Posts: 125
only one thing to say ........WOW......... very hot segment
Posts: 3581
Ditto to that sallyann! That was very HOT!! Cuck who loves a creampie.
baron ochs
Posts: 89
Hot, hot hot Stormy! And well written too. Thanks yet again.
Posts: 2106
Superb segment, stormy! incredibly arousing, Thanks, priss
Posts: 39
The tease is superb!!! Excellent writing Stormydog
Posts: 877
Another great one stormy, like Kevin I have just shot onto my hand.
Posts: 1459
#277 · Edited by: stormydog
Nifty, Wayne, sallyann, C-4-1, baron, prissy, and intooit, thanks very much. Glad you're enjoying Kevin and Stef's Excellent Adventure. Cuckslut, too bad you don't have Steffany there to help you clean that up, much as she helped Kevin with his little mishap!
Rub, thanks. I set out to write a story with a familiar subject, but maybe a little different feel to it. Not that the usual tales of "here's my prim and proper little wife but one big gangbang makes her a slut forever and I love it" don't often contain quality jerk-off fodder - many times they do! I was just trying for a somewhat more plausible story line, incorporating a few little permisteral experiences, and with possibly a bit more realistic emotions. It took a little more writing than I had intended, but that's the hazard of starting a story in the first place. Thanks again for your comments! ______________________________________________________________________ _____
I wrestled with it, really I did, not at all wanting the responsibility of making that decision. As my mind churned on the issue my fingers continued to diddle her hard clit, and I heard a hesitation in her breathing as I touched all the spots I knew she liked best. Eyes still closed, she turned her head and took his cock into her mouth again, sucking at it hungrily as her body responded to my touch. Within moments, the sensation of his thick cock in her mouth and my fingers touching her magic button brought her to a shuddering climax, her pelvis thrusting forward, pushing her hot pussy against my hand as fetishd, stifled moans escaped her throat.
Not even aware I was doing it, my other hand tightened on Paul's scrotum, and I felt him tense in my hand, the hard base of his cock stiffening against my fingertips. I quickly released him and lowered that hand, embarrassed that I had been so involved with Stef that I had been eagerly playing with his balls at the same time!
Still moaning softly, Steffany drew her lips up over the swollen head of his cock and off of him, slurping slightly as she did so, and I wondered if he had cum in her mouth. He answered my unasked question. "Goddamn, that was close! I nearly fucking came when you did. Fuck!"
Stef moaned softly. "Oh god, that felt so good! And Paul, you did come a little, you made a little spurtzy or two in my mouth." She grabbed my head and kissed me, sticking her tongue into my mouth so that I had to taste his cum. She was right, the slick feel and musky taste of semen was very evident.
She broke off the kiss and laughed, looking at the stunned expression on my face. "Well Kevvy, time's up! That was a nice appetizer, but now you have to decide on a main course." When I continued to hesitate, she frowned.
I shrugged and managed a weak "I dunno, what do you want to do?", a question to which I was sure I already knew the answer.
"Well, let's see - I could suck him off, just a simple little blowjob." She looked up at him. "I think we all know that wouldn't take very long." He laughed good-naturedly as she slowly stroked him.
"Or, since I have no panties on anyway, it would be very easy to just do the deed." She reached down and pressed my hand tightly against her soft wetness. "As you can tell, I'm extremely ready to go!" I slid my middle finger back inside of her and felt her squeeze it, and was suddenly aware of my still-hard penis sticking out my open fly, twitching and bobbing at the evidence of her desire.
She went on. "Or, we could see if we can just jam this big thing back into his pants and get back to the party."
I snickered, I couldn't help it, when Paul quickly objected. "Hey! I vote for either A or B, but I'm fully against that whole 'jamming it back in his pants' idea!"
Stef giggled. "I told you, you don't get a vote! Only Kevin does, although I will say that I'm not that crazy about that last one either. I suppose I could just jerk him off, that would be another possible solution. Or you could!" She grabbed my hand with both of hers and brought it up to his hard cock, opening my fingers and placing my hand on him, wrapping both of her hands over mine and slowly moving my hand on his thick shaft. I had passively allowed her to do it, and didn't resist now, even if I didn't necessarily take an active role in stroking him. I couldn't help but marvel at the feel of his cock, warm and thick in my hand, and at the feel of the skin, soft and supple over the hardness beneath. Unlike Stef, my fingers just barely met around him, my hands slightly larger than hers, and I realized how utterly foreign this felt, so very different from the familiar feel of my fist wrapped fully around my own slender cock.
Steffany slowly dropped her hands away, and I continued to hold his cock, slowly stroking him, rather enjoying the arousing heft of it! I looked up at him, and he shrugged. "Hey dude, any port in a storm, ya know what I mean? Just for the record, this would be my next-to-last choice, but hey, you know - better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, right?"
