Posts: 3550
I love it Stef teases poor Kevin, so sexy, well done Stormy 
Posts: 29
If I could write as good as you I would attempt something, but couldnt come close to your standard!
Posts: 79
go man go great story cuckold sissy wendy white aka tinyboywayne
Posts: 1975
Thanks for your continued efforts
Posts: 1459
#305 · Edited by: stormydog
sslv, Cuckslut, Wayne, and Randy, thanks. I always enjoy hearing from you!
Rub, C-4-1, and dave - that's the thing, isn't it? Teasing, or innocent comment? I'll bet Kevin is thinking what C-4-1 said, his mouth watering.
jj & GH, thanks. I didn't want Stef to seem too bitchy - she doesn't mean to be.
Thanks Nifty, that's a very nice comment - but you know what? You'll never know unless you try! I thought the same for me, but it seems to have worked out OK. This is typically a very friendly site at which to post stories, if you care to give it a shot. Plus, I think the stories that I've read that were written by women always have a slightly different feel to them, maybe less graphic, but more erotic. I don't know, just my impression. I've read some great ones! I would suggest you start with something short - but who am I to talk -- THIS story was supposed to be short!! ______________________________________________________________________ ______
I'm not sure which sent the larger spark through me, the thought of her dripping pussy and soaked panties, or the reminder that Paul had pumped his big loads into her on occasions past. This was not the first time that he had sunk his impressive cock into my Steffany - just the first time that I'd witnessed it! And, theoretically, the first time he'd had her while she was my wife. It was more than a little disconcerting that she so readily remembered his propensity for producing massive loads.
My breath caught, my body tense with the sudden excitement her words brought. "Maybe you should have let me do what I started to do."
I felt a small shake of her head against me. "No. Maybe next time." We danced for a few moments, my mind trying to wrap itself around the "next time" comment, when she continued. "I suppose I could go to the ladies room and try to clean up a little. I don't suppose you thought to bring an extra pair of panties, just in case?"
"No Stef, I didn't! I almost didn't bring those." I looked at her, saw her small smile, and realized she was kidding me. "You could go without again, like you were when you got here."
She nodded. "True. I'm going to go and do that. I sure hope it's about all leaked out by now, he filled me way deep." I stared at her, but she seemed to have no clue as to the effect her words were having on me. "I also hope they have paper towels in there, and not blow dryers - that would be awkward." She giggled slightly at the image, and I chuckled.
"They have paper towels - or at least the men's room does. Where do you want to meet?"
She looked around. "Mmm, how about over by the bar? Order me something I like, OK? Something sweet, I need some energy."
I was somewhat hesitant to encourage her to take any more, given what had already happened, but as she headed for the restroom I moved to the bar to do as instructed. The bartender stopped in front of me, wiping at the wet surface with a towel. "A gin and tonic for me please, and a sloe screw for my wife." I had just finished my order when Cheryl materialized at my side.
His eyes played over Cheryl's body, a small smile on his face. She spoke up "and a Tanqueray and tonic for me, please."
His eyebrows went up. "So you're not the sloe screw wife?"
Cheryl laughed. "No, although I admire her taste - in takes and in men."
He gave her his best wolf grin. "I'd be glad to give you what she ordered..."
Cheryl laughed again, and I watched her eyes drop to his groin, checking out his bulge. They lingered long enough that it would have made me very uncomfortable, but he just stood and let her stare. She raised her eyes to his. "Maybe later - right now I think I'll stick to what I ordered - and a dance." She grabbed my arm, pulling me toward the dance floor. "Come on Kevin, you promised."
The music had gone up-tempo, the reception becoming louder and more raucous as it moved toward its close. This was not a 'hold and sway' type of dance, indeed not one that involved much moving together at all, which I considered fortunate for Cheryl's toes. We began to dance, facing each other, and I was pleasantly surprised to see that Cheryl had become quite a dancer, swaying her lithe new body and moving to the music very effectively, all the shakes and shimmies working very nicely for her.
I was less comfortable with this type of dance, always feeling awkward and self-conscious about my lack of moves. Fortunately the dance floor had become quite crowded, and I was able to disappear in the crush of bodies. Unfortunately, the crush also pushed Cheryl and I very close together, and she bumped me once, and then again. By the third bump I began to realize it was intentional, and I playfully bumped her back.
Apparently that was some kind of a sign, because before I knew it she was writhing and twisting against me, rubbing her body against mine as she danced, wiggling her breasts against my chest and arms, nipples at attention, straddling my leg as she rubbed herself on my thigh, and then turning and grinding her butt into my groin in a convincing imitation of humping. I was shocked - and aroused - and when she felt my stiff little penis through my clothes she seemed to only intensify her efforts. I wanted to run the other way, except that would humiliate both of us - and this was actually starting to feel really good!
Cheryl and I had danced a few times in college, when we would go out with the others and ultimately find ourselves as the last remaining couple at the table as the others paired up and danced, or disappeared to find a quiet spot. We had danced well together, but I had always treated it as just friends, dancing to pass the time. She had been somewhat overweight then, as I've mentioned, and if she had ever noticed my spontaneous, unwanted erections pressing against her, she had pretended not to, which had eased my embarrassment.
Now she not only did not pretend to not notice, she re-doured her efforts to rub on me, leaving me rigid and tingling. The moist heat of her crotch rubbing and thrusting against my thigh and my hip did nothing to ease my arousal, nor did her erect nipples sticking out through her top - much the same way that my little stiffie tented out the front of my pants! It was in this condition that I saw Stef arrive at the bar, her eyes casting about for me.
"Look Cheryl, Steffany is back! Come say hi."
She seemed not to have heard me, and just continued to move to the music, her eyes closed, her body writhing against me. I stepped back and took her arm. "Cheryl, come and say hi to Stef! You said you would talk to her."
Her face paled. This time she'd heard me. "No, I didn't! Please Kevin, I should just go..."
I knew she didn't want that, or she'd have left already. She certainly had had plenty of opportunity while Stef and I had been with Paul, but she'd waited, which to me said either she'd really wanted this dance - or she knew she had to speak to Stef. Well aware of my own dancing prowess - or lack thereof - I figured it must be the Stef thing.
