelax, her breathing deep and heavy. Apparently that last orgasm had been a knockout blow, and I was proud of that, at least. I kissed her slender calf, and her ankle again before pulling the blanket over her, then laid awake for a long time. I was pretty sure that I knew exactly what she had dreamt about, and why it had so inflamed her.


Posts: 1975
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Posts: 14 Pictures: 4 
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Thus is a great story... super hot.


Posts: 126
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This has become one of those stories that makes me come back every day to see if it's been updated. I really appreciate your efforts. Sounds like you have had some wild times....oh the stories you could tell.


Posts: 3550
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This is so hot, great work, love the way it is going


Posts: 1459
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Thanks for the comments all! As anyone that writes or posts other materials here would tell you, it’s always good to know that the effort is appreciated.
______________________________________________________________________ _____

The following morning I rose ahead of Stef and took a shower, and by the time I went downstairs she had gotten up and had coffee brewing. I kissed her and tried to make conversation, but she was very quiet, almost reserved, replying in monosyllables or just silent nods when she acknowledged me at all. I was a little puzzled and, honestly, a little hurt by her reticence, and tried to bring her out of her funk. “What’s wrong Stef? Are you OK today?”

She glanced at me, then away. “Oh, I guess. Maybe a little hung over.” She shook her head. “I haven’t takes that much at one time in years.”

I smiled. “I know – I was surprised when you asked for seconds. You want some juice or something? It might set a little better than that coffee.” She nodded, and I fixed her a glass of orange/papaya juice blend, which she took from me and held to her forehead, enjoying the feel of the cold glass.
She winced. “I didn’t used to be such a lightweight. Back in college I could slam a few and hardly feel it, but now…”

I touched her shoulder. “You’re out of practice – which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Eat a little something, you’ll feel better.”

She shook her head. “Thanks, but I think I’ll pass.” She sank back into her silence.

I let it ride for awhile, but couldn’t seem to stop myself from forging ahead for long. “Other than the hangover, did you enjoy last night?”

She didn’t look at me. “I didn’t have a hangover last night.”

“You know what I mean. Did you have a good time?”

“Kevin, just don’t, OK?”

“C’mon Stef, it’s not something we can’t talk about. It happened, you know?”

“I don’t care to discuss it, OK?” She seemed embarrassed about it, maybe even ashamed of the way she had acted at the theater – or maybe about the way her body had reacted to the situation. I was the one that had once again had an accident in my pants – if anyone should be embarrassed it should be me! And I was, a little.
I let the subject drop, for the moment, but not without pouting a little.

I tried a different tack. “What were you dreaming about last night?”

“Kevin, can’t we just sit here and not talk – or talk about something else, if we absolutely have to talk?”

I failed to take the hint. “Did you dream about his big cock, and how it felt in your hands?”

“Kevin! God!”

“It’s OK Stef, I know you enjoyed it. Tell me what you were dreaming.”

She stared at me for several seconds, and then sighed. “You want the truth? OK, here’s the truth. I wasn’t dreaming Kev, I was awake. Wide awake. I was laying there, touching myself, remembering exactly how his cock felt, so thick and hard, and his big balls, and how good it felt when he came and his hot, slippery cum was all over my fingers. Do you feel better now? Is that what you wanted to know?”

I swallowed noisily and didn’t reply. She went on. “I was so horny Kevin, and so wet from remembering how it felt, what a nice cock he had, and how much he came. I could still smell his cum on my hands, and I needed to feel a cock inside of me, your cock, and then you…”

She stopped, but I knew where she was going. “I’m sorry baby, I tried to hold off.”

She seemed to deflate. “I know Kev, it’s not your fault. I shouldn’t have been so aggressive, and you did get me off like you always do, but sometimes I sure wish…”

I nodded and looked away, fully aware of how disappointed she’d been. “I know. I’m sorry.”

We were silent then for a long time, and she rose and went up to take her shower without saying a word. We passed most of the day that way, both of us with our own regrets, both with our own thoughts, unshared. The dark cloud seemed to lift a little toward evening, as we got ready for our dinner with KatienotKathy and her husband-to-be.

I went dressy casual – we were meeting at a nice steak house in town, but it wasn’t super dressy – wearing dark grey slacks and a very pale grey dress shirt, open at the collar, but Steffany went a little more flashy in a short red cocktail dress that showed lots of cleavage. She wore some of her good jewelry, dark blue sapphires at ears and throat, and light taupe thigh-high hose with her tall heels. She always looked better than me, but now she looked light years ahead.

At the restaurant I parked in the lot and we were just walking up to the door when a small white Mercedes pulled alongside and honked. As it stopped at the valet stand the passenger window slid down, and Katie called out to us. "Hey guys, it's us! Wait up a second and we'll join you!"


Posts: 275
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This is a great story, and I can't wait to read on. Thanky a lot!


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Sounds like the seed is growing, and Stef will soon have her pussy filled!
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 1459
#48 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks Iadore and C-4-1, glad you are enjoying it!

The valet opened her door for her and she slid out of the car smoothly, immediately drawing the hungry eyes of the valets and the doorman. KatienotKathy is a presence, one that commands immediate attention wherever she goes, and this was no exception. Normally an inch shorter than me at five foot eight, tonight, in her heels, she stood two inches taller than me. Long-legged and slender, she moved with a lithe grace of a panther, and carried a bit of the panther's predatory air as well, and her body-hugging little black dress completed the illusion. Her long, wavy blonde hair and big blue eyes drew attention to a finely sculpted face which didn't seem to have aged at all, and her mouth, perhaps a bit wide for her face, was, as always, smiling and happy, showing even white teeth.