Stef laughed. "You guys are always such macho cowards! Paul, if you closed your eyes Kevin could suck your dick and you'd never know the difference."
I looked at her in alarm. "No, Kevin couldn't! I'm not ready for that yet!" As soon as I added the word 'yet', I realized that I should have just said 'no, I don't care to do that', but it was too late. They had both heard me, and they both knew what it meant.
Steffany smiled and patted my arm. "OK, we won't rush you." She rolled one of the dark brown leather chairs from the conference table behind Paul, and after loosening his belt and button and dropping his pants (and his silly black thong) to mid-thigh, gently pushed him back into it. I followed, on my knees, still gripping and stroking his impressive organ as he sat down, leaving me kneeling in front of them.
Steffany swung her leg over his, carefully avoiding putting her high heel into my eye or ear, and stood over his legs, facing me. When she used her hands to pull her dress up around her middle, exposing her aroused sex, and then moved back over him so that the tip of his cock was nudging at her pussy, I realized that she had taken the decision out of my hands. Strangely, I felt only relief, and I watched as the tip of him became slick and wet with their combined fluids.
My relief was short-lived however, as she burst my bubble. "Well Kevin, what will it be? You hold the key - will you guide it in, or not?"
Paul leaned around her and looked at me. "Yeah, what do you say little guy, is it my mission to boldly go where no husband has gone before?" I winced, but felt the little thrill go through me, just as it had the first time he'd cracked wise about my diminutive manhood.
I'd somewhat forgotten what a clown Paul could be, but now it was coming back to me in power, along with the recollection that the reamister Paul had been so much a favorite of everyone was that he never took anything too seriously. To him, everything was a joke, a chance to laugh and have fun, and to the extent that he took shots and dished out use to one and all, he was that rare breed that could also take it, never becoming insulted or taking umbrage when he was the butt of the joke. In fact, his gags were often at his own expense, his self-deprecating humor endearing him to all of his friends, almost making up for the times he'd barfed in someone else's car.
He continued to look at me, as did Stef, and I muttered "At least I don't have to walk bow-legged so that my balls will fit between my legs."
Stef giggled, and Paul guffawed. "Yeah, the worst thing is the way that makes my shoes wear out so fast!"
I shook my head, and looked up at my wife. "Stef, are you sure?"
She shrugged. "Are you?"
Paul spoke from behind her. "I am!"
It seemed to click in my head, and, the decision made, I moved his cock so that the tip of it parted her swollen lips. I moved him back and forth against her tender, inflamed sex, bumping the tip across her erect clitoris, enjoying the sound of her soft gasp of pleasure. With him now wet and slick I held him at her opening, lined up with her, and she slowly lowered herself down onto him.
I was pulling downward on his shaft, holding his foreskin pulled back so that the slick, plum-colored - and plum-sized - head of his cock was fully exposed. Her labia pushed a large smear of clear pre-cum from his opening as she pushed down onto him, and I heard her exclamation as the fat head of his cock slipped past her tight opening. "Oh my god, ohhh god that feels so good!"
I heard the breath escape from Paul in a long, low grunt as well, as Steffany's soft velvet sleeve enfolded him, and I glanced up at him, able to see only his hands and forearms above his waist, the rest blocked from my view by Steffany's body. I was surprised to see him gripping the arms of the chair tightly, his knuckles whitening further as Stef slid onto him, taking him deep inside of her. He had seemed so relaxed and at ease with it, but he sure had a death grip on that chair!
I watched in amazement as his enormous cock slowly disappeared into Steffany, expecting her to stop and raise back up any second, but she didn't! She just continued to slowly take him until he was fully inside of her, her pink, widespread lips pressed to his bulging balls, and I realized he had been absolutely right. He was definitely going where I had never gone before!
When he was fully encased in her vagina, she leaned forward, putting her hands on his thighs and letting her chin rest on her chest, her long, dark hair hanging around her face. She rocked on him for a moment, keeping him deep, enjoying the way he touched all those places so far inside of her, and she came. "Uunnnhh oh god, ohgod oohhh, ohhh, yesyes, yes, ohhh, fuck yes!"
She stayed like that for several seconds after her orgasm, head down and shuddering with the aftershocks, then suddenly threw her hair back and looked at me. "Whew! It seeems I was very ready for that - usually it's you that comes that fast!"
I heard Paul chuckle as she smiled innocently at me. "Kevvy, help me open my dress, OK?"
It took me a second to remember that it wrapped around her and tied in the back, but when I did I stood and stepped forward, reaching around her and fumbling at the bow. I felt Paul's hand helping me, and soon I pulled the long wrap belt forward and spread the front of her dress wide open, looking down at her breasts spilling out above her tight bra. My eyes continued to follow the line of her flat stomach, stopping only when they found her dark pubic patch, which from this angle looked to be pressed tightly to his heavy scrotum.
