Posts: 596
Some of you guys may remember us from previous postings. It's been a while since either of us has written anything. Blue (my hubby), has started a new story and it made me wonder if anyone would be interested in an update on how things are going for us. I thought I'd do the update in the form of a conversation. Please remember, this is not a story or a fantasy (although it was to begin with, obviously). This conversation actually happened. I might not have the wording perfect but I think it's pretty close to what was actually said. Firstly, I need to set the scene. It had become normal practice for me to keep Blue locked in a chastity cage most of the time, letting him out only for cleaning or teasing. At the end of each month I would release him and let him have a lovely orgasm, then it was back into the cage. The regime worked really well for both of us. The frustration kept him on a constant sexual high, the result of which translated into some incredibly eager tongue work which I had no problem enjoying greatly. Part of our agreement was that I could relax with other men of my choosing whenever I wanted to, provided I was discrete. In actuality this had grown to the point where I was seeing three or four guys at a time. When one dropped out for whatever reamister I'd go on the hunt for a replacement. The sexual angst for Blue was, in his words, 'The most painfully, exquisitely sexual *** ever devised'! Anyway, with our twentieth wedding anniversary approaching, I promised Blue a very special gift, a six part gift in fact. He was incredibly excited as he knows very well now what a sexy little bitch I can be. I was excited too but also just a little bit concerned. I really did not want it to be a disappointment for him, so I knew I had to pull out all the stops. So, that's the start. Please let me know if you want me to continue. Bye for now.
Lady Blue xxx
Posts: 152
blue179 Hi Lady Blue, I would love to hear how you two are doing, and especially this story.
Posts: 176
By all means - would love to be able to read more. Thanks!
Please tell us more
Posts: 25
Yes, Please.
Posts: 3581
I would LOVE to hear more about this! Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 596
Wow, that was pretty quick! Thanks guys. Now, where was I?
Normally, when I meet a guy I leave my hubby at home. With experience we've both found it much easier that way. Being alone with a guy allows me to 'let my hair down' and be far less inhibited than I might be if my husband was there watching me. Don't get me wrong, I've given him some pretty amazing shows over the years but I feel more relaxed and consequently able to enjoy my meets better when I go alone. Blue agrees, with some reluctance, but is happy to avoid the embarrassment of being there. Besides, he loves how I reveal the details, slowly and teasingly, over the days following one of my little adventures. The first part of Blue's anniversary gift then, was to be invited to watch me with another man. It had been about a year since he'd been present to see me with another guy so I knew he'd jump at the chance. Not just any guy though. I'd been seeing Jake for about three months and our sexual encounters had only become rougher and more energetic with time. I knew that seeing another man sexually dominate his precious little wife would drive Blue nuts with jealousy. I usually meet Jake at his place but decided on a hotel this time. I wanted hubby and me to be there first so that I could tie him securely to a chair. I wasn't sure how he was going to deal with what I was going to show him. Also, for the same reamister, I didn't want Blue knowing where Jake lived. In the end the experience was absolutely fantastic for all three of us. After Jake left I untied Blue and made him promise not to speak then ended up drifting off to relax wrapped in my darling husband's strong arms, his lips pressed to the back of my neck and his chastity cage digging into my bum. I promised him that tomorrow I'd give him the other five parts of his gift.