I held onto her arm, and she allowed me to guide her across the floor and back to the bar, where Steffany waited. She smiled when she spotted me approaching, then a look of puzzlement crossed her features when she realized I had someone in tow. We stopped in front of her, and her golden-brown eyes searched my face for an answer before flicking to Cheryl and looking her up and down.
I smiled. "Hey Stef, those are our takes behind you on the bar, the three glasses. The red one is yours. Do you remember this lovely lady?"
She frowned in concentration, trying to figure out who this was, then cocked her head to one side. "Do I know you?"
Cheryl nodded, looking down at the floor. "You used to."
Maybe it was the voice, I'm not sure, but I saw the recognition slowly dawn in Steffany's eyes. "Cheryl? Oh my god, it is you! Oh Cheryl, you look absolutely amazing, you're gorgeous!" And she flew forward, wrapping Cheryl in an enthusiastic embrace as she continued to tell her how surprised and happy she was to see her, and for her new looks. It wasn't until she released her and stepped back that we both saw that Cheryl had tears in her eyes.
Posts: 29
Thanks for the comment Stormy, but think I need to keep reading and learning more before attempting anything. Excellent piece that just gets better and better, well done! 
Posts: 125
great story stormy.....that Stef is quite the tease..........acts like nothing is out of the ordinary and he is twisting inside....
baron ochs
Posts: 89
Yet another well crafted instalment, Stormy. Admirable, both in the quality of the writing and in the eroticism.
Posts: 126
The best "short" story around. Short....I think it's over 100 pages when i copy and pasted it so when the time comes I can give to my wife to read. Guess she will be receving a short novel as opposed to a short story. Thanks Stormy!
Posts: 1459
#310 · Edited by: stormydog
Just a thought Nifty, obviously it's up to you! Thanks again for the kind words. Sallyann and baron, thanks. I figure if it's worth doing, it doesn't take that much longer to try to do it as best as possible. I'm glad you like it! Thanks lkit, and yeah, I've caught a little crap over that from a few friends here that obviously know me better than I do!  Maybe I should go back and delete the post that said it would be a short story... ______________________________________________________________________ _ Stef reached out and put her hand on Cheryl's shoulder. "Cheryl, what is it? Are you all right?" Cheryl pulled away. "Don't! Please don't be so nice! I can't stand it that you're both being so nice, not after what I did!" Stef looked at her, momentarily confused, then I saw it hit her and she gasped. "It was you? Cheryl, you're the one that gave out the video?" Cheryl glanced quickly at her, then away, nodding her head. "Yes. Kevin didn't tell you?" Stef shook her head. "No, he didn't. He said you wanted to - although he didn't actually tell me it was you. Why, Cheryl? Why would you do something like that?" "Because I'm a stupid, hateful bitch, I guess. I'm so sorry!" Now the tears flowed easily. I would have offered her my handkerchief, except that it was a wadded up, sodden mass in my pocket, soaked through with Paul's cum. I could still feel the wetness of it against my ass. In lieu of that I grabbed a couple of cocktail napkins from the bar and handed them to her. She wiped her eyes, then blew her nose noisily. Steffany continued to look at her. "I don't understand. Cheryl, I thought we were friends." That brought a fresh flow of tears. "I know! You were always so sweet to me, and so nice. You were the most popular girl there, and I just idolized you - and then I go and do this!" "Why, Cheryl? I just don't understand why." I was the silent observer, letting the two of them hash things out. I already knew the reamister, or at least thought I had a pretty good understanding of it, but I'd had no idea how the two of them would react to each other. I didn't think it would be necessary, but I was prepared to try to keep them apart if it came to that. Cheryl took a deep breath, and then looked at Stef, meeting her eyes for the first time. "You were the one Steffany, the cutest, the sweetest, the smartest in our house. Everyone loved you, all the guys were crazy about you - but you had to take the one guy, the only guy there that ever gave me a second glance." She looked at me, then back at Stef. "Why did it have to be Kevin? Why him, out of all those guys?" Steffany just looked stunned. The sudden revelation of Cheryl's reamister for attacking her - or us, I suppose - had left her momentarily speechless. I filled in for her, able to do so because I had asked myself that same question so many times before Stef had finally convinced me of the answer. "We fell in love, Cheryl. Me and Stef just fell in love. It certainly wasn't done to hurt you, but when we were together it was like there was nobody else in the room. Don't you think maybe some people are just meant for each other?" Steffany nodded. "He's right, Cheryl. I didn't expect to fall in love with him." She smiled at me. "In fact, in some ways he's the last permister I would have thought I'd fall for. But in so many others he's the only guy I could have ever loved, and I still do. It just happened." Stef met my eyes, her own filled with emotion. "And we love each other now more than ever." Despite everything, I knew she was right, and felt the sting in my eyes as I blinked back tears. I smiled at her, and put my hand on Cheryl's arm. "I wish I hadn't been so blind, but it wouldn't have changed anything Cheryl. Maybe I would have handled it better, explained or something..." She shook her head, still miserable. "No, I'm just an idiot. I hurt the only two real friends I ever had in college, just because I was petty and stupid. If there was a way to take it back, to undo it, I would. I'm so sorry!" Stef gently touched her, and they looked at each other, and then Cheryl was in her arms, sobbing, with Stef assuring her it was all right, that we forgave her, that what she had done had not damaged our relationship. When she calmed down, we both tried to assure her that, if anything, the release of the video had crystallized something between us, something that had been hanging out there, unresolved, but which was now in the open and was something we had to work through. I'm not sure she understood that, or believed it, but it seemed to calm her considerably to hear it. We moved to a table then, and sat and talked, sipping our takes and catching up on old times, trying to put the incident behind us - not that we weren't still earning stares and whispers - and Stef's new-found fan club continued to approach to ask for dances, which were politely declined. I did laugh, as did Cheryl, when Stef was asked for - and gave - her autograph to one horny fan! The crowd was thinning as people left, and Katherine and Dave began to make noises about being on their way to their hotel (near the airport) as well. Just before we rose to leave, Paul showed up at our table and pressed a napkin into my hand. "I wrote my phone number and email on there - be sure to get in touch with me, OK?" I wasn't sure that we would, but when I looked at what he had given me, I laughed. "Jeez Paul, this is one of their good