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After The Party

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My apologies to hassim - and a request for some help, again. In looking back over this story, I noticed that the epilogue chapter that I referred to in my comment to him is missing. Another victim of the occasional glitches here at CP, no doubt.
As I mentioned about some of the earlier parts of "Adam" that turned up missing, I had a major computer fail awhile back and lost much of the earlier portions of that story, and all of this one, which I only had stored on my hard drive. As a result, I do not have the "Party" epilogue to re-post, and I know I don't have it in me to re-write it successfully. If anyone has it, I'd appreciate it if you could either A) Edit it into one of your post-story comments, if you made one; or B) Get in touch with me, and I will give you my email so that you can send it to me and I will edit it in.

Thanks in advance, and know that I'd sure appreciate the help!


Posts: 30
#362 · Edited by: kraut_47
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OK, here's the epilogue to "After the Party" stormydog has asked for:


... turned over and snuggled into me, ignoring my stiff little dick poking her in the backside, and quickly fell arelax. As did I - and I didn't suffer from insomnia again for a long, long time. But that's a whole other story.


The decision to forgo any further sexual adventures involving my wife and other men seemed to suit her just fine; she went on as before, happy and loving, showing no signs that she felt cheated, or that I was asking her to make a sacrifice on my behalf. It untied the knots in my stomach - and in my psyche - as well, and gave me a great deal of peace.

For a little while - because, as those of you that share my obsession know, it's not that easy. It's never that easy. It started first in my head, my mind at idle moments turning to the memories of Stef writhing in pleasure, of my own intense excitement and pounding heart as I watched her, my cock rigid as she came again and again with one of the two men deep inside of her. If I closed my eyes and listened, I could hear her cries of pleasure, and the wet, fleshy sounds of two bodies coming together.

I don't know if it's an obsession or a compulsion, but I soon realized, as I failed again and again to banish these images from my mind, that I was suffering from my own form of obsessive-compulsive disorder. And mine wasn't something simple and harmless, like washing my hands hundreds of times a day. No, mine was having my wife get laid by stronger, bigger, more masculine and well-endowed men! On the bright side, I didn't have to deal with dry, chapped hands - but I think most would consider that preferable. If I was going to be an OCD sufferer, why couldn't it be closing cabinet doors until the hinges failed, or turning light switches on and off - anything but this!
(That reminds me of a famous comedian, who, after making an OCD joke, said "It's only a joke, OK, don't get upset, don't start writing me letters! Boy, that's the last thing you want is those people to start writing you letters - pretty soon it's check the oven--write a letter, check the oven--write a letter..." But I digress.)

But this, the powerful urges that pushed me and nagged at me, was what I had to deal with. I kept the video of course, saving it in an email file as well as downloading it to a thumb drive, and I watched it often, always when Stef wasn't around. It never failed to excite me and arouse me, but I also felt guilty - in part for sneaking around to watch it - but mostly for denying Steffany the pleasure she so obviously enjoyed with Derek the Stripper on that bathroom vanity. I could give her orgasms of course, and I could make her come hard, and good, but I could never dominate her, and take her, and just overwhelm her with sheer masculine physicality as he had, and penetrate her until she felt me deep inside of her and her body responded explosively. It was not within my abilities to do that, and for that I felt guilty. And nauseatingly aroused.

Stef asked about the video only once, asking if I had ever watched it, and when I told her that I had she asked if I still had it, and if she could watch it. When she did it embarrassed her, but it also left her wet and aroused, almost quivering with sexual energy needing release, and when she turned and touched me we ended up having hard, fast sex right there, in our little office. That was fun, but she never asked about it again. I know that was because she was embarrassed to see what a total, wanton slut she'd been for his big cock, but also it was because she was afraid it was hurting me. Of course, I was the one that had kept the video, so...

We did call Paul, probably about a month or six weeks after the wedding, and we met him at a local steakhouse for dinner. We had a great time, laughing and reminiscing about our college days - about which he remembered very little, so Stef and I filled him in. His takeing binges ended shortly after college, he said, and now he's just a social takeer, able to indulge or not as desired, and we shared a bottle or two of wine with our meal. We ended the evening full and happy, just a nice warm buzz from the wine, and feeling good about getting together.

He is still a bit of a clown, joking and using self-deprecating humor to good effect, and although he paid close attention to Stef in her sexy short skirt and low-cut blouse, he was careful to always include me as well. Still, the sexual chemistry between them was palpable, and again that evening Stef and I ended up in a hot, spontaneous bout of lovemaking. I had no doubt that being with him for almost three hours had left her very aroused, and I was but the beneficiary. Not that I'm complaining! Actually, seeing the two of them interacting and flirting all evening had left me quite aroused as well.

