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After The Party

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Posts: 1459
#1 · Edited by: stormydog
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This is designed to be a fairly short story. My plan had been to wait and write this after completing Unwitting, but it seems that day may never come, so I decided to take a short break and get this done. The story is fictional, but like most fictional stories there are a few nuggets of truth. I'll leave it up to your imagination to determine what they might be - and I hope you enjoy it.
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It first began when we found out that her friend KatienotKathy was getting married. Actually, that's not entirely true. It really first began when Stef and I sat across from each other in a chemistry lab in our junior year of college. Before that I'd seen her, occasionally, around campus, and I thought she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen.

She was petite, not more than five foot three, with long, dark hair and flawless, perfect skin of pale, almost transparent ivory, like a porcelain doll. Her eyes were large and dark, beneath long, soft lashes, but of course I never got close enough to see what color they actually were. From afar I was able to admire her figure, which, though petite, was curved in all the right places. She seemed kind of busty, but that was mostly due to her small frame and her narrow waist, and although she flared out nicely at the hips, and had perfectly shaped legs, it was her breasts that guys would comment on when she walked by.

I desperately wanted to ask her out, or even if I could buy her a cup of coffee, but knew that my tongue-tied, clumsy shyness would never allow me to do so. I didn't even know how to approach her; and so, for a full year after the first time I saw her I could only admire her from a distance, and fantasize that maybe someday I might get to know her better. But I knew, without a doubt, that she was way out of my league. Knowing this, you can maybe imagine how stunned I was when she first perched her incredible little bottom on the stool across from me in organic chemistry lab!

I know I stared at her, and maybe my mouth was even hanging open, because when she first looked across the table at me she seemed startled, and faltered for a moment, then turned on a million watt smile, showing perfect white teeth. "Hi!"

"Umm, hi." I continued to stare, I couldn't help it. My curiosity about the color of her eyes had finally been answered, but I think my staring was making her uncomfortable.

"Is something wrong?"

I shook my head. "No. No, I mean, it's just, like gold..."

"What is?" She was completely perplexed.

"Your eyes, they have these flecks of gold, almost sparkly..." She laughed, a clear, crystalline sound, and I felt myself blush from head to toe, the heat radiating from me threatening to ignite the various chemicals on our bench. "I'm sorry, it's have very beautiful eyes" I finished weakly. She did have incredible eyes, it was not just a cheap line. Her irises were a dark chestnut brown, almost dark enough to hide her pupils were it not for the sparkling flecks of gold. Also they were very warm and friendly, an open book to her emotions - and at the moment they seemed quite amused.

"Thank you, that's a very nice thing to say! I'm Steffany - with two f's, not ph."

"Hi Steffany." I glanced away, uncomfortable, not knowing what to say next after my ever-so-graceful beginning.

"Are you planning to tell me your name?"

That would have been a good opening gambit - I should have thought of that! "Oh, sure! I'm Kevin - with a v, not...well, I guess there really is no other spelling for Kevin." Jeez I was an idiot - I should have known better than to try to be clever!

She laughed again, a sound I knew I could become addicted to. "You're cute, Kevin! Should we be lab partners this semester? Are you good at chemistry?"

"YES! I mean, yes, we should be lab partners." I hoped I hadn't seemed too eager at first. "And also yes, I guess I'm pretty good at chemistry. It's organic, you know - you just have to know and understand your carbon based molecules. It's pretty easy."

She smiled. "Easy, huh? It looks like I picked the right partner!"

It grew from there, even to the point where I could finally relax and enjoy her company. She turned out to be very sweet and easy to be around, not at all the haughty beauty that I'd been so afraid to talk to! We didn't see each other a lot outside of class, although we did have lunch together occasionally. She dated some, of course - a lot of guys approached her, and she would accept from time to time though she never seemed to date any one guy steadily - but mostly she was involved with her sorority.

I met a lot of her sorority sisters eventually. They were a fun-loving lot, known more for being the female version of the frat party house than for any serious scholastic or athletic acheivements or community involvement. And that's where KatienotKathy comes in.

Walking on campus one warm spring afternoon in our junior year, I crossed paths with Stef and one of her sisters, a tall, pretty, willowy blond with a quick smile and a playful attitude. I had seen her around, but we had never actually met, and Stef called me over. "Kevin! Come here for a minute!" When I crossed to them, Stef made the introductions. "Kev, this is Katherine - Katherine, my friend Kevin. He's a science whiz."

I blushed, but smiled at her. "Hi Katherine. Is it Kathy?"

She shook her head. "No, it's Katherine. If you feel you must shorten it, it's Katie, not Kathy." And so, obviously, that's how KatienotKathy came to be. Despite her attitude about her name - my version of which drove her absolutely crazy - she was really a fun girl. And a total slut. It turned out she wasn't looking for Mr. Right, like some of the girls were. She was merely looking for Mr. Willing - and with her looks, she found out that a lot of guys would change their name to Willing to have a shot at her.

Which is why, when we got the invitation to her wedding some eight years later, we were shocked! Stef had stayed loosely in touch with her, although they hadn't gotten together in years, but we had always assumed that her future would be one of three things: 1) Get knocked up, have a litter of kids out of wedlock, lose her looks and get old; or 2) Find some transient loser that would spend a wild night with her before *******ing her and moving on; or 3)Get a bunch of STD's and die from that - or, at a minimum, be sick, lose her looks and get old.

Turns out we were wrong - she had matured a little, settled down, and was now going to finally tie the knot - oh, and from the picture that came with the invite, she had not lost her looks at all!

Oh wait, I forgot the best part! Stef and I had gotten married, right after college! She had been powerd to walk me through it, basically inviting herself out with me on our first real date because I was too afraid of rejection to ask her myself. We had been friends first, for some time before that first real date, and I had gone out with her and some of her other friends occasionally for beers. After that first actual date I had found the courage to kiss her goodnight at the end of that evening, but she was the one that turned my timid kiss into a deep, passionate moment, and she was the one that had asked me if she could come back to my apartment with me, had encouraged me to touch her, to undress her, and that had made me feel less embarrassed and humiliated when I had come the moment she put her hand through my open zipper and touched me!

We became friends with benefits after that, and it did get a little better, but I knew that she had dated more, and had more experience with men than I did. Me with women I mean, of course. I wasn't a total virgin - there had been the night of high school graduation with a long time friend, a girl, in the back seat of my man's old Pontiac, but it had been clumsy and awkward, and I had come then after barely getting it inside of her. We went away to separate colleges, far apart, and I never did get a chance to redeem myself with her. Fortunately, although we exchanged emails for awhile, I never saw her again and so I never had to re-live the offense.