The thing about Katherine that had always captivated me, despite the teasing, almost competitive nature of our friendship, was how alive she was, how a room lit up and came to life when she entered it. Vivacious, flirtatious, gregarious, and probably several other -ious's that I'm missing, she was a power of nature, and she bubred over with life. Everyone around her felt it, whether or not they were aware of its source. I knew, from the past, that she was sexual to the point of being slutty; others could probably sense her sexuality readily, without knowing her history, because she made no effort to suppress it.

Steffany and KatienotKathy greeted each other with a few girlish squeals, accompanied by hugs and kisses, and I was reminded of how close their friendship had been as sorority sisters in college. After graduation we had stayed in the town where we had attended college but Katie had moved away, and she and Steffany had not seen each other for several years. They had stayed in touch through various social media and the occasional phone call, but their joy at seeing each other again was obvious.

As her fiance' retrieved the valet ticket for his car and crossed to where we stood, the girls released each other, and Katie turned to me. I smiled at her. "Hey KatienotKathy, how have you been?"

She laughed. "You're still at it, huh?" We stepped together to hug and she spoke again, close to my ear. "I'm good Kevvy, how about you?" Before I could reply she grabbed my package firmly in her hand and squeezed me, speaking into my ear. "How they hangin' stud, are you taking good care of my girl?"

I let out a startled yelp and pulled away, blushing crimmister. It wasn't so much that I had forgotten that Katherine frequently greeted me that way in public places - that's not something one tends to forget - it was more a matter of not expecting her to do it then and there! I mean, we were older and theoretically more mature, and her new beau and husband-to-be was right there, taking it all in, so I had just not been at all prepared to receive her traditional crotch-grabbing greeting!

As I stood there blushing and Katie backed away, laughing, I noticed that Stef and Dave, Katie's intended, were also having a good chuckle at my expense. He spoke first. "Well, I can tell you are all old friends and have established ritual greetings, but that's one I've never seen before! Not sure it will ever catch on."

Katie, still laughing, crossed to him and took his arm. "David, this is my friend Steffany and her husband Kevin, who always calls me KatienotKathy - I'll explain - and in return I grab his junk and embarrass him publicly whenever I have the opportunity. Oh, and he likes to be called Kevvy!" I noticed how good they looked together, her tall, tanned, and willowy, him considerably taller than her - or me - and broad shouldered and also tanned, his blond locks casually but carefully tousled.

He turned to Stef first, putting his hands on her shoulders and looking down at her. "Wow! Katherine said you were a knockout, but I had no idea - you are stunning! I can just picture the two of you together in college, and all the guys with their tongues hanging on the floor. You are truly beautiful."

Stef blushed prettily with the compliment and thanked him, stretching up as he bent down so that they could kiss each other on the cheek. "Thanks Dave, you look real good yourself. I can see why Katherine might finally want to settle down, although I was always pretty sure I'd never see that day!"

I was prepared to hate him, in all his Mercedes-driving, tall, well-built and perfectly coiffed, star quarterback type splendor, but he turned to me with a wide smile that seemed very warm and genuine. "So, Kevvy, you're the guy that stole away my fiancee's number one sidekick and partner in crime, huh? Good for you, she's an incredibly gorgeous lady."

"Umm, thanks Dave - but it's Kevin, or Kev, OK? Katie calls me Kevvy because I call her KatienotKathy. You know, plus that other thing she does."

He laughed. "Yeah, the crotch grab! She's a hoot, isn't she?"

I nodded ruefully. "Yeah, a real hoot. The first time she did that I was holding a cup of hot coffee and I dumped it all over myself. I was totally hooting." He laughed, and I joined him, shaking my head. "We have a friendly but adversarial relationship, I guess you could say, but really, she's the greatest. You're a very lucky guy."

He looked over at her, and his eyes softened. "Thanks, I think so too. So, what do you all say, should we get our table?"

We entered the restaurant and he spoke briefly to the maitre'd. We went to the bar while we waited, and over takes we explained the genesis of the name KatienotKathy and filled him in a little more about some of our history. He laughed and nodded as he heard about how I had gradually wormed my way into their group of friends, first as Stef's classmate - and sometimes tutor - in organic chemistry and later just as her friend, which had eventually evolved into a friends with benefits arrangement and, ultimately, a romantic one. Katie put her arm around Stef's shoulders and hugged her. "Yeah, I was never sure what Steffany saw in this guy, but she was head over heels. He does do a good job of making her laugh - sometimes even intentionally!"

As most of my snappy retorts to her jibes had always centered around ridiculing her rather wild and slutty sex life I found myself hamstrung, unable - or at least *** - to use them in front of her fiance'. "Yeah, well, yo momma!"

They all had a good laugh at my weak response, but I was saved from further use by the hostess, who showed up to take us to our table. As we were led through the restaurant I noticed again, for the thousandth time, how men looked at Katie and Stef when they were together. I had kind of forgotten, but was now amply reminded, as I saw many pairs of eyes fly first to Katie in all of her tall and tanned blond glory, sparkling and sexy, her vibrant nature demanding their attention, before drifting to Stef, where their eyes stayed, takeing in her more subtle sensuality, her quiet but classic beauty, her small but lush and perfect form, liquid eyes, full lips, and gleaming dark hair.