She glanced down at herself and I realized that she wanted me to unhook her bra, so I did, reaching to the center clasp between her breasts and separating it. As I pulled it open, freeing her ample breasts, his arms came around her from behind, first finding and squeezing her large globes, then tugging at her hard nipples with his fingers. As he fondled her, she began to move on him, rising up and then lowering herself back down, and soon she came again, holding herself fully impaled on his thick member as her orgasm rocked through her.
It was a good one, a big one, as she calls it, and it left her limp and gasping. I stood helplessly and uselessly in front of them, watching her reach heights of passion with him inside of her that she never reached with me, or at least not with my cock. I knew I could do this - or something similar - to her with my tongue, but that was small comfort. My little cock seemed to be in denial however, as it still stuck out proudly over her, rigid with arousal, as if it could be of some use.
When Steffany opened her eyes they were looking right at my stiff little fellow, and she giggled breathlessly. "Look at you Kevin, I think you might be enjoying this almost as much as I am!"
From behind her, Paul said "Me too!", and she laughed again. Then she reached out and touched me, taking my cock between her thumb and forefinger and stroking it, and suddenly I groaned and came again, spurting out a thin jet of cum onto her tummy, and then another, and then, to my surprise, a third, and I watched as it diminished to a small dribble, and my pearly white offering began to slide down her stomach, leaking slowly toward that dark little fur patch where she and Paul were joined.
Posts: 1975
Thank you again!
Posts: 4050
Very hot, you are a master of cuckold erotica.
Posts: 44
nice one stormy i can see why my wife speaks so highly of your writing s*******s excellent story thank you for your terrific contributions to this site cheers niftys hubby "men in general judge more from appearances than from reality.All men have eyes,but few have the gift of penetration." Niccolo Machiavelli
Posts: 3581
Stormy: All I can say is....... Hot-n-Sexy!!! Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 1459
#282 · Edited by: stormydog
Randy, GH, and C-4-1. thanks very much!
duufus, thanks for the kind words, so glad your wife enjoys the story! Nice to hear once in a while how women view things. I hope she finds it, ahem...inspirational! It seems many of the guys do. Her and sallyann, and just a couple of others, are the only women (that I'm aware of) brave enough to comment!
Thanks jeb, glad you joined us before things wrapped up! _____________________________________________________________________
Stef looked down at my little spill, and then up at me. "Oh Kevin, again so soon?" She was trying to act like she was disappointed, or maybe disgusted, but she couldn't keep a straight face. When the suppressed giggles escaped, Paul leaned past her shoulder and looked at me.
"Hey, laughing is not the appropriate response! What the hell are you two doing?"
Stef contnued to meet my eyes as she answered him. "Oh, nothing - it's just that Kev popped his cork again already. I guess he really likes seeing you make me come on your big cock!"
He leaned out again and looked at me. "Already? Nice!! I wish I could come that close together."
Stef snorted. "Why in the world would you want to do that?"
He looked at the side of her face like she was crazy. "Duh! Because it feels so damn good, the same reamister you do it."
She looked surprised. "Oh, well...I guess that makes sense. But then you guys have to have all that down time."
He replied "Well, yeah, thats' what I'm sayin'..." As they spoke, his thick cock continued to piston in and out of her, partly propelled by her motions as she rode him, and partly by his own as he thrust his hips up to meet her on her downstroke. It was a little surreal to stand and watch my semen run down my wife's stomach as his cock was plunging into her, all while they calmly discussed the biomechanics of sex.
My dick was shrinking rapidly as it finally began to go limp, and I saw Stef look at it and smile. I knew that when it fully deflated and reached its normal little two inch flaccid state it would make an even more pitiful comparimister to what she could feel moving inside of her, and without thinking what I was doing I crossed my hands in front of me, covering up.
She saw me do it, and looked up at me, shaking her head. As her grin widened she grabbed Paul's right hand, removing it from her breast, and slid it down her stomach until his fingers came into contact with the streak of cum I had left on her. His fingers played in the slippery wetness for a moment, until it seemd to dawn on him what it was, and he suddenly tried to jerk his hand away. Stef, holding onto it, instead guided it back to her jutting nipple.
He quickly realized what she had done, and began to pinch and tug at her nipple with his cum-covered fingers, reaching his other hand down to wet those fingers in the same way. Soon he had smeared my semen all over her stomach, and was actively and thoroughly coating both nipples as well, rolling them between his cum-slick fingers and pulling at them. It was obvious that Stef was thoroughly enjoying it, her nipples as rigid as I'd ever seen them, and her breathing became more rapid and labored as her arousal quickened.