linen napkins! I can't keep this - don't you know that when people say they wrote something on a napkin, they mean a paper one?" "Whatever, man - just cram it in your pocket, nobody will know." He glanced at Cheryl, then did a double take. "Wow Kev, you show up with the prettiest woman in the place, and now you've got both the hottest babes! How do you do it, my man?" I decided to have a little fun at his expense. "You know how it is, women can just sense these things. They're drawn to the hottest guys. And just think, both of them let you slip away back in college too!" He stared at Cheryl then, his eyes roaming over her body, frowning in concentration. "Ummm...I used to take a lot back then, *******ed a lot of brain cells, but still…. How about a hint?" Cheryl smiled and played along. "Well, I've lost a few pounds - and my hair is shorter. Oh, and try to picture glasses. I wear contacts now." He thought for a moment, then snapped his fingers. "Did we ever hook up?" She blushed and laughed self-consciously, and then shook her head. "No. Not you and me." He frowned, racking his brain, and then looked at me. "Well then you gotta be cuckolds brownietin' me Kev, there's no way I'd ever forget a woman that looks like that, I don't care how takes I was. Was I conscious?" We laughed, and Stef jumped in. "Rarely - but she was with us a lot, so yes, sometimes you were. This is the girl that kept trying to get you to put your clothes back on the night you decided to go skinny dipping - never mind that it was seventeen degrees out and the pool was drained for the winter." He grimaced. "I sort of vaguely remember that. I frostbit one nipple and the tip of my dick - that hurt like a ladyfucker! Pardon my French." When I quit laughing, I informed him that he owed her big time. "She's the only reamister you didn't freeze your dick clean off! Without her, you'd look more like her and we’d be calling you Paula." He laughed good-naturedly, but finally surrendered. "OK, I give. I have to plead being under the influence - pretty much continuously - but I still can't believe I forgot a woman that looks like you." Cheryl smiled softly. "In all fairness, I didn't really look a whole lot like this. Does the name Cheryl ring a bell?" It was amusing to see the light bulb click on in his head. "No cuckolds brownie? Wow! I should have known though, you have the same beautiful eyes and the same sweet smile, but otherwise you look so different. I mean like..." he touched her arm and made a sizzling sound "...hot, hot, hot! I remember a shy, pretty girl, but now you're a sexy, beautiful woman!" I was impressed - he could hardly have said anything better, in my opinion. She smiled, and there was genuine happiness in it. "Thanks Paul. Hey, listen I have to go, I sort of promised that bartender he could fix something special for me. Again, you guys, I'm sorry - and thank you so much for being so understanding. What I did was so completely unforgivable, and yet you..." she started to fill up again, and I pulled out my linen napkin/phone book and put it in front of her, putting my arm around her shoulders. "Never mind, Cheryl. It's spilled milk, it's over - write your number on here, by Paul's, we should get together. You know, under better circumstances." Stef was quick to agree, and jotted our number on a napkin - a paper one - and gave it to her as well. It turned out she lived only across town, maybe fifteen or so miles from us, so we had a good chance of actually seeing each other again. She pressed something into my hand when we hugged, and I looked down to see the two buttons, the ones she'd recovered from the sink after the stripper had torn them off of Steffany’s blouse. I’d forgotten them on the bar when Stef had signaled me earlier, but now I dropped them quietly into my pocket. Her eyes searched mine, and I could see that there was still a question in them, waiting to be asked, but she simply gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and turned away. As Paul watched her walk away he whistled, long and low. "I can't believe that I was so hammered all the time that I barely noticed something like that! Damn, I wasted a lot of years. Young and dumb, just young and dumb - hey, listen, I should go too, but I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed tonight.” That was an odd thing for him to say, but there didn’t seem to be any malice or gloating in it, just a simple statement of appreciation. He took Stef’s hand in his. “It was good to see you again - both of you. I hope we can get together again sometime, but if not...well, I understand. It was fun though, that was one memory I didn't lose - and don't plan to!" Stef laughed and shook her head as she kissed him, amused by his irrepressible nature. We shook hands, and he clapped me on the shoulder, and then he was on his way to the door. We followed soon after, waiting to throw rice at the bride and groom as they ducked into the waiting limo, after which we joined the throng leaving the club, headed for their cars in the lot. As we neared my car, Stef opened her small purse and began to dig for her keys so that I could drop her back at the church to retrieve her car, then pulled her hand back with a grimace. "Oh yuck, I forgot I stuffed my panties in there! Now everything in my purse is covered in cum - and my purse reeks of it. Guess I should have thrown them away." "I'm glad you didn't." I left it at that, not explaining why. "Hey, why don't you just leave your car there for tonight and ride home with me? We can come get it in the morning." She considered that. "Tomorrow is Sunday - the lot will be full." I shrugged. "They can spare one space - and we'll find it, don't worry. I’ll buy you breakfast." She smiled, and took my hand. "Yeah, let's do that. I like that idea a lot."
Posts: 4050
Excellent! You have created several very endearing characters, including Paul. Nice work
Posts: 1459
Thanks GH. I've been fortunate to not know a whole lot of genuine assholes in my life (or maybe I've just blanked out that part), so it's tough for me to write them convincingly. So I usually just don't try. No need when good, fun, and interesting people come in so many different forms. Hmm, let' see, who else do I know that writes like that..? ______________________________________________________________________
Posts: 877
Stormy, more excellent writing, thanks for keeping us all on the edge.
Posts: 1459
#314 · Edited by: stormydog
Thanks CS, I appreciate it! _________________________________________________________
I walked Stef to the passenger door, popping the lock with the remote and opening it for her. She smiled at me. "My, aren't we the gentleman!"
I grinned wolfishly. "Yeah, let's say that's it, and not just that I wanted to watch you climb in with no panties on."
She laughed. "I should have known! Sorry to say, but you'll be disappointed - this dress is long enough to allow me my modesty. Unless I do this.." She pulled up her skirt and lowered herself into the seat, swinging her left leg in while leaving her right foot outside of the car, on the ground. Fully exposed, this position showed her open pussy, spread and glistening. Somehow it managed to look used and satiated, yet ready and willing at the same time. And very inviting. My mouth watered.