If they wanted an hour, or perhaps a night with Katherine, they wanted a lifetime with Steffany. Men could see that Katherine was exciting and bold, flashy, sexual and sparkling, but the discerning ones could also see that there was a deep and unending sensuality to Steffany's beauty, that it would take far more than a night to explore the depths of her passions, and that many hours and weeks could be profitably spent exploring and touching, pleasing and discovering anew, and that her attraction, while less showy, was also less superficial. The two women could not have been much more different. Katherine inspired carnal thoughts; Steffany inspired an achingly deep desire.

Dave nudged me. "Kind of nice to walk in with the two most beautiful women in the room, isn't it?"

I smiled and nodded. "Yeah - I'll never get used to the way guys stare."

He laughed. "Why would you want to? Just enjoy knowing she's all yours!"

I found myself liking him, despite my first impressions, but I was also painfully aware that I was the sore thumb in this group, the square peg trying to fit in the round hole. They were all beautiful people, all three of them fine and glorious examples of what mankind is supposed to look like in a perfect world, the product of all the right genes coming together. I was Joe Average in many respects, something slightly less in others, so while women lusted after Dave, and the men wanted Katherine and/or Steffany, I just wanted to sit down and be out of the spotlight.

At the table we finished our takes and continued talking. I ordered a bottle of wine, a nice Merlot that I knew would take smoothly and would transition easily to a good Cabernet when our steaks came. We heard about how Katherine and Dave had been introduced by a mutual friend, and how their relationship had grown until marriage was inevitable. They were going to the Caribbean for their honeymoon, to a nice high-end resort called Caneel Bay. Katherine was currently teaching high school!!! I knew those boys could not be learning anything about political science, her field of expertise, as they contended with ogling her while fighting the painfully spontaneous and persistent boners in their pants. I'm quite sure they never heard a word she said, but she seemed enthused about teaching.

Dave was an investor and speculator, primarily in land and commercial real estate, and had done well. He and Stef found common ground there, since she had swapped majors and graduated with a degree in business and finance after the trials and travails of organic chemistry - despite my best efforts - had dissuaded her from continuing in pre-med. The conversation flowed smoothly, all of us enjoying the company of the others, and the evening slipped by. The steaks were fabulous, my filet with sauteed mushrooms as good as any I could remember having, and we put away several bottles of wine. I was surprised to see Stef again imbibing heavily, all memory of last night's takeing and this morning's hangover apparently forgotten. Then again, there had always been a tendency for large quantities of holy water to accompany any occasions when Stef and KatienotKathy were together.

The conversation eventually moved to their upcoming nuptials, and out of the blue Katherine insisted that Dave invite me to his bachelor party! I tried to demur, well aware that I would probably not know another soul that would attend. Most were to be his former frat brothers - not exactly my type of crowd - plus his actual brother that was to be his best man and a few other close friends from their hometown. Not many from around here, other than Katherine's brother and a friend of his, neither of whom I had met, as far as I knew.

Katie was insistent though, and Dave pleaded with me to come as well. "Come on Kev, what have you got to lose? Stef will be out that night, she's going to Katherine's bachelorette party, and you don't want to stay home alone. It's not at a club or anything, it's at a house. Todd's house - that's Katherine's brother's friend - he has it all to himself. His wife is also going to the bachelorette party. Come on, it will be fun!"

"Oh, I don't know. I'm not much of a party natural, especially in big groups."

Katherine poked me in the ribs. "You'll love it stud, there will be strippers there."

I stared at her, then looked guiltily at Stef, who was regarding me with a small, amused smile on her face, She looked a bit hammered to me. "Oh, I don't know Katie, I appreciate the offer..."

She put her hand on my thigh, under the table. "Don't make me grab your junk again! Say you'll go. C'mon Kevvy, say it!"

"Katie, please, I don't..." She slid her hand up my leg, almost to my crotch. "OK, OK, I'll go! But it's under protest, my agreement was obligate!"

Dave laughed. "She has her ways of doing that. But I'm glad you're coming, it will be fun. And my brother assures me that these ladies he's getting have some great tits." He looked over at Stef, his eyes lowering and lingering on her ample cleavage and the swell of her magnificent breasts beneath her tight red dress. "Although, in that department you may be somewhat jaded. I doubt that they could be any better than your wife's!"

Steffany blushed and giggled, but she also put her shoulders back and thrust her chest out proudly as Dave continued to openly admire her assets, the bumps of her large, hard nipples plainly visible through her dress.

KatienotKathy laughed at Stef's reaction, then, a moment later and despite my earlier capitulation, grabbed my junk anyway. And squeezed me, no doubt discovering that my little penis was rigidly erect.


Posts: 3550
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Getting better with every installment


Posts: 1975
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Getting better with every installment

Yep, can't wait for more!


Posts: 6
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This is a great story, can't wait to see what happens "After the Party"


Posts: 492
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This is designed to be a fairly short story.

You make me chortle, Stormy. Fairly short story, indeed.

Thanks, really enjoy what you've done with it so far. Looks like trouble on the horizon though.



Posts: 4050
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This is a great story. I can't wait to see where you take it.