Forgetting the shame of my incredible shrinking dick - and not wanting to feel like a total bystander - I dropped to my knees in front of them, and tugged Paul's pants (and his dopey thong) down from his knees to his ankles, then pushed his legs apart and moved so that I was kneeling between them. I stared for a moment at his thick cock as it moved into my wife, slick with her secretions, then gently laid two fngers on it, along the ridge on the underside of his organ. It was hard, and hot, but the surface, the skin, felt unusually soft and slippery. It was a very strange feeling to do that.
I shook my head to clear it, then moved my hands to my wife's thighs as I leaned up over her to do what I had gotten down here for. Thankful that she remained in the revese-cowgirl position, I bent forward and began to lap up the cum I had squirted onto her ribs and stomach! I avidly chased it all down, and when I moved up to lick off the portion he had smeared on her nipples he obligingly moved his hands and let me get at it.
He laughed. "That's it Kevin, you go get 'em bud! Fuck, I never saw nothin' like that before, that's wild. You're one crazy ladyfucker!" He squeezed her tits and held them up and out, moving her sticky nipples against my lips as her moans deepened.
It was apparent that Paul was a true libertine, willing - perhaps eager - to go along with almost anything if it felt good. It kind of fit, with his takeing, lack of seriousness, and total devil-may-care approach to life. If Stef had had to pick someone for us to have this experience with, it seemed she had chosen well. He appeared to be open to almost anything, and, while he had taken a few gentle, playful shots at my boyish endowment, he had been neither cruel nor domineering.
Her hard nipples slick and clean, I slowly moved back down her stomach, kissing and licking, to where a small amount of my semen had trickled into her tight dark curls. I got it, as best I could, plus the slick wetness in the crease between her groin and thigh. Yup, that was mine too!
I pulled back a few inches and looked at them, admiring the view. Her pink, puffy lips were spread open wide, his thick cock spreading them as it plunged between, glistening with her arousal. She was so horny, producing so much lubrication, that it had actually formed a small rivulet which trickled down onto his massive balls. As if it was needed, her jutting clit, poking out from beneath its fleshy pink hood, provided further proof of her arousal; unable to stop myself, I leaned forward and lapped at it, sucking it between my lips.
Steffany arched her back, rising up off of him, and cried out as she came, clutching at my hair and holding my face to them, bucking against us. It was a joint effort, his cock stretching her open and pushing deep inside of her and my tongue thrashing at her clit, and she had a very abrupt, and very earth-shattering orgasm!
She rode through it, her body spasming with pleasure, her eyes tightly closed, and as her cries of passion gradually tapered off, I was thankful to still hear the music playing loudly in the banquet hall. Still, if anyone had been near the door they would have known that the woman inside was enjoying an intense sexual romp - or possibly being *******ed. I'm thinking her cries could have been interpreted either way.
Posts: 29
Hot Stuff Well done Stormy
Posts: 108
this should be turned into a film,it would be the best film of its kind as long as it was well acted. Great writing stormydog everything in life is free
Posts: 126
I agree- I know some people in the biz- lets make a movie!!
Posts: 1459
Nifty, thanks. I appreciate your support and comments, glad it appeals to you.
Hey mace and lkit, go for it! I'll make myself available as an on-set consultant, for a nominal fee. And no, I'm not talking about all the free cum I can lap up! I would, however, insist on sitting in on the auditions... ______________________________________________________________________ _________
Although Steffany's grip on my hair gradually relaxed I did not move away, instead continuing to gently caress her slick and feverish sex with my tongue, flattening it and lapping at her folds rather than tormenting her sensitive clit as I had been. I was aware of Paul's cock bumping my chin as he thrust into her, his ballsack hitting me when he was in her hilt-deep, and of the ridge on the underside of him sliding along the bottom of my lower lip.
This was so close to the things in my fantasies, the things I'd read about online and seen in various pictures and videos that I'd sought out, that I almost felt like I was in one of those, and that none of this was real. It was, though, because the scent and taste of Stef was entirely too real, as were the sounds she'd made - indeed, continued to make, albeit at a lower volume. It was a queer, disembodied feeling, like I was above the scene, looking down at it, not involved.
I don't know why I did it, but I felt compelled to, and so, with butterflies in my stomach, I moved slowly down on her until my tongue teased at the tight edges of her opening, and then until I was touching the underside of his thick, thrusting penis. It momentarily struck me as entirely incongruous that he tasted just like Stef! I know - duh, right? What was I expecting? But that obvious nugget didn't hit me, not right at first.
When neither of them objected - hell, I'm not even sure they knew I was in the room anymore - I let myself lick at his hard shaft, and allowed my tongue to trace the tiny trickle of Stef's arousal that had seeped down onto his scrotum. As I moved back up, my wet tongue laving his cock, I felt it harden, and spasm, and he groaned.