We heard voices approaching, and she quickly pulled her dress down and her other leg in. "Oops, guess the show is over!"
I slammed her door, laughing as I walked around the car. I nodded at the folks that passed by, and they returned it, then I got in and we were soon on our way. Stef squirmed around in her seat until her back was partly against her door, the pulled her left leg up and slid her dress far up onto her hips, continuing the show as I drove. I clicked the locks to make sure her door was secure. I know, I know, it's no more likely to pop open and dump her in the road whether it's locked or not, as long as it's closed tight, but it was an automatic reaction when she leaned back on it. She didn't comment, so it must have seemed like a normal response to her as well.
Another normal response was my cock hardening as I looked at her glistening sex, and quickly becoming achingly hard when I reached over and touched her. She was so wet and slick, and so warm, her soft labia giving gently under my fingers in sharp contrast to her hard little pink nubbin, which resisted, poking out, rigid and demanding.
When she moaned softly, I laughed. "Surely you can't still be horny!"
"I can't? It sure feels like I can!"
"You know what I mean - you must have come seven or eight times."
She reached across and found my hard dick, and squeezed it. "It seems I'm not the only one - and you came too, as I recall."
"Not as many times as you did!"
"Duh Kev, that's the way it works! I always come more times than you do - because I can. You're just jealous!"
I smiled at her. "Well, you're right, I am - but making you come is almost as much fun. More, sometimes, I think. I do love to see and hear you enjoying yourself." As I spoke I turned my hand and slid my thumb into her. She was wonderfully slick and hot inside, her tunnel a tight velvet grip on my thumb, and she groaned as she raised up and pushed against my hand, driving my thumb deep, the wider base of my hand spreading her open and my knuckles crushed against her clitoris and swollen lips.
I bent my thumb upwards, trying to find that spot I knew so well in behind her pubic bone, and when I found it she bucked and cried out, thrusting against me, her entire body involved, muscles tensing and her thighs slamming closed on my hand and arm. "Ohhh yess, yess, oh fuck! MMMMmmm, mmmm,mmm, ohhh wow, my god!" She took a deep breath. "Wow, and you know, more wow! Still think I couldn't be horny?"
"Sooo then, that was real, you weren't faking?"
She slapped at me weakly. "Pig! I never fake it, you know that. I've never needed to."
That was true, as far as I knew. Stef is one of those fortunate women that not only seems to have very little difficulty reaching orgasm, she can also have one after another, seemingly ad infinitum - and loves to do so.
She lolled back languidly against the door, her right foot up on the console beneath the dash, her left on the center armrest. When I began to slowly slide my thumb out of her molten vagina she grabbed my arm. "No, leave it - you can drive one handed."
And so I did, occasionally moving my thumb a little bit to elicit a moan from her, watching traffic to be sure no tall vehicles pulled alongside to share my view of my wife's sweet pussy. I was intensely aware of her pelvic muscles rhythmically squeezing me, seeming to suck at my thumb, and of the rich scent of recent sex which pervaded my car, and my senses. The smell of Stef and semen was overwhelming, and I remained rock hard all the way home.
I stopped in the driveway and used my left hand to hit the button to raise the garage door. As it slowly went up, she pulled on my arm, and I slid gently out of her. She held my arm, raising my hand to her lips, and as I pulled into the garage she sucked my thumb, savoring the taste of her juices, and Paul's, then licked all around my thumb and index finger, missing none of her secretions. I pulled into the garage.
As the door started its descent, she rose to her knees and leaned across the console, planting her lips on mine and thrusting her cum-slick tongue into my mouth as her hands tugged at my zipper. Even before the door had fully closed she freed my erection from my pants and scramred over the console, lowering herself onto me, taking me as deep as my short little manhood would reach. She came once, and a few moments later again.
It had not been too long - it never is - but maybe as much as two or three minutes, when I felt my own orgasm rushing up from inside of me, not to be denied. When I groaned that I was coming and grabbed her hips, thrusting into her, she came again, and I felt her squeezing me as I spurted inside of her. Even then I had the thought that the cum I had just shot was probably less that what she still had inside of her from him, but that didn't matter. We came together, a rare occurrence, and it was incredibly intense; and when it was over I felt drained, hollow inside, and deeply, deeply satisfied.
We held each other like that for awhile, still behind the steering wheel but too weak to move. When I finally softened and slid out of her, and then popped my door, she climbed off of me and stood alongside, her face flushed. My pants were a mess, wet and cum-smeared all around the open zipper, but I could not have cared less. Let the dry cleaner worry about it!
I got out, my legs shaky, and followed her into the house. I didn't even bother to tuck myself back in, I just let my little wiggler waggle in front of me, and she looked down and laughed. "Cute! Did I ******* it?"
I shrugged. "You could check for a pulse, but I think it's just napping."
"Good!" She grabbed my tie, my other usual handle too small and slippery to grip just then, and led me up the stairs and into our bedroom. She quickly stripped out of her dress and bra and fell backwards onto the bed, pulling her legs up and apart. "What you wanted to do earlier? Now would be a good time."
She looked so sexy laying there, her hair flung out around her beautiful face, her eyes smoky and sultry, her big breasts flattening slightly on her chest, nipples erect. She still had on her jewelry, and her stockings and heels, but that was all, and my eyes followed the line of her flat stomach, and her sleek legs, and found her center, wet and open.
I dropped to my knees and lowered my face to her sex, breathing in the scent of rutting, of raw sex. I knew any remaining semen from Paul - and I was sure there was some - would be thin and watery by now, but my own was thick and creamy, white and glistening as it oozed out of her, and I lowered my lips to hers and tasted us, and then buried my face in her and lapped, and sucked, and teased, and made her come yet again as I paid homage to my amazing wife.
And after, when she was done and I had done all I could to show her how I felt, she kissed me, running her tongue into my mouth to taste what I had, and then fell sound arelax. Even when I took her shoes, and then rolled her stockings down and off, her breathing remained deep and regular. I undressed quietly then, checking to make sure I had not drooled any cum on my tie before hanging it in the closet, but dropping my cum-smeared pants on the floor. Still she slept soundly, gone to the world.