To our immense surprise, he insisted on picking up the check! In college, he was usually *** or close to it by that time, and although he paid his share it was because someone else - often Steffany - had gotten his wallet out of his pocket and taken money from it - this time it was entirely voluntary! Accordingly, the next time we got together, we took care of it by inviting him to our house for a home-cooked meal. He brought wine this time, and, well, one thing led to another, and... you know. We started slow, and communicated our fears and desires instead of leaping in like we'd done before, and that helped.

After that night, which I don't think we really planned to happen as it did, he became her regular lover. Not often, maybe two or three times a month, max, but it was good for all of us. For Paul... well, that part is obvious. If it felt good, he was willing - and Stef always felt very good. For her it was fun, and exciting, and arousing, and she got to enjoy sex, including actual intercourse, with someone not only well-endowed, but who could last a very long time and drive her to heights otherwise unattainable.

For me - well, Paul was open to almost anything. Like I said, if it felt good... We experimented and played, and I was able to indulge virtually all of my fantasies. They both enjoyed when I would go down on them as they fucked, and he seemed to get a special charge out of seeing me clean her after he had spilled one of his trademark enormous loads deep inside. Often that would get him aroused all over again, and with a little help from Stef, or me, or both of us, he would soon be inside of her for round two! Paul has been a nice addition to our lives, and has done a lot to ease my obsession. But that too is a whole other story.

We stayed in touch with Cheryl as well, after the wedding. I always feel a little shame that I did not pay attention to her back in college in the way she wanted, did not view her as a potential mate or sex partner. I can only claim that I was blinded by Steffany's beauty, which is true, but it turns out that Cheryl is also very sweet, and kind, and fun, and sexy. My bias, because she weighed a few extra pounds, I guess, prevented me from seeing her as anything other than a friend, and I'm the poorer for that. There was a warm, sexy woman right there, when I was spending evenings alone waiting for Stef to come home from a date, and in my immaturity I didn't notice her.

She's doing well now, and is as smart and funny and sweet as ever, and has all the men her heart could desire. I guess we're all that way, shallow and easily impressed by physical beauty. Her and Stef have become very close, and she shares all her secrets with us, her trials and tribulations, hopes and fears, dating hits and misses. She spends a lot of time with us, often dropping in or having us over to her place. She and Paul have become close, mostly from sharing meals and recreational times with us, but I don't think it will turn into anything. There is a lot of flirting and sexual mind games, innuendo and teasing.

Stef has asked if we should try to include her in our games, if I would like that. I sense that Cheryl is somewhat submissive, like me - and Paul, while confident and willing (and hung!) is certainly not dominant. Stef is probably the most dominant of the four of us, and for her it's more just a matter of being used to getting her own way. She pretty much always has, and expects to, so it's more an expectation of others pleasing her than true dominance. I'm not sure how Cheryl might fit in - if she even wanted to - but she sure has a fine, tight little butt! We'll see. That may or may not be a whole other story!

KatienotKathy and Dave had a great honeymoon. The very first time we got together with them they insisted on showing us the pictures - including the ones with Katie and her new friend, an island native. A tall, slender, black, and very well-hung islander, the sight of whom, with Katie's pale hand wrapped around his enormous, jutting erection, almost caused me to drop the photo album! She thought that was hilarious, and made a few unfavorable comparimisters to my own meager endowment. They had intentionally put that in to see our reaction, and assured us that they don't show that particular album to family.

It turns out that Dave had found a dusky little island beauty to entertain while Katie had her adventures, so all was copacetic. Hell, he'd taken the pictures of Katie and her stud, so obviously he was cool with it! Weird-ass way to spend a honeymoon if you ask me; but then, I'm not really in a position to judge, now am I? The pictures of Katie gettin' it on with the freakishly endowed islander left Stef wet and ready, and me stiff and eager, and so when they suggested that we all take a dip in their hot tub it got interesting quickly.

Sorry, but that too is yet another story. Suffice to say that both Dave and Katie are quite dominant - far more than me and more so even than Stef - but apparently not nearly as much as Mistress Janice, to whom Katie keeps threatening to introduce me. So far I've demurred, but it does give me a sick little wiggle of excitement inside when she talks about it! Dave and Katie have proved challenging enough thus far for us, and Stef and me are enjoying this new part of our lives.

Katie keeps threatening me with something called an 'Anal Intruder' - I'm not sure what that is, but I don't like the sound of it!