But it was Steffany that showed me everything. She continued to date other guys of course, but she led me, showing me how to touch her, how to be both sensual and sexual and how to please her even when my own hair-trigger plagued me. She even helped me with that, showing me how I could last longer, especially on the second or third attempt when I could often last as long as two or three minutes! She also showed me how, when I had accidently come before she reached orgasm, I could please her with my mouth, using my tongue and lips to bring her to shattering orgasms. I was so incredibly happy with her, and so in love and overwhelmed by the pleasure we'd shared that soon, not too long after we'd finished college, the question just popped out, almost unplanned. And she surprised me by saying yes, and made me the happiest man on earth.

After we were married our sex life only improved! She patiently helped me figure out how to best please her with what nature had given me. I knew I wasn't overly large - I'd showered in locker rooms, so I had no illusions on that score - but I figured my almost five inches were about average, if maybe a little bit on the skinny side. I was kind of small and skinny, so I figured my cock was probably destined to be as well. Stef always assured me it was fine, even claiming that she liked my red pubic hair that matched the orange-red mop up top that had been a life-long source of insults and shame, while helping me to figure out positions where I could penetrate her most deeply. She even ordered a very anatomically correct fake penis she'd found at an online adult store, and when I couldn't seem to get her to where she needed to be we would sometimes use that. It was made of a soft, skin-like rubber, and was much larger than me. It seemed to give her a great deal of satisfaction, so I was happy to use it on her as instructed. I thought the vibrating feature was kind of funny!

But after awhile, maybe a couple of years, knowing her history, and her experience, it began to nag at me that she had undoubtedly had sex with men who were better endowed than me. Finally it began to bother me so much that I asked her about it, late one night, in bed. With the lights turned off. "Stef, are you awake?"

"Uh-huh." I could tell by her voice that she had been close to relax.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Um, the men you dated,before we got married?"

"Uh-huh?" There was a note of hesitancy in her response.

"Were a lot of know, bigger than me?"

She rolled over and touched me. "Kevvy, I didn't really date that much you know."

"No, I know." She had, of course, but she was downplaying it. "But the ones you did date, and relax with - were most of them bigger?"

"Why are you asking me this?"

"I'm just curious. Were they?"

"Kevin, it doesn't matter - I love you. Now why don't you go to relax."

"Oh come on, tell me! I bet they lasted longer too, didn't they?"

"Kevin!" She sounded like she was getting exasperated with me, and uncomfortable with my questions, but I was too obsessed to quit. I should have, I know that now - she had answered me by not answering me - but still I pressed on.

"Just tell me, it's OK. I want to know. Just call it scientific research."

She was quiet for a long time, then I heard her sigh. "OK, but you have to promise not to get upset, all right?"

That should have been ample warning, I should have backed away and begged her not to tell me, but I was too far into it to give up now. "I promise."

Silence again, then she took a deep breath. "Yes Kevin, most guys I've been with were bigger than you. A couple of them were a lot bigger. But a couple of them also had a very small penis, like you."

I had never expected her to add that last part.


Posts: 14692
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Looks interesting. Looking forward to more


Posts: 1459
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Any other votes? Is it worth continuing?


Posts: 126
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It's very well written. Looking forward to the trip to Katienotkathy's wedding


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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This is the first time I've read one of your stories, (due to the others being well into the story to catch up), but I thought your story was really good and I look forward to following this one from start to finish!

Thanks for sharing and please do continue.
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 26
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Your just getting started, of course it is worth continuing. I’m looking forward to your character buildup. Kevin did not expect the reaction?
Please continue.


Posts: 38
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this definitely is a promising start. Really looking forward to how this one may carry on!


Posts: 119
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great start, please continue.


Posts: 1459
#9 · Edited by: stormydog
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Thanks guys, I appreciate the input. Wasn't sure if I was on the right track for anyone. I don't intend for this story to be more than 4 - 5 segments, depending on how long each is, but we'll see how it goes and if there is anybody following it.
C-4-1, glad you're reading along, and thanks. I know what you mean about trying to join into stories that are already so long - it's tough to do. I've had a couple of comments recently from guys that started and read almost to the present on U.C.U.B., all in 1 or 2 sittings. Yikes! I know it has some stroke material in it, but I don't want to cause anybody to actually have one!
______________________________________________________________________ _________________

My cock had already been hard, I guess from thinking about her having sex with other guys, but for some reamister it got harder still when she said that. I don't know if it was the comment about some of them being larger, or the way she said some were small, "like you", that caused it to happen, but it did.

I laid there for a minute thinking about what she'd said, and when I didn't pursue my line of questions she finally asked "Can I go to relax now?"

"Um, yeah, I guess. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Kev. Go to relax, OK?"

"Yeah." I didn't, of course. I laid there thinking about it, hard, aroused. I touched myself. "Steffy?"

"What?!" She sounded really exasperated now, and I knew she was getting angry with me.

"Sorry. Can I ask you one more question?"

"Kevin, come on! I have to go to work tomorrow."

"I know, but just one, OK?"

She sighed. "You're never going to let me relax if I say no, so go ahead. Just one though."

I laughed. "OK." I hesitated, then plunged. "Did you like having sex with guys who had bigger cocks than me? I mean, did it feel good? Could they make you come during intercourse?" That last was something I had rarely managed to do, and not at all lately.

"That was three questions. You promised just one."

"Well, I know, but it was kinda just one - you know, with a couple of auxilary attachments."

She sighed and rolled over to face me in the near-darkness of our bedroom. "Why are you asking me all this?"

"I'm just really curious, OK?"

"I don't think it's healthy. Why don't you try to think about something else while you go to relax?"

"Just answer me, and I'll leave you alone and go to relax."

She was silent a long time, but I knew her eyes were open, studying my face in the dim light. Finally she seemed to reach a decision. "OK Kevin, but don't get upset. Yes, it felt good to have sex with the guys who were well-endowed. Otherwise I wouldn't have done it. Yes, I enjoyed it, and yes, I could almost always come during intercourse - if the guy wasn't too quick on the trigger. You're not the only guy that has that problem, you know, but most don't. Now please shut up so I can relax!"

"OK. But Stef..."

"Now what??"

"Do you miss it?"

"Kevin! Stop! No, I don't miss it! Go to relax." She practically huffed as she rolled away from me, and I felt her move away emotionally as much as she did physically. Turning her back to me had effectively shut me out, and I laid there awake, more hurt by that than by anything she'd said. I had not expected her to react well to my questions, but I hadn't expected anger, and was not prepared for her to pull away as she had.

I couldn't relax, and laid there wide awake - and aroused - for quite some time. It was probably fifteen minutes later when I realized that she was still awake as well, and I found out only because she spoke to me. "Besides, it doesn't matter whether I miss it or not, because I love you. I'm married to you, and that's all that matters."

I recognized that for what it was: A sudden turn, a clear equivocation on her earlier answer, during which her voice had been so filled with conviction. Apparently she did miss it, at least a little. I moved to snuggle up to her. "I'm so glad Stef, because I love you too. I've never been real sure why you married me, but I count my blessings that you did."