I, on the other hand, was wide awake. I shouldn't have been - ejaculation usually leaves me tired and relaxy, and we were both also exhausted from being up most of the prvious night - but relax would not come. I laid there in the dark, listening to her breathe, the taste of her and me and another man still fresh and strong on my lips and in my mouth, and the day started to play back through my mind, a series of brief clips rather than a continuous movie, and I grew hard once again.
Posts: 3581
Stormy, Nice job telling it the way you did!  I look forward to reading more when I return from my hunting trip. Cuck who loves a creampie.
baron ochs
Posts: 89
I was going to tell you how erotic this latest part is but 'something' has come up and I will have to deal with it without delay! Another brilliant instalment. Thanks yet again.
Posts: 38
Very well done again, Stormy. - I'm wondering how Cheryl is doing. Surely she loves Kevin, but couldn't that video thing have worked as an appetizer to her eventually? Cliffa
Posts: 62
Stormy...this thread keeps bring me back over and over. My wife has an ex-lover that we're friends with, and she said he's very well hung (although I'm still trying to get an exact measurement). Can't wait to hear more, and I hope they're headed where I THINK they're headed! lol
Posts: 1459
#319 · Edited by: stormydog
Thanks C-4-1. What's in seamister this time of year? I mean, I know it's just about tourist seamister, but last year I found out the hard way that that doesn't mean you're allowed to shoot them. That was embarrassing - my bad! Have fun, aim straight, be careful.
Thanks baron, I hope you were able to deal with whatever popped up.
Hi Cliffa, and welcome back! Thanks for the comment, and you're right, I think Cheryl will find she's glad to be reacquainted with her old friends. ______________________________________________________________________ __
Tired of laying there listening to Stef breathe and frustrated that I was unable to relax, I finally got up, went in and brushed my teeth in an attempt to freshen my mouth, and went downstairs. I went into the room we use as an office and sat down at my computer, then logged on and went online to check that day's baseball scores. My Cubbies had lost to Philly, which that year was actually not the usual result, but my Rocks had won over L.A., 5-4. It's my dream to see those two teams in the NL Championship series, but since I probably will not live to see that day I have not made an effort to decide which I would pull for, except that it would need to go seven. Since the American League doesn't play real baseball, they had become an afterthought, the World Series secondary.
My curiosity satisfied, I logged into my email account to catch up on things. Since it was not foremost in my mind at that moment, I was actually surprised to see the email there from the previously unknown sender, with the video attachment. Whatever Cheryl had lacked in consideration, forethought, and ability to understand cause and effect, she had more than made up for in thoroughness - the list of recipients was substantial. And several of them I recognized. I just looked at it for a moment, not wanting to view the video but knowing that I would, and then I clicked on it and let it download.
Although I was not directly under our bedroom, I turned the sound down low and started it. It opened with the party in full swing, the strippers already down to minimalist g-string type thongs and moving among the group of rowdy women. I was amazed at the way most of the women seemed to paw at them with complete abandon, very few holding back, and at the way the three guys let them - hell, encouraged them! When one petite blonde that I did not recognize tried to ignore the genitalia-stuffed pouch that was being thrust right in her face, the stripper reached down and grabbed her hands and guided them to his bulging pouch, holding her there as he pressed himself into her fingers!
My mind had just taken in the glittering diamonds of her wedding ring when he pulled down the front of his thong and let his semi-erect cock and hefty ballsack spill out - and when he released her hands, she did not pull away, instead willingly keeping her hands there to fondle and stroke him as he became fully and hugely erect!
The camera soon moved on, and I was treated to a replay of the scene I had already seen, the one in which my wife fondles and strokes a large, erect cock before guiding it into her open blouse and between her breasts, a hungry smile of arousal on her lips the entire time. It was considerably more detailed here, on the large flat-screen monitor, than it had been on the tiny screen on my phone. I could even see her hard nipples jutting out through her blouse, and the wedding ring on the hand that encircled the thick base of his cock. While I wondered idly how many wedding ring-bearing hands had touched hard cocks at the party that night, the reality was that there was only one that mattered to me - and it had done so much more!
The now-familiar ache in my guts was back, along with the brick on my heart and the stiff little dicklet sticking out of my shorts. There should be some physiological safeguard against such conflicting reactions occurring simultaneously, it just shouldn't happen. It's too fucking confusing!
The camera continued to bounce around, the holder too anxious to take it all in and thus ending up taking in very little. The only thing for sure was that a whole lot of ladies had touched, stroked, fondled, and sucked a whole lot of cocks! Well, I guess it was really only three cocks, but you know what I mean. Those guys were pros, and they sure knew how to work the room!
The camera did pause long enough to show one of the white strippers shooting an impressive load onto the chin, tits, and blouse of a dark haired, Hispanic looking woman, so at least I had the comfort of knowing that Stef had not been the only one to come home with a semen-stained blouse. Oddly, that knowledge helped not at all, but I knew that if I had seen it sooner I would have looked for her at the wedding, and pictured her with cum dripping from her chin. Just the way so many had looked at Stef, picturing whatever they would.
The scene went dark for a moment, then started again with the camera laying on its side, showing nothing but a jumble of legs, hands, take glasses, a wall and a ceiling light fixture, and, momentarily, a nose and one eye. The whole time, the background noise was bad dance music, voices, things moving and glasses clinking, and the occasional 'whooo-hooo' or other catcall. This vid had needed serious editing, which Cheryl had obviously not done, but all in all it didn't seem that different from the bachelor party - except with the roles reversed.
When the camera started moving again it swung around vertiginously, and it took me a moment to figure out it was climbing stairs. The same audio track of miscellaneous party noise played throughout, but when the lens swung up again and focused, my heart momentarily stopped. Because there, on my computer screen, was Steffany, sitting on the edge of a bathroom vanity, her legs wrapped around the hips of a tall, naked, very muscular, and very black man, his buttocks moving back and forth, flexing as he drove himself into her!
Her arms were clasped around his neck, eyes closed, her head on his chest, and as I watched, she bent lower and sucked at his dark nipple, then opened her eyes and stared down between their bodies, watching him fuck himself into her. As she watched him, I watched her toes spread open, then curl under tightly as she came, throwing her head back and crying out. The roar of my red pounding in my head had almost drowned out the white noise of the video, but I clearly heard my wife come.