"Uunnnghh, ohhh fuck, I never could hold off with you, that pussy is just too hot! Ohhhh goddamn!" His cock bucked against my tongue, once, and then again, and then Stef pushed my head out of the way so that she could grab his balls. Which she did, with a vengeance, squeezing and crushing as I watched the base of his fully inserted cock swell and spasm, knowing that each spasm was another spurt of his thick cum entering Stef, squirting deeply inside of her! When she released her death grip on him, the muscles and tendons in his groin pulled his balls up tightly to his cock, one big egg-sized testicle on each side of it like outriggers as they emptied into her.
My body was shaking with tension and arousal, the words he'd uttered as he came replaying thmselves in my head, reminding me that this was not the first time that he and my wife had shared this experience - although she had not been my wife on any previous occasions. Now she was, and my arousal was tempered by a deep ache, a strange, overwhelming loneliness, and yes, fear. Fear that we'd gone too far, that there could be no turning back; fear that she'd found something, or someone, that she loved more than me; fear that, in pursuit of a sexual thrill, a little perverted sexual gratification, I might have destroyed a life with which I'd actually been very happy.
During that moment, as those thoughts blasted through my head - and my heart, which had been pounding in my chest with excitement and arousal, gradually turned into a cold lead weight - I continued to look at them, at where their bodies were joined, at her sweet little pussy tightly gripping his thick cock. I watched, unable to look away as he took a couple of slow, post-ejaculatory thrusts into her, and when a thick bolus of gleaming white cream oozed out of my wife and began to slide down his cock I leaned forward to lick it up. According to everything I'd seen and read, that was my job, right?
Plus, a part of me really wanted to, because I'd seen how much Stef got off when I went down on her after I'd come in her, and again last night after her stripper had, and I loved that, loved bringing her such pleasure. Right now, at that moment, I needed to know that I could still do that, could still make her body throb and hum, and so I would clean her - both of them, if need be - and I'd make her happy, and make her come yet again, as only I could.
To my surprise she stopped me, putting her fingers against my forehead and pushing me away. When I looked up at her, she gave me a small frown and an almost imperceptible shake of her head. For whatever reamister, she did not want me to do what I had intended to. I rose to my feet as they continued to move together, small, gentle movements, a little post-coital rubbing of their tender and recently satiated sexual bits. It looked very enjoyable, and I felt a flare of intense jealousy of this moment of post-bliss intimacy, something that had just been denied to me.
When his softening cock inevitably slipped out of her, it was followed by a sudden gout of creamy white semen, and Stef quickly scramred off of him, pulling her dress up out of the way to avoid messing it. A thin strand of cum fell onto the inside of her left leg, glistening against her taupe stocking, and when he pulled out a handkerchief to clean himself she snatched it away and dabbed at her leg before handing it back to him.
As he wrapped it around his long, thick, semi-flaccid organ and began to dry their combined fluids off of him, she turned to me. "Did you remember to bring my panties?"
I nodded and pulled the tiny garment from my pocket, holding it out to her. As she took them from me a thought occurred, and I reached in my back pocket and pulled out my own handkerchief, offering it to her. "Do you want to clean up a little first?"
She looked at it, and then at me, and smiled. "Thanks, you're such a gentleman!" As she took it, she glanced down, and I realized that my penis - once again rigidly erect - was still sticking out of my pants. Her smile widened. "Wow Kev, amazing!"
Paul looked up when he heard her, and he too grinned. "Can't keep a good man down, right? I am seriously impressed buddy, you are one horny little bastard!"
I blushed deeply as I tucked my little guy away and zipped up, but I was pleased (and surprised!) at my resiliency - and that they'd noticed!
Stef handed my hankie back to me, wet and wadded, and I grimaced as I took it. Odd that I'd been ready to lick up the same thing that now made me grimace just to touch it - but this was different. I tucked it back into my rear pocket, and felt the wetness begin to seep through onto my ass as I watched Steffany step gingerly into her tiny panties, careful to guide them over her shoes, and then raise her dress as she pulled them up and into place. Next she tugged her bra down and got her gorgeous breasts settled into position before asking me to hook her. Once I had, she turned to face him just as he rose to his feet and bent to pull his pants up. Her dress still hung open in the front.
"Thanks Paul, that was fun! I had kind of forgotten what a nice cock you have - until I felt it out there on the dance floor. Vey subtle!"
He laughed. "Hey, it works every time! We just uses what tools we haveses, right Kev?"