Posts: 596
The following is the conversation we had next morning. Blue had been for a swim in the hotel pool and when he got back I was sitting on the dressing table stool still in my silk nighty and dressing gown but I'd added some white stockings and his favourite strappy high heels. Blue - Oh, you're up. Me - Yes but I ache everywhere. Blue - I'm not surprised. Me - Don't be cheeky. Strip off and come and kneel here so we can talk about your gift. Blue - Ok. Me - So....did you enjoy watching me with Jake? Blue - I'm not sure. Me - Why? Blue - It was sexy....well very sexy, but... Me - But? Blue - It was really difficult seeing him being rough with you like that. He was throwing you around like a rag doll. Me - So? Blue - I'm just not comfortable with it. I love you so much. You are an incredibly beautiful, sexy, intelligent woman. Nobody should be able to treat you like that. Me - Not even if I want them to? Blue - But why.... Me - Shut up a minute and listen. It's one thing to tease you by having sex with another man, giving to a stranger what I deny to you most of the time, but it's even better to show you a submissive side of me that you never got to enjoy and never will. Don't tell me that doesn't make you incredibly jealous. Blue - Yes it does. It was really painful to watch. Me - Only painful? Blue - Alright, it was incredibly hot, such a turn on I thought I was going to go nuts. Ok? Me - That's better. Now tell me which bits you liked the best. Blue - I suppose when he was taking your ass doggy style. He was pulling your hair with one hand and slapping your back side with the other. Me - I knew you'd like that you pervert. What about when he gagged me? Blue - You mean with his cock? Me - Yes, when he had my head hanging over the edge of the bed upside down. Blue - I don't know how you didn't fetish. Me - I've been practising honey. It's still difficult though. You saw how it made me cough. I must have looked lovely with all the spit and pre cum running out of my mouth and nose. Blue - Seriously, if you hadn't tied me down I'd have dragged him off you and knocked him out! Me - Oh, sweetheart, I knew you'd feel like that. That's why I tied you down. You're so protective of me aren't you? Blue - You're my wife, of course I'm protective. Me - Well, why don't you kiss my feet and say thank you for letting you watch. Then we can talk about the other gifts I have for you. Blue - Ok babe, you know I love you right? I'm really grateful to you for letting me see you with Jake. It was incredible, if a little painful. But, if you enjoy it then that's good enough for me. I just want you to be happy. Me - Thank you sweetheart. I an happy, very happy. Don't get any ideas though. You aren't Jake. You're my cuckold darling. You'll never treat me like he does, so don't ever get try it. Now, the next part of my gift to you.
Posts: 29
Your story is incredible and hope to read the rest soon
Posts: 14692
Nice, please keep it going.
Posts: 196
Can't wait to see what the rest of his gifts are going to be. ShortSupply
Posts: 596
Me - I should probably warn you though, it's not what you're thinking. Blue - How do you know what I'm thinking? Me - Because I know you. I've teased you by letting you watch me with Jake. It's the end of the month. So...I'm betting you think I'm going to unlock you and give you a gorgeous orgasm. Am I right? Blue - Well...yea...I was hoping... Me - I thought so, you are so easy. But you're wrong. Blue - What? Me - Sweetheart I know it must have been a long month for you locked in that nasty cage. I know how frustrating it must have been seeing how hard I worked last night to give another man the pleasures that I really should be yours and yours alone. All that squirming around....I guess the cage really bites when you get aroused doesn't it? Blue - Yea it does. I can't believe you fitted the spikes as well. That was nasty. Me - No it wasn't nasty. It was sexy .... cruel but sexy, yes? Blue - Yes. Me - Right. Now you've made me forget where I was. Oh yes. You're wrong. I'm not going to take off your cage and I'm certainly not going to let you cum. I want you to wait another month. Blue - But why? I haven't done anything wrong. I've worked really hard all month. I've done all the housework, dropped you off at dates and picked you up, given you loads of oral. Me - Yes darling I know and I'm really happy with you, so happy I'm making this a very special anniversary for you. Blue - But I thought...I mean I can't.... Me - Sssh now. I know how desperate you must be feeling babe but you don't need to be so worried and disappointed. We both know you love that frustrated feeling. You must do or we couldn't do the things we do. Well, I'm giving you the chance to make it last longer. If you're desperate now just think how you will feel after another month. Blue - But I've never gone that long. I don't think I can. Me - Sweetheart, if you think back I think you'll find that, when we started, neither of us thought you could go a week, never mind a month. Remember? Blue - Yes I know, but I'm really desperate babe. After seeing you like that last night I still feel like I'm going to explode. Me - Of course you do my darling. Now imagine how eager that lovely tongue of yours is going to be with all that sexual tension coursing through your veins. This is a real opportunity for you to prove how much you love me. Imagine the strength of my orgasms with Jake or Mike or Phil or even with your tongue. Each time I cum I'll be thinking of how I'm frustrating you, denying you the release you desperately need while I enjoy all the sex I can handle. Come on, you have to admit it is mega hot! Blue - I suppose.... Me - Ok forget it. I was just trying to make this anniversary special, it doesn't matter. I'll get the key from my purse. Blue - Alright, I'm sorry. I know you were being a bitch for my benefit. It's a great idea. I'll wait no problem. Me - I don't know...I'm not sure your heart is really in it. Blue - It is I promise. Me - Well... alright, but you have to kiss my feet and beg me to keep you in chastity another month. Blue - Please Mistress, please keep the cage locked. Please deny me any release. Please have as much sex and as many orgasms as you can while giving me only frustration. I will just keep loving you more and more. Me - That's better darling. Now, are you ready to hear about the third pressy I have for you?