He smiled evilly as she bucked against him, driving herself onto his cock, and when her orgasm waned he slid out of her, giving me my first clear look at what had done all the damage. His cock was huge, thick and long, and glistening black, slick with her fluids. It was just above the horizontal, rock hard but apparently too heavy and long to point upwards, and his bulging, low-hanging testicles, suspended below, were almost hard to see against the dark background of his thighs. All I could tell for sure was that many barnyard naturals would be jealous of his set.
As he stepped back, Stef slid off the counter and down to her knees in front of him, an almost worshipful look on her face as she began to suck and lick his massive organ. He first stood with his hands on his hips, slowly thrusting forward into her mouth as she sucked him. Her hand came up to squeeze his heavy sack and her eyes closed blissfully, and I watched her enjoy the taste of her own pussy as she took him as deeply into her throat as possible. It was not hard, watching her, to understand why she could easily take me all the way down to the root with absolutely no gagging!
He eventually placed both hands on her head as he continued to allow her to suck his cock and balls for perhaps another minute or two, and my erection did not begin to ease off at all during that time. Knowing Steffany as I do, I knew that the sensation of his big, hard cock in her mouth was probably pushing her almost as close to orgasm as having it in her pussy had done. She gets dripping wet if I even talk about her sucking a big cock, and this one was big, thick, black, and very, very hard, and she was clearly enjoying every second of it!
The cheering had gotten louder as I watched, obviously a crowd of her girlfriends gathering and cheering her on, and when he slid his wet cock out of her mouth and stepped back, if she looked disappointed for a moment, it did nothing to quiet them. He pulled her to her feet and turned her around, bending her over the sink and kicking her feet apart, and when he bent his own knees and then thrust his big cock up and into her, a loud cheer went up! Almost loud enough to drown out Steffany's ***d cry of surprise, or perhaps surprise and ecstasy.
Egged on by the crowd, he started slamming into her, fucking her hard and fast with his huge cock, and I actually saw the buttons pop when her reached around her and tore her blouse open, one of them bouncing off the mirror before landing in the sink. He yanked her bra up, freeing her heavy breasts, which he mauled unmercifully. I was having a hard time believing that this was my wife, this tigress that was taking all the violent rutting and punishment he dished out and begging for more! That she was transported to another place was obvious, her world nothing but hard, fast, rough sex at that moment, and she was loving it!
If this had been anyone but my wife, I would have been intensely aroused by the scene, but shocked at the rough, physical aspect of it. Since this clearly was Stef, I was twice as aroused - but ten times as shocked. I had never imagined that she would want to be taken like this, dominated, made the bitch of a huge black man. Perhaps I should have had an inkiling, based upon her reactions to my stories, but that was all nothing but pure fiction. This was all too real.
I stared at her being fucked, again noticing her wedding rings as her hand clutched at his hip and thigh, pulling him to her, and my eyes were totally dry when I finally remembered to blink, and when he grabbed her shoulders and his back arched I knew he was coming. His muscles stood out, tight and rigid as he thrust himself deeply into her, holding her perfect bottom tight against his groin as he pumped into her, his ass muscles flexing. I could hear him grunting as he spurted inside of her, could almost picture the head of his huge cock pressed to her cervix, drowning it in thick white semen, and when Stef cried out "Yesss yes, oh god, yess, cuummm, I'm coming!" I hit the escape button on my keyboard, and the screen flipped back to my inbox.
I sat there, weak and gasping, my body drenched in sweat, my penis aching, hard and tingling, and I knew that if I touched myself I would come instantly. I refused to do that, refused to allow myself to be driven to orgasm by the sight of my wife being violently taken like that! I slowly opened my fists, my fingers aching from being clenched so long and deep nail marks in my palms. My whole body felt like that.
I sat there for ten minutes, maybe longer, until I quit shaking and my sweat dried. Then I logged off, shut down, and slowly trudged back upstairs. I stood beside the bed, looking down at my wife. My sweet, innocent, wife, angelic in relax, peaceful and gloriously beautiful, gentle and kind, and wondered how I could ever reconile this woman, the one I knew, with the one I had just seen on screen, fucking and screaming and begging for more.
I knew I never would be able to, but I laid down beside her, quietly so as not to wake her, and again failed to relax.
Posts: 125
I was wondering how long before he watched the video. very nice how you explained the conflicting emotions...I have always been the one relaxing very satisffied...I have had it explained to me but everyone has their own slant on what they feel.......very good and thanks for your hard work.
Posts: 50
as I mentioned a few month ago:
you are such an excellent writer. Juast fantastic your stories.
Thank's and best regards storyfan
Posts: 2106
Just got caught up again. Very nice work, stormy! Extremely well written and so very arousing. Thanks, priss
Posts: 1459
#323 · Edited by: stormydog
Thanks onmyknees, and good luck with the once (and future?) lover. Welcome aboard. Sallyann, thanks. Must be nice to be the one peacefully relaxing, happy and satisfied! storyfan & priss, thanks so much! Your comments are appreciated. ______________________________________________________________________ ___
I laid there in turmoil, flat on my back and wide awake, staring at the ceiling. It was dark in our room, but there was enough light to see the blades of the ceiling fan as they slowly turned, dark against the white ceiling. I watched it, hoping it would lull me to relax, or at least mesmerize me into a state of complete stupor. It didn't work. Instead, I found myself listening to Steffany's slow and steady breathing, and was very aware of the warmth of her body and the heady perfume of recent sex. It would be difficult to relax with my cock hard and throbbing, and my balls swollen to the size of a basketball...a giant, hairy, blue basketball. OK, I may exaggerate - slightly - but that's how it felt from the inside!
I checked my glowing watch. If I stayed this hard for two more hours I knew I was supposed to seek medical attention, according to the commercials on TV. I wondered if that still applied even if I hadn't taken any of those medicines. Probably, right? Boy, would that be embarrassing, having to explain..."Honest nurse, it's totally erect - that's as big as it ever gets!"