I nodded, as if I knew anything about it. I watched her eyes drop to his dangling organ, his foreskin back in position, his cock still impressively long and thick in its flacccid state, and she bent to kiss it, raising it to her lips and running her tongue over him. "Mmmm - you're still a little sticky. Tasty though!" and she pulled back his hood and sucked the head of his cock into her mouth tasting the two of them, and cleaning the last trace of stickiness from him. When she let him slip from her lips she patted it gently, then pulled his stupid thong up and reached inside, arranging him within the thin nylon pouch before snapping the elastic around his hips. She cupped him. "There, all set. Very nice package, my friend!"
He grinned. "Thanks. It's the man-panties, they make everything look bigger than it really is."
I muttered "That's a frightening thought!", and they both laughed.
As he zipped up and fastened his belt, he looked at us. "So is this something you two do often?"
Stef looked at me, so I answered. "No, first time. We'd sort of talked about it..." As I trailed off, he looked surprised.
"Really? Wow, pretty bold to do it at a wedding!" He laughed. "I used to have two other couples that I played with sometimes, both of them were into it. One couple was really into the whole menage a trois thing, her taking on both of us. The other was more like you two." He paused and looked at me "Do you suck cock?"
I was shocked, and I felt myself flush red. "No! I've never tried that. We just told you it was our first time!"
"Oh yeah! Duh! Hey, don't get all riled up, my mistake." He looked at Stef, then at me. "That guy did, ol' Phil, and let me tell ya, he was damn good at it! Better than her, actually. It was fun - but they moved away, job change. The other couple just quit, got out of the lifestyle. Went into marriage counseling or something, totally screwed up a good time."
I laughed. "You really haven't changed much since college. You still say all kinds of crazy stuff."
He grinned. "Hey, I took a vow to never grow up - doin' pretty good on that so far!" He gave Stef a hug and a kiss, then gave me a squeeze around my shoulders before crossing to the door. "That was great, we should do it again sometime." When we both just stared at him, he shrugged. "Hey, call me - I'm in the book. You kids be good!" and with that he was gone, back to rejoin the party and prey on some other poor, unsuspecting people that had no idea what was about to hit them.
Posts: 1459
Stef wrapped her dress back around her body and then turned her back to me. "Kevin, will you please re-tie me? Like you did before, that was perfect."
I took the hanging strap and the one she passed me and overlapped them, trying to remember how I had done it earlier in the day. As I fumred with them she said "So was it everything you'd always imagined? Did you enjoy that?"
Noticing how she'd waited until she was not facing me to ask me that, I didn't answer right away. Not sure what answer to give - or if I even had one - I focused instead on getting her tied correctly. She noticed my silence. "Kev, did you hear me?"
"I heard you."
She glanced quickly over her shoulder, then away. "And so?"
"I don't know Stef. I guess it was all I thought it would be - and less."
Now she was the one that had gone silent. I finished tying her, and touched her shoulder. "You're all set. Good as new."
She turned slowly, and gave me an odd look. We just searched each others eyes for a moment or two, me noticing for the thousandth time the gold in hers before she dropped them, looking down at the floor, and I was left looking at her long, dark lashes. Her voice was barely above a whisper. "Was I wong Kevin? Did I fuck up again?"
I touched her cheek, then lowered my hand. "You did exactly what I told you I wanted you to do. It wasn't you that fucked up."
"Oh. But we did manage to fuck up, is that it?"
I was quiet until she looked at me, and then I shrugged. "The jury is still out on that."
"Oh. Well, you can't say you weren't aroused."
I sighed. "No. No, I sure can't say that. Neither can you."
Her head snapped up, and her eyes flashed dangerously. "Is that it? Your feelings are bruised because I enjoyed it, because I got turned on and had an orgasm with him?"
"Several, actually." Her eyes sparked again, and I held up my hand in surrender, sighing again. "No Stef, that's not it. Hell, if you hadn't enjoyed yourself I'd feel like an even bigger cuckolds brownie than I do now! Look, I'm glad you enjoyed it, it's supposed to feel good and all, but..." I trailed off, and we just looked at each other, both of us miserable. For one of the few times in our life together we were left not knowing what to say to each other, how to make things right. How to ease the other's pain. I looked away first. "We should get back to the party."
She nodded, her eyes liquid, like she might cry at any moment, and turned toward the door. Even as she moved away from me the emotional gulf separating us remained wider than the physical one. "Stef..." She stopped, but didn't turn around.
"Stef, why did you stop me?"
She turned then, and looked at me, her expression puzzled, as if baffled by my question. "When I tried to do you, to go down on you right after you both came, you stopped me - why?"
She frowned. "Well...I didn't want you to feel like you needed to do that. It seemed..." she looked away for a second, then back at me " seemed like it would be too humiliating to ask you to do that. I didn't want you to feel humiliated in front of him. Not you Kev, and not in front of Paul, of all people! I love you too much to let that happen."