She allowed me to push up against her, and even burrowed back into my arms a little. "I love you, that's why. What's so hard to understand about that? Now just relax, and let me do the same, OK?"


A few moments later: "Kevin, I can't relax with that thing digging into my butt. Why are you so hard?"

"I'm just kinda horny, I guess." I cupped her breast. Her nipple was hard as well, erect like me, and she moaned softly.

"Don't start anything Kev, I'm too tired. Did talking about me fucking guys with big cocks make you horny?"

"I guess."

"That's kind of sick, don't you think?"

I didn't answer her. "You feel a little turned on yourself, if your nippys are any indication."

"Stop it, you're embarrassing me!"

I laughed, then slid my hand down her stomach, then lower, to her sensitive center. Her legs automatically parted, and when I slid past her tiny runway of closely cropped pubic hair and touched her I found her hot and aroused, and almost dripping wet. Her clit was hard, jutting out from it's fleshy little hood, slick with her arousal, and when I made a small circle on it with my middle finger she gasped, then moaned again. "Oh god, Kevin!"

"Sweetie, call me crazy, but it feels like talking about you fucking guys with big, thick, hard cocks might have made you a wee bit horny too." I continued to make small, carressing circles on her hard clit, touching her swollen lips with my other fingers.

"God Kevin! Ohhh! Ohhhhh! Ohhh, my god!" She bucked against me, her breathing fast and ragged as a powerful orgasm swept over her, and then her bottom pushing against me, combined with her sounds and the feel of her hyper-aroused pussy squeezing as I pushed my finger inside of her at the peak of her orgasm caused me to come too, my meager little spurts of semen squirting onto her tush in a simultaneous orgasm.

She allowed me to lick my little accidental spill off of her bottom, so as not to leave a nasty wet spot on the sheets - I say allowed, but really she practically insisted - and then we both fell deeply arelax, not discussing what had just happened. After that night though, I began to incorporate that fantasy into our lovemaking more often. At first she objected, acting embarrassed because she would get turned on by talking about her fucking or sucking big cocks, and she also insisted I was sick, that there must be something wrong with me if the thought of her with other men was so sexually stimulating to me.

One thing she said that kept ringing in my ears was "Most men would find it very hurtful to have their wife cuckold them, they'd find that it threatened their masculinity or something, but you seem to love the idea. I think you should see someone about this."

"Mmmm, I don't know. I'll think about it." I never did "see someone", and eventually managed to convince her that it was just harmless play, that sex play and fantasizing were perfectly normal, and ever so gradually she relaxed and began to play along more. We would pretend that she had a date, then when we would make love and I would cum inside of her - always too quickly - we'd pretend that she had just gotten home from her date, and that her well-endowed lover had left her full of his semen, which it was my responsibility to clean up.

This would invariably make her become very aroused, and as I licked and lapped at her leaking pussy she would have enormous orgasms, far better that any she'd ever had before with me! Sometimes I would become so involved in her arousal her moans and cries, that I would come a second time, humping my little cock into the bed a I lay between her legs, pleasuring her.

On other occasions we would use a lot of slippery lubricant gel on her, and I would fuck her extensively with her big toy, telling her all about her big, well-endowed imaginary lover as I did so. Sometimes he was a big, blue collar worker of some sort, other times the pool boy or her boss or our neighbor, or a well known black athlete with a huge cock and big, swinging balls, and she would come so hard she would almost cry. Then I'd put my little erection into her stretched and tired pussy, so wet with the lube that it could have been another man's load, and despite the fact that she was so stretched that I could barely feel her, I'd come almost at once - if I hadn't already done so when she had, which happened sometimes. Wherever my little squirts landed, she always asked me to clean them up, and I gladly did so.

This went on for a couple of years, and I think our love life was as happpy and full as it had ever been. The fantasy had no bounds, and we both became very creative at arousing the other - and ourselves in the process!
Things took an interesting turn when, about six months before the arrival of KatienotKathy's wedding invitation, we were on our way home from a late dinner out on a Saturday night. Traffic on the highway was at a standstill, but we finally inched forward to where we could see the signs about lane closures ahead for road construction. I knew this part of town, so I bailed off the highway, planning to take surface streets home.

The area was one of seedy old warehouses and light industry, not a pretty place in daylight and almost scary at night, but we were just passing through. It was also, however, the part of town to which all of the adult shops and strip clubs had been relegated, local ordinances having been written to keep them out of "respectable" neighborhoods. We had passed a couple such businesses when we approached another, one which seemed clean and was brightly lit, with a garish neon sign out front proclaiming "Adult Books, Toys, Novelties! Videos! Theater and Arcade!" There were a number of cars in the lot.

I slowed. "Do you want to stop?"

Steffany looked at me as though I'd sprouted horns. "What, here? Are you nuts?"

I laughed. "Oh, come on! It's all lit up, and there are a bunch of cars here. It will be fine!"

"What for?"

"Just to look around. It will be fun - besides, we need some more lube and maybe they will have some fun toy that strikes your fancy."

She huffed. "You've been striking my fancy just fine with what we've got, buster! Any more fancy striking and I might explode." She hesitated. "OK, I guess, if you really want to. But stay close to me!"

By then I'd passed the shop, but I made a U-turn and circled back, taking an empty spot not far from the door. I looked at her. "Leave your panties here."

"No way! Pervert!" She laughed.

"At least your bra then." We had met after work, her from her office, where she worked as an investment counselor, and me from my lab, where I was a research scientist for a major pharmaceutical company. We carpooled, with her usually dropping me and keeping the car in case she had to go meet with a client. She was in a tailored suit that included a trim, gray pinstriped skirt, which ended just above her knees, and a nice matching jacket, under which she wore a scoop-necked red blouse. It showed off the upper swell of her ample breasts very nicely, and the color worked incredibly well with her alabaster skin.

She considered my request. "That would be very naughty! But OK!"

She did that thing where she unhooked it under her blouse and managed to disentangle herself, ultimately pulling the empty and saddened bra from her left sleeve. It's a great magic trick! "There. Are you happy?"

I felt her breasts; large, soft, unencumbered by her bra, her nipples had risen to attention. "Mmm, very! You should go braless more often."

She pushed my hand away. "I can't - I bounce too much, and my nipples always show."

"Exactly my point! What panties do you have on?"

"They match my bra - red, with lace on the front. Tiny - just a thong, really."

I groaned as she opened her door. She laughed. "There! That will give you something to think about while you look at all the porn. Try not to embarrass yourself!"


Posts: 14692
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I'm thinking our boy is asking for trouble. Enjoyed it. Thanks


Posts: 1914
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OK, so they enjoy playing with fire and now they are visiting a firework factory. I can almost see the explosion .. You are clearly enjoying them skating the line here, and I am too.


Posts: 161
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Very well written. Do continue.