I shook my head, trying to banish the idiocy running rampant there, and rolled to my side. My movements seemed to disturb Stef, just slightly, and she sighed and rolled over as well. Maybe she was awake! "Stef...you awake?"
Nothing. I tried again. "Stef..baby, are you awake?"
"I said, are you awake?"
A moment of silence, then "I guess I am now." She didn't sound particularly happy.
"Well, as long as you're awake, can I ask you something?"
"I suppose - as long as I can ask you something first."
"Oh. Well... sure, go ahead."
"Why the hell do you always have questions for me in the middle of the damn night?" My first impression was confirmed - she sounded peevish.
"Um, sorry. I don't always have questions in the middle of the night, just sometimes. Would you rather I let you go back to relax?"
She sighed and rolled to her back. "Honestly? Yes - but as long as I'm awake - wide awake - go ahead with your question."
I smiled in the darkness. She's sweet to me even when she's pissed off. Usually. "That was sure something, what Cheryl did, and then she felt so bad..."
"You woke me up for that? That's not even a question Kev."
"Well, no, I know, but who'd of ever thought she would have such a crush on me that she would do something like that?"
She was silent for several seconds, and when she spoke her tone was sarcastic. "Careful you don't dislocate your shoulder patting yourself on the back there, stud. How do you even reach your back past your big, swollen head?"
I laughed. "You sound jealous!"
"Actually, right at this moment I'm very jealous of Cheryl - she's probably relaxing peacefully, nobody asking her silly questions..."
"Funny! Seriously though Stef, I still haven't gotten over the fact that you were interested in me, and then I find out she was too. I never really considered myself a ladies man, I have no delusions along that line."
She pushed her pillow up against the headboard, and then slid herself up so that she was sitting, leaning back against it. "You always sell yourself short Kevin. I mean, you're smart, and funny, and kinda cute even, but mostly you're gentle and kind, and caring. And you're a very generous lover."
I sat there for a moment, touched by her words. "Thanks hon'. You know how it is - it's better to give than to receive - especially when the recipient appreciates it as much as you do." She laughed softly as I paused, then I went on. "Is that what you want in a lover, someone that's gentle and kind, and generous?"
There was a moments hesitation - brief, but I caught it - before she said "You're exactly the lover I want Kevin. You're the one man for me. I just think that those are probably the same qualities that Cheryl saw in you."
"Well...thanks. I feel the same about you. As for Cheryl, I hope so. Do you suppose we'll ever get together with her, or was that just everyone being polite?"
"Mmm, I don't know. We have her number, so we could be the instigators. Do you want to see her again?"
I thought about that. "Yeah, I guess. I always liked her, and she still seemed kind of lonely."
She touched my hand. "See, that's what I mean. You're always kind, and caring. We should probably both hate her."
"Do you hate her?"
She paused. "No. I can't make myself do that, for some reamister. I just remember the sweet girl from college, and then she tells me she practically idolized me..." She shook her head, the movement just discernible in the darkness. "As far as her being lonely is concerned, I don't think there's any danger of that, not looking the way she does now. Did you like her new looks?"
"Sure, she looked great. Not as beautiful as you though - not even close."
She laughed again. "Good answer! That would be a great spot to end this little chat and go to relax - if you were smart."
"One more question?"
"Somehow I knew there would be. I take back what I said a minute ago about you being smart. You're still funny though - and cute."
I hesitated. It wasn't that I wanted to ask her this question, but I needed to. "Are you going to want to get together with Paul again?"
That was met with a long silence, then she found my hand again and intertwined her fingers with mine. "Would that bother you?"
"I think it might. Yeah, probably. I mean, he seems like a good guy, and he apparently doesn't take like he used to, but..." I left the obvious unsaid. She didn't.
"It wouldn't have to involve sex Kevin. We could just have him over for dinner or something." I think we both knew where that would likely lead, and she sensed my reticence. "Or we could arrange to meet him at a restaurant. He is a pretty good guy. He does have that great cock though..."
I knew she'd thrown in the last part just to tease me, and didn't give her the satisfaction of a reaction."Yeah, I suppose that might be all right, at a restaurant."
Posts: 1459
#324 · Edited by: stormydog
She squeezed my hand, then released it. "We'll see Kev. Can we talk about it more in the morning, instead of now?"
"I guess so."
I left it at that and laid there quietly, and before too long she gave a deep sigh of resignation "There's somthing else, isn't there?"
"Kevin, I'm begging you - just spit it out and get it over with!"
"OK. It's just...when you were with Paul, and the stripper too, what's-his-name, you really enjoyed that a lot, didn't you - both times?"
"His name is Derek - and yes, I already told you I did."
"No, I mean a lot - a whole lot."
"I guess I did, yes. But you said earlier that you were glad I enjoyed, so you wouldn't feel like crap about it."
I let that ride. "Does it feel really different to have a big cock like that in you, instead of just me."
"Kevin, I love the way you feel inside of me, you feel very nice. Sometimes I wish you'd last just a little longer..."
I felt myself flush in the darkness, a strange mix of hurt and excitement when she pointed out my shortcoming - or is it short cumming? "I know - and I'm sorry, I try. But that was a clever way of not answering my question, wasn't it?"
"Why do you do this to yourself?"
"I...I don't know, really. Call it sick curiosity. But if I feel 'nice' in you, how do they feel?"
She pulled her pillow down and slid down into the bed, resuming a prone position, then rolled to her side, her back to me. I thought she was angry with me, and done talking, but I was wrong. "They feel good Kevin, really, really good. I told you I wouldn't lie to you, and so I won't. The truth is, size matters, at least to me, and there is just no substitute for a big, thick cock - it just feels...I don't know, wonderful inside, all big and hard. It's hard to explain to someone that doesn't have a vagina, but it's very...exciting, fulfilling..." she giggled "Full-filling - boy, I said a mouthful there!" She giggled again. "Honest Kev, the puns are inintentional, but yes, I do enjoy a well-endowed man. I'm sure most women do - but I don't need it. I need you - I love you!"
"But if you enjoy it so much, why would you settle..."
"Kevin, just stop it!" NOW she sounded angry! "I'm not 'settling', I got exactly what I wanted, and I'm very happy with it - I mean with you. A big thick cock is fun, it's a huge visual stimulus, and fun to touch and suck on, and have inside of me, but I dont need it. I need air, and water, and food. And you."