There is a story there, still evolving, but if Katie and this Mistress Janice have their way with me I'm sure I will be far too embarrassed to write it... assuming I survive!

The one aspect of our lives that we've added that was entirely Steffany's doing is Reuben. Actually, Reuben James Wilmister. I don't know, maybe his parents were big Kenny Rogers fans - seem unlikely, since he's as black as Kenny's hair is white - but stranger things have happened. I suppose he could have been named after the original Reuben James, or the ship, but that seems even less likely. Regardless, about a year - maybe closer to fourteen months - after the wedding the name Reuben started cropping up around home; at dinner, while watching TV, at bedtime, Stef would casually mention "Reuben did this", or "Reuben said that", until I finally asked, dreading the answer.

He turned out to be their UPS driver, the guy that brought packages and documents to their office five days a week, and Stef had a serious case of hot wet panties for him! She first said he was triple-B, and when I asked what the Better Business Bureau had to do with it she laughed at me and explained that bald, black, and beautiful is common girl-slang for black hunks. He was, to hear her tell it, "Tall, and dark, with this great smile and broad shoulders and a tight muscular butt… oh, and Kevin, you know those thin, brown pants they have to wear? Well, when he leans against my desk those don't hide anything, nothing at all. I can almost see the veins on his cock, Kev, his huge, thick, black cock, hanging way down his leg, and the outline of the head of it, and I get so wet, and my nipples get all hard... Kevvy, did you just come in your pants again? Poor baby!"

Sorry, but that's how she told it. Dang her! I just thought you'd want to know.

So anyhow, she flirted with him, and let him know she was interested, in that way women have of doing that - and he most definitely was! He was a little freaked when he found out that anything they did together had to be with my full knowledge and consent, but Stef made him understand that it was not going to happen any other way. He had a huge hardon for her by then, so he ultimately went along with it. I don't get to watch - yet - and I don't know if or when I'll get to participate, but I can hear from outside the door what his huge black cock does for her. It's deliciously painful and arousing to hear, and I do get to clean up and show her how much I love her after he's gone, so it's all good.

The harder thing is when he takes her out, for dinner, or dancing, or to his place, and I help her get ready, then wait anxiously at home for her to return to me. It is exciting - and painful, like a little dagger twisting in my belly - but oh, so arousing, and when she returns she tells me everything that happened and shows me the proof. I've never seen his cock, not yet, but I've seen what it does to her. He must be enormous!

The one thing that helps, that distracts me if it becomes too painful, is Raven. Or Mandy. Let's go with Mandy. I call her sometimes and we talk. If Stef is my wife, my lover, and my muse, Mandy is my friend and my sounding board, almost my sister. She doesn't judge, she just listens, and talks. She could have been a psychiatrist easily, I think. She has the knack. I go to her place sometimes, and spend the lonely evenings with her and her flower Emily, but I have yet to take her up on her offer of a freebie. It just hasn't felt right, although she sure is a sexy little thing! That's her profession though, so I'd just feel like I was making her work - although she assures me that's not true.

On several occasions Mandy has had to go be Raven for the evening, and rather than take Emily to her mom's house, has left her with me! That is so cool, and I love it, and love that she trusts me with her most precious possession. We play games - Chutes and Ladders, Candyland, that kind of stuff, and video games. She's very good, and beats me consistently - and has been known to gloat viciously when she does so. Good thing she's so damn cute! One odd habit she has is watching something called 'Spongebob Squarepants' on TV. I'm not sure what it is, but I know I don't understand it!

She also loves to play dolls, and has the whole Barbie and Ken thing going on. I get to be Ken, who of course I was aware of previously, but it was not until I saw how Emily played it that I realized how domineering Barbie had become, and what a wimp Ken was! Her Barbie is quite stern with poor Ken. I suspect Emily got that from her lady! Taking care of her, playing and laughing, putting her to bed and seeing how sweet she looks when she's relaxing takes my mind off of whatever Stef might be doing, until Mandy comes home and I have to go back, which is when the nervousness and the excitement, the angst and arousal kick back in again.

Stef knows about Mandy, of course - it wouldn't work any other way - but they have not yet met. Being around Emily, I want one of my own. I think Stef will too, once she meets them. I hope so. The stories of Reuben and Stef, and of Mandy and what impact she and Emily might have on us, have not yet been written - or to the extent they have, are still in the first chapter. No telling how it might go. Maybe, someday...

One thing for sure, it's never boring!



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Thanks kraut, I really appreciate the help!! You're a bud!

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