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Looks to me like our little perv will soon be tasting a new flavor of creampie!
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 1459
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Thanks guys, I really enjoy getting the comments - it's always good to know that the effort is appreciated!
______________________________________________________________________ __________

As I circled around our SUV to the passenger side, she slid out and reached back in for her purse. I stood behind her, waiting, as she seemed to hesitate momentarily before deciding to leave it. She stuffed it beneath the seat, then, to my surprise, removed her jacket and tossed it over her seatback. She looked at me and did a little shimmy-shake, which set her breasts a-jiggle. "Is that OK with you?"

As if she had to ask! "Ahh, sure, absolutely! I'll bet the guys inside enjoyed that on the security cam." I pointed to the tiny camera above the front door.

She looked up at it, startled, then blushed and giggled. "Shit! Never thought of that! Come on, let's go in before I change my mind." I was laughing as she grabbed my hand and we entered the building. It was well-lit inside, with row after row of displays of various sexually oriented items. The guy at the front desk, a rather portly, balding man of indeterminate middle age, gave us a glance, then went back to reading his paper. There were a number of people browsing around the shop, including two couples - one about our age, and the other maybe fiftyish. I felt Stef relax as she saw that it was not a den of perverts and sex fiends - or at least not conspicuously so - and we started to look around.

We looked at the toys, with me encouraging her to pick one out and she insisting she'd be too embarrassed to buy it, then wanderd over and selected a bottle of clear lube. After that we began to browse the aduly DVD's, moving a little apart as our search for one we'd both enjoy widened. There were just too many, and it was difficult to find one that appealed to both of us. People came and went as we shopped, with men entering and leaving the video booth arcade to the sound of a buzzer each time someone broke the invisible beam, apparently put in place to keep people from sneaking in without paying.

The theater was at the rear of the store, and could only be accessed through a wide, gray metal door that had to be buzzed open by the clerk after a ticket was purchased. It did not buzz when anyone exited, and it seemed to have fairly steady traffic. I began to think maybe it would be best to just watch a movie or two there rather than buying one, and I looked for Steff, already pretty sure what her answer would be.

I spotted her just down an aisle to my left, bent over and looking at a DVD box from the lower shelf. There was a guy just opposite her, on the other side of the display pretending to look at DVD's, while what he was really doing was looking through the open rack and down my wife's blouse! I moved toward her and touched her shoulder, and he quickly looked away. She stood up, and I leaned in close to her ear. "That guy across from you was looking down your blouse!"

She looked up, searching my eyes for a moment, then smiled. "I know."

My jaw dropped! "You do?" He had moved away, trying to not be noticed.

She nodded, still smiling. "Sure. You guys do it all the time - did you think we didn't notice?"

I saw that her nipples were very erect, plainly visible jutting through her red blouse. I took that to mean she hadn't minded him looking. "I...I guess. So you didn't care?"

She shrugged. "Cheap thrill. He's probably just lonely. No harm, right?'

"I suppose. Hey, instead of buying a movie and spending thirty bucks for something we'll only watch once, why don't we just go in the theater and watch one?"

She looked back at the forbidding gray door apprehensively. "Oh, I don't know..." At that moment the door opened, and a young-ish couple walked out, laughing and touching each other. I took advantage of the coincidence.
"See, couples do go in there, it can't be too awful. C'mon, it will be fun!"

She watched them walk across the shop and exit, talking and laughing all the way, then turned back to me. "Is it expensive? I mean, I might want to come right back out!"

I shrugged. "I don't know."

"Go ask the guy at the desk. Find out how much it is."

I left and crossed to the desk, where the guy told me it was, oddly, ten dollars for single men, but only eight dollars for couples, stay as long as you like. Strange system. As I crossed back to where Stef continued to browse, I noticed that she was squatting down, resting her bottom on her heels as she looked at discs. The guy - same one as before - was standing just past her, pretending to look at a box as he leaned forward to peer down her blouse again! It was so incredibly not subtle that I knew she had to be aware of it, so I paused, hanging back to see what she'd do. It wasn't until he surreptitiously touched himself that I noticed the bulge in his pants!

She stayed down there, looking at discs, occasionally moving a little bit one way or the other to reach something. At one point she reached up to scratch her neck, and as she did so she subtly adjusted her neckline, pulling it slightly lower and more open. I thought the guy's eyes would pop out! She let him ogle the new view for fifteen seconds or so, then turned so that she was looking directly at his bulging crotch! She stared at it for a few seconds, then looked up at him. "Can I help you with something?"

Busted, he blushed crimmister and began to stammer. "I, uh, um, no. No, uh, I'm fine."

She straightened and faced him. "Was I in your way?"

"Ahh, no, I, uh, I guess I found what I needed." He waved the box he'd been holding. "I, uh, I'm gonna go over there now..."

She shrugged, which magnetically drew his eyes back to her chest. "OK. Bye!"

He wandered off, and I rejoined her. She was giggling quietly. "That was so much fun! What a perv. So how much?"

I shook my head. "I can't believe you just did that!" I looked after him, then back at her. "It's eight bucks for the two of us, no time limit. Does that happen a lot?"

She nodded. "Quite a bit, although not usually quite that blatant. Did you notice that he was having a little, um, bulge problem? Eight dollars isn't too bad."

She was jumping around too much for me. "Yeah, I noticed. I bet you loved that, huh?"

"It's fun. I don't think it's the first time my boobs have caused that reaction."

"No, I'm sure! So do you want to watch a movie?"

"I guess - but if I say I want to leave, we have to leave, OK?"

I nodded. "Sure. I'll go pay him."

I paid, leaving our bottle of lube with him to pick up on our way out, and he buzzed us in. When the door closed behind us it was pitch black, and we were blinded. I felt my way toward the dim light ahead, and found that we had to round a corner into the theater proper. First, it wasn't a traditional movie screen. It was a large flat screen TV, probably sixty inches or so, and at that moment a large erect cock (half the width of the screen!) was being professionally sucked. When our eyes adjusted, we could see that it was a smallish room, only four rows of seats front to back on each side of a center aisle, with four seats per row on each side of the aisle, opposite end of the row against the wall on each side. Sixteen seats per side, or thirty two total, of which maybe a dozen were occupied. There were also four or five guys standing behind the back row of seats, against the wall on either side of the portal we had just walked through. In the dim light from the screen we could see one man with both hands folded over his crotch, and a guy further down slowly masturbating, his cock small enough all we could see was the movement of his hand.

I pulled Steffany forward before she could bolt, whispering "Come on!" Most of the occupants were in the back two rows, so I went to the third one down - second from the front - and took the vacant side to the right, letting her go first so that she could sit next to the wall. This left two empty seats between me and the aisle. We settled in and began to watch the show. It was standard porn fare, perhaps a step or two above the usual because the women were at least attractive, some beautiful, and the men were not just well-hung, but fit and decent looking. Also, the cum shots were not all the ubiquitous pull-it-out-and-cum-on-her-face shots, but actually varied! In the first scene he came inside of her, and we were treated to a close-up of his pearly white sperm oozing from her well used pussy! I was quite hard, and I think Stef enjoyed it too.