Posts: 1459
#54 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks guys, I appreciate the comments. Dave, randy, and s.o.m., glad to have you along, thanks for reading and for dropping a note.
Trf2, I know!! It was shorter in my head (not room for this much in my little brain at one time!) but a little longer fleshed out, so to speak. GH, thanks. Great to have you back, so glad you're feeling better!
______________________________________________________________________ ________

She laughed as she released me, but gave me the raised eyebrows followed by a wink. Dave suggested that we return to the bar for an after dinner take, and Katherine bumped me as we stood up before turning to Stef. "I think I make your husband nervous. He always seems to stiffen up around me."

Stef just laughed and agreed, too far gone to catch the double entendre', but I know I blushed, and I suspect Dave caught it. In the bar Dave ordered a Grand Marnier for himself and a Bailey's on the rocks for Katherine, which Stef quickly duplicated for herself. They had a good tawny port on the wine list, something that I rarely seem to find, so I requested that.

Over takes Katherine insisted that I give my contact info to Dave, so that he could have his brother - the best man and the guy in charge of organizing the bachelor party - contact me with the details. I gave him my cell number and my email and he entered both in his phone's directory, giving me his number in return. All evening he had been a pleasure to be around, no false macho bullcuckolds brownie or phoniness present at any time, and even KatienotKathy seemed to have mellowed a bit - despite the crotch grabbing. My first impression of Dave proven wrong, I found myself genuinely liking him.

With Katie, despite our well-worn jabs and games, it was as it had always been; it felt as though we were competing for Steffany's attention and for her love, Katie and I coming together only because we were both drawn to her. That at least was my sense of things, and it always felt a little awkward. I think maybe Katie noticed the same thing.

We parted company, both of the girls promising to call the other, Stef offering to help Katherine prepare for her wedding in any way needed. Dave promised again to have his brother contact me, and as Katie hugged me she whispered in my ear "I'm glad that Stef is so happy with you! Take good care of her." She didn't goose me or anything! I nodded that I would and we went our separate ways.

I'd had to support Steffany slightly on the way to our car, she was that unsteady on her feet from the holy water she'd consumed. None of the rest of us had been as strongly affected, but Stef was the smallest, and she had imbibed a goodly bit. In the car she slid down in her seat, legs sprawled apart, and began to croon old Beatle tunes. By the time we were several blocks from the restaurant she had repeated the phrase 'hey Jude' even more times than the Beatles did in the original, and I interrupted her. "Stef, do you want to listen to the radio?"

"No, I'm singing!"

"Well, OK. Do you think maybe we could click forward to the next track?"

"You don't like my singing!" She was slurring only slightly.

"I love your singing, I'd just like a different tune."

"What would you like to hear? I do requests, for a dollar!"

I smiled. "Oh, I don't know - how about 'The Sounds of Silence'?"

"OK!" She cleared her throat. "Hello darkness my old frien... Hey! Are you telling me to shut up?"

I laughed. "Boy, I can't sneak anything past you, can I?"

"You don't like my singing!"

"No, I do, really! Go ahead and sing."

"No!" She pouted. "You still owe me a dollar though."

I laughed again. "Baby, does anyone ever tell you you're funny when you're takes?"

"Am I takes?" She tilted her head and looked at me, puzzled.

"Mmm, yeah, pretty sure. You're awfully cute though."

She smiled "I am, aren't I? Hey, if you don't want me to sing, I could give you a blowjob! That's five dollars though."

I shook my head, laughing. "It would be a bargain at twice the price - but if you put your face in my lap and your cute little ass up in the window on this busy street, in that little dress, somebody is going to jail!"

"But I love sucking cock! Did you know that I love sucking cock?"

I shook my head and looked over at her. Clearly she was more hammered than I had realized! "Yeah babe, I've had a pretty good inkling of that for awhile now. Lucky for me, huh?"

"Yeah, but now you don't want one! I could give you a handjob!" She reached over and began to squeeze and fondle me through my pants.

"Stef, babe, I'm trying to drive here!"

She didn't stop. "So drive - I'm just trying to masturbate your little penis! You just keep driving while I keep masturbating!"

She soon had me unzipped and my cock out of my pants, my erection pointing at the ceiling of the car as she stroked and tugged at me, and within just a minute or so I spurted across her fingers, hand, and wrist. She watched me come. "Oopsie, your little pee pee just spermed on me! That will be three dollars."

I groaned, half laughing. "God! That was fun, but messy. At least you're a cheap date. Will you take a check?"

She gave an exaggerated shake of her head. "Nope, cash only!" She brought her hand up to her lips, and extended her tongue, tasting my cum slightly before licking a long trail of it off her forearm where it had begun to trickle down. "Mmmm, very yummy. You have some!" She pushed her fingers to my lips, wet and slick with my semen. I tried to turn my head away, but she persisted, and rather than wreck the car I gave in and licked her fingers. It wasn't the first time I'd tasted my own cum from some part of Stef's body, but it triggered a memory.

When she moved her fingers I asked her about it. "Hey Stef, remember last night in the theater when you jerked off that guy?"

She pulled away. "I don't want to talk about that now!"

"No, no, not you! The woman across the aisle, remember, and the guy in front of her that sucked the other guy's cum off her fingers, that was weird, huh?"

She paused for a moment, as though she was thinking. "That was her husband."

She said it flat out, as if she was sure of it, and after a shocked moment I realized she was probably right! "You think so?"