Posts: 685
this sounds like an amazing sequence coming up. Keep goin!!!!
Posts: 6
awesome story, please continue.
Posts: 596
Blue - I'm not sure I can handle much more actually. Me - Oh I'm sure you can sweetheart. Can you remember the last time we made love. Blue - Of course I can. It was on my birthday. You'd teased me relentlessly for the previous two weeks so I only lasted about a minute I think. Me - What a memory you have darling. I can't even remember it. I suppose it was a bit more significant to you than it was to me though, wasn't it? Blue - Well you did just lie there looking bored. Me - Are you saying you didn't enjoy it? Blue - No, you know I loved it. I just wish we could do it more often. It's been, what, five months since then. Me - Has it? Well I suppose you're ready for another chance to be inside your lovely wife by now, right? Blue - Oh cuckolds brownie yea! Is that my next present? Are we gonna make love? Me - Whoa tiger, slow down. We've already agreed that you're waiting another month for release remember? Blue - So what is it then. Are we going to make love in a month's time? That makes the wait a bit more bearable! Me - Honey, you need to stop jumping to conclusions. You won't be putting your desperate little toy inside me now or in a month's time. In fact, what I want to suggest, what I want to give you.....well there's no easy way to say this. I thought, now that you've had a reminder of what happens when I let a real man inside me, now you've seen how much pleasure I can give a man's cock, well...I thought it might be an amazing turn on if I banned you. Blue - Banned me? Banned me from what? Me - From being inside me silly. Blue - But...I...I mean...for how long? You said it won't happen next month, what about the month after? Me - Darling, listen to me. Blue - I am lis.... Me - Shut up! Look at me and keep quiet a minute. I don't mean for a while. Not for a couple of months, not for six months, not for a year. I'm talking about never allowing you inside me again....ever. Blue - But you're my wife, I love you and I thought you.....I mean it's the ultimate closeness, it's how a man and woman show they love each other. Me - Yes, but there are other ways. Are we not closer now than we've ever been. Do you not love me now more than ever. Look at the sexual chemistry between us now. Our relationship is so hot! Or is it just my imagination? Blue - No it's not just your imagination. But taking that away....ok it's hot, really hot! It's so hot I'm fighting the urge to hump this fucking cage against your leg! But what you're talking's so final. I think we should try a trial period fist. Me - Don't be silly. The finality is what makes it so hot! I want this and so do you but I'm not going to power you. Think about it carefully. You wanted me to make all the decisions about our sex life didn't you? Well, I'm making one. If you go against me on this where does that leave us? Blue - I know, but....I need time to think. My head is spinning! Me - Sweetheart, we do this now or not at all. You're spoiling my anniversary presents to you. Now decide. Either you belong to me or you don't. Take a walk on the wild side with me. You won't regret it.....well you will, but you'll be so caught up in the sexiness of it you won't care, I promise. Blue - You know I'd do anything for you.....Ok, I'm in. Me - You'll have to do better than that slave! Kiss my feet and beg for it! Blue - Please Mistress, I love you so much. I worship the ground you walk on. If you want to ban me from being inside you, from making love to you, then I want that too. Me - That's better. I love you too, more than I can tell you. This is going to be brilliant! I promise you right here and now husband, you will never be allowed to put your poor frustrated cock inside of me again....ever.