We played a little as we watched, me touching her by sneakily sliding my hand up under her blouse where I could play with her tits and tweak her nipples without anyone seeing. She was, judging by her hard nips, very aroused! She would look around and then sneak a hand over to touch my hard little bulge through my pants, which, combined with the movie, had me at a fever pitch. Nobody approached or bothered us, although I knew she was getting a lot of looks.

Probably less that ten minutes after we entered a tall, lanky guy slid into a seat in the row in front of us, slouching low in a seat to my left, and two seats to the left of Steffany. He hadn't been there a full minute before he opened his pants and freed himself, sliding his pants down slightly and lifting his cock and balls out! I had a clear view over his shoulder, and I knew Stef would too. I turned to see if she had noticed.

She most definitely had, and as he began to slowly stroke himself she stared, lips slightly parted in shock. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest with excitement as we enjoyed the live show, and as his cock swelled and grew, starting at a limp but chunky four inches or so and soon stretching to an impressively thick seven or maybe a litttle more, the tip of his cock protruding halfway from it's protective foreskin. Stef had her hand on my arm, and I could feel her squeezing, her nails digging into my skin. I whispered "Stef, honey, are you OK?"

I got back a breathless "Yes!"

"Do you want to leave?"

"No. Not yet."

She was no longer watching the screen, not even making a pretense of it. She was staring at this guy slowly stroking his big cock just a few feet away from us! She had been aroused before; now when I touched her nipples she was almost moaning, squirming in her seat and breathing ragged and heavy. It went on for a long time, far longer than I could have lasted. For probably thirty minutes we watched him - although much of the time I watched Stef - as he varied his speed and stroke in accordance to whatever was happening on-screen, occasionally fondling his balls with his other hand.

I whispered to her "You seem to be enjoying this far too much!" I was just kidding her, but she didn't catch it.

"God Kev, look how big and hard he is, and those big balls! That's a beautiful cock!" I had been teasing her, but she shocked me. It was the last thing I had expected her to say. Actually, I had been surprised we hadn't had to leave when he first started!

Not too long after that he picked up the pace, his body hunching noticeably, and he grunted twice just before he shot a long stream of white onto the floor in front of him, the several subsequent, lesser squirts running down over his hand and onto his cock and balls as he massaged his big cock in his own copious and slippery load! I heard Stef groan, and felt her shudder as she pressed against me. I was amazed to realize that she had just had an orgasm when he did! I was rock hard, steel bar hard, almost painfully hard.

He pulled out a wad of kleenex from his pocket and began to carefully clean himself up, lifting his package to clean thoroughly and even pulling his foreskin back to wipe off the head of his penis, not at all concerned that anyone might be watching. He dropped the sodden tissues on the floor as he used them up, then stood, tucked himself back into his pants and zipped up, gave my wife a wide smile, nodded to her and left.

After a few moments I turned to her. "Did you enjoy that?"

"Oh my god!"

"You came, didn't you?"

She looked away, but nodded. "I'm sorry."

I squeezed her arm. "Sshhh, it's OK. I'm glad you liked it." We were whispering, but I knew the row behind us could probably hear what we said.

She looked quickly back at me. "Really?"

"Uh-huh." I slowly slid my hand up her leg below her skirt, and she parted them slightly to give me access. Her thighs were hot and moist, and when I touched her little panties they were soaked through, saturated, almost dripping with her juices. She was extremely aroused, her pussy on fire, and when I slid a finger inside of her panties I found her slippery and puffy, her little clit hard. I couldn't believe how wet she was, how slick and ready! She moaned softly, and chose that moment to reach over and squeeze my hard little cock. I immediately began to cum in my pants.

I shuddered. "Oh god, Stef!" I tried to stop, but the genie was definitely out of the bottle, and I pumped and spurted until there was no more. She continued to squeeze and stroke me, just to be sure, but the damage was done. I looked in horror at the growing wet spot at my crotch, visible even in this dim light as a dark stain on the front of my khaki pants!

She leaned in close to my ear, and I heard her giggle. "Ooops! Sorry baby! Come on, we can go now."

"Now? I can't go now!"

"Well, you can't wait for it to dry! Come on, I'm sure it happens all the time."

"Not to me!"

She laughed as she rose to her feet. "Actually, it does. Come on, let's go."

She tugged at my arm, and I rose to accompany her, planning to dash through the store before anyone could notice my little accident. The guys ogled her as we left, a couple of them making no move to hide the fact that they were masturbating, and I swear I heard a couple of snickers at my expense.


Posts: 125
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very hot chapter.....I really enjoy your writing......please keep going with this one /////


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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I loved the part about the show that Stef enjoyed watching and how it turned her on.

Sounds like you've been to one or two of those dirty little theaters? Mmmmmm.....!!
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 14692
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Yeah, sounds like the voice of experience or was it just "research" for this story?

Great stuff Stomy. Looking foreward to the next segment


Posts: 1975
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Wow, the best I've read on here for a while now, please keep it up!


Posts: 1459
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Thanks all, I very much appreciate the comments, and it's always great to hear from you.
C-4-1 and Timmy, I will admit that you have a good eye for the "nuggets of truth" that I mentioned at the beginning. And my wife reacted almost exactly as Steffany (not her name, by the way) did to the live demonstration! Oh, and that's probably the last time I will acknowledge what's true and what's not!


Posts: 1459
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As soon as we stepped out into the well-lit shop, I moved to make a beeline for the door, but she stopped me. "Kev, wait! I decided I want to buy a video after all."

"Now? Oh c'mon Stef, I can't hang around in here!"

She looked down at my pants and giggled. "Wow, that really is obvious. You're such a bad boy!"

The stain had spread to an elliptical three by four inch patch to the lower right of my zipper, and down onto my thigh slightly. I had obviously cum more than my usual small squirt, probably due to extreme arousal. Great timing for that! "I wish you'd brought your purse, this is one time I'd be glad to carry it for you."

She laughed. "Come on, this will only take a few minutes. I know just what I want."

"I could wait in the car..." I know I sounded hopeful, almost pleading.

"No way, stud! Stay with me. Come on."

She turned and I followed closely behind her, my hands held low in front of me in hopes of hiding my shame. She headed to the gay section of the DVD displays. "Uh, Stef, this is all gay stuff."

"I know." She walked down the row, looking at the titles, and when she finally stopped I understood. She was looking at the solo strokers vids, the ones of good looking, athletic, and invariably well-hung young men masturbating solo for your viewing enjoyment, usually to soft music. She looked at several as I stood there uncomfortably, very close behind her so that, with luck, nobody would see my problem.

Before too long she handed me one. "This one looks good."