She nodded. "Yup! One guy comes all over her neck and tits, she's jerking off another, and hubby watches and licks her clean. I bet she even got fucked and he licked her pussy clean like you like to do."

"Yuck!" I looked over at her, only to find her watching me. "I just do it after myself, not some other guy. That's kind of gross."

"Would you like to lick my pussy clean after somebody else came in me?"

I shuddered and grimaced, making sure she noticed. "I think I might have to pass. I'd help you shower though."

She giggled takesenly. "Coward! I bet that guy does it! So it's OK if another guy cums in me as long as you don't have to lick it up, is that what you're saying?"

"Mmmm, I don't know. It's a fun fantasy. I get very horny thinking about it sometimes." I was amazed she was talking so openly about this. Usually she became uncomfortable and clammed up before we could delve too deeply into the topic.

She shivered and went on. "I'm horny from thinking about it too! Will you use my big toy with me tonight, when we get home?"

"Sure!" I always enjoyed the way she came with her toy, and seeing the big thing enter her tight little pussy always fed my own fantasies.

"Will you make up one of your stories to tell me while we play?"

I smiled at her. She loved me to tell her erotic stories as I brought her to multiple orgasms with my fingers or her toys, but she had never actually asked for one before, always leaving it up to me to initiate that kind of sex play. I decided to see how takes she was. "Any particular topic you'd like to hear about?"

She didn't even hesitate! "I want to be fucked by a big, powerful black guy, with a huge black cock and balls. And I want him to just take me!"

I was shocked, and I stared at her for a few seconds before looking back at the road. "Stef, jeez!" I shook my head. "I did not know that about you!"

She giggled. "Just in the fantasy silly, not really! Although..." She giggled again.

I laughed. "Wow Stef, you are quite the tigress when you're holy water fueled, aren't you?"

"Mmmm-hmm! Just hurry up and get us home!"

I did, and we were quickly naked in our bed, her big cock toy with us and our bottle of lube on the night stand. I was hard again - surprise! - and she was clearly aroused, wet and flushed, eager to play. My story was simple, not too creative, really, but I'd had short notice. It was about a plumber she'd called to fix the kitchen sink drain. When he'd arrived he turned out to be tall and black, built big, like an NFL linebacker. His name was Joe, and as he lay under the sink, his head in the cabinet, she had begun to notice and admire the big bulge in his pants.

As I talked to her I began to touch her, slowly moving from one erogenous zone to another - and I knew them all very well - touching her neck, her shoulders and her upper chest, just lightly stroking and stimulating. I touched her incredible breasts, drawing my fingers lightly around the lower radius of her beautiful orbs but avoiding her nipples entirely, then stroked the sides of each breast. When she moaned I knew I was doing well!

Her nipples were rigidly erect and jutting, it was a temptation, but going all nipples and clit so quickly would be cheating! Everyone knows those erogenous zones, that's a gimme. She has so many other fun spots. I touched her tummy, lightly tickling her as I felt her taut belly beneath my fingers. I paused my story just long enough to lightly tongue her navel and slowly down to the top of her mound, and as her hips rose up sorry she moaned again. "God, Kevin!"

"Sshhh! Now where was I? Oh yeah! You can see the big bulge in his pants, the head of his magnificent cock clearly outlined through the thin green fabric. Your heart is pounding, and your knees feel weak. You're wet down there, between your legs, and you feel like you're on fire. You walk to the next room, your legs trembling, and you reach up under your short little skirt and slip off your tiny panties. Your tiny wet panties, and you feel how wet they are."

I touched the inside of her thigh, starting low, close to her knee and letting my finger slowly drag upwards, lightly carressing. When I neared the junction her hips thrust up again, trying to get me to touch her feverish pussy, but I laughed and crossed to her other thigh, letting my finger trail downwards again. She gasped. "Ohhh, my fucking god! Stop teasing!"

"Ssshhhh! You want me to stop?"

"Mmmm, god no! I just want you to stop teasing!"

"Sorry! Let's see...OK, you walk slowly back into the kitchen. He's moved, and his cock is now even more visible - it looks to you like it hangs halfway down his thigh! You can't help yourself, you have to touch it, and you slowly stretch out your leg and touch his bulge, just lightly, with your toes."

She had her feet down on the bed, knees up and apart, and I let my fingers graze across the underside curve of her sweet little bottom, teasing at her crack just an inch or two from her hot, molten pussy. Her gasp was almost a sob. "Ohhh, god!"

I laughed. "When you touch him he jerks up hitting his head on something under the sink! He swears. 'Hey what are you doing?' You feign innocence. 'Oh, I'm sorry. Did I bump you?' He says yes, just be careful, OK? He asks you to pass him his wrench."

I continued to touch her legs, her sensitive inner thighs and her bottom, occasionally barely letting one finger graze her labia, which were wet and swollen. Her clit was jutting from beneath its little fleshy hood, begging for attention, but I ignored it. Not without considerable difficulty.

"You squat down between his legs, and you hand him a screwdriver. You know it's not a wrench, but you want him to look at you. When he raises his head you're there with your legs spread, your pussy wet, open and inviting. 'Ma'am, tha's not a wrench, the wrench is the one that...' his voice trails off as his eyes lock on your cunt. He stumbles. 'Uhh, um, I need the, uh... "

I stroked her, and touched her nipple. Her left one. She moaned. "You laugh and hand him the wrench, but as you begin to stand up you put your hand on his cock. It's hugely thick, and you can feel it swelling. You know you have him."