Intellectually, I knew she was right, and what she was trying to say. I mean, I don't need Krispy Kreme donuts, or eighteen year old Scotch, or clear, crisp mountain mornings either, but somehow the rich tapestry of life, the enjoyment of living, would be just slightly diminished without them. A little more dull, a little less amazing. And of course, I needed her too, as much as I needed air or water. But all of that made it just so much harder to say what I had to say next.
"Stef, I don't want to do it anymore."
"Do what?"
"This, you know, the whole cuckolding thing. I can't handle it, it's just too...intense, I guess, too scary. Too painful. I don't want you to fu...uh, have sex with other guys anymore, ever."
I was surprised! "That's it, just 'OK', no discussion or anything?"
"Yeah, sure. I mean, what's to discuss? I only went along because you wanted it so bad in the first place. Not that it wasn't great - it was - but I can live without it. I did for the last eight years, didn't I?"
"Um, yeah, I guess you did. So you're fine with that, no problem?"
She didn't even hesitate. "Nope, no problem."
"You don't feel like you're missing out, like I'm cheating you out of something...?"
"No. Do you?"
"Honestly? Yeah, a little." I did, too. I'd seen and heard how much she'd enjoyed the two huge cocks.
She rolled over to face me and moved so that her lips were inches from mine. "Well, I don't. Will we still be able to play our little sex games?"
"Sure, I don't know why not."
"And you'll still make up those dirty stories for me, the ones that make me so hot and wet?"
"Absolutely!" The thought of her hot and wet made me hard and tingly - it always did.
"Will you still go down on me and use that amazing, incredible tongue of yours to make me come?"
"Whenever you want - wouldn't dream of missing that!"
"When you do it after you come inside of me will you still pretend you're licking some other guy's cum out of me, like you used to?"
"Sure, if you want me to." I'd always loved that fantasy!
She stuck her tongue out and licked my lips, and the tip of my nose, then kissed me and stuck it in my mouth - her tongue I mean, not my nose. "I do. I love when you do that, the idea of you licking another man's cum from my used pussy has always been very erotic for me. I don't now why, it just works."
"Then I'd love to. I am at your service, Mistress!"
She laughed. "One last thing?"
"Sure, anything."
"Can I please go to relax now?"
I laughed. "Sure - but come over here to do it. I need to hold you."
"Mmm, I think I'd like that too." She turned over and snuggled into me, ignoring my stiff little dick poking her in the backside, and quickly fell arelax. As did I - and I didn't suffer from insomnia again for a long, long time. But that's a whole other story.
Posts: 492
stormydog: When the camera started moving again it swung around vertiginously, and it took me a moment to figure out it was climbing stairs. Stormy, Stormy, Stormy, what have I told you about using those big, big words? Dude, seriously? I can honestly say that I've never, ever heard that word, and I've been on this planet for quite some time now, far longer than I care to admit to. I must be hanging around with the wrong crowd. The camera was climbing stairs? Holy crap! So how much does it cost for a camera that can climb stairs? Speaking of cameras, have you seen those little tiny cameras that women can insert inside themselves and get a "worm's eye" view of the activities? Now that's some weird cuckolds brownie right there my friend. Way too up close and permisteral for me if you catch my drift. Once again, you've proven GH to be correct, you can write an incredible sex scene. This story was filled with them, but that last one set off my smoke detector. For those of you who are just getting into Stormy's writing s*******s, you need to go back and start reading "Unwitting Cuck, Unwilling Bull". Sure, it's a lengthy, well developed story, but it's one of the best, and if you liked this one, you'll love that one. Just take your time getting caught back up, although some folks have read the entire thing in a ridiculously short amount of time. With that being said, I hope you're finally heading back over to the boat. I'm plumb wore out, trying to keep up with that bunch. Kori by herself is more than enough for any two men, imagine trying to satisfy her by yourself. They're all well rested, the ball sacks have been refilled, and the women are hot and horny. The "Caution, slippery floor" signs are just sitting there, waiting to jump into action. Pops is using his dick to hit nerf balls off of the upper deck of the houseboat, much to everyone's amusement. It's time to get that party started. I'm interested to see how you're going to weave that other houseboat into the story line. Leave it to you to come up with another twist for us to ponder. Thanks for all your hard work on this story, it was excellent, but then again, that's not a big surprise. I apologize for not commenting more often, work has consumed me lately. TrF2
Posts: 26
Stormy, A Great Story! I thank you for writing and really enjoy each segment. You bring the characters to life. Sometimes a little to close to real for comfort. That is what makes the stories so great. I really appreciate the hard work that goes into your writing. jj.
Posts: 126
What a great ride! Sorry to see it end as reading the next installment has become something I look forward to. I must check out some of your other work. Thanks for all your efforts. As discussed, I will send you a PM once I have shared your story with my wife. You have serious talent bro! Thanks
Posts: 1914
Stormy, Brilliant. I was beginning to think you didn't have an ending in you, but I think you pulled that one together just fine. For a while there, I think it was the best medium (not short!) story on the site. Actually it was just a great story, period. I thank you for giving it to us, and I hope it charged your batteries again for the real thing ..
Posts: 1459
Trf2, thanks, and I'm almost sure that's a real word. As far as cameras that can climb stairs, cuckolds brownie, they have cameras in little pills you can swallow (handy in case you can't remember what you had for lunch, I guess, or if you need to find that gum you swallowed back in 6th grade), so stair-climbing cameras should be a breeze!
I appreciate you keeping the party going on the boat - I owe you one. No, wait, you owe me one. Tell Pops only a nerd hits nerf balls with their dick. Real men hit golf balls. Oh, and stop working so hard. Kori says you've seemed tired lately, and claims it's not her fault.
jj, lkit, and peak, thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and yes, I did enjoy writing it, although at times I questioned why I started. Your support along the way helped to make it worthwhile! lkit, please do that, I'm very interested in her opinion. Oh, and by the way, while that was THE END, the story is not quite over just yet.
Posts: 29
Most enjoyable great work Stormy!! The story isnt over?? Intriguing.