Posts: 21
Oh my god, that's hot!
Posts: 596
Me - Ok slave, that's enough. Sit up so I can tell you about part four of your lovely anniversary present. Blue - Ok, now I'm definitely sure I can't handle any more. Me - But sweetheart, there are six parts remember? And I've worked really hard to make this our most special anniversary yet! Blue - I know you have and I promise you, I'm going to remember it for a very long time! Right now though I just want to hold you as my wife. Me - I know sweetheart, I want that too, but we have to finish your pressy. It will be checking out time soon and we still have things to do. We can cuddle later, if you still want to, ok? Blue - Why wouldn't I want to? Ok, what's number four? Me - know sometimes when I let you cum, especially when you're in the rubber sac? Blue - Yea... Me - Well, you know how sometimes I just leave go at the crucial moment and ruin your orgasm? Blue - Yea, you've got it down to a fine art. You used to mistime it a lot of the time but the past few times have been incredible. Me - How do you mean incredible, babe? Blue - It's hard to describe. The turn on of being cocooned in hot rubber with your delicate little fingers inside your latex gloves, playing with me, driving me nuts. Then just as the relief is imminent, you're gone. It makes me ache and lust for you so much I could scream! Me - Darling, as I recall, you do scream. Blue - I wouldn't know, I'm too out of it to know what I'm doing. The frustration of needing your touch so much and knowing it's not going to come, hearing your cruel laughter as cum, spurting into thin have no idea! Me - Well, I think I have now. What a lovely description. BLUE - Then minutes afterwards, what little relief there was is gone, like it never was! Me - So you like it then? Blue - Fuck no, I hate it! It drives me insane! But it makes me want you, lust after you, love and adore you like I'm completely insane for you. Me - Excellent! I'm so pleased you feel like that because I've got another really hot idea. Blue - Ok....I'm waiting with baited breath here babe! Me - Well, correct me if I'm wrong but, as I see it, when I ruin an orgasm for you, you can at least console yourself with the knowledge that next time you'll get to cum properly. Isn't that right? Blue - I suppose... Me - You might have to wait a few weeks, even a month but at least you know it's coming. I don't think I've ever been so cruel as to ruin two orgasms in a row for you have I? Blue - No, and I'm very glad about that thanks! Me - In fact, on occasion I think I've even gone a head and given you a proper cum just a few minutes later, because I'm kind to you aren't I? Blue - Sometimes. Me - So, here's my idea. How hot would it be if I was to ruin your next orgasm in a month's time and you had to suffer that knowing that there isn't going to be a proper one next time. Not in a few minutes. Not in a few days or weeks.......not ever. Blue - What do you mean, not ever? Me - I mean, my darling husband, that you will never have a full blown orgasm, not ever, never again, for good. All you will ever get from me will be ruined orgasms. Blue - Fuck, no way, I can't deal with that! Me - Oh yes you can sweetheart and you will. Don't worry, I promise I'll laugh at you each time. You like that bit don't you? Now, I'm going to stand up and lean over the bed and I want you to show me you are up for this. I want you to kiss my bum. All over. And I want to hear you beg me to ruin the few measly orgasms I'm going to allow you in future. No choice on this one babe. This is just too hot to walk away from. I want this and so do you. Come on sweetheart, be my babe.
Posts: 14692
Posts: 595
Very Hot, please continue...
Posts: 199
As always, Your stories and real life are hot hot hot!