I had not considered that. It was tough to imagine feeling humiliated in front of Paul, not after he way we'd seen him stumbling takes, back in college, falling over things and down stairs, puking in peoples cars...once he'd even fallen arelax on the front lawn at his apartment and slept right through the sprinklers coming on! Hell, I had even once helped drag him into the elevator and up to his apartment after a night out, me, Stef, and another couple that refused to leave him on the sidewalk. We'd left him on the bedroom floor, but still, that was an improvement! It was difficult to think that I could humiliate myself in front of that Paul, but I could see that she was right.
"Oh. Well then, thanks, I guess. But it wasn't about that, I wasn't concerned with that!" I stopped, but she just watched me, waiting. "It was about you Stef, just about you. He made you come so good, and I wanted to prove I could do the same."
"I already know you can Kevin. Nobody can make me feel as good as you do."
A warm feeling suffused me at her words, but it still felt like she wasn't seeing my point. "Yeah, you know - but he doesn't!"
"So that's it, your delicate male ego? You had to prove something to him?"
I shook my head, then stood there silent for several seconds. "No. I had to prove something to me."
The tears that had threatened earlier spilled over then, one on each side, and slid down her beautiful face. She turned and pulled the door open, then turned back and held out her hand to me. "Come on, dance with me."
So I did.
Posts: 29
Posts: 1914
Stormy, I hate to give you more reamisters for not getting back to the boat, but this here story is actually really rather good.
Posts: 4050
A very nice scene at the end. I am eager to see how this plays out.
Posts: 126
Not much left to say....tonight lets go with WOW and THANK YOU for the 100th time!! You are taking the reader on such a great ride. Cant wait to read whatever comes next......wonder if Cheryl waited 
baron ochs
Posts: 89
It just gets better and better! Thank you again Stormy.
Posts: 3581
Stormy: That was one hell of a hot segment! Filled with so much detail...... I could almost taste his pussy flavored cock and feel those heavy balls slapping my head.  GREAT story!!! Once again...... Thank You! Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 1459
#294 · Edited by: stormydog
Nifty, peak, GH, lkit, and baron, thanks for commenting! Glad to have you along for the ride. C-4-1, only almost?? I was going for you actually getting the real feel!  Thanks for dropping a line! ______________________________________________________________________ _____ We walked out there together, and we danced. People - rude, judgmental people - continued to stare and whisper, but we ignored them. Having Stef in my arms, even though I'm not much of a dancer, made the world a better place for me, and when some clown tried to cut in - no doubt one of the fans of her new notoriety - and I almost automatically moved back to let him, Stef said no. Actually, what she said was "No, go away. I'm dancing with my lover." We talked as we danced, nothing major, just husband and wife stuff. She made me realize that, despite everything, she was still the girl that had stolen my heart the first time I ever laid eyes on her, still the woman that filled my world and made it a warm and wonderful place. The simple fact that she had had sex with another man - OK, a couple of other men - had not changed her. It had just been an exciting and enjoyable experience for her. Well, and for me too, I guess, although for me it was accompanied by considerably more angst. But I deserved that. At one point Katherine and Dave joined us on the dance floor, and we swapped partners for a dance. I marvelled at how different the two women felt in my arms, Stef shorter, smaller, busty and voluptuous, soft and delicate, Katie long and lean, her breasts smaller, her body hard and athletic feeling, all taut muscle and feline grace. So different, yet both so sexy, and sexual. Plus they both smelled great, although Stef had an overlay of recent sex, of rutting and lust. I wondered if Dave had noticed it yet. Katie was stunning in her white gown, but then Katie is a pretty stunning woman at any time, and when I became aroused by her hard body moving against me I heard her laugh softly near my ear. We were about the same height, her actually slightly taller in her heels, so her mouth was right at my ear. Accordingly, she was able to speak very quietly and still make herself heard above the music. "Is that a roll of dimes in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?" I laughed. "If those are the only two options, it must be dimes." She laughed delightedly. "Kevin, you're so much fun to tease! So many guys get offended, or they're too dumb or too macho to play. I wondered when Steffany married you, but it seems she did pretty good for herself." I was surprised that she had gone back to being nice. "Thanks Katie, I think Dave found himself a pretty great lady too, not to mention a gorgeous and sexy one - although if you repeat that, as before, I'll deny it." She smiled, but her voice became serious. "Are you and her all right?" "You mean because of the video?" "Ah, so you do know about that! I didn't want to mention it, just in case." "I appreciate that. I'm aware of it - apparently everyone is. Haven't seen but a few seconds, but I know what happened. We'll be OK, I think." She held me tighter, and nestled her face against my neck and shoulder. "Mmm, I hope so. You're good together. You've