Posts: 113
#55 · Edited by: drzeluk
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poooh its so hot in here, could u plz continue the story....
i have to join in Steffs pleads ;)

i (like we possibly all) have a love hate relationship to cliffhangers.
i beg you dont let us hang at this point of the story ;)

thx great story


Posts: 492
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Great stuff Stormy, thank you. I hope you can wrap this up and get back to the boat, Kori's wearing me out. Watching over her was a harder assignment than you figured, or maybe not. The girl's got stamina for sure.



Posts: 4050
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This is turning into one of the great cuckold stories of all time.




Posts: 1914
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OK, it's official, you CAN actually juggle two balls at the same time. I would ask you to put one back in your pocket but I suspect that might make you play with it even more !

I would just say beware of how long you stand Kristi up for. A lady like that will only wait around so long ..


Posts: 1975
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very good


Posts: 1459
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Thanks drz! At least I'm not going to leave you with a cliffhanger that carries over to next seamister like on TV!
Trf2, I did move that along, but I figured you could handle Kori. After all, she loves to be handled.
Thanks GH. Odd that, since there has been no actual cuckolding, right? You see all!
peak, your comment made me think of an old joke - which I heard told by none other than Glen Campbell. (told you it was an old joke)
He said that when he was a boy they were very poor, but for Christmas he asked his man for something to wear and something to play with. His man gave him a new pair of jeans with the pockets cut out. (sorry, had to tell it)
Thanks randy, appreciate the kind words.
______________________________________________________________________ _____

I looked at Steffany's face. She was flushed, a light sheen of perspiration on her brow and above her upper lip. Her lips were parted slightly and her breathing was fast and irregular, changing in response to my touches. Her eyes were closed, which I knew meant she was transporting herself into the story, feeling each thing as I described it, anticipating what came next, seeing the kitchen - the cabinets, sink, floor tile, table - all of it, including the big black man lying on the floor with his enormous cock bulging in his pants. She was there with him, in our kitchen, aroused, wet and ready to be taken.

As for me, her arousal and excitement fed my own, and as I sat beside her hot, twitching, prostrate body, touching and teasing, my legs crossed, my little penis stood straight up from my lap, hard and stiff, a tiny drop of clear liquid oozing from the tip. I went on.

"As he slides himself out from under the cabinet, you straddle him, standing over him so that he looks straight up your skirt as his head clears the cabinet door. The brief feel of his thick cock in your hand had sent fireworks straight to your pussy, and you know you're very wet, your sex puffy with arousal, and him looking at it only feeds the flames." I paused, just touching her for a moment, collecting my thoughts. I was making this up as I went along, and didn't want to make it become too surreal. My fingertips lightly touched her moist labia, dragging up one side to her mound, just above her swollen little clit but not touching it, then down the other lip, avoiding her wet and sensitive center, down to the curve of her bottom, gently teasing her anus with featherlight touches.

Overcome and needy, she gasped and began to squeeze her own breasts, pinching and tugging at her hard nipples. I stopped her with my other hand. "Hey, that's a no-no! This is my story, remember, and nobody is playing with your tits in the story - not yet, anyhow. No playing!"

"God Kevin, this is ***! Just get on with it, please!!"

I laughed. "I think it was Lincoln that said 'good things come to those who wait'."


"Not a Lincoln fan? OK, totally different genre, how about Axl Rose then-'all we need is just a little patience' - is that better?"

"Kevin! How about Attila the Hun - 'obey me or I'm gonna bust your head'?"

I laughed. "Attila said that? I bet it sounded better in Hunnish, or whatever he spoke."

She moaned and writhed under my touch. "Please just stop teasing and do me! I need you!"

"OK, OK! Mmm, let's see - oh yeah! Looking up at your horny pussy, he licks his wide lips and puts his hands on your calves. His hands are huge and strong, the skin hard and calloused from years of labor, and you can feel his hard, rough skin on your tender flesh as he slides his hands up your legs. You tremble as his coarse fingers stroke the sensitive backs of your knees..." I lightly stroked the backs of her knees as I said that, and she moaned, again deeply wrapped up in the story, eyes tightly closed. I felt my pre-cum trickle down my skinny shaft onto my balls.

"You look down at his hands, so big and dark against the whiteness of your legs, and when he slides them up onto the backs of your thighs, and pulls at you, you know what he wants and you lower yourself to his face. You feel his hungry lips find you, and his tongue pushes into your opening, finding you dripping wet and hot, and he knows how much you want him." I put my fingertip, just the tip, inside of her and teased at the opening of her vagina. She gasped and cried out, bucking upwards to try to take more, but I kept it light and shallow.

"He feels your arousal, how desperate you are for release, and when he moves his tongue to your clit and flicks it you can't hold back, and you come." I flicked her hard clit with my finger as I said this, and she came, crying out, her body spasming almost violently. "Ohh yess, yeessss, ohh fuck!, ooohhhh god!"

I waited her out, lightly touching her as her orgasm subsided, the waves rolling out from the beach. I looked at her flushed face, even her neck and upper chest pink with arousal. "Stef, babe, are you done?"

"No! No, not yet! What did he do next?" She never even opened her eyes.