Posts: 596
Me - Good boy, show me how much you love me, show me how much this is turning you on. I want to feel your hot lips through my knickers. I wore these especially for you. You love silky french knicks don't you babe. Thats it...oh that's my phone....ok I've got it...get back to work you.....hello, oh hi babe.....yea, just enjoying some kisses from my lovely husband...what? they aren't like your kisses, nobody kisses me like you do. Yea, give me a chance, I haven't got to that bit yet, you're so impatient. What?...oh it's just hubby telling me how much he loves me...of course it sounds muffled, he's got his face berried in my ass...... yes, I am aren't I. Anyway, gotta go or I'll be late. See you soon (kiss). Blue - who was that? Me - You know who silly. It was Jake. Blue - What did he want? Me - Never mind what he wanted, do you want your next pressy? Blue - I'm not sure, do I? Me - You are so funny! Go and get my hairbrush from the bathroom......ok now get over my knee. Blue - What's going on? Me - Well, you know you've always said how I have a problem with physical punishment...when you do something naughty or whatever? Blue - I just said you should let go and relax more, try to enjoy it. Me - And not be so concerned about hurting you, right? Blue - Yea, well ...I meant.. Me - Never mind what you meant, over my knee, now! Good boy. Now, I've thought about this a lot and I'm not making any promises but, my next gift to you is that I'm going to try. I know how much the idea of me enjoying punishing you turns you on, so....I'm really going to try. I'm going to give you six swats as hard as I can. I don't want any noise and no moving either, got it? Blue - Yes. Me - Pardon? Blue - Yes Mistress. Me - Better. Here we go........I said no noise. Every time you move or make a noise the swat doesn't count so it's up to you. Blue - You don't usually hit that hard! Me - Make your mind up cuckolds brownie head! Either you want me to let go or you don't. Now shut the fuck up!
Posts: 1914
Sometimes I can just read your stories and just walk away Blue but this time I think I want to comment. I don't know why because this is becoming a little like Groundhog Day.
Blue and you start off with a sub/dom 'relationship' and then you add use / *** until it barely resembles anything even remotely legal and then you stop the story because, frankly it can go nowhere it that direction without *******ing him while he says 'stick the knife in further'.
Any of the twists you have just given him would be sexier if alluded to, if he failed some difficult test, or even asked as part of some other reward program. Seriously, what numbskull is actually going to wake up on a cold morning and look forward to such a life. With no possibility of going back. He didn't marry you for that. That deal is broken, not enhanced.
This is just another 'rocket' story. It starts in a shower of sparks, gets higher and higher and then just fizzles out. All that's left is the scorched stick, and we don't even see that when it falls to the ground. Alone.
You and Blue can do better.
Posts: 199
Well, peak, i still like it.
Keep up the great story Mrs. Blue.
Posts: 596
Me - That's better. One more, here we go.....Ok, now get off my knee I want to see your face. Come on don't be shy. Well, still want me to 'let go'? Well? What's wrong, cat got your tongue? Blue - Shit, it hurt! Me - Of course it hurt you idiot. Was it what you wanted though? Was it like you thought it would be? Blue - It was, but now it's not. You are not supposed to care if I like it or not. You are supposed to do it because you enjoy it. Me - I did enjoy it, I'm just getting some feedback. Now get on the bed. Beating your ass has made me wet and I need that naughty tongue of yours. You'd better do a good job too or I'll give you another six........pull my knickers off and hold them while you lick. That's it, good boy. Remember what was in my pussy last night? It's a pity he had to use a condom isn't it? You could be licking up his cum right now couldn't you. Mmmmmm, nice, keep doing that, more, yesssss, oh, I knew there was some reamister I married you. Tell me.....tell me if you'd like to lick his cum out of me, mmmmmm, tell me. Blue - No, I wouldn't. Me - You don't like him do you? Blue - Not really no. Me - Keep licking....aahhh, that just makes it hotter doesn't it? You not liking him, but being made to clean his cum out of the woman you love, mmm, suck it, yea baby, suck, ohhhhh, you naughty boy, you......I'm......Ohhhhhh, Jaaaaaaaaake!!!!!!! Me - Wow, I think I'll beat you more often. Get up here beside me so we can cuddle. Mmmmm. Did you enjoy that too babe? Blue - Yea, it was pretty hot! Me - How about when I shouted out Jake's name? How did that feel? Blue - It hurt, I suppose... Me - But it turned you on right? Blue - Yes.... Me - Good, now kiss me, I want to taste myself on your lips. Then we need to get ready.