I took it and looked at the back. It appeared to be four scenes, each similar except that one was of a particularly endowed black man. Holding it as I looked, I was unaware that I had left my stain in full view until I glanced up and caught a woman, about our age, staring at my crotch! Busted, she gave me a small grin then stretched up to whisper something to her husband who immediately turned and looked as well. He grinned and shook his head, said something to her, and they walked away laughing. I was red from head to toe. "Yeah Stef, this one looks swell. Can we go now?"

She giggled. "Oh, I guess, if you insist. Sure you don't want to shop some more? I'm much more in the mood now, maybe we could find a nice toy..."

"Please Stef, I'm begging you!" She laughed as we made our way to the counter and paid, picking up our bottle of lubricant at the same time. Not that there would be any need for it this night! I had been dreading the guy at the counter seeing my wet spot, despite how I tried to mask it, but I needn't have worried. He had eyes only for my wife, and he unabashedly ogled her tits, even stepping back slightly and bending forward to see down her blouse when she bent over to write him a check. I knew that blouse well, and I knew that from his angle he could probably see her nipples. This time I was pretty sure she knew it too, and when she took her sweet time writing out the check I was certain.

As she handed him the check she stared straight into his eyes. "Do we get a discount for you looking at my boobs?"

If she had been hoping to embarrass him, she failed. He just laughed. "Sorry sweet cheeks, that's just one of the perks of the job. You folks have a nice evening now, and thanks!"

Not sure if he was thanking her for the tit shot or the purchases, we left. After we had gotten in the car and I had pulled out onto the street, she said. "If you still want me to I'll take my panties off now."

"Cool! I'll take the long way home." As if she'd had to ask! She quickly slipped out of them, and when she moved to retrieve her purse to tuck them away, I held out my hand. "I'll take 'em!"

She laughed, but handed them to me. They were still extremely wet, and as I rubbed the crotch portion between my finger and thumb I marvelled at the warm, creamy slick she'd left on them. I felt myself hardening against the cool wet spot on my pants, and I tucked the panties into my shirt pocket. "My souvenir to remember this night." From her panties and my fingers I could smell the musky sweetness of her aroused pussy, and my mouth started to water.

She had turned sideways in her seat, and sat with her legs wide apart, her left one bent at the knee, displaying her wet, horny sex to me. I groaned at the sight. "God! You're going to make me have an accident!"

She giggled. "I thought I already did."

"I meant a car accident. Twit!"

"Touch me." I looked at her. "You heard me. Touch me. You can drive one-handed."

I didn't have to be told twice! Wait, I guess maybe I did. Regardless, I touched her now. She was hot, and wet, and aroused, her tissues puffy and soft. I slid my right thumb inside of her velvet tunnel, and when she squeezed it I groaned. "Oh my god! You really loved that, didn't you? Seeing that guy stroking really got you off."

"Mmmm, god! You know it did. Does that bother you?"

"Does it seem like it bothered me?"

"You came really fast." She hadn't answered me directly, but I knew that was an answer of sorts. "Faster than usual, even. I think you liked that I got off watching him. Me getting horny from him jerking off made you super horny, that's what I think."

It was my turn to ignore her supposition. "I think you wanted to touch him. Don't you wish that you could have taken him in your hand and slowly jerked him off?" She moaned and thrust herself against me, powering my thumb deeply inside of her and pressing her hard clit to my hand. I continued the mind game. "You wanted to feel his big thick cock in your hand, all hot and stiff, didn't you?"

"Mmmm, ohh, yess!" She was squeezing her own tits, tugging at her hard nipples, her blouse pushed up.

I braked for a red light. "Don't you wish you could have felt him cumming, squeezed his huge balls and felt all of his spurts, all of his wet cum, all warm and slippery running down over your hands?"

"Oh Kevin, oh god, Ohhhh! Ohhhhhh, yessss! Ohhh fuuuck!" She bucked and thrust against my hand, racked by an enormous orgasm. I was hard as stone, ready to come myself, and had failed to notice that the light had gone green until a horn sounded behind me. I looked around quickly as I started up. The truck in the lane next to me had also not started up on green because he was looking into our car, watching the show! He grinned at me as I pulled away. With both lanes blocked, it was small wonder that the cars behind had gotten impatient. I sped up so as not to have to face our audience again, and soon pulled away and turned into our neighborhood.

Stef had recovered some by the time I pulled into our garage and lowered the door, but she was still fully on display. I looked at her aroused body, her flushed face and neck, her lips wet and full. "The guy in the truck next to us watched us at the light. He saw you come."

"I don't care."

"Really?!" I digested that. "Did you ever relax with any guys that were as big as that guy in the theater?"

"Kevin, don't ruin it."

I looked at her. "How does that ruin it?"

"Well, all of this is fantasy stuff. Now you're asking me real life stuff. I don't like to talk about that. Besides, it happened before we knew we loved each other, most of it even before we met. It doesn't matter now, it was a long time ago."

"That was real life, tonight. You could have reached out and touched him."

She shook her head. "But I didn't."

"You could have. He would have let you."

"Kev stop, please?"

"You wanted to." She didn't deny it. I hesitated, then went forward. "I would have watched."

"Oh Kevin..."

"What? I'm just being honest with you. I think it would be very hot to see you with some other guy. Some guy with a big cock."

She sighed. "Why do you always do this? You're obsessed with big cocks - I think they matter way more to you than they do to me."

"You said you liked it, that a big one feels good inside."

"I never should have told you that. Now will you quit?"

"You could do it for real some time - I wouldn't mind. Especially if I got to see, or if you at least told me all about it."

"You're sick Kev, seriously sick. Why does all this turn you on so much?"

I thought about that. Again. I'd thought about it a lot, and still didn't know. "I don't know. I guess because you're so beautiful. Other men look at you all the time, because you're so gorgeous and have such a nice body. I know they want you."

"I can't help that Kevin, men are that way."

"No, I know. I like it. So did you?"

"Did I what?"

"Did you ever have sex with a guy as big as the guy you enjoyed so much tonight?"

"Goddamn, you never let up! Yes, Kevin, I did! I've had sex with guys even bigger than him, one or two that were much bigger! There, are you happy? Oh, and I also like cocks with the foreskin still on, like him, because it feels good. I like the way it feels in my mouth, playing with the nice soft skin, and when they cum in my mouth I can swirl it all around and suck on it as they start to get soft. Now what else do you want to know?"

I had made her angry, I knew that, and I had never intended to. She had lashed out, trying to hurt me in return, and she had. But she had also aroused me, because I didn't doubt a word of what she'd said. I had my answer, but now the woman I loved was mad at me, and the evening that had started so well was ruined.

"I'm sorry Stef. I didn't mean to make you mad."

She sighed, then slumped. "Me too hon'. I shouldn't get so mad, it's just...well, I love you. I don't want anyone else, no matter how big their cock might be. There's more to it than that you know. I'm sorry I said those things."

"It's OK. My fault. I just feel like you should have more, you know? You deserve it - I feel like I let you down, you know, in that department."