I smiled, enjoying myself immensely. "After you come he lifts you off of him, his hands under your arms. He moves you as if you weigh no more than a smalll young. He puts you down alongside his body, and you wait there, on your knees, as he rises to his feet and turns to face you. Your face is even with his groin, the huge bulge in his pants right in front of your eyes, thrusting tightly against his pants leg on his left thigh. You tremble with anticipation and arousal, maybe even a little fear, as he unbuckles his belt and opens the button, and slowly slides his zipper down." She started playing with her breasts again, and this time I let her, her first orgasm already in my pocket. Not that I actually had any pockets - it's just a figure of speech.

"Without saying a word to you, he lowers his pants, slowly exposing his cock, first the thick root and then a little more, bit by bit, and you are stunned by how thick and dark it is, the big veins bulging and pulsing atop his shaft." She squeezed her eyes more tightly shut and licked her lips before biting on her lower one, concentrating on the image in her mind. I was stroking her body as I talked, here, there, anywhere, and she writhed and quivered under my touch. The holy water had lowered her inhibitions and the tale had inflamed her libido, and she was totally into the scene.

"As his pants drop below the end of his cock it springs out, hard and thick, but it's far too big and heavy to stand up, instead rising not quite to level, just below your chin. You gape at the swollen, purplish head of his cock, almost the size of a tennis ball and partly covered by his stretched foreskin. Your hand trembling, you reach out and touch him, amazed by the fact that your fingers don't even come close to closing around his girth, and you run your hand up and down his impressive length. It's at least a foot long, maybe more, and you feel your heart pounding with excitement and fear."

She had stopped stroking her breast with one hand and now held it beside her, her thumb and fingers forming an open circle, as if she was holding a can of soda - or a very thick cock! I knew she could feel the hardness and heat of his cock in her hand, in her mind. I didn't want to break her concentration, not now!

"As you stroke his huge cock he finally speaks. Just three simple words, but you obey. 'Suck my cock' - and you do, taking him in your mouth. You taste the saltiness and the musky male flavor as you hungrily suck at him, amazed by how big he is, how far you have to open and how little of his massive shaft you can actually get in your mouth. You cup a hand beneath his balls, lifting and squeezing, stunned at how large and hot his balls are, how far they hang in their sack, his scrotum full and heavy." Her mouth was open wider now, and she was panting. Her tongue worked within her mouth, as if she was feeling his cock there, sucking at his dark, supple foreskin and swollen glans. Her hips had begun a rhythmic thrusting, her body on auto as arousal consumed her. I made small circles on her hard clit with one finger as her body pumped against my hand, letting my finger wander occasionally to her wet opening to gather more of her body's lubricant to spread around.

From my finger I snuck a taste - I wanted to go down on her as she responded to my words, to taste her arousal and make her come, but even the best ventriloquist would have trouble with that trick. I knew it was beyond my s*******s, so I continued the story instead.

"He lets you suck hungrily on his cock for awhile - two minutes, five, ten? - before he grips your shoulders and raises you to your feet. He kisses you roughly, on the lips, his tongue pushing into your mouth, invading. You feel the softness of his big lips, and the heat, and you are very aware of his cock pressing into your belly as he holds you against him, thick and hard." As I said that I picked up her big toy from where it had rolled against my leg and pressed it to her stomch. Warm from touching me, it stretched from the top of her mound to her navel, and she pushed her body against it.

"He rips your blouse open, sending buttons flying, and roughly grabs your tits, squeezing and pawing at them in his huge hands, pinching and rolling your nipples in his hard, calloused fingers. You cry out, and he releases them, instead dropping his face to your chest to suck at your nipples, demanding, biting gently and sucking hard as you marvel at his black face against your white chest and his big black hands clutch your butt, beneath your skirt, pulling you tightly against his rigid cock. Your hands grasp his head, bald and gleaming blackly as you push your body against his lips and he uses your hard nipples." She was mauling her own breasts now, treating them more roughly than I would have dared, pinching her nipples and squeezing with total abandon. Her breath was coming in ragged gasps.

"With a groan he lifts you up and sets you on the counter, on the edge of our kitchen sink, and pushes your skirt up to your waist. He's too aroused, too much on fire to waste any time removing your clothes, and, his own pants around his ankles he steps between your legs and you grab him and pull him to you, as hungry, as needy as he is! You feel the big head of his cock against your pussy, prodding, seeking your opening." I took her dildo and began to gently butt it against her pussy, purposely making no attempt to enter her. It was not as large as the cock I'd just described, and wasn't black, but it was close enough.

I had not put any lube on it, or on her, and was stunned when she reached down and grabbed it, pushing it to her opening. Her legs were far apart, her knees bent and spread as she imagined her big black lover between her thighs. I incorporated her actions into my story. "Inflamed, you need to feel him inside of you, so you grab his cock in your hands and guide him to you, to your wet and hungry opening. You gasp as you feel the huge head of his big black cock power you open and enter you."
She pushed the head of her big fake cock into her, moaning loudly and bucking her body to meet it. I still had one hand on it as well, and I pushed it a little more deeply into her wet pussy. It was apparent that we wouldn't need any extra lube tonight!