Posts: 596
Peakmb, thank you for taking the time to add your comment. You are, of course perfectly entitled to the opinion you so eloquently state. If my writing offends you then please feel free to ignore it. I don't often make a contribution to the site but I thought this experience might really be of interest to at least some readers. Obviously I do not have the time to give every detail of every thought and feeling that my husband and I have before, during and after an adventure. Nor do I give any recommendation that others should try to emulate us. Suffice to say, it works for us. If others on the site have similar feelings to you then, of course, I will refrain from contributing in future. Respectfully Yours Lady Blue.
Posts: 199
Please do not listen to peakmb or other's that express negative reaction to Your work. Many of us love it and follow along anxiously. Please continue for us.
Posts: 596
Ready to leave the hotel room and check out.
Me - So have you had a nice anniversary babe? Blue - Well, I don't know if nice is the right word. Me - Hot then, was it hot? Did it give you butterflies in your stomach and have your locked up little cock bursting at the walls of its cage? Blue - Yea, big time! Me - Good, that's mission accomplished then. Blue - What about part six though? Part one was watching you get rough fucked... Me - Language sweetheart! Blue - Hey, I saw it and there's no other way to describe it believe me. Anyway, part two was not being allowed inside you ever again, part four was being restricted to ruined orgasms only from now on and part five was you letting go and enjoying beating me. You said you had six gifts for me. Me - That's right I did didn't I. Before I tell you about number six though, I want you to tell me, honestly, how you feel about the other parts. Blue - Seeing you fucked like that was a bit of a shock and you're right, I don't like him, and you're right again, that does make it more intense. I love you so much, you are so precious to me. You're like a beautiful delicate flower, I want to put you in a glass case and stare at you all day. I've spent so many years getting to know you, courting you, getting you to fall in love with me. For crying out loud, it took four dates before you first let me kiss you on the lips! Me - What are you getting at sweety? Blue - What I'm getting at is that I put in so much effort to win you, it tears me into pieces that an natural like him gets to do anything he likes to you without any effort, without any courting, without winning your heart, without anything. Then, to add insult to injury, you deny me the basic right I've fought so long to gain, you ban me from being inside you. It's like you're pushing me away and replacing me with him. It feels so painful and so unfair. Then, to make it worse still, you deny me even a modicum of relief. If I don't get to cum properly I'll never escape even for a moment from this unbearable, gut wrenching sexual *** you're inflicting on me. Then, finally, to top it all off, you prove that, not only do you get enjoyment from my misery, you want to inflict more pain and offense via a beating. You go out of your way to show you no longer have any qualms about hurting my and blatantly getting sexual enjoyment from my pain. Me - Am I to take it I've cocked up big time then? I'm sorry if you...I just wanted.. Blue - Shhh, sweetheart, my gorgeous sexy little wife, this has been the most incredibly erotic weekend of my life. It's everything I've ever fantasised about. I love you so much! I have no idea how I'm going to cope when it all sinks in but I'm going to try because you are everything to me and this is my dream. I love you and I'm so grateful. Thank you! Me - Oh baby, that's so nice, I'm so relieved you liked it. Blue - I didn't like it, I loved it. Now don't go soft on me and spoil it. No tears ok? Me - Ok. Blue - Now are you going to tell me about pressy number six before I explode with curiosity?