"Do you think you let me down tonight? I came really good - in the theater and in the car."

"I didn't do you in the theater - that was all him."

"You were with me, touching my nipples. I wouldn't have come otherwise."

I smiled at her. "I guess. Thanks. Do you want to go back there someday, to the theater? Who knows what might happen the next time. Maybe some guy will whip it out right next to you..."

She put her finger to my lips, silencing me. "Shhh Kev, just shut up. We'll see about the theater. For now, stop running your mouth and put it to better use. I'm still very horny - put the disc in and I'll watch them play with their big, hard cocks while you use your big mouth on me in the very best way possible, OK?"

We did, and I was magnificent. I know, because she told me so. Afterwards she got on all fours and let me enter her from behind, and for the first time in a very long time she came as I did, with a lot of gasping and crying out. Me, I mean - she just moaned and groaned and bucked against me, and after I had licked her clean, giving her one last orgasm, we fell arelax in each other's arms.


Posts: 492
#21 · Edited by: Titsrfun2
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Just found this one Stormy, and as usual, it's a great beginning. It's nice to see some new fans in the making, I would encourage all of you to go and read Stormy's other story as well as anything written by Goodhusband. Both excellent authors. (As are many, many of the contributors here).

Stay here for a while, but please get back to the gang on the houseboat soon Stormy. We miss you. You've got a million loose ends to tie up over there. There are those "caution slippery floors" signs waiting to be used, and for God's sake, don't forget the Jeep.



Posts: 1914
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Very good Stormy. You've made an idiot almost likeable. His almost complete lack of empathy has got him close to disaster. Because of it, he wouldn't know how to handle it if she did go in that direction. Still, you said it was going to be short so I'll be interested to see how you leave this couple. Like the good writer that you are, it could go anywhere. There, a prediction that must come true !


Posts: 175
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Very nice story. Thanks a lot Stormy.
A. Smith


Posts: 1975
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very nice. TBC ??


Posts: 1459
#25 · Edited by: stormydog
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Don't worry trf2, I didn't forget. In the meanwhile, keep Kori company for me, OK? Oh, and peak, I love when you make those predictions with such conviction and a complete lack of equivocation. Good to know you have faith in me!
sslv & r.a., thanks! It is TBC - but reading back I can see how that could have been taken for an ending. It wasn't intended to be!
______________________________________________________________________ _________

After that night we incorporated the evening's events - and the video - into our love life. Many of the fantasies that I would spin for her about the guy in the theater, or the guys on the disc, would put her in the scene with them, touching and being touched. In our games she touched them, sucked their big cocks, made endless love to them, and clutched their hair, white-knuckled, as they performed oral sex on her before entering her with their enormous members and fucking her senseless. My stories often ended with her semen-soaked and satiated, and I always aroused myself as I aroused her. Of course, her arousal only inflamed me all the more. She became more involved, more sensual, and yes, more sexual than ever before in our eight-plus year relationship, and I was reminded of the axiom that our minds are our most important sexual organs. It was very good.

But only if I kept it to the realm of fantasy. As soon as I would broach the subject of making it real, or try to wheedle any details about past lovers from her, she would shut me out. It took a while, but eventually I learned and would rarely make that mistake. I had observed, without discussing it, that when she would look at her video as we made love she would more often than not go straight to the scene of the black man pleasuring himself. I wondered why that was, but didn't ask.

I say man, but really he appeared to be more boy than man - other than his obscenely enormous phallus. He was slender but cut, muscles hard and defined as though carved of ebony or black granite by a talented sculptor. His body was entirely smooth, hairless save for eyebrows and lashes, and as he stroked himself to erection his thick, dangling penis would thicken further and lengthen to prodigous proportions, and he would fondle his heavy, dangling balls. I could see that, objectively, he was beautiful, and I mostly understood why Stef was so smitten with him, and when he finished each time with the spurting climax which left him bathed in incredible quantities of pearly white semen glistening on his ebony skin it was intensely erotic. By any measure, objective or otherwise, he was incredibly well hung, and I based many stories on he and Steffany, and the things they would do together.

It was aural erotica for her, which I couldn't provide while performing oral erotica on her, but when her dark-skinned fantasy was involved it seemed she would come with the slightest touch, and my mouth was rarely needed for more than words. It was great, erotic and fun, and I was more than satisfied. She was allowing me to spin and expand my fantasies, and was enjoying them with me, as I enjoyed her body and her reactions more than ever, reminding myself again how incredibly gorgeous and perfect she is, and how lucky I was.

I broached the subject of the adult store and theater a time or two, but she seemed little interested so I let it drop - not without some regret. Imagine my surprise when she asked one evening, a few weeks before the wedding, if I wanted to go - "you know, to shop a little. Maybe we can watch a movie. If you feel like it."

Unsurprisingly, I felt like it instantly! I convinced her to dress somewhat more provocatively than she had the last time, in a tight white t-shirt with a low neckline that showed a good deal of cleavage, and which was thin and tight enough that it did nothing to hide her braless nipples, and a skirt that stopped just above mid-thigh. I touched her erect nipples as I made a plea for her to go sans-panties as well, but again she shot me down, pushing my hands away and laughing. "If you want someone to go without underwear, you do it!"

I didn't. The memory of the last trip was still too painfully fresh in my mind, and that had been with underwear on! I considered wearing several pairs. She showed me the tiny thong she planned to wear. She might as well have taken my suggestion! On the way to the store, in the darkness and with a light rain falling, she told me the real reamister that she wanted to go. It seemed that "the girls" - her former sorority sisters, all of them married by now except KatienotKathy herself, a couple already divorced - had decided to throw a bachelorette party for the bride-to-finally-be, and Stef had been put in charge of acquiring party favors, with the stipulation that they be as dirty and embarrassing as possible.

I parked farther out this time, but in the closest available spot, and we picked our way through the puddles to the front door. The guy working this evening was younger, tall and slender with long, stringy, mousy brown hair. He glanced at us and turned back to the video screen he'd been watching, a much smaller screen of the same thing that was playing in the theater, on which a small blonde woman was having all available orifices (orifi?) filled by a group of what appeared to be men recruited from the local Weight-Watcher's meeting. It wasn't pretty. Fortunately, we had shopping to do.

Stef found some penis-shaped lollipops, napkins and plates with pictures of men with large, erect penises on them, an inflatable penis and balls centerpiece for the table, plastic mugs with penis shaped protrusions which were designed as spouts for takeing through...I was beginning to sense a theme here. "Do you really think any of this stuff is going to embarrass KatienotKathy?"

She laughed. "Probably not. Maybe some of the other girls, but not her. If I know her, she'll just be disappointed that I didn't bring her the real thing!" As soon as she said it she seemed to regret it, and quickly turned and moved away. Knowing KnK as I did - not extremely well, but enough - I was sure that she would find it amusing, but not embarrassing. Hell, she'd be the one making the jokes and lewd references that would have the rest of them blushing!