been good for Stef, she needed a stable influence. If I knew who did that, I'd kick some serious ass." The image of her kicking ass was not hard to conjure, but her non sequitur threw me for a second. "The video?" I felt her nod against me. "Uh-huh. There was no cause for that. It was mean and cruel. Some asshole..." I cut her off. "Katie, video or not, it doesn't change the fact that it happened. I mean, the fact that someone took pictures is less important than the whole idea that it happened, don't you think?" "I guess that's true. She didn't want to hurt you, you know. When she takes too much she kind of loses her way. It was always like that." "You and her both, I guess." She pulled back and looked at me, her face serious, then put it back on my shoulder. "But I can handle it - and so can David, we know how we are. Not like you and Steffany." We danced quietly for a while, maybe twenty or thirty seconds, both of us lost in thought. Finally, I broke the silence. "This may come as a shock to you - or maybe not, Stef might have mentioned it - but I'm not necessarily the world's greatest lover." "Actually, she says you are." She pressed herself against me, rubbing against my diminutive erection. "I can't claim to understand it, but she assures me she's serious." I smiled. Stef would say something like that. "Well, it may be small, but it's fast!" She laughed again. Katie has a nice laugh, quick and easy. Not unlike Katie herself, now that I think about it. She pulled back and looked at me again. "I don't think it was about that. You know, Kevin, not having a giant male ego that a woman has to tiptoe around is really kind of sexy." "I guess I really don't have a giant male anything." She grinned and shook her head as she put it back on my shoulder, the tune we were dancing to beginning to wind down. I said "I know who did it." It was her turn to be confused. "What? The video?" I nodded. "Well, actually I have no idea who shot it. I know who made it public." The music ended, and we released each other but stood very close together, Katie staring into my face, her stunning ice blue eyes freezing me to the spot. "Who?" It was more demand than request. "Um, it doesn't matter." Stef and Dave joined us, and we stood there, a clump of four in the middle of the dance floor as the next tune started and people began to move around us. Katherine wasted no time telling them that I knew who had outed the video. Dave looked down at Stef and raised his eyebrows, a small smile passing over his lips before he hid his amusement. He looked at me. "So did you punch anyone yet?" "No. I mean no! She's sorry she did it, she realizes she screwed up. It was a momentary anger thing, and by then it was too late." Dave shook his head. "Dumb! People don't think things through, who they might hurt - it's just dumb." He shook his head again. "C'mon wife, we need to mingle and make nice, pretend we're happy to see all these strange people." He laughed to ease the comment, then looked at us - particularly at Steffany! "We'll have to get together when we get back from our honeymoon. Virgin Islands!" I pretended shock. "Really? They'll let you bring Katie to the Virgin Islands? I'm stunned!" She stuck out her tongue at me as Dave roared with laughter. "Yeah, go figure, right? Hey babe, do you suppose the healing waters can restore your virginity?" She gave him a teasing, sexy smile. "Careful stud, or you won't be the one to find out! They do have all those handsome, muscular, black cabana boys there, right? Who needs a little wimpy white boy with all that dark meat around?" He laughed and smacked her on the ass as she tucked it in and scooted away from him, and he followed, leaving me and Stef alone together, so I took her in my arms and we began to dance again. She had something on her mind. "So who was it Kevin?" "Someone you know. She was mad at you, but we talked. She's had a change of heart." "Who?" "You'll get to meet her. I think she wants to apologize to you. She was afraid to before." "You're not going to tell me, are you?" "It will be better if she does. Trust me." She was quiet for awhile then, pondering that. When she did speak again it was to say "We'll have to leave pretty soon." I looked at her. "What?" "I said, we need to leave pretty soon." "That's what I thought you said. Why?" She looked at me, frowning slightly, as if wondering whether she should explain. Before she spoke she put her head against me again, so that we weren't looking at each other. "I can't sit down Kevin. If I do, I'll have a big wet spot on the back of my dress. My panties are soaked, totally saturated. Paul always was a very heavy cummer."
Posts: 32
So, did she say it on purpose to fire him up again, or just one of those absent minded things she'll learn to use in the future? IF my wife said it, it would sure bring me to attention!
Posts: 26
Stormy, Great story! I check daily for updates, just keep it going. I'm glad you eased up a little on Kevin. You bring the characters to life. I really appreciate your efforts. jj.
Posts: 4050
An excellent segment, well conceived and well executed.
thank you
Posts: 3581
stormydog: My panties are soaked, totally saturated. Paul always was a very heavy cummer." See....... if Stef would have left him "clean-up" when he wanted to.... they could have stayed longer! Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 175
Stormy, Haven't commented lately but still reading your tale with much interest. Great Story.
Regards A. Smith
Posts: 877
Stormy, more great writing, thanks for your efforts.