Posts: 596
Me - Ok then but you have to be in the right position first. Get behind me and put your head up my skirt. I want your lips pressed against my ass while I explain my last gift to you. Blue - Why do you need me there? Me - It's symbolic silly. It's a dramatic representation of our relationship. Hurry up. Ok, good boy. Now listen carefully. After we check out downstairs you can take the bags to the car and get yourself home. Blue - What about you? Me - I told you what to do with your lips slave. Now shut up until I'm finished. Blue - Sorry. Me - You will be if you interrupt me again. Now, for your information, I won't be going home with you. Jake is waiting for me in the car park. I'm staying at his place tonight. He'll drop me off at home tomorrow. I'm doing this for two reamisters. Firstly, now you've seen for yourself what we do together, I want you to have a night by yourself to think about it. I also want you to think about the new rules we've decided on. It's one thing for you to accept them in the heat of the moment. The question is, how will you feel on your own, knowing who I'm with and what he's doing to me, realising fully just what I've taken from you, what you've given me freely. It's going to be a pretty intense night for you baby and I want you to know I'm going to be thinking about you and what you're going through and, you know what? It's going to make me cum even harder on Jake's big cock! Blue - Oh cuckolds brownie, you really know how to pull my strings don't you? Me - Of course I do baby. Now, the second reamister you're going home alone is my sixth gift to you on our wedding anniversary.
Posts: 596
Me - When you get home I want you to go to our bedroom and I want you to gather together everything of yours. Clothes, shoes, coats, pictures, toiletries, everything and anything that can be associated with you. Then, I want you to take it all and put it in the spare room. From now on the master bedroom is my bedroom, the spare room is yours. Blue - I'm sorry babe but I think that's going too far. If we love each other then we should be relaxing in the same bed. I've given up a cuckolds brownie load of stuff but I have to draw the line there. Me - Sweetheart, nobody is saying we won't relax together. Of course we will, just not all the time. The difference is that it will be a priveledge that you have to earn, not a right. I know how hard the new rules are going to be for you. I have to have a carrot I can dangle, something I can reward you with. Or, if you like, something I can keep from you if you don't behave. It will be just as hard for me, you know it will. But that will just make it all the more special when you are allowed in my bed. It's the perfect compliment to our new situation. I've thought a lot about this and I'm not backing down. Now let me feel those lips and hear you telling me you love me and you're ok with this. Blue - I don't know babe, it's just too much. I can't stand the thought of being in another room, separated from you, not able to hold you and wake up with you. Me - Darling, listen. I want this. It will work, I just know it. It will be so hot! If you can do this then I'll know there's nothing you won't do for me. It will be such an incredible expression of love. Please baby, please say you will, for me! Blue - You know I can never refuse you. Will you really miss having me in your bed? Me - Of course I will silly. But if you're good you'll be in my bed so I won't have to miss you will I? Blue - I suppose... Me - So you'll do it then? Blue - Yes. Me - Oh darling I love you so much! If we didn't need to check out right now I'd be sitting on your face enjoying that lovely tongue of yours till I ****** from exhaustion! Unfortunately, we have to go so come on, up you get. Bring the bags. I'll just have to try and contain myself till I get to Jake's place.
Posts: 596
As we stepped out of the hotel we spotted Jake leaning against his car, a big smirk spreading across his face when he sees us. Me - Ok darling, give me a quick peck on the cheek. My lipstick is still wet, I don't want it smudged. You have a great time tonight, ok? Don't forget to think about me. Blue - Oh I don't think you need to worry about that. Me - Good, I'm glad to hear it. Oh, and by the way, I'm going to have a talk with Jake while I'm with him. I'd really like him to be able to take me without any stupid rubbers in the way. Don't worry, I won't do anything silly. He might have to get tested first. Come to think of it, he might want me to. Then there are issues of being exclusive. I wouldn't want him relaxing with anyone else. That might mean me seeing him more often to keep him from wandering. I don't know. I'm not making any promises. We'll see. If I can put something together for you I will. Blue - For me!? Me - Come on sweetheart, you're just about bursting at the thought, admit it! Anyway, gotta go. Bye bye lover, sweet dreams tonight. Remember I love you.