She rose up as more of the thick, eight inch toy disappeared into her, arching her back and opening herself. "Ohh god, I'm coming, ohhh, fuck yess, yessss! Ohhh god!" She came hard before falling back, gasping and moaning, but I knew from the way her body continued to move, her hips pumping up and down, that she wasn't done. I continued to slide the dildo in and out of her, sometimes fucking her slow and deep, other times faster and more shallow, all the while telling her how he was fucking her with his thick black cock. She came again, and then again as I described the plumber's huge black cock plunging into her body, his big balls slapping her ass when he pushed all twelve inches of his big cock into her pussy.

As I verbally brought him to his orgasm, telling her how he thrust harder and faster as he neared the edge, she came again, and I matched my actions with her toy to my words, plunging it deep inside of her and just gently jerking it and wiggling it around as if she was feeling the spasms of his cock as he spurted deep inside of her, filling her pussy with thick, rich cream, an enormous load of cum. She came one last time as he did, inside of her, then collapsed, exhausted, the big dildo still in her pussy.

I had come on myself, on my leg, as she and her black lover had reached their own orgasms, and now I lay down alongside of her as my pitiful drops of semen trickled across my thigh and down onto the sheet. She was breathing heavily, her body quaking with the aftershocks of her violent orgasms. I was proud of myself for a story that had helped to bring her so much pleasure, but I wished that I had lasted long enough to come inside of her.

I touched her, and her body spasmed. She groaned. "Stef, baby, are you OK?"

"Uh-huh." Her voice was weak.

"Do you want to hear the end of the story?"

"Ohh, god, I guess - but no playing, OK? Just talk."

"OK." I put one arm across her body, feeling her warmth, and spoke softly, close to her ear. "After he comes in you he continues to slowly fuck you, sliding his big black cock slowly in and out of your pussy, all slippery with your juices and his cum. When he finally slips out of you you gasp at the loss, feeling empty, but satiated, and some of his semen drips down the front of the cabinet below you."

"He stands in front of you, his thick cock all semi-hard and drooping in front of him, coated with your combined juices. He says 'Clean me off', and you reach for a paper towel, but he stops you. 'Not like that'. You know exactly what he means, and you drop to your knees in front of him and lick his big cock, tasting yourself, and him. You suck on him and lick him, getting all of the cum off his cock and balls until there are no more smears or drops of white on his dark skin, no more semen, no more of Steffany's fluids."

"You rise to your feet and he kisses you, tasting the two of you for himself before pulling up his pants and fastening them. He laughs. 'Well, your sink is all fixed. No charge for that today, I'm feeling very generous.' He gathers his tools, and you walk him to the door, your bruised and tender breasts still exposed because of your open blouse, no buttons left to close it. Your pussy feels wet and used, almost tender as you walk. You are very conscious of it. At the door he turns to you. 'Call me anytime you need a plumber - or anything else. Oh, and be sure to tell your friends." He hands you his card, and a couple of magnets for our refrigerator. They say "Big Joe the Plumber- Best snake in town!"

"You laugh at that. You say 'Well Joe, that's certainly true! But it should say 'Best big black snake in town!' He laughs 'That might be a little obvious - but don't forget to tell all your friends, I like doing business in these rich white neighborhoods'."

Steffany laughed and touched my arm where it lay across her. "That's silly Kev, but you can tell all our friends about him if you want."

I shushed her. "Ssshhh, I'm not done! You watch him walk to his truck and drive away, and just as he goes out of sight you see your husband's car, my car, come around the bend as I come home from work. I pull in the driveway and stop, and you wave at me from the doorway. You suddenly realize that your blouse is still hanging open, and you can feel his cum dripping down the inside of your thighs, running down your legs. You're amazed by how much cum he pumped into you, and you realize you should run upstairs and clean up before I come in, but you don't. Instead, you stand at the door, his cum running down your legs, and you wonder if I'll taste or feel his cum and your pussy on your lips when you kiss me. You wonder if I'll ask about your torn blouse or your bruised tits, or if I'll notice where his cum ran down the door of the kitchen cabinet below the sink as it dripped out of you. You wonder if I'll want to go down on you and taste him in you, and you wait to see."

She was silent for awhile after I'd finished. I just laid and held her close for a few minutes. Finally I asked her if she'd liked the story. "Mmm, you know I did! I must have come ten times." She hesitated. "That last part was for you, wasn't it?"

I was a little embarrassed. "I guess, sort of. Didn't you like it?"

"No, I did, it was fine. I was just all done was all, I didn't need any more story."

"Well, I had to wrap it up, I didn't want to leave it open-ended."

She nodded. "And you like that part."

"It's the only part of the story I was in!"

She giggled, still a bit takes. "Do you want me to do you now?"

"No, that's OK. I came when you did."

"All ten times?!!"

"No, silly, just the last one, when he came inside of you. Should I check and see if his cum is still leaking out of you?"

She laughed. "No, just put my toy away. Let's go to relax, I'm very relaxed now."

I did. It had slipped out of her at some point and lay between her legs, wet and slippery. Wanting to taste her, I licked it and sucked on it, in leiu of licking her. I put it on the nightstand by the unused bottle of lube, to wash off in the morning.

I doused the light and lay beside her, listening to her breathing become slow and regular. Just before I dozed off she said "Kevin?"

I groaned. "Uh-huh?"

"Thanks for tonight honey, you're an incredible lover."

I smiled in the darkness. "You're very welcome. Glad you enjoyed it." I laid awake for awhile after that, wondering at the contradiction of being an incredible lover when I had never even gotten my manhood into the act. Oh well, at least she was happy!
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