I caught up to Stef where she had stopped in front of a large display of dildos, an entire wall of fake cock. "If you want to really get to KatienotKathy you should buy her one of these enormous things. A black one. Or better yet, get a real stripper."

Stef mumred something and moved down the line. I caught up to her. "What?"

"I said, they are planning to get a stripper. Maybe two. Now don't get all weird Kev."

I was dumbfounded. I should have known - I'd seen enough of her sorority and knew its reputation - but now, with them older and married, many with kids of their own...Well, I'd just never considered it! I had suggested it jokingly, knowing it was ludicrous, but my wife was actually planning to go get takes and watch a strange man - or men - strip and waggle what would undoubtedly be big, hard, cocks at her! I got a knot in my stomach, at the same time growing a lump in my pants. "Were you planning on telling me this?"

"I just did."

"Yeah - not because you wanted to. How long have you known?"

She demurred. "Oh, not long. Maybe a few days." She hesitated. "A week, OK? I've known for a week. I didn't want to tell you because I knew you'd be all weird, like now. Are you actually jealous?"

"Jealous? No!" I laughed, shaking my head. "Well OK, maybe a little. Look, I know it's just good clean fun. And with the whole group there, what could happen, right? Do you get to touch them?"


I wiggled my eyebrows at her. "Think anyone will be shooting video?"

"Just stop! Jeez Kevin, I knew you'd get weird!" I noticed that her nipples were jutting proudly, hard as could be and prominent through her shirt, so much so that I could see the rosy color. There was definitely something about this idea that she was responding to! She looked at me. "Let's go buy our stuff and put it in the car, then we can go to the theater, OK Kev? I mean, if you still want to."

I did, of course! We paid, and the guy at the counter kept our bags for us when we asked about the theater so we didn't have to go back out in the rain. He buzzed us in, and we ended up in the same row we'd been in before, opposite side of the aisle. Again, most of the twelve to fourteen guys present were in the rear rows, or standing. One was in the very front, opposite side from us, but behind him there was one other couple, slightly older, across the aisle in the seats we'd occupied last time. They were touching and whispering to each other, him with his hand on her tits under her low-cut top, and didn't seem to mind that they had an audience of two or three guys watching them. I took the two middle seats for us, leaving one open to her left, between her and the wall, and one between me and the aisle.

She hissed "What are you doing? Let's move over one, by the wall!"

"Just wait, OK? We'll be fine here. Did you notice that you're not the only woman in here this time?"

She looked around, surprised, then gasped. "That guy behind her, Kev, he's jerking off!"

I looked. She was right! He was standing, cock practically hanging over the woman's shoulder, slowly stroking himself! In fact, as our eyes adjusted to the darkness we could see that the woman had her partner's (husband's?) cock in hand, and was slowly stroking him as well! He was rigidly erect, and appeared considerably larger than the competition behind them, but both were easilt larger than me. The guy in front of them had turned to watch as well, and was slowly fondling himself through his pants, apparently too shy to fully join the action.

Steffany shook her head and muttered "Amazing!", but kept watching out of the corner of her eye. On-screen a couple was pounding away, a big, thick cock hammering in and out of a slick, shaved wet pussy in a predictable repetitive porn scene, but at least the fat guys and overstuffed young blond were gone. I don't think anyone was watching the movie.

Stef was gripping my arm with her left hand, but her right, on my side, had dropped to my lap and was touching my hard little cock. I began to fondle her nipples, through her shirt, and she tremred and gasped, and her nails dug into my arm. I knew she was extremely aroused, as was I. I grabbed the hand in my lap and leaned close to her ear. "Stop! You're gonna make me come."

She giggled. "That's the idea!"

"No, not yet - and I don't want a wet spot again!"

She laughed again. "Take it out Kev, everyone else is."

"No way! I'd be the littlest one in here."

She looked at me. "I'm sure that's not true. Come on!"

"No." The guy across the way, the one behind the woman, leaned forward and picked up the pace. I whispered to Steffany "I think he's gonna come!"

She looked back at them just as he did, his cock spurting over her shoulder as he directed it down onto her stomach and breasts, the spurts trailing off to a thick stream and then drops as he milked himself dry onto her neck and shoulders and all over her dark blouse. There was no question that she enjoyed it, had been expecting it, and she reached back and felt his softening cock before he tucked it away, then ran her fingers through the sperm spilled across her collarbone. She then held her hand out to the guy in the row in front of her, and he stretched back to suck the cum off her fingers. I muttered "Fuuuck!" I was totally unsure of what we might have just witnessed here!

Stef turned to look at me when I spoke, a puzzled look on her face too. "What the hell was that?"

"I have no idea! What was the..." Before I could finish my question, a guy coming down the center aisle turned into our row and stepped past my legs, then Stef's, and flopped into the seat right next to her. She leaned tight against me, away from him, as he slid down in his seat. He had on light-colored sweatpants - gray, I think - and a dark hooded jacket, and the tall, peaked tent in the front of his pants left very little to the imagination. He pretended to watch the movie, but I knew he was really checking out my wife's legs, and her large, hard, and obviously aroused nipples. He was tall, and of medium build, but he had his hood up and I couldn't tell much more than that in the dim light off the screen

I could feel her shaking as she leaned against me, whether from fear or arousal I didn't know, and I fully expected her to ask to leave. She didn't.

He just sat that way for several minutes, all of us pretending to ignore the other, with his cock standing tall under the knit pants. Gradually his hand crept over to it, and he began to masturbate through his pants. Stef tremred, squeezing my arm tightly. She was watching every move he made, her face toward the screen, but her eyes down and to the side, focused on his lap - and I'm sure he knew full well he was being watched!

He played slowly for several minutes, enjoying being the center of attention, then casually raised up and slid his elastic-waisted pants down to mid-thigh, freeing the beast. Stef let out a small gasp - I'm sure he heard it - as he started to slowly stroke himself just inches away from her. He was well endowed, a thick eight inches or so, with a large, dark ballsack nestled against the front of his thighs. He seemed dark-skinned, but I don't believe he was black.

Regardless, Stef was making no pretense of watching the movie any longer but was staring at his big cock as he slowly stroked it, pulling his foreskin back and forth over the wide, purplish head. I knew Stef would enjoy that; she'd told me as much. She was quivering, almost shaking with the intensity of her arousal. I touched her nipple, tweaking it, and felt her stiffen and come, shaking and letting out a small groan of intense arousal as her body spasmed, her orgasm making her squirm in her seat.

The end of his cock glistened with pre-cum as he sensed my wife's orgasm, and I heard him chuckle softly.


Posts: 1914
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Wonderful scene ..


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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Don't stop now...... he's just about ready to cum!!!
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 14692
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Very, very ho Stormy. This getting better and better.


Posts: 119
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I'm loving this story. Thanks for posting. Please continue.


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great story, very hot!
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